QL 566 .M43 1997 Scientific Papers Natural History Museum The University of Kansas 25 July 1997 Number 1:1-81 Genus-Group Names of Bees and Supplemental Family-Group Names^ By Charles D. Michener Division of Entomologi/, Natural History Museum The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Acknowledgments 2 GENUS-GROUP NAMES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LIST OF FAMILY-GROUP NAMES 52 LITERATURE CITED 63 ADDENDUM 81 MCZ LIBRARY QCO LU 1997 HARVARD UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT This paper includes an alphabetical list of generic and subgeneric names that have been proposed for bees, with bibliographic references and indications of type species. Synonymies are not indicated, but the major group (family subfamily tribe or sometimes merely "fossil") is indicated for each. Synonymies will be indicated in a future account of world bees. New nomenclatural details include the following: Apis tlioracica Fabricius designated as type species o( Melanchxnia Perez; Paracella new subgenus of Megachile, with M. seniiivjiusta Cockerell as type species, for Paracella Pasteels, a name proposed without designation of a type species; Callistochlora new name for Callochlora Moure, 1964, not Packard, 1864; Gyrodroniella new name for Gyrodronia Thomson, 1872, not Klug, 1807; and Lithurgus Berthold, 1827, given preference over the French vernacular Lithurge Latreille, 1825. The list of family-group names in bees is corrected and up-dated. Key words: Apoidea; Generic and Family names; Type species. ' Contribution Number 3167 from the Snow Entomological Division Natural History Museum, and Department of Entomology, The University of Kansas © Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas ISSN No. 1094-0782 QL 566 .M43 1997 Scientific Papers Natural History Museum The University of Kansas 25 July 1997 Number 1:1-81 Genus-Group Names of Bees and Supplemental Family-Group Names^ By Charles D. Michener Division of Enkvnologi/, Natural History Miisfuin The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Acknowledgments 2 GENUS-GROUP NAMES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LIST OF FAMILY-GROUP NAMES 52 LITERATURE CITED 63 ADDENDUM 81 MCZ LIBRARY Qcn LO 1 7 1997 HARVARD UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT This paper includes an alphabetical list of generic and subgeneric names that have been proposed for bees, with bibliographic references and indications of type species. Synonymies are not indicated, but the major group (family, subfamily, tribe or sometimes merely "fossil") is indicated for each. Synonymies will be indicated in a future account of world bees. New nomenclatural details include the following: Apis thoracica Fabricius designated as type species oi Melandrena Perez; Paracella new subgenus of Megachile, with M. seuiivenusta Cockerell as type species, for Paracella Pasteels, a name proposed without designation of a type species; Callistochlora new name for Callochlora Moure, 1964, not Packard, 1864; Gyrodromella new name for Gyrodroma Thomson, 1872, not Klug, 1807; and Litlntrgiis Berthold, 1827, given preference over the French vernacular Lithiirge Latreille, 1825. The list of family-group names in bees is corrected and up-dated. Key zvords: Apoidea; Generic and Family names; Type species. ' Contribution Number 3167 from the Snow Entomological Division Natural History Museum, and Department of Entomology, The University of Kansas © Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas ISSN No. 1094-0782 vSciENTiFic Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas INTRODUCTION The last list of genus-group names of bees was that of Sandhouse (1943). Since that time many new taxa have been described; there were about 977 entries in her list, compared with about 2057 herein. It is of some interest to examine the entire list from the viewpoint of production of genus-group names or actual entries in the list, includ- ing nomina nuda and the like. From the initiation of Lin- naean nomenclature until the end of 18th Century, five generic names were proposed for bees, Andrena, Apis, Eucera, Hylaeus, and Nomada. But for the first decade of the next century, 1800 to 1809, there are 66 entries. The result of a tabulation by decade, from 1800 to the present, is shown in Table 1. In a reevaluation in preparation, I expect to recognize about 867 genera and subgenera. Melittologists are sometimes criticized for the exten- sive use of subgenera, because species-groups, named in- formally with species names, could be used instead of sub- genera. Such a procedure would avoid burdening the lit- erature with numerous subgeneric names with their asso- ciated formalities such as type species, problems of hom- onymy, etc. Such a criticism is justified for certain groups of bees, especially in certain regions of the world. I believe strongly, however, that large genera are com- monly practical and desirable. Nearly all biologists have some idea of what is meant by generic names like Droso- philn, Cidex, and Anopheles, and many would recognize major bee genera like Aiidreun or MegachUe. If the subgen- era of each of these were elevated to generic rank, the av- erage biologist would often lose track of the sort of organ- ism involved. For many large genera with hundreds or thousands of species, the choice is not between recogniz- ing the genus with subgenera vs. the genus with species groups. It is between recognizing the genus with subgen- era vs. several or many genera, because many of the cur- rent subgenera are quite different from one another, some- times recognizable in flight, and many specialists prefer to recognize them as genera. I prefer to retain inclusive genera, for the reason indicated above. These decisions, however, are subjective regardless of one's views on sys- tematic methodology. Some recent bee specialists have used generic names in much the same way that I would use tribal names. More, however, split "excessively," Robertson (1918b) being one of the first to be overtly and purposely a "splitter." One of the advantages of subgenera is that they need not be cited, i.e., unlike genera, which are required, they Table 1. 3enus-group names proposed for bees, by decade. Decade Number of names Decade Number of names 1800-09 66 1900-09 232 1810-19 11 1910-19 115 1820-29 26 1920-29 92 1830-39 16 1930-39 153 1840-49 24 1940-49 150 1850-59 48 1950-59 167 1860-69 25 1960-69 281 1870-79 39 1970-79 141 1880-89 46 1980-89 210 1890-90 125 1990-96* 82 *Note that this covers only the period 1990-1996. are optional parts of scientific names of organisms. Thus MegachUe (Eiitricharaea) rotundata can also be written MegachUe rotundata. Anyone who wishes can simply ig- nore subgeneric names. It is fortunate that much of the activity of excessive splitters can therefore be ignored by those who wish to do so; this is more difficult when the taxa are called genera. The section on family-group names is a supplement to an earlier account (Michener, 1986a) that dealt with the authorship and dating of names proposed from the subtribal to superfamily level. This section is limited to new names, proposed since 1986, and corrections relating to older names. Abbreviations used are as follows: Code = Interna- tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature; Commission = International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. Acknowledgments I am especially indebted to Virginia H. Ashlock for painstaking and long continued library and editing work associated with preparation of this paper. Mary H. Michener helped in tabulating and checking information. I am also indebted to Luisa Ruz and Arturo Roig-Alsina who called my attention to certain usages of family-group names. Michael S. Engel and Donald B. Baker have exam- ined the manuscript and corrected certain errors. This paper is a product of National Science Foundation grant DEB 9302186. GENUS-GROUP NAMES In this section, genus-group names are listed with au- thors, dates, and pages of publication, thus references to the Literature Cited. The type species and manner of des- ignation of each are then indicated, including the biblio- graphic references in all cases of subsequent designation. Of course I have tried to list the earliest such type desig- nation in each case; later type designations, sometimes not distinguishable from mere listing of the type species, have no nomenclatural significance and may have been missed or ignored. If a name was originally proposed as a subge- nus, the genus under which it was placed is indicated in square brackets. Finally, for convenience of users, the cur- Genus-Group Names of Bees rent tribe, subfamily, or faniily name is provided (in bold- face type) for each entry, following the classification put forward by Roig-Alsina and Michener (1993) and Alexander and Michener (1995). I have cited the names of type species in their original combinations. This means that I have ignored the complexities that could have been cited when an author, in designating a type species, placed it in a genus different from the original one or cited an erroneous author. This policy is generally in accord with the Code, ed. 3, Art. 67d, f. Of course there have been errors, especially probable printers' errors, from time to time. For example, Westwood (1840a) published Caelioxys instead of Coelioxi/s. Except when such errors have been repeated or have nomencla- tural significance, I have not listed them. Also, nomina nuda that have not been recognized as relating to a par- ticular taxon are omitted. I follow Sandhouse (1943) in using the term monoba- sic to indicate that there was only one originally included species, and autobasic to mean that a replacement name automatically has the same type species as its antecedent, usually preoccupied, name. When a genus is monobasic and in the original publication the single species was also designated as the type species, I use only the expression "by original designation," since the positive action by the author of the name seems more significant than the mere fact that there was but one originally included species. Sandhouse (1943) used the term isogenotypic for taxa having the same type species. Since genotype is no longer used to mean the type species of a genus, I have changed the term to isotypic. When two generic names are isotypic, they are objectively synonynious. Isotypic by synonymy, however, means that the taxa are the same only by syn- onymy of their type species, which is usually subjective. The synonymy of such generic names therefore may de- pend on the accuracy of the synonymy of the type species. Sandhouse repeatedly cited "Blanchard, 1849" as a source of type designations. Thanks to Cowan, 1976 (see Blanchard, 1845-1849), we now know that the parts of this work (Cuvier's Disciples' edition) on bees were published in 1845, 1846, and 1847. When 1 first examined it, I con- cluded that this work did not contain type designations although a single species was listed for each genus in the explanations of the plates. However, as pointed out to me by Dr. D. B. Baker, the title page contains in small type, the notation "accompagne de planches gravees, representant les types de tous les genres,...." Thus, types were desig- nated, but as of the date of publication of the title pages, 1849. 1 indicate the year of publication of the plates in parentheses. The authors' names attached to species in Blanchard's explanations of plates are commonly wrong; as elsewhere, I have ignored such errors and cited the cor- rect authors. Another source of confusion has been two articles published in 1807 in Illiger's Magazin fiir Insekteiikunde. The first (Illiger, 1807) shows no author either in the table of contents of the volume or in the text itself, an indication that it was written by Illiger. The second (Klug, 1807b) is attributed to Klug in both places. The two articles were published simultaneously; page 199 of the first article is on the same leaf as page 200 of the second. Some of the same generic names were proposed in both articles. All of them have been attributed in the past to Klug, and Illiger's article in most cases credits Klug with such names. Given that publication was simultaneous, I have adjusted the references to retain Klug's authorship, in different ways in different cases because of differing treatments in the two articles concerned. Westwood (1840a) listed a typical British species for each genus. These have been taken as type designations, in accordance with Opinion 71 of the Commission (1922). Westwood listed synonymous generic names in his ac- counts of many genera, often with the notation "p." for "part." It seems clear that he was merely listing synonyms and that his type designations did not apply to these syn- onymous names. Mehely's monumental work (1935) on palearctic Hylaeus included descriptions of various subgenera. When monobasic, such subgenera are valid, but those including more than one species are invalid because of his failure to designate a type species, a requirement after 1930 (Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 13b). Popov (1939) rectified the sih.iation by designating type species as needed, except for certain of Mehely's subgenera which he (and subsequent authors) regarded as junior synonyms. Popov's format included a heading for a subgenus, followed by a list of synonyms, descriptive material, and then a statement of the type spe- cies. It is clear that his intention was to designate a type species for the subgenus indicated in the heading. Sandhouse (1943), however, considered that same species to be the type of each of the synonymized names, result- ing in the same type species for more than one of Mehely's subgenera. Popov's paper cannot be read to justify this; he did not designate type species for Mehely's names that he considered synonyms. Sandhouse herself could be in- terpreted to have designated type species for the junior synonyms, although such types would not be species in- cluded under those names by Mehely. Thus, for example. Imperfecta Sandhouse, 1943, would have as type species Hylaeus brevicornis Nylander (a species of Dentigera); it would not be the same as Imperfecta Mehely, and there- fore, not being accompanied by a description or relevant bibliographic reference, would be a nomen nudum. More- over, Sandhouse's type designations do not validate these subgeneric names, since she considered these names to be junior synonyms and they were not adopted as the names of taxa before 1961 (Code, 3rd ed.. Art. lie). They thus remain invalid. The names involved are Aiiricularia, Imperfecta, Pectinata, Pseudobranchiata, and Trichota. All this has no effect whatever on the current nomenclature and I have included these names below only as proposed by Mehely, not as attributed to Popov or Sandhouse. Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Abda Sandhouse, 1943:521, replacement for Anthedon Robertson, 1900. Type species: Melissodes compta Cresson, 1878, autobasic. See Anthedonia. Eucerini. Abromelissa Snelling and Brooks, 1985:23. Type species: Mel- issa lendliana Friese, 1910, by original designation. Ericrocidini. Abrupta Mehely, 1935:32, 137. Type species: Hylaeus coniufus Curtis. 1831. monobasic. Sandhouse ( 1943) attributed Abnipta to Popov (1939). perhaps because Mehely. while including only one species, listed another specific name as a synonym. She may thus have considered that Mehely included two spe- cies without designating a type. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Acalcaripes Pesenko, 1984:347. Type species: Halictus patellatiis Morawitz. 1873, by original designation. [HalictusJ. Halictini. Acamptopoeum Cockerell, 1905a:320. Type species: Camptopoeum trifasciatum Spinola, 1851, sensu Cockerell, 1905a = Camptopoeum submetallicum Spinola, 1851, monobasic. Because ofCockerelFs misidentification, the type species was designated as Camptopoeum submetallicum Spinola. 1851. by Commission Opinion 1759 (1994). Panurginae. Acanthalictus Cockerell, 1924a: 184. Type species: Halictus dyboMskii Radoszkowski, 1877, by original designation. Halictini. Acanthidiiim Michener and Griswold, 1994a:305. Type species: Acanthidium batrae Michener and Griswold, 1994 = Dianthidium flavoclypeatum Gupta, 1993, by original desig- nation. Anthidiini. Acatitbomelecta Lieftinck, 1972:316. Type species: Crocisa bicuspis Stadelmann, 1898, by original designation. Meiectini. Acanthonomada Schwarz, 1966:383. Type species: Nomada odontophora Kohl, 1905, by original designation. Nomadini. Acanthopus Klug, 1807, in Illiger, 1807:199; Klug, 1807b:226. Type species: Apis splendida Fabricius, 1793 -Apispalmata Olivier, 1789, monobasic. Acanthopus is consistently attrib- uted to Klug in the literature. It was published in two con- secutive articles in the same journal and thus simultaneously; the first was by Illiger, who, however, attributed the name to Klug; the second was by Klug. Dalla Torre ( 1 896) listed both references under the species but attributed the generic name to Klug, and may therefore be regarded as the first reviser, and to have decided the question as to authorship of Acanthopus. Ericrocidini. Acanthosmia Thomson, 1872:233; no species. Species first in- cluded by Schmiedeknecht, 1885:21. Type species: Osmia montivaga Morawitz, 1872, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:522. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Acanthosmiades Titus. 1904b: 101, incorrect subsequent spell- ing of Acanthosmioides Ashmead, 1899. Osmiini. Acanthosmioides Ashmead, 1899a:76. Type species: Osmia odonlogaster Cockerell, 1897, by original designation. Osmiini. Acentron Mitchell, 1 934:307. Type species: Megachile albitarsis Cresson, 1872, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megacliilini. Aceratosmia Schmiedeknecht, 1885:19. Type species: Osmia emarginata Lepeletier. 1841, by designation of Sandhouse, 1939:9. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Aciandrena Warncke. 1968:62. Type species: Andremi aciculata Morawitz. 1886, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Ackmonopsis Brooks, 1988:508. Type species: Anihophora mimadvena Cockerell, 1916, by original designation. [Amegilla). Antliopliorini. Acritocentris Snelling, 1974:36. Type species: Centris ruthannae Snelling, 1966, by original designation. [Centris]. Centridini. Acrocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973: 71. Type species: Coelioxys otomita Cresson, 1 878, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Acrosmia Michener, 1947:298. Type species: Hoplitis plagiostoma Michener, 1947, by original designation. [Hoplitis]. Osmiini. Acro.xylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:236. Type species: Xyiocopa capitata Smith. 1854, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Acunomia Cockerell, 1930, in Cockerell and Blair, 1930: 1 1 . Type species: Nomia nortoni Cresson, 1868. by original designa- tion. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Adanthidium Moure, 1965:29. Type species: Anthidium texanum Cresson, 1878, by original designation. Antliidiini. Addendella Mitchell, 1 980:24. Type species: Megachile addenda Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Adventoribombus Skorikov, 1922a:25. Type species: Apis sylvarum Linnaeus, 1 76 1 , by designation of Yarrow, 1971:28. Agrabombus [sic J adventor Skorikov, 1914 = B. filclmerae Vogt, 1908, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:522, was not originally included. [Agrobombus]. Isotypic with Thoracobombus. Bombini. Aeganopria Moure, 1949a:442. Type species: Lonchopria nivosa Vachal, 1909, by original designation. Colletinae. Aenandrena Warncke, 1968:64. Type species: Andrena aeneiventris Morawitz, 1872, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Aethammobates Baker, 1 994: 1 55. Type species: Aethammobates prionogaster Baker, 1994, by original designation. Ammobatoidini. Aethechlora Moure and Hurd, 1987:275. Type species: Augochloru matucanensis Cockerell, 1914, by original des- ignation. [Augochlora]. Augochlorini. Aframegilla Popov, 1 950b:260. Type species: Anthophora nubica Lepeletier. 1841, by original designation. [Amegilla]. Anthophorini. Afranihidium Michener. 1948a:24. Type species: Hypanthidium ludophilum Cockerell. 1936 = Anthidium reicherti Brauns, 1929, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Genus-Group Names of Bees Afrodialictiis Pauly, 1984b: 142. Type species: Halictus heUulus Vachal. 1909. by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Haiictini. Afrodufourea Ebmer, 1984:362. Type species: Dufoitrea pimica Ebmer, 1976, by original designation. [Dufourea]. Rophitinae. Afroheriades Peters, 1970:157. Type species: Pseudoheriades primus Peters, 1970, by original designation. [Pseudoheriades]. Osmiini. Afroinelecla Lieftinck, 1972:309. Type species: Crocisa fulvoliirta Cameron, 1905, by original designation. Melectinl. Afronomia Pauly, 1990:126. Type species: Nomia picardi Gribodo, 1894, by original designation. Nomiinae. Afrostelis Cockerell, 1931b:340. Type species: Afrostelis tegularis Cockerell, by original designation. Anthidiini. Afwxylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:264. Type species: Apis nigrita Fabricius, 1775. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Agaesischia Moure and Michener, 1955b:273. Type species: Eucera patellicomis Ducke, 1910, by original designation. [Gaesischia]. Eucerini. Agandrena Wamcke. 1968:56. Type species: Apis agilissiina Scopoli, 1770. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Agapanthiints LaBerge, 1957:35. Type species: Melissodes callophila Cockerell, 1923. by original designation. Eucerini. Agapostemon Guerin-Meneville. 1844:448. Type species: Apis femoralis Guerin-Meneville. 1844 = Apis viridula Fabricius. 1793, monobasic. [Andrena]. Haiictini. Agapostemoiwides Roberts and Brooks, 1987:364. Type species: Agapostemonoides liiirdi Roberts and Brooks, 1987. by origi- nal designation. Haiictini. Agatheitcera Sitdikov and Pesenko. 1988:87. Type species: Eucera bidentata Perez, 1887, by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Agemmonia Michener, 1 98 1 :26. Type species: Nomia tsavoensis Strand, 1920, by original designation. Meganomiinae. Aglaa Schulz, 1906:258. Unjustified emendation of A glae Lepeletier and Serville, 1825. Euglossini. Aglae Lepeletier and Serville. 1825:105. Type species: Aglae cacriilca Lepeletier and Serville, 1825, monobasic. Euglossini. Aglaoapis Cameron, 1901b:262. Type species: Aglaoapis brevipennis Cameron, 1901, monobasic. Dioxyini. Aglaomelissa Snelling and Brooks. 1985:25. Type species: Me- lissa diickei Friese. 1906. by original designation. Ericrocidini. Agogenoliylaeus Michener, 1965a: 148. Type species: Prosopis nul?ili>sellus Cockerell. 1910. by original designation. [Amphylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Agrihombus Skorikov, 1938a: 145. unjustified emendation of Agrobombus Vogt, 1911. Bombini. Agrobombus Vogt, 1911 :52. Type species: Apis agrorum Fabri- cius, 1787 (not Schrank, 1781 ) = Apis pascuorwn (Scopoli), 1763, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:523. [Bombus]. Bombini. Alayoapis Michener, 1966a:728. Type species: Megacilissa nigrescens Cresson, 1869, by original designation. [Caupolicana]. Caupolicanini. Albocolletes Warncke. 1978:353. Type species: Halictus albomaculatus Lucas, 1849, by original designation. [Colletes]. CoIIetinae. Alcidamea Cresson. 1 864:385. Type species: Alcidamea producta Cresson. 1864. by designation of Michener. 1941:158. Isotypic with Aiitoclielostoma by synonymy. Osmiini. Alepidosceles Moure. 1947b:244. Type species: Ancyloscelis imitatrix Schrottky. 1909. by original designation. Emphorini. Alfkenella Bomer. 1919: 168. Type species: Apis quadrifasciala Villers. 1789. by original designation. Isotypic W\Xh Amegilla. Anthophorini. Alfkenomia Hirashima. 1956:33. replacement for Epinomia Alfken. 1 939. Type species: Nomia andrenoides Vachal. 1 903 = Nomia a it d re i Vachal, 1897, autobasic. Nomiinae. Alfkenylaeus Snelling, 1985:13. Type species: Hylaeus namaquensis Cockerell, 1942, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. AUanihidium Moure, 1 947a:2 1 . Type species: Anthidium rodolfi Ruiz, 1938, by original designation. Anthidiini. AllochalicodomaTka\cu, 1969:359. Type species: Chalicodoma lefebvrei Lepeletier. 1841. by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Isotypic with Heteromegachile. Megachilini. Allocoelioxys Tkalcu. 1974a:340. Type species: Coelioxys afra Lepeletier. 1841. by original designation. Isotypic with Coelioxita. Megachilini. AUodapa Schulz. 1906:244. unjustified emendation of A//o<^ape Lepeletier and Serville, 1825. Allodapini. Allodape Lepeletier and Serville, 1825:18. Type species: Allodape rufogastra Lepeletier and Serville, 1825, monoba- sic. Allodapini. AUodapula Cockerell, 1934c:220. Type species: Allodape variegata Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Allodape]. Allodapini. Allodapulodes Michener. 1969:291. Type species: Allodape palliceps Friese. 1924. by original designation. [AUodapula]. Allodapini. Allodioxys Popov. 1947:87. Type species: Dioxys schulthessi Popov. 1936. by original designation. Dioxyini. Allomacrotera Timberlake. 1960:131. Type species: Perdita stephanomeriae Timberlake. 1954. by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Allomegachile Rebmann. 1970:42. Type species: Megachile asiatica Morawitz, 1875. by original designation. [Megachile]. Isotypic with Euchalicodoma. Megachilini. Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas AUoperdita Viereck, 1917:241. Type species: Perdita novaeangliae Viereck, 1907, monobasic. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Allopsitliynis Popov. 193 la: 136. Type species: Apis harhuteUa Kirby, 1802. by original designation. [Psithyrus]. Bombini. Alloscirtetica Holmberg, 1909a:77, replacement for Sciretetica Holmberg. 1903. Type species: Scirtetica antarctico Holmberg. 1903, autobasic. Isotypic with Holinbergiapis and Neoscirtetica. Eucerini. Allosmia Tkalcu, I974a:331. Type species: Osmia rufohirta Latreille, 181 1, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Alloxylocopa Maa. 1939:155. Type species: Xylocopa appendiculata Smith, 1852, by original designation. Nomen nudum because no characters given; see the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 13(a)(i). [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Alloxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:239. Type species: Xylocopa appendiculata Smith, 1852, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Alocandreua Michener, 1986c:68. Type species: Alocandrena porteri Michener, 1986, by original designation. Andreninae. Alphaneiira Gray, 1832:pl. 1 1 1, alternative for Aphaneura Gray. Type species: Aphaneura rufescens Gray, autobasic. Meliponini. Alpigenihomhus Skorikov. 1938a: 145, unjustified emendation of Alpigenobombits Skorikov, 1914. Bombini. Alpigenobombus Skorikov, 1914a: 128. Type species: Alpigenobombus pulcherhmus Skorikov, 1914 = Bombus kashmirensis Friese, 1909, by designation of Williams, 1991:65. Bombus alpigenus Morawitz, designated as the type species by Prison, 1927:54, was not an originally included species; see Williams, 1991. [Bombus]. Bombini. Alpinibombus Skorikov, 1937:53, unjustified emendation of Alpinohombus Skox'\ko\, 1914. Bombini. Alpinobombus Skorikov, 1914a: 122. Type species: Apis alpimis Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Prison, 1927:66. [Bombus]. Bombini. Alpinodufourea Ebmer, 1984:360. Type species: Dufourea alpina Morawitz, 1865, by original designation. [Dufourea]. Rophitinae. Amalthea Rafinesque, 1815:123. unjustified replacement for Trigona Jurine. Type species; Apis amalthea Olivier, 1789, autobasic and by absolute tautonomy. Meliponini. Amblyapis Cockerell, 1910b:362. Type species: Halictoides ilicifolioe Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. [Halictoides]. Dasypodinae. Amblys Klug, 1807, in Illiger, 1807:198; Klug, 1807b:226. Type species: Apis bicomis Linnaeus, 1758 = Apis rufa Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Latreille, 1811:577. Monobasic in Illiger, 1807; Klug, 1807b was published simultaneously and listed two species. Isotypic with Osmia and Ceratosmia; isotypic with Pachyosmia by synonymy. Osmiini. Amblyspatulariella Pittioni. 1950:80. Type species: Prosopis sulphuripes Gribodo, 1894, by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Amegachile Friese, 1909a:326. Type species: Megachile sjoestedti Friese, 1901 = Megachile bituberculata Ritsema, 1880, by designation of Cockerell, 1931c;167. Mitchell's (1934:298) designation of Megachile nasicomis Friese, 1903, as the type species is subsequent and therefore invalid. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Amegilla Friese, 1 897a: 1 8, 24. Type species: Apis quadrifasciata Villers, 1789, by designation of Cockerell, 1931e:277. [Podalirius]. Isotypic W\Xh Alfkenella. Anthophorini. Ammobates Latreille, 1809:169. Type species: Ammobates rufiventris Latreille, 1809, by designation of Latreille, 1 8 1 0:439. Ammobates bicolor Lepeletier and Serville, 1825, designated by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 127 (1846), was not origi- nally included. Ammobatini. Awi/^oiiflro/V/c^ Radoszkowski, 1868:82, not Schenck, 1869. Type species: Phileremus abdominalis Eversmann, 1852, by des- ignation of Sandhouse, 1943:525. Isotypic with Phiarus and Paidia. Ammobatoidini. Ammobatoides Schenck, 1869:349, not Radoszkowski, 1868. Type species: Ammobates bicolor Lepeletier and Serville, 1825 = Epeolus punctatus Fabricius, 1804, monobasic. Not replaced because synonym of Ammobates. Isotypic with Phileremus by synonymy. Ammobatini. Amphipedia Michener and Moure, 1957:413. Type species: Tetrapedia haeckeli Friese. 1910, by original designation. [Paratetrapedia]. Tapinotaspidini. Amphylaeus Micfxcncr. 1965a: 147, 149. Type species: Prosopis morosa Smith, 1879, by original designation. Hylaeinae. AnacoUetes Michener. 1965a:59. Type species; Lamprocolletes bimaculatus Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Analastoroides Rayment, 1 950:20. Type species: Analasteroides foveata Rayment, 1950, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Ananthidiellum Pasteels, 1969a:49. Type species: Anthidium anale Friese, 1914, by original designation. [Anthidiellum]. Anthidiini. Ananthidium Urban, 1991:73. Type species: Anthidium inerme Friese, 1908, by original designation. Anthidiini. Anchandrena LaBerge, 1986:496. Type species: Andrena angustella Cockerell, 1936, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Auchirhiza Michener. 1965a: 147. Type species: Palaeorhiza mandibularis Michener, 1965, by original designation. [Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Ancyla Lepeletier, 1841:294. Type species: Ancyla oraniensis Lepeletier, 1841, monobasic. Isotypic with Plistotrichia by synonymy. Ancylini. Ancylandrena Cockerell, 1930d:5. Type species: Andrena heterodoxa Cockerell, 1930, not Perez, 1903 =A. atoposoma Cockerell, 1934, monobasic. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Ancylocopa Maa, 1954: 198. Type species: Xylocopa nitidiventris Smith, 1878, by original designation. [Proxylocopa]. Xylocopini. Genus-Group Names of Bees Ancylosceles Haliday, 1836:320, unjustified emendation of Ancyloscelis Latreille, 1829. Emphorini. Ancyloscelis Berthold, 1827:466, nomen nudum. Latinization of Anc\7o5ce/f Latreille. 1825:463. Emphorini. Ancyloscelis Latreille, 1829:355, no included species: Haliday, 1836:320, one included species. Type species: Ancylosceles (sic) iirsinus Haliday, 1836. first included species. Blanchard, 1849:pl. 128 (1847), designated Ancyloscelis brasiliensis Blanchard, 1847, as type species but it was not the first in- cluded species. Emphorini. Ancyloscelus Berthold, 1827:565, nomen nudum. Emphorini. Ancyiosoma Dalla Torre, 1896:206. This name appeared in the synonymy of Xylocopa hrasilianonim (Linnaeus), as ''Apis (Ancyiosoma) Brasilianoriim Blanchard. ...1849...." The Blanchard reference is to pi. 128 ( 1847), where Ancyiosoma does not appear. Blanchard. however, did propose Ancyloscelis brasiliensis for a probable tapinotaspine bee on the plate and figure numbers listed by Dalla Torre. Evidently Dalla Torre erred in genus and species names, and in placing the refer- ence among genuine Xylocopa references. The species name Apis (Ancyiosoma) brasilianorum Blanchard refers to no spe- cies; Ancyiosoma Dalla Torre appeared only in synonymy under Xylocopa. associated with a nonexistent species, and therefore also is not available for use. [Apis]. Not available. Andinaugochlora Eickwort. 1969:407. Type species: Andinaugochlora micheneri Eickwort, 1 969, by original des- ignation. Augochlorini. Anrf/neta Ashmead, 1899a:71, incorrect subsequent spelling for Audinetia Lepeletier, 1841. Xylocopini. Andrena Fabricius, 1775:376. Type species: Apis helvola Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Viereck, 1912:613. Apis c(;ieran'fl Linnaeus, 1758, designated by Latreille, 1810:439; Apis niiida Fourcroy, 1785, designated by Curtis, 1826:pl. 129; and Andrena fiinebris Panzer. 1 798 = Apis albopunctata Rossi, 1792, designated by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 125 (1847) were not originally included species. Andreninae. Andrenella Hedicke, 1933:210. Type species: Melitta minutula Kirby, 1802, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Andrenopsis Cockerell, 1905a:363. Type species: Amirenopsis flavorufus Cockerell, 1905, monobasic. Colletinae. Androgynella Cockerell, 1911c:313. Type species: Megachile detersa Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. Megachilini. Andronicus Cresson, 1864:384. Type species: Andronicus cylindricus Cresson. 1864 (not Osmia cylindrica Giraud. 1857) = Osmia spoliata Provancher, 1888, monobasic. Osmiini. Anepicharis Moure, 1 945b:302. Type species: Epicharis dejeanii Lepeletier, 1841, by original designation. Centridini. Angochlora Schrottky, 1901:213, incorrect subsequent spelling (repeated) ior Angochlora Smith, 1853. Augochlorini. Angochloropsis Schrottky. 1901:213, incorrect subsequent spell- ing for Augochloropsis Cockerell, 1897. [Angochlora]. Augochlorini. Anhylaeiis Heider, 1 926: 1 84. unjustified emendation of Anylaeus Bridwell, 1919. Hylaeinae. Annosmia Wamcke. 1991b:307. Type species: Osmia annulata Latreille, 181 1. by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Anodonteutricharaea Tkalcu, 1993b:807. Type species: Megachile larochei Tkalcu, 1993 = Megachile lanigera Alfken, 1933. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Anodontobomhiis Kriiger, 1917:61. Type species: Apis hypnorum Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Williams. 1991:69. A sec- tional name treated as a genus-group name in view of the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 10(e). [Bombus]. Isotypic with Pyrobombus, Uncobombus. and Hypnorobombus. Bombini. Anoediscelis Toro and Moldenke. 1979:131. Type species: Oediscelis herhsti Friese, 1906, by original designation. Xeromelissinae. Anomalohesma Exley, 1977:39. Type species: Brachyhesma scapata Exley, 1977. by original designation. [Brachyhesma]. Euryglossinae. Anthedon Robertson, 1900:53, not Agassiz, 1846. Type species: Melissodes compta Cresson, 1 878, monobasic. SttAbda and Anthedonia. Eucerini. Anthedonia Michener, 1942:282, replacement for Anthedon Robertson, 1900. Type species: Melissodes compta Cresson, 1878, autobasic. Eucerini. AnthemoessaKobtvl&on, 1905:372, not Agassiz, 1 846. Type spe- cies: Anthophora abrupta Say. 1837, by original designation. See Melea. Anthophorini. Anthemois Roh&nson, 1903a: 168, 172. Type species: Megac/ij/e infragilis Cresson, 1 878 =Apis centuncularis Linnaeus, 1758, by original designation. Isotypic with Megachile by syn- onymy. Megachilini. Anthemitrgus Robertson, 1 902b:32 1 . Type species: Anthemurgus passiflorae Robertson. 1902. monobasic. Panurginae. Anthidianum Michener. 1948a: 13, replacement for Trichanthidinm Moure. 1947. Type species: Anthidiiim subpetiolatum Schrottky, 1910, autobasic. [Allanthidium]. Anthidiini. Anthidiellum Cockerell, 1904c:3. Type species: Trachusa strigata Panzer, 1805, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Isotypic with Cerianthidium. Anthidiini. Anthidioma Pasteels, 1984:34. Type species: Anthidioma chalicodomoides Pasteels, 1984, by original designation. Anthidiini. Anthidium Fabricius, 1804:364. Type species: Apis manicata Linnaeus. 1758, by designation of Latreille. 1810:439. Anthidiini. Anthidulum Michener. 1948a: 19. Type species: Dianthidium currant Schwarz, 1933, by original designation. [Dianthidium]. Anthidiini. Anthocharessa Gistel, 1850:82, unjustified replacement for Andrena Fabricius, 1775. Type species: Apis helvola Linnaeus, 1758, autobasic. Andreninae. 8 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Anthocopa Lepeletier and Serville, 1 825:3 14. Type species: Apis papaveris Latreille, 1799, monobasic. Isotypic with Phylloloma and Furcosmia. Osmiini. Anthodioctes Holmberg, 1887b:36. Nomen nudum. Anthidiini. Anthodioctes Holmberg, 1903:435. Type species: Anthodioctes megachiloides Holmberg, 1903, by designation of Cockerell, 1927b:2. A. dasygasthmis Holmberg, 1903, designated as type species by Isensee, 1927:375, was not an originally included species name and is not a published name so far as known. Anthidiini. Anthoglossa Smith. 1 853: 16. Type species: Anthoglossa phimata Smith, 1 853, monobasic. Colletinae. Anthomegilla Marikovskaya, 1976:688. Type species: Anthophoni arctica Morawitz, 1 883. by original designation. Anthophorini. Anthophora Latreille, 1803:167, replacement for Podaliriiis Latreille, 1802. Type species: Apis pilipes Fabricius, 1775 = Apis pliimipes Pallas, 1 772, designated by Commission Opin- ion 151 (1944). Apis retusa Linnaeus, 1758, designated as type species by Curtis. 1831:pl. 357, is not an originally in- cluded species. Anthophorini. Anthophorisca Michener and Moure, 1957:433, Type species: Melissodes pygmaea Cresson, 1872, by original designation. [Exomalopsis]. Exomalopsini. Anthophorites Heer, 1850:97. Type species: Anthophorites inellona Heer. 1850, designated by Cockerell. 1909d:315. Fossil. Anthophoroides Cockerell and Cockerell, 1901:48. Type spe- cies: Podalirius valloriim Cockerell, 1896, by original desig- nation. Anthophorini. Anthophorula Cockerell. 1 897d:44. Type species: Anthophorula compactida Cockerell, 1897, monobasic. Exomalopsini. Anthrena Illiger. 1801:127, unjustified emendation oi' Aiuhrna Fabricius, 1775. Andreninae. Anthrenoides Ducke, 1907:368. Type species: Anthrenoides alfkeni Ducke, 1907 = Protandrena meridionalis Schrottky. 1906. monobasic. Panurginae. Anylaeiis Bridwell, 1919: 129. Type species: Nothylaeus aberrans Bridwell. 1919. by original designation. [Nothylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Aparatrigona Moure. 195Ia:60. Type species: Melipona impunctata Ducke. 1916, by original designation. [Paratrigona]. Meliponini. Apathus Newman, 1834:404 footnote, unjustified replacement for Psithynis Lepeletier. 1832. Type species: Apis nipestris Fabricius. 1793. autobasic. Bombini. Apeulaema Moure, 1950b: 184. Type species; Eulaema fasciata Lepeletier. 1841 = Centris cingidata¥abr\c'ms. 1 804. by origi- nal designation. [Eulaema]. Euglossini. Aphalictus Cockerell, 1930e:40. Type species: Parasphecodes brihiensis Cockerell. 1916. by original designation. [Parasphecodes]. Halictini. Aplumeiira Gray. 1832:575. Type species: Aphaneiira nifescens Gray. 1 832. monotypic. SeeAlphaneiira Gray, and Michener, 1995. Meliponini. Aphelonomada Snelling. 1986:9. Type species: Noinada cruruiis Moure. 1960. by original designation. [Hypochrotaenia]. Nomadini. Apiauthidiiim Pasteels. 1969a:41. Type species: Anthidium apifonne Meade-Waldo, 1914. by original designation. Anthidiini. Apiaria Germar. 1 839:2 10. Type species: Apiaria dubia Germar, 1839. monobasic. Fossil. Apiants Rafinesque. 1815: 123, unjustified replacement for Apis Linnaeus. 1 758. Type species: /4/j/.?/»e//(/era Linnaeus, 1758. autobasic. Apini. Apicula Rafinesque. 1814:27. unjustified replacement for Apis Linnaeus. 1 758. Type species: Apis mellifera Linnaeus. 1 758, autobasic. Apini. Apis Linnaeus, 1758:343, 574. Type species: Apis mellifica Linnaeus, 1761 = A. mellifera Linnaeus, 1758, by designa- tion of Latreille, 1810:439. Apini. ApistaSmxXh, 1861:148, not Hiibner, 1816. Type species: y4pwM opalina Smith. 1 86 1 . monobasic. See Egapista. Dissoglottini. Apomelissodes LaBerge. 1956:1 175. Type species: Melissodes fimbriata Cresson. 1878. by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Aporandrena Lanham. 1949:201. Type species: Andrena coactipostica Viereck. 1917, by original designation. [Andrena], Andreninae. Apotrigona Moure, 1961:233. Type species: Trigona nebulata Smith, 1854. by original designation. Meliponini. Apoxylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:226. Type species: Xylocopa litgubris Gerstaecker. 1857. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Archeriades Peters. 1978a:337. Type species: Eriades laiTcitiis Friese, 1909, by original designation. Osmiini. Archiandrena LaBerge. 1986:482. Type species: Andrena banksi Malloch. 1917. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Archianthidium Mavromoustakis, 1939:91. Type species: Anthidium laticeps Morawitz, 1873. by original designation. Anthidiini. Archihalictiis Pauly. 1984b: 132. Type species: Halictits jojfrei Benoist, 1962, by original designation. Halictini. Archimegachile Alfken, 1933:56. Type species: Megachile flavipes Spinola, 1838, by original designation. [Megachile j. Megachilini. Arctosmia Schmiedeknecht. 1885:21. Type species: Megachile villosa Schenck, 1853 (not Apis villosa Fabricius. 1775) = Osmia plar\cera Gerstaecker, 1869, monobasic. [Osmia]. Isotypic with Lithosmia. Osmiini. Ardenthidium Pasteels, 1969a: 103. Type species: Anthidium ardens Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Genus-Group Names of Bees Argalictiis Pesenko. 1984:348. Type species: Hylaeus senilis Eversmann. 1852. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Argohesma Exley, 1969:528. Type species: Argohesma eremica Exiey, 1969, by original designation. Euryglossinae. Argyropile Mitchell. 1934:308. Type species: Megachile parallcia Smith. 1853. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Argyroselenis Robertson, 1903c:284. Type species: Triepeolus minimus Robertson. 1902. by original designation. Epeolini. Arhysocehle Moure, 1948:335. Type species: Arhysuceble xanthopoda Moure, 1948, by original designation. Tapinotaspidini. Arhysosage Brethes, 1922:121. Type species: Arhysosage johnsoni Brethes, 1922 - Camptopoeitm ochraceum Friese, 1908, monobasic. Isotypic with Riiiziella and Ruziapis by synonymy. Panurginae. Ariphanarthm Moure, 195 lb: 137. Type species: Ariphanarthra palpalis Moure, 195 1 . by original designation. Augochlorini. Arogochila Michener. 1939:58. Type species: Ashmeadiella tiniberlakei Michener. 1936. by original designation. [Ashmeadiella]. Osniiini. Asaropoda Cockerell. 1926b:216. Type species: Saropoda bomhiformis Smith, 1854, by original designation. Anthophorini. Ascirteticu Moure and Michener, 1955b:260. Type species: Eiicera herbsti Friese, 1906, by original designation. [Alloscirtetica]. Eucerini. Ashmeadiella Cockerell, 1897c: 197. Type species: Heriades opiintiae Cockerell, 1897, by original designation. Osmiini. Ashtonipsithyrus Frison, 1927:69. Type species: Apathus ashtoni Cresson. 1 864, by original designation. [Psithyrus]. Bombini. Asianthidium Popov, 1950a:315. Type species: Anthidium glasunovi Morawitz. 1894. by original designation. [Meganthidium]. Anthidiini. Aspidosnua Brauns. 1926:208. Type species: Osmia arnoldi Brauns, 1926. monobasic. [Osmia^j. Osmiini. Astewnomada Broemeling. 1988:336. Type species: Nomada additcta Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Nomada]. Nomadini. Atopeucera Tkalcu, 1984b:71. Type species: Eiicera seminuda Brulle. 1832. by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Atoposmia Cockerell, 1935a:50. Type species: Osmia thodonta Cockerell. 1935. monobasic. [Osmia]. Osniiini. Atrocinctohf ambus] Skorikov. 1933b:244. nomen nudum. Bombini. Atmdufourea Ebmer. 1984:360. Type species: Rophites atrata Warncke. 1979. by original designation. [Dufourea]. Rophitinae. Atronomioides Pesenko. 1983:186. Type species: Ceylalictus warnckei Pesenko. 1983. by original designation. [Ceylalictus]. Nomioidinae. Atropium Pasteels. 1984:132. Type species: Megachile airopos Smith. 1853. by original designation. Anthidiini. Atrosamba Michener. 198 1 :65. Type species: Haplomelitta atra Michener. 1981. by original designation. [Haplomelitta]. Dasypodinae. Audineta Ashmead. 1 899a:97, incorrect subsequent spelling for Audinetia Lepeletier. 1 84 1 . Xylocopini. Audinetia Lepeletier. 1 84 1 :203. Type species: Apis latipes Drury, 1773, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:529. [Xylocopa], Isotypic with Platynopoda. Xylocopini. Augandrena LaBerge, 1986:557. Type species: Andrena plumiscopa Timberlake, 1951, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Augochlora Smith. 1853:73. Type species: Halictus punts Say, 1837, designated by Cockerell, 1923b:448. Augochlorini. Augochlorella Sandhouse, 1937:66. Type species: Augochlora gratiosa Smith, 1853, by original designation. Augochlorini. Augochlorodes Moure, 1958:53. Type species: Augocblorodes turrifaciens Moure. 1958, by original designation. Augochlorini. Augochloropsis Cockerell. 1 897b:4. Type species: Augochlora subignita Cockerell. 1897 = Augochlora ignila Smith. 1861, by original designation. Augochlora spinolae Cockerell. 1900, designated by Schrottky. 1909b:481. was not originally in- cluded. [Augochlora]. Augochlorini. Auricularia Mehely, 1935:41, 147. Invalid because no type spe- cies was designated. Sandhouse"s (1943:529) view that Popov ( 1939) designated a type species and thus validated the name is incorrect. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Ausanthidium Pasteels. 1969a:60. Type species: Anthidiellum ausense Mavromoustakis. 1934, by original designation. Anthidiini. Australictus Michener. 1965a: 165. Type species: Halictus peraustralis Cockerell. 1904. by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Austrandrena Cockerell. 1906c:37. Type species: Andrena modesta Smith. 1 879. by original designation. [Protandrena]. Panurginae. Austrevylaeus Michener, 1965a: 170. Type species: Halictus sordidus Smith, 1853, by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Austrochile Michener, 1965a:202. Type species: Megachile resinifera Meade-Waldo, 1915, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Aiistrodioxys Cockerell. 1916a:432. Type species: Austrodioxys thomasi Cockerell, 1916 = Caenoprosopis crabronina Holmberg, 1887, monobasic. Isotypic with Caenoprosopis by synonymy. Caenoprosopidini. Austromegachile Mitchell, 1943:666. Type species: Megachile moittezuma Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Austronomia Michener, 1965a: 156. Type species; Nomia australica Smith, 1875. by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. 10 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Austropanurgus Tom, 1980:209. Type species: Austropanurgus punctatus ToTO. 1980, monobasic. Panurginae. Austropeponapis Hurd and Linsley, 1970:21. Type species: Tetralonia melonis Friese, 1925, by original designation. [Peponapis]. Eucerini. Austroplebeia Moure, 1961:195. Type species: Trigona cassiae Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. Meliponini. Austrosphecodes Michener, 1978b:327. Type species: Sphecodes chiknsis Spinola, 1 85 1 . by original designation. [Sphecodes], Halictini. Austrostelis Michener and Griswold, 1994b:676. Type species: Stelis aliena Cockerell, 1919, by original designation. [Hoplostelis]. Anthidiini. Autochelostoma Sladen, 1916a:270. Type species: Autochelostoma canadensis Sladen, 1916 = Alcidamea producta Cresson, 1 864, monobasic. Isotypic vj'nh Alcidamea by synonymy. Osmiini. Avandrena Wamcke, 1968:31. Type species: Andrena avara Warncke, 1967, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Avpanurgus Warncke, 1972:70. Type species: Panurgus flavofasciatus Warncke, 1972, by original designation. [Panurgus]. Panurginae. Axestotrigona Moure, 1961:237. Type species: Melipona ferniginea Lepeletier, 1836, by original designation. Meliponini. Axillanthidium Pasteels, 1969a:39. Type species: Axillanthidium axiUare Pasteels, 1969 = Anthidium diicale Morawitz, 1876, by original designation. Antiiidiini. Aztecanthidium Michener and Ordway, 1964:70. Type species: Aztecanthidium xochipillium Michener and Ordway, 1964, by original designation. Anthidiini. Baana Sandhouse, 1943:530, replacement for Ctenopoda Ma, 1938. Type ?,^tc\e:^:Apisfenestmta Fabricius, 1798, autobasic and by original designation. Xylocopini. Baeocolletes Michener, 1965a:70. Type species: Leioproctiis calcaratus Michener. 1965, by original designation. [Leioproctus], Colletinae. Barbata Mehely, 1935:32, 138, not Humphrey, 1797. Type spe- cies: Prosopis friesei M^tn, 1904, monobasic. [Prosopis]. See Mehelya and Mehelyana. Hylaeinae. Bathanthidium Mavromoustakis, 1953:837. Type species: Dianthidium bifoveolatum Alfken, 1937, by original desig- nation. [Dianthidium]. Antiiidiini. Bekilia Benoist, 1962:220. Type species: Bekilia mimetica Benoist, 1962, by original designation. Osmiini? Belandrena Ribble, 1968b:221. Type species: Andrena nemophilae Ribble, 1968, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Bellanthidiiini Pasteels, 1969a:38. Type species: Anthidium infuscatum Erichson, 1835, by original designation. Anthidiini. Belopria Moure, 1956:305. Type species: Belopria zonata Moure, 1956, by original designation. Colletinae. Benanthis Pasteels, 1969a:61. Type species: Anthidium madagascariensis Benoist. 1963, by original designation. Antiiidiini. Berna Friese, 1911c:668. Type species: Bema africana Friese, 1911 (combination as though Berna were a genus) = Megachile africanibia Strand. 1912. monobasic. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Betheliella Cockerell, 1924b: 169. Type species: Betheliella calocharti CockereW, 1924, monobasic. Rophitinae. Biareolina Dours, 1873:288. Type species: Andrena neglecta Dours, 1873 = Andrena lagopus Latreille, 1809, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:530. Andreninae. Biastes Panzer, 1806:239. Type species: Tiphia brevicornis Panzer, 1798, monobasic. Isotypic with Rhineta by synonymy. Biastini. Biastoides Schenck, 1873:252. Type species: Pasites punctatus Schenck, 1870 = Phileremus emarginatus Schenck, 1853, monobasic. Biastini. Bicolletes Friese. 1908b:341 (p. 11 in reprint). Type species: Bicolletes neotropica Friese, 1908, by designation of Cockerell, 1915:342. Colletinae. Bicornelia Friese, 1899a:239. Type species: Bicornelia serrata Friese, 1899, monobasic. Dissoglottini. Biglossa Friese, 1906c:374. Type species: Biglossa thoracica Friese, 1906, by designation of Cockerell, 1914:328. Colletinae. Biglossidia Moure, 1948:313. Type species: Biglossa chalybaea Friese, 1906, by original designation. Colletinae. Biluna Ma, 1938:276. Type species: Xylocopa nasalis Westwood. 1842, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Binghamiella Cockerell, 1907c:235. Type species: Sphecodes antipodes Smith, 1853. monobasic. Colletinae. Birkmania Viereck, 1909:50. Type species: Birkmania andrenoides Viereck, 1909 = Panurginus polytrichus Cockerell, 1909, by original designation. Panurginae. Bluethgenia Pesenko, 1986a: 136. Type species: Halictus dynastes Bingham, 1898, by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Bombias Robertson, 1903a: 176. Type species: Bombias auricomus Robertson, 1903 = B. nevadensis auricomus (Robertson), by original designation. Isotypic with Boopobombus. Bombini. Bomboixylocopa Maa, 1939:155. Type species: Xylocopa bomboides Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Bombomelecta Patton, 1879b:370. Type species: Melecta thoracica Cresson, 1876, monobasic. Melectini Genus-Group Names of Bees 11 Bomhus Latreille. 1802a:437. Type species: Apis terreslris Linnaeus, 1 758, monobasic. A subsequent designation is Apis inuscorum Linnaeus, 1758, by Westwood. 1840a:86; it was not an originally included species. Isotypic with Bremus Jurine, Bremus Panzer, Leucobombus. and Terrestribomhiis. Bombini. Bombusoides Motschulsky. 1856:28. Type species: Bowbiisoides inengei Motschulsky, 1856. monobasic. Fossil. Boopobombtis Prison, 1927:62. Type species: Bombias aiiricomits Robertson, 1903 = B. nevadensis auricomus (Robertson), by designation of Williams, 1994:339. A sec- tional name that, according to the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 10(e), must be treated as a subgenus. Isotypic with Bombias. [Bombus], Bombini. Boreocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973:37. Type species: Coelioxys rufitarsus Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Boieopsis Ikudome, 1991 :790. Type species: Hylaeus macilentus Ikudome, 1989, by original designation. [HylaeusJ. Hylaeinae. Bothraiiiliiditim Moure, I947a:23. Type species: Bothranthidiitm Iciiiroi Moure, 1947. by original designation. Anthidiini. Brachyandrena Pittioni, 1948:54. Type species: Andrena colletifoniiis Morawitz, 1874, by original designation. [Andrena.] Andreninae. Brachycephalapis Viereck, 1909:47. Type species: Melitta califomica Viereck, 1909, by original designation. Melittinae. Brachycephalibombits Williams, 1985:247. Type species: Bombus brachycepludus Handlirsch. 1888, by original des- ignation. [Bombus]. Bombini. Biachyglossa Friese. 1922a:577, not Boisduval, 1829. Type spe- cies: Brachyglossa rufocaerulea Friese, 1922, monobasic. See Brachyglossula. Colletinae. Brachyglossula Hedicke, 1922:427, replacement for Brachyglossa Friese, 1922. Type species: Brachyglossa riifocaeridea Friese, 1922, autobasic. Colletinae. Brachyhesma Michener, 1965a: 1 12. Type species: Euryglossina siiiphurella Cockerell, 1913, by original designation. Euryglossinae. Brachymelecta Linsley, 1939a:458. Type species: Melecta miicida Cresson, 1879, by original designation. Meiectini. Brachymelissodes LaBerge, 1956:926. Type species: Eucera cressonii Dalla Torre, 1896, by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Brachymmiada Holmberg, I886b:233. 239. 272. Type species: Brachynomada urgeiitina Holmberg, 1886, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:531. Brachynomadini. Brachyspatiilarietta Pittioni, 1950:79. Type species: Spatulariella helemie Pittioni, 1950, by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Branthidiiim Pasteels, I969a:88. Type species: Antliidiwu hraitnsi Friese, 1904, by original designation. Anthidiini. BrasUagapostemon Moure and Sakagami, 1984:4. Type species: Pseudagapostemon fluminensis SchroUky, 191 1, monobasic. [Pseudagapostemon|. Halictini. Braunsapis Michener, 1969:290. Type species: Allodape facialis Gerstaecher. 1857, by original designation. [Allodape]. Allodapini. Bremus Jurine, 1 80 1 : 1 64. Type species: Apis terrestris Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Morice and Durrant, 1915:428. In- validated by Commission Opinion 135, 1939. Isotypic with Bremus Panzer, Bombus, Leucobombus, and Terrestribombus. Bombini. Bremus Panzer, 1 804a: 1 9. Type species: Apis terrestris Linnaeus, 1758. by designation of Benson, Ferriere and Richards, 1937:93. Sandhouse's ( 1943) subsequent designation oiApis agrorum Fabricius, 1787, as the type species is invalid. Panzer (1804a, dated 1801 by Benson, Ferriere and Richards) did not include A/?/'.v terrestris. but he did include Bremus faciatus Panzer. Because Benson, Ferriere and Richards list that name as a synonym of Apis terrestris. the latter was available for designation as type species of Bremus Panzer [see the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 69(a)(v)l. I follow Sandhouse ( 1943) in the dat- ing of Bremus Panzer; the real date of publication could have been from 1 801 to 1 804. Isotypic with Bombus. Bremus Jurine, Leucobombus, and Terrestribombus. Bombini. Bremus Kirby, 1837:272 footnote, not Panzer, 1804. Type spe- cies: Apis rupestris Fabricius, 1793, by designation of Milliron, 1961:59. Not replaced because a junior synonym of Psith\rus. Isotypic with Psithyrus. Bombini. Brevineura Michener, 1965a:224. Type species: Exoneura concinnula Cockerell, 1913, by original designation. [Exoneura]. Allodapini. Bythandretia Lanham, 1 950: 1 40, replacement for Cryptandrena Lanham, 1949. Type species: Amlremi carlini Cockerell, 1901 , autobasic. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Bytinskia Mavromoustakis, 1954:269. Type species: Bytinskia erythrogastra Mavromoustakis, 1954, by original designa- tion. Osmiini. Cacosoma Smith, 1879:39, not Felder, 1874. Type species: Cacosoma (//.sYr;/(*r Smith, 1 879, by original designation. See Neocorymira. Augochlorini. Cadeguala Reed, 1892:234. Type species: Colletes chilensis Spinola, 1851 = Colletes occidentalis Ha\ida.y. 1836, by des- ignation of Sandhouse, 1943:532. Diphaglossinae. Cadegualina Michener, 1986b: 187. Type species: Bicornelia andina Friese, 1925, by original designation. Diphaglossinae. Caenaugochlora Michener, 1954:76. Type species: Caencmgochlora macswaini Michener, 1 954. by original des- ignation. Augochlorini. Caenohalictus Cameron, I903a:23l. Type species: Caenohalictus trichiothalmus Cameron, 1903, monobasic. Halictini. Caenonomada k?hmtad, 1 899a:68. Type species: Caemmomada fen(H<'r; Ashmead, 1899, by original designation. Isotypic with Chacoana by synonymy. Tapinotaspidini. 12 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Caenoprosopina Roig-Alsina, 1987:312. Type species: Caenoprosopina holmbergi Roig-Alsina. 1987, by original designation. Caenoprosopidini. Caenoprosopis Holmberg, 1886b:235, no included species; 1887a:22, one included species. Type species: Caenoprosopis crabroniim Holmberg. 1887. first included species. Isotypic with Aiistrodioxys by synonymy. Caenoprosopidini. Caerulosmia Zanden, 1988:123, nomen nudum. Caerulosmia Zanden 1989:83. Type species: Osmia gallanim Spinola, 1808, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Caesarea Friese, 191 Id: 142. Type species: Ammobates depressa Friese, 1911, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:532. [Ammobates]. Ammobatini. Calchalictits Wamcke. 1975b:99. Type species: Apis caheata Scopoli, 1763. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Caliendra Gistel 1848:viii, unjustified replacement for Chrysantheda Perty. 1 833. Type species: Chnsantheda niiida Perty, 1^33= Apis dentaia Linnaeus. 1758, autobasic. Isotypic with Exaerete by synonymy. Euglossini. Callalictiis Michener, 1965a: 170. Type species: Parasphecodes tooloomensis Cockerell. 1929, by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Callandreiui Cockerell, 1898b: 186. Type species: Pamirgus manifestus Fox, 1894, monobasic. Andreninae. Callanthidium Cockerell, 1925a:365. Type species: Antliidiiini illustre Cresson. 1879, by original designation. Anthidiini. Calleupetersia Cockerell, 1938:329. Type species: Halictus lasureus Friese, 1910, by original designation. Halictini. CaUimelissodes LaBerge, 1961:294. Type species: Melissodes lupina Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Callinomada Rodeck, 1945: 181. Type species: Nomada antonita Cockerell. 1909, by original designation. [Nomada]. Nomadini. Calliopsima Shinn. 1967:834. Type species: Calliopsis rozeni Shinn. 1967, by original designation. [Calliopsis]. Panurginae. Calliopsis Smith, 1853:128. Type species: Calliopsis andreniformis Smith, 1853, by designation of Ashmead, 1899a: 85. Panurginae. Callistochlora Michener. new name, replacement for Callochlora Moure. 1964b:269. not Packard, 1864. Type spe- cies: Halictus chloris Spinola. 1851, autobasic. When in- formed of the homonymy. Padre J. S. Moure suggested the name here proposed but asked that I publish it. Augochlorini. Callobombus Dalla Torre, 1896:503, unjustified emendation of Kallobombus Dalla Torre. 1880. [Bombus], Bombini. Calloceratina Cockerell, 1924d:77. Type species: Ceraiina amabilis Cockerell, 1897 = C. exima Smith. 1862, by origi- nal designation. [Ceratina]. Ceratinini. Callochile Michener, 1962:27. Type species: Megachile ustulatiformis Cockerell, 1910 = Apis mystacea Fabricius, 1775, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Callochlora Moure, 1964b:269. not Packard. 1864. Type spe- cies: Halictus chloris Spinola. 1 85 1 , by original designation. See Callistochlora. Augochlorini. Callocolletes Michener, 1965a:80. Type species: Trichocolletes pulcherrimus Michener. 1965, by original designation. [Trichocolletes]. Colletinae. Ccdlohesma Michener, 1965a:95. Type species: Euryglossa calliopsifonnis Cockerell, 1905, by original designation. [Euryglossa]. Euryglossinae. Callomacrotera Timberlake, 1954:413. Type species: Perdita ;««nY//)M Timberlake. 1954, by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Callomegachile Michener, 1 962:2 1 . Type species: Chalicodoma mystaceana Michener. 1962. by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Callomelecta Cockerell. 1926c:621 . Type species: Callomelecta pendlchuryi Cockerell, 1926, by original designation. Melectini. Callomelitta Smith, 1853:85. Type species: Callomelitta picta Smith, 1853. monobasic. Colletinae. Callonychium Brethes, 1922:120. Type species: Callonychium argentinum Brethes, 1922, monobasic. Panurginae. Calloprosopis Snelling. 1985:27. Type species: Hylaeus magnificus Cockerell, 1942, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Callorhiza Hirashima, 1989:2. Type species: Prosopis apicatus Smith. 1863, by original designation. [PalaeorhizaJ. Hylaeinae. Callosphecodes Friese. 1909b: 182. Type species: Sphecodes ralunensis Friese. 1909, monobasic. [Sphecodes]. Halictini. Calloxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:142. Type species: Xylocopa tenuata Smith. 1874. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopinl. Calohoplitis TkaXcu, 1995:129. Type species: Osmia laboriosa Smith, 1878, by original designation. [Hoplitis], Osmiini. Calomelissa Hirashima and LaBerge, 1963, in Hirashima, 1963:241 . Type species: Andrena prostomias Perez, 1 805, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Calospiloma Brethes, 1909b:68 footnote. Type species: Epeolus viperinus Holmberg. 1 886. by original designation. Isotypic with Palinepeolus: isotypic with Isepeolus by synonymy. Isepeolini Calyptapis Cockerell. 1906a:41. Type species: Calyptapis florissantensis Cockerell, 1906, monobasic. Fossil. Camargoia Moure. 1989a:72. Type species: Camargoia camargoi Moure, 1989, by original designation. Meliponini. Campanularia Mehely, 1935:157. not Lamarck, 1816. Invalid because no type species was designated; also homonym. [Prosopis]. See Paraprosopis. Hylaeinae. Camptopaeum Spinola, 1851:192. unjustified emendation of Camptopoeum Spinola. 1843. Panurginae. Camptopoeum Spinola, 1843:139. Type species: Prosopis fron- talis Fabricius, 1804, by original designation. Panurginae. Genus-Group Names of Bees 13 Campyloi^aster DouTS. 1873:286. Type species: Campylogaster fulvo-cntstatus Dours, 1873 = Audrena erheri Morawitz, 1871. designated by Sandhouse, 1943:534. Andreninae. Caiiephoni Fnese. 1908b:94.not Hiibner, 1 822, replacement for Corhiciila Friese, 1908. Type species: Corhicula apifonyns Friese, 1908. autobasic. See Caiiephonilci. Eucerini. Canephontki Jorgensen. 1909:212. replacement for Canephora Friese. 1908. Type species: Corbicula apiformis Friese, 1908, autobasic. Eucerini. Capanthidium Pasteels, 1969a:85. Type species: Anthidium "capicole Friese," lapsus for capicola Brauns, 1 905, by origi- nal designation. Antliidiini. Capicola Friese. 191 la:672. Type species: Capicola braimsiana Friese, 1911, monobasic. Dasypodinae. CapicoloidesMidncntv. 1981:83. Type species: Capicola aliciae Cockerel], 1932, by original designation. [Capicola]. Dasypodinae. Caposmia Peters, 1984:378. Type species: Osiuia brauiisi Pe- ters, 1984, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Carandrena Warncke, 1968:94. Type species: Audrena aeriuifrons Dours, 1873, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Caiwithophora Brooks, 1988:470. Type species: Autlwphora diifoiiiii Lepeletier, 1841, by original designation. [Anthophora]. Anthophorini. Carimmtludium Pasteels. 1969a:42. Type species: Megachile cariniveiitris Friese, 1904, by original designation. Anthidiini. Carinapis Stage. 1981. in Michener, 1981:98. Type species: Hesperapis carinata Stevens, 1919, by original designation. [Hesperapis], Dasypodinae. Carinella Pasteels. 1965:447. not Johnston, 1833. Type species: Megachile tonida Smith. 1853, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. See Cannula. Megachilini. Carinellitm Pasteels, 1969a:80. Type species: Anthidium ochrognathum Alfken. 1932, by original designation. [Pseudoanthidium]. Anthidiini. Carinowphites Warncke. 1979:136. Type species: Dufourea rufiventris Friese. 1898. by original designation. [Rophites]. Rophitinae. Cannula Michener, McGinley, and Danforth, 1 994: 1 74, replace- ment for Carinella Pasteels. 1965. Type species: Megachile torrida Smith, 1853, autobasic. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Carloticola Moure and Urban. 1990:90. Type species: Dianthidium paraguayense Schrottky. 1908, by original des- ignation. Anthidiini. Catoceratina Vecht. 1952:30. Type species: Ceratina perforatrix Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Ceratina]. Ceratinini. Caupolicana Spinola, 1 85 1 :2 1 2. Type species: Caupolicana gayi Spinola, 1851, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:534. Caupoiicanini. Caupolicania Schulz. 1906:238, unjustified emendation of Caupolicana Spinola, 1851. Caupoiicanini. Caupolicanoides Michener, 1966a:725. Type species: Caupolicana pubescens Smith. 1879. by original designation. Caupoiicanini. Ceblurgus Urban and Moure. 1993: 102. Type species: Ceblurgus longipalpis Urban and Moure, 1993, by original designation. Rophitinae. Celetandrena LaBerge and Hurd, 1965:188. Type species: Andrena vinnula LaBerge and Hurd, 1965, by original desig- nation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Celetrigona Moure, 1950a:246. Type species: Trigona longicornis Friese. 1903, by original designation. [Hypotrigona]. Meliponini. Cellaria Friese, 1913a:575, not Ellis and Solander, 1786. Type species: Nomioides arnoldi Friese, 1913 = Nomioides somalica Magretti, 1899, monobasic. [Nomioides]. See Cellariella. Nomioidinae. Cellariella Strand. 1926:53. replacement for Cellaria Friese, 1913. Type species: Nomioides arnoldi Friese. 1913 = Nomioides somalica Magretti. 1899, autobasic. [Nomioides]. Nomioidinae. Cemolobus Robertson, 1902b:324. Type species: Xenoglossa ipomoeae Robertson, 1 89 1 , by original designation. Eucerini. Centrias Robertson, 1903d: 174, 176. Type species: Nomada erigeronis Robertson, 1897, by original designation. Nomadini. Centris Fabricius, 1 804:354. Type species: Apis haemorrhoidalis Fabricius, 1775, designation by Commission Opinion 567 (1959). The designation o^ Apis dimidiata Fabricius, 1793, a euglossine bee, by Blanchard, 1 840:405, and the designation of Apis hiriipes Fabricius, 1793 =Apis rustica Olivier, 1789, by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 128 bis (1846), are invalidated. Isotypic with Hemisia. Centridini. Centrosmia Robertson. 1903a: 165. 166. Type species: Osmia bucepliala Cresson. 1864, by original designation. Osmiini. Cephalapis Cockerel], 1910e:23. Type species: Chelostoma jacintanum Cockerel], 1910, monobasic. [Chelostoma]. Osmiini. Cephalictoides Cockerel], 1 924c:244. Type species: Halictoides paradoxus Morawitz. 1867. by original designation. [Halictoides]. Rophitinae. Cephalocolletes Michener. 1989:656. Type species: Biglossa laticeps Friese. 1906. by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Cephalosmia Sladen, 1916a:270. Type species: Osmia armaticeps Cresson, 1 878 = Osmia montana Cresson, 1 864, monobasic. Osmiini. Cephalotrigona Schwarz, 1940:10. Type species: Trigona capitata Smith. 1854. by original designation. [Trigona]. IVleliponini. Cephalurgus Moure and Lucas de Oliveira, 1962:2. Type spe- cies: Cephalurgus anomalus Moure and Lucas de Oliveira, 1962, by original designation. Panurginae. 14 SciENTinc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Cephalylaeus Michener, 1942:273. Type species: Prosopis basa- lts Smith. 1853. by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Cephen Robertson, 1903d: 174, 176. Type species: Nomada texaiui Cresson, 1872, by original designation. Nomadini. Cephylaeus Moure, 1972:280. Type species: Hylaeus larocai Moure, 1972, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Cemheriades Tkalcu.l984a:5. Type species: Archeriades petersi Tkalcu, 1984, by original designation. [Archeriades]. Osmiini. Ceraplastes Gistel, 1848:x, unjustified replacement for Stelis Panzer, 1806. Type species: Apis aterrima Panzer, 1798, not Christ. 1791 = Apis pimctidatissima Kirby, 1802, autobasic. Isotypic with Gyiuniis. Stelis. Trachusa iurine. and Gyrodroma Klug. Anthidiini. Ceratalictiis Moure, 1943b:463. Type species: Oxystoglossa tlieia Schrottky, 191 1, by original designation. Augochlorini. Ceraiias Robertson, 1 903a: 1 72, not Kroyer, 1 845. Type species: Megachile pugnatiis Say, 1837, by original designation. See Sayapis. Isotypic with Gnatliocera by synonymy. Megachilini. Ceratina Latreille, 1 802b:380. Type species: Hylaeus albilabris Fabricius, 1793 = Apis cucurbitina Rossi, 1792, monobasic. Westwood, 1840a:85, designated /4/j;'.yrofn(; Cockerell, 1901 = Augochlora brisels Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Corynura]. See Corynuroides. Augochlorini. Corythochlla Michener, 1939:74. Type species: Ashmeadiella inyoensis Michener. 1939, by original designation. [Ashmeadiella]. Osniiini. Crawfordapis Moure, 1964a:448. Type species; Megacilissa luctuosa Smith. 1861, by original designation. [Zikanapis]. Caupolicanini. Creightonella Cockerell, 1908b: 146. Type species: Megachile mitlmia Cockerell, 1908 = Megachile cognata Smith, 1853, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Creightonlella Pasteels, 1965:10, error for Creightonella Cockerell, 1908. Megachilini. Cremnandrena LaBerge, 1986:554. Type species: Andrena anisochlora Cockerell, 1936, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Cressoniella Mitchell, 1934:307. Type species: Megachile "zapoteka Cresson" = M. zapoteca Cresson, 1878, by origi- nal designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Crewella Cockerell, 1903b:202. Type species: Ceratiiui titusi Cockerell, 1903, by original designation. [Ceratina]. Ceratinini. Crinoglossa Friese, 1925b:502. Type species: Crinoglossa natalensis Friese, 1925, monobasic. Nomiinae. Crocisa Jurine, 1801:164. Type species: Nomada scutellata Jurine, 1801 - Melecta histrlonica Illiger, 1806, by designa- tion of Morice and Durrant, 1915:423. Invalidated by Com- mission Opinion 135 (1939). Melectini. Crocisa Jurine, 1807:239. Type species: Nomada hisirio Fabri- cius, 1775, by designation of Latreille, 1810:439. Nomada scutellarls Fabricius. 1781, was designated by Michener, 1 965a:2 1 8. Crocisa ramosa Lepeletier, 1 84 1 , was designated as type species by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 128 (1847) but was not originally included. Melectini. Crac/.«i.s7;/W(c; Ashmead, 1899a:68. Type species; Crocisaspidia clumdleri Ashmead, 1899, by original designation. Nomiinae. Crocissa Panzer, 1806:263. Type species: Nomada scutellarls Fabricius, 178l,by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:541. This name was published as a synonym of Thyreus and was cred- ited to Jurine; presumably it was an error for Crocisa. Isotypic with Thyreus. Melectini. Crotchiihombus Franklin, 1954:51. Type species: Bombus crotchii Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Bombus], Bombini. Cryptandrena Pittioni, 1948:49, not Lanham, 1949. Type spe- cies: Andrena ventricosa Dours, 1 873, by original designa- tion. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Cryptandrena Lanham, 1949:222, not Pittioni, 1948. Type spe- cies: Andrena carlini Cockerell, 1901, by original designa- tion. [Andrena]. See Bythandrena. Andreninae. Cryptohalictoides Viereck, 1 904b: 261. Type species; Cryptohalictoides spiniferiis Viereck, 1904, by original des- ignation. Rophitinae. 18 SciENTipyc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Crv7"ti-$'"'a Yasumatsu and Hirashima. 1950:14. Type species; Osmia satoi Yasumatsu and Hirashima, 1950, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Ctenanthidium Urban, 1993:85. Type species: Ctenaiuhidium gracile Urban, 1991, by original designation. Anthidiini. Ctenaugochlora Eickwort. 1969:435. Type species: Neocorynura perpectinata Michener. 1954. by original designation. [Caenaugochlora]. Augochlorini. Ctenioschelus Romand, 1840:336. Type species: Acanthopus gorv'/ Romand. 1840, monobasic. Taschenberg, 1883:78, des- ignated as type species Melissoda hitreillei Lepeletier. 1841 = Acanthopus goni Romand. 1 840. Isotypic with Ischnocera and Melissoda by synonymy. Ericrocidini. Ctenoapis Cameron, 1901a: 1 16. Type species: Ctenoapis lutea Cameron, 1901, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:542. Pararhophitini. Ctenoceratina Daly and Moure, 1988, //; Daly, 1988:12. Type species: Ceratina annata Smith. 1854, by original designa- tion. Ceratinini. Ctenocolletes Cockerell, 1929c: 35 8. Type species: Stenothtus nicholsoni Cockerell. 1929. monobasic. [Stenotritus]. Stenotritidae. Ctenocorynura Schrottky. 1914:628. Type species: Ctenocorynura vernoniae Schrottky. 1914 = Halictiis inflaticeps Ducke, 1906, by original designation. Isotypic with Rhinocorymira by synonymy. Augochlorini. Ctenonomia Cameron, 1903b: 178. Type species: Ctenonomia carinata Cameron, 1903, monobasic. Halictini. Ctenoplectra Kirby. 1826. in Kirby and Spence. 1826:681. no species. Type species: Ctenoplectra chalyhea Smith. 1858. by inclusion and designation of Sandhouse, 1943:542. Isotypic with Ctenoplectra Smith. Ctenoplectrini. Ctenoplectra Smith. 1858:44. Type species: Ctenoplectra chalybea Smith. 1858. monobasic. Homonym and synonym of Ctenoplectra Kirby. 1826. Isotypic with Ctenoplectra Kirby. Ctenoplectrini. Ctenoplectrella Cockerell. 1909d:314; also described as new by Cockerell. 1909e: 19. Type species: Ctenoplectrella viridiceps Cockerell, 1909. monobasic. Fossil. Ctenoplectrina Cockerell. 1930a:360. Type species: Ctenoplectra politula Cockerell, 1930. monobasic. [Ctenoplectra]. Ctenoplectrini. Ctenopoda Ma. 1938:285, not McAtee and Malloch. 1933, Type species: Apisfenestrata Fabricius, 1798. by original designa- tion. [Xylocopa]. See Ctenoxylocopa Michener and Baana Sandhouse. Xylocopini. Ctenosibyne Moure. 1956:311. Type species: Lonchopria cingulata Moure, 1956, by original designation. [Lonchopria]. Colletinae. Ctenosmia Thomson. 1872:233. Type species: Apis adunca Panzer, by designation of Michener. 1941:158. Isotypic with Hoplitis. Osmiini. Ctenoxylocopa Michener. 1942:282, replacement for Ctenopoda Ma, 1938. Type species: Apis fene strata Fabricius, 1798. autobasic. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Cubiandrena Wamcke. 1 968:76. Type species: Andrena ciibiceps Friese, 1914, by onginal designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Cubitalia Friese, 191 Id: 136. Type species: Eiicera breviceps Friese, 1911. monobasic. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Cubitognatha Michener. 1939:81. Type species: Ashmeadiella xenomastax Michener. 1939, by original designation. [Ashmeadiella]. Osmiini. Cidlumanihombus Skorikov. 1938a: 145. unjustified emendation of Cullumanobombits Vogt. 1911. Bombini. Ciilliimanohombiis Wogl. 1911 :57. Type species: Apis cullwmina Kirby. 1802. by designation of Frison, 1927:66. [Bombus]. Bombini. Curtisapis Robertson, 1918a:91. Type species: Halictiis coriaceus Smith, 1853, by original designation. Halictini. Curvinomia Michener, 1944:251. Type species: Nomia californiensis Michener. 1937 = Nomia tetrazonata Cockerell. 1910. by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Ciispidella Pasteels. 1965:544. Type species: Chalicodoma qiiadraticauda Pasteels. 1965. by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Cyaneoderes k%\\mt^.A, 1899a:70. Type species: Cyaneoderes fairchildi Ashmead. 1899 = Bombus coeruleus Fabricius, 1804. by original designation. Xylocopini. Cyanocentris Friese, 1900:244, 251. Type species: Apis versi- color Fahncius. 1775. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:543. [Centris]. Centridini. Cyathocera Smith. 1875:47. Type species: Cyathocera nodicornis Smith. 1875. monobasic. Nomiinae. Cyphanthidium Pasteels. 1969a:57.Type species: Cyphanthidiiun intermedium Pasteels. 1969, by original designation. Anthidiini. Cyphepicharis Moure. 1945b:306. Type species: Cyphepicharis borgmeieri Moure. 1945. by original designation. Centridini. Cyphomelissa Schrottky. 1902a:493. Type species: Cyphomelissa pemigra Schrottky. 1902 = Melissa diabolica Friese, 1900, by original designation. Ericrocidini. Cyphopyga Robertson. 1 903a: 1 69. 1 72. Type species: Megachile montivaga Cresson, 1878. by original designation. Megachilini. Cxphoxylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:283. Type species: Xylocopa ocularis Perez, 1901, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Cvprirophites Warncke. 1979:135. Type species: Dufourea caeruleocephalu cypria Mavromoustakis, 1952, by original designation. [Rophites]. Rophitinae. Cvr/fl/JM Cockerell. 1908c:339. Type species: Cyrtapis anomalus Cockerell, 1908, monobasic. Fossil. Cyrtocoelioxys Mitchell. 1973:106. Type species: Coelioxys costaricensis Cockerell. 1914. by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Cxrtopasites Mavromoustakis. 1963d:753. Type species: Schmiedeknechtia verhoeffi Mavromoustakis. 1959. by origi- nal designation. [Schmiedeknechtia]. Ammobatoidini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 19 Cyrtosmia Michener, 1947:292. Type species: Osmia hypocrita Cockerell, 1906. by original designation. [Hoplitis]. Osmiini. Dactylandrena Viereck, 1924:20. Type species: Andrena maiira Viereck. 1 924 = Andrena caliginosa Viereck. 1 9 1 6, by origi- nal designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Dactylomegachile Mitchell, 1943:670. Type species: Megachile parsonsiae Schrottky. 1914. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Daclylurina Cockerell, 1934b:47. Type species: Trigona stainlingeri Gribodo, 1893, by original designation. Meliponini. Dalloapida Michener, 1975:246. Type species: Allodape dichroa Strand. 1915, by original designation. [Allodapula]. Allodapini. Dasiapis Cockerell, 1903c:450. Type species: Dasiapis ochracea Cockerell, 1903. monobasic. Emphorini. Dasyandrena LaBerge, 1977:71. Type species: Andrena obscuripostica Viereck, 1916, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Dasybombus Labougle and Ayala, 1985:49. Type species: Bombus macgregori Labougle and Ayala, 1985, by original designation. [Bombus]. Bombini. Dasycoelioxys Mitchell, 1973:99. Type species: Coelioxys pergandei Schletterer, 1890, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. DasycoUetes Smith, 1853:14. Type species: DasycoUetes metallicus Smith, 1853, by designation of Cockerell, 1905a:347. Colletinae. Dasyglossa lUiger, 1807, in Klug, 1807b:217 footnote, no valid species names; Klug, 1810:44, included valid species. Type species: Oxaeaflavescens Klug, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:544. Isotypic with Oxaea. Oxaeinae. Dasyhalonia Michener, LaBerge, and Moure, 1955:226. Type species: Tetralonia spiniventris Friese, 1910 = Tetralonia mimeiica Brethes, 1910, by original designation. Eucerini. Dasyhesma Michener. 1965a: 102. Type species: Dasyhesma robiista Michener, 1965, by original designation. Euryglossinae. Dasymegachile Mitchell, 1943:669. Type species: MegachUe saulcyi Guerin, 1845, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megacliilini. Dasyniegilla Brooks, 1988:486. Type species: Apis quadrimacuhaa Panzer. 1798. by original designation. [Anthophora]. Isotypic with Lasius Jurine. Antiiopliorini. Dasyosmia Michener. 1947:294. Type species: Alcidamea biscHtellae Cockerell. 1897, by original designation. [Hoplitis]. Osmiini. Dasypoda Latreille, 1802a:424. Type species: Andrena hirtipes Fabricius, 1793, designated by Blanchard, 1840:414. Me/Zm; swammerdamiella Kirby, 1802, designated as the type spe- cies by Curtis, 1831:367, was not originally included in Dasypoda but is a synonym of Andrena hirtipes Fabricius. Dasypodinae. Dasyscirtetica Michener. LaBerge, and Moure, 1955:218. Type species: Tetralonia gilva Hoimberg, 1884, by original desig- nation. [Alloscirtetica]. Eucerini. Dasystilbe Dressier, 1978:193. Type species: Euglossa villosa Moure, 1968, by original designation. [Euglossa]. Euglossini. Dasyxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:113. Type species: Xylocopa bimaculata Friese, 1903, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Delomegachile Viereck, 1916:745. Type species: MegachUe vidua Smith, 1853 = M. kitimaims Say, 1823, monobasic. [Megachile]. Isotypic with Xanihosarus by synonymy. Megachilini. Deitoptila LaBerge and Michener. 1963:211. Type species: Habropoda moittezumia Smith, 1879, by original designa- tion. Anthophorini. DenticoUetes Noskiewicz, 1936:25, 486. Type species: CoUetes graejfei Miken. 1900, monobasic. [Colletes]. Colletinae. Dentigera Mehely. 1935:45, 151. Invalid because no type spe- cies was designated. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Dentigera Popov, 1939:168. Type species: Hylaeus brevicornis Nylander, 1852, by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Dentirophites Warncke, 1979:130. Type species: Ditfourea gaullei Vachal, 1897, by original designation. [Rophites]. Rophitinae. Deranchanthidiiim Griswold and Michener, 1988:34. Type spe- cies: Dianthidium chaniela Griswold and Michener, 1988, by original designation. [Dianthidium]. Anthidiini. Deranchylaeus Bridwell. 1919:136. Type species: Prosopis ciirvicarinata Cameron, 1905, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Derandrena Ribble, 1968a:333. Type species: Andrena vandykei Cockerell, 1936, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Dermatohesina Michener. 1965a:91. Type species: Euryglossimorpha ubnormis Rayment, 1935, by original des- ignation. [Euryglossa]. Euryglossinae. Derotropis Mitchell, 1936:156. Type species: Megachile pascoensis Mitchell, 1934, by original designation. JMegachile]. Megachilini. Desmotetrapedia Schrottky, 1909d:223. Type species: Tetrapedia niuelleri Friese, 1899, by original designation. Isotypic with Chalepogenus by synonymy. Tapinotaspidini. Diadasia Patton, 1879a:475. Type species: Melissodes enavata Cresson, 1872, by original designation. Emphorini. Diadasiana Michener, 1954:130, incorrect subsequent spelling of Diadasina Moure, 1 950. Emphorini. Diadasiella Ashmead, 1899a:64. Type species: Diadasiella coqidlletti Ashmead, 1 899 = Synhalonia albicans Provancher, 1896, by original designation. Exomalopsini. Diadasina Moure, 1950c:392. Type species: Melitoma paraensis Ducke, 1912, by original designation. Emphorini. 20 SciENxmc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Diagonozus Endeilein, 1903:35. Type species: Diagonozus bicometes Enderlein, 1903, monobasic. Halictini. Dialictiis Robertson. 1 902d:48. Type species: Halictus anomalus Robertson, 1892, by original designation. Halictinae. Dialonia Robertson, 1903b: 104. Type species: Sphecodes antenuariae Robertson, 1891, by original designation. Halictini. Diaiulrena Cockerell, 1903a:75. Type species: Paniirgus chalybaeits Cresson, 1878, by original designation. Andreninae. Dianthidiiim Cockerell. 1900b:412. Type species: Anthidiiim curvatuiu Smith, 1 834, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Diaxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963: 129. Type .species: Xylocopa tnixali Hurd and Moure, 1963. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. D/cera/05/»/(7 Robertson, 1903a:166. 171. Type species: Osmia 4-deutata Cresson, 1878 = Osmia conjimcta Cresson, 1864, by original designation. Osmiini. Dichanthidiiiiu Moure, 1947a:30 (January): also described as new by Moure. 1947b:235 (June). Type species: Dicluiiuhidium exile Moure, 1947, by original designation. Anthidiini. Dichroa Illiger, 1806:46. Type species: Sphex gihba Linnaeus. 1758. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:545. Isotypic with Sphecodes. Halictini. Dicranthidiiim Moure and Urban. 1975:837. Type species: Anthidium aremihum Ducke, 1907, by original designation. Anthidiini. Dicnmiouia Michener and Brooks. 1987:100. Type species: Agemmonici wenzeli Michener and Brooks, 1987, by original designation. [Agemmonia]. Meganomiinae. Dictyohalictiis Michener, 1978a:518. Type species: Halictus retigeriis Cockerell, 1940, by original designation. [Pachyhalictus]. Isotypic with Rugalictiis by synonymy. Halictini. Didoiiia Gribodo, 1894:106. Type species: Didonia piinica Gribodo. 1894 = Andreiui miicida Kriechbaumer, 1873, monobasic. Andreninae. Diepeohis Gribodo, 1894:79. Type species: Epeolus giaiinellii Gribodo, 1894, monobasic. [Epeolus]. Epeolini. Dietinomia Cockerell, 1899a: 14. replacement for Eunotnia Cresson, 1875. Type species: Eiinomia margitiipennis Cresson, 1875 - Nomia kirbii Smith. 1865, autobasic and by designation of Cockerell. 1910f:290. Nomiinae. Digitella Pasteels, 1965:191. Type species: Megachile digiticauda Cockerell, 1937. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Digressobombiis Laverty. Plowright, and Williams. 1984:1051. Type species: Megabambiis digressiis Milliron, 1 962, by origi- nal designation. [Bombusj. Bombini. Dignmoceras Cockerell. 1931c: 134. Type species: Megachile combusta Smith, 1853 =Apiscincta Fabricius. 1771, by origi- nal designation. [Gronoceras]. Megachilini. Dilobopeltis Fairmaire, 1858:266. Type species: Dilobopeltis fiiscipennis Fairmaire, 1858 = Thynniis abdomiiwlis Fabri- cius, 1793, monobasic. Isotypic with Euaspis by synonymy. Anthidiini. Dinagapostemou Moure and Hurd, 1982:46. Type species: Halictus sicheli Vachal, 1901. by original designation. Halictini. Dinavis Pasteels, 1965:549. Type species: Megachile miiansae Friese, 1911. by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Dinomia Hirashima. 1956:29. Type species: Nomia taiwana Hirashima, 1956, by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Diiioxylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:230. Type species: Xylocopa absiirdipes Enderlein. 1903 = Xylocopa io Vachal. 1898, by original designation. [Xylocopa], Xylocopini. Diomulopsis Michener and Moure, 1957:431. Type species: Exomalopsis bicellularis Michener and Moure, 1 957, by origi- nal designation. [Exomalopsis]. Exomalopsini. Dioxoides Popov, 1947:89. Type species: Coelioxys trideutata Nylander. 1848, by original designation. Dioxyini. Dioxys Lepeletier and Serville, 1 825: 1 09. Type species: Trachusa cincta Jurine, 1807, monobasic. Dioxyini. Dipedia Friese. 1906d:92. Type species: Ancvloscelis armatus Smith. 1854. by designation ofLutz and Cockerell, 1920:592. Emphorini. Diphaglossa Spinola, 185 1 : 168. Type species: Diphaglossa gayi Spinola. 1851. monobasic. Diphaglossinae. Diphysis Lepeletier, 1 841 :307. Type species: Diphysis pyreuaica Lepeletier, 1841 -Apis byssina Panzer, 1798. monobasic. Isotypic with Trachusa Panzer and Megachileoides by syn- onymy. Anthidiini. Disparapis Stage. 1981, in Michener. 1981:96. Type species: Hesperapis arenicola Crawford, 1917, by original designa- tion. [Hesperapis]. Dasypodinae. Dissoglotta Moure, 1945a: 144. Type species: Dissoglotta stenoceratina Moure. 1945, by original designation. Dis.soglottini. Distandrcna Warncke, 1968:60. Type species: Andrena hmgibarbis Perez, 1895, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Dithygater Moure and Michener, 1955b:309. Type species: Dithygater seabiai Moure and Michener, 1955, by original designation. Eucerini. Diversibonihus Skorikov, 1938b: I, unjustified emendation of Diversobombus Skorikov, 1914. Bombini. Diversobombus Skorikov, 1914b:406. Type species: Bombus diversusSmnh. 1869. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:546. [Bombus]. Bombini. Dizonamegilla Brooks, 1988:505. Type species: Megilla sesquicincta Erichson and Klug, 1842, by original designa- tion. [Amegilla]. Anthophorini. Doeringiella Holmberg. 1886a: 151: 1886b:233. Type species: Doeringiella bizonata Holmberg, 1 886, monobasic. Epeolini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 21 Dolichochile Viereck. 1909:49. Type species: Doliclioclille melitioulesViereck. 1909, by original designation. Melittinae. Dolichosteiis Parker and Bohart, 1979:138. Type species: Stelis laticiiicta Cresson, 1878. by original designation. Anthidiini. Dolichotrigona Moure, 1950a:248. Type species: Triguna longitarsis Ducke, 1916, by original designation. [Hypotrigona]. Meliponini. Domautludiiim Pasteels, 1969a:95. Type species: Anthidium abdominale Friese, 1904, by original designation. Anthidiini. Doxauthidiiim Pasteels, 1969a:28. Type species: Anthidium parcidoxum Mocsary, 1884, by original designation. Anthidiini. Drepauium Robertson. 1903b: 103. Type species: Sphecodes fcilcifer Patton, 1880 = Sphecodes conferius Say, 1837, by original designation. Halictini. Duckeanthidiiim Moure and Hurd. 1960:2. Type species: Anthidium megachiliforme Ducke, 1907, by original desig- nation. Anthidiini. Duckeola Moure, 1 944a:7 1 . Type species: Trigona huberi Friese, 1901 = Trigona ghilianii Spinola, 1853, by original designa- tion. Meliponini. Diifourea Lepeletier, 1841:227. Type species: Dufourea minuta Lepeletier, 1841. by designation of Richards, 1935:172 and Timberlake, 1939:396. D. vulgaris Schenck, 1859, was not designated by Cockerell, 1924c:244, as stated by Sandhouse ( 1943:547), and was not originally included. Rophitinae. Ebmeria Pesenko, 1 986a: 1 36. Type species: Halictus costulatus Kriechbaumer. 1873. by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Ebmeriana Pagliano and Scaramozzino, 1 990: 1 27, replacement for Micropasites Warncke, 1983. Type species: Ammohates minutissimus Mavromoustakis, autobasic. [Pasites]. Ammobatini. Ecclitodes Roig-Alsina, 1989:9. Type species: Epeolus stuardi Ruiz, 1935, by original designation. Osirini. Echiiuinthidium Pasteels, 1969a: 101. Type species: Anthidium ec/iiiuitum Kiug, 1832, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Echthralictus Perkins and Cheesman, 1928:14. Type species: Halictus extraordinarius Kohl, 1 908, by original designation. Halictini. Ecplectica Holmberg, 1884:123. Type species: Ecplectica tintinnans Holmberg, 1884, monobasic. Eucerini. Edriohylaeus Michener, 1965a: 124. Type species: Hylaeus ofarrelli Michener, 1965, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Edwyiiia Moure, 1951c:195, not Aldrich, 1930. Type species: Pasiphae flavicornis Spinola, 1851, by original designation. See Edwyniana. Colletinae. Edwyniatui Moure. 1 954a: 1 65. replacement for Edwynia Moure, 1951. Type species: Pasiphae flavicornis Spinola. 1851, autobasic. Colletinae. Effactapis Michener. 1977:6. Type species: Ejfactapis furax Michener, 1977, by original designation. Allodapini. Egapista Cockerell, 1904a:357. replacement for Apista Smith, 1861. Type species: Apista opalina Smith. 1861, autobasic. Dissoglottini. Eickwortapis Michener and Poinar, 1997:354. Type species: Eickwortapis dominicana Michener and Poinar. 1997, by original designation. Fossil. Halictinae. Elandrena Lanham, 1 949:203. Type species: Andrena ampUficata Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. [Andrena|. Andreninae. Elaphropoda Lieftinck, 1966:148. Type species: Habropoda impatiens Lieftinck. 1944. by original designation. Anthophorini. Elecolletes Warncke, 1978:330. Type species: CoUetes elegans Noskiewicz. 1936, by original designation. [Colletes]. Colletinae. Electrapis Cockerell, 1908d:326; also described as new by Cockerell, 1909e:7. Type species: Apis melipouoides Buttel- Reepen, 1906, designated by Cockerell, 1909e:8. Fossil. Emphor Patton, 1879a:476. Type species: Melissodes bombiformis Cresson, 1878, by original designation. Emphorini. Emplioropsis Ks\\me:id. 1 899a:60, no included species; Cockerell and Cockerell, 1901:48, included species. Type species: Anthophorafloridana Smith, 1 854 = Bombus laboriosus Fab- ricius, 1804, by designation of Cockerell and Cockerell, 1901:48. Anthophorini. Energoponus Holmberg, 1903:406. Type species: Energoponus strenuus Holmberg, 1903 - Ptilothrix plumatus Smith. 1853, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:547. Isotypic with Ptilothrix by synonymy. Emphorini. Ensliniana Alfken, 1 938:43 1 . Type species: Ensliniana cuspidata Alfken, 1 938 = Stelis bidentata Friese, 1 899, by original des- ignation. Dioxyini. Enteclmia Patton. 1879a:476. Type species: Anthophora taurea Say, 1837, by original designation. Emphorini. Eoanthidiellum Pasteels, I969a:51. Type species: Anthidium elongatum Friese, 1 897 = Anthidium clypeare Morawitz, 1 873, by original designation. [Eoanthidium]. Anthidiini. Eoanthidium Popov, 1950a:316. Type species: Anthidium insulare Morawitz, 1873, by original designation. [Dianthidium]. Anthidiini. Eomelipona Moure, 1992:35. Type species: Melipona marginata Lepeletier, 1836, by original designation. [Melipona]. Meliponini. Eopeponapis Hurd and Linsley, 1970:20. Type species: Xenoglossa utahensis Cockerell. 1905, by original designa- tion. [Peponapis]. Eucerini. Eopsithyrus Popov, 1 93 1 a: 1 34. Type species: Apathus tibetanus Morawitz, 1886, by original designation. fPsithyrus]. Bombini. 22 SciENTinc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Eothrincostoma Bliithgen, 1930:496, 501. Type species: Halictus lorriihis Smith. 1 879. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:548. Halictini. Eoxenoglossa Hurd and Linsley. 1970:34. Type species: Melissodes strenua Cresson, 1 878, by original designation. [Xenoglossa]. Eucerini. Eoxylocopa Sakagami and Yoshikawa, 1 96 1 :4 1 3, nomen nudum. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Epanthidium Moure, 1947a:33. Type species: Hypauthidium tigrinum Schrottky, 1905, by original designation. Anthidiini. Epeicharis Radoszkowski, 1884:18. Type species: Epeichahs mexiccmiis Radoszkowski, 1884, monobasic. See Fiorentinia. Tapinotaspidini. Epeoloides Giraud, 1 863:44. Type species: Epeoloides ainhigmis Giraud, 1863 = Apis coecutiens Fabricius, 1775, monobasic. Osirini. Epeoliis Latreille, 1802a:427. Type species: Apis variegata Linnaeus, 1758, monobasic. Isotypic with Monoepeolus. Epeolini. Epichanma Michener, 1954:144. Type species: Apis rusticu Olivier. 1789. by original designation. [Epicharis]. Centridini. Epicharis Klug, 1807, in llliger, 1807:197, nomen nudum. Centridini. Epicharis Klug, 1807b:226. Type species: Centris unibraculata Fabricius, 1804, by designation of Lutz and Cockerell, 1 920:562. Latreille (1810) listed Apis hirtipes Fabricius, 1 793 as the type species. This was not an originally included spe- cies but is a subjective synonym o^Apis nistica Olivier, 1789, as is Centris dasypoda Klug. 1807, which was originally in- cluded. Moure (1945b, 1960) considered the type to be Apis rustica Olivier, the type species of Epicharana, because Latreille listed a synonym of rustica as the type species of Epicharis, but the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 69(a)(v), makes clear that this reasoning applies only if the author concerned (Latreille) indicated the synonymy, which he did not. Snelling (1984:59) correctly explained the situation. Centridini. Epicharitides Moure, 1945b:311. Type species: Epicharis cockerelli Friese, 1900, by original designation. Centridini. Epicharoides Radoszkowski, 1884:20. Type species: Epicharoides hipiinctatus Radoszkowski, 1884 = Epicharis macidatus Smith, 1874, monobasic. Centridini. Epiclopus Spinola, 1851:183. Type species: Epiclopus gayi Spinola, 1851. monobasic. Ericrocidini. Epicolpiis Ashmead, 1899a:61, lapsus for Epiclopus Spinola, 1851. Ericrocidini. Epihalictoides Cockerell and Porter, 1899:420. Type species: Panurgus marginatus Cresson. 1878. monobasic. [Halictoides]. Rophitinae. Epimacrotera Timberlake, 1954:377. Type species: Perdita ainsliei Crawford, 1932, by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Epimelissodes Ashmead, 1899a:63. Type species: Melissodes atripes Cresson, 1872. by original designation. Eucerini. Epimethea Morawitz. 1876:61. Type species: Epimethea variegata Morawitz, 1876, by designation of Cockerell, 1922c:l. Panurginae. Epimonispractor Holmberg, 1887b:225, nomen nudum. Exomalopsini. Epimonispractor Holmberg, 1903:426. Type species: Epimonispractor gratiosus Holmberg, 1903 = Exomalopsis «;;«fa Spinola, 1853,by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:548. Sandhouse erroneously reported original designation. Exomalopsini. Epinomia Ashmead. 1899a:88. Type species: Nomia persimilis Cockerell, 1898 = A'o«!/fl triangulifera Vachal, 1897, by origi- nal designation. Nomiinae. Epinomia Alfken, 1 939: 1 1 3, not Ashmead, 1 899. Type species: Nomia andrenoides Vachal, 1903 = Nomia andrei Vachal, 1897, by original designation. [Nomia]. See Alfkenomia. Nomiinae. Epixylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:223. Type species: Xylocopa rufitarsis Lepeletier, 1841. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Erandrena LaBerge, 1986:505. Type species: Andrena principalis LaBerge. 1986. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Eremandrena LaBerge, 1964:295. Type species: Pterandrena pallidiscopa Viereck. 1904, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Eremaphanta Popov, 1940:53. Type species: Rhophites vitellinus Morawitz, 1876, by original designation. Dasypodinae. Eremapis Ogloblin, 1956:149. Type species: Eremapis panula Ogloblin, 1956, by original designation. Exomalopsini. Eremopasites Linsley, 1942:131. Type species: Townsendiella californica Michener, 1936, by original designation. [Townsendiella]. Townsendiellini. Eremoplosmia Zanden, 1991:164. Type species: Osmia eremoplana Mavromoustakis, 1949, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Eremosmiu Michener, 1943:66. Type species: Osmia robustida Cockerell, 1935, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Eriades Dalla Torre and Friese. 1895:69, unjustified emenda- tion of Heriades Spinola, 1808. Osmiini. Enc/or/i- Cresson, 1887:131, 134. Type species: Crocisa '.'lata Cresson, 1878, monobasic. Ericrocidini. Eriops Klug, 1807, in llliger, 1807:197; Klug. 1807b:207, 227. Type species: Andrena lohata Panzer, 1 799 = Apis calcarata Scopoli, 1763, monobasic. Isotypic with Panurgus by syn- onymy. Panurginae. Eryops Latreille. 1811:716. unjustified emendation of Eriops Klug, 1807. Panurginae. Enthrandrena Zavortink, 1972:61. Type species: Megandrena mentzeliae Zavortink, 1972, by original designation. [Megandrena]. Andreninae. Genus-Group Names of Bees 23 Erythronomioides Pesenko. 1 983: 1 76. Type species: Nomioides socotraniis Bliithgen. 1925, by original designation. [Nomioides]. Nomioidinae. Enthrosmia Schmiedeknecht. 1885:20. Type species: Osmia andrenoides Spinola. 1808. by designation of Cockerell, 1922a:6. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Ethalouchopha Michener, 1989:670. Type species: Apisia gaidlei Vachal, 1909, by original designation. [Eulonchopria]. Colletinae. Euandrena Hedicke, 1933:213. Type species: Andreim hicolor Fabricius, 1775, by original designation. [AndrenaJ. Andreninae. Euaspis Gerstaecker, 1857:460. Type species: Thynnus abdomiualis Fabricius, 1793, by original designation. Lsotypic with Dilobopeltis by synonymy. Anthidiini. Eiicam Friese, 1905b:241. Type species: Anthophom laticeps Friese, 1905, by designation of Cockerell, 1933a:465. [Anthophora]. Eucerini. Eiicera Scopoli. 1770:8. Type species: Apis longiconus Linnaeus. 1758, by designation of Latreille, 1810:439. Eucerini. Euceratina Hirashima. Moure, and Daly. 1971. in Hirashima, 1971a:369. Type species: Apis callosa Fabricius. 1794, by original designation. [Ceratina]. Ceratinini. Eucerinoda Michener and Moure, 1957:445. Type species: Anthophora gayi Spinola. 1851, by original designation. Eucerini. Euchalicodoma Tkalcu. 1969:358. Type species: Megachile asiatica Morawitz, 1875, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Isotypic wkh Allowegachile. Megachilini. Eucharis Dalla Torre, 1896:300. Listed as a junior synonym of Epichahs and Eucharis hiriipes listed in synonymy on p. 301 , and both attributed to Lepeletier [and Serville], 1825 (cor- rectly 1828): 794 and 795. Search of these and other pages of that work reveals no use of Eucharis. which therefore ap- pears to be an error by Dalla Torre, and not available accord- ing to the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 1 1(c). Centridini. Eucondylops Brauns, 1902:377. Type species: Eucondylops konowi Brauns, 1902, monobasic. Allodapini. Eudioxys Mavromoustakis, 1963c:443. Type species: Dioxys quadrispinosa Friese, 1 899, by original designation. Dioxyini. Euflorilegus Ogloblin, 1955:231. Type species: Florilegus riparius Ogloblin, 1955, by original designation. [Florilegus]. Eucerini. Eufriesea Cockerell 1 908a:4 1 , replacement for Eumorpha Friese, 1 899. Type species: Euglossa pulchra Smith, 1854, autobasic. Euglossini. Eufriesia Lutz and Cockerell, 1920:544, unjustified emendation of Eufriesea Cockerell. 1908. Euglossini. Euglages Gerstaecker, 1 869: 1 49. Type species: Eiiglages scripta Gerstaecker, 1 869, monobasic. Ammobatoidini. Euglossa Latreille, 1802a:436. Type species: Apis cordata Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Blanchard, 1849:pl. 129 (1847). Euglossini. Euglossella Moure 1 967a:401 , replacement for Cnemidium Perty, 1833. Type species: Cnemidium viride Perty, 1833, autobasic. [Euglossa]. Euglossini. Euherbstia Frie.se, 1925a:8. Type species: Euherbstia excellens Friese, 1925, monobasic. Andreninae. Euhesma Michener, 1965a:88. Type species: Euryglossa wahlenbergiae Michener, 1965, by original designation. [Euryglossa]. Euryglossinae. Eulaema Lepeletier, 1 84 1 : 1 1 . Type species: Apis dimidiata Fab- ricius, 1793 = Apis meriana Olivier, 1789, by designation of Taschenberg, 1883:85. Euglossini. Eulaenia Spinola, 1851:167, incorrect subsequent spelling of Eulaema Lepeletier, 1 84 1 . Euglossini. Eulema Smith, 1854:380, unjustified emendation of Eulaema Lepeletier, 1841. Euglossini. Eulonchopria Brethes, 1909a:247. Type species: Eulonchopria psaenythioides Brethes, 1909, monobasic. Colletinae. Eumegachilana Michener, 1965a: 191. Type species: Megachile clotho Smith, 1861, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Eumegachile Friese, 1898b: 198, no included species; Friese, 1899c:36, included species. Type species: Megachile bomb\cina Radoszkowski, 1 874, by designation of Cockerell, 1930c:209. Megachilini. Eumelissa Snelling and Brooks, 1985:21. Type species: Melissa decorata Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Mesoplia]. Ericrocidini. Eumelissodes LaBerge, 1956:1177. Type species: Melissodes agilis Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Eumorpha Friese 1899b: 126, not Hiibner, 1807. Type species: Euglossa pulchra Smith, 1854, by designation of Cockerell, 1908a: 41 footnote. See Eufriesea. Euglossini. Eunomia Cresson, 1875:723, not Hiibner, 1818. Type species: Eunomia marginipennis Cresson, 1 875 = Nomia kirbii Smith, 1 865, by designation of Cockerell, 1910f:290. See Dieunomia. Nomiinae. Eunomioides Bliithgen, 1937:3, nomen nudum, = Ceylalictus. Type species: Andrena variegata Olivier, 1789, by original designation. [Nomioides]. Nomioidinae. Eupalaeorhiza Meade-Waldo, 1914b:403. Type species: Eupalaeorhiza papuana Meade-Waldo, 1914, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Eupavknskia Popov, 1955c:330. Type species: Melectafuneraria Smith, 1854, by original designation. Melectini. Eupetersia Bliithgen, 1928a:49. Type species: Eupetersia neavei Bluthgen, 1928. by original designation. Also published as new by Bluthgen, 1928b: 165. Halictini. Euphileremus Popov, 1951:906. Type species: Phileremus oraniensis Lepeletier, 1841, by original designation. [Ammobates]. Ammobatini. Euplusia Moure 1943a: 189, replacement for Plusia Hoffmannsegg, 1817. Type species: Plusia superba Hoffmannsegg, 1817, autobasic. Euglossini. 24 SciENTinc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Euprosopellus Michener, 1965a: 132. Type species; Prosopis dromedaria Cockerel], 1910. by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Euprosopis Perkins, 1912:106. Type species: Prosopis liusela Cockerell. 1910, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Eiiprosopoides Michener, 1965a: 131. Type species: Prosopis fulvicornis Smith, 1853 = Prosopis ruficeps Smith, 1853, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Eiiiyapis Sandhouse, 1943:551, replacement for Orbitella Ma, 1938. Type species: Xylocopa confusa Perez, 1901 . autobasic and original designation. Xylocopini. Euryglossa Smith, 1853:17. Type species: Euryglossa cupreochalyhea Smith, 1 853, by designation of Meade-Waldo, 1923:6. Euryglossinae. Euryglosseila Cockerell, 1910c:263. Type species: Euryglossella minima Cockerell, 1910, monobasic. Euryglo.ssinae. Euiyglossidia Cockerell, 1 9 1 Ob:358. Type species: Eiiiyglossidia rectangiilaia Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. CoIIetinae. Eiiiyglossiinorplia Strand, 1910:40. Type species: Eiiiyglossa nigra Smith, 1879, monobasic. [Euryglossa]. Euryglossinae. Euryglossina Cockerell, 1910a:211. Type species: Euryglossa semipurpiirea Cockerell, 1910, monobasic. [Euryglossa]. Euryglossinae. Eitiyglossula Michener, 1965a: 111. Type species: Euryglossina ciialcosonia Cockerell, 1913, by original designation. Euryglossinae. Eurymella Pasteels, 1965:64. Type species: Megachile eurymera Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Euiypariella Tkalcu, 1995:1 1 1. Type species: Osmia denudata Morawitz. 1880, by original designation. Osmiini. Euiytis Smith, 1854:279. Type species: Eutytisfimereiis Smith, 1854, monobasic. Ericrocidini. Eusphecogastra Hirashima, 1992:395. replacement for Sphecogaster Hirashima, 1978. Type species: Palaeorhiza paradisea Hirashima, 1978. autobasic and by original desig- nation. Hylaeinae. Eusynhalonia Ashmead, 1899a:63. Type species: Melissodes edwardsii Cresson, 1878, by original designation. Eucerini. Eiitechnia Holmberg, 1903:400. lapsus for Entechnia Patton. 1879. Emphorini. Euthosniia Sinha, 1958:235. Type species: Heriades glaucum Fowler, 1899. by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Euthyglossa Radoszkowski, 1884:21. Type species: Euthyglossa fasciata Radoszkowski, 1884 = Eucera euthyglossa Dalla Torre, 1896, monobasic. Osirini. Eutricharaea Thomson, 1 872:228. Type species: Apis argentata Fabricius, 1793, monobasic. [Megachile]. Isotypic with Paramegachile. Megachilini. Eutrypetes Popov, 1955a:280. Type species: Heriades turcomanica Popov, 1955, by original designation. [Heriades]. Osmiini. Euxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:234. Type species: Xylocopa fraudulenta Gribodo. 1 894 = Xylocopa eiythrina Gribodo, 1894. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Isotypic with Perixylocopa by synonymy. Xylocopini. Eversmannihoinhus Skorikov. 1938a: 145. Type species: Mucidohomhus eversmanniellus Skorikov, 1922 = Bomhus eversmanni Friese, 1911 (not B. modestus eversmanni Skorikov, \9 10} = Bomhus persicus Rado&zkowfki, 1881, by designation of Richards, 1968:214. [Agribombus]. Bombini Evodia Panzer. 1 806:207. Type species: Apis calendarum Panzer, 1802 -Apis succincta Linnaeus, 1758, monobasic. Isotypic with Colletes by synonymy. CoIIetinae. Evylaeus Robertson. 1 902c:247. Type species: Halictus arcuatus Robertson, 1893, by original designation. Halictini. Exaerete Hoffmannsegg, 1817:53. Type species: Apis dentata Linnaeus, 1758, monobasic. Isotypic with Caliendra and Chiysantheda by synonymy. Euglossini. Exallocentris Snelling, 1974:35. Type species: Centris anomala Snelling, 1966, by original designation. [Centris]. Centridini. Exanlhidium Pasteels, 1969a:82. Type species: Antliidiuni eximium Giraud, 1863, by original designation. Anthidiini. Exanthocopa Tkalcu, 1993a:55. Type species: Osmia oxypyga Benoist, 1927, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Excolletes Michener. 1965a:56. Type species: Leiopructus impatellatus Michener, 1965, by original designation. [Leioproctus[. CoIIetinae. Exilobombus Skorikov, 1 922b: 1 50. Type species: Mucidohomhus exit [misprinted exiln] Skorikov, 1922, monobasic. [Mucidobombus]. Bombini. Exomalopsis Spinola, 1853:89. Type species: Exomalopsis fidvo- pilosa Spinola, 1 853 = Exomalopsis auropilosa Spinola. 1 853, by designation of Taschenberg, 1883:82. Exomalopsini. Exoneuru Smith, 1854:232. Type species: Exoneura bicolor Smith, 1 854. monobasic. Allodapini. Exoneurellu Michener, 1963:257. Type species: Exoneura lawsoni Payment, 1946, by original designation. Allodapini. Exoneuridia Cockerell. 1911d:232. Type species: Exoneura libanensis Friese, 1 899, by original designation. [Exoneura]. Allodapini. Exoneurula Michener, 1966b:573. Type species: Exoneurula zavattarii Michener, 1966 - Compsomelissa fconicn Alfken, 1924, by original designation. Isotypic with Compsomelissa by synonymy. Allodapini. Exosmia Tkalcu, 1979:321. Type species: Osmia dijficilis Morawitz, 1875, by original designation. [Osmiuj. Osmiini. Falirhalictus Warncke, 1975b:95. Type species: Halictus fahringeri Friese, 1921, by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Fasciata Mehely, 1935:44, 150. Type species: Prosopis facialis Perez, 1895 = Prosopis irinotata Perez, 1895. monobasic. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Fascista Popov, 1939:168, incorrect subsequent spelling for Fasciata Mehely , 1935. Genus-Group Names of Bees 25 Fermildaepsithynts Prison. 1927:70. Type species: Psitbyriis fenialdae Franklin, 1911, monobasic. [Psithyrus]. Bombini. Fertonella Cockerell. 1920a:257, replacement for Perezio Ferton, 1914. Type species: Perezia mama Ferton, 1914 = Megachile leachella Curtis, 1828, autobasic and original designation. Megachilini. Fervidohomhus Skorikov, 1922b: 123, 153. Type species: Apis fenida Fabricius, 1798, by designation of Frison, 1927:69. Bombini. Festivohombus Tkalcu, 1972:27. Type species: Bomhits festivus Smith, 1861, by original designation. [Pyrobombus]. Bombini. Fidelia Friese, 1 899a:244. Type species: Fidelia parado.xa Friese, 1899, monobasic. Fideiiini. Filiglossa Rayment, 1959a:324. Type species: Filiglossa filamentosa Rayment. 1959, by original designation. Colletinae. Fiorentinia Dalla Torre. 1896:334, replacement for Epeicharis Radoszkowski, 1884, not Epicharis Klug. Type species: Epeicharis mexicanus Radoszkowski, 1884. autobasic. Tapinotaspidini. FlavipaiwrgusV^amcke:, 1972:69. Type species: Panurgiisflavus Friese, 1897, by original designation. [Panurgus]. Panurginae. Flavodiifourea Ebmer, 1984:373. Type species: Diifourea flavicornis Fnese, 1913, by original designation. [Dufourea]. Rophitinae. Flavomeliturgula Warncke, 1985:229. This name is not valid since no type species or even included species was indicated. From descriptions one can guess that Warncke intended this to be a subgeneric name for Meliturgula deserta Warncke. [Meliturgula]. Panurginae. Florentiiui Ashmead, 1899a:67. lapsus for Fiorentinia Dalla Torre, 1896. Tapinotaspidini. Florilegus Robertson, 1900:53. Type species: Melissodes condigna Cresson. 1879. monobasic. Eucerini. Floriraptor Moure and Michener, 1955b:268. Type species: Melissodes atropos Smith, 1879 = Tetralonia melectoides Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Florilegus]. Eucerini. Foersterapis Moure, 1964a:441. Type species: Zikanapis foersteh Moure and Seabra, 1962, by original designation. [Zikanapis]. Caupolicanini. Formicapis Sladen, 1916a:271. Type species: Formicapis clypeata Sladen, 1916 = Osmia robusta Nylander, 1848, monobasic. Osmiini. Foveosmia Warncke, 1991c:267. Type species: Heriades foveolatus Morawitz, 1868, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Fraternubombus Skorikov, 1922b: 156. Type species: Apathiis fratermis Smith, 1854, by designation of Frison, 1927:63. [Alpigenobombus], Bombini. Friesea Schrottky, 1902a:418, not Dalla Torre, 1895. Type spe- cies: Friesea brasiliensis Schrottky, 1902 = Camptopoeum prinii Holmberg, 1884, monobasic. See Parafriesea. Panurginae. Friesella Moure. 1946a:441 : 1946b:61 1. Type species: Melipona schrottkyi Friese, 1900, by original designation. Meliponini. Frieseomelitta Ihering, 1912:5. Type species: Trigona silvestrii Friese, 1902, monobasic. Meliponini. Fiimandrena Warncke. 1974:98. nomen nudum. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Fumandrena Warncke, 1975a:57. Type species: Andrena fumida Perez, 1895. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Funebribombus Skorikov, 1922b: 157. Type species: Bombus funebris Smith, 1854, monobasic. [Alpigenobombus]. Bombini. Furcosmia Schmiedeknecht, 1885:22. Type species: Apis papaveris Latreille, 1799, by designation of Cockerell, 1922a:6. [Osmia]. Isotypic with Anthocopa and Phyllotoma. Osmiini. Gaesischia Michener, LaBerge, and Moure, 1955:220. Type spe- cies: Svastra fiilgiirans Holmberg, 1903, by original desig- nation. Eucerini. Gaesischiana Michener, LaBerge, and Moure, 1955:224. Type species: Gaesischia e.xul Michener, LaBerge, and Moure, 1955, by original designation. [Gaesischia]. Eucerini. Gaesischiopsis Michener, LaBerge, and Moure, 1955:22 1 . Type species: Gaesischia flavoclypeata Michener, LaBerge, and Moure, 1955, by original designation. [Gaesischia]. Eucerini. Gaesochira Moure and Michener. I955b:283. Type species: Gaesochira complanata Moure and Michener, 1955 = Melissodes obscurior Dalla Torre, 1 896, by original designa- tion. Eucerini. Gastrohalictus Ducke, 1902:102. Type species: Halictits osmioides Ducke, 1902, monobasic. [Halictus]. Halictinae. Gastropsis Smith. 1868b:xxxix, replacement for Oestropsis Smith, 1868. Type species: Oestropsis pubescens SmiX\\, 1868, autobasic. Stenotritidae. Geandrena LaBerge, 1 964:3 13. Type species: Andrena caerulea Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Geissandrena LaBerge and Ribble, 1972:302. Type species: Andrena trevoris Cockerell, 1897. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Geniotrigona Moure, 1 96 1 : 2 1 2. Type species: Trigona thoracica Smith, 1857, by original designation. Meliponini. Genyandrena LaBerge, 1986:544. Type species: Andrena mackieae CockereU, 1937, by original designation. [Andrena], Andreninae. Geoperdita Cockerell and Porter, 1899:415. Type species: Perdita chamaesarachae Cockerell, 1896, monobasic. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Georgealictiis Packer. 1993:1656. Type species: Mexalictiis polybioides Packer, 1993, by original designation. [Mexalictus], Halictini. Geotrigona Moure, 1 943a: 146. Type species: Trigona nwmbiica Smith, 1863, by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. 26 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Gephyrohylaeus Michener, 1965a: 138. Type species: Heterapis sandiiccmensis Cockerell, 1919, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Glossadufourea Ebmer, 1993:32. Type species: Dufourea longiglossa Ebmer, 1993, by original designation. Rophitinae. Glossalictus Michener, 1965a: 173. Type species: Halictiis etheridgei Cockerell, 1916, by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. GlossamegiUa Brooks, 1988:512. Type species: Anthophoni mesopynhu Cockerell, 1930, by original designation. [AmegillaJ. Anthophorini. Glossodialictiis Pauly, 1984a:704.Type species: Glossodialictits wittei Pauly, 1984. by original designation. Halictini. Glossopasipliae Michener, 1989:643. Type species: Leioproctus plaumanni Michener, 1989, by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Glossoperdita Cockerell, 1916c:43. Type species: Glossoperdita pelargoides Cockerell. 1916, monobasic. Panurginae. Glossosmia Michener, 1943:84. Type species: Osmia singularis Morawitz, 1875, by original designation. [OsmiaJ. Osmiini. Glossura Cockerell, 1917b:144. Type species: Euglossa piliventris Guerin-Meneville, 1845, by original designation. [Euglossa]. Euglossini. Glossurella Dressier. 1982:131. Type species: Euglossa bursigera Moure, 1970. by original designation. [Euglossa]. Euglossini. GlossiimcoUetes Michener, 1965a:60. Type species: Leioproctus bilobatus Michener, 1965. by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Glossuropoda Moure, 1989c:387. Type species: Euglossa intersecta Latreille, 1837, by original designation. [Euglossa]. Euglossini. Glyphaiulrena Hedicke, 1933:2 1 2. Type species: Apis carbonaha Linnaeus, 1767, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Glyptapis Cockerell, 1909d:314; also described as new by Cockerell, 1909e:13. Type species: Glyptapis mirabilis Cockerell, 1909, monobasic and designated by Cockerell, 1909e:14. FossiL Glyptobasia Moure, 1941a:98, replacement for Glyptobasis Moure, 1940. Type species: Augochlora chloera Moure, 1 940, autobasic. [Augochlora]. Augochlorini. Glyptobasis Moure, 1940:48, not M'Lachlan. 1871. Type spe- cies: Augochlora chloera Moure, 1940, by original designa- tion. See Glyptobasia. [Augochlora]. Augochlorini. Glyptochlora Moure, 1959: 188. Type species: Megalopta onuitu Smith, 1879, by original designation. [Augochloropsis]. Augochlorini. Glyptocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973: 92. Type species: Coelioxys vidua Smith 1854, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Gmithanthidium Pasteels. 1969a:92. Type species: Anthidium prionognathuni Mavromoustakis, 1935, by original designa- tion. Anthidiini. Gnatlumthidium Urban, 1994b:337, not Pasteels, 1969. Type species: Gnathanthidiwn sakagamii Urban, 1992, by origi- nal designation. See Michanthidiuin. Anthidiini. G«fl//;/rt.s Robertson, 1903d: 173. 174. 175. Type species: Mi/hwJh bella Cresson, 1863, by original designation. Nomadini. Gnathocera Provancher, 1882:232. not Kirby, 1825. Type spe- cies: Guathocera cephalica Provancher. 1882 = Megachile pugnatus Say, 1837, monobasic. See Sayapis. Isotypic with Ceratias by synonymy. Megachilini. Gnathodon Robertson, 1903a: 168, not Oken, 1816. etc. Type species: Megachile georgica Cresson, 1878, monobasic. See Sarogaster. Megachilini. Gnatliopasites Linsley and Michener. 1939:272. Type species: Philereiinis fulviventris Cresson, 1878, by original designa- tion. Isotypic with Neopasites. Biastini. Gnathoprosopis Perkins. 1912:104. Type species: Prosopis .xanthopoda Cockerell, 1910 = P. euxantha Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Gnathoprosopoides Michener, 1 965a: 1 27. Type species: Prosopis eburniella Cockerell, 1912 = Prosopis philoleucus Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Gnathosmia Robertson, 1903a: 165. Type species: Osmia georgica Cresson, by original designation. Osmiini. Gnathoxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:182. Type species: Xylocopa sicheli Vachal. 1898. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Giiathylaeus Bndwell, 1919:126, 133. Type species: Gnaf/2y/aeM.y willianisi Bridwell, 1919, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Gonandrena Viereck. 1917:390. Type species: Andrena persiiuulata Viereck, 1917, monobasic. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Gongyloprosopis Snelling, 1982:16. Type species: Prosopis cruenta Vachal, 1910, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Goniocolletes Cockerell, 1 907c:23 1 . Type species: Goniocolletes morsus Cockerell, 1907, by original designation. Colletinae. Graecandrena Warncke, 1968:61. Type species; Andrena gracella Warncke, 1965, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Grafanthidiuni Urban, 1995b:435. Type species: Grafanthidium ainazonense Urban, 1995, by original designation. Anthidiini. Grafella Mitchell, 1980:56. Type species: Pseudocentron crotalariae Schwimmer, 1980, by original designation. [Pseudocentron]. Megachilini. Greeleyella Cockerell, 1904d:235. Type species: Greeleyella heardsleyi Cockerell, 1904, by original designation. Panurginae. Gressittapis Hirashima, 1978:65. Type species: Palaeorhiza mirauda Hirashima, 1978, by original designation. [Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Genus-Group Names of Bees 27 Ginnoceras Cockerell, 1907b:65. Type species: Gronoceras wellmani Cockerell. 1907 - Megachile honihlfonnis Gerstaecker, 1857, by original designation. Megachilini. Grosapis Mitchell. 1980:46. Type species: MegacliiU' cockerelli Rohwer. 1923. by original designation. |Eumegachile]. Megachilini. Gi(l(i)itliiiliiii)i Pasteels, 1969a: 101. Type species: Anthidiiim ciii,iiiilivc'nlre Morawitz, 1888. by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini Gundlachia Cresson, 1865:195. not Pfeiffer. 1850. Type spe- cies: Centris ? conuita Cresson, 1865. monobasic. See Heterocentris. Centridini. Gymmmdrena Hedicke. 1933:212. Type species: Apis ihoracica Fabricius. 1775, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Gynuuis Spinola, 1808:9. Type species: Apis aterrima Panzer. 1798, not Christ. 1791 = Apis pitnctidutissima Kirby, 1802. monobasic. Isotypic with Ceniplastes. Stelis. Tmclnisa Jurine, and Gywdroma Klug. Anthidiini. Gymdroma Klug, 1807. in Illiger, 1807:198: Klug. 1807b:225. Type species: Apis aterrima Panzer, 1798. not Christ. 1791 = Apis punctidatissima Kirby, 1802, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:555, who incorrectly considered Gyrodroma as monoba- sic: two species are listed by Klug in Illiger. 1807, which has page priority over Klug, 1 807b. Isotypic with Stelis, Traclnisa Jurine, and Gymnus. Anthidiini. Gyrodroma Thomson, 1872:259. not Klug. 1807. Type species: Hcriades ni}>ricornis Nylander, 1848 = Heriades rapuncitli Lepeletier. 1841. by designation of Cockerell, 1925b:205. See Gyrodromella. Osmiini. Gyrodromella Michener. new name, replacement for Gyrodroma Thomson. 1 872. Type species: Heriades nigricornis Nylander, 1 848 = Heriades rapunciili Lepeletier, 1 84 1 . autobasic and present designation. Gyrodromella is considered a subgenus of Chelostoma. [Chelostoma]. Osmiini. HabraUctelhis Moure and Hurd, 1982:46. Type species: Halictus aMrafMs Ashmead, 1900, by original designation. Halictini. Hahralictus Moure, 1941a:59. Type species: Hahralictiis flavopictus Moure, 1941, by original designation. Halictini. Habromelissa Hirashima and LaBerge, 1964, //; Hirashima, 1 964:7 1 . Type species: Andrena omogensis Hirashima. 1 953, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Habrophora Smith, 1854:318, not Erich.son, 1846. Type spe- cies: Habriiphora ezonata Smith. 1854 = Tctralonia tarsata Spinola. 1838, inversed autobasic, because of type designa- tion for replacement name, Habropoda. by Patton, 1 879a:477. Anthophorini. Habrophorula Lieftinck, 1974:217. Type species: Habropoda nubilipennis Cockerell, 1930. by original designation. Anthophorini. Habropoda Smith. 1854:320, replacement for Habrophora Smith, 1854. Type species: Habrophora ezonata Smith, 1854 = Tetralonia tarsata Spinola, 1 838, by designation of Patton. 1 879a:477. Anthophorini. The subsequent designation of "H. zonata" by Taschenberg, 1883:79, is probably an error for Habrophora ezonata Smith, 1854. Hackeriapis Cockerell. 1922b:267. Type species: Megachile rhodura Cockerell. 1906. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Hadrorhiza Hirashima. 1980:108. Type species: Prosopis imperialis Smith. 1 863. by original designation. ]Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Haetosmia Popov, 1952:104. Type species: Osmia latipes Morawitz. 1875 = Osmia brachyiira Morawitz, 1875, monobasic. ]Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Halictanthrena Ducke. 1907:364. Type species: Halictanthrena nuilpighiacearuni Ducke, 1907, monobasic. Colletinae. Halictilliis Moure, 1947a:7. Type species: Chloralictus loureiroi Moure, 1941, by original designation. Augochlorini. Halictoides Nylander. 1848:195. Type species: Halicioides dentiventris Nylander. 1848. by designation of Cockerell and Porter, 1899:420. Rophitinae. Halictomorpha Schrottky, 191 1:81. Type .species: Halictomorpha phaedra Schrottky. 191 1, by original designation. Halictini. Halictonomia Pauly, 1980:123. Type species: Halictus decemmaculatus Friese, 1900. by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Halictus Latreille, 1804:182. Type species: Apis quadricincta Fabricius, 1776, by designation of Richards, 1935:170. Apis rubicunda Chhst. 1791, designated by Curtis, 1833:pl. 448a, was not an originally included species. A discus.sion of type designations is in Michener ( 1978a). Omitted from that dis- cussion was Westwood's (1840a:84) and Cockerell's (1931f:529) designation of Apis se.xcincta Fabricius. 1775, as the type species of Halictus. As noted in that discussion, A. se.\ci?icta was not an originally included species. Blanchard, 1849:pl. 125 (1847), designated "Halictus flavipes Panz." as the type species of the genus. He could have meant Apis flavipes Panzer, 1798, a nomen dubium according to Ebiner (1988). Blanchard. however, was careless about the authors" names placed after species names in the explanations of plates, and probably he actually meant to cite the well-known Apis flavipes Fabricius, 1787 {=Apis tumulorum Linnaeus, 1758), a species of the subgenus Seladonia. as the type species of Halictus. Fortunately, the name Halictus, with Apis quadricincta Fabricius, 1 776, as the type species, is on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology (Commission Opinion 1713, 1993). Halictini. Halterapis Michener. 1969: 289. Type species: Allodape nigrinervis Cameron. 1905, by original designation. Allodapini. Haniatothri.x Urban. 1 989: 121. Type species: Hamatothrix silvai Urban, 1989, by original designation. Eucerini. Haplocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973:85. Type species: Coelioxys me.xicana Cresson. 1 878. by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Haplomelitta Cockerell. 1934a:446. Type species: Rliinochaetula ogilviei Cockerell, 1932, by original designation. Dasypodinac. 28 SciENTinc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Haplosamba Michener, 1981:66. Type species: Haplomelitta tridentata Michener, 1981, by original designation. [Haplomelitta]. Dasypodinae. Haujfapis Armbruster. 1938:37. Type species: Hauffapis scheuthlei Armbruster, 1 938 = Apis armbmsteri Zeuner, 1 93 1 , by designation of Zeuner and Manning, 1976:243. Haujfapis is not a valid name because no type species was designated by Armbruster; original type designation is required for ge- nus-group names proposed after 1930 [Code. 3rd ed.. Art. 13(c)]. The subsequent type designation by Zeuner and Man- ning was in the synonymy oiApis and thus does not validate the name as Hauffapis Zeuner and Manning [Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 1 1(c)]. Fossil. Apini. Helicosmia Thomson, 1872:233, no included species; Schmiedeknecht, 1885:22. included species. Type species: Apis aurulenta Panzer. 1799, by designation of Michener. 1941:163. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Heliomelissodes LaBerge, 1956: 1 172. Type species: Melissodes desponsa Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Heliophila Klug, 1807, in Illiger, 1807:197; Klug. 1807b:227. Type species: Apis bimaculata Panzer, 1798. monobasic. Heliophila is attributed in the literature to Klug. It was pub- lished in two consecutive articles in the same journal and thus simultaneously. The first article was by Illiger. who attrib- uted the name to Klug; the second was by Klug. Dalla Torre (1896) listed both references under the species bimaculata but attributed the genus-group name to Klug, and may there- fore be regarded as the first reviser, who decided the author- ship of Heliophila. Anthophorini. Hemicoelioxys Pasteels. 1968b: 133. Type species: Coelioxys grac/7/5 Pasteels. 1968 (not Schenck. \%6%) = Hemicoelioxys gracillima Pasteels. 1977, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Hemicotelles Toro and Cabezas, 1977:46. Type species: Lonchopria ruizii Herbst, 1923. by original designation. CoUetinae. Hemidiellum Pasteels, 1972:112. Type species: Eoanthidium semicahnatum Pasteels, 1972, monobasic. [Eoanthidium]. Anthidiini. Hemieucera Sitdikov and Pesenko, 1988:88. Type species: Eucera paraclypeata Sitdikov. 1988, by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Hemihalictus Cockerell, 1897a:288. Type species: Pamirgus lustrans Cockerell, 1897. by original designation. Halictini. Heminomada Cockerell, 1902, in Cockerell and Atkins, 1902:42. footnote. Type species: Nomada obliterata Cresson, 1863, by original designation. [Nomada]. Nomadini. Hemiosmia Tkalcu, 1975a:34. Type species: Osmia argyropyga Perez, 1879, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Hemirhiza Michener. 1965a: 147. Type species: Palaeorhiza melliceps Cockerell, 1918, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Hemisia Klug, 1807. in Illiger, 1807:198, nomen nudum. Centridini. Hemisia Klug, 1807b:213, 227. Type species: Apis haemorrhoidalis Fabricius, 1 775, by designation of Cockerell, 1906d:105. Isotypic with Centris. Centridini. Hemisiella Moure. 1945c:407. Type species: Apis lanipes Fab- ricius, 1775, by original designation. Centridini. Henicohesma Exley, 1968b: 199. Type species: Brachyhesma macdonaldensis Exley, 1968, by original designation. [Brachyhesma]. Euryglossinae. Herbstiella Friese. 1 9 1 6: 1 68. not Stimpson. 1871. Type species: Herhstiella chilensis Friese, 1916, monobasic. See Kelita. Brachynomadini. Heriades Spinola, 1808:7. Type species: Apis truncorum Linnaeus, 1758. designated by Latreille, 1810:439. A subse- quent designation was Heriades rapunculi Lepeletier, 1841. by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 126 (1846). Taschenberg, 1883:62, listed two species names without indicating that they are syn- onyms and therefore failed to designate a type species. Isotypic with Trypetes. Osmiini. Heriadopsis Cockerell, 1931b:338. Type species: Heriadopsis striarulus Cockerell, 1931. by original designation. Megachilini. Hesperandrena Timberiake, 1949. in Lanham, 1949:208. Type species: Andrena escondida Cockerell, 1938, by original des- ignation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Hesperapis Cockerell, 1898a: 147. Type species: Hesperapis elegantula Cockerell, 1898. monobasic. Dasypodinae. Hesperocolletes Michener, 1965a:75. Type species: HespemcoUetes douglasi Michener. 1965, by original desig- nation. CoUetinae. Hesperonomada Linsley, 1939b:5. Type species: Hesperonomada melanantha Linsley, 1939. by original designation. Brachynomadini. Hesperoperdita Timberiake. 1954:374. Type species: Perdita ntficaiida Cockerell. 1916. by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Heteranthidium Cockerell, 1904b:292. Type species: Anthidium dorsale Lepeletier. 1841, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anttiidiini. Heterapis Cockerell. 191 la: 140. not Linston. 1889. Type spe- cies: Heterapis delicata Cockerell. 191 1. by original desig- nation. See Heterapoides. Hylaeinae. Heterapoides Sandhouse, 1943:557, replacement for Heterapis Cockerell. 1911. Type species: Heterapis delicata Cockerell, 1911. autobasic. Hylaeinae. Hetereucera Tkalcu, 1978:167. Type species: Eucera hispana Lepeletier, 1841. by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Heterocentris Cockerell. 1 899a; 14, replacement for Gundlachia Cresson, 1865. Type species: Centris ? comuta Cresson, 1865 = Centris difformis Smith. 1854. autobasic. Isotypic with Rhodocentris by synonymy. Centridini. Heterocolletes Rayment, 1935:184. Type species: Paracolletes capillatus Rayment. 1935, by original designation. [Paracolletes] CoUetinae. Genus-Group Names of Bees 29 Heteroediscelis Toro and Moldenke. 1979:112. Type species; Chilicola numtagiia Toro and Moldenke. 1979, by original designation (misspelled Heteroesdiscelis in heading but cor- rect elsewhere). Xeromelissinae. Heterohesma Michener. 1965a:97. Type species: Stilpnosoma clypeata Rayment. 1954. by original designation. Euryglossinae. Heteroinegachile Rebmann. 1 970:4 1 . Type species: Chalicodoma lefehvrei Lepeletier. 1841, by original designation. [Megachile]. Isotypic wilh Allochalicodowa. Megachilini. Heteropeniita Timberlake, 1954:365. Type species: Perdita rhodogastni Timberlake, 1954. by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Hetewrhiza Cockerell, 1929b;316. Type species: Palaeorhiza melaniira Cockerell. 1910. by original designation. [Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Heterosarus Robertson, 1918a:91. Type species: Calliopsis parvus Robertson. 1892, by original designation. Panurginae. HetemsniiaTkaku. 1993a:56. nomen nudum. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Hetewstelis Timberlake. 1941:125. Type species: Stelis anthidioides Timberlake. 1941. by original designation. [Stelis]. Anthidiini. Heterothgona Schwarz. 1939a;96. Type species: Trigona itama Cockerell. 1918. by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Hexcmthedu Ogloblin. 1948:172. Type .species: Hexantheda missionlca Ogloblin. 1948. by original designation. Colletinae. Hexaperdita Timberlake. 1954:416. Type species: Perdita ignota Cockerell. 1896. by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Hexataenhes Pesenko, 1984:348. Type species: Apis sexcincta Fabricius, 1775. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Hexepeolus Linsley and Michener. 1937:77. 81. Type species: Hexepeohis mojavensis Linsley and Michener, 1937 = Hexepeolus rhodogyne Linsley and Michener. 1937, by origi- nal designation. Hexepeolini. Hexosmia Michener. 1943:74. Type species: Osmia copelandica Cockerell, 1908, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Hofferia Tkalcu, 1984a: 10. Type species: Chelostoma schmiedeknechti Schletterer, 1889, by original designation. Osmiini. Holandrena Perez, 1890:176. Type species: Melitta labialis Kirby, 1 802, by designation of Hedicke. 1933:214. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Holcomegachile Moure. 1953c: 119. Type species: Megachile (;/>(#( Schrottky. 1913, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Holcopasites Ashmead. 1899a:82. no species. Crawford (1915) included species. Type species: Phileremus illinoiensis Robertson. 1891. by designation of Crawford, 1915:123. Ammobatoidini. Holmbergeria Jorgensen, 1 9 1 2: 1 00. Type species: Holmbergeria cristariae Jorgensen, 1912, monobasic. Colletinae. Holmbergiapis Cockerell, 1918b:36, replacement for Scirtetica Holmberg, 1903. Type species: Scirtetica antarctica Holmberg, 1903, autobasic. See Alloscinetica. Eucerini. Holohesma Michener, 1965a: 102. Type species: Stilpnosoma semisericea Cockerell. 1905 = Sericogaster fasciatus Westwood, 1835, by original designation. Isotypic with Sericogaster by synonymy. Euryglossinae. Holonomada Robertson, 1903d: 174. 175, 176. Type species: Nomada superba Cresson, 1863, by original designation. Nomadini. Homachthes Dalla Torre, 1896:499, unjustified emendation of Omachthes Gerstaecker, 1 869. Ammobatini. Homalictus Cockerell. 1919b: 13. Type species: Halictus taclobanensis Cockerell, 1915, by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Homotrigomi Moure. 1961 :200. Type species: Trigona fimbiiata Smith. 1857. by original designation. Meliponini. Honanthidium Pasteels, 1969a:88. Type species: Anthidium honestum Cockerell. 1936. by original designation. Anthidiini. Hoplandrena Perez, 1 890: 1 70. Type species: Melitta trimmerana Kirby, 1802,by designation of Hedicke, 1933:214. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Hoplepicharis Moure, 1945b;300. Type species; Epicharis fasciata Lepeletier and Serville, 1825. by original designa- tion. Centridini. Hopliphora Lepeletier. 1841:458. Type species; Mesocheira velutina Lepeletier and Serville. 1825. monobasic. Isotypic with Oxynedys by synonymy. Ericrocidini. Hoplitella Cockerell. 1910d; 169. not Levinsen. 1909. Type spe- cies; Hoplitella pentamera Cockerell, 1910 = Ashmeadiella //ovvar^/ Cockerell, 1910, monobasic. See Hoplitina. Osmiini. Hoplitina Cockerell. 1913:34, replacement for Hoplitella Cockerell, 1910. Type species; Hoplitella pentamera Cockerell, 1910 = Ashmeadiella howardi Cockerell. 1910. autobasic and by original designation. Osmiini. Hoplitis Klug, 1807b:225. Type species; Apis adunca Panzer, 1798, monobasic. Isotypic with Ctenosmia. Osmiini. Hoplitocopa Lieftinck, 1 955:27. Type species; Xylocopa assimilis Ritsema. 1880. by original designation. [Xylocopa[. Xylocopini. Hoplocolletes Michener. 1965a:42. Type species: Dasycolletes ventralis Friese, 1924. by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Hoplonomia Ashmead, 1904b;4. Type species; Hoplonomia quadrifasciata Ashmead, 1904, by designation of Cockerell, 1910f;289. Nomiinae. Hoplopasites Ashmead, 1898:284. Type species: Phileremus productus Cresson, 1879, by original designation. Dioxyini. Hoploprosopis Hedicke, 1926:415. Type species; Prosopis quadricornis Hedicke, 1926, by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. 30 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Hoplosmia Thomson, 1872:233. no included species; Schmiedeknecht. 1884:23. included species. Type species: Apis spiimlosa Kirby. 1802, by designation of Michener, 1941:161. lOsmia]. Osmiini. Hoplostelis Dominique, 1898:60. no valid included species; Griswold and Michener, 1988:36, included species. Type spe- cies: Stelis abnonnis Friese, 1925 = Anthidium hivittatum Cresson, 1878, by designation of Griswold and Michener. 1988:36. Isotypic with Odontostelis. Anthidiini. Hoploxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:260. Type species: Xylocopa acutipennis Smith. 1854. by original designation. [Xylocopal. Xylocopini. Hortibombus Skorikov, 1938a: 146, unjustified emendation of Hortoboinbiis Vogl. 1911, Bonibini. Hortobombiis Vogt, 1911:56. Type species: Apis hortonim Linnaeus, 1761, by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:559. [Bombus]. Bombini. Hylaeana Michener, 1954:28. Type species: Hylaeus panamensis Michener, 1954. by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Hylaeoides Dalla Torre, 1896:51. unjustified emendation of Hyleoides Smith, 1853. Hylaeinae. Hvlaeopsis Michener. 1954:27. Type species: Prosopis mexiccma Cresson, 1869, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. H\laeorhiza Michener, 1965a:141. Type species: Prosopis mtbilosa Smith. 1 853, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Hylaeosoma Ashmead. 1898:284. Type species: Hylaeosoma longiceps Ashmead, 1898, by original designation. Xeromelissinae. Hxlaeleroii Michener. 1965a: 126. Type species: Prosopis pidchricnis Cockerell. 1915= Eiiiyglossa semirufa Cockerell, 1914, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793:302. Type species: Prosopis anmdata Fabricius. 1 804 = /l/?/.sflWH//a?a Linnaeus, 1758, by designa- tion of Latreille, 1810:438. Sphex sigmita Panzer. 1798 = Melliims bipiinclatits Fabricius, 1798. designated by Blanchard. 1849:pl. 125 (1847) was not originally included. Hylaeinae. Apis quadricincta Fabricius, 1 776. was designated as the type species of Hylaeus by Warncke. 1970:747. Warncke"s arguments do not justify this designation, which would transfer the name Hylaeus from the CoUetidae to the Halictidae. Isotypic with Halictus. Halictinae. Hyleoides Smith, 1853:32. Type species: Vespa concinna Fabri- cius, 1775. by designation of Taschenberg, 1883:45. Hylaeinae. Hyloeosoma Ashmead, 1899b:376. error for Hylaeosoma Ashmead. 1898. Xeromelissinae. Hypaiuhidiodes Moure, 1947a:35. Type species: Anthidium flavofasciatum Schrottky, 1902. by original designation. Anthidiini. Hypanihidioides Michener. 1948a:22; Moure and Urban, 1975:837; Urban, 1993:28. error for //.vpc»?r/;iVf/oc?« Moure, 1947. Anthidiini. Hypanlhidium Cockerell. 1904b:292. Type species: Anthidium flavomarginatum Smith, 1879, by original designation. Anthidiini. Hyperandrena Pittioni, 1948:58. Type species: Apis hicolorata Rossi. 1790, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Hyphesma Michener. 1965a: 103. Type species: Pachyprosopis atromicans Cockerell. 1913. by original designation. Euryglossinae. Hypnorobombus Quilis, 1927:97. Type species: Apis hypnorum Linnaeus, 1758, monobasic. [Bombus]. Isotypic with Pxrobombus. Anodontobombus. and Uncobombus. Bonibini. Hypochrotaenia Holmberg. 1886b:234. 273. Type species: Hypochrotaenia parvula Holmberg, 1886, monobasic. Nomadini. Hypomacrotera Cockerell and Porter, 1899:418. Type species: Hypomacrotera callops Cockerell and Porter, 1899, by origi- nal designation. Panurginae. Hypotrigona Cockerell. 1934b:47. Type species: Trigona gribodoi Magretti, 1884. by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Icteranthidium Michener, 1948a;25. Type species: Anthidium limbiferum Morawitz. 1875, by original designation. Anthidiini. Idiomelissodes LaBerge. 1956:1027. Type species: Melissodes duplocincta Cockerell, 1905, by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Idioprosopis Meade-Waldo. 19l4a:451. Type species: Idioprosopis chakidiformis Meade- Waldo. 1914, by original designation. Xeromelissinae. Immanthidlum Pasteels. 1969a:89. Type species: Anthidiimi immaculutum Smith. 1854. by original designation. Anthidiini. Impeifecta Mehely. 1935:48. 154. Invalid because no type spe- cies was designated. [Prosopis]. Sandhouse's (1943:560) view that Popov (1939) designated a type species and thus vali- dated the name is incoiTect. Hylaeinae. //«/«/(//»//fl Cockerell. 1922d:l,notEnderlein. 1922. Type species: Perdita opuntiae Cockerell. 1922. by original designation. [Perdita|. See Cockerellula. Panurginae. Lysicolletes Rayment, 1935:208. Type species: Paracolletes singularis Rayment, 1935, by original designation. [Paracolletes]. Colletinae. Machaeris Robertson, 1903b: 104. Type species: Sphecodes stygius Robertson, 1893, by original designation. Halictini. Macrocera Latreille. 1810:339. 439. not Meigen, 1803. Type species: Euceru untennaia Fabricius, 1793 = Apis inalvae Rossi, 1 790, by original designation. See Tetralonia. Eucerini. Macmgalea Cockerell. 1930f:291 . Type species: Allodape Can- dida Smith, 1879, by original designation. Allodapini. Macroglossa Radoszkowski, 1 884: 1 7, not Ochsenheimer, 1816. Type species: Macroglossa oribazi Radoszkowski. 1884 = Macrocera analis Lepeletier, 1841, monobasic. See Macroglossapis. Eucerini. Macroglossapis Cockerell. 1899c: 14, replacement for Macroglossa Radoszkowski, 1884. Type species: Macroglossa oribazi Radoszkowski, 1 884 = Macrocera analis Lepeletier, 1841, autobasic. Isotypic with Thygater by syn- onymy. Eucerini. Macrohylaeus Michener, 1965a: 133. Type species: Prosopis vidua Smith, 1853 = Prosopis alcyonea Erichson, 1842, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Macromegachile Noskiewicz, 1948:48. Type species: Apis lagopoda Linnaeus, 1761, by original designation. Mitchell. 1980:23, incorrectly \hitd Apis maritinui Kirby, 1802, as the type species. [Megachile], Megachilini. Macronomadopsis Rozen, 1958:93. Type species: Nomadopsis micheneri Rozen. 1958, by original designation. [Nomadopsis]. Panurginae. Macronomia Cockerell, 1917c:468. Type species: Nomia platycephala Cockerell, 1917, by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Macropis Panzer, 1809:no. 16. Type species: Megilla labiata Fabricius, 1805, monobasic. Macropis has been attributed to Klug (/■;; Panzer, 1809) but as pointed out in Commission Opinion 1383 (1986), Panzer provided the description. Melittinae. Macrotera Smith, 1853:130. Type species: Macrotera bicolor Smith, 1853, monobasic. Panurginae. Macroterella Timberlake. 1954:360. Type species: Perdita mortuaria Timberlake. 1954, by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Mwcrofera/w/j- Ashmead, 1899a:85. Type species: Perdita latior Cockerell, 1896, by original designation. Panurginae. Maculonomia Wu, 1982:275. Type species: Nomia terminata Smith, by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Madagalictus Pauly, 1984b: 125. Type species: Halictus suarezensis Benoist, 1962, by original designation. Halictini. Madrosonm A^\\mtad. 1899a:94. lapsus for Mydrosonia Smith. 1 879. Dissoglottini. Maiella Michener, 1942:282, replacement for Orbitella Ma, 1938. Type species: Xylocopa confusa Perez. 1901 . autobasic. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Malanthidium Pasteels, 1969a:26. Type species: Anthidium malaccense Friese. 1914, by original designation. Anthidiini. Malay apis Baker, 1995a:67. Type species: Andrcna chrysochersonesus Baker, 1995, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Manthidiuni Pasteels, 1969a:43. Type species: Anthidium binghanii Friese. 1901 (first described under the homonymous name Anthidium fraternum Bingham. 1897), by original des- ignation. Anthidiini. ManueliaVachal, 1905b:25. Type species: Halictus gayi Spinola. 1851, by designation of Daly, Michener, Moure, and Sakagami, 1 987: 1 04. Sandhou,se ( 1 943 ) designated "Halictus (Coiynura) gayi Spinola" as the type species, but this is mean- ingless since both Halictus gayi and Coiynura gayi were de- scribed by Spinola in the same work. Manueliini. Margandrena Warncke, 1968:91. Type species: Andrena niarginata Fabricius. 1776, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Marghalictus Warncke, 1975b:95. Type species: Hylaeus marginellus Schenck. 1853, by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Martinapis Cockerell, 1929f:19, replacement for Martinella Cockerell, 1903. Type species: Melissodes luteicornis Cockerell, 1896, autobasic. Eucerini. Martinella Cockerell, 1903c:450, not Jousseaume, 1887. Type species: Melissodes luteicornis Cockerell, 1896, monobasic. [Melissodes]. See Martinapis. Eucerini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 35 Massanthidiiim Pasteels. 1969a:24. Type species: Trachiisa fhivorufiila Pasteels. 1969, by original designation. [Trachusa]. Anthidiini. Mastnicatobonihus Kriiger. 1917:66. Type species: Boinbus mustriicatus Gerstaecker, 1869 = Boinhus uiirflenii Radoszkowski, 1859, monobasic. [Bombus|. Bombini. Maximegachile Guiglia and Pasteels, 1961:27. Type species: Megachile maxillosa Guerin-Meneville, 1845. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Ma.xschwarzici Pagliano and Scaramozzino, 1990:5, unnecessary replacement tor Megaiuviiia Cockerell, 1909: .see Michener, 1992. Type species: Noiuia hinghaini Cockerell, 1909, autobasic. Meganomiinae. Maynenomia Pauly, 1984d:698. Type species: Noinia inaynei Cockerell, 19.^7 - Nomia testacea Friese, 1914, by original designation. Nomiinae. Mecanthidhim Michener, 1942:278. Type species: Panintliidiiiii, sononim Michener. 1942. by original designation. [Paranthidium]. Anthidiini. Mediocrolictiis Pauly, 1984b: 143. Type species: Halictus mediocris Benoist, 1962, by original designation. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Megahombiis Dalla Torre, 1880:40. Type species: Bombiis Ugusticus Spinola. 1805 = Apis argillacca Scopoli, 1763, monobasic. [Bombus]. Isotypic with Odontohombus by syn- onymy. Bombini. Megacemtina Hirashima, I971b:251. Type species: Ceratma buuyssoiii \Acha\, 1903 = Ceratiuu sciilpliirata Smith, 1854, by oiiginal designation. Ceratinini. Megachile Latreille, 1 802a:434. Type species: Apis centiinciilaris Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Curtis, 1828:pl. 218. A subsequent designation, Xylocopa muraria Fabricius, 1804 = Apis parietinaFomcroy. 1785, wasby Blanchard, 1840:408. Isotypic with Antliemois by synonymy. Megachilini. Megachileoides Radoszkowski, 1874b: 132. Type species: Trachusa serratidae Panzer, 1 804 = Apis hyssina Panzer. 1798, by designation of Michener, 1995:375. Isotypic with Trachusa Panzer: isotypic with Diphysis by synonymy. Anthidiini. MegachiloidesMiichcW, 1924: 154. Type species: Meguchiloides oenotherae Mitchell, 1924, by original designation. Meguchiloides Saussure (1890) is an incorrect sub.sequent spelling of Megachileoides Radoszkowski and does not pre- occupy Megachiloides Mitchell. Megachilini. Megachiloides Saussure, 1890:35, incorrect subsequent spell- ing of Megachileoides Radoszkowski, 1 874, see Michener, 1995. Anthidiini. Megacilissa Smith. 1 853: 1 23. Type species: Megacilissa superba Smith, 1 853 = Ccmpolicaiiafulvicollis Spinola, 1 85 1 , monoba- sic. Caupolicanini. Megahoplitis Tkalcii, I993a:55. Type species: Osiiiia rigrina Morawitz, 1872, by original designation. [Hoplitisj. Osniiini. Megalobombus Schulz. 1906:267. unjustified emendation of Megubombus DAUlont, 1880. [Bombus]. Bombini. Megalochila Schulz, 1906:263, unjustified emendation of Megachile Latreille. 1802. Megachilini. Megalocilissa Schulz, 1906:243. unjustified emendation of Megacilissa Smith, 1853. Caupolicanini. Megaloheriades Peters, 1984:366. Type species: Osmia sclmltzei Friese, 1909, by original designation. Osmiini. Megalopta Smith. 1853:83. Type species: Megulopta idaliu Smith, 1853, designated by Commission Opinion 788(1 966 ). The earlier type designation of Megalopta hituherculaia Smith, 1853, by Cockerell, 1900a:374, is invalidated. Augochlorini. Megaloprella Schrottky, I906a:3l2. Type species: Halictus ochrias Vachal. 1904, by original designation. [Megalopta] . Augochlorini. Megaloptidia Cockerell, I900a:373. 374. Type species: Megalopta contradicta Cockerell, 1900, by original designa- tion. [Megalopta 1. Augochlorini. Megaloptilla Moure and Hurd, 1 987:24 1 . Type species: Halictus callopis Vachal, 1911, by original designation. [Megommation]. Augochlorini. Megaloptilla Eickwort, 1969:441. Type species: Augochlora ogilviei Cockerell, 1930, by original designation. [Megommation I . Augochlorini. Megaloptodes Moure, 1959:183. Type species: Megalopta bitubercutata Smith, 1 853, by original designation. Nomiinae. Megalosmia Schmiedeknecht, 1885:23. Type species: Osmia grandis Morawitz, 1873, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:568. Osmiini. Megamegilla Brooks, 1988:505. Type species: Apis acraensis Fabricius, 1793, by original designation. [Amegilla]. Anthophorini. Megandrena Cockerell, I927a:42. Type species: Andrena euceliac Cockerell. 1927, by original designation. [Andrena|. Andreninae. Meganomia Cockerell, I909a:402. Type species: Noinia biiighami Cockerell, 1909, monobasic. [Nomia|. Meganomiinae. Megauomioides Pesenko. 1983:183. Type species: Nomioides karachensis Cockerell, 1911, by original designation. [Ceylalictus]. Nomioidinae. Meganthidium Popov. I950a:3l5. Type species: Anthidium christophi Morawitz, 1884 = Anthidium supcrbum Radoszkowski, 1 876, by original designation. Anthidiini. Megapis Ashmead, 1 904a: 1 20. Type species: Apis dorsaia Fab- ricius, 1793, by original designation. Apini. Megascirtetica Moure and Michener, I955b:264. Type species: Macrocera mephistophelica Schrottky, 1902, by original des- ignation. Eucerini. Megaxylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:151. Type species: Apis frontalis Olivier. 1789, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Megella Pasteels, 1 965: 167. Type species: Megachile malimbaiui Strand. 1911, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. 36 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Meghylaeiis Cockerell, 1929b:314. Type species: Palaeorhiza gigantea Cockerell, 1926 = Prosopisfijieusis Cockerell, 1909, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Megilla Fabricius. 1804:328. Type species: Apis pilipes Fabri- cius, ni5=Apisphimipes'Pa\Vd^. 1772, designated by Com- mission Opinion 1383 (1986). Megilla labiata Fabricius, 1804, was designated by Westwood, 1840a: 158, and Apis acerx'orum Linnaeus, 1758, was designated by Richards, 1935:172, as the type species of Megilla. These designations would have made Megilla the correct name for Macropis or a junior synonym of Bombus. respectively, although Apis acen'orum was interpreted as an Anthophora at the time of Richard's work. Isotypic with Podaliriiis and Anthophora. Anthophorini. Megomalopsis Michener and Moure, 1957:430. Type species; E.xomalopsis diversipes Cockerell, 1949 = E.xomalopsis mellipes Cresson, 1878. by original designation. Exomalopsini. Megommation Moure, 1943b:479. Type species: Halictus insignis Smith, 1853, by original designation. Augochlorini. Mehelya Popov, 1939:167, not Csiki, 1903, replacement for Barbara Mehely, 1935. Type species: Prosopisfriesei Mfken, 1904, by original designation. [Prosopis]. See Mehelyana. Hylaeinae. Mehelyana Sandhouse, 1943:569, replacement for Barbara Mehely, 1935, and Mehelya Popov, 1939. Type species: Prosopis friesei A\fker\. 1904. autobasic. Hylaeinae. Melaliphanthits Ruz and Toro, 1983:271. Type species: Liphanrhus arratiis Ruz and Toro. 1983, by original designa- tion. [Liphanthus]. Panurginae. Melanapis Cameron, 1902a:420. Type species: Melanapis violaceipennis Cameron. 1902 = Andrena fuscosa Erichson. 1835, monobasic. Andreninae. Melandrena Perez, 1890: 170. Type species: Apis rhoracica Fab- ricius, 1775. by present designation. Andrena morio Brulle. 1832, designated by Hedicke, 1933:216. was not among the species originally included by Perez. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Melanempis Saussure, 1890:84. Type species: Phileremus ater Saussure, 1890, monobasic. [Phileremus]. Ammobatini. Melaneurricharaea Tkalcu, 1993b:803. Type species: Megachile hohmanni Tkaku. 1983. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Melanoanrhidiitm Tkalcii. 1967:91. Type species: Anrhidium monraniim Morawitz, 1864, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Melanobombus Dalla Torre, 1880:40. Type species: Apis lapidaria Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:569. [Bombus]. Isotypic with Lapidariobombits. Bombini. Melanocenrris Friese, 1900:244, 246. Type species: Cenrris atra Friese, 1899, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:569. [Centris]. Centridini. Melanocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973:78. Type species: Coelioxxs rolreca Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Melanomada Cockerell. 1903d:587. Type species: Nomada grindeliae Cockerell, 1903, by original designation. [Nomada|. Brachynomadini. Melanomia Pauly. 1990:149; also described as new by Pauly, 1991:310. Type species: Nomia melanosoma Benoist, 1963, by original designation. Nomiinae. Melanosarus Mitchell, 1934:303. 307. Type species: Megachile xylocopoides Smith, 1853, by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Melanosmia Schmiedeknecht. 1885:19[885]. Type species: OsmiafiiciformisLiAxQxWe. 1811 - Apis xanrhomelana Kirby, 1802, by designation of Sandhouse, 1939:33. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Melanostelis Ashmead, 1898:283. Type species: Melanosrelis berheli Aahmead. 1 898 = 5'?f//.yn/W Cockerell, 1898, by origi- nal designation. Anthidiini. Melanrhidium Cockerell, 1 947: 106. Type species: Melanrhidium carri Cockerell, 1947, by original designation. Anthidiini. Melanrhidium Pasteels, 1969a:90. not Cockerell. 1947. Type species: Anrhidium concolor Friese. 1913, by original desig- nation. See Nigranthidium and Wamckeia. Anthidiini. Melea Sandhouse, 1943:569, replacement for Anrhemoessa Robertson. 1905. Type species; Anrhophora abrupra Say, 1 837, autobasic. Anthophorini. Melecta Latreille. 1802a:427. Type species: Apis punctata Fab- ricius, 1775= Apis albifrons Forster, 1 77 1 , by designation of Latreille, 1810:439. Isotypic w'Wh Symmorpha. Melectini. Melectoides Taschenberg, 1883:75. Type species: Melectoides ieHf.vTaschenberg, 1883, by original designation. Isepeolini. Melectomimus Linsley, 1939a:448. Type species: Melecta edwardsii Cresson. 1878. by original designation. [Melecta]. Melectini. Melectomorpha Linsley, 1939a:451. Type species: Melecta califomica Cresson. 1878. by original designation. [Melecta]. Melectini. Melikerria Moure, 1992:34. Type species: Apis compressipes Fabricius, 1804, by original designation. [Melipona]. Meliponini. Meliphila Schrottky, 1902b:310. Type species: Meliphila ipomoeae Schrottky, 1902 = Meliroma euglossoides Lepeletier and Serville. 1828, by original designation. Isotypic with Melitoma by synonymy. Emphorini. Meliphilopsis Roig-Alsina, 1994:183. Type species: Meliphilopsis melanandra Roig-Alsina, 1994. by original designation. Emphorini. Meliplebeia Moure, 1961:229. Type species: Trigona beccarii Gribodo, 1879, by original designation. Meliponini. Melipona Illiger, 1806: 157. Type species; Apis favosa Fabricius, 1798. by designation of Latreille. 1810:439. Melipona fulva Lepeletier, 1841, designated by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 129 (1845), was not originally included. Meliponini. Meliponorytes Tosi, 1896:352. Type species: Meliponorytes succini Tosi, 1896, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:570. Fossil. Meliponini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 37 Melipomila Cockerell. 1934b:47. Type species: Melipona bocaiulei Spinola, 1851. by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Melissa Smith. 1854:279. Type species: Mesacheira aziirea Lepeletier and Serville. 1825. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:570. Isotypic with Mesoplia. Ericrocidini. Melissina Cockerel]. 191 le:670. Type species: Melissina viator Cockerell. 1911. monobasic. Eucerini. Melissoda Lepeletier. 1 84 1 :508. Type species: Melissoda latreillii Lepeletier. 1841 = Acanthopiis goni Romand, 1840, monoba- sic. Isotypic with Ischnocera; isotypic with Ctenioschelus by synonymy. Ericrocidini. Melissode Latreille, 1825:464, nomen nudum. French vernacu- lar. Eucerini? Melissodes Berthold. 1827:468, nomen nudum, Latinization of Melissode Latreille. There is no certainty that these names refer to Melissodes Latreille. 1829. They are listed here to avoid possible confusion. Eucerini? Melissodes Latreille, 1829:354, no included species. Romand, 1841:6, included Melissodes fonscolombei Romand, 1841; this specific name was suppressed by Commission Opinion 750 (1965). Type species: Melissodes lepheiiri Blanchard. 1846. first valid included species and designated as type spe- cies by Opinion 750. Taschenberg, 1883:78, subsequently designated Macrocera rustica Say, 1837, as the type species. Eucerini. Melissoptila Holmberg, 1884:119. Type species: Melissoptila tandilensis Holmberg, 1884, monobasic. Isotypic with Thyreothremma and Thyreotremata by synonymy. Eucerini. Melitoina Berthold, 1827:468. nomen nudum, Latinization of Melitome Latreille. Emphorini? Melitoina Lepeletier and Serville. 1828:529. Type species: Melitoina eiiglossoides Lepeletier and Serville. 1 828. monoba- sic. Isotypic with Meliphila by synonymy. Emphorini. Melitome Latreille, 1825:464, nomen nudum. French vernacu- lar. Empliorini? Melitribus Rayment, 1930a:217. Type species: Melitribus greavesi Rayment. 1930. by original designation. Rayment. 1930b:61. subsequently designated Gastropsis victoriae Cockerell, 1906, as the type species. Stenotritidae. Melitta Kirby. 1802:117. Type species: Melitta tricincta Kirby. 1802, by designation of Richards, 1935:172. Isotypic with Kirbya. Melittinae. Melittidia Dalla Torre. 1896:99. lapsus for Mellitidia Guerin- Meneville. 1830. Nomiinae. Melittoides Friese, 1921a: 177. Type species: Andrena melittoides Friese. 1899. by absolute tautonymy. Andreninae. Melittosmitliia Schulz, 1906:244, replacement for Sinithia Vachal, 1897. Type species: Scrapter carinala Smith, 1862, by designation of Cockerell, 1910b:358. Euryglossinae. Melittoxena Morawitz, 1873b: 154. Type species: Noinada truncata Nylander. 1848, monobasic. Biastini. Melitturga Latreille. 1 809: 1 76. Type species: Eucera clavicomis Latreille, 1806, monobasic. Panurginae. Melitiirga Lepeletier and Serville. 1828:799, unjustified emen- dation of Melitturga Latreille, 1809. Panurginae. Meliturgopsis Ashmead, 1899a:62, no included species; Cockerell, 1909c(May 13):414, includedaspecies. Type spe- cies: Einphoropsis murihirta imirina Cockerell. 1909, first included species, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:572. The inclusion and designation of Anlliopliora aiirulento-caiidata Dours, 1869, by Vachal, 1909b:9, was published in July and is junior to Cockerell ( 1909c). Anthopliorini. Meliturgiila Friese, 1 903b:33. Type species: Meliturgida hruunsi Friese, 1903, monobasic. Panurginae. Meliwillea Roubik. Segura. and Camargo, 1997:102. Type spe- cies: Meliwillea hivea Roubik, Segura, and Camargo, 1997, by original designafion. Meliponini. Mellitidia Guerin-Meneville. 1830:270. Type species: Andrena aiistralis Guerin-Meneville, 1830, monobasic. Nomiinae. Melliturga Latreille. 1809:177. lapsus for Melitturga Latreille, 1809. Panurginae. Mendaciboinlnts Skorikov, 1914a: 125. Type species: Boinbits mendax Gerstaecker, 1869, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:572. [Bombus]. Bombini. Mermiglossa Friese, 1912: 188. Type species: Meriniglossa ritfa Friese, 1912, monobasic. Panurginae. Meroglossa Smith, 1853:33. Type species: Meroglossa canaliculata Smith, 1853, monobasic. Hylaeinae. Meroglossula Perkins, 1912:99. Type species: Meroglossa eu- calypti Cockerell, 1910, monobasic. [Meroglossa]. Hylaeinae. Merrophites Wamcke. 1 979: 1 33. Type species: Dufomea inerceti Vachal, 1907, by original designation. [Rophites]. Rophitinae. Mesanthidiellum Pasteels. 1969a:83. Type species: Mesanthidiellum amoemim Pasteels. 1969. by original des- ignation. Anthidiini. Mesanthidium Popov, 1950a:316. Type species: Anthidium pentagonum Gussakovskij, 1930. by original designation. Anthidiini. Mesocheira Lepeletier and Serville, 1825:106. Type species: Melecta bicolor Fabricius. 1804. by designation of Taschenberg. 1883:72. Ericrocidini. Mesoc/z/ra Agassiz, 1846:20; Schulz, 1906:257, unjustified emendation of Mesocheira Lepeletier and Serville, 1825. Ericrocidini. Mesonychium Lepeletier and Serville, 1825:107. Type species: Mesonychiitin coerulescens Lepeletier and Serville. 1825, monobasic. Ericrocidini. Mesoplia Lepeletier, 1 84 1 :457. Type species: Mesocheira azurea Lepeletier and Serville. 1825. monobasic. Isotypic with Me- lissa. Ericrocidini. Mesotrichia Westwood, 1838:112. Type species: Mesotrichia torrida Westwood. 1838. monobasic. Xylocopini. Mesoxaea Hurd and Linsley, 1976:41. Type species: Oxaea nigerrima Friese, 1912, by original designation. Oxaeinae. Metadioxxs Popov. 1947:88. Type species: Dioxys forinosa Morawitz, 1875, by original designation. Dioxyini. 38 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Metallinella Tkalcu, 1966:200. Type species: Osmia atwcaenilea Schilling. 1 849 = Eiicera hrevicornis Fabricius. 1798, by original designation. Osmiini. Metainegachile Tkalcu. 1967:102. Type species: Antliopliora albisecta Klug, 1817. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. MetapsaenythiaT\mbtr\ake. 1969:89. Type species: Calliopsis abdomiinilis Cresson, 1878, by original designation. Panurginae. Metapsithynis Popov. 1 93 1 a: 1 35 . Type species: Apis campestris Panzer, 1801, by original designation. [Psithyrus]. Bombini. Metasamba Michener, 1981:69. Type species: Haplomelitta fasciata Michener. 1981. by original designation. [Haplomelitta]. Dasypodinae. Metatrachiisa Pasteels, 1969a:22. Type species: Anthidium pendlebiiryi Cockerell, 1927, by original designation. [Trachusa]. Anthidiini. Metylaeus Bridwell, 1919:126, 131. Type species: Met\'laeus cribratus Bridwell, 1919, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Metziella Michener, 1942:273. Type species: Prosupis patens Metz, 1911 = Prosopis sparsa Cresson, 1869, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Mexalictits Eickwort, 1978:567. Type species: Mexalictiis micheneri Eickwort, 1978, by original designation. Halictini. Michanthidium Urban. 1994a:28l. replacement for Gnatluintliidiuiu Urban. Type species: Gnathantliidium sakagamii Urban, autobasic. Anthidiini. Michenerapis Hirashima and Lieftinck. 1982:5. Type species: Pcdaeorhiza fe(co/<;/- Hirashima and Lieftinck, 1982, by origi- nal designation. [Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Michenerella Krombein, 1950:122. Type species: Heriades paganensis Yasumatsu, 1942. by original designation. [Heriades]. Osmiini. Micheneria Kerr. Pisani, and Ally. 1 967: 1 39. not Orfila and Rossi, 1956. Type species: Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 181 1, by original designation. [Melipona]. See Michmelia. Meliponini. Micheneriila Bohart. 1965:320. Type species: Michencrula beameri Bohart, 1965, by original designation. Rophitinae. Michmelia Moure, 1975:62 1 , replacement for Micheneria Kerr, Pisani. and Aily. Type species: Melipona scutellaris Latreille. 1811, autobasic. [Melipona]. Meliponini. Mcra//cto(^es Timberlake, 1939:397. Type species: Halictoides ruficaiidiis Michener, 1937, by original designation. [Dufourea]. Rophitinae. Micramegilla Brooks, 1988:508. Type species: Anthophora niveata Friese, 1905. by original designation. [Amegilla]. Anthophorini. Micrandrena Ashmead, 1899a: 89. Type species: Micrandrena pacifica Ashmead, 1899 = Andrena melanochroa Cockerell. 1898, by original designation. Andreninae. Micranthidium Cockerell, 1930b:45. Type species: Anthidium truncatum Smith. 1854. by original designation. [Pachyanthidmm]. Anthidiini. Micranthophora Cockerell. 1 906d:66. Type species: Anthophora curta Provancher. 1895. by original designation. Anthophorini. Micrapis Ashmead, 1904a: 122. Type species: Apisflorea Fabri- cius, 1787, by original designation. Apini. Micraugochlora Schrottky. 1909b:483, no included species; Schrottky, 1909a: 138, included one species. Type species: Micraugochlora sphaerocephala Schrottky, 1909, first in- cluded species. Isotypic with Temnosomula by synonymy. Augochlorini. Micreriades Mavromoustakis, 1958:444. Type species: Heriades parnesica Mavromoustakis, 1958, by original designation. [Heriades]. Osmiini. Microcolletes Michener, 1965a:55. Type species: ParacoUetes halictifonnis Cockerell, 1916 (not Euryglossa halictiformis Smith. 1879, homonym in Leioproctus) = Leioproctus halictomimus Michener, 1965 = ParacoUetes minutus Cockerell, 1916, by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Microdontura Cockerell, 1929b: 322. Type species: Microdontura mellea Cockerell, 1929, monobasic. Euryglossinae. Microhalictus Warncke. 1975b:85. Type species; Melitta miniitissinia Kirby, 1802, by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Microhesnia Michener. 1 965a: 1 13. Type species: Brachyhesma incompleta Michener. 1965. by original designation. [Brachyhesma]. Euryglossinae. MicrohoplitisTkalcu. 1993b:81 1 . Type species: Osmia hohmanni Tkalcu. 1993, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Micromelecta Baker, 1906: 143. Type species: Melecta maculata Cresson, 1879. by original designation. Isotypic with Zacosmia. Melectini. Micrommation Moure, 1969:247. Type species: Micrommation larocai Moure, 1969. by original designation. Augochlorini. Micronomada Cockerell and Atkins, 1902:44. Type species: Nomada modesta Cresson, 1863, by original designation. [Nomada]. Nomadini. Micronomadopsis Rozen, 1958:107. Type species: Nomadopsis fracta Rozen, 1958, by original designation. [Nomadopsis]. Panurginae. Micronychapis Moure and Michener, 1955b:286. Type species: Tetralonia duckei Friese, 1908, by original designation. Eucerini. Micropasites Linsley, 1942:130. Type species: Neopasites cressoni Crawford, 1916. by original designation. [Gnathopasites|. Biastini. Micropasites Warncke, 1983:283, not Linsley, 1942. Type .spe- cies: Ammobates minutissimus Mavromoustakis, 1959, re- named tunensis Warncke, 1983, because of homonymy in Pasites. [Pasites]. See Ebweriana. Ammobatini. Microrophites Warncke, 1979:133. Type species: Rophites Cjuadridentatus Warncke, 1979, by original designation. [Rophites]. Rophitinae. Genus-Group Names of Bees 39 Microspbecodes Eickwort and Stage, 1972:501. Type species: Sphecoiles kutlileenae Eickwort, 1972, by original designa- tion. ISphecodes], Halictini. Micwstelis Robertson, 1903a:l70, 175. Type species: Stelis lateralis Cresson. 1864, by original designation. Anthidiini. Micwihiirge Michener, 1983:181. Type species: Lithurgus phanidontiis Moure, 1948, by original designation. Lithurgini. Mielkcaniludimn Urban, 1996:121. Type species: Mielkeanthidiiim nigripes Urban, 1996, by original designa- tion. Anthidiini. Miimmdrena Lanham, 1 949:2 1 7. Type species: Andrena iinitatrix Cresson, 1872, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Mimoxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:203. Type species: Xylocopa rufipes Smith, 1852, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Mimulapis Bridwell, 1919:162. Type species: Mimiilapis versatilis Bridwell, 1919, by original designation. Rophitinae. Mimitodufourea Ebmer, 1984:361. Type species: Diifourea niiiuirissiimi Ebmer, 1976, by original designation. [Dufourea]. Rophitinae. Milchellapls Michener, 1 965a:2 1 1 . Type species: Megachile fab- ricator Smith, 1868. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Mitsiikuriapis Hirashima, LaBerge, and Ikudome, //( Ikudome, 1994:6, replacement for Mitsiikuriella Hirashima and LaBerge. Type species: Ntmiia japonica Smith, 1873, autobasic. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Mitsiikuriella Hirashima and LaBerge, 1965, in Hirashima, 1965a:472, not Heding and Panning, 1954. Type species: Nomia japonica Smith, 1873, by original designation. [Andrena]. See Mitsiikuriapis. Andreninae. Monia Westwood, 1875:221, not Gray, 1850. Type species: Monia grisea Westwood, 1875, monobasic. See Monidia. Colletinae. Monidia Cockerell, 1905c:9, replacenjent for Monia Westwood, 1 875. Type species: Monia grisea Westwood, 1 875, autobasic. Colletinae. Monilapis Cockerell, 1931f:529. Type species: Hylaeus tomentosiis Eversmann, 1852, by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Monilosmia Robertson, 1903a:166, 171. Type species: Osmia canadensis Cresson, 1864 = Osmia simillima Smith, 1853, by original designation. Osmiini. Monoeca Lepeletier and Serville, 1828:528. Type species: Monoeca hrasiliensis Lepeletier and Serville, 1 828, monoba- sic. Tapinotaspidini. Monoepeolus Bischff, 1930:3. Type species: Apis variegata Linnaeus, by original designation. Named in synonyiny of Epeolus s. str. as contrast to Diepeolus. [Epeolus]. Isotypic with Epeolus. Epeolini. Monosiniu Tkalc, 1974a:337. Type species: Osmia apicata Smith, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Monoxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:127. Type species: Xylocopa abhreviata Hurd and Moure, 1963, by original des- ignation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Monumetha Cresson, 1864:387. Type species: Chelostoma albifrons Kirby, 1 837, by designation of Titus, 1 904a:26. Osmiini. Morawitzella Popov, 1957:916. Type species: Epimethea nana Morawitz, 1 880, by original designation. Rophitinae. Morawitzia Friese, 1902:185. Type species: Morawitzia panurgoides Friese, 1902, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:574. Sandhouse (1943) considered this genus monoba- sic, but two names (one called a variety) were included by Friese (1902). Rophitinae. Morgania Smith, 1 854:253. Type species: Pasites dichroa Smith, 1854, monobasic. Ammobatini. Morphanthidiiim Pasteels, 1969b:423. Invalid because no type species designated: three included species. Synonym of Ardenthidiiim. to judge by two of the included species, and was presumably intended by Pasteels to be the same as Ardenthidiiim. [Anthidium[. Anthidiini. Morpbella Pasteels, 1965:537. Type species: Megachile hiseta Vachal, 1903, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Moureana Mitchell, 1980:56. Type species: Megachile anthidioides Radoszkowski, 1874, by original designation. [Pseudocentron]. Megachilini. Moiireanthidiuni Urban, 1995a:37. Type species: Dianthidium siibarenarium Schwarz, 1933, by original designation. Anthidiini. Mourecotelles Toro and Cabezas, 1977:50. Type species: Moiirecotelles mixta Toro and Cabezas, 1977, by original designation. Colletinae. Mourella Schwarz, 1946. in Moure, 1946a:442. Type species: Melipona caeriilea Friese, 1900, by original designation. Meliponini. Mucidobombus Kriiger, 1920:350. Type species: Bonibus mucidus Gerstaecher, 1869, monobasic. Kriiger gave no subgeneric characters, but according to the Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 12(b)(5), the name is nonetheless valid. Isotypic with Mucidobombus Skorikov. Bombini. Mucidobombus Skorikov, 1922b: 149. Type species: Bombiis mucidus Gerstaecker, 1 869, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:574. Homonym and junior synonym of and i.sotypic with Mucidobombus Kriiger, 1 920. Bombini. Mycterochlora Eickwort, 1969:423. Type species: Halictus repandirostris Vachal, 1911, by original designation. [Augochlora]. Augochlorini. Mxdrosoma Smith, 1 879:5. Type species: Mydrosoma metalliciim Smith, 1879 = Apista opalina Smith, 1861, monobasic. Dissoglottini. 40 ScffiNTiFic Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Mydrosomella Michener, 1986b: 194. Type species: Diphaglossa (?) gaiillei Vachal, 1904. by original designation. Dissoglottini. Mystacanthophora Brooks, 1988:466. Type species: Anthophora montana Cresson, 1869. by original designation. [Anthophora], Anthophorini. Mystacosmia Snelling. 1967: 104. Type species: Osmia nemoris Sandhouse. 1924. by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Nananthidium Moure. 1947a:26. Type species: Nammthidium hettyae Moure. 1947. by original designation. Anthidiini. Nannothgona Cockerell. 1922e:9. Type species: Melipona testaceiconiis Lepeletier, 1836, by original designation. Meliponini. Nanocolletes Warncke, 1978:341. Type species: Colletes nanus Friese, 1898. by original designation. [Collates]. Colletinae. Nanoxylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:99. Type species: Xylocopa ciliata Burmeister, 1876. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Nasutapis Michener. 1970:208. Type species: Nasutapis straussonim Michener. 1970. by original designation. Allodapini. Navicularia Mehely, 1935:34. 140. Invalid because no type spe- cies was designated. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Navicularia Popov, 1939: 168. Type species: Mellinus variegatus Fabricius, 1798, by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Neagapostemon Cure, 1989:295. Type species: Pseudagapo- stemon cyanomelas Cure, 1989, by original designation. Cure (1989) attributes the specific name cyanomelas to Moure, but earlier usages were nomina nuda; Cure was the first to de- scribe the species. [Pseudagapostemon]. Halictini. Nealictus Pesenko, 1984:346. Type species: Halictus parallelus Say, 1837. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Neanthidium Pasteels, 1969a:93. Type species: Anthidium octodentatum Perez. 1895, by original designation. Anthidiini. Nectarodiaeta Holmberg, 1887b:225, nomen nudum. Eucerini. Nectarodiaeta Holmberg. 1903:420. Type species: Nectarodiaeta oliveirae Holmberg. 1903. monobasic. Eucerini. Neffapis Ruz, 1995, in Rozen and Ruz, 1995:3. Type species: Nejfapis longilingua Ruz. 1995. by original designation. Panurginae. Neglectella Pasteels, 1965:431. Type species: Megachile armatipes Friese. 1909, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Nemandrena LaBerge, 197 la:48. Type species: Andrena torulosa LaBerge. 1971. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Neoashmeadiella Gupta, 1990:56. Type species: Ashmeadiella indica Gupta. 1990. by original designation. [Ashmeadiella]. IVIegachilini. Neoceratina Perkins, 1912:117. Type species: Neoceratina australensis Perkins. 1912. monobasic. Ceratinini. Neochalicodoma Paslesls, 1970:231. Type species: Chalicodoma pseudohiminata Pasteels. 1965. by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Neochelynia Schrottky, 1920:187. Type species: Neochelynia paidista Schrottky. 1920. monobasic. Megachilini. Neocoelioxys Mitchell. 1973:64. Type species: Coelioxys assumptionis Schrottky, 1911. by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Neocoryniira Schrottky. 1910:540. replacement for Cacosoma Smith, 1879. Type species: Cacosoma discolor Smith, autobasic. Augochlorini. Neoconniiroides Eickwort. 1969:404. Type species: Halictus rhytis Vachal. 1904. by original designation. [Neocorynura]. Augochlorini. Neocressoniella Gupta. 1993:172. Type species: Megachile carbonaria Smith. 1853, by original designation. [Cressoniella]. Megachilini. Neoeutricharaea Rebmann. 1967:36. Type species: Apis rotundata Fabricius, 1787. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Neofidelia Moure and Michener. 1955a:202. Type species: Neofidelia profiiga Moure and Michener, 1955, by original designation. Fideliini. Neohalidoides Viereck. 1904b:261. Type species: Pcmiirgus maiinis Cresson. 1878. by original designation. Rophitinae Neolarra Ashmead. 1890:8. Type species: Neolarra pruinosa Ashmead. 1890, monobasic. Neolarrini. Neoliphanthus Ruz andToro, 1983:274. Type species: Liphanthus hicelhdaris Ruz and Toro. 1983. by original designation. [Liphanthus]. Panurginae. Neomegachile Mitchell. 1934:302, 306. Type species: Megachile chichimeca Cresson, 1878. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Neopanurgus Schwammberger, 1971:2. Type species: Neopaniirgus richteri Schwammberger, 1 97 1 , by original des- ignation. Panurginae. Neopasiphae Perkins. 1912:114. Type species: Neopasiphae mirabilis Perkins. 1912. monobasic. Colletinae. Neopasites Ashmead. 1898:284. Type species: Phileremus fulviventris Cresson. 1878. by original designation. Isotypic with Gnathopasiies. Biastini. Neoperdita Ashmead, 1899a:85. Type species: Perdita zebrata Cresson. 1878. by original designation. Panurginae. Neoscirtetica Schrottky, 1913:256, replacement for Scirteiica Holmberg. 1903. Type species: Scirtetica antarctica Holmberg. 1903, autobasic. Isotypic W\\.\\ AUoscirtetica and Holmhergiapis. Eucerini. Neosmia'YkaXcu. 1974a:333.Type species: Osmia gracUicornis Perez, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Neotrypetes Robertson. 1918a:91. Type species: Trypetes productus Robertson, 1905 = Megachile variolosa Cresson, 1872. by original designation. Osmiini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 41 Neoxylocopa Michener. 1954:157. Type species: Apis brasilianorwn Linnaeus. 1767. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Neshylaeus Heider, 1935:2245. unjustified emendation of Nesylaeus Bridwell, 1919. Hylaeinae. NesocoUetesMichtTicr, 1965a:52. Type species: Lampmcolletes fiilvesceiis Smith. 1 876. by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Nesoeiipetersia Bliithgen, 1936:182. Type species: Sphecodes scotti Cockerell. 1912. by original designation. [Eupetersia] . Halictini. Nesohalictus Crawford. 1 9 10: 1 20. Type species: Halictus robhii Crawford. 1910 = Nomia halictoides Smith. 1858. by origi- nal designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Nesohylaeus Ikudome, 1989:125. Type species: Hylaeus niger Bridwell, 1919, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Nesomelecta Michener, 1948b: 15. Type species: Melecta haitensis Michener. 1948, by original designation. [Melecta]. Melectini. Nesomonia Michener, Brooks, and Pauly, 1990:135. Type spe- cies: Nomia flaviveiUris Benoist. 1963. by original designa- tion. [Uromonia]. Meganomiinae. Nesoprosopis Perkins, 1899:75. Type species: Prosopis facilis Smith, 1879, by designation of Popov, 1939:168. Hylaeinae. Nesothrincostoma Bliithgen, 1933:364. Type species: Thrincostoma serricorne Bliithgen, 1933, monobasic. Halictini. Nesylaeus Bridwell, 1919:147. Type species: Hylaeus nesoprosopoides Bridwell, 1919, by original designation. [Hylaeus], Hylaeinae. Nevadensibombus Skorikov, 1922b: 149. Type species: Bombiis nevadensis Ciesson, 1874, by designation of Prison, 1927:64. Bombini. Nigrantliidium Pasteels, 1984:57, replacement for Melanthidium Pasteels. 1969. Type species: Anthidium concolor Friese, 1913, by original designation and autobasic. Anthidiini. Nigrocoelioxys Gupta, 1993:235. Type species: Coeiioxys fuscipennis Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Coeiioxys]. Megachilini. Niltonia Moure, 1964c:52. Type species: Niltonia virgilii Moure, 1964, by original designation. Colletinae. Nitocris Rafinesque. 1815:123. unjustified replacement for Nomia Latreille, 1804. Type species: Andremi cun'ipes Fab- ricius, 1781, autobasic. Nomiinae. Nivanthidium Pasteels, 1969a: 106. Type species: Anthidium niveocinctum Gerstaecker, 1857, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Nobandrena Wamcke, 1968:45. Type species: Andrena mibilis Morawitz, 1874, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Nobilibombus Skorikov, 1933a:62. Invalid because no type spe- cies was designated [Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 13(b)]. Bischoff, 1936:12, and Milliron. 1961:54, designated type species but placed Nobilihomhus as a junior synonym of other names, and thus did not validate it (see Williams, 1991 ). Bombini. Nohilihombus Richards, 1968:216, 222. Type species: Bomhus nohilis Friese, 1904, by original designation. [Bombus]. Bombini. Nodocolletes Rayment, 1931:164. Type species: Nodocolletes dentatus Rayment, 1931 = Andrena chalybeata Erichson, 1851. by original designation. Isotypic with Lamprocolletes by synonymy. Colletinae. Nodula Ma, 1938:290. Type species: Apis amethystina Fabri- cius, 1793, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Nogueirapis Moure. 1953b:247. Type species: Trigona butteli Friese, 1900, by original designation. [Partamona]. Meliponini. Nomada Scopoli. 1770:44. Type species: Apis ruficornis Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Curtis, 1832:pl. 419. Apis /afenr/fl/!fl Linnaeus, 1767, designated by Latreille, 1810:439, was not originally included. Nomada succincta Panzer, 1 798, was designated as the type species by Blanchard. 1849:pl. 128 (1847) but was not originally included. Nomadini. Nomadita Mocsary, 1894:37. Type species: Nomadita montana Mocsary, 1894, monobasic. Nomadini. Nomadopsis Ashmead, 1898:285. Type species: Perdita zonalis Cresson, 1879, lapsus for Calliopsis zonalis Cresson, 1879, by original designation. Isotypic with Claremontiella by syn- onymy. Panurginae. Nomadosoma Rohwer, 1911:24. Type species: Pasites pilipes Cresson, 1865. by original designation. Nomadini. Nomadula Cockerell, 1903d:611. Type species: Nomada americana Kirby of Robertson, 1903d = Nomada articulata Smith, 1854, by original designation. See Code, ed. 3, Art. 70(c). [Nomada]. Nomadini. Nomia Latreille, 1 804: 1 82. Type species: Andrena cun'ipes Fab- ricius, 1781, monobasic. Nomia diversipes "Fabr.," actually Latreille, 1806, designated by Blanchard, 1849:pl. 125(1847), was not originally included. Nomiinae. Nomiapis Cockerell, 1919a:208. Type species: Nomia diversipes Latreille, 1806, by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Nomiocolletes Brethes, 1909c:455. Type species: Nomia joergenseni Friese, 1908, by original designation. Colletinae. Nomioides Schenck, 1866:333. Type species: Apis minutissima Rossi, 1790, designated by the Commission, Opinion 1319 (1985). Misidentification of the type species as Andrena pulchella Jurine, 1807, by Schenck and associated nomen- clatural problems are explained by Pesenko and Kerzhner (1981). Nomioidinae. Noonadania Hirashima, 1978:68. Type species: Palaeorhiza sculpturalis Hirashima. 1978, by original designation. [Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Notandrena Perez, 1 890: 1 73. Type species: Andrena nitidiuscula Schenck, 1 853, designated by Hedicke, 1933:216. [Andrena]. Andreninae. 42 SciENTinc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Notanthidiiim Isensee, 1927:373. Type species: Anthidium sieloides Spinola. 1851. by original designation. [Dianthidium|. Anthidiini. Noteopsis Ikudome, 1991 : 791 . Type species: Hylaeus nanseiensis Ikudome, 1989, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Nateriades Cockerell, 1931b:332. Type species: Megachile triciirinatci Bingham. 1903. by original designation. [Heriades]. Osmiini. Nothosmia Ashmead, 1899a:75. Type species: Osmia disdncta Cresson. 1864. by original designation. Osmiini. Nuthykieus Bridwell. 1919:125, 126. Type species: Prosopis hemldica Smith, 1853, by original designation. Hylaeinae. NatocoUeles Cockerell, 1916b:44. Type species: NolocoUetes hetewdoxus Cockerell, 1916, monobasic. Colletinae. Notolonia Popov, 1962:294. Type species: Notolonia astragali Popov. 1962. by original designation. Eucerini. Notomegilla Brooks. 1988:511. Type species: Aiithophora aeruginosa Smith, 1 854. by original designation. [Amegilla], Anthophorini. Notoiuclirta Cockerell, 1933b: 128. Type species: Rediviva neliami Cockerell. 1 93 1 . by original designation. Melittinae. Notoxaea Hurd and Linsley. 1976:21. Type species: Oxaea ferruginea Friese, 1 898, by original designation. Oxaeinae. Notoxylocopa Hurd. 1956:2. Type species: Xylocopa tabaniformis Smith. 1854. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Nitbenomiu Pauly, 1980:122. Type species: Noiuia nubecula Smith. 1875. by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Nycinmelitta Cockerell. 1929e:303. Type species: Bonibus tranquebaricus Fabricius. 1804, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Obertobombus Reinig. 1930:107. Type species: Bomlnis oberti Morawitz. 1883. monobasic. [Bombus]. Bombini. Ochreriades Mavromoustakis, 1956:226. Type species: Eriades fasciatits Friese, 1899, by original designation. Osmiini. Odontalictus Robertson. 1 9 1 8a:9 1 . Type species: Halictus ligatus Say, 1837. by original designation. Halictini. Odontanthocopa Tkalcu, 1974b: 125. Type species: Osmia bidentata Morawitz, 1876. by original designation. [Anthocopaj. Osmiini. Odonterythrosmia Tkalcu, 1974b: 131. Type species: Osmia fallax Perez. 1895. by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Odontobombus Kriiger. 1917:61. Type species: Apis argiilacea Scopoli. 1763, by designation of Williams, 1994:339. A sec- tional name, to be treated as a subgenus according to the Code. 3rd ed.. Art. 10(e). [Bombus]. Isotypic with Megabombus by synonymy. Bombini. Odontochlora Schrottky. 1909a: 141. Type species: Augoehlora nuilierl Cockerell, 1900, by original designation. Augochlorini. Odantopasites Linsley. 1942:128. Type species: Neopasites arizonicus Linsley. 1942. by original designation. [Neopasites]. Animobatoidini. Odontostelis Cockerell, 1 93 ld:542. Type species: Stelis abnormis Friese, 1925= Anthidium bivittatum Cresson, 1878. by origi- nal designation. Isotypic with Hoplostelis. Anthidiini. Odantotrigona Moure, 1961:213. Type species: Trigona liaematoptera Cockerell. 1919. by original designation. Meliponini. Odyneropsis Schrottky, 1902a:432. Type species: Odyneropsis holosericea Schrottky. 1902. by original designation. Epeolini. Oediscelis Philippi, 1866: 109. Type species: Oediscelis vernalis Philippi. 1866. by designation of Cockerell, 1919a:185. Toro and Moldenke ( 1979) enoneously list the type species as O. plebeia Philippi. Xeromelissinae. Oediscelisca Moure, 1946c:243. Type species: Oediscelis friesei Ducke. 1907. by original designation. Xeromelissinae. Ocstropsis Smith. 1868a:253, not Brauer, 1868. Type species: Oestropsis pubescens Smith. 1868, monobasic. See Gastropis. Stenotritidae. Oligandrena Lanham, 1949:207. Type species: Andrena macrocepluila Cockerell, 1916. by original designation. [Andrenaj. Andreninae. Oligeucera Sitdikov and Pesenko. 1988:83. Type species: Eucera popovi Sitdikov. 1988. by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Oligochlora Engel. 1997:336. Type species: Oligochlora eickworii Engel. 1997, by original designation. Fossil. Augochlorini. Oligotropus Robertson, 1903a: 168. Type species: Oligotropus campanulae Robertson, 1903. monobasic. Megachilini. Olmecanthidium Peters, 1972:377. Type species: Ukmthidium interdisciplinaris Peters. 1972. by original designation. [UlanthidiuiTi|. Anthidiini. Omachtes Friese. 1909a:436, unjustified emendation of Omachthes Gcvsinscktr, 1869. Ammobatini. Omachthes Gerstaecker. 1869:154. Type species: Omachthes carnifex Gerstaecker, 1869, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:580. Ammobatini. Onagrandrena Linsley and MacSwain. 1 956: 111. Type species: Andrena oenotherae Timberlake. 1937. by original designa- tion. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Opacula Pesenko and Sitdikov, 1988:849. Type species: Opacula donatica Sitdikov, 1988. by original designation. Eucerini. Opandrena Robertson, 1902a: 187, 193. Type species: Andrena cressonii Robertson, 1871, by original designation. Andreninae. Oragapostemon Cure, 1989:312. Type species: Halictus divaricatus Vachal, 1903, by original designation. Halictini. Orandrena Warncke. 1968:36. Type species: Andrena oralis Morawitz. 1876. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Genus-Group Names of Bees 43 Onuuhidiitm Pasteels. 1969a:95. Type species: Anthidium oraiiieiise Brauns. 1905 = Anthicliuni folliculosum Buysson. 1897, by original designation. Anthidiini. Orhitella Ma. 1938:305. not Douville. 1915. Type species: Xxlocopa confusa Perez. 1901. by original designation. See Maiella and Eiiiyapis. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Oreomelissa Hirashima and Tadauchi. 1975: 1 76. Type species: Andremi mitcikensis Hirashima. 1963. by original designa- tion. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Oieopasites Cockerell. 1906e:442. Type species: Oreopasites scituli Cockerell. 1906, monobasic. Ammobatini. Orfilana Moure, 1954b:266. Type species: Doeringiella variegciia Holmberg. 1886. by original designation. [Doeringiella]. Epeolini. OrieiUalibombus Richards, 1929:378. Type species: Bombus orientalis Smith. 1854. by original designation. [Bombus]. Bombini. Orientalobombiis Kriiseman, 1952:102, unjustified emendation of 0/7>«?rt///wwZ)(/5 Richards. 1929. [Bombus]. Bombini. Orientocoelio.xys Gupta. 1992:73. Type species: Coelioxys quadrifasciatus Gupta. 1992. by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. OrientocressonieUa Gupta. 1993:165. Type species: Megachile relata Smith, 1879. by original designation. [Cressoniella]. Megachilini. Oricnioheriades Gupta, 1987:68. Type species: Heriades orientalis Gupta, 1987, by original designation. [Heriades]. Osmiini. Onentosmia Peters. 1978b:332. Type species: Osmia nuixillaris Morawitz, 1875, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Orientotracluisa Gupta. 1993:50. Type species: Anthidiuiu orientale Bingham, 1897, by original designation. [Trachusa]. Antliidiini. Orpluina Vachal. 1909a:35. 38. Type species: Orphana inquirenda Vachal. 1909, monobasic. Isotypic with Leptoglossa and Ptoleglossa by synonymy. Andreninae. Orthunthidium Mavromoustakis. 1953:837. Type species: Anthidium fonnosanwu Friese, 191 7, by original designation. [Paraanthidium]. Anthidiini. Osirimis Roig-Alsina. 1989:17. Type species: Osirinus lemniscatiis Roig-Alsina. 1989, by original designation. Isotypic with Compsoclepta by synonymy. Osirini. Osiris Smith. 1854:288. Type species: Osiris pallidiis Smith. 1854. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:580. Osirini. Osmia Panzer, 1806:230. Type species: Apis bicornis Linnaeus, I15'&-Apis riifa Linnaeus, 1758, by designation of Latreille, 1810:439. Osmia tricornis Latreille. 1811. designated by Blanchard. 1849:pl. 127 ( 1846), was not an originally included species. Isotypic with Amblys and Ceratosmia; isotypic with Pachyosmia by synonymy. Osmiini. Olhinosmia Michener. 1943:86. Type species: Thaiimatosoma motuliferiim Cockerell. 1932. by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Oxaea Klug. 1807a:261. Type species: Oxaea flavescens Klug, monobasic. The names Oxaea and Dasyglossa appear to have been published at appro.ximately the same time in late 1807. Dasyglossa has not been used since, and in 1810 was dis- cussed under the heading of Oxaea (Klug, 1 8 10). Even if Dasxgiossa has priority, it should not be resurrected. Isotypic with Dasyglossa. Oxaeinae. Oxyandrena LaBerge. 1977:135. Type species: Andrena longifovea LaBerge. 1 977, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Oxyanthidium Mavromoustakis, 1963a:653. Type species: Anthidium aculeatum Klug. 1832. by original designation. [Meganthidium]. Anthidiini. O.ni'/fl.srei Mavromoustakis. 1954:260. Type species: Oxybiastes bischoffi Mavromoustakis, 1954, by original designation. Epeolini. Oxyhalictus Cockerell and Ireland, 1 935, in Cockerell, 1 935b:9 1 . Type species: Halictus acuiferus Cockerell and Ireland, 1935, monobasic. [Halictus]. Halictini. Oxynedis Moure, 1946d:18. 27. 31, pi. 3, error for Oxynedys Schrottky. 1902. Ericrocidini. Oxynedys Schrottky, 1902a:491 . Type species: Oxynedys heroni Schrottky. 1 902 = Mesocheira vehitina Lepeletier and Serville. 1825, by original designation. Isotypic with Hopliphora by synonymy. Ericrocidini. Oxystoglossa Smith, 1853:83. Type species: Oxystoglossa decorata Smith, 1853, monobasic. Augochlorini. Oxystoglossella Eickwort. 1969:422. Type species: Augochlora cordiaefloris Cockerell. 1907, by original designation. [Augochlora]. Augochlorini. Oxystoglossidia Moure, I943b:473. Type species: Oxystoghissidia uranieUa Moure. 1943, by original designa- tion. Augochlorini. Oxytrigona Cockerell, 1 9 1 7a: 1 24. Type species: Trigonaflaveola medioriifa Cockerell. 1 9 1 3, by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Oxyxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:275. Type species: Xylocopa varipes Smith. 1854. by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Ozbekosmia Zanden, 1994:168. Type species: Osmia avosetta Wamcke. 1988. by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Pacbyanthidium Friese. I905a:66. Type species: Anthidium hi- color Lepeletier. 1841, by designation of Cockerell, 1920b:298. Also described as new^by Friese, 1910b: 158. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Pachyceble Moure, 1940:54. Type species: Pachyceble lanei Moure. 1940, by original designation. Halictini. Pachycentris Friese, 1902:186. Type species: Pachycentris schrottkyi Friese. 1902, monobasic. Tapinotaspidini. Pachxcerapis Cockerell, 1922d:4. Type species: Exomalopsis cornigera Cockerell, 1922, by original designation. [Exomalopsis]. Exomalopsini. 44 ScENTinc Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Pachycolletes Bischoff, 1954, w Stoeckhert, 1954:73. Type spe- cies: Apis ciinicitlaria Linnaeus. 1761. by original designa- tion. [Colletes]. Colletinae. Pachyhulictus Cockerell, 1929d:589. Type species: Halictus merescens Cockerell. 1919. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Pachyhalonia Moure and Michener, 1955b:281. Type species: Dasyhalonia jiisti Moure and Michener. 1955 = Svastra sapucacensis Cockerell. 1918. by original designation. [Dasyhalonia]. Eucerini. Pachymelopsis Cockerell, 1 905a:33 1 . Type species: Pachymelus conspicuus Smith. 1879, by original designation. [Pachymelus]. Anthophorini. Pachymelus Smith. 1879:116. Type species: Pachymelus micrelephas Smith. 1879. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:581. Sandhouse considered this species to be the type because the other species originally included had been re- moved to Pachymelopsis. but see Code, 3rd ed.. Art. 69(b). Her conclusion is nonetheless accepted. Anthophorini. Pachynomada Rodeck. 1945:180. Type species: Nomada vincta Say. 1837. by original designation. [Nomada]. Nomadini. Pachynomia Pauly, 1980:124. Type species: Nomia amoenula Gerstaecker. 1870. by original designation. [Nomia], Nomiinae. Pachyodonta Rayment, 1954:48. Type species: Binghamiella fulvicornis Rayment, 1954, monobasic. [Binghamiella]. Colletinae. Pachyosmia Ducke, 1900: 18. Type species: Osmia rufa Linnaeus, 1758, designated by Sandhouse, 1939:9. [Osmia]. Isotypic with Osmia, Amblys. and Ceratosmia by synonymy. Osmiini. Pachyprosopina Michener, 1965a: 108. Type species: Euryglossa paupercula Cockerell. 1915, by original designation. [Pachyprosopis]. Euryglossinae. Pachyprosopis Perkins, 1908:29. Type species: Pachyprosopis mirabilis Perkins, 1908, monobasic. Euryglossinae. Pachyprosopula Michener, 1965a: 106. Type species: Pachyprosopis kellyi Cockerell, 1916, by original designa- tion. [Pachyprosopis]. Euryglossinae. Pachysvastra Moure and Michener, 1955b;284. Type species: Tetralonia leucocephala Bertoni and Schrottky, 1910, by origi- nal designation. Eucerini. Paedia Dalla Torre. 1 89 1 : 1 47. unjustified emendation of Paidia Radoszkowski, 1872. Ammobatoidini. Paidia Radoszkowski, 1872b: 10, not Herrich-Schaffer, 1847, unnecessary replacement for Ammobatoides Radoszkowski, 1868. Type species: Phileremus abdominalis Eversmann. 1 852. autobasic. Isotypic with Ammobatoides Radoszkowski and Phiarus. Ammobatoidini. Palaeapis Hong, 1984:37. Type species: Palaeapis beiboziensis Hong, 1984, monobasic. Fossil wasp, described in Apidae. Palaeorhiza Perkins, 1908:29. Type species: Prosopis peniridis Cockerell, 1905, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Palinepeolus Holmberg, 1909b:77. Type species: Epeolus viperinus Holmberg. 1 886, by original designation. Isotypic with Calospikmui: isotypic with Isepeolus by synonymy. Isepeolini. Pallandrenu Warncke, 1968:39. Type species: Andrena pallidicincta Brulle. 1832. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Pallhatictus Warncke, 1975b:92. Type species: Halictus pollens Brulle. 1832. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Panomalops is Timberlake. 1980:82. Type species: Exomalopsis linsleyi Timberlake. 1980. by original designation. [Exomalopsis]. Exomalopsini. Panurgimis Nylander, 1 848:223. Type species: Pamirgimis niger Nylander. 1848, monobasic. Panurginae. Pamvgomia Viereck, 1909:48. Type species: Panurgomia fuchsi Viereck. 1909. monobasic. Dasypodinae. Panurgus Panzer, 1806:209. Type species: Andrena lobata Panzer. 1799 =Apis calcarata Scopoli, 1763, by designation of Latreille, 1810:439. Later and therefore invalid type des- ignations were Apis ursina Gmelin, 1790, by Westwood, 1840a: 85, and/4/ji/,sflrra Panzer, \?>05 = Apis banksiana Kirby, 1802,byBlanchard, 1849:pl. 126 (1846). Isotypic with fnopi by synonymy. Panurginae. Papualictus Michener, 1980:8. Type species: Homalictus megalochilus Michener, 1980 = Halictus lorentzi Friese, 1911, by original designation. [Homalictus]. Halictini. Papuanorhiza Hirashima, 1996:80. Type species: Xenorhiza krombeini Hirashima. 1996, by original designation. [Xenorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Papuatrigona Michener and Sakagami, 1990, in Michener, 1990:153. Type species: Trigona genalis Friese, 1908, by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Paraanthidiellum Pasteels, 1969a:79, unnecessary emendation of Paranlhidiellum Michener. [Pseudoanthidium]. Anthidiini. Paraanthidium Friese, 1898a: 101. Type species: Apis interrupta Fabricius, 1781. by designation of Cockerell, 1909b: 269. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Paracella Pasteels. 1965:277, invalid because no type species was designated. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Paracella Michener, new subgenus of Megachile for Paracella Pasteels, 1965:277. Type species: Megachile semivenusta Cockerell, 1931. This taxon was characterized by Pasteels, 1965:227. Megachilini. Paracentris Cameron, 1903a:235. Type species: Paracentris fulvohirta Cameron, 1903. monobasic. Centridini. Parachalicodoma Pasteels, 1 966: 1 3, not Tkalcu, 1 969. Type spe- cies: Megachile incana Friese. by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Parachalicodoma Tkalcu, 1969b:363, not Pasteels, 1966. Type species: Chalicodoma rufitarsis Lepeletier, 1 84 1 , by original designation. See Xenochalicodoma. [Chalicodoma]. Megachilini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 45 Paracoflio.xys Gribodo, 1884:274. Type species: Coelioxys montaiuloui Gribodo, 1884 - Coelioxys cilata Forster, 1853, monobasic. [Coelioxys]. Megachilini. Paracoelioxys Radoszkowski. 1 893:33, not Gribodo. 1 884. Type species; Paracoelioxys barrel Radoszkowski, 1 893, by des- ignation of Sandhouse, 1943:583. Coelioxys decipiens Spinola. 1838. designated by Alfken, 1938:433, was not an originally included species. See Radoszkowskiana. Megachilini. Paracolleies Smith. 1 853:6. Type species: Paracolletes crassipes Smith, 1853, monobasic. Coiletinae. Paracroclsa Alfken. 1937:173. Type species: Paracrocisa siiuiilica Alfken, 1937. monobasic. Melectini. Paradialictus Pauly, 1984c:691. Type species: Paradialictus synavei Pauly. 1984, by original designation. Halictini. Paradioxys Mocsary, 1894:35. Type species: Dioxys pannonica Mocsary, 1877, monobasic. Dioxyini. Parafidelia Brauns, 1926:202. Type species: Parafidelia friesei Brauns, 1926, monobasic. Fideliini. Parafriesea Schrottky. 1906b: 118, replacement for Friesea Schrottky, 1902. Type species: Friesea hrasiliensis Schrottky, 1902 = Camptopoeiim prinii Holmberg, 1884, autobasic. Panurginae. Paragapostemon Vachal, 1903:89. Type species: Halictus podagerV&chiiX. 190?> = Nomia coelestina 'Westwood. 1875, by designation of Cockerell, 1905a:354 footnote. Halictini. Parahalictoides Cockerell and Porter, 1899:420. Type species: Halictoides campanulae Cockerell. 1897. by original desig- nation. [Halictoides]. Rophitinae. Parahesma Michener. 1965a:92. Type species: Euryglossa tuberculipes Michener. 1965, by original designation. [Euryglossa]. Euryglossinae. Paraheterorhiza Hirashima. 1980: 104. Type species: Palaeorhiza hilara Cheesman, 1948, by original designation. [Palaeorhiza]. Hylaeinae. Paralictus Robertson. 1901:229. Type species: Halictus cephalicus Robertson, 1892 (not-Morawitz, 1813) = Halictus cephalotes Dalla Torre, 1896, by original designation. Halictini. Paramacropis Popov and Guiglia, 1936:287. Type species: Ctenopleclra ussuriana Popov, 1936, monobasic. [Macropis]. Melittinae. Paramegachile Friese, 1898b: 198. Type species: Apis argentata Fabricius, 1793. by designation of Mitchell. 1934:298. [Megachile]. Isotypic with Eutricharaea. Megachilini. Paramegalochila Schulz, 1906:71, unjustified emendation of Paramegachile Friese. 1898. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Paramegilla Friese, 1 897a: 1 8, 24. Type species: Apis ireos Pallas, 1773, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:584. [Podalirius]. Anthophorini. Parammohates Friese, 1906e: 1 18. Type species: Parammobates hrasiliensis Friese, 1906, monobasic. Epeolini. Parammohatodes Popov, 1931b:462. Type species: Phiarus ininutus Mocsary. 1878, by original designation. Ammobatini. Paraiidrena Robertson, 1897:337. Type species: Panurgus andrenoides Cresson, 1878, by designation of Cockerell, 1897a:288. Andreninae. Parandrenella Popov, 1958:112. Type species: Andrena dentiventris Morawitz. 1874, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Paranomada Linsley and Michener, 1937:82. Type species: Paranoinada nitida Linsley and Michener, 1937, by original designation. Brachynomadini. Paranomia Friese, 1 897b:48, not Conrad, 1 860. Type species: Nomia chalybeata Smith, 1875, by designation of Cockerell, 1910f:290. [Nomia]. See Paranomina. Nomiinae. Paraiwmina Michener. 1944:251, not Hendel, 1907, replace- ment for Paranomia Friese, 1897. Type species: Nomia chalybeata Smith, 1875, by original designation and autobasic. Not replaced because subjective synonym of Acunomia. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Parcwomioides Pesenko, 1983:175. Type species: Nomioides steinbergi Pesenko. 1983, by original designation. [Nomioides]. Nomioidinae. Paranthidiellum Michener. 1948a:25. Type species: Aniliidium cribratum Morawitz, 1875, by original designation. Anthidiini. Paranthidium Cockerell and Cockerell. 1901:50. Type species: Anthidium perpicium Cockerell, 1898, by original designa- tion. Anthidiini. Paranthocopa Tkalcu, 1 974b: 1 32. Type species: Osmia pinquis Perez, 1895, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Paranychium Toro and Herrera, 1 980:2 1 3. Not valid because no type species was designated. [Callonychiumj. See Paranychium Toro. Panurginae. Paranychium Toro, 1989:231. Type species: Camptopoeum chilense Friese, 1906, by original designation. [Callonychium]. Panurginae. Parapachyprosopis Exley, 1972: 17. Type species: Pachyprosopis angophorae Cockerell, 1912, by original designation. [Pachyprosopis]. Euryglossinae. Parapartamona Schwarz, 1948:428. Type species: Trigona zonata Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Parapolyglossa Brauns, 1929:134. Type species: Polyglossa heterodoxa Cockerell, 1921, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:584. Sandhouse recorded the type as by "original des- ignation,"" but this was an error. [Polyglossa]. Coiletinae. Paraprosopis Popov, 1939:169. replacement for Campanularia Mehely. Type species: Hylaeus pictipes Nylander. 1852. by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Parapsaenythia Friese, 1908b:42. Type species: Psaenythia argeutina Friese, 1908 = Caenohalictus serripes Ducke, 1908, monobasic. [Psaenythia]. Panurginae. 46 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Pararhophites Friese, 1898c:305. Type species: Pamrhophites qiiadratiis Friese. 1898. monobasic. Although he described Pararhophites as a subgenus of Rhophiles. Friese described the species using Pararhophites as a genus. [Rophites]. Pararhophitini. Parasanis Ruz, 1993, in Ruz and Rozen, 1993:2. Type species: Parasariis atacamensis Ruz, 1993, by original designation. Panurginae. Parasphecodes Smith. 1853:39. Type species: Parasphecodes hilactiis S,m\\\\. 1 853. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:585. Halictini. Paratetrapedia Moure. 1941b:517. Type species: Ancyloscelis lineata Spinola, 1851, by original designation. Tapinotaspidini. Parathrincostoma Bliithgen, 1933:389. Type species: Parathrincostoma seyrigi Bliithgen. 1933. by original desig- nation. Halictini. Paratrigoiui Schwarz, 1938:487. Type species: Melipona prosopiformis Gribodo, 1893. by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Paraiigochlora Schrottky, 1910:540. Type species: Aiigoddora spinolae Cockerell, 1900, by original designation. Augochlorini. Paraugochloropsis Schrottky, 1906a:312. Type species: Aiigochloropsis lycorias Schrottky, 1906 = Augochlora epipyrgitis Holmberg, 1903, monobasic. [Augochloropsis]. Augochlorini. Paremisia Moure. 1945c:406. Type species: Centris lineolala Lepeletier. 1841 = Bojiihiis siniilisFabncms. 1804. by origi- nal designation. Centridini. Parepeolus Ducke, 1912:71. 102. Type species: Leiopodiis lecointei Ducke. 1907 - Epeolus aterrima Friese. 1906, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:585. Osirini. Parepicharis Moure, 1945b:307. Type species: Epicharis zonata Smith. 1854, by original designation. Centridini. Pareucera Tkalcu, 1978:164. Type species: Eiicera caspica Morawitz, 1873, by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Parevaspis Ritsema, 1874:lxxi. Type species: Parevaspis basa- lis Ritsema. 1874. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:585. Anthidiini. Pariotrigona Moure, 1961:192. Type species: Trigona pendlebiiryi Schwarz. 1939. by original designation. Meliponini. Paroxystoglossa Moure, 1940:59. Type species: Oxystoglossa jocasta Schrottky. 1910. by original designation. Augochlorini. Partamona Schwarz. 1939b:23, replacement for Patera Schwarz, 1938. Type species: Melipona testacea Klug. 1 807. autobasic and original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Pasiphae Spinola, 1851:226, not Latreille, 1819. Type species: Pasiphae caerulescens Spinola, 1851. designated by Sandhouse, 1943:585. See Spinolapis. Colletinae. Pasites Jurine, 1807:224. Type species: Pasites maculata Jurine, 1807, by original designation. Subsequent designation: Nomada schuttii Fabricius. 1 804 = Tiphia hrevicornis Panzer, 1798, by Latreille, 1810:439. Ammobatini. Pasitonuichles Sandhouse. 1943:586. unjustified emendation of Pasitomachthes Bischoff, 1923. Ammobatini. Pasitoinachthes Bischoff, 1923:596. Type species: Pasitomachthes nigerrimus Bischoff. 1923. by original des- ignation. Bischoff ( 1923) confusingly gave the type species as nigerrimus (without genus or author) after mentioning Pasites nigerrimus Friese, 1922. He included the latter among species of Morgania. however, and clearly intended Pasitomachthes nigerrimus Bischoff. Ammobatini. Patagiata Bliithgen, 1949:77. Type species: Prosopis dijformis Eversmann. 1852. by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Patellapis Friese, 1909a: 148. Type species: Halictus schultzei Friese, 1909, by designation of Cockerell. 1920b:311. ] Halictus]. Halictini. Patera Schwarz. 1938:475, not Lesson. 1837. Type species: Melipona testacea Klug, 1807. by original designation. [Trigona]. See Partamona. Meliponini. Pauphalictus Warncke. 1981:87. Type species: Halictus pcniperatus BruUe. 1832. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Pavostelis Sladen. 1916b:313. Type species: Stelis montana Cresson. 1864. monobasic. [Stelis]. Anthidiini. Pectinapis LaBerge, 1970:322. Type species: Pectinapisfasciata LaBerge. 1970. by original designation. Eucerini. Pectinata Mehely, 1935:54. 161. Invalid because no type spe- cies was designated. [Prosopis]. Sandhouse's (1943:586) view that Popov (1939:169) designated a type species and thus validated the name is inconect. Hylaeinae. Pelandrena Cockerell. 1909f:159. Type species: Pelandrena reducta Cockerell, 1909, monobasic. Fossil. Pelicandrena LaBerge and Ribble. 1972:346. Type species: Parandrena atypica Cockerell. 1 94 1 . by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Penapis Michener. 1965b:324. Type species: Penapis penai Michener. 1965. by original designation. Rophitinae. Peniella Toro and Ruz, 1972:146. Type species: Camptopoeum maculatum Spinola. 1851. by original designation. ]Spmoliella]. Panurginae. Pentadentosmia Warncke, 1991a: 14. Type species: Osmia quinquespinosa Friese, 1899. by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Pentaperdita Cockerell and Porter, 1899:414. Type species: Perdita albovittata Cockerell. 1895. monobasic. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Penteriades Michener and Sokal, 1957: 158. Type species: Osmia remotula Cockerell. by original designation. [Proteriades]. Osmiini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 47 Penthemisia Moure, 1950c:390. Type species: Hemisia chilensis Spinola. 1851, by original designation. (Centris). Centridini. Peponapis Robertson. 1902b:324. Type species: Macrocera pniinosa Say, 1837. by original designation. Eucerini. Perdita Smith, 1853:128. Type species: Pcnllta lialictoides Smith, 1853. monobasic. Isotypic with Zaperdita by syn- onymy. Panurginae. PerditelUi Cockerell. 1 899b:3 1 2. Type species: Perdita "laiieae " Cockerell, 1 899, error for /^ /«/•/«;(' Cockerell, 1896, by origi- nal designation. [Perdita). Panurginae. Perditomorpha Ashmead, 1899a:86. Type species: Perditomorpha hnmerii Ashmead. 1899, monobasic. Colletinae. Penlitopasites Rozen, 1992:49. Type species; Oreopasites linsleyi Rozen, 1992, by original designation. [Oreopasites], Ammobatini. Pereirapis Moure, 1943b:461. Type species: Pereirapis rhizophiUi Moure, 1943, by original designation. Augochlorini. Perezia Ferton. 1914:233. not Leger and Dubosc, 1909. Type species: Perezici iinnira Ferton. 1914 = Megachile leucliella Curtis, 1828, monobasic. See Fertonella. Megachilini. Perissander Michener, 1942:275. Type species: Calliopsis anomoptera Michener, 1942, by original designation. [Calliopsis]. Panurginae. Perixylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:232. Type species: Xylocopa eiythrina Gribodo, 1894, by original designation. [Xylocopaj. Isotypic with Euxylocopa by synonymy. Xylocopini. Petalosteruon Brooks. 1988:484. Type species: Aiuhophora rivolleri Perez. 1895, by original designation. [Anthophora]. Anthophorini. Pluiceliapis Michener, 1942:277. Type species: Conanthalictiis hakeri Crawford, 1907, by original designation. [ConanthalictusJ. Rophitinae. Phaenosanis Mitchell, 1934:303, 309. Type species: MegachUe fortis Cresson. 1872. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Phaeosmia Michener. 1943:77. Type species: Osinia enceliae Cockerell. 1935, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Phauomalopsis Michener and Moure. 1957:430. Type species: Exomcdopsis jenseni Friese. 1908, by original designation. [Exomalopsis]. Exomalopsini. Phcimhylaeiis Michener. 1965a: 141. Type species: Meroglossa lactifera Cockerell. 1910. by original designation. Hylaeinae. Phelonoimida Snelling. 1986:24. Type species: Nomada helfmgei Cresson, 1878, by original designation. [Nomada|. Noniadini. Phenacolletes Cockerell, 1 905b:30 1 . Type species: Plwnacolletes OTiOTM.? Cockerell, 1905. monobasic. Colletinae. Phianis Gerstaecker. 1869:147. Type species: Phileremus ahdominalis Eversmann. 1852. monobasic. Isotypic with Aiuniohatoides Radoszkowski and Pciidlu. Ammobatoidini. Phileremidiis Cockerell, 1895:9. Type species: Philerenndiis i7i,'(7rt/!.s Cockerell, 1895, by original designation. Neolarrini. Phileremus Latreille, 1809: 169. Type species: Epeoliis piinctatiis Fabricius, 1804. by designation of Latreille. 1810:439. Pluleroniis oraniensis Lepeletier. 1841. designated as type species by Blanchard. 1849:pl. 128 (1847) was not originally included. Isotypic v^ith Aninwbaloides Schenk by synonymy. Ammobatini. Philotracluisa Pasteels. 1969a:22. Type species: Aiii/iidiiun ac/iiiflliini Strand, 1912, by original designation. [TrachusaJ. Anthidiini. Pliiloxanthiis Ashmead, 1898:285. Type species: Perdita heatu Cockerell, 1895, by original designation. Panurginae. P/io/- Robertson. 1903d: 174. 175. 176. Type species: Nonuida ituegra Robertson. 1893 (not Brulle. 1832) = Noinuda integerrima Dalla Torre, 1896, by original designation. Nomadini. Phyllotoma Dumeril. 1860:842. not Leach. 1819. Type species: Apis papaveris Latreille. 1799. by designation of Michener. 1941: 160. Not replaced because isotypic whh Anthocopa and with Fiircosmia. Osmiini. Pliysostetha Michener. 1938a:523. Type species: Heriades carinatum Cresson. 1 864. by original designation. [Heriades]. Osmiini. Pileteiicera Sitdikov and Pesenko, 1988:87. Type species: Eiicera cineraria Eversmann, 1852 = ?E. cinerea Lepeletier, 1841, by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Pithitis Klug, 1807, in lUiger, 1807:198: Klug. 1807b:225.Type species: Apis smaragdida Fabricius. 1787. monobasic. The papers by Illiger and Klug were published simultaneously: Illiger credited the name Piiliitis to Klug and it is customary and appropriate to do so. Ceratinini. Phmiandrena Osychnyuk 1983:794. Type species: Andrena planirostris Morawitz. 1876, by original designation. [Andrena|. Andreninae. Planihylaeiis Houston. 1 98 1 ;96. Type species: Prosopis trilobata Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. [Hylaeusj. Hylaeinae. Plastandrena Hedicke, 1933:217. Type species: Melitta tibialis Kirby, 1802, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Platandrena Viereck. 1924:21. Type species: Andrena nasonii Robertson, 1895. by original designation. [Andrena|. Andreninae. Platinopoda Dalla Torre. 1896:202, lapsus for Platynopoda Westwood, 1 840. Xylocopini. Platosmia Warncke. 1990:482. Type species: Osniia platalea Wamcke, 1990, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Platychile Michener, 1965a:205, nomen nudum. Type species: Megachile foliata Smith, 1861. monobasic. Error for Callochile. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Platycoelioxys Mitchell. 1973:120. Type species: Coeliaxys spatiiliventer Cockerell. 1927, by original designation. [Coelioxysj. Megachilini. 48 Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Platyhalictiis Pesenko, 1984:347. Type species; Halictits minor Morawitz. 1876, by original designation. [Halictus]. Halictini. Platynopoda Westwood. I840b;271. Type species: Apis latipes brury. 1773, by designation of Ashmead. 1899a:71. [Xylocopa]. Isotypic with Audinetia. Xylocopini. Platvspatiilariella Pittioni, 1950:80. Type species: Prosopis punctata Brulle, 1832, by original designation. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Plat}sta Pasteels, 1965: 171. Type species: Megachile platystoma Pasteels, 1965. by original designation. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Platysvastm Moure, 1967b: 148. Type species: Platysvastra macraspis Moure, 1967, by original designation. Eucerinl. Platytrigona Moure, 1961 :203. Type species: Trigonapkmifwns Smith, 1864, by original designation. Meliponini. Plebeia Schwarz, 1938:480. Type species: Trigona mosquito Smith, 1863, by original designation. [Trigona]. Meliponini. Pleheiella Moure, 1961:226. Type species: Trigona lendliana Friese, 1900, by original designation. Meliponini. Plebeina Moure. 1961:228. Type species: Meiipona denoiii Vachal, 1903, by original designation. Meliponini. Plesianthidium Cameron, 1905:256. Type species: Plesianthidiumfulvopilosum Cameron, 1905, by original des- ignation. Anthidiini. Plesiopanurgus Cameron. 1907:130. Type species: Plesiopanurgus cinerarius Cameron, 1907, monobasic. Panurginae. Plistotriihia Morawitz, 1873a: 134. Type species: Nomia flavilabris Lucas, 1 846 = Ancyla oraniensis Lepeletier, 1841, monobasic. Isotypic with Ancyla by synonymy. Ancylini. Plusia Hoffmannsegg 1817:52. not Hlibner. 1 806. Type species: Plusia superba Hoffmannsegg, 1817, monobasic. See Euplusia. Euglossini. Podalirius Latreille. 1802a:430. Type species: Apis pilipes Fab- ricius. 1775 = Apis plumipes Pallas, 1772. Suppressed by Commission Opinion 151 (1944). Direction 4. See Anthophora. Isotypic with Megilla and Anthophora. Anthopliorini. Podasxs Rafinesque. 1815:123. unjustified replacement for Dasypoda Latreille, 1802. Type species: Andrena lurtipes Fabricius. 1793, autobasic. Dasypodinae. Poecilandrena Hedicke, 1 933:2 1 8. Type species: Andrena labiata Fabricius, 1781. by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Poecilobombus Dalla Torre, 1882:23. Type species: Bombus sitkensis Nylander, 1848, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:589. [Bombus]. Bonibini. Poecilocentris Friese. 1900:244. 252. Type species: Centris fasciatella Friese, 1900, by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:589. [Centris). Centridini. Poecilomelitta Friese, 1913a:574 and 1913b:585. Type species: PoecUomelitta flavida Friese, 1913, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:589. Poecilomelitta was described as new twice. Panurginae. Poliandremi Warncke, 1968:71. Type species: Andrena polita Smith, 1 847, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Policana Friese. 1 9 1 Oa:65 1 . Type species: Colletes herbsti Friese, 1910 = Colletes albopilosiis Spinola, 1851, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:589. Diphaglossinae. Polybiapis Cockerell, 1916d:208. Type species: Polybiapis mimus Cockerell, 1916, by original designation. Nomadini. Polyglossa Friese, 1909a: 123. Type species: Polyglossa capensis Friese, 1909. by designation of Cockerell. 1921a:203. Sandhouse's (1943:589) subsequent designation of P. albitarsis Friese, 1909, is invalid. Colletinae. Pomibombus Skorikov, 1938a: 145. unjustified emendation of Pomobombus Kriiger, 1917. Bombini. Pomobombus Kriiger, 1917:65. Type species: Bremus pomorum Panzer. 1804. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:589. [Bombus|. Isotypic with Rhodobombus. Bonibini. Pontcmthidium Pasteels. 1969a: 105. Type species: Anthidium /7win.v Cockerell, 1933. by original designation. [Anthidium|. Anthidiini. Popovapis Michener. 1981:80. Type species: Rhophites dispar Morawitz. 1892. by original designation. [Eremaphanta]. Dasypodinae. Porterapis Michener, 1989:678. Type species: Lonchopria porteri Ruiz, 1936, by original designation. [Lonchopria|. Colletinae. Pratibombus Skorikov. 1937:59, unjustified emendation of Pratobombus Vogt, 1911. Bombini. Pratobombus Vogt. 191 1:49. Type species: Apis pratorum Linnaeus, 1 761. by designation of Frison, 1927:67. [Bombus]. Bombini. Presbia Sandhouse. 1943:590, nomen nudum. See Daly et al., 1987. Manueliini. Pressibombus Frison, 1935:342. Type species: Bremus pressus Frison. 1935, by original designation. [Bremus|. Bonibini. Prionohoplitis Tkalcu. 1993a:55. Type species: Osmia curvipes Morawitz, 1871, by original designation. [Hoplitis]. Osmiini. Proantludium Friese, 1898a: 101. Type species: Anthidium oblongatum Latreille, \?,09 = Anthophora oblongata llliger, 1806, by designation of Cockerell, 1909b:269. Pasteels ( 1969a) incoiTectly hsted Anthidimn undulatum Dours as the type species of Proanthidium. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Probombus Piton, 1940:218. Type species: Probombus hirsutus Piton, 1940, monobasic. Fossil. Prochelostoma Robertson, 1903a: 167. Type species: Heriades philadelphi Robertson, 1891, by original designation. Osmiini. Procockerellia Timberlake. 1954:402. Type species: Perdita albonotata Timberlake. 1954, by original designation. [Perdita). Panurginae. Prodasyhalonia LaBerge, 1958:199. Type species: Gaesischia mexicana LaBerge, 1958, by original designation. [Gaesischia]. Eucerini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 49 Prodiaxys Friese, 1914a:221. Type species: Prodio.xys ciniuiharina Friese, 1914 = Dioxys longiventris Perez, 1 895, monobasic. Dioxyini. Pwhalictiis Pesenko, 1984:346, not Armbmster, 1938. Type spe- cies: Apis riibiciinda Christ. 1791, by original designation. [Halictus]. See PwtohaliclHS. Halictini. Proniflittci Warncke, 1977:59. Type species: Dufoiirea ulhoclypeata Frie.se, 1900, by original designation. [Melitta]. Dasypodinae. Praplebeia Michener, 1982:44. Type species: Trigona Joininicana Wille and Chandler, 1964, by original designa- tion. [Trigonal. Fossil. Meliponini. Prosamha Michener, 1981:63. Type species: Haplomelitta griseonigra Michener, 1981, by original designation. [Haplomelitta]. Dasypodinae. Pmsapis Ashmead, 1 894:43, unjustified emendation of Prosopis Fabricius, 1804. Hylaeinae. Prosopalictiis Strand, 1913b:26. Type species: Prosopalictus micans Strand. 1913 (not Halictus micans Strand, 1909, se- nior homonym in Lasioglossum) = Lcisioglossum micante Michener. 1993, by original designation. Halictini. Prosopella Snelling. 1966:139. Type species: Hyhwus hurdi Snelling. 1966, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Prosopis Jurine, 1801:164. Suppressed by Commission Opin- ion 135(1939). Hylaeinae. Prosopis Fabricius, 1 804:293. Type species: Melliniis hipimctatus Fabricius, 1798 = Sphex signata Panzer, 1798, designated by Morice and Durrant, 1915:416. Isotypic with Cingulata by synonymy. Hylaeinae. Prosopisteroides Hirashima, 1967:134. Type species: Hylaeus heteroclitis Hirashima, 1967, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Prosopisteron Cockerell, 1 906b: 17. Type species: Prosopisteron serotinellum Cockerell. 1906, monobasic. Hylaeinae. Prosopoides Friese, 1908b:338 (reprint p. 10). Type species: Oediscelis paradoxus "Ducke" Friese, 1908 = Oediscelis prosopoides Ducke, 1907, monobasic. The name Prosopoides was published rather casually by Friese and attributed to Ducke. However, there was no description by Ducke and I agree with Sandhouse ( 1 943 ) in attributing the name to Friese. Xeromelissinae. Prosopoxylocopa Hurd and Moure, 1963:215. Type species: Xylocopa mirabilis Hurd and Moure, 1963. by original des- ignation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Protandrena Cockerell. 1 896:91 . Type species: Andrena maurula Cockerell. 1896. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:591. Panurginae. Protaitdreuopsis Crawford, 1903:337. Type species: Protandrenopsis fuscipennis Crawford, 1903 = Pamtrgus aethiops Cres.son, 1872, by original designation. Isotypic with Pseudopanurgus by synonymy. Panurginae. Protanthidium Cockerell and Cockerell, 1901 :49. Type species: Megachile steloides Bingham, 1896 (preoccupied in Anthidium: see Michener and Griswold, 1994a) = Ainhidium loiigiconie Friese, 1902, by original designation. Antliidiini. Protepeolus Linsley and Michener. 1937:75. Type species: Protepeolus singularis Linsley and Michener, 1937, by origi- nal designation. Protepeolini. Proteraner Robertson, 1903b: 103. Type species: Sphecodes ra- nunculi Robertson. 1897. monobasic. Halictini. ProteriadesTxXus, 1904a:25. Type species: Proteriades semirubra Cockerell, 1898, monobasic. Osmiini. Protoanthidium Cameron, 1902b: 125. Type species: Protoanthidium rufohalteatum Cameron, 1902, by designa- tion of Sandhouse, 1943:591. Anthidiini. Protobombus Cockerell, 1908d:326; also described as new by Cockerell, 1909e:9. Type species: Protobombus indecisus Cockerell. 1908. monobasic; also designated by Cockerell. 1909e: 10. Fossil. Protodiscelis Brethes, 1909a:245. Type species: Protodiscelis fiebrigi Brethes. 1909. monobasic. Colletinae. Protodufourea Timberlake, 1955:105. Type species: Protodufourea wasbaueriTimbevXake.. 1955, by original des- ignation. Rophitinae. Protohulictus Pesenko. 1 986b:63 1 . replacement for Prohal ictus Pesenko, 1984. Type species: Apis rubicunda Christ, 1791, autobasic. [Halictus]. Halictini. Protomelecta Cockerell, 1908c:341 . Type species: Protomelecta brevipennis CockersW, 1908, monobasic. Fossil. Protomelissa Friese, 1914c(June):322. Type species: Protomelissa iridescens Friese, 1914(June) - Tetralonia (?) hoozana Strand. 19 i4( Apr.-May ). by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:592. Lieftinck's (1983) contention that the type species is Anthophora sauteri Friese, 1911(May) = Melecta formosana Cockerell, 1911(Mar.), is not justified. Isotypic with Tetralonioidella by synonymy. Melectini. Protomeliturga Ducke, 1912:63, 90. Type species: Calliopsis turnerae Ducke, 1907, monobasic. Panurginae. Protomorpha Rayment. 1959b:334. Type species: Protomorpha tarsalis Rayment. 1959, by original designation. Colletinae. Protopithitis Hirashima, 1969:651. Type species: Ceratina aereola Vachal, 1903, by original designation. [Pithitis]. Ceratinini. Protosiris Roig-Alsina, 1989:20. Type species: Osiris obtusus Michener, 1954, by original designation. Osirini. Protosmia Ducke. 1900:12. Type species: Heriades glutinosus Giraud, 1871, designation by Michener. 1943:86 and Sandhouse, 1943:592. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Protostelis Friese. 1895:25. Type species: Stelis freygessneri Friese, 1885 = Anthidium annulatum Lepeletier, 1841, by designation of Popov. 1938:41. [Stelis]. Anthidiini. Protoxaea Cockerell and Porter. 1899:410. Type species: Megacilissa gloriosa Fox, 1893. by original designation. Oxaeinae. Proxylocopa Hedicke. 1 938: 1 92. Type species: Xylocopa olivieri Lepeletier, 1841, by original designation. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. 50 Scientific Papers. Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Psaenythia Gerstaecker, 1868:111. Type species: Psaenylhia philanthoides Gerstaecker. 1868, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:592. Panurginae. Psammandrena LaBerge. 1977:83. Type species: Andrena cercocarpi Cockerell, 1936, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Pseudagapostemon Schrottky, 1909a: 145. Type species: Agapostemou aremihus Schrottky. 1902, by original desig- nation. Halictini. Pseudapis W. F. Kirby, 1900:15. Type species: Pseiidapis anomala W. F. Kirby. 1900. monobasic. Nomiinae. Pseiidaiigochlora Michener. 1954:77. Type species: Halictiis nigromarginatus Spinola, 1851 = Megilla graminea Fabri- cius. 1804, by original designation. [Caenaugochlora]. Augochlorini. Pseiidaiigochloropsis Schrottky, 1906a:313. Type species: Augochloropsis sthena Schrottky, 1906, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:593. Halictiis nigromarginatus Spinola. designated as the type species by Moure, 1940:51. was not an originally included species; see Michener. 1995. [Augochloropsis]. Augochlorini. Pseitdepeohis Holmberg. 1886b:234, 284. Type species: Pseudepeolus fasciatiis Holmberg, 1886, monobasic. Epeolini. Pseiideiicera Tkalcu, 1978:157, 158. Type species: Eucera pan'iconiis Mtxsai^, 1878, by original designation. Eucerini. Pseudhylaeus Cockerell, 1929b:299. Type species: Einyglossa alhociineata Cockerell, 1913, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Pseudiscelis Friese, I906a:228. Type species: Pseiidiscelis rostratu Friese, 1906, monobasic. The type species was de- scribed in this combination although the genus-group name was proposed as a subgenus of Oediscelis. [Oediscelis], Xeromelissinae. Pseudoanthidimu Frie.se, 1898a:101. Type species: Anthidium alpiniiniMoTdw'nz. 1 873, designated by Sandhouse. 1943:593. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Pseudobranchiata Mehdy. 1935:33. 139. Invalid because no type species was designated. Sandhouse's (1943:593) view that Popov (1939) designated a type species and thus validated this name is incorrect. [Prosopis]. Hylaeinae. Pseitdocentrou Mitchell, 1934:307. Type species: Megachile pniina Smith, 1853, by original designation. Megachilini. Psciidochilalictiis Michener, 1965a: 170. Type species: Lasioglossiim imitator Michener, 1965, by original designa- tion. [Lasioglossum]. Halictini. Pseudocilissa Radoszkowski, 1891:241. Type species: Cilissa robiista Radoszkowski, 1 876 = Melitta dimidiata Morawitz, 1876, monobasic. Melittinae. Pseudocosmia Radoszkowski, 1886:14, unjustified emendation of Pseudosmia Radoszkowski, 1872. Osmiini. Pseudodichroa Bischoff, 1923:595. Type species: Omaclites capensis Friese, 1915. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:593. Ammobatini. Pseiidoheriades Peters. 1970: 153. Type species: Eriades moricei Friese. 1897, by original designation. Osmiini. Pseiidolipliantliiis Ruz and Toro. 1983:253. Type species: Liphanthus rozeni Ruz and Toro. 1983, by original designa- tion. [Liphanthus]. Panurginae. Pseiidoiuacrotera Timberlake, 1954:349. Type species: Perdita tiirgicepsT\mbex\2ke. 1954, by original designation. [Perdita]. Panurginae. Pseiidomegacliile Friese, 1 898b: 1 98, no included species; Friese, 1899c:36, included species. Type species: Megachile ericetonim Lepeletier. 1841. designated by Alfken, 1933:56. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Pseudomegalochila Schulz, 1906:71, unjustified emendation of Pseiidomegacliile Friese, 1898. [Megachile]. Megachilini. Pseiidomelecta Radoszkowski, 1865:55. Type species: Melecta diacantha Eversmann, 1852. by designation of Sandhouse. 1943:594. Melectlni. Pseiido-osmia Radoszkowski. 1874a: 137. unjustified emenda- tion of Pseiidosmia Radoszkowski. 1 872. Osmiini. Pseiidoosmia Radoszkowski, 1 874b: 1 52, unjustified emendation oi' Pseiidosmia Radoszkowski. 1872. Osmiini. Pseudopaniirgus Cockerell. 1897a:290. Type species: Panurgiis aethiops Cresson. 1 872. by original designation. Isotypic with Protandrenopsis by synonymy. Panurginae. Pseiidopasites Bischoff, 1923:593. Type species: Pasites pygmaeus Friese. 1922. by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:594. [Sphecodopsis], Ammobatini. Pseiidopeohis Ashmead, I899a:80. unjustified emendation of Pseudepeolus Holmberg. 1886. Epeolini. Pseiidophilaiuluis Alfken, 1939:121. Type species: PseudophiUuitluts taeniatus Alfken, 1939, monobasic. Meganomiinae. Pseitdosarus Ruz, 1980:25. Type species: Pseiidosarus virescens Ruz, 1980, monobasic. Panurginae. Pseudosmia Radoszkowski, 1872a:xviii, no included species; Radoszkowski, 1874b: 152, included species. Type species: Megachile cristatu Fonscolombe. 1 846. not Dufour, 1 84 1 = Anthocopa cristatula Zanden, 1990, by designation of Cockerell. 1922a:6. Osmiini. Pseudostelis Popov, 1 956: 1 67. Type species: Stelis stniiuli Popov, 1935, by original designation. Anthidiini. Psilomelissodes LaBerge. 1 956: 1173. Type species: Melissodes intorta Cresson, 1 872. by original designation. [Melissodes]. Eucerini. Psilylaeus Snelling. 1985:28. Type species: Psilylaeus sugiops Snelling. 1985 = Prosopis pciimmilis Cockerell, 1914, by original designation. Hylaeinae. Psithyrus Lepeletier, 1832:373. Type species: Apis rupestris Fabricius. 1793, by designation of Curtis. 1833:pl. 468. Isotypic with Biennis Kirby. Bombini. Pteneucera Tkalcu, 1984c:72. Type species: Eucera eiicnemidea Dours, 1873, by original designation. Eucerini. Genus-Group Names of Bees 51 Plemndrena Robertson. 1 902a: 1 87. 1 93. Type species: Audreua piilcheUa Robertson, 1891 (not Jurine, 1807) = Andrena accepta Vicveck. 1916, by original designation. Andreninae. Pteiosariis Timberlake. 1967:10. Type species: Calliopsis ntdheckiae Robertson. 1895, by original designation. [Pseudopanurgus]. Panurginae. Ptikindrena Robertson. 1902a: 1 87. 192. Type species: Andrena erigeniae Robertson, 1891, by original designation. Andreninae. Ptiloccntris Snelling. 1984:22. Type species: Centris festiva Smith, 1854, by original designation. [Centris]. Centridini. Ptiloclepris Michener. 1978b:315. Type species: Ptilocleptis ronientosa Michener, 1978, by original designation. Halietini. P!il(>i>lossa Smith, 1853:7. Type species: Ptiloglossa diicalis Smith, 1853, monobasic. Caupolicanini. Piiloglossidia Moure. 1953a:73. Type species: Ptiloglossidia fcdkix Moure, 1953, by original designation. Dissoglottini. Ptiloglossodes Moure, 1945a:153. Type species: MegacUissa tarsata Friese. 1900. by original designation. [Ptiloglossa]. Caupolicanini. Ptilomelissa Moure, 1943b:482. Type species: Melissoptila bonaerensis Holmberg, 1903, by original designation. Eucerini. PtUonomia Michener, 1965a: 1 60. Type species: Noniia plumosa Michener, 1965, by original designation. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Ptilopoda Friese. 1 92 1 b:83. Type species: CoUetes niaciilipennis Friese. 1921 = CoUetes spiloptera CockereW. 1917, monoba- sic. [Colletes]. Colletinae. Ptilosawides Mitchell. 1980:63. Type species: Megachile neo.xcinthoptera Cockerell, 1933, by original designation. [Cressoniella]. Megachilini. Ptilosanis Mitchell, 1943:667. Type species: Megachile hertonii Schrottky. 1908. by original designation. [Megachile|. Megachilini. Ptilothrix Smith. 1853:131. Type species: Ptiloihrix pliinmtus Smith. 1 853. monobasic. Isotypic with Energoponus by syn- onymy. Emphorini. Ptilothryx Marschall, 1873:269, unjustified emendation of Ptilothrix Smith, 1853. Emphorini. Ptilotopus Klug, 1810:32. Type species: Ptilotopiis uniericamts Klug. 1810. monobasic. Centridini. Ptilotrigona Moure. 1951a:47. Type species: Trigono heideri Friese, 1900 = Trigona liirida Smith. 1854. by original des- ignation. [Trigonaj. Meliponini. Ptoleglossa Friese, 1930:127, replacement for Leptoglossa Friese, 1925. Type species: Leptoglossa paradoxa Friese, 1925 = Orphana inquirenda Vachal. 1909, autobasic. Isotypic with Leptoglossa and by synonymy with Orphana. Andreninae. Piincthalictus Warncke, 1975b:87. Type species: Hylaeus punctatissimiis Schenck, 1853. by original designation. [Halictus]. Halietini. Pimcticolletes Noskiewicz. 1936:26, 490. Invalid because no type species was designated. Warncke (1978) considered Pimcticolletes a synonym of RhinocoUetes. [Colletes]. Colletinae. Pycnanthidium Krombein, 1951:292. Type species: Pycnanthidiiiin solonionis Krombein. 1951. by original des- ignation. Anthidiini. Pyganthophora Brooks, 1988:460. Type species: Apis retusa Linnaeus, 1758, by original designation. [Anthophora]. Anthophorini. Pyghalictus Warncke, 1975b: 103. Type species: Andrena pygmaea Fabricius, 1804, by original designation. Pyghalictus was intended for the group of what is usually called Lasioglossiim politum (Schenck). The identity of Andrena pygmaea Fabricius is in doubt (see Ebmer, 1988). [Halictus]. Halietini. Pygnanthidiellwn Mavromoustakis, 1963b:492. Type species: Anthidiiim zebra Friese. 1904. by original designation. [Pygnanthidiumj. Anthidiini. Pygnanthidium Mavromoustakis. 1963b:491. unjustified emen- dation oi' Pycnanthidium Krombein. 1951. Anthidiini. Pygopasiphae Michener, 1989:647. Type species: Leioproctus mourellus Michener. 1989, by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Pygaperdita Timberlake, 1956:275. Type species: Perdita interrupta Cresson. 1878, by original designation. JPerditaj. Panurginae. Pyrobombus Dalla Torre, 1 880:40. Type species: Apis hypnorum Linnaeus. 1758, monobasic. [Bombus]. Isotypic with Anodontobombus. Uncobombus, and Hypnorobombus. Bonibini. Pyrosmia Tkalcu, 1975b: 182. Type species: Osmia ferruginea Latreille. 181 1, by original designation. [Osmia]. Osmiini. Pyrrhobombus Dalla Torre, 1882:28, unjustified emendation of Pyrobombus Dalla Torre, 1880. [Bombus]. Bombini. Pyrrhomelecta Ashmead, 1899a:66. Type species: Epeolus glabratus Cresson, 1878, by original designation. Epeolini. Quasihesma Exley. 1968a:228. Type species: Quasihesma moonhiensis Exley, 1968, by original designation. Euryglossinae. Quasilictus Walker. 1986:166. Type species: Homalictus breviconiutus Walker. 1986, by original designation. [Homalictus]. Halietini. Radoszkowskiana Popov. 1955b:547. replacement for Paracoelioxys Radoszkowski. 1893. Type species: Paracoelioxys barrel Radoszkowski. 1893. autobasic and by original designation. Megachilini. Ramalictus Pesenko, 1984:347. Type species: Halictus latisignatus Cameron, 1908, by original designation, [Halictus). Halietini. Ramphorhiiui Michener. 1939:8, lapsus for Arogochila Michener, 1939. [Ashmeadiella]. Osmiini. Ranthidiellum Pasteels. 1969a:48. Type species: Protoanthidium rufoniaculatuni Cameron. 1902. by original designation. For aspects of this type designation, see Michener and Griswold, 1994a. [Anthidiellum]. Anthidiini. 52 Scientific Papers. Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas Rapanthidium Michener, 1948a:ll. Type species: Anthiclium vespoides Friese. 1925. by original designation. [Parantiiidium]. Anthidiini. Raphidostoma Coctcerell. 1936a: 133. Type species: Raphidostoma ceanothi Cockerell, 1936 = Chelynia mhifloris Cockerell. 1898, by original designation. Isotypic with Chelostomopsis by synonymy. Osmiini. Rathymiis Smith. 1 854:278, not Dejean, 1 83 1 . unjustified emen- dation of Rhuthymus Lepeletier and Serville, 1828. Rhathymini. Reanthidiuiu Pasteels, 1969a:87. Type species: Anthidium reticiilatitm Mocsary, 1884, by original designation. Anthidiini. Redivha Friese. 191 la:671. Type species: Andrena peringueyi Friese. 1911, by designation of Cockerell, 1931a:402. [Andrena]. Melittinae. Redivivoides Michener. 1981:42. Type species: Redivivoides simukms Michener, 198 1 . by original designation. Melittinae. Reedapis Michener, 1989:656. Type species: Leioproctus bathycyaneus Toro, 1973, by original designation. [Leioproctus]. Colletinae. Reepenia Friese, 1909b:205. Type species: Nomia variabilis Friese, 1909, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:595, Michener, 1965a: 159, and Commission Opinion 788 (1966). The name is not monobasic as indicated by Sandhouse ( 1 943 ) and by the Offcial List of Generic Names of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, since Friese cited additional species-group names as "varieties" of variabilis. [Nomia]. Nomiinae. Rhacandrena LaBerge, 1977:90. Type species: Andrena brevipalpis Cockerell, 1930, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Rhamphorhina Michener and Sokal. 1957: 159, unjustified emen- dation of Ramphorliina Michener, 1939, lapsus for Arogochila Michener, 1939. [Ashmeadiella]. Osmiini. Rhanthidielhtm Pasteels, 1972:102, unjustified emendation of Ranthidiellum Pasteels, 1969. [Anthidiellum]. Anthidiini. Rluiphaudrena LaBerge, 1971b:507. Type species: Andrena prima Casad and Cockerell, 1896, by original designation. [Andrena]. Andreninae. Rhuthymus Lepeletier and Serville, 1828:448. Type species: Rhathymus bicolor Lepeletier and Serville, 1828, monoba- sic. Isotypic with Colax; isotypic with Liogastra by synonymy. Rhathymini. Rhectomia Moure. 1947a:9. Type species: Rhectomia pumilla Moure, 1947, by original designation. Augochlorini. Rhinepeohis Moure, 1955: 1 15. Type species: Epeohis rufiventris Friese, 1908, by original designation. Epeolini. Rhineta Illiger, 1807: 198. Type species: Nomada schottii Fabri- cius, 1804 = Tiphiu brcvicornis Panzer, 1798, monobasic. Isotypic with Biastes by synonymy. Biastini. Rhinetula Friese, I922b:581. Type species: Rhinetida denticriis Friese, 1922, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:596. Halictini. Rhinochaetida Friese, 1912:185. Type species: Capicola cinctiventris Friese. 1912. by designation of Cockerell, 1915:343. Dasypodinae. Rhinocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973:113. Type species: Coelioxys zapoteca Cresson. 1 878, by original designation. [Coelioxys]. Megachiiini. Rhinocolletes Cockerell, 1910a:242. Type species: Colietes nasutus Smith, 1853, monobasic. [Colletes|. Colletinae. Rhinocorynura Schrottky, 1909a; 147. Type species: Halictus inflaticeps Ducke, 1906, by original designation. Isotypic with Ctenocoiynuru by synonymy. Augochlorini. Rhinomegilla Brooks, 1988:482. Type species: Anthophora megarrhina Cockerell, 1910, by original designation. [Anthophora]. Anthophorini. Rhodaniltidiitm Isensee. 1927:374. Type species: Anthidium sicuhim Spinola, 1838, by original designation. [Anthidium]. Anthidiini. Rhodobombus Dalla Torre, 1880:40. Type species: Bremus pomorum Panzer, 1804, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:596. [Bombus]. Isotypic with Pomohombus. Bombini. Rhodocentris Friese, 1900:244, 250. Type species: Centris difformis Smith, 1854, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:596. [Centris]. Isotypic with Heterocentris and Gundlachia by synonymy. Centridini. Rhodohylaeus Michener, 1 965a: 1 24. Type species: Prosopis cenibera Cockerell. 1910, by original designation. [Hylaeus]. Hylaeinae. Rhodomegachile Michener, 1965a:20I . Type species: Megachile abdominalis Smith. 1853, by original designation. [Chalicodoma]. Megachiiini. Rhodosmia Michener, 1943:85. Type species: Osmia paradoxa Friese. 1899, by original designation. [Anthocopa]. Osmiini. Rhogepeolus Moure, 1955:117. Type species: Rhogepeohis bigibbosus Moure. 1955, by original designation. Epeolini. Rhopalictus Sichel. 1867:146. Type species: Corynura flavofasciata Spinola, 1851 = Halictus chilensis Spinola, 1851, designated by Sandhouse, 1943:596. Augochlorini. Rhopalolemma Roig-Alsina, 1991:33. Type species: Rhopalolemma robertsi Roig-Alsina, 1991, by original des- ignation. Biastini. Rhopalomelissa Alfken. 1926b:267. Type species: Rhopalomelissa xanthogaster Alfken, 1 926, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:596. Nomiinae. Rhophites Agassiz. 1846:29 [Hymenoptera section], unjustified emendation of Rophites Spinola, 1808. Rophitinae. Rhophitoides Schenck, 1861:69 (for the date see Michener, 1986a). Type species: Rhophitoides distinguendus Schenck, 1861 = Rhophites cana Eversmann, 1852, monobasic. Rophitinae. Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907:366. Type species: Rhophitulus frisei Ducke. 1907, by designation of Sandhouse, 1943:597. Sandhouse corrected the spelling of the species name lo friesei but since Ducke used frisei on pages 366 and 368, he must Genus-Group Names of Bees 53 have intended that speUing although naming the species for H. Friese. Panurginae. Rhynchalictus Moure. 1947a:5. Type species: Rhynchalktus rostratus Moure. 1947, by original designation. Halictini. Rhynchocolletes Moure. I943b:447. Type species: RhxnchocoUetes cilhiciiuliis Moure. 1943. by original desig- nation. Colletinae. Rhynostelis Moure and Urban. 1994:297. Type species: Authidiiim multlplicatiiiii Smith. 1879. by original designa- tion. Anthidiini. Rhyso.xylocopa Hurd and Moure. 1963:178. Type species: Xxlocopa caniabriia Lepeletier. 1841, by original designa- tion. [Xylocopa]. Xylocopini. Rhyssomegachile Mitchell. 1980:63. Type species: Megachile similliimi Smith. 1 853. by original designation. [Cressoniella]. Megachilini. Rhxffiiceni Sitdikov and Pesenko. 1988:87. Type species: Eucera parvula Friese, 1895, by original designation. [Eucera]. Eucerini. Rivali.sia Strand, 1921:270. Type species: Rivalisia metalUca Strand. 1921 = ? Augochlom argenma¥ntwvum. Lingnan Science Journal 18:155-160. Maa, T.-c. 1953. An inquiry into the systematics of the tribus Apidini or honeybees. Treubia 21:525-640. Maa, T.-c. 1954. The xylocopine bees (Insecta) of Afghanistan. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i Kjobenhavn 116:189-231. Manning, F. 1961 . A new fossil bee from Baltic amber Verhandlungen XI. Internationaler Kongress fiir Entomologie IWien, 1960] 1:306-308, pi. 5,fig.l. Marikovskaya, T. P. 1976. On the systematics of the tribe Anthophorini. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 55:684-690 [in Russian; translation into English, Entomological Review 55:126-130]. Marikovskaya, T. P. 1980. A new genus of bees of the family Anthophoridae. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 59:650-653 [in Rus- sian; translation into English, Entomological Review 59:126-130]. Marschall, A. F von. 1873. Noiiicjiclntor zoologicus cnntineus nomina systematica generum animnliuni tain viventitiin quant fossiliuni, secundum ordinem alphabeticuni disposita. Vindobonae. [i]-[vi], 1-482. [Hy- menoptera, pp. 254-273.) Mavromoustakis, G. A. 1939. New and little-known bees of the subfam- ily Anthidiinae (Apoidea). Part I. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)3:88-97. Mavromoustakis, G. A. 1949. On the bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of Cyprus, Part I. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12)l(1948):541-587. Mavromoustakis, G. A. 1951 . Further contributions to our knowledge of the Ethiopian Anthidiinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) and their classi- fication. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12)4:962-981. Mavromoustakis, G. A. 1953. New and little-known bees of the subfam- ily Anthidiinae (Apoidea). Part VI. 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Die westpalaarktischen Ajten der Gattung Spatukriella Pop. Bollettino della Societa Veneziana di Storia Naturale 5:76-113. Popov, V. B. 1931a. Zur Kenntnis der palaarktischen Schmarotzer- hummeln (Psitltyrus Lep.). Eos 7:131-209. Popov, V. B. 1931b. To the knowledge of the genera Pasites Jurine and Paramniobatodes gen. nov. Ezhegocinik Zoologicheskovo Muzeya Akademii Nauk SSSR (Annuaire du Musee Zoologique de 1' Academie des Sciences de I'URSS) 32:453^67 [in Russian, English summary]. Popov, V. B. 1938. Notiz iiber die Gattung Chelynici Prov. und einige Untergattungsgruppierungen der Gattung Stelis Panz. Konowia 17:36-41. Popov, V. B. 1939. Subgeneric groupings of genus Prosopis F. Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de I'Academie des Sciences de I'URSS 25:167-170. Popov, V. B. 1940. A new genus of bees from Turkestan. Trudy Zoologicheskova Instituta, Akademii Nauk SSSR 6:53-60 [in Russian|. Popov, V. B. 1947. Generic groupings of the subfamily Dioxynae [sic|. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 29:84-92 [in Russian, English sum- mary]. Popov, V. B. 1950a. Generic groupings of the mid-Asian bees of the sub- family Anthidiinae. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 70:315-318 [in Russian]. Popov, V. B. 1950b. Concerning the genus Amegilla Friese. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 31:257-261 [in Russian]. Popov, V. B. 1951. The parasitic bee genus Ammohates Latr I. Tribes Ammobatini and Pasitini, their size and taxonomic position. Trudy Instituta Zoologii, Akademii Nauk SSSR 9:895-949 [in Russian]. Popov, V. B. 1952. Bee fauna (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of southwestern Turkmenii and its ecological significance. Trudv Zoologicheskova Instituta, Akademii Nauk SSSR 10:61-117 [in Russian]. Popov, V. B. 1955a. A new subgenus of bees of the genus Heriades. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 34:280-286 [in Russian]. Popov, V. B. 1955b. On the parasitic genus Radoszkozcskiana (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae) and its origins. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 34:547-556 [in Russian]. Popov, V. 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Entomological Review 43:207-2141. Popov, V. B., and D. Guiglia. 1936. Note sopra i gen. Ctenoplectra Sm. e Macropis Panz. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 59:275-288. Provancher, L. 1882. Faune Canadienne. Les Insectes Hvmenopteres. NaturalisteCanadien 13:225-242. Provancher, L. 1885-1889. Additions et Corrections an Volume II de la Faune Entomologitpie du Canada Traitant des Hymenopteres. Quebec: Darveau. Pp. 1-475. [The parts on bees were published in 1888.] Quilis P., M. 1927. Los apidos de Espana. Genero Bombus Latr. Trabajos del Laboratorio de Historia Natural de Valencia 16:1-119, 10 pi. Radoszkowski, O. 1865. Tribu des Melectides. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 3:53-60. Radoszkowski, O. 1868. Materiaux pour servir a I'etude des insectes de la Russie IV. Notes sur quelques Hymenopteres de la tribu des Apides. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 5:73-90, pi. III. Radoszkowski, O. 1872a. hi Seance du 3 (15) Mai. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 8:Bulletin pp. xv-xviii. Radoszkowski, 0. 1872b. Supplement indispensable a I'article publie par M. Gerstaecker en 1869, sur quelques genres d'hymenopteres. Bulle- tin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 45:1-40, pi. 1. Radoszkowski, 0. 1874a. Supplement indispensable a I'article publie par M. Gerstaecker en 1869, sur quelques genres d'hymenopteres. Bulle- tin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 46(3)(1873):133- 151, 1 pi. [This issue was misnumbered vol. 47, which otherwise does not exist according to D. B. Baker, in lift., 1992; he also provided the actual year of publication as 1874.] Radoszkowski, 0. 1874b. Supplement indispensable a I'article publie par M. Gerstaecker in 1869, sur quelques genres d'hymenopteres. Bulle- tin de la Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 48(1 )( 1873): 132- 164. Radoszkowski, 0. 1884. (Quelques nouveaux Hymenopteres d'Amerique. 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Bees in the collections of the Western Australian Mu- seum and the Agricultural Department, Perth. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 17:157-190. Rayment, T. 1935. A Cluster of Bees. Sydney: Endeavour 752 pp. Rayment, T. 1950. New bees and wasps. Part XIII. Victorian Naturalist 67:20-25. Rayment, T. 1954. Remarkable bees f rom the rain forest. Australian Zo- ologist 12:46-56. Rayment, T. 1959a. A new genus of bees in the family Colletidae. Austra- lian Zoologist 12:324-329, pi. 38. Rayment, T. 1959b. A new and remarkable colletid bee. Australian Zo- ologist 12:334-336, pi. 11. Rebmann, O. 1967. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattimg Megachile Latr (Hym., Apidae): Subgenus Eutriclmraea Thorns, und Neoeutriclmraen nov. subg. Entomologische Zeitschrift 77:33-38. Rebmann, O. 1970. 6. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Megnchile Latr Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 19:37-47. Reed, E. C. 1892. Revision de las abejas chilenas descritas en la obra de Gay. Actes de la Societe Scientifique du Chili (Santiago de Chile) 2:223- 239. Reed, E. C. 1894. Entomolojia [sic] Chilena. Anales de la Universidad [Santiago, Chile] 85:599-653. Reinig, W. F. 1930. Untersuchungen zur Kenntnis der Hummelfauna des Pamir-Hochlandes. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologic und Okologie der Tiere 17:68-123. Ribble, D. W. 1968a. Revisions of two subgenera of Amireua: Micrninlreuii Ashmead and Derandrcnn , new subgenus. Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 8:237-394. Ribble, D. W. 1968b. A new subgenus, Belaudreun, of the genus Andreua. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 41:220-236. Richards, O. W. 1929. A revision of the humble-bees allied to Bcmbus orientalis Smith, with the description of a new subgenus. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)3:378-386. Richards, O. W. 1935. Notes on the nomenclature of the aculeate Hy- menoptera, with special reference to the British genera and species. 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Synopsis of Andreninae. Transactions of the Ameri- can Entomological Society 28:187-194. Robertson, C. 1902b. Some new or little-known bees, IV. Canadian Ento- mologist 34:321-331. Robertson, C. 1902c. Synopsis of Halictinae. Canadian Entomologist 34:243-250. Robertson, C. 1902d. Some new or little-known bees. — II. Canadian En- tomologist 34:48-49. Robertson, C. 1903a. Synopsis of Megachilidae and Bombinae. Transac- tions of the American Entomological Society 29:163-178. Robertson, C. 1903b. Synopsis of Sphecodinae. Entomological News 14:103-107. Robertson, C. 1903c. Synopsis of Epeolinae. Canadian Entomologist 35:284-288. Robertson, C. 1903d. Synopsis of Nomadinae. Canadian Entomologist 35:172-179. Robertson, C. 1904. Synopsis of Anthophila. Canadian Entomologist 36:37-43. Robertson, C. 1905. Synopsis of Euceridae, Emphoridae and Anthophoridae. Transactions of the American Entomological Soci- ety 31:365-372. Robertson, C. 1918a. Some genera of bees. Entomological News 29:91- 92. 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University of California Publications in Entomology 15:i- iv + 1-202. Rozen, J. G., Jr. 1992. Systematics and host relationships of the cuckoo bee genus Oreopnsites. American Museum Novitates no. 3046:1-56. Rozen, J. G., Jr, and L. Ruz. 1995. South American panurgine bees (Andrenidae: Panurginae), Part II. Adults, immature stages, and bi- ology of Neffnpis longiliuguu, a new genus and species with an elon- gate glossa. American Museum Novitates no. 3136:1-15. Ruz, L. 1980. Pseiidosnrus, nuevo genero de Panurginae Chileno. Revista Chilena de Entomologia 10:25-28. Ruz, L. 1991. Classification and phylogenetic relationships of the panurgine bees: The Calliopsini and allies. University of Kansas Sci- ence Bulletin 54:209-256. Ruz, L., and J. G. Rozen, Jr. 1993. South American panurgine bees (Apoidea: Andrenidae: Panurginae), Part 1. Biology, mature larva, and description of a new genus and species. American Museum Novitates no. 3057:1-12. Ruz, L., and H. Toro. 1983. Revision of the bee genus Liphnnthus. Univer- sity of Kansas Science Bulletin 52:235-299. Sakagami, S. F 1975. Stingless bees (excl. Tetnii^ouuhi) from the continen- tal southeast Asia in the collection of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Genus-Group Names of Bees 77 Honolulu, journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, ser. VI, Zoology 20:49-76. Sakagami, S. F. 1978. Tetragoniila stingless bees of the continental Asia and Sri Lanka. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Univer- sity ser. VI, Zoology 21:165-247. Sakagami, S. F, and C. D. Michener. 1987. Tribes of Xylocopinae and ori- gin of the Apidae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 80:439^30. Sakagami, S. F, and K. Yoshikawa. 1961. Bees of Xylocopinae and Apinae collected by the Osaka City University biological expedition to south- east Asia 1957-58, with some biological notes. Nature and Life in Southeast Asia [Tokyo] 1:409-444. Sandhouse, G. A. 1937. The bees of the genera Augochlora, Augochloropsis and Atigocldorella (Hymenoptera; Apoidea) occurring in the United States. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 27:65-79. Sandhouse, G. A. 1939. The North American bees of the genus Osmia. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington l:[ii] + 1-167. Sandhouse, G. A. 1943. The type species of the genera and subgenera of bees. Proceedings of the Uniteci States National Museum 92:519-619. Saussure, H. de. 1890. Histoire Naturelle ties H\/intiioptcies in A. Grandidier, Histoire Phi/siquc, NaturcUc et Politique dc Madagnscar. Vol. 20. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. xxi + 590 pp., 27 pis. Schenck, A. 1861. Die Nassauischen Bienen. Jahrbiicher des Vereins fiir Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau 14:1^14 [for date, see Michener, 1986a]. Schenck, A. 1 866. Verzeichniss der naussauischen Hymenoptera aculeata mit Hinzufijgung der iibrigen deutschen Arten. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 10:317-369. Schenck, A. 1869. 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Warncke, K. 1977. Ideen zum naturlichen System der Bienen. Mitteilungen der Miinchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 67:39-63. Warncke, K. 1978. liber die westpalaarktischen Arten der Bienengattung Colletes Latr. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 48:329-370. Warncke, K. 1979. Beitrage zur Bienenfauna des Iran: 3. Die Gattung Rophites Spin., mit einer revision des Westpalaarktischen arten der Bienengattung Rophites Spin. BoUettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 30:111-155. Warncke, K. 1980. Die bienengattungen Noniui und Systwplui im Iran mit erganzungen zu den No»n(!-Arten der Westpalaarktis. Linzer Biologische Beitrage 12:363-384. Warncke, K. 1981. Beitrag zur Bienenfauna des Iran 14. Die gattung Halictiis Latr., mit Bemerkungen iiber bekannte und neue Hnlictus- Arten in der Westpalaarktis und Zentralasian. BoUetino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 32:67-166. Warncke, K. 1983. Zur Kenntnis der Bienengattung Pnsjfcs Jurine, 1807, in der Westpalaarktis. Entomofauna 4:261-347. Warncke, K. 1985. Beitrage zur Bienenfauna des Iran 19-20. Die Gattungen Panurgus Pz. und Melitiirgiila Fr. BoUettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 34(1983):221-235. Warncke, K. 1988a. Die Bienengattung Ofinia Panzer, 1806, ihre Systematik in der Westpalaarktis und ihre Verbreitung in der Turkei. 2 und 3: Die Untergattungen Tergosniin und Exosmia. Entcimofauna 9:389^03. Warncke, K. 1988b. Die Bienengattimg Osmia Panzer, 1806, ihre Systematik in der Westpalaarktis und ihre Verbreitung in der Turkei. 1: Untergattung Ht'/icosm/n Thomson, 1872. Entomofauna 9:1-48. Warncke, K. 1990. Die Bienengattung Osmia Panzer, 1806, ihre Systematik in der Westpalaarktis und ihre Verbreitung in der Tiirkei. 4. Die Untergattung Platosmia subgen. nov. Entomofauna 11:481^95. Warncke, K. 1991a. Die Bienengattung Osmia Panzer, 1906, ihre Systematik in der Westpalaarktis und ihre Verbreitung in der Tiirkei. 5. Die Untergattung Pentndentosmia subg. nov. Entomofauna 12:13-32. Warncke, K. 1991b. Die Bienengattung Ofmin Panzer, 1906, ihre Systematik in der Westpalaarktis und ihre Verbreitung in der Tiirkei. 9. Die Untergattung Atiuosmia subg. n. Linzer Biologische Beitrage 23:307- 336. Warncke, K. 1991c. Die Bienengattung Osmin Panzer, 1906, ihre Systematik in der Westpalaarktis und ihre Verbreitung in der Tiirkei. 7. Die Untergattung Foveosmia nov. Linzer Biologische Beitrage 23:267- 281. Westwood, J. O. 1835. [Characters of new genera and species of hy- menopterous insects.] Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Lon- don 3:51-54, 68-72. Westwood, J.'0. 1838. Description of a new genus of exotic bees. Transac- tions of the Entomological Society of London 2:112-113. Westwood, J. O. 1840a. Synopsis of the genera of British insects. Pp. 1- 154 ill An Introduction to tlic Modern Classification of Insects.... Vols. 1, 2, 1838-1840. London: Longman et al. [Commission Direction 63 (1957) gives dates for the parts of this work; the parts of the Synopsis on bees all appeared in 1840.] Westwood, J. 0. 1840b. In ]. Duncan, The Natural Historii of the Bees, m W. Jardine (ed.), Tlic Naturalists' Library. Vol. 26. Entomology, Vol. 6. Edinburgh: Lizars. viii -^ 17-301, 30 pis. Westwood, ]. 0. 1 875. Descriptions of some new species of short-tongued bees belonging to the genus Nomia. Transactions of the Entomologi- cal Society of London 1875:207-222, pis. IV, V. Williams, P. H. 1985. A preliminary cladistic investigation of relation- ships among the bumble bees. Systematic Entomology 10:239-255. Williams, P H. 1991. The bumblebees of the Kashmir Himalaya. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology 60:1-204. Williams, P. H. 1994. Phylogenetic relationships among bumblebees (Bombus Latr.): A reappraisal of morphological evidence. Systematic Entomology 19:327-344. Wu, Y.-r. 1982. Description of a new subgenus of Nomia. Zoological Re- search 3:275-280 [in Chinese, English summary]. Wu, Y.-r. 1985. A study on the genus Rliopmlomelissa of China with de- scriptions of new subgenus and new species. Zoological Research 6:57-68 ]in Chinese, English summary]. Yarrow, I. H. H. 1971. The author and date of certain subgeneric names in Bombus. Journal of Entomology (B)40:27-29. Yasumatsu, K., and Y. Hirashima. 1950. Revision of the genus Osmia of Japan and Korea. Mushi 21:1-18, pis. 1-3. Zanden, G. van der. 1988. Beitrag zur Svstematik und Nomenklature der palaarktischen Osmiini, mit Angaben uber ihre Verbreitung. Zoologische Mededelingen 62:113-133. Zanden, G. van der. 1989. Neue oder wenig bekannte Arten und Unterarten der palaearktischen Megachiliden. Entomologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 53:71-86. Zanden, G. van der. 1 991 . Neue oder wenig bekannte Arten der Osmiini aus dem palaarktischen Gebiet. Reichenbachia 28:163-171. Zanden, G. van der. 1994. Neue Arten und Unterarten, eine neue Untergattung und einige neue Falle von Synonymic der palaarktischen Bauchsammler. Reichenbachia 30:167-172. Zavortink, T J. 1972. A new subgenus and species of Megandrena from Nevada, with notes on its foraging and mating behavior. Proceed- ings of the Entomological Society of Washington 74:61-75. Zavortink, T. J. 1975. A new genus and species of eucerine bee from North America. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (4)40:231-242. Zeuner, F. E., and F.J. Manning. 1 976. A monograph on fossil bees. Bulle- tin of the British Museum (Natural History), Geology 27:149-268, pis. 1-i. Genus-Group Names of Bees 81 ADDENDUM After this paper was in proof. Dr. Donald B. Baker (University Museum. Oxford) kindly sent me commentaries on certain dates of publication. Whereas I have usually used widely accepted dates, Dr. Baker has indicated that the following are correct: Author, date Corrected Date Agassiz, L. 1846. 1847 Guerin-Meneville, F. E. 1830. pp. 1-24, 1830: pp. 25^71. 1831 Heer, O. 1850. 1849 Lepeletier de S. Fargeau. A. L. M. 1836. Morawitz, P. 1873a. 1835 1874 Radoszkowski. O. 1868. 1867 Schenck.A. 1866. Schenck.A. 1973. 1867 1874 Smith, F 1858. Spinola. M. 1838. Vachal.J. 1899. pp. 42-88 and pis. 1, 2, 1857; pp. 89-180. 1858 1839 1900 iX DATE DUE r DEMCO. INC. 38-2931 QL566 .M43 1997 [:"'"■■ -• "IK. of i.,o .„„i M„.,,i Harvard MCZ Library Vk'i ■-., 3 2044 062 458 666 PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS The University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, beginning with Volume 1 in 1946, was discontinued with Volume 20 in 1971. Shorter research papers formerly published in the above series were published as The University of Kansas Natural History Museum Occasional Papers until Number 180 in Decem- ber 1996. The Miscellaneous Publications of The University of Kansas Natural His- tory Museum began with Number 1 in 1946 and ended with Number 68 in Febru- ary 1996. Monographs of The University of Kansas Natural History Museum were initiated in 1970 and discontinued with Number 8 in 1992. The University of Kan- sas Science Bulletin, beginning with Volume 1 in 1902, was discontinued with Vol- ume 53 in 1996. The foregoing publication series are now combined in a new series entitled Scientific Papers, Natural History Museum, The University of Kansas, be- gun with Number 1 in 1997. Special Publications began in 1976 and continue as an outlet for longer contributions and are available by purchase only. All manuscripts are subject to critical review by intra- and extramural speciaUsts; final acceptance is at the discretion of the editor. The publication is printed on acid-free paper Publications are composed us- ing Microsoft Word" and Adobe PageMaker® on a Macintosh computer and are printed by The University of Kansas Printing Service. 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