MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY. Received 3..p.«... 1.9... .15 Accession No. Given by .....Dr..... '. L* Sfieman. Place, Jjniv. Cino inn at i-- %*rlo book op pamphlet is to be removed fpom the Liab- opatopy tuithout the pepmission of the Trustees. McGRAW-HILL PUBLICATIONS IN THE ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCES A. FRANKLIN SHULL, Consulting Editor GENERAL ZOOLOGY Selected Titles From McGRAW-HILL PUBLICATIONS IN THE ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCES A. Franklin Shull, Consulting Editor Chapman Animal Ecology Goldschmidt ■ Physiological Genetics Graham • Forest Entomology Haupt • Fundamentals of Biology Metcalf and Flint • Insect Life Mitchell • General Physiology Mitchell and Taylor Laboratory Manual of General Physi- ology Pearse ■ Animal Ecology Reed and Young ■ Laboratory Studies in Zoology Riley and Johannsen ■ Medical Entomology Rogers ■ Textbook of Comparative Physiology Senning ■ Laboratory Studies in Comparative Anatomy Shull ■ Evolution Heredity Shull, LaRue, and Ruthven ■ Principles of Animal Biology Snodgrass • Principles of Insect Morphology Van Cleave • Invertebrate Zoology Welch ■ Limnology Wieman ■ General Zoology An Introduction to Vertebrate Embryology Wolcott ■ Animal Biology There are also the related series of McGraw-Hill Publications in the Botanical Sciences, of which Edmund W. Sinnottis Consulting Editor, and in the Agricultural Sciences, of which Leon J. Cole is Consulting Editor. GENERAL ZOOLOGY BY H. L. WIEMAN Professor of Zoology, University of Cincinnati Third Edition McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, Inc. NEW YORK AND LONDON 1938 Copyright, 1925, 1927, 1938, by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers. THE MAPLE PRESS COMPANY, YORK, PA. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION With the exception of perhaps a dozen pages in which only minor changes have been made, the preparation of the present edition has entailed the complete rewriting of the text of the preceding edition. This has been necessary for the accomplish- ment of desired changes in emphasis and in the order and arrange- ment of subject matter. Some new material on the frog has been added with the idea of correlating the subject matter of the text more closely with that of the laboratory program and, as a result, the frog assumes a position of importance in the early chapters of the book. This emphasis on the frog is in keeping with the common practice of using the frog as the sub- ject of laboratory study at the very beginning of the introductory course in zoology. The primary reasons for selecting the frog for this purpose are that it is a common animal, large enough for the inexperienced student to study with profit, and also that it displays easily recognizable resemblances to the human body in both structure and function. In addition, the frog and allied forms have played an important part in the hands of investiga- tors in the development of the science of biology. Another departure from the preceding editions consists in the attempt to avoid a cleavage between structure and function in the descriptions of individual organs and organ systems, by combining the discussion of structure with that of function, as far as possible. The aim, of course, is to emphasize the essential unity of structure and function. Thus metabolism is discussed in connection with the structure of the individual organs con- cerned rather than pigeonholed in a separate chapter. Similarly, examples of different tissues are described as they are encountered in the study of gross anatomy rather than under a separate head- ing at the beginning of the book, where they have but little meaning for the student. The chapter on endocrines has been completely reorganized and brought up to date. A more logical order has been followed in the treatment of the topics of heredity, evolution, and adapta- vi PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION tion. A short chapter on environment and distribution has been added. The final chapter on systematic zoology has been con- siderably enlarged. A glossary has been included and also a list of references for further reading. Some fifty additional illus- trations have been inserted. The author is grateful to his colleagues, Dr. C. K. Weichert and Dr. W. A. Dreyer, for helpful suggestions and criticisms, and to his wife for invaluable aid in preparing the index. H. L. WlEMAN. University of Cincinnati, May, 1938. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The present volume is the product of some years' experience in developing an introductory course in zoology designed to meet the needs of general college students and at the same time to satisfy the technical requirements of various groups of pre-pro- fessional students, especially those preparing for medicine. The foundation for such a course must be laid in the actual study of animal forms in the laboratory but the limitation in time pre- cludes the presentation and demonstration of many important and interesting aspects of the subject by the usual laboratory methods. For this reason the author, sharing the experience of others, has found it advisable to devote two or three lecture or recitation periods weekly to the enlargement and rounding out of the student's knowledge of the subject by class-room discus- sions of those phases of zoology not adequately dealt with in the laboratory. The problem of a suitable text for this work has been met by the compilation of the contents of this book, which is a rather condensed account of some of the outstanding facts and principles of zoology, selected and arranged to serve the student as a guide; the form of the text having been kept as flexible as possible to permit of expansion or extension in whatever direc- tion the instructor may see fit. The references listed at the end of each chapter are easily available works which the author has been in the custom of assigning for collateral reading. The book begins with a consideration of such general topics as morphology and physiology, the protoplasmic doctrine, the cell doctrine, taxonomy and adaptation; followed by an outline of organology illustrated by examples from common laboratory animals, considered largely from the morphological side. Then follows a section dealing primarily with the functional side of the animal organism, centering in metabolism. Next come the main facts of ontogenesis, followed in turn by a discussion of phylogenesis, evolution and heredity. To cover this ground takes the greater part of a year, the remainder of which is devoted to a general survey of the animal kingdom, as outlined in the final chapter, paying particular attention to life histories and the sys- tematic side of zoology, which the author believes should form vii viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION an integral part of the course. Such a systematic survey can best be undertaken toward the end of the year when the stu- dent through his laboratory work has obtained sufficient familiar- ity with animal forms and taxonomy to make it worth while. Incidentally there is perhaps no better way to review or sum- marize the course and to bring out vividly the applications of biological principles. The author realizes that principles are based upon facts and that logically facts should come first; the plan of presentation followed here is a compromise which is suc- cessful with beginning students and which at the same times does not violate standards of scientific method. In the laboratory the endeavor is made to have the student obtain a substantial knowledge of a relatively few animal forms as whole organisms rather than a smattering acquaintance with parts of many. Selection of animal forms for laboratory study is a matter of judgment guided by experience. The author has found it best to begin with a relatively large animal, like the frog, then turning to Protozoa and working up the scale. This general program is broken into from time to time with special demonstra- tions, collecting trips and visits to the zoological garden. For the laboratory work mimeographed directions are used similar to those used in the work in other places. Naturally it is not always possible to correlate lecture and laboratory work but the class-room instructor constantly bears in mind what the student is doing in the laboratory and, so far as possible, makes full use of the student's laboratory experience in dealing with the subject under discussion. Free use of special demonstrations helps to obviate this difficulty. In the compilation of the material for this book the author has made use of many sources which are acknowledged in the text and in the lists of references at the ends of chapters. The majority of the illustrations are new drawings based upon the author's material or figures of others; the remainder have been taken directly from other works with the permission of the publishers whose courteous cooperation is duly appreciated. The author is also indebted to his wife for valuable assistance of a miscel- laneous sort at each stage of the book's progress; and to Dr. C. V. Piper for helpful editorial suggestions. Cincinnati, O. H. L. Wieman. June, 1925. *o\ CONTENTS Page Preface to the Third Edition v Preface to the First Edition vii CHAPTER I The Study of Zoology 1 CHAPTER II The Animal Organism 26 CHAPTER III Integument 42 CHAPTER IV Endoskeleton and Voluntary Muscle 54 CHAPTER V Alimentation 85 CHAPTER VI Circulation and Respiration 120 CHAPTER VII Excretion 144 CHAPTER VIII Means and Methods of Reproduction 153 CHAPTER IX The Nervous System 165 CHAPTER X The Endocrine System 205 CHAPTER XI Cell Division and Gametogenesis 219 ix 49471 x CONTENTS Page CHAPTER XII Ontogeny 237 CHAPTER XIII Heredity 262 CHAPTER XIV Evolution 290 CHAPTER XV Adaptation 324 CHAPTER XVI Environment and Distribution 359 CHAPTER XVII The Animal Kingdom 367 References 459 Glossary 463 Index 477 GENERAL ZOOLOGY CHAPTER I THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY Biology, a word compounded of two Greek nouns, /3tos (bios), life, and \oyos (logos), discourse, is believed to have been used for the first time as a scientific term by Gottfried Reinhold Tre- viranus (1776-1837) in his work entitled "Biologie; oder die Philosophie der lebenden Natur" (Biology; or the philosophy of living nature), published between 1802 and 1805. It was adopted by the French naturalist, Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), and has since spread into general use. Biology is the science of organisms, the study of living things. Since living things for the most part fall into two general categories — animals and plants — the two major fields of biology are concerned with these two natural groups. Zoology, from faov (zoon), animal, and X070S (logos), discourse, deals with the animal side of biology, while botany, from fioTavq (botane), plant, has to do with the study of plants. In zoology a knowledge of the nature of life is sought by studying animal organisms at rest and in various stages of activity, under natural and controlled conditions. A knowledge of the structure and function of the animal body is highly impor- tant in reaching a scientific view of the nature of life because the collective phenomena constituting what we call life are only manifested in association with the material substance of the organic body. Matter without life is common enough, but life without matter is unknown to science. As a first step in seeking a solution of the problem of life and explaining it in scientific terms a careful study of the organic body in all of its structural and functional details is necessary. Approach. — The common aim of all biological studies is an understanding of the origin and nature of life. The biologist 1 2 GENERAL ZOOLOGY attempts to reach such an understanding by assuming, as a work- ing hypothesis, that life had its origin in natural rather than supernatural causes and that it is therefore a phenomenon sub- ject to the laws and principles of the basic sciences of physics and chemistry. The ultimate goal of the scientific searcher — the explanation of living phenomena in terms of scientific phe- nomena— is still far from achievement; in fact it may be impos- sible of achievement for the reason that life may involve some factor or principle outside the realm of chemistry and physics. However that may be, the broad, general, and practical lines of approach to the study of the problem of life are relatively few in number and may be summarized as follows : 1. The study of the physical and chemical properties of proto- plasm, the living matter of which organisms are composed and with which life is always associated. Such work falls largely in the province of the biochemist who deals with protoplasm as a substance to be analyzed by appropriate chemical laboratory methods. 2. The study of the morphology or the form and structure of animals and plants. This is commonly subdivided into: a. Gross anatomy, which is morphological study in its broad aspects, carried on by the dissection of the bodies of animals. In gross anatomical studies the analysis of structure is made with the unaided eye, i.e., without the use of a magnifying lens. b. Microscopic anatomy or histology, the study of the more minute structure of tissues and organs, in which special prepara- tions are made for examination and study under the microscope. c. Cytology, the study of the finest structural details of cells, the morphological units of which tissues and organs are composed; the microscopic study of protoplasm as distinguished from histology, which is primarily concerned with the study of the structure and arrangement of cells. d. Embryology, the study of the development of an organism; the study of embryogeny. In embryology the methods of dissection and microscopic study are both used. 3. Physiology, the study of the functions of organs considered separately and in relation to the organism as a whole. It deals with the process of waste and repair in living things, food, and the sources and transformation of energy. It also has to do with the THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 3 underlying causes of animal behavior. In its method physiology- is largely experimental. 4. Ecology, the study of the relations of an animal or plant to its environment both animate and inanimate. It is funda- mentally physiological in character but involves also a considera- tion of morphological features of animals and plants as well as attention to such factors as temperature, moisture, light, pres- sure etc., which make up the nonliving environment. 5. The study of evolution, the process through which, there is much reason to believe, the great wealth and diversity of life and its distribution in time and space have been brought about. Evolution is a central principle in biology which holds that the present condition of life on the earth has been arrived at through changes extending over long periods of time, and that in general higher forms of life have evolved from lower forms, through natural processes. The fields of study devoted principally to the topic of evolution are: a. Paleontology, the study of prehistoric forms of life, a record of whose existence has been preserved in the form of fossils embedded in the earth. It deals with the distribution of organ- isms in time. 6. Zoogeography, the study of the distribution of animals in space. c. Genetics, the study of the origin of the individual organism as distinguished from evolution in which the problem is the origin of kinds of organisms. Genetics is the science of heredity. 6. Taxonomy or systematic zoology, the science of classification of organisms, which is concerned with naming organisms and indicating as far as possible the relationship between different kinds. Structure and Function. — In the various methods of approach- ing the subject of biology, structure of the organism and function form the background of the study. Structure and function represent two aspects of the organization of the living body. A general distinction is sometimes made between structure and function in which structural details are regarded as representing the static side of organization, in the sense that the actual form and structure of the components of the animal body stand for the visible machinery by means of which functions are carried out; 4 GENERAL ZOOLOGY while function, since it is concerned fundamentally with the pro- duction of motion, is considered dynamic in nature. Such distinction is of value in a general way only, since matter, and particularly living matter, is constantly changing and therefore never absolutely static. In other words, living objects like non- living objects exist not only in a space relationship but also in a pattern of time. The organism therefore should not be regarded as matter (structure) plus motion (function) but rather as matter in motion, or as structure in function. It is not necessary to decide whether structure causes function or function causes structure, for neither exists without the other. Structure and function are complementary. Though structure and function considered separately have no real meaning, for purely practical reasons the study of organisms is pursued along two general lines, morphological and physio- logical. Ideally, these should be carried out simultaneously or as nearly so as possible, but for the beginning student it seems best to begin by acquiring a sound knowledge of morphology as a background for physiology. In such preliminary morphological studies, questions as to the possible or probable functional significance of structural relationships constantly arise. Such questions should be raised even though a satisfactory answer may not be forthcoming until a later time. Morphological detail is meaningless without functional interpretation, nevertheless in most cases a preliminary mastery of morphology facilitates the attack on physiology and is the method followed in this book. Morphology and physiology are merely convenient terms for classifying two fairly distinct groups of findings and the assign- ment of a field of study under one head or the other is always subject to some limitation. Thus embryology is ordinarily con- sidered a morphological subject because its study consists to a great extent in the examination and study in considerable detail of the form and structure of embryos at different stages of devel- opment ; but since this is done for the purpose of piecing together a history of the process of development, an embryological study that does not give due weight to the physiological aspects of development becomes a series of lifeless descriptions of embryo anatomy. By means of gross microscopic dissections of an animal, com- bined with carefully planned laboratory experiments to demon- THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 5 strate functional features, a detailed knowledge of its anatomy and physiology may be obtained; yet a far from satisfactory conception of the animal as an organism is gained unless labora- tory observations are supplemented by studying the animal in its natural state in the field and thus noting its relationships to other organisms and to its environment generally. Ecological field studies often supply the key to morphological and functional adaptations because adaptations are adjustments to environ- mental conditions. Since different animals occupy different stations or levels in the living world, a complex interlocking environmental relationship has been built up, a knowledge of which is necessary in order to gain a full understanding of any given organism. But even after exhausting these avenues of approach, the problem of the organism still presents difficulties which can be removed — and not completely at that — only by applying all the refinements of technique of the sciences of physics and chemistry. The problem of the living thing is beset with difficulties many and diverse because of the presence in it of so many variable factors. The Protoplasm Doctrine. — From the point of view of the biologist protoplasm is the living substance of which the bodies of animals and plants are composed. The protoplasm doctrine of life assumes that life is a development of protoplasm or that life results from a certain physical and chemical combination of matter such as occurs in protoplasm; that protoplasm is life. This doctrine has not been proved — it is merely a working hypothesis that has been more serviceable than any other hypothesis in extending our knowledge of the nature of the processes that go on in the living body. As a working hypothesis it will be adhered to so long as its application yields results. Physical Properties of Protoplasm. — All of the material of the animal body is not living matter. Certain parts of the body such as the hard covering of an insect or parts of the bone of the vertebrate skeleton are products of the activity of the proto- plasm; i.e., they are formed through the agency of living tissue and serve definite functions but are not, strictly speaking, alive. Such substances can scarcely be regarded as typical protoplasm. Rather than call such substances dead material they may be regarded as inert substances subject to the control of active 6 GENERAL ZOOLOGY protoplasm and which form part of the picture of the anatomy of some animals. A small mass of living protoplasm viewed through the micro- scope appears as a faintly grayish, jellylike substance in which granules are suspended. Sometimes a streaming or flowing movement of materials can be seen. Protoplasm is heavier than water and somewhat more refractive to light. Protoplasm has a semifluid consistency which is known as a colloidal state of matter. This means that some of its constit- uents at least, instead of being in the form of a true solution, consist of suspensions of molecular aggregates dispersed in a medium. The medium in this case is largely water. In a true solution these aggregates of molecules would separate as indi- vidual molecules which in turn might dissociate into ions. The molecular aggregates are therefore much larger than the particles making up the solute in an ordinary solution. Their size varies roughly between 0.0001 and 0.000001 mm. in diameter. In protoplasm there seem to be three physical systems, viz., true solutions, emulsions, and gels, of which the latter two are colloidal systems. The colloidal state is common enough in nonliving nature where the components may be solid, liquid, or gaseous, in various combinations. Thus smoke is a colloidal mixture of solid in a gas; foam, of gas in a liquid; fog, of liquid in a gas, etc. Proto- plasm seems to be largely an emulsion, i.e., the components con- sist of liquid phases, such for example as is produced when oil is shaken up in water. In an oil-and-water mixture the components usually separate in the course of time, if undisturbed, unless some other substance is added that serves to keep one liquid phase dispersed in the other. This is accomplished in the preparation of mayonnaise dressing by adding yolk of egg to an emulsion of oil and water (vinegar). The yolk of the egg serves to preserve the colloidal state of the oil in the aqueous medium by acting as a binder. The physical state of protoplasm is roughly approxi- mated by the physical state of mayonnaise dressing. Substances in the colloidal state diffuse slowly or not at all through animal membranes, which partially explains why living protoplasm does not dissolve in water. Colloids within limits have the power of changing from a fluid or sol state to a more solid or gel state and back again. THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 7 From the purely physical side, protoplasm resembles sub- stances like glue or gelatin rather than crystalline substances like cane sugar or sodium chloride. When living cells are sub- jected to dissection under the microscope with extremely fine needles, the more solid portions (gels) can be drawn out into thin threads having considerable tenacity. The viscous prop- erties of protoplasm can also be demonstrated by centrifuging living cells. Under the pull of the centrifugal force the heavier components are dragged through the cell and become arranged in layers according to density. If the centrifugal force is great enough, the cells can be pulled into dumbbell shapes, the proto- plasm between the heavier and lighter half being drawn out into a thin strand, which may finally snap. The mere touch of a needle to a living cell may cause liquefac- tion or the reverse change, gelation, to occur with extreme rapidity. The reversibility from solid to liquid, or liquid to solid, is one of the striking features of protoplasm and one which may be regarded as a characteristic of the living colloid. Composition of Protoplasm. — Protoplasm is not a definite chemical compound in the technical sense. It is rather a chem- ical complex of substances, the percentage composition of which is not the same for all kinds of protoplasm. The same kinds of substances occur in all forms of protoplasm, but the proportions and the actual composition of the different constituents vary. The most abundant constituent is water, which accounts for from about 75 per cent to more than 90 per cent of the total weight of the protoplasm. Water is utilized as a solvent and as such plays an important part in bringing about chemical reac- tions. It is also required to maintain the colloidal state. In some marine forms as in jellyfishes, water forms 99.8 per cent of the body weight. The human body contains about 65 per cent of water, the weight of the bones lowering the average. Inorganic salts such as sulphates, chlorides, phosphates, and carbonates of sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and small amounts of iron make up about 5 per cent of the whole. Small amounts of iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, barium, and silicon are present in varying amounts. Of the remaining constituents, viz., pro- teins, carbohydrates, fats and extractives, which are organic in nature, protein seems to be the most important and forms about 15 per cent of the human body. Protein is a very complex 8 GENERAL ZOOLOGY substance which has never been synthesized. Chemical analysis shows that it contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sul- phur, phosphorus, and sometimes iron. Fats and carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but in different propor- tions and combined in different ways. Starches and sugars are examples of carbohydrates. Extractives include substances like urea, CO(NH2)2, creatinine, C4H7N3O, inosite, C6H6(OH)6, all of which are soluble in water by means of which they can be extracted from coagulated protoplasm. The substances making up protoplasm are determined by chemical analysis, which gives but little more than the percentage composition of these constituents. Such an analysis shows that protoplasm is made of chemical elements of common occurrence in inorganic nature and also that there is no chemical element peculiar to protoplasm. Such a simple analysis throws little light on how the chemical elements are combined. For example, the amount of water in a sample of protoplasm is determined by driving off the water by means of heat; the difference in weight before and after representing the percentage of water. Thus by this method mammalian meat is found to contain 76 parts by weight of water. If the same piece of tissue is reduced to ash by incineration, the weight of the residue represents the total of inorganic salts which in this case is about 1 per cent of the whole. Other methods show that this same kind of tissue is composed of 21.5 per cent of nitrogenous material and 1.5 per cent of fat. The real problem is to explain how these various components are combined in protoplasm. Certainly the inorganic salts and organic substances are not present as such in living matter but are combined in a chemical complex along with the water in a very intricate manner. If we are to look upon protoplasm as a form of physicochemical system, it differs from other systems in its internal atomic or molecular organization. In other words, the difference between protoplasm and other chemical combinations is not in the chemical elements concerned but in the manner in which they are combined chemically and physically. A random mixture of constituents in the proportions and concentrations as determined by a chemical analysis of protoplasm would not produce a system having the properties of living matter. In order to produce a living system, what is required in addition is a knowledge of the structure or arrangement and the physical state THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 9 of the constituents, both of which are necessary to provide a basis for the orderly interactions that characterize living matter. Metabolism. — An organism maintains itself by taking in substances from the environment and at the same time excreting other substances, most of which are of no value to it. The energy generated in an organism and utilized in various ways is, in the case of animals, obtained from food. In the body the food is transformed; some of it is built up into protoplasm and the remainder undergoes oxidation with the release of energy. What are called waste products are the end products of chemical reactions and are of no further use to the body as sources of energy. The organism functions as a transformer of energy and remains alive only as long as it is capable of carrying out this function. Metabolism is a collective term which includes all the chemical and physical changes involved in the transformation of food, the elimination of water, and the functional activity of all the organs of the body. In general it consists of a twofold process of disintegration, or catabolism, and reintegration, or anabolism. In disintegration, complex chemical compounds are broken down, in the course of which energy is released and waste substances, poor in energy content, are produced. This process may take place in certain food substances before they are incor- porated as a part of living protoplasm and it also occurs in proto- plasm itself. The reintegrative phase of metabolism is the constructive process which makes good the losses accompanying disintegration of protoplasmic constituents. The two general processes are taking place continuously in the living organism. When metabolism ceases, death ensues. The principal difference in the metabolism of animals and pigmented plants lies in the fact that animals require food of an initial complexity for the support of life while the colored plant is capable of manufacturing food from raw materials of relatively simple composition. Chlorophyll-bearing plants in the presence of sunlight are capable of utilizing water and carbon dioxide to synthesize starch and other energy-containing substances from them. The carbon dioxide comes from the air, the water from the soil. Protein is synthesized from substances in the soil. Nitrogen for the use of protein building comes largely from nitrates in the soil, which also supplies other necessary elements including sulphur and phosphorus. The process of synthesizing 10 GENERAL ZOOLOGY starches under the influence of light is called photosynthesis. Only plants possessing chlorophyll or other similar substances are capable of carrying out this function. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water are absorbed by the plant and oxygen is given off. In animal respiration, oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide and water given off. There is thus a reciprocal relation between animals and plants in the use of these substances. Similarly, other waste products of animal metabolism can be utilized by the plants in synthesizing proteins, after such nitrog- enous waste products have been acted on by bacteria present in the soil. Photosynthesis does not occur at night or in the dark. Under these conditions oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is given off, just as in animals, regardless of light conditions. Respira- tion of oxygen, then, is a characteristic of metabolism in all organisms. Photosynthesis is a process which accompanies respiration in plants, taking place when light is available. Dur- ing photosynthesis, respiration is overshadowed by the construc- tive activities of the plant tissues. Properly speaking, oxygen is not a food, if one defines food as a fuel or a means of repair. Oxygen is a necessary element in processes of oxidation which accompany all energy-releasing reactions of the body. Movement. — Nonliving things as a rule move under the influ- ence of gravity. Occasionally, as in a volcanic eruption or an explosion of dynamite or similar substances, nonliving objects may be moved by the action of forces generated by processes of combustion. The power of controlled or independent movement exhibited by animals results from internal processes of combus- tion or oxidation. The energy liberated is utilized in producing movement. Movement is one of the outstanding character- istics distinguishing animals from plants. In plants movement is largely limited to changing positions of the foliage in response to sunlight. It is true of course that in some plants, as in Mimosa, the sensitive plant, whose leaves fold up in response to touch, movements of parts resemble similar movements in animals; but on the whole movement has been much more highly perfected in animals than in plants. Irritability. — Animals respond when subjected to disturbing influences. The disturbing influence or stimulus may be pro- duced by impact, heat, light, sound, electricity, chemical action, THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 11 etc. Irritability refers to this ability to respond to stimuli of various sorts. Knowledge of the external world is gained from influences which stimulate part or all of the sensory mechanism of an animal. Movements are the result of stimulation of the motor apparatus by nervous impulses acting on muscle tissue. The flow of digestive juice may be invoked by the chemical stimulation of the walls of the digestive canal by food substances. The entire mechanism for the coordination of functional activ- ities in different parts of the body depends ultimately on the irritability of protoplasm to certain stimuli. Growth. — Organisms subsist on materials taken from the environment. During metabolism a certain portion of the absorbed food products is built up into protoplasm by what is known as intussusception, which means the deposition of new particles of material among those embodying the living sub- stance. Protoplasm is constantly growing from material supplied from the outside but incorporated from the inside. This occurs after undergoing preliminary changes, in chemical and physical form, called digestion. Food in the process of digestion is changed into a form in which it can pass through surfaces of cells and be assimilated. Only a fraction of the digested food is required for anabolic processes. Most of it is oxidized without ever becoming an actual part of living tissue. The immediate cause of increase in size of an organism is the multiplication of individual cells by a process of cell division. When the adult stage is reached, cell division ceases in the body generally. The growth process characterizing the preadult period results from an excess of anabolic over catabolic processes, accompanied by cell multiplication. Size and Form. — Another peculiarity of living things is that each kind has a determinate size and form, which is reproduced as a rule generation after generation within rather narrow limits of variation. Lifeless objects may be of almost any size and form as, for example, water may be in the form of a rain drop or a lake; a stone may be a pebble or a mountain. The distinctive size and form of any given species are due to factors that are rooted in the organization of the protoplasm of that particular species. Reproduction. — Living things reproduce their own kind. In Protozoa, unicellular animals, reproduction consists in the 12 GENERAL ZOOLOGY division of the entire animal into halves, each of which then grows to the original size. In multicellular animals, this same simple method may take place, but only in lower forms. The method of reproduction common in all forms above the Protozoa is far more complicated and its discussion must be postponed until a later period. Suffice it to say, that the ele- ments of the reproductive process are an egg cell, produced by the female and a sperm cell produced by the male. These unite in fertilization and out of this relatively simple beginning the organism gradually develops into the adult form. Each stage of development is alive. The different stages represent the organ- ism in stages of transformation. Under some conditions the egg alone may reproduce the adult animal, showing that at least in some forms the potency for reproduction is possessed by the egg alone. Vitalism and Mechanism. — The list of attributes of proto- plasm as outlined above constitute a definition of an organism. Can these attributes be explained in terms of the protoplasm doctrine or is it necessary to assume the presence of some super- natural, vital factor in addition to known chemical and physical factors? Formerly, the idea that the living body is presided over or directed by some kind of vital force or energy such as the "soul" of Descartes or the "entelechy" of Driesch met with more general acceptance than at the present time. The pro- ponents of such a view are usually spoken of as "vitalists," and their doctrine is known as vitalism. According to the vitalists, a living thing is protoplasm plus some unknown something that is absent in nonliving objects. The unknown thing is called the vital factor, without which life cannot exist. The objection to such a view from the scientist's standpoint is that it bars the way to investigation. If investigators of living matter must always admit the presence of a factor which cannot be seen, felt, weighed or measured, that is to say, a factor that cannot be con- trolled, his attempt to solve the riddle of life in scientific terms is doomed to failure from the start. Such a view discourages investigation and creates an atmosphere of hopelessness which is not conducive to success. It does not help but actually hinders further investigation into the problem. For this and other reasons many biologists are inclined to support the protoplasm doctrine which is a mechanistic theory of life to the extent that it THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 13 attempts to explain the phenomena of life in terms of chemistry and physics. The rejection of the vitalistic hypothesis by biologists generally must not be attributed to narrowness on their part, but simply to the lack of satisfactory evidence to support the vitalistic doctrine. Since the vital factor does not exist, scientifically speaking, the scientist is compelled to do without it, since he can deal only with those facts and factors in the problems of protoplasm that are amenable to scientific analysis and measurement. The main support of the mecha- nistic interpretation, from a practical point of view, is the fact that its application has actually overthrown hypothetical vitalistic explanations of many phases of metabolism and replaced them with understandable explanations in terms of chemistry and physics. Such a view recognizes a common background for all natural phenomena and assumes that living and lifeless objects are forms of matter and energy. On this basis the organism is a physicochemical system which owes its peculiar properties to its physicochemical make-up, and which differs only in its internal arrangement from known nonliving physicochemical systems. Cells. — Protoplasm exists in the form of small structural units more or less distinctly marked off from one another, and known as cells. In the Protozoa, the entire body of the animal is a single cell; but in all higher forms, the Metazoa, the body is composed of many cells, structurally and functionally differentiated. In 1838, Mathias J. Schleiden, a botanist, and Theodor Schwann, a zoologist, each published observations on the structure of plant and animal tissues which led to the formulation of what is known as the cell theory. The central idea of this theory — that the bodies of animals and plants are composed of cells and the products of cells — was undoubtedly held by R. J. H. Dutrochet as early as 1824, but a clear description of the cell nucleus by Robert Brown in 1831 enabled both Schleiden and Schwann to distinguish between cells and other structures, and led them to a more accurate conception of the cellular structure of organisms. Schwann in 1839 published a very precise account of cell struc- ture in a variety of animals which surpassed in accuracy and completeness that of any of his predecessors. The protoplasm doctrine is a much later development and not until 1861 was it clearly understood that cells are really masses of protoplasm and that protoplasm is essentially similar in all organisms. This was 14 GENERAL ZOOLOGY a logical conclusion that united the cell theory and the protoplasm doctrine, and provided a material basis for a scientific theory of life. Protoplasm is a living substance and this substance has a cellular structure. A cell may be defined as a small mass of protoplasm containing one or more nuclei. The cytoplasm or cytosome forms the body of the cell in which the nucleus is embedded. This means that the protoplasm of the cell is made up of two regions, nuclear and cytoplasmic. These two regions are not merely topographical distinctions, but they actually mark the boundaries of two different kinds of protoplasm which have distinct chemical attributes. It also happens that under certain conditions the boundaries between cells are not sharply marked off, forming what is known as syncytial tissue structure; therefore, the significance of cells does not depend so much upon their morpho- logical distinctness as upon the fact that each cellular region is made up of a nuclear and a cytoplasmic component. The cell is something more than a building block with sharply defined boundaries. It is a functional unit which functions with or without cell boundaries. Cells do not conform to a standard shape. Free cells, such as egg cells, particularly those deposited in water, are often spherical in form. Tissue cells generally, owing to the pressure of the surrounding cells, take on some other form. Under conditions of relatively uniform pressure, as in the liver, cells are poly- hedrons with approximately equal faces. At the outer surface of the body, cells tend to become flattened and thin, as in the surface layer of the frog's epidermis. Nerve cells have a round or irregular region in which the nucleus is located and from which slender processes extend, in some cases for several feet. Muscle cells are usually spindle-shaped. Pigment cells have irregular branching processes extending in all directions. In general some correlation exists between the shape of the cells and its function (Figs. 1, 2, and 3). The nucleus is usually a centrally located body whose shape conforms with the general shape of the cell. Thus, in a spherical cell the nucleus is rounded, whereas in a columnar cell the nucleus is elongated in the main axis of the cell. In the tissue cells of the metazoan animals, as a rule, there is but one nucleus in a single cell. In syncytial tissue, where cell boundaries are THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 15 lacking, a cytoplasmic mass may contain numerous nuclei, all of which are alike. Protozoa often show two kinds of nuclei in a single cell. Thus in Paramecium (Fig. 2) there is a small spherical micronucleus embedded in the side of the large kidney- shaped macronucleus. In some species there are two or more micronuclei. By microdissection it can be demonstrated that the nucleus is bounded by a definite membrane. Some cells, such as mammalian red blood corpuscles in the blood stream, lack a Fig. 1. — Cells. A, three cells from the outer layer of the skin of the sala- mander one of which (d) is dividing, c, chromosomes; o, yolk globules; n, nucleus; B, blood cell of the salamander, nucleated. C, human red blood cells, non-nucleated. X 900. nucleus though each corpuscle is a nucleated cell at an earlier stage of its development. Properly speaking, such a corpuscle is only part of a cell and its life in the blood stream is of short duration (about ten days in the case of man). The nucleus contains an important substance called chromatin which, unless the cell is dividing, appears in fixed and stained sections as flocculent masses of irregular outline. In the course of cell division the chromatin is transformed into very distinct bodies called chromosomes, each of which then divides in half, so that both daughter cells receive the same number and kinds of chromosomes. Chromosomes are important in connection with 16 GENERAL ZOOLOGY YiG. 2. — Cells. A, two pigment cells from the skin of the salamander. B. Paramecium, a ciliated protozoan, a single-celled animal, c, contractile vacuole, expanding; e, contractile vacuole, expanded; f, food vacuoles; g, gullet, a primi- tive alimentary tract; M, macronucleus; n, micronucleus. X 300. The con- tractile vacuoles are filled with cell fluid which is emptied on the outside when the vacuole contracts, thus maintaining an intracellular circulation. Food vacuoles are simple organs of digestion. Fig. 3. — Endothelial cell from a tissue culture of the chick embryo, grown in a culture medium on a glass cover-slip inverted over a hollow-ground slide; stained to show mitochondria, m. X 1080. {From a photo by W. H. Lewis.) THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 17 heredity. A detailed account of cell division and the behavior of the chromosomes is reserved for a later chapter. A nucleolus is also usually present in a nucleus. It is as a rule rounded in shape and stains differently from the chromatin. Its function is unknown. The remainder of the nucleus is composed of karyo- ly?nph which serves as a matrix in which the chromatin and nucleolus are suspended. This ground substance is semifluid in character. In the cytoplasm the principal formed elements common to all cells are the mitochondria and the Golgi material (Figs. 3 and 4). The mitochondria are minute objects, usually rod-shaped, that occur in large numbers in the cytoplasm. The Golgi material is usually in the form of a closed network of fine threads or canals which may extend throughout the cytoplasm or be confined to a more restricted area. Both mitochondria and the Golgi material can be seen in living cells. Materi- als such as fat, oil globules, yolk, glycogen, etc., occur in varying amounts as inclusions in ganglion cell of the the cytoplasm of cells. The ground substance rabbit s.howi"f Golgi J l ° material in the form of the cytoplasm in which these structures and of a network in the materials are suspended or dispersed is opti- J^^J "entra^ob- cally homogeneous. Cilia (short hairlike proc- ject is the nucleus. esses), flagella (long whip-shaped structures), (After Golgi.) and membranellae (delicate fin-shaped membranes) may develop as cytoplasmic structures at the surface of some cells. In general there is a greater degree of variability in differentiation and form in the cytoplasm than in the nucleus. The complex nature and orderliness of the chemical reactions that take place in the living cell seem to call for some sort of structural protein framework within the cell by means of which the cytoplasm is subdivided and supported. Such a structural framework has been demonstrated in the following manner: Fresh cells such as those of the liver of the rabbit, are frozen in liquid air at — 30°C. and dried under partial vacuum for 12 hours, and then ground to a flour in a mortar. If the ground up powder is then treated with salt solutions all of the soluble protein in the form of globulins can be extracted. The solid residue from which the extraction is made when examined under the micro- 18 GENERAL ZOOLOGY scope is found to consist of fragments of liver tissue in which the typical outlines of liver cells can be seen (Fig. 5). These fragments are also protein in nature. Thus in cells from which all of the soluble protein has been extracted there still remains what may be considered a structural protein upon which the morphology of the cell depends. The structural protein is colloidal, i.e., its demonstration depends upon the fact that it is less soluble than the other protein constituents. Cells as a rule are microscopic in size. Cells of macroscopic proportions are the result of special conditions. Thus the Fig. 5. — Section of the liver of rabbit frozen in liquid air, dried at — 30°C, extracted for 48 hours with salt solution, 48 hours with distilled water, fixed in formalin and stained. Cell form and protoplasmic structure is still intact and some remains of nuclear content may be seen. X 300. {After R. R. Bensley and N. L. Hoerr.) unfertilized egg of the domestic fowl is a cell which is approxi- mately the size of the yolk of the laid egg. (The white of the egg and the hard shell are protective coverings.) In this case the large size of the cell is accounted for by the yolk material stored in the cytoplasm of the egg cell. The yolk-free cytoplasm and the nucleus are of microscopic volume. The large size of eggs generally is due to the presence of yolk material in the cytoplasm. The common unit of linear measurement employed in microscopy is the micrometer or micron, abbreviated as p, (Greek letter n), which is a length of 0.000001 meter. Human red blood cells measure 7.5 to 8.5 /j, in diameter; some leucocytes about 10 /x; a skeletal muscle fiber, which is really a multinucleated cell, may be 1 in. long and 50 /j. in width. In the years following the publication of the cell theory there was an almost total lack of understanding as to how cells arise. THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 19 The first step toward the final solution of this question was taken by Carl von Nageli, who in 1844 stated, as a result of his studies, that cells always come from preexisting cells and that they do not arise from a generative matrix of some sort, as do crystals from a liquid. Cells come from preexisting cells by a process of cell division, but the discovery of the details of the process came to light slowly because of their complicated nature. In cell reproduction the division process is initiated in the nucleus, where the transformation of the chromatin into chromosomes takes place and where all of the intricacies of the division mecha- nism seem to center. The importance of the nucleus in cell division was recognized by Eduard Strasburger, a botanist, and in 1879 led him to state that a nucleus always comes from a preexisting nucleus, a conclusion confirmed in 1882 by W. Flem- ming in studies of animal cells. It is largely due to the work of these two men that the complicated details of cell division were worked out. The term karyokinesis means division of the nucleus and refers to the changes undergone by the nucleus in the process of cell division. Mitosis is a synonym for karyo- kinesis. A fuller discussion of mitosis is reserved for Chap. XI, and it need only be mentioned at this point that, as a rule, division of the nucleus is accompanied or followed by division of the cytoplasm, resulting finally in the production of two cells of equal size, each of which in the course of time grows to the size of the parent cell. The division of the cytoplasm is called cytokinesis. The development of an animal from an egg is usually preceded by the fertilization of the egg by a spermatozoon. One of the earliest observations of the entrance of the spermatozoon into the egg was made in the case of the frog's egg by Newport in 1854, but it was not until 1861 that it was clearly shown by the com- parative anatomist Karl Gegenbaur that the egg is really a cell. The same conclusion regarding the spermatozoon was reached in 1865 by Schweigger-Seidel and La Vallette St. George. In fertilization the essential feature is the union of the egg nucleus with a nucleus derived from the spermatozoon, so that the fertilized egg is really a cell with a nucleus of biparental origin. These demonstrations of the cellular character of the egg and spermatozoon have been verified many times since and have tended to emphasize the importance of the cell in developmental 20 GENERAL ZOOLOGY processes. Since the egg and spermatozoon must contain all the hereditary qualities derived from the parents the problem of heredity centers in explaining how an adult organism develops from a cell. Unity in Organisms.— In Protozoa, the individual animal is bounded by a single plasma membrane which is comparable to the cell membrane of a metazoan cell. Within the bounds of this membrane there may be one or more nuclei. If a cell be denned as a small mass of protoplasm containing one or more nuclei, then a protozoan is a cell, and the individual organism and the cell are one and the same. The cell in this case is organized as an individual animal. In Metazoa, the animal body is made up of many cells or, the metazoan body may be said to be more or less subdivided by many plasma membranes, represented by the cell walls. Schwann believed that each cell is, within certain limits, an individual, an independent whole; that the vital phenomena of one cell are repeated, entirely or in part, in all other cells of the body, and that the individual cells are not arranged side by side as a mere aggregate, but that they operate to produce a harmonious whole. "The whole organism sub- sists only by means of the reciprocal action of the single elemen- tary units." This idea is in keeping with the fact that the organization of a single cell is capable of maintaining itself in the case of Protozoa; that the metazoan animal starts from a cell and develops as new cells are produced ; and that the individuality or unity of the cell as represented in the fertilized egg may be repeated in each cell formed from the egg. From this point of view the cell is the unit of organization. In Protozoa, the unity of the cell and the unity of the individual organism coincide; in Metazoa the unity of the organism is made up of a number of cell units, cooperating in some way to produce the whole. In either case the cell would be the unit of organization. Others have maintained that the fact that the protozoan is a cell should not be permitted to overshadow the equally pertinent fact that the protozoan is also an organism, but an organism whose size is so small that it is possible for it to be contained within a single plasma membrane. The organization of a protozoan is the organization of an individual animal that happens to conform in a general way to a definition of a metazoan cell. If in the case of the metazoan we also regard the organism as the THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 21 unit in organization, the individual cells composing it lose their significance as primary units of organization. Sachs recognized this long ago when he said (in 1865) that "cell formation is a phenomenon, very general it is true, in organic life but still only of secondary significance ; at all events it is merely one of the numerous expressions of the formative forces which reside in all matter, in the highest degree, however, in organic substance." The view that the organism and not the cell is the unit of organization in living nature is now generally accepted and is known as the organismal theory. On this basis the important difference between protozoan and metazoan animals is not primarily in the number of cells but in the difference in the organization of the protoplasm in the two cases, which in the final analysis means difference in the chemical and physical constitution of the two kinds of protoplasm. The problem of cell versus organism in determining the location of organic unity is, of course, a problem only in metazoan animals, for the simple reason that in protozoans the cell and the organ- ism are identical. The criteria for determining unity are primarily physiological. It is a common observation that reac- tions to stimuli are adaptive, i.e., reactions tend to preserve the condition of wholeness in the organism. Isolated groups of cells of metazoan animals as a rule do not survive, or if they do survive, under natural conditions, they tend to organize themselves along the lines of the organism from which they came, rather than as cell units. Evolution. — There exists abundant evidence for the belief that the present population of the earth, and the condition of the earth itself, are the results of a process of change or evolution that has extended over enormous periods of time. The only alternative to such an explanation is some form of Special Creation, which raises more problems than it solves. The theory of evolution implies that animals and plants were not always as they are now, but that they have descended from more primitive forms of life through the action of slow processes of divergence which for the most part have been adaptive in character. Evolution has been the guiding thought of biology for more than half a century, thanks largely to the painstaking work of the great English naturalist, Charles Darwin, whose publications, 22 GENERAL ZOOLOGY beginning with the "Origin of Species" in 1859, rank as the most notable contributions to biological literature of the nine- teenth century, and perhaps of all time. The nature and extent of the evidence upon which the theory of evolution rests will be considered more in detail in later chapters. Taxonomy. — The science of classification is known as taxon- omy. The theory of evolution teaches that all living things had Individual Cah •SPECIES, domeshca -GENUS, Fetis .-FAMILY, Felidae -ORDER, Carn'ivora ...CLASS, Mammalia ... SUB -PHYL UM, Verlebrala ..:PHYLUM, Chordaia ...ANIMAL KINGDOM .PLANT KINGDOM .-L/V/N6 WORLD pIG e_ — Diagram to show the tree-like form assumed by a natural system of classification, as illustrated by the classification of the house cat, Felis domestica. an origin in some simple form or forms of protoplasm. From these hypothetical ancestral organisms there first arose, pre- sumably, the simpler forms of plant and animal life, and from these in turn the higher forms. Thus it follows that a relationship of varying degree exists between all forms of life — even animals and plants being connected by simple unicellular forms, some of which combine both animal and plant characteristics. Lamarck was the first to express this relationship diagrammati- cally by means of a tree whose trunk divides almost at once into two main stems, one for the plant kingdom and one for the animal THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 23 kingdom, each stem in turn sending out branches that represent the subdivisions of plants and animals (Fig. 6). Such a tree would show the relationships between organisms in a very exact manner if knowledge of the evolutionary processes were complete, but since this knowledge is at its best rather fragmentary, the construction of the tree of life is a difficult matter and subject to continual alteration. Descent. — When it is held that the higher animals are derived or descended from animals simpler in form and organization, it is not meant that the lower animals living today are the ancestors of the higher ones. Thus, it would be incorrect to speak of monkeys or apes as the ancestors of Man, although it is true that Man is more closely related to them than to any other animals. The fact is that Man and monkey probably had some common ancestor from which monkeys were evolved on one hand and Man on the other — the common ancestor having in the mean- time disappeared from the living fauna. Since the same princi- ple applies to other groups of animals and plants, it follows that the part of the genealogical tree that represents the living popula- tion of the earth includes only the twigs — the trunk and its branches, representing the connecting links between living forms, having dropped out and become extinct. Natural Affinities. — Evidence of relationship between organ- isms may be obtained from a study of living animals and plants. The great Swedish naturalist, Linnaeus (1707-1778), who founded the modern system of classification, was not an evolu- tionist, but he was able nevertheless to classify animals and plants with a remarkable degree of accuracy by carefully noting their resemblances and differences. The point is, however, that these resemblances, or natural affinities, as Darwin called them, find their rational explanation in the theory of evolution, with the result that the application of the evolution principle has had a clarifying effect on the problems of classification. Species. — In the modern scheme of classification the species constitutes the basic group of individuals. A species may be simply defined as the offspring of similar parents. The members of similar species resemble one another because they are descended from common ancestors. Species have become more or less sharply differentiated from all other species by the dis- appearance of intermediate forms. Owing to variation, the 24 GENERAL ZOOLOGY individuals composing a species are never identical, and the individual differences which constitute these variations make it difficult to define the limits of a species. Such gradations among or between species are exactly what would be expected on an evolution basis; while, on the other hand, variations have been a stumbling block to upholders of the doctrine of special creation, who with Linnaeus believed that species did not develop gradu- ally but were made outright, and that all species were therefore fixed. At present, the idea that species are fixed is no longer tenable because of the vagueness of the boundaries between them, but the employment of the term "species" is useful in describing the basic unit in the system of classification. Scheme of Classification. — Species are arranged in groups of higher order called genera. A number of similar species consti- tutes a genus in much the same way that a number of similar individuals makes up a species. The characteristics which distin- guish one genus from another are more deep-seated and funda- mental than those that distinguish species. Related genera, in turn, are combined into families, families into orders, orders into classes, and classes into phyla. The phylum, then, is the largest group in either the plant or animal kingdom. Each group is sometimes made up of subgroups, such as subphylum, subclass, etc. ; and occasionally entirely new terms are introduced to meet the needs of classification. The custom of employing Latin or Greek derivatives in the technical naming of these groups is now universally followed and makes for clearness in identification. Binomial System. — Every known kind of animal and plant has a scientific name, consisting of the name of its genus, capitalized, followed by the specific name in small letters. Thus, the name of the house cat is Felis domestica; a common species of frog (Leopard frog) Rana pipiens; Man, Homo sapiens. This method of naming was formulated by Linnaeus and is known as the binomial system of nomenclature. It is also customary to follow the scientific name with name of the author who originally proposed it. Trinomial System. — It sometimes happens that the difference between two kinds of animals is so slight as to scarcely warrant placing them in separate species, and yet requires some practical method of classification. In such cases the intraspecies dis- tinction is made by adding a subspecies name to the name of the THE STUDY OF ZOOLOGY 25 genus and species; thus the mountain salamander is known as Desmognathus fuscus carolinensis and the closely related brook salamander as the Desmognathus fuscus fuscus. These two forms are varieties of the same species, and so far as one knows, are not connected by intermediate forms at the present time. Animal Phyla. — The animal kingdom is composed of 17 animal phyla, of which the names of those commonly used in laboratory study, with examples of each, are as follows: Protozoa, unicellular animals, microscopic in size such as Amoeba and Paramecium. Porifera, sponges. Coelenterata, hydra, jelly fishes. Ctenophora, sea walnut, comb jelly. Platyhelminthes, flatworms, tapeworms. Nemathelminthes, roundworms or threadworms. Trochelminthes, rotifers. Annelida, segmented worms, such as the earthworm. Arthropoda, crayfish, crabs, insects, spiders. Mollusca, snails, clams, oysters. Echinodermata, starfishes, sea urchins. Chordata, animals with a notochord, of which the most important sub- division is the Vertebrata, animals with a backbone. The classification of animals is considered in some detail in the final chapter (XVIII), which should be consulted whenever a new or unfamiliar animal is mentioned in the text. Since a very definite part of the program of an introductory course in zoology is a mastery of the fundamental facts of animal taxonomy, the student is expected to learn the names of all the animal phyla and their principal subdivisions and to acquire more detailed knowl- edge of those phyla, of which examples are studied in the labora- tory. This knowledge can best be acquired by a process of gradual absorption, learning the important facts about a single phylum, one at a time, until the entire system has been mastered. A- CHAPTER II THE ANIMAL ORGANISM The fundamental biological functions of animal organisms are the same in all forms of animal life. The principal differences between different kinds of animals lie in the manner in which these functions are carried out and in the degree of morpho- logical differentiation that accompanies functional differentiation. Thus the Protozoa, the lowest phylum in the animal kingdom, consist of animals in which the body is a single cell, free-living, or united with other similar cells to form a colony. Protozoa are capable of maintaining and reproducing themselves, in a favor- able environment, with as much success as any higher form of life. In the ascending scale of animal life one finds that the organism takes on an ever-increasing structural and functional differentiation of its parts that is absent or at best only very feebly expressed in Protozoa. The elaboration of structural and functional features found in higher forms is an inevitable accom- paniment of their greater size. It is inconceivable that a frog could exist as a frog in the form of a single cell. The varying degree of structural differentiation found in different kinds of animals lends itself to an analysis in terms of cells, the common though variable structural units of which their bodies are composed. In forms above the Protozoa — Metazoa or multicellular animals — larger morphological units composed of groups of cells constitute what are called tissues and organs. A tissue is a group of histologically similar cells, such as the cells forming the outer layer of the frog's skin. An organ is composed of different kinds of tissues, characterized by a distinctive histological structure, and capable under proper conditions of performing one or more distinct functions in the animal body. Tissues and organs are the visible evidence of differentiation in the bodies of metazoan animals. The Frog. — A study of the biology of an individual animal might begin with any animal as the subject matter. Logically, 26 THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 27 perhaps, one should start with the Protozoa and work up the scale, but practically more rapid and satisfactory progress is made if the beginner starts with a larger animal and one with which he is to a certain extent familiar, such as the leopard frog or grass frog, Rana pipiens, or any other species of frog. The leopard frog is classified as a member of the phylum Chordata, the subphylum Vertebrata, the class Amphibia, the order Salientia, the family Ranidae, the genus Rana, and the species pipiens. It is therefore a member of the highest phylum, Chordata, and also of the subphylum Vertebrata to which Man also belongs. It is an example of a vertebrate animal, which refers specifically to the fact that it has a vertebral column or backbone. Fig. 7. — Rana pipiens, sketched from life. The leopard frog is found in nature living near ponds, lakes, and streams of fresh water of the North American continent east of the Pacific slope. The winter months are spent in hibernation, during which active feeding ceases and all bodily activities are reduced to a minimum. Several varieties of the species differing from one another in color pattern are known. In the variety illustrated in Fig. 7 the dorsal side of the head and body, and the upper sides of the legs, are marked by large brownish spots, bordered by narrow light iridescent green edges, on a background of lighter brown. The sizes of the spots and the pattern vary in different races. The throat, the ventral side of the body and the inner sides of the legs are whitish and unmottled. The skin of the frog is smooth and is rendered slippery by mucus, a viscid secretion poured out on its surface by skin glands. The skin is held loosely to underlying parts by sub- 28 GENERAL ZOOLOGY cutaneous connective tissue, divided into inner and outer layers by- large lymph spaces. These spaces are readily seen when the skin is removed from the frog. A thickened ridge in the skin extends back from the eye on either side of the body to form a lateral dermal fold or plica. In addition to mucus-secreting glands, which are very numerous, the skin also contains smaller numbers of poison glands, located principally in the skin of the dorsal body surface, lateral dermal plicae and in the skin of the hindlegs. The poison is in the form of a whitish fluid. It is not so toxic as the secretions of the poison glands of toads. In a sitting posture the body rests on the folded hindlegs and the ex- tended forelegs. From this position the sudden extension of the hindlegs sends the animal through the air in a long leap. This is its usual form of locomotion on land. In water the swimming strokes are also provided by the hindlegs. The hindfoot has five elongated toes connected by interdigital membranes which increase the surface of the foot and add power to the swimming stroke. Each Fig. 8.— Palmar surfaces of feet forefoot has four toes and a very of Rana pipiens. A, right fore- n-i foot of female; B, right forefoot rudimentary thumb. A padlike of male; C, hindfoot. enlargement on the proximal segment of the first digit is present in the male and is practically the only external anatomical distinction between the sexes (Fig. 8). The eyes are prominent structures at the sides of the head. Each eye has an immovable upper eyelid in the form of a thick fold of the integument. The lower lid is well developed and can be moved upward, covering the eye. When this happens the eyeball is withdrawn into the socket by a special muscle, the retractor bulbi. The upper part of the lower lid is thin and transparent and is called the nictitating membrane. When the lower lid is withdrawn, the nictitating membrane folds inside on the lower thicker part of the lid. On the forehead between the eyes an unpigmented spot, the brow spot, can usually be seen. THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 29 This spot shows the location, beneath it, of the pineal organ, which is a dorsal outgrowth of the diencephalon of the brain. In the embryos of some amphibians and reptiles the tip of the pineal organ enlarges to form an eyelike structure beneath the integu- ment. The pineal organ with its distal enlargement is regarded as a vestigial organ which in modern amphibians has lost its original function and much of its structure. On either side of the head behind the eye is the tympanic membrane or eardrum, a flattened circular area flush with the surface of the head. A live frog at rest exhibits pulsating movements in the region of the throat which are concerned with respiration. On the Fig. 9. — Two views of the oral cavity of Rana pipiens. A, tongue in place in floor of mouth; B, tongue pulled forward, e.t., Eustachian tube; g, glottis; i.n., internal naris; t, tongue; v.s., vocal sac openings; v.t., vomerine teeth. dorsal side of the snout not far from the tip are located the two external nares, leading to respiratory and olfactory passages which open into the anterior end of the oral or buccal cavity. If the frog's mouth is held open (Fig. 9) several structures can be seen. In the roof of the mouth on either side near the anterior end is a small opening, the internal naris, and between the two nares is a pair of white vomerine teeth. Small bluntly pointed teeth are also found in the upper jaw which forms a frame for the roof of the mouth (Fig. 9, A) . On either side, near the angle formed by the articulation of the upper and lower jaws, is the opening of the Eustachian tube, which connects with the tympanic cavity or middle ear. The tympanic cavity is closed to the outside by the tympanic membrane. In the mid-line between the two openings of the Eustachian tubes is the constricted opening into the esophagus. The most conspicuous structure in the floor 30 GENERAL ZOOLOGY of the mouth is the tongue with its free, forked end pointed back toward the esophagus. Between the spread tips of the tongue is a slightly raised circular area with a longitudinal slit, the glottis, which opens into the larynx. On either side of the floor of the mouth in the male is a pit leading to a vocal sac, which is a small pocket of the oral epithelium that can be expanded with air. The lower jaw is without teeth. When the mouth closes the lower jaw meets the upper jaw in a groove, the sulcus mar- ginalis, which lies inside of the tooth-bearing margin of the upper jaw. The tuberculum prelinguale is a rounded conical prominence at the tip of the lower jaw. Live insects and worms form the principal diet of frogs. In capturing insects, the tongue, coated with an adhesive secretion is extended (Fig. 10), forked end foremost, and then retracted with the prey sticking to it. The nature of the teeth restricts their function largely to grasping and holding. The food moistened by the saliva is swallowed, passing down the Fig. 10.— Showing tongue of wide esophagus to the stomach and intestine where it is digested and ab- sorbed. If a longitudinal slit is made in the abdominal region of a frog, the cut passes through the skin and a thin layer of muscle. The skin can be easily separated from the underlying muscle, which is the real supporting element of the abdominal wall. To expose the underlying parts between the forelegs it is necessary to cut through the sternum which is part of the skeleton. Like- wise the pubic portion of the pelvic girdle between the hind limbs must be severed to follow the termination of the alimentary canal. The cavity thus exposed is the pleuroperitoneal cavity or coelom, in which lie the lungs, liver, pancreas, spleen, alimen- tary tract, kidneys, and reproductive organs (Fig. 11). The heart, it will be noted, is in a sac, the pericardium, which is really a subdivision of the coelomic cavity. The wall of the coelom is lined by a thin epithelium, the peritoneum or parietal peritoneum, which is continued over the organs, in whole or in part, as an investing membrane, the visceral peritoneum. The sac surround- ing the heart, the pericardium, represents the parietal peritoneum in that region. The small intestine is attached to the dorsal THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 31 part of the body cavity by a thin membrane, the mesentery, which provides a pathway for blood vessels and nerves to the intestine. The mesentery really consists of two thin sheets, right and left, continuous at the point of insertion in the body wall with the parietal peritoneum, and surrounding the intestine at the free edge, where it forms the visceral peritoneum, or serous membrane. Fig. 11. — Rana pipiens, male; ventral half of abdominal wall and parts of pectoral and pelvic girdles removed to show internal anatomy. B, bladder; C, colon (large intestine); Cl, cloaca; D, duodenum; G, gall bladder; H, heart; I, ileum; K, kidney; L, liver; Lu, lung; O, oviduct; S, stomach; T, testis. The visceral peritoneum, the mesentery, and the parietal peri- toneum are therefore different parts of a continuous epithelium. The lungs, liver, and pancreas have a similar relation to the peritoneum. The kidneys, on the other hand, are retroperitoneal — behind the peritoneum — which refers to the fact that the parietal peritoneum is fastened against the ventral faces and edges only of the kidneys. The dorsal surfaces of the kidneys are attached directly to the body wall. The term mesentery, in 32 GENERAL ZOOLOGY strict usage, applies to the portion of the peritoneum between the intestine and the body wall, but it is often used for the suspensory or supporting membrane of other viscera. The form of the entire alimentary tract can be seen if the liver and other overlying parts are re- moved, as in Fig. 12. The posterior continuation of the broad, ciliated, buccal cavity is the pharynx, which is also ciliated, and leads in turn to the esophagus, a wide muscular tube, lined by a ciliated epithelium and creased by longitudinal folds. Like the mouth, the esophagus is provided with mucous glands. The esophageal glands, located near the lower end of the esophagus, secrete pepsin. The demarcation between the esophagus and stomach is indicated externally by a constriction, but on the whole it is not very distinctly marked. If unpalatable food reaches the stom- ach, it may be regurgitated by a reversed peristaltic action which turns the stomach inside out, some- times causing it to bulge outside of the mouth. The soft glandular lin- Fig. 12.— Alimentary tract of ing of the stomach secretes pepsin Rana pipiens. B, bladder; BD, ancj hydrochloric acid, in addition to bile duct; C, colon (large intes- . „ . . ,. ,. tine) ; Ca, cardiac end of stomach; mucin. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme Cl, cloaca; D, duodenum; I, which in the presence of hydrochloric ileum; L, lung; La, larynx; M, . . • r j mi mesentery; Ob, esophagus; P, acid acts upon protein food. Ihe pylorus; Sp, spleen. curved stomach lies with its convex surface to the left and is attached to the body wall by the mesogaster and to the liver and small intestine by the gastro- hepatoduodenal ligament. These attaching structures are exam- ples of mesenteries. The lower end of the stomach leads to the small intestine, a sharp constriction at the pylorus marking the junction. The first part of the small intestine makes a sharp bend at the pylorus, turns forward and parallels the course of the stomach. This is THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 33 the duodenum. In the loop between the duodenum and the stomach lies the pancreas. At the top of the loop the duodenum passes over into the ileum, which turns back and follows a coiled path to the large intestine, from which it is marked off by a con- striction. The spleen, a small globular structure, reddish in color, is attached to the mesentery near the upper end of the large intestine. It is really a part of the circulatory system. The liver consists of three main lobes from which bile is collected by a system of hepatic ducts, which unite to form a common bile duct. The latter passes through the tissue of the pancreas and opens into the middle region of the duodenum. Since the bile duct also collects the secretions of the pancreas, the lower part of the duct serves as a hepato- pancreatic duct. The gall bladder is an enlargement on one or more of the hepatic ducts where bile is stored, until liberated from time to time into the bile duct (Fig. 13). The lining of the small intestine is duodenum Fig. 13. — Rana Pipiens. B, C, cystic duct; D, , G, gall bladder; H, folded into longitudinal and trans- hepatic duct; L, liver; P, pan- , . , , , creas; S, stomach. verse ridges, which increase the absorptive surface and delay the passage of food. Digestion of protein started in the stomach by pepsin is continued in the intestine by trypsin, one of the constituents of the pancreatic secretion. Amylopsin or amylase, and lipase, also produced in the pancreas, act on starches and fats, respectively. Amylase con- verts starches into sugars and lipase changes fats into fatty acids and glycerin. The bile has no digestive function but facilitates fat digestion. The liver is not primarily an organ of digestion. It serves to store sugar absorbed from the intestine, in the form of glycogen or animal starch, and also is concerned in the storage and utilization of fat and in the conversion of certain nitrogenous metabolic products of the blood into urea, which is excreted through the kidneys. Fibrinogen, from which the fibrin of clotted blood is formed, is produced in the liver. The large intestine opens into a chamber, the cloaca, which in turn opens to the outside. The cloaca also receives the openings 34 GENERAL ZOOLOGY of reproductive and urogenital systems and the mouth of the bladder. The large intestine serves to store fecal matter until it can be voided. The frog obtains oxygen by absorption through the skin, the surface of the buccal cavity, and the lining of the lungs. If the alimentary canal is dissected out as shown in Fig. 12, the lungs are seen as two conical sacs connected to an oblong structure, the larynx, attached to the ventral surface of the wall of the pharynx. The glottis, a slitlike opening, seen in the floor of the pharynx behind the tongue when the mouth is opened, leads to the larynx. From the internal surface of the lung, septa project inward and divide the lung cavity into alveoli, all of which open into the central, undivided cavity of the lung (Fig. 14). Bands of muscle Ai Fig. 14. — Cross section of lung of Rana pipiens. A, arteries; V, veins. are found on the inner, free edges of the septa, from which thinner strands of muscle extend through the septa to the wall of the lung, which likewise contains scattered muscle tissue fibers. The contraction of this muscle tissue under certain conditions collapses the lung and almost completely empties it of air. The cells at the free edges of the septa are ciliated and among the ciliated cells are found mucus-secreting goblet cells. Elsewhere the alveoli are covered by a flattened layer of cells. The septa are richly supplied with blood vessels, through which oxygen is absorbed from the air in the lungs and from which carbon dioxide is given off. A living frog displays two kinds of respiratory movements in the throat region: (1) a regular series of shallow pulsations, and (2) a deeper lowering and raising of the throat repeated several times. During the period of shallow respiratory movements, the external nares are open, the glottis closed, and air is drawn in and out of the buccal cavity through the nasal passages. The ventilation THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 35 of the buccopharyngeal region is accompanied by the absorption of oxygen through the lining of the mouth. When these shallow movements are interrupted by a deep lowering of the throat, an increased volume of air is drawn in ; but since before the comple- tion of this movement the external nares are closed and the glottis opened, air passes from the lungs into the buccal cavity. The vigorous contraction of the throat, which now follows, forces the mixed air back into the lungs. One or more repetitions of these deeper respiratory movements of the throat muscles cause the air to surge back and forth from the lungs to the mouth, after which the glottis closes, the nares open, and the shallow respira- tion is resumed. The closure of the external nares is effected by a slight forward movement of the lower jaw which wedges the tuberculum pre- linguale of the lower jaw between the two elements forming the tip of the upper jaw, the premaxillary bones, spreading them and closing off the nares. It is known that oxygen is absorbed through the skin of the frog throughout the entire year. This rate of oxygen absorption through both lungs and skin reaches its maximum during the spawning season. It is interesting that a greater amount of carbon dioxide is released from the skin than from the lungs. During the winter, with a general reduction of respiratory activity, the amount of carbon dioxide given off is at its lowest level. The respiratory function of the skin is highly important in the frog. A damp or moist environment is necessary for a frog, since the skin cannot prevent the loss of body fluids, in a dry warm atmosphere. The vocal cords are folds in the lateral walls of the larynx form- ing thickened lips, lying parallel to the edges of the glottis. They can be seen best by laying open the larynx with a cut through the ventral wall (Fig. 15). In producing sounds, air is forced back and forth from the lungs to the buccal cavity, thus causing the vocal cords to vibrate. Since sounds can be produced with- Fig. 15. — View of interior of right half of larynx of Rana pipiens. g, margin of glottis; l, lung;vc, vocal cord, attached at its ends and along its length to the wall of the larynx. 36 GENERAL ZOOLOGY out taking in air from the outside, frogs can call under water. In the male the volume of sound is increased by the vocal sacs, which are merely extensions of the floor of the mouth at each angle of the jaw, capable of dilation when filled with air and which act as resonators. They are lacking in the female. The frog has a well-developed blood-vascular system, con- sisting of a heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries, through which the blood is circulated. The heart is a pump which furnishes the motive power, by means of which the fluid blood is propelled through the system. The blood is forced from the heart through arteries which eventually break up into thin-walled capillaries from which the blood is returned to the heart by veins. There are two vascular circuits in the frog: (1) a pulmonary circuit connecting the heart and the lungs, and (2) a general systemic circuit connecting the heart with all other parts of the body. The blood itself is made up of a fluid plasma and several different kinds of cellular corpuscles suspended in the plasma. It func- tions as a vehicle for the conveyance to the cells of the body of nutritive material, absorbed from the alimentary canal, and of oxygen, absorbed from the lungs, skin, and buccal cavity. It also absorbs from the tissues generally, products of metabolism, including carbon dioxide, which are excreted through the kidneys, lungs, and skin. The lymphatic system is related to the blood circulatory system both structurally and functionally. It consists of large and small spaces, between and within body tissues, all connected, and drained into the blood system by means of four lymph hearts. Lymph also enters the blood stream through ciliated openings in the ventral surface of the kidneys which lead from the coelomic cavity to the renal veins. The subcutaneous lymph spaces are large and abundant, as a result of which the skin seems to be loosely attached to the underlying muscles. A large lymph space within the body is known as the cisterna magna which occupies most of the space above the dorsal side of the body cavity. The anterior pair of lymph hearts pumps lymph into the vertebral veins and the posterior pair pumps it into the transverse iliac veins. The general direction of flow of the lymph is from the tissues toward the veins, which in turn lead toward the heart. The lymph supplements the action of the blood in absorbing excretory products from the tissues. THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 37 The skeleton of the frog consists of bones which serve as a supporting framework for the body. Bodily movement is brought about by the contractions of muscles which are located external to the skeleton. The body musculature is composed of numerous distinct bundles of muscle tissue each of which is known as a muscle, whose action is under the control of the central nervous system. Joints between skeletal ele- ments make possible the movement of different portions of the body. The extension or flexion of a segment of a limb, for example, is brought about through the action of two antagonistic sets of muscles extending over the joint, the contraction of one set producing an effect opposite to that of the other. The muscles are attached to the bones by means of tendons and it is usually the tendon from the distal end of the muscle that extends over the joint to be inserted on the bone. A muscle produces move- ment by contraction, which draws its ends, and any parts attached to them, toward each other. Relaxation of the muscle is passive and does not produce a pushing effect. The frog has a central nervous system fig. 16— Dorsal view of consisting of the brain, enclosed in the cDentral nervous sys4tem °f a • 7 j Rana catesbeiana. A, audi- Cranium Of the skull, and a spinal COrd tory nerve; C, cerebellum; lying in the channel formed by the neural gH- ce£,ebrai hemisphere; J & J E, eye; F, filum terminate; arches of the vertebrae of the backbone, i.e., internal ear; M, me- Connected with the brain are ten pairs d,uflla; N* nasal cavity: .?• . olfactory nerve; Op, optic of cranial nerves distributed mainly to nerve; O.L., optic lobe; P, various parts of the head. The tenth Pinf \ organ; S.C spinal ^ m cord; 1,2,7,8,9, spinal nerves. cranial nerve, the vagus, has unportant connections with the viscera. There are also ten pairs of spinal nerves connected with the spinal cord which are distributed to the trunk and limbs. The chain ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system consist of a pair of nerve trunks which extend from within -7,8,9 38 GENERAL ZOOLOGY the cranium posteriorly along the dorsal surface of the body cavity. These trunks are connected by means of rami communicantes with the spinal nerves and certain of the cranial nerves. Enlarge- ments on the trunks are known as ganglia. Nerves extending from the chain ganglia are distributed among the viscera and the walls of blood vessels. The regulation of the heart beat, the secretion of digestive fluids, the contraction of the nonstriated Fig. 17. — Female reproductive system of Rana pipiens, ventral view, right ovary removed. A, adrenal gland; B, bladder; Cl, cloaca; K, kidney; LI, large intestine; O, oviduct; Os, ostium of oviduct; Ov, ovary; U, uterus; Ur, ureter. muscles in the walls of the alimentary tract, and other functional activities of the viscera are controlled through the agency of the sympathetic nervous system and the closely related parasym- pathetic nervous system (Chap. IX). All of these activities are involuntary and autonomic. The central nervous system, with its peripheral connections, furnishes a mechanism for controlling and coordinating bodily activities of all sorts (Fig. 16). Reproduction in the frog results from the fertilization of an egg. The reproductive organs of the female consist of a pair THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 39 of ovaries, which are attached by mesenteries to the body wall at the level of the anterior end of the kidneys. Each ovary has the appearance of a mass of black and white beads, which are developing eggs. During the breeding season the ovaries become so large as to exceed the rest of the viscera in volume. The younger eggs or ova are small and white in color. As they grow older, they become black at the animal pole and white at the opposite, vegetative or vegetal pole, where most of the yolk is concentrated. When mature, the eggs are released by ruptures in the wall of the ovaries and, propelled by the action of cilia located on the surface of the liver, pericardium, and peritoneum, eventually find their way into the ovi- ducts. Each oviduct is provided with a wide mouth or ostium at its anterior end, located near the base of the lung, through which the eggs enter. As they pass through the coils of the oviducts, the eggs are covered with three layers of an albuminous secretion of the walls of the oviducts. At the lower end of each oviduct, just before it opens into the cloaca, an enlargement, the uterus, serves as a storage place for mature eggs tive system of Rana pipiens, before they are discharged through the ™t»'B ^SiJbJ^; cloaca (Fig. 17). F, fat body; K, kidney; The reproductive organs of the male ^^^Ur!^?.' ^^ consist of two yellow, bean-shaped testes, attached by mesenteries to the body wall between the anterior ends of the kidneys. Spermatozoa pass from each testis by way of a small number of vasa efferentia into the corresponding kidney, from which they leave by the ureter, a duct passing from the outer border of the kidney to the cloaca. The ureter in the male thus serves a double function in that it provides a passageway to the cloaca for both the urine from the kidney and the spermatozoa from the testis. In the male oviducts are present but reduced in size. They are not functional (Fig. 18). The reproductive organs reach the height of their development in the early spring when spawning occurs. The eggs are fertilized 40 GENERAL ZOOLOGY in the water by a single spermatozoon entering each egg. The jelly surrounding each egg swells to several times its original diameter and serves as a protective covering for the developing embryo. When the embryo reaches the length of six or seven millimeters it hatches by wiggling out of the gelatinous capsule. This takes place about two weeks after fertilization, depending upon the temperature of the water, a low temperature prolonging the time. The embryo, now a larva, has a blunt head and a short median fin, but no limbs or even a mouth. At either side of the head are rudiments of external gills. A mouth soon forms from an indentation (invagination) in the outside layer of cells covering the ventral surface of the head, communicating with the anterior end of the pharynx. The larva then begins to feed on water plants and grows rapidly. The external gills become enclosed in a fold of the skin, called the operculum, which forms a respira- tory chamber, opening on the left side by a spiracle. With the formation of the operculum, the external gills are resorbed and are replaced by internal gills, which develop on the edges of gill slits located in the wall of the pharynx on either side. The forelegs develop inside of the operculum and at first are not visible externally. The hind limbs appear later at the base of the tail. At about the end of the third month of larval development metamorphosis takes place. Metamorphosis involves profound changes, both external and internal. Briefly, these consist in the completion of the development of the lungs with accompanying changes in the circulatory system ; an enlargement of the stomach and liver and a shortening of the intestine; the resorption of the operculum and the liberation of the forelimbs; disappearance of the gills and closure of the gill slits; and finally the resorption of the tail. During the larval period the mouth is provided with horny jaws which are cast off with the molting of the skin accompanying metamorphosis. During the larval period the diet is largely plant material. After metamorphosis, the frog becomes more carnivorous in its feeding habits. Correlated with this there occurs a shortening of the alimentary tract, in keeping with well-known fact that flesh eaters have relatively shorter digestive tracts than plant eaters. Hibernation. — Following the breeding season and throughout the summer the frog is an active feeder, storing up a reserve THE ANIMAL ORGANISM 41 supply of energy to carry it through the winter. Late in the autumn the frog buries itself in mud below the frost line and passes the cold months in a state of suspended animation. Respiration is reduced to a minimum and is confined to the skin. The body temperature drops until it is only slightly above the temperature of the ground. Metabolic activity is displayed in the activity involved in producing a circulation of the blood and in the development of the eggs and spermatozoa. When the frog emerges from hibernation in the spring it still possesses sufficient reserves of energy to complete spawning before resum- ing feeding. The foregoing is a summarized statement of the general plan of the structural and of the functional activities of the frog. In the following chapters the discussion of organization is con- tinued by comparing organ systems of selected animals, both structurally and functionally, using the frog as the basic form, for the purpose of obtaining a bird's-eye view of the conditions found in as many different types of animals as can be conven- iently studied. It must be remembered, however, that the organ- ism as a whole is the real unit in living nature and that the comparison of organ systems is a comparison of parts of the organism unit. The alternative to such a plan is to consider only entire organisms, a procedure that is entirely sound but one which limits the scope, if the time available for study is to be considered. However, a basis for the appreciation of the com- parison of organ systems is provided by the laboratory work in which a number of selected forms are studied as whole organisms. With the laboratory experience as a background, the comparative study of organ systems serves to bridge the gaps left by the laboratory programs and offers a practical method of securing a general survey of the field in the shortest time. CHAPTER III INTEGUMENT Integument or skin is the covering of the body. Its form, thickness and physical consistency, in all cases, provide some degree of protection from mechanical injury. Combined with this purely passive function of the skin is a nervous function maintained by sensory-nerve endings located just below the surface of the body. Since the entire nervous system evolved from the primitive integument or ectoderm, the nervous function of the skin is one of its primary functions. Respiration, the absorption of gaseous oxygen and the evolution of carbon dioxide, is another primary function of the integument and one that persists in the integument of many animals. The protective function of the integument, provided by its toughness or texture, is further extended in some cases by the presence of glands capable of secreting poisonous, slimy, or malodorous substances. Sebaceous glands, producing oil, and sudoriparous glands, pro- ducing sweat, are found in the skin of some animals. Integument of the Frog. — The outer layer of the integument of the frog is known as the epidermis. Beneath this is the corium or dermis. These two layers occur in the skin of all vertebrates. Epidermis. — The epidermis consists of two regions: the stratum corneum at the surface, and the stratum germinativum below, both of which are epithelial in structure (Fig. 19). An epithelium may be defined as one or more layers of cells, com- pactly arranged, covering an external or internal surface of the body of an animal or derived from such a surface. The stratum corneum, an example of a simple squamous epithelium, is com- posed of broad flattened cells of a horny texture, and serves as the outermost protecting layer of the skin. From time to time this layer is shed as a whole, a process known as molting or ecdysis. The stratum germinativum is composed of several layers of cells, forming a stratified epithelium. The innermost or 42 INTEGUMENT 43 basal layer of this epithelium is composed of columnar cells, while the cells of the upper layers are polygonal in outline, Fig. 19. — Section of skin of Rana pipiens, showing a mucous gland. C, stratum compactum; Co, stratum corneum; Ch, chromatophores; E, epidermis; S, stratum spongiosum. becoming definitely flattened next to the stratum corneum. When the stratum corneum is lost at molting, its place is taken by the outermost layer of the stratum germinativum, and new cells, formed by cell divisions in the basal layer, are pushed up from below. All of the cells of the epidermis originate in the basal layer. A peculiar histological characteristic of the cells of the stratum germinativum is the pres- ence of delicate processes, called intercellular bridges, connecting adjacent cells (Fig. 20). Pigment cells or chromatophores °[ Rana Vipicns:y ^hXl magnified, ° . showing intercellular bridges. C, OCCUr in Small numbers in the stratum corneum; G, stratum epidermis. Cutaneous innerva- germinativum. tion is supplied by nerves terminating in the lower layers of the epidermis. The epidermis is pierced by ducts leading from glands located in the corium. Fig. 20. — Section of epidermis 44 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Corium. — The histological structure of the corium is entirely- different from that of the epidermis. It is composed of two layers: an outer stratum spongiosum and an inner stratum com- pactum, both containing a large amount of connective tissue fibers. These fibers are of two kinds: white fibers, which are inelastic and unbranched ; and yellow fibers, which are elastic and branched. The fibers of the spongiosum layer form a more or less open network, in which are found blood vessels, lymph spaces, nerves, and glands. At various points this layer is elevated to form dermal papillae, each of which contains a touch corpuscle composed of a conical group of flattened cells supplied with sensory nerve endings. Most of the chromatophores lie in the upper layer of the corium. The fibers of the stratum compactum appear in sections as a wavy layer of compact tissue, traversed at intervals by vertical bands extending upward into the stratum spongiosum and the epidermis. The fibers are both branched and unbranched. Here and there are nonstriated muscle fibers whose contractions move the skin. Nerves and blood vessels also occur. Beneath the stratum compactum is a layer of loose connective tissue, the subcutaneous connective tissue, which is divided into an inner and outer layer by large lymph spaces. The lymph spaces are separated by septa joining the two layers of subcuta- neous tissue. This tissue attaches the skin to the underlying parts. In general, connective tissue is characterized by the presence of a large amount of intercellular material, which in the case of the corium is fibrous. Connective tissue cells are found in and among the fibers, but the fibers themselves lie outside of cells. We shall see later that bone and cartilage are also forms of con- nective tissue, but in these cases the intercellular material is represented by the matrix of bone or cartilage, in which the cells are embedded. Glands.— The cutaneous glands of the frog are of the simple alveolar type. This means that each gland consists of a globular alveolus, whose wall is composed of a single layer of cells, con- nected with a short straight duct whose wall is also a single layer of cells (Fig. 19). The duct opens on the surface of the skin, but the alveolus is located in the stratum spongiosum. However, both alveolus and duct originate as a downgrowth from the basal layer of the epidermis and are therefore epithelial structures. INTEGUMENT 45 Microscopic sections stained with haematoxylin (blue stain) and eosin (pink stain) show two types of glands differing both in structure and in the staining reactions of the cytoplasm of the alveolar cells (Fig. 21). In one, the mucous type, the cytoplasm is in the form of a network and takes the blue stain; in the other, the poison type, the cytoplasm is granular and stains a deep pink. The size and shape of the cells of both types vary with the activity of the gland. Cells filled with secretion enlarge until they practically fill the cavity of the alveolus. As the secretion is discharged, the cells shrink to a low cubical form. Each type of gland is surrounded by a muscular and connective tissue tunic, the contractions of the muscles aiding the discharge of the secretion. Respiration. — The skin of the frog plays an important part in aerating the blood, supplementing the respiratory functions of the oral epithelium and the lungs. The cutaneous blood vessels are separated from the surface of the body by at least the thickness of the epidermis, so that oxygen FlG 2i.— Section of a absorbed from air or water must diffuse small immature poison through the epidermis and the walls of g an blood capillaries in order to reach the blood. Carbon dioxide given off from the blood passes from the blood in the reverse direction. In this respiratory exchange, therefore, the gases pass through several layers of cells, though the total distance is not very great. Water. — Water passes in either direction, to or from the blood stream, through the frog's skin. Experiments indicate that the rate of diffusion of water under pressure through the skin is much greater from without than from within. Water thus passes in more readily than out. The limited control of water loss through the skin makes it necessary for the frog to live in a moist environment. In a dry, warm room a frog will die overnight as a result of the loss of water. Human Skin. — Though built on the same general lines as frog's skin, human skin differs in a number of structural and functional features. Human skin is much thicker and tougher, gives rise to different types of glands, and is richly supplied with a variety of specialized nerve endings. It is impervious to water and does 46 GENERAL ZOOLOGY not function in respiratory processes. It may develop hair (Fig. 22). The human epidermis is composed of many layers of cells, morphologically differentiated into distinct regions which, beginning with the lowest or innermost layer, are as follows: (1) stratum germinativum, (2) stratum granulosum, (3) stratum lucidum, and (4) stratum corneum. The basal layer of the CO Fig. 22. — Vertical section of human skin, semidiagrammatic. b, basal layer of epidermis; c, stratum corneum, the outer layer of epidermis; co, corium; d, duct of sweat gland; e, epidermis; g, stratum granulosum; ge, stratum germi- nativum; h, hair; l, stratum lucidum; s, sweat gland; be, sebaceous gland, open- ing into hair follicle. stratum germinativum produces all of the epidermis and from it also develop hair follicles and hair, sweat and oil glands, mam- mary glands, and nails. It is composed of five or six layers of cells, graded in shape from a columnar outline in the basal layer to a flattened polygonal form in the outer layers. The stratum granulosum is about two cell layers in thickness and gets its name from the fact that the cytoplasm of the cells in this layer has undergone a granular degeneration, the product being known as keratohy aline granules. The condition of the cells of the INTEGUMENT 47 stratum lucidum represents an advance in degenerative changes in which the keratohyaline granules of the granulosum cells are converted into a substance called eleidin, which gives the stratum lucidum a glassy appearance in sections. The stratum corneum is composed of numerous layers of dead, dry, squamous cells that are constantly rubbed off piecemeal. The loss of cells at the surface of the skin is made good by the production of new cells in the basal layer of the epidermis, whence they spread to the outside. The various layers of the epidermis, above the basal layer, represent progressive stages in cell degeneration. The corium of human skin is made up of white and elastic connective tissue fibers, blood vessels, nerves, and glands pro- jecting into it from the epidermal layer. The stratum subcuta- neum lies beneath the corium to which it is firmly attached. It is composed of loose, fibrous connective tissue, with numerous fat cells and is connected below by connective tissue with muscle or with the periosteum of bone. Human skin is more firmly anchored to underlying structures than is the skin of the frog. There are no chromatophores in human skin. The color of the skin is due to pigment granules in and among the lowest layers of the epidermis. A few granules are also found in the corium. There are two general types of glands in human skin, sweat glands and oil glands. Sweat glands, epidermal in origin, are long unbranched tubes, extending from the surface of the epi- dermis into the deep part of the corium or into the subcutaneous tissue, each tube terminating in a coil. Ordinarily, the secretory cells, located in the coiled portion of the gland, secrete an oily fluid for the lubrication of the skin, but under nervous stimulation the secretion becomes more watery and by evaporation serves to cool the surface of the body. Sebaceous glands, also derived from the epidermis, are branched or unbranched glands located in the upper layer of the corium and usually attached to the sheath of a hair. On the margin of the lip they occur independ- ently of hair. The secretion consists of fat and cell debris. In its production the gland cells fill with fat and then break down, the fat and cell debris forming a semifluid material. The mammary glands, which may be regarded as modified sweat glands, are made up of a branching system of ducts terminating in alveoli, i.e., rounded vesicles, which extend from their point of origin in the epidermis, at the nipple, into the corium and 48 GENERAL ZOOLOGY subcutaneous tissue of the breast. In the secretion of milk, the free end of the gland cell ruptures and discharges fatty droplets along with cell substance. The empty cells then fill up. Few gland cells are cast off. The ceruminous (wax) glands of the external auditory meatus are also modified sweat glands. Nails and Claws. — A cross section of a finger through the nail shows that the nail is composed of a layer of cornified cells overlying a stratum germinativum (Fig. 23). The corium of the nail bed consists of fibrous and elastic connective tissue running vertically from the periosteum of the bone (phalanx of the finger) to the stratum germinativum, and also of connective tissue fibers running the length of the finger. The cornified layer of the nail represents modified epidermal cells. In the embryo this A B Fig. 23. — The nail of a human fetus of 10 weeks. A, dorsal view; B, longitu- dinal section; b, nail bed; e, eponychium; h, hyponychium; 1, lunula; n, nail; s, nail sulcus. (After Kollman.) layer is covered by the eponychium, which in the adult is reduced to the thin layer at the base of the nail, continuous with stratum corneum of the contiguous skin. The nail is produced from the stratum germinativum at the root of the nail and as far forward as the boundary of the lunula, the crescentic white area at the base of the nail. Claws are similar modifications of the epidermal layer. Hair and Feathers. — In the embryo, the development of a hair begins as a solid downgrowth of the basal layer of the epidermis, terminating in a bulb, which becomes indented from below. The indented region is occupied by cells from the corium, form- ing the papilla which in later stages is provided with blood vessels. The central part of the column above the papilla separates from the peripheral cells to form a core, from which the shaft of the hair develops (Fig. 24). The peripheral cells of the hair column form the sheath of the hair. The sebaceous glands develop from INTEGUMENT 49 the cells of the hair sheath. Later, a connective tissue sheath is formed from the corium around the lower half of the hair follicle. The arrectores pile-rum are bundles of nonstriated muscle extend- ing from the fibrous tissue of the corium to the connective tissue sheath of the follicle. Their contractions raise the hair on end. The hair grows by additions of cells from the bulb. The shaft of the hair is formed of cornified cells derived from stratum germinativum of the bulb which, as they are pushed out, adhere B Fig. 24. — Diagrams showing the development of hair. A, the formation of the hair column from the stratum germinativum of the epidermis; B, the hair at birth, b, hair bulb; c, hair column; d, corium; e, epitrichium; h, hair shaft; h.c, hair canal; i.e., inner layers of epidermis; m, muscle (arrector pili) ; oe., outer layer of epidermis; p, hair papilla; s.g., rudiment of sebaceous gland. in the form of the hair. The feathers of birds, though somewhat more complicated in structure than hairs, are also composed of modified epidermal cells and develop in a somewhat similar manner. Scales. — The scaly covering of reptiles, such as snakes, is composed of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which is shed as a whole when the animal molts. On the other hand, the scales of fishes are primarily subepidermal structures. Of these the most primitive type is represented by the place-id scale of the elasmobranchs (sharks). Such a scale consists of a flattened base of dentine from the center of the external surface of which a spine projects. As the bony basal plate and its spine are laid 50 GENERAL ZOOLOGY clown in the corium, the overlying epidermis secretes a hard enamel covering upon the dentinal base and spine. The rough "sandpaper" surface of the shark's skin is thus due to numerous sharp spines, each projecting outward from a basal plate. The exposed, enamel-covered spines are like so many short sharp- pointed teeth on the surface of the body, the basal plates remain- ing embedded in the corium below and the epidermal layer above. This type of scale is thought to be the forerunner of vertebrate teeth and dermal bone (Fig. 25). The scales of teleost fishes, such as the perch or bass, consist of bony plates developed in the dermis and overlaid by the epi- dermis. Scales of this type may be hard and bony or soft and flexible. The epidermis takes no part in their development. A B Fig. 25. — Placoid scale. A, view from above; B, side view, s, spine; p, basal plate. Horns, Hoofs, Antlers. — The horns and hoofs of sheep, goats, and cattle represent cornifications of the epidermis and resemble nails and claws in their general composition. Usually horns are not shed, a notable exception being the horns of the prong-horn antelope, Antilocapra americana, of Western U. S. Antlers are outgrowths of the frontal bones of the skull and are at first covered with skin which may persist throughout life, as in the giraffe, but which in forms like deer, elk, etc. becomes worn off, exposing the bone. The antlers are shed each year, the succeed- ing ones displaying a greater number of tines, which thus serve as an index of age. Invertebrate Integument. — The outermost layer of the integu- ment of some invertebrate animals is cellular, as in the flatworm, Planocera, in which it consists of short columnar epithelial cells, one cell layer in thickness, and provided with cilia on the outer surface (Fig. 26). In many other invertebrates a typical condi- tion consists in the presence of a noncellular structure, the cuticle or cuticula, at the surface of the body. The cuticle is a substance INTEGUMENT 51 Fig. 26.— Ciliated cells of the epidermis secreted by the underlying epidermal cells, varying in different animals in its thickness, texture, and composition. It is pierced by openings of small size through which secretions of glands are discharged. Other openings are occupied by sense organs of touch, taste or smell connected with nerve endings coming in from below. The cuticle of the earthworm is a very thin but tough layer which, if stripped off and examined under the microscope, shows a crisscross arrange- ment of fibrils which give it the appearance of a piece of thin-woven cloth (Fig. 27). Numerous small openings provide a passage for secretions of of the turbel- unicellular mucus glands. The fibrillar structure of clra^inqJalna. the cuticle may be the result of stresses and strains The darkly set up in the cuticle during its formation. In both fhaTdites^H- the flatworm and the earthworm the integument creted by the , , <> ,. epidermis. has a respiratory function. In the group Arthropoda, which includes animals like the lobster, crayfish, spiders, insects, etc., the cuticular layer develops into a stiff armor. Joints between segments of the body and between segments of appendages such as legs or antennae, are provided by a softer cuticle connecting adjacent segments. The soft cuticle is protected by a telescoping of the hard cuticle of one segment over the end of the adjoining one. In insects the cuticle is composed of an organic sub- stance called chitin which is not only hard and tough but also resistant to the action of acids and alkalis. In the crayfish the cuticle consists of an organic material impregnated with lime salts. Beneath the cuticle are the epidermal cells which secrete it. The cuticle of the arthropods not , only serves as a protective outer covering but of cuticle stripped also acts as an exoskeleton to which the body worm an Car " muscles are attached. Figure 28 shows a section of the integument of the lobster. The cuticle, above, is laid down in stratified layers. The epidermal cells immediately below this layer are large columnar cells con- taining vertical fibrils. On the left side of the figure, the fibrils of the epithelial cells seem to be continuous with fibrils con- nected with muscle cells below. The muscles are attached to the 52 GENERAL ZOOLOGY cuticle through the agency of epidermal cells. The epidermal layer lacks a basement membrane, and the lateral walls of the cells are poorly defined. conn, t nu. mvs.c. Fig. 28. — Portion of the new integument of a lobster, Homarus, as seen in section. The cuticle is shown above in stratified layers,, connec- tive-tissue nucleus; bl.c, blood cells; mus.c, muscle cells. (From Dahlgren and Kepner, Principles of Animal Histology, The Macmillan Company. By permission.) Animals with a hardened cuticle undergo periodic molting or ecdysis, during which the cuticle splits in definite places and the animal crawls out. The new cuticle is then secreted, and while it is still soft and elastic, the animal grows in size. A soft-shell crab is one that has recently shed its cuticle. INTEGUMENT 53 The shell of molluscs such as the snail, clam, and oyster is also the product of the activity of cells at the surface of the body. The secretion consists of organic matter, conchiolin, richly impregnated with calcium carbonate. The shell increases in size by additions at its edge and, unlike the cuticle of arthropods, is not shed. The hard integument of the starfish and sea urchin consists of calcareous plates developed in the subepidermal region of the skin. The epidermis is a thin simple epithelium overlying the plates except where points of the plates project. These plates act as an armor protecting the internal organs and con- stitute an exoskeleton though differing in origin and development from the exoskeleton of the arthropods. General. — A comparison of the integument of invertebrates with the integument of vertebrates brings out the following points: (1) In both groups an epidermal layer of cells, repre- senting the primitive covering of the body, is present. Among invertebrates, the epidermis may secrete a cuticle of variable hardness and chemical composition which serves as a protective covering and also provides points of attachment for body muscles and other internal organs. Among vertebrates, on the other hand, the surface layer of the body remains cellular, though the cells may be highly transformed, as in the outer layer of the shell of turtle which is epidermal in origin. In snakes the hardened outer layer of the skin is the stratum corneum of the epidermis. (2) The subepidermal layer of the invertebrate skin is as a rule poorly developed. An exception is found in Echinodermata, such as the starfish, in which the hard calcareous plates of the exoskeleton develop below the epidermis. The corium of vertebrates is a well-developed layer that provides the skin with its tough and at the same time flexible character. Leather is the chemically treated corium of hides. In those vertebrates in which the skin takes on the form and consistency of an exo- skeleton, such as in many fishes, turtles, alligators, crocodiles, and some mammals (armadillo), the condition is the result of the development of scales or bony plates in the corium. CHAPTER IV ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE Many invertebrate animals are soft-bodied and lack a hard, rigid supporting or protecting skeletal structure. If a skeleton is present, it is in the form of an exoskeleton enveloping the body. An internal supporting hard framework is absent. The invertebrate skeleton is integumentary in both origin and location. In sharp contrast, all verte- brates possess an internal skeleton regardless of the fact that in some cases an exoskeleton may also be present. The vertebrate type of skeleton is called an endoskeleton because it is situated internal to the body muscles. In the inverte- brate type of skeleton the muscles are internal to the skeleton (Fig. 29). The endoskeleton is composed of cartilage or bone, or a combination of both, and in its development it is closely associated with the development of the voluntary musculature of the body. Such a skeleton provides an internal framework to which the body muscles are attached. Joints between the parts of the skeleton permit movement of the parts upon or about one another, while the movement itself is produced by the contractions of the attached 29_Reia- muscles. Skeleton and muscle are intimately tion of muscle to related functional as well as structural compo- hard parts in the „ , -i 1 r i_ 1 leg of an insect, nents of a system responsible lor body move- (AfterBeriesejrom ments, controlled through nervous connections Skull, LaRue and . , , Ruthven; Animal by the central nervous system. Biology.) two general regions are recognized in the endoskeleton of vertebrates: (1) the axial skeleton, which includes the skull and vertebral column or backbone, and (2) the appen- ds ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 55 dicular skeleton, made up of the skeleton of the limb girdles and the skeleton of the paired appendages, such as the paired fins of fishes or the arms and legs of terrestrial forms. Ribs and the pre max if ferry nasal maxillary -fronfo -parietal pterygoid angu/otre Squamosal quadrato-jugal exoccipjfal auditory capsule transverse process sacrum urostyte Fig. 30. — Axial skeleton of Rana catesbeiana, dorsal view. skeleton of unpaired fins if present belong to the axial skeleton. The sternum or breast bone seems to be a development of the anterior limb girdle and therefore a part of the appendicular skeleton. 56 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Cranium of the Frog. — The skull is composed of two parts: (1) the cranium, which encloses the brain, the inner ears, and olfactory organs, and (2) the visceral skeleton, made up of the upper and lower jaws and the hyoid apparatus. The cranium of the frog occupies the central region of the skull. Beginning at the posterior end are two bones, a right and left exoccipital bone, between which is a large opening, the foramen magnum, through which the spinal cord passes from the cranium to the neural canal of the vertebral column (Fig. 31). Each exoccipital bone, on its posterior face has a rounded projection, the occipital condyle, one on each side of the foramen magnum. The two frarf/o-parfefoU^^ exoccipital condyles articulate with the columella $£~\ 1 ^*\/^$rpro6t'c atlas or first vertebra. At the quadratoH^^X^^'^^^tiuamosal side and just in front of each 9q\{//r „,„,. occipital condyle is a foramen for the passage of the ninth and tenth cranial nerves. Fig. 31. — Posterior view of skull of The prootic bones, which form Rana catesbeiana. ^ auditory capsuleS) are short cylindrical bones at the sides and in front of the exoccipital bones. On the lower lateral surface of each prootic bone near the outer edge is an opening, the foramen ovale, which faces the middle ear (Fig. 31). The foramen ovale is closed by a cartilage which in turn articulates with the broad, inner end of the colu- mella, the principal ossicle of the middle ear. From the broad base, the columella extends outward as a slender, slightly curved rod to the tympanic membrane to which it is attached. Vibra- tions of the tympanic membrane are transmitted through the columella and the cartilage at its inner expanded end to the inner ear. At the front and toward the ventral side of each prootic bone is an opening serving as a passageway for the fifth, sixth, and seventh cranial nerves. The frontoparietal bones, one on either side, extend forward from the exoccipital bones to form the greater part of the roof of the portion of the cranium enclosing the brain (Fig. 30). These two bones are firmly united in the mid-line by a median suture. From the side of each a wing extends downward to form a portion of the side wall of the cranium. The greater part of the floor of the cranium is formed by the unpaired parasphenoid bone. This bone consists of a transverse process spanning the region ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 57 beneath and between the prootic bones, from the center of which a narrow longitudinal tongue extends forward (Fig. 32). The anterior end of the cranial cavity is closed by the cylin- drical sphenethmoid bone which is overlapped above by the frontoparietals and below by the anterior end of the parasphenoid. In front of the sphenethmoid is the nasal cavity, which is divided by a median partition. The side walls of the cranium between the sphenethmoid in front and the prootic bones behind, and the frontoparietals above and the parasphenoid below, are formed of cartilage. The large spaces on either side of the frontoparietal bones are the orbits of the eyes. pre maxillary men to- Meckel ictn vomer palatine dentate sphen - ethmoid paras ph e no/ d squamosa/ angulare pterygoid exoccipi+al columella Fig. 32. — Ventral view of skull of Rana catesbeiana. The paired nasal bones, lying just in front of the frontoparietals, meet in the mid-line, overlying the cartilaginous nasal capsules. From each nasal bone a narrow process extends laterally to the upper jaw. Below the nasal capsules and forming the floor of the cranium in front of the sphenethmoid bone are the paired vomer bones. Each vomer bone bears a tooth on its ventral face. Suspensorium of the Frog's Skull. — Three pairs of bones, the squamosals, pterygoids, and palatines, attach the jaws to the cranium and constitute the suspensory apparatus of the skull. The squamosal bone can be seen best in a side view of the skull (Fig. 33). It consists of a narrow stem extending from the angle of the jaw diagonally upward to a shorter cross piece, which is articulated at its upper end to the prootic bone and whose lower end curves downward toward the upper jaw. The ptery- 58 GENERAL ZOOLOGY goid can be seen in a ventral view of the skull (Fig. 32). Begin- ning at the angle of the jaw, it curves forward beneath the stem of the squamosal to the upper jaw at its middle where it is also connected to the lower end of the cross piece of the squamosal by cartilage. From the center of this arched portion of the ptery- goid bone an arm projects medially to the outer end of the prootic bone. Each palatine bone extends from the anterior end of the exoccipifal pterygoid- squamosal fronhpariefo/^ sphenethmoid ■nasal parte faL iemporal/ angulare -pre- maxil/ary =^~- S> menfo- dentale Meckelian frontal ■superior maxillary Fig. occipital mastoid process inferior maxillary 33. — Side view of skull Rana catesbeiana and of human skull, reduced in size for purpose of comparison. sphenethmoid outward to the upper jaw, directly beneath the lateral processes of the nasal bones. Jaws of the Frog. — The upper jaw is composed of three pairs of bones. In front are the two premaxillary bones, short segments, from each of which a short facial process curves upward and back toward the external nares. A maxillary bone forms the long segment, on either side, extending from the premaxillary in front to the quadratojugal bone behind. The quadratojugal bone articulates with the squamosal and pterygoid bones at its posterior end. Teeth are borne by the premaxillary and maxil- lary bones (Fig. 33). ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 59 At the tip of each half of the lower jaw is a short segment, the mentomeckelian bone, directly beneath the corresponding pre- maxillary bone in the upper jaw. The mentomeckelian bone continues backward to the angle of the jaw as Meckel's cartilage, passing between two overlapping bones, the dentate in front and outside of the cartilage, and the angulare, inside of and below the cartilage. The posterior half of the cartilage runs in a groove on the upper surface of the angulare, widening out to form an articulating surface at the end of the jaw. In prepared skeletons, the cartilage is often absent, but the groove in the angulare can be clearly seen. There are no teeth in the lower jaw. The coronoid process of the angulare offers a point of attach- ment for muscles that close the jaw. The tips of both upper and lower | §|f J .alp jaws are movable. When the tip of the lower jaw is thrust upward, the premaxillaries are raised, pushing the ss^ £/ \j| w PI R pref acial processes of the latter against the sides of the external nares, closing them. Fig. 34.— Hyoid apparatus of HyOld Skeleton. — The frog in the Rana catesbeiana, ventral view. ,11 , • • i i -ji •ii a.c, anterior cornu; a. p., an- tadpole stage is provided with gills terior process. al p f alarpy pro. and gill clefts, perforating the pharynx cess; p.i.p. posterior lateral on either side. When metamorphosis process; **" thyroid procesa- occurs, the gills disappear and the branchial skeleton supporting the gills becomes converted into the hyoid skeleton of the adult, most of which is cartilaginous (Fig. 34). The body of the hyoid is a flat plate of cartilage, roughly quadrilateral in shape, located in the floor of the mouth cavity. The anterior cornua of the hyoid are a pair of slender rods curving backward and upward, one to each prootic bone. The alary processes extend laterally, one on each side just behind the corresponding anterior cornu. The posterior lateral processes extend from the body behind and at the sides. Between them are the ossified thyroid processes which enclose and support the larynx. Chondrocranium. — The primitive vertebrate skull was cartila- ginous. In higher vertebrates parts of this chondrocranium are ossified or replaced by membrane bone. In the frog much of the cartilaginous cranium remains. The exoccipitals, prootics, and 60 GENERAL ZOOLOGY sphenethmoid of the cranium are cartilage bones, by which is meant that they are first laid down in cartilage, and later con- verted into bone. The remaining cranial bones, the fronto- parietal, parasphenoid, nasal, and palatine bones are membrane bones, i.e., they develop directly out of connective tissue and are not preformed in cartilage. If they are carefully removed, the cartilaginous cranium is found beneath them enclosing the brain completely except for several openings in the roof. It has already been pointed out that the core or axis of the lower jaw is formed by Meckel's cartilage. The upper jaw like- wise is built on a cartilaginous basis continuous with the chon- drocranium. Excepting the quadratojugal and mentomeckelian bones, the components of the suspensory apparatus and the jaws are membrane bones. Some of the general and more obvious differences between the human skull and that of the frog are shown in Fig. 33. In the human skull there has been an enormous increase in size of the cranium as compared with the frog. The frontoparietal region of the frog is flat; in the human skull it is highly elevated and convex. The human cranium is also relatively wider and more elongated posteriorly above the occipital region. The human jaws are relatively shorter than those of the frog. The human skull is completely ossified. The human face results from the increased size of the cranium accompanied by a relative and actual reduction in visceral skeleton. Vertebral Column. — The vertebral column or backbone of the frog consists of a series of nine vertebrae, all of which are based on a common structural plan, followed by a tenth, the rodlike urostyle. The urostyle represents the caudal vertebrae of the frog tadpole which become fused into a single bone during the process of metamorphosis. Each of the first nine vertebrae, except the first and ninth, consists of (1) a centrum, a solid ventral portion, concave in front and convex behind, and (2) a neural arch, forming the dorsal half of the vertebra (Fig. 35). The space between the arch and the centrum is occupied by the spinal cord. On the dorsal side of the arch in the mid-line is a projection, the neural spine. From either side of the neural arch a transverse process extends laterally. In a fresh specimen each transverse process bears at its outer end a short cartilaginous segment, which represents a rudimentary rib. Ribs are there- ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 61 fore practically absent in the frog. Extending forward from the anterior edge of each neural arch is a pair of spoon-shaped articulating surfaces, the anterior zygapophyses, which face upward and inward. A pair of posterior zygapophyses, projecting backward from the neural arch, faces downward and out, fitting over the anterior zygapophyses of the following vertebra. These articulations between the vertebra at the level of the neural arch together with the ball and socket union between the centra permit a limited amount of movement in the body axis. The vertebrae are held together by means of hyaline cartilage between the ends of the centra and by ligaments extending along the sides of the centra and between the neural arches and between NS. A B Fig. 35. — Fourth vertebra of Rana catesbeiana. A, posterior view; B, right side view, az, anterior zygapophysis; c, centrum; na, neural arch; ns, neural spine; pz, posterior zygapophysis; t, transverse process. the neural spines. The intervertebral foramina are spaces between adjacent neural arches through which the spinal nerves emerge. The first vertebra, or atlas, lacks transverse processes and anterior zygapophyses. In place of the latter there is on either side of the centrum a deep concave surface which articulates with an occipital condyle of the exoccipital bone of the cranium. The ninth vertebra lacks posterior zygapophyses. A pair of rounded knobs, which project from the posterior face of the centrum, articulates with a pair of cavities on the anterior face of the urostyle. The transverse processes of the ninth vertebra are well developed and are attached to the ilia of the pelvic girdle. The urostyle has a small vertebral canal into which the spinal cord extends. The last pair of spinal nerves passes out through small openings near the anterior end. In the higher vertebrates the vertebral column is differentiated more completely into regions than is the case in the frog. Thus the cervical region, which in the frog is represented by the single 62 GENERAL ZOOLOGY atlas vertebra, in higher forms consists of a number of vertebrae characterized by a reduction in the size of ribs or by the complete absence of ribs. In the higher forms the cervical region is followed by the thoracic region, provided with well-developed ribs; the lumbar region, usually without ribs; the sacral region, made up of several vertebrae, fused together and firmly united to the pelvic girdle; and the caudal or tail region (Fig. 36). The caudal region is sometimes reduced or modified as in the case of the pygostyle of birds (Fig. 44), or the coccyx of man (Fig. 63). Fig. 36. — Regions of the vertebrate skeleton (cat). (From Jayne, Mammalian Anatomy, J. B. Lippincott & Co. By permission.) Unpaired Appendages. — The dorsal, caudal, and anal fins of fishes and the continuous median fin of larval amphibians, such as the tadpole of the frog, are examples of unpaired appendages. They are located in the midplane of the body, and in fishes are supported by cartilaginous or bony spines. In amphibians skeletal elements are lacking. Median fins, by extending the lateral surface of the trunk and tail, enlarge the pushing surface of the trunk and tail and thus increase the efficiency of the swimming strokes. Notochord. — In the lowest vertebrates, the Cyclostomata, there is a rudimentary vertebral column with poorly developed neural arches. The centra of the vertebrae are absent and in their place is a long unsegmented cylindrical rod, the notochord, which serves as a body axis. The notochord develops in all vertebrate embryos (Fig. 37). In fishes, vertebrae are devel- oped, but the notochord is not completely replaced even in the ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 63 adult stage and can be recognized as a thin thread extending through the centra of the vertebrae and as rounded masses between the concave ends of the centra, so that the actual form of the notochord resembles a string of beads (Fig. 37, B). In vertebrates above fishes the notochord is more and more com- pletely replaced by the centra of the vertebrae until in mammals it vanishes completely in the adult. The notochord may be NT Fig. 37. — A, the notochord (in solid black) as seen in a longitudinal section of the larval salamander in which it represents the axial skeleton. The neural tube (nt) lying above consists of the brain and spinal cord. B, diagram of a median view of the spinal cord (sc) and developing centra (dc) split lengthwise. The notochord (in black) is partially replaced by the enveloping centra which give it a beaded appearance that remains a permanent condition in fishes. C, a diagrammatic side view of two completely developed vertebrae of a mammal, showing the intervertebral foramina through which nerves and blood vessels pass. The nerves and blood vessels are omitted in the drawing. D, vertebra from the anterior side with the spinal cord shown in section in the vertebral canal, a, neural arch; c, centrum; s, neural spine; sc, spinal cord; T, transverse process; az, anterior zygapophysis; pz, posterior zygapophysis. regarded as the primitive skeletal axis of vertebrates which in the higher vertebrates is replaced by the vertebral column. Ribs. — There are two kinds of vertebrate ribs: (1) hemal ribs, occurring in fishes and some amphibians and reptiles, and (2) pleural ribs, which may occur in all vertebrate groups. In the frog there are no hemal ribs. Pleural ribs are represented by the small projections on the ends of the transverse processes of the vertebrae. In birds and mammals only pleural ribs are present. 64 GENERAL ZOOLOGY In fishes the hemal rib extends from the side of a centrum of a vertebra into the muscle of the body wall. In the caudal region the ventral ends of the ribs meet in the mid-line to form a hemal arch, enclosing blood vessels (Fig. 38). A caudal vertebra in such a case is provided with a neural arch above the centrum and a hemal arch below. The pleural ribs of man are restricted to the thoracic region of the body. The first seven vertebrae are the vertebrae of the neck or cervical region. The next twelve vertebrae belong to Fig. 38. — Posterior (A) and side view (B) of a caudal vertebra of a teleost fish, c, centrum; ha, hemal arch; na, neural arch. the thorax and it is to the thoracic vertebrae that the dorsal ends of the ribs are articulated at two points, viz., the head and tubercle (Fig. 39). The head or capitulum, at the dorsal end of the rib articulates with a facet on the centrum of the vertebra called the parapophysis. The facet on the centrum may be entirely on a single vertebra, as in Fig. 39, or it may be shared by two adjoining vertebrae. The tubercle or tuberculum of the rib articulates with the diapophysis, a facet in the transverse process of the vertebra. The neck of the rib is the region between the head and the tubercle. The first ten pairs of ribs are connected at their ventral ends by means of costal cartilages ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 65 to the sternum or breast bone. The eleventh and twelfth pairs of ribs are known as floating ribs. In many birds and some reptiles a thoracic rib may bear an uncinate process directed backward and overlapping the rib behind, thus reinforcing the thoracic framework (Fig. 44). Fig. 39. — A, sternum of Man showing the manner in which the ribs are attached by costal cartilages, c. e, ensiform process; g, gladiolus or body; M, manubrium. B, view of a thoracic vertebra from the right side with the dorsal end of the corresponding rib rotated so as to show its posterior aspect and the manner in which it articulates with the vertebra, d, diapophysis; h, capitular head of rib; p, parapophysis; t, tubercular head of rib. Pectoral Girdle and Sternum. — There is a difference of opinion as to whether the sternum evolved in connection with the anterior limb girdle or from ribs. In the frog the sternum is an integral part of the pectoral girdle, the combined elements form- ing a bony structure almost completely encircling the body at the level of the forelimbs. On each side of the body, the girdle is 66 GENERAL ZOOLOGY composed of three bones, the scapula, clavicle, and coracoid, which meet at the shoulder. The scapula extends dorsally from prcmaxillary mento-Meckelian vomer palatine dentary Sphen- ethmoid parasphenoid Squamosal anguloire pterygoid exoccipilal Suprascapula scapula clavicle glenoid- fossa - coracoid sternum xiphiiternum 'hum. CCtrpals, uro style acetoibulum. -pubis ischium calcaneum Fig. 40. — Skeleton of Rana catesbeiana, ventral view. A lateral view of the left half of the pelvic girdle is shown on the right. the shoulder and at its distal margin is attached to the broad and flat cartilaginous swprascapula, most of which is calcified. The ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 67 clavicle in front and the coracoid behind extend from the shoulder medially and slightly ventrally to the epicoracoid cartilages in the mid-line (Fig. 40). The glenoid fossa is a shallow cavity at the junction of the scapula and coracoid, most of it being located on the posterior side of the scapula. This cavity receives the head of the humerus of the arm. The clavicle joins the scapula at the acromium of the latter, directly in front of the glenoid fossa. The calcined edges of the epicoracoid cartilages, closely united in the mid-line between the median ends of the clavicles and 4Lm. Fig. 41. — Ventral view of pectoral girdle (A) and lateral view of left half of pelvic girdle (B) of Rana catesbeiana. a, acetabulum; c, clavicle; co, coracoid; G, glenoid fossa; h, humerus; i, ilium; is, ischium; o, omosternum; p, pubis; s, scapula; 88, suprascapula; st, sternum; x, xiphisternum. The epicoracoid cartilages make up the narrow region compressed between the median edges of the coracoid bones. coracoids, represent the middle section of the sternum. The remainder of the sternum is composed of the omosternum in front and the sternum behind (Fig. 41). At the anterior end of the omosternum is an expanded cartilaginous segment, the epister- num. A somewhat larger cartilaginous disk strongly notched, the xiphisternum, is attached to the posterior end of the sternum. In man the sternum is of more importance in connection with the ribs than with the pectoral girdle. The suprascapula is absent and the coracoid is reduced to the coracoid process of the scapula. The clavicle extends from the acromium of the scapula to the anterior end of the sternum. The glenoid cavity is located entirely on the scapula (Fig. 42). The human sternum 68 GENERAL ZOOLOGY is an unpaired structure consisting of the manubrium in front (above), the gladiolus in the middle, and the ensiform process behind (below). To the gladiolus are attached the intercostal cartilages which link it with the ventral ends of the first ten pairs of ribs. Its only contacts with the pectoral girdle are through the clavicles and these are of minor importance as far as support- ing the sternum is concerned (Fig. 39). Pelvic Girdle. — The pelvic girdle is much like the pectoral girdle, with which it may be compared part for part. Thus, the pubis is on the ventral side in the same relative position as the clavicle; the ischium, lying posteriorly to the pubis, corresponds to the coracoid; and the ilium, extending dorsally, to the scapula (Fig. 41). The pelvic girdle, however, differs from the pectoral girdle in its relation to the axial skeleton in all forms above the fishes. In fishes, both girdles are free of the vertebral Fig. 42.— Left human column, but in the higher groups the pelvic scapula from the front. o;irdle is firmly united to the sacrum on each a, acromium process; c, ° . coracoid process; g, side by a sacroiliac ankylosis, a fusion ol the glenoid cavity. sacrum and ilium. This, together with the fact that the pubic portions may meet in the midventral line, makes the pelvis a firm, rigid structure. This is especially important in bipeds like birds and man, where the entire weight of the trunk rests upon the pelvis. In man, the three elements of each side of the pelvis, though separate in the embryo, are fused in the adult into a single bone, the os innominatum. Paired Appendages. — The anterior and posterior pairs of fins of fishes are relatively simple structures, used in maintaining balance and to a certain extent in swimming. They may be classified as organs of locomotion, though the important strokes in swimming are produced in the fish by the contractions of the body muscles, which push the trunk and tail against the water. The skeleton of the fin consists of cartilaginous or bony rods, which support the tough membrane making up the rest of the fin. Save for differences in details and some cases of special adaptation, the paired fins are uniform in shape and structure, in keeping with the uniform nature of the fluid medium, water, in which they live. The paired appendages of the terrestrial ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 69 vertebrates, though based on a common plan of structure, show a wide variety of structural forms, in conformity with the fact that they may be adapted for crawling, walking, running, swimming, or flying. Forelimb of the Frog. — The fore- and hindlimbs of the frog are made up of similar parts based on the same structural pattern. The proximal element of the skeleton of the upper arm is an elongated bone, the humerus, whose head articulates with the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle to form the shoulder joint (Fig. 40). The deltoid ridge is a narrow elevation running from the head of the humerus to its middle. The lower end of the humerus terminates in a large rounded articulating surface, which fits into a depression in the olecranon of the forearm to form the elbow joint. • The skeleton of the forearm is a single unit, the radioulna, formed by the incomplete fusion of two bones, the radius and ulna. The olecranon is a prolongation of the ulnar portion of the radioulna and lies on the postaxial (away from the head) side of the limb. The lower end of the radioulna is definitely bifurcated into a preaxial radial component, in front, and a postaxial ulnar component, behind. The bones of the wrist or carpus consist of six small irregularly shaped bones, known as car pals, arranged in two transverse rows. Beginning on the preaxial side, the proximal row is made up of the centrale, the radiale and, the ulnare; in the distal row are the first carpal, the second carpal, and the outer carpal, the latter representing a fusion of three bones. The skeleton of the palm or metacarpus, which adjoins the wrist, is composed of five cylindrical bones of which the preaxial one is greatly reduced in size, especially in the female. Only four digits or fingers are present and these corre- spond to digits II, III, IV, and V of the human hand, the thumb (I) being absent. The bones of the fingers are called phalanges, of which there are two in digits II and III and three in digits IV and V. Hindlimb of the Frog. — The skeleton of the upper leg is the femur, which corresponds with the humerus of the forelimb. It is a cylindrical bone in the form of a slightly reversed curve. Its rounded head fits into the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle to form the hip joint. Its distal end is enlarged to form an articulating surface with the tibiofibula of the lower leg or crus. The tibio- fibula like the radioulna is a fusion of two bones. The double 70 GENERAL ZOOLOGY origin of the tibiofibula is indicated by deep grooves in either end of the shaft, the tibial component being preaxial and the fibular postaxial. The ankle or tarsus of the frog is highly modified. Adjoining the distal end of the tibiofibula are two long bones, united at either end but separate in the middle, called the tibiale or astragalus and the fibiale or calcaneum, preaxial and postaxial, respectively. Beyond these are two or three smaller tarsal bones, the largest of which represents the fusion of two bones. There are five metatarsal bones, correspond- ing to the five metacarpal bones. There are five toes of which digits I and II contain two -phalanges each, digits III and V three each, and digit IV, four. On the preaxial side of the first digit is the prehallux or calcar, composed of one or two parts, and regarded by some as a rudimentary digit. Limbs in General. — The similarity in the structural plan of the fore- and hindlimbs of the frog is also true of the limbs of other vertebrates. The limbless condition of snakes is secondary and is the result of loss of limbs. All vertebrates above fishes are believed to have had limbs at some time. If one wishes to get some idea of what the primitive vertebrate limb was like, one should study an amphibian in which the limbs are not highly developed. The frog does not serve for this purpose because of the obvious structural and functional specialization of its limbs. Instead, one should turn to a tailed amphibian, such as Amby stoma microstomum, which has relatively simple limbs. Its locomotion consists of slow crawling movements in which the body is raised just high enough to clear the ground, the tail dragging. The limbs move principally in a horizontal plane, the entire volar or plantar surface of the foot touching the ground at each step. This type of foot posture is known as plantigrade. In more rapid movements the body is thrown into snakelike, side-to-side undulations by contractions of the trunk and tail muscles, which accompany the movements of the legs. The undulatory movements resemble the swimming movements of these animals, except that in swimming the legs are not used. The proximal element of the limb skeleton of the salamander is a single bone, the humerus in the forelimbs and the femur in the hindlimb. The radius and ulna of the forelimb are separate bones as are also the tibia and fibula of the crus. The carpal and tarsal bones are relatively unspecialized and vary from seven to ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 71 nine in number. The foot is provided with four or five digits and seems to be derived from a pentadactyl type. Such a limb is regarded as a fairly close approximation to the primitive type of vertebrate limb from which the limbs of all vertebrates have been derived. Departures from this primitive amphibian type of limb are numerous in the higher vertebrates. Thus in the frog the radius and ulna are fused and, likewise, the tibia and fibula. In other animals, one component in the forearm or leg may be distinct and the other greatly reduced. An extreme example of this Fig. 43. — Foot postures. A, plantigrade, bear; B, digitigrade, hyena; C, unguligrade, horse. (A and B after Lull, Organic Evolution, C after Pander and D'Alton.) among mammals is found in the horse, in which the fibula is distinct but reduced in size to a thin rod. There is a reduction of parts through loss as well as diminution in the more distal elements of the limb of the horse. Thus metacarpal III is the principal element of the metacarpus, metacarpals II and IV being reduced to splints, while metacarpal V is missing. A similar condition is found in the metatarsus. Of the digits only digit III is present. The horse walks on the nail (hoof) of its middle finger or toe. This type of foot posture is unguligrade (Fig. 43). Dogs and cats are digitigrade, i.e., they walk on their toes. Strangely enough, the human limb has retained a number of primitive features, such as distinct radius and ulna in the fore- arm, and distinct tibia and fibula in the leg, though the fibula is 72 GENERAL ZOOLOGY much reduced; a pentadactyl hand and foot, and a plantigrade foot posture. Of the larger mammals, bears alone have planti- grade feet. The skeleton of the limbs of birds in the course of evolution has undergone considerable modification (Fig. 44). In the wing Fig. 44. — Skeleton of trunk and appendages of domestic fowl. 1, cervical rib; 2, ilium; 3, ischium; 4, pubis; 5, pygostyle; 6, ilio-sciatic foramen; 7, uncinate process of thoracic rib; 8, humerus; 9, ulna; 10, radius; 11, ulnar carpal; 12, meta- carpal of ulnar digit; 13, coracoid; 14, sternum; 15, metasternum; 16, hypoclei- dium; 17, clavicle; 18, femur; 19, fibula; 20, tibiotarsus; 21, tarsometatarsus; 22, metatarsus of first digit. I, II, III, IV, V, digits. The digits of the fore limb should be labeled II, III and IV instead of III, IV and V respectively. of the domestic fowl, ulna and radius are both present, the ulna being the larger. Carpals and metacarpals are reduced by fusion. Of the metacarpals, II, III, and IV can be identified, and adjoining these are the corresponding rudimentary digits. The proximal element of the skeleton of the hindlimb is the femur. The next segment consists of a very much reduced fibula and a long cylindrical iibiotarsal bone, formed by fusion of the tibia ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 73 with proximal tarsals. Distal to the tibiotarsal is another cylindrical bone, the tarsometatarsal, formed by fusion of distal tarsals with metatarsals. As a result the ankle joint in birds is intertarsal instead of between the tarsals and the tibia and fibula. This condition also occurs in reptiles. Four toes are present in the fowl, digit V being absent. Histology of Cartilage and Bone. — Bone and cartilage are forms of connective tissue. Cartilage is composed of cells embedded in a matrix of solid material that is a mixture of collagen (a substance also found in white connective tissue fibers), chondroitin- sulphuric acid in a combined form, and albuminoid substances. Hyaline cartilage, which is translucent Fig. 45. — Cartilage, larval salamander. X 300. and pale gray in color, forms the articulating surfaces of bones, the nasal cartilages, the costal (rib) cartilages, and the rings of the trachea (windpipe) and bronchial tubes. Elastic cartilage is yellowish in color, owing to the presence of yellow elastic fibers. It occurs in the external ear of mammals. Fibro cartilage contains in its matrix dense connective tissue composed mainly of white fibers. In man it is found in the disks between the centra of the vertebrae. The matrix of cartilage is produced by the cells embedded in it (Fig. 45). Bone resembles cartilage in the topographical and functional relations of cells and matrix. The matrix of bone in the early stages of its histogenesis is soft and at that time is composed of collagen, osseomucoid, and usually some connective tissue fibers. The bone hardens as a result of deposition of inorganic salts, of which the most abundant is calcium phosphate. Cartilage bone is bone that passes through a cartilage stage in its development. Membrane bone, on the other hand, is formed directly from con- 74 GENERAL ZOOLOGY nective tissue without passing through a cartilaginous stage. The greater part of the skeleton is laid down in cartilage, which, except in those forms in which the skeleton is permanently cartilaginous, is replaced by bone tissue formed about the cartilage as the latter is resorbed. In the frog some of the primi- tive cartilaginous skeleton survives in the adult, though the greater part of it is converted into bone. Membrane bones, such as those of the face, the flat bones of the skull, parts of the jaw, etc., may be formed regardless of whether the original carti- Fig. 46. — Cross section of compact bone from the shaft of the humerus show- ing the ground substance in white. The large black areas are occupied by blood vessels, the bone cells lying in the smaller spaces arranged in concentric circles. X 150. (From Schafer, Textbook of Microscopic Anatomy, Longmans, Green & Co., after Sharpy. By permission.) laginous skeleton becomes ossified or not. The calcified cartilage of sharks is almost as hard as bone. The nature of the process of histogenesis is the same for both cartilage and membrane bone. The preliminary formation of cartilage in the formation of cartilage bone probably signifies the existence of a primitive ancestral cartilaginous skeleton in which the homologues of the membrane bones were not represented. Therefore, membrane bone would seem to be a later addition to the skeleton. A cross section of a decalcified human long bone (Fig. 46) shows large black spaces, Haversian canals, surrounded by concentric circles of smaller spaces, lacunae, with fine radiating lines connecting the circles. The Haversian canals contain blood ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 75 vessels and some nervous tissue, which enter from the periosteum covering the bone. The lacunae enclose bone cells from which processes extend into the fine radiating canals. Skeletal Muscle. — If the skin is removed from the body of a frog, the superficial skeletal muscles are exposed. Muscles are usually attached by one or both ends to bones by tendons, which are composed of white connective tissue fibers. Fasciae are slightly elastic connective tissue membranes covering muscles, and uniting with the tendons at the ends of the muscles. The origin of a muscle is the end that remains stationary, or relatively so, when the muscle contracts. The insertion is the end that moves during contraction. Since movements are brought about by the contractions of muscles, the flexion or extension of a body part at a joint is the result of the actions of two sets of antago- nistic muscles known as flexors and extensors, respectively. Adduction or abduction refers to movements of the arms or legs toward or away from the mid-line of the body, or in the case of fingers or toes, toward or away from the principal axis of the arm or leg. A rotator muscle causes a part to rotate about its main axis. In connection with the jaws a levator muscle raises the lower jaw and a depressor lowers it. The description of the muscles of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, in the following paragraphs, is confined to those muscles that can be exposed by the removal of the skin and fasciae and by a small amount of dissection as illustrated in Figs. 47 and 48. Muscles of the Head and Trunk. — Beginning at the ventral side of the head, the submaxillaris muscle, forming the floor of the mouth, can be seen. Its fibers run transversely between the rami of the lower jaw. It is important in swallowing and respiratory movements. If one-half of the submaxillaris is removed, three other muscles are exposed: (1) the submentalis, a very small muscle joining the tips of the dentary bones that aids in closing the external nostrils by drawing together the two halves of the lower jaw and thus raising the premaxillary bones; (2) the hyoglossus and (3) the geniohyoideus, two ribbon-shaped muscles extending from the submentalis posteriorly. The outer one, the geniohyoideus, arises from the lower jaw and is inserted on the hyoid bone. The inner one, the hyoglossus, has its origin in the hyoid bone, runs forward uniting with the muscle of the opposite side and passes into the tongue at the anterior end of 76 GENERAL ZOOLOGY the mouth, where it turns back and continues to the tip of the tongue. The following muscles are found on the ventral and lateral walls of the trunk. The deltoideus, arising from the clavicle, precoracoid, omosternum, and scapula, is inserted on the deltoid ridge of the humerus. Its contraction draws the limb forward. The sternoradialis arises in the mid-line from the omosternum and epicoracoid, passes outward, piercing the distal portion of the deltoid, and is inserted on the radioulna. It corresponds to the human biceps muscle and its contraction flexes the forearm. The recti abdominis muscles of each side meet in mid-line in a tendi- nous union, called the linea alba. Each rectus muscle is also traversed by four or five transverse inscriptiones tendineae, which are tendinous insertions in the muscle. As each rectus muscle passes forward from its origin in the pubis, it widens and at the second inscriptio tendinea from the rear divides into two parts : a median portion continuing straight forward to the xiphisternum and beyond; a lateral portion branching off to the shoulder to form the abdominal component of the pectoralis muscle. The continuation of the median portion beyond the xiphisternum forms the sternohyoideus, which is inserted on the hyoid bone. The pectoralis muscle consists of three parts; of which the sternalis anterior, in front, and the sternalis posterior, just behind, both have a broad origin from the epicoracoids, sternum, and xiphisternum, while the abdominalis portion arises principally in the rectus abdominis. All three portions of the pectoralis muscle are inserted in the humerus. If the pectoral muscle is removed (right side of Fig. 47), the coracohumeralis is exposed. This is a narrow muscle having its origin in the coracoid near the sternum and its insertion on the middle of the humerus. Pos- terior to the coracohumeralis a small portion may be seen of the obliquus internus (or transversus) muscle, which forms the inner layer of the abdominal wall. Its origin is principally in the ilium and transverse processes of the last six vertebrae. Its points of insertion are various, such as the xiphisternum, coracoid, esophagus, pericardium, and the linea alba. The obliquus externus, whose fibers run almost at right angles to those of the obliquus internus, forms the outer wall of the abdominal cavity except ventrally where it is overlaid by the recti abdominalis and pectoral muscles. ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 77 Fig. 47. — Muscles of Rana catesbeiana, ventral side, ab, adductor brevis; al, adductor longus; am, adductor magnus; ch, coracohumeralis; d, deltoideus; ec, extensor cruris; g, gastrocnemius; gh, geniohyoideus; hg, hyoglossus; m, semimembranosus; oe, obliquus externus; oi, obliquus internus; p, pectoralis; pe, pectineus; ra, rectus abdominis; rima, rectus internus major; rimi, rectus internus minor; ru, radioulna; s, sartorius; sm, submaxil- laris; smt, submen talis; sr, sternoradialis; st, semitendinosus; t, tendon of sternoradialis; ta, tibialis anticus; tf, tibiofibula; tp, tibialis posticus; trb, triceps bracbii; vi, vastus internus. 78 GENERAL ZOOLOGY The triceps brachii is an important muscle of the upper arm whose contractions extend the forearm. A portion of it may be seen in Fig. 47 at the posterior side of the upper arm. It arises by three heads: (1) from the scapula and from the capsule of the glenoid cavity; (2) from the proximal half of the inner surface of the humerus; and (3) from the outer surface of the humerus. It is inserted by a single tendon on the radioulna. The muscles of the forearm consist of extensors and flexors of the wrist and fingers, a description of which will be omitted. Muscles of the Head and Trunk, Dorsal Side. — A portion of the temporalis muscle can be seen between the orbit and the tympanum (Fig. 48). This muscle has its principal origin in the prootic bone, from which it passes out beneath the squamosal and over the pterygoid, between the latter and the maxillary and quadratojugal to its insertion in the coronoid process of the angulare. A portion of its fibers also come from the anterior border of the tympanic ring and from the squamosal bone. It is an important levator muscle of the lower jaw. The depressor maxillae inferioris, overlapping the temporalis posteriorly, arises (1) from the dorsal fascia and (2) from the squamosal and the posterior and inferior border of the tympanic ring; it is inserted in the posterior angle of the lower jaw. Its action depresses the jaw and opens the mouth. The infraspinatus muscle, arising from the suprascapula, and the latissimus dorsi, from the dorsal fascia, are both inserted by a common tendon in the outer surface of the deltoid ridge of the humerus. The longissi- mus dorsi arises from the urostyle and is inserted in the spinous processes of the first five vertebrae and in the lateral processes of the first six vertebrae. The coccygeosacralis arises from the anterior lateral surface of the urostyle and is inserted in the neural arch and transverse process of the last vertebra. The coccygeoiliacus arises from nearly the entire length of the urostyle, and is inserted in the anterior two-thirds of the ilium. The obliquus externus, a portion of which may be seen in the dorsal view, has its origin in the scapula and the dorsal fascia, and its insertion on the xiphisternum and in the rectus abdominis on the ventral surface of the body. Muscles of the Thigh, Ventral Side. — The sartorius, a long thin muscle traversing the mid ventral region of the thigh, arises from the posterior end of the ilium and is inserted in the head of the tibia, just beyond the knee joint. Its contraction pulls ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 79 Fig. 48. — Muscles of Rana catesbeiana, dorsal side, b, biceps; ci, coccygeo- iliacus; cs, coccygeosacralis; d, deltoideus; dm, depressor maxillae; ed, extensor digitorum; g, gastrocnemius; gl, gluteus; i, infraspinatus; ip, iliopsoas; Id, latissi- mus dorsi; lgd, longissimus dorsi; oe, obliquus externus; p, pyriformis; per, peroneus; ra, rectus femoris anticus; ri, rectus internus minor; sm, semimem- branosus; t, temporalis; ta, tibialis anticus; trb, triceps brachii; trf, triceps femoris; ve, vastus externus. 80 GENERAL ZOOLOGY the hindlimb forward in a ventral direction. The rectus internus major {gracilis major) is a large muscle occupying most of the inner half of the ventral surface of the thigh, marked by an oblique tendinous insertion across its middle. It arises from the posterior border of the ischium and is inserted at two points in the head of the tibiofibula. Its contraction draws the thigh backward and may flex or extend the crus, depending upon the degree of bend in the knee joint at the time of contraction. Thus, if the crus is partially extended, contraction of the rectus major internus will extend it still more. If the crus is at an angle of less than a right angle, contraction of the muscle will flex the crus. The rectus internus minor (gracilis minor) is a long narrow muscle at the inner edge of rectus internus major, having its origin in the ischium and its insertion in one of the tendons of the rectus internus major. The actions of the two internal recti muscles are similar (Fig. 47). Between the sartorius and the rectus internus major a portion of the adductor magnus can be seen (left side of Fig. 47). If the sartorius and rectus muscles are removed, the adductor magnus is fully exposed (right side of Fig. 47). Just distal to its origin in a tendon attached to the pubis and ischium, this muscle divides into two parts, between which passes the tendon of one of the heads of the semitendinosus muscle. Distally the two parts of the adductor magnus reunite and join with a small slip from the semitendinosus. The adductor magnus is inserted in the distal end of the femur and it acts either as an abductor or adductor, depending upon the position of the thigh at the begin- ning of contraction. If the centers of its origin and insertion lie in a line behind the head of the femur, contraction of the muscle adducts the thigh, i.e., draws it back to the mid-line. If this line lies in front of the head of the femur, contraction draws the thigh forward, i.e., away from the mid-line, and ventrally. The semitendinosus, located to the inner side of the adductor magnus, arises by two distinct heads from the pubis, the anterior head dividing the adductor magnus near the head of the latter. Its insertion is a tendon which, with that of the sartorius, forms a connective tissue arch joined with the fascia of the crus, beneath which the tendons of the internal recti muscles pass. The adductor longus arises from the ventral part of the ilium and is inserted with the adductor magnus in the middle of the ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 81 femur. Between the upper ends of the adductor longus and the adductor magnus can be seen two small muscles, the adductor brevis and the pectineus, both of which originate in the pubis and are inserted in the proximal half of the femur. Muscles of the Thigh, Dorsal Side. — The vastus externus which can be seen at the outer surface of the thigh in the ventral view, is a part of the triceps femoris which can be better understood from the dorsal view (Fig. 48). The triceps femoris forms the front of the thigh and arises by three heads : (1) the vastus internus, from the outer covering of the acetabulum at the junction of the ischium and pubis; (2) the rectus femoris anticus, from the ventral side of the middle of the ilium; and (3) the vastus externus, from the crest of the ilium. The fibers of the rectus femoris anticus join those of the other two components at the middle of the thigh, forming a single muscle that is inserted by a single tendon passing over the knee joint to the proximal end of the tibio- fibula. Its action extends the cms and pulls the whole leg for- ward. The semimembranosus is a large muscle occupying the inner half of the dorsal surface of the thigh, arising from the posterior margin of the ilium and, passing under an arch formed by the tendon of origin of the gastrocnemius muscle, ends in a tendon inserted on the dorsal surface of the tibiofibula. It is divided obliquely into anterior and posterior halves by a tendi- nous insertion. This muscle adducts the thigh and may extend or flex the crus, depending upon whether the crus is in an extended or flexed position when the muscle contracts. The pyriformis is a narrow muscle originating at the tip of the urostyle and is inserted on the inner surface of the femur. The iliopsoas extends from the ilium to the outer surface of the femur. The gluteus arises from the posterior two-thirds of the ilium and is inserted on the femur near the head. The biceps or iliofibularis can be seen near the lower ends of the semimem- branosus and the vastus externus. Its tendon of origin passes from the ilium between the pyriformis and the iliopsoas, under and behind the origin of the vastus externus. It has two points of insertion: one on the inner surface of the femur and the other on the dorsal surface of the femur and on the tibiofibula. Muscles of the Crus. — The gastrocnemius muscle forms the calf of the leg or crus. One of its two heads arises from a tendi- nous arch extending from the femur to the tibiofibula and the 82 GENERAL ZOOLOGY other from the tendon of the triceps. It terminates in a strong tendon, the tendo Achillis, which after passing over the ankle joint spreads out in a connective tissue sheet over the plantar surface of the foot. Its contraction flexes the crus and extends the foot. The tibialis anticus (Fig. 47) lying at the front of the leg, originates on the distal end of the femur, its ligament passing B Fig. 49. — Fibrils (myofibrils) of the wing muscle of the wasp. A, contracted fibril showing a reduction in the size of the isotropic bands and a corresponding increase in the anisotropic bands; B, a stretched fibril with its anisotropic bands constricted at the line of Hensen; C, an uncontracted fibril, k, membrane of Krause forming the boundary of a sarcomere; Y, isotropic substance; s, aniso- tropic substance; h, Hensen's line. (Adapted from Schafer, Essentials of Histology, Longmans, Green & Co. By permission.) beneath the tendon of the triceps. This muscle divides at about the middle of the leg, the inner half being inserted on the astrag- alus and the outer half on the calcaneum. It extends the foot and flexes the tarsus. The peroneus muscle, seen in a dorsal view of the leg (Fig. 48) between the tibalis anticus and the gastrocnemius, originates in a tendon attached to the distal end of the femur and ligaments of the knee joint; it is inserted ENDOSKELETON AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLE 83 in the end of the tibiofibula and in the calcaneum. It extends the leg and may either flex or extend the foot. The extensor cruris, seen in the ventral view of the leg, arises from the inner condyle of the femur and is inserted on the outer (anterior) surface of the tibiofibula. It extends the leg. The tibialis posticus lies between the gastrocnemius and the tibiofibula. It arises from the entire length of the tibiofibula and is inserted on the astragalus. It flexes or extends the foot (Fig. 47) . Histology of Skeletal Muscle. — A skeletal muscle is made up of numerous muscle fibers, separated from one another by thin sheets of connective tissue, continuous with connective tissue enveloping the muscle. The muscle fiber may be regarded as an elongated cell, tapered at the ends, and containing many nuclei. A vertebrate muscle fiber may be 3^ in. or more in length. Some- times, as in the frog's tongue, the fibers are branched. In mammals the nuclei occupy a peripheral position in the fiber, directly inside of the sarcolemma, except toward the ends where they may be centrally located. The sarcolemma is the wall of the fiber. In the frog the nuclei are scattered through the fiber. The cytoplasm of the muscle fiber contains numerous striated myofibrils, or sarcostyles, occurring in groups known as muscle columns, so arranged that the dark parts of one fibril are opposite those of adjacent fibrils, with the result that the muscle fiber as a whole has a striated appearance. For this reason skeletal muscle is sometimes called striated or striped muscle. The muscle columns are separated from each other by clear sarcoplasm. A clear hyaline material also separates individual myofibrils. The structure of a myofibril is shown in Fig. 49. Under polarized light, the dark bands are anisotropic (doubly refractive) and the light bands are isotropic (singly refractive) . Each anisotropic band is crossed by a median mem- brane, Hensen's line. In the same way each isotropic band is divided by Krause's membrane. Krause's membrane is thought to be a continuous membrane extending from one myofibril to another, dividing the muscle fiber into disklike segments called Fig. 50. — Section of skeletal muscle of lar- val salamander. 84 GENERAL ZOOLOGY sarcomeres. Thus a single sarcomere would include the parts of each myofibril, within two adjacent membranes of Krause, lying at the same level. Usually, however, the longitudinal cohesion is greater than the lateral with the result that some striated muscle fibers cannot be made to cleave transversely into disks. Figure 50 illustrates the appearance of a longitudinal section of skeletal muscle of a larval salamander. Action of Skeletal Muscle.— Skeletal muscle is voluntary in its action, i.e., its action is under the control of the central nervous system, the brain and spinal cord. This is in sharp contrast to the involuntary activity of the plain or unstriated muscle cells of the walls of the alimentary tract and blood vessels. Cardiac muscle, though striated, is also involuntary in its action. CHAPTER V ALIMENTATION The energy-producing substances of an animal's diet consist of chemically complex compounds, viz., proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, each of which undergoes digestion before being absorbed. Water, simple sugars, and some inorganic salts, such as sodium chloride, taken with food do not require digestion. In the higher forms, the organs of digestion include, in addition to the ali- mentary canal in which digestion and absorption take place, a number of glands, such as the oral (salivary) glands, the pancreas, and the liver, though the last in vertebrates does not produce a digestive enzyme. Gastrovascular Cavity. — A simple kind of alimentary tract is that of the common Hydra, a tube-shaped animal found in fresh water, its length in different species varying from 2 to 60 mm. The closed end of the tubular body is attached by a basal disk to the substratum, which is usually a plant; the opposite free end is open and serves as a mouth. The mouth is surrounded by from six to ten long, narrow, tubular tentacles. The body wall consists of two well-defined cellular layers, an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm, with some indication of a third layer between them. The third layer, known as the mesoglea, is noncellular and of jellylike consistency. Since only two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and endoderm, are developed, the animal is said to be diploblastic. Each tentacle likewise consists of an inner layer of endoderm and an outer layer of ectoderm. The cavity of the tube, the gastrovascular cavity, is the digestive cavity (Fig. 51). Food captured by the tentacles passes through the mouth into the gastrovascular cavity, where it is acted upon by a secretion of the cells lining the cavity. Some of the food is digested in this way; and some of it apparently is engulfed by the endodermal cells to undergo intracellular digestion. The products of extra- cellular digestion are absorbed by the endoderm and any undi- 85 86 GENERAL ZOOLOGY gested remains are cast out through the mouth. From the endoderm, absorbed food is distributed to the ectoderm by cell-to-cell transfer. The simple digestive tube of Hydra may be regarded as an early step in the evolution of the digestive tract of Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Fig. 51. — A, Hydra, expanded, diagrammatic; B, longitudinal section of body wall, ec, ectoderm; en, endoderm; g, gastro vascular cavity, shown in black; me, mesoglea; m, mouth; t, tentacles. Fig, 52. — Digestive and nervous system of a flatworm, Euplanaria; the diges- tive system shown in solid black, g, ganglionic mass; i, intestine; p, pharynx. higher forms. A more complete description of the histology of the hydra is given on page 389. The flatworm, Eupla?iaria, may be utilized to illustrate a modification of the same type of canal (Fig. 52). This animal is also a fresh-water form, of common occurrence in ponds. Its body measures about 12 mm. in length, and in shape it is flat- tened and elongated, being blunt at its anterior end and pointed ALIMENTATION 87 posteriorly. A ciliated layer of ectoderm covers the outside, and an inner layer of endoderm lines an alimentary tract. Between the two are muscle tissue and other organs derived from a third germ layer, the mesoderm. Euplanaria is, therefore, triplo- blastic. The opening into the alimentary tract is on the ventral surface of the body near the middle through which a muscular tube, the pharynx, can be thrust like a proboscis. Inside the body the pharynx connects with an intestine consisting of three main trunks, one forward and two backward, from each of which numerous smaller branches, ending blindly, penetrate among the tissues. Digestion, both intracellular and extracellular, takes place in the intestine, which also serves to distribute the products to the tissues by means of its collateral branches. OP ov M SG y U Fig. 53. — Internal anatomy of a grasshopper. A, anus; C, crop; CM, caecum; E, eggs; G, supresophageal ganglion; H, heart; 1, intestine; L, labium; M, mouth; O, esophagus; OP, ovipositor; OV, oviduct; R, rectum; S, stomach; SG, salivary gland; U, Malpighian tubules; V, ventral nerve cord. (After Packard, Textbook of Entomology.) Complete Alimentary Canal. — The digestive organs of an insect like the grasshopper display a considerable advance in complexity over the preceding forms, and have many features in common with the vertebrate type of system. The alimentary canal of the grasshopper is a tube open at both ends, beginning with a mouth and terminating in an anus; a type that is known as a complete alimentary canal (Fig. 53). The tube lies in a cavity of the body, the hemocoel, which is filled with blood. The mouth is provided with organs of mastication : a labrum, or upper lip ; a labium or lower lip ; and between them a pair of mandibles and a pair of maxillae. The mandibles are the principal chewing organs, and both they and the maxillae operate by a side-to-side movement, instead of up and down as with the jaws of man. The maxillae aid the lips in manipulating the food so that it can 88 GENERAL ZOOLOGY be chewed by the mandibles. The mouth leads to a narrow esophagus extending dorsally to about the center of the head, where it turns posteriorly to dilate into the crop. The lat- ter is lined with a cuticular membrane armed with toothlike projections for completing the process of mastication begun in the mouth. Alongside the crop are branched salivary glands whose ducts run forward to empty into the mouth. Next comes the stomach surrounded by a set of six to eight double cone- shaped pouches, known as caeca, which secrete a digestive fluid. The posterior limit of the stomach is marked by a large number of Malpighian tubules, excretory in function, which enter the diges- tive tube at the junction of the stomach with the intestine. The latter passes back to terminate at the tip of the abdomen in an anal opening. The rectum is an enlargement in the intestine near the anus where fecal matter accumulates until excreted. Digestion and absorption in the grasshopper take place in the stomach and intestine, whence the products of digestion pass into the body fluid filling the hemocoel. The body fluid and the blood in insects is the same, and is pumped by the heart to all parts of the body, supplying the tissues in this way with nutrition and at the same time ridding them of the waste products of metabo- lism. Undigested food and excretory products are expelled through the anus. Vertebrate Alimentary System.— The alimentary canal of vertebrates begins with a mouth, opening into an oral cavity, continues as a tube, regionally differentiated, and terminates in a rectum that opens into a cloaca, as in the frog, or directly to the outside, as in the majority of mammals. Oral Cavity. — The lining of the oral cavity as well as part of the rectum is ectodermal in origin, i.e., it is derived from the primitive outer covering of the vertebrate embryo. The lining of the remainder of the alimentary canal is formed of endoderm, which for the present may be described as an internal germ layer. Briefly, the oral cavity develops as an invagination of the head ectoderm, producing an indentation, that deepens until it comes in contact with the wall of the pharynx. The ectoderm of the oral cavity fuses with the endoderm of the pharynx, after which the fused layers break down to form a passageway. The posterior opening of the alimentary canal is formed in a similar way. From this it follows that the lining of the oral cavity ALIMENTATION N't a ■ Fig. 54. — Maxillary teeth of Rana pipiens, shown in normal position, attached above to bone, below which transparent gum tissue is shown. differs in its embryological origin from the lining of the pharynx, though in the frog or in the adult of any air-breathing vertebrate it is impossible to establish any sharp histological difference at the line of fusion of ectoderm and endoderm. In fishes the pharyn- geal region is definitely distin- guished from the oral cavity because it is provided with gill clefts and gills. In the frog gill clefts are present in the embryo and tadpole, but all of them except the first dis- appear during metamorphosis. Since the persisting first gill cleft is converted into the cavity of the middle ear, connecting with the pharynx by the Eustachian tube, the location of the opening of the Eustachian tube gives a rough idea of the anterior limit of the pharynx. Otherwise in the frog and in all higher vertebrates there is no simple way of establishing the line of demarcation between the oral cavity and pharynx. The oral cavity may be provided with teeth, a tongue and the openings of oral glands. Teeth. — True teeth, such as human teeth, are hard bony structures found in the oral cavity of most vertebrates, notable exceptions being birds and some reptiles (turtles). The teeth of the frog consist of a single row attached to the inner edge of the premaxillary and maxillary bones of the upper jaw and a small group in the ventral surface of each vomerine bone. The tooth con- sists of a conical bony core v of dentine, whose root is attached to the bone of the jaw by a cement substance and whose exposed crown is covered with enamel thickened at the apex (Fig. 54). The enamel in turn is covered with the cuticula dentis, Fig. 55. — Diagrammatic longitudinal section of human tooth. B, bone of jaw; C, cement; D, dentine; E, en- amel; G, gum; P, pulp cavity. 90 GENERAL ZOOLOGY a colorless membrane, highly resistant to the action of chemical reagents. The pulp cavity is a space in the dentine, open at the base of the root, and rilled with blood vessels and odontoblasts (cells that produce dentine). Human teeth have the same general structure except that a cuticula dentis is absent, and the enamel is more evenly distributed over the entire crown (Fig. 55). The pulp also contains nerve endings. Each human tooth is inserted in a socket or alveolus, the dentine of the root of the tooth Fig. 56. Upper teeth of the dog. c, canine; i, incisor; p, premolar; m, molar. The carnasial or flesh-cutting tooth is the fourth premolar. being attached to the bone of the jaw by a cement substance. The dentine of the vertebrate tooth is formed of mesoderm, the same embryonic germ layer that gives rise to bones, while the enamel is a secretion of ectodermal cells of the oral cavity. The vertebrate tooth evolved apparently from what is known as a placoid scale, such as is found in the skin and in a modified form, in margins of the jaws of the Elasmobranchii (sharks). The placoid scale consists of a curved spine projecting from the outer surface of a flattened base of dentine embedded in the skin (Fig. 25). The spine, which extends beyond the surface of the skin is covered with an enamel-like substance of ectodermal origin and is also provided with a pulplike cavity, open below. Near ALIMENTATION 91 the jaws in sharks the scales pass by gradations into the teeth. Presumably teeth originated as placoid scales covering the sur- face of the body as well as the margins of the jaws, a condition that has persisted in sharks, accompanied by a certain amount of specialization in the jaw scales; while in higher forms the scales Fig. 57. — Side-view of the upper teeth of the sea-lion showing the peg-like char- acter of all of them. have become purely oral structures that have gradually taken on the form of typical vertebrate teeth. Primitive vertebrate teeth, if one is to judge from their struc- ture and from the manner in which they are used by the shark, were prehensile in function. That is to say, they were used for grasping, tearing and holding, and not for chewing. In the case of the frog the teeth are poorly adapted for anything but holding. The similarity in form and structure of the frog's teeth illustrates C p M Fig. 58. — Side view of the upper teeth of the horse, z, incisors; c, canine; p, pre- molars; m, molars. what is known as homodont dentition. The teeth of mammals, on the other hand, are with few exceptions heterodont, and may be differentiated or specialized in four ways: (1) as incisors, located at the front of the jaws and used for cutting or grasping; (2) as canines for grasping or tearing; (3) as premolars for shearing; or (4) as molars for grinding (Figs. 56, 57 and 58). 92 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Mammals belonging to the order Carnivora have strong, recurved canine teeth, poorly developed incisors, and high crowned premolars and molars. In such animals the jaws have practically no side play, a condition which reaches its highest development in cats, in which the cheek teeth have a purely shearing action on food. In dogs, the premolars are shearing teeth, but the molars are adapted for grinding or crushing (Fig. 56). Omnivorous bears, such as the common black bear, lack shearing teeth but do have well-developed grinders. Carrion- Fig. 59. — Side and ventral view of the upper teeth of the ox. molars. p, premolars; M, eating forms have blunter teeth, while fish eaters such as the seal have teeth that are all pointed and prehensile in function (Fig. 57). Some of the plant-eating animals belonging to the Ungulata, hoofed animals, illustrate a high degree of specialization which contrasts strongly with the conditions found in the teeth of typical Carnivora. Incisors may be present in both jaws and adapted for seizing or cutting as in the horse; but in ruminants, such as the ox, they are absent in the upper jaw, which, instead of teeth, is provided with a tough pad against which the incisors of the lower jaw bite (Fig. 59). The tusks of the elephant are highly modified incisors. Canine teeth as a rule are not well ALIMENTATION 93 developed among ungulates unless used for defense or for digging as in swine. The premolars and molars of the ox represent a typical condition in which these teeth are adapted solely for grinding. In such animals the jaw is articulated so as to permit considerable side play, a motion that is familiar to anyone who has watched a cow chewing its cud. Human teeth of the permanent dentition consist of four incisors, two canines, four premolars and six molars in each jaw. The incisors are spade-shaped with a cutting edge and occupy the front of the jaws. The canines are conical and bluntly pointed. The premolars and molars have flattened but not smooth biting surfaces that are adapted for grinding. Human teeth are adapted for an omnivorous diet. Tongue. — The tongue of fishes is simply a fold in the floor of the mouth incapable of movement since it has no intrinsic muscles. In some fishes it bears teeth. Above fishes the tongue becomes a muscular organ appearing in a wide variety of morpho- logical forms. The frog's tongue is attached at the margin of the lower jaw and its free end when at rest is folded back on the floor of the mouth. It is used in capturing food. In snakes the tongue is used as a tactile sense organ. The tongue of mammals, whales excepted, is a highly muscular organ capable of a variety of movements. Its dorsal surface may, as in cats, develop cornified, filiform papillae producing a rasping surface. The tongue also may contain mucous glands and at its posterior end, gustatory organs. Oral Glands. — Glands are lacking in the oral cavity of most aquatic vertebrates. In air-breathing vertebrates glands are present in a variety of forms. Such glands produce a secretion that is poured into the oral cavity by means of ducts leading from the glands. The principal oral glands of the frogs are the intermaxillary glands, located chiefly between the pre- maxillary bones and the nasal capsule and opening in the fore part of the roof of the mouth by about 25 ducts. The secretion of this gland gives the tongue its adhesive properties. The lining of the oral cavity consists of a ciliated columnar epithelium, containing goblet cells, which produce a mucous secretion. Mammals, in addition to numerous mucous glands located in the oral epithelium, are provided with three kinds of salivary 94 GENERAL ZOOLOGY glands, viz., the -parotid, the sublingual, and the submaxillary glands (Fig. 60). The parotid gland lies beneath the skin of the side of the head near the ear and its duct (Stenson's duct) enters the oral cavity by piercing the cheek near the molars of the upper jaw. The sublingual gland lies between the tongue and the margin of the lower jaw and opens by several ducts in the floor of the oral cavity. The submaxillary gland lies inside the lower jaw and its duct (Wharton's duct) has its outlet near the lower incisor teeth. All of these glands are paired. The secretions of the salivary glands vary. In man the sub- maxillary and sublingual glands produce most of the mucin, the substance that gives saliva its ropy, mucilaginous character; whereas the secretion of the parotid is more watery and contains ptyalin in larger amounts than the other two. Ptyalin is a digestive enzyme that acts upon starchy food. Pharynx. — The pharynx, so far as alimentation is concerned, is merely a passage connecting the oral cavity with the esophagus. Its impor- tance is in connection with respira- FiG.eo.-Diagram showing loca- tion> discussed in the following tion of the salivary glands in Man. chapter. L, sublingual; s, submaxillary; p, rr ? rr&**** of c nana pipiens. 1, serous membrane or gUS as Well as Of the remainder visceral peritoneum; 2a, longitudinal of the alimentary tract is from muscle; f ' drcular T8C!,e; 3' sub_ J mucosa; 4, mucosa; g, glands. branches of the sympathetic nerv- ous system and the vagus nerve, that penetrate the tunica muscularis to form the myenteric plexus between the two layers of muscle and the submucosal plexus in the submucosa. Fig. 62. — Plain muscle cells of the muscularis layer of intestine of Rana pipiens. The crop or ingluvies of birds is a differentiated, saclike expansion on one side of the esophagus serving as a receptale for food. Sometimes its wall forms a secretion that moistens the food or starts its digestion. In pigeons the crop, consisting of a 96 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Fig. 63. — Median section of the human body showing the alimentary canal and other viscera diagrammatically disposed; bone is shown in solid black. 1, external nares; 2, mouth; 3, nasal passage; 4, pharynx; 5, tongue; 6, epiglottis; 7, larynx; 8, trachea; 9, esophagus; 10, sternum; 11, pleural cavity; 12, lung; 13, heart; 14, diaphragm; 15, abdominal cavity; 16, duodenum; 17, liver; 18, stomach; 19, large intestine; 20, jejuno-ileum; 21, vermiform appendix; 22, kid- ney; 23, ureter; 24, bladder; 25, urethra; 26, anus, 27, coccyx; 28, sacrum; 29, neural spine of first lumbar vertebra; 30, centrum of first thoracic vertebra; 31, spinal cord; 32, cerebellum; 33, cerebrum; 34, pituitary body. ALIMENTATION 97 median and two lateral pouches, produces during breeding season a thick fluid, called pigeon's milk, that is fed to the young. The human esophagus is a tube of uniform diameter lined with a stratified epithelium which receives the openings of two types of glands, producing secretions having the properties of mucin and serving apparently for lubrication. The esophagus joins the stomach at the cardiac aperture (Fig. 63). Fig. 64. — Stomach region of the domestic fowl, cut open. D, duodenum; G, gizzard, showing thickness of muscular wall; L, cornified lining of gizzard; deeply creased; O, esophagus; P, proventriculus, showing rounded elevations of its soft glandular lining. Stomach. — The stomach of fishes and lower vertebrates is generally little more than a dilatation in the digestive tract, serving as a food reservoir in which a certain amount of digestion may take place. The stomach of the frog is widest at its anterior (cardiac) end, where it bends slightly to the left and then con- tinues to the right in almost a straight line to the narrow pyloric end. Its union with the duodenum, at the pylorus, is marked by a well-defined constriction, where the circular layer of the mus- 98 GENERAL ZOOLOGY cularis is well developed. The mucosa receives the openings of tubular glands of two general types, cardiac and pyloric, of which the cardiac glands possess the greater number of granular cells. Experiments indicate that the pepsin content of the stomach wall is greatest in the cardiac portion, from which it is inferred that the pepsin is formed by the granular cells. Hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach and gives its contents an acid reaction. In a bird such as the domestic fowl the stomach consists of two distinct regions: an anterior glandular part, the proven- triculus, and a highly muscular posterior part, the gizzard (Fig. 64). The glands of the proventriculus produce a digestive Fig. 65. — Diagram of ruminant stomach, the dotted line showing the course of the food, a, abomasum; oe, esophagus; p, pylorus; ps, psalterium (omasum, manyplies); rt, reticulum (honeycomb); ru, rumen (paunch). {From Kingsley, Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, P. Blakistons Son and Company. By permission.) secretion that is mixed with the food before it enters the gizzard where it is ground up. In the absence of teeth the gizzard of grain-eating birds serves as an organ of mastication, to which end it is adapted by having thick muscular walls lined with a tough, horny membrane. The process of trituration is facilitated in such birds by small pebbles or other gritty material, swallowed with the food. The gizzard is less well developed in purely carnivorous birds, whose food is of a softer consistency. The stomach of a ruminant, like the ox, also shows rather striking departures from the common type of vertebrate stomach. In this case the stomach region consists of four parts; (1) the rumen or paunch; (2) the reticulum or honeycomb; (3) the psalter- ium; and (4) the abomasum. Of these, the first two divisions seem to be modifications of the lower end of the esophagus in ALIMENTATION 99 which food is stored. Thus in feeding, vegetation is cropped by the incisors of the lower jaw and swallowed unmasticated into the rumen and reticulum. When the animal stops grazing, it seeks a quiet spot and begins to chew its cud. In this process food is regurgitated in small amounts from the reticulum to the mouth and then thoroughly ground up by the premolar and molar teeth. When the masticated food is swallowed, it passes DC SF Fig. 66. — Human alimentary tract, diagrammatic, ac, ascending colon; bd, bile duct, extending from the liver to the duodenum; c, caecum; d, beginning of duodenum; dc, descending colon; gb, gall bladder; l, liver, turned up so as to show its under surface; o, end of esophagus; p, pancreas, whose duct connects with the duodenum near the end of the bile duct; r, rectum; s, stomach; sf, sig- moid flexure of descending colon; si, small intestine; tc, transverse colon; va, vermiform appendix. into the psalterium and abomasum where it undergoes gastric digestion (Fig. 65). The human stomach is sharply marked off from the esophagus at the cardiac orifice and from the intestine at the pylorus (Fig. 66). Between the cardiac and pyloric regions it is enlarged to form the fundus, which gives the stomach the shape of a pouch with a greater and lesser curvature. The actual shape of the human stomach varies considerably in different individuals and in the same individual at different times. When empty, 100 GENERAL ZOOLOGY 2a its walls are collapsed and after a meal its outline is continually changed by waves of contraction, beginning at about the middle and extending to the pylorus. The epithelium of the mucosa consists of a single layer of cells, some of which are mucus- producing goblet cells. As in the frog, the surface of the mucosa is pitted with the mouths of glands whose epithelium is con- tinuous with that of the surface. The glands of the fundus are believed to secrete pepsin and hydrochloric acid. No specific m function is attached to the glands of the cardiac and pyloric regions. The tunica muscularis of the stomach is composed of a thin outer longitudinal layer and a ,2b thicker inner circular layer. What is sometimes referred to as a third and innermost layer, whose fibers run obliquely, is really a modifica- tion of a portion of the circular layer, resulting from the twisting of the stomach in the course of its Fig. 67. — Diagrammatic cross sec- development. At the pylorus the tion of the small intestine of Rana circular layer Js enlarged to form jnpiens. 1, serous membrane or . . visceral peritoneum; 2a, longitudinal a sphincter muscle which acts as a muscle; 2b, circular muscle; 3, sub- i)yloric valve mucosa; 4, mucosa; m, mesentery by which the intestine is attached to the Intestine. — The superficial basis bodywalL for the division of the intestine into large and small portions rests on a difference in diameter. More important differences are found in the function and struc- ture of the mucosa of the two regions. The small intestine is primarily concerned with digestion and absorption, and the large intestine with absorption alone, principally the absorption of water. The duodenum is the first segment of the small intestine. In the frog it extends from the pylorus to the first bend in the intestine and receives the bile duct about midway. The distinc- tion between the duodenum and the remainder of the small intestine, the ileum, or the jejuno-ileum, is largely based on histological structure. The liver and pancreas pour their secre- tions into the duodenum and these secretions play important parts in intestinal digestion. In the frog the bile duct collects the secretion of the pancreas and thus serves as a common bile ALIMENTATION 101 and pancreatic duct. In the higher vertebrates the small intestine also produces digestive agents. This apparently is not true of the frog. The mucosa of the small intestine of the frog is arranged in irregular folds, but there are no villi or tubular glands such as are found in mammals. The epithelium of the mucosa consists of columnar cells, some of which are goblet cells. The structure of the large intestine is much the same. In the rectum the folds of the mucosa are longitudinal (Fig. 67). In man the mucosa of both the large and small intestine is provided with numerous tubular glands. In the small intestine the mucosa between the face of mucosa of small intes- mouths of the glands is raised in thin *?* ,of man" G\ ,intest>nal ° gland opening on the surface folds Or finger-shaped processes Called between the bases of the villi; villi, which are important in absorbing v' vlIlus" the products of digestion (Fig. 68). A curious example of a sim- plification of a villus structure is seen in the spiral valve of the intestine of the dogfish (Fig. 69). This valve consists of a rather wide, thin, spiral fold of the mucosa which slows the movement of the contents of the intestine and also increases Fig. 69.- — Spiral valve of Raia. The arrow indicates the direction in which the food passes. {Modified after Mayer.) the absorbing surface of the relatively short intestine. In the higher vertebrates an increase in digestive capacity and absorb- ing area is achieved by an increase in the length of the intes- tine as well as by villiform elevations of the mucosa. Also, a correlation exists between the character of the food and the length of the intestine. The frog tadpole feeds on plants grow- ing in the water and has an alimentary canal relatively and 102 GENERAL ZOOLOGY actually much longer than that of the adult frog, which is mainly carnivorous. The length of the alimentary canal of a ruminant mammal is from 20 to 28 times the length of the body while that of a meat-eating form is only five to six times the body length. This may be understood if it is remembered that plant eaters require a larger volume of food than carnivorous forms, because the bulkier vegetable food such as grass, hay, clover, etc., contains less nutriment and more of difficultly digestible material than an equal volume of meat. The large intestine of the frog is simply the enlarged continua- tion of the small intestine. In mammals the small intestine joins the large intestine at right angles in such a way as to leave a blind end of the large intestine at one side of the union (Fig. 66). At this junction is a circular valve, the ileocaecal valve. The blind end of the large intestine, called the caecum, is highly varia- ble in form and size, being best developed in herbivorous forms and least in carnivorous ones. Thus in the horse it measures about four feet in length and has a capacity of seven or eight gallons. In the cat it is practically absent. In man the caecum measures about 2% in. in length and Z% in. in width. The vermiform appendix is a diverticulum of the caecum about 3 in. long and about % in. wide. The human large intestine is known as the colon. From its point of union with the small intestine in the lower right abdominal (pelvic) region, the colon passes anteriorly as the ascending colon, continues to the left beneath the anterior wall of the abdomen as the transverse colon, and then turns posteriorly as the descending colon, which takes an S-shaped turn, the sigmoid flexure, before joining the rectum which termi- nates at the anus (Fig. 66). The longitudinal layer of the tunica muscularis of the colon is arranged in three equidistant longi- tudinal flat bundles or bands between which the longitudinal layer is reduced to a thin sheet. These bands, known as taeniae, are shorter than the internal layers of the colon, and as a result, the colon is divided into pockets, called haustra, by transverse folds or plicae semilunares. Liver. — The liver is a large gland whose duct, the bile duct, empties into the duodenum. The tributaries to the bile duct are the bile capillaries, which course between the liver cells and send lateral branches into the cells. Bile is a fluid secreted by the liver cells into the bile capillaries, which unite to form larger ALIMENTATION 103 vessels leading to the bile duct. The gall bladder is a dilatation of the bile duct in which bile is stored. Bile consists of water, salts, pigment, bile acids, lipoidal substances such as cholesterin and lecithin, neutral fats and soaps, a nucleo-albumin, which gives bile a mucilaginous consistency, and traces of urea. It is partly excretory in nature but is also important in the digestion and absorption of fats. It has an alkaline reaction and is secreted continuously, and in those forms in which a gall bladder is present it is discharged intermittently into the duodenum. The liver, as already noted in an earlier chapter, in addition to secreting bile, performs other important functions in metabolism, such as the storage of sugar and the storage of fats, the produc- tion of urea and the formation of fibrinogen. In its develop- ment the liver is an outgrowth of the endoderm, forming the lining of the embryonic intestine. The liver is formed of the distal part of this outgrowth and the bile duct represents the proximal part. Pancreas. — The pancreas is also a digestive gland. It con- tains two sorts of secretory cells: (1) alveolar cells, whose secretion is removed by ducts, and (2) islet cells having no connection with ducts and whose secretion is removed by the blood stream. The alveoli are spherical or tubular arrangements of cells sur- rounding a lumen, drained by the ducts. The epithelium of the ducts is simply the continuation of the glandular epithelium. The islet cells are isolated groups of cells scattered between alveoli at irregular intervals. The secretion produced by the alveolar cells is conveyed by ducts to one or more large trunks terminating in the duodenum at or near the mouth of the bile duct. In the frog the pancreatic ducts all open into the bile duct before the latter reaches the duodenum. In man the pancreatic duct joins the bile duct near the intestine, thus forming a short common hepatopancreatic duct, or there may be in a certain percentage of cases an additional pancreatic outlet into the duodenum. The pancreatic fluid produced by the alveolar cells of the pancreas contains important digestive agents, or inactive forms of these agents, that act upon proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the alimentary canal (Fig. 70). Digestion. — The absorption of nutritive substances from the alimentary canal is preceded by a process of digestion which renders food soluble, since only liquids can pass through the 104 GENERAL ZOOLOGY wall of the alimentary canal into the blood or lymph streams. Liquefaction is produced by breaking down the complex organic food substances into simpler compounds; but a chemical trans- formation is also undergone by a soluble substance like cane sugar. The diet of a frog or man consists of organic and inorganic substances. Of the latter, water is the principal one taken alone. Inorganic salts are of course present in meat, milk, vegetables bread, etc., but we ordinarily think of these articles of food as organic in nature. Since in the process of digestion inorganic salts are released from organic combination and absorbed or Fig. 70. — Section of an island of Langerhans surrounded by glandular alveoli of pancreas; diagrammatic, a, alveoli of glands drained by pancreatic duct; b, blood vessel; i, island of Langerhans (islet cells), having no connection with ducts. (After Stiihr.) secreted without further change, digestion is primarily concerned with the changes undergone by the organic constituents of food. The organic foods, protein, carbohydrate, and fat, are distinctly different chemical substances, yet digestion in the case of each is brought about by the same sort of chemical process, known as hydrolysis, the essential feature of which is a preliminary union with water and a subsequent splitting of the combination into simpler products. An example of a relatively simple form of hydrolytic cleavage may be illustrated by the breaking down of a molecule of a polysaccharide, such as malt sugar, into two molecules of a monosaccharide, dextrose: C12H22O11 + H20 ■ malt sugar water 2C6H12O6 dextrose Digestion is not always completed by a single hydrolytic cleavage, ALIMENTATION 105 the number of cleavages involved depending upon the composi- tion of the food. What happens in the case of complex sub- stances such as proteins, is a continuous separation of soluble fractions from a residue that becomes more and more soluble as its chemical composition is simplified, until the original complex molecule is converted entirely into simpler and more soluble molecules. Enzymes. — The hydrolytic cleavages of foodstuffs in the alimentary canal are brought about by organic catalytic agents known as enzymes. A catalytic agent is a substance whose presence hastens chemical reaction. It does not initiate the reaction but greatly accelerates the rate of reaction. Thus, to use a common example, hydrogen and oxygen which do not combine in any appreciable degree at ordinary temperatures to form water, may be made to do so if exposed to spongy platinum. Since the catalytic agent, platinum, does not appear in the product of the reaction, a very small amount is capable of pro- ducing an infinite change. Similarly, digestive enzymes bring about changes in food without becoming a part of the product of digestion. Enzymes are organic catalytic agents produced by cells from which they may be extracted by water, salt solutions, or by glycerin. From such an extract the enzyme may be obtained in a fairly pure state by precipitation with an excess of alcohol. The action of enzymes is destroyed by temperatures between 60 and 100°C. and greatly retarded by temperatures near 0°C. Enzymes are specific in their reaction; thus proteolytic enzymes act only on proteins, fat-splitting enzymes only on fat, etc. Enzymes are reversible in their reaction, the direction of the reaction being determined by whether or not the products of the reaction are removed. If the products are removed as rapidly as formed, the reaction may go to completion in one direction. This is what happens in all probability in the alimentary canal, where the products may be absorbed as soon as formed. If the products are allowed to accumulate, the reaction comes to equilibrium, under which conditions there is as much tendency for the reaction to go in one direction as the other, and thus, for all practical purposes, to come to a halt. It has been shown that an enzyme may be secreted by the cell in an inactive form, to which the general term zymogen is applied. 106 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Zymogen has been identified with certain granules in the cyto- plasm of the cell producing it. To bring about its normal reac- tion, the zymogen must be activated by some agent encountered after it leaves the cell. Thus trypsinogen, the inactive form of trypsin, is a product of the pancreas that is converted into active trypsin by enter vkinase, an organic substance secreted by the small intestine. The enzymes concerned in the digestion of protein, starches, sugars, and fats all act by hydrolysis. Other kinds of enzymes are: (1) coagulating enzymes, such as the rennin of the stomach of young mammals, that produces the coagulation of casein in milk; (2) oxidizing enzymes, that bring about oxidizing processes in the body; and (3) deaminizing enzymes, that produce the separation of the NH2 group from amino acids, of which an example is the formation of ammonia and lactic acid from alanine (CH3CH(NH2)-COOH). Enzymes are sensitive to the hydrogen-ion content of the medium. Thus an enzyme normally acting in a neutral or alkafine medium becomes inactive in the presence of acid. Digestive Enzymes. — The enzymes concerned in digestion and nutrition in the human body include the following: 1. Proteolytic enzymes, acting on proteins. a. Pepsin, secreted by the glands of the stomach, acts in an acid medium ; it converts proteins into peptones and proteoses. (In the frog pepsin is also secreted by the esophagus, but becomes active only after passing into the stomach.) b. Trypsin, secreted in an inactive form as trypsinogen by the pancreas and activated by the enterokinase in the intestine; it acts in an alkaline, neutral, or slightly acid medium; converts proteins into polypeptides. c. Erepsin, secreted principally by the mucosa of the small intestine and in small amounts by the pancreas. It also is found in the tissues generally. It acts in an alkaline or neutral medium and splits the products formed by pepsin and trypsin into amino acids. (In the frog no erepsin is produced by the small intestine.) 2. Diastatic enzymes, act on starches in an alkaline or neutral medium. a. Ptyalin, secreted by the salivary glands, converts starch into sugar (maltose). ALIMENTATION 107 b. Amylase, secreted by the pancreas, converts starch into sugar (maltose). Ptyalin and amylase have a similar action on starch. c. Glycogenase, produced in the liver, converts glycogen to dextrose. It is also found in muscle. 3. Inverting enzymes, secreted by the small intestine princi- pally, act in an alkaline or neutral medium ; they convert double sugars (disaccharides) into simple sugars (monosaccharides). a. Sucrase secreted by the small intestine; converts cane sugar to dextrose and levulose. b. Maltase, secreted by the small intestine, salivary glands, and pancreas, converts maltose to dextrose. c. Lactase, secreted by the small intestine, converts lactose (milk sugar) into dextrose and galactose. 4. Lipolytic enzyme, acting on fat in an alkaline or neutral medium. a. Lipase, secreted by the pancreas, acts in conjunction with bile to split neutral fats into fatty acids and glycerin, in the small intestine. 5. Coagulating enzyme. a. Rennin, secreted by the stomach in an inactive form, prorennin, which is activated by the acid of the stomach, converts the casein of milk into an insoluble protein, the curd, which is then acted upon by pepsin. Foodstuffs. — The useful constituents of food consist of the following foodstuffs: water, inorganic salts, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These substances are foods in the sense that they yield energy or serve as the raw material for the replace- ment of the losses involved in metabolism. The living state is accompanied by continuous physical and chemical changes in the cells of the body, as a result of which, energy, largely in the form of heat, is evolved along with carbon dioxide, water, inorganic salts, and other excretory products. Calorimetry. — By means of a respiration calorimeter it is possible to demonstrate that the energy of heat and work is obtained from the potential energy of the food. The potential energy of foodstuffs can be determined by burning or oxidizing them in a calorimeter, which is an apparatus by means of which the heat liberated during oxidation may be accurately measured. Naturally only organic foodstuffs are involved in this considera- 108 GENERAL ZOOLOGY tion since the inorganic constituents of the diet are incapable of further oxidation. Organic foodstuffs contain potential energy in a chemical form in an amount equivalent to the amount of energy expended in the original synthesis of the foodstuff from simple elements, just as a bent spring possesses potential energy in proportion to the amount of work expended in bending it. If one end of the spring is released, it straightens out and in doing so its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. In a similar way, when a complex organic substance, such as protein or carbohydrate, is oxidized, the complex spatial arrange- ment of the atoms in the molecule is destroyed in the formation of simpler molecules, in which process energy is released. Thus a molecule of carbohydrate possesses potential energy as long as the atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen maintain a certain structural and spatial relation to each other in the molecule. When this relation is disturbed by an oxidation process, the structure collapses, energy is liberated in the form of heat, and the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen emerge from the reaction as carbon dioxide and water. The energy value of foods is measured in calories. A small calorie or gram-calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 gm. of water 1°C. By means of the calorimeter it has been determined that, on the average, 1 gm. of fat yields 9,300 gram-calories, 1 gm. of carbohydrate 4,100 gram-calories, and 1 gm. of protein 5,778 gram-calories. Except for protein these values represent the actual energy values of these substances to the body. Owing to the fact that protein is not completely oxidized in the body (1 gm. of protein yielding 3^ gm. of urea), to obtain the calorific value of 1 gm. of protein, it is necessary to subtract the energy value of ]^ gm. of urea, which is 841 calories, from 5,778 calories, leaving 4,937 calories. Very likely this value is too high since all of the nitrogen of protein metabolism is not eliminated as urea. If allowance is made for nitrogen losses in forms other than urea, the actual calorific value of 1 gm. of protein is reduced to 4,100 gram-calories. The energy requirements of a man can be determined by means of a respiration calorimeter. In its most complete and elaborate form the respiration calorimeter is a small room in which an individual may remain for long periods in comfort, and so arranged that the amount of oxygen consumed from the air ALIMENTATION 109 supply can be determined as well as the quantity of carbon dioxide produced. It also permits the measurement of the amount of heat produced by the subject which, when supple- mented by analysis of the urine and feces, gives the total carbon and nitrogen excretion along with the heat loss. Since the amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate oxidized in the body may be determined from the carbon and nitrogen excretion, the amount of foodstuffs necessary to meet these requirements can be calculated; and since there is a close correspondence in the estimated and actual food requirements, a satisfactory proof is reached that the energy released as heat, or as heat and work, is derived from the potential energy of the food stuffs eaten. The basal metabolism refers to the amount of heat produced when the body is at rest. On the average this amounts to about 1,600 calories for a man and about 1,400 calories for a woman, during a 24-hour period. If the subject in the calorimeter performs active work on a bicycle ergometer, the total energy produced as heat and muscular work may be increased to over 5,000 calories. The dietary requirements vary in proportion to the total energy requirements. Foods. — Animals use food closely allied in chemical composi- tion to animal tissues. Foodstuffs, except water, cane sugar, and sodium chloride, are not ordinarily used as separate articles of diet. Any single article of food, such as rice or meat, may contain all the foodstuffs, yet rice is thought of as a carbohydrate food and meat as protein food, because of the relative pre- dominance of carbohydrate in rice and of protein in meat- Protein exists in various forms, such as the myosin of meat, casein of milk, gluten of bread, and albumin of eggs. Carbo- hydrate foods, such as rice or whole-wheat flour, contain a high percentage of starch. Carbohydrate in the form of sugar is obtained principally from fruits or in a pure form, usually as cane sugar. A variable amount of fat is found in meat, fruit, and vegetables. In diets this is usually supplemented by additional fat in the form of butter or vegetable oils. Water and inorganic salts are constituents of all foods. Vitamins. — In addition to protein, fat, carbohydrate, water, and inorganic salts the animal body requires minute amounts of organic substances known as vitamins. A number — at least six — have been identified, though not completely isolated in a 110 GENERAL ZOOLOGY pure state, so that their chemical formulas are not known with any degree of certainty, at least in all cases. Their importance as essential constituents of a diet has been established beyond all question. They occur in milk, fruit, fresh vegetables, meat, and in the outer kernels of grain. Vitamins exist in such small quantities in foods that they are negligible as sources of energy. They are not enzymes. Their precise role is unknown, but there is some resemblance between them and hormones. Some authors designate them as exhormones to indicate their origin outside the body in contrast to the hormones of the endocrine glands which are formed within the body. At the present time, five vitamins, known as A, B, C, D, and E, are recognized, with some evidence to indicate that vitamin B is a combination of two or more vitamins. Vitamin A is fat-soluble and promotes growth. Rats on a vitamin A-deficient diet show in addition to stoppage of growth and loss of weight, inflammatory conditions in the conjunctiva and the cornea of the eye, as well as other effects. Cooking does not destroy it in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin B or B i is water-soluble and its absence in food pro- duces polyneuritis or beriberi. Fowls fed on polished rice (rice in which the reddish outside layer has been removed) develop in the course of a few days a weakness in the legs caused by a nervous degeneration which is known as polyneuritis. Such fowls soon die unless the diet is changed, or rice polishings added to it. Beriberi, a disease common among rice-eating peoples, shows similar symptoms and seems to be due to similar causes. In this case the vitamin involved is located in the cortex of the grain. It also occurs in yeast, milk, leafy vegetables, and fruit. Vitamin C is alcohol-soluble and is antiscorbutic. Absence of vitamin C in the diet produces scurvy, a disease manifested by bleeding of the gums, tooth pulp, mucous membrane, and skin. It was particularly prevalent among sailors in the days of sailing vessels when voyages too frequently outlasted the available supply of fresh vegetables and meat. Scurvy results in bodily weakness and terminates in death unless checked by feeding vegetables and meat or by giving the juice of lemons, limes or oranges. Ascorbic acid, C6H806, has the antiscorbutic potency of lemon juice, of which it is one of the constituents. Vitamin D is fat-soluble and antirachitic. Rickets, a disease in which the bones and teeth are defective, may be prevented by ALIMENTATION 111 administering cod-liver oil, which is high in vitamin D. Since rickets may also be controlled by ultraviolet radiation, it is thought that radiation liberates vitamin D from substances in the tissues that might be regarded as a kind of 'provitamin. This substance is ergosterol, an unsaturated fat. The active vitamin occurs in abundance in fish oils, butter fat, whole milk, and yolk of eggs. Administration of irradiated ergosterol shows the same antirachitic effects as the vitamin D of fish oils. Vitamin D is involved in regulating the concentrations of phosphorus and calcium in the blood and is concerned with the calcification of bones and teeth. Vitamin E is fat-soluble and is necessary for fertility in repro- duction. It is found in meat, cereal, lettuce, liver, and egg yolk. Its omission from a diet results in sterility. Vitamin G or B2 consists of two substances: (1) lavine, a yellow pigment, which seems to be essential for growth, and (2) a portion called B6 that prevents and cures a dietary skin disease in rats somewhat similar to pellagra in man. These vitamins occur in yeast, whole cereals, milk, vegetables, and fruits. Salivary Digestion. — In the frog, food is swallowed without mastication and salivary digestion is entirely lacking. In man and most mammals, the saliva contains a starch-splitting enzyme, ptyalin, secreted principally by the parotid gland. The flow of saliva is a result of reflex stimulation of secretory nerves. Thus the sight and odor of food cause a flow of saliva before the food enters the mouth. In the mouth the taste of food also stimulates salivary secretion. The action of saliva upon starch may be demonstrated in a test tube, or by holding a small quan- tity of boiled potato in the mouth for a short time. After a few minutes sugar is found in the solution. The conversion of starch into sugar is a step-by-step reaction, in which maltose is split off leaving residues that become progressively simpler in chemical structure until entirely converted into sugar. This may be illustrated as follows: , maltose Starchy maltose erythrodextrin^ , maltose achroodextrin^ ™altose dextrin / maltose 112 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Chewing thoroughly mixes saliva with the food, but swallowing takes place before all the action of ptyalin can be completed in the mouth. The reaction of saliva is neutral or slightly acid, but its activity is stopped by concentrations of hydrochloric acid as low as 0.003 per cent and also by strong alkali. The gastric juice contains enough acid (0.50 per cent of HCL) to stop the action of ptyalin on food in the stomach ; nevertheless the action of ptyalin may continue in the stomach because the food may remain undisturbed in the fundus for an hour or more and remain unmixed with acid. If a rat is fed with food of different colors, the stomach removed, frozen, and sectioned, it is found that the food is deposited in concentric layers, the first layer against the wall and each later layer inside the preceding one. Since time is required for the complete mixing of the food with gastric juice, ptyalin might well continue its action particularly on food swallowed toward the end of the meal. Gastric Digestion. — The acidity of pure gastric juice, is about 0.5 per cent, while the acidity of the contents of -the stomach during digestion is about 0.2 per cent. The drop in acidity during digestion is due to neutralization and dilution by the stomach contents and also apparently by regulated regurgitation of the alkaline contents of the duodenum during gastric digestion. Gastric juice is secreted by the stomach in response to the stimulations of nerve endings of taste and odor, produced during the chewing and swallowing of food. This constitutes the appetite secretion. In addition there is evidence of a chemical stimulation of the gastric glands brought about by the action of food on the stomach mucosa, producing a substance, gastric secretin, which is absorbed by the blood and carried to the gastric glands, where it causes secretion of the gastric juice. The principal enzyme of the stomach, pepsin, acts only in an acid medium, upon proteins, reducing them to simple and more soluble forms known as peptones. The curdling of milk brought about by rennin, the coagulating enzyme of the gastric juice, takes place in two steps: (1) the conversion of casein into para- casein, and (2) the reaction of the paracasein with calcium salts of the milk to form the curd, which is an insoluble protein. The latter then undergoes proteolytic digestion by pepsin. Digestion of protein is begun in the stomach and carried to completion in the intestine. ALIMENTATION 113 Gastric digestion is facilitated by movements of the pyloric half of the stomach. During these movements, which consist of rhythmic muscular contractions beginning at about the middle of the stomach and extending to the pylorus, the fundus remains quiescent. The stomach cavity is entirely shut off from the rest of the alimentary canal by the contracted sphincter muscles at the cardia and pylorus, except at certain intervals when the pyloric sphincter relaxes and allows a portion of the stomach contents to be pushed out into the duodenum. That portion of the food subjected to the rhythmic contractions of the stomach is gradually converted into a liquid mass known as chyme; and it is thought that the liquefaction of the food may be one of the factors involved in causing the relaxation of the pyloric sphincter, since observations have been recorded indicating that when liquid food alone is taken, it leaves the stomach in a few minutes. In other words, the pyloric sphincter remains contracted as long as the pyloric contents are solid, but relaxes when subjected to the pressure of chyme of a certain degree of fluidity. It has also been suggested that the chemical reaction of the chyme may be a factor, but agreement is lacking on this point. After the expul- sion of a quantity of the chyme, a corresponding quantity of food is pushed out of the fundus, presumably by the tonic contractions of the fundic muscles. Digestion in the Small Intestine. — In the intestine, the chyme from the stomach is subjected to the action of enzymes contained in the pancreatic juice and also enzymes produced by the small intestine itself. The alkaline secretion from the pancreas con- tributes four enzymes: two proteolytic enzymes, trypsin and erepsin; an amylolytic enzyme, amylase; and a lipolytic enzyme, lipase. From the intestinal mucosa comes a proteolytic enzyme, erepsin, identical with the erepsin of the pancreatic fluid; various inverting enzymes; and enterokinase, which activates trypsin- ogen. All of these enzymes act in an alkaline or neutral or faintly acid medium. When the acid chyme from the stomach is discharged into the duodenum the pancreatic juice begins to flow into the duodenum. A substance, pancreatic secretin, is formed by the action of acid on the duodenal mucosa and is carried by the blood stream to the pancreas, where it causes active secretion. It has a similar effect on the liver, causing the secretion of bile. Pancreatic secretin, 114 GENERAL ZOOLOGY like gastric secretin, is an example of a hormone, a chemical agent that stimulates the activity of organs other than the one in which it is produced. The chemical control of pancreatic secretion provides an automatic mechanism for regulating the secretion of pancreatic juice. The peptones formed by the gastric digestion of proteins are hydrolyzed by trypsin and erepsin into amino acids, the final product of protein digestion. Amylase is similar to ptyalin in its action on starches. Thus the amylolytic action by ptyalin begun in the mouth and con- tinued in the stomach until interrupted by hydrochloric acid, is renewed and carried to completion by amylase in the intestine. Maltose, the product of starch digestion is then converted by maltase into dextrose. Most of the maltase is produced in the intestine, but saliva also contains small amounts, so that some inverting action on maltose may take place before the food reaches the intestine. Cane sugar, taken in a pure form with food is converted in the intestine by sucrase into dextrose and levulose. Milk sugar or lactose is changed by lactase into dextrose and galactose. Dextrose, levulose, and galactose are all monosacchar- ides and represent the end products of carbohydrate digestion. It is usually agreed that the digestion of fats takes place in the small intestine. The lipolytic enzyme involved is lipase, pro- duced by the pancreas. Lipase is capable of hydrolyzing or saponifying neutral fats. Its action on beef fat, tristearin, may be illustrated as follows: C3H5(C17H35COO)3 + 3H20 -> C3H5(OH)3 + 3C17H35COOH tristearin water glycerin stearic acid Since this reaction takes place in an alkaline medium, the free acid is at once neutralized to form a soap, sodium stearate, as follows : C17H35COOH + NaOH -> C17H35COONa + H20 stearic acid sodium hydroxide sodium stearate water Or both steps may perhaps be combined in a single reaction as follows : C3H5(C17H35COO)3 + 3NaOH -> C3H5(OH)3 + 3C17H35COONa tristearin sodium hydroxide glycerin sodium stearate ALIMENTATION 115 Glycerin and a salt of a fatty acid, or soap, constitute the final products of the digestion of fats. Since lipase acts more rapidly and effectively when bile is present, it is thought that bile acids alone or with lecithin (a constituent of bile) functions as a coenzyme, which increases lipolytic action. Gastric Absorption. — Relatively little absorption of substances takes place in the stomach. Water is not absorbed to any appreciable extent. One experiment with a dog showed that of 500 cc. of water given through the mouth 495 cc. entered the duodenum within a half an hour. Alcohol, on the other hand, is absorbed readily by the stomach. Sugars and peptones are not absorbed. Absorption in the Small Intestine. — The products of digestion are absorbed principally in the small intestine. In this connec- tion it is necessary to refer again to the structure of the intestinal villi. The mucous lining of the human small intestine throughout the greater part of its length is raised into permanent transverse folds, the valvulae conniventes. Both on the valvulae and between them the mucosa is in the form of closely packed cylin- drical or club-shaped villi. In the duodenum villi are plate- shaped. Each villus is covered with columnar epithelium, beneath which is an incomplete layer of plain muscle. The core of the villus is formed of loose connective tissue, with a centrally located lymph capillary or lacteal, which communicates with larger lymphatic vessels in the submucosa. Peripheral to the lacteal is a network of blood vessels (Fig. 71). Absorption and Metabolism of Protein. — The products of protein digestion, amino acids, are absorbed through the epi- thelium of the intestinal mucosa into the blood stream and carried by the blood to different parts of the body. They are stored temporarily, principally in the liver and muscles. Experiments show that with excessive feeding some of the products of protein digestion may enter the lymph stream. Apparently there is no circulating protein to provide the tissues with their protein requirements. Instead it is believed that this function is served by amino acids in the blood, each tissue using what is required to build up its own form of protein. Amino acids that are not used for tissue-building may undergo deaminization. This consists in splitting off a portion of the molecule as urea, leaving a non- 116 GENERAL ZOOLOGY nitrogenous residue which can be readily oxidized. Deaminiza- tion occurs principally in the liver, though there is evidence that it also occurs in the tissues generally. Urea, which has the /NH2 formula C=0, is the chief end product of nitrogen metabolism N\NH2 in the body. The role of the products of protein digestion is m. m.m. s.m. m&km * m.pX A B C Fig. 71. — A, diagram of the blood vessels of the small intestine; the arteries appear as coarse black lines; the capillaries as fine ones, and the veins are shaded. (After Mall.) B, diagram of the lymphatic vessels. (After Mall.) C, diagram of the nerves. (After Cajal.) The layers of the intestine are m, mucosa; m.m., muscularis mucosa; s.m., sub-mucosa; cm., circular muscle; i.e., intermuscular connective tissue; l.m., longitudinal muscle; s, serosa; c.l., central lymphatic; n, nodule;, submucous plexus;, myenteric plexus. (From Stohr, Text- book of Histology, by Lewis. P. Blakiston's Son and Company. By permission.) therefore twofold: (1) to build tissue, and (2) to provide fuel. Of the two the first is the more important. There is evidence that the liver is involved in the formation or in the mechanism of regulation of the blood proteins, especially fibrinogen. It is possible to keep a dog in nitrogen equilibrium (in which intake and outgo of nitrogen are equal) and even with a plus balance of nitrogen if it is fed on certain amino acids without fats or carbohydrates. This means, of course, that some part ALIMENTATION 117 of the amino acids can act as a source of heat or energy. Some of the non-nitrogenous product of deaminization may be con- verted to sugar and glycogen and then into fat, though most of the body fat comes from fat taken as such in the food and from carbohydrate. Absorption and Metabolism of Carbohydrates. — Since carbo- hydrate food is taken mainly in the form of starch, the principal end product of carbohydrate digestion is dextrose. This passes through the walls of the villi into the blood capillaries, whence it is carried by the blood of the portal vein to the liver. In the liver a certain amount of sugar is removed and converted into glycogen, an insoluble starchlike substance, which is stored in the liver cells, leaving about 0.1 per cent of sugar in the blood. As sugar in the form of glucose is used up in the general circulation and tissues, glycogen is converted back into dextrose by the enzyme glycogenase, thus maintaining a fairly constant sugar content in the blood. Sugar may be absorbed in a form other than glucose, in which case it is converted into glycogen by the liver and released as glucose in the blood. The islet cells of the pancreas produce a hormone, insulin, which plays an important part in sugar metabolism. Sugar is used in the body (1) to provide a source of energy for cells and for muscular work; (2) by oxidation to supply heat; and (3) excessive amounts may be converted into fat and stored as such. Energy is obtained from sugar by oxidation which may occur in the circulation or in the tissues, but in order for oxidation to take place, insulin must be present. If insulin is kept out of the general circulation in an experimental animal by removing the entire pancreas, the percentage of sugar rises, indicating that the normal amount of sugar is not being used. If the pancreatic ducts are ligated, all of the cells of the pancreas except the islet undergo atrophy. In such an animal the amount of the sugar in the blood remains normal. Thus the rise of sugar in the blood in the first case must have been due to the absence of something produced by the islet cells. In the disease, diabetes mellitus, practically all the carbohydrate taken as food may be lost in the urine in the form of sugar and even if no carbohydrate is eaten, sugar, derived from stored-up glycogen, continues to be eliminated in the urine. That this condition is due to lack of insulin is indicated by the fact (1) 118 GENERAL ZOOLOGY that in such cases lesions have been found in some or all of the islet tissue of the pancreas, and (2) that the administration of insulin, a preparation containing the active principle of the islet cells, causes a return to normal sugar metabolism. Absorption and Metabolism of Fats. — The end products of fat digestion are glycerin and soaps. These are absorbed as such but are apparently at once combined to form fats in the outer zone of the epithelium of the mucosa because fat droplets can be demonstrated in these cells in sections of tissue taken from an animal during absorption (Fig. 72) . In absorption it is believed that the bile salts or other constitu- ents of the bile dissolve the fatty acids or their soaps, thus enabling Fig. 72. Fig. 73. Fig. 72. — Intestinal epithelium of frog showing spherules of fat (in black) as they appear during absorption. {After Krehl.) Fig. 73. — Diagram of the larger veins and lymphatic vessels of intestine. H, hepatic vein; hp, hepatic portal vein; i, intestine; l, liver; m, mesentery; p, postcava; s, superior cava; td, thoracic duct, which conveys lymph to the sub- clavian vein. them to pass into the cells. Thus the bile is not only important in the digestion of fats but also in their absorption. Most of the synthesized fat passes from the epithelium of the mucosa into the lacteals, then into the larger intestinal lymphatics, the thoracic lymph duct, and finally into the blood stream at the point where the thoracic duct joins the right subclavian vein near the heart. During absorption the lymphatics of the intestine are distended with fat, which gives them a milky appearance. Fat in the form found in the lymphatics is known as chyle. A smaller quantity of fat enters the blood capillaries of the mucosa and thus passes to the liver through the portal vein, before entering the general ALIMENTATION 119 circulation. Since liver cells show an accumulation of fat during absorption, it follows that some of the fat is taken out of the blood by the liver (Fig. 73). Chyle is removed from the lacteals by contractions of the musculature of the villi. Fat is used by the tissues for heat production, the final products of oxidation being carbon dioxide and water. Fats like carbo- hydrates are energy producers. An excess may be stored in the body as adipose tissue, a reserve which may be drawn upon when needed. Digestion and Absorption in the Large Intestine. — The mammalian large intestine does not produce specific digestive enzymes. The same is also true of the frog. The secretion of the human large intestine consists of mucus and is alkaline in reaction. However, since the contents received by the large intestine from the small intestine contain some undigested food together with enzymes and since the large intestine retains its contents for a long time, digestion and absorption continue there as in the small intestine. The outstanding function of the large intestine is the absorption of water as a result of which the contents are dried to the consistency of the feces. Bacterial Digestion. — The intestine of man as well as that of other animals normally contains large numbers of bacteria. In the small intestine they cause fermentation of carbohydrates, which results in the production of carbon dioxide, water, alcohol, and acetic acid. These substances are probably absorbed and used by the body, but they could be used equally well if absorbed as unfermented sugar. In the large intestine the same thing may take place, but usually bacterial action in this part of the digestive tract is on undigested fragments of protein, causing putrefaction. Autointoxication results from the absorption in the large intestine of toxic substances formed in the process of putrefaction. CHAPTER VI CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION A circulatory system consists of a fluid, blood or lymph, driven by the contractions of one or more hearts to all parts of the body, usually through tubular blood vessels. If blood vessels are absent or poorly developed, as in insects, the blood shortly after leaving the heart flows through the tissues unconfined by vessels. The heart is a highly specialized region of a blood vessel. In the frog there is a single heart for moving the blood and a number of lymph hearts which maintain a flow of lymph from the tissues to the veins of the blood system. Lymph hearts are absent in mammals. The circulatory system serves to transport to the tissues nutritive substances, absorbed from the alimentary canal, and oxygen, absorbed from air or water by the respiratory organs. The blood collects from the tissue products of metab- olism such as carbon dioxide, water, and various other substances, which are eventually eliminated. In warm-blooded animals the blood is important in controlling and regulating body temper- ature. The importance of the circulatory system in connection with these functions is not the same for all animals. Thus in insects, air containing oxygen is carried to blood-bathed tissues and carbon dioxide from them, by special tubes that function as respiratory organs (p. 426), the blood forming only a short link in the final phase of oxygen transport and the initial phase of carbon dioxide transport. Blood is a fluid tissue composed of a liquid plasma in which cells or cell-like bodies called corpuscles are suspended. Lymph has a somewhat similar composition. Blood Vessels of Vertebrates. — Arteries are vessels that carry blood away from the heart. Veins carry blood toward the heart. The small arteries or arterioles terminate in still smaller vessels known as capillaries, which soon reunite to form veins. The arterial and venous vessels are connected centrally by the heart and peripherally by the capillaries, the whole providing a cir- cular pathway through which the blood moves. Sometimes a 120 CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 121 capillary network is intercalated in the arterial system, as in the gill capillaries of a fish, to and from which blood is carried by arteries. A similar situation may also occur in the venous cir- culation. Thus the hepatic portal vein arises from capillaries in the intestine and terminates in capillaries in the liver, forming what is known as a portal circulation. Since the major functions of the blood are carried out in the capillary bed, arteries and veins serve principally as conduits for conveying blood to and from the capillaries. In the capillaries the important exchanges take place between blood and tissues upon which metabolism depends. The heart, the walls of the larger arteries and veins, as well as all other parts of the vertebrate body except some epidermal struc- tures are provided with a capillary circulation. Arteries. — A cross section of a large artery shows three regions: the intima, the media, and the ex- terna (Fig. 74). The intima con- sists of a flattened layer of cells known as endothelium, lining the vessel. External to the endothe- lium, the intima contains a layer of white and elastic fibers forming a meshwork elongated in the direction of the length of the vessel. The media consists of a thick layer of circular, nonstriated or plain muscle fibers, spread through wide-meshed elastic tissue. The externa, the outer covering of the artery, is composed of some- what denser connective tissue, part of which is elastic. Veins.- — The wall of a vein is thinner than that of a correspond- ing artery, but otherwise the plan of structure is the same for both. In larger veins the media is reduced or absent. Unless distended with blood, veins appear collapsed or wrinkled in sections. At the same level veins appear larger than correspond- ing arteries in sections because the arteries contract markedly when treated with a killing fluid such as is used in preparing sections. Capillaries. — As arteries approach capillaries, the outer layers of the artery are lost, until only the endothelial layer with a few Fig. 74. — Section of wall of medium sized artery of cat. E, externa; I, intima; M, media. 122 GENERAL ZOOLOGY scattered muscle cells remain. These endothelial tubes are not the true capillaries, the latter having an even more simplified structure, the details of which are not completely known. According to some descriptions, the capillary is a noncellular membrane or 'perithelium which contains scattered contractile cells and nerve endings. The diameter of the smallest capillaries is so reduced that blood corpuscles are distorted in their passage through them. The wall of the capillary is therefore extremely thin which would seem to be of significance in connection with rapid exchanges by diffusion between blood and tissue. Heart of the Frog. — The pericardium, the sac enclosing the heart, bears the same relation to the heart as the peritoneum bears to the intestine. The pericardium is really a double-walled sac, whose inner or visceral wall is closely applied to the heart and separated from the outer or parietal wall by a space filled with pericardial fluid. The two walls of the pericardium are con- tinuous about the heart where the large vessels are joined to it. The heart is an organ composed almost entirely of muscle. Cardiac muscle is striated and the structure of the myofibrils is similar to that found in skeletal muscle. Unlike skeletal muscle, whose fibers are usually straight, cardiac muscle fibers form a branching network (Fig. 75). The nuclei are located in the central axes of the fibers. In human cardiac muscle the fibers are crossed by irregular intercalated disks, located about midway between adjacent nuclei, which gives the appearance of a cellular structure. Though striated, cardiac muscle is involuntary in function. The frog's heart is composed of a single ventricle and two auricles or atria. Viewed from the ventral side, the triangular ventricle forms the posterior half of the heart and is marked off from the atrial region in front by the coronary sulcus. The ventral face of the atrial region is traversed by the broad truncus arteriosus arising from the right anterior border of the ventricle and dividing into right and left branches at the anterior edge of the heart. On the dorsal side of the heart is a triangular sac, the Fig. 75. — Cardiac muscle tissue of mammal. C, intercalated disks. CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 123 sinus venosus, which communicates with the right atrium. The right and left atria are completely separated by an interatrial septum. The right atrium is larger than the left (Fig. 76). The cavity of the ventricle is a single chamber but its thick muscular wall is indented by deep depressions which form numerous alcoves. The atria, on the other hand, have smooth thin walls. The blood which enters the right atrium from the sinus venosus is deoxygenated blood from the systemic circulation. Backflow of blood into the sinus venosus when the heart con- A.V.C. A B Fig. 76. — Heart of Rana catesbeiana. A, dissection from ventral side; B, dorsal view, a.v.c, anterior vena cava; a.v.v., atrioventricular valve (dorsal); B.C., bulbus cordis (proximal segment of truncus arteriosus); i.a.s., interatrial septum; l.a., left atrium; l.v., longitudinal valve; P.C., postcava; p.v., pulmonary veins; r.a., right atrium; s.v., sinus venosus; T.I., truncus impar (distal segment of truncus arteriosus) ; v, ventricle. tracts is prevented by a pair of transverse lips or valves guarding the sinu-atrial aperture. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs brought to it by the 'pulmonary veins, which enter the atrium at an acute angle so that when the atrium con- tracts, the mouth of the venous aperture is closed. Both atria open into the ventricle through the atrioventricular aperture, which, however, is divided into right and left portions by the interatrial septum (Fig. 76). The atrioventricular aperture is guarded by four valves, viz., a large flap on the dorsal edge, a similar one on the ventral edge, and two smaller valves, one at the right and one at the left edge of the aperture. The free 124 GENERAL ZOOLOGY edges of the valves are prevented from being pushed back into the atria by small fibers, known as chordae tendineae, extending from the edges of the valves to the wall of the ventricle. The truncus arteriosus takes its origin from the anterior margin of the right side of the ventral wall of the ventricle and then follows a diagonal course across the atria from right to left. It is composed of two regions: a proximal segment, the bulbus cordis, CAQ Fig. 77. — Dissection of truncus arteriosus of Rana catesbeiana from ventral side. a. a., aortic arch; c.a., carotid arch;, cavum aorticum of bulbus cordis; c.p., cavum pulmocutaneum of bulbus cordis; l.v., longitudinal valve; p.a., pulmonary arch; s.i., septum interaorticum; 3, valve. marked off by a transverse constriction from a distal segment, the truncus impar, which almost immediately bifurcates into right and left trunks. Each of these trunks separates into three branches, known as arterial arches, of which the anterior one is the common carotid artery, the next, the aorta, and the posterior one the pulmocutaneous artery. Each common carotid artery divides almost at once into internal and external carotid arteries which supply the head. Each aortic arch curves outward and dorsally to join its fellow of the opposite side at about the level of the sixth vertebra, to form the dorsal aorta. Each pulmo- CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 125 cutaneous artery divides into (1) a great cutaneous artery, which is distributed mainly in the skin of the dorsal and lateral regions, and (2) a pulmonary artery to a lung. One division of the great cutaneous artery, the auricularis, forms anastomoses with other arteries, such as the occipital and carotid (Fig. 81). If the truncus arteriosus is opened by a ventral incision from its point of origin to the bifurcation, its bulbar region is found to contain a number of valves, of which the largest is the septum bulbi or longitudinal valve (Fig. 77). The septum bulbi is at- tached at its posterior end to the ventral wall of the proximal end of the bulbus, but as one traces the valve forward, its point of attachment spirals sharply to the left through an arc of 180 degrees to the dorsal wall of the bulbus, which it follows in a slight curve from left to right to the beginning of the truncus impar where it is united dorsally and laterally to the truncal walls. Since the ventral edge of the septum is ssection proxir j end of free throughout the greater part truncus arteriosus of Rana catesbeiana, r •■ i ,i i i j- ■ with walls spread apart, d, dorsal of its length, a complete divi- valve. LVm left valve. R v ( right valve sion of the bulbar channel into two can only occur when the free edge of the septum is pressed tightly against the ventral wall of the bulbus. The attached edge of the septum is broad and the free edge is thin and movable. The two channels formed in the bulbus by the septum are known as the cavum aorticum, on the right, and the cavumpulmocutaneum, on the left. At the posterior end of the septum bulbi, where it is attached to the ventral and lateral wall of the bulbus, are three valves: (1) a left ventral valve, closely applied to the right lateral face of the septum; (2) a right ventral valve, attached to the right wall of the bulbus; and (3) a dorsal valve, very small and lying between the first two. These valves are connective tissue flaps, whose free edges are attached to the walls of the bulbus by chordae 126 GENERAL ZOOLOGY C.A tendineae. Another set of three valves is found at the anterior end of the septum, as follows: (1) a large one, valve 3, on the left side of the septum, beyond which is an opening leading to the pulmocutaneous arteries; (2) another one, called valve 2, lying ventral and to the right of valve 3; and (3) a cup-shaped valve formed by the anterior end of the septum bulbi and known as valve 1 (Figs. 78 and 79). The truncus impar is divided into dorsal and ventral chan- nels by the septum principale, which, taking its origin from the anterior edge of the septum bulbi, divides the cup-shaped valve of the latter into dorsal and ventral portions, valves la and 16. The dorsal channel, lead- ing from the cavum pulmocutaneum of the bulbus, divides with the trun- cal arms of the truncus impar into right and left pulmocutaneous arches. The ventral channel of the truncus impar is divided into right and left portions by the septum inter aorticum, Fig. 79.— Dissection of distal which is at right angles to the septum end of truncus arteriosus of Rana principale. The two channels thllS catesbeiana. a. a., aortic arch; c.a., carotid arch; c.p., cavum formed are the beginnings of the pulmocutaneum; L.v.iongitu- aortic arches. The carotid arches dinal valve of cordis bulbus; p. a., pulmonary arch; s.i., septum originate as two small openings in the interaorticum; s.p. septum prm- septum interaorticum, leading from cipale; la, lb, 3, valves. (Valve *■ . ~. 2, removed with the ventral wall the right aortic branch of the of the truncus, is not shown.) truncus. Blood leaving the cavum aorticum of the bulbus enters the aortic and carotid arches. The sinus venosus, situated on the dorsal' side of the heart, receives a right and left anterior vena cava (precava) in front, and an unpaired postcava behind. The blood brought to the sinus venosus is for the most part deoxygenated or venous blood, coming from the capillaries of all parts of the body except the lungs. Since the sinus venosus empties into the right atrium, the blood of the right atrium is venous in character. On the other hand, blood returned from the lungs to the heart by the pul- monary veins is usually oxygenated blood, and this blood enters CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 127 the left atrium. The plan of the blood circulatory system of the frog provides for two circuits, a general systemic circulation and a pulmonary circuit, but these two circuits are not completely separated because they both make use of a single ventricle in passing through the heart. Action of the Frog's Heart. — The study of the living heart shows that each atrium and the ventricle contract and dilate in a regular sequence. Contraction of a part of the heart is known as systole, and the dilatation which follows is diastole. The order of sequence of contraction is right atrium, left atrium, ventricle. Immediately after the ventricular systole, the bulbus cordis swells and then contracts to its normal size. Since both atria contract before the ventricle, the latter becomes filled with venous blood from the right atrium and oxygenated blood from the left. However, owing to the spongy internal structure of the ventricle and to the fact that ventricular systole follows almost immediately after the contraction of the left atrium, there is probably little mingling of the two kinds of blood in the ventricle. When the ventricle contracts, the blood is forced into the bulbus cordis, the atrioventricular valves preventing backflow of blood into the atria. The first blood to leave the ventricle is the venous blood since it occupies a position on the right side of the heart near the entrance to the bulbus cordis. This venous blood seems to enter the cavum pulmocutaneum and thence flows into the pulmocutaneous arteries for two reasons, viz., (1) the relatively slight peripheral resistance in the pulmocutaneous trunks as compared with the pressure in the carotid and systemic arches, and (2) the contraction of the bulbus brings the free edge of the bulbar septum in contact with the bulbar wall, closing the cavum pulmocutaneum immediately after it is filled. Backflow into the bulbus is prevented by the anterior bulbar valves. The opening into the pulmocutaneous arteries is guarded by valve 16 on the dorsal side of the septum bulbi and by valve 3 which lies opposite on the wall of the bulbus. The aortic opening is guarded by valve la, on the ventral side of the septum bulbi, and by the large valve 2, which is attached to the ventral wall of the bulbus. In each aortic arch, just before turning poste- riorly, are semilunar valves. Each carotid artery is provided with a carotid gland at the point of bifurcation into internal and 128 GENERAL ZOOLOGY external carotid arteries. The carotid gland is a spongy struc- ture containing a network of small blood vessels through which the blood of the carotid artery passes. There is still a difference of opinion as to the function of the valves in the bulbus. The present account is based on the mor- phological relations and also on experimental data. If India ink is injected into the postcava, the sinus venosus or the right atrium, much of the ink may appear in the aortic and carotid arches, but on the average, less in amount than in the pulmo- cutaneous trunks. Thus it would seem that there is a con- siderable separation in the bulbus of the two kinds of atrial blood but that the separation is not absolute. Such experiments sup- port the idea that most of the blood from the right atrium enters the pulmocutaneous arches and that most of the blood from the left atrium enters the aortic and carotid vessels. It would also seem that the last blood to leave the heart, the least venous blood, enters the carotid system since the small openings of the carotid arteries are beyond the larger entrances to the aortic trunks. This interpretation of the action of the frog's heart can have a functional significance only on the assumption that the blood returned to the heart from the lungs has a higher oxygen content than the blood in the right atrium. This point must be con- sidered because the frog obtains a considerable portion of oxygen through buccal and cutaneous respiration. It would seem to be fairly obvious that the internal structure of the lung provides a mechanism for the absorption by the blood of oxygen from the alveolar air and for the release of carbon dioxide from the blood into the cavity of the lung. The pulmonary artery runs along the outer surface of the lung to the tip, giving off at right angles lateral branches forming a rich capillary network in the alveolar walls (Fig. 14). The pulmonary vein arising from this capillary network courses along the inner surface of the lung from the tip to the base. On the other hand, the great cutaneous veins from the skin of the dorsal and lateral regions of the body contain oxygenated blood which passes into the venous stream, but the volume of this contribution to the venous stream is relatively small, compared to the volume of the venous stream as a whole. Therefore, it would appear that the venous blood brought to the right atrium contains less oxygen than the blood entering the left atrium directly from the lungs. CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 129 The Blood Vascular System of the Frog. — The arterial system is made up of the arterial trunks leaving the heart and their subdivisions, which go to all parts of the body (Fig. 81). The carotid arteries supply the head. The remainder of the body except the lungs and some parts of the skin are supplied by the aortic arches and the dorsal aorta. The pulmocutaneous arteries lead to the lungs and certain regions of the skin. The arched form of these arterial trunks is a survival of a fish type of bran- chial circulation that is present in the frog tadpole. In a fish such as the dogfish shark, a common marine form, the sinus venosus receives all the venous trunks of the body and Fiu. 80. — The circulatory system of the dogfish, a, atrium or auricle; a.b.a., afferent branchial arteries; a.c, anterior cardinal vein; b.c, branchial clefts; c.a., carotid artery; c.c.v., common cardial vein; cl.a., caudal artery; cl.v., caudal vein; co.a., coeliac artery; d.a., dorsal aorta; e.b.a., efferent branchial arteries; h.p.v., hepatic portal vein; h.v., hepatic vein; il.a., iliac artery; il.v., iliac vein; k, kidney; I, liver; l.v., lateral vein; m.a., mesenteric artery; p, pancreas; p.c, post- cardinal vein; r.a., renal artery; r.p.v., renal portal vein; r.v., renal veins; s, stom- ach; su.a., subclavian artery; su.v., subclavian vein; s.v., sinus venosus; v. ventricle; v.a., ventral aorta. (Modified from Parker and Haswell.) pours its blood into a single atrium (Fig. 80). From the atrium the blood passes into a single ventricle. Thus all of the blood in the dogfish heart is venous blood. Leading forward from the ventricle is a short truncus arteriosus which divides right and left into afferent branchial arteries leading to the gills. After passing through the wide capillaries of the gills, during which the blood absorbs oxygen from water passing over the gills and gives off carbon dioxide to the water, the oxygenated blood is collected dorsally by efferent branchial arteries which unite to form a dorsal aorta that proceeds posteriorly to the tip of the tail. The carotid arteries are given off from anterior efferent arteries to the head. The arrangement of the branchial vessels is such that all of the blood leaving the heart passes through the gills. The 130 GENERAL ZOOLOGY gill capillaries are thus intercalated in the arterial system. In the frog a similar condition exists in the tadpole, but with the development of the lungs and other changes accompanying metamorphosis, the gills are resorbed, and the branchial arteries become the three pairs of arterial arches of the adult frog (Fig. 81). Blood is returned to the sinus venosus of the frog's heart through three large venous trunks, viz., a right and left precava or anterior cava, and a single postcava. The anterior cavae drain blood from the capillaries of the head and the anterior part of the body. The postcava has its roots in the segmental renal veins which collect blood from the kidneys. The principal venous trunks of each hindleg are the sciatic and femoral veins. At the juncture of the leg with the body each femoral vein bifurcates to form a pelvic vein and an external iliac vein. The two pelvic veins unite in the mid-line to form the anterior abdominal vein which proceeds forward in the mid-line of the abdominal wall to join one of the branches of the hepatic portal vein. The external iliac vein unites with the sciatic to form a renal portal vein, which terminates in capil- laries in a kidney. Each kidney receives oxygenated blood from segmental renal arteries, given off by the dorsal aorta, and it also receives venous blood from the renal portal vein. The blood is Fig. 81. — Diagram of the circulatory system of the frog from the ventral side. a, anterior abdominal vein; a. a., aortic arch; c.a., common carotid artery; Co., coeliac artery; d.a. ; dorsal aorta; f, femo- ral vein; il, iliac artery; k, kidney; l, liver; lu, lung; p, pancreas; p. a., pulmo- nary arch; p.c, postcava; p.e., pelvic vein; pk, precaval vein; p.v., pulmonary vein; r.a., renal artery; r.p., renal portal vein; r.v., renal vein; a, sinus venosus; sc, sciatic vein; st, stomach. CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 131 drained from the kidneys by the renal veins. The renal portal veins and their tributaries begin in capillaries in the hindlegs and end in capillaries in the kidneys. A portion, therefore, of all the venous blood from the hindlegs must pass through kidneys before reaching the heart. The hepatic portal system is made up of the hepatic portal vein, which originates in the capillaries of the stomach, intestine, spleen and pancreas and ends in capillaries in the lobes of the liver. The anterior abdominal vein, draining parts of the hind- legs, divides into two branches just before entering the liver. One of these branches usually joins a branch of the hepatic portal vein. Before it enters the liver, the anterior abdominal vein receives a small vein, the cardiac vein, from the bulbus cordis. Human Heart. — The human heart consists of four chambers: two atria, or auricles, and two ventricles, making possible a com- pletely double circulation (Fig. 82). A sinus venosus is not present in the adult. In the fish the heart cavities contain only venous blood; in the frog the right atrium contains venous blood, the left atrium arterial blood, while the ventricle contains both kinds imperfectly separated; in the mammal the right side of the heart carries only venous blood while the left side carries arterial. Each atrium is connected with the ventricle of the same side by an opening guarded by valves which allow the blood to pass from atrium to ventricle, but not in the reverse direction. The ventricles have much thicker walls than the atria and the left ventricle is much stouter than the right. The inner walls of the atria are relatively smooth, while those of the ventricle are raised into thick muscular ridges. The atrioventricular valves are thin, tough flaps, three {tricuspid) on the right and two (bicuspid) on the left side of the heart. The free edges of the valves are held in place by thin tendinous threads (chordae tendineae) attached by thick muscular pillars to the walls (Fig. 82). The contraction of the muscular pillars exerts a steady tension on the tendons, keeping the valves closed during ventricular contraction. Venous blood is returned from the head and anterior parts of the body by a single superior vena cava that enters the right atrium; from the posterior part of the body by the inferior vena cava (postcava) whose entrance into the right atrium is guarded by a large naplike valve (Eustachian valve). The large veins of the extremities are provided with cuplike valves that allow the 132 GENERAL ZOOLOGY blood to flow toward the heart but not away from it (Fig. 83). From the right atrium venous blood passes into the right ven- tricle, whence it is pumped through the pulmonary aorta to the lungs. Backflow is prevented by a set of three semilunar valves located in the aorta a little beyond the ventricle. The pure, aerated blood is returned from the lungs by the pulmonary veins LC LS PV RA TV Fig. 82. — Human heart dissected from the ventral side, diagrammatic, a, aorta; bv, bicuspid valve; db, Ductus Botalli, a solid cord, which in the embryo is a blood vessel connecting the pulmonary artery with the aorta; i, innominate artery; ic, inferior cava (postcava) ; la, left auricle; lc, left carotid artery; ls, left subclavian vein; pa, pulmonary aorta which divides into right and left pul- monary arteries; pv, pulmonary veins; ka, right auricle; sc, superior cava; tv, tri- cuspid valve. to the left atrium, from which it passes through the atrioven- tricular aperture into the left ventricle. The latter then pumps it through the systemic aorta to all parts of the body. The systemic aorta, like the pulmonary aorta, contains three semi- lunar valves that prevent backflow. Mammals have a hepatic portal circulation, but no renal portal system, except in embryonic stages. CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 133 Lymphatic System. — Among invertebrate animals the blood, lymph, and body fluids are in many cases the same fluid but in vertebrates lymph is distinct from blood and a portion of its circulatory pathway is composed of lymphatic vessels, which are distinct from blood vessels. Lymphatic vessels are best devel- oped in mammals. In the frog the lymphatic system is charac- terized by numbers of large communicating lymph spaces, especially in the subcutaneous region. The cisterna magna, one of the largest lymph spaces, is formed in the subvertebral region, as a large sac in the dorsal wall of the body cavity. Lymph spaces are also found within and between the organs, the larger spaces being lined with flat- tened endothelial cells. There are two pairs of lymph hearts in the frog. The two anterior hearts are located on the posterior side of the transverse processes of the third vertebra, each heart connecting with a vertebral vein, which in turn joins an internal jugular vein. The two posterior hearts lie one on either side of the tip of the urostyle, each heart connecting with the transverse iliac vein, which is a vein joining the sci- atic and femoral veins near the hip joint. Each heart is provided with a pair of semilunar valves at its venous opening. The lymph hearts pulsate rhythmically and slowly pump the lymph into the blood. There is no relation between the beating of the heart and the pulsations of the lymph hearts. The action of the lymph hearts on opposite sides of the body is not correlated. Another connection between the lymphatic system and the blood stream is through ciliated open- ings (nephrostomes) from the body cavity into some of the tubules opening on the ventral surface of the kidney. The rela- tion of these tubules to the blood system will be discussed in connection with the kidneys in the following chapter. The lymph entering the nephrostomes comes from the body cavity. Human Lymphatic System. — In the human body there are well-developed lymphatic vessels, which originate in lymph Fig. 83. — Diagram to show the position of the cup-like valves in an opened vein spread out flat. The arrow shows the direction of blood flow. 134 GENERAL ZOOLOGY capillaries in practically all parts of the body and end in openings into the large veins near the heart. The lymphatic vessels differ from blood vessels in two respects: (1) Their walls are more delicate in structure and (2) the free passage of the vessels may be interrupted from time to time by lymph glands, which are nodules of various sizes, composed largely of lymphocytes enclosed in capsules, through which the lymph slowly niters. The flow of the lymph, as in the frog, is from peripheral parts toward the heart. Since lymph hearts are absent in the human body, the movement of the lymph is brought about principally by movements of the surrounding parts exerting pressure on the thin-walled lymph vessels. Other factors are involved, such as the low pressure in the large veins near the heart, which would encourage flow toward the heart. Lymphatic vessels of the extremities are provided with valves, similar to those in the long veins, which allow the lymph to be squeezed past them toward the heart, but not in the reverse direction (Figs. 84 and 85). Blood. — The blood of vertebrates consists of a fluid, the plasma, in which various kinds of cells or cell-like bodies, known as corpuscles, are suspended. The principal constituent of plasma is water, in which fats, sugar, and proteins are held in colloidal solution or suspension, along with a number of inorganic salts. In addition the plasma contains various decomposition products of metabolism, formed in various parts of the body. It also contains various endocrine substances, a discussion of which is set forth in Chap. X. The principal proteins of the blood are serum albumin, serum globulin, and fibrinogen. The source of these proteins is probably from end products of protein digestion (amino acids) in the alimentary canal that are absorbed into the blood stream. Of these proteins, fibrinogen is of special interest because under certain conditions it forms a solid fibrous substance known as fibrin which entangles the blood corpuscles to form a blood clot. The fluid left after fibrin has been formed from plasma is called serum. Normally blood does not clot in the vessels, but clotting may occur in the vessels from the presence of air or foreign bodies produced as a result of injury or infection. There are a number of factors involved in the clotting process, not all of which are understood. That a certain amount of calcium is necessary for clotting can be demonstrated by adding oxalic acid to the blood, CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 135 which precipitates the calcium and prevents coagulation. Blood drawn into an oil-coated vessel may be kept from clotting partic- ularly if kept at a temperature near 0°C. Blood heated to near 100°C. loses its power to clot, owing apparently to the destruc- tion of an enzyme, thrombin, which is necessary in addition to Fig. 84. — Diagram of a lymph gland, a, afferent lymph vessels; c, capsule, from which traveculae extend inward; e, efferent lymph vessels; n, nodule, com- posed mostly of lymphocytes. (Modified after Stohr.) calcium to produce clotting. However, if a calcium-free solution of fibrinogen is brought into reaction with a calcium-free solution of thrombin, a clot is formed, the fibrin of which is practically free of calcium. From this it would seem that calcium is not essential to the process of clotting after the thrombin is once Fig. 85. — Silver nitrate preparation of a lymphatic vessel from a rabbit's mesentery, showing the boundaries of the endothelial cells and a bulging just beyond a valve. (From Stohr' s Textbook of Histology, by Lewis. P. Blakiston's Son and Company. By permission.) formed and that, therefore, the role of the calcium is in the pro- duction of thrombin. Thrombogen, the inactive form of thrombin, is thought to occur in blood plasma and tissues. Corpuscles of the Frog's Blood. — Three kinds of corpuscles can be distinguished in the frog's blood, viz., red corpuscles or 136 GENERAL ZOOLOGY erythrocytes, white corpuscles or leucocytes, and spindle cells (Fig. 86). The red corpuscle is an elliptical disk measuring about 22.3 by 15.7m, with a rounded edge and a bulged center in which a single nucleus is located. The red color of the blood is due to the presence of a chromoprotein known as hemoglobin, con- tained in the cytoplasm of the erythrocyte. However, if a thin film of freshly drawn blood is examined under the microscope, the hemoglobin appears yellow rather than red. Leucocytes lack hemoglobin and are variable in form and size. Under the microscope, the outline of the leucocyte slowly changes in the manner of an amoeba. The cytoplasm of the living cells i fr * scles o C, spindle cells. (After Jordan.) c Fig. 86. — Blood corpuscles of Rana pipiens. A, erythrocytes; B, leucocytes; is colorless, and staining brings out the presence of granules of various kinds. The nucleus may be single and rounded or irregular in outline. In some cells the irregularity seems to lead to subdivision into several nuclei (larger cell of Fig. 86, B). The amoeboid move- ments of the leucocytes endow them with independent loco- motion, which enables them to pass through capillaries, into surrounding tissues, without apparently rupturing the walls. They may actually leave the tissues and pass into the alimentary tract. Red cells may also leave through the capillary walls, though less frequently than leucocytes. The spindle cells, the third type of blood corpuscle found in the frog, are colorless spindle-shaped cells about half the size of the erythrocytes. They are said to develop from small leuco- cytes and in the spring transform into erythrocytes. However, they may be found as a normal constituent of frog's blood at all times of the year. The fact that spindle cells collect in masses in CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION 137 clotting blood is believed to indicate that they play a role in clotting similar to that of the blood platelets of mammalian blood, described below. Human Blood Corpuscles. — The erythrocytes of human blood are non-nucleated, biconcave circular disks (Fig. 87). They average about 5,000,000 per cubic millimeter of blood. Nucle- Fig. 87. — Group of red corpuscles and two leucocytes (l) as seen in a fresh human blood preparation. X 900. ated erythrocytes are present in the blood stream of the human embryo but not in later life under normal conditions (Fig. 88). Erythroblasts, the cells which give rise to erythrocytes, are found during fetal life in the liver and the spleen, and in postnatal life, mainly in the red bone marrow. The erythrocyte of the adult is a cell that has lost its nucleus. Though incapable of amoeboid movement, erythrocytes do leave the blood stream under certain conditions, through the capillary walls. The duration of an eryth- rocyte in the blood stream is relatively short. Some determi- nations indicate that in the rabbit the life of a red blood corpuscle is about 8}i days; in the dog about 16 days. Their destruction and removal from the blood stream occur in different ways. They may be engulfed by phagocytes of the spleen or hemolymph glands, or they may first break down into small pieces which are taken up by certain leucocytes or by the endothelial cells of the liver. The bile pigments, formed principally by the liver, are derived from the hemoglobin of the erythrocytes. The leucocytes are nucleated and lack hemoglobin. The average number in a cubic millimeter of blood is 7,000. They Fig. 88. — The development of red corpuscles in cat embryo, a, succes- sive stages in the development of erythroblasts, b, the extrusion of the nucleus. (From Stohr, Textbook of Histology, by Lewis. P. Blakiston's Son and Company. By permission.) 138 GENERAL ZOOLOGY may be divided into three classes: (1) Lymphocytes, forming about 23 per cent of the total; (2) large mononuclear leucocytes, 1 to 3 per cent; and (3) polymorphonuclear leucocytes, the remainder. The principal basis for this classification is the shape of the nucleus. In lymphocytes the nucleus is spherical and relatively large, the cytoplasm forming a narrow rim about it. Small lymphocytes measure from 4 to 7.5m in diameter; large ones are twice this size. The mononuclear lymphocytes have a bean- shaped nucleus and may measure 20/z in diameter. They are phagocytic. The polymorphonuclear leucocyte has a nucleus consisting of a number of lobes, all connected by narrow strands. Polymorphonuclear leucocytes measure from 8 to 10m in diameter. ^ They are further subdivided according to the (§ ®--";, .^'/^C :'.' ft •SN Fig. 150. — Penetration of the spermatozoon in the egg of Nereis, a, same stage as Fig. 149f, showing first maturation spindle; b, 54 minutes after insemina- tion, showing rotation of sperm head and cone, and the origin of the sperm aster from the pole of the nucleus opposite the cone; c, 67 minutes after insemination showing the sperm nucleus between the unequal centrosomes and asters of the sperm amphiaster; d, later stage after insemination showing the fused egg and sperm nucleus lying between the cleavage centers which seem to be a further development of the sperm amphiaster. ec, entrance cone; Mi, M2, first and second maturation spindle; pbi, first polar body; sn, sperm nucleus. (After F. R. Lillie.) jellylike egg capsule. More than half of the egg is colored by a dark pigment located in the outer portion of the cytoplasm, leaving a much smaller, cream-colored area on the opposite side. 244 GENERAL ZOOLOGY The color of the dark portion fades out gradually at its edge toward the light area. The cream color of the light area is the color of the yolk seen through the egg membrane. Since the yolk is concentrated in the light-colored or vegetal half of the egg, the dark or animal half is relatively free of yolk. The egg is radially symmetrical, its principal axis being a line connecting the animal pole, a point in the center of the dark area, with the vegetal pole, a point in the opposite half in the center of the light area (Fig. 151, A). When the egg is released from the ovary, it is in the primary oocyte stage, the nucleus lying in the animal half of the egg near the animal pole. The first polocyte is formed after the egg reaches the oviduct and then, without an intervening resting stage, the mitotic spindle of the second maturation division develops as far as metaphase, beyond which under normal condi- tions it does not proceed until the egg is fertilized. The first polocyte is extruded near the animal pole. Just before the formation of the spindle, the pigment thins out in the region of the animal pole to form what is known as the fovea of the egg. The fovea is also marked by a slight flattening in the surface of the egg. Fertilization of the Frog's Egg. — During amplexus, eggs and sperm are deposited in the water simultaneously and the eggs are at once fertilized. In this process a single spermatozoon makes its way through the jelly of the capsule and penetrates the egg at a point about 40 degrees from the animal pole. The entrance of the sperm acts as a stimulus for the secretion of fluid from the egg which raises a fertilization or vitelline membrane from the egg surface and creates a perivitelline space within which the egg orients itself with the dark animal pole up. A second result of the entrance of the sperm is the formation of a gray crescentic area on the surface of the egg in the equatorial region opposite the point of penetration (Fig. 151). A third result is the completion of the second maturation division and the formation of an egg nucleus. Usually the entire spermatozoon enters the egg, but the tail quickly disintegrates and plays no further part in fertilization. As the head and middle piece move through the egg, with the middle piece foremost, the penetration path is marked by a trail of pigment, which enables one to determine that the entrance ONTOGENY 245 path lies in a plane of a meridian of the egg that bisects the gray crescent. As a result the egg now has a bilateral symmetry. The entrance path also determines the bilaterality of the future embryo, since in the majority of cases the plane of the entrance path coincides with the median plane of the embryo. The middle piece of the sperm as it moves through the egg forms a centrosome which soon divides into two. The egg and &*&.--, ^ B Fig. 151. — A. Unfertilized frog's egg, drawn without the capsule. B. Fertil- ized frog's egg showing gray crescent (c). C. Section of frog's egg in the plane of the first cleavage, showing the bisected gray crescent (c) ; s, penetration path of spermatozoon. D. Surface view of frog's egg during first cleavage. (C and D after Schultze.) sperm nucleus come together near the center of the egg; a spindle develops between the centrosomes; chromosomes are formed in each nucleus; the nuclear membranes dissolve and the egg is ready for the first cleavage. The diploid number of chromo- somes of Rana pipiens is 26, of which 13 are furnished by the egg nucleus and 13 by the nucleus derived from the head of the sperm. Mature, unfertilized eggs of the frog can be made to develop by pricking them with a needle. Since under these conditions no additional chromosomes are brought into the egg by a sperm- atozoon, one would expect embryos developing from such eggs 246 GENERAL ZOOLOGY to have the haploid number of chromosomes, if it may be taken for granted that the second maturation division is completed. As a matter of fact, many of the larvae produced this way are haploid in chromosome number; but in addition others are diploid and a few triploid and tetraploid. How chromosome numbers greater than the haploid are produced in these embryos is a matter of speculation, but it is interesting that only diploid animals metamorphose into frogs of both sexes. It would seem that in the frog the diploid complement of chromosomes is neces- sary for normal development. Cleavage.- — Cleavage is a period in development following fertilization, marked by rapid mitotic cell divisions, in each of which the diploid number of chromosomes is present. An excep- tion to this so far as the chromosomes are concerned is in cases of chromatin diminution, such as occurs in Ascaris, referred to in a previous chapter; but in the majority of animals it is generally believed that the diploid number of chromosomes appears on each cleavage spindle. This seems to be the case in the frog. The cells produced in the course of cleavage are known as blastomeres. Some of these produce primordial germ cells, which later partici- pate in gametogenesis, and the remainder become somatic cells. The manner in which cleavage takes place depends upon the quantity and distribution of the yolk in the egg. The frog's egg is called a telolecithal type of egg because the yolk is concentrated about one pole of the egg. The first cleavage plane (the plane separating the first two blastomeres) passes through the principal axis of the egg, and therefore through a meridional plane, and bisects the gray crescent. The furrow separating the blastomeres begins in the animal pole and gradually cuts through to the vegetal pole, forming two complete cells adhering to each other on their adjacent faces (Fig. 152). Since the entire egg is divided, the cleavage is spoken of as holoblastic. In contrast to this, in a meroblastic cleavage, such as takes place in the hen's egg, cleavage is confined to a small yolk-free area at the animal pole, the yolk remaining undivided. In the frog the first cleavage plane in the majority of cases coincides with the median plane of the future embryo. In such cases the first two blastomeres represent the right and left sides of the embryo. The second cleavage plane is also meridional, at right angles to the first. The third cleavage plane passes about 60 degrees from the animal ONTOGENY 247 pole, cutting the planes of the first two at right angles and for that reason is called equatorial. The 8 blastomeres formed at the end of the third cleavage consist then of an upper quartet of cells about the animal pole smaller in size than the four cells of the lower half of the egg. From this point on the rate of cleavage is retarded in cells located in the vegetative region of the egg. Fig. 152. — Cleavage in the frog's egg. 1,2-cell stage, 1st cleavage plane bisect- ing gray crescent, c. 2. 8-cell stage. 3. 8-cell passing into 16-cell stage. 4. 32-cell stage. 5-6. Later cleavage stages. 7. Section of egg in early stage of blastocoel, b, or segmentation cavity; approximate position of gray crescent material shown by stippling. 8. Section of later blastula; i, point where invag- ination takes place. Since the dark pigmented cells formed of animal-pole material divide more rapidly, they soon become smaller in size than those containing yolk. The cleavage thus becomes unequally holoblastic. Blastula. — A section of a developing egg at the end of the third cleavage shows that the inner surfaces of the 8 blastomeres are rounded off so as to produce a space or cavity between them. This space is called the segmentation cavity or blastocoel and marks 248 GENERAL ZOOLOGY the beginning of the blastula stage in development. The walls of the blastula bounding the blastocoel become several cell layers in thickness as cleavage progresses. The cells forming the roof and sides of the blastula are derived from animal pole cells and are accordingly smaller than the yolk-laden cells forming the floor of the blastula. The blastocoel becomes filled with fluid absorbed from the outside or produced by metabolism of the cells of the blastula (Fig. 152, 7, 8). Gastrulation. — Cleavage at first merely produces a number of cells in the dark and light areas, respectively, so that for a time the distribution of pigment is similar to that of the egg before cleavage. Gradually the pigmented area encroaches on the light area as the result of an overgrowth of the small pigmented cells. The advancing edge of the pigmented cells, known as the germ ring, slowly covers the vegetative cells, until the latter are completely hidden, except in a very small area, known as the yolk plug. At the beginning of the overgrowth a short horizontal notch forms at the margin of the germ ring in the region of the gray crescent and gradually extends around the entire margin of the ring. Thus the advancing margin of the germ ring is marked by a shallow groove which is more pronounced at its point of origin. The germ ring may now be considered as a blastopore whose dorsal lip lies in the region of the gray crescent. At the dorsal lip an active invagination of cells takes place principally from the animal-pole region, though yolk-laden cells are also lifted from the floor of the blastocoel. As the germ ring is reduced in size, the invagination becomes active throughout its extent, but only in the region of the dorsal lip is a large cavity, called the gastrocoel or archenteron, formed (Fig. 153). As this cavity pushes into the interior of the gastrula, the blastocoel is gradually obliterated. Externally the cells forming the yolk plug are finally covered up by the complete closure of the blasto- pore and gastrulation is completed. The region of the blastopore may now be referred to as the posterior end of the embryo. Germ Layers. — The gastrocoel, produced largely as a result of the invagination of the dorsal-lip region of the blastopore, lies in the animal half of the egg. Its roof and side walls are derived mainly from animal-pole cells and its floor is made up of yolk cells. These cells represent the endoderm of the embryo except for some cells lying in the mid-line of the roof which separate to ONTOGENY 249 form the rod-shaped notochord. The cells covering the outside of the gastrula may now be called ectoderm. The rudiment of the notochord thus extends from the blastopore region forward under the ectoderm and above the roof of the endodermal ;>gc Fig. 153. — Schematized diagrams of gastrulation in the frog. A. optical section of blastula from left side showing the location of the gray crescent, gc, and the edge of the germ ring, gr, encroaching upon the yolk. B. beginning of gastrulation showing the hypothetical composition of the gray crescent sub- stance, according to various interpretations. C. showing downward move- ment of the dorsal lip of the blastopore, dl, and the appearance of the ventral lip, vl, on the opposite side of the gastrula. D. formation of gastrocoel, separa- tion of notochord from endoderm. b, blastocoel; dl, dorsal lip; ec, ectoderm; en, endoderm; g, gastrocoel (archenteron) ; gc, gray crescent; gr, lower edge of germ ring; m, mesoderm of ventral lip; no, notochord; np, neural plate; vl, ventral lip; yc, yolk cells; yp, yolk plug. Curved arrows outside figures; clockwise show movement of dorsal lip; counter-clockwise show rotation of embryo. Other arrows indicate direction of cell movements. cavity. The third germ layer, the mesoderm, originates from cells lying between the ectoderm and endoderm, just within the lip of the early blastopore; and as the blastopore closes, meso- derm is formed throughout the extent of the blastopore. From this region mesoderm grows forward on either side of the noto- 250 GENERAL ZOOLOGY chord between the ectoderm and endoderm. On either side of the notochord the mesoderm becomes segmented to form a row of boxlike structures called somites; but lateral to each series of somites, the mesoderm extends as a sheet of cells between the ectoderm and endoderm. Later this sheet splits into two layers, one applied to the endoderm and the other to the ecto- derm, the space between the two forming the coelom or body cavity. The somites later are transformed into muscle and connective tissue. The ectoderm of the frog produces the epidermis of the skin, cutaneous glands, the entire nervous system, the lens of the eye, the lining of the oral and cloacal cavities, the enamel of the teeth, and some muscle. In other vertebrates the ectoderm also produces mammary glands, sweat glands, hair, horns, hoofs, nails, scales (of reptiles and birds), and feathers. The meso- derm, in addition to producing most of the muscle tissue, forms the corium of the skin, connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels, most of the organs of the excretory and reproductive sys- tems, peritoneum, and skeleton, including the dentine of the teeth. The endoderm forms the inner layer of the alimentary canal, the epithelium of the liver, the pancreas, thyroid and thymus glands, and the respiratory tract. It also forms the lining of the Eustachian tube and middle ear. Neural Tube. — At the end of gastrulation, the ectoderm over the entire surface is divided into an outer and inner layer of cells. As the blastopore is closing, a groove, the neural groove, is formed in the ectoderm, extending forward for about 90 degrees from the blastopore. This groove is flanked on either side by low ridges in the ectoderm called lateral neural folds, which are connected anteriorly by a curved transverse fold, the whole form- ing a continuous low wall enclosing the medullary plate in front and at the sides. The inner layer of the ectoderm of the medul- lary plate is several cell layers in thickness, and a similar thicken- ing of the inner ectodermal layer is present in the outer slope of each of the lateral neural folds. These lateral thickenings of the inner layer of ectoderm, known as neural crests, lie one on either side of the medullary plate, to which each is connected along its inner edge (Fig. 154). The neural folds increase in height, grow toward each other, and fuse along their edges, thus converting the medullary plate into a neural tube. In the formation of the ONTOGENY 251 tube, the neural crests are carried up with the neural folds but are not included in the neural tube. After the fusion of the neural folds, the outer layer of ectoderm becomes continuous over the neural tube which is thus cut off from the outside. The closure starts in the region of the future hindbrain and then proceeds forward and back, the anterior end being the last to close. Posteriorly the neural tube connects with the blastopore by the neurenteric canal, which later disappears. The neural crests at first are continuous strands of cells one on each side of the neural tube. Later these strands break up into segments from which develop spinal and parts of cranial nerve ganglia. m%. m.p. Fig. 154. — Semidiagrammatic cross sections illustrating four stages in the development of the neural tube and spinal ganglia of the frog, e, endoderm; g, spinal ganglion; m, mesoderm; m.g., medullary groove; m.p., medullary plate, n, notochord; n.c, neural crest; n.t., neural tube; o.e., outer ectoderm. Inner layer of ectoderm and structures derived from it are shown in solid black. The neural tube is the rudiment of both the brain and spinal cord. Sensory axons arising in the neural-crest ganglia grow back to the neural tube to form sensory roots of cranial and spinal nerves. The motor roots of both cranial and spinal nerves originate from nerve cells located in the neural tube. The anterior half of the neural tube becomes constricted into three regions known as the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain, which in turn give rise to the five divisions of the adult brain. The ventricles of the brain are derived from the cavity of the neural tube. In the spinal cord this cavity is the central spinal canal. The sympathetic nervous system develops from cells that migrate from the spinal ganglia. Cranial portions of the neural crests in addition to forming ganglionic cells also produce con- siderable quantities of nonnervous mesenchyme which later give 252 GENERAL ZOOLOGY rise to connective tissue structures. Figure 155 is a longitudinal section of an early frog embryo. Ganglia. — Placodes are thickened areas in the inner layer of the head ectoderm which give rise to sensory epithelia and to varying portions of the ganglia of certain cranial nerves. Thus the ganglia of cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X are formed of placodal cells as well as of cells derived from the neural crest. The ganglion of the auditory nerve (VIII) is formed entirely from placodal material. The ganglia of spinal nerves, as already noted, are derived entirely from the neural crests. The ganglia mb Fig. 155. — Diagrammatic longitudinal section of early frog embryo, a, anus; b, blastopore; e, ectoderm; en, endoderm; fb, forebrain; h, hypophysis; hb, hind- brain; m (arrow), mouth; m, mesoderm; mb, midbrain; n, notochord; nc, neu- renteric canal; p, pharynx; r, rectum; sc, spinal cord; y, yolk. of the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are formed later from cells that migrate out from the central nervous system. Notochord. — The notochord develops from cells forming part of the roof of the archenteron, derived by invagination from the dorsal-lip region of the blastopore. These cells, at first insepa- rable from those forming the lining of the archenteron, soon become organized or differentiated into a rod-shaped form lying directly beneath the medullary plate and, later, the neural tube. This rod of cells is the rudiment of the notochord which histo- logically is classified as a form of connective tissue. It becomes completely separated from the endodermal cells of the arch- enteron. The notochord is developed in all animals belonging to the phylum Chordata, which includes the subphyla Enterop- neusta, Tunicata, Cephalochorda, and Vertebrata. The noto- chord evolved apparently as a skeletal axis and serves as such ONTOGENY 253 in the embryonic or adult stages of all chordates. In some of them such as Cephalochorda and some vertebrates (Cyclostomata) it persists in the adult animal. In most vertebrates, however, including the frog, the embryonic notochord is replaced by the centra of the vertebra, developed from tissue derived from the somites. As pointed out in an earlier chapter, in many fishes the notochord persists in the adult in spaces between the ends of vertebrae and to a slighter degree in the axial portions of the centra. In cyclostomes it persists in the adult in a fully devel- oped condition as a long, flexible, tough rod, tapered at the ends, extending from about the middle of the brain to the opposite end of the body and lying directly below the central nervous system. It functions primarily as a supporting structure, is nonnervous in character, and should not be confused with the neural tube (Fig. 155). Alimentary Canal. — The cells lining the archenteron after the separation of the notochord from its roof, represents the definitive endoderm of the frog and later forms the lining or mucosa of the alimentary canal, except that of the mouth and of the cloaca. Since the lungs, liver, and pancreas, as well as the thyroid and thymus glands, originate as outgrowths of the embryonic ali- mentary canal, all of these structures are endodermal in origin. The remaining parts of the wall of the alimentary canal, viz., submucosa, muscularis, and serous membrane (visceral peri- toneum) are derived from the lateral unsegmented mesoderm that grows down between the endoderm and ectoderm. About two weeks after fertilization, the tadpole hatches, i.e., it leaves the egg capsule and swims about. By this time the animal has an elongated form with a short tail but no mouth or anal opening. On the underside of the head is a curved sucker, by means of which the tadpole attaches itself to solid objects. The mouth is formed by an invagination of the ectoderm just in front of the sucker to form a pit which deepens until it touches and fuses with the endoderm; the fused layers shortly after become per- forate. An anal opening is formed in a similar way at the pos- terior end of the body. With the formation of the mouth, the sucker begins to atrophy and eventually disappears. Until a mouth is formed the embryo is dependent for nutrition upon yolk stored in the large endodermal cells, particularly those forming the floor of the alimentary canal. After the mouth is formed, the 254 GENERAL ZOOLOGY yolk rapidly disappears and the tadpoles gain sustenance from food taken in at the mouth. The alimentary canal lengthens and becomes spirally coiled. A peculiar larval feature of the mouth is the development of horny sheaths on the jaws which function as rasping organs. The lips are also provided with horny papillae which aid in obtaining food (Figs. 156 and 157). Fig. 156. — A, B, and C, three stages in the development of mouth, suckers and gills of Rana arvalis. D, side view of stage B. e, eye; g, gill; m, mouth; n, nasal pit; s, sucker. (After Lieberkind.) Branchial Structures. — In addition to the notochord, another important distinguishing feature of the phylum Chordata is the presence of gill clefts and of gills (in aquatic forms) in the pharyn- geal region. At the time of hatching the rudiments of the exter- nal gills can be seen on either side of the body just behind the head as a pair of small conical projections. Later these are joined by a third rudiment on each side. All three rudiments grow rapidly, though the third remains smaller than the other two, until they form a tufted mass on either side of the body (Fig. 156). Each gill develops finger-shaped lobes and is supplied with blood vessels, much as in a fish. Meanwhile four gill clefts develop on each side, one in front of the first pair of gills, one behind the last pair, one between the first and second and ONTOGENY 255 Fig. 157. — Larval stage of Rana arvalis, ventral view, in which the suckers (d.s.) are degenerating and the mouth is provided with horny jaws. {After Lieberkind.) another between the second and third. The clefts are narrow slits connecting the pharynx with the outside of the body. The gill slits develop from gill pouches. These are lateral out- pocketings of the pharynx, sepa- rated from each other by gill arches. A total of six pouches are formed, of which the first and last remain rudimentary. Each of the remaining four on each side enlarges until the endoder- mal lining comes in contact with the ectoderm when the tissue breaks down to form a vertical slit. The external gills now become enclosed in a branchial chamber by the operculum, which is formed of two folds of skin, one on each side, from the region in front and above the first pair of gills. These two folds grow backward over the gills, meet, and fuse with each other ventrally and with the body wall posteriorly, forming a common chamber communicating with the outside by a small opening, the spiracle, on the left -6 side. The external gills are now resorbed and replaced by internal gills developed from the borders of the gill clefts. The internal gills are aerated by water taken in the mouth and passed through the gill clefts into the branchial chamber and out through the spiracle. The gills and skin Fig. 158. Larval stage are ^^g principal organs of respiration of Rana arvalis, ventral . view, showing gills (g) during the larval period (approximately still visible beyond oPer- three months). The lungs develop as culum on left side. On the right side the gills are outgrowths from the floor of the pharynx enclosed in the bran- ancj are ready to take over the respiratory chial chamber formed by the operculum. (After function by the end of the larval period Lieberkind.) (Fiff 158) Paired Appendages. — During the larval period the caudal region of the tadpole increases in size and is provided with a well- developed vertical fin. The development of the legs begins at 256 GENERAL ZOOLOGY about the end of the first month. Both pairs of legs are formed from the body wall, but the forelegs develop within the branchial chamber which makes them invisible externally until metamor- phosis sets in. The hindlegs develop from the lateral body wall at the base of the tail, and their development can be readily followed from the beginning. Actually the forelegs start to develop before the hindlegs. Olfactory Organs. — The olfactory passages develop from a pair of ectodermal pits on either side of the head just above the oral invagination of the early larva (Fig. 156). These pits deepen and eventually connect with the pharynx to form the internal nares. The olfactory nerve develops from cells lining the olfactory passages. These cells are the olfactory cells, from which axons extend back to the forebrain to form the olfactory nerve. The passages them- Fig. 159. — Cross sections illustrating , , , „ . two stages in the early development of selves are enlarged to form the the inner ear of Rana sylvatica. a.c, nasal Cavities. alimentary canal; o.p., otic pit; o.s., ,-, ,-,-,, . , , otic sac, developed from the pit and Ear.— the inner ear develops which in later stages forms the mem- at about the same time as an branous labyrinth. (After Pollister and . ■ ■, • , i • i ,. Moore.) °^lc Pl* m the inner ectoderm ot the skin at the level of the hindbrain (Fig. 159). The pit becomes cut off from the surface and later differentiates into the membranous labyrinth. The middle ear develops later through an enlargement of the vestigial first (hyomandibular) gill pouch. This gill pouch, which in fishes is provided with a cleft opening to the outside and serves as a respiratory passage, in the frog never breaks through to the outside. It may therefore be regarded as an incomplete gill cleft. In the frog as the gill pouch enlarges, it encroaches on the surface until its outer wall is reduced to a thin membrane, the tympanic membrane. The enlargement forming the tympanic cavity is connected with the gill pouch by a narrow channel, which is the Eustachian tube of the adult frog. The columella of the middle ear is derived from the dorsal wall of the tympanic cavity from which it becomes separated by excavation to extend freely from the ONTOGENY 257 o.v. o.c. I tympanic membrane to unite with a small cartilage plugging the foramen ovale. Eye. — The optic vesicles are paired evaginations of the ventro- lateral walls of the forebrain which grow out toward the ectoderm. Each optic vesicle becomes constricted at its point of attach- ment to the brain to form the optic stalk. As the vesicle approaches the ectoderm, its outer surface invaginates to form a double-walled optic cup (Fig. 160). The invagination is contin- ued along the ventral side of the cup to form the choroid fissure. In the meanwhile a thickening in the ectoderm opposite the mouth of the cup is pinched off the inner surface of the ectoderm to form the lens. The choroid fissure now closes down to the optic stalk where an opening persists, through which blood vessels and nerve fibers enter the optic cup. When the choroid fissure is closed, the optic cup is a double-walled hemi- sphere whose cavity is largely occupied by the lens (Fig. 160). Fig. 160.— Cross sections illustrat- The ectoderm Overlying the lens ing four stages in the development . . , j. ,r of the eye of Rana sylvatica. 1, becomes transparent to form the optic vesicle stage. 2 optic cup OUter layer of the cornea. The stage; 3, formation of the lens; 4, , - . , , . . . c , separation of lens from ectoderm. inner layer of the latter is formed e> cornea. h lens; 0.c., 0Ptic cup; of mesodermal cells (mesenchyme) . o.s., optic stalk; o.v., optic vesicle; „,, . . , , - , r, retina (inner layer of optic cup). The ins develops from mesoderm {After PoUister and Moore.) at the edge of the optic cup and also perhaps from ectoderm derived from the cup. The inner layer of the optic cup becomes thicker than the outer layer early in its formation. It gives rise to the sensory part of the retina in which the rods and cones develop. The outer layer of the optic cup develops into the pigmented layer of the retina. The choroid and sclerotic coats of the eye are derived from mesoderm formed over the pigmented layer of the retina. The fibers forming the optic nerve arise from cells lying in the inner surface of the retinal layer of the optic cup. This passes out of the eye 258 GENERAL ZOOLOGY through the lower (inner) end of the choroid fissure and then along the ventral side of the optic stalk to the brain. The optic stalk itself gradually extends around the optic nerve to produce a sheath for the latter. Metamorphosis. — The tadpole of Rana pipiens undergoes metamorphosis, i.e., transformation into a frog, toward the end of the third month of development. As the time nears, the tadpole frequently comes to the surface and gulps air, which is drawn into the lungs. The principal changes occurring during metamorphosis are: (1) the final stages in the development of the lungs, accompanied by the atrophy of the gills and the closure of the gill slits; (2) the freeing of the forelimbs by the rupture of the operculum, which disappears, and a marked lengthening of the hindlimbs; (3) the enlargement of the stomach and the shortening of the intestine; (4) the shedding of the larval epidermis together with the horny jaws and the labial papillae; and (5) the resorption of the tail. Law of Biogenesis. — The embryos of higher vertebrates often display certain features, mainly anatomical, which seem to represent some sort of recapitulation of structures found in lower forms. Thus the structure and functions of the gills of the tadpole and the plan of branchial circulation have their proto- types in the corresponding organs of the fish. From this it is not to be inferred that these organs are structurally identical, because they are not; but the similarity in the general structural plan of these organs in the two cases is very marked and the function so far as the gills are concerned is the same in both. These resemblances may not seem unusual since both the fish and the tadpole live in an aquatic habitat and for that reason require somewhat similar respiratory organs. However, the fact that the embryos of the higher air-breathing vertebrates, such as reptiles, birds, and mammals, which have no aquatic larval period in development, also pass through stages in which the branchial region resembles that of the fish in its general anatomy, calls for some other explanation than that of environ- mental requirements. To take the chick embryo of 72 hours' incubation for an example (Fig. 161), the heart lies in an anteroventral position in the body cavity and pumps the blood forward through a ventral aorta (truncus arteriosus), from which it passes right and left ONTOGENY 259 dorsally through aortic arches to a pair of dorsal aortae. The latter convey the blood to all parts of the body and to the yolk sac, from which it is returned to the heart by cardinal veins and vitelline veins (from the yolk sac). The yolk-sac circulation Fig. 161. — Circulatory system of chick embryo of 72 hours incubation; embryonic membranes not shown. Starting at the ventricle (v) the blood is pumped forward through the ventral aorta to the aortic arches of which the four of the right side are shown (in solid black). The gill clefts lie between the arches. Above, the aortic arches unite to form a dorsal aorta each of which sends a carotid artery (right one shown) to the head. Posteriorly, the aortae unite to form the dorsal aorta (da) which in the middle of the trunk region gives off a right and left vitelline artery (va) carrying blood to the yolk capillary circulation to be aerated and charged with food from the yolk. The blood returns to the embryo by right and left vitelline veins (w) which unite and join the sinus venosus of the heart. Blood is collected from the embryo by right and left anterior and posterior cardinal veins (ac and pc) which form on each side a common cardinal (c), also joining the sinus venosus. The mingled venous blood from the cardinal veins and the aerated blood from the vitelline veins passes from the sinus venosus to the atrium (a) and then to the ventricle, d, diencephalon; lb, leg bud; m, mesencephalon; my, myelencephalon; o, otic vesicle; ol, olfactory pit; s, somite (muscle); t, telencephalon; wb, wing bud. serves to aerate the blood and to supply the embryo with nutri- tion. The blood in passing through the gill arches is not aerated, since that is done in the yolk sac at this stage of development. The resemblance of the aortic arches to the afferent and efferent branchial arteries of the fish or of the tadpole is merely ana- 260 GENERAL ZOOLOGY tomical and not complete at that, because no gill capillaries are present. Since the gill clefts of the chick later on disappear, accompanied by changes in the branchial circulation, it would seem that the only reason for their development at all in the chick is that the chick in its development is merely following the path along which its evolution from lower forms took place. The fact that the chick develops gill clefts and aortic arches seems to mean that the chick is descended from ancestors in which these structures had a functional significance. Hence the appearance in an embryo of a higher form of morphological relationships characteristic of lower forms is taken as an indication of rela- tionship between the higher and lower forms. A more accurate picture of this relationship is obtained if corresponding embryonic stages are compared. Thus the resemblance in the branchial region is much closer between the chick embryo and the fish embryo than between the chick embryo and the adult fish. No animal in its development repeats every step in its racial history or phylogeny — many are slurred over and omitted, and new ones interspersed among the old — so that a general conclu- sion must be limited to the statement that ontogeny is, to a certain extent only, a repetition of phylogeny. This generaliza- tion, known as the law of bioge?iesis, seems to hold throughout the animal kingdom and has been useful in many cases in throw- ing light upon phylogenic relationships. Homology. — A practical difficulty in applying the biogenetic law as a criterion for determining the origin of embryonic con- ditions is that in the embryo old (paling enetic) characteristics are intermingled with new (cenogenetic) ones, so that an embry- onic structure is never a perfect recapitulation of an ancestral structure. Thus the circulation of the vertebrate embryo only approximates the fish type of circulation; but the inference is implied that the fish type of circulatory system is near to the primitive type from which the circulatory systems of the higher vertebrates have evolved. The wings and legs of birds and the limbs of quadrupeds and of man all develop from the same sort of embryonic limb rudiment, which in its inception is an out- growth of the body wall. The development of vertebrate limb buds may be said to be practically the same for all vertebrates up to a certain point, beyond which the path of development diverges in various directions. Vertebrate limbs are said to be ONTOGENY 261 homologous, by which is meant that they conform to a general structural type because they were differentiated by evolution from the same or corresponding part of an ancestral organism. Similarity of development of parts is taken as an indication of similarity in origin. Analogy refers to similarity in function. The wings of a bird and the arms of a man are homologous but not analogous ; the eyes of a squid and those of man are analogous but not homologous; while the arms of an ape and the arms of man are both homologous and analogous. CHAPTER XIII HEREDITY A fertilized frog's egg develops into a frog, rather than into a salamander or some other kind of animal, because it is endowed with certain inherited qualities, which under proper environ- mental conditions bring about development. Development is accompanied or caused by an interaction of internal factors, present in the egg, with external factors present in the environ- ment. A certain sort of environment is required for the develop- ment of the frog's egg, but since the eggs of other species may develop in the same pool along with those of the frog, the factors determining the difference in results in each case must be internal rather than external. There is specificity in different kinds of eggs just as there is specificity in the animals developing from them. Each kind of egg is characterized by its own particular kind of developmental potencies which, however, are realized only when provided with the proper environment. The same environment may evoke the potencies of different kinds of eggs; but the same kinds of eggs require the same kind of environment for their development. In the intrauterine development of mammals there is a similar relation between the egg and environment, the environ- ment in such cases being the uterine tissue surrounding the egg. The uterus is the means through which the metabolic needs of the developing egg, and later the embryo, are met; and thus provides an environment in which the potentialities of the hereditary factors present in the egg can be expressed in the form of developmental activity. Theoretically, therefore, a mam- malian egg should develop equally well in the proper sort of artificial culture medium outside the body; and, as a matter of fact, this has been accomplished with rabbit ova through early cleavage stages. As in the frog, the mammalian offspring inherits from its parents only those qualities that are repre- sented by factors of some sort in the fertilized egg. 262 HEREDITY 263 The fact that in parthenogenesis the egg develops without the intervention of a sperm shows that the egg alone may possess all of the internal factors for development and for heredity. How- ever, since it is common knowledge that paternal characters are inherited in cases where the egg requires fertilization, it is clear that hereditary factors are contributed by the sperm as well as by the egg. The problem of heredity centers in explaining the nature and location of herditary potencies of the germ cells and, if possible, how the hereditary characters of the adult are con- trolled or produced by them. We are accustomed to think of heredity as the cause or reason for the reproduction in children of characters similar to those of their parents; but while it is true that the reproduction of similari- ties is due to heredity, it is also true that characters in children differing from those of the parents are also the result of heredity. Thus the fact that blue eyes as well as brown eyes may be inherited from brown-eyed parents, means that blue eyes and brown eyes, though classified as dissimilar hereditary conditions, are really genetically related, and that the production of blue eyes from brown-eyed parents is a result of this relationship. Heredity may be defined as the production in successive genera- tions of conditions not necessarily similar or identical, whose specific character is determined by factors located in the germ cells. The term hereditary factor or gene may be defined as a substance or a condition in the germ cells that determines the development of a hereditary character in the adult. Each hereditary character presumably is represented by a factor or set of factors in the germ cells. Chromosome Theory of Heredity. — The germinal factors of heredity are generally thought to be located in the chromosomes or chromatin rather than in the cytoplasm of the germ cells for a number of reasons, some of which may be considered. The basic argument for this view is that, since the chromatin of the fertilized egg is the only substance contributed in practically equal amounts by the parents to the fertilized egg, and since in the long-run offspring inherit equally from the parents, it follows that the chromatin must be the hereditary substance. The cytoplasm of the fertilized egg is entirely maternal in origin, save for the slight addition to its bulk made in those cases where more than the head of the sperm enters the egg; yet the heredity 264 GENERAL ZOOLOGY of the animal developing from the egg is on the average as much paternal as maternal. The chromosome theory of heredity finds additional support in the fact that the biparental character of the nuclei of the cells derived from the cleavage nucleus pro- vides an equal opportunity for both maternal and paternal genes to produce a biparental hereditary effect. The disjunction of homologous chromosomes that occurs in the reduction division of gametogenesis may be interpreted in this connection as the mechanism which is directly responsible for the constancy in the total number of chromosomes, since without the reduction there would be an ever increasing number pro- duced at each fertilization. In cases where disjunction fails to occur, or is incomplete, it can be shown that definite hereditary effects are produced. Change in the ratio of autosomes to sex chromosomes produces a definite effect in the characters of the offspring, because of a change in the normal number and relations of factors or genes. A further reason for assuming that the fac- tors of hereditary characters are located in the chromosomes is that such an assumption provides the only known explanation of the results of animal and plant breeding, some of which will be discussed presently. The science of genetics is in fact postulated on this assumption. Cytoplasm in Heredity. — The chromosome theory of heredity relegates the cytoplasm to a secondary role in development. To students of heredity, the cytoplasm is rather superfluous except as a source of nutrition or as a background for gene action. The facts warrant the assumption that genes or factors account for the inheritance of those characters that serve as material for genetic study; but these characters, such as eye color, body color, hair color, shape of legs and wings, etc., are largely super- ficial characters and genetic studies as a rule fail to deal with more fundamental characters such as those determining body axes or body plan. The cytoplasm of the egg can be shown in many cases to possess a certain amount of Organization that foreshadows axial relationships in the later embryo, and this must be taken into account in a complete explanation of heredity. It will be recalled in this connection that in the frog's egg the entrance of the sperm results in the formation of the gray crescent and that in the majority of cases the future plane of bilateral symmetry of the embryo is established by the entrance plane of HEREDITY 265 the sperm. The cytoplasm of the egg responds to the stimulus produced by the entrance of the sperm by a rearrangement of its substance to produce the gray crescent, which is the first indication of bilateral symmetry. Certainly the cytoplasm is organized and this organization is inherited, but for reasons to be considered later it is difficult to express the basis of this organiza- tion in terms of hereditary factors. In general terms it might be said that the cytoplasm of the egg is concerned with the deter- mination of the groundwork on which the chromosomal factors operate. It is to be noted that there is no contribution from the sperm comparable to the cytoplasm of the egg. The latter is a purely maternal contribution to the development of the embryo. The conclusion is justified that there is in the egg cytoplasm a ©—©—>(§ ©—©—(§ Fig. 162. — Diagram to illustrate Weismann's germ track, e, fertilized egg; g, germ cell; s, soma. specific and highly organized substance, which with the chromo- somes constitutes the material basis of development and heredity. Inheritance of Acquired Characters. — In many animals the primordial germ cells are segregated from the somatic cells at a relatively early stage in ontogeny. Both germ cells and somatic cells are derived from the fertilized egg, but the germ cells retain the reproductive potency of the egg while the somatic cells lose it, presumably because the latter become differentiated into the various tissues of the body. It is generally believed that in higher forms the germ cells of the individual come only from the primordial germ cells and not from somatic cells. The reproduc- tive potencies are therefore retained by the germ cells simply because they do not undergo differentiation into tissue cells. The somatic cells die with the individual, but descendants of the germ cells live on in following generations forming a line of germinal continuity or germ track (Fig. 162) connecting genera- 266 GENERAL ZOOLOGY tions. This idea is the basis of the theory of the continuity of the germ plasm which was developed vigorously by the German zoologist, August Weismann (1834-1914). According to this view, the developmental and hereditary qualities of the germ cells are derived from antecedent germ cells, the somatic cells of each generation serving in a purely vegetative capacity as a means of protection and of supplying the metabolic needs of the germ cells, but contributing nothing to the hereditary qualities of the germ cells. The facts of development support this idea in many cases of animal embryogeny but not in all. From the Weismannian point of view, on purely a priori grounds, one should expect that acquired characters (i.e., pecu- liarities acquired by the somatic cells through special training or experience) would not be inherited, because there is no conceiv- able way in which changes in somatic cells, caused by environ- mental factors, could induce changes in the germ cells of such a nature that the latter would reproduce the somatic condition in the absence of the original cause. This does not mean that genes cannot be disturbed by external causes acting directly on the germ cells or indirectly through the somatic cells, but that a specific somatic effect, produced by external causes, does not produce a corresponding hereditary effect. One difficulty in dealing with this question in a limited space is that the term "acquired characters" includes a large category of conditions that are not all comparable. Every one knows that if a man loses his legs as the result of an accident, his children are not born legless. All such mutilations are not inherited. Neither is there any ground for the belief that maternal impressions produce specific effects on the unborn human young. The uterus is a place in which the fertilized egg develops — the kind of individual developing from that egg depends upon the kind of parents that produced it or more accurately upon the kind of ancestral germ cells preceding it. Experimentally it has been impossible to produce an inherited defect following an alteration in the somatic tissue. Observation and experiment over a wide field fail to demonstrate satisfactorily the inheritance of an acquired condi- tion. On the other hand, had no characters been acquired by primitive protoplasm, there would have been no evolution, and consequently no great variety in life. A partial answer to this question is that the hereditary material of the germ cells does HEREDITY 267 change — though the causes may be obscure — that environment also changes; and that either or both kinds of changes may affect development over a long period of time. Many experiments, some of which are described in the following paragraphs show that the genes can be affected by external causes. Direct Action of External Factors on Germ Cells. — Stockard and Papanicolaou have succeeded in producing defects in the eyes and skeleton of the limbs in guinea pigs whose parents had been subjected to the inhalation of alcohol fumes. Since the defects were inherited in succeeding generations without further treatment with alcohol, it is clear that the germ cells of the treated parents must have been affected by the alcohol. How- ever, since the treated parents showed no ill effects from the alcohol, the effect on their germ cells must have been direct rather than through the somatic cells. There is in this case no inheritance of acquired characters because the defects of the offspring were not present in the somatic tissues of the treated parents. Muller and others have produced hereditary effects by treating fruit flies (Drosophila) with X rays. Here also the germ cells were affected directly and the genes were sufficiently modified to produce hereditary changes in the characters of the offspring. Parallel Induction. — It is conceivable that under certain conditions both germ cells and somatic cells might be altered by environmental or external causes and result in hereditary effects. Such a result is known as -parallel induction, which may be illustrated by the experiments of Guyer and Smith. These investigators injected into the blood stream of fowls the pulped lenses of rabbit eyes, for the purpose of producing an antilens substance in the fowl's blood. The serum from such an immun- ized fowl would therefore possess antilens properties. When such antilens serum was injected into the blood vessels of preg- nant rabbits, the offspring showed a number of eye defects of which the most common were opaque lenses, small eyes, and abnormally rotated eyes. The defects, though not confined to the lens of the eye, were inherited through the female lines and occasionally through the male. These results are regarded as due in the first instance to the simultaneous effect of the antilens serum, circulating in the blood of the pregnant mother, on the eyes and germ cells of the developing embryos. 268 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Somewhat similar eye defects were produced by Little and Bagg on young mice whose mothers were exposed to X rays during pregnancy. The defects in this case were also inherited. It is probably significant that the same parts, viz., the eyes, and to a certain extent the brain, were affected by such different harmful agents as alcohol, X rays, and antilens substance. Thus in all cases the head region of the embryo seemed most sensitive to these destructive agencies, which in view of the fact that the work of C. M. Child and others has demonstrated that the head end of an embryo is the region most susceptible to the action of harmful agents, such as potassium cyanide, suggests that the results obtained were due to a general effect on the most sus- ceptible part of the body. Since alcohol, antilens serum, and X rays, under the conditions of the experiments, all seem to produce similar results in mammals, particularly in regard to the eye, the idea of specificity of effect, so far as the antilens serum is concerned, is rather difficult to maintain. The skeleton defects noted especially by Stockard and Papanicolaou may well be secondary results following the primary injury to the region of highest metabolism, viz., the head. Germ Track. — The failure of efforts to produce changes in the hereditary material or germ plasm through the somatic cells is in keeping with the idea of a germ track or lineage of germ cells connecting generations of individual animals, more or less distinct from somatic cells. Somatic cells undoubtedly influence the germ cells physiologically but not genetically, so far as known. Weismann regarded the germ track as a device for conserving the hereditary potencies of the chromosomes, but since somatic cells receive the same assortment of chromosomes as the germ cells, he believed that the chromosomes of the somatic cells during cleavage and differentiation underwent a kind of differential treat- ment, which he considered to be the cause or basis of differentia- tion. Something of this sort is indicated in the process of chromatin diminution of Ascaris, but since this is not of general occurrence in other species, it cannot be accepted as the general cause of differentiation. If it is generally true that as a result of cleavage both somatic and germ cells receive the same kind and number of chromosomes present in the fertilized egg, every somatic cell receives the same complement of genes from the egg. Differentiation of somatic cells presumably results from an HEREDITY 269 interaction of the genes in the chromosomes with the cytoplasm and other environmental factors. The genes of the germ cells, because they are shielded in some way from these influences, fail to enter into differentiating processes and thus retain their full potencies as reproductive cells. It is true, of course, that in many animals, notably Coelenterata and Platyhelminthes, the evidence of a germ track from embryology is very unsatisfactory. And it is also true that in plants germ cells may be produced from meristematic cells, which are embryonic plant cells, also present in growing regions of mature plants. However, if the general thesis is true that the genes are the important hereditary material, and that they are located in the chromosomes, it might be maintained that even in these exceptional cases — since every cell in the body possesses the full complement of genes — any cell might become a germ cell. Why this does not ever happen to a definitive somatic cell of higher animals is another matter; but it is probably due to the irreversible nature of the differentiation accompanying normal development, an irreversibility that seems to increase with ascent in the animal scale. Mendelian Heredity. — In 1866, Gregor Mendel, an Augus- tinian monk, published the result of experiments with the common garden pea conducted in the monastery at Briinn in what was then Austria. His work remained practically unnoticed until 1900 when conclusions similar to his were reached independently by three men, De Vries, Correns, and Tschermak. For this reason Mendel's work does not figure in the literature until about thirty-five years after it was published. His work is important because it demonstrated experimentally the fundamental laws governing the distribution of hereditary characters in offspring, and because it complements in an extraordinary way the chromo- some theory of heredity, which was evolved independently of Mendel's work. The chromosome theory deals with the internal mechanism of heredity, while Mendel's work showed the exter- nally visible results of the operation of this mechanism. A definite step in the direction of a more complete understanding of the working of the mechanism of heredity was made when it was realized that the results of Mendel's experiments and many others since can be readily explained by assuming that the genes for so-called Mendelian characters are located in the chromosomes. 270 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Mendel's experiments dealt with the heredity of what are known as allelomorphic conditions of a hereditary trait or char- acter. The traits studied by Mendel were such things as stature, color of seed, contour of seed, etc., each of which existed in allelomorphic or alternative forms. By this is meant that in the case of stature, for example, some plants were tall, others dwarf, but none intermediate ; seeds were either yellow or green in color, smooth or wrinkled, etc. Mendel tested the heredity of these allelomorphic conditions of the same character by crossbreeding them and then breeding the hybrids and their progeny. In a typical experiment Mendel found that when he crossed a plant having yellow-colored seed coat with one having green-colored seed coat, the hybrid or first filial generation (Fi) produced only yellow-colored seeds. In the next generation (^2), produced by the Fi, both yellow- and green-seeded plants were obtained in the proportion of 3 yellows to 1 green. The green, when inbred, gave only green from this point on. Of the yellows, one-third proved in subsequent breeding to be pure yellow, while the remainder behaved like the Fh producing 3 yellows to 1 green. In this experiment, yellow is said to be the dominant character and green the recessive. Purity of Gametes. — Mendel explained the results of this experi- ment by assuming that the gametes are pure with regard to the genes or factors responsible for producing yellow or green color in the seeds. A single gamete carries a yellow gene or green gene, but never both. In the first part of the experiment when yellow and green genes are brought together in the fertilized egg or zygote of the Fh yellow is dominant to green. In the formation of the gametes of the F\, the genes for yellow and green are segregated into different germ cells (law of segregation), with the result that two kinds of gametes are formed, one bearing the yellow gene and the other the green gene. Since this is assumed to occur in both male and female gametes, the F2 results from the chance combinations of two kinds of male and female gametes, as illustrated in the following diagram: Parents Gametes Fi Zygotes Fi Gametes F2 Zygotes Yellow YY -^Y Y Yy -> Y y = YY : 2Yy : yy Green yy >y y Yy HEREDITY 271 From this it can be seen that of the four possible combinations, there is one chance for a pure or homozygous yellow, one for a pure or homozygous green and two for a mixed yellow and green or heterozygous combination. A homozygote or homozygous individ- ual is one that has received from its parents like genes for a given character, and a heterozygote one that has received unlike genes for a character. The gametes produced by an individual that is homozygous for a given character will be alike with regard to the genes for the character. On the other hand, an individual that is heterozygous for a given character will produce two numerically equal classes of gametes with regard to the genes. Independent Assortment of Genes. — It seems clear, then, that the results of crossing a single pair of allelomorphic conditions find a rational explanation in the assumption that the two kinds of genes of the Fh and of similar hybrids, are segregated in differ- ent gametes, according to what Mendel called the law of segrega- tion. Mendel determined further that when more than two pairs of allelomorphic conditions are hybridized simultaneously, each allelomorphic pair follows the law of segregation, each allelomorphic pair of genes being assorted independently of other pairs. If a plant bearing peas that are both yellow in color and smooth in contour is crossed with one whose seeds are green and wrinkled, the seeds of the Fi plants are yellow and smooth. Yellow, as before is dominant to green, and smooth is dominant to wrinkled. If these plants are inbred, the F2 from them are produced in a ratio of 9 yellow smooth : 3 green smooth : 3 yellow wrinkled: 1 green wrinkled. All the yellows taken together are to the greens as 3:1, all the smooths taken together are to the wrinkled as 3 :1 ; but some of the yellows are wrinkled and some of the greens are smooth. In other words, while the results for each pair of allelomorphic characters are in accord with the law of segregation, a recombination of characters has been brought about as a result of an independent assortment of the genes in the formation of the gametes of the Fi. That the actual composition of the F2 in this experiment is in accord with the principles of segregation and independent assortment is shown in the accom- panying diagram (Fig. 163). If one arranges the Fi gametes in a horizontal and vertical series, along two sides of a square, the points of intersection of imaginary lines from any pair of gametes will give the gene composition of the resulting zygote. 272 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Chromosome Basis of Mendelian Inheritance. — A knowledge of the principles of segregation and independent assortment enables one to predict the result of hybridizing one or more pairs of allelomorphic conditions. The operation of both of these principles can be understood if one assumes that the genes for hereditary characters are located in the chromosomes, since the disjunction of homologous chromosomes in the reduction division of maturation meets all of the requirements of a mechanism to bring about segregation and independent assortment of genes. Gameies YS YS Ys ys ys © ® ® ® ® ® © 9 9 * m m m xo F2 9 ? 6 6 Fig. 167. — Diagram of the inheritance of color blindness through the male. A color-blind male (here black) transmits his defect to his grandsons only. The corresponding distribution of the sex chromosomes is shown on the right, the one carrying the factor for color blindness being black. The Y chromosome is shown as an O. (From Conklin, Heredity and Environment, Princeton University Press, after Morgan. By permission.) women only when both X chromosomes carry the gene for color blindness. Heterozygous women are not color-blind, because color blindness is recessive to normal vision. In the male, on the other hand, a single gene in the X chromosome produces color blindness. The Y chromosome is not concerned in color blindness. As shown in the diagram (Fig. 167), the children of a color-blind father and normal mother are not color-blind. In the next generation, one-half of the sons of Fi daughters may be color-blind, if mating is with a normal male. If such heterozy- gous F\ daughters were mated with color-blind males, one-half of the daughters would be color-blind as well as one-half of the 280 GENERAL ZOOLOGY sons. Figure 168 shows the results of the mating of a color- blind mother and a normal father. Crossing Over. — Many other sex-linked characters have been discovered and their heredity has been intensively studied in Drosophila. One should expect that if two sex-linked characters are present in the same animal, these two characters would remain associated in a single individual in subsequent generations, since according to the theory, the genes for both characters are Eyes Chromosomes X X Parents 6 9 X 0 6 , l XI ^ I Gametes XX? 6 2lXl 2X§ 9 v ... • ■ . '.. ' . •■■*..■ f u £/ ill B Fig. 208. — Reactions of Amoeba proteus to food. A, ingesting a portion of nonmotile bacterial glea; B, ingesting a Paramecium, which has been constricted into a dumbbell shape. (After Kepner and Whitlock.) throughout the mitotic process, surrounding the spindle. During the telophase it constricts into two parts, within each of which nuclear reorganization then follows. Order 2. Proteomyxa. Protozoa with filamentous and often branching pseudopodia. Example: Nuclearia simplex, common on Spirogyra and other fresh-water plants. Order 3. Testacea. Body enclosed in a single-chambered shell provided with a single opening through which the pseudopodia can be thrust. Example: Difflugia urceolata, a fresh-water form (Fig. 209). THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 375 Order 4. Foraminifera. Body enclosed in a single or many- chambered shell of siliceous or calcareous material, through the numerous pores of which delicate pseudopodia extend. Example: Globigerina bulloides, a marine form, both pelagic and bathybic down to depths of 18,000 ft. Chalk beds are composed largely of the discarded shells of this species. Order 5. Mycetozoa. Large amoeboid forms, multinucleated, with numerous contractile vacuoles and often colored red, orange, yellow, or green. Reproduce by spores and regarded as border-line forms between animals and plants. Example: Mucilago spongiosa and other slime molds, found on decaying wood. Some colonies may be several inches in diameter. SUBCLASS 2. ACTINOPODA. Floating forms with radi- ating UNBRANCHED PSEUDOPODIA. Order 1. Heliozoa. A spherical body with fine raylike pseudo- podia and often a siliceous skeleton. Cytoplasm is divided into an outer cortex and an inner medulla, the latter containing one or more nuclei. Mostly fresh-water forms. Example: Actinospherimn eichhomi, common in fresh water (Fig. 209, C). Order 2. Radiolaria. Marine forms, usually with a siliceous skeleton. The spherical body is divided by a perforated chitinous central capsule into an extracapsular cortex and an intra capsular medulla containing one or more nuclei. Example: Acanthometra elastica (Fig. 209, D). CLASS III. SPOROZOA. Endoparasites in the cells and tissues of many animals. No vacuoles. Body is covered by a thick pellicle through which food is absorbed. Reproduction by spores. SUBCLASS 1. TELOSPORIDIA. Intracellular parasites whose life history terminates in spores. Order 1. Gregarinina. Intestinal parasites of arthropods and annelids. Example : Gregarina blattarum, found in the digestive tract of roaches. The body of the gregarine {trophozoite stage) is divided by a transverse partition into an anterior protomerite and a posterior nucleated deutomerite (Fig. 210). The epimer- ite is an additional segment in front of the protomerite which is well defined during only a part of the life cycle. In repro- 376 GENERAL ZOOLOGY duction two trophozoites, also known as gametocytes, unite and become encysted (pseudoconjugation) within a single envelope, Fig. 209. — A, Amoeba polypodia, dividing. (After Schulze.) B, Difflugia urceolata, having a shell composed of grains of sand held together by chitin. (After Leidy.) C, Actinospherium eichhorni, a multinucleated heliozoan without a skeleton; the oblong objects in the medullary region are food particles; two contractile vacuoles are shown in the cortex. (After Hertwig.) D, Acanthom- etra elastica, a radiolarian with a spiny skeleton; the central capsule contains a large number of small rounded nuclei. (After Hertwig.) (A, C, and D redrawn from Hertwig, Manual of Zoology, by Kingsley, Henry Holt & Company.) the gametocyst. Each conjugant then forms gametes, those from one individual uniting with those from the other to form THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 377 f< ■'•] A B C Fig. 210. — Gregarines. A, Gregarina blatlarum, showing a chain of two indi- viduals. (After Cuenot.) B, Corycella armata. (After Leg er .) C, Stylorhynchus longicollis. (After Schneider.) e, epimerite by means of which the parasite is attached to tissues of the host; p, protomerite; d, deutomerite. 5 6 ' 8 Fig. 211. — Life history of Coccidium schubergi, parasitic in the intestinal epithelium of the centipede, Lithobius forficatus. (After Schaudinn.) Cysts (8) swallowed with food are dissolved by digestive fluid. Each cyst contains four spores each of which in turn contains two sporozoites. The sporozoite attacks the intestinal cell (1), enlarges to form a schizont (3) which undergoes a rapid nuclear division eventually forming merozoites (4). The latter reinfect other cells, repeating the cycle. Sooner or later schizogony is replaced by spo- rogony which leads to the formation of microgametocytes (2) and macrogam- etocytes (5). Figure 6 shows a macrogamete surrounded by a number of microgametes. The fertilized macrogamete becomes encysted, forming four sporoblasts (7) each of which develops two sporozoites (8). The latter remain encysted until favorable conditions arise for their development in another host. e, intestinal cell; z, sporozoite. 378 GENERAL ZOOLOGY a large number of zygotes. Each zygote divides to form a large number of sporozoites, which penetrate the epithelial cells of the host's intestine and grow into trophozoites. Only a single host is necessary for the completion of the life cycle. The trophozoite eventually emerges from the epithelial cells but remains attached for a time by the epimerite. The latter disappears when the parasite becomes free in the intestine. Order 2. Coccidiomorpha. Parasitic in many invertebrates and vertebrates. Examples: Coccidium schubergi, an intestinal parasite of the centipede (Fig. 211); Plasmodium vivax, a blood parasite caus- ing tertian malaria in man. The sexual phase of the life cycle is passed in the body of the female of a species of mosquito belonging to the genus Anopheles. An asexual phase, includ- ing preparatory steps for the sexual phase, is passed in the human blood stream (Fig. 212). The salivary glands of a mosquito capable of infection carry sporozoites, which are spindle-shaped cells, 10 to 12 n in length. These are introduced into the wound when the mosquito bites a human being. In the human blood stream the parasite bores into a red blood corpuscle, where it takes on an amoeboid shape known as the trophozoite stage. On reaching its full growth, the trophozoite undergoes segmentation or schizogony, as it is called, to form spores or merozoites, which are liberated in the blood stream by the rupture of the corpuscle, about 48 hours after infection. The free merozoites attack fresh cor- puscles and the cycle is repeated; each time the corpuscles break down, the chill characteristic of malaria occurs. After several generations of merozoites have been produced, two kinds of gametocytes are formed, macrogametocytes and microgametocytes. The factors determining the development of the merozoites into gametocytes instead of trophozoites are unknown. For further development and complete differentia- tion, the gametocytes must pass into the stomach of the mosquito, a transfer readily brought about when a mosquito bites a patient containing them. The macrogametocyte undergoes certain nuclear changes somewhat akin to polar- body formation and is thus transformed into a macrogamete. Each microgametocyte, on the other hand, produces from six to eight whiplike microgametes. A single microgamete enters THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 379 a macrogamete, with which it fuses to form the zygote. The zygote in the course of 24 hours is transformed into an active Some may be taken into the stomach of the Ulosquito when it bites luman Development of Parasite in 6 InSalivary Development -n Gland f\ offflosq. in the \ \ J /^ Body my Cavity°fm°sci i/ mosquito ><» '•RARy Fiu. 212. — Diagram illustrating the life history of malarial parasite. 1, red blood corpuscle; 2 to 7, schizogony; o, 6, c, a', b' , c' , development of gameto- cytes; d, zygote; e, ookinete; /, g, h, development of oocyst; i, liberation of sporozoites; k, section of salivary gland. (From Doane, Insects and Disease, Henry Holt & Company. By permission.) ookinete, which bores into the stomach wall, in the outer layers of which it forms the oocyst. The latter grows in size and then divides to form sporoblasts, each of which, in turn, 380 GENERAL ZOOLOGY forms a number of sporozoites. The oocyst bursts, liberating the sporozoites in the body cavity, whence they find their way via the body fluids to the salivary glands (Fig. 212). Tertian malaria is so called because the chill comes at the end of 48 hours, i.e., on the third day. Other forms of malaria have a different incubation period and are caused in each case by a different species of parasite. The life histories are all similar to that of P. vivax given above, though differing in details. SUBCLASS 2. CNIDOSPORIDIA. Amoe- boid multinucleated forms, undergoing continuous spore formation. Spores charac- terized by thread capsules. Example: Myxobolus lintoni, occurring in the subcutaneous tissue of the carp. SUBCLASS 3. ACNIDOSPORIDIA. Para- sitic in invertebrates and vertebrates. Reproduction continued through vegetative life. Example: Sarcocystis miescheriana, para- sitic in the muscles of the pig (Fig. 213). SUBPHYLUM 2. CILIOPHORA. Protozoa PROVIDED WITH CILIA THROUGHOUT LIFE OR IN early stages. Cilia are short processes resembling hairs, located on the surface of the body (Fig. 2, B). CLASS I. CILIATA. Ciliated protozoans with a firm pellicle. A macronucleus and one or more micronuclei are present, except in parasitic species. A mouth (cytostome) and gullet (cytopharynx) are usually present, along with food vacuoles and contractile vacuoles. The ecto- plasm or ectosarc may contain trichocysts, which are small sacs containing poisonous fluid that is discharged, with the sacs, for purposes of offense or defense. In the water the trichocysts are converted into long, thin threads. The cytoplasm may also contain contractile fibers called myonemes. Cirri and membranelles may be present. A cirrus is formed by the fusion of a small tuft of cilia; a membranelle by the fusion of two or more transverse rows of cilia. Cirri are used in creeping over Fig. 213. — Sarco- cystis miescheriana, from the pig's dia- phragm. The or- ganism, enclosed in a cyst, has divided into numerous al- veoli, each contain- ing a number of spores some of which are shown free where the cyst has been cut open. (After Mam.) THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 381 the substratum. Membranelles are vibratile membranes found in the region of the cystostome. SUBCLASS 1. PROCTOCILIATA. Parasitic in the large intestine of a number of amphibians. No cytostome; a single type of nucleus; reproduce by binary fission. Example: Opalina ranarum, intestinal parasites of frogs and toads. Fig. 214. — Diagram of the nuclear changes in Paramecium aurelia during conjugation. A, union of conjugants; B, degeneration of macronuclei and first division of micronuclei; C, second division of micronuclei; D, degeneration of seven of the eight micronuclei in each conjugant; E, each conjugant with a single micronucleus, which in F has divided into a stationary and micronucleus; G, each conjugant with a synkaryon formed by the fusion of the migratory nucleus of one with the stationary nucleus of the other conjugant; H, first reconstruction division of the synkaryon to form two micronuclei (takes place in each of the conjugants which now separate) ; I, second reconstruction division of the micro- nuclei; J, two micronuclei transformed into two macronuclei; K, division of two micronuclei and division of cell; L, two complete new individuals. {After Woodruff, Foundations of Biology, copyright, The Macmillan Company. By permission.) SUBCLASS 2. EUCILIATA. Macronucleus and one or MORE MICRONUCLEI PRESENT AND USUALLY A CYTOSTOME. Order 1. Holotrichida. Cilia rather uniform in size and dis- tribution, and usually arranged spirally in parallel lines. The longest cilia are about the mouth. Trichocysts are common. Example: Paramecium aurelia, found in fresh water has a cytostome, gullet, and cytopyge; contractile and food vacuoles; a large macronucleus and two small micronuclei. If samples 382 GENERAL ZOOLOGY from a culture of this protozoan are kept under continuous observation, it is found that at fairly regular intervals binary fission takes place and a single individual divides into two daughter cells. Each of the latter grows and in about 10 hours attains the size-limit characteristic of the species, when division again occurs. A large number of binary fissions may take place after this fashion; but sooner or later, under ordinary condi- tions in a laboratory culture, an entirely different sort of phenomenon, known as conjugation, occurs. In this process two individuals touch, at first in front, and then along the entire surface of one side, so that the cytostomes come together; the macronucleus swells and breaks up, the fragments even- tually dissolving; and the micronuclei by two successive divi- sions produce eight nuclei in each conjugant. Seven of these nuclei disintegrate while the eighth divides, forming a stationary micronucleus and a migratory micronucleus. Each migratory micronucleus then passes into the opposite cell and fuses with the stationary micronucleus to form a synkaryon or fertilization nucleus. The conjugants now separate and in each the synkaryon divides twice, producing four micronuclei, two of which are transformed into macronuclei. The two remaining micronuclei each divide again, accompanied by a division of the cell, so that two complete individuals, each provided with a macronucleus and two micronuclei are derived from each of the conjugants (Fig. 214). Woodruff has shown that if the medium in which isolated paramecia are living is kept fresh by constant changing, con- jugation does not occur for thousands of generations (12,000, in the period from 1907 to 1921). It was found, however, that every 40 or 50 generations the macronucleus degenerates and is replaced by chromatin from the micronucleus, a process known as endomixis. The nuclear changes, as may be seen from the figure, are similar to those occurring in conjugation, except that there is no exchange of nuclear material between two individuals; i.e., reciprocal fertilization does not occur (Fig. 215). The common feature of both conjugation and endomixis, viz., the periodic replacement of the macronucleus with material from the micronucleus, would seem to have some significance as a means of rejuvenescence. However, it is generally believed, in view of experiments with other species of Protozoa, that THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 383 the prevention of death in Protozoa is due less to the environ- ment than to the nature of the organism — in the case of Paramecium, to the process of endomixis. Order 2. Heterotrichida. Membranelles about the oral zone. Cilia uniform over the rest of the body. Example: Stentor, common in fresh water (Fig. 216, A). Order 3. Oligotrichida. Cilia limited almost entirely to the oral zone. Fig. 215. — Diagram of the nuclear changes in Paramecium aurelia during endomixis. A, typical nuclear condition; B, degeneration of macronucleus and first division of micronuclei; C, second division of micronuleci; D, degenera- tion of six of the eight micronuclei; E, cell division; F, first reconstruction division of micronuclei; G, second reconstruction division; H, transformation of two micronuclei into two maeronuclei; I, division of micronuclei and cell division; J, two complete new individuals. (After Woodruff, Foundation of Biology, copyright. The Macmillan Company. By permission.) Example: Halteria, a fresh-water form that moves in leaps by means of cirri. Order 4. Hypotrichida. A flattened body, as a rule with cilia, cirri, and membranelles on the ventral surface. Example: Stylonychia (Fig. 216, D). Order 5. Peritrichida. Cylindrical or cup-shaped body, usually free of cilia except in the adoral zone; and usually provided with a contractile stalk. Examples: Vorticella (Fig. 216, C); Carchesium, a branched colonial form. 384 GENERAL ZOOLOGY CLASS II. SUCTORIA. Sessile protozoans without cilia except in early stage of development. They are parasitic forms provided with tentacles for piercing or sucking. Example : Tokophrya (Fig. 216, B) . One species is frequently found attached to fresh-water copepods, which are small crustaceans. B D Fig. 216. -A, Stentor. B, Tokophrya. {After Hertwig.) C, Vorticella. Stylonychia mytilus. {After Stein.) N, macronucleus. D, METAZOA The group Metazoa includes all animals above Protozoa and therefore has the rank of a subkingdom. On this basis Protozoa is both a subkingdom and a phylum. The general features that distinguish Metazoa from Protozoa are as follows: 1. The body of the Metazoan is composed of many cells that may be divided into two general classes: somatic cells and germ cells. 2. The somatic cells are differentiated into tissues and organs, in which there is specialization of structure and function. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 385 3. The germ cells are the reproductive cells, which in many forms are segregated from the somatic cells early in ontogeny. 4. Though asexual reproduction by fission or budding occurs, there is always sexual reproduction from a fertilized egg or, less commonly, an unfertilized egg. 5. The developing egg undergoes cleavage; the cells or blas- tomeres thus formed adhere to one another to produce a multi- cellular complex. 6. At least two germ layers develop : an ectoderm, forming the external covering, and an endoderm, lining the alimentary canal and its outgrowths. Between these, in the majority of meta- zoans, a third germ layer, the mesoderm, is formed from which muscles, vascular and other tissues and organs develop. The distinction between Metazoa and Protozoa is not sharp since colonial protozoans, such as Volvox, consist of groups of different kinds of cells, organically connected with one another. Colonial Protozoa to a certain extent bridge the gap between solitary Protozoa and Metazoa, but in the latter there is a greater degree of interdependence among the cells of the individual organism than there is between the individual members of a protozoan colony. PHYLUM 2— PORIFERA Porifera (pore bearers) or sponges are lowly organized Metazoa that do not seem to lie in the direct line of ancestry of the higher forms. They are sessile, aquatic animals, most of which live in the sea. The body of the simplest sponges (Ascon type) is tubular in form and is attached at its closed basal end to the substratum. The free end is provided with an opening, the osmium. The thin walls are pierced with smaller openings called pores (Fig. 217A). The principal cavity of the tube, the gastral cavity, is lined with flagellated collar cells (Fig. 218), known as choanocytes, which bear a striking resemblance to certain flagellated protozoans such as Codosiga. The food of sponges consists of small animals and plants and organic matter in the water, which with its contents is drawn in through the pores by the action of the flagella of choanocytes into the gastral cavity, where the food is ingested and digested by the choanocytes, the water leaving the gastral cavity by the osculum. In the Sycon type of sponge the gastral cavity consists of numerous outpocket- 386 GENERAL ZOOLOGY ings of the main cavity, called flagellated chambers or ampullae, which alone contain choanocytes. Water enters the ampullae through pores and passes into the central cavity, now called the cloacal cavity, from which it leaves by the osculum (Fig. 217B). The Leucon type of sponge (Fig. 217C) results from a separation of the ampullae from both external and cloacal surfaces by an increase of mesodermal tissue, the ampullae retaining their connections with both surfaces by means of narrow canals. Both the incurrent canals (the original pores), leading to the ampullae, and the excurrent canals, leading away from them to the cloacal cavity, may be enlarged to form subdermal and sub- A B c Fig. 217. — Diagrams of three structural types of sponges. A, Ascon type; B, Sycon type; C, Leucon type. The dermal epithelium is indicated in light line, the gastral epithelium in heavy black. Since the outer layer of the sponge larva becomes the inner layer of the adult, there is some difficulty in applying the terms ectoderm and endoderm. As it is, the dermal epithelium corresponds in position to the ectoderm of other forms and the gastral epithelium to the endo- derm. c, cloacal cavity; f, flagellated chamber; g, gastral cavity; o, osculum; p, incurrent pores; s, subdermal cavity. cloacal spaces. In any case the choanocytes are confined to the ampullae. The outer layer of the body of the sponge is composed of a single layer of flattened cells. The gastral cavity and the ampullae are lined with choanocytes. The remaining cavities are lined with a smooth epithelium. The middle layer, or meso- derm, lying between the dermal layer and the gastral layer or the derivatives of the latter, varies in thickness and contains a variety of structures, some of which are skeletal parts, such as the hard calcareous or siliceous spicules, or the softer horny fibers of spongin. Both spicules and spongin are present in many sponges, though some contain neither. Some spicules are narrow rods, pointed or rounded at the ends, others are tri- and tetra-actinal THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 387 and various other shapes. The cells of the mesoderm or more properly, the mesenchyme, consist of (1) scleroblasts, which secrete the spicules, and spongioblasts, which produce the spongin; (2) stellate connective tissue cells; (3) myocytes, which are con- tractile and are found at the pores and osculum, where they function as sphincters; and (4) archeocytes. The last are amoeboid cells that share with the choanocytes the ingestion and digestion of food and also give rise to germ cells and to Fig. 218. — Portion of cross section of Grantia, a Sycon type of sponge, cc, choanocytes; ect, dermal epithelium; fl, flagellum of choanocyte; mes, mesoglea; sp, portion of spicule. (From Shull, LaRue, and Ruthven, Animal Biology.) gemmules. Reproduction occurs asexually by budding, sexually from fertilized eggs and by the formation of gemmules. Gem- mule formation, which is more common in fresh-water sponges, seems to be an adaptation for surviving low temperature or lack of water. This is accomplished, in the case of the fresh-water sponge during summer and fall by the formation of capsules of archeocytes in the mesenchyme. The gemmules, composed of encapsulated archeocytes, fall to the bottom if the sponge dies and remain there until the following spring, when they develop into sponges. All fresh-water sponges do not die in the winter, even though gemmules are formed. 388 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Separate sexes occur in some species of sponges; others are hermaphroditic. The fertilized egg develops into a two-layered, ciliated, motile larva. The gastral cavity and its derivatives develop from the outer layer of the larva; and the dermal layer and mesenchyme come from the inner layer of the larva. Thus there is in sponges what is called an inversion of the germ layers, since in other metazoa the outer layer of the gastrula gives rise to ectoderm and the inner layer to endoderm. At metamorphosis the ciliated sponge larva becomes attached to the substratum and is transformed into a sponge. Sponges lack the usual organ systems found in higher Metazoa. There is no nervous system. The flagella of the collar cells beat independently and not in unison, as do the cilia of ciliated epi- thelia of other metazoans. The currents created in the water by the flagella bring in food and oxygen and remove waste. There is no other circulatory or excretory system. The myocytes located about the pores and the osculum represent a very primi- tive form of contractile tissue which combines the properties of nerve and muscle, since it responds normally to direct stimula- tion. In keeping with their low degree of organization, sponges display a remarkable power of regeneration. If sponges, of certain species, are crushed to a pulp and pressed through fine bolting cloth, the dissociated cells collect in small masses, some of which eventually develop into normal sponges. CLASS I. CALCAREA. Marine sponges, small in size, tubular in shape, solitary or colonial, with calcareous spicules. Example : Grantia canadensis, a common species of the Sycon type. CLASS II. NONCALCAREA. Marine and fresh-water forms with siliceous spicules or spongin, or both, or neither. Examples: Euplectella aspergillum, Venus flower basket, a "glass" sponge; Spongilla lacustris, a common fresh- water sponge; Hippospongia gossypina, an American species of commercial sponge. PHYLUM 3— COELENTERATA There are two morphological types among the Coelenterata: (1) the polyp or hydroid form, which is sessile, and (2) the jellyfish or medusoid form, which is free-swimming. The polyp type is illustrated by Hydra, whose body is a double-walled, tubular sac THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 389 provided with a fringe of usually six tentacles around its open, free oral end. Its body wall consists of two layers of cells: the outer one, ectoderm, and the inner one, endoderm. Between these two layers is a thin noncellular, supporting tissue, the mesoglea. The endoderm lines the gastrovascular cavity and the tentacles. Thus each tentacle is a double-walled tube, whose cavity, reduced in size, is a continuation of the gastrovascular cavity (Fig. 219A). The medusa type is illustrated in a simple form by Gonionemus, the convex side of whose bell-shaped body, the exumbrella, corresponds to the attached blind end of the Fig 219. — Diagrams for comparing the polyp type, A, with the medusa type, B. 1, ectoderm; 2, endoderm; b, bud; g, gastrovascular cavity; m, mouth; o, ovary; t, testis; v, velum. Mesoglea is shown in solid black. polyp; while the open end of a tube, the manubrium, leading from the concave surface of the bell, corresponds to the oral end of the polyp (Fig. 219B). In jellyfishes, which are large medusoids, the mesoglea is a thick jellylike layer containing cells that have immigrated from the ectoderm and endoderm. Both polyp and medusa types are radially symmetrical. The term " Coelenterata " (hollo w-intestined) refers to the presence of the gastrovascular cavity in these animals. The ectoderm of Hydra is composed of epitheliomuscular cells, interstitial cells, and nerve cells. The epitheliomuscular cell of the ectoderm has the form of a short column whose inner end is drawn out at right angles to the main axis of the cell and contains 390 GENERAL ZOOLOGY contractile fibers. These fibers run parallel to the long axis of the hydra, so that when they contract, the body of the hydra shortens. The interstitial cells produce egg and sperm cells and also give rise to nematoblasts, which are stinging cells capable of discharging a threadlike tube, the nematocyst, and usually a nem Fig. 220. — Nematocysts of Hydra before and after discharge, cnc, cnidocil; nem, nematocyst; nu, nucleus of nematoblast; t, threadlike tube. (From Dahlgren and Kepner, Principles of Animal Histology, copyright, The Macmillan Company, after Schneider. By permission.) poisonous fluid. Discharge of nematocysts can be produced in a living hydra on a slide in water by the addition of dilute acetic acid or methyl green. The function of the cnidocil, a short projection at the free end of nematocyst, is unknown. Once a thread has been discharged the nematoblast from which it came disappears and a new one takes its place from the interstitial THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 391 cells. The thread of a penetrant type of nematocyst is capable of piercing the integument of small animals. In the volvent type the thread forms a coil about objects when discharged. In a third type, the glutinant type, the discharged thread adheres to objects by means of a sticky secretion. All three types are probably used in capturing food (Fig. 220). The nerve cells of Hydra are in the form of a loose network extending throughout the ectoderm and also in the endoderm. In medusoid forms there is a nerve ring in the outer rim of the umbrella, which also contains sense organs (simple eyes or pig- ment spots, with or without a lens). Hydra attaches itself by a basal disk to the substratum by means of an adhesive substance secreted by the ectodermal cells. In Hydra oligaetis, these cells, under certain conditions, secrete a gas, which, confined in a bubble of mucus, serves as a float from which the hydra hangs downward in the water (Fig. 221). The mouth of the hydra is a star-shaped opening in a rounded elevation, the hypostome, about which the tentacles are arranged. The tentacles with the aid of the nematocysts capture food and bring it to the mouth. The single layer of cells composing the endoderm is thicker than the ectoderm. Its principal cells are epitheliomuscular cells and gland cells. Most of the epithelio- muscular cells of the endoderm bear several flagella on their free surfaces. They are digestive in function, ingesting and digesting food after the manner of an amoeba (intracellular digestion). The gland cells are also flagellated but are without contractile fibers at their bases. They secrete a digestive fluid, by means of which food is digested in the gastrovascular cavity (extracellular digestion). Undigested material is ejected through the mouth. The peristomal (about the mouth) gland cells and the gland cells of the basal-disk region differ in appearance from the remainder and may have special functions. Interstitial cells are also found in small numbers in the endoderm near the mes- oglea. A few nerve cells also occur in the endoderm. The contractile fibers of the endodermal epitheliomuscular cells run transversely to the main body axis of the hydra and thus form a circular muscular band. This, with the longitudinal band formed by the fibers of the ectodermal epitheliomuscular cells, accounts for the active and varied movements of the hydra- 392 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Hydra attaches itself by means of the basal disk, but it can move by a creeping motion of the disk. It also moves by a head-over- g.b. Fig. 221. — Hydra oligactis, semidiagrammatic longitudinal section. B, bud; B.D. basal disk; E, ectoderm; En, endoderm; e.c, epitheliomuscular cells of endoderm; G, gastrovascular cavity; g.b., gas bubble; g.c, gland cells; H, hypo- stome; M, mesoglea (solid black line); Mo, mouth; N, nematocysts; O, ovary; T, testis; Te, tentacle. (After Kepner.) heels movement by arching the body until the ends of the tenta- cles can grasp the substratum and then, releasing the basal disk, THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 393 swinging the latter to a new position for attachment. Letting go the hold by the tentacles, the hydra rises to an upright posi- tion. In strong contrast with sponges, the hydra is capable of quick energetic movements of its body and tentacles. As already noted, it may in some cases detach itself and float about by means of a mucus-enclosed gas bubble formed at its base. Reproduction in Hydra, referred to in an earlier connection (p. 155), may be asexual (budding or fission), or sexual. The germ cells of Hydra and the lower coelenterates are said to arise from interstitial cells of the ectoderm. In the higher coelen- Fig. 222. — Obelia. g, gonosomes and gonotheca; h, hydranth and hydrotheca. terates they come from similar cells in the endoderm. In the face of these facts, it is difficult to hold that a line of germinal continuity or a germ track of cells as distinguished from the somatic cells, exists in these animals, unless one assumes that the interstitial cells are undifferentiated cells that have retained the reproductive potencies of the egg. In Hydra the testis develops as a swelling in the ectoderm of the body wall just below the tentacles; the ovary develops as a similar swelling near the base (Fig. 221). A single testis develops numerous spermatozoa; a single ovary produces a single egg. The egg is fertilized in the ovary and undergoes development as far as gastrulation within the ovarian epithelium, after which it escapes and grows into an 394 GENERAL ZOOLOGY adult hydra. In many of the Hydrozoa there is metagenesis in the life cycle, i.e., an alternation of polyp with medusoid generations. The polyp, developing from fertilized egg, repro- duces asexually by budding the medusae, which are male and female. Fig. 223. — Physalia, the Portuguese man-of-war, a pelagic colonial hydrozoan. cr, crest; p, polyp; pn, pneumatophore. (From Parker and Haswell, Textbook of Zoology, copyright, The Macmillan Company. By permission.) Regeneration is marked in Hydra. Grafting of parts can also be experimentally accomplished without difficulty. CLASS I. HYDROZOA. Radially symmetrical, sessile, polyp forms, and free-swimming sexual medusae; both sometimes occurring in the life history of a single species. Without going into the intricacies of classification, these different conditions may be illustrated by the following: THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 395 Chlorohydra viridissima, also known as Hydra viridis, the common fresh-water hydra, colored green by algae in the endodermal cells, has a polyp stage only. Gonionemus mur- bachi, a marine, craspedote medusa (i.e., having a velum extend- ing inward from the edge of the subumbrella), has practically Fig. 224. — Aurelia, a jellyfish, and stages in the life history. A, vertical section of adult; B, vertical section of gastrula; C, polypiform larva with eight tentacles; D, scyphistoma with sixteen tentacles, in beginning of strobilation; E, strobila; F, ephyra, which develops into a jellyfish, g, gastral cavity; go, gonad; m, mouth; o, oral lobe; t, tentacles. {After Leuckart-Nitsche wall chart.) a medusa stage only, its polyp stage being minute and of short duration. Obelia dichotoma, a marine form, has a definite alternation of generations, the colonial polyp producing sexual buds (gonosomes) that develop into free-swimming male and female medusae. The fertilized egg develops into a polyp (Fig. 222). Physalia pelagica, the Portuguese man-of-war is 396 GENERAL ZOOLOGY a free-swimming colonial form, the individual, highly poly- morphic members of which are in communication with one another by means of the common gastrovascular cavity. The colony is attached to a float (pneumatophore) containing gas that can be released through a pore, and later regenerated, enabling the animal to drop below the surface and rise again. There is an alternation of generations (Fig. 223). Fig. 225. — Dissection of Metridium marginatum, a sea anemone, showing the internal structure. 1, 2, 3, and 4, primary, secondary, tertiary, and quater- nary mesenteries extending inward from the body wall, only the primary reaching the gullet, g. The gullet opens into a common basal gastrovascular cavity, o, ostia, pores through which water passes from one chamber to the other through the primary mesenteries, r, reproductive organs; s, scyphonoglyphe, a ciliated groove in either side of the gullet; t, tentacles. (Modified from Lineville and Kelly, Textbook in General Zoology, Ginn and Company.) CLASS II. SCYPHOZOA. Jellyfishes. Radially symmet- rical, usually with an alternation of generations, although the medusoid or the hydroid generation alone may be present in some. In general, the medusoid stage is more prominent in the group than the polyp. The latter, known as the scy- phistoma, differs from Hydra in the following points: (1) the attachment of its aboral end in a cup; (2) the presence of four endodermal mesenteries projecting into the gastrovascular cavity ; (3) the possession of an ectodermal gullet. The medusae are acraspedote (lacking a velum), and are produced from the scyphistoma by terminal budding (strobilation) . THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 397 Example: Aurelia, a large jellyfish, common on the Atlantic coast (Fig. 224). CLASS III. ANTHOZOA. Sea anemones and corals. The body is cylindrical and attached at the aboral end by the foot or pedal disk. The mouth is oval, giving the animal a biradial symmetry, and is surrounded by from six to several hundred tentacles. An ectodermal gullet leads from the mouth to the gastrovascular cavity, which is subdivided by six or more longitudinal mesenteries composed of mesoglea and endoderm. The ectoderm secretes, in corals, a skeleton of calcium carbonate, and in other forms a hornlike substance called ceratine. All are marine and dioecious. Examples: Metridium marginatum, a sea anemone (Fig. 225) ; Epizoanthus amerieanus, a sea anemone often attached to a hermit crab; Porites porites, a common West Indian coral. PHYLUM 4— CTENOPHORA These beautiful marine animals are sometimes included in the Phylum Coelenterata, which they resemble very closely (Figs. 226 and 227). The biradially symmetrical body is almost trans- parent and may be round, oval, or ribbonlike in outline. Its outer surface is soft and bears eight longitudinal rows of combs whose teeth are composed of transverse plates of fused cilia. Ctenophore means "comb bearer." In many, branched retractile tentacles arise from pits near the aboral pole (Fig. 227). They are provided with adhesive cells, which are used in capturing prey. The slit-shaped mouth opens into a widened stomach region, to which is connected a system of tubes opening to the outside by minute pores. This complicated gastrovascular space is lined with endoderm. Between the latter and the ectoderm is a thick jellylike mesenchyme, which differs from the mesoglea of coelen- terates in that it represents a true third germ layer. It also contains muscle fibers of mesodermal origin. The animals, therefore, are triploblastic. Lying in a pit at the aboral pole is a statocyst. Ctenophores are hermaphroditic, and pass through a compli- cated metamorphosis before reaching the adult stage. Paedo- genesis, reproduction in the larval stage, occurs in some species. CLASS I. TENTACULATA. Characterized by a pair of long tentacles or a pair of oral lobes which, however, may appear only in the larva. 398 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Fig. 226. — Mnemiopsis, a ctenophore with lobes in place of tentacles. A, side view; B, aboral side; C, oral side, showing the mouth as a small opening in the center. N-4 B M Fig. 227. — A diagrammatic dissection of Hormiphora, a ctenophore; the ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm striated, and the mesoderm solid black, i, infundibulum, the stomach region, which is connected with eight meridional canals one of which is shown beneath the more central row of combs. The infun- dibulum also gives off two stomodaeal canals and two tentacular canals, one of each being shown in the figure. The stomodaeal canal is close to the stomo- daeum, the tube leading from the mouth (m) to the infundibulum. p, excretory pore; s, statocyst; t, tentacle, the one on the left, in longitudinal section, shows the muscular core by which the tentacle may be retracted into the sheath. {Based on Parker and Haswell.) B, adhesive cell from a tentacle. The convex surface is sticky, and the coiled filament acts as a spring to prevent the cell being pulled out when it is attached to prey. The spiral thread is attached at its base to the muscular axis of the tentacle, n, nucleus. (After Hertwig and Chun.) THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 399 Examples: Pleurobrachia pileus, sea comb; Cestus veneris, a flattened, ribbonlike form; Mnemiopsis leidyi, the sea walnut (Fig. 226). CLASS II. NUDA. Tentacles and oral lobes absent. Example: Beroe ovata. PHYLUM 5— PLATYHELMINTHES Platyhelminthes (flatworms) are the first forms in which a definite "head end" is present. The process of cephalization as pointed out in a preceding chapter (p. 170) involves the con- centration of sense organs at the anterior end of the animal and a corresponding concentration of nervous control mediated through cephalic nerve ganglia. Usually the body in cross section is an oval, flattened dorsoventrally. Flatworms occur in water, moist earth, and as parasites in animals and plants. The body is triploblastic, unsegmented and covered by a ciliated epithelium or by an unciliated cuticle. An alimentary canal may be present but not a body cavity, the space between the alimentary canal and the body wall being filled with a loose connective tissue known as parenchyma, of mesodermal origin. The alimentary canal like that of coelenterates is usually a blind tube lacking an anal opening. The excretory system consists of numerous flame cells connected with tubes opening by single or paired excretory pores to the outside of the body (Fig. 91). There is no blood circulatory system, nor a respiratory system. The nervous system consists of a pair of cephalic ganglia from which nerves pass to various parts of the body. Reproduction is sexual, but fission and budding are also common. Her- maphroditism is the rule. The ovaries and testes are well- developed internal organs provided with ducts leading to the outside. CLASS I. TURBELLARIA. Ciliated, free-living forms, living in fresh or salt water, or in moist soil. In most cases the cili- ated glandular epidermis contains rhabdites, very small rodlike bodies, produced by the epidermal gland cells or by the parenchyma. They are discharged in the slimy secretion of the ectoderm. Functional nettle cells, nematoblasts, are sometimes found, but these have been shown to have been acquired from coelenterates taken as food. Adhesive suckers are present in some. The mouth is an opening at the end of a 400 GENERAL ZOOLOGY pharynx, which usually can be thrust from the mouth as a movable muscular proboscis (Fig. 228). SUBCLASS 1. ACOELA. A mouth, with or without a probos- cis, is present, but the remainder of the alimentary canal is absent. Eyes are usually lacking. There is a statocyst in the dorsal surface over the cephalic ganglia. Example: Childia spinosa, marine form, 1.4 mm. in length. SUBCLASS 2. COELATA. An intestine is present. Order 1. Rhabdocoelida. The intestine is an unbranched tube, in some cases, slightly lobulated. Found in marine and fresh water and on land (Fig. 228, A and B). Some reproduce asexually by terminal budding (Fig. 228, B). Examples: Dalyellia, a fresh-water American form; Micro- stomum, both fresh- and salt-water genus. Order 2. Tricladida. Commonly known as planarians and characterized chiefly by an intestine with three main branches, one extending forward and two backward from the pharynx. Each main trunk gives off diverticula with separate branches. A pair of eyes are usually present (p. 192) in the head end. On either side in front of the eyes is a sensitive lobe or auricle. Example: Euplanaria maculata, a fresh- water form (Fig. 228, C). Order 3. Polycladida. The intestine has many branches ramifying to all parts of the body. Eyes, otocysts, tentacles, and tactile organs are well developed (Fig. 228D). Example: Planocera inquilina, found as a commensal form in the branchial chamber of a large marine snail, Busycon. CLASS II. TREMATODES. Flukes. Exclusively parasitic. Cilia are absent, or present only in larval stages. Usually the mouth is subterminal and the intestine is bifurcated. Hooks and suckers are found in ectoparasites for attachment to the host, but suckers only in endoparasites. The name of the class, Trematodes, refers to the presence of suckers (trema, hole). Eyespots occur in ectoparasites, but only in the larva of endoparasites. Order 1. Monogenea. For the most part are ectoparasites on aquatic animals, but some change to endoparasitism. There is but one host. The organs for attachment, at the ends of the body, are well developed. Some have small pores. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 401 Fig. 228. — Types of Turbellarians. (Based on von Graff.) A and B, Rhabdo- coeles; C, triclad; D, polyclad. The alimentary canal is represented in solid black. B shows strobilation or division taking place in a chain of four individ- uals of Microstomum. Division begins in the alimentary canal by the formation of septa which reach to the body wall. The chain really consists of sixteen partially formed zooids. b, bursa copulatrix; g, genital aperture; m, mouth; n, nervous system; o, ovary; p, penis; r, receptaculum seminis; s, vesicula seminalis; t, testis; u, uterus; v, vagina; y, yolk glands; in C and D, the testis and its ducts are shown on the left side of the animal and the ovary and oviduct on the right. 402 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Examples:' Tristoma coccineum, parasitic on the gills of the swordfish; Poly stoma integerrimum, as a larva, parasitizes the gills of the frog tadpole, but when the gills are absorbed at meta- morphosis, it passes into the pharynx, through the alimentary canal to the urinary bladder, where it is found in the adult frog as an internal parasite. Order 2. Digenea. Endoparasites living in two or more hosts, to which they attach themselves by one or two median suckers, of which the anterior one is the mouth, and the second one, when present, is for attachment only (Fig. 229). Example : Fasciola hepatica, the liver fluke, lives as an adult in the liver of sheep, cattle, man, and other animals, where sexual reproduction takes place. The young embryos pass down the bile duct into the intestine, and out of the sheep's body into water, where they develop into a ciliated miracidium larva. Its intermediate host is a water snail of the genus Limnaea, whose tis- sues it enters by boring, and inside of which it forms a sporo- cyst. Eggs contained in the sporocyst develop parthenoge- netically into rediae, which leave the sporocyst and enter the tis- sues. A number of parthenoge- netic redia generations may be produced, followed, finally, by different larvae known as cercariae. These resemble the adult, except that they have a tail, which serves as an organ of locomotion until the animal Fig. 229. — Fasciola hepatica, dia- grammatic from the ventral side. The digestive tract in solid black is shown only in the left of the figure. The reproductive system is com- plete only in the right side of the figure, d, sperm duct; e, excre- tory pore and a small portion of the terminal excretory tubes; m, mouth; o, ovary; p, penis; s, shell gland; t, testis; u, uterus; v, vagina; y, yolk glands. The ventral sucker is indicated by a circle below the penis. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 403 encysts on a water plant, when the tail is lost. Sheep are infected by eating plants bearing cysts, the contents of which find their way to the liver, where the young animals grow to maturity. Liver rot, the disease produced by this parasite, is often fatal (Fig. 230). Fig. 230. Fig. 231. Fig. 230. — Stages in the development of Fasciola hepatica. A, miracidium ; B, sporocyst, with rediae developing internally; C, rediae with second generation of rediae and cercariae; D, free cercaria; E, encysted cercaria. (From Van Cleave, Invertebrate Zoology, after Tho?nas.) Fig. 231. — A, Taenia solium, the pork tapeworm, s, scolex. B, scolex, magnified. (After Leuckart-Nitsche wall chart.) CLASS III. CESTOIDEA. Tapeworms. Endoparasites with two body regions: (1) the scolex, or head, containing hooks or suckers for attachment to the host; (2) the strobila, which is a series of segments, called proglottid^, each of which is provided with both male and female reproductive organs. A mature proglottid is practically filled by the enlarged gonads. Tape- worms inhabit the intestine of vertebrates and live as larvae in the tissues of another animal used as food by the principal host. 404 GENERAL ZOOLOGY There is no digestive tract, nutrition being absorbed through the body wall. The outer covering is a nonciliated cuticle capable of resisting the action of digestive juices (Fig. 231). Example: Taenia solium, the pork tapeworm, is found as an adult in the human intestine, where it reaches a length of from 4 to 10 meters. It attaches itself by means of hooks and suck- ers. A small six-hooked larva develops from the fertilized egg and is expelled. The larva must then enter the stomach of the pig, where it bores through the stomach wall, and finds its way to the skeletal muscles. Here the larva develops into an oval cysticercus (9 by 5 mm.) and remains as a cyst until the infected tissue is eaten by man. In the cavity of the cysticercus the scolex is developed in an inverted position, and when the cyst wall is dissolved by the gastric juice, the scolex is protruded like the finger of a glove. In the intestine the scolex attaches itself and develops proglottids from its posterior end (Figs. 231, 232, and 233). Taenia saginata, the beef tapeworm, has a similar life history, except that the intermediate host is the ox. It is the commonest tapeworm in the United States. PHYLUM 6— NEMERTEA Nemertea (from Nemertes, one of the sea nymphs of Greek mythology) is the name of a group of ciliated, unsegmented worms, mostly marine, often included in the Phylum Platyhel- minthes. The body is wormlike, ovoid, or circular in cross section and varies in length in different species from a few milli- meters to 6 meters or more (30 meters in the case of Lineus longissimus) . The alimentary canal, beginning with a mouth on the ventral surface near the anterior end, is a pouched tube, extending the length of the body and terminating in an anal opening. There is no body cavity, the space between the intestine and the body wall being occupied by a gelatinous parenchyma. A simple blood circulatory system is represented by two or more longitudinal vessels, connected with each other and with blood sinuses in the tissues. At the anterior end is a four-lobed cephalic ganglion above the alimentary canal, from which nerves extend to various parts of the body. The excretory system consists of flame cells, connected by tubules with two longitudinal canals opening on the surface of the body. Numerous simple eyes, ocelli, occur, sometimes along the sides of the body. Some also THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 405 have auditory vesicles. The body wall contains several layers of circular and longitudinal muscles. They are dioecious as a rule, though a small number are hermaphroditic. Fig. 232. — Diagram of a proglottid, showing organs of reproduction (Based on Leuckart.) d, sperm duct; e, excretory duct; n, nerve cord; o, ovary; s, shell gland; t, testis; u, uterus; v, vagina; y, yolk gland. One of the striking features of nemerteans is the proboscis, a muscular organ that can be extended from a pocket in front of the mouth to a distance almost as great as the length of the body. It seems to be primarily a tactile organ, though the fact that it is armed with dartlike stylets indicates an offensive or protective function also. Another feature is the contrac- tility of the body. A specimen of Cerebratulus lacteus, capable of extending itself to 5 meters, can shorten to less than a meter. Many are brightly colored. Most nemerteans are nonpar- asitic. Examples: Cerebratulus lac- teus, a marine form, found on the New England coast in the sand near low-water mark. Length of body is from 2 to 6 m.; width, 25 mm. Prostoma rubrum, breeds in fresh-water aquaria; reddish in color and about 18 mm. in length. Carcinonemertes carcinophila, para- sitic on the gills and eggs of crabs. Fig. 233. — A, cysticercus (bladder- worm) with inverted scolex. B, cysti- cercus with everted scolex. (After Leuckart.) 406 GENERAL ZOOLOGY PHYLUM 7— NEMATHELMINTHES Nemathelminthes (threadworms or roundworms) are non- ciliated, unsegmented worms circular in cross section, elongated and threadlike in form; some are free-living in water or moist earth and others parasitic in animals and plants. They lack paired appendages, though bristles, hairs, and suckers may be present. Most are dioecious. CLASS I. NEMATODA. A smooth firm cuticula, overlying a softer subcuticula, forms the body covering. The mouth is at the dorsal side. The alimentary canal is a slightly differ- entiated tube lying loosely in a body cavity and provided with an anal opening near the posterior end of the body. The body cavity is a hemocoel and lacks a peritoneum. The sub- cuticula on each side projects into the body cavity, forming two longitudinal ridges (lateral lines) each of which contains an excretory tubule connected with the body cavity by a ciliated funnel or nephrostome. The two excretory tubules open to the outside by a single pore on the ventral side behind the mouth. A dorsal and ventral band of the form of longi- tudinal muscle fibers bulges into the body cavity. Each band of muscle is divided into right and left portions by a longi- tudinal nerve trunk. There are no circular muscle fibers. The nervous system consists of a ganglionated ring encircling the esophagus, and of a number of longitudinal nerves. Simple eyes and sensory papillae are present in some. Most nematodes are parasitic and dioecious. A few are viviparous. They are very widespread and the number of species has been esti- mated at over 100,000. Examples: Trichinella spiralis, the cause of trichinosis, lives as an adult (male 1.5 mm. in length, female 3 to 4 mm.) in the small intestine of man, the pig, rat, dog, and mouse, where they reproduce sexually. The female after copulation penetrates the mucosa and gives birth to from 1,500 to 10,000 young. The latter migrate via the blood and lymph to the muscles of the thorax, neck, and jaw, in which they become encysted, thereby injuring the muscles to such an extent that death of the host may ensue. Man is infected by eating undercooked pork con- taining cysts from which the young worms are liberated by the action of the gastric juice (Fig. 234). THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 407 Necator americanus, the American hookworm, is found in the intestine of man and the gorilla, where it lives on the blood of its host, after first making a wound with its cutting lips and teeth. The adult male is 9 mm. in length, and the female 11 mm. After copulation, the female deposits numerous eggs, which do not complete development until discharged with the feces. Development then proceeds, the embryo molting twice and remaining inside of the loosened skin after the second molt. There are two general modes of infection: (1) through the mouth, in which case the larva passes directly to the intestine; (2) Fig. 234. Fig. 235. Fig. 234. — Trichinella spiralis, encysted in the muscle of the pig. (After Leuckart.) Fig. 235. — Enlarged view of the dorsal side of the anterior end of the hook- worm Necator americanus, showing the quadrangular shaped mouth opening through which two of the flat, platelike teeth can be seen. (After Stiles.) through the skin of the feet and hands, from which it is carried by the blood to the lungs. Considerable damage is then caused by the animal boring through the lungs, heart, trachea, etc., to the intestine (Fig. 235). The hookworm is a serious menace in the South, especially in localities where precautions are not taken to avoid soil and water pollution. Ascaris lumbricoides is an intestinal parasite, especially com- mon in children. The male averages about 20 mm. in length by 3 mm. in diameter, and the female 30 by 5 mm. The eggs pass out with the feces and develop directly to the larval stages in water or moist soil. Infection is by mouth from water, soil, and the skin of raw fruits (Fig. 236). The larvae bore through the walls of the intestine of the host, migrate through the lungs, liver, or heart, and then return to the intestine where they complete their development. 408 GENERAL ZOOLOGY CLASS II. NEMATOMORPHA. Hairworms. In the adult state they resemble thick horsehairs. The integument consists of a thick cuticula, beneath which is a single layer of epidermal cells (hypodermis). The mouth and esophagus are closed in the adult state in some species. The body cavity is lined with a peritoneum and is provided with dorsal and ventral mesen- Fig. 236. Fig. 237. Fig. 236. — Ascaris lumbricoides. {After Beneden.) A, male three-fourths natural size; B, female, three-fourths natural size; c, head, enlarged, ventral side showing excretory pore; d, head, front view, three lobes surrounding the mouth; e, posterior end of the body of male greatly enlarged showing penial setae. Fig. 237. — Acanthocephalid, male. (After Leuckart.) b, bursa; g, cement glands; l, lemnisci, two saccular organs of unknown function; li, ligament; n, nerve ganglion; p, proboscis and sheath; pe, penis; t, testes. teries. A pair of eyes and a number of tactile bristles are pres- ent. The animals are dioecious and the fertilized eggs are deposited in the water, where the larvae develop and later parasitize aquatic insect larvae. If the host is eaten by a predaceous insect, or if the host dies, the larva may enter the body of a grasshopper or other insect. In either case, develop- ment is completed in the second host, from which the adult escapes through the body wall and eventually reaches water. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 409 Example : Gordius robustus, a common horsehair worm, about 28 cm. long and 1 mm. wide; found in fresh water. CLASS III. ACANTHOCEPHALA. There are three body regions: (1) the proboscis, armed with hooks, (2) the neck, (3) the trunk. The proboscis contains a ganglion from which two nerve cords pass backward. There are no special sense organs. There is a body cavity, but no alimentary canal. A pair of nephridia opens into the reproductive duct. These animals are parasitic in the intestine of vertebrates, attaching themselves by the hooked proboscis. The larval stage occurs in another host. Infection is by mouth from water contain- ing the intermediate host (Fig. 237). Examples: Echinorhynchus gadi, parasitic in the cod and other fishes; Macranthorhynchus hirudinaceus, parasitic in the intestine of the pig; larval stage in beetle grubs. PHYLUM 8— TROCHELMINTHES Trochelminthes (wheelworms) are very small aquatic animals, often microscopic in size, unsegmented, and with cilia, if present, confined to the anterior end or to the ventral surface of the body. CLASS I. ROTATORIA. Rotatoria (rotators), or rotifers (wheel bearers), the best known members of the phylum, are extremely small aquatic animals, discovered by Leeuwenhoek in 1703. A common species, Hydatina senta, measures only 0.6 mm. in length. Other species are even smaller. The body of the rotifer is composed of three regions: head, trunk, and a postanal tail or foot, depending upon whether the animal is free- swimming or fixed. Free-swimming forms may attach them- selves temporarily by means of cement secreted by a gland in the tail (Fig. 238). The cuticle covering the body is secreted by the epidermis (hypodermis). The head is provided with a ciliated disk {corona), in the center or ventral edge of which is the mouth. The cilia serve as organs of locomotion and also direct food into the mouth. The alimentary canal is a straight or slightly curved differentiated tube provided with an anal opening. The muscular pharynx (mastax) contains on its inner surface hard jaws (trophi). A pair of excretory tubes, connected with flame cells, opens into the hinder end of the intestine, on either side. Sometimes they open into a pulsating bladder, which in turn empties into the intestine (Fig. 238, v). The central nerv- 410 GENERAL ZOOLOGY ous system consists of a cephalic (cerebral) ganglion from which nerves extend to the periphery. There are one or two dorsal antennae, located over the ganglion, and two lateral antennae, one on each side of the trunk. One or more rudimentary eye- spots are usually present. They are dioecious, though there are a few species in which males are unknown. Both oviparous and viviparous types of reproduction occur. The life history of a typical rotifer is interesting. There are two kinds of eggs: (1) a thick-shelled "winter" or "resting" egg, which can survive drought or cold; and (2) a thin- shelled "summer" egg. There are two types of females, externally alike, but differing in the kinds of eggs they produce. Amictic females produce eggs that cannot be ferti- lized. Midic females produce eggs that may develop parthenogenet- ically but are also capable of fertili- zation. The fertilized winter eggs develop into amictic females. These in turn produce eggs that develop parthenogenetically into females, both mictic and amictic. The eggs of mictic females develop parthenogenetically into males, which produce sperm that may fertilize other eggs of mictic females. Thus the same eggs that produce males, if unfertilized, pro- duce females if fertilized. Whitney has shown that feeding Hydatina senta with Polytoma, a colorless flagellated protozoan, results in the pro- duction of a larger number of female-producing (amictic) daughters; while feeding with Chlamydomonas, a green flagel- late, increases the number of male-producing (mictic) daughters. It will be noted that the effect of diet on sex potencies does not appear until the second generation following special feeding. Fig. 238. — Diagram of a Roti- fer, a, anus, b, brain; d, ovi- duct; df, dorsal feeler; f, flame cell; g, cement gland, by the secretion of which the animal attaches itself temporarily; e, eyespot; i, intestine; m, mouth; n, nephridial tube; o, ovary; p, pharynx, containing masticat- ing organs; R, retractor muscles; s, stomach; v, contractile vesicle (bladder). (After Parker and Has well.) THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 411 Physiologically, rotifers have remarkable powers of resistance to heat and drying. Some species when slowly dried on a slide, secrete a protective covering that enables them to survive lack of water and extremes of temperature. Such animals can be revived if placed in water after a year or more of desiccation. Under natural conditions this property enables them to survive drought and unfavorable conditions of temperature. Example: Hydatina senta, a fresh-water species. CLASS II. GASTROTRICHA. Gastrotichs are common aquatic forms but less well known than rotifers, from which they differ principally in possessing cilia on the flattened ventral surface of the body. The head is characteristically marked off from the trunk by a narrow neck region. They are both dioe- cious and monoecious. Some of them measure only 1.5 mm. in length. Example: Lepidoderma rhomboides, a fresh-water species. CLASS III. KINORHYNCHA. Very small marine trochel- minthes measuring from 0.18 to 1.0 mm. in length; lacking cilia but provided with spines and bristles. Locomotion char- acterized by a peculiar invagination and evagination of the head. Sexes are separate. Example: Trachydemus mainensis, found on tidal flats, Maine coast. PHYLUM 9— BRYOZOA Bryozoa (moss animals) are small, usually colonial animals, found on the surface of rocks, plants, and other objects in salt or fresh water. Externally some of them bear a resemblance to compound hydroids, but internally the resemblance ceases; for the individual zooids have a body cavity and a complete alimentary canal, bent so that the anus lies near the mouth (Fig. 239) . There is usually a central nervous system between the mouth and the anus, and in some a pair of nephridial tubes with flame cells. The lophophore is a characteristic horseshoe-shaped ridge about the mouth, bearing hollow, ciliated tentacles. The epidermis (hypodermis) secretes a calcareous cuticle, the ectocyst, which protects the soft parts of the animal. In some the tentacles can be completely withdrawn into the ectocyst. These animals are either monoecious or dioecious. They are very ancient forms of life, fossils having been found in the Cambrian and all subsequent formations. The great majority of the species is marine. 412 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Examples : Plumatella princeps, common in American ponds and streams; Bugula flabellata, Vineyard Sound; Cristatella mucedo, in ponds; colony, an elongated jellylike mass, 3 to 25 cm. in length. Fig. 239. — Flustra membranacea (after Nitsche), a single animal, a, anus; ek ectocyst; en, entocyst; /, funiculus; g, ganglion; k, collar, which permits retrac- tion; m, stomach, also dermomuscular sac; o, esophagus. (From Hertwig's Manual of Zoology by Kingsley. Henry Holt & Company. After Claparede.) PHYLUM 10— BRACHIOPODA Brachiopods are characterized by a bivalve shell, which suggests a relationship to a mollusc, such as a clam or oyster; but the valves of the brachiopod are dorsal and ventral instead of right and left as in molluscs. As a rule, the animal is attached by a muscular stalk, the peduncle, which is a prolongation of the body, passing out between the valves or through an opening in the ventral valve (Fig. 240) . The animal is attached to the valves by means of thin sheets of tissue called mantles. Within the space between the dorsal and ventral mantles are the lophophores, a pair of hol- low coiled tentacles attached at either side of the mouth. Each lophophore has a ciliated groove, along one side of which are small ciliated tentacles. The lophophore gives the name to the group (Brachiopoda — arm-footed) and serves as a sensory-respira- tory organ and also to direct food to the mouth. The mouth is a simple opening into a digestive tube, differentiated into esophagus, THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 413 stomach, and intestine. An anal opening may or may not be present. There is a circulatory system consisting of a heart, blood vessels, and lacunar spaces. The body cavity is repre- sented by a space in each mantle, connected with the cavities of the lophophores. Nephridial tubes, one or two pairs, connect the body cavity with the space between the two mantles. Usually dioecious, there is a trochophore larval stage resembling a similar stage in annelids (p. 415). Like bryozoans, brachiopods are very ancient animals, of which fossils are known from the Cambrian to Lophophore Dorsal valve Gonad Digest i ve gland Sfomacb Heart Venfra/ Manile Fig. 240. — Semidiagrammatic sagittal section of a brachiopod, Magellania lenticularis. (From Van Cleave, Invertebrate Zoology, after Parker and Haswell.) the present time. According to Pratt, there are about 2,500 fossil species and about 120 living species known at the present time. Examples: Terebratulina septentrionalis, off Cape Cod; Laqueus calif ornicus, California coast. PHYLUM 11— PHORONIDEA The Phoronidea are a small group of animals of uncertain systematic position but showing some resemblance to bryozoans and brachiopods. They are marine worms living in chitinous tubes within which the body can be completely withdrawn. A lophophore, consisting of a horseshoe-shaped ridge, bearing ten- tacles, is present at the anterior end of the body and can be thrust out of the tubes. The tubes frequently form tangled masses but do not communicate with one another. Each animal develops from a fertilized egg and there is no asexual generation formed by budding. The mouth, located in the center of the lophophore, 414 GENERAL ZOOLOGY opens into a U-shaped digestive tube terminating in an anus, also located in the center of the lophophore but separated from the mouth by a small lobe, the epistome, overhanging the mouth. The digestive tube is supported in a body cavity by longitudinal mesenteries. The body cavity is divided by a transverse portion into two parts, of which the anterior one is continuous with the cavities in the epistome and the lophophore. There is a blood circulatory system and also a nephridial system consisting of a pair of tubes leading from the body cavity to the outside. The nervous system consists of a ring about the anterior end of the alimentary canal and nerves extending from it to the tentacle and other parts of the body. The animals are monoecious. Devel- opment includes a larval stage (actinotrocha) . There are only a single genus and about 11 species (Pratt). Example: Phoronis architecta, lives in a straight tube, about 12 cm. in length. Coast of North Carolina. PHYLUM 12— CHAETOGNATHA The Chaetognatha (bristle-jawed) are free-swimming, uncili- ated, and unsegmented marine worms. The group gets its name from a fringe of prehensile, hooklike bristles and one or two rows of small spines on either side of the mouth. The digestive tract is a straight tube lying in a body cavity to which it is attached by dorsal and ventral mesenteries. An anus is present. The body cavity is divided into three parts by transverse septa. Special organs of circulation, excretion, and respiration are absent. A large dorsal nervous ganglion is located anteriorly above the mouth and a ventral ganglion under the intestine. There are a pair of eyes and an unpaired olfactory organ. These animals are monoecious and their development is interesting because the coelomic cavity is formed by the longitudinal fusion of a pair of diverticula of the lining of the archenteron, much as in annelids and chordates. Example: Sagitta elegans, the arrowworm, about 3 mm. in length and common in the North Atlantic. PHYLUM 13— ANNELIDA The Annelida (ringed or annulated forms) are the segmented worms, which are found in fresh and salt water and in the earth. They differ from other worms in the fact that the body is made THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 415 up of a number of similar (homoclynamous) segments or meta- meres, united end to end. The body wall is covered on the out- side by a cuticle, secreted by a single layer of underlying cells, the epidermis (hypodermis). Beneath the epidermis are an outer circular and an inner longitudinal layer of muscle. The inner surface of the body wall encloses a coelomic space and is usually lined by a peritoneum. As a rule, the coelomic cavity is sub- divided by transverse septa (dissepimenta) into as many compart- ments as there are complete body segments. Paired appendages, when present, are not jointed. The subterminal mouth is over- hung by a lobe, the prostomium, which represents the anterior end of the animal. The prostomium may bear eyes, tentacles and palps (tactile organs). The region about the mouth, the peri- stomium, may bear tentacles, also known as cirri. The mouth leads to a straight, differentiated digestive tract, sometimes lobulated, terminating in an anus. A circulatory system, approxi- mating a closed type, is present. The excretory system consists of a segmentally arranged series of paired nephridial tubes, described in the case of the earthworm in an earlier connection (p. 146) . Likewise a description of the reproductive system of the earthworm and the manner in which it functions has already been given (p. 157). The central nervous system consists of a circumpharyngeal ring, connecting ganglia above and below, the latter joined with a ventral ganglionated nerve cord, extending posteriorly the length of the body. Annelids are monoecious (earthworms) and dioecious (marine worms). In the dioecious annelids, the eggs, fertilized externally, develop into trochophore larvae. The trochophore larva of the marine worm Polygordius is unsegmented and is provided with an alimentary tract having a right-angled bend in it. The exterior of the larva is at first ciliated everywhere, but later the cilia become restricted to one or more bands of epithelium, the ciliated bands, of which the preoral band is shown in Fig. 241. The latter encircles the body, marking off a prestomial area in front (above in the figure), which contains an apical plate, beneath which is the rudiment of the supra- esophageal ganglion. The larva also contains nephridial organs opening to the outside. Most of the larva seems to represent the head end {prosoma) of the fully developed worm. The segmented trunk (metasoma) of the worm grows from the posterior edge of the prosoma by the formation of segments one after the other. 416 GENERAL ZOOLOGY In some annelids the head of the adult later increases in size by- taking up trunk segments. In monoecious annelids such as the earthworm, the egg develops directly into a worm, but the pro- stomium shows such a close resemblance to the trochophore larva that the two structures are thought to be homologous. The trochophore larva is important in connection with the evolution of the annelids, since it bears a rather striking resemblance to a rotifer and an even closer resemblance to the larva of the Brachio- A b c Fig. 241. — Polygordius. A and B, two stages in the development of the trochophore (trochosphere) larva which grows by the addition of segments to the posterior end. C, dorsal view of the adult, a, anus; g, rudimentary supra- esophageal ganglion; m, mouth; n, protonephridium, provided with flame cells; T, tentacles. {After Hatschek and Fraipont.) poda and the Phoronidea and also to the veliger larva of the Mollusca (p. 433). CLASS I. ARCHIANNELIDA. Primitive marine annelids. Setae (locomotor bristles) absent or scanty. Head may bear ciliated bands or a pair of tentacles. External segmentation often indistinct. A trochophore larval stage occurs. All dioecious. Example: Chaetogordius canaliculatus, has setae on its posterior segments. Common at Woods Hole. CLASS II. POLYCHAETA. Mostly marine annelids, with a few fresh-water species. They are free-swimming or tube THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 417 dwellers. The body is distinctly segmented, the head with sense organs being well developed in the free-swimming forms. A characteristic structure of the latter is the parapodium. This is a fleshy outgrowth of the body wall usually consisting of two Fig. 242. Fig. 243. Fig. 242. — A, Anterior end of Nereis, with proboscis extended. (After Ehlcrs.) B, enlarged view of parapodium from posterior aspect. {After Quatrefages.) a, acicula (large bristles embedded in parapodium); d, dorsal cirrus; h, head (prostomium) bearing four simple eyes; J, jaw; n, notopodium; ne, neuropodium; p, palp; pt, peristomal tentacles; T, tentacles; v, ventral neuropodium. Fig. 243. — Diagram of alimentary canal of leech, a, anal opening; g, nerve ganglia; h, head with eyespots; p, muscular pharynx; s, stomach; su, sucker. lobes: a dorsal notopodium and a ventral neuropodium (Fig. 242), both of which may bear cirri and setae, and are supported internally by heavy bristles called acicula. Parapodia are reduced or lacking in the sedentary forms. They are used in locomotion and in aerating the body by producing a flow of water over it when the animal is in its burrow or in a tube. 418 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Filamentous external gills are present in some. The pharynx of the free-swimming predaceous forms is provided with a pair of sharp, pointed chitinous jaws and may be protruded as a proboscis in capturing food. The sedentary forms live in tubes of a slimy material, secreted by the integument and usually encrusted with bits of sand and shell. As a rule, polychaet annelids are dioecious. Examples: Nereis virens, the clamworm, a free-swimming marine form about 25 cm. in length ; Nereis limnicola, a fresh- water California species about 45 mm. in length ; Chaetopterus pergamentaceus, a marine form, living in a U-shaped tube buried in the sand. CLASS III. OLIGOCHAETA. Fresh-water or terrestrial anne- lids, lacking parapodia and cephalic appendages. The head region consists of the prostomium, a lobe projecting dorsally over the mouth, and the peristomium, containing the mouth. The setae, mounted in pits in the body wall, are few in number and may be absent. Aquatic forms may have gills. Oligochaete worms are monoecious and development is direct, there being no larval stage. Some also reproduce asexually by transverse fission. Examples : Enchytraeus albidus, milk white in color, and about 25 mm. in length. Used as food for aquarium fishes. Lum- bricus terrestris, an earthworm, about 10 in. in length. An Australian species reaches a length of 3 to 4 ft. Earthworms are found in temperate and tropical countries at depths down to 6 ft. They live in burrows in the soil and in decaying vegetation, and obtain nourishment by passing soil with organic matter through the alimentary canal. Burrows are made by pushing the soil aside or by swallowing it. After swallowing the earth, whether for food or burrowing, the earth- worm returns to the surface and ejects the earth through the anus. Charles Darwin, in his book "The Formation of Vegetable Mold" (1881), calculated that the weight of the castings of all earthworms present in an acre of soil during the course of a year averaged between 7.56 to 18.12 tons. Earth- worms are important agents in preparing the ground for the growth of fibrous rooted plants and seedlings of all sorts. Incidentally, earthworms play a part in the burial of stones and parts of buildings. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 419 The mouth of the earthworm is without teeth. It leads to a muscular pharynx, which seems to be the principal agent in drawing food into the mouth. Food or earth passes from the pharynx to a narrow esophagus into which the secretions of two pairs of calciferous glands is discharged. This secretion contains calcium carbonate and serves to neutralize the strongly acid condition of the food. From the esophagus the food passes to a muscular gizzard, where it is pulverized, and then into a stomach-intestine, where it is digested and absorbed. The digestive fluid contains proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes. Earth and other indigestible material taken into the alimentary canal are eliminated at the anus. CLASS IV. GEPHYREA. Marine worms without parapodia; unsegmented in the adult stage. The body cavity is undivided and the nephridia are reduced to a single pair. A few setae may be present. They are dioecious and there is a trochophore stage in development. Example: Thalassema melitta, found on the coast of North Carolina. CLASS V. HIRUDINEA. The Hirudinea, or leeches, lack parapodia, tentacles, and setae, but have sucking disks: one surrounding the mouth and another at the posterior end of the body. The body is flattened dorsoventrally and is marked externally by two or more grooves to a segment. The body cavity is partially filled with a vacuolated parenchyma. In some leeches there are three sharp chitinous plates in the pharynx that are used in drawing blood. Others, lacking jaws, can pierce the integument by means of a proboscis that can be thrust out of the pharynx. The salivary glands of leeches pro- duce a substance called hirudin, which prevents coagulation of the blood. It acts apparently by preventing the action of thrombin upon fibrinogen and may therefore be considered an antithrombin. In many leeches the crop and stomach are provided with capacious pouches that become greatly distended after a meal. The food consists principally of the blood or body fluids of various animals. Leeches live in the water or in moist ground and vegetation. They completely devour small aquatic worms, insect larvae, etc.; and from larger animals, such as fishes, amphibians, turtles, and mammals, they draw blood. A 420 GENERAL ZOOLOGY full meal of blood may suffice for a year. Eyes and other sense organs are present upon the head. Leeches are monoecious and development is direct (Fig. 243). Examples: Hirudo medicinalis, the medical leech, a European form used in blood letting, is now found in ponds and streams in this country. Macrodella decora is one of the larger fresh- water species. PHYLUM 14— ARTHROPODA Arthropods, like annelids, are segmented externally, and the arrangement 'of the nervous system, muscles, heart, and other organs shows evidence of internal segmentation. On the other 1 Fig. 244. — Appendages of crayfish of left side, ventral view, three-fourths natural size. 1, first antenna; 2, mandible; 3 and 4, first and second maxillae; 5, 6 and 7, maxillipeds; 8, pleopod; 9, first walking leg (biramous). hand, arthropods differ from annelids in that (1) the segmentation is heteronomous, which means that the primitive segments are fused to form larger segments, such as the head, thorax, and abdo- men; (2) the paired appendages are jointed; and (3) the body cavity is almost eliminated. The possession of jointed appendages is the most important feature and gives the name to the phylum ; Arthropoda means jointed feet. These appendages were pri- marily locomotor and sensory in function, functions which some of them have retained, while others have evolved into (1) mandibles and maxillae, chewing organs; (2) maxillipeds, intermediate between legs and jaws; (3) pleopods, the swimmerets of Crustacea; (4) spinnerets, the spinning organs of spiders; and (5) the ovipositor of insects, etc. (Fig. 244). The chitinous exoskeleton is a secretion of the epidermis and serves as a protective covering to which muscles and other THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 421 organs are attached. The alimentary canal is a complete tube, highly differentiated into various regions. The muscular system is well developed; all of the muscles are striated. The nervous system is of the ganglionic type, like that of annelids, but as a result of condensation, or concentration, the number of ganglia in the ventral chain is reduced and often does not correspond in number with the body segmentation. There are two types of eyes, simple ocelli and compound eyes. Except in the small crustaceans, there is a blood circulatory system, but the degree of development of the vessels depends upon the character of the respiratory system. Thus, vessels are practically absent in forms that have a diffuse organ of respiration, like the tracheal system of insects, but are well developed in gill breathers, like the crustaceans. The heart is tubular and lies in the mid-dorsal line. Both nephridia and Malpighian tubules occur as organs of excretion. The eggs as a rule contain a large amount of yolk, which is enclosed in a thin layer of yolk-free cytoplasm. The union of the male and female nuclei takes place in the center of the yolk. Cleavage in large-yolked eggs is of the superficial type which means that the yolk-free cytoplasm is organized into a blastoderm by the immigration of cleavage nuclei arising in the yolk. Her- maphroditism is rare. Alternation of amphigony with parthenogenesis (heterogony) occurs. Sometimes parthenogenetic reproduction in these cases takes place in the larval stage (paedo- genesis). Metamorphosis is common. Over 600,000 species of arthropods are known, which is five- sixths of the total number of known species of animals. CLASS I. CRUSTACEA. Mostly aquatic, breathe by means of gills, have biramous appendages, and two pairs of antennae. The presence of large amounts of calcium carbonate in the exoskeleton makes it thick and hard, and gives the name to the group. The first two body regions are usually fused into a cephalothorax. Many of the smaller Crustacea are parasitic. Barnacles are the only sessile forms. SUBCLASS 1. ENTOMOSTRACA. These are small in size, with a variable number of segments. Head, thorax, and abdo- men are distinct in some. Examples : Eubranchipus vernalis, the fairy shrimp ; Daphnia pulex, a fresh-water cladoceran ; Temora longicornis, a copepod, 422 GENERAL ZOOLOGY marine; Cyclops viridis, a fresh-water copepod; Eucypris virens, a fresh-water ostracod; Balanus balanoides, the rock barnacle. SUBCLASS 2. MALACOSTRACA. Usually with 20 body segments: head 5, thorax 8, and abdomen 7; and 19 pairs of appendages: head 5, thorax 8, and abdomen 6. Head and thorax generally combined in a cephalothorax. Examples: Porcellio scaber, a sow bug, terrestrial; Palaemonetes vulgaris, a common shrimp, marine; Homarus americanus, American lobster; Cambarus bartoni, American crayfish; Cancer irroratus, a common New England crab; Libinia emarginata, a spider crab (Fig. 245). CLASS II. ARACHNOIDEA. No antennae are present. There are two body divisions, the cephalothorax, with six paired appendages, and the abdomen, without appendages, except in the horseshoe crab. SUBCLASS 1. XIPHOSURA. A horseshoe-shaped cephalothorax, six platelike paired appendages on the abdomen, and a spikelike tail. Example : Limulus polyphemus, the American horseshoe crab. SUBCLASS 2. ARACHNIDA. The cephalothorax bears six pairs of appendages : the mandibles or chelicerae, the pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs. The last three pairs of abdom- inal appendages of spiders are modified into spinnerets. Mostly terrestrial and breathe by modified gills known as lungs. Some have a tracheal system. Examples: Diplocentus whitei, a scorpion of the South- western United States; Argiope aurantia, an orb-weaving spider (all spiders belong to the Arachnida); Phalangium opilio (daddy-long legs). Has a tracheal system with a single pair of spiracles. Does not spin a web. Sarcoptes scabiei, one of the itch mites, causing itch in man and mange in pigs. Margaropus annulatus, the Texas cattle tick. The bite of the tick inoculates cattle with Babesia bigemina, a sporozoan which causes Texas Fig. 245. — Libinia, a spider crab, sketched devouring a sea urchin. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 423 fever. Trombicula irritans, chigger; Macrobiotics hufelandi, a water bear, .7 mm. in length. CLASS III. ONYCHOPHORA. The head bears a pair of sim- ple eyes, a pair of segmented antennae, and a mouth with a pair of hooked jaws. The wormlike trunk is unsegmented and provided with numerous annulated legs (14 to 43 pairs). The body cavity is hemocoel through which the alimentary canal passes as a straight tube. A tracheal respiratory system and a nephrid- ial excretory system are present. There is an opening of a nephrid- ium at the base of each leg. The sexes are separate. In viviparous forms the egg is poor in yolk and is totally divided in cleavage. The embryo in such cases is nour- ished by the walls of the uterus, forming a very primitive sort of placenta. The animals are ter- restrial and feed on insects and other small forms. From the point of view of evolution, they are important as a connecting link between annelids and arthropods (Fig. 246). Example: Peripatus eiseni, a viviparous species; habitat, cen- tral South America. CLASS IV. MYRIAPODA. The head bears a pair of segmented antennae, Fig. 246. — A, ventral view of the head of Peripatus capensis, showing the mouth surrounded by lips raised into large white papillae. B, dorsal view of entire animal. a, antenna, p, oral papilla at the base of which a gland ejects a a pair of mandibles, sticky slime used in capturing food. r .,, (After Leuckart-Nitsche wall chart.) and one or two pairs of maxillae. The trunk is segmented (11 to 173 segments) and each segment has one or two pairs of legs with claws. The sexes are separate and all are oviparous. Development is direct. There are four orders, of which the Diplopoda (millipedes) and Chilopoda (centipedes) are the more important. Order 1. Diplopoda. A cylindrical body with usually two pairs of legs to a segment. A single pair of maxillae. An anterior genital pore. 424 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Example: Julus virgatus, a common millipede. Order 2. Chilopoda. A flattened body with one pair of legs to a segment. Two pairs of maxillae. The first pair of legs are maxillipeds, provided with poison glands. Reproductive openings are posterior. Example: Scolopendra morsitans, a common southern centipede. Man .Max.— La-'' Fig. 247. — A, chewing type of mouth parts as found in grasshopper; B, piercing-sucking type as found in female mosquito, g, galea; h, hypopharynx (a tonguelike prolongation of the floor of the mouth, attached to the inside wall of the labium); l, labrum; La, labium; Lac, lacinia; Man, mandible; Max, maxilla; p, palp. (After Metcalf and Flint: Destructive and Useful Insects.) CLASS V. INSECTA. Insects. Insects are characterized by three body divisions, head, thorax, and abdomen, and by three pairs of legs. The head bears four pairs of appendages; antennae, maxillae, mandibles, and lips or labia (labrum and labium). The trunk is composed of three segments, prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, each of which bears a pair of legs. The mesothorax and metathorax may each bear in addition a pair of wings. Respiration is carried on by means of a tracheal system. Insects are dioecious and the reproductive openings are at the end of the body. A metamorphosis in development is common. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 425 The mouth parts conform to two general types, viz., biting and sucking. In the biting type there is an upper lip or labrum and a lower lip or labium, each of which is a chitinous plate. The labium bears a pair of palps. Inserted laterally between the lips are a pair of maxillae and a pair of mandibles (Fig. 247). Each maxilla consists of a forked lacinia and a spoon-shaped galea, and also bears a single palp. The palps are not only tactile but also contain organs of taste and smell. Typical mandibles are hard resistant plates of irregular outline and edged with sharp points. Both maxillae and mandibles operate with a side-to-side motion. The mandibles are the chewing organs, the maxillae serving with the lips to hold and manipulate the food. In sucking insects such as the mosquito the mouth parts are shaped to form a slender beak (Fig. 247B). The elongate max- illae and mandibles lie in a sheath formed by the labium, the labrum being reduced to a small plate at the upper side of the base of the beak. There are variations of these two types, combining ^Xnter. features of both. On the head there are usually two kinds of eyes, simple and compound, and a pair of segmented antennae. The compound eye has been described (p. 192). The simple eye or ocellus is .much smaller and consists of a spheroidal mass of light-sensitive cells covered externally by a lens-shaped thickening of the integument. Each leg, beginning at the proximal end, consists of five parts: (1) a short coxa, (2) a short trochanter, (3) a long, broad femur, (4) a slender tibia, and (5) a foot or tarsus, composed of several segments (Fig. 248). The insect wing is without a fore- runner in the preceding groups of animals. Since primitive insects are wingless, the insect wing must be a structure that originated in the insect group. The insect wing is a chitinous plate, usually very thin and flexible, and reinforced by "veins" composed of branches of the tracheal system. In beetles the anterior wings are thickened and serve as a protective covering Fig. 248. — Parts of metathora- cic leg of grasshopper, c, coxa; f, femur; ta, tarsus; ti, tibia; tr, 426 GENERAL ZOOLOGY for the posterior pair when the insect is not flying. In butter- flies and moths the wings are covered with small scales. There are two general views as to the origin of insect wings: (1) that they are modified gills, or (2) that they have developed from chitinous thoracic plates. The tracheal system of respira- tion, though present in certain other arthropods, is best devel- oped in insects. It consists of tubes called tracheal tubes, which beginning at openings (spiracles) arranged in a row on each side of the body penetrate to all parts of the body, branching as they go and terminating in trachioles in the tissues. The wall of the tracheal tube consists of a single layer of cells lined with a chitinous membrane. Under the micro- scope the larger tubes have a ringed appearance caused by transverse folds in the chitinous lining arranged in a close spiral that prevents collapse of the tubes (Fig. 249). In flying insects, the tracheal tubes near the oc. o Fig. 249. — A, portion of trachea of caterpillar with its branches, B, C, D. a, peritracheal membrane; b, nucleus. (From Packard, " Text book of Entomology,1' The Macmil- lan Company. By permission.) s v Fig. 250. — The distribution of tracheae and air sacs in a grasshopper. D, left dorsal trachea; 0, left cephalic trachea; OC, ocular trachea; S, left stigmatal trachea with stigmata (spiracles) ; V, ventral trachea. (After Packard, Textbook of Entomology.) spiracles are expanded into thin-walled air sacs, which are com- pressed and expanded by contractions and expansions of the THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 427 body wall (Fig. 250). Air enters and leaves through the spira- cles. In the grasshopper it has been shown that the two thoracic spiracles and the first two abdominal spiracles are inspiratory and that the last six pairs of abdominal spiracles are expiratory. Oxygen is carried directly to the tissues by the tracheal system and carbon dioxide is removed by the same system. The blood plays a minor role in the respiratory exchange, but since the tissues are bathed in blood, the latter serves as a medium through which oxygen passes from the trachioles to the tissues and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. Blood vessels, poorly developed in insects, are practically absent except near the heart. The heart of the grasshopper is a delicate muscular tube lying directly in the mid-line of the dorsal region of the hemocoel. It is closed at its posterior end, open at its anterior end, and per- forated along its sides by apertures called ostia, guarded by valves (Fig. 251). Anteriorly, blood vessels extend a short distance from the heart. When the heart ,i i i ,i , i sheet lying ventral to the contracts, the ostia are closed so that the heart; h< arrangement of Wave of Constriction, beginning at the fibers. {From Packard, , j i r i r Textbook of Entomology, posterior end and passing forward, forces copyright< The Macmillan the blood OUt of the anterior end. As the Company, after Grober. heart relaxes, blood reenters the heart v Permisslon-> through the ostia from the pericardium, a space about the heart, incompletely separated from the rest of the hemocoel. In some insects the heart reverses the direction of its beat at regular intervals, propelling the blood first in one direction and then in the other. The blood distributes nourishment to the tissues and collects waste material other than carbon dioxide. There are two general types of metamorphosis: complete (holometabolous) and incomplete (hemimetabolous) . When metamorphosis is complete, the egg hatches as a worm-shaped larva, such as the maggot of flies, the grub of the beetle, or the caterpillar of moths and butterflies. The larval period is Fig. 251.— Part of heart of a beetle, Dytis- cus marginalis, showing spiral arrangement of fibers, c, closed valve; e, open valve; a, muscu- lar and connective tissue 428 GENERAL ZOOLOGY characterized by voracious feeding, in the course of which the larva passes through stages known as instars, separated by periods of molting or ecdysis, the number varying in different insects. Loss of the chitinous covering of the body permits growth of the larva from the first to the last instar. The last larval instar is succeeded by the stage of the pupa, during which feeding ceases and a reorganization of the body takes place. In many insects the pupal period is passed in the ground, in others in a cocoon formed of silky fibers secreted by special glands. At the end of the pupal period, which in extreme cases may extend over a number of years, the insect emerges as an imago or adult. If the metamorphosis is incomplete, the larva or nymph resembles the adult in its general morphology, except that it lacks wings, as, for example, in the case of the larval grass- hopper, where the nymph undergoes successive molts and gradually takes on the adult form. Of the many orders of insects those listed in the following paragraphs include only the more common ones. Order Collembola (Glue Bar). Springtails. The order is named from the presence of a collophore, a ventral tube on the first abdominal segment that is provided with a pair of eversi- ble sacs, by means of which the insect adheres to smooth sur- faces. These insects are wingless and are believed to have descended from ancestors in which wings were never evolved. The fourth abdominal segment usually bears a forked append- age that folds under the body and is used as a spring in propel- ling the insect. There is no metamorphosis in development. Examples: Papirius maculosus, the spotted springtail; Achorutes nivicola, the snow flea, which is remarkable in that it is found in winter on snow. Order Ephemeroptera. Mayflies. The delicate wings, tri- angular in outline, are held vertically above the body when at rest. The tip of the abdomen bears a pair of long slender cerci, and in addition a median caudal filament. The adult mayfly takes no food, the alimentary canal being inflated with air, which gives buoyancy to the body. It lives only a day or two as an adult. The eggs are laid in water, where the larval stage is passed. Metamorphosis is incomplete. The entire life history may extend over several years. So far as known, these THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 429 are the only insects that undergo a molt after attaining func- tional wings. Example: Ephemera simulans, occurs in large numbers, usually late in June in the Great Lakes region. Order Orthoptera (Straight-winged). Crickets, grasshoppers, roaches, katydids, etc. The wings, when well developed, consist of a thickened anterior pair, straight and narrow in outline, and a thin posterior pair, which when at rest is folded in plaits under the anterior pair. The mouth parts are for chewing. Metamorphosis is incomplete. Most of them feed on vegetation and their destruction of plant life causes enor- mous damage. Some, cockroaches, for example, are more general feeders. Examples: Gryllus domesticus, the house cricket, an old world species that has been introduced into this country; Melanopus differ entialis, a large grasshopper, common in Eastern United States; Periplaneta americana, the American cockroach; Diapheromera femorata, the walking stick, lacks wings; Stagmomantis Carolina, the praying mantis, feeds principally on other insects and therefore has a positive eco- nomic value. Order Odonata (odous, tooth). Dragonflies and damsel flies. There are two pairs of membranous wings with marked veining, the posterior pair as large as, or larger than, the anterior. The mouth parts are for chewing and the metamorphosis is incomplete. The eggs of American species are laid in water. The maxillae and mandibles of the larva are provided with sharp teeth. The labium of the larva is enlarged, jointed, armed with hooks, and can be thrust out in front of the head to seize prey. Examples: Anax Junius, a common dragonfly; Agrion maculatum, a common damsel fly. Order Isoptera (Equal- winged). Termites. These are social insects, comprising a number of castes, each caste including males and females. They may be distinguished from ants, which they greatly resemble, by the fact that the abdomen is joined to the thorax by a broad connection. (In ants this con- nection is slender.) There are usually two pairs of long narrow wings which are shed by the adult sexual males and females after the nuptial flight. The intestine of some termites contains 430 GENERAL ZOOLOGY flagellated Protozoa that are capable of rendering digestible the cellulose of wood eaten by the termites. It has been shown that without the flagellates termites are unable to digest cellulose. The mouth parts are for chewing, and meta- morphosis is gradual. Some tropical species build nests 10 or 12 ft. in height. In the United States they live in mines in the earth and in wood. They cause considerable damage to the wooden structure of buildings. Example: Reticulitermes flavipes, a common termite of North- eastern United States. Order Hemiptera (Half- winged) . Bugs. The proximal halves of the anterior pair of wings are thick and the extremities, which overlap, are very thin. The posterior wings are mem- branous. The mouth parts are for piercing and sucking. Metamorphosis is incomplete. Many have stink glands located on the abdomen. Examples: Anasa tristis, the squash bug; Lygaeus kalmii, the milkweed bug; Lethocerus americanus, the giant water bug or electric-light bug; Gerris remigis, the water strider; Cimex ledularius, the bedbug; Blissus leucopterus, the chinch bug; Arctocorixa alternata, the water boatman. Order Homoptera (Same-winged). Cicadas, aphids, and gall insects. There are usually two pairs of wings of uniform thickness. Some are wingless and in one family (Coccidae) the posterior pair of wings is reduced to a pair of club-shaped halteres. The mouth parts are for piercing and sucking. Metamorphosis is incomplete. Examples: Tibicen linnei, the "dogday" cicada; Magicicada septemdecim, the 17-year cicada, whose larval stage lasts 17 years; Aphis gossypi, the melon aphis, one of the plant lice; Phylloxera vitifoliae, forms galls on grape leaves; Aspidiotus perniciosus, the San Jose scale insect. Order Anoplura. Lice. These are wingless parasitic insects whose mouth parts are in the form of a tubular proboscis provided with sharp stylets. Recurved hooks in the base of the proboscis serve to anchor the proboscis after it has been inserted in the skin of the host. Metamorphosis is incomplete. Examples: Pediculus capitis, the head louse; Pediculus corporis, the body louse or "cootie"; Phthirius pubis, the crab louse. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 431 Order Coleoptera (Sheath-winged). Beetles. When at rest the thickened anterior pair of wings, known as elytra, form covers for the posterior membranous wings. Mouth parts are for chewing, and metamorphosis is complete. Examples: Dytiscus marginicollis, diving beetle; Coccinella novemnotata, ladybird beetle; Photinus scintillans, firefly; Leptinotarsa decemlineata, potato beetle; Calosoma scrutator, a common ground beetle with conspicuous iridescent coloring; Tenebrio molitor, mealworm beetle. Order Lepidoptera (Scale- winged). Moths and butterflies. The two pairs of membranous wings are covered with overlap- ping scales. Scales also cover the body, legs, and appendages. Mouth parts are for sucking. Metamorphosis is complete. Usually moths have feathered or threadlike antennae and hold the wings horizontally or wrapped around the body when at rest. Most moths are nocturnal. The antennae of butterflies and skippers as a rule are threadlike and knobbed at the ends. At rest the wings are held together in a vertical position over the body. They fly in the daytime. Examples: Samia cecropia, the large cecropia moth; Actias luna, luna moth; Protoparce quinquemaculata, a hawk moth, whose large green larva is known as the tomato or tobacco worm, depending upon which plant it is feeding; Porthetria dispar, the gypsy moth; Bombyx mori, the silkworm moth; Papilio polyxenes, common swallowtail butterfly; Pieris rapae, cabbage butterfly; Epargyreus tityrus, silver-spotted skipper. Order Diptera (Two-winged). Flies. The anterior wings are large and membranous; the posterior wings are reduced to a pair of knobbed threads, the halteres. Anterior wings are sometimes lacking. Mouth parts are for sucking, and meta- morphosis is complete. Examples: Anopheles quadrimaculatus, a mosquito, the female of which transmits malaria; Glossina palpalis, tsetse fly that transmits African sleeping sickness ; Musca domestica, housefly ; Braula caeca, bee louse, a wingless form parasitic on the thorax of queens and drones of the honeybee; Melophagus ovinus, the sheep tick, wingless. Order Siphonaptera (Tube, Wingless). Fleas. Wingless insects with the body compressed laterally; mouth parts for piercing and sucking; legs for leaping. Metamorphosis is complete. 432 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Examples : Pulex irritans, human flea ; Ctenocephalis felis, cat flea; Ctenocephalis canis, dog flea; Xenopsylla cheopis, rat flea, carries the germ of bubonic plague. Order Hymenoptera (Membrane-winged). Bees, wasps, ants, sawflies, and ichneumon flies. Two pairs of wings with reduced venation; the anterior pair larger than the posterior. Mouth parts are for chewing or for both chewing and sucking. Ovipositor of the female may be modified into a sting, piercing organ or saw. Complete metamorphosis. Examples: A pis mellifica, honeybee; Bombus pennsylvanicus, a bumblebee; Vespa maculata, a social wasp, builds large papier- mache nests; Trypoxylon albitarsis, mud-dauber wasp; Vespa maculifrons, yellow jacket; Monomorium pharaonis, red ant, common about houses ; Megarhyssa, a genus of ichneumon flies, the females of which drill through the wood of trees to parasitize wood-boring insect larvae; Cimbex americana, a sawfly. The ovipositor of the female is composed of two sharp plates, the saws, flanked on either side by saw guides and is used in depos- iting the eggs in the bark of maples, elms, and other trees. PHYLUM 15— MOLLUSCA Molluscs are soft-bodied, bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented animals, with only a remnant of a coelom, and usually enclosed in a shell. In well-developed molluscs, like the snail, four body parts can be distinguished: (1) the visceral sac, containing the viscera and forming the bulk of the body. This is continuous in front with (2) the head, bearing the mouth, tentacles, and eyes. (3) The foot, the organ of locomotion, lies ventral to the visceral sac. (4) The pallium, or mantle, is a dermal fold, forming between it and the sac a mantle cavity which is provided with gills or lungs, and receives the openings of the intestine, reproduc- tive ducts and excretory organs. The outer surface of the mantle secretes the shell (Fig. 252). The nervous system, typically, consists of three pairs of ganglia connected by cords: (1) The cerebral ganglia lie dorsal to the esophagus and supply the sense organs of the head. (2) The pedal ganglia lie in the foot, and supply statocysts and muscle. (3) The visceral ganglia lie in the viscera, which they supply, and also send nerves to the osphradia, organs of chemical sense located in the mantle cavity. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 433 The mouth opens into a muscular pharynx, usually provided with a radula, a toothed, chitinous ribbon, used for rasping. Attached to the stomach is a large liver. Paired or single Fig. 252. — Diagrams of three types of molluscs. A, Gastropod; B, Pelecy- pod (clam), cross section; C, Cephalopod. a, alimentary tract; E, eye; f, foot; g, gills; h, head; m, mantle cavity; s, shell; si, siphon; v, visceral mass; 1, cerebral ganglion; 2, pedal ganglion; 3, visceral ganglion. nephridial tubules drain the 'pericardium, which represents the coelom, and open into the mantle cavity. The circulatory sys- tem is composed of a heart with a ventricle and one or two aur- icles, arteries, and veins. The ventricle drives the blood through the arteries to the lacunar spaces in the tissues, from which veins take it to the kidneys and gills, and then to the heart. The blood in the heart is, therefore, always pure. Both dioecious and hermaphroditic forms occur. A veliger-larva stage is common in development (Fig. 253). Molluscs are classified as follows : CLASS I. AMPHINEURA. Fig. 253. — Veliger larva of Toredo. {After Hatschek.) a, anus; AP, apical plate bearing a cilium; m, mouth; n, nephridial tube; s, shell. (Compare with Fig. 241, A.) The nervous system consists of an esophageal ring and four longitudinal nerve cords. Those without a shell are wormlike in appearance. A radula is usually present. All are marine. 434 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Examples: Chaetopleura apiculata, rock sucker; Chaeto- derma nitidulum, lacks a shell. CLASS II. SCAPHOPODA. Have tubular shells. A radula is present. Sexes are separate. All marine. Example: Dcntalium entale, tooth shell. CLASS III. GASTROPODA. Snails and slugs. Asymmetrical body with four parts well developed; a creeping foot; an unpaired mantle, nephridium, and gonad. The shell is usually coiled spirally. A radula is present. Aquatic forms breathe by gills, the land forms with lungs. The shell is reduced or lacking in slugs. Examples: Lymnaea palustris, a fresh-water snail; Polynices duplicata, a marine snail (Fig. 254); Busycon canaliculatum, Fig. 254. — Polynices, a marine snail with a highly developed mantle and foot. F, foot; M, mantle; S, syphon. a whelk, marine; Helix pomatia, French snail, edible; Limax flavus, a land slug ; Dendronotus frondosus, a sea slug. CLASS IV. PELECYPODA. Lack a head and cephalic append- ages. Have a bivalve shell consisting of right and left halves; with paired mantle, gills, nephridia, and gonads. Frequently the hinder edges of the mantle are modified to form incurrent and excurrent siphons. The sense organs are poorly developed. Sexes are usually separate. Examples: Anodonta grandis, a fresh- water clam; Ostrea virginica, the American oyster; Venus mercaneria, the hard- shelled or little-neck clam; My a arenaria, the soft-shelled or long-necked clam (Fig. 255). CLASS V. CEPHALOPODA. Active, carnivorous, marine forms, including the largest and most highly organized molluscs. As a rule, eight or ten tentacles surround the mouth which with the siphon represent the foot region. A pair of sharp chitinous jaws lie just back of the lips in the mouth. The siphon is an THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 435 excurrent tube from the mantle cavity. The mantle is unpaired. A shell may or may not be present. The highly developed paired eyes strongly resemble those of vertebrates. Statocysts and osphradia are also present. Except in Nautilus, there is a glandular ink sac opening near the end of the rectum that secretes a brown or black fluid. The ink is expelled from the mantle cavity through the siphon and affords protection by clouding the water. The sexes are separate. Fig. 255. — Mya, the soft-shelled clam. E, excurrent opening of syphon; F, foot; I, incurrent opening of syphon; M, mantle; S, syphon. Examples: Loligo pealei, the common squid, its shell (cut- tlebone) being embedded in the tissues; Octopus bairdi, a com- mon devilfish (no shell); Architeuthis princeps, a squid, the largest mollusc, having a body about 6 meters in length and tentacles up to 10 to 12 meters long. Nautilus pompilius, pearly nautilus, which has a shell divided into compartments. It has about 90 tentacles about the mouth. Argonauta argo, the paper nautilus, has a spiral shell without septa. PHYLUM 16— ECHINODERMATA The term Echinodermata (hedgehog-skinned) was originally applied to sea urchins, for which it was very appropriate, but the term is now used to include in addition to sea urchins all forms related to them, such as starfishes, sea lilies, brittle stars, and sea cucumbers, some of which lack spines and are not in the least "hedgehog-skinned." Echinoderms are marine animals having a radial symmetry, usually of a five-radiate plan. The larva is bilaterally symmetrical, indicating that the radial symmetry of the adult is secondary. Calcareous plates, with or without spines, are developed in the mesoderm, and may form a hard exoskeleton. An ambulacral water-vascular system is present. In the starfish this system begins on the aboral surface with a porous plate, the 436 GENERAL ZOOLOGY madreporite, through which water enters a stone canal, leading to a ring canal encircling the mouth (Fig. 256). From the ring canal, five radial canals extend into the arms, and from each of these are given off at right angles paired ambulacr at canals. Each of these, in turn, joins a tubular muscular sac, the ambulacrum, expanded at one end into an ampulla, and ter- minating in a sucker disk at its longer free end, which can be extended or retracted through system of the ambulacral groove on the the starfish, diagrammatic. A, ampulla; oral Surface of each arm. The AM, ambulacra; C, ring canal; M. , _ • £ii„j „*j.u „ a *j madreporite; P, Polian bodies; R, system 1S filled Wlth a flmd> radial canal; S, stone canal; T, Tiede- mostly water, but containing mann bodies. lymph an(j Uood corpuscles supplied by glands (Polian vesicles, Tiedemann bodies) attached to the system at various points. The ambulacra are used in loco- Fig. 257. — Asterias feeding on a clam. The valves of the clam are pulled apart by the ambulacra and the stomach of the starfish is then everted about the soft parts of the clam. The stomach juices of the starfish may aid in causing the valves of the clams to open. motion by extending and attaching the sucking disks to the sub- stratum, a muscular contraction of the appendage then pulling THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 437 the animal along. The ambulacra are also used in capturing and holding prey (Fig. 257). They are important as tactile organs. The fluid in the ambulacral system is moved by cilia on the inner surface of the stone canal and by the contractions of muscles in the walls of the ampullae and the ambulacral feet. In addition to the ambulacral system there is also a blood circulatory system in which blood is circulated by cilia lining the vessels. The radial symmetry is impressed on all of the internal organs. The body cavity is a complicated system of spaces, some of which are cut off from the rest, and all containing a fluid similar to that of the ambulacral system. The alimentary canal is usually a complete tube and lies in the largest of these spaces. The nervous system consists of (1) a superficial nerve ring around the esophagus, with radial cords extending into the arms; (2) a deeper oral ring and radiating nerves; (3) an apical system in the aboral wall but not present in all echinoderms. Respiration and excretion are carried on at the surface of the body, which is usually ciliated. Some brittle stars reproduce asexually by fission, but otherwise reproduction is sexual. The sexes are usually separate. While the eggs normally require fertilization, it has been found that they can be stimulated to develop by artifi- cial means, artificial parthenogenesis; for this reason they have been favored material for experimental work along these lines. Ripe echinoderm eggs, when subjected to the effects of hypertonic sea water, certain acids, temperature changes, or mechanical shock, will develop without the intervention of a sperm. CLASS I. CRINOIDEA, Sea lilies and feather stars. Have a nonciliated, cup-shaped body, the calyx, usually attached by a stalk on its aboral side. The oral surface is pointed upward, and contains the mouth, and also the anal opening. The arms, 5 or 10 in number, are usually branched and feathery in appearance, and bear ambulacral grooves on the aboral surface. Crinoids were more abundant in paleozoic times than now, about 2,100 fossil species being known (Pratt). Example: Hathrometra tenella, a feather star. Atlantic Coast, at 150 to 3,000 ft. CLASS II. ASTEROIDEA. Starfishes. Usually have five arms, with open ambulacral grooves on the oral side, through which the ambulacra are extended. Gastric pouches and hepatic caeca extend into the arms. Spines, pincerlike 438 GENERAL ZOOLOGY pedicellariae, and tubercles project on the surface. At the tip of each arm is an eyespot. Starfish possess a remarkable power of regenerating lost parts. Fig. 258. — Asterias, a starfish, viewed from the aboral side. The pale circular area to the left of the center is the madreporite. The ambulacral grooves through which the ambulacra extend can be seen on two of the upturned arms. Fig. 259. — A, Ophiura, a brittle star, aboral view; B, oral view of central disk; C, oral side of portion of arm, magnified, showing ambulacra, am. Example: Asterias forbesi, a common starfish, Cape Cod region (Fig. 258). THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 439 CLASS III. OPHIUROIDEA. Brittle stars. The arms are sharply set off from the central disk and are without ambulacral grooves. The ambulacra are tactile, respiratory and excretory in function. The external surface is not ciliated. Hepatic caeca are absent and the intestine lacks an anal opening. Example: Ophiura robusta, a Cape Cod form (Fig. 259). AM Fig. 260. — A, Arbacia, a sea urchin, side view, am, ambulacra. B, oral view showing mouth region surrounded by shorter ambulacra and blunter spines. CLASS IV. ECHINOIDEA. Sea urchins and sand dollars. A subglobular or disk-shaped body without arms. Usually, five calcareous teeth project from the mouth. The calcareous exoskeleton is well developed and is often provided with long movable spines. The surface of the body is ciliated. ■•-.. , -> :;^* ■ • • ■& %•.■■ .'§" ::':■ •..'■.■ ://■'% &-: ■ '/. 'V ■ ■ it ■.;• ■ .- ■■ ■*. ,:e;J^ v. Fig. 261. — A, Echinarachnius, a sand dollar, aboral view; B, oral view. Examples: Arbacia punctulata, a sea urchin common on the Atlantic coast (Fig. 260); Echinarachnius parna, the sand dollar (Fig. 261). CLASS V. HOLOTHURIOIDEA. An elongated, wormlike shape, with a leathery integument, the exoskeleton being much reduced. There is a partial bilateral symmetry. The madreporite is usually internal, the fluid filling the ambulacral system coming from the body cavity. The external surface is 440 GENERAL ZOOLOGY not ciliated and lacks both spines and pedicelluriae. Regenera- tion is well marked. Examples: Holothuria marmorata, trepang, used as food by the Chinese ; Cucumaria frondosa, sea cucumber of the Maine coast; Thyone briareus a common Woods Hole species of sea cucumber (Fig. 262) ; Leptosynapta inhaerens, a wormlike form, without ambulacral feet. Atlantic Coast. Fig. 262. — Thyone, a sea cucumber. The branched tentacles (at the right) are alternately drawn into the mouth, wiped off and extended. Ambulacra are present over the surface of the body. PHYLUM 17— CHORDATA The Chordata are characterized by (1) the presence at some time in the life history of a notochord, a flexible fibrous elastic rod, lying between the central nervous system and the digestive tract ; (2) a tubular central nervous system lying dorsal to the digestive tract; and (3) a pharynx with gill slits, which may or may not function as repiratory organs in the embryo or in the adult. SUBPHYLUM 1. ENTEROPNEUSTA. Unsegmented worm- like animals with three body divisions: (1) proboscis, (2) collar, and (3) trunk (Fig. 263). A blind tubular extension from the pharynx into the proboscis is taken to represent the notochord. The nervous system consists of (1) a dorsal tubular portion lying in the collar, and (2) a layer of nerve fibers beneath the entire ectoderm. The dorsal portion develops from a tube, as in vertebrates. The mouth is ventral and in front of the collar. The pharynx, perforated with gill slits, leads to the intestine, THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 441 which terminates in an anus at the posterior end of the body. Dorsal and ventral mesenteries support the intestine and divide the coelomic cavity into two pouches. There are dorsal and ventral blood vessels, a portion of the dorsal one being con- tractile. The sexes are separate and there is a metamorphosis in development. Usually a tornaria larva, resembling the larvae of echinoderms, is present. In colonial forms, in addi- tion to sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction by budding also occurs. All are marine. *EE3Xi5SpBBSBBBE3SB (I y ff M C t Fig. 263. — Diagram of the anterior end of Balanoglossus. b, branchial region of alimentary tract with gill clefts; c, collar; d, dorsal blood vessel; dn, dorsal nervous system; m, mouth; n, notochord consisting of a tube of cells connected with the alimentary canal; o, esophagus; p, proboscis; t, trunk; v, ventral blood vessel. Examples: Balanoglossus aurantiacus, about 15 cm. long, occurs in sand and mud of shallow water of the Carolina coast. It lacks a tornaria larva. Dolichoglossus kowalevskyi, in the sandflats, Atlantic Coast; Rhabdopleura sp., a deep-sea colonial form without gill slits. SUBPHYLUM 2. TUNICATA. The presence in many tunicates of a mantle cavity, with incurrent and excurrent siphons, gives them a superficial resemblance to molluscs (Fig. 264). The mantle is covered by a tunic composed largely of cellulose. The incurrent opening is the mouth, which leads to the wide pharynx through whose gill slits the water passes either directly to the outside, or into a peribranchial or cloacal space, which opens to the outside by the excurrent syphon. In the mid-ventral line of the pharynx is the endostyle, a glandular ciliated groove, whose cilia move entangled food masses for- ward to the ciliated peripharyngeal band, from which it passes to the dorsal lamina, another ciliate tract in the mid-dorsal line, whence it reaches the esophagus. The latter is followed by a stomach and intestine, the intestine opening into the cloacal cavity. The heart has the peculiar property of period- 442 GENERAL ZOOLOGY ically reversing the direction of its beat, driving the blood toward the gills for a certain interval and then driving it in the opposite direction to the viscera, etc. The central nervous system develops from a tube and is entirely dorsal to the alimentary canal. In the adult it is represented by a simple dorsal ganglion, located in the mantle near the mouth. Close to it is the sub- neural ganglion, thought by some to be homologous with the hypophysis of vertebrates. Tunicates are gener- ally hermaphroditic. The tailed larvae of the sessile tunicates show unmistakable evidence of relationship to Amphioxus and the lower verte- brates. Some of these larval char- acters are retained in the adult stage by free-swimming forms. In some colonial tunicates (Salpa) there is an alternation of generations between a solitary asexual form and a sexual chain form. All tunicates are marine. Examples : Oikopleura flabellum, pelagic, retains larval characters; Ciona intestinalis, the sea squirt, . about 7 cm. in length, a common New England form: Salpa democratica, about 2 cm. in length, a free-swim- ming form; Amaroucium stellatum, known as sea pork, a colonial tuni- cate common in the Cape Cod region. SUBPHYLUM 3. LEPTOCARDIA. The body is fish-shaped but lacks a clearly defined head (Fig. 265). The mouth, encircled by numerous cirri, lacks jaws and is located slightly behind and under the anterior end of the body. The pharynx, into which the mouth opens, is provided with numerous gill slits that connect externally with a branchial chamber, from which water taken in through the mouth leaves by the atriopore. The atriopore is a median, ventral opening at the posterior end Fig. 264. — Diagram of a Tunicate, one-half of the tunic removed, a, anus; at, at- rium; c, cloaca; e, excurrent siphon; g, gonad whose duct following the intestine opens into the cloaca; h, heart; i, incurrent siphon; in, intestine; ng, nerve ganglion; o, esopha- gus; p, pharynx; pv, perivis- ceral cavity; s, stomach; t, tunic. (Based on Leuckart- Nitsche wall chart.) THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 443 of the branchial chamber. Above the dorsal ends of the gill slits are numerous paired nephridial tubes opening into the branchial chamber. In the mid-dorsal line and also in the mid- ventral line of the pharynx is a ciliated groove, thought to be homologous with the endostyle of tunicates. Back of the pharynx the intestine continues as a straight tube to an anal opening near the posterior end of the animal, but to the left of the mid-line. The liver is a diverticulum from the anterior end of the intestine, extending forward to the right of the pharynx. Its walls are said to produce a digestive fluid. The digestive tract lies in a body cavity lined by coelomic nt 7& n t an is I J aP Fig. 265. — Diagram of young Amphioxus shortly after metamorphosis. a, atrium; an, anus, opening asymmetrically on the left side; ap, atropore; c, oral cirri, surrounding mouth; e, eyespot; gs, gill septa; i, intestine; I, liver; n, notochord; nt, neural tube; o, olfactory pit. (Based on Leuckart-Nitsche wall chart.) epithelium. The musculature of the trunk is conspicuously segmented into V-shaped somites as in fishes. The ventral surface of the body is flattened in the region of the branchial chamber, with slightly projecting edges on each side, known as metapleural folds. A dorsal fin runs the length of the body and connects posteriorly with a caudal fin around the tail. Ventrally the caudal fin is joined with the ventral fin, which extends forward to the atriopore. There is no heart, auditory organ, skull, or vertebral column. The notochord is a well-developed rod, tapered at the ends, lying between the neural tube above and the digestive tract below, and extending the entire length of the body. The anterior end of the neural tube is slightly enlarged into a region corresponding to the brain of vertebrates. The remainder of the neural tube is the spinal cord. A median olfactory pit, located at the anterior end of the neural tube, opens externally on the dorsal surface just back of the tip of the snout. Nerves extend from the neural tube to all parts of the body. 444 GENERAL ZOOLOGY The spinal cord gives off a pair of dorsal and ventral nerves to each segment of the body, the dorsal and ventral nerves arising independently from the cord. The blood circulatory system consists of (1) a longitudinal vessel dorsal to the alimentary canal and divided into right and left forks over the branchial region; (2) a longitudinal vessel lying ventral to the alimentary tract; and (3) lateral connections between the longitudinal vessels, those passing between the gill clefts functioning as branchial vessels. The blood is circulated by the contractions of the anterior end of the ventral longitudinal vessel and parts of other vessels. The blood moves forward in the ventral vessel and backward in the dorsal one. The sexes are separate. All are marine. Example: Branchiostoma virginiae, one of the lancelets, also known as Amphioxus, lies buried in the sand up to the mouth in an upright position. About 5 cm. in length, it is found on the southeastern Atlantic Coast. There are also numerous other species. SUBPHYLUM 4. VERTEBRATA. A notochord develops in the embryo and, in some cases, persists as a rod-shaped structure in the adult. In most of the fishes, including the sharks, and in all higher vertebrates, it is partially or totally replaced by the centra of the vertebral column. The skeleton of vertebrates is an endoskeleton composed of cartilage or bone, or a combina- tion of both. The integument consists of two well-defined layers: the epidermis and the corium, supplemented by (1) epidermal modifications such as the scales of reptiles, the feath- ers of birds and the hair of mammals; and (2) modifications in the corium, such as the scales of most fishes, and dermal bone of certain reptiles and mammals. The body is fundamentally bilaterally symmetrical and is made up of at least three body parts: head, trunk, and tail (postanal region). There are usually two pairs of locomotory appendages : the paired fins of fishes and the fore- and hindlimbs of other forms. Paired appendages are lacking in the lowest vertebrates (Cyclosto- mata), some Amphibia (Apoda), snakes, and some lizards. Dorsal, ventral, and caudal median unpaired fins are found in aquatic adult and larval forms. The segmental character of the vertebrate body is shown by the metameric arrangement of the vertebrae, the nerves, and the body muscles. The body cavity is a coelom in which the alimentary canal is attached by THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 445 mesenteries (Fig. 266). The pharynx is concerned with respiratory function (1) by serving as a respiratory surface, (2) by developing gill slits and gills, or (3) by developing lungs. The presence of gill slits in the pharynx is a constant feature of the vertebrate embryo regardless of the type of respiration found in the adult. The central nervous system is tubular and lies entirely dorsal to the alimentary canal. Its anterior end is enlarged to form a brain composed of five regions: (1) telencephalon, (2) dienceph- alon, (3) mesencephalon, (4) metencephalon, and (5) myelencephalon. The re- mainder of the neural tube is the spinal cord. The special senses of taste, smell, sight, hearing, and equilibration are highly developed, though not to the same degree in all forms system is of the closed type. Hermaphroditism is rare. CLASS I. CYCLOSTOMATA. Jawless vertebrates with a cylindrical body, lacking paired appendages, ribs, scales, and true teeth. The notochord persists as the axial skeleton throughout life (Fig. 267). Above it lies the neural tube, supported by rudimentary cartilaginous neural arches. The brain is enclosed in an imperfect skull, which is firmly attached to a cartilaginous basketwork of carti- lage supporting the branchial region. There is a median fin supported by cartilaginous rays. The mouth is suctorial and is provided with sharp cuticular spines, which with similar spines on the end of the tongue are used as boring or rasping organs. There is no pancreas, spleen, or swim bladder. The olfactory organ is unpaired and median. The heart has one ventricle and one atrium. All are destructive to fishes. Order 1. Hyperotreta. Hag fishes. These are the most primitive vertebrates and are practically parasitic in their habits. There is a single cornified spine or tooth in the roof of Fig. 266. — Diagram of a cross sec- tion of vertebrate body, a, aorta; e, mucosa, the endodermal lining of the The blood circulatory alimentary tract; g, gonad; k, kidney; me, mesentery supporting the alimen- tary canal; mu, muscularis coats of alimentary canal; n, notochord; n.t., neural tube; p.p., parietal peritoneum; r, pleural rib; s, skin; s.m., body mus- culature; v, vertebra; v.p., visceral peritoneum. 446 GENERAL ZOOLOGY the mouth which, with the rasping lingual teeth on the end of the tongue, is used in boring into the bodies of fishes. There are from 6 to 14 pairs of gills, which in some have but a single orifice on each side of the body. The hypophysis connects with the nasal sac in front and with the pharynx behind, forming a channel through which water enters and passes out through the gill slits behind. All are marine. Examples: Myxine glutinosa, a North Atlantic species, reaching a length of 2 ft., has six pairs of gills with a common Fig. 267. — A, Petromyzon marinus. B, median section of anterior end of body. b, brain; be, buccal cavity; dm, dorsal musculature; g, internal openings of gill pouches; h, hypophysis; I, lingual cartilage; n, nasal opening; nc, notochord; o, olfactory sac; oe., esophagus; of, oral funnel; pm, protractor muscle of tongue; rm, retractor muscle of tongue; rt, respiratory tract; sc, spinal cord; t, tongue. aperture on each side of the body. It is thought to be pro- tandrous hermaphroditic (male and female alternately). The pronephros of the embryo is retained in the adult. Bdellostoma stouti, of the California coast, has 6 to 14 pairs of gills, each with a separate opening to the outside. A peculiar fact is that the number of gills may differ on the two sides of the body of the same individual. Order 2. Hyperoartia. Lampreys. The nasal sac opens posteriorly into the hypophysis, but the latter does not com- municate with the pharynx. The mouth is at the apex of a cornified buccal funnel, armed with sharp cuticular teeth THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 447 (Fig. 267). The tip of the tongue is also provided with similar teeth. These animals attach themselves to fishes; and feed by sucking the blood and shredded tissues from the rasped sur- faces. There are seven pairs of gill pouches, opening separately on the outside and communicating internally with a median respiratory canal, located ventral to the esophagus and opening from the mouth in front. When the animal is attached to prey or to a stone, both inspiration and expiration of water take place through the external gill openings. Example: Petromyzon marinus, the sea lamprey, reaches a length of 3 ft. and is found in the North Atlantic and also in fresh water. CLASS II. ELASMOBRANCHII. Sharks and rays. These have a cartilaginous skeleton, in which the notochord is par- tially replaced by the centra of the vertebrae; a skull with jaws; a ventral subterminal mouth and ventral paired nostrils; paired and median fins; a spiral valve in the intestine; and a heterocercal tail (one in which the axis of the tail curves dorsally). The skin is invested with dermal denticles or scales of the placoid type. On the margins of the jaws the scales are enlarged into teeth. The placoid scale is thought to be the forerunner of the vertebrate tooth. The first gill cleft or spiracle has only rudimentary gill filaments and with the mouth serves as an incurrent respiratory passage. An operculum covering the gill slits is usually lacking. There is no swim bladder. All are marine. Examples : Mustelus canis, a dogfish shark, 2 to 3 ft. in length ; Carcharias taurus, the sandshark, 10 to 12 ft. long; Pristis pectinatis, the sawfish of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico, 16 to 18 ft. long; Raji erinacea, a common ray or skate, 1 to 2 ft. long. Rays and skates have gill slits on the ventral surface of the body. The spiracle or first gill cleft through which water enters is located on the dorsal surface just back of the eye. Torpedo marmorata, an electric ray. CLASS III. PISCES. True fishes. These have a more or less ossified skeleton; a skull with membrane bones, and usually distinct maxillary and premaxillary bones; paired nostrils; median fins; and usually two sets of paired fins. SUBCLASS 1. TELEOSTOMI. Cartilaginous or bony skeleton. Breathe principally by gills, which are usually 448 GENERAL ZOOLOGY covered by an operculum (Figs. 268 and 269). A swim bladder is usually present. Series 1. Ganoidei. Skeleton cartilaginous or bony, with heterocercal or homocercal (outwardly symmetrical) tail fin. Scales may be (1) the ganoid type (rhomboidal bony plates covered with enamel or ganoin), (2) the cycloid type (bony plates with evenly curved borders), (3) the ctenoid type (free edge of scale spiny), or (4) the scute type (bony plate with enameled spines and articulating with one another to form a stiff armor. A swim bladder is present with an open duct connecting with the pharynx or esophagus. There is a spiral valve in the intestine. Fig. 268. — Diagram of one side of the mouth and pharynx of a fish, split lengthwise, c, gill- clefts, separated by gill arches; N, nasal pit; o, esophagus; t, tongue. Fig. 269. — Trutta irideus, the rainbow trout, with the gill cover bent back to show the gills. (After Jordan and Kel- logg, Animal Life and Evolution.) Order 1. Crossopterygii. Jointed pectoral fins; continuous median fin; ganoid scales; and paired swim bladder. Mostly extinct. Example: Polypterus bichir, a living species found in the River Nile. Order 2. Chondrostei. Cartilaginous skeleton ; persistent noto- chord; heterocercal tail; body naked or covered with bony plates. Examples: Acipenser fulvescens, lake sturgeon, length up to 6 ft.; Acipenser oxyrhynchus, common sturgeon found in the North Atlantic and tributary streams, length up to 9 ft.; Polyodon spathula, the spoon bill or paddle fish of the Missis- sippi Valley, skin naked, length up to 6 ft. Order 3. Holostei. Bony skeleton; ganoid or cycloid scales; terminal mouth provided with teeth ; lunglike air bladder con- nected with the esophagus. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 449 Examples: Lepisosteus osseus, common garpike, in fresh water, length up to 4 ft.; Amia calva, fresh-water dogfish or bowfin, length up to 2 ft. Order 4. Teleostei. Bony skeleton; homocercal tail; cycloid or ctenoid scales; gills covered by an operculum; intestine without spiral valve. There is usually a swim bladder. The majority of fishes belong to this order. Examples: Coregonus clupeaformis, whitefish of northern lakes; Oncorhyncus tschawytscha, Chinook or king salmon of Pacific Coast; Trutta irideus, rainbow trout; Carpiodes carpio, carp sucker of Ohio Valley southward; Ictalurus furcatus, chan- nel catfish, has no scales; Ameiurus nebulosus, common bull- head, no scales. SUBCLASS 2. DIPNOI. Ltjngfishes. A paired or unpaired swim bladder opening into the esophagus functions as a lung, though gills are also present. The nasal passages are respira- tory and connect with the pharynx. The notochord persists as an unsegmented rod. The skeleton is partly ossified cartilage. The pectoral fins are lobate and jointed; the scales are cycloid. To a certain extent lungfishes represent a transi- tion from fishes to amphibians. There are only a few living species. Examples: Neoceratodus forsteri, the Australian lungfish, lives in brackish water and frequently comes to the surface to breathe air; Protopterus annectans, one of three African species, aestivates in the dry season by burrowing in the mud, where it forms a slimy cocoon about itself and remains in a state of suspended animation until the return of the rainy season; Lepidosiren paradoxa, a South American species that also aestivates. CLASS IV. AMPHIBIA. Salamanders, frogs, and toads. These are both terrestrial and aquatic animals, provided usually with two pairs of pentadactyl limbs, lacking claws or nails on the digits. Limbs and limb girdles are absent in the Apoda. The integument is usually without scales. The eggs develop in water or damp earth into swimming larvae (tadpoles), provided with a tail and breathing by integumentary gills (Fig. 270). The heart has a single ventricle and two atria except in the case of lungless salamanders, in which there is a single atrium. None is marine. 450 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Order 1. Apoda. Blind burrowing forms, without limbs. The skin contains small bony scales. Example: Ichthyophis glutinosus, about 1 ft. in length. Found in India and Ceylon. Order 2. Caudata (Urodela). Salamanders and related forms. An elongate body with a well-developed tail; usually two pairs of limbs; teeth may be present on the maxillary and premaxillary bones, the vomer, pterygoid, parasphenoid, and mandible; gills are permanent in some, lost in others at meta- morphosis. There is no tympanum. Examples : Necturus maculosus, the mud puppy, is completely aquatic and has permanent gill slits and external gills, and also Fig. 270. — Ambystoma maculatum, with external gills which disappear at meta- morphosis. lungs. Length about 1 ft. Common in rivers and lakes of Eastern United States. Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, the hell- bender, has internal gills and lungs. Length about 1}4 ft. It is aquatic and is common in Eastern United States. Amby- stoma maculatum, the spotted salamander (black body with large bright-yellow spots), is terrestrial but returns to water to lay its eggs. The adult has lungs but no gills. Ambystoma opacum, the marbled salamander, lays eggs on land in the fall. Rains wash the eggs into water where larvae are hatched and complete their development. Eurycea bislineata, a common lungless salamander, has neither gills nor lungs in the adult state. Siren lacertina, the mud eel, an aquatic form, breathes by gills, and lacks hindlegs. Length about 2% ft. Found in Southeastern United States. Proteus anguinus, a blind sala- mander about 1 ft. in length, found in caves in Austria. Order 3. Salientia (Anura). Frogs and toads. A tail is absent, the caudal vertebrae being transformed into the uro- style. The posterior pair of legs modified for leaping; a tympanum is present, level with the surface of the head; males THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 451 frequently have vocal sacs. There is usually a marked metamorphosis. Examples: Rana pipiens, the grass or leopard frog; Rana catesbeiana, the bullfrog; Bufo americanus, a common toad. CLASS V. REPTILIA. Reptiles. The skeleton of reptiles is well ossified ; the body is covered by epidermal scales or ossified dermal plates ; there are claws on the digits ; breathing by lungs ; no gill respiration at any time in the life history; the heart has two incompletely separated ventricles and two atria. Most reptiles are oviparous, though viviparous forms also occur. The egg in either case is large, resembling a bird's egg, and in the oviparous forms the egg is laid on the ground. There is no metamorphosis in development. Order 1. Crocodilia. Alligators and crocodiles. The teeth are set in sockets (thecodont); there are bony plates in the skin; two pairs of legs, and a laterally flattened tail. A tympanum is present. All are oviparous. Examples: Alligator mississippiensis, the common American alligator has a broad head, blunt snout and its length may reach 15 ft. Crocodylus acutus, the American crocodile, has a long head, pointed snout and reaches a length of 20 ft. Both occur in Southeastern United States and tropical America. Order 2. Lacertilia. Lizards. The body is elongate and is covered with scales, which are periodically shed and renewed. The teeth are either attached to the edge of the jaws (acrodont) or laterally to the walls of a groove (pleurodont) in the jaw. The tongue is usually well developed and is protractile. Most lizards are oviparous. Examples: Sceloporus undulatus, the common fence lizard; Phrynosoma cornutum, the horned toad; Sphenodon punctatum, a New Zealand lizard remarkable for the presence of a well- developed pineal eye: Rhineura fioridana, the legless lizard of Florida, about 8 or 9 in. in length. Order 3. Serpentes. Snakes. The elongate body is limbless and covered with scales, which are periodically shed and renewed. The teeth are acrodont and the jaws are loosely articulated to the skull. The tongue is long and forked. There is no middle ear. The eyelids are not movable. Loco- motion is brought about by the lateral bending of the body and 452 GENERAL ZOOLOGY by movements of the ribs, which are attached at their lower ends to the abdominal scales or scutes. Snakes are either oviparous or viviparous. Examples: Coluber constrictor, the common blacksnake; Thamnophis sirtalis, the common garter snake; Agkistrodon mokasen, the copperhead, poisonous; Crotalus horridus, the common rattlesnake, poisonous. Order 4. Testudinata. Turtles. The body is enclosed in a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron, each of which is usually composed of epidermal plates, internally supported by bone. Toothless jaws are covered with horny sheaths. The eyes have upper and lower lids and a nictitating membrane. The skin is usually covered with scales. The limbs are pentadactyl with clawed toes. In marine turtles the limbs are modified into flippers with reduced numbers of digits. Eggs of both aquatic and terrestrial forms are deposited on land. Examples: Chelydra serpentina, the snapping turtle; Terrapene Carolina, the box turtle; Malaclemys centrata, the diamond-back terrapin; Chrysemys picta, the painted turtle; Amy da spinifera, the soft-shelled turtle, lacks horny plates or scales and has fleshy lips; Eretmochelys imbricata, the tortoise- shell turtle, marine; Caretta caretta, the loggerhead turtle, is also marine. CLASS VI. AVES. Birds. A modern bird is a homoiother- mous animal, whose body is covered with feathers and scales, whose anterior limbs are modified for flight, and whose jaws lack teeth. The heart has two ventricles and two atria and the circulation is completely double. The stomach consists of two regions: a glandular proventriculus and a muscular gizzard. There are usually two caeca at the junction of the ileum and colon. The lungs are attached to the walls of the coelom and are provided with long sacs that extend among the viscera and into some of the bones. Sense organs are well developed. A middle ear is present. The carpals of the forelimb are reduced by fusion and the rudimentary digits correspond to digits II, III, and IV of the pentadactyl hand. In the hind- limb as a result of fusions, tibiotarsal and tarsometatarsal bones are formed. The elements of the pelvis are fused to form a rigid structure. The sternum of flying birds is provided with a deep keel for the attachment of the wing (pectoral) muscles. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 453 The caudal vertebrae are fused to form a pygostyle. Birds are oviparous. The egg is large and is incubated by the parents. The left oviduct and left ovary only are functional. That birds are undoubtedly descended from reptilian ancestors is indicated by embryogeny and by the anatomy of extinct and modern birds as well. Archaeopteryx (Fig. 271), a prehistoric Fig. 271. — Archaeopteryx macura, restored. The fossil remains of this link between reptiles and birds was found in the Jurassic of Bavaria. The jaws do not have a beak but are provided with teeth. The tail consists of about twenty separate vertebrae to which feathers are attached on either side. Each wing has three clawed fingers. Feathers are well developed on the wings and tail but the head and other parts of the body are naked. The bones are without air sacs. (After Romanes, Darwin and after Darwinism, Open Court Publishing Company.) bird, had toothed jaws, a vertebrated tail (instead of a pygo- style), and three clawed fingers on the wing, all of which are reptilian rather than avian in character. In modern birds the fingers are so reduced and modified as to be practically non- existent, yet in the young of the hoactzin, a South American bird, the forelimbs are provided with fingerlike claws which, with the feet, are used in climbing about the branches of trees in a lizardlike fashion before the bird learns to fly. 454 GENERAL ZOOLOGY SUBCLASS 1. ARCHAEORNITHES. Extinct birds. Example : A rchaeoptcryx. SUBCLASS 2. NEORNITHES. Includes four orders of extinct birds as well as all existing birds. CLASS VII. MAMMALIA. Mammals. A mammal is a homoiothermous animal, covered more or less with hair and provided with mammary glands on the ventral surface of the body which in the case of the female are used in suckling the young. The teeth are thecodont and are of four kinds: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. Except in certain aquatic mammals, an external ear, in addition to a middle and inner ear, is present. The middle ear contains three ossicles: malleus, incus, and stapes. A muscular diaphragm divides the body cavity into a thoracic cavity containing the heart and lungs in front and an abdominal cavity containing the rest of the viscera behind. Each lung lies freely in a pleural cavity. The heart consists of two ventricles and two atria, and the circulation is completely double. The red corpuscles of the blood lack nuclei. SUBCLASS 1. PROTOTHERIA. Egg-laying mammals. These have a single cloacal opening for both the urinogenital and alimentary systems. The mammary glands have no distinct nipples. The egg is large, contains much yolk, and resembles the reptilian or avian egg. As in birds, the left ovary and left oviduct only are functional. Examples: Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the Australian duck- bill or platypus, is about 20 in. in length. It has a duck- like bill, webbed feet, and is covered with fur. Echidna aculeata, the spiny ant eater, also found in Australia. These with a few other species are the only representatives of the entire subclass. They occur only in Australia and the neigh- boring islands. SUBCLASS 2. METATHERIA. Marsupials. These are viviparous mammals whose young are born in an immature state and are usually carried for a period after birth in a marsupium or pouch, located on the abdomen of the mother. A cloaca is absent and the urinogenital and anal openings are distinct. The mammary glands are within the marsupium and are provided with teats. The vagina is partially or completely double. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 455 Examples: Didelphys virginiana, the Virginia opossum; Macropus giganteus, the giant kangaroo of Australia. SUBCLASS 3. EUTHERIA. Placental mammals. The vagina is single and the embryo is nourished by a placenta formed from the allantois of the embryo and the lining of the uterus. The allantois is an embryonic membrane. Eutheria are called placental mammals, but as a matter of fact a placenta is also present in some marsupials. Section A. Omnivorous Forms. Five digits on hand and foot ; clavicle well developed. Order 1. Insectivora. Typically, walking feet with dorsal sur- face often scaly; first digit not opposable; radius and ulna separate, but tibia and fibula often fused. Examples: European hedgehog, shrews, and moles. Order 2. Primates. Primitive dentition; first digit opposa- ble on fore or hind limb or both ; hands and feet for grasping. Large cranium; reduced jaws and nasal cavities; orbits directed forward. Semierect or erect posture. Examples: Monkeys, apes, and Man. Order 3. Rodentia. Two chisel-shaped incisor teeth (four in rabbits) in each jaw, modified for gnawing. Radius and ulna separate; tibia and fibula some times fused. Clavicle absent in guinea pigs. Examples: Mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, beavers, and porcupines. Order 4. Galeopithecoidea (Dermoptera). On each side a lateral fold of skin including limbs and tail, when spread acts as a parachute, enabling the animal to make long leaps. Primi- tive dentition. Ulna, fibula, and clavicle rudimentary. Example: Galeopithecus, the flying lemur of India and the Malay Archipelago, the only representative of the order. Order 5. Chiroptera. Greatly lengthened arm bones and fingers supporting a membranous wing used in flying. Example: Bats. Order 6. Edentata. Incisors and occasionally all of the teeth lacking. Examples: Anteaters, sloths and armadillos. Order 7. Tubulidentata. Body covered with bristlelike hairs; five prismatic molars in each jaw; four toes in front, five behind. 456 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Example: Orycteropus, the South African aardvark, the only- representative of the order. Order 8. Pholidota. Body scaly with scattered hairs; teeth lacking. Example : Pangolin, the scaly anteater. Section B. Carnivorous Forms. Order 9. Carnivora. Strong recurved canine teeth; molars more or less modified for cutting. Four- or five-toed feet which may be plantigrade, semiplantigrade, or digitigrade; toes usually clawed. Some are omnivorous and some may live largely on a vegetable diet. Examples: Wolves, dogs, cats, and bears. Order 10. Pinnipedia. Pentadactyl webbed feet for swimming; feed on fish. Examples: Walrus and seals. Order 11. Cetacea. Fore limbs paddlelike; hindlimbs lacking; usually a dorsal fin; a caudal fin composed of two lobes or flukes. There is no neck owing to fusion of the cervical vertebrae. Rudimentary pelvic bones and, in some, vestiges of the skeleton of the hindlimbs occur embedded in the flesh. Skin may be entirely naked. Examples : Porpoises, dolphins, and whales. Section C. Herbivorous Forms. Terminal digits encased in hoofs. Ungulata. Order 12. Hyracoidea. Plantigrade, three toes in front and four behind. Example: Hyrax, the coney of the Bible. Most primitive living ungulate, found in Western Asia and South Africa. Order 13. Proboscidea. Pentadactyl; long proboscis with nostrils at the tip; never more than two incisors (tusks) in each jaw; no canine teeth; no clavicles. Examples: Elephants. Order 14. Sirenia. Pentadactyl, finlike forelimbs; hindlimbs lacking. Skin naked or sparsely haired. Harmless aquatic animals of huge size, feeding on seaweed and river grasses. Examples: Manatee or seacow of tropical America and Africa; Dugong of the Indian ocean. Order 15. Artiodactyla. Even number of digits (four or two), the axis of the foot passing between the third and fourth digits. Examples : Swine, hippopotamus, deer, sheep, oxen, and camels. THE ANIMAL KINGDOM 457 Order 16. Perissodactyla. Odd number of digits (five, three, or one) the axis of the foot passing through the middle of the third digit. Examples: Horse, zebra, tapir, and rhinoceros. Man. — The Primates, the order to which man belongs, are, from the standpoint of general anatomy, the most primitive mammals with the exception of the Insectivora, and for that reason occupy a position among the lowest orders. When compared with Primates, most other mammals show considerably more departure from the original type, as for example, in the general form of the body of the whale or manatee, the specialized fore arm of the bat or the mole, the hoof of the ungulate, or the teeth of the rodent. The primitive characters of the Primates are best seen in the skeleton, which aside from the skull has retained the original elements of the class with but little modification. Thus, in Man the clavicle is present, both radius and ulna occur in the forearm and the tibia and fibula in the leg; the arrangement of bones of the wrist is primitive, the elements being distinct and showing only slight modification. On the other hand, the ankle region is modified as a result of the elongation of the foot which anatom- ically is more highly specialized than the hand; the tail, highly developed in some Primates, is absent in apes and Man, being represented by the coccyx, composed of reduced caudal vertebrae and not visible externally. The important feature which makes the Primates a superior group is the brain and this reaches its highest development in Man. The enlargement of the brain has been accompanied by modifications in the cranium and secondary modifications in the face, such as the forward-directed orbits, the reduction of the nasal region with a corresponding loss of olfactory sense, the shortening of the jaws and the retreat of the teeth, the latter causing the formation of the chin in the lower jaw. Very likely the shortening of the face developed as the hand with its opposa- ble thumb came to be used more and more to bring food to the mouth, thus relieving the latter of seeking and grasping food. Primates were, and some of them still are, essentially arboreal animals. Man is a terrestrial animal, descended in all probability from arboreal ancestors. The change from arboreal to terrestrial habitat is thought for many reasons to have taken place in Cen- tral or Southern Asia as a direct result of an increase in bulk too 458 GENERAL ZOOLOGY great for arboreal life, or because of geological or geographical changes which compelled the larger Primates to seek the ground for shelter and food. Since Primates long before this event had become widely scattered, only those living in the disturbed region modified their mode of living, with the result that monkeys and apes, the gorilla excepted, surviving in other parts of the world are largely arboreal to this day. The subsequent progress of the human race is undoubtedly the result of this change in habitat, whatever the cause, since an arboreal existence has rather limited possibilities for human development. If the interpretation of the geological record is at all correct, speciali- zation and increase in size without a corresponding development of the brain have spelled disaster for many animals in the past. Man is fortunate in that his specialization has been in the direction of greater brain power while the rest of his body has retained a certain flexibility by remaining relatively unspecialized, a combi- nation which enables Man to make use of past experiences and to suit action to requirement to a greater degree than any other animal. REFERENCES The following list of references, suggested for collateral reading, is divided into groups, arranged according to subject matter under chapter headings. Chapter I Locy, W. A. : "Biology and Its Makers," Henry Holt & Company, New York. Loeb, J.: "Dynamics of Living Matter," The Macmillan Company, New York. Mathews, A. P.: "Physiological Chemistry," William Wood & Co., New York. Needham, J.: "The Skeptical Biologist," W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York. Nordenskiold, E. : "The History of Biology," Tudor Publishing Co., New York. Seifriz, W.: "Protoplasm," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Chapters II to IX, inclusive Frog. Dickerson, M. L.: "The Frog Book," Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., Garden City, N.Y. Ecker, A.: "Anatomy of the Frog," Oxford University Press, New York. Holmes, S. J.: "The Biology of the Frog," The Macmillan Company, New York. Morgan, T. H.: "The Development of the Frog's Egg," The Macmillan Company, New York. Noble, G. K.: "The Biology of the Amphibia," McGraw-Hill Book Com- pany, Inc., New York. Morphology. Dahlgren, U., and W. A. Kepner: "A Text-book of the Principles of Animal Histology," The Macmillan Company, New York. Kuntz, A.: "The Autonomic Nervous System," Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. Maximov, A., and W. Bloom: "A Textbook of Histology," W. B.Saunders Company, Philadelphia. Parker, J. T., and W. A. Haswell: "Textbook of Zoology," The Macmillan Company, New York. Scott, G. G.: "The Microscopic Anatomy of Vertebrates," Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. Wilder, H. H.: "History of the Human Body," Henry Holt & Company, New York. 459 460 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Physiology. Carlson, A. J.: "The Control of Hunger in Health and Disease," The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Crandall, L. A.: "An Introduction to Human Physiology," W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. Howell, W. H. : "A Textbook of Physiology," W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. Lusk, G. : "The Elements of the Science of Nutrition," W. B. Saunders Com- pany, Philadelphia. Mitchell, P. H.: "A Textbook of General Physiology for Colleges," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Sherman, H. C. : "The Vitamins," Chemical Catalog Company, Inc., New York. Chapter X Allen, E.: "Sex and Internal Secretion," Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore. "Glandular Physiology and Therapy," American Medical Association, Chicago. Hoskins, R. G: "The Tides of Life," W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York. Schafer, E. A.: "Endocrine Organs," Longmans, Green & Company, New York. Chapter XI Sharp, L. W. : "Introduction to Cytology," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Wilson, E. B.: "The Cell in Development and Heredity," The Macmillan Company, New York. Chapter XII Jenkinson, J. W.: "Vertebrate Embryology," Oxford University Press, New York. Kellicott, W. E.: "General Embryology," Henry Holt & Company, New York. : "Chordate Development," Henry Holt & Company, New York. Lillie, F. R. : "Problems of Fertilization," The Macmillan Company, New York. Morgan, T. H.: "Experimental Embryology," Columbia University Press, New York. Chapter XIII Babcock, E. B., and R. E. Claussen: "Genetics in Relation to Agriculture," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Guyer, M. F.: "Being Well Born," The Bobbs Merrill Company, Indianapolis. Kellicott, W. E.: "The Social Direction of Human Evolution," D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc., New York. REFERENCES 461 Morgan, T. H.: "The Physical Basis of Heredity," J. B. Lippincott Com- pany, Philadelphia. : "The Theory of the Gene," Yale University Press, New Haven. Punnett, R. C: "Mendelism," The Macmillan Company, New York. Sinnott, E. W., and L. C. Dunn: "Principles of Genetics," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Shull, A. F.: "Heredity," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Chapter XIV Darwin, Charles: "Origin of Species," London. : "Diary of the Voyage of the Beagle," Cambridge University Press. Holmes, S. J.: "The Evolution of Animal Intelligence," Henry Holt & Com- pany, New York. Lamarck, J. B.: "Zoological Philosophy" (transl. by H. Elliott), The Mac- millan Company, New York. Lull, R. S.: "Organic Evolution," The Macmillan Company, New York. Osborn, H. F.: "From the Greeks to Darwin," Columbia University Press, New York. Pirrson, L. V., and C. Schuchert: "A Textbook of Geology, etc.," Vol. II, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Romanes, G. J.: "Darwin and After Darwin," Open Court Publishing Com- pany, Chicago. Romer, A. S. : "Man and the Vertebrates," University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Scott, W. B.: "The Theory of Evolution," The Macmillan Companv, New York. Shull, A. F.: "Evolution," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. De Vries, H.: "Species and Varieties," Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago. Wilder, H. H.: "The Pedigree of the Human Race," Henry Holt & Com- pany, New York. Yale Sigma Xi Lectures 1916-1917. "The Evolution of the Earth and Its Inhabitants," Yale University Press, New Haven. -: 1921-1922. "The Evolution of Man," Yale University Press, New Haven. Chapters XV and XVI Bailey, V.: "Animal Life in the Carlsbad Cavern," Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore. Borradaile, L. A.: "The Animal and Its Environment," Froude, Hodder & Stoughton, London. Brooks, W. K. : "Foundations of Zoology," The Macmillan Company, New York. Chapman, R. L.: "Animal Ecology," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Cuenot, L.: "L' Adaptation," Paris. Henderson, L. J. : "The Fitness of the Environment," The Macmillan Com- pany, New York. 462 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Hesse, R.: "Ecological Animal Geography," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Kepner, W. A.: "Animals Looking into the Future," The Macmillan Com- pany, New York. Morgan, T. H.: "Evolution and Adaptation," Columbia University Press, New York. Pearse, A. S.: "Animal Ecology," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Shelford, V. E. : "Laboratory and Field Ecology," Williams & Wilkins Com- pany, Baltimore. : "Animal Communities in Temperate North America," University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Snodgrass, R. E.: "Anatomy and Physiology of the Honey Bee," McGraw- Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Wheeler, W. M.: "Ants, Their Structure, Development and Behavior," Columbia University Press, New York. Chapter XVII Beebe, C: "The Bird, Its Form and Function," Henry Holt & Company, New York. Harmer, S. F., and A. E. Shipley: " Cambridge Natural History," The Mac- millan Company, New York. Lankester, E. R.: "A Treatise on Zoology," A. & C. Black, Ltd., London. Metcalf, C. L., and W. P. Flint: "Destructive and Useful Insects," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Parker, T. J., and W. A. Haswell: "Textbook of Zoology," The Macmillan Company, New York. Pratt, H. S.: "A Manual of the Common Invertebrate Animals, Exclusive of Insects," P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. : "A Manual of the Land and Freshwater Vertebrate Animals of the U.S., Exclusive of Birds," P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. Snodgrass, R, E.: "Principles of Insect Morphology," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York. Ward, H. B., and G. C. Whipple: "Freshwater Biology," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Wilder, H. H.: "The Pedigree of the Human Race," Henry Holt & Com- pany, New York. Williams, S. H.: "The Living World," The Macmillan Company, New York. GLOSSARY Abiogenesis. The spontaneous generation of living things from nonliving matter, a theory held but not experimentally demonstrated. Aboral. A pole of the body opposite the mouth. Absorption. The passage of a fluid into living cells by osmotic or capillary action. Achromatic. Uncolored. Free of color. Adaptive. Having the quality of fitness; favorable to life processes. Adoral. A point of the body near the mouth. Agamic. Without gametes. Asexual. Albinism. The absence of pigment in the skin, hair, feathers, eyes, etc. Albumin. One of the blood proteins; found also in milk, muscle, and other animal substances. Albuminoid. A substance having many characteristics of true proteins. Alimentary canal. Same as digestive tract. Allelomorph. One of a pair of alternative characters in Mendelian inherit- ance; said also of the genes which represent these characters in the chromosomes. Amino acid. An organic acid in which one or more of the nonacid hydro- gen atoms is replaced by the NH2 group. Glycine (CH2NH2COOH); Lysine (CH2NH2CH2CH2CH2CHNH2COOH). Amitosis. Direct cell division, in which the formation of a spindle and chromosomes is lacking. Amoeboid. Having a flowing movement, such as occurs in Amoeba. Amphigony. Reproduction from a fertilized egg. Sexual reproduction. Anabolism. The constructive or reintegrative phase of metabolism. Analogous. Similar in function. Anastomosis. A joining or communication between vessels. Anatomy. The structure of organisms as determined by dissections. Animal pole. The yolk-free region of the egg. Ankylosis. Abnormal immobility and consolidation of a joint. Antenna. One of a pair of jointed appendages of the head of an insect, or crustacean. Anterior. Toward the head or front end of an animal. Antitoxin. A complex compound, probably protein in nature, formed in the blood serum and capable of neutralizing the effect of a specific poison or toxin, especially such as is produced by pathogenic bacteria. Anus. The terminal opening of the digestive tract. Apical. Pertaining to or located at the apex. Archenteron. The cavity of the gastrula; gastrocoel. Arterial blood. Oxygenated blood. It may be carried by either arteries or veins. 463 464 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Articulate. To join; to unite by means of a joint. Artificial parthenogenesis. The development of an egg following artifi- cial stimulation without the intervention of a sperm. Assimilation. The transformation of digested and other absorbed food products into living substance, or into material that can be utilized by living substance. Asymmetry. An arrangement of parts incapable of being divided by a plane into halves which are mirrored images of each other. Atom. The smallest particle of a chemical element which can exist either alone or in combination with other similar atoms or with atoms of another element; the smallest particle of a chemical element which enters into the composition of a molecule. Autonomic, autonomous. Self-governing; said of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Axial. Pertaining to an axis. The backbone is the axial skeleton of vertebrates. Axon. Process of a nerve cell conducting impulses away from the cell body. Bacteria. A group of microscopic plants, some of which are the causative agents in the production of certain diseases. They exist in three general forms as follows: cocci, which are spherical; bacilli, rod-shaped; and spirilla, spiral filaments. Barbel. A slender tactile process on the lips of certain fishes. Biconcave. Hollow on each side or end. Bilateral symmetry. An arrangement of parts capable of being divided by a plane into right and left halves. Binomial nomenclature. The method of designating organisms by two names, one for the Genus and the other for the Species. Example: Rana pipiens, the leopard frog. Biogenesis. The generally accepted principle that all living things are derived from living things; that only life reproduces life (see Abiogenesis). Biogenetic law. In its modern form, the doctrine that an animal in its development repeats to a certain extent the history of its race. Also known as the law of recapitulation. Biparental. Derived from two parents, male and female. Biped. An animal which walks on two feet. Blastocoel. The segmentation cavity within the blastula. Blastomere. One of the cells formed in cleavage of the egg, fertilized or parthenogenetic. Blastopore. The opening of the archenteron or gastrocoel. Blastula. The stage during cleavage, when the cells are arranged in the form of a hollow sphere. Buccal cavity. Mouth cavity. Carbohydrate. Sugars, starches, and cellulose. Organic compounds con- sisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, the hydrogen and oxygen being in the same proportion as in a molecule of water (H20). Carnivore. A mammal belonging to the order Carninora. Carnivorous. Flesh-eating. Catabolism. The disintegrative phase of metabolism. GLOSSARY 465 Catalysis. The acceleration in rate of a chemical reaction by an agent which itself remains unchanged. Caudad. Toward the tail. Caudal. Pertaining to the tail. Cell. A small mass of protoplasm containing one or more nuclei. Cell doctrine. That all organisms are composed of cells and the products of cells; that the cell is a functional and structural unit of the organic body. Cellulose. A carbohydrate found in the walls of plant cells. Its occur- rence in animal tissues is rare. Centigrade thermometer. One in which 0° is the freezing point and 100° the boiling point of water. Centimeter. A unit of linear measurement in the metric system. Abbre- viation: cm.; (2.54 centimeters = 1 inch). Cephalad. Toward the head or anterior end. Cephalic. Pertaining to the head. Cercus. Either of a pair of appendages at the posterior end of the body of arthropods. Cervical. Pertaining to the neck. Characters or characteristics. Physical, mental, and physiological traits. Chlorophyll. An important plant pigment, concerned in photosynthesis. Chondrocranium. A continuous cartilaginous structure incompletely enclosing the brain. It occurs in the embryos of all vertebrates and in the adult sharks and lampreys. Chordate. An animal in which the notochord is or represents the skeletal axis during some period of its life history. All vertebrates are chordates. Chromatic. Pertaining to color. Chromatin. The deeply staining substance of the nucleus which forms into chromosomes when the cell divides. Chromatophore. A cellular organ containing pigment. Chyle. The fatty contents of the lacteals of the intestines. Chyme. Partly digested food as it occurs in the stomach and intestine. Cilia. Hair-like processes of Protozoa and ciliated epithelial cells. Circulation. The movement of the blood or body fluid through a more or less complete system of vessels. Cirrus. A soft tentaclelike appendage. Class. One of the principal subdivisions of a phylum in the system of classification. Cleavage. The period of cell division following fertilization, during which the egg is converted into a blastula. Parthenogenetic eggs also undergo cleavage. Cloaca. A common cavity into which open the urogenital ducts and the alimentary canal, in fishes, amphibia, reptiles, birds, and the lowest group of mammals (Prototheria). Cocoon. A case in which eggs are deposited and in which larvae may develop; a protective covering of mucus secreted by the integument. Coelenteron. A saclike body cavity in which digestion and absorption of food take place. Same as gastrovascular cavity, 466 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Coelom. The body cavity of the vertebrate type, lined with mesothelium and containing the viscera attached by mesenteries. It is entirely distinct from the digestive cavity of the alimentary canal. Collagen. A gelatinlike protein. Colloid. A state of matter consisting of a dispersed system of molecular aggregates. Colony. A group of individuals of the same species, often organically connected, forming a unit of a higher order than the individual. Commensalism. The association of two or more individuals of different species, often for mutual benefit. Concave. Curved inward. Conjugation. A temporary union of two Protozoa during which an exchange of nuclear material takes place. Convex. Curved outward. Bulging out. Copulation. The sexual act during which spermatozoa are transferred from the male to the female; or the sexual act of two monoecious animals. Cortex. The outer region of a cell or organ. Cranial. Pertaining to the cranium, the portion of the skull enclosing the brain. Cretinism. A condition characterized by subnormal mental and physical development, caused by thyroid insufficiency. Cuticle. The outer layer covering the surface of the organic body. It may be a secretion product of underlying cells, as in many invertebrates, or it may be composed of dead cells, as in the stratum corneum of human skin. Cytoplasm. The extranuclear part of a cell; the cytosome. Cytozoic. Parasitic in a cell. Darwinism. The explanation of evolution by the theory of Natural Selec- tion as set forth by Charles Darwin. Deaminization. The process in the body by which nitrogenous radicals are removed from amino acids, thus liberating nonnitrogenous portions capable of oxidation and energy production. Differentiation. In embryogeny the transformation of blastomeres into tissues and organs. In general, a change from homogeneity to heterogeneity. Digestion. The result of the action of digestive agents on food which reduces food to a liquid condition capable of absorption and assimila- tion by living cells. Dioecious. A condition in which the male and female organs, testis and ovary, are borne by different individuals. Diploblastic. Having two germ layers. Diploid. The unreduced number of chromosomes. Distal. Remote from point of origin or attachment. Diuresis. Free or excessive secretion of urine. Dorsal. Pertaining to the back. Ductless gland. A gland whose secretion is poured directly into the blood stream. An endocrine gland. GLOSSARY 467 Dynamic. Pertaining to change or process. Characterized by energy or action. Ecology. The study of the relation of organisms to their environment, both animate and inanimate. Ectoderm. The outer layer of the gastrula. Ectoparasite. External parasite. Egg. The female germ cell, either before or after fertilization. Embryo. An animal in the early stages of its development before it is liberated from the egg membranes. Embryogeny. The formation of the embryo and the course of its develop- ment. Embryogenesis. Embryology is the study of embryogeny. Encystment. The formation of a protective covering about an organism, particularly Protozoa. Endocrine gland. See Ductless gland. Endoderm. The germ layer forming the lining of the gastrula and bound- ing the archenteron or gastrocoel; lining of the alimentary canal. Endomixis. A nuclear reorganization occurring in Protozoa without conjugation and therefore without synkaryon formation (fertilization). Endoparasite. Internal parasite. Endoskeleton. An internal living skeleton such as is present in vertebrates. Entelechy. A word adopted from Aristotle by Hans Driesch to desig- nate the "vital force," which he believes is necessary as an addi- tional factor outside the range of known forms of energy to explain life. Entelechy and the "soul" of Descartes are practically the same con- cept, except that Descartes entertained the fanciful notion that the soul resided in the pineal gland, which is a dorsal outgrowth of the roof of the forebrain and in all probability represents an ancestral eye. Enzyme. An organic catalytic agent which accelerates chemical reaction in the body. Epigenesis. The idea that an organism in its development starts as a relatively homogeneous initial plasma which becomes heterogeneous as a result of the action of external factors upon it. The opposite of preformation in development. Epithelium. A layer of cells covering an external or internal surface of the body. Eugenics. The science of improving the inborn qualities of the human race by better breeding. Eustachian tube. A duct connecting the middle-ear cavity with the pharynx. It is a survival of the first gill cleft of the fish. Eutheria. A subclass including the viviparous mammals. Evagination. The outgrowth of a pocket of cells from a surface. Evolution. The doctrine that organisms of today are derived by descent from those of the past; that organisms have changed from time to time; that, in general, higher organisms are descended from lower ones. Excretory. Pertaining to waste substances formed in metabolism. Exoskeleton. The lifeless external cuticle forming the protective covering and supporting framework of arthropods. An external skeleton. 468 GENERAL ZOOLOGY External respiration. The passage of oxygen from the air or water into the blood. Extracellular. Outside of cells. Factor. Any causative agent. Its effect is called response. Family. A subdivision of an order in classification. Fat. An organic compound consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, in the form of a glyceric ester of a fatty acid. Fauna. The animal organisms occurring in a given region or place. Feces. The excrement or undigested food residue discharged from the alimentary canal. Fermentation. The decomposition of organic compounds, usually through the action of enzymes {ferments). Fertilization. The culmination of the series of events following the entrance of the sperm into an egg, ending in the union of a male and of a female nucleus to form the first cleavage nucleus. Fetus. The mammalian embryo in later stages of development when the body regions are well defined. Flagellum. A greatly enlarged cilium occurring in Protozoa, and fre- quently as the tail of a spermatozoon. Fluctuating variation. A relatively slight variation of somatic origin which is not heritable. Fossil. The remains of a prehistoric organism or its tracks, etc., found usually embedded in the earth's crust. Gamete. Male or female germ cell; sperm or egg. Ganglion. A tissue mass composed principally of nerve-cell bodies. Gastric. Pertaining to the stomach. Gastrocoel. The cavity of the gastrula. Gastrula. In embryogeny, the double-walled sac resulting from the invagination of the single-layered blastula. The outer layer is ecto- derm and the inner endoderm. Gastrulation is a fundamental process in development. Gel. A more or less rigid colloidal state. Gene. The germinal representative of a character. Genotype. The factor or gene complex of an organism or a group of organisms. The germinal complex as contrasted with somatic. Genus. A group of related species. A subdivision of a family in classification. Germ layer. One of the primary embryonic tissues, ectoderm, endoderm, or mesoderm, from which the tissues and the organs of the adult develop. Gestation. The period of development in viviparous animals between fertilization and birth. Gill. A platelike or filamentous appendage of an aquatic animal bathed by water and serving as an organ of respiration. Gill clefts. Paired openings leading from the sides of the pharynx to the exterior. Present in all Chordates. In fishes gills are attached to the septa separating the clefts. Gland. An organ whose cells secrete one or more substances that may be used by the organism (as in secretions of the glands of the alimentary GLOSSARY 469 tract), or that may be excretory in character (as in the metabolic prod- ucts excreted by the kidney). Glomerulus. A complicated network in the course of an arteriole of the kidney. Glottis. A slitlike opening in the floor of the pharynx leading to the respiratory tubes and the lungs. Glycosuria. The presence of excessive amounts of sugar (dextrose) in the urine. Gonad. The organ in which germ cells develop. Ovary or testis. Gustatory. Pertaining to the sense of taste. Habitat. The natural abode of an organism; the kind of environment in which it lives. Haploid. The reduced number of chromosomes. Hemocoel. A body cavity which contains blood. A type of body cavity found in many invertebrates. Herbivorous. Plant eating. Heredity. The occurrence or production in offspring of parental traits or characteristics; the transmission of genes through the germ cells. Hermaphrodite. An organism provided with both male and female gonads. Heterocercal. Said of the type of fish tail in which the terminal part of the vertebral column takes an upward bend, making the tail fin asym- metrical, the ventral portion much smaller than the dorsal. Heterogony. The alternation of amphigony with parthenogenesis. Heterozygote. An organism which has received from its parents two unlike genes for a given character and which, in turn, produces two numerically equal classes of gametes with respect to the genes. Homologous. Said of organs having a similar origin in evolution though not necessarily a similar function. Homoiothermal. Having a practically constant body temperature. Homozygote. An organism which has received from its parents two like genes for any given character. Its gametes are, therefore, all alike with respect to these genes. Hormone. An internal secretion of a gland which activates other organs, or the body as a whole, in a specific manner. Host. An organism which harbors a parasite. Hyaline. Glassy, translucent. Hybrid. The offspring of parents, differing from one another in at least one heritable character. Hydroid. Colonial coelenterate made up of individuals resembling Hydra. A polyp. Hydrolysis. A double chemical decomposition reaction into which water enters. Hydrostatic. Relating to the pressure and equilibrium of liquids. Hyperglycemia. The presence of excessive amounts of sugar (dextrose) in the blood. Hypertonic. Having a higher osmotic pressure than normal, or than another substance. 470 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Hypothesis. A tentative supposition provisionally adopted for explaining certain facts and serving as a guide for further investigation. A stage in the development of a theory. Hypotonic. Having a lower osmotic pressure than normal. Immunity. The resistance of the body to infection by pathogenic organ- isms, natural or acquired, through the production of antitoxins. Infection. Implantation of disease, pathogenic organisms, or parasites from without. Insemination. The addition of sperm to eggs. The introduction of sperm into a female. Integrative action. Said of the function of the nervous system as a coordinating mechanism for unifying bodily activities. Intercellular. Between cells. Internal respiration. The interchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between tissues and the circulatory fluid. True respiration. Internal secretion. Usually the product of a ductless gland that is absorbed by the blood. Hormone. Endocrine. Intracellular. Within a cell. Intussusception. Growth by the intercalation of substances throughout the cells of an organism, as contrasted with growth by accretion- deposits of particles on the outside — such as occurs in crystals. Invagination. The ingrowth of a pocket of cells from a surface. Invertebrate. An animal without a backbone. Ion. An atom or group of atoms bearing an electrical charge. Hydrogen- ion concentration refers to the number of free hydrogen ions in a solu- tion, which determines whether the solution is "acid" or "basic" in reaction. Irritability. The power of protoplasm to respond to stimuli. Isotonic. Having the same osmotic pressure. Karyokinesis. The indirect method of cell division; mitosis. Kinetic energy. Energy possessed by a body by virtue of motion. Manifested by heat production in chemical reactions. Lacteal. A lymph vessel of the intestine. Lacuna. An intercellular space. Lamellated. Arranged in layers. Lamellibranchiate. Belonging to a group of molluscs having platelike gills, such as the clam, oyster, mussel, etc. Larva. A usually active stage in the development of an animal marked by the presence of larval organs and by the absence of adult ones. An inmature but free-living stage in development. Lateral. Pertaining to the side. Law. A statement of an order or relation of scientific facts which, so far as known, is invariable. Lesion. A wound or local degeneration. Linear. Arranged in a line or row. Lumbar. Pertaining to the region of the back posterior to the thorax. Lumen. Cavity or passageway of a tubular structure. Lymph. In vertebrates a circulatory fluid similar to blood but lacking red corpuscles. Same as blood in many invertebrates. GLOSSARY 471 Macroscopic. Large enough to be seen with the unaided eye. Mammal. A vertebrate having hair and mammary glands. Mandible. A biting mouth part of invertebrates. The lower jaw of vertebrates. Maternal. Pertaining to or derived from the female parent. Matrix. The intercellular material of cartilage and bone. Intercellular substance. Maxilla. A mouth part of an invertebrate. The upper jaw of vertebrates. Mechanism. The hypothesis supported by many facts that the phenomena of life are inherent in the physical and chemical properties of the con- stituents of protoplasm. It does not admit "vital force" as a factor in explaining life processes. Mendelism. A universal type of inheritance based on the fact that genes of inherited characters separate and combine as units in the germ cells. Mesoderm. The embryonic germ layer formed between the endoderm and ectoderm. Mesoglea. A noncellular layer lying between the ectoderm and endo- derm of Hydra and related forms. Metabolism. The chemical processes of protoplasm which are made up of disintegrative and reintegrative phases, catabolism and anabolism, respectively. Metagenesis. The alternation of sexual and asexual generations in the life history of an organism. The alternation of sexual medusa and asexual polyp in Obelia. Metamerism. The repetition of parts or segments in a linear series, as in the segmentation of the earthworm, or the arrangement of vertebrae in the vertebral column. Metamorphosis. The more or less sudden change of the larva into the adult. The transformation of a tadpole into a frog; or of a caterpillar into a moth. Metazoa. Animals whose bodies consist of more than one cell. All animals above Protozoa. Millimeter. One-tenth of a centimeter. Abbreviation: mm. Mitosis. The ordinary form of cell division. Also called karyokinesis. Molecule. A group of atoms. The smallest particle of a substance that possesses the properties of the substance. Monoecious. Having both ovary and testis in one individual. Motor neuron and nerve. One carrying impulses away from the central nervous system and causing muscular contraction or glandular activity. Efferent neuron. Mucosa. The layer of cells lining the digestive tract of vertebrates. Mutation. A heritable variation of a discontinuous type caused by some sort of change in the germplasm. Myotome. One of the segments in the body musculature of vertebrates. Natural selection. The natural process of eliminating the unfit. The survival of the fittest in nature. Nephridium. A tubular type of excretory organ such as occurs in the earth- worm and which is the forerunner of the tubules of the vertebrate kidney. 472 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Nerve. A bundle of nerve-cell processes, axons, or dendrons, or both. Neural canal. The cavity in the vertebral column containing the spinal cord. Neural tube. The embryonic ectodermal tube from which the brain and spinal cord develop. Neuron. A nerve cell, including cell body, axon, and dendron. Nitrogen equilibrium. A condition in which the animal body is receiving from food as much protein nitrogen as it is metabolizing and eliminating. Notochord. A structure characterizing the phylum Chordata consisting of a cylindrical rod lying ventral to the neural tube. In all vertebrates except Cyclostomata it is replaced in varying degrees by the centra of the vertebral column. Nucleolus. A usually spherical body within the nucleus taking an acid stain. Chromatin takes the basic stain. Nucleus. One of the two principal components of a cell, usually occu- pying a central position in the cytoplasm. Olfactory. Pertaining to the sense of smell. Ontogeny. The development of the individual. Oocyte. The developmental stage of the egg during the growth period. Oogenesis. The development of a mature egg from a primordial germ cell. Oogonium. One of the products of division of the female primordial germ cell. Oosperm. A fertilized egg. Ootid. The final product of oogenesis, the mature egg. Order. A subdivision of a class in classification. Organ. A tissue complex which performs a definite function. Organelle. A protozoan organ; an organ within a cell. Organic. Of or pertaining to organisms. Organism. A living thing. Organology. The study of organs. Osmosis. The slow passage or diffusion of fluids through semipermeable membranes. Osmotic pressure results from the difference in behavior of solvent and solute with respect to the membrane, the latter not being equally permeable to both. The surfaces of cells constitute the mem- branes through which substances must pass in and out of cells, the direction being determined by conditions within the cell with reference to the surrounding medium. Osseomucoid. A glycoprotein found in bone. Ovary. The organ in which eggs develop. Oviparous. Egg laying. Ovum. Egg, female gamete. Oxidation. The chemical combining of a substance with oxygen, partial or complete. Combustion. Paedogenesis. Reproduction in the larval state. Paleontology. The science of prehistoric organisms. Parasitism. An animal association in which one member, the parasite, derives nourishment from the tissues of the other, the host, to the detriment of the latter. GLOSSARY 473 Parthenogenesis. Development of an egg without fertilization. Partial pressure. The pressure exerted by one component of a mix- ture of gases. The pressure of each component is proportional to its quantity. Parturition. Act of bringing forth young. Paternal. Pertaining to, or derived from, the male parent. Pathogenic. Disease-producing. Pelagic. Said of the habitat of organisms living at or near the surface of large bodies of water. Pelvis. The posterior region of the abdomen in vertebrates. The pelvic girdle. A region in the kidney. Penis. An intromittent organ of the male by means of which spermatozoa are transferred to the vagina of the female. Pericardium. In vertebrates the peritoneal sac surrounding the heart. Peristalsis. The rhythmic contraction of the intestinal wall. Peritoneum. The membrane lining the coelom of vertebrates. Phagocyte. A cell which ingests and destroys waste and harmful material, bacteria, etc., in the body. Pharynx. The region of the alimentary tract between the mouth and esophagus. Phenotype. The somatic complex of an organism or a group of organisms regardless of the potential germinal possibilities. Photosynthesis. The synthesis, or building up, of complex organic compounds from relatively simple inorganic substances through the agency of sunlight in the presence of pigments like chlorophyll. A natural process in plants. Phylogeny. The developmental history of the race. Phylum. A main subdivision of a plant or animal kingdom. Placenta. A composite maternal and fetal organ of the mammalian uterus which serves to attach the embryo, to supply nourishment and oxygen from the maternal blood, and to remove waste products. It is shed in whole or part at birth. Placoid scale. Consists of a rhombic basal plate of dentine (bone) from the middle of which a spine projects. In the spine is a pulp cavity with blood vessels. Characteristic of Elasmobranchs. Forerunner of verte- brate tooth. Plasma. The liquid part of the blood. Blood minus corpuscles. Plexus. A union of several nerves to form a network. Poikilothermal. Having a body temperature slightly higher than that of the environment. Polar body. One of the minute cells formed in the maturation divisions of the egg. Polarity. Differentiation at the two ends of an axis. Polymorphism. Several forms. The existence of two or more types of individuals in a species, as in the honeybee. Polyp. A Hydralike coelenterate. Potential energy. The energy a body possesses by virtue of its position. A lifted weight has potential energy in proportion to the kinetic energy 474 GENERAL ZOOLOGY expended in lifting it. An organic compound possesses potential energy in a chemical form in proportion to the energy expended in establishing a certain spatial relation between atoms in the molecule. Preformation. In its original form, the idea that development consisted in the unfolding of adult structures already preformed in the germ; which, of course, can no longer be accepted. In a modified sense the term can be applied to the organized ground substance of the egg and to the orderly arrangement of genes in a chromosome. Proboscis. A tubular process or prolongation of the head or oral region. Protandry. A condition in monoecious animals in which the testis becomes functionally mature before the ovary. Protein. An organic compound of large molecules made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur with sometimes phosphorus and iron which upon hydrolysis yields amino acids. A very important constituent of protoplasm and one which has not yet been synthesized. Protoplasm. Living matter. Prototheria. The lowest group of mammals, which are oviparous. Protozoa. Unicellular animals. Proximal. Next or nearest, as to a point of attachment. PsETjDOPODiUM. A temporary fingerlike extension of the cytoplasm of Amoeba and related forms. Pulmonary. Pertaining to the lung. Pupa. The quiescent stage following the larval period in an insect, during which the adult organs are developed. Pure line. All the offspring of a homozygous self-fertilized parent. A group of individuals having an identical germinal constitution. Putrefaction. The decomposition of proteins as brought about by enzymes or bacteria. Radial symmetry. Symmetry that is referable to a circle. Two or more planes passing through a common axis will in each case produce halves that are mirrored images of each other. Receptor. A sensory-nerve ending or end organ. Rectum. The terminal portion of the alimentary canal in vertebrates and in many invertebrates. Reducing agent. A chemical agent which causes a loss of oxygen in a substance. Reduction division. One of the two maturation divisions in gametogene- sis during which synaptic chromosome mates separate, reducing the number to one-half. Refractive. Having power to turn from a direct course. Said of the effect of certain substances on light. Respiration. The absorption of gaseous oxygen and the excretion of carbon dioxide by protoplasm. Response. Any change in protoplasmic activity resulting from a stimulus. Reticulum. A network. Ruminant. A herbivorous animal that chews its cud. Sacral. Pertaining to the region of the vertebrate axial skeleton to which the pelvic girdle is attached. GLOSSARY 475 Salivary glands. Glands whose secretion is discharged into the mouth and usually has some digestive property. Sebaceous glands. Oil-secreting glands present in hair follicles. Secondary sexual characters. Traits other than the gonads that dis- tinguish sexes. Secretion. The substance produced by a gland. The activity of a gland. Segmentation. See Metamerism. Sensory. Pertaining to sensation. Said of a neuron carrying impulses from the periphery toward the central nervous system. Septum. Partition. Serum. The clear fluid remaining after blood has clotted. Sessile. Fixed; not free-swimming. Sex-linked characters. Characters whose genes are linked with those of sex. Sol. A more or less fluid colloidal state. Solute. The substance dissolved in a liquid. Solvent. The liquid in which a substance is dissolved. Somatic. Pertaining to the soma or body as distinguished from germ cells. Species. A group of individuals derived from similar parents, or practically alike in all important characters. Sperm. Male gamete. Spermatozoon. Spermatid. The male germ cell after the second maturation division but before its transformation into a spermatozoon. Spermatocyte. The developmental stage of the male germ cell during the growth period. Spermatogenesis. The development of a mature sperm from a primordial germ cell. Spermatogonium. One of the products of the division of the male pri- mordial germ cell. Spontaneous generation. Same as abiogenesis. Static. Pertaining to a body at rest or in equilibrium. Stimulus. Any disturbing influence producing a reaction in an organism. Stratum. A layer. Striation. Striping, such as the cross marks of skeletal muscle. Symbiosis. The association of two species of organisms for mutual benefit. Synkaryon. The fertilization nucleus formed by the union of male and female germ nuclei. Systematise A student of taxonomy. An expert in classification. Tactile. Pertaining to the sense of touch. Taxonomy. The science of classification. Theory. A general principle serving as a plausible explanation of phe- nomena, supported by facts and by relevancy of reasoning. Thorax. In mammals, the anterior division of the coelom separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm and containing the heart and the lungs. In arthropods, the middle body region. Thyroidectomy. The surgical removal of the thyroid gland. Tissue. A group of histologically similar cells. Traumatic. Due to a wound or injury. LltRARYJSa 476 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Triploblastic. Having three germ layers. Umbilical cord. A ropelike connection between the mammalian embryo and the placenta carrying embryonic blood vessels, by means of which the nutritive and respiratory needs of the embryo are supplied. The umbilicus or navel on the abdomen of the adult marks the point of attachment of the cord. Unguiculate. Provided with claws. Ungulate. Provided with hoofs. Unit character. A hereditary trait that maintains its integrity from generation to generation. Ureter. The duct leading from the kidneys to the cloaca, or to the urinary bladder. Urethra. The duct leading from the urinary bladder to the exterior. Urine. The secretion of the kidney consisting of water and other catabolic products. Urinogenital. Pertaining to the excretory and reproductive systems. Uterus. In mammals, a specialized portion of the oviduct or oviducts in which the placenta forms and the embryo develops. In the frog, a portion of the oviduct in which eggs are held before deposition. Vacuole. A small cavity or space in a cell containing fluid or other substances. Vagina. The terminal portion of the female genital tract leading from the uterus or oviducts to the exterior. Vascular. Pertaining to blood vessels, or blood supply. Vas deferens. A duct in the male leading from the testis to the exterior. Vasoconstriction. The constriction of blood vessels brought about by the contraction of muscles in the walls of the blood vessels. Vegetal, vegetative. Nutritive. Said of the pole of the egg in which the yolk is concentrated. Venous blood. Deoxygenated blood. Vertebrate. An animal with a backbone or vertebral column. Viscera. Internal organs. In mammals, the contents of the abdomen. Vitalism. The doctrine that living phenomena can only be explained by assuming the presence in protoplasm of a "vital" factor of some sort in addition to the factors made up of the chemical and physical properties of protoplasm. Viviparous. Reproduction by birth. Voltaic pile. A vertical series of alternating disks of two dissimilar metals, as zinc and copper, separated by disks of paper moistened with acid water. When the top and bottom are connected by a wire, a current of electricity is produced. Zoom. One of the members of a hydroid colony. Zygote. The fertilized egg, or the individual produced from the egg. Exconjugants are also zygotes. INDEX Names of genera and species are printed in italics; names of higher ranks, such as families, orders etc., in capitals and small capitals; all other terms and proper names in roman type. Numbers refer to pages. Abducens nerve, 179 Abomasum, 98 Absorption, 115 carbohydrate, 117 fat, 118 gastric, 115 large intestine, 119 protein, 115 small intestine, 115 ACANTHOCEPHALA, 409 Acanthometra, 375, 376 Accommodation, 196 Acetabulum, 67, 69 Achorutes, 428 Achroodextrin, 111 Acicula, 417 Acipenser, 448 ACNIDOSPORIDIA, 380 Acoela, 400 Acquired characters, 265, 266 Acromegaly, 206 Acromium, 67 Actinopoda, 375 Actinospherium, 375, 376 Adaptation, 324-358 Adductor brevis muscle, 81 Adductor longus muscle, 80 Adductor magnus muscle, 80 Adhesive cells, 398 Adrenal gland, 39, 147, 213, 214 Adrenalin, 213 Adrenotropic hormone, 208 Afterbirth, 163 Agamic reproduction, 154 Agglutination, 300 Agkistrodon, 338, 452 Albumin, 109 Alcohol, effect on germ cells, 267 Alimentary canal, 85 Euplanaria, 86 frog, 32, 95, 100, 102 grasshopper, 87 human, 96, 99 Hydra, 86, 392 vertebrate, 88 Alimentation, 85-119 Allelomorph, 270 Alligator, 451 Alopex, 334 Alveolar cells, 103 Amaroudum, 442 Ambystoma, 450 locomotion of, 70 coloration of, 333 Ambystoma maculatum, 450 Ambystoma microstomum, 70 Ambystoma opacum, 450 Ameiurus, 449 Amia, 449 Amictic female, 410 Amino acid, 114 Amitosis, 224, 225 Ammophila, 356 Amoeba, 370-376 Amoebida, 370 Amphibia, 449 Amphigony, 154 Amphineura, 433 Amphioxus, 443 Amplexus, 154, 161 Ampulla, 200, 436 Amylase, 33, 107 477 478 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Amylopsin, 33 Anabolism, 9 Analogy, 261 Anasa tristis, 430 sex chromosomes, 231 sex inheritance, 275 Anax, 429 Angulare, 59 Animal associations, 339 Animal communities, 360-363 Animal distribution, 363-366 Animal kingdom, 367-476 Annelida, 414 Anodonta, 434 Anopheles, 378, 413 Anoplura, 430 Antelope, 338 Anthozoa, 397 Antibody, 299 Antilocarpa, 338 Antitoxin, 351 Antlers, 50 Ants, 345, 432 Anura, 450 Aorta, 124, 132 Aphid, 430 Aphis, 430 Apis mellifica, 432 sting of, 328, 329 Apoda, 450 Appendages, paired, 68, 255 unpaired, 62 Appendicular skeleton, 55 Appetite secretion, 112 Aqueous humor, 194 Arachnida, 422 Arachnoidea, 422 Arbacia, 439 Archaeopteryx, 453, 454 Archenteron, 248 Archeocytes, 387 Archiannelida, 416 Architeuthis, 435 Argiope, 422 Argonauta, 435 Aristotle, 311 Arrectores pilorum, 49 Arterial arches, 124 Arteries, 121-125 Arthropoda, 420 Artificial parthenogenesis, 437 Artiodactyla, 456 Ascaris, 407, 408 chromosomes in, 231 cleavage in, 235 Ascon sponge, 386 Ascorbic acid, 110 Aspidiotus, 430 Asterias, 436, 438 ASTEROIDEA, 437 Astragalus, 70 Atlas vertebra, 61 Atta, communalism of, 345 Auditory function, 202 Auditory ganglion, 178, 252 Auditory meatus, 202 Auditory nerve, 179 Aurelia, 395 Autonomic nervous system, 181-184 Aves, 452 Axial skeleton, 54 frog, 55 larval salamander, 63 Axis cylinder, 169 B Babesia, 422 Bacterial digestion, 119 Bagg, H. J., 268 Balanoglossus, 441 Balanus, 422 Basal metabolism, 109 Basilar membrane, 202 Basilar papilla, 199 Basilarchia, mimicry of, 336, 337 Basophile leucocytes, 138 Bathybic animals, 361 Bdellostoma, 446 Bees, 432 Beetles, 431 heart of, 427 Beriberi, 110 Beroe, 399 Biceps muscle, 81 Bicuspid valve, 131 INDEX 479 Bidder's canal, 149 Bile, 33, 102, 103 capillaries, 102 Binomial nomenclature, 24 Biogenesis, 258, 293 Biology, 1 Birds, 452 Bivalent chromosomes, 230 Bladder, frog, 32, 39, 150 human, 151 Blastomeres, 246 Blastopore, 248 Blastula, 247 Blind spot, 195 Bliss us, 430 Blood, 134-138 frog corpuscles, 135, 136 human corpuscles, 137 Blood groups, 300 Blood platelets, 138 Blood vessels, 121-129 arteries, 121 capillaries, 121 endothelium, 121 of frog, 129 perithelium, 122 small intestine, 116 veins, 121 vertebrate, 120 Bombus, 432 Bone, 73, 74 Bones, vertebrate skeleton, 56-73 Bony labyrinth, 200 Brachiopoda, 412 Brain, 175 Branchial structures, 254 Branchiostoma, 444 Br aula, 431 Brooks, W. K., 358 Brown Leghorn, gonadectomy, 217, 234 Brown, Robert, 13 Brow spot, 28 Bryozoa, 411 Buffon, Comte de, 311 Bitfo, 331, 338, 451 Bufogin, 331 Bufotalin, 331 Bugs, 430 Bugula, 412 Bulbus cordis, 124 Busy con, 434 Butterflies, 431 Basilarchia, 336, 337 Danaus, 336-337 Kallima, 334-335 mimicry of, 334 C Caecum, 102 Calcaneum, 70 Calcar, 70 Calcarea, 388 Calciferous glands, 419 Calories, 108 Calorimetry, 107 Calosoma, 431 Cambarus, 422 Camel, 366 Cancer, 422 Canine teeth, 91 Capillaries, bile, 102 blood, 121 Capon, 234 Carbohydrate, 7 Carbohydrate metabolism, 117 Carbon dioxide, 140 Carcharias, 447 Carchesium, 383 Carcinonemertes, 405 Cardiac glands, 98 Caretta, 452 Carnivora, 456 Carotid gland, 127 Carpus, frog, 69 Cartilage, 73 Meckel's, 59 Casein, 109 Cat skeleton, 62 Catabolism, 9 Catfish, 449 Felichthys, 356, 357 Caudata, 450 Cavum aorticum, 125 Cavum pulmocutaneum, 125 480 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Cells, 13 adhesive, 398 alveolar, 103 blood, 135, 136 chromaffin, 213 chromophile, 213 ciliated, 51 division, 219 endothelial, 16 germ, 219, 237 goblet, 93 granular, 98 islet, 103, 104 mitosis in, 220 nerve, 167 pigment, 16, 43 plain muscle, 95 somatic, 219 spindle, 136 structure of, 14 Cement substance, 89 Centipedes, 423 Central nervous system, 184 Centrioles, 220 Centrosome, 220 Centrum, 60 Cephalization, 170 Cephalopoda, 434 Cephalothorax, 421 Ceratium, 368, 369 Cercaria, 402 Cerebellum, 175 Cerebral hemispheres, 175 Cerebratulus, 405 Cerebrospinal fluid, 177 Ceruminous glands, 48 Cestoidea, 403 Cestus, 399 Cetacea, 456 Chaetoderma, 434 Chaetognatha, 414 Chaetogordius, 416 Chaetopleura, 434 Chelydra, 452 Chick embryo, 259 Child, C. M., 268 Childia, 400 Chilopoda, 424 Chiroptera, 455 Chlorohydra, 395 symbiosis of, 347 Choanocytes, 385, 387 Choloepus, mimicry of, 347 Chondrocranium, 59 Chondrostei, 448 Chordae tendineae, 124 Chordata, 440-457 Choroid fissure, 257 Choroid layer, 193 Choroid plexus, 177 Chromaffin cells, 213, 215 Chromatin, 220 diminution of, 235, 236 Chromatophores, 43, 47, 368, 369 Chromophile cells, 213 Chromosomes, 15 Anasa tristis, 231 Ascaris, 231, 235 bivalent, 230 crossing over of, 280-283 diminution of, 235 disjunction of, 230 Drosophila, 233 in gametogenesis, 229 heterochromosome, 232 maps of, 283, 285 in meiosis, 230 in Mendelian heredity, 272, 273 number, 225, 230, 245 odd, 232 qualitative division of, 230 quantitative division of, 230 Rana, 231, 245 sex, 231, 232 theory of heredity, 263 X, 232, 234, 275, 276 Y, 232, 234, 275, 276 Chrysemys, 452 Chyle, 118 Chyme, 113 Cicada, 430 Cilia, 368 ClLIATA, 380 ClLIOPHORA, 380 Cimbex, 432 Ciinex, 430 INDEX 481 Ciona, 294, 442 Circulatory system, 120-143 dogfish, 129 frog, 129, 130 Cisterna magna, 36 Citellus, hibernation of, 352, 353 Classification, scheme of, 24 Clavicle, frog, 66 Claws, 48 Cleavage, 246 Ascaris, 235 frog, 247 holoblastic, 246 hydrolytic, 104 meroblastic, 246 Clitellum, 158 Cloaca, 33 Cnidocil, 390 Cnidosporidia, 380 Coagulating enzyme, 107 COCCIDIOMORPHA, 378 Coccidium, 377, 378 Coccinella, 431 Coccygeoiliacus muscle, 78 Coccygeosacralis muscle, 78 Coccyx, 62 Cochlear duct, 199 Cockroach, 429 regeneration in, 349 Codosiga, 369, 370 Coelata, 400 coelenterata, 388 Cold receptors, 188 COLEOPTERA, 431 COLLEMBOLA, 428 Colloidal state, 6 Colon, 102 Color blindness, 279, 280 Coluber, 452 Columella, 202, 256 Commensalism, 345, 346 Communalism, 340-345 Communities, animal, 360-362 Compound eye, 192 Cones, 194 Conjugation, Paramecium, 381 Contractile vacuole, 368 Copperhead, 338 Copulation, earthworm, 158 Coracohumeralis muscle, 76 Coregonus, 449 Corium, 44 Corocoid, 66 Coronoid process, 59, 67 Corpus luteum, 217 Corpuscles, 134 frog, 135 human, 137 Krause, 188 Pacini, 188 Ruffini, 188 Corti, organ of, 202 Cortin, 215 Crab, hermit, 347 regeneration of, 349 Cranial nerves, 177 Cranium, frog, 56 human, 58 Creatinine, 8 Cretaceous time, 365 Cretinism, 211 Cricket, 429 Crinoidea, 437 Cristae acusticae, 200 Cristatella, 412 Crocodile, 451 Crocodylus, 451 Cro-Magnon man, 307 Crossing over, 280-283 Crossopterygii, 448 Crotalus, 330, 452 Crus, 81 Crustacea, 421 Cryptobranchus, 450 Ctenocephalis, 432 Ctenoid scale, 448 Ctenophora, 397 Cucumaria, 440 Cuticle, 51 Cuticula dentis, 89 Cuvier, Georges, 324 Cycloid scale, 448 Cyclops, 422 Cyclostomata, 445 Cysticercus, 349 Cytokinesis, 19 482 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Cytology, 12 Cytopharynx, 368 Cytoplasmic heredity, 264, 286 Cytosome, 14 Cytostome, 380, 381 D Dalyellia, 400 Danaus, mimicry of, 336, 337 Darwin, Charles, 311, 312, 325 evolution theory of, 323 Darwin, Erasmus, 311 De Vries, H., 319, 320 Deaminization, 115, 116 Deltoideus muscle, 76 Dendrobates, 331 Dendronotus, 434 Dentale, 59 Dentalium, 434 Dentine, 49, 89 Dentition, 91 Depressor maxillae inferioris mus- cle, 78 Dermoptera, 455 Dextrin, 111 Dextrose, 104 Diabetes mellitus, 117 Diastatic enzymes, 106 Diastole, 127 Diapheromera, 429 mimicry, 335 Diapophysis, 64 Dichogamy, 154 Didelphys, 455 feint of, 339 Diencephalon, 175 Difflugia, 322, 374, 376 DlGENEA, 402 Digestion, 103 bacterial, 119 extracellular, 85 gastric, 112, 113 intracellular, 85 large intestine, 119 salivary, 111 small intestine, 113, 114 Digestive enzymes, 106 Digitigrade, 71 Dioecious, 153 Diplocentrus, 422 Diplopoda, 423 Dipnoi, 449 Diptera, 431 Disease, inheritance of, 288 Disjunction, 230, 264 Dissepiment, 146, 415 Distribution, 359, 363, 366 Dogfish, circulation, 129 Dolichoglossus, 441 Dominance, 273 Drosophila, chromosomes of, 233 sex inheritance in, 275 sex-linked inheritance in, 277, 278, 282 Duodenum, frog, 33, 100 human, 100 Dutrochet, R.S.H., 13 Dytiscus, 431 E Ear, external, 202 inner, 199, 256 middle, 202 stones in, 200 Earthworm, 418 calciferous glands, 419 clitellum, 158 cuticle, 51 nephridia, 147 nervous system, 171, 172 reproductive system, 157, 158 Ecdysis, 42, 52, 428 Echidna, 454 Echinarachnius, 439 echinodermata, 435 Echinoidea, 439 Echinorhynchus, 409 Ecology, 3, 363 Ectoderm, 250 Edentata, 455 Effectors, 165 Egg, frog, 247 human, 237 Hydra, 156 INDEX 483 Egg, Nereis, 240 starfish, 240 Elasmobranchii, 447 Electric organ, 331, 332 ray, 447 Electroplax, 331 Eleidin, 47 Embryo, chick, 259 frog, 252 human, 295 shark, 162 Enamel, 89 Enchytraeus, 418 Endamoeba, 370 Endemic goiter, 211 Endocrines, 205 Endoderm, 248, 253 Endolymph, 200 Endomixis, 282, 383 Endoskeleton, 54 Endothelium, 121 Ensiform process, 68 Entelechy, 12 Enterokinase, 106 Enteropneusta, 440 Environment, 288, 359 Enzymes, 105, 106 coagulating, 107 diastatic, 106 digestive, 106 inverting, 107 lipolytic, 107 proteolytic, 106 Eoanthropus dawsoni, 307 Eohippus, 304 Eosinophile, 138 Epargyreus, 431 Ephemera, 429 Ephemeroptera, 428 Epidermis, 42, 43 Epinephrine, 213 Episternum, 67 Epithelium, 42 Epizoanthus, 397 Equilibration, 203 Equus, 305 Erepsin, 106 Eretmochelys, 452 Ergosterol, 111 Erythrocyte, 137 Erythrodextrin, 111 Esophageal glands, 32 Esophagus, 94-96 Eubranchipus, 421 Euciliata, 381 Eucypris, 422 Eugenics, 287-289 Euglena, 368, 369 eyespot in, 353 Eupagurus, symbiosis of, 346, 347 Euplanaria, 86, 400 Euplectella, 388 Eurycea, 450 Eustachian tube, 29 Eutheria, 455 Evolution, 3, 21, 290 horse, 304, 305 man, 306 Excretion, 144 Exhormone, 110 Extensor cruris muscle, 83 External ear, 202 External iliac vein, 130 Extracellular digestion, 85 Eye, 257 accommodation of, 196 compound, 192 development of, 257 human, 193, 194 muscles of, 197 Planaria, 192 Eyespot, 368 F Facial nerve, 179 Factor, 263 Fangs, 330 Fasciola, 402, 403 Fat, 7, 118 Fat body, 160 Feathers, 48 Feather stars, 437 Feeble-minded, 288 Feint, 338, 339 Felichthys, 356 484 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Femur, 69 Fenestra ovalis, 201 Fenestra rotunda, 201 Fertilization, 239 frog, 244 Nereis, 242, 243 Fertilizin, 239 Fibiale, 70 Fibrinogen, 33, 116, 134 Fibula, 70 Fishes, 447 Flatworms, 399-405 Fleas, 431 Flemming, W., 19 Flies, 431 Flounder, 334 Flustra, 412 Food, 109 Foodstuff, 107, 109 Food vacuole, 368 Foramen magnum, 56 Foramen of Monro, 176 Foramen ovale, 56, 201 Foramen rotunda, 201 Foraminifera, 375 Forelimb, 69 Fossils, 302 Fovea centralis, 195 Fresh-water animals, 262 Frog, 449 adrenal body, 147 alimentary canal, 32, 33, 94-97 amplexus, 161 bladder, 32, 39, 150 blood, 135, 136 blood vascular system, 129, 130 brow spot, 28 chromatophores, 43 development, 243-252 ear, 256 fat body, 160 gill clefts, 254 gills, 254, 255 glands, 44, 45 glottis, 30 heart, 122, 127 hyoid skeleton, 59 Frog, kidney, 147 liver, 30, 31, 33 lung, 34 lymphatic system, 32, 36 metamorphosis, 40, 258 nephrostome, 147 nervous system, 178, 251 ovary, 38, 39 pancreas, 33 pleuroperitoneal cavity, 30 reproduction, 38, 159 skeleton, 56-60 skin, 27, 28, 43 teeth, 29, 89 testis, 39 urinogenital organs, 160 vocal cords, 35 Frontoparietal, 56 G Galeopithecoidea, 455 Gall bladder, 33 Gall insect, 430 Gametes, 154 law of segregation, 270 Gametogenesis, 219, 225, 226 Ganglion, 168, 252 Ganglionic nervous system, 170 Ganoidei, 448 Ganoid scale, 448 Ganoin, 448 Garpike, 449 Gastric absorption, 115 Gastric digestion, 112-114 Gastric secretin, 112 Gastrocnemius muscle, 81 Gastrocoel, 248 Gastrohepatoduodenal ligament, 32 Gastropoda, 434 Gastrotricha, 411 Gastrovascular cavity, 85, 392 Gastrulation, 248, 249 Gegenbaur, Karl, 19 Gene, 263, 284, 286 Genetics, 3, 269-289 Geniohyoideus muscle, 75 INDEX 485 Genotype, 321 Geological map, 364, 365 Geological table, 303 Gephyrea, 419 Germ cells, 237, 267 Germ layers, 248 Germ ring, 248 Germ track, 265, 268 Gerris, 430 Gigantism, 206, 207 Gill, 254, 255 cleft of, 254 pouch of, 255 Gizzard, 98 Gland, 44 Glenoid fossa, 67 Globigerina, 375 Glomerulus, 148 Glossina, 370, 431 Glossopharygeal nerve, 179 Glottis, 30 Gluten, 109 Gluteus muscle, 81 Glycerin, 114, 115 Glycogenase, 107 Glycosuria, 216 Goblet cell, 93 Golgi material, 17 Gonad, 153, 216, 217 Gonadectomy, 217, 234 Gonadotropic hormone, 207 Gonionemus, 389, 395 Gordius, 409 Gorilla, skeleton, 310 Gram-calorie, 108 Grantia, 387, 388 Granular cells, 98 Grasshopper, 87, 330, 424, 429 Gravitational receptor, 198 Gray crescent, 244 Green hydra (Chlorohydra), 347 Gregarina, 375, 377 Gregarinina, 375 Growth, 11 Gryllus, 429 Guyer, M. F., 267 Gymnotes, 331 H Hagfish, 445 Hair, 48, 49 Hairworm, 407 Half-spindle fibers, 223 Halteria, 383 Hare, 334 Hathrometra, 437 Haversian canal, 74 Heart, beetle, 427 frog, 122, 123 human, 131, 132 lymph, 36 Heidelberg man, 307 Heliozoa, 375 Helix, 434 Helodrilus, copulation, 158 Hemal rib, 63 Hemiptera, 430 Hemocoel, 87 Hemoglobin, 139 Hemolymph gland, 142 Henle's loop, 152 Hensen's line, 83 Hepatic duct, 33 Hepatic portal system, 131 Hepatopancreatic duct, 33 Heredity, 262-288 Hermaphroditic reproduction, 153 Hermit crab, symbiosis, 346 347 Heterochromosome, 232 Heterodont dentition, 91 Heterotrichida, 383 Heterozygote, 271 Hibernation, 40, 352, 352 Hindlimb, 69 Hippocampus, 152 Hippospongia, 388 Hirudin, 419 HlRTJDINEA, 419 Hirudo, 420 Histology, 2 bone, 73 cartilage, 73 corium, 44 epidermis, 42 skeletal muscle, 83 486 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Hoactzin, 453 Holoblastic cleavage, 246 Holophytic nutrition, 368 Holostei, 448 Holothuria, 440 HOLOTHURIOIDEA, 439 HOLOTRICHIDA, 381 Holozoic nutrition, 368 Homodont dentition, 91 Homoiothermous, 352 Homology, 260, 292, 293 Homo neanderthalensis, 307 Homo sapiens, 305 Homoptera, 430 Homozygote, 271 Honeybee, 340 comb of, 342 development of, 343 organization of, 340 sting of, 328, 329 Hoof, 50 Hookworm, 407 Hormiphora, 398 Hormones, 114, 205-218 Horns, 50 Horse, distribution of, 366 evolution of, 306 spinal nerves of, 180 teeth of, 91 Humerus, 69 Hydatina, 86, 389, 391 Hydra, 86, 389, 392 egg of, 156 nematocysts of, 390 nervous system of, 169 Hydrolytic cleavage, 104 Hydrozoa, 394 Hyla, 333 Hymenoptera, 432 Hyoglossus muscle, 75 Hyoid apparatus, 59 Hyperoartia, 446 Hyperotreta, 445 Hyperthyroidism, 211 Hypoglossal nerve, 179 Hypophysis, 206 hormones of, 206-208 Hypostome, 391 Hypothyroidism, 211 Hypotrichida, 383 Hyracoidea, 456 Hyracotherium, 304 Ichneumon flies, 432 Ichthyophis, 450 Ictalurus, 449 Ileocaecal valve, 102 Ileum, 33 Iliofibulare muscle, 81 Iliopsoas muscle, 81 Ilium, 67 Immunity, 351 Incisor teeth, 91 Incus, 202 Inferior vena cava, 131 Infraspinatus muscle, 78 Infundibulum, pituitary gland, 206 Inheritance, acquired character, 265 color blindness, 279, 280 cytoplasmic, 286 disease, 288 feeble-mindedness, 288 mental ability, 287 sex, 275, 276 Inner ear, 199 Inorganic salts, 7 Inosite, 8 Insecta, 424 Insectivora, 455 Insulin, 117, 216 Integrative action of nervous sys- tem, 203 Integument, 42 frog, 42 human, 45-48 invertebrate, 50-52 Intercellular bridges, 43 Intermaxillary glands, 93 Intermediate lobe, pituitary gland, 206, 209 Internal secretion, 205-218 Interzonal fibers, 223 Intestine, 32, 33 Intracellular digestion, 85 INDEX 487 Intrauterine development, 161 Inverting enzymes, 107 Iris, 194, 257 Irritability, 10 Islet cells, 103, 104 ISOPTERA, 429 Iter, of midbrain, 176 Jaws, 254 Johannsen, W., 322 Joints, 37 Jnliis, 424 K Kallima, mimicry of, 334, 335 Kangaroo, 357 Karyokinesis, 19, 222 Karyolymph, 17 Keratohyaline granules, 46 Kidney, frog, 147 human, 150, 151 KlNORHYNCHA, 411 Knee jerk, 184 Krause's corpuscle, 188 Krause's membrane, 183 Labium, 87, 424 Labrum, 87, 424 Labyrinth, bony, 200 membranous, 200, 256 Lacbrtilia, 451 Lactase, 107 Lactogenic hormone, 208 Lagopus, 334 Lamarck, J. B., 1, 311, 325 Lamprey, 446 Laqueus, 413 Large intestine, 33 cat, 102 frog, 102 horse, 102 man, 102 Larva, 40 tadpole, 254-256 trochophore, 416 veliger, 433 Larynx, 32-35 Lateral dermal fold, 28 Latissimus dorsi muscle, 78 Lavine, 111 Law of biogenesis, 258, 293 Law of independent assortment, 270 Law of population, 313 Law of segregation, 270 Leech, 417 Leeuwenhoek, A. van, 367 Lens, 194, 257 Lepidoderma, 411 Lepidoptera, 431 Lepidosiren, 449 Lepisosteus, 449 Leptinotarsa, 431 amitosis, 225 egg, 227 Leptocardia, 442 Leptosynapta, 440 Lepus, 334 Lethocerus, 430 Leucocytes, 136-138 Leucon sponge, 386 Levator bulbi, 197 Libinia, 422 symbiosis of, 347 Lice, 430 Light, 353, 354 perception of, 195 reaction to, 353 receptors of, 191 Limax, 434 Limbs, 69, 70 Limulus, 422 Linea alba, 76 Linkage, 284 Linnaeus, C, 23 Lipase, 33, 107, 114 Lipolytic enzyme, 107 Lithobius, 377 Lithocyst, 198 Little, C. C, 268 Littoral animals, 361 488 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Liver, 30, 31, 33, 102, 103 Liver fluke, 402 Liver rot, 403 Lizards, 451 Llama, 366 Loligo, 435 Longissimus dorsi muscle, 78 Longitudinal valve, 124, 125 Lophophore, 411 Lumbricus, 418 Lung, 34 Lungfish, 449 Lutra, 334 Lygaeus, 430 Lymnaea, 434 Lymph, 141 Lymph gland, 135 Lymph heart, 36, 133 Lymphatic system, 36, 133 vessels of, 116, 135 Lymphocytes, 138 M M acranthorhynchiis, 409 Macrobiotus, 423 Macropus, 455 Maculae acusticae, 200 Madreporite, 436 Magellania, 413 Magicicada, 430 Malaclemys, 452 Malacostraca, 422 Malaria, 380 Malaria parasite, 379 Malleus, 202 Malpighian tubules, 87, 145, 420 Maltase, 107 Malthus, Thomas, 313 Maltose, 111 Malt sugar, 104 Mammalia, 454 Mammary gland, 47 Man, 305, 457 alimentary canal of, 96, 99 Cro-Magnon, 307-309 ear of, 199-203 evolution of, 306-311 Man, excretory organs of, 151 eye of, 194 heart of, 132 heredity of, 287-289 prehistoric, 304-309 skeleton of, 310 Mandible, 87 Manubrium, 68 Map, chromosome, 285 Cretaceous time, 365 Permian time, 364 Margaropus, 422 Marsupials, 454 Mastigophora, 368 Maxilla, 87 Maxillary bone, 58 Mayflies, 428 Mechanism, 12 Meckel's cartilage, 59 Medulla oblongata, 175 Medullated nerve, 168 Medusa, 389 Megarhyssa, 432 Meiosis, 230 Melanopas, 429 Melophagus, 431 Membrane bone, 73 Membranous labyrinth, 200, 256 Mendelian heredity, 269 Meninges, 176 Mental ability, inheritance, 287 Mentomeckelian, 59 Meroblastic cleavage, 246 Mesencephalon, 175 Mesentery, 31 Mesoderm, 249 Mesogaster, 32 Mesohippus, 304 Mesorchium, 159 Mesovarium, 160 Metabolism, 9 basal, 109 carbohydrate, 117 fat, 118 protein, 115 Metamorphosis, 40, 258, 427 Metatheria, 454 Metazoa, 384 INDEX 489 Metencephalon, 175 Metridium, 396, 397 Micrometer, 18 Micron, 18 Microstomum, 400 Mictic female, 410 Middle ear, 202, 256 Millipedes, 423 Mimicry, 334-337 Miracidium, 402 Mitochondria, 16, 17 Mitosis, 19, 220, 221 Mnemiopsis, 398, 399 Moisture, 354 Molar teeth, 91 Mollusca, 432 Molting, 42 Monoecious, 153 MONOGENEA, 400 Monomorium, 432 Morphology, 2, 4 Mosquito, 431 Moths, 431 Motor end plate, 190 Motor neuron, 168 Mouth, frog, 254 insect, 424 Mucilago, 375 Mucosa, 94, 101 Muller, H. J., 267 Musca, 431 Muscles, 75-84 cardiac, 122 eye, 197 head and trunk, of frog, 75-78 histology of, 83 leg, of frog, 81 plain, 95 thigh, of frog, 78-81 Mustelus, 447 Mutation theory, 319 Mya, 434, 435 Mycetozoa, 375 Myelencephalon, 175 Myenteric plexus, 95 Myocyte, 387 Myofibril, 82, 83 Myoneme, 380 Myriapoda, 423 Myxedema, 211 Myxine, 446 Myxobolus, 380 N Nageli, Carl von, 19 Nails, 48 Nares, 29 Nasal bones, 57 Nasal cavity, 57 Natural affinities, 23 Natural selection, 313 Nautilus, 435 Navel, 163 Necator, 407 Necturus, 450 Nemathelminthes, 406 Nematoblast, 390 Nematocyst, 390 Nematoda, 406 Nematomorpha, 408 Nemertea, 404 Neoceratodus, 449 Neornithes, 454 Nephridia, 145 Nephridial tubule, 146 Nephridiopore, 146, 147 Nephrostome, 146, 147 Nereis, 24, 417, 418 fertilization of, 241, 243 Nerves, cranial, 177-180 spinal, 80 Nervous system, 165 autonomic, 181-184 central, 184 diffuse, 169 earthworm, 171-173 flatworm, 86 frog, 178 functional significance of, 185 ganglionic, 170 integrative action of, 203 Nervus terminalis, 180 Neural arch, 60 Neural spine, 60 Neural tube, 250, 251 490 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Neurenteric canal, 251 Neuromuscular spindle, 188, 190 Newport, G., 19 Nictitating membrane, 28 Nitrogen equilibrium, 116 Noctiluca, 368 NoNCALCAREA, 388 Notochord, 62, 63, 249, 252, 440 Nuclearia, 374 Nucleolus, 17 Nuda, 399 Nutrition, 368 O Obelia, 393, 395 Obliquus externus muscle, 76 Obliquus internus muscle, 76 Occipital condyle, 56 Octopus, 435 Oculomotor nerve, 177 Odd chromosome, 232 Odonata, 429 Odontoblast, 90 Oenothera lamarckiana, 319, 320 Oikopleura, 442 Oil gland, 47 Olecranon, 69 Olfactory epithelium, 191 Olfactory nerve, 177 Oligochaeta, 418 Oligotrichida, 383 Omasum, 98 Ommatidium, 192 Omosternum, 67 Onchorhynchus, 449 Ontogeny, 237 Onychophora, 423 Oocyte, 227, 228 Oogenesis, 226 Opalina, 381 Ophiura, 438, 439 Ophiuroidea, 439 Opossum, 339, 357 Optic cup, 257 Optic nerve, 177 Optic vesicle, 257 Oral cavity, frog, 29 mammal, 88 Oral glands, frog, 93 mammal, 93 man, 94 Organismal theory, 21 Ornithorhynchus, 454 Os innominatum, 68 Osphradium, 435 Ostrea, 434 Orthoptera, 429 Orthosympathetic nervous system, 183 Otic pit, 256 Otoconia, 200 Otter, 334 Ovary, 39, 155 Overproduction, 313 Oviduct, earthworm, 158 frog, 160 man, 238 Oviparous, 154 Ovipositor, 330 Ovotestis, 153 Ovum, frog, 160 Hydra, 155 man, 238 Oxygen, 139 Oxyhemoglobin, 139 Pacinian corpuscle, 188, 189 Paedogenesis, 421 Pain receptors, 187 Paired appendages, 68, 255 Palaemonetes, 422 Palatine, 57 Paleontology, 3, 301 Pancreas, 33, 103, 104, 215 Pancreatic secretin, 113 Papanicolaou, G. N., 267 Papilio, 431 Papirius, 428 Paracasein, 112 Parallel induction, 267 Paramecium, 381, 383 Parapodium, 417 INDEX 491 Parapophysis, 64 Parasitism, 348 Parasympathetic nervous system, 183 Parasphenoid, 56 Parathyroid gland, 212 Parenchyma, 399 Parietal organ, 176 Parotid gland, 94 Parotoid gland, 331 Parthenogenesis, 154, 437 Pectineus muscle, 81 Pectoral girdle, 65, 67 Pectoralis muscle, 76 Pediculus, 430 Pelagic animals, 361 Pelecypoda, 434 Pelvic girdle, 67, 68 Pelvic vein, 130 Pepsin, 32, 106 Perforatorium, 241 Pericardium, 30 Peripatus, 423 Perilymphatic fluid, 200 Periplaneta, 429 Perissodactyla, 457 Perithelium, 122 Peritrichida, 383 Permian time, 364 Peroneus muscle, 82 Petromyzon, 447 Phalanges, 69, 70 Phalangium, 422 Pharynx, 32 Phenotype, 321 Pholidota, 456 Phoronidea, 413 Phoronis, 414 Photiniis, 431 Photosynthesis, 10 Phrynosoma, 451 Phthirius, 430 Phyllium, 335 Phylloxera, 430 Physalia, 394, 395 Physiology, 2, 4 Phytomastigophora, 368 Pieris, 431 Pigeons, 235, 279, 298 Pigment, 354 Pineal organ, 29 Pinealis, 176 Pinna, 202 Pinnipedia, 456 Pisces, 447 Pithecanthropus erectus, 305 Pitocin, 209 Pitressin, 209 Pituitary gland, 176, 206, 207, 209 Placenta, 162, 423 Placodes, 252 Placoid scale, 49, 59, 90 Plain muscle, 95 Planaria, 192 Planocera, 50, 51, 400 commensalism of, 346 polar bodies of, 229 Plantigrade, 71 Plasma, 134 Plasmodium, 378 Plasmodroma, 368 Platyhelminthes, 399 Platypus, 454 Pleurobrachia, 399 Pleuroperitoneal cavity, 30 Plumatella, 412 Poikilothermous, 351 Poison gland, 28 Polar bear, 334 Polar body, 228, 229 Polocyte, 228 POLYCHAETA, 416 POLYCLADIDA, 400 Polygordius, 416 Polyneuritis, 110 Polynices, 434 Polyodon, 448 Polyp, 389 Polypterus, 448 Polystoma, 405 Porcellio, 422 PORIFERA, 385 Porthetria, 431 Posterior pituitary lobe, 206, 209 Potato beetle, 431 amitosis in, 225 492 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Potato beetle, egg of, 227 Praying mantis, 429 Precava, 126 Precipitin tests, 300 Prehallux, 70 Prehistoric Man, 308 Premaxillary, 58 Premolar teeth, 91 Pressure, 355 Primates, 455 Pristis, 448 Proboscidea, 456 Proctociliata, 381 Progestin, 217 Proglottid, 349, 405 Prootic, 56 Proprioceptors, 188 Prorennin, 107 Prostoma, 405 Prostomium, 415 Protective coloration, 333, 334 Protein, 7 Proteolytic enzymes, 106 Proteomyxa, 374 Proteus, 326, 450 Protohippus, 305 Protonephridia, 144 Protoparce, 431 Protoplasm, 2, 5, 7 doctrine, 5 Protopterus, 449 Protorohippus, 304 Prototheria, 454 Protozoa, 367 Proventriculus, 98 Provitamin, 111 Psalterium, 98 Pseudoconjugation, 376 Pseudopodia, 368 Ptarmigan, 334 Pterygoid, 57, 58 Ptyalin, 94, 106, 112 Pulex, 432 Pulmocutaneous artery, 124 Pulmonary aorta, 132 Pupil, 194 Pure line, 321, 322 Putrefaction, 119 Pygostyle, 62 Pyloric glands, 98 Pyloric valve, 100 Pylorus, 32 Pyriformis muscle, 81 Q Quadratojugal, 58 Qualitative division, 230 Quantitative division, 230 R Rabbit, 33, 338 Race preservation, 355 Radiale, 69 Radiolaria, 375 Radioulna, 69 Radius, 70 Rata, 101 Raji, 447 Rami communicantes, 181 Rana, 450 (See also Frog) Rattlesnake, 330, 332 Ray, 447 Receptors, 165, 187-189, 198 Rectum, 102 Rectus abdominis muscle, 76 Rectus femoris anticus muscle, 81 Rectus internus major muscle, 80 Rectus internus minor muscle, 80 Red corpuscles, 137 Redia, 402 Reflex action, 183, 184 Regeneration, 349, 350 Reissner's membrane, 202 Remora, 345, 346 Renal artery, 130 Renal portal vein, 130 Renal vein, 130 Rennin, 107 Reproduction, 163 agamic, 154 dioecious, 153 earthworm, 157 frog, 38, 159 INDEX 493 Reproduction, Hydra, 154 monoecious, 153 parthenogenetic, 154 Planaria, 154 Protozoa, 11 Reptiles, 451 Reptilia, 451 Respiration, 45, 139 Respiratory movements, frog, 34 Reticulitermes, 430 Reticulum, 98 Retina, frog, 257 human, 195 insect, 192 Retractor bulbi, 28, 197 Rhabdites, 51, 399 Rhabdocoelida, 400 Rhabdome, 191, 193 Rhabdopleura, 441 Rhineura, 451 Rhizopoda, 370 Rhodopsin, 197 Rhomboidichthys, 334 Rib, frog, 60 hemal, 63 pleural, 63 Rickets, 110 Roaches, 429 ommatidium of, 192 Rodentia, 455 Rods of retina, 194 Rotatoria, 409 Rotifers, 409, 419 Ruffini, corpuscle of, 188 Rumen, 98 S Sacculus, 199 Sagitta, 414 St. George, La Vallette, 19 Salamanders, 449 color adaptation of, 326, 327, 333 Salienta, 450 Salivary digestion, 111 Salivary glands, 94 Salmon, 449 Salpa, 442 Samia, 431 Sand dollars, 439 Saprophytic nutrition, 370 Sarcocystis, 380 Sarcodina, 370 Sarcolemma, 83 Sarcomere, 84 Sarcoptes, 422 Sarcostyle, 83 Sartorius muscle, 78 Sawfish, 447 Sawflies, 432 Scala media, 199, 202 Scales, 49, 50, 90, 448 Scaphopoda, 434 Scapula, frog, 66 human, 67, 68 Sceloporus, 451 Schleiden, M. J., 13 Schwann, T., 13 Schweigger-Seidel, O., 19 Sclera, 193 Sclerotic coat, 257 Scolex, 404 Scolopendra, 424 Scute, 448 Scyphozoa, 396 Sea cucumber, 440 Sea lily, 437 Sea lion, teeth, 91 Sea pork, 442 Sea urchin, 439 Sebaceous gland, 47 Secondary sexual characters, 216 Sedimentary rock, 302 Segmentation, 420 Segmentation cavity, 247 Selection, artificial, 296-298 efficacy of, 321 hypothetical effect of, 318 natural, 313 pure line, 321, 322 Semimembranosus muscle, 81 Seminal receptacle, 158 Seminal vesicle, 157, 159 Semitendinosus muscle, 80 Sensation, 165 Sense organs, 186 494 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Septum bulbi, 125 Septum interaorticum, 126 Septum principale, 126 Serous membrane, 31, 94 Serpentes, 451 Serum, 134 Serum albumin, 134 Serum globulin, 134 Serum tests, 299 Sex chromosomes, 231, 232 Sex determination, 233-235 Sex inheritance, 275 Sex-linked inheritance, 276-280 Shallow-water animals, 362 Sharks, 447 embryos, 162 Sheep tick, 431 Sigmoid flexure, 102 Signals, 338 Sinanthropus pekinensis, 305, 307 SlPHONAPTERA, 431 Siren, 450 Sirenia, 456 Size, 11 Skeleton, action, 84 appendicular, 55 axial, 54, 55 cat, 62 fowl, 72 frog, 66 gorilla, 310 human, 310 Skin, frog, 27 human, 45, 46 secretion of, by toad, 331 Skull, frog, 56-58 human, 58, 310 Slime tube, 158 Sloth, two-toed, symbiosis of, 347 Slugs, 434 Small intestine, absorption, 115 blood vessels of, 116 digestion in, 113, 114 frog, 32, 100 mucosa of, 101 Smell receptors, 189 Smith, E. A., 267 Snails, 434 Snakes, 451 adaptations, 338 tongue of, 93 Somatic mitosis, 220 Somatotropic hormone, 206 Somite, 250 Sound receptor, invertebrate, 198 vertebrate, 199 Species, 23, 290 Spermatocyte, 228 Spermatogenesis, 228 Spermatogonia, 228 Spermatozoa, 239 Sphenethmoid, 57 Sphenodon, 451 Spider crab, 347 Spinal accessory nerve, 179 Spinal cord, 175, 181 Spinal ganglia, 251 Spinal nerves, 180 Spindle cell, 136 Spiracle, 255, 426 Spiral valve, intestine, 101 Spireme, 221 Spleen, frog, 32, 33 rat, 142 Sponges, 386, 388 Spongilla, 388 Sporozoa, 375 Springtails, 428 Squamosal, 57 Squamous epithelium, 42 Stagomantis, 429 Stapes, 202 Starfish, 240, 436, 437 regeneration, 349, 350 Statocysts, 198, 435 Stearic acid, 114 Stenson's duct, 94 Stentor, 384 Sterna, 339 Sternalis muscles, 76 Sternohyoideus muscle, 76 Sternoradialis muscle, 76 ' Sternum, frog, 65, 67 human, 65 INDEX 495 Stimulus, 166 Sting of honeybee, 328, 329 Stockard, C. R., 267 Stomach, fish, 97 fowl, 97 frog, 32 human, 99 ruminant, 98 Strasburger, E., 19 Stratified epithelium, 42 Stratum corneum, 42, 46 Stratum germinativum, 42, 46 Stratum granulosum, 46 Stratum lucidum, 46 Strobilation, 396 Structural protein, 17, 18 Structure, 3 Struggle for existence, 313 Stylonychia, 383, 384 Subclavian vein, 142 Sublingual gland, 94 Submaxillaris muscle, 75 Submaxillary gland, 94 Submentahs muscle, 75 Submucosa, 94 Submucosal plexus, 95 Subterranean animals, 362 Suckfish, 345 Sucrase, 107 Suctoria, 384 Superior vena cava, 131 Suprascapula, 66 Surface animals, 363 Survival of fittest, 314 Suspensorium, frog skull, 57 Sweat gland, 47 Sycon sponge, 386 Sycotypus, 345 Sygnathus, 152 Sylvilagus, 333, 338 Symbiosis, 346, 347 Sympathetic nervous system, 183 Synapse, 185 Synapsis, 230 Syphilis, 288 Systemic aorta, 132 Systole, 127 Tactile organs, 187 Taenia, 348, 349, 403, 404 Tapeworm, 348, 403 Tarsometarsal, 73 Taste bud, 191 Taste receptors, 189 Taxonomy, 3, 22 Teeth, frog, 29, 89 mammal, 89-93 Telencephalon, 175 Teleostei, 449 Teleostomi, 447 Telolecithal egg, 246 Telosporidia, 375 Temora, 421 Temperature, 351, 352 regulation of, 140 Temporalis muscle, 78 Tendo Achillis, 82 Tendon spindle, 188 Tenebrio, 431 Tentaculata, 397 Terebratulina, 413 Termites, 430 Tern, feint of, 339 Terrapene, 452 Terrestrial animals, 360, 363 Testacea, 374 Testis, earthworm, 157 frog, 39 Testudinata, 452 Thalarctos, 228 Thalassema, 419 Thamnophis, 452 Theelin, 217 Thoracic duct, 118, 141 Thrombin, 135 Thrombogen, 135 Thymus glands, 212 Thyone, 440 Thyroid gland, 209, 210 Thyrotropic hormone, 208 Thyroxine, 210 Tibia, 70 Tibiale, 70 Tibialis anticus muscle, 82 496 GENERAL ZOOLOGY Tibialis posticus muscle, 83 Tibicen, 430 Tibiofibula, 69 Tibiotarsal, 72 Toad, 331, 338, 449 Tokophrya, 384 Tongue, 93 Torpedo, 331, 332, 447 Trachea, 210, 426 Tracheal system, 426 Trachydemus, 411 Transverse colon, 102 Transverse iliac vein, 36 Transverse process, 60 Trematodes, 400 Trepang, 440 Treviranus, G. R., 1 Triceps brachii muscle, 78 Triceps femoris muscle, 81 Trichinella, 406, 407 Trichocyst, 380 Tricladida, 400 Tricuspid valve, 131 Trigeminal nerve, 179 Trinomial nomenclature, 24 Tristearin, 114 Tristoma, 402 Trochelminthes, 409 Trochlear nerve, 179 Trochophore larva, 146 Trombicula, 423 Trout, 449 Truncus arteriosus, 124-126 Truncus impar, 124 Trutta, 448, 449 Trypanosoma, 369, 370 Trypoxylon, 432 Trypsin, 33, 106 Trypsinogen, 106 Tsetse fly, 431 Tubectomy, 289 Tuberculosis, 288 Tuberculum prelinguale, 30, 35 TUBULIDENTATA, 455 Tunica muscularis, 94 Ttjnicata, 441, 442 Turbellaria, 399, 401 Turtles, 452 Twixt brain, 175 Tympanic cavity, 29 Tympanic membrane, 29, 256 Typhlosole, 146 Typhlotriton, 327 U Ulna, 70 Ulnare, 69 Umbilical cord, 162 Uncinate process, 65 Unguligrade, 71 Unity of the organism, 20 Urea, 8, 116 Ureter, 39 Urethra, 151 Urine, 117 Uriniferous tubule, 148, 149 Urinogenital organs, 160 Urodela, 450 Urostyle, 39 Uterus, 39, 163, 423 Utriculus, 199 Vacuoles, 368 Vagus nerve, 179 Valves, 100, 101, 124, 131, 133 Variation, 291, 315-317 Vas deferens, 157, 289 Vasectomy, 289 Vas efferens, 39, 159 Vastus externus muscle, 81 Vastus internus muscle, 81 Veins, 36, 121, 130, 133, 142 Veliger larva, 433 Ventral nerve cord, 173 Venus, 434 Vermiform appendix, 102 Vertebra, 61, 63, 64 Vertebral column, 60 Vertebrata, 444 Vespa, 432 Vestibulum, 201 Villus, 116 Virus, 290 INDEX 497 Visceral peritoneum, 30, 94 Visceral skeleton, 56 Vitalism, 12 Vitamins, 109-111 Vitelline membrane, 244 Vitreous humor, 194 Viviparous, 154, 162 Vocal cord, 35 Vocal sac, 30 Volvox, 368, 369 Vomerine teeth, 29 Vorticella, 383, 384 Wharton's duct, 94 Whitefish, 449 Wild boar, 296 X X chromosome, 232, 234, 275, 276 Xenopsylla, 432 Xiphisternum, 67 Xiphosura, 422 W Walking stick, 335, 429 Wallaby, 358 Warmth receptors, 188 Warning adaptations, 337, 338 Wasps, 356, 432 wing muscle, 92 Water, 45 environment, 359 Water vascular system, 436 Weapons, 328-332 Y chromosome, 232, 234, 275, 276 Yolk, 237 Yolk plug, 248 Z Zoogeography, 3 ZOOMASTIGOPHORA, 370 Zygapophyses, 61 Zygote, 154 Zymogen, 105, 106