I i- I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from BHL-SIL-FEDLINK https://archive.org/details/genericspecificdOOIinn s 1 I i A GENERIC AND SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF BRITISH PLANTS, TRANSLATED FP. OM THE Genera et Species Plantarum OF THE CELEBRATED L 1 N N 'iE U S. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED An Etymological Dictionary explaining the Claifes^^ Orders and Friyichal Genera. AND A Glossary is added to explain the Technical Terms. WITH NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS, E Y JAMES J E N K I N S O N. _ K E N D A L : Printed, and fold byT. Caslon, and Hawes, Clark, and Collins, in London', J, Asheurner, in Kendal', and A. Ashburner, in Lancajier. JvIDCCLXXV. m r J ^ ■f i 'A r;f “T’ r r-\ ^ X. V k. ■'Y / v .A- .1.1 i'lU \ .?■ " ' r? A V' 1 T A vi . : /. A V lillililf'' j'7 l-’TwOC^O'- • vV u y;;- A ,'.'^^'u.I.:::j .;:’-T AO ■VI r- ■•]},\"-y-!;',^"-aD a *:y ^ ' .•! ■ ff \ *'• v -T,.'. • --. i. - vj_ Vi 'Y-i A4- CA;S" ■:i;-'® ' • . A* ■ • 'V rr A rj-“ ,;■ ,■^^^^ : . I v.-l;.' ; , ,. •. ^ bn n m » ?: ; - • .” 'i i ; : / \ *- v <'^ . ■ '■ • - .■'If/. J!r- >■ ' THE INTRODUCTION. \ ATranllation of the Genera et Species Plantarum of the juftly celebrated Linn^^us, has hitherto been unattempted either in our own language, or any other, notwithftanding the reputation of the author, the merit of the performance, and the preference his Botanic System has obtained in the eflimation of the learned of all nations. It is not the Tranjlatorh defign to enter into an invef- tigation of the various fyftems of Botany, that have appeared from the time of Theophp.astus, the firfl: philofophic botanift, the difciple of Aristotle, who fiouriihed in the third century, before the chrifiian cerdy to the appearance of the great northern luminary Dr Linn/Eus ; it is fufficient that this fyftem is now uni- vcrfally followed by the learned; an attempt therefore to prefent it in an englilh drefs, certainly needs no ap- pology: Neverthekfs, the tranQator confcious to him- a ' fclf iv INTRODUCTION. fclf of the many difficulties attending a work of this nature, and fearful whether his words arc adequate to convey the original fenfe in full perfedlion-, offers this Defeription of BritijJi Plants^ to the judgment of the impartial public, with the greatefl diffidence. The multitude of technical terms made ufe of in the original;' terms of fuch a fingular nature, has laid the tranflator under the neceffity of ufing words, per- haps, not to be found in any engliffi dictionary extant : ' In order therefore to remedy this inconvenience, a Glof* fary is added, to elucidate what may appear too obfeure, efpecially to the miere engliffi ftudent, for whom this is i principally defigned. It may not be amifs to inform the reader, that fome few compound words perhaps will occui", that are not explained in the gloffary, fuch as cordato-ovate^ by which is underflood a leaf more approaching to an oval-, but ) had it been ovato-cordate^ it would have fignify’d one j more of the heart-Jhape than oval: The fame muff be ’ obferved of all compounds, as lanceolato- cordate^ cordato- ; haftately multifido-laciniatedy &c. j The number of technical terms may be objected againff the’ merit of the tranflation, but if it be confi- | ejered that the fize of the book, in order that it might ! be portable, was a primary confideration ; every objec- j tion of that nature, will entirely vaniffi, for moil certain- ! ly> i INTRODUCTION. V ly, if every botanical term had been expreffed by a circumlocution, as often as any fuch occurs, the book mud unavoidably have been fweiled beyond a pocket fize. Linn^us has divided the whole tribe of plants into twenty tour Clajfes^ founded upon their fruElijication^ thefe clafies are divided into Ordurs^ thefe orders into Genera^ thefe genera into Species^ and thefe fpecies are fubdivided fometimes into Varieties^ to which, in this tranflation, are added notes and obfervations, taken part from Ray’s Synopfis^ Flora Anglica^ and from the tranflator’s own remarks. Grajfes^ Frees ^ Fungi ^ Alg£^ Mojfes^ and Exotics of every kind, are defignedly for many reafons, omitted in this tranflation. That the young ftudent may enter upon this moft agreeable ftudy, with every advantage, he will here find a full explanation of the meaning of each clafs and order^ fo that with a litt.e help and a good inclination to furmount every difficulty, for I pretend not to fay but difficul- ties will arife, there can be no doubt but in a ffiort time he will become a complete botanift. However, in order to introduce him intc; the method of claffing plants according to the linn^ean Syftem^ the following plants are reduced to their ckjjes^ orders^ and genera. VERONICA. VI INTROD^UCTION. ) i ' ' ' •• , M ' \ f ^ VERONICA, In the firll place to detennine the clafs, I carefully examine feveral flowers, to find the number of the flami- na, which in this plant, I hnd to be two-, I therefore fay it is of the Diandria clafs: I then examine the num- ber of pijlils which I hnd to be only one, I therefore i conclude with certainty it is of the order of Adonogynia-, had there been two, I hiould have faid it had been of ' the Bigynidy if three Trigynidy &c. I’o determine the ^ genus, I hrfl examine the cup, by the defeription in the book-, then. the fio^djerythen the jtdmindy pijtily and fruity ' every one of thefe concurring with the defeription, I conclude the plant to be of the genus of the Veronicds : If I chufe to go further, and diflinguifli the fpecieSy I ; examine;the leaves, &c. and hnd the plant to be, Upright \ Spiked Mdle Speedwell or FluelUuy with flowers to the end of the fpike, the leaves oppofite, and obtufely crenated, j and flaik quite fimple and afeendent. ^ I HOUSE-LEEK, I examine the fildments or Jidmindy and hnd there are ^ twelve in number, I then immediately fay it is of the 1 Bodecdndrid clafs, and becaufe there are above h.ve pijlils^ I fay it is of the order Pelygynid, SERA VV BERRY, ' I examine the Jldmind which I hnd to be more in number than nineteen, and the cup and corolla being according to the defeription of the twelfth clafs, and the I N T R O D U C T VP] Ni vu the {lamina inferted into the inner hde of the cup or corolla, which is a'difiiinguilhing charaderiftic, I fay it is of the Icofandria cMs-md there bding more than five pillils, it is of the etdcr dPoIygym'di' " i ^ - p o ^ p p-r, ^ I firft examine the -flam in a, and find them very’nui- mercus, always more than twelve, and inferted on the receptacle of the future feed, whereby- thefe plants are diftinguifned from thofe of the Icofandria clafs ^ I there-' fore fay Poppy is of the Polyandria clafs, and there being but one piftil, it mufl be of the order Moncgynia. ' B E ' r ' 0 N r. ' ^ In order to clafs it, I carefully examine the filaments of feveral flowers, which I find to be four in number,' am I then to conclude it is of the T etrandria clafs ? no, becaufe upon further examination, I fhall find that two of the flamina are longer than the other two, I therefore determine it to be of the Bidynamia clafs, and becaufe it has no feed-vefiel, but the feeds are at the bottom of the cup, it muft be of the order Gymnofpermia, . rO AD-FLAX. I examine the {lamina, and find them four In num- ber, but becaufe two of them are longer than the other two, I determine it to be of the Bidynamia clafs, and becaufe there is a pericarpium or feed-veifel, v/hereby it is diilinguifhed from the former plant, I pronounce it to be of the order Angiofperfnia, SCURF 2^ viii I T R O D U C-T I O N. S C u' r K T G R J S S. I firH. look at th^ (lamina, which in this I find to be- fix in number, I am not therefore hallily to pronounce it of the Hex andri a becaufe on further examination I fhall find that four of the ftamina are long-er than the other two, I therefore fay it is of the "Tetradynamia clafs, and becaufe, it has a (hort pod, it is of the order Silicn- lofa^ if it had had a long pod, it would have been of the order - V ^ L C R A NE^s B I L L, I examine the (lamina, and find they coalefce at the bafe, and form one body, T therefore determine it to be of the Monadelphia clafs,’ and becaufe there are ten fta- mina, it muft be of the order Decandria, . • FUMirORT, Upon the firft view of the fmver^'l fee it Is of the papilionaceous or hutterfiy-kind^ and upon examining the ftamina, I find they form two diftindl diiTimular bodies which coalefce at the bafe; the one above the piftll, the other furrounding it, I therefo;e pronounce, with cer- tainty, that it is of the Hiadelphia clafs, and becaufe there are fix ftamina, it muft be of the order Hexandria. L E r F U C E, I firft obferve that it bears compound ligulated flowers, and that the florets are ail hermaphrodite; I therefore I INTRODUCTION.^ ix therefore immediately pronounce Lettuce of the Syngene* fia clafs;^ and of the order Polygamia ALcualls, ORCHIS. I examine the flamlna, and find them as in the di- finition of the twentieth clafs, which is Gynandria^ I therefore immediately rank it among xhQ Gynandria Diandria plants. NETTLE. I examine the flowers, and find none that have both male and female parts, but find both on the fame plant, I therefore fay its of the Mcnoecia clafs, and becaufe there are four flamina, it mufl: be of the order T etrandria, . What has been here faid, we hope will be fuflicient to initiate the Student into the method of claffing^ which point once gained, half the difficulty in this agreeable and entertaining Itudy is conquered. \ , Many and various are^ the advantages attending the ftudy of Botany^ whether confidered in a commercial or chemical view, or with regard to the affinity it bears to agriculture., the very fource and bafis of every trading nation : If confidered as an amufement, itfeems extrerne- ly well calculated to employ the vacant hours of the country Gentleman, being the mofl: innocent, as well as the mofl: falutary, that can excite the attention of the human mind. h To X INTRODUCTION. To be cortilantly and perpetually employ’d in con- templating the operations of nature^ in viewing the har- mony of her works, thro’ the whole vegetable creation^ in looking thro’ nature u-p to nature's God^'' muft make deeper, and more lafting imprelTions on the mind^ than the mod laboured harangues of Divines^ or the m.ore extravagant vociferations of Enthujiajis. Contemplations of this nature, muft convince the moft fublle Difputant^ the moft obftinate Sceptic^ of the exiftence of a Supreme intelligent Caufe of all things. Every plants every flower^ every part of a fiower^ affords convincing proofs of a Divine exifence. Let me now wifti the Student every fpecies of delight, that can poftibly refult from ftudics of this nature, and with pleafure embrace the opportunity of returning thanks to thofe Gentlemen^ by whofe perfuafions I be- gun; by whofe affiftance and countenance I have been enabled to go thro’ with this tranflation, and acknow- ledge myfelf, with the ' moft fincere efteem, ' ; and profound refpefV, their much obliged Friend, Y E A L A N D, April 10/ A, 1775, y, yenkinfoij. To TO THE English Botanists. The following Tranflation being the firft ever offered to the public, the Tranflator fubmits it to your judg- ment with the greateft diffidence, con- feious to himfelf, that much may be added, and many alterations made, be- fore it can be complete: He gratefully acknowledges the hint from DrFluNTER, Profeffor of Botany in Edinburgh^ of not only a deficiency, but alfo a great impro- priety in the Englifo Names of many plants, efpecially in the Species the Jpecijic name feems to have no connec- tion with the generic: A reformation herein, would perhaps be thought too daring for an individual; the Tranflator of this work, therefore, folicits the affif- tance of the Englifo Botanifsy not only to reform this impropriety, but for any help that will render the book more complete, ffiould it be fo well received as to require a fecond edition. CONTRACTIONS, Bauh. Pin. ^ Pr. Cafpari Bauhini Pinax ^ Prodromus» Black’s Spec. Bot. 1. Bluckfione Specimen Botanicum, Boerli. Boerhan.)t, Dill. Joanna biUenii liijloria Mufcorum, D ^^^co. bicjcondes, \ FI, fuec. Car oil Linnai Flora Suecica, Ger. Grrrard\ Hijiory oj Plants, 'Malp. Malphigiui. Ob!. Linn. Obfernsaiion of Linnaeus. ' Park Parkinjcn, . Phil. Traiif. Philofophical Tranjadtions, PI in. Pliny, R. Sy. Rcty^s Synopjism Riven. Augujii dguirini Rivini Or dines Plant arum* T. Turneford, ri urn. Guliehni Turner i Hijloria Plant arum, Tournf. Jojephi Pitton Tourncfort Injiitutiones Ret Herhariee^ Wil. Sy. Wiljon^s Synopjis of Bri ijh Plants, An. Annual, Bien. Biennial Per. Perennial, T £ R R A T ‘ A. Page 30, line 30. for Great read Greek, p, 72 1. 26, for dichotomus read dichotomous, p. 87 I. 29, dele a comma, p, ‘1 25 1. 35. for monnophyllous read monophyllous , p. 13$ 1. 30 for melaniphyrum^ read melampyrum* p. 195 1. 26 for hifato, read hafato* ' A N Etymological DiclionaryJ o R, / EXPLANATION OF rhe CLASSES, ORDERS, AND PRINCIPAL GENERA. The following etymological diElionary^ comprehend- ing not only the derivations of the clajjes, orders^ principal genera^ but iikewifethe reafon of their deri- vations, it is hoped, v/iil meet with a general approba- tion, from {Indents of every clafs. Mod of the terms in the greek language from whence .the clajfes and orders are taken, being cxprefTive of the meaning, a derivation thereof, will give a good infight into the nature of them, as well as the ferual fyjlem^ on •which they are founded. The Great Author of Nature has implanted in the hu- man mind, a ftrong defire of knowing the origin and fource, from whence things and names that fail under our xiv ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. our confideratlon are derived. In this didionary, both the learned and the englifih icholar will find that 'defire gratified. The Greek words in Italic charaUcrs will doiibt- iels be more pleafing to many readers, and can be no ways detrimental to tlie fcholar. A derivation of every genus in the book is not to be expeded, feveral are yet unknown, and probably forever will be, others if certain, are infignificant, and confequently fcarce deferve our notice-, thus much however 1 dare promife, that when- ever it tends to elucidate the meaning, the nature, and quality of the plant, or the foil where it is to be found, the derivation is not omitted, as luch it is ufeful, the rtft is all conjedure and ferves only to amufe without im- proving the underflanding. CLASSES. See Plate I. facing the Title. j, /COnandria, 2. Diandria, 3. Triandria, JlVx 4- Ti'Trandria. 5. P^entandria. 6. Hex- ANDRIA. 7. HePTANDRIA. S'. OCTANDRIA. 9. En- I neandria. 10. Decandria. Thefe ten claffes which ! confifl of hermaphrodite flowers, take their denomina- tion from the number of Jiamina or male parts of the \ flovjer. ' ' ■ r 1. ^ MONANDRIA, the firfl clafs is derived from I monos., unus, and arilr., vir, a male or male part, that is, * having one ftamen or male part. 2. DIANDRIA, having two flamina or male partsr 3. TRIANDRIA, having three males. 4. TETRANDRlxb., having four males. 5. PENTANDRIA, having five males. 6. HEXANDRiA, having fix males. 7* ETYxVrOLOGICAL DICTIONARY xv. 7. HEPTANDR.IA, having feven males. 8. OCTANDRIA, having eight males. 9. ENNEANDRIA, having nine males. 10. DECANDRiA, having ten males or ftamina.. It mud be obferved that in all thcfe chafles, the flowers are hermaphrodite-, for Ihould the femaie part be v/ant- ing in any plant, fuch plant would belong to ibaie other, dais. 11. DODECANDRIA, this term implies that the fiov/ers have twelve ftamina or male parts, but is not ftridly confined to that number, but includes all her- maDiirodite flowers, furniflied with any number of ilami- na. from twelve to nineteen, both inclufive : No flowers yet have been found to have exadly eleven ftamina, and therefore no clafs has been allotted to that number. 12. ICOSANDRIA, is derived from eikofi^ viginti, twenty, and ar;^ry vir, a hufband or male part. Tho’ the plants which belong to this clafs are rarely found vv^ith lefs than twenty ftamina, yet they frequently have a greaE er number, and therefore to know them from thcfe of the next clafs, recourfe muft be had to tne ckfs Icojandria in the book. 13. POLYANDRIA, is a v/ord formed of the two greek words pclus^ many, and aner^ a hufband, and fignE fies that the flowers have many ftamina and always more than twenty. 14. DIDYNAMIA, is derived from dis^ tv/o, and dunamis^ power, and fignifies the power of tv/o, and h applied to this clafs, becaufe the flowers have two fta- mhia longer than the reft, v/hcreby it is to be diftin- guilhed from the fourth clafs. xvi ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, 15. TETR ADYNAMIA, this is derived from tetra^ quatuor, four, and dunamis^ pov/er or fuperiority, and jigiiilies the fuperiority of four, becaufe there are fix (lamina, and four are always longer than the reft, where- by it is diftinguhhed from the ftxch clafs, 16. MONADELPHIA, is compounded of monos^ one, or the fame, and delphus^ uterus, i. e. a womb, and' expreffes the union of the filaments, which in this ciafs do not ftand feparate, but join at the bafe, and form one fubftance out of which they proceed, as from the fame v/ornb. 1 7. DI ADELPHIA, is compounded of dis^ duo, two, and delphus^ uterus, a womb, and means that the ftamina are united into two diftindc bodies, and proceed as it were out of two different wombs, as the word imports. 1 8. POLY ADELPHI Al, figniftes many wombs, from polus^ many, anJ delphus^ a womb, and means that there are many diftindl lets of ftamina proceeding out of as many different w^ombs, as the word imiplies. 19. SYNGENESIA, is compounded of fun^ toge- ther or in company, and genefis^ generation ; and figniftes congeneration, and alludes to the circumftance of the ftamina, in which, tho’ the ftlaments ftand feparate, yet the anthers^, wdiich are more immediately fubfervient to generation, are united in a cylinder, and perform their oftice together. 20. GYNANDRI A, is derived from gune^ a wife or female parr, and aner^ a hufband or male part, and means that the ftamina grow upon the piftils, fo that the male and female parts are united ^ a circumftance never found in other hermaphrodite flowers. 21 MONOECIA, is derived from monos^ unus, one or the lame, and oikos^ dornus, a houfe or habitation; and fliews ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, xvii fhews that the plants of this clafs have their male and female parts on diftincl parts of the fame plant; i. e. the flowers are not hermaphrodite, bat thofe flowers v/hi:h have the (lamina want the piflil, and thofe that have a piilil want the (lamina, yet are all found on the fame plant, but in different flowers. 22. DIOECIA, from tv/o, and oikos^ domus a houfe or habitation, and means that the flowers are ei- ther male or female, but that the male flowers are on one plant and female on the other. 23. POLYGAMIA, many, zndgamGS^ a marriage, and fignifles a plurality of marriages. T his clafs produces, either upon the fame or different plants hermaphrodite flowers, and alfo flowers of one fex only, be it male or female-, or flowers of each fex-*, and the latter receiving impregnation from, or giving it to the hermaphrodites, as their fex happens to be. The parts eflential to generation in the hermaphrodite flowers, do not coniine themfelves to the correiponding parts with- in the fame flower; but become of promifeuous ufe, which gives name to this clafs. 24. CRYPTOGAMIA, from kniptos^ concealed, and games^ a marriage, and therefore it fignifles concealed marriage, and is applied to this clafs, becaufe the plants belonging to it, either bear their flowers concealed with- in the fruit, or have them fo fmall as to be imperceptible. ORDERS. AS the ten flrfl; clajfes took their denomination from the number of Jiamina or male parts of the flower, fo the orders of the thirteen clajjes take their denomina- tion from the number of the pijiils or female parts of the flowers. The greek word, compounded Vv^ith the nu- c. merical xviii ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. merical terms in the titles of thefe orders, fignifies a wife ov female: MONOGYNIA, implies one woman or female fart which is one Jiyle» DIGYNIA, two ftyles. TRIGYNIA, three ftyles. TETRAGYNIA, four ftyles. PENTAGYNIA, five ftyles. HEXAGYNIA, fix ftyles. DECAGYNIA, ten ftyles. and POLYGYNIA, many ftyles ; derived from monos^ one and gune^ foemina, a woman, &c. to polus^ many, and gune^ woman. This will be thought fuflicient, as they are further explained in the body of the work, where they occur. Clafs 14 Bidynamia^ the firft order of this clafs is GYMNOSPERMIA, derived from the two greek words gumnos^ nudus, naked, and fperma^ femen, a feed, which ftiews that the plants of this order have naked feeds, in oppofition to the next order, ANGIOSPERMIA, which is derived from aggeion^ vas, a veflel, and fperma^ femen a feed, and means fuch as have their feeds in a feed-veftel. The orders which conftitute the 15th cl^SsTetradyna-- •mia^ are fufficiently explained in their proper place. And the orders of 16, 17, and 18 clafles, are denominated from the number of the ftamina, which have been explained already, and the derivation of each given. The orders belonging to the other claftes are all fuffici- ently explained under their proper heads, where they ' occur, to repeat them here, would be mere tautology. PRINCIPAL ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, xix PRINCIPAL GENERA. AChillea, ab Achille, the herb wherewith Achilles is faid to have cured Telephus. Acorus, ab privativum, et kore^ pupilla, from its fuppofed virtue in curing the diforders of the pupil of the eye. Acrosticum, ab akros^ fummus, et Jiichos^ ordo. ab A^teone, filio iEriftei, from Adleon the fon of iTrifteus. Adianthum, ab privativum, et diaind^ madefacio, becaufe the leaves take no wet imlefs gently thrown on. Adonis, ab Adonide, from Adonis, who according to the poets, was by Venus turned into the flower which bears the name Adonis. Adoxa, ab privatum, et doxa^ gloria. Aegopodium, ab aix^ caper, a goat, ct. pous^ pes, a foot, i, e, goat’s foot. Agrostema, ab agros^ ager, et fto, being found in corn fields. Alisma, ab alufma^ anxietas, anxiety, Alth/Ea, ab aitheo^ fano, from its many medicinal and chirurgical qualities. J Amaranthus, ab non et marainomai^ marcefco, om a fuppofition that it never withers. Anagallis, ab anagelao^ rideo, to fmile, from its beautiful appearance, when the fun fhines. Anchusa, ab anchoufein^ fucare, from its fuflfocatory or aftringent quality. Andromeda, ab aner^ vir et domad^ domo, Ihe was the daughter of Cepheus and Caffiope, the king and queen of ^^thiopia. ' ■ c 2 Anemone, XX ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. Anemone, ab anemos^ ventUF, quod nifi fpirantc vcntp non apperiat fc, becaufe its faid, the flower never opens, but when the wind blows. Anethum, Plin. ^anethon para to and thein^ quod cito crefcat, becaufe it foon grows up after fown. Angelica, a vi radicis feminifque, from the fuppofed angelical virtue of the root and feeds. Anthemis, ab anthos^ a flower. Anther icuM, ab anthos^ flos, et rechos^ fepium, as tho* it delighted in hedges. Anthyllis, ab anthos^ flos, a flower, et lanugo, foft -down. Apium, quod ex eo apex, /. e. caput triumphantium coronabatur. Becaufe the head of thofe who had the 'honour of a triumph, were crowned with it. Aquilegia, ab aqua, water, and lego, to gather, as tho’ it colledted more water than comimon. Arctium, ab arktos^ urfus, a bear. Arum, ab privativum, et ara^ noxa, /. e. without -any noxious quality. Asparagus, ab afperitate plantse. From the afperity of the plant. As PERU GO, ab afperitate plantae. From the afperity of the plant. Asphodelus, ab privativum et fphaltd^ fubplanto, to fupplant. Aster, after^ ftella, a flar. Asplenium, ab a privativum, et fplen,' the fpleen, from its fuppofed virtue in curing the fpleen. Athamantha, ab urbe ThelLlias, fo called frorrf a city in Theffaly. . Atropa, ab non, trepho^ nutrio, becaufe of its deadly quality. BALLOTA,y)^r<^ to ballein dta^ quod tanquam aures de-' mittat pofl: folia locatos, becaufe it puts out flowers like ears behind the leaves. Beta, fortafle aflumine Bsetis ubi nafcitur, from the river Betis where found. Betonica, ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, xxi Betonica, quod et Vcttonica, quod eamVettones in Hifpania inveiuerint, or Vettonica, becaiiL the Vettones firft found it in S:)ain. Blackstonia, irom Blackfione who Hrft found it. , Bor AGO, quafi Corago, quod cordis aftcclibus mcde- tur, becaufe it cures the diforders of the heart. Bryonia, a bruod^ mufco oppletus, quod a bruo7t^ muf- cus, mofs. Bulbocodium, a bwbcs^ bulbus, a bulb, ttkodion^ la- na, wool. Bunium, 2i buntos^ collis, a hill. Bupleurum, ex bous^ bos et latus, becaufe it hath threads in the leaves like ribs in the fide. BuTOMus,ex bos, cattle, ^ttemno^ fcindo, to cut, becaufe formerly it was cut and given to the cattle for fodder. Callitriche, a kalos^ pulcher, et ///nx, capillus quod capillum nutriat et pulchrum reddat. Plin. Becaufe it was fuppofed to nouriih and beautify the hair. Campanula, a campana, hgura corolla, i, 0. from the dower being of a bell fliape. Car LINA, nomen regionis, the name of a country. Carum, a Caria regione, from the country. Centaurea, a Chirone Centauro didl. quafi centum ct aretai^ virtutes. Plin, From Chiron the Centaur. Ceratophyllum, a keras,, cornutum, et phuUon,, foli- um, i. e. having a horny leaf. Ch/erophyllum, a r/z/W, gaudeo, ttphullon^ folium, becaufe it abounds in leaves. Cheiranthus, a r/z^/r, manus, the hand, et anthos^ flos, a flower. Chelidonium, chelidon,, hirundo, a fwallow, becaufe it flowers about the coming of fwallows. Chenopodium, a chm^ anfer, a goofe, pcus,, pcs, a foot, /. e, goofe- foot. Chrysanthemum, zchrnfos,, aureus, golden et mithoSy flos a flower, as tho’ it were a golden flower. Chrysosplenium, xxii ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. Chrysosplenium, a chrufos, aureus, golden, et fplen, the fpleen. CicoRiuM, ab kio^ vado, et chorion^ ager, becaufe it overruns the fields. CiRCi5i:A, from Circe the Sorcerefs. Clematis, a klema^ viticuia, a llioot or tendril where- by it feizes the neighbouring trees or fhrubs. Clinopodium, ab pes afoot, from its fuppofed likenefs of the leaves to the foot of a bed. Cochlea Ri A, a figura foliorum, from the fhape of the leaves being like a fhell. Convolvulus, a con et volvo, to twill or twine round about. CoNYZA, 2iknuza^ fcabies, from its fuppofed virtue in curing cutaneous difordtrs. CoRiANDRUM, ^kove^ piiuilla, the pupil, et aner^ vir, a man. Quod fit rotundum inilar pu|..iilai, becaufe of its being round like the pupil of the human eye. Cotyledon, a kotule^ cavitas, a hollownefs. Cynoglos^sum, a kuon^ canis, a dog, ttglojfa^ lingua, a tongue, i. e, hound’s tongue. Cypripedium, zpodion^ calceus, a flioe, kupris veneris, i. e. Venus’s Shoe or Lady’s Slipper. Dianthus, a Dios^ Jovis, et anthos^ fios, i, e, Jove’s Flower. Digitalis, a figura corollas digitalis, from a fuppo- fition that the flower is fhaped like a finger. Dipsacus, a dipfad^ fitio, to thirfl, as tho’ it brought on an intolerable thirfl. Drosera, ros, the dew, becaufe there is com- monly found on this plant, even in the hottefl fun, drops like dew. Dry AS, a driis^ quercus, an oak. * Echinophora, zh e chines^ fpina, a thorn, tt pherd^ f fero to bear, becaufe it bears fpines or prickles like thofe . of a Hedge- Hog. | Echium, ab echis^ viper a, a Viper. ' j Epilobium, ab fupra, lobas^ filiqua, ttion^ viola, ^ becaufe of its long pods. Equisetum, ■ ETYMOLGICAL DICTIONARY, xxii'b « Equisetum, herba eft a cauda equinse fimilitudine nomen habens; fo called from its refemblance to the Tail of a Horfe. Erica, ab eriko^ frango, to break, becaufe the antients ufed it in curing the ftone in the human bladder. Erigeron, ab er, ver, tx. geron^ fenex, becaufe it is white in the fpring like the hair of old men. Eupatorium, ab Eupatore rege fic di6t. alii quod quafi hepati medeatur. From king Eupator, or elfe according to fome, becaufe it was fuppofed of fervicc in curing the diforders of the liver. Euphorbia, ab Euphorbo nomen habet Jub^ regis medico. From Euphorbus king Juba’s phyfician. Euphrasia, laetitia, joy. Fic ARIA, a fuke^ ficus, a fig-tree. Fragaria, quafi fragrantia; from its fragrance. Fumaria, a fumo did:, quod lacrymas alliciat ficut fumus, becaufe it draws the tears from the eyes as fmoke doth. Galeopsjs, a gale^ felis, a cat, et opfis^ vultus, the countenance or appearance. Gallium, zgala^ lac, milk, quod vim habeat coaguli in cogendo ladie. Becaufe it has the power of runnet in milk. Gentiana, a Gentio rege inventore. From king Gentius the firft finder of it. Geranium, zgeranos^ grus, acrane, quod infummi- tate habet fimilitudinem gruis capitis. Becaufe the feed-veflel has the appearance of a Crane’s Bill. Hedysarum, ab aron^ ungiientum, an ointment, et edufma^ fuavitas. Becaufe a fweet fmelling ointment ufed to be made of it. Helleborus, ab conftringo, to bind, et pabulum, food for cattle, i, e, a reftringent food. Heracleum, ab erakles Hercules. FIerniaria, ab hernia, the difeafe called a rupture. Hesperis, ab hefperis^ hefperus, the evening-, be- caule it gives a greater fmell by night. Hierasium, xxiv ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. ETieracium, ab krax^ acclpiter, a Hawk. lIippoCREPxs, dihippos^ equLis, horib, ^icrcpis^ fcrrum, a Hioe, /. e, a’ Hcrle Shoe. lIippuRis, ab ippGs^ equiis, a horfe, et oura^ caudaj a tail. i. e, a Horle-l'ail. Humulus, ab humido folo; fromgrov/ing in moiflfoil. l-k/ACYNTMus, a pueroHyacyntho interfedlo abApo- llne Sc in hunc dorem niucato. From the youth Hya- cinthus (lain by Apollo, and turned into this flower. * Hvdrocharis, ab uder^ aqua, water, et chird^ gaudeo. F.ecauie it is generally found in water: It is iikewife tlie name of a frog in the Batrachom. or the Battle of tlie Frogs. Hvdrocotyle, ab udor^ aqua, water, et kctile^ vas, a veflel. ^ I Iyoscyamus, ab //j, fus, a fvvine, et kuamos^ faba, a bean, i, e. Swine’s Bean. Iberis, ab Iberia regione, from the country Iberia. I'aPATiENS, ab elaflicitate fruflus, from the elailici- ty of the fruit. Jasioxe, from Jafon the fuppofed flrft finder. JuNCos, a jungendo vimine, from its flexible nature. Lactuca, ita diSt. quod abundantia ladfis exuberat. Plin. From its abounding with milk. Lamium, ex Lamio lonae monte. Plin. From La- niium a mountain in Ionia. 1/ APS AN A i a laptd., ptirgo, fromi its purgative quality. • iLEONTODON, ab leon., leo, a lion et odous., dens, a tooth, i. e. Lion’s Tooth. Leonurus, ab Icon., leo, a lion, et oura., cauda, a tail. /. e. Lion’s Tail. Lepidium, a lepis, fquama, quod fquamas & maculas a facie abflergit. Plin. From its power, fuppofed or real, of taking off fpots from the face. luGusTicuM, a Liguria Italite regione, Lorn Liguria a country in Italy. Lithospermum, a lapis, et fperma., femen, be- caufe the feeds are like fmall ffones. Lychnis, / / ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY, xxv Lychnis, a luchnos^ a iucido colore, from its fliin- ing colour. Lycopsis, ab lukos^ liipi, a wolf, et opfis^ facies, a face. Lycopus, a liikos^ lupi, a wolf, tx. pous^ pes, a foot. LythPvUm, a luthron^ cruor, blood. Lysimachia, a Lyfimachia inventore, from Lyfima- chus the firft finder. Malva, a mahjfdj emollio, to foften. Marrubium, ab oppido Italiae, a town in Italy. Matricaria, ab ulu medico quod matricem juvat, from its fuppofed medicinal virtue in affifting the matrix. Melampyrum, a melas^ niger, black, purcs^ gra- num, feed, i, e. having black leed. Melittis, a melitta^ apis, a bee, Vvhich is derived from ineli^ mcl, honey. Mentha, ifom Minthis the fon of Cocytus changed into tills flower. ' MercUrialis, from Mercury the interpreter of the Gods. Monotropa, a monos ^ folus, et trepho^ nutrio. Myagrum, a muia^ mufea, a fly, ^tagreud^ capto, to take, becaufe it holds the dies that touch it. Myosotis, a 7711103^ mus, a moufe, et ota^ aures, the ears; becaule of the leaves refembling the ears of a moufe. Myosurus, a mucs^ mus, a moufe, et cura^ cauda, a tail. /. e. Moufe-Tail. Myriophillum, ab miirics^ infinitum, an infinite number, phulion^ folium, a leaf, i. e, having a multi- tude of leaves. Narcissus, from NarciiTus, who W'as turned into this dower. Nepeta, ab oppido Italic, a town in Italy. Nymphaea, a numphe^ aqua, water, becaufe it is found in ^vater. Onop'ordum, ab cnos^ afmus, an afs, ttperdo^ pedo, to fart, becauie if given to affes, according to Flin, it will make therp. fart. Ophioglossu ivl. xxvi ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. Ophioglossum, ab ophis^ ferpens, a ferpent, lingua, a tongue. Orchis, ab orchis^ tefticulus, a tefticle. Ornithogalum, ab ornis^ avis, a bird, tt gala^ lack, milk. Linn. Ornithopus, ab ornis^ avis, a bird, et fcus^ pes, a foot. i. e. Bird’s Foot. OxALis, ab oxaiis., acidus, acid or four. Parietaria, ab paries, a wall, becaufe it grows on old walls. Paris, a Paride, filio Priami. From Paris the fon of Priam, remarkable' for his true love to Helen, hence in englifh, called True-love, or one Berry. Pahnassia, from mount Parnafllis. Peucedanum, a dauos^ humilis, tt peiike., picea. Or according to Diofeo. it takes it name from its bitternefs. Phyteuma, a pLw., gigno. Picpis, 2i pier os., amarus, bitter, becaufe of its bit- ter nefs. PiNGuicuLA, a pinguitudine foiiorum, from the fat- < nefs of the leaves. PoLEMONiuM, ab pokmos., bellum, nomen herbae apiid Diojco. quae fic nominata efle traditur, a bello et certamine quod antequilTimi duo regis inter fecertarunt, dum interventionis ejus laudem uterque fibi tribueret, ut referc Marcellius : funt qui Tic di(5fam putent quod adverlus vtnena pugnet. The name of an herb which is fo called, becaufe two ancient kings contended whe- ther fhould have the honour of firlt finding of it, as Marcellius fays : Some think it fo called, becaufe it was fuppofed an antidote agalnfl poifon. PoLYGALA, a^(>///j, multum, ot gala., lac, from its abounding with milk. PoLYGONATUM, a polus, multus, et gonu., genu, a joint, from its abounding with joints. Polypodium, db poliis, multus, many, et pes, a foot. Potenti'lla, ab pQtcntia virium, from its fuppofed virtue. Potamooetotst, ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY. xxvH Pot A MOO ETON, a potamos^ fluvius, et geiion^ vici- , nus, becaul'e found in or near rivers. PoTERiuM, 2,pfjtermu pociilum, a cup. Primula, a pri^cocitate fiorum, from coming early in the fpring. PuLMONARiA, from pulmo, the lungs, from its fup- pofed efhcacy in curing the diiorders of the lungs. Pyrola, a pyro foiiorum figura. 1 he leaves being fhaped like leaves'of a Pear Tree. Raphanes, a radios^ facile, et fhind^ appareo, be- caufe it fprings up fo foon after being fown. ‘ Reseda, a refedendo dolores, from affuaging pain. Rhodiola, a rofeo cdore radicis, from the fwect fmell of the root. Ru MEX, a rumdj fugo, to fuck, becaufe its juice vrill quench the thirft; or by others quafi ilrumex, becaufe accounted good for ftrumous fwellings. Sagittaria, a figura foiiorum, being fhaped like an arrow. Salicornia, from fal, fair, becaufe found on the fait marfhes. Salsola, a falfetutine plants, from the plant being faltifh. Salvia, quafi falutem ferens. From its falubrious quality. Samolus, a Samo Infula. The i (land Samos. Sanguisorba, i. e, fanguis, blood, et forbeo, to lick up. Sanicula, a fanando vulnera, from heal ng wounds* Saponaria, a vi foiiorum. From their power of raifing a lather like foap, . ' Satyr lUM, herba ad venerem inciians, Diofco, a falurizoy prurio ad venerem inftar fa tyri-, provoking to venery. Saxifraga, faxum & frango, Ereakftonc. Sc A BIOS a, ab ufu medicinali, from its medicinal powei* in curing cutaneous diforders. ScLERANTHus, a Jkuros^ exfuccus, Qtcinthos^ flos. dz ScROFULARIAj xxviii ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY.' ScROPHULARiA, quod ej US ufu fcrofe deleclantur. Becaufe by eating of this plant fcrophulous diforders were fuppoled to be cured. Scutellap. lA, a figura calycis. From the figure of the cup being like a cap or hood. Sedum, a fedendo in rupibus, from being found growing on rocks. Senecio, a fenex, an old-man-, as tho’ the down of of this plant refembled on old-man’s beard. Semper v.ivuM, a fempiterno virore, of an everlaft- ing green. Serr ATULA, a ferratis folds, from the ferrated leaves. Ser APiAS, a Serapide deo ^gyptio. P//>/. From the Egyptian God Serapis. Smyrnium, ab urbe Smyrna, from the city Smyrna. Stachys, a fiachus^ fpica, from the fiower growing , in a fpike. Stratiotes, a jiratos^ exercitus. SuBULARiA, a figura foliorum, from the figure oF the leaves, which are fubulated or awl-fhaped. Tei CKiuM, a 1 eucro qui hanc invenifie dicitur. From Teucer who is faid to have firfi: found this plant. Thymus, a thumos^ animus, the mind. Tragopogon, from tragos^ herci, & fogon^ barba, i, e Goat’s Beard. Tr lENTALis, a magnitudine plant^e, from the height of the plant. Trjfolium, having three leaves. Turritis, a turris, a tower. Tussilago, from tuffis, a cough, and ago, to drive away. Ur TIC A, ab urendo tadlu, from its flinging quality. Xanthium, ab anthos^ flos, a flower. PLATE PLATE II. SIMPLE Fip". j. 1 . Orhiciilat'cd 2. Subrot und or roundijli 3. Ovate 4. Oval 5. Oblong 6. I.anccolated 7. Linear 8. Suhiilated 5. Reniform or Kidney -/ha- fed 10. Cordate 11. 1 unulated 12. Lriangular 13. Sagit fated' 1 4. Cordato-fqgittated 15. Haft at ed 16. or C'oven 17. Trilobe dor three Iched 18. Pr^rnorfe or bitten^ as in the Scabius 19. Lob ate 20. Sltiinquangular 21. Eroje 22. Palmated 23. Pinna tifid 24. Laciniated 25. Sinuated 26. Dentato-finuated 27. Retrorfum-fmiiated or HoUoveed backwards 28. Partite 29. Rep and 30. Dentated LEAVES. Fig. 3 1 . Serrated 32. D up lie at 0 -ftcr rated 3 3 . Duplicat c-crenated 3 4 . Cartilagi neons 3 5 . Acutely-crenated 3 6 . Ohtujely-crenated 37. Plicated 38. Crenated 39. Crijp . 40. Obtufe 41. 42 . Acuminated 43 . Obtufe with a blunt point 44. Acutely -emarginated 45. Wedge-JkapedeacAs nicked 46. Retufe 47’ 48. Tcmentcfe, 49* biifpid 50. Ciliated 51. 52. 53. 54. Papillofe 55. Linguiform 36. Acinaciform 57. Dclabriform 5 8 . Deltoid or Delta form 59. Triquetrous 60. Canaliculated 6 1 . Sulcated 62. Cylindrical , P L A T E P L ATE III. / • _ . J r COMPOUND LEAVES, 63. Binate 64. l*ernate with the folioles ■ feffde. 65. Ternatey^iih the folioles 'peliolated < 66. Digitated 6y, Pedate , 68. Pinnate v/Ith an odd one t 69. abrupt 70. — Fig. 72. Pinnate cirrhofe 73* conjugate 74. decurfivcly articulated 76. Lyratcd 77. Biternate 75. Bipinnate 79. Triternate 80. Tripinnate Jbrupt • ' 81. with an PLATE 71. — • — alternate interrupted one PLATE IV. Fig. Fig. 82. hjlex 97. Perfoliate 83. Ere[^ 98. Connate 84. Patent 99. Vaginant 85/ Horizontal 100 Articulated 86. Reclined 10 i. Stellate 87. Revolute 102. Sluatcrn 88. Seminal 103.. Oppofite 89. Cauline 104. Alternate 90. Rameous 105. Acer of e 9 1 . Floral 106. Imbricated 92. Pelt at cd 107. Fafciculated 93. P etiolated 1 08. Frcns 94. 109. Parabolic 95. Decurrent 110. Spatulated"^ 9 6 . Aynplexkaide or.fur- roundhig the fialk. ' * In the form of a Spatula^ an inflrument which is ufed by furgeons to fpread falve with. PLATE V. PARTS of F L O VV £ R. 111. a SprJha^ b th€ Flo'-dver of a NarchTus. 112. a Gluv.ia^ b yh'ifd of a Grafs. 1 1 3. A Ccmpcund JJjnhd^ a univerfal iimlel^ d d partial ^ iraibels^ or umhclluU^ c univerfal involucrum^ b partial invohcrum. 1 1 4. c Cahptra^ b Opercuhimy a Capitiilum 115. a a SpaJfia^ b a Spadix. }i6. A common naked Receptacle. iir. A common Receptacle vAih imbricated Palei. 118. Amentum 119. Str chillis 120. Fungi, a P ileus, b Vclva, c Stipes. 1 2 1. Morwpel clous Ccnlla, a the Fube, b the Limb. 111. A Flozver; a Gerrnen, b Style, c Stigma, d Fi- lunents, e Ant heme, f Petals. 127. F oh pe talons Corolla, a Unzues, b Laminje. X ' - ^ O'' I 24. i ; 5. /L CampanAated Re Barium in the NarcilTus. Fhe horned FeBaria in the Aconite, i 26. d he horned Neciaria in the cup of the I'ropsolum. I in the' Grafs of ParnalTas. ^1 A GENERIC and SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION O F BRITISH PLANTS. CLASS r. MONANDRIA. ^he plants of this clafs have hut one fiamen^ and from one to two fiftils, MONOGTNIA comprehends fuch ^hxiX.% as have hut one pijiil. S ALICORNIA. Marsh Sampire opSaltwort. The cup is fquare, truncated, ventricofe, and re- mains till the fruit be ripe. There is no flower and but one fimple ftamen, longer than the cup: There are two oblong, didymous, ered antherae. The germen is ovato-oblong, the flyle is fimpJe, and ftigma bifid. ' The ventricofe and inflated cup, fupplies the place of a feed vefTel and contains one feed. LiNNi5:us fays tho’ he obferved but one ftamen,' others have obferved two. Herhacea, Marfh Sampire^ Jointed Glaffwort^ or Salt- wort with joints flat at the apex, and emarginato-bifid. Common on the fea fhore. An, July,, Aug, The others found in England, and mentioned by authors, are only varieties and not diftind fpecies. B HIPPURIS. p MONANDRIA MONOGYNIA- HIPPURIS. Mare’s Tail. This plant hath neither cup nor flower, and but one ftamen, which is fixed upon the receptacle. The an- thera is femibifid. The germen is oblong, and beneath the receptacle. There is one Tubulated, eredl ftyle, long- er than the ftamen with an acute fliigma. There is no •feed veflTel, and but one roundifh, naked feed. Vulgaris. Common Mare's ^aiL Found in Handing waters. Per. May, D 1 G T N I A comprehends fuch as have two fijlils, ‘ CALLITRICHE. Star wort or Star-headed Water Chickweed. The flower confifls of two incurved, acuminated, canaliculated petals, oppofite to each other. There is one long filament bended backward with a fimpie an- thera; The germen is roundifh with two capillary, bend- ed flyles and acute ftigmata. The fruit is a roundifli, quadrangular, compreffed, bilocular capfule, containing folitary, oblong feeds. Verna. Vernal Starwort^ Star-headed Water Chickweed.^ with the upper leaves of an oval figure, and mafeuline and feminine flowers. Found in ditches and Hill waters. An. Aprils — Aug. Autumnalis. Autumnal Starwort with linear leaves, bifid at the apex, and hermaphrodite flowers. Found with the former. An. Sep, CLASS PIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 3 C L J S S II. D I A N D R I A. *!rhe plants of this clafs have two ftamina in each flower^ and from one to three pfiils, MONOGTNIA comprehends fuch plants as have hut- one piftil. CIRCLE A'. Enchanter’s Nightshade. TH E cup confifts of two oval, concave, bended and deciduous leaves. There are two petals, of a turbinato-cordate figure, patent and equal, commonly fnorter than the cup. There are two capillary, eredt hla- ments of the length of the cup, with roundiflr antherm. The germen is turbinated and under the receptacle. The ftyie is like thread and of the length of the ftamina. The ftigma is cbtufe and emarginated. The fruit is a turbi- naco-oval, briftly, bilocular capftile, opening from the bafe tov/ards the apex, containing folitary, oblong feeds that are narroweft towards the bottom. Lutetiana. Enchanter'' s Night/hade v/ith an upright ftalk and many branches, found in fliady places and under hedges. Per. June., July. Alpina. Mountain Enchanters Nightjhads with an af- cending ftalk and but one branch. This is a fmall plant and more procumbent than the others the cup and flower are of the fame colour. At the foot of the mountains in PFeftmorlartd and I'orkfhire. About Balham P’ower in Wejlmorland. Per. Aug. VERONICA. Speedv/ell. ITe cup is divided into four parts and remains till the fruit be ripe, each fegment is lanceolated and acute. The flower confifts but of one v/hcel-fhaped petal, v/ith a tube aimoft the length of the cup. The limb is qua^ B 2 dripartite 4 DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. dripartite and plain, with oval fegments, of which the lower one is narrower and its oppofite broader than any of the reft. There are two afcendent ftamina which are narrower towards the bottom with oblong antherae. The germen is compreffed and the ftyle is thread-like and of the length of the ftamina (but in fome not quite fo long) with a fimple ftigma. The fruit is a capfule of a cordate figure with a comprefted apex that contains two cells and four valves, in each of which are many roundifh feeds. The tube of the corolla is different in different plants, in fome very fhort, in others very long. The largcft fegment of the flower in fome conftitutes an upper lip, and the other three an under lip; the middle one be- ing the narroweft. Spicata, Upright [piked Male Speedwell or Fluellin with flowers to the end of the fpike, the leaves op- pofite and obtufely crenated, the ftalk quite fimple and afcendent. Found in meadows and paftures. In feve- ral clofes adjoining to Newmarket -Heathy beyond Bot- tlejham, R. S. in the paftures about Horfe-heath Hall in Camhr. about Ca'rtmell-well in Lan, Arnfide-Park in kVeJl^n. J. J. Per, June. Hyhrida. Welch Speedwell with flowers to the end of the fpike, the leaves oppofite and obtufely ferrated and roughifh, with an upright ftalk. Found in Wales. Per. July. Officinalis. Male Speedwell with lateral fpikes bear- ing flowers, the leaves oppofite and the ftalk procum- bent. In dry barren paftures. Per. May. Serpyllifolia. Paul's Betony or little fmooth Speedwell., with branches that partly end in fpikes ; the leaves are oval. Alining and crenated. Found on dry mountainous paftures. Per, May. Beccahunga, Common Brooklime with lateral branches, oval,' plain leaves and a creeping ftalk. In ditches and rivers. Per. June. Anagallis. Long leaved Water Speedwell with lateral branches, lanceolated^ ferrated leaves and an upright ftalk. Per. July. Scutellata. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 5 Scutellata. Narrow leaved JVater Spedwell with lateral' branches, pendulous pedicelii, and linear, entire leaves. Found in watery places. On Uamfftead and Putney Heaths. Cham^drys. PVild Germander with lateral branches, and oval, felhle, rugofe, dented leaves and a weak ilalk. Per. May In meadows and paftures. Montana. Stalked Speedwell with lateral branches, few flowers and rough cups, oval, rugofe, crenated, petio- lated leaves, and a weak ftalk. in moifl; woods and hedges. In Charletcn Wood., the lower part plentifully Mr J. Sherard. R. S. Per. May. Peduncles vMh Jingle fiowers. Arvenjis. Speedwell with Angle flowers, cut, cordate, feflile leaves, longer than the peduncle.^ In Aelds and on old walls. An. May. ‘ ^ Agreftis. Germander Speedwell with folitary flowers, and cut leaves, cordate and fhorter than the peduncle. An. May. Hederifolia. Ivy leaved Speedwell with Angle flowers, plain, cut, cordate Ave-lobed leaves. An. April., May. P'riphyllos. I’rifid Speedwell with folitary flowers and leaves digitato-partite, Aiorter than the peduncle. In fandy Aelds. ' At Rowton in Norfolk^ betwixt the town and highway, twelve miles before you come to Norwich. An. May., June. PINGUICULA. Butterwort or Yorkshire Sanicle. The cup is perfonated, fmall, acute, and endures till the fruit be ripe. The upper lip is eredl and triAd; the lower lip is bended back and blAd. The flower has but one perfonated petal. The longer lip is ftraight, obtufe, and triAd; the flaorter lip is biAd, more obtufe and patent. The nedlarium is corniculated, and pro- duced from the bafis of the petal. The two Alaments are cylindrical, crooked, and arife under the upper lip, Aiorter 6 DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. fjorter than the cup, with r(^undifh antherse. 'The gcr- nien is globofe and ftyle very fhort. Idle ftigma is bi- labiated^ the upper lip is larger, plain, bended back, and covers the anthera^^ the lov/er lip is very narrow, crccl, bihd, and Ihorter. The fruit is an oval, unilo- cular capfule, fiat at the apex, gaping and containing nu- merous cylindrical feeds, iiaving a loofc receptacle. Lufitanica, Cern^jod Butterwort^ with the apex of the nectarium incrafiTated. In marfiiy places about Kirk- hampten. R. S. Per. May, Vulgaris. Gammon Butterwert with a cylindrical nefta- riiim the length of the flower. In mofiy wet ground in Lanca/hire^ IVeftmorland^ TuATorkjkire: On Shoo tePs- Hill I found it. May. UTRICULARIA. Hooded-Millfoil. The cup confifts of two oval, hollow, fmall leaves, that fall away with the flower. The flower is monope- talous and perfonated. The upper lip is plain, obtufe and erefl; the lower lip is larger, plain, and entire. The palate is cordate and prominent between the lips. 'The nedtarium is cornicuiated and arifes from the bafe of the petal. The two filaments are very fhort and bended. The antherae afe fmall and adhere. The ger- men is globofe, and the ftyle is like thread, of the length of the cup, with a conical ftigma. The fruit is a glo- b ;fe, large, unilocular capfule containing numerous feeds. Vulgaris. Common hooded Millfoil with a nedlarium in the form of a cone, and but few flowers on the ftem.. In ftanding waters and ditches. Per. June Jidy. In Lin- cclnpiire., Ifie of Ely., and near Hcrnfey. Mnor. Lejfer hooded Millfoil wdth a nedlarium in the form of a keel. In the fame places with the former. I found this in a ditch in the great meadow at Gunner- thwaite belonging to Mr T. Beakbane, Lan. Both forts obierved by Mr Lawson in the ditches by' the caufeway over the Mofs to the Fell-end near Wither- Jlack and Brigfieer-mofs^ in Wefimorland. Per. ' VERBENA. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 7 VERBENA. Vervain. The cup is monophyllous, angulated, tubulated, li- near and quinquedentated, (and the fifth denticle is trun- cated) and endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous with a cylindraceous fliraight tube the length of the cup, which is foon dilated and incurved. The limb is patent and femiquinquifid, with fegments rounded and nearly equal. The filaments are four in number, briftly, very fhort, and fituated within the tube of the flower, of which two are fhorter than the other two. The anthers are bended and the number of the filamients, and fometirnes only half the numiber. I'he germen confifls of four angles with a Ample thread-like fliyle, the length of the tube and an obtufe iligma. The feed veflel is fcarce vifible, the cup covering the feeds, which are tv/o, or four of an oblong fliape. Oficinalis. Vervam with four filaments, the fpikes are like thread upon unequally divided ftems, the leaves are multifido-laciniated, and the ftalk is folitary. By public road Tides. In Warton "Town and near Leighton- beck Furnace in Lancajldre. July^ Aug, L Y C O P U S. Water-horehound. The cup confifls of one leaf that is tubulated and half cut into five, each fegment being narrow and acute. The flower is unequally monopetalous, with a cylindraceous tube the length of the cup. The limb is quadrifid, ob- tufe, and patulent; the fegments being nearly equal, but the upper is broadefl and emarginated, and the lov/efl the leaft. The tw^o filaments are comimonly longer than the corolla, to the upper fegment of which they are inclin- ed. The anthers are fmall. The germen is quadrifid, the flyle is like thread, upright, and the length of the fla* mina. The fligma is bifid and bended back. There is no feed veflel, the cup containing four roundifh feeds. Europaus. Water -her ehound with finuato-ferrated leaves. July. 1 found this in mofl of the dirty ditches about London, Per, SALVIA. ■8 DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. SALVIA. Clary. The cup is monop hyllous,' tubulated, ftriated, vifibly larger towards the top, and comprefTed ; the mouth is erect, bilabiated and the lower part bidentated. The flower confifts of one petal, the tube of which grows larger towards the top, and is comprefled. The limb is ringent, the upper lip of which is concave, comprefled, crooked, and emarginated: The lower lip is broad and trifid, the middle fegment being largefl, roundifli and emarginated, on thefe are placed two others croflwife by the middle, on the lower extremity of wdiich is a glan- dule, on the upper an anthera. The germen is qua- drind, the ftyle is like thread and very long; the fligma is bifid. There is no feed veffel, the connivent cup contain- ing the feeds, which are four in number and roundifli. Obf. Linn. The Angular bifurcation of the fila- ments conflitutes an eflential charadter. The rudiments of two barren flamina are found in the faux of the corolla. The glandula in many is callous; in fome few ethers the rudiment of an anthera that is not fariniferous is to be met with. PratenfiS. Meadew Clary with cordato-oblong crenat- ed leaves: The upper leaves furrounding the ftalks, the whorls naked, the flowers in the helmet, glutinous. In Ejfex, Per. Verhenaca. Common EngliJJi V/ild Clary with finuato- ferrated leaves, the flowers narrower than the cup. In meadows and paftures. Per. May. On the ropery between the glafs-houfes and Newcajile upon Pyne. .Wilson’s Sy. CLASS TRIANDRIAMONOGYNIA, §, CLASS III. T R I A N D R I A. ^he plants of this clafs have three ftamina^ and from omt to three pjiils. MO NO G T N lA comprehends fuch plants as have hut one piftil, VALERIANA. Valerian. The flower conflfts of one petal. The tube is gib”* bous and contains the nedar in the lov/er flde; \ the limb is quinquifid, and the fegments obtufe. There are three Tubulated, ered; filaments of the length of the corolla, with roundifli antherae. The germen is beneath the receptacle, the flyle is like thread, of the length of the {lamina, with a thickifh fliigma. The fruit is a capfule that fplits and falls off, and the feeds are Angle and oblong. Obf. Linn. There is a great diverfity of the parts of frudiflcation in this genus, both as to number and Agure, e. g. The margine of the cup in fome is fcarce obfervabie-, in others it is quinquifld. The tube of the corolla in fome is oblong in others it has got a mel- liferous fpur, in others it is very fhort. The limb in fome is equal, in others bilabiated and the upper lip biAd. There are three Aamina in fome, in others two, in others only one; in the Abirica four. The Aigma of the piftil in fome is triAd in others emarginated, in others globofe. Scarce any feed veflei in fome*, in others a thick capfule, in others bilocular. The feeds of fome have down, others have none. Thefe obfervations have relation in general to the exotic valerians. Officinalis, Great wild Valerian^ the flower of Vvhich has three ftamina, and all the leaves are pinnate. In C molft -lo TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA, moiil wet hedges, and the Tides of ditches moft common- ly. Per. June. A variety of this, with narrow leaves, called Moun- tain Valerian is found near Buxton-well \ Above a flony and thorny place called JJkwood., Dcrby/Ji. 'Dioka. Small Marjh Valerian., the flower of which has tliree ftamina, but the female parts are not on the fame plant. I'he leaves are pinnate. Hudson fays the radi- cal leaves are oval, and thofe on the ftalk pinnate. In inoifl: pafturcs. , Per. June. Lccujia. Lamp s-Letiuce or Ccrn-Sallet., the flower of which hath three fliarnina, the ftalk is dichotomous, and the leaves arc linear. In plo wed fields. An. May., June. CROCUS. Saffron. The cup or fpatha is monophyllous. The tube c-f the flower is fimple and long. The limb is divided in- to fix fegments, and every fegm.ent is ovato-oblong and equal. The three filaments are Tubulated, and fhorter than the corolla, with antheriE fhaped like arrows. The germen is roundiih, theftyleis like thread, of the length of the ftamina. The iligmata are three, convoluted and ferrated. fl'he fruit is a roimdifli capfule containing three lobes, three cells, and three valves, having many roundiih feeds. Sativus. Saffron. The fpatha or cup has one radical valve and a very long tube of the fiower. About Saffron-- walden inEffex. Per. Aug. « IRIS. Flower-de-luce. The cup has two valves, and continues till the fruit be ripe. I'he fiov/er is fexpartite, each petal being oblong and obtufe, the three exterior are refiex, the three interi- or are eredt, more acute, and all connebled by ungues. I'here are three fubuiated filaments which lie upon the refiexed petals. The anthertc are oblong, flraight and deprefled. The germen is oblong, and placed beneath tlic receptacle: The ftyle is fimple and very fhort; the fligma TRIANDRIA M O N O G Y N I A. it ftigma is very large and tripartite ^ the fegments arc like the petals, broad and reflex with bifid apices. The fruit is an oblong, angulated, trilocular capfule with three valves, containing many large feeds. Obf. Linn. The neftarium in feme is a villofe line ingraved upon the bafe of the reflexed petals; in others there are externally three points at the bafe of the flower. The capfule in feme is trigonal, in others hexagonal. Pfeudacorus, Yellow V/ater Flower-de-luce v/ith flowers without beards, the inner petals lefs than the ftigma and the leaves fliaped like a fword. In rivers and moift mea- dows. Per. July. Fcetidijfinia. Stinking Gladdon with beardlefs flowers, inner petals very patent, the ftaiks without angles and the leaves fliaped like a fword. In woods and hedges near Hcrnfey. Per. June and July. FRY GY N I A cotnprcherJs fuck as have three pijlils. M O N T I A. Water-Ckickweed. ■ The cup confiiTs of two oval, concave, obtufe, ered leaves that remain till the fruit is ripe. The fiov/er is mo- nopetalous and quinquepartite; three of the fegments are alternately lefs and fupport theftamina. ' There are tliree capillary filaments the length of the corolla, on which they are inferred, with fmall antherae. The germen is turbinated, with tliree villofe patent ftyles and iimplc ftigmata: The fruit is a turbinated, obtufe, covered, unilocular capfule, with three valves, containing three roundifli feeds. Obf. Linn. The cup has often three leaves, and there are often five ftamina. Ftntana. Montia. Water -Chi ckveeed. An. April. C ^ C L A S S iia TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA, CLASS IV. TETRANDRIA. ^he plants of this clafs have four fiamina^ and from one to four piftils. MONOGTNIA comprehends fuch plants as have only one piftil. D I P S A C U S. Wild Teasel. H E common cup confifts of many flowers, and i many leaves that are longer than the flofcule, lax and endure till the fruit be ripe. The proper cup is fcarce manifeft, refting upon the germen. The proper iiniverfal flower is equal, monopetalous and tubulofe, the limb is quadrifid and eredl, the exterior fegm.ent be- ing larger and more acute. There are four capillary filaments, longer than the corolla, with the antherse in- cumbent. The germen is beneath the proper receptacle, the ityle is like thread and the length of the corolla, with a Ample ftigma. The fruit is a common recepta- cle of a conical figure, befet with long fcales, con- taining a Angle columnar feed with a marginaceous rim. Fullonum, Manured T eafel with ferrated feffile leaves, and the beards of the fruit bended back. Bien. July. Pilofus, Small wild T eafel with leaves on the foot fialks. In watery places and in hedges. Aug. Sylvejlris. Wild Peafel with ferrated, fefiile leaves, and the -beards of the fruit erecb. Bien. July. About the New-Mill near Burton^ Weji. SCABIOSA. ScABius. The common cup confifts of many flowers, and many leaves, furrounding the receptacle in various feries and refting upon it, of v/hich the interior ones are gradually kfs. The proper cup is double and both are upon the germen TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. gcrmen. The exterior cup is fliorter, membranaceous, plicated, and endures till the fruit be ripe. The interi- or cup is quinquepartite, the fegments are fubulato-capil- laceoLis. The univerfal flower is equal-, the proper one is monopetalous, tubulofe, half cut Into four or five equal, and often unequal, fegments. There are four filaments that are fubulato-capillary and weak, with oblong incumbent antherie. The ger- men beneath the proper receptacle is involved in a flieath as it were in a iliiall cup or calyx. The ftyle is like thread of the length of the corolla. The fligma is ob- tufe and obliquely emarginated. There is no feed vef- fel, but the feeds are folitary, cvato-oblong, wrapped up and crowned v/ith their proper cups. The common re- ceptacle is convex. Siiccifa. Scabius or DeviPs Bit with quadrind, equal flowers. Ample (talk branches approximating, and leaves lanceolato-oval and entire. In meadows and paftures. On MrTowNLEy’s, of Leighton-liall^ meadows adjoining the- moffes. Per. July and Aug. Arvenfis. Cormnoyi Field Scabius with quadrifld flowers forming a ray, a hifpid flalk and pinnatifld leaves. Per. Aug. Columbaria. Fhe lejjer Field Scabius with quinquifid flowers forming a ray ; the radical leaves are oval and crenated, thofe on the flialk are pinnated and fetaceous. In mountainous paflures. On DuppeP s-Hill Croydon, Per. July. In feveral dry paflures about Tealandy Lan. A S P E R U L A. WooDROoF. The cup is fmall, quadridentated, and placed upon the germen. The flower is monopetalous and infundibu- liform-, the tube is cylindraceous and long^ the limb is quadripartite and the fegments are oblong, obtufe and reflex. The four filaments are placed on the fummit of the tube, with Ample antherse. The germen is didy- mous, roundifh, and beneath the receptacle-, the flyle is like thread and bifid, and the fligmata are headed. The 14 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA, The Fniit is two dry globofe berries joined together,' containing fingle, roundiflu, and large feeds. Odorata. fVoodrcof mih eight lanceolated leaves, and flowers in a bunch, fee on by peduncles. In woods and fhady places.. Pef\ May, Cynanchka, Squinaneywort with four linear leaves: the upper leaves are placed oppofite on an eredt (talk, and the flowers are quadrind. In dry mountains, efpecially chalky. • Per, July, G A L L I U M. Lady’s Bedstraw. The cup is fmall, quadridentated, and refts upon the germen. The flower is rnonopetalous, wheelfliaped, quadripartite and acute. The germen is didymous and • below the receptacle. The ftyie is of a thread-like-form, femibifid and the length of the flamina, with globofe . Higmata. The fruit is two dry, globofe berries joined to- gether, containing fingle, large feeds of a kidneyfliape. Paluftre. JVkite Ladfs Bedfiraw with -four oval, un- equal leaves, and diffuie (talks. On the banks of rivers and moifl meadows. Per. July. Ptifillum. P’he leajl Ladfs Bedjlraiv with "eight hifpid, linear, acuminated, imbricated leaves, and dichotomous peduncles. On the mountains near Kendal mWefl. On many mountains in the north of Lane. Per. Mug. Verum. Tellow Ladfs Bedfiraw., or Cheeje-renning with eight linear fulcated leaves, and fhort branches bearing: Bowers. ' In way-fides and dry places frequently. July and Aug. Mohianum. Mountain Ladfs Bedfiraw with four li- near fliining leaves, aAveak (talk and (hining feeds. On mountains. Per. July. Mollugo. IVild Madder with eight ovato-iinear, ferrat- ed, patent, mucronated leaves, a feeble ftaik, and patent branches. In hedges. June and July. Uligmdfum. MarJJi Goofe-grafs with fix lanceolated., ferrated, mucronated and ftiff, pungent pointed leaves, and flowers larger than the fruit. On heatliy and moii^ TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. paftures. On Hamppad-heath plentifully. ‘ Per, June and July, Boreale, Crojport Madder with four lanceolated leaves and three fhining nerves, an ered ftalk and hifpid feeds. On mountains. Per. June till Aug. Near Orton and many other places in Wefi. as on the banks of the river hum a little above IQrkby Bridge. Aparine. Cleavers or Gcofe Grafs with eight lanceola- ted, carinated, rough, pungent, lharp pointed leaves, viU / lofe joints and hifpid fruit. An. May till Aug. Spurium. Goofe Grafs with fmoother feeds and fix lan- ceolated, carinated, rough, pungent, fnarp pointed leaves, and fim pie joints. An. June. Parifienfe, P'he leaf Goofe Grafs with verticillate, line- ar leaves, bifid peduncles and hifpid fruit. On walls and barren paftures. Per. July. Ere^um. Small Mountain Baftard Madder with eight fnining, lanceolated, fliarp pointed leaves, an upright ftalk, a panicle at the end, and dichotomous peduncles* Per. Aug. RUB r*A. Wild-madder. The cup is fmall, quadridentated, and fixed above the germen. The flower is monopetalous, campanuiated, quadripartite and without a tube. The four fubulated filaments are fliorter than the corolla with Ample anthc- Y'St. The germen is didymous and beneath the recepta- cle. The ftyle is like thread, and bifid, with headed ftigmata. ’The fruit is two fliining berries growing to- gether, containing foiitary, roundiih, umbilicated feeds. Cbf. Linn. The ^wer is often quinquifid. Anglica. Wild-AIadder with four leaves. On St Vin^ eenCs Rock near Brijhl. July and Aug. P L A N T A G O. Plantain. The cup is quadripartite, ere(ft, fliort and endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous, endures till the fruit be ripe and then v/irhere away*, the tube is cvlindricaliy r(5 TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. cylindrically globofe; The limb is quadripartite andde- prefTed, and the fegments oval and acute. The four fi- laments are capillary, eredl; and very long*, the antherae are oblongifli, comprefied and incumbent. The germen is oval, the ityle is like thread, of half the length of the ftamina. The fruit is an oval, bilocular capiule, with a lax difiepimentum and many oblong feeds. Obf. Linn. The cup in fome is equal, in others unequal. Plantains with naked Stems, Major, Plantain with oval fmooth leaves, a round ilem and a fplke with imbricated flofcules. By way fides An. Ju7ie and Jtdy, Media. Hoary Plantain v/ith ovato-lanceolated, hoary leaves, a cylindrical fpike and roundifh ftem. In gra- velly paftures and road-fides. Per. July and Aug. ' Lanceolata. Ribwort Plantain with lanceolated leaves, a naked, oval fpike, and angulated fiem. Pe'r, June — Aug. Maritima. Narrow leaved Sea Plantain with entire, femicylindrical leaves, a woolly bafe and a long round ftem.' On the fea-fhore between Newcajlle and Morpeth. Per. June and July. Lceffangii. Sea Plantain with linear and fomewhat dent- ed leaves a round ftem, and cylindrical fpike, with cari- nated, membranaceous bradleai. Per. Jidy. Coronoptis. Buckjhorn Plantain with linear, dented leaves and a long round ftem. In gravelly places. An. July and Aug. Unifiora. Grafs-leaved Plantain with one flower, and fubulated leaves. In fandy paftures. On Hounjley -heath near IVitton. Montana. Mountain Plantain with lineari-lanceolated leaves that are woolly at the bafe, a roundifh fpike, and long round ftem. Hudson’s Fl. Ang. Per. July. CENTUNCULUS, tETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 17 'CENTUNCULUS. Bastard Pimpernel. The cup is quadripartite, patent, and remains till the fruit be ripe; the legmen ts are acute, lanceolated, and longer than the corolla. The flower is monopetalous and wheel -fliaped. The tube is partly globofe. The limb is quadripartite and plain with fegments fomewhat oval. The four filaments are almofl; the length of the corolla having Ample antheras. The germen is round- ifh, fituated within the tube of the flower; the ftyle is like thread, of the length of the flower and remains till the fruit be ripe, having a Ample fliigma. The fruit is a globofe, unilocular capfuie containing many fmall feeds. Minimus, Bajiard Pimpernel with alternate, oval leaves. Found near the Paper Mills on Hounjlow-heath, Dr. Watson. An, June, SANGUISORBA. Burnet. The cup confiits of two leaves oppoAte each other, very fhort, and fall off with the flower, which is monope- talous, plain and quadripartite, the fegments being oval and obtufe, cohering only at the ungues. The four Ala- ments are broadefl towards the top, and of the length of the corolla, with roundifli, fmall antheras. The germen is tetragonal, fituated between the cup and corolla. The ftyle is like thread and very fhort with an obtufe ftigma. The fruit is a fmall, bilocular capfuie, containing fmall feeds. Oficinalis, Burnet with oval fpikes. In wettifh paf- tures and dry mountains. Per, A L C H E M I L L A. Lady’s Mantle. The cup is monophylious, tubulated and endures till the fruit be ripe; the mouth is plain and divided into eight parts; the fegments are alternately lefs. There is no flower, but four ereeft fubulated and very fmall Ala- ments placed on the mouth of the cup with roundifli antheras. The germen is oval, the ftyle is like thread, of the length of the ftamina, and placed on the bafe of D the i8 TETRANi:)RIA DIGYNIA. the germen with a globofe ftigma. The neck of the cup is flint and contains a Angle, elliptical, comprefled feed. Vulgaris, Ladfs Mantle with leaves in a lobe. On mountains and paftiires. Per, June — Aug, Alpina, Cinquefoil Ladfs Mantle with digitated, ferra- ted leaves. On Limefione-Knot in Longsleddale fix miles from Kendal, JVeft. Wilson’s Sy. Per, July, Minor ^ "The leaf Ladfs Mantle with lobated, plicated, acutely ferrated leaves like fllk. Per, July, We have, in conformity to the original, clafTed Vervain among the Diandria Monogynia plants, tho’ it has, we believe invariably four ftamina and ought with great pro- priety to be inferted among the plants of this ckfs, we mean the*englifli Vervains. SHERARDIA. Little Field-Madder. The cup is fmall, quadridentated, placed above the germen and endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and infundibuliform, with a long cyiindra^^ ceous tube: The limb is quadripartite, plain and acute. The four filaments are placed on the top of the tube with fimple antherae. I'he germen is didymous, oblong and beneath the receptacle, the ftyle is like thread and bifid at the fummit, with headed ftigmata. The fruit is oblong, coronated, and longitudinally feparabie into two feeds that are oblong and marked on the apices with three points, convex on one fide and plain on the other. Arvepjis, Little Field Madder with all the leaves in whorls, and flowers at the end of the ftalks. Maj and June, D IG T N I A comprehends fuch as have two pifiils. A P H A N E S. Parsley-piert. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, and remains till the fruit be ripe-, the mouth is plain and divided into eight parts, the fegments being alternately lefs. There is \ TETRANDRIA DIGYNIA TETRAGYNIA 19 is no flower, but four ered, fubulated, very fmall fila- ments, placed on the mouth of the cup, with roundifh antheraj. There are tv/o oval germina with flryles like thread, of the length of the ilamina, and placed at the bafe of the germen. The lligmata are headed. The cup contains in the bottom two oval, acuminated, compref- fed feeds of the length of the ftyle. Obf. Linn. This plant approaches near to the La^ dfs Mantle. We have but one fpecies of this plant. In dry paf- tures and on rocky mountains. An. May — Aug. Ou 7'ealand common plentifully. B U F O N I A. Bastard Chickweed. The cup is'tetraphyllous, eredt and endures till the fruit be ripe, the leaves are fubulated and carinated with membranaceous margins. There are four flower petals, oval, emarginated, eredt, equal, and fliorter than the cup. The four filaments are equal and the length of the ger- men, with didymous antherae. The germen is oval, com- prefled with two ftyles the length of the ftarnina. The fruit is an oval, comprefied, unilocular capfule with two valves, containing two oval comprefied feeds, that are convex on one fide. •We have but one fpecies of this plant. On the fea fhore. On Hounjlow -heath. R. Sy. May. T ET R A G T N I A comprehends fuch as have four piftils. POTAMOGETON. Pondweed. There are four roundifh, obtufe, concave, eredt, un- guiculated, deciduous petals without any cup. The four filaments are plain, obtufe and fmall with didymous and ibort antherae. There are four ovally-pointed germina and obtufe ftigmata. There is no feed vefiel, but the feeds are four in number, roundifh and acuminated, gib- bous on one fide, and comprelfed and angulated on the other. D 2 Natans. joTETRANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. Natans. Broad leaved Pondweed with oblongo-oval petiolated fwimming leaves. In rivers. Per. Ang. Perfoliatum. Per foliated Pondweed with cordate leaves furrounding the ftalks. In rivers. Per. June and July. Lucens. Loyig-leaved Pondweed with plain lanceolated leaves ending in petioles. In rivers and lakes. Per. June. Crifpum. Phe great Water -Caltrops with lanceolated leaves alternately undulated and ferrated. In rivers, dit- ches, and ftanding waters. May and June. Seraturn. P l\e lejj'er Water-caltrcps or Frog's-lettuce with oppofite, lanceolated leaves, partly undulated. In fmooth running rivers. Per. June. CompreJJum. Pondweed with linear, ohtufe leaves and a flat llaik. Per. June and July. Pegiinatum. Fennel-leaved Pondweed w’ith fetaceous, parrallel leaves growing in diflichs. In the Serpentine river in Hide-Park. Per. June. Gramineum. Grafs-leaved Pondweed with linearly, lanr ceolated leaves, alternately fefiile and broader than the ftipula. In the ditches about Deptford. Per. Marinum. ^ea Pondweed wdth linear leaves alternate- ly diftindt, and at the bottom forming a kind of a fheath. In ditches near the fea. Per. Aug. Piifillum. Small grafs-leaved Pondweed with oppofite, alternately diflant leaves, patent at the bafe, on a long round ftaik. In ditches and ftanding Waters. Per. June — Aug. S AGINA. Pea^ilwort oi'Chickweed break-stone, The cup confifts of four oval, concave, patent leaves that remain till the fruit be ripe; and the flower com flits of four oval, obtiife, patent petals that are fhorter than the cup. The four filaments are capillary with roundifli anthercC: The germen is partly globofe, with four .fubulatcd ftyles, bending back and downy. The ftigmata are Ample. The fruit is an oval quadrilocular capfule confifting of four valves, containing many fmaU feeds fixed to the receptacle. Procumhcns. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 21 Procumhens, Pearlwort with procumbent branches. On walls, houfes, and fandy fields. An. June. EreBa, Phe leaft Stitchwort with an upright ftalk, and one or three flowers. An. April and May '. CLASS V. PENTANDRIA. The plants of this clafs have five fiamina and from one t9 five pifiils ox more. MO N 0 G T N I A comprehends finch plants as have but one pijiil. MYOSOTIS. Mouse-ear’d Scorpion-grass, The cup is femiquinquifid, oblong, ered, acute, an4 remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower con- fills of one petal with a cyiindraceous, lliort tube. The limb is femiquinquifid and plain ; the'fegments are emar^ ginated and obtufe, The faux is Ihort*, the fquamulx are five in number, convex, prominent, and connivent. The five filaments, in the neck of the tube, are very fhort, with very fmall, covered antherse. The germina are four: The llyle is like thread, of the length of the tube of the corolla, with an obtufe lligma. The cup i$ large, eredl, and contains four oval, acuminated, fmooth feeds. Scorpioid^s. Moufie-eaPd Scorpion-grafis' naked feeds, and the apices of the leaves callous. All the reft found in England are only varieties and not diftindl fpecies. la dry meadows and in ditches. Per. April— Aug. LITHOSPERMUM, Gromwelu The cup is quinquepartite, oblong, ftraight, acute and endures till the fruit be ripe^ the fegments arc Tubulated, and 22 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA; and keel-fhaped. The flower confifts of one petal the length of the cup, and is infundibuliform. The tube is cylindraceous, the limb is femiquinquifid, obtufe, ered: with a perforated faux. The five filaments are very fiiort, with oblong anthers in the faux of the corolla. There are four germina with a thread-like ftyle the length of the tube of the corolla, and an obtufe, bifid fligma. There is no feed vefTel, but the cup contains four ovato- acuminated, hard, fhining feeds. Oficinde. Gromwell with polifhed feeds • and flowers fcarce appearing above the cup, and lanceolated leaves. In the Tarns, a common field between Tedand and Burton^ plentifully. Lan, About BriftoL In Carlton wood, Camh* Dr. WiLMER.. Ber. June July, Purpuro-cxruleum, The lejjer creeping Gromwell with po- iilhed feeds and flowers much larger than the cup. In piountainous paftures. Per, June, Arvenfe. Baftard Alkalet with rugofe feeds, and flow- ers fcarce appearing above the cup. An, June and July. A N C H U S A. Alkalet. The cup is quinquepartite, oblong, round, acute, and endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopeta- lous and infundibuliform ; the tube is cylindraceous and the length of the cup j the limb is femiquinquifid, credo- patent and obtufe. The faux is fnut with five convex, prominent, oblong connivent fcales : The five filaments are very fhort, in the mouth of the corolla, with oblong, incumbent, covered antherse. There are four germina, and a thread-like ftyle, the length of the ftamina. The ftigma is obtufe and emarginated. The cup, which ber comes large and ered, contains four oblong, obtufe, and gibbous feeds. Sempervirens, Evergreen Alkalet with capitated, diphyU lous peduncles.. Found near Vauxhall, June and July. CYNOGLOSSUM. Hound’s-tongue. The cup is quinquepartite, oblong, acute, and endures till PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA, 2g till the fruit be ripe 5 the flower is monopetalous, infun- dibuliform aud the length of the cup, the tube is cylin- draceous and fhorter than the limb, which is femiquin- quifid, the faux is fliut with five convex, prominent, con- nivent leaks. The five filaments are very fliort in the faux of the corolla, with roundifli naked antherse. There are four germina, with a fubulated ftyle, the length of the ftamina, that endures till the fruit be ripe, and the flig- ma is emarginated. There is no feed veflel but the a- rilli of the feeds or outward Ikins which are roundifli, externally more obtufe and fcabrous, ferve the place thereof. The feeds are partly oval, gibbous, acuminat- cd and fmooth. Obf. Linn. The eflential charadteriftic confifts in the four arilli fixed to the ftyle and containing each one feed. Offiicinale. Hound" s-tongue with ftamina Ihorter than the flowers, the leaves are broadly lanceolated, feflile and downy. Very common in the north of Lancajhire, Per. June and July, PUL MONARIA, Bugloss-cowslips, or Long- leaved Sage of Jerusalem, The cup confifts of one quinquedentated, pentagonal leaf that endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and infundibuliform. The tube is cylin- drical, and of the length of the cup. The limb is femi- quinquifid, obtufe, and eredlo-patent. The faux is per- vious. The five filaments are very Ihort and placed in the faux, with ere6t, connivent antherae. There are four germina, and a thread-like ftyle fhorter than the cup. The ftigma is obtufe and emarginated. There is no feed veflel, but the cup contains four roundifli, obtufe feeds in its bottom. Oficinalis. Sage of Jerufakm with radical, ovato-cor- date, and fcabrous leaves. In woody places. Per, May and June. Maritima, Sea-Buglofs with fhortened cups, oval leave^. 24 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA; leaves, and a ramofe procumbent ftalk. In the IJle of WaU Whitehaven » Cum. Mr. Lawson. Per i July. SYMPHYTUM. Comfrev. The cup is quinquepartite, ere6t, pentagonal, acute, and endures till the fruit be ripe: The flower is monopeta- ious; the tube is fhort, the limb is tubulato-ventricofe, and fomewhat thicker than the tube, the mouth is quin- quedentated, obtufe and reflex. The faux is furrounded with five Tubulated rays, fhorter than the tube, which con- verge into a cone. I'he five filaments are Tubulated and placed alternately with the rays of the faux, having acute, ered and covered antherse. T here are four germina, with a thread-like ftyle, the length of the cup and a Ample fligma. There is no Teed veflfel, but the cup is enlarged and contains four gibbous, acuminated, connivent feeds. Oficinale. Comfrey with ovato-lanceolated, decurrent leaves. In watery places and on the banks of rivers. Per. July and ymg. B O R A G O. Borage. The cup is quinquepartite, and remains till the fruit be ripe. 'I'he flower is monopetaious, wheel-Thaped and the length of the cup. I'he tube is fliorter than the cup. 'i'he limb is quinquepartite, round and plain. The faux is coronated, having five prominencies, emarginated and obtufe. I'here are five Tubulated, connivent filaments^ with oblong antherae affixed to the internal fide of the ft laments. 'I'here are four germina with a thread-like fly le longer than the ftamina. The fligma is Ample. There is no Teed vefTel but the cup becomes larger, inflated, and contains four roundifli, rugoTe feeds, carinated outwardly from the point, globoTe at the bafe, and inferred into a hollow receptacle. Oficindis. Borage with the leaves placed alternately, and patent cups. Per. June-^Aug. ASPERUGO. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 25 AS PERU GO. German Madwort. The cup is monophyllous, quinquifid, ereiS:, with un- equal denticles, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and infundibuliform. The tube is cylindraceous and very fliort. The limb is femiquin- quifid, obtufe and fmall. The faux is Ihut with five con- vex, prominent, connivent fcales. The five filaments are very fliort and placed in the faux, with oblongifli and covered anthers. There are four comprefled germina with a thread-like fliort ftyle, and an obtufe ftigma. There is no feedveflfel, but the cup which is very large, ered, comprefled, and connivent, contains four oblong comprefled feeds, Handing by pairs. Procumbens, German Madwort with comprefled cups. By Boxley in Suffex and in the Holy IJland^ R. Sy, Near Purjieet in EJfex^ D Alchorne. An. April and May. LYCOPSIS. Small wild Bugloss. The cup is quinquepartite,the fegments oblong, acute, patulent and remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and infundibuliform: The tube is cy- lindraceous and bended, the limb is femiquinquifid and obtufe. The faux is Ihut and the fcales are con- vex, prominent and connivent. There are five very fmall filaments at the flexure of the tube of the corolla. There are four germina with a thread-like ftyle the length of the (lamina, and an obtufe bifid ftigma. There is no feed veflTel, the cup being veiy large and inflated, con- tains four oblongifli feeds. Obf. Linn. The effential charader confifts in the curvature of the tube of the corolla. Arvenjis. Small wild Buglofs with hifpid, lanceolated leaves and ered cups. In fields and by road-fides. An. June and Sep^ E ECMIUM S6PENTANDRIAM0N0GYNIA. E C H I U M. Viper’s Bugloss. The cup IS quinquepartlte, ere6t and endures till the fruit be ripe*, the fegments are llibulated and eredt. The flower is monopetalous and campanulated; tlie tube is very lliort and the limb ered, growing gradually wider at the extremity, v/here it is divided into five unequal feg- ments*, the two upper fegments being longer than the reft, and the loweft one is fmall, acute and reflex*, the faux is pervious. There are five Tubulated filaments of the length of the corolla, declining and unequal, withob- long, incumbent antherae. There are four gcrmina with a thread-like ftyle the length of the ftamina, and an ob* tufe, bifid ftigma. There is no feed veflel, inftead of which the cup becomes rigid and contains four roundifh and obliquely acuminated feeds.’ ’ . . Vulgare, . Vifer"^ Buglofs with ^a tuberculato-hifpid ftalk, the ftalk leaves are lanceolated and hifpid, the fpike flowers are on the fide. In fields and road Tides. Per, July. Anglicum, Engli/h VipePs Buglofs with a fimple, erecft ftalk, lanceolato-li near hifpid leaves, and the’ fpike flow- ers on one fide. The ftamina are longer than the corolla. Miller’s DiB. Aug, Italicum, Wall VipePs Buglofs with a hairy, ered ftalk, rough fpikes and very long ftamina. In Tandy places. In the ifle of JerJe)\ on the Tandy grounds near St Hilary^ plentilully. Hud. Flo. Ang. Per. July. PRIMULA. Primrose. The involucrum hath' many leaves, many flowers, and is very fmall. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, pen- tagonal, quinquedentated, acute, ereft, and ejidureth till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous, the tube is cylindraceous and the length of the cup, terminated with a fmall hemi- fpherical neck. The limb is patent and femiquinquifid; the fegments cordate, emarginated, and obtufe, with a pervious PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 27 pervious faux. The five filaments are very fhort, with- in the neck of the corolla. The antherse are acumina- ted, ered: and connivent. The germxn is globofe, the ftyle is thread-like, of the length of the cup, with a glo- bofe lligma. The fruit is a roundifh capfule almoft the length of ihe cup, covered, unilocular and has ten dents, containing numerous, roundilli feeds. The receptacle is ovato-obiong and loofe. Vulgaris, Common Prmrofe with rngofe, dented leaves, and a item having but one Hower. In woods and hedg- es. Per, Apil and May, Veris, Cowjlips with rngofe dented leaves and a ftem having many flowers. Plentiful in many Parts of the North of Lan. Per, April and Mlay. Farinofa. Bird's Eye with crenated fmooth leaves and the limb of the flower plain. In the meadows about height on-hall^ the feat ot Geo. Townley, Efq. han, plentifully. In foft ground in Lan. Wejl, and Torkjh, Per. May., June and July, MENYANTHES. Marsh Trefoil, or Buck-beajt. The cup is monophyllous, quinquepartite, ered, and endures till the fruit be ripe. I'he flower is monopeta- lous and infundibuiiform. The tube is cylindrically- infundibuliform, and fhort. The limb is quinquifid be- yond the middle, the fegments are reflexo-patent, obtufe and roughifh. The five filaments are fubulated and fliort with acute antherae, bifid to the bafe and ered. The germen is conical, the ftyle is cylindrical and almoft the length of the flower. The ftigma is bifid and flat. The fruit is an oval capfule, unilocular and furrounded with a cup containing many oval, fmall feeds. T rifolia. Marjh F refoil or Buck-hean with three leaves. In wet meadows frequently. About New-dyke and F e-wit-field-h arn.^ near Tealand., Lamajhire, Per. June and July. Ffymphoides, Fringed Water dil)\ with entire cordate E 2 leaves 28 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. leaves and ciliated flowers. In rivers and large ditches. Per, ""June and July, H O T T O N I A. Water-Violet. The cup is monophyllous and quinquepartite, the fegments are linear and eredo-patulent. The flower is monopetalous and hypocrateriform ; and the tube is the length of the cup. The limb is quinquifid and plain; the fegments are ovato-oblong and emarginated. The five filaments are fubulated, Ihort, ere6t, oppofite to the fegments of the corolla, and placed upon the tube thereof with oblong antherae. The germen is globofo-acuminat- ed. The ftyle is thread-like and fhortwith aglobofe ftig- ma. The fruit is a globofe, acuminated, unilocular cap- fule, placed upon the cup, containing many globofe feeds, I he receptacle is globofe and large. Palufiris, IVater Violet with a verticillate peduncle containing many flowers. In ditches and lakes frequent- ly. On Briglieer mofs near Kendal JVeJl, plentifully. Per» July and Aug, LYSIMACHIA. Willow-herb. The cup is quinquepartite, acute, ere6t, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and wheel-fhaped without any tube, the limb is quinquepar- tite and plain, the fegments ovato-oblong. The five fil- aments are fubulated with acuminated antherse. The germen is roundifn, the flyle is like thread, of the length of the ftamina, with an obtufe ftigma. The fruit is a globofe, unilocular capfule with ten valves and many an- gulated feeds. The receptacle is globofe, very large and pundated. Such whofe peduncles have many flowers,, Vulgaris, Yellow Willow-herb,, or Loofeftrife with a pai aide and branches terminating with flowers. Yellow PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 29 Tellow Wilhw-herh with fhort obtiife leaves and the flowers gathered into a head. R. Syn. 282. In fhady places and on banks of rivers. Per, June and July, ^hirfijiora, tufted Loofejlrife with lateral pedunculated branches. In the Eajl Riding oi Tor kjliire. Per, June. Such whofe peduncles, have lut one flower. Nemorum, Tellow Pimpernel of the Woods with acute, oval leaves, folitary flowers and a procumbent ftalk. la woods and often by road-fides. Per, May,, June, Nummularia, Moneywort with leaves partly cordate^ folitary flowers and a creeping flalk. In moill: meadows and paftures. Per, June and July, Tenella, Purple Moneywort with oval leaves fomewhat acute, peduncles longer than the flowers and a creeping ftalk. In paludihus cefpitofls: Hudson. On the little hills, upon the moflfy ground on Tealand Common, below Mr Clarkson’s of Brackenthwaite,, Lan, plentifully. Pa\ July and Auguft. ANAGALLIS. Pimpernel. The cup is quinquepartite, acute, and endures ti’l the fruit be ripe, and the fegments are cannatcd. Tire flower is monopetalous, and wheel-lhaped w.trioat any tube. The limb is quinquepartite and plain*, lIi. ments are ovato-orbiculated and joiri«:u oy ur ^ The five filaments are eredt, fliorter tii^a t ie . ; . , and rough towards the bottom. The antlierae ^ The germen is globofe, the ftyle is thrcini- I nightly inclined, with a headed ftigma. 1 - . - i globofe, unilocular and cut round, naving : . ted feeds. The receptacle is gloDole a n v w. ; ; Arvenfis, Male 2CCiAFernale Pirnperne • . .,wd leaves, and a procumbent ftalk. CoUi.; : ^ .ids ani dry places. The others mentionca ; n ; . are only varieties and not diftindt fpecies. ///;•: ^ C O X ■'1 y . ■ ^ k^ Xj S*’ 30 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA CONVOLVULUS. Bindweed. The cup is quinquepartite, connivent, oval, obtule, very fmall and endureth dll the fruit be ripe. 1 iic flower is monopetalous, campanulated, parent, large, folded and obiblecely quinquelobed. The five filaments are lubu- lated, fnorcer by half than the corolla, the anthers are oval and comprelTed. The germen, is roundiih, the iLle is thread-like, of the length of the ftamina. There are two ftigmata, oblong and broadilh. The fruit is a round- iih capfule wrapped up in the cup having one, two, or three valves, and two roundifh feeds. Obf. Lin.v. The flower has commonly ten notches in the edge. Such as have climhing Stalks. Arveyifis. Small Binkv.'ted with fagitated leaves, fliarp on both Tides, and one flow^er on the peduncle. In fields and roads almoft every where. Fer. June and July. Sepiurn. Great Bhidzveed with fagitated, truncated leaves, and tetragonal peduncles wdth Tingle flowers. In hedges often. Per. June and July. Soldanella. Sea Bindzveed with kidney-fliaped leaves, and peduncles with Tingle flowers and a proitrate Italk. Frequent on the Tea- fh ore. Per. July. >> - A POLEMONIUM, Valerian, Ladder to Heaven, and Jacob’s Ladder. The cup is monophyllous, femiquinquifid beneath the receptacle, fhaped like a glais, acute and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and wheel- fhaped, the tube is fhorter than the cup, Ihut with 'five valves to the apex. The limb is quinquepartite, large and plain; the Tegments are roundifh and obtuTe. The five filaments are inferred upon the valves of the tube of a thread-like form, fhorter than the corolla, and inclin- ed. The antherae are roundifh and fixed on by the Tides. The germen is oval, acute, and the ftyle is a thread-like form. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA* 31 Arm, the length of the corolla. The ftigma Is trifid and bended backwards. The fruit is a trigono-oval, tnlocu- lar capfule with three valves, and many irregular, acute feeds. Cceruleum, JaeoFs Ladder with pinnate leaves, ere6h flowers, and cups longer than the tube of the corolla. About Malham-cove, Dr Richardson. Per, June. CAMPANULA. Bell-flower. The cup is qiiinquepartitc, acute, ere6lo-patent, and above the receptacle. The flower is monopetalous, cam- panulated, h-npervious at the bafe, femiquinquifid, and withereth away; the fegments are broad, acute and pa- tulent. The nedtarium is in tlie bottom of the corolla made up of five acute, fmall, connivent valves, that co- ver the receptacle. The five filaments are capillary, ve- ry fliort, and inferted upon the top of the valves of the nedbarium. The antherae are comprefled and longer than the filaments. The germen is angular and beneath the receptacle, the ftyle is like thread and longer than the flramina. The ftigma is tripartite, oblong, thickifli and bended backwards. The fruit is a roundifli, angulated capfule, having three or five valves, and as many lateral formina emitting the feeds, v/hich are numerous and fmall The receptacle is fixed and columnar. Obf. Linn. The figure of the feed vefTel is Indeter* minate. RotundifoUa. L'he lejfer round leaved EelUflswer with the leaves towards the root of a kidney fhape, and thofe on the ftalk linear. In dry barren paftures frequent. July and Aug. Patula. Field Bell-flower with very ftraight leaves, and thofe towards the root lanceolato-oVal and a patulent pa- nicle. In woods and hedges. In Buddon wood near Loughborough., Leiceft, Mr Pultney. Per, July and Aug. Uniflora. Mountain Bell-flower with one flow«r an thq ftalk. On the mountains about Grafmere in fFeft. Hudson,- Per. July and Aug, Rep.neuht j2 PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA; Rapunculus. Rampions with undulated leaves, thofe at the root being lanceolato-oval, with a panicle not patu- lent. On the banks of ditches and fields but not com- mon. Near Croydon in Surry, Hudson. Per, Aug, Latifolia, Giant's "Phroatwort with ovato-lanceolated leaves, a very fimple cylindrical ftalk, folitary peduncu- lated flowers and cernuous fruit. In moft part of the North plentifully. About Tealands in abundance. Lan. Per, July and Aug, ' . Trachelium, with an angulated ftalk, petiolated leaves, ciliated cups, and trifid peduncles. In woods, and hedges. Per, • July and Aug, . Glomerata, Lejfer Throatwort with a fimple angulated ftalk, feflile flowers that end in a head. On mountain- ous and chalky paftures. Per, July. Hybrida. . ^he lefs Venus* s looking-glafs or Codded Corn- Violet with a ftrait branching ftalk at the bafe, oblong, crenated leaves, aggregated cups, longer than the corolla and prifmatic capfules. In fields but not common. In the fields about NorjhJleet and Stone plentifully. An, June and July, Hederacea, Ivy-leaved BelUjlower Wixh cordate, quin-, quelobed, petiolated, fmooth leaves, and a loofe ftalk, ' On moift and watery banks in the Weft of England, cfpecially in Cornwal and Devonjhire. Hudson. Law- son found it about Sheffield in Torkfli, Per, May — Aug, PHYTEUMA. Horned Rampioi^s. The cup is monophyllous, quinquepartite, acUte, erec- . to-patent and placed above the germen; The flower is monopetalous, ftellate, patent, and quinquepartite, the fegments are linear, acute and bended back. The five filaments are Ihorter than the corolla, with oblong antheras. The germen is below the receptacle, the ftyle is of a thread-like fhape, the length of the corolla, and bended back. The ftigma is tripartite, oblong and turned back. The feed veflfel is a roundifli trilocular, capfule with many fmail, roundifli feeds. Orbicularis* PENTANDRlA MONOGYNIA. Orbicularis, Horned Rampions with a round head, or fpike of flowers, ferrated leaves, and thofe towards the root cordate. On dry paftures. On the downs of Hamp- Jhire and SuJJ'ey:. R. Sy, Per, July, SAMOLUS. Round-leaved Water-pimpernel; The cup is quinquepartite, placed above the recepta- cle and obtufe at the bafe; the fegments are eredf and remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopeta- lous and hypocrateriform. The tube is very fhort, only the length of the cup, and patulent. The limb is plain, quinquepartite, and obtufe. The fquamulae are very Ihort at the bafe of the finus of the limb and connivenc. The five fliort filaments are within the fegments of the corolla, with connivent, covered anthers. The germen is beneath the receptacle, the ftyle is thread-like, the length of the flamina with a headed ftigma. The fruit is an oval capfule furrounded by the cup containing on- ly one cell and many fmall oval feeds. The receptacle is globofe and large. Vakra^tdi, Round-leaved Water -pimpernel with a rqund- ifh leaf not crenated. Bauh. Pin. 2^2, Park. 1237. In moift meadows between Greenwich and Woolwich. Hud- son. Per, June, VERBASCUM. Mullein. The cup is monophyllous, quinquepartite, fmall and endures till the fruit be ripe, and the fegments are erebf and acute. The flower is monopetalous and wheel-fhap- ed, the tube is cylindraceous and fhort, the limb is pa- tent and quinquepartite, the fegments oval and obtufe. The five filaments are fubulated, bended backwards, fhorter than the corolla, with roundifn, compreffed, erec^ antherj£. The germen is roundifh, the ftyle is thread-like, of the length of the ftamina and bended inwards. The ftigma is thickifli and obtufe. The fruit is a roundifh, bilocular capfule. The receptacles are partly oval and fixed to the diflepimentum. The feeds are numerous and angulated, F P’hcipfus^ 34 PENTANDRIA xMONOGYNIA. ^hapfus. Great White Mullein^ High-taper^ Cow'sLung- •wort with decurrent leaves downy on both Tides. Bien. Jufy. Lychnitis. Hoary Mullein with oblong leaves like wed- ges. This I found on Shooter's Hill. Bien. July. Nigrum. Sage-leaved black Mullein with cordato-oblong petiolated leaves. July. Blattaria. 7'ellow Moth Mullein with oblong fmooth leaves furrounding the ftalk, and folitary peduncles. An. June. DATURA. Thorny Apple. The cup is monophyllous, oblong, tubulated, ventri- cofe, quinquangular, quinquedentated, horizontally de- ciduous near the bale, and the remaining part is orblcu- lated, and endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and infundibuliform. I'he tube is cylin- draceous, commonly longer than the cup. 1 he limb is credo-patulent, quinquangular, quinqueplicated, almofl: entire, quinquedentato-acuminated. The five filaments are Tubulated and the length of the cup, with oblong comprefiTed, obtufe anther^e. The germen is oval, the ftyle is like thread and firaight. The Higma is thickilh, obtufe, bdamellated. I'he fruit is a bilocular, oval cap- fule with four valves placed on the bafe of the cup. The receptacles are convex, large, pointed, and fixed to the difiepi men turn. The feeds are numerous and kid- ney lhaped. Stramonium. I’hcrny Apple with fpiny, eredt, oval Teed vefifels and oval Tmooth leaves. Noovii London. An. July, HYOSCYAMUS. Henbane. The cup is monophyllous, ttibulofe, and towards the bottom ventricofe; the mouth is quinquifid, acute, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower confifts of a Tingle infundibuliform petal with a fiiort cylindrical tube, and ereclo-patent limb, lightly divided into five obtufe Tegments, PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 35 fegments, one of which is broader than the reft. The five filaments are fubulated and bended inwards with roundifh antheras. I'he germen is roundifh, the ftyle is thread-like, the length of tiie ftamina with a headed ftig- ma. d he fruit is a capfule of an ovato-obtufe figure with a line marked on each fide, containing many unequal feeds. Niger, Common Henbane with finuated leaves fur- rovmding the ftalk, and feffile flowers. In way fides and in places where rubbifli has laid for fome time, common in the North. An, July, • ATROPA. DiiADLY Nightshade. The cup is monophyllous, quinquepartite and gib- bous, the legments are acute and remain till the fruit be ripe, i he flower is monopetalous and campanulated, with a very Ihort tube, a ventricofe, oval limb, longer than the cup •, the mouth is fmall, quinquifid and patu- lent with nearly equal fegm.ents. '1 he five filaments are fubulated and arife out of the bafe of the corolla, the length thereof, converging at the bafe, diverging at the top, and fliaped like a bow. The antherie are thickifh, bending at the bottom, but ered towards the apices. The germen is femi-oval, the ftyle is thread-like of the length of the ftamina and bended. The ftigma is headed, bended towards the bottom, then ereeft, and tranfverfo-ob- long. T he feed veflel is a globofe berry, upon a large cup, which is bilocular, containing many kidney fliaped feeds. The receptacle is convex, kidney-fhaped and flefliy. Belladonna. Deadly Nightjhade with an herbaceous ftalk and entire oval leaves. Ahowt fVarton Lane-end.^2sA Throngwood', Tealand common in feveral places, Lan. Near Rochefier in Kent^ about Fulborn in Camhridge/ldre., Darking in Surry, And about Furnefs Abby., Lan. the eftate of lord G. Cavendish-, from whence it’s called the Vale of Nightjhade y by Mr West, Per. May^ June and July^ Fi SOLANUM- 35PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. S O L A N U M. Common Nightshade. The cup is monophyilous, femiquinquifid, eredh, acute, and remains till the fruit be ripe. 1 he flower is mo- nopetalous and wheel-fliaped, having a very fnort tube. The limb is iemiquinquind, patent and plicated, with broad acute fegments. 1 he five fllaments are Tubulated and very fmall, with oblong connivent antherai, opening in the apices by two pores. Thegermen is roundifh, having a thread-like ftyle longer than the fliarnina and an acute fligma. I'he fruit is a roundifli, fmpoth, bilocular ' berry with a convex fleflry receptacle, having many roundifh feeds in the pulp. Nigrum. Nightjhade wdth an herbaceous unarmed flalk, oval, angular indented leaves, and nodding um- bels. An. June and July. Dulcamara. fVoody Nightjhade with a fhrubby flexible, unarmed flalk, the upper leaves fpearfhaped, and bun- ches of flowers at the top of the ilalk. In hedges that have a moifl fituation. Per. June and July. ILLECEBRUM. Verticillate Knot-Grass. The cup is pentaphyllous and quinquangular, the leaves coloured and acuminated, the apices Handing off one another and remaining till the fruit be ripe. The flve capillary fllaments are within the cup, having Am- ple antherte.' The germen is oval, acute, ending in a fliort, bifid ftyle, having a Ample, obtufe ftigma. The feed velTel is 'a roundiili capfule, acurninated on both fides, having five valves and one cell, covered in the cup, containing one roundifh feed, acute on both fides and very large. Verticillaium. Knot-Grafs with naked, verticillate flovyers and procumbent ftalks. In moift meadows and paftures about Penzance in Cornwall. R. Sy. Per. July^ G L A U X. Sea Milkwort, or Black Salt-wort. There is no cup, un’efs you reckon the flower a cup, which confifts of one quinquepartite, campanulated, eredl petal PENTANDRIA MONQGYNIA. 37 petal that endures till the fruit be ripe-, the fegments are obtufe and bended back. The five filaments are fu- bulated and eredl, of the length of the corolla, with roundifh anthcras. The germen is oval, the ftyle is thread-like, of the length of the flamina, with a headed ftigma. 1 he fruit is a globofe, acuminated, unilocular capfule, with five valves and as many roundifh feeds. I'he receptacle is very large and globofe. Maritima, Sea Milkwort with elliptico-oblong leaves. Flo, Lapp. Found on the fea fliore. Per, July, T H E S I U M. Bastard Toadflax, The cup is monophyllous, turbinated, femiquinquh fid and endures till the fruit be ripe-, the fegments are lanceolated, eredl and obtufe. There is no flower unlefs the internal coloured cup be one. The five filaments are fubulated and placed on the bafis of the fegments of the cup, having roundifh antherse. The germen is beneath the receptacle, and grows to the bafe of the cup. The fcyleis thread-like and of the length of the flamina with an obtufe, thickifh fligma. There is no feed veflTel, but the cup contains one roundifh, covered feed. Linophyllon. Bafiard Foaddax with a foliaceous pani- cle, and linear leaves. On Gegmagog- hills and Newmar^. ket-heath, R. Sy, Near Bafingfioke in Hamp/hire, Per,, June and July, VINCA. Periwincle. The cup is quinquepartite, ered, acute, and endures till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and faucer-like with a tube longer than the cup, cylindrical beneath, broader at the top, marked with five lines and^ has a pentagonal mouth. The limb is horizontally divi- ed into five parts, each fegment growing to the top of the tube. 1 he flve filaments are very fhort and indexed, with membranaceous, obtufe, eredt, crooked, farinifer- pus anthers. Idiere are two roundifh germina, witli tWQ JS PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. two rouncliili corpufcles on their fides, fupporting one common ilyie the length of the ftamina, crowned with two ftigmata, the lower orbicular and plain, the upper headed and hollow. The fruit is compofed of two taper, acute, pointed hufks, opening lengthways, containing oblong, cylindrical, fulcated feeds. Minor. Perrcoincle with procumbent ftalks, lanceola- to-oval leaves and the flowers upon peduncles. In woods and hedges. Per. May and June. Major. Periwincle with ereeb ftalks and oval leaves. Per. May and June. D I G T N I A comprehends fuck as have Hvo pijiils. HERNIARIA. Rupturewort. The cup is monophyllous, quinquepartite, acute, pat- ient, coloured, and endures till the fruit be ripe, without any flower. The five fubulated filaments are very fmall, fituated between the fegments of the cup, with fimple anther^e. There are five other barren ftamina placed al- ternately with the others. The germen is oval with fcarce any ftyle, but two acuminated ftigmata of the length of the ftyle. The fruit is a fmall capfule in the bottom of the cup containing one folitary, ovato-acu- minated fhining feed. Glabra. Smooth Rupturewort. Found in gravelly places. About the Lizard-point in Cornwall. Hudson. An. July. Plirfuta. Rough or hairy Rupturewort. In gravelly places, but not common. In the fields near Colney-hatch near Barnet. An. July and Aug. ' Lenticulata. Sea Rupturewort with a roundifh, thick • fhining leaf like mother of thyme. R. Sy. i6i. On the Sea-lhore. Per. CHENOPODIUMt PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 39 CHENOPODIUM. Common English Mercury or Allgood. The cup confifts of five leaves which are hollow and endures till the fruit be ripe. There are five fubulated filaments oppofite the leaves of the cup and of the fame length, with roundifii, didymous antherae. The germen is orbicular, the ftyle is bipartite and fliort, and the ftig- ma is obtufe. There is no feed vefiel, but the cup is Ihut and pentagonal, with five comprefied angles, and deciduous, with one orbicular deprefifed feed. Obf. Linn. In fome fpecies a trifid ftyle is obferv- ed. Bonus Henricus, Common EngUJh Mercury or Allgood with arrow-lhaped triangular leaves that are entire, and compound fpikes without leaves. A common plant. ( Per. June — Aug, Urhicum, Upright Blite with dented, triangular leaves very ftraight, long, thickfet branches. FL Suec. 215. An. Aug. and Sep. Rubrum. Sharp-leaved Goofefoot with cordato-triangu- lar obtufely dented leaves, eredl, compound branches, ftiorter than the ftalk. An. Aug. Murale. Comynon-Goofefoot or Sowhane with oval, fiiin- ing, acute, dented leaves, and naked branching ftems. An. Aug. Hybridum. Maple-leaved Blite with cordate angulato- acuminated leaves and naked branching boughs. An. Aug. Viride. Common Orache with triangular entire, gnaw- ed leaves, oblong furnmits and eredt branches. An. Aug, Album. Green Blite with dentato-finuated rhomboidal leaves, and branching fubfoliated boughs. An. Aug. Serotinum. Late flowering Blite with deltoid, finuato- dencated rugofe, uniform leaves, the branches termina- ting with fruit. An. Aug. Sep. Glaucum. Oak leaved Blite with ovato-oblong repand leaves and naked, fimple branches in clufters. An. Aug. Such 40 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA.^ Such as have entire leaves* Vulvaria* Stinking Ora'che with rhombeo-oval, entire leaves, and flowers in a clufter. Hudson fays it grows frequently in uncultivated places by roads and wallsi I never found it in the north of England^ and but rarely about London, /in. Aug. Polyfpermum, Round leaved Elite or Allfeed with oval entire leaves, a decumbent ilalk, and dichotomous fprouts. An. Maritimum. Sea Elite or JVhite Glajfwort with fubu- lated femicylindrical leaves. On the lea fliore frequent- ly. An. Aug. Fruticofum. Shrubby Stone crop., or Glajfwort with round linear fiefhy leaves and a fhrubby ftem. Aug. On the fea fhore: BETA. Sea Beet. The cup confifls of five hollow leaves that endure till the fruit be ripe, and the fegments are ovato-oblong and obtufe. There are five fubulated filaments, without any flower, oppofite to the leaves of the cup, and the fame length, with roundifii antherae. The germen is below the receptacle and has two fhort, ered ftyles, with acute ftigmata. The fruit is an unilocular, deciduous recep- tacle, containing one kidney >-fliaped, comprefled feed^ wrapped up in the empalement. Vulgaris Maritima. Sea Beet with decumbent flalks and triangular petiolated leaves. On the fea fhore plen- tifully. Hudson. Eien. Aug, S A L S O L A. Prickly Glasswort* The cup confifls of five oval, concave leaves that re- main till the fruit be ripe. There is no flower, but there are five very fliort flamina placed upon the fegments of the cup. The germen is globofe, with a flyle divided into two or three parts, and recurved fligmata. The PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA; 41 fruit is an oval, unilocular capfiile, wrapped up In the empalement having one large feed like a lhail. Kali, Glajfwort with fubulated, lharp pointed leaves, and oval empalements proceeding from. the fides of the ftalks. On the fea Ihore. July^ Aug, S W E R T I A. Marsh Gentian. The cup is quinquepartite, plain and endures till the fruit be ripe, having lanceolated fegments. There is but one petal, and no tube. The limb is plain and quinquepartite and the fegments are lanceolated, larger than the cup, and joined by means of ungues. There are ten nedlaria, two in the bafe of every fegment of the corolla hollowed and furrounded with fmall, eredt brif- ties. There are five fubulated credo-patent filaments fhorter than the corolla with incumbent antherae. The germen is ovato-oblong, without any ftyle, but two fim- ple fligmata. The fruit is a round, acuminated, unilo- cular, capfule with many fmall feeds. Obf. There are fomefpecies withquadrifid flowers. Ferennis, Mar/Ji Gentian with quinquifid flowers and the radical leaves oval. Per, Aug, GENTIAN A. Gentian or Fellwort. The cup is quinquepartite, acute and the fegments are oblong and remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower confifls of one tubulated, imperforated, quinquifid petal, that withers away, and is of various fhapes. There are five fubulated filaments fhorter than the corolla with fimple antherae. The germen is oblong, cylindraceous' and the length of the ftamina, without any flyles but two oval fligmata. The fruit is an oblong, round, acu- minated capfule, nightly bifid in the apex and unilocu- lar, with two valves, containing numerous fmall feeds. There are two receptacles growing longitudinally to the valve. Obf. The fruit is of a conftant figure but the num- G ber 42 PENTANDRIADIGYNIA. ber and figure of the flower differs very much in different fpecies. There arc fome fpccies which lofe half in the flower. There is one fpecies that adds a third in the flower. There is one fpecies whofe flower has a pa^- tent neck, another is fliut with villas, another the feg- ments of the corolla are ciliated, another with a campan- ulatederedl plicate. i limb-, another with a flellate limb and fmall fegments within the other fegments. One has a campanulated flower, another has an infundibuliform. Pneumonanthe, Calathian Violet with quinquifid, cam- panulated flowers on the oppofite peduncles, and linear leaves. Per. Aug, Near Tunbridge Dr. Wilmer. I found it on the Mar flies ntdi'c MilUhorp in the County of IVefimorland plentifully. Such as have quinquifid infundibuliform ccrolU. * Amarella. Autumnal Gentian or Fell-wort with quinqui- fid, faucer-like flowers, and a bearded faux. An. July and Aug. Found in Crowafhes plentifully belonging to G. Townley, Efq. of Leight on-hall Lancajier. Centaurium. Leffer Centory with quinquifid, infundi- buliform flowers and dichotomous Hems. An. June — Aug. Such as have quadrifid cor oiler, Campeftris. Vernal Dwarf Gentian with quadrifid flowers and a bearded faux. An. July and Aug. On Tealandz-nd Warton Commons plentifully. Filiformis. Marfli Centory with quadrifid flowers with- out a beard, and a dichotomous thread-like ftalk. An. July. ERYNGIUM. Sea Holly or Eryngo. The -common receptacle is conical, and awns dillin- guifli the felfile flowers. The involucrum of the recep- tacle^ is 'pblyphyllous, plain and above the flofcules. The PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 43 The proper cup is pentaphyllous, cre6t, acute and above the flower, refting on the germen. The univerl'ai flower is uniform and roundiili, and all the fiofcules are fertile. The proper flower hath five oblong petals infledled with the apex tothebafe. There are five capillary, ftraight filaments arifing above the flofcules, having oblong an- therae. The germen is hifpid and beneath the recepta- cle, having xwo thread-like ftraight ftyles the length of the ftamina Vvdth fimple ftigmata. The fruit is oval, and divifible two ways, having oblong feeds. Maritimum, Sea-holly roundiih, plicated, fpinofe radical leaves, and pedunculated heads. On the fea- ihovt by Potdicnntzr Lane after, J. J. Per. July,, Aug. Campeftre, Common Eryngo with pinnate tripartite ra- dical leaves. On a rock which you defeend to the ferry from Plymouth over into Cornwal. Hudson. On the Friar-goofe near Newcaftle upon Pyne, R, Sy. Below Melling in Torkfhire plentifully. Blacks. Spec. Bot. July, Aug. HYDROCOTYLE. Marsh Pennywort. The umbel is fimple, the involucrum is often tetra- phyllous and fmall, and there is fcarce any empalement. The univerfal flower is uniform in figure tho’ not in fi- ruation, and all the flowers are fertile. The proper flower is pentapetalous *, and the petals are oval, acute, patent and entire. The five filaments are fubulated and ftiorter than the corolla, having very fmall antheras. Idle germen is eredt, compreHcd and orbicular, having two very fhort fubuliJted ftyles and fimple ftigmata. The fruit is orbicular, comprefted and tranfverkiy divifible into two parts, with two compreflfed femiorbicular feeds. Vulgaris. Marjh Pennywort with peltated leaves, and umbels with five flowers. Per. May. Found in marfhy places, G 2 SAN- *4 PENTANDRIA D I G Y N I A. S A N I C U L' A. Sanicle. The general umbel hath biit very few rays, the partial one hath many and thick fet. The univerfal involucrum is but half round on the outfidc, the partial one fur? rounds it on every fide. The cup is fcarce obfervable. T he univerfal dower is uniform, and each partial one is compofed of five petals that are bifid, compreffed and 'infie&d. There are five fimple flamina, twice as long as the flowers and eredl, with roundifli anthera^. The germen is hifpid, fituated under the flower, having two lubulated, refledled flyles and acute fligm-ata. The fruit is ovato-acute, fpbrous and divjfibie into two parts each containing one feed, convex and prickly on one fide, and plain on the other. Europ^a, Panicle with the root leaves fimple and all the flolculp fefiile. In woods and hedges. In all the '^oods about I'ealand in Lancafliire, Per. Ma)\ June. BUPLEURUM. Thorow-wax. The univerfal umbel hath lefs than ten rays, and the partial one hath butfeldom ten. The general involu- crum hath many leaves, the partial one hath five patent, oval, and acute leaves. The proper cup is not vifible. The general flower is uniform and all the fofcules are fertile. The proper flower hath five involuted, entire and very fhort petals. There are five fimple ftamina whth round- ifii antherse! The germen is beneath the flower, with two refledted fmall flyles and very little fligmata. The fruit is roundifh, compreffed, flriated and divifible into two parts, each containing an oval feed, convex and channelled on one’fide, and plain the other. Rotundt folium. Ehcrow-wax with no general involu- crum, but perfoliated leaves. An. July. P enuijfimtm. Plie leuji Hare's Ear with fimple altern= ate umbels confifting of five leaves and three flowers. In pafluresbut not common. Near in the road from Canib. to St. Neots^ at Malden in Ef 'eXy at Hajlrngs ifi Sujjexd July.^ Aug. - - • • - EC HE PENTANDRIADIGYNIA. 45 ECHINOPHORA. Sampire or Sea Parsnep. The general umbel has many rays, the intermediate ones the fhorter. The partiah^one hath many lefTiie flow- ers, and the germina within the pedicles. The general involucrum hath a few acute rays. The partial one is turbinated, mohophyllous, cut into fix acute unequal fegments. The proper cup is quinquihd, fmali, and re- mains till the fruit be ripe. The general flower is dif- form and radiated, the proper one is pentapetalous with unequal patulent petals. The five filaments are fimple with roundifh anthers. The germen is oblong and be- neath the flower and within the involucrum, with two fimple fl-yles and ftigmata. There is no feed veffel, but in the place thereof we find an indurated, fharp pointed involucrum, coiltaining two feeds. Spinofa, Sampire with prickly heads and fubnlated prickly leaves that are entire. On the fea-fhore. Ob- ferved by Mr. Lawson in Low Furnefs LancaJJiire, Mr. West told me he found it lail year in Lozv Furnefs. Found in the way from Feverfliam to S^a Salter. Blacks Spec. Bot. July. TORDYLIUM. Parsley, The general umbel is unequal and multiplex, the, par- tial one is unequal, multiplex, very fhort and plain. The general involucrum is compofed of narrow undi- vided leaves being the length of the rays of the umbel, the partial one is half the length, and the proper cup is quinquedentated. The general flower is diflbrm and radiated, and all the flowers are fertile. The proper flower of the difk hath five petals that are inflexo-cordate and unequal; the proper flowers of the ray are the fame, but theoutmoft petal is largeft and bipartite. In every flower there are five capillary flamina with fimple an- therae. The germen is roundifh and beneath the flower, having two fmall flyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit 46 P E N T A N D R I A D I G Y N I A. is partly orbicular, comprcfied, crenulated, and divifible into two parts, each containing a fingle, roundilh plain feed, with an indented border. Obf. This differs fron*i"the following by having all the flofcules fertile or hermaphrodite. Latifolmm. Purple fiowered great Bajiard Parjlcy with the rays of the umbel clofe together, the leaves pinnate, and the lobes of the leaves lanceolated and ferrated. Found among corn. In Camhridgefnire, R. Sy. An, June, July, Nodofum, Knotted Parjley with fmgle umbels fitting clofe to the ftalks, and the outer-fide of the feeds prick- ly. An. May, C A U C A L I S. Corn-Parsley. The general umbel is unequal and has very few rays, the partial one is unequal and has more rays, the exter- nal five of which are larger. The general involucrum has undivided leaves to the number of the rays, lanceo- lated and membranaceous borders, oval and fhort. The pai'tial has fimilar leaves and longer rays. The proper cup is quinquedentated. The general flower is dif- form and radiated. The fiofculi of the difk are abor- tive. The proper flower of the difk is mafeuline and fmall, with five in flexo- cord ate equal petals. The pro- per flower of the ray is hermaphrodite with five inflexo^ cordate, unequal petals, the outmofl: the largeft and bi- fid. There are five capillary filaments in each, with fmall antherae. The germen of the ray is oblong, fcab^ rous and beneath the flower with two fubulated ftyles and two patent, obtufe fligmata. I'he fruit is ovato- oblong, ilriated longitudinally with rigid fcabrous brif. ties, and two oblong feeds, convex on one fide and arm- ed with prickles in order of the ftriai and plain on the other. Arvenfts. Small Corn Parjley with the umbels clofe together, the general involucrum monophylloiis, the feeds oblong, the lobes ovato-lanceolated and pinnatifid^ An^ Aug, Anthrijeus, PENTANDRIADIGYNIA 47 Anthrifcus. Hedge Parjley with the umbels clofe toge- ther, and feeds globofe, and the leaves oval and plnnati- hd. Bien. Aug. Leptophylla. Fine leaved Bafiard Parjley with the awns of the ieeds hooked like a fpear, verticillate and hifpid with fpines. An, July. D A U C U S. Wild Carrot. The univerfal umbel is multiplex, frudtiferous, con- cavo-connivent. The partial one is like it. The gene- ral involucrum is polyphyllous and the length of the umbel, the lobes are linear and pinnatifid, the partial one is more limple and the length of the umbellula. The proper cup is fcarce obfervable The general flow* er is difform and radiated, the proper one has five in- flexo- cordate petals, the exterior ones being larger. There are five capillary filaments with Ample anthers. Thegermen is below the flower and fmall, with two ftyles that are refledled and have obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is oval, and often hifpid, with flinging briflly hairs and divifible into two parts, containing each one oval feed, convex and hifpid on one fide and plain on the other. Carota. V/ild Carrot or Bird's Neft with hifpid feeds and the fruit-flalks nerved underneath. Bien. Junc--^ Aug, In meadows and paflures. B U N I U M. Earthnut. The general umbel is multiplex with rays lefs than twenty, the partial one is very fliort and thick fet. The general involucrum is polyphyllous, linear and fhort, the partial one is briflly and the length of the umbellula, the proper cup is fcarce obfervable. The univerfal corolla is uniform and all the flofcules fertile, the proper one hath five inflexo-cordate, equal petals. There are five fimple filaments fhorter than the corolla with fimple antheras. The gamien is oblong, and be- Rcutn 48 P E N TAN D R I A D I G Y N 1 A. neath the receptacle, having two refledled ftyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is oval and divifible into two parts each containing an oval feed, convex on one fide and plain on the other. Bulbccaftanum. Earthnut. We-have but one fpecies of this plant. Common in meadows and paftures. Per. May^ June, C O N I U M. Hemlock, The general umbel hath many patent rays as well as the partial one. The general involucrum is polyphyl- ious, very fiiort and unequal as well as the partial one, the proper cup is fcarce obfervable. The general flower is uniform and the proper one hath five inflexo-cordate, unequal petals. The five ftamina are Ample with round- ifii antherai. The germen is fituated under the flower with two reflected ftyles, and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is globofe with five channels, each crenated and divifible into two parts, containing each one feed, convex, he- mifpherical and ftriated on one fide and plain on the other. Maculatiim, Hemlock with ftriated feeds. An. June^ July. ATHAMANTA. Spigneu The general umbel is multiplex and patent, the par- tial one not fo multiplex. The general involucrum is polyphyllous, linear, and fhorter than the rays ; tlie par- tial one is linear and the rays equal. The general co- rolla is uniform and all the flofcules fertile ; the proper one hath five inflexo-cordate and not quite equal petals. The five filaments are capillary and the length of the corolla with roundifli antherae.. The germen is beneath the receptacle with two ftyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is ovato-oblong, ftriated and divifible into two parts, containing each an oval feed, convex and ftriated on one fide and plain on the other, Liha- PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. 49 Lihanotis, Mountain Stone Parjley with plain, bipin- nate leaves, an hemifpherical umbel, aud rough feeds. On Gogmagog-hills^ Camb, Between St. Albans and Sto^ ney Stratford. Per, Aug, Sep, Meum, Common Spignel., Meu.^ or Bawd-money with capillary leaves and ftriated feeds. In mountainous pa-* llures in IVeJl. Torkjh, and han, I found it in compa* ny with feveral others in Mr Parkinson’s eftate called Cocklehead.^ near the houfe, Wefi, July, PEUCEDANUM. Hog’s-fennel orSuLPHUR-wonx. The general umbel is multiplex, very long and (len- der, the partial one is patent. The general involucruin is polyphyllous, linear, fmall and refledlcd, the partial one is lefs. The proper cup is quinquedentated and very fmall. The general corolla is uniform, the proper one hath five equal, oblong, incurved, entire petals. The five filaments are capillary, with fimple anthers. The germen is oblong and beneath the receptacle, with two fmall ftyles and obtufe (ligmata, The fruit is oval, ftriated on both fides, furrounded with a wing, and divi- fible into two parts, containing each, one ovato-oblong comprefied feed, more convex on one fide, and marked with three raifed furrows and a broad membranaceous border, and indented at the top. Officinale. Hog's Fennel with five leaves each divided in- to three, thread-like and linear. In the meadows near the fea-(hore. Near Shoreham in Suffex., at Walton not far from Harwich in Effiex^ about a quarter of a mile below Feverjham by the river fide. R. Sy, Per, June. Minus, Rock Parjley with pinnate leaves and the lobes pinnatifid, the fegments are linear and oppofite, the ftalk is very branchy and patulent. Hudson 10 i. On St* Vincenth Rock near BriJloL R; Sy, Bien, May, C R I T H M U M. Samphire. The general umbel is multiplex, and hemifpherical as well as the partial one. The general involucrum is H polyphyllous go PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA: polyphyllous, lanceolated, obtufe and reflex; the partial one is lanceolato-linear and the length of the umbellula, I'he general flower is uniform and fertile, the proper one has five oval indexed petals almofl equal. The five fi- . laments are fimple and longer than the corolla, with round ifh antherae. The germen is fituated under the flower, having two refleded ftyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is oval, comprefTed and divifible into two, each containing a comprefled, elliptical, furrowed feed. Maritimum, Samphire with lanceolated flefhy leaves. Found on the fea fliore. Per, Aug. HERACLEUM. Cow Parsnep. The general umbel is multiplex and very large, the partial one is plain. The general involucrum is poly* phyllous and decays away. The partial one has from three to feven linear leaves and the exterior oneg longeft. The general flower is difform and radiated, the flofcules are generally all fertile, the proper flower of the difk is equal and has five inflexo-uncinated and emarginated petals, the proper one of the ray is unequal and has five petals, the exterior ones larger, more bifid, oblong, and uncinated. The five filaments are longer than the corollula, with fmall anther^e. The germen is oval, and fituated under the flov/er, having two fhort ftyles, and fimple ftigmata. The fruit is elliptical, comprefTed, emarginated, furrowed on each fide, containing two oval, comprefled, foliace* ous feeds. Sphondylium, Cow Parfnep with pinnatifid leaves. Bien, July, In hedges, meadows, and paftures. LIGUSTICUM. Ssa-Parslev. The general umbel is multiplex as well as the partial. The general involucrum is membranaceous, heptaphyl- lous and unequal; the partial one is fcarce ever tetra- phyllous. 7'he general flower is uniform and all the flofcules fertile, and the proper one hath five- equal petals, indexed PENT ANDRI A DIG YNI A. 51 inflexcd at their points, plain and entire, but internally carinated. There are five capillary filaments Ihorter than the corolla, with fimple antherae. The germen is beneath the fiower with two ftyles, that approximate, and fimple ftigmata. The fruit is oblong, angulated with five channels and divifible into two parts, each containing an oblong fmooth feed on one fide, having five channels, and the other plain. Schotlcum, Scotti/h Sea Parjley with double winged leaves. Bien, July. Comuhienfe. Corwuoal Saxift^age witli decompofite in- ched leaves, the radical ones being by threes, lanceolated and entire. July. ANGELICA. The general umbel is multiplex and roundifh, the partial one isglobofe. The general involucrum confifts of three or five fmall leaves, the partial one is fmall and confifts of eight leaves. The cup of each flower is indent- ed in five parts. The general flower is uniform and all the fiofeuies fertile-, the partial one confifts of five lanceo- lated, plainifli, incurved petals that are caducous. The. five ftamina are fimple and longer than the corolla, with fimple antherae. The germen is fituated below the fiower having two refiexed ftyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is roundifh, angulated and divifible into two parts, each containing an oval feed, plain on one fide and convex on the other, bordered and marked with three lines. Sylvejiris. JVild Angelica with equal ovato-lanceolated, ferrated leaves. In woods and hedges in a moift fitua- tion. In the Woods belonging to D alt on-hall^ Lan. Glawthr op-hall ntzr Burton^ JVeH. Per, June^ Jtdy* S I U M. Water Parsnep. The general umbel is various in diflerent plants, and the partial one is patent and plain. Tne general involu- crum is polyphylious, reflex, and fhorcer than the um- 11 2 bcl, 52 PENTANDRIADIGYNIA. bel, with lanceolated lobes the partial one is polyphyl- lous, linear and fmall, and the proper cup is fcarcc oblervable. The general flower is uniform, and all the pofcules fertile, the|)roper flower hath five inflexo-cor- date equal petals. The five ftamina, with their antherae, are fimple. i he germen is very fmall beneath the flow- er, having two reflex ftyles and obtufe iligmata. The fruit is ovato-roundifh, ftriated, fmall and divifible into two parts, each containing an ovalifh feed, convex and flriated on one fide, and plain on the other. Latifolium. Great Water Parftiep with pinnate leaves and ftalks terminated by an umbel. In rivers and ditches. Per. July, Aug. Nodijiorum. Creeping Water Parfnep with pinnate leaves and umbels of flowers fitting clofeto the wings of the ftalks. Grows as the former. Per. July, Aug. Ere^uni. Upright Water Parfnep with pinnate leaves and umbels of flowers rifing from the wings of the ftalks pn peduncles-, and the general involucrum pinnatifid. Hudson. 103. Ray calls this the upright water parf- nep with ferrated leaves. In ditches and rivulets. Per, July. S I S O N. Bastard Stone Parsley. The general umbel is compofed of fix thin unequal rays, and the partial one of ten thin unequal rays. Both the general and partial involucrum are tetraphyllous and unequal, The general corolla is uniform, and all the flofcules are fertile. The proper flower is equal and con?* fifts of five lanceolated, inflex, and plainifti petals. The five ftamina are capillary and the length of the corolla with fimple anthers. The germen is oval and fituated under the flower, having two reflex ftyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is oval, ftriated and divifible into two parts containing each one oval feed, convex and ftriated on one fide and plain on the other, Amomum. Baftard Stone Parjley with pinnate leaves and upright umbels, In woods and hedges. Per. JulySep, ^egetum, PENTANDRIADIGYNIA. 53 Segetum. Corn Parjley or Honewort with pinnate leaves and nodding umbels. Bien. July. Inundatum, The leafi creeping IVater-pcrfnep with bi- fid umbels. May^ Jim, OENANTHE. Water Dropwort. The general umbel hath few rays, but the partial one hath many fliort ones. The general involucrnm is polyphyllous, fimple, and fhorter than the umbel; the partial one is polyphyllous and fmall. I'he proper cup is quinquedentated, fubulated and remains till the fruit be ripe. The general flower is difform and radiated^ the flower of the difk is hermaphrodite, and has five in- flexo-cordate nearly equal leaves. The proper flower of the ray is mafculine and hath five very large, unequal inflexo- bifid petals. The five ftamina are fimple and have roundifli antherse. T he germen is beneath the flower, having two fubulated ftyles that endure till the fruit be ripe with obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is partly oval, crowned with a cup and divifible into two parts containing each one oval feed, convex and flriated on one fide and plain on the other with a dentated apex. Obf. The cup is more vifible in this genus than in any of the umbelliferous tribe. Fijiuloja, Water Dropwort producing fhoots, and hav- ing pinnate, (lender, fiflulofe leaves growing on the ftalks. In ditches frequently. Common in the North and South of Eng. In the Ditches between Warton and Carnforth^ Lan. July. Erocat. Dropwort with all the leaves multlfld, ob- tufe, and nearly equal. On the banks of rivers. On the banks of the river Thames. In the ditches about dul. Per. June. Pimpinelloides. Pimpernel Dropwort with the low'er leaves like wedges ; thofe on the {talk being linear, very long, entire, and canaliculated. P^r. June, C I C U T A. 54 iPENTANDRlADIGYNIA. C I C U T A. Hemlock. The general flower is roundifh with many equal rays, and the partial one is roundiih with many equal fetace- ous rays. There is no general involucrum, the partial one hath many fetole and fliort leaves. The proper cup is fcarce obfervable. T he general flower is uniform and all the flofcLiles fertile-, the proper one hath five oval, inflex, nearly equal petals. The five filaments are ca* pijlary, longer^ than the corolla, with Ample antherae. The germen is beneath the flower, having two flender fiyles longer than the corolla, that endure till the fruit be ripe, with headed ftigmata. The fruit is oval, ful- cated, and divifible into two parts, having each one feed convex and ftriated on one fide, and plain on the other. Virofa. Long leaved JVaier Hemlock with umbels op- poute to the leaves, and obtufe marginated footftalks, Per, July, PHELLANDRIUM. Water Hemlock. The general and partial umbel are both multiplex. There is no general involucrum, but the partial one hath feven acute leaves the length of the umbellula. The proper cup is quinquedentated, placed upon the germen, and, remains till the fruit be ripe. The general flower i« almoft uniform, the proper one is unequal, having five acuminated, cordato-inflex petals. The five filaments arc capillary and the length of the corolla, with round- ilh antherae. The germen is beneath the receptacle having two fubulated ered ftyles, that endure till the fruit be ripe, and the ftigmata are obtufe. The fruit is oval, fmooth, coronated with a cup and piflils, and divi- Able into two parts, each containing an oval, fmooth feed. Aquaticum, JVater Hemlock wiph the ramifications ot the leaves divaricated. Blen, In rivers and ditches. . JE T H U S A. Fool’s Parsley. The general umbel is patent and ,the interior rays arc gradually fliorter, the inmoft ones being Ihorteft, the partial PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA 55 partial umbel is fmall and patent. There is no general involucrum, the partial one is half the length of the umbel with three to five, very long, linear, pendulous leaves. The cup is fcarce obfervable. The general flower is nearly uniform with all the flofcules fertile. The partial one hath five inflexo- cord ate unequal petals. There are five Ample ftamina with roundiih antherse. The germen is beneath the flower having two reflex ftyle^ and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is ovato roundifh^ ftriated, and divifible into two parts, each containing a Angle roundiih llriated feed with a third part plain. Cynapium. Fools Parjley of which we have but one fpecies. An, Aug. Sep. CORIANDRUM. CbaiANDER. The general umbel confills of few rays, the partial one hath more. The general involucrum is fcarce mo- nophyllous ; the partial one is triphyllous linear and half the length. The proper empaiement is quinquedenta- ted. The general flower is dilForm and radiated and the flofcules of the dilk are barren. The proper flower of the difk is hermaphrodite, having five inflexo-cordate equal petals. The proper hermaph. of the ray hath five in- flexo-cordate, unequal petals of which the outmofl: is largefi and bipartite and fome of the others have very large fegments. There are five Ample filaments with roundiih anthersc. The germen Is beneath the flower having two llyles (landing off one another, and the (ligmata of the ray headed. The fruit is fpherical and divifible into two parts, each containing an hemifpherical concave feed. Obf. Linn. C. tefticulatum perhaps may be a plant of a different genus feeing the general involucrum is mo- nophyllous without any partial one. The general corol- la is uniform and the fruit didymous. Sativum. Coriander with globofe fruit. An. June. SCANDIX. S6 PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA, SCANDIX. Shepherd’s Needle or Venus-comb. The general umbel is long and hath few rays, the partial one hath more. There is no general involucriim but the partial one is pentaphyllous and the length of the umbellula. The general flower is difform and radi- ated with the flolcules of the difk barren. The proper flower hath five cordato- inflex petals, the innermoft lefs and the outmofl: larger. There are five capillary fila- ments with roundifli antherae. The germen is oblong and beneath the flower, having two fubulated ftyles, the length of the leafl: petal, which remain till the fruit be ripe, with obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is very long, fu- bulated and divifible into two parts each containing one feed, convex and furrowed on one fide, and plain on the other., Obf. The flofcules of the difk are barren in fome. The feeds of Venus’s Comb are thread-like, covering a nut in the bafe. Cerefolio Riv. the feeds are ovato-fubulated and flri- ated. The involucrum is green and rem.ains till the fruit be ripe, and all the flofcules are hermaphrodite. Odorata the feeds are angulated and the involucrum is caducous. Pe^en Veneris. Venus Coml with fmooth feeds and the longeit beak of any. An. June., July. Anthrifeus. Small Hemlock Chervil with oval rough feeds, uniform flowers and a fmooth flem. An. May^ June. CH^ROPHYLLUM. Wild Cicely or Cow-weed, The general umbel is patent and the partial one is nearly equal with it in the number of rays. The partial involucrum hath commonly five, lanceolated, concave, reflex leaves almolt the length of the umbeiluls. The general flower is nearly uniform and the flowers of the d:f!c are barren. The proper flower hath five inflexo- cordate petals, the exterior ones being fomewhat larger. There PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA; 57 There are five limple filaments the length of the umbel- lula with roiindifh antheras. The germen is beneath the flower, having two reflex fiyles and obtufe fligmata. The fruit is ovato-oblong, aeuminated, Imooth and diviflble into two parts, each containing an oblong atte- nuated feed, convex on one fide, and plain on the other. Sylveftre. Wild Cicely with all the flowers fertile and an equal flalk. An. May\ June. Temulum. Wild Chervil with a fcabrous flalk, tumid joints and cernuous umbels. An. July-, Aug. S E S E L 1. Meadow Saxifrage; The general umbel is rigid, the partial one is very fhort, multiplex and partly globofe. There is no gen- eral involucrum; the partial one is linear, acuminated and the length of the umbellula. The empalement is fcarce obfervable. The general flower is uniform and all the flofcules fertile. The proper one confifts of five inflexo-cordate, plainifh petals. The five ftamina are fubulated and crowned with Ample antherse. The ger- men is beneath the flower, having two fiyles and obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is ovate, fmall, flriated, and divi- fible into two parts, each containing an ovate feed, con- vex and ftriated on one fide and plain on the other. Caruifolia. Meadow Saxifrage with double pinhate leaves almofl linear^ a membranaceous bale to the foot flalks, and oval feeds. In moifl meadows and paftures^ Per. Aug. PASTINACA. Wild ParsneP." The general umbel is multiplex and plain, and the partial one is mukipleXi There is neither general nor partial involucrum. The empalement is fcarce obferva- ble. The general flower is uniform, the proper one hath five lanceolated, incurved petals. There are five capil- lary filaments with roundifh anthcrae, 1 he germen is beneath the proper flower having two reflexed fiyles and I obtufe 5* PENTANDRIA D I G Y N 1 A* obtufe ftigmata. The fruit is comprcflb-plain, elliptical and divilibie into two parts each containing an ellip- tical, bordered feed. SativUi JVildox Garden Parfnep with fingle pinnate leaves* Bien. July. SMYRNIUM. Alexanders. The general umbel is unequal and the partial one is ' tredt. There is neither general nor partial involucrum. The general cup is fcarce obfervable. The general flower is uniform and all the flofcules of the difk are bar- ren. The proper flower hath five lanceolated, (lightly indexed, keel-lhaped petals. There are five fimple fila- ments, the length of the corolla, with fimple antherae. The germen is beneath the flower having two fimple flyles and two fimple ftigmata. The fruit is partly glo^ bofe, ftfiated, and divifible into two parts, each contain- ing one lunulated feed, convex on one fide, and marked with three ftreaks, and plain on the other. Ohifatrum. Akmnders with trifoliate leaves on tlic (talks, ferrated and placed on foot (talks. May^ June. A N E T H U M. Finckle. Dill. Both the general and partial umbel are multiplex, and there is neither general nor partial involucrum. The general flpwer is uniform and all the flofeuks fertile. The proper flower hath five involuted, entire, and very Ihort petals. There are five capillary filaments with roundifh antheras. The germen is beneath the flower, having two approximating ftyles and obtule ftigmata. The fruit is fubovate, compreifed, ftriated and divifible into two parts, containing each one fubovate, bordered feed, convex and ftriated on one fide and plain on the o- ther. Obf. Linn. Finckle or Fennel differs only from Dili, in that the feeds are not bordered at the edge like thofe of Dill. F^snicHlum. Fenml with ov^te leaves. Aug. C A R U M. PENTANDRIA D I G Y N I A. Sf CARUM. Caraways, The general umbel is long and hath ten rays, moft commonly unequal, and the partial one is thick fet. The general involucrum is often monophyllous. The general flower is uniform and all the flofcules of the difk barren. The proper one is unequal, having five unequal, obtufe, index at the apex, and cordate leaves. The five (lamina are capillar)'-, the length of the corol- la and caducous, with roundifh fmall antheras. The germen is beneath the flower having two fmall (lyles, and Ample (ligmata. The fruit is ovato-oblong, (Iria- ted and divifible into two parts, each containing a Angle feed, convex, ovato-oblong on one fide, and plain on the other. Obf. Some of the flofcules in the difk are neutral, Carvi. Caraways of which we have but one fpecies, per. Mayy June. PIMPINELLA. Burnet Saxifrage. The general umbel hath many rays, but the partial umbel hath more. There is neither general nor partial involucrum. The proper cup is fcarce obfervabic. The general corolla is nearly uniform v/ith all the flofcules fertile. The proper flower hath five inflexo-cordate, nearly equal petals. There are five Ample (lamina longer than the corollula, with roundi(h antherse. The germen is beneath the flower, having two very (hort (lyles and partly globofe (ligmata. The fruit is ovato- oblong and divifible into two parts, each containing an oblong feed, narrower towards the apex, convex and (Iri-. ated on one fide, and plain on the other. Major, Great Burnet Saxifrage with pinnate leaves, the Jobes cordate, and an odd lobe at the end. In woods and hedges. Per. Aug. Saxifraga. Small Burnet Saxifrage with pinnate leaves and the lobes at the bottom roundifh and thofe at the tops linear. In dry paftures. Per, Aug. I 2 A P I U M- €o PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA. A P I U M. Smallage, The general umbel hath fewer rays than the partial one. The general involucrum is fmall, confifting of one or more lobes, and the partial one is like it. I'he ge^ neral flower is uniform ancl almoil all the flofcules are fertile. 'I'he proper flower hath roundilh, inflexed, e- qual petals. The five filaments are Ample and the an- therse round ifh, The germen is beneath the proper flower having two reflexed ftyles and obtufe ftigmata. The truit is ovato-ftriated and divifible into two parts, each containing one ovate feed, llriated on one fide and plain on the other. Graveolens, Smallage with the leaves upon the flalks in the form of a wedge. Bien, Aug. .ffiGOPOpiUM, Herb-gerard, Gout-weed, or Ashweed. The general umbel is multiplex and convex, the par- tial one is the fame. There is neither general nor par- tial involucrum. The general flower is uniform and ail the flofcules fertile. The proper one hath five obo- vate, concave, inflexed at the apex, and equal petals. Inhere are five Ample flamina, twice as long as the corol- la, with roundifli anther^e. The germen is beneath the flower having two Ample, ered: ftyles the length of the corollula with headed ftigmata. The fruit is ovato-ob- Icng, ftriated and divifible into two parts, each contain- ing an ovato-oblong feed, convex and ftriated on one flue, and plain on the other. Fodagraria. Goutweed with the leaves on the top of fhe Italk by threes. Per. May. %RIGYN14 comprehends fuch as have three pifiilsn A P S I N E. Common Chickweed, The cup is pentaphyllous and the leaves are concave, oblong and acuminated. The flower confifts of five pqual petals, longer th^ the cup, The five filaments PENTANDRIA TETRAGYNIA. 6i are capillary with roundilh antherge. The germen is fubovate having three thread-like ftyles and obtufe ftig- mata. The capfule is ovate, unilocular and covered, containing many roundifh feeds. Media. Common Chickweed with bipartite petals, and ovato-cordate leaves. An. A'pril — Sep, TET RAGTNIA comprehends fuchas have four pijlils^ PARNASSIA. Grass of Parnassus The cup is quinquepartite, the fegments are oblong, acute, patent, and remain till the fruit be ripe. There are five roundifh, emarginated, ftriated, concave, patent petals, each having a cordate, concave nedlarium, and the nedlaria have thirteen ftyles along the margin, gra- dually higher one than the other, on each of which there is a globe. There are five fubiilated filaments the length of the corolla, with depreffed, incumbent antherac. The germen is ovate and large, having a foramen in the place of a ftyle, and four obtufe ftlgmata that remain till the fruit be ripe. 1 he fruit is a tetragono-ovate, unilocular capfule with four valves. 1 he receptacle is quadruplex, adjoining to the valves, containing many oblong feeds. Palujlris, Grafs of Parnajfus of which we have but one fpecies in the known world. In feveral of the meadows belonging to G. Townley, Efq. of height on-Hall.^ Lan, Aug. P E N hAG T N I A comprehends fuch plants as have five piftils. S T A T I C E. Thrift or Sea-Pink. The common empalement is of a different ftruflure, in different plants. The proper cup is monophyllous and infundibuliform, the tube is narrow, the limb entire, plicated and of a fine thin appearance like filk*. The flovyer ^ LiNNiEUs’ word is feriofa, the meaning of which I ^onfels | 9m ignorant* PENTANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. flower is infundibuliform and has five petals narrow at the bafe, broad at the points and fpread open. 'The five filaments are iubulated, fhorter than the corolla and placed upon the ungues thereof, having anthera^ fixed on by the fides. The germen is very fmall, having five thread-like ftyies that ftand off one another and acute ftigmata. The proper cup being ilraitened in the neck, and expanded in the limb, contains one fmall, roundiflr feed, crowned with its proper cup. Obf. Statice of Authors hath a common threefold cup and a roundifti flower. Umonium hath a common imbricated cup, and flof- cules in an oblong order. Armcrta, Thrift or Sea Gilly-Flower with a Ample headed ftem, and linear leaves. On the fea fhore com- monly called the marflies. Per. July., Aug. JJmontum, Sea Lavender with a round paniculated Hem and fliining leaves. As the former. Per. July., Aug. Reticulata. Matted Sea Lavender with a proftrate, pa- nlculated ftem, and barren naked branches bended back, and leaves in the lhape of a wedge. As the former. L I N U M. Flax. The cup hath five lanceolated, ered, fmall leaves that remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower is infundibu- liform and confifts of five oblong petals, vifibly becom- ing larger towards the points which are obtufe, patent and large. The five filaments are fubulated, ereft, and the length of the cup with Ample fagitated anther^e. There are likewife the rudiments of five other ftamina. The germen is ovate with five thread-like ere6t ftyies the length of the ftamina with 'Ample, reflexed ftigmata. The fruit is a globofe capfule with ten cells and five valves, and in each cell is lodged a Angle, ovate, pointed, fmooth feed. Obf. RADjoLi® one fifth part is wanting. 1j* PENTANDRIA PENTAG YNI A. 6^ L. Lufitanico there are ten ftamina, hence its affinity to Oxalidis, FLAX with alternate leaves. IJfttatiJfmum. Flax with both cups and capffilei (haped like a fpear, the petals crenated, the leaves placed alternately and lanceolated and nearly a folitary ftem. An. June. ^ Perenne. Perennial blue Flax with obtiife empalements and capfules, the leaves placed alternately, lanceolated and entire. In barren paftures. On Gogmagog hillsy Qamh. Between Shaf and Fhreapland in Weji. Mr Lawson. June. *T enuifolium. Narrow-leaved wild Flax with pointed cups, the leaves lineari-fetaceous, placed without order. In many paftures by the fea fide. Per. June^ July. FLAX with oppojite leaves. - Catharticum. Purging Flax with ovato-lanceolated leaves placed oppofite to each other, a dichotomous ftem, and acute flowers. An. May.^ June. Radiola. The leafi Rupture- wort., or All-feed with leaves growing by pairs, a dichotomous ftem, and flowers with four ftamina and four piftils. An. Aug. D R O S E R A. Sun-dew. The cup is monophyllous, quinquifid, acute, ereeft and remains till the fruit be ripe. ^ The flower is infundibu- liform and hath five ovate, obtufe petals fomewhat larger than the cup. The five filaments are Tubulated and the length of the cup, having fmall anthcrae. The germen is roundifii and hath five Ample ftyles the length of the ftamina with fimple ftigmata. The fruit is a fub- ovate capfule, unilocular with five valves, containing many fmall, fubovate feeds. Rotundifolia. Round-leaved Sun-dew with radicated ftems and orbiculated leaves. Per. July., Aug. Lengifolia. 64 PENTANDRIA POLYGYNIA Longifolia, Long4eaved Sun-dew with radicated ftem^ and oblong leaves. Both thel'e fpecies are found plen- tifully on the JVhitemofs^ Tedand^ Lane, Upon Hint on- moor^ Camb, . R. Syi July^ Aug, SIBBALDIA. ^ Bastard CmQtrEFoiL. T he cup is monophyllous, half way cut into ten lan- ceolated, equal, patent fegments, alternately narrower, which remain till the fruit be ripe* The flower confifts of five ovate petals placed upon the cup. I'he five fila- ments are capillary, fhorter than the corolla, and placed upon the cup with fmall, obtufe anther^e. There are five ovate and very fliort germina out of the middle of which a^*ifc the ftyles to. the height of the (lamina, hav- ing headed (ligmata. T he cup is connivent and con- tains five oblongifh feeds. Pr ’ocumhehs. Procumbent Cinquefoil' with tridentated leaves. July^ Aug, ■ , . ^ ^ f - V ' P 0 LTG TN I A comprehends fuch plants 'as have fix or . more piftils, . M Y O' S U R U S. Mousztail. ^ , The cup confifts of five lanceolated, obtufe, reflexed leaves, joined together above the bafe,. coloured and de- ciduous. There are five very fmall petals fhorter than the cup, tubulated at the bafe; . There arc five filaments, or more, the length of the cup, with oblong ere6l an- therse. 1 he germina are numerous placed upon the re- ceptacle in a conico-oblong form without any ftyles, but fimple ftigmata. The receptacle is very long in the form of a ftylc, covered with feeds placed one over another, like tyles upon a hoitfe, that are numerous, oblong and acuminated. Obf. Linn. The number of ftarhiil^ varies greatly in this genus. There is a great affinity between this plane and the Ranunculus Minimus, Moufetail with entire leaves.’ An, Aprity May. / CLASS VL HEXANURIA MdNOGYNIA. €s C L J S S YL H E X A N D R I A. jT/te plants of this clafs have fix flamina and, from one to three or more pijiils, MONOGTNIA comprehends fuch plants as have but one piftiL NARCISSUS. Daffodil, HE fpatha (or (heath) is obtufe, comprefled, operls on the fide and withers. 7 he flower hath fix o- vate, acuminated, plain petals placed on the outfide of the nedtarium, which is monophyllous, cylindraceo-:n- fundibuliform, and coloured. 'I'he fix filaments are Tubulated and fixed upon the tube of the nedtarium, but (horter than the nedlarium, with antherse fomewhat ob- long. The germen is roundilh, obtufely three cornered, fituated below, the flower, having a thread-like ftyle, longer than the (lamina, with a trifid (ligma, concave and obtufe. The fruit is a roundilh, obtufely trigonal, trilocular capfule, with three valves containing globular, append iculated feeds. Poeticus, Daffodil with one flower in each (heath, the limb of the nedtarium being round and very (liort. In meadows and p allures but not very common. Per, April Pfeudo-NarciJJus, Wild Englijh Daffodil With one flower in the (heath, the limb of the nedlarium bell-dup- ed, eredl and equal with the petals. In woods and hedges. Per. March,, April K BULBO- 66 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA* BULBOCODIUM. Mountain Saffron. The flower is hexapetalous, infundibuliform, and without any empalement. The ungues are very long and linear. The faux conne6ts the petals which are lanceolated and concave. The fix fubulated filaments are inferred upon the neck of the petals with the anthers fixed on by the fides. The gerinen is ovato-fubulate, ob- tufely three cornered, the ftyle is like thread and the length of the ftamina, having three oblong, ered, ca- naliculated ftigmata. The fruit is a triangular, acumi- nated pointed capfule, having three cells filled with feeds. Seronmm, Mountain Saffron with fubulato-linear leaves. Found on the IVelJh mountains. R. Sy. Per. Aug. ALLIUM. Garlick. The common flieath is roundifti and withers away. There are fix oblong petals, and fix fubulated ftamina, often of the length of the corolla, with oblong, ered ahtherae. The germen is above the receptacle, three cornered, and the angles marked with a line, having a fimple ftyle and an acute ftigma. The fruit is a broad, fhort capfule, with three lobes, three cells, and three valves, containing many roundifti-feeds. Ampeloprafum. Great Round-headed Garlick with a plain leaf bearing an umbel which is globofe, with tri- cufpidated ftamina and fcabrous petals. Per. June^ July. Arenarium. Broad-leaved Mountain Garlick with a leafy bulbiferous ftem, round (heaths, a fpatha without a b^ard, and tricufpidated ftamina. In the mountains of IV ejlmor eland., Mr Lawson. In Troutbeck-holm by Great- Strickland. R. Sy. Per. July. Vineale. Crow Garlick with a round leafy bulbiferous ftem and tricufpidated ftamina. In meadows and paf- tures. P^r. June. Oleraceum. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 6^ Oleraceum. IVild Garlick wiih an herbaceous, ftrlated flower, a round leafy bulbiferous ftem, roundifh, fcab- rous leaves, fulcated underneath. In the fields about Briftcl^ and in IVeft, Per. July. Urftnum. Ramfon with a naked femlcylindrical ftem, lanceolated leaves on foot-ftalks, and a faftigiated umbel. Common in woods and hedges. Per. May. FRITILLARIA. Common chequered Daffodil or Fritillary. The flower confifts of fix oblongo-lanceolated, acumi- iiated petals without any cup, broader towards the bafc and reflex from the middle. The ne6l;aria are two ob- tule, callous tubercles adjoining to the bafe of the petals. The fix ftamina are very fhort and fubulated, having oblong antherse. The germen is turbinated, having a fimple ftraight ftyle ftiorter than the corolla, the ftigma is triplex, patent andobtufe. The fruit is a fubgiobofe caplule, narrower at the bafe with three cells and three valves, containing many ovate, acuminated feeds. Meleagris. Common chequered Daffodil or Fritillary with the leaves placed alternately. In meadows and paftures. In Mawde-Jields near Rtjlip Common^ Middle- fepc. Blacks Spec. In the fields ^ tween Mortlake and Kew. Per. Aprils May. ORNITHOGALUM. Star of Bethlehem. The flower hath fix lanceolated petals, without any cup, which are ered: to the middle and then piano-pa- tent, remain till the fruit be ripe and lofe their colour. The fix filaments are ered, dilated at the bafe, fhorter than the corolla and have fimple anthers. The germen is angular, the ftyle fubulated and remains till the fruit be ripe, and the ftigma is obtufe. The fruit is a round- ifh, angular, trilocular capfule with three valves con- taining roundifh feeds. K 2 Obf. 68 HEXANDHIA MONOGYNIA. Dbf. The filaments in fome are plain, eredt, alter- nately trifid, the middle fegment fuftaining theantheras; in others alternately fimple. Luteum. Star of Bethlehem with an angular (laik having two leaves and Tingle umbellated foot-ftalks. Near Greta-Bridge^ Torkjhire, April. Pyrenaicum. Spiked Star of Bethlehem with a green ifh fiower, with a very long Tplke of flowers, lanceolated filaments, foot-ftalks of the flowers, equal and fp read- ing, and thofd of the fruit approaching to the fialk. In the way between Bath and Bradford not far from Little Ajhley, Per. May. Umhellattm, Common Star of Bethlehem., Star Flower with flowers growing in a corymbus, whofe foot-ilalks are taller than the ftalk, and indented filaments. 1 found this near Leighton Hall.^ Lan. Per. May. S C I L L A. Squills. The flower hath fix ovate, very patent, deciduous pe- tals without any cup. There are fix Tubulated filaments flaorter by half than the corolla with oblong, proftrate anthers. The germen is roundilh, the ftyle fimple, the length of the ftamina and deciduous, having a fimple ft'gma. The fruit is a fubovate, finooth, three furrowed, trilocular capfule, with three valves containing many roundifli feeds. Bifolia. Vernal Star Hyacinth with a folid root and cre<5l flowers growing thinly. Per. Aprils May. Autumnalis. Phe Autumnal Star Hyacinth with a folid root, the leaves linear and thread-like, the flowers in a corymbus and naked foot-ftalks, rifing over each other to the length of the flpwers. Found on St. Vincent's ropk, Prijloly ^boutth^ Lizard Point. Dr, Plukenet. ASPHODELUS, Asphodel or King’s Spear, The flower is monopetalous and fexpartite, each feg- ment being lanceolated, plain and patent. The nedari- urr^ hath fix fmali valves forming a globe inferted in*.o the HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 69 thebafe oi the corolla. The fix filaments are fubulared, inferted into the valves of the ncdarium, fhaped like a bow and alternately fnorter. I'he anther^e are oblong, attached by the fides and erect. Between the nedtarium is a roundifh germen having a lubulated llyle and a truncated ftigma. The fruit is a globofe, ftelhy, tri- lobed, trilocular capfule, containing many triangular feeds gibbous on one fide. Obf. Linn. The filaments in fome are declinated, in others bent in the form of a bow. OJfifragum, Lancafldre /ifphcdel with leaves fhaped. like a fword and woolly filaments. On the WhiU-mofs^ plentifully, near Tealand^ Lan, Per, Aug, A N T H E R I C U M. Spiderv/ort or Scottish Asphodel. The flower confifls of fix oblong, obtufe and very patent petals without any cup. 1 he fix filaments are tubulated and ere6l, having fmall proftrate, quadrifuL cated antherae. The germen is obfoleteiy three corner- ed, the ftyle is fimpie and the length of the llamina, with an obtufe three cornered fligma. The fruit is an ovate, fmooth, trifulcated, trilocular capfule, with three valves containing numerous angulated ieeds. Calyculatum, Scottijh Afphcdel with leaves like fwords, cups with three lobes and fmooth filaments. Per, Sep. ASPARAGUS. The flower hath fix oblong petals co-hering at their tips, formed into a tube, the three inner ones alternately placed, reflexed at their extremities and remain till the fruit be ripe. The fix filaments are thread-like, inferted on the petals, eredb and fhorter than the corolla, having roundifh anthers. The germen is turbinated, three cornered, with a very fhort ftyle, and the ftigma a pro- minent point. The fruit is a globofe berry, umbilicated and trilocular, containing two roundifh feeds internally .anguLted and fmooth,. ^ Ob£^ 70 HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Cbf. LrNN. The figure of the flower varies, it is fomctimes revolute ; and may with propriety enough be called a monopetalous flower. Officinalis, Sparagus with an upright herbaceous fiem, brillly leaves, and equal ftipuiae. About Harwkh'm Effexy the Lizard Point,, and by the Thames fide near Cravefend, R. Sy\ Per, July^ Aug, CONV A L L A R I A. Lily of the Valley* I'he flower is monopetalous, campanulated, fmooth and without any cup, the limb is divided into fix obtufc patentUreflex fegments. The fix filaments are fubulaced, inferted on the petal, and fliorter than the corolla, hav- ing oblong, ered antheras. The germen is globofe, the flyk is like thread, longer than the fiamina and the flig- ma is obtufe and three cornered. The fruit is a globofe, tnlocular berry, fpotted before it be ripe, containing fo- litary roundifh feeds. Maialis, Lily of the Valley or May Lily with a naked ftem. Among the Rocks near Leighton Furnace, in the Flatwood,, and in Mr Townley’s woods plentifully, Lan, Per, May, Multiflora, Solomon's Seal with leaves placed alternate- ly that embrace the ftalks, and foot-ftalks proceeding from the fides fuftaining many flowers. In the throng- wood belonging to George Townley, Efq. In the liining wood within the townfhip of IVarton^ Lan, Per, Alay,, June, Palygonatum, Sweet fmelling Solomon^ s Seal with leaves placed alternately that embrace a two edged ftalk; and tbot-fialks from the fides, that bear one flower. In the clefts of the rocks near Settle^ Skipton^ &c. Torkjhire, Hudson. Per, May,, June, HYACINTHUS. Hyacinth or FIarebells. The flower is monopetalous, campanulated, and with- out any cup. The limb is cut into fix reflex fegments. The nedarium confifts of three melliferous pores, at the fummit HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. yt fummit of the germen. The fix filaments are fhort, and fubulated with connivent antherae. The germen is roundly three cornered and three furrowed, having a fim- pie ftyle fhorter than the corolla, with an obtufe ftigma. The fruit is a three cornered caplule formed of three valves, containing three cells, in which are ufualiy two feeds in each cell. Non Scriptus, Hyacinth or Harebells with campanu* lated, fexpartite coroilae turned back at the tips. Per May» A C O R U S. Sweet Smelling Flag, The cup is a cylindrical, very fimple fpadix covered with hofcules without any fpathaor fheath. The flower hath fix obtufe, concave, lax petals, broadefl: at the top and as it were truncated. The fix filaments are thick- ifli, a little longer than the corolla, with thickiih, didy- mous antherge, growing together at the ends. The ger-^ men is gibbous, oblongifh, and the length of the ftami- na without any ftyle and but a prominent point for a ftigma. The fruit is a triangular capfule attenuated at each end, obtufe and trilocular, containing many ovato- oblong feeds. Calamus. Acorus or ^weet Smelling Flag called cala- mus aromaticus. Found in the river Tare near Norwich^ about Hedley in Surry^ and in Chejhire. Per. May. J U N C U S, Rush. The gluma confifts of^ two valves, the cup has fix ob- long acuminated permanent petals. There is no flower. The fix filaments are capillary and very fliort, with ob- I long ered: antherae, the length of the cup. The germen is three cornered and acuminated, the ftyle is very Ihort and thread-like. There are three long thread-like villofe [ and in flex ftigmata. The fruit is a covered, three cor^ I nered, unilocular capfule, with three valves, having ! roiindifh feeds. Rt/5- HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA; RUSHES with naked [ialks* Aciitus, Sea hard Rufli with a naked cylindrical flem in the fhape of a fword, ending in a panicle, the involu- cram being two fpinofe leaves. Per. Juty^ Aug* Conglomeratus. Round headed Rufli with a very ftrait naked ftem and the head on the fide. Per. June— Aug, Effufus, Common Soft Rufli with a very ftrait naked flem and lateral panicle. Per. May — -Aug. ' Jnjiexus. The hard Rufli with a naked ftem a mem- branaceous crooked apex and a lateral panicle. Per, June. Filiformis, The leaft foft Rufli with a naked thread^ > like, nodding ftem, and a lateral panicle. Found by Mr Newton not far from Amhlefide in Weft. Hudson. Per. Aug, Squarrofus. Mofs Rufli or Goofe Corn with a naked ftem, fetaceous leaves, conglomerated, aphyllous heads. , Per, June. Such as have leafy ftalks. Articulatus. Jointed leaved Rufli with leaves and joints. In woods, meadows, and moift paftures.- Per. July, Aug. - Bulhofus. Bulbofe Rufli with linear canaliculated leaves and obtufe capfules. Per. Aug. Bufonius. T oad Rufli with a dichotomus ftem, angu- lated leaves, folitary fefiile flowers. An. July, Aug. Pilofus. Common hairy Wood-rujh or Grafs with plain ' hairy leaves and a branchy corymbus. Per. April, May. Sylvaticus. Great hairy Woodrufli with plain hairy leaves a decompofite umbel and feffile flowers. Per. May. Campeftris. Small hairy Wood-rufli with plain hairy leaves, felTile fpikes and peduncles. Per. April. FRANK- HEXANDRIA MOffOeYNIA. 73 F R A N K E N .1 A. Sea Heath., • A '■ The Clip is monophyllous, cylindrical, decagonal and permanent, with a quinquedentated, acut;e and pa- tulent mouth. The flower hath five petals, and ungues the length of the cup, the limb is plain and the points roundiflr and patent. The nedlarium is a caaaliculated pointed unguis, .inferted upon every unguis of the pe- tals. The fix hlaments are the length of the cup, with roundilfi,’ didymous antherae. The germen is oblong, the ftyie is. fimple and the length of .the flamina, having three oblong, eredl, obtufe ftjgmata. 1 he fruit is ait oval, unilocular capfule, with three valves jcontaining many ovate fmall feeds, - - i - - L^vis.. .Smooth Sea Heath with linear leaves, ciliated at the bafe. . Found on the fea-diore. Per. AugL ... Pulverulenta. Broad leaved Seuzheath with obovatc retufe leaves powdered underneath. Found on fhe coaft ptSuJfex. R. Sy. An. July. \ P E E^,L I S. Water Purslane. The cup is monophyllousi'’campanulated, very: ]arg^ and permanent, with the mouth, cut into twelve fegments that are alternately reflex. The flower hath fix qvate, very minute petals, inferted in the faux of the cupy The fix filaments are fubiilated and Abort, witlp,roundilh antherse. The germen is ovate, flyle veryj^on^ and ftigma orbiculated. The fruit is . a cordate ^bilocular capfule, containing many fmall three cornered feeds. , Obf. . In, many flofcules of the fame plant: the corol- la is wanting. ' . . • We have but one fpecies of this plant, which is in perfection about or " ' L ' ' , J^IGT- 74 HEXAIs^DRIA DIGYNIA & TRIGYNIA: D I G^T N I A comprehipds ftich as have two piji its y of which ive have none in England. ^ RIG TN I A comprehends fuch as have three piftils. . i ' ' i . j ( R U M E X a gemes comprehending both the docks and ■ ' forrels of other The cup is triphyllous, and the leaves are obtufe, re- flex and permanent. I he flower has three ovate petals* ^larger than the cup and like it, which are connivent and * permanent. The iix filaments are capillary and very fliort with ered: didymous antheras. The germcn is lurbinato- triquetrous having three capillary reflex ftyles, placed among die chinks of the connivent petals with large laciniated ftigmata. There is no feed ’vefTel, the connivent corolla including one triquetrous feed. Sanguineus, Bloodwort with hermaphrodite flowers, entire valves, bearing one grain, and the leaves cordato- lanceolated. Bien. July- . _ Acutus. Sharp-pointed Bock with hermaphrodite flow- ers, dented valves, bearing grains, and the leaves eprda- to-oblong. < Per, June, CHfpus, Curled Bock with hermaphrodite flov/ers, en- tire valves bearing grains, lanceolated, undulated and acute leaves. Per, JuheyJuly. Ohtuftfolium. Broad leaved Bock with hermaphrodite flowers, dented valves,* cordato-oblong, obtufe crenula- teci leaves.*-' Per: July^ Aug, Pulcher:' Fiddle-dock with hermaphrodite flowers, dented -valves bearing grains, and* the ‘radical leaves fhaped like a fiddle. Per, June, ^ Maritimus, "Golden^Bock with herihaphrodite flowers, dented graniferous valves, and linear leaves. Per, Jidys Aug. ■ _ Britannica, Great Water Hofk witli hermaphrodite floweis, HEXANDRIA JPOLYGYNIA. 75 flowers, entire graniferous valves, and lanceolated leaves. Per. July y Aug. HERMAP HROD IP E SO RRELS^ui'hofe valves are « ^without a granuliis. Digynus. Round leaved Mountain Sorrel with herma- phrodite flowers that have two pillils. Per. June. Ace t of a. Common Sorrel with dioicous flowers and ob- long fagitated leaves. May — July. Acetofella. Sheep's Sorrel with dioicous flowers and lanceoiato-hafiated leaves. Per. April — June. COLCHICUM. Meadow Saffron. I here is no cup, unlefs a few vague fpath^ are to be had as fuch. The corolla is fexpartite, the tube is angu- lar and radicated-, the fegments of the limb are of a Ipear fhaped, ovate, concave, erect figure. The fix filaments are tubulated and fhorter than the corolla, having oblong incumbent antherse with four valves. ITe germen is bu- ried within the root, having three thread-like ftyles the length of the (lamina, and reflex, canaliculated ftigma- ta. The fruit is a capfule with three lobes, connedted inwardly by a future, obtufe and trilocular. The futures open inwardly, and contain many globofe, rugofe ieeds. Auturmale. Meadow Saffron whth plain, lanceolated, credl leaves. Per. Sep. POLI'GTNIA comprehends fuch as have more than four pijiils. A L I S M A. Water Plantain. The cup confifts of three ovate, concave, permanent leaves. 1 he flower hath three roundifh, large, plain, very patent petals. The fix filaments are lubulated, (horter than the corolla, having roundifh antherse. The germina are more than five with fimple ftyles and ob- tufe ftigmata. The capfules are comprefTed and the., feeds folitarv and fmall. L 2 Obf. 76 HEPTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Obf. Bamafonium of T. hath fix large acuminated capfules. Alifma, Bill hath many obtufe fmall capfules. Flantago, Great IVater Plantain ’with ovate, acute leaves, and obtufe, trigonal fruit. Per, June^ July, Ranunculoides, Lejjer Water Plantain linear, lan- ceolated leaves, and feurfy, globofe fruit. Per. June., July. ■ Natans. Creeping Water Plantain with ovate, obtufe leaves, and folitary peduncles. Per. Aug. Bamafonium. Star headed Water Plantain With, corda- to-oblong leaves, and flowers having fix piftiis. About London and many other places. In ditches and Handing waters. Per. June — ytug, ^ CLASS VII. HEPTANDRIA. ^he plants of this clafs have feven Jlamina and one pijiil^ hence the name of HEPLANBRIA AiONOGl NlA. TRIENTALIS. Chickweed, Winter-green. The cup hath feven lanceolated, acuminated, pa- tent, permanent leaves. The flower is flellate, plain, monopetalous and divided into feven parts, [light- ly joining at the bafe-j the fegments are ovato-lanceoiat- ed. The feven filaments are capillary, inlerted in the ungues of the corolla, patulent and the length of the cup •with Ample anther;^. The germen is globofe, the flyie is like thread, the length of the ftamina with a headed ftigma. The fruit is a dry, globofe, unilocular, caplu- lar berry, the cruft is [lender and opens in feveral futures containing a few angular feeds. 1 he receptacle is large and hollowed out lor the feeds. ^ OCTANDRIA MuNOGYN T A. 77 Obf. The common number of feeds is feven, tho’ it varies' iometiiTies. The fi uit is a dry berry, not opening by. valves, as a, capfule. Enropcea. Chickweed^ or Winter Green with lapceolated entire leaves. Pound in woods. lorkJL Northum. and Weji, Near Binglcy in Tork/h, Hudson. Per, June, CLASS VIII. OCTANDRIA. fhe plants of this eldfs have eight Jiamina^ and from one to four piftils^ it is therefore divided into MOJPOGTNIA DIGlNIAGfc, MONO G TNI A comprehends fiich as have only one ft amen,., EPI,LOBIU M, WiLLOWHERB, HE cup hath four oblong, acuminated, coloured. deciduous leaves, and. the iiower hath four round- ifli petals fomewhat emarginated. The eight filaments are fubulated, and alternately fhorter, with oval, com- prelled, obtufe anthers, 'fhe germen is cylindrical, very long and beneath the flower; the ftyle is thread- like, the ftigma is quadrifid, thick, obtufe and turned back. The fruit is a very long, cylindrical, ftriated, quadrilocular capfule, wiih four valves containing many oblong feeds, crowned with down. The receptacle is very long, tetragonal, free, flexile, coloured. Obf. In fome the llamina and piftils are eredl, in o- thers declined to the lower fide. Anguftifolimn, Rofebay Willow-herb with lineari-lan- ceolated leaves, thin fet on the branches. In woods and hedges. On Maize-hill beyond Greenwich, In many places in the North. Per, July-, Aug, Hirfutum 7^ OCTANDHTA MONOGYNIA.' Hirfutum. Small flowered hairy Willow-herb with lan- ccolated, undulato-i'errated, decurrent leaves, the lower leaves oppolite, theftalk rimple,,and ending in a bunch. Per. July, Ramofum, Great flowered Willow-herb., or Codlings and Cream., with lanceolated, ferrated, partly decnrrent leaves, the lower ones oppofite, and a branchy ftalk. By the fides of fmall rivers frequently. Per. July. Monianum. Smooth leaved Willow-herb with oppofite, ovate, dentated leaves. Bicn. June, P etragonum. IN arrow-leaved Willow-herb with lancc- olato-linear leaves, denticles oppofite, and a tetragonal flem. In ditches and rivulets. Per. July, Paluftre. Marjh Willow herb with oppofite, lanceo- iated, entire leaves, the petals emarginated, and the ftalk ere(ft. Per, July, Jlpinum. Mountain Willow-herb with oppofite, ovato- lanceolated, entire leaves, feftile filiquae, and a creeping ftem. In the rivulets on the fides of Cheviot-hills in Northum, R. Sy, Per, July, V A C C I N I U M. Whortle Berries. The cup is very fmall, above the receptacle, and re- mains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous, campanulated and quadrifid, and the fegments turned backwards. I'lie eight filaments are fimple, having two horned anthers that have two patent fpikes. The germen is beneath the flower, the ftyle is fimple, longer than the ftaminawith an obtufe ftigina. The berry is globofe, umbiiicated, and qUadrilocular, with a few fmall feeds. Obf. Linn. One fifth in every part of the frudlifica^. tion is often added i. 2. 6. 7. 8. and 9. Here it is the ift. The cup in many is quadrifid, in the myrtle it is entire. The corolla when freih is almoft entire, it is turned back to the bafe in the Oxycocco or Cran-berries. Myrtillus, OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA 79 N^rtilhs. Whortle Berries or Bill Berries with pedun- cles bearing fmgle flowers, the leaves ferrated, ovate, and deciduous and an angular flem. Afril^ May, Uliginofum. I' he great Bilberry Bufh with peduncles bearing Angle flowers, and the leaves entire, oval and ciliated at the bafe. In the mountains of Qunb, Aprils May. Cantabricum. Irijh JVhorts with naked branches, en- tire, revoluted, lanceolato-ovate leaves, and underneath downy. Hudson. Such as have ever-green leaves. Vitis Ida'a. Whortle Berries with nodding termlnatory branches, obovate leaves, entire, turned back and point- ed underneath. Found in the mountains of TorkJJt, Derbyjh. and Staff. R. Sy, Aprils May. Oxycoccus. Cran Berries with entire, ovate leaves, turned backwaids, and repent, thread-like, naked flalks. In turfy places both in Wejl. Cumb. Lm. and JPo'^kJ/u May., jmie. ERICA. Heath or Ling. - The cup hath four ovate, erefl, coloured, permanent leaves, and the flower is monopctalous, campanulated, quadrifid, and often ventricofe. The eight fllaments arc capillary and placed upon the receptacle with bifld an- therae. The germen is roundifli, the ilyle is thread-like, ftrait, longer than the Itamina. The ftigma is tetragon nal and quadrifld. The fruit is a roundifli capfule, lefs than the cup, covered, quadrilocular and has four valves, containing many fmall feeds. Obf. Linn. There are Ibme fpecies with a double- cup. The figure of the corolla is diflercnt in different plants, d he antherte in foine are double, horned, and emarginated iii many. " Such 8o OCTANDRIA T R I G Y N I A. f Such as have -double horned anther. e. Vulgaris. Common Heath or Ling with double horned antherai, unequal, cainpanulared flowers, and fagitated leaves let K^ppofite. June., July-) Aug. Cinerea. Fine kav'ed Wath with double horned an- therse, ovate, racehiofe flowers and fmooth, linear leaves by threes_, _ June— Aug.. Tetralix. with' -double horned an- ‘‘thefte^^^'^ flow(^rs, longer than the cup, and hairy, patent leaves by foun;v fUty., Aug. '• Such as have fimple., ohtufe., emarginated anther ^e. Ciliaris. Rough leaved. Heath with funpie augherse, irregular, ovate flowers, three in a bunch, and hairy leayes‘by threes • Jum..^ J^.MuUiflora:' Fir leaved Heath with^fnnple, bifid an- therae, cylindrical flowers, and linear, patent leaves by fives. June., July.) , • D I G T'N I A comprehends fuch as have two pijiils. BLACKSTONIA. Fhis genus is taken from Hudson. The cup is divided into eight parts, the fegments . are lanceolated and permanent. The flower is monopeta- lous, without a tube, and divided into eight fegmenis . that are lanceolated and the length of the cup. The eight filaments are fubulated and have Ample anthene. The germen is ovato-oblong without any ityie, but two ftigmata. The fruit is an oblong, acuminated, unilocular capfule with two valves and many frnall feeds. Perfdliata) Yellow Centory with flowers divided into eight parts, and perfoliate leaves. .An. July. T R I G T N I A comprehends fuch as have three pijiils.. POLYGONUM. Bistort or Snakeweed^.'^ . -The cup is turbinated, internally coloured, quinque- partite, and the fegments are oval, obtufe, and permanent. There is no flower unlefs the cup be reckoned as fuch, * The OCTANDRIA TRIGYNIA 8f The filaments are moft commonly eight, fubulated and very fhort with roundifii, proftrate antheras;, The ger- men is triquetrous and has moft commonly three thread- like, very fhort ftyles with fimple ftigmata. There is no feed vefTel but the cup contains one triquetrous acute feed. Obf. The ftamina in fome are fix, in others feven, in others five. The piftil in fome is bifid. Such fpecies as have fingle fpikes, Biftarta, Snakeweed with a fimple monoftachyous ftem, ovate leaves, decurrent into a petiolum. Found in moift meadows. Per, May^ June, Viviparum, Snakeweed with a fimple monoftachyous ftem and lanceolated leaves. Per, June, Such as have a bifid piftil and ftamina lefts than eighth Amphibium, Perennial Arftmart which hath a flower with five ftamina and a bifid piftil, and the ftamina lon- ger than the corolla. Per, June,, JAy, Perficaria, Spotted Arftmart which hath flowers that have fix ftamina and two piftils, ovato-oblong fpikes, lanceolated leaves and ciliated ftipulae. Found frequent in rough uncultivated places. An, Aug, Sep, Penjylvanicum, Pale Arftmart which hath flowers that have eight ftamina, two piftils, hifpid peduncles, lance- olated leaves and ftipulae without beards. An, Aug. Hydropiper. P/ater Pepper or Arftmart with flowers that have fix ftamina, bifid piftils, lanceolated leaves, and ftipulae. without beards. An. July,, Aug, Minus. Small creeping Arftmart with flowers that have fix ftamina, two piftils, lanceolated leaves, ciliated ftipuliE, and a divaricated, patulent fteip. An, July. Such as have undivided leaves and eight ftamina. Aviculare, Knot-grafts whofe flowers have eight fta- mina and three piftils, arifing from the joints, lanceolated leaves and a procumbent, herbaceous ftem. An, June — Sep, M 82 O C T A N D R I A T E T R A G Y N I A. Maritimum, Sea Knot-grafs with axillary flowers that have eight ftamina, and three pifliils, ovali-lanceolated /leaves always green, and a Ihrubby ftalk. Per, July. Convolvulus. Black Bindweed with cordate leaves, a twining ilem, and plainilli flowers. An. June — Sep. Fagopyrum. Buck Wheat or Brank with cordato-fa- gitated leaves, a branchlefs, ered ilem, and the angles of the feeds equal. An. July. Aug. T EFRAGTN I A comprehends fuch as have four pijiils. PARIS. True-love or One-berry. The cup is tetraphylious and remains till the fruit be ripe, the leaves are lanceolated, acute, as large as the corolla and patent. There are four patent, fubulated petals like the cup, and remain till the fruit be ripe. ,The eight filaments are fubulated and ihort, beneath the antherae.v/hich are long and grow on both Tides to the middle of the filaments. The germen is rotundo-tetra- gonal, having four patent ilyles, fhorter than the ilamina and Ample ftigmata. The fruit is a globofe- tetragonal, quadrilocular berry, having many feeds in a double feries. Fluadrifolia. Herb Paris., &€. with four leaves of which there is but one fpecies found in the whole world. I have feen this plant in all the woods about the Tealands in Lan. Some plants I have obferved with five and foine with Ax leaves. May— July. A D O X A. Tuberous Moschatel. The cup is bifid, plain and permanent within the germen. ■ The flower is monopetalous, plain and qua- drifid, the fegments ovate, acute and longer than the cup. The eight filaments are fubulated and the length of the cup, with roundifh antherae. The germen is beneath the receptacle of the flower, having four Ample, ered ftyles the length of the ftamina that are permanent, with E N N E A N D R I A. 85 Avith fimple ftigmata. The fruit is a globofe berry between the cup and corolla, the cup being joined with the berry which is umbilical and quadrilocular having folitary, comprelTed feeds. Obf. Linn. Such is the terminatory frudlification, but all the laterals add one fifth part of the number. N. B. With great propriety this might be added a- mong the plants of the Decandria Clafs as every flower but the terminatory one hath ten ftamina. MsfchaielHna, "Tuherous Mojchatel. Per, March — June, E L A T I N E. Waterwort. The cup hath four roundifh, plain leaves, as large as the flower, which remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath four ovate, obtufe, feifile, patent petals. The eight filaments are the length of the corolla, hav- ing fimple antherae. The germen is orbicular, globofo- deprefled and large, having four ftyles, ered, parallel and the length of the ftamina with fimple ftigmata. The fruit is an orbicular, globofo-deprelfed, large, qua- drilocular capfule with four valves containing many lu- nulated, ered feeds furrounding the Receptacle in th® fliape of a wheel. Alflnajirum, with verticillat3€ leaves. Per, Aug. CLASS IX. ' E N N E A N D R I A. ^he plants of [this clafs have nine ftamina,, and from one to fix piftilsy but in England we have none with a fe^veer number ofpiftils than fix,, and only one plant of that clafsy vi^» B U T O M U S. Flowering Rush. The involucrum is fimple, having three Ihcrt leaves. The flower hath fix roundifn, concave, withering leaves, alternately lefs and more acute. The M 2 nine 84 DECANDRIA MGNOGYNIA. nine filaments are fubiilated, of which fix are placed externally, with bilamellaLcd antheras. There are fix oblong, acuminated germina ending in ftyles and lim- ple ftigmata. There are fix oblong, attenuated, ere6t capfiiles having one valve, and open inwardly, contain^ ing many oblongo-cylindraceous feeds, obtufe on both fides. Umhellatus, Flowering Rujh or JVater Gladiole, In mofi: of the ditches about London^ in the County of Surry. June^ July. CLASS X. DECANDRIA. fhe plants of clafs have ten ftamindy and from one to five piftils or more. MO N 0 G T N 1 A comprehends fuch as have onepifiil. MONOTROPA. Bird’s Nest. There is no Ipup (unlefs you account the five external petals as fuch.) The flower hath ten oblong, parallelorereft petals, ftrrated at the fummits and deciduous, of which the exterior ones are alternate- ly gibbous at the bafe, and internally concave and mel- liferous. There are ten filaments that are fubulated, credjt and Ample, with Ample anthersp. The germen is roundifh and acuminated, the ftyle is cylindraceous, and the length of the flamina, with an obtufo-headed fligmia^ The fruit is an oyate, pentagonal, obtufe capfule, with five valyes, containing many paleaceous feeds. ‘Obf. Such is the term inatory flower, but if there are lateral ones they exclude one fifth of the number in e- yery part of the frudtification. Hypopithys, Bird's Neft^ fmelling like Primrofe roots^ with lateral flowers having eight flamina and the termi- natory one ten. In woods but not common. Per. July. A N P R O- DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 85 ANDROMEDA. Wild Rose-mary. The cup is quinquepartite, acute, fmall, coloured and permanent. The Hower is monopetalous, campan- ulated, quinquifid, with reflex fegments. The t^n fila- ments art* lubulated and fliorter than the corolla and fcarce fixed thereto. The antherse have two nodding horns. The germen is roundifli, the ftyle cylindraceous, longer than the ftamina and remains till the fruit be ripe having an obtufe ftigma. T he fruit is a roundifh, pentagonal, quinquelocular capfule, having five valves opening at the corners with many roundifh fmooth feeds. Obf. This plant differs from Heath in the number of ftamina. The flpwer in fome is ovate, in others perfe6lly campanulated. Polifolia, Marjh Cijius or Wild Rofe-mary v/ith ag- gregate peduncles, ovate flowers, the leaves alternately lanceolated and turned back. On moffy grounds. I found it on the JVhite-mofs^ Tealandy Lan, Per, May, P Y R O L A.. Winter-green. The cup is quinquepartite, very fmall and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath five roundifh, con- cave, patent petals. The ten filaments are fubulated and fhorter than the corolla, having nodding, large, two horned antherse. The germen is roundifli, angular and has a thread-like ftyle, longer than the ftamina and per- manent, with a thickifh ftigma. The capfule is round- ifh, deprefled, pentagonal, quinquelocular, and opens ac the angles, containing many paleaceous feeds. The fhape of the ftigma is different in different fpecies. Rctundifolia, Common Winter ’green the rtnr7, hu under the upper fide, and declining piftils. L. jods Eiivi U D E C A N D R I A D I G Y N I A. and thickets. Near Halifay; in the way leading to Keighley^ Torkjh. and other places of the North. Hudson. Seldom found in the South. Per. June., July. Minor. Leffer Winter-green with flowers difperfed' in branches, upright ftamina and piftiis. In a little wood between Clapham anti Ingleion., T'orkfn. In ^'acket 'woody near Simonburn five miles from HexharUy Northumberland, Per. July, Secunda. Dented leaved Winter-green with the branches on one fide. In Hajlcwood near Sir Walter Vavasor’s park in Torkfh. R. 6j. Per. June. D IG T N I A comprehends fuch as have two pijlils. CHRYSOSPLENIUM. Golden Saxifrage. The cup is quadripartite, often qulnquifid, patent, coloured and remains till the fruit be ripe, with ovate fegments. There is no flower, unlefs the coloured cup be taken as fuch. There are eight and often ten fiamina that are fubulated, eredt and very fnort, placed in the angular receptacle, with fimple antherse. The germen is funk in the receptacle, and ends in two fubulated ftyies the length of the ftamina, having obtufe ftigmara. The fruit is a two beaked, bipartite, unilocular capfule, hav- ing two valves, furrounded with a green cup, contain- ing many fmall feeds. Obf. The terminatory flower is fometimes quinquifid, the other feries are quadrifid. About Leighton Hally Lan, Oppofitifolium. Common Gold-en Saxifrage with oppfite leaves. Found about fprings, and in fhady woods. Per. Aprily May. AUernifolium. Golden Saxifrage with alternate leaves. Found as the former but not fo common. Near Bing- ley in Torkfh. Per. April. SAX- DECANDRIA D I G Y N I A. *7 SAXIFRAGA. Saxifrage. The cup is monophyllous, quinquepartite, Hioit, a« cute, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath, five patent petals narrow at the bafe. The ten filaments are fiibulated, having roundifh anthcrae. The germea is fubrotundo-acuminated, ending in two fhort ftyles^ with obtnfe fligmata. The fruit is a fubovate capluie, two-bea^ed, unilocular, opening among the apices and contains many minute feeds. Such as have undivided leaves and naked fiems, Stellaris. Hairy Kidyieywort with ferrated leaves, a naked, branching ftalk, and acuminated petals. On tht Welfli mountains. On Hardknot and Wrenofe^ by Buck^ barrovj~well in Longjleddale^ IVeft, R. Per, June-^ Jug. Nivalis, Mountain Sengreen with obovate, crenate, feffile leaves, a naked ftalk, and flowers in clufters. Found on the mountains. R. Sy, Per, June, Such as have undivided leaves^ and a leafy ftalk, Oppojitifolia, Mountain Heath-like Sengreen with ovate, oppofite, imbricated leaves, and the tops ciliated. Found on the fides of Inglehorough, On Snowdon Per, Mareh^ April. Aizoides. Tellow Mountain Sengreen with the leaves on the ftalks, lineari-fubulated, thlnfet and naked, and the ftaiks decumbent. On the fides of Inglehorough-hilL Per. Aug. Autumnalis. Autumnal Sengreen with linea^. ftalk leaves, alternately ciliated, and thofe towards die ioots aggregate. Found by Dr. Kin'gstonb on Knotsford Moor^ Chefhire. Per. July., Aug, Such as have lohate leave's., and ere SI ftalks. Cafpitofa. Small Mountain Sengreen with the radical leaves aggregate, linear, entire and trifid, and an eredt, naked ftalk that bears two flowers. Found on the mountains about Amhkfide in V/ef, Per. "Prydxic- ’ 88 D E C A N D R I A D I G Y N I A. ^rydaulylites. Rue leaved Sengreen or Whitlow-grafs with leaves like wedges, alternately trifid, and an ere(^, branchy ftem. On old walls and houfes. An. Aprils May, Granulata. IVJiite Sengreen or Saxifrage with lobate, kidney fhaped leaves, a branchy flem, and a granulated root. In the fields on the fide of Wallworth coynmon near London plentiful. In Mr Town ley’s wood called Grifedale nigh the fide of the Coppice- wood but not plen- tiful, Lan. Per. May., June. Such as have lohate leaves and procumbent Jlalks, Hypnoides. Trifid Sengreen linear, entire or trifid leaves on the ftalks, procumbent fide .fhoots, and eredl ’ ftalks which are almoft naked. In the mountains of Weft. Torkjh. Derby fit. Per. April., May. / SCLERANTHUS. Knawel. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, femlquinqui- fid', acute, and remains till the fruit be ripe, and is ftraitened in the neck. There is no flower. The ten •filaments are fubulated, ered, very finall and placed up- on the cup, having roundifli anthers. The germen is roundifli and has two ered, capillary ftyles the length of the ftamina, and Ample ftigrnata.. The fruit is an ovate, very flender capfule in the bottom of the cup, containing two feeds, convex on one fide and plain on the other. Anntius. Gernian Knot-grafs, or Annual Knawel witli the cups of the fruit patuient. In fandy fields. Adi, Aug. ' Pennis. Perennial Knawel with the cups of the fruit fhut. Grows as the former. Per. Aug. SAPONARIA. SoAPwoRT. The cup is monophyllous, tubulofe, quinquedentated, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The petals are fiv^e, the ungues are narrow, angulated, and the length of the cup. P E C A N D R I A D I G Y N 1 A. cup. The limb is plain, but the fegments are e^cternally broader and obtufe* The ten filaments are Tubulated and the length of the tube of the corolla, alternately placed upon the ungues of the petals, having long, ob- tufe, proftrate antherse. The germen is taper, having tw6 ere(fi:, parallel ftyles, the length of the (lamina with acute ftlgmata. T he fruit is a capfuk the length of the cup, covered, unilocular and cylindraceous, containing many fmall feeds. O^cvtalis, Soap-wort with cylindrical cups and ova- to-lanceolated leaves. \n ton Tov^n. Oppofite Mr Clarkson’s houfe in Tealand Redman^ Lan, plentifully* Near Mordon College^ Camb, Per, July^ Aug, DJANTHUS. Clove Gilly-flower, Carnation and Pink. The cup is cylindrical, long, flriated and remains till the fruit be ripe, the mouth is ered and quinquedentated, furrounded at the bafe with four fquamulas, of which two are lower than the others. The flower hath five pe- tals and the ungues are the length of the cup, narrow and placed upon the receptacle; the upper part is broad, obtule and crenated. The ten filaments are fubulated and the length of the cup with patulent apices. The antherae are ovali-oblong, comprefled and proftratc. / The germen is oval having two fubulated ftyles longer than the ftamina and the ftigmata are crooked and acu- minated. The capfule is cylindraceous, clofe, unilocu- lar, opening at the top four ways, containing many com- preffed, roundifti feeds. The receptacle is open, tetra- gonal, (horter by half than the feed veffel. Obf. Linn. In feme, the ftyles fcarcely exceed the length of the ftamina, in others they are very long, but fo much turned back, that the inflexion of the flower ap- pears unncceflTary, N Such 90 DECANDRIA T R I G Y N I A, Such as have aggregate Jiowers, Armeria, Deptford Pink with aggregate flowers, tlie fcaies of the cup lanceolated, yillofe, and equal with the tube. In Carlton IVood^ Camb, Craydon. Hudson. Per. July. Prolifer. JJrnewort with aggregate, headed flowers, the fcaies of the cup ovate, obtuie, and the beards equal- ing the tube. In gravelly places but not common. An. Aug. - . . Such as have folk ary flowers and many on the fame flalk. < Deltoides., Maiden Pinks with fingle flowers, the leaks of the cup double and lanceolated, and the flowers crena- ted. In heathy meadows and palfures. On Harnftead Heath. Per. Ju?ie., July. Glaucus. Mountain Pink with Tingle flowers, the fcaies of the cup lanceolated, and the petals crenated. On Chedder rocks in Somerfetjhire. Mr Brewer. Per. July. Such as have one flower on an herbaceous flalk. Arenarius. Stone Pink with ftalks that have one flower, the fcaies of the cup ovate and obtufe, the petals ’ bifld and the leaves linear. In dry paftures and on v/alis. 0\\ Chedder rocks. Mr Brewer. In the north of land. R. Sy, Per. June., July. AT RIG TN I A comprehends fuch as have three pifl Us. GU CUB ALUS. Berry bearing Chickweed.’ The cup is monophy lions, tubulofe, quinquedentated and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath • £ve petals, the. ungues the length of the cup, the limb is plain but the fegments are bifid. The ten filaments are Tubulated and alternately placed upon the tails of the petals, with oblong ahthcrae. ’^Thcgermen is fomewhat longifh I>E C A N D R I A* T R i G Y N RA/ 91 iongifh having three fubiiiate^ ftyles longer than the Itainina. The iligmata are hairy, oblong and bent a- gainil the fun,- .i.The fruit; is a clofe capfuie, acuminated, trilocular at apex, opening hve ways, ’ containing many rolindiHi feeds. . Obf It is diilinguifhed from the Silene by the co/olla having no neddariai crov/n. Bacciferus. Berry bearing Chickweed with campanu- lated cups, the petals Handing off one another, the feed veffels. coloured, and the branches divaricated. In .woods in, the I He of R. Sy. *Pex- July. _ . , i Behen. Bladder Campion^ or }Vhite Corn Campion with, fubglobofe cups, fmooth and reticuio-venofe, trilocular caplules, . and naked coroll^e. - ^ In dry paftures very common. .Per. July. ; . ' - . : rrVifcafus. ■ Dover Campion ^ ysfith. decumbent, . lateral flov/ers, .an undivided (talk, and leaves .redcxi at, (She-bafcw- Found bn Bovyr Cliffs by Mr Newton.- Per, July. ■ - , : ( V ]:-b Otites. Spaniff Campion^ ov Catchjy., flowers, Tetaceolis,^ undivided petals. In grayelly foil. About the.grayel pits on the north of Newmarkp.^ Be- tween Barton Mills and Thetfor4*^ R* By., I-er-^ July* I Acaulis. - Mofs Campion w-ithout: a .ftalk. Found on mountdins* July, - . r .ni; :i t;.. : ’■ V' } ‘ -i,:-.;* 7?rioe f.i., ? S I L E N E. .yiscpus, Campion,; or.CATCHFLY. The cup is monop hyllous, tubulofe, quinquedentated and remains till the fruit.be ripe. Tile flower .hath five petals, with narrow ungues, the length of the cup and emarginated: The limb is plain, obtufe and often bifld. The nedarium is compounded of two fmail indentures in the neck, of each petal conftituting a crown of the faux. There are ten fubulated filaments, alternately placed upon the tails of the petals, above each ot}ie/,. with oblong antherse. The germen is cylindrapepus, having three fimple flyles longer than the ftamina and N 2 ftigmata 9* decandriatrigynia. ftigniata that ai"e reflexed agalnft the fun. The fruit Is' a cylindrical, clofe, trilocular capfule opening in the a- pex five ways, containing many kidney lhaped feeds. Anglica, Small Corn Catchjly^ ox Campion^ rough with cmarginated petals, ere6l flowers, the fruit reflex, and peduncles alternate. In the corn fields near -Colchejlcr. Among the corn near the Devil's Ditch in Camb, R. Sy,- An. Jme^July. A^neena. ^ea Campion with bifid petals, the leaves hanging on the outfide, peduncles that have three flowers and are oppofite, and alternate branches. On the fea- Ihore. Per, Aug. Nutans. Nottingham Catchfiy with bifld petals, nod- ding flowers . growing from the fide of the (talks, all turned to one fide, and a ftalk bended back. On the Walls of Nottingham Caflle and thereabouts. And on many rhountains and paftures. Per. June., July. • Conoidea.' Great Corn Catehfly., or Campion with the cups of the fruit conical, marked with thirty (tripes, and fotrleavesi Found in gravelly fields. NocfiJioTrat Night flowering Catchfly with ten angulated cups, the dents equal with the tube, apd a dichotomous (tem. Found in corn fields, July, ‘ Armeria. Broad leaved Catchfly with flowers gathered into bunches, the upper leaves Imooth and heart lhaped, commonly called Lobel's Catchfly. On the banks of the river half a mile below Cheftef'. R. Sy. An. Aug. - - STELTARIA. Stitchwort. The cup hath five leaves, that are ovato-lanceolated, concave, acute, patent, and remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath five bipartite, plain, oblong, withering petals. The ten filaments are thread-like, (horter than die corolla, alternately (hotter one than the other with roundiih antherae. The germen roundilh and hath - . three DECANDRIATRIGYNIA. 93 three capillary, patent ftyles v/ith obtufe ftigmata. v The fruit is an ovate, dole, unilocular capfule with fix valve^j containing many, roundifh, flat feeds. * fJemorum. Broad leaved Stitchwort with petiolated, cor- date leaves, and tlie peduncles of the panicle ramofe. In woods and hedges and on the banks of rivers in Torkjh, Lan. JVeJL and Cumb', Per. July., Aug. Holcjiea. (greater Stitchwort ^i\ki lanceolated, ferrated leaves and bifid petals. Common in woods and hedges* . per. April., May. . Graminea. Lejfer Stitchzvort with linear entire leaves, and paniculated flowers. A common plant. Per. July* A R E N A R I A. Chickweed. The cup hath five oblong, acuminated, patent petals that remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath five ovate petals. The ten filaments are fubulated with roundilh antherse. The germen is ovate, having three eredo-reflex flyles and thickifh ftigmata. The fruit is an ovate, clofe, unilocular capfule, and the apex o- pening five ways contains many kidney fhaped feed5». Peploides. Sea Chickweed with ovate, acute, flefhy leaves. Per. June., July. P'rinervia. Plantain-leaved Chickweed with ovate, a- eote, petiolated nervous leaves. An. May., June. Serpyllifolia. The leafi Chickweed with fubovate^ acute, leflile leaves, and flowers fhorter than the cups^ An. May., June, Saxatilis. Mountain Chickweed with fubulated leaves, paniculated ftems, and the leaves of the cups ovate. Found on the m^yntaii)? of Torkjh. Derbyjji. and lVeJl» Per. Aug. Lariafolia. Larch leaved Chickweed with fetaceous leaves, the ftalk naked towards the top, and the cups rpughifh, Pn th? mountains of Wefi. Per^ Aug. Tm. i 94 DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. ^tnuifolia. Fine leaved Chickweed with fubulated^ leaves,. a panlculated ftem, fimple peduncles, eredl cap*, fules, and petals fhorcer than the cup. Per. June., 'July. - Ruhr a. Purple flowred Chickweed, . ox: Spurry yriih thread-like leaves, and membranaceous ftipuia; formings a Iheath. i Marina. Sea Spurry with linear leaves the lengtli of. ^hat fpace between the notches. An. June, July. PENTAGTNIA. comprehends.. Juch plants as . have' jive pijiils. * COTYLEDON. Navel-wort, or Kidney-wort. The cup is monophyllous, ferniquinquifid, acute and very fmall. The' flower hath a xampanulated^ ';feEfli- quinquifid petal. The nedarium is a concave.'Tcale* at the exterior bale of the germen. ' The ten fllamcnts) are fubulated, fliraight, and the length ofihe corolla, hav-; ing ere6t, four furrowed a ntherser. There are five ob*-^ long^ thickifh germina, ending in fubulated ftyles:, ion-! g^r than the Itamina,- with firnpie fliigmata. There, aixt flve oblong, ventricole,'*acumrnated' capfules, with one valve, opening longitudinally, containing many .fmall' feeds. - Umhilicus. Navel^wort, Kidney -wort, ox IVall Penny^, wort, with cuculiated, ferrko-dentated, alternate, leaves, a branchy Item, and ered flowers. On old walls, but; not common; near Brijiol. About Froutbeck, Weji.s. Hudson. May— July, S E D' U M. 'Houseleek.' • ^The cup is quinquepartite, acute, eredl and remains till the fruit beripe. The flower hath five lanceolated^ acuminated,, plain,- patent petals. The neftaria .are five^’ eachds a very fmall, emarginated fquamula, affixed to the DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. ^5 the outer part of the germen near the the bale. The ten filaments are Tubulated and the length of the corolla, having roundifh antherse. The five germinaare oblong, ending in (lender flyles and have obtufe ftigmata. There are five patent, acuminated, comprefled capfules, emarginated towards the bafe, and open longitudinally and contain many very fmall feeds. 5" dephium. Orpine^ or Live-long^ with plainifh ferrated leaves, a leafy corymbus and ereft ftalk. In rocky woods moft commonly. Per, Aug, Reflexum, Yellow Stonecrop^ or Prick-madam^ with Tubulated leaves fet thinly without order, a looTe mem- branaceous bafe, the lower leaves bended, and the flowers from the top of the branches. Rupefire, St. Vincenfs Rock Stonecrop with Tubulated leaves growing in clufters five ways; the bafe has a looTe membrane and the flowers grow from the top of the branches. On St. Vincenfs Rock near Brijiol, Per, Aug, Album, White flowered Stonecrop with oblong, obtule, taper leaves, fitting dole to the flallcs, patent, and a branching flalk. On walls and houTes., On a wall juft beyond the Chapel at Kenti/h-Yoivn. Per. June.^ July. Acre. Wall Stonecrop., or Pepper., with oval, gibbotis, ered, alternate leaves, fitting dole to each other and a trifid top. Per. June. Sexangulare. Inftpid Stonecrop with almoft oval, gib-- bous, ered leaves, growing dole to each oHier and imbri- cated fix ways. Bien. July. Annuufii. Mountain Stonecrop with an ered, annual. Angle ftalk, oval, gibbous leaves, which are placed al- ternately and a recurved top. Betwixt 7'armouth and Dcnewich. On the rocks in Lan. and Wefl. Near Winandenner e-water. KhowtRydalem Weft, Per. Aug. Dafyphyllum. Round leaved Stonec7'op' oval, flefhy, obtufe leaves placed oppofite, a weak ftalk, and flowers growing thinly without order. An. July. filloflim. March Stonecrop with an ered ftalk, plain leaves,- .96 DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA: leaves, and peduncles fomewhat hairy. On the moift rocks about InglchorougJu On Hincklehow near Setile, Dr. Richardson. June, O X A L I S. Wood Sorrel. The cup is quinqnepartite, acute, very fhort and re^ mains^till the fruit be ripe. 7 he flower is qulnquepar- tite, cohering by means of ungues, ere6t, obtufe and e- marginated. There are teh, capillary, ered filaments, and the external ones are fhorter, having roundifh, ful- cated antherje. The germen is quinquangular, with five thread-like ftyles the length of the fliamina, and the ftigmata are obtufe. The fruit is a pentagonal, quin- quelocularcapfule, opening longitudinally at the angles, containing roundifli feeds that are thrown out with an elafticity, when ripe, if touched. Acetofella, JVood Sorrel with one flower on a foot- flalk, leaves by threes, and a fcaly, jointed root. Per^ April, AGROSTEM A. Cockle. The cup is monophyllous, coriaceous, tubulofe, quin- quedentated, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath five petals and the ungues are the length of the tube of the cup. The limb hath patent, obtqfe la«» minas or fegments. The ten filaments are Tubulated and alternately ranged, placed upon each unguis, of the petals, having Ample anther^e. The germen is o- vate having five thread-like, ere(5l ftyles the length of the ftamina and Ample ftigmata. I'he fruit is an ob- iongo-ovate, covered, unilocular capfule with five valves containing many, kidney-ftiaped, pointed feeds* The receptacles are free, and as many in number as the feeds, the interior ones gradually longer. Obf. A, Cithaco, The corolla is not crowned, as in the reft. Cithati], DEGANDRIA PENTAgYNIA 9/ Githaco. Hairy Cockle with cups equaling the corolla and naked entire petals; In Peckham Fields near Lon- don and fometimes tho’ rare it is found in the North* In the corn fields below Tcaland Redman I found it once or twice. June^ July^ LYCHNIS. Campion* The cup is monophyllous, tubulofe, membranaceous* quinquedentated^ and remains till the fruit be ripe* The Rower hath five petals, and ungues the length of the cup, plain and emarginated* The limb hath often divided fegments and plain. The ten filaments are aF ternately ranged and longer than the cup, each fixed to the tail of a petal with proftrate antheras* The germen is fubovate, having five Tubulated ftyles longer than thq ftamina. The ftigmata are reflex againft the fun and hairy. The fruit is a capfule approaching to an. ovate figure, covered, and hath five valves containing many roundifh feeds. Flos ciiculi. Meadow Pinks^ Wild Williams^ Cuckom Flower with quadrifid petals, and roundilh fruit. Per. June, Vifearia, Red German Catchfiy with entire petals.’ On mountainous pafliures. May^ June, Dioica, White and Red Campion^ Lychnis^ w^^th dioi- cous flowers. Per, May — July, Foemina with a compound ftalk and cups oblongo- ©vate. Per, May — July, Mas, Wild Lychnis with a red flower. Per, May^ July. CERASTIU M. Mouse-ear Chickweed. The cup hath five ovato-lanceolated, acute, patent leaves that remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath five bifid, obtufe, eredo-patent petals the length of the cup. The ten filaments are thread-like, Ihortcr than p the 98DECANDR]IA FENTAGYNIA. the corolla, alternately llioVter one than the other, having round antherx. Thegermcn is ovate, having five ca-' pillary, ercf^ fty.Rs, the length of the ftaniina and obtule ftigtfiata. if he" fruit is an ovato-cylindraceous, often globoie, obtufe, unilocular capfule, opening with a quin- quedentated apex, containing many roundilh feeds. Vulgatum.i -Narrow leaded Moufe-ear Chkkwced v/ith ovate leaves, petals equal to the cup and diffufe llalks. In metidovvs and paftures. An. June. Vifcofum. Broad leaved Moufe-ear Chickweed that is^ villoie, eredl, and clammy. An. Aprils May. Semidecandriiim. B’he leafi Moufe-ear Chicklveed with^ flowers that have five ftarnina and emarginated petals. In meadov/s and pafturcs. " An. April. Arvenfe. Corn Moufe-ear Chickiveed with linear, lan- ceolated, obtufe, fmooth leaves, and flowers larger than the cup. In meadows and paftures. On Bupper\ Hill near Croydon. Hudson. On Newmarket Wath., and* feveral places in * Camh. At Grantham in Lincolnfhire, ' Between the Glafs-houfes and JDenfs Hole., Newcaftle upon ^ Tyne. Per. May. ■ ^ Ahpinum. Mountain Moufe-ear ChickweedNixh. ovzxo- lanceolated leaves, a diyided ftalk and obtufe capfules, Per. June'. Such as have roundifh capfides. T omentofim., Wooly Moife-ear Chickweed v/ith oblong, woolly leaves, ramofe peduncles, and globofe capfules. Per. May. A(iuaiiaan. Marfh Moufe-ear Chickfweed with cordate, felfile leaves, folitary flowers and pendulous fruit. Per. • July. S P E R G U L A. Spurry. The cup hath five ovate, obtufe, concave, patent leav^es that remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath five, ovate, concave, patent petals, larger than the • - ^ cup, DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. 99 cup, and undivided. The ten filaments are fubulated, and fliorter than the corolla, having roundifh anthers. The germen is ovate, the five ftyies are erefto-rcRex, and thread-like, with thickifn iligmata. The fruit is an ovate, covered, unilocular caplule with five valves, containing many depreffo-globofe feeds. Obf. It is d i ft ingu idled from the former genus by its havins; entire leaves. Arvenfts. Corn Sptirry with verticillate leaves and flowers that have ten ftamina. An. Aug. pentandria. Small Spurry with verticillate leav^es and flowers that have five ftamina. An. July. Ncdofa. Knotted Spurry., or Erglifli Marjh Saxifrage^ w'th oppofite, fubulated, fmooth leaves and limple ftalks. In moift meadows. On the banks of the Thames Nine- Elms t and on Hampfiead Heath. Per. July., Aug. C L A S S XL DODECANDRIA. This clafs comprehends fuch plants as have any number of ftamina from twelve to nineteen both inclufive., and from one to five piftils. MONOGTNIA comprehends fuch as have one piftiL A S A R U M, Asarabacca, The cup is monophyllous, campanulated, femitri- fid, coriaceous, coloured and remains till the fruit be ripe •, the fegments are eredt and inflex at the apex. There is no flower. The twelve filaments are fubulated and fliorter by half than the cup; the antherte are ob- iong> growing to the middle partition of the filaments. O 2 Tire ^JOO DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. The germen is placed beneath, often within, the fub- fiance of the cup. The ftyle is cylindraceous and the length of the ftamina, The fligma ftellate and divided into fix redex fegnients. The fruit is a coriaceous cap- fule within the i'ubftance of the cup, and has fix cells, containing many ovate feeds. Europmm, Afarabacca with kidney-fhaped, obtufe leaves, growing by pairs. In woods and fhady places. In Icveral woods in Lancafkire, May\ TYTHRUM, Willow-herb, or Loosestrife. The cup is monophyllous, cylindraceous, ftriated with twelve dents alternately iefs. The flower hath fix oblong, obtufe, patent petals, placed with the ungvies in the indentures of the cup. There are twelve flender flamina the length of the cup, the upper ones being fhorter than the lower ones, having fimple, affurgent an- therse. The germen is oblong, the ilyle is fubulated the length of the flamina, and declined with an orbicu- lated aiTurgent fligma. The fruit is an oblong, point- ed, covered, bilocular capfule, containing many fmall feeds. Obf. Linn. In fome fpecies one fixth part of the flower is wanting. Hyjfopifolia hath only fix flamina. Salicaria, Purple fpiked Lcofeftrife^ or IVillow-herh^ with oppofite, coi*dato-lanceolatecl leaves, and the flow- ers in a fpike v^/ith twelve flamina. In rivers and ditches, a very common plant in the North. Per. July. HyjJhpifGlia. Grafs-poly^ Small IJedge Hyjfop with alter- nate linear leaves, and flowers that have only fix flamina. Jn watery places, and where water has been in winter, tut not very common. Hudson. An» Aug. Sep. DJCTz DODECANDRIA DIGYNIA TRIGYNIA, loi V I G T N I A comprehends fuch as have two pijiils, AGRIMONIA, Agrimony, The cup is monophyUous, quinquifid, acute, fiuall, placed upon the germen, remains till the fruit be ripe, and guarded with another cup. The flower hath five plain, emarginated petals, with narrow ungues placed upon the cup, d he filaments are capillary, fhorter than the corolla and inferred into the cup, having fmall didy- mous, comprefled antherse. The germen is beneath the I receptacle, having two fimple ftyles the length of the ftamina, and obtufe iligmata. There is no feed vefTel, but the cyp which is itraitned in the neck and indurate ed, contains two roundifli feeds, Obf. Linn. The number of the ftamina is very un- certain, in fome twelve, feldom ten, in others feven. AgrrmonicS T. The exterior cup joins to the interior. The feeds are two and the ftamina from twelve to twen- ty, and the fruit is furroynded with hairs. Agrimonoidis T. The exterior cup is free from the interior, has one feed and about feven ftamina. £.upatoria> Agrimony with the ftalk-leaves pinnate and hairy fruit. In hedges frequently. Per, June, *TRIGTNIA comprehends fuch as have three piftils, R E S E D Bastard Rocket, The cup is monophyUous, with narrow, acute, ereft, permanent fegments, of which two are more opening I and ferve for one melliferous petal. The flower hath fome unequal petals, and fome of them are always femi.. trifld, the upper one is gibbous at the bafe, melliferous andthe length of the cup. The nedlarium is a plain, er^C'*, glandule, produced from the receptacle, placed on its upper fide between the ftamina and the upper pet:,l 102 DODEC ANDRI A TRIGYNIA. and connivcnt with the br^fe of the petal, and dilated from the fame fide. The hiaments are eleven, often fifteen and fhort, with cbtufe, ered antherse the length of the corolla. The germen is gibbous, ending in a few very fnort ftyles that have limple lligmata. I'he fruit is a gibbous, angulated capfule, acuminated, opening among the ftyles and is unilocular, containing mai^y kid- ney fhaped feeds that grow to the angles of the capfule. Obf. Linn. Scarce any genus is more difficult to be accurately determined than this, it fports in number and figure in difi’erent fpecies. The effential charader confifts in trihd petals, and one melliferous to the bale, and the capfule never ftiut, but always open. Luteola. The cup is Quadripartite, the petals are three, the upper one is melliferous and half cut into fix parts, the oppofite, lateral ones are trihd, there are added, either by nature, or the fporting of nature, two very fmall, entire, low ones, three ftyles and many ftamina. ■ The other variations regard not the engliili plants. Lutea. Bafe Rocket with all the leaves trihd, the lower ones pinnate. In helds, meadows, and paftures, efpecially chalky. ' An- July, Luteola. IVild Woad., Tellow-weed., or Dyer's JVeed.^ with lanceolated, entire leaves and quadrihd cups. On walls and in barren uncultivated places. An, June, V EUPHORBIA, Spurge. The cup is monophyllous, t'entricofe, coloured, di^ vided into four, fometimes into five, fegments at the edge and remains till the fruit be ripe. The hower confifts of four, fometimes of five, petals which are tur- binated, gibbous, thick, truncated, and fituated irregu.* larly, alternately with the fegments of the cup, and are affixed by ungues to the margin of the cup, and remain till the fruit be ripe. There are twelve, or more, {len- der, articulated ftaniina, placed upon the receptacle, and , longer DODECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. ic^ longer than the corolla, appearing at different times with didymous, roundifh antherse. Thegermen is three cor- nered and roundifh, having three bifid ftyles and obnffe ftigmata. The fruit is a roundifh, tricoccous, trilocu- lar capfule opening elaflically and contains many loiita- ry, roundifli feeds. Obf. Euphorbhm If. &c. Hath an angulated or fiefhy ftalk 'and the petals in fome trifid. • Eithymahis. hath a leafy ftalk. Eithymaloides, T.' hath a cup at the lower fide gibbous and like a keel. In fo.me fpecies the mafculine flowers , are firft. There are commonly four petals, in fome j five, often on the fame plant there are flowers of a dif- 1 ferent fex, thefe are in many glandulous, in fome lunated i or dentated, in a few flender like a membrane, and com- I monly appear as tho’ they were placed at the outfide’of I the cup. The capfule is fmooth, or rough, or verru- cofe. The ftamina do not all break out at the lame time. Peplis. Small purpk Sea Spurge that is dichotomous with entire, femicordate leaves and folitary flov'Crs from the joints, and procumbent ftalks. On the fea fliore. |i An. June, . ‘ . Such as have a trifid umbel, \ Peplus, Petty Spurge which is dichotomous wdth a ■ trifid umbel, ovate involucelli, entire, obovate, petiolat- ed leaves. An, July. Exigua. Dwarf Spurge which is dichotomous with., a trifid umbel, and lanceolated, linear leaves. About Shooters-hill'm Kent, Hudson. July, Such as have a quinquijid umbel. Heliofcopia, Sun Spurge., or Wart-wort., v/ith a quin- quifid, dichotomous umbel, oval involucelli, and fer- rated wedge-like leaves. An, July, 104 DODECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. Segetalis. Corn Spurge with a quinquihd, dichoto-- mous umbel, involuceili cordate and acute, and the leaves linear. An. July., Aug. Portlandica. Portland Spurge v/ith a quinquihdj di- chotomous umbel, the involuceili cordate, the leaves li- jbeari-lanceolated partly obtiile, acuminated and reflex. Per. Aug, Paralias. Sea Spurge with an umbel fomewhat quin- quifid and bifid, the involuceili cordato-kidney fhaped and the leaves imbricated. Per. July., Aug. Verrucofa. Rough fruited Spurge with a quinquifid, dichotomous urnbei, the involuceili cordate, the leaves lanceolate, lerrulated, hairy, and the capj'ules verrucofe. Per. Aug, Platyphyllos. Broad-leaved Spurge with a quinquifid^ dichotomous umbel, the involuceili pilofe in the keel, the leaves ferrated, lanceolated, and ieflile. Per. July, Such as have a multijid umbel, Arnygdaloides. Wood Spurge with a multifid and di- chotomous umbel, the involuceili perfoliated, and or- bicular, and the leaves obtufe. Per, April. Characias. Red Spurge with a multifid umbel, the Jnvoluceili perfoliate, emarginated, and leaves entire and a Ihrubby llalk. On the Paper-mill Pool-dam in Hey- . wood Park, Staffordjhire. Dr. Plot. I found it in a wood by the Oak of Honour not far from London, fme. Hyberna, Knotty-rooted Spuge with a dichotomous um- bel divided inco fix parts, oval involuceili, entire leaves no branches^ verrucofe capfuks. Per. July, k p 0 Lr, DODECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. 105 P OL T G T N I A comprehends [tick as have many pijlils, SEMPERVIVUM. Houseleek. The cup is divided from fix to twelve fegments that are concave, acute and permanent. The flower confifls of twelve oblong, lanceolated, acute, concave petals, a little larger than the cup. There are twelve flender filaments with roundifh antherae. There are twelve germina placed orbicularly that are ere6t and ending in as many patent flyles, that have acute lligmata. There are twelve oblong, comprefled, fliort capfules placed orbicularly, externally acuminated and opening internally,, containing many roundifli fmall feeds. Obf. Linn. The number is otten greater efpecially in the feminine parts. TeBorum, Houfeleek with ciliated leaves and patent Ihoots. Per, July. CLASS XIL -io6 ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA, . C L J S S XII. . , • •-■•A'---, - . j ' . I ,C O S A N D R I A. ^msvdafs differs from the following. ' Firft\ In having a . monophyllous concave cup, , Second., Fhe corolla is f aft ened hy unguisjo the inner fide of the cup. Fhird., Fhe ftamina > are more than nineteen and infer ted into the inmr fide of the cup or corolla. It is r^/Z^Jlcofandria, becaufe the number of ftamina in this clafs is about twenty in the greateft part of the.genera., ne- ver thelefs the number is not to be accounted' a fuffcient ^ char abler iftic., but rather the manner ofinfertion. The plants have from one to five and more piftils^ denominated \ as follow. f/LO^Nf) G T N I A comprehends fuch as have but one pijiiU of ''which we have none in nor any that have fewer than five., hence., PENTAGTNIA which comprehends fuch as have five piftils. S P I R A. Dropwort. The cup is monophyllous, femiquinquifid and plain at the bafe, and remains till the fruit be ripe, hav- ing acute fegments. The petals are five, placed upon the cup, oblong-roundifli. The filaments are more than twenty, thread-like, fhorter tlian the corolla and inferred into the cup, having roundifli antheras. The germina are five, often more, with as many flyles the length of the ftamina, and headed liigmata. The cap- fules are oblong, acuminated, comprefted with two valves, containing a few pointed fmali feeds. Obf. Linn. The Filipendula of T, hath many cap- fules placed in an orb. Uhnaria of T. hath many gontorted capfules* Filip en- ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 107 Filipendtila. Bropzvort with pinnate leaves, uniform, ferrated lobes, an herbaceous IValk, and flowers growing on (lender foot (talks at the- top. In Beetham Park be- longing to the Earl of Derby ^ IVefi, In Arnftde Park plen- tifully. In mountainous meadows and paftures. Per. July. Ulmaria, Meadozv-fweet with pinnate leaves, the out- er lobe larger, an herbaceous (talk, and flowers growing in bunches on weak foot (talks. Per. June- — Aug. POLTGTNIA comprehends fuck as have more than five piftils, FRAGARIA. Strawberry. The cup is monophyllous, plain, lightly divided into ten fegments, the external ones alternately narrower. The flower hath five roundifh, patent petals inferred in- to the cup. There are twenty fubulaced filaments, (horter than the corolla and inferred into the cup, hav- ing moon fhaped antherse. Thegermina are numerous, very fmall and colle6ted into a head. The (tyles are fimple and inferred into the fide of the gennen, and the (tigmata are fimple. There is no feed veflel. The ber- ry is a common receptacle of the feed and is rotundo- ovate, pulpofe, foft, large, coloured, truncated at the bale, and deciduous, containing many fmall, acuminated feeds, fcattered upon the fuperficies of the receptacle. Vefca. Strawberry with creeping tendrils. Per. /ipril May. Sterilis. Barren Strawberry with a decumbent, creep- ing (lalk. Per. April. ' POTENTILLA. Cinquefoil. The cup is monophyllous, plainifh, divided lightly into ten fegments that are reflex and alternately lefs. The five petals are roundifli, patent and inferted into the P 2 cup 168 ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. cup by ungues. The twenty filaments are fubulated, fliorter than the corolla, and inferred into the cup having elono-ato-lunulated ‘antherae. The germina are nume- rous, very fmall and colledted into a head. The flyles are fmall, the length of the (lamina and inferred into the fide of the germen, with obtufe fligmata. There is no feed veflel, the common receptacle of the feed is round- ifh, hardifh, very fmall, remains till the fruit be ripe, covered with feeds and included in the cup, containing many acuminated feeds. Obf. Take one tenth part away in every part of fru6lification and you will have Tormentil. Fruticofa, Shrub Cinquefoil with pinnate leaves and a flirubby flalk. Mr Lawson ©blerved thoufands of thefe plants by Mickle-force^ in J'eefdale. June. Argentina. Silver IVeedy IVild Fanfey^ with pinnated, ferrated leaves and a creeping ftalk. Per. June^ July. Rupejlris. Upright Baftard Cinquefoil with alternate, winged leaves, having five oval, crenated lobes and an cre6t flalk. Per. July. Such as have five leaves. Argent ea. ’Torment il Cinquefoil with five wedge-fhaped lobes to the leaves that are woolly on the under fide, and an ere£l flalk. ^ Per. June. Opaca. Small Rough Cinquefoil with leaves by fives fhaped like wedges and ferrated, placed nearly oppofite and the branches (lender and decumbent. Per. June. Verna. Spring Cinquefoil with radical leaves having five lobes acutely ferrated and blunt at the end. Per. JVlay^ June. Repians. Common Cinquefoil^ or Five leaved Grafsy with digkated leaves, a creeping flalk, and peduncles with fmgie flowers. Per. June. Alba. JVhite Cinquefoil with leaves that have five lobes lerrated at the points, flender, procumbent ftalks, and rough receptacles. Per. Aug. T O R M E N- ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 109 TORMENTILLA. Tormentil. The cup is monophyllous, plain, lightly cut into eight fecnnents, alternately Ids and acute. The four petals are obcordate, plain, patent, inferred into the cup by means of ungues. There are fixteen fubulated filaments fhort- er by half than the corolla, inferred into the cup, with fimple antherae. There are eight imall germina, conni- ventinto afmali head with fiender ftyles the length of the itamina, inferred into the fides of the germina, having obtule ftigmata. The receptacle of the feed is very fmall and loaded therewith, being included in a cup, eight in number, oblong and obtulely acuminated. Obf. Tormentilla only differs from the Fotentilla in the number, both may therefore juftly be efteemed one genus. EreBa. ^ ormentil^ or Septfoil^ with an ered ftalk and fefllle leaves. Per, June. Reptans. Creeping Pormentil with a creeping ftalk, and leaves on foot ftalk s. Per. July. GEUM. Avens, or Herb Bennet. The cup is monophyllous, lightly cut into ten fcg- ments that are alternately very fmall and acute. The flower confifts of five roundifti petals, being inferred by ungues (that are narrow and the length of the cup) into the cup. The filaments are numerous, fubulated and the length of the cup into which they are inferred, hav- ing fliort, broadifti, obtufe antherae. The germina are numerous andcolleded into a little head, and the ftyies which are hairy and long are inferred into the fide of the germen. The common receptacle of the feed is oblong, rough and placed upon a reftex cup, containing numer- ous, compreffed, hifpid feeds with the ftyle which is bent like a knee adhering to them. Urbanum. Common Avens or Herb-hennet.^ with ered flowers, globofe fruit, with naked, hooked ears, and leaves with three lobes. Per. June — Aug. Rivale. no POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Rivale, JValer Avens with nodding flowers, oblong fruit, and plumofe ears. In the northern mountains, about Settle^ Ingleton^ &:c. R. Sy, Per, July, D R Y A S. The cup is monophyllous, cut into eight, often five patent, linear, obtufe, equal fegments, a little fliorter than the corolla. The flower hath eight, often five, oblong, emarginated, patent petals, inferted into the cup. The filaments are numerous, capillary, fliort and inferted into the cup, having fmall antherse. The germina are many and fmall, the flyles flender, inferted into the fide of the germcn, having Ample ftigmata. There is no feed vefiel, but there are many roundilh, compreflTed leeds with long, woolly ftyles. Pentapetala, Cinquefoil Avens with Ave petals and pinnate leaves. OP.opctala, Mountain Avens with eight petals, and Ample leaves. In moft of the woods in the north. Ju7ie — Aug. COMARUM. Purple Marsh Cinquefoil. The cup is monophyllous, very large, patent, colour- ed, lightly cut into ten fegments alternately lefs, and re- mains till the fruit be ripe. The flower hath Ave ob- long, acuminated petals, three times lefs than the cup into which they are inferted. Ther5 are twenty fubu- lated Alaments inferted into the cup the length of the corolla, and remain till the fruit be ripe, having moon- Ihaped, deciduous antherae. The germina are nume- rous, roundilh, very fmall and colledled into a head, the llyles are Ample and proceed out of the fide of the ger- men, having Ample ftigmata. There is no feed veflel, the common receptacle of the feed is fcrotiform, flefhy, very large and remains till the fruit be ripe, containing many acuminated feeds covering the receptacle. Palujire. Comartmy or Purple Mar/h Cinquefoil, June, CLASS^WC FOLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. C L A S S XIII. POLYANDRIA. ne plants of this clafs have hermaphrodite flowers^ and a large number of fta^nina^ or male parts in each^ that aU ways exceed the number of twelve^ and grow on the recep* tacle of the future feeds » The genera are further dijiinguijh- ed into MONOGTNIA, DIGTNIA, &c. MONOGTNIA comprehends fuch as have but one pifiiL ACT^A. Herb Christopher, or Bane-berries'. The cup hath four roundifh, obtufe, concave, ca- ducous leaves, and the flower hath four petals, acuminated at each end, larger than the cup and .cadu- cous. There are many filaments (commonly thirty) that are flender, and broadefl: at the fummits. The antherae are roundifh,’ didymous and eredl. The germen is o- vate, without any ftyle. The fligma is thickifh and obliquely deprefled. The fruit is a fmooth berry of an ovali-globofe figure, containing one cell and marked with a furrow, having many femicircular feeds, inter- nally truncated and arranged in a double feries. Spicata, Herb Chriftopher with ovate clullers, and the fruit in berries. About Malham-cove and in a little wood near Clapham in Torkjh. Ptr. April~June. \ CHELIDONIU M. Celandine. The cup confifls of two roundifl-i, fubovate, con- cave, obtufe, caducous leaves. The flower hath four roundifh, plain, patent, large petals, narrower :it the bafe. The filaments are thirty in number, plain, broad.- er at the tops and fhorter than the corolla, having ob- long, comprefTed, obtufe, ereifl:, didymous antherae. The germen is cylindraceous, the length of the flamina without JI2 POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA. without any ftyle. The ftigma is headed and bifid. The fruit is a cylindraceous pod with two valves, con- taihing many ovate and fmooth feeds. The receptacle is linear, between the two valves, in form of a future, and not opening. Majtis. Celandine with umbellated foot-flalks. Per. May^ June. Glaucium. Telhw horned Poppy with foot-ftalks that have fingle flowers, and finuated leaves xthat embrace a fmooth ilalk. On the fea fhore. I found it near IVarton lane.end, ham. And zx Lcngguard fort nQ,2ir Harwich in EJfex. An. July., Aug. Hyhridum. Violet coloured horned Poppy with foot- flalks that have but one flower, pinnatifid, linear leaves, and a fmooth ftalk. Betwixt Swaffham and Burwel in Camb. An. Aug. ' P A P A V E R. Poppy. The cup confifls of two oval, emarginatcd, concave, obtufe, caducous leaves. The flower hath four round- iih, plain, patent and large petals, narrow at the bale arid alternately lefs. The filaments are numerous, fen- der and much fhorter than the corolla, having oblong, comprefTed, eredt, obtufe anther^e. The germen is roundifli and large, without any fliyle. The ftigma is peltated, plain and radiated. The fruit is a capful'e crowned with a plain large ftigma, opening writh feveral forariiina under it-, the feeds are numerous and very fmall, the receptacles are longitudinal plaits of the fame number with the rays of the ftigmata, grov/ing to the fides of the fruit or capfule. Hyhridum. Round rough headed Poppy with globular, furrov/ed prickly capfules, and a leafy ftalk, bearing many flowers. An. June., July. Argemone. Long rough headed Peppy with club-lhaped, prickly capfules, and a leafy ftalk bearing many flowers. An. June* Such POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA 113 Such as have fmooth capfulcs, Rheeas, Corn Poppy with fmooth, globular capfulcs, a hairy italk having many flowers, and pinnatifid cue leaves. An. June., July. Riihiwm. Long fmooth headed Poppy with oblong, fmooth capfules, a ilaik with many fiowers, pinnatifld cut leaves. In the fields about Stcckwell near London. An, June. 'Camhrictm. Tellow Poppy Wiih oblong fmooth heads, a fmooth ftaik bearing many flowers, and cut wmged leaves. Per. June — Aug. Somniferum. Wild Poppy with fmooth cups f nd cap- fuLs, and cut leaves that embrace the Hulks. An, July, N Y M P H A. Water Lily. The cup is large, tetraphyllous, coloured, and re- mains till the fruit be ripe. The petals are numerous, often fifteen, placed upon the fide of the germien in more than a Angle feries. The filaments are numerous, often feventy, plain, bended, obtufe, and fliort, having long anthers growing to the Ades of the filaments, "['he germen is ovate and large, without any ilyie, the fllgma is orbicular, plain and target fhaped, marked with rays, crenated in the edge, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The fruit is a hard, ovate, flefliy berry, with a narrow neck crowned at the top, and divided into ten or fifteen cells full of pulp, having many round’fh feeds. Nymphdea. Lutea., or Tellovo Water Lily., hath a pen- taphylious cup, roundifli leaves, fmall petals, and by thefe it differs from the reft. Lutea. Tellozv Water Lily with a large pentaphylloiis cup. In Handing waters between Rotherhithe and Dept- ford. About Hairs Water within the liberties of Tcaland Redman., Lan. Aug. ^ Alba. White Water Lily with entfte, cordate leaves, and a quadrifid cup. About Hairs Water, July. . CL CIS- 1I4P0LYANDR1A MONOYGYNlA., , C I S T U S. The cup is pentaphyllous and remains till the fruit be ripe, the leaves thereof are roundifh and concave two of which are alternately fmaller and placed lower than the red. The flower coniids of five roundifli, plain, parent, large petals. The filaments are numerous, capillary and fliorter than the corolla, having roundifh, fmall anther^e. The germen is roundifh, the dyle is fimple and the length of the damina, and the ftigma is plain and orbi- cular. The fruit is a roundifh capfule, covered with a cup, containing many roundiih, fmall feeds. Obf. TheefTential charader confids in the two leaves of the cup being alternately lefs. Hclianthemum T. hath an unilocular capfule, and three valves. Ciftus ^'urn. hath five or ten capfules. Guttatus. Annual Cijius which is herbaceous and without dipula;, the leaves are oppofite with three nerves, and the branches without a floral leaf. June. JJndsr-Shruhhy Ctflus with Jlipul^. Helianthemum. Dwarf Ciftus^ or Little Sun Flower^ which is procumbent and fhrubby, the dipulse are lan- ceolated, the leaves are oblong, turned back and hairy. The fird. variety has larger leaves and a white flower, the fecond variety has a broader leaf and a rofy flower. On Yealand Common plentifully, Lan, June — Aug. Surreianus. Narrow-leaved Cijius which is fhrubby, procumbent and has dipul^, the leaves are ovato-oblong and hairy, and the petals are lanceolated. About Croy- don. Dr. Du Bois. Per. June. Polifolius. Mountain Dwarf Cijius which is fhrubby, procumbent and hath dipul^, with oblongo-ovate, hoary leaves, fmooth cups and ferrated petals. Upon B r ent - downs Sornerfetfh. nt:xvthQ Severn Sea. Dr. Pluke- MT. Per. J.iine. Xjnder^ POLYANDRIA TRIGYNIA PENTAGYNIA. 115 Under -Shrubby Gift us without Jiipul^. HirfutiiS. Hoary Dwarf Cijiiis which is fhrubby, pro- cumbent and without ftipulac, the leaves are oppofite, oblong, turned back, hairy and the flowers in branches. About KendaL at Buckh arrow Bank Scar betwixt Briz- fteer and Cunfwick\ alfoon the rocks about Cartmel-wells in Lan, oblerved by Mr. Fitz Roberts. Per, June, TRIG TNI A comprehends fuch as have three pifiils, DELPHINIU M. Larkspur. The flower is compofed of five unequal petals placed orbicularly, of thefe the upper one is anteriorly more ob- tufe than the others and extended behind into a tubula- ted horn which is flraight, long, and obtufe, the others are of an oval, fpear-fliaped figure, patent and nearly equal. The nedarium is bihd, and is placed in the center of the petals on the upper part, behind it is pro- tended outwards and is inclofed in the tube of the corol- la. The filaments are numerous (fifteen or thirty) fu- bulated, broader at the bafe, fmall, and inclined towards the upper petal, having erefl, fmall anthers. Thefe are three or one ftamen which is oval, ending in a flyle the length of the flamina having fimple refiexed fliginata. The capfules are ovato-fubulated, ftrait, with one valve opening internally, and are of the fame number as the germina and contain many angulated feeds. Confolida. Larkfpur with monophyllous nedaria, a fubdivided flalk, and three piftils. An, June, P ENTAGTNIA comprehends fuch as have five pijiils. A Q^U I L E G I A. Columbines. The flower hath five lanceolato-ovate, plain, patent, equal petals. There are five equal neftaria that ftand alternately with the petals •, they are horned and grow gradually wider at their upper part, the mouth is obli- que, afeending, and internally affixed to the receptacle 1x6 POLYANDRIA HEXAGYNIA. in the lower part, beneath forming a long attenuated tube with an obtuie apex. The hlaments are numerGUfi from thircy to forty ana fubuiated, the exterior ones fliorcer. The anchcrai are oblong, ere6t and the height ot the ne6laria. There are hvt o.ato-oblong germina ending in fubuiated ityles longer than the ftamina hav- ing eredt, li'mple iligmata. There are ten rugofe, fhort awns diilinguiiliing the germina and furrounding them. I'nere arc h/e cyLadraceous, parallel, (trait, acuminated capfules, conrifiing of one valve o^ ening from the top inwards, containing many ovate, keel-fdaped leeds ad- hering to the future. Vulgaris. Common Cclumhmes with crooked ne6taria. 'Fer. June. Alpina. Mountain Columbines with ftraight nedtaria, fh'jrter than die petals, which are Ipear-lhaped. Pc7\ June. UEXAGTNIA comprehends fuck as have f.xpiftils, STRATIOTES. Water Aloe. It has one d-'^wer inclofed in a compreffed, obtufe, connivent (heath, carinated on both Tides, and remams till the fruit be ripe. The cup is monophylicus, tri- partite,'eredt, and deciduous. There are three heart- fhaped, eredto-patent petals, twice as large as the cup. The ftamina are twenty in number the length of the cup, inferted into the receptacle, having fimple anther^. The germen is ueneath the receptacle having fix bipar- t'te ftyles the length of the ftamina and hmple ftigrnata. The fruit is an oval capfuie, narrowed cn every ftde, ha - ing fix angles and fix cells, filled with oblong, incur- ved, and CO umonly winged feeds. Aloide^. IVatcr Aloe with fword-like, triangular, cili- ato-acuieated leaves. Fer. June. / ‘ P 0 L T- POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 117 POLI'GTNIA comprehends fuch as have more than Jix pijttls, ANEMONE. ' The flower hath no cup, but it confifls of two or three orders of leaves or petals which are oblong and difpofed in three feries over each other. The filaments are numerous, capillary, ihorter by half than the corolla, and have didymous, eredt anthers. The germina are numerous and colkdled into a head, with acuminated fliyles and obaife fbigmata. The receptacle is glcbofc or oblong, ex(pavato-pundtated, containing many acumi- nated feeds adhering to the fiiyle. .Obf. Hepatka D. hath atriphyllous cup. Pulfatilla T- hath a faliaceous involucrum and feeds that are tally and piiofe. ' Anemonoi 'des D, and Hepatka D. have naked feeds and a plumofe tail. Nemoroja, Cemmen Wood Anemone with acute feeds, cut leaves, and a Angle flower on each ftem. Per. ApriL Apennina. Mountain Wood Anemone with acute iecds, cut leaves, and ianceoiated, numerous petals. Found in woods. In Wimbletcn woods, Mr. Rand; near Harrow m the Hill., Mr. Dubois; in a wood near Lutton-hooy Bedfordjh. Mr. T. Kowlton. R. Sy. Per Aprils May. Puljatilla. Pafque fiower with ftraight petals and bi- pinnate leaves. On Gogmagog- hills. Bcrnock-heath near '^Stamford, Near Pontefratk Dr. Richardson. Per* ApriL CLEMATIS. TRAVELiBR^s-Joy. The flower confifls of four lax, oblong petals. There are many fubulated filaments, Ihorter than the corolla with antherse growing to the fide of the filaments. The germina are numerous, roundifli, comprefled, and end- tiS POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. ing in fubulated ftyles that are longer than the ftamina, having fimple ftigmata. The receptacle is headed and fmall, the feeds are numerous, roundifli, comprefTed with the ftyle adhering to them. Obf. Clematis of T*. hath lanceolated petals and feeds very long with hair. Vi t alba. Great Wild Climber,, or ^’ravelleVs-Jcy,, with pinnate leaves, and the fmall leaves cordate and climbing. Tiiis I found near Uxbridge,, in the County of Middlefex^ plentifully, July, Aug, THALICTRUM. Meadow Rue. The corolla confiils of four roundiih, obtufe, con- cave, caducous petals. The filaments are numerous and broadeft towards the fummits, flat and longer than the corolla, having oblong, erecfl; anthers. The ftyles are many and very ihort. The germina are numerous and roundifli, having thickifh ftigmata. The feeds nu- merous, fulcated, ovate, and without a beard. The number of ftamina and piftils is different in dif- ferent plants. J Flavum, Meadow Rue with a leafy, fulcated ftalk, and an ered, multiplex panicle. About Batterfea, Per, June, Minus, P'he LeJer Meadozv Rue with fexpartite leaves and cernuous flowers. In moift mountainous paftures. On the chalky grounds about Newmarket, Linton, and elfewhere in Camb, Hudson. Found alfo in Torkjh, Wejl, and Cumb, Per, July, Aug, Alpinum, Mountain Meadow Rue with a fimple, al- moft naked ftalk, terminated by a Angle bunch of flow- ers. Per, June, ADONIS. Adonis Flower, Pheasant’s Eye, The cup confifts of five leaves that are obtufe, con- clave, fomewhat coloured, and deciduous. The corolla hath POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA, ng hath from five to fifteen oblong, obtufe and fmooth pe- tals. The filaments are many, very fliort and fubulated having oblong, inflex antherae. The germina are nu- merous and collected into a head, - and- the; ftigmata are acute and reflex. The receptacle is oblong. The feeds are numerous, irregular, angulated, gif)bous at the bafe, reflex at the apices, a little prominent, .and without a beard. Annua, Adonis Flower whofe flower hath eight petals, and fruit of a cylindrical form. In the clofes betwixt Stonechurch and Slueenhithe. At ' Chatham: Alfo neai: t)ownham-bridge in F(orfolk, An, June^ July. >RANUNCULUS. Crowfoot. ' The cup confifls of five obtufe, concave, coloured, deciduous leaves. The corolla hath five obtufe, fmooth petals with fmall ungues. The nedtarium is a cavity in each petal, above the ungues. The filaments are many, fhorter by half than the corolla, the antherae are ered, oblong, obtufe and didymous. The germina are nume- rous and colledfed into a head, having reflex and fniall ftigmata without any ftyles; the receptacle connects the feed by means of very fmall peduncles and, the feeds are very many, irregular, uncertain in their fhape, and reflex at the apices. Obf.' Linn. The eflfential character confifts in the nectarium, the other parts of frudtification being always uncertain, hence confufion without a knowledge of the nedtarium. ' Ficaria hath a triphyllous cup and many"^ petals, Ang. Celendine. Such as have Jimple leaves. i: Lingua. Great Spearwort W\t\\ lanceolated leaves and I an erect ftalk. Between Rcihcrhithe and Deptford plen- Itifully. Fer, May. Flammtdai, 120 POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Flammula, Lejfer Spearwort with ovato-lanceolatedy petiolatecl leaves and a bended ftalk. In the Marl-pits near Burton^ Weft, Per. 'June — Sep. Such as have jagged and divided leaves. Repeals, Creeping Crowfoot.^ or Butter Cups with patu- lent cups, fulcated peduncles, creeping and compound leaves. Per, 'Alay'. Bulhofus. Bulhoje Crowfoot., or Butter Cups v/ith cups bended back, fulcated peduncles, ^ an erect ftalk and compound leaves." ‘Per, "May, ‘ " Arris. ‘ 'Upright Meadow Crowfoot with patulent cups, round peduncles, and leaves tripartico-multifid, and thofe on the top linear. ^ Per. June, July. Auricomus. Sweet Wood Crowfoot’, or Goldilocks with the radical leaves kidney- fhaped, erenated and cut, thofe on the ftalk digitated and linear and many flowers on the ftalk. Per. April, May, . ‘ ' , ^celeratus. Round leaved V/aAer Crowfoot with the lower leaves palmated, the top digitated, and oblong fruit. An. May, June, Parvifiorus, A mall flovjered Crowfoot with muricated feeds, fimple, laciniate’d, acute, rough leaves, and a difFufe ftalk. An. May, , . ' Arvenfts, Corn Crewfoop with aculeated feed, the up- per leaves decompounded and linear. An. June. Hederaceus, Ivy -leaved Water Crowfoot with round- ifh, three lobed, entire leaves, and a creeping ftalk. Per. May. Aqiiatilis, Various leaved Water Crowfoot with thofe leaves that are under tlie water capillary, and thole that fwim peltated. Per. npy'il. May, june. The three other Crowfoots with capillaceous leaves mentioned by Authors Linn^^ius calls only varieties. T R O L L 1 U S. Globe-plow£R, or Locker Gowlands. The flower confifts of about fourteen almoft oval,'" deciduous petals, three in the three ejiurior orders, and five jPOLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. 121 five in the innermoft* therd are nine riedlaria that are narrow., plain, incurved and perforated at the bafe. The filaments are numerous, fetaceous and fliofter than the corolla, having eredt antheras. The germina are nume- rouSj fitting clofe like a column having no ftyles, but mucronated fligmata, fliorter than the flamina. The capfules are numerous, oval, colledbed into a head with a recurved point, containing one feed; Europaus, Globe flower or Locker Gowlons with con- nivent flowers and nedtaria the length of the ftamina. May^ June. HELLEBORUSi Black HELLEBOkE. The flower confifts of five large, roundifli, obtufe pe- tals. The nedtaria are numerous, very fhort, placed or- bicularly, monophyllous, tubulated and narrow at the bottom-, the mouth is bilabiated, eredf, and emarginated. The filaments are numerous and fubulated-, the anthe- rse are comprefled, narrower below and eredt. The ger- mina about fix in number, are comprefled, the ftyles fu- bulated and the ftigmata thickifh. The capfules are compreflTed having two keels, the lower one fliorter and the upper convex and opening, having many roundifli feeds fixed to the future. Fcetidus, Great Baftard black Helebore^ Bearsfoot^ or Setterwort with many flowers on a leafy ftalk, and leaves on a footftalk. Per. March. Viridis. JVild black Plellebore with many flowers on a leafy ftalk and digitated leaves. This by the common people in the north is called Felon-Grafs\ it is found in many woods in the north. About height on-hall^ Tea-- land., Fan. plentifully, Clathrop-hall., Weft. April.^ May. CALTEIA. Marsh Marigold. The flower confifts of five ovate, plain, patent, deci- dviOLis, large petals the ftamina are numerous, flender and Ihorter than the corolla, with compre&d, obtufe, eredt R antherte. Ill P.OL YANDRIA PpLYG YNI a; antheras. The germina are in number from five to ten, oblong, comprefied, and eredt having no ftyles but fim* pie ftigmata. The capfules are the fame in number as the germina and are Ihort, acuminated, patent, doubly keeled, and opening in the upper feam, containing many roundifh feeds fixed to the upper feam. Paltfjlris, Marfli Marigold, In marfliy wet meadov;s plentifully. Per, Aprils May. FI C ARIA. PiLEWORT or Celendine, The cup confifls of three leaves which are ovate, con- cave, and deciduous. , The flower, has about eight fmooth, lanceolated petals. The nectarium is a cell in every petal above the unguis and covered with an emar- ginated fcale. The filaments are numerous and very Ihort'having ftraight, oblong, didymous antherai. The germina are numerous and colledted into a head without any ftyle.^ Thefliigmata are reflex and very fmall. The receptacle joins the feed' together with very fmall pedun- cles and the feeds are numerous and oblong with a reflex apex, • Pilewort or Celendine of which we have but one fpecies^ Per, March^ Aprils May. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOS PEHMIA. 123 C L A 'S S XIV. DIDYNAMIA. The ejfentiat chara5lerijlic of this clafs that there are four fuhulated jlamina infer ted into the tube of the corolla^ two whereof are fliorter than the others^ and 'placed to- gether', the anther je being commonly hid under the upper tip of the flower and connivent in pairs. It has its name from the two longer ftamina being fuppofed more ejflcacious in fecundating the feeds than the refi \ and as the genera belonging to it are very numerous they have been divided into two ferics or orders under the name of Gyninofptr- mia Angiofpermia, 'the latter havings ayid the for- mer wanting., a pericarpiutfi., or feed vefj 'ef and flrfl of the G Y M N O S P E R M 1 A. / A J U G A. Bugle. HE cup is monophyllous, fhort, fern iquinqui fid nearly equal, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The Rower is monopetaious and ringent, the tube is cylindra- ceous and incurved, the upper lip is very fijiall, ered, bifid, and obtiife, the middle fegment is iargeft and ob- cordate, the lateral fegments are fmall. There are four fubulated ered filaments longer than the upper lip, ot which, two are ihorter than the other two, ana the anthe- rse are didymous. The germen is quadripartite, the flyle is thread-like the length of the itamina, the two Rig- mata are Render and one Ihorter than the other. The cup is connivent and contains fourlongifh feeds. Reptans. Bugle with creeping Ihoots that put out fi« bres or roots. Per. May. Pyramidalis. Mountain Bugle., or Skkkwcrt, with a fquare pyramidal fpike. Per* June*, R 2 TEU. 124 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA T E U C R I U M. .Tree-Germander. The cup is monophyllous, femiquinquifid, acute, n^rly equal and gibbous at the bafe, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and ring- ent, the tube is cylindraceous, .fliort, and ending in a crooked faux, the upper lip is ered, acute, and divided into two fegments to the bafe which (land off at the lides. The lower hp is patent and trifid, the fide fegments are of the lame figure as the upper lip and fomewhat eredt; the middle being largefl and roundifh. The filaments are four, Tubulated, longer than the upper lip of the corolla, prqrfiinent between the fegments, and terminat- ed by fmall antherae. The germen is quadripartite, the ’ftyle is fmall or (lender, the height of the ffamina, crown- ed by two flender ftigmata. .,^ The cup is the feed veffel and contains four roundifh feeds in the bottom. Obf. Linn. Theupper lip divided beyond the bafe, leaves the corolla without any upper lip. "Teucrmn T, The cup is campanulated and the feg- ment of thecprollaof the lower lip is concave. Folium T. The flowers are colkdled into a hea^ that term in ate ’the branches. Chamadrys The flowers arife from the wings of -the leaves and the cup is tubulated. /: Marum^ Boerh, The leaves are like Mother of Fhyme^ -and the fm.ell fharp. Scordii T. Rat has a garlick fmell. Ra DHL The cup beneath is very gibbous. Scorodonia hath a Angle bifid fliigma. Scordium. IVater Germander with oblong, dentato- ferrated leaves fitting clofe to the branches, and flowers growing by pairs at the wings of the ftalk which is dif- fufe. Fer. Jug. Cham^drys. Germander^ with oval leaves on foot- flialks, crenated and cut-, and flow^ers growing almoft in whorls by threes, and procumbent ftalks. On the ruins ©f Winchelfea Cajile, R. Sy. Fer. May\ June. Char DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMI A 125 Chamtepitys, Ground-pine with' linear, triiid, entire leaves, and flowers fitting clofe, fingly on the Tides and a diffufe flialk. Per, June,, July, Scorodonia, Wood Sage with heart-fhaped, ferrated leaves having foot-ftalks, many bunches of flowers hang- ing on one fide and an upright fcalk. This' fpecies hath- a Angle bifld ftigma, and found commonly among lime- ftone rocks, in woods and thickets. Per, June,, July. N E P E T A. Nap or Cat-mint. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, cylindraceous,^ and the mouth is qiiinquifid, acute, and ered; the upper dents are longer than the lower ones and more patulent. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is cylindraceous and incurved •, the limb is opening, the faux is patent, cordate, and ending in two reflex, obtufe, and very fhort fegments. I'he upper lip is ereft, round- ifli, and emarginared : The lower lip is roundilli, con- cave, large, entire; 'and c'renulated. The four filaiTicnts are fubulkted, placed under the upper lip, and approxi- mate, of which two are Ihorter than the reft, all having incumbent antheras. The germen is quadrifld, the ftyle (lender, the length of the ftamina, the ftrgma is bifid and acute. The cup is ftraight and contains four fubovats feeds in the bottom. Obf. Linn. If you reckon the fegments of the faux in the lower lip it will be tripartite. Cataria, Nap, or Cat-mint, with fpiked flowers whole whorls haye very fhort foot-ftalks, and heart-lhaj ed leaves growing on foot-ftalks, which are indented like the teeth of a faw. Per, July, MENTHA. Mint. The cup is mo^nophyilous, tubulated, erecft, qiiin- quedentated equal, and remains till die fruit be ripe. "Idle flower is monopetalous, the petal is eredt and tubu- lated and fomewhat longer than the cup. The limb is quan 126 DIDYNAMIA G YMNOSPERxMl A quadripartite, nearly equal, the upper fegment is broad- er and emarginated. The four filaments are fubulated, credl, and ftand off each other, of v/hich the two ncareif arelongeft, all crowned with ronndifh antherse. The germen Ls quadrifid, the fbyle is (lender, ered, and longer than the corolla, having a bifid, parent lligma. The cup is ereft and contains four fin all feeds in the bottom. Sficata, ear-mint with folitary fpikes, lanceolated, ferrated, fefille leaves. On the banks of rivers. Ver, Aug. LongifoUa, Long leaved Hcrfe-mint with flowers thick fet on a fpike, oblong, ferrated, tomentofc, fefiile leaves. Per. Aug. Rotundifolia. Round leaved Hcrfe-mint with flowers growing in a fpike, and round, crenated, rugofe, fefiile leaves. Per. Aug. Piperita. Pepper-mint with flowers growing in heads and lanceolated, ferrated leaves. Per. Aug. Gentllis. Red-mint with flowers growing in whorls, ovate, acute, ferrated leaves, and (lamina (liorter than the corolla. Per. Aug. Verticillata. Curled-mint with verticlllate flowers, pi- lofe peduncles, ovate, ferrated leaves, and (lamina longer than the corolla. In Peckham Fields. Per. Aug. Arvenfis. Corn-mint with verdcilfate flowers, ovate, acute, ferrated leaves, and (lamina even with the corolla, Per. Aug. Sep. Euigua. Smooth-mint with verticillate flowers, lance- olato-ovate, fmooth, acute, entire leaves. In the hop- ground at Pocking., Mr. Dale, by the fide of tlie Nezv- river near the upper end of Stoke Newington^ Mr. Bud- DLE, Per. Aug. Aquatica. Water-mint with flowers growing in heads, ovate, ferrated leaves on foot-flalks, and (lamina longer than the corolla. Per. July. Hirfuta. Round-headed-jnint with ovate, ferrated leaves, snd (lamina (horter than the corolla. Per* Aug. Pul- DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. tif Pulegium. Pennyroyal with verticillate flowers, ovate, obtuL* leaves, fomewhat crenated, and repent, roundifli ftaiks. Per, Aug, ^ep^ G L E C O M A. Ground Ivy The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, cylindraceous, flriated, very fmall, and permanent, the mouth is quin- quedentated, acuminated, and unequal. The flower is monopetaious and ringent, the tube is flender and com- prefled, the upper lip is eredb, obtufe, and lemibifidi the lower lip is patent, large, obtufe, and trifid, the middle fegment is largeft and emarginated. There are four filaments under the upper lip, two of which are fliorter than the reft; the antherae are connivent in the form of a crofs. The germen is quadrifid, the ftyle flender and bended under the upper lip. The ftigmais bifid and a- cute. The cup contains four ovate feeds in the bottom. Hederacea, Ground Ivy with kidney-fhaped, crenated leaves. Per, May, Arvenfts, Upright Ground Ivy with cordate, oblong, crenated leaves, and a prickly, upright ftalk. An, Aug, L A M I U M. Archangel. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, more patent towards the top, dentated, ariftated, nearly equal, and I remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopeta- ious and ringent, the tube is cylindraceous and very fhort. The limb opens, the faux is fwelled, comprefled, gibbous, the margin is marked with a reflex denticle. The upper lip is arched, roundifli, obtufe, and entire: The lov/er lip is fliorter, obcordate, emarginated, and reflex. There are four fubulated filaments concealed under the upper lip, of which two are longer than the reft. The anthers are oblong and rough. The ger- nien is quadrifid, the ftyle is flender and the length of the ftamina. The ftigma is bifid and acute. The cup is open and contains four fhort triquetrous feeds, convex on one fide, and truncated on both. Album, 128 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA Alhum. White dead Nettle^ or Archangel^ with cor- date, acuminated, ferrated leaves on foot-ftalks. Pen ^^d.ay • Rubrum, Red Archangel v/ith cordate, obtufe leaves on foot-ftalks. An, May, ' Amplexicaule, Great Henbit with the flower leaves fef- nie, obtufe, and furrounding the ftalk-. An, June, - GALEOPSIS. Stinking DeadNettle. The cup is monophyllous^ tubulated-, quinquedeh- tated, acuto-ariftated, and the ariftae the length of the tube,' and permanent. The flower is mcnopetalous and rinc^ent, the tube is very fliort, the limb opens. The faux is rather broader than the tube, the length of the cup, and from the bafe of the upper lip is on both Tides fharply indented. The upper lip is roundifh, concave, ferrated at the apex. The lower lip is triftd: The la- teral fegments are roundifh, the middle one is larger, e- marginated and crenated. It hath four ftamina that are fubdated and placed under the upper lip, of which two are ftiorter than the reft. The anthers are roundifh and bifid. The germen is qUadrifid, the ftyle is flender, theleno-th of the ftamina; the ftigma i-s bifid and acute. The cup is rigid, ftraight, containing four triquetrous, truncated feeds. Ladanum, Narrow leaved Allheal with the fpace be- tween the joints on the ftalk equal; and all the whorls remote 'from each other. An, July, Aug, ^etrahit. Nettle Hemp, or He^np leaved Dead Nettle, with the fpace between the joints towards the top incraf- fated, and the upper wdorls nearly contiguous. An. Aug, Gdechdolon. Yellow Nettle-hemp with fix flowers at every whorl, and the involucrum tetraphyllous. Per. May, BETQ- DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 129 B E T O N I C A. Betony, The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, ' cylindfic, quinquedentated, ariftated, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower Is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is incurved and cylindric. The upper lip i3 roundifli, entire, plain, ered; the lower lip is trifld, the middle fegment is broadefl:, roundifli and einarginated. There 'are four fubulated filaments the length of the faux, of which two arje fliorter than the others and in- clined towards the upper' lip, liaving roundifli anthers. The germen is quadripartite. The flyle is of the fi- gure and fize of the ftamina and the ftrgma is bifid. The cup contains four ovate feeds. Officinalis. IVocd Betony with an interrupted fpike^ and the middle fegment of the lower lip' of the flower emarginated. Per. July., Aug. r* 'a Hirta. Yellow Betony with flowers growingdh whorls round the ftalks, and prickly flower cups. In the weft- riding of Torkjh. about Wakefield., Barfield and Sheffiield. R. Sy, An. Aug^ ' . S T A C H Y S. Base-Horehouno. The Clip is monophyllous, tubulated, angulated, fe- miquinquifid, acuminated, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The denticles are acuminated, fubulated, and nearly equal. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is very fliort. The faux is oblong and gibbous to the bafe. ITe upper lip is eredt, fubovate, arched, and often emarginated. 1 he lower lip is larger, reflex af the fides and trifid-, the middle fegment is largeft, emarginated, and replicated. There are four ftamina, of which, two are fliorter than the reft, and fa - bulated, bending back to the fides of the faux, having Ample antherae. The germen is quadriparthe, the ftyie is flender and the length of the ftamina. I'he ftigma is bifid and acute. The cup which is fcarce changed con- tains ovate, angulated feeds. S Obf. t3o DIDYNAMIA G YMNOSPERMIA. I . ^ Obf. Galeopfu The upper lip is arched. Stachys T, The upper lip is ered. S. Hirta, ^ The upper lip of the corolla is divaricated. S. Arvcnfis. 1 he upper lip of the corolla is entire. Germanka. B afe Horehound Wixh m^iny xht whorls, the fowings of the leaves imbricated, and a woolly ftalk. Per, July. Sylvutica. Hedge Nettle,, with fix flowers at each whorl, and cordate leaves on foot- (talks. Per. July^ Aug, ... Palujlris. ’ Clown* i Allheal flowers at every whorl, lineari-lahceolated leaves that half embrace the ftalk. JPer. Aug. ■ ■ /’j ^ ^ ’ i . B A L L 0 ;T A. Stinking Horehound. The cup is monophyllous,’ tubulated^ hypocraterl- form, pentagonal, oblong, ,decem-ftriated, ered, remains till the friiit be ripe,'and is equal: The mouth is acute, patulent, plicated, and quihquedentated. The flower is’ monqpetalous -and' ringent,, the. tube is cylindraceous, and the length of the cup. The upper lip -is credt, vate, entire, crenated, concave; the lower lip is trifid and obtufe: The middle fegment being larger and'emargina- t^d. There are four fllarnents of which two are fhorter, inclined tow^ards the upper lip, and fhorter than it, with oTlong, lateral antherse. The germen is quadrifid, the ftyle is flender and of the figure of the (lamina, and the (ligma is flender and bifid. The cup is unchanged and contains four ovate feeds.' Nigra. Stinking Horehound with cordate, fefrated, un- divided leaves, and acuminated cups. An. July. MARRUBIUM. Horehound. The cup is monophyllous, infundibuliform, tubulat- ed, and hath ten (Iri^: The mouth is equal, patulent, and often has ten dents that are alternately lefs; The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube cylindrace- ous. DIDYNAMIA ^YMNOSPERMIA. 131 * ons, the limb opens with a long tubulated faux. The upper lip is ered, linear, femibihd, and acute-, the low>^ er lip is reflex, broader and femitrifid, the middle feg- ment is broad and emarginated, and the lateral fegments are acute. The four filaments are fliorterthan the co- ' rolla, and placed under the upper li[>, and two of them are longer than the other two, having Ample antherae. Thegermen is quadrifid, the fliyle is flender and the length of the ftamina, with a bifid iligma. The cup is narrowed in the neck, expanded at the mouth, and con- tains four oblongifh feeds. Gbf. Marruhium of ’T, has the upper lip of the co- rolla ered. Pfeudodi^amni P. has the upper lip arched. Vulgare. White Horehoimd with hooked, briftly in- ^ dentures to the cups. About Warton^ Lane, plentifully'. fune.^ July, LEONURUS. Motherwort, or Lion’s Tail. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, cylindraceo- I angulated, pentagonal, quinquedentated, and remains ' till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and I ringent, the tube is narrow, the limb opens, the faux is ! long. The upper lip is longer, femi-cylindraceous, con- cave, gibbous, rotundo-obtufe at the apex, entire and villofe. The lower , lip is reflex and tripartite, the feg- ' ments are lanceolated and nearly equal. There are four filaments concealed under the upper lip, two of which I are Ihorter. The antherae are oblong, compreflTed, bi- 1 fid in the midft, incumbent, marked with elevated points I that are globofe, fmooch, folid and very fmalL There, i are four germina, a flender Ityle the length of the ita- ! mina, and a bifid acute ftigma. There are four oblong I feeds in the bottom of the cup, convex on onp fide and I angulated on the ether. Cardiaca. Motherwort or Lkrd^ Tally with fpear- fhaped, three lobed leaves on the ftalks. About Pouk I ton by the fands, Lan, Bien. July, ! S 2 CLIN- 132 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA, CLINOPODIUM. Field Basil. The involucrum is the length of the cup, with a mul- titude of hairs making a kind of a whorl. The cup is HiOnophyllous, cyllndraceous, flightly incurved, and bi- labiated. The upper lip is broader, trihd, acute, reflex-, the lower lip is bipartite, flcnder, and inflex. 1 he flow- er is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is fliort and vifibly enlarges towards the faux. The upper lip is e- redl, concave, obtufe, and emarginated; The lower lip is trifid and obtufe, the middle fegment is broader and emarginated. The four filaments are under the up- per lip, two of which are fhorter with roundifh anther Thegermen is quadripartite, the ftyle is flender, and the length of the ftamina. The ftigma is Ample, acute, and comprefled. The cup is ftraitned in the neck, gibbous in the belly, and contains four ovate leeds. Vulgar e. Great Wild Bafil with roundifh, prickly heads, and brully bradtcie. Per. July. O R I G A N U M. Marjoram. The involucrum is fpicated and compounded of im- bricated, ovate, coloured bradeae, and the cup is une- qual The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube cyllndraceous and compreffed. The upper lip is ered, plain, obtufe, emarginated. The lower hp is trifid and the fegments unequal. The four filaments are thread-like the length of the corolla, two of which are longer and the antherae are fimiple. The germen is quadrilid, the fiyle flender and inclining towards the upper lip of the corolla; the ftigma is flightly bifid. Ihe cup is conni- vent .md contains four ovate feeds. Obf. The involucrum of the cup conftitutes the ef- fential charadterifTc of this genus. Vulgare. Wild Marjoram with roundilh, paniculated fpikes gathered in clulters, and oval bradeae, which are longer than the empaleinent. About Borwick and in the DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. 1^3 the fields near Wartcn Churchy Lan. belonging to Mr i Dawson. Per. July^ Aug. Onites. Pot Marjoram with oblong rough fpikes, ga- thered into a head, and cordate, tomentofe leaves. In ! dry meadows. On the left hand-fide of the road from ! Braintree to Paine., beyond the bridge, Mr Dale. R. ■ Per. Aug. I THYMUS. Thyme, The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, femibifid into I two lips and remains till the fruit be ripe, and the faux I is clofed with hair. The upper lip is broader, plain, eredt, ; tridentaced. The lower lip is two bridles of an equal I length. The flower is monopetalous and ringentj the I tube is the length of the cup, the faux is fmalL The ! upper lip is fhorter, plain, cred, emarginated and obtufe. I The lower lip is longer, patent, broader, trifid, obtufe, and the middle fegment is broadefl. There are four incur- ved filamen:s, two of which are longer and have fmall I anthers. The germen is quadripartite, the ftyle is flen- ! der, the ftigma is bifid and acute. The cup is contradb- ! ed in the neck and contains four fmall roundifh feeds. I Obf. Linn. Phyme ofT. hath very fhort ftamina, Serpyllum T*. differs from Phyme., having ligneous {talks, not fo hard and more creeping. Acinos Riv. Dill, has the middle legment of the low- er- lip of the corolla emarginated. Majlichina Boerh. has the dents of the cup extended into very long and villofe brhlles. LiNNy^ius makes the eight other fpecies of authors only varieties, Serpyllum. Mother of Phyme., Demon Phyme., or Ploary Phyme with headed flowers, decumbent ftaiks, plain, OD- tule leaves ciliated at the bafe. Per. july., Aug. Acinos. Wild Baftl with verticillated flowers. Angle flowers upon the peduncles, flalks ere6t,and partly branch- ed, and ^cute, ferrated leaves. On the top of Cringkhar^ row belonging tg Q. Townley, Efq. and on Hale-fell^ WejK 434 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA: Weft. Common among fmall lime-ftones every where. ’ An. Jiily^ Aug. MELISSA. Calamint. The cup is monophyllous, campanulated, dry, rough, patent, angulated, ilriated, bilabiated, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The upper lip is tridentated, reflexo- patent, and plain. The lower lip is fhorter, more acute, and bipartite. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is cylindraceous, the faux opens, the upper lip is fhorter, ered:, arched, roundifh, emarginated. The lov/er lip is trifid. The middle fegment larger and ob- cordate. The four filaments are fubulated, of which two are the length of the corolla and two half that length. The antherae are fmall and connivent by pairs. The germen is quadrifid, the flyle is flender, and the length of the corolla, and inclines with the flamina under the upper lip. The fligma is flender, bifid and reflex. The cup is enlarged and contains four ovate feeds. Calamintha. Common Calamint v/ith footftalks arifing from the wings of the ftalks, which are dichotomous and the length of the leaves. Per. Aug. Nepeta. Field Calamint with footftalks arifing from the wings of the ftalks, which are dichotomous longer l^an the leaves, and a declining head. Per. Aug. MELITTIS. Bastard Balm. The cup is monophyllous, campanulated, round, flraight, bilabiated. The upper lip is higher, emargina- ted, acute; the lower lip is fhorter, bifid, acute with ex- tended fegments. The flower is monopetalous and rin- gent, the tube is much narrower than the cup, the faux is fcarce any thicker. The upper lip is erect, roundifh and plain; the lower lip is patent, trifid, and obtufe; the middle fegment is larger and crenated. The four filaments are fubulated under the upper lip, of which vile middle ones are fhorter than the others. The anthe- DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. t5| rx are connivent by pairs in the form of a crofs, bifid and obmfe. The germen Is obtufe, quadrifid, and vil- lofe; the ftyle is flender and the length of . the Itamina, the ftigma is bifid and acute. The cup without chang- ing contains four feeds. Obi. Linn. The lower lip of the cup fometimes is found crenated, • Meliffophyllum, Melittis Baflard Balm, In woods and hedges. In feveral woods in the JVeft of England, as about 2^ otnefs in Vevonfli. and Haverfordweji^ PemhrckeJJi, R. Per, June. SCUTELLARIA. ScutL-cAp. - The cup is monophyllous, very fliort and tubulated * the mouth is alinoll entire, having an incumbent fcaly operculum which feems ciofed. The fiov/er is mono- I petalous and ringent,^the tube is very fhort, bended I backwards, the faux is long and comprefiTed. The up- I per lip is concave and trifid, the middle fegment ^s'eo^- ! cave and emarginated, the fide ones are plain and fomcd 1 what acute; the lower lip is broad and emarginated^ I The four filaments are placed under the upper lip, of which two are longer, having fmall anthers. The ger- man is quadripartite; the-ftyle flender and the length of the (lamina, the ftigma is fimple^ incdrved, and acumi- ; nated. The cup is fliut up with the operculum, and ' lhaped like a helmet, and fupplies the place of a capfule, having four roundifli feeds, and opens on the lower mar- : gin. Obf. Linn. It is fufliciently diftinguilhed from all ! others by the fruit. Galericulata, Hooded JVillozv Herb with cordato-lance- dated, rugofe, crenated leaves and flowers from the joints ! 6t the ftalks or wings of the leaves. On the banks of ! dirty ditches and rivers. In the ditches about London. \ About Newdike-Lhornbarrow,, Tealand Conyers^ Lan, Minor, L'he kjfer hooded JVillow-Herb with cordato- ovate, nearly entire leaves and flowers from the wings of i the leaves. Pcr^ Julyy Aug. P R U* 136 DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA. ft * ' * PRUNELLA. Selfh2al* The cup is monophyllous, bilabiated, fhorter than the faux, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The upper lip is plain, broad, truncated, (lightly tridentated ; the lower lip is ere6t, narrow, acute, and femibifid. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is ,(liort and cylin- draceous, the faux is oblong. The upper lip is epneave, entire, and nodding-, the lower lip is reflex, trifid, and obtufe-, the middle fegment is broader, emarginated and ferrated. The four filaments are fubulated, bifurcat- ed at the apices, of which two are a little longer; the an- theras are Ample, and* inferred into the filaments beneath the apex. The germen is quadripartite, the ftyle flendeit- and inclined 'with the ftamma to the upper lip and the fliigma is emarginated; the cup is (hut and contains four fubovate feeds. , _ ^ ^ r . Obf. Linn. 1 he eflfential charadler confifts in the bifurcated filaments like Cramhes. , Vulgaris. Selfheal^iih ovaco-oblong leaves upon foot- ftalks. Per. Aug! I found (in company with J. Benson, Efq. Mr. Parkinson, and feveral.. others) a variety of this plant, with a milk -white flower, in a fleldncari)^?/- ton-liaU Burion-^Wefi. . angiospermia; DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA: 13^ ANGIOSPERMIA^ BARTSIA. Eye-bright Cow-wheat. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, and remains till the fruit be ripe, the mouth is obtufe and bifid j the fig- ments are emarginated, and the apices coloured. The i flower is monopetalous and ringent. The upper lip is i eredt, flender, and longer ^ the lower lip is .reflex, trifid, obtufe, and very fmall. There are four fetaceous fila- ments the length of the upper lip, two of which are 1 fhorter than the reft. The antherai are oblong and ap- proximate under the apex of the upper lip. The gerrhen is ovate-, the flyle is flender, and longer than the flami- na, the ftigma is obtufe and nodding. The capfule is i ovate, comprefled, acuminated, bilocularwith two valves^ containing many fmall angulated feeds. Obf. It is as it were a middle between the ^ Yellow Rattle Eyehright and Loufewort^ being diftinguifhed with a coloured cup. Vifcofa. Marfli Eye-hright Cow-wheat with the upper leaves alternately ferrated, and the flowers Ort one fide. In boggy watery places. Jlpina. Mountain Eye-hright Cow-wheat with oppo- fite, cordate leaves, obtufely ferrated. On the banks of rivers. Near Orton^ hVeft, Aug. RPIINANTHUS. Yellow-Rattle. The cup is monophyllous, roundifli, inflated, com^ preflfed, quadridentated and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is near- ly cylindraceous and the length of the cup. The limb opens and is compreffed at the bale. The upper lip is compreffed, emarginated, and narrow. The lower lip is patulent, plain, femi-trifid, and obtufe-, the middle feg- ment is broader. There are four filaments the length of T the 138 DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMI A. the upper Up under which they are concealed, and two are fhorter than the reft. The antherse are incumbent, bihd, and rough. The germen is ovate and comprefled, the ftyle is (lender, fttuatedwith theftamina and longer ^ the ftigma is obtufe and indexed. The capfule is obtufe, eredt, comprefled, bilocular, with two valves, and the difTepimentum oppofite to them, and opens at the mar- gins, containing many comprefled feeds. Crijia Galli. Yellow Rattle or Cock^s Comb with the upper lip of the corolla, compreflTed and ftiorter. An, JunCy July. EUPHRASIA. Eye-bright. The cup is monophyllous, cylindrical, quadrifid, un- equal and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and ringent; the tube is the length of the cup. The upper lip is concave and emarginated, the lower lip is patent and tripartite, the fegments being ob- tufe and equal. The four filaments are flender and in- clined under the upper lip. The antherae have two lobes, the lower of which is acuminated into a fpike. The germen is ovate, the ftyle flender and the fhape of the ftamina. The ftigma is obtufe and entire. The capfule is ovato-oblong, compreflTed, bilocular, containing many roundifli, fmall feeds. Officinalis. Eye-bright with ovate leaves, (harply dent- ed. An. Aug. Sep. Odontites. Red Eye-bright with linear, ferrated leaves. An. Aug. Sep. MEL AMPHYRUM. Cow-wheat. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, femi-quadrifid; the fegments are flender and remain till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is ob- long and bended back, the limb is comprefled. The upper lip is fhaped like a helmet, compreffed, emargina- ted, and the fide margins are reflex. The lower lip is plain DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA: 139 plain and ere6b, being the length of the upper lip and femi-trifid, obtufe and marked in the middle with two I eminences. The four filaments are fubiilated, crooked, and placed under the upper lip, two of which are fhort- I er having oblong antherse. The germen is acuminated, I the ftyle fimple and the length of the ftamina, the ftigma is obtufe. The capfule is oblong, oblique, acuminated, I comprefled, convex in the upper margin and flraight in * the lower, is bilocular and has two valves, the diflepi- mentum is contrary to the valves opening in the upper future, containing two ovate, gibbous feeds. ' Crifiatum, Crejied Cow-wheat with quadrangular fpikes, ! cordate, compaft, denticulated, imbricated bradteae. In I the woods of Cambridgpi, and Bedford/h, An. ^July. I Arvenfe. Purple Cow-wheat v/ith conical loofe Ipikes, I dentato-fetaceous bradtes.- An. July. I Pratenfe. Meadow Cow-wheat with the flowers on one I fide, the conjugations remote, and the flowers fhuu An, July, Aug. ^ j - ' ' Syhaticum. Yellow Cow-wheat with gaping powers. This differs from the preceding, the flowers being fliort- cr by half, opening at the limb, and wholly yellow. In woods, efpecially where there are oak-trees. An. July., Sep. ■ . • L A T H R Ai A. Toothwort. The cup is monophyllous, campanulated,and upright; the mouth is deeply quadrifld. The flower is monopeta-> Ions and ringent, the tube is longer than the cup. The limb is ringent and ventricofe. The upper lip is con- cave, fbaped like a helmet, broad, with a narrow hook- ed apex. The lower lip is lefs, reflex, obtufe, and trifid . The nedarium is an emarginated glandule depreffed on both fides, very fhort, inferred into the receptacle of the flower at one angle of the germen. There are four fubu- lated filaments the length of the corolla, concealed un- der the upper lip. The anthera^ are obtufe, depreffed, and connivent. The germen is globofo-compreffed, the T 2 ftyle 140 DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA; ftyle (lender and the length of the (lamina. The ftigma is truncated and nodding, i he capfule is roundifh, ob- tufe, unilocular with two valves, elaftic, and cloathed with a very large patent cup, containing many fubglo- bofe feeds. Cbf. It approaches to the nature of the Orohanche iipqii account of the glandule. Squamaria. ^oothwort a very fimple (lalk, pen- dui9us dowers and the lower lip trihd. In (hady places and. at the foot of mountains, but not common. In the woods about Maidfione. in Kent^ R. oy. In a (hady lane leading frpm Harefield town to the river*, below Cunfwick fear ntzx Kendal^ JVeft, At the foot and on the fnelves of the fear below W aterfahhridge near Balfton^ IVeft. Mr EAwsQNi In the firft fie)d below Scout-ftyle^ on the right hand of a foot- oath leadirtg to Barrow-field^ about two miies^from Kendal^ Wilson’s Sy, In Deepdale wood and in Grifedale within the liberties of Zealand^ Lane, Per, ^pril^ May. ^ FEDICULARIS. Lousewort, The cup is monophyllous, roundifh, ventrieofe, has a quihquifld, equal mouth, and remains till the fruit be ripe. The flower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is oblong and gibbous. The upper lip is fhaped like a helmet, eredt’xomprelTed, emarginated, and narrow. The lower lip is patent, plain, femi-trifid- obtufe*, the mid- dle fegment is narrower. The four filaments are the length of the upper lip under which they are concealed, of which two are fhorter. The anthers are incumbent, roundifh and compreffed. The germen is roundifh, the ftyle is (lender, longer than the (lamina. The ftigma is obtufe. The capfule is roundifh, acuminated, oblique, bilocular, the dilfepimentum is oppofite to the valves and opens in the apex, containing many roundidi, com- prefkd, truncated feeds. The receptacles are oblong and pitiolated. Obli The capfule in the apex is oblique in the greats cfl part, bylvatica. DIDYNAMIA; ANGIOSPERMI A. 141 Sylvatica. Common Loufezvort with a ramofe flalk, ob- long, angulated, fmooth cups, and the lip flower cordate. May^ June, Palujiris. MarJJi Loufewort with a ramofe flalk, cral- ious, pundated cups, and the flowers oblique in the lip. June, ANTIRRHINUM. Snapdragoint. The cup is quinquepartite and remains till the fruit be ripe, the fegments are oblong, the two lower are more open. The dower is monopetalous and ringent, the tube is oblong and gibbous, the limbas bilabiated. The upper lip is bifid and reflex at the Tides ^ the lower lip is trifid and obcufe. The palate is convex, often fhut with a prominent palate between the lips. The nedarium is bended down to the bafe of the corolla and prominent. There are four filaments under the up- per lip, almofl the length of the upper lip, two arc Ihorter, and the antheras are oonnivent. The germen is roundifh, the fliyie Ample, the length of the ftamina, the ftigma is obtufe. The capfule is roundifh, obtufe, bilo- cular, of different opening and figure in different plants, and contains many feeds. The receptacles are kidney fhaped, folitary, and fixed to the difiepimentum. Obf. The nedarium and feed veffel in this genus va- ry much. Limria of T, hath a long and Tubulated nedariuin and a capfule opening equally. Cymhalarta. Ivy-leaved I’oadflax with cord;jte, quin- quelobate, alternate leaves and procunibent fialks. About Vauxhdll near London, Per. June — Olioh. Elatine. Sharp-pointed Fluellin with haflare leaves plac,- ed alternately, and procumbent fcalks. An Aug. Sept, Spurium. Round-leaved Fluellin v;ith ovate leaves plac^- ed alternately and procumbent ftalks. An, Aug, Such 142 DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMI A. Such as have oppo/ite^ virti dilate leaves. Arvenfe. Corn-blue Toadflax with nearly linear leaves, the lower ones placed by fours, the cups pilofo-vifcid, the flowers in fpikes and the ftalkered. An. July^ Aug. Repens. Creeping Toadflax with linear leaves fet thick upon the flalk, thofe towards the bottom by fours, the cups being equal with the capfules. Per. Aug. IVIonfpeJulanum. Sweet-fmelling Toadflax with linear leaves, let thick on the icalk, a fmooth paniculated Italk, and naked, fpiked peduncles. July.^ Aug. Unaria. Common Tellow Toadflax with lanceolato-li- 'hear leaves,' fet thick on the ftalk, which is ere^l, termi- natory felTile fpikes and imbricated flowers. Per. July. • Minus. Leaft T oadflax with lanceolated, obtufe leaves f)laced alternately, and a diffufe branchy flialk. June., Sep. Such as have gaping corolU and alternate entire leaves. Majus. The Greater Snapdragon with flowers with^ fpurs and round cups. Per. June., July. Orontiwn. The Leaft Snapdragon with flowers without fpurs, and cups longer than the flowers. An. July^ Aug. SCROPHULARIA. Figwort. The cup is monophyllous, quinquifld, and prominent, the fegments are fhorter than the corolla and rounded. The flower is monopetalous and unequal. The tube is globofe, large and fweiied. The limb is quinquepartite and very fmail-, the two upper fegments are large and cred, the two lateral ones are patulent and the third is reflex. The four filaments are linear and declined the length of the corolla, and two are fhorter. The antherie are didymous. The germen is ovate, the ftyle is Ample the length of the ftamina, with a Ample Aigma, The capfule is roundilh, acuminated, bilocular, opens at the fvimmit, and contains many fmail feeds. There is a Angle DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. ' 145 fingle roundifh receptacle infinuating itfelf into both the loculamenta, or cells. Nodofa, Knobby-rooted Figwort with cordate leaves tranfverfe at the bale, and an obtufe, angular Halk. Fer. July. Aquatica. Water Figwort or Betony with cordate, de- current foot-ftalks, a llalk angulated with membranes, and terminatory branches. Per. July. Scorodonia. Balm-leaved Figwort with cordate, dupli- cato-ferrated leaves and a compounded branch. Found near the fea fhore about St. Ives in Cornwall. Per. Aug. Vernalis. 7'ellow Figwort with cordate leaves and fo- litary, dichotomous peduncles from the joints. Ap. May^ I LIMOSELLA. Bastard Plantain. The cup is monophyllous,femiquinquifid, eredV, acute, and permanent. The flower is monopetalous, campanu- lated, ered, equal, femiquinquifid, acute, fmall, and the fegments are patent: There are four ereft filaments of which tv/o are joined to the fame fide, ihorter than the corolla and have Ample antherae. The germen is oblong and obtufe, the ftyie is Ample and the length of the fta- 1 mina, and the fligma is globofe. The capfule is ovate and half involved in the cup, unilocular with two valves containing many oval feeds •, the receptacle is ovate and I very large. i Aquatica. Bajlard Plantain. Per. Aug. Sep. I SIBTHORPIA. Bastard Moneywort. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, quinquepartitc, patent ^ the fegments are ovate and permanent. The ; flower is monopetalous, quinquepartite, patent, equal, and the length of the cup, with roundifh fegments* There are four capillary filaments, two being approxi- mated. Theantherae'are cordato-oblong. The germen is roundifli and comprelled ; the ftyie is cylindrical, thick- I er than the filaments, and the length of the flower, the I ftigma I44:T)IDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMI A;. ftigma is fimple, headed and deprefled. The capfule is comprefled, orbiculated, biventricofe, the Tides are acute. There .are .two valves' and two cells. The diflepimentum is tranfverre,' containing fubrotundo-oblong feeds, con- vex on one fide and plain on the other. Europcea. Baftard Money^jjort with kidney-fhaped, crenated leaves. About Longsleddale in IVeJt, Aug, DIGITALIS. Fox-glove. " The cup is quinquepartite, the fegments roundifh, acute, and permanent, the uppermoft is narrower than the reft. The flower is monopetalous and campanulated, the tube is large, patent, ventricofe, and cylindraceous at the bafe •, the limb is fmall and quadrifid, the upper fegment being more patent and emarginated, the loweft larger. T here are four Tubulated filaments inlerted into the bale of the corolla and bended downwards, of which tw'o are fhorterthan the reft. The antherae.are bipartite and acuminated. The germen is acuminated, the ftyle is fim- ple, and ftigma acute. The capfule is ovate, the length of the cup, acuminated, and bilocular, with two valves which break two ways, containing many fmall feeds. Obf. There are fome fpecies in which the fegments of the corolla are acute, and more confpicuous, and both upper and under lip are acute and more prominent. Purpurea, Purple Fox-glove with the fegments of the cup ovate and acute, the flowers obtufe and upper lip entire. I have feen a variety with a white flower. Bicn. July, Aug. CLASS XV. T E T R A D Y N A M I A. 145 C L A S S XV. T E T R A D Y N A M I A. The plants of this clafs are fuppof^d to have four of their ftamina of more efficacy than the reft^ and are always known by having the four efficacious fla?nina longer than the others. The general charaolers are as follow : The cup is of an oblong figure,, compofed of four oval,, oblong hollow,, obtufe leaves,, converging towards one another,, and are gibbous at the bafe',, thefe all fall off with the flower and ft and in parrs,, the oppojite ones being always equal in length *, the cup is properly the netlariurn of the plant,, and it is on this occafion that it is gibbous at the bafe. The flower is of a cruciform kind, and confijls of four equal petals, which have ungues of the length of the cup, erect, and fiat *, the petals are broad at the top, obtufe and fcarce touch one another at the fides, and the infer tion of the petals and ftamina is in the fame place. The ftamina are fix fubula- ted, ereEl filamynts, the two oppofite ones arre of the length of the cup, the other four are fomething longer, and are of a lejs length, however, than the petals. The anthers are oblong and pointed, thick at the bafe and ereB, with apices bending fidew ays. The neBariferous gland in the different genera of the clafs, is differently fituated. It ufually however is found near the ftamina, and mofi fre- quently of all is affixed to fome Jhort filaments, and ftands near their bafe. Two of the fiarmina are often curved that they may not prefs upon the gland \ a7id it is often owing to this that two are fhorter than the reft. The ger- men of the piftil is placed above the receptacle, and is eve- ry day in its growth raifed higher and higher. The fiyle is fometimes wanting, but in fuch plants as have it, it is U of j46 TETRADYNAMIA SILICULOSA. of the length of the longer Jiamina. ^he ftigma is always ohtufe. The fruit or capfule is always a bivalve pod^ which often contains two cells \ this when ripe^ opens by fplittbtg from the apex to the bafe^ and it has always a little membranous fubftance ferving within as a feptum^ when the pod is bilocular this ftands out beyond the apex^ and is the rudiments of what was before the fiyle. "dhe feeds are roundifh and the pod ufually narrow and obloyig, This clafs is naturally divided into two feries^ the one con- taining the Siiiculofe and the other the Siliquofe plants : the firjl have a jhort pod^ and the others a long and fen- der one : The firft pods ujually have more of the remains cf the fyle than the others, SILICULOSA. M Y A G R U. M. Gold of Pleasure. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves are ovato- oblong, concave, gaping, coloured, deciduous, The dower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are plain, roundifh and obtufe, the ungues are narrow. There are fix hiaments the length of the cup ; of thefe the four oppohte are a little longer than the reft. The anthers are fimple. The germen is ovate, the ftyle is (lender and the length of the cup, the ftigma is obtufe. Thefilicula is obcordate, partly comprefled and rigid; the apex ends in a rigid conical ftyle and has two valves ; the pods in fome are empty. Obf. Linn. MyagriT. The feed veftel is unilocular with two empty cells in the top and one at the bafe con- taining feeds. Sativum, Gold cf Pleafure with ovate, pedunculated, polyfpermous filiculs. Among flax. An, June, VELLA. TETRADYNAM’iA SILICULOSA. 14^ VELLA. Cresse Rocket. The cup is tetraphyllous, ere^l, cylindraceous, and the leaves are linear, obtule, and deciduous. The flower is retrapetalous and cruciform, and the petals obovate ‘and patent, the ungues being the length of the cup. The fix filaments are the length of the cup, but the two op- pofite ones are ihorter than the refl:. The antherse are fimple. The germen is ovate, the ftyle is conical, the ftigma is fimple. The filicula is globofe, entire, bilocu- lar, the diffepimentum is twice as large as the filicula, it is ovate and ered:, containing fome roundifii feeds. Annua. CrcJJe Rocket with pinnatifid leaves, and pen- dulous- filiculaii. On i^alisbury Plain., not far from Stone- henge., Mr Lawson. R. Sy, An. June., SUBULARIA. Awl-wort. The cup is tetraphyllous, and the leaves are ovate, concave, patent, and deciduous. The flov/er is tetrape- talous and uniform. The petals are obovate, entire and fomewhat larger than the cup. There are fix filaments fliorter than the corolla, the two oppofite ones being fliorter, and the antherae are fimple. The germen is ovate with fcarce any ftyle and the ftigma is obtufe. The filicula is obovate, comprefled, entire, furnifhed v/ith a very fliort ftyle and is bilocular-, the valves are ovate and concave, the feeds are very fmall and round-- ifli. Aciuatica. Awl- wort. Per, D R A B A. Whitlow-grass* The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves are ovate, con- cave eredo-patent, deciduous. The flower is tetrapeta- lous and cruciform the petals are oblong, fomewhat patent, with very fmall ungues. There are fix filaments the length of the cup, four of which are fomewhat long- er, and eredo-patent, having fimple antheraj. The ger- U 2 men 14^ TETRADYNAMI-A SILICULOSA. men is ovate with fcarce any ftyle, the ftigma is headed and plain. The hhcula is eliptico-oblong, comprefled, entire without any ftyle, bilocular, and the dilTepimen- tum is parallel with the’valves, which are concave and contain many Imall roundifh leeds. Obf. Linn. In fome the petals are bipartite to the ungues, in others only emarginated, in fome entire. The ellential charadtr confifts in the.fiiicula being of an oval, oblong, comprefied figure, almcfi; dellitute of a ftyle ; and hence is eafily diiiinguifhed from the ^ JyJJwn^ Suhi- laria^ and Lunaria. Verna. Common Whitlow-grafs with naked flems and leaves fomewnat ferrated. An. ylpril. Muralis. Specdivell-lea^oed V/hitlow-grafs with a ramofe ftalk, cordate, dentated leaves that iurround the flalk. An. June. hicana. Wreathen-pedded Whitlow-grafs with many hoa- ry leaves on the ftalk, and oblong iiliculae. Bien. May. L E P I D I U M. Dittander or Pepperwort. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves are ovate, con- cave, deciduous. 1 he flower is tetrapetalous and cruci- form, the petals are obovate, twice as long as the cup, with narrow ungues. There are fix fubulated'filaments the length of the cup, of which two are fhortcr than the red; and^all the anthers are fimple. The germen is cor- date, the ftyle fimple, the length of the ftamina, and 'the ftigma is obtufe. The filicula is fubcordate, partly e- marginated, compreffed, with an acute margin and is bilocular-, the difiepimentum is lanceolated, the valves navicular and keel-lhaped, containing acuminated feeds narrower at the bale and nodding. Latifolium. Dittander with ovato- lanceolated entire, -ferrated leaves. In meadpw^s and paftures, but not very common. Near the rjythe at Colchefter., and at Hayhridge near Maldon^ by the water-fide, plentifully, R. Sy. In the marfhes near Gray's \a Dr Watson. Per. June\ July. : . . • .r. , K i ' RuJerale. TETRADYNAMIA SILICULOSA, 14^ Rjuderale, Narrow leaved wild Crefs or DittanderWith. apetalous llowtrs that have two'ftamina, whofe leaves towards the root are dentato-pinnated, thofe on the bran* ches linear and entire* At Malden in EJfeXy Lynne in Norfolk^ iitid L ruro in Cornwal. An, June, . Petrieum, Mountain Bittander with entire pinnate leaves^ emarginated petals that are lefs than the cup. On St Vincenfs Rock : R. Sy. An, Aprils May, T HL A S P I. Mithridate or Tr. eagle Mustard. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves are ovate, con- cave, eredto- patent, and deciduous. The flower is tetra- petaious and cruciform, the petals obovate, twice as long as the cup with narrow ungues. There arc fix fila- ments, fliorter by half than the corolla ^nd two of thefe are fhorter than the reft with acuminated antherte. The germen is roundifli, comprefled, emarginated. I'he ftyie is fimple and the length of the ftamina, and the itigma is obtufe. The filicula is compreff^d, obcordate, emarr ginated ; the ftyie is the length of the emargination, bi- locular, and the dilTepimentum is lanceolaced, and th^ valves navicular, containing many nutant feeds affixed to the future. , Obf. Burf^ pajloris L, Silicula is obcordate and with- out a margin. Lhlafpi L Silicula is obcordate with an acute margin, Campeftre, Mithridate Mtijiard or Bajiard Crefs with roundifh filiculae, fagittated, dentated and hoary leaves. In fields and fandy ground. An. Arvenfe. Lreacle Muftard or Penny Crefs with orbicu- lated filiXulse, oblong, dentated, fmooth leaves. In fields but not common. An. June,, July. Perfoliatum. Perfoliate L reacle Muftard with roundifli filiculce, cordate, partly ferrated leaves furrounding the ftalks. in mountainous paftures. Amongtht Stone-pits, between Whitney and Bur ford, Oxf, On moift limeftone paftures \nTorkfh, M'^eft. mdi Cumh. An. June, Hirtum, t5o TEXRADYNAMIA SILJCULOSA: 'Hirtiim. Teremial Mithridate Muftard with roiundifh, hairy pods, and die .leaves on the llalks fagittated ’and rough.. Per. July., .'y. Montanum. MduntamMithridate'Muftard ‘\v\xh obcor- date pods, entire fmooth leaves, tliofe at the root cruci- form and thofe on the Ifalk furrounding it. In the paf- tures about the Ebbing and Flowing Well., a mile from Settle in Torkfli. T owar-ds higleborrough and between Mal- ham and Settle. R. Sy. Biirfa P aft oris.- Shepherd'* s Purfe with obcordate pods and the leaves towards the root pinnatifid. An, March^ April, COCHLEARIA. Scurvy-Grass. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves ovate, hollov/ and deciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are obovate, patent, twice as large as the cup-, and the ungues are narrow, fliorter than the cup and pa- tulent. There are fix fubulated filaments the length of the cup, and two of thefe are fliorter than the reff. The ^ntherse are obtufe and comprefled. The germen is cor- date, the feyle is fimple, very fliort, and permanent and the ftigma is obtufe. The filicula is cordate, gibbous, fljghtly compreiTed, partly emarginated, furniflied with a flyle, bilocular, fcabrous and has an obtufe margin and about four feeds in each pouch or pod. Officinalis., Common or Garden Scurvy-Grafts with roUnd- ifli radical leaves, thofe on the fbaik are oblong and part- ly finuated. On the fea fhore frequently. Bien. ‘April., May, Groerdandia, Greenland Scurvy -Grafts with entire, kid- ney-fhaped leaves. Bien, April, May. Anglica. Englijh or Sea Scurvy-Grafts with ovato-lan- ceolated, finuated leaves. On the fea Ibore. Bien. May, Banica. Banifth Scurvy -Grafts with angulated fpear fhaped leaves. In the IJle oft Walney, Ban. R. Sy. May, Corompus, Swine'* s Lreffies with pinnatifid leaves. An, June — Aug. Armoracea, TETKADYNAMIA' SILIQUOSA. 151 Armo^^acid. Horfe Radijh with lanccolated, crenated, ! radical leaves, and thofe on the ftaik cut. Found plen- tifully about Alnwick and elfewhere in Ncr thumb, R. Sy, May, I B E R I S. Rock Cresse. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves obovate, concave, I patent, fmall, equal and deciduous. The flower is tetra- petallous and unequal. The petals are obovate, obtufe, j patent, and the ungues are oblong and eredl, the two exterior petals are longer than the other two, which are very fmall and reflex^ The fix filaments are fubulated : and eredt, two of which are fhorter than the red, having I roundifli anthers. The germen is round ifli and com- prefTed, the flyle is fimple and fhort, and the fligma is ! obtufe. The filicula is ere6t, fuborbiculated, compref- I fed, emarginated, bilocular, and furrounded with an acute margin-, the diffipimentum is lanceolated, the [ valves are navicular, or refemble a fhip, comprefTed, and I keel-lliaped, containing a few fubovate feeds. ' Nudicaulis, Rock Crejfe with finuated leaves, and a fim- j pie naked ftalk. Near Hampton Court,, Richmond and I Barnes commons, Mr Doody, R. Sy, Ann, May, I S I L I Q^U O S A. Comprehends fuch as have long Jlender pods^ and fcarcc any flyle. D E N T A R I A. Coal-wort. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves ovato-oblong, convergent, obtufe and deciduous. The flower is tetra- petalous and cruciform, the petals are roundifh, and ob- tufe, fcarcely emarginated, plain and ending in ungues, the length of the cup. There are fix fubulated filaments the length of the cup, two of which are fhorter than the Others. The anthers are cordato-obiong and ereft. The germen 152 .TETRADYNAMIA.SILIQUOSA. germcn is oblong and the length of the {lamina, the' fly Ic IS very fhort and thick, the iligma is obtufe and emar- ginated. The filiqua is long, round, bilocular, with two valves, the diilepimentum is a little longer than the valves, and the feeds are numerous and fubovate. Btilbifcra, Coral bVcrt with.' xht lower leaves pinnate and thofe towards the fummit fimple. In woody places. Per. April. CARD AMINE. Lady’s Smock or Cuckow Flower, The cup is tetraphyilous, the leaves are ovato-obiong, obtuie, rather patulent, gibbous, (mail and deciduous. The fiower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are oblongo-ovate, very patent and terminate in eredt ungues twice as long as the cup. There are fix Tubulated fila- ments*, the two oppofite ones are twice the length of the cup, and the reH lomewhat longer. The anthercC are imall, cordato-oblcng and eredl. The germen is {lender, cylindraceous, and the length of theilamina, the iligma is headed and entire. 1 he filiqua is long, compreiftd, bilocular with two valves and the valves in opening revolve in the form of a fpire. The feeds are numerous and roundifh. Obf. There is one fpecies obferved without thofe two fmall llamina and another without the petals. Such as have fimple leaves. Bellidifclia. Daify leaved Lady’s Smock with fimple, ovate, entire leaves and very long footflalks. Per. Aprils May. On St Vincent’s Rock near Briftol. In various places about Rippon in l^ork/h. Peircea. Mountain Lady’s Smock with fimple, oblong, dentated leaves. On the fummit of high mountains. ‘ Per. May. Such as have pinnated leaves. Pratenfis. Common Lady’s Smock with pinnated leaves, and the radical leaves roundifh and thofe on the flalk lanceolated. Per. April. Amorr. TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA. 153 Amara, Bitter Crejjes with pinnated leaves, and joints bearing Ihoots* In meadows and paftures. Per, Aprils May, Impatiens, Irapatient hadf s Smock with pinnated leaves, the fmall leaves lanceolated, and petals foon fal- ling away. An. April. Parvifiora, Small flowered Ladfs Smock with pinnated leaves without flipuls, the fmall leaves are lanceolated and obtufe. March — May. - Hirjuta, Hairy Lady's S^nock with pinnated leaves and flowers with only five flamina. An. April — Aug, SISYMBRIUM. Water-Cresses. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves are linear, patent, coloured, diciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous, and cruciform. The petals are oblong, patent, often lefs than the cup, with very fmall ungues. There are fix filaments longer than the cup, the two oppofite ones being fomewhat fliorter and the anthers are Ample. The germen is oblong and flender, there is fcarce any ftyle and the ftigma is obtufe. The filiqua is long, crooked, gibbous, round, bilocular, and has two valves, the valves are fnorter than the diflepimentum, and the feeds are numerous and fmall. Obf. Sophia has a flower fnorter than the cup, and a very flender and long filiqua. RadicuH D. have very fhort gibbons filiqus. ^ Nafturthim, Water Crefles with declining pods, pin- nate leaves and fubcordate lobes. Per. Syhcfter. Water Rocket with declining pods, pinnate leaves, and lanceolated, ferrated lobes. In wet marfhy places. In Pothil-fleW s^ VAefl. Black’s Spec, Bot, Per,, June. Amphihium. Water Radifh with declining, oblongo- ovate pods, ferrated, pinnatifid leaves. Per. June. X. Suck J54 TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA. ^uch as have a naked Jialk, Miirale. Wall Rocket with fmooth, ferrato-dentated leaves, and a naked, fcabrous ftalk. In fandy places-, found by Mr Lawson in Sella-Jields^ Seahank^ Cumh. Ter. June. Irio. Broad leaved Rocket., or Hedge Mujiard with pin- nato-hahated, dentated, naked leaves, a fmooth ftalk, and eredt pods. On old walls about London very com- mon. An. May., yjug. Sophia. FUx-weed with petals lefs than the cup, and decompound, pinnate leaves. In rough uncultivated places. About height on-hall., Lan. ERYSIMUM. Hedge Mustard. The cup is tetraphylious, the leaves are ovato-oblong, connivent, coloured, and deciduous. The flower is te- trapetalous and cruciform, and the petals are oblong, plain, with very obtufe apices, the ungues are the length of the cup and ered. I'here is a double nedariferous gland fituated between the ftamina. There are fix fila- ments the length ot the cup, and two are fhorter than the reft, and all have Ample antherse. The germen is lineal and tetragonal and the length of the ftamina-, the ftyle is very fhort, the ftigma is headed, permanent and fmall. The filiqua is long, linear, narrow, tetragonal, with two valves and two cells containing many fmall roundifh feeds. Oficinale. Hedge Mujiard with the pods of the fpikc prelied together, and hooked leaves. An. May. Chenanthoides. Treacle Wormfeed with lanceolated en- tire leaves. In the IJle of Ely near the city, and near Afhhurn 111 Derhjh. R. .Sy. An. July. Barharea. Winter CreJJes or Rocket with leaves fliaped like a harp, and the outmoft roundifh. Ter. May. Alliaria. Jack- by -the- Hedge or Savoce-alone with cor- date leaves. Ter. May. CHEIRANTHUS. TETRAD YNAMI A SILIQUOSA. 155 CHEIRANTHUS. Wall-Flower or Wild Cheir. 1 he cup is tetraphyllous and comprefied, the leaves are lanceolated, concave, eredt, paralielo-connivent, de- ciduous, and the exterior two are gibbous at the bafe. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform*, the petals are roundifli, longer than the cup and the ungues the length of the cup. There are fixlubulated parallel fila- ments, the length of the cup, and two of them are gib- bous and fomewhat fliorter. I he antherai are eredt, bi- fid at the bafe, acute at the a, dees, and reflex. The nectariferous glandule furrounds the bafe of the lefler ftamen. 'I'he germen is prifmatical, tetragonal, and the length of the itamina, marked on both fides with a tu- bercle; the ftyle is very fhort and compreffed. The fl::g- ma is oblong, bipartite, reflex, thickifli and permanent. The filiqua is oblong, compreffed, marked with a denti- cle, bilocular with two valves. The flyle is very fnort and has a bifid, eredt ftigma. The feeds are numerous, pendulous, fubovate, compreffed with a membranaceous margin, Cheiri. Wall-Flower or JVild-Cheir with lanceolated, acute, fmooth leaves, and angulated branches. On old walls and houfes. Per. April.^ May. Triciifpidatus. Sea Stock Gilly-tlower with tridentated pods. On the fea fliore and on the coaft of Cornwal., R. Sy. June. H E S P E R I S. Dame’s Violet, Rocket, or Queen’s Gilly-Flower. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves are lanceolato-li- near and paralielo-connivent, incumbent at the fummits and opening below, deciduous, and two are gibbous at the bafe. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are oblong and the length of the cop, and a little obliquely reflexed to the right, ending in attennuated un- gues the kngth of the cup. There are fix I'ubulated fi- laments the length of the tube, two of which are fhort- X 2 er 156 TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA. er by half than the reft. The antherae are linear, eredf,' reflex at the apices. I'he glandule is melliferous, acu- minated, placed between the ftiorter ftamen and the ger- men, and then furrounds the fame ftamen. The gerrnen is the length ot the cup, prifmatical and tetragonal. There is no ftyle, the ftigma is bipartite, oblong, ered, bifurcated at the bafe, connivent at the apex and withers away. The filiqua is long, plain, ftriated, bilocular, with two valves and the valves are the length of the diftepi- inentum, containing many ovate comprefled feeds. ^ Matronalis. Unfavory Dames Violet with a fimple erect ftalk, ovato-lanceolated, denticulated leaves, and the petals emarginated. On the banks of the rivers about Daiehead and Grqffmere in IVeJl, Bien, May, TURRITIS. Tower Mustard. The cup is tctraphyllous, the leaves are ovato-oblong, parallello-connivent, and deciduous. The flower is te- trapetalous and cruciform, the petals are ovato-oblong, obtufe, ered, entire, with ered ungues. There are fix ered fubulated filaments, the length of the tube, two of which are fliorter than the reft, and all the anthers are fimple. The gerrnen is the length of the flower, round and partly compreffed, without any ftyle, the ftigma is obtufe. The filiqua is very long, narrow, tetragonal, bilocular, with two valves, the valves fcarce equal the diiTepimentum. The feeds are numerous, roundifhand emarginated. Glabra. Great "Tower Mujlard with radical, dentated, hifpid leaves, and thofe on the flalk are fmooth, entire, and furrcund tlie ftalk. An. May. Hirfuta. Hairy Tower Miiftard with all the leaves hifpid and thofe on the ftalk furround it. Bien. June. BRAS SIC A. Cabbage. The cup is tetraphyllous and ered, the leaves are lanceolated and linear, concavo-canaliculated, gibbous at TETRADYNAMIA SILIQJJOSA. 157 at the bafe, ere6l, parallel and deciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are fubovate, 1 plain, patent, entire, and vifibly attenuated into ungues almoft the length of the cup. There are four ovate nedtariferous glands of which one is placed between the fhorter ftamen and the piftii, and the other betv/een the I longer (lamina and the cup. There are fix fubulated i ereS filaments, and two cf them are the length of the i cup, and four are longer; the antherai are eredt and a- cuminated. The germen is round and the length of the ! ftamina, the (lyle is fhort and as thick as the germen, the ; fliigma is headed and entire. The filiqua is long, round- I illi, depreffed on both fides ; the difiepim.entum is roujid- ifh, with a prominent apex, is bilocular and has two valves, the valvules are dorter than the dilfepi men turn. The feeds are numerous and globofe. Orientalis. Perfoliate Cahhage^ v/ith fmooth cordate leaves furrounding the dalk; thofe towards the root are fcabrous and entire, and the pods tetragonal. An. june. Olcracea. Sea Calbage with a round, flediy, daiky root. By Bolton Sand ftdes^ Lan. and at Arnjide- Point. IPeJi. Bien. Rapa., Pnrneps with a defhy, deprefied, orbicular daiky root. Bien. April. I Napus. Wild Navew with a fufiform daiky root. Among corn. May. Erucaftrum. Wild Rocket with dentato-pinnatifid leaves, a hifpid dalk and fmooth pods. On old v/alls,^ Per. May. SIN APIS. Mustard. The cup is tetraphyllous and patent, the leaves are linear, concavo-canaliculated, cruciform-patent and dc-' ciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are roundifh, plain, patent, and entire; the ungues are eredl, linear, and fcarcc the length of the cup. There are four nedariferous, ovate glands of which one is be- tween the fhort damen and thepidil, and one between the longer 158 TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA. longer ftamina and the cup. There are fix Tubulated, erect, filaments and two of them the length of the cup, but four are longer, and the antherae are ereClo-patent and acuminated. The germen is round, the ftyle is the length of the germen and the height of the ftainina. The fcigmia is headed and entire. The filiqua is oblong beneath, torofe, fcabrous and bilocular with two valves; the dilfeplmentum is commonly twice as long as the fm all valves, large and comprefTed. The feeds are numerous and globofe. Obf. The fmapis differs from the brafilca in having the patent cup and the ungues of the corolla ered. jyigra. Common Muftard with fmooth tetragonal pods. An. "June. /ilba. White with hifpid pods, and aii oblong very long beak. An. Aug. Arvenjfls. Wild Mujiard or Charlock with many an- gled pods, torofo-turgid and longer than the beak. An. Jiday, ' R A PH ANUS. Charlock, The cup is tetraphylicus and erect, the leaves are ob- long, parallel, connivent, deciduous, and gibbous at the ■ bafe. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform. The petals are obcordate and patent, the ungues are a little longer than the cup. There are four nedariferous glan- diiles, one on each fide between the fliort ilamen anti pif- .til, and one on each fide between the longer ftamina and Clip. There are fix Tubulated, ered filaments the length of the cup, and four the length of the ungues of the corolla and the antheras are fimple. The germen is ob- / -long, ventricofe, attenuated, and the length of the fliami- na, there is fcarce any ftyle, the ftigma is headed and en- tire. The feedvelTel is gibbous, fmooth, ventricofe and a little jointed, containing roundifli fmooth feeds. E.aphanijlrum. White and Yellow flowered Charlock with round, jointed, fmooth, unilocular pods. An. June., July, B U N I A S. TETRADYNAMIA SILIQ^UOSA. 159 B U N I A S. Rocket. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves ovato-oblong, patent and deciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous and cruciform, the petals are obovate, twice as long as the cup, the ungues are attenuated and ere6t. There are fix fiiaaients the length of tne cup, the two oppofite ones are fomewhat fhorter, the antherse are ered and bifid at the bale. T he germen is oblong and Itigma obtufe. Tlie pod is irregular, ovato-oblong v/’th four angles, one or other of which is prominent and pointed, containing one or two round iili feeds. Cakile, Sea Rocket with ovate, fmooth, two edged pods. On the fea Ihore. An, June, I SAT IS. WoAD. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves ovate, patent, co- loured, and deciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous and crufitorm •, the petals are oblong, obtufe, patent, and attenuated into ungues. There are fix eredho-patent filaments the length of the corolla, two of which are fliorter than the reft, and the antheras are oblong and lateral. The germen is oblong, two edged, comprefted, the length of the fhorter ftamina without any ftyle. The ftigma is obtufe and headed. The pod is oblong, lan- ceolated, obtufe, compreflfed, edged, unilocular, with two valves, the fniall valves are fhapedlike a fhip, com- prefted, keel fhaped and deciduous. There is but one ovate feed in the center of the feed veflel, TinBoria. Woad with the leaves towards the bot- tom crenated, thofe on the ftalks fagittated with ob- ; long pods. In corn fields and the fides of fields be- ' tween Bath and Brijlol. On the road- fide in Tealand ' Storrs,, and in feveral other places in and about the Tealands^ Lan, July, C R A M B E. i6o TETRADYNAMIA SILIQUOSA' C R A M B E. The cup is tetraphyllous, the leaves ovate, chan- nelled, patent, deciduous. The flower is tetrapetalous, the petals are large, obtufe, broad, and patent; the ungues are eredo-patulent, and the length of the cup. There are fix filaments, two the length of the cup, and four the length of the bifid apex. The antherse are Ample on the out branch of the filaments. The glandule is melliferous within the corolla and the longer ftaniina. The germen is oblong and the fta- .mina thickifh. The berry is dry, roundifli, unilo- cular, and deciduous, containing one roundifli feed. Obf. Linn. The effential charadleriflic confifls in the Alaments being biAd at the apices. Maritima. Sea Colewort with fmooth leaves and ftalk. On the fea fhore and fandy places. Per, May C LA S S XVI. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. i6i CLASS XVI. MONADELPHIA. This clafs is denominated Monadelphia hecaufs the ftamina of the flowers are Jo interwo-ven as to form one body ; or r ae- ther lecaufc the jidmina are conncdled or coalefce at the bottom. The genera, of this clafs ^ were formerly diftinguijh^ edflrom the fruit alone., which not being jciind fiflicient., reccmfe was had to the leaves., by many, but Linn/eus has dijtinguijhed the genera by the cup, which is the prin-^ ciple charackrijiic and fines the genus btyond a dijpute. The engllfn .plants of this clafs are divided into Decandria and Polyandria, and firft of DECANDRIA which comprehends plants with ten flamina. G E R A N I U M. Cranesbill. TH E cup is pentarhyllous, the leaves are ovate, acute, concave, and permanenr. There arc five obcordate, often ovate, patent, large petals. I'here are ten Tubulated filanicnt.-;, patent at the apices, akernateiy longer, but fliorter than il.e corolla, with verfatile ob- long anthers. The germen lias live angles ana is beak- ed; the flyle is Tubulated, longer than the Tcanfina and permanent, and the five itigmata are rdlex, The fruit is beaked, the feeds are Toiitary, kidiiey-Thaped, and of- ten covered with an out coat, the arida or beard is very long and becomes Tpiral. y. Cicuiarium. i62 monadelphia decandria Ckutariim. Hemlock-leaved Craneshill with many flowers on the peduncles, pentaphyllous cups, five fta- mina in each flower and obtufe, pinnate leaves. By road- Tides. An. April — June. Mojchatiim. Mujked Craneshill or Mufeevy with many flowers on the peduncles, pentaphyllous cups, five fla- nnna in each flower, pinnate leaves, and pinnatifid coty- ledons. in the road between Ormffdrk and Liverpool.^ I ientiililly. 1 found it too in Tealand., but not much of it. i\ bout Old-Hall the feat of Mr Johnson, IVeJi. May. MeVt itinium. Sea Craneshill with many flowers on the peduncks, cordate, crenato-incife, viiiofe leaves, and procurnOefit ftaiks. Aer. June., J'^ly* Such as have ten fertile fiamina. Nodofum. linotty Craneshill with two flowers on each pecuncie; the leaves on the flalks are three lobed, en- tire and ferrateci, thofe towards the furnmits partly fefTile. On the mountains of Cumberland, R. Sy. Per. July., Aug. Phaum. Spotted Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle, alternate leaves, bearded cups, an eredl ftaik, and undulated petals. About Clapham and Ingleton, Torkjh. April, May. Sylvaticum. N.ountain Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle. Tubulated, multifid, ferrated leaves, an erecl ftaik, and emarginated petals. In the fields of Lan. Wejl. Per. July, Aug. Prate7tfe. Crowfoot Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle, fubpeltated, multipartite, rugofe, pinnato- lacirnated, acute leaves, and entire petals. Per. June, July. Rohertianum. Herh Robert with two flowers on each peduncle, and pilofe ten-angled cups. On old walls moil: frequent. Bien. April, June. Lucidum. Shining Doves foot Craneshill W\xh two flowers on each peduncle, anguiated, rugofe cups, and round five MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. i6^ five ]o’ -ed leaves. On houfes, walls, and in iliady places. June^ July, Rotundifolium, Round leaved Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle, entire petals the kngih of the cup, a proftrate ilalk, and incife kidney-lhapec. leaves. On walls and houfes and by hedges. About Bath and Brif- tol^ between Batterfea and Wanjworth, EIudson. An, July. Perenne. Perennial Dovesfoot Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle^ the lower leaves are quinque- partite, multifid, and round, the upper leaves have three lobes, and an ered: flalk. Per. May — Aug, Molle, Common Doves foot Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle, the floral leaves alternate, a diffuk, branchy flalk, and cups without any bearas. An. IS/ioy,^ June. Pufillum, Small flowered Doves foot Craneshill with tv/o flowers on each peduncle, bifid petals, a . roflrate flaik, kidney-fhaded, palmated, linear, and acute leaves. A.n. June, / Columhinum. Long ftalked Dovesfoot Craneshill with two flov/ers on each peduncle, quinquepartite-mulcifid leaves ; acute fegiTients, fmooth cap lilies, and bearded cups. An, June. Dijfedlum. Jagged leaved Dovesfoot Craneshill with two flowers on each peduncle, quinquepartito-rnukifid leaves, emarginated petals the length of the cup, and viilofe capfules. An, May — July. Sanguineum, Bloody Crane shill vjixhont flower on each peduncle, quinquepartite leaves, trifid and orbiculaied. Among rocks, and in dry meadows. In Cr ingl'eh arrow - wood,, Tealand.^ Lan, In Clawthro^ woods near Burt on ^ JPeJl, July^ Aug, y 2 Poljandriti i64 MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. P0LT/1NDRTA ccinprehends fuch -as have many Jlaminay and always more than , twelve* ALTHiSA, Marshmallow. The cup is double, the exterior is monophyllous and divided into nine parts, that; are very narrow and p erma- nent. The interior is monophyllous, femiquinquifid : the fegments are bioader, more acute and permanent. There are five petals united at the bafe-, obcordate and terminate in unequal, and plain divifions. I'he filaments are numerous and formed at the bottom in the fnape of a cylinder; lax at the top, jdaced on the corolla with antherae fomev/hat kidney-fhaped. The germen is orbi- culatcd, the iiyle is cylindraceous and fliort. The ftig- mata are- numerous, briftly and the length of the fcyle. The arilli form a v/horl about the receptacle which is in the fnape of a pillar, are deciduous and open internally, containing; foiitary, kidney-fliaped feeds. OjJicinalis. Marjiimalkw with fimple woolly leaves. In inarlhes near the fea. Per. Aiig. LAVATERA, Sea Tree Mallow. The cup is double, the exterior is monophyllous, femi- trifi'd, obrufe, faorrer, and permanent; the interior is monophyllous, femiquinquifid, more acute, more eredt and permanent. There are hve obcordate, plain, patent petals that coalefce at the bafe. I'he hiarnents are nu- merous, forming a cylinder at the bafe, lax towards the llimmit and inferted into trie corolla having kidney- fhaped anthers. The germen is orbicular, the ftyle cylindraceous and fnorr, the lligmata are numerous from feven to iourtecn, brdlly, and the length of the iiyle. The arilii form a deprefled whorl about the columnar receptacle, are deciduous and open internally, contain- ing i'olitary kidney ihaped feeds., Arhorea. Sea Tree Mallcvo with a flalk like a tree, woolly, plicated leaves, With feven angles, with pedun- cles MOTsTADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. 165 cles thick fet and one flower from the joints. On the fea flicre. On Hurfi-Ccijlle over agamil the of Wight^ in Portland Ijland. K. Bien. Atig, M A L V A. Mallow. The cup is double, the^xterior con frfc^. of three iqaves that are narrov/, cerd-ate,^ acute^^nd -penTianent, the inte- : rior is itionophylious, femiquinquiPid, large, broad, per- ' manent. The petals are five which eoaleice at th^ bafe, i are obcordate. and terminate in unequal divifions^ and are plain. The 'filaments are numerous and cbalefce in- i'-.5 a cylinder, lax at the top and inferted into the corol- I la, having kidney-fhaped andierce. “ The germen is I orbicular, the flyie cylindracepus and flrort. The flig- mata are numerous, briftly, and the length of the ftyie. : The arilli form a depreffed whorl about a columnar receptacle, are deciduous and open internally, contain- ' ing fblitary kidney-fhaped feeds. Cbf. Malv<£ T. The leaves are almcil entire and *j not villofe. ' ! Alicea T. The leaves are multiPd and not villofe. I Sylvejiris, Common Mcllovj with an ered herbaceous, : ftalk, lobate, obtuie leaves, and both peduncles and ' petioli hairy. Bifn. May — Odi, j Rotundifolia. -Bwarf Mallcr^v Miih' 2, proflrate flalk, j cordato-orbiculated leaves, and obfoletely five lobed, I An. fune — 0^7. i Parviflo7"a. Small flowered Mallozv with a patulent fcalk, I angulared leaves, the Rowers at tfie wings of the leaves I being in chifters., and cups finootli and patent. Found I at Hithe in Kent. Bien. June. I Alcea. Vervain Miallow with an erect' fialk, multi- I partite and rough leaves. In the North of LancaJJiirey plentifully. July., Aug, Mo f chat a. Jagged leaved Vervain Mallozv with the radical leaves kidnty-fiiaped and j^igged, and diofe on I the ftalk quinqueparcite and pinnaio-m'uii.fid. Bien. Aug, CLASS XVII. i66 DIADELPHIA HEXANDRIA, CLASS XVIL DIADELPHIA^ fills clafs comprehends all thofe plants with papilionace- ous and herniaphrodite fiowers^ and legiuninous feed- n^ejfels, fills clafs is called diadeiphia, becaufe the ’ Jlamina form two dijmicl dlffimilar bodies or filamentsi which coalefce at the hafe\ the one /lands above the pjiil^ and the ether fmrounds it. HEXANDRIA comprehends fuch as have fix /lamina, FUMARIA. Fumitory. . TH E cup is compofed of two equal, lateral, erecl, acute, fmali deciduous leaves. The flower is obtong, tubulated, and riiigeii’, the palate is prominent, covering the faux. The upper lip is plain, obtufe, emarginated, and reflex. The nedarium is the bafis of the upper lip, obtufe and prominent behind. The low- er lip is like the upper in every part, but that the bafe is keel-lhaped. The nedarium at the bafe of this is lefs prominent. The faux is tetragonal, obtufe, and perpendicularly bifid. There are two equally broad fila- ments, each within each lip, and acuminated. There are three anthers that terminate each filament. The germen is oblong, comprefl'ed and acuminated; the ftyle is ihor-t, the ftigma is orbiculated, ered, and compreflfed. The fiiicula is unilocular and contains roundifli feeds. Fumaria, DI AD EL PHI A OCTANDRIA. 167 Ftmaria O^. has a roundilli filicula, and often has but one feed and is deciduous. Oficinalis^ Fumitory with branch}^ feed veflels, that have but each one feed, and a diffufe ifalk. /in, Apnly *June. Capreolata, Ramping Fumitory with branchy feed vef- fels, each containing one feed, and climbing leaves with Ihort tendrils. In woods and hedges. An, Aug, Claviculata, Climbing Fumitory vdth narrow pods, and leaves with clafpers or tendrils. An, June, All the Fumitories are to be found in the north of Lancajhire and fouth of Wejtmorland, OCFA NDRI A comprehends fuch as have eight Jlamina. P O L Y G A L A. Milkwort. The cup confifts of three fmall leaves which are ovate and acute, of which two are beneath the corolla and one above it, all being permanent. The flower is of the papilionaceous kind, and the number of petals is inde- terminate. The wings are fubovate, plain, large, and placed on the out-fide of the corolla, and made of the dents of the cup, and are permanent. The vexillum is cylindraceous, tubulous and fnort, the brim is reflex, fmall and bifid. The keel is concave, comprefled and ventricofe towards the apex. There are eight ftamina in two bodies included in the keel, terminated by eight fingle antheriE. The germen is oblong, the ftyle is fim- ple and ere6t, terminated by a thick bifid ftigma. The capfule is heart fhaped, compreffed with an acute mar- gin, which is bilocular and has two valves containing fingle ovate feeds. Vulgaris. Milkwort with branching crefted flowers, fingle, trailing, herbaceous fialks, and linear fpear-fhap- ed leaves. The violet and fefli coloured of Boer, the white of Tourn. the major 01 Jjauh, Pin, and xht myrtle leaved of Ray, i63 DIADELP.HIA DECANDRIA.’ Ray, are only varieties and not didind fpecies. All very common in dry mountainous pafLures. May ^ Jane, I> E CA N D R I A comprehends fuch as have ten jiamina. \ S P A R T I U M. Broom. The cun is monophyllous, cord ato- tubulated with a very fliort margin at the top, and five fmall indentures, and coloured. The flower is papilionaceous and has five petals. The vexiilum is almod heart-ilaaped, large and wholly reflex. The wings are ovate, oblong, Ihort- er than the vexiilum and amiexed to the fcamina. The keel has two petals, is ianceoiated, oblong, longer than the wings-, the borders are liairy and connected together into which the ftamina are inferted. There are ten un- equal ilamina grovdng together and vifibly longer one than die other, the upperrnoh: is very ihort, the loweft is divided imo nine parts, and tide aniherae are oblongirh. TliC germen is oblong and hairy, the ilyie is fubuiated, to the upper fide on which is annexed an oblong, vii- loie iligma. I'he legurnen is cylinclraceous, long, obtufe, and unilocular with two values containing many kid- ney-ihaped iceds. Sco'pariwm, Common Broom whh lingle, trifoliate and angular, unarmed branches. Mry\ June, G E N I S T A. Green-v/eed. The cup is rndnopliyilous, fniail, tubulated, and bila- biated; the upper lip is bidentated and deeper divided; the lov/er lip is bidentated and nearly equal. The dower is papilionaceous. The vcxiliurn is acute, and remote from the keel and the whole is leiiex. The vvino;s are oblong, lax, and Hrortcr tlian the reft. The keel is llraio-ht, emar2;inated. and ionner r’lan the vexiilum. There are ten ftamma joined wliich emerge out ot the keel, having fiiiipie andierse. The germen is oblong, with DIADELPHTA DECANDRIA. 169 \ with a fimple rifing ftyle, and an acute involuted ftig- Txia. The legumen is roundifh, turgid, unilocular with two valves, containing fingle kidney-fhaped feeds. Tin^oria, Green-weed^ Dyer'^s JVeed^ or Wood-waxen with fmooth lanceolated leaves, round, ered, ftriated branches. July^ Aug, Anglica, Needle-furze^ or Petty-whin with Tingle fpines, flower branches without fpines and fpear-fhaped leaves. May\ June, ONONIS. Rest Harrow. The cup is quinquepartite and almofl: the length of the corolla; the fegments are linear, acuminated, and a little arched, the flower being under the keel. The flower is papilionaceous, the vexillum is cordate, flria- ted and depreffed on the Tides. The wings are oval and fliorter by half than the vexillum. The keel is acumi- nated and commonly longer than the wings. There are ten filaments growing together, forming an entire Cylin- der, having fimple antherae. The germen is oblong and ohairy, the flyie is firnple and the fligma obtufe. The legumen is like a rhomb, turgid, villofe, uqilocular, with two valves, containing a few kidney-fhapedTeeds. Spinofa, Refiharrow or Cammock with fingle flowers .on the branches, trifoliate leaves and prickly brariches. In barren paftures. Per. June— Aug. Arvenfis, Corn Refiharrow or Caynmock with double ,fiOwers oh the branches, trifoliate leaves, and branches without fpines. Per. July., Aug. . " Repens. • Creeping Refiharrow v/ixh diffufe il;alks,‘'cre^l; branches, trifoliate leaves on the flalks, and ovate ilipu- \x. Near the Tea fhofe. Per. June., July. A N T H Y L L I S. Kidney-Vetch, or . Lady’s Finger. The cup is monophyllous, oblong, a little inflated and villofe; the brim is divided into five unequal parts Z. and 170 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. and is permanent. The flower is papilionaceous, the vexillum is long and reflexed on both fides, and the un- guis is the length of the cup. There are two oblong wings fhorter than the vexillum. The keel is comprelfed and is the length of the wings and like them. There are ten fllaments that grow togetlier rifing like a bow, and the ahther^e are Ample. The germen is oblong, the fcyie is Ample, and the Aigma is obtufe. The legu- men is roundifli and covered by the cup, made up of two valves and contains one or two feeds. Vulncraria. liidncy-Vetck or Lady’s Finger^ The Kid- ney-Vetch is herbaceous with unequal pinnate leaves, and double heads of flowers. In dry pafcures. Per, July, P I S U M. Pea. The 'cup is monophy lions, quinquifld, acute and per- manent, and the two upper legments are broader than the reA. The flower is papilionaceous, the vexillum is very broad, obcordate, reflexed, emarginated with a point, the two wings are roundifh, connivent, and fhort- er than the vexillum. The keel is compreAed and half moon-fliaped*and fliorterthan the wings. There are ten Aamflna in two bodies, the upper Angle one is plain and awl fhaped, the other* nine are cylindrical below the mid- dle, awl fli’a*ped above, and cut, which are joined together and have roundifli antheriE. The germen is oblong and . compreAed, the Ayle is afcendent, triangular, and mem- branaceous. The Aigma adheres to the upper angle which is '-oblong and’ villofe. The legurfien is large, long, roundifli, or rather compreAed with a pointed apex\ 7s unilocular, and has two valves containing many globofe feeds. ^ - M-arinum, Peas with footAalks plain on their upper fide,' an angular Italic, arrow-iike Aipulm, and footAalks bearing many flovvers. Found on the Sea fliore. Per, 1 , GROBUS. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 171 O R O B U S. Wood Pease, or PIeath Pease. The cup is monophyilous, tubulated, obtufe at the bafe, oblique at the brim, quinquedentated, and very fhort; the three inferior denticles are more acute, the two fiiperior are ihorter, more deep and obtufely divided and wither away. The flower is papilionaceous, the vex- illum is obcordate, reflex at the apex and the Tides. The two wings are oblong and almoft the length of the vex- illum and bent like a bov/ and are connivent. The keel is evidently bind, acuminated, rifing like a bow, the margins are connivent, parallel, comprefled with aven- tricofe bottom. There are ten (lamina, nine are join- ed and one feparate with roundifli anther^e, the germen is cylindrical and comprelfed, the ilyle is (lender, bend- ed and eredl, the (ligma is linear and downy. The le- gumen is round, long with a pointed apex, which is unilocular with two valves containing many roundifli feeds. T uberofus, JVoed Peafe or Heath Peafe v/ith lanceola- ted, pinnate leaves, half arrtw-pointed, and a Ample ftalk. In meadows and paAures, woods and hedges. Per, May, b)ylvaticus, JVood Vetch or Bitter Vetch with branchy, rough, decumbent ftalks. In woods and hedges. Per. July. LATHYRUS. Chickling Vetch. The cup is monophyilous, femiquinquifid, campanil- lated, the fegments are lanceolated, and acute; the two upper ones are (horter and the lower longer. The flower is papilionaceous. The vexillum is obcordate, very large, reflex in the Aides and apex. The v/ings are oblong, lunulated, fliort, and obtule. The keel is in a half orb, the fize of the wings, but broader and opens in the middle. There are ten (lamina, nine of them are joined and one is feparate, and the antherae are roundifli. Z 2 The 172 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. The germen is comprefied, oblong, and linear. The flyle is ere6l, plain, broader towards the top, with an acute apex, and the ftigma is villofe. The legumen is very long, cylindraceous or comprelTed, acuminated with two valves, containing many cylindraceous globofe, or a little angulated feeds. Crmfon Grafs Vetch with Tingle flowers on the peduncles. Ample leaves and Tubulated ftipulse. By the fldes of fields. An. June., J^-b- Apha.ca, Yellow Vetckling with Tingle flowers on the peduncles, cirrhi without leaves, and cordate ftipulte. Among hedges. • An. June., J^^'b- Hirjutus. Rough codded Chickling Vetch with pedun- cles bearing two flowers, and tendrils with two leaves,* and lineari-lanceolated leaves, rough pods, and Tcab- rous feeds. In corn fields. In Teveral places in EJfex, Dalet Per. July., Aug. ^ Peduncles that ha.ve 'many flowers. Latifolius. Broad leaved Peafe-everlajling with many flowers on the peduncles, ^iphyllous cirrhi, and lanceo- lated leaves. In woods and hedges. Per. July- Sylveflris. Narrow leaved Peafe-everlajling with m.any flowers on the pedungles, diphyllous tendrils, and the leaves Tnaped like a Tword,. and that part between the ' joints membranaceous. In woods and hedges. About Rochefser in Kent., between Bath and Brijiol plentifully. Per., Jul}\ Aug. Pahiftris. Marfli Chickling Vetch with many flowers on the peduncles, and many leaves on the tendrils, and lanceolated fli^ulse. In a wmod near Ahington in Berks. Bla'ck’s Spec. Bot. Upon the bogs in Charley Forefl., near Bardcn-hllf Leicejierfhire. Mr. Pultney. Phil, Yranf. Per. july-> Aug. Pratenjis. Yare-everlaflilng or Common Yellow Vetch* ling with many flowers on the peduncles, very Ample diphyllous tendrils, and lanceolated leaves. In woods, hedges, meadows, and paftures. Per. July., Aug. V I C I A. DI ADEL PH I A DECANDRIA. iji V I C l A. Vetch. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated, ere£l, femlquln. quifid, acute; the upper divifions are Ihorter and con- nivent, and all of an equal breadth. The flower is papilionaceous. The vexiiium is oval, the unguis is broad and oblong, emarginated at the apex with a point, reflex at the fides. The two wings are cblong, eredl, femicordate with an oblong unguis, fliorter than the vexiiium. The keel is fnorcer than the wings, the tail is oblong and bipartite, the ventricle is compreflTedly' orbiculated. There are ten filaments, nine joined and one Angle, having ered, roundifn, four-furrowed anthertE. The glandule of the nedLariurn within the compound ftamen and germen is iliort, acuminated, and rifes out of the receptacle. The germen is linear, com- prefled and long; thefliyle is flender, fhort, and rifes to the eredl angle, the fliigma is obtufe and. bearded under the apex. ITe legumen is long, ccriaceous, has two valves, is unilocular and terminated with a point, con- taining many roundifli feeds. Cracca. ^ufudVetch many flowers on the pe- duncles which are imbricated, the leaves are lanceolated and hairy, and the itipulaj are entire. In woods and hedges. Fer. July-, Aug. Syhatica. Tufted fVood Vetch wih. many flov/ers on the peduncles, oval leaves, and denticulated fdpulae. In the woods about Greta- Bridge., Tcrkfn. Near K:rkby Lorfdale Bridge., BVefi. Per. Juh\ Aug. Sepium., Bufh Vetch with ered pods on partial foot- flialks, ovate, entire leaves, the exterior ones decreafing. In woods, hedges, meadows, and paflures. Per. May. Sativa. Common Vetch, or Tare, with ered pods grow- ing by pairs, and fitting clofe to the ftalks, blunt lobes to the leaves and fpotted ftipulse. An. May, June. Lathyreides. Strangle Tare, or Wild Vetch, with ered^ fmooth, folitary pods, fitting clofe to the fialks, fix lob- ed and the inferior ones obcordate. In dry pailures, tfpecially in a fandy foil. An. Mlay. Lutea^ *74 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Lutea, Tellcw Vetclf" with reflex, hairy, folitary pods fitting clofe to the flalks, containing each five feeds, and the vexillum of the fiower finooth. In meadows and pailures. An. June^ E R V U M. Tare. The cup is quinquepartite, alrnofl the length of the ^corolla, the fegments are linear, acuminated, and nearly equal. The fiower is papilionaceous. The vexillum is plain and flightly inflexed, roundifh and large. The the wings are obtufe and fhorter by half than the vexil- lum. i he keel is fhorter than the wings and acuminat- ed. The Fdam.ents are in two diflincd: bodies, nine and one, having fimple anthers. 1 he germen is oblong, the flyle fimple, the fligma obtufe, and beard lefs. The legumen is oblong, obtufe, round, and knotty, with pro- tuberant feeds which are four in number, and alrnofl round. Ohf. 1 his differs from the Fkm only in the fliigma. Solonienfe. Spring ‘Tare with two flowers on peduncles that have tendrils, acuminated petioli and obtufe lobes to the leaves. In meadows and paffures, and moreefpe- oially in chalky ground. On the chalky banks near Greenhithe in Kent. R. Sy. ' An, April,, May. T etrafpermum. Smooth "Fare with two flowers on the peduncles and four globofe feeds. An, June, Hirfutum, Hairy 'Tare with many flowers on the pe- duncles, and two globofe feeds. An. June. O R N I T H O P U S. Bird’s Foot. The umbel is fimple, the cup is monophyllous and tubulated, the brim quinquedentated, nearly equal and permanent. The flower is papilionaceous. The vexil- lum * It feems a reafonable conjedlure, to imagine, that the earfy V The flower is papilionaceous. The vexilium is longer than the reft, reflexed at the fldes. and emarginated, obtufe and flraight. The wings are oblong and fhorter than the vexiilum, ' the keel is the length of the wings and emarginated. d'he Aiaments are nine and one, and almoA ftraight, having rbundifli. antherae. The germen is roundifh, the ftyle is fubulated and concealed under one Ade, the ftigma is obtufe. The pod is bilocular and the cells more inclined to one Ade and contain kid- ney-fhaped feeds* . Glycyphyllos^ IVild Liquorice or Liquorice Vetch with proftra^ ftaiks, triquetrous pods bending like a bow, and DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. 177 and oval leaves longer than the peduncle. Near mel-PVcU, Lan. Per. June., July. Arenarius. Purple Mountain Milkwort with procum- bent ftalks, branchy, ered flowers, and dov/ny leaves. In meadows and Tandy pailiires. On Gogmagog-hill., Newmarket-heathy Royston-heath. R. Sy, June^ July. TRI FOLIUM. Trefoil. The umbelluia is often a fmall head in a common receptacle. The cup is monophyllous, tubulated,^ quin- quedentated and permanent. The flower is papilionace- ous, commonly permanent and withers in the cup. The vexillum is reflexed, the v/ings are fliorter than the vex- illum, and the keel is fliorter than the wings. The fi- laments are diadelphous, nine and one, terminated by Ample antheras. The germen is partly ovate, the ftyle is Tubulated and concealed under the upper fide, the fligma is fimple. The legumen is fliort with one valve and deciduous, containing but few roundifli feeds. Officinalis. Common Melilot with long naked branches of pods, containing two feeds, and an eredl ftalk. About Fouljhaw-houfe not far from Millthrop^ JVeJi. Bien. June^ July. Ornitliopoides. Bird’s Foot Frefoil with naked pods containing eight feeds, tv/ice as long as the cup, and declining ftalks. In Lndy paftures. An. June. Repens. White Trefoil or Butch Clover with little heads, pods v/ith-four feeds, and a creeping ftalk. Per. May — 0/7. Hyhridum. This is only a variety, and differs in the ftalk which is adfeendens, i. e. has the branches turned back. Per. May — 0/7. Ochroleucon. Tellow flowered T ref oil with globofe fpikes, monopetalous flowers, the ioweft dent of the cup being very long and eredt, and the leaves on the ftalk rough. In meadows ana dry paftures. Bien. May^ June. Pratenje. Purple Honey Suckle Trefoil Clover with A a fpikes r/8 DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA; fpikes fomewhat hairy and furrounded with membrana- nactous ^lipul^e, and monapetalous flowers. Per. May —0^7. Medium. Long leaved Purple ’Trefoil with terminatory, hairv, globole fpikes and monopetalous flowers, the lobes or the leaves being lanceoiated and entire, and the feaik ered. Per. July. Mariiimum. T eajcl headed Trefoil v/ith hairy globofe fpikes, equal patulent cups, a flaik with the branches turned back, and the lobes of the leaves fliaped like a wedge and hairy. On niarflies. Obferved by Dr John- son in Dartford Salimarjh. Found by Mr Hudson at Lighe and at Little-Plclland in EJjex. Near Brijiol plen- tifully. Juy. Arverfe. Hards Foot Trefoil with oval hairy fpikes, and the dents of the cup equal and briftly. An. July.^ Aug. Striatum. Knotted Trefoil with ovate, lateral, feflile, little heads, and round, llriated cups. An. June. Glomeratum. Round headedTrefoil with globofe, feflilc heads, and hairy, equal, patulent cups. In fandy paf- tures. I found it on Blackheath. An. June. Scahnim. Oval headed Trefoil w'ith ovate, feflile, little heads, and unequal hairy cups. In xh^Afe of dhepey. An. June. - Suhterraneim. Dwarf Trefoil with hairy heads and five flowers; the central invoiucrum is reflexed, rigid, and furrounds the fruit. About Lemdon plentifully. May. Fragiferum. Strawberry Trefoil with roundifh heads, inflated, bidentated, reflexed cups, and creeping llalks Per. Aug. Such as have the vexillum of the corolla reflex. Agrariiini. Hop Trefoil with oval, imbricated fpikes, permanent vexilla, naked cups, and an ered ftalk. An. , Jutte. Procumbens. D I ADEL PHI A D’ECANDRIA. 17$ Procumhens, Decumbent trefoil with imbricated, oval fpikes, deflex, permanent vexilla, and procumbent ftalks. Per, JunCy Aug, Filiforme, Small FS refoil with fpikes fomewhat imbri- cated, permanent vexiiia bended backwards, and cups upon footflalks, and trailing or procumbent ftalks. An, May,, June. LOTUS. Bird’s Foot Trefoil. The umbellula is Ample. The cup is monophyllons, round, permanent, and cut into five acute, equal, and cred; parts. The flower is papilionaceous. The vexii- ium is roundifn, bended backwards, and the unguis is bended backward and is concave. T'ke wings are round- ifli, lltorter than the vexilliim, broad and connivent. The keel is gibbous beneath, fliut at the fummit, acu- minated and rifes a little. There are ten (lamina, nine joined and one feparate that rife up and have broadifh tops and fmall anthers. The germen is round and oblong, the (lyle rifes up, and the iligma is an indexed point. The pod is cylindraceous, very ftraight, feufied, longer than the cup, has many cells and two valves containing many cylindrical feeds. Corniculata. Bird's Foot Frefoil with deprefied heads, decumbent ftalks, and patent, cylindrical pods. Per, June — Aug, I'he four others, mentioned by authors, are only varieties and not diftindt fpecies. MEDICAGO. Snail Trefoil. The cup is monophyllons, ftraight, femiquinquifid, acute, and equal, llie flower is papilionaceous, The vexillum is ovate, entire, with indexed margins, and tlte whole is reflexed. The wings are ovato-oblong, alfixed to the keel by an appendix, and the fides are connivent under the keel. The keel is oblong, bifid, patent, ob- tvife. The filaments arediadelphous and coalefce almoft A a 2 to i8o DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. to the fummits, having fmall antlierae, • The germen fits upon a ftyle, is oblong, incurved, coniprefled, wrap- ped up in the filaments, and arifes out of the keel-,- the vexiilum is reflex, and ends in a fhort Tubulated ftyle almoft ftraight, and the ftigma is very fmall. The pod is comprefTcd, long and indexed, containing many kid- ney-fliaped or angulated feeds. Falcata, Yellow Medick with branching foot-ftalks, pods Ihaped like the moon, and a proftrate ftalk. July* Saliva, Lucern with branching foot-ftalks, contort- ed pods, and a fmooth, ered ftalk. Per. june^ July. Lttpulina. Melilot Yrefoil with oval fpikes, kidney- ftiaped pods with fingle feeds, and a procumbent ftalk. In Tandy meadows and paftures. Aii. May — Aug. Arahlca. Heart Yrefoil or Clover with branching foot- ftalks, fpiny, fnail-fhaped pods, and a diffufe ftalk^ Muy* CLASS XVIII. POLYADELPHIA POLYANDRIA, iSi CLASS xvm. POLYADELPHIA. ^his clafs comprehends fuch plants as have hermaphrodite flowers^ and many difiinU bodies of Jiamina, We have only one genus of englilli plants belonging to this clafs^ namely^ the Hypericum which is of the Polyadelphia Polyandria, FIYPERICUM. ' St John’s Wort. The cup is divided into four ovate, concave, perrnanent fegments. The flower confifts ot five obiong-ovate, obtufe, patent petals, marked with dots according to the motion of the fun. The filaments are numerous, capillary, and unite at the bafe into five or three diftindl bodies, having fmall antheras. The germen is roundifn. There are three (fometimes one, two, five) Ample flyles that (land off each other, and the length of the ilamina with Am- ple ftigmata. The capfule is roundifh, having as many cells as there are ftyles, containing many ob- long feeds. Perforatum, St John^s Wort with three fiyles to the flowers, a two edged fialk, obtufe leaves with pellucid fpots. In thickets and hedges. Per, July, Humifufum, i82 polyadelphia polyandria. Humifufum. trailing St John^s Wort with three ftyles to the flowers, which are folitary and arife from the wings of the leaves, flender, two edged ftalks, and fmooth leaves. Per. July. Pulchrum. Upright St John's Wort^^ with three Ryles to the flowers, glandulous cups,' fmooth, cordate leaves, entire bra6'te^, and a round flalk. Per. July, Andreftmum. 'J'utfan or Park-leaves with three fcyles to the dowers, fruit like berries, and a two edged, fhrubby flalk. Per. July. " f ’ Montanuyn. Imperforate St Johrls Wort with three flyles to the dowers, ferrato-glandulous cups, an ere6t flalk and ovate fmooth leaves. In woods and thick- ets. Pey . July. , Hirfutum Tut fait or Hairy St Johrls Wort with ^ three flyles to the flowers, ferrato-glandulous cups, an ere6l flialk, and ovate hairy leaves. Per. July. Qiiadranguluri. St PetePs Wort with three flyles to the dowers, and an herbaceous fquare flalk. Per. July^ Elcdes. Marjh St PeiePs Wort with, three Ryles to the dowers, downy, round' leaves^ and a creeping flalk. In Sherley- common between Croydon and Wick^ kayyi. On Hampftead-heath. Hudson. Per. July. class XIX. S Y N G E N E S I A. 1S3 C L ^ S S XIX. SYNGE N ESI A. This dafs is denotninated Syngenefia, hecnufe the Jiamina in theje plants grew together^ or are formed into a fngle regular congeries, The general charadlers of this dafs are: The cup is the crown of the feeds ^ and fiands on the fummit of the germen,,and the compound flowers are very va- rious^ in regard to the nature of the flcjcules. i . Some are compofed cftuhulofe, hermaphrodite flowers in the difn, and cf the fame fort of tuhulofe hermaphrodite flozvers in the radius, 2. Others are compofed of tuhulofe hermaphrodite flozvers in the difa,, and of tubulcfe female flowers in the radius, 3* Some are coiripofed of tuhulofe hermaphrodite dowers in the difk,, and of tuhulofe neutral flozvers in the radius, 4. Some have tuhulofe hermaphrodite flowers in the difk^ and ligulated hermaphrodite flozvers in the radius, 5. Some are compofed ofl hermaphrodite flowers in the dif\ and ofl ligulated female flowers in the radius, 6, Some / are compofed ofl tuhulo fe hermaphrodite flowers in the difa^ and ligulated neutral flowers in the radius. 7. Some are compofed of tuhulofe hermaphrodite flowers in the difk,, and cf naked and neutral flozvers in the radius : /md 8. Some are compofed of ligulated female flowers in the dijk,, and li- gulated hermaphrodite flowers in radius, Theflamina are five very fhort fender f laments, infer t ed intc^ the tube of the flowers. The anther je are of the fame numher with theflamina, they are /tender, eredi and grow together at their fldes, fb as to form a tubular, cylindrical body of tne length of the mouth of the flower, and divided into five fegments at the edge, Thegermen of the piftil is oblong, and placed under the receptacle ofl the flozver. The flyle is capillary, eredi, and ofl the length of the (lamina;^ and lU SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^EQUALIS. and goes through the cylinder formed by the anthers, ^he fiigma is divided into two 'parts ^ which ft and open and bend backwards, ^hefe plants have properly no pericarpium^ thd" in forne few f pecks there is a coreaceous cruft placed about the feed, khe feed is fingle and oblongs often of a quadrangular figure., and fomelimes narrower at the bafe than any other part. However in dijferent genera cf this clafs they are cf a very different appearance at the ends-, fane are crown- ed with a downy matter., compefed of a great number of fingle fhort filaments placed circularly, or otherwife, on the head of the feed. In fome the downy matter is radiated, in others it is ramofe or branched, and in fome it is fup- ported on a pedicle, while in others it ftands immediately on the feed. In feme genera, the feeds have no down at all, hut have a fmall corona formed cf what was originally the cup cf the flower. Hhis is permanent, and divided ufu- ally into five fegments. In fome the feed is wholly naked, having neither any down, nor this crown of a cup. *This clafs is divided from the fruffification into P O L Y G A M I A Al QU A L I S, SUPERFLUA, Frustranea, Necessaria, SegPvEgata, and Syngenesia Monogamia. SYNGENESIA POLTGAMIA JE^ALIS miprehends fuch plants as have compound flowers, of which the florets are all hermaphrodite. TRAGOPQGON. Goat’s Bea^id. The common cup is fimple, and formed of eight acute pointed, equal petals, joined at the bafe. The compound flower is imbricated and uniform; the hermaphrodite florets are numerous, and the exterior one® SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA J^IQUALIS. ones fomewhat longer. The proper flower confifts of a fingle, liguiated, truncated petal, indented into five parts. There are five very fliort capillary filaments, with cylin- draceous, tubuiofe anthera^. The germen is oblongs the flyle thread-like and of the length of the ftamina, with two revolving fligmata. The cup is connivent, acuminated, the length of the feed, f wells to a belly^ and contains many oblong, angular, rough feeds, llen- der at both ends, and has feathery down. The pappus is feathery, plain, with about thirty two rays. The re- ceptacle is naked, plain, and rough. Pratenfe. TeUow Goal's Beard with an empalement equal to the rays of the flower, and entire clofed leaves. Common in meadows and paflures. Bien. June, Porrifolium, Purple Goaf s Beard with cups longer than the ray.of the flower, entire naked leaves, and footflalks thicker at the upper part. In meadows and paftures. In many places of Cornwall, Dr Gunthrop. In the fields about Rofe-Cajiie and Carlijle, R. ^y. In fome meadows near Edmunlon, Mr Hurlock. Black’s Spec, Bot, In the marfhes near Long-Reach below Woolwich, Mr Jervis. Bien, June, P I C R I S. The common cup is double; the exterior is very large and confifts of five leaves, vdiich are cordate, plain, lax, and connivent. The interior is imbricated and ovate. The compound flower is imbricated and uniform, and the fmall hermaphrodite flowers are numerous. Tlie proper flower is monopetalous, liguiated, linear, trun- cated, and quinquedentated. There are four flender and very fhort filaments, and the antherse are cylindra- ceous and tubuiofe. The germen is fomewhat ov^ate, the ftyle is the length of the llamina, with two reflex fligmata. The feeds are folitary, ventricofe, and obtufe, and the pappus is plumofe. Bb, Echioides, 1 86 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^EQUALIS. Echioides, Ox^s "Tongue with cups furrounded with z large involucriun. An. July., Aug. liieracioides. Tellow Succory., or Rough Hawkweed with imbricated cups. An. July. S O N C H U S. Sow-thistle.' The common cup is gibbons with rq^ny linear, un- equal Icales. The compound flower is imbricated and uniform, the fmall hermaphrodite flowers are numerous and equal. The proper flower is monopetalous, ligu- lated, linear, truncated, and quinquedentared. There are five capillary and very fliort itamina, with a cylin- draceous, tubulofe anthera. The germen is fub-ovate, the feyle like thread, of the length of the fbamina, hav- ing tv/o reflex ftigmata. The cup is the feed veflel which is connivent in the form of a deprelTed, acumina- ted globe, containing folitary, oblong ieeds. 1 he pap- pus is hairy. Okraceus. Common Sow-TAftle with downy pedun- cles and rough cups. 1 found it in company with John Benson, Efq. and others among the ruins of Furnefs Abbey. In rough uncultivated places. An. June— Aug. Arvcnfis. Iree Sow Thiftle with prickly peduncles and cups which are lomewhat in an umbel, and heart- Ihaped leaves towards the bafe. Fer. Aug. Palufms., Marjli Sow Thijile with prickly peduncles and cups v/hich are fomewhat in an umbel, and the leaves ihaped like an arrow at the bafe. Found on the banks of the river Thames, not far from Greenwich and about Blackwall. R. Sy. Per. Aug. L A C T U C A. Lettuce. The common cup is imbricated and fomiewhat cylin- drical, with many acumdnated valves. The compound flower is imbricated and uniforfti, the hermaphrodite flo- rets are many and equal. The proper flower is mono- petalous, SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. itj petalous, ligulated, and truncated. There are five very fhort capillary filaments with a cylindraceous, tubuloie anthera. The germen is partly oval, the ftyle flender and the length of the ftamina, the fcigmata are two and reflex. The cup is connivent and ovato-cylindraceous, and contains folIt;ary, ovate, acuminated, com.prefied feeds. The pappus is hairy. The flipes is long and attenuated on the lower part. . Virofa, Strong-fcented wild Lettuce v/ith vertical lea ves and a ftrong fcent. In hedges and the Tides of fields. Bien. July\ Aug, Saligna, Lhe leafi Wild Lettuce with haflato- linear leaves and the lower ones dented. Or Lettuce v/ith the radical leaves linear and pinnate, and the fegments dent- ed. Found on chalky ground. An, Aug, PRENANTHES. Ivy-leaved Wild Lettuce. The common cup has a fmall cup added, is cylindra- ceous and fmooth, and the fcales are the number of the florets, but there are often a few very fnort unequal ones at the bafe. The compound flower is from the fimpie orb of the flofculi. The hermaphrodite flowers are from five to eight, placed in a firnple orb. The proper fower is monopetaloLis, ligulated, truncated, quadridentated. There are five very fhort capillary filaments, with cylin- draceous, tubulofe anthers. The germen is fomewhat ovate, the ftyle {lender and longer than the ftamina, the ftigma is bifid and reflex. The cup is cylindraceous and (lightly connivent, containing folitary, cordate feeds. The pappus is pilofe. Mur alls. Ivy -leaved V/ild Lettuce \Nixh five flofculi and lyrato-hafliated leaves. Jtily. Wild Lettuce a yellow flower, R. Sy, -pa, 162. LEONTODON, Dandelion, The common cup is imbricated and oblong; the in- terior fcales arc linear, parallel, equal; the exterior arc B b 2 fewxr iS8 SYNGENESIA POL YG AMI A .EQUALIS. fewer in number and often reflex at the bafe. The com- pound flower is imbricated and uniform ; the herma- phrodite florets are numerous and equal. The proper flower is monopetalous, ligulated, linear, truncated, and quinquedentated. The five filaments are very fliort and flender, with cylindraceous, tubulofe anthers. The ger- men is partly ovate, tiie ilyle is flender and the length of the corolla, the two fligmata are bended back. 1 here is no feed veflel, but the cup is oblong and ftraight. The feeds are folitary, oblong and fcabrous. The down' is plumofe. tT araxacum. Dandelion with the cup at the bottom reflex. The Dandelion with a narrower leaf of Bauhin, and the Mountain Dandelion with a narrov/ leaf of Ray, are only varieties. In meadows and pafuires. Per, April — June, Hifptdum. Rough Dandelion with an eredl rough cup, rjnugh dentated, entire leaves, and forked briftles. May^ June, Autimnale, Tellozv DeviVs Bit with fmooth dented, entire leaves, eredi; cups, and fquamofe peduncles. Per. Aug. H I E R A C I U M. EIawkweed. The common cup is imbricated and cylindrical with many linear and very unequal fcales that are longitudi- nal, and one upon the other. The compound flower is imbricated and uniform; the hermaphrodite flowers are numerous and equal. The proper flower is monopeta- lous, ligulated, linear, truncated, and quinquedentated. The filaments are five, flender and very fhort, with cy- lindraceous, tubulofe antherte. The germen is partly o\^ate, the flyle is flender and the length of the framina, havino; two fligmata bended backwards. The feeds are folitary, cbtufely tetragonal, and fliort: The pappus is piiofe. Alpinum. Mountain Hawkweed with oblong, entire, dented SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA.^QUALIS, dented leaves, a naked ftalk, widi one.dower, and a hai- ry cup. Per, July- * Piiofella. Common Creeping Moufe-ear with entire, ovate leaves, downy underneath, and a creeping ftalk. din. May, Such as have a naked ftetn and many flowers. Vuhium, Moufe-ear. llawkweed with entire, ovato-ob- long leaves, creeping fnoots and a naked item with many flowers. Common on dry limefcone paftures. An. July,, Aug, . . ’ . Auricula, Narrow-leaved. llawkweed with entire, lan- ceolated leaves, a naked item with many flowers. Im mountainous paftures near Dalehead not far from Grafs- mere,, JVefl, Such as have leafy ftalks, Murorum, French or Golden lungwort wi tn a branchy' - ftalk, radical, ovate, dented leaves. In woods and on old walls. On the rocks by the rivulet between Shap and Anna Weil,, W'eft, Paludofum, Succory-leaved llawkweed with a panicula- ted {talk, fmooth dented leaves furrounding the ftalk, and rough cups. By Buckb arrow -well in Longsleddale fix miles from IVeft, Wilson’s Sy, Bien. July, Aug. Sahaudum, Broad leaved hifhy llawkweed with an eredt ftalk, bearing many flowers, ovato-lanceolated, dented leaves, half furrounding the ftalk. About Hampftead and Highgate near London, About Kendal, E^eft, Wil- son’s Sy, The Smooth leaved is only a variety, and is found near Hullswater, kFeft, Per. July, Aug, Umbellatum. Narrow leaved bufhy llawkweed with linear leaves fomewhat dented and flowers in umbels. Per. Jtilyy Aug. C R E P 1 S.. 430 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA iEQUALIS, . CREPrS. Bastard Hawkwezd. ^ The common cup is double, the exterior one is very Siort, open, and deciduQUS*, the interior is oyate, fimple, furrowed, and permanent, with narrow, connivent Icaies^ The compound flower is imbricated and uniform, with many equal hermaphrodite florets.*, the proper flower is monopetalous, ligulated, linear, truncated, and quinque- dehtated. There are five flender and very iliort fila- ments, with a cylindraceous, tubulofe anthera. The germen is fomewhat oval, the fliyle flender and of the length of the flamina, with tw'o reflex ftigmata. There is no feed veffel, but the cup becomes roundifh and con- tains Angle oblong feeds, crowned v/ith a long feathery down, and flands upon a little Toot-flalk within the* cup. The receptacle is naked. TeBorwn. Zmooth Succory HawItTveed with lanceolated fagittated feiTile,.fmocth leaves and the lower ones dent- ed. Common in meadows and pafeures, and on old walls. Ait. June — 0^. : Biennis. Rough Succory Ila-zvk-weed \w\th pinnato-hafha- ted rough leaves, the flower leaves being indented up-' wards, and the cups prickly. Bie?r. July — 0^. . Fcetida. Stinking Hawkweed with pinnated, angulated Ipaves, and the foot-fcalks dented. Bim. June^ July. H Y O S E R I S. Swine’s Succory. The common cup cenfifls of ten leaves, the fcales are lanceolated, erect, equal, calyculated at the bafe with many fliort fcales. The proper one is quinquepar- tite, very fliort, acute, permanent. The compound flower is fomewhat imbricated and uniform, the herma- phrodite florets are difpofed in an orb. The proper flower is monopetalous, ligulated, linear, truncated, quinquedentated. There are five, very fhort, flender filaments, with cylindraceous, tubulofe anther;^. The germen is fomewhat ©blong, the ftyle flender and the length SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. length of the (lamina, with tv/o reflex ftigmata. There is feed-veffel, but the common cup is ftraight and contains Angle, oblonglfli, comprelTed feeds, the length of the cup. Minima, Small Szmne's Succory with a naked, divid- ed (talk. In gravelly foil. About Hampton Court plen- tifully. D. Doody. it Sy. In a fand-pit on the right- hand going to the duke of Argyle’s at Peter/ham^ 'Surry. Dr VValmer. In the common Aelds at JValtJmm- Jlow., EJfex. Dr Watson. In Tuddington-field near Hampton-Court. Blacfi’s Spec, Bot, An. May^ june. H Y P O C H 7E R I S. The common cup is roundlfh, imbricated, and ven- tricofe at the bafe; the fcales are lanceolated and acute. The compound flower is imbricated and uniform, the hermaphrodite florets are numerous and equal. The proper one is monopetalous, ligulated, linear, truncated, and quinquedentated. The five filam.ents are flender and very fhort, having cylindraceous, tubulofe anthers. The germien is ovate, the fryle flender, and the length of tlie (lamina, and the ftigmata are reflex. There is no feed veffel, but the cup is connivent and globofely acuminated, containing oblong, folitary feeds. I'he down is feathery and (lands upon a little foot-ftalk within the cup. The receptacle is paleaceous and the palete are linear and the length of the feeds. Radicata. hong Rooted Hazvkweed with dentato-finu- ated fcabrous lea es, a branched, naked ftalk, and fqua- mous peduncles. In meadows and paftures. Per. May .-July. Mccuhta. Spotted Hawkweed with a ftalk almoft naked, folitary branch, oblcng, entire, dented leaves. On the banks of the DeviPs Ditch near Reeke not far from Newmarket., R. Sy. Alfo on Bernuhheath, North’- dmptonjh. Per. July. Glabra. Smooth Hawkweed with oblong, imbricated cups SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA iEQUALIS, cups, a naked ftalk, and dentato-finnated leaves. About BriJtoL Near Aliddleton in Warwickjh, R. Sy, Bien, July. L A P S A N A. Nipplewort. The common cup has another fmall cup, and is ovate ,and angulated; there are eight equal, linear, channelled, keel-lhaped, acute fcales of the tube, fix at the bafe, imbricated, fmall and alternately lefs. The compound flower is imbricated and uniform; the hermaphrodite florets are equal and about fixteen in 'number. The proper flower is monopetaious, liguiated, truncated, and quinqnedentated. There are five flender and very fiiort filaments with cylindraceons, tubulofe antherse. The germen is fomewhat oblong, the fiyle flender, and the length of theilamina; the iligma is bifid and reflex. There is no feed velfei. The fcales of the tube of the cup furround the adjoining feeds which are Angle and oblong. Communis. Nipplewort with the cups of the fruit angulated, the peduncles flender and very branchy. In hedges and among limeflone rocks. An, June^ July. C I C H O R I U hi. Succory. The common cup is calyculated and cylindraceons; the eight fcales are lanceolated, equal, forming a cylin- der, five are incumbent and fnorter. The compound flow^er is plain and uniform. The hermaplirodite florets are twenty and placed in an orb. The proper flower is monopetaious, liguiated, truncated, and deeply quinque- dentated. There are five capillary and very fhort fila- ments, with cylindraceons pentagonal, tubulofe anthers. The germen is oblong, the ftyie thread-like, and the length ot the (lamina, with two feigmata turned back. There is no feed veffel, but the cup is cyiindraceous and connivent in the apex, having foiitary, comprefled feeds wfidi acute angles. Intylus. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. 193 Intyhus, JVild Succory with a fingle ftalk, and indent- ed, fmuated leaves, and commonly blue flowers. July^ Aug. ARCTIUM. Burdock or Clotburr.^ The common cup is globofe and imbricated; the fcales are lanceolated and end in long fubulated awns, in the points fhaped like a hook. The compound flower is tubulated and uniform, the hermaphrodite flo- rets are equal. The proper flower is monopetaloiis and tubulated, the tube is flender and long, the limb is oval and quinquifld, the fegments are linear and equal. There are five capillary and very fliort filaments. The anthe- ra is cylindraceous, tubtilofe, the length of the corolla, and quinquedentated. The genmen is oblong with a viilofe apex, the (tyie is flender and longer than the (la- mina and the fllgma is bifid and reflex. There is no feed-veiTel but the cup is connivent and contains'fingle, pyramidal, and angular feeds. Lappa, Burdock or Clothurr v/ith heart-fliaped leaves without prickles on foot-fialks. Bien, July,, Aug, The four or five fpecies, of other authors, are only- varieties, and not diflind fpecies according to Linn^^ius* SERRATULA. Saw-wort.' The common cup is oblong, cylindraceous, and im- bricated v/ith lanceolated, acute, beardlcfs fcales. The compound flower is tubulofe and uniform ; the herma- phrodite florets are equal. The proper flower is mono- petalous and infundibuliform; the tube is inflex, the limb is ventricofe and quinquifld. The filaments are five, flender and Ihort, and the antherae cylindraceous and tubulofe. The germ.en is oval, the flyle flender, and the length of the (lamina, having two oblong, reflex ftigmata. The feeds are Angle, fomewhat ovate, having fometimes plumofe, fometimes pilofe down. C c. L'inBcrici. 194 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. - "TinBoria, Saw-wort with pinnatifid leaves, and the terminatory fegment the largefl, and all the leaves neatly ferrated about the edges. Per. July. Alpiici. Mountain Saw-wert v/ith ovate, rough cups. Pv AY calls this, Phe many fiowered Gentle Phifile with a narrow indented willow leaf*. Az'enjls. Corn Saw-wort or JVay-PJuJlk with prickly, dented leaves. Per. July. C A R D U U S. Thistle. The common cup is ventricofe and im.bricated, the fcales are numerous, lanceolated, acuminated, and prick- ly. The comipound flower is tubulofe and uniform. 'I'he hermaphrodite florets are nearly equal and reflex. The proper one is monopetalous and infundibuliform; the tube is very (lender, the limb erecl, the bafe oval and quinquihd; the iegments are linear and equal, but one more deeply divided. The filaments are five in number, (lender, and very fhort-, the anthera is cylin- dracecus, tubulofe, and the length of the corolla, with a quinquedentated mouth. The germen is oval, the fi:}de fiender and longer than the ffamina. The ftigmia is fimple, Tubulated, naked and emarginated. There is no feed-velTel, but the cup is fomiewhat connivent and contains fingle obovate, tetragonal feeds. The dowm is fefiile and very long. Such as have decurrent leaves. Lanceolatus. Spear Phijile with decurrent haflato-pin- nate, hiipid leaves, divaricated fegments, and prickly, villcfe cups. Bien. July. IPutans. Mujk-Phifiie with prickly, femidecurrent leaves, and cernuous flowers, and the fcales of the cup patent tow^ards the fummit. About Black-heath. On the ropery by the fides of the road to the Glafs-houfes., New- caftle upon Pyne^ and on Sunderland P own-rnoor. Wilson’s Sy. Bien, July. Acantheides. SYNGENESIA PGLYGAMIA ALIS. 195 Acanthoides, Welted Thifik with finuated, decurrenc leaves, prickly on the margin ; the cups are on foot- ftalks, fingle, ered', and villofe. An. June., July. The colour of the whole plant is grey or hoary, Wilson’s Sy. Crifpus. "ThijVe itpon I’hijlle with finuated, decurrent leaves, a prickly margin, aggregate dowers, and thofe at the end without a beard. In roads and on tlie Tides of ditches. An. June. Palujiris. Mar/h-PhiJlle with linear, dented, decur- rent leaves, a prickly border and erect, branchy dowers, and peduncles without prickles. The dowers are pur- ple. Per. June., Jvdy- Bijfe^us. Englifh-Soft or Gentle-Thifik with lanceola- ted, decurrent leaves, denticles without prickles, but prickly cups. Per. June., July. , Such whofe leaves furround the Stalks, Helenioides. Melancholy -Phijlle with lanceolated, den^ ted leaves, furrounding the ftalks, unequal ciliated fpines, and a ftalk without prickles. On high moun- tains in Torkfn. JVeJl. Cu?nb. R. Sy. On a moor uvo miles from Croydon. In Longskddale in a deld called WetherhovLe., by the road-fide near Pcrnjhozvey about feven miles from Kendaiy IVeJi. Per. JunCy July. Marianus. Milk-Thijlle with hiftato-pinnatidd leaves furrounding the ftalks, cups without leaves, and channel- led fpines. The Car duns non macidalus of Ray, or tlie Ladfs Phtflle zvithout Spots is only a variety according to Linn/eus. Both are tound about London. An. July. Eriophorus. W oolly-headed-'LJnjlle vvith ftllile leaves, pinnatidd two ways, the fegments alternately credt, ancl the cups globofe and ered. About Brifiol. In the chalk-plt-clofe at Cherry -Hint on, and by the road-fides in Huntingdonpi. plentifully. Mr Martin. Lien. Jul)\‘ Acaulos. BwarJ Carlinc-Phijtle without a ftem, but C c 2, Wxth 196 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. with a fmooth cup. On dry paftures. On Blackheath near London, Per, July, This plant according to Ray hath a purple flower. ONOPORDUM. Cotton-Thistle. The common cup is roundifh, ventricofe, and imbri- cated; the fcales are numerous prickly and prominent on every Tide. The compound flower is tubulofe and uniform, the hermaphrodite flowers are equal.* The proper flower is monopetaious and infund ibuliform; the tube is flender, the limb ereft, ventricofe and quinqui- fid ; the fegments are equal, one only being more fepa- rated than the reft. There are five capillary, very fhort filaments, having cylindraceous, tubulofe antherse, the length of the corolla and quinquedentated. The ger- rnen is oval, the ftyle fiendtr, and longer than the fta- mina, and ftigma is crov/ncd. The cup is (lightly con- nivent and contains the feed. The down is capillary. Acanthiim. Cotton-Thiftle with rough empalements, fubulated fcales and oval, oblong, ferrated leaves. Found in uncultivated places. Bien, July, C A R L I N A. Carline-Thistle. The common cup is ventricofe, radiated. Imbricated; the fcales are numerous, lax, acute, and the interior ones are very long, patent, ftiining, coloured, and placed in an orb. The compound flower is uniform and tubulofe, and the hermaphrodite florets are equal. The proper flower is monopetaious, and infundibuliform; the tube is flender ; the limb is infundibulifonri and quinquifid. There are five capillary very fhort filaments, with cylin- draceous tubulofe antherai. The germen is fhort, the ftyle (lender, and length of the ftamina. The ftigma is oblong, bifid or entire. Tlie cup unchanged con- tains a fingle taper feed, crowned with a branching plu- mofe down. Vulgaris, SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA ^QUALIS. 197. Vulgaris, JVild Carline-Thifde with a corymbofe ftalK bearing many flowers, which terminate the brandies. Bien, June, BIDENS. Hemp Agrimony. The common cup is ere6l, the fegments are often equal, oblong, hollow, and channelled. 1 he compound flower is uniform and tubulofe, the hermaphrodite flo- rets are tubulofe. The proper one is infandibulifcnn, the limb is quinquifid and erecl. There are five capil- lary, very fhort filaments, v/ith cyiindracecus, tubulofe antherae. The germen is oblong, the flyle Ample and the length of the (lamina, having two oblong, reflex frig- mata. The cup, unchanged, contains a Angle, obtufe, angulated feed. Tiie dov/n has two or more brifdes which are oblong, ftraight, acute, and hooked back- bards. tripartita,, trijid V/ater-hemp Agrimony with trifid I leaves, foliaceous cups and eredl feeds. In ditches and I v/here water frauds in winter, very common. A^n, July^ Jug. ■ Cernua. Whole-leaved Water -hemp- Agrimony with lan- I ceolated leaves furroUnding the cups, cernuous flowers j and ere6l feed. Found with the former. An, Jidy,, Aug, -Minima, the leaji Water-hemp Agrimony with lanceo- ! lated, feflile leaves, and flowers and feeds ere6l. An, I July,, Aug. ! EUPATORIUM. Hemp or Dutch Agrimony, The common cup is oblong and imbricated; the fcales are lanceolated, erefl, and unequal. The com- pound flov/er is uniform and tubulofe. The hermaphro- dite florets are unequal. The proper one is infundibu- liform, the limb is quinquifid and patulent. There are flve capillary and very (hart filaments with cyiindrace- ous tubulole antherre. d he germen is very fmaii, the I llyle (lender, long and bind to the itamina, and the (lig- mata 198 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA, mata are {lender. The cup, unchanged, contains oblong feeds, with long plumofe down. Cannahinum, Hemp Agrimony or Hutch Agrimony with digitated leaves. A common plant. Per, July^ Aug, stngenesia poling am I a superflu a comprehends fuch plants as have the florets ofl the difie her- mcphrodite^ and thofle cfl the radius flemale,, . TANACETUM. Tansy. The common cup is hemifpherical and im.bricated, the fcales are acute and compadi. The compound flower is tubulofe and convex. The hermaphrodite florets in the difK. are numerous and tubulofe, with fome iemininc ones in the ray. The proper hermaphrodite flov/er is infundibuliform, and the limb is quinquifid and refiex. The Feminine is trihd and more deeply divided. There are five capillary, and very fhort filaments of the herma- phrodite flower, with a cylindraceous, tubulofe anthera. The hermaphrodite germen is oblong and fmall. The ftyle is (lender and the length of the fiamina. The ftigm.a is bifid and turned back. The feminine germen is oblong, the flyle fimple, with two ftigmata turned back. The unchanged cup contains fingle, oblong, naked feeds. Vidgare, Common Panfly with bipinnated, ferrated leaves. Per, Aug, ARTE M ESI A. Southernwood. The common cup is roundifh and imbricated, and the fcales are rounded and connivent. The compound flower has many tubulofe,,hermaphrcdite florets in the difk, and feminine naked in the middle. The proper hermaphro- dite flower is infundibuliform, and the limb is quinqui- fid. There are five capillary, hermaphrodite filaments and very fliort. The anthera is cylindraceous, tubulofe, and SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 199 and quinquedentated. The hermaphrodite germen is fmall, the ftyle (lender, and the length of the ftamina, with a ftigma bihd and turned back. The feminine ger- men is very fmall ; the ftyle like thread and longer than the hermaphrodite, but the ftigma is like the hermaphro- dite ftigma. The cup is fcarce ever changed and the hermaphrodite feeds are fingle and naked. Campejiris, Field Southernzvood v/ith linear, multifid leaves' and procumbent wand-like ilalks. Per. Aug. Mariiima. Sea iVcrmwood v/ith multipartite, tomen- tofe leaves, cernuous branches, and the feminine flofcules by threes. Common on the fides of ditches near the fea- fhore. Per. Aug. Ahfinthmn. Common V/ermweed with multifid, com- pound leaves, pendulous, globofe flowers, and hairy re- ceptacles. Per. Aug. Vulgaris. Mugwort with pinnatifid, plain, cut leaves, downy underneath. Ample branches, oval flowers, and five flowers in each ray. Per. Aug. GNAPHALIUM. Cudweed. The common cup is rounded and imbricated, the fcales are oval, connivent and more lax towards the fum- mits. The compound flower confifls of tubulofe her- maphrodite florets, fometimes mixed with apetalous fe- minine. The proper hermaphrodite is infundibuliform : The limb is quinquind and reflex, and if there are any feminine they are without flowers. The hermaphrodite filaments are five, very fhort and hairy with cylindrace- ous, tubulofe antherse. The germen is oval, the ftyle (lender, and the length of the ftamina, with a bifid ftig- ma. The feminine germen is oval, the ftyle (lender and the length of the hermaphrodite, the ftigma bifid and reflex. The cup is permanent and fhining. The hermaphrodite feeds are Angle, oblong, fmall, and crowned with down. 'Diokum, 200 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLU A; Diciam, Mountain Cudweed or Cafs Foot with a very fimple fbaik, firnple corymbus and procumbtnt twio*s or flioots. On the mountains of Lan. W'eft, Torkjk. and Cumb. On Newmarket -heath not far from Bottle- Jham-beacon, On Bernak- heath in Lincclnjh. Ingleho- rough-hill in Torkfli^ and in many other places. On Kendal-fell near hcoiit-ftyle^ V/eft, On Tealand Common^ Fan. Per. May^ June. Margaritaceum. American Cudweed with linear, lan- ceolated, acuminated leaves and a branchy ftalk tov/ards the top, and faftigiated corymbufes. Per. Aug. Luteo-alhuni. jerfey Cudzveed with hairy, creeping, blunt leaves, fnaped like a fword, and half furrounding ^ the ftalks and conglomerated dowers. In the Jfe of Jerfey on dry banks and walls very comirion. R, Sy, An. July., Aug. / . Sylvaticum. Upright Cudweed with a fimple fcalk, and flowers thin fet. In fandy paftures very common. On Hampftead-heath very common. Bien. Aug. Uiiginofura. Black headed Cudiwecd with a diffufe, bran- chy italk, and terminatory flowers thickfet. Common where water Hands in v/inter. An, Aug. CONYZA. Fleabane. The common cup is imbricated, oblong, fquamofe; the fcales are acute and the exterior ones patent; The compound flower is tubulofe and confifl;s of many tu- bulofe herm.aphrodite florets in the difle, and feminine apetalous roundifli ones in the ray^ the hermaphrodite florets are funnel-fliaped and cut into flve parts at the brim, the feminine is funnel-lhaped and cut into three parts. The hermaphrodite florets have each flve hairy, Ihort filaments with cylindrical, tubulofe anthers. The hermaphrodite gernien is oblong j the Hyde flender, and the length of ihe flamina, v/ith a bifid ftigma. The feminine germen is oblong, the ftyle flender and the length of the others, having two flender feigmata. Both florets SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 201 florets are fucceeded by oblong, folitary feeds with fim- pie down. Sq^uarrofa. Plowman^ s Spikenard oxFleabane with acute, lanceolated leaves, and an annual corymbofe fiialk. On dry mountains. On Tea-and Common on the fide of the high rocks, Lan, Per, July,, Aug, E R I G E R O N. Fle ABANE. The common cup is oblong, cylindrical, and imbri- cated, with fubulated, ered fcales, gradually longer. The compound flower is radiated and conflfts of tubu- iofe, hermaphrodite florets in the diflv, and ligulated feminine in the ray. The hermaphrodite is funnei-fliap- ed with a quinquifid brim. The feminine are iigula- ted, linear, fubulated, eredt, and commonly entire. The hermaphrodite filaments are hairy, very fnort, and five in number, having cylindrical, tubulofe antherae. The hermaphrodite germen is very fmall and crowned with long down, the flyle is flender, and the length of the down having two oblong ftigmata turned back. The feminine germen is very flender with down the length of the corolla; the flyle is hairy and the length of the down with two very flender fligmata. The cup is con- nivent and has oblong fluall feeds and long down. Acre. Blue flowered Fleahane with alternate peduncles with one flower. In dry paflures. Per. July., Aug, Canadenfe, Canada Fleahane with a panicuiated flalk and flowers. This is the Canada Fleahane of Ray with a white flower. In rough uncultivated places about Lon- don in abundance. An. Aug. TUSSILAGO. Colt’S'Foot. The common cup is cylindraceous, the fcales are lan- ceolated, linear, equal, and fifteen or twenty in numben The compound flower is various. In fome all the her- maphrodite florets are tubulofe, in fome tliere are no feminine, in others they are ligulated. The proper her- D d. maphrodife 202 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. maphrodite flower is funnel-fhaped, the brim is quin- quifid or quadrifid, acute, reflex, and longer than the ray. There are five hermaphrodite, hairy, very Ihort filaments with a cylindrical tubulofe anthera. The germen in both is fhort, the fliyle thread-like and longer than the ftamina, having a thickifh fligma and the fe- minine a bifid ftigma. The cup contains a Angle, ob- long, comprefied feed crov/ned wdth hairy down. Farfara. Common Colt's- Foot with an imbricated flralk, bearing a Angle flower, cordate, angulaced, denticulated leaves. Per. March. Flyhrida. Long-ftalked Butter- hur with an oblong thyrfe, and many naked feminine flofcules. Near Lough- horoiigh in Leicefifh. Mr Hill. Per. March. Petafitis. Common Butter -hur with an oval thyrfe and all the flofcules hermaphrodite. Per. Marcia April. S E N E C I O. Groundsel. The common cup is furniihed with another fmall cup and is conical and truncated. The fcales are fubulated, cylindrical, contiguous, equal, and a few cover the bafe like tiles, having deadly apices. The compound flower is higher than the cup. The hermaphrodite florets are tubulofe and numerous in the difk, and the feminine are ligulated in the ray. The proper hermaphrodite is fun- nel-fliaped, tlie brim is reflex and quinquifid, the femi- nine, when there are any, are oblong and obfoletely tri- dentated. There are five flender, fmall, hermaphrodite filaments, with a cylindrical, tubulofe anthera. The germen in both is oval, the fl:yle is flender and the length of the ftamina, having two oblong ftigmata turned back- ward. The cup is connivent and contains Angle, oval feeds and hairy long down. Obf. Senecio T urn. wants the common ray of the co- rolla, which the Jacoh^sa of F um. has. Vulgaris. Common Groundfel or Sinifon with naked coroll^, pinnated, finuated leaves furreunding the ftaiks and thin fet flowers. An. May. Such SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 203 Such as have radiated Jlowers-y and the radius turned hack, Sylvaticus. Mountain Groundfel with the corollie turn- ed back, pinnatihd, denticulated leaves, and a corym- bofe, eredt ftaik. Near Hornfey and on Black-heath, An, July, Vifeofus. Cotton Groundfel with florets turned back, vifeid, pinnat’fid leaves, and loofe fcales the length of the cup. An, June, Such as have radiated fowers, patent radius^ and pinnatifid leaves, Jacohdea, Common Ragwort with radiated flowers, pinnatifid leaves fhaped like a harp, jagged fegmencs and an eredb flalk. Rer. July, Aiquaticus, F/ater Ragwort with radiated flowers, dented leaves, thofe towards the root oval, thofe on the ftaik pinnatifid, and the outward fegment largeft. Per, July,, Aug, Erucifolius. Hoary perennial Ragwort with radiated flowers, dented, pinnatifid, hoary leaves, and an eredt flalk. Per, July, Such as have undivided leaves, Paludofus. Marjh Ragwort or Bird's Pongue with ra- diated flowers, leaves fhaped like a fword, acutely ferra- ted underneath, villofe and an eredl flalk. Per, Aug, Sarrafenicus, Broad leaved Ragwort with radiated flo- rets, corymbofe flowers, lanceolated, ferrated leaves. Per. July^ Aug. ASTER. Star WORT. The common cup is imbricated, the compound flower is radiated. The hermaphrodite florets are numerous in the difk and funnel-fhaped, with a quinquifld patu- ient brim. The female florets are ligulated, lanceoia- 1) d 2 ted* 204SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. ted, and tridentated. The hermaphrodite filaments are five which are hairy and very fnort, with cylindrical tu- bulofe anthers. The germen in both is oblong, the ftyle like thread, the fligma bifid and patent in the her- maphrodite, and there are two oblong ftigmata in the feminine. The feed is fihgle, oblong, and oval, crown- ed with hairy down, ' . • ' ; Tripolium. Sea Starvjort with entire, flefiiy, lanceola- ted fm^ooth leaves, unequal branches and corymbpfe Bowers. Per. Aug. SOLID AGO. Common Golden-Rod. The common cup is oblong and imbricated, the fcales are oblong, narrow, acuminated, and connivent. The compound Bower is radiated. The hermaphrodite flo- rets which cornpofe the diflt, are nuiricrous and tubulous. The feminine which coiupofe the rays are ligulated and lefs than ten in number, comiuonly five. The proper hermaphrodite flower is funnel-fhaced, and the brim is cut into five broad points, the feminine is ligulated and tridentated. There are five hairy, fliort filaments, hav- ing cylindrical anthers. The germen in both is oblong, the ftyle like thread, and the length of the ftamina. I'he herm.aphrodite itigma is bifid and patent, the feminine has two ftamina turned backwards. There is a fingle, * oval, oblong feed crowned with hairy dovm. Virzaurea. Cemmon Golden Rod with a flexible angu- o ^ O lated ftalk, panicolated, ered: branches fet clofe to each other. In \voods and hedges. In moft of the wseds about Teadand., Lan. Per. /lug. Camhrica. JVel/Ii Golden Red with linear, lanceolated leaves, that are partly ferrated and fomewhat hoary and a cor}'mbofe panicle at the end. Per. June. INULA. Elecampane. The common cup is iiubricated, compofed of loofe, fpreading, fmall leaves, the exterior being the broadeft, but all of an equal length. The compound flower is radiated SYNGENESI A POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 205 radiated and broad. The hermaphrodite florets arc very numerous in the diflc. The female florets in the ray are ligulated and numerous. The proper herma- phrodite flower is funnel- fli aped, ereft, and cut into five parts at the extremity. The proper female flower is tongue- fh aped, narrow, and entire. There are flvefhort, flender, hermaphrodite filaments, having cylindrical antherm, that coalefce at the top, each in the bottom ending in two bridles the length of the filaments. The hermaphrodite germen is long, the dyle flender and the length of the damina, and the ftigma is bifid and eredb. The feminine ftyle is fern i hi fid. The cup contains a Angle, narrov/, four cornered feed, crowned with a down of the fame length wdth the feed, Helcnlum. Elecampane with rugofe, oval leaves, hoa- ry underneath, and tfie fcales of the cup oval. In Ejfex frequently. In fevered clofes about Tealand^ Lan. Per. July, Aug. Dyfenterlca. Middle Fleahane v/ith oblong leaves, a rough paniculated ftalk, and the fcales of the cup like bridles. Per. Aug. Pulicaria. Small Fleahane with undivided leaves fur- rounding the dalks, and a pr-odrate ftalk. An. Aug. Sep. Crithnoides. Golden Sampire v/ith flefhy, three forked, linear leaves. In a marlli near Hurjl-Cajtk, over againll the IJle of Wight. Per. Aug. BELL IS. Daisy. The com.mon cup is Ample and eredl withfmall leaves, from ten to twenty, placed in a double feries. The com- pound flower is radiated and the hermaphrodite florets are numerous, tubulofe in the diflc, and the feminine li- gulated in the ray, and are more in number than the leaves of the cup. The proper hermaphrodite flower is funnel-draped, and cut into five parts at the brim. The feminine is ligulated, lanceolated, and fcarcely tridentated. 2o6 syngenesia polygamia superflua; tridentated. There are five hairy, Ihort, hermaphro- dite filaments, with cylindrical, tubulofe anthers;. The hermaphrodite germen is oval, the ftyle fimple and the ftigma emarginated. The feminine germen is oval, the ftyle (lender with tv/o ftigmata. The feed is fin- gle, oval, and comprefTed without down. Perennis. Common Daify with a naked ftalk. Per. March- — Aug. CHRYSANTHEMUM. Corn Marigold. The common cup is imbricated and hemifpherical, the fcales lay clofe upon each other, the interior ones gradually larger. The compound flower is radiated, the hermaphrodite florets are numerous and tubulofe in the difk, and the feminine are mmre than twelve in the ray. The proper hermaphrodite is funnel-fhaped, quin- quifid, broad, and the length of the cup. The femi- nine is ligulated, oblong and tridentated. There are five hairy, very lliort filaments with cylindrical, tubulofe anther?e, fhorter than the corolla. The germen is oval, the ftyle like thread and longer than the ftamina, having two ftigmata turned backwards. The feed of both fpecies is Angle, oblong, and naked. The receptacle is naked, dotted, and convex. Segetp/m. Corn Marigold with leaves furrounding the ftalk, the upper ones jagged, and thole beneath den- ted and fer rated'. An. June., heucanthernum. ^he greater Daify or Ox-eye with ob- long leaves furroundlng the ftalks, thofe towards the top ferrated, and thofe beneath dented. Per. May. MATRICARIA. Feverfew. The common cup is hemifpherical, the fcales linear, imbricated, and nearly equal. The compound fiow^er is ra- diated, the hermaphrodite florets are tubulofe, numerous in the difk, and the feminine are many in the ray. The proper hermaphrodite is funnel-fhaped, quinquifld, and uatent. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. 20^ patent^ the feminine is oblong and tridentated. There are five hermaphrodite (lamina which are hairy and very fhort, with a cylindrical, tubulofe anthers. The ger- men in both is oblong and naked*, the flyle is like thread and the length of the (lamina, and the henma- phrodite (ligma is bifid and patent, the feed is fingle and oblong without any down. Farthemurn. Feverfew with plain compound leaves, oval, cut fegments, and ramofe peduncles. Per, June. Chamoynilla. Corn Feverfew with conical receptacles, patent rays, naked feeds, and fcales upon the cup equal, yf;/. June. Siiaveolens. Sweet feented Feverfew with conical re- ceptacles, defiex rays, naked feeds, and the fcales of the cup equal. An. May. Fnodcra. F:M Feverfew with hemifpherical recep- tacles, patent rays, and feed crowned with a margin. Along the road to Cfielfea. R. Sy. An. Aug. Maritirna. Sea Feverfew with hemifpherical recep- tacles, fiefhy, bipinnare leaves, concave above, and keei- (haped beneath. Per. July. A N T H E M I S. Camomile. The cup is hemifpherical, and the fcales are linear and nearly equal. The compound flower is radiated, the hermaphrodite florets are tubulofe and numerous in a corTvex difle. The feminine are more in the ray. The proper hermaphrodite floret is funncl-lhaped, eredl, and cut into five parts at the brim. The feminine is ligu- lated, lanceolated, and fomietimes tridentated. The germen is oblong, the flyle (lender and the length of the flamina, having two reflex fligmata. The feed is fingle, oblong, and naked. Nobilis. Fweet feented Camomih with pinnate, com- pound, narrow-pointed, hoary leaves. In plen- tifully. Per. Juh\ Aug, Qoiui&, ^o8 STNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA. Cotula. Stinking May-weed with conical receptacles, briflly chaff, and naked- ieeds. Common in wade places. Jn. June^ Jtdy. Arvoijis, Corn Camomile with conical receptacles, briflly chait, and crowned, bordered feeds. Found in the gravel pits in Peckham-fields^ and in barren flubble- fieids between Eltham and Shocter's-hilL Wilson’s Sy. Bien. July. Maritima. Sea Camomile with pinnate, indented, flefhy leaves, a branchy, proflrate ftalk, and downy CUDS. In fields near the fea-fhore. Per. Aug. 'sCinBoria. Common Ox-eye with ferrated, bipinnate leaves, downy underneath, and a corymbofe flaik. Found on a bank near the river Pees., not far from Sogburn in the Bijlioprick of Burhayn. R. Sy. Per. July. A C FI I L L E A. Yarrow or Milfoil. The compound cup is oblong, oval, and imbricated, and the fcales are oval, acute, and conniveni. The compound bower is radiated, the hermaphrodite florets, in number from five to fixteen, are tubuiofe in the difk. The feminine are ligulated and from flye .o tenpin the ray. The proper hermaphrodite flowef-ls iniundibuli- form, quinquifid, and patulent. The feminine is ligu- lated, obcordate, patent, and triad, the middle fegment being the lead. The five hermaphrodite filaments are hairy and very fnort, having cylindraceous, tubuiofe anthers. The germen is fmall, the ftyle (lender, and the length of the fcamina, with an obtufe, emarginated fl:igrna.° The feed is contained in the cup, and is Angle, oval, and furnifhed with down. Millifolium. Common lAmrow or Milfoil with naked, bipinnate • leaves, and dented, linear fegments. Per. May., June. P tarmica. Sneeze wort with lanceoiated, acuminated, ferrated leaves. Fer. Aug. STNGENESIJ SYNGENESIAPOLYGAMIAFRUSTRANEA. 205 STNGENESIA POLTGAMIA FRUSTRANEA comprehends fitch plants as have the florets of the dijk her^ maphrodite^ and thofie of the radius neuter^ and all radiated * CENTAUREA. BottLes. The common cup is imbricated and roundi/h, the fcales are varioully terminated. The compound flower is flofculofe and difform; the hermaphrodite florets are numerous in the difk, the feminine not fo numerous in the radius but larger and lax. The proper hermaphro- dite flower is monopetalous with aflender tube, the limb is ventricofe, oblong, eredl, and terminated by five line- ar, ered: fegments. The feminine is monopetalous, the tube flender, bended back, and gradually larger; the limb is oblong, oblique, and unequally divided. The five hermaphrodite ftamina are hairy and very fliort, having cylindraceous, tubulofe anthers, the length of the florets. The germen is fmall, the flyle flender, and the length of the ftamina; the ftigma is very obtufe. T he feminine germen is very fmall, fcarce any ftyle and no ftigma. The cup which is connivent, contains An- gle hermaphrodite feeds, and a plumofe or hairy down. Cyanus. Blue-bottles with ferrated cups, linear, entire leaves, and the lower ones dented. Among the corn be- low Tealand- Redman^ Lan. Among corn-fields that have been plowed many years luccelfively. An. July, Scabiofia. Great Knapweed or Matfellon with ciliated cups, pinnatifid leaves and lanceolated fegments. In paftures. Per. June., July. Jacea. Common Knapweed or Matfellon with fcaley cups, lanceolated leaves and thofe towards the root finu- ated and dented. In meadows and paftures. Per^ July, Aug. Calcitrapa. Star Fhiftle with thorny cups, felfile, la- teral, pinnatifid, linear, dented leaves, and a hairy ftalk. An. July. 2 10 SYNGENESIA POLYGAMI A NECESSARIA. SGlJlitialis. St Barnahy's ^hifile with thorny, folitary cups, the leaves on the branches decurrent and unarm- ed, and thoie on the ftalk lyrato-pinnatifid. By the hedg-es not far from Cirenccfier in GloucefierfJi. Dr Bob ard. R. Sy, An._ July, STNGENESIA POLTGAMIA NECESSARIA comprehends fuch plants as have the fiowers of the dijk malCy and thofe of the radius female, OTHONNA. Ragwort. The common cup is very fimpie, monophyllous, and obttife at the bafe-, acute, equal, and divided into eight or twelve fegments. The compound flower is radiated; there are many hermaphrodite florets in the difle. The feminine florets in the ray are the fame in number as the fegments of the cup, often eight. The proper her- maphrodite flower is tubulofe, quinquedentated, and fcarce longer than the cup. The feminine is ligulated, ianceolated, longer than the cup, tridentated and reflex. There are five hairy very fhorc ftamina, with cylindra- ceous, tubuloie antherse the length of the florets. The hermaphrodite germen is oblong, the ftyle flender, com- monly longer than the ftamina; the ftigmia is bifid and fimpie, but the feminine ftigma is reflex and larger. The cup is permanent having fimpie, oblong, naked or pappous feeds. Faluftris, Marfh Fleahane wnth Ianceolated, dentated, finuated leaves. In fens, ditches, and mofles. About Filiin Mofs^ Lan. ' Burton Mofs^ IFeft, Per. Aug, Integrifolia. Mountain Ragwort with Ianceolated, den- ticulated, hairy leaves, and flowers in umbels. Per. June F I L A G O. Cudweed. TIte common cup confifts of imbricated awns, con- taining many hermaphrodite flofgules in the diik, and lingle feminine fiofcules in the radius, among the lower fcales SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA NECESSARIA.211 fcales of the cup. The hermaphrodite florets are fun- nel-fhaped, the limb is quadrifid and eredt, the feminine are fcare confpicuous, being flender, narrow, and bifid in the brim. There are four hairy fmali (lamina, with a cylindraceous anthera, cut into four parts at the points. I'here is fcarce any hermaphrodite germen, the (lyle is fimple and the (ligma acute and bifid; the feminine is fomewhat large and deprelTed, th^ flyle (lender, acute, and bifid. The feminine feeds are oval, fmooth, and fmail without any down. Maritima. Sea Cudweed which is downy, has a bran- chy corymbus and oblong, obtufe, crenated leaves. On the (and 2il Abermeney-ferry in the Ij2e of Angle fea^ where the common people call it Calamus Aromaticus: Alfo on the gravelly (liore betVv^een Penfance and St MichaePs Mount in Cornwall, Found by Mr Johnson in my com- pany on the common above Dixie facing the fea (liore, JVef, An, July,, Aug, Germanica, Common Cudweed v/ith pyramidal, pen- tagonal cups from the joints, a dichotomous (talk fomd- what eredl. In barren meadows and paftures. An, June^ July, Montana, P’he leaf Cudweed with conical terminate- ry flowers from the joints, and an eredl dichotomous flalk. On fandy meadows and padures. An. June., July, Gallica, Corn Cudweed v/ith fubulated, axillary flov/ers and an eredt, dichotomous (talk. Among corn in fan- dy grounds about Cafile-HevinAiarn in Effex, R. Sy^ An, June-, J^ly- SrNGENESIA POLTGAMIA SEGREGATA^ of thU order we, have no englifli plants. E‘c 2\ SYNGENESIA SYNGENESIA MONOG AMI A. STNGENESIA MONOG AMI A comprehends fuch plants as have Jimple Jiowers, J A S I O N E. Hairy Sheep’s Scabius. The common cup is monophyllous, alternately nar- rower, having many flowers upon fliort peduncles and is permanent. The proper cup is quinquilid and perma - nent. The proper flower is pentapetalous and the petals are lanceolated, eredt, and connected at the bale. I he germen is roundilh, the ftyle {lender and the length of the corolla, with a bifid ftigma. The capfule is roundifn, quadrangular, bilocular, and crowned with its own cup, containing many oval leeds. Montana, Hairy Sheep's Scahius with lanceolated, li- near leaves, (lightly ferrated. - June^ July, LOBELIA. Water Gladiole. The cup is monophyllous, quinquedentated, very fmall and withers away, the denticles are nearly equal, the upper two being rather more eredl. The flower is monopetalous and fomewhat ringent, the tube is cylin- draceous, longer than the cup, and divided longitu- dinally. The limb is quinquepartite, the fegments lan- ceolated, the two uppermoil being lefs, more reflex, deeper divided and forming an upper lipj the three inferior ones are more patent and often larger. There are five fubulated ftamina the length of the tube of the petal, and the anthers grow together in the form of an oblong cylinder, opening five ways at the bafe. The germen is acute, the ftyle cylindraceous and the length of the ftamina, and the ftigma is obtufe and hifpid. The capfule is oval, bilocular, opening at the apex, and fur- rounded with a cup, containing many fmall feeds. . Dortmanna, Water Gladiole with linear, bilocular, entire leaves and a naked ftalk. In Winandermere-Water and in feveral other lakes, both in Cumh, and Wejl, Wilson’s Sy, Per. July^ Aug, VIOLA. SYNGENESIA MONOGAMIA. 2i| VIOLA. Violet. The cup confifts of five fhorc, oval, oblong, er€wi leaves, acute at the apices, obtufe at the bafe, and dif- ferently ranged in different fpecies. The corolla is rin- gent and confifts of five unequal petals. The upper petal is broad, obtufe, and indented at the point, with, a horned nedfarium at the bafe, the two fide petals are oppofite, the two lower are larger, rifing, and reflexed. There are rive fmall ftamina annexed as appendages to the entrance of the nedlarium, having obtufe antherse,- fometimes connedfed. The germcn is roundifh with a flender ityle, prominent beyond the antherse and crown- ed with an oblique ftigma. The fruit is oval, three cornered, obtufe, and compofed of three valves and one ceil, having many oval feeds affixed to the valves. ^uch as have no fialks Odorata. Purple fweet Violet^ V/hite Violet without ftalks, heart-ftiaped leaves, and creeping ftioots. It gi^ows by hedges and on the banks of ditches. Per^ March, Hirta, Hairy Violet without ftalks, heart-fhaped, hai- ry, flinging leaves. Per. March, Palt^ris, Marfh Violet without ftalks, and kidney fhaped leaves. On the banks of the river Chervil between Oxford and IVater-Eaton. R. Sy. On Shirley common near Croydon. On Hampfle ad-heath. Hudson. Per. June. . Such as have Jialks. Canina. Bogs Violet with a ftalk, and oblong heart- fhaped leaves. Per. Jpril. Alpina. Weljh Violet with three flowers upon a ftalk, cordate leaves deeply ferrated. Per. tricolor, Panfies or Heart's Eafe or nree Faces under a Hood with a four-cornered, diftufe ftalk, oblong, in- dented leaver, and indented ftipuiae. Common in the north. An. May — Sep. Lutea. > 214 SYNGENESIA MONOGAMIA; Lutea, Yellow Violet with a four-cornered, diffiifc llalk, cordate, crenated leaves, dented ftipulas, and a creeping root. On the northern mountains, and in rotten marlhy places. May— Aug, J^M P A T I E N S. Quick in the Hand, or Touch me Not. The cup Is very fmall and confifts of two leaves which are round ifli, acuminated, equal, coloured, and deciduous. The flower has five petals, and is ringent. The petals are unequal, and the upper petal is roundifli, plain, ered, trifid, and confliitutes an upper lip; the two lower petals are large, reflex, broad, obrufe ir- regular, and conflitute a lower lip; the intermediate pair are alike and placed oppofite, joining at the bafe. The nedtarium is monophyllous, fliaped like a hood, oblique to the mouth, rifing on the outfide, with the bafe ending in a horn. There are five very fhort fila- ments, narrower towards the bafe, and crooked, with as many anther^e divided at the bafe. The germen is oval, acuminated without a flyle. The fligrna is fimp.: and fhorter than the antheras. The fruit is a capfule with one cell, opening with an elaflicity in five valves which twill fpirally and contains feveral roundifli feeds fixed to a column. Noli me Y anger e, ^ick in theHand,, or Youch me Not^wi th foot ftaiks fullaining many Angle flowers, oval leaves and ftalks having fwelling joints. In moift fhady places and by rivulets. On the banks of Winandermere-Water mdiv AmhlefJe. R. Sy. Near and ether pla- ces in IVeJi, By the cloth-mill in Satterthwaite-pari/Iiy Lan, Near Bingley,, Torkflu In Kitty GilVs orchard about a mile from Amhlefide^ by the fide of a fmall ri- vulet that crofTes the high-road,. Wefi, Wilson’s Sy. An^ Aug, Class xx. G YNANDRIA DIANDRIA. zjg CLASS XX. GYNANDRIA. ^his clafs comprehends fuch plants, whofe flamina are placed either on the ftyle^ or on the receptacle ^ Jlretched out into the form of a Jiyle and fupporting on it both the piflU and flamina. T he jtrublure of the fructification of this order of plants., is quite fingular., fays ^he germen is always twifted like a fcrew \ the petals are five., of which.,, the two inner ones ufually approach one another in the fhape of a helmet. The lower lip conftitutes a neElarium and ferves for a piftil and a fr^th petal. The Jiyle grows to the inner margin of the nebtarium, and is fcarce diftinguifhed. The filaments are always two., having as many anther which are narrower downwards., naked, or without a tunic, and divifthle like the pulp of the citrus. I)IANDRIA comprehends fuch plants of this clafs as have two flamina. ORCHIS; TH E fpatha is vague and the fpadix is fimplc. The flower hath flve petals, three without and two within, which form a helmet. The nedtarium is monophyllous, fixed to the fide of the receptacle be- tween the divifion of the petals. The upper lip is ere6l and very fhort*, the lower lip is large, patent and broad* The tube is pendulous, horn-fliaped, and prominent behind. There are two very flender fliort filaments reft- ing upon the piftil, with ovaJ, ereft antherse, covered w'ith «i6 GYNANDRIADIANDRIA. with a bilocular duplicature of the upper lip of the hedtarium. 1 he germen is oblong and twifted, the flyie is very fhort and grows to the upper lip of the nedtari- um, and the ftigma is comprelfed and obtufe. The cap- fule is oblong, unilocular, and has three keel-fhaped valves opening on the three fides, but joined at the top and bottom, and filled with very fmali feeds like dull. Such as have undivided hulhs or tefiiculated roots. Bifolia, Butterfly Orchis with undivided roots, the lip of the ne^larium entire and lanceolated ; a very long horn, and patent petals. W ilson fays the flalk is ge- nerally about a foot high, and encompaffed with narrow and fmaller leaves. The flowers are difpofed into a thyrfe of a fweet fmell, and in fhape refemble a hutter-fly with expanded wings. In paftures and thickets. Per, May,, June, Mafcula, Male Fool Stones * with undivided roots, the lip of the nedtarium cut into four points and crenu- lated, and the hinder part of the petals reflex, BYo, Suec, 795. 1 he flowers are of a purple colour, and the lip is marked on the infide with a few dark fpots. In meadows and paffures. Per, Flay, Morio, ' * This is the fpecies of Orchis mentioned in the Oedrgical EJfajSy as the moll proper for making Salep or Saloup, which for the enter- tainment of the curious, as I have found it to anfwer, I iliall infert in this place, “ S A LE P is a preparation of the roots of the Orchis or Dog-Stones ^ cf which many fpecies are enumerated bv botanical writers. The ORCHIS MASCULA, Linn. Sp. PL is themoft valued, altho’ the roots of fome of the palmaced forts, particularly of the ORCHIS L ATIFO LI A, are found to anfwer almoft equally well. This plant flouriflies in various parts of Europe anrm a crefc. hf 'he i>eard is hroad, divided into three parts, flrircd, or fpeckled with deeper lines or fpecks, and has a f[)ur half an inch long: At the origin of each pedicle hands a broad, oblong, puqdiih leaf. The flower often varies its colour. F f 2. Maculata, . hardened in the air, which will require feveral days to elFe£l; or by ufing a gentle heat, they may be finifued in a few hours. Salep thus prepared, may be afforded in this pr^t of England^ where labour bears a high value, at about eight pen e or ten pence per pound. And it might be fold ffill cheaper, if the orchis were to be cured without feparating the brown fein which covers it; a troubie- fome part of the p"Ocers, and vvh'ch dees not contribute to ren- der the root either more palatable or falutary. Whereas tlie foreign Salep is now fold at five or fix ffiiliings per pound. The culture of the Orchis, therefore, is an objedt highly deferving of encourage- ment from all the lovers of agriculture. And as the root, if intro- duced into common ufe, would rurnifh a cneap, v.'hoiefome, and moil nutritious article of diet, the growth of it would be fuffigi^nN ly profitable to the faimer. Zahep isfaid to contain the greatefl quantity of vegetable nouriffi- ment, in the fmalleff bulk. Hence a very judicious writer, to pre- vent the dreadful calamity of famine ati'ea, has lately propofed that the powder of it fliould confiitute pan of the provifions of every ffiip^s company. This powder and portable foup, diflblved in boil- ing water, form a rich thick jelly, capable of lupporting life for a confiderable length of time. An ounce of each of thefe ai tides, with two qparts of boiling water, will be fuffic’ent fubfiffence for a man a day; and as being a mixture of animal and vegetable food, mufi; prove more nourilhing than double the quantity of rice cake, made by boiling rice in water. Vide Gsorgical Ejjays, vol, 4. pa. 163, % 220 GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA: Maculata, . Female handed Orchis with patent, palma- ted roots, the horn of the nedtarium llaorter than the germina; a plain lip, and the hinder petals eredl. The leaves of this fpecies are always fpotted, thofe of the 'former fpecies never. Per June. Conopfea. Red handed Orchis with palmated roots, and the brillly horn of the nectarinm longer than the ger- men, a tri£d lip, and two very patent petals. In mea- dows) and paftiires. In Sinderbarrow meadows plentiful- ly, within the liberties oi I'ealand- Redman., Lan. Bien, June, July. This is eafily diftinguiilied from the reft, by the length of the fpike and the Imallnefs ofyhe pale red flower, by the unfpotted leaves and by its remarkable long fpurs. Such as have fafciculatcd bulbs. ■ Abortiva. Purple Bird^s Neji with ftender fafcicula- ted bulbs, the lip of the nedlarium entire and oval. In dry meadows. Per. May. Wilson defcribcs this plant as follows: The ftalk is about a foot high, wrapped round wdth many leaves like fo many llieatlTs; and bears a fpike of tetrapetalous flov/ers. The upper petal of each fiower ends in a horn, . and a probofcis appears in the middle, to which grow two fender beards ; Under the dowers are long ftriated heads full of fmall feed like that of Orchis. The root confifts of long, thick, oblique fibres. The whole plant is of a deep purple or violet colour. It differs from the Or- chis in having a fibrous root ^ from Plellebcre in having a Ipur to the flower, and from Ophris in its leaves grow- ing alternately. Syn. pa. 269. S A T Y R I U M. Satyrion. It hath a vagpe fpatha and fimple fpadix. There are five petals, three outer and two inner, joined in the form Oi a hexinet. The nedtariuin confifts of one leaf join- ed • GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. 221 ed to the receptacle, on the lower fide between the divi- fion of the petals’ The upper lip is ered and very fhort; the lower lip is plain and pendulous; the bafe reprefcnts the hinder part of the fcrotum. There are two very (lender fhort (lamina placed upon the pidil, having oval antheras, covered by the bilocular duplica- ture of the upper lip of tlie nedarium. The germen is oblong, twifted, and beneath the (lower, the ilyie adjoins the upper lip of the nedarium and is very fhort with an obtufe, flat fbigma. The capfuie is oblong, unilo- cular, and has three keels and three cells, opening under the keels three ways, filled with fmall feeds like dufl. . Hirfinum. The Lizard Flower or Goafs Stones with undivided roots, lanceolated leaves, the lip of the ned^- rium trifid, the middle fegment being linear and ob- liquely bitten. In chalky land. About Dartford and Crayford in Kent^ but not very common. Per. June^ July. Wilson fays. It has many large liliaceous, fmooth leaves arifing from the root, and al(b on the (lalk to the very fpike. The (lalk is thick, and fuftains a denfe fpike of (linking flowers, each of which fits on a green twiffed pedicle. The fpur is fhort and green, the crefb and wings greenifh without, and marked on the infide with purplifn fpecks and flrlpes. From the under-lip, vvhite on the outfide, and fpeckled v/ith purple on the infide, hangs down a goat’s beard, compofed of three greenifh twirls; the fide ones are fliorter and curled up, the mid^ die one longer and bifid. It has a flrong fmell. Viride. Frog Satyrion or Orchis with a palmated root, oblong, obtufe leaves, and the lip of neclarium divided into three linear parts, the middle one being obfoiete. Per. May^ June. Fufcum. Brown Satyrion with a palmated root, oblong leaves, and the lip ot the nedarium equally trifid. At Flelfe-fell-nab nediX Kendal., Wejl. FIudson. Per. Aug. Albidum. White Satyrion \Fvi\\ fafciculatcd roots, lad- ceolated leaves, and the iip of the nedlanum acutely trifid. ( 222 GYNANDPvIA DIANDRIA. trifid, the middle fegment l^eing largcfc. In meadows and [.afcures, about MulJiam in Torkjh, ^Jiine. O ? H R Y S. The fpatha is vague and the fpadix is nm[)le. The fiovver hath five oblong ]:)etals tJ’.at are cennivent and .equal. The nedlariiim is h‘noer than the petals, depen- Tjent and kecl-fliaped heliind. I'lxte are twu \cr7 fiiort itamina placedi upon the The andierse are ered, .2nd covered with the interior margin of the neaarii-m. 'The gernicn is oblong, twifeed, and beneath t'te fiov/er. *3 lie fiyle joins the interior margin' of the r.cclariitm, having an obfolete ftigma. The capfule is oval, trigo- nal, obtnfc, firiated, .h.as three valves, and one cell fiiled %itii fmall feed like diuT. Zuch as ha^ce ramefe roots. Nidus Avis. Birdds Ned \vlx.hh\\Vc)Ous bunched roots, a flieath-iike fialk and the hp of tite ncctarium bifid. ' In Wiiods and ihady places. Per. May. • Wilson fays, The tafee of the whole plant is abomi- nably Ifitter. Spii'alis. Triple Ladies Traces with oi'.long cliifcered bulbs, a leafy fialk, fruitful nov/ers, and t.he lip of the ' nectarium undivided. On Tealand Common.^ Lan. i')Ut n')t very plentifully, above John Jenkinson’s wood, and by the fide of Grifedale V/all., Tealand., Lan. Per. Aug, Ovata. Coinmon Tvsayhlade with a fibrous bulb, two oval leaves on the fialk, and a bifid lip to the nedari- um. Per. May., June. Cor data. The Icaft TwayUade with a fi’orous bulb, .two cordated leaves oji the icaik, and the lip of the neda- ’ rium bifid. In nioifc heathy land and efpeciaily mofs- land in the counties of Torli. Lane, and V/eft. July. Palujlris. Marjii TwayUade with a fibrous !'>ulb, and -the lip of the nedariuin entire. Per. July^ Aug. Such GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA. 223 Such as have round bulbs Paludofa, ^he Jeefl Orchis with a round biilh, and a naked, pci.tagvnpa] ftcin, the lurnmit of the leaves rough, and the lip of the nedcarium entire. Monorcliis. 7'ellc-iv or MufJe Orchis with a gloSoie bulh, a naked fLcm, and the lip cf the ncclarium irifid. Per, July, ' ' Wilson fays. The frowers are very finall of an her- baceous coloLu- inclining to yellow, and tlie I'p is divid- ed into three iparts : T‘he feed vefTcls are fliortcr than in mofe of the other fpecies of (jrchis, Llllfolla, Dwarf Orchis with a roundiih root, a nak- ed fcalk, lanceolaied leaves, the lip of the neclariuiii entire, and the hinder petals linear. In wet niaiTny places. AntJiGpophcra, Green Man OrcJds with a roundiHi root, a leafy kalk, the lip of the nediariiij'n trifid, tlie ! middle being hihd, anc- ei( *ngated. Found by iVlr Oalh: [ in an old gravel-pit •t Dalrngton near Sudlury^ at Kcrlh- I feet and GreenJ Ithe in Kent pkntifuljy. 11. Sy. Per. Ju'y, ! Mufeifera. tly Orchis with roundhdi i)iir)s, a leafy 1 fcalk, andi the lip of the neclariuni tjuadrifcl. In the 1 Flat-wood I^elcnging to tlte Uev. iVirFIrsT a’-'d ivir Lu- i CAS near the lime Idln, Tedciruf Lan. In a held called I Pot-acre in Orefon-ROhard., belonging to Mr JhicKiNSoN i of Ghallen-ha'i^ JVeJl. M: Johnson in my company I found one root in Huiten-Roy-Perd O/cjl, 1 faind a I great number in Crlngld'cirrcw-wood,, on a phdn piece of I grotmc’, not far f'o^n Deepciale,, TeOand, l.an, June. ! /Iplfera, Bee O) cfds with rounhifi , .Lrk)s, a leafy fem, I and the lip of tiie ncclariu'-i d-wided into live lojcs and I the lobes index. Per. June, ! C Y V II T P E 13 I u M, Lady’s Slipper. It hath a vague fpiiiha, and a fim[de fpad’X. 1 here I are four or five lanceolated, linear, long, pi. -enr, e edt flower petals, I'he iieclarium which is litiuied oeiween the- 224 G Y N A N D R I A D I A N D R I A; the petals, is fhaped like a ilioe, fwolleti, and hollow, fhorter and broader than the petals : I'hc upper lip is oval, plain, index, and fmall. There are two very fhort filaments placed on the pifiil, having erect antherae, co- vered with the upper lip of the nectarium. Below the flower is placed a long contorted germen. The ftyle is very iliort, and adheres to the upper lip of the nectari- um, having an obfolete ftigma. The fruit is an oval, obtufely trigonal capfule, having three valves and one cell, containing many fmall feeds. ' Cdceohis. Lady's Slipper with fibrous roots, oval, lan- ceolated leaves on the ftalks. In a wood near Ingleton^ called Helk's-wood belonging to E. Foxcroft, Efq. L'orkJJi. Per, June^ July, SERAPIAS. Hellebore. It hath a vague^fpatha and fim.ple fpadix. The flow- er hath five oval, oblong, eredt, patent, connivent petals. The nedtarium is the length of th^petal, hollow at the bafe, melliferous, oval, gibbous beneath, trifid and acute; the middle fegment* is cordate and obtufe. There are tv/o very fliort filaments placed on the piitil, having erect anthers, and placed under -the upper'lip of the nedtarium. The germen is oblong, contorted, and be- neath the flower; the ityle grows to the upper lip of the nedtarium, having an obfolete itigma. The capfule is oval, obtufely trigonal, and has three keels and three valves opening under the keels, and one cell containing numerous dufl-like feeds. The receptacle is linear and joins to each valve of the feed veffeL Latifolia. Bread leaved Baftard Hcllehore with fibrous roots, the lip of the nedtarium obtufely crenated, equa- with the petals, and pendulous fruit. In Cringle bar row\ voood amonglt the rocks plentifully, belonging to* G. Townley, Efq. o'd height on-hall,, Lan. July,, Aug, This fpecies which 1 found, is that with the Atro- Rubeme or Blacki/h-Red ot Bauhin and Ray. Lovgifolia* GYNANDRiA POLYANDRIA. 225. Longifolia. White flowered Baflard Hellebore with fi- brous bulbs. The lip of the neclariutu obtufe, fhorter than the petals, having ered: fruit. In a meadow be- longing to Mr Clarkson oi Tealand^ called Sinderhar- row raeadow^ and likewife in one of Mr Lucas’s adjoin- ing the former. About Ctapham and Ingle ton^ Torkjhire, The others mentioned by authors, according to Lin- NyEus, are only varieties, and not diflind: fpecies. PO LT ANURIA comprehends fuch as ‘ have more flamina than ten. A R U M. Wake-Robin. The fpatha confifis of one large, oblong, leaf, convo- luted at the bafe, connivenc at the apex, compreffed at the belly, and coloured internally. The fpadix is club- fhaped and very fimple, fomewhat fhorter than the fpa- tha, coloured and furround'ed with the germina. There are no petals, nor flamina, unlefs the nediaria are fuch, which are thick at the bafe, and end in flender cirrhi, of two ranges arifing out of the middle of the fpadix. T here are many tetragonal, fefTile, anrheras placed among the cirrhi and adjoining the fpadix. The germina are many, furrounding the bafe of the fpadix and placed' beneath the flamina: There are no fly les, but the flig- mata are bearded. The fruit is a globofe berry with one cell and contains many roundifh feeds. Li NN. Obf. The flrudture of the flower is furprifing and not to be parallelled, which hath afforded ample matter of difputation among the botanifls. Vide Tourf. Malp. Dillen. Riven, '&c. Maculatum. Wake-Robin^ Cuckow-Tint without a flalk, entire fpear-fhaped leaves, and a club-fhaped fpadix. In lhady places and under hedges. Per. May. G g. CLASS XXL / 226 MONOECIA MONANDRIA. / CLASS XXI. MONOECIA. iThis clafs comprehends fuch plants as have no hermaphrodite fiowers^ hut hear both ■ male 'and female flowers on the fame plant. MONANDRIA comprehends fuch plants as have hut one ft amen, Z ANNICHELLIA. Horned Pondweed. inalciiline f iant has neither cup nor flower. There IS one fiinple, long, ere6l fliamen, with an cvai, ere61' anthera. The.'feminine has a monophy lions, ventricofe, bidentated cup, fcarce -vifible, without a corciia. There are four corniculated, connivent ger- n^ina and as many patent, Ample Ihyles, and oval, plain fcigniata. The keds aie oblong, acuminated pn both fidi.s: Gibbous on one tide and covered with b^rk. , Paluftris, . Hcrned Pcndwecd With three or four crook- ed hoins rrowing iO£ ether in the wings of the leaves. In u rlvriet necween tht Glafs-Houfes and DenPs-hole^ rear New\^ftle 'upon Tyne. VV ilsgn’s Sy, In ditches and ilaadmg waars, Aug, DIANDRIA MONOECIADIANDRIATETRANDRIA. 227 D I A N D R I A comprehends fuch as have two Jlamina* L E M N A. Duck’s Meat. The Clip of the hermaphrodite flower is monophyl- lous, roundifh, opens in the fide, and obliquely dilated, obtiife, patent, deprefled, large and entire. There are two fubulated, crooked filaments the length of the cup, with didymous, globofe, antherae. The germen is oval, the flyle fhort, and the fligma obfolete. The feminine flower is on the fame plant with the inafculine, and the cup the fame. Tlie germen is oval, the flyle fliort and permanent, and the fligma Ample. The capfule is glo- bofe and unilocular, containing a few oblong, acute feeds, almoft the length of the capfule and flriated. Trifulca, Ivy leaved Duck's Meat with lanceolated leaves. In ditches and ftanding waters. Per. May ^ June. Minor. Phe leaji Duck's Meat with felTiie, plainifli leaves, and thofe towards the root Angle. Per. Jane. Polyrhiza. Greater Duck's Meat v/ith fefTile leaves, and thofe towards the root thick fet. In ditches. An, June., July. I^E’PRANDRIA comprehends fuch as have four ftamina, U R T I C A. Nettle. The cup of the mafculine flower is tetraphyllous, and the leaves are roundifli, concave and obtufe. The flower hath no petals. The nedlarium is in the center of the flower, fhaped like a pitcher, entire, narrow at the bottom and very fmall. There are four fubulated fila- ments the length of the cup, and the antherae are bilo- cular, The feminine flowers are either on the fame or different plants. The cup hath two valves, oval, concave, eredt, and permanent. The germen is oval, the fligma is villofe. The cup which is connivenc contains one oval, obtufely compreffed, fhining feed. Pilulifera. 228 MONOECIA PENTANDRIA. Pilulifera. Roman Nettle with oppofite, oval, ferrated leaves, and a globofe frudtiferous amentum. At Great- Tar mouth in Norfolk, Aldborough in Suffolk. R. Sy, An. Aug. ’ - Urens. Leffer Nettle with oval oppofite leaves. An, Auguft. Dioica. Common Nettle with oppofite, cordate leaves, and double branches. Per. July. PENTANDRIA comprehends fuch plants as have five ftamina. X A N T rl I U M. Lesser Burdock. The common cup of the male flower is polyphyllous, and imbricated with (lender fcales the lenorth of the fiof- cules. The compound flower is uniform, tubulofe, equal, and hemifpherical; the proper corolla is compof- ed of a fingle, tubulofe, ered, funnel-.tliaped petal, cut into five fegments at the top. The filaments are five placed within a tubulofe cylinder. The antheraj are cred, parallel and diftind. There is fcarce any com- mon receptacle difiinguifliing the flofcules with awns. The feminine flowers are beneath the mafculine in the fame plant. The cup is an involucrum formed of two leaves, and contains two flowers, the leaves are oppofite having three acute lobes, furrounded with hooked acu- lei, covering and adhering to the germen. The ger- rnen is oval and hifpid, and the llyles are hairy and ffigmata fimple. The fruit is a dry, oval, oblong, prick- ly berry, containing twm cells, jn each of which is a fingle, oblong feed, covered with hooked aculei, the apex being bihd. Strumarium. Leffer Burdock with a flalk without prickles. At Staines in Middlefex'^Nir Lawson. In the road from Portfmouth to London^ about three miles from Portfmouth. Am. Aug. Sep. AMARANTHUS. MONOECIA POLYANDRIA. 229 A M A R A N T H U S. Elite. The mafculine flowers are on the fame plant with the feminine. I'he cup confifls of five or three erect, coloured, permanent leaves. There are five or three, hairy filaments, ered', patulent, and the length of the cup, with oblong, verfatile anthenx. The feminine cup is the lame as the mafculine. The germen is oval hav- ing three fliort fubulared ftyles, and Ample permanent fligmata. The fruit is an oval, comprefi’ed capfule and coloured like the cup, having three beaks and one ceil, and contains one globofe, compreffed, large feed. Blitum. "The leaft Elite with ered fpikes and three ftamina, and oval retufe leaves. An. Aug. Wilson clefcribes this plant as follows. The Italks are procumbent, branched, about a loot long, and of a reddifli colour, the leaves refembling thofe of Pellitory, about two inches long, taking in the tail, which is very flender, and almofl: as long as the reft of the leaf. This leaf is a bright green, fometimes having purplifli edges*, out of the bofom of each leaf fometimes proceed others, which are much fmaller: Thefe bofoms are filled with many flowers, growing, one upon another, in round clufters. Each flower ufually confifts of three very nar- row-pointed, guttered leaves. The capfule is reddifli, compofed of two pieces, placed one upon the other, and opening tranfverfly. Found on dunghills. POLTANDR I A comprehends fuch as have above /even ftamina, CERATOPHYLLUM. Pondweed. The cup of the mafculine flower is multipartite, the fegments are fubulated and equal. The filaments are double, the number of the fegmiCnts of the cup being from fixteen to twenty, and Icarce confpicuous. I'he antherai are oblong, ered, and longer than the cup. The 230 MONOECIA POLYA^'DRIA. The feminine are on the fame plant with the mafciiline. I'he cup is multipartite, the fegments fubuiated and equal. The germen is oval and compreiTed; the ftig- ma is obtufe and oblique. The nut is oval, unilocular, and acuminated. Demerfum. Horned Pondweed. In flow running wa- ter and ditches. In a ditch belonging to Chrijl-Churck meadow. Per. July. MYRIOPH YLLUM. Water Millfoil. The mafcnline cup has four oblong, ered leaves, the ou'trnofl is larger and innermoft leaft. There are eight hairy flaccid filaments longer than the cup, with oblong antheras. The feminine cup is the fame as the maf- culine. There are tour oblong germina,' and a hairy ftigma and four oblong feeds. Spicatum. Spike dJVater Mfilfoil With m2i{c\xYmt flowers interruptiy fpiked. In the river on Hounjlow heath. In ditches, lakes, and kill waters. Per. July., Aug. Virticillatum. Virticillated JVatcr Milifcil with all the Bowers in whorls. In ditches and Handing waters. Per, July. SAGITTAPvIA. Arrow-head. The mafculine flowers are more than the feminine. The cup hath three oval, concave, patent, permanent leaves. The flower hath three roundifli, obtufe, plain, patent petals, three times as large as the cup. There are often twenty four filaments, collected into a head, having eredt antherse the length of the cup. The femi- nine petals and cup are the fame as the mafculine. The germina are numerous, comprefled, formed into a head, externally gibbous, ending in very fhort ftyles, having acute permanent fligmata. The receptacle is glcbofe, and the feeds are colledted into the form of a globe and are numerous, oblong, comprefled, furrounded longitu- dinally with a broad membranaceous margin, gibbous on one flde, and accuminated on both. Sagittifolia, MONOECIA POLYANDRIA. 231 Sagittifolia: Arrow-head with acute leaves lhaped like an arrow. Per. June. POTERIUM. Burnet. The mafculine flowers are difpofed in a fpike. The cup confilts of three oval, coloured, caducous leaves. The flower is quadripartite and the petals are oval, concave, patent, united at the bafe, and permanent. The filaments are from thirty to fifty in number, flender, very long, and flaccid, having roundifli, didymous an- ther^e. The feminine cup is the fame as the mafculine. The flower is monopetalous and wheel-fliaped, the tube is Ihort, roundifli, and connivent at the brim. The limb is quadripartite, the fegments are oval, plain, re- flex, and permanent. There are two oval, oblong ger- mina within the tube of the corolla. There are two hairy, coloured, flaccid ftyles, the length of the corol- la; the ftigmata 'are coloured and pennicilliform, or in the form of a painter’s pencil. The berry is formed of the indurated, incraflated tube of the corroila, and con- tains tv/o feeds. Obf. Linn. Sanguiforha. The berry is angulated, with tetragonal feeds accuminated on both fides, the two piftils are weak and inferred into the mafculine flower. Sanguiforha. v/ith flalks fomewhat angular. In mo iff meadows and in chalky foil. Per. July. Wilson fays, It has a monopetalous flower, cut deep into four fegments, furniflied with a great many chives (which we call flamina) or a tufted pointal: The petals are very fmall, of an herbaceous colour. The emnale- ment turns, for the mofl: part, to a quadrangular fruit, piked at both ends, having fometimes one, and fome- times two cells: The feeds are generally oblong, the leaves pinnate, and the flowers are gathered into a head. Ray, Ger. and Wilson make two fpecics, a Major and a Minor. STNGENESIA 232 MONOECIA SYNGENESIA. STNGENESIA comprehends fitch plants as diave their male Jiozvers furnijhed with ftamina^ of which the anther £6 are united. BRYONIA. The mafculine cup is monophyllous, campanulated, quinquedentated, and the denticles are fubulated. The flower is quinquepamte, campanulated, joins to the cup, and the fegments are oval. There are three very fliort filaments and five antherjE, of which two are on each filament, and one on the other. The feminine flowers are on the fame plant with the mafculine. The cup and flowers are the fame as the mafculine. The germen is beneath the flofcule, the ffyle is trificl, and the length of the corolla, the ffigmata are emarginated and patu- lent. The berry is oval and fmooth, and has a. few feeds. i Alba, White BrVony with palmated leaves, fcabrous on both fides. ^ May,, CLASS XXII.' DIOECIA PENTANDRIA. 233 CLASS XXIL DIOECIA. ^his clafs comprehends fuch plants as have no hermaphro- dite flowers^ hilt bear male and female flowers on diftinbl plants. P EN'TANDRIA comprehends fuch as have five ftamina. HUMULUS. Hops. Mafculine. TH E cup hath five oblong, concave, obtufe leaves. I'here are five hairy, very fiiort filaments, and oblong antherae. Feminine. The univerfal inyolucrum is quadrlfid and acute: The partial one hath four leaves, is oval, and contains eight flowers, and the cup of every flower is mdnophyl- lous, oval, and very large, plain on one fide, and conni- vent at the bafe. The germen is very fmall, having two fubulated, patulent ftyles, and acute fliigmata. 1 he cup has the feed in the bottom, which is roundilh and truncated. Lupulus. Hops. June. Hh. ' , HEXANDRIA 234 DIOECIA HEXANDRIA CCTANDRIA. HEXANDRIA comprehends fuch plants as have fix ftamina, T A M N U S. Black Briony. Mafculine, / The Clip is divided into fix parts, each fegment is lanceolated at the fummit, and more patent. There are fix fimple filaments fnorter than the cup, having ered antherse. Feminine. The cup is monophyllous, fex-partite, campanulated, patent, and the fegments are lanceolated, and deciduous. The nedarium is an oblong pundum internally adher- ing to each fegment of the cup. The germen is oblong, large, and fmooth. The flyle is cylindraceous and the length of the cup, and the ftigmata are three, reflex, emarginated, and acute. The fruit is an oval, trilocu- lar berry, containing two globofe feeds. Communis. Black Briony with undivided, cordate leaves. Per. June. 0 C F A N D R I A comprehends fuch plants as have' eight Jlamina. R H O D I O L A. Rosewort. Mafculine. The cup is quadripartite, concave, ere6l, obtufe and permanent. 1 here are four oblong, obtufe, patent, de- ciduous petals, twice as long as the cup. There are four eredt, emarginated nedtaria longer than,. the cup. There are eight fubulated filaments longer than the corolla, having fimple anther;^. There are four oblong, acuminated gernuna> the Ifyks and lligmata are obfolete. Feminine. DIOECIA ENNEANDRIA. 235 Feminine. The feminine cnp is the fame as the mafculine. The f ower hath four ered, obtufe petals equal with the cup, and permanent. There are four obiong, acuminated germma, ending in fimple ilraight ftyies and obtufe flig- mata. There are four horny capiuies opening inter- nally and containing many roundifh leeds. Rofea. Rofewort. In the mountains of Cumh. }VeJi:. T'crkjh, On the rocks of the high mountains Snowdon and Caderidis in V/ales\ Inglehorough in TcrhJJi. On a ♦ rock called Blea-water-crag about twelve miles from Kendal., JVeft. in great plenty. Alfo on the rocks of the high mountains of Lcngsleddale and F^entmere in the fame county. Wilson’^ Sy. ^ ENNEANDRI A comprehends fuch plants as have ^ nme ftamina. M E R C U R I A L I S. Mercury. Mafculine. The cup is tripartite and the fegments are oval, lan- ceolated, concave, and patent. There are nine or twelve ftamina, ftraight, hairy, and the length of the cup, hav- ing globofe, didymous antherae. ^ Feminine. The cup is the fame as the mafculine. There are two •fubulated, acute, pointed nedaria, to each of which there is a fmgle, broad germen, imprefieJ with a fur- row betv/een them. T)ie germen is roundifli, compref- led, hifpid, and furrov/ed on both fides, having two reflex, horny, hifpid ftyies, and acute, reflex ftlgmata. The capfuie is roundifh, didymous, bilocular, and flaap- ed like the ferotum, havino- finple, round ;fli feeds. Perennis. Peg's Mercury with a very fimple ftaiK and fcabrous leaves. Per. April., May. Annua. French Mercury with a braciiiated ftalk, and fmootli leaves. An. Set). El h 2. EIYDROCIIARlSt i 236 DIOECIA SYNGENESIA. EIYDROCHARIS. Frog-bit. Majculine. The fpatha hath three flowers with oblong leaves. -The proper cup is triphyllous, and the leaves are oblong, concave, with a membranaceous margin. The fiower hath three roundifh, plain, large petals. There are nine fubulated, eredt (lamina arranged in three orders. The rudiment of the germen is in the center. Feminine, The fpatha, cup, and flowers are the fame as the mafeuline. The germen is roundifh and beneath the flower-, there are fix (lyies the length of the cup, com.- prefTed, Bifido-canaiiculatcd, having two bifid, acumina- ted (ligmata: The capfule is coriaceous, roundifh, and has fix cells containing many flnall roundifli feeds. STNGF^E.SI A comprehends fuch plants as have their 7nale flowers flurniflied with ftamina,, ofl which the anthers are united. Ofl this order there is hut one Genus ; vi%, R U S C U S. Knee-holly, or Butcher’s Broom. Mafleuline. The cup confiils ot fix leaves v/hicli are ovate and convex. There are no flower petals, unlefs you reckon the alternate leaves of the cup as fuch. The nedlarium is ovate, the fize of the cup, inflated and eredl. There are no filaments and but three patent antheras upon the apex of the nedlarium and united at the bafe. . Feminine. The cup, petal, and ne<5larium are the fame as the mafeuline: The germen is partly oblong, and partly eval with the nedlarium. The ftyle is cylindraceous and the length of the nedlarium. The fligma is obtufe. The fruit is a globofe, trilocular berry, containing two j^lobofe feeds. to Aculeatus. Knee-holly^ or ButcheAs Broom of which we ha/e but one fpecies. Bien. March^ April. ^ ■ CLASS POL YG AMI A MONOECIA. 237 V , C L A S S XXIII. P O L Y G A M I A. l^his vlafs comprehends fuch plants as hear hermaphrodite fiozvers^ and alfo male or fefnule or elfe both. MO N 0 E C I A comprehends fuch plants as have the pclygarny on the fame plant, V A L A N T I A. Crossv/ort, cr Mugweed. The hermaphrodite flov/er is folitary. There is fcarce any cup. The' flower is monopetalous, plain, quadripartite, and the fegments are oval and acute. There are four filaments the length of the corolla, hav- ing fmall anthers. The germen is large, the fliyle is the length of the flamina, and femi-bifld, and the ftig- mata are headed-, the feed-veifel is coriaceous, coiupref- fed and reflex, and contains one globofe feed. Mafculine fiower. There is fcarce any cup. I'he flov/er is monopetalous, plain, tripartite or quadripartite, and the fegments are oval and acute. Tiiere are four filaments the length of the corolla, furniflied with Imall anthers. The ger- men is fmall, the ffyle and ftigmata obfoiete, and fcarce difcernable. Cruciata^ Crcfswort or Mugweed with mafculine, quadrifld flowers, and diphyllous peduncles. Per, May^ June^ PARIETARIA. 23S P.OLYGAMIA MONOECIA. P A R I E T A R I A. Pellitor y of the Wall. Two hermaphrodite flowers are contained in a plain involiicrum of fix leaves. I'he cup is monophylious, quadrind, plain, obtufe, and the fize of the involiicrum. There are four fubulated filaments longer than the cup, expanding over it, and permanent with didymous anthc- rtE. The germen is oval, flyle (lender and coloured *, the ibgma in the fnape of a painter’s pencil and headed. The cup elongated, large, and campanulated, contains one oval feed. . The female flowers have no ftamina but in other refpedts are the fame as the hermaphrodite. Oficinalis. Pellitcry cf the Wall with oval, lanceolated leaves^ dichotomous peduncles, and diphylious cups. Common on old wails. On the walls of Lancafter-Cajtie, May — ATRIPLEX. Crache. The hermaphrodite flower hath a pentaphyllous, con- cave, permanent cup, oval concave fegments and a membranaceous border. There are five fubulated fila- ments, oppoflte the leaves of the cup and longer, with roundifh, didymious anthers. The germen is orbicular, the 'ftyle bipartite and fliort, and the ftigmata reflex. The cup which is clofed is pentagonal, and has five angles and contains one' orbicular, depreffed feed. The female flower is on the fame plant as the mafculine. The cup has two plain, eredV, oval, acute, large, com- prefled leaves. The germen is compreffed, the flyle bipartite, and the ftigmata reflex and acute. The valves cf the cup are very large, cordate and contain the feed. Obf. Atripkx without the female flower is Chenopodium^ and Chenopodhim with the female flower is Atripkx hence the affinity between them. Portu/acoides. dea Purfiane with a ilirubby ftalk and oval leaves. Bien, Aug^ Laciniata, i xPOLYGAMIA MONOECIA. 239! Laciniata, Sea Orache with an herbaceous ftalk, deltoid, dentated leaves, hoary underneath. On the fea fiiore. An. Aug. Eregta. Spear leaved Orache with an lierbaceous ftalk, fpear-fliaped, dentated leaves. On the entrance into Batterfea meadow from Nine-Elmes, An, Aug. Haftata. Wild Orache with an herbaceous ftalk, large feminine deltoid, finuated valves. On the fea fhore. An. Aug, Sep. Patiila. Narrow-leaved Orache with a patulent, her- baceous ftalk, deltoid, lanceolated leaves, and the cups of the feeds dented in the diflc. An. Aug. Serrata. Indented Sea Orache with an erecd, herbaceous ftalk, and linear ferrated leaves. On the fea fliore. Aug, Litoralis. Grafs-leaved Orache with an herbaceous, eredt ftalk, and all the leaves linear and entire. A71, Sep. , Pedunculata. Stalked Sea Orache with a divaricated, herbaceous, ftalk, lanceolated, obtufe, entire leaves, fe- minine pedunculated cups. Near Scirbeck a mile from Bofton., Lincclnfn. Dr Plukenet. Found in the IJle of Thanet., near the Ferry-houfe., in great plenty, by Mr J. Sherard. R. Sy, An, Sep, CLASS XXIV. 24P C R Y P T O G A M I A; C L-A S S XXIV. C Pv Y P T O G A M I A. clafs comprehends fuch plants, wliofe fni^ification is fo finally as not to he examined hy the naked eye^ and is of a very peculiar conftruBion, The ferns are the frjl divifion in order ^ whereby is meant fuch plants as are dorfiferous, or bear the fruit on the hack of the leaf of which the following are the charahie-^ rifiics. The cup is a fquama, growing out of the leaf opening, on one of its ftdes\ under which there are pedunculated glo- bules^ each of which is girt with an elafiic ring^ which breaks elaftically and fheds dufl. ' ''>■ E Q^U I S E T U M. Horse-tail. The frudifications are placed in an oval, oblong fpike. Each is orbicuiated, open at the bale, many valves being connedled in a plain apex. Sylvaticum. Wood Hcrfe-tail with a fpiked ftalk, opening at the bafe with many valves. In woods and moifi; places. Per, May, Arvenfe, Corn Horfe-tail with a naked item bearing fruit. Per, March, i Paluftre, Marfh Horfe-tail with an angulated ftalk, and quite fimple branches. In watery places. Per, June. ' ~ ' Fhiviatile. C R Y P T O G A M I A. 24k Flun^iatile. River Horfe-tail with a ilriated ftalk, and fixiipliih branches. In \vatery places. Per. May. Limofum. Smooth Horfe-tail with a naked fmooth ftalk. In watery places. Per. June. tiye-mle. Rough Horfe-tail v/ith a rough naked flalk branchy towards the bafe. In watery places. Per, July, Aug, 'OPHIOGLOSSUM. Adder’s Tongue. The capfule is in two rows having many tranfverfe joints-, divided into as many cells, each opening when ripe, tranfverfely, containing very fmail oval feeds. Vulgatum, Adder's Tongue with an oval branch. Found by Mr Dickinson in company with feveral bo- tanical friends, on Hale -fell near the L Cony^a 200 Coriandrum , '■ 55 Cotyledon 94 Cramhe 1 60 Crepis 190 Cnthmum 49 Crocus 10 ' Cucubalus 90 Cyno^lcJJum 22 Cypripedium 223 Datura 34 Daucus 47 .Delphinium - - 1 15 Dentaria 151 Dianthus 89 Digitalis 144 Dip^acus 1 2 Draba 147 Drofera 63 Dryas j 1 10 Echinophora * Echium 26 Elatine 83 Epilobium 77 Equifetum 240 Erica 79 Erigeron 201 Er^um 174 Eryngium 42 Eryjemum 154 Eupatorium 197 Euphorbia 102 Euphrajia 138 Eicaria 122 Filago 210 Fragaria 107 Frankenia 73. F ritillaria ^7, Fumaria 166 Gallecpjls 128 Gallium 114 Genijia 68 Gentiana 41 Geranium 161 Geum 109 Glaux 36 Glechoma 127 Gnaphalium 199 'Hedyfarum 176 'Helleborus 121 Heracleum 50 Herniaria ' 38 Be/peris I N' Hefperis ■ Hteracium ■ 188 Htppocrepis 175 Hippuris 2 Hottonia 28' Humiilus ' 233 Hycrcinihus 70 Hydrocharis 236 Jiydrocotyle 43 Hjcfcyatnus '34 Hycferis ' . 190 liyfer icum iSi Hypochcerls . 191'' lijtr is • 151' niece brum 3^, Imp at i til s 214 Inula 204 Iris 10 IJhtis 159 ‘JaJione 212 “j uncus 7i Laliuca 186 Lamium ^ 127 lapfana 192 Lathraa 139 Lathyrus 171 La^atera 164 Lemna 227 Leontodon 187 Leonurus 131 Lepidium 148 higujiicum 50 L imojella 143 hinum 62 titho/permum 21 Lobelia 212 Lotus 179 Lychnis 97 Lycoptis 7 Lycopjis 25 Lythi um ICO Lyjimachia 28 Malnja 165 Marrulium 130 Matricaria 2c6 Medicago 179 Mclcmpyrum 138 UdiJJd J34 E - X. MelTitis 134 Mentha V ‘ I25‘ Menyanthes 27 M&rctirialis 235 Monotrcpa 8^ Monti a 1 1 My a grunt 146 My 6J Otis 21 Myofurus , * 64 M) riophyllum ■230 NcifxiJJus ‘ 65 Nepeta -125 Myinphrsa '413 C^nanihe "453 Ononis '169 Onopordum 5;. Ophioglojj'um 241 O'phrys ‘222 Orchis 215 Origanum ■ 132 Ot tiithcgalum Ornithopus ■^i74 Grobus ' ''17 1 Ofmunda '2.41' Othcnna • •• 'N2i6 Oxalis ‘ 96 Papaver 112 Parietaria 238 Paris 82 ParnaJJia 61 Pafiinaca 57 Pedicularis 140 Peplis 73 Peteris 242 Peucedanum 49 Phellandrium 54 Phyleuma 32 Pier is Pimpinella ' 59 Pinguicula 5 Pijum 17^ Plantago 15 Polemonium 30 Polygala 167 Polygonum 80 Poly podium 243 Potent ilia 107 Potamogeton 19 Poterium 1 N D 'E X. Poterium 231 Smyrnium 5^ Prenanthes 187 Solanum 36 Primula 26 Solidago 204 Prunella 136 Sonchus 186 Pulmonaria 23 Spartium j68 Pyrola 85 Spergula ' 98 Ranunculus II9 Spa tea 106 Raphanus 158 Stachys 129 Rejeda 101 Statice 51 Rhinanthus 137 Stellaria 92 Rhodiola 234 Stratiotes 1 16 Rubia 15 Subularia H7 Rumex 74 Suoertia 41 Ru/cus . 236 Sj Mphj turn 24. Sagina 20 ^amnus 234 Sagittaria 231 Tanacetum 198 Salicornia I Teucrium 124 Sal/ola 40 Thejium 37 ^al'via 8 y halidrum 118 Samolus 33 Thlajpi 149 Sanguiforha 17 P hymns 133 Samciila 44 'Tordylium 45 B upon arid 88 P'ormentilla 1 09 Satyrium 220 ^ragopogon 184 SaxiJ'raga 87 Trichomancs 245 Stabiofa 12 Trientalis 76 Scandix 5^ T rifolium 177 Scilla 68 ^rollius 120 Scleranthus 88 Turrit is 156 Scrophularia 142 TuJJilago 201 Scutellaria 135 Vrtica 227' Sedum 94 Utricularia , 6 Sene do 202 V accinium 78 Semper 174 H So 229 24 209 168 236 234 232 27 J23 25 23 26 193 228 17 231 ic6 Calamint ! INDEX, Cakmint 134 Camomile 207 Campion 97 Campion, Vifcous or Catch-fly 91 Caraways 59 Carnation 89 Carrot Wild 47 Celendine 'III Charlock ' 158 Chick weed - 93 Baftard 19 — Berry bearing 9c .. ...-Common 60 V.kter J 1 Cicely Wild 5^ Cinquefoil 107 Baflard 64 — — Marlh 1 10 Ciftus *14 Clary 8 Coal wort 15^ Cockle 96 • 'Head 176 Colt’s-foot 201 Columbines 115 Conifrey 24 Coriander 5^ Cow- wheat 137 138 Cram be 160 CraneflDill i6i Crels Rocket ’ 147 Crefles Water 153 Crofs-wort or Mugweed 237 Crowfoot 119 Cudweed 199 Cudweed 210 Daffodil 63 Chequered 67 Daify ' 205 Dandelion 187 Dead Nettle, flinkins: 128 Dili 58 Dittander 148- Dropwortl 106 -\Vater 53 Dryas ‘ 1 10 Dace’s Meat 227 Eartii, 47 I Elecampane Enchanter’s Nightfliade Krigeron 201 Eyebright, Cow-wheat 337 Eyebright 133 Eennel Hogs Fern, Forked 242 Fern Brakes 242 Feverfew 206 '"'ig-wort 142 Pinkie or Dill 38 Flag, fweet Smelling 71 Flax 62 Fieabane 200 201 Flower de Luce 10 Fox-glove 14^ Fritiliary 67 Frog- bit 236 Fumitory 166 Garlick 66 Gentian or Fellwort 41 ■ Marlh 41 Germander Tree 124. Gilly-Fiower 89 Gladiole, Water 212 Giaffwort, Prickly 41 Globe-flower 120 Goat’s-beard ' 184 Gold of Pleafure 146 Gclden Rod 204 Gout Weed . 60 Grafs of Parnaffus 61 Green Weed 168 Gromwel 21 Gound Ivy 127 Groundfel 202 Kart’s Tongue 242 Hawkweed 1 88 Baflard 190 Heath Sea 73 Heath or Ling . 79 Hellebore 224 -7~- Black 121 Hemlock 48 — 54 Water 54 Henbane ' 34 Herb Chriflopher t i n — - Gerard 60 Holly D E- X. I N Holly or Eryngo ■ Knee Hooded Millfoil Hops Horehound — -Bafe -Sinking -Water Horfe Tail Hound’s Tongue Houfeleek 94- Hyacinth or Harebells Hypo hccris Jacob’s Ladder Knawell Knot Grafs, Verticillate Ladies Bedltraw — --—Finger — Mantle ■ — • Slipper — Smock Larkfpur Lettuce •—— Ivy leaved Lilly of the Valley Water Liquorice Loofe Strife Loufe-wort Madder, W' ild Field Madwort German M allow —-—•Sea-Tree Mare’s I'ail Marigold, Corn Marjoram Marjfli Mallow " Marigold Mercury • Englifh Millfoil Hooded ■ W’'ater Milkwort 'Sea 42 236 6 233 130 129 130 7 240 22 .105 7^ 191 3^ 86 14 169 17 223 152 I 15 186 187 7c 1 13 176 100 140 15 18 25 165 164 2 206 164 121 233 230 167 M Milkwort, Purple Mint Mithridate rvloneywort, Ballard Mofchatei Motherwort or Lion’s Tail Moufe Ear Chickweed Scorpion Grafs Molife Tail ^4uliein Mullard, Common Hedge Mithridate — 1 ower — IVeacle Nap or Cat-mint Navel-wort Nettle NightHiade, Common Deadly Enchanters Nipple-wort Orchis I Cphrys Orache Cfniund Royal ParnalTus, Grafs of Parfiey Ballard Stone Corn — -Fools ■ Piert Sea Parfnip Cow Sea Water , Wild Pea — Heath Pea. 1- wort Pf llitory of the Wall Penny- wort Periwinkle Pheafant’s Eye Picris m . File- *77 02 *35 97 21 33 157 154 1-19 156 149 1^5, 94 227 3^ 35 3 192 215 222 238 241 61 45 52 46 54 18 5^ 50 45 51 57 170 171 20 23S 43 37 118 185 wort I N D E X. Pllc-wort Piir-pernel -Baflard -round leaved Plantain -———-Baflard Water Polypody Pondweed ■Horned Poppy Primrofe Purflane Quick in the Hand Rag-wort Rampions Horned ’ Rattle Yellow P.ell Harrow Rocket — — — Baftard Crefs Rock Crefs Rofe-xnary Rofewort Royal, Ofmund Rue Meadow Rufk ' — : — Flowering Rupture-wort Sage of Jerufalem Wood Saffron Mountain — Meadow *9^ 1Z2 29 33 *5 H3 75 243 229 226 1 1 2 26 73 2i4 210 32 137 169 159 lOi 147 I5I 85 234 241 1.8 7* 83 38 23 125 10 66 75 49 1 45 44 Scabi! -Hairy Sheep Samphire • ‘ Sampire M^rfh cr-Saltwort or Sea Parfnep Sanicle Sanicle, Butter-wort orYorkfli. 5 Satyrion 220 Saw-wort ' 193 Saxifrage 87 Golden 86 Burnet 59 ^ — Meadow 5 7 If 212 *35 150 136 56 60 141 88 74 96 198 3 69 48 102 98 68 Scull Cap Scurvy Grafs Self-heal Shepherd’s Needle Smallage Snap Dragon Soap-wort Sorrel (>r R umex Wood Southernwood Speedwell Spider-wort Spignel Spurge Spurry Squills Star-w'ort or Star-headed 1 Water C hick weed J ^ Star-wort 203 Star of Bethlehem 67 Stinking dead Nettle 128 Stitch-wort 92 St John’s Wort 181 Strawberry 107 Succory. 192 — - - -Swines . J90 Sun-dew 63 Tanfey 198 Tare 174 Teafel , • ■ / 12 Thiflle 194, ThiFle Cotton J96 Carline 196 Sow 186 Thorow Wax 44 Thrift 61 Thyme 133 Toad Flax, Baflard 37 ■ Common 142 Tooth- wort 139 1 ormentil *■ IQ9 Traveller’s Joy . 117 Trefoil 177 Trefoil N D E X I Trefoil, Bird’s-foot Marfh Snail Trichomanes True Love or one Berry Tuberous Mofchatcl Valerian — - Greek Venus Comb .Vervain Vetch — — Chickling Horfelhoe — Kidney Violet 179 27 179 245 82 82 9 30 56 7 173 171 175 169 -213 Violet, Dame’s — — Water Wake Robin Wall Flower Water Ciefs Lilly wort Whitlow Grafs Whortle Berries Willow Herb 28, 77^ Winter Green ' Chick weed Woad Wood Roof Yarrow *55 , 28 225 *55 *53 *13 83 *47 78 1 00 76 159 *3 208 V