\ H CTNERAL ZOOLOGY W^RMS collect/on 'V Toil MT.Baptl.AV E, S ihy JLF, SttjAems JFA JS , §c Printed for I X- A Arch Longman i*C! E. Jeffery X? Son T.~Mawman P aldwin ( 'radr tek X* Joy I. Booth Sherwooc 1 bQ>°. G.B Whittaker R.Scholey S. B a oster R o dwell X* Martin Saunders !• Hodgson Hamilton. Adams and Simj.’ in XeMnrshaU I.Duncan T l-I.AThna.il W I X- I.M a vn nr d a 1 id Win hi m : i u X* Cramp. M2® . . or SYSTEMATIC NATURAL HISTORY commenced bv the- late GEORGE SHAW, M.D. F.R.S.&C. WITH PL A TEA' from the first Authorities and most select specimens ^ // a la / oy/ // l /a< •///si'//// //. yy r Ms.s GRIFFITH. — . . .. - t . GENERAL ZOOLOGY VOLUME XIV. PART I. BY JAMES FRANCIS STEPHENS, F.L.S. &c. BIRDS. LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. AND A. ARCH; LONGMAN, REES, AND CO.; E. JEFFERY AND SON; J. MAWMAN; BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY; J. BOOTH; SHERWOOD AND CO.; G. B. WHITTAKER; R. SCI-IOLEY ; S. BAGSTEE ; RODWELL AND MARTIN; SAUN- DERS AND HODGSON ; HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO.; S1MPKIN AND MARSHALL ; J. DUNCAN ; T. AND J. ALLMAN ; W. J. AND J. MAYNARD ; AND WIGLITMAN AND CRAMP. 1826. LONDON: PRINTED BY THOMAS DAVISON, WHITEFRTARS &L w, s SH i9oo c.a pM-h; Directions for 'placing the Plates to Vol. XIV . Part I. The Frontispiece represents the Pogonius Hirsutus on a diminished scale: it is described at page 149. l to face page 3 Plate 22 2 4 23 3 6 24 4 7 25 5 11 26 6 14 27 7 — 15 28 8 ■ 43 29 9 53 30 10 — 61 31 11 65 32 12 66 33 13 87 34 14 109 35 15 - 118 36 16 - 124 37 17 128 38 18 156 39 19 294 40 20 182 41 21 177 195 199 205 222 228 238 248 251 255 2 76 ‘111 289 297 300 304 305 307 308 336 : *i txaomv; ; - n mr r . > . BIRDS, ORDER II.— INSESSORES. TRIBE III.— CONIROSTRES. Rostrum mediocre aut elongatum , forte, magis minusve conicum, integrum aut versus apicem subemarginatum , marginibus in- terdum denticu/atis : pedes simplices aut gressorii , tetradactyli, digiti tribus anticis, uno postico. Beak moderate or elongated, strong, more or less conic, entire or slightly emarginate near the tip, its edges sometimes denti- culated : legs simple or gressorial, four-toed, three placed before, one behind. I HIS tribe, as observed by Mr. Vigors, is distin- guished by the strength and conical form of the beak, and in general by the integrity of its margin : the typical groups are for the most part omnivorous ; the extremes chiefly granivorous : the latter are those which are comprised by Ray among his hard-billed birds. They are thus divided : Structure more peri Sturnid;e, Vigors. Structure less perl food chiefly vegets food universal : < Loxiad^e, Vigors. C FringilliDjE, Vigors. Corvids, Leach. Bucerid^e, Leach. 1 VOL. XIV. P. I. c2 FRINGILLTD/E. FAMILY I.— FRINGILLID.E. Rostrum mediocre, conicum, acuminatum , magis minusve crassum aut subulatum, integrum vel interdum versus apicem paulo utrinque emarginatum : pedes simplices. Beak moderate, conic, acuminated, more or less thickened or subulated, entire or sometimes slightly emarginated on each side near the tip ; legs simple. STIRPS I. — TANAGRINA, Vigors *. The birds included in this stirps of the family are usually of splendid and lively colours, and chiefly subsist upon grains and berries, and but sparingly on insects : they are all natives of America, and in habit resemble Sparrows. GENUS CXXXV1I. — EUPHONIA. Desmarest. Bostrum basi subtrigonum, breve, supra carinatum, versus basin utrinque tu- midum. Cauda breve. Beale somewhat trigonal and tumid at the base, cari- nated above. Tail short. Les Tangaras Euphones, ou Bouvreuils, Cuvier. * During the progress of the final sheets of the last volume through the press, Mr. Vigors published, in the 2d volume of the Zoological Journal, a general catalogue of the genera of birds arranged in conformity with his own views : as this arrangement is the result of a practical knowledge of the subject, and agrees, with very few exceptions, with the portion already laid before the public in the last volume, I have introduced the divisions pro- posed by that gentleman, for the purpose of showing the natural groups more distinctly. F7 . 1. EUPHOS1A CHLOIOTICA, i FRINGILLIDiE. 3 Sp. 1. Eu. violacea. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. &;c. pi. 21, 22, 23. — Tanagra violacea. Steph. v. x. p. 466. — South America. Sp. 2. Eu. musica. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 19, 20. — Pipra musica. Steph. v. x. p. 32. — St. Domingo. Sp. 3. Eu. Cayennensis. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. Sfc. pi. 26. — Tanagra Cayanensis. Steph. v. x. p. 477. — South America. Sp. 4. Eu. clilorotica. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 24, 25. Eu. capite, dorso guldque nigro violaceis nitidissimis ; fronte, pectore et ventre favo-aurantiis (mas.) : aut olivacea nigro- intermixla, fronte pectore guldque aurantiis (mas. junior). Euphonia with the head, back, and throat of a splendid glossy violet-black ; the forehead, breast, and belly orange-yellow ; male : or, olive varied with black, with the forehead, breast, and throat orange ; young male. Inhabits Cayenne, Brasil, &c. The hind part of the head, the upper and lower part of the neck, as far as the breast, the back, the lesser wing-coverts, and the tail, are very brilliant black violet : the fore- head, the breast, the belly, the sides of the body and the lower tail-coverts are bright yellow orange : the greater wing-feathers are deep dull black, with a large white spot on their inner webs : the tail-fea- thers are also dull black, and the two outer on each side are spotted with white within : the beak and legs are black. The young male has the back varied with olive and deep black : its forehead, breast, and belly are the same as in the adult : the greater wing-fea- thers and the tail are brown, edged with yellow-olive : the feathers on the under part of the neck are of a deep violet, with the tip of the webs yellow. Sp. 5. Eu. olivacea. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. Spc.pl. 27. Eu. supra, olivacea, suhtus favescens ; ventre subgriseo. Euphonia above olive, beneath yellowish ; with the belly greyish. 4 FRINGILLIDiE. Inhabits Cayenne. Lengtli three inches : pre- vailing colour above olive-grey; beneath yellowish or paler grey ; lower belly plain grey. Supposed by Desmarest to be a young bird. GENUS CXXXVIII, Rostrum, conico-convexum, subrobustum, lateribus subcompressis, versus api- cem subemarginatum in- ch natum : mandibulci su- perior margines inferioris tegens. O Cardinalis, Brisson. ■NEMOSIA, Vieillot. Beak conic-convex, rather ro- bust, with its sides some- what compressed, and in- clined towards its tip : the upper mandibles covering the edges of the lower. Sp. 1 . Ne. gularis. Tanagra gularis. Steph. v. x. p. 461 . Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. SfC.pl. 12, 13, 14. — South America. Sp. 2. Ne. pileata. Tanagra pileata. Steph. v. x. p. 443. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. Sfc. pi. 41. — South America. Sp. 3. Ne ? speculifera. Ne. olivaceo-nigra, gida, collo antice, dorso, nropygio tcctrici- busque can dee injerioribus Jlavis, macula alarum alba. Olive-black Nemosia, with the throat, neck in front, back, rump, and under tail-coverts yellow, and a white spot on the wings. Tanagra speculifera. Temm. PI. Col. 36.^. 1. 2. Inhabits Brasil. Length near five inches : the male has the throat, the fore-part of the neck, the back, the rump, and the under tail-coverts fine yellow ; the head, shoulders, tail, and wings olivaceous-black ; on the last is a kind of speculum or mirror formed by the junction of several white spots. The breast FI. 2. 1EMOSIA SEE CUX.IFE.jRA . / FRINGILLIDiE. and belly are yellowish-white shaded with brown. The female has the upper parts of the plumage tinged with olive, and the lower of a dull yellow : the upper mandible of the beak is brown, and the lower whitish. Sp. 4. Ne? diademata. Ne ? cyanea, alls, cauda, gula,fronteque nigris ; macula verticali ruj'd; pennis occipitalis elongatis albis. Blue Nemosia, with the wings, tail, throat, and forehead black ; a red spot on the crown, and elongated white feathers on the occiput. Ta. diademata. Temm. PL Col. 243. — Bouvreuil azure. Vied. Gal. des Ois. Inhabits Brasil. The cheeks, nape, lesser wing- coverts, tail-coverts, the back, the outer web of all the wing-quills, the tail, and nearly all the under parts are blue, with brilliant reflections : the flanks and the thighs are dusky-blue : the wings and tail, except the borders, and the chin, are black : the fore- head is of a velvety black ; on the middle of the head is a fine red spot, bordered by rather long white fea- thers, which cover the occiput, and form a slight crest : the beak and the legs are black. GENUS CXXXIX.— TACHYPHONUS, Vieillot. Postrum rectum, conico- longum, supra convexum, forte, paulo lateratim eom- pressum, versus apicem emarginatum. Remiges prima et septima aequales. Beale straight, elongated- conic, convex above, strong^ slightly compressed late- rally, and emarginate to- wards the tip. First and seventh quills equal. 6 FRINGILLIDiE. Sp. 1 . Ta. leucopterus. Oriolus leucopterus, 8. Shave, v. vii . p. 433. — Cayenne. GENUS CXL.— SALTATOR, Vieillot. Hostrum basi crassum, tu- midum, breve, robustum, supra convexura, lateribus paulb compressis : mandi- hula superior subarcuata, margines inferioris tegens. Beak thick at the base, swol- len, stout, robust, above convex, with the sides a little compressed : the upper mandible rather arcuated, its edges covering those of the lower . Lks Tangaras gros becs, Cuvier. Sp. 1 . Sa. magna. Tanagra magna. Stepli. v. x. 442. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. §c. pi. 43. — South America. Sp. 2. Sa. atra. Tanagra melanopis. Steph. v. x. 454. — Tanagra atra. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc.pl. 42. — Guiana. Sp. 3. Cayanensis. Coracias Cayana. Shale, v. vii.p. 400. — Cayenne. GENUS CXLI.— TANAGRA Auctorum. TANAGER. Rostrum capite brevior, basi subtrigonum, supra cari- natum, marginibus interne curvatis, apice recurvatum, inclinatum : mandibula su- perior basi margines iivfe- rioris tegens. Beak shorter than the head, its base somewhat trian- gular, carinated above, the sides curved inwardly, the tip recurved, inclined : the upper mandible with its base covering the edges of the lower. Sp. 1. Ta. talao. Steph. v. x. p. 4 72. — Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 1 .-—South America. FI. 3. ATBA SAIL TAT I®. TAIA6|A AB € H IIEP I S € OPUS FRINGILLIDiE. 7 Sp. 2. Ta. tricolor. Steph. v. x. p. 450. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc.pl. 3, 4. Temm. PI. Col. 215. f. 2. — Cayenne. Sp. 3. Ta. Mexicana. Steph. v. x. p. 465. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. 8fc.pl. 5. — Mexico. Sp. 4. Ta. Gyrola. Steph. v. x. p. 4 49. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. 8fc. pi. 6, 7. — Tanagra Sayaca. Steph. v. x. p. 446 ; female. — South America. Sp. 5. Ta. Cayana. Steph. Gen. Zool. v. x.p. 459. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. 8fC.pl. 10. — Cayenne. Sp. 6. Ta. Episcopus. Steph. v. x. p. 447. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. 8fC. pi. 15, 16. — Cayenne. Sp. 7. Ta. Archiepiscopus. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 17, 18. Ta. capite , guld, pectoreque violaceis ; ventre infer! ore uropy- gioque griseis ; clorso olivaceo ; remigih us alarum minoribus su- perioribus flavo-aureis (mas.) : aut griseo-fusca ; subtus cinerea dilute violacea ; macula oculari violacea (foemina). Tanager with the head, throat, and breast violet; the lower belly and rump grey ; the back olive ; the upper lesser wing-quills golden-yellow ; male : or grey-brown ; beneath cinereous tinged with violet ; and a violet spot on the eyes ; female. Length seven inches : beak and legs black : the head, neck, and breast greyish-violet : lower belly and rump grey : back olive ; quills and tail black, edged with yellowish-green: lesser wing-coverts above golden yellow, beneath white; towards the end dusky. The female is rather smaller : grey-brown, with a greenish tinge on the upper parts, and a violet hue beneath : cheeks violet : quills and tail dusky, edged with greenish : the upper wing-coverts yellow, but less brilliant than in the male. Sp. 8. Ta. varia. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. & ;c. pi. 2. — Motacilla Velia. Steph. v. x. p. 687. — Inhabits South America. Sp. 9. Ta. punctata. Steph. v. x. p. 455. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan , Sfc. pi. 8, 9. — Cayenne. 8 FltlNGlLLIDiE. Sp. 10. Ta. Peruviana. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. Sfc.pl. 11. Ta. pileo et collo superiore fulvo-rufescentibus ; gala, pectore hy- pochondriisque beryllinis ; dorso superiore nigricante ; tectri- cibus alarum, dorso infimo et uropygio flave: centibus. Tanager with the pileus and upper neck fulvous red; the throat, breast, and sides beryl colour, the upper back dusky ; the wing-coverts and lower part of the back and rump yellowish. Inhabits South America. The top of the head and the neck are fulvous-red : the throat, the breast, and the sides of the body are fine beryl green : the interscapulary feathers are dusky : the upper lesser wing-coverts and the lower part of the back are pale yellow glossed with golden green : the greater wing- feathers and the tail are brown, outwardly edged with greenish-blue, with a golden gloss : the legs and feet are brown. Sp. 11. Ta. viridis. Vieillot. ( Ta ? capite occipiteque Jiavescente-viridibus ; gala et collo antice viridibus , semitorque cupreo-cyaneo ; corpore supra, cyaneo viri- dique vario ; infra jlavo ; alis viridibus. Tanager with the head and occiput yellowish-green ; the throat and neck in front green, the latter with a coppery-blue half- collar; the body above varied with blue and green; beneath yellow; the wings green. Tanagra viridis. Vied. Temm. Pl. Col. 36. J. 3. Inhabits Brasil. The male has the head and the occiput green, shaded with yellowish : the throat and fore part of the neck deep green : on the latter is a half-collar of fine coppery blue : the back and the upper tail-coverts are varied with a similar blue and green-blue : the wings are green, the quills and tail- feathers are edged with green, and the rest is black : FRINGILLIDJ2. 9 the belly and all the under parts are beautiful yellow. The young have the plumage less brilliant. Sp. 12. Ta. thoraeica. Temm. PI. Col. 42 .f. 1. Ta. capistro nigro ; sincipite orbitisque splendide cyaneis ; corpore suprh viridis, nigro lineato , infra isabellino; pectore fiavo ma- cula nigra; alis caudaque nigris aureo-viridi marginatis. Tanager with the capistrum black ; the sinciput and orbits splendid blue ; the body above green striped with black ; be- neath isabella colour; the breast yellow, with a black spot; the wings and tail black edged with golden-green. Inhabits Brasil. Length five inches and a quar- ter : space round the beak black : the sinciput and space round the eyes of a rich turquoise blue : all the upper parts are light green, varying from a very bril- liant hue to a splendid golden tinge, according to the light : all these changeable feathers have a longi- tudinal black dash : the wings and the tail are black, .with broad changeable golden-green edges : the bend of the wing is golden-yellow : on the upper part of the breast is a large golden-yellow spot, with a perfect black patch in the centre : the sides of the breast, the flanks, and the rump are pure green : the middle of the belly, the thighs, and the lower tail-coverts are of an isabella colour : the beak is black : the female partakes but little of the colours of the male, and they are at the same time less brilliant : the patch on the breast is small and dusky black : the middle of the belly has a broader white dash than the male. Sp. 13. Ta. citrinella. Temm. PI. Col. 42. f. 2. Ta .Jlava, pennis dorsalibus mediis nigris ; capistro maculaque gu- la/ i nigris-, p sc Lore hypochondriisquc cyaneis. 10 FRINGILLIDA2. Yellow Tanager, with the middle of the dorsal feathers black; the capistrum and a spot on the throat black ; the breast and flanks blue. Inhabits Brasil. Length of the preceding : round the beak velvety black : and a patch of the same co- lour on the throat : the head and cheeks are beautiful bright yellow : the edges of all the feathers of the upper parts of the body are also bright yellow, with their centres black : the wings and the tail are black, with broad grass-green edges : the breast and the flanks are azure-blue, becoming greenish on the belly, the middle of which is whitish : the beak and the legs are black. The female has the colour less pure and paler : the beak is surrounded by a dark black mark ; the thoracic patch is dusky ash ; the ven- tral line is broader. Sp. 14. Ta. vittata. Temm. PI. Col. 48. Ta. azurea dorso saturatiore, infra rufescente ; alls caudaque cinereo-cyaneis marginibus pallioribus ; regione oculari auri - busqne nigris. Azure Tanager with the back deepest, beneath reddish; with the wings and tail ashy-blue with pale edges j the region of the eyes and the ears black. Inhabits Brasil. Length five inches and a half : the region of the eyes and the ears is black : the male has the top of the head, the nape, the bend of the wing, and the rump, very bright azure-blue : the back is deep blue : the tail and the wings are ashy-blue, edged with brighter : the throat is yellowish-white : the rest of the under parts are reddish : the beak is black, and the legs brown. The female has the eye- brows and bend of the wings azure-blue : and the PI. 5. PY1AIGA RUBRA FRINGILLID^E. 11 rump azure-blue : all the upper parts are ashy-olive* tinged with bluish : the borders of the wings and the tail-feathers are greenish : the black on the region of the eyes and the ears is dull ; and the under parts are reddish shaded with ash. Sp. 15. Ta. cyanocephala. Temm. PI. Col. 2\3.f. 1. — Tanagra Cayenensis varia cyanocephalos. Briss. Orn. Sup. 57. pi. 4. f. 1. — Le tricolor variete. Buff. PI. Enl. 33. f. 2. — Green- headed Tanager, female ? Stepk. v. x. p. 45 1 . — Cayenne. Sp. 16. Ta. canicapilla. Sivam. Zool.Illust. in.pl. 174. Ta? olivaceo-viridis, infra Jlava ; vertice cinereo ; striga ocidari auribusque nigris ; rostro gracile. Olive-green Tanager, beneath yellow; with the crown ash-co- loured ; a stripe through the eyes and the ears black ; the beak slender. Inhabits the West Indies. GENUS CXLII. — PYRANGA, Vieillot. Bo strum conicum, robustum, crassum, basi paulo dila- tion, supra infraque con- vexum, apice arcuatum : mandibula superior mar- gines inferioris tegens. Beak conic, robust, thick, a little dilated at the base, convex above and beneath, its tip arcuated : the upper mandible covering the edges of the lower. Les Taxgaras Cardinals, Cuvier. Sp. 1. Py. rubra. Tanagra rubra. Steph. v. x. p. 462. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 34. — Loxia Mexicana. Steph. v. ix. p. 266. — Inhabits North America. Sp. 2. Py. Mississippensis. Tanagra Mississippensis. Steph. v. x. p. 463. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 32, 33. — Tanagra variegata. Steph. v. x. p. 463. Young. — Inhabits the borders of the Mississippi. 12 FRINGILLIDJE. Sp. 3. Py. aestiva. Tanagra eestiva. Step/i. v. x.p. 464. — Inhabits North America. Sp. 4. Py. flammiceps. Py- miniacea f route, malis, occipiteque rufo-fuscis ; alis fuscis rvfescente marginatis ; mas. crista cinnabarind. Brick-retl Pyranga with the forehead, cheeks, and occiput red- brown, the wings brown edged with reddish ; the male with a vermilion crest. Tanagra flammiceps. Pr. Max. Temm. PI. Col. 177. Inhabits Brasil. Length near seven inches : the male has the top of the head furnished with a depressed crest, composed of long, slender, decomposed fea- thers, which are hidden at the base by several small rounded plumes : this crest is pure Vermillion, with some small black spots on the feathers of the sides at the tip : the forehead, the sides of the crest, the cheeks, and the occiput are red-brown : all the other parts of the body, the wings, and tail are brick-red : the quills are brown, edged with brick-red. The female wants the crest : down the middle of the head is a snuff-coloured line composed of short feathers, which are in part hidden by those on the forehead and on the sides of the head ; those are of a burnt umbre colour, which predominates over all the upper parts of the body, the wings, and the tail, but the two last are slightly tinged with olive : the breast is of a pale hue, and the rest of the under parts are reddish-brown. Sp. 5. Py? Ludoviciana. Py ? capite antice coccinea ; dorso, alis, caudaque nigris ; tectri - cibus majorities alarum apicibus Jlavis, secundariis toto Jluvis ; cauda snbfurcatd pennis albido marginatis. FRINGILLIDA2. 13 Pyranga? with the head scarlet in front; the back, wings, and tail black ; the greater wing-coverts with yellow tips, the se- condaries entirely yellow; the tail slightly forked, its feathers edged with whitish. Tanagra Ludoviciana. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. pi. 20. f. 1. — ■ Louisiane Tanager. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. v. 10. Inhabits the plains of the Missouri : length six inches : beak yellowish horn colour, edges of the upper mandible rugged : fore part of the head, and beyond the eyes light scarlet : back, wings, and tail black : greater wing-coverts tipped with yellow, the next superior row wholly yellow, forming a bar: neck, rump, tail-coverts, and the entire under parts greenish-yellow : tail slightly forked, the edges of the feathers whitish, or very pale : legs light blue. The supposed female, or young bird, has the wings and back brownish. GENUS CXLIII— RAMPHOCELUS, Desmarest. Rostrum crassum, supra con- vexum, lateratim compres- sum, apice inclinatum ; mandibula inferior trans- versim basi dilatati oculis tenus continua. Ramphopis, Vieillot. Beak thick, convex above, laterally compressed, its tip inclined: the lower man- dible with its base dilated transversely, and reaching beyond the eyes. Sp. 1. Ra. Jacapa. Desm. Hist. Nat. Temm. fyc. pi. 30, 31. — Ramphopis Jacapa. Steph. v. x. p. 439. — Inhabits South Ame- rica. Sp, 2. Ra. Brasilia. Desm. Hist. Nat. Tan. fyc. pi. 28, 29. — Ramphopis Brasilia. Steph. v. x. p. 439. pi. in frontispiece.— Inhabits Brazil. 14 FltlNGILLIDiE. GENUS CXLIV.— ARREMON, Vieillot. Rostrum mediocre, subro- bustum, conico-convexum, marginibus interne cur- vatis, apice arcuatum. Remex prirna septima bre- vior. Beak moderate, somewhat robust, conic-convex, the edges internally curved, its tip arcuated. First quill shorter than the seventh. Pyrgita (pars) Cuvier. Sp. 1. Ar. silens. Tanagra silens. Steph. v. x. p. 4G9. Desmar. Hist. Nat. Tan. 8fc.pl. 38, 39, 40. — Guiana. GENUS CXLV.— PIPILO, Vieillot. Rostrum basi crassum, ro- bustum, supra convexum, apice curvatum : mandi- bula superior margines in- fer') or is tegens. Beak thick at the base, ro- bust, convex above, curved at the tip : the upper man- dible covering the edges of the lower. Sp. 1. Pi. erythrophthalma. Emberiza erythrophthalma. Steph. v. ix. p. 414. — Inhabits North America. STIRPS II— ALAUDINA, Vigors. These birds are plainly, but not inelegantly co- loured, the usual tone of their plumage being brown of various shades, with the edges of the feathers palest, giving it a spotted appearance : they feed upon seeds and insects, and nidificate in hedges, or on the ground. They are chiefly natives of the temperate — V** PI . 6, ARIEIOI S1LENS ri /• EMBEIIZOIDES MELAFOTIS FRINGILLIDiE. 15 regions of both hemispheres : the species approxi- mating to the Sylviadae, or Larks, sing delightfully ; the rest have scarcely any song. GENUS CXLVI. — EMBERIZOIDES, Temminck. Temminck does not appear to have characterized this genus j I am therefore under the necessity of giving the above notice of it from his figures. Both species inhabit South America. Sp. 1. Em. marginalis. Temm. PI. Col. 114. f. 1. — Fringilla macroura. Steph. v. i x.p. 54 7. — Inhabits Cayenne. Sp. 2. Em. melanotis. Temm. PI. Col. 114-jf. 2. Em. capite Jusco ; orbitis maculaque aurium nigris ; superciliis albis ; dor so alisque fuscis rufo maculatis; occipite nuchaque plumb eis ; corpore infra albido; later ibus 'pectoris nigris; rec- tricibus tribus lateribus nigris apicibus albis. Emberizoides with the head brown ; the orbits and spot on the ears black ; the eyebrows white ; the back and wings brown spotted with red j the occiput and nape lead-colour ; the body beneath whitish, with the sides of the breast black j the three lateral tail-feathers black with white tips.' Inhabits Brasil. Length five inches and a quarter : a patch of beautiful black covers the ears, surrounds the eyes, and extends towards the beak : the top of the head is dusky, but this colour is separated from the auricular patch by a white eyebrow or line : the under parts of the body are whitish, but the sides of the breast, towards the insertion of the wings, are full black : the edges of the wing are fine yellow : the occiput and nape are lead colour with round spots : the back and wings are brown, spotted with brownish- red : the three lateral tail-feathers are black tipped 16 FRINGILLIDiE. with white, the rest are ashy-brown, with the two middle ones clear brown : the edges of the wing-fea- thers are yellowish-green : the beak is black above and orange beneath : the irides are brown. The young want the black patch on the ears. This bird is said to reside on the plains, and hide itself among the high grass.and herbage, among which it runs with great celerity, although it occasionally perches, during morning and evening, on the higher plants : its cry is very low and feeble, and unlike that of a bird. Its flight is very short, and appa- rently fatiguing. It lives in pairs, and feeds on small worms and grain. GENUS CXLVII.— VIDUA, Cuvier. WHIDAH-BIRD. Rostrum breve, rectum, basi paulo tumidum, apice acu- tum. Cauda (in maribus) rectrici- bus valde elongatis. Beal' short, straight, rather swollen at the base, acute at the tip. Tail in the males with its fea- thers greatly elongated. The birds of this singular genus are all natives of the tropical regions of India and Africa. Sp. 1. Vi. paradisea. Emberiza paradisea. Steph. v. ix. p. 4 18. pi. 63. — Angola, &c. Sp. 2. Vi. sirena. Emberiza vidua. Steph. v. ix. p. 4 1 9. — Emberiza principalis. Steph. v. ix. p. 420. pi. 62. — Emberiza serena. Steph. v. ix. p. 423. — Africa. Sp. 3. regia. Emberiza regia. Steph. v. ix. p. 426, pi. in front. — Africa. FItINGILLlD/E. 17 Sp. 4. Vi. longicauda. Ernberiza longicauda. Steph. ix. p. 422. — Loxia Caffra. Steph. v. 9- 286. — Southern Africa. Sp. 5. Vi. Panayensis. Ernberiza Panayensis. Steph. v. i s. p. 421. — Island of Panay. GENUS CXLVIII— EMBERIZA Auctorum. BUNTING. Rostrum conicum, integrum, paulo lateratim compres- sum : mandilmlcc basi deor- sum a se invicem disci- dentes ; inferior lateribus inflexo coarctata ; supe- rior angustiore, intermedio gibba. Beak conic, intire, a little compressed laterally : the mandibles rather distant from each other at the base ; the under one bent in and straightened on the sides, the upper narrower, with a hard knob in the middle. Sp. 1. Em. miliaria. Steph. v. ix. p. 360. pi. 58. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Em. citrinella. Steph. v. i s.p. 351. pi. 55, 56. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 3. Em. cirlus. Steph. v. is., p. 356. pi. 57. — Em. passerina. Steph. v. ix. p. 359. — Inhabits Britain and Europe. Sp. 4. Em. cia. Steph. v. ix. p. 355. — Em. Lotharingica. Steph. v. ix. p. 369. — Mountainous countries of Europe. Sp. 5. Em. schaeniclus. Steph. v. ix. p. 362. pi. 59. — Em. ba- densis. Steph. v. ix. p. 3/8. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 6. Em. hortulana. Steph. v. ix. p. 349. — Em. melbensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 399. — Europe. Sp. 7. Em. Pithyornis. Temminclc. — Fringilla Dalmatica. Steph. v. ix. p. 437. — Southern Europe. Sp. 8. Em. spodocephala. Steph. v. ix. p. 382. — The Dauurian Alps. Sp. 9. Em. aureola. Steph. v. ix. p. 402. — Northern Asia. O V. XIV. P. I. 18 FRINGILLID2E. Sp. 10. Em. xantliogaster. Emberiza flaviventris. a mas. Stepk. v. ix. p. 374. — Yellow- bellied Bunting. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. v. p. 318. — Southern Africa. Sp. 11. Em. Caffrariensis. Emberiza flaviventris. a foemina. Steph. v. ix. p. 374. — Caf- frarian Bunting. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. v. p. 318. — Southern Africa. Sp. 12. Em. hiemalis. Steph. v. ix. p. 367. — North America. — This species probably belongs to the genus Passerina. Sp. 13. Em ? cristatella, Vieillot Gal. des Ois. No. 67. Em? olivacea, infra, Jlavescens, capite cristato ; cris'a juguloque nigris ; striga oculari scapidis rectricibusque lateralibus flavis. Olive Bunting? beneath yellowish; with the head crested, the crest and jugulum black; a stripe through the eyes, the sca- pulars, and lateral tail-feathers yellow. Em. gubernatrix. Temm. PI. Col. 63. male; 64. female. — Em. cristata. S wain. Zool. Illust. in. pi. 148. Inhabits Brasil. Length six inches and a quarter : the front is adorned with a small moveable crest, com- posed of long and slender feathers : the male has a white streak extending from the nostrils as far as the eyes : the top of the head, the crest, the throat, and a small part of the fore part of the neck, are black : the rest of the sides of the head and of the neck, the bend of the wing, as well as the under parts of the body and the inner surface of the wings, are yellow : the four middle tail-feathers are black ; the rest, ex- cept the outer one on each side, are that colour at the base, and yellow at the tip ;* the outer ones are entirely yellow : the back is deep green dashed with black : the upper half of the beak is black, the rest bluish : the irides are brown. The female is less yellow, and is whitish above and beneath the eyes : FIUNGILLIDiE. 19 the ear is covered with dusky feathers, and all the under parts of the body are ashy. According to D’ Azara this species frequents hedges and thickets, and is often seen on the ground : it is not very wild : and, like its congeners, feeds on in- sects and grains. There are probably several other species described in the former volumes of this work, which might with equal propriety be referred to this genus, with many of the above-mentioned : the last species but one is greatly allied to the genus Passerina, not only in habit but in its locality. GENUS CXLIX. — PLECTROPH AN ES, Meyer. I have not had an opportunity of consulting Meyer’s work, and consequently cannot give his cha- racter of this genus. Passarina (pars) Vieillot. Sp. 1. PI. nivalis. Meyer ? Emberiza nivalis. Steph. v. is., p. 341. pi. 54. — Em. glacialis. Steph. v. ix. p. 344. — Em. montana. Steph. v. ix. p. 346 — Bri- tain and the northern regions. Sp. 2. PI. Lapponica. Meyer ? Fringilla Lapponica. Steph. v. x. p. 489. — Emberiza melano- cephala. Steph. v. x. p. 365. — Britain and Northern Europe. GENUS CL.— PASSEPJNA, Vieillot. Rostrum integrum, capite angustius subrobustum, rectum, versus apicem re- curvatum ; mandibula in- ferior marginibus inflexis; superior intermedio plana. Beak entire, narrower than the head, somewhat ro- bust, straight, recurved towards the tip : the lower mandible with its edges indexed ; the upper flat in the middle. 20 FRINGILLIDJE. Plf.ctrophanes ? Meyer? This genus is confined to the northern regions, and apparently to those of America. Sp. 1 . Pa. monticola. Fringilla Canadensis. Steph. v . ix. p. 441. — North America. Sp. 2. Pa. oryzivora. Emberiza oryzivora. Steph. v. ix. p. 388. — North America. Sp. 3. Pa. leucophrys. Emberiza leucophrys. Steph. v. ix. p. 392. — Canada. Sp. 4. Pa. cyanea. Emberiza cyanea. Steph. v. ix. p. 407. — Tanagra coerulea. Steph. v. x. p. 448. — North America. Sp. 5. Pa ? Ciris. Emberiza Ciris. Steph. v. ix. p. 403. pi. G2. — North America. GENUS CLI. — ALAUDA Auctorum. LARK. Rostrum subcylindricum, magis minusve crassum, basi plumulis recumbenti- bus obtectum, integrum, rectum aut arcuatum : mandibuke aequales, basi persaepe apertae. Nares basales, plumis tectae. Unguis posticus rectiore, di- gito longius. Beak subcylindric, more or less thick, its base covered with recumbent feathers, intire, straight, or arcu- ated: the mandibles equal, the base frequently open. Nostrils basal, clothed with feathers. Hind-claw straight, longer than the toe. Larks are distinguished by the superior length of their hinder claw : they are granivorous, reside and nidificate on the ground ; and are confined to the old world. A. Rostro recto, validiusculo, acuto • A With the beak straight, rather stout, acute. FRINGILLIDiE. €1 Sp. 1. Al. arvensis. Steph. v. x. p. 502. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Al. Italica. Steph. v. x. p. 509. — Europe. Sp. 3. Al. arborea. Steph. v. x. p. 506. pi. 47. — Al. cristatella? Steph. v. x. p. 505.- — Britain and Europe. Sp. 4. Al. cristata. Steph. v. x. p. 533. — Europe. Sp. 5. Al. undata. Steph. v. x. p. 535. — South of Europe. Sp. 6. Al. flava. Steph. v. x. p. 522 — Al. Sibirica. Steph. v. x. p. 512. — North of Europe. Sp. 7. Al. bilopha. Temm. PI. Col. 244. f. 1. Al. capite bicristata; crista, fascia capitali, pennis basi mandi- bula super ioris, loris, tcenia lata per oculos, lunuldque pectorali nigris; corpore supra nfo fusco alboque vario; infra albido. Lark with the head double-crested; the crests, a band on the head,, the feathers at the base of the upper mandible, the lores, a broad stripe through the eyes, and a crescent on the breast, black ; the body above varied with red, brown, and white ; be- neath whitish. Inhabits Arabia. Length five inches and a half: distinguished by a tuft composed of long decomposed feathers on the sides of the head above the eyes, and resembling two horns ; this, a band passing from one eye to the other, the space round the upper half of the beak, the lores, a broad band beneath the eyes, and a broad crescent on the breast, are pure black : the throat, the fore part of the neck, a band on the forehead, the eyebrows, and the feathers on the ears, as well as the belly and vent, are white : the occiput, the nape, the shoulders, and the wings are reddish ; all the greater wing-coverts are tipped with white, and the outer quill is bordered with the same : the two middle tail-feathers are reddish ; the rest are black ; but the two lateral ones on either side are edged with white on the outer webs : the tail is even : the toes are very short ; the hinder claw stout, short, and nearly straight : the back and legs are black. 22 FRINGILLIDJE. Sp. 8. Al. alpestris. Steph. v. x. p. 5 30. — North America. Sp. 9. Al. arenaria. Steph. v. x. p. 5 15. — Alauda brachydactyla. Temm. Man. d’Orn. 2 Edit. ii. — South of France. Sp. 10. Al. isabellina. Temm. PI. Col. 24 A.f 2. A i.. rufo-isabellina, infra pallidiore, gula albida; alls cauddque fuscis ; pennis rufo-isabellina marginntis. Red-isabella Lark, beneath palest, with the throat whitish ; the wings and tail brown ; their feathers edged with isabella-red. Inhabits Arabia. Length five inches and three quarters : the general tint of the plumage is an isa- bella-red ; deep and unspotted on the upper parts, and clear on the under parts, excepting the throat, which is whitish ; slightly tinged with deep isabella : the feathers of the wings and tail are deep brown, outwardly edged with isabella-red ; the tail itself is slightly emarginate in the middle, and its outer fea- thers is rather shorter than the following, which makes the tail appear doubly rounded : the beak is whitish at its base, and ashy at its tip ; rather shorter than in A. brachydactyla : the legs are clear brown : the hinder claw is a little arched, but short. Sp. 11. M. Kollyi. Temm. PL Col. 3. Al . rufo-fusca, nigricante macnlata ; superciliis isabellinis ; ma- cula lorium nigra ; later ibus colli nigro maculatis ; pectore lateribusque rufo-isabellinis ; collo antice ventrisque medio alb is ; rectricilus lateralibus nigris, externis striga isabellina. Red-brown Lark, spotted with dusky; with the eyebrows isabella colour ; a black spot on the lores ; the sides of the neck spotted with black ; the breast and sides isabella-red; the neck in front and middle of the belly white; the outer tail-feathers black, with an isabella stripe on the outer feather. Supposed by Temminck to inhabit Southern Eu- rope ; described by him from an injured living spe- FRINGILLID2E. 23 cimen comimmicated by Mr. Kolly : length six inches : the top of the head, the nape, back, wings, upper tail-coverts, and two middle tail-feathers, are clear reddish-brown, with a broad deep brown dash down the shaft of each feather : over the eyes is a streak of isabella colour : a black spot covers the lores, surrounds the lateral edges of the base of the beak, and is dilated beneath the lower mandible into a kind of whisker : on the sides of the neck are several dull blackish spots : the middle of the throat, the fore part of the neck, and the middle of the belly, are pure white : the breast and the sides are isabella, more or less tinged with reddish : the quills are ash, the exterior feathers being edged with isabella : the lateral tail-feathers are pure black : the first is marked with a conic isabella spot, which occupies the outer half ; the second is slightly edged with the same colour : all the feathers are of equal length : the legs and the beak are yellowish-white ; and the point, and also the back of the upper mandible are brown. B. Rostro redo, crasso, subobtuso. B. With the beak straight, stout, rather obtuse. Sp. 12. Al. calandra. Steph. v. x. p. 513. — South of Europe, and the deserts of Asia. Sp. 13. Al. claraosa. Al. castaneo, fusco, nigroque varia, et albo transverse striata ; guld alba; pectore albo fulvoque marrnorato ; corpore subtvs aurantiaco-albo. Lark varied with chesnut, brown and black, and transversely striped with white ; with the throat white; the breast marbled with white and fulvous ; the body beneath orange-white. L’Alouette bateleuse. LeVaill. Ois.d' Afrupxv. pi. 194. — Clapper Lark. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi. p. 300. •n FRINGILLID.E. Inhabits Soutliern Africa. Size of the Skylark: beak brownish : eyes reddish-chesnut : feathers of the head elongated : plumage varied with chesnut, brown, and black, divided by festoons of white in narrow bands ; the ends of the feathers of the back and wings' being white : throat white : breast marbled with fulvous, on a white ground : under parts of the body orange- white : legs yellow-brown. The female is smaller, the colours less regularly marked : the young are tinged wtth rufous above, and rufous- orange beneath. Sp. 14. Al. erytlironotos. Al. dorso itijimo pal/ide rvfo ; cnrpore subtus albidoj pectore J'usco maculato ; superciliis pallidis ; alls cauddque J'uscis ; pen- narum marginibus pallidioribus. Lark with the lower part of the back pale rufous ; the body be- neath whitish ; the breast spotted with brown ; the eyebrows pale ; the wings and tail brown ; with the edges of the fea- thers paler. L’Alouette a dos roux. Le Vaill. Ois. d’Afriq. iv. pi. 197. — Red-backed Lark. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi. p 286. Inhabits Southern Africa. Size of the Skylark, and a little resembling it on the back, the lower part of which is pale rufous : under parts of the body dirty white, marked on the breast with brown spots : over the eyes a pale streak : quills and tail brown, with paler edges : outer margins of the exterior tail- feathers white : beak and legs brown. The female is rather less : the young want the rufous tinge on the lower part of the back. Sp 15. Al. ruficapilla. FRINGILLIDA). 25 AL.Juscescens nigricante transversim striata; vertice rufo-cas- taneo ; guld , collo, pectore lateribusque corporis grisco-albidis maculis nigris ; cauda subfurcatd. Brownish Lark transversely striped with dusky; with the crown rufous-chesnut ; the throat, neck, breast, and sides of the body greyish-white with black spots ; the tail slightly forked. L'Alouette a calotte rousse. La Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. iv. p . 198. — Rufous-hooded Lark. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi .p. 297. Inhabits Southern Africa. Beak and legs brown : irides chesnut : top of the head rufous-chesnut : upper parts of the body earthy-brown, with transverse, curved, blackish marks : throat, neck, breast, and sides, dirty greyish white, marked with some spots of black : quills brown, waved with black-brown : tail rather hollowed at the end, brown, the edges of the feathers white. The female is smaller, the top of the head less lively and hind claw not so large. Sp. 16. Al. Tartaria. Steph. v. x. p. 511. — Tartary. Sp. 17. Al. nigra. Al. niger pennis margine jiavis ; alis cauddque nigris; rectricibus jiavo marginatis, lateribus macula flavd. Black Lark with the edges of the feathers yellow ; the wings and tail black ; the tail-feathers edged with yellow, and a yellow spot on the sides. Le Tracal. Le Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. v. iv. pi. 191. — Black Lark. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi. pi. 288. Inhabits Southern Africa. Beak black, with a brown tip : plumage black, with yellow margins to the feathers : quills and tail black, the latter edged with yellow, and the ends of each yellow, and a spot of the same on their sides : tail rounded. The female rather less. 26 FRINGILLIDJE. Sp. 18. Al. cinerea ? Al. riifo-grisea, infra albida ; capite rufo. Rufous-grey Lark, beneath whitish ; with the head rufous. La petite Alouette a tete rousse. Le Vaill. Ois. d’ Afriq. iv. pi. 1 99. — Rufous-headed Lark. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. xi.pl. 297 . Alauda cinerea. Steph. v. x. p. 524 ? Inhabits Southern Africa. About half the size of the Skylark : beak stout, pale : the head rufous : the rest of the plumage rufous-grey ; beneath dirty white : legs pale brown. The female is smaller, the red on the head paler, the hind claw less than that of the male, which is not very long. Sp. 19. Al. magnirostris. Al. fusca pennarum marginibus pallidis ; pectore albido nigro maculalo ; corpore infra favescente-albido ; pennis alarum et caudce flavo marginatis. Brown Lark with the edges of the feathers paler; the breast whitish spotted with black ; the body beneath yellowish -white; the feathers of the wings and tail edged with yellow. L'Alouette a gros bee. Le Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. iv. pi. 193. — Great-billed Lark. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi . p. 2 96. Inhabits Southern Africa. Beak large, bent at the tip, brown, the under part pale at the base : irides brown : plumage brown, the edges of the feathers paler : breast dirty white, spotted with black marks; the rest of the under parts dirty yellowish-white : quills and tail with yellowish margins, the last even at the end : legs brown. The female differs in being rather less. C. Rostro elongato, paulo compresso arcuato. C. With the beak elongated, a little compressed, arcuated. Sp. 20. Al. Africana. Steph. v. x. p. 534. — Africa. FRINGILLIDJE. Tj GENUS CLII.— -MIRAFRA, Horsfield. Rostrum breviusculum, cras- sum, conico-attenuatum, subcompressum : niandi- hula superior culmine ca- rinato. Nares basales, rotundae, parte superiore membrana ves- titae. Remiges , prima spuria, se- cunda ad sextam sub- aequales longiores, tertia ad sextam extern^ emar- ginatae, cetera? gradatim breviores. Pedes mediocres : digitus medius elongatus ; unguis hallucis mediocriter arcu- atus medio antico magis duplo longior. Beak rather short, thick, co- nic-attenuated, somewhat compressed : the upper mandible with the back carinated. Nostrils basal, round, clothed on the upper part by a membrane. Quills, first spurious, second to the sixth nearly equal and longest, the third to the sixth externally notch- ed, the rest gradually shorter. Legs moderate: the middle toe elongated ; the hinder claxo moderately arched, and longer than that of the middle anterior toes. Sp. 1. Mi. Javanica. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 159. — Horsf. Zuol. Research. Mx. supra fusca Jerrugineo varia : subtus sordida; a .r ill is pal- lide badiis. Mirafra above brown varied with ferruginous ; beneath dull ; with the axilla pale chesnut. Alauda mirafra. Temm. Pl. Col. 305. f. 2. Inhabits Java. Length five inches and a half: the upper parts of the plumage are spotted with ashy- brown black, the edges of the feathers being of an isabella colour : the outer edge of the quills is bright *28 FRINGILLIDJE. red : the wings are red within : the greater portion of the outer tail-feather is white, and the following is of that colour on its outer web only : the cheeks are reddish : all the under parts are isabella-white, with lanc-eolated dusky-brown spots on the breast. The female has those spots smaller and less numerous : the abdomen white ; aud the spots on the upper parts more ashy than the male. STIRPS III.— CARDUELINA, Vigors. Unlike the preceding group, this one is distin- guished by the individuals comprised therein being decorated with a lively and brilliant plumage, in which a yellow cast predominates : several of the species are good songsters : they subsist upon seeds and in- sects, and inhabit all regions, the frigid excepted. GENUS CLIII. — LINARIA, Beckstein. LINNET. Rostrum brevissimum, basi Beak very short, its base fur- plumulis decompositis an- trorsum spectantibus orna- tum, rectum, gracile, apice acutum : mandibula infe- rior basi marginibus bi- den tatis. nished with decomposed feathers pointing forwards, straight, slender, its tip pointed: the lozcer man- dible with its edges biden- tate at the base. The species of this genus are mostly confined to the old world, and subsist on seeds, preferring those of the hemp and flax : they are usually distinguished by their sombre plumage, more or less tinged with reddish, especially on the heads of the males. FRIXGILLIDA, -20 Sp. 1. Li. cannabina. Fringilla cannabina. Steph. r. ix.p. 516. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Li. rubra. Fringilla Linaria. Steph. r. is. p. 519. pi- 70. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 3. Li. montieum. Fringilla montieum. Step . , r. ix. p. 52 1 . — Britain and Europe. Sp. 4. Li. flavirostris. Fringilla flavirostris. Step ., v. is. p. 523. — Northern Europe. Sp. 5. Li. argentoratensis. Fringilla argentoratensis. Step1:, r. is. p. 535. — Europe. Sp. 6. Li. flammea. Fringilla flammea. Steph. r. is. p. 451. pi. 67. • — Northern Europe. Sp. 7 . Li. Angolensis. Fringilla Angolensis. Step:, r. is. p. 539. — Africa. Sp. S. Li. Amandava. Fringilla Amandava. Steph. r. is. p. 542. — Asia. Sp. 9. Li. Senegalla. Fringilla Senegalla. Step1:, r. is. p. 533. — Senegal. Sp. 10. Li. Bengalus. Fringilla Bengalus. Steph. is. p. 541. — Africa. Sp. 11. Li? granatina. Fringilla granatina. Steph. v. is. p. 54S. — Brazil. GENES CLIV. — CARDUELIS. Brisson. THISTLE-FINCH. Rostrum conicum validum. rectissimum, mandibulis subaequalibus, apiee aeuto : mandibula superior cul- mine convesa : inferior basi margiuis angulata, utrinsecus subtusque con- vexa. Beal: very conic, stout, verv straight, the mandibles nearly equal, the tip acute : upper mandible convex above : lotcer with an ob- tuse angle at the base of the margin, the sides and upper pan convex. so FRINGILLIDiE. The birds of this genus are of an elegant form, are of lively and brilliant colours, are extremely viva- ceous, and subsist exclusively on seeds. The typical species inhabit the old world. A. Rostro paulo elongato, aculo. A. Beak rather elongated, and acute. Sp. 1. Ca. elegans. Fringilla carduelis. Stepli. v. i x.;;. 4 CO. pi. G8. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Ca. melba. Fringilla melba. Stepli. v. ix. p. 463. — Inhabits India? Sp. 3. Ca. psittacea. Fringilla psittacea. Stepli. v. ix. p. 447. pi • 66. — New Cale- donia. Sp. 4. Ca? coccinea. Fringilla coccinea. Stepli. v. ix.;;. 454. — The Sandwich Islands. Sp. 5. Ca? lepida. Fringilla lepida. Stepli. v. ix. p. 513. — The West Indies. Sp. 6. Ca? tristis. Fringilla tristis. Stepli. v. ix. 464. — North America. Sp. 7. Ca ? nitens. Fringilla nitens. Stepli. v. ix. p. 553. — North America. Sp. 8. Ca. cucullata. Sivain. Zool. Must. i. pi. 7. Ca. aurantia, capite, gutture, fascia trails tectrices, remi gibus, cauddque, nigris ; remigibus primoribus basi oblique aurantio fasciatis. Orange Thistle-finch, with the head, throat, a fascia across the coverts, quills, and tail, black; the primary quills at the base obliquely banded with orange. Inhabits South America. Length four inches : beak blackish and very sharp : the whole head and fore part of the neck is black : the plumage of the FRINGILLIDiE. 31 body is a fine reddish-orange, duller on the back and brighter beneath : wing-coverts the same ; the greater ones at their base black, which forms a bar : the quills are also black, the greater ones having at their base an oblique bar of orange, and some of the lesser ones slightly margined externally with white : tail divari- cated and black ; some of the lateral feathers faintly margined with orange : spurious wings black : legs and claws brown. Sp. 9. Ca. melanotis. Ca. olivaceo-viridis subtus albido-nifescens ; macula oculari auri- umque nigrd ; capite colloque postice plumb eis ; uropygio tec - tricibus superioribus caudce cinnabarinis. Olive-green Finch, beneath whitish-red ; with a black spot on the eyes and ears ; the head and neck behind lead-colour the rump and upper tail-coverts vermilion-red. Fringilla melanotis. Temm. PI. Col. 221. f. ]. Inhabits Southern Africa. Length three inches and a half : the head, the hinder part, and the sides of the neck are of a leaden tint : the region of the eyes and the ears black : the back and the wings are of an olive-green : the rump and the upper tail-co- verts are vermilion-red : the tail is black, with the exception of the outer feather on each side, which is ash-colour : the breast is of a pearly-grey : the throat white, and all the rest of the under parts are white slightly tinged with reddish : the legs and the upper mandible of the beak are black. The female is of a plainer colour : the region of the eyes and of the ears of an ashy-black : and the red of the rump of a brick-colour. 32 FRINCILLIDJE. Sp. 10. Ca. sanguinolenta. Ca .fusca, pectoris medio infraque sanguinolentis ; strigd a basin rostri super ciliisque nifis; guld favescente. Brown Finch with the under parts and middle of the breast of a blood-red 5 a stripe from the base of the beak and the eyebrows red ; the throat yellowish. Fringilla sanguinolenta. Temm. PL Col. 22\.f 2. Inhabits Senegal. Length about three inches and a half : the male is distinguished by a broad red streak arising from the base of the beak, and passing over the eyes as a brow : the middle of the breast and the belly are of a blood-red, which colour covers the vent as well as the upper and under tail-coverts: the throat is yellowish : the flanks ashy, marked with small stripes and dots of yellowish : all the upper parts, the wings, and the two middle tail-feathers are of an earthy-brown : the lateral tail-feathers are black, and the two outer tipped with yellow or whitish : the beak is red, with the back of the upper mandible and the lower mandible beneath black. The female differs in several respects from the male ; all the upper parts and the tail-feathers are ashy-brown, but of a paler hue than in the male : the red dash over the eyes, as well as the red hue on the abdomen and tail-coverts, the throat, the fore part of the neck, and the breast are white : the middle of the belly is yellowish : the flanks are spotted as in the male ; but the tints are less brilliant : the beak is paler than in the male. Sp. 11. Ca. polygona. Ca. cinereo-fusca infra rufescens ; fronte, malis, gtddque nigris ; pedore hypochondriisqne nigro albo fuscoque transversim fas- ciatis. FRINGILLIDiE. 33 Ashy-brown Finch beneath reddish ; with the forehead, cheeks, and throat black ; the breast and flanks transversely barred with black, white, and brown. Fringilla polyzona. Temm. PI. Col. 221 .f. 3. Inhabits Gambia. Length about three inches and a half : the male has the forehead, cheeks, and throat black : the upper parts, the wings, and the tail are ashy-brown, with broad dashes of a paler hue : the tail, which is short and even, has a lance- shaped spot at the tip of the two outer feathers : the feathers of the breast and the flanks are closely marked with numerous transverse stripes of black, brown, and white : the middle of the belly is reddish, which co- lour of a whiter tinge covers the vent, and becomes still whiter on the under tail-coverts : the upper man- dible of the beak is black and the lower red: the feet are ashy. The female wants the black on the head ; this part, as well as the throat, are of a leaden ash- colour : the chin is white : a white line is also above the eye : the transverse stripes on the breast are the same as in the male, but the middle of the belly is an uniform colour. B. Rostro breviore. R. Beak short. Sp. 12. Ca. spinus. Fringilla spinus. Steph. v. ix. p. 4 67. pi. 69. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 13. Ca. citrinella. Fringilla citrinella. Steph. v. ix. p. 472. — Emberiza brumalis. Steph. v. ix. p. 387? — Southern Europe, Sp. 14. Ca. serinus. Fringilla serina. Steph. v. ix. p. 413. — South of Europe. 3 V. XIV. p. I. 31< FRINGILLIDiE. Sp. 15. Ca. Canaria. Fringilla Canaria. Steph. u. ix. p. 74. — The Canary Islands. GENUS CLV. — PLOCEUS, Cuvier. WEAVER-BIRD. liostrum conicum, grande, robustum, rectum : man- dibula superior paulo tu- mida. Agelaius (pars) Vieillot. Beak conic, large, robust, straight : tbe upper vian- clible rather swollen. Weaver-birds feed on fruits, berries, and insects; they inhabit the warmer regions of the old and new worlds, those of the old constructing their nests with much art, interlaced with sprigs. Sp. 1. PI. Philippinus. Loxia Philippina. Steph. v. ix. p. 315. — Inhabits India. Sp. 2. PI. Senegalensis. Oriolus textor. Shatv, v. vii. p. 429. — Inhabits Senegal. Sp. 3. PI. erythrocephalus. Fringilla erythrocephala. Steph. v. ix. 458. — Emberiza rubra. Steph. v. ix. p. 412. — Isle of France. Sp. 4. PI. Abyssinicus. Loxia Abyssinica. Steph. v. ix. p. 294. — Inhabits Abyssinia. Sp. 5. PI. pensilis. Loxia pensilis. Steph. v. ix. p. 2/5. — Inhabits Madagascar. Sp. 6. PI. socius. Loxia socia. Steph. v. ix. p. 303. — Inhabits Southern Africa. Sp. 7. PI. Malimbicus. Pl. cristatus, crista mento giddque coccineis ; capistro nigro ■ cor - pore cyaneo-nigro. Crested Weaver-bird with the crest, chin, and throat scarlet; the capistrum black ; the body blue-black. FRINGILLIDiE. 35 Tanagra Malimbica. Ann. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. ii. p. 148. pi. x. Shaw, Nat . Misc. pi. 581* — Malimbic Tanager. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi. p. 39. Inhabits Malimba and other parts of Africa. Length six inches : plumage blue-black : the head crested, scarlet : chin and throat also scarlet : beak black, slightly notched ; the feathers round its base and the legs black. The female wants the crest, but has the crown and back part of the neck scarlet. Sp. 8. Pl. aurifrons. Temm. PI. Col. 175, 176. Pl? favo-viridis , dorso scapulisqne fusco maculatis ; front e maris genis, gufdque anreofavis; foeminse cinereo-favis ; corpora infra citrino-flavo. Yellow-green Weaver-bird, with the back and scapulars spotted with brown ; with the forehead of the male, the cheeks, and throat golden-yellow ; of the female ashy-yellow ; the body be- neath citron-yellow. Inhabits Southern Africa. Length six inches and a quarter: the male has the forehead and the. top of the head of a fine golden yellow ; the cheeks and the throat of a less brilliant hue : the sides of the neck and all the under parts are citron-yellow : the nape, the upper parts of the, body, the tail, and the outer edges of the wing-feathers are yellow-green, the back and scapulars being marked with brown spots, occupying the middle of each feather, the mar- gins being greenish-yellow : the quills are dusky : on the lores is a small brown spot : the beak and the legs are brownish-yellow. The female has the upper parts of the plumage ashy-green, the quills and greater wing-coverts being edged with yellowish-green : the 36 FRINGILLlDiE. throat is ashy-yellow ; and the rest of the under parts are tinged with dull yellowish, and varied with grey and bright greenish : the beak and legs are brown. Sp. 9. PI. capitalis. Tanagra capitalis. Steph. v. x. p. 457. pi. 4 1 . — Africa. Sp. 10. PI. melanocephalus. Fringilla nielanocephala. Steph. v. ix. p. 531. — China. Sp. 11. PI ? fasciatus. Emberiza textrix. Steph. v. ix. p. 373. — Sp. 12. PI? Surinamensis. Oriolus oryzivorus. Shaiv, v. vii. jj. 439. — Inhabits North America. Sp. 13. PI. Pecoris. Fringilla Pecoris. Steph. v. ix. p. 501. — Emberiza Pecoris. Wils. Amer. Oru. v. ii. p. 145. pi. 18 .f. 1, 2, 3. — Inhabits North America. Sp. 14. PI ? oryzivorus. Emberiza oryzivora. Steph. v. ix. p. 388. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii. p. 48 .pi. 12 .f. 1, 2. — North America. Sp. 15. PI? caudacutus. Oriolus caudacutus Shaiv, v. vii. p. 436. — Fringilla cauda- cuta. JVils. Amer. Orn. ii.pl. 54 — North America. Sp. 16. PI ? maritimus. Fringilla maritima. Wils. Amer. Orn. GENUS CLVI. — SYCOB1US, Vieillot. Hostrum validum, conico- longum, supra convexum, paulo compressum, inte- grum, versus apicem in- curvatum : mandibida in- ferior marginibus intror- sum deflexis. Aloe penna spuria. Beak stout, elongate-conic, convex above, a little com- pressed, intire, incurved towards the tip : the lower mandible with its edges in- wardly deflexed. Wings with a spurious fea- ther. FRINGILLIDiE. 3? Sp. 1. Sy. cristatus. Sy. niger crista rubra. Black Sycobius with a red crest. Inhabits Africa. Length six inches. STIRPS IV. — FRINGILLINA, Vigors. GENUS CLVIL— FRINGILLA Auctorum. FINCH. Itostrum basi capite angus- tius, breve, conico-rectum ; 7 nandibulce apicibus acu- minatis. Beak narrower than the head at the base, short, conic- convex ; the mandibles with their tips acute. The birds of this genus are apparently confined to the old world, and have the beak less arcuated than the Sparrows, and stronger and larger than the Lin- nets : they are lively, and their song is more varied than that of the former birds. I have refrained from introducing the various new Finches described in the recent edition of Dr. Latham’s Synopsis, as it is im- possible to insert them correctly. Sp. 1. Fr. Ccelebs. Steph. v. ix. p. 442. pi. 65. f. 1. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Fr. montifringilla. Steph. v. ix. p. 44 pi. 65. f. 2. — Bri- tain and Europe. Sp. 3. Fr. nivalis. Steph. v. ix.p. 492. — Wils. Amer. Orn . v. 1. pi. xxi .f. 2 ? — Europe and North America. Sp. 4. Fr. Petronica. Steph. v. ix. p. 434. — Europe. Sp. 5. Fringilla otoleucus. Temm. PI. Col. 269. f. 2, 3. Fr. miniacea, capite, regione oculari, capistro, nucha, lateribus colli, corporeque infra nigris ; regione aurium semitorque nu- chali hypochondriis tectricibusque alarum minoribus albis. 38 FRINGILLID.32. Brick-z’ed Finch with the head, space round the eyes, capistrum, nape, sides of the neck and body beneath black ; the region of the ears, a half collar on the nape, the flanks, and lesser wing-coverts white. Inhabits Senegal. Length about four inches and a half : the region of the ears is white : on the nape is a half collar of the same colour : the flanks and the lesser wing-coverts are also the same, but rather more pure : the head, the region of the eyes, the space round the beak, the nape, the sides of the neck, and all the under parts, from the base of the beak to the under tail-coverts and of the wings, are deep un- spotted black : the beak, the scapulars, and several of the wing-coverts are brick-red : the rump is ashy : the wings and tbe tail are dusky-brown ; but the outer feathers of the latter is in part whitish : the tail is a little forked : the beak is white and the legs brown : the white on the ears and the nape is but slightly indicated in the female : the head and upper parts of the body are adorned with a multitude of blackish white and reddish spots, and the wings are greatly marbled : the outer tail-feather is of an isa- beila-colour, and all the under-parts are white. Sp. 6. Fr? ornata. Fr ? subcristata, vert ice, laris, guld, pectore, lineaque ventrcilis ni- gris ; malis albis; lateribus pectoris hypochondriisque rufo- Jlavis ; crisso tectricibusque viferiaribus caudce castaneo-ntfis. Slightly-crested Thistle-finch with the crown, lores, throat, breast, and ventral line black ; cheeks white ; the sides of the breast and the flanks rufous-yellow ; the vent and under tail- coverts chesnut-red. Fringilla ornata. Pr. Max. Temm. PI. Col. 208. Inhabits Brazil. Length four inches : both sexes FIlINGILLIDiE. 39 have a slight crest on the head, which they have the power of elevating : the top of the head, in the male, the lores, the throat, the breast, and a line down the middle of the belly, are black : the cheeks are white : the sides of the breast and the flanks are reddish- yellow : the yellow on the latter and the ventral line are tinged with clear maroon ; of which colour are the abdomen and under tail-coverts : the tail-feathers of equal length, white at their base, and black for the rest of their length : the upper parts are of a pure ashy- grey : the wings are black, but all their coverts are deeply edged with ashy-white. The female has the crest and the feathers of the head snuff-colour : the upper parts of the plumage are whitish-red, variously "tinged: the under and the cheeks ashy-red : the wing- feathers and part of the tip of the tail are dusky-brown : the beak is dusky, and the legs yellowish. Sp. 7- Fr ? sanguinirostris. Loxia sanguinirostris, (3. Steph. v. ix. p. 256. — Africa. Sp. 8. Fr ? Capensis. Emberiza Capensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 372. — Southern Africa. Sp. 9. Fr? Borbonica. Emberiza Borbonica. Steph . v. i x.p. 4 1 6. — Bourbon. GENUS CLVIII. — PASSER, Brisson. SPARROW. Rostrum capite angustius, breve, lateratim compres- siusculum, subarcuatum, apice paulo obtusum. Beak narrower than the head, short, slightly compressed laterally, slightly arched, its tip a little obtuse. Pyugita, Cuvier. 40 FRINGILLIDiE. Sp. ]. Pa. domesticus. Fringilla domestica. Steph. v. ix. p. 429. pi. 64.y! 1. — Bri- tain and Europe. Sp. 2. Pa. montanus. Fringilla montana. Steph. v. i x. p. 432.pl. 64 .J. 2. — -Britain and Europe. Sp. 3. Pa. Cisalpina. Pa .fascia vertice, nucha, dorsoque supremo castaneis ; malis albis. Brown Sparrow with the crown, nape, and upper part of the back chesnut; the cheeks white. Fringilla Cisalpina. Temm. Man. d’Orn. 2 Edit. 351. — Cisalpine Sparrow. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi. p. 49- Inhabits alpine countries of Europe. The top of the head, the nape, and the upper parts of the back are light chesnut : the feathers being tipped with fine rufous, when recently moulted : the cheeks white : in other respects similar to the common spe- cies. The female differs from the female of P. do- mestica in having the crown and nape brown ; the band above and behind the eyes rufous- white. Sp. 4. Pa. Hispaniolensis. Pa. suprh nigra , pennis rufo-marginatis ; vertice nnchaque sa- turate castaneis ; super ciliis malisque albis; guld, collo antice cinguloque pectorali nigris ; ventre alho. Sparrow above black, with the edges of the feathers rufous ; the crown and nape deep chesnut ; the eyebrows and cheeks white ; the throat, neck in front, and belt on the breast black ; the belly white. Fringilla Hispaniolensis. Temm. Man. d’Orn. 2 Edit. ii. 353. — Spanish Sparrow. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi.p. 50. Inhabits the south of Europe. Body above black, the feathers margined with yellowish-rufous : crown FRINGILLIDjE. 41 and nape deep bright chesnut : over the eyes a white streak, tending to the hind-head : cheeks white : throat, neck before, and a narrow belt on the breast, black : middle of the belly white : sides marked with large spots. Sp. 5. Pa. arcuatus. Fringilla arcuata. Steph. v. i x. p. 530.— Southern Africa. Sp. 6. Pa. Capensis. Emberiza flaviventris. (2 . Steph. v. ix. p. 37 4. — Southern Africa. Sp. 7. Pa. elegans. Fringilla elegans. Steph. v. ix. p. 465.— Africa. Sp. 8. Pa. oryx. Loxia oryx. Steph. v. ix. p. 240. pi. 44. — Southern Africa. Sp. 9. Pa. erythrocephalus. Loxia erythrocephala. Steph. v. ix. p. 263.— Angola. Sp. 10. Pa. Madagascai’iensis. Loxia Madagascariensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 244.- — Madagascar. Sp. 1 1 . Pa. Australis. Loxia Capensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 288. — Southern Africa. Sp. 12. Pa- cruciger. Pa . fusco-grisea infra albida ; malts et regione'aurium albis ; lined nigra longitudinali a hasi rostri ad crissum, alteraque trans - versa pectoralis. Grey-brown Sparrow beneath whitish ; with the cheek and the region of the ears white ; a black longitudinal line from the base of the beak to the vent, and another transverse one on the breast. Fringilla cruciger. Temm. PI. Col. 269 . f. 1. — Duree Finch. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. vi. 115. ^7. xcvii. Inhabits Bengal. Length four inches and a half : the cheeks and the feathers on the ears are ashy- white : the forehead, part of the top of the head and the sides of the breast are whitish : the rest of the ¥Z FRINGILLID/E. upper parts of the body, the wing-coverts, and the flanks are of a brown-grey, with the edges of the feathers of a clear grey ; which causes the under side of the plumage to appear whitish : the wing and tail- feathers are brown : the sides of the base of the beak and a band through the eyes are black : from the base of the beak to the vent is a black line, which is crossed on the breast by a similar transverse one ter- minating on the sides of the neck : the beak is whitish, and the legs are yellowish-brown. Sp. 13. Pa? Dominicanus. Loxia Dominicana, (3. Steph. v. ix. p. 2/6. — Brazil. Sp. 14. Pa? cristatus. Friugilla cristata. Steph. v. ix. p. 440. — South America. STIRPS V. — PYRRHUL1NA, Vigors. GENUS CLIX. — PYRRHULA, Brisson. BULFINCH. Rostrum robustum, crassum, supra infraque convexum, rotundatum vel utrinque compressum : mandibula inferior subrecurvata ; su- perior versus apicem cur- vata, persaepe in medio crenata. Beak robust, thick, convex above and beneath, round- ed or compressed on each side: the lower mandible somewhat recurved, the upper curved towards the tip, and often crenated in the middle. A. Rostrum integrum, rotundatum, breve. A. Beak intire, rounded, short. Sp. 1. Pyr. Europaea. Leach , Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 13. Loxia Pyrrhula. Steph. v. ix. p. 318. pi. 52. — Britain and Europe. fyrb.hu la ? FAIL CIROITRIS, FRINGILLIDiE. 4 3 Sp. 2. Pyr. lineola. Loxia lineola. Stepk. v. ix. 326. — Africa. Sp. 3. Pyr. minuta. Loxia minuta. Steph. v. ix. p. 334. Sp. 4. Pyr. collaria. Loxia collaria. Steph. v. ix. p. 292. — Africa and India. Sp. 5. Pyr. erythrina. Temm. Man. d’Orn. 2 Edit. ii. p. 33 7* — Fringilla rosea. Steph. v. ix. p. 449. — Northern Europe. Sp. 6. Pyr. Sibirica. Loxia Sibirica. Steph. v. ix. p. 246.— Siberia. B. Rostrum, integrum, mediocre, utrinque compression. B. Beak intire, moderate, compressed on each side. Sp. 7. Pyr. violacea. Loxia violacea. Steph. v. ix. p. 249. — America. Sp. 8. Pyr. purpurea. Fringilla purpurea. Steph. v. ix. p. 507.— North America. Sp. 9. Pyr? falcirostris. Temm. PI. Cot. 11. yi 2. Pvr? cinereo-fusca olivaceo tincta; alis nigrescentibus ; remigibus margine late olivaceis ; gula jlavescente ; ventre medio albo ; rostra lateribus dilatatis. Ashy-brown Bulfinch tinged with olive ; with the wings dusky ; the quills deeply edged with olive ; the throat yellowish ; the middle of the belly white ; the sides of the beak dilated. Inhabits Brazil. Length four inches : the lower mandible of the beak, in this species, is larger, stronger, and more dilated on its sides than the upper, which is narrower and more curved than that of the other species of the genus : the prevailing colour of the plumage on the upper parts is ashy-brown, slightly shaded with olive : the tail is also of this colour ; but the wings are more dusky, and all the feathers are deeply banded with olive : the throat is yellowish : the breast and the flanks are bright ashy-brown ; and the middle of the belly is dull white. 44 STUllNIDiE. Sp. 10, Pyr. cinereola. Temm. PI. Col. W.f. 1. Pyr. cinereo-ccerulca subtus maculaque alarum albis ; alis cau- daque nigrescentibus ; rostro rufo ; pedibus cinereis. Ashy-blue Bulfinch with the under parts and spot on the wings white ; the wings and tail dusky ; the beak red ; the legs ashy. Inhabits Brazil. Length four inches and a half : the head, the cheeks, the back, and the scapulars are ashy-blue ; the wings and the tail are rather more dusky, and all the feathers of those parts are edged with ashy : the base of the quills, beginning from the fourth, is white, which forms a spot of that colour on the wing ; the rest are blackish at the base : all the under parts, with the exception of the flanks, are white, the last are ashy : the beak is strong, thick, and swollen, and of a coral red : the legs are ashy. C. Rostrum in medio crenatum. C. Beak crenated in the middle. « Sp. 11. Pyr. nigra. Loxia nigra. Steph. v. ix. p. 321. — Mexico. FAMILY II. — STURNIDiE. Rostrum mediocre, rectum , subconicum, culmine plerumque inter front is plumas producta : pedes simplices. Beak moderate, straight, subconic, the culmen generally produced amongst the feathers of the forehead : legs simple. The family of Sturnidae embraces a considerable number of groups, approaching each other in their gregarious and migratory habits. They are found in every part of the globe, united in large flocks, carrying destruction among the cultivated fields, and STURNIDiE. 45 following herds of cattle, for the sake of the insects or grains which they may pick up from their bodies, or in their neighbourhood. STIRPS I. — ICTERINA, Vigors. These birds are all American, and their manners resemble those of the following stirps : they live in troops, construct their nests very ingeniously, and fre- quently close together : they subsist on insects and grains. » GENUS CLX. — XANTHORNUS, Cuvier. Rostrum elongatum, sub- gracile, rectum, acutissi- mum : mandibula superior basi inter frontis plumas re- trorsum extendente; man- dibularum margine basin versus angulum formante, marginibus introrsum in- clinantibus. Nares ovales, membrana par- tim tectae. Alee mediocres, subrotun- datos : remiges primae et sextae, secundae et quintae, tertiae et quartae fere aequales, his longissimi. Cauda mediocris, subaequalis. Pedes mediocres, subgracilis. Beale elongated, rather slen- der, straight, very acute : the upper mandible with its base produced among the frontal feathers ; the edges of the mandibles forming an angle towards the base, the margins inwardly in- clined. Nostrils oval, partly clothed by a membrane. Wings moderate, slightly rounded : the first and sixth quills, the second and fifth, the third and fourth nearly equal, the last longest. Tail moderate, nearly even. Legs moderate, rather slen- der. Yphantes, Vieillot. 46 STURNIDiE. Sp. 1. Xa. Mexicanus. Oriolus Mexicanus. Shatv, v. vii. p. 434. Sp. 2. Xa. icterocephalus. Oriolus icterocephalus. Shatv, v. vii. p. 434. Sp. 3. Xa. Baltimore. Oriolus Baltimore. Shatv, v. vii. p. 425 . JVils. Amcr. Orn. v. i. p. 23. pi. i. /. 3. pi. 53./. 4. Sp. 4. Xa. minor. Oriolus minor. Shatv, v. vii. p. 443. Sp. 5. Xa. varius. Oriolus castaneus. Shatv, v. vii. p. 427. — Oriolus mutatus. JVils. Amer. Orn. v. i.p. 64.pl. 4 ./. 1 — 4. Sp. 6. Xa. chrysopterus. Zool. Journ. ( Vigors) v. ii. p. 291. Xa. niger capite subcristato ; ptilis uropygioque Jlavis. Black Xanthornus with the head slightly crested ; the wings and rump yellow. Inhabits Brazil. Length six inches and a half : the feathers of the head, forehead, and vertex a trifle elongated, forming a small crest : the quills and tail- feathers somewhat fuscous beneath : the beak pale : the legs black. GENUS CLXI. — Rostrum subelongatum, sub- gracile, subarcuatum, aeu- tum : mandibulci superior basi inter frontisplumas re- trorsum extendente ; rttan- dibularum marginibus in- trorsum inclinantibus. Nares ovales, partim mem- bran a tectoe. ICTERUS, Cuvier. Beak elongated, rather slen- der, a little arched, acute : the tipper mandible with the base extending among the feathers of the fore- head ; the edges of both mandibles inclining in- wards. Nostrils oval, partly covered by a membrane. STURNIDJE. 47 Alec mediocres, subrotun- datae ; remiges secundae, tertiae, quartae, et quintae fere equales, longisssimi. Cauda mediocris, gradata, rotundata. Pedes mediocres, subfortes. Pendulinus, Vieillot. Wings moderate, somewhat rounded; the second, third, fourth, and fifth quills nearly equal, longest. Tail moderate, gradated, rounded. Legs moderate, rather strong. Sp. 1. Ic. Bonana. Oriolus Bonana. Shaw, v. vii . p. 431. Sp. 2. Ic. chrysoceplialus. Oriolus chrysoceplialus. Shaw, v. vii .p. 434. Sp. 3. Ic. Cayanensis. Oriolus Cayanensis. Shaw, v. vii. p. 433. Sp. 4. Ic. spurius. Oriolus spurius. Share, v. vii. p. 426. Sp. 5. Ic. Dominicensis. Oriolus Dominicensis. Shaw , v. vii. p. 442. Sp. 6. Ic. ferrugineus. Oriolus ferrugineus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 445. Sp. 7. Ic. Hudsonicus. Turdus Hudsonicus. Steph. v. x. p. 259. Sp. 8. Ic. Ludovicianus. Oriolus Capensis. — Shaw, v. vii. p. 447. — Louisiana. GENUS CLXII. — Rostrum subrobustum, co- nico-longum, supra con- vexum, integrum, paulo arcuatum : mandibularum marginibus introrsum de- flexis. ICTERIA, Vieillot. Beak somewhat robust, elon- gate-conic, convex above, intire, a little arcuated : the mandibles with their edges inwardly deflexed. 48 STURNIDiE. The situation of this genus is doubtful : Vieillot places it immediately before the preceding genus, and Vigors among the Muscicapidse. Sp. 1. Ic. viridis. Muscicapa viridis. Steph. v. x. p. 356. — North America. GENUS CLXIIL— QUISCALUS, Vieiliot. Rostrum elongatum, forte, subcurvatum, acutum, cul- mine convexo : mandibula superior basi angusta inter frontis plumis retrorsum extendente, angulata; man- dibularum marginibus in- trorsum inclinantibus. Nares ovales, partim mem- brana tectae. Alee mediocres, subrotun- datae, remiges primae et quintae aequales, secundae, tertias et quartae fere aequa- les longissimis. Cauda mediocris, gradata, apice angulata, lateraliter complicabilis, cymbifor- mis. Pedes mediocres, fortes. Beak elongated, strong, a little curved, acute, the culmen convex : the upper mandible narrow at the .base, and extending among the feathers of the fore- head ; the edges of the mandibles inclining in- wards. Nostrils oval, partly covered by a membrane. Wings moderate, slightly rounded, the first and fifth quills equal, the second, third and fourth nearly equal, and longest. Tail moderate, gradated, an- gulated at the tip, folded laterally, boat-shaped. Legs moderate, strong. Sp. 1 . Qu. purpureus. Gracula quiscala. Shaw, v. vii. p. 458. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. p. 44. pi. 21 .f 4 — South America. STURNIJDyE. 49 Sp. 2. Qu. barita. Gracula barita. S haw, v. vii. p. 460. — Boat-tailed Crackle. Lath . Gen. Hist. v. in. p. 1 79- pi. xliv. — North America. Sp. 3. Qu? Mexicanus. Corvus Mexicanus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 366. — Mexico. Rostrum elongatum, sum, rectum, acutum : mandibula superior basi lata, inter frontisplu mas re- trorsum extendente ; man- dibularum marginibus in- trorsum inclinantibus. Nares ovales, mid®. Aloe mediocres, subrotun- datae: remiges tertiae et quart® aequales, longissi- mi ; primae et sextae, secundae et quint® fere aequales. Cauda mediocris, praecipue subaequalis. Pedes mediocres, fortes. Cacicus. elongated, thick, straight, acute : the upper mandible broad at the base, which extends among the feathers of the fore- head ; the edges of the mandibles inwardly in- clining. Nostrils oval, naked. JVings moderate, slightly rounded: the third and fourth quills equal, long- est; the first and sixth, second and fifth nearly equal. Tail moderate, mostly some- what equal. Legs moderate, strong. GENUS CLX1V.— CASSICUS, Daudin. cras- Beak The Cassici are the largest birds of this stirps. A. Cauda fere cequalis. A. With the tail nearly even. Sp. 1. Ca. niger. Vigors. Oriolus niger. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 442. VOL. XIV. P. I. 4 50 STURNTD/F,. Sp. 2. C-a. Persicus. Vigors. Oriolus Cacicus. S/iaiv, v. vii. p. 413. Sp. 3. Ca. hsemorrlious. Vigors. Oriolus haemorrhous. Shaw, v. vii. p. 417- 15. Cauda rotundata. B. With the tail rounded. Sp. 4. Ca. cristatus. Oriolus cristatus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 414. faun. — Oriolus rufi rostris. Shaw, v. vii./}. 41G. Rostrum elongatum, cras- sum, rectum, acutum, basi altum : rnandibula superior basi inter frontis plumas retrorsum extendente ; in- ferior margine angulato, mandibularum marginibus introrsum inclinantibus. Aloe mediocres : remiges quartae extimae fere aequa- les longissimi. Cauda mediocris, aequalis, rectricum apice angulato, rhachibus plerumque pro- longatis, nudis. Pedes mediocres ; tarsi gra- cili. Agelaus (pars) Vieillot. LEISTES, Vigors. Beak elongated, thick, straight, acute, high at the base : the upper mandible at the base extending among the feathers of the forehead ; the margin of the lower angulated ; the edges of the mandibles inclining inwardly. Wings moderate : the four outer quills nearly equal, longest. Tail moderate, equal, with the feathers angulated at the tip, the shafts fre- quently prolonged, naked. Legs moderate ; tarsi slen- der. Sp, 1 . Le. phoeniceus. Or. phoeniceus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 421. — Sturnus prsedatorius, lVils. Amer. Orn. v. iv. 30. pi. 30. f. 1, 2. STURNTDJE. .51 Sp. 2. Le. Americanus. Oriolus Americanus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 428. Sp. 3. Le. Guianensis. Oriolus Guianensis. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 428. Sp. 4. Le. Suchii. Zool. Journ. ( Vigors .) v. ii. p. 192. Le. olivaceo-brunneus pectore abdomine, ptilisj tectricibus infe - rioribus uropygioque Jlavis ; rostro paululum elongato. Olive-brown Lei'stes, with the breast, abdomen, wings, under- coverts and rump yellow, the beak a trifle elongated. Inhabits Brazil. Length nine inches and a third : the beak and legs black : the quills and tail-feathers brown beneath : the feathers ef the vent olive-brown, edged with yellow. Sp. 5. Le? icterus. Oriolus icterus. Shaiv , v. vii. p. 420. Sp, 6. Le? xanthorinus. Oriolus xanthorinus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 432. Sp. 7. Le ? melancholicus. Oriolus melancholicus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 435. STIRPS II.— STURNINA, Vigors. GENUS CLXVI.— STURNELLA, Vieillot. Rostrum rectum, integrum, supra convexum, apice di- latatum, obtusum ; man- dibula superior basi gib- bosa et inter frontis plu- mas producta. Pollex tarn robustior et lon- gior quam digitos laterales. Beak straight, intire, con- vex above, dilated at the tip, obtuse : the upper mandible gibbous at the base, and produced among the frontal feathers. Hind-toe stouter and longer than the lateral toes. / STUltNIDiE. 52 Sp. 1. St. militaris. Sturnus militaris. Steph. v. x. p. 488. — The Falkland Islands. Sp. 2. St. Ludoviciana. Sturnus Ludovicianus. Steph. v. x. p. 495. — North America. Sp. 3. St. torquata. Sturnus torquatus. Steph. v. x. p. 4.93. — North America. Sp. 4. St ? Capeusis. Sturnus Capensis. Steph. v.x.p. 490. — Sturnus contra. Steph. v. x. p. 491. pi. 45. — The Cape of Good Hope. GENUS CLXVIl.— STURNUS, Linne. STARLING. Rostrum rectum, integrum, subdepressum, apice ob- tusum et paulb depressum : mandibula superior mar- ginibus paten tiusculis. Pollex et digiti exteriores aequales. Beak straight, intire, some- what depressed, its tip ob- tuse and a little depressed : the upper mandible with its edges rather open. Hind and exterior toes equal. Sp. 1. St. vulgaris. Steph. v. x. p. 483. pi. 42. (adult) ; pi. 43. jun. — Britain and other parts of Europe. Sp. 2. St. unicolor. — Marmora. Tenirn. PI. Col. 111. St. supra saturate niger nitidus, purpureo splendens ; subtus ob- scura niger ; rostro basi luteo, apice nigro. Starling above shining deep black, glossed with purple j beneath obscure black ; with the beak yellow at the base, black at the tip. Inhabits Southern Europe. Length eight inches : the adult male, in summer plumage, has all the body, wings, and tail deep glossy black, shining with purple reflections, except beneath, where it is dull : the base of the beak is dusky and its tip yellow : the legs are AM B LT RAMPHU S BITOIOS. STURNIDyE. DO yellowish-brown. The female is less brilliant in co- lour, and is scarcely glossed with purple. The young, before their first moult, are grey-brown, but of a deeper colour than in the common species : after their first moult, and only during the winter, there are small white spots at the tips of the feathers, which disappear in the spring. GENUS CLXVIII — AMBLYRAMPHUS, Leach. Rostrum rectum, subconi- cum, apice obtuso, de- presso. Pedes simplices, ambulatorii, digitis tribus anticis, uno postico. Beak straight, somewhat co- nic, its tip obtuse, de- pressed. Legs simple, feet forward for walking, with three toes before and one behind. Sp. 1. Am. bicolor. Leach. Zooll Misc. i. 82. pi. 36. Am. nigro-ater capite, colb , gulu, pectore Jemoribusque coccineis; rostro pedibusque nigricantibus. Deep black Amblyramphus with the head, neck, throat, breast, and thighs scarlet; beak and legs blackish. Inhabits Cayenne? No farther description is given of this bird ; but it is accompanied by a coloured figure, as above cited, which I have copied as an example of the genus. GENUS CLXTX. — D1LOPHUS, Vieillot. Rostrum rectum, subgracile, integrum, lateratim valde compression, apice ar- cuata. Caput paleie dun armatum. Beak straight, somewhat slender, intire, much com- pressed laterally, its tip arcuated. Head armed with two wat- tles. 54 STURNIDiE. Gracula (pars) Cuvier. — Pastor (pars) Temminck. Sp. 1. Di. gallinaceus. Gracula larvata. Shaw, v. vii. p. 468. pi. 57. — Sturnus galli- naceus. Stepk. v. x. p. 499. — Le porte-lambeaux. Le Vaill. Ois. d’ AJriq. u. iii. pi. 93, 94. — Southern Africa. STIRPS III.— LAMPROTORNINA ? GENUS CLXX.— LAMPROTORNIS, Temminck. Rostrum mediocre, supra convexum, basi depres- sum, carinatum, carina inter frontis plumas pro- ducta, ad apicem com- pressum. Nares basales, laterales, ovales. Beal: moderate, above con- vex, depressed at the base, carinated, the keel pro- duced among the feathers of the forehead, compress- ed at the tip. Nostrils basal, lateral, oval. The species of this splendidly coloured genus are chiefly African. A. Cauda mediocre. A. Tail moderate. Sp. 1 . La. auratus. Tu. auratus. Steph. v. x. p. 248. — Le Nabirop. Le Vaill. Ois. d’ AJriq. v. iii. pi. 89.- Africa. Sp. 2. La. nitens. Tu. nitens. Steph. v. x. p. 246. — Le Couguiop. Le Vaill. Ois. d' AJriq. v. iii .pi. 90.— Southern Africa. Sp. 3. La. splendens. Tu. splendens. Steph.v.x.p.46.pl.inJ'rontispiece. Leach. Zool. Misc. v. ii .pi. 71.— Africa. Sp. 4. La. Morio. Tu. Morio. Steph. v. x. p. 229. Le Vaill. v. iii. pi. 83. — Corvus rufipennis. Shaw, v. vii . p. 373. STURNIDJS. 55 8p. 5. La. splemliilus. Corvus splendidus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 372. — Le Choucador. Le Vaill. Ois. d’Afriq. v. iii pi. 86. 8p. 6. La. atratus. Tanagra atrata. Steph. v. x. p. 477 . — East Indies. Sp. 7* La. metallicus. L a. peniiis capitis , nuchas, colli antice dorsique elongatis et pur- pureo-violaceo-viridique tinctis ; dor so corporeque subtus pur- pur eis ; alls caudbque metallico-viridibus. Lamprotornis with the feathers of the head, nape, neck in front and back elongated and glossed with metallic purple, violet, and green; the back and body beneath purple ; the wings and tail metallic-green Lamprotornis metallicus. Temm. PL Col. 266. Inhabits the Isle of Timor. Length about nine inches : the head, nape, fore part of the neck and back are clothed with long pointed feathers, and tinged with metallic shades of purple, violet, and green, according to the light ; the feathers of the back and those of the under parts being of a more decided purple : the wings and tail are of a beautiful metallic green ; the latter is long, much wedged, with its two middle feathers terminating in a point, and reaching more than half an inch beyond the rest : the beak and legs are black. The young and the females are grey, slightly tinged with metallic green ; the middle of the long acuminated neck and head-feathers is me- tallic green, but the edges and tips are pure white : the under parts of the body are clothed with simi- larly coloured feathers, giving those parts the appear- ance of being longitudinally striped : the wings and tail are brown, without any green reflections. STUIINID/E. 56 Sp. 8. La? erytlirophrys. La? cinereo-cceruleus orbitis auribusque nigris ; crisso jiavo ; alls viridibus ; remigibus apice fuscis ; cauda olivacea; rectri- cibus duabus intermediis versus apices albido-fiavis ; pennis front is, rigidis, cartilagineis, nitidis, subserratis cinnabarinis. Ashy-blue Lamprotornis ? with the orbits and ears black ; the vent yellow ; the wings green ; the tips of the quills brown ; the tail olivaceous, with the two middle-feathers whitish-yellow towards the tip ; the feathers of the forehead stiff, cartilagi- nous, shining, subserrated, and of a vermilion colour. Lamprotornis erytlirophrys. Tenim. PL Col. 267- Inhabits Java. Length nine inches : the orbits and the ears are clothed with black feathers : a line passing through the middle of the crown, all the neck, the back, the breast, the belly, and the thighs, are of a beautiful ashy-bluish or lead-colour : the wings are of an olive-green, , with the tips of the quills brown : the vent and under tail-coverts are yellow : the tail is olivaceous, with brown shafts ; the two middle feathers are whitish-yellow towards their tips : the beak is black : the irides clear yellow : the legs bri ght yellow, but in the dead bird pale yellow : the head is distinguished by having the sides of the fore- head clothed with shining, cartilaginous, hard, web- less feathers, much serrated, and extending over the eyes to the occiput ; these feathers, when examined by a lens, resemble those on the wings of the JVclv- wvigs, and are of a very brilliant vermilion colour. B. Cauda longissimd. B. Tail very long. Sp. 9. La. ameus. Con us aureo-viridis. Shaw, v. vii. p. 3 70. pi. 4ti. — Vert d’ore. STUIINIDJE. 57 Le Vaill. Ois. d'Afriq. pi. 8 7- — Turdus aeneus. Steph. v. x. p. 247. Sp. 10. La? gularis. Paradisea gularis. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 501 . pi. 69. GENUS CLXXI.— ACRIDOTHERES, Vieillot. Rostrum rectum, debile, su- pra convexum, compres- sum ; mandibula superior versus apicem paulo de- pressa, inclinata. Gence plus minusve nudae. Beale straight, weak, convex above, compressed, the upper mandible emargi- nated, a little depressed, and inclined towards the tip. Cheeks more or less naked. Gracula (pars) Cuvier. — Pastor (pars) Temminck. Sp. 1. Ac. calvus. Gracula calva. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 401. pi. 66. — The Philippine Islands. Sp. 2. Ac. tristis. Gracula tristis. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 455. — India and the Philip- pine Islands. Sp. 3. Ac. Pagodarum. Gracula Pagodarum. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 471. — Turdus Pagoda- rum. Steph. v. x. p. 304. — Malabar and Coromandel. Sp. 4. Ac. Malabaricus. Turdus Malabaricus. Steph. v. x. p. 305. — Gracula Mala- barica. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 47 1. — Malabar. Sp. 5. Ac. ginginianus. Turdus ginginianus. Steph. v. x. p. 262. — Le Martin gris de fer. Le Vaill. Afriq. v. iii.pl. 96. f. 1. — Coromandel. Sp. 6. Ac. griseus. Gracula grisea. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 469. — The interior of Africa. Sp. 7. Ac. sericeus. Sturnus sex-iceus. Steph. v. x. p. 497. — The East. .58 STUUNlD.dE. Sp. 8. Ac. ochrocephalus. Turdus ochrocephalus. Steph . v. x. p. 200. Temm. PL CuL 136. — Ceylon and Java. Sp. 9. Ac. leucocephalus. Turdus leucocephalus. Steph. v.x. p. 2 58. — China. Sp. 10. Ac? tricolor. Ac. albus remigibus rectricibusque nigris, his apice albis ; dorso fascia, nigricante griseu. White Acridotheres with the quills and tail-feathers black, the last white at the tips ; the back with a dusky-grey band. Pastor tricolor. Linn. Trans. (Horf.) v. xiii. p. 155. Inhabits Java. Length eight inches and a half : beak and legs yellow. Sp. 11. Ac ? cristatellus. Gracula cristatella. Shaiu, v. vii. p. 453 .pi. 55. — India. ST1RPS IV.— PASTOR1XA ? GENUS CLXXII.— PASTOR, Temminck. Rostrum integrum, rectum, subgracile, lateratim com- pressum, versus apicem deflexum, acutum : man- dibulce aequales, superior basi in angulo acuto inter fronds plumas producta. Remex prima longissima. Psakoides, Vieillot. Beale intire, straight, rather slender, laterally com- pressed, deflex ed towards the tip, acute : the man- dibles equal, the upper one produced at its base into an acute angle among the frontal feathers. First quill longest. Sp. 1 . Pa. roseus. Turdus roseus. Steph. v. x. p. 274. pi. 26. — Britain; other parts of Europe, and the north of Africa. STURNIDJE. •59 Sp. 2 ? Pa. Mauritianus. Tu. Mauritianus. Steph. v. x. p. 256. — The East India Islands. Sp. 3. Pa : cantor. Turdus cantor. Steph. v x. 357. — Lamprotornis cantor. Temm. PI. Col. 150. — The East India Islands. Sp. 4. Pa ? columbinus. Turdus columbinus. Steph. v. x. p. 245. — Lamprotornis co- lumbinus. Temminck. — The Indian Islands. X. B. The genus Grallina Vieillot may probably be found to belong to the present stirps : it is described in vol. xiii. pt. ii. page 188. STIRPS V. — B UP HAG IN A ? GENUS CLXXIII.— BUPHAGA, Brisson. BEEF-EATER. Rostrum mediocre, rectum, integrum, subquadratum, paulo compressum, supra infraque apicem obtusum, tumidum. Sp. 1 . Bu. Africana. Beale moderate, straight, in- tire, rather quadrate, a little compressed, above and beneath the tip ob- tuse, tumid. Shan:, v. viii. p. 50. pi. 6. — Africa. FAMILY III. — CORVID JL Rostrum subelongatum, forte , magis minusve laierathn compres- sum ; marginibus pier unique paulo emarginatis aut laciniatis : pedes simplices. Beale rather elongated, strong, more or less compressed laterally, with its margins occasionally a little emarginated or jagged : legs simple. The Corvidae are usually birds of large size, and are the most perfect of the class in their construe- {>() STURNIDvE. tion, their various parts being combined in such equal proportions that no one appears to predominate. The species comprised in the typical genera are usually a crafty race, and their propensities are frequently com- bined with a disposition to secrete various articles, especially such as are of a shining nature : their voice is hoarse and clamorous, but many of the individuals are very docile, and may be taught to articulate words : they usually construct their nests on trees, and lay about six eggs : they are perfectly omni- vorous. Among the aberrant genera may be found some of the most magnificently plumaged birds, com- monly known by the name of Paradise-birds : the typical genera are of a more sombre cast, though not inelegantly formed. STIRPS I.— CRACTICINA? GENUS CLXXIV. — 1 Rostrum basi rectum, gla- brum, elongatum, com- pression, apice deflexum : mandibulcs versus apicem emarginatae ; superior basi rotundata et inter frontis plumas producta. Nares laterales, subbasales. Alee mediocres, aut sub- elongata?. CRACTICUS, Vieillot. Beale straight at the base, glabrous, elongated, com- pressed, its tip deflexed : the mandibles emanfinated O at the tip; the upper round at the base, and produced among the feathers of the forehead. Nostrils lateral, subbasal. Wings moderate, or slightly elongated. Barita, Cuvier. CRACTICUS S TIE IE. IP E B IT S STURNIDiE. ()1 These arc large birds, and inhabit Australasia and New Guinea : they appear to be divisible into two sections, the first having a distinct keel on the beak, which is produced among the frontal feathers ; the wings are rounded, with the sixth quill longest : the second is without the keel, and the surface is nearly flat ; the wings are moderate, and the fourth and fifth quills are longest. Sp. 1 . Cr. chalybeus. Paradisea cbalybea, Shaw, v. vii. p. 504. pi. 7 1 • — New Guinea. Sp. 2. Cr. anaphonesis. Cr. cinereo-niger tectricibasque caudce injerioribus remigium rec- triciumque apicibus albis. Ashy-black Cracticus with the lower tail- coverts and tips of the quills and tail white. - Barita anaphonesis. Temm. PI. Col. (Genre Cassican.) Inhabits Australasia. Entirely ashy-black, with the under tail-coverts, and the tips of the wings and tail white. Sp. 3. Cr. streperus. Gracula strepera. Shaw, v. vii. p . 462,— Corvus streperus. Leach, Zool. Misc. v. ii. pi. 86. — New Holland. Sp. 4. Cr. tibicen. Gracula tibicen. Shaw, v. vii. p. 465. — New Holland. Sp. 5. Cr. varius. Gracula varia. Shaw, v. vii. p. 464. — New Guinea. Sp. 6. Cr. destructor. Cr. corpore supra ardosiaco, infra albida ; capite, occipite, nuchce parte, malisque nigris; lateribus colli lumdd alba ; alis nigri- cante-fuscis, remigibus secunclariis albo marginatis ; caudci nigra, apice alba. ST UIIN ID.*:. 62 Cracticus with the body above slate-colour, beneath whitish ; with the head, occiput, part of the nape, and the cheeks black ; the sides of the neck with a white lunule ; the wings dusky- brown ; the secondary feathers edged with white ; the tail black, with a white tip. Barita destructor. Temm. PI. Col. 273. male. — Yanga destruc- tor. Steph. v. xiii. p. 1 50 ? Inhabits New Holland. Length near eleven inches: a sort of black hood covers the head, occi- put, part of the nape, and the cheeks ; the lores are clothed with small white feathers, which are turned towards the base of the beak : beneath them several strong, stiff bristles arise : the hinder part of the neck, the back, and the scapulars, are slate-colour, more or less deep : the throat, the fore part of the neck, and the breast, are white : the sides of the neck are marked with a white lunule : the middle of the belly and the vent are whitish ; the flanks are ashy, more or less deep : the wings are dusky-brown, but the secondary quills, with the exception of the three nearest the body, are inwardly edged with white ; and some of them have a white border to their outer webs, which forms a longitudinal band on the wing : the outer edge of the wings and several of the coverts are also bordered with white : the tail is even, black, all but the two middle feathers, tipped with white : the beak is two inches long, blue at the base, and black at the tip. Those parts which are black in the male are deep brown in the female : the shafts of the feathers on the head are white ; the lon- gitudinal band on the wings is wanting : the inner STURNIDiE. 63 web of the wing-quills is reddish-white, and the outer brownish : the tail is the same, with a slight white edge on the lateral feathers : the under parts of the body are dull reddish-white ; and the flanks are brown, but of a deeper hue than the rest of the body. GENUS CLXXV. — NUCIFRAGA, Brisson. NUTCRACKER. Rostrum basi plumis setaceis antrorsum directis tectum, Crassum, integrum, mar- ginibus excisis, sub-trun- catis : mandibula superior inferior em longiiis. Beak clothed at the base with setaceous feathers directed forwards, thick, intire, the edges cut out, slightly truncate, the tipper man- dible longer than the lower. There is but one species of this genus, which in- habits the old world, and subsists on fruits, insects, and small birds. Sp. 1. Nu. caryocatactes. Corvus caryocatactes. Shaw, v. vii. p. 353. pi. 43. — Britain and Europe. STIRPS II.— CORVINA, Vigors. GENUS CLXXVI— PICA, Brisson. MAGPIE. Rostrum basi plumis setaceis antrorsum decumbentibus tectum, integrum, margi- nibus excisis, rectum aut arcuatum. Cauda longissima, cunei- forma. Beak covered at the base with setaceous feathers tending forwards, intire, with the edges cut out, straight or arched. Tail very long, wedge- shaped. STUIINIDJE. 04 These birds are rather less in general than the Crows, and the typical species construct their nests in hedges : they are truly omnivorous. Sp. 1 . Pi. Europaea. Conus Pica. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 369. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Pi. Senegalensis. Corvus Senegalensis. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 371. — Africa. Sp. 3. Pi. ventralis. Corvus ventralis. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 377. — Inhabits ? Sp. 4. Pi. erythrorhynchos. Corvus erythrorhynchos. Shaw, v. vii. p. 361. — China. Sp. 5. Pi. Cayana. Corvus Cayanus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 360. — Cayenne. Sp. 6. Pi. Peruviana. Corvus Peruvianus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 363 , pi. 45. — Peru. Sp. 7. Pi. rufa. Corvus rufus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 368. — India. Sp. 8. Pi. cyanea. Corvus cyaneus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 362. — India? Sp. 9. Pica rufiventris. Vieil. Analys. 8$c.p. 68. (E.) Pi? vertice nuchaque griseo-ceeruleis ; gala, collo an tick, remigi- busque primorihus nigris ; pectore, ventre, dorso, uropygioque rujis. Magpie with the crown and nape grey-blue ; the throat, neck in front, and primary quills black ; the breast, belly, back, and rump rufous. Inhabits Eastern Asia. Beak and legs black : the top of the head and the nape grey-blue : the throat, fore part of the neck, and primary quills black : the breast, back, and rump red : the upper tail-coverts ash-coloured : the tail cuneiform ; its two middle feathers equal at the tip. Size of the Magpie. f' FI . 11. W IC,A ? LEUCOLOPHA. CORVIDAE. 65 Sp. 10. Pi? Caledonica. Coitus Caledonicus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 350. — New Caledonia. Sp. 11. Pi? Sinensis. Cuvier. Coitus speciosus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 364. — China. Sp. 12. Pi ? leucolopha. Pi? cristata , cinereo-fuscn ; capite, collo, pedoreque niveis; loris temporibusque atris. Crested magpie ? of an ashy-brown ; with the head, neck, and breast snow-white ; the lores and temples black. Corvus leucolophus. Linn. Trans. (Hardwick.) v. xi. p. 208. pi. 15. — White-crowned crow. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 48. Inhabits India. Length near twelve inches : beak one inch and a quarter long from the gape, and black ; on each side of the upper mandible four or five black hairs : nostrils small, oval, not covered, but the short feathers of the front turn forwards and approach very near them : forehead black, passing to the eye, and just surrounding it above, but beneath proceeding as a streak behind it for more than half an inch : the rest of the head, neck, and breast wliite ; feathers of the crown longer than the rest, so as to form a crest, and stand nearly upright : the rest of the body, wings, and tail ferruginous brown, and between the white on the neck and the brown, a band of rufous sur- rounding the head : tail five inches long, even, the feathers rounded at the end ; the quills reach very little beyond the base : legs stout, pale ash-colour : claws large, black, the hind one much larger than the others. v. XIV. P. i. 5 CORVID/E. 6(1 GENUS CLXXVI1.— GARRULUS, Brisson. JAY. Rostrum mediocre, basi plu- mis antrorsum directis tec- tum, rectum, versus api- cem inclinatum, subemar- ginatum, niarginibus ex- cisis. Cauda aequalis aut rotun- data. Beak moderate, clothed at the base with feathers di- rected forwards, straight, inclined towards the tip, slightly notched, the edges cut out. Tail equal or rounded. Jays are of lively colours, and chiefly reside in tem- perate regions : they feed on glandular fruits. Sp. 1. Ga. glandarius. Corvus glandarius. Shaw, v. vii. p. 356. pi. 44. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Ga. cristatus. Corvus cristatus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 350. — North America. Sp. 3. Ga. stelleri. Corvus stelleri. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 365. — North America. Sp. 4. Ga. Sibiricus. Corvus Sibiricus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 302 ? Sp. 5. Ga. Canadensis. Corvus Canadensis. Shaiv, v. vii . p. 365. — Canada. Sp. 6. Ga. auritus. Corvus auritus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 36/. — China. Sp. 7. Ga. galericulatus. Temminclc ? Sp. 8. Ga. pileatus. Ga. pileo subcristato ; capite, fronte, colli antice lateribusque nigris; nucha, corpore supra, alls caudaque azureo-ccendeis : corpore subtus apiceque caudcc maris^/fom, fceminae albis. Jay with the pileus slightly crested ; the head, forehead, front:, and sides of the neck black ; the nape, body above, wings and tail aaure-blue ; the body beneath and tip of the tail of the male yellow, of the female white. PI. 12. GAIIULU § PILEATUS . . CORVID i£. 67 Corvus pileatus. Uliger. Temm. PI. Col. 58. — Paraguan Jay. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii . p. GO. Inhabits South America. Length thirteen inches and a half: the feathers of the upper part and sides of the head are black, firm, straight, decomposed, and somewhat curled; and appear, both to sight and touch, of a velvety texture : they form a kind of crest on the vertex as broad as the head : the top of the head, the forehead, the fore part and sides of the neck, as well as part of the breast, are fine plain black : the occiput is bluish-white, changing to a beautiful bright azure on the nape, whence a deep blue reigns over the back, wings, and chief part of the tail, which is long and rounded at its tip : over the eye is a small spot of turquoise-blue and opal- colour : on the eyelid is another, but of a deeper blue, joined to a third of a triangular form, at the base of the beak : the tip of the upper part of the tail is white in the female and yellow in the male : the basal half of the tail beneath is black, the tip white : the beak and the legs are black : the irides are golden : the sexes differ somewhat beneath ; the belly of the male being light vellow, and of the female white. The eggs of this bird are whitish, tinged with dirty-blue at the thickest end, and spotted through- out with brown. Sp. 9. Ga. cyanopogon. Ga. cristatus, crista, fronte, regione oculorum, auribus, collo antic a pectoreque nigrisj ad angulum rostris macula cyanea ; corpora supra cceruleo cinereo-J'uscoqv.e vario, infra albo ; rectricibus nigris, apicibus albis. 68 CORVIDAE. Crested Jay, with the crest, forehead, region of the eyes, ears, neck in front and breast black ; an azure spot at the angle of the beak; the body above varied with blue and ashy-brown, beneath white; the tail-feathers black, with their tips white. Corvus cyanopogon. Pr. Max. Temtn. PL Col. 1G9. Inhabits South America. Length about twelve inches : between the eyes is an elevated crest, which, with the forehead, the region of the eyes, and the ears, the fore part of the neck and the breast, are plain black : above the eyes, in the angle of the beak at the base of the lower mandible, is a beautiful tur- quoise blue spot, most brilliant in the adult : the occiput and part of the nape are whitish ; the hinder part of the neck, the back, and the scapulars, are varied with blue and ashy-brown : the wings are black slightly tinged with violet in the adult, and with dusky in the young : the tail-feathers are black, with a white patch at the tip : the belly, thighs, and under tail-coverts are white, or whitish : the beak and legs are black. GENUS CLXXVIII.— CORVUS Auctorum. CROW. llostrum rectum, aut arcu- atum, basi glabrum, aut pennis setaceis antrorsum directis ornatum, crassum, supra convexum, lateratim compressum, integrum, aut versus apicem subemargi- natum, marginibus acutis. Cauda aequalis, aut rotun- da ta. Beak straight or arcuated, glabrous at the base, or furnished with setaceous feathers directed forwards, thick, convex above, la- terally compressed, to- wards the tip slightly notched or intire, the edges acute. Tail equal or rounded. CORVIDiE. 69 / Sp. 1. Coitus corax. Shaw, u.-vii. 341. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Coitus corone. Shaw, v. vii. p. 345. — America. Sp. 3. Corvus frugilegus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 347 —Britain and Europe. Sp. 4. Corvus cornix. Shaw, v. vii. p. 348. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 5. Corvus monedula. Shaw, v. vii. p. 350. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 6. Corvus Jamaicensis. Shaw, v. vii . p. 345. — Jamaica. Sp. 7. Corvus Dauricus. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 349. — Corvus scapu- latus. Daudin. Orn. v. ii. 232 ? — Parts of Asia and Africa. Sp. 8. Co. albicollis. Cuvier. Corvus vulturinus. Shaw, v. vii. p . 343. — Southern Africa. Sp. 9. Co? azureus. Co? capite colloque ant ice nigris; corpore, alis, cauddque cceru- lescentibus. Crow ? with the head and neck in front black ; the body, wings, and tail ceerulean. Corvus azureus. D’ Azara. Temm. PI. Col. 168. Inhabits America. Length about fourteen inches : the head and fore part of the neck are plain black : the rest of the body, the wings, and the tail are of a very beautiful caerulean shade : the inner webs of the wing-feathers and the tail beneath being dusky : the beak and legs are black : the wings reach to the middle of the tail, which is wedged. Sp. 10. Co? cristatellus. Co ? capite antice cristato ; crista pennisquc faciei nigris ; occi- pite, nucha, collo, dorsoque nign cant e-j usds ; ventre corporeque subtus albido -jlavesccntibus ,• alis caudaque basi cceruleis , apice albis. Crow ? with the head anteriorly crested 5 the crest and feathers of the face black ; the occiput, nape, neck, and back dusky- brown ; the belly and body beneath whitish-yellow ; the wings and base of the tail blue, the tip white. Corvus cristatellus. Temm. PI. Col. 193. 70 CORVIDiE. Inhabits South America. Length thirteen inches and a half : the base of the beak is furnished with a small crest, composed of strongly recurved feathers : this crest and the feathers of the face are deep black ; the latter rather tinged with brown : the occiput, nape, neck, and breast, are blackish-brown : the belly and all the under parts are whitish tinged with yel- low : the back and scapulars are dull bluish varied with a brown hue : the wings and the upper half of the tail are bright blue ; the lower half and the rec- trices are white : the legs and beak are black. STIRPS IK.— CORACIANA, Vigors. GENUS CLXXIX. — CORACIAS, Linne. ROLLER. Rostrum mediocre, basi gla- brum, altiiis quam latum, robustum : mandibula su- perior versus apicem cur- vatum . Nares lineares, oblique. Gai.gulus, Brissou. Beak moderate, the base gla- brous, higher than broad, robust : the upper man- dible curved towards the tip. Nostrils linear, oblique. Rollers all inhabit the old world, and their plumage is decorated with lively and brilliant, but inharmonious colours. A. Cauda subfurcata. A. With the tail slightly forked. Sp. 1. Co. garrula. Shaw, v. vii. p. 388. pi. 50. — Britain and Europe. CORVIDJE. 71 Sp. 2. Co. Beugalensis. Coracias Indica. Shaw, v. vii. p. 390. — India. Sp. 3. Co. viridis. Cuvier. Coracias Indica var. Shaw, v. vii. p. 391. — Southern Africa. B. Cauda valde furcata. B. With the tail much forked. Sp. 4. Co. Abyssinica. Coracias albifrons. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 392. — Abyssinia and Se- negal. Sp. 5. Co. Angolensis. Shaw, v. vii. 3 94.pl. 51. — Angola. Sp. 6. Co. cyanogaster. Cuvier. GENUS CLXXX — GRACULA, Vieillot. Rostrum robustum, supra convexum, subarcuatum, apice emarginatum et cur- vatum : mandibula infe- rior compressa. Caput carunculatum. Eulabes, Cuvier. Beak robust, convex above, a little arcuated, its tip emarginated and curved : the lower mandible com- pressed. Head carunculated. The only species known of this genus is said to possess the faculty of imitating the human voice more accurately than any other bird. Sp. I. Gracula religiosa. Shaw, v. vii. p. 451. pi. 54. — India. GENUS CLXXXI. — PTILONORHYNCHUS, Kuhl. Rostrum breve, forte, ro- bustum, basi depressum, curvatum : mandibula in- ferior validum, versus me- dium tumida. Beak short, strong, robust, depressed at the base, cur- ved : the under mandible stout, and tumid towards the middle. 72 CORVIDS. Nares basales, laterales, apertae, plumulis obtectas. Pedes robusti ; tarsi digitus medius longiores : digiti exteriores ad medium coa- liti ; laterales inaequales. Ptilonokhynchus. Temm. s. Nostrils basal, lateral, open, clothed with feathers. Legs robust; tarsi longer than the middle toe: the outer toes connected to the middle ; the lateral ones unequal. aliise. All the species of this genus inhabit Australasia, or the islands of the South Seas. Sp. ]. Pt. violaceus. Pt. corpore violaceo nitente, mas.; aut olivaceo, fcemina. Ptilonorhynchus with the body of a glossy violet, male; or oliva- ceous, female. Inhabits the South Sea Islands. Sp. 2. Pt. viridis. Pt. corpore viridis. Ptilonorhynchus with a green body. Inhabits the South Sea Islands. Sp. 3. Pt. niger. Pt. niger nitens pcdibus pallidis ; aut, fuscus, lunulis viridibus variegatis. Glossy black Ptilonorhynchus with the legs pale ; or, brown, va- riegated with green crescents. Satin Grakle. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 171. Inhabits New Holland. Length about nine inches : beak pale : plumage wholly glossy black : legs pale. The female and young bird are brown, more or less mixed and varied with greenish crescents on a pale ground. CORV IDiE. 73 GENUS CLXXXII. — GLAUCOPUS, Forster. WATTLE-BIRD. Rostrum fornicatum, cras- sum, integrum, versus api- cem curvatum ; mandibula superior margines inferi- oris tegens, inferior bre- vior subtus ad basin ca- runculata. Callous, Vieillot. Beak arched, thick, intire, curved towards the tip : the upper mandible cover- ing the edges of the lower , which latter is short and carunculated beneath at the base. Sp. 1. Gl. cinerea. Shaw, v. vii. p. 338. pi. 42. Inhabits New Holland. Feeds on insects, ber- ries, &c. Sp. 2. Gl. leucoptera. G i_. nigra fascia, alarum alba. Black Wattle-bird with a white band on the wings. Glaucopis leucopterus. Temm. PI. Col. 265. Inhabits Sunda, Sumatra, &c. Length fourteen inches : the prevailing colour of the plumage is black, with a white band on the wing : this band is parallel to the body, and is formed by the tips of the greater coverts, and a portion of the outer webs of the two first secondary quills being white : the legs and feet are black. At the base of the beak is a small naked space which communicates with a denuded spot round the orbits of the eyes : the tail is long, much wedged : the wings are short and rounded : the base of the beak is furnished above with small twisted stiff fea- thers. 74 CORVID/E. GENUS CLXXXIII. — Rostrum mediocre, basi plu- mis tomentosis tectum, pauld lateratim compres- sum, supra convexum, in- curvum, versus apicem la- ciniatum. Cauda longissima, cuneifor- ma. Naves minutissimae. Phrenotrix, Horsfield. Sp. 1. Cr. varians? Corvus Tremia. Shat v, v. vi Linn. Trans. ( Horsf. ) v. xiii.p CRYPSIRINA, Vieillot. Beak moderate, clothed at the base with downy fea- thers, a little compressed laterally, convex above, in- curved, and jagged to- wards the tip. Tail very long, wedge-shaped. Nostrils very small. i. p. 372. — Phrenotrix 'Premia. 163. — Java. STIRPS IV.— PARADISEANA, Vigors. The Paradise birds, which form the present stirps, are all natives of New Guinea, and the adjoining- islands : they are supposed to feed on fruits, and chiefly upon spices, though it is most probable that their subsistence consists not only of fruits, but also of insects : their plumage in general is most splen- did, and the males are usually adorned with several elongated and singularly constructed feathers. GENUS CLXXXIV. — ASTRAPIA, Vieillot. Rostrum basi glabrum, late- ratim compressum, supra angustum, acutum, versus Beak glabrous at the base, laterally compressed, nar- row above, acute, laci- CORVIDAE. 75 apicem laciniatum, incur- vatum. Cauda longissima, valde cu- neiforma. Sp. 1. As. nigra. Paradisea nigra. Sham , v. v GENUS CLXXXV.- Rostrwm gracile, basi ad medio plumis brevibus to- mentosis tectum, lateratim compressum, curvatum, apice subemarginatum, in- curvum. Pennce hypochondriorum , in masculis longiores, latas, decompositae. Sp. 1. Pa. aurea. Paradisea sexsetacaea. Sha Guinea. niated towards the tip, in- curved. Tail very long, greatly wedged. '. p. 488. — New Guinea. -PAROTIA, Vieillot. Beak slender, from the base to the middle clothed with short downy feathers, late- rally compressed, curved, its tip slightly notched, in- curved. Hypochondrial feathers , in the males lengthened, broad, decomposed. i, v. vii. p. 496. pi. 66. — New GENUS CLXXXVL— PARADISEA Auctorum. PARADISE-BIRD. Rostrum robustum, supra convexum, basi plumis to- mentosis tectum, rectum, lateratim compressum, ver- sus apicem laciniatum. Pennce hypochondriorum , in masculis, longissimae, flexi- les, decompositae. Beak robust, convex above, clothed at the base with downy feathers, straight, compressed laterally, la- ciniated towards the tip. Hypochondrial feathers , in the males, very long, flexible, decomposed. 76 Manucodiata, Brisson. CORVIDyE. Sp. 1. Pa. apoda. Linne. Paradisea major. Shaw, v. vii . p. 480. pi. 58. Sp. 2. Pa. minor. Shaw, v. vii.p. 480. Sp. 3. Pa. rubra. Cuvier? Paradisea sanguinea. Shaw , v. viii.p. 487.pl. 59. Sp. 4. Pa. nigricans. Shaiv, v. vii.p. 489./)/. 60. Sp. 5. Pa. magnifica. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 492. pi. 62. GENUS CLXXXVII.- Rostrum ad medio plumis clongatis tectum, valde la- teratim compressum, supra angustum, gracile, rectum, apice subemarginatum, in- curvum. Pennae colli, in masculis, lon- giores, alulae assimulantes. Sp. 1. Lo. superba. Paradisea superba. Shaw , v. Sp. 2. Lo. aurantia. Paradisea aurantia. Shaw, v LOPHORINA, Vieillot. Beak clothed with elongate feathers to the middle, much compressed late- rally, narrow above, slen- der, straight, its tip slightly notched, incurved. Feathers of the neck , in the males, lengthened, and re- sembling wings. ii. p. 494. pi. 63. — New Guinea. vii. p. 499. pi. 68. GENUS CLXXXVIII.- Rostrum basi plumis brevi- bus antrorsum spectanti- bus tectum, gracile, supra convexum, lateratim sub- compressum, versus api- cem tenuius laciniatum, arcuatum. CICINNURUS. Vieillot. Beak clothed at the base with short feathers point- ing forwards, slender, con- vex above, rather com- pressed laterally, towards the tip slightly jagged, arcuated. CORVIDiE. 77 Pennce hypochondriorum , in masculis, latae, elongatae, truncatse. Sp. 1 . Ci. regius. Paradisea regia. Shaiv, v. Hypochondrial feathers , in the males, broad, elon- gated, truncated. ii. p. 497. pi. 67. GENUS CLXXXIX.— EPIMACHUS, Cuvier. Postrum capite longius, su- pra convexum, lateratim compressum, arcuatum, acuminatum : mandibula superior longissima. Nares pennis tomentosis ves- titae. Penn a hypochondriorum , in masculis, elongatae. Cauda longissima. Beak longer than the head, convex above, compassed laterally, arcuated, acu- minated : the upper man- dible longest. Nostrils clothed with downy feathers. Hypochondrial feathers elon- gated in the males. Tail very long. Sp. 1. Ep. superbus. Promerops superbus. Shaw, v. viii.p. 145. — Female? — Pro- merops striatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 144. — Inhabits New Guinea. Sp. 2. Ep. splendidus. Ep. sericeo niger capite pectoreque chalybeo nitentibus ; caada sab- fur cat d. Silky-black Epimachus with the head and breast shining steel ; the tail somewhat forked. L’Epimaque Promefil. Cuv. Reg. Anim. v. i. p. 408. — Tufted Promerops. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 112. pi. lxvii *. Of a fine velvet-black, with a moderate and slightly forked tail ; the head and breast glossed of a fine steel ; the feathers of the flanks elongated, slender and black. 78 CORVID.®. STIRPS V. — FREGILINA ? The genus Pyrrhocorax Cuvier (vide volume xiii. pt. ii. p. 194*.), is placed by Mr. Vigors in this stirps of the present family, and apparently with propriety, as its habits are more allied to those of the Corvidie than of the Merulidae, in which family I have placed it, according to Cuvier’s classification in the R£gne Animal. GENUS CXC.— FREGILUS, Cuvier. CHOUGH. Rostrum capite longius, basi plumis brevibus antror- sum decumbentibus tec- tum, integrum, subgracile, cylindricum, arcuatum, acutum. Coracias (pars), Brisson. Sp. 1 . Fr. graculus. Corvus graculus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 378. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Fr. affinis. Corvus affinis. Shaw, v. vii . p. 381. — New Holland. Sp. 3. Fr. Enca. Fr. supra cyaneo-niger nitens, subtus obscurior ; j route vialis antice guldque atris. Chough above glossy blue-black, beneath obscui’e ; with the fore- head, cheeks anteriorly and throat black. Frigelus Enca. Linn. Trans. ( Hors/, I) v. xiii.p. 164. Beak longer than the head, its hase clothed with short feathers pointing forwards, intire, rather slender, cy- lindric, arcuated, acute. Inhabits Java. Length seventeen inches : plu- mage, generally, glossy blue-black, with the under BUCERIDJE. 79 parts dull : forehead, cheeks anteriorly, and chin black : the lower and hinder parts surrounding the eyes naked. FAMILY IV. — BUCERIDiE. Rostrum capite longius, marginibus clentaiis aid crenulatis : pedes gressorii. Beak longer than the head, with its edges dentated or crenu- lated ; legs gressorial. The Bucerkhe are large birds, and are carnivorous and frugiverous, feeding not only on berries and other vegetable materials, but also on any putrid animal substances, and frequently on smaller animals, as mice, birds, frogs, &c. : they are confined to the tro- pical regions : the Buceri to those of the old, and the Momotes to those of the new, world. GENUS CXCI.— BUCEROS Auctorum. HORXBILL. Rostrum magnum, cellulo- sum, arcuatum, extrorsum serratum : mandibula su- 1 perior plerisque appendice aucta. Nares parvae, rotundatae, pone rostri basin. Lingua brevissima. Hydrocorax, Brisson. Beak large, cellular, arcu- ated, externally serrated : the upper mandible gene- rally furnished with an appendage. Nostrils small, rounded at the base of the beak. Tongue very short. The species of this genus have been separated into two sections, from the presence or absence of the singular appendage to the beak with which several 80 BUCERIDiE. of them are endowed ; but this method is objection- able, inasmuch as the younger birds have always a simple beak, and the form of the casque varies with the age of the bird. They all inhabit the old world. Sp. 1. Bu. rhinoceros. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 3. pi. 1. — Calao rhino- ceros. Le Vaill. Ois. d’ Afriq. v. pi. I, 2. — Bu. niger. Shaw, v. viii. p. 7. — Bu. Africanus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 6. j young. — Isles of Sunda. Sp. 2. Bu. monoceros. Shaw, v. viii. p. 8. — India and Ceylon. Sp. 3. Bu. cassidix. Temm. PI. Col. 210. Bu. vertice occipiteque castaneis; collo jlavo ; corpore, alis,femo- ribusque splendide viridi-nigris ; caudd alba. Hornbill with the top of the head and occiput chesnut; the neck yellow; the body, wings, and thighs glossy green-black ; the tail white. Inhabits the island of Celebes. Length three feet and a half; beak nine inches, very large, bright yellow, furnished at its base with a horny purple- red casque, which is transversely wrinkled, nearly semicircular, broad at the base, and cut off anteriorly, and resembling a crest ; both sexes are thus provided. The adult male has the top of the head and part of the occiput of a marron colour : all the neck is bright golden yellow : the body, wings, and thighs are of a glossy metallic green-black : the tail is pure white : the space round the eyes and the skin on the throat are livid yellow, tinged with bluish : a dusky band extends from the latter to the angles of the beak : the irides are orange-red. Sp. 4. Bu. bicornis. Shaw , v. viii. p. 16. — Bu. cavatus. Shaiv, v. viii. 18. — Sumatra. BUCERIDiE. 81 Sp. 5. Bu. Abyssinicus. Shaw, v. viii . p. 21. — Northern Africa. Sp. 6. Bu. Leadbeaterii. Linn. Trans. ( Vigors.) v. xiv. Bu. niger remigibus primoribus albis ; regione ophthalmicd gut- tureque nudis, coccineis cceruleo va?'iegatis ; rostri dorso elevato, cultrato, compresso. Black Hornbill with the primary quills white ; the ophthalmic region and throat naked, scarlet varied with blue ; the top of the beak elevated, cultrated, and compressed. Inhabits the interior of Northern Africa. Length three feet seven inches and a half : beak black, the back carinated, similar to that of the Anis : the crown of the head, five inner secondary quills, and the tail- feathers intense black : the back, neck, breast, abdo- men, and rest of the secondary quills brown-black : the primary quills white, sprinkled with small black spots on the middle of the outer web. Allied to Bu. Abyssinicus, but differs in the structure of the beak. Sp. 7. Bu. hydrocorax. Shaw, v. viii. p. 31. Temm. PI. Col. 283. — Philippine Islands. Sp. 8. Bu. galeatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 24. — Papuan Islands. Sp. 9. Bu. plicatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 38. — Bu. undulatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 26. — Bu. Javanicus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 28. — Ceylon, Java, &c. Sp. 10. Bu. violaceus. Shaw, v. viii. ^9. 19. — Ceylon. Sp. 11. Bu. sulcatus. Temm. PL Col. 69. Bu. supra niger viridi nitens, infra obscure niger; fascie albida; collo rufescente ; occipite nuchaque rufis; rostro lateratim sid- cato. Hornbill above black glossed with green, beneath dull black ; with the face whitish ; the neck reddish ; the occiput and nape red ; the beak laterally grooved. Inhabits the Philippine Islands. Length two feet four or five inches : the beak is furnished with a 6 V. XIV. P. I. BUCERIDJE. s» crest about two inches high and four long, vertically cut off in front and marked with four or five grooves on its sides, ascending to the eye of the bird. The adult male has the face whitish, changing to reddish on the sides of the neck, and becoming deep red on the elongated feathers on the occiput and nape : the lower part of the neck is reddish : the back and the wings are black, slightly glossed with green : the belly and all the under parts are dull black : the tail is whitish, with a broad black band at its tip : the beak and its crest are red-purple ; as are also the naked spaces round the eyes, and on the chin : the grooves on the beak are dusky, the elevated lines yellow : the legs are deep ashy-blue : the irides are yellow. The young have the beak reddish, smooth, and the crest small : the plumage is dull sooty brown : the head and the neck are the same, but the tail is white with its tip black : the adult female has the entire plumage black, more or less glossed. Sp. 12. Bu. Malabaricus. Lath. — Bu. albirostris. Shave, v. viii. p. 13. — India, Java, &c. Sp. 13. Bu. Panayensis. Shave, v. viii. p. 33. — Philippine Isles. Sp. 14. Bu. ginginianus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 36. — India. Sp. 15. Bu. exarhatus. Reinvo. Temm. PL Col. 211. Bu. niger dorso, alls, caudaque xiridi-ccneo nitentibus; rostro simplici, longitudinaliter sulcato. Black Hornbill with the back, wings, and tail glossed with bronzed-green ; the beak simple, longitudinally grooved. Inhabits the Isle of Celebes. Length nineteen inches : the beak is simple, with its culmen sharp and elevated, and truncated diagonally at a short distance BUCERIDJE. S3 from the tip ; it is distinguished by having very deep grooves, following the contour of the beak ; and reaching nearly to the tip of the upper mandibles, the tip itself and lower mandible being smooth : the plumage in general is of a sombre cast ; the head is of a dull black ; as are also the neck and under parts : the back, wings, and tail are of a shining black, with bronzed-green redections : the wings reach to the rump : the tail is equal : the legs black : and the beak brown, with its tip whitish. Sp. 16. Bu. faseiatus. r. viil. p. 34. — Angola. Sp. 17. Bu. coronatus. Shevc, r. via. p. 35. Szaain. Zxd. I. use. r. ill. pL 175. — Southern Africa. Sp. 15. Bu. gingalensis. S:as:, r. viii, r. 37. — Ceylon. Sp. 19. Bu. nasutus. Lath. Seszc. r. viii. r. 30, — Africa. Sp. 70. Bu. erythrorh ynehos. BrLss. pL 45.. f. 7, — Bu. nssutus. ,rcr. Red-billed Horn-bill.) Sintr. r. viii. r- 20.— Africa. Sp. 71. Bn. buccinator. Tersr n. PL C:L 754. Br. c-x\of pectcre. dorse. ceeztdd sue rJrri*. v:rids-. 56. Pa. viridis, sincipite guldque aureo-Jlavis ; Jascid pcctorali macu- lisque Jemoralibus rubris. Green Palaeornis with the sinciput and throat golden-yellow ; a band on the breast and spots on the thighs red. Psittacus Barrabandi. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. i. pi. 59. — Scarlet- breasted Parrot. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. ii. p. 121. Inhabits New Holland. Length fifteen inches : beak red : forehead to the middle of the crown yellow: behind the yellow, on the crown a shade of blue : PALfiOBFI S BAB1AMSDL PSITTACIDiE. m chin and throat yellow, the latter banded on the breast by a broad scarlet band : general colour of the rest of the plumage green : thighs mixed deep red and green : tail cuneiform ; the two middle feathers nine inches long, the outer ones only four : quills deep green, with bluish edges : shafts of the quills and tail nearly black, under part of the latter chiefly dusky black : the wings reach to above half way on the tail : legs black. B. Mandibula injeriora elongata. B. With the lower mandible elongated. Sp. 11. Pa. Papuensis. Zool. Journ. (Vigors.) v. iii. p. 56.-— Psittacus Papuensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 440. pi. 64. — New Gui- nea, or Papua. GENUS CCXVII.— TRICHOGLOSSUS, Vigors. Rostrum subcrassum, man- dihula superior arcuata, inferior subelongata. Lingua apice setosa. Aloe mediocres. Pedes breves; tarsi medio- cres. Cauda subbrevis. Beale rather stout ; the upper mandible arcuate, the lower rather elongated. Tongue bristly at the tip. Wings moderate. Legs short ; tarsi moderate. Tail somewhat short. The Trichoglossi appear to belong to the old world, New Holland, and the Pacific Islands. Sp. 1. Tr. hsematopus. Psittacus hannatopus. Gmel. Syst. Nat. 1 . p. 357- — Psittacus cyanogaster. Shaw, v. viii.;). 413. — Molucca Islands, v. xiv. p. i. 9 130 PSITTACIDiE. Sp. 2. Tr. capistratus. Psittacus capistratus. Beckst. — Psittacus haematodes. Shatv, v. viii. p. 415. — Amboyna? Sp. 3. Tr. concinnus. Psittacus concinnus. Shatv, Nat. Misc. — New Holland. Sp. 4. Tr. pusillus. Psittacus pusillus. Shat v, v. viii. p. 471. — New Holland. Sp. 5. Tr? Taitianus. Psittacus Porphyrio. Shaw, v. viii. p. 473. pi. 70. — Otalieite. Sp. 6. Tr? australis. Tr? saturate viridls ; fronte anticd, mandibulce regione, carpo et alarum tcctricibus inferioribus rubris ; regione interocalari cceruleo. Deep green Trichoglossus, with the forehead in front, the region of the mandible, bend of the wing and under wing-coverts red ; the space between the eyes blue. Psittacus australis. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x. p. 48. Inhabits New Holland. Size and form of Nan- otles pulchellus : a deep green ; the forehead in front, the region of the mandible, the bend of the wing and its under-coverts red : the space between the beak and eyes yellowish : the region between the eyes and the margin of the wings blue : the quills black, edged with yellow: the tail-feathers narrow, long, dull red, towards the tip pale blue. Sp. 7. Tr? chlorolepidotus. Tr ? dorso, pcctore, et abdomine superiore luteis, viridi squamatis; alarum tectricibus inferioribus basique ve, villi interni rectricum rubris. Triclioglossus with the back, breast, and upper part of the abdo- men luteous, with green scales ; the under wing-coverts and base of the inner webs of the tail-feathers red. PSITTACIDiE. 131 Psittacus chlorolepidotus. Nova Act. Acad. Nat . Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x.p. 48. Inhabits New Holland. The size and form of Tr. concimms : the back, breast, and upper belly yellow, with green scales : wings green, with their lower coverts and base of the inner web of the quills red : tail green above, reddish-yellow beneath : beak red : tarsi short, thick. GENUS CCXVIIL— LORIUS, Vigors. LORY. llostrum subattenuatum : mcindibula superior valde arcuata, compressa ; in- ferior elongata fere in- tegra. Lingua setosa, tubulosa ? Alee medicares ; remige ter- tia ? longissima, secunda et prima gradatim paulo bre- vioribus, secundae, tertiae, et quartae pogoniis externis in medio gradatim latiori- bus. Pedes mediocres. Cauda subbrevis, subgra- data, fere rotundata. Beak rather attenuated : the upper mandible much arched, compressed ; the lower lengthened, nearly entire. Tongue bristly, tubular ? Wings moderate: the third gm/Zlongest, the second and first gradually shorter, the second, third, and fourth with their outer webs gra- dually wider in the middle. Legs moderate. Tail rather short, a little gra- dated, nearly rounded. Lories have generally the ground-colour of their plumage of various shades of red : they all inhabit the East Indies. Sp. 1 . Lo. grandis. Psittacus grandis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 533. pi. 80. — Psittacus puniceus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 464. — Moluccas. 132 PSITTACID.4.. Sp. 2. Lo. domiceUa. Psittacus domicellus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 535. pi. 81. — Psittacus Raja. Shaw, v. viii. p. 537. pi. 82. — Moluccas. Sp. 3. Lo. ruber. Psittacus caeruleatus. Shatv, v. viii. p. 539. — Lori de la Chine. Buff. PI. Enl. 519. — Moluccas. Sp. 4. Lo. unicolor. Psittacus unicolor. Shatv, v. viii. p. 538. — Moluccas. Sp. 5. Lo. Guebiensis. Lori ecaille. Le Vaill. Per. 5 1 . — and Loris de Gueby. Buff. PI. Enl. 684. — Vide Psittacus squameus. Share, v. viii. p. 463. — Psittacus Guebiensis. Share, v. viii. p. 462 ? — Moluccas. Sp. 6. Lo. incarnatus. Psittacus incarnatus. Share, v. viii. p. 456.— Perruclie a gorge rouge. Lc Vaill. Per. 46. — India. Sp. 7. Lo. Borneus. Psittacus Borneus. Share, v. viii. p. 460. pi. 67. — Borneo. Sp. 8. Lo. tricolor. Psittacus Lory. Shane , v. viii. p. 534. — Moluccas. Sp. 9. Lo. garrulus. Psittacus garrulus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 536. — Moluccas. Sp. 10. Lo. cyanurus. Psittacus cyanurus. Share, v. viii. p. 538. — Borneo. Sp. 1 1 . Lo. coccineus. Psittacus coccineus. Share, v. viii. p. 461. pi. 68. — Moluccas. Sp. 12. Lo. cucullatus. Psittacus cucullatus. Share, v. viii. p. 461 . — Psittacus ricinia- tus. Becks. — Moluccas. Sp. 13. Lo. Novae Guineae. Psittacus Novae Guineae. Share, v. viii. p. 451. — New Guinea. Sp. 14. Lo. ornatus. Psittacus ornatus. Share, v. viii. p. 416. pi. 60. — East Indies. PSITTACID/E. 133 GENUS CCXIX — BROTOGERIS, Vigors. Rostrum attenuatum, com- pressum : mandibula in- ferior elongata, vix emar- ginata. Alee mediocres: reniigibus tribus primis fere aequali- bus. Pedes mediocres. Cauda subelongata, gradata. Beak attenuated, compressed : the lower mandible elon- gated, scarcely notched. Wings moderate: the three first quills nearly even. Legs moderate. Tail rather elongated, gra- dated. Sp. 1. Br. pyrrhopterus. Zool. Journ. (Vigors.) v. ii. p. 394. Psittacus pyrrliopterus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 4/0. Zool. Journ. (Vigors.) v. i. p. 535. pi. supp. 4. — Southern Islands. Sp. 2. Br. Sparmanni. Br. toto corpore cceruleo. Brotogeris with the entire body blue. Psittacus Sparmanni. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 68. — Perruche Sparman. Le Vaill. Per. 66. Inhabits Otaheite. Length six inches : the entire body blue, with the feathers of the head narrow and lucid : the neck in front bluish- white : the beak and legs red : the tail shorter than the body. Sp. 3. Br. friugillaceus. Psittacus pipilans. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 4/2. pi. 69. — Southern Islands. Sp. 4. Br? phigy. Psittacus coccineus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 472. — New Holland. 134 PSITTACIDiE. GENUS CCXX.— ARATINGA, Spix. Rostrum gracilum, denta- tum. Orbitce nudiusculae ; gen a; angustse, vix vel raro nudae. Cauda longiuscula, cuneata ; rectricibus intermediis lon- gioribus. Beak slender, dentatcd. Orbits rather naked : cheeks narrow, scarcely naked. Tail rather long, wedged, the intermediate feathers lengthened. This genus, which apparently unites the Maccaws with the long-tailed Parrakeets on the one side, and the latter with the short-tailed or true Parrakeets on the other, is peculiar to the New World ; they have also -an affinity to the Psitticarse, which commence the present stirps. Sp. I. Ar. Carolines August®. Spix, Avium Nov. Spec. p. 29. pi. xii. Ar. marginibus aureo-luleus ; remigibus viridibus; caudd lota aurco-luteu; rostro jlaxo-cdbido. Rather large Aratinga of a golden-yellow; with the quills green ; the entire tail golden-yellow ; the beak yellow-wliite. Inhabits Brazil. Body above and beneath spot- less golden-yellow, with the feathers white at the base : cheeks somew hat plumose : orbits rather naked, yellowish : the wing-coverts and edges of the axillae luteous : the wings above and beneath golden yellow ; quills greenish, dusky on the inner webs; tail above and beneath golden-yellow, the shafts white : beak yellowish-white. PSITTACIDJE. 135 Sp. 2. Ar. hsemorrhous. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 29. pi. xii. Ar. viridis, cauda subtus sanguined, apice Jlavo livescente; vexillo rectricium interno sanguineo, externo viridi; fronte cendescente. Green Aratinga with the tail beneath sanguineous, its tip livid yellow ; the inner web of its feathers yellow-sanguineous, the outer green ; the fox-ehead bluish. Inhabits Brazil. Body green, immaculate : fore- head bluish : cheeks with green plumes : orbits some- what naked : wings beneath in front greenish, behind livescent-yellow : quills green, dusky at the tip, the inner web livid-brown, shafts black : the outer quill bluish : the tail green above, sanguineous beneath ; towards the tip livid-yellowish ; the two middle feathers spotless green ; the rest, with the middle of the inner web sanguineous. Sp. 3. Ar. chrysocephalus. Spix. Avium Nova Spec. p. 30. pi. xiv. Ar. minor supra viridis, subtus coccineus ; capite colloque auran- tiis ; fronte orbitis circum, dorso humerisque subtus purpureis ; remigibus apiceque rectricium violciceis ; rostro pedibusque nigris. Small Aratinga above green, beneath scarlet : with the head and neck orange ; the forehead round the orbits, the back and shoul- ders beneath, purple; the quills and tip of the tail-feathers violet : the beak and legs black. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 4. Ar. solstitialis. Psittacus solstitialis. Shaw, v. viii, p. 448. pi. 65. — Brazil. Sp. 5. Ar. guarouba. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 31 .pi. xiv. a. — Psittacus solstitialis, female. Shaw, v. viii. p. 448 ?■ — Brazil. Sp. 6. Ar. xanthoptcrus. Spix , Avium Nova Spec. p. 31. pi. xv. / 2. 130 PSITTACIDiE. Ar. minor supra sublusque viridis ; teclricibus alarum ultiari- busque luteis ; remigibusque secundariis viridibus, capitc collo, remigibusque ccerulescente viridibus; caada viridis, apice jlavo marginata . Small Aratinga above and beneath green ; with the wing coverts and bend of the wings yellow ; the secondary quills green ; the head, neck, and quids bluish-green ; the tail green, its tip margined with yellow. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 7. Ar. Carolinensis. Psittacus Carolinensis. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1 . p. 141. Sp. 8. Ar. ludovicianus. Psittacus Carolinensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 444 — Wils. Amer. Orn. iii. p. xxvi. f. 1. — North America. Sp. 9. Ar. Sosove. Psittacus Sosove. Shaw, v. viii. p. 552. — Psittacus Tuipara. Shaw, v. viii. p. 555. — Psittacus Tovi. Shaw, v. viii. p. 546. — Cayenne. Sp. 10. Ar. acutirostris. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 32. pi. xv. /I- Ait? minor supra malachitaceo-viridis, subtus Jlavo-viridis ; rcmi- gibus medio violaceis ; rostro porrccto, lateraliter compresso. Small Aratinga? above malachite-green, beneath yellow -green, with the quills violet in the middle; the beak porrect, laterally compressed. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 1 1. Ar. viridissimus. Kidd. Psittacus Sincialo. Shaw, v. viii. p. 441. — Brazil. Sp. 12. Ar. rufirostris. Psittacus Sincialo var ? Shaw, v. viii. p. 442. — Long-tailed green Parrakcet. Edwards, pi 1/5. — St. Domingo. Sp. 13. Ar. aurifrons. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 32. pi. xv. f. 2. Ar. minor, viridis, f route nee non periophthalmis croceis; hypo- chondriis, alis subtus, abdomine inf mo dorsoque medio sangui- nolentis ; macula auriculari vircscentfi vcl Jlavido-virescente ; PSITTACIDiE. 137 remigibus viridibus ; apice medioque violaceis ; caudd viridi- lividd ; apice violaced. Small green Aratinga with the forehead and periopthalmiaj saf- fron-coloured ; the hypochondriac, wings beneath, lower abdo- men, and back in the middle sanguineous ; a yellowish-green spot in the ears ; the quills green, the tip and middle violet j the tail livid-green, its tip violet. Inhabits Brazil. Length nine inches and three- quarters, Sp. 14. Ar. cyanogularis. SpLv, Avium Nova Spec. p. 3 3. pi. xvii. Ar. viridis minor variegatus ; capite fusco; stria infra ocidos coccined; baibd maxillari viridi ; macula post auriculari maris ferrugined, fcemince hrunneo rufa; axillis, abdomine dorsoque inf mis cauddque subtus,favescente purpuras; collari, pectore, remigibusque ccerulescentibus. Small green variegated Aratinga with the head brown ; a stripe of scarlet beneath the eyes ; a green maxillary whisker 5 a spot of a ferruginous colour behind the ears of the male, and of a red-brown behind those of the female ; the axillae, lower part of the back, and abdomen, and the tail beneath, yellowish purple; the collar, breast, and quills bluish. Inhabits Brazil. Length ten inches. Sp. 15. Ar. flaviventer. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 33. pi. xviii. f. 1 . male ; f. 2. female. Ar. minor, viridis supra, subtusfavescens, immaculata; f route cinereo-virescente ,• collo pectoreque cinereo-brunnescentibus ; ab- domine aurantiaco ; macula post auriculari viridi; remigibus viridi caeruleis , caudd supra viridi, subtus flavida. Small Aratinga above green, beneath yellowish, immaculate, with the forehead ashy-green ; the neck and breast ashy-brown ; the abdomen orange ; a green spot behind the ears ; the quills green-blue; the tail above green, beneath yellowish. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches and three- quarters. 138 PSITTACID^. Ar. 10. Ar. Caixana. Spit', Avium Nava Spec. p. 34. pi. x ix. ./• I- Ar. minor supra viridi; collo antico cinereo-fiavo ; abdomine au- rantiaco; remigibus secundariis sulphureis. Small Aratinga above green, with the neck in front ashy-yellow ; the abdomen orange j the secondary quills sulphureous. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 17. Ar. Ninus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 34. pi. xix.J'. 2. Ar. viridis, minor, gents barbuque maxillari Jusco-coccineis ; ma- cula auriculari grised; collari parvo cceruleo pectoreque vires- cente albo-jimbriatis ; macula dorsi bifimis abdomineque , axillis, cauddque supra et subtits sanguineis. Small green Aratinga with the cheeks and maxillary whisker brownish-scarlet ; a grey auricular spot, a small blue collar, a greenish breast bordered with white 5 a spot on the lower back ; the abdomen, axilla, and tail above and beneath san- guineous. Inhabits Brazil. Length six inches and three quarters. Sp. 18. Ar. perlatus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 35. pi. xx. f. 1. male \ f. 2. female. Ar. viridis, minor, genis barbisque maxillaribus viridibus ; cauda supra sanguined, subtus nigra ; axillis alisque ad marginem subtusque coccincis ; pectore margaritaceo, variegato; remigibus crissoquc cceruleis. Small Aratinga, with the cheeks and maxillary whiskers green ; the tail above sanguineous, beneath black, with the axillae and wings on the margin and beneath scarlet 5 the breast pearly, variegated ; the quills and vent blue. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches. Sp. 19. Ar. fasciatus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 25. pi. xxi. f. 1 . male ; J. 2. female. PSITTACIDiE. 139 Ar. minor, supra viridis, subtus variegatus ; fronte subcoccinea ; collo anterior e pectoreque olivaceis, plimis fulvo nigroque termi- natis, caudd viridi, apice subtusque sanguined ; genis nigris; barbd maxillari viridi ; macula auriculari brunneo-grisea. Small Aratinga above green, beneath variegated, with the fore- head crimson ; the neck in front and breast olive, the feathers tipped with fulvous and black; the tail green, its tip and under surface sanguineous ; the cheeks black ; a green maxil- lary whisker, and a brown-grey spot on the ears. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches and a half: allied to Psittacara vittata. Sp. 20. Ar. melanurus. Spiv, Avium Nova Spec. p. 3 6. pi. xxii. f. 1. male; f. 2. female. Ar. minor, viridis supra, et subtus ; collari ccerulescente pectoreque viridi albo-fasciolcitis, tectricibus alarum radialibus supra jacen- tibus rubris jlavisque ; genis barbdque viridibus ; caudd supra et subtus nigridd. Small Aratinga green above and beneath, with a bluish collar and greenish breast, fasciolated with white ; the secondary wing-coverts red and yellow ; the cheeks and whiskers green 3 the tail black above and below. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches and a half. Sp. 21. Ar. canicularis. Psittacus canicularis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 455. — Brazil. Sp. 22. Ar. seruginosus. Psittacus aeruginosus. Shat 0, v. viii . p. 455. — South America. Sp. 23. Ar. aureus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec.p. 37. Psittacus regulus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 453. — Brazil. Sp. 24. Ar. pertinax. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 37. Psittacus pertinax. Shaie, v. viii. p. 45. — Brazil. Sp. 25. Ar. virescens. Spix, Avium Nova Spec.p. 37. Psittacus virescens. Shaw, v. viii. p. 458. — Guiana. Sp. 26. Ar. buccalis. Ar. mento et regione inter oculos et rostrum griseis. Aratinga with the space between the eyes and the beak grey. 140 rSITTACIDJE. Psittacus buccalis. Becks. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) p. x.f. 26. — Perruche a joues grises. Le Vaill. Par. 67. Inhabits Cayenne. Size moderate : tail scarcely shorter than the body, very acute: the chin and space between the eyes and beak grey : the coverts at the base of the primary quills long and blue : the rest green, beneath yellowish. STIRPS V— PSITTACULINA, Vigors. GENUS CCXXl.— PSITTACULA, Kuhl. PARRAKEET. Rostrum mediocre. Facies plumata. Cor pore minus. Cauda corpore multo brevior, rotundata, acuta. Ps ITT AC ULUS, Spix. Beak moderate. Face clothed with feathers. Body small. Tail much shorter than the body, rounded, acute. The species of this genus are found throughout the torrid zone. Sp. 1. Ps. passerinus. SpLv, Avium Nova Spec. p. 38. pi. xxxiii. f. 1. male ; f. 2. young; pi. xxxiv.f. 2. female. Psittacus passerinus. Skate, v. viii. p. 556. — Psittacus Capensis. Skate, v. viii. p. 55G. — Brazil. Sp. 2. Ps. St. Thomae. Pr. Icete viridis unicolor , regione rostrum maris cingente, flava, feminaj viridi Jlavescente ; femiua f route flavicante viridi . Fine uniform green, with the region of the beak bounded by yellow in the male, by greenish-yellow in the female ; the last with the forehead yellowish-green. Psittacus St. Thomai. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Car. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 58. PSITTACIDiE. 141 Inhabits the Isle of St. Thomas. Length four inches and a quarter : uniform deep green, rather yellowish beneath : the region of the beak in the male bounded by yellow ; in the female with greenish- yellow : the tail beneath pale yellowish-green, towards the tip of a brownish-yellow : the inner web of the wings black, the secondary quills yellowish : the beak pale : the female with the forehead yellowish-green. Sp. 3. Ps. Tui. Psittacus Tui. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 547. — Psitta- culus Tui. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 39. — Cayenne and Brazil. Sp. 4. Ps. surda. Ps ? perioptlialmis nudis, cinerascentibus, rernigibas secundariis apice nigris, cauda subcimeiformi, ferrugineo-jiavd, marginibus apiceque nigris ; rectricibus duabus intermediis, apice excepto, viridibus. Parrakeet with the periopthalmi naked ash-coloured, the second- ary quills black at the tips; the tail somewhat wedged, of a rusty-yellow, its edges and tip black ; the two middle feathers, the tip excepted, green. Psittacus surdus. Illiger. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x. p. 59. — Psittacus ochrurus. Pr. Max. Inhabits Brazil. Length six inches and three- quarters : the beak yellow ; round the eyes naked, cinereous : the face and regions of the beak yellow- brownish : the under parts deep-green, the upper and sides of the neck livid-green : the shoulder, back and rump beautiful deep-green : the secondary quills black at the tip : the scapulars olive-brown : the tail slightly wedged, rusty-yellow, with its edges and tip black ; the two middle feathers, excepting the tip, green. The young have the lateral margin of the tail marked with green. 142 rSITTACrDiE. Sp. 5. Ps. melanotus. Ps. dorso, scapulis uropygioque brunneo-nigris ; caudu purpureo- coccinea, fascia lata apicali et laterali cinctd, rectricibus inter- mediis viridi nigroque terminates. Parrakeet with the back, scapulars and rump brown-black ; the tail purple-scarlet, bounded by a broad terminal and lateral band ; the two middle tail-feathers terminated with black and green. Psittacus melanotus Lickstenslein. — Psittacus erythrurus. Pr. Maximillian. — Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl.) v. x. p. 59. Inhabits Brazil. The size and form of the pre- ceding : green : back, scapulars and rump brown- black : the abdomen sprinkled with grey : the an- terior margin of the wing red : the tail purple-scarlet, bounded by a broad terminal and lateral band ; the intermediate feathers tipped with black and green. Sp. 6. Ps. purpurata. Kuhl. Psittacus porphyrurus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 547. — Cayenne. Sp. 7. Ps. inelanoptera. Psittacus melanopterus. Shaiv, v. viii .p. 548. pi. 83. — Trinity Island, South America. Sp. 8. Ps. pileata. Psittacus pileatus. Gmel. — Psittacus Ca'ica. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 542. — Guiana. Sp. 9. Ps. Barrabandi. Kuhl. Psittacus Cai'ca var. ? Shaiv, v. viii. p. 542. — Brazil. Sp. 10. Ps. ? vulturina. Ps? capite calvo, nigricante ; torque cervicali rectricumque vexillis internis favis, alarum iectricibus inferioribus coccineis, humeris aurantiis. Parrakeet ? with the head bald, dusky, a cervical collar and the inner webs of the tail-feathers yellow ; the lower wing-coverts scarlet ; the shoulders orange. Psittacus vulturinus. Illiger. — Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 62. PSITTACIDiE, 143 Inhabits Brazil. Splendid green : head bald, dusky : the abdomen emerald-green : a collar on the cervex and inner webs of the tail-feathers yellow : the breast yellowish-olive : the lower wing-coverts scarlet : the shoulders orange : the neck dusky be- hind : the quills bluish-black, the edges towards the tip yellow : the tail with its tip blue. Sp. 1 1. Ps. cana. Psittacus canus. Skaxv, v. viii. p. 550.— Madagascar. Sp. 12. Ps. Swinderniana. Ps. torque nuchali nigra, uropyglo caudceque tectricibus superior! - bus lazulinis: cauda alls brevior.e, basi coccinea, apice supra, viridi, bifra ccerulescente, fascia nigrd intermedia, Parrakeet with a black nuchal collar, the rump and upper tail- coverts lazuline colour ; the tail shorter than the wings, scarlet at its base, above green at the tip, beneath bluish with a black bar in the middle. Psittacus Swindernianus. Nova Act . Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x. p. 62. pi. ii. Inhabits Africa. The head above and nape splendid green : a black collar on the nape : the back and wings obscure-green : the rump and upper tail-coverts lazuline-colour : the face, abdomen, and lower tail-coverts yellowish-green : the breast and entire neck ochraceous-green : the tail shorter than the wings, its base scarlet, the tip above green, beneath bluish, with an intermediate black bar : the quills black, edged with green. Sp. 13. Ps? roseicollis. Ps . f route et superciliis rubris; facie colloque antico rosaceis; caudce tectricibus superioribus azureis. Parrakeet with the forehead and eyebrows red ; the face and neck in front rosy ; the upper tail-coverts azure- 144 PSITTACIDJE. Psittacus roseicollis. Vieillot. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x. p. G3. Inhabits Southern Africa. Length six inches : beak stout : plumage pale green : the forehead and eyebrows red : the face and neck in front rosy : the lower wing- coverts blue-green : the rump and upper tail-coverts azure : the tail scarlet, with its tip bluish, a black band at the tip, the outer webs edged with green. Sp. 14. Ps. Galgula. Psittacus Galgulus. Shaw. v. xin. p 550. — Philippine Islands. Sp. 15. Ps. Philippensis. Psittacus Philippensis. Brisson. — Psittacus Galgalus, var. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 550. — Philippine Islands. Sp. 16. Ps. vernal is. Ps. viridis capite magis splcndente ; rostro rubro ; uropygio coc- cineo. Green Parakeet with the head more splendid; the beak red; the rump scarlet. Psittacus vernalis. Sparmann. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. (Kuhl.) v. x. p. 65. Inhabits Java and Timor. Size and form of Ps. Galgalus : green, with the head more splendid : the beak red : the under side of the body yellowish-green : the tail bluish : the rump and upper tail-coverts splen- did scarlet : the throat sometimes a little tinged with flame-colour. Sp. 1/. Ps. Indica. Psittacus minor. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 553. — Psittacus Asiaticus. Shaiv, v. viii./;. 553. — India. Sp. 18. Ps. torquata. Psittacus torquatus. Shaw , v viii. p. 551. — Luzonia. Sp. 1 9. Ps. simplex. PSITTACIDiE. 145 Ps. totus viridis, infra, dilutior ; rostro pedibusque canis . Parrakeet entirely green, paler beneath ; with the beak and legs hoary. Psittacus simplex. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x. p. 66. Sonner. Voy. h la Nouv. Guinee , p. 76. pi. 36. Jig. sup. Inhabits Luzonia. Scarcely larger than Ps. gal- gula : entirely green, paler beneath : the beak and legs hoary : the tail short. Sp. 20. Ps. pullaria. Psittacus pullarius. Shaw, v. viii. p. 549. pi. 84. — Asia and Africa. Sp. 21. Ps. microptera. Ps .fascid alarum transverse, lata Jlavescente-viridi ; cauda Jascid lilacind angustissbnd continud ; dorso alarumque tectricibus tni- ncribus nigris. Parrakeet with a broad transverse yellowish-green band on the wings ; a continuous very narrow lilac bar on the tail j the back and lesser wing-coverts black. Psittacus micropterus. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. {Kuhl.) v. x. p. 67. Sonner. Voy. h la Nouv. Guinee, p. 84 .pi. 41. Inhabits Luzonia. Length six inches and a half : the beak reddish-yellow : the head, neck, abdomen, and a broad transverse band on the wings yellowish- green : the external webs of the feathers edged with blue, forming a band : the lesser quills black-green, the greater black: the tail with a lilac very narrow continued bar : the back and lesser wing-coverts black. Sp. 22. Ps. Malaccensis. Psittacus Malaccensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 55 4. — ’Malacca. Sp. 23. Ps? incerta. Ps. viridis rostro rujescente ; tectricibus alarum inj'erioribus rubris; capite supra uropygioque ccendeis. V. XIV. P. I. 10 146 PS1TTACIDAS. Green Parrakeet with the beak reddish ; the lower wing-coverts red ; the head above and rump blue. Psittacus incertus. Shaw, Nat. Mis.pl. 769. Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. ( Kuhl .) v. x. p. 68. Inhabits India. About the size and form of Ps. melanopteras : green : the beak reddish : the lower wing-coverts red : the head above and the rump blue : the wing-coverts edged with yellow : the quills black, the outer web green. Sp. 24-. Ps? xanthopterygia. Ps ? jlavido-virescens, tectricibus alarum mediis lutei-s; dorso in- feriore viridis. Yellowish-green Parrakeet? with the middle of the wing-coverts luteous ; the back green on the lower part. Psittaculus xanthopterygius. Spix, Avium. Nova Spec. p. 38. pi. xxxiv. f. 1 . male ; f. 2. female. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 25. Ps ? gregaria. Ps? her liaceo-viridis, alls viridibus ; rostro subbidentato ; caudd alls sublongiore ; capite fcemince jlavido. Herbaceous-green Parrakeet? with the wings green; the beak subdentate ; the tail rather longer than the wings; the head of the female yellowish. Psittaculus gregarius. Spiv, Avium. Nova Spec. p. 3 9. pi. xxxiv. f. 3. male ; f. 4. female. Inhabits Brazil. PICIDiE. 147 FAMILY III.— PICIDiE. Rostrum basi plumosum aut vibrissis ornatum, magis minusve crassum aut subgracile, rectum vel arcuatum , marginibus inter- dum dentatis : lingua gracilis : pedes zygodactyli, aut tridac- tyli. Beale plumose or furnished with bristles at its base, more or less stout, or somewhat slender, straight or bent, the margins some- times dentated : tongue slender : toes disposed in pairs, or three only. These birds are climbers par excellence, and sport about in all positions on the trunks and among the branches of trees, in search of insects or their larvae, upon which they feed ; some of them are said to devour also small birds and fruits : the typical genera however appear confined to the former food, and their tongue is armed with recurved spines at the tip, and supplied with a viscid fluid. None of the family inhabit New Holland 5 their place appears to be sup- plied by the numerous race of Meliphagklas and Cer- thiadse. GENUS CCXXII. — POGONIAS, Uliger. BARBICAN. Bostrum basi vibrissis elon- gates ornatum, magnum, crassum ; mcmdibula su- perior bidentata, perssepe longitudinaliter canalicu- lata et inferior transverse sulcata. Nares basales, laterales, basi vibrissis rigidis tecta?. Beak furnished at the base with elongate bristles, large, thick : the upper mandible bidentate, and often longitudinally chan- nelled, with the lower transversely sulcated. Nostrilshassh, lateral, clothed with rigid bristles at the base. 148 PICIDiE. Pogonia, Vieillot. — Pogonius, Leacli. All the species of this genus are natives of Africa: they are more frugivorous than the species of the fol- lowing genus. Sp 1. Po. sulcirostris. Steph. v.ix.p. 2. pi. 1. Sp. 2. Po. laevirostris. Steph. v. ix. p. 2. pi. 2. — Barbican unibec. Le Vaill. Barbus, pi. K. adult. — Barbican a ventre rose. Le Vail/. Sup. pi. a. ; young. Sp. 3. Po. niger. Temm. — Pogonius Stephenii. Leach, Zool. Misc. ii .pi. 116. — Bucco rufifrons. Steph. v. ix. p. 31. Sp. 4. Po. rubescens. Temm ? Po. niger collo rostroque brunneis ; vertice coccineo ; guld, jugulo, pectore, anoque albidis ; ventre Julvescente. Black Barbican with the neck and beak brown j the crown scar- let ; the throat, jugulum, breast, and vent whitish ; the belly fulvescent. Barbu rubicen. Le Vaill. — Pogonius Le Vaillantii. Leach, Zool. Misc. ii. pi. 1 1 7. Sp. 5. Po. personatus. Temm. PI. Col. 201. Po. cinereo-viridis vertice, guld, colloque antice rubris; nucha pec - toreque saturate niger ; alis cauduque fuscis Jlavo marginatis ; ventre virescente-albido. Ashy-green Barbican with the crown, throat, and neck entirely red ; the nape and breast deep black ; the wings and tail brown, edged with yellow ; the belly greenish-white. Inhabits Africa. Length seven inches : the top of the head, the throat, and fore part of the neck are fine vermilion : the nape, sides, and fore part of the breast deep black : the mantle and back are ashy- green : the wings and tail dusky, with all the fea- thers (except a few of the quills) edged with yellow : PICIDiE. 149 the belly is greenish-white : the beak and legs are black. Sp. 6. Po. rubrifrons. Swain. Zool. Illnst. pi. 68. Po. niger sincipite juguloque rubris ; alls caudaque fuscis, teg- rninum margine externo albo ; remigium fulvo. Glossy-black Barbican with the fore part of the throat and the head red ; wings and tail brown ; external margin of the wing- coverts white, of the quills yellow. Abyssinian Barbican. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 238.pl. liii. Mr. Swainson has merely given the above short description, accompanied with a good figure of the bird, which appears to agree (excepting in being a younger individual) with the above-quoted figure in Dr. Latham’s work. This last author gives the fol- lowing account of this bird. “ Length seven inches : beak horn-colour, very dark, stout, and large, from point to gape one inch : the general colour of the plumage fine glossy black : forehead, as far as the crown, sides, including the eyes, the chin, and throat, fine crimson : upper wing-coverts black, edged on the sides with white, producing a striated appear- ance : quills dusky, the outer margin, for the most part, fringed with yellow : the second quills nearly as long as the prime ones : under wing-coverts pure white : tail of ten feathers two inches and a quarter long, nearly even at the end : legs dusky. Inhabits Abyssinia : observed to cling to the branches of trees like the Woodpecker.” Sp. 7. Po. Vieilloti. Steph. v. ix. p. 3. pi. in frontispiece . Sp. 8. Po. hirsutus. Swain. Zool. Illust. ii. pi. 72. 150 PICID/E. Po. supra fuscis, maculis sulphureis ; subtus sulphurous maculis nigris inter striatis ; capite juguloque nigris ; pectoris plumis elongatis, pit is setaceis terminatis. Barbican above brown, spotted with sulphur; beneath sulphureous, with black spots : head and chin black ; feathers of the breast lengthened, and ending in long setaceous hairs. Inhabits Africa. e‘ Length about seven inches : beak bluish-black, one inch two lines long, and large in proportion, the two teeth in the middle very pro- minent : behind the eye is a short white stripe, and an- other much longer begins from the under mandible, and goes half-way down the neck : the chin and part of the throat, together with the head and neck above, deep black, which changes to a dark brown on the back, wings, coverts, and tail : a small round sulphur spot is on the tip of each feather of the hind-head, back, and lesser wing-coverts : the quills pale brown, margined with sulphur: the under plumage is greenish sulphur, closely spotted with blackish : the feathers of the breast are more rigid than the others, pointed, and the shaft of the lower ones end in fine incurved setaceous hairs, many of which are nearly an inch long.” — Swainson. GENUS CCXXIII.— BUCCO, Linne. KAKBET. Rostrum basi vibrissis tec- tum, lateratim compres- sum, crassum, supra con- vexum : mandibula supe- rior versus apicem emargi- nata, curvata, aut apice furcata. Beak furnished with bristles at the base, laterally com- pressed, thick, convex above : the upper man- dible notched towards the tip, curved, or furcate at the tip. PICIDiE. 151 Baiibets are confined to the old world : they are of splendid colours, in which green and red predo- minate ; they live in pairs during the period of incu- bation, and in small flocks during the rest of the year. Sp. 3. Bu. grandis. Stepli. v. ix. p. 40. — China and India. Sp. 2. Bu. Javensis. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 18!. Bu. smaragdinus saturatus, pileo aurantio ; fascid ad latera capitis atrd auplici, und superciliari, altera jugulo utrinque conniventi ; guld, tceniaque transversd jugulari coccineis. Emerald-green Barbet with the pileus orange ; a double black stripe on the sides of the head, one superciliary, the other uniting on each side upon the jugulum ; the throat, and trans- verse band on the jugulum crimson. Inhabits Java. 44 Length eleven inches : a black band originates at the base of the beak below the nostrils, and includes the anterior angle of the eye ; then divides, and proceeding backwards, one branch terminates on the occiput, while the other, diverging below the eyes, unites on the throat with that from the opposite side. At the rictus of the beak is an orange, and at the forehead, covering the stiff vibrissa?, a scarlet, spot : some of the plumes of the head, neck and , shoulders, and the upper side of the tail, have a sea-green tint : the extremity of the remiges is brown: the breast and belly are of a paler green : the beak is very little curved at the tip — Horsfield. Sp. 3. Bu. viridis. Steph. v. ix. p. 22. — India. Sp. 4. Bu. cyanops. Cuvier. Trogon Asiaticus. Steph. v. ix. p. 7 ? — Blue-cheeked Barbet. Lath . Gen. Hist. v. iii .p. 223. pi. li. — India. Sp. 5. Bu, Lathami, Steph. v. ix. p, 28. pi. 5. — India. 152 picid^;. Sp. 6. Bu. chrysopogon. Temm. PI. Col. 285. Bu. viriclis pileo Jasciaque pectorali supremo azureis ; t tenia d mandibula inferior i rostri ad auribus favd. Green Barbet with the pileus and baud on the upper part of the breast azure, and a yellow stripe from the lower mandible of the beak to the ears. Inhabits Sumatra. Length eleven inches : the beak is very large and black : the adult bird in per- fect condition has a large spot immediately above the nostrils, on the upper edge of which arise several stiff bristles : the forehead is clothed with glossy grey fea- thers, slightly varied with brown : at the base of the lower mandible on each side is a large whisker of pure yellow, which passes beneath the ears ; the fea- thers at the tip are bright red marked on each side with a small spot of azure blue, which adorns the top of the head : the throat is silvery-grey, which colour passes by invisible shades into azure blue, and forms a large lunule on the lower part of the neck : the rest of the plumage is of various tints of green, but deeper on the upper parts than below : the tail- feathers are strong green ; and an edging of this colour adorns all the outer webs of the quills, the inner webs of which are dusky : the space round the eyes is bluish : the legs are ashy-black or bluish. Sp. 7. Bu. versicolor. Linn . Trans. (Raffles.) v.\m.p. 284. — Temm. PI. Col. 309. Bu. viridis infra pallidior ; vertice rubro ; fascia ad latere capitis supra cyaned, infrd nigra ; pone oculos macula rufd. Green Barbet beneath paler ; with the crown red ; a band on the sides of the head above blue, below black ; behind the eyes a rufous spot. PICID.E. 153 Inhabits Sumatra. Length ten inches and a half : general colour green, dark above and lighter below : crown of the head red : throat blue, sides of the head black, separated from the red on the top by a blue stripe : there are, besides, a spot of red behind the eyes ; a second, larger, of orange-yellow on the side of the neck ; and a third of red on the side of the breast : these colours are liable to vary, and some of the spots are often entirely wanting : wings and tail green above and brown beneath ; legs blackish-blue : beak black. In some birds the breast is entirely black or grey, in others marked with a white spot : in some the crown of the head is grey, and the lateral red spot is fre- quently wanting. Sp. 8. Bu. rubricapillus. Steph. v. ix, p. 23; — Ceylon. Sp. 9. Bu. niger. Steph. v. ix. p. 30. — Philippine Islands. Sp. 10. Bu. armillaris. Temm. PI. Col . 89. f. 1. Bu. viridis, fronte sincipitis parte semitorque pectorali aureo- Jlavis ; occipite azureo ; loris nigris. Green Barbet with the forehead, part of the sinciput, and a half- collar on the breast golden-yellow, the occiput azure ; the lores black. Bu. flavifrons. Cuvier. Inhabits Java. Length, according to the figure above quoted, eight inches : the forehead, part of the sinciput, and a half-collar on the upper breast, are golden-yellow : the occiput is brilliant azure : the lores black : the upper parts of the body, wings, and tail are fine strong green : the three or four first quills are black edged with yellowish ; the others are 154 PICIDiE. black on their inner webs, and green on their outer : the under parts of the plumage are green, more or less tinged with bluish, according to age. The young have all the plumage green, or greenish, shaded with bluish, and marked on the tip of the feathers on the upper parts with bright green lunules : the yellow on the head, and collar, expands as the individual in- creases in age. O Sp. 11. Bu. gularis. Reintc. Temm. PI. Col. 89. f. 2. Bu. saturate viridis subtus pallidior; front c guldque cyaneis ; macula gidari nigra aid nigricante flavo marginatd ; ad rictu fascia citrina. Dark-Green Barbet, beneath paler ; with the forehead and throat blue 5 a spot on the latter black or dusky, and edged with yellow ; a citron-coloured stripe at the gape. Inhabits Java. Length six inches and a half: the forehead and throat are turquoise blue, beneath which, on the latter, is a full black spot in the adult, and dusky on the young ; this spot is edged and tipped with yellow, more or less brilliant : a longi- tudinal citron-coloured dash arises at the opening of the beak : the rest of the plumage is a strong green on the upper parts, and a clear green on the belly and vent : the tail and the outer edge of the wings are bluish-green : the sexes are apparently similar, but the young have the colours less brilliant, the blue is marked with dusky spots, and the yellow on the neck and on the opening of the beak is but slightly exhi- bited : the black on the throat is dull, and but slightly indicated. PICID.E. 1,55 Sp. 12. Bu. australis. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 181. Bu. viridi-olivaceus fronte, guld, caudd subtus, scapulisque cyaneo - ceruginosis ; jugulo pectoreqne croceo interposita J'ascid trans- versd nigra. Olive-green Barbet, with the forehead, throats tail beneath, and scapulars brassy-blue, the jugulum and breast saffron, with a transverse black band between. Austral Barbet. Lath. Gen. Hist, v. iii . p. 230. Inhabits Java. Length five inches and a half: general colour of the plumage olive-green : forehead, chin, under surface of the tail, and the scapular fea- thers verditer green : cheeks, throat, and breast saf- fron-colour ; between them a transverse black band : quills and tail blackish-brown ; the feathers of the latter have externally a dusky-yellowish border. Sp. 13. Bu. Zeylanicus. Steph. v. ix. p. 24.— Ceylon. Sp. 14. Bu. Xndicus. Steph. v.ix.p. 37-- — India. Sp. 15. Bu. Philippensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 2 1 . — Philippine Islands. Sp. 16. Bu? parvus. Steph. v. ix. p. 29. — Senegal. GENUS CCXXIV. — MONAS A, Vieillot Rostrum basi vibrissis tec- tum, capite longius, late- ratim compressum, inte- grum ; mandibulcs infra curvatae. Aloe calcaratae. Beak covered with bristles at the base, longer than the head, compressed lateral- ly, intire : the mandibles curved beneath. Wings with spurs. The birds of this and the following genera have an apparent affinity to the Halcyonidae ; the Puff-birds especially. Sp. 1 . Mo. trancpiilla. Bucco calcaratus. Steph. v. ix. p. 41. — Cayenne. 156 PICIDiE. Sp. 2. Mo. tenebrosa. Cuculus tenebrosus. Steph. v. ix. p. 89. — Cayenne. GENUS CCXXV— CAPITO, Vieillot. PUFFBIRD. Rostrum, basi vibrissis diver- gentibus ornatum, latera- tim compressum, inte- grum, conico-convexum, versus apicem inclinatum. Beak furnished at the base with divergent bristles, la- terally compressed, intire, conic-convex, inclined to- wards the tip. Tamatia, Cuvier — Cyphos, Spix. Puff-birds all reside in South America; they are dull and solitary, and live upon insects. Sp. 1. Ca. Cayensis. Bucco Cayensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 33. — Cayenne. Sp. 2. Ca. nigromaculatus. Bucco nigromaculatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 34. pi. 0. — Tamatia maculata. Cuvier, Reg. Anim. 1. 429. — Cayenne. Sp. 3. Ca. collaris. Bucco Capensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 39. pi. 7. — Guiana. Sp. 4. Ca. tamatia. Bucco tamatia. Steph. v. ix. p. 37. — Cayenne. Sp. 5. Co. melanoleucos. Bucco melanoleucos. Steph. v. ix. p. 36. — Cayenne. Sp. 6. Ca. macrorbyncbos. Bucco macrorhynchus. Steph. v. ix. p. 35. — Tamatia macro- rliynclios. Swain. Zool. Illust. ii. pi. 99 — Cayenne. Sp. 7- Ca. maynanensis. Bucco maynanensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 20. — Box-ders of the l'iver Amazons. Sp. 8. Ca. melanotis. Temm. PI. Col. 94. Ca. alba lateribus variegatis ; pileo, tergo , alisque rvfis, lineis nigris transversim undulatis ; regione aurium parteque colli nigris. PICIDiE. 157 White Puff-bird with the sides variegated ; the top of the head, back, and wings red, waved with black lines ; the region of the ears and part of the neck black. Length eight inches : both sexes have the throat, the forepart of the neck, all the under parts of the body, and the lower wing-coverts white : the sides of the body are, more or less, dotted and striped, according to the age of the bird : a white collar sur- rounds the nape, and the lores are of the same co- lour, passing through the eyes to the base of the beak : the region of the ears and part of the sides of the neck are covered with a large deep black spot : the top of the head, the back, and the wings are red, transversely striped with zigzag black lines : the secondary quills and the tail-feathers are deeper red than the back, and their edges are marked with tri- angular white spots : the quills are dusky : the legs greenish : the beak is fine red, but in the younger birds it is tipped with black or dusky. In the young the plumage is more irregularly marked : the fore- part of the neck is more or less of an isabella-colour, marked with a few black stripes : the upper part of the head dusky, with the tips of the feathers marked with red : the sides of the body are more striped and spotted; the under mandible of the beak is black, and the upper marbled with red and black. Sp. 9- Ca? macrodactylus. Ca? minor , brunnescens ; capite nifo; loris callarique nigris ; nucha , stria supra oculos, nec non guldfulvis; macula pectoris albd; tectricibus alarum fulvo nigroque marginatis ; abdomine brunnescente, nigro fasciolato. 1.58 PICID.E. Small brown Tamatia? with the head rufous, the lores and collar black ; the nape, a stripe above the eyes, but not the throat, fulvous j a spot on the breast white ; the wing-coverts mar- gined by fulvous and black ; the abdomen brownish, fasciolated with black. Cyphos macrodactylus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 51 . pi. xxxix. ,f 2. Inhabits Brazil. Length five inches. GENUS CCXXVI.— PICUS, Linne. WOODPECKER. Rostrum capite longius, po- lyedrum, rectum, apice cuneatum. Naves pennis setaceis re- cumbentibus obtectse. Lingua teres, lumbricifor- mis, longissima, mucro- nata. Pedes tetradactyli. Rectrices rigidae, acutae. Peak longer than the head, many-sided, straight, its tip wedged. Nostrils covered with recum- bent setaceous feathers. Tongue round, worm-like, very long, mucronate. Feet four-toed. Tail-feathers stiff, acute. M. Spin describes a considerable number of new species in the Avium Nova Species, &c., which I have not been able to introduce for the reasons before stated. Sp. 1. Pi. martius. Steph. v. ix. p. 148. pi. 29. — Britain? and Europe. Sp. 2. Pi. viridis. Steph. v. ix. p. 183. pi. 35. — Britain. Sp. 3. PI. major. Steph. v. ix. p. 1 63. pi. 33. — Britain. Sp. 4. Pi. minor. Steph. v.ix.p. 166. pi. 34. — Britain. Sp. 5. Pi. Bengalensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 185. pi. 35*. — Pi. Goensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 187. pi. 35**. — India. PICIDiE. 159 Sp. 6. Pi. Javensis. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 175. Pi. niger capite cristato cum tcenia colli later all coccineis ; abdo- mine sordide testaceo. Black Woodpecker with the head crested* the crest and a stripe on the side of the neck scarlet; the abdomen pale testaceous. Javan Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii„ p. 353. Inhabits Java. Length eighteen inches : general colour of the plumage black : head with a crimson crest, composed of elongated feathers : at the sides of the neck a crimson stripe : belly testaceous. The female is about one inch longer than the male, and paler in colour, the head variegated above with blackish-green and white : under the eye a scarlet mark : belly of the same colour with the rest of the body : the throat and lower part of the neck isabella- yellow. Sp. 7. Pi. Philippinarum. Steph. v. ix. p. 190. — The Philippine Islands. Sp. 8. Pi. Manillensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 189. — The Manillas, Sp. 9. Pi. Macei. Cuvier. Temm. PI. Col. 59 .f. 2. Pi. supra niger ; albo strigosus, subtus albidus fusco lineatis; f route cinereo ; capite rufo ; lateribus colli striga nigra. Woodpecker above black* striped with white ; beneath whitish* dashed with brown ; with the forehead ash-coloured *• the head red ; and a black stripe on the sides of the neck. Inhabits India. Length about six inches and a quarter : the male has the forehead ash-coloured : the head deep red : the back and wings black, marked with numerous white stripes : the two lateral tail-fea- thers are striped with black and white, the others are entirely black : the cheeks and neck are pure white : on the sides of the neck is a black stripe : all the ] GO PICIDiE. under parts are dirty white, dashed with brown, at small distances : the under tail-coverts are red. Sp. 10. Pi. miniatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 210. pi. 35 **##***. — Java. Sp. 11. Pi. tristis. Linn. Trans. {Horsf.) v. xiii./?. 177. Pi. supra nigro alboque irregulariier fasciatus, subtus niger ; uropygio albo. Woodpecker above irregularly striped with black and white, be- neath black ; with the rump white. Picus poicilophus. Temm. PI. Col. \$7.f. 1? Inhabits Java. Length seven inches : the pileus and cervix are delicately striped with black and white : the quills, tail, and femoral feathers are banded with black and white : called Platuk-water by the Ja- vanese. Sp. 12. Pi. concretus. Temm. PL Col. 90 .f. 1, 2. Pi. capite cristato, crista aurantiaco-rubra ; f route nuchdque Jlavis; corporc supra nigro Jlavo variegato; infra malisque ardosiacis. Woodpecker with the head crested, the crest orange-red ; with the forehead and nape yellow ; the body above black varied with yellow 5 beneath and cheeks slate-colour. Inhabits Java, Sumatra, &c. Length five, or five and a half, inches : it is a variable species : those received from Java having the forehead and nape in the male dull yellow : the top of the head and the occiput adorned with long orange-red feathers, form- ing a crest, which can be elevated at pleasure : the cheeks and the lower part of the body are slate- colour, with a few very delicate stripes on the abdo- men : the feathers of the upper part of the back, the scapulars, and the wing-coverts are black, each being bordered with a yellow band : the rump is of an PICIDiE. 161 isabella-colour, and the feathers of this part cover half the tail, which is very short, strong, elastic, and rounded. The female is rather less, the crest smaller, and of the same slate-colour as the lower parts of the body : the borders of the feathers of the back, and wing, are narrower : the nape and abdomen the same as the male : the young, in a state of moult, have the crest partly red and partly slate-colour. The Sumatran specimens are rather larger : the forehead and crest in the males are bright vermilion ; and the crest in the females is rather longer and more ample than in those of Java. Sp. 13. Pi. Capensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 194. — Le pic olive. Le Vaill. Ois. d’ Afriq. v. vi. pi. 248. male ; 249. female. — Southern Africa. Sp. 14. Pi. Nubicus. Steph. v. ix. p. 180. — Le pic tigre. Le Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. v. vi. pi. 250. — Nubia. Sp. 15. Pi. diophrys. Pi. olivaceo-fuscus supra nitore grisescens, infra albido undidatus ; occipite coccineo } capitis lateribus albis fascia duplici a rostri nigra; gida medio alba. Olive-brown Woodpecker with a greyish-gloss above, and waved with white beneath ; with the occiput crimson ; the sides of the neck white ; with a double black stripe from the beak ; the throat white in the middle. Le Pic a double Moustache. Le Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. v. v. p. 22. pi. 251, 252. — Double -bearded Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist . v. iii. p. 355. Inhabits Southern Africa. Beak black : irides deep red : plumage above olive, varying in different lights to brown, yellow, and grey, especially towards the neck and rump, where the grey is most predomi- nant, and appears on the margins of the feathers at the end : back part of the head crimson ; sides, under VOL. xiv. p. i. 11 1 62 TICID.E. the eyes, white, with two black streaks in the direc- tion of the jaw : middle of the throat white, as far as the lower part of the neck : beneath the body olive- brown, waved with dirty- white : the quills olive-brown, inclining outwardly to yellow, and marked with yellow spots : tail like the quills. The female is smaller, the waves less distinct, and more inclined to brown : top of the head black. The young male has but little red on the head, and is coloured like the old female : and the very old females have a small red patch on the head like the males. This species builds in the mimosa trees, and the female lays four dull white eggs. Sp. 16. Pi. chrysosternus. IVern. Trans. (Swains.) v. ii. p. 289. Pi. grisco-fuscus albido transversim striatus, infra griseus lineis fuscis sagittatis ornatus ; vertice gulaque nigris ; colli lateribus et antice pectoreque aureis; remigium rachidibus flavo-aurcis. Grey- brown Woodpecker transversely striped with whitish, be- neath grey, with arrow-shaped brown lines ; the crown and throat black ; the sides and front of the neck and the breast golden; the shafts of the quills golden-yellow. Gold-breasted Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 384. Inhabits Brazil. Length twelve inches and a half: beak near an inch and a half, black : crown deep glossy black, which extends to the hind head, and then ends in a point : at the nostrils begins a whitish stripe, which includes the eye, and then be- comes a rich orange-yellow, uniting behind the head, and spreading over the sides and lower part of the neck and breast : chin black ; throat speckled near the beak with white : upper parts of the body and wing-coverts greyish-brown, transversely spotted with PICIDiE. 163 greyish-white : quills darker and immaculate near the tips, the fourth largest, shafts of all golden yellow : rump white : body beneath grey, with brown un- shaped lines, pointing downwards, two on each fea- ther : upper and under tail-coverts banded brown and whitish : tail four inches and a half long, black ; the two middle feathers partially banded with dirty yel- low ; the two outermost pairs the same on the inner web ; the shafts of the last golden in the middle : legs obscure olivje. Sp. 17. Pi. minutus. Temm. PL Col. 197 . f 2. Pi. cristatus, supra fusco isabellino transversim fasciatus, infra albo fusco maculatus ; crista, occipite, uropygioque rufo-cinna- barinis; fronte pileoque isabellinis, remigium rectriciumque rachidibus aureo-favis. Crested Woodpecker, above transversely banded with brown and isabella-colour, beneath white spotted with brown; the crest, occiput, and rump cinnabar red; the forehead and pileus isabella- colour ; the shafts of the quills and the tail-feathers golden- yellow. • Inhabits Senegal. Length four inches and a half : the male has the occiput and the rump of a vermilion-red : the forehead and the top of the head are isabella-colour : the back and wing-coverts are regularly banded with transverse stripes of brown and isabella-colour : the feathers of the wings and tail have golden-coloured shafts, with their webs brown varied with spots of isabella-colour, forming interrupted bands : at the base of the beak is a kind of brown whisker : all the under parts of the body are dull white, marked with spots more or less rounded on the top of each feather : the beak is brown, straight, 164 PICIDiE. and trigonal : the female wants the red on the head. Sp. 18. Pi. principalis. Steph. v. ix. p. 150. pi. 36. — Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. pi. 29 ; male. — North America. Sp. 19. Pi. pileatus. Steph. v. i x.p. 158. pi. 32. — Louisiana. Sp. 20. Pi. melanoleucus. Steph. v. ix. p. I55.pl. 31. — Surinam. Sp. 21. Pi. varius. Steph. v. ix. p. 168. — Yellow-bellied Wood- pecker. Wi/s. Amer. Orn. v. i. pi. 9.f. 2. — North America. Sp. 22. Pi. villosus. Steph. v ix. p. 1/1. — Pi.leuconotus. Temm. Man. d'Orn. 2 Edit. v. ii . p. 397. — Hairy Woodpecker. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. i. pi. 9 . f 3. — North America. Sp. 23. Pi. pubescens. Steph. v. ix. p. 1/0. — Downy Wood- pecker. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. i. pi. 9 .f. 4. — North America. Sp. 24. Pi. torquatus. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iii. pi. 29. f 3. Pi. niger torque nuchali corporeque infra albis; fronte, malis, et mentum rubris. Black Woodpecker with a nuchal collar and body beneath white ; the forehead, cheeks, and chin red. Lewis’s Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 2/6. Inhabits North America. Length eleven inches and a half: beak dark colour; head, back, -wings, and tail black : front, chin, and cheeks, beyond the eyes, dark rich red : round the neck a white collar, spreading over the breast, and appearing as if the fibres of the feathers had been silvered : they are also separate in their texture, and mixed with silvery ones : vent black : legs dusky-blue. Sp. 25. Pi. querulus. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. ii.pl. 1 5.f. 1. Pi. supra albo nigroque transversim fasciatus ; subtus albus, lateri- bus nigro punctatis ; capite, nucha, colloque postice ni.gro, malis albis ; macula nuchali coccined ; strigd nigrd a rictu ad ocidos. PICIDiE. 165 Woodpecker above transversely banded with black and white ; beneath white ; with the sides spotted with black ; the head, nape, and neck behind black ; a crimson spot on the nape ; and a black stripe from the gape to the eyes. Skilt Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 381. Inhabits Georgia. Length eight inches and a half : beak black : irides red : bristles over the beak white ; head above the eyes, the nape, and neck be- hind fine glossy black : cheeks, including the eye, white, growing much broader behind the eye, and a little way on the neck : on each side of the nape, close above the white, a small crimson streak : back and scapulars alternately banded with black and white : lesser wing-coverts black : each of the others marked with a white heart-shaped spot, and the lower series with olive ones : greater quills black ; the exterior wholly so, excepting a spot or two of white near the base : the second with five white spots on the outer web, and three or four large round spots on the inner from the base to the middle ; the others much the same, with the ends plain black : the secondary quills crossed with three or four spots on each side the web, in a transverse direction : from the gape a broad streak of black divides the cheeks from the chin, which, with all the under parts, is white ; but the sides under the wings and the vent are spotted with black : four middle tail-feathers black, the rest white ; the outermost barred four times on the inner web, and two smaller bars on the outer, correspond- ing with the two inner ones nearest the end ; the second feathers much the same, but black within at the base ; the third has the inner web black, and PICIDiE. 166 outer white, with a longitudinal white streak on the former near the end ; and two black spots on the latter : legs black. The female differs in having the crimson spot on each side of the nape much smaller, or altogether wanting. Sp. 26. Pi. Carolinus. Steph. v. ix. p. 152. — Red-bellied Wood- pecker. Wil.s. Amer. Orn. v. i .pi. 7-f- 2. — Carolina. Sp. 27. Pi. flavicaus. Steph. v. ix. p 202. pi. 35.**** — Cayenne. Sp. 28. Pi. icterocephalus. Steph. v. ix. p. 191. pi. 35.*** — Cayenne. Sp. 29. Pi. aurulentus. Wig- Temm. PI. Col. 59. f. 1. Pi. viridis infra alhido viridoque fasciatus ; vertice occipiteque rufis ; mails strigis duabus anreis et uno viridescente ; guld pallide jlava. Green Woodpecker beneath striped with whitish and green; with the top of the head and occiput red ; the cheeks with two golden and one greenish stripe ; the throat pale yellow. Inhabits Paraguay and Brazil. Length scarce eight inches and a half : the top of the head, the occiput, and nasal bristles are fine red : on the cheeks are two golden and one greenish stripe : the throat is light yellow : all the upper parts are green : the tail is long and black : the inner webs of the quills are marked with large red spots : the under parts of the body are equidistantly striped with alternate bands of green and yellowish-white : the beak and legs are black. The female differs in wanting the red on the head and on the nasal bristles ; she and the young have the top of the head of a reddish-golden- green ; the occiput red, and the bristles green. Sp. 30. Pi. galeatus. Temm. PI. Col. 171. PICIDiE. 3 07 Pi. cristatus crista, capite, mystacibusque cinnabarinis ; regione aurium pennis albido nigroque lineatis ; corpore supra nifes - cente-nigro ; infra nigro rufoque transversim strigato. Crested Woodpecker with the crest, head, and whiskers vermi- lion, the region of the ears striped with black and whitish ; the body above reddish-black ; beneath transversely striped with black and red. Inhabits Brazil. Length eleven inches: an elegant crest adorns the head ; this, as also the head itself, and a kind of whisker on the cheeks, are bright ver- milion : over the ears the feathers are striped with black and whitish lines : the throat is reddish-white : this colour is extended in the form of two broad bands on the sides of the neck, also on the inner surface of the wings, and on the under tail-coverts : the breast is black spotted with reddish : the rest of the under parts are striped at equal distances with bands of black and bright reddish : the back, wings, and tail are black slightly tinged with reddish : the inner webs of the quills are bright red : the beak is bluish at the base and white at the tip : the legs are ash- colour. Sp. 31. Pi. affinis. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. ii. pi. 78. Pi. supra aureo-fuscus ; subtus pallidus, f asciis nigris transversis ornatus ; capite (in maribus) rubro; nuclia, colloque supra aureis; tectricibus secundis fulvo maculatis ; cauda nigra, f asciis fulvis ornata. Woodpecker above golden-brown ; beneath pale, with transverse black bands 5 with the head (in the male) red ; the nape and neck above golden ; the secondary coverts spotted with yellow ; the tail black, adorned with fulvous bands. Inhabits Brazil. Length about seven inches : beak blackish horn-colour : the feathers on the upper picid^e. 168 part of the head are short and pointed ; the tips bright red : the base black : on the hind head they are larger, and change to a bright golden-yellow, which spreads round the nape : the ear-feathers and front of the head are greyish-brown, striped down the middle with whitish, and in some there is an appearance of a whitish line over the eye joining the nape : the upper parts of the body and wings are of a rich golden-brown, with indistinct brighter spots ; the lesser wing-coverts have a whitish spot at the tip of each, forming two bands : quills on the inner shafts black, with white spots : under plumage grey, tinged on the breast with rufous, and banded with brownish- black : tail short, black, with interrupted transverse bands of obscure olive. The female has the head blackish, the feathers tipped with dull white : the ears darker : the plumage above more olive, the spots brighter, and the bands on the body grey, paler, and more indistinct than in the male : legs in both sexes greenish. Sp. 32. Pi. Brasiliensis. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. 1 .pi. 20. Pi .olivaceus suhtus fulvus, nigrescente fasciatus; capite subcristato ; supra rubro, utrinque lineis olivaceis ; fulvis et rubris. Olive Woodpecker beneath fulvous striped with dusky; the head slightly crested ; red above, with olive j fulvous and red lines on each side. Brazilian Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 3 85. Inhabits Brazil. “ Length nine inches : beak not quite an inch, and blackish : irides yellow : head slightly crested : the whole upper part crimson : or- bits and cheeks olive-brown : beneath this a line of tawny-yellow begins at the nostrils and passes down PICID^E. 169 the sides of the neck ; next this is a similar stripe of crimson on the jaws, and olive beyond, leaving the chin and throat in front yellowish: the plumage above is tawny-olive : quills black, within edged with ru- fous : all the under parts tawny-yellow, transversely banded with blackish lines : inner wing-coverts yel- lowish : tail three inches and a half long ; the fea- thers black, unspotted, and tinged at their base with olive : feet and claws lead-colour : neck very slen- der.”— Swainson. Sp. 33. Pi. cinnamomeus. Steph. v. ix. p. 209. pi. 35.****** — Guiana. Sp. 34. Pi. rubiginosus. Sivain. Zool. Illust. v. i. pi. 14. Pi. supra rubiginosus ; vertice nigrescente ; occipite rubro ; subtus fulvo, fusco Jasciato. Woodpecker above reddish ■ with the crown dusky ; the occiput red ; beneath fulvous, striped with brown. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches and a half : beak one inch long, blackish ; front and crown cine- reous black : the hind head and nape crimson : a dusky whitish line (beginning at the nostrils) includes the eye and ear-feathers ; below this, on each side, blackish, with longitudinal whitish dots, which in the male is mixed near the beak with crimson : chin blackish speckled with white : the general plumage above is uniform tawny-rufous brown, becoming more olive on the rump : under parts olivaceous-yellow, crossed with numerous close bands of blackish-brown: quills with the inner web black ; the margins pale yellow ; shafts and outer web tawny : tail the same, the shafts and outer half black, excepting the last 170 PICIDiE. pair, which have yellowish shafts and dusky tips : wings inside pale orange : legs and claws dusky- black. Sp. 35. Pi. Portoricensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 21 7- pi. 37. — Porto Rico. Sp. 36. Pi. melanoleucus. Steph. v. ix. p. 203. pi. 85.*'**** — Cayenne. Sp. 37. Pi. bicolor. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. i pi. 38. Pi, alhus, collo supra, tergo, alis, lineaque temporalis nigrisj rectri- cibus nigris; basi maculisque marginis interioris albis. White Woodpecker with the neck above, the back, wings, and a line on the temples, black ; the tail-feathers black ; the base and spots on the inner margin white. Picus melanopterus. Pr. Max. Trav. i. p. 140 ? Inhabits Brazil. Length eleven inches and a half : beak black : orbits (in the dead bird) yellowish- white : the entire head, nape, sides of the neck, rump, and tail-coverts, and all the under plumage, pure white, with a tinge of yellow down the middle of the belly : a narrow black line commences at the ears, and is carried down on each side, joining the black of the upper neck : the wings and remaining upper plumage are of a uniform dark sooty black : the tips of the quills much paler and brownish : tail black, banded with white at the base ; the two outer feathers on each side with alternate black and white bands on the inner web their whole length : feet and claws dirty greenish. PICIDiE. 171 GENUS CCXXVII.— COLAPTES, Swainson. Rostrum, capite longius, ro- tundatum,arcuatum, apice cuneatum. Cauda mediocris ; rectricibus apice bifidis. Beak longer than the head, rounded, bent, its tip wedged. Tail moderate, its feathers bifid at the tip. Sp. 1 . Co. auratus. Picus auratus. Steph. v. ix. p. 213. pi. 36. Wits. Amer. Orn. v. i. pi. 3 .f. 1 . — North America. Sp. 2. Co. Cafer. Steph. v. ix. p. 215. — Cape of Good Hope. Sp. 3. Co. olivaceus. Steph. v. ix. p. 216.— Le Pic Laboreur. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Afriq. v. vi.pl. 254. Sp. 4. Co ? Capensis. Co? supra nigrescens undulis favescentibus ; infra favescente albus; fronte antice fusco, tunc nigro, postice coccineo; super- ciliis albis ; mento aibo; remigium rectriciumque rachidibus et maculis fiavis. Colaptes ? above dusky with yellowish waves ; beneath yellowish- white ; the forehead in front brown, then black, and behind crimson ; the eye brown-white ; chin white ; the shafts and spots on the quills and tail-feathers yellow. Le petit Pic a baguettes d’or. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Afriq. v. vi. pi. 253. — Gold-shafted Woodpecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 411. Inhabits Southern Africa. Larger than Picus minor : beak and legs brown : irides yellowish : fore- head first brown, then black, behind elongated, and crimson : over the eye a white streak : body above dusky-black, with undulated yellowish-white lines : chin white : cheeks dusky-white : quills spotted with yellow, and yellow shafts : tail the same ; body be- neath yellowish-white, dashed and mixed with dusky. 172 PICIDiE. The female has the colours less brilliant, and the crown wholly black ; but at a certain age has a small patch of red on the crown. The young male like the female. This species lays five or six pure white eggs. GENUS CCXXVIII— YUNX, Linne. WRYNECK. Rostrum basi plumulis ob- tectum, conico-longum, te- retiusculum, acuminatum. Lingvo, longissima, teres, lumbriciformis. Nares concava?, denudatae. Beak clothed at the base, elongated-conic, rounded, acuminated. Tongue very long, rounded, worm-like. Nostrils concave, naked. Sp. 1. Yu. Torquilla. Steph. v. ix. p. 143. pi. 48. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Yu ? Cayennensis. Picus minutus. Steph. v. ix. p. 211. pi. 30. — Cayenne. GENUS CCXXIX.— PICUMNUS, Temminck. I cannot find that M. Temminck has characterized this genus, neither am I acquainted with the type, which may probably be the last-mentioned bird, the Yunx ? Cayennensis. The genus is introduced here in accordance with the views of Mr. Vigors, who places it next to the foregoing in his arrangement of the Genera of Birds. picid^:. 173 GENUS CCXXX — TRIDACTYLIA Mihi. Rostrum polyedrum, rec- tum, apice cun.eatum. Nares pennis setaceis recum- bentibus obtectse. Pedes tridactyli. Picoides, Lacepede. Sp. 1. Tr. hirsuta. east of Europe. Beak many-sided, straight, its tip wedged. Nostrils covered with re- cumbent setaceous fea- thers. Feet three-toed. Steph. v. ix. p. 219. pi. 38. — The north and Sp. 2. Tr. undulata. Steph. v.ix.p. 220.— -Cayenne. Sp. 3. Tr ? Tiga. Tr? cristatus supra aurantio-viridi nitens j pileo, nucha, cervice, uropygioque , coccineis ; subtus albo nigroque varius ; caudd fuliginoso concolore. Crested Tridactylia ? above of a glossy golden-green ; with the pileus, nape, cervix, and rump, crimson ; beneath varied with black and white ; the tail smoky and uniform. Picus Tiga. Linn . Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 1 77- — Tiga Wood- pecker. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 416. Inhabits Java. Length eight inches and a half : head crested : plumage above green glossed with orange : crown, nape, back of the neck, and rump, crimson : sides of the head and fore part of the neck white, streaked longitudinally with fine black and white lines : under parts of the body varied with black and white, and black on the breast : the sca- pulars very deep, but paler on the belly : quills and tail soot-colour : the former fasciated with white : the latter plain. 174 CERTHIADyE. FAMILY IV. — CERTHIADH3. Rostrum gracile subulatum, rectum nut arena turn, acutissimum, aut versus apicem cuneatum : lingua elongata , acuta : pedes tetradactyli, digiti incequales, hallux validus. Beak slender, subulated, straight or bent, very acute, or towards the tip wTedge-formed : tongue elongated, acute : feet four-toed, the toes placed three before and one behind, and unequal, the hind one stout. The habits of the Certhiadae greatly resemble those of the last family ; like those birds the typical groups subsist upon insects, which they capture in a similar manner ; while the aberrant feed by the tongue as in the tenuirostral birds. GENUS CCXXXI.— DENDROCOLAPTES, Hermann. Rostrum mediocre aut elon- gatum, lateratim compres- sum, subrobustum, con- vexum, rectum aut arcua- tum, acutum. Reetrices rigidse, acuminata1. Digiti exterior es a?quales. Dendkocopus, Vieillot. Beak moderate or elongated, laterally compressed, some- what robust, convex, straight or bent, acute. Tail-feathers stiff, acumi- nated. Outer toes equal. There is a monograph upon this genus in the Berlin Transactions for the year 1820, by Lichsten- stein : all the species inhabit South America; they resemble each other greatly in plumage, but differ widely in the length and form of the beak. CERTHIADJ5. 175 Sp. 1. De. longirostris. Illiger. Berlin Trans. 1820. (Lick.) p. 200. sp. 1. De. rostro subarcuato, elongate, valido, compresso, albo; gutture candido; pectore argute squamato. Dendrocalaptes with the beak slightly bent, elongated, stout, com- pressed, ydrite > the throat candid ; the breast neatly scaled. Le grimpar nasicus. Le Vaill. Hist. Nat. des Prom. fyc. pi. 24. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 2. De. decumanus. Spix Avium Nova Spec.p. 86.pl. lxxxvii. De. maximus cinnamomeus, rostro longo, lateraliter compresso, arcuato ; capite collo pectoreque fulvo-albo strigillatis ; humeris subtus, abdomine crissoque fulvo-nigroque Jasciolatis ; guld juguloque albis. Large Dendrocalaptes of a cinnamon colour, with a long laterally compressed bent beak ; the head, neck and breast strigillated with fulvous-wliite ; the shoulders beneath, the abdomen and vent fasciolated with fulvous and black ; the throat and jugulum white. Length eleven inches. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 3. De. falcirostris. Spix Avium Nova Spec. p. 86.pl . lxxxviii. De. major rufo- cinnamomeus ; capite, collo corpore subtus crisso- que olivaceo-brunneis, albo strigillatis ; stria a gents ad aures fulva; collo later ali cinnamomed ; capite colloque tenuiter albo-strigillatis ; rostro maxima compresso, cinerascente ; guld sordide alba. Large red-cinnamon coloured Dendrocalaptes, with the neck, body beneath and vent olive-brown, striped with white ; a fulvous stripe from the cheeks to the ears ; the sides of the neck cinnamon ; the head and neck slightly strigillated with white ; the beak greatly compressed, ash-coloured ; the throat dull white. Dendrocalaptes crassirostris. Zool. Journ. (Such.) v. ii. p. 115 ? Length ten inches and a half. Inhabits Brazil. 176 CERTHIADJE. Sp. 4. De Cayennensis. Berlin Trans. 1820. (Licks.) p. 201 — 3. Dendrocalaptes major. Herman. — Gracula scandens. Share, v. vii. p. 477. — Guiana and Brazil. Sp. 5. De. cyanotis. Bcrl. Trans. 1820. (Licks.) p. 201. sp. 2. De. rostro subarcuato, acuto, livido ; regione paroticd schistaced; striis cervicis obsoletis. Dendrocalaptes with a somewhat bent, acute, livid beak ; the parotic region slate-coloured; and obsolete stripes on the cervix. Le grand grimpar. Le Vaill. Pram. fyc. pi. 25. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 6. De, tenuirostris. Berl. Trans. 1820. (Lick.) p. 202. sp. 5. De. rostro subarcuato, comprcsso, piceo ; mandibula fere told alba; gula alba; capite, collo, abdomineque dense albo-guttatis. Dendrocalaptes with a slightly bent, compressed, piceous beak ; the mandible nearly all white; the throat white; the head, neck, and abdomen densely guttated with white. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 7. De. miniatus. Illiger. Berl. Trans. 1820. (Lick.) p. 202. sp. 6. De. rostro subarcuato, compresso, nigro ; mandibula. alba; caudd, ptilis, pteromatumque , marginibus cinnabarinis. Dendrocalaptes with a slightly bent, compressed, black beak; the mandible white ; the tail and wings and edges of the quills vermilion. Le pic grimpereau a ailes et queue rouges. D'Azara, 240. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 8. De. flammeus. Berl. Trans. 1820. (Lick.) p. 202. sp. 7. De. rostro subarcuato , valido, acuto, livido, apice atro ; guld ochraced. Dendrocalaptes with a slightly bent, stout, acute, livid beak, with its tip dark-coloured ; the throat ochraceous. Le grimpar flambe. Le Vaill. Per. pi. 30. Inhabits Brazil. DEIDK'OCO LAP T E S PRO CUE YUS , CERTHIADiE. 177 Sp. 9. De. procurvus. Temm. PI. Col. 28. De. rostro arcualo rufiescente, capile collo, dorso, scapulisque olivaceo-fuscis, albo strigillatis ; alls candaque rufis ; remigibus apice fuscis ; rectricium scapis validis, resilientibus, acutis ; cor- pora supra olivaceo ,fusco-albido strigillato. Dendrocalaptes with a bent reddish beak, with the head, neck, back and scapulars olive-brown strigillated with white; the wings and tail rufous ; the quills brown at the tip ; the shafts of the tail-feathers stout, elastic, acute ; the body beneath olive-brown, strigillated with whitish. Inhabits Brazil. Head and neck olive-brown, with the shafts of the feathers white, the back and scapulars the same ; the feathers of the wings and the tail are deep bright-red, those of the former being tipped with brown, and of the latter having their shafts strong, elastic, and pointed : the cheeks and throat are similar in colour to the head, but the white on the shafts of the feathers is broader : their breast and belly are also olive-brown, with small whitish stripes : the legs are ash-colour ; the beak is reddish, curved. Sp. 10. De. fortirostris. Zool. Jour. (Such.) v. ii. p. 115. De. fusco-rufus subtus pallidior, fusco fasciatus, capite, dorso ptilisque albo lineatis, gula albidd fusco variegatd; remigibus uropygio rectricibusque rufis; rostro nigro, forti, subelongato, paululum incurvo. Red-brown Dendrocalaptes paler beneath, and striped with brown, with the head, beak, and ptilae lineated with white, the whitish variegated with brown ; the quills, rump, and tail-feathers rufous ; the beak black, ^strong, rather elongated and a little incurved. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches and two- thirds : the feathers of the head dusky, striped with 12 V. XIV. P. I. 178 CERTHIADiE. white ill the middle ; a narrow superciliary white stripe : the region of the throat is black, striped with white ; the throat itself whitish, slightly sprinkled with brown dots towards the breast : the quills rufous, with brown tips : the under coverts reddish-white, barred with brown ; the sides of the abdomen slightly striped with white : beak black : legs rather slender and pallid. Sp. 1 1. De. guttatus. Berl. Trans. 1820. ( Lich .) p. 201. f. 4. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 89. De. mediocris, olivaceo-castaneus ; rostro compresso, subarcuato, nigro , subadunco ; guld immaculate olivacea,; capite toto, nucha, dorso anteriure, collo antico pectoreque ochracco strigillatis ; abclomine immaculate ferrugineo ; tectricibus axillaribusque pallide fulvis. Moderate Dendrocalaptes of a ehesnut-olive, with a compressed, slightly bent, black, somewhat hooked beak ; the throat im- maculate olivaceous ; the entire head, nape, anterior portion of the back, the neck in front and breast, strigillated with ochraceous ; the abdomen immaculate rust-colour, the coverts and axillae pale fulvous. Dendrocalaptes nigricollis. Illiger. — Le pic grimpereau connnun. D’Azara , 242. Length eight inches and a quarter. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 12. De. gracilirostris. De. minor , castaneus ; rostro cylindrico, arcuato ; gu/a brevi- penni, immaculate Jiilva ; capite fulvo ocellato; occipite albido- maculato; nucha, collo, pectore abdomineque oblonge ct latissime fulvo maculatis; macula auriculari periophthalmiisque fulvis, nigro variegatis ; cauda Icete rufa. Small chesnut Dendrocalaptes with a cylindric bent beak ; the throat with short, immaculate, fulvous feathers ; the head ocellated with fulvous ; the occiput spotted with whitish ; the nape, neck, breast and abdomen with oblong broad fulvous CERTHIADiE, 179 spots; a spot on the ears and the periophthalmiae fulvous, varie- gated with black ; the tail fine rufous. De. tenuirostris. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 88. pi. xci .f. 2. Length six inches and a quarter. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 13. De. bivittatus. Spiv, Avium Nova Spec. p. 87- pi. xc.yi 1 . De. mediocris , ca staneo- rufus supra; corpore subtus vittisque duabus a rostro ad occiput rufescenti-fulvis; capite fusco,fulvo strigillato ; rostro angusto, arcuato. Moderate Dendrocalaptes above chesnut-red, with the body beneath and two stripes from the beak to the occiput rufescent- fulvous ; the head fuscous, strigillated with fulvous ; the beak narrow, bent. Length eight inches. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 14. De. Wagleri. Spix , Avium Nova Spec . p. 88. pi. xc. f. 2. De. minor, rufo-castaneus supra, subtus albicans, plumis fusco Jimbriatis ; capite, vise nucha non, rufo, maculatis; rostro ensi- formis, tenui, arcuato. Small Dendrocalaptes above red-chesnut, beneath whitish, with the feathers edged with brown ; the head a little, but the nape not, spotted with rufous ; the beak sword-shaped, slender, bent. Length six inches and a quarter. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 15. De trochilirostris. BerL Mag. 1820. ( Lich .) p. 207. sp. 16. De. rostro arcuato elongato, gracillimo compresso lineari, cas- taneo ; guld alba; abdomine lineato . Dendrocalaptes with an elongated, very slender, compressed, linear, cliesnut beak; white throat, and lineated abdomen. Inhabits — 180 CERTHIADiE. Sp. 16. De. picumnus. Berl. Trans. 1820. ( Lich .) p. 202. sp. 8. Dr. rostro rectiuscu/o, valido, cultrato, livido ; abdomine ochraceo, transversim fusco-undulato. Dendrocalaptes with a somewhat straight, stout, cultrate, livid beak ; with the abdomen ochraceous, transversely undulated with brown. Le grimpar pieicule. Le Vaill. Per. pi. 26. — Le picicule. Vieil. Sucrier, pi. 79. — Le grand pic grimpereau. D'Azara, 241. — Dendrocalaptes decumanus. Illiger. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 17- De. turdinus. Berl. Trans. 1820. [Licit.) p. 204. sp. 14. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 90. De. mediocris, olivaceo-brunneus, immacidatus, rostro brevius- culo, largiore, rectiusculo, ad apicem adunco, non dentato ; supra nigro, subtus albido ; capite collogue subtus ferrugineo substrigillatis ; cauda castaned ; dorso pectore abdomineque brunneis, non strigillatis ; alis Jusco-brunneis, subtus antice fer- rugineis. Moderate, olive-brown, immaculate Dendrocalaptes, with a straightened, large, shortish beak, hooked at the tip, but not dentate ; black above and whitish beneath ; with the head and neck beneath rather strigillated with rust-colour ; the tail ches- nut; the back, breast, and abdomen brown, not strigillated ; the wings fuscous-brown above; beneath rust-coloured anteriorly. Length seven inches and a quarter. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 18. De Picus. Herm. Berl. Trans. 1820. ( Lich .) p. 203. sp. 9. De. rostro recto, porrecto, compresso, acuto, albo, gonyde ascen- dent e; guld alba ; pectore squamato guttato. Dendrocalaptes with a straight, porrect, compressed, white beak, with its gonix ascending ; the throat white ; the breast with scale-like spots. Dendrocalaptes minor. Illig. — Le grimper Talapiot. Le Vaill. Prom. pi. 27.-— Gracula Picoides. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 476. Inhabits Guiana. CERTHIADJ2. 181 Sp. 19. De. obsoletus. Illiger. Berl. Trans. 1820. ( Lick .) p. 203. sp. 10. De. rostro recto, compresso, albicante ( gonyde porrectd, culminis apice sensim dejlexo ) ; gala maculisque guttatis dorsi et pec~ toris sordide Jiavicantibus. Dandrocalaptes with a straight, compressed, whitish beak (with its gonyx porrect, the tip of the culmen a trifle deflexed) ; the throat and guttated spots on the back and breast sordid yel- lowish. Inhabits ■ Sp. 20. De.fumigatus. Berl. Trans. 1820. (Lick.) p. 203. sp. 12. De. rostro recto, valido, nigro; regione parotica nigra, lituris albis ; collo et pectore immaculatis ; rectricibus hinc inde albo- lineatis. Dendrocalaptes with a straight, stout, black beak ; the region of the ears black, with white markings ; the neck and breast im- maculate; the coverts lineated with white. Le grimpar enfume. Le Vaill. Prom. pi. 28. Sp. 21. De. superciliosus. Illiger. Berl. Trans. 1820. {Lick.) p. 204. sp. 13. De. rostro recto, compresso, nigricante gnathidiis albis; capite rufescente ; superciliis albis. Dendrocalaptes with a slight, compressed, dusky beak ; with the gnathix white ; the head reddish ; the eyebrows white. Le pic grimpereau roux et brun. D’Azara, 245. Inhabits Peru. Sp. 22. De. cuneatus. Berl. Trans. 1820. ( Lick .) p. 204. sp. 15. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 89. pi. xci.y. 3. De. minimus cinnamomeus ; subtus olivaceo-brunnescens ; rostro nigro, brevi, recto, ad basin planiusculo, convexo, ad apicem obtuso; capite vix, pectore J ulvo-strigillato ; jugulo fulvo ma- culato ; cauda Icete castaneo-rufa ; remigibus fuscis, brunneo marginatis ; scapis cauda; apicem elongatis, rigidis, curvis. 182 CEltTHIADAS. Small Dendrocalaptes of a cinnamon-colour ; beneath olive-brown ; with a short, straight, black beak ; rather flat at the base, convex, obtuse at the tip ; head a little, and the breast strigil- lated with fulvous; the jugulum spotted with fulvous, the tail fine chesnut-red ; the quills fuscous, edged with brown ; the shafts on the tail-feathers elongated at the tips, stiff, curved. Length six inches and a quarter. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 23. De. ocellatus. ( Guttatus in pi.) Spi x, Avium Nova Spec, p. 88. pi. xc.f. 1 . De. subminor, olivaceo-castaneus , rostro fere recto , non adunco, parvum compresso, gula ochraced ■, jugulo maculis ochraceis ocellato fuscoque fmbriata; capite, nucha pectoreque fidvo stri- gillatis; macula auriculari crispa,fulvo strigillata ; collo antico ochraceo-guttato. Somewhat small Dendrocalaptes of an olive-cliesnut, with the beak nearly straight, not hooked, a little compressed ; the throat ochraceous ; the jugulum with ochraceous spots ocellated and edged with fuscous ; the head, nape and breast strigil- lated with fulvous, with a crisped spot on the ears, striped with fulvous ; the neck guttated with ochraceous in front. Length seven inches. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 24. De. Merula. Berl. Mag. 1820. ( Lick .) p. 208. sp. 17. De. rostro recto , brevi, valido, nigro, apice deflexo ; corpore im- maculato; guld alba. Dendrocalaptes with a short, straight, stout, black beak, with its tip bent down ; the body immaculate ; the throat white. Inhabits Sp. 25. De. sylviellus. Temm. PI. Col. 72. f. 1. Inhabits Brazil. No description by M. Tem- minck. Tl . 20. CERTHIADyE. 183 Sp. 26. De. platyrostris. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 87 • pi. Ixxxix. De. major, olivaceo-brunneus , rostro breviusculo, ad naves maxil- lamque inferior em depresso, latiusculo; gala colloque later ali fulvo-albis ; maculd auriculari capiteqae nigris, albo strigil- latis ; pectore nec non dorsofulvo-strigillatis; abdomine crissoque fulvo nigroque fasciolatis ; remigibus caudaque castaneis. Large Dendrocalaptes of an olive-brown, with the beak rather short, depressed from the nostrils, and the under maxilla broadish ; the throat and neck on the side fulvous-white ; a spot on the ears and the head black, strigillated with white; the breast and back strigillated with fulvous ; the abdomen and vent fasciolated with fulvous and black ; the quills and tail chesnut. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 27. De. chrysolophus. llliger. Berl. Trans. 1S20. ( Lick .) p. 203. sp. 11. Inhabits — — — GENUS CCXXXII. — CERTHIA Auctorum. CREEPER. Rostrum mediocre, subtri- gonale, lateratim compres- sum, gracile, arcuatum, acutum. Digiti exteriores inaequales. Alee brevae. Rectricesrigidae, subarcuatae, acutae. Beale moderate, rather tri- gonal, compressed late- rally, slender, arcuated, acute. Exterior toes unequal. Wings short. Tail-feathers stiff, rather arcuated, acute. These birds resemble the Woodpeckers in their manner of climbing, in which they are assisted by their stiff tail-feathers. There is but one European species. 184< CEIITHIAD^E. Sp. 1. Ce. familiaris. Sharv, v.xn.p. 186. pi. 24. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Ce. Cinnamomea. Shaiv, v. vii. p. 224. — Inhabits ? Sp. 3. Ce ? spinicauda. Sylvia spinicauda. Step!/, v. x p. 694. pi. 54. — Terra del Fuego. Allied to the last genus. GENUS CCXXXlll. — CLIMACTERIS, Temminck. Rostrum breve, debile, com- pressum, subarcuatum, subulatum : mandibulcc aequales, acutae. Nares basales, laterales, membrana nuda tectae. Pedes robusti, digitus me- dius et pollex longissimi : ungues magnae, curvati, lateribus canaliculatis, su- bulatae^valde aduncae. Alee mediocres : remex prim a brevis, secunda tertiam brevior, tertia et quarta longissima. Beak short, weak, com- pressed, somewhat arched, subulated : the mandibles equal, acute. Nostrils basal, lateral, clothed by a membrane. Legs robust, the middle and hinder toes longest : the claws large, curved, chan- nelled at the sides, awl- shaped, very much hooked. Wings moderate : the first quill short, the second shorter than the third, the third and fourth longest. Sp. 1. Cl. scandens. Temm. PI. Col. 281 .f. 2. Cl. late Jiiscus uropygio rectricibusque duabus intermediis plum- beis; guld colloque antice albis; pectore ventroque isnbellinis; hypochondriis tectricibusqae infer ioribus caudce albo fuscoque varus $ ahs Juscis f asciis duabus transversis. Deep-brown Climacteris with the rump and two middle tail- feathers lead-colour : the throat and neck in front white ; the breast and belly isabella-colour ; the sides and under tail-coverts varied with brown and white ; the wings brown with two trans- verse bands. CERTHIADiE. 185 Inhabits the eastern coast of New Holland. Length five inches and three quarters : the head, neck, back, and scapulars, are of an umbre-brown ; with the feathers of the head appearing like scales, and edged with black : the wings are browri with two transverse bands, the upper being of a nankeen colour, the lower dusky-brown : the rump, the two middle tail-feathers, and the base and tip of the lateral feathers, are deep lead ; the middle of the tail is dusky-brown : the throat and the fore-part of the neck are pure white : the breast and middle of the belly isabella-colour : the flanks and unduer tail-coverts are varied with longitudinal white dashes, with pa- rallel brown stripes. The male is known by a large red spot on the sides of the neck beneath the ears. Sp. 2. Cl. picumnus. Temm. PL Col. 281. f 1. Cl. fuscus gula malisque albidis ; pectore griseo ; corpore infra, pennis medio albis marginibus fnsco longitudinaliter fasciatis ; pileo nucha colloque griseis ; alls fuscis fascia, transversa ful- vescente. Brown Climacteris with the throat anti cheeks whitish ; the breast grey : the feathers of the under part of the body white in the middle, and longitudinally banded by brown on the edges ; the top of the head, nape, and neck grey ; the wings brown, with a transverse yellowish bar. Inhabits Timor, Celebes, and New Holland. Length six inches and a half : the top of the head is deep grey : the nape and the neck clear grey : the back, the wings, and the two middle tail-feathers are of an earthy -brown : a broad band of nankeen-colour passes through all the wing-feathers towards the 186 CERTHIADiE. middle^: the feathers of the tail are brown at their base and tips, and black in the middle : the throat and the cheeks are dull white : the breast grey : the feathers of the rest of the under parts are white in the middle, and striped longitudinally on the edges with a small brown bar : the under tail-coverts are isabella-colour, marked with large transverse brown spots. GENUS CCXXXIV.— ORTHONYX, Temminck. Rostrum brevissimum, com- pressum, fere rectum, apice emarginatum. Neires laterales, in medio rostri sitae, apertse, setis tectae. Alee brevissimae : remiges quinque primores cunei- formes, sextae longissimae. Cauda lata, elongata, rec- tricibus rigidis, acutis, apicibus prolongis. Pedes mediocres: tarsi di- gitus medius longiores, hie et exterior sequalis : ungues digiti longiores, validi, subarcuatae, la- teratim sulcatae. Beale very short, compressed, nearly straight, notched at the tip. Nostrils lateral, placed in the middle of the beak, open, clothed with bristles. Wings very short : the first five quills wedge-formed, the sixth longest. Tail broad, elongated, its feathers stiff, acute, the tips prolonged. Legs moderate : tarsi longer than the middle toe, which is equal to the exterior : the claws longer than the toes, short, somewhat bent, laterally grooved. Sp. 1. Or. maculatus. Ob. obscure-fusca swpra nigro metadata; mas gala rufd nigro marginatd ; fajmina guld alba. CERTHIADiE. 187 Dull-brown Orthonyx spotted with black above ; the male with a red throat edged with black ; the female with a white throat. Orthonyx. Temm. Man. d’Orn. 2 Edit. Inhabits Australia. GENUS CCXXX V.— TIC H ODROMA, Uliger. WALL-CREEPER. Beak longer than the head, very slender, its base tri- angular and depressed, slightly curvated, rounded, intire, acute. Exterior toes unequal. Wings long. Petrodroma, Vieillot. Rostrum capite longms, gra- cillimum, basi triangulares et depressum, subcurva- tum, teretiusculum, inte- grum, acutum. Digiti exterior es inaequales. Alas longae. Sp. 1. Ti. Europaea. Certhia Muraria. Share, v. viii. p. 189. pi. 25. — The south of Europe. Sp. 2. Ti? fusca. Certhia fusca. Shaw, v. viii. p. 238. — The Islands in the Pacific. GENUS CCXXXVI.— UPUPA, Linne. HOOPOE. Rostrum capite longius, sub- arcuatum, basi trigonum, supra convexum, paulo lateratim compressum, apice subobtuso. ZAngua brevissima triquetra, obtusa. Rectrices decern . Caput cristatum. Beak longer than the head, somewhat arched, trigonal at the base, convex above, a little compressed late- rally, its tip rather obtuse. Tongue very short, three- sided, obtuse. Tail-feathers ten. Head crested. 188 CERTHIADjE. Sp. 1. Up. epops. Shaw, v. viii. p. J3 5, pi. 17. — Britain and the South of Europe. Sp. 2. Up. minor. Shaw, v. viii. p. 139. — Southern Africa. Sp. 3. Up. Capensis. Upupa Madagascariensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 140. — The Cape of Good Hope. GENUS CCXXXVII. — SITTA, Linne. NUTHATCH. Rostrum glabrum aut basi plumulis antrorsum direc- ts obtectum, rectum, tere- tiusculum aut compres- sum, apice conico ; man- dibula superior paulb longior. Digiti exterior es inaequales. Beak glabrous or clothed at its base with feathers point- ing forwards, straight, rounded or compressed, its tip conic : the upper man- dible rather the longest. Exterior toes unequal. Sp. 1. Si. Europaea. S/unv, v. viii. p. 108. pi. 13.— Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Si. Carolinensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 112. Wils. Airier. Orn. i. pi. 2./i 4. — The temperate parts of North America. Sp. 3. Canadensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 116. — Canada. Sp. 4. Si? fusca. Vieil. Analy.p. 45 ( K. ) Si. supra alls caudaque fusca, cervicis fascia guttureque albidis, ahdomine albo-rufescente, rostro pedibusque Jlavis. Nuthatch above and with the wings and tail brown ; a band on the cervix and the throat whitish ; the abdomen reddish- white ; the beak and legs yellow. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 5. Si. frontalis. Linn. Trans. ( Horsf. ) v. xiii. p. 162. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. i. pi. 2. Si .supra cceria saturata, subtus testaceo-vinacea, f route super - ciliusque atris, rernigibus nigris. CERTHIAD^E. 189 Nuthatch above deep sky-blue,, beneath vinaceous-ash, with the forehead and supercilise dark ; the quills black. Sitta velata. Temm. Pl. Col. 12.f. 3. Inhabits Java and Sumatra. Length live inches: the Sumatran specimens are rather larger ; they have the top of the head, the nape, and the upper parts of the body of a rich azure ; the wings and tail plain blue, with their feathers black on the inner web and edged with blue : the cheeks and sides of the neck are purplish-blue : the chin is white, and the vent of the under parts are ash tinged with purple. The male has a mark on the forehead and a band above the eye black ; the beak is yellow, with a black tip. Sp. 6. Si. pusilla. Shaw, v. viii. p. 1 13. JVils. Amer. Orn. ii. pl. 1 b.f. 2. — Carolina. Sp. 7. Si? chrysoptera. Shaw, v. viii. p. 120. — Orange-winged Nuthatch. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 77. pl. lxiii. — New Holland. Greatly allied to the following genus. GENUS CCXXXVIII Rostrum breve, gracile, valde compressum, subulatum, acutum, mandibidae apici- bus recurvatis. Nares basales, laterales, mem- brana nuda, tectae. Pedes mediocres ; digiti late- rales aequales, externi in- aequales : ungues forti, compressi, arcuati. Cauda cuneiformis. .— XENOPS, Illiger. Beak short, slender, greatly compressed, subulated, acute ; mandibles with their tips recurved. NostrilshaseX, lateral, clothed with a naked membrane. Legs moderate: the lateral toes equal, the external un- equal : claws strong, com- pressed, bent. Tail wedged. 190 CERTHIADiE. Sp. 1. Xe. genibarbis. Illiger. — Temm. PI. Col. 150. f. 1. Swam. Zool. Illust. ii.pl. 100. Xe. supra fusco rafa, infra griseo fusca; mento superciliis ma- culisque jugularibus et pecloralibus albentibus ; macula iiifrd aures niveo, remigium secundorum nigricantium basi Julvd, apicibus marginibusque nifis. Xenops above reddish-brown, beneath grey-brown ; chin, eye- brows, and spots on the throat and breast, whitish ; beneath the ears a snowy spot ; lesser quills blackish, the base fulvous, their tips and margins rufous. Inhabits Brazil. Length four inches and a quar- ter : on the top of the head and the cheeks the feathers are brown, with reddish shafts : above the eye is a white stripe, and beneath towards the out- ward ear is a large spot of the same colour : the back is filemot colour : the throat and the breast are ashy- brown, spotted with ashy-white : the rest of the under parts is ashy-brown, without spots : the wings are black, with a large red space in the middle : the two middle tail-feathers are deep black, the rest the same, but bright red towards their tips, the red occupying most space on the lateral feathers, and being placed near the centre on them : the base of the beak is whitish, its tip, and also the legs, ashy. Sp. 2. Xe. anatoboi'des, Temm. PL Col. 150 .f. 2. Xe. nifo-fuscus, guld torque nuchali lincdque pone oculos ad accipitem eoctendente albis, caudd rujd. Red-brown Xenops, with the throat, collar on the nape and line behind the eyes to the occiput white ; tail red. Inhabits Brazil. Length seven inches : the top of the head, the cheeks, back and wings are brown- red ; the under parts of the latter are bright reddish, /V. 22. XaEKOPS GEFIBA1BI S „ CERTFIIADiE. 191 and their quills black on their inner webs : behind the eyes a white line commences, which extends along the sides of the neck to the occiput : the throat is white, and a collar of the same surrounds the nape : the breast and middle of the belly are dull red : the flanks are ashy-red, shaded off into deep red, towards the vent : the tail is deep red : the beak is whitish, and the legs grey. Sp. 3. Xe. rutilans. Temm. PL Col. 72. f 2. Xe. fuscus dorso alisque rufo-olivaceis , remigibus hast aureo, flavis medio nigris , apice rufis, guld lineisque duabus longi- tudinalibus colli albis. Brown Xenops, with the back and wings olive ; the quills golden- yellow at the base, black in the middle, red at the tip ; the throat and two longitudinal lines on the neck white. Inhabits Brazil. Length four inches and a quar- ter: the top of the head and the cheeks are brown, spotted with clear brown : the nape is yellowish-brown : the back and the wings are reddish-olive : the quills are golden-yellow at their base, then black and tipped with red ; but this disposition of colours is not ob- servable unless the wing be expanded : the rump and the tail are strong-red : the throat and two longi- tudinal bands on the neck are white : all the under parts are ashy-olive, with whitish dashes : the base of the lower mandible is white, and the rest of the beak brown : the legs are brown. 192 CERTHIADJE. GENUS CCXXXIX.— NEOPS, Vieillot. Rostrum gracile, lateratim compressum, integrum, mediocre, rectum, acu- tum : mandibula inferior versus medium incurvata, dein recurvata, marginibus a superiore tegentibus. Digit i exteriores ad medium usque coaliti : pollex tenuis. Beak slender, laterally com- pressed, intire, moderate, straight, acute : the loxcer mandible incurved towards the middle, then recurved, with its edges covered by the superior. Outer toes connected to the middle : the hinder-one slender. Sp. 1. ruficaudus. Vieil. Analyse, Sfc. p. 68. ( K .) Ne. supra olivaceo-fuscus, subtus rufo cinereus; capite guttureque albido 7io tat is, superciliis pal/idis, strigci infra genis 7iived, remigibus primoribus basi apiceque rufis, in medium cinna- 7)iomeis ; rectricibus duabus intermediis, lateribusque quatuor rufis, reliquis nigris ; rostro pedibusque rufis. Neops above olive-brown, beneath ashy-red ; with the head and throat spotted with white ; the supercilia pale ■, a snow- white stripe beneath the cheeks ; the primary quills red at the base and tip, cinnamon-colour in the middle ; the two middle tail-feathers and four lateral ones red, the rest black ; the beak and legs red. Inhabits Guiana. Length four inches. GENUS CCXL— ORTHOTOMUS, Horsfield. Rostrum mediocre, rectum subdepressum, basi trique- trum, attenuatum : cul- mine basi carinato, versus apicem leviter arcuata : mandibulce tomiis rectis- simis. Beak moderate, straight, a little depressed, three-sided at the base, attenuated: the oilmen carinated at the base, towards the tip slightly bent ; with the cutting edges of the man- dibles very straight. CERTHIADiE. 193 Nares basales, magnse, su- perne membrana clausae, inferne rima longitudinali apertae. Aloe, remiges prima spuria, secunda et tertia abrupte longiores, quartae ad octani longiores subaequales, ex- terne emarginatae ; ceterae gradatim breviores cu- neatae. Pedes subelongati : ungues compressi, arcuati, acuti, postico medio duplo ma- jore. Nostrils basal, large, closed above by a membrane, with a longitudinal cleft below. Wings, with the first quill spurious, the second and third abruptly longer, the fourth to the eighth lengthened and nearly equal, outwardly emar- ginated; the rest gradually shorter and wedged. Legs rather elongated : claws compressed, bent, acute, the hinder one twice as large as the middle. Sp. 1. Or. sepium. Linn. Trans. ( Horsf. ) v. xiii.p. 166. Or. olivaceo-Juscescens capite et tibiis J'errugineis ; remigibus fuscis ; guld pectoreque nigricantibus ; abdominejlavido. Olive-brown Orthotomus with the head and tibiae rust-colour ; the quills brown; the throat and breast dusky; the abdomen yellowish. Chiglet Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 266. Inhabits Java. Length four inches : plumage brownish-olive : head ferruginous : chin and breast dusky : belly yellowish : quills brown : legs longish : middle and outer toes united at the base by a small membrane : hind-claw twice the size of those before. V. XIV. P. I. 13 194 CERTHIAD/E. GENUS CCXLI — MNIOTILTA, Vieillot. Rostrum breve, gracile, rec- tum, integrum, compres- sum : mandibulcE aequales, acutae. Digiti exteriores inaequales : pollex gracilis, longius- culus. Beak short, slender, straight, intire, compressed : man- dibles equal, acute. Outer toes unequal : hinder one slender, elongated. Sp. J. Mm. varia. Certhia varia. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 234. pi. 34. — Sylvia varia. Steph. v. x. p. 639. — North America. GENUS CCXLII. — THRIOTHURUS, Vieillot. Rostrum longiusculum, cy- lindricum, arcuatum, te- nue, integrum : mand'ibulce aequales. Pollex longiusculus, gracilis : digiti exteriores inaequales. Alee breves, rotundatae. Cauda ascendens. Beak lengthened, cylindric, arcuated, thin, intire : mandibles equal. Hinder toe lengthened, slender: exterior toes un- equal. Wings short, rounded. Tail ascending. M. Vieillot places this genus amongst the Creepers : the species all inhabit America. Sp. 1. Th. Ludovicianus. Sylvia Ludoviciana. Stepli. v. x. p. 7 13. — North America. Sp. 2. Th ? torquatus. Sylvia torquata. Vieill. Ois. de V Amer. Sept. ii. 38. — Svlvia Americana. Steph. v. x. 611. — North America. Sp. 3. Th? Pinus. Sylvia Pinus. Steph. v. x. 737. — North America. Sp. 4. Th ? Americanus. Parus Americanus. Steph. v. x. 43. — North America. yy. 23 THIOTIURUS ? RECTIIOSTKIS. CERTHIADiE. 195 Sp. 5. Th ? rectirostris. Th? fuscusjugulo pectoreque pallidioribus ; mento nigricante ; cor- pore medio niveo; rectricibus angustis, nigris ; mandibulce su- perior e apice adunco. Brown Thriothurus with the jugulum and breast paler ; the chin dusky ; the middle of the body snow-white ; the tail-feathers narrow, black ; the tip of the upper mandible hooked. Troglodytes rectirostris. Swain. Zool. lilust. iii. pi. 140. Inhabits Brazil. Length about five inches : beak straight, triangular at the base, the sides compressed, tip of the upper mandible bent down and notched : nostrils large, lengthened, covered by a membrane, which (except at the base) is naked : the aperture terminal, near the edge of the beak narrow and ob- long : the feathers on the rump and flanks remark- ably long ; the three fore-toes slender, and all con- nected at their base as far as the first joint : tail even, and rather long ; its feathers very narrow, weak, and deep black : plumage above light or red- dish-brown ; sides of the head, neck, breast, and body the same, but tinged with fulvous : the chin and upper part of the throat blackish, but the margin of the feathers partly white : lower part of the throat and breast dusky : middle of the body pure white ; under wing-coverts, inside margins of the quills, and edge of the shoulders, white. GENUS CCXLIII. — ANABATE3, Temmiuck. Rostrum rectum, capite aut brevior, aut longius com- pressum, basi altior quam latius, ad apicem paulo ar- euatum, integrum. Beale straight, shorter or longer than the head, com- pressed, higher at the base than broad, a little bent at the tip, intire. 196 CERTHI ADJE. Nares basales, laterales, ovatae, membrana plu- mosa partim tectae. Alee breves; remiges primae et secundae tertiae bre- viores, quartae et quintae longissimae. Cauda rachidibus debilibus haud acutis. Nostrils basal, lateral, ovate, partly covered by a plu- mose membrane. Wing'S short : the first and second quills shorter than the third ; the fourth and fifth longest. Tail with weak shafts not acute. Sp. 1. Ah. Guianensis. Sylvia Guianensis. Steph. v. x. p. 6/8. — Guiana. Sp. 2. Anabates striolatus. Temm. PI. Col. 238. f 1. An. supra J'uscus strigis longitudinalibus rufo-fuscus ; mento cau- daque rvjis; genis, lateribus colli, corporeque infra olivaceo- J'uscis albo longitudinaliter strigosis. Anabates above brown with longitudinal red-brown stripes; the chin and tail red ; the cheeks, sides of the neck, and body be- neath olive-brown longitudinally striped with white. Inhabits Brazil. Length seven inches : the top of the head, the nape, the back, and the wings are coffee-brown, with small longitudinal stripes of red- brown in the direction of the shafts : the greater wing-coverts and the quills are of an uniform colour, with their inner webs dusky : the chin and the tail are clear red : the cheeks, the sides of the neck and all the under parts are olive-brown, dashed with white, in the direction of the shafts of the feathers : the tail is long, much wedged : the beak is bluish, and the legs brown. Sp. 3. Anabates amaurotis. Temm. PI. Col. 238. f. 2. An. olivaceo-fuscu$ vertice nigro lineato ; linen fused supra oculos ad auribus extendente ; et pone oculos fascia flarescente abba-, pectore albidofusco. CERTHIADA£. 197 Olive-brown Anabates with the crown lineated with black ; a brown line over the eyes to the ears; and behind the eyes a yellowish-white band ; the breast whitish-brown. Inhabits Brazil. Distinguished by a brown band, which passes over the hinder angle of the eyes to the ears : the top of the head is brown varied with black dashes : the feathers of the back and wings are olive- brown : the tail is slightly wedged, and is of a deep- red colour : behind the eyes is a yellowish-white band : the lores and the chin are whitish : the breast is shaded with white and clear olive-brown : the rest of the under parts is olive-brown : the beak and the claws are yellowish : the legs are brown. SP. 4. An. rufifrons. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 84. pi. lxxxv. /• 1- An. minor olivaceo-cinerascens supra, subtus albicans ; f route ccis- tanej : stria a naribus surer oculos alba. * x Small olive-asli -coloured Anabates, beneath whitish; with the forehead chesnut; and a stripe from the nostrils above the eyes white. Inhabits Brazil. Length five inches and a third. Sp. 5. An. cristatus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 83. pi. lxxxiv. An? majusculus supra, et subtus ruj'us; capite breviter crist at o ; remigibus ad apicem nigrescentibus. Rather large Anabates rufous above and beneath ; with the head slightly crested ; the quills dusky at the tip. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches and one quarter. 198 cekthiada:. GENUS CCXL1V. — Rostrum mediocre, rectum, integrum, lateratim valde compressum, supra an- gustum, ad apicem de- flexum, acutum. Digiti antici basi coaliti ; ex- teriores inaequales. Remiges tertia, quarta, et quinta longissimae. Sp. I. Py. nigerrima. Oriolus Ieucopterus, ? . Shi GENUS CCXLV. — OPETI Rostrum capite longius, gra- cile, tenue, subulatum, rectum, basi depressum, versus apicem compres- sum, apice subulato. Lingua brevis, cartilaginosa. Naves laterales, versus basin rostri positae, ovatae, mem- brana nuda semiclausae. Aloe breves ; remigibus tribus primoribus cuneiformis, tertiis et quartis longissi- mis. Cauda brevis, subquadrates baud acuta. PYRROTA, Vieillot. Beak moderate, straight, in- tire, much compressed laterally, narrow above, deflexed at the tip, acute. Anterior toes joined at the base ; outer ones unequal. Third, fourth, and fifth quills longest. u, v. vii. p. 433. — Cayenne. 3RHYNCHUS, Temminck. Beak as long as the head, slender, thin, subulated, straight, depressed at the base, compressed towards the tip, the tip awl-shaped. Tongue short, cartilaginous. Nostrils lateral, placed to- wards the base of the beak, oval, half-closed by a mem- brane. Wings short, the three first quills wedge-formed, the third and fourth longest. Tail short, rather quadrate, not acute. FI . 24. OIYMYICHUS FLAMIICEPS . CERTHIADiE. 199 Pedes longiores: tarsi dimi- aio longius quam digitus medius : digiti exteriores basi coaliti, laterales asquales. Legs long : tarsi half the length of the middle toe : the outer toes united at the base, the lateral ones even. Sp. 1. Op. rufus. Merops rufus. Share, v. viii. p. 182 — South America. GENUS CCXLVI. — OXYRHYNCHUS, Temminck. SHARPBILL. Rostrum breve, rectissimum, basi trigonum, ultra basin attenuatum, apice acutissi- mum : mandibula superior suprd rotundata; utrisque integris. Nares basales, nudae, mem- brana partim tectae, aper- tura lineari ad marginem rostri approximante. Pedes breves, validi, digito medio longiores; digitis an- terioribus tribus, exteriore connexo, interiore fisso ; halluce valido. Beale short, very straight, trigonal at the base, at- tenuated beyond the base, the tip very acute : the upper mandible rounded above ; both intire. Nostrils basal, naked, partly clothed by a membrane, the aperture linear and ap- proaching to the margin of the beak. Legs short, stout, longer than the middle toe : three toes in front, the outer one con- nected, the inner cleft ; the hinder one stout. The name of this genus should be changed, Ojcij- rhynchus being preoccupied by a genus of Vermes. Sp. 1. Ox. flammiceps. Temm. PL Col. 125. Ox. supra olivaceo-viridis, subtus flavescente-albus , maculis nigres- centibus; capite crista coccinea incumbente ; capitis lateribus lineis transversim Jiavescentibus. 200 CERTHIADJE. Sharpbill above olive-green, beneath yellowish-white, with dusky spots ; the head with a crimson incumbent crest ; its sides with three transverse yellowish-lines. Oxyrhynchus cristatus. Sivain. Zool. Must. v. i. p. 49. Inhabits Brazil. Length seven inches : this spe- cies is adorned with an elegant and slender crest, of which the feathers on the top of the head are very long, fine, and decomposed ; the longest being on the edges and the shortest in the middle ; the latter are deep scarlet, and some of the others black ante- riorly ; but the scarlet feathers are not perceptible when the crest is depressed : the plumage of the back and wings is of a very fine green, of which hue are the margins of the quills and tail-feathers : the cheeks, space round the beak, the eyebrows, and the throat, are dotted and striped with white and greenish : the under parts are shaded with white and yellowish- green, and covered with a considerable number of triangular dusky-brown spots : the legs and the beak are blackish-blue. GENUS CCXLV1I.. Rostrum subulatum, latera- liter subcompressum, ad apicem subcylindricum, subdeclinum,subaduncum, emarginatum : mandibula inferior breviore quam sir periorem. Nares subbasales, rotundae, minutae. -PHILYDOR, Spix. Beale awl-shaped, slightly compressed laterally, ra- ther cylindric towards the tip, somewhat bent down and hooked, emarginate : the loxver mandible shorter than the upper. Nostrils nearly basal, round, small. CERTHIADiE. 201 Rictus usque infra oculos elongatus. Tarsi breviusculi. Cauda longiuscula, in- aequalis. Gape reaching under the eyes. Tarsi rather short. Tail rather long, unequal. These are insectivorous birds, and ambulate soli- tarily the banks of rivers. Sp. ]. Ph. superciliaris. Spix, Avium Nova Spec.p. 73.pl. lxxiii. f 1- Ph. rufus supra subtusque, capite nigro ; periophthalmiis albis ; caudd ferrugiaed; strigd malari et post-oculari nigris; rec- tricibus duabus later alibus Jerrugineis ; remigibus Juscis. Red Philydor both above and beneath, with the head black ; round the eyes white ; tail rust-coloured, with a black stripe on the cheek and behind the eyes ; the two lateral tail-feathers ferruginous ; the quills brown. Inhabits the province of Minas Geraes. Length six inches. Sp. 2. Ph. albogularis. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 71. pi. Ixxiv. f. 1. male ; 2. Jem. Ph. rujo-castaneus supra , subtus rufescens; capite maculdque superauriculari obscure strigillatis ; gula colloque later ali albis ; caudd Icete ruja. Philydor above chesnut-red, beneath reddish, with the head and spot above the ears obscurely striped; the throat and side of the neck white ; the tail fine rufous. Inhabits the banks of the river Verde in Brazil. Length seven inches and a quarter. Sp. 3. Ph. ruficollis. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 74. pi. lxxv. Ph. olivaceo-rufescens supra, subtus Icete rufus ; capite cinereo- nigro ; j route, gula, stria supra oculos, periophthalmiis macu- ldque auricular i Jerrugineis. CERTHIADiE. 202 Philydor above olive-red, beneath line red ; w itli the head ashy- black ; the forehead, throat, stripe above the eyes, round the eyes and spot on the ears rust-colour. Inhabits Bahia. Length seven inches and a half. GENUS CCXLVIII Rostruvi longiusculum, sub- ulatum, ad apicem sub- arcuatum, non emargina- tum. Rictus usque infra oculos fere prolongatus, subar- cuatus. Nares subbasales, ovatae, vix textae. Cauda aequalis, breviusculus. — FIGULUS, Spix. BeakxaAher long, awl-shaped, somewhat bent towards the tip, intire. Gape nearly prolonged be- neath the eyes, a little curved. Nostrils nearly basal, oval, scarcely covered. Tail even, rather short. The species of this genus inhabits Brazil. They construct their nests on the lower parts of trees, near the sides of the water or woods ; they are solitary. Sp. 1. Fi. albogularis. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 76. p/. lxxviii. f. 1. male; f. 2. female. Fi. cinnamomeus supra, subtus ochraceo-rufus ; gala crissoque albis; striga gcnis supra oculos versus occiput albo-ochraced ; caudd rufd; vibrissis brevibus. Figulus above cinnamon-colour, beneath ocliraceous-red, with the throat and vent white, a stripe from the cheeks above the eyes towards the occiput of an ochraceous-white ; the tail rufous ; the vibrissae short. CERTHIADiE. 203 GENUS CCXLIX. — CAMPYLORHYNCHUS, Spix. Rostrum longiusculum, ar- cuatum, crassiusculum, ad basin latiusculum, versus apicem cylindricum. Nares ovatse, subbasales, non obtectas. Rictus usque ad oculos elon- gatus. Digitus posticus reliquis crassior. Beak rather long, bent, a little thickened, somewhat broad at the base, towards the tip cylindric. Nostrils ovate, nearly basal, not covered. Gape elongated as far as the eyes. Hinder-toe stouter than the rest. Sp. 1. Ca. scolopaceus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 77 . pi. Ixxix. /• h Ca. supra nigro-fuscus, subtus albus, nigro fusco maculatus ; strid supra oculos maculdque auriculari albis; caudd longiuscula. Campylorhynclius above black-brown, beneath white, spotted with black, with a stripe over the eyes and spot on the ears white ; the tail rather lengthened. Inhabits woods near Rio de Janeiro. Length seven inches. Sp. 2. Ca. striolatus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec.p. 77 . pi. Ixxix. /• 2- Ca. rufescens, supra subtusque ; stria supra occidos, gula, ab- domineque medio albidis ; caudd breviuscula alisque nigro duo- decim Jasciatis, macula auriculari grised. Reddish Campylorhynchus above and beneath ; with a stripe above the eyes ; the throat and abdomen in the middle white ; the tail rather short ; and, with the wings, banded with twelve black stripes ; and a grey spot on the ears. Inhabits Bahia. Length four inches and a half. 204 CUCULID.E. GENUS CCL.— SPHENURA, Spix. Rostrum elongatum, subula- tum, vix arcuatum, sub- cylindricum, ad apicem obtusum. Nares rotundae. Cauda molle, detrita. Digiti ad basin coaliti, an- tici laterales inaequales. Beak elongated, awl-shaped, scarcely bent, subcylindric, obtuse at the tip. Nostrils rounded. Tail soft, worn. Toes united at the base, the la- teral anterior ones unequal. Sp. 1. Sp. subulata. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 82. pi. lxxxiii. f- I- Sp .fusco-brunnea corpore subtus pallide nifescente ; capite, nec non dorso, albo striatis ; caudd rufd; guld ochraceo-alba. Fuscous-brown Sphenura, with the body beneath pale reddish ; the head and back striped with white ; the tail rufous ; the throat ochraceous-white. Inhabits Brazil. FAMILY V.— CUCULIDiE. Rostrum basi glabrum, arcuatum out apicem aduncum, integrum aut denticulatum : pedes zygodactyli ; digitis anticis inter dum basi membrana coaliti. Beak glabrous at the base, bent or hooked towards the tip, intire or denticulated : toes disposed in pairs, the anterior sometimes united by a membrane at the base. The manners of the birds included in this ex- tensive family are various ; they all subsist upon in- sects, and the major portion of them are migratory : the true Cuckoos are well known to desert their young, and do not trouble themselves to construct any nest : other genera build their nests on the arms FI . 25. C O C CYS U S GEOFFIOII. CU CULIDiE. 20 5 of trees, incubate their own eggs, and provide for their offspring : they are confined to the lower tem- perate and tropical regions of the globe. GENUS CCLI. — COCCYZUS, Vieillot. Rostrum elongatum, basi crassum, integrum, supra convexum, arcuatum, la- teratim compressum. Alee breves, rotundatae. Tarsi elevati, digitus lon- gissimus longiores. Beak elongate, thick at the base, intire, convex above, arcuated, laterally com- pressed. Wings short, rounded. Tarsi elevated, longer than the longest toe. The species of this genus inhabit the warm cli- mates of both worlds : they nidificate in trees, and bring up their own young. Sp. 1. Co. Madagascariensis. Cuculus Madagascariensis. Steph. v.ix.p. ]01. — Madagascar. Sp. 2. Co. cristatus. Cuculus cristatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 1 18. — Madagascar. Sp. 3. Co. cseruleus. Polophilus cseruleus. Steph. v. ix. p. 56. — Africa. Sp. 4. Co. galeritus. Illiger. Cuculus nsevius. Steph. v. ix. p. 99. — Cayenne. Sp. 5. Co. Cayanus. Cuculus Cayanus. Steph. v. ix. p. 90. — Cayenne. Sp. 6. Co. seniculus. Cuculus seniculus. Steph. v. ix. p. 125. — Cayenne. Sp. 7- Co. Geoffroyii. Temm. PI. Col. 7. Co. cristatus supra ceneo-viridis nitore aureo ; Jronte, mails, collo antice pectoreque pennis fuscus velutinis obtectis apicibus lunula rufescente-albida notatis; ventre supremo Jlavescente; i/ifimo rufo ; caudd cuneata. CUCULIDiE. 206 Crested Coccyzus above bronzed-green with a golden gloss ; with the forehead, cheeks, neck anteriorly, and breast clothed with brown feathers, whose tips are marked with a reddish-white crescent ; the upper belly yellowish ; the lower red ; tail wedged. Inhabits South America. A most beautiful bird : length nineteen or twenty inches : the head is adorned with a crest composed of broad feathers, of which the largest are rounded at the tip, and are of a fine bluish colour, glossed with steel : the forehead, the cheeks, the fore part of the neck and the breast are clothed with short, velvety, scale- like feathers, which are brown in the middle and tipped with crescents of reddish-white : the breast has a band of bronzed- black, which is wanting, or but slightly indicated in the young : the belly is yellowish ; the lower belly red, more or less brilliant according to the age of the bird : the back and the wings are of a fine bronzed-green, glossed with gold : the tail is com- posed of twelve broad feathers, it is very long and much wedged in form, and is of a fine purple-bronze colour, except the two lateral-feathers, on each side, which are of a bronzed-green: the space round the eyes is naked : the beak is strong, thick and yellow ; the base is shaded a little with greenish : the legs are ashy-green ; and the claws yellow. The young have the crest much shorter, and the steel gloss on the feathers is distributed in spots. Sp. 8. Co? phasianellus. Co? gracilis olivaceo-fascus supra; corporc subtus, gula, cau- dceque apice albis ; crista occipitali rufescentc ; jugulo pectoreque albo nigroque maculatis ; rostro tenui. CUCULIDJE. 207 Slender Coccyzus ? above olive-brown, with the body beneath, the throat and tip of the tail white 3 a reddish occipital crest ; the jugulum and breast spotted with black and white ; the beak slender. Macropus phasianellus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 53. pi. xlii. Inhabits Brazil. Length thirteen inches and a half. Sp. 9. Co? Caixana. Co? minor castaneus ; pectore abdomineque anteriore, hypochon- driis alisque subtus rufo-castancis ; rostro magis arcuato, cas- taneo ; cauda suprci subtusque castanets. Small chesnut Coccyzus? with the breast and abdomen before, the sides and wings beneath, chesnut-red ; the beak large, bent, chesnut ; the tail chesnut above and beneath. Macropus Caixana. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 54. pi. xliii.y. 1 . male ; f. 2. female. Inhabits Brazil. Length ten inches. GENUS CCLII— LEPTOSOMUS, Vieillot. Rostrum capite longius, la- teratim compressum, sub- trigonale, supra constric- tum, versus apicem emar- ginatum, curvatum. Rectrices duodecim. Beak longer than the head, laterally compressed, rather trigonal, narrowed above, towards the tip notched, curved. T alil-featliers twelve. These birds build in hollow trees, and feed chiefly upon fruits. Sp. 1 . Le Afer. Bucco Africanus. Steph. v. ix. p. 25. -Africa. ^08 CUCULID.E. GENUS CCLIII. — CUCULUS Auctorum. CUCKOO. Rostrum mediocre, laeve, teretiusculum, integrum, subincurvatum. Nares prominulae. Alee elongatae, acutae. Tarsi breviores. Beale moderate, smooth, rounded, intire, rather in- curved. Nostrils prominent. Wings elongated, acute. Tarsi shorter than the longest toe. A. Rostro basi subdepresso. A. With the beak slightly depressed at the base. Sp. 1. Ca. canorus. Steph. v. ix. p. 68. pi. 16. — Cu. hepaticus. Temm? young. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 2. Cu. gularis. Steph. v. ix. p. 83. pi. 1 7- — The Cape of Good Hope. Sp. 3. Cu. solitarius. Steph. v. ix. p. 84. pi. 18. — Southern Africa. Sp. 4. Cu. radiatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 91. — The Indian Archi- pelago. Sp. 5. Cu. clamosus. Steph. v. ix. p. 108. — The Cape of Good Hope. Sp. 6. Cu. edolius. Cuvier. — Cuculus serratus. Steph. v. ix. p. 114. pi. 22, 23. — Southern Africa. Sp. 7- Co. afer. Steph. v. ix. p. 1 15. pi. 24. — Southern Africa. Sp. 8. Cu. coromandus. Steph. v. ix. p. 119. — Southern Africa. Sp. 9. Cu. Americanus. Steph. v. ix.p. 93.pl. 1 9. — Yellow-bellied Cuckoo. JVils. Amer. Orn. v. iv. pi. 2$.f. 1. Sp. 10. Cu. erythrophthalmus. Wils. Amer. Orn. v. iv. pi. 28. /• 2. Cu. rostro nigro; corpore supra cinereo ; subtus albo ; orbitis nudis, rubris, rugosis. Cuckoo with a black beak ; the body above cinereous ; beneath white ; the orbits naked, red, and rugose. Black-billed Cuckoo. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 31 7- CUCULIDiE. 209 Inhabits Carolina and Georgia. Allied to C. Americanus ; but one inch shorter in length : beak wholly black and smaller than in that bird : a bare, wrinkled, deep-red skin surrounds the eye : in colour this is greatly similar to the foregoing bird, but it wants the light cinnamon-colour on the wings : the tail is of an uniform, dark, silky drab-colour, but at the tip of each feather is a white spot, bordered above with a slight dash of dull-black. The female resembles the male. Sp. II. Cu. glandarius. Stepli. v ix. p. 116.^. 25. — The south of Europe and north of Africa. Sp. 12. Cu. flavus. Stepli. v. ix. p. 10 7. — The Isle of Panay. B. Rostro basi elevato. B. With the beak elevated at the base. Sp. 13. Cu. auratus. Steph. v. ix. p. 12 7. — Africa. Sp. 14. Cu. Classi. Cuvier. — Cuculus Klaas. Steph. v. ix. p. 128. — Africa. Sp. 15. Cu. lucidus. Steph. v. ix. p. 126. p>l- 26. Temm. PI. Co!. 102.y* 1. — Inhabits New Zealand. Sp. 16. Cu. cupreus. Steph. v. ix. p. 129. — Africa. Sp. 17. Cu. ehalcites. Illiger. — Temm. PL Col. 102.y. 2. Cu. supra metallico-viridis , capite rufo nitore ceneo, cauda basi riifa, medio viridescente, apice alba, infra albus collo antice pectoreque fusco variis. Cuckoo above metallic-green, with the head red, glossed with bronze ; the tail red at the base, greenish in the middle, white at the tip, under part white, with the neck anteriorly and the breast varied with brown. Inhabits Australasia and its vicinity. Length rather more than five inches and a half: the male has the top of the head red, with a bronzed gloss : v. xiv. p. i. 14 210 CUCULID.E. the back and the wings are plain metallic-green : the tail above is red at its base, a little shaded with green in the middle, and white at its tip ; its two lateral feathers having large oval white spots on their inner webs : the fore part of the neck and the breast are whitish, varied with brown : the belly is white : the under tail-coverts whitish, spotted with bronzed- green : the tarsi are long and naked. The female is reddish above, very slightly shaded with bronze, and white beneath. Sp. 18. Cu aeratus. Cu. viridi-ceratus cyaneo griseoque splendidiis, alls caudaque prre- cipue cyaneis; infra albido-virescens. Bronzed-green Cuckoo glossed with blue and grey, the blue pre- dominating on the wings and tail; the body beneath whitish- green. Le Coucou gris bronze. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Afriq. v. v. p. 60. pi. 215. — Bronzed Cuckoo. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 294. Inhabits Africa. Length of G. canorus : beak broad at the base ; the upper mandible curves down- wards at the point, and the inner shuts in beneath it, its colour yellow : the prevailing colour of the plu- mage is deep green-bronze, very bright, and changing into blue and grey, according to the light ; but on the wings and tail the blue predominates : on the under parts, from the chin, it is grey, lightly tinged with green : the tail is half the length of the bird, cuneiform, the two middle feathers four inches and a half long, the outer about three inches : legs black. Sp. 19. Cu. xanthorliynchus. Linn. Trans. ( Flor.f.) v. xiii. p. 179. CUCULIDJE. 211 Cu. violaceus, axillis, ventre, rectricibusque extends albo jfasciatis; rostroflavo. Violet Cuckoo with the axillae, belly, and outer tail-feathers striped with white ; the beak yellow. Inhabits Java, but rarely. Length six inches. C. Rostra basi clepresso. C. With the beak depressed at the base. Sp. 20. Cu. maculatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 102.— Cu. punctatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 105. — Cu. scolopaceus. Steph. v. ix. p. 95. — - The East Indies. Sp. 21. Cu. honoratus. Steph. v. ix. p. 104. pi. 21. — Malabar. Sp. 22. Cu. Taitensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 92. — The Society Islands. Sp. 23. Cu. orientalis. Steph. v. ix. p. 87 ; male. — Cu. Minda- nensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 103. pi. 20 ; female.— The Philippine Islands. Sp. 24. Cu. lugubris. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 179. Cu. ater nitore viridi; remigibus exterioribus pogonio interna albo notatis; rectricibus duabus externis crissoque albo jfasciatis ; tibiis postice albis. Dark Cuckoo glossed with green ; with the outer quills spotted with white on the inner web ; the two outer tail-feathers and vent striped with white ; the tibiae white behind. Inhabits Java. Length ten inches and a half : called Awon-awon by the Javanese. N. B. The species of this section appertain to the genus Dynamene ? of Messrs. Vigors and Horsfield, of which Cu. maculatus is the type. GENUS CCLIV.— INDICATOR. Vieillot. — HONEY-G UIDE. Rostrum capite brevius, ro- bustum, conicum, basi dilatatum, versus apicem angustum : mandibula su- perior arcuato-carinata ; inferior apice recurvata. Rectrices duodecim. Beale shorter than the head, robust, conic, dilated at the base, narrow towards the tip: the upper man- dible arcuato-carinated ; the loiver recurved at the tip. Tail-feathers twelve. Sp. 1. In. major. Steph. v. ix. p. ] 39 .pi. 27 • — Southern Africa. Sp. 2. In. minor. Steph. v. ix. p. 140. — Southern Africa. The descriptions of four new species of this genus, by Mr. 13. Leadbeater, were lately read before the Linnean Society. GENUS CCLV— CENTROPUS, Uliger.— COUCAL. Rostrum mediocre, supra carinatum, integrum, valde compressum, versus apicem arcuatum. Nares rectae, elongatce. Pollex unguis longissimus, subulatus, instructus. Beale moderate, carinated above, intire, much com- pressed, arcuated towards the tip. Nostrils straight, elongated. Inner hind-toe furnished with a very long subulated claw. Corydonyx, Vieillot. — PoI/Ophilus, Leach. Sp. 1 . Ce. AEgyptius. Polophilus .ZEgyptius. Steph. v. ix. p. 54. — Polophilus Sene- galensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 53. — Africa. CUCULID^E. 213 Sp. 2. Ce. Philippensis. Cuvier. Ce. cyaneo-niger nitens, alis badiis. Glossy blue-black Coucal with the wings chesnut. Centropus Bubutus. Linn. Trans. ( Hor.fi. '.) v. xiii. p. ISO. — Bubut Coucal. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii . p. 241. Inhabits Java. Length eighteen inches and a half: plumage in general glossy blue-black : with bay-coloured wings. Sp. 3. Ce. nigrorufus. Cuvier. Ce. niger tectricibus alarum part im rufis partim nigris; remigibus late rufis, apicibus mgr is. Black Coucal with the wing-coverts partly rufous, partly black ; the quills deep rufous with black tips. Le Coucal noirou. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Afriq. v. v. pi. 220. — Dusky Coucal. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 244. Inhabits Southern Africa. Beak glossy-black : irides dusky-brown : general colour of the plumage black : wing-coverts part rufous, part black : quills entirely deep rufous, with the ends dusky-black : feathers of the head and neck remarkably stiff, and glossy on their edges : tail about the length of the body, cuneiform, and the wings reach just beyond the coverts : legs short, glossy-black ; the inner hind- claw straight, and in old birds is sometimes two inches in length. The female is one-fourth less than the male : the black inclines to brown on all the fore parts ; and the spur at the inner heel half an inch shorter. Sp. 4. Ce. Tolu. Polophilus Tolu. Steph. v. ix. p. 52. — Madagascar. Sp. 5. Ce. Bengalensis. Polophilus Bengalensis. Steph. v. ix. p. 50. — India. 214 CUCULIDJE. Sp. 6. Ce. rufinus. Cuvier. Polophilus rufus. Steph. v. i x. p. 44. pi. 8. — Africa. Sp. 7. Ce. gigas. Polophilus gigas. Steph. v. ix. p. 45. — Africa. Sp. 8. Co. setliiops. Cuvier. Polophilus maurus. Steph. v. ix. p. 57 • pi- 13. — Africa. Sp. 9. Ce. Lathami. Polophilus Lathami. Steph. v. i x.p. 46. pi. 9. — Inhabits ? Sp. 10. Ce. variegatus. Polophilus variegatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 47- pi • 10. — Inhabits Sp. 11. Ce. Phasianus. Polophilus Phasianus. Steph. v. ix. p. 48. pi. 1 1. — New Hol- land. Sp. 1 2. Ce. leucogaster. Polophilus leucogaster. Steph. v. ix. p. 49. pi. 12. — New Hol- land. Sp. 13. Ce. affinis. Linn. Trans. ( Horsf. ) v. xiii. p. 180. Ce. niger alis ferruginosis ; ungue hallucis arcuato. Black Coucal, with the wings rusty ; the claw of the inner liind- toe bent. Kindred Coucal. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. 241. Inhabits Java. Length fourteen inches and a half : plumage black ; wings ferruginous ; hind-claw bent : the scapular feathers are soot-coloured, with white shafts : the outer tail-feathers with a white band at the ends. t Sp. 14. Ce. lepidus. Linn. Trans. ( Horsf. ) v. xiii. p. 180. Ce. supra fuliginosus, infra albus; rachidibus albo marginatis. Coucal above smoky, beneath white ; the shafts margined with white. Lepid Coucal. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 241. Inhabits Java. Length twelve inches : the crown, neck, scapulars, and second quills fuliginous, the CUCUL1DJE. 215 shafts margined longitudinally on each side with white : wing-coverts bay or brown with white shafts, greater quills bay, with brownish tips : chin, throat, breast, and belly white : rump, tail-coverts, and tail fasciated black and ferruginous : at the end of the last a whitish band. Sp. 15. Ce. castanopterus. Ce. niger nilens tectricibus alarum, scapulis, remigibusque cas- taneis. Shining-black Coucal with the wing-coverts, scapulars, and quills chesnut. Chesnut Coucal. Lath. Gen . Hist . v. iii. p. 243. pi- liv. ; young? Inhabits India. Length near seventeen inches ; of which the tail occupies nearly one half, and is slightly cuneiform : beak strong and black : irides scarlet : general colour of the plumage shining black, but all the wing-coverts, scapulars, and quills light chesnut : legs black : the inner hind claw straight, and twice the length of the other. The supposed young bird has the head, neck, and under parts -ash- coloured, streaked with white as far as the breast ; over the eye a whitish stripe : belly and thighs marked with transverse lines of white : tail plain black, slightly cuneiform : wings chesnut. GENUS CCLVI.— SAUROTHERA, Vieillot. RAINRIRD. Rostrum capite longius,lasve, lateratim compressum supra convexum : man- dibula superior denticu- lata, apice curvato. Orbitce nudae. Beak longer than the head, smooth, laterally com- pressed, convex above : the upper viandible den- ticulated, its tip curved. Orbits naked. CUCULID/E. 216 Coccyzus {pars). Teinminck. Sp. 1. Sa. vetula. Cuculus vetula. Steph. v. ix. p. 122. — Cuculus pluvialis. Step ft v. ix. 1 24. — Georgia. GENUS CCLVII. — PH2ENICOPHAUS, Vieillot. MALKOHA. Rostru ?«capite longius, valde robustum, basi crassum et vibrissis divergentibus ornatum, rotundatum, laeve, arcuatum, apice at- tenuate. Orbitcc nudae, papillatae. Beak longer than the head, very robust, the base thick and furnished with diver- gent bristles, rounded, smooth, arcuated, its tip attenuated. Orbits naked, papillated. Sp. 1. Ph. pyrrhocephalus. Steph . v . ix. p. 59 . — Ceylon. Sp. 2. Ph. leucogaster. Steph. v. ix. p. 60. — India. Sp. 3. Ph. tricolor. Steph. v. ix.p. 61. pi. 14. — India. Sp. 4. Ph. nielanognathus. Linn. Trans. ( HorsJ '.) v. xiii. p. 178. Ph. supra viridi-ceneo miens, subtus cauddque margine Into spa- diceis, maxilla jlavicante mandibula pernigra. Malkoha above shining brassy-green; beneath, and the broad margin of the tail, chesnut ; the upper mandible yellowish ; the lower deep black. Sintok Malkoha. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii. p. 254. Inhabits Java. Length of the body seven inches, of the tail eleven : nostrils elongate, situated at the base of a groove, which extends nearly to the middle of the beak : colour of the plumage above glossy green-gold ; beneath, and a broad space of the tail, chesnut : upper mandible yellowish, lower deep black. Sp. 5. Ph. Javanicus. Linn. Trans. ( HorsJ. ) v. xiii. p. 178. CUCULIDvE. 217 Ph. cano-viridescente-niger ; mails, guld, jugulo, crisso, auri- busque ferrugineo-badiis 5 rectricibus apice albis. Malkoha of a black ashy-green ; with the cheeks, throat, jugu- lum, vent, and thighs rusty-bay; the tail-feathers white at the tip. Javan Malkoha. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iii . p. 255. Inhabits Java. Length sixteen inches and a half: plumage in general hoary-greenish-black : cheeks, chin, and neck before, vent and thighs ferruginous- bay : tail-feathers white at the end. GENUS CCLVII1.— CROTOPHAGA, Linne. ANI. Rostrum rugosum aut laevi- gatum, integrum, latera- tim compressum, supra ca- rinatum, arcuatum, mar- ginibus angulatis. Coccyzus ( pars ). Temminck. Beak rugose or smooth, in- tire, laterally compressed, carinated above, bent, its edges angulated. Sp. 1. Cr. Ani. Shaw, v. viii. p. 380. pi. 51. — South America. Sp. 2. Cr? Guira. Cuculus Guira. Steph. v. ix. p. 113. — Brazil. GENUS CCLIX.— TROGON, Linne. CURUCUI. Rostrum basi vibrissis orna- tum, capite brevius, altius quam latum, denticulatum, apice curvato, margine aut dentato, aut integro. Tarsi lanugine tecti. Beak furnished at the base with bristles, shorter than the head, higher than broad, denticulated, its tip curved, the edges either dentated or intire. Tarsi clothed with down. 218 CUCULIDiE. A. Marginibus rostri dentatis. A. With the edges of the beak dentated. Sp. 1. Tr. curucui. Steph.v. ix. p. I6.pl. 4*. — Brazil. Sp. 2. Tr. viridis. Steph. v. ix. p. ii. pi. 4. — Cayenne. Sp. 3. Tr. violaceus. Steph. v. ix. p. 8. — Cayenne. Sp. 4. Tr. strigillatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 10. — Guiana. Sp. 5. Tr. rufus. Steph. v. ix. p. 9. pi. 3. — Cayenne. Sp. (i. Tr. variegatus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p.49. pi. xxxviii. a. Tr. tectricibus alarum pulverulentis ; capite colloque violaceo- chalybeis, viridi-circumcinctis ; dorso cuproviridi ; pectore ab- domineque miniaceo-purpureis ; rectricibus ccerulescente viri- dibus, exterioribus albo nigroque fasciolatis. Curucui with the wing-coverts powdered j the head and neck violet-steel-colour, bounded by green ; the back coppery-green ; the breast and abdomen reddish -purple ; the tail-feathers blue- green, the outer ones fasciolated with black and white. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 7- Tr. sulphureus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec.p. 48 .pi. xxxviii. f. 1. male ; f. 2. female. Tr. minor; virescens ; capite collo dorso uropygioque viridi- relucentibus ; f route guld femoribusque nigris ; tectricibus alarum omnibus nigris, albo-crenulatis ; abdomine sulphur eo ; cauda cupreo-relucente , subtus nigra, rectricibus tribus exteriori- bus nigro alboque fasciolatis. Fsemina nigra; abdomine crissoque subaurantio-sulphureis ; tectricibus alarum nigris, transverse albo-lineolatis ; cauda nigrd, rectricibus externis albo nigroque fasciolatis. Small Curucui, greenish, with the head, neck, back, and rump glossy green ; the forehead, throat, and thighs black; all the wing-coverts black, crenulated with white ; the abdomen sul- phureous ; the tail glossy copper-coloured, beneath black, with its three outer feathers fasciolated with black and white. Female black ; the abdomen and vent of an orangy-sulphur ; the wing-coverts black, transversely lineolated with white ; CUCULID^E. 219 the tail black ; its outer feathers fasciolated with black and white. Inhabits Brazil. Length eight inches. Sp. 8. Tr. pavoninus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 47. pi. xxxv. Tr. major ; corpore supra pectoreque sericeo-viridibus, remigibus caudaque immaculate nigris ; abdomine rostroque purpureis; tectricibus alarum caudceque duabus elongatis, sericeo-viridibus . Large Curucui, with the body above and breast silken-green ; the quills and tail immaculate black ; the abdomen and beak purple ; the wing-coverts and the two long tail-feathers silken- green. Inhabits Brazil. Length eleven inches and a quarter. Sp. 9. Tr. aurantius. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 47. pi. xxxvi. Tr. abdomine crissoque aurantio-miniaceis ; tectricibus alarum humeralibus et scapularibus viridibus; anterioribus cinereo-punc- iulatis; occipite pectoreque violaceo-chalybeis , sincipite gulaque nigris. Curucui with the abdomen and vent reddish-orange ; the wing- coverts and feathers of the shoulders and scapulars green ; the anterior-coverts punctulated with ash ; the occiput and breast violet-steel-colour ; sinciput and throat black. Inhabits Brazil. Length nine inches and a quarter. Sp. 10. Tr. castaneus. Spix, Avium Nova Spec.p. 48 .pi. xxxviii. Tr. coffeaceo-brunneus ; collaripectorali albo ; abdomine miniaceo ; tectricibus alarum brunneis , nigro-lineatis , cauda castaned, apice nigra; rectricibus exterioribus nigris, apice albo-undu- latis alboque fasciatis; rostro apice flavicante. Coffee-brown Curucui, with a white pectoral collar ; the abdomen reddish; the wing-coverts brown, lineated with black; the tail chesnut, with a black tip ; the outer tail-feathers black. CUCULID/E. C2QQ the tip waved and striped with white ; the beak yellowish at the tip. Inhabits Brazil. Length nine inches. Sp. 11. Tr. Narina. Steph. v. ix. p. 14. — Southern Africa. Sp. 12. Tr. fasciatus. Steph. v. ix. p. 6. — Ceylon. Sp. 13. Trogon oreskios. Temm. PI. Col. 181. Tr. capite nuchaque oliva ceo-viridis , humeris , tergo, redricibus- que duabus intermediis rujls, uropygio aurantio, alls nigris, tegminibus albo transversim strigntis, collo antice, abdomine tedricibusque inferioribus flavis, pedore, ventre hypochondriis- que rubris. Curucui with the head and nape olive-green ; the shoulders, beak, and two middle tail-feathers rufous ■, the rump orange ; the wings black, their coverts transversely striped with white j the neck anteriorly, abdomen, and under tail-coverts, yellow ; the breast, belly, and flanks red. Inhabits Java. The male has the top of the head, the cheeks, and the nape of an olive-green : the shoulders, the back, and the two middle tail-feathers are of a fine marron ; the latter with a black bar at the tip : the rump is of an orange-marron : the wings are pure black ; their coverts are transversely striped with white : the fore part of the neck, the abdomen, and the under tail-coverts are yellow : the breast, the belly, and the flank are bright-red : the feathers of the thighs are black : the three outer tail-feathers are black, with their tip white ; the two following on each side are totally black : the beak is bluish at the base and black at the tip : the legs are also black. The female differs in having the colour less brilliant. B. Marginibus rcstri integris. D. With the edges of the beak intire. CUCULIDiE. 221 Sp. 14. Tr. Rienwardtii. Temm. PI. Col. 124. Tr. viridis, capite, genis , colli lateribus ,jasciaque pectorali olivaceo t metis ; guld, ventre, tectricibusque cciudce inferioribus Jlavis ; tectricibus alarum viridi flavoque strigosis ; corporis lateribus macula aurantid. Green Curucui with the head, cheeks, sides of the neck, and band on the breast tinged with olive ; the throat, belly, and under tail-coverts yellow ; the wing-coverts striped with green and yellow ; the side of the body with an orange spot. Inhabits Java and the Moluccas. Length eleven or twelve inches : the back and rump are deep glossy- green : the top of the head is green shaded with olivaceous ; the cheeks and sides of the neck, and a broad band on the breast, the same : the throat, the belly and the under tail-coverts are light yellow : the sides have a large orange spot : these colours dis- appear when the individuals have been exposed for a long time : the wing-coverts are finely striped with green and yellow : all the tail-feathers are bluish glossy-green, and the three outer ones are tipped with white ; and their outer webs are also of this colour : the beak is coral-red ; and the legs orange : the tarsi are feathered. GENUS CCLX. — CORYTHAIX, Illiger. TOURACO. jRoslrwn breve, supra con- vexum, paulo arcuatum, lateratim compressum, a medio ad apicem denticu- latum. Nares plumulis sericeis tectae. Beale short, convex above, a little arcuated, laterally compressed, denticulated from the middle to the tip. Nostrils clothed with silky feathers. 222 CUCULIDiE. Digiti antici basi mem- brana coaliti ; exteriores versatiles. Anterior toes united by a membrane at the base, the outer versatile. OpjETHUS, Vieillot. — Musophaga (pars). Temminck, Sp. 1. Co. Africanus. Opaethus Africanus. Step/i. v. x. p. 63. — Inhabits Africa. Sp. 2. Co. gigas. Touraco geant. Le Vaill. promerops et guepiers, pi. 19. Sp. 3. Co. Paulina. Co. cupreo-nitens ; subtus cupreo-viridis ; crista, remigibusque ru- bris ; macula alba circa oculos a rostri ad aurium exteiidente. Shining copper-coloured Touraco ; beneath coppery-green ; with the crest and quills red ; a white spot round the eyes reaching from the beak to the ears. Musophaga Paulina. Temni. PI. Col. 23. Inhabits southern Africa. It greatly resembles the first species in its form and proportion, but it is differently coloured : the vent is red, tipped with white, formed as in the other species, and composed of delicate, slender feathers, which are elevated on each side and applied the one against the other in the form of a cock’s-comb, or helmet ; this extends a little down the back of the neck, the feathers of which part are of similar form, and meet those of the vent, in the same compressed manner : the feathers of the nostrils, those of the neck, the back, the wings, the upper part of the tail, the throat and the breast, are of a fine glossy copper hue : the belly and vent are dull coppery-green, glossed with bluish : the quills are red, brightest on their inner webs : round the eye is a large white spot, which extends on one side to the beak, and on the other to the ear : the beak PI . 26. COIITHAI1 PAULIIA, CUCULTDiE. 223 is fine orange ; the eye large, reddish, and surrounded by a red circle : the legs are dusky-grey. M. Vieil- lot, who possessed one of this species alive, says that its manners are as mild and familiar as those of the common species : it lived on succulent fruits, in de- fect of which it ate sugar : it was very active, and its voice was sonorous and apparently ventriloqual. GENUS CCLXI.— MUSOPHAGA, Isert. PLANTAIN-EATER. Rostrum nudum, basi la- tum, crassum, versus apicem valde compressum, supra carinatum, apice inclinato : mandibula su- perior plerumque basi supra fontem elevata ; maxillae dentatae. Nares in medio rostri sitae. Digiti antici basi membrana coaliti ; exteriores versa- tiles. Beak naked, broad at the base, thick, greatly com- pressed at the tip, cari- nated above, the tip in- clined : the upper man- dible generally elevated at the base above the fore- head ; the lower dentated. Nostrils placed in the middle of the beak. Anterior toes united at the base by a membrane ; the external versatile. A. Mandibula superiore supra ; frontem continuata. A. With the upper mandible continued over the forehead. Sp. 1. Mu. violacea. Shavo, v. viii . p. 47. pi. 4. 5 .■ — Africa. B. Mandibula superiore Jronte non tegente. A. With the upper mandible not covering the forehead. Sp. 2. Mu. cristata. Vieillot , Analyse, fyc. p. 68. (C.) Mu ? griseo-fusca, ventre albido strigis fuscis. Grey-brown Plantain-eater ? with the belly whitish striped with brown. Phasianus Africanus. Lath. Gen. Syn. Sup. i. 210. TENU IROSTIIES. Inhabits Africa. Length nineteen inches : beak yellow : head crested, each feather brown in the middle and white on the sides : the top of the head is blackish : back bluish-ash, each feather dashed with a blackish stripe down the shaft : chin and fore- part of the neck rusty-brown : sides of the neck whitish, a little mottled with dark-brown : breast and belly white, dashed down the shafts with black : wings bluish-ash, shafts and tip blackish : spurious wing black : the eight first quills are white on the inner web half way from the base ; the two next white at the base, the rest of their length, and all the remainder of the feathers, lead- coloured brown : the tail is upwards of nine inches in length, and is rounded at the end ; its two middle feathers are brown, with the ends black ; the others are entirely black : legs black. The male has the upper parts of the body, the wings, throat and neck pale-blue : the coverts black ; the breast and belly yellow-green : the thighs and under tail-coverts red : the two middle tail- feathers blue, the lateral ones black at the base, yellow in the middle, and bluish-black towards the tip : the beak orange : legs black : tail very long, broad : wings short ; and is in length about twenty- five inches. TRIBE V. — TENUIROSTRES. Rostrum gracile, elongatum , gradatim arcuatum aid rectum, in- tegrum : corpus gracile ; pedes debiles gracillimi : lingua Jili- mentosa, tubulosa. Beak slender, elongated, gradually bent, or straight, intire: body slender : legs weak, very slight: tongue filamentous, tubular. NECTARINIADJE. 225 The suctorial birds derive their subsistence for the most part from the nectar of flowers ; they are of delicate and slender form and of various and brilliant plumage : they are exclusively confined to the torrid zone and the southern hemisphere, the species of one family being chiefly indigenous to the extensive continent of New Holland. Their natural divisions are not satisfactorily determined, but Mr. Vigors suspects that they may be pointed out, as in the fol- lowing Order. D 7 i , i i f ClNNYRIDiE, ViffOl’S. Beak and Legs slender . . . < . ITrochilid.e, Vigors. £ Promeropidas ? Vigors. Beak and legs rather stout . \ Meliphagidas ? Vigors. { Nectariniada: ? Vigors. FAMILY I. — NECTARINIADiE ? Rostrum mediocre, subforte, arcuatum, compressum, acutum : nares ovatce : lingua bifida : pedes subforti. Beak moderate, somewhat strong, bent, compressed, acute : nos- trils ovate : tongue bifid : legs rather stout. The Nectariniadae are confined to the New World, and appear to hold an intermediate rank between the Certhiadae and the typical groups of the present family : they do not climb, but hop from flower to flower, exploring the nectary of each. VOL. XIV. P. i. 15 NECTARINIADJE. 226 GENUS CCLXII— NECTARINIA, Uliger. Rostrum elongatum, gracile, trigonale, basi crassum, latum, arcuatum, acutissi- raum : lateribus com- pressis ; mandibula su- perior versus apicem sub- emarginata. Lingua bifida, apice ciliata. Remiges prima, secunda et tertia longissimae, fere aequales. Hallux gracile. Cauda mediocris, emarginata, rectricibus duodecim. CiEREBA, Vieillot . Beak elongated, slender, tri- gonal, its base thick, broad, arcuated, very acute : the sides compressed : upper mandible towards the tip slightly notched. Tongue bifid, ciliated at the tip. First , second, and third quills longest, and nearly equal. Hind-toe slender. Tail moderate, forked, with twelve feathers. Sp. 1. Ne. cyanea. Certliia cyanea. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 217 .pi. 32. — Certliia cyanea. Share, v. viii. p. 256. — Certliia cyanogaster. Share, v. viii. p.257- — Certliia armillata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 21 7- — Cayenne. Sp. 2. Ne. cserulea. Certliia cserulea. Shaw, v. viii. p. 219. Sp. 3. Ne. spiza. Certliia spiza. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 240. — Turdus micans. Lath ? — Brazil. Sp. 4. Ne ? sanguinea. Certliia sanguinea. Shaw, v. viii. p. 231. — The Sandwich Islands. Sp. 5. Me? cardinalis. Certhia cardinalis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 252. pi. 35.- — The South Sea Islands. NECTARINIAD/Eo 22? GENUS CCLXIIl.— DACNIS. Cuvier. Rostrum mediocre, basi latius quam altum, versus api- eem subemarginatum, acu- tum. Nares basales, ovatae, mem- brana nuda tectse. Cauda mediocris, emarginata, rectricibus duodecim sub- paribus. Beak moderate, broader than high at the base, some- what emarginated towards the tip, acute. Nostrils basal, acute, covered by a membrane. Tail moderate, emarginate, composed of twelve nearly equal feathers. Sp. 1. Da. Cayana. Sylvia Cayana. Steph. v. x. p. 655 , male. — Sylvia cyanoce- phala. Steph. v. x. p. 684 ; female. — Nectarinia cyanocephala. Sivain. Zool. Illust. v. ii. pi. 117- — Guiana and Brazil. GENUS CCLXIV— FURNARIUS. Vieillot. Rostrum capite brevior, al tius quam latum, latera- tim compressum, subar- cuatum, acutum. Lingua mediocre, recta. Alee debiles. Pollex latus. Beak shorter than the head, higher than broad, late- rally compressed, rather arcuated, acute. Tongue moderate, straight. 1 Wings weak. ! Hind-toe broad. I rather suspect that this genus is synonymous with Opetiorhynchus of Temminck ; noticed in page 198 of this vol. : the species hereunder enumerated are from the Regne Animal , v. i. p. 410. A. Caudd aequali. A. With the tail even. 22 8 CINNYRIDvE. Sp. 1. Fu. flaveolus. Certhia flaveola. Shaw, v. viii. p. 248. — Nectarinea flaveola. Swain. Zool. Must. ii. — The Antilles. Sp. 2. Fu. semitorquatus. Certhia semitorquata. Shaw, v. viii.jO. 237. — The South Sea Islands. Sp. 3. Fu. olivaceus. Merops olivaceus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 180. — The South Sea Islands. Sp. 4. Fu. virens. Certhia virens. Shaw, v. viii. p. 232. — The Sandwich Islands. B. Cauda furcatd. B. With the tail forked. Sp. 5. Fu? Sannio. Certhia Sannio. Shaw, v. viii. p. 237. — New Holland. FAMILY II.— CINNYRIDiE. Rostrum subeJongahm, paulo attenuatum, lateribus denticulatis : pedes graciles : nares ovatce : lingua bifida. Beak rather elongated, a little attenuated, with its edges denti- culated : lei?s slender : nostrils ovate : tongue bilid. The birds of this splendid family are natives of the ancient continent and its adjoining islands : they make no use of the foot as they extract their food, but during this process are poised entirely upon the wing : they resemble the birds of the succeeding family in the vivid lustre of their plumage, but unlike them the various hues remain unchangeable notwith- standing they are placed in different lights. PI . 2/. FUIIARIUS flayeolis CINNYRIDiE. 229 GENUS CCLXV — CINNYRIS, Cuvier, f UN-BIRD. Rostrum elongatum, gra- cillimum, arcuatum, apice acutissimo, integerimo, ad basin depressum, la- teribus compressis, margi- nibus inflexis subdentatis ; mandibula inferior con- vexa. Nares basales, breves, nudae, ovatse, membrana fissa juxta rostri marginem et basin aperiente, tectae. Lingua tubularis, furcata. Alee remige prim a bre- vissima, secunda pennis quatuor proximis paribus breviore. Polleoc gracilis. Meelisuga, Vieillot. Beale elongated, very slen- der, bent, the tip very acute, entire, depressed at the base, compressed on the sides, the margin in- flected, slightly dentated ; the lower mandible con- vex. Nostrils basal, short, naked, oval, clothed by a cleft membrane opening to- wards the edge of 'the base. Tongue tubular, forked. Wings with the first quill shortest, the second shorter than the four following, which are even. Hind-toe slender. All the species of this splendid genus inhabit the old world ; chiefly Africa and India. A. Cauda cequali. A. With the tail even. Sp. 1. Ci. splendida. Certhia splendida. Shaw, v. viii. p. 191 .pi. 26. Sp. 2. Ci. afra. Certhia afra. Shaw , v. viii. p. 192. Sp. 3. Ci. superba. Certhia superba. Shaw, v. viii. p. 193. CINNYRIDjE. 230 Sp. 4. Ci. lotenia. Cuvier. Certhia Angaladiana. Shaw, v. viii. /?. 194. pi. 27. — Orange- banded Creeper. Shaw, v. viii./?. 197. Sp. 5. Ci. amethystina. Certhia amethystina. Shaw, v. viii. p. 195. Sp. 6. Ci. chalybea. Sivain. Zool. Illust. v. ii. Certhia ehalybea. Shaw, v. viii. p. 196. pi. 28. — Certhia bi- fasciata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 198. Sp. 7. Ci. omnicolor. Certhia omnicolor. Shaw, v. viii. p. 200. Sp. 8. Ci. cuprea. Certhia cuprea. Shaw, v. viii. p. 201. Sp. 9. Ci. purpurata. Certhia purpurata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 201 .pi. 28. Sp. 10. Ci. cyanocephala. Certhia cyanocephala. Shaw, v. viii./?. 203. Sp. 11. Ci. Zeilonica. Certhia Zeilonica. Shaw, v. viii./?. 203. Sp. 12. Ci. dubia. Certhia dubia. Shaw, v. viii. /?. 204. Sp. 13. Ci. Senegalensis. Certhia Senegalensis. Shaw, v. viii./?. 205 .pi. 79. Sp. 14. Ci. sperata. Certhia sperata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 206. — Certhia affinis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 208. Sp. 15. Ci. Madagascariensis. Certhia Madagascariensis. Shaw , v. viii. p. 208. Sp. 16. Ci. lepida. Certhia lepida. Shaw, v. viii./?. 213.— -Nectarinia lepida. Temm. PI. Col. 126./. 1, 2. Sp. 17. Ci. Javanica. Ci. multicolor, capite supra, nuchd, dorsoque saturato-viridi-oliva - ceis ; scapulis uropygioque violaceo nitentihus; alls genisque olivaceo-fuscis ; gula juguloque fcrrugineis ; pectore ct abdo * mined cruceisj caucld nigra. CINNYRIDjE. 231 Many-coloured Sun-bird with the head above, nape, and back deep olive-green ; the shoulders and rump glossy violet ; the wings and cheeks olive-brown ; the throat and jugulum rust-coloured ■, the breast and abdomen saffron-colour ; the tail black. Nectarinia Javanica. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii .p. 167. Inhabits Java. Length four inches and a half: a violet streak extends below the cheeks, from the beak to the breast : the lower coverts of the wings are rufous, and the quills have a yellowish margin : the tail is black with a greenish lustre above, smoky and pale underneath : the lustre of the upper parts of the male is very bright. The female is less di- versified and almost without lustre : she is dark olive- green with a brownish tint above, and nearly uni- formly yellow underneath : on the head and back a slight resemblance to the colours of the male is observable. Sp. 18. Ci. currucaria. Certhia currucaria. Shaw, v. viii.p. 221. Sp. 19. Ci. rubrofusca. Certhia rubrofusca. Shaw, v. viii. p. 222. Sp. 20. Ci. fuliginosa. Certhia fuliginosa. Shaw, v. viii. p. 222. Sp. 21. Ci. maculata. Certhia maculata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 223. Sp. 22. Ci ? rectirostris. Certhia rectirostris. Shaw, v. viii. p. 246. Sp. 23. Ci. venusta. Certhia venusta. Shaw, v. viii. p. 287. Sp. 24. Ci? gutturalis. Certhia gutturalis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 255. pi. 36. Sp. 25. Ci. longirostra. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 167.— Certhia longirostra. Shaw, v. viii. p. 270. — Nectarinia longi- rostra. Tetnm. PI. Col. 84. J. 1. CINNYRIDiE. Sp. 26. Ci. afliuis. Linn. Trans. ( Hursf. ) v. xiii. p. 166. Ci. olivacea subtus grisea so? dido J'uscescente varia ; rectricibus externis apice albis. Olive Sun-bird beneath grey, varied with dull brownish ; the outer tail-feathers white at the tip. Nectarinia inernato. Tcmm. PI. Col. 84 . f 2. Inhabits Java. Allied to Certhia obscura, Linn. Syst. i. p. 185, but three inches longer than that bird. Sp. 27. Ci. rubrocana. Ci. rufa,pectore hypochondriisque griseis ; abdomine tegminibusque inferiortbus albis ; a/is cauddque nigricante-cceruleis. Red Sun-bird with the breast and sides grey ; the abdomen and under-coverts white; the wings and tail dusky-blue. Nectarinia rubro-cana. Temm. PI. Col. 108. f. 2, 3. — Figuier rouge ct gris. Lr Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. v. iii. pi. 136. Inhabits Java. The male has the head, the nape, the sides and fore-part of the neck, the back, the rump and the upper tail-coverts fine red, rather brighter on the throat than on the other parts : the breast and the flanks are ashy : the abdomen and the under-coverts are white : the wings and the tail are dusky-blue with steel reflections : the beak and legs are black. The females (and the males during the rainy season) are whitish below, with ashy tints on the sides, and reddish-brown above : the rump is red, and the wings and tail are brown with slight steel- black reflections : the beak is whitish at the base. B. Rectricibus mtermediis elongatis. B. With the middle tail-feathers elongated. Sp. 28. Cy. famosa. Certhia famosa. Shuxv, v. viii. p. 212 , pi. 31. CINNYRID2E. 233 Sp. 29. Ci. tabacina. Certliia tabacina. Shaw, v. viii. p. 214. Sp. 30. Ci. pulcliella. Certliia pulchella. Shaw, v. viii. p. 210. Sp. 31. Ci. eximia. Ci. supra viridi-olivacea, capite supra cauddque saturatissimo viridi-smaragdino nitentibus ; gula pectoreque puniccis, fascia jugularis purpurea. Sunbird above olive-green, with the head above and tail very- dark glossy emerald green ; the throat and breast scarlet, with a purple band on the jugulum. Nectarinia eximia. Linn. Tran. ( Horsf. v. xiii. p. 168. — Nectarinia pectoralis. Temm. PI. Col. 138. f. 3. Eximious Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 266. Inhabits Java. Length four inches and a half : plumage above olive-green : top of the head, and the tail very deep, glossy, emerald-green ; the two middle-feathers of the latter elongated : rump yellow : throat and breast scarlet : on the throat a band of purple : belly olive-brown ; the sides and axillaries pure white : quills and tail brown within. The female is almost uniformly dark olive-green. Sp. 32. Ci. violacea. Certliia violacea. Shaw, v. viii. p. 211. pi. 30. Sp. 33. Ci? saccliarina. Ci ? supra viridi- aureus, scapulis reflexu cupreis ; uropygio tectri- cibusque superioribus caudce violascente-purpureis } rectricibus duabus intermediis apice rufescente-aureis ; gula colloque antice viridi-aureis ; pectore abdomineque ft avis. Sun-bird? above green-gold, with a coppery reflection on the sca- pulars ; the rump and upper tail-coverts violet-purple ; the two middle tail-feathers reddish-gold at the tip ; the throat and neck in front green-gold; the breast and under parts fine yellow. 254 CINN YRIDiE. Lc Sucrier-figuier ; male. Le Vaill. Ois. d’Afriq. v. vi. pi. 293. f. 2. — Saccharine Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 225. Inhabits southern Africa. Length six inches : the beak short and brown, very slightly bent : irides chesnut : the head, neck, back, and wing-coverts fine glossy changeable green-gold, with a coppery tinge on the scapulars : rump and upper tail-coverts glossy violet, changeable to purple, with a gloss of polished steel in different lights : quills and tail brownish-black, the two middle feathers exceed the others in length by more than two inches ; and this part is of a reddish gold-colour : all the under parts from the breast jonquil yellow : legs brown. The female is rather less, and has the belly yellow like the male : head, beak and rump rufous-grey, with an olive and gilded tinge : quills and tail grey-brown, inclining to olive, but the latter wants the long feather, as does also the male during the rainy season. Sp. 34. Ci. mystacalis. Ci. collo, guld, pectore dorsoque rubris ; striga versus basin rostri utrinque, rectricibus, uropygio verticeque splendide metallico violascentibus, ventre medio griseo. Sunbird with the neck, throat, breast, and back red; a stripe at the base of the beak on each side, the tail-feathers, rump, and crown splendid metallic-violet ; the belly grey in the middle. Nectarinia mystacalis. Temm. PI. Col. 126.y! 3. Inhabits Java. About four inches in length : on each side of the beak is a small whisker-like streak of a very brilliant metallic-violet : the neck, the breast, the throat, and the back are brilliant red : the wings are ashy-black : the tail is long and much CINNYRIDiE. 235 wedged ; its two middle feathers considerably ex- ceeding the rest in length, and all of them being of a deep metallic-violet ; of which colour the rump and part of the head are tinged : the middle of the belly is beautiful grey, and the rest of the under parts are white : the beak and the legs are brown- red. Sp. 35. Ci. pectoralis. Ci. supra viridi-olivacea, fronte guld jugulo pectoreque cyaneo- nigris nitentibus ; abdomine fiavo ; remigibus Jiiscbs jlavescente marginatis ; rectricibus atris, fascia terminali albd. Sunbird above olive-green, with the forehead, throat, jugulum, and breast glossy blue-black ; the abdomen yellow ; the quills brown, edged with yellowish ; the tail-feathers dark coloured, with a terminal white band. Nectarinia pectoralis. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 1 67- — Nectarinia eximia. Temm. PI. Col. 138. f. 1. and 2. — Pectoral Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. i v.p. 266. Inhabits Java. Length three inches and a half : plumage above olive-green ; forehead, chin, throat, and breast, glossy blue-black : belly yellow : quills brown, with yellowish margins : tail black, with a white tip ; the interior feathers terminated with a narrow band of white, which on the exterior ones successively becomes wider. The female differs from the male in entirely wanting the dark blackish-blue colour on the throat and breast. 236 C1NNYRIDJE. GENUS CCLXVI.- Rostrum capite brevius, basi latissimum, apicem versus abruptius acuminatum, subulatum : mandibula su- perior leviter arcuata, cul- men inter nares carinatum ; inferior recta. Nares basales, magnae, in sulco oblongo antice an- gustato positse, supra mem- bran a fornicali subcornea clausae, rima longitudinali versus angulum oris apertae. Digiti anteriores compressi, exteriore cum medio usque ad extremitatem phalangis primae coalito. All the Dicsea inhabit small, and are remarkable plumage. Sp. 1. Di. cruentatum. Linn. Certhia erythronotus. Shaw Sp. 2. Di. rubrum. Certhia rubra. Shaw, v. viii. Sp. 3. Di. erytliropygium. Certhia erythropygia. Shaw Sp. 4. Di. taeniatum. Certhia taeniata. Shaw, v. vi DICTUM, Cuvier. Beale shorter than the head, very broad at the base, towards the tip abruptly acuminated, awl-shaped : the upper mandible slightly bent, the culmen carinated between the nostrils; the loioer straight. Nostrils basal, large, placed in an oblong groove nar- rowed in front, closed above by an arched some- what horny membrane, opening by a longitudinal cleft towards the angle of the gape. Anterior toes compressed, the outer one joined to the middle one as far as the first joint. ndia. They are generally for their brilliant scarlet Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 169- , v. viii. p. 250. pi. 35. p. 252. pi. 35. , v. viii. p. 249- ii.p. 21G. TROCHILIDiE. <237 Sp. 5. Di. cantillans. Certhia cantillans. Shaw, v. viii. p. 254. Sp. 6. Di. Borbonicum. Certhia Borbonica. Steph. v. viii . p. 259- — Isle of Bourbon. Sp. 7. Di. flavum. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii.^j. 170. Di. olivaceo-flavum , subtus flavum, remigibus rectricibusque mar- ginibus exterioribus exceptis perfuscis. Olive-brown Diceeum, beneath yellow, with the quills and tail- feathers deep brown, except their outer edges. Yellow Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. i v.p. 244. Inhabits Java. Length four inches : plumage above yellow-olive ; beneath yellow : quills and tail- feathers, except the outer margin, brown. FAMILY III. — TRQCHILID7E. Rostrum elongatum, arcuatum aut rectum, gracillimum , integrum aut paulo denticulatum : lingua bifida: alae longissimce, an - gustce: cauda lata: pedes brevissimi, graciles. Beale elongated, bent or slight, very slender, entire, or a little denticulated : tongue bifid : wings very long, narrow : tail broad : legs very short, slender. The Trochilidse are usually of small or very di- minutive size, and many of them are celebrated for the incomparable magnificence of the metallic hues with which their plumage is adorned : in some species the feathers on the throat and head vie with the splendour of the most precious jewels : all the species are peculiar to the tropical regions of America : they are solitary and bold birds, and defend their nests with great courage ; the latter are constructed on bower-trees and plants. TROCHILIDiE. 238 GENUS CCLXVII.— TROCHILUS Auctorum. HUMMING-BIRD. Rostrum capite longius, ar- cuatum, gracile, basi plu- mulis obtectum, apice sub- incrassato tubuloso : man- dibula superior vaginans inferiorem. Lingua filiformis, filis duo- bus coalitis tubulosa. Aloe longissimae : remiges se- cundariae brevissimae. Cauda pennis decern. Beak longer than the head, arcuated, slender, clothed with feathers at the base, rather thick and tubulose at the tip : the upper man- dible sheathing the lower. Tongue filiform, tubular. Wings very long ; secondary quills shortest. Tail with ten feathers. A. Cauda valde furcatd. A. Tail greatly forked. Sp. 1. Tr. sparganurus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 29\. pi. 39. — Peru. Sp. 2. Tr. enicurus. Vieillot. — Temm. PI. Col. 66. f. 3. Tr. corpore supra jugulo pectoreque infimo later all mentoque viridi-aureis, collo antice basi, pectore supremo, ventreque medio albis ; gula lilacind ; rectricibus sex, duabus intermediis aureo - viridis, reliquis nigris. Humming-bird with the jugulum, lower part of the breast at the side and the chin, golden-green ; the neck in front at the base, breast above and belly in the middle white; the throat lilac; six tail-feathers, the two middle golden-green, the rest black. Inhabits Brazil. Like the preceding bird this is remarkable for the construction of its tail, which possesses but six feathers, of which the two inter- mediate are short, and the four outer are long, slight, slender, and rounded at their points ; these are black, the others are green-gold : of which latter colour are TB OCHILU S EIICU1US, TROCHILID.E. 239 all the upper parts of the body* part of the sides of the lower breast, and the chin : a white breast-plate adorns the lower part of the neck and the upper part of the breast : the middle of the belly is white : the throat is of a lilac hue, with very glossy blue reflections : the wing-feathers are very slight, and are of a dark -violet : the beak is slender and black : the legs are also black. Sp. 3. Tr. forficatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 279. pi. 38. — Jamaica. Sp. 4. Tr. Polytmus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 281. Sp. 5. Tr. furcifer. Shaw, v. viii. p. 280. — Paraguay. B. Caucla subjurcatd . B. Tail slightly forked. Sp. 6. Tr. cyanurus. Tr. viridis, vert ice splendido; gula rcctricib usque splendid e cya - neis; remigibus Jiiscis. Green Humming-bird with the crown splendid ; the throat and tail-feathers splendid blue j the quills brown. Blue fork-tailed Humming-bird. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. i v. p. 299. “ Length six inches : beak black, slightly bent : plumage in general fine green, brilliant on the crown : throat blue^ quills brown: tail greatly forked, the largest or exterior feather four inches in length, the next two and a half ; the inner scarcely an inch ; the outermost of the most brilliant fiery violet-blue, the others much the same, but more or less inclining to green towards the base.” Latham. Sp. 7. Tr. furcatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 309. Sp. 8. Tr. forficatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 310. — Cayenne. Sp. 9. Tr. elegans. Shaw, v. viii. p. 311. — St. Domingo. Sp. 10. Tr. torquatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 313. — South America. 240 TROCHILID/E. C. Cauda quadratd, aid rotundata. C. With the tail quadrate or rounded. Sp. 11. Tr. Thaumantias. Shaw, v. viii. p. 2S5. Sp. 12. Tr. violaceus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 290. — Cayenne. Sp. 13. Tr. leucurus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 293. — Surinam. Sp. 14. Tr. Brasiliensis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 302. — Temm. PL Col. 120./. 2. Sp. 15. Tr. mango. Shaw, v. viii. p. 294. Sp. 16. Tr. punctatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 304. Sp. 1 7. Tr. aureo-viridis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 305.' — West Indies. Sp. 18. Tr. holosericeus. Share, v. viii. p. 307. — Mexico and Guiana. Sp. 19- Tr. trimaculatus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 308. Sp. 20. Tr. aurulentus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 306. — Porto-Rico. Sp. 21. Tr. pectoralis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 298. Sp. 22. Tr. gutturalis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 300. Sp. 23. Tr. nitidus. Shat v, v. viii. p. 301. Sp. 24. Tr. cinereus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 997. Sp. 25. Tr. porphyurus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 296. pi. 40. Sp. 26. Tr. jugularis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 288. pi. 39. Sp. 27. Tr. clirysobronchos. Shaw, v. viii. p. 287- — Guiana. Sp. 28. Tr. conurus. Tr. fusco nitens splendore aureo; subtus riifescens ; superciliis ntfis ; mento nigricante ; a isso tectricibusque inferioribus caudce a Ibis ; caiuld cuncatn fusccsccntc-ceratd apice alhd. Glossy-brown Humming-bird with a golden gloss ; beneath red- dish ; with the eyebrows red ; the chin dusky ; the vent and under tail-feathers white ; the tail wedged, brownish-bruss, with its tip white. Wedge-tailed Humming-bird. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. viii. p. 305. Length four inches : beak one inch, dusky, under mandible pale : plumage above glossy brown, in some lights appearing gilded : beneath from the chin fine TROCHILIDiE. 241 rufous, paler on the belly : chin dusky : over the eyes a rufous streak : vent and under tail-coverts white : quills dusky : tail greatly cuneiform, the outer- feathers very short ; the two middle ones one inch and a half long, brownish-bronze, with white ends ; the others much the same, the ends also white, and the two exterior rufous at the tips : legs pale. Sp. 29. Tr. cyaneus. Shaw, v. viii . p. 292. D. Rectricibus duabus mediis elon^atis. O D. With the two middle tail-feathers elongated. Sp. 30. Tr. superciliosus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 284. Sp. 31. Tr. squalidus. Natterer. Temm. Pl. Col. 120 .f. 1. Tr. obscurus, lateribus capitis f asciis duabus rufescente-albis no- tatis ; strigd per oculos fused; d or so submet allico ; collo antice cinereo-fusco ; pectore rujescente-cinereo ; crisso rufo ; remi- gibus apice albis. Obscure Humming-bird with the sides of the head adorned with two reddish-white bars; a brown stripe through the eyes; the back somewhat metallic ; the neck in front ashy brown ; the breast reddish-ash ; the vent red ; the quills white at the tip. Inhabits Brazil. Distinguished by its dull co- lours : two bands of reddish-white are placed on the sides of the head, and separated by a brown stripe, which passes through the eyes : a slight metallic tinge covers all the back ; and the major part of the wing-feathers have their tips white : a slight tinge of ashy-brown adorns the fore part of the neck : the breast is reddish-ash, and the vent clear red. Sp. 32. Tr. Pella. Shaw, v. viii. p. 274. pl. 37- 16 V. XIV. P. I. TROCIIILIDiE. ‘24 .12 GENUS CCLXVIII. — MELLISUGA, Brisson. HONEY-BIRD. Rostrum rectum, capite lon- gius, gracile, basi plumulis obtectum, apice subincras- sato, tubuloso: mandibida superior vaginans inferi- orem. Lingua filiformis, fibs duo- bus coalitis, tubulosa. Aloe longissimae : remiges se- cundariae longissimae. Cauda pennis decern. Beak straight, longer than the head, slender, clothed with small feathers at the base, rather thick and tu- bular at the tip : the upper mandible sheathing the lower. Tongue filiform, tubular. Wings very long : secondary quills longest. Tail with ten feathers. Okthorhynchus, Lacepede. — Colieri, Spix. A. Remi gibus hand dilatatis. A. With the quills not dilated. a. Caudd fur cat a. a. With the tail forked. Sp. 1. Me. platura. Trochilus platurus. Slum, v. viii. p. 3 Id. Sp. 2. Me. Langsdorfii. Me. viridi-fuscus , cello antico riridi ; pectore semitorque duplici, superior aurantid, inferior nigra ; ventre antice nigro , postice alba ; uropygio fascia alba. Green -brown Honey-bird with the neck in front green ; the breast with a double half-collar, the upper orange, the lower black ; the belly anteriorly black, posteriorly white ; the rump with a white band. Trochilus Langsdorfii. Temm. PI. Col. 66. f. 1. Inhabits Brazil. Length five inches ; the fore TROCHILIDiE. 24,3 part of the neck is of a beautiful metallic-green : on the breast is a half-collar of orange ; with another of black beneath : this colour is carried on to the middle of the belly ; the rest of which, and of the under parts, are pure white : the head, the under part of the neck and the upper parts of the body, are green- brown : the rump has a white band : the tail is of a singular form, all the feathers being pointed and much wedged ; the three outer feathers are grey- whitish, and those of the middle violet-blue : the beak and legs are black. Sp. 3. Me. Surinamensis. Trochilus Mellivorus. Shatv, v. viii. p. 320. — Trochilus Ou- rissia. Shatv. v. viii. p. 322 ; young r Sp. 4. Me. smaragdo-sapphirina. Trochilus smaragdo-sapphirinus. Shatv, v. viii. p. 325. pi. 41 Sp. 5. Me. amethystina. Trochilus amethystinus. Shatv, v. viii. jo. 328. — Cayenne. Sp. 6. Me. Maugeana. Trochilus Maugeana. Shatv, v. viii. p. 350. — Porto Rico. Sp. 7. Me. ater. Me. niger, tectricibus alarum cauda uropygioque colore sub- viridi nitidis ; rectricibus lateralibus niveis apicibus chalybeo tinctis. Black Honey-bird with the wing-coverts, tail, and rump of a glossy green ; the lateral tail-feathers snow-white, with their tips tinged with steel-colour. Trochilus ater. Pr. Max. Trav. i. p. 322, — Negro Humming- bird. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 312. — Trochilus niger. Swain „ Zool. Illust. v. ii. pi. 82. Length five inches : beak slightly curved : body nearly black, in some places of a shining grey and copper-colour : sides under the wings, rump and tail THOCHILIDJE. 244 white : on the last a border of a violet-colour, the middle-feathers varying with dark-green and steel- blue. — Latham. \ Sp. 8 Me. albicollis. Mb. corpore supra alis rectricibusque dnahus inter me di'is aureo- viridi nitentibus ; infra alba; guld viridi maculata; rectricibus lateralibus basi cyaneo-nigris, apice albis. Honey-bird with the body above, wings, and two middle tail- feathers of a shining golden-green ; the under parts white ; the throat spotted with green ; the outer tail-feathers blue- black at the base, white at the tip. Trochilus albicollis. J ieill. Temm. PL Cut. 203 .f. 2. Inhabits Brazil. Length near four inches : the throat, a portion of the fore part of the neck, the middle of the belly, the feathers of the vent, and the under tail-coverts are snow-white : all the feathers of the chin are edged with this colour, and are greenish in the middle : the two outer tail-feathers are about half white, and the two following are tipped with the same ; the bases of these, and all the four follow- ing feathers on each side, being blue-black ; the two middle-feathers, the upper wing-coverts, the top and sides of the head, the upper part of the neck and body, the breast and the flanks are of a golden-green with glossy reflections : the wing-feathers are dull violet : the feathers of the legs and the tarsi are green and white : the beak is black above, and yellow below : the legs are black. Sp. !). Me. petasophora. Me. supra aureo-viridis, mento juguloque sericeo viridibus ; pectorc viridi lateribus cinereo tinctis; ventre crissoque cincreis ; tec- tricibus cauda: inferioribus niveis ; fasciculo pennarum pone aurium violaceo. TROCHILIDiE. 215 Honey-bird above golden-green, with the chin and jugulum silken- green ; the breast green, with its sides cinereous ; the belly and vent cinereous ; the under tail-coverts snow-white 5 and a tuft of violet-feathers behind the ears. Trochilus petasophorus. Pr. Max. Temm. PL. Col. 203 f. 3. Inhabits Brazil. An elegant species : the male is adorned with a large and beautiful tuft of feathers arising beneath the ears, and reaching down the sides of the neck ; this tuft is of a fine violet hue, glossed with purple and metallic reflections : the chin and throat are of a very brilliant changeable velvety- green : the breast is also green, but less brilliant ; and its sides are of a paler hue, slightly tinged with ashy ; as are also the belly and vent : the under tail- coverts are pure snow-white : the tail is composed of very large feathers, and is slightly forked ; its feathers are of a rich bronzed-green, deepest at the tip, with a very delicate white edge to the three outer ones on each side : the upper parts of the head and of the body are golden-green : the beak and legs are black. Sp. 10. Me. squamosa. Me. metallico-viridis , guld colloque antice pcnnis nigris ornatis marginibus albis; fascid albd a rictu ad aures ; macula albd pone aurium ; lined albd longitudinali a jugnlo injimo ad crissum. Metallic-green Honey-bird, with the throat and neck anteriorly adorned with black feathers with white edges ; a white band from the gape to the ears ; a white spot behind the ears ; and a longitudinal white line from the lower jugulum to the vent. Trochilus squamosus. Temm.. PL Col. 203.J'. 1. Inhabits Brazil. Beak long and black : tail very short, and very slightly forked : the throat and a TROCHILIDvE. 246 portion of the fore part of the neck are clothed with feathers, having the middle black, and the edges and tips white, giving the appearance of scales : a broad band of pure white arises from the angle of the beak and reaches to the ears : another small spot of white is placed behind the eyes : a broad white band passes through the middle of the breast, and of the abdomen, and reaches to the vent, which is white : the tail-coverts are white at their edges, and ashy- green in the middle : the tail and the wings are dusky metallic-violet : the two lateral tail-feathers have a small white spot below : the rest of the plumage is of a deep metallic-green. The female differs in being less brilliant in colour, and the shades less defined. So. 1 1 . Me. mesoleuca. Me. corpore supra xnfrhque tectricibusque alarum viridibusj front e sapphirvio ; strigd infra oculos lineaque longitudinalis abdo- minis ulbis ; gula plaga pimicea, aurea et purpurea refexa. Honey-bird with the body above and beneath and the wing-coverts green ; the forehead sapphire ; a stripe beneath the eyes, and a longitudinal abdominal line, white; the throat with a crimson spot varying with gold and purple. Trochilus mesoleucos. Temm. PI. Col. 31 1 .f. 1, 2. male; 3. fe- male. Inhabits Brazil. Length about four inches and a half: the male has the throat adorned with a bilobed carmine plate, glossed with gold and purple : the feathers on its sides are long and distinct, and separated from the rest, forming two recurved tufts : the forehead to the eyes is of a sapphire-green : a TROCHILIDiE. 24? white streak passes beneath the eyes, and a long band of the same colour divides the body beneath in the middle : the upper and under parts of the body, as well as the wing-coverts, are deep metallic-green : the under tail-coverts are white, with a green-me- tallic spot in the middle of each feather : the tail- feathers are blue-green, slightly tinged with purple. During moulting the male has the forehead tinged with whitish : the scaly-like plate on the throat is whitish on a dusky-ground, and it is more or less varied with golden carmine as he approaches ma- turity. The female has the tail-feathers rather more equal, and the two outer ones tipped with white : the throat is covered with scaly-feathers, black in the middle, and edged with white : the white medial abdominal line is well defined, and in other respects she resembles the male. b. Cauda cequali , rotundatd aut cuneata. b. With the tail even, rounded, or wedge-shaped. 1. Capite baud cristato. 1. With the head not crested. Sp. 12. Me. sapphirina. Trochilus sapphirinus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 324. Sp. 13. Me. lucida. Trochilus lucidus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 327- Sp. 14. Me. Colubris. Trochilus Colubris. Shaw, v. viii. p. 335. pi. 43. Sp. 15. Me. rubinea. Trochilus rubineus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 340. Sp. 16. Me. concinna. Trochilus mellisugus. Shaw, v. viii.p. 342. TROCHILIDjE. 248 Sp. 1 7. Me ? nsevia. Me ? suprd viridis, guld, cullo antico, striga pone oculos rectri- ciumque parte rufis ; pectore abdomineque supremo nigro gri- seoque maculatis ; abdomineque infimo rujescente ; rectricibus reliquis purpureo viridibus. Honey-bird ? above green, with the throat, neck in front, a stripe behind the eyes, and part of the tail-feathers red; the breast and upper abdomen spotted with black and grey; the lower abdomen reddish ; the rest of the tail-feathers purplish-green. Trochilus naevius. Desmarcst. Temm. PI. Col. 120./. 3. Inhabits Brazil. The throat and the fore part of the neck are bright-red : this colour, but brighter, forms a streak behind the eyes, covers a great part of' the first tail-feather, and extends over the others, decreasing as it approaches the middle of the tail ; the rest are dull-green or purple : all the upper parts of the body, the scapulars and the wing-coverts are green with a slight metallic gloss: the wing-feathers are deep-violet : the breast and the upper part of the abdomen are spotted with black and grey : all the rest is reddish : the beak is black above, and yellow beneath for two thirds of its length : the legs are brown. The beak is of singular form, distinct la- mellae, pointing forwards, adorning the tip of both mandibles. Sp. 1 8. Me ? recurvirostris. Me ? aur eo- viridis, jngu/o smaragdino ; pectoris medio corporcque nigris; rectricibus lateralibus subtus topazinis ; rostro recurvo. Golden-green Honey-bird? with the jugulum emerald-green; the middle of the breast and the body black ; the lateral tail-fea- thers beneath topaze-colour ; the beak recurved. Trochilus recurvirostris. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. ii.pl. 105. ri. 2.9. MEIISFGA’ NJEVIA, ' - ■■■ ■ - - TROCHILIDiE. 249 Inhabits Peru. “ Beak black, depressed along the whole length, but more especially at the tip, which is rounded, thin, obtuse, and recurved at both mandibles : the under of which, towards the middle, has a convex swelling, which gives the recurvature a strange appearance. All the upper plumage and body beneath golden-green : the throat, to the breast, shining with scale-like feathers of a vivid enamelled- green : from the breast to the vent is a stripe of black down the middle : thighs white : tail even, the two middle feathers dull greenish-blue, the rest above obscure copper-brown, but beneath of a dull rich shining topaze-colour.” — Swainson. Sp. 1 9. Me. albirostris. Trochilus albirostris. Shat v, v. viii. p. 346. Sp. 20. Me. Vieilloti. Trochilus Vieilloti. Shaw, v. viii. p. 347. Sp. 21. Me. leucocrotaphos. Trochilus leucocrotaphos. Shaw, v. viii. p. 349. Sp. 22. Me ? rubra. Trochilus ruber. Shaw, v. viii. p. 351. Sp. 23. Me. minima. Trochilus minimus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 35 5. pi. 45. 2. Capite hand cristato ; pennis colli elongatis. 2. Head not crested the feathers of the neck elongated. Sp. 24. Me. superba. Trochilus superbus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 323 .pi. 41. Sp. 25. Me. aurita. Trochilus auritus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 319. — Cayenne. Sp. 26. Me. collaris. Trochilus collaris. Shaw, v. viii. p. 343. Sp. 27. Me. scutata. 2,50 TROCHILID-iE. Me .facie gulaque sapphirinis; vertice lined transversa sericeo- nigrd; corpore supra hypochondriisque aureo-viridibus ; pectore ventreque cceruleis; crisso tectricibusque cauda inferioribus a Ibis. Honey-bird with the face and throat sapphire colour; the crown with a transverse silken black line ; the body above and Hanks golden-green ; the breast and belly blue ; the vent and under tail-coverts white. Trochilus scutatus. Natt. Temm. PL Col. 299. f. 3. Inhabits Brazil. The face and throat are of a rich sapphire-colour, which is prolonged on the fore part of the male into a lance-shaped point : on the middle of the head, passing from one eye to the other, is a velvety-black line, which borders the sapphirine hue on the face : the sides of the neck are adorned with a large tuft of long feathers of a brilliant royal-blue : the breast and the belly are also of this colour ; on each side of the former is a large spot of isabella-yellow, more or less hidden by the long feathers and the ruff on the forepart of the neck : all the upper parts of the plumage, the flanks, and the lesser wing-coverts, are golden-green : the tail-fea- thers on both sides are of a very brilliant metallic- green : the wings are brown, with a very delicate violet gloss : the abdomen and the under tail-coverts are white. 3. Capite cristato; pennis colli baud elongatis. 3. Head crested ; the feathers of the neck not lengthened. Sp. 28. Me. cristata. Trochilus cristatus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 352 . pi. 4*4. Sp. 29. Me. pileata. Trochilus pileatus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 354. T/ . JO. MEL1SU&A B1LOPHA. TROCHILIDJE. c25 i Sp. 30. Me. Lalandei. Me. crista corpora supra rectricibusque duabus intermediis aureo- viridibus ; corpore infra cyaneo ; pone oculos macula albd; men to, ventre inf mo lateribusque margaritaceis ; rectricibus lateralibus viridibus; tribus externis apice macula albd. Honey-bird with the crest and body above and two middle tail- feathers golden -green ; beneath blue ; a white spot behind the eyes, the chin, lower belly, and sides pearlaceous ; the lateral tail-feathers green ; the three outer ones with a white spot at the tip. Trochilus Lalandei. Vieillot. Temm. PL Col. 18 ,f. 1, 2. Inhabits Brazil. Length three inches and a half : the male is furnished with a beautiful crest, of which the two hinder feathers are longest, and are of a fine glossy blue ; the rest of the crest is of a golden-green, with very brilliant reflections ; this last colour reigns over the rest of the head, the upper parts of the body, and the two middle tail-feathers : the lateral feathers are of a bottle-green, the three outer ones on each side with a white spot at the tip : the throat, the fore part of the neck, the breast and the upper part of the belly are of the same blue with the crest : the sides of these parts are of a pearly-grey, as well as the chin and lower belly : behind the eye is a white spot : the beak is black, and the legs brown. The female differs from the male in wanting the crest ; is smaller ; all the under parts are grey, with the ex- ception of the sides of the breast, which are bright green-gold : the base of the beak is yellowish. Sp. 31. Me. bilopha. Me. suprcL aureo-viridis, infra albd; alls favescentibus ; caudd valde cuncata, rectricibus lateralibus hast albis, apice cinereis ; mas. cristis vertice smaragdino, superciliaribus aureo-viridibus refle.ru rufo-opalino. TROCHILID.T.. £52 Honey-bird above golden-green, beneath white; with the wings yellowish ; the tail greatly wedged : its lateral feathers white at the base, ash-coloured at the tip: male with the crown emerald, and a golden-green crest over each eyebrow, with a reddish opal reflection. Trochilus bilopbus. Temm. PI. Col. 18 f. 3. Inhabits Brazil. Length four inches and a half: the top of the head, in the male, is of a brilliant emerald : two tufts of feathers arise above the eyes and form two crests, which rest on the sides of the head ; these crests are of a very brilliant golden hue, varying to beautiful tints of green gold and glossy red-opal : the throat and the lower part of the cheeks are of a velvety-black, slightly glossed with purple : four or six of the feathers on each side of the neck are more than twice the length of the rest ; they are pointed, and their tip reaches over the breast : this part, the sides of the neck, and all the under parts of the body are pure white : the flanks, the occiput, the nape, the back, and the lesser wing-coverts are bright golden-green : the wings are yellowish : the tail is very gently wedged, and composed of ten feathers, of which the three lateral ones on each side are white at the base, and ash-coloured at their tips ; the fourth is entirely white, and the two middle ones are of a golden-green, like the back : the beak is black. The female wants all the ornaments of the male : the bird is covered with small golden-green feathers, as are also the back and flanks : the throat is ashy-white, and part of the cheeks is the same : the sides of the neck are white, and their colour extends to the nape, but does not form a complete collar. TROCIIILIDJE. 253 Sp. 32. Me. Moschitus. Trochilus Moschitus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 329. pi. 12. — Trocliilus Pegasus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 332 ? — Trochilus hypophseus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 333 ? — Trochilus carbunculus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 333. 4. Capite cristato ; pennis colli elongatis. 4. With the head crested ; the feathers of the neck lengthened. Sp. 33. Me. clialybea. Me. supra (cneo-viridis, collo antice lateribusque cyaneis nigro maculatis, aut Jusco, nigro alboque varies ; guld juguloque virescente et albido mixtis; lined nigrd a rictu ad occiput; cor- pore subtus griseo nigro varioj caudd rufescente. Honey-bird above brassy-green, with the neck in front and at the side blue spotted with black, or varied with brown, black, and white ; th.e throat and jugulum mixed with greenish and white ; a black liue from the gape to the occiput • the body beneath varied with grey and black ; the tail reddish. Trochilus ebalybeus. Vieillot. Temvn. PI. Col. QG. f. 2. Inhabits Brazil. Length three inches and a half : the sides of the neck are adorned with long feathers of a fan -like form, and of a deep-green colour, with white tips : the forehead and cheeks are brilliant- green, with several recurved feathers on the fore- head, and varied into a small crest in the old in- dividuals, but wanting in the young : the head, upper part of the neck, and of the body, are bronzed- green : the sides, and lower part of the front of the neck are blue, spotted with black, or varied with brown, black and white, according to the age of the bird : the throat and the rest of the fore part of the neck are greenish and white : a black line com- mences at the gape of the beak and reaches to the occiput : all the under parts are grey, varied with black : a white band passes over the vent and the 254 TROCHILIDJE. rump : the tail is of a brownish-red, and slightly rounded. Sp. 34. Me. ornata. Trochilus ornatus. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 345; pi. in frontispiece. Sp. 35. Me. magnifica. Me. enpite crista rufo-aur ant iaca ; pennis elongatis colli niveis, apicibus viridi-cereis ; enpite, guld, humeris, colloque cintice, aureo-viridibus ; pectore macula alba; tectricibus alarum aureo- viridi nitentibus ; marginibus avrantiaco-fiavis. Honey-bird with a rufous-orange crest j the elongated feathers of the neck snow-white, with their tips golden-green ; the head, throat, shoulders, and neck anteriorly golden-green ; the breast with a white spot ; the wing-coverts glossy golden- green, with the edges orange-yellow. Trochilus magnificus. Vicillot. Temm. PL Col. 299 .f. 2. Inhabits Brazil. Length three inches : the head bears a long rufous-orange crest : on each side the neck, beneath the ears, are several unequal long- feathers of a snow-white colour, tipped with glossy golden-green ; and when the bird is flying these feathers are directed backwards : the head, the shoulders, the throat, and the fore part of the neck are rich golden-green : on the top of the breast is a small white spot : the breast and the belly are the colour of the back, but less brilliant : the wing- coverts are glossy golden-green, with their edges orange-yellow : the under tail-coverts are green, tipped with rufous : the upper surface of the tail- feathers is deep golden-green ; the under brown, with a border of orange-yellow : the back is of a cinnamon-colour. This species greatly resembles Tr. ornatus. n . 31. MELI S IT <&A FAIL CAT A, TROCHILIDJE. Q55 B. Remigibus primoribus rachidibus dilatato-incurvatis. B. With the shaft of the primary quills dilated and incurved. Sp. 36. Me. latipennis. Trochilus latipennis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 318. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. iii.pl. 130, 131. — Cayenne. Sp. 37. Me. ensipennis. Me. aureo-viridis, mento juguloque cceruleo-violaceis ; rectricibus paribus. Golden-green Honey-bird, with the chin and jugulum violet-blue; the tail-feathers even. Trochilus ensipennis. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. ii. pi. 10 7. — Curve- winged Humming-bird. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 323. Length about five inches : the plumage, above and beneath, is an uniform deep-green, with a me- tallic reflection : half way down the throat is dark violet-blue : tail even, and very broad ; the middle feathers obscure-green, the next pair raven-black, and the others white, with a black base. Sp. 38. Me. falcata. Me. viridis guld pedoreque ?iitide cceruleis; corpore anoque cceruleo-viridibus ; cauda cinnamomea , Green Honey-bird with the throat and breast glossy blue ; the body and vent green-blue ; the tail cinnamon-colour. Trochilus falcatus. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. ii. pi. 83. — Curve- winged Humming-bird, var. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 323. Length about four inches : a black stripe between the beak and the eye : plumage above deep shining- green, most brilliant on the sides of the neck : ear feathers blue-green : chin and throat of most brilliant deep violet-blue, changing in some lights to purple, becoming greenish in the breast, and blended with the green of the neck ; all these feathers are dis- 2,5 6 TROCHILID/K. persed like scales : vent golden-green, with two tufts of downy white feathers round the thighs : tail even, the feathers behind truncately rounded, of a rufous cinnamon colour, tipped with a purple-black bar ; the middle feathers darkest, and glossed with green. GENUS CCLX1X. — GRYPUS, Spix. Rostrum trigonum, reetius- culum, versus apicem late- raliter serratum, compres- sum, ad apicem aduncum : mandibula inferior ad apicem ascendens. Cauda latiuscula, aequalis, non elongata. iteaA; trigonal, rather straight, laterally serrate towards the tip, compressed, hooked at the tip : the lower man- dible ascending at the tip. Tail rather broad, even, not elongated. Sp. 1. Gr. ruficollis. Spix, Avium Nova Spec. p. 79. pi. Ixxx. /.3. Gr majusculus supra virescente-ceneo rc/ucens, subtus cinrren- brunnescens ; strict post oculari versus occiput albicante, aliaque infer iore latiore fused; collo antico rufo ; gula pectoreque nigro striatis; caudd violaced-chalyhed. Grypus above glossy golden-green, beneath ashy-brown ; with a whitish stripe behind the eyes towards the occiput, and another below, and broader, of a brown colour ; the neck rufous in front ; the throat and breast striped with black ; the tail of a steel-coloured violet. Inhabits Brazil. Sp. 2. Gr? Vieilloti. Gr ? suprd, viridi-aureus, alis cauddque obscure violaceis; gidd lateribus violaceis, medio J'usco-aureo punctato; pectore ven- treque supremo brunneis ; ventre infimo, tectricibusque cauda ? inferioribus albis g rostro pedibusque nigris. PROMEROPIDJE. 257 Grypus? above golden-green, with the wings and tail dull violet; the throat violet, on the sides brown, spotted with gold in the middle ; the breast and upper belly brown ; the lower belly and under tail-coverts white ; the beak and legs black, Trochilus serrirostris. Vieil. Anal . Noav. Orn. Elem. p. 6.9. (M.) Inhabits Brazil. FAMILY IV.— PROMEROPIM. GENUS CCLXX.— PROMEROPS, Brisson. Rostrum capitelongius, supra convexum, lateratim com- pressum, arcuatum, acu- minatum : mandibula su- perior longissima. Lingua furcata. Cauda elongata ; rectrices duodecim. jB eaJc longer than the head, convex above, laterally compressed, bent, acumi- nated : the upper mandi- ble longest. Tongue forked. Tail elongated, with twelve feathers. Falcinellus, Vieillot. Sp. 1. Pr. Cafer. Shaw, v. viii. p. 143. — Le Grand Sucriei1, ou le Sucrier du Pi’otea. Le Vaill. Ois. d' Afriq. v. vi. pi. 28 7 , 288.— Africa. Sp. 2. Pr. cseruleus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 142. — India. Sp. 3. Pr. erythrorhynchus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 150. pi. 18.— Africa. Sp. 4. Pr. aterrimus ? Pr .fusco-viger, alts caudaque nigro-nitidis; capite purpur ascent e ; remigibus nigrisjascia medio alba, apice cinerea. Brown-black Promerops with the wings and tail shining-black ; the head purplish ; the quills black, with a white bar in the middle, and ash-coloured at the tip. Lesser Black Pi’omerops. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 111. Inhabits Africa. Length nine inches : beak an inch and a quarter long, dusky-brown : head glossy- v. xiv. p. 1. 17 258 MELIPHAGID/E. black, with a purplish tinge : body above and beneath deep brown-black : wings and tail black and glossy : the greater quills black, but about the middle white, more or less, on both webs, but the two outer only on the inner web, forming a bar : the ends of all ash- colour, deepest near the tip : the tail slightly cunei- form, four inches and a half long, the outer feathers three inches and a half, colour wholly plain black : legs black ; the first quill shortest, the three next of one length, the rest gradually shorter. FAMILY V.— MELIPHAGID/E. Rostrum diversum, plerumque compression, nrcucitum, versus apicem subemarginatum : mires elongates , in rima longitudinali positee: lingua tubulosa, apice pilosa. Beak various, generally compressed, bent, towards the tip rather notched ; nostrils elongated, placed in a longitudinal cleft : tongue tubular, pilose at the tip. The Meliphagidse are natives of Australasia and the adjacent islands : they are of more sombre plu- mage than the birds of the three last families : the structure of the beak is so various that the different species have been indiscriminately scattered among every group of the order, as may be observed by a reference to the synonyms : the brush-like struc- ture of the tongue is well adapted for extracting their food from the nectaries of flowers. Their elongated nostrils at once distinguish them from the rest of the tribe. MEL1PH AGID2E. 259 GENUS CCLXXI. — MELIPHAGA, Lewin. HONEY-SUCKER. Rostrum mediocre aut elon- gatum, compressum, sub- arcuatum, versus apicem emarginatum, acutum. Nares magnse, squama car- tilaginosa tectse. Lingua pennacea. Beale compressed, rather arcuated, emarginate to- wards the tip, acute. Nostrils large, covered by a cartilaginous scale. Tongue feathered. Philedon, Vieillot. — Philemon, Cuvier. A. Rostra bast corniculato. Sp. 1. Mel. corniculata. Merops corniculata. Shatv, v. viii. p. 183. — Corbi Calao. Le Vaill. Amer. et Ind. i. pi. 24. — New Holland. Sp. 2. Mel. Monacha. Merops Monaclius. Shatv, v. viii. p. 166? — New Holland. B. Rostro basi simplice. Sp. 3. Mel. Nova Hollandiie. Merops cincinnatus. Shatv, v. viii. p. 169. pi. 22. — Merle a cravatte frisee. Le Vaill. Ois. d’Afriq. v. ii.pl. 92. — New Zealand. Sp. 4. Mel. fasciculata. Merops fasciculatus. Shatv, v. viii.p. 172. — Sandwich Islands. Sp. 5. Mel. chrysoptera. Merops chrysopterus. Shatv, v. viii.p. 180. — New Holland. Sp. 6. Mel. Goruk. Certhia Goruk. Shatv, v. viii. p. 243. — New Holland. Sp. 7. Mel. cucullata. Merops cucullatus. Shatv, v. viii. p. 170. — New Holland. Sp. 8. Mel. garrula. Merops garrulus. Shatv, v. viii. p. 171 .-—New Holland, MELlPHAGIDvE. c260 Sp. 9. Mel. cyanops. Merops cyanops. Shaw, v. viii. p. 171. — Gracula cyanotis. Shaw, v. vii. p. 47 4. — Blue-faced Honey-sucker. Lew. New Hol- land Birds, pi. 25 — New Holland. Sp. 10. Mel. graculina. Certhia graculina. Shaw, v. viii. p. 242. — New Holland. Sp. 11. Mel. phrygia. Merops phrygius. Shaw, v. viii. p. 1 67. pi. 20. — New Holland. Sp. 12. Mel. Moluccensis. Merops Moluccensis. Lath. Ind. Orn. i. 276. Mel. grisea subtus pallidior, orbitis nudis ; genis nigris ; collo postice torque albo. Grey Honey-eater beneath paler, with the orbits naked ; the cheeks black ; the neck behind with a white ring. Molucca Honey-eater. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 190. — Le Po- lochion. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. 477. Inhabits the Moluccas. Length fourteen inches : beak very pointed, two inches long, and blackish : eyes surrounded by a naked skin : cheeks black : hind part of the neck ringed with white : the feathers of the forehead form an angle backwards ; tips of some of those on the throat silky : general colour of the plumage grey, lighter beneath : tail five inches and two thirds long ; composed of twelve feathers, all equal in length, except the outer ones, which are a trifle shorter : legs dusky ; the outer toe joined to the middle one at the base ; hind claw longer than the others. Sp. 13. Mel. lunata. Certhia lunata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 224. — New Holland. Sp. 14. Mel. torquata. Swain. Zool. Must. v. ix.pl. 129. Me. olivaceo-Jiilva infra alba ; capite auribusque nigris ; torque nuchal i lunato albo ; superciliorum cute rubra. MELIPHAGIDvE. S6l Olive-brown Honey-eater beneath white ; with the head and ears black ; a lunated white collar on the nape ; and the skin of the eyebrows red. Black-crowned Honey-sucker. Lew. New Holl. Birds, pi. 24. “ Excepting the crown and sides of the head, which are deep-black, the whole upper plumage is olive-yellow : the shoulders, quills and tail brown ; the two latter margined with olive, but the exterior quills with white : the throat, breast and collar round the nape pure white : skin of the eyebrows red.” Sp. 15. Mel. melanops. Turdus melanops. Steph. v. ix. p. 295. — New South Wales. Sp. 16. Mel. lunulata. Turdus lunulatus. Steph. v.i x. p. 196. — New Holland. Sp. 17. Mel. maxillaris. Turdus maxillaris. Steph. v. ix. p. 206. — New Holland. Sp. 18. Mel. leucotis. Turdus leucotis. Steph. v. ix. p. 296. — New South Wales. Sp. 19. Mel. dubia. Turdus dubius. Steph. v. ix. p. 204. — New Holland. Sp. 20. Mel. flaviventris. Turdus mellinus. Steph. v. ix. p. 240. — New Holland. Sp. 21. Mel. atricapilla. Certhia atricapilla. Shaiv,~v. viii. p. 262. — New Holland. Sp. 22. Mel. ignobilis. Certhia ignobilis. Shaw, v. viii. p. 264. — New Holland. Sp. 23. Mel. Balgonera. Certhia Novae Hollandiae. Shaw, v. viii. p. 225. — New Hol- land. Sp. 24. Mel. Australasiana. Certhia Australasiana. Shaw, v. viii. p. 226. — Sylvia canescens. Steph. v. ix. p. 608 ? — New Holland. Sp. 25. Mel. albiventris. Certhia mellivora. Shaw, v. viii. p. 245. — New Holland. MELIPHAGIDiE. 262 Sp. 26. Mel. aurita. Merops auritus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 181. — New Hollaiid. Sp. 27. Mel. mystacea. Muscicapa mystacea. Steph. v. ix. p. 357. Sp. 28. Mel. canescens. Certliia canescens. Shaw, v. viii. p. 261- Sp. 29. Mel. leucophaea. Certhia leucophaea. Shaw, v. viii. p. 260. Sp. 30. Mel. rufiventris. Sylvia rufiventris. Steph. v. ix. p. 696. Sp. 31. Mel. crepitans. Muscicapa crepitans. Steph. v. ix. p. 338. Sp. 32. Mel. versicolor. Sylvia versicolora. Steph. v. ix. p. 666. Sp. 33. Mel. auricapilla. Mel. vcrtice, collo postice, remigibus secundariis primoribusquc margine aureo-flavis ; tedricibus alarum inferioribus medio jlavis ; corpore nigro suhsericeo. Honey-eater with the crown, neck behind, secondary quills, and primaries at the margin, golden-yellow ; the lower wing-coverts yellow in the middle ; the body silken-black. Golden-crowned Honey-sucker. Lewin, Neiv Holl. Birds, pi. 16. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 184. Inhabits New Holland. Length nine inches : beak one inch and a quarter ; moderately curved, and ending in a blunt point : colour buff-yellow : nostrils in a long-oval near the base : crown and hind part of the neck golden-yellow, the feathers short, ap- pearing like velvet or hair : the secondary quills are also gold-colour, and also the edges of the primaries: under wing-coverts yellow in the middle : all the rest of the bird fine deep-black : the scapulars fall over each other, like silky fringe : tail two inches and a half long, rounded at the ends : legs rather slender : toes and claws long and black. MELIPHAGIMsE. c263 Sp. 34, Mel. sanguinea. Certhia sanguinolenta. Shaw, v. viii. p. 232, — Sanguineous Honey-eater. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. i v.p. 201. pi. lxxiii. Sp, 35. Mel. niaculata. Temm. PI. Col. 29. f. 1. Me . Jlavescente-viridis, loris, regione oculari mentoque griseis ; striga alba a rictu infra oculos ; regione auriculari aureo-fulvo ; corpore infra favescente-virido, cinereo-fusco maculato. Yellowish-green Honey-eater with the lores, region of the eyes, and chin grey ; a white stripe from the gape beneath the eyes j the region of the ear golden-yellow ; the body beneath yellowish- green, spotted with ashy-brown. Length five inches and a half: the top of the head, the upper parts of the body, the wings and the tail, are yellowish-green : the lores, the region of the eyes, and the chin, are deep-grey : a white stripe begins at the angle of the beak and passes beneath the eyes : the ear is covered with very bright golden- yellow feathers : the feathers of the under parts of the body are yellowish-green, with ashy-brown spots : the beak is black, with its base reddish : the legs are ash-coloured. The female has the top of the head pure ash : the nape and the beak ashy-brown : the under parts of the plumage whitish, varied with small ashy-spots on the breast : the spot on the ears is very small : in other respects she resembles the male. Sp. 36. Mel. reticulata. Temm. Pl. Col. 2 9-f 2. Me .olivaceo-cinerea pennarum marginibus viridescentibus ; regione auriutn circulo flavicante, intus cinereo albo striato ; gula abdo- mineque albis; corpore infra cinereo , albo lineato. Olive cinereous Honey-eater with the edges of the feathers greenish ; the region of the ears with a yellowish circle, within ashy striped with white ; the throat and abdomen white ; the body beneath cinereous, lineated with white. MELIPH AGID/E. 264 Length six inches : the top of the head, the nape, and the back are ashy-olive : the wings and tail are slightly tinged with greenish ; the edges of all the feathers of these parts are greenish : the hinder border of the auricles is surrounded with a circle of small pale-yellow feathers, and the opening to the ear is covered with small ashy feathers, whose shafts are white : the throat and the abdomen are white : the rest of the plumage of the under parts is ashy, with a very small longitudinal white band on each feather : the beak and legs are dusky. Sp. 37. Mel. tenuirostris. Certhia cucullata. Shaw, v. viii./). 1 99. — Slender-billed Honey- eater. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 94. pi. lxxii. Sp. 38. Mel. xantliotis. Certhia xantliotis. Shaw, v. viii./?. 244. — Yellow-eared Creeper. Lew. New Holl. Birds, pi. 14. Sp. 39. Mel. chrysops. Sylvia clirysops. Steph. v. x. p. G 1 0. Sp. 40. Mel. auricomis. Swain. Zool. Illnst. v. i. pi. 43. Certhia auriculata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 236. — Muscicapa auri- comis. Steph. v. x. p. 354. Sp. 41. Mel. pipilans. Certhia pipilans. Shaw, v . viii. p. 261 . Sp. 42. Mel. cserulea. Certhia diluta. Shaw, v. viii. p. 244. Sp. 43. Mel. guttata. Certhia guttata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 253. pi. 35. GENUS CCLXXII. — MELITHREPTUS, Vieillot. Rostrum longissimum, basi rotundatum, valde incur- vation, acuminatum. Lingua ciliata. Beal: very long, rounded at the base, much incurved, acuminated. Tongue ciliated. MELlPHAGIDiE. 265 Remiges prima et secunda longissimae. Rollex gracilis. Drepanis? Temminck. All inhabit the South Sea Islands. Sp. 1. Me. vestiarius. Certhia vestiaria. Shaw, v. viii. p. 229. pi. 33. Sp. 2. Me. obscurus. Certhia obscura. Shaw, v. viii. p. 227 . Sp. 3. Me. pacificus. Certhia pacifica. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 227- Sp. 4. Me. falcatus. Certhia falcata. Shaiv, v. viii. p. 230. First and second quills longest. Hinder toe slender. GENUS CCLXXIiL— CREADION, Vieiilot. Rostrum arcuatum, com- pressum, integrum, apice rectum, aut subdepressum; mandibula inferior aut capite carunculatae. Beak arcuated, compressed, intire, the tip straight, a little depressed : the lower mandible on the head wat- tled. Philedon {pars), Cuvier. Sp. 1. Cr. Novas Zaelandiae. Sturnus carunculatus. Steph. v. x. p. 498. pi. 46 Gracula carunculata. Shaw, v. vii. p. 469. — New Zealand. Sp. 2. Cr. Novae Hollandiae. Corvus paradoxus. Shaw, v. vii. p. 3 78. — Merops caruncu- latus. Shaw, v. viii. p. 173. — New Holland. Sp. 3. Cr. Tabuensis. Certhia carunculata. Shaw, v. viii. p. 233— Friendly Islands. MELIPH AGlDJEt 266 GENUS CCLXXIV. — MIMETES, King. The characters of this genus are detailed in the Appendix to Captain King’s narrative of his voyage round part of the coast of New Holland, now in the press. GENUS CCLXXV. — SERICULUS, Swainson. Rostrum Orioli rostro simile. Tarsi elongati, validi. Cauda subfurcata. Beak similar to that of the Orioles. Tarsi lengthened, strong. Tail slightly forked. Sp. 1. Se. chrysoceplialus. Zool. Journ. (Siva in.) i. 478. Se. niger ; cervice remigibusque secundariis aureis. Black Sericulus, with the cervix and secondary quills golden. King-honeysucker. Lew. Birds of New Holland, pi. 1. Inhabits New Holland. Size of a thrush : length nine inches : beak three-quarters of an inch long, from the frontal feathers to the tip, rather strong ; the sides compressed, but the base broader than high : the culmen is elevated, and gradually curved nearly its whole length : the upper mandible projects over the lower, and has the tip obtuse ; the ends of both are notched : the colour is pale, or yellowish-brown : the nostrils large, basal, and entirely naked ; the upper part is covered by a thin membrane, and the under part forms an oval aperture : front, under and upper part of the neck, covered by soft, close-set feathers, of a brilliant golden-yellow ; those on the head very short, and resembling velvet : this patch of colours borders the ears, and terminates in a half collar round the back of the neck : on the wing is also a large spot of pure yellow, which covers the MELIPH AGIDJ3. 267 scapulars, and leaves only a black tip to the lesser quills : the greater quills, except the two outermost, are black, with the half of the inner webs, nearest the shafts, yellow : all the rest of the plumage, in- cluding the ear-feathers and a stripe over the eye, is deep black : the tail is slightly forked ; the middle feathers being three-tenths of an inch shorter than the outer pair : tarsi black, lengthened, and robust : the hind claw, although strong, is considerably shorter than the middle claw : unlike the other birds of this group, the anterior toes are long and slender, the outer connected to the middle toe as far as the first joint, but the inner deeply cleft to its base. GENUS CCLXXVI. — PTILORIS, Swainson. Rostrum longissimum, com- pressum, falciforme. Nares basales, plumosi, aper- tura lineari. Tarsi breves: pollex validus, tarsus halluxque sequalis; plantce planae, latae. Cauda brevis, aequalis. Alee rotundatae. Beale very long, compressed, sickle-shaped. Nostrils basal, plumed; aper- ture linear. Tarsi short : hind toe strong, and as long as the tarsus ; soles of the feet flat, di- lated. Tail short, even. Wing's rounded. Sp. 1. Pt. paradiseus. Zool. Journ. (Swains.) v. i. p. 481. Pt. supra nitide atro-purpureus, infra nitide atro-viridis ; vertice , jugulo, rectricibusque, mediis splendide cceruleo-viridibus. Ptiloris above shining dark purple, beneath glossy dark green ; with the crown, jugulum, and middle tail-feathers splendid blue-green. Inhabits New Holland. Length twelve inches. — From Mr. Swainson’s lengthened description of this 268 MELIPHAGIDJ2. magnificent bird I have selected the following : Its size is about that of Paradisea sexsetacea, and its ge- neral colour is a deep velvet-black, glossed on the upper parts with rich brownish-lilac, which in some lights leaves the margin of each feather black, and gives them a scale-like appearance : this gloss is very rich on the scapulars, but is only seen on the outer sides of the greater quill-feathers : the entire upper part of the head is clothed by a crown of small scale- like feathers, of a splendid metallic blue-green ; each colour alternately predominating as the direction of the light is varied : the middle of the throat has a patch of the same colour, which divides and forms a stripe on each side as it approaches the breast : the chin and breast are intense velvety-black, glossed with beautiful reflections of lilac and purple : the feathers of the body are in some directions apparently black, in others black, margined by a rich olive- green ; while in another portion the black centre of each feather is glossed by brilliant reflections of lilac and purple intermixed, and relieved by a narrow line of light-green, bordering the duller hue of the margin : the feathers on the flanks are the same, and lengthened : the side feathers are very long and black : the wings are black and glossy ; the quills broad, the greater one scarcely exceeding the other in length ; all the shafts, except those nearest the body, end in a lengthened pointed line extending beyond the radii : the first quill is half as long as the second, and pointed ; the second is but slightly pointed, and is scarcely shorter than the third : the tail is short, fasciculated, somewhat concave MELlPHAGIDiE. 269 and even ; the shafts terminated like the quills : the lateral feathers are deep-black ; but the middle pair are shining metallic green-blue, and shorter than the others : the beak is black. The female has the upper parts of her plumage greyish-brown, the quills and tail edged with ferruginous : the head and sides blackish, each feather marked by a whitish line down the middle of the shaft : the ear-feathers are the same, bordered by a white stripe beginning behind the eye : the under plumage is whitish, tinged oil the breast and belly with ferruginous, each feather being marked by a transverse angulated black line : the side feathers and the quills are of ordinary length: but the beak is rather longer than in the male. GENUS CCLXXV1I. — POMATORHINUS, Horsfield. liostrum longiusculum, basi rectum, ultra nares modice incurvum, et abruptius compressum ; culmine vali- diusculo, carinato, apice integro. Nares operculo corneo ob- longo convexo clausae, apertura oblique postice spectans, juxta capistrum fornicata. Alee rotundatae : remiges ; primae et secundze abrupte, tertiae et quartae gradatim increscentes, tertiae ad sep- timam externe tenuiter emarginatae. Beak rather long, straight at the base, beyond the nos- trils moderately incurved and abruptly compressed ; theculmen somewhat stout, carinated, the apex entire. Nostrils closed by an oblong horny convex operculum, the aperture obliquely di- rected backward, arched towards the capistrum. Wings rounded: the first and second quills abruptly, the third and fourth gradually increasing, the third to the seventh slightly emargin- ated externally. MELIPHAGIDiE. Q70 Cauda rotundata, elongata. Pedes subelongati : digitus medius longior, cum ex- teriore basi leviter con- nexus : ungues compressi, arcuati, posteriore ma- jore, validiore. Tail rounded, elongated. Legs rather elongated : the middle toe longest, and united slightly to the base of the exterior : claws com- pressed, bent, the hinder one largest and stout. Sp. 1. Po. montanus. Linn. Trans. ( Hors/. I) v. xiii. p. 165. Po. castaneus, capite ciner ascent e-nigr 0 , strigd post oculari, guld pectoreque albis. Chesnut Pomatorinus, with the head ashy-black ; a stripe behind the eyes, the throat and breast white. Mountain Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 267. Inhabits Java. Length seven inches and a half : general colour of the plumage chesnut : head cinere- ous-black : behind the eyes a white streak : chin and breast white ; wings rounded : tail elongated and rounded. GENUS CCLXXVIII. — PRINIA, Horsfield. Rostrum mediocre, rectum, basi latiusculum, ultra nares sensim attenuatum, apice validiusculo : mandi- bula superior basi recta, apice levissime arcuata ; culmine inter nares cari- nato, deinde rotundato, ex- tremitate obsolete emargi- nato ; inferior recta, ultra medium levissime sursum inclinata. Beak moderate, straight, its base somewhat broad, a little attenuated beyond the nostrils, the tip rather stout : the upper mandible straight at the base, the tip slightly bent ; the cul- men carinated between the nostrils, then rounded, the tip obsoletely notched; the lower straight, beyond the middle very slightly in- clined upwards. IVJELTPHAGIDiE. 271 Nares basales, magnae, in fovea oblonga antice an- gustione positae, membrana tectas, parte inferiore rima longitudinale apertse. Alee rotundatae : remiges : primae abrupte, secunde et tertiae gradatim bre- viores, reliquae subaequales, tertiae ad septimam externe tenuiter emarginatae. Cauda elongata, cuneata. Pedes elongati : digitus me- dius longiusculus cum ex- teriore basi coalitus: hallux validiusculus medio antico major validior. Nostrils basal, large, placed in an oblong groove, clothed by a membrane, .which is longitudinally cleft below. Wings rounded ; the first quill abrupt, the second and third gradually shorter, the rest nearly equal, the third to the seventh externally slightly emarginated. Tail elongated, wedged. Legs elongated : the middle toe rather long and con- nected at the base to the exterior : the hind toe ra- ther short and stronger than the middle anterior one. Sp. 1. Pr. familiaris. Linn. Trans. (Horsf.) v. xiii. p. 165. Pr. olivaceo-fusca, abdomine jlavo; guld, pectore ,fasciisque duabus alarum albis ; cauda fused, subterminali perfused, apice alba. Olive-brown Prinia, with the abdomen yellow ; the throat, breast, and two bands on the wing, white ; the tail brown, towards the tip brownish, the tip white. Familiar Creeper. Lath. Gen. Hist. v. iv. p. 264. Inhabits Java. Length five inches : plumage is greenish-olive-brown : belly yellow : chin, breast, and two bands across the wings white : wings rounded : tail long, cuneiform, with a band of brown at the end, but the tips of the feathers white. Called Prinya. COLUMBIDjE. 272 Order III. — RASORES. llliger. Rostrum mediocre, dertro fornicato, basi scepius cerigerum, cul- mine plerumque convexo, rarius gibbo-carinato ; aut magnum, medio transversim impression et rugosum : nares vel membrand vel squama fornicati superne semitectae : pedes gradarii, tetra- dactyli aut tridactyli : ungues mediocres aut breves, plerumque modice curvati, obtusiusculi. Beak moderate, dertrum arched; often furnished with a cere at its base, the culmen generally convex, rarely gibbous-carinated; or beak large, with a transverse impression, and rugose in the middle : nostrils above partly clothed with a membrane or an arched scale : legs formed for walking, with four or three toes : claivs moderate or short, mostly slightly curved, rather obtuse. The Rasores are thus divided by Mr. Vigors. Hind-toes short, elevated; tarsi 1 generally armed with spurs : J Hind-toe wanting, or more or Y less resting on the ground ; > tarsi without spurs: ...» f Phasianid,*:, Vigors. \Tetraonid.e, Leach. { Struthionid.e, Vigors, s Cracid.e, Vigors, f CoLUMBiDiE, Leach. FAMILY I. — COLUMBI D.E. Rostrum mediocre, compression, basi membrand mo Hi et tumida instruction, in qua nares sitae sunt, ad apicern plus minusve arcuatum: pedes simplices, tetradactyli, fissi ; tarsi reticulati : cauda plerumque rectricibus duodecim. Beak moderate, compressed, furnished at the base with a tumid and soft membrane, in which the nostrils are placed, and more or less bent at the tip : legs simple, four-toed, cleft : the tarsi reticulated: tail generally with twelve feathers. The Columbidte are monogamous ; they build their nests on trees, or in the holes of rocks, and generally COLUMBUS. Tj 3 lay but two eggs, but breed more than once in the year : the male assists the female during incubation : they feed their young from grains, which they dis- gorge from their crops in a macerated state : they fly with ease, and some of the long-winged species with extremely great velocity, and for a considerable period. Many natural groups are readily observable in this family ; but our knowledge is not sufficiently mature, from the ignorance we labour under with respect to their habits, to enable us to subdivide them into natural genera. I shall therefore be content with pointing out the only new genus which has been established in this family since my former account was published, and adding some of the recently described species. GENUS CCLXXIX. — TRERON, Vieillot. VINAGO. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 105. Vinago, Cuvier. A. Fronte glabra. A. With the forehead glabrous. Sp. 1. Tr? calva. Vinago calva. Steph. v. xi. p. 1 1 7.-— Africa. B. Fronte plumosd. B. With the forehead feathered. Sp. 2. Tr. aromatica. Vinago aromatica. Steph. v. xi. p. 106. — India. Sp. 3. Tr. olax. T r. capite, nucha, hypochondriisque cinereo-plumbeis ; guld albida; ventre crissoque virescentibus ; fcmor'ibjus ventreque lateribus rufo-fuscis ; dorso supremo, scapulis, tectricibusque, alarum pur- pur eo- fusel s ; uropygio rectricibusque plerisque atro-ardosiacis, apicibus cinereis. VOL. XIV. P. I. 18 COLUMBIDiE. 274 Vinago with the head, nape, and flanks ashy-lead colour; the throat whitish ; the belly and vent greenish ; the thighs and sides of the belly red-brown 5 the upper part of the back, sca- pulars, and wing-coverts purple-brown; the rump and great part of the tail-feathers deep slate-colour, with ashy tips. Columba olax. Temm. PI. Col. 241. Inhabits Sumatra. Length seven inches and a half : the head, nape, and flanks are of an ashy-lead- colour : the throat is of an ashy-white : on the breast is a large patch of a reddish colour : the belly and vent are greenish, shaded gradually into the cinereous hue on the flanks : the thighs, the sides of the abdo- men, and the under tail-coverts are red-brown : the upper part of the back, the scapulars, and the wing- coverts are purple-brown : the rump and nearly all the tail-feathers are slaty-black, with ashy-tips : the under part of the tail is black, with the tips of the feathers whitish: the wing is black, with the secondary feathers slightly edged with clear yellow : the toes, the tarsi, and the space round the eyes are red : the base of the beak is blue, and its tip greenish. Female unknown. Sp. 4. Tr. militaris. Vinago militaris. Steph. v. xi. p. 109. — India. Sp. 5. Tr. Psittacea. Vinago Psittacea. Steph. v. xi. p. 112, — Timor and Java. Sp. 6. Tr. vernans. Vinago vernans. Steph. v. xi. p. 1 13. — Luconia and Antigue. Sp. 7. Tr. australis. Vinago australis. Steph. v. xi . p. 1 15. — Madagascar. Sp. 8. Tr. oxyura. Tr. corpore supra, alls, hypochondrias, Jemoribus, crissoque cinereo- viridibus ; gula, pectore, ventreque supremo viridibus ; ventre columbidjE. *27^ infitno pogoniisque extern'is tectricium caudce inferiorum jlavis ; rectricibus duabus interm ediis elongatis. Vinago with the body above, the wings, flanks, thighs, and vent ashy-green ; the throat, breast, and upper belly green ; the lower belly and inner webs of the under tail-coverts yellow j the two middle tail-feathers elongated. Columba oxyura. Temm. PL Col. 240. Inhabits Java. Length thirteen inches : distin- guished by the length of the two middle tail-feathers, which are acute, and exceed the rest by about an inch : the colours of the plumage are but little varied: an ashy-green clothes all the upper parts, the wings, flanks, thighs, and vent : the throat, breast, and belly are clearer green : the lower belly and the region of the vent are yellow or yellowish : the under tail- coverts are yellow on their outer webs, and green on their inner : the tail-feathers above for half their length are deep ash, with a black band, and tipped with clear ash ; the two middle feathers are entirely brownish-ash, deeper at the tip than the base : be- neath the feathers are black, tipped with clear ash : the secondary wing-quills and the quills are plain black, but the primaries have a slight ashy border : the tarsi are clothed with green feathers ; the lower part is naked and red ; as are the toes and the space round the eyes : the beak is deep-blue at the base, and of a leaden hue at the tip. Sp. 9. Tr. Capellei. Tr. capite, guld, uropygio, ventre, lateribusque viridibus, viridi - cinereo maculatis ; nucha, dorso, alisque late viridibus ; rectri- cibus quatuor intermediis fiavo-viridibus ; pectore plaga auran - tio-flavd; alls lined longitudinali jlavd. COLUMBIDiE. 276 Vinago with the head, throat, rump, belly, and sides green, spotted with ashy-green ; the nape, back, and wings, fine green; the four middle tail-feathers yellow-green ; the breast with an orange- yellow patch ; the wings with a longitudinal yellow line. Columba Capellei. Temm. PI. Col. 143. Inhabits Java. Length thirteen inches : the male lias the forehead ash-colour : the head, throat, rump, belly, and sides clear-green, sprinkled with ashy-grey : the nape, the back, and the wings are beautiful deep green : the four middle tail-feathers are bright yellow- green : the breast is covered by a large patch of orange- yellow : the greater wing-feathers are fine black ; the secondaries have the outer edge bright yellow ; forming a longitudinal band when the wing is closed : the lateral tail-feathers are ash-coloured at the base, then fine black, and tipped with clear grey ; beneath entirely black, with the tips whitish : the under coverts are deep marron : the beak is bluish-green : the legs red. The female differs from the male in having the colours more varied with ash : the thoracic patch being greenish : the black and the cinereous on the tail being shaded with greenish : the abdomen spotted with whitish, and all their under coverts being red- dish-white, spotted with green. GENUS CCLXXX. — PTILI NOPUS, Swainson. Rostrum gracile. Aire mediocres, remigum prima apicem versus con- tracts, tertia quartaque longissimis. Tarsi plumosi. Beak slender. Wings moderate, with the first quill contracted to- wards the tip, the third and fourth longest. Tarsi plumose. Tl .32. 'tlElOl C1FELLEI * ptiliiopus ? P OliFHYRIlT 3 COLUMBIDiE. 277 i Sp. 1. Pt. purpuratus. Zool. Journ. (Swain.) v. i. p. 473. — Co- Juraba purpurata. Steph. v. xi. p. t>6? — TenUn. PI. Col. 254? — Timor. Sp. 2. Pt. monaclius. Pt . vindis f route , vert ice, regione l or him pectorisque medio azureis, super ciliis, fascia occipite circumdata, mento, guld, crisso, tec- tricibusque inferioribus caudce favis, rectricibus cinereis, externi apice rnaculd cceruleo-viridi. Green Ptilinopus, with the forehead, crown, region of the lores, and middle of the breast azure ; the eyebrows, a band sur- rounding the occiput, the chin, throat, vent, and under tail- coverts yellow ; the tail-feathers cinereous ; the lateral ones with a blue-green spot at the tip. Columba Monacha. Reinw. — Temm. PL Col. 253. Inhabits the Island of Celebes. Length seven inches : the forehead, top of the head, the region of the lores, and the middle of the thoracic region, are covered by feathers of a very beautiful azure tint : a yellow band passes above the eyes and surrounds the occiput : the chin, throat, yent, and under tail- coverts are yellow : the rest of the plumage is fer- ruginous, with a straight border to the edge of the quills : the tail-feathers are ash-coloured on their inner webs, with a deep bluish-green spot towards the tips of the lateral ones, which only appears when the tail is extended : the legs are red. Sp. 3. Pt? porphyreus. Pt ? capite, collo, pectoreque supremo purpureis ; torque pectorali alba; nuckd fascia transversa rosacea; dorso, alls, rectrici- busque duabus intermediis viridibus; pectore inf mo viridi- nigro; ventre medio, hypochondriisque viridi-cinereis ; crisso flavo ; rectricibus lateralibus viridibus, apicibus ciner ascent ibus- Ptilinopus ? with the head, neck, and upper breast purple ; a white pectoral collar ; the nape with a rosy transverse bar ; 278 COLUMBIDjE. the back, wings, and two middle tail-feathers green ; the lower breast green -black; the belly in the middle and flanks ashy- green ; the vent yellow ; the lateral tail-feathers green, with the tips cinereous. Columba porphyrea. Re into. Temm. PI. Col. 106. Inhabits the Isles of Sunda and the Moluccas. Length about a foot : the adult has all the head, the neck, and the breast of a bright purple, palest in the head, and deepest and tinged with lake on the lower part of the neck : the breast bears a large white collar ; and a narrow bar of rose-colour separates the purple of the nape from the colour of the back, which is green : the breast beneath the collar is black, more or less tinged with greenish : the middle of the belly and the flanks are cinereous, more or less tinted with green or yellowish, according to age : part of the abdomen is yellow : the under tail-coverts are green in the inside with yellow edges : the wings and middle tail-feathers are deep-green : the lateral tail- feathers are bottle-green, with greenish-grey tips : the beak is yellowish at the tip : the toes are red. The young have the head, neck, breast, and all the upper parts deep-green : the feathers of the back and of the wings are of a deeper hue than in the adult, and are tipped with a yellow-lunule : the abdomen is a clear greenish-yellow : the white collar on the breast and the black plumes are wanting. During moulting the individuals are more or less varied with purple and green feathers ; and the beautiful rose- coloured circle at the top of the back and the white collar on the breast are most evident in the oldest birds. COLUMBIDiE. 279 Sp. 4. Ft? maculatus. Columba maculata. Steph. v. xi. p. 46. — -India ? Sp. 5. Pt? viridis. Columba viridis. Steph. v. xi. p. 65. — Amboyna. Sp. 6. Pt ? superbus. Columba superba. Steph. v. xi. p. 64. — Society Islands. Sp. 7. Pt. melanocephalus. Columba melanocephala. Steph. v. xi. p. 55. — Java. GENUS CCLXXXI.— COLUMBA Auctorum. PIGEON. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 1. A. Orbitce et tarsi plum 0 si. A. Orbits and tarsi plumose. Sp. 1. Co. dilopha. Linn. Trans. ( Temm .) v. xiii. p. 124. — - Temm . PI. 162. Co. capite bicristato, crisld auteriore cinerea, occipitali rufd , corpore cinereo-griseo, alis dorsoque saturatioribus, remigibus rectricibusque atris. Pigeon with the head double crested, the anterior crest cinereous, the occipital rufous 5 the body ashy-grey ; the wings and back deepest ; the quills and tail-feathers deep black. Inhabits New Holland. Length fifteen inches: distinguished by a double crest : the first is on the forehead in form of a sickle ; it arises at the base of the beak, and is composed of compressed feathers of an ashy-grey colour : the second arises on the occiput ; it is tufted, composed of delicate feathers,, which are narrow at their base, but become broad at the tip : the feathers of the side and of the breast are doubly notched at their tips : nearly all the plumage is of an ashy-grey, deepest on the wings and back : the occipital crest is of a deep red, with the base of all the feathers black : the quills and tail- COLUMBIDJE. 280 feathers are tine black ; towards the tip of the latter is a greyish -white bar : the tarsi are clothed with feathers for half their length ; the rest of them and the toes are tine purple : the beak, which is rather short, and slightly swollen at the tip, is reddish : the irides are tine red. Sp. 2. Co. Palumbos. Steph. r.^xi. p.j|12. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 3. Co. arquatrix. Steph. v. xi. p. 19 — Africa. Sp. 4. Co. cincta. Steph. v. xi. p. 50. — Southern Asia. B. Orbitce phimosce tarsi nudi; caudd requali B. Orbits plumose ; tarsi naked ; tail even. a. Pennis colli remigibusque simplicibus. a. With the feathers of the neck and the quills simple. Sp. 5. Co. chalcoptera. Steph. v. xi . p. 17. — New Holland. Sp. 6. Co. picturata. Steph. v. xi. p. 85. — Tcmm. Pi. Col. 242. — Co. Dufresuii. Steph. v. xi. p. 77.pl. 3. — Madagascar, &c. Sp. 7. Co. aenas, Steph. v. xi. p. 25. pi. 1. — Britain and Europe. Sp. 8. Co. livia. Steph. v. xi. p. 2 7- — Britain and Europe. Sp. 9. Co. turtur. Steph. v. xi. p. 72. pi. 2. — Britain and the old continent. Sp. 10. Co. risoria. Steph. v. xi . p. 71. — Africa. Sp. 1 1. Columba humilis. Teona. PI. Col. 258, 259. Co. vcrtice, mails nuchdque cinereo-cyaneis, cervice semitorque nigra, dorso supremo, scapu/is, tectricibusque alarum vinaceis, collo antice, pectore ventreque pa/lide rufo-purpureis, hypo- chondriis, dorso infimo uropygioque cinereo-cyaneis, crisso albido-cinerascente ; mas: nut cinereo-Juscus, f route tectrici- busque alarum majoribus cinereis, guld, crisso, tectricibusque caudce iiiferioribus albidis semitorque cervicali nigra; faemina. Pigeon with the crown, cheeks, and nape, ashy-blue ; the cervix with a black half-collar; the upper part of the back, scapulars, and wing-coverts, vinaceous ; the neck anteriorly, the breast and belly pale red-purple ; the flanks, the lower back and COLUiMBIDJE. 281 rump ashy-blue ; the vent whitish-ash; male: or ashy-brown, with the forehead, and greater wing-coverts, ash-coloured ; the throat, vent, and under tail -coverts, whitish, and a black cervical half-collar ; female. Inhabits India. Length about nine inches : the male has the top of the head, the cheek, and nape, of a fine ashy-blue : the cervix is adorned with a clear black half-collar : the upper part of the back, the scapulars, and all the wing-coverts are of the colour of wine-lees or reddish-purple : the fore part of the neck, the breast, and the belly, are of a paler hue : the flanks, the back, and the rump are ashy- blue : the vent is whitish-ash : the tail is grey above, black beneath for two thirds of its length, and the rest whitish : the external feather is outwardly white ; all the lateral feathers are tipped with whitish. The female has a similar collar to the male, but the prevailing colour of the rest of the plumage is ashy- brown : the forehead and the greater wing-coverts are ash-colour : the throat, vent, and under tail- covers are whitish : the beak is black, and the quills dusky : the under wing-coverts are ashy-bluish in both sexes. Sp. 12. Columba lacernulata. Temm. PL Col . 164. Co. vinacta, capite ioto cceruleo-cinereo , ventre medio purpurea, lateribus cinereis, tectricibus caudoe inferioribus rubris, humeris alisque nigricantibus cerco-viridi nitentibus, cauda basi nigri- cante cinereo, apice plumbeo. Vinaceous Pigeon, with the entire head blue-ash ; the middle of the belly purple, its sides ash-coloured ; the under tail-coverts red; the shoulders and wings dusky, shining with bronzed- green ; the tail dusky at the base, lead-coloured at the tip. 282 COLUMBIDiE. Inhabits Java. Length fifteen inches : a kind of hood, of a black-ash colour, covers the entire head and cheeks, and extends to the occiput and under jaw, but does not hide the throat, which is bright vinaceous : the nape and upper part of the back are deep vinous : the fore part of the neck and the breast are vinaceous-ash : the middle of the belly is slightly tinged with purple : the sides of the body are ash, and all the under tail-coverts are light-red : on the shoulders and wings are slight bronzed-green rejections, on a ground which is of a dusky hue, except in certain positions of light when the metallic gloss appears : the back and three parts of the length of the tail-feathers are dusky-ash ; the rest of the tail is lead-colour, with the tips above white : its under surface is grey : the beak is totally black, and the legs red. Sp. 13. Coluinba capistrata. Temm. PI. Col. 1G5. Co .frcnte regioneque oculorum cinereis, gala alba, occipite nu- chdque cinereo-purpureis, pectore, later ibus, ventre crissoque vinaceo- cinereis, dorso basique caudce nigricante-cinereis, humeris tegminibusque atro-purpurcis , rostro basi rufo, apicc albido. Pigeon with the forehead and region of the eyes ash-coloured ■ the throat white ; the occiput and nape ashy-purple ; the breast, sides, belly, and vent, vinaceous-ash ; the back, and base of the tail, dusky-ash ; the shoulders and wing-coverts deep purple ; the beak red at the base, and whitish at the tip. Inhabits Java. Length fourteen inches : allied to the preceding bird : the forehead and region of the eyes are covered by an ash-coloured mask : the throat is pure white : the occiput and nape are ashy- COLUMBIDJE. 283 purple : the breast, the sides, the belly, and vent are vinaceous ash : the lower tail-coverts are yellowish- white : the shoulders and the wing-coverts are very deep-purple, with a slight gloss : the rest of the wings and the quills are ashy-black, with a delicate green gloss : the back, and three parts of the upper sur- face of the tail are dusky-ash, the rest of the tail is lead-colour, with white tips to the feathers : the under surface is grey : the beak is red at the base and whitish at the tip : the legs are fine red. Sp. 14. Columba locutrix. Pr. Max. 118. — Temm.Pl. Col. 166. Co. vinaceo-cinerea, guld Jlavescente, capite colloque purpureo, ventre cinereo, alls caudaque cinereo-Jliscis, pennis michce ad apicem maculis dnabus vinaceo-purpureis. Vinaceous-ash Pigeon, with the throat yellowish ; the head and neck purple ; the belly ash ; the wings and tail ashy-brown ; the feathers of the nape with two vinaceous purple spots near the tip. Inhabits Brazil. Length about thirteen inches : all the plumage is shaded with different tints of vinaceous-ash : the throat and space round the beak are vinaceous, tinged with yellowish : the head and neck are tinged with purple : the belly is nearly ash- colour : the wings and tail ashy-brown, slightly tinted with vinaceous : on the nape are several feathers whose tips are slightly notched and lance-shaped ; they have on each side of their webs a small vinaceous- purple spot, more distinct in the males than in the females ; but wanting in the young : the orbits are violet-red : the beak is black, and the legs red. Called Pomba margosa in Brazil. Its cry is similar ‘284 COLUMBlDf. to the Portuguese syllables hum-so-jico : its flesh is very bitter. Sp. 15. Columba leucoinela. Linn. Trans. ( Temm .) xiii. p. 126. — Temm. PI. Col. 186. Co. capite, collo pectoreque albis, medio dor si uropygioque nitide- purpureis, ventre corporeque infra sordide albis, hypochondriis femoribusque cinerascentibus, sea pul is atris marginibus pur- pureis, remigibus caudaque atrofuscis, rostro pedibusque Jlavis. Pigeon with the head, neck, and breast, pure white; the middle, the back, and rump glossy-purple ; the belly and body beneath dull white; the Hank and thighs ashy; the scapulars deep black, with purple edges; the quills and tail deep brown ; the beak and legs yellow. Inhabits New Holland. Size and form of Co. Palumbus : the head, neck, and breast are pure white ; with a slight gloss on the sides of the neck : the belly and under parts are dull-white ; shaded into ashy on the flanks and thighs : the middle of the back and the rump are of a rich deep glossy purple : the scapulary feathers are deep black, edged by a rich deep glossy purple margin : several of the wing-coverts have also a narrow metallic border ; the rest of the wings, the quills, and the tail are of a deep black-brown : the beak and legs are clear yellow : the tail-feathers are even. Sp. 16. Co. Jamboo. Steph. v. xi. p. 49. — Sumatra. Sp. 17. Columba scripta. Temm. PI. Col. 187. — Linn. Trans. (Temm.) v. xiii. p. 127. Co. supra cinereo-fuscus, tectricibus alarum maculis opalino-viri- dibus sparsis, guld albd nigro circumdata , pectore ventreque medio cinereo-cyaneis, hypochondriis abdomineque albidis, rec- tricibus lateralibus basi cinereo-fuscis, apice atris. COLUMBIDJE. 285 Pigeon above ashy-brown, with the wing-coverts sprinkled with opaline-green spots ; the throat white edged with black ; the breast and middle of the belly ashy-blue ; the flanks and abdo- men whitish ; the lateral tail-feathers brown at the base, deep black at the tip. Inhabits New Holland. Length nine inches and a half: the adult bird has the head, the nape, the neck, and upper parts of the body and the wings, as well as the two middle tail-feathers, of an ashy-brown : several spots of opaline-green, varying into purple and violet, according to the light, are sprinkled over the wing-coverts : the throat is white, succeeded by a black band : the cheeks have two white spots, which are also edged with black : the breast and the middle of the belly are ashy-blue : the flanks, the abdomen, and the under part of the wings are white : the tail is short, and its feathers are of equal length; the two middle feathers are similar in colour to the back, but the others are of an ashy-brown at the base for half their length, and the rest deep-black : the quills are ashy-brown : the beak is black, and the legs brown. The female and young have the opaline spots smaller and less brilliant. Sp. 18. Columba Dusumieri. Temm. PI. Col. 185. Co. supra cinereo-grisco-fuscus, capite, nucha, collo antice pec- toreque vinaceis ; hypochondriis, ventre, crisso, tectricibusque caudce inferioribus albidis ; collo pennis nigricante-cinereis apicibus metallico-viridibus ornato; rectrice exterior e pogonio interno nigricante, externo albo . Pigeon above ashy-grey-brown, wit.h^the head, nape, neck an- teriorly, and breast vinaceous ; the flanks, belly, vent, and under tail-coverts, whitish ; the neck ornamented with dusky- ash feathers, with metallic-green tips ; the outer tail-feather with its inner web dusky, the exterior white. COLUMBID/E. 286 Inhabits the Philippine Islands. Length nearly one foot : the head and cheeks are of a vinaceous- ash : the nape is vinaceous, as are also the fore part of the neck and the breast ; this colour gradually changes on the flanks and the belly to a whitish hue ; and the vent, and between the legs, with the under tail-coverts are nearly white : the neck is adorned with several irregular dusky-ash feathers, which are tipped with a deep metallic-green zone : the back, scapulars, and the greater wing-coverts are of an ashy-grey-brown : all the middle tail-feathers are also of this colour, but of a deeper tint ; but the outer one is dusky on the inner webs, and white on the outer webs at the tip : the beak is brown, and the legs red. Sp. 19. Co. aenea. Steph. v. xi . p. 21. — Moluccas, &c. Sp. 20. Columba perspicillata. Temm. Pi. Col. 246. Co. capite malis nuchdque atro-cinereis, fronte fasti d albd, collo infimo, dorso alisque viridibus cyaneo-metallico nitentibus, la - teribus colli cinereis rejlexu ceneo, corpore infra pallide cinereo, circuld circum oculos cdba. Pigeon with the head, cheeks, and nape, deep-ash ; the forehead with a white band ; the lower neck, hack, and wings, green, glossed with metallic-blue ; the sides of the neck ash-coloured, with a brassy gloss ; the body beneath pale-ash ; a white circle round the eyes. Inhabits the Philippine Islands. Length eighteen inches : allied to Columba aenea, from which it is readily distinguished by the mandibles of its beak, and a large circle of feathers round the eyes being white, as well as by its size : the head, cheek, and nape are very deep ash : the forehead has a white COLUMBIDiE. 287 band : all the lower parts of the neck from the nape, the back, and the wings, are green, with blue and metallic reflections : the wing-feathers are metallic- blue in adults, and dusky-blue in the young : the sides of the neck are ashy, with changeable re- flections : the breast, belly, thighs, vent, and under tail-coverts are clear ash : the beak is white, and the legs red. Sp. 21. Columba luctuosa. Temm. PI. Cal. 247. Co. albida, remigibus primoribus cinereis, nigro marginatis ; rec- trice exteriore utrinque subtus albo ; pennis Jemoralibus apicibus nigris. Whitish Pigeon, with the primary quills cinereous, edged with black; the outer tail-feather on each side white beneath; the femoral feathers with black tips. Inhabits Java, Length fifteen inches : the beak is white : the colour of the plumage greatly re- sembles that of C. littoralis, but the greater quills are ash-coloured, edged with black : the outer tail- feather on each side, beneath, is white to the tip : the medial line in the abdominal region, and the feathers of the thighs, are all tipped with black. Sp. 22. Columba hyogastra. Temm. PI. Col. 252. Co. vertice, mails mentoque cinereo-griseis ; occipite , collo, dorso , pectore, hypochondriisque l cate atro-viridibus ; alls caudaque saturatioribus, tectricibus alarum majoribus apicibus aliquot cinereis; rectricibus lateralibus ad apicem pogonii interni ma- culd cinereo-viridis ornatis; ventre medio purpureo ; crisso tec- tricibus caudce inferioribus Jlavis. Pigeon with the crown, cheeks, and chin ashy-grey ; the occiput, neck, back, breast, and flanks, fine deep green ; the wings darker green ; the greater wing-coverts, with some of the tips. 288 COI-UMBIDuE. ashy ; the lateral tail-feathers adorned with an ashy-green spot towards the tip of the inner web ; the middle of the belly purple ; the vent and under tail-coverts yellow. Inhabits the Island of Celebes. Length eight inches : the top of the head, the cheeks, and the chin are ashy-grey : the occiput, neck, all the back, the breast, and sides, are brilliant deep-green : the wings and tail are green, but of a deeper hue than the back ; the former have several of their greater coverts tipped with pure ash, and their feathers finely edged with yellowish : the lateral tail-feathers have at the tip of the inner web a large ashy-green spot, which is hidden when the tail is not expanded : the middle of the belly is of a fine purple tint : the vent and under tail-coverts are bright yellow. Sp. 23. Columba xanthonura. Temm. PI. Col. 190. Co. capite, nucha malisque rubris, corpore infra fusca, dorso scapidisque rufo viridique tinctis, alis brunneo-rufis, tectricibus alarum aureo-rufo marginatis , reclricibus lateralibus basi aurco- rufo, versus apicem fascia nigra, apice rufo. Pigeon with tlie head, nape, and cheeks red ; the body beneath brown ; the beak and scapulars tinged with red and green ; the wings brown-red, their coverts edged with golden-red ; the lateral tail-feathers golden-red at the base, with a black bar towards the tip ; the tip rufous. Inhabits the Merian Islands. Length nine inches and a half: the head, nape, and cheeks are deep red : the entire of the under parts of the body is of a deep brown : the back and the scapulars are shaded with tints of reddish and green, with metallic re- flections : the wings are slightly brownish-red, with a more brilliant tint in certain lights ; and their X IUi.K U ;,0 : --i ' ;; '{ ' ■ - r - . • . if/::-. . ' - ;; / ;• ' mt. ?:-2 ri'lhi ■ % . PI. 34. COLU1BA lOPHOTES. COLUMBIDiE. 289 coverts have a broad golden-red band at the tip : the lateral tail-feathers are of a bright golden-red from their base nearly to the tip ; this is succeeded by a transverse black stripe, and the tip itself is clear red; the two middle feathers however want the black band, and they are of an olive-red : the legs, which are rather long, are of an olive-ash : the beak is ashy- black. b. Pennis colli apicibus emarginntis. b. With the feathers of the neck notched at their tips. Sp. 24. Co. speciosa. Steph.v. xi . p. 41. — Cayenne, Sp. 25. Co. miniata. Steph. v. xi. p. 42. — China. c. Remigibus apice bifidis . c. With the quills bifid at the tip. Sp. 26. Co. holosericeus. Steph. v. xi. p. 60. —Sandwich Islands* C. Orbit ce plumo see ; tarsi nudi; cauda cuneata. C. Orbits plumose ; tarsi naked ; tail wedged. Sp. 27. Columba lophotes. Temm. PI. Col. 142. Co. occipite crista elongatd crista, capite, collo antice, pectore ventreque nigricante-cinereis ; nucha vinacea; pennis dorsi tec- triciumque alarum minorum Jusco-cinereis, ad apice fascia transversd nigra, apicibus ipsis rufescente-cinereis ; tectricibus alarum majoribus apicibus viridibusj remigibus atro cinereo- griseis, pogoniis externis macula purpurea ornatis ; rectricibus elongatis, atris, viridi-violascenti nitentibus, apicibus albis. Pigeon with an elongated crest ; the crest, head, neck anteriorly, breast and belly dusky-ash ; the nape vinaceous; the feathers of the back and lesser wing-coverts brown-ash, with a trans- verse black bar towards the tips, the tips themselves ash- coloured ; the greater coverts with green tips ; the quills deep ashy-grey, with a purple spot on their outer webs the tail- feathers elongated, black, glossed with green and violet, with white tips. V. XIV. P. I. 19 -290 COLUMBIDAA Inhabits the interior of New Holland. Length twelve inches : all the head, the fore part of the neck, the breast, and the belly are ashy-grey : on the occiput is a singular elongated crest, somewhat resembling that of the Lapwing ; this is of a dusky- ash : the nape is of a vinaceous-ash : the feathers of the back and of the lesser wing-coverts are ashy- brown ; with a transverse black bar near their tip, and the tip itself reddish-ash : thfe greater wing- coverts are tipped with a large plate of brilliant me- tallic-green, delicately edged with pure white : the secondary feathers and quills are deep ashy-grey, with a large spot of brilliant metallic-purple on the outer webs of the latter, which are also bordered with white : the tail-feathers are deep-black with green and violet reflections, and white tips : the beak is small and black : the legs are red. Sp. 28. Columba phasianella. Linn. Trails. ( Temm .) v. xiii. p. 129. — Temm. PI. Col. 100. — Columba Amboinensis. Lath. Ind. Orn. v. ii. p. 74; young. Co. rufo-fusca, later ibits colli purpureo viridique nitentibus, nuchd f asciis ntjis et fuscis transversim ornntd; gula nifd ; corpore infra purpureo-Jusco , lineis nigris transversis; caudd longissima; rectrice exteriore rufo, medio fascia nigra. Red Pigeon, with the sides of the neck glossed with purple and green, nape transversely adorned with red and brown bands ; the throat rufous; the body beneath purple-brown, with trans- verse black lines ; tail very long; the outer feathers red, with a black bar in the middle. Inhabits New Holland. Length fourteen inches and a half : the upper parts of the plumage are dull reddish-brown, being of a marron hue on the top of the head, and tinged with green and purple re- COLUMBIDiE. 291 Sections on the sides of the neck : the nape is trans- versely rayed with broad brown and narrow red bands : the quills are dull-brown, with a tinge of red-marron on their outer webs and tips : the tail is very long and conical ; all the middle feathers are dull reddish-brown, as are also those of the rump ; the outer rectrices are bright red, with a broad black bar about the middle : the throat is red : the rest of the under parts are brown-purple, transversely rayed with narrow black zigzags : the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts are clear unspotted marron. Sp. 29. Co. Maugei. Steph. v. xi .p. 98. — Southern Asia. Sp. 30. Co. Capensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 102. — Southern Africa. Sp. 31. Co. Dominicensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 100. — St. Domingo. Sp. 32. Co. melanoptera. Steph. v. xi .p. 101. — Paraguay. Sp. 33. Co. Carolinensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 96. — Carolina. Sp. 34. Co. migratoria. Steph. v. xi. p. 93. — North America. Sp. 35. Co. leucocephala. Steph. v. xi . p. 36. — Jamaica. D. Orbit ce nudce. D. Orbits naked. Sp. 36. Co. littoralis. Steph. v. xi. p. 23.— New Guinea and Java. Sp. 37- Columba liumeralis. Linn. Trans. ( Temm .) v. xiii .p. 128. Temm. PI. Col. 191. Co.fascie, malis, gula, pectoreque cceruleo-cinereis ; corpore infra vinaceo-albo ; crisso iedricibusque caudce inferioribus al bis; occipite, dor so, uropygio tectricibusque alarum cinereo-fuscis ; nucha torque aurantio-rufa, nigro maculata ; rectricibus late- ralibus basi purpureis, apice albo. Pigeon with the face, cheeks, throat, and breast ashy-blue ; the body beneath vinaceous-white ; the vent and under tail-coverts white; the occiput, back, rump, and wing-coverts ashy-brown; the nape, with an orange-red collar, spotted with black ; the lateral tail-feathers purple at the base, white at the tip. COLUMBIDiE. 292 Inhabits New Holland. About ten inches in length : the face, cheeks, throat, and breast are bluish- ash : the rest of the under parts vinaceous-white, deeper on the flanks than on the belly : the vent and under tail-coverts are pure white : the occiput, back, rump, and all the wing-coverts are ashy brown, with a transverse black band at the tip of each feather : on the nape is a broad rufous-orange collar, but all the feathers are tipped with black : the tail is broad at its base, long and wedged : the lateral feathers are of a purple-brown or vinaceous hue, and tipped with pure white ; the two middle feathers are the colour of the back, and are not tipped with white : the quills are brown, with their inner webs deep red : the space round the eyes is naked and reddish : the beak is bluish-yellow, and the legs are yellow. Sp. 38. Co. rubricapilla. Steph. v. xi. p. 1 1. — Panay Isles. Sp. 39. Co. Guinea. Steph. v. xi. p. 10. — Southern Africa. Sp. 40. Co. Madagascariensis. Stejjh. v. xi. p. 9. — Madagascar. Sp. 41. Co. iEgyptiaca. Steph. u. xi. p. 8. — Egypt. Sp. 42. Co. gymnophthalma. Steph. v. 11. p. 6. — India. Sp. 43. Columba magnifica. Linn. Trans. ( Tcmm .) v. xiii.p. 125. Temm. PI. Col. 163. Co. supra Icete aureo-viridis ; tectricibus alarum Jlavo maculalis ; capita, malts nuchaque cinereis ; remigibus secundariis redri- cibusque atro-viridibus ; gula, collo antic'v, pectoreque supremo purpureo-violasceniibus; pedore infimo ventreque smaragdino- viridibus ; abdomine, Jemoribus, tedricibusque caudcc biferio- ribus ochraceis. Pigeon above fine golden-green ; with the wing-coverts spotted with yellow ; the head, cheeks, and nape ash-coloured 5 the secondary quills and tail-feathers deep changeable green ; the throat, neck anteriorly, and upper breast violet-purple ; lower COLUMBIDiE. 293 breast and belly sapphirine-green ; abdomen, thighs, and under tail-coverts ochraceous. Inhabits New Holland. A most beautiful species : length about sixteen inches all the head, the cheeks, and nape are ash-coloured ; this colour mingling by half tints with the brilliant golden-green with which the upper parts of the plumage are adorned : the brilliancy of this colour is relieved by a great number of lively yellow spots, disposed on all the wing- coverts, lengthwise : the secondaries, feathers and quills are of a deep changeable green ; all the fea- thers of the tail, which is long and rounded, are of the same hue, and appear in certain lights of a glossy brilliancy, like the feathers of the Jacamars : from the throat, expanding over the fore part of the neck to the breast, is a broad purple-violet band, changing in certain positions to a fine sapphirine-green : the chief part of the breast and belly are of this colour : the sides of the breast are of the same green with the back : the abdomen, the thighs, and the under tail- coverts are of a deep yellow, or ochraceous hue : this colour is also exhibited on the flanks : all the under wing-coverts are golden-yellow : the tail is ashy be- neath : the legs are bluish : the beak brown, but reddish towards its tip : the naked space round the eyes is red : the irides are also red. Sp. 44. Columba Reinvvardtsii. Temm. Pl. Col. 248. Co. purpureo-rufo , infra albldo-cinerciscenle ; capite nuchdque cinereis, facie collogue antice albis ; femoribus, crisso, lectrici- busque caudce inferioribus plumbeis. Purple-red Pigeon, beneath whitish-ash 5 with the head and nape cinereous j the face and neck anteriorly white ; the thighs, vent, and under tail-coverts lead -coloured. COLUMB IDJE. 294 Inhabits the Isle of Celebes. Length eighteen or nineteen inches : the head and nape are very pure clear ash : the face and fore-part of the neck are pure white : all the under p^rts of the body are whitish, tinged with clear ash : the thighs, vent, and under tail-coverts are lead-colour : the back, scapulars, the greater wing-coverts, and the four middle tail-fea- thers, which exceed the rest in length, are of a fine purple-red, or cinnamon-colour ; the rest of the tail is plain black, and the four lateral feathers are black at the base, ash-coloured in the middle, and tipped with red or black ; the outer feather is edged with white : a great part of the region of the eyes is naked, and communicates with the cere; which, and also the legs, are red. Sp. 45. Co. Corensis. Steph. v.'xi. p. 5. — South America. Sd. 46. Co. auricularis. Steph. v. xi .p. 4. — Pacific Islands. Sp. 47. Co. Franciae. Steph. v. xi. p. 2.' — Southern Africa. GENUS CCLXXXII. — LOPHYRUS *, Vieillot. CROWNED-PIGEON. Generic character : vide Steph. v. yd. p. 119, 120. Sp. 1. Lo. Indicus. Goiira coronata. Steph. v. xi. p. 120. — India. GENUS CCLXXXI1I. — GOURA, Temmiuck. GROUND-DOVE. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 119. * The name of this genus should be changed, it having been used by Latreille for a genus of Tenthredinideous insects, nearly twenty years prior to its publication by Vieillot, PI . 19. €r O ii R A COROIATA. i COLUMBINE. 295 A. Roslro basi hand caruncidato. A. With the beak not carunculated at its base. Sp. 1. Go. Hottentotta. Steph. v. xi. p. 131. — Cafifraria. Sp. 2. Go. cruenta. Steph. v. xi. p. 128. — Philippine Islands. Sp. 3. Go? leucotis. Go? front e verticeque cinereis ; nuchd lateribusque colli leete metallico-viridibus j auribus albo-maculatis ; alls dorsoque oli- vuceo-viridibus ; guld rufa ; pectore ventreque rufescente-oiiva- ceis; lined nigra ab angulo rostri ad oculos. Goura with the forehead and crown cinereous j the nape and sides of the neck fine metallic-green; the ears spotted with white; the wings and back olive-green; the throat red; the breast and belly reddish-olive ; a black line from the angle of the beak to the eyes. Columba leucotis. Temm. PI. Col. 189. Inhabits the Philippine Islands. Length nine inches and a half: the forehead and top of the head are ashy, changing to olivaceous on the occiput : from the angle of the beak to the eyes is a black line : several shining white feathers clothe the ears : the nape and the sides of the neck are brilliant metallic- green, glossed with changes of purple ; the throat is red : the breast and the belly are of a reddish-olive, with a metallic gloss in certain positions of light : the wings and the back are olive, with slight green reflections : all the tail-feathers are of a purple gloss, with a black band, at a short distance from the tip, and the tip itself is ash : the under tail-coverts are pure ash : the beak is entirely black, and the legs red. Sp. 4. Go. cyauocephala. Steph. v. xi. p. 125. — America. Sp. 5. Go. Jamaicensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 126. — Jamaica. 296 PHASIANID2E. Sp. 6. Go. erythrothorax. Steph. v. xi . p. 127. — Surinam. Sp. 7. Go. montana. Steph. v. xi. p. 130. — America. Sp. 8. Go. Martinica. Steph. v. xi. p. 132. — Martinique. Sp. 9. Go. Passerina. Steph. v. xi. p. 133. — America. Sp. 10. Go. Picui. Steph. v. xi. p. 135. — Paraguay. Sp. 11. Go. Talpacoti. Steph. v. xi. p. 136. — America. Sp. 12. Go. minuta. Steph. v. xi. p. 137. — America. B. Rostro bast carunculato. B. With the beak carunculated at the base. Sp. 13. Go. Nicobarica. Steph. v. xi. p. 122. — Moluccas. Sp. 14. Go. carunculata. Steph. v. xi. p. 123. — Africa. FAMILY II. — PHASIANIDiE. Rostrum diversion, supra convexum, basi nudum aid plumosum, vel interdum membrana verrucosa omnium : caput plus minusve nudum: pedes tetradactyli ; digito postico subelongato ; tarsi plerumque calcarati: cauda rectricibus 14 ad 18. Beak various, convex above, the base naked or plumose, or some- times furnished with a warty membrane: head more or less naked: legs four-toed, the hinder toe rather elongated: the tarsi generally armed with spurs: the tail with from 14 to 18 feathers. The birds of this family are usually of splendid plumage, and of large size ; their manners have been amply detailed in the eleventh volume of this work *. * As this supplementary arrangement has already considerably exceeded the limits originally designed — and as the Rasorial and Grallatorial Birds are divided into the modern genera in the preceding volumes, I shall merely add, in the subsequent pages, the characters of the latter order and of the families, and a list of the genera according to their affinities ; introducing in their ri. 1 ELEA GUS © CEIIATA PHASIANIDiE. GENUS CCLXXXIV.— MELEAGRIS, Linne. TURKEY. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 155. Gallopavo, Brisson. Sp. 1. Me. Gallopavo. Steph. v. xi. p. 156. pi. 8 — North America. Sp. 2. Me. ocellata. Cuvier. — Temm. PI. Col. 112. Me. capite collogue glabris; dorso, uropygio pectoreque viridi- aureis, violaceo-nitente fasciatis ; remigibus primoribus albis, nigro maculatis, secundariis multis albis ; rectricibus cunei- formibus, griseis nigro punctatis, apice viridi, aureo violaccoque nitente; rostro corneo ; pedibus griseis. Turkey with the head and neck bald j the back, rump and breast golden-green, fasciated with glossy violet ; the primary quills white spotted with black, the secondaries with white ; the tail-feathers wedge-shaped, griseous spotted with black, the tip green, shining with violet and gold ; the beak horny ; the legs grey. Meleagris aureus. Vieillot, Enc. Mith. 361. Inhabits Honduras. This most beautiful and magnificent bird is scarcely equalled by the Peacock in the splendour of its plumage : the only specimen known was once an ornament to the fine collection of Mr. Bullock, but now, alas ! it is destined to de- corate the rich depository of zoological subjects in the national Museum of Paris : its size and habits re- semble those of the common species, but its tail is smaller : the beak is similar to that of the former bird, its base is also adorned with a caruncle : the respective locations such genera and species as were formerly omitted, or have been recently described, and also a few ad- ditional references to figures. PHASIANIDiE. 298 head and about two thirds of the neck are naked, and are apparently coloured with blue and red : over each eyebrow is a range of five or six fleshy tubercles ; and on the middle of the head are five or six other approximating warts : on each side of the neck are also six or seven tubercles, arranged very regularly one above the other at nearly equal di- stances : in the specimen above alluded to there is not any appearance of the tuft of feathers so con- spicuous in the breast of the common species. All the feathers, both above and below, are of a square form : those in the lower part of the neck, the upper part of the back, the scapulars, and the under parts of the body, are of a green-bronze, with two lines at the edges of each, one of black, and the other of a fine golden-bronze : the feathers of the middle, and of the lower part of the back, are similarly coloured, but more brilliant, as are those of the rump ; the bronzed- green changes by degrees into a fine sapphirine-blue, and, according to the direction of the light, to an emerald-green, with the bronzed border becoming broader by degrees, and reflecting on the top of the back a fine golden gloss ; towards its base, as also on the rump, this golden hue becomes more intense, and in certain positions reflects the most splendid coppery-red, nearly as brilliant as the feathers on the throat of Trochilus moschitus : the splendour of this golden-red border is rendered more striking by the black velvety line, which divides it from the green and blue tints : the feathers of the rump have the covered part marked with dusky-brown pencilling on a griseous ground ; this vermiculated appearance PHASIANIDyE. 299 is more evident on the outer feathers, and upon those of the upper tail-coverts and its feathers ; these are partly blue and green, surrounded by a black circle, and edged on the side of the tip with a broad band of a most beautiful golden-copper colour, some- what resembling by their disposition those of Poly- plectron chinquis, but infinitely more brilliant in colour : there appear to be four ranges of these eyes, which are separated by the griseous vermiculated space. The feathers on the flanks, and those of the inner surface of the tail, resemble those on the top of the rump, but are of a deeper green, and the golden hue is more rufous : the lesser wing-coverts are of a beautiful emerald-green, with a narrow band of velvety-black : the secondary coverts are fine me- tallic-copper with a golden gloss : the part hidden is of an emerald-green, vermiculated with grey and white along the covered edge : the spurious wing and the primary coverts are dusky-brown, with narrow oblique transverse white bands : the quills are the same, but the outer margin of the inner primaries, and nearly all the secondaries are white, forming a longitudinal band of that colour on the wing when closed : the secondaries nearest the body are brown, tinged with golden-green : the wing beneath is edged transversely with white and griseous-brown : the tail consists of fourteen feathers, and is round at its tip : it is dusky beneath, vermiculated with white : the fea- thers on the thighs are dusky : the legs are rather more elevated and stronger than in the common species, and the spurs on the tarsi are also stronger and sharper ; their colour appears to have been red. 300 PHASIANIDiE. GENUS CCLXXXV. — PAVO Auctorum. PEACOCK. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 141. GENUS CCLXXXV I. — POLYPLECTRON, Temminck. Generic character: vide Steph. v. \\. p. 150. GENUS CCLXXXVII. — GALLUS, Brisson. COCK. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 1 95. GENUS CCLXXXVIII.— LOPHOPHORUS, Temminck. MONAUL. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 248. Lo. Cuvieri. Temm. PI. Col. 1. Lo. cristatus violnceo-niger , corporc pennis albo margin atis. Crested violet-black Monaul, with the feathers on the body margined with white. Phasianus leucomelanos. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. G33. — Coloured Pheasant. Lath. Syn. Sup. i. p. 210. Length eighteen inches : the male has the sin - ciput adorned with a crest composed of long decom- posed feathers, with short webs : the cheeks are naked : the crest, the neck, as well as the upper and under parts of the body are black, with a very brilliant violet gloss : the wings and the tail are of a dull black tint, all the feathers being delicately marked with greyish zigzag lines : the feathers of the rump and the tail- coverts are all tipped with a broad white zone : the under parts are of a violet hue, with several feathers on the throat varied with very fine grey zigzag lines : the legs are grey, as well as the spur on the tarsi, which is strong and sharp : the beak is yellow : the FI. .36'. I, 0 PIYE IT § CFYIE1I TETRAONIDiE. 301 naked skin of the orbits reaches to the base of the beak, and is finished with very small warty ex- crescences, which are apparently red in the living bird. The female is unknown. GENUS CCLXXXIX. — PHASIANUS Auctorum. PHEASANT. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 221. GENUS CCXC— APvGUS, Temminck. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 242. Ar. giganteus. Shards Zoological Lectures, v. i. p. 209. pi. 68. — India. GENUS CCXCI — NUMIDA, Linne. PINTADO. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 257. FAMILY III. — TETRAONIDiE. Rostrum mediocre, gracile aut subcrassum, plerumque supra convexum, basi aut nudum aut plamosum : orbitae scepe nudcc: pedes tetradactyli aut tridactyli , digito postico breve, debile, aut nullo: tarsi plerumque calacati: cauda breve, interdum nulla. Beak moderate, slender or rather stout, generally convex above, the base naked or feathered : orbits often naked : legs with four or three toes, the hinder one either short and weak, or de- ficient : tarsi generally furnished with spurs : the tail short, sometimes wanting. The Tetraonidas are of less brilliant plumage than the last family ; amongst which may be noticed se- veral birds of large size, and of extraordinary struc- ture : as instances of the latter the genera Odonto- phorus and Syrrhaptes may be particularized. TETRAONIDJE. SO °Z GENUS CCXCII.— CRYPTONYX, Temminck. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 252. GENUS CCXCIII— ODONTOPHORUS, Vieillot. TOCRO. Rostrum basi glabrum, supra convexum ; lateribus com- pressis: mandibula inferior versus apicera bidentata. Orbit ce et lor a’ nudae. Cauda brevis, deflexa; rec- tricibus duodecim. Beak glabrous at the base, convex above, with its sides compressed ; the lower mandible bidentate towards the tip. Orbits and lores naked. Tail short, deflexed ; with twelve feathers. ( Vide Steph. v. xi. p. 420.) Sp. 1. Od. guianensis. Od. rufo-fuscus nigro maculatus et varius, gidd cinered, per oculos vitta fulva ; remigibus extus inaculis rtfs. Red-brown Tocro spotted and varied with black, with the throat cinereous ; a fulvous stripe through the eyes; the quills on the outside with red spots. Tetrao Guianensis. Gmel. Si/st. Nat. i. 76/. — Perdix guianensis. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 650. — Le Tocro, ou Perdrix de la Guiana. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. v. iv. p. 5 13. — Guiana Partridge. Lath. Gen. Syn. v. i v.p. 776. Inhabits Guiana. Length eleven inches : beak brown : round the eyes red warty excrescences : through the eye, and behind it, a pale rufous streak : the upper part of the plumage rufous-brown : the ex- terior webs of the scapulars mottled with ash colour: wing-coverts mottled with brownish-ash colour : the back itself cinereous-brown, marked with blackish dots : the throat cinereous : breast cinereous-brown, TETRAONIDvE, 303 marked with obscure paler bars : the belly pale orange- brown : the outer webs of the quills spotted with rufous : legs yellow-brown. GENUS CCXCIV.— COTURNIX, Cuvier. QUAIL. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 360. Co. textilis, Stepli. v. xi. p. 36 5. — Perdix textilis. Temm. PI. Col. 35. Co. perlata. Steph. v. xi. p. 368. — Perdix striata. Temm. PI. Col. 82. GENUS CCXCV. — ORTYX mihi. COLIN. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 3 76. Or. Sonnini. Steph. v. xi. p. 383. — Perdix Sonnini. Temm. PI. Col. 75. GENUS CCXCVI. — PERDIX, Brisson. PARTRIDGE. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 338. GENUS CCXCVI1. — FRANCOLINUS mihi. FRANCOLIN. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 316. Fr. Pondicerianus. Steph. v. xi. p. 321. — Perdix Ponticeriana. Temm. PI. Col. 213. GENUS CCXCVIII. — PTEROCLES, Temminck. GANGA. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 304. Pt. arenarius. Steph. v. xi. p. 305. — Temm. PI. Col. 52, 53. GENUS CCXCIX. — BONASA, Brisson. HEATHCOCK, Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 298. 304 TETRAONIDJE. GENUS CCC. — TETRAO Auctorum. GROUS. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 265. GENUS CCCI.— LAGOPUS, Ray. PTARMIGAN. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 236. GENUS CCCII.— SYRRHAPTES, Illiger. Rostrum basi plumis orna- tum, paulo gracile, rectum, com pressum, versus apicem curvatum. Alee acutae. Pedes tridactyli, digiti fere ad unguibus coalitis : tarsi digitique hirsutis. Beak furnished with feathers at the base, rather slender, straight, compressed, bent towards the tip. Wings acute. Legs four-toed, the toes united nearly to the claxos : tarsi and toes hirsute. ( Vide Steph. v. xi. p. 420.) Heteiioclitus, Vieillot. Sp. I. Syr. Pallasii. Syr. dor so griseo nigroque undulnto ; abdomine nigro maculis pal- lidis; lateribus colli mncilld fulvd. Syrrhaptes with the back undulated with grey and black ; the abdomen black with pale spots ; the sides of the neck with a fulvous spot. Tetrao paradoxus. Pallas. — Gmel. Sijst. Nat. i. 755. — Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. 643. — Heteroclite Grous. Lath. Gen. Syn. v. 4. p. 7i>3. — Syrrhaptes Pallasii. Temm. PL Col. 95. Inhabits Southern Tartary. The head and neck, as far as the throat, hoary ; but the chin is yellowish ; on each side of the neck is an orange spot ; round the throat a circular streak, composed of numerous transverse slender black lines : the back, between the wings, and quite to the tail, undulated with black ’ SYIMAPTES PALL1SII. FI. 33. © STY (BIS IIVOSUS TETR AONIDiE. 30.5 and grey : the breast is of a pale reddish-ash colour : beyond this, to the vent, black, marked with pale spots : the bastard wing is undulated with black, and marked with large brownish blood-coloured spots at the tips of the feathers : the prime wing-coverts and second quills are rusty-white, marked with a hroadish trace of black, parallel to the shaft, quite to the tip : prime quills brown, pointed ; the outer edges of them hoary towards the base ; within white to the tip, least conspicuous on the outer ones : the legs fea- thered almost to the nads, and are very short: the toes very short, and all joined together except at the tip, where the claws divide : the sole imbricated with hairy papillae. GENUS CCCIII.— ORTYGIS, Illiger. TURNIX. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi . p. 387- — Turnix. Or. nivosus. Or. supra ferruginea varias, mento albescente ; jugulo pedoreque pallide Jerrugineis , maculis albis, nitidis , ornatis, corpore albo, uropygio caudceqne tectricibus superioribus rufis, immaculatis , Turnix varied above with rust-colour, with the chin whitish ; the jugulum and breast pale ferruginous, adorned with shining white spots 5 the body white ; the rump and upper tail-coverts immaculate red. Hemipodius nivosus. Philosophical Magazine ( Sivainson ), v. lx. p. 353. — Sivain. Zr>ol. IUust. v. m. pi. 163. Inhabits Senegal, A lengthened description of this bird is given by Mr. Swainson in the Philoso- phical Magazine above quoted ; but as I have already exceeded the limits originally designed, I am com- pelled to omit it, and in lieu thereof have introduced the 20 V. XIV. P. I. 30(i TETRAONIDuE. accompanying figure from that gentleman’s beautiful illustrations. Or. varius. Or. corpore cinereo rttjb et nigro variegato , subtus albido; gula cinerascente ; gems punctis parvis albis; macula aurium cccru- lescentc rostro cornea; pedibus pallide /lav is. Turnix with the body varied with ash-colour, red and black, beneath whitish, with the throat ashy; the cheek with small white spots ; a blue spot on the ear; the beak horn-coloured ; the legs pale brown. Turnix varius. Vieill. Ency. Meth. 331. Inhabits New South Wales. Or. rufus. Or. corpore supra cinereo, punctis nigris; jugulo nigro a/bo- que vario ; corpore subtus, remigibus primariis, rectricibusque latera/ibus J'usco-ru/is ; rostro corneo, basi nigricante, pedibus rubescentibus. Turnix with the body above cinereous, spotted with black ; the jugulum varied with black and white; the body beneath, pri- mary quills and lateral tail-feathers brown-red ; the beak horn- coloured, its base dusky; legs reddish. Turnix rufus. Vieill. Euc. Meth. 331. Inhabits China. Or? Meiffrenii. Or? corpore suprd. rufo alboque vario, subtus albo ; remigibus primariis nigricantibus, fiavescente-albo extus marginatis, rostro graciliore, in medio albido, basi apieeque obscuro ; pedibus incar- natis. Turnix? with the body varied above with red and white, beneath white ; the primary quills dusky, outwardly edged with yel- lowish-white; the beak rather slender, whitish in the middle, the base and tip obscure ; the legs flesh-colour. Turnix Meiffrenii. Vieill. Enc. Meth. 332. Inhabits Senegal. FI . 33. STRUTHIONIDiE. 307 GENUS CCCIV. — TINAMUS, Latham. TINAMOU. Generic chai-acter: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 401. Ti. obsoletus. Steph. v. xi. p. 413. — Temm. PI. Col. 196. Ti. tataupa. Steph. v. xi.p. 415. — Swain. Zool. lllust. v. i .pi. 15. Ti. nanus. Steph. v. xi. p. 417. — Temm. PL Col. 316. FAMILY IV. — STRUTHIONIDiE. Rostrum rectum, mediocre, depression ant lateratius compression , apice rotundato, obiuso, vel acuto: caput majus minusve nudum aut plumosum: alse breves aut mediocres plerumque volatu inept m : pedes cursorii, didactyli vel tridactyli, rarius tetra - dactyli. Beak slight, moderate, depressed or laterally compressed, the tip rounded, obtuse or acute ; the head more or less naked, or clothed with feathers: wings short or moderate, oftentimes unfit for flight : legs formed for running, two or three-toed, rarely with four toes. GENUS CCCV RHEA, Brisson. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 435. GENUS CCCVI.— STRUTHIO, Linne. OSTRICH. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 423. GENUS CCCVIL — CASUARIUS, Brisson. CASSOWARY. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 431. GENUS CCCVni— DROMICEIUS, Vieillot. EMU. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 438. STIIUTHIONIDJE. 808 GENUS CCCIX— D1DUS, Liune. DODO. Rostrum magnum medio co- arcuatum rugis duabus transversis, utraque man- dibula inflex o a pice. Nares obliquae, margini medii rostri sitae. Fades ultra oculos nuda. Pedes tetradactyli, breves, crassi : femora in parte in- feriore plumis dentitata. Raphus, Brisson. ! Beale large, bending inwards ■ at the middle of the upper jj mandible , marked with two oblique bars, and much hooked at the end. ! Nostrils placed obliquely near the edge, in the middle of the beak. Face naked beyond the eyes. Legs short, thick, feathered a little below the knees : toes, three forward, one backward. Sp. 1. Di. ineptus. Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 2G7. — Lath. Ind . Orn. ii. 1 1 1. Di. grisetis, remigibus red ricib usque fiavo a nereis; capite cu~ cullato. Grey Dodo with the quills and tail-feathers ashy-yellow : the head with a hood. Raphus, Briss. Orn. v.x. p. 2 lo. — Le Dronte. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. r. i .p. 480. — Boutins Ind. Or. pi. i . p. 70. Dodo. Bay. Syn. p. 37. 3. — Edwards, pi. 294. Hooded Dodo. Lath. Gen. Syn. v. v. p. 1. — Shaw, Nat. Misc. v. i v. pi. 143. (leg) ; v. v.pl. 1 G6. (head). Inhabits the Islands of Mauritius and Bourbon. This uncouth figure is rather bigger than a Swan, and not far short of three feet in length : the beak is strong, large, and hooked at the end ; the gape stretches beyond the eyes ; the colour of it very pale DID U S IIEPTUS * STRUTHIONIDJS. 309 blue, except the end of the upper mandible, which is yellowish, with a red spot on the head of it ; the end of the lower blackish : irides white : the general colour of the plumage is cinereous, and soft to the touch ; the belly and thighs whitish : the head large, and seems as if it were covered with a black hood or cowl : the wings are very short, and of a yellowish ash-colour : the tail-feathers arched, stand up on the rump, and incline to yellow, like the wings : the legs have four toes, three before and one behind ; are very short, and yellowish ; claws black, A painting by Edwards, who furnishes us with the above description, is in the British Museum. Sp. 2. Di. solitarius. Gmel. Syst. Nat. i. 728. — Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 662. Di. griseo fuscoque varius ; alls abbreviate ; alulis gibbosis. Dodo varied with grey and brown ; the wings abbreviated, the bastard wing gibbous. Le Solitaire. B uffl Hist. Nat. Ois. v. i. p. 485. — Leguat Voy. v. i. p. 98. pi. Solitary Dodo. Lath. Gen. Syn. v. v. p. 3. “ Inhabits the Isle of Rodrique, where it is said not to be uncommon : it is a large bird, and the male is affirmed to weigh sometimes forty-five pounds : it has some relation to the Turkey, as the beak and legs are like that bird’s, but the beak is more bent, and it stands higher on the legs : the neck is of a proportionable length, and the eye black and lively : the head is not crested ; and the general colour of the plumage is grey and brown mixed : it has scarce any tail ; and the bastard wing swells out into a round knob : the wings are too short for 310 STRUTHIONIDiE. flight, and the hind parts are rounded like a horse’s rump, being clothed with feathers, which may be termed coverts. The females are covered with some- times brown and sometimes light yellow feathers, and appear very beautiful : this sex has also a kind of widow’s peak above the beak, and the feathers on each side of the breast enlarge into two white tufts : the feathers of the thighs are rounded at the ends, like shells ; and, according to Leguat, the bird has a noble and elegant gait.” Latham. Sp. 3. Di ? nazarenus. Gmel. Syst. Nat. i.728. — Lath. Ind. Orn. v. ii .p. 663. Di ? toto corpore tormentoso nigro, pedibus tridactylis. Dodo? with the entire body clothed by a black down, and three toes. L’Oiseau de Nazareth. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. v. i. p. 485. — Cauche Madag. p. 130. Nazarene Dodo. Lath. Gen. Syn. v. v. p. 4. “ Inhabits the Isle of France. This is a large bird, bigger than a Swan : the beak is a little bent downwards, and large : instead of feathers, the whole body is covered over with a black down ; but the wings are feathered, and it has some frizzled ones on the rump, which serves instead of a tail : the legs are long and scaly, and there are three toes on each foot.” — Latham. The three last-mentioned birds I omitted in my former account of this group for the reasons stated in page 432, vol. ii. ; but as recent observations lead me to suppose that these or similarly constructed birds may have existed, I have furnished my readers with Dr. Latham’s description of them, leaving it to CRACID/E. 311 future observers to ascertain their existence at this period. GENUS CCCX.— OTIS, Linne. BUSTARD. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi . p. 442. Ot. Senegalensis. Vieillot, Enc. Meth. Ox ? corpore supra luteo-Jidvo, lineis rufescentibus vario, subtus albo vert ice remtgibusque primciriis nigris ; occipite, colli par- tem anteriori, ccerulescentibus ; rostro jlavescente, apice nigro ; pedibus virescentibus. Bustard ? with the body above fulvous-yellow, varied with reddish lines, beneath white, with the crown and primary quills black : the occiput and anterior part of the neck blue j the beak yel- lowish, with the tip black; the legs greenish. Inhabits Senegal. Ot. ceerulescens. Vieillot, Enc. Meth. Ot ? corpore supra rufescente, punctis striisque nigricantibus, subtus ccerulescente. Bustard ? with the body above reddish, with dusky spots and stripes, bluish beneath. Inhabits southern Africa. GENUS CCCXI.— TETRAX, Leach. BUSTARNELLE. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 454. FAMILY V.— CRACID/E. Rostrum diversion : caput plumosum aut plus minusve nudum: pedes tetradactyli, digitus posticus validus, elongalus: tarsi reticulati aut annulati, hand calcar ati. Beak various : head plumose or more or less naked : legs with four toes, the hinder toe stout, elongated : tarsi reticulated or annulated, without spurs. CRACID^E. 3 12 The Cracidae depart from the birds of the last family by the length and robustness of the hinder toe, and by its being situated more nearly upon a level with those in front : they do not possess a spur, and have generally fewer tail-feathers : they usually reside in trees and in the vicinity of forests. GENUS CCCX1I.-OURAX, Cuvier. PAUXI. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 172. GENUS CCCXIIL— CRAX, Linne. CURASSOW. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi p. 161. GENUS CCCXIV.— PENELOPE, Merrem. GUAN. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 177. GENUS CCCXV. — ORTALIDA, Merrem. PARRAKA. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 188. GENUS CCCXVI— OPISTHOCOMUS, Hoffmansegg. SERPENT-EATER. Orthocorys, Vieillot. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 1 92. GENUS CCCXVil. — MENURA, Latham. Rostrum validum, conico- convexum, basi nudiuscu- lum. Nares ovatae medio rostri. Beak stout, conico-convex, rather naked at the base. Nostrils oval, placed in the middle of the beak. Legs short, formed for walk- ing. Pedes robusti, ambulatori. CRACIDjE. 313 Rectrices elongatae pinnulis sexdecim distinctus, inter- mediae duas longiores an- gustae, exteriores ad api- eem patulae resolutae. Tail long, consisting of six- teen loose-webbed fea- thers ; the two middle ones narrow, exceeding the others greatly in length ; the outer ones growing much broader and curved at the end. Sp. 1. Me. superba. Lath. hid. Orn. Sup. lxi. Me. fusca, infra fusco-cinerascens ; cello antice riifescente. Brown Menura beneath ashy-brown; with the neck anteriorly rufescent. Parkinson. Vieillot , Oh. de Parad.pl. xiv. xv. — Superb Menura. Lath. Gen. Syn. Sup. ii. p. 271 *. Inhabits New Holland. “ This singular bird is about the size of a hen Pheasant ; the total length from the point of the beak to the end of the longest tail-feather is more than three feet and a half : the beak from the tip to the beginning of the feathers at the base is one inch and a quarter, but to the gape about half an inch more ; it is nearly straight, except towards the end, where it is somewhat curved : the nostrils are a longish oval slit, placed beyond the middle part, where it is depressed : round the eye so little furnished with feathers as to appear nearly bare : the head of the male is somewhat crested : the general colour of the plumage on the upper parts brown : the greater part of the wing inclining to rufous : the fore part of the neck from the chin to the breast inclines also to rufous, but the rest of the parts beneath are of a brownish ash-colour, paler 3 14 CRACIDiE. towards the vent : the tail consists of sixteen feathers, and is of a singular construction, being chiefly com- posed of loose webbed feathers, much resembling those springing from beneath the wings of the greater bird of Paradise ( Paradisea major), but the vanes are placed at a quarter of an inch distance each ; these feathers are twelve in number, and more than two feet in length ; besides there are, firstly, two slender feathers which take rise from the centre of the tail above, and reach considerably beyond the ends of the others, and curve towards the end ; they are fully webbed on the outer side, but on the inner only furnished with short vanes, one eighth of an inch long ; and lastly, the exterior feather on each side is singularly conspicuous, in length somewhat shorter than any of the other, but the webs fully con- nected, at the base about an inch wide, gradually in- creasing from thence to the extremity, where it is full two inches broad, and considerably curved ; the outer web is pale brown and narrow ; the inner wing very broad, inclining to grey, but from the middle to the edge fine rufous, marked with sixteen curved marks seemingly of a darker colour, but on close inspection are perfectly transparent ; the end of the feather dusky black, fringed all round with white : the thighs covered with feathers quite to the knees : the legs scaly and rough, furnished with strong claws, curved much like those of a fowl or a turkey: the colour of both beak and legs is glossy black. The female is a plainer bird ; it is not at all crested, and thirty-five inches long from beak to tail, which is cuneiform in shape ; the largest feathers being nine- CRACIDjE. 315 teen inches long, the outer eleven ; all the feathers are perfectly webbed as in birds in general : the colour of the plumage is deep brown ; belly inclining to ash-colour ; but the quills and tail are darker than the rest : the quills reach about two inches on the base of the tail.” Latham. GENUS CCCXVIII. — MEGAPODIUS, Temmmck. Rostrum gracile, debile, rec- tum, versus apicem sub- inflexum: mandibula in- ferior rectum, apice mar- ginibus superiorum obte- gente. Nares ad apicem rostri po- sitse, apertae, ovatae. Orbitce nudae. Alee mediocres : remiges prima et secunda breviores quam tertia et quarta, quae longissimas. Pedes grandes, validi : tarsi duplo longiores quam di- gito medio : digiti elon- gati ; antici aequales : hal- lux a basi terrain insis- tente : ungues longissimi, subcurvati, trigonales, de- pressi. Beak slender, weak, slight ; rather indexed towards the tip: the lozeer mandible straight, covering the edge of the upper at the tip. Nostrils placed towards the tip of the beak, open, ovate. Orbits naked. Whigs moderate : the first and second quills shorter than the third and fourth, which are the longest. Legs large, stout ; tarsi twice as long as the middle toe : toes elongated, the an- terior equal : the hinder resting on the ground at the base : claws very long, rather curved, trigonal, de- Sp. 1. Me. Freycineti. Gaimard. Temm. PI. Col. 220. Me. ardosiaco-plumbeus, alls cauddque saturutioribus ; corpore infra pcdlidiore ; rostro corneo ; pedibus et unguibus aterrimus. CRACIDiE. 316 Slaty lead-coloured Megapodius, with the wings and tail darker; the body beneath paler; the beak horn-colour; the legs and claws deep black. Inhabits the Islands of Papua, New Guinea, & c. Length about thirteen or fourteen inches : the tail is short, rounded at its tip : the feathers of the occiput are rather long and more tufted than those on the sides of the head : the small feathers on the upper part of the neck are open, and expose a naked red- dish skin between them : all these feathers are of a slate or leaden colour, and those of the wings and tail the same, but darker : that of the under parts rather lighter : the beak is clear horn-colour : and the legs and claws are deep black. The eggs of this species are large in proportion to the size of the bird, being three inches in length ; they are of an equal thickness at each end, and are of a clear red : they are deposited on the sea coasts in the cavities of the sand. N. B. M. Temminck mentions two other species of this genus, but they appear to be undescribed. Peculiar circumstances have prevented me from furnishing my readers with a figure of this and three or four other genera of birds, of which no specimens are to be found in any of the public collections in this country, and which have not hitherto been de- scribed in any English works. GRUID-flC. 317 ORDER IV. — Grallatores. Illiger. Rostrum diversion ; pedes medv'cres aut elongati, grallarii, tetra- dactyli aut tridactyli : digiti magis minusve palmati aut lobati. Beak various : legs moderate or lengthened, formed for wading, with four or three toes ; the toes more or less palmate or lobed. Of the typical groups of this order, Mr. Vigors observes their exclusive food is fish, water-reptiles, and insects, mollusca, &c. ; and their distinguishing external characters length of legs and beak, the former for the purpose of wading, the latter for that of seizing their prey, or of extracting it by suction from the waters or marshes : of the remaining fami- lies two are more terrestrial in their manners and food, and their general appearance and structure par- take of that of some groups of the Rasores ; while the third, by its capability of swimming, and the rudi- ments of the natatorial membrane that connects the fore toes of some of the species, is united to the Natatores. Beak long ; well calculated for suctiou : } f Ardeid^:, Leach. \ Scolopacid^e, Vigors. Beak short ; adapted for catch- ^ ing, not for suction : . j Rallid.e, Leach. Charadriad^e, Leach. Griud^e, Vigors. FAMILY I. — GRUIDYL Rostrum rectum : nares in sulco membranaceo, lato, concavo, po- sit re : caput collumque plus minusve plumis denudatis : pedes scutellati ; digiti quatuor, mediocres, externi basi membranula coaliti : hallux brevis terrain vix insislente. 318 GRUIDJE. Beak slight : nostrils placed in a membraneous, broad, concave groove : head and neck more or less naked : legs scutulated : toes four in number, moderate, the outer one united by a small membrane at the base ; the binder one scarcely resting on the ground. The birds of this family are separated from the rest of the group by their food, which is chiefly vegetable, and in their manners, which assimilate with those of the land birds. GENUS CCCXIX — PSOPHIA, Linne. TRUMPETER. l?o.?£nm cylindrico-conicum, convexum ; mandibula su- perior longior. Nares ovatae, patulae. Lingua cartilaginea, plana, apice laciniata. Femora supra genua denu- data. OrbitcE nuda?. Beale cylindrio-conic, con- vex ; the upper mandible longest. Nostrils oval, open. Tongue cartilaginous, flat, its tip jagged. Thighs naked above the knee. Orbits naked. Sp. 1. Ps. crepitans. Linn. Syst. Nat. 1. 263. Gmel. Syst.Nat. 1. 728. Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 65 7. Ps. nigra dorso griseo ; pectore cceruleo-viridi splendente ; orbitis nudis rubris. Black Trumpeter with the back grey ; the breast blue, with a green gloss ; the orbits red. GousPsophia. Pall. Spic.iv.pl. 1 — Phasianus Antillarum. Briss. Orn. 1. 269. Ray, Syn. p. 56. — L’Agami. Buff. Ois. v. iv. p. 487. pi. 23. Buff. PL Enl. 1 69. — Gold-breasted Trumpeter. Lath. Gen. Syn. 4. p. 793. pi. 68. By some unaccountable accident the description and manners of this interesting and well known bird ©X, Jl)> HvN" BilASwn T JR. Iff M JP 12 T'EIBI, GRUIDvE. 319 were omitted in the proper place. It is in length about twenty-two inches ; and its legs are five inches high, and completely covered with small scales, which reach two inches above the knee : the prevailing colour of its plumage is black : the feathers of the head and neck are very short and downy : those of the fore part of the neck and upper part of the breast are of a splendid glossy golden-green, with a re- flection of blue in some lights : those between the shoulders are rust-coloured, changing to a pale ash- colour as they proceed downwards : they are all loose and silky : the scapulary feathers are very long, and those of the tail are short, and are twelve in number: the legs are greenish : the beak is yellowish-green. This bird inhabits the arid mountains and upland forests of South America ; never visiting the cleared grounds, nor the settlements : it associates in nu- merous flocks : it walks and runs, rather than flies, since it never rises more than a few feet from the ground, and then only to reach some short distance, or to gain some lower branches: it feeds on wild fruits, and when surprised in its haunts, makes its escape by the swiftness of its feet, at the same time emitting a shrill cry not unlike that of a Turkey. The most characteristic and remarkable property of these birds consists in the wonderful noise which they often make, either of their own accord, or when urged by their keepers. This noise, which somewhat resembles the moan of Pigeons, is at times preceded by a savage cry, interrupted by a sound approaching that of sherk , sherk: in this way the bird utters five, six, or seven times, with precipitation, a hollow 320 GRUIDiE. voice emitted from within its body, nearly as if one pronounced tou, ton , tou, tou, tou, tou , with the mouth shut, resting upon the last toil — a very long time. It also much resembles the lengthened dole- ful noise which the Dutch bakers make by blowing a glass trumpet, to inform their customers when the bread comes out of their ovens. This odd sort of noise is probably owing to the extent of the bird’s lungs, and the capacity of their membranaceous cells. This bird is easily tamed, and becomes attached to its benefactor, which it distinguishes with marks of affection. Yosmaer having reared one, says — “ When he opened the cage in the morning, the kind animal hopped round him, expanding his wings and trumpet- ing, as if to wish him good morning : it showed equal attention when he went out and returned : no sooner did it perceive him at a distance, than it ran to meet him ; and even when he happened to be in a boat, and set his foot on shore, it welcomed him with the same compliments, which it reserved for him alone, and never bestowed upon others.” GENUS CCCXX. — ANTHROPOIDES, Vieillot. DEMOISELLE. Generic character : vide Steph. v* xi. p. 534. An. Stauleyanus. Zool. Journ. ( Vigors.) v. ii. p. 234. Ax. ceeruleo-griseus, vertice albido, tccniu poUoculari fuse a ; pteromatibus, remigium apicibus, cauddque fusco-nigris . Grey blue Demoiselle with the crown whitish, a brown dash behind the eyes ; the pteromee, and tips of the quills and tail, brown -black. ARDEHEE. mi Inhabits India, Length from the tip of the beak to that of the tail three feet six inches : beak pale red : head tumid, with soft feathers : the feathers of the tail, quills, scapulars, and breast, acute at the tip ; those of the last long and dependent : the secondary quills very long : sides chesnut black. GENUS CCCXXI.— BALEARIC A, Brisson. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 534 — 53G. Sp. ] . Ba. Pavonina. Anthropoides Pavonina. Steph. v. xi . p. 536.— Africa. GENUS CCCXXII— GRUS, Pallas. CRANE. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 523. GENUS CCCXXIII. — CARIAMA, Brisson. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 274, FAMILY II. — ARDIEDJE. Rostrum elongatuin, validiusculum , diver sum: alee elongates : pedes elongati, tetradactyli, digiti bast plus minusve coaliti, aut semipalmati ; pollex validus, humi incumbens, aut prima pha- lange solo insistens. Beak elongated, somewhat stout, various in form; the wings elongated : legs elongated, with four toes, the latter more or less united at the base, or semipalmated ; the hind-toe stout, resting on the ground, or the first joint only incumbent. The Ardeidas are usually large birds ; they vary greatly in the form of the beak, and have mostly the thighs naked above the knees : they reside in marshy situations, and feed upon frogs and small fishes. VOL. xiv. p. i. 21 322 ARDEIDjE. GENUS CCCXXIV. — ARAMUS, Vieillot. COURLAN. Generic character: vide Step/i. v. xi. p. 53 9. GENUS CCCXXV.— Rostrum capite longius, cras- siusculum, rectum, elon- gato-conicum, acumina- tum, acutum,compressum : mandihulce subaequales ; maxilla utrinque sulco lato profundo, antrorsum evanescente, exarata ; cul- mine basi distincto, in apicem sensim deflexo. Nares in sulco basi sitae, lineares, longitudinales, superne membrana tectae, perviae. Lingua linearis, convexa, in- tegra, acuta. Caput et lorn plumata. Alee tuberculatae. Cauda mediocris. Pedes grallarii, elongata, congrui, tetradactyli, semi- colligati ; hallux phalan- gem digiti medii aequam, in- cumbens: ungues breves, falculares, acuti, medius in- terna integerrima: tarsus digito medio vix longior. Acropodia scutellata. EURYPYGA. Uliger. Beak longer than the bead, rather thick, straight, elon- gate-conic, acuminated, sharp, compressed : the mandibles nearly equal ; the maxilla with a deep broad groove on each side, eva- nescent anteriorly ; thecul- men distinct at the base, and sensibly deflexed at the tip. Nostrils placed in a groove at the base, linear, longi- tudinal, covered above by a membrane, pervious. Tongue linear, convex, intire, acute. Head and lores plumose. Wings tuberculated. Tail moderate. Legs for wading, elongated, congruous, four-toed, ra- ther strangulated: the hind toe equal to the joint of the middle, incumbent : claws short, falcate, acute : the middle internally intire : tarsi scarcely longer than the middle toe. Acropodia scutellated. AHDEIDyE. 323 Helias, Vieillot. Sp. 1. Eu, Helias. Eu. corpore nigro fulvo cilboque Jasciato; abdomine strigisque capitis albis; collo rufo lineis transversis nigris ; caudd nebu- losd fascia nigra. Eurypyga with the body banded with black fulvous and white ; the abdomen and stripes on the head white ; the neck rufous with transverse black lines ; the tail clouded, with a black bar. Ardea Helias. Gmel. Syd. Nat. v. i. p. 640. — Scolopax Helias. Lath. hid. Orn. v. ii . p, 7 25. — Le Caurale, ou petit Paon des Roses. Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. v. viii. p. 169. pi. 14. — Buff. PI. Enl. 782. Caurale Snipe. Lath. Gen. Syn. v.v.p. 156. Inhabits Guiana. Length fifteen inches : a beautiful bird : the beak is near two inches long, of a yellowish-green, and bends a little downwards : the head and sides below the eyes are black : over the eye is a streak of white ; and the beak is bounded beneath by white, passing from the chin and throat to the hind head ; in the middle of this white, on each side, in the direction of the jaw, is a black slender line : the neck and breast are rufous, striated transversely with slender black lines: back the same, but more grey, crossed with broad bars of black : scapulars grey, banded with white : the wings are cream-coloured, mottled with black near the shoulder, and beautifully banded with rufous-red in the middle, and at some distance from the end of the quills ; in both places accompanied with black : the tail is grey, mottled, and striated across with black interrupted bands ; and near the end crossed with a broad bar of black, bounded above with rufous-red : the belly, thighs, and vent, are white : legs yellow, and rather ARDEIDiE. 324 short for tlie size of the bird. This is a solitary bird, and frequents the sides of rivers. GENUS CCCXXVI. — ARDEA Auctorum. HERON. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi . p. 541. Ar. A garni. Steph. v. xi. p. 554. pi. 42. — Ardea fusca. Steph. v. xi. p. 559. ; young ? Ar. Coromandeliensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 577. — Ardea russata. Temm ? Ar. jugularis. Foster? — Ar. caerulea (young?) Steph. v. xi. p. 581. Ar. chalybea. Steph. v. xi. p. 582. — Ardea cyanopus. Steph. v. xi. p. 583.3 young. Ar. sibilatrix. Ardea sibilatrix. Temm. PI. Col. 271. — Curahi-remimbi. D'Azara, v. ii. 356. — Inhabits Paraguay. GENUS CCCXXVI I BOTAURUS, Brisson. BITTERN. Generic character: vule Steph. v. xi. p. 592. Bo. Philippeusis. Ardea Philippeusis. Steph. v. xi. p. 586. — Botaurus uudulatus. Steph. v. xi .p. 599. ; young. r Bo. tigrinus. Steph. v. xi. p. 600.; young. — Bo. lineatus. Steph. v. xi . p. 601.; old. Bo. Brasiliensis. Brisson. — Bo. fiavus. Steph. v. xi. p. 603. — Bo. Brasiliensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 602.; young. Bo. virescens. Steph. v. xi. p. 605. — Ardea Ludoviciana. Steph. v. xi. p. 578. Bo. fasciatus. Bo. hrunnescenti-nigerferrugineo-fascialus ; capitis vertice, caudd, remigibusque nigris, his apice albis ; gala linedque pectorali albis ; hoc ferrugineo varicgatd ; abdomine rujo. Brownish-black Bittern banded with ferruginous ; with the top of the head, the tail, and quills black, the latter white at the ARDEIDiE. 325 tip ; the throat and pectoral lines white ; the breast varied with ferruginous ; the abdomen red. Ardea fasciata. Zool. Journ. (Such.) v. ii.p. 117. Inhabits Brazil. Length two feet four inches and a half : the wings dusky-brown, margined at the tip by a narrow white band : the lower coverts white, variegated with brown : the tail-feathers above black, beneath brown ; the two middle ones spotted with white at the tip, the rest margined at the tip by a narrow white band : the sides of the abdomen, the rump, and vent ashy-brown, the last variegated with white : the beak black : the legs yellowish. GENUS CCCXXVIII.— NYCTICORAX mild. NIGHTHERON. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 608. ~ Ny. Jamaicensis. Steph. v. xi . p. 614.— Ny. Cayanensis. Steph. v. xi. p. 612; young. GENUS CCCXXIX.— CANCROMA, Linne. BOATBILL. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 638. GENUS CCCXXX.— PHCENICOPTERUS, Linne. FLAMINGO. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. l.p. 185. Ph. ruber. Steph. v.x ii. l.p. 186. /2. 24. — Ph. parvus. Steph. v. xii./). 189; young? GENUS CCCXXXI— PLATALEA, Linne. SPOONBILL. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 644. GENUS CCCXXXII.— CICONIA, Ray. STORK. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 616. 326 ARDEID/E. GENUS CCCXXXIII. — MYCTERIA, Liune. JABIRU. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 625. GENUS CCCXXXIV.— SCOPUS, Brisson. UMBRE. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 635. GENUS CCCXXXV.— ANASTOMUS, Illiger. COURLY. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi . p. 631. An. Typus. Temminch. — An. Coromandel ianus. Steph. v.' xi. p. 632. — An. Ponticeranus. Steph. v. xi. p. 632.; young. An. larnelligerus. Temm. PI. Col. 236. An. niger, nitore viridi ct purpurco; pennis colli vcntris femo- rumque npicihus l amelia tis ; lamellis ct rachidibus pcnnarum dorsi teclriciumque alarum atris. Black Courly shining with green and purple ; with the feathers of the neck, belly, and thighs lamellated at their tips ; the lamellae and shafts of the feathers of the back and wing-coverts deep black. Inhabits Africa. About three feet in length, the beak above seven inches. Remarkable for the lamellated appendages at the tips of all the feathers of the neck, belly, and thighs : the appendages some- what resemble those on the wings of the Bombycilla Bohemica or the hackles of the Gallus Sonnerati, and are of a glossy black : all the shafts of the feathers of the back and the wing-coverts are of the same colour, with a metallic gloss, but they are not prolonged into lamina : the entire plumage is black, slightly glossed with tints of green and purple, and with a brilliant lustre on the laminae and shafts of the feathers, giving a line metallic appearance in a full light : the legs are black, and the beak is horn- ARDEIDiE. 327 coloured. The beak is of a singular form ; its upper mandible is furnished with fine lamellae on the edge : it is -very strong, a little arched at the base, which is elevated by an obtuse culmen, covered, as well as the chief part of both mandibles, by a wrinkled skin: the sides of the mandibles are compressed and in- flected : the throat, and part of the space between the beak and eyes are naked. GENUS C C CXXXVI.--T ANTALUS, Linne. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. ] . p. 1. GENUS CCCXXXVIL— IBIS, La Cepede. IBIS. Falcinellus, Beckstein. Generic character: vide Stepk. v. xii. i. p. G. Ibis plumbeus. Temm. PI. Col. 235. Ib. c ozruleo -plumb eus , pennis occipitalis et nuchalis medio albidis ; fronte fascia alba. Leaden-blue Ibis, with the feathers of the occiput and nape whitish in the middle ; the forehead with a white band. Curucan de coleur de plomb. D'Azara. Inhabits Paraguay. Length twenty-seven or twenty-eight inches : the feathers of the nape and of the occiput are straight and pointed, and measure near four inches in length : from the base of the beak is a naked space which communicates with that sur- rounding the eyes : a broad white band covers the forehead, and extends above the eyes : the other parts of the body, the head, and the neck, are of a beautiful ashy-blue or leaden hue ; except the feathers of the occiput and the nape, which are whitish in the middle : 328 SCOLOPACIDiE. the tail, the quills, and the upper wing-coverts on the outside are dusky, those of the middle grey: the irides are orange : the beak black, tinged with violet- green at the base, and varies in length : the legs are reddish. FAMILY III.— SCOLOPACID.E. Rostrum elongatum, graci/e, debile: aim mediocres aut subelon- gati: pedes mediocres, tetradactyli ; digiti anticijissi aut mem- branuld connexi , posticus debilis, elevatus. Beale elongated ; slender, weak : icings moderate, or a little elongated : legs moderate : toes four ; the anterior cleft or united by a small basal membrane, the hinder one weak, elevated. The birds of this family greatly resemble each other as well in form and habit as in the distribution of their colours : they feed on worms, insects, small mollusca and animalcula ; and they reside in marshy places. GENUS CCCXXXVIII. — NUMENIUS, Ray. CURLEW. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 25. GENUS CCCXXXIX.— LIMICULA, Linne. GREEN-SHANK. Actitis (pars) Illiger. — Totanus (pars) Beckstein. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 85. GENUS CCCXL.— TOTANUS, Beckstein. SANDPIPER. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 124. GENUS CCCXLI— RECURYl ROSTRA, Linne. AVOCET. Avocetta, Brisson. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 172. SCOLOPACID/E. 329 Re. orientals. Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 1 77. — Re. leucocephala. Vieillot. Re. tephroleuca. Vieillot, Enc. Meth. 360. Re. corpore supra drier eo, subtus albo, rostro nigro, pedibus rujis. Avoset with the body above ash-coloured, beneath white, with the beak black, and the legs red. Inhabits Senegal. A bright grey reigns over the top of the head, the occiput, nape, and upper part of the neck, becoming of a duller tinge on the back, scapulars, and wings : the primary quills are black ; and the tail-feathers are of a fine clear ash- colour, tinted with bluish : the throat and all the under parts are more white. Re. Novae Hollandiae. Vieillot , Enc. Meth. 360. Steph. v. xii. 1 „ p. 1 76. — Re. rubricollis. Temm. Man. cTOrn. 2 Edit. ii. — New Holland. GENUS CCCXLII. — LIMOSA, Brisson. GODWIT. Actitis (pars) Illiger. — Fedoa mihi. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 70. GENUS CCCXLIII. — Rostrum mediocre, tenue, molliusculum, teretiuscu- lum, rectum : mandibulce aequales apicibus cochleari- formibus, acuminatis, sca- bris. Nares basales, in sulco la- terali maxillae sitae, parvae. Facies plumata. EREUNETES, Illiger. Beak moderate, thin, softish, rather rounded, straight : the mandibles equal, with their tips cochleariform, acuminated, rough. Nostrils basal, small, placed in a lateral groove. Face plumose. 330 SCOLOPACIDvE. Pedes grallarii, longiusculi, debiliores, tetradactyli, bi- colligati, palma interna dimidio breviore : hallux phalangem digitorum aequans, tenues, insistens : ungues falculares : tarsus digito medio paulo Ion- gior. Acropodia scutellata. Legs for wading, rather long, weak, four-toed, doubly strangulated, the inner palm half as short as the other : the hinder toe equal to a joint of the toes, thinner, resting : claws fal- cate : tarsi rather longer than the middle toe. Acropodia scutellated. Er. petrificatus. Illiger. Er. minor actiie (Totano) hupoleuco coloribus similibus. Small Ereumetes with its colours similar to those of Totanus hypoleucos. Inhabits Bahia. GENUS CCCXLIV.— MACRORHAMFHUS, Leach. LONGBEAK. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 60. GENUS CCCXLV. — GALLINAGO, Ray. SNIPE. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 50. Ga. Sabini: vide Steph. v. xii. l.p. 60. Ga. castaneo atroque varia, subtus pallidior ; pileo humeris ptero- matibus remigibusque atris ; rostro pedibusque fasco-atris. Snipe varied with chesnut and black, paler beneath ; with the pileus, shoulders, wing-coverts, and quills dark; the beak and legs dark-brown. Scolopax Sabini. Linn. Trans. (Vigors.) v. xiv. p. 557. pi. 21. Inhabits Britain and Ireland. Length nine inches and three eighths : beak deep brown, the upper man- dible somewhat chesnut at the base : the throat, SCOLOPACIDiE. 331 cheeks, and breast deep fuscous, spotted with ches- nut : abdomen deep fuscous, fasciated with chesnut : the lower wing-coverts and quills brown : back and scapulars very deep brown-chesnut : tail-feathers twelve, very dark at the base, and ferruginous at the tip with dark bands. GENUS CCCXLVI.— SCOLOPAX, Ray. WOODCOCK. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 43. GENUS CCCXLVII. — RHYNCHiEA, Cuvier. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 64. GENUS CCCXLVIII.— MACHETES, Cuvier. RUFF. Actitis (pars) Illiger. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 109. GENUS CCCXLIX. — PELIDNA, Cuvier. DUNLIN. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 95. Pe, Temminckii. Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 103. Tringa Temminckii. Temm. PI. Col. 41. yi 1. GENUS CCCL— PHALAROPUS, Brisson. PHALAROPE. Crymophilus, Vieillot. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 162. GENUS CCCLI. — LOBIPES, Cuvier. LOBEFOOT. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 166. GENUS CCCLII.— TRINGA Auctorum. KNOT. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 89. 332 RALLIDiE. Tr? albescens. Tr? supra r lifts cc ns nigro longitudina liter striata, infra super - ciliitque rufescentibus ; caudd bifurcata, rectricibus duabus late - ralibus albis. Knot? above reddish longitudinally striped with black, beneath and eyebrows reddish, with the tail doubly forked ; its two outer feathers white. Tringa albescens. Temm. PI. Col. 41 .f. 2. Inhabits New Holland. Length five inches and a half: the plumage during the summer is adorned with large black dashes, edged with rufous, on the upper parts : all the lower parts, and a band over the eyes are light reddish : the two lateral tail-feathers are white : the tail is doubly forked : the beak is short and thick. GENUS CCCLI II. — PFLEOPUS, Cuvier. WHIMBREL. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 3a. Ph ? pygmaeus. Falcinellus pygmaeus: English description. Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 41. pi. 6. — Britain and Europe. FAMILY IV. — RALLIDiE. Rostrum subforte, plus minusve lateratim compression, mediocre, aut subelongatum: corpus compressum: alae mediocres : pedes mediocres: digiti quatuor, elongati, fssi, aut magis minusve basi connexi. Beak rather strong, more or less laterally compressed, moderate, or rather elongated : body compressed : wings moderate : legs moderate : toes four, elongated, cleft, or more or less united at the base. The Rallidae are distinguished from the preceding family by their strong beak and the greater length RALLID.E. 333 of the hind toe ; and from the other birds of the order by the shape of the body, which is compressed and flatted on its sides : many of them are excellent swimmers, but they fly indifferently. GENUS CCCLIV.— PARRA, Linne. JACANA. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 262. GENUS CCCLV.— PALAMEDEA, Latham. SCREAMER. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 277- GENUS CCCLVI.— CHAUNA, Illiger. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 271. GENUS CCCLVIL— GLAREOLA, Brisson. PRATINCOLE. Trachelia, Scopoli. Generic character: vide Steph. v. x. p. 135. A. Cauda furcatd. A. With the tail forked. Sp. 1. Gl. Pratincola. Linn. Trans. {Leach.) v. xiii. p. 131. Gl. Pratincola. Steph. v. x. p. 136. — Gl. senegalensis. Steph. v. x.p. 138. — Gl. nsevia. Steph. v. x.p. 139.; young. — Britain and the old world. Sp. 2. Gl. orientalis. Linn. Trans. {Leach.) v. xiii. p. \2>2.pl. 13. male and female. Gl. cinereo-fuscescens, ventre caudaque albis; hac ad apicem nigra; gula nigro irregulariter circumdata ; rostro nigro. Ashy-brown Pratincole with the belly and tail white, the latter black towards the tip; the throat irregularly bounded by black; the beak black. Inhabits Java. Quills black : the belly of the male in front rufescent \ of the female whitish : the 3 34 RALLIDiE. throat reddish in the male, whitish in the female : the shoulders in the adult spotted with white. B. Cauda truncatd. B. With the tail truncate. Sp. 3. Gl. australis. Linn. Trans. {Leach.) v. \\W.p. 132. pi. xiv. male and female. Gl. rufescente-favida , caiulu uropygioque alhis ; ilia fascia supra nigra; guld pallidiore ; cruribus ventreque fascia abdominale rufis; rostra testaceo ad apicem nigro. Reddish-yellow Pratincole with the tail and rump white; the forehead with a black bar above ; the throat paler ; the thighs, belly, and abdominal fascia rufous ; the beak testaceous, black at the tip. Inhabits New Holland. Sp. 4. Gl. isabella. Vieill. Diet. d’Hist. Nat. v. xiii. p. 221. — Vieill. Anal. Nouv. Orn. Elem. p. 69. ( P. ) Gl. supra isabellina, alis nigris, gidd colloque albis ad latera jjectoreque supremo maculis obsoletis ; ventre cauddque subtus albis. Pratincole above isabella colour, with the wings black ; the throat and neck white, their sides and the upper breast obsoletely spotted ; the belly and tail white. Inhabits Australasia. The bend of the wing is black, and the interior white ; the first quill is very long, subulated and slender at the tip. GENUS CCCLVI1I. — RALLUS Auctorum. RAIL. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 191. GENUS CCCLIX. — CHIONIS, Forster. SHEATHBILL. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 280. CHARADRIADiE. 335 GENUS CCCLX. — CREX, Beckstein. CRAKE. Oktygometra mihi. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 2 1 7. GENUS CCCLXI. — ZAPORNIA, Leach. CRAKER. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 230. GENUS CCCLXII. — GALLINULA, Ray. GALLINULE. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 240. Ga. ruficollis. Rallus ruficollis. Steph , v. xii. 1 . p. 204. — Gallinula ruficollis. Sivain. Zool. Must. v. iii. p. 1 73. — Brazil. GENUS CCCLXI II— PORPHYRIO, Brisson. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1 . p. 249. GENUS CCCLXIV. — PODOA, Illiger. FINFOOT. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xiii. 1. p. 20. GENUS CCCLXV. — FULICA Auctorum. COOT. Generic character: vide Steph . v. xii. 1 . p. 233. FAMILY V. — CHARADRIADiE. Rostrum mediocre aut capite longior, obtusum vel acutum, aut ad apicem cuneatum: digiti tres, Jissi, aid externi basi membrana connexi. Beak moderate, or longer than the head, obtuse or acute, or wedge-shaped at the tip : toes three, cleft, or the outer ones united at the base by a membrane. These birds vary coniderably in their manner, those of the first genus uniting admirably with the 330 CHARADRIADyE. Rallidae by tlieir habits of swimming, while the CEdic- nemi generally reside in dry and open places, and assimilate with the Psophiae. Most of them are di- stinguished by their cursorial habits. They feed on insects and their lame, worms, mollusca, &c. GENUS CCCLXVI. — HiEMATOPUS, Linne. OYSTER-CATCHER. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 493. H ae. niger. H.e. corpore toto nigro ; rostro pedibusque rufis. Oyster-catcher with the entire body black ; the beak and legs red. Inhabits Australia. The entire body black, with the legs and beak red. Hae. longirostris. Vieillot, Enc. Meth. H,e. corpore nigro ; parte inferiore pectoris abdomineque albis ; rostro pedibusque rufis. Oyster-catcher with the body black ; the lower part of the breast and the abdomen white ; the beak and legs red. Inhabits New Holland. The body is black, with the exception of the lower part of the breast, the belly, and the hinder parts, which are white : the beak and legs are red, and larger than those of the first species. GENUS CCCLXVII. — CALIDRIS, Illiger. SANDERLING. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 489. GENUS CCCLXVIII.— FALCINELLUS, Cuvier. FALCINELLE. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xii. 1. p. 40. FI .41. CALID1I S I S L AID I C A, var , . CHARADRIADiE. 33? Fa. pygmaeus. Fa. fusco-ferrugineo alboque vnriegatus, corpore subtus uropy- gioque albis ; remigibus rectricibusque exterioribus alba mar- ginatis. Falcinelle variegated with brown ferruginous and white, with the body beneath and rump white 5 the quills and outer tail-fea- thers edged with white. Scolopax pygmea. Gmel. Syst. Nat . ii. 655. The descriptions of this bird and of the Phieopus ? pygmaeus are strangely blended in a former volume of this work : the characters above given are peculiar to the present bird, which has not hitherto occurred in the British Islands, but inhabits Holland and other parts of Europe. GENUS CCCLXIX.— EROLIA, Vieillot Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 497- GENUS CCCLXX. — CURSORIUS, Latham. COURSER. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 499. Cu. chalcopterus. Temm. PL Col. 298. Cu. cinereusjronte rufescente-alba ; vertice rufesccnte-J'usco ; remi- gibus fuscis viridi mar ginatis, apicibus violaccis; cauda nigri- cante-J'usca , basi apiceque albis. Ash-coloured Courser with the forehead reddish- white ; the crown reddish- brown; the quills brown edged with green, and tipped with violet ; the tail dusky-brown, its base and tip white. Inhabits Senegal. Length eleven inches : the forehead is of a reddish-white, which colour extends over the anterior of the eyes and passes to the orbits : the top of the head is reddish-brown : a tint of bright marron adorns the lores, and passes beneath the eyes to the ears : a similar coloured spot is on the sides v. xiv. p. 1. 22 338 CHAHADRIADJE. of the occiput : at the opening of the beak arises a band, which is carried on to the throat, and is edged with small black spots : the prevailing tint of the plumage is ashy, or of an umbre-brown : the inner edge of the wings and a narrow half-collar on the thoracic region are dusky : the quills are terminated by violet spots, and bordered by a changeable green zone : the tail is dusky-brown, tipped with white, and white at its base : the legs appear to be reddish : the beak black. Cu. bicinetus. Temm. Man. d’Orn. 2 Edit. ii. p. 515. — Inhabits the interior of Southern Africa. Cu. Temminckii. Swain. Zool. Illust. v. ii. p. 106. Cu. colore columbino, vertice pectoreque Jerrugineis ; torquibus nuchalibus dudbus, torque inferiore, remigibus, abdornineque medio nigris, torque super iore abdornineque lateribus albis. Cream-coloured brown Courser with the top of the head and breast ferruginous j a double nuchal collar, the lower, with the quills and middle of the body black, the upper and the sides of the body white. Inhabits Africa. Length eight inches : beak one inch from the gape, and half from the end of the nostrils : the middle of the body and the quill-feathers deep black, tail round, the middle-feathers not spotted, the two next with a black dot near the tip, which in the next pair is further broken into two white dots, the outer pair white. GENUS CCCLXXI. — STRIPSILAS, Illiger. TURNSTONE. Generic character: vide Stcph . v. xi. p. 519. CHARADRIADiE. 339 GENUS CCCLXXII . — SQUAT ARO LA, Cuvier. SQUATAROLLE. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 504. GENUS CCCLXXIII.— VANELLUS, Brisson. LAPWING. Generic character: vide Steph. v. xi. p. 508. GENUS CCCLXXIV. — PLUVIANUS, Vieillot. PLUVIAN. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 486. GENUS CCCLXXV.— CHARADRIUS Auctorum. PLOVER. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xi. p. 463. Ch. nigrifrons. Ch. supra rife seen te-fuscus albo longitudinaliter striatus, infra albus ; f route, icenia verticali alteroque pone ocidos fasci&que pectorali nigris. Plover above reddish-brown longitudinally striped with white, beneath white ; with the forehead, a stripe on the crown, and another behind the eyes, and a band on the breast black. Charadrius nigrifrons. Cuvier. Temm. PI. Col. 47 -f 1. Inhabits New Holland. Length six inches : the forehead, the space between the beak and the eyes, a band over the middle of the head, and another behind the eyes, on the sides of the neck, and a broad belt on the breast, which surrounds the hind part of the neck, are black : the back and the wings are reddish-brown, longitudinally dashed with white : part of the sca- pulary feathers is of a coppery-purple : the fore part of the neck, the eyebrows, the nape, the belly and vent are pure white : the three lateral tail-feathers 340 CHAKADRIAD/E. are white, with a brown spot ; the rest are of the colour of the back : the base of the beak is yellow, its tip black : the legs are yellowish. Ch. ruficapillus. Ch. supra cinereus pennis rufo marginatis , infra alius; facie alba nigro circumdata; occipite nuchuque in maribus rufescentibus, in fceminis cinereo-rufesccntibus. Plover above cinereous, with the feathers edged with red, beneath white 5 the face white surrounded by black ; the occiput and nape reddish in the males, ashy-red in the females. Charadrius ruficapillus. Temm. PL Col. 4 7-f 2. Inhabits New Holland ? Length five inches and a half: the face is white, surrounded by a black band, which extends from one eye to the other, and from thence to the beak : the occiput and the nape are of a bright red in the male, and ashy-red in the female : the feathers of the back, the scapulars and the wing-coverts are clear ash edged with reddish : part of the secondaries are white, the rest with the quills are black : the four middle tail-feathers are ashy -brown ; the rest are pale white : a small spot at the bend of the wing, and all the rest of the plumage, are pure white. Ch. pecuarius. Ch. supra cinereo-fuscus, guld, collo antice, abdomineque albis ; pectore xentreque isabellino-favis; strigu duplici a front e ad nucham supra alba , infra nigra. Plover above ashy-brown, with the throat, neck anteriorly, and abdomen white; the breast .and belly isabella-yellow; a double stripe from the forehead to the nape above white, beneath black. Charadrius pecuarius. Temm. PI. Col. 1H3. CHARADRIADAE. S41 Inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. The forehead is adorned with a white band, passing through the eyes and terminating in a half circle on the nape ; this is accompanied by a black one, which arises at the base of the beak ; and there is also a band of the last colour on the forehead : the throat, the fore part of the neck, and the abdomen, are white : the breast and the belly are isabella-yellow : the upper parts of the plumage are ashy-brown, varied with light ash : the three lateral tail-feathers are grey, edged with white, the rest are ashy-black : the beak and the legs are black ; the tarsi are rather long. Ch Azarai. Ch. cincreo-f'itsctts, iiifra cinereus rufo marginatus ; cello rufo; striga per oculos et torque pectoral } nigris J'ronte sfrigd alba, nigra rufoque ornata. Ashy-brown Plover beneath cinereous edged with white ; the neck red 5 a stripe through the eyes and pectoral baud black ; the forehead adorned with a white, black, and red stripe. Charadrius Azarai. Term. PL Cf. 1S-4. Inhabits Paraguay. The forehead is adorned with a white bandalet ; accompanied, as in the last species, with another of black, and a third narrow one of line red : this latter colour tinges the neck to the bend of the wings : a black stripe extends from the angle of the beak to the eyes, and a half collar of black adorns the breast, which is "white beneath : the under parts of the plumage are ash-coloured ; each feather being edged with ashy-rufous : the three lateral tail-feathers are white ; the rest are ashy at their base, and dusky ash at the point : the beak is black, and the legs tfbsh-colour. CHARADRIADAi. 342 GENUS CCCLXXVI. Rostrum mediocre, crassum, latum, depressum. Naves ? Aloe volatiles. Pecles grallarii,cursorii, tetra- dactyli. -BURHINUS, llliger. Beak moderate, thick, broad, depressed. Nostrils ? Wings formed for flying. Legs grallarious, cursorial, four-toed. Bu. Novye Hollandiee. CEdicnemus inagnirostris. Steph. v. xi . p. 462. — New Holland. GENUS CCCLXXVII.— HIMANTOPUS, Ray. LONGSHANKS. Macrotarsus, La Cepede. Generic character : vide Steph. v. xii. J. p. 178. Hi. nigricollis. Vieillot, Enc. Meth. Hi. corpore sup>ra nigro, sublus fronteque albis; caudd cinered; rostro nigro ; pedibus rubris. Longshanks with the body black above, beneath and the forehead white; the tail ash-coloured ; the beak black; the legs red. Recurvirostra himantopus.* — Long-legged Avoset. Wils . Amer. Orn. v. vii. p 48. pi. Iviii. f. 2. — Hi. melanopterus. Steph. v. xii. p. 1. pi. 2. Inhabits North America. This species has the forehead white ; and also a spot behind the ear, the throat, the sides and fore part of the neck, the breast and hinder parts : the rest of the plumage black, with the upper coverts and feathers of the tail grey. The female differs in being whiter, and in having the back, scapulars and tertial wing-featbers deep brown. The history of this species is confounded with that CHARADRIADiE. 343 of the melanopterus in vol. xii. p. 180, &c. of this work ; the quotations from Wilson must therefore be expunged, and united to the present bird. Hi. melanurus. Vieillot, Enc. Meth. Hi. vertice, dorso, uropygio, corporeque subtus albis; occipite, alis, cauda rostroque nigris; pedibus rubris. Longshanks with the crown, back, rump, and body beneath white ; the occiput, wings, tail, and beak black ; the legs red. Inhabits Paraguay. It has the irides crimson : the top of the head white, this colour communicating by an angle to the mouth and throat, the fore part of the neck, under side of the body, and the back and rump : the tail is black, as are also the wings, the sides and hind part of the head, and the under part of the neck ; at the base of the latter is a white half collar : some individuals, probably females or young, have the back of a dusky hue. Hi. leucurus. Vieillot , Enc. Meth. Hi. vertice nigro ; alis supra subtusque nigro et albo v arils ; caudd rostroque nigris ; pedibus rufis. Longshanks with the crown black; the wings above and beneath varied with black and white 3 the tail and beak black 3 the legs red. Inhabits Mexico. This is rather larger than the European species : it has the top of the head black, the wings varied with black and white, both above and below, and the tail entirely black. GENUS CCCLXXVIIx. — CED1CNEMUS, Cuvier. THICK-KNEE. Generic character : vide Steph. v, xi. p. 458. LARID^E. 34>'l CEd. longipes. Vicillot, Enc. Metk. Himantopus grallarius. Steph. v. xii. p. 184. — New Holland. ORDER V.-NATATORES. Characters: vide Steph. v. xiii. 2. p. 1. The Natatorial birds having already been treated of with reference to that arrangement which has been adopted in this and the preceding volumes, I shall merelv take notice of a trifling alteration which has been made with reference to the name of one of the genera ; and, in order to furnish my readers with the latest information on the subject, I shall add the characters and typical species of such new genera (belonging to the other orders) as have been pub- lished during the progress of these sheets through the press. ANAT1M. GENUS CCCLXXXI — CHENISCUS, Brooks’ Mss. The characters of this genus, which is intermediate between Bernicla and Chenalopese, have not been published. LARID/E. The genus Procellaria mihi bears the name of Thalassidroma in the Zoological Journal, given to it by Mr. Vigors, whose arrangement of the genera of this family and of the Pelicanidre, in that work, appears more natural than that attempted in the FALCONIDiE. 345 preceding volume of the present ; but my limits will not allow me to introduce any portion thereof in this place. RAPTORES. VULTURIDiE. Mr. Vigors divides this family into the five following genera in the Zoological Journal, vol. ii. p. 397 • viz. 1. Cathartes, Illiger: embracing Percnopteri aura and Uruba. Steph. v. xiii. 2. p. 7. 2. Sarcoramphus, Dumeril. 3. Gyps, Savigny. (Vuetur Auctorum and A^gypius, Sa- vigny.) 4. Gypeatos, Storr. 5. Neophron, Savigny : containing Percnopteri JEgyptiacus and Monachus. Steph. v. xiii. 2. p. 7- FALCONIDiE. GENUS V. a. — GYMNOPS, Spix. Rostrum subelongatum, gal- linaceum, haud altum, subcylindricum , circa basin praecipue ante oculos nu- dum, apice subadunco, oblique descendente. Nares rotundae. Collum exsertum. Tarsi breviusculi. Beak subelongated, gallina- ceous, not high, subcylin- dric, round the base, espe- cially before the eyes, naked ; the tip rather hooked, obliquely descend- ing. Nostrils rounded. Neck exserted. Tarsi short. HIRUNDINIDiE. 346 Ungues compressiusculi, gra- cili. Alee cruciales, cauda aequales. Sp. 1 . Gy. fasciatus. Sp. 2. Gy. strigillatus. Brazil. GENUS V. b.— Kostro Gymnopi simillimo, breviori, acuto, minus ad unco, et circa oculos multo minus nudo : alls longioribus, caudam bre- viorem, aequantibus : na- ribus rotundis : gala non nuda. Claws compressed, slender. Wings cruciate, as long as the tail. MILVAGO, Spix. Beak similar to that of Gymnops, shorter, acute, less hooked, and much less naked round the eyes : icings longer, shorter than the tail, equal : the nostrils rounded: the tliroat not naked. Spix, Nova Avium, pi. iv. — Inhabits Brazil. Spix, Nova Avium, pi. 4. a. — Inhabits Sp. 1. Mi. ochrocephalus. Spix, Nova Avium, pi. v. — Inhabits Brazil. GENUS XXIX. b — NAUCLERUS, Vigors. The characters of this genus are detailed in the second volume of the Zoological : the typical species is Elanus Riocourii. — Steph. v. xiii. 2. 49. The genus Bidens, Spix, is synonymous with Har- pagus, Vigors : the former author describes several species. INSESSORES. HIRUNDINIDiE. The genus Micnorus, Meyer, is synonymous with Cypselus. Illiger. MERULID^E. 347 CAPRIMULGIM. GENUS XLV. b.— .EGOTHELES, Vigors. The characters of this genus have not been pub- lished : they are detailed by Mr. Vigors and Dr. Horsfield in their descriptive catalogue of the New Holland Birds in the Linnean Society’s Collection, and will probably appear in the fifteenth volume of the Transactions of that body. MERULIDiE. GENUS LXXXI. b.~ UROTOMUS, Swainson. The characters of this genus, which is proposed by Mr. Swainson in the second volume of the Zoological Journal, are yet unpublished. GENUS XCI. b.— CHAMiEZA, Vigors. Rostrum subbreve, subforte, culmine leviter arcuato. Nares basales, oblongo- ovales, longitudinales, plu- mis parvulis obtectis. Alee brevissimae, rotundae : remex prima brevi, se- cunda et septima, tertia et sexta sequales, quarta et quinta fere sequales, lon- gissimi ; pogoniis utrinque fere integris. Beak rather short, somewhat strong, the culmen slightly bent. Nostrils oval, oblong-ovate, longitudinal, clothed with small feathers. Wing's very short, round : the first quill short, the second and seventh, third and sixth equal, the fourth and fifth nearly equal, longest : the webs on either side nearly entire. 348 MERULIDiE. Pedes subgraciles: tarsi elon- gate ; acrotarsia scutel- lata ; digit i subelongati, gracili, cluobus extends ad basin connexis, unguibus gracilibus, compressis ; halluce subelongato, sub- forti, ungue subelongato, arcuato, maxime com- presso. Cauda brevis, rotunda. Legs rather slender : tarsi elongated; acrotarsia scu- tellated : toes somewhat elongated, slender, the two outer connected at the base, with slender compressed claws ; the hinder-toe rather elongated and strong, its claw somewhat lengthened, bent and much compressed. Tail short, rounded. Sp. 1. Ch. meruloides. Zool. Journ. (Vigors.) v. ii . p. 421. Ch. supra brunnea, subtus rufescenti-albida ; nigro longitudi- naliter maculatd ; guld alba-, crisso rectricumque apice nifes- centibus. Chaniaeza above brown, beneath reddish-white, longitudinally spotted with black; with the throat white; the vent and tijj of the tail-feathers reddish. Inhabits Brazil. GENUS XCIV. b.— \ Rostrum mediocre, subgra- cile, culmine leviter arcu- ato. Nares basales, ovales, longi- tudinales. Alee mediocres, rotundas : re- mew prima brevissima, quinta longissima, quarta, tertia, et secunda paulatim COSSYPIJA, Vigors. Beak moderate, rather slen- der, the culmen slightly bent. Nostrils basal, oval, longi- tudinal. Wings moderate, rounded : the first quill shortest, the fifth longest, the fourth, third, and second, a little MERULIDiE. 349 brevioribus; quartas, quin- tee, et sextae pogoniis ex- ternis leviter prope me- dium immarginatis. Pedes subg raciles : acrotarsia O scutellata ; paratarsia in- tegra. Cauda mediocris, rotundata. Sp. 1. Co. vocifera. Tu. vociferus. Swain son. shorter: the fourth, fifth, and sixth, with the outer web slightly immarginate towards the middle. Pegs rather slender: acro- tarsia scutellated; para- tarsia in tire. Tail moderate, rounded. Vide Steph. v. xiii. 2. p. 196. GENUS XCVI. b. — PETROCINCLA, Vigors. ROCKTHRUSH. Postrum subforte, rectum, culmine apice arcuato. Nares basales, rotundas, setis partim tectae. Aloe mediocres: remex prima brevissima, fere spuria, tertia longissima, secunda paulo brevior. Pedes mediocres, subfortes ; acrotarsia paratarsiaque integra?. Cauda brevis, asqualis. Beak rather strong, straight, with the culmen bent at the tip. Nostrils basal, rounded, partly covered by bristles. Wings moderate ; the first quill shortest, nearly spu- rious, the third longest, the second rather shorter. Legs moderate, rather strong; acrotarsia and paratarsia intire. Tail short, even. Type. — Sp. 1. Pe. Europaea. Turdus saxatilis. Steph. v. xiii. 2. p. 198. 350 MELIPHAGIDyE. SYLVIAM. GENUS CXV. b.— CORYDALLA, Vigors. Rostrum subelongatum, sub- forte. Alee caudaque ut in genere Aniho. Pedes subgraciles ; tarsi ele- vati, hallucis ungue elon- gato, recto. Beak rather elongated, somewhat strong. Wings and tail as in the genus Antlius. Legs rather slender : tarsi elevated : the claw of the liinder-toe lengthened and straight. Britain, &c. Type. — Sp. 1. Co. Richardi. Vigors. Antlius Richardi. Steph. v. xiii. 2. p. 239. — MELIPHAGIDiE. GENUS CCLXXIV. — MIMETES, King; vide page 2GG. Rostrum forte, subarcuatum, subcultratum : mandibulis utrisque apice emargin- atis; naribus basilaribus, lateralibus, subovalibus, membrana partim tectis. Lingua ad sugendum idonea ? Aloe mediocres, rotundatse ; remege prima brevissima, secunda et sexta aequali- bus ; tertia et quarta fere aequalibus longissimis ; quinta his paulo breviori : remigum tertiae ad sextam inclusam pogoniis externis in medio gradatim pro- ductis. Beak strong, rather arcu- ated, somewhat cultrate ; with the mandibles notched at the tip; nostrils basal, lateral, suboval, partly covered by a membrane. Tongue formed for suction? Wings moderate, rounded ; with the first quill shortest, the second and sixth equal, the third and fourth nearly equal and longest ; the fifth rather shorter : the third to the sixth quills inclusive with their outer webs gradually produced in the middle. MELIPHAGIDvE. 351 Pedes subbreves : acrotarsiis scutellatis, scutis quinque; paratarsiis integris. Cauda mediocris, fere sequa- lis. Legs rather short : acrotarsia scutellated, with five scales; paratarsia intire. Tail moderate, nearly even. Sp. J . Mi. viridis. King, Survey of the Coast of Australia, ii. p. 418. — Gracula viridis. Lath. lnd. Orn. Sup. 28. — Oriolus ? viridis. Steph. v. xiii. 2. 194. Sp. 2. Mi. flavo-cinctus. King's Survey, l. c. supra. Mi .flavo-viridis subtus pallidior ; capite dorsoque fusco lineatis ; alls, caudaque nigris, viridi jlavoque variegatis. Yellow-green Minietes paler beneath j with the head and back lineated with brown ; the wings and tail black, variegated with yellow and green. The dimensions of this new species are nearly the same as those of Mi. viridis : the beak only slightly differing in being somewhat higher and more cari- nated. Inhabits Australia. INDEX TO VOL, XIV.— PART I. Acridotheres Page 5 7 Alauda bilopha p. 21 calms . 57 brachydactyla, Temm. 22 °3 ginginianus . 57 — — - cinerea 26 griseus 57 clamosa 23 • ■ leucocephalus 58 cristata 21 Malabaricus . 57 — — - erythronotus 24 ochrocepbalus 58 flava 21 Pagodarum . 57 — — isabellina 22 — — - sericeus 57 — — Italica . 21 tricolor 58 Kollyi 22 — — tristis . 57 magnirostris . 26 ■ Mirafra, Temm. . 27 Actitis, llliger . 329, 331 — — nigra . 25 JEgotheles, Vigors 347 - — - ruficapilla 24 AEgypms, Savigny 345 Tatarica 25 undata 21 Alauda 20 Africana 26 Amblyramphus . 53 alpestris 22 — bicolor . 53 arborea 21 arenaria 22 Anabates 195 arvensis 21 amaurotis 196 V. XIV. P. I. 23 354 INDEX. Anabates cristatus p. 197 guianensis . .196 rufifrctns . .197 striolatus . .196 Androglossa . . 107 Ani . 217 Anodorhynchus . .114 Maximiliani . .114 Antiiopoides . . 320 Stanleyanus . . 320 Anthns Richardi, Steph. 350 Aracari . . . 98 Aramus . . . 322 Arara, Spix . . .112 Aratinga . . . 134 ■ acutivostris . .136 aeruginosus . .139 aureus . . .139 aurifrons . .136 buccalis . .139 Caixana . .138 canicularis . . 131 Carolinae Augustae 134 — — Carolinensis . .136 chrysocephalus . 135 cyaaogularus . 137 fasciatus . . 138 flaviventer . .137 guarouba . .135 Aratinga haemorrhous P- 135 1 luclovicianus . - 136 melauurus . 139 ninus . 138 nobilis, Spix 115 perlatus 138 pertinax 139 rufirostris 136 solsti tialis 135 Sosove . 136 virescens 139 viridissimus . 136 xantliopterus 135 Ardea . 324 fasciata, Such 325 Helias, Gmel. 323 jugular is, Forst. 324 russata, Temm. 324 sibilatrix 324 Argus . 301 giganteus 301 Arremon 14 silens . 14 Astratia 74 nigra . 73 AYES CONIROSTRES . 1 Tenuirostres . 224 Avocetta, Briss. • 328 Avoset 328 INDEX 355 Balearica , . p. 321 Bueco . p. 150 — — • pavonina 321 — — — armillaris 153 — — australis 154 Barbet 150 — — chrysopogon . 151 ■ — — Austral, Lath. 155 cyanops 150 blue~chee/ced, Lath . 150 jlavifrons, Cuvier 153 — — ■ grandis 150 Barbican . 147 gularis . 154 Abyssinian, Lath. 149 indicus . 155 Barita, Cuvier 60 Javensis 150 anaphonensis, Temm, 61 Lathami 150 — - destructor, Temm. 62 ■ niger . 153 Baryphonus, Vieillot 84 — — parvus . 155 — - — ■ Philippensis . 155 Beef-eater . 59 rubricapillus . 153 Bethylus, Cuvier . versicolor 151 93 viridis . 150 Bidens, Spite 346 ■ Zeylanicus . 155 Bittern 324 Bucerid/e . 79 Boatbill 325 Buceros 79 Bonasa 303 — ■ Abyssinicus . 81 bicorn is 80 Botaurus 324 — — • buccinator 83 — — Brasiliensis , Briss . 324 cassidix 80 fasciatus 324 coronatus 83 Philippensis . 324 — — ■ erytlirorhynchus 83 tigrinus 324 exarhatus 82 virescens 324 — fasciatus 83 galeatus 81 Brotigeris . 133 — — — gingalensis . 83 — — fringillaceus . 133 — — ginginianus . 82 — phigy . 133 hydrocorax . 81 — — pyrrhopterus 133 - - Leadbeaterii . 81 — — Sparrmanni . 133 malabaricus . 82 356 INDEX. Buceros monoceros p. 80 nasutus 83 plicatus 81 panayensis . 82 rhinoceros 80 sulcatus 81 violaceus 81 Bulfinch 42 Bunting 18 Caffrarian, Lath. 18 yellow-bellied, Lath. 18 Buphaga 59 Africans 59 Burhinus . 342 Novae Hollandiae . 342 Bustard 31 1 Bustarnelle 311 Cacicus, Vieillot. . 49 Calidris 336 Callceus, Vieillot. . 73 Calyptorynciius 109 Banksii 109 Cookii 109 Eos 110 — - funereus 109 galeatus 110 • Temminkii . 109 Campylorhynchus scolopaceus . striolatus Cancroma . Capito Cayennensis collaris macrodactylus macrorhynclius maynanensis melanoleucos melanotis nigromaculatus tamatia Cardinalis, Brisson Cauduelis canaria citrinella coccinea cucullata elegans lepida . melauotis melba . nitens . polyzona psittacea sanguinolenta serinus — spinus . p. 20.3 . 203 . 325 . 156 . 156 . 156 . 157 . 156 . 156 . 156 . 156 . 156 . 156 4 . 29 . 34 . 33 . 30 • 30 . 30 . 30 . 31 . 30 30 32 30 32 33 33 30 Campylorhynchus . 203 Cariama . 321 INDEX. 357 Caryocatacles, Cuvier . p. 62 Cassicus . 49 • cristatus . 50 hsemorrhous . 50 niger . . 49 Persicus . 50 Cassowary . . 307 Cassuarius . . 307 Cathartes, Illig. . 345 aurea . . 345 - — — uruba . . 345 Centropus . 212 ■ affinis . . 214 — iEgyptius . 212 —— aethiops . 214 — — Bengalensis . . 213 Bubutus, Horsf. . 213 castanopterus . 215 — gigas . . 214 ■ Lathami . 214 — — lepidus . 214 leucogaster . . 214 nigrorufus . 213 - Phasianus . 214 Philippensis . . 213 ■ rufinus . 214 Tolu . 213 variegatus . 214 Certhia . 183 cinnamomea . . 184 Certhia familiaris p. 184 — — — obscura, dun. . spinicauda . . 184 CERTHIAM . . 174 Cham&za . 347 meruloides . . 348 Channel-bill . 95 CHARADRIADiE 335 Charadrius . 339 Azarai . 341 nigrifrons . 339 pecuarius . 340 ruficapillus . . 340 Cheniscus . . 344 Chionis . 334 Chough . 78 Cicinnurus . 76 ■ regius . • 77 Ciconia . 325 Cinnyris . 229 affinis . . 232 ■ afra . 229 Amethystina . 230 — — chalybea . 230 cuprea . 230 358 INDEX. Cinnyius currucaria p. 231 Climacteris scandent - — - cyan ocepli ala 230 P- 184 — dubia . 230 exiraia 233 CoCCOTHRAUSTES . 86 famosa . 232 astrilda 87 fuliginosa . . . 231 aurantia 88 gutturalis 231 Brasiliana 87 230 87 ■ lepida . 230 — — Canadensis . 88 longirostra . 231 cardinalis 87 lotenia . 230 — chloris . 87 Madagascariensis . 230 cyanopis 87 maculata 231 fasciata 87 mysticalis 234 - ■■■■■ Javensis 88 — — omnicolor 230 ludoviciana . 87 — pectoral is 235 — — major . 87 pulchella 233 Malacca 87 purpurata 230 melanura 87 rectirostris . 231 Molucca 87 rubrocana 232 oryzivora 87 rubrofusca . 231 punctularia . 87 saccharina 233 quadricolor . 87 senegalensis . 230 sanguinirostris 87 sperata 230 striata . 87 splendida 229 * vulgaris 86 superba 229 tabacina 233 Coccyzus 205 234 9 1 z 917 mmm > bHUolcl « • violacea 233 — ■ Caixana ^ 1 / 207 Zeylonica 230 cayanus 205 cseruleus 205 Cissopis 93 cristatus 205 — — — Leverianus . 93 galeritus 205 S geoffroyi 205 Climacteris 184 Madagascariensis . 205 picumnus 185 phasianellus 206 INDEX 359 Coccyzus seniculus p. 205 Cock . . 300 Cockatoo . 108 crimson-tailed , Shalo 1 09 funereal, Shat u . 109 Coereba, Vieillot . . 225 Co LA PTES . 171 auratus . 171 Cafer . . 171 - capensis . 171 — olivaceus . 171 Colibri, Spix . 242 Colin . 303 Colius . 91 — atrogularis . . 92 —— capensis . 91 carunculatus . 91 — — — indicus . 91 — - — panayensis . . 91 — — Senegalensis . 91 viridis . . 92 Columba . 279 iEgyptiaca . . 292 senea . 386 ■ Amboynensis, Lath. 290 ■ arquatrix . 280 auricularis . . 294 Capellei , Temm. . 276 Capensis . 291 capistrata . 282 Columba Carolinensis p. 291 chalcoptera . . 280 cincta . . 280 corensis . 294 dilopha . 279 Dominicensis . 291 Dusumieri . . 285 Franciae . 294 guineae . 292 — — gyninopthalmus . 292 - — — holosericea . . 289 humeral is . 291 humilis . 280 hyogastra . 287 — — Jain boo . 284 - — ■ lacernulata . . 281 leucocephala . 291 — — leucomela . 284 leucotis, Temm. . 295 littoralis . 291 — — livia . 280 - — - locutrix . 283 lophotes . 289 - — — - luctuosa . 287 — - — Madagascariensis . 292 — — magnifica . 292 - — — maugei . 291 — — - melanoptera . . 291 migratoria . . 291 ■ - miniata . 289 — — monacha, Rein. • 277 - cenas . 280 olax, Temm. . 274 oxyura, Temm. . 275 palumbus . 280 perspicillata . . 286 360 INDEX, Columba phasianella . p. 290 picturata . . 280 porphyrea, Temm . 275 Reinwardtii . . 293 risoria . . . 280 rubricapilla . . 292 scripta . . . 284 speciosa . .289 Turtur . . 280 ■■ ■■ xanthonura . . 288 COLUMBIDvE . . 272 CoLY . . . .91 black-throated, Lath. 92 — • ■ Quiriva, Lath. . 91 Coot .... 335 CoRACIAS ... 70 Abyssinica . . 71 Angolensis . . 71 Bengalensis . . 71 cyanogastra . . 71 garrula . . 70 viridis . . -71 CORVID/E . . 59 Corvus . . . 68 albicollis . . 69 azureus . . 69 corax ... 69 cornix ... 69 corone ... 69 cristatellus . . 69 cyanopogon , Pr. Max. 68 Corvus Dauricus . p. 69 frugilegus 69 Jamaicensis . 69 leucolophus, Hardiv 65 monedula 69 — — pileatus, Illig. 67 scapulatus, Daud. 69 streperus, Leach . 61 Corydonyx, Vieil. 212 CORYDALLA . 350 Ricliardi 350 Cor ythaix . 221 Africanus 222 gigas . 222 Paulini 222 Corythus, Cuv. . 93 CoSSYPHA 348 vocifera 349 CoXURNIX 303 CoUCAL 212 Bubut, Lath. 213 chesnut, Lath. 215 dusky, Lath. 213 kindred. Lath. 214 tepid. Lath. . 214 Courlan 322 CoURLY 326 INDEX. S6l Courser p. 337 Crex . . . p 335 CJRACIDiE 314 Crossbill . 90 greater, Lath. 90 Cracticus . 60 anaphonensis 61 Crow .... 68 chalybeus 61 white-crowned , Lath. 65 — — • destructor 61 streperus 61 Crowned-pigeon . 294 tibicen . 61 — - — - varius . 61 Crotophaga 217 Ani 217 Crake . 335 guira . 217 Crucirostra, Cuv. . 90 Craicer 335 Crymophilus, Vieil. 331 Crane , 321 Crypsirina . 74 Crax . 312 — — ■ varians 74 Cryptonyx 302 Creadion 265 Novae Hollaadiae 265 Cuckoo 208 — — Novae Zealandiae 265 blade-billed. Lath. 208 Tabuensis 265 bronzed , Lath. 210 yellow-bellied, Wils. 208 Creeper 183 — - chiglet, Lath. 193 CuCULIDiE 204 eximious, Lath. 233 familiar, Lath. 271 Cuculus 208 mountain, Lath. 270 aeratus . 210 orange-banded, Shaw. afer 208 230 Americanus . 208 pectoral, Lath. 235 auratus 209 saccharine, Lath. . 234 canorus 208 yellow , Lath. 237 chalcites 209 • eared, Lew. 264 clamosus 208 362 INDEX. Cuculus Classii . P* 209 Demoiseue . . p. 320 coromandus . 208 cupreus 209 Dendrocolaptes 174 ■ edolius . 208 bivittatus 179 erytliropthalmus 208 cayenensis 17G Havus . 209 chrysolophos 153 glandarius 209 crassirostris, Leach 175 gularis . 208 cuneatus 181 hepaticus, Temm. 208 cyanotis 176 honoratus 211 decumanus . 175 lucidus 209 77 jia. 180 lugubris 211 falcirostris 175 maculatus 21 1 flammeus 176 orientalis 211 fortirostris . 177 radiatus 208 fu mi gat us 181 solitarius 208 gracilirostris 178 Taitensis 21 1 guttatus 178 xanthorhynchus 210 longirostris . 175 major, Herm. 176 Curassow . 312 Merula 182 minor, Herm. 180 Curlew 328 miniatus 176 nigricollis, Illiger . 178 Cursor i us . 337 . obsoletus 181 bicinctus 338 ocellatus 182 chalcopterus 337 picumnus 180 Temminckii . 338 picus . 180 platyrostris . 183 Curucui 217 procurvus 177 Curvirostra , Scopoli 90 superciliosus 181 sylviellus 182 Cyphos, Spix 150 tenuirostris . 176 macrodactylus , Spix 158 , Spix 179 1 trochilirostis . 179 Dacnis . 227 turdinus 180 cayana 227 Wagleri 179 INDEX 363 Dendrocopus, Vied. Dicyeum — — 1 Borbonicum . cantillans * cruentatum . erythropygium — flavum — — - rubrum — — tseniatum Didus . ineptus • nazarenus solitarius Dilophus gallinaceus . Dodo . hooded. Lath. nazarene, Lath. solitary. Lath. Drepanis, Temm. . Dromiceius . Dunlin Emberiza aureola Caffrariensis Cia cirlus . citrinella cristata, Sivain. Emberiza cristatella p. 18 gubernatrix, Temm. ] 8 liortulana • 17 hy emails . 18 miliaria . 17 nivalis, Steph. . 19 - — — pecoris, Wilson • 36 - pithyornis . 17 schoeniclus . • 17 spodocephala • 17 * — — xanthogaster • 18 Emberizoides . 15 marginalis • 15 melanotus . 15 Emu . 307 Epimachus . • 77 splendidus . • 77 - — — superbus • 77 Erolia . 337 Ereunetes . . 329 petrificatus . . 330 Eulabes, Cuvier • 71 Euphonia 2 Cayanensis . 3 cblorotica 3 musica . 3 oliracea 3 — — violacea 3 Eurypyga . 322 Helias . . 323 . 174 236 237 237 236 236 237 236 236 308 308 310 309 53 53 308 308 310 309 265 307 331 17 17 18 17 17 17 18 364 INDEX. Falcinelle . P- 336 Fringilla ornata . p. 38 otoleuca . 37 Falcinellus 336 Petronia . 37 Falcinellus, Vieil. 257 polyzona, Temm. . 33 , Becks. 32 7 sanguinirostris . 39 pygmseus 337 sanguinolenta, Temm. 32 sphecura, Temm. GO OO Figulus 202 albogularis . 202 FRINGILLIDiE 2 Finch . 37 Fulica . 335 Duree, Lath. 40 Furnarius . . 227 Flamingo . 325 flaveolus . 228 olivaceus . 228 Francolin . 303 semitorquata . . 228 sannio . . 228 Francolinus 303 virens . . 228 Galgulus, Brisson . . 70 Fregilus 78 affinis . 78 Gallinago . . 330 ■ Enca . 78 Sabin i . . 330 graculus 78 Gallinula . . 335 Fringilla . 37 ruficollis, Swains. . 345 borbonica 39 caudacuta, Wils. 36 Gallus . 300 capensis 39 Cisalpina, Temm. 40 Ganga . . 303 ■ Ccelebs . 37 crucigcr, Temm. 41 Garrulus . . 66 Hispaniolensis, Ten) 40 auritus . . 66 maritima, Wils. 36 canadensis . 66 mclanotis, Temm. 31 cristatus . 66 montifringilla 37 cyanopogou . : 67 nivalis . 37 galericulatus .. 66 INDEX 365 Garrulus glandarius p. 66 pileatus 66 Sibiricus 66 stelleri . 66 Glareola 333 australis 334 Isabella 334 orientalis 333 Pratincola 333 Glaucopis . 73 — — cinerea . 73 leucoptera 73 Godwit 329 Goura 294 carunculata . 296 — — cruenta 295 cyanocephala 296 erythrothorax 295 Hottentotta . 295 Jamaicensis . 295 leucotis 295 — Martinicana . 296 minuta 296 Montana 296 Nicobarica . 296 Passerina 296 — - — Picui . 296 — — Talpacoti 296 Grackle 71 boat-tailed, Lath. . 49 satin, Lath. . 72 Gracula P- 71 , Cuvier . 54, 57 religiosa • 71 viridis, Lath. . 351 Grallina, Vieillot . . 71 Greenshank . 328 Grosbeak . . 86 — — Portorico, Lath. . 89 rufous-chinned, Lath. 89 Ground-dove . 294 Grous . . 304 heter oolite. Lath. . 304 GRUIDiE . . 317 Grus . . 321 — — Psophia, Lath. . 318 Grypus . 256 ruficollis . 256 Vieilloti . 256 Guan . . 312 Gymnops . 345 fasciatus . 346 strigillatus . . 346 Gypaetos, Storr. . . 345 Gyps, Savigny 345 HiEMATOPUS 336 longirostris . 336 niger . 336 INDEX. 306 Heatiicock . . p. 303 Helias, Vieillot 323 Hemipodius nivosus , Swain. 305 Heron .... 304 Heteroclitus, Vieillot 304 Himantopus 342 grallarius, Sleph. . 344 . leucurus 343 melanurus 343 nigricollis 342 Honey-bird 242 Honey-eater 259 Molucca, Lath. 260 — sanguineous, Lath. 263 slender-billed, Lath. 264 Honey-guide 212 Honeysucker 259 ■ black-crowned , Linn. 261 blue-faced, Lath. . 260 v olden- crowned, Lath. 262 — — king, Lewin 266 Hoopoe 187 Hornbill . 79 red-billed, Shaw 83 Humming-bird . 238 blue fork-tailed, Lath. Humming-bird, curved - winged. Lath. p. 255 ; negro, Lath. 243 wedge-tailed, Lath. 240 Hydrocorax, Briss. 79 Hyreus 86 Abissinicus . . 86 Ibis .... 327 — plumbeus 327 IcTERIA 47 viridis . 48 Icterus 46 Bon ana 47 Cayenensis . 47 chrysoceplialus 47 dominiccnsis 47 . — ferrugineus . 47 hudsonicus . 47 ludovicianus 47 spurius 47 Indicator 212 — — major . 212 — — minor . 212 Jabiru 326 Jacana 333 Jay . 66 . — - Paraguan, Lath. . 67 239 Knot . 331 INDEX. 367 Lagopus . . p. 304 Lamprotornis . . 54* iEiieus . . 56 atratus , . 55 auratus . . 54 Cantor, Temm. . 59 Columbinus, Temm. 59 erythroplirys . 56 gularis . . 5/ • — — metallinus . . 55 morio ... 54 nitens ... 54 splendens . . 54 splendidus . . 55 Lapwing . . . 339 Lark .... 20 black, Lath. . 25 ■ clapper, Latli. . 23 great-billed, Lath. 26 ■ red-backed, Lath. 24 rufous-headed, Lath. 26 hooded, Lath. 25 Leistes ... 50 Americanus . . 51 guianensis . . 51 ■ icterus . . 51 melancholicus . 5 1 phcenicurus . . 50 ■ Suchii . . .51 — — xanthorinus . . 51 Leptosomus . . 207 — — Afer . . . 207 Limicula P- 329 Limosa 329 Linaria 29 Ainandava . 30 aiigolensis 30 argentoratensis 30 bengalus 30 — cannabarina . 30 flammea 30 — — flavirostris 30 granatina 30 montium 30 rubra . 30 — — Senegala 30 Lobefoot 331 Lobjpes 331 Longbeak . 330 Longshanks 342 Lophophorus 300 Cuvieri 300 Linnet . 29 Lophorina . 76 — — - aurantia . 76 superba • 76 Lophyrus . . 294 Indicus . 294 368 INDEX, Lory ... p. Lorius Borneus coccineus cucullatus cyanurus domicella garrulus grandis guebiensis incarnatus Novae Guineae ornatus ruber . tricolor unicolor Loxia curvirostra . gularis, Dctud. leucoptera Portoricensis, Baud. pytiopsittacus , Temm. LoXIADjB Maccaw Machastes . Macrocercus ambiguus argenteus . . • Aracanga Ararauna Macrocercus Illigeri p. 113 Macao . .112 Makarouana . 113 militaris . • 113 severus . . 113 tricolor . . 113 Macropus, Spix . . 207 Caixana, Spix . 207 phasianellus, Spix 207 Macrorarnphus . . 330 Macrotarsus, La Cepede 342 Magpie ... 63 Malkoha . , .216 Javan, Lath. . 217 Sintok, Lath. . 216 Manucodiata, Briss- . 76 Megapodius . . 315 Freycineti . .315 Meleagris . . . 297 aureus, Vieil. . 297 ocellata . . 297 gallopavo . . 297 Mellisuga . . . 242 , Vieil. . . 229 albicollis . . 244 albirostris . . 249 amethyst ina . . 243 — ater . . . 243 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 90 90 89 90 89 90 85 111 331 111 113 113 112 113 INDEX 369 Mellisuga aurita p. 249 bilopha 251 chalybea 252 collaris 249 colubris 247 concinna 247 — — cristata 250 ensipennis 255 — falcata . 255 Lalandei 251 Langsdorfii . 242 latipennis 255 leucocrotaphos 249 — — lucida . 247 magnifica 254 Maugeana 243 - mesoleuca 246 minima 249 — - — Moschitus 252 — — naevia . 248 ornata . 254 petasophora . 244 pileata . 250 platura 242 recurvirostris 248 rubinea 247 - — - rubra . 249 sapphirina 247 ■ scutata . 249 smaragdo-sapphirina 243 squamosa 245 superba 249 surinamensis 243 Vieilloti 249 Meliphaga , 259 Meliphaga albiventris p. 261 atricapilla . 261 auricapilla . 262 auricoaiis . 264 aurita . . 262 Australasiana . 261 Balgonera . 261 caerulea . 264 canesceus . 262 chrysops . 264 chrysoptera . . 259 • corniculata . . 259 crepitans . 262 cucullata . 259 cyan ops . 260 dubia . . 261 fasciculata . 259 flaviventris . . 261 garrula . 259 goruk . . 259 graculina . 260 guttata . 264 ignobilis . 261 leucophea , . 262 leucotis . 261 lunata . . 260 lunulata . 261 maculata . 263 maxillaris . 261 melanops . 261 Moluccensis . . 260 Monacba . 259 mystacea . 262 Novae Hollandise . 259 phrygia . 260 pipilans . 264 V. XIV. P. I 24 370 INDEX. Meliphaga reticulata p. 263 rufiventris sanguinea tenuirostris . torquata . versicolor xanthotis MeLIPIIAGIDA: Melithreptus falcatus obscurus pacilicus vestiarius Menuka superb, Lath. superba Merops , Shatv Moluccensis, Lath. 260 Microglossum • .111 aterrimus . . Ill goliath . . .111 Micropus, Meyer . .346 Milvago . . • 346 oclirocephalus • 346 Mi metes . • 266, 350 flavocinctus . .351 viridis . . .351 Mirafra Mirafra Javanica p. 27 Mniotilta . 194 varia 194 Momot 84 Momota, Shatv 84 Momotus 84 brasiliensis . 84 rubricapillus 84 Monasa 155 tenebricosa . . 156 tranquilla 155 Monaul . 300 Mot mot . 84 Paraguan, Lath. . 84 Musopiiaga . . 223 . 222 — — cristata . 223 • Paulina, Temm. . 222 violacea . 223 Mycteria . 326 Nanodes . 118 discolor . 118 . humeralis . 119 palm aru m . 120 pulchellus . 118 ultramarinus . 119 . undulatus . 119 venustus . 118 . 262 . 263 . 264 . 260 . 262 . 264 . 258 . 264 . 265 . 265 . 265 . 265 . 312 . 313 . 313 . 259 27 INDEX. 3?1 Nanobes zonarius p. 119 Nauclerus . 346 Riocourii 346 Nectarinea 226 — — ceerulea 226 cardiualis 226 — cyanea . 226 cyanocephala, Swain. 22 7 eximia, Horsf. 235 — , Ternm. 233 “ — — flavicolor, Swain. . 228 -■ " • inernata, Temm. . 232 Javanica, Horsf. . 231 — ■ lepida, Temm. 230 — — - longirostris , Temm. 231 mystacalis, Temm. 234 pectoralis, Horsf. 233 ■ , Temm. 235 ■ rubrocana, Temm. 232 — ■ — - sanguinea 226 spiza . 226 Nemosia 4 diademata 5 gularis . 4 ■ pileata . 4 speculifera . 4 Neophron . 345 iEgyptiacus . 345 Monachus 345 Neops .... 192 ruficaudis 192 Night-heron p. 325 Nucifaga canyocatactes . 63 . 63 Ntjmenius . . 328 Numida . 301 Nutcracker . 63 Nuthatch . . 188 orange-dinged, Lath . 189 Nycticorax . . 324 Jarnaicensis . . 324 Odontophorus . 302 guianensis . 302 CEdicnemus . 343 — ■■ — longipes, Vieil. . 344 OpaithuS;, Vieil. . . 222 Opetiorhynchus . . 198 — rufus . • 198 Opistocomus . 312 Oriolus . 46 mutatus, Wils. . 46 Ortalida . 312 Orthocorys, Vieil. . 312 INDEX 37^ Orthonyx . . p. 186 raaculatus 186 Orthorhynchus, Le Cep. 242 Orthotomus 192 — — sepium . 193 Ortyx 303 Ortygis 305 MieffVenii 306 nivosus 305 • rufus . 306 varius . 305 Ostrich 307 Otis .... 311 — - caerulescens . 311 Senegalensis 311 OURAX .... 312 OXYRIIYNCHUS 199 cristatus, Swain. . 200 flaminiceps . 199 Oystercatcher . 312 Pal.eornis . 126 Alexamlri 126 Barrabandi . 128 bengalensis . 128 bitorquatus . 127 erythrocephalus 127 flavitorquis . 127 Palasornis Malaccensis p. 127 Papuensis . 129 Pondicerianus . 128 torquatus . 127 xanthosomus . 127 Palamedea . 333 Paradisea . . 75 apoda . . 76 magnifica . 76 minor . . 76 nigricans . 76 rubra . . 76 Paradise-bird . . 75 Parotia . 75 aurea . . 75 Parra . 333 Parraka 312 Parrakeet . . .140 Alexandrine , Lath. 12 7 blossom-headed, Lath. 1 28 blue-headed, Shaiv 127 double-ringed, Shaiv 127 Javan, Sham . 128 ■ jonquil, Shaiv . 128 long-tailed green, Edw. 13G purple-ringed, Shaiv 128 — — rose-headed ring, Edw. 128 INDEX Parra keet, rose-ringed, Shaw . . p. — ■ sulphur, Shaw Parrot Bauer's, Lath. Brown’s, Lath. dusky, Edw. . horned, Lath. racket-tailed, Lath. Taiwan, Lath. Partridge . - — - Guiana Passer arcuatus australis ■ capensis cisalpinus cri status cruciger ■ domesticus . dominicanus . elegans erythrocephalus hispaniolensis madagascariensis . montanus oryx Passerina . Ciris cyanea . leucopbrys . 373 Passerina monticola . p. 20 ■ oryzivora . . 20 Pastor ... 58 Temm. 54, 57 Cantor ... 5 9 cclumbinus . . 59 mauritanicus . 59 — — roseus . . .58 tricolor, Horsf. . 58 Pavo . . . .300 Pauxi . . . .312 Peacock . . . 300 Pelidna . . .331 Temminckii . . 331 Pendulinus, Vieil. . . 47 Penelope . . .312 Percnopterus . . 345 aura . . . 345 Uruba . . . 345 Perdix . . . 303 guianensis, Lath. . 302 Ponticeriana, Temm. 303 Sonnini, Temm. . 303 — — striata. , Temm. . 303 textilis, Temm. . 303 Petrocincta . . 349 — — Europaea . . 349 127 127 101 121 121 104 123 125 122 303 302 39 41 41 41 40 42 41 40 ' 42 41 41 40 41 40 41 19 20 20 20 o74< INDEX. Petrodroma, Vied. p. 187 Philydor albogularis P- 200 ruficollis . 200 Pezoporus . 125 superciliaris . . 200 , Kuhl . 118 Phrenotrix, Horsf. . 74 formosus 126 Temia, Horsf. 74 Ph^opus 332 Phytotoma 85 pygmaius 332 Abyssinia , Lath. 86 rara 86 Phalarope 331 Pica . 63 Phalaropus 331 — — Caledonica 65 Cayana 64 PHASIANIDiE . 296 cyanea . 64 erythrorhynchos 64 Phasianus . 301 europsea 64 antillarum, Briss. 318 leucolopha 65 cristatus , Lath. 223 Peruviana 64 leucomelanos, Lath. 300 rufa 64 rufiventris 64 Pheasant . 301 Senegalensis . 64 coloured, Lath. 300 sinensis 65 ventralis 64 PlICENICOPH AUS . 216 Javanicus 216 PICIM . 147 ■ leucogaster . 216 melanognathus 216 Picoides, La Cepede 173 pyrrhocephalus 216 tricolor 216 Picus . 158 affinis . 167 ' Phcenicopterus . 325 aurulentus . 166 ruber . 325 Bengalensis . 158 Philedon, Vieil. 259 bicolor . 170 Philemon, Cuvier . 259 Brasiliensis . 168 capensis 161 Philydor . 200 carolinensis . 166 f INDEX. 37 5 Picus chrysosternus p. 162 PlCUMNUS P- 172 cinnamomeus 169 coucretus 160 Pigeon 279 diophrys 161 flavicans 166 Pintado 301 galeatus 166 icterocephalus 166 Pipilo . 14 Javensis 159 erythropthalma 14 leuconotus, Temm. 164 — — macei . 159 PlTYLUS 88 major . 158 canadensis 88 • Manillensis . 159 erythromelas 88 martius 158 grossus 88 melanocliloros 170 gularis . 89 melanoleucos 164 Portoricensis 88 melanopterus, Pr. Max. violaceus 89 170 miniatus 160 Plantain-cutter 85 minor . 158 minutus 163 Plantain-eater . 223 nubicus 161 Philippinarum 159 Platalea 325 pileatus 164 poicilopkus, Temm. 160 Platycercus 120 Portoricensis 170 auriceps 123 — — — principalis 164 Baueri . 121 pubescens 164 Brownii 120 querulus 164 cornutus 123 rubiginosus . 169 erythrorostris 122 tiga, Horsf. . 173 erythropterus 123 torquatus 164 eximius 120 tristis . 160 icterotis 123 varius . 164 multicolor 124 villosus 164 pacificus 122 viridis . 158 Pennantii 120 scapulatus 122 INDEX. 3 70 Platycercus setarius P- 124 Plyctolophus Philippina- Tabuensis 122 rum . p. 108 Ulietamis 123 sulphureus . 108 xanthogaster 120 — — tenuirostris . 108 PlECTROPUANES . 19 Podoa . . 335 , Meyer . 20 Pogonia, Vieil. . 147 Lappomca 19 nivalis . 19 POGONIAS . 147 Ploceus 34 hirsutus . 149 Abyssinicus . 34 laevirostris . 148 aurifrons 35 niger . . 148 capitalis 36 personatus . 148 caudacutus . 36 rubescens . 148 erythrocepbalus 34 rubrifrons . 149 fasciatus 36 sulcirostris . 148 malimbicus . 34 Vieilloti . 149 maritimus 36 Pogonius , Leach . 148 melanocepbalus 36 Le Vaillantii, Leach 148 oryzivorus 36 Stephensii, Leach . 148 pecoris . 36 Polophilus , Leach . 212 Ponsilis 34 Philippensis . 34 Polyplectron . 300 Senegalensis . 34 socius . 34 PoMATORIIINUS . 269 surinamensis . 36 montanus . 270 Plover 339 Pomba margosa . 283 Porphyrio . . 335 Pluvian 339 Pratincole . . 333 Pluvianus . 339 Plyctolophus 108 Prinia . . 271 galeritus 108 familiaris . 271 Moluccensis . 108 Prion lies, Illig. 84 INDEX. 877 Procellaria Promeropidae Promerops . aterrimus Cafer . caeruleus erythrorhynchus lesser black , Lath. tufted, Lath. Psaroides, Vied. . PsiTTACARA — — auricapilla frontata guianeusis leucotis Lichstensteinii squamosa versicolor — ■ vittata . PSITTACIM . PsiTTACULA . Barrabandi . cana galgula gregaria incerta — — indica . malacensis melanoptera . melanota microptera . Psittacula passerina p. 140 pileata . . 142 philippensis . . 144 pull aria . 145 purpurata . 142 roseicollis . 143 St. Thomae . . 140 simplex . 144 surd a . . 141 Swinderniana . 143 torquata . 144 - — — Tui . 141 ■ verualis . 144 vulturina . 142 xanthopterygia . 146 Psittaculus, Spiv . . 140 • gregarius, Spix . 146 passerinus, Spix . 140 Tui, Spix . 141 Xanthopterygius, Spix 146 PsiTTACUS . 101 accipitrinus . . 106 albifrons . 106 aestivus 104 Alexandri, Lath. 127 - amazonicus . 104 ambiguus, Becks. 113 annulatus. Becks. 127 Aracanga, Linn. 112 aterrimus, Kuhl 111 auricapillus, Lichs. 116 auriceps, Kuhl 123 ■ australis, Kuhl 130 p. 344 • 257 . 257 . 257 . 257 257 257 257 77 58 115 116 117 115 116 117 115 116 116 100 140 142 143 144 146 145 144 145 142 142 145 37« INDEX Psittacus autumnalis p. barbatulus, Becks. ■ Barrabandi, Kuhl , Swains. Baueri, Temm. Bouqueti bracliyurus . Brownii, Temm. . buccalis. Becks. cactorum capistratus, Becks. Carolinensis, Linn. chlorolepidotus , Kuld chrysostomos, Kuhl Cook'd, Temm. cornutus, Gmel. cyanogaster . cyanomelas, Kuhl cyanotis Dufresnianus Eos , Kuhl . erythacus erythronotus, Kuhl - erythropterus, Lath. erythrurus . , Kuhl festivus jlavigaster , Temm. Geoffroyi Goliath, Kuhl gramineus . \. havanensis . hcematopus, Gmel. burner alis, Kuhl . icterotis, Temm. . ■ Illigerus, Temm. . Psittacus Leachii, Kuhl p. 1 09 — — leucocephalus . ] 00 leucogaster . . 101 leucotis, Liclis. . 117 Le Vaillantii . 107 ludovicianus, Kuhl 130 macrorhynchus . 107 Maximiliani . 103 , Kuhl 142 melanocephalus . 101 melanotus, Lichs. . 142 menstruus . .103 micropterus, Kuld 145 nritratus . .102 multicolor, Temm. 124 Nestor . . .107 ochrurus, Pr. Max. 141 pacificus, Lath. . 123 philippensis, Briss. 144 pileatus, Gmel. . 142 plat ur us, Kuhl . 125 pulverulentus . 100 puf-puratus, Kuhl 142 purpureus . .104 riciniatus, Becks. . 132 roseicollis, Vieillot 144 rvfirostris , Kidd . 130 St. Thom cp., Kuhl 140 scapulatus, Becks. 122 senegalus . .107 setarius, Temm. . 125 signatus . .102 simplex, Kuhl . 145 sinensis . .107 sordidus . .104 spadiceocephalus . 1 07 100 127 142 128 121 104 103 121 140 100 130 130 131 118 109 123 102 121 104 100 110 107 122 123 104 142 106 120 107 111 107 106 129 119 123 114 INDEX. Psitticus Sparmanni, Kuhl Ptilinopus . P- 276 p. 133 maculatus 279 squamosus, Lath. . 115 melanocephalus 279 surdus, Illiger 141 Monaclius 277 Srvindernianus, Kuhl 143 porphyreus . 277 Temminckii, Kuhl 110 purpuratus . 277 tenuirostris , Kuhl 109 superbus 2 79 tricolor, Kuhl 112 viridis . 279 ultramarinus, Kuhl 120 - verms tus, Kuhl 121 Ptilonorpiynchus 71 , Temm. . 118 niger . 72 v emails, Sparr. 144 — — violaceus 72 viniaceus 105 viridis . 72 viridissimus, Kuhl 136 vulturinus, Uliger 142 Ptiloris • 267 xantliornus. Becks. 127 paradiseus 267 zonarius, Kuhl 119 Puff-bird . 156 PSITTIKOSTRA 90 Pyranga 11 — — - Sandvicensis 91 sestiva . 12 flammiceps . 12 PSOPHIA 318 Ludoviciana 12 crepitans 318 Mississippensis 11 rubra . 11 Ptarmigan . 304 PyrgitAj Cuvier . 39 Pterocles . 303 Pyrrhocorax, Cuvier 78 arenarius 303 1 Pyrrhula . 42 Pteroglossus 98 1 , Temm. 88 Aracari 98 cinereola 44 inscriptus 98 — — collaria 43 piscivorus 98 erytbrina 43 sulcatus 99 Europsea 42 viridis . 9S j falcirostris 43 380 INDEX Pyrrhula lineola . p. 43 minuta . . 43 nigra ... 44 purpurea . . 43 sibirica . . 43 violacea . . 43 Pyrrota . • .198 nigerrima . .198 Quail .... 303 Quiscalus ... 48 barita ... 49 mexicanus . . 49 purpureus . . 48 Rail .... 334 Rainbird . . .215 RALLID7E . . 332 Rallus . . . 334 RAMPHASTIDiE . 94 Rampuastos . . 95 Aldrovandi . . 97 ambiguus . . 97 Aracari, Shatu . 98 carinatus . . 96 dicolorus . . 97 erythrorhynchus . 97 • mnximus, Cuvier . 96 piscivorus . . 97 Ramphastos toco p. 96 — — Tucanus 96 vitellinus 96 Ramphocelus 13 Brasilia 13 — — Jacapa 13 Ramphopis, Vieil. 13 Raphus, Briss. 308 RASORES . 272 Recurvirostra . 328 himantopus, IVils. 342 leucocephala, Vieil. 329 orientalis 329 rubricollis 329 tepkreleuca, Vieil. 329 Rhea .... 307 RHYNCIIiEA . 331 Rockthrush 349 ROLLER . 70 Ruff .... 330 Saltator . 6 atra 6 Cayensis 6 magna 6 Sanderling 336 Sandpiter 328 INDEX 381 Sarcorhamphus, Dim. P- 345 Sitta frontalis p. 1S8 fusca . 188 Saurothera 215 pusilla . . 189 vetula . 216 velata, Temm. . 189 SCANSORES . 93 Snipe . . 330 Caurale, Lath. . 323 SCOLOPACIDAS 328 Sparrow . 39 SCOLOPAX 331 Cisalpine, Lath. . 40 pygm&us, Gniel. 337 Spanish, Lath. . 40 Sabini , Vigors 330 Sphenura . . 204 Scopus 326 subulata . 204 Scythrops . 95 Spoonbill . . 325 Australasia . 95 Novce Hollandice, 326 Squatarola . 339 Temm. 95 Squatabolle . 339 Sea-pintado 344 Starling . 52 Sericulus . 266 chrysocephalus 266 Stork . . 325 Serpent-eater . 312 Stripsilas . . 338 Sharpbill . 200 Strobilophaga t . 93 eneuleator . 93 Sheathbill . 334 Struthio . 307 SlTTA . 188 canadensis 188 Struthionidae . . 307 carolinensis . 188 chrysoptera . 189 Sturnella . 51 Europsea 188 capensis . 51 INDEX. sm Sturnella ludoviciana p. 51 militaris 5 1 torquata 51 Sturnid;e 44 Sturnus 52 prccdatorius, JVils. 50 vulgaris 52 unicolor 52 SUNBIRD 229 % Sycobius 37 cristatus 37 Sylvia torquata, Vieil. 194 SYRRHAPTES . 304 Pallassii 304 Tachyphonus 5 leucopterus . 6 Tamatia, Cuvier . 156 • macrorhynchos , Swain. 156 maculata, Cuv. 156 Tantalus 327 Tanager 6 green-headed. Lath. 1 1 Lousiane, Lath. . 13 Ma/imbic, Lath. . 35 Tanagra p. 6 Archiepiscopus 7 atra, Desmar. 6 canicapilla 11 Cayana Cayanensis varia 7 cyanoceplialos, Briss. . 11 citrinella 9 cyan ocepli ala 11 diademata, Temm. 5 Episcopus 7 flammiceps, Pr. Max. 12 gyrola . 7 Ludoviciana , JVils. 13 malimbica, Shaw . 35 mexicana 7 peruviana 8 punctata 7 ■ speculifera, Temm. 4 tatao . 6 thoracica 9 tricolor 7 varia . 7 viridis . 8 vittata . 10 Tetrao 304 • guianensis, Gmel. . 302 paradoxus, Pallas 304 TETRAONID7E . 301 Tetrax 311 Thalassidroma, Vigors . 344 Thick-knee 343 INDEX. 383 Thiothurus • p. ■ — — Americanus . Ludovicianus Piuus . rectirostris . torquatus Thistlefinch Tichodroma — - — Europaea fusca Tinamus nanus, Temm. ■ ohsoletus, Temm. . tataupa, Swains. . Tocro Totanus Toucan ■ blue-eared, Lath. . Touraco Treron aromatica australis — — calva • Capellei . T militaris Olax oxyura Psittacea Treron vernans . p. 274 Track elia, Scop. . 333 Trichlogossus 129 australis 130 capistratus . 130 clilorolepidotus 130 concinnus 130 . hsematopus . 129 pusillus 130 taitianus 130 Tridactylia 173 hirsuta 173 Tiga 173 — — undulata 173 Tringa 331 albescens 332 Temminkii, Temm. 331 TROCHILIDiE . 237 Trochieus . 238 — — albicollis, Vieillot . 244 citer, Pr. Max. 243 aureoviridis . 240 aurulentus . 240 — — bilophus, Temm. 252 — — ' Brasiliensis , 240 — — chalybeus, Vieil. . 253 clirysobronchos 240 cinereus 240 conurus 240 cyaneus 241 194 194 194 194 195 194 29 187 187 187 307 307 307 307 302 328 95 99 221 273 273 274 273 275 274 273 274 274 384 INDEX. Trochilus cyanurus p. 239 ! elegans 239 enicurus 238 ensipennis , Swains. 250 falcatus, Swains. . 250 - forcipatus 239 forficatus 239 furcatus 239 furcifer 239 gutturalis 240 — — holosericeus . 240 jugularis 240 ■ Lalandei, Vieil. 251 Langsdorfi, Temm. 241 leucurus 240 magnificus, Vieil. . 254 mango . 240 ■ mesoleucus, Temm. 246 ncevius, Dumont . 248 nig-er, Swains. 243 nitidus . 240 pectoral is 240 Pella . 241 petasophorus, Pr. Max. 245 Polytmus 239 porphyurus . 240 punctatus 240 recurvirostris, Swain. 248 serrirostris, Vieil. 257 scuttatus, Natter 250 sparganurus . 238 squalidus 241 squamosas, Temm. 245 superciliosus . 241 Thaumantius 240 Trochilus torquatus p. 239 trimaculatus . 240 violaceus . . 240 Troglodytes . . .195 rectirostris, Swain. 1 95 Trogon . . . 217 aurantius . .219 castaneus . .219 Curucui . . 218 fasciatus . . 220 narina . . . 220 oresliios . . 220 pavoninus . .219 ■ Reinwardtii . .221 rufus . . .218 — — strigillatus . .218 sulphureus . .218 variegatus . .218 violaceus . .218 viridis . . . 218 Trumpeter . . . 318 gold-breasted, Lath. 318 Tucana, Briss. . . 95 Turdus vociferus, Swains. 349 Turkey . . . 297 Turnix . . . 305 Meiffrenii, Vieil. 306 rufus, Vieil. . . 306 varius, Vieil. . 306 Turnstone . . . 338 INDEX. 385 Vanellus p . 339 Vanga . • 62 destructor. Steph. 62 Vidua . 16 longicauda 17 panayensis 17 paradisa 16 regia . 16 serena . 16 Vinago 273 Upupa 187 * Capensis 188 Epops . 188 — minor . 188 Ukotobius . 347 VULTUR 345 Wall-creeper 187 Wattle-bird 73 Weaver-bird 34 Whidah-bird 16 Whimbrell . 332 Woodcock . 331 Woodpecker 158 — — Brasilian , Lath. . 168 Woodpecker,, double- bearded, Lath. . p. 161 — —» downy, IVils. , 164 gold-breasted . 1 62 • gold-shafted., Lath. 171 hairy, IVils. . 1 64 Ivory-billed, Wils. 1 64 Javan, Lath. . 159 Lewis's, Lath. . 163 red-bellied, Wils. . 166 — — - Skill, Lath. . .165 Tiga, Lath. . .173 — Yellow-bellied , Wils. 164 Wry-neck . . .172 Xanthornus . . 45 Baltimore . . 46 chrysopterus . . 46 ictex-ocephalus . 46 ■ Mexicanus . . 46 minor ... 46 varius . . .46 Xenops . . .189 ■ anataboides . . 190 genibarbis . . 190 rutilans . . 19] Yphantes, Vieil. . . 45 Yunx . . , .172 minutissima . .172 Torquilla . .172 Zaponia . . . 335 V. XIV. P. I. END OF PART I. 25 LONDON : PRINTED BY THOMAS DAVISON, Wll I TEF K I A U S. GENERAL INDEX TO THE ZOOLOGY. ; ■ :•!• '[ -/! n n K A H.JOlr ' ..H a Ah -inna ■' If. ix/ LONDON: miNTLJ) BY THOMAS DAV1SOX, WH1 1 tl'KIAUS, GENERAL INDEX TO THE ZOOLOGY, BY GEORGE SHAW, M. D. &c. AND JAMES FRANCIS STEPHENS, F.L.S. &c. LONDON : PRINTED FOR J. AND A. ARCH ; LONGMAN, REES, AND CO. ; E. JEFFERY AND SON ; J. MAWMAN ; BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND •TOY; .1. BOOTH; SHERWOOD AND CO.; G. B. WHITTAKER; R. SCIIOLEY ; S. BAGSTER ; RODWELL AMD MARTIN; SAUN- DERS AND IIODGSON ; HAMILTON, ADAMS, AND CO. ; SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL ; J. DUNCAN ; T. AND J. ALLMAN ; W. J. AND J. MAYNARD ; AND WIGHTMAN AND CRAMP. 182G, . ,/a;aII(d»A — — S; GENERAL INDEX Gamba, Bruce v. viii. p Aberdevine . IX. Abou Duch'n . vii. Hannes, Bruce xili. Alb ul a . nobilis, Gesn. . V. ccerulea, Gesn. V. Acacalotl, Rail xii. Acaho, Temm. . xi. Acanthonotus V. nasus V. snouted . V. Acanthurus . iv. Achilleana iv. Achilles iv. — — blackish iv. blue iv. broad-finned . iv. chirurgus iv. dusky iv. guarded iv. Har purus iv. lancet iv. v. xiv. p. ir. Acanthurus lineated v. iv. p. 384 lineatus . iv. 384 Meleagris iv. 385 • militaris . iv. 380 military . iv. 380 nasus iv. 376 nigro-fuscus . iv. 383 nigricans iv. 380 round- fronted . iv. 376 sohal iv. 382 speckled . iv. 385 Teuthis . iv. 377 triostegus iv. 381 triradiated iv. 381 Velifer iv. 385 violet-striped . iv. 382 umbratus iv. 384 umbre iv. 384 unicorn . iv. 394 unicornis iv. 394 Acarus . vi. 460 aquaticus macu- latus . vi. 490 caudatus vi. 490 autumnalis vi. 464 coleoptratorum vi. 466 exulcerans vi. 462 1 >. 21 467 15 10 82 82 15 2 75 93 93 90 374 383 383 380 377 385 379 383 381 381 379 2 GENERAL 'INDEX. Acarcs reduvius v. vi. p. 465 . ricinus . . vi. 465 Siro vi. 460 vegetans . . vi. 466 Accentor xiii.* 205 alpinus . xiii.* 205 Calliope . xiii.* 206 modularis xiii.* 206 montauellus ... Xlll. 205 Acctpenser Rond. Huso Indicus, Linn. Ruthenus sell y pa . stellatus . sturio v. 370 v. 370 v. 375 v. 38 v. 376 v. 374 v. 378 v. 370 Accipiter • xiii.* 30 fringillarius xiii.* 30 gabar . xiii.* 34 macrourus, A ov. vii. 160 minor, Briss. . vii. 203 — * niinullus xiii.* 34 musicus . xiii.* 34 Pennsylvanicus xiii pileatus . soloensis . xm. torquatus xiii.’ velox . xiii.’ virgatus . xiii. xm. * 32 33 34 30 31 32 Achalalactli, Raii . viii. 36 Achire marbre. Cep. iv. 310 pavonien , Cep. iv. 310 Achirus ornatus, Cep. iv. 319 Acintli, Buff. . . xii. 252 Acolchichi, Seb. . vii. 419 L’Acole, Le Vaill. . vii. 172 Acouchy . . . ii. 27 Acridotheres calvus cristatellus ginginianus griseus . xiv. 57 . xiv. 57 . xiv. 58 . xiv. 57 xiv. 57 Acridotheres leuco- cephalus . v. xiv. p .58 Malabaricus xiv. 57 - ocbvocephalus xiv. 58 Pagodarum xiv. 57 sericeus . xiv. 57 ■ tricolor . . xiv. 58 tristis . xiv. 57 Acrochorpus . v iii. p. 573 doubtful . iii. 575 dubius . iii 575 fasciated . . iii. 576 faseiatus . . iii. 576 Granulatus, Schn. iii. 576 ■ Javan . in. 573 Javanicus . iii. 573 Aeuti Brasiliensibus, Marc. ii. 24 Addarana xii. 26 TEgitiialus xiii.* 244 pendulinus xiii.* 245 Capensis xiii.* 245 TEgithina xiii* 232 . — leucoptera xiii.* 232 iEGOTHELES xiv. 347 AEgypius, Savigny xiv. 345 Agelaius, Vieill. xiv. 50 Agnus, Plin. . . ii. 3S5 Agouti . ii. 24 Agripenne, Biff. ix. 388 Aguti , Marc. . . ii. 24 Ai . i. 249 Aigle blanc, Briss. . vii. 7 6 Caffe, Le Vaill. vii. 58 commun, Buff. . vii. 71 ■ de Pondichery, Buff. . . . vii. 71 Destructeur , Sonn. . vii. 52 GENERAL INDEX. 3 Aigle dor 6, Briss. v. vii. p- 7 5 Grand , Buff. . vii. 75 grand de la Guiane, Sonn. . vii. 52 Mo y 67i de la Guiane, Sonn. . vii. 64 noir huppe d’ Amei'ique, Sonn. vii. 62 petit de la Guiane, Maud. . vii. 68 So?i7i. . vii. 67 Aigrette . . i. 48 Buff. . . xi. 545 la demi, Buff. . xi. 547 le grand, Buff. xi. 540 rousse, Buff'. . xi. 542 Aiguillat, Brauss. . v. 338 Akaie-aroa, Veill. . viii. 229 Alagtaga . . ii. 185 L' Alapi de Cayenne, Buff. x. 284 Alatli . . viii. 57 Alauda . x. 501. xiv. 20 Africana . x. 531 Africana . xiv. 26 agrestis . . x. 527 agrestis, Steph. xiii.* 238 alpestris . x. 590 alpestris . xiv. 22 var. Lath. . . x. 522 arborea . . x. 506 arborea . . xiv. 21 arenaria . x. 505 arenaria . . xiv. 22 arvensis . . x. 502 arvensis . . xiv. 21 * biloplia . . xiv. 21 brachydactyla, Temm. . . xiv. 22 calandra . x. 513 calandra . xiv. 23 var. Lath. x. 5 12 calandrilla, Bonn. x. 515 c.ampestris . x. 539 Candida, Briss. x 502 Alauda capensis v. x. p. 5 1 0 capensis, Steph. xiii.* 239 Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . . x. 510 cinerea . . xiv. 26 cinerea . . x. 524 clamosa . . xiv. 23 — — cristata . . x. 533 cristata . . xiv. 21 — - minor, Briss. x. 305 cristatella, Steph. xiv. 2 1 cristatella . x. 505 erythronotus . xiv. 24 flava . . x. 522 flava . . xiv. 21 fulva . . x. 5 1 6 — — fulva,' Steph. xiii.* 239 Gingica . . x. 523 Gorensis . . x. 520 isabellina . xiv. 22 Italica . . x. 509 Italica . . xiv. 21 ■ Kollyi . . xiv. 22 Ludoviciana . x. 529 magna, Linn. . x. 493 magnirostris . xiv. 26 Malabarica . x. 431 minor, Gmel. . x. 529 mirafra, Temm. xiv. 27 Mongolica . x. 5 1 6 Mosellana . x. 523 Mosellana, Steph. xiii* 239 mutabilis, Gmel. x. 5 1 1 nemorosella, Gmel. x. 505 nigra, Briss. x. 503 nigra . . xiv. 25 Novce Zeelandice, Gmel. . x. 532 obscura . . x. 536 Pensylvanica, Briss. . . . x. 517 petrosa , Steph. xiii.* 240 petrosus, Mont. x. 536 4 GENERAL INDEX. Alauda pratensis v. x. p. 540 | pratensis, Steph.xm* 239 rubra . • x. 5 1 7 rubra, Steph. .xiii.* 239 . rufa . . x. 5 19 rufa , Gmel. . x. 519 rufa, Steph. xiii.* 239 ruficapilla . xiv. 24 Senegalensis . x. 525 ■ cristata, Briss. . . .x. 325 Sepiaria . . x. 542 sepiaria, Steph. xiii.* 238 sibirica • • x. 512 Sibirica, Steph . xiv. 21 Spinoletta, Linn. x. 599 Tartarica . x. 51 1 Tatarica . . xiv. 25 testacea . . x. 52 1 trivialis, Linn. x. 542 undata . . x. 535 undata . . xiv. 21 Virginiana, Briss. x. 530 vulgaris, Briss. x. 502 Yeltonensis . x. 526 Albatross chocolate . sooty wandering yellow-nosed xiii. 258 xiii. 26 1 xiii. 263 xiii. 259 xiii, 262 Albatrus, Briss. xiii. 258, 259 Albula Bahamensis, Cates. . . . v. 137 Alca . . . xiii. 50 , Linn. xiii. 26,33, 36, 43 Alle, Linn. . xiii. 34 antiqua. Gmel. xiii. 42 arctica, Linn. . xiii. 37 —— Candida, Brun. xiii. 34 cirrhata , Pall. xiii. 40 ■ cristatella, Pall. xiii. 47 deleata, Brun. xiii. 38 Hoieri, Ray . xiii. 27 impenni 3 Xllt. 51 Alca Labradora, Gmel. . v. xiii. p. 37 major, Briss. . xiii. 51 minor, Briss. . xiii. 30 pica, Linn. . xiii. 30 Psittacula, Pall. xiii. 44 pygmcea, Gmel. xiii. 48 tetracula, Pall. xiii. 46 • Torda, Linn. . xiii. 27 , $ . Linn. xiii. 30 unisulcata, Brun. xiii. 30 ALCAD7E . xii* 2 ALCAD7E . xiii. 24 Alcatraz . xiii. 1 1 7 Alee, Gesn. ii. 26 Alcedo . viii. 52 Alcedo . xiii* 102 TEgyptia . viii. 6 1 Afra viii. 55 afra, Shaw xiii.* 103 albirostris viii. 99 ■ Alcyon . viii. 58 Alcyon . xiii* 103 Amazona viii. 60 Americana viii. 85 Americana xiii.* 103 Americana, Seb. viii. 99 Asiatica, Swains. xiii.* 103 Atricapilla viii. 90 atricapilla , Slum xiii.* 99 azarea, Lath. xiii.* 106 Bengalensis viii. 102 Bengalensis xiii* 103 bicolor xiii.* 103 bicolor, Lath. viii. 83 biru xiii.* 103 Brasiliensis viii. 86 ccerulea, Linn. viii. 94 caeruleocephala xiii.* 104 GENERAL INDEX 5 Alcedo cceruleocephala , Linn. . . v. viii. p. 100 cancropliaga . viii. 7 1 cancropliaga, Shaw . . xiii.* 100 capensis . . viii. 65 capensis, Shaw xiii.* 99 capistrata . viii. 94 • cayancnsis viii. 76 chlorocepliala . . viii. 7 7 chlorocephala , Shaw . . xiii.* 100 - — — collaris . . viii. 8 collaris, Shaw xiii.* 98 Coromanda . vii. 75 Coromanda, Shaw xiii* 100 cristata . . viii. 98 cristata . xiii.* 104 orientalis, Seb. — cyanocepliala cyanocepliala, Shaw . Dea Dea, Shaw viii. 98 viii. 100 xiii.* 104 . viii. 73 xiii.* 105 diops, Temm. xiii.* 99 ■ erithaca . . viii. 75 ■ flavescens . viii. 82 ■ fusca, Linn. . viii. 53 - Galbula . . ix. 223 - gigantea . . viii. 53 - gigantea, ShaW xiii.* 161 - Grandis . - Iuda - Inda, Shaw Ispida ix. 229 viii. 83 xiii* 103 viii. 88 xiii.* 103 viii. 102 viii. 67 Ispida Ispida, Linn ■ Javan ica Javanica, Shaw xiii.* 100 leucocephala, Lath. . . . viii. 69 Maculata . viii. 76 Madagascariensis xiii* 104 Malimbica . viii. 66 Alcedo maxima v. xiii.*^. 103 maxima, Lath. viii. 95 melanoptera, Horsf. xiii.* 100 meningtin xiii.* 103 Novae Guineae viii. 62 omnicolor, Temm. orientalis xiii.* 100 viii. 103 paradisea ix. 225 purpurea . viii. 96 purpurea xiii .* 104 pusilla , Shaw . viii. 101 rudis . viii. 63 rudis xiii* 103 sacra . viii. 78 sacra, Shaw xiii* 98 semitorquata xiii.* 105 Senegalensis . viii. 72 Senegalensis, Shaw . xiii.* 100 Smyrnensis . viii. 68 Smyrnensis, Shaw . xiii.* 99 — — superciliosa . viii. 86 superciliosa xiii* 103 torquata . . viii. 56 torquata . xiii* 103 Tribrachys . viii. 105 tribrachys, Shaw xiii.* 106 tridactyla . viii. 104 tridactyla, Shaw tuta xiii.* 106 . viii. 8l venerata . . viii. 8 1 ultramarina . viii. 101 Alco i. 285 Algagel . . ii. 316 Alecto . iii. 401 Alectrurus . xiii.* 128 . tricolor . xiii.* 129 Alligator . iii. 192 Alouate . i. 71 Alouetle, Buff. . x. 502 GENERAL INDEX. 6 Alouetle a dos roux, Le Vaill. . . v. xiv. p. 24 d calotte rousse, Le Vaill. . . xiv. 25 ■ a gros bee, Le Vaill. . . . xiv. 26 a joues brunes c le Pensylvanie, Buff. x. 5 1 6 a tete rousse, Le Vaill. . . . xiv. 26 bateleucV, Le Vaill. . . xiv. 23 blanche, Buff. x. 503 de marais, Buff. x. 523 de mer. Buff. . xii. 96 de mer, Buff. . xii. 98 de mer d Collier, Cuv. . . . xii. 98 la petite, Buff. . . . xii. 142 de mer ordinaire, Cuv. . . . xii. 96 du bois, Buff. x. 507 ■ huppee de la cote de Malabar, Sonn. x. 531 Buff. ... x. 533 la petite de mer , Briss. . . xii. 106 le petite de mer. Buff. . . . xii. 142 le petite grise de Gingi, Sonn. . x. 523 noire, Buff. . x. 503 noire d dos fauve. Buff. . . . x. 5 1 7 noire d’Encenada, Buff. . . . x. 517 petite de Buenos A yres . . x . 5 1 9 pipe. Buff. . x. 542 de pes, Biff. . x. 540 Alp . . . ix. 319 Alpaca, Molin . ii. 245 A/pin . . . i. 14 Altavela . . v. 288 Alticus saltatorius, Ccp. ’iv. 168 Amazone, Buff. v. ix. p. 383 L’ Amazone, Le Vaill. viii. 493 a calotte bleu, Le Vaill. . . viii. 498 a tete blanche. Buff. . . . viii. 517 a tete jaune, Buff. . . . viii. 499 — jaune, Buff. . viii. 502 tapire en jaune, Le Vaill. . . viii. 498 tapire en rouge, Le Vaill. . . viii. 498 Amazon parrot . viii. 497 blue-fronted . viii. 498 * common. Lath. viii. 508 jonquil-headed viii. 499 particoloured . viii. 498 red and green . viii. 498 white-faced . viii. 500 yellow-headed viii. 497 yellow-shouldered viii. 499 Amblyramphus xiv. 53 bicolor xiv. 53 Ameiva, Seb. . L' Amethyste, Buff. iii. 239 viii. 328 Am i a . V. 9 Calva . V. 9 Carolinian . V. 9 Ammodytes . iv. 81 Ammodytes iii. 379 Ammodytes iii. 405 Gesneri, IVils. iv. 81 Tobianus iv. 81 Animobates iii. 481 Amoglossus iv. 309 vel solea Icevis Rondeletii, IVils, iv. 309 A more Pixuma, Pis. iv. 252 GENERAL INDEX. 7 Ampelis Ampelis carnifex . carnifex . carunculata carunculata, Steph. Cayana v. x. p. 424 xiii.* 260 x. 425 xiii.* 261 x. 435 xiii.* 26 . x. 428 Cayana, Steph. xiii.* 260 cinerea . . x. 427 ■ cinerea, Steph. xiii.* 261 cocci nea, Gmel. x. 426 cotinga . . x. 429 cotinga . xiii.* 261 cristata . . x. 425 cristata, Steph. xiii.* 267 cuprea, Steph. xiii.* 261 cuprea . . x. 426 garulus, Lin. . x. 421 var. Lin. x. 423 xiii* 261 . x. 428 . x. 433 xiii.* 261 . x. 431 . x. 430 xiii.* 261 . x. 436 xiii* 261 . x. 432 xiii* 260 .x. 434 variegata, Steph. xiii* 262 umbellata . x. 437 umbellata, Steph. xiii.* 265 Hypopyra luteus ■ Maynana ■ Maynana Phoenicea Pompadora pompadora superba . superba . tersa tersa, Steph. variegata AMPHIBIA 1 Amphisboena Amboinen- sis, Corio, etc., Seb. iii. 587 Amboinensis, squa- mis rubicundis obduc- ta, Seb. iii. 586 ■ Apamea, Seb. , iii. 593 Amphisboena culonica foemina, Seb. v. iii. p. 583 Fuliginosa . iii. 593 ■ Fuliginosus . iii. 593 subargentea, Brown iii. 588 Anabates amaurotis cristatus guianensis rufifrons striolatus Anaca, Will. . Ana Candaja, Seb. Analeps Four-eyed ■ tetropthalmus Anarhichas Lupus Pantherinus — strigosus, Gm cl xiv. 195 xiv. 196 xiv. 197 xiv. 196 xiv. 197 xiv. 196 viii. 554 iii. 455 v. 7 V. 7 v. 7 iv. 93 iv. 93 iv. 97 iv. 97 Anas . . . xii* 83 Linn, xii.* 6. 9. 24, 41, 45, 70, 78, 114 Ray . . xiii. 36 acuta., Linn. xii.* 127 adunca, Linn, xii.* 84 JEgyptiaca, Linn. xii* 43 c estiva , Briss. . xii.* 96 Afiicana , Gmel. xii* 201 albeo/a, Linn, xii* 185 albifrons, Gmel. xii.* 25 Alexandria xii* 112 Americana, Gmel. xii.* 35 anser {firus) Linn. xii* 28 — — antarctica, Gmel. xii.* 59 Arabica , xii.* 1 1 1 Arabica 8 GENERAL INDEX. Anas arborca . v. xii.* p. 98 ■ arctica, Ray . xiii. 37 atrata, Lath. . xii.* 18 autumnalis . xii.* 99 Bahamensis, Linn. xii.* 137 Beringii, Gmel. xii.* 37 Bernicla, Linn, xii.* 46 ■ bicolor, Vieill. xii.* 209 • Boschas . . xii.* 84 borealis . . xii.* 106 Brasitiensis, Rail xii* 138 bucephala, Linn, xii.* 155 Cana, Gmel. . xii.* 67 — — Canadensis, Linn. xii.* 19 Capensis, Gmel. xii.* 139 capita ruffo major, Rail . . . xii* 188 Carolinensis, Gmel. . . xii.* 140 . Carynphyllacea , Lath. . . . jdi.* 207 Casarca, Linn, xii.* 71 can dacuta, Rail xii.* 127 — Harelda, Raii . . . xii.* 175 ccerulescens, Linn. xii* 39 cinerascens, Beck. xii.* 213 circia, Linn. . xii.* 143 clangula, Linn, xii.* 182 clypeata, Linn, xii.* 1 15 Mexicana, Briss. . . xii.* 118 Coromandeliana , Gmel. . . xii.* 56 Coscoroba,Gmel.v.\\.* 309 ■ Crecca , Linn. . xii.* 146 cristata . .xii.* 77 , Raii . xii.* 190 curvirostra . xii.* 99 cygnuides,Linn. xii.* 22 cy gnus, Gmel. xii.* 10 ferns, Linn, xii.* 1 0 Anas cygnns, ferus man- suetus, Linn. v. xii.* p. 1 0 Damiatica . xii.* 108 discors, Linn, xii.* 149 dispar, Linn. . xii.* 206 domestica, Linn. xii* 184 Dominicana . xii.* 109 — , Linn. . xii* 203 ervthronus, Linn. xii.* 49 erythroryncha, Gmel. . . xii.* 75 falcaria . . xii.* 100 fasciata, Shaiv xii.* 124 fera, Briss. . xii.* 84 fusca, Raii . xii.* 193 ferina, Gmel. . xii.* 193 ferruginea, Gmel. xii.* 205 fstularis, Briss. xii.* 131 Americana , Briss. . . xii.* 99 cristata, Briss. . . xii.* 188 J amaicensis Americana, Briss. xii.* 98 formosa, Gmel. xii.* 151 ■ freenata, Sparr. xii.* 199 freti Hudsonis, Briss. . . xii.* 229 Fuligula, Linn, xii * 1 90 fulva, Gmel. . xii.* 204 fuscescens . xii.* 106 galericulata . xii.* 94 gambensis, Linn. xii.* 7 Gattair . . xii.* 119 Georgica,Gmel. xii.* 76 glaucion, Linn, xii.* 182 g/acialis, Linn, xii.* 195 glocitans, Gmel. xii.* 140 — — Gmelini, Gmel. xii.* 209 grandis, Gmel. xii.* 35 Hina, Gmel . xii.* 152 histrionica, Linn. xii* 180 GENERAL INDEX 9 Anas hyberna, Briss. v. xii.* p. 185 * hybrida, Gruel, xii.* 39 hy emalis, Linn, xii.* 175 hyperborea, Gmel. xii* 33 Inilica, Lath. . xii.* 36 Islandica, Gmel. xii.* 1 92 Jamaicensis, Gmel. . . xii.* 119 jubata, Lath. xii.* 63 Kekushka . xii.* 1 1 0 leucocephala, Gmel. . . xii * 218 leucopiera, Gmel. xii.* 59 leucophthalmus, Becks. . . xii.* 201 lobnta, Shaw . xii.* 222 longicauda, Briss. xii.* 127 Islandica, Briss. . . xii.* 175 ex Insula Novce Terrce, Briss. xii * 175 ■ Magellanica, Gmel. . . xii,* 57 Madagascarien- sis, Gmel. . . xii.* 55 Melachorhynchos, Gmel. . . xii* 123 Manillensis, Gmel. xii* 159 Marila, Linn, xii.* 198 ■ melanocephalus , Gmel. . . xii.* 17 — melanoleuca, Lath. . . . xii.* 62 melanotos, Gmel. xii* 8 — melanura, Gmel. xii.* 134 membranacea ? Gmel. . . xii.* 124 mersa, Gmel. . xii.* 218 Mexicana, Lath. xii.* 118 minuta, Linn, xii.* 180 Anas mollissima, Linn. * v. xii.* p. 224 Monacha . xii.* 107 montana , Gmel. xii.* 37 moscliata, Linn, xii.* 79 Nigra, Linn. . xii.* 213 major, Briss. xii* 216 freti Hudsonis, Briss. . xii.* 219 • minor, Rail xii.* 2 1 3 nigricollis, Gmel. xii.* 1 7 Nilotica, Gmel. xii.* 81 Novce Hispanice, Gmel. . . xii* 153 Novce Zeeland ice, • Gmel. . . . xii.* 2 1 0 Nyroca, Gmel. xii.* 201 obscura . . xii * 204 olor, Gmel. . xii.* 115 Penelope, Linn, xii.* 131 perspicillata, Linn. . . xii* 219 picta, Gmel. . xii.* 60 platyrhynchos, Rail . . . xii.* 103 altera, Raii xii.* 1 15 plutonia, Shaw xii.* 18 pcecillorhyncha, Gmel. . . xii* 134 ■ Querquedula, Linn. . . xii.* 143 regia, Gmel. . xii.* 82 rhynchotis. Lath. xii* 123 — — rostro incurvo, Briss. . xii.* 84 rujbens, Gmel. xii.* 1 15 rubida, Wils. xii.* 120 rubricapilla, Brun. . . xii.* 161 rufa, Gmel. . xii.* 193 Linn. . xii.* 205 ruficollis, Pall, xii.* 53 rujina, Pali. . xii.* 188 rustica, Linn, xii.* 185 rulila, Pall . . xii.* 71 10 GENERAL INDEX Anas St. Cut fiber ti, Rail . v. xii.* fi. 224 — — Scandiaca, Gmel. xii* 190 Segetum, Gmel. xii.* 26 ■ bemipalmata, Lath. • • xii* 64 Sirsaeir . . xii* 1 1 1 Spectabilis, Linn. xii * 229 Sponsa . • xii.* 96 Spinosa, Gmel. xii.* 203 Stelleri, Gmel. xii * 206 Strepera • xii.* 103 ■ Superciliosa . xii.* 108 Sylvestris, Bra- siliensis, Raii . xii.* 79 . — Tadorna, Linn. xii* 72 torquata, Briss. xii* 180 Gmel. . xii* 59 valisineria, Wils. xii.* 196 variegata , Gmel xii.* 59 viduata. . xii.* 102 Anastomus . xi. 631 Coromandel xi. 633 Pondicherry xi. 632 Anastomus xiv. 326 Gron. v. 75 Coromandelianus xi. 630 Coromandelianus, Steph. xiv. 326 lamelligerus xiv. 326 . Pondicerianus xi. 632 Ponticerianus, Steph. . xiv. 326 Typus xiv. 326 Anatidal xii.* 2, 3 xiv. 344 ANATIDiE, StIRPS 1 V. O xii.* p. 5 xii.* 65 xii.* 96 xii* 155 3 5 xii.* 173 v. 168 Anchovy Androglossa xiv. 107 Id Ane ii. 429 Anei Kattalei iv. 527 L’ Angala-diap, Bti (J viii. 194 Angel-fish, Catesb. iv. 325 Angel-Jish, Penn. v. 356 Angler v. 379 Beaked . v. 383 Common, Pent v. 379 Commersonian v. 389 Cornish . v. 381 European v. 379 Harlequin v. 384 Long, Penn. v. 381 Marbled v. 386 Muricated v. 382 Painted . v. 386 Striped . v. 385 Angole, Buff. . xii. 259 Anguiculus Surma - metisis cyaneus, Seb. iii. 506 Anguila iv. 1 5 conger iv. 20 Indica, Will. . iv. 92 Myrus iv. 24 Ophis iv. 22 Serpens . iv. 23 vulgaris iv. 1 5 Anguis . iii. 578 lEsculapii Niger, Aldr. . iii. 449 JEsculapii vul- garis, Cep. . iii. 452 A ter iii. 583 GENERAL INDEX 11 Anguis bicolor elegan- tissimus Malabar i- cus, Seb. . v. iii. p. ■ bipes, Linn. . iii. Clivica . . iii. • clivicus, Linn. iii. Corallina . iii. Corallinus, Linn. iii. de Cencoatl Ame- ricanus, Seb. . iii. Eryx ? Linn. . iii. fragilis . . iii. jamaicensis . iii. laticauda, Linn. iii. ■ leucomelas . iii. lubricus Africanus, Seb. . . . iii. lumbricalis, Linn. iii. maculata . iii. Meleagris . iii. Nasuta . . iii. ♦ pedibus quatuor, Linn. . . . iii. Platura, Linn. iii. quadropes, Linn. iii. Reticulata . iii. rostratns, Weig. iii. Rufa . . iii. Scytale . . iii. < Surinamensis so- num edens, Seb. . iii. Ventralis . iii. Anguleux, Cep. . iv. Anhinga, Buff. . xiii. xiii. de Cayenne, Buff. xiii. noir de Senegal, Buff. . . . xiii. roux de Senegal, Buff. . , . xiii. An i . . . xiv. Lesser and greater, Lath. . . , viii. Ani, Marc. . .viii. Ani, Americana altera, Seb. . . v. viii. p. 240 Ceylonica omni- color, Seb. . . viii. 200 des Savanes, Buff. viii. 385 Mexicana cauda longissima, Seb. viii. 148 Verginiana phce- nicea, de Atototl- dicta, Seb. . . viii. 267 Ania, Leach . .. xii.* 212 Animal . . . i. 93 ■ Anonynse . i. 332 cynocephalum } . ^ ceilonicum . £ Moschiferum, Nier. . . . ii. 249 Zibet hi, vel Hyaena veturum Bellonii, Aldr. i. 398 Anodorhynchus . xiv. 114 Maximiliani . xiv. 114 Anous . . xiii. 139 furcatus . . xiii. 141 niger . xiii. 140 - — - plumbea . . xiii. 142 spadicea . . xiii. 143 Anser . . xii* 24 Briss. . xii* 223 - — - Cuv. . xii* 41 Penn. xii* 6 , 45 Ray . xiii. 99 albifrons . . xii.* 21 bassanus, Ray xiii. 100 bassano congener, Ray . XIII. 104 reo-albus, Ray . xiii. 105 Beeringi . . xii.* 37 Candida . . xii.* 38 Coscoroba . xii.* 39 ferus . xii.* 28 488 311 589 589 582 582 475 580 579 588 563 586 486 588 5S5 581 587 307 566 307 587 587 586 581 460 584 492 131 132 131 131 131 217 380 380 12 GENERAL INDEX Anser grandis v. xii.* p. 35 griseus, Vieil. xii.* 67 Guineensis, Briss. xii.* 22 hybrida . . xii.* 39 hyperborea . xii * 33 Indica . . xii.* 36 lanuginosa , Briss. xii.* 224 leucopus, Becks, xii.* 49 melanolevcos, Vieil. . . . xii.* 62 melanotus, Zoo/. Ind. . . .xii.* 8 montana . . xii.* 37 niveus, Briss. . xii.* 33 segetum . . xii.* 26 semipalmata, Vieil. xii.* 64 septentrionalis syl- vestris, Bliss. . xii * 27 sylvestris, Briss. xii.* 27 freli Huclsonis, Briss. xii.* 33 Ant black common . great wood vi. 350 vi. 351 vi. 35 1 vi. 35 1 Ant a, Marc. ii. 449 Ant-eater aculeated Cape great little middle porcupine striped three-toed i. 166 i. 175 i. 173 i. 167 i. 172 i. 169 i. 1 75 i. 178 i. 170 Antelope Z Egyptian , Pent Algagel» Penn Barbary . Cervine . chamois, Penn ii. 303 ii. 312 ii. 316 ii. 350 ii. 331 ii. 364 Antelope, Chinese v. ii p. 342 cinereous ii. 349 common . ii. 336 Corine, Penn. . ii. 353 Egyptian ii. 312 Flat-horned ii. 351 Forest, Penn. . ii. 348 Gambian ii. 338 ■ gnou, Penn. ii. 357 Guildenstedt's , Penn. . ii. 343 Guinea . ii. 324 Guldensted’s . ii. 343 harnessed ii. 322 Indian ii. 319 Indostan . ii. 329 Leucoryx, Penn. ii. 315 Oreotragus,Penn. ii. 321 Oryx, Pall. ii. 319 Ourebi, Penn. ii. 320 Pygmy . ii. 326 Red ii. 360 Royal , Penn. . ii. 326 Scythian, Penn. ii. 339 Senegal, Penn. ii. 333 springer . ii. 344 striped . ii. 334 Sivift, Penn. . ii. 359 Sumatran ii. 354 white ii. 315 white-footed, Penn. ii. 327 white-faced ii. 352 Antilope ii. 302 Arundinacea . ii. 347 Bubalis . ii. 331 ■ Cervicapra ii. 336 Corinna . ii. 353 Dama ii. 359 Dorcas ii. 350 Eleotragus ii. 349 Euchore . ii. 344 Gazella . ii. 316 Gnu ii. 35 7 Grimmia ii. 324 Gutturosa ii. 342 GENERAL INDEX 13 Antilope Kevella v . ii . p. 351 Leucoryx . ii. 315 Lurvia . ii. 338 • Oreas . ii. 319 Oreotragus . ii. 321 Oryx . ii. 312 Ourebi . . ii. 320 Picta . ii. 327 Pygarga . . ii. 352 Pygmea . . ii. 326 Ridunca . ii. 360 • Rupricapra . ii. 361 Saiga . ii. 339 Scripta . . ii. 322 Strepsiceros . ii. 334 Subgutturosa . ii. 343 Sumatreiisis . ii. 354 Sylvatica . ii. 348 Tragocametus . ii. 329 Anthropoid! s . xi. 534 . xiv. 320 Pavonina . xi. 536 — . xiv. 321 Stanleyanus . xiv. 320 Virgo . xi. 53 5 Anthus . . xiii* 238 agrestis . . xiii* 8 campestris . xiii.* 9 • Capensis . xiii* 9 fulvus . xiii.* 9 petrosus . . xiii* 40 pratensis . . xiii.* 9 — — Ricliardi . . xiii.* 9 rubra . xiii.* 9 rufa . xiii* 9 trivialis . . xiii.* 8 Ant-Thrusii . . xiii.* 177 Ant-wren . xiii * 172 IS A our ou-couraou, Buff. . . . viii. 508 Ape Ape, Barbary . . z; . i. p. 13 great, Penn. . i. 3 long-armed i. 12 pygmy . i. 14 A per, Gesn. ii. 459 Aper, Rond. iv. 292 Athiopicus , Pall. ii. 464 Aphis vi. 168 Mali vi. 170 Millifollii vi. 170 Rosa vi. J 7 1 rose . ' . vi. 171 Salicis vi. 170 Tiliae vi. 171 Ulmi vi. 170 yarrow . vi. 170 Apiaster, Rail viii. 152 icterocephalus, Briss. . viii. 155 lndicus erythro - cephalus, Briss. viii. 181 • Philippensis major, Briss. viii. 163 Apis vi. 289 mellifica . vi. 289 centuncularis . vi. 344 ligniseca . vi. 345 lapidaria . vi. 347 terrestris vi. 348 hortorum vi. 348 Apocryptes Chinensis, v v • Osb. iv. 245 Aptenodytes xiii. 54 Forst. xiii. 57, 63 antarctica, Gmel. xiii. 67 — catarractes, Gmel. xiii. 61 — Chiloensis . xiii. 66 — chrysocoma , Gmel. . i. 1 . xiii. 58 14 GENERAL INDEX. Aptenodytes dcmcrsa, Gmel. . . v. xiii. p. 64 Magellanica, Gmel. xiii. 65 minor, Gmel. . xiii. 61 papua, Gmel. . xiii. 59 Patagonica . xiii. 55 torquata, Gmel. xiii. 60 Apteryx . xiii. 70 southern . xiii. 71 australis . xiii. 71 Aquatilis cinclus, Mont. x. 3 1 3 Aquila . xiii.* 15 Aquila, Will. . . v. 284 alba cygnea. Klein vii. 761 bellicosa . xiii.* 15 chrysaetos xiii.* 15 fucosa xiii* 16 heliaca xiii.* 15 maculosa, Vieill. xiii.* 18 Malaiensis xiii* 15 marines species. Will. . . v. 286 noevia xiii.* 15 pennata . xiii.* 15 sinensis . xiii* 16 Ara bleu, Buff. . viii. 391 canga, Le Vaill. viii. 386 canga, Le Vaill. xiv. 1 12 le grand militaire, Le Vaill. . . viii. 395 le grand militaire, Le Vaill. . . xiv. 113 gris a trompe, Le Vaill. . . viii. 474 ■ la perruclie dc Cayenne . . viii. 398 le petit rouge, Buff. . . . viii. 386 Ara Macao, Le Vaill. v. viii. p. 386 Macao, Le Vaill. xiv. 1 13 Macavouanne, Le Vaill. viii. 398 Macakana, Le Vaill. . viii. 559 militaire, Le Vaill. . xiv. 113 noir, Briss. viii. 399 noir a trompe, Le Vaill. viii. 474 perriche , Buff. viii. 398 rouge, Buff. viii. 386 tricolor, Le Vaill viii. 386 tricolor, Le Vaill. vert, Biff. xiv. 112 viii. 397 verd du Bresil viii. 397 • Aracari 98 Aracari, Marc. viii. 371 a bee noir, Buff viii. 372 — — bleu. Buff. viii. 374 L’ Arada, Buff. x. 282 Aramus xi. 539, xiv. 322 scolopacea . . xi. 540 Aranea vi. 476 aquatica . vi. 480 avicularia vi. 480 • Diadema vi. 4<76 Tarantula vi. 478 nobilis vi. 479 scenica vi. 479 extensa . vi. 479 laevipes . vi. 479 palustris . vi. 480 1 1 Albin vi. 476 168 Albin vi. 476 Araponga . xiii.* 261 Arara, Spi.v . xiv. 1 1 2 Ararauna, Marc. viii. 391 GENERAL INDEX 1,5 Aratinga . v. xiv.w. acutirostris xiv. aeruginosus xiv. aureus xiv. aurifrons . xiv. buccalis . xiv. Cqixana . xiv. canicularis xiv. Carolinae Au- gustse . xiv. — Carolinensis xiv. chrysocephalus xiv. cyanogularis . xiv. fasciatus xiv. flaviventer xiv. guarouba xiv. haemorrhous xiv. Ludovicianus . xiv. melanurus xiv. — — Ninus xiv. nobilis, Spix . xiv. perlatus . xiv. pertinax . xiv. rufirostris xiv. solititialis xiv. sosove xiv. virescens xiv. viridissimus xiv. xantliopterus . xiv. Arctomys . ii. Bobac ii. citillus . ii. Empetra . . ii. Gundi . ii. Maulina . ii. Man not a . . ii. Precinosa ii. Arcuatus, Linn. . iv. Ardea . . . xi. — t — • • . xiv. Lath. . , xi. Linn. xi. 523, 534, 592, Ardea, Gmel. v. xi. p. 539, 631 Raii . . xi. 608 eequinoctialis . xi. 571 Lath. xi. 545 A garni . . xi. 554 . . xiv. 324 alba, Linn. . xi. 540 alba major. Rail xi. 543 alba tertia Aldro- vandi, Rail . . xi. 545 Antigone, Linn. xi. 531 Argala, Lath. xi. 622 atra . . xi. 562 badia, Gmel. . xi. 609 botaurus, Gmel. xi. 556 Brasiliensis, Linn. xi. 602 Candida, Briss. . . . xi. 570 rostro serrato, Rail . xi. 603 ceerulea . . xi. 580 — . . xiv. 324 var. Lath. xi. 583 — - — young , Steph. . . xiv. 324 caerulescens . xi. 582 cceruleo-nigra, Raii . . . xi. 579 Caledonica , Gmel. xi. 613 Cana . . xi. 569 ■ — — Canadensis, Linn. xi. 528 Candida, Briss. xi. 543 Candida minor , Briss. . . . xi. 545 Carolinensis Can- dida, Briss. . . xi. 59 1 carunculata, Gmel. xi. 533 Caspica, Lath. xi. 556 Castanea, Gmel. xi. 574 Cai/anensis, Gmel. xi. 612 134 136 139 139 136 139 138 139 134 136 135 137 138 137 135 135 136 139 138 115 138 139 136 135 136 139 136 135 114 120 123 119 123 122 115 121 349 541 324 631 616 1G GENERAL INDEX. Ardea Cayancnsis cris- tata, Briss. v. xi. p. — chalybea . . xi. . . xiv. — ciconia, Rail . xi, — ciuerea . . xi. — cinnaniomea . xi. — cocoa . . xi. — comata, Gmel. xi. Lath . . xi. Coromandelensis xi. xiv. Coromandeliana , Gmel. . . . xi. cracra . . xi. cristata, Briss. xi. purpu- rascens , Briss. xi. cyanopus . xi. Steph. xiv. Danubialis, Gmel. xi. dubia, Gmel. . xi. egretta, Gmel. xi. crythropus, Gmel. xi. exilis . . xi. — — ferruginea . xi. Jlava, Gmel. . xi. freti Hudsonis, Briss . . • . xi. fusca . . xi. , Steph. xiv. garden i, Gmel. xi. • garzetta , xi. gigantea, Gmel. xi. grisea, Linn. . xi. grus, Linn. . xi. hcematopus sen Cirris, Raii . xi. Helias, Linn. xiv. Herodias . xi. Hoacti . . xi. Hohou . . xi. Hudsonias . xi. Jamaicensis, Gmel. xi. jugularis . . xiv. Akdea lentiginosa, Mont. . • v. xi. p. 59 6 leucocephala . xi. 563 leucogaster . xi. 547 lineata , Gmel. xi. 601 Ludoviciana . xi. 578 , Steph. xiv. 324 maculata, Gmel. xi. 509 Magueri, Gmel. xi. 619 major, Linn. . xi. 548 Malaccensis . xi. 584 Marsiglii, Gmel. xi. 574 Mexican a cinerea, Briss. . . . xi. 566 Briss. xi. 584 Mexicana cristata, Briss. . . . xi. 568 purpurascens, Briss. . . . xi. 585 minuta . . xi. 589 nigra, Briss. . xi. 562 , Linn. xi. 620 nivea, Gmel. . xi. 545 Novce Guineas . xi. 586 Novce Hollandice xi. 561 Nycticorax, Linn. xi. 609 - Pavonina, Linn. xi. 537 Philippensis . xi. 586 , Steph. xiv. 324 pileata . . xi. 570 Pondiceriana, Gmel. . . . xi. 632 pumila, Gmel. . xi. 544 purpurascens, Briss. . . . xi. 556 purpurata, Gmel. xi. 556 purpurea . xi. 556 rulloides . xi. 5 73 rubiginosa . xi. 558 rufa, Scop. . xi. 556 rufescens . xiv. 324 rufescens, Gmel. xi. 542 russata, Temm. xiv. 324 sacra . . xi. 572 Senegalensis . xi. 604 sibilatrix xiv. 324 564 582 324 617 548 560 564 374 577 577 324 633 567 548 556 583 324 589 622 543 574 587 576 603 553 539 324 609 545 529 609 524 574 323 552 568 566 553 614 324 GENERAL INDEX. 17 Ardea Soloniensis, Gmel. . . v. xi. p. 589 spadicea . . xi. 585 squaiotta, Gmel. xi. 574 stellaris . xi. 593 nigra, Briss. xi. 556 tigrina, Gmel. xi. 600 variegata , Lath. xi. 556 violacea . . xi. 579 virescens, Linn. xi. 605 virgata . . xi. 565 Virginiana cristata, Briss. . xi. 552 Virgo, Linn. . xi. 595 - undulata, Gmel. xi. 599 ARDEID7E . xiv. 321 Ardeola, Briss. xi. 589 — — Rail xi. 541 ■ Brasiliensis, Raii xi. 58 var. Rail xi. 583 Arege Nagoo . iii. 415 Arenaria xi. 489 Briss. xi. 519, 520 cinerea, Briss. xi. 520 vulgaris . xi. 490 Argali ii. 379 Argentina . V. 129 glossodonta V. 127 spliyrsena V. 128 • Machnata v. 129 Carolina V. 129 Argentine V. 127 Carolina . V. 129 Machnata V. 129 Pearl-bladdered V. 128 Tooth-tongued V. 127 Argus . xi. 242 Argus xiv. 301 geant, Temm. . xi. 244 v. XIV. P. II. Argus giganteus v. xi. p. 243 . xiv. 301 gigantic . xi. 243 Aries, Plin. ii. 385 moromorus , Nier ii. 248 Armadillo i. 187 Africanus i. 182 Armadillo i. 189 eighteen-banded greater twelve- i. 195 banded i. 192 nine-banded i. 190 seven-banded . i. 190 six-banded i. 189 three-banded . i. 188 twelve-banded i. 192 weazle-headed i. 195 Arnee ii. 400 Arquata, Raii xii. 35 — — minor, Raii xii. 36 Arremon xiv. 14 silens xiv. 14 Arrian, Le Vaill. vii. 24 Artamus xiii.* 137 leucorhynclios xiii.* 137 — — - viridis xiii.* 137 Ascalohotes, Seb. iii. 208 Ashlcoko, Bruce ii. 219 Asilus . vi. 397 Asilus, Raii x. 742 crabroniformis . vi. 397 flavus vi. 398 forcipatus vi. 398 Gibbosus vi. 397 tipuloides vi. 398 Asinus, Plin. . ii. 429 Asp iii. 381 Aspir, Cep. iii. 381 2 18 GENERAL INDEX Aspredo cauda subro- tunda, Gronov. v . v. p. 30 Ass . . ii. 429 Astrapia . xiv. 74 nigra . xiv. 75 Asturina xiii.* 24 cinerea . xiii* 24 Astur . xiii.* 25 brachypterus xiii.* 28 — gracilis . xiii.* 26 — — hemidactylus xiii.* 26 — — magnirostris xiii.* 29 nitidus . xiii.* 27 Novae Hollandiae xiii.* 26 pal um bar ius xiii.* 25 poliogaster xiii.* 29 radiatus . xiii * 29 xantliothorax xiii.* 27 Atherina V. 130 Hepsetus V. 130 Japonica V. 132 Menidia . V. 131 pinguis . V. 133 Sihania . V. 132 Atherine i V. 130 Jamaica . V. 131 Japanese . V. 132 Mediterranean V. 130 Sihama . V. 132 Transparent V. 133 Atinga guacu mucu ix. 121 Atropos . in. 404 Alta gen, Briss. . xi. 293 — Americana, Briss. xi. 299 Pensylvania, Briss. . . xi. 301 Attelabus vi. 68 Apiarius . vi. 68 Attelabus Betuloe u. vi .p. 68 Coryli . . vi. G8 L’ Averano, Buff. . x. 434 Auercalze . . xi. 271 Auerochs, Gesn. . ii. 393 Auerhan . . . xi. 271 Avicula de Quanchcilui viii. 178 Mexicana, Seb. viii. 2G6 Mexicana cyaneo colore venustissima, Seb. . . . viii. 292 Tatac, ex Nova Hispania, Seb. . viii. 266 Avis Colibri Americana omnium minima Thau- mantias dicta, Seb. viii. 329 Colibri orientalis, Seb. . . . viii. 2G8 ex Nova Hispania Zayanquitototl dicta , Seb. . . . viii. 278 Kakatohea orientalis, Seb. . . . viii. 480 maderaspatanos major novaculce facie, Ray . . xiii. 1 3 G Ocatyinitzin, Seb. vii. 418 Paradisiaca, Seb. xii. 480 Americana ele- gant issima, Seb. . viii. 149 cristata, Seb. viii. 147 — ternatana, Seb. viii. 73 Saligna dicta, Seb. . . . vii. 418 tropicorum, Ray xiii. 125 Tsioei indica orientalis, Seb. . viii. 267 Auk . . . xiii. 50 GENERAL INDEX. 19 Auk, Penn. . v. xiii. p. 27 ancient, Penn. xiii. 42 black-billed, Penn. . xiii. 30 crested, Penn. xiii. 47 dusky, Penn. . xiii. 46 jiat-billed, Lath. xiii. 48 great xiii. 51 Labrador, Lath. xiii. 38 little, Penn. xiii. 34 Peroquet, Penn. xiii. 44 pygmy> Penn. . xiii. 48 tufted, Penn. . xiii. 40 Avocetta, Briss. xiv. 328 Avocette, Buff. xii. 173 Avoset . xii. 172 xiv. 328 American xii. 175 common . xii. 173 long-legged, Wils. xii. 179 New Holland . xii. 176 oriental . xii. 177 Scooping, Penn. xii. 170 — — Terek, Penn. . xii. 83 Autour, Buff. . vii. 118 a ventre raye de Madagascar, Sonn. vii. 169 huppe, Le Vail. vii. 64 petit d’ Amerique Buff. .. . vii. 159 'petit de Cayenne vii. 160 Autruche, Buff. xi. 424 Aw-kis-cow xi. 285 Aidbird . ix. 185 Axis, Plin. ii. 285 great, Penn. ii. 287 middle, Penn. ii. 286 spotted . ii. 285 Aye Aye . i. 109 Azur le petit, Biff. . X. 383 Azuroux, Buff. ix. 408 Babiroussn ii. 467 Baboon . . v. i. p. 16 broad-toothed . i. 24 brown i. 24 cinereous i. 23 common . i. 16 crested . i. 26 dog-faced i. 28 dog-tailed i. 32 great, Penn. . i. 17 grey> Shave i. 28 hog-faced i. 21 lion-tailed i. 30 — — • little i. 27 — > — mottled, Penn. i. 16 — — pig-tailed i. 25 pig-tailed, Penn. ribbed-nose, Penn i. 25 . i. 20 variegated i. 17 ursine, Penn. . i. 29 wood i. 22 wrinkled . i. 33 yellow i. 23 Babouin des bois i. 22 a longues jambes i. 24 a museau de chien i. 28 Babyroussa ii. 467 Porcus Indicus dictus, Raii . ii. 467 Bacbakiri, Le Vaill. vii. 319 Bacbakiri, Le Vaill. x. 253 Bacha, Le Vaill. vii. 157 Badger . i. 467 ■ American i. 469 common, Penn. i. 469 Indian i. 470 Bakkamoena vii. 237 Barker, Alb. . xii. 133 Baeaina ii. 478 Balcena, Johnst. ii. 497 Boops ii. 492 ■ Gesneri, Wils. . ii. 478 Gibbosa . ii. 494 gibbis sex, Klein ii. 494 gibbo unico prope caudam, Klein ii. 494 Groenlandicn, Lin. ii. 47 S 20 GENERAL INDEX Baljena macra, Klein v. ii. p. — i. minima, rostro lon- gissimo et acutissimo. Mull. . . . ii. Musculus • ii. Mysticetus . ii. Physalus . ii. Rondeletii, IVils. ii. Rostrata . . ii. rostrata , Linn. ii. tripinnis, ventre Icevi, Briss. . . ii. tripinnis, ventre rugoso, rostro acuto, Briss. . . ii. tripinnis, ventre rugoso, rostro ro- tundo, Briss. . ii. vera Rondeletii, IVils. . . . ii. Balbuzard , Buff. . vii. Balbuzardus An- glorum, Rail . vii. Balearica . . xiv. Pavonina . xiv. Balicasse des Philippines, Buff. . . . vii. Baliste Bourse, Cep. . v. bride, Cep. . v. cendre. Cep. . v. echarpe. Cep. . v. etoile, Cep. . v. grand tache, Cep. v. Pralin, Cep. . v. verdatre, Cep. v. Balistes . . v. aculeatus . v. Americanus, Linn. v. Assasi . . v. Biaculeatus • v. Bicolor . . v. Capistratus . v. Balistes Capriscus v. v. 4 1 1 Chiuensis v. 403 cinereus . v. 410 Curassavicus . v. 418 Fasciatus v. 409 Forcipatus v. 416 gramdatus, IV late v. 402 Hispidus v. 400 Kleinii . v. 418 Laevis v. 405 liturosus . v. 405 Maculatus v. 413 Mouoceros v. 399 Papillosus v. 402 punctatus v. 417 ringens . v. 404 Scolopax, Art. v. 459 Signatus . v. 416 Sinensis, Block v. 403 Sonneratii v. 406 tomeutosus v. 401 Verrucosus v. 415 Vetula v. 412 Virescens v. 408 Undulatus v. 419 Unimaculatus . v. 410 Baltimore Bird, Catesb. vii. 425 spurious . vii. 426 Bambla, Buff. x. 308 Banana-bird, Brown vii. 431 large, Brown . vii. 420 lesser, Edzv. vii. 432 Bananiote, Buff. x. 729 Band-Fish iv. 187 common . iv. 189 Herman nian iv. 191 Rough-finned . iv. 191 Rubescent iv. 190 Bandi Goolivinda, Briss iv. 615 Baniahbou dc Bengal, Buff. x. 271 Banstickle iv. 604 494 496 495 478 490 478 496 496 490 492 495 478 82 82 321 321 352 406 417 410 409 417 416 410 408 399 414 407 419 415 407 417 GENERAL INDEX 21 Bamtickle smaller v. iv. p. 606 Barbareque ii. 146 Barbel v. 222 Cyral v. 224 Barbet . ix. 19 Barbet . xiv. 150 African . ix. 25 austral, Lath. . xiv. 155 beautiful ix. 20 black-spotted . ix. 34 throated . ix. 30 blue-cheeked, Lath. xiv. 150 buff-faced ix. 28 Cayenne . ix. 33 collared . ix. 39 doubtful . ix. 2 grand ix. 40 great ix. 40 ■ greater pied ix. 35 — — green ix. 22 Indian ix. 27 Latham’s ix. 28 lesser pied ix. 36 little i. 280 little ix. 29 red-crowned ix. 23 fronted ix. 31 spotted-bellied ix. 37 wax-billed ix. 41 yellow-cheeked ix. 24 throated ix. 21 Barbican xiv. 147 Barbican , Buff. . ix. 2 Abyssinian, Lath. xiv. 149 * a ventre rose, Le Vaill. . . . xiv. 148 . des coles de Bar- barie . . . ix. 2 unibec, Le Vaill. xiv. 148 Barbichon de Cayenne, Buff x. 352 Barbu, a Collier v. ix. p. 39 « gorge jaune . ix. 21 gorge noire . ix. 30 a plastron noir ix. 31 a poitrine noir de Cayenne . . ix. 36 de Cayenne . ix. 33 de Make . . ix. 22 de Magnas . ix. 20 de V Isle de Luqon ix. 30 des Philippines ix. 21 de St. Domingue ix. 34 da Cap de Bonne Esperance . . ix. 31 — — du Senegal . ix. 29 Grand de la Chine ix. 40 le petit . . ix. 29 le plus grand a, gros bee . . ix. 35 rubicen, Le Vaill. xiv. 148 vert . . ix. 22 Barge abayeuse, Buff. xii. 86 abayeuse, ou d queue rayee , Cuv. . . xii. 77 a (queue noire, Cuv. xii. 73 brune, Buff. xii. 103 - grise, Buff. xii. 140 le grand Rouss, Biff. . . . xii. 73 Meyer, Temm. xii. 75 rouge de la bale d’ Hudson, Biff. . Xll. 71 Rousse, Buff. . xii. 77 ■ vane, Buff. xii. 85 Barita, Cuvier xiv. 60 anaphonensis, Temm. xiv. 61 destructor, Temm. xiv. 62 Barnacle armee, Cuv. xii* 43 Barracuda, Catesb. . V. 105 Baryphonus, Vieil. . xiv. 84 22 GENERAL INDEX Basiliscus , Seb. v. iii. p. Basilisk . . iii. Basse, Penn. . iv. Bat . i. Barbastelle . i. bearded . . i. bull-dog . . i. common . f i. • cordated . . i. great . . i. great-eared . i. great Serotine . i. horse-shoe . i. Jamaica, Edw . i. javelin . . i. ■ — - lasiopter . . i. • leaf . . i. long-eared . i. New York . i. Molucca . . i. Noctule . . i. Peruvian . i Pipistrelle . i. pit-nose . . i. Pouch, Penn. . i. rough-tailed . i. Senegal . . i. Serotine . . i. short-eared English slender-tailed . i. slouch-eared . i. spectre . . i. striped . . i. tailed . . i. ternate, Penn. . i vampyre . . i. Batrachus fuscus, Klein . v. Bateleur, Le Vaill. . vii. Baumfalke du grosse, Allg. vii. Bear . . . i. American . i. black . . i. Bear, brown, Penn. v. i.p. 450 New Holland, Penn. i. 489 petre . . i. 159 Polar . . i. 457 yellow . . i. 454 Bearde a ventre jaune, Buff. . . vii. 309 Beaver . . . ii. 30 Castor, Penn. . ii. 30 Chili . . ii. 41 common . . ii. 30 Guillino , Penn. ii. 41 Mush, Penn. . ii. 44 Becurde a ventre blanc, Buff. . . . vii. 299 Becasse, Buff. . . xii. 44 des Savanes, Buff'. . . . xii. 5 1 Bccasseau, Buff. . xii. 127 brunette, Temm. xii. 98 — — Canut, Temm. xii. 90 echasses, Temm. xii. 105 Temmia , Temm. xii. 103 violet, Temm. . xii. 146 Becassine, Buff. . xii. 54 de la Chine, Buff. xii. 66 de Madras, Buff. xii. 68 du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff’. . xii. 65 grande, Temm. xii. 51 la petite, Buff. xii. 57 ordinaire, Temm. xii. 54 ponctuee, Temm. xii. 61 Sourde, Temm. xii. 57 Bee d’ argent, Buff. x. 409 Bee de fer , Le Vaill. vii. 290 Bee cn ciseaux, Buff', xiii. 136 Becffgue, Buff'. . x. 592 206 206 534 123 133 136 138 123 140 130 123 142 131 141 142 133 141 123 135 134 130 139 132 147 137 134 138 132 122 137 137 143 135 123 144 144 28 98 195 159 453 453 GENERAL INDEX Bec-fleur * a bande noir long du corps, Azar. v. viii. p. 303 — — d queue en ciseaux , Azar. . . viii. 280 • a queue couleur de topaze, Azar. . viii. 335 le plus beau, Azar. viii. 329 Bec-ouvert, Buff. . xi. 632 des hides, Sonn. xi. 635 Bec-rond a ventre roux, Buff. Bedeguar ix. 334 vi. 269 Bee vi. 289 Common honey vi. 289 Carpenter vi. 344 Humble . vi. 347 Bee-eater viii. 152 Bee-Eater . xiii.* 72 Angola . viii. 176 Black and yelloiv, Lath. . viii. 167 — — Black-eared ,viii. 181 Blue- cheeked . viii. 171 — - — Blue green viii. 159 Blue-headed . viii. 168 Brasilian viii. 1 62 Cayenne . viii. 160 Chattering viii. 171 Chesnut, Lath. viii. 163 Cinereous viii. 178 Common viii. 152 Cowled . viii. 1 66 Eastern . viii. 178 ■ Embroidered . viii. 167 Golden-winged viii. 180 Hooded . viii. 170 Indian viii. 156 Knob-fronted . viii. 183 Malimba viii. 174 Olivaceous viii. 180 Philippine viii. 165 23 Bee-eater, Pietl v. viii. jy. 1 65 Pirilc, Lath. . xiii.* 75 Poe viii. 1 69 Red-headed viii. 1 81 Red-throated . viii. 1 77 Red-winged viii. 175 Rufous . viii. 182 Senegal . viii. 163 Superb . viii. 161 Supercilious viii. 164 Variegated viii. 158 variegated. Lath. Wattled . xiii.* 73 viii. 173 White-fronted viii. 179 Yellow . viii. 159 Yellow-headed viii. 155 Yellow-throated viii. 176 Yellow-tufted viii. 172 Beef-eater viii. 50 Beef-eater . xiv. 59 • African, Lath. viii. 50 Beetle . vi. 19 Diamond vi. 65 Golden . vi. 26 Goliali vi. 21 Hercules vi. 19 Kangaroo vi. vignette Oil vi. 104 — Stag vi. 27 variegated vi. 26 Befroi le grand, Buff. x. 306 le petit, Buff. . x. 307 Behemoth, Sham ii. 464 Belier ii. 385 Beluga . ii. 515 Bengale , Biff. ix. 541 piquete , Buff. . ix. 542 Bengalus, Briss. ix. 541 punctulatus ix. 542 Bentaveo, Biff. vii. 300 GENERAL INDEX 24 Berger onette de java, Buff. v. x.p. 553 de Vide de Timor . . x. 559 de Pr intemps . x. 560 dn Cap de Bonne Esperance . . x. 549 grise, Biff. . x. 550 grise des hides, Sonn. . . . x. 563 jaune, Biff. x. 555 petite du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Biff. . x. 561 Bergsnyltra, Linn. . iv. 524 Bernache, Buff. xii.* 49 Bernicla xii.* 45 Briss. xii* 49 antarctica xii.* 59 Breuta . xii.* 46 Cana xii.* 61 Coromandeliana xii* 56 erytliropus xii* 49 jubata xii.* 63 leucoptera xii.* 58 Madagascariensis Magellanica xii.* 57 xii.* 54 melanoleuca xii.* 62 minor , Briss. . xii.* 49 picta xii.* 60 ruficollis xii.* 53 semipalmata xii.* 64 variegata xii.* 59 Bernicle . xii. * 45, 49 antarctic xii.* 59 black and white xii* 62 Brent xii.* 46 — common . xii.* 49 Coromandel xii.* 56 grey-headed xii.* 61 Hawksbury xii.* 63 Madagascar xii.* 54 Magellanica xii.* 57 • — — painted . xii.* 60 Bernicle, red- breasted v. xii.* p. 53 semipalmated . xii.* 64 variegated . xii.* 59 white-winged . xii* 58 Berryeater . xii.* 263 Bestiola hum dicta, Aldr. ii. 76 Bcthylus , Cuvier . xiv. 93 Bib . . . iv. 140 Bichir . . . v. 124 Polyptere, Geoff, v. 122 Bidens, Spin . . xiv. 346 Biggel, Maud. . ii. 329 Bihoreau, Buff. . xi. 609 d manteau noire, Tcmm. . . xi. 609 de Cayenne, Buff. xi. 012 BilcocJc . . . xii. 192 Bilobi, Cep. . . iv. 434 Birnbeli, Biff. . x. 607 Binni, Bruce . . v. 151 Bipes Amphibious, Ellis in. 601 Bird, arctic, Edw. . xiii. 211 crying, Bartr. xii. 8 BIRDS . . . vii. I hard billed, Ray xiv. 1 Bis-ergot, Buff. . xi. 330 Bison . . . ii. 393 Bis, Linn. . ii. 393 Wild. . . ii. 393 Bitin . . . iii. 401 Bitterling . . v. 220 Bittern . . xi. 592 . . . xiv. 324 American, Wils. xi. 596 Brasilian . xi. 602 common . . xi. 593 crested, Caiesb. xi. 579 freckled . . xi. 596 greater, Lath. xi. 556 green . . xi, 605 GENERAL INDEX <25 Bittern, least, I Fils . V. xi. p . liueated . xi. little, Penn. xi. minute, Lath. . xi. rayed. Lath. . xi. rufous, Lath. . xi. Senegal . xi. small, Cates h. . xi. Swabian , Lath. xi. tiger xi. ■ yellow xi. zigzag xi. Biziura xii* lobata xii.* Blac, Le Vail. viii. Blackbird, Edw. vii. Barbadoes, Brown razor-billed, Vll. Catesb. viii. Black-fish, Russ. V. Blagre, Le Vail. vii. Blaireau . i. Blaireau puaut, Caille i. Blanchard , Le Vail. vii. Blanche-co'ffe, Buff. vii. Blanc- nez i. Blatta . vi. Americana vi. gigautea vi. heteroclita vi. orientalis vi. Bleak v. Blennius iv. Boscianus iv. Cornutus iv. Cristatus iv. Fasciatus iv. Galerita . iv. Gattorugine . iv. Gunellus iv. Blennius, Lumpenus v. iv . p. 183 Muraenoides . iv. 184 Mustelarius iv. 182 Ocelaris iv. 165 Pholis iv. 177 Phycis iv. 172 Punctulatus iv. 176 Raninus . iv. 183 Saliens . iv. 167 Simus iv. 172 superciliosus . iv. 169 tentacular is iv. 171 Trifurcatus iv. 174 viviparus iv. 180 Blenny . iv. 163 Areolated iv. 183 Boscian . iv. 178 Crested . iv. 163 Fasciated iv. 166 Frog iv. 183 Gunnel iv. 179 Hake iv. 172 Horned . iv. 164 Mursenoid iv. 184 Ocellated iv. 165 Pointille , Cep. iv. 176 — Punctulated . iv. 176 Salient . iv. 167 Simous . iv. 172 Smooth . iv. 177 Supercilious . iv. 169 Tentaculated . iv. 171 Trifurcated iv. 174 -- Viviparous iv. 180 • Weesle . iv. 182 Blennier Sauteur, Cep. iv. 167 Blind-worm, Penn. iii. 579 Blongois de Suisse, Buff. xi. 589 Blue-bird, Catesb. X. 663 red-bellied, Edw. X. 689 Bluet, Buff. X. 447 Boa ... iii. 337 587 601 590 587 590 589 604 605 574 600 603 599 221 222 177 453 458 380 23 96 467 394 93 360 51 113 116 114 117 116 238 163 178 164 164 166 163 168 179 c26 GENERAL Boa, Annulata v. iii. p. 364 Annulated iii. 364 Brow 11 iii. 345 Canina . iii. 346 Canine . iii. 346 Cenchris iii. 344 Contortrix iii. 361 Constrictor iii. 337 — — Crotaline iii. 352 Embroidered . iii. 348 Enydris . iii. 345 Fasciata iii. 353 Fasciated iii. 353 Garden . iii. 350 — Great , Shaw . iii. 337 Hipnale . iii. 360 Hog-nosed iii. 361 Horatta . iii. 359 Hortnlana iii. 350 Lineata . iii. 356 Lineated iii. 356 Murina . iii. 351 Ophryos iii. 345 Palpebral iii. 362 Palpebrosa iii. 362 Phrygia . iii. 348 — — Rat iii. 35 I Regia iii. 347 — — — Ringed . iii. 344 Royal iii. 347 Scyctale iii. 343 Siamese . iii. 360 Spotted . iii. 343 Viperina Viperine iii. 355 iii. 355 Water iii. 345 Boar Wild, Shaiv ii. 459 Bootbili, xi. 638 brown, Lath. . xi. 639 crested . xi. 639 spotted, Lath. xi. 639 Bocliir iii. 543 Bodian . iv. 569 Apua iv. 573 INDEX. Bodian, Aya . u. iv. p. 570 Black and white iv. 576 Five-spiued iv. 570 Guttated iv. 574 Large-scaled . iv. 571 Louti iv. 572 Lunated iv. 575 Palpebral iv. 572 Purple-backed iv. 569 — — Rogaa iv. 576 Silvery . iv. 573 Spotted . iv. 571 Star-eyed iv. 576 Zebra iv. 574 Bodianus iv. 569 Apua iv. 573 argenteus iv. 573 Aya iv. 570 Bodianus iv. 569 Guttatus iv. 574 Louti iv. 572 Lunulatus iv. 575 macrolepidotus iv. 571 maculatus iv. 57 1 melanoleucos . iv. 5 76 palpebratus iv. 572 pentacanthus . iv. 570 Rogaa iv. 575 Stellifer . iv. 576 Zebra iv. 574 Boiguacu iii. 347 Boiquacu, Seb. iii. 439 Boiquatrara iii. 435 Bojobi iii. 346 Bombycilla . x. 420 ■ , xiii.* 260 Bohemica x. 421 xiii.* 260 Carolinensis x. 422 xiii.* 260 Bombylius vi. 399 Medius . vi. 399 Major vi. 400 Bonana, Buff'. ix, 506 GENERAL INDEX Boxasa . . v. xi. p. . . . xiv. Briss. xi. 28 6* Canadensis , Briss. Cupido . XI. xi. — — freti Hudsonis, Briss. . xi. major Canadensis, Briss. . xi. Pyreniaca, Briss xi. • Scotica, Briss. xi. umbellus xi. Bonassus, Plin. ii. Bos, Linn. ii. Wild ii. Bondrie , Buff. vii. Bonjour Commandeur, Briss. ix. Bonnet Chinois . i. Booby xiii. broivn and ivhite. Lath. . xiii. great, Lath. xiii. lesser, Lath. . xiii. spotted, Lath. . xiii. Boodroo-Pam iii. Boo-onlc, Edw. xi. Boora-Morany vii. Boquetin ii. Bora, Russ. iii. Borbas Minor Cornu- biensis cirris bi - furcis, Raii . iv. Bordeliere V. Bos ii. Arnee ii. Bubalus . ii. Buffel, Bute ii. Caller ii. Perils, Plin. ii. °27 Bos Grou, Zimm. v. ii. p. 357 Grunniens ii. 411 Indicus, Plin. ii. 403 Moschatus ii. 407 Strepsiceros, Aid) o. ii. 334 Taurus ii. 393 Bo sell as . xii.* 84 — — Major, Briss. xii.* 84 grisea, Briss. xii.* 84 ncevia, Briss. . xii.* 84 Bosbock . ii. 348 Bossu, Cep. iii. 170 Bot vi. 359 Botaurus xi. 592 — xiv. 324 Briss. . xi. 541-608 • Brasiliensis , Briss. xi. 602 Brasiliensis, Briss. xiv. 324 fasciatus . xiv. 324 fiavus xi. 603 Jlavus, Steph. . xiv. 324 lentiginosus ix. 596 lineatus . xi. 601 lineatus, Steph. xiv. 324 major, Briss. . xi. 556 minor, Briss. . xi. 574 ncevius, Briss. xi. 609 Philippensis xiv. 324 rufus, Briss. . xi. 5S9 Senegalensis . xi. 604 — — stellaris . xi. 593 striatus, Briss , xi. 589 tigrinus . xi. 600 tigrinus . xiv. 324 virescens . xi. 605 xiv. 324 undulatus xi. 509 — xiv. 324 Botla Passe rilci Botla iii. 547 Parah, Russ. . iv. 591 Bouc ii. 369 — — d’ AJrique ii. 376 298 303 296, 304 276 299 276 301 311 293 300 393 393 393 114 374 50 104 106 101 107 101 420 589 45 364 511 174 200 393 400 401 358 416 393 28 GENERAL INDEX Boubil de la Chine, Sonn. v. x. p. 205 Bourbeuse, Cep . . iii. 32 Bourgmestre , Buff. xiii. 189 Bouscarle de Provence, Buff. x. 59 7 Boutsallick . . ix. 95 Bouvaron, Buff. . ix. 326 Bouvert, Buff. . ix. 320 Bouvreuil, Buff. . ix. 318 d bee blanc, Buff. ix. 321 (1 gorge et sourcils rouge, Buff. . ix. 249 a plumes frisees, Buff. . . . ix. 326 a ventre roux de Cayenne, Buff. . ix. 306 azure, Vieil. . xiv. 5 bleu d' Arnerique, Biff. . . . ix. 250 de Bourbon, et du Cap de Bonne Espe- rance, Buff'. . ix. 320 noir d’AJrique, Buff. . . . ix. 283 noir du Mexique, Buff. . . ix. 321 violet de la Caro- line, Buff. . , ix. 507 Brachypus phcenicop- terus . . v. xiii * p. Psidii . . xiii.* 191 192 Bradypus . . i. 149 Didactylus . i. 156 pedibus anticis di- dactyl is . . i. 156 posticis tridactylis i. 156 Tridactylus . i. 149 ursine . . i. 159 Ursinus . . i. 159 Brae, Buff. . . viii. 6 Braque tie Bengal . i. 282 Brasilienne, Cep. . iii. 443 Brambling, greater, Albin . . . ix. 489 Bream . . . v. 196 Brebis . . . ii. 385 Bret, JVill. . . iv. 312 Brent a . . . xii*. 46 Brin-blanc, Buff. . viii. 284 Brisier d'os, Buff. . xiii. 237 Brosone, Strom . . iv. 161 Brotigeris . . xiv. 133 fringillaceus . xiv. 133 pldgy . . xiv. 133 pyrrliopterus . xiv. 133 Spannanni . xiv. 133 Brachypteryx montana . sepiaria . . xiii.* 21 7 . xiii.* 217 . xiii.* 218 Bruant, Buff. . de huge, Buff. ix. 351 ix. 356 de l' Isle de Bour- bon, Buff. . . ix. 416 de Mexique, Buff. ACHYPUS . xiii.* 189 ix. 395 — azureus . xiii.* 190 du Bresil, Buff. ix. 386 — Cafer xiii.* 189 du Cap de Bonn e — Capensis xiii.* 190 Esperance, Buff. . ix. 374 — chrysorrlioeus xiii.* 189 familier, Buff. ix. 384 — Cochinsinensis xiii.* 192 fou, ou de pres, — dispar xiii.* 190 Buff. . ix. 455 - hsemorrbousa xiii* 192 Brubra, Le Cat ll. . vii. 327 — jocosus . xiii.* 191 — Le Vail Ian tii xiii.* 189 Bruchus vi. 61 — perspicillatus xiii.* 191 Bactris . vi. 61 t GENERAL INDEX. 29 Bruchus bipunctatus v. vi. p. 61 granarius <■. vi. 61 seminarius . vi. 61 Brunet, Buff. Brunet, Le Vaill du Cap de Bonn Esperance, Buff. Brunoir, Le Vaill . Brunor, Buff. Bruta Le Bubale Bubalus, Gesn. Bubo Africanus lactea microcephalus Virginianus , Briss. Bucco ix. 501 xiii.* 190 e x. 216 xiii.* 189 ix. 306 i. 149 ii. 331 ii. 401 Xlll.’ Xlll. xiii.4 55 55 55 55 vii. 215 ix. 19 xiv. 3 50 ix. 25 Africanus Africanus, Steph. xiv. 207 armillaris . xiv. 153 australis . . xiv. 154 calearatus . ix. 41 calearatus, Steph. xxv. 155 Capensis . . ix. 39 Capensis, Steph. xiv. 156 Cayanensis . ix. 33 Cauenensis, Steph. xiv. 156 Cayanensis noe- vms . . . ix. 34 chrysopogon . xiv. 151 cinereus . ■ ix. 41 • cyanops . . xiv. 150 dubius, Lath. . ix. 2 elegans . . ix. 20 fiavfrons, Cuv. xiv. 153 grandis . . xiv. 150 grandis . . ix. 40 • ffularis . . xiv. 1 54 Bucco Indicus indicus . Javensis . Lathami . v. ix. p. 27 . xiv. 155 . xiv. 150 . ix. 28 . xiv. 150 . ix. 35 Lathami . macrorynchos macrorhynchus, Steph. . . xiv. 156 maynanensis . ix. 20 maynanensis, Steph. xiv. 156 meyanoleucos . ix. 36 — — meyanoleucos, Steph. xiv. 156 niger . . ix. 30 niger . . xiv. 153 ■ nigro-maculatus ix. 34 nigromacidatus , Steph. . . xiv. 156 parvus . . ix. 29 parvus . . xiv. 155 philippeusis . ix. 21 Philippensis . xiv. 155 rubricapillus . ix. 23 rubricapillus . xiv. 153 rufifrons . . ix. 31 rufifrons, Steph. xiv. 148 ■ Tamatia . . ix. 37 tamatia, Steph. xiv. 156 . xiv. 151 versicolor viridis viridis Zeylanicus Zeylanicus ix. 22 xiv. 150 ix. 24 xiv. 155 BuceridjE . . xiv. 79 Buceros . . viii. 1 Buceros . • xiv. 79 ■ Abyssinicus . viii. 21 Abyssinicus . xiv. 81 Africanus . viii. 6 ■ Africanus, Sha’w xiv. 80 albirostris . viii. 13 albirostris , Shaw xiv. 82 30 GENERAL INDEX Buceros albus v. viii. p bicornis . viii bicornis . xiv buccinator xiv • cassidix . xiv cavatus . vui cavatus, Shaw xiv coronatus vui coronatus xiv. erythrorbynchos xiv exarhatus xiv. fasciatus . viii fasciatus . xiv. galeatus . viii. galeatus . xiv. Gingalensis viii gingalensis xiv. Ginginiauus viii. ginginiauus xiv. Griseus . vui. Hydrocorax viii. bydrocorax xiv. J avan icus vui. javanicus, Shaw xiv Leadbeaterii xiv. malabaricus xiv. Malabaricus ? Lath. . viii. 5 vui. Monoceros viii. monoceros xiv. nasutus . viii. nasutus . xiv. nasutus, var. Shaw xiv. — niger vui. niger, Shaiv xiv. orientals vui. panayensis xiv. Paganensis viii. plicatus . vui. plicatus . xiv. Rhinoceros viii. rhinoceros xiv. ruber viii. sulcatus . xiv. violaceus viii. Buceros violaceus v. xiv. p. 81 viridis . . viii. 40 undulatus . viii. 20 undulatus, Shcnv xiv. 81 Budytes . . xiii.* 233 boarula . . xiii.* 233 flava . . xiii.* 233 Buffalo . . . ii. 401 Buffelus, Aldr. . ii. 401 Bufo aquaticus pullos super dorsum gerens, Merian . . iii. 1 07 aquaticus Surina- mensis, Lin. . . iii. 1 07 Brasiliensis, de Aguaquaquan dictus, orbiculatus, Seb. . iii. 100 cornutus seu spi- nosus virgianus , Seb. iii. 102 m elan ost ictus, Schn. . iii. 174 Rail iii. 138 Salsus, Schra. . iii. 1 19 Schreberianus, Laus. . iii. 153 Semilunatus, Schr iii. 1 74 ■ viridis, Schr. . iii. 1.53 Bug vi. i 0 1 • American vi. 104 domestic . vi. 101 Harvest . vi. 404 Bull ii. 393 Wild ii. 392 Bulfinch . . xiv. 42 Bulfinch . ix. 318 China, Alb. ix. 403 greatest, Edw. ix. 238 little-brown, Edtv. ix. 300 29 10 80 83 80 18 80 35 83 83 82 34 83 24 81 37 83 30 82 40 31 81 28 81 81 82 8 13 8 80 30 83 83 7 80 41 82 33 38 81 2 80 39 81 19 GENERAL INDEX. 31 Bullhead . v. iv. p. Armed, Penn. iv. Black iv. — four-liorned iv. Grunting iv. Insidious iv. Japanese iv. — Lasher . iv. Madagascar iv. Mailed . iv. Marseilles iv. River iv. — Rough iv. Single-finned . iv. Southern iv. Bung arum- P amah . iii. Bunting ix. xiv. Amazonian ix. Angola . ix. Aoonalaschka . ix. Baden ix. barred-tail ix. black, Lath. ix. crowned . ix. faced ix. headed ix. throated . ix. blue ix. faced ix. Bourbon . ix. Brasilian ix. brumal . ix. — Caffi-arian, Lath.x iv. Cape ix. Chinese . ix. cinereous ix. — Girl ix. coloured . ix. common . ix. — crimson . ix. bellied . ix. Dauurian ix. Dominican ix. dwarf ix. Bunting, familiar v ix. p. 385 foolish ix. 354 green ix. 409 — — green ix. 383 Indigo ix. 409 Lesbian . ix. 370 long-tailed ix. 419 — — Lorraine . ix. 369 — — Louisiane ix. 366 — — Mealby . ix. 399 Mexican . ix. 395 ■ -■ • Military . ix. 393 Mountain ix. 346 mustachoe ix. 376 — - — olive ix. 377 orange-shouldered ix. 422 Ortolan . ix. 349 painted . ix. 403 Panayan . ix. 421 passerine ix. 359 Pine ix. 398 Plata ix. 411 Psittaceous ix. 424 reed ix. 362 red-eyed . ix. 415 ■ rumped ix. 405 ■ rice ix. 388 ruddy ix. 381 rustic ix. 390 rusty ix. 381 Sandwich ix. 397 shaft-tailed ix. 426 snow ix. 341 Surinam . ix. 400 tawney . ix. 344 Towlie . ix. 414 varied ix. 410 variegated ix. 420 Unalashka ix. 396 Weaver . ix. 370 Whidah . ix. 418 white ix. 367 white-crowned ix. 392 wreathed ix. 393 yellow . . ix. 35 1 bellied ix. 374 254 263 262 258 256 260 264 257 261 263 261 254 258 265 263 353 340 18 383 425 396 378 371 367 364 256 365 379 408 406 416 386 387 18 372 368 401 356 385 360 412 413 382 423 394 3<2 GENERAL INDEX. Bunting yellow-breasted v. ix. p. 402 browed ix. 391 faced ix. 354 winged ix. 353 yellow-bellied. Lath. . xiv. 1 8 Bupre&tis vi. 88 chrysis vi. 89 gigantea . vi. 88 haemorrhoidalis vi. 88 9 maculata vi. 88 8 guttata vi. 88 — ocellata . vi. 88 rustica vi. 90 Salicis vi. 90 Sternicornis vi. 89 tenebrionis vi. 88 vittata vi. 89 Buphaga viii. 50 xiv. 59 Africanu . viii. 50 xiv. 59 Burbot iv. 154 Burgomeister, liay . xiii. 189 Burhinus xiv. 342 Nova; Hollandia; xiv. 342 Busard roux de Cayenne vii. 203 Base petite criarde, Sonn. vii. 200 Buselaphus, Gesn. . ii. 331 Busii-Shrike . . xiii.* 152 Bustard xi. 442 — xiv. 311 Arabian . xi. 446 great xi. 443 Indian xi. 451 little, Penn. xi. 455 Passarage, Lath xi. 448 Rkaad, Lath. . xi. 448 ruffed xi. 448 Bustard, tliick-knced, Penn. . . v. xi. p. 459 white-eared . xi. 449 Bustarnelle . . xi. 454- . . . xiv. 3 1 1 field . . xi. 455 Butcher-bird crested red, Edw. vii. 233 black and white, Edw. . . . vii. 325 ■ fork-tailed Indian, Edw. . vii. 291 greater, IVils. vii. 282 least, Edw. . X. 62 lesser, IVils. . vii. 315 Butko xiii.* 45 borealis . xiii.* 47 busarellus xiii.* 46 buson xiii.* 46 Jackal xiii.* 46 lagopus . xiii.* 47 Leverianus xiii.* 47 niger xiii.* 47 paecilonotus xiii.* 47 pterocles xiii.* 46 tachardus xiii.* 46 • tachiro xiii.* 46 vulgaris . xiii.* 46 Baton, Biff. xi. 593 brun raye, Buff. xi. 589 dc la Baye d’ Hudson xi. 596 grand, Buff. . xi. 593 jaune du Bresil xi. 603 petit de Cayenne, Bujf. . . . xi. 599 petit du Senegal, Buff. . . xi. 604 roux, Buff. . xi. 589 tachete, Biff. . vxi. 609 Butshopf, Mart. . ii. 513 Butter- Fish, TVils. . iv. 179 Butterfly . vi. 202 GENERAL INDEX. 33 Butterfly, Admirable v. vi. yi. 213 Buckthorn . vi. 211 common large white . . . vi. 2 1 1 Fern . . vi. 2 1 1 - Hawthorn . vi. 2 1 1 Peacock . . vi. 212 Swallow-tailed vi. 209 Butterfly -Fish, Will. iv. 165 Buzzard . xiii.* 45 American vii. 112 Ash-coloured . vii. 1 10 Bald, Will. vii. 82 Barred-breasted vii. 1 13 cream-coloured vii. Ill common . vii. 109 greater . vii. 110 Harpy vii. 113 Honey . vii. 1 14 Hobby, Lath. . vii. 202 • Moor vii. 1 1 6 ■ roux, Briss. vii. 3 1 3 ■ speckled . vii. 112 spotted . vii. 1 1 1 Turkey, Catesb. vii. 36 Turkey, Wils. xiii.* 7 Buzzaret, Lath. vii. 203 Byrrhus vi. 48 — — Museorum vi. 49 Pilula vi. 48 scrophularia vi. 48 Cabaret, Buff. . ix. 521 Cabia ii. 21 Cabure, Marc. vii. 231 Cachalot ii. 497 • Blunt-headed ii. 497 High-finned ii. 503 — — Round-headed Penn. . ii. 501 small ii. 501 V. XIV. P, II. Cachalot, small-eyed v. ii. p. 502 Cachicame . . i. 190 Cacicus . . . xiv. 49 Cacique. . huppe de Cayenne, Buff. . . • vii. 414 • Jaune de Bresil, Buff. . . . vii. 413 rouge. Buff. . vii. 417 Cadew-Worm . . vi. 255 Cecilia . . • iii- 595 Ccecilia, Aldr. . . iii. 579 Eel-shaped . iii. 595 Glutinosa . iii. 596 Gracilis . . iii. 597 major, Imp. Nat. iii. 305 slender . . iii. 597 tentaculata . iii. 597 tentaculata , Muss. iii. 597 white-sided . iii. 596 Caguang . . - i. 118 Cagui minor, Edw. . i. 62 Caica, Biff. . . viii. 542 Barrahand, Le Vaill. . . . viii. 542 Caille, Buff. . . xi. 361 ■ a gorge blanche, Temm. . . xi. 367 a ventre perlee, Temm. . • xi. 368 Australe, Temm. xi. 373 brune de Mada- gascar, Sonn. . xi. 370 dela Chine , Buff. xi. 37 1 de la Nouvelle Guinee, Sonn. . xi. 375 de l’lsle de Luson xi. 392 de Madagascar xi. 390 des Isles Malouines, Buff. . . . xi. 386 de Pologne, Buff. xi. 361 3 34 GENERAL INDEX. Caille f raise , Temm. v. xi. p. grand de la Chine , Sonn . . xi. huppeedu Mexique, Buff. . . . xi. le grand de Mada- gascar, Sonn. . xi. lc petit de Gingi, Sonn. . . . xi. naltec, Temm. xi. petit de 1' Isle de Lucon, Sonn. . xi. Cairina . . xii.* Nilotica . . xii.* regia . xii.* Sylvestris . xii.* Calajiopiiilus . xiii.* biarmicus . xiii.* Calago, Geoffr. Calao . i. a bee blanc, Le Vaill. . . viii. a bee cisele . viii. , Fdiv. viii. a casque concave , Le Vaill. . viii. a casque en crois- sant, Le Vaill. . viii. ■ d casque Festonne, Le Vaill. . viii. — d casque rond, Buff. Vlll. avis, Petiv. . viii. bicorne, Le Vaill. viii. Corbi, Le Paill. xiv. couronnl, Le Vaill. viii. d’ Abyssinie, Buff. viii. d’Afrique, Buff. viii. Calao de Gingi, Sonn. v. viii. p. 36 , Le Vaill. viii. 36 de V Isle Panay, Buff. . . . viii. 33 > de Moluques, Buff. viii. 31 Gingala, Le Vaill. viii. 37 Javan, Le Vaill. viii. 28 longibandes, Le Vaill. . viii. 34 rhinoceros, Le Vaill. . xiv. 80 violet, Le Vaill. viii. 19 unicorne, Le Vaill. . viii. 8 Calatli, Buff. x. 495 Calendre du Can de Bonne Esperance . x. 510 Calendula Pensylvanica, Briss. ix. 761 Calfat, Buff. . ix. 415 Calidris xii. 89 Calidris xiv. 336 Calidris, Briss. xi. 489 arenaria, Leach xi. 490 grisea, Briss. xii. 90 grisea minor, Briss. - xi. 490 Islandica xii. 90 ncevia, Briss. . xii. 91 rufa xii. 93 Callceus, Vieill. xiv. 73 — — cinerea, Lath. . vii. 338 Callionymus iv. 1 15 Baikalensis iv. 1 1 9 Dracunculus . iv. 117 — — Indicus . iv. 118 Japouicus iv. 123 371 358 381 368 365 365 371 78 81 82 79 247 248 108 13 33 33 18 7 26 24 16 16 259 33 21 6 GENERAL INDEX 35 Oallionymus Lyra V. iv. p .115 Ocellatus iv 120 Sagitta . iv 122 Callitriche i 42 Callorynclios, Linn. . V. 368 Calquin, Molin. vfi. 55 Calybe, Vieill. . vH. 504 de la Nouvelle Guinee, Buff. vii. 504 Calyptomena xiii.*257 viridis xiii.* 257 Calyptorynchus . xiv. 109 Banksii . xiv. 109 Cookii xiv. 109 Eos xiv. 110 funereus . xiv. 109 galeatus . xiv. 110 ■ Temminckii xiv. 109 Camail, Buff. , X. 454 Camel ii. 229 Arabian . ii. 229 Bactrian . ii. 239 Camelopard &raffe, Penn. ii. 303 Camelopardi . ii. 303 Camelopardalis ii. 305 Camelopardalis, Gesn ii. 303 cervus, Linn. . ii. 303 Giraffa . ii. 303 Camelus ii. 229 Camelus, Gesn. ii. 229 ii. 239 Alio, Gesn. ii. 246 Arcucanus ii. 248 Bactrianus ii. 239 Cervo, Jonst. . ii. 246 Dromedarius . ii. 229 Camelus Glama v. Up. 241 Huanacus ii. 246 Indicus, Jonst. ii. 303 laniger, Klein ii. 245 Paco ii. 245 Peruvianus Glama dictus, Raii . ii. 24 i Vicugna . ii. 243 Le Campagnol . ii. 81 Campepliaga, Vied. . xiii * 1 67 Campyloriiynchus . xiv. 203 scolopaceus xiv. 203 striolatus xiv. 203 Canard - — — a collier, Buff, xii.* 180 de Terre- Neuve . . . xii * 180 a face blanche de Maragnon, Buff. . xii.* 102 a iris blanc, Temm. xii.* 201 — a longue queue, Buff. . . . xii.* 195 d longue queue, Buff. . . . xii * 127 Arlequin, Cuv. xii.* 180 a tele grise, Buff. xii.* 229 — beau, huppe, Buff. xii.* 96 Bonne Esperance , Sonn. . . . xii.* 109 brun, Biff. . xii.* 190 chipeau, Temm. xii.* 1 03 couronne, Temm. xii.* 218 ■ de la Caroline , Cuv. . . . xii.* 96 de la Chine, Buff. xii* 94 de Miclon, Buff. xii * 175 de Terre-Neuve, Cuv. . . xii.* 175 36 GENERAL INDEX Canard, Dominican du Cap de B. Esp. v. xii.* p. 109 Double Macreuse, Temm. . . xii.* 216 Eider, Temm. xii.* 224 Carrot, Temm. xii.* 180 Jensen, Buff. . xii.* 135 • Kasarka, Temm. xii.* 71 Marchand, Temm. xii * 219 Macreuse, Temm. xii.* 213 Milouinan, Temm. xii.* 199 ■ Millouin, Temm. xii.* 193 morillon, Temm. xii * 190 musque, Buff, xii.* 79 — — — ordinaire, Cuv. xii.* 614 petit d grosse tele, Buff. . . . xii.* 195 Sarcel/e d'ete, Temm. . . xii.* 1 43 Sarcelle d'hiver, Temm. . . xii.* 146 Sauvage, Buff, xii.* 84 Siffeur, Buff. xii.* 131 Siffeur huppe xii.* 188 Souchet, Temm. xii.* 115 — — tadorne , Temm. xii.* 72 Canari Sauvage, Buff. x. 68 Cancer . Astacus . Beruartlus Crangon . gammarus Grapsus . Homarus Norvegicus Pagurus . • Pulex Stagnalis vi. 489 vi. 493 vi. 493 vi. 493 vi. 492 vi. 491 vi. 493 vi. 492 vi. 491 vi. 494 vi. 494 Cancrofagus, Briss xi. 54 1 ,574 Cancrofagus Americanus, Briss. . . v. xi. p. 608 Bahamensis, Briss. xi. 579 Brasiliensis, Briss. xi. 581 var. xi. 583 • castaneus, Briss. xi. 609 Intern, Briss. . xi. 574 Philippensis, Briss. xi. 589 rufus, Briss. xi. 574 viridis, Briss. . xi. 605 viridis ncevius, Briss. . xi. 605 Canckoma xi. 630 . . . xiv. 325 cancrofuga, Linn. xi. 63 cochlearia xi. 639 Can dr e, Buff. . x. 365 Canis i. 273 Alopex . i. 321 Antarcticus i. 331 aquations, Linn. i. 279 ■ aviarius, Gesn. i. 279 Argentatus i. 325 Aureus . i. 304 Bengalensis i. 330 brevipilis, Linn. i. 280 — — Carcharias seu Lamia, Rond. v. 322 Ceilonicus i. 312 Cerdo i. 332 ci nereo-argenteus i. 324 cinereus maculis fulvis variegatus, Briss. . i. 296 Corsac . . i. 322 Crocuta . . i. 303 Culpaeus . . i. 329 domesticus, Linn. i. 2 77 ex griseo-Jlavescens, Briss. i. 290 Familiaris . i. 273 Fuliginosus . i. 331 GENERAL INDEX. 37 Canis Grajus, Linn. v. i. p. 283 — — Hyaena . . i. 298 hyeme albus, (estate ex cinereo-ccerulescens, Briss. i. 326 Islandicus, Linn. i. 279 Karagan . . i. 323 Lagopus . . i. 326 Lupus . . i. 290 Lycaon . . i. 297 Melitceus, Linn. i. 280 Mexicanus . i. 296 Pomeranius, Linn. i. 278 Sagax, Linn. . i. 280 Sibiricus, Linn. i. 248 Tlious . . i. 330 volans maxima aurita ex nova Hispania, Seba. i. 143 volans ternatanus orientalis, Seba. i. 144 • Virginianus i. 325 Vulpez . i. 314 Zerda i. 332 Cannelle, Cep. . iii. 311 Cantharis vi. 81 bipustulata vi. 81 Carclinalis vi. 81 fusca vi. 82 livida vi. 82 Scarlet vi. 81 Canut . Buff. . xii. 90 Caparacoch, Buff. vii. 274 Capercalze xi. 271 Capito . xiv. 156 Cayenensis xiv. 156 col laris . xiv. 156 macrodactylus . xiv 156 macrorliynchos xiv 156 maynanensis . xiv 156 melanoleucos xiv 156 melanotis xiv 156 Capito nigromaculatus v. xiv. p. 156 tamatia . . xiv. 156 Cap-more, Buff. . vii. 429 Cap-noir, Vieil. . viii. 199 Capolier, Le Vaill. xiii.* 225 Capra ii. 364 Capra ii. 369 Angorensis ii. 375 • Ammon, Linn. ii. 379 bezoartica, Linn. ii. 31 6 Capricornus ii. 3 77 Caucasia ca., Gmel. ii. 368 Cervicapra, Linn. ii. 336 Depressa . ii. 376 — • — . Dorcas, Linn. . ii. 356 Gazella , Linn. ii. 312 guttnrosa campestris hydrophobics, Mess. ii. 342 Hircus ii. 369 Ibex ii. 364 Mambrica ii. 374 Moschi, Aldr. . ii. 249 — ■ ■ Reversa . ii. 376 Rupicapra, Linn. ii. 364 Sylvestris Africana, Grim. . ii. 324 Tatarica, Linn. ii. 339 Caprea, Plin. . ii. 291 Capreolus, Gesn. ii. 291 Ckeveuil ii. 291 des hides ii. 301 Capricorne ii. 377 Capriscus, Aldr. v. 41 1 capite triangulato, Klein . , v. 418 Caprimulgidae . . xiii.* 83 Caprimulc.us . x. 140 . . . xiii.* 64 acutus x. 168 . . . xiii.* 87 affinis . . xiii.* 86 africanus . x. 157 Africanus, Step, xiii.* 86 GENERAL INDEX. Caprimulgus albicollis v. x. p. . xiii* Americanus X. Wils. X. ■ Asiaticus . X. — . xiii.* brachypterus . X. brachypterus . xiii.* Brasilianus x. Brasiliensis, Briss. X. Briss. Carolinensis x. . X. — — .xiii * Wils. x. Cayanus . . X. Cayenensis . xiii.* Cayanensis, Gniel. diurnus . X. . xiii* Europams . X. — . xiii.* forficatus . X. forficatus, Steph. furcatus . Xlll. . xiii.* gracilis . . x. gracilis, Steph. xiii.* grandis . . x. — — grandis, Steph. xiii.* griseus . . x. guiana . . x. Guianensis, Steph. • • • * xm. Indicus . . x. Janiaicensis . x. Janiaicensis, Steph. xiii* longicaudus . xiii.* longipenuis . xiii.* macrodipterus x. macrodipterus, Steph. . . . xiii.* macrourus . xiii.* • megacephalus . x. Caprimulgus megace- phalus, Steph. v. xiii.* p .91 Nattereri . xiii.* 87 Nova; Hollandia; x. 170 Novce Hollandice, Steph . . . xiii.* 93 pectoralis . xiii.* 86 popetue . . X. 164 popetue . . xiii.* 86 psalurus . . xiii.* 84 rufus X. 163 rufus . xiii.* 87 rufus, Vieill. . X. 150 semitorquatus X. 160 — . xiii.* 87 steatornis, Humb. xiii.* 91 strigoides . X. 143 strigoides ■ . xiii.* 86 torquatus . X. 162 . xiii.* 87 Virginianus . X. 153 — . xiii.* 86 vittatus . . X. 152 — , , . xiii.* 86 vociferus, Wils. x. 153 Capybara, Penn. ii. 21 Carabus . vi. 99 bimaculatus . vi. 99 crepitans vi. 100 cupreus . . vi. 100 granulatus vi. 99 hortensis vi. 99 manticora vi. 99 Sycophanta . vi. 99 thoracicus vi. 99 violaceus . vi. 99 Caracal . . i. 371 Caracara, Cuv. xiii.* 10 , 11 Carbo, Meyer . xiii. 75 Javanicus, Horsf. xiii. 90 Carcajou, Buff. i. 469 Cardinal ix. 276 155 87 163 164 156 86 150 87 161 162 142 149 87 150 159 87 159 88 146 86 167 86 86 145 93 142 91 161 148 86 156 144 91 89 90 169 90 88 149 GENERAL INDEX. 39 Cardinal , Dominican, Edic. . . . ix. dominiquain, Buff. ix. du Cap de Bonne Esperance , Buff. ix. pourpre, Buff, x. Cardinalis , Briss. . x. Cardinalis, Briss. . xiv. Americanus, Briss. x. angolensis , Briss. ix. Canadensis, B/iss. x. Capitis Bonce Sp ei. Briss. . ix. ■ dominicalis, Briss. ix. Madagascariensis , Briss. . ix. Mexicnnus, Bris X. purpurea, Briss. X. Carduelis xiv. — “ — Americana, Briss. ix. Canaria . xiv. citrinella xiv. — coccinea . xiv. cucullata . xiv. elegans . xiv. lepida xiv. melanotis xiv. — — melba xiv. nitens xiv. — — polyzona xiv. psittacea . xiv. sanguinolenta . xiv. sei’inus . xiv. spinus xiv. Suecica, Briss. ix. viridis, Briss. . ix. ■ tristis xiv. Cariama xii. xiv. Briss. xii. crested xii. cristata . xii. Carilloneus , Buff. v. x. p. 270 Carouge, Buff. vii. 431 de Cayenne vii. 434 de l’ Isle de St. Thomas , Buff. vii. 433 de St. Domingue, Buff. . vii. 442 du Bresil, Buff. vn. 438 du Mexique vii. 432 Carp v. 180 American v. 204 Aphya . v. 244 Bulatmai v. 207 — Biorka v. 205 Bynni v. 206 Capoeta . v. 207 Caspian . v. 235 Cirrhated v. 203 - — — = Common v. 180 Conical . v. 208 Falcated v. 204 Faren v. 205 Ferruginous . v. 218 Four-lobed v. 212 Fringe-lipped . v. 203 Gilded-black . v. 219 Golden . v. 209 Grislagine v. 206 Gronovian v. 242 Herring . v. 240 Large-scaled . v. 193 Lobe-tailed v. 208 — Pin- back v. 236 Pomeranian v. 202 Punctated v. 220 Razor v. 225 Rivulet . v. 245 • Rondeletian v. 194 Silken v. 220 Sucking . v. 237 Telescope v. 21 1 Thick-snouted v. 236 Tbin-lieaded . v. 237 Tuberous v. 208 Violet-green . v. 219 276 276 240 439 440 4 461 263 462 240 276 244 465 439 29 464 34 33 30 30 30 30 31 30 30 32 30 32 33 33 457 463 33 274 321 275 275 275 40 GENERAL INDEX. Carpio Lacus Benaci, Rond. . . v. v. p: 6 1 Caryocatactes, Cuvier xiv. 62 Casmakiiynchus xiii.* 261 melanocepbalus xiii.* 262 nudicollis xiii.* 262 variegatus xiii.* 262 Casoar, Buff. . xi. 432 Casse-noisette, Buff. x. 27 Casse-noix, Buff. vii. 353 Cassican de la Nouvelle Guinea vii. 464 de la Louisiane Buff. . vii. 441 Cassicus xiv. 49 cristatus . 50 haimorrlious . 50 luteus, Briss. . vii. 413 niger . 49 Persicus . . 50 ruber, Briss. . vii. 414 Cassida . vi. 53 common green vi. 53 grossa vi. 54 lateralis . vi. 54 marginal a vi. 54 nebulosa vi. 53 viridis vi. 53 Cassowary . xi. 401 xiv. 307 galeated . xi. 432 New Holland, Lath. . xi. 439 Southern, Shaw xi. 439 Castor . ii. 30 — castanei colons, cauda horizontn liter plana, Briss. . ii. 30 Castor, cauda lineari tereti, Brown v. ii. p. 49 Fiber . . ii. 30 Huidobrius • ii. 41 Moschatus, Linn. i. 528 zibethicas, Linn. ii. 44 Casuarius xi. 431 • • xiv. 307 Lath. xi. 438 emeu , Lath. xi. 432 galeatus xi. 432 — Novce Ho/landiee, Lath. . xi. 439 Cat i. 337 Bengal, Penn. i. 361 blotched, Penn. i. 408 — — ■ Brasilian, Penn. i. 359 Cape i. 360 Cayenne, Penn. i. 359 Cinereous i. 357 Common, Penn. i. 363 Guigna, Penn. i. 368 Japan i. 368 Mexican, Penn. i. 356 Cata xi. 313 Cataphractus Americanus, Cate. v. 33 Callichthys , Bloch v. 34 corpore tetragono, Gron. . V. 461 costatus, Bloch V. 32 punctatus, Bloch V. 35 Scutis duobus, cin gulls novem, Briss. i. 190 Cataractus, Rai) xiii. 215 Catarractes, Briss. . xiii. 57 61 xiii. 214 pomarina xiii. 216 8kua xiii. 215 Cat-bird, Catesb. X. 272 Caterpillar -th rush - — — black, Lath. xiii.* 168 GENERAL INDEX 41 Cater pillar -thrush, grey. Lath. . v. xiii.* p. 1 67 yellow, Lath, xiii.* 168 Catharacta, Ray . xiii. 210 . xiii. 214 Cepphus, Ray xiii. 212 parasitica, Brun.x iii. 211 Skua, Brim. . xiii. 215 Cathartes . xiii.* 6 . . xiv. 345 Temm. xiii.* 6 aura . . xiv. 345 gryphus, Temm. xiii.* 6 monachus, Temm. xiii.* 8 vulturinus, Temm. xiii* 6 Uruba . . xiv. 345 Catharista, Vieill. xiii.* 6 Catte Madagasse, Cep. iv. 261 Cato-Simius Volans Camelli i. 116 Cat ulus maximus, Will. v. 336 Catus forus America- norum, Rail i. 356 Pardus, Rail . i. 356 Caudiverbera, Seb. . iii. 218 Peruviana, Laur. iii. 277 Cavia ii. 16 Acuschy ii. 27 Aguti ii. 24 Aperea . ii. 28 capensis, Pallas ii. 217 Capybara ii. 21 Cobaya . ii. 17 Paca ii. 20 Patacbonica ii. 226 Cavillone, Rond. iv. 625 Caurale, Buff. v. xiv. p. 323 Cavy . . . ii. 16 bristly, Penn. . ii. 219 Cape, Penn. . ii. 217 Javan, Penn . ii. 26 Leporine . ii. 26 long-nosed, Penn. ii. 24 Olive, Penn. . ii. 27 — — Patagonian . ii. 226 restless, Penn. ii. 17 — Rock . . ii. 28 Spotted . . ii. 20 Variegated . ii. 17 Cayopollin . . i. 478 Cbblepyris . xiii.* 167 — Temm. xiii.* 163 bicolor, Temm. xiii.* 165 canus . xiii.* 167 fimbriatus, Temm. xiii.* 164 flavus . xiii.* 168 labrosus . xiii.* 169 Le Vaillautii xiii.* 167 lineatus, Swain. xiii.* 165 lobatus . xiii.* 170 niger . xiii.* 168 tricolor, Swain, xiii.* 1 66 Ceinture — — de Pretre, Buff. X. 522 Cendri/lard ix. 97 Centipede vi. 503 Centrina, Gesn. v. 340 Centriscus v. 458 Light Armed . V. 460 Mailed . V. 458 Scolopax V. 459 — — ■ Scutatus V. 458 Snipe V. 459 42 GENERAL INDEX. Centriscus Squamosus, Bloch . v. v. p. 459 velitaris . . v. 4 GO Centrogaster argentatus, Linn. iv. 597 argenteus, Lin. iv. 595 equula, Linn. iv. 596 fuscesceus, Linn. iv. 596 Centropus xiv. 212 iEgyptius xiv. 212 aethiops . xiv. 214 affinis xiv. 214 Bengalensis xiv. 213 . Buhutus, Horsf xiv. 213 castanopterus xiv. 215 gigas xiv. 214 Latlianii xiv. 214 lepidus . xiv. 2 1 4 leucogaster xiv. 214 nigrorufus xiv. 2 1 3 Phasianus xiv. 214 Philippensis xiv. 213 . rufinus . xiv. 2 1 4 Tolu xiv. 213 variegatus xiv. 214 Cephalopterus . xiii .* 265 ornatus . x. 437 . . xiii.* 265 Cephalus v. 437 brevis v. 439 oblongus v. 439 Pallascanus v. 440 varius v. 439 Cepola . iv. 187 Hermanniana . iv. 191 rubescens iv. 190 taenia iv. 187 trachytera iv. 191 Cepphus lacteolus, Pall. v. xii.* P • 251 Cerambyx vi. 70 aedilis vi. 73 cinnamomeus vi. 72 coriarius vi. 73 damicornis vi. 71 gigas vi. 70 longimanus vi. 70 long-limbed vi. 70 moschatus vi. 72 Cerastes iii. 385 ex Libyia, Aid. rn. 385 Cercopithecus, Joust. i. 14 americanus minor Mohkie dictus i. 70 — — barbatus niger. barba incana pro - / missa, Ray . i. 30 brasilianus i. 62 luzonicus minimus, Petiv. . i. 67 Cereopsis xii.* 66 cendre, Temm. xii.* 67 New Holland xii.* 67 Novae Hollandiae xii.* 67 Cerf ii. 276 Cerjlochore ii. 290 Certhia viii. 1 85 Certhia xiv. 183 cenea. Lath. viii. 201 affinis viii. 208 affinis, Shaw . xiv. 230 Afra viii. 192 afra, Shaw agilis xiv. 229 viii. 263 Amethystina . Amethystina, viii. 1 95 Shaw . xiv. 230 Amboinensis . viii 268 GENERAL INDEX 43 Certhia Angaladiana v. viii. p. Angaladiana, Shaw . . .xiv. armillata . viii. armillata, Shaw xiv. Asiatica, Lath. viii. atricapilla . viii. atricapilla, Shaw xiv. aurantia ? Lath. viii. auriculata . viii. — — auriculata, Shaw xiv. Australasiana viii. Australasiana , Shaw . . . xiv. Bahamensis, Briss. . . viii. bifasciata viii. bifasciata, Shaw xiv. Borbonica viii. borbonica, Shaiv xiv Brasiliana viii. caerulea . viii. ccerulea, Lath. viii. ccerulea, Shaw xiv. canescens viii. canescens, Shaw xiv. cantillans viii. cant Mans, Shaw xiv. capensis, Linn. viii. Cardinalis viii. cardinalis, Shaw xiv. carunculata viii. carunculata, Shaw xiv. Cayana . . viii. chalybea . viii. — chalybea, Shaw xiv. chrysoptera . viii. C hr y sot is, Lath. viii. Certhia cinnamonea v. viii. p. 224 cinnamomea . xiv. 184 cirrhata . . viii. 27 1 coccinea, Lath. viii. 266 coccinea, Linn. viii. 229 coccinigastra . viii. 216 Cocinsinica . viii. 239 Cocinsinica, Shaw xiii* 192 crocata, Shaw viii. 211 cruentata, Linn. viii. 250 cucullata . viii. 199 — cucullata, Shaw xiv. 264 cuprea . . viii. 201 cuprea, Shaiv . xiv. 230 currucaria i viii. 221 currucaria, Shaw cyan a, Shaw xiv. 231 xiv. 226 cyanea viii. 217 cyanea, Shaw xiv. 226 cyan oceph ala viii. 203 cyanocephala, Shaw . . xiv. 230 cyanogastra viii. 257 cyanogastra, Shaw . xiv. 226 dibapha ? Lath. viii. 253 diluta viii. 244 diluta, Shaw . xiv. 264 dubia viii. 204 dubia, Shaw xiv. 230 erythronotos . viii. 250 erythronotos, Shaw . xiv. 236 erytbrorynchos viii. 271 erythropygia . viii. 249 erythropygia, Shaw . xiv. 236 falcata viii. 230 falcata, Shaw . xiv. 265 familiar is viii. 186 familiaris xiv. 184 famosa viii. 212 famosa , Shaw xiv. 232 flaveola . viii. 248 194 230 217 226 258 262 261 206 236 264 226 261 248 198 230 259 237 257 219 244 226 261 262 254 237 196 252 226 233 265 256 , 196 230 270 , 244 44 GENERAL INDEX. Certhia jiaveola , Shaw xiv. formosa, Shaw viii. frontalis . viii. fulva via. fusca via. fusca , Shaw xiv. fuliginosa via. fuliginosa, Shaw xiv. Goruk viii. Goruk, Shaw . graculina viii. graculina, Shaw xiv. grisea, Lath. . via. gularis via. guttata . via. guttata, Shaw . xiv. gutturalis via. gutturalis, Shaw xiv. incana via. Indica viii. ignobilis . viii. ignobilis, Shaw xiv. jugularis, Linn. via. leucophsea . viii. leucophaia , Shaw xiv. lepitla . . viii. lepida, Shaw . xiv. longirostra . viii. longirostra, Shaw xiv. Lotenia ? Linn. viii. Lotenia? Linn. viii. lunata . . viii. Lcnata, Shaw . xiv. Macassariensis viii. maculata . viii. maculata, Shaw xiv. Madagascariensis viii. — violacea, Briss. . . xiii. Madagascariensis, Shaiv . . .xiv. Certhia Mahrattensis, « Lath. . . v. viii. p. 258 melanura . viii. 215 mellivora . viii. 245 Mellivora, Shaw xiv. 261 muraria . . viii. 189 muraria , Shaw xiv. 187 nigrifrons . viii. 259 Novae Hollandiae viii. 225 Novce Hotlandice, Shaw . . . xiv. 261 obscura . . viii. 22 7 obscura, Linn. xiv. 231 obscura, Shaw xiv. 265 omnicolor . viii. 200 omnicolor, Shaw Pacifica . xiv. 230 viii. 22 7 pacifica, Shaw xiv. 265 Parietum viii. 215 peregrina viii. 263 Philippina viii. 203 — Pinus, Linn. . x. 737 pipilans . viii. 261 pipilans, Shaw xiv. 264 polita ? Lath. . viii. 216 porphyriaca viii. 267 prasinoptera ? Sparm. viii. 288 pulchella viii. 210 pulchella, Shaw xiv. 233 purpurata viii. 201 purpurata, Shaw ■ purpurea, Lath. pusilla xiv. 230 viii. 267 viii. 207 pyrrhoptera viii. 262 rectirostris viii. 246 rectirostris, Shaiv rubra xiv. 231 viii. 252 rubra, Shaw . xiv. 236 rubo-fusca viii. 222 rubo-fusca , Shaw xiv. 231 229 212 258 269 238 157 222 231 243 259 242 260 216 265 253 264 255 231 260 268 264 261 221 260 262 213 230 270 231 191 194 224 260 267 223 231 208 208 230 GENERAL INDEX, 45 Certhia saccharina v. viii. p. Sanguinea . viii. sanguinea, Shaw xiv. sanguinolenta . viii. sanguinolenta, Shaw . xiv. Sannio . viii. Sannio, Shaw . xiv. — — Sebana . viii. Semiforquata . semitorquata, viii. Shaw . xiv. Senegalensis . Senegalensis, viii. Shaw . xiv. Seniculus viii. sperata . viii. sperata, Shaw xiv. — — spinicauda xiv. Spiza viii. — — spiza, Shaiv xiv. splendida viii. splendida, Shaw xiv. superba . viii. superba, Shaw xiv. tabacina viii. tabacina, Shaw xiv. tasniata . viii. tceniatus, Shaw xiv. tenuirostris, Lath. viii. trochilea viii. undulata viii. varia viii. varia, Shaw xiv. venusta . viii. venusta , Shaw . xiv. ■ verticals viii. vestiaria . viii. vestiaria, Shaw xiv. • violacea . viii. violacea, Shaw . xiv. virens viii. virens, Shaw . xiv. • viridis viii. Xanthotis viii. Certhia xanthotis, Shaw . . v. xiv. p. 264 Zeylonica . viii. 203 Zeylonica, Shaw xiv. 230 CERTHIADiE . xiv. 174 Cerva parvula Africana, Seb. . . . ii. 254 Cervula Surinamensis subru- bra, Seb. • ii. 259 Cervus . ii. 261 Cervus, Pli n. . ii. 276 Aces ii. 261 — — Alces ii. 261 Axis ii. 285 Capreolus ii. 291 Dam a ii. 282 Elaphus . ii. 276 Guineensis ii. 302 juvencus perpu sillus, Seb. ii. 326 Mexicanus ii. 288 Muntjac . ii. 301 Porcinus . ii. 290 Pygargus ii. 287 Tarandus ii. 269 Virginianus ii. 284 CETE . ii. 471 Cetus minor bipinnis, fistula in rostro, Briss. . . ii. 501 - — — tripinnis, dentibus acutis arcuatis fialci- fiormibus, Briss. . ii. 502 tripinnis, dentibus in planum desinenti- bus, Briss. . . ii. 503 Ceyx . - . xiii.*106 258 231 226 232 263 237 228 266 237 228 205 230 242 206 230 184 240 226 191 229 193 229 214 233 216 236 199 265 264 234 194 247 231 214 229 265 211 233 232 228 188 244 46 GENERAL INDEX Ceyx azurea v. xiii.*p. Luzoniensis . xiii.* Chachal, Buff. . i. CHjETODON iv. albescens, Shaw iv. Alepidotus iv. Angel iv. Annular iv. annularis iv. Araunus iv. Arcuated iv. arcuatus iv. Argus iv. Armatus iv. Armed . iv. Aruan iv. Asfur iv. aureus iv. Auriga . iv. Bat iv. Bengal . iv. Bengalensis iv. Biaculeated iv. Biaculeatus iv. bicolor . iv. Bifasciated iv. Bifasciatus iv. Bimaculated iv. bimaculatus iv. Black and white iv. Boddaerti iv. Boddaerti an iv. Bordered iv. Butterfly iv. Canescens iv. Cauescent iv. capistratus iv. Catesbeii iv. Chalybean iv. charioteer iv. chilensis iv. Chili . iv. Chinensis iv. Chinese . iv. ciliaris . iv. CHiETODON, ciliated v. i\ . p. 326 coll are iv. 33 1 Collared . iv. 331 — Constricted iv. 372 Constrictus iv. 372 cornutus iv. 343 — - — Curacao . iv. 362 Curassao iv. 362 Divided . iv. 334 Dux iv. 327 Eight-banded . iv. 329 Enceladus, Nat. iv. 339 Faber iv. 340 Falcula . iv. 347 Fasciated iv. 327 fasciatus iv. 327 Geometrical iv. 354 Geometricus . iv. 354 Glaucous iv. 357 Glaucus . iv. 357 Golden . iv. 353 Golden -side iv. 351 Great-finned . iv. 355 Guttatus iv. 361 Horned . iv. 343 Imperator, Linn. iv. 324 Imperial iv. 324 Imperialis iv. 324 Kleinian iv. 328 Kleinii . iv. 328 Lamarck, Cep. iv. 37 1 Lamarkii iv. 371 Lam ark’s iv. 371 Linulated iv. 352 Linulatus iv. 352 Long- finned iv. 345 longirostris iv. 368 Long-snouted . iv. 368 macrolepidotus, Linn. . iv. 34-2 maculatus iv. 350 maculosus iv. 351 marginatus iv. 359 Mauritian iv. 364 Mauritii . iv. 364 mesoleucus iv. 331 106 106 31! 323 373 370 325 330 330 34S 341 341 332 373 373 348 353 353 348 344 363 363 351 351 334 342 342 333 333 331 368 368 359 339 369 369 339 325 340 346 350 356 349 349 326 GENERAL INDEX 47 Ch etodon mesomelanus, Linn. . . v. iv P • Ocellated iv. ocellatus . iv. octofasciatus . iv. orb . iv. orbis iv. Pam iv. Pavo iv. Peacock . iv. Pinnatus iv. Pleat- nose iv. Plectorhinchus iv. Plumieri . iv. — — * Plunder's iv. Punctated iv. — — Punctatus iv. Red-striped iv. — — Rhomboid iv. rhomboides iv. Rock iv. Rostrated iv. rostratus iv. Rotundus iv. round iv. Sargoid . iv. Sargoides iv. saxatilis . iv. Scaleless . . iv. setifer iv. Sickle iv. single-spotted - iv. Single-spotted . iv. Sordid iv. Sordidus . iv. Speckled . iv. Spotted . iv. striatus . IV. Striped . iv. Surat iv. Suratensis iv. Teira iv. Tricolor . iv. Trifasciatus iv. vagabandus iv. Vespertilio iv. unimaculatus . iv. ChjEtodon unimaculatus v. iv. p. 367 Wandering . iv. 336 Ch^etura . xiii.* 76 australis . . xiii.* 76 collaris . . xiii.* 76 fusca . xiii* 76 Martinicana . xiii.* 76 pacifica . . xiii.* 76 pelasgia . . xiii.* 76 Chagrinee, Cep. . iii. 68 Chaia, du Paraguai, Cuv. xii. 272 Chalide, Cep. . . iii. 307 Annulated . iii. 307 Chamceleo — • ex Africa colore nigricante, Seb. . iii. 262 — promontorii Bonce Spei, Seb. iii. 263 Chamceleon . iii. 253 Chamceleon, Aldr. iii. 253 Chamceleon, Mas. iii. 253 Mill. . iii. 253 • African . iii. 262 common . iii. 253 little iii. 263 CnAMAIZA xiv. 347 — — meruloides xiv. 348 Chamois . ii. 361 Channel-bill viii. 378 Australasian . viii. 378 New Holland, Lath. . viii. 378 Channel-bill xiv. 95 Chapelet, Cep. iii. 539 Chapelet , Cep. iv. 488 CHARADRIADiE xiv. 335 331 337 337 329 338 338 325 362 362 355 356 356 371 371 365 365 346 358 358 364 337 337 366 366 369 369 364 370 346 347 335 367 370 370 361 350 334 334 327 329 345 360 355 336 344 335 4-8 GENERAL INDEX. ClIARADRIUS Grnel. Lntli. Linn. Pallas v. xi. p. 463 . xiv. 339 xi. 499 xi. 486 xi. 458,489 . xii. 178 xi. 504 xi. 466 apncanus Asiaticus, Gmel. xi. 468 — Azarai — bilobus . — Calidris, Linn. — Cantianus — Cayanus . — Coromandelicus, Gmel . . — coroncdus, Gmel. — cristatus . — curonicus xiv. 340 xi. 481 xi. 490 xi. 474 xi. 484 xi. 502 xi. 488 xi. 483 xi. 473 xi. 500 ■ gallicus, Gmel. grallatoris, Lath. xii. 184 hiatacula . xi. 470 himantopus, Linn. xii. 172 magnirostris, Lath. xi. 462 melanocephalus, Gmel. . . . xi. 487 Morinellus . xi. 468 nigrifrons . xiv. 339 — — Novee- Sccla ndice, Gmel. . . xi. 479 Novae Zealandiae xi. 479 CEdicnemus, Lath. xi. 459 pecuarius xiv. 340 pileatus . xi. 480 Philippensis xi. 478 pluvialis . xi. 464 rubidus, Gmel. xi. 490 ruficapillus xiv. 340 Senegalensis . xi. 482 Sibericus, Gmel. xi. 468 Tartaricus, Gmel. xi. 46S Charadrius, torquatus, Leach . . v.x\.p.A7\ Linn. xi. 476 vociferus . xi. 476 Char ax dorso admodum prominulo. Grono. v. 72 Charhonniere, Puff. x. 37 le petit, Buff. x. 57 Chardonneret, Biff. ix. 460 a quatre raies, Buff. . . ix. 457 jaune, Buff. . ix. 464 noir a tete jaune, Buff. . . ix. 460 Chart- ? Penn. . v. 59 Gilt, Penn. . v. 60 Red, Penn. . v. 59 Chat . . . i. 363 Bizaam, Vos. . i. 408 Indian Sauvage, Vos. ... I 368 pard . . i. 369 Sauvage . . i. 363 Sauvage a handes noire des Indes, Sonn. i. 405 Sauvage de la Ca- roline . . . i. 340 yellow-breasted, Wils. . . . x. 356 Chathuant . . vii. 253 Cayenne . . vii. 261 Chatterer . . x. 424 . . xiii.* 261 American, Wils. x. 423 Azure, Lath. . xiii.* 264 black-headed, Lath. xiii.* 262 blue-breasted . x. 432 Bohemian , Penn. x. 421 Carolina, Catesb. x. 423 carunculated . x. 432 cinereous, Lath, xiii.* 267 crested . . x. 425 cupreus . . x. 426 GENERAL INDEX, 49 Chatterer, grey Lath. ■ Lindo, Lath. . pompadour purple-breasted — throated • red • red-winged silky • superb • umbrella’d variegated yellow C IIA UNA chavaria . faithful . x. p. 4 27 _ x. 430 xiii. * 263 x. 430 x. 429 x. 428 x. 425 x. 431 x. 433 x. 436 x. 437 x. 434 x, 428 xii. 271 xiv. 333 xii. 272 xii. 272 ' i. 123 i. 142 vii. 69 iv. 487 Chauve- Souris . a for de lance Cheela Cheiline trilobe. Cep. Cheilondiptere - cyanoptere, Cep . iv. 513 Chein de Mer Feuille, CeP • • • • v. 362 Chenalopex . TEgyptiaca Cheniscus Chermes Alni Buxi Pyri XH.: xii.^ 41 43 xiv. 344 vi. 186 vi. 186 vi. 187 vi. 187 x. 720 ii. 419 Cheric, Buff. . Cheval Chevalier aboyeuse, Temm. xii. 86 a pros bee, Cuv. xii. 86 d longue queue, Temm. . . xii< ]25 arlequin, Temm. xii. 132 v. xiv. p. 11. Chevalier auv pieds rouges, Buff '. v. xii. p. 135 blnnc, Buff. . xii. 151 commun . . xii. 1 1 0 le grand, aux pieds rouges, Cuv. . xii. 13.5 le petit, aux pieds rouges, Cuv. . xii. 146 le petit, aux pieds verts, Cuv. . . xii. 140 noir, Cuv. . xii. 132 rayee, Buff. . xii. 146 stagnatile, Temm. xii. 140 varies. Biff. " vert, Buff. Cheveche le grand, Buff. grand de Saint xii. 110 xii. 69 vi 1, 223 o Domingue . . vii. 261 grand, Buff. . vii. 270 Chevechette . . vii. 267 Chevre . . . ii. 369 de Juda . . ii. 376 Chevreul Amerique . ii. 288 Chevrotain . . ij. 254 a, peau marquetee de taches blanches ii. 256 de Ceylan , ii. 256 de Gicinee . ii. 326 — 7- Java . . ii. 257 Chicken Mother Cary’s xiii. 221 Chicquera, Le Vaill. vii. 176 Chien Turc . . i. 284 Sauvage de Ceylon, Vos. Chigger . Chilihuque Chimpanze Chinche . Chinchimen Chincou . C hinge Chinquis, Buff. Chionis . 1. 312 vi. 459 ii. 248 i. 1 1 i. 390 i. 448 vii. 23 i. 390 xi. 157 xii. 280 50 GENERAL INDEX Chionis . . v. xiv. p. 334 Forsteri . . xiii. 281 Chipeau, Buff. . . xii.* 103 Chirurgien — — de l’ Isle de Luqon, Son n. . . . xii. 269 Chivini . . . vii. 235 Chloras , Bresl. . i. 17 Chlorio Indicus, Aid. . vii. 412 Chlorion, Gesn. . vii. 408 C hi oris bahamensis , Briss. ix. 481 indica, Briss. . ix. 4/7 minor, Briss. ix. 409 javensis, Briss. ix. 406 ludoviciana Papa, Briss. . . ix. 408 Choucador, Le Vail/, xiv. 55 Choucas, Buff. . vii. 350 Chauve, Buff. . vii. 352 des Alpes . vii. 380 Moustache, Biff. vii. 351 Nouvelle Guinee, Buff. . . . vii. 354 — — Philippines, Briss. vii. 352 Choucou, Le Vaill. . vii. 278 Chou cou hou, Le Vaill. vii. 279 Chouette . . . vii. 223 d collier, Le Vaill. vii. 250 a long queue de Siberie . . vii. 277 a Masque Noir, Le Vaill. . . vii. 249 blanche , Le Vaill. vii. 251 Ciirysis fulgida v. vi. p. 284 ignita . . vi. 283 viridula . . vi. 283 Chrysocoma . Catarractes • minor papua saltator . torquata . xiii. 57 xiii. 61 xiii. 61 xiii. 59 xiii. 58 xiii, 60 Chrysomela . . vi. 57 Asparagi . vi. 58 Betulae . . vi. 58 Boleti . . vi. 59 gibbosa . . vi. 59 gigantea . . vi. 59 Gigas . . vi. 59 graminis . . vi. 58 Indica . . vi. 59 marginata . vi. 59 — — merdigera . vi. 58 Poplar . . vi. 57 Populi . . vi. 57 ■ Surinamensis . vi. 59 Chub ... v. 226 Round-tailed . v. 228 Chuck- Will’s- Widow , Wils. . . . x. 1 5 1 Charge . . . xi. 453 Charge, Buff. . . xi. 452 Chimera . . v. 365 Australis . v. 368 Borealis . . v. 365 Callorhynchus , Linn. v. 368 Monstrosa, Linn. v. 365 Northern . v. 365 Southern . v. 368 Chough . Cornish, Will. • Chrysis . calens xiv. 78 vii. 378 vi. 283 vi. 284 Cicada . atrata • aurita haematodes lanata vi. 150 vi. 152 vi. 150 vi. 152 vi. 150 GENERAL INDEX 51 Cicada Phaleenoides V. V . p. 150 plebeja, Linn. . vi. 150 rhombea . vi. 134 sanguinolenta . vi. 154 Spiuosa . vi. 150 Spumaria vi. 153 viridis vi. 152 ClCINDELA vi. 86 campestris vi. 86 liybrida . vi. S6 nemoralis vi. 86 Sylvatica vi. 86 ClCINNURUS . xiv. 76 regius xiv. 77 Cicogne blanche, Briss. xi. 619 Maquari, Temm xi. 619 noire. Buff. xi. 620 ClCONIA . xi. 616 — xiv. 325 Briss. xi. 645 alba xi. 617 Argala . xi. 622 Brasiliensis, Briss. xi. 646 • fusca , Briss. . xi. 620 Maguari . xi. 619 nigra xi. 620 Cimex vi. 161 acantharia vi. 165 annul atus vi. 161 ■ baccarum vi. 165 clavicornis vi. 165 corticatus. Dm. vi. 1 65 flavicollis vi. 161 • green vi. 165 Hyoscyami vi. 166 lacustris . vi. 167 latipes vi. 161 • lectularius vi. 161 lineatus . vi. 164 Cimex personatus v. vi. p. 166 phyllopus vi. 166 — — Populi vi. 166 Stagnorum . vi. 167 — — validus . . vi. 161 virens vi. 161 Cincle, Buff. , . xii. 99 ClNCLUS . . x. 312 ClNCLUS . . xiii.* 192 Ginclus, Briss. xii. 97, 98 - Europeus . x. 313 Europaeus . xiii.* 192 torquatus, Briss. xii. 99 Cinnamon, Vieill. . viii. 224 Cinnyridee . xiv. 228 ClNNVRIS . xiv. 229 — — ■ affinis . xiv. 232 afra . xiv. 229 Amethystina . xiv. 230 chalybea . . xiv. 230 — — cuprea . xiv. 230 cyanocephala . xiv. 230 currucaria . xiv. 231 dubia . xiv. 230 eximia . xiv. 233 famosa . xiv. 232 fuliginosa . xiv. 231 — — gutturalis . xiv. 231 ■ Javanica . . xiv. 230 lepida . xiv. 230 longirostra . xiv. 23 1 • lotenia . xiv. 230 niaculata . xiv. 231 Madagascariensisxiv. 230 mystacalis . xiv. 234 omnicolor . xiv. 230 pectoralis . xiv. 235 • pulcliella . xiv. 233 purpurata . xiv. 230 rectrirostris . xiv. 231 rubrocana . xiv. 232 rubrofusca . xiv. 231 saccharina . xiv. 233 52 GENERAL INDEX. Cinnyris senegalcnsis V. XIV. p. sperata . xiv. splendida xiv. superba . xiv. tabacina .. xiv. venusta . xiv. violacea. . xiv. Zeilonica xiv. ClRC^EETUS xiii.* bracbydactylus xiii.* cinereus xiii.* Circus . xiii.* acoli xiii.* aeruginosas xiii.* cinerascens xiii.* melanoleucos . xiii.* palustris . xiii.* pygargus xiii.* rutilans . xiii. Cirlus stullus, Rail . ix. Cirquineon i. Cissopis . xiv. Leverianus xiv. Citrin, Lc Vaill. xiii.* Civet i. Civette, Buff. . i. Malacca, Sonn. i. Clak'vt, Penn. . xii.* Clang ula xii.* albeola xii.* chrysophthalmosxii.* ■ histrionica . xii* Clausen . vii. Clausrapp . vii. C/ignot, Buff. . . X. Climacteris . . xiv. Climacterjs picumnus v. xiv. p. 185 scandens . xiv. 184 Clotho iii. 401 Clupea . v. 138 Africana . v. 170 Alosa v. 1 65 Atherinoides . v. 174 Bealama, Forsh v. 1 74 - Chrysoptera v. 176 * Cyprinoides v. 1 73 Dorab v. 175 Encrasicolus . v. 168 Fasciata . v. 176 Gigantea v. 1 73 Harengus v. 138 Macrocepbala . v. 177 Malabarica v. 170 Nasus v. 177 Pilchardus v. 1 64 Setirostris v. 1 74 Sinensis . v. 171 Sprat tus . v. 167 Ster niclus, Lin. v. 76 Thrissa . v. 172 Tropica . v. 178 Tuberculata v. 1 75 villosa , Lin. v. 70 Coaita i. 73 Coal- Fish iv. 145 Coasse, Buff. . i. 387 Coati, Marc. . i. 385 hrun, Buff. i. 386 Noitre, Buff. . i. 3S5 Coati-Mondi i. 385 Cobitis . v. 1 Anableps, Lin. v. 7, Barbatula V. 1 Cobitis v. 3 heteroclita v. 5 Japonica . v. 6 Taenia v. 4 Cobra de Capello iii. 411 230 230 229 229 233 231 233 230 14 14 15 41 42 41 41 42 42 41 43 355 195 93 93 225 396 396 406 49 179 184 182 180 3S3 383 631 184 GENERAL INDEX 53 Cobra-Monil . v. iii. p. 357 Americana . iii. 503 coronata , Ceelonica fcemina, Seb. iii. 430 de Capello m. 357 Coccinella vi. 55 bi punctata vi. 55 octodecimo-punctata vi. 56 — — punctata . vi. 55 punctatissma . vi. 55 septempunctata vi 55 * tigrina vi. 55 Coccothraustes xiv. 86 • americana cceruleci, Briss. . . . ix. 253 ai/golensis cycinea, Briss. . . ix. 250 astrilda . . xiv. 87 aurantia . . xiv. 88 borbonica, Briss. ix. 329 • Brasiliana . xiv. 87 • cserulea . . xiv. S7 Canadensis . xiv. 88 canadensis, Briss. ix. 238 G aphis Bonce Spei, Briss. . . • ix. 3 J 3 cardiualis . xiv. 87 cayanensis, Briss. ix. 267 chloris . . xiv. 87 cyanopis . . xiv. 87 ■ fasciata . . xiv. 87 Gambensis, Briss. ix. 294 Indica, Briss. . ix. 24 Javensis . xiv. 88 javensis, Briss. ix. 332 — ncevia, Briss. . ix. 330 ■ ludoviciana xiv. 87 ludoviciana, Br iss. ix. 270 — luiea Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . . ix. 271 — major . . xiv. 87 — Malacca . . xiv. 87 Coccothraustes melanura v. xiv. p. 87 Molucca . .xiv. 87 Moluccensis, Briss. ix. 331 oryzivora . xiv. 87 punctularia . xiv. 87 quadricolor . xiv. 87 sanguinirostris xiv. 87 Sinensis, Briss. ix. 332 cinerea, Briss. ix. 316 striata ,. . xiv. 87 Virs iniana, Briss. ix. 248 . xiv. 86 . vi. 189 . vi. 189 vi. 191 . vi. 194 . vi. 191 . vi. 197 . vi. 190 vi. 193 vi. 193 vi. 194 . xiv. 203 vulgaris . Coccus . Adouidum Cacti cataphractus Cochineal conchiformis Hesperidum Uicis Kerin es . Polonicus Coccyzus Temni. xiv. 215, 217 ■ Caixana . . xiv. 207 ■ cayanus . . xiv. 205 ■ caeruleus . . xiv. 205 ■ cristatus . xiv. 205 galeritus . xiv. 205 . Geoft'royi • xiv. 205 Madauascariensis xiv. 205 phasianellus . xiv. 206 seniculus . . xiv. 205 Cocheris, Buff. . x. 533 du Senegal, Buff. x. 52 Cochitenocatl, Temm. viii- 369 Cochitolotl, Temm. . viii. 149 Cochlearius, Briss. fuscus, Briss. ncevins, Briss Cochon xi. 638 xi. 639 xi. 639 ii. 459 54 GENERAL INDEX Coclion d'lnde v. ii. p. 17 Cock xi. 195 — xiv. 300 Bankiva . xi. 198 Bantam, Lath. xi. 204 black xi. 280 crested, Wils. xi. 204 crisped . xi. 210 curassow, Alb. xi. 166 domestic . xi. 203 Dorking, Lath. xi. 205 Dwarf, Wils. . xi. 205 fork-tailed xi. 215 gigantic . xi. 197 Indian, Phil. Trans. xi. 163 juugle . . xi. 200 Macartueyan . xi. 218 Moor . . xi. 294 negro . . xi. 242 of the wood, Alb . xi. 209 • Paduan, Lath. xi. 197 Persian . . xi. 214 ■ rough-footed, Lath. xi. 204 rumpless xi. 213 silk xi. 212 Turkish, Lath. xi. 204 fVild, Lath. . xi. 201 Cockatoo xiv. 108 ■ Banksian viii. 476 Black viii. 474 Broad-crested . viii. 478 crested, White viii. 479 crimson-tailed viii. 477 crimson-tailed , Shaw . xiv. 109 crowned . viii. 481 Funereal viii. 477 Funereal, Shaw viii. 476 funereal, Shaw xiv. 109 Greater, Edw. viii. 478 Great Black, Ed. viii. 476 Great While, Lath. viii. 478 Cockatoo, Great Red- breasted, Lath. . viii. 478 Great Sulphur- crested . . viii. 479 Lesser White, Edw. viii. 480 Magnificent , Shaw viii. 476 Red-vented viii. 481 Smaller Sulphur crested viii. 480 Cock-chaffer vi. 21 Cock-roach . vi. 113 common black vi. 1 1 6 American vi. 116 eastern . vi. 116 Cocotzyn, Buff. xi. 133 Cocyulcos, Buff. xi. 377 Cod . . . iv. 131 Common iv. 131 Five-bearded, Penn. iv. 156 TVilU iv. 158 Three-bearded, Penn. . . . iv. 156 iv. 157 Coddy-Moddy, Penn. xiii. 199 Ccereba, Vieill. xiv. 225, 226 Coendin • a longue queue ii. 7 Coendu . ii. 8 Coiffe-jaune, Buff. . . vii. 434 noir, Buff. x. 443 CoLAPTES , xiv. 171 auratus . . xiv. 171 Cafer . xiv. 171 capensis . . xiv. 1 7 1 olivaceus . . xiv. 1 7 1 Colaris, Cuv. . . xiii.* 96 Colenicui, Buff. xi. 3 77 GENERAL INDEX 55 Coleuvre verte etjaune v. iii. p. 449 Colias, Aid. . . iv. 580 Colibri, Briss. . . viii. 285 Colibri, Spiv . . xiv. 242 d cravate verte, Buff. . . . viii. 300 a gorge Carmin, Bu ff. . . . viii. 288 a longue queue de Cayenne, Briss. . viii. 284 d pied veius, Vieill. viii. 302 d queue violette, Aud. . . . viii. 301 a tele noire, Vied. viii. 281 a ventre cendre, Vieill. . . . viii. 299 a ventre noir . viii. 307 a ventre roussatre. Buff. . . . viii. 302 bleu, Buff. . viii. 292 * de Mexique . viii. 294 le petit, Biff. . viii. 285 • picquete, Buff. viii. 303 topaze, Buff. . viii. 274 — vert et noir , Buff. viii. 307 violet, Buff. viii. 290 Colin xi. 376 xiv. 303 Californian xi. 384 Coleniqui, Temm . xi. 378 crested . xi. 381 Malouina xi. 386 Northern xi. 377 Sonini’s . xi. 399 zonecolin, Temm . xi. 381 Coliou de V Isle de Panay x. 7 du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . x. 2 huppe du Senegal x. 5 . Colion Quiriva, Le Vaill. v. xiv. p . 91 rape, Biff. . X. 3 rave a or urge noir, Le Vaill. xiv. 92 CoLIUS . X. 1 CoLIUS . . xiv. 91 atrogularis . xiv. 92 Capensis . xiv. 91 Capensis . X. 2 Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . x. o carunculatus . xiv. 91 erythropus, Gmel. X. 6 Indicus . . X. 3 Indicus . . xiv. 91 leuconotus . X. 6 leuconotus, Steph. xiv. 91 ncevius, Steph. xiv. 91 Panayensis X. 7 Panayensis . xiv. 91 Senegalensis . xiv. 91 Senegalensis . X. 5 cristatus, Briss. . X. 5 striatus . X. 3 striatus, Steph xiv. 91 viridis X. 4 viridis . xiv. 92 Collier rouge, Buff. . viii. 293 Col nu, Le VailL . vii. 463 Colnud de Cayenne, Buff. vii. 463 Colombe ci Calotte blanche, Temm. . xi. 36 d ceinturon noir. Temm. xi. 50 d collier pourp re, Temm. . xi. 39 56 GENERAL INDEX Colombo a double collier, Temm. . v. xi. p. d gorge pourpree, Temm. . . xi. a large queue, Temm. . . xi. a masque blanc, Veil. . . . xi. a moustaches blanches, Temm. . xi. d moustaches noires , Temm. . xi. d nuque ecaillee, Temm. . . xi. a nuque perlee, Temm. . . xi. a nuque violette , Temm. . . xi. a oreillon bleu, Temm. . . xi. a queue annulee, Temm. . . xi. a ventre rouge, Temm. . . xi. azuree, Temm. xi. biset, Buff. . xi. blanche , Temm. xi. blonde, Temm. xi. brame , Temm. xi. bruvert, Temm. xi. Colombia, Temm. xi. ecai/le, Temm. xi. Egyptienne, Temm. . xi. Emeraudine, Temm. . . xi. erythroptere, Temm. . . xi. Fourningo, Buff. xi. fermin , 'Temm. xi. geant, Temm. xi. Geffrey , 'Temm. xi. grivellee, Temm. xi Good-gang, Temm. . . xi. herissee, Temm. xi. Jamboo, 'Temm. xi. Colombe Kurukuru, Temm. xi. 67 Labrador, Temm xi. 43 largup, Temm. Lumachkette, xi. 40 Temm. xi. 17 Maillee, Vieil. xi. 80 Mauge, Temm. melanoptere. xi. 99 Temm. xi . 10 Mordore, Temm. xi. 42 marine, Temm. muscadivore, xi. 23 Temm. xi. 21 peinte, Temm. xi. 85 Picazuro, Temm. Poukiobou , xi. 45 Temm. xi. 64 rameron, Vieil. xi. 19 Rainier, Temm. xi. 13 ramirct, Temm. rouge, Cep. xi. 41 Temm. xi. 1 1 roussard, Vieil. xi. 10 roussette, Temm. xi. 54 Souris, Temm. Tambourette, xi. 83 Temm. xi. 62 tigree, Temm. . xi. 24 Tourocco, Temm. xi. 91 Tourte, Temm. xi. 97 — Tourtelette, Temm. xi. 103 Tourterclle, Temm. xi. 72 xi. 73 Tuagris, Temm. xi. 55 vineuse, Temm. xi. 84 vlouvlou, Temm. xi. 60 Colombe-Caille, Vieil. Colombi-Galline, Vieil. xi. 131 xi. 123 a barbillon, Temm. xi. 123 — a Camail, Temm. xi. 122 . 76 65 88 61 56 100 5 78 59 52 37 68 87 27 70 71 87 85 25 90 8 81 58 9 75 92 69 i. 16 16 3 149 GENERAL INDEX 57 Colombe a Cravate noire, Lieil. v. xi. p. 125 a fache blanche, Temm. . . xi. 127 a front gris, Temm. xi. 126 Cocot zin. Temm. xi. 134 Goura , Temm. xi. 120 Hottentot , Temm. xi. 131 Montagnard xi. 130 • Picai . . xi. 135 Pigme, Temm. xi. 138 — Poignarde, Temm. xi. 128 var. Temm. xi. 128 roun1 -•violet, Veil. xi. 132 ■ Talpacoti, Temm xi. 136 Colon, D' A zar a xiii.* 126 Coluber iii. 3G4 Acontia . iii. 459 AEsculapii iii. 452 JEsculapii, Linn. iii. 485 iEstivus iii. 551 Agilis iii. 503 Aheetulla iii. 550 Alecto iii. 401 Ammodytes iii. 379 Ammobates Afri- canus ex Guinea, Seb. iii. 481 Angulatus iii. 500 Annulatus iii. 490 Aquaticus iii. 425 Argus iii. 439 Aruensis iii. 526 Aspis iii. 381 Atropos iii. 404 Atrovirens iii. 449 Atrox iii. 429 Aurora . iii. 544 Austriacus iii. 515 ■ Bchiurus iii. 470 Beataen . iii. 524 Berus iii. 3G5 Coluber Biliueatusu iii .p 538 Boseformis iii. 511 Breviceps iii. 430 Buccatus iii. 428 Bucephalus iii. 422 Cacodsemon iii. 377 Ceerulescens iii. 514 Caeruleus iii. 501 Calamarius iii. 522 Candidus iii. 497 Canus iii. 499 Caracara iii. 522 Carinatus iii. 457 Carolinianus . iii. 460 Caspius . iii. 520 Catenatus Hi. 5J6 Ceilonicus,lon- gissimus pernicio- sns, torvus Ammo- dytes dictus, Seb. iii. 405 Cenchoa . iii. 475 Cerastes . iii. 385 — Cbarassii iii. 379 ■ Cher sea . iii. 382 • Chiametla iii. 440 Cinereus iii. 517 Clotho iii. 401 Cobello . iii. 493 Cocci neus iii. 496 Constrictor iii. 464 Corallinus iii. 432 Crotalinus iii. 400 Crucifer . iii. 482 Cursor ill. 510 Cyaneus . iii. 506 Decor us . ill. 338 Dhara iii. 508 Dione Hi. 541 Dipsas iii. 491 Doliatus . Hi. 492 Doniesticus iii. 520 Domicella iii. 488 Elapliis . Hi. 450 Elegans . Hi. 536 Elegantissimus iii. 433 Erythrogaster Hi. 458 Exoletus Hi. 508 5 S GENERAL INDEX Coluber Fasciatus v. iii. p. Fasciolatus . iii. Filiformis . iii. Flagellum . iii. Fulvus . . iii. Fuscus . . iii. Gemmatus . iii. Getulus . . iii. Gramineus . iii. Graphicus . iii. Guttatus . iii. Haem achates . iii. Hazi, Linn. . iii. Hickanella . iii. Hippocrepis . iii. Hoelleik . . iii. Hydrus, Linn. iii. Hygeia . . iii. Intestinalis . iii. Jaculatrix . iii. Jara . . iii. Javanicus . iii. Jugularis . iii. Lachesis . iii. Lacteus . . iii. laticaudatus , Linn. iii. Leberis . . iii. Lebetinus . iii. Lemniscatus . iii. Lineatus . iii. Linnaei . . iii. ■ Lubricus . iii. Lutrix . .iii. Macro] epidotus iii. Maculatus . iii. Maurus . . iii. Megaera . .iii. Melauis . . iii. Melanocephalus iii. Melanotos . iii. Meleagris . iii. Miliaris . . iii. Minerva; . iii. Molurus . . iii. Monilis . . iii. Coluber Mucosus v. iii . p. 5 1 5 Mycterizans iii. 546 Naja iii. 409 Nasicornis iii. 397 Nasutus . iii. 548 Natrix iii. 446 Nebulatus iii. 476 Nivens iii. 427 — Ocellatus iii. 438 — — Octoliueatus iii. 540 Ord hiatus iii. 497 Ornatus . iii. 477 Ovivorus iii. 509 Padera iii. 505 Pallidus . iii. 545 Pelias iii. 509 Perlatus . iii. 480 Peruvianus iii. 483 petalarius , Linn. iii. 484 Pethola . iii. 484 Pctzcontl, Si'b. iii. 455 picatus, Shaw iii. 488 Pipes iii. 528 Platurinus iii. 468 Plicatilis iii. 466 Porpliyriacus . iii. 423 Prester . iii. 375 Pullatus . iii. 453 Purpurascens . iii. 549 — Redi iii. 380 Reginas . iii. 521 Russelii . iii. 418 ■ Sagittatus iii. 526 Saturninus iii. 501 Saurita . iii. 532 Scaber iii. 494 Scutatus iii. 518 Scytha iii. 385 Severus . iii. 421 Shockar . iii. 524 Sibilans . iii. 530 Sibon iii. 507 Simus iii. 504 Sipedon . iii. 496 Sirtalis . iii. 535 Situla iii. 532 463 528 55 1 475 469 498 539 467 420 474 502 425 455 511 518 525 557 487 540 530 525 441 495 402 427 556 433 384 485 529 466 487 472 456 446 495 406 431 490 534 . 479 479 519 458 492 GENERAL INDEX 59 Coluber Stolatus v. iii. p. 542 Striatus . . iii. 527 Surinamensis . iii. 460 — — Teeniatus . iii. 537 Terragona, Seb. iii. 533 Textilis . . iii. 462 Tisiphone . iii. 406 Trifasciatus . iii. 542 Trilineatus . iii. 543 Triscalis . . iii. 535 Tyria . . iii. 509 Vipera . . iii. 3 77 Viperinus . iii. 465 Viridissimus . iii. 471 Vittatus . . iii. 533 — — Zeylonicus, Gmel. iii. 476 Coluea, Buff. . . x. 291 Colugo . . . i. 1 15 Columba xi. 1. xiv. 279 Linne . xi. 252 Abyssinica , Lath, xi. Ill iEgyptiaca . xiv. 292 eenea . xi. 21 eenea . xiv. 286 Afra . xi. 81 alba . xi. 70 alba, Gmel. . xi. 23 albicapilla, Gmel. xi. 47 Amboy nensis, Lath. xiv. 290 armillaris xi. 15 aromatica, Gmel. xi. 106 arquatrix . xi. 19 arquatrix . xiv. 280 Asiatica . . xi. 53 auricular is xi. 4 auricularis . xiv. 294 aurita . xi. 51 Australis, Linn. xi. 115 Banatemsis, Sparr. xi. S8 bitorquata . xi. 76 Columba brunnea v. xi. p. 84 caerulea . . xi. 87 ccerulocepliala , Gmel. xi. 47 Calva, Temm. xi. 117 Cambainensis, Linn. . xi. 94 Canadensis , Linn . xi. 94 . — Capellei, Temm. xiv. 276 — — Capensis xi. 102 Capeusis xiv. 291 — - Capistrata xiv. 282 — — Caribeea . xi. 37 Carolinensis xi. 96 Carolinensis xiv. 291 caruncidata, Temm. xi. 123 cauda annulo cincta, Jamaicen- sis, Briss. xi. 37 cauda fascia notata, Raii xi. 37 clialcoptera xi. 17 clialcoptera xiv. 280 cincta xi. 50 cincta xiv. 280 cinerea . xi. 83 Corensis xi. 5 — — corensis . xiv. 294 — — Coronata, Gmel. xi. 120 cristata . xi. 40 — , Lath. . xi. 253 Cruenta, Gmel. xi. 128 curvirostra, Gmel. xi. 106 — — cyanocephala, Gmel. xi. 47 , Lath. . xi. 125 doniestica xi. 27 Barbarica, Raii . xi. 28 • cristata, Gmel. . xi. 28 Cucidlata, Linn. . xi. 20 GO GENERAL INDEX Columba domestica dasypus, Linn. v. xi. p. 28 eques, Rail xi. 39 • galeata, Linn. xi. 30 — gutturosa, Rail . xi. 30 Hispanica, Linn. . xi. 28 hispida, Linn. . xi. 29 ■ Jubata, Gmel. xi. 31 ■ laticauda, Linn. . xi. 29 livia , Gmel. xi. 29 major, Ray norvegica. xi. 28 Briss. xi. 28 percursor, Ray xi. 31 tabcllaria, Ran . xi. 30 turbita, Linn. xi. 29 turcica, Briss. xi. 30 dilopha . xiv. 279 Dominicensis . xi. 100 xiv. 291 Dufresnii xi. 77 , Stepk. xiv 280 • Dusumieri xiv. 285 Eimiensis xi. 39 elegans . xi. 43 erythoptera erythrothorax. xi. 57 Temm. xi. 127 Franciae xi. 2 xiv. 294 Geoffroyi . xi. 69 Guiuea . . xi. 10 xiv. 292 gymnophthalmus xi. 6 . . xiv. 292 liolosericea . xi. 60 . . xiv. 289 Col u mb A Hottentota, Temm. . v. xi. p. humeralis . xiv. huniilis . . xiv. hyogastra . xiv. Jam boo xi. 49 xiv. .Tavanica Indica, Briss. Linn. lacernulata larvata . leucocephala xi. xi. xi. xiv. xi. xi. xiv. xiv. Temm. Temm. Temm. Temm. Temm. leucomela leucoplera, Linn. xi. leucotis, Temm. xiv. littoralis . xi. littoralis . xiv. livia xi. 29 xiv. * Temm. . x Bar baric a, cnstata, . . 3 cuciillata , . . 3 dasypus, domestica, . . 3 cques, Temm. frontalis , Temm. . . x — galeata, Temm. x gutturosa. Temm. Temm. gyratrix, Hispanica, Temm. 'Temm. hispid a, Jubata, 131 291 280 287 284 47 52 47 281 61 36 291 284 52 295 23 291 280 27 28 28 29 28 27 31 31 30 30 29 28 29 31 GENERAL INDEX. 61 Columba livin laticanda, Temm. . v. xi. p - — Norvoegica , Temm. . . vi. percursor, Temm. . . xi. tabellaria, Temm. . . xi. • turbita, Temm. xi. turcica, Temm. xi. locutrix . . xiv. lophotes . . xiv. - luctuosa . . xiv. maculata . . xi. • Gmel. xi. maculata, Steph. xiv. maculosa . xi. macroura . xi. — — Madagascariensis xi. Madagascariensis xiv. magnifica . xiv. Malabarica . xi. Malaccensis . xi. marginata, Linn. xi. Martinica, Linn. xi. Martinicana , Briss. xi. Maugei . . xi. Maugei . . xiv. melanocepliala . xi. melanocepliala, Steph. . . xiv. melanoleuca, Lath. xi. melanoptera . xi. melanoptera . xiv. migratoria . xi. migratoria . xiv. militaris, Linn. xi. miniata . . xiv. minuta . . xi. Linn. . xi. Monacha, Reinw. xiv. Montana, Linn. xi. Columba mystacea v. xi.p. 56 Nicobarica, Briss. xi. ! 22 Nova Zelandica, nel. . X. 38 CEuas xi. 25 cenas xiv. 280 ola.v, Temm. xiv. 274 oxyura, Temm. xiv. 275 Pacifica, Lath. xi. 40 Palumbus xi. 12 . , xiv. 280 passerine, Linn. xi. 133 perspicillata xiv. 286 phasianella xiv. 290 picator, Lath. . xi. 16 Picazuro . xi. 45 picturata xi. 85 . xiv. 280 picui, Temm. . xi. 135 Pompadoura, Gmel. xi. 106 porphyrea, Temm. xiv. 278 — — Psittacea, Temm. xi. 113 purpurata . xi. 66 purpurata, Steph. xiv. 277 purpurea, Lath. xi. 114 — Reinwardtii . xiv. 293 risoria . . ix. 71 . . . xiv. 280 — Romana, Briss. xi. 28 rubricapilla . xi. 1 1 . . . xiv. 292 rufa Cayanensis, Briss. . . . xi. 132 ruffina . . xi. 54 rupicola, Raii xi. 27 Sancta Thomce, Lath. . . . xi. 109 Sanguined, Gmel. xi. 128 Saxtilis, Gmel. xi. 27 Jamaicensis, Briss. . . . xi. 36 scripta . . xiv. 284 ». 29 28 31 30 29 30 283 289 287 46 31 279 24 91 9 292 292 86 88 99 132 52 98 291 35 279 16 101 291 93 291 109 289 42 138 277 130 62 GENERAL INDEX Columba Senegalensis, Linn. Sinica Spadicea speciosa v. xi. p. 80 xi. 68 xi. 92 xi. 41 xiv\ 289 squamosa . xi. 90 striata, Linn. . xi. 88 Superba . . xi. 64 superba, Stepk. xiv. 279 Suratensis, Lath. xi. 78 Surinamensis . xi. 75 Talpacoti, Temm.xu 136 Tannensis, Linn. xi. 106 tigrina . . xi. 78 tremula , Briss . xi. 29 • Turtur . . xi. 72 . xiv. 280 xi. 62 xi. 114 xi. 84 xi. 71 xi. 59 tympanistria vernans, Gmel. vinacea . , Lath. — violacea . — violacea Martinicana, Briss. . . . xi. 132 — viridis . . xi. 65 — viridis, Steph. . xiv. 279 Amboynensis, Briss. . . . xi. 106 Philippensis, Briss. . . . xi. 114 — vulgaris seu domes- tica, Raii . . xi. 27 — xantlionura . xiv. 288 Zealandica . xi. 38 Columbar a, front nud, Temm. xi. 1 1 7 aromatique , Bonn. xi. 106 Commandeur, Temm. xi. 109 Jajoo , Temm. xi. 114 Maitson, Temm. xi. 116 unicolor, Temm. xi. 113 Waalia , Temm. xi. Ill Colunibaude la petite, Buff. x. 648 Columbidse . v. xiv. p. 272 COLUMBINI . . Xi. 1 Col us, Gesn. Coi.Y CoLY black-throated, ii. 339 x. 1 xiy. 91 xiv. 92 x. 2 Lath. . Cape green . . x. 4 Indian . . x. 3 Panayan . x. 7 Qiiiriva, Lath. xiv. 91 Senegal . . x. 5 — striated . . x. 3 white-beaked . x. 6 COLYMBID7E xii * 2, 230 COLYMBUS Colymbus, Briss. Linn. . xii* 232 . xiii. 3 . xii.* 242 . xiii. 1 . xii.* 235 — arctxcus . — arcticus collo ruffo xii. * 238 — auritus, Linn. xiii. 12 — borealis, Briss. xii.* 239 — caspicus, Gmel. xiii. 10 — cayanensis, Gmel. xiii. 5 — cinereus major, Ray xiii. 3 — cornutus, Briss. xiii. 3 Gmel. xiii. 9 minor, Briss. . . xiii. cristatus, Linn. xiii. Briss. xiii. — ■ dominions, Linn. xiii. — Jluviatilis, Briss. xiii. carolinensis, Briss. . . xiii. 10 3 3 6 14 17 GENERAL INDEX 63 CoLYMBfs Glacialis v. xii.* p. 233 Grylle, Linn. . xii.* 234 Hebridicus, Gmel. xiii. 13 Immer, Linn, xii.* 234 Insulae St. Thomas , Briss. . . . xiii. 6 lacteolus, Gmel. xii.* 253 — — Ludovicianus , Gmel. xiii. 18 Lumme, Briss. xii* 238 Maximus caudatus. Bail . . . xii.* 233 — Gesneri, Rail . . . xii.* 234 major' Aldrovandi, Ray . . . xiii. 3 cristatus et cornutus, Ray xiii. 3 minor, Briss. . xiii. 10 minor, Gmel. . xii.* 246 Gmel. . xiii. 14 obscurus, Gmel. xiii. 10 - — — parotis, Gmel. xiii. 8 Fodiceps, Linn. xiii. 16 rubricollis, Gmel. xiii. 8 Septeutrionalis xii.* 238 Stellatus, Gmel. xii* 238 Striatus, Gmel. xii.* 239 subcristatus, Gmel. xiii. 8 Thomensis, Gmel. xiii. 6 torquatus, Brunn. xii* 233 Troile, Linn. xii *244 urinator, Linn. xiii. 3 Combattant, Buff. . xii. 1 1 0 Comephorus . . iv. 76 Baikal . . iv. 76 Baikalensis . iv. 76 Condoma . . ii. 334 Condor . v. xiii.*^>. 6 Conepate, Buff. . i. 387 Conepatl . . . i. 389 seu vulpecula puerilis. Hern. . i. 389 Conger, Will. . iv. 20 Brasiliensis, Seb. iv. 28 Conops . vi. 395 aculeata . vi. 395 cal cit vans vi. 395 irritans . vi. 395 rostrata . vi. 396 Coodum Ncigoo iii. 415 Cochicat, Buff. viii. 369 Coot xii. 233 xiv. 335 • cinereous xii. 238 ■ common . xii. 234 ■ Wits. . xii. 236 crested . xii. 239 greater, Penn. xii. 234 Mexican . xii. 238 Wilson’s . xii. 236 Coq d cinq doigts, Buff. xi. 205 • d plumes frisees, Buff. xi. 210 Bankiva, Temm. xi. 1 99 Bantam, Buff. xi. 204 commun a crete, Buff. . . . xi. 204 de Bruyere a f raise, Buffi . . . xi. 301 de Bruyere, Buff. xi. 267 a queue fourchue, Buff. . xi. 280 a longue queue, Buff. . xi. 284 de ceux, Buff. xi. 197 de Perou , Buff. x. 1 0 64 GENERAL INDEX. Coq ct Poulc ayamalus, Sunn. . . v.x\.p.2\6 et Poule Sonnerat, Temtn. . ■ xi. 201 • ct la Poule a chevet. Buff. . . • xi. 212 huppe, et de Nam- bourg, Buff. . xi. 204 Mosambique , Buff. xi. 211 nain, Buff. . xi. 205 negre. Buff. . xi. 211 sans croupion , Buff. xi. 214 sauvage , Sonn. xi. 201 villageois, Buff. xi. 204 Wall ikikili, 7 hnm . Coquillade, Buff. xi. 213 x. 535 Coquallin ii. 144 Coracias vii. 387 Coracias xiv. 70 Briss. 78 Coracias, Will. vii. 3/8 Abyssinica xiv. 7 1 Abyssinica, Lath. Afra vii. 392 vii. 405 afra, Shaw xiii.* 97 Albifrons vii. 392 albifrons, Shaw xiv. 71 Angolensis vii. 394 A ngolensis xiv. 71 Bengalensis xiv. 71 Bengalensis ? Linn. cairulea . vii. 390 vii. 405 Caffra vii. 398 caudata, Linn. vii. 394 Cayana . vii. 400 Cayana, Shaw xiv. 6 crinita vii. 401 cyanogaster xiv. 7 1 docilis vii. 403 garrula . vii. 388 Coracias garrula v. xiv. p. 70 Indica . . vii. 390 Indica, Shaw . xiv. 7 1 Madagascariensis vii. 404 — Madagascariensis, Shaw . . . xiii.* 97 melanocephala vii. 397 Mexicana vii. 399 Militaris vii. 395 militaris, Shaw xiii* 267 nigra vii. 396 orientalis vii. 403 orientalis, Shaw xiii.* 97 oriolus, Linn. vii. 408 pacifica . vii. 402 — — * Puella vii. 398 — — puella, Shaw xiii.* 142 scutata . vii. 401 scutata, Slum xiii.* 267 Senegala, Lath vii. 392 Strepera, Lath vii. 462 Striata . vii. 396 striata vii. 400 Tibicen, Lath. vii. 465 vagabunda vii. 397 varia, Lath. vii. 464 viridis xiv. 7 1 vivida vii. 406 Coracina, Vieil. xiii.* 1 63 cephaloptera, Temm. xiii.* 265 scutata, Temm. xiii.* 267 Coraya, Buff. . x. 299 Corbeau, Briss. vii. 34 1 vautourin, Le Vaill. vii. 343 Corbi Calao, Le Vaill. viii. 183 Cordon bleu, Buff. x. 429 Cordyl iii. 218 Cord plus, Seb. Coretta iii. 218 alba Pisonis, Will. iv. 581 GENERAL INDEX. 65 Coi'ge v. i. p. 319 Corine ii. 353 Corlicu, Buffi . xii. 36 Cormoran, Buffi. xiii. 76 grand, Temm. xm. 77 ~ — largup, Temm. xiii. 83 - petit , Buff. xiii. 82 ■— — pigme, Temm. xiii. 97 Cormorant . xiii. 75 African . xiii. 85 black and white xiii. 93 — — brown -necked xiii. 91 — carunculated xiii. 94 — — Chinese . xiii. 96 common . xiii. 76 crested . xiii. 83 crested, Bew. . xiii. 77 Javan xiii. 90 Magellanic xiii. 89 - — — New Holland . xiii. 93 — pied xiii. 92 red-faced xiii. 86 Shag xiii. 82 spotted . xiii. 88 — ■ tufted xiii. 95 ■ violet xiii. 86 Corneille, Buff. . vii. 345 ■ mantelee , Buff. vii. 348 Cor nix — — ■ ccerulea, Gesn. vii. 388 Coronella Ausiriaca, Laur. . , . iii. 515 CORVIDAE Corvus . . xiv. 59 . vii. 360 xiv. 68 xiii. 73 vii. 371 vii. 381 ix. 41 xiv. 78 xiv. 69 vii. 343 xiii. 76 Corvus . Corvus, Ray Afer, Linn. affinis affinis affinis, Shalo albieoilis . albieoilis, Lath. aquations, Ray v. xiv. r. ir. Corvus aquations minor, Ray . . v. xiii. p. 82 aureo-viridis . vii. 376 — — aureo-vi) idis, Shaw xiv. 56 auritus, Shaw . xiv. 66 • Australis, Gmel. ix. 41 azureus . . xiv. 69 Balicassius . vii. 352 Balicassius, Shaw xiv. 138 Brachyurus . vii. 385 brachyurus, Shaw xiii* 183 — — Caledonicus . vii. 350 —— Caledonicus , Shaw xiv. 65 — — calvus . vii. 352 ■ — — calvus, Sham . xii.* 265 Canadensis . vii. 365 canadensis, Shaw xiv. 66 carunculatus . vii. 378 - — - Caribbeeus . vii. 375 caryocatactes . vii. 353 ■ caryocatactes, Sham xiv. cayanus . . vii. Cayanus, Shaw xiv. vii. Corax ■ corax . . xiv. ■ Cornix . . vii. cornix . . xiv. Corone . . vii. corone . . xiv. cristate!] us . xiv. cristatus . vii. cristatus, Shaw xiv. cayanus . . vii. cayanus, Shaw xiv. cyanopogon, Maxim. 63 360 64 341 69 348 69 345 69 69 359 66 362 64 xiv, 68 Cyanurus . vii. 384 cyanurus, Shaw xiii.* 1 83 Dauricus . vii. 349 dauricus . . xiv. 69 Ercmita . . vii. 382 5 66 GENERAL INDEX. Corvus erythrorhynclios v. vii. p. 36 1 erythrorhynchos, Shaw . . . xiv. 64 fiavigaster, Lath. vii. 364 flaviventris . vii. 364 frugilegus . vii. 347 frugilegus . xiv. 69 glandarius. Slum xiv. 66 graculinus , White vii. 462 graculus . . vii. 3/8 graculus, Slia'w xiv. 78 grallarius . vii. 386 grallarius, Slum xiii.* 182 Hottentottus . vii. 351 Hottentottus , Shaw xiii.* 139 — * — Jamaieensis . vii. 345 Jamaieensis . xiv. 69 leucolophus, Hardw. xiv. 65 melanops, Lath. xiii* 163 mexicanus, Shaw % xiv. 49 Monedula vii. 350 monedula xiv. 69 Novae Guineoe Novce Guinece, vii. 354 Shaw xiv. 1 63 nudus, Linn. . vii. 463 Pacificus . vii. 355 Papuensis papuensis, Shaw vii. 354 xiii.* 1 63 paradoxus, Daud. vii. 378 paradoxus ? Daud. viii. 173 paradoxus, Shaw xiv. 265 Peruvianus . vii. 363 Peruvianus, Shaw xiv. 64 Corvus Pica . v. vii. p. 369 Pica, Shaw . xiv. 64 pileatus, Illiger xiv. 67 purpurascens . vii. 368 Pyrrhocorax . vii. 380 Pyrrhocorax, Shaw xiii.* 194 rufipennis . vii. 373 rufipennis, Shaiv xiv. 54 rufus . . vii. 368 rufus, Shaiv . xiv. 64 scapulatus, Daud. xiv. 69 Senegalensis . vii. 371 Senegalensis, Shaw xiv. 64 sexsetaceus . vii. 380 sexsetaceus, Shaw xiii* 194 Sibiricus, Linn. vii. 302 Sibiricus, Shaw xiv. 66 Sinensis . . vii. 369 Sinicus . . vii. 363 speciosus . vii. 364 speciosus, Shaw xiv. 65 — — spleudidus . vii. 372 spleudidus, Shaw xiv. 55 Stelleri . . vii. 365 stelleri, Shaw . xiv. 66 streperus, Shaw xiv. 61 Sylvaiicus, Gcsn. vii. 388 Temia . . vii. 372 Temia, Shaw . xiv. 74 Tropicus vii. 355 ventralis vii. 377 ventralis, Shaw xiv 64 vulturinus vii. 343 vidturinus, Shaw xiv. 69 CORVORANT . xiii. 76 Corvorant , Penn. xiii. 77 CORYDALLA xiv. 350 Richardii xiv. 350 Corydonyx, Vieil. ■ xiv. 212 GENERAL INDEX. 67 CoRYPELENA V. iv. p. Acuta . . iv. Brancliiostega iv. — . — - Caerulea . . iv. cauda cequali, linea latera/i curva, Art. . . . iv. — ™ Clirysurus . iv. Clypeata . iv. Equiselis . iv. Fasciolata . iv. Hemiptera . iv. Hippurus . iv. Japonica . iv. — — Lineata . . iv. Novacula . iv. pentadactyla, Linn. iv. • — — Plumieri . iv. Pompilus . iv. Psittacus . iv. Quin que-macu- lata . . iv. rupestris, Linn . iv. Scomberoides iv. Sima . . iv. * Sinensis . . iv. * — - Velifera . . iv. virens . . iv. CoilYPHENE . . iv. - — — Blue . . iv. Branchiostegous iv. • Brasilian . iv. Chinese . . iv. chinois, Cep. . iv. Chrysure, Cep. iv. Clypeated . iv. Common . iv. Five-spotted . iv. Flat-snouted . iv. Gilt tail . . iv. Greenish . iv. — Half-finned . iv. Japanese . iv. Lineated . iv. Mackrel . iv. Corypiiene, Parrot v. iv. p. 221 - — - Plunder's . iv. 215 Razor . . iv. 217 Sailing . . iv. 224 Scomber o'ide , Cep. iv. 221 Sharp-tailed . iv. 227 Striped . . iv. 220 Undulated . iv. 223 Corythaix . . xiv. 221 Africanus . xiv. 222 ■ gigas . . xiv. 222 — — - paulini . . xiv. 222 Corythus, Cuvier . xiv. 93 Cossypha . . xiv. 348 — — vocifera . . xivc 349 Costototl, Buff. . vii. 440 Cotinga cdba, Briss. x. 435 ■ d plumes soyeuses x. 43 blanc , Buff. . x. 435 Cayanensis, Buff. x. 426 — — cendre, Le Vail. xiii * 267 cinereo-purpurea , Briss. . . . x. 430 — de Cayenne , Buff. x. 429 — du Bresil , Biff. x. 429 ■ — — grand, Le Vail. vii. 395 gris de Cayenne, Buff. ... x. 427 gris-pourpre, Buff. x. 430 Maynanensis, Briss. x. 443 Ncevia, Briss. x. 434 purpurea, Briss. x 430 - rouge, on I’Ouette, Buff. . . . x 425 rubra, Briss. x. 425 Cottus . . . iv. 254 Australis . iv. 263 — — cataphractus . iv. 263 212 , 227 227 216 220 219 228 214 223 227 212 225 224 217 21 8 215 220 221 218 229 221 226 226 224 225 212 216 227 214 226 226 219 228 212 218 226 219 225 227 225 224 221 68 GENERAL INDEX. Cottus, chcctodon, Scb v. iv. p. 381 cccrulcsccns, Scb. iv. 377 Gobio iv. 254 Grunniens iv. 256 Insidiator iv. 260 Japonicus iv. 264 lanceolatus, Linn. iv. 387 Madagascariensis iv. 261 Massaliensis iv. 261 Monopterygius iv. 265 Niger iv. 262 Quadricornis . iv. 258 Snrqoidc, Cep. iv. 369 Scaber iv. 258 Schal, l'orslc. . iv. 382 scorpius . iv. 287 — — Southern, fVliite iv. 260 CoTURNIX xi. 360 . xiv. 303 Briss. xi. 361. 376. 387 Australis xi. 373 dactyl isonans xi. 361 — - — cxcalfactoria xi. 371 grisea xi. 370 Indica, Rail . xi. 381 Ludoviciana, Briss. xi. 377 Madagascaricnsis, Briss. . . xi. 390 major, Briss. . xi. 361 Mcxicana, Briss. xi. 377 Cristata, Briss. . . xi. 381 Novse Guinea; xi. 374 perlata . . xi. 368 perlata, Steph. xiv. 303 Philippensis, Briss. xi. 3/1 textilis . . xi. 365 textilis, Steph. xiv. 303 torquata . xi. 367 Couagga, Sonn. v. ii . p. 440 Couatait-sau . ix. 56 Coucal . ix. 43 C'OUCAL . xiv. 212 Bengal . ix. 50 black ix. 57 blue ix. 56 Bubut, Lath. . xiv. 213 cliesnut . xiv. 215 • Chinese . ix. 5 1 dusky, Lath. xiv. 213 Egyptian ix. 54 gcant ix. 45 giant ix. 45 green ix. 55 kindred, Lath. xiv. 214 Lath ami an ix. 46 — — tepid. Lath. xiv. 214 Nigre ix. 59 noiron ix. 52 noiron, Le Vaill. pheasant xiv. 213 ix. 48 — rufin ix. 44 • rufous ix. 44 Senegal . ix. 53 Tolou ix. 52 variegated ix. 47 white- bellied . ix. 49 Coucou ix. 68 • d collier blanc ix. 119 a gros bee ix. 86 d long bee ix. 122 d ventre ray 6 de Panay ix. 91 bleu de Madagascar ix. 56 — hrun et jaune a ventre rape . . ix. 91 — hrun picquete de roux . . . ix. 105 — hrun , varie de noir Coua ix. 1 18 iv. 92 GENERAL INDEX. 69 Coucou, brun varie de roux . . v. ix. p 99 ■ criard ix. 108 de Cayenne ix. 90 de Klaas ix. 129 de la Caroline ix. 93 de Madagascar ix. 52 de Senegal ix. 53 des Paletuviers ix. 125 des Philippines ix. 54 didric ix. 127 du Cap de Bonne Esperance . ix. 85 Edolio ix. 114 var. ix. 115 gris-bronze , Le Vaill. . xiv. 210 huppe noir et blanc . ix. 117 de Madagas - car ix. 118 a collier ix. 119 de Coroman- del . . . ix. 119 indicateur . ix. 138 le Grand de Ma- dagascar . . ix. 25 — — le Grand tachete ix. 1 1 G le petit a tele grise et venire jaune . ix. 107 le petit des Indes ix. Ill le petit noir de Cayenne . . ix. 89 noir de Cayenne ix. 4*1 noir des hides ix. 87 plage . . ix. 90 Solitaire . ix. 81- tachete de Bengale ix. 95 tachete de Cayenne ix. 99 tachete de la Chine ix. 1 02 tachete de ITsle de Panay . . ix. 10G tachete de Malabar ix. 104 tachete des Indes ix. 105 Coucou vari'c de Minda- nao . . v. ix. p. 1 03 veillard . . ix. 124 — — verdatre de Mada- gascar . . ix. 101 vert d' A ntigue ix. 55 vert dore et blanc ix. 127 vert du Cap de Bonne Esperance ix. 127 vulgaire d' Ajrique ix. 83 vulgaire d’ Europe ix. G8 Coudous . . ii. 319 Cougouar, Buff. . i. 358 noir . . i. 359 Couigniop, Le VailL xiv. 54 Cou-jdune, Buff. . x. 629 Couheel . . . ix. 87 Coulon-chaud, Buff. xi. 520 de Cayenne, Buff. xi. 520 gris de Cayenne, Buff. . . , xi. 520 Coulteah iii. 414 Coupeur d’eau, Cuv. xiii. 13G Couresse, Cep. iii. 510 CoURLAN xi. 539 . xiv. 322 Courlan, Biff. xi. 540 scolopaceous . xi. 540 Courliri, Buff 1 xi. 540 Courlis, Buff xii. 24 corlieu, Temm. xii. 3G des bois, Buff. xii. 16 de Madagascar, Buff. . . . xii. 31 de terre, Biff. xi. 459 grand, cendre, Temm. xii. 2G • — — huppe de Mada- gascar, Biff'. xii. 24 le grand de Ca- me . . . xii. 18 le petit, Buff. xii. 3G lc plus petit, Sunn. xii. 41 70 GENERAL Courlis rouge. Buff. v. xii. p. 1 / — — tachete de VIsle de Luyon xii. 32 verd. Buff. vert de Cayenne xii. 13 xii. 16 Couklv . xiv. 326 d col blctnc, Buff. xii. 18 a front rouge, Buff,. xii. 21 d tete nue. Buff. xii. 7 blanc de Bresit, Buff. . xii. 20 brun de Lu^on Sonn. . xii. 22 d’ltalie. Buff. xii. 13 Couroucou a chaperon violet, Buff. . . . ix. 8 a longue queue, Buff. . . . ix. 16 ci queue rousse de Cayenne, Buff. ix. 9 • a ventre jaune. Buff. . ix. 1 1 ■ d ventre rouge. Buff . . . ix. 16 de la Guiane, Buff. ix. 10 Narina, Le Vaill. ix. 14 verd d ventre blanc, Buff. . xi. 1 1 Couroucoucou . ix. 120 Courser xi. 499 xiv. 337 Asiatic . xi. 502 cream-coloured xi. 300 Cour-vite, Buff. xi. 500 de Coromandel, Buff. . xi. 502 isabelle, Tanm. xi. 500 Coxilitli, Raii xi. 168 INDEX. Crab . . v. vi . p. 489 embroidered vi. 493 hermit vi. 493 large edible vi. 491 streaked vi. 491 Crabeater . • xiii.* 98 Cr abler , Buff. . i. 482 blanc d bee rouge, Buff. . . . xi. 571 blanc et bleu de Malacca, Buff. xi. 584 bleu, Buff xi. 581 bleu a cou brun, Buff. . . . xi. 582 • cendre, Buff. . • chalybe, Buff. xi. 584 xi. 581 clialybe, Buff. xi. 583 de Cayenne, Buff. xi. 606 de Coromandel , Buff. . xi. 577 de la Louisiane xi. 578 de Mahon, Buff. xi. 576 gris-cle-fer, Buff. xi. 579 Ic petit, Buff. . xi. 587 marron, Biff. xi. 574 noir de la Nouvclle Guinde, Biff. . xi. 586 pourpre, Buff. xi. 585 roux a tele et queue vert, Buff. . . xi. 578 roux, Biff. . xi. 604 verd, Buff. . xi. 605 verd tachete. Biff. xi. 605 Cracker, Atb. . . xii.* 127 Cracra, Buff. . xi. 567 CRACID7E . . xiv. 311 Cracticus . xiv. 60 anaphonensis . xiv. 61 chalybeus . xiv. 61 destructor . xiv. 61 streperus . xiv. 61 tibicen xiv. 61 GENERAL INDEX 71 Cracticus varius v. xiv. p. 61 Crake xii. 217 — — — c xiv. 335 Baillon’s xii. 228 Cayenne xii. 220 Corn xii. 218 Jamaica . xii. 221 little xii. 225 olivaceous xii. 226 red- tailed xii. 221 spotted xii. 222 water, Bew. xii. 220 — — yellow-breasted xii. 221 Craxcer . xii. 230 * . . xiv. 335 little xii. 231 Crane . xi. 523 xiv. 321 — — . Balearic, Wil. xi. 537 bleu, f Fills . xi. 58! brown xi. 526 common . xi. 524 crowned African Edw. . xi. 537 gigantic, Lath. xi. 622 — — hooping . xi. 528 Indian xi. 531 Numidian, Edw. xi. 535 Siberian xi. 529 wattled . xi. 532 Crane xiii. 82 Crapaud le grand volant de Cayenne, Buff. . x. 142 volant, Buff. . x. 146 Cravant, Buff. . xii.* 46 Cravate noire, Buff. . xiii.*200 Cravatte, Buff. . x. 456 jaune , Buff. . x. 510 Crawfish . . vi. 493 Crax . . v: xiv. p, 312 Briss. . xi. j 92 Linn. . xi. 172 Alector . . xi. 163 Lath. xi. 166. 169. 175 Brasiliensis, Briss . xi. 165 carunculata . xi. 170 curassous, Briss. xi. 166 fuscus Americanus, Briss. . . xi. i 93 galeata, Lath. xi. 173 — — globicera . xi, 166 — hybrida, Temm. xi. 166 Guianensis, Briss. xi. 163 Mexicanus, Briss. xi. 173 Mitu, Linn. . xi. 175 pauxi, Linn. . xi. 173 Peruvianus, Briss. xi. 168 • rubra . . xi. 168 • hybrida, Temm. . . xi. 169 Creadion . . xiv. 265 Novae Hollaudise xiv.' 265 Novae Zealandiae xiv. 265 — • Tabuensis . xiv. 265 Creeper . . viii. 185 Creeper . . xiv. 183 African, Lath . viii. 191 . viii. 1 92 Agile . . viii. 263 All-green . viii. 241 Amboina, Lath. viii. 269 Amboyna . viii. 269 Amethyst-throated viii. 193 — — Angaladian . viii. 194 Crax xi. 161 7~ GENERAL INDEX. Cheeper Australasian v. viii. p. 226 Asli -bellied . viii. 214 Band-breasted, Veill. . . . viii. 247 Barred- tailed . viii. 216 Beautiful . viii. 2 1 0 Bifasciatcd . viii. 198 Black and blue, Edw. . . viii. 217 ■ Black and violet viii. 25 7 black and white, Ediv. . . . x. 639 Black and yellow viii. 248 capped . viii. 240 Black-chinned viii. 239 Black-eijcd, Lath. viii. 245 — — Black-fronted viii. 259 Black -headed viii. 262 headed, Lath. viii. 240 — — Black-tailed . viii. 245 Black, white and red Indian, Edw. viii. 250 Bine, Lath. viii. 219 Blue-faced viii 258 Blue-headed . viii. 203 Blue -headed . viii. 241 Blue- throated viii. 257 Blue-throated, Lath. . viii. 265 Bluish-breasted viii. 244 Bourbon viii. 259 Brown viii. 238 ■ Brown and white viii. 204 Cerulean viii. 219 C cerulean, Lath. viii. 244 Cardinal viii. 252 Carmelite viii. 222 Cayauean viii. 207 Cayenne viii. 256 • Ceylonese viii. 203 chiglet, Lath. xiv. 193 ■ Chirping viii. 261 Creeper, cinereous , Lath. v. viii. p. Cinnamon . viii. Cochineal ? Lath. viii. . . viii. Collared . . viii. Common . viii. Copper . .viii. Crimson . viii. — — Crimson-bellied viii. Cupreous, Lath. viii. Dirigang . viii. c.rbnious, Lath. xiv. familiar, Lath. xiv. Famous, Lath. viii. Flycatcher . viii. Fulvous . . viii. Gartered . viii. - — Graeulinc . viii. Green . . viii. Green-faced . viii. - — Green-gold . viii Greater . . viii. Great Hook-billed viiii Grey Grey-headed Greyish . Goruck . Gular Hoary Hooded . vm. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii viii. green . viii. — Hook-billed, red viii. - — ■ Ignoble . . viii. — Indian . . viii. — Indigo . . viii. — Leona . . yin. — Little Brown and White . . . viii. — Long-billed . viii. — Loteu's, Lath. viii. — Lunated . . viii. — Macassar . viii. — Marhalta , Lath. viii. — Mellivorous . viii. 210 224 253 254 196 186 201 231 216 201 260 233 271 212 262 269 217 242 188 255 200 188 22 7 221 242 266 243 265 261 199 227 220 264 268 215 247 207 370 194 224 269 258 245 GENERAL INDEX 73 Cheeper, Mocking v. viii. p. 23 7 mountain, hath. xiv. 270 New Holland viii. 225 New Holland viii. 253 New Zealand, Brown viii. 169 • Olive-green . viii. 232 Orange-backed viii. 254 Orange-banded viii. 1 97 orange-handed, Shaw . . . xiv. 230 orange-breasted, Lath. . . . viii. 206 pectoral, Lath. xiv. 235 Peregrine . viii. 263 Philippine . viii. 203 Pied . . viii. 234 Pine, Catesb. . x. 737 ■ Porphyrian . viii. 267 Purple, Lath. . viii. 267 Purpled . . viii. 201 Purple Indian, Edw. . . - viii. 201 Red, Lath. . viii. 266 ■ — backed . viii. 250 Red-billed . viii. 271 ■ Red-breasted viii. 206 Red-breasted, Lath. viii, 207 - — Red-breasted green, Edw. . . . viii. 192 Red-brown . viii. 222 Red-carmine . viii. 252 Red-rumped . viii. 249 Red-spotted . viii. 251 ■ spotted, Lath. viii. 250 saccharine , Lath. xiv. 234 ■ sanguineous . viii. 232 ■ Seban . . viii. 266 Senegal . . viii. 205 Shining . . viii. 212 Sickle-billed . viii. 230 • Slender-billed, Lath. . . . viii 199 Creeper, Small-crested v. viii. p. 253 Snuff-coloured viii. 214 Splendid . viii. 191 Spot-eared . viii. 244 Spotted-breasted viii. 223 Strait-billed . viii. 246 Sugar . . viii. 250 Superb . . viii. 193 Tufted . . viii. 271 . Tufted-eared . viii. 236 Undulated . viii. 264 Violet . . viii. 208 Violet-headed viii. 211 Violet-throated viii. 208 Wall . . viii. 189 ■ Wattled . . viii. 233 AThite-collared viii. 237 Wren . . viii. 265 Yellow, Lath. xiv. 237 Yellow-bellied viii. 213 Yellow-bellied, Edw. viii. 248 — — Yellow-cheeked, Penn. . . . viii. 219 — — Yellow-eared, Lew. xiv. 264 — — Yellow-eared, Lath. viii. 44 • Yellow-throated, Catesb. . o x. 679 Yellow-winged viii. 270 Crex . . . xiv. 335 Crex, Rail . . xii. 249 — — Indica, Rati . xii. 259 Cricket Camel . . vi. 1 1 8 - — - Mole . . vi. 140 Crik-poudre , Buff. . viii. 5 1 1 — a face bleu, Buff. viii. 531 Criniger, Temm. . xiii.* 143 Crocodiles . . iii. 184 j - — ■ Black, Mous . iii. 191 174 GENERAL INDEX. Crocodile, common v. iii p. 184 Gangetic iii. 197 Indian iii. 197 Nilotic . iii. 184 Crocodilus, Gcsn. iii. 184 Crocodilus, Sloan. iii. 192 Americanus, Laur. iii. 192 ex Arabia, Seb. iii. 285 Croise le Bee, Bujf. . ix. 231 Croissant, Buff. ix. 530 Crokiel, Buff. . xi. 361 Cross-bill ix. 229 Cross-bill ix. 90 common . ix. 231 greater, Lath. xiv. 90 wliite-winged . ix. 233 Crotalus iii. 317 Dryinas . iii. 335 Durissus iii. 333 Horridus iii. 317 Miliarius iii. 336 Mutus , Linn.. iii. 352 Crotopiiaga . viii. 380 Americana viii. 380 Ani, Linn. viii. 380 Crotopiiagus . xiv. 217 Ani xiv. 217 guira xiv. 217 Crow vii. 340 Crow xiv. 68 . — — African . vii. 375 Alpine . vii. 380 Bald vii 352 bare-necked , Lath. vii. 463 black- faced ', Lath. xiii.* 163 Crow, Blue, Lath. v. vii p. 362 Blue-tailed vii. 384 Caribbean vii. 375 carrion . • ■ vii. 345 Cayenne Ited-billed vii. 381 chattering vii. 345 cinereous vii. 365 Downy vii. 346 Golden-green . vii. 3/6 Hermit • vii. 382 Hooded . vii. 348 Hottentot Lesser Mexican, vii. 35 1 Lath. . vii. 367 Long-legged . vii. 386 Macao vii. 369 Mexican . vii. 366 New Caledonian vii. 350 New Guinea . vii. 354 Nut-cracker, Lath. vii. 353 Nut-cracking vii. 353 Pacific vii. 354 Papuan . vii. 354 Philippine vii. 352 Purple-headed vii. 368 Red-legged vii. 378 Red-winged vii. 373 rock, Penn. x. 265 rose-bellied vii. 377 Royston, Will. vii. 348 Rufous . vii. 368 Senegal . vii. 391 Shining . vii. 372 Short-tailed vii. 385 Silver-eyed vii. 366 Six-shafted vii. 380 Smaller Mexican vii. 367 Stellers . vii. 365 Temia vii. 372 Tropical . vii. 354 Wattled . vii. 378 White-breasted vii. 349 uohite-cr owned, Lath. . . xiv. 65 GENERAL INDEX 7 5 Crow, White-eared v. vn. p. Wood . vii. Crowned Pigeon . xiv. Crucirostra . ix. Crucirostra, Cuv. xiv. -= — leucoptera ix. leucoptera, Steph. xiv. vulgaris . ix. vulgaris, Steph. xiv. Crusian . V. Crymophilus, Vied. xiv. Cryptonyx xi. xiv. coronatus xi. couronne, Temm xi. crowned . xi. red xi. * roux, Temm. . xi. ■ rufus xi. Crypsirina xiv. ■ varians . xiv. Cryptura, Vieil. xi. Crypturus, lllig. xi. (Jubla, Le Vaill. vii. Cuckoo . xiv. Cuckow ix. African . ix. African, Lath. ix. Bee ix. — — black-billed, Lath. xiv. black Indian . ix. blue ix. blue-headed ix. Brasilian, crested ix. bronzed, Lath. xiv. Cape ix. Carolina . ix. Cuckow, Cayenne v. ix. /; . 93 Cayenne, black ix. 41 Chinese spotted ix. 102 collared . ix. 119 common . ix. 68 Coromandel crested ix. 114 crested black . ix. 114 cupreus . ix. 129 — — Eastern, black x. 87, 88 Edolio ix. 114 Egyptian ix. 51, 5< ,55 fan-tailed ix. 96 Gilded . ix. 127 Great spotted ix. 116 Grosbeak ix. 86 horned ix. 121 Indian spotted ix. 95 Klaas ix. 128 Lark-heeled ix. 50 laughing . ix. 109 long-billed rain ix. 122 — ■ — long-heeled ix. 52 Madagascar ix. 101 Madagascar crested ix. 118 Mangrove ix. 125 Mindanao ix. 103 noisy ix. 108 Panayan ix. 91 spotted ix. 106 Pheasant ix. 48 Pisan ix. 117 ■ — — punctated ix. 98 rain ix. 124 red-crested ix. 120 — — — — headed ix. 59 ■ Royal viii. 47 rufous-spotted ix. 105 — ■— sacred ix. 104 St. Domingo . ix. 97 — — - shining . ix. 126 Society . ix. 92 solitary . ix. 84 Sonnerat’s ix. 1 1 1 spotted . ix. 99 strait-heeled . ix. 53 367 283 294 229 90 233 90 231 90 195 331 252 302 253 253 253 256 250 256 74 74 401 401 328 208 66 115 25 137 208 88 56 110 113 210 85 90 GENERAL INDEX 7 6 Cuckow tippet v. i x. p. 112 white-rumped black ix. 89 white- throated ix. 83 yellow-bellied . ix. 107 yellow-bellied, Wils. xiv. 208 Cuckow-spit vi. 153 CUCULIM . xiv. 204 Cuculus ix. 66 — xiv. 208 TEgyptius ix. 5 1.54, 55 seratus xiv. 210 afer xiv. 208 Afer ix. 115 Afer, Lath. ix. 25 Amcricanus xiv. 208 Amcricanus ix. 93 Andalusiac ix. 116 A ter ix. 114 auratus . ix. 127 auratus . xiv. 209 ■ bengalensis ix. 50 ix. 95 brasiliensis ix. 120 coruutus ix. 121 cristatus ix. 1 13 caeruleus ix. 56 canorus . ix. 68 canorus . xiv. 208 Capensis . ix. 85 Carolinensis . ix. 93 cayanensis ix. 90 naevius ix. 99 cayanus . ix. 90 Cayanus, Steph. xiv. 205 ■ chalcites . xiv. 209 Classii xiv. 208 clamosus . ix. 108 clamosus . xiv. 208 coruutus . ix. 121 corom andus ix. 119 coromandus xiv. 208 Cucunus crassirostris v. ix. p. 86 criard . . ix. 1 08 cristatus . . ix. 1 1 8 cristatus, Steph. xiv. 205 ruber ix. 1 20 cupreus . . ix. 129 cupreus . . xiv. 209 cyanocephalus . ix. 1 10 Dominicus . ix. 97 edolius . . xiv. 208 — — erythrophthalmus xiv. 208 ex nigro et albo mixtus ix. 1 1 7 flabelliformis . ix. 96 ilavus ix. 107 Ilavus xiv. 209 glandarius ix. 116 glandarius xiv. 209 guineensis cristatus viridis . . ix, 63 guira ix. 1 13 guira, Steph. . xiv. 217 gularis . ix. 83 gularis xiv. 209 hepaticus, Tem. xiv. 208 honoratus ix. 101 honoratus xiv. 2 1 1 jamaicensis ix. 124 ■ ■■- — longirostra ix. 122 Indicus . ix. 88 - — naevius ix. 105 niger , . ix. 87 - — — Klaasus . ix. 128 • Klass. Steph. . xiv. 208 lucidus . ix. 126 lucidus . xiv. 209 lugubris . xiv. 21 1 maculatus ix. 102 maculatus xiv. 2 1 1 — Madagascariensis ix. 101 — Madagascariensis, Steph. . . . xiv. 205 CEeruIeus ix. 56 cristatus ix. i 1 8 GENERAL INDEX, 77 Cuculus Madagascari- ensis major . v. ix. p. 25 — Malabaricus na3vius mclanoleucos . ix. 104 ix. 114 — — Mexicanus ix. 109 Mindanensis . ix. 103 Mindanensis , Steph. xiv. 2 1 l ix. 104 ix. 125 - minor naevius ix. 99 ncevius, Steph. orientalis xiv. 205 ix. 87 orientalis xiv. 211 palliolatus ix. 112 panayus . ix. 106 Persa ix. 63 Pliasianus ix. 48 pisanus . ix. 117 — — pluvialis . ix. 124 • pluvialis, Steph. xiv. 216 ■ punctatus ix. 105 punctatus, Steph . ■ — — punctulatus xiv. 2 1 1 ix. 98 • pyrrhocephalus ix. 59 radiatus . ix. 91 =- — - radiatus . xiv. 208 regius viii. 47 - — — rubicundis ix. 109 scolopaceus ix. 95 scolopaceus, Steph. Senegalensis . xiv. 21 1 ix. 53 seniculus ix. 123 seniculus, Steph. xiv. 205 serratus . ix. 1 1 4 serratus , Steph. xiv. 208 • solitarius ix. 84 solitarius xiv. 208 Sonneratii ix. 1 1 1 taitensis . ix. 92 Taitensis xiv. 2 1 1 taitius ix. 92 tenebrosus ix, 89 tenebrosus, Steph. xiv. 156 Cuculus tolu v. ix. p. 52 tranquillus . ix. 41 — — Vetula . . ix. 122 vetula, Steph. . xiv. 216 — — xanthorhynchus xiv. 210 Cudor, Le Vaill. Cuilliere brume, Buff. Cuil Cuit, Buff. Cuja Cujelier, Buff. Cul-blanc, Biff. Cul-bkuic, Buff. xiii.* 189 xi. 639 ix. 104 vii. 390 i. 433 x. p. 50 7 xii. 127 x. 565 brun-verddtre, Biff. x. 578 — cendrd, Buff. . x. 565 — du Cap de Bonne Esperance . . x. 57 3 — du Senegal , Biff. x. 574 — gris, Biff. . x. 565 — roux, Buff. . x. 569 Culex . . . vi. 387 pulicario . . vi. 392 reptans . . vi. 392 Cul-jaune petit de Cayenne, Buff. . . . vii. 432 Cul-rousset, Buff. . ix. 401 Cumboa Nagoo . iii. 415 Cuniculus, Plm. . ii. 204 Americanus, Seb. ii. 26 — — y'lpcrea diet us, Raii . . ii. 28 Brasiliensis, Shaw ii. 28 Brasiliensis tapeli, Marc. . . ii. 208 Indicus, Nierem ii. 17 Indicus femina, Aid. . . ii. 28 Indicus Utias dictus, Aid. . . . ii. 187 minor caudatus O/ivaceus, Barr . ii. 27 78 GENERAL INDEX. Curahi-rcmimbi , D'A zara v. xiv. p. 324 CURASSOW xi. 161 xiv. 312 carunculated . xi. 170 crested . xi. 163 Lath. 163. 166, 169, 175 Cutnana, Loth. xi. 1 80 Cushan, Edw. . xi. 173 galeatecl. Lath. xi. 173 Curasson globe-bearing xi. 166 globose, Lath. . xi. 166 hen-crested, Lath xi. 168 piping, Lath. . xi. 180 — — red xi. 168 ClJRCULIO vi. 62 argentatus vi. 67 frumentarius . vi. 65 granarius vi. 64 Imperial vi. 65 imperialis vi. 65 nucum vi. 63 Palniarum vi. 62 regal is vi. 66 Curicaca, Buff. xii. 3 Curimata Brasiliensibus, Marc. v. 79 Curlew . xii. 25 xiv. 328 Brasilian, Mont xii. 37 Shaw xii. 1 3 brown, Catesb. xii. 21 Cape, Lath. xii. 96 Common . xii. 26 Crying, Lath. . xii. 8 Esquimaux, Lath. xu. 38 , Penn. xii. 36 Hudsonian,Luth. xii. 36 Curlew long-billed v. xii. p . 29 Luzonian xii". 32 Madagascar xii. 30 Otaheite . xii. 32 pigmy, Penn. . xii. 41 stone, Lath. xi. 459 white-beaded . xii. 34 Curouge, Le Vaill. . xiii.* 189 Curruca . . xiii.* 207 Curruca, Briss. . x. 581 albo et nigro varia, Briss . . . x. 648 arundinacea, Briss. x. 586 arundinacea . xiii.* 209 atricapilla .xiii.* 210 — atricapilla, Briss. x. 648 — Certiola . . xiii.* 2 1 2 — Cetti . . xiii.* 209 — cinerea sive cinerea, Briss. . . . x. 527 — Cisticola . . xiii.* 2 1 3 — conspicillata . xiii.* 2 1 0 — Elita, Raii . x. 66 1 — fluviatilis . xiii.* 213 — galactotes . xiii.* 209 — garrula . . xiii.* 2 1 1 — garrula, Briss. x. 580 — Jamaicensis, Briss. x. 584- — Locustella . xiii.* 2 1 3 — luscinia . . xiii * 208 — melanocephala xiii.* 210 — minor, Briss. . x. 745 — naevia . . xiii.* 209 — ncevia, Briss. . x. 591 Ncevia Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. uisoria — orphea — passerina — philomela - — rufa, Briss. - — Salicaria . x. 615 .xiii* 211 xiii.* 210 xiii.* 2 1 i . xiii.* 208 x. 668 xiii.* 209 Sepiaria, Briss. x. 661 GENERAL INDEX. 79 Curruca sericea v. xiii.* p. 208 Sylvestris seu Lus- ciniola, Briss. — sylvia — sylviella . — Turdoides — venusta . x. 581 xiii *210 xiii *211 , xiii * 209 , xiii *214 CURSORES xi. 441 Cursorius . . xi. 499 . . xiv. 337 Asiaticus, Lath. xi. 502 bicinctus . xiv. 338 clialcopterus xiv. 337 Europceus, Lath. xi. 500 isabellinus . xi. 500 Temminkii . xiv. 338 Cyclarhis Guianensis v. xiii* p. 149 melanocephalus xiii.* 149 virgatus . . xiii* 149 Cyclopterus . v. 388 Bimaculatus . v. 398 Bispinosus . v. 396 Cornubicus • v. 397 Deutex . . v. 392 Gelatinosus . v. 393 lineatus . . v. 395 Liparis . . v. 394 Lumpus . . v. 388 Minutus . . v. 396 Nudus, Linn. . v. 396 Pavonirius . v. 391 Pyramidatus . v. 390 Ventricosus . v. 394 Curucan de couleur de plombe, D’Azara xiv. 327 Curucui ix. 4 xiv. 217 blue-cheeked . ix. 7 cinereous ix. 10 fasciated . ix. 6 Indian ix. 13 Narina . ix. 14 red- bellied ix. 16 rufous ix. 9 spotted . ix. 5 violet-beaded . ix. 8 White-bellied „ ix. 11 Yellow-bellied ix. 11 Curve illet xi. 490 Curvirostra, Scopoli. xiv. 90 Cushat xi. 13 Cut-water } Catesb. . xiii. 136 Cyanecula, Briss. Gibr altar iensis , X. 660 Briss. . X. 660 Cyclarhis xiii.* 149 Cygnet Buff. . xii* 15 a beejaune, Temm. xii* 10 - — - a bee noir, Cuv. xii * 10 — — a bee rouge, Cuv. xii.* 15 noir , Cuv. xii.* 18 sauvage, Biff. xii* 10 — — tubercule, Temm. xii.* 15 Cygnus . xii* 9 Cuv. xii* 6 atratus . xii* 18 Canadensis xii.* 19 ferus xii.* 10 nigricollis xii.* 17 olor xii.* 15 Sinensis . xii* 22 Cymindis xiii.* 21 albidus . xiii.* 24 Baccha . xiii.* 24 Cayanensis xiii.* 23 coronatus xiii.* 23 hamatus . xiii* 22 ■ uncinnatus xiii.* 22 80 general index Cynchramus, Briss. v. ix. p ■ o GO Cynips . • • Quercus folii • quercus petioli Rosae viminalis vi. 267 vi. 2G8 vi. 269 vi. 269 vi. 270 Cyphos, Spix . • xiv. 156 macrodactylus, Spix xiv. 158 Cyprese — — mordore. Cep. . — rougc-brun. Cep . verd-violet, Cep. v. 219 v. 218 v. 219 v. 180 v. 238 v. 220 v. 204 v. 244 v. 229 v. 209 v. 201 . v. 222 bipunctatus , Stir. v. 220 Bjouka . • v. 205 Blicca . • v. 200 Brama . • v. 196 Buggenhaeii, Bloch. 66 ' v. 202 Bulatmai Buphthalmus Bynni Cyprinus Alburnus Amarus . Americanus Apliya . Aspius . Auratus . Ballerus . Barbus v. 207 v. 211 v. 206 v. 224 Capito . Capoeta . Carassius Carpio . catastomus Caucus • Cephalus cirrhosus Clupeoides ■ color r ruhro, Bloch, v. 209 ■ Cultratus v. 225 v. 207 v. 195 v. 180 v. 237 v. 208 v. 228 v. 203 v. 240 Cyprinus Dcntcx, Linn. v. v. p. 7 1 . Dobula . v. 233 erythrophthalmus v. 197 falcatus . v. 204 Farenus . v. 205 Ferrugineus . v. 218 fimbriatus v. 203 Galean . v. 239 • Gibelio . v. 197 Gobio v. 241 Gonorbynchus v. 242 Grislagine v. 206 Idus v. 230 Jeses v. 226 . Julus v. 208 Labeo v. 236 Lancastriensis v. 234 leptocephalus v. 237 Lcuciscus v. 234 . — macrophthalmus, Bloch. v. 211 Malclius v. 208 Mursa . v. 235 - Nasus v. 231 Nigro-auratus v. 219 Orfus v. 213 Phoxinus v. 243 Pomeranicus . v. 202 Punctatus v. 220 Quadrilobus . v. 212 Regius . v. 236 Rivularis v. 245 Rondeletii v. 194 Rutilus . v. 198 Sericeus . v. 221 Serta v. 232 Tinea v. 214 . — - Tinea auratus, Bloch. v. 217 Tincaurea v. 217 Vbnba, Linn. . v. 232 . viridi-violaceus v. 289 Cypselus x. 71 Cypselus xiii.* 81 GENERAL INDEX 81 CypsELusCayanensis v.x.p. 75 Cayanensis, Steph. xiii* 81 — collar is, Pr. Max. xiii.* 76 comatus . .xiii.* 82 Kleclio . .xiii* 81 leucorrhous .xiii* 81 longipennis, Temm. xiii* 82 melba .xiii* 81 melba . x. 74 Sinensis . . x. 74 Sinensis . .xiii* 81 - vulgaris . . x. 72 vulgaris . .xiii* 81 Czigitai . . ii. 427 Dab . iv. 298 Long . iv. 300 Smear . iv. 299 Dabaya . . iii. 444 Dabaia, Cep. . . iii. 442 Dace . v. 234 Dacelo . . xiii* 100 cyanotis . .xiii.* 102 gigantea . .xiii* 101 pulchella .xiii.* 101 Dacnis . xiv. 227 cay an a . xiv. 22 7 D^dalion . xiii.* 25 cachinans .xiii.* 25 melanops . xiii.* 25 Dafila . . xii.* 126 caudacuta . xii.* 127 Daim . xii.* 282 Dama, Plin. . ii. 359 . Virginia, Raii ii. 284 • Vulgaris, Gesn. ii. 282 Danta, Nieremb. . ii. 449 V. XIV. P. II. Daptrius . v. xiii.* p. !0 ater . . xiii.* 1 0 Dare , Will. . v. 234 Darter . xiii. 130 black- bellied . xiii. 131 Surinam, Lath. xiii. 22 white-bellied . xiii. 132 Dasypus i. 186 cingulo simplici i. 195 Novemcinctus . i. 190 18 cinctus i. 195 Septemcintus . i. 190 Sexcinctus i. 189 Tricinctus i. 188 Unicinctus i. 192 Dottier, Buff. . ix. 495 Daw Blue and Green, Edw. . vii. 398 Black and Yellow, Edw. . vii. 413 Death-watch vi. 33 Deer ii. 261 Fallow . ii. 282 Fallow, Laws. . ii. 214 Grey ii. 302 =■ Hog, Buff. . ii. 290 Mexican, Penn. ii. 288 — — Moose, Dud. . ii. 261 Porcine . ii. 290 Red ii. 276 Rein ii. 269 Rib-faced ii. 301 Spotted porcine, Shaw . ii. 290 Tailless, Penn. ii. 287 Virginian ii. 284 Delphinus ii. 504? Delphinus, Plin . ii. 507 Bidens ii. 514 Delphis . ii. 507 Leucas ii. 515 6 82 GENERAL INDEX Delpiiinus Orca v. ii. p. 513 Phocsena . • ii- 504 pinna in dorso nulla, Briss. . . . ii- 5 1 5 Rostratus - ii. 514 Demi-jin d huppe et gorge blanche, Buff. . x. 12 noir et bleu, Buff. ix. 508 noir et roux, Buff', x. 703 mangeur de vers x. 730 Demi-rouge, Cep. • iv. 487 Demoiselle . xi. 534 xiv. 320 crowned . xi. 536 Nuraidian xi. 535 Dendrocolaptes . xiv. 174 bivittatus xiv. 179 cayenuensis xiv. 176 chrysolophos . xiv. 183 crassirostns, Such. xiv. 175 cuneatus . xiv. 181 cyanotis . xiv. 176 decumanus xiv. 180 , Spur. xiv. 175 falcirostris xiv. 175 flammeus xiv. 176 fortirostris xiv. 177 fumigatus xiv. 181 • guttatus . xiv. 178 longirostris xiv. 1 75 major, Herman. xiv. 176 Merula . xiv. 182 niiniatus . xiv. 176 minor, Her. xiv. 180 nigricollis, lllig er. xiv. 178 obsoletus xiv. 181 ocellatus . xiv. 182 picumnus xiv. 180 picus xiv. 180 — ■ platyrostris xiv. 183 Dendrocolaptes pro- curvus . . v. xiv. p. 177 supercilious . xiv. 181 sylviellus . xiv. 182 tenuirostris . xiv. 176 tenuirostris, Spi X. xiv. 179 trocbilirostris . xiv. 1 79 turdinus . xiv. 180 Wagleri . xiv. 179 Dendrocopus, Vieill. xiv. 174 Dermestes vi. 31 lardarius . vi. 31 Pellio vi. 32 tesselatus, Fabr. vi. 35 Desman . Deuil i. 528 Ic petit, Buff. . Diabolus 00 rr * mar in us. Will. v. 295 DiCjEUM xiv. 236 Borbonicum xiv. 237 cantillans xiv. 237 cruentatum xiv. 236 erythropygium xiv. 236 flavum xiv. 237 rubrum . xiv. 236 teeniatum xiv. 236 Dicholophus, lllig. . . xii. 274 Dicrurus xiii.* 137 seratus xiii.* 138 • albiventris xiii* 140 Balicassius xiii* 138 caerulescens xiii.* 138 Ceylonensis xiii.* 140 cinerascens xiii* 138 forficatus xiii .* 138 Hottentottus . xiii* 139 Indicus . xiii.* 139 Malabarius xiii* 140 mystaceus xiii.* 139 remifer . xiii.* 140 GENERAL INDEX 83 Didapper, Will. v. xiii. p. 14 Didelphis i. 472 Brachyura i. 479 Brunii i. 480 — — Cancrivora i. 482 Cayopollin i. 478 Dorsigera i. 485 gigantea, Linn. i. 505 Lemurina i. 487 Macrotarsus i. 105 Macroura i. 500 ■ Marsupialis i. 476 Marsupialis, Linn. i. 473 Murina . i. 484 Obesula . i. 490 Opossum, Linn. i. 473 Oriental is i. 481 Pencillata i. 502 — — Petaurus i. 496 Philander i. 483 Pygmea . i. 501 * Sciurea . i. 498 Ursina . i. 504 Virginia . i. 473 Viverrina i. 491 Vulpina . i. 503 Didus xiv. 308 — " ■ ineptus . xiv. 308 solitarius . xiv. 309 — nazarenus xiv. 310 Digger, Buff. i. 534 Dilophus xiv. 53 gallinaceus xiv. 53 Dindon domestique , Buff. xi. 156 Diodon ... v. 432 Atinga . . v. 433 Atinga, Linn. . v. 432 ■ Atinga , (5, Linn. v. 435 Globe, Penn. . v. 441 Hystrix . , v. 432 Diodon Liturosus v. v. p. 406 Mola, Bloch. . V. 437 Mola, Linn. . V. 440 Oblong . V. 433 Oblong, Penn. V. 439 Orbicularis V. 434 Patched . V. 436 Plumieri V. 435 Plunder, Cep. . V. 435 Plunder's V. 435 Porcupine V. 432 Round V. 434 Short, Penn. . V. 437 tachete, Cep. . V. 436 Diomedea xiii. 258 Linn . xiii. 63 chilensis , Molin. xiii. 56 — — chlororhynchus xiii. 262 demersa, Linn. xiii. 64 exulans . xiii. 259 fuliginosa xiii. 263 spadicea . xiii. 261 Diopsis . vi. 377 Ichneumonea . vi. 377 Diplectron, Vieil. xi 150 Dipsas iii. 491 Dipsas, Seb. . ili 476 Dipus ii 174 Canadensis ii 192 — — Caper ii. 188 Jacalus . ii 185 Meridianus ii 190 Sagitta . ii 174 — — Tamaricinus . ii 191 Diver . xii.* 232 black-throated xii.* 236 greatest-speckled , Alb. . . . xii *233 Irnber, Penn. . xii.* 234 northern . xii* 231 red-throated . xii.* 238 small black and white, Edw. . xiii. 34 84 GENERAL INDEX. Diver, speckled, Penn. v. xii* p.239 striped, Penn, xii.* 239 Dog-Fish, greater spotted, Penn. . . v.v. p. 336 Picked, Penn. v. 338 Dobchick, Edw. xiii. 10 black and white , Edw. . xiii. 10 • eared, Ediv. xiii. 12 Dobule v. 233 Dono xiv. 308 Dodo , Pont. xi. 422 hooded, Lath. xiv. 308 Nazarene, Lath. xiv. 3 1 0 solitary, Lath. xiv. 309 Dog i. 273 Australasian . i. 277 Bengal, Penn. i. 330 Buli i. 284 Ceylonese, Penn. i. 312 common . 1. 6/0 Dalmatian or spotted i. 282 Dingo i. 277 Iceland * i. 279 King Charles’s i. 280 Lion i. 280 Maltese, Linn. i. 280 Naked i. 283 Newfoundland i. 280 New Holland i. 277 Peruvian i. 285 Pomeranian . i. 278 Pug i. 284 Shepherd’s . i. 277 Shock . i. 280 Siberian . . i. 278 Silvery, Penn. i. 325 Surinam . i. 330 Water, Gmel. . i. 279 Dog-Fish lesser-spotted, Penn. v. 334 v. 335 Dolphin . . n* 504 . . ii. 507 Bident . . ii. 514 narrow-snouted ii. 514 Dormouse . . ii- 102 Dormouse , Penn. . ii- 167 striped, Penn. ii- 149 Fat. . • ii- 162 Greater, Rail ii. 1 64 Garden . ii- 164 Wood . • ii. 166 Common . ii. 167 Gilt-tailed . ii- 169 _ — - African . . ii- 172 earless, Penn. . ii. 172 Dorse . • • iv • 188 Dory . . • iv- 181 Brasilian . iv. 281 Indian • • jv. 282 Ciliated . • iv. 283 Insidious. • iv. 284 Common . iv. 285 Opah . • iv- 287 Square . • iv- 291 Red . - iv. 292 Dotterel, Penn. . xi. 468 Sea, Edw. . xi. 520 Double sourcil, Le V aill. xiii. 225 Douc • • . i. 56 Dourving . formose, Ren. . iv. 354 Dove . - . xi. 52 . brown Indian, Edw. xi. 52 Carolina, Penn. ix. 97 Greenland, Ediv . xii.* 251 spotted, Penn. GENERAL INDEX. 85 Dove , Greenland, Edw. v. xiii. p. 34 • ground, Catesb . xi. 134 long-tailed, Edw. xi. 97 • Portugal, Alb. xi. 73 ring xi. 15 rock, Mont. xi. 27 spotted , Edw. . xii. 251 stock xi. 25 turtle, from Jamaica, Alb. . xi. 125 Draco . iii. 177 volans in. 177 Prcepos, Linn. iii. 179 - volans Americanus , Seb. . iii. 179 arboreus volans Arne- ricanns amphibius, Seb. iii. 206 marinus, Beon. iv. 127 Dracunculus, Bont. iii. 177 Dracundus, Gesn. iv. 116 Dracunculus, Will. . iv. 117 Dragon iii. 177 Flying . iii. 1 77 Dragone, Cep. iii. 212 Dragonet iv. 115 Arrow-headed iv. 122 Baikal iv. 119 Gemmeous iv. 115 Japanese iv. 123 Indian iv. 118 Ocellated iv. 120 Sordid iv. 1 1 7 Dragon-Fly . vi. 241 Draine, Buff. . x. 172 Drake xii.* 84 Iceland, Penn. xii* 192 Drepanis, Temtn. xiv. 265 Dromadaire ii. 229 Dromedarius, Johnst. v. ii. p. 239 Dromiceius . . xi. 438 . xiv. 307 No vos Hollands xi. 439 Drongo, Buff. vii. 289 Drongo, bronze , Le Vaill. xiii.* 138 moustache . xiii* 139 Drongolon, Le Vaill. xiii.* 139 Drongri, Le Vaill. xiii.* 140 a ventre blanc xiii.* 1 40 Dronte, Buff. . . xiv. 308 Drymophila . . xiii.* 177 atra . xiii.* 180 leucopus . . xiii* 1 77 longipes . . xiii,* 179 trifasciata . xiii.* 1 79 — ~ variegata . xiii* 180 Dshikketaei, Penn. . ii. 427 Duberria, Seb. . iii. 472 Due Grand, Buff. . vii. 211 Moyen, Buff. , vii. 221 petit . vii. 233 Duck . xii.* 83 Alexandrine . xii.* 112 Arabic . . xii.* 1 1 1 autumnal . xii* 99 bimaculated, Penn . xii* 40 black, Edw. . xii* 219 black-billed, to hist ling, Edw. . . xii.* 98 brown . xii* 106 brown, Catesb. xii.* 190 baffle-headed, Catesb. xii* 185 castancous, Mont. xii *201 86 GENERAL INDEX. Duck, canvas-backed , Wils. . . v. xii * p. 196 Chinese . . xii.* 94 — — crested. Lath. . xii.* 77 crimson-billed , Lath. xii.* 75 curve-billed . xii.* 93 Cuthbert, Penn. xii.* 224 Damietta . xii.* 108 Dominican . xii.* 1 09 dusky . . xii.* 109 and spotted, Edw. . . . xii* 180 Eider, Penn. . xii.* 224 falcated . . xii.* 1 00 ——ferruginous, Mont. xii.* 201 , Penn. xii * 205 • Field, Alb. . xi. 435 Gad wall . . xii.* 103 Gat tair . . xii.* 113 Georgia , Lath, xii.* 76 Gmelins, Lath, xii.* 209 Great black, IVils. xii.* 210 Great black and white, Edw. . xii.* 224 Grey-headed, Edw. xii.* 229 , Lath. xii* 182 ' Gulaund . . xii.* 106 Harlequin, Penn. xii* 180 Huwkesbury, Lath. xii.* 63 hook-billed, Alb. xii* 84 Ilathera, Catesb. xii * 137 Kekuskcha . xii.* 120 King, Penn. . xii.* 229 Lapmark, Penn, xii.* 190 little black and white, Edw. . . . xii.* 185 Duck, little brown, Cates. v. xii.* />. 185 and white, Edw. . xii.* 180 lobated, Shaw xii.* 222 long-tailed, Penn. xii.* 1 75 Mareca, Lath, xii.* 138 Mexican, Lath, xii.* 153 Muscovy, Alb. xii.* 79 New Holland, Lath. xii * 124 — Zealand, Lath . xii.* 210 olive-tufted, Sonn. xii.* 201 pink-headed, Lath. xii.* 207 red, Penn. . xii.* 205 billed whistling, Edw. . . . xii.* 99 red-breasted, Lew. xii* 205 crested . xii.* 180 round-crested, Cates. royal. Lath. xii.* 1 68 . xii* 82 ruddy, IVils. . xii *120 Scaup, Penn. . . xii* 199 Sirsajir . . xii.* 1 1 1 Soft-billed, Lath. Solitary . xii.* 123 . xii.* 107 Spanish . . xii.* 102 Spirit, I*enn. xii * 185 Spotted-billed, Lath. Summer . xii * 134 . xii.* 96 Supercilious . xii.* 108 Surf, Wils. . xii* 219 tame, Alb. . xii.* 84 tree . xii* 98 tufted, Penn. . xii.* 190 var. Lath. velvet, Lath. . xii* 201 . xii.* 216 Ural, Lath. . xii* 21 8 GENERAL INDEX 87 Duck, western, Penn. v. xii.* p. 206 white-faced, Catesb. xii * 149 — , Lath. xii *171 , Sow. xii.* 199 headed, Lath. xii *218 wild . . xii.* 84 D acker - greater crested and horned ?, Alb. . xiii. 3 Dugon, Buff. . . i. 239 Dulus . xiii.* 192 Dominicus . xiii.* 192 Dummer . . vi. 1 15 Dundiver, Penn. . xii.* 161 Dunlin . . xii. 95 . xiv. 331 little . xii. 101 minute . . xii. 105 Pune . xii. 98 red . . xii. 96 — St. Domingo . xii. 106 Semipalmated Temminck’s xii. 107 . xii. 103 Dur-bec, Buff. ix. 238 Dysporus, Illig. . xiii. 99 Dytiscus . vi. 91 marginalis . vi. 91 cinereus . . vi. 93 semistriatus . vi. 91 Eagle . xiii.* 15 ^Equinoctial . vii. 97 Albescent . vii. 93 Astraclian . vii. 85 Australasian cincre- ous, Lath. . . vii. 80 Eagle, Australasian , White . v. vii. p. 92 Azarai, Lath. xiii.* 24 Bald, Catesb. . vii. 78 Black vii. 74 Black, Penn. . vii. 71 — Black-backed . vii. 86 Black-cheeked vii. 88 Blagre vii. 96 Calquin . vii. 55 Clieela . vii. 69 Chinese . vii. 88 Cinereus . vii. 79 Cinereous vii. 80 Conciliating . vii. 77 Courland vii. 101 Crowned vii. 61 crowned. Lath. xiii.* 23 Delicate . vii. 68 Dransberg vii. 102 Fierce, Lath. . vii. 85 French vii. 89 Golden . vii. 75 Griffard . vii. 57 Harpy . vii. 54 Imperial . vii. 52 lesser white-tailed. Lath. . vii. 80 — Mansfreny viq 98 marine, Lath. . xiii* 12 Mauduyt’s vii. 66 ~ Mogilnick vii. 87 Few Holland white, Lath. vii. 92 Occipital vii. 59 Osprey . vii. 82 — Plaintive, Lath. vii. 41 Pondicherry vii. 91 Ring-tailed vii. 7 1 Rough-footed . vii. 84 Royal vii. 56 Russian, Lath. vii. 87 Sea vii. 81 Sea, Raii vii. 82 . Short-tailed vii. 98 Smaller white-tailed vii. 80 88 GENERAL INDEX Eagle, Sonnini’s v. vii. p . 07 spotted . vn. 70 Statenland vii. 92 Tiger vii. J00 Tyrant, Lath. xiii.* 20 Vociferous vn. 94 Vulturine vii. 58 White . vii. 76 White, Penn. . vii. 77 White-crowned vii. 90 White-headed . vii. 78 White-tailed, Ediv. vii. 71 White-tailed, Penn. vii. 79 Ear -Owl xiii.* 56 Earwig vi. 109 common . vi. 109 Echasse, Buff. xii. 179 a manteau noir, Temm. xii. 179 Echeneis iv. 201 Lineata . iv. 211 Neucrates iv. 209 Remora • iv. 201 Echcnillcur gris, Le Vaill. xiii.* 167 ■ — jaune, Le Vaill. xiii.* 168 noir, Le Vaill. xiii.* 168 Echinus tcrrestris, Gesn. i. 542 L' Eclatant, Vicil. viii. 191 Eclatante, Le Paid. vii. 372 Ecorcheur de Madagascar vii. 299 Ecuretiil . ii. 134 de In Cote de Ma- labar, Sonn. ii. 127 Madagascar ii. 128 - Suisse ii. 149 Edolius, Cuvier v. xiii.* p. 138 cinerascens, Horsf. xiii* 138 remifer, Temm. xiii* 141 puellus, Temm. xiii * 142 Eel iv. 15 common . iv. 15 Conger . iv. 20 Rondeletian iv. 24 Sand, TVill. iv. 81 Snake iv. 23 Spotted . iv. 22 Effraie, Buff. . vii. 258 Fft Spotted, Catesh iii. 304 Egret demi, Lath. xi. 547 great, Penn. . xi. 544 little , Penn. xi. 545 reddish, Penn. xi. 543 Egretta, Briss. xi. 54 1, 545 Eider xii * 223 Eider, Buff. xii.* 224 Cuthbert xii.* 224 King xii * 229 El- Adda, Bruce iii. 282 L'Elau . ii. 261 Elanus . xiii* 48 melanopterus . xiii.* 49 furcatus . xiii* 49 Riocourii xiii.* 49 Elaphis, Aldr. iii. 450 Elater . vi. 83 flabellicornis . vi. 83 oculatus . vi. 84 — noctilucus vi. 84 ferrugineus vi. 85 sanguineus vi. 85 tesselatus vi. 85 obseurus . vi. 85 porcatus . vi. 83 melanocephalus vi. 83 GENERAL INDEX 89 Elephant . v. i. p. 212 ■ great i. 212 Elephant-Fish, Cook v. 368 Elephantus, Gesn. . i. 212 Elephas Maximus . i. 212 El hareiz xii. 1 4 Elk ii. 261 Elops v. 125 Saurus . v. 125 Saury v. 125 Emberiza ix. 340 Emberiza xiv. I 7 alba. Rail ix. 360 amazona . ix. 383 americana ix. 379 angolensis ix. 425 Aoonalaschkensis ix. 396 arctica ix. 397 asiatica . ix. 383 • atricapilla ix. 364 aureola . ix. 402 aureola . xiv. 1 7 ■ badensis . ix. 378 badensis, Steph. xiv. 1 7 borbonica ix. 416 borbonica, Steph. xiv. 39 brasiliensis ix. 386 brumalis . ix. 387 brumalis, Steph. xiv. 33 cserulea . ix. 408 ccendea, Steph. xiv. 88 Catfrariensis xiv. 1 8 Calfat ix. 415 canadensis, Briss. ix. 401 — coerulea, Briss. ix. 408 capensis , ix. 372 , Lath. ix. 374 capensis, Steph. xiv. 39 chrysophrys ix. 391 ehrysoptera ix. 353 Cia ix. 355 Cia xiv. 17 Emberiza cinerea v. ix. p. 401 Ciris . . ix. 403 ■ Ciris , Steph. . xiv. 20 — ■ — Cirlus . . ix. 356 cirlus . . xiv. 17 citrinella . ix. 35 1 citrinella . xiv. 1 7 coccinea . . ix. 413 • cristata, Swain, xiv. 18 cristatella . xiv. 18 cyanea . . ix. 407 cyanea, Steph. xiv. 20 cyanopis . ix. 406 cyanopis, Steph. xiv. 87 dominicensis, Briss. ix. 379 erythrophthalma ix. 414? erythrophthalma, Steph. . . . xiv. 14 familiaris . ix. 384 fasciata . . ix. 371 ferruginea . ix. 381 flava . . ix. 35 1 flaveola . . ix. 354 jlavifrons, Spon. x. 458 flaviventris . ix. 374 jlaviveniris, Steph. xiv. 1 8 |(3. Steph . xiv. 4 1 8 fucata . . ix. 385 glacialis . . ix. 344 glacialis, Steph. xiv. 19 grisea . . ix. 417 gubernatrix, Temm. xiv. 1 8 Hortulana . ix. 349 hortulana . xiv. 1 7 ■ hyemalis . xiv. 18 hyemalis . . ix. 367 leucophrys . ix. 392 leucophrys, Steph. xiv. 20 lesbia . . ix. 370 longicauda . ix. 422 longicauda, Steph. xiv. 1 7 — — lotharingica . ix. 369 90 GENERAL INDEX Emberiza Lotkaringica, Steph. . . v. xiv. p. 17 luctuosa . . ix. 393 ludovicia . ix. 366 Maelbiensis ix. 3 99 melbensis, Steph . xiv. 17 nielanocepliala . ix. 365 melanocephala , Steph xiv. 19 Mexicana ix. 395 Miliaria . ix. 360 xiv. 17 Militaris . ix. 393 Mixta ix. 410 Montana ix. 346 montana, Steph. xiv. 19 Mustelina, Gmel. ix. 344 nivalis ix. 341 ■ nivalis, Steph. . xiv. 19 olivacea . ix. 377 Orix, Linn. ix. 240 oryzivora ix. 388 oryzivora, Steph xiv. 20 panayensis ix. 421 panayensis, Steph. xiv. 17 paradisea . ix. 4 1 8 • paradisea, Steph. xiv. 16 passerina . ix. 359 passerina , Steph. xiv. 17 ■ pccoris, Wils. , xiv. 36 pithyornus . ix. 398 pitliyornis . xiv. 17 platensis . . ix. 41 1 pratensis, Briss. ix. 355 principalis . ix. 420 — — principalis, Steph. xiv. 1 6 provincialis . ix. 376 psittacea . . ix. 424 pusilla . . ix. 394 ■ quadricolor . ix. 405 Emberiza quadricolor , Steph. . v. xiv. p. 87 Quelea, Linn. . ix. 256 regia ix. 426 regia, Steph. . xiv. 16 rubra ix. 412 rubra, Steph. . xiv. 34 rustica ix. 390 ruticapilla, Gmel. ix. 446 rutila ix. 381 sandvichensis, Gmel. ix. 397 Schoeniclus ix. 362 Schoeniclus xiv. 17 Sepiaria, Briss. ix. 356 serena ix. 423 serena, Steph. . xiv. 1 6 Sinensis . ix. 368 spodocephala . ix. 382 spodocephala . xiv. 1 7 Surinameusis . ix. 400 Textrix . ix. 373 textrix, Steph. xiv. 38 vidua ix. 419 Vidua, Steph. . xiv. 16 viridis ix. 409 unalashcensis, Gmel. ix. 396 xanthogaster . xiv. 18 L' Ember ise a cinq coulcurs, Buff. ix. 411 Emberizoides xiv. 1 5 marginalis xiv. 15 melanotis xiv. 15 L’Emeraude, Vieil. . vii. 480 le petit, Vieil. . vii. 486 L' Emeraude-ameth yst e. Buff. . viii. 322 Emerillon vii. 1 98 dc St. Domingue vii. 199 GENERAL INDEX. 91 Emerillon de Cayenne v. vii. p. ] 99 varie, Sonn. . vii. 206 * variole, Daud. vii. 206 Empis . vi. 393 • iivida . vi. 393 ■ borealis . • vi. 394 Emu xi. 438 xiv. 307 New Holland xi. 438 Encoubert i. 189 Enicurus xiii.* 235 coronatus xiii.* 236 velatus . xiii.* 236 Engoulvert, Buff. x. 146 a collier, Vieil. x. 157 acutipienne de la Guiane, Buff. . x. 168 d queue fourche, Vieil. ^ . . . x. 167 criard, Vieil. . x. 153 dela Caroline, Biff. x. ] 49 de Cayenne, Buff. x. 159 gris, Buff. . x. 161 le petit de Cayenne, Buff. . . x. 160 popelue, Vieil. x. 164 roux, Vieil. . x. 151 L’Epeiche . . ix. 163 de Nubie onde et tachete . . ix. 180 du Canada . ix. 1 73 du Mexique . ix. 1 75 le petit . . ix. 166 petit brun des Mo- luques . . ix. 1 78 raye de la Louisiane ix. 181 Eperlan, But. . . v. 69 Eperlomus, Rond. . y. 69 Eperonnier, Buff. . xi. 15] chinquis, Tem/n. xi. ] 5 1 Epervier a gros bee de Cayenne, Buff ■ • • v. vii. p. 1 96 Ephemera . . vi. 250 diptera . . yi. 253 halterata . . vi. 253 horaria ? . vi. 25 l vulgata . . vi. 250 Swammerdamiana vi. 250 Ephous/cyca, Bart. . xii. 8 Epimachus xiv. 77 splendidus xiv. 77 superbus . xiv. 77 Epimachus Promefil, Cuv. Epouventail, Buff. . xiv. 77 xiii. 167 Eques iv. 387 Americanus iv. 387 Equus ii. 419 Bisulcus . ii. 441 Caballus . ii. 419 Heniionus ii. 427 Quagga . ii. 440 Zebra ii. 438 Ereunetes xiv. 329 petrificatus xiv. 330 Erinaceus i. 542 Americanus albus. Seb. . i. 546 auriculis-erectis, Briss. . i. 542 Auritus . i. 547 Europaeus i. 452 Inauris . i. 546 Madagascariensis i. 54-8 Malaccensis i. 550 Setosus, Gmel. i. 550 92 GENERAL INDEX Ermine . . v. \.p. 426 Erne, Gesn. vii. 80 Erolia . xi. 497 . • xiv. 337 variegata xi. 497 variegated xi. 497 variegata , Vieil. xi. 498 L’ Escarboucle, Buff. viii. 329 vm. 333 L' Enclave, Buff. X. 452 Esox v. 100 Argenteus V. 109 Aureoviridis . V. 111 Barracuda V. 105 Becuna . V. 112 Belone V. 112 Brasiliensis V. 109 Cepedianus V. 117 Cliilensis V. 1 19 Cliinensis V. 111 Cliirocentrus . V. 110 Gymnocephalus V. 109 Mepsetus V. 108 Leverianus V. 118 Lucius . V. 100 Malabaricus V. 107 marginatus, Lin n. v. 108 Osseus . V. 115 Saurus . V. 114 Sphyraena V. 104 Stomias . V. 120 ■ Synodus . v. 108 Viridis . v. 120 Vulpes . V. 106 Espionncur ,Le Vaill. xiii.* 199 Etoona-toree . 111. 566 L’Etourneau, Buff. . X. 483 dc la Daoure, Daud. x. 492 — dc la Louisiane , Buff'. x. 495 — des Ta res Magclla- niqucs, Buff'. . x. 489 Etourncau more, Daud. v. x. p. 490 pie du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . x. 491 Eudyptes , Vied. xiii. 57, 63 Eudytes, Illig. . xii.* 232 Eulabes, Cuv. . . xiv. 7 1 Eule brand, Frislc. . vii. 253 Braune, Frisk, vii. 253 Gelblickc, Frisk, vii. 253 Stock, Frisk. . vii. 253 Euphonia . xiv. 2 Cayensis . . xiv. 3 cldorotica . xiv. 3 musica . xiv. 3 olivacea . xiv. 3 violacea . . xiv. 3 Eurylaimus . xiii.* 94 Corydou . xiii.* 96 cucullatus xiii.* 95 Horsfieldii xiii.* 94 Javanicus, Horsf. xiii* 94 nasutus . xiii.* 95 Eurypyga xiv. 322 Helias . xiv. 323 Eurystomus . xiii.* 96 Afra xiii.* 96 — Madagascaricnsis Xlll.* 96 orientalis xiii.* 96 L'Eveque, Buff. X. 447 Exocetus V. 142 Commersonii . V. 146 Evolans . , V. 144 Exiliens . . V. 142 Mesogaster V. 146 V oli tans, Linn. V. 144 Faber, Scb. iv. 285 GENERAL INDEX 93 Faber marinus fere qua- dratus, Sloan v.iv.p. 291 Faisan, Buff. . . xi. 222 a collier blanc de la Chine , Temm. . xi. 229 blanc, Temm. . xi. 223 cornu , Buff. . xi. 239 de la Guiane, Buff. xi. 189 dore, ou tricolor de la Chine, Buff. . xi. 231 huppe de Cayenne, Buff. . . . xi. 193 ■ noir et blanc, ou le bicolor. Buff. . xi. 234 punnache, Biff. xi. 223 — — superbe, Temm. xi. 237 verdatre de Cayenne, Buff. . xi. 183 Falcinelle xii. 10 — xiv. 336 common . xii. 40 Falcinellus . xii. 40 Falcinellus . xiv. 336 Beck stein xiv. 327 Falcinellus, Vieil. xiv. 257 pygmaeus xii. 40 — — pygmceus, Steph. xiv. 332 Falco vii. 5 1 Falco xiii* 37 Acoli vii. 172 Acoli , Shaw xiii. 42 cegyptius, Linn . vii. 178 — — - aequinoctialis . vii. 97 aeruginosus vii. 116 ceruginosus, Sham xiii.* 41 iEsalon . vii. 196 — iEsalon . xiii* 39 albescens vii. 93 albescens, Shaw xiii.* 1 7 Albicilla . vii. 79 — — albidus, Cuv. . xiii.* 24 Falco Albus . v. vii. p. 92 Aldrovandi, Temm. xiii.* 40 Americanus . vii, 88 Americanus, Shaw xiii* 12 Antillarum . vii. 98 apivorus . . vii. 114 aquilinus, Gmel. xiii* 10 aquilinus , Linn. vii. 150 Armiger . . vii. 59 armiger, Shaw xiii.* 15 Asiaticus . vii. 168 Astracanus . vii. 85 Astrakanus , Shaw xiii* 15 ater . . vii. 1 05 ater, Shaw . 50 aterrimus, Temm. xiii.* 1 0 — — atricapillus . xiii. 30 aurantinus . vii. 194 aurantius . xiii.* 40 Australis . vii. 92 Austriacus . vii. 1 06 austriacus, Shaw xiii.* 50 axillaris . . vii. 173 Baccha .' . vii. 157 Baccha, Shaw xiii.* 24 badius, Linn. . vii. 161 barbarus, Linn. vii. 128 — — bidentatus . vii. 175 bidentatus, Shaw xiii.* 35 Blagrus . . vii. 96 Borealis . , vii. 112 borealis , Shaw xiii.* 47 brachydactylus, Temm. . . . xiii* 14 brachypterus . xiii.* 28 Brasiliensis . vii. 106 brasiliensis , Shaw xiii* 1 1 Brissonianus . vii. 203 Brownii . . vii. 161 GENERAL INDEX lco busarellus , Sham v. xiii.* p. 46 — buson, Shaw xiii*. 46 — Buteo . . vii. 109 — Buteo, Shaw xiii.* 46 — Buzarellus . vii. 203 — Buzon . . vii. 202 — Cachinnans . vii. 156 — cachinans, Sham xiii.* 25 — Ca;rulescens . vii. 208 — coerulescens, Sham xiii.* 37 — Calidus . . vii. 1 76 — Calquin . . vii. 55 — Capensis . vii. 192 — capensis, Sham xiii.* 38 — Candicans, Linn. vii. 120 — Caracca . . vii. 64 — Caraca, Sham xiii.* 1 1 — Cayanensis . vii. 160 — Cayenensis , Shaw xiii* 23 — Ceylonensis, Lath. viii. 49 — Cheela . . vii. 69 — Cherimay, Jacq. vii. 43 — Cliicquera . vii. 176 — cliicquera xiii.* 38 — Cbrysaetos . vii. 75 — clirysaetos, Sham xiii.*. 15 — cinerascens, Mont. xiii.* 42 — cinereus, Vieil. xiii.* 15 — cinereo-ferrugineus , Forsk. . . vii. 148 — Cirrliatus . vii. 147 — clamosus . vii. 200 — clams . . vii. 184 — Columbarius . vii. 1 88 — communis . vii. 124 — communis, Sham xiii* 39 — conciliator . vii. 77 — connivens . vii. 186 — Coronatus . vii. 61 Falco coronatus, D’ Aznr. v. xiii.* p. 23 coronatus, Sham xiii* 17 cyaneus . vii. 163 cyaneus, Shaw xiii.* 4 1 cygneus . vii. 76 degener , Illig. xiii.* 1 1 delicatus vii. 68 Desertorum vii. 174 Destructor, Daud. vii. 52 discolor . vii. 185 doliatus . vii. 206 Dominicensis, Linn. . vii. 199 ecaudatus vii. 98 femoralis xiii* 39 ferox , Gmel. vii. 85 formosus vii. 159 formosus , Sham xiii.* 10 Forskahlii vii. 178 frontalis . xiii.* 38 fucosus, Cuv. xiii.* 1 6 fulvus vii. 71 fulvus, Sham xiii.* 1 5 furcatus . vii. 1 07 furcatus, Shaw xiii. 49 fuscus vii. 161 fuscus, Mill. . vii. 161 Gabar vii. 202 — — gabar, Sham xiii.* 34 galericulatus . vii. 149 galericulatus, Shaw Gallicus . xiii* 38 vii. 89 Gallicus, Sham xiii.* 14 gentilis . vii. 122 gentilis, Sham xiii.* 25 Germanicus vii. 101 glaucopis vii. 102 ■ gracilis . xiii.* 26 Guianensis, Shaw gyrfalco . xiii* 17 . vii. 120 gyrfalco, Sham xiii.* 39 GENERAL INDEX 95 Falco Haliseetus v. vii. p. Haliceetus, Shaw xiii* . — ■ — hamatus, Illig. xiii.* Harpyia . vii. — — Harpyia, Shaw xiii.* hemidactylus, Temm. , xiii.* Hinnularius . vii. Hudsonius . vii. hyemalis . vii. Jackal . . vii. Jackal, Shaw xiv.* Javanicus? Lath. vii. Ichthyacetos, Horsf. xiii * imperials . vii. imperialis, Shaw xiii.* - — - indicus cirrhatus , Rail . . . vii. — — - Johannensis . vii. islandicus xiii.* — - — Lagopus . vii. lagopus, Shaw xiii.* leucocephalus . vii. leucogaster, Lath. xiii.* Leucoryphos . vii. — Leverianus . vii. Leverianus, Shaw xiii.* Limnceetus, Horsf. xiii. Lithofalco . vii. lithofalco , Shaw xiii* lineatus . . vii. lunulatus . vii. Macei, Cuv. xiii.* macrourus . vii. Maculatus . vii. — — Madagascariensis vii. magnirostris . vii. Falco magtiirostris, Shaw . v. xiii.* p. 29 Malaiensis, Reinw. xiii.* 15 maritimus . vii. 157 Mauduyti . vii. 66 Mauduyti, Shaw xiii* 18 Melanaetus . vii. 74 melanaetus, Shaw xiii* 15 melanobronclios vii. 167 melanoleucos . vii. 154 melanoleucos, Shaw xiii.* 42 ■ melanops . vii. 175 melanops, Shaw xiii.* 25 melanopterus vii. 177 melanopterus, Shaw . xiii.* 46 melanotus . vii. 86 melanotos, Shaw xiii.* 15 Meridionals . vii. 178 Milvus . . vii. 103 minullus, Shaw xiii.* 34 minutus, Linn. vii. 203 Mogilnik . vii. 87 Mogilnik, Shaw xiii.* 15 montanus . vii. 183 montanus, Raii vii. 122 montanus, Shaw xiii.* 41 musicus . . vii. 143 musicus, Shaw xiii.* 34 — — naevius . vii. 84 naevius, Shaw xiii.* 15 niger, Wils. xiii.* 48 Nisus vii. 187 nisus, Shaw xiii.* 30 ■ nitidus, Lath. xiii.* 27 niveus . vii. 149 niveus . xiii. 19 ■ Novae Hollandice, Lath. . . vii. 92 , 82 12 22 54 17 26 80 165 153 173 46 172 12 52 17 147 168 39 145 47 78 13 90 151 47 18 182 39 113 184 14 160 70 169 190 90 GENERAL INDEX Falco Novcc Hollandice, Lath. . v. xiii.* p. 26 Novae Terr® . vii. 147 Nov® Zelandi® vii. 159 — — Novce Zcelandice, Lath. . xiii.* 1 1 obsoletus . vii. 152 Occipitalis . vii. 59 occipitalis, Shaiv xiii* 17 ornatus, Daud . vii. 64 Ossifragus . vii. 81 • pacificus . . vii. 186 palumbarius . vii. 118 palumbarius , Shaiv xiii.* 25 palustris, Pr. Max. xiii.* 43 pennatus . vii. 146 pennatus, Shaiv xiii.* 15 pennatus, Shaiv xiii.* 47 Pennsylvanicus. ) JVils. xiii.* 32 Peregrinus vii. 128 peregrinus xii.* 30 picatus . vii. 167 pileatus . xiii. 33 pinetarius vii. 195 • Piscator . vii. 158 Plancus, Linn. vii. 41 plumbeus vii. 196 plumbeuSyShaw xiii.* 41 pcccilonotus, Cuv. xiii* 47 poliogaster, Natter. xiii.* 29 Ponticerianus . vii. 91 pterocles , Temm. xiii.* 46 ptilorhynchus , Temm. . xiii.* 44 punctatus xiii.* 38 Pygargus . vii. 1 63 radiatus, Shaiv xiii.* 29 ranivorus . vii. 1 7 1 Falco regalis . v. vii. p. 56 Regulus, Pall. vii. 207 rhombeatus . vii. 1 69 Riocourii, Vieil. xiii.* 49 rubiginosus . vii. 170 rufipes . xiii.* 39 rufus . . vii. 1 13 rufus, Shaiv xiii.* 41 rupicolus xiii.* 38 rutilans, Temm. xiii* 43 S. Johannis . vii. 150 Sancti Johannis, Linn. . . vii. 150 St. Johannis, Shaiv . xiii.* 47 Sclavonicus . vii. 171 Serpentarius, Linn. vii. 46 severus . xiii.* 39 Sibiricus . vii. 207 Sinensis . . vii. 48 sinensis, Shaw xiii.* 16 ■■■ Soloensis , Horsf. xiii.* 34 Sonninensis . vii. 185 Sonnini . . vii. 67 Sonnini, Shaw xiii.* 18 Spadiceus, Fors. vii. 117 Sparverius . vii. 199 Sparverius xiii.* 38 Stellar is, Briss. vii. 154 Stellatus . . vii. 154 stellatus, Shaiv xiii. 39 Subbuteo . vii. 193 subbuteo xiii.* 39 Subteo-major , Lath. . . vii. 195 . Sufflator . vii. 155 Sufflator, Shaiv xiii.* 21 Superbus . vii. 61- superbus, Shaiv xiii.* 1 7 Superciliosus . vii. 191 Tachardus . vii. 201 GENERAL INDEX. 97 Falco fachardus, Shaw v. xiii* p ■. 46 Taehiro . vii. 201 taehiro, Shaw xiii.* 46 testaceus vii. 172 Thorus . vii. 170 tibialis vii. 174 tibialis xiii.* 38 tigrinus . vii. 100 tinnunculoides xiii.* 40 Tinnunculus . vii. 179 tinnunculus xiii.* 38 Tinus vii. 209 torquatus, Cuv xiii.* 30 tyr annus, Pr. Max. xiii.* 20 variegatus vii. 112 variegatus, Shaw xiii.* 46 velox, Wils. xiii.* 31 vespertinus . vii. 170 vespertinus, S/iaw xiii.* 39 virgatus xiii.* 32 uncinnatus, Temm. xiii.* 22 Vocifer . . vii. 94 vociferus, Lath. vii. 200 Urubitinga . vii. 63 Urubitinga, Shaw xiii.* 17 vulturinus vii. 58 Xanthothorax xiii .* 27 zonurus . vii. 62 Zonurus, Shaw xiii* 17 Falcon . vii. 51 Falcon . xiii*. 37 — — Asiatic . vii. 168 Axillary vii.' 173 Axillary, Lath. vii. 173 Bacha vii. 157 — — Barbary . vii. 129 Behree . vii. 176 Bengal, Lath. vii. 208 V. XIV. P. II. Falcon, Black v. vii. p'. 125 Black and white vii. 154 Indian, Lath. vii 154 Black-eyed vii 175 Black-thighed vii 174 Black-throated vii 167 Black-winged vii 177 Blue-backed vii 128 Booted . vii 146 Brissonian vii 203 — Brown vii. 126 Buzon vii 202 Buzzaret vii 203 Caracca, Lath. vii 64 Cayenne vii. 160 Ceylonese crested, Lath. . vii. 149 Chanting vii. 143 — Chiquera vii. 176 Chocolate, Fors. vii. 117 — — Common vii. 124 Courland, Lath. vii. 101 Crested, Dill. vii. 64 Crested African vii. 149 Crested Indian vii. 147 Crested white . vii. 149 Criard vii. 200 Desert . vii. 174 — Double-toothed vii. 175 Dubious . vii. 189 Dusky, Penn. . vii. 145 Fair vii. 184 Fishing . vii. 158 For skald’s vii. 178 Gabar vii. 202 Gentil vii. 122 gentle, JVill. . vii. 122 Guiana . vii. 191 Jackal vii. 173 Iceland, Gent vii. 120 Ingrian . vii. 190 Johanna . vii. 168 Italian . vii. 126 Laughing vii. 156 Leverian vii. 151 Little, Lath. . vii. J99 7 98 GENERAL INDEX Falcon, Long-legged V. VI . p. Long-tailed Vll. Lunated vii. Lurid vii. Madagascar vii. Maritime vii. Mountain vii. Newfoundland vii. New Zealand vii. Northern, Lath. vii. Notched, Lath. vii. Pacific . vii. Peregrine vii. Peregrine vii. Pied vii. Plain vii. Purple-throated vii. Radiated vii. Ranivorous vii. Reddish vii. Red Indian vii. Red-legged, Lath. vii. Red-shouldered, Penn. . vii. Red-throated , Lath. vii. Rhombeated . vii. Rough-legged vii. Rubiginous vii. Rufous-headed vii. Sacre vii. St. John’s Salvador, Lath. vii. xiii.* — Sclavonian . vii. — Short-tailed, Lath. vii. — Siberian, Lath. vii. ■ — rvhite-coloured, Lath. . xiii.* — — Sonnini’s . vii. Spotted . . vii. Spotted . . vii. Stellated . vii. Stone . vii. Falcon, Swallow-tailed V. vii. p. 1 07 Surinam . vii. 155 Tachard . vii. 201 Tachiro . . vii. 201 Testaceous . vii. 172 Tharu . vii. 170 Tiger, Lath. . vii. 100 White . . vii. 1 25 White-headed vii. 125 Winking . vii. 1 86 Winter . . vii. 153 Falconiile . xiii.* 9 Aquilina . xiii.* 9 Accipitrina . xiii.* 25 Buteonina . xiii .* 40 Falconina .xiii* 37 Milvina . . xiii.* 48 Falcunculus . xiii.* 148 frontatus . xiii.* 149 Falke der rothlichweisse, Besak . . . vii. 101 Farlouzanne, Buff. . x. 529 Father-lasher, JVill. iv. 257 Father long-beard . vii. 15 legs . . vi. 374 Faucon, Buff. . . vii. 124 cb Culotte noir, Le Vaill. . . vii. 174 chanteur, Le Vaill. vii. 143 Gent'll, Baud. . vii. 122 Hivppi, Le Vaill. vii. 149 Pecheur de Sene- gal, Buff. . . vii. 158 Favorite de Cayenne, Buff. xii. 250 Fauvette, Buff. . x. 581 a collier, Vieil. x. 61 1 d cou jaune, Vieil. x. 629 172 160 184 185 169 157 183 147 159 159 175 186 128 183 167 152 159 177 171 126 126 202 113 159 169 145 170 178 126 150 43 171 98 207 32 185 126 127 154 182 GENERAL INDEX. 99 Fauvette a cravatte noire, Vied. . . v. x. p. 741 a demi-co/lier, Buff. x. 594 a gorge jaune. Vied. . . . x. 727 a poitrine jaune de la Louisiane, Buff. x. 6S2 - a queue rousse, Vieil. . . . x. 695 a. tete grise, Vieil. x. 628 — a tete jaune, Buff. x. 623 a tete noire, Buff. x. 648 — a tete rouge de Pensylvanie, Vieil. x. 733 — aux joues noire, Buff. . . . x. 682 Vieil. x. 682 — babillarde, Biff. x. 580 — bicolor, Vieil . . x. 665 — Bimbele, Vieil. x. 607 — Blackburnice, Vieil, ,x. 627 — bleuatre, Vieil. x. 651 — bleuatre de St. Domingue, Buff. x. 651 — brune, Vieil. x. 681 — Chrysoptere, Vieil. x. 624 — Couronnee, Vieil. x. 636 de Cayenne a gorge brune et ventre jaune, Buff. ... x. 680 de Cayenne a queue rousse, Buff. . x. 676 • d'hiver. Buff. . x. 661 des alpes, Buff. x. 487 — des bois, Buff. x. 583 discolor , Vieil. x. 716 gris a gorge jaune, Vieil. . . . x. 679 grise, Buff. . x. 597 ■ lesser, Bewick x. 588 leucoptere, Vieil. x. 7 53 ■ naine, Vieil. . x. 744 olive, Vieil. . x. 606 — — ombree de la Loui- siane, Buff. . . x. 65 7 Fauvette, petite tachetee du Cap de Bonne Es- perance, Buff. v. x. p. 724 Protonotaire, Buff. x. 643 rayee, Vieil. x. 645 reed, Bewick . x. 586 rousse, Buff. . x. 668 tachetee, Buff. x. 591 tachetee, Vieil. x. 751 tachetee, Buff. x. 687 tachetee de la Louisiane, Buff. . x. 681 tigree , Vieil. . x. 738 — — verddtre de la Louisiane . x. 650 — vermivore, Vieil. x. 730 Fedoa . xii. 70 Fedoa, Raii xi. 458 , Steph. xiv. 329 Americana xii. 71 pectore rufo, Edw. . xii. 77 ■ Hudsonica xii. 81 Marmorata xii. 82 Melanura xii. 73 — — Meyeri . xii. 75 nostra secunda, Raii xii. 73 nostra tertia, Raii xi. 459 (Edicnemus , Leach xi. 459 pectoralis 7 xii. 79 rufa . xii. 77 Terekensis . xii. 83 Fefa Heda, Bute ii. 358 Felis i. 337 Capensis i. 360 Caracal . i. 374 Catus i. 363 100 GENERAL INDEX Feeis cauda injloccum, dcsinente, Briss. v. i. p. 337 concolor . . i. 358 Corololo . . i. 3G9 Discolor . . i. 359 ex albo Jlavicans, fyc. Briss. . . . i. 347 ex griseo-Jlavicans , §c. Briss. . . . i. 359 fera tigrina, Bonn. i. 359 jlava, maculis longis nigris variegata, Briss. i. 3 Jlavesccns, fyc. Briss. i. 355 Guigna . i. 368 Jubata, Schol. i. 352 Leo i. 337 Leopardus i. 350 Lynx i. 376 Manul i. 362 nigra, Erxleb. . i. 359 Onca i. 355 Pardus . i. 347 pilis ex fnsco-jlaves- ccntc, Briss. i. 363 Puma i. 358 rafa, $)'C. Briss. i. 356 Serval i. 369 Tigrina . i. 359 Tigris i. 342 Uncia i. 354 Vulgo Catus, Gesn. i. 363 volans, ternatea i. 116 Zibethi, Gesn. . i. 396 Zibethi, Gesn. . i. 398 Fennec . i. 332 Fer a cheval . i. 131 Ferret i. 418 Feu Couleur de iii. 116 de Lance, Cep. iii. 409 Fiatola Homes dicta, Gesn. . iv. 107 Ficedula, Bcckslein . xiii.* 218 Ficedula, Briss. v. x. p. 592 Bengalcnsis, Briss. x. G8S Borbonica, Briss. x. G01 Canadensis, Briss. x. 750 cinerea, Briss. x. G36 minor, Briss. x. 65 1 fusca, Briss. x. 738 icterocephala, Briss. . . . x. 623 major, Briss. xr 735 Carolinensis, Briss. x. 744 carolinensis cinerea, Briss. . . . x. 43 Dominicensis, Briss. x. 750 cinerea , Briss. x. 612 minor, Briss. x. 734 varia, Briss. x. 639 Jamaicensis, Briss. x. 667 major, Briss. x. 7 02 Ludoviciana, Briss. x. 713 Madagascariensis major, Briss. . x. 371 minor, Briss. . . . x. 720 Marti nicana, Briss. x. 699 Marylandica, Briss. x. 682 Pensylvanica, Briss. x. 730 cinerea, Briss. x. 652 cinerea gutture nigro, Briss. . x. 624 Pensylvanica auro- capilla, Briss. . x. 199 Pensylvanica cinerea Indica, Briss. . x. 636 Pensylvanica erytho- cephalos, Briss. . x. 622 GENERAL INDEX. 101 Ficedula Pensylvanica ery- thocephalos, Briss. v. x. p. 733 ■ gutture nigro, Briss. . . . x. 740 icterocspliala, Briss. . . . x. 623 No? via, Briss. x. 7 15 Figuer a ceinture, Buff. x. 636 • a cravatte noir, Buff. x. 741 a demi -collier, Vieil. x. 594 gorge hlanc, Buff. x. 750 a gorge jaune, Buff. x. 713 a gorge jaune, Buff. x. 729 a gorge orangee, Vieil. . . . x. 73 5 dpoitrine rouge. Buff. x. 623 a tele cendree, Biff. x. 7 1 5 a tete jaune, de Canada, Buff. ... x. 623 • a tete rouge de Pen- sylvanie. Buff. . x. 733 a tete rousse, Buff. x. 699 — — d ventie et tete jaune, x. 643 d ventre gris du Senegal, x. 611 d ventre jaune du Senegal . . x. 619 aux ailes dorees, Buff. x. 624 aux joues noir, Buff. x. 682 bleu. Buff. . x. 651 bleu, Buff . x. 665 bleu de Madagascar , Biff. . . .x. 664 ■ blond du Senegal, Buff. . . . Figuer brun, Buff. v. x. p. 667 brun du Senegal, Buff. . . x. 609 brun et jaune, Biff. x. 744 brun-olive, Buff', x. 685 cendre d gorge cendree, Buff. ... x. 652 cendre a gorge jaune, Buff'. . x. 612 couronne d’ or, Buff. x. 636 — — de la Caroline, Buff. x. 752 de l’ Isle de France, Biff. ... x. 665 de Mississipi, Buff. x. 636 des Sapins, Buff', x. 707 — — du Senegal, Buff. x. 619 etr anger, Buff. x. 700 grand de la Jamaique, Buff. ... x. 702 Grasset, Biff. . x. 637 gris-de-fer, Buff. x. 652 Vieil. . 652 huppe de Cayenne, Buff. ... x. 686 noir, Buff. . x. 641 noir et jaune de Cayenne, Buff. . x. 641 orange, Buff. . x. 700 petit a longue queue de la Chine, Sonn. x. 756 petit cendre de Canada, Buff. . . . x. 651 Prolonotaire, Buff. x. 643 rouge et gris, Le Pail. xiv. 232 sucrier, Le Vail. xiv. 234 tachete, Buff. . x. 750 tachete de jaune. Buff. x. 738 tachete du Cap de Bonne Esperance , Buff. . . . x. 615 x. 611 102 GENERAL INDEX Figuer tachcle du Senegal, v. x. p. 620 varie de St. Domingue, Buff. . . . x. 639 vert et blanc, Buff'. x. 704 vert et jaune, Buff. ) x. 688 Figulus xiv. 202 albogularis xiv. 202 Filander . i. 480 File-Fish v. 399 Aculeated v. 414 Ancient . v. 412 Blue- streaked . v. 405 Bridled . v. 417 Chinese . v. 403 Cinereous v. 410 Curassao v. 418 Downy . v. 401 Fasciated v. 409 Forcipated v. 416 Forskall’s v. 419 Greenish v. 408 Hispid v. 400 Kleinian . v. 418 Mediterranean v. 411 Papillose v. 402 Patched . v. 407 Ringent . v. 404 Single-spotted v. 410 Smooth . v. 405 Sonuerat’s v. 406 Speckled v. 417 Spotted . v. 413 Two-spined v. 415 - ■ ■ Undulated v. 419 — — Unicorn . v. 399 Warted . v. 415 ■ White-finned . v. 404 White-sided . v. 416 Finch ix. 428 xiv. 37 Finch Amaduvade v. ix. p. 542 American-gold ix. 464 Angola . ix. 539 arctic ix. 523 autumnal ix. 481 — Bahama . ix. 481 bearded . ix. 484 beautiful . ix. 465 black and orange ix. 526 Collared . ix. 486 faced ix. 440 , Penn. ix. 439 headed ix. 531 Mexican . ix. 471 blue-bellied ix. 541 crowned . ix. 509 faced ix. 510 headed ix. 508 Bonana . ix. 506 bramble . ix. 444 Brazilian ix. 546 brown ix. 532 throated . ix. 534 Canary . ix. 474 Cape ix. 545 Capsa ix. 495 Carolina . ix. 439 Carthageua ix. 491 Ceylon . ix. 479 Chaff . ix. 442 Chinese . ix. 524 Siskin ix. 470 cinereous ix. 529 Citril ix. 472 cold, Ediv. ix. 320 collared . ix. 502 Cowpen . ix. 501 crescent . ix. 530 ' crimson-crowned ix. 451 headed ix. 449 Cuba ix. 51 1 Dalmatia ix. 437 Duree, Lath. . xiv. 41 dusky ix. 540 Eustachian ix. 476 fasciated . ix. 505 GENERAL INDEX 103 Finch ferruginous v. is., p. 455 fire . - jlaming, Penn. - foolish - forest - frizzled . - Georgian - Glossy - gold - grass - greater red pole - green gold rumped grey headed house imperial . Lapland . lepid lesser redpole long-bellied tailed lovely Lulean . lunar Mexican Siskin Mountain ■ nitid ■ Norton . orange •painted, Briss. - parrot ■ pied Mountain, Briss. ix. 341 Pine . . ix. 503 ■ purple . . ix. 507 • red-breasted . ix. 456 long-tailed, Edvo. ix. 418 ix. 514 ix. 451 ix. 436 ix. 528 ix. 480 ix. 537 ix. 453 ix. 460 ix. 504 ix. 516 ix. 463 ix. 483 ix. 259 ix. 494 ix. 429 ix. 482 ix. 489 ix. 513 ix. 519 ix. 459 ix. 549 ix. 466 ix. 457 ix. 512 ix. 471 ix. 441 ix. 536 ix. 485 ix. 497 ix. 403 ix. 447 red-crowned . ix. 446 faced . ix. 448 headed . ix. 458 ring . . ix. 434 rosy. Lath. . ix. 449 ■ rufous-chinned ix. 452 • rusty-collared . ix. 503 Savanna . . ix. 500 Finch scarlet v. ix. p. 454 Senegal . ix. 543 Serin . ix. 473 sharp-tailed ix. 515 short-tailed ix. 435 — — Siskin ix. 467 Snow ix. 492 Sparrow . . ix. 429 speckled . ix. 438 Strasburg ix. 538 striped headed ix. 498 sultry . ix. 544 Surinam . ix. 487 swamp , ix. 488 temporal . . ix. 533 testaceous . ix. 484 * Thistle . . ix. 460 tree ix. 432 tripoline . ix. 535 Twite ix. 521 variegated ix. 527 ultramarine ix. 506 white-breasted ix. 525 cheeked ix. 496 headed . ix. 493 tailed . ix. 436 vcax- HU, Briss. . ix. 262 throated . ix. 499 winter . ix. 490 yellow . ix 477 throated . ix 478 Finfoot . xiii 20 . xiv. 335 African . . xiii 21 Surinam . . xiii 22 Finn-Jisch, Mart. . ii 490 Fiscal, Le Vaill. . vii 295 Fish-Eater . viii 59 Fisher i 414 Fishing-Frog Mount’ s-Bay, Borl. V 381 Fist de Provence, Buff. x. 571 104 GENERAL INDEX Fistulahia v. v. p . 9.5 Chinensis . v. 97 Chinese . . v. 97 Paradoxa . V. 98 Paradoxical . v. 98 Slender . . v. 95 Tabacaria v. 95 Fitchet, Penn. i. 415 Flamingo . xii. 185 ■■ ■ ■ ■■ . xiv. 325 chili . xii. 189 dwarf . xii. 189 red . . xii. 186 Flammnnt , Buff. . xii. 186 rouge, Temm. xii. 186 F/aveole, Buff. . ix. 354 Flavert , Buff. . . xii. 269 Flea . vi. 456 Common . . vi. 456 Fleuteur, Le Vaill. xiii.* 225 Flounder . iv. 294 — iv. 301 Argus . iv. 3 1 9 Japanese . iv. 322 — — Lineated . iv. 3 1 1 Platessoid . iv. 308 — Rose-coloured . iv. 302 Sini strous . iv. 318 Slender-finned iv. 306 Stellated . . iv. 321 Flush er . vii. 315 Fly vi. 378 Blow ' . . vi. 383 Fly-catcher . x. 319 — xiii.* 1 15 African . x. 405 ■ agile x. 415 American x. 362 ash-coloured x. 398 Fly-catcher, azure V. x. p. 383 black x. 32p and white x. 323 breasted x. 360 cap . x. 384 crowned x. 368 fronted x. 407 throated, green. Edw. . x. 741 bleu, Edw. x. 651 headed x. 403 Blue-headed green. Edw. . viii. 240 Bourbon x. 326 brown x. 392 Canada . x. 350 Cape x. 330 Cat, Lath. x. 272 Cayenne x. 358 Celestial, Lath. xiii* 116 chattering x. 356 cinereous x. 363 cinnamon x. 400 clicking, Lath. xiii.* 1 13 coach- whip x. 338 Cochin x. 380 Collared . x. 374 Coromandel x. 375 Coronated x. 345 Crested-Senegal x. 325 Crimson-bellied x. 391 desert x. 414 dun x. 41 1 dusky x. 405 Penn. x. 285 dwarf x 346 fan- tailed x. 340 ferrugineous x. 395 flammeous x. 372 JbrktailedjLath. xiii* 133 green x. 409 Penn. x. 366 green black-capped, Edw. . . vii. 240 green blach-capt, JVils. . x. 366 GENERAL INDEX 105 Fly-catcher, Indian, Edw. . . v. x. p. Grey . . x. Grey and yellow, Edw. . , . . viii. — breasted X. necked X. griseous . X. Golden-crowned, Edw. . X. throated . X. winged, Edw X. — — Guava X. ■ hanging . X. hooded X. mis. . X. Indian X. Javan X. Latham’s X. • lesser-crested . X. ■ Leucomele X. little grey-blue, Edw. . X. -— ■ long-winged X. — — luteous . X. • Madagascar X. mantled, Lath, xni.* Martinico X. melodious x. mustachoe X. mutable . X. nsevous . X. ■ nitid X. olive X. coloured, Edw. X. orange-breasted X. orange-rumped X. passerine . X. Paradise . X. Paraguan, Lath. xni.* — — particoloured . X, Peruvian, Lath. xiii* petty X. petechial X. Fly-catcher, Pewee, Wils. . . v. x, ,p. 385 Philippine x. 389 Fhosby, Lath, x. 385 — — pied x. 320 pied, var. Lath. x. 322 pileated . x. 399 purple-throated x. 393 red-bellied x. 400 eyed x. 379 faced x. 339 — throated, Edw. . x. 623 red-vented x. 334 rose-breasted . x. 412 round-crested x. 412 rufous x. 389 bellied x. 388 fronted x. 373 vented x. 367 rusty- throated x. 393 Sandwich x. 394 Senegal . x. 333 small, Lath. xiii.* 116 Small American , Wils. . x. 362 - — - Society . x. 327 Soft-tailed x. 407 Solitary . x. 349 Southern x. 369 speclded, Lath, xiii.* 133 spotted . x. 332 yellow x. 335 Edw. x. 738 winged x. 390 starry, Lath, xiii.* 125 Streaked x. 336 Striped . x. 370 Supercilious x. 386 Surinam x. 340 Swallow-tailed x. 413 tufted x. 331 Tyrant, hath. . x. 343 undulated x. 324 variegated x. 322 warbling x. 382 whiskered x. 352 white-backed . x. 328 688 343 130 34 7 404 387 636 376 624 335 366 379 399 397 400 336 381 328 659 382 359 371 1 12 377 360 357 418 338 388 351 379 348 406 337 416 127 342 126 347 396 10G GENERAL INDEX Fly-catcher, white- p. 402 fronted . v‘ x- i white-necked , Lath xiii.* 1 1 9 tailed x. 376 wood x. 378 wreathed x. 344 yellow-bellied . — — Lath. x. 342 x. 358 breasted x. 364 crowned x. 364 — eared x. 384 ______ fronted x. 351 headed x. 410 necked x 353 _____ rumped x. 403 Edw. x. 715 tailed, Edw. x. 362 throated x. 368 Wils. x. 376 tufted . x. 354 vented , hath. x. 334 Flying-Fish v. 142 American v. 146 Commersonian v. 146 Mediterranean v. 142 Oceanic . v. 144 Forficula vi. 109 auricularia vi. 109 F'ormica vi. 350 Herculanea vi. 35 1 neuter . vi. 35 l nigra vi. 351 omnivora vi. 354 rubra vi. 351 Formicivora xiii.* 172 brevicauda xiii.* 174 cirrhata xiii.* 1 75 ferruginea xiii* 176 Formiclvora maculata v. xiii.* p. 172 mentalis xiii* 175 nigricollis xiii.* 173 runmarginata xm. i/o Fossane . . • *• 402 Fou hlanc, Buff. • xiii. 103 brun de Cayenne, Buff. . . • xiii. 82 commun, Buff xiii. 104 de bassan, Biff. xiii. 100 grand. Buff. xiii. 101 petit brun, Biff. xiii. 82 petit, de Cayenne xiii. 108 tachetee, Buff. xiii. 101 Foudi-jala, Buff. . x. 579 Foudis, Buff. . • ix. 244 Fouine, Buff. . • i« 409 Foulehaio, Vieill. . viii. 233 Foulque, Buff. . xii. 234 grand , Buff. . xii. 234 grande de Mada- gascar a Crete , Biff, xii- 239 Macroule, Temm. xii. 234 Fouquet petit des Philip- pines, Sonn. • xiii. 140 Fourmillier . • i. 172 Fourmilier, Buff. . x. 309 d oreilles blanches, Buff. . • . x. 310 grivele de Cayenne, Buff. . . • x. 307 huppe, Buff. . x. 311 tachete de Cauenne x. 32 Fournier de Buenos Ayres, Buff. . . . viii. 182 Fox . . • i. 314 GENERAL INDEX 107 Fox, Antarctic v. i. 0. 33 1 Arctic . i. 326 Bengal . i. 330 black i. 320 brant, Penn. i. 320 Chili i. 329 Corsac i. 322 ■ Cross, Gesn. i. 320 Cur i. 319 — — fulvous-necked i. 324 gre.)-> Penn. i. 325 — — greyhound i. 319 Karagan i. 323 — — Mastiff . i. 319 • Milgi i. 319 Silvery . i. 325 Sooty i. 331 Virginian i. 325 Frayonne, Buff. vii. 347 Francolin xi. 316 Francolin xiv. 303 Francolin, Rail xi. 319 ■ ■ Adanson, Temm. xi. 330 a collier roux, Temm. xi. 319 a gorge nue, Temm. xi. 333 African . xi. 323 d long bee, Temm. xi. 317 a plastron, Temm. xi. 322 d rabat, ou a gorge rousse, Temm. xi. 321 brown xi. 329 Cape xi. 333 Ceylon xi. 331 Common xi. 319 Criard, Temm. xi. 328 de l Isle de France , Temm. xi. 325 — — Habanlcukella , Temm. xi. 332 long-beaked xi. 317 noisy xi. 327 Francolin Ourikinas, Temm. . v. xi. p. 323 pearled . . xi. 325 perle, Temm. . xi. 325 Pondicherry . xi. 321 red-necked . xi. 335 Senegal . . xi. 330 Spadice, Temm. xi. 329 thoracic . xi. 322 Francolinus Francolinus Rail — African us — Capensis Ceylonensis Clamatus Cranchii longirostris perlatus . Pondicerianus Pondicerianus , rubricollis Senegalensis . ■ spadiceus . thoracicus vulgaris . . xi. 316 xiv. 303 xi. 319 xi. 323 xi. 333 xi. 331 xi. 32 7 xi. 336 xi. 317 xi. 325 xi. 321 Steph. xiv. 303 xi. 335 xi. 330 xi. 329 xi. 322 xi. 319 Fratercula — antiqua . — arctica . — cirrhata . — glacialis . Fregate, Buff. — petite , Buff. . xin. 36 • xiii. 42 • xiii. 37 . xiii. 40 . xiii. 40 . xiii. 12] xiii. 122 • xiii. 121 Frkgatta . . xiii. 119 Aquilus . . xiii. 120 minor, Briss. . xiii. 120 leucocejihalus . xiii. 120 Palmerstoni . xiii. ] 23 Fregilus Xiv. 78 108 general Fkegilus affinis v. xiv. p. 78 1 . enca xiv. 78 . graculus xiv. 78 Freux , Buff. . vii. 347 Fresaie, Buff. vii. 258 Frigate-biro . xiii. 1 1 9 common . . xiii. 1 20 . Palmerstonc . xiii. 123 white-beaded . xiii. 122 Fringilla . ix. 428 Fringilla . xiv. 37 - Abvssinica ix. 486 AH thiops, Gtncl. ix. 4.»3 . Afra . ix. 448 Alario . . ix. 545 _ albicollis, Gmcl. ix. 499 Amendava . ix. 542 Amandava, Steph. xiv. 29 Angolensis ix. 539 — Linn. ix. 541 angolensis, Steph xiv. 29 - arcuata . ix. 530 arcuata, Steph. xiv. 41 argentoratensis ix. 538 a rgen toratensis, Steph. xiv. 29 . australis ix. 503 autumualis ix. 481 bahamensis, Briss. ix. 497 barbata . ix. 484 benghalus ix. 541 bengalus, Steph. xiv. 29 ix. 481 ix. 438 xiv. 39 ix. 435 ix. 477 ix. 471 ix. 544 INDEX. Fringilla canadensis v. ix. p. 441 canadensis, Steph. xiv. 20 canaria . • ix. 474 Canaria, Steph. xiv. 34 cannabina . ix. 5 1 G cananbina, Steph. xiv. 29 capensis . • xiv. 39 Capsa . . ix> 495 Capitis Bonce Spei ix. 288 Carduelis • * ix. 460 carduelis, Steph. xiv. 30 carolincnsis , Briss. ix. 414 earth aginien sis ix. 491 caudacuta . ix. 515 caudacuta, Wilson xiv. 36 . cinerea . . ix. 529 Ir.dica ix. 259 . Cisalpina, Tenim. xiv. 40 . citrinella . ix. 472 citrinella, Steph. xiv. 33 coccinea . ix. 454 coccinea, Steph. xiv. 30 Ccelebs . • ix. 442 Ccelebs . . xiv. 37 crispa . . ix. 480 cristata . . ix. 440 Briss. ix. 451 cristata, Steph. xiv. 42 cruciger, Temm. xiv. 41 cyanocepbala ix. 509 cyanoinelas . ix. 508 . Dalmatica . ix. 437 dalmatica, Steph. xiv. 17 . domestica . ix. 429 domestica, Steph. xiv. 40 elegans • • ix. 465 bicolor . bononiensis . borbonica brachyura butyracea . Caeatototl calida caua GENERAL INDEX 109 Fringii.la elegans, Steph. v. xiv. p. 41 erythrocephala ix. 458 erythrocephala, Steph. xiv. 34 erythrophthalma. Linn. . ix. 414 Eustachii ix. 476 fasciata . ix. 505 ferruginea ix. 455 6am mea ix. 45 1 jlammea, Steph. xiv. 29 flavicollis ix. 478 flavirostris ix. 523 Jlavirostris, Steph. xiv. 29 — — — formosa . . ix. 466 fusca . ix. 532 Briss. . ix. 523 fuscicollis . ix. 534 Georgiana . ix. 537 graminea . ix. 504 granatina ix. 546 »■ granatina, Steph. xiv. 29 Hispaniolensis, Temm. . xiv. 40 hyemalis ix. 490 Hudsonias, Gmel. ix. 367 Jamaica . . ix. 506 ignita . ix. 514 iliaca . ix. 488 imperials . ix. 482 Indica ix. 502 Insula S. Eustachii, Briss. . ix. 476 lapponica . ix. 489 Lapponica, Steph. xiv. 19 lepida . . ix. 513 lepida, Steph. . xiv. 30 - leueocephala . ix. 493 leucura . . ix. 436 linaria . . ix. 519 Linaria, Steph. xiv. 29 Linota,Gmel. . ix. 5 1 6 longirostris . ix. 459 Fringilla lulensis v. i x.p. 457 Macroura . ix. 547 macroura, Steph. xxv. 15 Maia . . ix. 5 1 1 maritima, Wils. xiv. 36 Martinicensis, Gmel. ix. 452 melanictera . ix. 526 melanocephala ix. 53 1 melanocephala, Steph. xiv. 36 melanoleuca ix. 525 melanotis , Temm. xiv. 3 1 melba . . ix. 463 melba, Steph. . xiv. 30 Mexicana . ix. 471 montana . . ix. 432 Briss. ix. 489 montana , Steph. xiv. 40 monticola, Gmel. ix. 441 montifringilla . ix. 444 montifringilla . xiv. 37 ■ montium . ix. 521 Gmel. ix. 521 montium, Steph. xiv. 29 ■■ multicolor . ix. 483 naevia . . ix. 496 nigro icterocephalus, Briss. . . . ix. 460 nitens . . ix. 453 nitens , Steph. . xiv. 30 ■ nitida . . ix. 536 nivalis . . ix. 492 nivalis . . xiv. 37 noctis . . ix. 452 Nortoniensis . ix. 485 - — — obscura . . ix. 540 ornata . . xiv. 38 oryzivora, Slum ix. 388 oryzivora, Steph. xiv. 87 otoleuca . . xiv. 38 pecoris . . ix. 501 pecoris, Steph. xiv. 36 pensylvanica . ix. 499 petronia . . ix. 434 r 110 GENERAL INDEX Fringilla Petronia v. xiv. p. 37 pinetorum . ix. 503 polyzona, Temm. xiv. 33 psittacea . ix. 447 psittacea, Steph. xiv. 30 punicea . . ix. 456 • purpurea . ix. 507 purpurea, Steph. xiv. 43 rosea ix. 449 rosea, Steph. . xiv. 43 rubra minor ix. 306 ruticapilla ix. 446 sanguinirostris xiv. 39 sanpuinolenta , Temrn. xiv. 32 Savannarum . ix. 500 Senegala ix. 543 Senegala, Steph xiv. 29 Senegalensis, Briss. ix. 459 serinus . ix. 473 serina , Steph. xiv. 33 ■ Sinensis . ix. 470 Sinica ix. 524 sphccura, Temm. xiv. 88 Spinus ix. 467 spinus, Steph. . xiv. 33 striata ix. 498 stul ta ix. 436 Surinama ix. 487 — — sylvatica . ix. 528 Syriaca . ix. 535 temporalis ix. 533 ' testacea . ix. 484 torquata — Indica, ix. 512 Briss. . ix. 502 tricolor . ix. 510 tristis ix. 464 tristis, Steph. . xiv. 30 variegata ix. 527 — varie Nova; Hispanice, Briss. . . ix. 527 Fringilla virginiana, Briss. v. ix. p. 501 ultramarina ix. 506 Zena ix. 497 Zeylonica ix. 479 FRINGILLID7E . xiv. 2 Frog iii. 96 Argus iii. 108 Australian, Nat. iii. 112 Bilineated iii. 136 Black-striped , Schn. iii. 137 Blue iii. 1 13 Blue and Yellow iii. 126 Bull iii. 106 chesnut . iii. 128 common . iii. 97 Edible, Penn. . iii. 103 Fasciated iii. 129 Fire iii. 116 Four-lined iii. 127 Green iii. 103 land, Catesb. . iii. 173 land, Mer. iii. 133 Laughing iii. 114 Leverian iii. 1 15 Lineated iii. 110 Merian . iii. 133 Orange . iii. 134 Oval iii. Ill Paradoxical iii. 120 Peeping . iii. 105 Punctated, Sehn. iii. 137 Saline iii. 119 Spiny iii. 112 Studded . iii. Ill Thirsty . iii. 1 15 Tinging . iii. 135 Tree iii. 135 Tree, Catesb. . iii. 130 Vespertina iii. 1 16 Water, Catesb. iii. 104 White . iii. 136 White-leaf iii. 127 Zebra iii. 123 GENERAL INDEX 111 Frog-Fish — — Surinam, Edw. V. in. p. 126 Fulgora vi. 143 Candelaria vi. 147 • Diadema vi. 147 Lanternaria vi. 143 Fulica . xii. 233 Fulica . xiv. 335 Gmel. . xii. 191 Linn. . xii. : 217, 240, 249 cethiops, Span. xii. 235 Americana xii. 238 , Seb. xii. 236 aterrima, Lath. xii. 234 atra xii. 234 Carthagena , Linn. xii. 234 — — Caiianensis, Gmel. xii. 197 ■ cinerea, Gmel. xii. 241 chloropus, Linn. xii. 242 cristata . . xii. 239 jlavirostris, Gmel. xii. 250 fusca, Linn. . xii. 242 leucoryx, Sparr. xii. 235 Maderaspatana, Gmel. . . . xii. 258 ■ major, Briss. xii. 234 Martinica, Linn. xii. 252 melanocephala, Gmel. . . . xii. 258 Mexicana . xii. 238 altera spe- cies, Raii . . xii. 239 ncevia, Gmel. . xii. 246 novaboracensis, Gmel. . . . xii. 223 porphyrio, Linn. xii. 255 purpurea, Gmel. xii. 252 Fulica ruficollis , Gmel. v. xii. v. 204 viridis, GmeL xii. 254 Wilsoni . xii. 236 Fuligula xii* 187 bicolor xii* 208 caryophyllacea xii* 207 cristata . xii.* 190 dispar xii* 206 Dominica xii* 203 ferina xii.* 1 93 ferruginea xii.* 205 fulva xii* 204 Gesneri, Raii xii* 199 Gmelini . xii* 209 • Islandica xii* 192 Marila . xii* 198 Novae Zaelandiae xii.* 210 Nyroca . xii.* 201 rufina xii.* 188 ■ valisineria xii.* 196 Fulmar . xiii. 233 Buff. xiii. 234 antarctic . xiii. 236 — gigantic . xiii. 237 northern . xiii. 234 Fulmarus xiii. 233 - — - antarcticus xiii. 236 giganteus xiii. 237 glacial is . xiii. 234 Furet putois i. 418 Furnarius xiv. 227 flaveolus . xiv. 228 — — olivaceus xiv. 228 Sannio . xiv. 228 semitorquatus . xiv. 228 virens xiv. 228 Furo, Gesn. i. 418 Fuscalbin, Vieil. viii. 224 112 GENERAL INDEX. Gachet, Buff. v. xiii .* p. 167 Gad-Fly . vi. 357 Ox . vi. 358 Slieep . vi. 361 Gadus . iv. 131 Barbatus . iv. 139 Blennoid . iv. 1 42 blenoides . iv. 1 42 Brosme . . iv. 161 Callarias . iv. 138 Carbonarius . iv. 1 45 Cimbrian . iv. 159 Cimbrius iv. 159 Green . iv. 149 Leverian . . iv. 153 Leverianus . iv. 153 Lota . iv. 154 Luscus . . iv. 140 Mediterranean iv. 161 Mediterraneus iv. 161 Merlangus iv. 144 Merluccius iv. 149 Minutus . iv. 141 Molva iv. 151 Morhua . iv. 131 Mustela . iv. 156 — CEglefinus iv. 136 Pollachius iv. 146 raninus , Mull iv. 183 Russian, fVal iv. 158 Saida iv. 143 Tau iv. 159 Toad iv. 159 virens iv. 149 Weesle iv. 156 Gadivell, or Grey xii* 103 Gagoo-Tutla . iii. 527 Gahm, Forsfc. . iv. 383 Galago . i. 113 Senegalensis, Geoff. i. 1 13 du Senegal i. 113 Galbula . xiii.* 106 Galbula albirostris v. xiii* p. 107 ceycoides . xiii.* 107 grandis, Steph xiii* 108 paradisea . xiii.* 107 rubricollis . xiii* 107 viridis . xiii* 107 Galei, Cl us. . . v. 365 Galeopithecus . . i. 1 15 , Pall. i. 1 16 volans . i. 116 Galcote American . iii. 210 Galera i. 428 Galeus . v. 339 Acanthius . v. 339 Galian . v. 239 Gafgulus, Briss. . xiv. 70 Gallina Corylorum, Raii xi. 272 Gallinace.e . . xi. 139 Gallinago . xii. 50 - . xiv. 330 — , Briss. xii. 64, 65 ■, Raii . xii. 217 Anglicand, Briss. xii. 99 Capitis Bonce Sj, lei. Briss. . xii. 65 Cayanensis xii. 53 Maderaspatana, Briss. . xii. 68 major xii. 51 media xii. 54 minima . xii. 57 minor, Briss. . xii. 57 Sabin i xii. 50 Sabini xiv. 330 Saturata . xii. 59 Gallinula xii. 240 xiv. 335 , Beck. xii. 230 , Gmel. xii. 191 GENERAL INDEX 113 Gallinula, Lath. v. xii. p. - , Rail . xii. alba, Lath. . xii. aquatica, Rail xi. Bailloni, Temm. xii. Brasiliensis Jacana dicta , Raii . . xii. Brasiliensis quarta Marcgravii , Raii xii. Carolina, Lath. xii. Carthagena . xii. — — chloropus . xii. major, Raii . . . x-ii. crex, Lath. . xii. cristata . . xii. favirostris ,Lath. xii. Foljambii, Mont. xii. fusca j Lath. . xii. gularis . .xii. Javanica . . xii. lugubris . .xii. Madagascariensis xii. Maderaspatana, Gmel. . . . xii. Martinica, Lath. xii. — — ■ melanocephalus, Gmel. . . . xii. minor, Briss. . xii. nsevia . . xii. noveboracensis, Lath. xii. ochra Gesneri, Lath. xii. • orientalis . xii. phcenicura,Lath. xii. poliocephala, Lath. xii. • porphyrio, Lath. xii. Wills, xii. Porzana, Lath. xii. • purpurea, Lath. xii. pusilla, Beck. xii. rujicollis, Lath., xii. ■ rujicollis, Swain, xiv. viridis, Lath. . xii. XIV. P. II. Gallinule . v. xii. p. 240 . . xiv. 345 blach-beltied, Lath. . . xii. 204 — headed, Lath. xii. 258 brown, Lath. . xii. 242 Carthagena . xii. 245 Cayenne, Lath. xii. 197 Common . xii. 242 Crake, Penn. xii. 210 crested . . xii. 241 — — crowing. Lath. xii. 252 favourite. Lath. xii. 250 green, Lath. . xii. 255 grinetta . xii. 246 gular . . xii. 248 Java . . xii. 245 — — little, Mont. . xii. 231 Madras, Lath. xii. 259 Martinico, Lath. xii. 253 mournful . xii. 247 olivaceous, Mont. xii. 226 . oriental . .xii. 244 purple. Lath. . xii. 255 red-tailed, Lath. xii. 222 — — Soree, Lath. . xii. 290 spotted, Penn. xii. 223 yelloiv -breasted, Penn. . . xii. 223 white, Lath. . xii. 261 Gallopavo, Briss. . xi. 177 . xiv. 297 Brasiliensis, Briss. • . xi. 178 Sylvestris, Briss. xi. 156 Galliwasp . . iii. 288 Australasian, Brown iii. 289 Gallus . . .xi. 95 . . . xiv. 300 Bankiva . . xi. 198 cristatus, Temm. xi. 204 domesticus, Temm. xi. 203 8 249 262 261 639 228 263 263 208 245 242 242 218 241 250 226 242 248 245 247 251 258 250 258 242 246 223 223 244 222 251 255 253 223 252 231 204 345 254 114 GENERAL INDEX. Gallus pentadactylus , Temm. . v. xi. p. 205 pumilio, Temm. xi. 205 pusillus, Temm. xi. 204 Banticus , Briss. xi. 204 crispus . • xi. 2 1 0 cristntus, Briss. xi. 204 dornesticus . xi. 203 . et Gallina Guineensis, Raii . xi. 259 ecaudatus . xi. 213 furcatus . xi. 215 giganteus . xi. 197 Japonicus, Briss. xi. 212 Indicus, Lath. xi. 201 Indicus albus, Briss. . . . xi. 166 lunatus . . xi. 212 Macartnyi . xi. 218 morio . . xi. 211 Patavinus, Briss. xi. 197 pentadactylus, Briss. xi. 205 Per sicus, Briss. xi. 214 plumipes, Briss. xi. 204 pumilio, Briss. xi. 205 Sonneratii xi. 200 Tursicus, Briss. xi. 204 Gallj-ivasp - Sea v. 125 Game black xi. 280 red xi. 294 tvhite xi. 288 Gampsonyx xiii.* 36 Swainsonii xiii.* 36 Ganga unihande, Temm. v. xi. p. 305 Gannet xiii. 99 booby xiii. 1 04 brown xiii. 105 brown and white xiii. 106 lesser xiii. 107 Lath. xiii. 103 soland xiii. 100 white xiii. 103 Ganser, Alb. . xii.* 43 Garlu, Buff. . vii. 364 Gaurot . xii* 179 Gar rot, Buff. . xii.* 182 buffle-headed xii.* 184 golden-eye xii* 182 Harlequin xii* 182 Garrulus xiv. 66 auritus xiv. 66 Bohemicus , Raii x. 42 1 canadensis xiv. 66 cristatus . xiv. 66 cyanopogon xiv. 67 galericulatus xiv. 66 glandarius xiv. 66 pileatus . ' xiv. 66 Sibiricus xiv. 66 stelleri xiv. 66 Garzetta, Iiaii xi. 545 Garzette blanche. Buff. xi. 545 G aster opelecus Sternicla, Black v. 76 Ganga . . . xiv. 303 Ganga, Buff. . xi. 3 1 1 bibande, Temm. xi. 307 cata, Temm. . xi. 311 qaadrubande, Ternm. . . xi. 309 velocifer, Temm. xi. 313 Gasterosteus . iv. 604 aculeatus . iv. 604 — — Biaculeatis . iv. 608 Canadensis . iv. 609 — — Carol inensis . iv. 608 Carolinus, Linn. iv. 608 Japonicus . iv. 610 GENERAL INDEX 115 Gasterosteus puug V. - Saltatrix Spinacliia Spinarella Gastrobranchus Blind Csecus Dombey, Cep. Dombeyan — — Dombeyi Gattorugine Gavla, Briss. . Gavia, Briss. . Gavia, Klein . ■ cinerea, Briss. cinerea major, Briss. cinerea minor, Briss. igitius iv. p. 606 iv. 609 iv. 607 iv. 608 v. 264 v. 264 v. 264 v. 267 v. 267 v. 267 iv. 168 xiii. 139 xiii. 198 xi. 508 xiii. 198 xiii. 191 xiii. 201 ncevia, Briss. xiii. 181 - fusca, Briss. - grisea, Briss. grisea minor. xiii. 140 xiii. 194 Briss. . . . xiii. 201 hyberna, Briss. xiii. 198 ridibunda, Briss. xiii. 205 ridibunda phceni- copos, Briss. . xiii. 201 Gavoue — de Provence, Buff. ix. 376 La Gazelle . . ii. 350 a bourse sur le dos ii. 344 Gazello Africana, Rail ii. 336 Geai, Buff. . . vii. 356 a ventre jaune de Cayenne . . vii. 364 bleu d' Amerique septentrionale, Biff. vii. 359 brim de Canada vii. 365 Geai chine a bee rouge. Buff. . v. vii. p. de Siberie, Biff. vii. 302 Perou, Buff. . vii. 363 petit de la Chine, vii. 30 iii. 266 iii. 270 iii. 272 iii. 275 iii. 269 iii. 268 iii. 278 iii. 276 iii. 279 iii. 279 iii. 271 iii. 264 iii. 264 iii. 267 iii. 356 Sonn. Gecco Gecko Chinese . Fimbriated Four-toed Mauritanic Perforated Schneiderian Scollop-tailed Sparrman’s Spitting White-striped Geckos Common Geckotte Geedi-P aragoodoo Gekko Ceilonicus, Seb. iii. 264 Gelinote, Buff. . xi. 272 blanche, Buff. xi. 287 — d'Ecosse, Buff. xi. 294 du Canada, Buff. xi. 275 du Senegal, Biff. xi. 313 le grosse de Canada, Buff. . . . xi. 301 Genet i. 400 Genette, Belon. . i. 400 Geoffrey, Le Vaill. . vii. 293 Gerbo grand . . ii. 188 Gerende . . . iii. 348 Gerjault, Briss. . vii. 120 blanc du pays du Nord, Plane . vii. 120 Giarola, Buff. . x. 309 Giarole, Buff. . . x. 139 Gibbon grand . . i. 12 petit . . i. 12 white, Shaw . i. 12 GENERAL INDEX. 116 Gibel . . v.v.p. 197 Gid xii. 57 Gigua Gillit i. 118 de Cayenne, Buff. x. 323 Gilse v. 42 Gip-gip, Buff. Giraffa, Nier. Gladius, Aldr. viii. 86 ii. 303 iv\ 99 Glaucium, Briss. xii.* 187 minus , Briss. xii* 190 striatum, Briss. xii* 199 Glaucopis vii. 338 Glaucopis xiv. 73 cinerea . vii. 338 cinerea . xiv. 73 leucoptera xiv. 73 Glam a ii. 241 Glareola x. 135 Glow-worm . v. vi. p 77 common : vi. 77 Glutton . i. 460 Gnat vi. 387 common . vi. 387 Gnemel, Molin ii. 441 Gnou ii. 357 Gnu ii. 357 Goat ii. 364 African . ii. 376 Angora . ii. 375 Capricorn ii. 377 Common ii. 369 domestic, Penn. ii. 369 Ibex, Penn. ii. 364 long- horned ii. 377 Pudu, Penn. . ii. 392 Siberian, Penn. ii 383 Syrian ii 374 • Wliidaw fi 376 Glareola . xiv. 333 australis . xiv. 334 Austriaca . x. 136 Isabella . . xiv. 334 nsevia . x. 139 naevia, Steph. . xiv. 333 ■ orientalis . xiv. 333 Pratincola . xiv. 333 Senegalensis . x. 138 senegalensis, Steph. xiv. 333 Glimmerchaffer . vi. 39 Gliris sylvestris, Mein. i. 485 Glis, Plin. . . ii. 1G2 Avellanarum Amc- ricanus albus, Seb. ii. 71 • volans ternatanus i. ] 40 Glouton . . i. 460 Goatsucker . . x. 140 Goatsucker . xiii.* 84 American . x. 163 banded . x. 152 Bombay . . x. 156 Lath. . x. 157 Brasilian . x. 161 Carolina . . x. 149 Cold-river , Lath. xiii.* 93 crested . . x. 170 European x. 146 fork-tailed . x. 167 gold-collared x. 1 62 gracile . x. 1 45 great . x. 142 headed . x. 141 Grey . x. 161 Guiana . . x. 148 Jamaica . . x. 144 Javan, Lath. xiii.* 88 GENERAL INDEX. 117 Goatsucker, Indian v. x. p. 158 Leona . . x. 169 long-tailed, Lath. xiii* 89 long-ioinged. Wils. x. 164 nocturnal, Penn. x. 146 Popeteu . . x. 164 rufous . x. 163 Scissnrs-tailed, Lath. xiii* 84 Sharp-tailed . x. 168 Short-winged . x. 150 Strigoid . . x. 143 Virginia . . x. 153 White-collared x. 166 • necked . x. 159 throated . x. 155 Gohe Mou che, Luff. x. 332 • h, bandeau blanc du Senegal, Buff. x. 333 a collier du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . . x. 330 a gorge jaune de Lupon, Sonn. . x. 369 d longue queue de Gingi, Sonn. . x. 217 a longue queue de Madagascar, Buff. x. 418 a longue queue et ventre blanc, Buff. x. 4 1 8 a lunettes, Le Vaill. xiii * 1 13 a tSte bleudtre de Lupon, Sonn. . x. 403 a venire blanc de Cayenne, Buff. . x. 323 a ven tre jaune, Buff. x. 358 azuroux, Le Vaill. xiii.* 1 1 6 bleu des Philippines x. 383 brun de Cayenne , Buff . . . Gobe Moucke, brun de la Caroline . v. x. p. 363 ■ brun de la Marti- nique, Buff. . x. 396 citrin de la Loui- siane . . . x. 399 d' Amerique, Buff. x. 362 de la Caroline x. 379 de la Jamaique x. 379 de V Isle de Bourbon x. 367 de l’ Isle de France x. 335 du Cap de Bonne Esperance , Buff. . x. 330 Etoille, Le Vaill. xiii.* * 125 grand, cendre Ma- dagascar, Buff. . x. 398 grand, noir de Cayenne . . x. 393 huppe de la Marti- nique x. 377 ■ huppe de l’ Isle de Bourbon, Buff. . x. 326 huppe de Mada- gascar . . vii. 289 huppe de Senegal x. 325 noir a collier, Buff. xiii.* 119 noirdtre de la Caro- line, Buff. . . x. 385 noir de Lupon, Sonn. ... x. 324 olive de Cayenne x. 415 oranor, Le Vaill. xiii* 124 rouge huppe, Buff. x. 412 roux a poitrine orangee de Cayenne, Buff. ... x. 348 roux de Cayenne, Buff. ... x. 389 tachele de Cayenne , Buff. . . . x. 336 x. 393 118 GENERAL INDEX. Gobe Mouche, verdatre de la Chine, Sonn. v. x. p. 344 tacheti de Cayenne, Buff. . • . x. 365 Gobe- Moucherun, Buff. x. 346 347 Gobe-Mouches, Le Roi, Buff. . . v iii. 124 Gobie Bose, Cep. iv. 234 Bleu, Cep. iv. 235 Gobiesoce Testar, Cep. iv. 253 Gobioide Broussonet , Cep. iv. 236 Gobiomore iv. 249 Dormeur, Cep. iv. 250 • Great-headed iv. 253 Gronovian iv. 251 Koclreuter , Cep. iv. 251 Kolreuterian iv. 251 Pisonian iv. 252 Sleeping iv, 250 Southern iv. 249 Taiboa, Cep. . iv. 219 Gobiomorus . iv. 249 Gobiomorus Pison, Cep. Australis iv. 252 iv. 249 Cephalus iv. 253 Dorm iter , . iv. 250 Gronovii iv. 251 Kolreutier iv. 251 ■ Pisonis . iv. 252 Taiboa . iv. 249 Gobius . iv. 232 — — Auguillaris iv. 247 Aphya iv. 248 • Arabicus . iv. 242 Ater iv. 243 Bieolor . iv. 243 Boddaerti iv. 238 Boseii iv. 234 Broussonetii iv. 236 — — Cseruleus iv. 235 Gobi us Cruentatus V. iv. p. 240 cyprinoides iv. 247 Electris . iv. 244 Gronovii, Linn. iv. 251 — Joso iv. 237 Koelreuteri, Linn iv. 251 lagocephalus iv. 239 lanceolatus iv. 233 . Melanurus iv. 248 ■ minutus . iv. 236 Nebulosus iv. 244 niger iv. 232 Ocellaris . iv. 241 Paganellus iv. 240 Pectin irostris iv. 245 iv. 252 Plumieri iv. 245 Scldosseri iv. 246 Slrigatus, Linn. iv. 249 Goby iv. 232 Arabian . iv. 242 Black . iv. 243 Black, Penn. iv. 232 Black-finned iv. 243 Black-tailed iv. 248 Blue iv. 235 Blue-finned iv. 237 Boddertian iv. 238 Boscian . • iv. 234 Broussonet’s iv. 236 Carp iv. 247 Chinese . iv. 244* Clouded . iv. 244 Common . iv. 232 Eel iv. 247 Hare-lipped iv. 239 Lance -tailed iv. 233 Nilotic iv. 248 0 tali ei tee iv. 243 Pagan el . iv. 240 ■ Pectinated iv. 245 Plumier’s iv. 245 Red-fronted iv. 24-0 Schlosserian iv. 246 general index. 119 Goby Spotted . v. iv. p. Godwit . xii. . . xiv. - — — American xii. • black-tailed xii. Cambridge, Penn. XU. cinereous, Penn xfi. common . xii. Great marbled, Penn. xii. Grey, Linn. xii. Hudsonian xii. marbled . xii. Meyer’s . xii. red xii. • Penn. xii. • red-breasted xii. tell-tale, Wills. xii. — Terek xii. Goeland a manteau gris, Buff. . . . xiu. — a manteau noir, Terttm. xiii. - a pieds jaunes, Buff. Xlll. brun. Buff. xiii. noir, Buff. xiii. varie, Buff. xiu. Goiaver de Manille, Sonn. x. Gold-crest . X. common . X. ruby- crowned . X. Golden-eye, Penn. . xii.* Gold-Fish, Penn. V. Gomphose bleu. Cep. iv. varie, Cep. iv. Gomphobus iv. Blue iv. Gomphobus ceeruleus v. iv. p. 479 — — variegated iv. 480 — variegatus iv. 480 Gonambouch, Buff. . ix. 417 Gonolek, Le Vaill. . vii. 297 Googo-ne-gang viii. 54 Goosander, Penn. . xii.* 161 greater, Sim. xii.* 161 Goose xii* 24 ■ antarctic, Lath. xii.* 59 barred-headed xii* 39 bean xii.* 26 Beering . xii.* 27 black and < white , Lath. . xii.* 62 black-baclced, Lath. xii * 8 blue-tving-ed, Penn. xii.* 33 Brand, Penn, xii.* 46 Brent, Penn. xii.* 46 Bustard, Lath, xii.* 58 Canada, Alb. . xii.* 49 — j P e7in. xii.* 19 — - — Chinese, Penn, xii.* 22 Coscoroba . xii.* 39 Egyptian, Lath. xii* 43 great . . xii * 35 grey-headed, Lath. xii* 61 leg, Penn, xii.* 28 hill, Lath. . xii.* 37 hybrid . . xii.* 39 Laughing, Edw. xii.* 25 Magellanic, Lath. xii* 57 mountain . xii.* 37 Nilotic, Lath, xii.* 81 — painted, Lath, xii.* 60 red-breasted, Penn. xii* 53 236 71 329 71 73 133 86 77 71 77 81 82 75 77 73 79 154 83 191 186 194 215 186 187 334 757 758 760 182 356 479 489 479 479 120 GENERAL INDEX GoosEj ruddy , Lath. v. xii.* p. 71 Snow . xii.* 33 soland, Alb. xiii. 100 spur-winged, Lath. xii* 7 Srvan, Bew. xii* 22 variegated, Lath. xii.* 59 • white xii* 38 fronted xii.* 25 winged ant - arctic, Bruit. xii* 58 wild xii.* 28 Alb. xii* 2/ Goramy . iv. 389 Gorcock . xi. 294 Gorfou . xiii. 57 collared . xiii. 60 hopping . xiii. 58 little xiii. 61 Papuan . xiii. 59 red-footed xiii. 61 sauteur, Cuv. . xiii. 58 Gorgc-bleu, Buff. x. 665 Gorge nue, Buff. xi. 333 Go-ruck, Vieil. viii. 243 Goshawk xiii.* 25 Goshawk vii.* 1 18 Gouarona, Buff. xii.* 37 Goulin, Buff, . vii. 461 Goura . xi. 119 Goura . xiv. 294 blue-headed xi. 125 carunculata xi. 123 carunculata xiv. 296 coronata . xi. 120 • coronata, Sleph. xiv. 294 — — — crowned . xi. 120 Goura cruenta v. xi. p. 128 cruenta . xiv. 295 cyanocephala • xi. 125 cyanocephala xiv. 295 de la Nouvelle Gut- nee, Sonn. xi. 128 erythrothorax xi. 127 erythrothorax xiv. 296 ground . xi. 133 Hottentot xi. 131 Hottentotta xiv. 131 Hottentotta xiv. 295 * Jamaicensis xi. 126 Jamaicensis xiv. 295 leucotis . xiv. 295 Martinica xi. 132 Martinica xiv. 276 Martinico xi. 132 minuta . xi. 137 minuta . xiv. 296 montana . xi. 130 montana . xiv. 296 mountain xi. 130 Nicobar . xi. 122 Nicobar ica xi. 122 Nicobarica xiv. 296 Passer ina xi. 133 Passerina xiv. 296 Passerine xi. 137 Picui xi. 135 Picui xiv. 296 red-bellied xi. 127 breasted xi. 128 Talpacoti xi. 136 Talpacoti xiv. 296 Wattled . xi. 126 white-bellied xi. 126 Gouramy iv. 391 Grackle, or Grakle vii. 450 Gracula . vii. 450 Gracula xiv. 7 1 — Cuvier xiv. 54-57 Atthis vii. 4 75 atthis, Shaw xiii.* 198 Barita vii. 460 GENERAL INDEX 121 Gracula burita , Shaw v. xiv. p. 49 calva . • vii. 461 calva, Skat v . xiv. 57 carunculata • vii. 469 ■ carunculata, Gmel. x. 499 . Linn. vii. 468 . — Shaw xiv. 265 — — chrt/soptera, Shaw vii. 404 eristatella . vii. 453 eristatella, Shaw xiv. 58 cyanotis . . vii. 4-74 cyanotis, Shaw xiv. 260 feetida . , vii. 466 faetida, Shaw . xiii.* 266 grisea . . vii. 469 grisea, Shaw . xiv. 57 icterops . . vii. 472 larvata . . . vii. 468 larvata, Shaw . xiv. 54 longirostra . vii. 466 Malabarica • vii. 47 1 Malabarica, Shaw xiv. 57 melanocephala vii. 473 nuda, Lath. . vii. 463 nudicollis • vii. 463 nudicollis, Shaw xiii. 266 Pagodarum . vii. 471 Pagodarum , Shaw xiv. 57 Picoides . . vii. 476 picoides, Shaw xiv. 180 Quiscala . vii. 458 quiscala, Shaw xiv. 48 . religiosa . . vii. 451 religiosa . . xiv. 71 . Saularis . . vii. 474 scan dens . . vii. 476 scandens, Shaw xiv. 176 strepera . . vii. 462 strepera, Shaw xiv. 61 Sturnina . vii. 470 Tibicen . . vii. 465 Gracula tibicen, Shaw V. xiv. p. 61 tristis vii. 455 tristis, Shaw . xiv. 57 varia vii. 464 varia, Shaw xiv. 6 1 viridis vii. 473 viridis, Lath. xiv. 35 1 viridis, Shaw xiii* 194 Graicle . vii. 450 Abyssinian vii. 475 Bald vii. 461 Bare- necked . vii. 463 Black-headed . vii. 473 Blue- eared . vii. 474 Boat-tailed . vii. 460 boat-tailed, Lath. xiv. 49 Carunculated vii. 469 climbing . . vii. 477 crested . . vii. 453 Dial . vii. 474 • Egyptian . vii. 475 Fetid . vii. 466 Green . vii. 473 Grey . vii. 469 Indian . vii. 451 Long-billed . vii. 466 . Malabar . . vii. 471 . Masked . . vii. 468 . — Minor, Lath. . vii. 45 1 Noisy . vii. 462 Pagoda . . vii. 471 Paradise . . vii. 455 — — Picoid . vii. 476 Pied . vii. 464 Piping . . vii. 465 Purple . . vii. 458 satin, Lath. . xiv. 72 Sturnine . . vii. 470 . yellow-faced . vii. 472 GRALL7E . . xi. 503 GR ALL ARIA . . xiii* 182 GENERAL INDEX, m<2 tinnieus xiii.* 182 Grallatores xiv* 317 Grallina xiii* 188 Grallina, Vied. xiv. 59 melauoleuca xiii* 188 Grampus ii. 513 Graucalus . xiii* 168 • bicolor xiii.* 165 . fimbriatus xiii.* 164 lineatus . xiii.* 165 melanops xiii* 163 Nova; Guinea; xiii.* 163 papuensis xiii* 163 tricolor . xiii * 1 66 Gray\ing, Penn. Grayning v. 83 v. 234 Greaber . i. 534 Grebe . . xiii. 1 black-breasted xiii. 6 Cayenne xiii. 13 xiii. 5 . crested . . xiii. 3 dusky, Penn. . xiii. 10 eared . xiii. 12 . liorned . . xiii. 9 little . xiii. 13 var T,ath- xiii 1 8 Louisiane . xiii. 18 . New Holland . xiii, 18 Philippine . xiii. 16 pied-bill • . xiii. 16 red-necked . xiii. 8 Sclavonian, Mont. Tippet, Penn xiii. 10 xiii. 4 — white-winged xiii. / Gredur . i. 280 Greenfinch • v. ix. p. 310 Indian, Edw. ix. 477 red-headed , Ediv. x. 449 Green Pie Isle of Ceylon, Edw. vii. 319 Greenshank . . xiv. 328 Greenshanks Penn. . common . . xii. 85 . xii. 86 . xii. 86 Grenat, Buff. . . viii. 288 . viii. 289 Grey, or Gadwall . xii.* 103 Grenouiltard, Le Vaill. vii. 171 Greyhound Common Irish Italian i. 283 i. 283 i. 282 i. 283 Griffard, Vaill. . vii. 57 Griffon , Buff. . • vii. 27 Grifin de Cayenne, Buff. x. 585 Grignette, Buff. . xii. 246 Gj/m . xii. 246 Grigri, Buff. . . viii. 371 Grimpar emfume, Le Vail . xiv. 181 fiambe, Le Vail. xiv. 176 grand, Le Vail. xiv. 176 Mexican, Le Vail. xiv. 175 vicicule, Le Pail. xiv. 180 Talapoit, Le Vail. xiv. 180 Grimpereau, Biff. ■ viii. 186 Bran du Bresil viii. 255 de Mallacca, Sonn. viii. 213 GENERAL INDEX U3 Grimpereau ■ de Muraille, Buff. v. vii i. p. 187 gris de la Chine, Sonn. . . . viii. 216 ■ noiratre du Bresil, Briss. . . . viii. 255 petit des Philippines, Buff.. . . viii. 221 Siffleur de la Chine, Sonn. . . . viii. 254 varie, Vieif. . viii. 234 verd tachete de Cayenne viii. 256 Grisalbin, Buff. ix. 252 Grisard, Buff. . xiii. i 87 Griset . i. 113 Grisette, Buff. X. 523 Gris-olive, Buff. . X. 597 Grive, Buff. X. i 74 Basseterre de Bar- harie, Buff. . . X. 189 bran, Vieil. • X. 176 — cendree d’ Amerique, Buff' . . . x. 289 couronne, Vieil. x. 199 d’eau, Buff. , xii. 144 — — d' Amerique, Biff. x. 170 de Cayenne, Buff. x. 1 90 de la Guiane, Buff. x. 178 d' Ounalasha, Vieil. x. 188 du Canada, Biff. x. 276 erratique, Vieil. x. 276 le petit des Philip- pines ... x. 223 — — Nochequeue, Vieil. x. 197 rousse, Vieil. . x. 1 9 1 solitaire, Vieil. x. 177 — tannee, Vieil. . x. 181 Grivelin, Buff. . ix. 317 — a cravate. Buff. ix. 292 Griverd de Cayenne . vii. 400 Griveron, Le Vail. . viii.'* 196 Grivetin, Le Vail. v. xiii .* p 202 Gronorhynchus, Gronov. V. 242 Grosbeak ix. 23,5 xiv. 86 Abyssinian ix. 294 African . ix. 272 ■ Angola . ix. 280 ash -coloured ix. 298 headed ix. 286 Asiatic . ix. 261 Bengal ix. 258 • black ix. 321 , Edw. ix. 280 ■ bellied ix. 289 breasted . ix. 325 crested ix. 242 headed ix. 243 lined, Lath. ix. 282 blue ix. 250 ■from Angola, Edw. . ix, . 250 — — - blue-shouldered ix, . 251 — winged ix . 299 Brasilian . ix. . 317 brimstone ix. 313 brown . . ix. 323 , Brown ix. 295 cheeked . ix. 270 • headed ix. 308 — Bulfinch . ix. 318 Caffrarian ix. 286 Canada ix. 269 Cape ix. 288 Cardinal . ’ ix. 248 Caucasian ix. 245 Chinese . ix. 311 cinereous ix. 259 Cowry ix. 330 crested . ix. 260 * Dominican ix. 264 Dominican ix. 276 dusky ix. 296 — — dwarf ix. 333 fan-tailed ix. 305 124 GENERAL INDEX, Grosbeak, fasciated V. ix. p. 328 fascinating . ix. 298 ferruginous . ix. 327 frontal . ix. 265 Gambia . . ix. 290 gold-beaked . ix 285 • green ix. 310 Grenadier ix. 240 grey ix. 252 necked . ix. 312 Hamburgh, Lath. ix. 432 Hawfinch ix. 236 Hudsonian . ix. 297 Java . ix. 316 Indian . ix. 247 lineated . . ix. 326 long-tailed . ix. 284 Madagascar . ix. 244 Malabar . . ix. 262 Malacca . . ix. 332 , Edw. ix. 301 marygold . ix. 287 Mexican . . ix. 241 minute . . ix. 334 Molucca . . ix. 33 1 mustachoe . ix. 309 nitid . ix. 2S2 Northern . ix. 322 Nun . ix. 292 orange . ix. 320 bellied . ix. 306 Paradise . . ix. 267 parrot-billed . ix. 268 pearled . . ix. 279 • pensile . ix. 275 Philippine . ix. 314 Pine . ix. 238 Pope, Penn. ix. 276 Porto Rico, Lath. xiv. 89 - prasine . . ix. 267 purple . ix. 249 radiated . . ix. 281 red, Alb. . ix. 248 billed . ix. 356 breasted . ix. 278 Grosbeak, red-rumpcd, Lath. . . v. i x.p. 254 rufous-efiin'ned, Lath. xiv. 89 St. Domingo . ix. 273 Siberian . . ix. 246 sociable . . ix. 300 spotted . . ix. 307 striated . . ix. 329 Sumatran . ix. 291 Sunda . . ix. 300 thick-billed . ix. 324 . three-toed. Lath. ix. 338 Totty . . ix. 302 warbling . . ix. 295 wax-bill . . ix. 254 white-billed . ix. 321 rumped , Lath. ix. 254 ■ tailed . ix. 262 — throated . ix. 253 — wing ed . ix. 283 yellow . . ix. 290 bellied . ix. 271 fronted . ix. 274 headed . ix. 266 rumped . ix. 293 Grosbec, Buff. . ix. 236 bleu d’ Amerique, Buff. ix. 253 d! Abymnie, Briss. ix. 294 d' Angola, Buff. ix. 292 de Cayenne . ix. 269 de Cayenne, Buff. ix. 240 de Coromandel ix. 288 de Java , Biff. ix. 405 de la Chine, Bonn. ix. 312 , Buff. ix. 316 . de la Louisiane, Buff. ix. 278 . de V Isle de Bourbon, Buff. . . . ix. 329 de Virginie, Buff. ix. 252 des hides, Buff. ix. 258 GENERAL INDEX 125 Grosbec de Virginie , Buff. v. ix. p. 248 • des Molucques, Buff. ix. 331 du Brest l, Buff. ix. 317 du Canada, Buff. ix. 238 Nonette, Buff. ix. 292 tachete de Java, Buff. ix. 330 tachete du Can de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . ix. 288 Ground-dove xiv. 294 Grous xi. 265 Grous xiv. 304 * birch, Penn. . xi. 272 ■ , Penn. xi. 294 black xi. 279 Canada . xi. 275 hasel xi. 271 Helsingian, Lath. xi. 272 heteroclite, Lath. xiv. 304 hybrid . xi. 277 Indian, Lath. . xi. 309 long-tailed xi. 284 Namaqua, Lath. xi. 313 pinnated, Penn. xi. 299 pin-tailed, Edw. xi. 311 Rehusak, Penn. xi. 296 rock , Lath. xi. 290. ruffed, Penn. . xi. 301 sand, Lath. xi. 305 Senegal, Lath. xi. 313 sharp-tailed, Pen n. xi. 284 shoulder-knot, Penn. xi. 301 — — spotted, Lath. xi. 275 spurious, Penn. xi. 277 white, Penn. xi. 292 wood xi. 266 Grue . . v. xi. p. 524 d collier , Buff. xi. . 531 blanche d’ idmerique xi. 528 brune, Buff. xi. 526 de Mexique xi. 526 cendree, Temm. xi. 524 Numidie, Buff. xi. 535 GRUIDiE . xiv. 317 Grus xi. 523 Grus xiv. 321 Briss. xi. 524 — , Cuv. xi. 539 — ■ , Raii xi. 534 • Americana xi. 528 Antigone xi. 531 balearica, Raii xi. 537 Canadensis xi. 536 Capensis, Petio. xi. 537 carunculata xi. 532 cinerea xi. 524 freti Hudsonis, Briss. xi. 526 Gigautea xi. 529 Indicus, Raii . xi. 526 leucogeranos. Lath. xi. 529 — “ Mexicanus , Briss. xi. 526 — Numidica, Briss. xi. 535 — orientalis Indica, Briss. . . . xi. 531 — P sophia, Pallas xiv. 318 Grylle scapularis, Leacli. xii* 251 Gryldus • vi. 128 cristatus . . vi. 138 Dux . vi. 139 gryllotalpa . vi. 140 migratorius . vi. 129 monstrosus . vi. 143 126 GENERAL INDEX. Gryllus verrucivorus v. vi. p. 140 viridissimus vi. 140 Grytus . xiv. 256 ruficollis . xiv. 256 Vieilloti . xiv. 256 Guacucuja, Marc. . v. 383 Guam xi. 177 Guan xiv. 312 crested . xi. 1?8 Mar ail xi. 1 83 Supercilious xi. 18b Yacou xi. 180 Yacuhu . xi. 185 Guana Amboina iii. 203 common . iii. 199 great American iii. 199 Horned . iii. 202 Guanumbi minor corpora toto cinereo. Rail viii. 3o5 sexta species, Marc vm. 28o Guanaco . ii. 246 Guaperva, Marc. v. 384 max’ime caudata , JVill. Guam, Raii v. 412 xii. 17 Guaracapema , Marc. iv. 214 Guarana, Raii xii. 37 Guenon cl nez blanc promi- nent . . v. i. p. 51 couronnee . i- 53 Guepard . . • " Guepier, Bff. . • viii. 152 d longue queue du Senegal ’ . • viii. 163 d tete gris, Buff. viii. 1 78 d tete jaune, Buff. viii. 155 d tele rouge, Buff'. viii. 181 de Madagascar viii. 165 le grand vert et bleu d gorge jaune, Buff. viii. 176 le petit vert et bleu d queue etagee, Buff. viii. 176 rouge a tete bleu, Buff. . . • viii — rouge et verte du Senegal, Buff. . viii vert a ailes et queue rousses, Buff. • viii vert a gorge bleu, 168 Buff. Guerlinguet grand le petit . small Guiane La Fouine La grande Marte La petite Le Guib . 195 170 156 ii. 171 ii. 171 ii. 171 i. 434 i. 434 i. 435 ii. 322 Gubernetes . . xiii.* 134 Cunninghami . xiii.* 135 Gudgeon . • v. 241 Guebucu, Marc. . iv. 101 Guenon d criniere . i. 34 . a Camail . i* 59 a face pourpre i. 36 a long nez . i. 53 a museau allonge i. 40 Guillemot . • xii.* 242 Guillemot, Buff. , . xii* 245 . a Capuchon, Temm. xii* 245 jaune, Temm. xii* 246 d gros bee, Temm. xii.* 243 a Miroir blanc, Temm. . • xii-* 250 GENERAL INDEX 127 Guillemot, black v. xii *p. 250 Brunnich’s , Sab. xii * 243 F rank’s . . xii.* 243 foolish . . xii.* 244 Grand, Cuv. . xii.* 245 le petit, Buff. . xiii. 34 le petit noir, Biff. xii* 250 lesser . . xii.* 246 marbled . . xii.* 248 nain, Temm. . xiii. 34 spotted, Penn, xii * 25 1 white, Lath. . xii.* 251 Guillino, Shaw . ii. 42 Guffette, Buff. . xiii. 167 Guifro Balito, Buff. ix. 338 Guignette, Buff. . xii. 142 Guinard, Buff. . xi. 468 Guinetta, Briss. . xii. 142 Guiniad, Penn. . v. 82 Guira-beraba, Buff. x. 691 cantara . . ix. 113 Yetapa, D’Azara xiii. 127 Guiraru • Nhaengeta, Marc. vii. 287 Guirnegat , Buff. . xi. 386 Guit-guit, Vieil. . viii. 217 a tete arise, Vieil. viii. 242 noir et bleu. Buff. viii. 219 — Vieil. viii. 219 noir et violet, Buff. viii. 257 vert, Vieil. . viii, 240 vert et bleu, d tete noir, Buff. . . viii. 240 — — vert tachete, Biff. viii. 256 Gull . . . xiii. 184 Adriatic . . xiii. 197 Gull, arctic, Penn , v. xiii. p. 211 black-backed, Penn. xiii. 186 brown-headed , Alb. xiii. 201 black-headed, Penn. xiii. 201 black-toed, Penn. xiii. 212 brown, Lath. . xiii. 201 common . . xiii. 198 crimson-billed . xiii. 196 fork-tailed. Lath. xiii. 177 glaucous . xiii. 189 great . . xiii. 185 black and white, Alb. . . . xiii. 186 black-backed xiii. 186 greater white, IJenn. xii. 201 Herring, Penn. xiii. 191 Iceland, Lath. xiii. 191 ivory . . xiii. 195 Kittiwake, Penn. xiii. 181 laughing . . xiii. 205 lesser black-backed xiii. 194 little, Lath. . xiii. 206 * masked . . xiii. 204 pacific . . xiii. 208 Pomarine, Lath. xiii. 216 Pulo-Condor . xiii. 209 red-legged . xiii. 201 silvery . . xiii. 191 Skua, Penn. . xiii. 215 Tarrock, Penn. xiii. 181 Wagel, Penn. . xiii. 187 white web-footed, Alb. • ■ • xiii. 198 Gulo, Gesn. . . i. 460 Gurnard . iv. 619 128 GENERAL INDEX Gurnard, Asiatic v. iv. p. Carolina . . iv. Cavillone . iv. . charbrontera . iv. Cuckow . . iv. ■ Flying iv. Grey iv. Japanese . . iv. Lineated . iv. — — Lucerna . iv. Mailed . . iv. — — Minute . . iv. Piper . iv. Punctated . iv. Red, Pena. iv. Sapphirine . iv. Springing . iv. Giviniad, Bloch. v. Broad V. Gymnetrus „ iv. Ascanian . iv. Ascanii . . iv. Bloch i an . . iv. Cepedian iv. Hawkenii . iv. Russel ian iv. Gymnocephalus . xiii.* Cayanensis . xiii.* Gymnoderus . . xiii.* foetidus . . xiii .* Gymnogaster argentius compres- sus, fyc., Brown iv. Gymnops . xiv. fasciatus . . XV. strigillatus . xiv. Gymnotes iv. Asiatic . iv. Carapo . . iv. Electrical . iv. Gymnotes, Fin-backed v. iv. p . 66 Needle . . iv. 65 Rostrated . iv. 63 Short-tailed . iv. 62 White . . iv. 64 White-fronted . iv. 64 Gymnothorax afer, Bloch. . iv. 30 catenatus, Bloch, iv. 28 Murcena , Bloch, iv. 26 reticularis, Bloch, iv. 29 Zebra, Shaw . iv. 31 Gymnotus iv. 41 Acus iv. 65 Albus iv. 64 Albifrons iv. 64 Asiaticus iv. 67 carapo iv. 60 carapo, Bloch. iv. 62 Electricus iv. 41 fasciatus . iv. 62 Macrourus, Bloch, iv. 60 Notopterus iv. 66 rostratus . iv. 63 varius rostro pro- ductiore, Seb . iv. 63 Gyntel de Strasberg, Buff. ix. 538 Gypacetum vocant, Gesn. vii. 33 Gypaetos xiii.* 8 Gypaetos, /lid. vii. 19 •, Becks. Gypaetos, Horsf xiii.* 6 xiv. 345 Alpinus . xiii.* 8 Gypagus, Vieil. xiii.* 6 Gypogeranid^e xiii.* 4 Gypogeranus xiii.* 4 Africanus xiii.* 5 Gyps, Savigny xiv. 345 621 624 625 629 620 622 619 624 626 623 628 625 620 626 620 621 623 85 86 193 193 193 197 198 197 195 265 265 266 266 90 345 346 346 41 67 60 41 GENERAL INDEX 129 Gyrinus . v. vi. p. 39 Mexicanus, Shaw iii. 612 natator . . vi. 39 Gyraffa , Bello. . ii. 303 Habesch de Syrie, Buff '. ix. 535 Habit-uni, Buff. x. 584 HjEMATOPUS . xi. 493 H^imatopus xiv. 336 longirostris xiv. 336 niger xiv. 336 - — — Ostralegus xi. 494 Haddock . iv. 136 Hadock, Will. . iv. 136 Hagedasb xii. 34 Hake iv. 149 Hake iv. 172 Forked, Penn. iv. 172 Least, Penn. . iv. 174 Trifurcated, Penn. iv. 174 Haladroma xiii. 256 urinatrix xiii. 257 Haladrome . xiii. 256 diving xiii. 257 Halcyon . xiii.* 98 — — atricapillus xiii* 99 Cancrophagus xiii.* 100 Capensis . xiii* 99 cblorocephalus xiii.* 100 cinnamomeus xiii.* 98 ■ collaris xiii.* 98 • Coromandus xiii.* 100 diops xiii* 99 leucoceplialus xiii.* 100 melanopterus xiii* 100 Sacer xiii* 98 Senegalensis xiii* 100 Smyrnensis xiii.* 99 V. XIV. P. II. Halcyonidas . v. xiii.* p. 97 Haliaietus . xiii.* 12 blagrus xiii.* 13 — — leucoceplialus xiii.* 13 leucogaster xiii* 13 Macei xiii.* 1 4 Ponticerianus xiii.* 13 vocifer xiii* 13 vulturinus xiii.* 13 II aliens, Illig. . xiii. 75 Hambourroux, Buff. ix. 432 Hampster . ii. 95 Hannasch, Forsk. . iii. 495 Hare . ii. 196 Hare, Nar. . ii. 226 Alpine . ii. 210 American . ii. 202 Baikal . ii. 203 Brasilian ii. 208 Calling . . ii. 213 — — Cape . ii. 209 Common . ii. 197 cuy, Penn. . ii. 215 Java, Catesb. . ii. 26 Minute . . ii. 215 Ogotona . ii. 212 Varying . . ii. 201 Harengus minor Bahamensis, Catesb. . v. 1 29 Harfung, Buff. . vii. 140 Harle, Buff. . . xii* 161 a manteau noire, Buff. . . . xii.* 1 65 couronne . . xii * 168 etoile, Buff. . xii* J57 - Jemelle, Biff. . xii* 161 huppe, Buff. . xii.* 1 65 petit, Buff. . xii *157 Harpagus xiii* 34 bidentatus xiii* 35 — — diodon xiii* 35 9 130 GENERAL INDEX Harpe bleu (lore, Cep. v. iv. p. 409 Harpy . Harpyia imperials Harrier xiii.* 16 xiii.* 16 xiii.* 17 xiii* 41 . ii. 276 Hawk, Vieillotine ii. vii. p. 204 White, White vii. 92 Hawk-Moth Privet Hawksbill Heathcock vi. 215 vi. 215 iii. 89 Hurt Haussecol a queue fourchere , Vieil. . . • viii. 311 (lore, Vieil. . viii. 306 doree . • Oi. 500 noir , Buff. . x. 530 noir, Le Vaill. xiii.* 200 vert, Buff. . viii. 298 Hawk — American Brown vii. 161 barred • • vii- 266 black, Wils. .xiii* 48 Blue, Edw. . vii. 163 Brissonian . vii. 203 Brown’s . • vii. 161 Cserulescent . vii. 208 Dwarf . • vii. 205 Great-billed Sparrow vii. 190 Indian, Edw. . vii. 208 Marsh, Edw. . vii. 166 Mouse . • vii. 226 — — Pigeon . . vii. 188 . sharp-shinned, Lath. xiii* 3 1 Siberian . • vii. 207 Sparrow - • vii. 187 Speckled Partridge vii. 127 Speckled Sparroiv, Lath. . . ■ vii. 201 Swallow- tailed, Catesb. . . vii. 107 Tiny . • vii. 209 . xi. 298 . xiv. 303 black and spotted, Edx v. . . • xi. 275 brown and spotted, Edw. . • • xi. 275 pinnated . xi. 299 ruffed, Edw. . xi. 301 shoulder-knot . xi. 300 Hedgehog Asiatic, Penn. Common, Penn Earless . European . Guiana, Penn Long-eared Malacca . Striped . H alias, Vieil. . . xiv. 323 Heliornis, Vieil. . xiii. 20 Senegalensis, Vieil. xiii. 2 1 i. 542 i. 548 i. 542 i. 546 i. 542 i. 546 i. 547 i. 550 i. 548 vi. 257 vi. 257 vi. 257 vi. 257 vi. 257 xi. 387 xiv. 305 -fasciatus, Temm. xi. 393 - Hottentotus, Temm. xi. 398 - lineatus, Temm. xi. 397 - maculosus, Temm. xi. 394 Hemerobius . chrysops . lutarins . pectiuicornis Perla Heniipodius, Temm. GENERAL INDEX 131 Hemipoclius nigricollis, Termn. . v. xi. p. 390 nigrifrons, Temm. xi. 388 nivosus, Swains, xiv. 305 pugnax, Temm. xi. 391 tachydrornus, Temm. xi. 396 — ■ — thoracicus, Temm. xi. 392 Hen . . . xii. 203 Curassou, Alb. xi. 166 D alter. Alb. . xii. 218 Land, Will. . xii. 218 moor, Alb. . xii. 242 red Peruvian, Alb. xi. 168 Hen-Harrier . . vii. 163 L' Heoro-taire, Vieil, viii. 229 a collier blanc, Vieil. viii. 237 a oreilles jaunes, Vieil. viii. 236 bleu, Vieil . viii. 244 • Brun, Vieil. . viii. 238 — cramoisi, Vieil. viii. 231 ■ gracule, Vieil. viii. 242 — — gris, Vieil. . viii. 244 mellivore, Vieil. viii. 245 mouchete , Vieil. viii. 253 noire ? Vieil. . viii. 225 noir et blanc, Vieil. tachete, Vieil. viii. 226 viii. 225 Hepoona Roo, White i. 496 Herisson . i. 542 L’ Her mine, Buff. i. 426 Heron xi. 541 Heron . xiv. 324 Heron, Buff. . African, Lath. xi. 548 xi. 556 agami xi. 554 agami. Buff. . xi. 554 • aigrette, Temm. xi. 540 ash-coloured . xi. 569 Heron, ash-coloured, Edw. v. xi. p. 553 black . . xi. 562 crested, White xi. 570 blanc, Buff. . xi. 543 blanc a calotte noire, Buff. . . . xi. 5/0 bleudtre a ventre blanc . . . xi. 547 bleudtre de Cayenne, Buff. . . xi. 582 blongois, Temm. xi. 589 blue . . xi. 580 var. Lath. xi. 582, 583 brown xi. 559 brun, Buff. xi. 560 cserulean xi. 582 castaneous, Lath xi. 574 cendre, Temm. xi. 548 chesnut, Lath. xi. 610 cinereous xi. 583 cinnamon xi. 560 Cocoi xi. 564 ■ common . xi. 548 Coromandel xi. 577 , Lath. xi. 633 cracra xi. 567 crested, Alb. xi- 548 purple . xi. 556 crowned. Lath. xi. 537 de la Bale de Hudson, Buff. . . . xi. 553 — de la cote de Coro- mandel, Biff. . xi. 563 dry . . xi. 568 dwarf, Lath. . xi. 574 • ferruginous . xi. 576 Garden/an, Penn, x i. 610 gcirzette, Temm. xi. 545 great . . xi. 552 ■ egret . xi. 543 white, Penn. xi. 544 green, Lath. . xi. 606 houhou . . xi. 566 huppe, Buff. . xi. 548 132 GENERAL INDEX Heron, huppe de Cayenne v. xi. p. 570 largest crested, Catesb. xi. 552 le grand d’Amerique xi. 552 little xi. 589 egret xi. 545 white xi. 571 Louisiane xi. 578 , mis. xi. 543 Malacca . xi. 584 Mexican . xi. 585 Minute . xi. 589 ■ New Guinea . xi. 5S6 night, Lath. xi. 609 noir, Buff. xi. 562 petit roux du Senegal xi. 604 Philippine xi. 58 7 Pondicherry , Lath. xi. 032 pourpre, Buff. xi. 556 purple, Lath. . xi. 556 red-billed, Penn. xi. 571 reddish egret xi. 542 red-legged, Lath. xi. 574 red-shouldered xi. 553 rufous. Lath. xi. 556 rusty-crowned xi. 558 sacred xi. 572 scolopaceous, Lath. xi. 540 snowy, Lath. . xi. 545 spotted, Lath. . xi. 609 squacco . xi. 573 var. Lath. xi. 577 squaiotta, Lath. xi. 574 steel-blue xi. 582 streaked . xi. 565 variegated, Lath. xi. 556 violet xi. 563 violet, Buff. xi. 563 wattled, Lath. . xi. 533 - white-hilled xi. 547 — fronted xi. 561 ■ yellow-crowned xi. 579 Herring . v.v V ■ 158 African . V. 170 Banded . V. 176 Bristled-jawed V. 174 British, Penn. V. 158 Chinese . V. 171 common . V. 15S Dorab V. 175 Giant V. 173 Long-headed . V. 179 Malabar . V. 170 Nasal V. 177 Silver-striped . V. 174 Thrissa . V. 172 — Tropical . V. 177 Tuberculated . V. 175 — — Yellow-finned . V. 176 Herrings king of the iv. 194 Heteroclitus, Vied. . xiv. 304 He ic hole . ix. 185 Hians, La Cep. xi. 631 Hibou vii. 221 de la Chine, Sonn. vii. 219 petit de la cote dc Coromandel, Sonn. vii. 220 Highhoe . ix. 1 85 Highhole ix. 214 Himantopus . xii. 178 Himantopus . . xiv. 342 , Rail . xii. 179 atroplerus, Meyer xii. 179 grallarius . xii. 184 grallarius, Steph. xiv. 344 melanopterus . xii. 179 melanopterus, Steph. xiv. 342 Mexicanus, Briss. xii. 180 leucurus . . xiv. 343 melanurus . xiv. 343 — — nigricollis . xiv. 342 GENERAL INDEX. 133 Hind . . v. ii. p. 2 76 Hind, Catesb. . iv. 453 Hippobosca . vi. 401 avicularia vi. 402 equina vi. 401 ■ hirundinis vi. 403 ovina vi. 403 Hippocampus, Rond. v. 455 Hippopotame . ii. 442 Hippopotamo, Zeren. ii. 442 Hippopotamus ii. 442 Hippopotamus, Plin. ii. 442 — — Amphibious ii. 442 terrestris, Linn. ii. 449 Hipporus, Gesn. iv. 212 Hirco-cervus, Caii . ii. 383 Hircus — — Bezoardicus, Aid. ii. 316 Hirondelle a ceinture blanche. Buff. . . . x. 121 a croupion et queue quarree, Buff. . x. 127 a cul blanc , Buff. x. 1 18 — — acutipienne, Vieil. x. 129 acutipienne de Cayenne, Buff. . . . x. 129 a front roux, Vail. x. 91 a. gorge couleur de rouille, Buff. . x. 95 • a grand envergure,Buff. xiii. 165 a queue pointue de la Louisiane, Buff. . x. 129 arctique, Temm. xiii. 152 a sourcils blanc, Vieil. xiii. 149 — — ct tete noire , Buff. xiii. 167 ■ d tete rousse. Buff. x. 92 ci ventre blanc . x. 1 20 Hirondelle a ventre blanc de Cayenne, Buff. v. x. p. 120 a ventre roux de Cayenne , Buff. . x. 88 — — ■ a ventre tacheti de Cayenne, Buff. . x. 120 bicolor, Vieil. . x. 105 bleu, Vieil. . x. 108 bleu de la Caroline ou de Louisiane, Buff. x. 108 brune acutipienne de la Louisiane, Buff. x. 129 brune et blanche a ceinture brim, Buff. x. 124 cange fc, Temm. xiii. 147 d’ Amerique, Buff. x. 123 d'Antigue, Sonn. x. 95 de Cayenne, Buff. x. 96 de Cayenne d bandes blanches. Buff. . x. 121 de clieminee, Buff. x. 84 de la Bale de l’ Hudson, Buff. . . . x. 109 de la Caroline, Buff. x. 129 de V Isle Bourbon x. 1 1 6 de l' Isle de Panay, Sonn. . . . xiii. 157 de Marais, Vieil. x. 10 J - — — de mer Tsckegrava, Temm. . . xiii. 145 de rivage, Buff. x. 104 Dougallii, Temm. xiii. 153 cfOunalashlca, Vieil. x. 117 — — des Oles, Buff. x. 1 1 6 fauve, Vieil. . x. 124 grand a ventre roux du Senegal, Buff. x. 93 — — grand de Cayenne, Buff. . . . xiii. 155 grise des rockers, Buff. . x. 108 13 h GENERAL INDEX. Hirondelle hansel, Temm. v. xiii. p. huppe, Vieil. . x. la petit noire d crou- pion gris, Buff. . x. la petit noire ci ventre cendre, Buff. . x. leucoptere, Temm. xiii. moustache, Temm. xiii. noire, Vieil. . x. noire, Buff. . xiii. noire acutipienne de la Martinique, Buff. x. — ambree, Buff . x. petit, Buff. . xiii. pierre garni, Buff. xiii. ■ rousselinc, Vieil. x. — — rousse, Vieil. . x. rosee, Vieil. . xiii. H IRUNDO . . X. Hirundo . . xiii.* Hirundo, Ray . xiii. acuta . . x. acuta, Steph. xiii.* alba, Briss. . x. alpestris, Pall. x. ambrosiaca . x. ambrosiaca . xiii.* Americana . xiii.* — Americana, Briss. x. , Gmel. x. , JVi/s. x. — apos Carolinensis, Briss. . . .x. Dominicensis, Briss. . . . x. — Aoonalaschkcnsis, Lath. ... x. — apus, Linn. . x. — bicolor . . x. — bicolor, Steph. xiii.* , Wils. » x. Hirundo Borbonica v. x. p. 116 Borbonica . xiii.* 77 ccerulea, Vieill. x. 108 Capensis . x. 92 Capensis . xiii.* 80 Carolinensis , Briss. x. 129 caudacuta . x. 133 caudacuta, Steph. xiii.* 76 Cayanensis xiii* 81 Cayanensis, B? •iss. X. 96 , Gmel . X. 75 clialybea . X. 96 clialybea . xiii.* 80 cinerea . X. 110 cristata . X. 94 cristata . xiii * 80 Dauurica X. 95 daurica . xiii* 80 domestica, Bris S. X. 84 Dominicensis . X. 123 Dominicensis xiii.* 77 Erythrocephala X. 128 esculenta xiii.* 80 fasciata . X. 121 fasciata . xiii.* 80 filifera xiii.* 78 francica . X. 1 15 Francica . xiii.* 77 freti Hudsonis, Briss. . x. 108 fucipliaga X. 111 fucipliaga xiii.* 80 fulva X. 126 fusca X. 133 fusca, Steph. . xiii.* 76 furcata . xiii.* 78 gularis . X. 99 gularis xiii.* 80 Javanica . X. 101 Javanica . xiii.* 77 Indica X. 127 Indica xiii.* 80 — ..... jugularis . xiii.* 77 174 94 115 110 170 171 98 167 131 100 163 150 92 88 153 77 77 144 131 76 84 95 100 80 77 122 127 88 108 98 117 72 165 81 106 GENERAL INDEX. 135 Hirundo Klecho, Horsf. v. xiii.* p . 82 leucogaster X. 106 leucogaster xiii.* 81 leu copter a X. 120 leucoptera xiii.* 77 leucorhoa X. 98 Ludoviciana xiii* 81 major, Hispanica, Briss. . X. 74 marina, Ray . xiii.* 150 Martinicana, Briss. X. 131 ■ melanoleuca xiii.* 79 melba, Linn. . X. 74 minuta . xiii.* 78 montana . X. 102 montana . xiii.* 81 nigra X. 98 nigra xiii.* 80 Pacifica . X. 132 pacijica, Steph. xiii* 76 Palustris. X. 101 ■ palustris . xiii.* 80 Panayana X. 95 Panayana xiii.* 80 • pelasgia . X. 128 pelasgia, Steph. xiii.* 76 Peruviana X. 122 , Briss. x. 110 major, Hirundo rufa . v.x. p. 88 rufa xiii.* 80 rufifrons . x. 91 rufifrons . xiii* 80 rupestris . x. 103 rupestris, Steph. xui. 81 rustica . x. 84 rustica . xiii.* 80 rustica sive agrestis, Briss. . x. 118 Savignii . x. 90 ■ Senegalensis x. 93 Senegalensis . xiii.* 80 Sinensis, Gmel. x. 74 Subis, Linn. . x. 108 - Tabitica . x. 125 Tahitica . xiii* 81 tapera x. 122 tapera xiii.* 80 torquata . x. 124 torquata . xiii.* 77 — — velox x. 97 velox , Steph. . xiii* 81 violacea . xiii.* 80 violacea, Gmel. x. 108 Unalaskensis . x. 117 urbica x. 118 urbica xiii* 81 Hirundinidae . xiii.* 75 Briss. . . . x. 122 Platensis . x. 126 platensis , Steph. xiii.* 77 Plinii, Aid. . v. 142 Pratincola, Linn. x. 106 purpurea . x. 108 purpurea, Lath. xiii* 81 purpurea, Steph. xiii.* 80 riparia . . x. 104 ■ riparia . . xiii.* 80 Senegalensis, Briss. . . • x. 100 Hispa atra . vi. 60 . vi. 60 Hister . . vi. 38 quadrimaculatus vi. 38 unicolor . . vi. 38 Histrion, Buff. . Hoactli, Raii . L’Hoamy de la Chine Hoatzin, Rati Hobby — — » greater . . xii* 180 . xi. 568 . x. 218 . xi. 1 93 . vii. 193 . vii. 1 95 GENERAL INDEX 1 30 Hobby, Orange-breasted, v. vii. p. 194 Spotted-tailed vii. 19G Hocco , a barbillons, Temm. xi. 170 de la Guiane, Buff. xi. 163 . de Pcrou, Buff. xi. 169 du Mexique, Buff. ' xi. 173 Faisan de la Guiane xi. 1G6 hybride, Temm. xi. 1G9 Hocl lie at, Buff viii. 370 Hocisana, Briss. vii. 366 Hoexotototl, Scb. vii. 418 Hog ii. 458 ^Ethiopian ii. 464 Cape Verd ii. 466 Chinese, Shaw ii. 459 Common fi. 459 Domestic, Shaw ii. 459 Horned, Grew. ii. 467 Mexican, Penn. ii. 469 Holio, Vieil. . viii. 227 Hoitzillin, Seb. viii. 266 Hoizit-ziltototl, Temm. viii. 303 Holcantha Geometrique , Cep. Holibut, JVill. iv. 354 iv. 295 smaller . . iv. 296 Holocentrus iv. 553 Acerine . iv. 559 Acerinus . . iv. 559 — — Afer iv. 564 African . . iv. 564 Argentine iv. 558 Argentinus . iv. 658 Auratus . . iv. 562 Bengal iv. 556 Bengalensis . iv. 556 Holocentrus Bicolor u. iv p. 568 Black iv. 558 Blue-spotted . iv. 568 Blueish . iv. 559 caeruleo-punctatus iv. 568 Caerulescens iv. 559 Calcarifer iv. 563 Cottoid . iv. 560 Cottoides iv. 560 Decussated iv. 557 Decussatus iv. 557 • — — Fasciated iv. 562 Fasciatus iv. 562 Five-lined iv. 555 davo-cceruleus, Cep. iv. 559 Forskalii iv. 561 Forskall’s iv. 561 Four-lined iv. 562 Gaterina iv. 555 Gigas iv. 560 Golden . iv. 562 Great iv. 560 . Greenish iv. 555 Japanese iv. 565 Japonicus iv. 565 Lanceolate iv. 567 Lanceolatus iv. 567 Marginatus iv. 566 Margined iv. 566 Merra iv. 565 Niger iv. 558 Ongo iv. 561 Philadelphic . iv. 560 Philadelphicus iv. 560 _ Pied iv. 568 Punctated iv. 563 Punctatus iv. 563 quadrilineatus iv. 562 quinquelineatus iv. 555 Radula . iv. 559 Sauvinus iv. 561 Schraetser iv. 554 Sogo iv. 553 Sonueratii iv. 567 GENERAL INDEX Holocentkus, Sonnerat’s v. iv. p. • Spur-gilled . iv. Striated . . iv. Striatus . . iv. Surinam . iv. • Surinamensis . iv. Tauvin . . iv. Testudineus . iv. Tigrine . . iv. Tigrinus . iv. Tortoise-shell iv. variegated . iv. variegatus . iv. ■ virescens . iv. Homo Lar, Linn. . i. Sylvestris, Bout. i. Troglodytes , Linn. i. Honey-bird . . xiv. Honey-buzzard . xiii. Honey-eater . . xiv. Molucca, Lath. xiv. sanguineous, Lath. xiv. slender-billed, Lath. xiv. Honey-guide . ix. Honey-guide . xiv. greater . . ix. lesser . . ix. Sparrman’s . ix. Honeysucker . xiv. black-crowned, Lew. . . . xiv. blue-faced, Lath. xiv. golden-crowned, Lath. . . . xiv. ■ King, Lewin. xiv. 137 Honeysucker^ Orange- headed, Penn. v. p. viii. 313 Purple-crowned, Penn. viii. 313 Yellow-fronted, Penn. . viii. 312 Hoopoe . viii. 135 Hoopoe . xiv. 187 Hoopoe , Will. viii. 135 • Black viii. 141 viii. 138 Common viii. 135 Madagascar viii. 140 Smaller . viii. 139 Hoopoe-hen, Edw. . x. 9 Horatta , Pam. iii. 359 Hornbill viii. 1 Hornbill xiv. 79 Abyssinian viii. 2 1 • African . viii. 6 Anomalous, White Bifid-casqued viii. 378 viii. 16 Black-billed, Lath. Bontian . viii. 30 viii. 3 1 Concave-casqued Crescent viii. 18 viii. 7 Crimson viii. 39 Crowned viii. 35 Furrowed viii. 33 Galeated viii. 24 Gingala . viii. 37 Gingi viii. 36 Green-winged viii. 40 — — • Grey viii. 40 Helmet, Lath. viii. 24 Javan viii. 28 Indian, Lath. viii. 31 — — New Holland viii. 41 — — — Philippine, Lath. viii. 16 5 67 563 557 557 564 564 561 566 556 556 5 66 559 559 555 12 3 3 242 44 260 260 263 264 131 212 139 140 138 259 261 260 262 266 138 GENERAL INDEX Hornbill, Pied? Lalh. v. viii. p. 8 Pied ? Lath. viii. 13 Psittaceous, Phill. viii. 378 Red-billed, Lath. viii ■ red-billed, Shaxv xiv Rhinoceros Senegal . Stripe-tailed Violaceous Undulated Unicorn . White . White-beaked Wreathed vm. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. 30 83 2 30 34 19 26 8 29 13 38 Hornet . Horn-owl vi. 286 55 Hortulanus, Briss. . ix. 344 Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . • ix. 372 Carolinensis, Briss. ix. 388 nivalis, Briss. ix. 341 nisrer, Briss. ix. 367 Horse . Cloven-footed . ii Common . 419 . 441 419 generous, Penn. ii. 419 Horse-fly . . vi. 401 Horseman . . xii. 86 green-legged, yd lb. xii. 86 red-leg gcd, Alb. xii. 155 Houbara, Buff. . xi. 448 Houhou d' Egypt . . ix. 54 Hound . . . i. 280 Blood . . i. 281 Smooth, Penn. v. 337 Houppette, Buff. v. x. p. 478 Houppifere Macartneu , Temni. xi. 218 Houton, Buff. . viii. 42 Howlet Huanacu, Lad. Huemel, Penn. Huhul, Le Vaill. Huitrier, Buff. Hulote? Briss. Hulotte , Buff. Humming-bird xiii.* 61 ii. 246 ii. 441 vii. 280 xi. 494 vii. 253 vii. 255 viii. 272 Humming-bird . xiv. 238 Humming-Bird, Catesb. viii. 335 , Ediv. viii. 129 Admirable . viii. 285 All green? Edw. viii. 342 — Amethystine . viii. 328 — Ash-bellied . viii. 299 — Aurulent . viii. 306 — Banded . . viii. 303 — Bar- tailed . viii. 291 — Black, Lath. . viii. 347 — Black-bellied . viii. 307 — Black- breasted viii. 298 — Black-capped . viii. 281 Black-colour, Banc. viii. 315 — blue forked-tailed. Lath. . . xiv. 239 — Blue-gorge . viii. 326 — Blue-tailed . viii. 278 — Bright-throated viii. 287 Brilliant . viii. 327 — Broad-shafted viii. 318 — Brown-crowned viii. 333 — Carbuncle . viii. 333 — Cayenne, Lath. viii. 342 — Cayenne fork- tailed . . . viii. 310 GENERAL INDEX 139 Humming-bird, Crested v. viii. p. crested brown viii. Crimson-headed blue . . . viii. curve-winged , Lath. xiv. Ekelberg’s, Lath. viii. viii. Emerald-throated viii. Fork-tailed . viii. Garnet-throated, Lath. . . . viii. Gilt-crested . viii. Great . . viii. Great Cape . viii. Green and blue viii. Green-throated viii. Gold-green . viii. Gold-throated, Lath. viii. Grey-bellied . viii. Grey-necked . viii. gular . . viii. • Harlequin . viii. — ■ Least . . viii. ■ Lesser forlt-tailed. Lath. . . . viii. Little . . viii. Little brown . viii. , Edvo. viii. Long-tailed black- cap, Edvo. . • viii. green, Edvo. . . . viii. red, Edvo. . . . viii. Mango . . viii. , Lath. . viii. Mango, Lath. . viii. Maugean . viii. negro , Lath. . xiv. Orange-headed viii. Paradise . . viii. Patch-necked . viii. Humming-bird, Punctulated v. viii. p. 303 Purple-crowned viii. 313 Purple-tailed . viii. 295 Racket-tailed . viii. 316 Red-breasted . viii. 288 Red-throated . viii. 335 Ruby-crested, Edw. viii. 329 viii. 330 headed viii. 329 necked. Lath. . . . viii. 329 Ruby-throated viii. 340 — = — Ruff-necked . viii. 343 Rufous-bellied viii. 302 St. Domingo , Lath. viii. 298 Sapphire . viii. 324 and emerald . . viii. 325 - — — Scalloped . viii. 304 — — Scissars- tailed viii. 280 Smallest . . viii. 35G Small fork-tailed viii. 309 Spotted, Lath. viii. 303 Spotted-necked, Lath. . . . viii. 320 Striped-cheeked viii. 323 Superb . . viii. 323 Supercilious . viii. 284 Tobago , Lath. . viii. 350 Topaze, Lath. viii. 274 Topaz-tailed viii. 335 Topaz-throated viii. 274 Trimaculated . viii. 308 Tufted-necked viii. 345 Vieillot’s . . viii. 347 Violet . . viii. 290 Violet-eared . viii. 319 Violet-tailed . viii 301 wedge-tailed, Lath. xiv. 240 White-bellied . viii. 346 White-bellied, Edvo. viii. 320 352 354 292 255 282 283 342 279 288 314 282 283 322 300 305 332 332 305 314 311 355 309 315 351 351 281 279 274 294 295 298 350 243 313 276 339 140 general index Humming-bird, white- collared . v. viii. p. 320 White-legged fork- tailed . . • viii. 311 White-tailed . viii. 293 White-templed viii. 34-9 Yellow-fronted viii. 312 Hupecol, Buff. • viii. 345 Huppard, Le Vaill. yii. 59 Huppe, Buff. . • viii. 135 d’ A friquc, And. viii. 138 noir et blanche du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. viii. 140 une espece dont le plumage est cn- tierement noir, Sont. viii. 141 Huppe noire , Buff. . ix. 243 Huso , Aldr. . . v. 375 Hyaena . . • J- 298 Hucena , Seb. . • iii. 435 spotted . . i- 303 striped, Penn. i. 298 veterum Bcllonii, Aid. . i. 398 Hydrachna . vi. 468 aranoides vi. 470 Buccinator vi. 470 extendens vi. 470 Haccida . vi. 468 geographica vi. 468 maculata , Degecr vi. 468 Rosseliana . vi. 469 Hydrobata, Vieil . xiii.* 192 Hydrochceris Sus, Linn. . ii. 21 Hydrocorax, Briss. xiv. 79 Hydrocorax, Vieil. xiii. 75 Hydropiiil vi. 95 IIydropiiilus . vi. 95 ■ — — caraboides . vi. 98 Hydropiiilus, nidus piceus y. x\.p. 95 . vi. 95 Hydrus . iii. 555 Atrocaeruleus . iii. 567 Bicolor . . iii. 566 Black-backed . iii. 5 66 Blueish . . iii. 561 Caerulescens . iii. 561 Caspian . . iii. 557 Caspius . . iii. 557 Cinereus . iii. 567 Colubrine . iii. 556 Colubrinus . iii. 556 Cnrtus . iii. 5()2 Dark-blue . iii. 567 Enydris, Schn. iii. 567 Fasciated . in. 563 Fasciatus . iii. 563 Fishing . . iii. 568 Gracilis . . iii. 560 Great . iii. 558 Major . iii. 558 Marsh . iii. 569 Palustris . iii. 569 Piscator . . iii. 568 . Ri/nchops, Schn. iii. 567 Short . m. 562 Slender . . iii. 560 Spiral . iii. 564 Spiralis . . iii. 564 Hygidens Natter, Merr. Hyla laclca, Lau. iii. 486 . iii. 136 Hykec . iii. 123 Hylophilus xiii* 215 poecillotis xiii.* 215 thoracicus xiii.* 215 Hyrax . ii. 216 Cape . ii. 217 Capensis . ii. 217 Hudsonius ii. 225 GENERAL INDEX 141 Hyrax, Hudson’s Bay v. ii . p. 225 Syriacus . ii. 219 ■ Syrian , . ii. 219 Hyreus ix. 337 Hyreus . • xiv. 86 Abyssinian . ix. 338 Abyssinicus . ix. 338 Abyssinicus . xiv. 86 Hystrix Piscis, Seb. . v. 432 Hystrix . . ii. 1 brachyura, Linn. i. 550 • canda longissima tenui, Briss. . ii. 7 chrysurns . ii. 169 Cristata . ii. 1 Dorsata . . ii. 13 Fasciculata . ii. 11 Hudson is, Briss. ii. 13 Macroura . ii. 9 Malaccensis, Seb. i. 550 Mexicana . ii. 8 Novce H ispanicc, Briss. ii. 8 ■ Orient alis, Briss. ii. 9 — — Orientalis Singuluris ii. 13 Prehensilis . ii. 7 Jabiru . . . xi. 645 . . xiv. 326 American . xi. 646 New Holland . xi. 647 Senegal . . xi. 648 Jabiru-quacu, Raii . xi. 646 Jaboteur, Le Vaill. . xiii.* 198 Jacamar . . . ix. 222 Jacamar . .xiii.* 106 d gorge rousse . ix. 224 Jacamar d longue queue V. ix. p. 225 great . ix. 227 green . ix. 223 — Paradise . ix. 225 red-throated . ix. 224 white-billed . ix. 226 Jacamerops . . xiii *108 grandis . . xiii.* 108 Jacamiciri . ix. 223 , Edvo. ix. 223 neiv, Pallas . ix. 227 Jacana . . xii. 262 . xiv. 333 , Briss. xii. 249, 260, 262 Jacana, Buff. . , xii. 263 Africana . . xii. 268 d longue queue , Cuv. xii. 269 armatafusca, Briss. xii. 263 varia, Briss. xii. 263 bronzd, Cuv. . xii. 266 bronzed . . xii. 266 chesnut. Lath. . xii. 263 Chili . xii. 265 Chinese . . xii. 269 common . . xii. 263 du Bresil, Buff. xii. 293 faithful. Lath. xii. 272 green , Lath. . xii. 262 — — - Indian . . xii. 267 Luzonian, Lath. xii. 269 — — supercilious xii. 266 variable. Lath. xii. 263 varie, Buff. . xii. 263 vert, Buff. . xii. 260 Jacapani, Raii oriole, Lath. Jacare, Marcgr. Jacarini, Edtv. , Buff. vii. 440 vii. 440 iii. 192 x. 475 x. 475 GENERAL INDEX U2 Jack all . . v. i. p. 304 . Barbary . i. 311 Cape i. 310 Jack-ass laughing viii. 54 Jackdaw . vii. 350 Black . vii. 35 ! Buff-coloured . vii. 35 1 Collared . vii. 35 1 Purple, Cutest). vii. 458 White . vii. 351 Jacobine, Buff. viii. 320 Jacobin, Buff. . ix. 332 de Cayenne viii. 320 happe de Coromandel ix. 114 varie, Vieil. viii. 321 Jager xiii. 210 arctic xiii. 211 Jaguar i. 352 i — . . i. 355 Janfredric, Lc Vaitt. xiii *202 Jura Potoo iii. 525 Jaseur de Boheme, Biff. x. 42 1 la Petite . viii. 552 Jaune iii. 30 Jay . vii. 356 Jay xiv. 66 Blue vii. 359 Blue, from the East Indies , Echo. vii. 390 Cayanean vii. 362 ■ Cayenne . vii. 360 Chinese . vii. 363 Paraguan, Lath. xiv. 67 Peruvian vii. 363 Red-billed vii. 361 Specious . vii. 364 Y ellow-billed vii. 364 Ibex . . ii. 364 Steinbocky Mus. ii. 364 Iberacoa, Seb. . v. iii. p. 544 Ibiare, Cep. iii. 599 Ibiboboca iii. 347 Ibis xii. 6 _____ xiv. 327 , Briss. xii. 1,11 alba xii. 20 albicollis xii. 18 bald xu. 7 bap, Lath. xii. 13 black xii. 11 faced xii. 12 beaded xii. 23 brown xii. 21 Calva xii. 7 Candida, Briss. xii. 5 Cayenne . xii. 16 Cayennensis . xii. 16 Coco, Lath. xii. 20 crested . xii. 24 cristata . xii. 24 crying . xii. 8 Egyptiaca, Lath. xii. 5 falcinellus , Temrn. xii. 13 fusca xii. 21 green, Lath. . xii. 13 grey xii. 19 griseous . xii. 19 glossy xii. 1 3 ignea xii. 13 lesser xii. 22 Manilla . xii. 22 Manillensis xii. 22 Melanocephala xii. 23 Melanopis xii. 12 Mexican . xii. 15 Mexicana xii. 15 Minuta . xii. 22 • nigra xii. 1 1 plumbeus xiv. 327 religiosa xii. 10 rubra xii. 17 sacra, Ternm. . xii. 13 sacred xii. 10 scarlet xii. 17 GENERAL INDEX 143 Ibis vocifera . v. xii. p. 8 white . . xii. 20 headed, Lath. xii. 2 — necked . xii. 18 ivood, Lath. xii. 3 — — blanc, Buff. xii. 5 ■ Sacre, Cuv. xii. 10 — — noir, Savig. xii. 13 Ibycter . xiii* 10 aquilinus . xiii.* 10 Ichneumon vi. 277 Ichneumon i. 379 glomeratus vi. 278 Indian, Edw. . i. 379 ■— — lar varum vi. 2 78 luteus vi. 279 ovulorum vi. 278 • puparum vi. 278 ramidulus vi. 279 Rat de Pharaou Belon . i. 379 IcTERIA . xiv. 47 viridis xiv. 48 Icterus . xiv. 46 Bengalensis , Briss. x. 491 Bonana . xiv. 47 Cauda bifida, Briss. vii. 430 Cayanensis xiv. 47 chrysocephalus xiv. 47 dominicensis . xiv. 47 ferrugineus xiv. 47 hudsonicus xiv. 47 ludovicianus xiv. 4-7 — — minor, fyc., Sloan vii. 430 minor viridis, Briss. vii. 446 spurius . xiv. 47 Ictinia . . v. xiii.* p. 41 - plumbea . . xiii.* 41 Jean le Blanc , Buff. vii. 89 Jandaya, Will. . viii. 451 Ierax . . . xiii.* 37 — Leach . . xiii.* 30 caerulescens . xiii.* 37 Jerboa . ii. 174 Canadian . ii. 192 Cape ii. 188 Capensis, Mill. ii. 188 common . ii. 174 Egyptian, Penn. ii. h74 Middle Siberian, Shaiv . ii. 186 Pygmy Siberian, Penn. ii. 186 Siberian, Penn. ii. 185 Tamarisk ii. 191 Torrid ii. 190 Jerfalcon . vii. 120 — Broivn, Lath. . vii. 120 White, Penn. . vii. 120 White, Lath. . vii. 120 Jerfault d’Islande, Plane vii. 120 Norivege, Plane vii. 120 Ignaracu, Cep. . iii. 213 Ignavus . . . i. 149 Iguana sepiformis, Laur. iii. 226 Jickta . . ii. 427 Imber, Penn. . . xii.* 234 lesser, Beu. . xii.* 236 Irnbrim, Buff. . . xiii.* 223 Imitateur, Le Vaill. xiii.* 241 Imminset . . iv. 229 ■ long- tailed . iv. 229 Importune, Le Vaill. xiii.* 197 Incomparable, Sonn. vii. 500 144 GENERAL Indicnteur le grand • v. ix. p. 139 le petit . ix. 140 Indicator ix. 131 Indicator ix. 131 Indicator xiv. 217 major ix. 139 major xiv. 2 1 7 minor ix. 140 minor xiv. 2 1 7 • Sparmanii ix. 138 Indri i. 94 • i. 1 1 1 brevicaudatus , Geof. i. 1 1 1 longicaudatus , Geof. i. Ill long-tailed i. Ill short-tailed i. Ill Insecta . . vi. 1 Aptera . vi. 17, 405 Coleoptera . vi. 16 Diptera . . vi. 17 vi 357 Hemiptera . vi. 1 6 Hymenoptera . vi. 17 vi 967 Lepidoptera *. vi. 16 . vi. 201 — — Neuroptera . vi. 1 7 . . vi. 241 Jocko i. 3 Jokotvm-u . xiii.* 12 Jonna Nagoo . iii. 418 Jora . xiii.* 216 ■ ■■ — scapularis . xiii.* 217 Iperuquibay &;c., Marc. iv. 209 Irena . xiii.* 141 carinata . . xiii* 142 puella . xiii.* 142 I sat is, Buff. i. 326 INDEX. Ispida, Gesn. v. viii. p. 88 Bengalensis tor- quata, Briss. . viii. 95 Indica, slid. . viii. 132 — , Briss. . viii. 103 y XJJ UJ. 1 ‘ JUDCOCK . xii. 57 JlJLUS vi. 507 Indus vi. 507 Sabulosus vi. 507 terrestris vi. 507 Jan? Edu). iii. 197 Jupiter-Jisch, And. . ii. 492 Iztag, Seb. iii. 480 Kabassou i. 192 Kai-a-lora xiii.* 164 K aka toes viii. 478 a ailes et queues rouges, Buff. viii. 484 d, huppe jaune. Buff. viii. 480 noir, Buff. viii. 474 petit a bee couleur de chair, Buff. . viii. 481 petit des Philippines vm. 481 rose , Vieil. xiv. 110 Kakopit, Seb. . viii. 269 Kamichi, Buff. xii. 278 Kangaroo i. 505 great i. 505 lesser, Penn. . i. 513 Kappen lichhorn, Schr. ii. 158 Karoo Bokadam iii. 567 Katuka-Rekula-P odt. iii. 35 7 Katuka-Rekula-P oda iii. 418 Keel-bill viii. 380 American viii. 380 Kestril . vii. 179 Cape vii. 192 GENERAL INDEX 145 Kestril, Lead-coloured V. vn. p. spotted-grey . vii. Kevel . ii. Kid mg, Penn. . ii. Kildir, Buff. . « xi. Killdeer , Catesb. xi. King-fish iv. Kingfisher . . viii. Kingfisher , Will. . viii. Kingsfisher . xiii.* Amazonian . viii. — — American, Edw. viii. - azure, Lath. . vii. Belted . viii. ■ Bengal, Alb. . viii. - Black and white, Edw. . . viii. • , Lath. . viii. Black-lipped . viii. Blue-headed . via. ■ Blue-headed, Lath. viii. Brasilian . viii. • Cape . viii. Cayenne . . viii. cinereous . VIII. collared . . viii. common . . viii. Coromandel . viii. Crab-eating . viii. ■ crested . viii. Eastern . . viii. Egyptian . viii. Flavescent . viii. Giant . viii. great African . viii. great Bengal, Alb. VIII. great-brown, Lath. viii. — great, from the river Gambia, Edw. . viii. v. xiv. p. ir. Kingsfisher, great Gambia, Ediv. . . v. viii. p. 68 — — green-headed . viii. 77 Java . viii. 67 Large, Edw. . viii. 68 little green and orange coloured , Edw. . viii. 86 ■ Little Indian . viii. 102 Long-shafted . viii. 73 Malimba . . viii. 66 Minute . . viii. 101 New-Guiuea . viii. 62 Pied . viii. 63 Purple . viii. 96 Red-headed . viii. 95 Respected . viii. 81 Rufous . viii. 97 — — Rufous and green, Lath. . . viii. 83 Sacred . viii. 78 crested . viii. 79 Senegal . . viii. 72 Smyrna . . viii. 68 Spotted . . viii. 83 — — Spotted Brasilian viii. 76 Supercilious . viii. 86 Ternate, Lath. viii. 73 Tridactyle . viii. 104 Tridigitated . viii. 105 venerated viii. 81 White and green viii. 85 White-billed viii. 99 White-collared viii. 94 — White-headed, Lath. viii. 67 King-thrush, Lath. vii. 386 Kink, Briss. . vii. 437 oriole, Lath. vii. 437 Kinkajou i. 404 Kinka-manou, Buff. x. 398 Kiolo, Buff. xii. 220 Kippers . v. 41 Kistna, Nagov. iii. 4 i 6 Kite, Penn. vii. 103 10 181 181 351 301 476 476 289 52 88 102 60 58 106 58 95 63 63 70 100 102 86 65 76 56 80 88 75 71 98 103 61 82 53 55 68 53 68 14*0 GENERAL INDEX, Kite . . v. xiii.* p. 50 Austrian Vii. 106 Brasilian, Will. vfi. 106 Black vn. 105 Caracara vii. 106 Common vii. 103 Russian . vii. 105 Kittiwakf, xiii. 180 Brunnich’s xui. 181 Kittock . ix. 214 Klipspringer . ii. 231 Knight-fish . iv. 387 American iv. 387 Knobbelfisch , Andr. ii. 494 Knorhaan xi. 451 Knot xii 89 xiv 331 American xii 93 red xii 90 Knotenfisch, Andr. ii . 494 Kob u . 338 Korie Nagoo . iii . 416 Korsaki, Pall. . 322 Kostar Acipenser , Gmel. Konam , B, •iss. Koulik, Buff'. . Krottc Schilde, Johns. Kruka, Penn. . Kufi Kurki Kuutus • Indian Indicus . “ l v ' ft 1 Buff. . . v. xiii. p. 211 — a court e queue Buff . . anguleux , Cep. annele, Cep. brun, Cep. xiii. 212 ,'V iv. 492 iv. 49(i iv. 508 iv. 5 1 1 iv. 486 iv. 509 Calops, Cep. cercle, Cep. ■ Cincedus , Cep cinque-epines, Cep. iv. 518 Commersonian, Cep. . . • jv. 493 Diane, Cep. . iv. 515 demidisque, Cep. iv. 490 echiquier, Cep. iv. 514 enneacanthe , Cep. iv. 495 ensanglatite, Cep. iv, 51 1 v. 368 iv. 592 viii. 3/2 iii. 20 x. 580 iii. 384 xi. 536 iv. 185 iv. 185 iv. 185 Jilamenteux , Cep. iv. 491 -fourche, Cep. . iv. 490 Gouan, Cep. . iv. 495 Guaza, Cep. . iv. 5 1 7 herisse, Cep. . iv. 486 Huit-raics, Cep. iv. 492 Karut, Cep. . iv. 526 large-queue, Cep. iv. 509 largc-raie, Cep. iv. 496 lisse, Cep. . iv. 493 - ... long-museau, Cep. iv. 486 Macrocephalc, Cep. iv. 494 macrogastere, Cep. iv. 491 macroptere. Cep. iv. 494 Macrodonte, Cep. iv. 515 Malapteronote, Cep. iv. 51/ marbre, Cep. • mauchele. Cep. Neustrice, Cep. parterre, Cep Kwngga, Sonn. Labbe, Buff. . ii. 440 . xiii. 212 — Perdica, Cep. . — perruche. Cep. — Plumerien, Cep. iv. 509 iv. 492 iv. 5 1 6 iv. 510 iv. 516 iv. 510 iv. 495 Quinze-epines, Cep iv. 494 GENERAL INDEX 147 Labrc rone. Cep. v. iv rouge-raies, Cep. • P 312 iv 496 Six-bandes, Cep. iv 491 tetracanthe, Cep. iv 490 Labrus . iv. 481 Adriaticus, Linn. iv. 465 Albidus . iv. 490 Albovittatus . iv. 522 Ancient . iv. 499 Angular iv. 492 Anile iv. 524 Annulated iv. 497 Annulatus iv. 497 Anthrax, Linn. iv. 439 aristatus, Cep. iv. 522 Ascanian iv. 512 Ascanii . iv. 512 auritus . vi. 482 Ballan iv. 498 Ballanses iv. 498 beautiful iv. 512 ■ Bellied . iv. 491 Bergylt . iv. 521 Bergyltar iv. 521 - ■ — Bifasciated iv. 489 Bifasciatus iv. 489 Bimaculated . iv. 502 Bimaculatus . iv. 502 Black-bellied . iv. 489 Black-eved iv. 505 Blood-spotted . iv. 511 - Boops iv. 513 Brasilian iv. 497 Brasiliensis iv. 497 Broad-striped . iv. 496 Browed . iv. 506 Bull-eyed iv. 513 Bull-finned iv. 513 Galops iv. 511 Carinated iv. 522 Carinatus iv. 522 Catenula iv. 488 Centiquadrus . iv. 514 Ceylanicus iv. 483 — Ceylonese iv. 483 Chain iv. 488 Labrus, Chequered v. Chinensis Chinese . Cinereous — Cingulum Comber . Commersonian Cook Coquus . Coruubian Cornubicus Crenulated Crenulatus Cruentatus Cupreous — — Cupreus • Cyanopterus . Dark — Demidise Diana - — — Doliatus eared light-banded . eneacanthus Exoletus Falcated Falcatus Fifteen-spined Filamentose Filamentosus . Forked . Formosus Four-spined . Fuliginosus Full-eyed Fulvous . Fulvus . Furcatus Fuscus fuscus, Linn. . gallus , Linn. . gibbus, Linn. . Girdled . Gouanii . Gouan’s . Great-headed . Great-toothed \\\p. 514 iv. 5 IS iv. 518 iv. 506 iv. 5 15 iv. 503 iv. 493 iv. 503 iv. 505 iv. 504 iv. 504 iv. 509 iv. 509 iv. 51 1 iv. 52 7 iv. 527 iv. 513 iv. 507 iv. 490 iv. 515 iv. 486 iv. 482 iv. 492 iv. 495 iv. 518 iv. 482 iv. 482 iv. 494 iv. 491 iv. 491 iv. 490 iv. 512 iv. 490 iv. 508 i v. 511 iv. 507 iv. 507 iv. 490 iv. 508 iv. 462 iv. 390 iv. 461 iv. 515 iv. 495 iv. 495 iv. 494 iv. 515 148 GENERAL INDEX. Labrus, Green v. iv p. 501 Labrus, Marginalis • Grey iv. 484 v. iv p. 505 Griseus . iv. 484 Marmoratus . iv. 509 Griseus, Linn. iv. 507 Melagaster iv. 489 Guaza iv. 5 1 7 Melegaster iv. 489 Guttated iv. 520 Melops • iv. 505 Guttatus iv. 520 Merula . iv. 507 Guttulated iv. 521 Microlepidotus iv. 514 Guttulatus iv. 521 Mixed iv. 507 Half- red iv. 487 Mixtus . iv. 507 Hepat iv. 481 Neustriae iv. 516 Hepatus iv. 481 Neustrian iv. 5 1 6 Hirsute . iv. 48G Nilotic . iv. 506 Hirsutus iv. 486 Niloticus iv. 506 Hooped . iv. 486 Nine-spined iv. 495 Hortulanus iv. 510 Norwegian iv. 524 Jaculator iv. 485 Obscure . iv. 518 jaculatrix, Phil. iv. 485 Ocellaris iv. 505 Japanese iv. 518 Ocellate . iv. 505 Japonicus iv. 518 ocellatus, Linn. iv. 460 Jubella . iv. 525 — ■ — Octo-vittatus . iv. 492 Julis iv. 525 — — Onite iv. 523 Karut iv. 52G Onitis iv. 523 Karuta . iv. 526 Operculated iv. 483 Lcevis iv. 493 Operculatus iv. 483 Large-finned . iv. 494 Ossifagus iv. 523 Large-tailed . iv. 509 Ozena iv. 482 Latovittatus iv. 496 Paroticus iv. 526 ■ Leopard . iv. 504 Parrakeet iv. 510 Leopardus iv. 504 Parrot iv. 526 Lepina, Linn. - ■ ... Linear iv. 4-59 Parterre iv. 5 1 0 iv. 519 Pavo iv. 498 . Linearis . iv. 5 1 9 Peacock . iv. 498 livens, Linn. . iv. 450 Perdic iv. 516 Longirostris iv. 486 Perdica . iv. 516 • Long-snouted iv. 486 pennis ventralibus Lunar iv. 485 uniradiatis , Linn. iv. 392 Lunaris . iv. 485 Pleat-lipped iv. 523 Lunulated iv. 519 Plumieri iv. 495 Luuulatus iv. 5 1 9 • Plunder's iv. 465 Luscus . iv. 506 Psittaculus iv. 510 M acrocephalus iv. 494 Punctated iv. 522 ■ Macrodon iv. 515 Punctatus iv. 522 Macrogaster . iv. 491 Puuctulated iv. 492 Macropterus iv. 494 Punctulatus iv. 492 Malapteronotus Marbled Marginal iv. 5 1 7 iv. 509 iv. 505 Quindecini aculeatus iv. 494 GENERAL INDEX 149 Labrus, Red-lined v. iv\ p. 469 Reticulated iv. 520 Reticulatus iv. 520 romentaceus, Linn. Rufous . iv. 460 iv. 484 Rufus iv. 484 rupestris, Linn. iv. 448 Scare iv. 488 Scarus iv. 488 Scina, Linn. . iv. 459 Semidiscus iv. 490 Semiruber iv. 484 Sexfasciatus iv. 491 Six-banded iv. 491 Small-scaled iv. 514 * Smooth . iv. 493 Soft-backed iv. 517 Striatus, Linn. iv. 459 Striped . iv. 501 Suillus . iv. 524 Tincar iv. 499 Trilobate iv. 487 Trilobatus iv. 487 Trimaculated iv. 502 — — ■ Trimaculatus iv. 502 Turdus . iv. 500 Variegatus iv. 501 Varying iv. 501 Venosus, Linn. iv. 520 Vetula . iv. 524 Viridis . iv. 501 Undulated iv. 496 Undulatus iv. 496 unimacidatus, Linn. White-banded iv. 462 iv. 522 Lacerta iii. 183 Acantliura iii. 216 aculeata Promontorii Bonce Spei, Seb. * iii. 229 Africana iii. 262 Africana, Seb. iii. 242 — Africana elegan tissima, Seb. iii. 227 Lacerta Africana cauda spinosa, Seb. v. iii. p. Africana volans, 228 Seb. iii. 177 — Agama iii. 210 — Agilis iii. 232 Algira iii. 251 Alligator iii. 192 Amboinensis . iii. 203 Amboinensis ele- gantissima, Seb. . iii. 214 Ameiva . iii. 237 Americana maxima Cordylus <5f Caudiver - bera dicta, Seb. iii. 218 Anguina iii. 308 Angulata iii. 230 Apus iii. 309 — — Aquatica iii. 298 Arguta . iii. 250 — — uuro.ta, Linn. . iii. 285 nurita, Linn. . iii. 244 Azurea . iii. 227 Basiliscus iii. 206 Bicarinata iii. 212 — Bipes iii. 311 Brasiliensis Quetz- paleo, Seb. . iii. 22 7 Brasiliensis 'Lara r- guira, Seb. . , . iii. 258 Brasiliensis Tecun- liana, Seb. . iii. 238 Bull ar is . iii. 242 Ceerulea . iii. 237 Calotes iii. 208 Caudiverbera . iii. 276 Ceilonica, Ascalo - botes Groecis dicta Seb. iii. 208 Ceilonica cristata fy pectinata, Seb. . iii. 220 Chalcides iii. 305 Chalcidica, Aldr iii. 305 Chalcitica mar- morata ex Gallcecia, Seb. iii. 225 150 GENERAL INDEX Lacerta Chamaeleon v. iii. p. Cordylus . \ iii. Crocodilus . iii. Cruenta . . iii. Cyprius Scincoides, Aid. . . . iii. Deserti . .iii. Dracaena . . iii. Dubia . . iii. Erythrocephala iii. Fasciata . . iii. Fimbriata . iii. Gangetica . iii. Gecko . . iii. Geitje, Linn. . iii. Guttata . . iii. Helioseopa . iii. Iguana . . iii. indica guanse con- gener . . . i. Interpunctata . iii. Japonica . . iii. Lcguan, Bout. iii. Lenmiscata . iii. Lobata . . iii. ■ Lophura . iii. Lumbricoides iii. Maculata . iii. major Tilcuitzpallin in Nova Hispania dicta, Seb. . . . iii. marilimn maxima, Seb. . . .iii. Marmorata . iii. Mauritania . iii. Monitor . . iii. Muricata . iii. nigra Africana, Seb. iii. Nilotica . . iii. Occidua . . iii. Ocellata . . iii. orbicnlare, Linn. iii. Orbicularis . iii. ~ — orbicularis spinosus , Seb. . . iii. Lacekta Palustris v. iii. p. 296 Pelluma . iii. 227 Perfoliata iii. 268 Platura . iii. 247 Plica iii. 248 Pumila . iii. 263 punctata, Linn. iii. 304 Quadrilineata iii. 239 Quinquelineata iii. 241 Rufescens iii. 285 Salamandra iii. 291 Schneideriana . iii. 278 Scincoides, Nat. iii. 289 Scincus . iii. 281 Scutata . iii. 221 Seps iii. 252 Sexlineata iii. 240 Sinensis . iii. 270 Sparmanniana . iii. 279 Spectator iii. 279 Stellio iii. 229 Strumosa iii. 224 Superciliosa iii. 220 Taeniolata iii. 239 Teciuxin, Seb. iii. 235 Teguixin Tejuguacu, Seb. iii. 238 iii. 235 tetradactyla iii. 275 Tiliguerta iii. 249 Turcica . iii. 246 varia, Nat. iii. 215 velox iii. 251 viridis, Adr. . iii. 232 Vittata . iii. 271 Umbra . iii. 226 Volans Indica, Rail. iii. 177 Uralensis iii. 252 Vulgaris . iii. 295 vulgaris ventre nigro maculato, Rail . iii. 232 Lacertus Ceilonicus amphibious, Seb. . . . iii. 208 Iguana, Rail . iii. 199 253 228 184 244 285 250 218 267 236 241 272 197 264 279 290 245 199 180 242 248 199 238 214 218 311 304 214 285 225 269 214 211 228 249 288 290 231 231 231 GENERAL INDEX. 151 Lacertus Indicus squa- mosus . . v. i. p. Maximus, Catesb. 111. Senembi, Rail iii. volans, Boat. . ili. Lachesis . iii. Lady-bird vi. seven-spotted . vi. vi. Lagopide, Buff. xi. de la Bate de Hud- son, Buff. xi. Lagopus xi. - xiv. albus xi. altera Plinii, Rail XI. Lapponicus xi. rautus xi. ■ rupestris . xi. Scoticus . xi. Bait Couieur de, Cep. iii. Lama il. Lampern v. Planer’s . V. Lampetra Cocca, W ill. V. Lamprey V. Brilliant . v. great V. Lead-coloured . V. Leech V. Lesser, Penn. . V. Minute . V. Red V. Sea, Penn. V. Silvery . V. LaMPRO I'ORNJNA xiv. Lamprotornis v. xiv. p. 54 seneus . xiv. 56 atratus . . xiv. 55 auratus . . xiv. 54 Cantor, Temm. xiv. 59 Columbian , Temm. xiv. 59 erythrophrys . xiv. 56 gularis . . xiv. 57 nietallicus . xiv. 55 morio . xiv. 54 nitens . xiv. 54 splendens . xiv. 54 — — splendidus . xiv. 55 Lampyris . vi. 77 flabellicornis . vi. 77 Italica vi. 79 maculata . vi. 77 Mauritania . vi. 77 noctiluca vi. 77 plumosa . . vi. 77 Launce . . iv. 81 Sand . iv. 81 Langaha, Brug. . iii. 571 Langaya iii. 571 — — Nasuta . iii. 571 Snouted . iii. 571 Laniarius . xiii.* 151 barbarus . . xiii.* 151 LaNIIDjE . xiii* 132 Lanio . xiii.* 150 atricapilla . xiii.* 150 Lanius . . vii. 281 Lanius . . xiii.* 144 TEthiopicus . xiii.* 146 albus . vii. 309 ■ Ainericanus . vii. 301 Americanus . xiii.* 147 181 192 199 177 402 55 55 56 287 292 286 304 292 293 296 287 290 293 137 241 357 259 260 251 263 251 263 261 257 260 261 251 262 54 1 .52 GENERAL INDEX Lanius Antiguanus v. vii. p. 333 antiguanus xiii.*148 ■ atricapillus . vii. 336 atricapillus, Shaw xiii.* 155 aurantius . vii. 336 Bacbakiri . vii. 319 • Bacbakiri xiii.* 147 Barbaras . vii. 297 bay barns, Shaw xiii.* 151 bicolor . . vii. 322 bicolor . . xiii.* 1 46 Boulboul . vii. 308 bracliyurus . vii. 310 cceru/escens, Linn. vii. 291 Canadensis . vii. 314 Canadensis , Shaiu xiii.* 152 Capcnsis . vii. 327 Capensis . xiii.* 146 Carolinensis xiii* 147 castaneus vii. 294 Cayanus . vii. 297 Caijanus, Shatv xiii.* 135 Ceylonus xiii.* 147 cinercus major , Gesn. . vii. 282 collaris . vii. 295 collaris . xiv.* 146 collurio . vii. 3 1 6 collurio . xiii.* 146 corvinus . vii. 337 crassirostris xiii.* 148 cristatus . vii. 333 Cubla vii. 328 Cubla xiii.* 146 ■ curvirostris vii. 299 curvirostris, Shaw xiii.* 150 doliatus . vii. 325 doliatus, Shaw xiii.* 152 Drongo . vii. 289 * Drongo, Shaw xiii.* 138 — — dubius vii. 329 Lanius Emeria v. \iup. 332 emeria, Shaw . xiii.* 191 erectus . . vii. 3211 — — erytliropterus . vii. 301 erythropterus , Shaw xiii.* 162 Excubitor . vii. 282 excubitor xiii.* 1 45 faustus . . vii. 323 faustus , Linn. x. 271 ferrugineus . vii. 310 ferrugineus, Act. vii. 313 Fingah . . vii. 29 Fingah, Shaw xiii.* 138 Jlavigaster, Linn. vii. 312 forficatus, Linn. vii. 289 frontatus . vii. 312 - frontatus, Shaw xiii.* 149 fuscus . . vii. 326 garrulus, Linn. x. 421 gutturalis xiii.* 147 infaustus . vii. 302 infaustus, Gmel. x. 266 minor, Gmel. . . .x. 266 , Shaw xiii.* 198 — jocosus . . vii. 306 Jocosus fi, Lath. viii. 1 18 jocosus, Shaiv xiii.* 191 Italicus . . vii. 286 Italicus . . xiii.* 145 leucocephalus . vii. 300 leucorhynchos . vii. 323 leucorhynchos, Shaw xiii.* 137 Leverianus . vii. 288 Leverianus, Shaw xiv. 93 lineatus, Leach xiii.* 154 Lucionensis . vii. 334 Ludovicianus . vii. 294 Ludovicianus xiii.* 147 macrourus, Linn. x. 5 Madagascarieusis vii. 332 GENERAL INDEX 158 Lanius Madagascariensis v. xiii.* p. 146 Malabaricus . vii. 293 — — Malabaricus, Shaw xiii.* 140 melanocephalus melanocephalus, vii. 320 Shaw . xiii.* 149 meridionalis xiii.* 145 minor , Linn. . vii. 286 Mystaceus vii. 298 mystaceus, Shaw xiii.* 155 neevius . vii. 325 ncevius, Shaw xiii* 156 Neugeta . vii. 287 Neugeta, B. Gmel. x. 42/ Neugeta, Shaw xiii* 134 niger /. vii. 319 Nootka . vii. 335 obscurus . vii. 325 olivaceus vii. 330 olivaceus, Shaw xiii. 162 oriental is xiii.* 148 Pacincus vii. 331 Payanensis vii. 326 personatus xiii.* 146 Phcenicurus vii. 311 pileatus . vii. 335 Pitangua vii. 300 pitangua, Shaw xiii* 133 plumatus vii. 272 plumatus, Shaw xiii* 151 punctatus . vii. 327 punclatus, Shaw robustus . xiii.* 158 . vii. 311 • ruber . vii. 326 rubiginosus . vii. 313 ruficollis . . vii. 316 • ruficollis . . xiii* 145 rufus . vii. 287 Schacli . . vii. 324 Senegalus . vii. 314 Senegalus, Shaw xiii.* 162 Lanius septentrionalis v. vii. p. 33 1 Signatus . . vii. 328 Silens vii. 330 Sulphuratus . vii. 3Q9 sulfuraceus, Shaw xiii* 133 • superbus viii 290 superbus, Shaw xiii.* 144 superciliosus . vii. 326 Tabuensis vii. 321 torquatus vii. 329 Tyrannus vii. 304 Tyrannus, Slum xiii.* 133 varius vii. 334 virgatus, Temm xiii.* 149 viridis vii. 321 viridis, Shaw. . xiii* 137 Weebong vii. 312 Lanner . vii. 130 Lantern-Fly vi. 143 Peruvian vi. 143 Lapin ii. 204 Lapwing xi. 508 xiv. 339 Cayenne . xi. 5 1 2 crested . xi. 509 Goa xi. 5 1 4 Louisiane xi. 5 1 7 New Holland . xi. 51 6 Senegal . xi. 515 Laruxe . xii.* 2 xiii. 134 Larus . xiii. 184 ■, Linn . xiii. 176, 180, 210 , Ray xiii. 166, 164 — — albas major, Ray xiii. 201 154 GENERAL INDEX Larus argentatus v. xiii. p. 191 atricilla . . xiii. 205 alrkilloldes, Gmel. xiii. 206 candidus, Fabr. xiii. 195 canus . . xiii. 198 capistratus . xiii. 204 Cntarractes, Linn. xiii. 215 cinerarias, Gmel. xiii. 201 cinereus, Ray . xiii. 201 cinereus minor , Ray xiii. collaris . . xiii. crepidatus, Gmel. xiii. eburneus . xiii. erythropus, Gmel. xiii. fuscus . • xiii. fuscus , Briss. . xiii. fuscus, Gmel. . xiii. fuscus, sen hybernus, Ray . ■ • xiii. glaucus . • xiii. — — glaucus, Temm. xiii. griseus, Briss. xiii. . hybernus, Gmel. xiii. ichtliaetus • xiii. , marinus . • xiii. . — , (3. Lath. . xiii. maximus ex albo et nigro varius, Ray xiii. melanocephalus xiii. minutus . • xiii. neevius, Gmel. . xiii. niger, Briss. • xiii. niger Jidipes alls lon- gioribus Aldrovandi, \ Ray . . • xiii. 167 nostras, Ray xiii. 1 67 — Gesneri, Ray xiii. 167 Novuj Hollandiae xiii. 196 198 177 212 195 201 194 215 191 198 189 191 191 198 1 85 186 191 186 197 206 186 , 186 Larus pacifisms v. xiii. p. 208 parasiticus, Lin. xiii. 21 1 piscator Aldrovandi, Ray . • . xiii. 163 Pulo-Condor . xiii. 209 ridibundus • xiii. 201 Rissa, Linn. . xiii. 181 Sabini, Seb. . xiii. 177 iridactylus, Linn. xiii. 181 varius, Briss. . xiii. 187 varius, Brun. . xiii. 191 Lark . . . x. 501 Lark African . black black, Lath. calandre . Cape cinereous clapper, Lath. crested . , Penn. ■ dusky, Lath. , Lew. ferruginous field Gingi great-billed, Lath. xiv xiv. X. X. xiv. X. X. X. xiv. x. x. X. X. X. X. X. 20 534 511 25 513 510 524 23 533 505 503 536 520 527 523 26 Italian x. 509 large, Catesb. . x. 493 lesser-crested . x. 505 lesser-field, Will. x. 527 Louisiaue x. 529 Malabar . x. 531 marsh x. 523 meadow . x. 539 Mongolian x. 5 1 6 mutable, Lath. x. 5 1 1 New Zealand . x. 532 Pensylvanian, Edw. x. 517 Pipit x. 542 red x. 5.>6 GENERAL INDEX, 155 Lark, red-bached, Lath. p. xiv. p. 24 Richard' s, Lath. xiv.* 239 rock . . x. 517 rufous . . x. 519 backed . x. 516 — rufous-headed, Lath. xiv. 26 — rufous-headed, Lath. xiv. 25 — sand x. 515 — Sea, Alb. . xi. 471 — Sea, Wal. x. 596 — Senegal • . x. 525 — shore . x. 530 ^ Lath. . x. 522 — Siberian , . x. 525 — sky . * . x. 502 — testaceous . x. 521 — tit . . x. 540 var. Penn. x. 536 — - tree, Penn. . x. 527 — undated . x. 535 ' — white, Lath. . x. 503 winged . x. 512 — wood x. 506 — Yeltonian . x. 526 Larva, Vieil. . xiii. 36, 50 Lary . . . iii. 75 Lasiopterus . . i. 133 Laspring . . v. 5/ Lavandiere, Buff. . x. 545 Leather-chaffer . vi. 31 I,eets . iv. 148 Leguana, Seb. . iii. 208 Leguana Soa Ajer dicta, Seb. . iii. 199 Leistes . . xiv. 50 Americanus . xiv. 51 Guianensis . xiv. 51 icterus . . xiv. 51 melancholicus . xiv. 51 phcenicurus . xiv. 50 Suchii . xiv. 51 xauthorinus . xiv. 51 Leming . . v. ii. p 76 Lemmus, Gesn. ii. 76 Lemur i. 81 . . i. 112 albifrons . i. 113 • Bicolor . i. 104 Galago i. 108 Catta i. 103 i. 112 fiocky i. 99 fulvus i. 112 griseus , Geof. . i. 113 heart-marked . i. 104 Indri i. 94 i. 111 Laniger . i. 99 , i. 111 little. Brown . i. 106 long-lingered . loris i. 109 i. 93 Macaco . i. 98 i. 112 Mongoz . i. 96 i. 112 Murine . i. 106 Murinus . i. 106 niger i. 112 potto i. 95 Psilodactylus . i. 109 pusillus, Geof. i. 113 ring-tailed i. 103 ruffed i. 98 slow i. 81 spectrum, Pall. i. 114 tardigradus i. 81 - i. 113 tarsier i. 105 volans i. 116 whitish . i. 108 woolly i. 96 Leo, Gesn. i. 337 ■ Americanus i. 358 Leopard . i. 350 Hunting, Penn. i. 352 . lesser , Penn. . i. 352 Leopardus, Gesn. i. 347 GENERAL INDEX 15fi Lepisma . v. vi. p. 405 poly pod a . vi. 406 polypus . vi. 407 saccbarinum vi. 406 Lepisosteus spatula, Cep. . v. 119 Leptocephalus iv. 84 Morrissii iv. 84 Leptopteryx , Horsf. xiii.* 137 Leptosomus . xiv. 207 Afer xiv. 207 Leptura vi. 74 aquatica . vi. 74 arcuata . vi. 74 arietis vi. 74 armata . vi. 74 elongata . vi. 74 fasciata . vi. 74 hastata . vi. 74 meridian a vi. 75 verbasci . vi. 74 Leplurus, Briss. xiii. 124 Candidas, Briss. xiii. 125 Lepus ii. 196 Lcpus, Gcsn. . ii. 196 ■ Alpinus . ii. 210 Americanus ii. 202 Brasiliensis ii. 208 Capensis . ii. 209 Cuniculus ii. 204 Minimus . ii. 2 1 5 Ogotona . ii. 212 Pusillus . ii. 213 Timidus . ii. 196 Tolai ii. 203 Variabilis ii. 201 Lcrut a (jucue doree . ii. 1 69 Lestris, IUig. . v. xiii. p. ‘210 1 . . xiii. ‘214 catarractes, Temm. xiii. 215 pom annua, Temm. xiii. 216 Letorne , Buff. . . x. 186 de Cayenne, Buff. x. 190 du Canada , Buff x. 276 Leviathan . . iii- 191 Leu-tze . . . xiii. 96 Lezard cornu . • iii- 202 Libellula depressa . "reat variegated Lucretia . Puella varia virgo vi. 241 vi. 245 vi. 242 vi. 247 vi. 246 vi. 242 vi. 246 Ligurinus, Briss. . ix. 467 Mexicanus, Briss. ix. 471 niger, Briss. ix. 471 Lhnicula, Lcacli . xu. 85 glottis, Leach . xii. 86 Limosa . . . xii. 85 , . . xiv. 329 , Briss. xii. 70, 124 Americana rufa, Briss. . . . xii. 71 Fedoa, Seb. . xii. 71 fusca, Briss. . xii. 133 glottis . . xii. 86 grisea, Briss. . xii. 86 major, Briss. xii. 77 melanura, Temm. xii. 73 Meyeri, Leisl. . xii. 75 novaboracensis, Leach xii. 79 rufa, Briss. . xii. 77 -car. Temm. xii. 79 Linaria Linaria , Briss. . xiv. 29 . ix. 516 GENERAL Linaria Amandava v. xiv. p . 30 augolensis . xiv. 30 augolensis, Briss. ix. 539 argentoratensis xiv. 30 argentoratensis, Briss. ix. 538 bengalus . . xiv. 30 Brasiliana longicauda, Briss . . ix. 424 cannabina xiv. 30 flammea . xiv. 30 flavirostris xiv. 30 grauatina xiv. 30 minima, Briss. ix. 521 montana, Briss. ix. 521 montium . xiv. 30 rubra xiv. 30 rubra major, Briss. ix. 316 minor, Briss. . ix. 519 Senegala . xiv. 30 Ling iv. 151 Linguatula, Will. iv. 304 Linnet . xiv. 29 Linnet ix. 509 Angola, Edw. . ix. 539 common, Penn. ix. 316 greater red-headed, Penn. . . . ix. 516 lesser red-headed, Penn. . . . ix. 5 1 9 Mountain, Will. ix. 521 Linotte, Buff. . . ix. 516 a tele jaune, Buff. ix. 266 brune, Buff. . ix. 540 de Montague, Buff. ix. 521 fausse, Buff. . x. 609 gris de fer. Buff. ix. 259 le grand des vignes, Buff. . . . ix. 516 — — le petit des vignes, Buff. . . . ix. 5 1 9 INDEX. 157 Lion . . v. i . p. 337 Liponyx, Vieil. xi. 252 Lisse, Cep. iii. 515 Lizard . i. 180 Lizard . iii. 1S3 Algerine . iii. 25 1 Amboina iii. 203 Anguina . iii. 308 Angulated iii. 230 Apodal . iii. 309 Argute . iii. 250 Azure iii. 227 Bicarinated iii. 212 Biped iii. 301 Blue-tail, Catesb iii. 24 Broad-tailed iii. 247 Brown, Penn. . iii. 295 Clialoides iii. 305 Cordyle . iii. 228 Desert iii. 250 Dracoena . iii. 218 Fasciated iii. 241 Five-lined iii. 241 Four-striped . iii. 239 Galeote . iii. 208 Great-spotted, Edw. iii. 239 Green iii. 232 ■ green Carolina , Cutesb. iii. 242 green of Jamaica, Catesb. . . iii. 24 Japanese . . iii. 248 Lion, Catesb. . iii. 240 little brown, Edw. iii. 234 Lobe-cheeked . iii. 244 Lumbriciform . iii. 311 Marbled . . iii. 225 Monitory . iii. 214 Muricated, White iii. 21 1 Nilotic . . iii. 249 Orbiculated . iii. 231 Pelluma . . iii. 227 GENERAL INDEX. 1.58 Lizard Plicated i Punctated Red-haired Red-tail . Red- throat Ribbon . Rough Scaly Scaly, Penn. Sincoid, Shatc u. p. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. i. iii. iii. Stink-formed, U kite Scutated . Seps Serpent . Sharp-tailed Six-lined small spotted, g Ediv. . • Spine-tailed Striped . Strumous Sun-gazing Supercilious Swift ey, iii. 246 iii. 218 iii. 238 iii. 224 iii. 245 iii. 220 iii. 231 iii. 249 iii. 246 iii. 235 variegated, Shaw iii. 2 1 5 IJmbre . .iii. 226 Ural . . iii- 252 Tiliguerta Turkish . Variegated Llama, Penn. . Loeeduck New Holland Lobefoot American red . Lobipes . hyperborea Wilsoni . Lobster common . in iii. iii. iii. iii. iii. 248 242 236 244 242 239 229 180 234 289 289 271 252 307 218 240 ii. 241 xii.* 221 xii.* 222 xii. 166 xiv. 33 1 xii. 167 xii. 167 xii. 166 xiv. 331 xii. 169 xii. 167 vi. 492 Loche . . . i . v. p. 1 Bearded, Penn. v. 1 Common . v. 1 Great v. 3 Heteroclite v. 5 Japanese . v. 6 Spring . v. 4 Locust . vi. 128 Locustella ■ avicula, Rati x. 595 Locustele, Buff. x. 595 Loggerhead, Brown viii. 1 15 another sort of Sloan viii. 1 1 3 Lohong, Buff. . xi. 447 Loir ii. 162 Loivre ii. 196 Lomvia Hoieri, Raii xii.* 245 Lonchurus iv. 531 Bearded . iv. 53 1 Barbatus iv. 531 Loxgbeak xii. 60 xiv. 330 brown . xii. 61 Long-heard, father . vii. 15 Long-cripple, Borl. . iii. 579 Long-legs vi. 374 Longshanks . xii. 178 xiv. 342 black-winged . xii. 1 79 New Holland . xii. 184 Loon . . xii.* 233, 239 greater, Edw. . xiii. 3 Lopliie Eaujas, Cep. . v. 382 Commerson, Cej ;. v. 387 Lophophore resplendissant. Temm. xi. 249 Lophophorcjs . xi. 248 GENERAL INDEX 159 Lophophorus v. xiv. p. 300 Cuvieri . xiv. 300 refulgens xi. 249 Lophorhynchus, Vieil. xii. 274 Lophorina . xiv. 76 aurantia . xiv. 7 6 superba . xiv. 76 Lophyrus xiv. 294 Lophyrus, Vied. xi. 119 indicus . xiv. 294 Lophus . v. 379 Commersonii . v. 387 Cornubicus v. 381 Europaeus v. 379 Histrio . v. 384 Marmoratus v. 3S6 Muricatus v. 382 pictus v. 386 piscatonus, Linn. v. 379 Rostratus v. 383 Striated, Shaw v. 385 Striatus . v. 385 Vespertilio, Linn. v. 383 Lori d franges bleu, Le Vaiil. . viii. 509 Cramoisi, Buff. viii. 464 d' Amboine viii. 464 de Gueby viii. 463 de Gueby , Buff. xiv. 132 de la Chine viii. 463 de la Chine. Buff. xiv. i 32 des Moluques viii. 536 ecaille? Be Vail. viii. 468 ecaille, Le Vail. xiv. 132 Le Grand, Buff. viii 533 Moluccensis, Bath. viii. 463 Lori noire, Sonn. v. viii. p. 451 Peruche de la Mer de Sud, Sonn. . viii. 466 rouge et violet. Buff. viii. 463 tricolor, Buff. viii. 534 Loriot, Buff. . . vii. 408 Loriot, Le Vail. . xiii.* 193 a tete rupee. Buff. vii. 443 Condouguan . xiii.* 193 d’or . xiii.* 193 rieUcV . xiii.* 193 Loricaria • V. 32 Accipenser . V. 36 Armed . . V. 33 Callichthys . V. 34 cataphracta . V. 33 cataphracta, Linn. v. 36 . V. 34 Costata . . V. 32 Dentata . V. 37 Flava • V. 38 maculata, Bloch, v. 36 Plecostomus, Bloch. V. 38 t ; V. 38 Punctata . . V. 35 Ribbed . . v. 32 Soldier . V. 34 Speckled . V. 35 Sturgeon . V. 36 Toothed . . V. 37 Yellow . . V. 38 Loris . i. 81 . . i. 113 Bengal . . i. 81 gracilis, Geoff. i. 113 grele . i. 113 - - paresseux . i. 1 13 tardigradus, Geoff, i. 1 13 Lori us . xiv. 131 ItiO GENERAL INDEX I jObii's Borneo? v. xiv. p. 131 coccineus xiv. 132 cucullatus xiv. 1 32 cvanurus xiv. 132 domicella xiv. 132 garrulus . xiv. 132 grandis . xiv. 131 s:uebieusis xiv. 132 incaruatus xiv. 132 Novae Guinea? xiv. 132 ornatus . xiv. 132 ruber xiv. 132 tricolor . xiv. 132 unicolor . xiv. 132 Lory xiv. 131 Lori / . - . via. 535 d Collin-, Buff'. viii. 535 Beautiful, Lath viii. 410 Black . Lath- . vin. 45 1 Black-capped . viii. 534 blue- fringed . via 509 Blue-hooded . viTi 461 Blue-tailed viTi 538 Bornean . vui 460 Ceram viii 536 Collared . viii 535 Crimson . viTi 464 de Ceram, Buff via 536 de la Xouvelle Guinee viii. 533 dcs hides Orient ales viii. 535 dcs Philippines viii. 531 first black cupped . Edtc. . . . viii. 534 Grand . . viii 533 Gueby . . viii. 462 Indian . . viii. 46! Long-tailed Scarlet, Edw. . . . viii. 460 Molucca? Lath. viii. 463 Noire, Buff. viii. 536 Papuan , Lath. viii. 440 Paraguan . viii. 532 Purple-capped, Lath. viii. 535 Lory, Raja . r. viii. />. 537 Rhodia, Lc Vail. viii. 537 Scalv • • viii. 463 Scarlet, Edw. . viii 536 Seban . • viii. 459 Second Black-cap, Edw. . . . viii. 535 variegated . viii. 4(54 Unicolor . . viii. 53S Yellotc-breastcd, Lath. . . . viii. 541 Loup, Buff. i. 290 aureus, Kcemp. i. 304 de Mexique, Buff i. 293 noir, Buff. i. 297 Louse vi. 450 Cormorant vi. 454 Crow vi. 450 ■ Heron vi. 455 Moor-hen vi. 454 Partridge vi. 455 Peacock . vi 450 Quail vi. 455 Shag vi. 454 Wild Goose vi. 454 Loutra, Buff. . i. 437 ■ la petit d' cau douce de Cayenne, Buff. i. 447 Loxia ix. 235 Loxia xiv. 90 Briss. ix. 231 - Paterson . ix. 303 Abyssinica ix. 394 Abyssinica , Steph. xiv. 34 African a ix. 272 Americana ix. 378 angoleusis ix. 280 asiatica . ix. 26 1 astrilda . ix. 264 GENERAL INDEX 161 Loxia astrilda, Steph. v. xiv. p. 87 aurantia . . ix. 320 aurantia, Steph. xiv. 38 aurea berigalensis bicolor . boctonensis boriariensis brasiliana ix. 285 ix. 258 ix. 30G ix. 247 ix. 287 ix. 317 Brasiliana, Steph. xiv. 87 butyracea . ix. 274 ceerulea . ix. 250 ccerulea, Steph, xiv. 87 eaffra . . ix. 286 Cajf'ra, Steph. xiv. 17 cana . . ix. 259 canadensis . ix. 269 Canadensis, Steph. xiv. 88 can ora ix. 270 can tans . ix. 295 Capensis . ix. 288 capensis, Steph, xiv. 41 Cardinalis ix. 24-8 cardinalis, Steph. xiv. 87 Chloris . ix. 310 ckloris, Steph. . xiv. 87 cinerea . ix. 298 Coccotliraustes ix. 236 Coccotliraustes, Steph. xiv. 86 collaria . ix. 292 collar in, Steph. xiv. 43 colius, Linn. x. 2 coronata . ix. 242 crassirostris ix. 324 cristata . ix. 260 cucullata ix. 264 curvirostra xiv. 90 cyanea ix. 250 cyanoptera ix. 299 dominicana ix. 276 dominicana, Steph. xiv. 42 Loxia dominicana, ft. Steph. . . v. xiv. p. 42 dominicensis . ix. 273 eneucleator . ix. 238 eneucleator, Steph. xiv. 93 erythrina, Gmel. ix. 449 - erythrocephala ix. 263 erythrocephala, Steph. . . . xiv. 41 erythromelas . ix. 243 erythromelas, Steph . xiv. 88 falci rostra ix. 237 fasciata . ix. 328 fasciata, Steph. xiv. 87 fascinans . ix. 298 ferruginea ix. 308 ferruginosa ix. 327 flabellifera ix 305 flavieans . ix. 290 flaviventris ix. 271 frontalis . ix. 265 fusca ix. 383 grisea ix. 252 grossa ix. 253 grossa, Steph. . xiv. 88 gularis, Baud . xiv. 89 Harnburgia, Gmel. ix. 432 hordeacea ix. 293 Hudsonica ix. 297 hypoxantha ix. 291 Javensis . ix. 300 Japensis, Steph. xiv. 88 indica ix. 286 , Gmel. ix. 247 leucoptera xiv. 90 leucura . ix. 262 lineata ix. 281 lineola ix. 326 lineola , Steph. xiv. 43 longicauda ix. 284 ludoviciana ix. 278 ludoviciana, Steph. xiv. 87 inner mra, Gmel ix. 247 11 V. XIV. P. II. GENERAL INDEX 1 Loxia maculata r. ix. p. 307 Madagascarieusis ix. ‘Jit madagascariensis, Steph. • * xiv. 4 1 i main • • ix. 301 j major, Steph. . xiv. 8/ Malabarica . ix. 262 Malacca . . ix. 332 Malacca , Steph. xiv. 87 melanocephala ix. 200 melanogastra . ix. 289 . melauura . ix. 312 melanura, Steph. xiv. 87 Mexicana . ix 241 me.ricana, Steph. xiv. 11 minima . • ix. 333 miuuta . . ix. 334 mi nut a, Steph. xiv. 43 Molucca . . is. 331 molucca , Steph. xiv. S~ mystacea nigra nigra, Steph. nitida ■ obscura . ■ Oryx ■ oryx , Steph. orvzivora ix. 309 ix. 321 xiv. 44 ix. 282 ix. 296 ix. 240 xiv. 41 ix. 316 oryzivora, Steph. xiv. pamcivora pectoralis pensilis . pensilis, Steph. ■ perlata . ■ philippensis Philippine, Steph. ix. 283 ix. 325 ix. 275 xiv. 3 4 ix. 279 ix. 314 34 Portoricensis, Daud. xiv. S9 prasina . > ix. 26/ psittacea . • ix. 268 Psittacea, Steph. xiv. 91 punctularia . ix. 330 punctularia, Steph. xiv. 87 Loxi a Pvrrhula r. ix. />. 318 Pyrrhula, Steph. . xiv. 42 pvtiopsittacus xiv. 90 rubricilla ix. 245 sauguinirostris ix. 256 sauguinirostris , Steph. xiv. 39 sauguinirostris, a. Steph. xiv. 87 septentrionalis ix. 322 Sibirica . ix. 246 ■ sibirica, Steph. xiv. 43 ■ Sineusis . ix. 311 Socia ix. 303 socia. Steph. xiv. 34 Striata . ix. 329 striata, Steph. xiv. 87 Sulphur a ta ix. 313 torrida . ix. 321 — — Totta ix. 302 Tridactvlia ix. 38S violacea . ix. 249 violacea, Step / xiv. 43 violacea, Step / xiv. 89 virens ix. 25 1 xanthocephala ix. 2(36 LOXIADJE . xiv. 85 : Luan, Buff. . xi. 244 Lucanus vi. 27 cervus . vi. 27 iueriuis . . vi. 29 Lucius, Bond. v. 1 00 . Lugluar . . xi. 563 Lulu, Biff. x. 503 j Lttni, Aid. . ii. 76 Lumme, Buff. . ! Lumpus . xii.* 236 An 2: lor uni , Gesn. v. 388 Gibbosus, Will. v. 390 ' Lupus i. 376 Lupus, Gesn. • i. 290 GEVEKAL INDEX. 163 Lupus ceroar'ms , Gem. r. i. p. 376 jj Luscinia, Bri::. . x. 576 Candida, Bri... x. 576 j Madagascarien % is. Briss. . . . x. 579 Luth, Cep. . . iii. 77 1 Lutian Blancor, Cep. . iv. 473 jj Cayenne. Cep. iv. 477 C/tcetodonoide, Cep. iv. 476 tj Biacaniae , Cep. ir. 476 ■ jaune-ellipse, Cep. iv. 474 I Perchot, Cep. iv. 474 tridens, Cep. iv. 477 | Lutianus Gymnocephalu' , Cep. iv. 444 hexagonus, Cep. iv. 443 Microstomas. Cep. . Triangulum, Cep. iv. 445 iv. 444 — — tridens. Cep. . iv. 477 Lctba i. 437 Lutra, Gesn. . i 437 Bras Diana i. 446 Felina i. 448 Gracilis . i. 447 Manna. St eft. Mustela . i. 444 nipricans, cavda de- pressa et plana. Ban. i. 446 Sari co vienaa . i. 447 Vison i. 44S Vulgaris . i. 437 Ltxe i. 376 Booted . Bruce i. 375 mountain, Penn. l 370 P. :: Peer. i. 374 Mabouza, Cep. iii. 256 Macaccos vi. 72 Macaque a quei e eeurie i. 33 Macaque a queue courie t. i. p. 35 Macareuz, Buff. . xiiL 37 de Kamtschatka, Buff. . . . xiii. 40 moine, Temm. xiii. 35 Macacco i- 80 black i. 98 firing i. 16 heart-marked . i. 104 indri i. 94 little i. 106 loris L 93 murine . i. 106 ring-tailed i. 103 • tarsier i. 105 woollr i. 96 yellow, Penn. . L 403 Maccaw x‘t. Ill Black viii. 399 Blue and reliow viii. 391 Brasilian green viii. 397 Great gree Ed uC. viii 395 Hvacinthiiie . viii. 393 Military - viii 395 Noble viii. 401 Obscure . viii. 400 Parrot viii. 395 Pied and blue, Eds.. viiL 356 Scarlet viii. 356 Machao . viii. 359 Mac HETE5 xii. 109 ziv. 331 pugnax . xii. 110 Mackbel iv. 577 Aculeated iv. 594 Alatonga iv. 590 Aseenan iv. 593 Black ir. 593 Black-necked . iv. 597 Bonito iv. 5rS 164 general index Mackrel, Botla i Brownish Carang . Chlorotic Coly Commerson’s Common — — F erdau . German . Gilded Hippos • Japanese Kleinian Leopard Madagascar Mottled Pilot Plunder's Purse-eyed Red Rhomboid Rottlerian Saddled Salient Sarda Scad Small . Specious - Spur - Thayard - Toothless - Yellow-tailet - Zebra iv. p. 59 1 iv. 596 iv. 599 iv. 600 iv. 580 iv. 589 iv. 577 iv. 602 iv. 584 iv. 581 iv. 601 iv. 580 iv. 601 iv. 591 iv. 590 iv. 592 iv. 586 iv. 598 iv. 599 iv. 600 iv. 595 iv. 598 iv. 596 iv. 585 iv. 584 iv. 597 iv. 594 iv. 603 iv. 595 iv. 583 iv. 587 iv. 602 iv. 587 Macrocercus, Ararauna v. xiv. p • 1 1 3 Illigeri Macao Makarouanna inilitaris ■ severus . ■ tricolor . xiv. 1 13 xiv. 1 1 2 xiv. 1 1 3 xiv. 1 13 xiv. 1 13 xiv. 112 Macroptere, Cep. • 'v- 494 MACRorus Macropus, Spix , _ • Caixana, Spix giganteus, Nat. Major Minor i. 505 xiv. 207 xiv. 207 i. 50 5 i. 505 i. 513 ■ phasiancllus, Spix Macroriiampus . griseus . xiv. 207 xii. 60 xiv. 330 xii. 61 Macoklos . • vi- 72 Macreuse, Buff. • xii.* 213 d large bee, Biff. xii.* 219 Grande, ou Double, Buff. . • • xii* 216 Macrocephale , Cep. . ■ • iv. 494 Macrotarsius, La Cepede xiv. 342 Macroule, Bujf. xii. 234 Macrourus rupestris Maga Booshce, Briss. Jellee, Briss. . Magot Magpie Magpie . Bengal, Alb. iv. 229 iv. 229 v. 155 v. 155 i. 13 xiv. 63 vii. 369 vi. 474 Ma. 185 Mite . . vi. 461 Itch . . vi. 462 vegetating . vi. 466 Mitilene de Provence, Buff. ix. 370 Mituporanga, Raii xi. 1 63 Mniotilta varia . xiv. 194 . xiv. 1 94 Mobular , . v. 292 Mococo . . . i. 103 . . . i. 112 Mocquer, Buff. . x. 212 frangois. Buff. x. 191 le grand, Buff. x. 2 1 2 Mogilnik, Sonn. . vii. 87 Mogla Nagoo . iii. 415 Moineau bleu de Cayenne x. 44S d tetc rousse, Buff. x. 459 de Cayenne , Buff. x. 475 Moineau, Buff. . ix. 429 d bee rouge, Buff. ix. 256 de Bresil, Buff. ix. 450 de Canada, Buff. ix. 441 de Cayenne, Buff. ix. 440 de Cayenne, Buff. ix. 453 de la Caroline , Biff. ix. 439 de 1' Isle de France, Biff. . . . ix. 412 de Madagascar , Buff. . . . ix. 244 de Macao, Biff. ix. 526 du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff'. ix. 530 GENERAL INDEX 176 Maineau du royanme de Jidda, Buff. . v. ix. p. 284 du Senegal, Buff. ix. 256 Mola, Will. . • v. 437 Mole . • • i. 515 Brown . . i. 524 Cape . • i* 621 Common . i* 515 Europerm, Penn . i. 515 . Long-tailed . i. 523 Purple . . i- 521 Radiated . i. 523 Red . • i> 522 Siberian • i. 521 Mote cricket vi. 140 Molcna, Le Vailt. xiii.* 1 13 Moloxila, Biff. . x. 293 Momot . . viii. 42 Momot . . xiv. 84 Momot, Rail . . viii. 42 . Brasilian . vhi. 42 Momota . viii. 42 Momota, Shaw . xiv. 84 Brasiliensis . viii. 42 Rhamphastos, Linn. 42 Vlll. Momotus . xiv. 84 Mom of us, Briss. . viii. 42 . brasiliensis . xiv. 84 rubricapillus . xiv. 84 Mona i. 38 Monasa . xiv. 155 tenebrosa . xiv. 156 tranquilla . xiv 1 55 Monaul xi 248 Monaul . xiv 300 Monaul, Impeyan v. xi. p. 249 Monaulus, Vieil. • xi. 248 Monax, Linn. • ii. 1 1 7 Mone . . . i. 54 Monecfcjore . . xi. 563 Monedula vii. 460 Mongooz . • i. 96 Mongous . . i. 96 Monkey . . i. 34 annulated . i. 60 Antigua . i. 78 bay . i. 59 bonneted . i. 53 bush-tailed, Ediv. i. 75 Capucin, Penn. i. 76 Chinese . . i. 50 Cochinchina . i. 56 egret . . i. 48 fair . i- 66 fearful . . i. 75 four-fingered . i. 73 fox-tailed . i. 61 full- bottom . i. 59 Goat . . i. 58 ' great-eared . i. 65 green . . i. 42 hare-lipped . i. 35 horned . . i. 74 Leonine . i. 34 little black . i. 65 little lion, Edw. i. 63 long-nosed . i. 40 middle-sized black i. 47 Monea, Penn. i. 49 mustache . i. 44 naked-tailed . i. 78 * Negro . . i. 47 — — orange, Penn. i. 77 Palatine . i. 37 Philippine . i. 67 ■ pigtailed, Edxv. i. 25 preacher . i. 70 GENERAL Monkey, proboscis v. i. p. 55 purple-faced . i. 36 red . i. 49 red-tailed i. 63 royal i. 71 silky i. 64 spotted . i. 38 squirrel i. 77 striated . i. 62 • Talapoin i. 46 tawny i. 57 varied i. 53 varied, Penn. . i. 38 vaulting . i. 51 weeper i. 76 white-eyelid . i. 43 white nose i. 45 — — yellowish i. 41 Monoceros — minor, Will. -. iv. 374 Monocueus vi. 495 Apus vi. 497 polyphemus vi. 495 Pulex vi. 498 Quadricornis . vi. 499 Monodactyle Falcif 'orme, Cep. iv. 392 Monodon ii. 473 Monoceros ii. 473 • Spurius . ii. 476 Mono pte re iv. 39 Javan iv. 39 Javanois, Cep. iv. 39 Monopterus . iv. 39 Javanicus iv. 39 Montagnard, Le Vail. vii. 192 Montain ■ le Grand, Buff. ix. 489 Montvoyau • de la Gu'mne, Buff. x. 1 48 V. XIV. P. II. INDEX. 177 Mordella . V. vi. p. 107 - — — aculeata . vi. 107 bicolor vi. 107 — — ■ perlata . vi. 107 Mordure, Buff. x. 443 Morelle, Buff. xii. 234 Morhua, Belon. iv. 131 Morillon, Bew. xii* 132 Buff. xii* 1 90 Morillon, Biff. xii* 1 90 Morinellus, Rati xi. 519 marinus, Raii xi. 520 Mormon, Illig. xiii. 36 fratercula, Temm. xiii. 38 Mormyre v. 247 anguilloides, Cep. v. 248 Bane, Cep . v. 250 bebe, Cep. v. 249 - Hasselquist, Cep. v. 250 Herse, Cep. v. 249 Oxyrhynche, Cep. v. 248 Salable, Cep. v. 249 Mormyrus v. 24 7 Anguilliform . v. 248 Anguilloides . v. 248 Bane v. 250 Bebe v. 249 Cyprinoid v. 250 Cyprinoides v. 250 Hasselquistii . v. 250 Hasselquist’s „ v. 250 Herse v. 249 Kannuma v. 248 Kannume v. 248 Oxyrhynchus . v. 248 Salahia . v. 249 Salaya . v. 249 Sharp- snouted v. 248 Morphno congener ? Raii vii, 70 Morphnus xiii.* 1 7 albescens xiii.* 17 12 178 GENERAL INDEX Morphnus atricapiljus v. xiii.* p. 20 guiauensis xiii* 17 Linnaeetos xiii* 18 maculosa . xiii.* 18 Manduyti xiii* 18 niveus xiii* 19 occipitalis xiii.* 17 oinatus . xiii.* 17 Sonnini . xiii.* 18 tyrannus . xiii* 20 urubitinga xiii.* 17 Morris . iv. 84 Anglesea iv. 84 Morse , Buff. . i. 234 Moms, Vieil. . . xiii. 99 Moscha, Leach xii* 78 Moschus ii. 249 Moschus, Schr. ii. 249 Americanus ii. 258 Delicatulus ii. 259 delicatulus, Sch: r. ii. 260 Grimmia, Linn. ii. 324 Javanicus ii. 257 Indicus . ii. 253 Memima . ii. 256 Moscliiferus ii. 249 Pygmaeus ii. 254 Motacilla x. 544 Motacilla xiii*. 233 Motacilla ? Linn. viii. 234 acredula , Linn. x. 744 cequinuctialis, Gmel. x. 606 c estiva , Gmel. x. 750 Afra x. 561 Mfricana, Gmel. x. 615 Alba x. 545 alba xiii.* 234 albicapilla , Gmel. x. 642 albicollis, Gmel. x. 750 album, Gmel. . x. 487 Motacii.la Americana, Linn. . . v. x. p. 64 — aquatica, Linn. x. 583 — arundinacea , Gmel. x. 588 asilus, Gmel. x. 693 atrata, Gmel. x. 677 atricapilla x. 553 , Linn. x. 648 aurantia, Gmel. x. 572 auricollis, Gmel. x. 735 aurocapilla, Linn. x. 199 aurorea, Pall. x. 605 australis . . xiii.* 234 avoatcha, Gmel. x. 614 bananivora, Gmel. x. 729 Blackburnia, Gmel. x. 627 Boarula . x. 554 — — boarula, Steph. xiii.* 233 var. Lath. x. 553 Bonariensis, Gmel. x. 703 Borbonica, Gmel. x. 600 borealis, Gmel. x. 690 ccerulea, Linn. x. 652 cserulescens . x. 558 , Gmel. x. 65 1 Ciiffra, Linn. . x. 669 Calendula, Linn. x. 762 Calidris, Linn. x. 702 Calliope, Gmel. x. 644 campestris, Gmel. x. 584 Camtschatkensis, Gmel. x. 603 Cana, Gmel. . x. 652 Canadensis, Linn. x. 651 Capensis . . x. 549 Caprata, Linn. x. 631 caryophyllacea, Gmel. x. 693 Cayana, Linn. x. 655 chlorqleuca , Gmel. x. 7 00 chrysoptera, Linn. x. 624 cincta, Linn. . x. 636 cinerea . . x. 550 GENERAL INDEX. 179 Motacilla cinerea, Raii v. x. p. 554 ■ cinerea . . xiii.* 234 citreola . . x. 557 citrina , Gmel. . x. 601 Coromandelica, Gmel. . . .x. 625 coronata, Linn. x. 636 cristata, Gmel. x. 686 cristata, Steph. xiii.* 112 Curruca, Linn. x. 580 -= — cyane, Gmel. . x. 655 cyanea, Gmel. x. 754 cyanura, Gmel. x. 647 cyanocephala, Gmel. x. 684 diophrys, Share xiii.* 225 Dominica, Linn. x. 612 dumetorum, Linn. x. 618 Erithracus, Linn. x. 674 erythrogastra, Gmel. x. 672 Jerruginea, Gmel. x. 643 Jervida, Gmel. x. 635 ficedula, Linn. x. 592 ■ jlammea. Spar. x. 692 flava . . x. 560 , Briss. . x. 554 , Steph. . xiii.* 233 • var. Lath. x. 559 flavescens . x. 559 , Gmel. x. 619 jlavicauda, Gmel. x. 362 flavicollis , Gmel. x. 679 jlavifrons, Gmel. x. 624 fulva, Gmel. . x. 726 fulicata , Linn. x. 616 fflusca, Gmel. . x. 685 fuscata, Gmel. x. 609 fuscescens, Gmel. x. 667 Juscicollis, Gmel. x. 680 Gibr altar iensis , Gmel. . x. 673 grisea, Gmel. . x. 585 Guianensis, Gmel. Motacilla gu laris, Gmel. v. x. p. 667 , Raffles xiii.* 204 Hippolais, Linn. x. 746 Hirundinacea , Shaw x. 613 hortensis, Gmel. x. 581 ILottentotta, Gmel. x. 573 Hudsonica, Gmel. x. 552 icterocephala, Gmel. x. 623 incana, Gmel. X. 628 Indica X. 563 — — Javensis . X. 353 J uncorum, Gmel. X. 587 leucomela, Gmel. X. 326 • leucorrhoa , Gmel. X. 574 line at a, Gmel. X. 656 littorea, Gmel. X. 691 livida, Gmel. . X. 664 longicauda, Gmel. X. 756 longipes , Gmel. X. 721 longirostris, Gmel. X. 630 Ludoviciana, Gmel. X. 713 Luscinia , Linn. X. 576 lutescens, Gmel. X. 701 macroura, Gmel. X. 724 maculata, Gmel. X. 571 maculosa, Gmel. X. 715 Madagascar iensis, Gmel. . . .x. 579 var. Gmel. . . . x. 720 Maderas . . x. 548 Maderaspatana, Briss. . . .x. 548 , Linn. x. 720 Maderaspatensis, Gmel. ... x. 579 Magellanica, Gmel. x. 594 rnagna, Gmel. x. 698 Massiliensis, Gmel. x. 570 macera, Pall. . x. 640 Guiana , Linn. x. 678 x. 691 180 GENERAL INDEX. Motacilla Mauritiana, Gmel. . . v. x. p. 665 melcinocephala, Gmel. x. 648 melanopa . x. 558 modu/aris, Linn. x. 661 montanella , Gmel. x. 626 moschita, Gmel. x. 648 multicolor , Gmel. x. 641 marina, Gmel. x. 6 1 7 ncevia, Gmel. . x. 591 nisrirostris, Gmel. x. 591 No veho r acensis , Gmel. . . . x. 681 ochrura, Gmel. x. 634 CEnantha, Linn. x. 560 olivacea, Gmel. x. 590 palmarum, Gmel. x. 607 passerina, Gmel. x. 745 Patagonicu , Gmel. x. 603 pectoralis, Shaiv xiii * 202 pensilis, Gmel. x. 629 pennsylvaniaa, Linn. x. 623 perspicillata, Gmel. x. 631 petechia, Linn. x. 733 Philippensis, Gmel. x. 61 7 Phcenicurus , Linn. x. 670 pileata, Gmel. x. 569 pinguis, Gmel. x. 637 Protonotarius, Gmel. x. 642 Provincialis, Gmel. x. 717 pusilla, Wil. x. 647 llegulus , Linn. x. 758 Rubecula, Linn. x. 71 1 Rubetra, Linn. x. 706 Rubicola, Linn. x. 709 rufa, Gmel. x. 668 ruficapilla, Gmel. x. 699 Motacilla ruficauda , Gmel. . . v.x. p. 676 salicaria, Linn. x. 586 Schocnobocnus, Linn. x. 583 semitorquata, Gmel. x. 594 Senegalensis, Linn. x. 634 sheltobriuschka, Lepech. . . x. 557 sialis, Linn. . x. 663 sibilatrix , Becks, x. 748 Sinensis , Gmel. x. 689 Singralensis , Gmel. x. 689 speciosa, Horsf. xiii.* 236 spinicauda, Gmel. x. 694 stapazina, Gmel. x. 569 striata , Gmel. x. 645 snbflava, Gmel. x. 64 suecica, Linn. x. 660 Sunamisica, Gmel. x. 633 superba, Sham x. 754 saperciliosa, Gmel. x. 723 sutoria, Gmel. x. 753 Sybilla, Linn. x. 609 Sijlva, Linn. x. 597 Thoracica x. 562 tigrina, Gmel. x. 738 Tiphia, Linn. . x. 671 Titliy's, Linn. x. 671 Trochilus, Linn. x, 742 Troglodytes, Linn. x. 763 Tschecantschia, Gmel. . x. 695 Tschutschensis x. 548 umbria, Gmel. . x. 637 undata, Gmel. . x. 620 varia, Linn. x. 639 variesrata xiii.* 234 Velia, Linn. x. 687 , Steph. . xiv. 7 vermivora, Gmel. x. 780 verna, Briss. . x. 560 GENERAL INDEX 181 Mgtacilla virens, Gmel. v. x. p. 740 viridis . . x. 55 1 ■ Zeylonica, Gmel. x. 68S Moth . . . vi. 223 Brown-tail . vi. 228 Cloth . . vi. 238 Currant-Bush vi. 237 Great-tiger . vi. 226 ■ Puss . . vi. 228 Silkworm . vi. 230 • Smaller Peacock vi. 225 Motmot . . . xiv. 84 d tete rousse, Cuv. xiv. 84 dombey, Le Vail. xiv. 84 Paraguan, Lath. xiv. 84 Motteux, Buff. . x. 565 du Senegal, Buff. x. 574 Grand, Buff. . x. 573 Moucherolle — — d bracelets, Vieil. x. 347 d huppe blanche, Vieil. . . .x. 376 ■ Altiloqui, Vieil. x. 345 d queue four chue, Vieil. . . . x. 413 a queue four chue de Mexique, Buff. . x. 413 a ventre jaune, Vieil. x. 343 brun de la Marti- nique. Buff. . x. 396 dore, Vieil. x. 362 d’ /lcadie, Vieil. x. 38! des Philippines, Buff. X. 339 gris, Vieil. x. 387 huppe a tete couleur d’acier poll, Biff. x. 4! 6 • jaune, Vieil. x. 358 noirdtre, Vieil. x. 385 olive, Vieil. x. 379 plaintiff, Vied. x. 378 Mouchet, Buff. v. x. p. 661 Mouette a capuchon plumbe, Temm. . . xiii. 205 d masque brun, Temm. xiii. 204 d pieds bleu. Buff. xiii. 198 blanche, Buff. xiii. 195 brune , Buff. xiii. 140 cendree, Buff. xiii. 181 cendree tachetee. Buff. . . . xiii. 181 del'hyver, Biff. xiii. 198 grande cendree, Buff. xiii. 191 ou capuchon noir, Buff. . . . xiii. 197 pygmee, Temm. xiii. 206 tridactyle, Temm. xiii. 181 Mouflon . ii. 379 Mouse . ii. 56 American long- tailed field, Penn. ii. 60 — Baikal ii. 92 ■ Barbary . ii. 70 Birch ii. 67 collared . ii. 83 common . ii. 56 Garlic ii. 89 Hare-tailed ii. 84 Harvest . ii. 62 Hudson’s Bay . ii. 94 jumping, off Canada, Linn. . ii. 192 lineated . ii. 68 little , Penn. ii. 64 ■ Meadow . ii. 81 Mexican, Penn. ii. 71 Minute . ii. 64 Red ii. 90 Ringed, Penn. ii. 83 Rustic ii. 61 ■ Short-tailed Jield, Penn. . ii. 8) 182 GENERAL INDEX Mouse, Social • v. ii. p. 93 Soricine . ii. 65 Striated . ii. 68 Virginian, Penn. ii. 70 Wanderiug ii. 66 — Woolly • ii. 91 Wood . ii. 58 Moustac . i. 44 Moustache, Buff. x. 62 Mud In guana, Ellis iii. 601 Mufro , Shaiv . ii. 382 Mugil . v. 133 Magil, Plin. . v. 133 alatus, Rond. . v. 141 albula v. 137 argenteus minor. St c. Broun v. 137 . cseruleomaculatus v. 139 Cephalus v. 133 Chauos . v. 140 Chilemis v. 140 crenilabris v. 136 magnus, Fork. v. 140 Malabaricus v. 137 ore amplo , Bloch. v. 139 Plumieri v. 139 Tang v. 138 Mugilis, Salo. v. 133 Mule, Shaiv ii. 437 Mullet v. 133 Mullet, Penn. v. 133 American v. 137 blue spotted v. 139 Chanos . v. 140 Chili v. 140 Common v. 133 crenated v. 136 Indian v. 137 Plumier’s v. 139 Tang v. 138 Mullus iv. 611 auriflamma iv. 613 Mullus Bandi . v. iv p. 165 Barbaratus, Linn. iv. 6 1 1 bifasciatus iv. 617 Japonicus iv. 615 . Indicus . iv. 614 maculatus iv. 617 Ruber iv. 611 Surmuletus iv. 613 trifasciatus iv. 616 Vittatus iv. 616 Mulot ii. 58 Muntgak, Penn. ii. 301 Mur^ena iv. 26 Africana iv. 30 African . iv. 30 Anguilla, Linn. iv. 1 6 Caeca, Linn. . iv. 37 Catenata iv. 28 Chain-striped iv. 28 Colubrina iv. 33 Colubrine iv. 33 Conger, Linn. iv. 20 Echidna iv. 32 Green iv. 39 Guttata iv. 28 Helena, Linn. iv. 26 — — maculata cauda aptera, Bloch. iv. 22 Meleagris iv. 32 Murcena, Seb. iv. 28 Myru.s, Linn. iv. 24 omnium autorum, Will. . iv. 26 Ophis, Linn. . iv. 22 iv. 23 Reticulata iv. 29 Reticulated iv. 29 Roman . iv. 26 Romaua iv. 26 Siren, Linn. iii. 40 Southern iv. 32 Speckled iv. 32 Spotted . iv. 28 Viridis . iv. 33 Zebra iv. 31 GENERAL INDEX 183 Mur re, Penn. . v. xiii. p. 27 Mus . . . ii. 43 Accedula . ii. 101 Agrarius . ii. 61 agrestis major, Gesn. ii. 73 agrestis Americanus, Seb. ii. 70 Aguti, Linn. . ii. 21 Alliarius ii. 89 Alpinus, Gesn. ii. 115 Americanus, Seb. Amphibius ii. 73 aquaticus, Clus. l- 528 aquatilis, Aldr. i. 528 Araneus, Gesn. i. 527 Arctomys, Pall. ii. 120 Arenarius ii. 102 Arvalis . ii. 81 Aspalax . ii. 110 Avellanarius, Linn. ii. 167 avellanarum, Gesn. ii. 164 Avellanarum Atneri- canus albus, Seb. ii. 71 avellanarum minor Aid. . ii. 167 Barbarus ii. 70 Betulinus ii. 67 ■ Bursarius ii. 100 Capensis ii. 1 1 1 ■ Caraco ii. 50 Citillus, Pall. ii. 123 Cricetus . ii. 95 Coypus • ii. 48 Cyanus . ii. 71 Decumanus ii. 51 domesticus major, Gesn. . ii. 52 Empetra ii. 119 Furunculus ii. 105 Glareolus, Sahub. ii. 88 glis, Pall. ii. 162 gregarius, Linn. ii. 81 Hudsonius ii. 94 Mus Lagarus Laniger . Lemmus longipes, Linn. Malabaricus Maritimus Mar mot a, Linn. Maulinus, Linn. Mesorius Mexicanus macu- latus, Seb. Minutus ■ Monox, Linn. Musculus ■ CEconomus Orientalis, Seb. ■ Phaeus Pilorides Porcellus, Linn. Puniilio . Quercinus, Linn. Rattus Rutilus . Scherman seu Sorex Sylvcstris v. ii. p. 84 . ii. .91 . ii. 76 ii. 190 54 ii. 106 ii. 115 ii. 121 62 Socialis . Songarus Soricinus Striatus . Striatus Indicus, Seb. Talpinus tamaricinus, Pall. Taxatilis — — - Torquatus Typhlus . Vagus Volans, Linn. 71 64 i. 117 56 85 68 ii. 103 49 17 i. 68 i. 164 52 90 75 i. 191 i. 93 i. 104 65 i. 68 i. 68 i. 112 i. 191 i. 72 i. 83 i. 188 i. 66 ii. 155 Musaraigne . . i. 527 d'eau . . i. 534 • Masque de I'Inde i. 533 Museroneus dorso nigro ventre- que albo, Men. . i. 534 .figura muris, Max. i. 535 184 GENERAL INDEX Muse ; . . v. ii. p. 249 Musca . vi. 378 Carnaria vi. 383 Cbamaeleon vi. 379 Hava vi. 385 grossa vi. 385 pendula . vi. 382 tenax vi. 380 Vermileo vi. 379 vivipara . vi. 384 vomitoria vi. 383 Muscardin ii. 167 Muscicapa xiii* 1 15 Muscicapa x. 319 Acadica . x. 381 Aedon x. 360 ■ Afra . „ x. 355 agilis x. 415 albicapilla , Vieil. x. 3 77 albicollis xiii.* 1 1 9 albifrons . Alector, Temm. x. 402 xiii.* 129 altiloqua . x. 345 Americana , Briss. x. 362 arm i Hat a x. 347 atra, Gmel. x. 385 atricapilla xiii.* 1 19 — — atricapilla, var. Lath. x. 322 audax x. 364 audax, Steph. xii * 133 aurantia . x. 348 auricoinis x. 354 auricomis, Steph. xiv. 264 australis . x. 369 azurea xiii.* 1 16 Banyuina . xiii* 123 bar bat a . x. 352 x. 336 xiii.* 1 1 1 barbata, Steph. Muscicapa, bicolor, Sparr . v. x. p. 323 bicolor . xiii.* 1 17 Borbonica . x. 326 , Briss. x. 397 , Sleph. xiii *112 crist at a, Briss. . . . x. 326 — cajrulea . . x. 383 — ccerulea, Steph. caesia Caledonica Cambaiensis Cana cana, Steph. Canadensis xiii. 1 12 xiii * 1 1 9 . x. 351 . x. 361 . *. 398 xiii.* 167 . x. 350 — cantatrix, Temm. xiii*. 123 — Capensis, Linn. x. 330 — Carolinensis Siberiea, Briss. . . . x. 363 fuscu, Briss. x. 385 rubra, Briss. x. 464 — Carolinensis, Linn. x. 279 — Cayanensis . x. 358 nifa. Briss. . . . x. 388 cinerea . . x. 388 cinnamomea . x. 410 coccinigastra . x. 391 Cochinsinensis x. 380 — — collaris . . x. 374 collaris, Steph. xiii.* 1 1 1 Colon . xiii.* 126 — — comata . . x. 331 coronata . . x. 412 coronata, Steph. xiii.* Ill crepitans . x. 338 crepitans, Steph. xiv. 262 cristata . . x. 325 cristata, Steph. xiii.* 1 1 1 • alba Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. x. 416 GENERAL INDEX 185 Muscicapa cristata capitis Bona Spei, Briss. v. x. p. 416 cucullata . x. 379 cucullata . xiii.* 124 •, Wils. x. 399 cyanocepliala . x. 403 deserti . . x. 414 dichroa . . x. 342 diops . xiii* 120 e fusco et luteo varia, Sloan . . . vii. 448 erythrogastra . x. 400 - erythrogastra, Steph. xiii* 124 ■ erythropis . ' x. 339 - eximia . xiii.* 120 - ferOcV, var. Gmel. x. 343 - ferruginea . x. 395 - flabellifera . x. 340 - jlabellif era, Steph. xiii.* 1 12 flammea flammea —— flam.miceps jlava, Vieil. flavifrons flavicollis flavigastra x. 372 xiii* 124 xiii* 121 . x. 358 . x. 351 . x. 352 . x. 343 - Jlavigastra, Steph. xiii.* 112 - flaviventris . x. 342 - flaviventris, Steph. xiii* 133 - forficata . . x. 413 - forficata, Steph. xiii* 134 - fuliginosa . x. 392 Sparr. x. 414 fusca fusca gilva grisea griseola griseola gularis gularis x. 384 xiii* 117 . x. 387 . x. 404 . x. 332 xiii.* 119 . x. 392 xiii.* 121 Muscicapa haemorrhousa v. x. p. 334 hcemorrhousa, Steph. xiii.* 192 kirundinacea xiii.* 117 hyacinthina xiii.* 118 J amaicensis, Briss. x. 379 Javanica Indigo Latham i leucomela x. 400 xiii.* 1 1 7 . x. 336 . x. 328 leucomela, Steph. leuconotus leucura . littorea . Lucionensis lutea ■ luctuosa, Temm. xiii * 241 x. 328 x. 376 x. 691 x. 324 x. 359 xiii* 119 — maculata . x. 390 — Madagascariensis x. 371 cinerea major, Briss. ... x. 398 * — * varia longi- cauda, Briss. . x. 418 Malabaricus xiii.* 124 malachura . x. 407 malachura, Steph. xiii. 224 Manillensis . x. 368 Martinicana . x. 377 cristata, Briss. . . . x. 396 melanictera . x. 364 melanocephala x. 406 melanoleuca, Steph. xiii* 241 melanoptera,Gmel. x. 374 melodia . . x. 382 meloxantha . x. 368 minuta . . x. 347 miniata . xiii.* 124 multicolor, Gmel. x. 400 multicolor . xiii.* 124 mutata . . x. 418 186 GENERAL INDEX Muscicapa mutala, Steph. v. xiii.* p. Ill mystacea x. 357 mystacea, Steph. xiv. 262 naevia x. 338 nigra x. 327 nigrifrons x. 407 nitens x. 409 nitida x. 388 Novae Hollandiae x. 384 Noveboracensis .x. 366 Noveboracensis, Steph. . xiii.* 131 nunciola, JVils. x. 385 obscura . . x. 405 obscura . xiii.* 127 obscura, Horsf. xiii.* 1 18 obsoleta, Temm. xiii.* 250 ochracea . x. 405 ochrocephala . x. 410 ochroleuca . x. 370 olivacea . . x. 379 olivacea, Steph. xiii.* 131 Paradisi . x. 416 paradisi, Steph. xiii.* Ill parva . xiii.* 116 pectoralis . x. 360 passerina . x. 337 pectoralis, Steph. xiii.* 267 petechia . . x. 396 Phcebe, Lath. x. 385 Philippensis . x. 339 — pileata . . x. 399 Ponticeriana . x. 375 • psalura . xiii.* 127 Psidii . . x. 335 Psidii, Steph. xiii.* 192 • pusilla, JVils. . x. 366 pygmaea . . x. 346 • querula, Vieil. x. 378 rapax . . x. 378 Muscicapa rliodogastra v. x. p. 412 rhodoptera . x. 382 rubra, Linn. . x. 464 rubricollis . x. 393 rubricollis, Steph. xiii.* 266 mfescens . . x. 389 rufifrons . . x. 273 rufiventris . x. 367 ruticilla . . x. 362 ruticilla, Steph. xiii.* 1 12 Sandvicensis . x. 394 Senegalensis . x. 333 Senegalensis . xiii.* 1 1 7 cristata, Briss. ... x. 325 peel ore rufo, Briss. ... x. 333 torquata, Briss. . Sibirica . Sinensis . solitaria . Spadicea speciosa . stellaris . stenura, T . x. 374 . x.4Il . x. 344 . x. 349 . x. 403 . xiii.* I2S*1 . xiii.* 125 'emm. xiii* 230 straminea xiii* 122 striata . . x. 370 superciliosa . x. 386 Surinama . x. 340 sylvicola, JVils. x. 376 Tectec . . x. 397 torquata . . x. 330 tyr annus, Linn. xiii.* 133 variegata . x. 322 ventralis, Temm. xiii.* 250 virens . . x. 363 virescens, Temm. xiii.* 25 1 virgata . . x. 336 Virginiana fusca, Briss. . x. 292 GENERAL INDEX Muscicapa viridis v. x. p. viridis, Steph. xiv. uudulata . . X. Muscicapidse . . xiii.* Muscipeta xiii.* — , Temm. xiii.* barbata . xiii.* Borbouica xiii.* carinata, Sivains. xiii.* Ceylonensis xiii.* cserulea . xiii.* coronata xiii.* — cristata xiii.* flabellifera xiii.* flavigastra xiii.* Xndica xiii.* labrosa, Sivains. xiii* leucocephala xiii.* melanocephala xiii.* mutata . xiii.* paradisi . xiii.* perspicillata xiii.* pulsator . xiii.* — — ruticilla . xiii.* scapularis xiii* Musk ii. American ii. Brasilian, Penn. ii. Guinea, Penn. ii. Java ii. Indian . ii. Indian, Penn. . ii. Leverian . . ii. pygmy . ii. small-spotted, Mus. u. Tibetian . ii. Musk-Duck . . xii.* common . . xii.* Nilotic • . xii.* Royal . xii.* 187 Musophaga . v. viii. p. 47 Musophaga . xiv. 223 Temm. xiv. 222 cristata . xiv. 223 Paid in a, Temm. xiv. 222 violacea . xiv. 223 violacea . viii. 47 Mustela i. 379 Africana, Clus. ii. 146 Barbara, Linn. i. 428 Canadensis i. 429 caudce apice atra, Linn. . i. 426 — • — corpore supra ex luteo fuscoque vana Linn. . i. 430 Erminea . i. 426 Foina i. 409 Galera . i. 428 Gulo i. 460 Lutreola . i. 443 Lutris i. 444 Mustecea, Gepi. i. 420 nigra, tceniis in dorso albis, Briss. . i. 387 nivalis, corpore albo, candce apice, vix pilis nllis nigris . . i. 421 Ponticus, Gesn. ii. 151 — — precincta et Pere- tuiska i. 430 Putorius . i. 415 Quigi . . i. 432 Sabella, Gesn. i. 411 Sarmatica . i. 430 sen viverra Indis Mangulia, Kemp . i. 377 Sibirica . . i. 431 subfusca, ^c. Brown i, 394 Visou . . i. 448 vivipara, Will. iv. 180 Vulgaris . . i. 420 vulgaris Rondeletii , Will . . . . i. 156 Zibellina, Aldr. i. 41 1 356 48 324 109 110 109 1)1 112 142 111 112 111 111 112 112 111 169 111 111 111 111 113 112 112 112 249 258 258 254 257 253 256 259 254 259 249 78 79 81 82 188 GENERAL INDEX. Mutta, Penn. v iii. p. 567 Mutilla . vi. 355 Americana . vi. 356 Europeea . . vi. 355 occidentalis . vi. 355 Mycteria . xi. 645 . xiv. 326 Americana xi. 646 Australis . xi. 649 Senegalensis xi. 648 Myiotiiera . xiii.* 181 , Tcmm. xiii.* 172 bambla . . xiii.* 182 can tans . . xiii.* 181 Colma . xiii* 181 Coraya . . xiii * 18) Jerruginea, Tc mm. xiii.* 176 formicivora xiii.* 101 lineata . xiii.* 180 mentalis , Temm. xiii.* 175 - rujimarginata, Temm xiii.* 175 slrictothorax, Temm. xiii.* 160 Myophonus . xiii.* 186 cyaneus . . xiii.* 187 ■ metallicus . xiii.* 187 Myothera, Temm. . xiii.* 177 Cuv. xiii * 182, 183 Myoxus . . ii. 162 Africanus . ii. 172 chrysurus . ii. 169 — — Dryas . ii. 166 glis . ii. 162 Guerlingus ii. 171 Muscardinus . ii. 167 — ■■ Nitela . ii. 164 Myrmecophaga v. i. p. 166 Aculeata . i. 175 Capensis . . i. 173 Dydactyla . i. 172 Jubatra . . i. 167 Striata . . i. 178 Tetradactyla . i. 1 69 Tridactyla . i. 170 Myrmeleon . . vi. 259 Formicaleo . vi. 259 Myrmothera, Vic'd, xiii.* 181 Myrus Rondeletii? Gesn. iv. 24 Mysticete . ii. 478 Bunched . . ii. 494 Fin-backed . ii. 490 great . ii. 478 Pike-headed . ii. 492 Rostrated . ii. 496 Under-jawed . ii. 495 Mysticetus, Nat. . ii. 478 Mystus, Seb. . . v. 29 cirris sen', Src., Seb. v. 28 Myxine glutiuosa, Linn. v. 264 Nabirop, Le Vail. . xiv. 54 Naipoun, Buff. . viii. 542 Nagor ii. 360 Nalla Wahlagille, Penn. Nanguer . iii. 566 . ii. 359 Nanodes . xiv. 1 18 discolor . . xiv. 118 humeral is . xiv. 1 1 9 palmarum . xiv. 120 pulchellus . xiv. 1 1 8 • — ultramarinus . xiv. 1 1 9 uudulatus . xiv. 1 1 9 venustus . xiv. 118 GENERAL INDEX. 189 Naxodes zonarius v. xiv. jo. 1 1 9 Napal, Buff. . xi. 239 Narwhal ii. 473 Spurious ii. 476 Unicorn . ii. 473 Nase v. 231 Nason Licornet, Cep. iv. 374 Loupe, Cep. iv. 376 NATATORES xiii. 1 NATATORES xiv. 344 Natrix torquata, Rail iii. 446 Natter-Jack, Penn. iii. 152 Nauclerus xiv. 346 Riocourii xiv. 346 Neeli Koea iii. 568 Nectarixea . xiv. 226 caerulea . xiv. 226 cardinalis xiv. 226 cyanea xiv. 226 cyanocephala , Swain. xiv. 227 eximia, Horsf. xiv. 233 ■ , Ternm. . xiv. 235 jlaveola, Swain, xiv. 22 7 Javanica, Horsf. xiv. 231 inernata, Temm. xiv. 232 lepida, Temm. xiv. 230 longirostris, Temm. xiv. 231 mystacalis, Temm. xiv. 234 vector alls, Horsf. xiv. 235 Nectarixea pectoYalis , Temm. . v. xiv. p. 233 rubrocana, Temm. xiv. 232 sanguinea xiv. 226 spiza xiv. 226 Nectar iniadae ? . xiv. 225 Necydalis vi. 76 — eserulea . vi. 76 glaucescens vi. 76 major vi. 76 minor . ; vi. 76 umbellalarum . vi. 76 Neghobarra, Vieil. . viii. 237 Neletourve de Madagascar, Sonn. ix. 27 Nella-tas, Penn. iii. 415 Nemosia xiv. 4 diademata xiv. 5 ■ gularis xiv. 4 pileata xiv. 4 speculifera xiv. 4 Neophron, Sav. xiii.* 6 Neophrox xiv. 345 TEgyptiacus xiv. 345 Monachus xiv. 345 Neops xiv. 192 ruficaudus xiv. 192 Nepa vi. 157 cimicoides vi. 158 cinerea . vi. 157 grandis . vi. 153 linearis . vi. 159 Newt iii. 295 common . iii. 295 common-water iii. 298 great-water iii. 296 190 GENERAL INDEX Newt, Leverian water ^ V. iii. p. 303 . Smaller, Shatv iii. 298 . spotted-water . iii. 304 ivarted, Shaiv iii. 296 Nightingale . xiii.* 208 greater . . xiii.* 208 Night Hawk, JVils. x. ir.4 Nigiitheron . . xi. 608 . xiv. 325 Caledonian . xi. 613 Cayenne . . xi. 612 European . xi. 609 Jamaica . . xi. 6 1 4 Night Jar, Bew. x. 146 Night-Owl . .xiii.* 63 Nil-Gaut . ii. 327 Niou ii. 357 Nisns, Cuv. . xiii.* 30 Nisser werk, Bruce . vii. 15 Tokooe, Bruce vii. 59 Nixboa Quanquicolla, sen serpens rara Mexicana, caucla lata, Seb. in. 5 66 Noclilio Aniericanus, Linn. i. 139 Noctua . . xiii.* 63 brama . xiii.* 64 Brasilian, Marc. vii. 231 • castanoptera . xiii.* 69 Cayenensis . xiii.* 67 ferruginea . xiii.* 69 grallaria . . xiii.* 67 liirsuta . . xiii.* 66 lineata . xiii.* 67 . M augei . . xiii* 67 minor dorso ferrugineo, Salo . vii. 263 guttata . vii. 271 nudipes < . xiii.* 70 Noctua occipitalis v. xiii* p. 63 Pagodarum xiii.* 65 passeriua xiii.* 63 pumila xiii.* 68 pygmpea . xiii* 63 Sonnerati xiii* 64 torquata . xiii.* 67 Noddi noir, Cuv. xiii. 140 Noddy . xiii. 139 black xiii. 140 brown xiii. 143 dusky xiii. 141 short-tailed xiii. 142 Noir-aurore petit, Vieil. x. 362 Noir-souci, Buff. x. 287 Nonette cendree, Briss. x. 56 Nooni-Paragoodo . iii. 528 Nooni-Paragoodo iii. 439 Nope . ix. 319 Notonecta . vi. 155 glauca . vi. 155 minutissima . vi. 156 striata . vi. 155 Novacula ccemdea, Catesb. iv. 216 ■ piscis Rondcletii, Will. . . iv. 217 Nucifraga . xiv. 63 caryocatactes . xiv. 63 Numenius . xii. 25 , . xiv. 328 , Briss. xii. 1, 35 , Lath. xii. 40, 95 Africanus, Lath. xii. 96 Aniericanus fuscus, Briss. . • . xii. 36 major, Briss. xii. 3 GENERAL INDEX 191 Numenius Americanus Jiiscus, minor , Briss. v. xii. p. ■ arquatus , Lath. xii. borealis, Lath. xii. Brasiliensis Candidas, Briss. . • . xii. coccineus, Briss. xii. fuscas, Briss. xii. castaneus, Briss. xii. guar ana, Lath. xii. Hudsonicus, Lath. xii. Ieucoceplialus . xii. longirostris . xii. Luzoniensis . xii. Madagascariensis xii. major . . xii. Mexicanus, Briss. Xll. ■ minor, Briss. xii. ■ niger, Klein. . xii. • p/uzopus, Lath. xii. • pygmceus, Lath. xii. Tahitiensis xii. viridis, Briss. . xii. vociferus, Lath. xii. Nujiida . xi. — ■ ■ xiv. cristata . xi. Meleagris xi. pectore albo, Bris s. xi . mitrata . xi. Nun white xii* Nutcracker . xiv. Nutcracker, Edw. vii. Nuthatch viii. Nuthatch xiv. Nuthatch, Penn. viii. Nuthatch, Black -headed •v viii. p. 112 Canada . viii. 116 Cape viii. 117 Chinese . viii. 118 European . viii. 108 Great O viii. 113 Green • viii. 120 Jamaica . a viii. 115 Least, Lath. viii. 1 13 — — Little viii. 102 Long-hilled viii. 118 ■ Orange-winged viii. 120 orange-wing ed, Lath. xiv. 189 Small viii. 113 Smaller . viii. 116 — Spotted . . viii. 114 Surinam . • viii. 119 Nutjobber, Will. • viii. 108 Nyctea . xiii.* 62 Erminea . . xiii.* 63 Wapicuthu xiii.* 63 Nyctibius xiii.* 91 grandis . . xiii.* 91 Jamaicensis xiii* 91 Steatornis • xiii.* 91 Nycticorax . xi. 608 Nycticorax . . xiv. 324 Caledonicus xi. 613 Cayanensis xi. 612 Cayanensis, Steph. xiv. 324 Europaeus xi. 609 Jamaicensis xi. 614 Jamaicensis xiv. 324 Nyl-ghau, Hunt. ii. 327 Nyroca, Flem. xii.* 187 , Temni. • xii* 201 Ocelot i. 356 . 19 26 38 20 17 21 13 37 36 34 29 33 30 26 25 36 3 36 41 33 13 8 25 7 301 263 258 259 261 157 63 353 107 188 108 192 GENERAL INDEX, Ocypterus, Cuvier V. Odontognatlie xui.* p. aiguillonne , Cep. iv. 0 D O N TO G N AT 11 U S . iv. aculeated iv. Odontopfiorus . xiv. Guianensis . xiv. Guianensis, Vieil. xi. CEdicneme criard, Temm. xi. GEdicnemus xi. CEdicnemus . . xiv. crepitans . . xi. longipes, Vieil. xiv. magnirostris . xi. magnirostris, Steph. xiv. CEnanthe, Vieil. . xiii * altera Aldrovandi, Raii . . . x. secunda, et ficcdula tertia Aldrovandi, Raii X. Americana , Briss. (Enas, Vieil. xi. xi. Oestrus vi. Bovis vi. Equi vi. haemorrhoitlalis vi. Ovis vi. veterinus vi. Oidemia xii.* fusca xii.* leucocephala . xii.* nigra xii .* perspicillata xii.* a con route, Temm. v. xii.* p. 59 a cervate, Buff, xii* 19 a duvet, Buff, xii.* 224 Bernache, Temm. xii.* 49 bronze e de Coromandel, Buff. . . . xii * 8 cendree, Temm. xii.* 28 Cravant, Temm. xii.* 46 de Gamble, Cuv. xii.* 7 de Guinee,Buff xii.* 22 d'Egypte, Buff xii.* 43 des Esquimaux, Buff. xii.* 38 des Malouines, Buff. xii.* 58 des terres Magel- laniques, Buff. . xii.* 57 hyperboree, ou de Neige, Temm. . xii.* 38 ordinaire, Cuv. xii.* 28 ricux, Buff. . xii.* 25 Sauvage, Buff, xii.* 27 Sauvage d tite grise de Coromandel, Sonn. xii.* 61 Sauvage da Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. xii.* 43 Oitus, Gesn. . . vii. 408 Oiseau de Nazereth, Buff. xiv. 310 de Paradis, Buff. vii. 480 de tempete, Buff. xiii. 220, 223 Paradis a gorge doree, Sovn. . . . vii. 496 roy a l, Biff. . xi. 597 silentieux , Buff. x. 469 L’Oiseau-mouche ci bee blanc, Vieil. . . viii. 346 137 74 74 74 302 302 420 459 458 343 459 344 462 342 240 569 706 94 304 357 358 359 366 364 367 212 216 218 213 219 GENERAL INDEX 193 L' Oiseau-mouche, d collier , Buff. . . v. viii. p. 320 a gorge t ache tee, Vieil. . . . viii. 321 ■ d gorge topaze viii. 329 a gorge verte, Vieil. viii. 342 a gosier bleu, Vieil. viii. 326 — — a gosier bleu ? Vieil. viii. 342 a, huppe bleu, Vieil. viii. 354 a large tuyaux, Buff. viii. 318 a longue queue, Buff. viii. 279 a, longue queue cou- leur d’acier brune, Biff. . . . viii. 340 a longue queue noire, Buff. . . . viii. 28 1 a oreilles, Buff. viii. 319 a poitrine bleue viii. 322 a poitrine verte ? Vieil. . . . viii. 262 ■ a raquettes, Buff. viii. 31 6 ■ au tempes blanches, Azar. . . . viii. 349 - — — a tele bleu, Vieil. viii. 279 a ventre gris, Vieil. viii. 347 de St. Dqmingue, viii. 349 ■ Grand de Cayenne, Briss. . . . viii. 319 huppe, Buff. . viii. 352 le plus petit, Buff. viii. 355 * Mange, Vieil. . viii. 356 — ■ — Mouche pourpre, Buff. . . . viii. 351 • tout vert ? Vieil. viii. 342 violet a queue four - chee, Vieil. . . viii. 309 , Buff. viii. 309 v. XIV. P. II. Oiseaux-passereux, v. Oliva, Le Vail. Olive, Buff. L' Olivet, Buff. Old-wife-fish . Qmbrette, Buff. Onager, Plin. . Onagrus, Gesn. Once Ondatra . L'Onglet, Buff. Oniscus Aquaticus Armadillo Asellus . Entomon physodes . Cuv. xiii.* p. 71 . vii. 330 ix. 377 x. 457 v. 413 xi. 636 ii. 429 ii. 429 i. 354 ii. 44 x. 479 vi. 500 vi. 501 vi. 500 vi. 500 vi. 502 vi. 500 xiii. 108 xiii. 112 us, xiii. 1 17 Onocrotalus, Ray fiuscus, Briss mexicanus dentat Ray . Pelecanus, Briss. xiii. 109 Philippensis, Briss. xiii. 109 rostro denticulato, Briss. . . . xiii. 117 Onore, Buff. . . xi. 600 raye, Buff. . xi. 601 de bois, Buff. . xi. 602 Onyciiorhynchus xiii.* 109 — griseus . . xiii.* 1 10 plumbeus . xiii.* 1 10 regius . . xiii.* 1 10 Oorail . . xi. 453 Ootan Combing, Mars. ii. 354 Op^ethus . . ix. 62 Opcethus, Vieil. , xiv. 222 Africanus . ix. 63 13 194 general index. Op/ETHUs qfricanus, Steph. v. xiv. p. 222 Opah, Phil. . . iv. 287 Opeaghu, Mass. • ih 440 Opetiorhynchus . xiv. 198 rufus • • xiv. 198 Ophicepiialits Punctated punctatus Striated . — Striat\is . iv. 529 iv. 529 iv. 529 iv. 530 iv. 530 Opossum, Murine v. i. p. 484 New Holland, Pen. i. 504 New South Wales, Bew. . . • e 487 Petaurine • i. 496 Porculine • i- 490 Pygmv • • i- 501 short-tailed . i. 479 spotted, Phil. . i. 49 1 Squirrel . • j- 498 Virginian . i. 473 Viveriue . • i. 491 — — Ursine . • i- 504 Vulpine . . i- 503 Ophidium • • 68 . aculeatum, Linn. iv. / 3 acuminatum , Linn. iv. 7 3 . barbatum • iv. 68 Bearded . • iv. 68 Beardless . iv. 70 cirris carens, Artecli iv. 7 0 cirris quatuor gularibus , Bloc!,.. ■ • j*. 68 Imberbe . • iv. 6/0 Mastacexnbalus iv. 71 . Rostrated • iv. 73 Rostratum • iv. 73 Opisthocomus O PI ST HO COM US Hoatzin . Opistolophus, VieU. xi. 192 xiv. 312 xi. 193 xii. 271 Opossum i. 472 Opossum, Hawk. i. 504 Brush-tailed • i. 502 Cayenne . i. 482 Javan i. 480 Lemurine i. 487 Long-tailed i. 500 Merian . l. 485 Mexican . i 478 Molucca, Penn. i 476 Oramhleu, Buff. x. 254 Oran-0 tan, or Orang Otang . i. 3 Orb is echinatus major. Seb. x. 432 L’ Or chef, Buff. ix. 258 Oreillar . i. 123 Orf v. 113 L' Or frail, Buff. vii. 81 L’ Oricou, Le Vail. . vii. 24 Oriole . vii. 407 Oriole . xiii* 193 Acolchi . vii. 419 Antiguan vii. 420 yellow, Lath. vii. 420 Baltimore vii. 423 Black vii. 442 Black and yello iv, Lath. . vii. 41 Black-crowned, Lath. vii. 419 Black-headed vii. 411 black-headed, Shaw xiii * 1 93 Blue vii. 447 Bonana . vii. 43 1 Brasilian vii. 438 Brasilian, Lath. vii. 448 Buffonian . vii. 437 Cacique . . vii. 413 I Carthagena . vii. 445 GENERAL INDEX 195 OmoLE Cayenne olive v. vii. p. 448 ■ Chesnut and Black vii. 427 Chinese, Shaw xiii.* 193 Chinese . . vii. 412 Climbing, Lath. vii. 476 crested . . vii. 414 Fork-tailed . vii. 432 Golden . . vii. 408 Gold-headed . vii. 434 Grey • • vii. 439 Guiana . . vii. 428 Hang-nest . vii. 430 Hudsoni an, white- rded vii. 441 Jacapani . vii. 440 Jamacaii . vii 438 Icteria vii. 420 Indian vii. 412 Lesser Bonana, Lath. vii. 432 Mexican . vii. 419 Mexican, Lath. vii. 419 Mottled . vii. 411 New Spain vii. 440 Olive vii. 447 Red vii. 429 Red-billed vii. 416 Red-breasted . vii. 428 rumped . vii. 417 Red-shouldered vii. 421 winged, Lath. ■ Rice vii. 421 vii. 439 Ring-tailed vii. 418 • Rusty vii. 445 St. Domingo . vii. 442 Schomberger . vii. 435 Seban vii. 418 Sharp-tailed vii. 436 Sloanian . vii. 448 Smaller Bonana vii. 432 • Striped-headed vii. 443 — — Unalashkan vii. 444 ■ Weaver . vii. 429 Weaver , Lath. vii. 429 Oriole, white-headed v. vii. p. 44 1 white-winged vii. 433 whistler . . vii. 446 yellow-headed vii. 434 yellow-shouldered, Brown . . ix. 422 yellow-throated vii. 444 yellow-winged vii. 433 Oriolus . . vii. 407 Oriolus . xiii.* 193 AcoJchi . . vii. 419 Americanus . viii. 428 Americanus, Shaw xiv. 5 1 annulatus . vii. 410 A oon a! ash kens is. Lath. . . . vii. 444 aureus . xiii.* 194 aureus, Linn. . vii. 499 Baltimore . vii. 425 Baltimore, Shaw xiv. 46 Bonana . . vii. 431 Bonana , Shaw xiv. 47 Brasiliensis, Lath. vii. 448 Buffonianus vii. 437 Cacicus . vii. 413 Cacicus, ShaW xiv. 50 Cseruleus vii. 447 Capensis vii. 447 capensis, Shaw xiv. 47 cartagenensis . vii. 445 castaneus vii. 427 castaneus, Shaw xiv. 46 caudacutus vii. 436 caudacutus, Shaw xiv. 36 Cayanensis vii. 433 Cayanensis, Sha w xiv. 47 Chinensis vii. 412 Chinensis xiii.* 193 chrysocephalus vii. 434 196 GENERAL INDEX Oriolus, chrysocephalus, Shaw . v. xiv. p. 47 cinereus costototl cristatus cristatus, Linn, cristatus, Shaw vii. 439 vrii. 44-0 vii. 414 vii. 416 xiv. 50 vii. 442 Doniinicensis Doniinicensis, Shaw xiv. 47 ferrugineus . vii. 445 ferrugineus, Shaw xiv. 47 Flavus . . vii. 420 flavus . xiii.* 1 93 furcatus . vii. 432 galbula . . vii. 408 galbula . xiii.* 193 Guianensis . vii. 428 Guianensis, Shaiv xiv. 5 1 hsemorrhous . vii. 417 hcemorrhous, Shaiv xi v. 5 0 Jacapani . vii. 440 Jamacaii . vii. 438 icterocephalus vii. 434 icterocephalus , Shaiv xiv. 46 Icterus . . vii. 420 icterus , Shaiv xiv. .51 leucocephalus . vii. 441 • leucopterus . vii. 433 leucopterus, Shaw xiv. 6 , Shaiv xiv. 198 nielancholicus vii. 435 nielancholicus, Shaw xiv. 5 1 nielanocephalus vii. 411 nielanocephalus xiv.* 193 Mexicanus . vii. 419 Mexicanus, Shaiv minor minor, Shaiv monacha xiv. 46 vii. 443 xiv. 46 xiii* 193 Oriolus, mutatus, Wils. v. xiv. p 46 — nidipendulus . vii. 430 niger . . xii. 442 niger, Shaw xiv. 49 Novae Hispaniae vii. 419 olivaceus . vii . 448 oryzivorus . vii. 439 oryzivorus, Shaiv xiv. 36 Persians, Linn. vii. 413 phcenicceus, Slum xiv. 50 Picus, Linn. vii. 476 ratliatus vii. 443 radiatus . xiii.* 194 ruber vii. 429 rufirostris vii. 416 rufirostris, Shaiv xiv. 50 Sebanus vii. 418 Sinensis, Lath. vii. 437 Sloanianus vii. 448 Smaller black . vii. 443 Spurius . vii. 426 spurius, Shaiv xiv. 47 Textor . vii. 429 textor, Shaiv xiv. 34 • virescens vii. 444 viridis vii. 446 viridis xiii.* 194 viridis, Steph. xiv. 351 Unalaslikae vii. 444 xantbonotus xiv* 193 Xan thorn us vii. 432 xanthornus, Shaiv xiv. 5 1 Oripelargurn, Gesn. vii. 33 Ortalida xi. 188 xiv. 312 Parrakoua xi. 189 Orthocorys, Vieil. xi. 192 Orthocorys, Vieil. xiv. 312 Orthonyx xiv. 186 maculatus xiv. 186 GENERAL INDEX 197 Orthorhynchus, Cep. v. xiv. p. 242 Orthotomus . xiv. 192 sepium . . xiv. 193 L' Ortolan, Buff. ix. 349 a ventre jaune du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . ... ix. 374 de la Louisiane, Buff. . . . ix. 356 de la Louisiane, Buff. . . . * de neige, Buff. de riz, Buff. - de roseaux, Buff. ■ du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. ix. 388 ix. 341 ix. 388 ix. 362 ix. 372 ix. 374 ix. 367 jacobin , Buff. Ortygis xiv. 305 Ortygis, Illig. xi. 387 - — — Mieffrenii xiv. 306 nivosus . xiv. 305 rufus xiv. 306 varius xiv. 306 Ortygodes, Vieil. xi. 387 ■ variegata, Vieil. xi. 388 Grtygometra xii. 217 , Baii xii. 218 , Steq>h. xiv. 335 Baillonii xii. 228 Cayanensis xii. 220 Crex xii. 218 Jamaicensis xii. 221 minuta . xii. 225 Noveboracensis xii. 222 olivacea . xii. 226 pliaenicura xii. 222 Porzana . xii. 223 Ortyx . xi. 376 Ortyx . . v. xiv. p. 303 Borealis . xi. 377 Californica xi. 384 Falklandica xi. 386 Sonninii xi. 383 Sonninii, Steph. xiv. 303 Temminkii xi. 381 L' Or vert? Buff. viii. 342 Osphroneme Gal. Cep. iv. 390 Osphronemus Goramy, Cep. iv. 388 Osprey xiii.* 1 1 Osprey, Will. . vii. 81, 82 Ostorhinque — — Eleurieu, Cep. iv. 401 OsTRACiON v. 420 Auritus . v. 429 Biaculeatus v. 423 — — bicaudalis, Bloch, v. 423 concatenatus v. 426 Cornutus v. 423 Cubicus . v. 427 Gibbosus v. 431 Meleagris v. 428 Nasus v. 426 Quadricornis v. 424 Striatus . v. 433 Tricornis v. 424 Trigonus v. 422 Triqueter v. 420 Tuberculatus v. 431 Turritus v. 425 Ostralega, Briss. xi. 493, 494 Ostrich xi. 423 Ostrich xiv. 307 American, Will. xi. 436 black xi. 423 Otis xiv. 31 1 198 GENERAL INDEX. Otis . . v. xi. v. 442 Lath. . xi. 458 ■ Linn. . xi. 454 Afra xi. 449 Arabs xi. 446 aurita. Lath. . xi. 452 Bengalensis xi. 45 1 cajrulescens - xiv. 311 Houbara . xi. 448 • minor, Briss. xi. 455 ( Edicnemus , Lath. xi. 459 rhoad, Gmel. . xi. 448 Senegalensis . xiv. 3 1 1 tarda . xi. 443 — — tetrax, Linn. xi. 455 Otter . i. 437 Brasilian i. 446 common . i. 437 great i. 437 lesser i. 443 sea i. 444 ■ slender . i. 447 smaller . i. 443 Otus xiii.* 56 Africanus . xiii* 58 Americanus xiii.* 57 Ascalaphus xiii.* 56 Asio . xiii.* 57 Bakkamoena , Penn. vii. 237 bracbyotos xiii* 57 Coromandus xiii.* 58 Europaeus . xiii* 57 leucotis xiii.* 57 macrorhynchus xiii.* 59 sinensis xiii.* 58 Virginianus xiii* 57 Ovis . ii. 379 Ovis, Plin. . ii. 385 Ammon . . ii. 379 Anglica, Linn. ii. 390 Aries ii. 385 > — — Domcstica, Rail ii. 385 Ovis J'era Sioirica, vulgo Argali dicta, Pall. v. ii. p. 379 Guineensis, Linn. ii. 389 laticaudata , Linn. ii. 389 Peruana, Chari. ii. 241 ■ Polycetera, Linn . ii. 388 Pudu i ii. 392 — — Steatopyga ii. 390 Strepsiceros ii. 388 Ouanderon i. 30 Ouarine . i. 70 Ouira Ouassou, Penn. vii. 56 Our v. 136 OURAX . xi. 172 OuRAX . xiv. 312 galeata . xi. 173 Mitu xi. 175 Ourebi . ii. 320 Ourovang, Buff. x. 237 Ours, Buff. i. 450 hlanc i. 457 Oustiti . i. 62 Outarde, Biff. xi. 443 barbue, Temm. xi. 443 Cancpetiere, Tern m. xi. 455 huppe d’ Afrique, Buff. . x. 449 d’ Arabia, Buff. . . xi. 447 petite, Buff. xi. 455 Outre-mer, Buff. ix. 507 Ouzel brook xii. 192 Penrith, Penn. x. 313 i water , Penn. . x. 313 Owl vii. 210 Owl . . xiii.* 60 Arcadian vii. 266 GENERAL INDEX 199 Oyvl, African . v. vii. p. 278 African-horned, vii. 215 Aluco . . vii. 255 American eared, Lath. . . . vii. 228 horned vii. 228 Austrian . vii. 247 ferruginous vii. 252 — • rufous . vii. 252 white . vii. 247 ■ Bakkamoena horned vii. 237 Bare- legged . vii. 269 Bare-legged-horned vii. 214 Barn vii. 258 Barred vii. 245 Boobook . vii. 262 Brown, Alb. vii. 253 Brown? Lath. vii. 270 Brown ? Penn. vii. 255 Canada . vii. 272 Carniolic eared, Lath. . vii. 23 1 horned vii. 231 — — Caspian . vii. 272 Cayenne . vii. 261 Ceylonese eared, Brown vii. 218 ■ horned vii. 218 Chinese horned vii. 219 Cinereus, Lath. vii. 244 Common-barn, Will. vii. 250 Common brown. mu. . vii. 253 Coromandel horned vii. 220 Dwarf vii. 267 Eagle, Penn. vii. 211 Ermine . vii. 25 1 Falconine, Lath. vii. 278 Fasciated, Lath. vii. 280 Fernandezian vii. 263 Fuliginous vii. 244 Georgian vii. 260 Owl, Great-horned v. vii. p. 211 Great white, Edw. vii. 240 Grey . . vii. 270 Grey, Will. . vii. 253 Grey ? Will. . vii. 270 Hawk . . vii. 226 Hawk . . vii. 274 — little , Edw. vii. 274 Horn, Will. „ vii. 221 horned African, Shaw . xiii.* 55 horned Hutum, Lath. . xiii.* 54 Hudsonian . vii. 274 Ivy, Will. . vii. 253 Lapland horned vii. 214 Lineated . vii. 280 Little, Catesb. vii. 229 ■ Little, Will. . vii. 264 Long-eared . vii. 221 Magellanic horned vii. 215 Marsh-horned vii. 227 Masked . . vii. 249 Mexican eared, Lath. . . . vii. 228 horned vii. 228 Mottled-horned vii. 230 Penn. vii. 230 Mountain . vii. 263 mouse. Lath. . xiii.* 61 New Zealand . vii. 266 * Oriental . . vii. 257 Passerine . vii. 264 Phalsenoid . vii. 268 Red-eared, Penn. vii. 229 horned . vii. 229 St. Domingo . vii. 261 Scops-eared, Lath. vii. 223 horned . vii. 233 Short-eared . vii. 223 Siberian-eared, Lath. vii. 239 <200 GENERAL INDEX Owl, Horned v. vii . p. 239 Snowy vii. 240 • Solognese vii. 262 Sooty, Penn. . vii. 244 Spectacle vii. 248 Spotted . vii. 243 — — Tawny, Penn. vii. 253 Tengmalm’s vii. 2G7 Transatlantic . vii. 264 Variegated vii. 279 Pirginian eared, JEdiv. . vii. 215 • horned vii. 215 Undulated vii. 257 Ural vii. 2 77 • Wapacuthu vii. 243 • White, Penn. . vii. 258 White-browed vii. 250 • White-fronted horned vii. 238 Wood . .vii. 253 Yaiken-eared, Lath. vii. 238 — horned . vii. 238 Ox . . . . ii. 393 Cape . . ii. 41 G Common, Shaw ii. 397 Grunting , Penn. ii. 41 1 Indian, Sham . ii. 399 — Loose-horned, Shaw ii. 399 Musk . . ii. 407 Tinian, Sham . ii. 400 Paca v. ii. p. 20 Pacapac, Buff. . x. 430 Pacycephalus . xiii.* 267 australis . . xiii.* 267 pectoral is . xiii.* 267 Paco . ii. 245 Pacos, Penn. . . ii. 245 Padain-Cootoo . . iii. 355 Padda, Buff. . Paille-en-queue . ix. 316 grand, Bud'. . xiii. 125 de 1’Isle de l’ Ascension, Buff. . . xiii. 125 d brins rouges. Buff xiii. 128 de V Isle de France, xiii. 128 PALjEORNIS . . xiv. 126 Alexandri . xiv. 126 Barrabandi . xiv. 1 28 bengalensis . xiv. 128 bitorquatus . xiv. 1 27 erythrocephalus xiv. 127 flavitorquis . xiv. 127 Malaccensis . xiv. 127 Papuensis . xiv. 129 Poudicerianus . xiv. 128 torquatus . xiv. 127 xanthosonius . xiv. 127 Palaluca . . ix. 190 Ox-Pecker Vlll. 50 African . viii. 50 OxYRH YNCHUS xiv. 199 cristatus, Swain. xiv. 300 flammiceps xiv. 199 Oystercatcher xi. 493 Oystercatcuer xiv. 336 common . xi. 494 pied, Penn. xi. 494 Palamadea xii. 277 Palamedea xiv. 333 , Lath. xii. 274 cornuta . xii. 278 — — cristata, Linn . xii. 275 Palatine ou Roloway i. 37 Pallikour, Buff. x. 309 Pahni.de . Palumbus ii. 146 Moluccensis,Briss.x i. 13 GENERAL INDEX. 201 Palumbus torquatus, Rail v. xi. p. 1 3 viridis Madagasca- riensis, Briss. . xi. 1 16 Panipel . . iv. 100 Pan-cowee . xin. 91 Pandion . . xiii.* 11 Americanus . xiii.* 12 halieeetus . xiii * 12 — Ichthyaeetus . xiii.* 12 Pangolin . i. 181 Panorpa vi. 264 communis . vi. 264 coa vi. 264 tipularia . . vi. 264 Papilio, Hector v. vi P- 208 Hyale vi. 211 Io . vi. 212 Jurtina . vi. 213 Leilus vi. 211 Machaon vi. 209 Malvse vi. 214 Marsyas . vi. 214 Menelaus vi. 208 Midamus vi. 212 Morio ? . vi. 214 Paphia . vi. 213 Piera vi. 210 Polyhymnia vi. 210 Priam us . vi. 207 Rhamni . vi. 211 ■ — — Sarpedon vi 208 Sophorae . vi. 212 Panther . Panther a, Gesn. P anther e, Buff. Pantouffticr, Brous. Paon, Buff. blanc, Buff. bleu, Ascan. — — de mer, Buff, des Roses petit, i. 347 i. 347 i. 347 v. 355 xi. 142 xi. 140 xi. 512 xii. 110 xiv. 323 Buff. — domestique, Biff. xi. 142 Pannache, Buff. xi. 142 petit de Malacca, Sonn. . . . xi. 151 Sauvage, Temm. xi. 142 Sauvage de Lu$on. xi. 447 x. 448 Sonn. Pape-bleu, Buff. Papilio . — Antenor . — Apollo — Atalanta — Betulae . — Brassicse — Crataegi . — Danai Candidi Festivi vi. 202 vi. 208 vi. 210 vi. 213 vi. 214 vi. 21 I vi. 21 1 vi. 21 1 vi. 212 Papio . . . i. 1 6 Paradis • Nouvelle Guinee vii. 492 Oiseau de . vii. 492 Orange , Vieil. vii. 499 Roi des Oiseaux , Sonn- . . . vii. 497 r oilier de . vii. 499 rouge, Vieil. . vii. 487 Paradjsf.a . . vii. 478 Paradisea . . xiv. 75 alba . . vii. 501 apoda . . xiv. 76 apoda, Linn. . vii. 480 apoda, ft, Lath. vii. 486 aurantia . . vii. 499 aurantia, Shaw xiii.* 1 94 aurantia, Shaw xiv. 76 aurea, Linn. . vii. 496 aurea, Lath. . vii. 499 avis. C/us. . vii. 480 chalybea . . vii. 504 chalybea, Shaw xiv. 61 cirrhata . .. vii. 49 1 gularis . . vii. 501 gularis, Shaw . xiv. 57 ‘20*2 GENERAL INDEX Paradisea Leucoptera v. vii. p. 500 Magnifica vii. 492 magnifica xiv. 76 major vii. 480 — major, Shaw xiv. 7 6 minor vii. 486 minor xiv. 76 nigra vii. 488 . xiv. 75 nigricans . vii. 419 nigricans . xiv. 76 regia . vii. 497 regia, Shaw . xi?! 77 rubra xi v. 7 6 Sanguinea vii. 487 sanguinea, Shaw xiv. 7G Sexsetacea . vii. 496 sexsetacea, Shaw xiv. 75 Superba . . vii. 494 superba, Shaw xiv. 76 tristis, Linn. vii. 455 viridis, Linn. . vii. 504 Paradise-bird . vii. 478 Paradise-bird . xiv. 75 Black . vii. 488 bodied . vii. 489 . elialybean . vii. 504 cirrhated . . vii. 491 gold-breasted, Lath. vii. 496 Golden , Edw. vii. 499 Gorget . . vii. 501 Great . vii. 480 greater bird of, Edw. vii. 480 ■ King, Lath. . vii. 497 Lesser, Lath. . vii. 486 of Papua, Penn. . . vii. 486 Magnificent . vii. 492 Orange . . vii. 499 pied bird of, Edw. x. 416 Paradise-bird, Royal v. vii. p. 497 Sanguine . vii. 487 Six-shafted . vii. 496 Smaller . . vii. 486 Superb . . vii. 494 White . . vii. 501 White-winged vii. 500 Paradise-Fish, Edw. v. 147 Paragoodoo . iii. 569 Paragua, Rail . viii. 532 Pardalis, Gesn. i. 347 Pardalotus . xiii.* 264 australis xiii.* 251 gularis xiii.* 252 punctatus xiii.* 251 striatus . xiii.* 252 superciliosus xiii.* 252 Pardus, Gesn. . i. 347 Pardis aut Lynx brasiliensis, Jaquari dictus, Ray i. 355 Paresseux . i. 81 de Bengale i. 113 • pendactyle i. 81 Parkinson, Vieil. . xiv. 313 Pakotia . xiv. 75 aurea . xiv. 75 Parr v. 57 Parra . xii. 262 Parra . xiv. 333 , Lath. xi. 249, 274 Parra, Linn. . . xi. 508 senea . xii. 266 Africana . . xii. 268 Cayanensis, Gmel. xi. 513 - clmvaria, Linn. xii. 272 Chilensis . xii. 265 Dominicana Linn. xi. 518 GENERAL INDEX. 203 Parra Goensis, Gmel. v. xi. p. jacaua . . xii. - Indica . . xii. Ludoviciana, Gmel. xi. Luzoniensis, Gmel. Xll. Senegalla, Linn . xi. Sinensis . xii. superciliosa xii. variabilis, Linn. xii. - viridis, Gmel. . xii. Parraka xi. Parraka . xiv. noisy xi. Parrakeet xiv. Alexandrine . viii. Alexandrine , var. Lath. . xiv. Banded . viii. Bimaculated . viii. Black viii. Black-backed . viii. Black-necked . viii. Black-winged viii. Blossom-clieeked viii. headed, Lath. . . . viii. Lath. xiv. Blue-bellied . viii. Blue-collared . viii. Blue-crested . viii. headed . viii. blue-headed, Shaw xiv. Blue-rumped, Lath. viii. Blue-winged, Lath. viii. • Bontian . . viii. Bracelet ? Alb. viii. Parrakeet, Brasilian yellow v. viii. p. 449 Brown-throated viii. 455 Buff-fronted, Lath. viii. 455 Cayenne, Lath. viii. 552 Chesnut-cr owned, Lath. . . . viii. 554 collared, Lath. viii. 55 1 crested . . viii. 453 Crested-red, Lath. viii. 453 Crested Red and Green . . . viii. 551 Crimson-crowned viii. 419 Crimson-vented viii. 443 Double-ringed viii. 425 Double-ringed, Shaw xiv. 127 Dubious . . viii. 465 Emerald . viii. 406 • Gingi . . viii. 438 Golden-crowned viii. 453 — — Gold-headed, Lath. viii. 547 — — Gold-winged . viii. 545 Green, Lath. . viii. 352 Grey-breasted viii. 456 Grey-headed, Lath. viii. 550 Ground . viii. 454 Guinea, Shaiv . viii. 549 Horned . via. 452 horned via. 465 Japanese . viii. 417 Jaquilona viii. 442 Javan viii. 426 Javan , Shaw . xiv. 128 Jandaya . viii. 451 Illinois . viii. 445 Jonquil . viii. 427 jonquil, Shaw . xiv. 128 Lace-winged . viii. 421 Least Blue and 'een, Edw. viii. 556 Lineated . viii. 459 514 263 267 516 269 515 269 266 263 260 188 312 189 140 423 127 404 457 451 467 443 548 437 437 128 413 426 472 427 127 354 356 453 436 GENERAL INDEX 204 Parrakeet, Little Red- headed, Edw. v. viii. p. 549 Little Red-winged viii. 456 Long-tailed Green, Edw. . . . viii. 441 long-tailed green, JEdiv. . . . xiv. 136 Long, Ediv. . viii. 416 Luzonian, Lath. vm. Mexican yellow viii. Mustachoe Nonpareil Orange-bellied Ml!. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii. viii viii. Orange-winged • Pacific Pale Palm Papuan . Pavouane Pennantian Peregrine • Phigy Philippine Pompadour purple . purple-ringed , Shaiv xiv. Purple-tailed, Lath. viii. Pygmy . . viii. ■ Red and blue headed viii. Red-breasted . viii. — — Red-hooded . viii. • Red-rumped . viii. shouldered viii. Red-topped . viii. Ring . . viii. Rose-headed . viii. rose-headed ring, Edw. . . . xiv. Rose-ringed . viii. rose-ringed, Shaw xiv. 553 450 436 411 468 470 419 471 468 440 402 410 469 472 550 409 426 128 547 473 455 415 466 422 466 418 423 4.34 128 425 127 Parrakeet, Ruff-necked, Lath. . . v. ' viii. p. 482 Sapphire-crowned, Ediv. . . viii. 550 Scaly-breasted viii. 405 Sincialo . . viii. 441 small . viii. 471 Society . . viii. 457 Solstitial . viii. 448 Sulphur . . viii. 428 sulphur, Shaw xiv. 127 Tarcosine . viii. 470 Tabuan . . viii. 407 Tui . viii. 547 varied-winged viii. 420 Variegated . viii. 416 Violet . viii. 473 bleic, Shaw viii. 473 Undulated . viii. 469 Wave-breasted viii. 405 Yellow-collared viii. 439 faced, Edw. viii. 445 throated, Lath. viii. 546 winged viii. 458 Parraqua, Buff. . xi. 189 Parrot . . . viii. 384 Parrot . . . xiv. 101 Aldrovandine . viii. 491 Amazon . . viii. 493 Amboina, red, Lath. viii. 407 Aourou . . viii. 508 Argola, Lath. viii. 448 Ash-coloured . viii. 486 Asiatic . . viii. 553 Aurora . . viii. 502 Autumnal . viii. 516 Bauer’s, Lath. xiv. 121 Black-crowned, Lath. . . . viii. 459 Black of Madagas- car, Edw. . . viii. 529 GENERAL INDEX 205 Parrot, Blue-bellied, White . v. viii. p. 4 1 3 — — Blue-breasted, Brown viii. 464 blue-capped . viii. 520 Blue-faced , Lath. viii. 514 : — , Lath. viii. 515 — , Lath. viii. 5 1 6 green , Edw. . . . viii. 515 Blue-beaded . viii. 540 Blue-topped, Lath. viii. 493 Blue-rumped . viii. 554 Brasilian Green viii. 5 1 4 Brasilian Yellow, Lath. . . . viii. 448 Brasilian Yellow- fronted, Lath. . viii. 508 . , Lath. viii. 493 Brown s, Lath. xiv. 121 Caledonian, Lath. viii. 452 Cape . . viii. 556 Carolina . . viii. 444 cbesnut-crowned viii. 554 Cinereous . viii. 486 * Clusian . . viii. 482 Cochin-China viii. 532 Collared . . viii. 551 Common, Lath. viii. 493 Green, Will. . . . viii. 493 Common Grey viii. 486 Crested Red viii. 551 Crimson-vented, Lath. . . . viii. 443 Damask . . viii. 523 Dufresne’s . viii. 513 Dusky, Edw. . xiv. 1 04 Parrot, Emerald, Lath. v. viii. p. 506 Festive . . viii. 321 - — — Fringillaceous viii. 555 Golden . . viii. 543 Great-billed . viii. 530 Green and Red Chi- nese, Edw. . . viii. 490 Grey-headed . viii. 550 Guinea . . viii. 549 — — Havanna. . viii. 531 Hawk-headed, Edw. viii 482 Hooded . . viii. 542 Horned, Lath. viii. 452 , Lath. xiv. 123 Jamaica, Lath. viii. 493 Japanese, Lath. viii. 417 Jaquilma, Lath. viii. 442 Illinois, Lath. viii. 445 Lace-winged, Lath. viii. 421 Lesser Green, Edw. viii. 516 Lineated, Lath. viii. 459 Little Dusky viii. 540 — * — Little Green, Edw. viii. 508 , Edw. viii. 510 Luzonian . viii. 553 Main, Lath. . viii. 493 Mascarine . viii. 528 Mealy . . viii. 511 Noble, Lath. . viii. 401 ■ Nonpareil, Shaw viii. 411 , Lath. viii. 411 Pacific, Lath. viii. 419 Paradise . . viii. 501 Passerine . viii. 556 Pavuuane, Lath. viii. 402 Pennantian, White viii. 410 Pompadour . viii. 407 <206 GENERAL INDEX Parrot, Purple-tailed v. viii. p. 547 Racket -tailed, Lath. xiv. 125 Red and White viii. 484 Red-bar . . viii. 510 Red-breasted, Lath. viii. 413 Red-crowned viii. 523 ■ Red-fronted, Lath. viii. 55 7 Red-masked . viii. 544 Red-naped . viii. 543 Red-rumped, Lath. viii. 422 Red-sided . viii. 490 Red-topped , Lath. viii. 4 IS Sapphire-crowned viii. 550 scarlet-breasted, Lath. . xiv. 128 Senegal . viii. 544 Smaller Vasa . viii. 529 Sparrow, Lath. viii. 555 Splendid, Shaw viii. 410 Society , Lath. viii. 457 Sosove viii. 552 Southern brown viii. 522 Tabuan, Lath. viii. 409 • , Lath. xiv. 122 , IVhite viii. 407 Toui viii. 546 Trica viii. 552 Tu i para . viii. 555 Varied-winged, Lath. . viii. 420 Vasa viii. 528 West Indian Gt een, Lath. viii. 493 White- breasted viii. 542 White-crested of Al- drovandus. Will. viii. 478 crowned viii. 519 White-fronted viii. 517 headed, Edw. . viii. 517 Parrot, Yellow-breasted v. viii. p. 541 headed, Lath. viii. 45 1 Ama- zons, Lath. . . viii. 491 Ama- zons, Lath. . . viii. 497 • shouldered, Lath. . . . viii. 493 winged, Lath. viii. 493 Zoned, Shaw . viii. 4G5 Partridge . . xi. 338 Partridge . . xiv. 303 Aragonian, Lath. xi. 305 Barbary . . xi. 350 bare-necked , Lath . xi. 333 hr cion African, Lath. xi. 329 Cambaian, Lath. xi. 256 Cape, Lath. . xi. 333 Caspian, Lath. xi. 349 Ceylon, Lath. . xi. 332 Common . . xi. 339 crowned. Lath. . xi. 253 Damascus, Lath. xi. 341 — — eyed . . xi. 353 Francolin, Edw. xi. 319 Gingi . . xi. 35 1 Greek . . xi. 346 Green, Lath. . xi. 253 Guernsey . xi. 347 Guiana, Lath. xiv. 302 Hackled . . xi. 358 Javan . . xi. 355 Kakerlic, Lath. xi. 349 — — Maryland, Penn. xi. 378 mountain . . xi. 344 mountain, Edw. xi. 130 New England, Alb. xi. 378 pearl eel, Lath. xi. 323, 326 pintado, Lath. xi. 32o I GENERAL INDEX 207 Partridge, Pondicherry, Lath. . . v. xi. p. 321 red, Lath. . xi. 346 red-necked, Lath. xi. 335 red-throated . xi. 35 G rufous-breasted, Lath. xi. 350 Senegal, Lath. xi. 330 violaceous, Shaw xi. 253 Virginian, Lath . xi. 278 tVhite, Edtv. . xi. 292 Wood , Lath. . xi. 275 Parus . x. 36 Parus . . .xiii.*245 Afer . . x. 54 alpinus . x. 69 • Americanus . x. 43 Americanus, Briss. x. 737 Americanus, Steph. xiv. 194 amatorius, Gmel. x. 42 amorosus ater ater atricapillus atricapillus x. 42 x. 57 xiii.* 246 x. 52 xiii.* 246 -, Briss. x. 57 atriceps . . xiii.* 246 barbatus, Briss. x. 62 biarmicus . x. 62 biarmicus, Steph. x. 248 x. 65 xiii.* 246 x. 40 xiii.* 246 x. 48 — bicolor — bicolor . — caeruleus — caeruleus . — Capensis . — capensis, Steph. xiii.* 245 Carolinensis cris- tatus, Briss. . x. 65 — Carolinensis gri- seus, Briss. . . x. 679 — caudatus . . x. 59 caudatus . xiii.* 247 Parus, Cela . v. x. p. 50 cinereus, Briss. x. 697 coccineus, Gmel. x. 46 cristatus . . x. 64 cristatus . . xiii.* 246 cyanus . x. 39 cyanus . . xiii.* 246 furcatus . . xiii.* 246 Hudsonicus . x. 53 Hudsonus, Steph. xiii.* 246 Japonicus . x. 55 ignotus, Gmel. x. 70 Indicus . . x. 46 Knjaescik . x. 45 Knjaescik, Steph. xiii.* 246 Lathami . x. 44 Lathami, Steph. xiii.* 246 longicauda, Briss. x. 53 lugubris, Tern, xiii.* 248 roacrocephalus x. 51 macrocephalus, Steph. xiii. 267 major . x. 37 major . . xiii.* 246 Malabaricus . x. 49 malabaricus , Steph. xiii.* 124 Narbonensis . x. 68 Narbonensis, Steph. xiii.* 248 Novae Zealandiae x. 47 palustris . . x. 56 palustris . . xiii.* 246 , var. Lath. x. 55 pendulinus . x. 56 pendulinus, Steph. xiii.* 245 peregrinus . x. 46 rterezrinus, Steph. xiii* 124 polonicus, sive pendu- linus, Briss. . x. 66 sabyensis, Gmel. x. 39 — Sibiricus . x. 44 208 GENERAL INDEX Parus sibiricus v. xiii .* p. 246 Sinensis . . x. 59 Stromei . . x. 70 Struemei, Steph. xiii.* 248 Virginianus X. 50 Pasan ii. 312 Passaros da Sol vil. 479 Passer . xiv. 39 Passer, Ray . xiii. 139 arcuatus . xiv. 41 australis . xiv. 41 Canadensis, Briss. ix. 41 capensis . xiv. 41 Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . ix. 53 Cisalpina xiv. 40 cristatus . xiv. 42 cruciger . xiv. 41 domesticus xiv. 40 domesticus , Briss. ix. 429 dominicanus xiv. 42 • elegans . xiv. 41 erythrocephalus xiv. 41 ■ erythrorhynchos Ca- yitis Bonce Spei, Briss. ix. 256 hispaniolensis . xiv. 40 jamaicensis, Briss. ix. 500 Uriels transversis, Sloan. . . . iv. 311 madagascariensis xiv. 4 1 niontanus . xiv. 40 niontanus, Briss. ix. 432 niger, Briss. . ix. 452 erythrorynchos, Briss. . . . ix. 453 oculatus, Plum. iv. 319 oryx . . xiv. 4 1 pennsylvanicus, Briss. . . . ix. 499 Passer sclavonicus, Briss. . . v. ix. p. 437 Senegal en sis erythro- rynchos, Briss. . ix. 256 stultus, Briss. . ix. 436 stultus, Ray xiii. 140 sylvestris, Briss. ix. 434 torquatus sen arun- dinaceus, Briss. IX. 362 Virginianus, Briss. X. 587 Passercu/us hononiensis, Briss. ix. 435 Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . IX. 545 Passeriki, Pam. iii. 547 Passe rina xiv. 19 Vicil. xiv. 19 Ciris xiv. 20 cyanea xiv. 20 leucophrys xiv. 20 monticola xiv. 20 oryzivora xiv. 20 Passerinette, Buff'. . X. 745 Passevert, Buff. X. 459 a tete rousse . X. 459 Pastinaca • marina altera, Will. V. 287 Pastor . xiv 58 Temm. xiv. 54 ,57 Cantor . xiv. 59 columbinus xiv. 59 — — mauritianus . xiv. 59 roseus . xiv. 58 tricolor, Horsf. xiv. 58 Patas i. 49 Pavement bleu, Buff. ix. 409 Pavo xi. 141 Pavo xiv. 300 GENERAL INDEX 209 Pavo, Linn. . v. xi. p. 150 bicalcnratus, Linn. xi. 151 cristatus xi. 124 albus, Briss. . xi. 143 domesticus, Temm. xi. 142 varius, Briss. . xi. 142 Japonicus, Briss. xi. 148 muticus . xi. 148 Sinensis, Briss. xi. 151 Tibetanns, Linn. xi. 151 Pavoncella, Leach . xii. 109 pugnax, Leach xii. 110 Pausus . vi. 42 microcephalus . vi. 43 sphserocerus vi. 44 Pauxi xi. 172 Pauxi . . . : xiv. 312 a casque ou le pierre, Temm. xi. 173 ■ crested . xi. 175 galeata, Temm. xi. 173 galeated . xi. 173 Mitre, Temm. xi. 175 Peacock xi. 141 Peacock . . : xiv. 300 crested . xi. 142 Iris, Lath. xi. 151 Japan xi. 148 Thibet, Lath. xi. 251 variegated. Lath. xi. 143 white , Lath. . xi. 143 Pearl . iv. 315 Pecari . ii. 469 Pecary . ii. 469 Pechuck . xiii. 91 V. XIV. P. II. Peck-a-tree . v. ix. p. 185 Pecus, Plin. ii. 385 Pedda-Poda iii. 513 Peddaraki Sovero v. 137 Pediculus vi. 450 liumanus vi. 450 Peevit xi. 509 Pegasus v. 461 Draco v. 461 Draconis, Linn. v. 461 Dragon . v. 461 Flying . v. 462 Natans . v. 463 Swimming v. 463 Volans v. 462 Peintade, Buff. xi. 259 cornel, Temm. xi. 263 Meleagride, Temm. xi. 259 — — mitree, Temm. xi. 262 Pekan i. 429 PELECANID7E xiii. 78 Pelecanus xiii. 108 . 75, 99, xiii. 119 xiii. 85 africanus, Gmel. Aquilus, Linn. xiii. 120 australis xiii. 1 13 — — bassanus, Linn. xiii. 100 Carbo, Linn. . xiii. 76 Carolinensis xiii. 1 1 5 . carunculatus, Gmel. xiii. 94 cirrhatus, Gmel, xiii. 95 cristatus, Falv. =— erythrorhynchus xiii. 83 xiii. 1 17 — — Fiber, Linn. . xiii. 105 fuscus xiii. 112 14 GENERAL INDEX. 210 Pelecanus occidentalis, Linn. . . v. xiii . p. 1 12 graculus, Linn. xiii. 82 Javanicus . xiii. 116 leucocephalus, Gmel. xiii. 122 . leucogaster, Vieil. ° • • • Cj C xm. 86 masellanicus, Gmel . xiii. 89 ■ — maculalus, Gmel. xiii. 101 .. — manillensis , Gmel. xiii. 1 10 melanoleucos , Vieil. xiii. 93 minor, Gmel. xiii. 120 ncevius, Gmel. xiii. 88 Onocrotalus . xiii. 109 Palmerstoni > Gmel. xiii. 123 «■ parvus, Linn. xiii. 108 ■■ — philippensis , Gmel. xiii. 109 piscator, Linn. xiii. 103 .... — punctatus, Gmel. xiii. 88 pygmceus, Lath. xiii. 97 roseus, Gmel. . xiii. 109 . rufescens . xiii. 114 sinensis, Latli. xiii. 96 Sala, Linn. . xiii. 104 Thagus . • xiii. 117 trachyrhynchus xiii. 117 varius, Gmel. . xiii. 92 violaceus, Gmel. xiii. 86 Urile, Gmel. . xiii. 86 Pelican . • • xiii. 108 hlanc , Temm. . xiii. 109 . brown . • xiii. 112 brun, Buff. . xiii. 112 brun de l' Isle de Lufon, Sonn. . xiii. 110 Charlestown . xiii. 115 common . . xiii. 109 — — -frigate, Lath. xiii. 121 Pelican, Javan v. xiii. p. 1 16 lesser frigate, Lath. xiii. 121 Manilla, Lath. xiii. 1 10 New Holland xiii. 113 — — Palmerstone frigate, Lath. . • • xiii. 123 Philippine, Lath. xiii. 110 red-backed xiii. 1 14 rose-coloured. Lath. xiii. 110 rough-billed xiii. 117 rose de l' Isle de Lupon, Sonn. xiii. 109 saw-billed xiii. 117 white, Ediv. xiii. 109 white-headed frigate, Lath. xm. 122 wood, Penn. xii. 3 Pelidna xii. 95 Pelidna xiv. 33 1 Dominicensis . xii. 106 minuta . xii. 105 pusilla xii. 101 semipalmata . xii. 107 subarcuata xii. 96 Temminkii xii. 103 Teminckii xiv. 331 variabilis xii. 98 Pendulums x. 68 Pendulinus, Vieil. xiv. 47 PENELOrE xi. 177 Penelope xiv. 3 1 2 Antiquorum xii* 131 Penelope, Briss. xii.* 193, 187 Temm. . xi. 188 — ■ — Antiquorum xu. 130 — — cristata . . xi. 178 ■ - Cumenensis,Lath. xi. 180 GENERAL INDEX. 211 Penelope leucolophos, Merrem. . v.xi.p. 180 — Marail . . xi. 1 83 — — Mexicana, Briss. xii * 204 obscura . . xi. 185 Parrakoua, Temm. xi. 189 Pean, Temm. . xi. 186 * popile . . xi. 1 80 Sategra, Gmel. xi. 239 Siffleur, Temm. xi. ISO Supercilia . xi. 1 86 Penguin . . xiii. 54 — Bay . xiii. 51 Antartic, Lath. xiii. 67 apterous, Lath. xiii. 71 black-footed, Edw. xiii. 64 Cape, Lath. . xiii. 64 chiloe . . xiii. 56 — collared, Lath. xiii. 60 crested, Lath. xiii. 58 hairy, Lath. . xiii. 68 little, Lath. . xiii. 61 — — Magellanic, Lath. xiii. 65 New Holland, Lath. xiii. 68 Papuan, Lath. xiii. 59 Patagonian . xiii. 55 red footed., Edw. xiii. 61 woolly, Lath. xiii. 69 Pentanemus, Seb. . v. 149 Pentopthalmas, Will. iv. 73 Percnoptere, Birf. . vii. 29 Percnopterus, Aid. . vii. 19 Percnopterus xiii.* 6 Percnopterus . xiv. 345 iEgyptiacus xiii.* 7 aura . xiii* 7 Percnopterus aura v. xiv. p. 345 Monachus xiii.* 1 7 Uruba . . xiv. 345 Perca iv. 545 acerina, Linn. iv. 559 Alburnus iv. 548 Arabica . iv. 549 argentea, Linn. iv. 438 Asper iv. 551 Atraria, Linn. iv. 464 Aurata, Linn. iv. 443 Cabrilla, Linn. iv. 439 cernua iv. 548 Chinensis, Linn. iv. 466 ■ chrysoptera, Linn. iv. 465 — — Digramma, Linn iv. 440 fasciata, Linn. iv. 561 fluviatilis iv. 545 formosa, Linn. iv. 439 gigas> Linn. iv. 560 guttata, Linn. iv. 452 lineata, Linn. iv. 438 Lophar . iv. 549 Louti, Linn. iv. 572 Lucioperca iv. 547 lunar i a, Linn. iv. 575 lunata, Linn. . iv. 443 marina, Linn. iv. 559 Mediterraneus, Linn. iv. 465 melanura, Linn. iv. 429 Nilotica . iv. 550 nobilis, Linn. . iv. 329 nobilis, Linn. . iv. 463 Ocellata . iv. 550 palpebrosa, Linn. iv. 464 Philadelphia, Linn. iv. 560 Polymna, Linn. iv. 463 punctulata, Linn. iv. 452 pusilla iv. 550 212 GENERAL INDEX Perca rhomboidalis? Catesb. . v. i\ • V • 447 Rogaa, Linn. . iv. 575 ■ Scandens, Linn. Schraetser , Linn. iv. 475 iv. 554 ■ Scriba, Linn. iv. 466 ■ Sectatrix, Linn. iv. 429 Stigma, Linn. . iv. 438 — Striata, Linn. iv. 441 Taurina, Linn. iv. 561 . trifurca, Linn. iv. 477 . venenosa, Linn. iv. 430 . vittata, Linn. . iv. 465 volgensis, Linn. iv. 547 Zingel iv. 551 Percii iv. 545 ■ Arabian . iv. 549 Common iv. 545 Lophar . iv. 549 • Nilotic iv. 550 Ocellated iv. 550 Reiffe iv. 548 Sandre . iv. 547 Small iv. 550 Whiting iv. 548 Zingel iv. 551 Zingelin iv. 551 Perdix xi 338 Perdix xiv. 303 Briss. xi. 401 Lath. xi. 304, 316, 360, 376, 387 I^atli. . xi 252 Adansonii, Temm. xi. 330 Afra, Lath. . xi. 323 Americana, Briss. xi. 377 Andalusica, Lath. xi. 396 Aragonica, Lath. xi. 305 Australis, Lath. xi. 373 Perdix hicalcnrnta, Torslc. v. xi. p. 33 1 bicalcar ata, Lath. xi. 330 — — borealis, Temm. xi. 377 Californica, Lath. xi. 377 Cambainensis , Lath. xi. 256 Capensis, Lath. xi. 333 Ceylonensis, Lath. xi. 331 Chinensis, Lath. xi. 371 cinerea . . xi. 339 var. Tern. xi. 344 cinerea alba, Briss. xi. 339 Coromandelica, Lath. xi. 367 coronatus, Lath. xi. 253 Coiurnix , Lath. xi. 361 Coyolcos, Lath. xi. 377 Cranchii, Leach xi. 336 — ■ — Cristata, Lath. xi. 377 — — Damascene, Rail xi. 3 1 1 dentatus, Lath. xi. 420 Falklandica, Lath. xi. 386 ferruginea . xi. 358 Francolina, Lath. xi. 319 Gibraltarica, Lath. xi. 397 gingica . . xi. 351 grseca . . xi. 346 grisea, Lath. . xi. 370 Guianensis, Lath. xiv. 302 gularis . . xi. 356 Indica, Lath. . xi. 309 longirostris, Temm. xi. 317 Luzoniensis, Lath. xi. 392 Madagascariensis, Lath. . . xi. 325 major Brasiliensis, Briss. . . xi. 406 GENERAL INDEX. 213 Perdix Manillensis, Lath. v. xi. p. Marylanda , Lath. xi. Mewicana, Lath. xi. Montana . xi. Novas Anglia, Briss. xi. Novae Guinea, Lath. xi. nigricollis, Lath. xi. nudicollis, Lath. xi. oculea xi. perlata, Lath. xi. petrosa . xi. Ponticeriana . xi. Ponticeriana, Temm. xiv. rubra, Briss. X. var. Temm. xi. Brasiliensis, Briss. . xi. rubricollis, Lath. xi. rufa . . xi. Lath. . xi. var. Lath. xi. Sax a tills, Temm. xi. — Senegalensis, Briss. xi. Sinensis, Briss. xi. Sonnini, Temm. xi. Sonnini, Temm. xiv. Spadicea, Lath. xi. Striata, Lath. xi. striata, Temm. xiv. textilis, Temm. xiv. thoracica, Temm. xi. Virginiana, Lath. xi. viriais, Lath. . xi. Perdrix a Camail, Temm. xi. a double-hausse-col, Temm. . . xi. d gorge rousse, Temm. . . xi. Perdrix Ayam-ham, Temm. v. xi. p. 355 Barterclle, Buff. xi. 346 blanche, Temm. xi. 340 d’ Amerique , Buff. xi 377 de Gingi, Temm. xi. 352 de la Guiane, Buff. xiv. 302 de la Nouvelle Angleterre, Buff. xi. 377 de la roche. Buff. xi. 350 ■ de mer, Biff'. x. 136 de mer a Collier, Biff. . . . x. 136 de mer brun, Buff. x. 138 de Montague, Buff. . . . xi. 344 de Pondicherry, Sonn. . . . xi. 321 Gambia, Temm. xi. 350 grise. Buff". . xi. 339 grise, var. Temm. xi. 345 grise-blanche, Buff. xi. 339 ocidee, Temm. xi. 354 perlee de la Chine, Buff. . . . xi. 325 rouge, Buff. . xi. 348 rouge-blanche, Briss. xi. 348 rouge d’ A frique, Buff. . . . xi. 395 rouge de Barbarie, Buff. . . xi. 350 rouge de Madugas- car, Sonn. . . xi. 329 Pere-Noire a longue queue, Buff. ix. 284 Perfalbere Natter, Merr. iii. 482 Perlon, Cep. . . v. 342 Pernis . . . xiii.* 44 371 377 377 344 377 375 388 333 353 325 350 321 303 348 348 350 325 347 346 350 346 330 325 377 303 329 368 303 303 322 377 253 358 352 356 GENERAL INDEX. @14 Pernis apivorus v. xiii * p. 44 ptilorynchus . xiii.* 44 Perou Moutons, Trag. ii. 248 Perrochino . . viii. 441 Perroquet . . viii. 517 Perroquet . . viii. 441 a bee couleur de sung, Buff '. . • viii. 530 ■ h Callotte bleu, Le Vail. . . viii. 520 d Camail bleu , Le Vail. . . viii. 540 a epaulettes jaunes, Le Vail. . . viii. 493 , Le Vail. . . • viii. 499 a face bleu, Le Vail. viii. 531 a face rouge, Le V ail. . . . viii. 5 1 7 ■ a fanes rouges, Le Vail. . . . viii. 490 af ranges Souci, Le Vail. . . viii. 523 a j ones blancs, Le Vail. . . . viii. 514 d joues orange, Le Vail. . . . viii. 5 1 1 Amazone? . viii. 508 Amazone, Bliss. viii. 493 Aourou-couraon, Le Vail. . . viii. 508 a tele bleu de Cayenne, viii. 540 « tete grise, Buff. viii. 544 Bouquet, Le Vail. viii. 515 brun, Le Vail. xiv. 104 Caica, Le Vail. viii. 542 Cendre oil Jaco, Buff. . . . viii. 400 Perroquet d’ Amboine v. viii. p. 520 de Cuba . . viii. 501 de la Ha vane . viii 531 de la Nouvelle Guinee . . viii. 500 d’Or, Le Vail. viii. 543 Dufresne, Le Vail. viii. 513 Grand vert d tete bleu, Buff. . . viii. 520 jaune . . viii. 502 Geoffrou, Le Vail. viii. 544 jaune ecuille de rouge, Le Vail. . . viii. 501 - L’Anglois, Le Vail. viii. 543 le petit vert, Le V ail. viii. 510 Lori a Collier jaune, Le Vail. . . viii. 505 a queue bleu, Le Vail. . . viii. 539 Lori-Novara, Le Vail. . . . viii. 536 ■ Lori Unicolor, Le Vail. . . . viii. 538 ■ Lory d Scapulaire bleu, Le Vail. . viii. 504 Maille, Buff. viii. 482 Meunier , Le Vail. viii. 51 1 Noir, Buff. . viii. 529 Noir de Madagas- car . . . viii. 529 Red-shoiddered, White . . . viii. 466 Tahue de Cayenne viii. 521 Tavoua, Le Vail. viii. 521 varie, Buff. . viii. 482 — varie de Cayenne, Buff. . . . viii. 540 vert de la Chine, Buff. . . . viii. 490 GENERAL INDEX '215 Perroquet, violet , Temm. v. viii. p. 462 Perruche, Edvo. . viii. 470 a ailes bleues. Buff. viii. 856 — ■ a ailes cliamarrees, Buff. . . . viii. 421 , Le Vail. . . . viii. 421 ■ a ailes noires. Buff. viii. 553 • a ailes variees, Buff. viii. 548 a collier, Buff. viii. 551 chaperon bleu, Le Vail. . . . viii. 461 a collier jaune, Le Vail. . . . viii. 439 a collier noir, Le Vail. . . . xiv. 128 ■ a double collier, Le Vail. . . xiv. 127 a epaulette jaune, Le Vail. . . xiv. 127 a epaulettes rouge, Le Vail. . . viii. 438 a face bleu, Buff. viii. 415 a gorge rouge, Le Fail . . . xiv. 132 a gorge tachetee de Cayenne . . viii. 405 a large queue, Le Vail. viii. 410 ■ a joues grises, Le Vail. . . • xiv. 140 d moustaches, Buff. viii. 436 a nuque et joues rouge, Le Vail. . viii. 437 — — a poitrine rose, Le Vail. . . . viii. 436 Arimanon, Le Vail. viii. 473 a tache souci ? Le Vail. . . . viii. 546 ■ a tete bleu , Buff. viii. 550 Perruche d tete bleu, Le Fail. . . v. viii. p. 413 a tete grise, Buff. viii. 550 a tete rouge de Gingi, Le Vail. . . xiv. 128 • d tete rouge de Gui- nee, Buff. . . viii. 549 Banks, Le Vail. xiv. 119 ■' - croupion bleu, Le Vail. . . . viii. 407 d' Amboine . viii. 415 d’ Amboine, Buff. viii. 413 ■ de Gingi . . viii. 438 des Indes Orientales viii. 461 de la Guiene . viii. 402 de Malac . viii. 437 des Moluques, Buff. viii. 413 des Philippines viii. 550 des terres Magel- laniques . . viii. 406 ecarlate, Le Vail. viii. 460 emerauds, Buff. viii. 436 Fridytutah, Le Vail viii. 434 fringilaire, Le Vail. viii. 472 Gaurouba, Buff. viii. 448 Grand a longs brins. Biff. . . . viii. 437 Javane, La Vail. viii. 548 jaune. Buff. . viii. 448 jaune de Cayenne viii. 448 ingambe, Le Vail. viii. 454 la Grande a Collier et Latham, Le Vail. viii. 466 216 GENERAL INDEX Perruche Lc Lori tricolor, Biff. . . v. viii. p. L'Isle cle Luqon, Sonn. . viii. Lori, Buff. viii. Lori-Papou, Le Vail. . viii. ■ Lori , violet et rouge. Buff. . viii, omnicolor, Le Vail. viii. • Pavouane, Biiff. viii. ■ Petite a Collier de l' Isle de Luqon, Sonn. viii. petite d gorge jaune? viii. ■ Petite de Batavia viii. Petite du Cap de Bonne Esperance viii. petite de Cayenne viii. Petite de l’ Isle de St. Thomas . . viii. petite de Madagascar viii. Petite de Malacca, Sonn. . . . viii. ■ petite de Perou viii. Petites de l' Isle de Luqon, Sonn. . viii. petite Male de Guinee . . viii. Phigi, Le Vail. viii. • rouge d’ Amboine viii. Souris, Biff. viii. Spar r man, Le Vail. viii. Sparrman, Le Vail. . . . xiv. Talmau . . viii. Tui, Le Vail. viii. variee dcs hides viii. verte et rouge, Buff. viii. Perruche-Ara d bandeau rouge, Le Vail. . v. viii. p. 404 d gorge variee, Le Vail. . . . viii. 405 Pavouane, Le Vail. viii. 402 Pesee, Balestra . v. 412 Petaurus, Shaw . i. 497 Southern . i. 496 Petimbuaba, Marc. v. 95 Petit-gris . . ii. 137 Petlacotl, Seb. . iii. 489 Petrel . . . xiii. 218 black-toed, Penn. xiii. 231 brasilian, Lath. xiii. 228 cinereous, Lath. xiii. 227 de Leach, Temm. xiii. 219 dusky , Penn. xiii. 230 ech asses, Temm. xiii. 223 Fulmar, Penn. xiii. 234 A. Lath. xiii. 236 geant, Cuv. xiii. 237 giant, Lath. xiii. 237 great black, Edrv. xiii. 229 Leacli’s . . xiii. 219 long-legged . xiii. 223 obscur, Temm. xiii. 230 pacific, Lath. . xiii. 229 pique, Temm. xiii. 220 Vlffn> Temm. xiii. 227 brun, Buff. xiii. 229 gm blanc. Buff. . . . xiii. 234 — Shtunvater, Penn. xiii. 220 stormy . . xiii. 220 stormy, Catesby xiii. 224 , Lath. xiii. 223 Wilson’s . . xiii. 224 407 420 416 440 461 411 402 551 546 548 556 552 547 550 554 550 553 549 472 407 456 473 133 407 547 416 417 GENERAL INDEX 21 7 Petrocincla v. xiv. p. 342 Europaea . . xiv. 349 Petromyzon . . v. 251 Argenteus . v. 262 Bicolor . . v. 263 brancliialis . v. 260 corpore argenteo, Bloch . . . v. 262 fluviatilis . v. 257 maculosus, Sqc., Art. v. 251 ■ marinus . . v. 251 niger. Cep. . v. 263 — Planeri . . v. 259 Plumbeus . v. 263 ruber . . v. 26 1 Sanguisuga - . v. 261 — — Septoeil, Cep. v. 263 Petty chaps. Lath. ~ lesser, Lath. Petun petit Bout de Pezoporus Kuhl formosus PlRENICOPHAUS Ph^enicopttaus Javanicus • leucogaster leuco punctata . . x. 30 punctata, Steph. xni. 251 rubetra . . x. 1 1 rubricapilla . xiii.* 253 . rupicola . x. 9 rupicola, Steph. xiii *257 . serena . . x. 2G . serena . . xiii.* 253 striata . x. 29 striata, Steph. xiii.* 252 strigillata . xiii * 255 superba . . x. 14 ■ superba, Steph. xiii * 253 superciliosa . x. 34 superciliosa, Steph. xiii.* 252 x. 21 Pi pr in ^ . v. xiii * p. 244 Pique-bceuf \ I.e Vail. viii. 50 Piraqueba Brasiliensis, Mure. . . • iv- 209 Piseiculus llomce Argentina dictus, Will. . v. 128 Piscis Brasiliensis Cornutus, Petiv. . • .v. 384 Pismire Lion . . vi. 259 Pitheque . • • i. 14 Pit pit - d coeff'e bleu, Buff. x. 656 bleu de Cayenne, Buff. . . . x. 655 bleu de Surinam, Buff. ... x. 687 varie, Buff. . x. 687 vert. Buff. . x. 684 Pitta Bengalensis cyanoptera cyanurus erythrogastra gigas glaucina, Temm. xiii.* 1 87 thoracica, Temm. xiii* 187 versicolor . xiii* 183 xiii.* 183 xiii.* 183 xiii* 1 84 xiii.* 183 xiii.* 185 , xiii.* 186 PlTYLUS . • • xjv‘ canadensis . xiv. 88 erytliromelas . xiv. 88 grossus . • xiv. 88 gularis . . xiv. 89 Portoricensis . xiv. 88 violaceus . . xiv. 89 Pivote Ortolane, Buff. x. 571 Plaise • . . iv. 297 torquata . GENERAL INDEX 529 Plant cutter v. ix. p. 335 Plantain cutter . xiv. 85 Abyssinian, Lath. ix. 338 Chili ix. 336 Plantain-eater viii, 49 Plantain-eater xiv. 223 violet viii. 47 Plant-lice vi. 168 P last r on blanc, Buff. viii. 305 noir, Buff. viii. 294 noir, Vieil. x. 562 noir de Ceylon, Buff. x. 253 violet, Vieil. viii. 298 Platalea xi. 641 Platalea xiv. 325 Ajaja xi. 644 leucorodia xi. 642 pygmaea . xi. 645 Platea, Raii . xi. 641 • Brasiliensis Ajaja dictns, Raii . xi. 644 coccinea, Briss. xi. 644 leucorodia, Leach xi. 642 Mexican tlauhquechal, Rail xi. 644 rosea, Briss. xi 644 sive pelicanus Alclro- vandi, Raii . xi. 642 Platulc-ivatu xiv. 160 Platycercus . xiv. 120 auriceps . xiv. 123 Baueri . xiv. 121 • Brownii . xiv. 120 cornutus . xiv. 123 — — - erythronotus . xiv. 122 Platycercus erythrop- terus . . v. xiv. p. 123 eximius . . xiv. 120 icterotis . . xiv. 123 multicolor . xiv. 124 pacihcus . . xiv. 122 Pennantii . xiv. 120 scapulatus . xiv. 122 • setarius . . xiv. 124- Tabuensis . xiv. 122 Ulietanus . xiv. 123 xanthogaster . xiv. 120 Platyceros, Plin. . ii. 282 Platyrhyncus . xiii.* 1 14 , Temm. . xiii.* 133 Cancromus . xiii.* 115 — Ceylonensis, Swain. xiii.* 1 1 1 fuscus . xiii.* 114 olivaceus . xiii.* 1 1 4 ornatus, Desrr . xiii.* 95 Platystacus . . v. 28 Acetabulated . v. 28 anguillaris v. 30 cotylephorus . v. 28 Eel-shaped . v. 30 — Lcevis . v. 29 — ■ — Plain . v. 29 verrucosus . v. 30 • Warted . . v. 30 Platypus i. 228 Anatinus i. 229 — ■ — duck-hilled, Nat. Misc. i. 229 Plectorhinque Chetodonoide, Cep. iv. 356 Plectrophanes . xiv. 1 9 , Meyer ? . xiv. 20 Lapponica . xiv. 19 nivalis . xiv. 1 9 ^30 GENERAL INDEX Plectropterus v. xii * p. 6 black-backed . xii.* 8 Gambiau . . xii.* 7 Gambeusis . xii.* 7 melanotos . xii.* 8 Pleuronectes . iv. Argenteus . iv. Argus . . iv. asper canescens, Art. iv. Barbatus . iv. — — Bilineatus . iv. Cynoglossus . iv. dentatus . . iv. Diaphanus . iv. Flesus . . iv. Glacialis . . iv. Hippoglossus . iv. . Japouicus . iv. Lae vis . . iv. Limanda . iv. Limandoides . iv. . lineatus . . iv. Linguatula . iv. Lunatus, Linn. iv. Macrolepidotus iv. Manrus, Linn. iv. Marmoratus . iv. Maximus, Linn. iv. Ocellatus . iv. Ornatus . . iv. Passer . . iv. Passer, Linn. . iv. Pavonius . iv. Plaguisa . . iv. Platessa . . iv. plalessoides . iv. Punctatus . iv. Rhombus . iv. Rondeletii . iv. — Rosens . . iv. Solea . . iv. solea oculata, Will. i Stellatus . . i Trychodactybis i 294 308 319 306 309 317 29G 321 309 301 305 295 322 299 298 300 31 1 304 320 315 320 310 312 307 317 318 301 310 306 297 308 316 315 307 302 302 307 321 306 Pleuronectes Tuber- culatus . v. iv. p. 312 Zebra . . iv. 305 Ploceus . Abyssinicus aurifrons capitalis . caudacutus erythrocephalus fasciatus . Malimbicus maritimus melanocephalus orvzivorus Pecoris . pensilis . Pliilippensis senesralensis 34 34 surinamensis . xiv. 36 xiv. 34 xiv. 34 xiv. 35 xiv. 36 xiv. 36 xiv. 34 xiv. 36 xiv. 34 xiv. 26 xiv. 36 xiv. 36 xiv. 36 xiv. 34 xiv. 34 xiv. xiv. Plongeon a gorge rouge, Buff. xii* 238 Cat-marin, Temm. xii.* 238 , Buff. xii* 239 le grand, Cuv. xii.* 233 Buff, xii.* 234 , Buff xii.* 236 ■ petit, Cuv. . xii.* 238 Buff. . xii.* 239 — petit de la Mer de Nord, Buff. . . xii.* 236 Plotus Gmel. Klein. Anbinga melanogaster Surinamensis, Gmel. xiii. 22 xiii. 130 xiii. 20 xiii. 135 xiii. 132 xiii. 131 Plover . xi. 460 GENERAL INDEX 231 Plover . . v. xiv. p. 339 • Alwargrim . xi. 466 Asiatic, Lath. . xi. 468 bastard, Penn. xi. 509 black-billed, IVils. xi. 466 breasted, Edw. xi. 483 — > headed, Lath. xi. 487 Cayenne . . xi. 484 chattering, J Pills . xi. 476 cream-coloured, Lath. xi. 500 — — crested . . xi. 483 Curonian . xi. 473 • dottrel . . xi. 468 great, Bew. . xi. 459 — ... billed, Lath. xi. 462 green, Low. . xi. 464 grey> Alb. . xi. 505 golden . . xi. 464 high-legged, Lath. xii. 184 hooded . . xi. 480 - — — long-legged, Lath. xii. 179 Kentish . . xi. 474 New Zealand . xi. 479 . noisy . . xi. 476 Philippine . xi. 478 ringed . . xi. 470 , var. Mont. xi. 474 ruddy, Penn. xi. 490 • Senegal . . xi. 482 spur-winged, Edw. xi. 483 , Lath. xi. 482, 485 wattled . . xi. 48 1 • wreathed, Lath. xi. 488 P linnet blanc, Le Pail. xiii.* 151 Pluvialis, Rail xi. 458, 463, 504 Pluvialis aurea-minor, Briss. . . v. xi. p. 46 4 cinerea, Rail . xi. 505 dominicensis tor- quata, Briss. . xi. 476 Persica cristata, Briss. . . . xi. 483 Senegalensis armata, Briss. . . . xi. 482 torquata minor, Briss. . . . xi. 471 virginiana torquata, Briss. . . . xi. 476 viridis, Rail . xi. 464 Pluvian . . xi. 486 Pluvian . • • xiv. 339 black-headed . xi. 487 wreathed . xi. 488 Pluvianus . . xi. 486 Pluvianus . . xiv. 339 Pluvianus, Rail . xii. 85 Bengalensis major, Briss. . . xi. 452 coronatus . xi. 488 major, Rail , xii. 86 melanocephalus xi. 487 Pluvier a Collier, Buff. xi. 471 d Collier de St. Do - rningue, Buff. . xi. 476 a Collier interrompu, Temm. . • xi. 474 d aigrette, Buff. xi. 482 d lambeaux. Buff. xi. 481 arme de Cayenne, Buff. . . xi. 485 arme du Senegal xi. 483 Caiffe du Senegal, Buff. . . . xi. 480 Couronne du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . . . xi. 488 GENERAL INDEX 282 Pluvier de la Cote de Malabar, Buff. v. xi. p. dare, Buff. . xi. dore, Temm. . xi. dore a gorge noire, Buff. . . xi. du Senegal, Buff. xi. grand d Collier, Temm. . . xi. huppe dc Perse, Buff. . . . xi. le grand, Buff. xi. petit, Buff. . xi. pet 'll a Collier, Buff. xi. petit a Collier de Luqon, Sonn. . xi. Plyctolophus . xiv. galeritus . . xiv. Moluccensis . xiv. Fhilippinarum xiv. sulphureus . xiv. tenuirostris . xiv. Poa, Rob . . viii. Pochard . . xii.* black and white xii.* canvas-backed xii.* ferrugineous . xii.* Gmelin’s . . xii * Iceland . . xii.* Mexican . . xii.* New Zealand . xii * Nyroca . . xii * pink-headed . xii.* red-crested . xii.* headed . xii.* Scaup . . xii.* • St. Domingo . xii.* tufted . . xii.* western . . xii.* . xiii.* Po dargus cornutus. Temm. . v. xiii.* p. 92 gracilis . xiii.* 93 Javensis . xiii.* 92 Novae Hollandiae xiii. 93 Podiceps xiii. 1 auritus xiii. 12 Carolinensis xiii. 16 Caspicus, Lath. xiii. 10 cayanus . xiii. a cornutus . xiii. 9 cristatus . xiii. 3 Dominicus xiii. 7 Hebridicus, La h. xiii. 13 Ludovicianus . xiii. 18 minor xiii. 13 B, Lath. . xiii. 16 Noire Hollandice xiii. 18 obscurus. Lath. xiii. 10 Philippensis xiii. 16 rubricollis xiii. 8 Thomensis xiii. 6 Podoa xiii. 20 Podoa xiv. 33a Senegalensis . xiii. 21 Surinamensis . xiii. 22 Podobe du Senegal, Buff. x. 283 PoDURA vi. 409 aquatica vi. 409 arborea . vi. 410 atra vi. 410 limetaria vi. 410 plumbea . vi. 410 Poephagus, Penn. . ii. 415 Pogonia, Vieil. xiv. 147 xiv. 147 xiv.v 149 481 464 466 466 487 471 483 4a 9 468 473 478 108 108 108 108 108 108 169 187 208 196 20a 209 192 204 210 210 207 188 193 198 203 190 206 91 92 Podargus australis Pogonias hirsutus . GENERAL INDEX 233 Pogoni As lsevirostris V. p. xiv. 148 niger xiv. 148 person atus xiv. 148 rubescens xiv. 148 rubrifrons xiv. 149 sulcirostris xiv. 148 Vieilloti . xiv. 149 Pogonius ix. 1 Pogonius, Leach xiv. 147 groove-beaked . ix. 2 lsevirostris ix. 2 ■ Le Vaillantii, Leach xiv. 148 Smooth -beaked ix. 2 Steph ensii, Leach xiv. 148 Sulcirostris ix. 2 Vieilloti . ix. 3 Vieillot’s ix. 3 Pointer . i. 282 Poker xii.* 193 Polatouche ii. 155 Polecat . Poliopus i. 415 — — gallinula minor, Rail xii. 246 Pollack iv. 147 Polochion, Buff. xiv. 260 Pologna, Seb. . iii. 337 Polophilus . ix. 43 Polophilus, Leach xiv. 212 ■ iEgvptius ix. 54 JE gyp tins, Steph. xiv. 212 bengalensis ix. 50 Bengalensis, Steph. xiv. 213 caeruleus . caeruleus, Steph. ix. 56 xiv. 213 gigas ix. 45 ■ ■ gigas, Steph. . xiv. 214 Lathami ix. 46 Polophilus, Lathami, Steph. . v. xiv. p. 214 leucogaster ix. 49 leucogaster , Steph. xiv. 214 — maurus . ix. 57 maurus, Steph. xiv. 214 Phasianus ix. 48 Phasianus, Steph. xiv. 214 rufus ix. 44 rufus , Steph. . xiv. 214 Senegalensis . ix. 53 Senegalensis, Steph. xiv. 212 Sinensis . ix. 51 Tolu ix. 52 Tolu, Steph. xiv. 213 variegatus ix. 47 — — variegatus, Steph. xiv. 214 viridis ix. 55 Polybokus xiii.* 1 1 Brasiliensis xiii * 1 1 degener xiii. 1 1 Novae Zelandiae xiii.* 1 1 Polydactylies Plumieri, Cep. v. 157 PoLYNEME v. 147 Commerson’s . v. 156 Four-fingered v. 155 Indian v. 155 ■ Nilotic v. 151 Paradise v. 147 Plebeian v. 150 Plunder’s v. 157 Seban v. 149 Ten -fingered . v. 154 Virginian v. 156 Polynemus v. 147 Commersonii . v. 156 decadactylus . v. 154 23 4 GENERAL INDEX PoLYNEMUS Indicus v. v.p. 155 liniatus, Cep. v. 156 ■ Nilotieus v. 151 Paradiseus v. 147 plebeius . v. 150 Plumieri v. 157 Quinquarius . v. 149 Tetradactylus v. 155 Virginicus v. 156 PoLYPLECTRON xi. 150 POLYPLECTRON xiv. 300 ■ Argus xi. 151 Chinquis xi. 151 PoLYPTERUS . v. 122 Nilotic . v. 122 Nilotieus v. 122 Polytmus, Briss. viii. 285 Cayenensis violaccus, Briss. via. 290 P olyodon feuitle, Cep. P omacentrc v. 362 Croissant, Cep. iii. 352 PoMATORIIINUS xiv. 269 montanus xiv. 270 Pomba niargosa xiv. 283 Pompadour, Buff. x. 430 Pongo i. 9 Poor iv. 141 Poppinjay ix. 185 Porc-epic, Ruff. ii.. 1 Malacca ii. 1 Porcupine ii. 1 Brasilian, Penn . ii. 7 Brush-tailed . ii. 11 Canada . ii. 13 Common ii. 1 crested, Penn. ii. 1 • iridescent ii. 9 long-tailed, Penn. ii. 9 Porcupine, Malacca, Penn. v. i. p. 550 Mexican . ii. 8 Prehensile . ii. 7 rice-tailed . ii- 9 Porcus aculcatis, Seb. i. 550 aculeatis Sylvestris, Seb. . . . ii. 9 — — marinus, Sibb. ii. 507 Porpesse . . ii. 504 Porpess, Penn. . ii. 504 Porphyrio . . xii. 249 PORPHYRIO Br, XIV. xii. xii. albus Americana , Rail xii Brasilian • Brasil iensis • black-backed headed Xll. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. - crowing . - erythropus - favorite . - flavirostris - J'reti Hudsonis, Briss xii. - green - Heyacinthine - heyacinthus - Indian - Indicus . - Madagascar - Madagascariensis xii. - Maderaspatana - Madras . - Martinicus - melanoceplialus - melanotus - minor, Briss. . - ncevius, Briss. - purple - purpureus Xll. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. Xll. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. xii. 335 214 261 252 260 260 259 258 252 255 250 260 208 254 256 256 254 254 251 251 258 258 252 258 259 253 246 255 252 GENERAL INDEX <235 Porphyrio rufescens v. xii. p. sjnaragnotus, Temm. xiii. viridis . . xii. white . . xii. Porte lambeaux, Le Vaill. xiv. Pot.ot i. • Kinkajau , Buff. i. Potto . . . i. Pouacre, Buff. . xi. Pouillot, Buff. . x. Poukoul . . . xiii. Poul, Buff. . . x. Poule-d'eau, Buff. . xii. Baillon, Temm. xii. de genet, Temm. xii. * grand de Cayenne , Buff. . . . xii. naine, Temm. xii. ordinaire on commun Temm. . . xii. poussin, Temm. xii. — — tachetee, Cuv. xii. Poide-Sultane, Buff. xii. • la petite , Buff. xii. verte, Buff. . xii. Prcedatrix, Vied. . xiii. Pratincole . X. Pratincole . xiv. Austrian X. Collared, Lath. X. Coromandel, Lath. X. Madras, Lath. X. Maldivian, Lath. x. Senegal . x. Spotted . X. Pride, Penn. . V. Prinia . xiv. familiaris xiv. Prinya . . v. xiv, p. 272 Prionites, Illiger . xiv. 84 Prionops . xiii.* 151 albifrons . . xiii.* 151 cristatus . xiii* 151 Pristis, Rond. . v. 357 Antiquorum . v. 358 cuspidatus . v. 358 microdon . v. 359 pectinatus . v. 358 Procellaria . xiii. 218 Procellaria . xiv. 344 , Linn. xiii. 225 cequinoctialis, Linn. xiii. 229 brasiliana, Gmel. xiii. 228 cinerea, Gmel. xiii. 227 cinerea, Linn. xiii. 234 gigantea, Gmel. xiii. 237 glacialis, Linn. xiii. 234 fi, Lath. xiii. 236 Leachii . . xiii. 219 melanopus , Gmel. xiii. 23 1 obscura, Gmel. xiii. 230 oceanica . . xiii. 223 paciffca, Lath. xiii. 229 pelagica . . xiii. 220 pelagica, fVils. xiii. 224 puffnus, Briss. xiii. 226 , Linn. xiii. 227 Wilsoni . . xiii. 224 Procnias . xiii.* 262 carunculatus xiii* 263 cucullatus xiii.* 264 cyanotropus xiii.* 263 hirundinacca, Swain. xiii* 263 218 255 255 261 54 403 403 95 . 609 742 91 . 758 , 242 228 , 218 197 231 ,242 . 231 , 246 , 255 , 253 255 210 135 , 333 136 , 136 , 136 , 136 , 136 , 138 , 139 260 , 271 272 <236 GENERAL INDEX P r o c n ias melon ocephal us, Pr. Max. v. xiii.* p. 263 . ventralis . xiii.* 263 Pkomerops . . viii. 142 Promerops . . xiv. 257 d bee rouge, Vieil. viii. 150 aterrimus . xiv. 257 Aurantius . viii. 149 brun d ventre rope, Buff. . viii. 144 Blue viu. 142 cseruleus viii. 142 caeruleus xiv. 257 cafer viii. 143 Cafer xiv. 257 • Cape viii. 1 43 crested, Lath. . viii. 147 erythrorynchos viii. 150 erythrorynchos xiv. 257 grand, Aud. viii. 145 Lath. . viii. 145 grand d paremens /rises, Bun. VIII. 145 lesser black , Lath. xiv. 257 Mexican viii. 148 Mexicanus viTi. 148 New Guinea bro ivn, Lath. . viii. 144 olivatre, Vieil. viii. 180 ■ orange viu. 149 • paradisus, Share Xlll. 1 1 1 ■ Paradise viii. 147 paradisea viii. 147 Red-billed viii. 150 Superb . viii. 145 Superbus viii. 145 superbus, Share xiv. 77 ■ Striatus viii. 144 striatus, Share xiv. 77 Striped . viii. 144 tufted, Lath. . xiv. 77 Proteus anguinus, Laur. V. iii. p. 608 Proper, Buff. . . ix. 360 Prunella xiii.* 206 palustris xiii.* 207 Schsenobanus xiii.* 207 P saris, Cuv. xiii.* 135 ■ Cuvierii, Srvain. xiii. 136 Psaroioes, Vieil. . xiv. 58 PsiTTACARA . . xiv. 1 1 5 auricapilla . xiv. 1 1 6 frontata . . xiv. 1 1 7 guianensis . xiv. 1 1 5 leucotis . . xiv. 1 1 6 Lichtensteinii xiv. 117 squamosa . xiv. 1 15 versicolor . xiv. 1 16 vittata . xiv. 1 16 PsiTTACULA . xiv. 140 — Barrabandi . xiv. 142 cana . xiv. 143 galgula . . xiv. 144 gregaria . . xiv. 146 incerta . xiv. 1 45 indica . xiv. 144 ■ Malaccensis . xiv. 145 melanoptera . xiv. 142 melanota . xiv. 142 microptera . xiv. 145 passerina . xiv. 140 pileata . xiv. 142 philippensis . xiv. 144 pullaria . . xiv. 145 purpurata . xiv. 142 roseicollis . xiv. 143 St. Thomse . xiv. 140 simplex . . xiv. 144 — • — surda . xiv. 141 Swinderiara . xiv. 143 torquata . xiv. 144 Tui . xiv. 141 237 GENERAL INDEX. Psittacula vernalis v. xiv. p. 144 vulturina . xiv. 142 xanthopterygia xiv. 1 46 Psittacuhis, Spix . xiv. 140 gregarius, Spix xiv. 146 — - — pa.sserinus, Spix xiv. 140 Tui, Spix . xiv. 141 xcinthoptery gius, Spix . . . xiv. 146 PSITTACIM . xiv. 100 Psittacus . . viii. 384 PSITTACUS . . xiv. 101 nccipitrinus, Linn. viii. 482 accipitrinus . xiv. 106 • aeruginosus . viii. 455 ceruginosus, Shaw xiv. 139 aestivus . . xiv. 1 04 Agilis, Linn. . viii. 508 Albifrons . viii. 519 albifrons . . xiv. 106 albus galeritus, Frich. . . viii. 48 Alexandri . viii. 423 Alexandri, Lath. xiv. 127 , Shaw xiv. 126 ■ , var. amazonicus . xiv. 104 — — Amazonicus ? Linn. viii. 491 ( Vmbiguus , Becks. xiv. 1 1 3 Amboinensis . viii. 407 Anaca . . viii. 554 • augustus . viii. 393 augustus, Shaw xiv. 113 annulatus , Becks. xiv. 127 —= — Aourou . . viii. 508 Psittacus Aourou, Shaw v. xiv. p. 104 Aracanga, Lath. viii. 386 Aracanga, Linn. xiv. 1 1 2 Ararauna . viii. 391 Ararauna, Shaw xiv. 1 13 Asiaticus . viii. 553 — Asiaticus, Shaw xiv. 144 Ater . . viii. 399 aterrimus, Kuhl xiv. 1 1 1 atricapillus, Lath. viii. 459 atropurpureus viii. 409 atropurpureus, Shaw xiv. 122 aurantius, Mill. viii. 448 aureus . . viii. 543 auricapillus , Lich. xiv. 1 1 6 auriceps, Kuhl xiv. 1 23 Aurora . . viii. 502 Aurora, Shaw xiv. 104 Australis, Kuhl xiv. 130 australis , Lath. viii. 419 Australis, Shaw viii. 522 autumnalis . xiv. 106 autumnalis (3, Lath. viii. 515 viii. 5 1 6 Banksii . . viii. 476 Banksii, Shaw xiv. 1 09 ■ harbatulaius, Becks. xiv. 127 Barrabandi, Kuhl xiv. 142 Barrabandi, Sivain. xiv. 128 Baueri, Temm. xiv. 121 bimaculatus viii. 457 bisetis via. 452 bisetis, Shaw . xiv. 123 Bontii viii. 453 Bouquet i xiv. 10 238 GENERAL INDEX Psittacus Borneus v. viii. p. 4G0 Borneus, Shaw xiv. 132 brachyurus . xiv. 1 03 Brasiliensis . viii. 514 Brasiliensis, Lath. viii. 453 Brasiliensis, Shaw xiv. 164 Brasiliensis Cinereus , Briss. . . . viii. 486 Broivnii, Temm. xiv. 121 buccalis, Becks, xiv. 140 cactorum . xiv. 106 caruleatus . viii. 539 cccruleatus, Shaw xiv. 132 cairulifrons . viii. 515 ceerulifrons, Shaw xiv. 104 Caica . . viii. 542 Caica, Shaw . xiv. 142 Caledonicus, Lath. viii. 452 canicularis . viii. 455 canicularis, Shaw xiv. 139 canus . . viii. 550 canus, Shaw . xiv. 1 43 Capensis . . viii. 556 Capensis, Shaw xiv. 140 capitatus . viii. 466 capistratus, Beck. xiv. 130 Carolinensis . viii. 444 Carolinensis, Linn. xiv. 136 • , Shaw xiv. 136 cervicalis , Lath. viii. 543 chlorolepidotus, Kuhl . . . xiv. 131 Chrysogaster . viii. 468 chrysogaster, Shaw xiv. 1 18 chrysopterus . viii. 545 chrysopterus, Kuhl xiv. 1 1 8 Psittacus cinereus v. viii- p. 486 cinereus, Aldr. viii. 486 subcceruleus, Aldr. . . . viii. 4S6 Clusii . . viii. 482 Clusii, Shaw . xiv. 106 coccineus . viii. 461 coccineus . viii. 472 coccineus, Shaw xiv. 132 coccineus, Shaw xiv. 133 cochinsinensis . viii. 502 concinnus, Shaw viii. 419 concinnus, Shaw xiv. 130 Cookii, Temm. xiv. 109 cornutus, Gmel. xiv. 123 coronatus . viii. 481 cristatus . . viii. 478 , Shaw xiv. 108 cucullatus, Shaw xiv. 132 cucullatus . viii. 461 cyanogaster . viii. 413 cyanogaster . xiv. 102 cyanogaster, Shaw xiv. 129 cyanomelas, Kidd xiv. 121 cyanotis . . xiv. 104 cyanurus . viii. 538 cyanurus, Shaw xiv. 132 • discolor . . viii. 466 ■ , Shaw . xiv. 108 Domicella . viii. 535 Domicella, Shaiv dubius Dufresnianus Dufresnianus clegans Clusii, Eos, Kuhl Erithacus erithacus erubescens xiv. 132 . viii. 465 . viii. 513 . xiv. 106 Rail viii. 482 . xiv. 1 10 , viii. 486 . xiv. 107 viii. 437 GENERAL INDEX 239 Psittacus erubescens , Shaw v. xiv. p. 127 erythrochlorus viii. 551 erythroleucus viii. 484 erythronotus, Kuhl xiv. 122 erythropterus, Lath. xiv. 123 erythroptenis ? Lath. viii. 467 ■ erythropygius viii. 443 ■ erythrurus . xiv. 104 erythrurus , Kuhl xiv. 142 Eupatria . viii. 438 Eupatria , Shaw xiv. 126 eximius . . viii. 411 eximius, Shaw xiv. 120 ■ festivus . . viii. 521 — festivus . . xiv. 106 Jlavigaster, Temm. xiv. 120 flavitorquis . viii. 439 flavitorquis, Shaw xiv. 127 formosus, Lath. viii. 454 fringillaceus . viii. 555 galeatus . . viii. 523 — — - galeatus , Shaw xiv. 110 galeritus . . viii. 479 galeritus, Shaw xiv. 108 galgulus . . viii. 550 galgulus, Shaw xiv. 144 garrulus . . viii. 536 garrulus, Shaw xiv. 132 Geoffroyi . xiv. 107 Gigas . . viii. 474 gigas, Shaiv . xiv. Ill Ginginianus, Lath. viii. 439 Ginginianus, (3, Lath. viii. 434 gloriosus, Shaw viii. 410 goliath , Kuhl xiv. 1 1 1 grandis . . viii. 533 grandis, Shaw xiv. 131 gramicus . viii. 520 Psittacus gramineus v. xiv. p. 107 guebiensis . viii. 462 guebiensis, Shaw xiv. 132 Guianensis . viii. 402 Guianensis, Shaw xiv. 1 15 Guincensis . viii. 541 hcematodes , Shaw xiv. 130 hcematodes, j3, Lath. viii. 413 viii. 415 hcematopus, Linn. xiv. 129 Havanensis . viii. 531 . xiv. 106 kumeralis, Kuhl xiv. 119 hyacinthinus, Lath. viii. 393 Japonicus . viii. 417 ■ ■ Jaquelma . viii. 442 icterotis, Temm. xiv. 123 Jendaga . . viii. 451 Illigerus, Temm. xiv. 1 1 4 incarnatus . viii. 456 incarnatus, Shaw xiv. 132 incertus, Shaw xiv. 146 infuscatus . viii. 523 infuscatus , Shaiv xiv. 107 lateralis . . viii. 490 lateralis, Shaw xiv. 107 . Leachii, Kuhl xiv. 109 Le Vaillantii xiv. 107 leucocephalus viii. 5 1 7 leucocephalus xiv. 106 leucocephalus mas, Shaw . . . xiv. 106 leucogaster . xiv. 102 leucotis, Lich. xiv. 1 16 lineatus . . viii. 459 Lory . . viii. 534 Lory, Shaw . xiv. 132 GENERAL INDEX. <240 Psittacus ludovicianus, Kuhl . . v. xiv. jp. 136 Macao . • viii. 386 Macao, Shaw . xiv. 1 12 rnacrorhynclius viii. 530 macrorhynchus xiv. 107 Makavouanna viii. 398 Makavouanna, Shaw xiv. 1 1 2 Malaccensis viii. 554 Malaccensis, Shaw xiv. 145 marginatus . viii. 420 j • Mascarinus . viii. 528 Maximiliani . xiv. 103 Maximiliani, Kuhl xiv. 142 maximus cyano- croceos, Aid. ■ viii. 391 I . melanoceplialus viii. 542 melanoceplialus xiv- 101 . melanopterus . viii. 548 j . melanopterus, Shaw xiv. 142 melanotus . viii. 467 j . melanotus, Lichs. xiv. 142 melanotis, Shaw xiv. 123 menstruus • viii. 540 menstruus . xiv. 103 menstruus ? , Share xiv. 104 . micropterus, Kuhl xiv. 145 Militaris . . viii. 395 militaris, Shaw xiv. 1 13 minor . • viii. 553 minor? Seb. viii. 549 minor, Shaw xiv. 144 mitratus . . xiv. 102 multicolor, Terntn. xiv. 124 • minimus . . viii. 456 — mystaceus . viii. 436 . mystaceus, Shaw xiv. 128 Nestor . . viii. 522 Nestor . . xiv. 1 07 1 Psittacus niger v. viii. p. 529 nigricollis • viii. 443 nobilis . . viii. 4-01 Novae Guinea?. . viii. 451 Nonce Guinea, Shaw xiv. 132 Novae Hollandiae viii. 452 nucbalis . . viii. 543 obscurus • viii. 400 ochrurus, Pr. Max. xiv. 141 olivaceus, Lath. viii. 421 orient alls, fyc. Seb. viii. 459 . ornatus . • viii. 416 — ornatus, Shaw xiv. lo2 Paciticus • viii. 419 pacificus, Shaw xiv. 122 _____ — 1 , Lath. xiv. 123 pallidus • • viii. 471 palmarum • viii. 468 palmarum, Shaw xiv. 120 Papuensis, Shaw xiv. 129 - Papuensis . viii. 440 Paradisi . • viii. 500 Paradisi, Shaw xiv. 104 Paraguanus . viii. 532 parvus Bontii, Raii 1 viii. 453 passerinus . viii. 556 passerinus, Shaw xiv. 140 Pennantii . viii. 410 Pennantii, Shaw xiv. 420 peregrinus . viii. 469 personatus . viii. 544 personatus, Shaw xiv. 107 pertinax . . viii. 445 pertinax, Shaw xiv. 139 philippensis, Briss. xiv. 144 Philippinarum viii. 481 . Philippinarum, Share xiv. 108 GENERAL INDEX 24-1 Psittacus phrygius v. viii. p. 421 pileatus, Gmel. xiv. 142 pipilans . . viii. 472 pipilans, Shaw xiv. 133 pt at ur us, Kuhl xiv. 125 poikilorynchus viii. 491 poikilorhynchus, Shaw . . . xiv. 104 — ; — Pondicerianus, Lath. . . . viii. 436 Porphyrio . viii. 473 Porphyrio , Shaw xiv. 130 ■ • porph yroccphalus. Shaw . . . viii. 472 porphyrurus . viii. 547 porphyrurus, Shaw xiv. 142 * pulchellus . viii. 470 pulchellus, Shaw xiv. 118 pullarius . viii. 549 pullarius, Shaw xiv. 145 pulverulentus viii. 51 1 pulverulentus xiv. 106 ■ puniceus . . viii. 464 puniceus, Shaw xiv. 131 purpureus . viii. 540 purpureus . xiv. 104 purpuratus, Kuhl xiv. 142 purpuratus, Lath. viii. 547 pusillus . . viii. 471 pusillus, Shaw xiv. 1 35 pygmaeus . viii. 473 pyrrhopterus . viii. 47 0 pyrrhopterus, Shaw xiv. 133 Raja . . viii. 537 Raja, Shaw . xiv. 132 Regulus . . viii. 453 • regulus, Shaw xiv. 139 riciniatus, Becks. xiv. 132 rodocephalus viii. 434 ' -- ■ rodocephalus, Shaw xiv. 128 v. XIV. P. II. Psittacus rosaceus, Lath. v. viii. p. 478 cristatus , Lath . viii. 478 ■ roseicollis, Vieil. xiv. 144 ruber ? Lath. viii. 463 ruftr'astris, Kuhl xiv. 136 nifirostris, Linn. viii. 441 Si. Thomce, Kuhl. xiv. 141 scapulatus, Beck. xiv. 122 Sebauus . . viii. 459 Senegalus . viii. 544 senegalus . xiv. 107 ■ setarius, Temm. xiv. 125 severus . . viii. 397 — — stverus, Shaw . xiv. 113 signatus . . viii. 5i0 signatus . . xiv. 102 simplex, Kuhl . xiv. 145 Sincialo . . viii. 441 Sincialo, Shaw xiv. 136 sinensis . . xiv. 1 07 Sinensis, Lath. viii. 490 Smaragdinus . viii. 406 Solstitialis . viii. 448 solstitialis, Shaw xiv. 135 ,Jcem. Shaw xiv. 1 35 sordidus . . xiv. 104 Sosove . . viii. 552 — — Sosove, Shaw . xiv. 136 — spadiceocepbalus xiv. 107 — Sparmanni, Kuhl xiv. 133 — squameus . viii. 463 — squameus, Shaw xiv. 132 — squamosus . viii. 405 — squamosus, Lath. xiv. 115 — Sulphureus . viii. 480 — sulphureus, Shaw xiv. 108 — surdus, Illig- xiv. 141 — Swindernianvs, Kuhl . ' . xiv. 143 16 GENERAL INDEX. 24>c2 Psittacus Tabuensis v. viii. p. Tabuensis, Lath. viii. Tabuensis , Shaw xiv. Taitanus, Lath. viii. Temminckii, Knhl xiv. tenuirostris, Kuhl xiv. terrestris . viii. terrestris, Shaw xiv. Tirica . . viii. torquatus . viii. torquatus, Shaw xiv. torquatus macrourus antiquorum. Aid. viii. Toui . . viii. Tovi, Shaw . xiv. tricolor, Kuhl . xiv. trimaculatus, Shaw xiv. Tui, Shaw . xiv. Tuipara . . viii. Tuipara, Shaw xiv. Vasa . .viii. ■ variegatus . viii. venustus, Kuhl xiv. venustus, Temm. xiv. r emails, Sparmann xiv. ■ versicolor . viii. versicolor, Shaiv xiv. versicolor, var. Shaw xiv. verticalis . viii. viniaceus . . xiv. violaceus, Lath. viii. virescens . viii. virescens, Shaw xiv. viridis . . viii. — — viridis, Sluuv xiv. viridissimus, Kuhl xiv. vittatus . viii. vittatus, Shaw xiv. Psittacus Ulietanus v. viii. p. 457 Ulietanus, Shaw xiv. 123 ultramarinus, Kuhl xiv. 120 undulatus . viii. 4G9 undulatus, Shaw xiv. 1 1 9 unicolor, Shaw xiv. 132 unicolor . viii. 538 vulturinus, Illiger xiv. 142 ■ xanthosomus, Becks. xiv. 127 Zselandicus viii. 422 — — Zonarius, Kuhl xiv. 119 Zonarius, Shaiv viii. 465 PsiTTIROSTRA . xiv. 90 Sandvicensis . xiv. 91 PsOFHIA . xiv. 318 crepitans . xiv. 318 undulata, Gmel. xi. 448 Ptarmigan xi. 286 Ptarmigan xiv. 304 Ptarmigan, Buff. xi. 287 common . xi. 289 red xi. 293 Rehusak . xi. 296 rock xi. 290 white xi. 292 Pterocles xi. 304 Pterocles xiv. 303 Alchata . xi. 311 Arenarius xi. 305 arenarius xiv. 303 bicinctus . xi. 307 double-girded xi. 307 — Indian xi. 309 Namaqua xi. 313 quadricinctus . xi. 309 Sand xi. 305 407 409 122 473 109 109 454 126 552 55 1 144 423 546 136 112 128 141 555 136 528 464 121 118 . 144 405 116 115 . 418 105 , 482 458 . 139 465 119 136 404 1 16 GENERAL INDEX 243 Pterocles set antis, Temm. . v. xi .p. 311 tachypetes xi. 313 Pteroglossus xiv. 98 Aracari . xiv. 98 ■ inscriptus xiv. 98 piscivorus xiv. 98 sulcatus . xiv. 98 viridis xiv. 98 Ptilinopus xiv. 276 niaculatus xiv. 279 melanocephalus xiv. 279 monaclms xiv. 2 77 • porphyreus xiv. 27 7 purpuratus xiv. 277 superbus . xiv. 279 — — viridis xiv. 279 Ptieonorhynchus' . xiv. 71 ■ niger xiv. 72 violaceus xiv. 72 viridis xiv. 72 Ptiloris xiv. 267 paradiseus xiv. 2o7 Ptinus . vi. 33 Fatidicus vi. 33 ferrugineus vi. 36 Fur vi. 36 pectinicornis . vi. 37 Pudu ii. 392 Puerco ■ Peidra, Viji. . ii. 10 Puff-bird xiv. 156 Puffin . xiii. 36 Buff. xiii. 227 ancient- . xiii. 42 arctic xiii. 37 * cendree, Cut. . xiii. 226 * du Bresil, Buff. xiii. 228 — — - Mariks’, Edw. xiii. 226 Puffin, northern v. xiii. p. 40 - — — tufted . xiii. 40 Puffinus . xiii. 225 aequinoctialis . xiii. 229 ■ anglorum . xiii. 226 brasilianus . xiii. 228 brasilianus , Briss. xiii. 228 Capitis Bonce Spei, Briss. . - xiii. 229 cinereus . . xiii. 22 7 melanopus . xiii. 231 obscurus . . xiii. 230 Puit . ix. 214 PULEX vi. 456 irritans . vi. 456 — penetrans . vi. 459 Puma, Hern. . i. 358 Punam . vi. 1 64 Pupushee . xi. 303 Purre, Penn. . . xii. 98 — — red-necked, Lath. xii. 98 Pushee . . xi. 303 Puttock, Will. . . vii. 109 Putois, Buff. . i. 415 Putorius, Gesrt. . i. 415 Pye crested long-tailed, Edw. . . x. 41 6 • green of Ceylon, Ediv. x. 253 — — Little Indian, Ed ru. vii. 474 Yellow-wingecl Edw. vii. 4.33 Pygarg, Will. . . vii. 79 Pygargue le petit. Buff. . vii. 80 Pyrame . i. 280 Pyranga . xiv. 1 1 sestiva . xiv. 12 GENERAL INDEX 244 Pyranga flammiceps V. xiv. p. 12 Ludovieiana . xiv. 1 1 Mississippensis xiv. 12 rubra xiv. 1 1 Pyrgita, Cuv. . xiv. 14 xiv. 39 Pyrriiocorax xiii * 194 Pyrrhocorax, Cuv. xiv. 78 alpinus . xiii.* 194 leucopterus xiii.* 195 sexsetaceus xiii * 196 Pyrriiula xiv. 42 — — , Temm. . xiv. 88 Africana Nigra, Briss. . • . ix. 283 minor , Briss. . . • ix. 326 Americana cristata, Briss. . . . ix. 242 bahamensis violacea, Briss. . . * ix. 24y carolinensis ccendea, Briss. . . . ix. 250 violacea, Briss. . ix. 507 cinereola ix. 44 collaria . . ix. 43 erythrina . ix. 43 Europsea . ix. 42 falcirostris . ix. 43 . — - — hamburgensis, Briss. ix. 432 lineola . ix. 43 Mexicana Nigra, Briss. . . ix. 321 minuta . ix. 4-3 ■ nigra ix. 44 purpurea . ix. 43 sibirica . . ix. 43 violacea . . ix. 43 Pyrrota . xiv. 198 Pyrrota nigerrima v. xiv. p. 198 Qua-bird, Wills. • xi. 610 Quadricolor, Buff. . ix. 405 Quadruped from Bengal, Par. . • . ii. 329 Quagga • • ii- 440 Hottentot, Mass. ii. 440 Quail . . . xi. 360 _ . . xiv. 303 Andalusian, Lath. xi. 396 black-necked, Lath. xi. 390 ■ Californian , Lath. xi. 3S4 Chinese . . xi. 371 common . . xi. 361 Coromandel . xi. 365 crested, Lath. . xi. 381 Gibraltar, Lath. xi. 397 Grey-throated xi. 370 lesser Mexican , Lath. xi. 378 Louisiane, Lath. xi. 378 Madagascar . xi. 368 Malouine, Lath. xi. 386 Manilla, Lath. xi. 371 New Guinea . xi. 374 New Holland . xi. 373 White-throated xi. 367 Quan, Ediv. . . xi. 178 Quatre-Raies, Cep. . iii. 450 Quebrenta hugssos, Buff. xiii. 237 Queest . xi. 13 Quereiva, Buff. X. 429 Querquedula xii.* 142 Briss xii.* 179, 187 c estiva , Br iss. xii* 143 Americana , Briss. xii.* 149 GENERAL INDEX M 5 Querquedula Caroliuensis Raccoon , Penn. v i. jo. 464 v. xii.* p. 148 Rachamah, Brice vii. 33 , Briss. Rah tee xii.* 185 goolivinda iv. 614 circia . xii.* 143 crecca . xii* 146 Raja V. 269 discor . xii* 149 Acus V. 277 ■ Dominicensis, Briss. . alba V. 280 xii.* 203 Aquila . V. 284 Ferroensis , Briss. Banksiana V. 295 xii.* 175 Batis V. 270 formosa . . xii.* 15 1 Bicolor . V. 316 freti Hudsonis, Briss. caulata, Rail . V. 275 xii* 180 chagrinea V. 281 Hina . xii.* 152 clavata . V. 292 Ludoviciana. Briss. cuculus . V. 287 xii.* 185 Cuvier, Cep. V. 319 Manillensis . xii.* 152 Cuvieri . V. 319 Mexicana, Briss. Diabolus V. 291 xii.* 158 Djiddensis V. 319 • minor, Briss. . xii.* 146 Eglantcria V. 275 Novae Hisp aniae Fabroniana V. 294 xii.* 153 Fasciata . V. 286 secunda Aldrovandi, Fimbriata V. 296 Rail . . xii.* 146 • fullonica . V. 275 sinensis, Briss. xii.* 94 Giorna . V. 294 Virginiana, Briss. Guttata . V. 285 xii.* 149 Lymna . V. 287 Maculata V. 316 Querula . xiii.* 266 Manatia V. 293 cinerea . . xiii.* 267 Marginata V. 281 militaris . . xiii.* 267 Miraletus V. 278 rubricollis . xiii *267 nigra V. 279 scutata . . xiii *267 oxyrinchus V. 276 Occyrinchos majc r. Quetzpaleo , Seb. . iii. 216 Will. . V. 276 Queue gazee, JLe Vail. Pastinaca V. 282 xiii.* 224 Poecilura V. 291 Quigi, Molin. . i. 432 • picta V. 279 Rhinobatos V. 317 Quiscalus . xiv. 48 Rubus V. 274 barita . xiv. 49 Sephen . V. 288 • mexicauus . xiv. 49 Sinensis . V. 317 purpureus . xiv. 48 Squatino, Salo. V. 317 Thouin, Cep. . V. 318 Rabbet . ii. 204 Thouiniana V. 318 hooded, Penn. ii. 206 Torpedo . V. 297 ‘246 GENERAL INDEX Raja, Tuberculata v. v. p. 290 undulata . v. 280 Raia Allia vii. 218 Raie chinois, Cep. v. 317 /range, Cep. v. 296 Rail xii. 1 9 i Rail xiv. 334 American water Edtv. . xii. 194 banded . xii. 202 Barbary xii. 214 Bengal water, Alb. xii. G7 • black xii. 210 blue-necked . xii. 211 brown xii. 203 Cape xii. 216 ■ Cayenne xii. 197 , Lath. xii. 220 Ceylon . xii. 209 clapper . xii. 205 common, Will. xii. 208 - dusky xii. 212 dwarf. Lath. . xii. 231 Gular xii. 177 Jamaica, Lath. xii. 221 little. Lath. xii. 225 long-billed xii. 175 Otaheite xii. 214 ■ Pacific . xii. 215 Philipine xii. 200 . var. Lath. xii 198, 201 red-breasted . xii. 213 . necked . xii. 204 — — Sandwich xii. 200 Soree xii. 208 Striated xii. 201 Striped . xii. 203 tabu an . xii. 212 troglodyte xii. 206 — variable . xii. 198 variegated xii. 196 Rail, Virginian v. xii . p. 194 water . . xii. 192 Rain-bird . . xiv. 215 Rain-Jowl . • ix. 185 Rale a long bee de Cayenne, Buff. . . . xii. 195 a ventre roux de Cayenne, Buff. . xii. 220 Bidi-bidi, Buff. xii. 221 bran des Philippines xii. 203 d’eau, Buff. . xii. 192 d'eau d' Europe, Cuv. xii. 192 de Cayenne, Buff. xii. 220 de Genet, Buff. xii. 218 des Philippines, Buff. xii. 200 de Virginie, Buff. xii. 205 petit d’eau, Biff. xii. 223 petite de Cayenne, Buff. . . . xii. 225 tachete de Cayenne xii. 196 RALLIDiE . xiv. 332 Rallus . xii. 191 Rallus . xiv. 334 , Gmel. xii. 230 , Linn. , xii. 217 aquaticus . xii. 192 var., Lath. xii. 194 mino) • she Maruetta, Briss. . xii. 223 australis . xii. 206 — — barbaricus . xii. 214 Bengalensis, Linn. xn. 67 — — Capensis . xii. 216 GENERAL INDEX 247 Rallus, Carolinus v. xii. p. 208 Cayanensis, Gmel. xii. 220 xii. 197 — cseruleus . . xii. 211 — ■ crepitans . xii. 205 crex, Linn. . xii. 218 — ferrugineus . xii. 213 — fuscus . . xii. 203 — - gularis . . xii. 197 — Italorum Aldrovandi, Rail * . . xii. 242 — * Jamaicensis, Briss. xii. 221 — longirostris . xii. 1 95 — minutus, Gmel. xii. 225 — niger . . xii. 210 — obscurus . . xii. 212 — Pacificus . . xii. 215 — Pensylvanicus, Briss. xii. 194 — Philippensis . xii. 194 var., Lath. xii. 198, 201 striatus, Briss. xii. 201 — phcenicurus, Gmel. xii. 222 Porzana, Linn. xii. 223 — pusillus, Gmel. xii. 23 1 — quadristrigatus xii. 203 — ruficollis . . xii. 204 — riificollis, Steph. xiv. 335 — Sandvicensis . xii. 240 — - sericeus, Leach xii. 192 — striatus . . xii. 201 — tabuensis . xii. 212 — Tahitiensis . xii. 214 — torquatus . xii. 202 — troglodytes, Gmel. xii. 206 — varians . . xii. 1 98 variegatus Virginianus Zeylonicus xii. 196 xii. 194 xii. 209 Rami ret. Buff. 41 RAMPHASTID7E v. xiv. p. 94 Ramphastos . viii. 359 Ramphastos . xiv. 95 Aldrovandi viii. 366 Aldrovandi xiv. 97 ambiguus xiv. 97 Aracari . viii. 371 aracari, Shatv . xiv. 98 ■ caeruleus . viii. 374 carinatus xiv. 96 — — dicolorus xiv. 97 dubius viii. 374 erytlirorynchos viii. 367 erythrorynchus xiv. 97 Glaber viii. 375 Indicus . viii. 376 lutens viii. 373 maximus ? Cuv. xiv. 96 pavoninus viii. 370 pectoralis viii. 365 picatus, Linn. viii. 366 piperivorus viii. 372 piscivorus viii. 363 piscivorus XIV. 97 piscivorus, Shatv xiv. 98 Toco viii. 361 toco xiv. 96 torquatus viii. 369 Tucanus . viii. 362 Tucanus . xiv. 96 Tucanus, Linn. viii. 365 , Sham xiv. 96 viridis viii. 370 viridis, Shatv . xiv. 98 vitellinus xiv. 96 Ramphocelus xiv. 13 Brasilia . xiv. 13 Jacapa xiv. 13 Ramphopis X. 438 Ramphopis, Vieil. xiv. 13 248 GENERAL INDEX Ramphopis, Brasilia w.x./j.440 Brasilia , Steph. xiv. 13 Brasilian . x. 440 .Tacapa . . x. 439 Jacapa , Stepli. xiv. 13 red-breasted . x. 139 Rana . . • iii. 96 Rana, Aldr. . . iii. 9 7 abdomine falvo , Linn. iii i!6 Acephala . iii. 172 • Alba . iii. 136 Alliacea . . iii. 146 Americana vesicaria, Seb. . . .iii. 133 aquatica, Rail iii. 97 aquatica i anoxia, Gesn. . . . iii. 97 Arborea . . iii. 130 Arunco . . iii. 175 Aurantia . iii. 134 Australiaca, Share iii. 1 12 Bicolor . . iii. 126 Bilineata . iii. 136 Boans . . iii. 124 boans, Linn .? . iii. 123 bombina, Linn. iii. 1 16 Brasiliana . iii. 160 Rrasiliensis, Lin. iii. 160 • Brasitiensis gracilis, Seb. . . . iii. 134 Brasitiensis orbicu- laris, Seb. iii. 161 Breviceps iii. 170 Bufo m. 138 Cairulea . iii. 1 13 Castanea iii. 128 Catesbeiana iii. 106 iii. 162 Cyanoplilyctis . iii. 111 Dubia iTi. 157 Esculenta iii. 103 esculenta, Linn. iii. 103 Fasciata . iii. 129 — — Fusca, lb. iii. 128 Rana Jusca terrestris, Roes. . . v. iii. p. 27 gibbosa, Linn. iii. 170 humeris gibbis punc- tatis, Linn. . . iii. 157 Ignea . . iii. 1 1 6 Lentiginosa . iii. 173 Leucophyllata . iii. 127 Leveriana . iii. 115 lineal a, Schn. . iii. 128 Lutea . . iii. 176 Maculosa Africana amphibia, Seb. . iii. 105 Marina, Bellm. v. 399 Ma rina, Linn. iii. 155 Margaritifera, Linn. iii. 159 Maxima, Linn, iii 123 Maxima fusco-faves- cens verrucoso, gibbere utrinque humerali magno poris pertuso . iii. 155 Maxima Virginiana, Seb. . . . iii. 108 Melanorabdata, Schn. Melanosticta . iii. 137 iii. 1 74 Mephitica iii. 149 Meriana . iii. 133 Mnsica , Linn. iii. 157 Ocellata iii. 108 ocellata ? Linn. iii. 106 Ovalis iii. Ill Paradoxa iii. 120 pentadactyla, Lin . iii. 1 1 8 Pipa iii. 167 Pipiens . iii. 105 piscatrix, Will. v. 379 piscatrix Americana, Seb. v. 383 Piscis iii. 120 Punctata, Schn. iii. 137 Quadrilineata . iii. 127 Ridibunda iii. 114 Rubeta f* Linn. iii. 149 rubeta Africana, Seb. iii. 170 GENERAL INDEX. 249 RanAj Salsa v. iii. p. 119 Rat v. i • 7 . 43 Semilunata iii. 174 Rat , ii. 52 Sitibunda iii. 1 15 African, Penn. ii. 106 Soinipes . . iii. 112 American, Penn. ii. 50 Squamigera, Linn. Astracan ii. 103 iii. 124 Baikal, Penn. ii. 92 Surinam ensis, Bradl. Baraba ii. 105 iii. 167 Bandicote ii. 54 Surinamensis, Seb. black ii. 52 iii. 124 Blind ii. 108 Sy stoma . . iii. 171 Blue ii. 71 Temporaria . iii. 97 Brown, Penn. . ii. 5 1 ■ Tinctorca iii. 135 Canada . ii. 200 Typhonia . iii. 159 Canada, Penn. ii. 192 Typhonius Schn. Cape ii. 111 iii. 159 — Caraco ii. 50 Variabilis , Linn. iii. 153 Covpu ii. 48 ■ Ventricosa iii. 161 Coast ii. 106 Venulosa . iii. 124 Daurian . ii. 110 Vesper tina . iii. 114 d' eau ii. 73 Virginiana altera, de Madagascar i. 106 Seb. . iii. 124 field, Penn. ii. 5S — — Virginiana exqui - Great Wood, Sonn. sitissima, Seb. . iii. 123 ii. 128 — — • Virginiana Maculis Hamster ii. 95 et lineis Notata, Seb. Hare-tailed, Penn iii. 1 10 ii. 84 Virginica - iii. 1 10 — Hudson’s, Penn. ii. 94 Viridis . . iii. 153 Kangaroo i. 513 viridis aquation, Roes. _ Lemming ii. 76 iii. 103 Musk ii. 44 vulgo igneus dictus. masque, Sarr. ii. 44 Roes. . . iii. 116 Norway . ii. 51 Zebra . iii. 123 CEconomic ii. 85 Perchal . ii. 55 Rangifer, (Jesn. . ii. 269 Poto Roo, White i. 513 Raparapa, Ban. iii. 70 Rock ii. 72 Raphe . v. 229 Sand ii. 102 Scherman ii. 75 Raphidia . vi. 265 Sky-coloured, Per n. cornu ta . vi. 265 ii. 71 Mantispa . vi. 266 Social, Penn. . ii. 93 Ophiopsis . vi. 265 Songar . ii. 104 Talpine . ii. 112 Raphus, Bnss. . xiv. 308 Tamarisk, Penn. ii. 191 Water ii. 73 RASORES . . xiv. 272 Woolly, Penn. ii. 91 250 GENERAL INDEX. Rat, Zaik . v. M.p. 101 Zarigin , Penn. ii. 103 Ratel, Sparr. . i. 395 Raton, Ruff. . i. 464 Rattle-Snake iii. 317 Banded . iii. 317 Miliary . iii. 336 Small, Catesb. iii. 336 Striped . iii. 333 Wood iii. 335 Raven vii. 341 Bontiuss India / h mu. . viii. 3 1 Horned Indian, Will. . viii. 2 Indian , Will. viii. 38 Night, Will. xi. 610 Vulturine vii. 340 Rauke Natter, Merr. iii. 494 Ray v. 269 Arabian . v. 319 Banksian v. 295 Black v. 279 Black and Whit e v, 3 1 6 Chinese . v. 317 Cramp, Penn. v. 297 Cuckow . v. 287 Cuvier’s . v. 319 Demon . v. 291 Eagle v. 284 Eglantine v. 275 Fabronian v. 294 Fasciated v. 286 Fringed . v. 296 Fuller’s . v. 275 Giorna . v. 294 Guttated v. 285 Lvmua . v. 287 Manatia . v. 293 Margined v. 281 Mirror . v. 278 Needle-nosed . v. 277 Ray, Painted . v. v. p. 279 Pearled . . v. 288 Ring-tailed . v. 291 Rough . . v. 274 Shagreen . v. 281 Sharp-nosed . v. 276 Spotted . . v. 316 Sting . . v. 282 Thouinian . v. 3 1 8 — — Torpedo . . v. 297 Tuberculated . v. 290 Undulated . v. 290 White . . v. 280 Razor-bill . . xiii. 26 common . . xiii. 27 white-throated xiii. 30 Reclameur, Le Vail, xiii.* 196 Recurvirostra . xii. 172 Recurvirostra . xiv. 328 , H ills. xii. 178 Americana . xii. 175 avosetta . . xii. 173 him ant opus , Wils. xiv. 342 leucocephala, Vieil. xiv. 329 melanopterus , Steph. xiv. 329 Novae Hollandiee xii. 176 Nnvce Hollandice, Steph. . . xiv. 329 orientalis . xii. 177 orientalis . xiv. 329 rubricollis . xiv. 329 tephroleuca, Vieil. xiv. 329 Red-bird Summer, Edw. x. 464 Surinam, Ediv. x. 425 Red-breast blue, Edw. . x. 662 GENERAL INDEX. 251 Red-breast, blue-tailed, Remiz, Buff. . v. x. p . 66 Pall. . . v. x. p. 663 Red-pole Remora . iv. 201 yellow, Ed iv. . x. 733 Imperati d' Aldrc - Red-shanJc vandi, IVill. . iv. 201 spotted, Penn. xii. 133 Indian iv. 209 white, Edw. xii. 153 Lineated . iv. 211 Redstart, Lath. x. 67 1 Mediterranean iv. 201 Grey, Edw. x. 673 Indian, Edw. . vii. 332 Renard, Biff. i. 314 Small America) argente, Marl. i. 325 Edw. . x. 362 Renne ii. 269 Red-tail, Raii x. 674 Requin, Bonn. V. 322 Rex Cyprinorum V. 193 Reed-bird xiii.* 247 Rhaad, Buff. . xi. 448 Reeve xii. 110 Rhea xi. 435 Regalec lanceole, Cep . iv. 198 Regalecus Glesne, As c. iv. 193 Rhea xiv. 307 American xi. 436 Regulus x. 737 Americana xi. 436 Regulus xiii* 230 Rhinabatos, Salv. v. 317 , Briss. x. 763 ■ aunulosus xiii.* 232 Rhinoceros, Edw. i. 98 asstivus . xiii.* 232 Avis, Aldr. viTi. 2 calendulns x. 760 Avis, Will. vlii. 6 Calendulns xiii* 231 Bicornis . A. 202 Canadensis xiii * 232 Bird, Will. . viu. 2 cristatus, Rail x. 758 Calao, Le Vail. vill. 2 Guira xiii* 232 Single-horned i. 198 hypolais . xiii * 231 — Sumatran i. 207 ■ Mauritian us . xiii.* 232 two-horned, Penn. l. 202 mystaceus xiii.* 232 Unicornis i. 198 Nattei’erii xiii.* 23 1 Rhombus non cristatus major. Ice vis Cornubiensis Briss. . x. 748 maculis nigns, Rail IV. 299 pensilis . xiii* 232 rufus xiii * 232 Riiyncii.ea . xii. 64 Sylvicolus xiii.* 23 1 thoracica. xiii.* 232 RHYNCH.EA xiv. 331 Trochylus xiii* 231 Cape xii. 65 vulgaris . .. x. 758 Capensis . xii. 65 vulgaris . xiii* 231 Chinese . XII. 66 Madagascar xii. 67 Religieuse Madagascariensis xii. 67 d' A bissinie, Buff. x. 293 Maderaspatana xii. 68 252 GENERAL INDEX. Khynch^sa Madras V. xii.p. 68 orientalis xii. 68 Sinensis . xii. 66 Rhynchaspis xii* 114 clypeata . xii.* 1 15 Jamaicensis xii .*119 Labradora xii.* 121 malacorhyncho xii.* 123 membrauacea xii.* 124 Mexicana xii.* 1 1 8 Rhynchotis xii.* 123 rubida . xii* 120 Rhynchops . xiii. 13.5 fulva, Linn. xiii. 136 fiavirostris xiii. 139 nigra xiii. 136 Ridenine, Temm. xii* 103 Ring-tail, Penn. vii. 163 cayenne, E div vii. 166 Rissa xiii. 180 Brunnichii xiii. 181 Ritboek . ii. 34/ Roach v. 198 Robin, Wils. . x. 276 . Wood, IV Us. x. 179 Rocar, ]je Vail. xiii * 199 Rockier, Cep. . v. 336 Rock-Thrush xiv. 349 Roe ii. 291 Common . ii. 291 Indian ii. 289 Mexican ii. 288 Tailless . ii. 287 Roebuck horns of an Indian, Penn. ii. 289 Roiielet, Biff. x. 758 • mesange, Buff xiii.* 1 rubis, Bu ff. x. 761 Roller . . v. vii. p. 387 Roller . xiv. 70 Roller vii. 388 Abyssinian, Lath. vii. 392 African . vii. 405 Angola . vii. 394 Bengal, Lath. vii. 390 Black . vii. 396 Black-beaded . vii. 399 Blue vii. 405 Blue-striped . vii. 396 Brasilian saw-billed. Ediv. . viii. 42 Caffrarian vii. 398 Cape, Lath. vii. 398 Cayenne . vii. 400 Chinese, Lath. vii. 364 Crimson . vii. 395 Docile vii. 403 Fairy vii. 398 garrulous vii. 388 Grey-tailed vii. 397 Hairy vii. 401 Indian vii. 390 Long-tailed , Lath. vii. 394 Madagascar vii. 464 Mexican . vii. 399 Oriental . vii. 403 Pacific vii. 402 Pied, Lath. vii. 464 • Piping, Lath. vii. 465 Iled-breasted vii. 401 Senegal, Lath. vii. 392 Striated . vii. 400 Sivalloiv- tailed In- dian, Ediv. . vii. 392 ■ Ultramarine vii. 406 White-fronted vii. 392 Rollier, Briss. vii. 388 a masque noir, Le Vail. . xiii.* 163 d' Abyssinie, Buff, vii 392 d' Angola, Briss. vii. 394 GENERAL INDEX. 253 Roller de Cayenne, Buff. v. vii. p. 400 dela Chine, Buff. vii. 364 de Madagascar, Buff. . . . vii. 404 de Mindanao . vii. 390 des Indes, Buff. vii. 403 du Senegal, Biff. vii. 392 Ronde, Cep. . . iii. 32 Rondine, Salv. . v. 142 Rondoo Talooloo, Pam. iii. 589 Hone, Ascan. . . ix. 512 Rook . . . vii. 347 Roselet, Biff. . i. 426 Rossignol blanc, Buff. . x. 376 de MuraiUe, Biff. x. 670 de Muraille de Gib- raltar, Buff. . x. 673 de Muraille des Indes, Sonn. . viii. 215 Rosmarus, Jonst. . i. 234 Rouge, Cep. . . iii. 135 Rouge-gorge, Buff. x. 711 bleu de la Caroline, Buff. ... x. 663 Rouge-queue a Collier, Buff. x. 674 de la Guiane, Buff. x. 678 Rouloul de Malacca, Sonn. Rounoir, he Vail. . xi. 253 vii. 1 73 Rousseau, Le Vail. . vii. 326 Rousseline, Briss. x. 523 Rousserolle, Buff. x. 209 Roussette , Le Vail. vii. 313 Roussette i. 144 Rousset, Buff. x. 583 Rouverdin, Buff. x. 449 Rowball . v. 155 Rubecula — carolinensis, Briss. x. 663 — viridis elegantissima, Rail . . . viii. 129 Rubelrn, Briss. v. x. p. 709 Rubetra, Buff. . x. 1 1 Anglicana, Briss. x. 320 Luscionensis, Briss. x. 631 Madagascariensis, Briss. . . .x. 609 — — Major sive Rubicola, Briss. ... x. 706 Philippensis, Briss. x. 61 6 major, Briss. x. 617 Senegalensis, Briss. x. 634 Rubin, Buff. x. 412 Rubis, Buff. viii. 335 emrraude, Biff. viii. 340 Grand, Vieil. . viii. 341 Topaze, Buff. . viii. 329 Vieillot, Sonn. viii. 341 Rud v. 197 Rufalbin ix. 53 Rouge noire. Buff. . ix. 240 Ruff xii. 109 Ruff xiv. 330 lighting . xii. 110 Ruffe, Pena. . iv. 548 Rukkaia. dictus, Raii ii. 129 Rumpkin, Will. xi. 214 Rupicapra, Plin. ii. 361 Rupicola xiii.* 250 elegans . xiii.* 257 Peruviana xiii.* 257 viridis, Temm. xiii.* 257 Rusticola, Vieil. xii. 43 Rutela, Rail . iii. 138 Ruticilla, Raii x. 670 ■ Anglicana , Briss. x. 320 Gibraltariensis, Briss. x. 673 Ryngchopsalia, Briss^xxn. 135 fulva, Briss. , xiii. 136 GENERAL INDEX 254 Sable . . v. • P * 41 1 Salmo Fasciatus v. v. p 77 Sagittarius , Vosm. . vii. 46 Fcetens . V. 67 Sagittarius, Vosm. • xiii.* 4 Friderici V. 78 Sai i. 76 Fulvus . V. 80 a gorge blanche i. 76 Gasteropelecus V. 76 Saida iv. 143 Gibbosus V. 72 Saiga ii. 339 Goedenii V. 58 Sailor, Vicil. . x. 645 — Groenlandicus . V. 70 Saimiri . i. 77 Hucho V. 50 Sagou i. 75 • Immaculatus . V. 73 Sajou cornu i. 74 Kundslia V. 49 Saki i. 61 Lacustris V. 62 Salamander iii. 291 Lavaretus V. 85 Americana , Seb. iii. 210 Lavaretus B, Linn. aauatica ex Arabia, V. 86 Seb. in. 276 Lenox Vi 48 Ceilonica, Seb. iii. 269 Lepichini V. 62 prodigiosa Amboinensis Leacicthys V. 91 scut ala , Seb. m. 221 Marasna . V. 87 terrcstris, Aldr. iii. 291 Marasnula V. 88 vera seu Gekko C 'u- melanurus V. 79 lonicus, Seb. iii. 264 migratorius V. 80 Salmarinus , Sale. . V. 60 Mudschan V. 89 Mulleri . V. 90 Salmo . V. 40 Nasus V. 87 Salmo, Will. . V. 40 Nelnia V. 48 ./Egyptius V. 74 Niloticus V. 74 Albula, Linn. V. 88 Notatus . V. 72 Alpinus . V. 60 Ode, Bloch. V. 80 Anastomus V. 75 Oxyrhinchus . V. 91 Arcticus . V. 64 Peled V. 89 Argentinus V. 63 Phinoc . V. 54 autumnalis V. 81 Pidschan V. 89 Bimaculatus . V. 72 Pulverulentus . V. 74 Carpio V. 61 Rlioinbeus V. 75 cinereus seu griseus, Rivralis . V. 65 Will. . V. 47 Rostratus V. 86 Cyprinoides V. 73 Salar V. 40 Dentex . V. 71 Salmarinus V. 60 edentulus V. 92 Salmulus V. 55 Eperlanus V. 68 Salvelinus V. 59 V. 69 xr 66 d m u o • • Eriox V. 47 Schieffermulleri V. 57 Erythrinus V. 51 Schokur . V. 90 Faimen . V. 49 Stagnalis V. 65 Falcatus . V. 77 Stroemii . V. 66 Fario V. 5 1 Thymallus V. 83 GENERAL INDEX 255 Salmo Thymallus latus, Bloch. . v. v. p. — — Trutta . V. Tumbll . V. Vimba V. Umbla V. unimaculatus . V. • Wartmanni V. Salmon . v. Arctic V. Autumnal V. Bimaculated V. Black-tailed . V. Bright . V. Common . V. Cyprinoid V. Dusty V. Egyptian V. F alcated . V. Fasciated V. Fetid V. Flat-nosed V. Friderician V. Fulvous . V. Gibbous . V. Grayling V. Great-toothed . V. Greenland V. Grey V. Gwiniad . V. Hucho V. Kundsha V. Lake V. Lenox V. Marsena . V. Marsenula V. Marked . V. Migratory V. Mudschan V. Muller’s . V. Nelma . V. • Nilotic . V. Peled V. Pidschan V. Pool V. Red-bellied V. Salmon Rhombic v. V. p 75 Rivulet . V. 65 Samlet V. 55 Saury V. 66 Sc’nokur V. 90 Sharp-bellied . V. 76 Sharp-snouted V. 91 Silvery . V. 63 Single- spotted V. 79 Smelt V. 68 Snouted . V. 87 Stroemian V. 66 Taimen . V. 49 Toothless V. 92 — Ti’out V. 46 Tumbil . V. 67 Vimba V. 91 Umbla . V. 63 Unspotted V. 73 Wartman’s V. 82 TV hite, Penn. . V. 54 Whiting V. 54 Salmulits , Will. V. 55 Saltanag iii. 414 Saltator xiv. 6 atra xiv. 6 Cayensis xiv. 6 magna xiv. 6 Samlet, Penn. V. 55 Sanderling xi. 489 xiv. 336 Common xi. 490 Sanderling, Puff. xi. 490 Sandpiper xii. 124 — ■ xiv. 328 Aberdeen, Penn. xii. 91 armed, Penn. xi. 517 ash -coloured . xii. 156 ■, Penn. xii. 90 86 46 67 91 63 79 82 40 64 81 72 79 91 40 73 74 74 77 77 67 75 78 80 72 83 71 70 47 85 50 49 62 48 87 88 72 80 89 90 48 74 89 89 65 51 GENERAL INDEX. 256 Sandpiper, barred-tail v. xii. p. Bart ram’s . xii. — — Bewick’s . xii. boreal, Lath. . xii. black . . xii. — Penn. . xii. brown, Penn. xii. eared, Lath. xii. Cayenne, Lath. xi. Common . xii. Damascene . xii. dusky . . xii. Lath. . xii. J'asciated, Lath. xii. freckled, Penn. xii. ganibet, Penn. xii. goa. Lath. . xi. green . . xii. Greenwich, Lath. xii. Grey, Lath. . xi. ■ gristed, Lath. xii. • Hebridal, Penn. xi. Java . . xii. ■ little, Penn. . xii. Lath. . xii. long-legged . xii. Louisiane, Lath. xi. var. Lath. Marsh XI. xii. Neufoundland, Lath xii. New York, Lath. xii. nodding . xii. purple xii. Quebec, Lath. xii. red, Penn. xii. backed, IVils. xii. breasted, IVils. xii. legged . xii. Sea, Markw. . xii. Sandpiper, Selninger, Penn. . v. xii. p. 146 Semipalmated xii. 160 Wills. xii. 107 Senegal, Lath. xi. 515 Sharp-tailed . xii. 159 Shore, Lath. . xii. 110 Siberian, Lath. xii. 121 ■ — — Slender-beaked xii. 150 Solitary . xii. 129 Southern xii. 150 Lath. xii. 91 Spotted . xii. 144 Streaked, Lath. xii. 118 Striated, Penn. xii. 146 Swiss , Penn. . xi. 505 - tell-tale . xii. 154 variegated, Lath. xii. 124 ■ Wattled, Lath. xi. 516 ■ white xii. 151 ■ winged, Lath. xii. 1 1 6 wood . . xii. 130 Alb. . xii. 12/ Mont. . xii. 148 Yellow-legged, Mont. . . xii. 110 shanked xii. 152 Sanglin, Edw. * . i. 62 Sanglier . . ii. 459 du Cap Verd . ii. 464 . ii. 466 Sankoo Nagoo . iii. 415 Saphir, Buff. . . viii. 324 emeraude, Buff. viii. 325 Saracou, Biff. . xi. 630 Sarcelle, Biff. . xii.* 143 a queue epineuse, Buff. . . . xii.* 203 blanche et noires, Buff. . . . xii.* 185 ■ de la Caroline, Buff. . . . xii.* 185 brune ct blanche, Buff. . . . xii.* 180 132 125 13S 1 i8 159 146 110 123 513 142 158 132 91 121 91 135 514 127 110 505 90 520 159 101 106 148 507 518 140 119 117 155 146 122 96 98 93 135 146 GENERAL INDEX. 25-7 Sarcelle cl' Egypte, Buff. v. xii.* p. 201 — — d'ete, Buff. . xii.* 143 de Coromandel , Buff. . . . xii.* 56 de la Chine , Buff. xii* 94 de l' Isle de Lugon, Sonn. . . . xii.* 153 du Mexique, Buff. xii* 153 ■ male de Madagascar , Buff. . . . xii.* 55 — ordinaire, Cuv. xii* 143 - — petite, Buff. . xii.* 146 rouge, ci longue queue de la Guadeloupe, Buff. xii* 203 Soucrourouj Buff. xii* 149 Sarcoehamphus xiii.* 6 xiv. 345 Californianus xiii.* 6 ■*— — Gryphus . xiii.* 6 Papa . xiii.* 6 Sardine, Dulc. . v. 1 67 Saricovienne, Penn. i. 447 Sarroube, Cep. . iii. 275 Sarrube . . . iii. 275 Sasa de Guiane, Sotin. xi. 193 Sasin, Vieil. . . viii. 342 Satyr us Jndicus, Tulp. i. 3 Saurothera . . xiv. 215 vetula . . xiv. 2 1 6 Sauserrare les Poules de, Biff. xi. 197 Saurus Maximus, Sloan, v. 125 V. XIV. P. II. Sauteur des Rochets v ii. p. 321 Sauvegard, Mer. iii. 235 Saw-fish v. 356 Saxicola xiii.* 240 aurita xiii.* 240 cachinans xiii.* 240 caprata xiii* 243 familiaris xiii.* 241 formicivora xiii* 242 fulicata . xiii.* 243 Hottentotta . xiii.* 241 leucomela xiii.* 241 — — leucothoa xiii* 241 melanura xiii* 243 montana xiii* 242 cenanthe xiii.* 240 — - Philippensis xiii.* 243 pileata . xiii* 242 ■ — — Rubetra xiii* 243 Rubicola xiii* 243 sperata . xiii * 243 stapaziua xiii* 240 Sayacu, Buff'. . x. 447 Edw. . x. 447 Sayou, Edw. . x. 447 Scad iv. 597 SCANSORES . xiv. 93 Scarlet, Buff. . . x. 462 Scarabs us . vi. 1 9 — — auratus . vi. 26 Fullo vi. 26 Goliathus . vi. 21 Hercules . vi. 19 macropus vi. vignette — — Melolontha . vi. 21 Scare trilobd. Cep. . iv. 399 Scarus . . iv. 394 Black ' . . iv. 398 17 258 general index. Scarus, Blue-striped v. iv. p. 399 Cretan . • iv. 394 Cretensis . iv. 394 ferruginens • iv. 399 Ferruginous . iv. 399 Gallns, Forsk. iv. 390 Ghobban . iv. 399 Green . . iv. 395 Harid . • iv. 400 niger . • iv. 39S _ Parrot . . iv. 397 Psittacus . iv. 397 Purpled • iv. 397 Purpuratus . iv. 397 purpureus, Tors. iv. 397 rivulus . • iv. 395 Rivulated . iv. 395 Rostrated . iv. 341 Rostratus . iv. 341 Scaly-tailed . iv. 400 Schlosseri . iv. 398 Scblosserian . iv. 398 Sordid . . iv. 400 Sordidus . iv. 400 _ — - Trilobate . iv. 400 Trilobatus . iv. 400 viridis . • iv. 395 Scheregrig, Bruce . vii. 392 Schet-all, Buff. . x. 418 Schet-be, Buff. • vii. 28/ Schet . Vouloulou, Buff. x. 418 Schildkeoete Dosen, Bloch. iii. 36 Dosen, Bloch. iii. 36 Sohlingende Natter, Merr. - ’ iii 364 Schmahlbauchigtc Natter, Merr. . in. 473 Schomburger , Ldiv. vii. 435 S C I iE N A . iv. 533 Argentata iv. 540 argenteo-maculata iv. 540 Basse iv. 534 Sci/ena, Bearded v. iv. p. 533 Black . * iv. 542 Bohar . • iv- 539 Cappa • - iv. 538 Ciliata . ■ iv. 53-> Ciliated . . iv. 538 cirrosa . • iv. 533 Coro - • iv. 538 . Cylindric • iv. 544 Cylindrica . iv. 544 Diacantha . iv. 535 fulviflamma . iv. 542 Gaterina, Linn . iv. 555 Gibba, Forsk. iv. 539 — — Gibbosa . . iv. 539 Gibbous . . iv. 539 orrandoculus, Linn. iv. 426 Gold-striped . iv. 542 Hamrur, Linn. iv. 440 Haralc, Linn. iv. 425 . — jaculatrix, Linn. iv. 485 Jarbua . . iv. 541 Labrax . • iv. 534 Lepisma . iv. 539 Lineata . • iv. 536 Large-scaled . iv. 543 Lineated • iv. 536 Long-spined . iv. 541 • Maculata . iv. 543 Macrolepidota iv. 543 Mahsena, Linn. iv. 425 Mauritie . iv. 537 Mauritian . iv. 537 Nigra . . iv. 542 Pike-headed . iv. 535 Plumieri • iv. 537 Plunder's • iv. 537 Punctata . iv. 536 Punctated . iv. 536 Ramnk, Linn. iv. 426 Red . . iv. 540 rubra . . iv. 540 Scale-backed . iv. 539 Silver-spotted iv. 540 Single-spotted iv. 539 Spinifera . iv. 541 general index. 259 Sci;ena, Spotted v. iv. p. 545 Tvvo-spined . iv. 535 ■ Unimaculata undecimalis Sciene celiee, Cep. Scincoid, White Scink Common ■ Greater . Long- tailed — — Mabouga ■ Qcellated officinal . Spotted . Scincus, Rail major , Besb ■ marinus Americanus longa cauda, Seb. iii. 286 iv. 539 iv. 535 iv. 538 iii. 289 iii. 281 iii. 285 iii. 286 iii. 287 iii. 290 iii. 281 iii. 290 iii. 281 iii. 281 Sciurus . . jj. • Abissinicus, Linn. 126 — Americanus volans, Raii . . . ii — Anomalus — Bicolor . — Cinereus ii. 130 Degus n. ii. ii. ii. Dsckinschicus, Linn. ii. - Erythrasus - Flavus . • Getulus • ginginianus Hudsonius ■ Hudsonius, Linn. ii. 1 Indicus . . ii. Macrourus . ii. Maximus . ii. Mexicanus . ii. Madagascar ien sis ii. Niger . CEstuans Palm arum Persicus Petaurista 155 131 130 137 148 147 132 142 146 147 140 57 133 129 127 145 128 139 143 146 142 160 Sciurus rarissimus ex Nova Hispania, Seb. v. ii. p. 145 Sabrinus . ii. 15 Sagitta . . ii. i5is Striatus . ii. 149 Variegatus . ii. 144 virginianus cinereus, Raii ... . ii. 137 Virginianus Volans , Seb- • • . ii. 158 — —Volans . . ii. 151 — — Volucella . ii. 155 Vulgaris . ii. 134 — — vulgaris rufus, Briss. ii. 134 — — zeylonicus, Raii ii. 1 29 Sciurus, Gesn. ii. 134 SCOLOPACID.ZE xiv. 328 ScOLOPAX xii. 43 • • xiv. 33 1 — Gmel. xii. 40, 60, 95, 191 Linn. xii. 25, 35, 50, 64, 70, 85, 124 Scopoli . xi. 493 JEgocophala, Linn. xii. 73 Africana, Gmel. xii. 96 ■ ar quota, Linn. xii. 26 australis, Lath. xii. 150 Belgica, Gmel. xii. 73 borealis, Gmel. xii. 38 calidris, Linn. xii. 135 Candida, Gmel. xii. 151 canescens, Gmel. xii. 86 Cantabrigiensis, Gmel. xii. 133 Capensis, Linn. xii. 65 var. Lath. xii. 67 Cayanensis, Gmel. xn. 53 l'. c 2f>0 GENERAL INDEX. Scoeopax cinerca, Gmel. v. xii. p. 93 curonica, Gw el. xii. 133 Fedoa, Linn. . xir. 71 jl (wipes, Gmel. xii. 152 fusca, Linn. . xii. 133 Gallinago, Linn. xii. 54 — Gallinaica, Gmel. xii 54 gallinula, Linn. xii. 57 Gaurana , Linn. xii. 37 glottis, Lath. . xii. 8G grisea, Gmel. ■ xii. 61 Hudsonica, Lath. xii. 81 incana, Gmel. xii. 166 Lapponica, Linn. xii. 77 * leucocephala, Gmel. xii. 34 leucophea, Lath. xii. 7/ - Limosa, Linn. xii. 73 . Lugoniensis, Gmel. xii. 32 . Madagascariensis, Linn. . • • xii. 30 Maderaspatena, Gmel. xii. 68 major, Gmel. . xii. 51 marmorata , Lath. xii. 82 Media , Klein xii. 54 mclanoleuca, Gmel. xii. 154 minor * • xii. 48 niger, Gmel. . xii. 159 . Noveboracensis, Gmel. xii. 6 1 nutans, Penn. xii. 155 . obscura, Gmel. xii. 1 92 paludosa, Gmel. xii. 51 Paykullii, Niels, xii. C 1 phceopus, Gmel. xii. 36 pygmcea, Gmel. xii. 41 xiv. 337 rusticola xii. 44 Sabin i figors xiv- 330 Scolopax Saturata , Horsf. . xii. p- 59 Semipalmata, Gmel. xii. 160 Sinensis, Lath. xii. 66 Subarcuata, Gmel. xii. Tahitiensis, Gmel . xii. totanus, Gmel. xii. 133 Linn. . xii. 14-0 Raii . xii. 135 96 33 v ociferus, JVils. xii. 154 SOOLOPENDRA . electriea forficata morsitans Plumieri Plumier’s — Subterranea vi. 503 vi. 505 vi. 505 vi. 503 vi. 504 vi. 504 vi. 505 Scomber aculeatus Alatienga Asceusionis Auratus Botla — Calcar . — Carangus — Chloris . — Chrysurus — cnenicnopbthalmus iv. — » Colias . • \v • — Commersonii ■ iv- — Commerson, Cep. iv. — Duotor . • — Edentulus . iv. — Equula . • |v. — Jasciatus, Bloch, iv iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. 577 594 590 593 581 591 595 599 600 502 Ferdau — Fuscescens — Glaucus, Linn. — Germon — Hippos . — Japonicus 599 580 589 589 586 587 596 587 602 596 593 584 601 580 GENERAL INDEX 26 1 Scomber Kleinii V. iv. p. 601 ScoKP.EXA antennata Leopardus iv. 591 v. iv. p. 278 Maculosus iv. 592 Antcnnated iv. 278 Madagascariensis iv. 590 Barbata . iv. 276 Minutus iv. 594 Bearded iv. 276 Niger iv. 593 Bicapillata iv. 273 Nigricollis iv. 597 Bicapillated Bracbiata iv. 273 Plumieri iv. 598 iv. 274 Pelamis . iv. 588 Rracbiated iv. 274 Regalis . iv. 583 Cape iv. 272 Rbombeus iv. 595 Capensis iv. 272 Rottleri iv. 598 Commersonian iv. 271 Ruber iv. 600 ■ — Commersonii . iv. 271 Salicus . iv. 585 didactyla iv. 279 Sarda iv. 584 Didactyle iv. 279 Scomber iv. 577 Flying . iv. 277 Speciosus iv. 603 Horrid . iv. 269 Thayard iv. 583 — — Horrida iv. 269 Thynnus iv. 581 — — Plumieri iv. 270 Tracburus iv. 597 Plunder's iv. 270 — — - Zebra iv. 587 Porcine . iv. 267 Scomberoides Commersoni, Cep. Porcus . Rufous . Scrofa iv. 267 iv. 268 iv. 268 Scops iv. 590 xiii.* 5 1 Spinosa . — — Spring . Volitans iv. 276 iv. 276 iv. 277 Scops • albifrons • vii. 233 xiii.* 5 1 Scorpene Ario xiii.* 5 1 Aignillonee, Cep. atricapilla xiii.* 51 iv. 274 ■ carolinicnsis , B yiss. Brachion, Cep. iv. 274 — — Ceylonensis vii. 229 xiii.* 54 Mane, Cep. Plumier, Cep. iv. 27 1 iv. 270 Lesclievaulti noctula • xiii.* 53 xiii.* 52 Scorpio . » vi. 485 strepitans xiii.* 54 ■ Afer vi. 486 Scopus xi. 635 Americanus ■ Europaeus vi. 486 vi. 4S5 Umbretta xiv. 326 xi. 636 Scorpion vi. 485 ScORPiENA iv. 267 common Italian American vi. 485 vi. 486 ■— — Aculeata Aculeated -■ iv. 274 iv. 274 Scoter . xii* 212 — — American iv. 275 black xii.* 213 Americana iv. 275 great-beaked . xii.* 219 262 GENERAL INDEX. Scoter, velvet v. xii.* p. 21G Ural . . xii.* 218 Scraber white-winged, Leach xii * 251 Screamer . . xii. 271 • . . xiv. 333 crested , Lath. . xii. 275 horned . . xii. 278 Sc yt al ce American ce,Seb. iii. 590 Scvthrops . . viii. 378 Scytiirops . . xiv. 95 Australasia) . viii. 378 Australasia) . xiv. 95 Novce Hollandice, Lath. . . . viii. 378 Novce Hollandice, Temm. . . xiv. 95 Sea-Devil . . v. 295 Sea-Dove . . xiii. 33 common . . xiii. 34 Sea-eagle . . xiii.* 12 Sea gaily- wasp . v. 125 Seal i. 249 bottle-nosed . i. 268 common , Penn. i. 250 eared, Penn. . i. 260 • Falkland Isle, Pen. i. 256 great . . i. 259 harp . . i. 262 hooded . . i. 262 leonine . . i. 270 leporine . i. 258 little . . i. 264 long-necked, Penn. i. 256 Mediterranean i. 255 pied . . i. 254 porcine . . i. 260 ribbon . . i. 25 7 rough . . i. 259 tortoise-headed i. 257 Seal, urigne ursine yellow yellow v. i . p. 271 i. 265 i. 260 i. 268 Sea-Lion, Anson's Voy. i. 268 Sea-Lion, Cook's Voy. i. 270 Sea-pie, Will. . xi. 494 Sea-pintado . antarctic . brown-headed . Cape dark-grey glacial snowy — sooty white xiii. 239 xiii. 242 xiii. 244 xiii. 241 xiii. 246 xiii. 245 xiii. 243 xiii. 248 xiii. 246 Sea-Swallow greater, Albin. xiii. 147 lesser, Albin. xiii. 147 Secretaire, Sonn. . vii. 46 Seheli . . . v. 136 Sein-Fish . . v. 125 Senator, Ray . . xiii. 195 Senegal — — le petit, Buff. . ix. 254 Moineau du Buff. ix. 254 Senegali rayi, Buff. . ix. 254 Senegalis . . ix. ruber, Bliss. . ix. 540 striatus, Briss. ix. 254 Senegalus striatus, Briss. ix. 254 Septicola, Buff . x. 472 Serenus . . . iii. 437 Serevan, Biff. . . ix. 254 Sericulus . . xiv. 266 chrysocephalus xiv. 266 Serin, Buff'. . . ix. 473 des Canaries, Buff. ix. 474 GENERAL INDEX < 268 Serinus, Briss. v. ix, p. 473 canarius, Briss. ix. 474 Jamaicensis, Briss. ix. 494 Italicus, Briss. ix. 472 Serotine . . . i. 132 la grande de Guianne i. 142 • great . . i. 142 Serpens, Seb. . . iii. 311 ■ — Acuntias, Seb. iii. 544 Acontias sive Jaculus Americanus, Seb. iii. 459 — — JEgyptiaca Bochir dicta, Seb. . .iii. 543 AEsculapii Brasiliensis, Seb. . . . iii. 497 Msculapius Orientalis Maximus, Seb . . iii. 454 Africana ah Hoi- tcntottis Sibon dicta, Seb. . . . iii. 507 Africana annulata, ex Promontorio Bonce Spei, Seb. . . iii. 499 Africana Bonce Spei eleganter lemniscala, Seb. . • . iii. 534 — — Amboinensis tigrina, Seb. . . . iii. 437 Americana arborea, Seb. . . . iii. 337 ■ Americana ccerulea Dispas dicta P Seb. iii. 47 1 Americana Chiametla dicta, Seb. . . iii. 440 Americana eleganlissirna maculis nigris notata, Seb. iii. 4.54 Americana lemnis- cata, Seb. . . iii. 545 Americana Xequipiles dicta, Seb . . . iii. 530 * Ammodyles Americana jlammifera , Seb. . iii. 462 Amphisbcena orientalis, Seb, . . iii. 58.5 Serpens anmdatus, Seb. v. iii. p. 485 Arabica Brasilien- sibus Ibiboboca et Bai- guacu dictis, Seb. iii. 347 Arabica Brasilien- sibas Ibiboboca et Bai- guacu dicta, alias Ar- gus, Seb. . . iii. 439 Asiatica Hcemacliates dicta, Seb. . . iii. 425 Babylonica Ccnchrus dicta, Seb. . . iii. 478 — — Bali-Sali-Boekit , Seb. . . . iii. 464 blanda Ceilonica Po- longa dicta, Seb. iii. 337 Bujobi Brasiliensis, Seb. . . . iii. 346 Bojobi Ceilonica, Seb. . . . iii. 346 Brasiliensis Ibera- coa dicta, Seb. . iii. 544 Brasiliensis text His, Seb. . . . iii. 462 Brasiliensis versi- color, species /Escu- lapii, Seb. . .iii. 436 bucculenta Bceotica, Seb. . . . iii. 480 Ccecilia Ceilonica, Seb. . . . iii. 596 Ccecilia ex Mauri- tania, Seb. . . iii. 588 Ccecilia seu Scytale, Seb. . . . iii. 581 canora purpurea Ccecuba, Seb. . iii. 549 catenata ex Nova Ilispania, Seb. . iii. 536 car a car a Brasili- ensis singularis, Seb. iii. 522 Ceilonica Bitin dicta, Seb. . . iii. 402 Ceilonica crucfcra, Seb. . . . iii. 482 GENERAL INDEX. 264 Serpens Ceilonica elegantis- simci, Seb. . v. iii. p. 4 77 Ceilonica excellentis- sima eleganter picta, Seb. iii. 478 Ceilonica lineis sub- fuscis, Seb. . . iii. 529 Ceilonica Malpalon dicta, Seb. . . iii. 436 Ceilonica pomposa veste ornata, Seb. iii. 477 Ceilonica spadicea Manballa dicta, Seb. iii. 337 Cenchrus, vel Se- renas Brasilicnsis , Seb. iii. 436 Corallina Arnboi- nensis, Seb. . . iii. 432 ’ Coralloidcs Brasili- cnsis rubra, Seb. . iii. 5S2 de Moctdo Ameri- cana, Seb. . . iii. 474 Dispas lentiginosa Amboinensis, Seb. iii. 467 exccllens ac spe- ciosa Brasilie?isis, Seb. . . . iii. 337 eximia Africana crocea, Jronte albo, Seb. . . . iii. 472 ex Lybia, Seb. iii. 454 ex Nova Hispania, fyc. Seb. . . iii. 480 ex Paraguaja, Seb. iii. 585 Guineensis rarissima Argus dicta, Seb. iii. 438 Hikkanella Ameri- canus, Seb. . . iii. 5 1 1 Hispalensis fronton pree se ferens venustis- simam, Seb. . iii. 478 ■ Jacidus Amboinensis perelcgans, Seb. . iii. 477 Indica Boiquatrara dicta, Seb. . iii. 45 5 Serpens Indicus Naja dicta, Seb. v. iii. p. 409 lemniscata venustis- sima Americana, Seb. iii. 433 Lusinatus Cobra de Capella dicta, Seb. iii. 422 Malabarica Cobra de Capello dicta, Seb. iii. 409 Mexican a Petla- coatl dicta elegantis- sima, Seb. . . iii. 489 marina Surinam- v ensisfeemina Murccnis vafde affinis, Seb. iv. 30 marinus, Gesn.? iv. 23 Marinus Ameri- canus, Seb. . . iv. 33 marinus maculosus, Will. . . iv. 22 Medock, Seb. . iii. 454 Oculea Mexicana feemina, Seb. . iii. 344 ornatissima Amboi- nensis, Boiquatrara dicta, Seb. . . iii. 550 Peruviana elegantis- sima et rara, Seb. iii. 483 Phyticus Africanus prodigiosus, $c. Seb. iii. 347 Phyticus Orient alis Gerende diclus, Seb. iii. 348 Porphyrius Brasili- ensis, Seb. . .iii. 430 Jlotang, Seb. iii. 533 Seilonica maculata, Seb. . . . iii. 476 Siamensis tceniolis, Seb. . . . iii. 487 Surinamensis Flos - cuius dictus, Seb. . iii. 471 Surinamensis elegans, Seb. . . . iii. 462 iestudinea Americana, muricum insidiator, Seb. iii. 35 I GENERAL INDEX 265 Serpens tigrina ex insula, Seb. . . v. iii. p. 445 ■ vel sepedon Ame- ricanus, Seb. . iii. 500 Vipera Sinensis perelegans, Seb. . iii. 360 viridis ore acumi- nata ex Jam, Aspidis species , Seb. . iii. 548 Xaxalhua, Seb. iii. 544 Serpentarius . vii. 46 Serpentarius, Shan ; xiii.* 4 * Africanus . vii. 46 Africanus, Shaw xiii.* 5 Serpent d’Esculape, Cep . iii. 452 Serpent-eater . xi. 192 . . xiv. 312 Hoatzin . . xi. 193 Serpentes Cobellas dictce, Seb. . . . iii. 493 Serpentula gracilis longa Guineensis, Seb. . iii. 540 Serra, Plin. v. 357 Serte . v. 232 Serval k 369 Servin, Penn. . . v. 47 Shad . v. 165 Shag . xiii. 82 african. Lath. . xiii. 85 brown-neclced, Lath. xiii. 91 carunculated. Lath. xiii. 94 Chinese, Lath. . xiii. 96 crested, Penn. xiii. 83 dwarf, Lath. . xiii. 97 - Magellanic, Lath. xiii. 89 — — New Holland, Lath. xiii 93 Shag, red, Lath. v. xiii. p. 92 — — red- faced, Lath. spotted, Lath . . xiii. 86 xiii. 88 tufted, Lath. . xiii. 95 — — violet, Lath. xiii. 86 Shark . v. 321 American v. 347 Angel v. 356 Basking . v. 327 — ■ — Bearded . v. 344 ■ Beaumaris v. 350 Blue v. 331 Centrina . v. 340 Cirrhated v. 344 Denticulated . v. 351 Dusky v. 333 Fox v. 333 Grey v. 346 Gronovian v. 353 Human-headed v. 354 Heart-headed . v. 355 — Hound v. 337 — — Isabella . v. 343 Long-tailed., Penn. v. 333 Ocellated v. 346 Panther . v. 335 — Pearly v. 342 ■ Philippian v. 341 Pickled . v. 338 — — Porbeagle v. 349 Punctulated v. 352 Rock v. 336 Saw-snouted v. 357 ■ Scaly v. 348 Semisagittated v. 361 Spiny . v. 342 Spotted . . v. 334 Striped . v. 345 Tentaculated . v. 359 White . . v. 322 Zebra . v. 352 SiiARPcmn . xiv. 200 Shawin, Penn. . v. 47 266 GENERAL INDEX Shearwater v. xiii. p. 22 5 .Equinoctial . xiii. 229 black-toed xiii. 231 Brasilian xiii. 228 cinereous xiii. 227 Dusky . xiii. 230 Manks’ . xiii. 226 Sheath lull . xii. 280 xiv. 334 White xii. 281 Sheep . ii. 379 African . ii. 389 Bearded, Penn ii. 383 broad-tailed ii. 389 Cape, Penn. ii. 390 Common . ii. 385 Cretan ii. 388 Fat- rum pc d ii. 390 Hornless . ii. 391 Many-horned , Linn. ii. 388 Spanish . ii. 391 Wild, Penn. ii. 379 Sheildrake . . xii.* 70 burrow . xii* 72 ■ crested . . xii.* 77 crimson- billed xii.* 75 Georgian xii.* 76 ruddy xii.* 71 sivallow-tailcd, Wils. xii.* 175 Shoveler xii.* 1 1 4 Common . xii* 115 fasciated . . xii* 124 Jamaica . . xii.* 119 Mexican . . xii* 1 18 New Holland . xii* 123 ■ pied . xii.* 121 red-breasted, Penn. xii.* 115 ruddy . xii* 120 soft-billed . xii.* 123 Shrew • • *’• i. p. 526 Brasilian i. 535 Canada . i. 531 Cinereous i. 538 Common i. 526 Elephant i. 536 Foetid, Penn. . i. 526 Minute . i. 540 Murine . i. 539 Musk i. 528 Mushy, Penn. i. 528 Perfuming j. 533 Persian . i. 539 Pygmv • i. 540 Square-tailed . i. 537 Surinam . i. 536 Unicolor, Penn. i. 538 Water . i. 534 White-throated i. 538 White-toothed i. 537 Shrike . vii. 281 Shrike . xiii.* 141 African, Lath. vii. 328 American vii. 30 1 Antiguan vii. 333 Bacbakiri vii. 319 Barbary . vii. 297 barred. Lath. xiii.* 156 Bengal vii. 332 Black . vii. 319 black and ivhitc, Lath. . xiii* 155 Black-capped . vii. 335 Black-headed . vii. 320 Black-topped . vii. 336 Blanchot, Lath. Blue xiii.* 1 6 1 vii. 322 Boulboul vii. 308 Brasilian, Lath vii. 300 bronzed, Lath. xiii.* 138 Brown vii. 326 Cape vii. 327 Cayenne . vii. 297 Chesuut-backed vii. 294 Chinese . vii. 324 GENERAL INDEX 267 Shiuke, Clouded v. vii. p. 329 Collared . . vii. 295 Corvine . . vii. 337 Crested, Lath. vii. 314 Crested Canadian vii. 314 Crested Russet vii. 333 Cubla . . vii. 328 Dominican, Lath. vii. 323 Drougo . . vii. 289 Drongri, Lath, xiii.* 140 Dubious . . vii. 329 Dusky . . vii. 325 Erect . . vii. 329 Ferruginous-bellied vii. 310 Fingah . . vii. 291 Fork-tailed, Lath. vii. 291 Fork-tailed crested , Lath. . . vii. 289 Frontal . . vii. 312 Great cinereous. Penn. . vii. 282 Green . vii. 321 Grey . vii 282 Grey, Lath. . x. 427 Hook-billed . vii. 299 Jocose . vii. 306 Italian . vii. 286 — — Leverian . . vii. 288 lineated ? Lath. xiii.* 154 Loggerhead, Wils. xiii.* 147 long-tailed, Lath. xiii.* 139 Louisiana . vii. 294 — — Luzonian . vii. 334 Madagascar . vii. 332 Magpie, Lath. vii. 288 Malabar . . vii. 293 Malimbic, Lath. xiii* 147 Mottled . . vii. 327 Mustache , Lath. vii. 298 Shrike, Neugeta v. vii. p. 287 335 331 330 336 331 324 525 300 Vll. vii. vii. vii. vii. vii. vii. vii. Nootka Northern Olive Orange Pacific Panayan Pied Pitangua puff-backed, Lath. xiii.* Plumed . . vii. Red . . vii. Red-backed . vii. ■ Red-winged . vii. Robust . . vii. Rock . . vii. ■ Rubiginous . vii. ■ Rufous . . vii. ■ Rufous-tailed . vii. ■ Senegal . . vii. ■ Short-tailed . vii. ■ silent . . vii. ■ spotted . . vii. ■ Spot-winged . vii. ■ Superb . . vii. ■ Supercilious . vii. ■ Tabuan . . vii. • Tyrant . . vii. • Yellow-bellied vii. • Yellow-bellied, Lath. vii. • Weebong . vii. ■ Whiskered . vii. • Whiskered, Lath. xiii* - White . . vii. • White-billed . vii. - White-headed . vii. - White-shouldered vii. - White-wreathed vii. • Wood-chat . vii. 162 292 326 315 301 31 1 302 313 287 311 314 310 330 325 328 290 326 321 304 309 312 312 298 139 309 323 300 334 328 316 Shrimp . Sin in, Le Vail. Sijfflcur, Cuv. . vii. 493 vii. 380 xii* 131 GENERAL INDEX. <268 SiJJicur, a bee rouge ct narines jaunes, Buff. v. xii.* p • 99 de Fa roe, Buff, xii.*' 175 Sifilet — — de la Nouvelle Quince, vii. 496 Si mia iEthiops . Annulata Antiguensis Apedia . ■ A pel la Argentata ■ Aygul a . - Beelzebub - Capucina - Ceplius . - ci nevea . - Comosa . - cristata . - Cynocephalus Cynomolgus Cynosurus den tat a . ■ Diana ■ erythrep.a, Sch - Fatuellus - Faunus, Linn - Ferox - Ferruginea - flavescens - Fulva - fusca - Hamadryas - Hi rein a . - Innuus . - Lar - Leonina . - Longimana, Schr - Maimon . - marina, Gcsn. - Maura - M idas - Moua i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. i. 'Ann i. 43 60 78 27 76 66 48 70 76 44 23 59 2G 35 35 32 24 38 33 i. 74 i. 31 i. 30 i. 59 i. 41 i Sinnia Mormon v. i . }>■ Naneta . • i- Nasalis . Nemaeus Nemestrina Nicticans (Edipus . • Paniscus Petaurista Pileata • Pithecia . Platypygos, Schr. porcaria . lloloway . Rosalia . Rubra Sabua Satyrus . Sciurea . Seniculus Silenus, Linn Sinica Sphinx . • Sublutea . supra aures coniala, 17 40 55 56 25 45 63 73 51 53 61 24 21 37 64 49 42 'J 77 71 30 50 16 23 Alp. — Sylvauus . — Sylvicola — • Syriclita . Talapoin . Trepida . Veter ? . voter, Gmel. Yacchus . i. 24 SlLPHA . vi. 50 i. 28 atrata vi. 52 i. 58 Chrysomela vi. 50 i. 13 — Germanica vi. 5 1 i. 12 — — maculata . vi. 58 i. 34 rugosa vi. 50 i. 12 thoracica vi. 52 i. 20 Vespillo . vi. 50 V. 365 10 i. 47 SlLUKE . V. i. 65 Ascitic V. 18 i. 54 Asote . v. 23 28 14 22 67 46 75 36 31 62 * GENERAL INDEX 269 Silure Atheriuoid V. v. p. 22 Bagre V. 12 Bajad V. 27 Bimaculated V. 16 Carinated V. 26 Cat V. 25 Chilian . V. 27 - — - Clarias . V. 18 Coan V. 25 Domac . V. 26 Eel V. 23 Electric . V. 17 European V. 10 Fasciated V. 16 Feline V. 24 — Fossile V. 21 Four-spotted V. 19 — Frog V. 20 Galeated V. 14 Herzbergian V. 13 — — Horned . V. 24 — Krobbed . V. 15 Military . V. 12 Mystic . V. 23 Red-finned V. 20 Vittated V. 22 Unarmed V. 14 Undecimal V. 24 Silurus V. 10 - — — Anguillaris V. 23 Ascita . V. 18 A sot us . V. 23 Aspredo, Linn. V. 28 V. V. oq atherinoides 22 Bagre V. 12 Bajad V. 27 Batrachus V. 20 bimaculatus V. 16 Callichthys 0 V. 34 Carinatus V. 26 Catus V. 25 Chilensis V. 27 Clarias . V. 18 Cornutus V. 24 Cous V. 25 Silurus Doemac v. v. p. 26 electricus . v. 17 erytliropterus . v. 20 fasciatus . . v. 1 6 Felis . . v. 24 fossilis . . v. 21 galeatus . . v. 14 Glanis . v. 10 Herzbergii . v. 13 inermis . . v. S 4 lVIilitaris . v. 12 IVlystus . . v. 23 nodosus . . v. 15 quadriinaculatus v. 1 9 Sc /tilde Niloticus, Wasselg. . v. 23 vittatus . . v. 22 ■ Undecimalis . v. 24 Simon petit, Buff. . x. 601 Sincialo, Buff. . viii. 441 Sioli du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . X. 534 Sipedon . Hi. 496 Siren iii. 601 Anguine . in. 608 Austrian iii. 608 Eel-shaped iii. 601 Fish-formed iii. 612 Lacertina iii. 601 Murcena , Linn. iii. 601 Pisciformis iii. 612 SlREX vi. 275 Columba vi. 276 — — gigas vi. 275 pygnueus vi. 276 SlTTA viii. 107 SlTTA xiv. 188 Caffra viii. 117 Canadensis viii. 116 — Canadensis xiv. 188 GENERAL INDEX <270 Sitta Carolinensis V. vni. p. Carolinensis . xiv. Chloris . . viii. Chrysoptera . vfii. Chrysoptera . xiv. Europea . . viii. Europaea . xiv. frontalis . . xiv. fusca . xiv. Jamaicensis . viii. longirostra . viii. Major . viii. naevia . viu. pusilla . viii. pusilla . xiv. Sinensis . . viii. Surinameusis . viii. ■ velata, Temm. xiv. Sittille, Buff. . . viii. du Canada . vui. Siyah Gush, Chari . . i. Sizerin, Buff. . . ix. rouge } Buff. ix. Skate • V. Sx • viii. 201 varie, Vieil. . viii. 223 vert it gorge rouge, Buff. . . • viii. 192 vert dore changeant d longue queue, Buff. viii. 240 vert et brun, Vieil. viii. 1 98 violet a poitrine rouge, Vieil. . . • viii- 205 Soulice, Buff. . . ix. 434 Soulicet, Buff. . jx. 441 Sourciroux, Le Vail, xiii.* 149 Spalax major, Erxl. Spalax minor, Erxl. Souris ii. 108 ii. 112 ii. 56 Spaniel Barbary, Penn. v. i. p. 311 Cape, Penn. • i. 310 Der Capische, Schre. i. 310 great-water . i. 280 Schakal, Penn. i. 304 Sparactes • • x|ji** superbus • xiii.* 144 Spare aurco-lineatus, Cep bizarre, Cep. . Bogaraveo, Cep. brachion, Cep. iv. 429 iv. 423 iv. 424 iv. 456 iv. 428 iv. 435 Breton, Cep ■ Bufonite, Cep. Castagnole, Cep . iv. 424 chrysomelane, Cep. iv. 454 Demi-Lune, Cep. iv. 433 Hemisph cerium, Cep. iv. 454 Holocyaneose, Cep. iv. 432 Lipsure, Cep. . iv.433 Mylis, Cep. • iv. 428 Mylostome, Cep. iv. 427 Osbeck, Cep. • iv. 423 pantherin, Cep. iv. 456 Per roquet. Cep. iv. 436 — Trilobe, Cep. . iv. 478 — Vertor, Cep. . iv. 427 Sparling-foivl 161 xiv. 39 ix. 429 Sparrow Sparrow . American hedge, Ediv. x. 586 black and ijelloxv frizzled, Ediv. . '. . ix. 480 brasilian, Ediv. ix. 256 Cape of Good Hope, Alb. ix. 545 GENERAL INDEX with white belly/, Stew. . X. 111 Java X. 101 — — - Marsh X. 101 Needle-tailed X. 131 New-Holland X. 132 — — Otaheite X. 125 Panayan X. 95 Peruvian X. 122 purple X. 108 red-fronted X. 91 headed X. 128 rock X. 103 — rufous-bellied, Lath. X. 188 ■ headed X. 127 rumped X. 126 St. Domingo X. 123 Sand X. 104 Savigny’s X. 90 Sharp-tailed X. 131 Senegal . X. 20 Swift X. 97 violet. Lath. X. 108 wheat X. 116 white, Briss. X. 84 bellied X. 121 rumped X. 98 — throated X. 99 winged X. 120 window, Penn. X. 118 wire-tailed, Lath. xiii.* 79 Swallow-sea xiii. 147 greater, Alb. xiii. 147 lesser. Alb. xiii. 167 Swan . . , v. xii.* p. 9 — — black xii.* 18 black-necked . xii.* 17 Canada . xii.* 19 Chinese . xii.* 22 mute xii.* 15 ■ tame. Alb. xii.* 15 whistling xii.* 10 wild, Penn. xii.* 10 Swift X. 71 xiii.* 81 Chinese . X. 74 — — common . X. 72 greatest, Edw. X. 75 white-billed X. 75 collared . X. 75 Sword-Fish . iv. 99 Broad-Finned . iv. 101 common . iv. 99 Round-shouldered iv. 105 Short-snouted iv. 104 • Sicilian, Penn. iv. 99 Sycobius xiv. 36 ■ . cristatus . xiv. 37 Sylvia . X. 575 Sylvia .. xiii.* 218 Acredula X. 744 — eequinoctialis . X. 606 — , Lath. x. 578 eestiva . . x. 650 (estiva, Steph. . xiii.* 232 Africana . . x. 615 Africana . . xiii.* 220 Africana, Steph. xiii.* 225 agilis . . x. 732 albicapilla . x. 642 albicoilis, Lath. x. 750 Americana . x. 611 <288 GENERAL INDEX. Sylvia Americana, Steph. v. xiv. p. anilis . . x. annulosa, Swain. xiii.* aquatica, Lath. x. arundinacea . x. arundinacea , Steph. xiii. atrata . . x. atrata, Steph. . xiii.* atricapilla . x. atricapilla , Steph. xiii.* — , var. 194 725 232 583 588 209 677 219 648 210 Lath. . x. 650 ■ aurantia, Lath. x. 572 auricollis x. 735 aurorea . x. 605 autuninalis x. 532 Awatcha x. 614 azurea x. 653 bananivora x. 729 — r — bicolor x. 665 Blackburniie . x. 627 Blackburniie . xiii.* 221 Bonariensis x. 703 Borbonica x. 600 borealis . x. 690 Brasiliensis viridis, Briss. . x. 691 — — cserulea . x. 652 ccerulea, Wils. x. 653 caerulescens x. 651 caerulescens, Steph xiii* 232 Caffra x. 669 Calendula, Lath. x. 761 Calidris . x. 702 Calliope . x. 644 Cambaiensis x. 705 campestris x. 584 Cana, Lath. . x. 652 Canadensis, Lath. x. 651 canescens . x. 608 canescens , Steph. xiv. 261 Caprata . . x. 630 x. X. X. X. X. xiii.* XIII. x. X. X. X. Sylvia caprata, Steph. v. xiii.* p Carolinensis Caryophyllacea castor castanea . cay an a Cayana . Cayana, Steph. xiv Cayanensis ccerulea, Briss. . . x Certhiola, Temm. xiii.’ Cetti, Temm. cliloroleuca chrysocephala chrysogastra chrysops chrysops, Steph. xiv. clirysoptera . x. cincta, Lath. . x. cinerea . . x. cinerea, Steph. xiii.* Cisticola, Tem. xiii.* citrina . . x. conspicillata, Temm. xiii.* Coromandelica x. coronata . . x. coronata . . xiii.* cristata . . x. Curruca . . x. Curruca, Steph. xiii. Cyane . . x. — — cyanea . . x. cyanea, Steph. xiii. cyanocepliala . x. cyanocepliala . xiii.* cyanocepliala, Steph. xiv. cyanura . . x. Dartfordiensis x. Dartfordiensis, Steph. . . xiii.* discolor . Dominica dunietorum 243 522 693 731 714 655 220 227 655 212 209 734 700 726 610 264 624 636 597 210 213 601 21 1 625 636 221 686 580 211 655 754 223 684 220 227 646 717 221 712 612 618 , GENERAL INDEX 289 Sylvia data , Lath. . v. xiii.*;x 249 Erythracus . x. 674 erythracus .xiii.* 2 19 Erytlirogastra x. 672 ferruginea . x. 643 fervida . . x. 635 Ficedula • x. 592 flammea . ■ . x. 692 flavescens . x. 619 flavicollis . x. 679 flavifrons, Lath. x. 624 Jlavigastra, Lath. x. 726 Jiuviatilis, Temrn. xiii.* 214 formosa . . x. 683 fulicata . . x. 616 fulicata, Steph. xiii.* 243 fulva . . x. 726 • furva, Lath. . x. 764 ■ — - — fusca, Lath. . x. 685 fuscata . . x. 609 fuscescens . x. 667 fuscicollis . x. 680 gala dotes, Temm. xiii. * 209 Gibraltarensis x. 673 Gibraltarensis, Steph. xiii.* 21 9 grisea . . x. 585 griseicollis . x. 685 Guianensis . x. 678 guiatiensis, Steph. xiv. 196 Guira . . x. 691 Guira, Steph. xiii.* 232 Gularis . . x. 667 Guzurata . x. 725 Hippolais . x. 746 Hirundinacea . x. 613 hirundinacea, Steph. xiii.* 252 hortensis . x. 581 hortensis, Steph. xiii *210 Hottentotla, Lath. x. 573 ■ hypolais , Steph. xiii.* 221 V. XIV. P. II. Sylvia icterocephala V. X. p. 623 incana x. 628 inornata . x. 696 — — juncorum x. 587 Kamschatkensis x. 603 lateralis . x. 659 lateralis, Steph. xiii.* 221 leucogastra x. 622 leucophea x. 658 — — leucoptera x. 753 leucoptera, Steph. xiii* 233 mis. x. 7 22 lucorrhoa, Lath. x. 574 leucura . x. 678 lineata x. 656 livida x. 664 locustella x. 595 Locustella , Steph. xiii.* 213 longicauda x. 756 — — longicauda , Steph. xiii.* -825 longipes . x. 721 longirostris x. 630 Ludoviciana . x. 713 Ludoviciana , Steph. xiv. 194 Luscinia . x. 576 luscinia, Steph. xiii.* 208 lutescens . x. 701 macroura . x. 724 macroura, Steph. xiii * 225 maculata. Lath. x. 571 maculosa . x. 715 Madagascariensis x. 579 x. 720 Madagascariensis, Steph. . . xiii. 232 Magellanica . x. 590 magna . . x. 698 Magnolia . x. 604 maritima . x. 739 — — mauritiana, Steph. xiii* 232 19 GENERAL INDEX 290 Sylvia Mussiliensls, Lath. v. x. p. maura . . x. Mauritiana . x. Mediterranea . x. melanocephala Lath. x. melanocephala , Lath. xiii.* melanopogou xiii* minima . . x. mitrata, Lath. x. modularis . x. modularise Steph. xiii.* montana . x. Montanella . x. moschita, Lath. x. — — multicolor . x. murina . . x. naevia . . x. ncevla, Steph. xiii.* Nattererii, Temm. xiii* nigricollis . x. nigrirostris . x. nisoria, Temm. xiii.* Noveboracensis x. oclirura . . x. ■ cenanthe, Lath. x. olivacea . . x. Palm arum . x. palpebrosa, Temm. xiii.* — Palustris . x. palustris, Temm. xiii.* Parus . . x. passerina . x. ■passerina, Steph. xiii* Patagonica . x. Pensilis . . x. pensilis, Steph. xiii.* Pensylvanica, Lath. x. Sylvia peregrina v. x. p. 621 perspicillata . x. 631 petechia . x. 733 Philippensis . x. 616 Phcenicurus , x. 670 phoenicurus xiii.* 219 Philippensis, Steph. xiii* 243 phragmitis, Temm. xiii* 207 pileatu, Lath. x. 569 pinguis, Lath. x. 637 pinus . . x. 73 7 Pinus, Steph. . xiv. 194 Plumbea . x. 646 plumbea, Swain. xiii* 214 Protonotarius x. 642 Provincialis, Lath. x. 714 provincialis, Temm. xiii.* 221 pusilla . x. 647 Viell. . x. 744 JVils. . X. 737 rara X. 657 Reg'ulus, Lath. X. 758 Rubecula X. 711 Rubecula xiii.* 219 Rubetra . X. 716 Rubetra, Steph xiii* 243 Rubicola X. 709 Rubicola, Steph. xiii.* 243 rubricata X. 697 rubricollis X. 709 rufa X. 668 rufa, Steph. xiii.* 232 rulicapilla X. 699 ruficauda X. 676 rufigastra X. 619 ruiiventris X. 696 — — rufventris, Steph. xiv. 262 Ruppeli xiii.* 219 russeicaudft X. 675 270 640 665 693 648 210 220 722 399 661 206 736 626 648 641 617 591 209 231 704 731 21 1 681 634 565 590 607 232 722 207 727 745 211 603 , 628 232 623 GENERAL INDEX. 291 Sylvia sagittata v. x. p. (558 Salicaria . x. 586 salicaria, Steph. xiii.* 209 sarda, Temm. xiii.* 222 — — Schsenobeenus . x. 583 Schcenobcenus, Steph. xiii.* 207 Semitorquata . x. 594 Senegalensis . x. 634 sericea, Natter xiii.* 208 Sialis . . x. 663 Sialis . xiii.* 221 sibilatrix, Temm. xiii.* 23 1 Sinensis . x. 689 Singalensis . x. 689 speciosa . xiii.* 220 Sperata . . x. 708 sperata, Steph. xiii.* 243 spinicauda . x. 694 spinicauda, Steph. xiv. 184 Stapazina, Lath. x. 569 Striata . . x. 645 — — subalpinus , Temm. xiii.* 221 subflava . . x. 6 1 1 subflava, Steph. xiii.* 225 Suecica . . x. 660 Suecica . xiii.* 2 1 9 • Sunamisica . x. 633 Superciliosa . x. 723 Surinamensis ccerulea, Driss. *■ . x. 687 • Sutoria . x. 753 • Sybilla . x. 609 Sylvicola x. 748 Sylvicola, Steph. xiii* 231 Sylviella x. 599 thoracica, Steph. xiii* 232 tigrina . x. 738 Tithys x. 671 Tithys, Steph. xiii. 219 Sylvia torquata, Vieil. v. x. p. 611 torquata, Vieil. xiv. 1 94 Trichas . . x. 682 - — - Trichas, Steph. xiii* 232 Trochilus . x. 742 Trochilus, Steph. xiii.* 23 1 Trochilus, var.. Lath. x. 744 Troglodytes, Lath. x. 763 Tsekecantschia x. 695 umbria, Lath. x. 637 undata . x. 620 varia x. 639 varia, Steph. . xiv. 194 velia x. 687 venustas, Temm xiii.* 214 vermivora x. 700 versicolora x. 666 versicolora, Steph. xiv. 262 virens x. 740 virescens x. 650 viridis, Briss. . x. 684 Zeylonica x. 688 SYLVIADiE xiii.* 204 Synallaxis . xiii* 226 albescens xiii* 227 cinerascens xiii* 228 garrula xiii* 227 rutilans . xiii.* 226 setaria . xiii* 229 stenura . xiii* 229 tecellata xiii.* 228 Synbranchus iv. 35 immaculatus . iv. 36 Marbled iv. 35 Marmorata iv. 35 Plain iv. 36 29 2 GENERAL INDEX. S VN G NAT HUS V. v. p. 451 Acus V. 451 TEquoreus V. 454 Barbarus V. 456 Biaculeatis V. 453 Foliatus V. 456 Hippocampus V. 455 Ophidion V. 453 Pelagicus V. 454 Typlde . V. 452 Syrnia . xiii.* 62 Africana xiii.* 62 Canadensis xiii.* 62 nisuella xiii.* 62 Uralensis xiii * 62 Syrnium xiii.* 61 stridulum xiii.* 62 Syrriiaptes xiv. 304 Syrrhaptes, Illig. xi. 420 Pallasii . xiv. 304 Tadpole Mexican, Shaiv v. iii. p- 612 Tcenia uuctorum , Art. iv. 188 Tcenioide Hermannien , Cep. . . iv. 191 Taguan . . ii- 160 grand Ecureuil Volant ii. 160 Take con . ■ xi. 327 Tahui, Buff. . . viii. 521 Tajagu , Marc. . ii. 469 T ait-sou . . ix. 56 Talapoin . • i. 46 Talapoit, Buff. . vii. 476 Taleve a manteau noir, Temm. xii. 259 a manteau vert, Temm. xii. 255 de Madagascar, Buff. xii. 255 Porphyrion, Temm. 1 J ore Tap an us . • vi. 386 bovinus • vi. 386 csecutiens . vi. 387 pluvialis . vi. 387 tropicus . vi. 387 Tachet, Le Vail. vii. 327 Tacky dromus, d/lig. xi. 499 Tachypetes, Vied. , Xl!l. 119 Tachyphonus xiv. 5 leucopterus xiv. 6 Tade V. 136 Taporna xii.* 70 Bellonii xii* 72 cristata . xii.* 77 erythroryncha xii.* 75 Georgica xii.* 76 rutila xii.* 71 Talpa . i. 515 Ascati, Linn. i. 521 Capensis i. 521 caudata, pedibus pentad a ctylis, Linn. i. 515 Europaea i. 515 Fusca i. 524 Longicaudata i. 523 Purpurascens i. 521 Radiata i. 523 rubra Americana, Seb. i. 522 Rufa . . i. 522 virgianus niger, Seb. i. 521 Tamacuilla-Huila iii. 344 Tamandua • • i. 178 Tamandua . . i. 170 guacu . ■ i. 170 Seu Coati Americana alba . . • i. 172 GENERAL INDEX. 293 Taraanoir . v. i. p. 167 Tamarin i. 65 Tamatia, Cuv. xiv. 156 ■ a ('oilier ix. 39 a tele et gorge rouges ix. 33 le beau . ix. 20 macrorhynckos , Swain, xiv. 156 macidata, Cuv. xiv. 156 noir et blanc . ix. 35 Tanagkr x. 441 xiv. 6 Ambovna x. 4/4 Bishop . x. 447 — — black x. 4 77 and blue x. 453 crowned x 444 headed . x. 443 throated, Lath. x. 691 — — blue x. 448 Brasilian, Lath. x. 440 * cserulean x. 446 — — capital . x. 457 Chinese x. 470 crested . x. 478 furrow-clawed, Lath. x. 479 golden . x. 466 grand . x. 442 green x. 410 headed . x. 450 Lath. xiv. 1 1 grey x. 474 grey-headed . x. 470 hooded . x. 443 • Jacarini x. 475 Lousiane, Lath. xiv. 13 Malimbic, Lath. xiv. 35 Mexican x. 465 Mississipi x. 463 negro x. 477 olive x. 457 Paradise x. 472 Tanagkr, red v. x. p. 462 ■ . — breasted, Edw. x. 439 headed x. 449 headed x. 461 rude x. 471 rufous headed x. 459 throated, Lath. ix. 452 — — St. Domingo . x. 452 Sayacu . x. 446 Showy . x. 466 Silent . x. 469 Spotted-green x. 455 Summer x. 464 ■ Turquoise x. 452 variable x. 456 variegated x. 460 violet x. 450 yellow . x. 468 fronted . x. 458 Tanagra x. 441 Tanagra xiv. 6 ajstiva . x. 464 c estiva , Steph. xiv. 1 2 albifrons x. 468 Amboynensis . x. 474 ■ ccerulea, Briss. x. 475 Archiepisccpus xiv. 7 atra, 1'emm. xiv. 6 — — atra, Gmel. x. 454 atrata v. 477 atrata, Steph. . xiv. 54 atricapilla x. 443 atricapilla, Stepn. xiii * 150 Barbadens's x. 453 ccerulea, Briss. . x. 453 Bonariensis x. 450 Brasilia, Linn. x. 439 Brasil iensis x. 452 ccerulea Briss. x. 453 — ciiicrca, Briss. x. 443 GENERAL INDEX ‘2!) 1' Tanagra Brasiliensis Jtava , Briss. v. x. p. 468 nigra, Briss. x. 475 • nigro lutea, Briss. . . . x. 467 varia, Briss. x. 446 viridis, Briss. x. 460 cserulea . . x. 448 ccerulca, Steph. xiv. 20 Nova; Hispanice, Briss. . . .x. 446 canicapilla . xiv. 1 1 cauora . . x. 446 capitalis . . x. 457 capitalis, Steph. xiv. 36 Carolinensis ccerulea, Briss. . . ix. 407 Cayana . . x. 459 Cayana . . xiv. 7 , Linn. . x. 477 • Cayana viridis, Briss. x. 459 Cayanensis . x. 477 — - Cayanensis, Steph. xiv. 3 ■ ccerulea, Briss. x. 453 nigra, Briss. x. 477 nigra cristata, Briss. . . . x. 478 varia cyanoce- phalos, Briss. . x. 450 Cayanensis varia cyanocephalos, Briss. xiv. 1 1 citrinella . . xiv. 9 cristata . . x. 478 — — cristata, Steph. xiii.* 130 • cyanea, Linn. . ix. 407 cyanocephala . xiv. i 1 diademata, Temm. xiv. 5 x. 452 Tanagr a Dominica, Steph. v. xiii.* p. 192 Episeopus . x. 447 Episeopus . xiv. 7 fiammiceps , Pr. Max. xiv. 12 flava . . x. 468 flavifrons . x. 456 grisea . . x. 474 Guianensis . x. 470 Guianensis, Steph. xiii. * 149 gularis . . x. 461 gularis, Steph. xiv. 4 Gyrola . . x. 449 Gyrola . .xiv. 7 Jacapa, Linn. . x. 439 Jacarina . . x. 475 leucocephalos, Gmel. x. 469 Brasiliensis, Briss. . . . x. 469 Ludoviciana, JVils. xiv. 1 3 magna . . x. 442 magna, Steph. . xiv. 6 malimbica, Lath. xiv. 35 melauictera . x. 444 melanopis . x. 454 melanopis, Steph. xiv. 6 Mexicana . x. 465 mexicana . xiv. 7 , Lath. x. 453 Mississipensis . x. 463 Mississipensis, Gmel. x. 463 Mississipensis, Steph. xiv. 1 1 var.. Lath. x. 465 nigerrimus, Desm. xiii* 131 nigricollis , Gmel. x. 691 olivacea . . x. 457 olivacea, Steph. xiii.* 131 — — ornata . . x. 466 Dominica GENERAL INDEX* *29 5 Tanagra peruviana v. xiv. p. 8 • Peruviana viridis, Briss. . . . x. 449 pileata . . x. 443 piieata, Steph . . xiv. 4 punctata . . x. 455 punctata . . xiv. 7 — — rubra . . x. 462 • rubra, Steph . . xiv. 1 1 • rudis . - x. 471 rvficollis, Gmel. ix, 452 Sayaca . . x. 446 Sayaca, Steph . xiv. 7 Silens . . x. 469 silens, Steph. . xiv. 14 • Sinensis . . x. 470 sinensis, Steph, xiii.* 246 - — - speculifcra, Temm. xiv. 4 striata talao tlioracica . totao tricolor . tricolor . varia variabilis variegata variegata, Step • violacea . • violacea , Steph ■ virens ■ viridis • vittata TANAGRINA x. 479 xiv. 6 xiv. 9 x. 472 x. 4-50 xiv. 7 xiv. 7 x. 456 x. 463 xiv. 1 1 x. 466 xiv. 3 x. 460 xiv. 8 xiv. 10 xiv. 3 Tanas, Buff. . . vii. 158 Tandrac . . . i. 548 Tandrek . . . i. 54S petit, Sonn. i. 548 Tang . .v. 138 Tang, Catesb. . . iv. 378 Tangara, Briss. . x. 472 d gorge noire, Buff. x. 69 1 a tele rousse, Biff. x. 459 bleu, Buff. . x. 453 Tangara bleu da Bresil, Buff. . . v. x. p. 453 brasiliensis fiava x. 468 — — brim d’ Amerique x. 461 de la Guiane, Buff. x. 469 de Perou, Buff. x. 449 de St. Dominique, Buff. . . . x. 442 des grands hois de Cayenne . . x. 402 diable-enrheume, Buff. x. 452 du Bresil, Buff. x. 467 du Mississipi, Buff. x. 463 jaune, a tete noire de Cayenne, Buff. . x. 443 — le grand, Buff. x. 442 — Negre, Buff'. . x. 477 — noir, Buff. . vii. 433 — roux, Buff. . vii. 433 tachete cle Cayenne x. 453 tachete de Cayenne, Buff. ... x. 447 varie a tete verte de Cayenne . . x. 451 verd du Bresil x. 460 vert tachete, Buff. x. 455 Tangaras-Cardinale, Cuv. xiv. 11 Euphones , on Bour- neuils, Cuv. . . xiv. 2 gros bees, Cuv. xiv. 6 Tangaras-Loriots, Cuv. xiii.* 130 Tanrec . . i. 548, 549 Tan tale de Ceylon, Cuv. xii. 2 d' Ameriqae, Cuv. xii. 3 d'Affrique, Ctiv. xii. 5 Tantalus . . xii. I . . xiv. 327 — , Linn. . xii. 6 296 GENERAL INDEX Tantalus JEthiopicus, Lath. . . v. xii. p. 10 albicollis, Gmel. xii. 18 albus, Linn. . xii. 20 calvus, Lath. . xii. 7 Cayenensis, Gmel. xii. 16 cinereus, Linn. Tran. xii. 7 cristatus, Gmel. xii. 24; Egyptian . xii. 5 ■ ephouskyca, Bartr. xii. 18 falcinellus, Linn. xii 13 — — fuscus, Linn. . xii. 21 griseus, Gmel. xii. 19 hagedash, Lath. xii. 34 Ibis . . xii. 5 ■ igneus, Gmel. . xii. 13 leucocephalus . xii. 2 loculator . . xii. 3 Manillcns is, G mel. xii. 22 melanocephalus, Lath. xii. 20 mclanopis, Gmel. xii. Mexican us, Gmel. 12 xii. 15 minutus, Linn. xii. 22 niger, Gtnel. xii. 1 1 pictus, Bectr. . xii. 8 ruber, Linn. xii. 17 viridis, Gmel. . xii. 13 white-headed . xii. 2 wood xii. 3 Tanypus, Oppell. xiii.* 172 Tanysypteka . xiii* 105 Dea xiii.* 105 Tapao Tafa, TVhite i. 491 'l'aparara, Buff. viii. 76 Tapeti, Shaiv . fi. 208 Tapir ii. 449 Tapir Araericanus v. ii. 449 long-nosed, Penn. ii. 449 thick-nosed, Penn. ii. 21 Taraguira, Seb. . iii. 238 Tarandus, Plin. . ii. 269 Tarantula . . vi. 478 Tarente . . . iii. 267 Tarier, Buff. . . x. /06 Tarier, Buff. . . ix. 467 dela Chine, Sonn. ix. 470 Tarsier . . i. 105, 114 tie Daubenton . i. 114 tie Pallas . i. 1 1 4 Tarsius Daubenton . i. 114 Pallasii . . i. 1 14 Tar-Tutta . . iii. 526 Tatou vel Armadilla i. 188 Tatta, Penn. . . iii. 563 Tatu, Seba . . i. 188 a dicV handes . i. 189 a neuf bandes . i. 190 apara, Marc. . i. 188 vel Ar midilia prim a Marcgravii . . i. 189 Tutus, Gesn. . . i. 190 Taunah . . . iii. 75 Tavoua, Buff. . viii. 521 Tauombe, Buff. . x. 260 Taupe, Buff. . . i. 515 Canada . . i. 531 du Cap de Bonne Esperance . . ii. 1 1 1 Grande du Cap ii. 106 Taxus, Aldr. . . i. 467 Tayra . . . i. 428 Tbijau le grand, Buff. x. 142 Tcha-cherte-be, Buff. vii. 300 Tchagra, Le Vail. . vii. 301 Tchitrec, Le Vail. . xiii.* 1 1 1 Tchoug, Le Vail. . vii. 154 Teal . . . xii* 142 African, Lath, xii.* 20 1 American . xii.* 148 Baikal . . xii.* 151 GENERAL INDEX 297 Teal, blue-winged V. xii.* j). — — Chinese , Briss. xii.* common . . xii.* ■ Coromandel . xii.* Garganey . xii.* green-xninged Wils. Hina xii.* . xii.* Madagascar, Lath. Manilla . xii.* . xii.* Mexican . . xii.* spinous-tailed, Lath. St. Domingo xii.* Lath. xii.* Summer, Penn, xii.* Tecuixin, Seh. . iii. Tecunhana, Seb. t Til. Teite, Buff. X. Tejugaucu, Seb. . iii. Temia, Cuv. . xiv. Temia, Le Vail. . vii. Temerec, Russ. . V. Nall a, Russ. . V. Tench . V. golden V. Tenebrio . vi. bucephalus . vi. cephalotes . vi. collaris . vi. femoratus . vi. gage s vi. gibbosus . . vi . globosus . . vi. molitor . . vi. molitor . vi. mortisagus . vi. unicolor . . vi. Tengke-watu . . xiii.* Tenkee Eel, Russ. V. Tenkee Eeraegoodee, Russ. v. v. p. 291 Kunsul, Russ. v. 291 Mookarah . v. 286 JVolga, Russ. v. 289 Ten-rou-joulon, Buff. viii. 82 Testhredo . . vi. 273 lutea . . vi. 274 Ameriuce . vi. 2/4 Terat-boulan, Le Vail. Termes . xiii.* 148 vi. 41 1 arborum . vi. 414 bellicosus vi. 414 fatidicus . vi. 413 King vi. 414 Labourer vi. 414 pulsatorius vi. 412 Queen vi. 414 Soldier . vi. 414 Tern xiii. 144 African, Lath. xiii. 147 arctic xiii. 152 black, Penn. . xiii. 167 black-headed, Lath. black-naped xiii. 167 xiii. 158 brown. Lath. . xiii. 143 brown, Lath. xiii. 201 Caspian . xiii. 145 - (3. Lath. xiii. 146 • Cayenne . xiii. 155 Chinese, Lath. xiii. 173 common . xiii. 150 crested . xiii. 146 dusky, Lath. xiii. 141 Egyptian xiii. 160 greater . xiii. 150 gull-billed, Mont. hoary xni. 1/4 xiii. 159 hooded, Lath. xiii. 163 149 94 146 156 143 146 152 155 152 153 203 203 143 235 238 467 235 74 372 316 316 214 217 301 101 101 101 101 101 101 102 101 102 101 101 101 285 GENERAL INDEX WS Tern, Javan . v. xiii. p. 158 • Kamtskatchan , Penn. xiii. 167 lesser, Penn. xiii. 163 little xiii. 163 Marsh, JVils. . xiii. 174 mustachoe , Lath. xiii. 171 New Holland xiii. 161 Panayan . xiii. 157 Philippine, Lath. xni. 140 roseate . xiii. 153 Sandwich xiii. 147 Sandwich, Lath . xiii. 167 short-tailed, Lath. xiii. 142 • simple. Lath. xiii. 172 sooty xiii. 164 southern . xiii. 1 62 striated, Lath. xiii. 147 Surinam . xiii. 155 Tehary, Lath. xiii. 169 white xiii. 1 60 white-browed . xiii. 149 • white-winged, Lath. xiii. 170 wreathed xiii. 156 Terre i. 173 cochon i. 173 Terrea . xii. 33 Terrier . i. 284 Tersa xiii.* 260 Cayana . xiii* 260 Ter sine. Buff. . x. 432 Testudo iii. 7 aquarum dulcium et lutaria, Raii iii. 30 Areolata . iii. 50 Boddaerti? Sckn. iii. 64 Caretta . iii. 85 Carinata . iii. 35 Carolina, Linn. iii. 36 Testudo cartilagineaS Bodd. . . v. iii. p. 64 Caspica . iii. 63 Cep halo, Schn. iii. 85 cinerea, Brown iii. 47 Clausa iii. 36 Concentrica iii. 43 Coriacea . iii. 77 Denticulata iii. 59 Elegans . iii. 49 Europaea iii. 30 Ferox iii. 64 Fimbriata iii. 70 Galeata . iii. 57 Geometrica iii. 20 Graeca iii. 9 Graja, Herm. . iii. 17 Granulata iii. 68 Guttata . iii. 47 Imbricata iii. 89 Iiulica iii. 25 Longicollis iii. 62 Lutaria . iii. 32 Marginata iii. 17 Meleagris, Shaw iii. 30 membranacea? Blum. iii. 64 Mydas . iii. 80 orbicularis , Linn iii. 30 palustris, Linn. iii. 43 Pensylvanica iii. 60 Picta iii. 45 punctata , Schoe. iii. 47 Pusilla . iii. 53 Radiata iii. 22 ■ rostra ta? Schoe. iii. 64 - Rostrala, Thum. rostra gallinaceo, iii. 67 Wabb. iii. SO Rugosa iii. 28 Scabra ? iii. 55 Scabra, Retz. iii. 57 Scabra, Thunb. iii. 56 Scorpioides? Linn. iii. 70 Scripta . iii. 56 Serpentina iii. 72 GENERAL INDEX 299 Testudq Serrata v. iii. p. 51 ■ Spengleri? Linn . iii. 51 Squamata . iii. 74 — — -- Sulcata . iii. 39 Tabulata . iii. 41 • Terrapin, Sc/ioe. iii. 43 terrestris Arnboinensis , Seb. . . . iii. 47 terrestris Amboinensis minor, Seb. . iii. 55 terrestris Brasiliensis, Seb. . . . iii. 4 ! terrestris Brasiliensis, Seb. . . . iii. 50 terrestris Ceilonica elegans minor, Seb. iii. 49 terrestris major, puta- mine chinato et striato, Barr. . . iii. 70 terrestris vulgaris. Rail . . . iii. 9 test el lata major, Gesn. iii. 20 testellata minor. Rail iii. 20 Tricarinata . iii. 54 • triunguis, Fork. iii. 68 triunguis ? Fork. iii. 64 viridis, Schn. iii. 80 Tete . . . xii. 1 ] 6 Tete-plate, Cep. . iii. 272 Tete-rouge, Cep. . iii. 236 T ete-triangulaire, Cep. iii. 444 Teteuca, Buff. . x. 291 Tetrao . . xi. 265 . . xiv. 304 Gmel. xi. 252, 360, 387, 401 Linn. xi. 236, 298, 304, 316, 338 Raii . . xi. 376 — — albus, Gmel. . xi. 292 Alchata, Linn. xi. 311 Alpinus, Nills. xi. 287, 290 Tetrao Andalusicus, Gmel. v. xi. p. 396 — — arenarius, Gmel. xi. 305 — — betulinus, Lath. xi. 272 bicalcar atus, Lin. xi. 330 Bonasia xi. 271 — ■ — - Calif ornicus , Sham xi. 3S 1 — — Canace, Linn. xi. 275 — — Canadensis xi. 275 Canus, Span. xi. 272 Capensis, Gmel. xi. 333 • Chilensis, Gmel. xi. 371 cinereus, Gmel. xi. 412 Coromandelicus, Gmel. xi. 365 Coturnix, Linn. xi. 361 Coyolcos, Gmel. xi. 3 77 cristatus, Lath. xi. 381 Cupido, Linn. xi. 299 Falklandicus , Gmel. xi. 386 ferrugineus, Gmel. xi. 35 S Francolinus, Linn. xi. 3 1 9 Gibraltaricus, Gmel. xi. 397 Gingicus, Gmel. xi. 352 Griseus, Gmel. xi. 370 guianensis, Gmel. xiv. 302 hybridus, Linn. xi. 277 J avanicus , Gmel. xi. 355 Indicus, Gmel. xi. 309 — — Lagopus, Linn. xi. 287 var., Linn. xi. 293 , Temm. xi. 290 Lapponicus, Lath. xi. 296 Luzoniensis,Gmel.x\. 392 Madagascariensis , Gmel. . . xi. 325 — major, Gmel. xi. 306 Manillensis, Gmel. xi. 371 300 GENERAL INDEX. Tetrao Marylanda, Lath. v. xi. p. 377 . Metlius . • xi. 2 77 Mexicanus, Lath. xi. 277 . Montanus, Gmel. xi. 344 Namagua, Gmel. xi. 313 Novce Guinece , Gmel. xi. 375 . nu dice His, Gmel. xi. 333 paradoxus , Lath. xi. 420 Perdix, Linn. xi. 339 perlatus, Gmel. xi. 325 petrosas, Gmel. xi. 350 phasianellus . xi. 284 Ponticeriana , Gmel. xi. 321 rufus, Linn. . xi. 348 rupestris, Gmel. xi. 290 Saliceti, Temm. xi. 292 . Scoticus, Lath. xi. 293 ■ Senega/us, Linn. xi. 313 Sinensis, Gmel. xi. 325 Soni, Gmel. . xi. 418 Spadicea, Gmel. xi. 329 Striatus , Gmel. xi. 3G8 Subalpinus, Nills. xi. 292, 293, 29G tetrix . . xi. 279 var., Lath. xi. 277 — var., Span. xi. 280 togatus, Linn. xi. 301 variegatus, Gmel. xi. 409 xi. 377 viridis, Gmel. xi. 253 umbel/us, Linn. xi. 301 urogallus . xi. 266 Zeylonensis, Gmel. xi. 332 TETRAONID^ xiv. 301 Telras, Buff. . xi. 2G7 a f raise, Temm. xi. 301 dcs Sanies, Temm. xi. 292 Tetras des Saules, Temm. v. xi. p. 294 galinolte, Temm. xi. 272 huppecol, Temm. xi. 299 Lagopede, Temm xi. 287 Rehusalc, Temm. xi. 29G i a elide, Temm. xi. 275 Tetrax xi. 454 . . . xiv. 31 1 ■ Campestris xi. 455 Tetrodon v. 441 Electric v. 450 EleCtricus v. 450 etoi/e, Cep. v. 447 Hare v. 441 Hispid . v. 443 Hispidus v. 443 Houkenian v. 445 Houkenii v. 445 lsevigatus v. 44 G • lagocephalus . v. 441 • Lineated v. 442 Lineatus v. 442 Meleagris v. 449 Mala, Linn. . v. 437 Noxious v. 44S Oblong v. 446 Oblongus v. 44G — Ocellated v. 448 Ocellatus v. 448 Pintado v. 449 pointille, Cep. v. 448 Punctated v. 447 Punctatus v. 447 Rostratus v. 450 Sceleratus v. 448 Smooth v. 44G — Snouted v. 450 Spengleri v. 445 Spengler’s v. 445 Stellated v. 447 Stellatus v. 447 testudineus v. 444 GENERAL INDEX 301 Tetrodon, Tortoise-shell v. v. p. 444 Truncatus, /3. Linn. v. 439 Tette-chevre roux de la Guiane x. 148 Teultal macame, Her. ii. 280 Teuthis Hepatus, Linn. iv. 377 Thalassidroma, Vigors xiv. 344 Thamnophilus . xiii.* 150 Temm. xiii.* 149 ambiguus . xiii.* 158 atricapillus . xiii* 155 ■ bicolor . . xiii* 155 canadensis . xiii* 152 cinnamomeu s xiii.* 155 doliatus . xiii.* 152 fasciatus . xiii.* 150 • ferrugineus . xiii.* 159 Leach ii . xiii.* 154 — lineatus • xiii.* 154 maculatus . xiii* 153 mystaceus . xiii.* 155 naevius . . xiii* 158 niger . xiii.* 155 pileatus . xiii .* 158 ruficeps . xiii.* 154 strictothorax . xiii.* 1 60 Swainsonii . xiii* 152 torquatus . xiii.* 157 ■ Vigor si i . xiii.* 153 Tharu, Moll. Therese . vii. 170 jaune, Buff. . ix. 395 Tiiick-knee . . xi. 458 . xiv. 343 common . xi. 459 Thornback < to Thriothurus V. xiv. p. 194 Americanus . xiv. 194 Ludovicianus . xiv. 194 Pious . xiv. 194 rectirostris . xiv. 1 95 • torquatus . xiv. 194 Thrfps . . vi. 1 98 Physapus . vi. 199 Thrush . . x. 171 . xiii.* 195 Abyssinian . x. 269 African . . x. 229 , Lath. . vii. 373 alarum . x. 306 Amboyna . x. 204 American . x. 193 ant . x. 308 Aoonalascka x. 188 — ash -coloured x. 208 — headed . x. 226 rumped x. 264 Asiatic . x. 239 barred-tailed x. 299 bay x. 241 black and scarlet x. 273 black-bird x. 225 breasted x. 285 ) iaU, xiii * 200 browed x. 206 cheeked . x. 231 chinned . x. 286 T „4l. 5 -LjU viii. 239 crested x. 3 1 1 crowned . x. 297 eyed x. 295 • faced x. 292 headed x. 268 necked x. 288 throated x. 294 winged x. 308 blue x. 224 headed x. 234 toiled, Lath vii. 384 302 GENERAL INDEX. Thrush, Bourbon v. x. p. Brasilian . x. brown . . x. Indian , Ediv. x. brownish . x. brunet . . x. . xiii.* var., Lath, xiii.* buff-winged . x. Caffrarian, Lath. xiii.* Cape X. Cat X. Cayenne . X. Ceylon X. , Lath. . X. chanting X. Chili X. chiming . X. Chinese . X. cinerasceut X. — - — cinereous X. cravat, Lath. . xiii.* crescent X. crying . X. dark X. dilute X. Dominican X. D uama . X. dubious . X. Ethiopian X. ferruginous X. Fieldfare X, fly-catching X. fox-coloured, Penn. X. frivolous . X. fuscous . X. Gingi X. Gilded . X. Glossy X. ■ , Lath. vii. • Golden, Edw. vii. golden-crowned X. gold-vented, Lath. xiii.* Thrush gorget, Lath. V. xiii.*^. 200 Green . x. 249 grey . x. 241 Guiana . . x. 178 Guttural . x. 256 harmonic . x. 217 hermit . . x. 281 , mis. . x. 177 Hispaniola . x. 220 hoary-crowned x. 296 Hudsonian . x. 259 Importunate , Lath. xiii.* 197 — — Indian . x. 238 Jamaica . . x. 179 Kamtschatka, Lath. x. 644 Labrador . x. 250 little . x. 177 Malabar, Lath. viii. 239 Pagoda? Lath. vii. 471 pileated, Lath, xiii.* 203 Nauman’s, Lath. xiii * 202 red-necked x. 278 tailed x. 300 wing x. 183 restless . x. 263 ring x. 227 Rocar, Lath. xiii.* 199 rock x. 265 lesser x. 266 rose-coloured . x. 274 rufous x. 219 rumped x. 291 tailed . x. 300 — winged x. 280 St. Domingo, Lath. x. 212 Sandwich x. 202 Senegal . x. 221 Shining . x. 246 Short-winged . x. 221 Solitary . x. 303 , Mont. x. 483 Song x. 174 301 216 1 77 271 182 216 1S9 189 279 196 298 272 190 253 254 205 233 270 218 211 236 200 289 271 233 208 262 194 204 232 191 186 296 191 269 176 262 248 249 376 408 199 189 GENERAL INDEX 303 Thrush, Songster v. x. p. Sooty X. Sordid X. Speckled X. Spectacle X. • Splendent X. Spotted . X. Surat X. Surinam . X. Tawny . X. Theuca . X. thick-billed X. Tripoli . X. varied, Penn. . X. violet X. volatile . X. warbler . X. water X. Whidah . X. white-backed . X. browed . X. — browed, var., Lath. . X. — chinned X. ' "■ — chinned, Lath. X. eared X. fronted . X. headed . X. rumped . X. tailed X. wood X. yellow X. bellied . X. • bellied. Lath. X. breasted X. crowned X. fronted X. Thynnus, Plin. iv. Tiburonis — species minor, Marc. V. Ticiiodroma . xiv. Europaea xiv. Ticiiodroma fusca v. xiv. p. 187 Tick vi. 465 Tic-Tick, Buff. viii. 130 Tiger i. 342 black i. 359 Tigre i. 342 Tigre'e, Cep. . iii. 445 Tigris, Gesn. . i. 342 fulvus i. 358 Tihlin a Collier, Buff xii. 202 brim, Buff. xii. 203 rape, Biff. xii. 201 Tiligugu, Cep. iii. 288 Timalia . xiii * 203 pileata . xiii * 203 thoracica xiii *204 gularis . xiii * 204 Tinamou xi. 401 — xiv. 307 Apequia . xi. 413 carape, Temm xi. 417 cendre, Temm. xi. 412 cinereous xi. 412 de Cayenne, Buff. xi. 406 dwarf xi. 417 Guaza, Sonn. xi. 403 Great xi. 406 little xi. 418 Macao xi. 411 Majorca, Biff xi. 406 Ooriana . xi. 414 petit, Buff. xi. 418 rufescent . xi. 403 spotted . xi. 404 Tao xi. 408 tataupa . xi. 415 tataupa, Temm xi. 416 • variegated xi. 409 Tin am us xi. 401 xiv. 307 257 195 238 30/ 235 246 192 287 261 181 215 222 201 192 251 290 197 1 85 258 284 233 263 229 190 310 210 258 343 230 179 255 240 217 237 200 252 581 355 187 187 GENERAL INDEX 304 Tinamus adspersus v. xi. v. 41 1 Titmouse, Cole v. x.p .57 Brasiliensis xi. 406 creeping . X. 43 cinereus . xi. 412 crested . X. 46 xi. 404 Wils X. 65 nanus xi. 417 crimson-rumped X. 46 , Temm. . xiv. 307 golden, Edw. . X. 467 obsoletus xi. 413 gold-headed black • 3 Temm. xiv. 30/ Edw. . X. 23 rufescens xi. 403 Great X. 37 51 Strigulosus xi. 414 Guiana . X. 50 Tao xi. 408 Hudson’s Bay . X. 53 Tataupa . xi. 415 Japan X. 55 xiv. 307 246 variegatus xi. 409 Indian X. 46 Knjaescik X. 45 Tipula . vi. 373 Languedoc X. 68 • cornicina vi. 3 75 Latham’s X. 44 crocata vi. 375 long-tailed X. 59 ■ Garden . vi. 374 lugubrous.Lath. xiii.* 248 gigantea . vi. 373 Malabar . X. 49 hirta vi. 37G musk X. 56 ■ hortorum vi. 374 mountain, Alb. X. 66 oleracea . vi. 374 New Zealand . X. 47 plialaenoides vi. 376 Norway . X. 70 plumosa . vi. 3/5 Paradise, Edw. X. 472 • penduline X. 66 Tirica , Buff. . viii. 552 Siberian . X. 44 Ti sip hone iii. 406 spotted-green, Edw. 1 'isserin r e public ain, Daud. X. 455 ix. 303 Stromean, Penn. X. 70 Titiri, Buff. vii. 304 toupet X. 65 Titling . x. 662 Virginian X. 50 Yellow, Catesb. X. 744 Titmouse x. 36 — xiii.* 245 Tityra . . . xiii.* 153 alpine x. 69 Cayana . . xiii.* 135 amorous . x. 42 Cuvieri . . xiii,* 136 azure x. 39 bearded . x. 62 Tlaquatzin, Seb. i. 483 black- breasted x. 54 ■ , cant, Wils. Toad iii. 138 x. 52 Alliaceous iii. 146 blue x. 40 Black-lipped . iii. 174 Canada . x. 52 Brasilian IH. 160 Cape x. 48 Caroline . iii. 173 Chinese . x. 59 Common iii. 138 GENERAL INDEX 305 Toad, Crescent v. iii. p. 174 * Doubtful iii. 157 • Granulated iii. 161 Green iii. 153 Headless . iii. 172 Horned . iii. 162 Indistinct iii. 171 Marine . iii. 155 — — Mephitic' iii. 149 Mitred . iii. 159 Short-headed . iii. 170 — — Surinam . iii. 167 Yellow . iii. 176 Toad-Fish, Will. v. 379 Tobacco-Pipe-Fish, Will. v. 95 Took, Buff. viii. 30 Tocolin, Buff. vii. 439 Tocro . xiv. 302 Tocro xi. 420 Todi . species octava, Pall. viii. 122 quarta, Pall. viii. 129 — — septima, Pall. viii. 127 T odder. Buff. . viii. 130 de V Amerique sep- tentrionale, Buff. viii. 129 Jidda, Buff . viii. 101 varie, Biff. viii. 132 Todidae . xiii.* 93 Todus viii. 121 Todus . xiii.* 97 • , Cuvier xiii.* 109 - brachvurus viii. 127 cceruleus, Lath viii. 101 cinereus . viii. 130 cristatus, Shaw viii. 124 ■ ferrugineus . viii. 126 ■Jlavigaster, Lath. viii. 132 v. XIV. P. II. Todus fuscus v. viii. /j. 131 — — griseus, Desm. xiii.* 1 1 0 gularis . . viii. 123 leucocephalus . viii. 127 leucocephalus , Shaw xiii. 1 1 1 nasutus . . viii. 122 nasutus, Shaw xiii.* 95 obscurus . . viii. 129 obscurus, Shaw xiii.* 1 1 7 phimbeus . viii. 128 phimbeus , Shaw xiii.* 1 10 regius . . viii. 124 regius, Shaw . xiii-* 110 Rubecula . viii. 126 rostratus viii. 122 — rostratus, Shaw xiii* 114 varius ? . viii. 132 , Briss viii. 132 - viridis viii. 129 viridis xiii.* 97 xanthogaster . viii. 132 Tody viii. 121 Tody xiii * 97 ■ Blue, Lath. viii. 101 Broad-billed . viii. 122 Brown viii. 131 Cinereous viii. 130 Crested, Nat. . viii. 124 Dusky viii. 129 ferruginous-bellied viii. 126 great- billed viii. 122 — — - Green viii. 129 King, Lath. viii. 124 Plumbeus viii. 128 Red-breasted viii. 126 Royal viii. 124 Short-tailed viii. 127 variegated ? viii. 132 White-chinned viii. 123 . White-headed viii. 127 Yellow-bellied viii. 132 Tojugua, Sib. iii. 454 20 o(X) GENERAL INDEX. Tokai . . v. iii. p. 265 Tortoise, Rough V. iii. p. 55 Tolai ii. 203 Sulcated . # iii. 39 Tonowee . xii. 1 1 6 Scaly • iii. 74 Tonyhoop ix. 3 1 9 Sea . iii. 75 Tope v. 332 Serrated . iii. 51 Tor col ix. 143 Serrated, Pen n. iii. 72 Torchepot, Buff. viii. 108 Small Mud, Edw. du Canada, Buff. iii. 60 viii. 1 1 6 Snake iii. 72 Torpedo, PI in. v. 297 Speckled iii. 30 Torsk iv. 161 Spotted . iii. 47 Tabular . iii. 41 Tortoise iii. 7 Trican irated iii. 54 Tortoise . iii. 75 Wrinkled iii. 28 African land, Edw. iii. 53 Tortue Areolated iii. 50 Ecaille vert, Cep iii. 94 Carinated iii. 35 Nasicorne, Cep. iii. 95 Caspian . iii. 63 Chagrin . iii. 68 Totanus xii. 124 Cinereus, Broivn iii. 45 xiv. 328 Close iii. 36 , Beck. xii. 85 Common . iii. 9 , Briss. xii. 109 Common Land iii. 9 acuminatus xii. 157 Concentric iii. 43 aflinis xii. 132 Coriaceus, Penn. iii. 77 alter, Bail xii. 133 Denticulated . iii. 59 australis . xii. 150 Elegant . iii. 49 Bartramia xii. 125 Fierce iii. 64* Bengalensis, Briss. Fimbriated iii. 70 xii. 67 Galeated . iii. 57 Bewickii xii. 138 Great chequered, calidris . xii. 135 Gron. . iii. 20 candidus . xii. 151 Great Indian, Shaw cinereus, Briss. xii. 1 10 iii. 20 Damascensis xii. 158 Geometrical iii. 20 Havipes . xii. 152 Hicatee, Broivn iii. 20 fuscus xii. 132 Indian iii. 25 — — Glareola . xii. 130 Land, from Caro Glottis, Beck. xii. 86 lina, Edw. . iii. 36 Grallatoris xii. 148 Lettered . iii. 56 hypoleucos xii. 142 Little iii. 53 Javanicus xii. 159 Long-necked . iii. 62 ■ incanus . xii. 156 Marginated iii. I 7 macularia xii. 144 Mud iii. 32 maritimus xii. 146 Painted . iii. 45 melanoleucos xii. 154 Radiated iii. 22 naevius, Briss. xii. 135 GENERAL INDEX 307 Totanus niger v. xii . p. 159 Noveboracensis, Sabine xii. 61 nutans xii. 3 55 oehropus . xii. 129 Semipalmatus . xii. 160 Solitarius xii. 129 Stagnatilis xii. 140 Striatus, Briss. xii. 146 tenuirostris . xii. 158 ■ ■ ' vociferus, Sab. xii. 154 Touan i. 432 Toucan . viii. 359 Toucan . xiv. 95 Toucan, Edw. . viii. 363 — = — a Collier cle Cayenne viii. 372 a gorge blanche, Buff. viii. 367 de Cayenne viii. 367 a gorge jaune, Buff. viii. 365 de Brasil viii. 365 - de Cayenne viii. 365 Aldrovandine viii. 366 Aracari . . viii. 371 d ventre gris de Cayenne . . viii. 372 Black-billed . viii. 373 Blue . . viii. 374 blue-eared, Lath. xiv. 99 throated . viii. 374 Brasilian . viii. 363 Brasilian Pie, Alb. viii. 366 Collared . . viii. 369 de Cayenne . viii. 361 grand d ventre rouge, Le Vail. . . xiv. 96 Green . . viii. 370 Toucan, Green, Ediv. v. viii. p. 372 Indian viii. 376 Pavonine viii. 370 petite a ventre rouge. Le Vail. xiv. 96 Pipeline . viii. 372 Preacher, Lath. viii. 366 Red-beaked, Edw. viii. 367 Red-breasted . viii. 364 Red-billed viii. 367 — — Smooth-billed . viii. 375 Toco viii. 361 verd de Cayenne Buff. viii. 370 verd du Bresil viii. 371 • White, Hawks. viii. 29 Yellow- breasted viii. 362 Yellow-breasted, Lath. . viii. 365 throated, Lath. . viii. 365 Toucnam-courvi des Philippines, Buff ix. 314 Tout a gorge jaune, Buff. viii. 546 atete d' or, Buff. viii. 547 Toujou, Buff. , xi. 436 Touite, Buff'. ix. 527 Toupet bleu, Biff. ix. 406 Touraco ix. 62 Touraco xiv. 221 African . ix. 63 de Guinee ix. 63 - geant, Le Vail. xiv. 222 Tourdelle, Buff. x. 186 Tournepierre . xi. 520 Tourocco, Buff. xi. 91 Tourte, Buff. . xi. 97 • Tourtelette, Buff’. xi. 103 308 GENERAL INDEX. Tourtercllc, Buff. v. xi. p. 72 a Collier, Biff. xi. 71 d Collier du Senegal xi. 7 1 & gorge pour pree d'Am- boine, Buff. . xi. 65 d gorge tachete du Senegal, Buff. . xi. 80 d large queue , Buff. xi. 91 ■ blanche ensanglantee, Sonn. . . xi. 128 blonde, Vieil. . xi. 71 de Batavia, Buff. xi. 55 de la Caroline, Biff. xi. 27 de la Cote de Mala- bar, Sonn. . . xi. 87 de la Jamaique, Buff. xi. 125 de l' Isle de Lug on, Sonn. . . » xi. 73 de St. Domingue, Buff. . . . xi. 100 de Surinam, Temm. xi. 75 du Canada, Buff. xi. 92 du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Sonn. xi. 10 du Senegal, Buff. xi. 81 Emeraudine, Vail. xi. 81 grande de la Chine, Sonn. . . xi. 42 grise ensanglantee, Sonn. . . . xi. 128 grise de la Chine, Sonn. . . . xi. 73 grise du Surate, Sonn. xi. SO petit de la Martinique, Buff. . . xi. 104 petit de Quebra, Sonn. . . xi. 88 petit de St. Domingue, Buff. . . . xi. 138 Tourtercllc rayee de la Chine, Buff. v. xi. p. 68 rayee des Indes, Biff. xi. 88 Tambourette, Vieil. . xi. 62 Tracal, Le Vail. xiv. 25 Trachelia , Scop. xiv. 333 Trachicfitiiys iv. 630 Australis iv. 630 Southern ivr. 630 Traciiinus iv. 127 Draco iv. 127 Osbekii . iv. 130 Tragelaphus, Caii . Tragulus ii. 383 Indicus, Briss. ii. 253 Traine-buisson, Buff. x. 661 Traquet , Biff. . x, 709 d lunette, Buff. x. 63 1 d' Angleterre, Buff. x. 320 de I Isle du Lugon, Buff. . . . x. 63 1 de Madagascar x. 609 des Philippines, Buff. x. 616 du Cap de Bonne Es- perance, Buff. . x. 70S du Senegal, Buff. x. 635 — — familicr, Le Vail. xiii.* 242 fourmillier, Lc Vail. xiii.* 243 grand, Biff. . x. 706 grand, Buff. . x. 896 grand des Philippines, Buff. . . . x. 617 montagnard, Le Vail. xiii.* 242 patre, Lc Vail, xiii.* 243 petit des Indes, Sonn. x. 625 GENERAL INDEX. 309 'Tree-creeper — — Hamburgh , Alb. V. IX. p. Treron, Vied. . xi. Treron . xiv. aromatica xiv. — — australis . xiv. calva xiv. Capellei . xiv. * militaris . xiv. olax xiv. oxyura xiv. Pstittacea xiv. — vernans . xiv. Trichechus . i. Amazonius i. Australis i. Borealis . i. Clusii i. Dugong . i. Guiana, Penn. i. - Hydropithecus i. Manatus i. Rosmarus i. — — round-tailed, Penn. whale-tailed . 1. i. Trichiure iv. Electrical iv. Silver iv. Trichiurus . iv. Argentcus iv. Electricus iv. — — ensiformis, Penn iv. Lepturus, Linn. iv. Triciioglossus xiv. australis . xiv. capi stratus xiv. cldorolepidotus xiv. concinnus xiv. haematopus xiv. Trickoglossus pusillus v. xiv. p. 1 30 taitianus . xiv. 130 Trichopus iv. 388 Arabicus . iv. 390 Goramy . iv. 388 Monodactyle . iv. 392 Monodactvlns . iv. 392 Pallasian . iv. 392 Fallasii . iv. 392 — — Satyr iv. 391 Satyr us . iv. 391 Tricolor, Buff. Tricolor variete, Buff. v. 45 1 xiv. 1 1 Tricophode - Mentonier , Cep. iv. 391 Tricophorus . xiii.* 143 barbatus . xiii.* 143 Tridactylia ix. 2 1 8 Tridactvlia xiv. 173 downy ix. 219 hirsuta . ix. 219 hirsuta . xiv. 173 Tiga xiv. 1 73 undulata . ix. 220 undulata . xiv. 173 waved ix. 220 Tridactylus, La Cep. xi. 387 Trigla . iv. 619 Adriatica iv. 627 - Alata, Linn. . iv. 624 Asiatica . iv. 021 Carolina . iv. 624 — Cataphracta iv. 628 Cavillone iv. 625 Chabrontera iv. 629 Cuculus . iv. 620 Evolans . iv. 623 Gurnardus iv. 619 Hi i undo . iv. 621 432 105 273 273 274 273 275 274 273 274 274 274 233 246 244 240 246 239 245 247 245 234 244 240 90 92 90 90 90 92 199 90 129 130 130 130 130 129 3L0 GENERAL INDEX Trigla Japonica v. iv. p • 624 Lineata . • iv. 626 Lucerna . . iv. 623 Lyra . . iv. 620 Minuta . . iv. 625 Pine . . iv. 627 Pini . . iv. 627 Punctata . iv. 626 Volitans . . iv. 622 Tringa . . . xii. 115 Tringa . . . xiv. 331 Tringa, Linn. xi. 504., 508,5 1 9 . . xiv. 331 ■, Linn. xi. 89, 95, 109, 124, 162, 166 , llaii . xi. 489 •, Temm. . xii. 140 albescens . xiv. 332 Aldrovandi, Rail xii. 127 alpina, Seb. . xii. 98 arenaria, Linn. xi. 490 atra, Gtnel. . xii. 133 aurita . . xii. 1 23 australis, Gruel, xii. 91 Bartramia, Wils. xii. 125 Bexmclcii, Mont, xii, 138 brown-eared . xii. 122 boreal . . xii. 118 borealis . . xii. 118 calidris, Linn. xii. 91 — — Canadensis . xii. 122 canutus, Linn. xii. 90 Cayanensis, Lath. xi. 513 cinctus, Linn. . xii. 98 cinerea, Temm. xii. 90 cock, coot-footed, Edw. xii. 169 coot-footed . xii. 170 equestris, Lath. xii. 1 10 ernthropus. Lath. xii. 138 fasciata . . xii. 1 2 1 - — — faseiated . xii. 121 Tringa ferruginea, Brun. v. xii. p. 90 — *“ fuiigaria , Linn. xii. 163 fusca, Gmel. . xii. 170 , Lath. . xii. 101 fusca, Linn. . x. 138 gambetta , Linn. xii. 135 glacial is, Gmel. xii. 164 glareola, Linn. xii. 151 goensis, Lath. xi. 514 gr alia tor is, Mont. xii. 148 greenovicensis, Lath. xii. 110 grey> coot-footed, Edw. xii. 164? grisea, Gmel. . xii. 90 Helvetica, Linn. xi. 505 hyperborea, Gmel. xii. 163 — — , Linn. . xii. 169, hypoleucos, Linn. xii. 142 interpres, Linn. xi. 520 Islandica, Linn. xii. 590 Keptusha . xii. 121 leucoptera . xii. 116 Lincolniensis, Lath. xii. 146 lobala, Brun. . xii. 170 lobata. Lath. . xi. 516 , Linn. . xii. 163 longicauda, Becks. xii. 125 Ludoviciana . xi. 517 var.. Lath. xi. 518 macularia, Linn. xii. 144 maritimus, Gmel. xii. 146 minor. Rail . xii. 142 minuta, Linn. . xii. 105 • Sab. . xii. 101 Morinella, Linn. xi. 520 ncevia, Gmel. . xii. 91 Newfoundland . xii. 1 1 9 New York . xii. 1 i 7 nigricans, Mont. xii. 146 GENERAL INDEX 311 Tringa Novae Terrae v. xii. p. 119 Noveboracensis xii. 117 ochropus, Linn. xii. 127 pusilla, Lath. . xii. 101 , Linn. . xii. 106 pugnax, Linn. xii. 110 ■ Quebec . . xii. 122 red, coot-footed, Edw. xii. 163 — — — rufa, Wils. . xii. 93 ruficolhs, Gmel. xii. 98 semipalmata, Wils. xii. 107 — — Senegala, Lath. xi. 515 solitaria, Wils. xii. 129 spotted, Edw. . xii. 144 squat arolla , Linn. xi. 505 streaked . . xii. 1 48 striata, Linn. . xii. 146 subarquata, Temm. xii. 96 TemmincJcii, Leisl. xii. 103 * , Temm. xiv. 331 vanellus, Linn. xi. 509 varia, Linn. . xi. 505 variabilis, Temm. xii. 98 variegata . xii. 120 , Brun. xii. 110 variegated . xii. 120 virgata . . xii. 1 1 8 ■ white-winged . xii. 116 Triple-tail . . iv. 78 Commersonian iv. 78 Triure Bougainvillien, Cep. iv. 78 Triurus . . . iv. 78 Commersonii . iv. 78 TROCHILIM . xiv. 237 Trochilus . v. xiv. p. 248 albicollis, Vieil. xiv. 244 albirostris . viii. 346 albirostris , Shaw xiv. 249 albus, Linn. . viii. 301 ater, Pr. Max. xiv. 243 amethystinus . viii. 328 amethystinus , Shaw xiv. 243 — — aurantius . viii. 313 auratus, Linn. viii. 288 aureo-viridis . viii. 305 aureo-viridis . xiv. 240 auritus . . viii. 3 1 9 — — auritus, Shaw . xiv. 249 aurulentus . viii. 306 aurulentus . xiv. 240 Bancrofti ? Lath. viii. 329 bicolor. Lath. viii. 325 bilophus, Temm. xiv. 252 Brasiliensis . viii. 302 Brasiliensis . xiv. 240 Campylopterus, Linn. viii. 318 Capensis . . viii. 283 Carbunculus . viii. 333 Carbunculus ? Lath. viii. 529 Carbunculus, Shaw xiv. 253 chalybeus , Vieil. xiv. 253 chrysobronchos viii. 287 chrysobronchos xiv. 240 chrysurus . viii. 335 cinereus . . viii. 297 cinereus . . xiv. 240 coccineus, Linn. viii. 266 collaris . . viii. 343 collaris, Shaw . xiv. 249 colubris . . viii. 335 colubris, Shaw xiv. 247 conurus . . xiv. 240 cristatus . . viii. 352 cristatus, Shaw xiv. 250 cristatellus . viii. 314 Trochilus . viii. 272 312 GENERAL INDEX Trochilus cyaneus v. viii. p. 292 cyaneus . . xiv. 241 cyanurus . viii. 278 cyanurus . xiv. 239 JDominicus ? Linn. viii. 298 • clatus, Linn. . viii. 329 elegans . . viii. 311 elegans . . xiv. 239 • enicurus . . xiv. 238 ensipennis, Swain. xiv. 250 exilis viii. 315 falcatus, Swain. xiv. 250 fasciatus . viii. 303 Jimbriatus, Lath viii. 320 ■ flavifrons viii. 312 forcipatus viii. 310 forcipatus xiv. 239 forficatus viu. 279 • forficatus xiv. 239 furcatus . viii. 309 furcatus . xiv. 239 Furcifer . viii. 280 furcifer . xiv. 239 galeritus ? Lath. viii. 329 gramineus, Linn. viii. 298 granatinus, Lath. viii. 288 Guianensis? Lath. viii. 329 gularis . . viii. 314 gularis, Lath. . viii. 300 gutturalis . viii. 300 gutturalis . xiv. 240 hirsutus, Linn. viii. 302 Histrio . . viii. 3 1 1 holosericeus . viii. 307 liolosericeus . xiv. 240 bypophams . viii. 333 hypopheeus, Slum xiv. 253 jugularis . „ viii. 288 — jugularis . . xiv. 240 Trochilus Lalandei, Vieil. . . v. xiv. p. 25 1 Langsdorfii , Tem. xiv. 242 latipennis . viii. 318 latipennis, Shaiv xiv. 250 leucoerotaphos viii. 349 leucoerotaphos, Shaw xiv. 249 leucogaster, Lath. viii. 332 leucurus . . viii. 293 leucurus . . xiv. 240 longicaudus, Linn. viii. 31G lucidus . . viii. 32 G lucidus, Shaw . xiv. 247 macrourus, Linn. viii. 310 maculatus . viii. 308 maculatus, Linn. viii. 300 , Mill. viii. 307 magnijicus, Vieil. xiv. 2£4 Mango . . viii. 294 mango . . xiv. 240 Margaritaceus . viii. 305 Maugeanus . viii. 350 Maugeanus, Shaw xiv. 243 ■ Maximus . viii. 282 Mellisugus . viii. 342 Mellisugus, Shaw xiv. 247 mellivorus . viii. 320 mellivorus , Shaw xiv. 243 mesoleucos, Tenun. xiv. 24G minimus . . viii. 355 minimus, Shaw xiv. 249 Moschitus . viii. 829 Moschitus, Shaw xiv. 253 Multicolor, Lath. viii. 311 ncevius, Desm. xiv. 248 niger, Linn. . viii. 347 niger, Swain. . xiv. 243 nitidus . . viii, 301 GENERAL INDEX Trochilus nitidus v. xiv. p. 240 obscurus, Vieil. viii. 341 ornatus . . viii. 345 ornatus , Shaw xiv. 254 Ourissia . . viii. 322 Ourissia, Shaiv xsv. 243 Paradiseus . viii. 276 pectoralis . viii. 298 pectoralis . xiv. 240 Pegasus . . viii. 332 Pegasus, Shaw xiv. 253 Pella . . viii. 274 pella . . xiv. 241 ■ petasophcrus , Pr. Maw. xiv. 245 pileatus . pileatus, Shaiv platurus . platurus, Shaw Polytmus — — Polytmus porphyurus porphyurus punctatus punctatus punctulatus viii. 354 xiv. 250 viii, 316 xiv. 242 viii. 281 xiv. 239 viii. 295 xiv. 240 viii. 304 xiv. 240 viii. 303 - puniceus, Linn. viii. 354 ■■ ■ ■ recurvirostris, Swain. xiv. 248 ruber . . viii. 351 ruber , Shaw . xiv. 249 • rubineus . . viii. 340 rubineus, Shaw xiv. 247 sapphirinus . viii. 324 sapphirinus , Shaw xiv. 247 scutatus, Nat. xiv. 250 serrirostris, Vieil. xiv. 257 smaragdo-sapphirinus viii. 325 smaragdo-sapphirinus, Shaw . . . xiv. 243 Sparganurus . viii. 291 sparganurus . xiv. 238 squalidus . xiv. 24 1 squamosus, Tern. xiv. 245 INDEX. £* *> 1 O olo Trochilus striatus, Linn. v. viii. p. 333 — superbus . viii. 323 — superbus, Shaw xiv. 249 superciliosus . viii. 284 superciliosus . xiv. 241 Thaumantias . viii. 285 — ■ Thaumantias . xiv. 240 torquatus viii. 313 — torquatus xiv, 239 trimaculatus . viii. 308 — — - trimaculatus . xiv. 240 — — venustissimus, Linn. viii. 292 Vieilloti . viii. 347 Vieilloti, Shaw xiv. 249 violaceus . viii. 290 violaceus xiv. 240 viridis, Vieil. . viii. 305 viridissimus, Lath. viii. 342 Troglodytes x. 762 Troglodytes xiii .* 230 Europseus x. 763 Europseus xiii* 230 furvus x. 764 furvus xiii.* 220 rectirostris, Swains. xiv. 195 Trogon . ix. 4 Trogon . xiv. 217 asiatieus . ix. 7 Asiatieus, Steph . xiv. 151 aurantius xiv. 219 brasiliensis viridis ix. 16 castaneus xiv. 219 cayanensis cinereus ix. 10 Curucui . ix. 1 6 Curucui . xiv. 218 fasciatus . ix. 6 fasciatus . xiv. 220 Indicus . ix. 13 maculatus ix. 5 Narina . ix. 14 314 GENERAL INDEX Trogon Nariua v. xiv./;. 220 oreskios . . xiv. 220 pavoninus Rienwardtsii rufus rufus strigillatus strigillatus sulj)hureus variegatus violaceus violaceus viridis • ■' viridis xiv. 219 xiv. 221 ix. 9 xiv. 218 ix. 10 xiv. 218 xiv. 218 viv. 218 ix. 8 xiv. 218 ix. 11 xiv. 218 a ventre candiclo ix. 11 Tropic-bird . . xiii. 1 24* black-billed . xiii. 1 27 common . . xiii. 1 25 New Holland, Lath. xiii. 127 red-tailed . xiii. 128 Tropicophilus , Leach xiii. 1 24 Troupiale, Buff. . vii. 420 a ailcs rouges . xii. 42 1 de Cayenne, Buff. vii. 428 de la Caroline vii. 443 de St. Domingue , Siff. . . . vii. 446 du Senegal . vii. 429 Jaune a. calotte noire, Buff. . . . vii. 419 Jaune d' Antigue, Sonn. . . . vii. 420 ■ noir, Buff. . vii. 442 Olive de Cayenne, Buff. . . . vii. 448 petit noir , Buff. vii. 443 rouge a Antigue, Sonn. . vii. 429 Trout, Penn. . V. 51 Alpine V. 60 Carp V. 61 Common . V. 51 Goedeuian V. 58 Trout Lepecliin’s v. v. p. 62 Salmarin . v. 60 Salvelin . . v. 59 Schieffermuller’s v. 57 Sea, Penn. . v. 46 Trumpet-Fish Chinese . . v. 97 Trumpeter . . xiv. 318 gold-breasted, Lath. xiv. 318 Trunk-Fish . v. 420 Biaculated v. 423 Concatenated . v. 426 Cubic v. 427 Eared v. 429 Four-horned . v. 424 Gibbose . v. 431 Horned . v. 423 Pyramidal v. 425 Snouted . v. 426 Speckled v. 428 Striped . v. 430 Three-horned . v. 424 Trigonal v. 422 Triquetral v. 420 — — Tuberculated . v. 431 Trutta jluviatilis, Will. v. 51 Salrnonata, Will v. 46 Tsaltsalya vi. 367 Tsioei, Seb. viii. 269 Tub-Fish, Will. iv. 621 Tucana, Briss. xiv. 95 Brasiliensis gutture albo, Briss. . . viii. 363 Cayanensis viridis, Briss. . . . viii. 370 Mexicana viridis, Briss. . . . viii. 370 Surinamensis niger, ex albo , jlavo , rubro mixtus, Petiv . viii. 362 Tucuman, Seb. . iii. 585 GENERAL INDEX 315 T uipara, Will. v. viii. p. 556 Tuite, Will. . . viii. 556 Tunny, Penn. . . iv. 581 Tupinambis, Cep. . iii. 214 Tupsee-Mutchey . v. 149 Turbot . . . iv. 312 Turcns ■ oculo radiata, Catesb. iv. 449 Turdus ... x. 171 Turdus . . . xiii.* 1 95 Abyssinianus . x. 269 aeneus . . x. 247 ceneus, Linn. . vii. 376 ceneus, Steph. . xiv. 57 iEthiopicus . x. 282 TEthiopicus, Steph. xiii.* 146 Africanus . x. 1 95 alapi . . x. 284 albifrons . . x. 210 alius niger. Plum. iv. 453 Amboinensis . x. 204 Americanus . x. 1 93 Aoonalaschkae x. 188 aquaticus . x. 185 arada . . x. 282 Arada , Steph. xiii.* 181 arcuatus . . x. 289 arundinaceus x. 209 ■ arundinaceus, Steph. xiii.* 209 atthis . . xiii.* 198 Asiaticus . x. 239 ater, Gmel. . x. 294 atricapillus . x. 268 atricapillus .xiii *198 atriceps, Temm. xiii.* 149 — atrogularis . xiii.* 201 aurantius, Gmel. x. 229 ; var., Gmel. x. 193 auratus . . x. 248 auratus, Steph. xiv.* 54 auritus . . x. 310 Turdus auritus , Steph. v. xiii.* p. 1 83 aurocapillus x. 199 Australis x. 219 azureus, Temm. xiii.* 190 badius x. 198 bambla . x. 308 bambla, Steph. xiii* 182 Barbaricus x. 188 ■ bicolor . x. 243 Borbonicus x. 301 Boubil . x. 205 brachypterus . x. 221 brachypterus, Steph. xiii.* 224 Brasiliensis . x. 216 Cafer . . x. 298 Cafer, Steph. . xiii.* 189 Calliope, Lath. 644 Calliope, Steph. xiii.* 206 campanella . x. 270 campanella, Steph. xiii * 198 Camtschatkensis, Gmel. ... x. 644 Canadensis, Briss. x. 2 76 canorus . . x. 271 cantans, Gmel. x. 282 cantor . . x. 257 — — cantor, Steph. . xiv. 59 Capensis . x. 216 Capensis, Steph. xiii.* 190 Carolinensis, Briss. x. 191 Cayanensis, Gmel. x. 190 cayanus . . x. 190 cayanus . . xiii.* 200 Ceylonus, Steph. xiii* 147 chrysogaster . xiii.* 197 chrysogaster . x. 254 chrysorrhoeus, Temm. xiii.* 189 cinclus, Linn. . x. 313 cinereus . . x. 207 316 GENERAL INDEX Tuhmjs cinnamomeus V. x. p. cinnamomeus . xiii.* ■ * cirrhatus . x. cirrhatus, Stcph. xiii.* citrinus, Lath. x. clamosus . . xiii.* coch insinensis . x. Cochinsinensis, Steph xiii.* colma . . x. Colma , Steph. xiii.* columbinus , Steph. xiv. colombinus . x. coray a . . x. Coraya, Steph. xiii.* crassirostris . x. crassirostris , Steph. xiii.* aureus . . x. cyanoceplialus x. cyaneus, Horsf. xiii.* cyanus . . x. cyanurus, Lath. vii. (lilutus . . x. dispar, Horsf. xiii.* Dominicanus . x. Dominicensis, Linn. x. Duama . . x. dubius . . x. dubius, Steph. xiv. eremita . . x. eremita . . xiii.* erythropterus . x. erythropterus . xiii.* felivox . . x. flavus . . x. favus, Steph. . xiii.* flavifrons . x. formicivorus . x. formicivorus, Steph. xiii* frivolus . . x. fuliginosus . x. Turdus fuscatus v. > .. p. 176 fusceseens x. 182 fuscipes . x. 279 fuscus, Gmel. . x. 177 Gilvus x. 211 Ginginianus x. 262 ginginianus, Steph. xiv. 57 grallarius. Lath. vii. 386 griseus . . x. 241 Guianensis . x. 1 78 guianensis . xiii.* 196 gularis, Lath. x. 313 gutturalis . x. 256 harmonious . x. 217 Hispaniolensis x. 220 Hispaniolensis xiii.* 1 98 Iluclsonicus . x. 259 hudsonicus, Steph. xiv. 47 Jamaicensis . x. 179 iliacus . . x. 183 iliacus . . xiii.* 196 Carolinensis, Briss. . . . x. 1 77 Indicus . . x. 238 indicus . . xiii.* 198 — — infaustus . x. 265 infaustus, Steph. xiii.* 198 inquietus . x. 263 jugularis . x. 234 Labradorus . x. 250 Le Vaillantii, Temm. xiii.* 1 89 leucocephalus x. 258 leucocephalus, Steph. xiv. 58 leucogaster . x. 258 leucogaster . xiii.* 197 leucopkrys, Lath. 263 leucotis . . x. 296 leucotis, Steph. xiv. 261 leucurus . . x. 230 leucurus, Steph. xiii.* 240 liueatus . . x. 307 285 198 311 175 253 197 286 192 291 181 59 245 299 181 222 148 233 234 187 224 384 208 190 262 212 194 204 261 281 200 200 197 272 255 193 252 308 181 269 195 GENERAL INDEX. 317 Tukdus lineatus, Stepk. v. xiii.* p. 181 lividus, JVils. . x. 272 longirostris . x. 302 lunularis . xiii.* 200 lunulatus . x. 196 • lunulatus, Steph. xiv. 261 ■ — ■ — macrourus . x. 267 macrourus . xiii.* 198 Madagascariensis x. 260 Madagascariensis xiii.%l 98 major, Briss. . x. 172 — Malabaricus . x. 305 — , Gmel. . x. 252 Malabaricus ? Lath. viii. 239 Malabaricus, Linn. vii. 471 Malabaricus, Stepk. xiii.* 192 • Malabaricus, Steph. xiv. 57 Manillensis . x. 280 Manillensis .xiii.* 200 Mauritianus . x. 256 mauritianus, Steph. xiv. 59 ■ Maxilaris . x. 206 maxillaris, Steph. xiv. 261 melanophrys . x. 206 melanopis, Gmel. x. 292 melanops . x. 275 melanops, Steph. xiv. 261 mellinus . x. 240 mellinus, Steph. xiv. 261 melodes . . x. 179 Merula . . x. 225 - — — merula . . xiii.* 198 micans, Steph. xiv. 226 ■ migratorius . x. 2 76 migratorius . xiii.* 196 Mindanensis . x. 250 — - — minor . . x. 177 minor . . xiii.* 196 , Briss. . x. 174 Turdus minutus v. x. p. 242 — monaclia x. 293 monacha, Steph xiii.* 193 Morio x. 229 Morio, Steph. xiv. 54 Motacilla x. 197 - — — Muscicola x. 296 musicus . x. 174 — — musicus . xiii* 196 mustelinus x. 181 , mis. x. 182 ~ — naevius . x. 192 Naumanni xiii* 201 niger Mexicanus, Seb. vii. 432 - nigerrimus, Wils. x. 23 1 nigricollis x. 288 nitens x. 246 nitens, Steph. . xiv. 54 var., Lath. x. 246 Noveboracensis x. 198 Novae Hollandiae x. 290 ■ obscurus x. 203 ochrocephaius x. 200 ochrocephaius, Steph. xiv. 5S olivaceus x. 189 olivaceus xiii.* 196 Orientals x. 264 orientalis, Steph. xiii* 148 — orpheus . x. 212 Orpheus xiii.* 198 var., i Gmel. x. 215 Ourovang x. 236 Ourovang xiii* 198 Pacificus x. 278 — — Pagodarum x. 204 Pagodarum, Steph. xiv. 57 Pallidus . x. 208 Palm arum x. 244 palmarum xiii* 198 Pectoralis x. 237 pectoralis xiii.* 198 318 GENERAL INDEX Turd us pectoral is v. xiii.* p. 200 perspicax . xiii.* 1 98 perspicillatus . x. 235 perspicillatus, Steph. xiii * 191 Philippensis . x. 223 Phoenicurus . x. 300 phoenicurus . xiii.* 202 phoeni copter us, Temm. xiii* 191 pilaris . . x. 1 86 pilaris . . xiii.* 196 leucocephalus, Briss. . . x. 186 ncevius, Briss. x. 186 pipiens . . xiii.* 202 plurabeus . x. 283 plumbeus . xiii.* 198 poliocephalus . x. 226 • poly glottus, Linn. x. 212 prasinus . . x. 236 punctatus . x. 202 Iie.v, Linn. . vii. 386 rliomboidalis, Catesb. iv. 378 — — Rocar xiii * 199 roseus X. 274 roseus, Steph. xiv. 58 ruficauda X. 300 ruficollis X. 278 — rufifrons X. 219 rufifrons xiii.* 198 rufus X. 191 — ■ - rufus xiii.* 196 — Sandvicensis . X. 202 Saui-jala X. 231 Saxatilis X. 266 saxatilis xiii.* 178 , Gmel. . X. 265 Seleucis, Gmel. X. 274 Senegalensis . X. 221 - - Senegalensis . xiii.* 198 ■ saxatilis, Steph xiv. 349 Shanhu . X. 292 — — Sibiricus X. 233 Turdus Sinensis v. x. p. 218 Solitarius . x. 303 so/itarius, Steph. xiii.* 200 , Wils. — — Sordidus x. 177 x. 238 Speciosus speciosus, Steph. x. 273 xiii.* 125 Splendens x. 246 splendens, Steph % xiv. 54 Suratensis x. 287 Surinam us x. 261 tenebrosus x. 297 Thenca . x. 215 Thenca . . xiii.* 198 tinniens . x. 306 ■ tinniens , Steph. xiii.* 182 tintinnabulatus xiii* 198 Tintinabulus, Gmel. x. 270 torquatus . x. 227 - Torquatus . xiii.* 198 Trichas, Linn. x. 682 tripolitanus . x. 201 violaceus . x. 251 violaceus, Steph. xiii. 200 — virescens . x. 249 — viridis, Gmel. x. 249 viridis major, Will. iv. 500 — viridis, sen decimus Rondeletii, Will. . iv. 501 viscivorus . x. 172 — viscivorus . xiii.* 196 — Ulietensis . x. 241 vociferans . xiii.* 196 — vociferans, Swain. xiv. 349 volitans . . x. 290 vulgatissimus , Will. iv. 499 Zevlonus . x, 253 Zeylonus GENERAL INDEX 319 Turdus Zeylonus, Linn. v. vii. p. Turkey . . xi. Turkey . . xiv. American , Lath. xi. ■■■■ Common . xi. horned, Lath. . xi. - Marail, Lath. xi. Turnix . • xi. Turnix . . xiv. , Steph. . xiv. a bandeau noir, Temm. . • xi. a liassante, Temm. xi. Andalusian . xi. ct plastron roiu, Temm. . . xi. Caynam, Temm. xi. Combattant, Temm. XI. black-fronted xi. necked xi. fasciatus xi. - — fighting . xi. Gibraltar xi. Hottentot . xi. • lunatus . . xi. Luzonian xi. Maculosus . xi. Meiffrenii, Vieil. xiv. Moucheti, Temm. XI. — — — nigricollis . xi. nigrifrons . xi. • pugnax . . xi. 7-aye, Temm. . xi. ruj'us, Vieil. . xiv. spotted . . xi. striped . . xi. tachy drome, Temm. xi. Turnix tachydromus v. xi. v. 396 thoracicus xi. 392 varius, Vied. xiv. 306 Turnspit i. 285 Turnstone . xi. 519 Turnstone . xiv. 338 Common xi. 520 Turtles . iii. 75 Africa7i, Lath. xi. 81 Pantamese, Lath. xi. 88 barreled, Edw. xi. 88 blue-crowned, Lath. xi. 47 headed, Lath. xi. 125 - Cambaian, Lath xi. 80 Canada , Perm. xi. 94 Chinese-grey , Lath. xi. 7S • Collared, Lath. xi. 71 Senegal, Lath. xi. 71 Common, Lath. xi. 72 Common green iii. 80 Coriaceous iii. 77 Esculent iii. 80 Green iii. 80 Green, Lath. xi. 65 Green-shelled iii. 94 ■ Javan, Lath. xi. 47 Imbricated iii. 89 Indian, Lath. xi. 71 Loggerhead iii. 85 Luzonian, Lath. xi. 73 Malabar, Lath. xi. 78 Malacca, Lath. xi. 88 Passerine, Lath. xi. 138 red-breasted, Lath. xi. 128 Rhinoceros iii. 95 — — — Sanguine, Lath. xi. 128 319 155 297 156 156 239 183 387 305 305 388 397 396 392 390 391 388 389 393 391 397 398 397 392 394 306 394 389 388 391 393 306 394 393 396 320 GENERAL INDEX. Turtles Sea, Edw. v. xii.* p. 131 Senegal, Lath. xi. 80 Spotted-necked , Lath. xi. 72 Striated, Lath. xi. 68 . Surat, Lath. . xi. 78 Surinam, Lath. xi. 75 Trunk, Cates. iii. 95 Turtur Americanus, Briss. xi. 97 Canadensis, Briss. xi. 94 gutture maculato Senegalensis, Briss. xi. 80 Jamaicensis, Briss. xi. SO Indicus, Rail xi. 71 Indicus Striatus, Briss. . • xi. 88 Lusitanicus, Briss. xi. 73 parvus Americanus , Briss. . • xi. 133 parvus fuscus Ame- ricanus, Briss. . xi. 138 Senegalensis, Briss. xi. 81 Sinensis Striatus, Briss. . . xi. 68 . torquatus, Briss. xi. 71 Sene- galensis, Briss. . xi. 71 viridis Amboinensis, Briss. xi. 65 Turvert, Buff. xi. 55 Tutu, D’Azara . xiv. 84 Tyran vii. 304 du Bresil . vii. 300 petit du Cayenne, Buff. x. 343 Tyran n ulus . xiii.* 249 elatus . xiii.* 249 obsoletus . xiii.* 250 Tyrannulus ventrahs < V. xiii.* p. 250 virescens . xiii.* 251 Tyrannus . xiii* 1 33 nudax . xiii* 133 ferox . xiii.* 133 leucogaster . xiii* 133 mexicanus . xiii.* 134 neugeta . . xiii.* 134 nunciola . xiii* 133 pitangua . xiii* 133 sulfuraceus . xiii.* 133 T yran Carolina, Ccctesb. vii. 304 Tyrant-shrike xiii. *133 Vache de Barbaric, Merr. ii. 331 Vaginalis, Gmel. xii. 280 alba, Gmel. xii. 281 chionis. Lath. xii. 281 Vandel iv. 199 Lusitanian iv. 199 Vandellius . iv. 199 Lusitanian iv. 199 Vandelli, Penn. iv. 199 Vanellus xi. 508 Vanellus xiv. 339 , Briss. xi. 504 Cayanensis xi. 512 cristatus , Meiyer • xi. 509 — — dominicensis . xi. 518 armatus, Briss. xi. 518 Gavia . ^ . xi. 509 Goensis . . xi. 514 — — Griseus, Briss. xi. 505 GENERAL INDEX 321 Vanellus Helveticus, f* Briss. . v. xi. p. 505 Ludovicianus xi. 517 armatus, Briss. xi. 517 Novae Hollandise xi. 516 Senegalensis . xi. 515 armatus, Briss. xi. 515 varius, Briss. xi. 505 Vanga, Buff. . . vii. 299 Vanga . . xiii* 150 australis . xiii.* 150 curvirostris . xiii.* 150 destructor, Steph. xiv. 62 - — — destructor, Ternm. xiii.* 150 Vanneau, Buff. . xi. 509 * arme de Cayenne , Buff. . . . xi. 510 arme de Goa, Biff. xi. 514 — - — • arme de la Louisiane arme des hides xi. 517 xi. 514 • armi du Senegal xi. 515 ■ de Suisse, Buff. xi. 505 huppe, Temm. xi. 509 pluvier. Buff. xi. 505 ■ varie, Buff. xi. 505 Vansire, Buff. i. 428 Vari i. 98 Variole, Buff. x. 319 Vasa, Buff. viii. 529 le grand, Le Vail. viii. 528 le Petit, Le Vail. Vau tour, Buff. viii. 529 vii. 19 vii. 34 8'ingi> Sonn. . vii. 32 grand. Biff. vii. 19 V. XIV. P. II. Vau tour grand des hides, Sonn. . v. vii. p. 28 Petit, Buff. . vii. 34 Petit de Norvege vii. 34 Royal de Pondicherry, Sonn. . . . vii. 25 V "Allard a ailes rousses ix. 93 petit . . ix. 125 Venetou . . ix. 226 Vengoline, Buff. ix. 539 Venturon de Provence, Buff. ix. 471 Vera-ombe de Madagascar , Sonn. x. 371 Verderin de St. Domingue ix. 273 Verderoux , Buff. . x. 470 V irdier, Buff. . . ix. 3 1 0 de la Chine, Sonn. ix. 3 1 1 de la Cochinchine x. 286 du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Buff. . ix. 274 sans vert, Biff. ix. 272 Verdin, Vieil. . viii. 239 de la Cochinchine, Buff. . viii. 239 Verdinere, Buff. ix. 481 Vermis Serpentiformis ex Africa, Seb. iii. 308 Verrat . . ' . ii. 459 Vert-dore, Le Vail. vii. 376 Vert dore, Le Vail. xiv. 56 d queue blanche et verte. Vieil. viii. 287 Vert-olive, Vieil. . viii. 232 Vert perle, Buff. . viii. 298 Vervex, Plin. ii. 385 Vespa vi. 285 Crabro . vi. 286 vulgaris vi. 285 Vespertilio . i. 122 21 GENERAL INDEX S2Q Vespertilio admirablis v. i. V- i. 116 auriculis quaternis 123 duplicibus i. 123 Auripendulus i. 137 Auritus . i. 123 • Barbastellus i. 133 — ■ — cato similis Ameri- canus . i. 139 Cephalotes i. 234 Ferrum equinum i. 131 Hastatus i. 142 Hispidus . i. 136 ingens i. 144 Lasiopterus i. 133 Lasiurus . i. 134 Leporinus i. 139 Lepturus . i. 137 • Molossus . i. 138 ■ murini colons auri culis simplicibus . i. 123 Murinus . i. 123 ■ Nasutus . i. 142 Nigrita . i. 138 Noctula . i. 130 Noveboracensis i. 135 perspicillatus . i. 142 Pictus i. 135 Pipistrellus i. 132 ■ Serotinus i. 132 Soricinus i. 141 Spasm a . i. 140 Spectrum i. 143 Speoris . i. 147 Vampyrus i. 144 volitans . i. 144 Veuve aCollicrd'or, Buff. ix 418 a epaulettes, Buff ix. 422 — a poitrine rouge. Buff. . . ix. 421 — a quatre brins , Buff. 'ix. 426 — cle la Cote d' Afrique, Buff. . . . ix, 426 Veuve de l’ Isle de Panay, Bu ff. . . v. ix. p. 421 dominicaine, Buff. ix. 423 enfeu, Buff. . ix. 421 eteinte, Buff. . ix. 424 grand d’ Angola, Biff. . . . ix. 418 mouchettee, Buff. ix. 420 Vicogres, Frey . ii. 243 Vicuma . . . ii. 243 Vidua . . . xiv. 16 Vidua , Briss. . . ix. 418 angolensis, Briss. ix. 420 longicauda . xiv. 1 7 major, Briss. . ix. 419 minor, Briss. . ix. 423 panayensis . xiv. 17 paradisea . xiv. 16 regia . . xiv. 16 riparia Africana , Briss. . . . ix. 426 ■ serena . . xiv. 1 6 VlNAGO . VlNAGO . Abyssinica aromatic . aromatica aromatica , Steph. xi. 105 xiv. 273 xi. 1 1 1 xi. 106 xi. 106 xiv. 273 ■ ■ ■ Australis . xi. 115 australis, Steph. xiv. 274 Calva . . xi. 1 1 7 calva, Steph. . xiv. 273 militaris . . xi. 109 militaris, Steph. xiv. 274 naked-fronted . xi. 117 parrot . . xi. 1 1 2 ■ Psittacea . xi. 112 Psittacea, Steph. xiv. 274 purple . . xi. 1 1 3 St. Thomas’s . xi. 109 southern . . xi. 1 15 vernans . . xi. 1 13 GENERAL INDEX 323 Vinago vermins, Steph. v. xiv p. 274 Waalia xi. Ill Viper, Penn. . iii. 364 American black iii. 377 Black iii. 375 Black, Catesb. iii. 377 Charasian iii. 379 ■ Common . iii. 364 Egyptian iii. 377 — — Greek iii. 384 Redi’s iii. 380 — — Scythian . iii. 385 Swedish . iii. 382 Vipera, Gesn. . iii. 364 — ■ — Anglica nigrans, Petiv . . . iii. 375 * " Bitin ceilonica elegan- tissima, Seb. . iii. 401 •- Brasiliensis Setzauk- coatldicta, Seb. . iii. 586 ccerulea Americana ex insula Sancti Eustachii, Seb. . . . iii. 440 ■■■ Caudisona Americana, Catesb. . iii. 317 - caudisona Ceilanica, Seb. . . . iii. 335 Cancoatldicta, Seb. iii. 437 de Neustria, Seb. iii. 430 Japonica liter as in- script a, Seb. . iii. 421 Marina, Catesb. iii. 120 ■ Orientalis Hebrais Zeboa, Greeds Hyaena, Seb. . . . iii. 435 Orientalis maxima caudisona, Seb. . iii. 335 Virginiana maculis notata, Seb. . . iii. 490 Vipere-char . . iii. 379 Fer-de- Lance, Cep. iii. 406 Viralva . . . xiii. 166 atfinis . . xiii. 175 Vi r alva anglica v. xiii. p. 174 ■ leucopareia . xiii. 171 leucoptera . xiii. 170 indica . xiii. 169 nigra . xiii. 167 simplex . . xiii. 172 sinensis . • xiii. 173 Viralve . . xiii. 166 black . xiii. 167 Chinese . • xiii. 173 gull-billed . xiii. 174 Javan . xiii. 175 mustachoe . xiii. 1 7 1 simple . xiii. 172 tell ary . xiii. 169 white-winged . xiii. 170 VlREO . xiii* 130 cristatus . . xiii.* 130 flavifrons . xiii* 131 musicus . . xiii.* 131 ■ nigerrimus . xiii.* 131 olivaceus . xiii* 131 Viretsi, Buff. . . viii. 98 Viscaccia, Penn. . ii. 209 Viscliacha, Nirenb. . ii. 209 Vison i. 448 VlTIFLORA x.564 > Ray . x. 565 Vitijiora, Steph. . xiii.* 240 aurantia . . x. 572 — — cinerca, Briss. x. 565 grisea, Briss. . x. 565 Hottentotta x. 573 Hottentotta, Steph. xiii.* 241 leucorrhoa x. 574 - leucorrhoa, Steph. xiii* 241 maculata . x. 571 — Massiliensis . x. 570 GEnanthe . x. 565 ( Enanthe , Steph. xiii.* 240 324 GENERAL INDEX. Vitiflora pileata v. x. p. 568 pileata , Steph. xiii.* 242 rufa . . x. 569 rufa, Steph. . xiii.* 240 Vitrec, Buff. . x. 565 Vitulus i. 250 — — marts oceani, Rond. i. 250 Vive, Penn. . . iv. 199 Viverra i. 378 . Barbara . i. 428 Cafra i. 382 Canadensis i. 429 Capensis . i. 394 Caudivolvula . i. 403 cbinge i. 390 Civetta . i. 396 Conepatl . i. 389 Cuja i. 433 Erminea . i. 426 ex griseo rubescens Briss. . i. 379 Fasciata . i. 405 Fossa i. 402 i. 418 Galera i. 428 Genetta . i. 400 Hermaphrodita i. 400 Pallas, Schreb. i. 400 Ichneumon i. 379 Lutreola i. 443 Maculata i. 433 Mellivora i. 395 Mephit.ica i. 390 Mephitis, Linn. i. 390 Mungo i. 379 Nasau i. 385 Nasica i. 386 pedibus tetradactylis , naso producto mobili, Linn. . i. 384 Piscator . i. 414 Pu tori us . i. 387 Putorius . i. 415 Quadricolor i. 429 Vi v err a Quigi Sarmatica Sibirica . Striata . Surikatta tetradactyla Touan Vulgaris . Vulpecula Zenic Zelonica Zibellina Zibetha . Zorilla . v. i. p. 432 i. 430 i. 431 i. 387 i. 384 i. 384 i. 432 i. 420 i. 387 i. 383 i. 394 i. 411 i. 398 i. 391 La Vivogne . . i. 243 Ulula . litturala . nebulosa . xiii.* 60 xiii.* 60 xiii.* 60 Umbra, Penn. . v. 83 Umbra, Rond. . iv. 533 Umbke . tufted xi. 635 xiv. 329 xi. 636 Unau Unicorn-Jish lesser, Gesn. Unicornu marinum, Mus Vocifer, Vail. . Vormela, Gesn. Vouroup-driu, Vail. > Buff i. 156 iv. 376 ii. 473 vii. 94 i. 430 ix. 25 ix. 25 Upupa viii. 135 Upupa . . . xiv. 187 aurantina, Lath. viii. 149 Capensis . . xiv. 188 capensis, Lath. viii. 140 Epops . , viii. 135 Epops . . xiv. 188 GENERAL INDEX 3<25 Upupa erythrorynchos. Lath. . . v. viii. p. 150 fndica, Lath. . viii. 142 — — Madagascariensis viii. 140 Madagascariensis, Shaw . . . xiv. 188 Mexicana, Lath. viii. 148 minor . . viii. 138 minor . . xiv. 188 nigra . . viii. 141 Papuensis , Lath. viii. 144 paradisea, Linn. viii. 147 , Lath. viii. 147 Promerops, Lath. viii. 143 Superha, Lath. viii. 145 Uranoscopus . iv. 124 Uranuscopus, Cep. . iv. 124 . . iv. 130 Scaber . . iv. 124 Uria xii.* 242 , Briss. xiii. 33 • alle, Sabine xiii. 34 Balthica, Brun xii.* 251 ■ Brunnichii, Sab. xii.* 243 Francksii xii.* 243 ■ grylle xii.* 250 — — grulloides, Brun. xii.* 251 lacteola, Lath. xii* 251 lomvia, Brun. xii* 245 marmorata xii.* 245 • minor xii.* 246 minor, Briss. . xiii. 34 minor nigra, vel Co- lumba Groenlandica, Raii . . . xii.* 250 — minor striata, Briss. xii.* 251 — scapularis . xii.* 250 — Swarbag, Ringuia, Brun. . . . xii.* 24G Uria Troile . v. xii.*/?. 244 , Brun. . xii.* 243 Urogallus major, Briss. . xi. 267 — - — minor, Raii . xi. 280 minor fuscus, Catesb. xi. 299 ■ — punctulatus, Rail xi. 277 Urotomus xiv. 347 Uruba vii. 36 Urus, Caes. . ii. 393 L’Urson . ii. 13 Ursus 3. 450 Arctos . 3. 450 Americanos i. 453 cauda annulatine va- riegata, Briss. i. 464 Gulo i. 460 Indicus . i. 470 Labradorius i. 469 Lotor i. 464 Luscus . i. 462 Maritimus i. 457 maritimus, Stell. i. 265 maritimus albus. major arcticus, Mart. i. 457 Meles i. 467 Polaris . i. 457 Uscathachisk . . xi. 291 Utamania . xiii. 26 , Ray . xiii. 30 pica . xiii. 30 Tor da . xiii. 27 Vulpecula, Sals. . V. 333 Vulpes, Gesn. . . i. 314 V ulpes, Rond. . V. 333 Bahamensis, Cat. v. 106 ccerulescens, Linn. i. 326 Vui.tuk vii. 1 3<2f> GENERAL INDEX. Vultur . x’. xiv * p. 345 V ultur Auctorum xiv. 345 albicilla, Linn. vii. 79 atratus, IVils. xiii.* 7 Aura vii. 36 aura, Shaw xiii.* 7 ■ aureus, Gesn. . vii. 12 auriculatus vii. 24 auriculatus xiii * 5 barbarus, Linn. vii. 12 barbatus . vii. 12 Bengalensis vii. 30 Bengalensis xiii * 5 Californianus . vii. 10 ■ Californianus, Shaw xiii.* 6 castaneus vii. 207 castaneus, Shaw xiii.* 7 cheriway vii. 43 Cheriway, Shaw xiii.* 11 Condor . vii. 2 Condor, Shaw xiii* 6 Fulvus . vii. 27 fulvus xiii .* 5 Ginginianus vii. 32 ginginianus , Shaw Xlll.* 5 gryphus, Linn. vii. 2 Harpya, Linn. vii. 54 Indicus . vii. 26 indicus, Shaw xiii* 5 Magellanicus, Shaw vii. 22 Monaclius vii. 19 Monachus xiii.* 5 Niger vii. 31 niger xiii.* 5 Papa vii. 39 — Papa, Shaw xiii.* 6 Percnopterus vii. 33 Percnopterus , Shaw xiii.* / Plancus . . vii. 41 Ponticerianus . vii. 25 • Ponticerianus , Shaw xiii.* 5 Vulture Serpentarius, Linn. . . v. vii. p. 46 Uruba, Vieil. , xiii.* 7 Vulture vii. 1 Vulture . . xiii* 5 * , xiv. 345 Vulture, Albin vii. 27 American vii. 36 Angola , Penn. vii. 33 Arabian, Lath. vii. 1 9 ■ Armed . vii. 44 ■ Auriculated vii. 24 Bearded vii. 1 2 Bengal . vii. 30 Black vii. 31 Bold vii. 45 Californian vii. 30 Carrion, Sloa. vii. 36 Cheriway vii. 43 Chesnut vii. 29 cinereus, Lath. vii. 19 Condor . vii. 2 • crested black, Ediv. vii. 19 F ulvous vii. 27 Gesnesian vii. 33 • Gingi vii. 32 golden, Will. . vii. 27 Hare vii. 44 Indian vii. 26 King vii. 39 Magellanic, Shaw vii. 2 Maltese, Lat. vii. 34 Monk vii. 91 Plaintive vii. 41 Pondicherry vii. 25 Secretary, Lath. vii. 46 Tawny . vii. 44 Vulturjd.e xiii.* 5 . xiv. 345 Wagel, Penn. . xiii. 191 Wagellus Cornubiensium, Ray . . . xiii. 186 — , Ray . xiii. 234 GENERAL INDEX Wagtail . v. x. p. 544 xiii.* 233 African . x. 561 black-crowned x. 553 Cape x. 549 cinereous x. 550 — — collared, Lath. x. 545 Dauurian x. 558 Green x. 551 Grey x. 554 Hudsonian x. 552 Indian . x. 563 Javan x. 553 New Holland x. 558 pied x. 548 , Lath. xiii.* 234 ■ scapular xiii* 216 southern, Lath xiii * 234 thoracic x. 562 Timor . x. 559 Tschutschi x. 548 * white x. 545 yellow x. 560 , Alb. x. 555 headed x. 55 7 Waldrapp vii. 383 Wall-creeper xiv. 187 of Surinam, Edw. viii. 346 Wallfisch, Mart. Wal ii. 478 Pot-Jish, Dale ii. 497 Walrus i. 133 • arctic i. 234 Indian, Penn. i. 239 Wapatheu, xi. 291 Warbler x. 575 xiii * 218 — — African . x. 605 — aquatic, Lath. x. 583 Asiatic . . x. 602 Sc27 Warbler, autumnal v. x. p. 632 Awatcha . x. 614 azure . . x. 650 babbling . x. 580 Banana . . x. 728 barred, Lath. xiii.*211 Batavian, Lath. xiii.* 218 * bay-breasted . x. 714 belted, Penn. . x. 636 bicoloured x. 665 black and. white, Lath. . x. 328 and yellow x. 604 backed x. 604 Blackburnian . x, 627 black-cap x. 648 , var., Lath. x. 650 cheeked . x. 610 headed, Penn. x. 362 jawed x. 731 necked x. 704 poll x. 645 red-tail . x. 677 ■ ■ — throated, Penn. x. 651 green, Wils. . x. 741 ■ bloody-sided . x. 699 blue x. 663 — green x. 657 grey x. 651 headed x. 684 mountain x. 736 striped x. 656 blue-tailed x. 646 throated . x. 660 , Wils. x. 737 bogrush . x. 583 Bourbon x. 600 brown, Brown x. 764 throated . x. 667 buff-faced x. 701 ceerulean x. 652 , Wils. x. 653 GENERAL INDEX 328 Warbler, CafFrarian v. x. p. Canibaian . x. Cape . . x. • May . x. Caspian , . x. Cayenne . x. Cetti, Lath. . xiii.* Ceylon, Penn. x. chaste . . x. chesnut-bellied x. sided, Wils. x. China . . x. Cingalese . x. Citrine . . x. Citron-bellied x. , Lath. x. Connecticut . x. Coromandel . x. Crested . . x. Crimson-breasted x. Dalmatian, Lath. xiii.* Damtbian, Lath. xiii.* dark . . x. Dartford . x. Dauurian . x. double-streaked, Lath xiii.* dusky . . x. , Penn . x. dwarf . . x. Epicurean . x. Equatorial . x. Equinoctial . x. familiar. Lath, xiii.* fenny , Lath. . xiii.* ferruginous . x. fig-eating . x. flame-coloured x. flaxeu . . x. garden . . x. gilt-throat . gold-bellied . x. Warbler, golden-crowned V. x. p. 636 winged x. 624 Grasset , Penn. x. 637 grasshopper x. 59 5 great-tailed x. 724 green x. 740 , Brown . x. 689 green and white x. 734 green Indian . x. 688 greenish x. 650 grey-poll x. 628 redstart . x. 673 throated . x. 685 jy M 3 x. 652 grisly x. 585 Guiana red-tail x. 678 Geneva . x. 691 half-collared x. 594 hang-nest x. 702 hedge x. 661 Hemlock x. 727 hooded, Penn. x. 399 Indigo x. 655 Jamaica . x. 612 Kentucky x. 6 S3 lesser white-throat x. 599 ■ — wood x. 744 Leucomele, Lath. x. 328 livid x. 664 long-billed x. 603 legged x. 721 , Lath. x. 722 long-tailed x. 756 Louisiane x. 713 Luzonian x. 630 Madagascar x. 579 x. 664 Magellanic x. 590 Marmora, Lath. xiii * 222 March, Lath, xiii.* 207 Maurice x. 665 Mediterranean x. 693 Minute . x. 7 22 669 705 708 739 630 655 209 688 731 672 623 689 689 601 619 619 732 625 686 703 206 214 698 717 605 225 609 637 647 572 606 678 242 237 667 591 692 611 581 643 726 GENERAL INDEX. 329 Warbler, Moor v. x. p. — — mountaineer , Lath. xiii.* ■ Murene . . x. Namaqua , Lath. xiii.* Nashville . x. Natterers, Lath. xiii.* New York . x. Nightingale . x. olive . . x. — brown, Penn. x. coloured x. orange-bellied x. headed . x. thighed, Penn. x. throated . x. Palm . . x. — — particoloured . x. passerine . x. — Patagonian . x. — — pensile . . x. Persian . . x. Pettychap . x. — — Philippine . x. Pine . . x. , Swains. . x. Pink-coloured x. piping , Lath, xiii.* plumbeous . x. Prothonotary . x. Quebec, Penn . x. red-bellied . x. — breasted . x. reddish-tailed x. red-headed ._ x. ■ tail . x. throated, Lath. x. reed . . x. ■ , Lath. . x. ruby-throat . x. ruddy . . x. — — rufous . . x. and black x. Warbler, crowned, Lath. V. x. p. 648 tailed x. 676 vented x. 696 rush x. 587 russian, Lath, xiii * 212 rusty-headed . x. 690 - — sided x. 659 St. Domingo . x. 751 — — Sardinian, Lath. x. 648 Sedge x. 586 Senegal . x. 634 Shore x. 691 Siberian . x. 626 silky , Lath. . xiii.* 208 Simple . x. 584 * Sooty x. 616 xiii* 21 1 spotted yellow x. 783 , Lath. x. 681 Stone-chat x. 709 Streaked x. 658 Sultry x. 635 Superb . x. 754 Swallow „ x. 613 Sybil . x. 609 , Lath. x. 708 Taylor . x. 750 Tennesee x. 621 terrene . x. 696 thorn-tailed x. 694 Tithy’s . x. 671 umbrose , Lath. x. 637 undated . x. 620 , Lath. x. 609 Van-Dieman . x. 608 Variable x. 666 white-breasted x. 618 chinned ; x. 708 collared . x. 695 crowned . x. 442 eyed x. 720 poll x. 639 tailed x. 658 throated . x. 597 winged, Lath x. 753 640 218 617 242 622 231 681 576 752 685 593 726 700 682 735 607 716 745 603 628 633 746 616 737 722 690 202 646 642 623 687 711 675 733 674 623 588 583 644 697 668 641 330 GENERAL INDEX Warbler, whin -chat V. x. p. wood X. worm -eating . X. yellow-backed X. bellied X. — bellied X. breasted . X. breasted, Penn . X. ■ — crowned . X. ■ crowned . X. . . , Lath. xiii.* • fronted, Lath. x. poll. Lath. X. rumped • X. rumped, iVils. X. • tailed, Penn. x. throated . X. vented X. Wasp . . , vi. common vi. Water-hen xii. common, Alb. . xii. grey-headed, Lath. XII. least, Edtc. . little American, xii. Edw. xfi. • purple, Edw. xii. small, Alb. xii. spur-winged, Edw. X. Water-ouzel X. Water-ouzel xiii* European X. Water-Scorpion common vi. Water-Snake iii. Wattle-Bird v. vii. p. 338 Wattle-bird . xiv. 73 ■ ■ ■ ■ cinereous . vii. 338 Waxwing . x. 420 Waxwing . xiii.* 260 Bohemian . x. 421 Carolina . x. 422 Weasel i. 378 Brasilian, Penn. i. 387 — — Caffrarian i. 382 Cape i. 394 Cinereous i. 394 Common i. 420 Dusky , Penn. i. 386 Ermined , Penn. i. 407 Fasciated i. 405 fisher i. 414 Fossane, Penn. i. 402 four-toed i. 384 Grey-headed . i. 434 Guiana . i. 428 Guinea, Penn. i. 428 Honey i. 395 Madagascar, Penn. 428 Malacca . i. 406 Mephitic i. 390 Mexican , Penn. i. 404 Musk, Penn. . i. 435 Prehensile i. 403 Ratel i. 394 Sable, Penn. . i. 411 Sarmatian i. 430 • Siberian . i. 431 Slender-toed . i. 436 South American i. 434 Spotted . i. 433 Striated, Penn. i. 387 — — — Tigerine i. 408 Three-striped . i. 400 - White-cheeked i. 429 Woolly . i. 435 — — Yellow . i. 418 706 748 730 611 619 680 682 680 723 623 131 625 750 715 636 362 679 725 285 285 192 242 251 221 208 256 256 263 312 192 313 157 555 GENERAL INDEX. 331 Weasel, Yelloiu, Penn. V. GO O -*** Weaver-bird xiv. 34 Weebong vii. 312 Weever, Will. iv. 127 We EVER . iv. 127 Dragon . iv. 127 Osbeckian iv. 130 Weevil vi. 64 Weevil . vi. 62 Palm vi. 62 Nut vi. 63 Whale Bottle-nose, Dale, ii.514* Common, Penn. ii. 4/8 Great Northern, Nat. . . . ii. 478 Parmacitty, Dale. ii. 497 — Pike-heacled , Penn. ii. 492 Rostrated, Nat. ii. 496 Round-lipped , Penn. ii. 495 Spermaceti, Brown ii. 499 Wha-Tapao-Roo, While i. 487 Wheatear . . x. 564 Wheatear . . xiii.* 240 black-eared, Lath. xiii.* 241 black-hooded . X. 568 Cape X. 573 Grey, Penn. . X. 565 orange-breasted X. 572 Provence X. 570 red X. 569 rufous X. 574 russet, Edw. . X. 569 Wheatear, spotted V. x. p. 571 white-rumped x. 565 Wheiver xii.* 131 Whidau-bird . xiv. 16 Whiff . iv. 316 Whim xii.* 131 Whimbrell xii. 35 Whimbrell xiv. 332 Brasilian . xii. 37 Common xiii. 36 - Esquimaux xii. 38 Whip-voor-Will, Wils. x. 164 Whip-Tom-Kelly x. 345 White- Bait v. 246 Whitethroat xiii.* 207 Whiting . iv. 144* Whiting-Pout iv. 139 Wrakle . iv. 530 Widgeon xii* 130 American xii* 135 bimaculated xii.* 140 black-tailed xii* 134 Cape xii.* 139 Common . xii.* 131 Hath era . xii* 137 Mareca . xii* 138 red-headed, Penn. xii.* 1 93 spotted-billed xii.* 134 Wind-Bird, Willoug xii* 168 Windhover, Will. . vii. 1 79 Wingeram, Russ. iv. 591 Witwall, Will. vii. 408 Wolf i. 290 Mexican . i. 296 332 GENERAL INDEX Wolf-Fish . v. iv. p. 93 Common . . iv. 93 Panther . iv. 93 Ravenous, Penn iv. 93 Wolverine i. 462 quick-hatch i. 462 Woodcock xii. 43 Woodcock xiv. 331 Common xii. 44 little xii. 48 Savannah, Lath. xii. 51 Wood-Fish vi. 406 Woodpecker . ix. 146 xiv. 158 hank ix. 212 Bengal . ix. 185 black-breasted ix. 205 brown ix. 178 buff-crested ix. 175 ■ Canada spotted ix. 173 Cape ix. 215 , Lath. ix. 194 . Cardinal . ix 176 Carolina . ix. 182 Cayenne . ix. 204 Chili ix. 157 crimson-rumped ix. 179 double-bearded. Lath xiv. 161 • downy ix. 170 , Wilson xiv. 164 Encenada ix. 193 ■ ferruginous ix. 209 Goa ix. 187 gold-backed ix. 198 breasted , Lath. xiv. 162 crested . ix. 203 shafted. Lath. xiv. 171 winged . ix. 213 gorget . . ix. 208 Woodpecker, great black v. ix. p. 148 greater spotted ix. 1 63 green . ix. 1 83 grey . . ix. 181 headed green ix. 188 hairy . . ix. 171 hairy, JVils. . xiv. 164 Javan, Lath. . xiv. 159 Ivory-billed, JVils. xiv. 164 lesser black ix. 196 spotted . ix. 166 lineated . ix. 152 little ix. 170 Mahratta ix. 177 Malacca . ix. 192 Manilla green . ix. 189 middle spotted ix. 163 minute . ix. 211 northern . ix. 174 Nubian . ix. 180 Olive ix. 216 Orange . ix. 195 Passerine ix. 200 Philippine ix. 190 pileated . ix. 158 Portorico ix. 217 rayed ix. 199 red-bellied, JVils xiv. 166 red-breasted . ix. 160 cheeked . ix. 206 headed ix. 153 necked ix. 159 rumped . ix. 194 throated . ix. 156 winged ix. 210 rufous ix. 207 Skilt, Lath. xiv. 165 spotted-bellied ix. 168 Indian ix. 185 striped-bellied ix. 162 three-toed ix. 219 — southern ix. 220 Tiga, Lath. xiv. 173 GENERAL INDEX 383 Woodpecker, varied v. ix. p. 175 white-billed . ix. 150 rumped ix. 153 yellow-bellied . ix. 162 , Wils. xiv. 164 - crested ix. 201 headed ix. 191 legged ix. 196 with black spots . ix. 34 Woodwall ix. 185 Worabee, Buff. Wrasse ix. 486 — — Ancient, Linn. iv. 499 Ballan, Penn. iv. 498 — — Bimaculated, Penn. iv. 502 Comber, Penn. iv. 503 Striped, Penn. iv. 501 Trimaculated, Penn. iv. 502 Zeylon, Penn. iv. 483 Wren x. 762 Wren xiii* 230 , Penn. x. 763 brown x. 764 European ; x. 763 golden-crested, Penn. QO X gold-naped , Lath. xiii.* 249 — — larger yellow, Wils. x. 748 reed, Lath. . x. 588 ruby-crowned , Penn. x. 661 ■ willow, least , Bewick x. 746 willow, yellow, Bewick wood. Lamb . x. 748 yellow, Edw. . x. 744 yellow, Penn. . x. 742 Wryneck . v. ix. p. 143 xiv. 172 common . ix. 143 Xanthornus . xiv. 45 Xanthornus, Briss. . ATii. 431 Baltimore xiv. 46 • chrysopterus . xiv. 46 icterocephalus xiv. 46 maximus , Pall. vii. 414 Mexicanus xiv. 46 minor xiv. 46 ncevius, Briss. vii. 435 varius xiv. 46 Xaxalhua, Seb. iii. 544 Xema xiii. 176 Sabini xiii. 177 Xeme xiii. 176 ■ Sabine’s . xiii. 177 Xenops . xiv. 189 • — — anatoboides xiv. 190 - — - genibarbis xiv. 190 rutilans . xiv. 191 XlPHIAS iv. 99 — — Gladius . iv. 99 Makaira . iv. 104 Platypterus iv. 101 Xochitenatotl tertia, Rail viii. 363 , Fern. Alia, Will. viii. 370 viii. 372 Yacou , Lath. . xi. 180 , Buff. . xi. 178 Yaffler . ix. 185 Yahla, Russ. . v. 361 Yak ii. 411 Tarlary, Temm. ii. 411 GENERAL INDEX 334 Yapp inhale . v. ix. p. 185 Zebu, Shaw v. ii p. 399 Yarquee . i. 61 Zebub vi. 372 Yellow-Fish, Catesb. iv. 507 Zenic i. 383 Yellow-poll, Lath. . Yelloiv-lhroat x. 752 Hottentot, Sonn. Zerda, Penn. . i. 383 i. 332 Maryland, Edw. x. 682 Zeucora, Lobo . ii. 438 Yockitotl, Buff. Yo-to-tse, Plin. vii. 440 ii. 429 Zeura, Lobo . ii. 438 Yphantes, Vieil. xiv. 45 Zeus Aper iv. 281 iv. 292 Yunx ix. 142 Ciliaris . iv. 283 Yunx xiv. 172 Faber iv. 285 minutissimus . ix. 211 Gallus iv. 282 minutissimus • xiv. 172 • Insidiator iv. 284 torquilla ix. 143 Luna, Linn. iv. 287 Torquilla xiv. 172 Opah Quadratus iv. 287 iv. 291 Zanoe, Buss. . Zanthurus vii. 367 Vomer . iv. 281 Indicus, Will. iv. 426 Zibelline, Buff. Zibet i. 411 i. 398 Zapornia xii. 230 Zirub vi. 369 Zapornia xiv. 335 Zizel ii. 123 minuta, Leach xii. 231 Zitzil, Buff. . viii. 303 pusilla xii. 231 Zonecolin, Buff. Zorilla xi. 381 i. 391 Zeboa iii. 435 Zuvcena, Rond. v. 354 Zebra ii. 438 affinis capite trian Female, Edw. Indica, Aldr. . ii. 440 ii. 438 gulo, Will. . • v. 355 Note. The asterisk placed against Vols. xii. and xiii. denotes the Second Part. THE END. LONDON : rRINTED BY THOMAS DAVISON, WHITEFfilARS. The following Works are nearly ready for publication by the Author of these volumes. I. A SYSTEMATIC CATALOGUE OF NEARLY TEN THOUSAND INDIGENOUS INSECTS. In Octavo. ( Ready for the Press.) II. A SYNOPSIS OF BRITISH INSECTS. In Octavo. With coloured Plates. III. A MONOGRAPH ON THE BRITISH SPECIES OF THE LINNEAN GENUS SPHINX. In Quarto. With coloured Plates. ' ■ '/V ‘ . : , * • , ; .. , — V t *> Q » — T I