r /B E R K E L E Y LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF 'v CALIFORNIA EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY LIBRARY CATALOGUE SLIPS. Illinois. (Geological Surrey,) Geological Survey of_ Illinois, A. H. Worthen, Director. Volume vm. Edited by Josua Lindahl, Ph. D., State Geologist— Plates.— Published by authority of the Legislature of Illinois July, 1890. 8vo. Plates I-LXXVDI, and explanations. "Worthen, (Amos H.) Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. Worthen, Director. Volume VIII. Edited by Josua Lindahl, Ph. D., State Geologist— Ptates.-Published by authority of 5 the Legislature of Illinois. July, 1890. < 8vo. Plates I-LXXVEH, and explanations. 6 •g Palaeontology. Geological Survey of Illinois. A. H. Worthen, Director. Volume VIII. Edited •J, by Josua Lindahl. Ph. D,. State Geologist-P/afes.-Published by authority of « the Legislature of Illinois, July, 1890, fi 8vo. Plates I-LXXVIII. and explanations. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ILLINOIS, A. H. WORTHEN, DIRECTOR. VOLUME VIII. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY, Edited by JOSUA L1NDAHL, Ph. D., State Geologist. GEOLOGY, BY A. H. WORTHEN. BY A. H. WORTHEN, CHARLES WACHSMUTH, FRANK SPRINGER. E. O. ULRICH AND OLIVER EVERETT. WITH AX APPENDIX. TEXT. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATURE OF ILLINOIS. JULY, 1890. C\Q .\ft EARTH ILLUSTRATED BY E. O. ULRICH, NEWPORT, KENTUCKY. ~T FEINTED BY H. W. ROKKER, SPBINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents iii-iv Letter of Transmittal v-xi PART I. GEOLOGY. CHAPTER I. Drift Deposits of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEX 1-24 CHAPTER II. Economical Geology (Coal: Natural Gas and Oil; Artesian Water), A. H. WORTHEX 25-67 PART II. PAL.EOXTOLOGY. SECTIOX I. Description of Fossil Invertebrates. A. H. WORTHEX (>9-154 SECTIOX II. New species of Crinoids and Blastoids from the Kinder- hook group of the Lower Carboniferous Rocks at Le- Grand, Iowa: and A new genus from the Niagara group of Western Tennessee, CHARLES WACHSMUTH and FRAXK SPRIXGER 155-208 SECTIOX III. American Palaeozoic Sponges, E. O. ULRICH 209-241 SECTIOX IV. Sponges of the Devonian and Carboniferous Systems. E. O. ULRICH... ...243-251 IV SECTION V. Descriptions of Lower Silurian Sponges, E. O. ULRICH and OLIVER EVERETT 253-282 SECTION VI. Palaeozoic Bryozoa, E. O. ULRICH 283-678 Index to Part I 689-691 Index to Part II, Sections I, II 693-699 Index to Part II, Sections III, IV and V... 701-706 Index to Part II, Section VI 707-727 Table of Contents to Part II, Section VI 728 Plates I-LXXVIII and explanations. APPENDIX. The Private Life and Scientific Works of PROF. AMOS HENRY WORTHEN, by N. W. Bliss and C. A. White, with a portrait of Prof. Worthen, by Jacques Reich 3-37 General Index to Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WOR- THEN, Director, Vols. I-VIII, by Josua Lindahl 39-151 Approximate Geological Map of Illinois. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To His Excellency, JOSEPH W. FIFER, Governor of Illinois: Sm:- I have the honor to submit herewith the Eighth Volume of the Geological Survey of Illinois. This volume, exclusive of the "Appendix," was prepared by the late Professor A. H. WORTHEN, in accordance with an Act of the Thirty-Fourth General Assembly of the State of Illinois, ap- proved June 27, 1885, which provided ''That the Curator of the State Historical Libraiy and Natural History Museum, who is required to perform such duties as may be by Jaw required of the State Geologist, shall during the ensuing two years, collect and pi'epare for publication a volume to be entitled Volume 8 of the Geological Surrey of Illinois." For certain reasons the contract with the State Printer was not signed until late in 1888, and in this interval Professor WORTHEN had died, May 6th, 1888. My commission as his successor, bears the date of June 9th of the same year, and it became my duty to edit this volume. The printing was commenced early in 1889. Neither I, nor any of the authors could have foreseen that more than a year and a half would be needed for its completion. The new VI genera described in Part II, Section 3, bear the date of 1889, which, as it now happened, is apparently a case of antedating. However, as all the new species in the volume were recorded in Mr. S. A. MILLER'S "Korth American Palaeozoic Fossils," which work was published in November, 1889, this may be taken as an excuse for omitting corrections of the above dates, in the "Errata." The plates illustrating Part II, were printed before Prof. WORTHEN'S deach. Mr. CHAS. K. WORTHEN made the origi- nal drawings for plates IX-XXV1II, the remaining 58 were drawn by Mr. E. 0. ULRICH, who also contracted for and lithographed all the 78 plates. The KREBS Co. did the printing. Mr. ULRICH informs me that a strike among the pressmen, and the conse- quent necessity of employing inexperienced hands hi printing plates XXXVIII-LX, was the cause of the less satisfactory ap- pearance of these plates. As this volume not only forms the final report of the Geo- logical Survey of Illinois, but also represents the last work of its venerable Director, it seems appropriate to close these eight volumes with a biographical sketch and portrait of Prof. WORTHEN, and to add a general index to the entire series of his reports. Mr. N. W. BLISS, Attorney at Law, a near relative of the de- ceased and his most intimate friend from childhood, was re- quested, at the suggestion of Prof. WORTHEN'S family, to sketch his private life, and Prof. C. A. WHITE, M. D., of the United States Geological Survey, to likewise treat the scientific work of Prof. WORTHEN, and both of them willingly responded. Their sketches will be found in the "Appendix." It is my pleasant duty hereby to render thanks officially to the heirs — the 6 sons— of Professor WORTHEN, who defrayed all ex- penses for the excellent portrait of their lamented father, which VII adorns the "Appendix." The original pen-and-ink drawing; by the eminent artist JACQUES REICH, of New York, which drawing is the property of this office, was placed at their disposal for the purpose of being reproduced. The index of the PAL^OCRINOIDEA in Vol. VIII, Part II, Sec- tions 1 and 2, was revised by Mr. CHARLES WACHSMUTH, and those of the SPOXGLE and BRYOZOA in Sections 3-6, by Mr. E. 0. ULRICH. In preparing the "General Index," I at first simply consolidated the indices of the eight volumes into one. But finding that such a consolidation would by no means answer the purpose, I undertook to revise every item and make numer- ous additions and re-arrangements, as well as orthographic corrections of pateontological names. This extremely tedious and time consuming work was done last fall when I had reasons to hope that the volume would be published before the end of last year. The index is therefore less elaborate than I would have made it, had I known then that I could spend much more time on it without delaying the printers. As it is, I trust it will still be found of value. The Geological Map of Illinois, published in 1875, and distri- buted with Vol. VI. of these reports, has long been out of print, and I have been unable to fill the frequent requisitions from scientists, schools, libraries and private applicants, most of whom have stated that they have the set of reports but not the map. I have therefore added to this volume a reproduc- tion of the old map but on a smaller scale (32 miles =1 inch —the scale of the old map being 6 miles =1 inch) and with the geological formations represented by a system of lines of • shading, instead of by colors. Although the map is copied with as much accuracy as was regarded practicable and desir- able, I have prefixed the word "Approximate" to its title. It is evident that even the original map was never intended to — B 'VIII be considered as more than an approximate representation of the areas of geological formations in the State. An accurate geological map of the State is still a desideratum. In this connection I beg to make a few suggestions for some of the most important work that the State ought to undertake as a continuation of its Geological Survey. In part these sug- gestions are the same as those I had the honor to make in my report to your Excellency and the Board of Trustees of the State Museum, in January, 1889. They were also used as the substance of two bills introduced in the last Assembly of the State Legislature, but, although seemingly meeting the apt proval of the Legislature, were "tabled" at the third reading. I would suggest: 1. That a continued collection be made of logs of all borings, shafts, etc., in the State. Owing to the imperfect character of the records of such undertakings, as usually made, each locality where a boring or sinking of a shaft is in progress should be visited, or, at least, arrangements should be made with those in charge of the work, for the proper preservation and identi- fication of samples of the strata. 2. That a detailed topographic, or at least hypsometric survey of the State be made on a plan conforming to similar surveys already made, either wholly or in part, by New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Michigan, and now in pro- gress in Pennsylvania and Minnesota. Thus would be furnished the necessary data for elucidat- ing many problems of the greatest economical import- ance to such industrial pursuits as require a correct insight into the geological structure of the State. I would therefore suggest: IX 3. That the facts thus obtained, and further supplemented, when necessary, by local investigations, be used as the basis of a series of either annual or biennial reports on the Geology of Illinois, with special reference to the underground topography of the different coal beds, water bearing-, and other strata, showing their distribution and depth below the surface in. the various parts of the State. It is pretty well settled that our coal beds were not laid down in broad sheets of even thickness over large areas, but were formed on the low lands of the then surface, while the higher portions were left bare. The investigation, above suggested, would go far to indicate the position and extent of these bar- ren grounds. It would also give the best guidance in deter- mining where artesian water, oil, gas, etc., may be expected — or. at least, where they cannot reasonably be expected. In connection with these investigations particular attention should be given to the quaternary deposits in the State. Much interest is being manifested in the glacial geology of the United States: our State ought to cooperate with her sisters by making a thorough study of her moraines and other glacial deposits. The subject is large and has hitherto received little attention. Indeed, our present knowledge of these deposits in Illinois is merely rudimentary. We know but little even about the distri- bution of drift clays, marls, sands, gravels, and other elements of the "drift." That treasures of incalculable value to our com- merce and industries lie hidden therein, within easy reach, can- not be doubted. Within the last few years many new facts have been brought to light in connection with the dynamics of the lead region. Wisconsin has made a very thorough survey of so much of this region as lies within her borders, and our State should supple- ment it by equally thorough work in the light of the new facts, on this side of the line. I would also suggest: 4. That careful laboratory tests, physical and chemical, be made of our coals, rocks clays, etc., to ascertain their pro- perties and adaptability to various uses. The character of the coal from various mines and veins is continually changing; yearly analyses with regard to their fuel value should be made and published. The tests of building-stones should determine their strength and resistance to frost and hea,t; and their re- sistance to ordinary atmospheric agencies should be studied at their natural outcrops and in buildings where they have been used. The immense importation of cement from other States and from Europe, in face of the fact that we undoubtedly pos- sess, within the limits of our own State, excellent raw material, as well as cheap fuel, for its production at home, in unlimited quantities, amply warrants a careful investigation of the pos- sibilities of building up a cement industry in Illinois. The State possesses many valuable deposits of fire, potter's and paint clays and of shales, whose properties have never been tested. These should be analyzed and practical tests made to ascertain their usefulness. Such tests of the clays of Ohio and New Jersey may be taken as models. In order to increase the usefulness of the work already done by the Survey, and to adapt it to the wants of the people, I beg, finally, to suggest: 5. That the State should issue, as soon as possible, a sys- tematic palaeontology, which shall contain a brief description and, where possible, an illustration of each species found within her borders, together with its horizon or horizons and a refer- ence to the work in which the original description may be found. Such a work as well as all other reports of the State Survey, including also all maps and diagrams, should be placed on the market at actual cost by the State, and would, I am sure, meet with ready sale to students and others interested in the sub- jects treated in these publications. I cannot close these remarks without expressing my obliga- tion to Professor CHARLES W. ROLFE, of the Geological De- partment of the Illinois State University, at Champaign, for his valuable suggestions and frequent manifestation of interest in my work. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, JOSUA LIXDAHL. ILLINOIS STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, SPRINGFIELD, ILL, July 10, 1890. PART I. GEOLOGY OF ILLINOIS, BY A. H. WORTHEN. u: r CHAPTER I. DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. In the preceding volumes of my report on the Geological Sur- vey of Illinois, no exhaustive discussion of the character and extent of the superficial deposits of this State was attempted, because the i. y data were not attainable from an exami- nation of the natural exposures of the formation alone. Subsequently, in the development of our coal resources, many shafts were sunk through the superficial deposits in various por- tions of the State, which, with other artificial excavations, have afforded all the - y data for a more comprehensive treat- ment of the subject: and some of the most instructive sections of the drift deposits obtained in this way we shall present in detail in the following pa- These deposits consist mainly of clay, sand and gravel, which oread uuconformably over the stratified rocks, covering them to the depth of from ten to more than three hundred and fifty feet. Over large aivus in the central portions of the State they extend far below the drainage level of the streams, and consequently only the upper portion of the deposit can be seen in the bluffs and' banks of the water com- The drift deposits are important in an economical point of view : Fhft— Because they determine the character and produc- tive capacity of the soil upon which all other industries are !y dependent. Soils consist mainly of pulverized rock, to which is added such organic substan result from the growth and decay of animal and vegetable organisms upon the surface, and the soils of Illinois, being the result of disintegra- tion of the limestones, sandstones, shales, etc., which constitute the various paheozoic formations of the Mississippi valley, con- tain all the essential mineral ingredients that are required to constitute a soil of surpassing fertility. 2 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. Second— The drift deposits are also the main source of our water supply, and of those homely but indispensable products, sand, clay and gravel, which enter so largely into the industrial pursuits of the laboring classes. Every man who sinks a well, digs a cellar or a ditch, or grades a roadway, penetrates this formation, and hence it becomes the one with which the people are most frequently brought in contact, and therefore the one in which they are more directly interested than in any other of the geological formations. In order to arrive at a satisfactory solution of the phenomena presented by the drift deposits, it will be necessary to consider, briefly, the condition that prevailed at the commencement of the period which they represent. At the close of the carboniferous era, nearly the whole area of the State of Illinois, as well as that of the adjacent States on the north and east, was elevated above the ocean's level, beneath which it has not since been submerged. During all thai vast period of time, during which the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary formations were deposited over such portions of the continent as were still beneath the ocean, nearlv the entire area of Illinois was above the ocean's level, and subject to the erosive agencies that are always prevalent upon the land. During the earlier portion of this period, the river valleys were excavated, as well as others that are now filled with drift material, the existence of which is entirely unknown and unsus- pected until revealed by artificial excavations. The eroding- forces of this period were not confined to the excavation of the river valleys, but they carried away a vast amount of solid rock strata, not only from the northern portion of the state, where the evidence of erosion is most apparent, but probably over nearly the whole area of the state as well. Prof. D. J. Whitney7, in his report on the lead region, in the first volume of the geology of AVisconsin, estimates the amount of solid rock strata removed by erosive agencies over the region south of the AVisconsin river, at three hundred and fifty to four hundred feet, and it is highly probable that even this estimate, large as it may seem, does not fully represent the extent of the erosion that has taken place not only in northern Illinois, but over the greater portion of its entire area. DRIFT DEPOSITS <»F ILLINOIS. 3 The Niagara limestone, that caps the mounds in JoDa county, was no doubt continuous over the whole of that and adjacent counties, and it is also highly probable that the Hamil- ton shales. whirh now overlie the Niagara in the vicinitv of Milwaukee, originally extended wes' to unite with the \ onian beds of northern Iowa, and hence the full extent of the- erosion to which the northern portion of Illinois and the adjacent regions in Wisconsin and Iowa was subjected, may far • •ed the estimate of Prof. Whitney, as it probably embraced all the palaeozoic rocks from the top of the Devonian to the middle of the Calciferous formation inclusive. Moreover the occurrence of Cretaceous fossils in the drift clays point to the existence of deposits of this age far beyond the known limits of this system, and it is almost certain that ex- tensive deposr a raceous strata have been swept away by erosive agencies in the region now under consideration. These marine organisms may be properly termed "intrusive -ils." and belong to an age far more remote than the beds of clay and sand from which they were obtained, and they seem to show conclusively that beds of fretareous. and possibly of Tertiary age as well, once extended over areas in the Mi> sipni valley, where they do not exist 772 situ, at the present time. Whether these marine strata extended generally over a lanre surface ami. or were confined to the valleys of the main water courses, is an unsettled problem. The specimens figured on the following page embrace three or four species of shark's teeth, fragments of an Ammonite, a Bekmnite and an Ecbinoid. The last three, and the tooth of Ptrrboilu*. are undoubtedly of Cretaceous a ire. and were found in the boulder clay far above the flood plain of the Mississippi river. Figures 1. 2 and 3 represent forms that may belong to a later period and were found in the sands of the Mississippi val- ley, h s^ems probable that the valleys of our great rivers may have been partially filled with Tertinry deposits before the drift clays \\ere laid down, and that the strata of this age may still form the lowest beds under the alluvial deposits of the Missis- sippi and other large rivers of the Xorthw DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. These fossils show so little of the wearing effects of transpor- tation, as to impress one with the conviction that they were derived from strata originally deposited at a locality not very remote from the places where they were found. The following wood cuts represent the fossils now in the author's possession, that were obtained from the drift clays of Illinois, Iowa and Missouri. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 belong to the genus Lainna, a genus com- mon to the Chalk and to the Eocene Tertiary. No. 8 belongs, apparently, to the genus Oxyrhina, and closely resembles O, crassa, Agassiz. DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 5 Xo. 1 was found on Skunk river, near its mouth; No. 2, in the river sand at Warsaw, 111.; Xo. 3 is embedded in a nodule of hard ferruginous sandstone, and was found at the mouth of the DesMoines river: Xo. 8 was obtained near St. Francisville, Mo., from drift clays above the flood plain of the river. Nos. 4. ."> and 6 were found in the blue clays of the drift at Golden Bluff Vineyards, about two miles south of Warsaw, and their Cretaceous aspect will, no doubt, be readily conceded. No. 4 is a Belemnitv, Xo. 5, a fragment of an Ammonite, and No. 6 is a tooth of Ptychodus polygyrus, of Agassiz, an undoubted Cretaceous form. Xo. 7, is a characteristic Cretaceous Echinoid belonging to the genus Ananchytes, and was found near Petersburg, in Menard county. In addition to the Cretaceous fossils above mentioned, I have seen in the collection of the Hon. Wm. McAdams, of Alton, a very large shark's tooth measuring nearly three inches in length, that was found in sinking a well in the valley of the Illinois river, a few miles above the mouth of that stream, at a depth of more than twenty feet below the surface; and also the ver- tebra of a shark found in sinking a cistern on a sand ridge in the same county, at a depth of fifteen feet, taken out in Mr. McAdams' presence. This bone has the dark brown color char- acteristic of the Ichthyic fossils usually found in Cretaceous and Tertiary strata. In further proof of the supposition that pre-existing Creta- ceous strata were broken up and partially redeposited at local points in the Mississippi valley during the drift period, we may cite the frequent occurrence of beds of paint and potter's clays at the base of the drift deposits. These clays are generally composed of a fine silicious sediment of various colors, that are KthologicaJly quite unlike the sediments that would result from the erosion of any of the paleozoic rocks occurring in the adja- cent region. Hence it seems highly probable, as has been suggested by Dr. White, in the Second Geological Survey of Iowa, that the Cre- taceous deposits once covered a much wider area in the Missis- sippi valley than they now occupy. 6 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. In the report a.bove cited, Volume 2, page 212, Dr. White sums up his conclusions as to the probable extent of the Cre- taceous strata in Iowa before they were subjected to denuding forces, as follows: "How far the Cretaceous strata which a-ppear upon the south- western margin of the region, extend over the remainder of it unseen beneath the surface now covered with the drift, is not now known, because no exposures of them are found there. AW have, however, many reasons to believe that the last named strata once covered nearly, if not quite, the whole region, and a large part of them, being all very friable, were removed by erosion during the Tertiary age, and much more swept away by glacial action during the drift or glacial epoch, and the re- mainder are now mostly covered by the drift. Besides more or less indistinct indications of the correctness of this view, galh- ered from observations within the region itself, we find traces of Cretaceous strata at several points within the State of Minne- sota, extending as far as, or farther to the eastward than the eastern border of the region under discussion. Frequent expo- sures of strata of Cretaceous age exist to the southward of it, and also to a point in Gut.hrie county as far eastward as the eastern border of this region ; and, although no exposure of these strata now appear at the surface in the intermediate space, judging from the uniformity of the surface, and from our knowledge of the position that the underlying strata must necessarily assume, it is inferred that the whole intermediate region originally received deposits of Cretaceous strata continu- ous with those that now appear. These Cretaceous strata everywhere, both in Minnesota and Iowa, show evidence of extensive glacial and other denudation. This has been accomplished with facility in consequence of the great softness and friability of all the strata of the age. The denudation of these strata have been so great that their re- mains now exist in some parts only as scattered outlines rest- ing upon older rocks." The facts observed in Illinois would seem to fully sustain Dr. White's views in regard to the former extent of the Cretaceous formation, and it is highly probable that the local patches of Cretaceous strata may have been deposited as far eastward as DKIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 7 the borders of the Mississippi valley, and southward until they united with strata of the same age south of the Ohio river. After this brief view of the conditions that probably prevailed during the earlier portion of the drift period, we may now pro- eeril to note briefly the several subdivisions of the drift deposits. Taking them up in the descending order, they are as follows: First — we have the alluvial deposits of the river valleys, or those below the ordinary flood plain of our large rivers. These deposits consist mainly of sand and fine silicious sediment, held in suspension by the water during periods of inundation, and were deposited over the flood plain as the waters receded to their ordinary level. Second— We have the river terraces that were formed in a similar manner to the river bottoms, but at a time when the flood plain was from thirty to forty feet higher than at the present time. Those terraces form eligible sites for man}' of our river towns, among which we may mention Naples, Meredosia and Havana, on the Illinois river, and Oquawka and New Bos- ton on the Mississippi. The terrace ''epoch" is probably nearly synchronous with that of the loess. Third — Modified drift and loess. The term modified drift is applied to beds of sand, gravel and clay that have been formed from the older members of the series by the sifting process of wave action or water currents. This deposit generally forms the upper portion of the river bluffs, and often fills lateral val- leys on the main water courses. The bluffs at Warsaw in Hancock county, presents an instruc- tive section of modified drift and loess. These deposits are there from forty-five to fifty feet in thickness, and were cut through in grading Main street to the river landing, showing the following section: Ft. In. Ash-colored marly clay 10 Brown clay 10 Brown sand stratified 8 Blue sandy clay 2 G Fine gravel and clay 2 6 Yellow sand 2 Gravel and boulders 8 Bluish clay— exposed 5 8 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. On a ravine a short distance south of Main street, the bluish clay at the base of the above section is filled with fragments and branches of wood, and a bone, thought by its finder to be the femur of a human skeleton, was obtained from it, but un- fortunately was allowed to crumble to fragments from a lack of the knowledge required to preserve such fragile specimens from destruction. The "loess" consists of buff and gray marly sand, and usually caps the river bluffs, imparting to them the bald, knobby char- acter so noticeable on the main water courses of the West. Its maximum thickness in Illinois probably does not exceed sixty to seventy feet, and is usually much less. At Quincy, the loess ranges in thickness from thirty to forty feet, and is underlaid by a foot or more of chocolate colored clay and a feAV feet of chert and brown clay, (local drift), derived from the decomposition of the underlying Burlington limestone. The chocolate colored clay contains twigs and other vegetable remains, indicating that it was originally a surface soil, and it is probably the equivalent of the "Forest-bed" of the Ohio reports. The loess is not restricted to the vicinity of the rivers, but is spread over wide areas in the central and southern portions of Illinois. In the vicinity of Springfield it consists of two beds, one of brown silicious clay, and the other gray marly sand, aggregating a thickness of six to eight feet. In the western part of the county, and the adjacent portion of Menard, these beds, frequently attain an aggregate thickness of ten to fifteen feet, according to the statements of professional well-diggers, and are usually underlaid by a black, mucky soil, varying in thickness from two to three feet. The fossils of the loess comprise nearly all common species of terrestrial, and a few species of fluviatile mollusca, and in addi- tion to these it has afforded the largest portion of the fossil mammalia hitherto found in this State. The Hon. Win. McAdams, who has given especial attention to the fossils of this horizon, has obtained a fine collection of mammalian re- mains at Alton and Chester, embracing the bones of the Mas- todon, Mammoth, Megalonyx, Bos primigenius, Castoroides DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 9 nhioensis and several sp» •<•]»•> of rodents, some of which belong To extinct species. These discoveries seem to fix the age of the loess ;is not later than The close of the Pliocene. The smaller teeth are usually found attached to, or embedded in. the calcareous nodules that abound in the loess, which are known under the popular name of "petrified potatoes." Locally these nodules assume fantastic forms, similar to the common "clay stones" That abound in the stratified clays of The Con- necticut valley, and if they were of the same color, could not be readily distinguished from the New England specimens. Fourth — The fourth division of the drift of Illinois comprises the boulder clays. These are usually yellowish at the top and bluish gray below, and contain numerous boulders mostly of small size, that are partly derived from foreign material, and partly from the bed-rock of the adjacent region. This division of the for- mation ranges in thickness from twenty, to more than a hun- dred feet, and the embedded boulders vary in size from a few inches, to two feet or more. Some of these transported ma- are angular, as though they were embedded in shore ice, and then transported by water currents to the spot where they were finally dropped, while most of those of foreign material are rounded and sometimes striated, as though brought in vio- lent contact with angular fragments of still harder material. Trunks of large trees are sometimes met with in sinking wells through the boulder clay, but no animal remains have been authentically reported from it, to my knowledge, in this State, except the Cretaceous fossils illustrated on a preceding page. The boulder clay is frequently underlaid by a black, peaty soil, varying jn thickness from two to thirteen feet, filled in many places with twigs, branches, occasionally whole trunks of trees, the wood in many cases being in a good state of preservation. Fifth — The fifth division comprises the ancient soil above men- tioned, and the underlying stratified clays and sands, which lo- cally includes a second soil, similar in character to that imme- diately below the boulder clays. This division fills the ancient valleys formed by erosive agencies during the earlier portion of the drift period, and consequently is somewhat local in its development. 10 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. The drift deposits, as may be seen by the sections to be found on the following pages, attain their maximum thickness in the central portions of the State and thin out to the southward, all the beds, except the loess, disappearing before reaching the Ohio river. Throughout the southern counties of the State, the loess, in- cluding the sandy marl and the brown clay which lies above it. with a few feet of local drift beneath it, the whole aggregat- ing a thickness of ten to thirty feet, are the only remaining representatives of the drift deposits of Central Illinois. The local drift appears to be entirely derived from the country rock on which it rests, for where the underlying rock is limestone, the embedded fragments of the superincumbent bed will be com- posed of the cherty material derived therefrom. Where the un- derlying rock is sandstone or sandy shale, sand and nodules of sandstone will be found to constitute the main portion of the overlying deposit. The sections that are to follow, extend over two-thirds of the entire area of the State, including the central and northern portions, where the greatest accumulation of foreign drift occurs. In Carroll county, on the northwestern border of the State, the following section of a well in Mt. Carroll, was obtained by the Hon. James Shaw, and is given in his report on the geology of that county, as typical rof the drift deposits of that region: Feet. Black prairie soil 2 Yellow flue grained clay 13 Common blue clay 2 Reddish clay and gravel 15 Tough blue clay 2 Coarse stratified gravel 3 Pure yellow sand 11 Black mucky clay , 5 Total S3 If there is any representative of the boulder clay in the above section, it must be the fifteen feet of clay and gravel near the middle of the section. In the counties to the eastward of Carroll, Mr. Shaw esti- mates the average thickness of the drift deposits in Stephenson and Winnebago counties at about twenty-five feet, while in Ogle county he places its maximum thickness at "more than a hun- DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 11 dred feet." and lie says, "it is largely composed of coarse gravel and fine white sand. The gravel beds contain numerous bould- ers, some of foreign material, and some derived from the lime- stones of the adjacent region." In his report on Lee county, the same author gives the fol- lowing section of a well in the town of Palmyra: Feet. Black mcmkl and subsoil 6 Finely- comminuted buff yellow clay 12 Blue compact laminated clay 10 Black muck full of sticks, etc •"• Total 33 The same author says further: •'Over the southern portion of the county, the drift clays are probably thicker than in the vicinity of Rock river. Where thickest, the blue clay is much the heaviest de-posit, and is often underlaid by the black mud of the above section, or a bed of gravel and dirt of variable thickness." In his report on Whiteside county. Mr. Shaw says, in speak- ing of the drift deposits: "At one locality, a well was sunk twelve or fifteen feet through yellow unctuous clay, then blue clay was struck, and in about fifty feet more a great quantity ' of sticks and wood, apparently cedar and pine, was found. The water in the well had, of course, a brackish taste. This woody deposit was about at the base of the drift." In the survey of Kankakee and Iroquois counties, the late Prof. Frank H. Bradley found conclusive evidence of the exist- ence of an ancient channel which he supposed to have been a western outlet for the waters of Lake Michigan, and I quote the following description of it from his report, Geol. Survey of 111., Vol. IV, page 229, et seq: "The depth of this channel in its northern part is unknown; but its western bank is seen on the Kankakee, just above Momence, wrhere the rock suddenly breaks off, and probes forced to considerable depths found no solid bottom. These facts were ascertained in 1867, by Col. James Worrall, then of the Illinois River Survey, now of Har- risburg. Pa., who also informs me that the same 'shoulder' of rock is found on the Calumet, nearly due north from Momence. In this part of its course, passing through very solid rocks, the channel is rather narrow, rock having been found upon its east side and south of the Kankakee, within seven miles of Mo- 12 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. mence; the exact location of its eastern bank is unknown. From this point the course of the channel is not certain; but it proba.bly keeps near the State line until it nearly or quite reaches the valley of the Iroquois, then runs westerly to the valley of Spring creek, having a depth of one hundred and sixty feet near Sheldon (as reported by H. S. Wing, Esq., of Kankakee City,) and then turns south with a depth of two hundred and sixty-eight feet between Onarga and Oilman, of 'over four hundred feet' between Onarga and Spring Creek Sta- tion' and of 'over three hundred feet' between Paxton and Ean- toul, as reported by John Faulds, Esq., of Catlin, Vermilion county." "As the western bank wras found at Chatsworth, Livingston county, with its top eighty-eight feet and its bottom two hund- red feet below the surface, thus giving a width of fifteen miles or more, it is evident that the softer materials of the Devon- ian, Sub-carboniferous, and Coal Measure shales and sandstones have afforded less resistance to the denuding agent than the solid Silurian limestones which confined it to less than seven miles at Momence. Champaign and Urbana, in Champaign county, are located over this old channel, and from one hund- red and seventy-five to two hundred and twenty-five feet above its floor, but are probably near its eastern border. Here and at Chatsworth we find, among the drift-beds, a single layer of old mucky soil, with leaves and trunks of trees. At Blooming- ton, in McLean county, the channel is two hundred and fifty feet deep, and the beds which fill it include two beds of old soil, which I am inclined to accept as indications that this point is near the middle of the old valley, or at least near its principal channel." Dr. Bannister, in his report on the northwestern counties of the State, gives no artificial sections of the drift, but he gives the following as an approximate section of this deposit in the bluffs of Lake Michigan, near Lake Forest: Ft, In. Clay 10 to 14 Hand and clay intermingled 9 to 12 Clay 1 to 1 C Sand 1 Clay 50 Maximum 78 6 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLIXolS. 13 In regard to the boulders scattered through the drift clays of this region, Dr. Bannister says: ".\ Tost of the large boulders in this vicinity are of limestone; the masses of the primary or in- irusive rocks are generally of comparatively small size, or when of considerable size are but rarely met with." So much must suffice our present purpose to illustrate the prevailing character of the drift in the extreme northern por- tion of the State, where we might expect to encounter the most unmistakable evidence of glacial action, if these superficial de- posits were really due to the action of land ice. Coming south, within the northern boundary of the coal field, we find an increased thickness of the drift deposits, and the numerous artificial excavations that penetrate entirely through them, afford the most satisfactory evidence of their general character and extent. In sinking the coal shaft at Wenona, in Marshall county, the following drift beds were encountered: Feet. Soil and yellow clay 10 Blue clay (boulder clay) 46 Sand 10 Hard-pan 34 Red clay 3 Total 103 The red clay at the base of the drift at this locality was prob- ably derived from the shales of the coal measures on which it rests. At the gas well near Clinton, in DcAYitt county, the following beds of drift were encountered without quite reaching the bed rock : Feet. Soil and yellow clay 15 Hard blue clay (boulder clay) • 30 Black mould with wood 2 Dry drab colored clay 8 Drift-wood and black mould 8 Drab colored clay 16 Drift-wood, etc 2 Drab colored clay 26 Hard-pan 12 Drab colored clay 4 Green copperas colored clay 10 Total... 133 14 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. Dry sand and pebbles were thrown out upon the surface by the pressure of the gas, indicating the presence of sand and gravel beds beneath the green clay, the gravel beneath and the clay above furnishing the necessary conditions for the reception and retention of the gas, which was probably generated in the bituminous shales of the coal measures beneath. The well at the railroad station at Odell, in Livingston county, passed through the following beds, according to the record as reported, without reaching bed rock: Ft. In. Soil and yellow clay 9 Blue clay (boulder clay) 66 Gravel and sand 5 Blue clay 15 Gravel and sand 2 Blue clay • 8 Gravel 4 Blue clay 22 8 Gravel 4 Blue clay 2 Total 130 4 The coal shaft at Bloomington, in McLean county, was carried down through the thickest deposit of superficial material pene- trated by any coal shaft in this State. This extraordinary thickness of drift fills the old channel, already mentioned, by which the waters of the great lakes found an outlet into the valley of the Illinois river, and thence, through the valley of the Mississippi, into the Gulf of Mexico. The following is a copy of the record of the superficial material in this shaft: Feet. Soil and brown clay 10 Blue clay 40 Gravelly hard pan (boulder bed) (iO Black mucky soil 13 Clay hard-pan 89 Black soil 6 Blue clay 34 Quicksand Total 254 The wood found in the mucky soil at the depth of one hun- dred and ten feet proved to be in a remarkably fine state of preservation, and belonged apparently to a species of cedar. The quicksand at the bottom of the above section contained the comminuted fragments of terrestrial arid fluviatile mollusca, DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS ir, of which only one specimen was obtained in a condition to be determined, This specimen was submitted to the late Dr. St imp- son, of Chicago, for examination, and was by him decided to be a Helif-ina ocnilta. One of the first attempts to shaft for coal in this State was made at Coatslmrg. in Adams county, and this shaft afforded the first evidence obtained of the existence of a bed of soil beneath the boulder clay. The following is a copy of the record of this -shaft : Ft In. boil and yellow clay 6 Clay with gravel and boulders 85 Black soil 2 6 Stratified clay 6 Tough blue clay 20 Total 119 6 This shaft was located on the high prairie that forms the divide between the Illinois and Mississippi rivers. At Decatur. in Macon county, two beds of soil were p, through in sinking the coal shaft at that point, and the follow- ing is a copy of their record as published by the local pr- Ft. In. Soil and clay 31 Sand, with two clay bands 11 Quicksand 2 6 Tough clay 4 Black soil 2 ,; Sand -2 Clay ""/_' 3 Greenish sand .-. 6 Gravelly hard-pan H Black soil 2 Quicksand 4 Gravelly clay 24 Quicksand 6 g Total 109 6 At Pana. in Christian comity, about thirty miles south of Decatnr. the two ancient soils of the above section were also encountered in their shaft as is shown by the following record: Soil and clay 11 Blue clay 4 Sand and gravel 12 Hard red clay 18 Black soil Blue clay J7 Black soil 2 ,; Blue clay i<» To?al 127 16 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. The following average section of the drift deposits in the western part of Sangamon and eastern portion of the adjacent county of Menard, was furnished by Mr. Joseph Mitchell, a professional well-digger, and probably fairly represents the gen- eral character of the drift in Central Illinois wrhere no unusual amount of erosion had taken place. This section, however, does not represent the full thickness of the drift, as the wells were not continued quite down to the bed rock: Ft. In. No. 1. Soil and yellowish subsoil 5 to 10 No. 2. Gray sandy clay (loess) 6 to 8 No. 3. Mucky clay with wood, etc 2 6 No. 4. Bluish boulder clay lo to 15 No. 5. Soft blue clay 20 to 40 Maximum , 75 6 No. 3 of the foregoing section is not identical with either of the old soils found at Blooming-ton, Decatur or Pana, but it probably holds the same stratigraphical position as the "Forest bed" of the Ohio reports, and the chocolate-colored clay be- neath the loess at Quincy. At Virginia, in Cass county, however, one of the older soils was found, as shown by^ the following record of the shaft at that locality: Ft. In. Soil and brown clay 9 6 Blue clay and hard-pan 57 6 Black soil 3 Hard-pan 46 Total 116 At the Palmer shaft, in Christian comity, the following record was preserved of the drift beds passed through: Soil and yellowish clay Feet. 16 Hard boulder clay 22 Soft brown clay 7 Sand : 10 Gravel . , i Boulder clay . . 4 Total... 60 Two boulder beds are reported in the foregoing section, the first immediately below the yellow clay of the sub-soil, where DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 17 it is usually found, and the other at the bottom o! the drift, and directly above the bed rock. Nothing is said in the record in regard to the size or number of the boulders contained in either bed, but, if we may form any conclusion from the char- acter of the fundamental bed of the drift deposits at all the other localities given, we should be led to suspect that the lower bed here might be more accurately described as a bed of gravelly clay, rather than a bed containing boulders of any considerable size. The record of the coal shaft at Sidney, in Champaign county, shows the following beds of drift occurring at that point: Feet. Sand and yellow clay 17 Boulder clay 18 Gray hard-pan 5 Yellow hard-pan 15 Coarse sand and gravel 5 Hard-pan 35 Total 95 In a boring with the diamond drill at Tuscola, in Douglas county, the following divisions of drift material were encount- ered: Feet Surface soil and yellow clay 20 Blue clay 5 Hard-pan 6 Blue clay 10 Hard-pan 7 Blue clay 9 Brown clay 5 Yellow clay 8 Blue clay 6 Blue and yellow clays 31 Blue clay 22 Gravelly blue clay 80 Blue clay 13 Sand... 6 Total 178 In sinking the coal shaft at Sandoval, on the O. & M. rail- road, in Marion county, the following beds of drift material were passed through according to their published record : -2 18 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. Soil and yellow clay Ft. 11 In. Sandy clay . . . . 4 6 Blue clay and gravel 20 Blue clay 78 Black soil 2 I Blue sandy clay 6 6 Cemented gravel 1 Total 129 The bed of cemented gravel at the bottom of this section may be a bed of ferruginous conglomerate belonging to the coal measures, as such a bed is frequently encountered in the upper part of that formation. At Odin, four miles east of Sandoval, a similar bed of black soil was encountered near the base of the drift, but no detailed record of the overlying beds was preserved. South of the 0. & M. railroad the drift deposits diminish in thickness, and the following section, obtained from a boring for coal at Lementon, in St. Cla'r county, will afford a general idea of their average thickness and diversified character in Southern Illinois: Feet. Soil : 3 Ye'low clay .- 14 Sand and gravel 1 Blue clay 20 Blue clay (soil?) 1 Blue and yellow clays 11 Bed and yellow sand 7 1 Total - ; 51 The foregoing sections afford a fair exhibit of the superficial deposits of this State, all of which may be included in the gen- eral term drift. They cover more tha.n two-thirds of its entire area, including the central and northern portions of the State, where these deposits attain their greatest development. In the southern portion of the State, for a distance of fifty to seventy-five miles north of the Ohio river, foreign material is comparatively rare, and often absent altogether, arid when found the boulders are of small size, seldom exceeding a few inches in diameter. DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 19 Specimens of native copper have been found in this portion of the State, but their presence there may be due to human agencies, as it is Avell known that copper wa\s an article of com- merce among the primeval races of the Mississippi valley. The conditions under which the drift deposits were accumu- lated, and the agencies employed in their deposition, are still unsettled questions, and the complex character of the phenomena presented affords a wide field for speculation. It has been generally conceded that a colder climate than that of the present time prevailed over the northern temperate zone when the boulder clays were deposited, and that ice was an im- portant factor in the transportation of the foreign material contained therein. Two rival theories, known respectively as the "glacial" and the ''ice berg" theories, have been advanced to explain the origin of the drift, both of which have found able advocates to urge their respective claims. The latter theory attributes the accumulation of the drift and the foreign materials occurring therein to floating ice and water currents during a period of submergence, when the entire surface over which the drift extends was beneath the water. The ''glacial theory," on the other hand, attributes the ac- cumulation of the boulder clays to the action of land ice, and is based upon the assumed conditions of an arctic climate, and a vast continental "glacier" or "ice cap," that was supposed to have covered all the North American continent north of the fortieth parallel of latitude. Prof. Dana, in his Manual of Geology, 2d ed., page 544, gives the following as the conditions supposed to prevail over the northern portion of the continent during the ''glacial period": "During a glacial epoch of the kind here supposed, the whole northern portion of the continent down to the southern limit of the Drift, would have been covered by a vast and almost unin- terrupted glacier. This is now the case in North America with the return of nearly every winter. But the depth, instead of being as now, but a few feet, and that mostly of snow, must have been, judging from the height on the hills to which the striie extend, at least 4,000 to 5,000 feet, and the material, as in all such thick accumulations, would have been ice, and above 20 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. this there may have been other hundreds of feet of snow. Glaciers of so vast extent and thickness, would have moved downward wherever the conditions would permit, like the glaciers of the Alps, and all the more readily for their enormous weight." A glacier is usually defined as "an immense mass of ice, or snow and ice, moving slowly down mountain slopes or valleys," and it is probable that the earliest advocates of glacial theory in this country formed their conclusions mainly from an exami- nation of the phenomena presented in New England, and other mountainous regions, where the conditions necessary for the formation of typical glaciers were prevalent, but as such condi- tions were not found in the broad plains of the northwest, the "ice sheet" or "ice cap" was substituted for the glacier, to ex- plain the occurrence of foreign material in the drift deposits of the northwest. The glacial theory requires for its support, a supposititious elevation of the surface, to the extent of several thousand feet, of all that portion of the continent over which the drift is dis- tributed. This was necessary in order to obtain the conditions of an arctic climate in a temperate zone, a supposition with no evidence to sustain it except what is afforded by the so-called glacial phenomena. As has been clearly shown by the preceding sections of the drift deposits of Illinois, the boulder clays invariably overlie an old soil, which covers such a wide area as to justify the con- clusion that it was originally spread over the whole surface of the State, and it seems highly improbable that a vast ice sheet, of enormous thickness, could push its way over a nearly level surface, and leave the soil intact beneath. Moreover, wherever a good section of the drift clays, overlying the black soil, is well exposed, the evidences of a more or less distinct stratifica- tion is observable, a fact which does not accord with the "gla- cial theory," but indicates clearly that water was an active agent in their accumulation. Foreign boulders are comparatively -rare in the central portion of the State, except in the vicinity of the old valleys, where they are more abundant than elsewhere, though seldom exceeding a diameter of two feet, and in the extreme southern portion of the State, those exceeding a few inches in diameter are seldom DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 21 found. This is precisely what we might anticipate if they were trail sported by floating ice, whereas if their occurrence was due to the southward movement of land ice, they should be equally or more abundant at the southern extremity of the ice sheet than elsewhere. Dr. Drake, of Cincinnati, in an essay published in the Trans- actions of the American Philosophical Society, in 1825, ad- vanced the theory ';that the boulders of foreign material in Ohio, with the clavs in which thev were imbedded, were brought «/ «/ from the north by floating ice during a period of submergence:" and Sir Charles Lyell, on his first visit to America, adopted a similar view, and explained the drift phenomena observed by him in Canada, as the probable result of floating ice, loaded with the rocks and detritus of the north. Prof. Dawson, of McGill College, in his Acadian Geology, ad- vocates a similar theory in explanation of the drift phenomena observed by him in Nova Scotia. In discussing the probable origin of the drift, on page 64 of the volume above cited, the author says: "Let us suppose then, the surface of the laud, while its projecting rocks were still uncovered by surface de- posits, exposed for many successive centuries to the action of alternate frosts and thaws, the whole of the untraveled drift might have been accumulated on its surface. Let it then be submerged until its hill-tops should become islands, or reefs of rocks, in a sea loaded in winter and spring with drift ice, floated along by currents which, like the present Arctic current, would set from X. E. to S. W., with various modifications, produced by local causes. We have in these causes ample means for ac- counting for the whole of the appearances, including the trav- eled blocks, and the scratched and polished surfaces." The enormous transporting power of floating ice is well known to be fully adequate to explain the occurrences of boulders, and any other foreign material occurring in the drift deposits, and the low temperature prevailing in the high northern latitudes, from which the foreign material in the drift, of the Mississippi valley has come, furnishes the essential conditions for the break- ing up of solid rocks, reducing the broken masses to the condi- tion of boulders, and transporting and distributing them as far as the drift deposits extend. 22 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. The scratching and polishing of the hard rock surfaces be- neath the drift, as well as the striation of some of the bould- ers, may be readily explained by floating ice, with embedded angular fragments of still harder material, that would act as gravers upon whatever solid substances with which they were brought in contact. The "iceberg" theory requires the assumption of no extraor- dinary conditions to explain the drift phenomena, and it is a generally accepted principle in geological science that no resort to extraordinary suppositions is justifiable, where phenomena can be explained by the operation of well known causes. The gradual change of level in the relations of land and water, is a dynamical fact universally admitted, and a general sub- mergence of the surface after the disappearance of the conti- nental glacier, or ice sheet, is admitted by the advocates of the glacial theory; and, if the date of this submergence should be carried back to the period immediately following the formation of the ancient surface soil, beneath the boulder drift, we obtain the essential conditions required for the accumulation of the succeeding deposits of the drift period. From the facts presented in the foregoing pages, we may as- sume that the drift period represents a vast epoch in geologi- cal time, during which a considerable portion of the Mesozoic formations were in process of deposition over such areas as were still submerged beneath the ocean; and hence the term Post Pliocene can only be applied to the latest formed of these deposits, the loess, which contains the oldest fossil mammalia hitherto found in the superficial deposits of Illinois. The succession of events transpiring in the northwestern por- tion of the United States during the drift epoch, we may assume to be somewhat as follows: First, the gradual elevation of the surface above the ocean level at the close of the carboniferous period, followed by the extensive denudation of the palaeozoic rocks, and the excavation of extensive valleys, which seems to have been the prevailing condition in the region now under consideration during the Triassic and Jurassic periods. The next occurrence in the order of succeeding events was the partial filling of the valleys with clay, sand and gravel, and the formation of the lowest bed of ancient soil beneath the boulder clay. This was followed by a partial or entire submer- DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. 23 gence of the surface, and the accumulation of the sands, clays, etc., that underlie the soil which occurs immediately beneath the boulder clays. Then the surface was elevated and the marshy swamp soil under these clays was formed. A second submergence then fol- lowed and through the agencies of water currents and ice-floes, the boulder clays were deposited. This was followed by a partial elevation of the surface and the prevalence of lacustrine conditions, resulting in the deposit jof the loess, while the adjacent dry land was inhabited by now extinct forms of mammalia, associated with some of those still existing in the same region. This was followed by the final emergence of the whole area, and the commencement of the ex- isting order of things. The mammoth and mastodon were certainly coeval with spe- cies of mammalia still existing in the Mississippi valley. This fact has been clearly established by the collection of fossils made by Mr. Me A dams from the loess, and by the fossil bones found between Illiopolis and Niantic, near the east line of Sangamon county. At this locality beneath a black mucky surface soil only four feet in depth, the remains of a mastodon consisting of the jaws with the teeth intact, both tusks, and several of the large bones were found associated with bones of the buffalo, elk and deer, all embedded together in a bed of quicksand that had probably once formed the bottom of a pool of water to which these animals resorted, and in which they perished. The writer was present during the disinterment of these remains, and some of the small bones of the mastodon and all those of the smaller animals except the antlers of the elk are now pre- served in the cases of the State Museum of Natural History. No well authenticated discovery of the remains of mammalia in this State in beds older than the loess or modified drift, has come to the knowledge of the writer, and in every case where such finds have been reported, investigation has shown that they were obtained from beds more recent than the boulder clays. Isolated bones and teeth are often obtained from the alluvial banks of the streams, but more frequently they occur in the black peaty soil or subsoil of the marshes, in which they seem to be better preserved than when buried elsewhere. 24 DRIFT DEPOSITS OF ILLINOIS. In the early part of our investigations in Illinois and Iowa, the writer was inclined to accept the "glacial theory," as a prob- able explanation of the conditions under which the boulder clays were deposited, mainly in deference to the ability of its able advocates, but later and more widely extended observation have compelled its rejection as a reasonable or necessary explanation of the phenomena presented, after a careful study of the super- ficial deposits of this State. When the advocates of the "ice cap" theory are able to pre- sent some tangible evidence of the former elevation of the northern portion of the American continent to the height of several thousand feet above its present level, independent of drift phenomena, or can point to some other plausible fact going to show the prevalence of arctic conditions at a former period over the temperate regions of North America, that theory may be generally accepted, but until then, it is but fair to assume that diverse opinions will prevail in regard to the agencies by which the drift deposits of the Mississippi valley were deposited. It has seemed probable to the writer that many of the advo- cates of the "ice cap" theory became converts to the theory before commencing field investigation, and their researches were consequently devoted to obtaining such facts as were believed to have a favorable bearing upon the accepted theory. If they have gone into the investigation of the drift phenomena of the Mississippi valley entirely free from all preconceived ideas as to its origin, it is a question whether either "glaciers" or an "ice cap" would have been suggested as the most probable theory to explain the phenomena of the drift, as it is distributed over the vast plains of the northwest. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 25 CHAPTER II. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. COAL. Since the publication of Vol. VII, of these reports, numerous experiments have been made for the development of our coal resources, the great majority of which have proved successful. Among the most notable failures were those made at Tuscola in Douglas, and Sidney in Champaign counti< - Tuscola is situated some forty miles or more within the east- ern border of the coal field, and also within the region supposed to be underlaid by the upper coal measures, but, a boring made there with the diamond drill to the depth of 792 feet, failed to reveal the presence of coal, or any clearly defined strata be- longing to the coal measures. The drift deposits were found to be 186 feet thick at the point where the boring was made, and if beds belonging to the coal measures were originally deposited there, they were removed by erosion at the commencement of the drift period, and the first layers of bed-rock encountered by the drill appeared to be of Lower Carboniferous age. At the depth of 645 feet a white crystalline limestone containing Favosites was encountered, which undoubtedly belongs to the Devonian or Upper Silurian formations. The oblique fracture of the core taken from this boring, showed that the limestones passed through, dip at an angle of about 20°, which would give an exaggerated thickness to the beds as reported, and shows that this boring is on, or very near the center of the great anticlinal axis, which crosses northern Illi- nois diagonally through the counties of Ogle and LaSalle, but — o 26 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. is hidden in its southeastern extension by the superincumbent deposits of drift material. The following is a copy of the record of this boring: Ft. In. 1. Superficial deposits 186 2. Sandy shale 7 3. Sandstone 14 4. Green shale 20 7 5. Hard rock 4 6. Sandstone 46 1 7. Conglomerate 6 6 8. Sandstone with blue bands 14 9. Shale , H8 1 10. Soapstone (clay shale) 15 11. Sandstone 20 12. Sandy shale 10 13. Clayshale ." 42 6 14. Hard rock 6 15. Clayshale 9 16. Slate and shale 101 6 17. Blackshale 12 6 18. Limestone 140 19. White sandstone 20 Total depth 792 9 There is probably a considerable area along the line of the above mentioned axis extending through the counties of Livings- ton, Ford, Champaign and Douglas, that is colored as coal measures on the map, where no valuable deposit of coal will be found, such deposits having been removed by erosion if they formerly existed over this axis as seems probable, but the boundaries and extent of this barren area, can only be deter- mined by the drill, or artificial excavations, as there are no natural outcrops that will help to define its extent. There are hundreds of square miles in this portion of the state, where there are no natural exposures of the bed rock, and consequently no definite knowledge in regard to the character of the under- lying formations can be obtained by surface explorations, the banks of the water courses revealing nothing but the upper portion of the drift deposits. Sidney in Champaign county, is about fifteen miles north, and twelve miles east of Tuscola, and is probably on the eastern side of the axis. In the published record of the boring there, four coal seams were reported in a total depth of 256 feet, the lower seam six feet in thickness, and the others ten, twenty and ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 27 twelve inches respectively. This boring was made with an ordi- nary drill, and on sinking a shaft it was found that the six foot seam of coal reported in the boring, proved to be mainly a bituminous shale. If the Diamond drill had been used the expense of sinking a shaft might have been avoided. The following record of this boring was furnished and sworn to by Mr. E. Bobbins, the con- tractor in charge of the work : Ft. in. 1. Soil 2. Yellow clay a Blue clay 18 4. Gray hardpan 5 5. Yellow hardpan 6. Coarse sand and gravel 5 7. Hardpan 8. Clay shale „ 9. CoaL 0 10. Clay shale 27 11. Coal 1 12. Shale 85 13. Coal 1 14, Limestone 16 15. Sandstone 4 16. Hard shale 2 17. Coal 6 Total depth. 256~ 10 At Urbana and Champaign, borings have been made for coal and favorable results reported, but all attemps to cany a shaft down through the water-bearing sand and gravel beds of the drift, have hitherto been unsuccessful. The following beds of drift were encountered in attempting to sink a coal shaft at Champaign, the details of which were pub- lished in the report of Prof. Frank H. Bradley on the geology of this county in Vol. IV. page 272 of these reports. Feet. 1. Soil, clay and quicksand 17 2. Red and blue clay 73 3. Peaty soil 4. Quicksand 9 5. Soft yellow clay 9 6. Sand 7. YeUow clay ? 8. Quicksand and gravel 59 Total ~~ 28 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. In discussing the character of the drift deposits of this county Prof. Bradley says: "The purity of the white water-bearing quicksand which underlies the drift calls to mind the character of the St. Peters sandstone at its outcrop in LaSalle county, in which region it supplies several large artesian wells. The southern continuation of the anticlinal axis which brings this rock to the surface at that point, would pass not far from Champaign; and it is altogether probable that the aforesaid quicksand is really a part of the disintegrated outcrop of that bed distributed over the bottom of the ancient channel* which must have exposed it at some point in this region." How far south this axis extends is a point as yet undeter- mined, and its effect upon the productive coal measures in the counties lying to the southeast of Douglas can only be deter- mined by the drill, or the more expensive method of shafting. If it extends to the Wabash river it would cross that stream in the vicinity of Vincennes. The record of the following borings in Livingston county were furnished by D. E. Morgan, Esq., of Strawn. Boring at the lumber yard in Strawn by H. Clarke. No. Ft. In. 1. Soil 3 2. Gravel 1 3. Yellow clay 3 4. Blue clay 17 5. Sand and gravel with water 10 6. Light brown clay 20 7. Hard pan 2 8. Coarse gravel 8 9. Brown clay 14 10. Blue clay 9 6 11. Sandstone 8 12. Clay shale 13 13. Coal 2 6 14. Fireclay 3 6 Total depth 114 6 ii Another boring near the section house west of the creek gave the following result: No. Ft. In. 1. Soil 3 2. Gravel 2 * For further remarks on this ancient channel the reader is referred to the preced- ing chapter, page 11, and also to page 273 of vol. iv, of these reports. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 29 Ft. In. 3. Yellow clay 7 4. Gravel with water 2 5. Blue clay 7 6 6. Brown clay 17 7. Sand with water 3 6 8. Brown clay 8 9. Coarse gravel 2 10. Brown clay and sand 8 11. Sandstone and clay 4 12. Limestone (boulder) 0 3 13. Hard brown clay 12 14. Soft blue clay 2 15. Hard blue clay shale 25 16. Sandstone and shale 11 17. Dark clay shale 8 18. Coal -2 9 19. Fire clay 2 3 20. Clay shale 2 Total depth 129 3 A boring- at Cullom near the eastern line of the county made by Mr. Bennett Reeder for the Livingston county Coal Pros- pecting Company gave the following result: No. Ft. In. L Soil 1 1 2. Yellow clay 8 3. Blue clay 32 1 4. Sand 1 5. Blue clay 24 l'.. Solid gray silt 12 7. Blue hard pan 4 S. Sand 0 a ft, Blue hardpan : 4 9 10. Brown hardpan (5 11. Sand 0 6 12. Brown hardpan 2 13. Hardpan and silt 2 14. Sand 0 6 15. Hard silt 3 1 It'.. Hardpan. 5 17. Clay 0 1 IS. Hardpan 3 19. Hardpan and gravel 2 20. Brown hardpan very hard 53 21. Bed clay 5 22. Clay shale 19 23. Coal , 3 11 24. Fire clay 4 Total depth 197 11 30 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. The boring at^Strawn in the south eastern part of the county failed to find a workable seam of coal, as shown by the follow- ing copy of the record. The boring was made by Mr. Bennett Eeeder : No. Ft. ] 1. Soil 2 2. Sand and clay 6 3. Gray hardpan 2 4. Blue hardpan 9 5. Sand 0 8 C. Blue hardpan , 17 10 7. Sand and gravel with water 7 6 8. Blue hardpan 17 9. Brown hardpan 16 10. Sand and gravel , 1 11. Brown hardpan , 3 12. Sandy shale and sandstone , 23 13. Clay shale 12 14. Sandy shale , 6 15. Pink shale , 29 16. Blue shale , 10 17. Sandstone hard and soft 17 18. Clay shale with iron pyrites 8 19. Sandy shale 20 20. Dark clay shale 44 7 21. Coal 1 2 22. Bluish gray clay shale 7 23. Eeddish brown clay shale 5 24. Sandstone 23 3 25. Sandy shale 12 26. Bluish gray clay shale , 2 Total depth 302 The boring at Saunemin in 1882 opposite the hotel, was not carried deep enough to reach the workable coal, wrhich at that point is 373 feet below the surface, while the boring was only carried to the depth of 250 feet. There is probably but one workable coal in the eastern portion of the county, which is No. 2 of the general section. It is the equivalent of the lowest seam in the shafts in LaSalle county, and is the one mainly worked in Grundy county, and the southwestern portion of Will and the northwestern township in Kankakee counties. A boring made at Forest since the foregoing pages were written, the details of which were furnished by Carmon Bros., found a coal seam, probably No. 2 of the general section, at a depth of about 214 feet below the surface. The following details were furnished by the parties above named: ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 31 Ft. In. Drifts clays, etc HO Sandstone (boulder?) 1 Coal 0 10 Shale 3 6 Coal 0 10 Clay shale 98 Bituminous shale 0 g Coal 3 2 Total depth 217 10 A boring made in Livingston county by Mr. B. Reeder, at Saune- min reached a three foot six inch coal seam, probably No. 2 of the general section, at a depth of 373 feet, 3 inches. The following record of the Saunemin boring was furnished by the Hon. Charles Ridgely of Springfield: No- Ft. In. 1. Black soil 1 6 2. Yellow clay 10 6 3. Blue clay 4 4. Sand and gravel 3 5. Blue clay 14 6. Sand 2 7. Blue clay 9 8. Gravelly clay 2 9. Blue clay 54 g 10. Sand 4 11. Blue hardpan 28 6 12. Brown hardpan 3 13. Blue hardpan 26 14. Sandstone 13 g 15. Sandy clay 9 16. Sand and gravel with water 1 17. Clay shale 54 g 18. Alternating sandy and clay shales 6 19. Clay shale 2 20. Coal slate 1 g 21. Fire clay 2 22. Clay shale 78 g 23. Alternations of sandy and clay shales 6 24. Sandy shale : 8 25. Clay shale 2 26. Limestone 3 27. Sandy shale 3 g 28. Hard standstone 1 3 29. Sandy shale 3 30. Clay shale 13 31. Coal, No. 2 3 « Total depth 373 3 If Nos. 15 and 16 of this boring are sand, clay and gravel, as reported, underlying sandstone, it must be located on the 32 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. border of one of the ancient valleys which are by no means un- common beneath the drift, and the sandstone, No. 14, formed a projecting ledge, from beneath which the strata had been removed by the denuding agencies of the drift period, and replaced by drift deposits. The drift is here one hundred and sixty feet in thickness, and forms twelve distinct beds between the surface soil and the sandstone. The thickness of the coal and the character of the roof, leads to the conclusion that the coal found here is No. 2 of the gen- eral section, which is the lowest workable bed developed on the north-eastern borders of the coal area. Mr. T. S. Cummins of Gardner, who has been engaged in pros- pecting for coal in the northeastern portion of the Illinois coal field, has very kindly furnished me with the following short account as the result of his observations in that portion of the coal area: "GARDNER, ILL., Jan. 12, 1885. Prof. A. H. Worthen: •'DEAR SIR: — I have read with interest your Economical Geol- ogy of the State, especially that part of it relating to the county in which I reside, and where it has been my privilege to do a great deal of prospecting for coal, and boring for water, from which I have gleaned facts which may be of use to you in de- termining where the seam of coal in the Wilson shaft belongs, which I believe to be identical with that found on the lower Au Sable in Sec. 19. The principal characteristic of this seam is its black shale covering. It overlies the main seam, and is separated from it by sandstone and argillaceous shales aggre- gating 70 to 80 feet in thickness, except near the outcrop to the north and east, where the rocks between get thinner, and the seams of coal come closer together. I have bored through both seams south and west of the Wilson shaft, in South Grove township, Livingston county, on the farms of Messrs. Clover, Eldred and Pratt. The drift in that neighborhood was about 100 feet, then four feet of black slate, then the coal about 2 feet 6 inches. The other seam is 75 feet lower and 3 feet thick. I have traced it from this point to within a half mile of Brace- ville, where it is found in a well south of the old Augustine shaft at a depth of 48 feet. I also found it on the south line of ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 33 Braceville township, sec. 35. I found only 14 inches af coal at this point at a depth of 65 feet. At the same point we got 3 feet 4 inches of coal at a depth of 146 feet. On sec. 19 in Essex township, Kankakee county, north and east of the Wilson shaft, the upper seam is found at a depth between forty and fifty feet. This is its eastern boundary, and as the strata rise rapidly to the eastward, both seams crop out within a short distance from each other. The upper seam is best developed on sections 13, 24 and 25 in Greenfield township. On sec. 25, and on the farm of Mr. Savage a little southwest of the Wilson shaft, the depth is 106 feet; at the shaft on sec. 24, 80 feet; on 13 near the center, 80 feet, and north about 80 rods from the east line of the township, 69 feet, and on sec. 12 only between 40 and 50 feet. I have found it as far north as sec. 4, Felix township, and the main seam below it, and so you will see that although it is not a general deposit, it is distinct from the main coal and belongs above it, as I have demonstrated. Hoping this information may be of some use to you, I remain, Respectfully yours, T. S. CUMMINS." The upper coal described by Mr. Cummins, is no doubt identi- cal with that which outcrops on Waupecan creek in Grundy county, and was referred to No. 3 of the Illinois section. Owing to the irregularity in the development of coal seams on the northern and northeastern borders of the coal field, the exact position to which this seam should be assigned is somewhat problematical, and it may represent a higher coal than No. 3, and the character of its roof and its distance from the lower seam, which evidently increases away from the border of the field, render its identity with coal No. 5 of the LaSalle section not improbable. The boring at Clinton, made with the diamond drill, probably penetrated to the ba,se of the coal measures, and passed through 352 feet of drift, showing that Clinton is located above one of the ancient valleys, by which the surface of the state was in- tersected anterior to the accumulation of drift material. The following is a detailed copy of the record of this boring: -4 34 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. No. Ft. 1. Surface soil 5 2. Quicksand 15 3. Sand with gravel and boulders 17 4. Sand and clay mixed 53 5. Hardpan 12 6. Gravel 1 7. Hardpan 4 8. Clay and sand 4 9. Gravel and clay 7 10. Hardpan 3 11. Clay and sand 7 12. Clay and gravel 14 13. Clay 4 14. Hardpan <> 15. Clay and gravel 8 16. Quicksand 5 17. Sand and gravel 2 18. Coarse gravel 2 19. Clay « 20. Gravelly hardpan 25 21. Quicksand 6 22. Sand and clay 7 23. Gravel 9 24. Sand 11 25. Gravel 9 26. Sani 9 27. Quicksand and gravel 101 Total depth of drift 352 This is probably the same valley described in the foregoing chapter, which was traced by Prof. Bradley into Champaign county from whence its course was apparently west through DeWitt, and thence northwardly through McLean county where it was again penetrated in the Blooniington coal shafts. The following strata of coal measure rocks were passed through in the Clinton boring. No. Ft. In. 1. Black slate 1 2. Fire clay 3 3. Limestone 19 4. Fire clay 1 5. Gray shale 1 6. Bed and gray shale 10 7. Gray shale 2 8. Sandstone 36 9. Gray sha'.e ., 32 Dark shale 6 10. Gray shale 5 11. Coal 2 9 12. Coal and slate 0 9 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 35 Ft. In. 13. Fire clay 7 3 14. Limestone 22 15. Sandstone 6 1C. Gray clay shale 11 17. Sandstone 11 18. Grav shale 8 19. Black slate and coal 3 20. Limestone 7 21. Sandstone 19 ±!. Gray shale 10 23. Black slate 3 M, Black slate and coal 4 25. Gray shale 15 20. Sandstone 50 27. Gray shale 14 28. Black slate 2 29. Grav shale 5 30. Sandstone -. 23 31. Gray shale 21 32. Black slate 3 33. Coal 1 34. Black slate and trace of coal 2 35. Gray clay shale 3 36. Coal 1 37. Black slate and trace of coal 3 38. Gray shale , 16 39. Hard impure limestone 1 40, Hard sandstone 3 41. Gray shale 5 42. Black slate 8 43. Sandstone 10 44. Gray shale 3 45. Black slate 2 46. Gray shale 8 47. Sandy shale 11 48. Gray shale 9 49. Hard limestone 1 50. Hard sandstone 2 51. Dark shale 3 52. Gray shale 3 53. Sandy shale 3 54. Sandstone 6 55. Black slate with trace of coal 2 56. Gray shale 82 57. Coal 1 58. Gray shale 10 59. Sandstone and shale 25 Thickness of coal measures 587 9 Total depth of boring 942 Another boring made previous to the one given above, located just north of the town, and carried to the depth of 539 feet, enconnteml only 270 feet of drift, showing that this deposit 36 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. had increased in thickness about 70 feet in a distance of about half a mile, the increased depth being in a southerly direction. This would indicate that Clinton is located near the northern slope of this ancient valley. I am inclined to regard the 2 feet 9 inches coal reported in this boring (No. 11) as probably the equivalent of the upper workable seam in the Bloomington shaft, and also of that in the shafts at Lincoln, Mt. Pulaski, and Decatur, and if so, it is much thinner at Clinton than at the points above named. Nos. 33 to 37 inclusive, represent a lower seam, that may be equivalent to Nos. 2 or 3 of the general section, and No. 57 may be regarded as No. 1. After the publication of Vol. VII, the proprietors of the coal shaft at Mattoou put down a boring with the diamond drill to the depth of 203 feet, which probably reached the bottom of the coal measures. For a detailed report of this boring, I am indebted to Walton Rutledge, Esq. Commencing below the coal in the shaft, which has been referred to coal seam No. 2 of the general section, the details of the boring are as follows: Ft. In. 1. Fire clay 15 2. Gray shale 70 3. Black slate 1 4. Coal 1 8 5. Fireclay 3 4 6. Dark shale 4 7. Coal 0 4 8. Fireclay : 1 8 9. Light shale 12 10. Hard sand rock 4 11. Sandy shale 27 12. Dark shale 45 13. Black slate 9 14. Dark green shale 6 15. Limestone 8 Total thickness 203 This, added to the 800 feet of coal measures passed through in the shaft, gives a total of about one thousand feet, and rep- resents probably about three-fourths of the entire thickness of the coal measures in this State. Nos. 4 and 7 of the above record represent probably coal No. 1, which is often a double seam, and the limestone at the bottom belongs to the Lower Carboniferous formation. ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 37 A shaft at Srnithboro, in Bond county, passed through two of the main coal seams in a depth of 498 feet, and a boring can led down from the bottom of the shaft reported another st-am about forty-five feet below the lower seam in the shaft. The following is a copy in detail of the strata passed through in this shaft : .) Hardpan 60 1 Blue clav 10 4. Hardpau 10 5. Limestone 6 0. Light colored .shale 12 7. Sandstone 12 8. Dark slatv ^hale 23 ft. Very hard limestone 2 0 10. Black slate 2 11. Coal, No. 9 1 12. Light yellow shale 30 13. Dark shale ... 17 14. Coal, No. 8 1 15. Slate, " 1 i<;. Coal, " 1 17. Shale and slate 62 18. Hard sandstone with salt water .. 100 lit. Red shale 8 20. Clay shale 2 21. Sandstone 16 22. Shale , 31 23. Limestone alternatinglwith shale 12 24. Shale, broken coal and fragments of sandstone ; horizon of coal No. 7 7 2.x Brown flre clay 2 20. Light shale 8 27. Black slate , 4 2>. Limestone 4 Lit. Hard calcareous shale 4 30. Band of concretionary iron stone 1 31. Coal. No. 6 5 4 32. Fire clay 2 0 33. Gray limfist.nn« ,. ... ,,-,,--,, ..... ........ 9 34. Dark shale , 3 3-". Fire clay 4 30. Limestone 4 37. Coal. No. 5 4 1 K. Fire clay 2 Total depth 498 10 The band of concretionary iron stone in the roof of coal No. r». varies in thickness from six to twelve inches, and if the quantity was sufficient to justify its exploitation, it would be valuable for the production of iron. No. 24 seems to represent 38 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. the horizon of another coal, which had been broken up and re- deposited along with the bituminous shale and sandstone with which it was associated, find it probably represents the horizon of coal No. 7 of the general section. Coal No. G is the seam being worked here at this time, and it affords a product of fair quality. A heavy flow of salt water issues from the white sand- stone No. 18, which is here a hundred feet in thickness. A boring at Greenville, the county seat of Bond county, re- ported five and a half feet of coal at a depth of 488 feet from the surface. At this point the drift was found to be 200 feet in thickness, consisting largely of sand and gravel with so great an amount of water percolating through it that the parties in- terested were deterred from attempting to sink a shaft for the present. For the following record of this boring I am indebted to the Hon. J. P. Slade of Greenville: Ft. In. 1. Surface clay and soil 10 2. Sand and clay 20- 3. Coarse sand 10 4. Gravel 20 5. Conglomerate 90 6. Clay and sand 20 7. Sand 8 8. Light colored clay and sand 8 9. Dark colored clay and sand 18 10. Gray limestone 5 11. Hard black slate 5 12. Light and dark shales 77 13. Sandstone and sandy shale !»9 14. Clay shale 17 15. Sandy shale , 5 16. Clay shale 27 17. Limestone 1 18. Clay shale 5 19. Limestone 9 20. Clay shale and green clay 10 21. Black fault 5 22. Clay and sandy shales 10 23. Limestone 3 24. Clay shale 4 25. Limestone 2 2C. Coal 5 G 27. Shale... 7 Total depth 500 6 It is probable the coal seam at the bottom of this boring is No. 6, and the stratum numbered 21, which is described in the record as a black fault, represents the horizon of coal No. 7. ECONOMICAL GKOLOGY. 39 Greenville is undoubtedly located upon the line of one of the ancient valleys that were excavated either at the commence- ment of the drift period, or during the elevation of the surface above the carboniferous sea beneath which the coal measure rocks \\ere formed, and by comparing the boring at Greenville with the shaft at Smithboro, we find the ancient valley attained a depth of about one hundred feet more at Greenville than at the latter point. A notable feature of the drift at Greenville, is the great amount of sand and gravel which it contains, and the small amount of clay. The 90 feet described as conglom- erate by the men in charge of the boring, was probably a bed of gravel, cemented either with ferruginous or calcareous material such as may be frequently observed in surface outcrops of the drift deposits. The coal shaft at Sorento, in Bond county, at a depth of 373 feet, penetrated a coal seam 8 feet in thickness. For the fol- lowing copy of the n-conl J am indebted to Mr. Walton Kut- ledge the mine inspector of that district: No. Ft 1. Soil and clay 17 2. Conglomerate 28 3. Clay shale 20 4. Limestone I 5. Clay shale 4 6. Light gray limestone 20 7. Light limestone and chert 8 X. Fin- clay j 9. Black slate I", i 'lay shale w 11. Red shale 1 1'. ('.'•< >al "m"m j 13. Fire clay „ 14. Brown shale ^ 15. Light shale ,„ Iti. Clay sha!< • 17. Magnesian limestone 18. Clay shale '.'.'..'".'. 20 19. Brown shale 20. Light shale NoTE.-The sections of drift reported in connection with the coal shafts and borings given in this chapter, were mainly obtained after the preceding chapter was written, and tend to confirm the position hitherto assume,! jn regard to the origin of the drift beds, and demonstrate very clearly to the mind of the writer, that they are not the accumulations of land ice, but are largely if not wholly due to aqueous agencies. — A. H. \\ , 40 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. No. Ft. 21. Fire clay 8 22. Light shale 27 23. Light hard limestone 9 24. Fire clay and slate ' 1 25. Coal : 8 26. Fire clay and shale (dump) 20 Total depth 401 The boring made at Sorento previous to sinking the shaft was carried to the depth of 612 feet without finding any other seam of coal of practical value. The following beds were passed through by the drill below the bottom of the shaft, as pub- lished in the Greenville Sun: No. Ft. 1 1 Light shale 20 '> Clay shale 30 3 Hard limestone 4 \ Slate 20 "> Brown shale 18 ( Limestone ] 7 Sandy shale and sandstone 52 8 Coal blossom? 4 0 Hard yellow stone 4 in Slate 23 11 Soft shale as 211 Shaft 401 Total depth 612 Although SorentO and Smithboro are but a few miles apart there is a marked change in the character of the beds encount- ered in the two shafts at these points. At Smithboro three seams of coal were found in a depth of 537% feet while at Sorento a single seam only was encountered in a depth of 612 feet. Such sudden changes in the character of the strata are not of common occurrence in the Illinois coal field, though they have been rarely encountered at other localities. Three coal shafts were commenced without a preliminary bor- ing in Marion county, and all have been prosecuted to a suc- cessful issue; one at Kinmundy, and the others at Odin and Salem respectively. The shaft at Kinmundy, although the deepest of the three, was the first completed, reaching the hori- zon of coal No. 6 at the depth of 869 feet. The seam at this point was found to be divided by a parting of shale and lime- stone about seven feet in thickness, the upper division of the ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 41 seam having a thickness of two feet two inches, and the lower of four feet two inches of good coal, while at Odin it is a solid seam of nearly seven feet in thickness. The record of the Kinmundy shaft was very accurately kept by the gentleman in charge of the work, and it is a very im- portant one, as it gives more than two hundred feet of upper coal measure strata not found at Odin or Sandoval. This is in part due to the greater elevation of the surface at Kinmundy, which according to the railroad level is 96 feet above Sandoval, and in part to the absence of the heavy deposit of drift, which was found both at Sandoval and Odin, and to the easterly dip of the strata. The following is a slightly condensed copy of the record of the Kinmundy shaft. No Ft. In. 1. Soil and brown clay 12 2. Sandstone and shale 134 5 3. Pebbly limestone 1 4 4. Black slate 9 7 5. Coal, No. 15 1 2 6. Fire clay 7 7. Gray shale 19 7 8. Black slate 11 9. Coal, No. 14 1 f. 10. Fire clay 2 11. Shale 37 10 12. Black slate 5 13. Bituminous limestone 2 14. Coal, No. 13 0 ti 15. Limestone and black shale 6 16. Coal 0 2 17. Clay shale 5 6 18. Gray and black shales with bands of limestone , 51 19, Black slate 1 6 20. Coal, No. 12 1 21. Fire clay 1 6 22. Limestone 3 23. Gray shale 15 9 24. Black slate , 3 25. Coal, No. 11 0 2 26. Fire clay 2 10 27. Shale and sandstone 66 6 28. Coal, No. 10 0 4 29. Fire clay 4 30. Limestone 3 31. Shale 81 32. Limestone (Shoal Creek) , 9 10 33. Black shale with 2 inch coal No. 9 2 34. Pebbly fire clay 5 5 42 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. Ft. ] tn. 35. Sandstone and shale 76 36. Pebbly limestone 1 6 37. Bituminous shale and & inch coal 2 6 38. Fire clay 5 39. Sandstone and shale 69 40. Black shale 0 10 41. Coal, No. 8 0 7 42. Fire clay 2 43. Limestone, sandstone and fire clay 8 6 44. Blue shale 14 2 45. Limestone 21 6 46. Fire clay 2 47. Green shale 1 6 48. Pebbly 'limestone 6 49. Sandstone and shale 84 2 50. Coal, No. 7 2 51. Fire clay 11 52. Sandstone and shale 30 53. Coal 2 2 54. Black shale 3 55. Hard dark gray limestone 4 56. Coal 4 2 Total depth 859 7 The limestone and shale parting in the coal at Kinmundy, is a feature that I have observed nowhere else in the state. It is probably a local development only, and may wedge out in some direction in a short distance. In whatever direction the coal thickens ' as the work of exploitation progresses, it should be followed, with the expectation that the two divisions will gradu- ally approach each other by the thinning out of the stony parting until they finally come together. A boring to the depth of about 130 feet from the bottom of the shaft, reported only one seam of coal about eighteen inches thick about seventy feet below the main coal. An analysis of two samples of coal from the Kinmundy shaft, by Prof. Barrett of the University of Illinois, gave the following result : FIEST SAMPLE. SECOND SAMPLE. Ash 12.54 Ash 13.13 Moisture 8.40 Moisture 8.32 Fixed carbon 48.04 Fixed carbon 48.66 Volatile matter ... 30.26 Volatile matter ... 30.03 99.24 100.04 Per cent, of sulphur in coal 2.85 Per cent, of sulphur in coke 0.97 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 43 The following copy of the record of the Odin shaft will be of interest for comparison: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Nodular shale 1 3 Coal, No. 12 0 9 Shale and fire clay 39 Coal and black shale 3 10 Shale and fire clay 14 G Coal, No. 11 0 7 Sandy shale and sandstone 20 Blue clay and flre clay 12 G Calc. sandstone, fossiliferous 8 Blue shale 3 Coal (local) 0 2 Fire clay , 0 G Sandy shale 14 2 Coal, No. 10 0 7 Sandy and arg. shales 63 Limestone (Shoal Creek) 10 Black slate and 2 in. coal. No. 9 3 2 Fire clay , 5 Sandstone and shale 56 6 Blue shale with limestone bands 11 10 Fire clay 5 Slate and limestone 8 Clay shale 10 Sandstone , , 63 Blue shale 28 Nodular black shale , 7 Coal, No. 8 0 10 Fire clay 2 G Sandstone and shale 117 Pebbly shale and flre clay , 11 Limestone, partly hard 14 Blue shale 10 G Coal (local) 1 4 Fire clay and shale 10 8 Coal, No. 7 3 2 Fire clay 4 Alternations of shale and limestone 26 Black shale 4 Coal, No. 6 7 Total depth ...................................................................... 701 4 The Kinmundy shaft is eleven miles north, and about twelve miles east of Odin, and the subjoined condensed vertical section of the coal measures encountered at these two points, placed side by side for comparison, will serve to show the uniformity of their development in this portion of the State. 44 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. Odin Shaft. Ft. In. Shale 1 3 Shale, slate, etc 48 Shale, fire clay, etc 58 Shale, limestone, etc 72 Sandstone, shale, etc 196 Limestone, shale, eto 155 Limestone, shale and slate 34 Coal No. 6 . . , Kinmundy Shaft. Ft. In. Sandstone and shale 140 Shale and slate 38 Limestone, shale, eto 62 Shale, slate, etc 23 Shale, slate, etc 68 Shale, limestone, etc 88 Sandstone, shale, etc 160 Limestone, shale, etc 142 Limestone, shale and slate 41 Coal No. 6 . . 64 At Salem the shaft was sunk to the depth of 886 feet, and the following details were furnished by Mr. R. S. Dingle who was in charge of the work. The drift deposits were found to be 126 feet thick with the ancient soil in place about ten feet from the bed rock. No, Ft. ; [n. 1. Soil and subsoil i 10 2. Hardpan 3 3. Yellow clay 9 4. Yellow clay and sand 10 5. Blue clay and gravel 50 6. Brown clay with wood 30 7. Blue clay, sand and wood 12 8. Black soil 1 9. Blue mud and sand 9 2 10. Sandstone 0 6 11. Clay shale 8 12. Black limestone 1 10 13. Coal 1 2 14. Fire clay 1 7 15. Conglomerate of lime and sand 4 7 1C. Blue shale and slate 26 17. Clay shale 17 18. Sandy shale 10 19. Dark blue shale 11 2 20. Coal 0 5 21. Fire clay 0 7 22. Dark blue shale with sand partings 9 23. Light blue limestone 7 8 24. Fire clay 3 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 45 No. Ft. In. 25. Sandy shale 3 26. Clay shale 8 27. Coal 0 4 28. Fire clay 0 10 29. Sandstone and sandy shale 54 30. Blue shale 7 31. Gray shale 5 6 32. Dark blue shale 5 4 33. Gray limestone • 5 34. Fire clay 2 3 35. Sandstone 11 36. Clay shale 14 9 37. Bituminous shale 2 6 38. Coal 0 9 39. Fire clay 0 3 40. Conglomerate of lime and sandstone 3 (i 41. Sandstone and sandy shale 35 42. Clay shale 22 43. Light gray limestone 12 44. Hard massive sandstone 8 45. Sandy shale 21 46. Clay shale 23 47. Coal 0 4 48. Fire clay 1 2 49. Conglomerate lime and sandstone 7 50. Shale and slate 25 4 51. Limestone (Shoal Creek) 14 52. Black slate 3 53. Coal 0 2 54. Fire clay 4 6 55. Sandstone and sandy shale 61 6 56. Blue shale 8 57. Conglomerate of lime and sandstone 1 6 58. Black slate 2 2 59. Gray limestone 0 6 60. Coal 0 1 61. Fire clay 4 3 62. Nodular clay shale 8 63. Blue slate 1 64. Coal 0 4 65. Blue slate 1 8 66. Hard sandy shale 10 4 67. Dark blue slate 2 8 68. Conglomerate of lime and sandstone 5 3 69. Sandy shale and sandstone 16 3 70. Shale and slate 31 71. Brown limestone 0 2 72. Clay shale and slate 6 4 73. Limestone 1 74. Blue slate 6 75. Coal 1 4 76. Fire clay 1 6 77. Nodular shale (calcareous) 8 78. Sandstone and sandy shale 33 9 79. Blue shale 44 46 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. No. Ft. In. 80. Fire clay 1 5 81. Conglomerate of lime and sandstone 3 82. Fire clay 7 83. Dark gray limestone , 9 84. Clay shale 19 6 85. Coal 0 0 86. Fire clay 3 6 87. Limestone with clay partings 19 G 88. Sandy shale 33 89. Blue slate 0 4 90. Coal 2 2 91. Fire clay 0 10 92. Black slate 2 2 93. Gray limestone 2 94. Black slate 1 6 95. Coal 4 G 96. Fire clay 4 3 Total thickness .................................................................. 899 3 The strata reported above seem to be about 13 feet more in thickness than the depth of the shaft as measured after the completion of the work. A boring at Hillsboro, in Montgomery county, made by the Chicago Diamond Drill Company, was carried to the depth of 769 feet, and penetrated through the lower coal measures, and into the upper division of the Lower Carboniferous formation. The following is a copy of this boring kindly furnished by Mr. Geo. C. Bryce: Ft. In. 1. Yellow clay, sand and pebbles ...................................................... 14 2. Hardpan .............. ................................................................. 23 3. Quicksand ............................................................................ 1 4. Hardpan ............................................................................... 16 5. Yellow clay ........... '. ............................................................... 7 6. Sand and gravel ...................................................................... 20 7. Blue clay .............................................................................. 26 8. Coarse sand and gravel .............................................................. 16 6 9. Limestone ............................................................................. 8 10. Clay shale ............................................................................. 52 6 11. Limestone (Shoal Creek) ............................................................. 8 12. Bituminous shale ..................................................................... 1 8 13. Coal, No. 9 ............................................................................ 0 8 14. Clay shale ............................................................................. 29 8 15. Sandy shale and sandstone .......................................................... 65 16. Fireclay. (Horizon of coal No. 8) .................................................. 8 17. Sandy shale ........................................................................... 24 18. Sandy slate ............................................................................ 78 19. Clay shale, upper part nodular ..................................................... 9 20. Hard limestone ....................................................................... 5 6 21. Clayshale .............................................................................. 11 6 22. Limestone ............................................................................. C Kn )X()MICAL GEOLOGY. 47 No. Ft. In. 23. Bituminous shah' 3 21. Limestone 5 8 25. Clay shale 7 1 26. Hard limestone 7 6 27. Bituminous shale 6 28. Coal, No. 6 5 29. Sandy sh^lo and sandstone 8 30. Argillaceous limestone , 11 31. Clay shale 9 32. Argillaceous limestone 10 33. Slate with hard bands 19 34. Sandy shale 33 3*. Coal 1 foot, slate 6 in., coal 1 foot— No. 5 2 e 36. Slate , 2 6 37. Sandstone 8 6 38. Slate 33 39. Sandstone , 5 40. Limestone 1 41. Bituminous shale and coal 2 42. Fire clay 8 43. Bituminous shale and coal 2 44. Fire clay 5 45. Slate with clay bands 10 4ti. Coal 1 47. Fire clay 12 48. Sandstone 8 49. Fire clay 1 50. Bituminous shale 1 51. Sandstone 131 52. Limestone 10 Total depth 769 The drift at Hillsboro was found to be 123% feet in thickness. and contains some very clean beds of gravel near the bottom, which outcrop at the base of the hill near the railroad depot. The stratum, numbered 35, is probably coal No. 6, which holds about its average position here below the Shoal Creek limestone. Coal Xo. 8 belongs above the fire clay No. 16 of the section, but no bituminous matter seems to have been brought up from that horizon by the drill. From an examination of the core taken from the bottom of this boring, it was evident that it had penetrated the Chester division of the Lower Carboniferous, the purple shale and argil- laceous limestone of that formation, being readily recognized. A portion and possibly the whole of the sandstone No. 51 of the record, and the underlying limestone. No. 52, belong to that horizon. 48 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. Since the publication of Vol. VII, an air shaft was sunk at Decatur, the details of which were furnished for publication by Charles Hansel, Esq., resident engineer of the middle division of the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Railway. It is published as a correction of the boring made with a common drill before the coal shaft was sunk, a copy of which was published in Vol. VII, page 17 et seq. of these reports. The air shaft is located about half a mile south-west of the coal shaft., near the bluffs of the Sangamon river. The following is a copy in detail of the record kept: No Ft. ] [n. 1. Soil and loamy clay 25 2. Sand and water (flow of 400 gallons per minute) 30 3. Blue clay 4 4. Drift wood and soil 2 5. Green sand 4 6. Gray sand 6 7. Hard blue clay 9 8. Sand and gravel (five strata) 37 9. Hardpan 23 10. Sandstone 1 6 11. Soft shale 6 12. Gray and blue sandy shale 28 13. Clay shale 15 14. Blue slate 17 15. Ferruginous fire clay 6 16. Conglomerate limestone 7 17. Brown slate 10 18. Flint stone 2 6 18. Black slate 1 19. Flint rock 2 6 20. Coal, No. 11 0 10 21. Fire clay 8 22. Blue sandy shale 10 23. Flint stone 3 24. Clay shale 5 25. Sandy shale 21 26. Black slate 2 6 27. Coal, No. 10 1 28. Fire clay 6 29. Black shale and 1 inch of coal 8 1 30. Fire clay 6 31. Black shale 3 32. Impure limestone 1 33. Brown shale 8 34. Sandstone 1 35. Black slate 4 36. Flint stone 11 37. Black slate 12 38. Fire clay 4 39. Limestone (Shoal Creek) 10 40. Black slate (coal No. 9) 2 41. Fire clay 8 ECONOMICAL (JKOLOGY. 41) Ft. I 11. 42. Clay shale 13 BL Sandstone 5 41. Flint stone 2 45. Blue slate 8 46. Clay shale 39 47. Blue sandstone 1 Black slate 3 49. Coal, No. 8 1 4 50. Fire clay 6 51. Sandy shale 10 HL Black shale 33 53. Hard black slate 5 54. Coal (local) 0 :; 55. Fire clay 4 56. Limestone 11 57. Black shale 4 58. Clay shale 2 59. Coal (coal No. 7) 0 4 60. Fire elay 2 61. Conglomerate stone 3 62. Gray and blue clay shale 14 63. Black slate and % inch of coal 4 64. Fire clay 4 65. Sandstone 7 66. Gray shale 6 67. Black slate 2 68. Coal (Coal No. 6) I 4 69. Clay shale, ( " ' ") i) 6 TO. Coal ( " " ") , '2 1" 71. Hard gray shale 8 72. Limestone 2 6 73. Bituminous shale and coal , 0 6 74. Fire clay 4 75. Sandstone 17 7ti. Clay shale 3 77. Sandstone 13 78. Dark clay shale 8 79. Black slate 1 6 80. Coal, No. 5 4 6 Total depth 528 6 No. 49 of the above record is the equivalent of No. 35 iu the boring at Decatur, published in Vol. VII, page 18, and repre- sents coal No. 8 of the general section. In the record of the boring it is described as a six-foot seam of coal, but is really a thin coal, overlaid by four or five feet of bituminous shale. It ivquirt-s ,-i very close and careful inspection to distinguish coal from bituminous shale in the pulverized material brought to the surface in the sand pump from a boring with the com- mon drill, and in the majority of the borings of that kind made in this State, the reported results have- proved mislead- — 0 50 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. ing when a shaft has been sunk to the horizon of the coal re- ported, entailing in many cases a heavy loss to the company undertaking the work. With the diamond drill this uncertainty is easily avoided. The beds described as flint rock in the air shaft record, are probably hard silicious limestones which are not uncommon in the Illinois coal measures, while beds of true chert (miscalled Hint) are of rare occurrence. Two experiments for the developement of coal in Morgan county, were undertaken shortly after the publication of Vol. VII. Both extended to the bottom of the coal measures, and a condensed copy of the two records is herewith given side by side for comparison. The experiment made at Franklin was by a shaft, and that at Waverly by boring. Franklin. No. Ft. In. 1. Drift clay 35 2. Sandstone 25 3. Coal 0 9 4. Fire clay shale etc 131 5. Limestone 7 6. Coal 4 C 7. Fire clay, shale, etc 85 8. Coal 1 2 9. Fire clay, shale, etc 40 10. Coal 2 (i 11. Fireclay t> 12. Limestone... Waverly. Ft. In. Drift clay 25 Sandstone and slate ... . 17 (i Coal 0 Fire clay, shale, etc 153 Limestone 6 Coal 1 Fire clay, shale, etc 141 Coal 3 Fire clay, shale 55 Coal 1 Fire clay 1 Limestone. . . , No. 6 probably the equivalent of the Springfield coal, No. 5 of the general section, while the lower seams Nos. 8 and 10 represent coals 1 and 2, and No. 12 the upper bed of the lower carboniferous group. About the same time a shaft was sunk at Mt. Pulaski in Logan county and one about a mile; northeast of Lincoln in the same county. Of the latter I have been unable to obtain a record, and for that at Alt. Pulaski I am indebted to Mi-. Beard of Springfield under whose supervision the work was done : i:n>\<>MI('AL (IKOLOCY. 51 No. Ft. In. 1. Drift clay and gravel (details not preserved) <»•_> 2. Sandy shalo 20 3. Limestone 1 4. Fire clay 1 6 •">. (.iray slate -_>d ii. Sandy shale 40 7. Limestone ;> 8. Black shale 1 !». C'.-.al No. 8 1 o H>. Fire clay 2 11. Clay shale 4 12. Gray shale (sandy) 60 13. Conglomerate limestone 15 14. Clay shale 2 1.-.. Black slate ! li;. Coal 6 inches, fire clay 6 inches 1 17. Black slate 10 inches, coal 4 inches 1 2 18. Fireclay o $ 1'.'. Reddish shale 10 -andstone 30 21. Sandy clay shale 30 22. Black limestone g 23. Coal No. 5 4 24. Fire clay 4 Total depth 351 10 The Medora shaft is located on the west line of Macoupin county, and readies the bottom of the coal measures. The fol- lowing strata \vere passed through at that point. No. Ft. In. 1. Black soil 4 2. Yellow clay 20 3. Blue clay 30 4. Drift gravel 20 5. Clay shale 10 6. Shale 4 7. Blue limestone 2 8. Black slate 3 9. Coal 0 5 1". Fire clay 4 11. Gray slate 5 12. Sandstone 5 13. Clay shale 5 14. Shale 5 15. Black slate 3 1C. Coal 1 17. Fire clay 4 18. Red clay shale 0 8 ly. Sandstone 8 20. Limestone 2 21. Nodular clay 5 22. Clay shale 5 23. Clod?... 1 52 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. No. Ft. In. 24. Limestone 6 25. Clay shale 2 26. Black slate 2 6 27. Clay shale 6 28. Light shale 9 6 29. Blue fire clay C 4 30. Clay shale 2 10 31. Sulphur band 0 8 32. Fire clay H 33. Nodular clay 4 34. Fire clay 14 7 35. Sandstone 12 4 36. Shale 50 2 37. Gray shale 19 5 38. Clay shale 6 6 :«». Gray shale 7 6 40. Black slate 1 4 41. Sandy shale 6 4 42. Gray shale 30 7 43. Black slate 2 44. Coal X 45. Fire clay 1 8 46. Hard limestone 6 Total depth 351 4 No. 44 is the lowest seam developed in this portion of the State, and is probably identical with that of the Roodhouse shaft in Greene county, and the Alton coal of Madison county. It varies in thickness from two to four feet, and has a good roof of hard bituminous shale which at some points cont;iins beautiful fossil shells, in wThich the calcareous matter is replaced with bright yellowr pyrites of iron. The coal itself is also more or less impregnated with the bi-sulphurate of iron. A shaft at Elkville, in Jackson county, reports nine feet of coal at the depth of 110 feet below the surface. The folio wing- record of this shaft was furnished by Mr. Robert Winning, mine inspector of that district: No, Ft. In. 10 in 1 Drift clay and soil 33 '> Sandstone 7 Clay shale 15 4 Black slate 1 5 Fire clay 2 o Limestone 7 7 Dark blue slate 8 Coal 2 Fireclay 0 10. Sandstone . . , 4 ECONOMICAL <;i:<>LOGY. 53 Ft. In. 11. Dark slate ............................................................................. 4 12. Fire clay ............................................................................... 3 g i:i. Coal ................................................................................... i 2 14. Fire clay .............................................................................. g 10 1"'. Limestone ............................................................................ 4 Hi. Blue slate .............................................................................. 2 1<> 17. Limestone ............................................................................. 4 4 18. Dark slate ............................................................................. ! 6 1!'. Black limestone .................................................................... 4 A>. Blat-k slate ............................................................................ 7 21. Clay shale ........................................................................... 0 9 ±i. Coal .................................................................................... 9 2 To-al depth of shaft ............................................................ 129 This is probably the same coal that outcrops four miles north- east of Ora. on Rattlesnake creek, which I have referred to the horizon of coal No. 1 of the Illinois section. The reported thick- ness of the seam in this shaft is greater than it has been found elsewhere in the state, but it is usually a very irregularly developed seam. One of the most important developments of coal in Southern Illinois within the past two years, is the opening up of the out- rrops on Rattlesnake creek in Jackson county, referred to above. near the renter of township 7 south. 3 west. This outcrop was mentioned in the report on Jackson county. Vol. 3, page 74 of these reports, but no attempt to work the seam, except in a very limited way. was made until recently, for the want of proper facilities for transportation. Since the construction of what was formerly known as the St. Louis and Cairo Narrow Gauge Railroad, now known as the Mobile and St. Louis Rail- road. a tramway has been constructed two miles north of Ora, extending from the above named railroad to the mines, a dis- tance of about two miles. This was done by Messrs. J. C. Bryden & Co., who have estab- lished a plant on the outcrop of the seam, capable of furnishing from three to four hundred tons of coal per day, with a mining force of one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five men. The M-am varies in thickness at the several outcrops in this town- ship from four to seven feet, and is enclosed between two beds of sandstone. Sometimes the upper sandstone rests directly on the coal, and at other points is separated from it by a thin bed of argillaceous shale. 54 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. The coal is quite free from the bi-sulphuret of iron, yields a white ash, and is said to leave no clinker when used for do- mestic purposes. On sec. 22, its position is rather above the drainage level of some of the small streams, and consequently has been cut out by erosive agencies in the creek valleys. This seam appears to hold about the same stratigraphical position as that known as the Battery Rock coal in Gallatin county, which is the lowest workable seam in Southern Illinois. Its development in Jackson county is somewhat local, and appears to be restricted to the township in which the mines are located. It has not been found in Randolph county, though the lower portion of the coal measures are there well exposed. At Murphysboro, twelve miles southeast of the Rattlesnake mines, no indications of its presence has been found, though it may be the equivalent of the seam near Makanda, in the south-east corner of Jackson county. The two following borings in Southern Illinois were made and reported by Mr. Wm. McDonald. One was made three miles southwest of Harrisburg in Saline county, and the other near New Burnsjde in Johnson county. The latter probably com- mences below the lowest stratum reached in the former, mid ends before reaching the bottom of the coal measures. The following is a condensed copy of the record of the boring in Saline county: No. Ft. In. 1. Surface soil and clay 14 ]. Sandstone and shale Cl 3. Limestone 0 <> 4. Black slate 0 9 £5. Coal, (Coal No. 6) 2 4 «. Fire clay 1 7. Sandy shale and sandstone 29 7 8. Limestone 1 9 9. Blackslate 3 8 10. Shale with limestone bands 22 4 11. Blackslate 0 6 23. Coal (coal No. 5) 4 10 Total depth 142 3 The following is a condensed copy of the record of the boring near New Burnside: ECONOMICAL (JKOLOUY. .-,.-> Ft. In. 1. Surface soil 1 2. Sandstone and shale 3. Black shale 3 n 4. Coal , 1 3 5. Soft gray shale 2 1 al 3 7. Black shale 3 4 8. Fire clay 1 2 Total depth 75 A boring at Effing-ham, which commences in about the highest strata of the upper coal measures, was carried to the depth of 1.170 feet, passing through three workable coals in that dis- tance. For the following copy of the record of this boring I am indebted to Walton Rutledge, Esq., Mine Inspector of that dis- trict : No. Ft. In. 1. Yellow clay 16 2. Hardpan 10 3. White sandstone , 6 4. Sandstone and shale % 5. Blue limestone 2 6. Black shale 3 7. Sandstone and shale 187 8. Limestone 2 '.'. Shale 7;. 10. Bituminous shale 1 11. Coal 0 12. Shale 35 13. Coal 1 II. Fire clay :> 15. Sandstone and shale 19 1C. Coal 0 8 17. Calcareous shale 6 4 18. Limestone 7 19. Blue shale 7 20. Limestone 7 21. Calcareous shale 3 22. Shale 44 23. Coal o :-j 21. Sandy shale 4 9 25. Coal 0 8 26. Shale 71 4 27. Black slate •> 28. Shale and sandstone i:; 29. Coal 1 2 30. Blue shale 7 KJ 31. Black slate 2 32. Shale, part sandy 53 33. Limestone 6 31. Black shale 4 35. Gray shale 52 56 ECONOMICAL (JKOLOGY. No Ft. 1 [n. IJfi. Black slate , 12 157. Shale, part sandy =57 38. Limestone 3 39. Shale 23 40. Limestone and calcareous shale.... 30 11. Gray shale and slate 117 42. Black shale 10 9 43. Coal 3 41. Dark shale 3 45. Limestone 3 46. Slate , 4 4 (i Coal No. 0 5 10 Fire clay 1 0 Limestone 1 3 Soft white shale... 2 3 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 57 Ft. In. Light gray limestone 2 Sandy shales 7 10 Hard white limestone 6 7 Hard gray shale 2 Hard blue limestone 0 6 Coal No. 5 4 S Fire clay 11 1 Limestone 0 9 Shalo 2 Sandv shale and sandstone 52 6 Blue shales with limestone nodules , 5 3 Fossiliferous limestone 1 4 Black shale 8 3 Coal (Coal No. 4) 3 1 Gray clay shale ( " " ") 1 8 Coal ( ) 0 a Dark shales with sulphur nodules 2 4 Gray shales 1 7 Black shale with limestone nodules 6 3 Shale 13 ID Black slate 2 1 Coal No. 3 , 2 2 Shale 8 6 Limestone 0 9 Shale and sandstone 3 9 Shales with thin bands of limestone 15 7 Shale 9 8 Coal (Coal No. 2) 1 6 Clay shale and limestone. ( " " ") 1 5 Coal ( ) 2 6 Fire clay 1 7 Gray shale and sandy limestone 1 4 Shales with limestone nodules 9 9 Shale 12 9 Sandstone 4 6 Black shales 1 11 Coal No. 1 3 j Black slate 0 5 Dark sandy shales 8 7 Gray shale with limestone nodules 1 9 Shale 13 5 Coal (local) 1 7 Dark shale with limestone nodules 2 2 Sandy gray shales 6 9 Slate and shale with traces of coal 5 E Shale s i 28 9 White sandstone with traces of coal 1 Coarse sandstone 14 s Pebbly conglomerate 1 Total depth ...................................................................... 344 4 The boriiig of which the above is a correct record was made on the line of the Wabash, Chester & Western R. R. in Perry county. It shows the presence at that point of all the lower -7 58 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. coals from No. 6 to the bottom of the measures the boring terminating in the pebbly conglomerate which lies at the base of the coal measures in southern Illinois. For a copy of this record I am indebted to the Hon. C. B. Cole of Chester. NATURAL HAS AND OIL. Deposits of natural gas have been found at various localities in the State, but they were generally in the drift days that overlie the stratified rocks. This fact has led the writer to conclude that such deposits did not originate in the older form- ations of Devonian and Silurian age, from which the main sup- ply of this material is obtained in Ohio and Pennsylvania, but had been generated in one of the old peaty soils, which are in- terstratified with the drift clays, and are found intact over ex- tensive areas in Illinois. Since the publication of Arol. VII of these reports, several dis- coveries of this kind have been made, among which are two in the edge of DeWitt county, eight miles west of the city of Clin- ton, which are worthy of special notice. In the summer of 1885, Mr. James Barnet, who resides at the locality given above, while boring for water, found gas at two localities on his farm. The first well was carried to the depth of ninety-six feet below the surface, when a flow of gas was encountered with a pressure of about twelve pounds to the square inch. Abandoning his search for water there, he moved his tools to another locality but a short distance away, and at the depth of 137 feet he ob- tained another flow of gas with a pressure of thirty pounds 1o the square inch. This hole wa.s tubed and pipes laid to his dwelling, where the gas was utilized for heating and cooking- purposes. When the gas producing stratum was reached, sand and pebbles where thrown to the surface, indicating clearly the porous character of the material in which the gas had been confined. The following beds were encountered in boring the deepest well: Ft. Soil and yellow clay 15 Blue clay 30 Black soil with wood, &c 3 Drab clay 8 Black mold and drift wood 8 Drajb colored clay 20 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. 59 Drift wood (log?) 2 Drab colored clay 21 Hardpan 12 Drab colored clay 3 Greenish clay 10 San*), &e 5 Total depth 137 The sand bed at the bottom of this well served as a recepta- cle for the gas. which was held imprisoned by the impervious given clay above until it was penetrated by the drill, and thus given a free outlet to the surface. Indications of the presence of gas in the drift clays have been ol iserved at several localities in northern and central Illinois, but whether it is generated in the deposit where it is found, or in the stratified rocks below, is an unsolved problem, that must b«> settled by future investigations. Its presence is purely local, and two boring's with the diamond drill at Clinton, which passed entirely through the drift deposits, and extended into the underlying coal measures failed to reveal the presence of gas at either point. In 1871, gas was found on the farm of Win. A. Wilson, in Macon county, ten miles south-east of Decatur, at the depth of forty-five feet below the stir-face. It was stored in a bed of quick sand below a deposit of hardpan, and was encountered at several localities on the farm. The bed of quicksand was pene- trated to the depth of fifteen feet without reaching the bottom. The character of the underlying bed was not determined, but if it was shown to be one of the old mucky soils frequently inter- stratified with the drift beds, that would furnish a possible ex- planation of the origin of the gas. Mr. Wilson utilized the flow by conveying it to his dwelling, where it was used for a time for both light and fuel. A quarter of a mile east of this gas well a boring was made, which passed through a bed of black soil, but no gas was found. This might be due to the character of the overlying stratum, which may have been too porous to prevent the escape of the gas to the surface. (las from the superficial deposits of drift clay and gravel, has been found in numerous localities in Illinois, but generally not in such quantity as to justify any attempt to utilize it for do- mestic uses. The counties of Champaign, Bureau. LaSalle, Liv- 60 ECONOMICAL GEOLOGY. ingston, McLean and Madison are among those in which such discoveries have been made. The only localities in this State where productive gas wells have been obtained in the stratified rocks are Litchfield, in Montgomery county, and in a well but just completed at Beards- town, on the Illinois river. The discovery at Litchfield was made in 1879, by the Litchfield Coal Co., of which Mr. H. H. Beach is President. -It was made in a boring at the bottom of their coal shaft, carried down to the depth of 168 feet below the coal seam mined at that point, and the gas was encoun- tered in a light colored sandstone, about 100 feet below coal No. 1. No attempt was made to develop this gas deposit for several years after its discovery by the Litchfield Coal Co., but eventually a company was formed for the purpose of de- veloping the oil and gas deposits of Montgomery county, under the name of "The Litchfield Oil, Gas, and Fuel Company," and at the commencement of the current year sixteen wells had been sunk there, three of which were productive in gas, and three in oil. The productive wells are all on a nearly north and south line, and those sunk on either side of this line, though but a short distance from it, failed to prove productive. This fact indicates the existence of an anticlinal, and the probable fracture of the lower strata thus permitting the gas to rise to the sandstone in which it is found. Hence the formation in which the gas is generated cannot be certainly determined, and may be either of Lower Carboniferous, Devonian or Silurian age. The boring at Olney, the deepest one hitherto reported in Southern Illinois, produced no gas, although carried down about seven hundred feet below the base of the coal measures, and two thousand feet below the surface.* It probably did not reach Devonian strata, and therefore affords no evidence for deter- mining whether or not the Devonian and Silurian rocks will afford productive gas wells in Southern Illinois. The Litchfield Oil, Gas and Fuel Company have succeeded in introducing gas as fuel in many of the dwellings in Litchfield, *The record of this boring may be fotmd on page 8, of Vol. VII, of these reports. !!i "\nMTf AL GEOLOGY. (51 • and at t IIP present time (February, 1887,) they have about 4no meters in use with an average consumption of about 1,500 feet each per (lay. Three oil wells were in operation at the above date, affording an average yield of seven or eight barrels of crude oil per day. oi' a little more than two barrels j>er day to each well. The well recently sunk at Beardstown to the depth of 1,070 feet, obtained a flow of artesian mineral water amounting to about 800 barrels per day. Both oil and gas was found here, the latter, although not fully te>teinuloxa, K. and H., but may be distinguished by its more elongated and symmetrically form, and greater number of lamellae. Height 211/]«; diameter of calyx, 1% in. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Monroe and Ran- dolph counties. Collector, A. H. Worthcu. Xo. 2560 of the Illinois State Museum, —1) 74 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ZAPHRENTIS PELLAENSIS. (sp. uov.) PI. IX, Figs. 6-Ga and PI. X, Fig. 11-lla. Corallum turbinate, regularly curved, height of an average specimen 1% in., diameter of calyx about % in., depth of cup % in.; sides descending abruptly, the lamellae on each side of the fossette to the number of four to six coalescing, while the others extend singly nearly to the center of the cup. Fossette narrow and situated obliquely to the curvature of the corallum. Whole number of the principal lamelke 32 to 36 with about the same number in the secondary series. Surf ace moderately rugose and often marked by a few short scattering spines that are usually restricted to the lower portion of the corallum. This form is closely related to Z. spinulosa, E. & H. from the Chester beds, but is usually shorter in proportion to its dia- meter, and coming from a different geological horizon it is entitled to be considered as a distinct variety. Position and locality: St. Louis shales, near Pella, Iowa. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2605 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS CALCARIFORMIS. Hall. PI. X, Figs. 2-2a. This form was described in the Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the New York State Museum of Natural History, page 33, as a Devonian species, from the Falls of the Ohio. The following is the original description. "Corallum simple, narrowly turbinate, regularly curved; dia- meter of calices in individuals of the same height varying from ten to fifteen millimeters; height twenty-five millimeters: ex- terior with frequent undulations and low rounded annulations: fossette narrow, very deep, commencing at the center and con- tinuing to the posterior margin ; the lamellae extend to the margin; coalescing and forming vertical walls; number of lamellae fifty, alternating in size; at a distance of two milli- meters from the margin the smaller lamellae coalesce with the others." The specimen figured is an unusually long one, but presents the usual characters of the species. INVERTEBRATES. 75 Position ami locality: Wnrsnw division of the St. Louis limestone, Coalsburg, Ky. Collector, E. O. Ulrich. No. 2558 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS CAKINATUS (sp. nov.) PL X, Figs. 3-3a. Corallum curved, strongly compressed laterally; calyx deep, ovate; septal fossette extended on the side of least curvature. Primary lamella? about thirty, with about the same number of very short secondary lamellae intercalated between the primaries. Length 1% inches; breadth of calice on its widest diameter % inch; opposite diameter of the same % inch; depth of calice % inch. Position and locality : The specimen figured was obtained at Beutousport, Iowa, and probably belongs to the Keokuk or St. Louis limestone, both of which outcrop in the vicinity. Collector. A. H. AYorthen. Xo. 2564 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS CLIFFORDANA. Edw. and Haime. PI. X, Figs. l.la. Ib. • •Corallum in the form of a curved cone, external ridges not prominent, epitheca thin, making visible the ribs series of which ;)?•«• «'qual, plane and rather elosp. (Yilicc circular and rather dcpp; fossette rather large and situated on the side of least curvature: lamella? thirty-two to thirty-six, sub-equal, strong, a little thickened outwardly and thinning towards the interior, reaching generally to the center of the upper floor on which tlipy are a little curved, and not elevated. Their free border appears to be cut obliquely. One distinguishing feature of the species is the equal number of rudimentary and primary Lamellae." The above description applies very well to a common form of Zaphrentis in the Kinderhook beds of Illinois, and the speci- mens figured are from that horizon in Monroe county. Collector A. H. Worthen. Xo. 2570 of the Illinois State Museum. 7C PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. /AI'HRENTIS ULUICHI, (sp. HOV.) PI. X, Figs. 10-10a. Corallum small, pointed, compressed and slightly curved; cup ovate, shallow; septal fossette comparatively wide, extending from the center to the margin of the cup on the side of least curvature. Lamellae fifty-two to fifty-four on the outer margin, but coal- escing in pairs about one-third the distance from the margin to the center of the cup, so that only about twenty-six reach the central fossette. Length of a medium size individual % inch ; width of the cup across the greatest diameter % inch; in the opposite direction %6 inch. This species is closely related to Z. cakariformis, Hall, from the same horizon, (erroneously assigned by the author of the species to the Corniferous limestone,) but differs from that in its compressed, and more rapidly expanding form. Position and locality: Warsaw division of the St. Louis lime- stone, Coalsburg, Ky. Collector, E. O. Ulrich. No. 2573 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS LANCEOLATUS. (sp. nov.) PL X, Figs. 4-la. Corrallum small, pointed at the lower extremity, com pressed, lanceolate, widening regularly from the pointed extremity to the upper margin of the cup; septal fossette well developed, and ranged in direction with the greatest diameter of the cup. Lamellae twenty-two to twenty-four, all reaching to the border of the septal fossette. Length of an average size specimen 13/i0inch; breadth across the greatest diameter of the cup, %« inch; the broadest speci- men seen measured in length 10/iG inch; breadth of cup across its greatest diameter, °/16 inch; in the opposite direction, °/ln inch. Position and locality: Warsaw beds of the St. Louis group, Spergen Hill, Indiana, and Coalsburg, Ky. Collector, E. O. Ulrich. No. 2572 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 77 /Al'HKKNTIS ILI.1NOIEXSI8. (sp. DOV.) PL IX, Figs. 4^4a. Corrallum very broadly turbiuate, cup oblique, surface marked •veral transverse undulating ridges and numerous longi- tudinal stria-. Septal fossette deep and situated on the side of least curvature; lateral fossettes narrower but distinct, separat- ing The lamelhe into three well marked divisions, the two on either side of the septal fossette consist of ten or eleven each, and the other of twenty-eight, making thirty-eight to forty primary lamelhe in the entire cup. This species was evidently sessile, and was attached near the lower extremity to some cylindrical body, the scar of attach- ment being visible on nearly all the individuals seen. Length of a large individual 2% indies : breadth of cup 2Vi« inches; depth of the same about 1 inch. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone. Warsaw, and near Plymouth. Hancock Co., 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. NO. 2.~>G2 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS SPERGENENSIS. (sp. nov.) PL X, Figs. 8-8a. Corallum small, tnrbinate. straight or slightly curved at the lower extremity. Surface striated longitudinally, and charac- terized by numerous short spines irregularly distributed over the entire corallum. Cup circular and proportionally rather dec].: septal fossette well defined, with a narrow lateral fosset te on cither side, separating; the lamella* into three divisions. Primary lamelke twenty-two, with about an equal number of ondary order, the latter coalescing with the others at about half the distance from the border of the cup to the cen- ter. On each sidfi-of the septal fossette, and between that and the lateral foe there are five primary and five secondary lamella-, that coalesce into one before reaching the center of the cup. Length of a medium size specimen % inch : breadth of cup, % inch: depth of the same, 3/16 inch. 78 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: This little coral is common in the Warsaw beds at Spergen Hill, Indiana, and at Warsaw, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2574 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS VAKSOVIENSIS. (sp. nov.) PL X. Figs. 9-9a. Corallum small, turbinate, pointed below, and slightly curved; epitheca thin, external stria? distinct ; height of corallum 1 inch; breadth of cup, 7/ie inch; depth of the same, % inch. Septal fossette nearly central, and extended on the side of greatest curvature; primary lamellae comparatively strong, and numbering about twenty-six, all reaching the thickened border of this septal fossette. Position and locality: This symmetrical little species is quite common in the Keokuk limestone, at Warsaw, Hamilton, Nnu- voo and Keokuk. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2557 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS CYLINDRACEUS. (sp. nov.) PL IX, Figs. 5-5a. Corallum long, cylindrical, slightly curved, tapering at the lower extremity. Surface marked by numerous transverse un- dulations and fine longitudinal striae. Cup shallow', the center slightly elevated as in the genus Anisophyllum. Septal fossetle situated on the side of least curvature, and not reaching to the center of the cup. Lamellae about thirty-two to thirty-four, which coalesce in several groups before reaching the central elevation. Length, 2% inches; breadth of cup % inch. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Chester, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2561 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHRENTIS REVERSA. (sp. nov.) Coral very broadly turbinate, the length being but little more than the breadth of the cup; moderately curved, epitheca thin and interspersed with numerous rather stout spiniform points, INVERTEBRATES. 79 irregularly distributed over the whole surface; cup nearly cir- cular, moderately profound: fossette large and situated on the side of greatest curvature: lamella? about forty-four, those on either side of the fossette to the number of about ten coalescing before reaching the center of the cup. This species may be distinguished from the large allied forms by tin.1 size and position of the septal fossette. Height.. 1°/1(, inches; breadth of cup, 1% inches. Position and locality: Warsaw division of the St. Louis group, near Columbia, Monroe Co., 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2567 of the Illinois State Museum. ZAPHREXTIS PARASITIC A. (sp. nov.) PL X, Figs. 5-5a. Corallum small, truncated at the lower extremity, slightly expanded and compressed: breadth of the calice a little more than the length: surface marked with strong longitudinal striae: septal fossette comparatively large, central, extending laterally on the side of greatest curvature; about twenty strong lamella? extend from the border to the central fossette. Calice deep, and irregularly ovate in form. Length 3/1(. inch; greatest breadth of calice about % inch. The specimen figured is parasitic on the ventral valve of Pro- diH-tus pyxiflatus. Position and locality: Kinderhook group. Clarksville, Mo. Collector. A. H. Worthen. Xo. 2571 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS LOPHOPHYLLUM, Ed. & Haime. LOPHOPHYLLUM PROFUNDUM. (sp. HOV.) PL X. Figs. 1-l-Ma. Corallum turbinate, straight or curved, tapering regularly to a pointed base: epitheca thin ; surface marked by a few distinct encircling wrinkles, and numerous longitudinal striae. Calice circular and deep, frequently occupying one-half the entire length of the corallum: columella prominent, pointed and lanceolate: 80 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. lamellae about fifty, each alternate one comparatively robust, and extending to the bottom of the calice, while the others become obsolete before reaching the bottom. Length of an average size specimen % inch; breadth of calice °/10; depth of the same 7/i« inch. Position and locality: Coal measures. Lower division of the LaSalle limestone, LaSalle, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2565 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS ANISOPHYLLUM. Edwards & Haime. ANISOPHYLLUM? IOVAENSIS. (sp. iiov.) PL IX, Fig. 7. Corallum rather narrowly turbinate, slightly curved and pointed at the extremity. Central node prominent. No clearly defined septal fossett can be seen. Lamellae about thirty, three of which are elevated above the bottom of the cup, dividing it in four unequal divisions. Height 1% inches ; width of cup % inch ; depth of the same % inch. I am not aware that any examples of the above named genus have hitherto been found in carboniferous strata, and hence refer the above described species to Anisophyllum with some doubt. It seems to be clearly distinct from Zaphrentis, and its affinities seem to be with the above named genus. In some respects it resembles the species described under the name Zaphrentis cylindraceus, from the Chester limestone, but differs from that in its shorter form, more elevated central node, and in the possession of three elevated lamellae. Position and locality. Calcareous shales of the St. Louis limestone, Pella, Iowa. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2568 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. GENUS TRACHYPORA. Edw. & Haime. TKACHYPOKA AUSTIN:, (n. sp.) PI. XI, Figs. 1-la. Ib. Ic, Id. Corallum deiidroid, the branches generally cylindrical, some- times irregular, from 15 to 25 rnm. in diameter, and infre- quently divided. Corallites conical, diverging- from an imagi- nary axial line to open on all parts of the free surface. The calices all oval or circular, very variable in size, the larger ones about 1.1 mm. in diameter, and either level with the general surface, or with an elevated margin. Each orifice is adorned with small tubercles or short ridges arranged in a radiate manner around the calice margin. Openings of the rorallites separated by dense calcareous tissue, of variable thick- ness, but apparently always as wide ais, or wider than the diameter of the tube orifices. Sections show that the tubes are prismatic and in contact uith each other, that their walls are greatly thickened by a calcareous deposit on the inner side of the tubes, and that the amount of the thickening increases toward the orifices. Mural pores of large size are present, but apparently not numerous. Tab uke are best developed in the axial region, where they cross the tube cavity at intervals equalling once or twice the diam- eter of the tubes. Tangential sections show that the corallile cavities are surrounded by blunt, thick septal ridges. The walls are now composed of fibre-crystalline calcite, and the change lias destroyed the finer details of structure. In all important respects the species here described resembles the Trachypora ornata, Rorninger sp., from the Hamilton gr. and I do not think any reasonable objection can be urged against placing them in the same genus. Specifically they are quite distinct, the corallum of Romiuger's species being much smaller, the calices less variable in size and not so prominently margined, nor are the interspaces so thick. Position and locality: Coal Measures. Labette Co., Kansas. Collector, A. C. Austin. No. 2596 of the Illinois State Museum, -10 82 PALEONTOLOGY OP^ ILLINOIS. (JKxrs AMPLKXUS. Sowci-hy. AMPLEXIS GKXICULATUS. (sp. nov.) PI. X, Fig?.. 7-7a. Coral cylindrical above the geniculate portion and pointed below, and abruptly bent about half an inch above the lower extremity so as to form nearly a right angle with the upper part of the coral. Cup comparatively deep; lamellae twenty -four or more; septal fossette not distinct on the specimens in lunid ; septa rather thicker than the intervening spaces. Surface marked by a few undulating transverse ridges, and numerous longitudinal striae. Its geniculate character alone will serve to readily distinguish this species from any other known in the carboniferous rocks. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Pope county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 256G of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 83 PAL.EOCRINOIDEA. Wachs, and Spr, GENUS BATOCRINUS, Casseday. BATOORINUS MONTGOMERYENSIS. (sp. nov.) PL XII, Figs. 2-2a. Batocrinus montgomeryensis, Worthen, March. 1884. Bui etin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 25. Body below the arms spreading into a saucer-like form, more than twice as wide as high, and composed of slightly convex granulose plates. Dome inflated, nearly twice as long as the body below,, and composed of nearly flat plates, each of which has a small obtusely pointed node in the center. Ventral tube central and apparently rather slender. Basals short and forming a projecting rim around the colum- nar facet. First radial series 3X5; the first one hexagonal or heptagonal, nearly twice as wide as long. The second is quad- rangular, about the same length as the first, and two-thirds as wide; the third wider than long, axillary, and supporting the first of the secondary series. The anterior ray has three second- ary radials in each division. In the postero-lateral rays, the secondary radial series consists of five plates, three on one side and two on the other, the second plate on one side being an axillary plate which supports on each side the tertiary radials. The antero-lateral rays have two series of secondary radials, consisting of two plates each, the upper one of which is axillary, and supports a double series of tertiary radials. This gives an arm formula of two arms to the anterior ray, three each to the postero-lateral rays, and four each to the antero-laterals. First anal plate as wide as long, heptagonal, supporting three plates above in the first series, five in the second, and three in the third, the middle one of the last series projecting about one- half its length above the others. 84 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. First interradial about as large as the first anal, and supports twojmialler interradials above. This species in its general form resembles Batocrinus biturbina- tus, but the body is more spreading below the arms, the dome is more inflated, with flat nodose instead of convex plates. Arm openings directed upward. Position and locality : Keokuk limestone, Montgomery county, Indiana. Collection of A. H. Worthen. BATOCRINUS SUBCONICUS. (sp. nov.) PI. XIII, Figs. 4-ia. Batocrimts sulconicus, Worthen. March, 1881. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois Stato Museum of Natural History, p. 20. There is another form occurring near the same horizon as the preceding, which resembles it somewhat in general form, but possesses characters that render it clearly distinct. The calyx is more expanded in proportion to its height than that of Ji. montgomeryensis, and is composed of flat instead of convex plates, with no projecting rim formed by the basal plates as in that species. The dome is obtusely conical, composed of convex plates, and twice as long as the calyx below the arms, sloping up regularly and symmetrically into a rather stout, central ventral tube. The calyx below the a,rms is nearly four times as wide as high, with the arm openings directed outward, and arm formula about the same as in B. montgomeryenxis,. The specimen is so highly silicified that the form and number of Ilic secondary /ir> mcn in Di- ameter at the base. These long spiniferous plates probably sur- round the anal opening. Above this the plates are less massive and diminish in size to the apex. This fine species is only found in the Keokuk limestone, and for the use of the specimen figured I am indebted to Mr. L. A. Cox, of Keokuk, by whom it was kindly presented to the nuthor. GENUS POTERIOCRINUS, Miller. POTERIOORINUS SPINULIPERUS. (sp. UOV.) PL XIV, Fig. 3. Poteriocrinus spinnUferns, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 27. Body of medium size, short, width three times as great as the height to the top of the first radials; base depressed, under- basals small and concealed under the first columnar joint. Col- umn obscurely pentagonal near its upper extremity, becoming round below, slender and composed of alternate thin and thicker joints near the base, beyond which it is unknown. INVERTEBRATES. 87 Basal plates forming a flat disk with slightly curving angles above and below, so that the body if detached would rest on the central portion of these plates. First radials short, penta- gonal, twice as wide as high, angular below to fill the depres- sions between the basals. Under a good lens they show rude striations around their lower borders, with a slight depression in the upper margin, forming a well defined suture between them and the second radials. Second radial series on four of the rays as long as their greatest breadth below, angular in front, and compressed at the sides, the apex produced into a rather prom- inent node, and support on the upper angles the first divisions of the rays. The right antero-lateral ray divides again on the sixth plate, and again on the sixth and twelfth, while the left antero-lateral divides the second time on the sixth plate, and the outer division again on the seventh or eighth plate, while the inner one continues simple beyond the second bifurcation. The anterior ray has five radial plates, the first correspond- ing in form and size with those of the other rays, the second is quadrangular, longer than wide, narrower above than below, the third and fourth are quadrangular, about half as long as wide, the fifth is about as long as wide, axillary and produced into a strong node like the axillary plates of the other rays. The right division of this ray divides again on the tenth plate, while the left continues single as far as it is preserved. All the axillary plates of the arms are nodose, and longer than the others, which are slightly wedge-formed and give off strong pinnules from their longer sides. Position and locality: Chester limestone, near Columbia, Mon- roe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2492 of the Illinois State Museum. POTERIOCUIXUS ULRICHI. (sp. 11OV.) PI. XVII, Fig. 2. Calyx below the second radial plates cup shaped, about twice as wide as high. Base concave, and underbasals concealed by the column. Basals on the posterior side pentangular slightly projecting on their upper margins, leaving a well defined suture between them and the second radials. The second radials are 88 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. about twice as long as wide, strongly constricted in the middle and sharply angular above. Arms two to each of the posterior rays, the only ones pre- served in the specimen in hand, composed of long rounded joints, arranged in a somewhat zigzag position, and decreasing in length towards their extremities. Pinnules strong. Anal plates arranged as usual in this genus, and united above to form a slender ventral tube, only the lower portion of which is visible. Column round, composed of short pieces that decrease in diameter as the distance from the base increases. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone", Keokuk, Iowa. No. 337 of Mr. L. A. Cox's collection. I take pleasure in dedicating this pretty species to my friend Mr. E. O. Ulrich of Newport, Ky. ELSAHENS1S. (sp. 11OV.) PI. XIV, Fig. 5. Calyx obconical, with straight gradually expanding sides. Base truncated, the under basals forming a shallow cup about three times as wide as high. Basals large, the two on the anal side heptagoual, the others a little smaller and pentagonal or hexagonal. First radials rather smaller than the basals, pentagonal, and excavated on their upper borders for the reception of the second- ary radials. Anal plates three, the first nearly as large as both the others, and situated as is usual in this genus, the first resting between the basals, the second resting on the summit of the left pos- terior radial, and the third on the summit of the first. Secondary radials, arms and column unknown. Position and locality: Kinderhook group near Elsah, Jersey county, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2560 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 89 POTERlorUl.NTS XODOHASA US. (sp. UOV.) PL XII, Figs. 3-3a, and PI. XIII, Pig. 6. Calyx short, forming- a broad shallow cup below the brachial series. Fnder basals visible around the column where they form a small five-rayed star. Base depressed, basals prominent, and projecting- below so as to form short transverse nodes. Radials short, twice- as wide as long, pentagonal, and truncated squarely across their upper margins. Brachials one to each ray. pentagonal, rather larger than the radials. wider than long and supporting on their upper angles the first arm plates. On the left antero-lateral ray. both divisions bifurcate again, one division on the second, and the other on the fifth plate, beyond which they appear to be simple to their extremities. Anal plates five visible, arranged as is usual in this genus. Column composed of thin pieces, and pentagonal where it joins the body. Position and locality: St. Louis limestone, Monroe county, Illinois. Collector, Henry Tolbot, Esq. No. iTtTT of the Illinois State Museum. PoTKIUOCRIXrS BUFFALOEXSIS. (sp. 1IOV.) PL XII, Fig. 1. Calyx small, obconic below the summit of the radial plates. or about once and a half as wide as high. Basals small, pointed above, forming a low pentagonal cup. Badials two on each of the two rays visible, the first pentagonal wider than high : the second quadrangular, and about twice as wide as high. Brachials pentagonal, wider than high, pointed above, and supporting on their upper sloping sides the first arm phn • Arm two to each of the rays visible, composed of rather stout joints that are longer than wide, and project slightly at their upi>er inner margins where they support stout pinnul Anal series unknown. —11 90 PAL.KX OTOLOGY OF ILLI N< >IS. Column rather stout where it joins the body, composed of slightly projecting plates that diminish gradually in size below. Position and locality : Devonian shales, Buffalo, Iowa. Collection of A. H. Worthen. POTERIOCRINTJS ROWLEYI. (sp. 11OV.) PI. XIV, Fig. !>. Calyx short, cup shaped, twice as wide as high, with a well defined suture betwreen the radial and brachial series. Brachials on the anterior ray two, a little longer than wide. the first quadrangular, and the second pentagonal, giving sup- port on its upper angles to the first arm plates. These arms continue single after their first bifurcation. The right antero-lateral and the left postero-lateral rays, have but one brachial each, which is pentagonal, length and breadth nearly equal, and gives support to the first division of the rays. These divisions bifurcate again on the fourth plate, giving four arms to each of these rays. Arms stout for a species of this size, composed of joints about as wide as high, gradually tapering to their extremities. Anal side not visible. Column round, and composed of alternately thick and thinner pieces, the former slightly projecting. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Monroe county, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen, No. 2575 of the Illinois State Museum. Named in honor of Mr. R. R. Rowley, of Louisiana, Mo. POTERIOCRINUS SPINULIFERUS. (sp. 11OV.) PI. XVII, Figs. 1-la. Body short, saucer shaped, about three times as wide as high, and composed of rather massive plates separated by well-defined sutures. Base depressed, and uuder-basals concealed in the basal de- pression. Basals proportionally stout, pentagonal, the lower angles curving into the basal depression. Radials short and pentagonal, truncated squarely on their upper margins for the INVERTEBRATES. 91 reception of the succeeding- plates. Brachials one each to the posterior and antero-lateral rays, while the anterior ray has four. The first brachial on this ra3' is about as long' as wide, quadrangular, and like the corresponding plate on the other rays, is constricted, rounded on the outer surface, and succeeded by two short plates, the upper one giving- support to a nodose axillary plate on which the first division of the ray takes place. In this ray the outer division bifurcates a.gain on the tenth plate, but the inner continues single as far as it is preserved. The right antero-lateral ray bifurcates the second time on the sixth plate, and both divisions again on the sixth to the eleventh plate above, giving eight divisions to this ray. The left antero-lateral ray has its first bifurcation on the sixth plate, the inner division dividing again on the eighth plate, the outer one continuing single as far as it can be seen, giving but six divisions to this ray. The poster o-lateral rays bifurcate in the same manner as the left antero-lateral ray, giving six divisions to each of these rays, and twenty-nine to the entire animal. The rays are composed of rather short, wedge-shaped pieces, that decrease very gradually in width towards their extremities. Five anal plates are visible, the two lower ones resting appar- ently on one of the basals, an appearance that is probably due to the partial displacement of the body plates by pressure. Column round or slightly pentagonal, and composed of alter- nate thin and thicker joints. This crinoid has the general form of Zeacrinus, as defined by \Vachsmuth and Springer, the only difference observable being the mode of bifurcation of the rays. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2492 of the Illinois State Museum. POTERKH KINTS MAMM.KFOHMIS. (sp. UOV.) Body small, obconic or mamilhpform below the base of the arms and squarely truncated below where it is united with the column. Under-basals long and narrow, slightly angular at their summits, forming a little cup about once and a half as wide as high. Basals scarcely as long as the under-basals, but wider, probably hexagonal and heptagonal. Primary radials two, the 92 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. first nearly quadrangular, about twice as wide as high, the second narrower, angular above, and supporting the first divi- sion of the rays. Whether a second bifurcation takes place above this cannot be determined from the specimen in hand, but one arm is preserved to the ninth plate without division. Anal series unknown. Column composed of thin circular plates, with a, thicker one intei'ealated at intervals of six to eight plates below its summit. The only example of this species \ve have seen is too much crushed for a complete diagnosis to be given, but its mamillate form, and long under-basals, will serve to distinguish it from any species known from this horizon. Position and locality: Warsaw beds of the St. Louis forma- tion, Warsaw, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2."i78 of the Illinois Stale Museum. (iK\rs CALCKOCRTNUS. Hall. CALCEOCRINUS ROBUSTTS. (sp. nov.) PI. XII, Fig. 7. Calyx subqnadrate with the upper lateral angles truncated and sides constricted. Basal plate triangular, about three times as wide as high. Lower dorsal plate triangular, .of about the same width as the basal, and beveled below to fit the basal plate. Dorso-lateral pieces twice as wide as high, with the upper inner angles truncated for the reception of the succeeding plate. Upper dorsal plate triangular, about once and a half as wide as high, and slightly rounded at the lateral angles. Dorsal arm robust, composed of six stout first radial plates, the upper of which is axillary, giving support to the secondary series of which there are three, the upper one an axillary plate supporting the arms. The outer division continues single while the inner one divides on the third or fourth plate, giving six arms to this ray. Lateral rays five, four of which are nearly equal in size, the fifth quite small, and not preserved beyond the first bifurcation. The first radial plate in the lateral rays is twice as long as wide, that of the first lateral resting obliquely on the excavated outer INVERTEBRATES. 93 angle of the dorso-lateral pieces. This is succeeded by a series of radials so thoroughly anchylosed that the exact number can- not be determined, two of which are protuberant, including the axillary plate. One division of the ray probably divides again, but the other remains single to its extremity. Column round, comparatively rather stout, and composed of slightly projecting pieces. The specimen is silicious, and the surface markings, if any existed, are thus obscured. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone. Keokuk, Iowa. Collection of Mr. L. A. Cox. CAT/'KorKi\rs TUXK'ATrs, Hall, sp. PI. XII, Fig. 6. Calyx less massive than in the preceding species, basal plate triangular, and about twice as wide as high. Lower dorsal plate short, or about three times as wide as high. Dorso-lateral plate six-sided, with a strong constriction on ther outer lateral borders, and their inner angles truncated above for the recep- tion of the upper dorsal plate. This plate is triangular, about twice as wide as high, and slightly protuberant. The three first plates of the dorsal ray are shorter than the six succeeding ones, which are a little wider than long, and slightly protuberant. The ninth plate is axillary, and supports the arms, which ap- pear to be simple to their extremities. Lateral rays five, of which only four are well preserved. First radial series in these rays eight, including the long narrow series that is arranged somewhat obliquely around the lateral sides of the calyx. One or two of these in each ray, including the ax- illary plate, are protuberant. Arms single above the first di- vision on all the rays visible. We refer this form to the species described in the Thirteenth Report to the Regents of the N. Y. University, under the name of Cheirocrinm tunicatus. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Keokuk, Iowa. Collection of Mr. L. A. Cox. 94 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. GENUS AGARICOCRINUS. Troost. AGAKICOCRINUS NODULOSUS. (sp. nov.) PL XIII, Figs. l-la. Calyx of medium size, base deeply depressed, the basal de- pression including; the basals, first radials, and the lower part of the second radial plates. All the plates in the basal depres- sion are smoother, and all above are strongly nodose. This species has a tertiary series of radials, smaller than the second- ary, giving; support to the first arm plates, which are also nodose. Dome pyramidal, with a series of large, strongly nodose, plates immediately above the arm bases, the number of which is de- termined by the number of arms in the ray. When the ray has four arms, there are three of these plates, two immediately above the base of the arms, and the third above and partly between those below. When the ray has three arms, there are two of these plates, and over the anterior ray, which has but two arms, there is only a single large plate. These plates are succeeded by about three rows of smaller plates, that extend up to the large apical plate which crowns the summit. Anal opening small, and situated just below the apical plate. The anterior ray has two arms, the right anterior and t\vo pos- terior rays four each, and the left anterior three, making seven- teen altogether, which is probably an abnormal number. This species may be distinguished from A. americanus, by its tertiary radials, and by the strongly nodose character of all the plates of the calyx, except those included in the basal de- pression. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Keokuk, Iowa. Collector, Mr. L. A. Cox. Collection of A. H. Worthen. AGARICOCRINUS MACADAMSI. (sp. nov.) PL XIII, Figs. 2-2a. Calyx large, strongly inflated above the arms, and depressed below, the basal depression including -the entire basal and radial series. INVERTEBRATES. I>asals and first radials smooth, second radials and succeed- ing arm plates slightly nodose. The anterior and left anterior rays have three arms each, and the right anterior and the two posterior rays four each, making altogether eighteen arms, which is probably the normal number. Immediately above the arm openings there are from three to four rather large nodose plates, while those forming the upper part of the dome are smooth or but slightly elevated in the center. Anal area large, protuberant, and composed of twenty-four or more nearly smooth plates, above which the anal opening is situated. The basal and radial plates are obscured by cherty material, so that their relative size and form cannot be determined. \Ve dedicate this fine species to the Hon. Wm. McAdams, of Alton, by whom it was found. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Jersey county, Illi- nois. Collection of A. H. Wortheu. GENUS CENTROCRINUS. Wachsm. and Spr. CKNTKOCKLXUS TEXNESSEEXSIS. (sp. nov.) PI. XIV, Fig. 1. Calyx broadly turbinate, breadth at the base of the arms equal to once and a half its height. The basal plates form a low pentagonal cup, about twice as wide as high, with projecting lower borders, which form a rim around the columnar facet. The first radial plate is as large or larger than the second and third combined, and has seven distinct angles. Second radials quadrangular, about twice as wide as long; third radials about the same size as the second, axillary, and supporting the succeeding radial series, which in rays visible on our specimen consists of a single axillary plate, giving four arms to each ray. One long oval plate fills each of the interradial spaces on the free side of the specimen in hand. The arms are not preserved beyond the fifth or sixth joint, and the fifth plate on one arm seems to be an axillary plate. '.)<> PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and possibly a second division takes place in all the arms in perfect individuals. Arms as far as can be seen, composed of short quadrangular joints, about twice as wide as long. Column round, and composed of alternately thick and thinner joints, the former slightly projecting. Position and locality: Niagara limestone, near Clifton, Wayne county, Tennessee. Collection of A. H. VVorthen. GENUS AMPHORACRINUS. Austin. AMPHOKACRINUS JEKSEYENSIS. (sp. nov.) PI. XIV, Figs. 8-8a. Calyx short, the radial series spreading laterally so as to form a low shallow cup, more than three times as wide as the height to the base of the arms. The basal plates project slightly below, so as to form a rim around the columnar facet. The specimen in hand has an abnormal structure, the anterior ray being obsolete. The right posterior and the left anterior divisions of the calyx have the normal number of three radials to each ray; while the left posterior and the right anterior divisions have but two radials each, the second being as large or larger than the first and supporting the first arm plates. Anal plates three, the first hexagonal, the second smaller and quadrangular, resting upon the first, with two larger anals on either side which rest partly on the lateral sides of the first radials, and partly on the first anal plate. Above these four anals, there are six "slightly protuberant plates arranged around a small anal opening. In the normal divisions of the calyx there is a single large in- ter radial plate. On the anterior side there are four plates rather larger than the first four on the anal side, and arranged in the same manner. Summit composed of numerous nodose plates, a massive one crowning the summit, as in some species of Agaricocrimm. The specimen has six arms, one each to the posterior, and two each to the antero-lateral rays. Position and locality: Kinderhook group, Jersey county. Collector, A. H. Wort hen. No. 2582 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 97 ,„ inch: greatest breadth 9/le inch. This species resembles in its general form the L. mrtiloides of the Coal Measures, but differs from that in its uniformly much larger size and relative proportions. Hare, and hitherto found only in the Warsaw beds of the St. Louis group at Warsaw and near Hamilton, 111. Collector. A. H. Wort hen. No. 2495 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS SPIKIFEKA. Sowerby. SPIHIFERA MLXTIGRAXOSA. (sp. nov.) PL XI, Figs. 5-oa, 5b. Shell of medium size, ventral valve strongly convex, length a little more than the width: hinge line about equal in length to the greatest width of the valve. Beak strongly arched, and re- curved beyond the cardinal area. A profound sinus commences at the beak, and gradually widens and deepens to the frontal border where it occupies about one- third of the entire width of the valve. There are two rather obscure costte on each side of the sinus, one of which extends nearly to the beak, while the other becomes obsolete about half way from the frontal margin to the beak. On each side of the sinus there are from 8 to 10 unequal sized rounded plications that are wider than the intervening spaces. Cardinal area moderately wide. Dorsal valve less convex than the ventral, beak depressed, in- curved, and not projecting beyond the hinge line, area narrow. A strong mesial fold commences at the beak with a rather broad flat cost a. having a central depression that continues to the frontal margin. On each side of this there is an obscure costa, that becomes obsolete before reaching the beak. The two first plications on each side of the mesial fold are much stronger than those on the lateral borders. The entire surface of the shell is thickly set with small granules. -13 106 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Coal measures, Rolls Ford, Sangamon county. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2597 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS ORTHIS. Dalman. ; ORTHIS RESUPINOIDES. Cox. PI. XI, Figs. 4-4a,4b. Shell transversely ovate to subquadrate in outline, hinge line straight, and scarcely more than half as long as the greatest breadth of the shell; cardinal angles rounded, cardinal area narrow, and widest on the dorsal valve. Dorsal valve depressed, convex towards the beak, and strongly depressed at the front, giving a sinuous outline to the frontal margin. Ventral valve convex, the greatest convexity rather nearer the beak than the front. Beaks depressed, incurved, and pro- jecting slightly beyond the hinge line. Surface of the valves marked by numerous fine thread-like stride, and several transverse lines of groAvth. This shell is so closely allied to Martin's species, O. rexupinata,, that it can hardly be regarded as specifically distinct. The only external differences observable, on a comparison of the American with authentic examples of the European shell are, the compara- tively shorter hinge line and somewhat finer striae of the Ameri- can shell. Position and locality: Lower Coal Measures, Mercer county, Illinois. Collector, Tyler McWhorter, Esq. No. 2600 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES, 107 LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. GENUS LEPTODOMUS. McCoy. LEPTODOMIS? MAI;. NTS. Worthen. PI. XYIII, Fig. 2. Schizodus magnus, Worthen. March, 1884, Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 9. Shell large, ovate sub-quadrangular, convex, the greatest con- vexity being about half-way from the beaks to the ventral mar- gin; anterior extremity comparatively long and broadly rounded, posterior side about once and a half the length of the anterior, obliquely flattened behind the beaks with a well defined umbonal ridge extending diagonally from the beak to the posterior ex- tremity of the ventral margin. Dorsal margin straight from the beaks to the obliquely truncated posterior margin. Beaks long, strongly recurved, and projecting about % of an inch beyond the dorsal margin. Length 7/i6 inches; height 2%6 inches; convexity of the valve about % inch. This is from one of the upper divisions of the Chester lime- stone, about two miles below the mouth of Mary's river, Ran- dolph county; 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2498 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS SCHIZODUS. King. SCHIZODUS VARSOVIENSIS. Worthen. PL XIX, Fig. 7. Schizodus varsoviensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 10. Shell of medium size, transversely ovate, moderately convex in the anterior and umbonal regions, cuneate posteriorly ; anter- 108 PAL/EONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS, ior side very short and regularly rounded; basal margin form- ing a very gentle curve that is most prominent near the anterior margin; posterior extremity contracted and narrowly rounded; dorsal margin nearly straight, beaks 'depressed, incurved and located about one-third the length of the shell from the anterior margin. Surface markings unknown. Length of an internal cast in limestone 1% inches; height of same % inch, convexity about % inch. This species may be readily distinguished from S. cliesterpnsis, which it approaches in size and form, by its relative proportions and more depressed beaks. Position and locality: The upper part of the Keokuk lime- stone, Warsaw, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2500 of the Illinois State Museum. SCHIZODTJS NAUVOOENSIS. WortllPll. PL XX, Fig. 3. Schizodiis nauvooensis, Worthen, Match, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 10. This shell is only known from a cast of a single valve in lime- stone, but it differs so decidedly from all others of this genus, that it may be readily characterized as follows: Shell above the medium size, obliquely sub-ovate, rather strongly convex from the beak obliquely downward for about half the length of the valve, and thence gradually depressed to the ventral margin, anterior extremity regularly rounded from the dorsal to the ventral margin, posterior side oblique, the marginal line curving in below the beak; ventral margin not entire, beak pointed, elevated and incurved, and situated near the anterior margin, surface markings unknown. A well-defined ovate muscular scar is conspicuous just below the beak, and near the anterior border of the shell. Length from the beak to the ventral margin measuring obli- quely, 2 inches; greatest breadth !•% inches. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Nauvoo, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2499 of the Illinois State Museum. [OTERTEBRATE8. 109 SCHIZODUS DEPRESS!-*. Worthen. PI. XVIII, Fig*. S-«a. Schizodus depresses, Worthen, March. 18&4. Bulletin No. 2. of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page II. Shell below the medium size, transversely ovate, .slightly con- vex, beak depressed, posterior extremity cuneate, anterior ex- tremity regularly rounded into the semi-ovate curve of the basal region. Posterior side a little longer than the anterior, and rather sharply rounded at the extremity : dorsal margin rapidly sloping towards the anterior extremity; surface smooth. Length of an average size specimen 9/16 inch; height from beak to basal margin " li; inch: convexity of the valves about % inch. This species may be readily distinguished from all previously described species by its generally depressed form. Position and locality: Oolitic beds of the St. Louis group, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2520 of the Illinois State Museum. Si Hizoors? ciRruLrs. Wort hen. PI. XIX. Fig. 1. circulus. Worthen. March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 11. Ill the collection from the oolitic beds of Monroe county, there are three or four detached valves of a small shell, that are doubt- fully referred to the genus Scbizodus, and which may be charac- terized as follows: Shell small, nearly circular in outline, slightly inequilateral, valves slightly convex, beaks depressed, and extending slightly beyond the cardinal border. A very slight umbonal ridge is apparent on some of the specimens that becomes obsolete before reaching the basal margin. Surface smooth. Height from beak to base "/•,« inch: length % inch. This shell resembles the form figured and described by Prof. M'-i'uy in his "Synopsis of the Garb. Fossils of Ireland," PI. XI, fig. 13, but is much more nearly circular than his Dolabra orbi- cnlaris. 110 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Oolitic beds of the St. Louis group, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2521 of the Illinois State Museum. SCHIZODUS ULRICHI. (sp. 11OV.) PL XXI. Figs. 1-la. Ib. PL XX. Fig. 9. Shell above a medium size, ovate, valves moderately com- pressed; beaks strongly incurved forward, and situated a little less than one-half the length of the shell from the anterior mar- gin. Anterior border evenly rounded up from the basal margin to the beaks. Hinge line short ; basal margin rather long, and gently curving behind to the rather narrow posterior extrem- ity. Lunule clearly denned, but not deep. A slightly elevated umbonal ridge extends from the beaks to the posterior extrem- ity. Surface smooth except some faint lines of growth near the basal margin. Anterior adductor muscular scar nearly circular, and situated about half way from the beak to the base of the anterior mar- gin; posterior muscular scar not so well defined, and situated about equi-distant from the beaks to the posterior extremity. Length of a specimen of average size, l9/ie inches; breadth from the beaks to the cardinal border 1% inches ; thickness with the valves united 1 inch. This shell has been confounded with S. wheeleri, Swallow sp. but differs from that shell as usually figured in its larger size, depressed umbonal slopes and ovate outline. Position and locality : Upper Coal Measures, Fairfield, Wayne county, Illinois. No. 2584 of the Illinois State Museum. SCHIZODUS RANDOLPHENSIS. (sp. nOV.) PL XX, Fig. 12. Shell elongate ovate, truncated at the anterior extremity and narrowly rounded behind. Beak depressed, projecting beyond the hinge line, and situated close to the anterior extremity. INVERTEBRATES. Ill Hinge line about two-thirds as long as the valve with a wide cardinal area nearly equaling it in length. Basal area regularly curved from the truncated anterior margin to the posterior ex- tremity. Anterior muscular scar, situated close to the anterior extrem- ity, and about midway from the beak to the basal margin. Dorsal scar about twice as large a.s the anterior one, and located midway between the beak and the posterior extremity. Surface markings unknown. Length 2% inches: height about 1* 1H inches. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Chester, 111. Collector, A. H. Wort hen. No. 2590 of the Illinois Sun.- Museum. GENUS PINNA, Linnaeus. PINNA SAN< TI-LVDOVICI. Worthen. PL XIX, Fig. 6. Pinna St. Ludorici Worthen, 1883. GeoL Survey of Illinois Vol. VII, page 336. Shell comparatively short, lanceolate; length about twice MS much as the greatest width. Section ovate-elliptical, valves traversed longitudinally by about twelve to fifteen rather strong ribs that are most prominent on the middle portion of the shell, and become obsolete towards the ventral and dorsal margins. Spaces between the ribs narrow, beak unknown. Angle formed by the dorsal and ventral margins about 40°. This rare species is only known from a single specimen pre- served in chert, with both extremities wanting. It may be readily distinguished from P. inisfiouriensix. of the Chester lime- stone, and from any other species known in our carboniferous rocks, by its shorter form and greater proportional width. Position and locality: St. Louis limestone. Monroe county, Illinois. Collector, H. F. Henckler. No. 2490 of the Illinois State Museum. 112 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. GENUS CONOCARDIUM. Bronn. CONOOARDIUM PARRISHI. (sp. DOV.) PI. XX, Fig. 7. Shell obliquely triangular, hinge line straight, beaks depressed umbonal ridge elevated into a strong rounded fold with faint traces of fine striae towards the lower extremity. Anterior side evenly and rapidly sloping from the umbonal fold to the ex- tremity, and traversed by radiating costae only four or five of which extend to the hinge line, but increasing by division and implantation so that ten or more may be counted on the mar- gin of the shell, the one nearest the umbonal ridge being some- what stronger than the others. Posterior side flattened towards the extremity, and marked by eight or more flattened striae nearly all of which extend to the hinge line. Length about 5/i« inch. Position and locality: Oolitic limestone of the upper Coal Measures near Kansas City, Mo. Collector, W. J. Parrish, of Leavenworth, Kansas, to whom we have dedicated the species. No. 2605 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS AVICULOPECTEN. McCoy. AVICULOPECTEN ORESTES. Wortlieil. PI. XXII, Fig. 6. Aviculojirftcn (irt'xtea Worthen, March, 1884, Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural Hislory, page 18. Shell below the medium size, equilateral, broadly ovate when divested of the ears; hinge line about equal to the greatest breadth of the shell ; ears of moderate size and smooth or showing only faint lines of growth; lateral sides diverging for a short distance below the ears, and then broadly rounded into the basal border. Surface ornamented with about 18 to 20 even, stout, rounded ribs or costae, that are about twice as wide as the intervening spaces. INVERTEBRATES. 113 Length from beak to base 15/16 inch; breadth 1 inch; length of hinge line about % inch. This shell may be readily distin- guished from otlu-i-.- <>r.urring in the same horizon by its broad rounded cost*. Named in honor of my Mend Prof. Orestes St. John, of Topeka, Kan- Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Warsaw, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2504 of the Illinois State Museum. A vii TLOPECTEN NiOTENSis. Worthen. PL XXH. Fig. 10. Acteidopecten niotense Worthen, March, 18&4, Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 19. Shell large, orbicular, nearly or quite equilateral, length and breadth about equal, hinge line shorter than the greatest width of the shell. Left valve moderately convex, basal margin broadly and evenly rounded, anterior ear short, triangular, and separated from the lateral margin by a well-defined sinus. Pos- terior ear more than twice as long as the anterior, and pointed at the extremity. Surface of the valve ornamented with numer- ous fine radiating cost*?, of which about fourteen may be counted near the basal margin in the space of half an inch. These cost* appear to become obsolete on the ears and on the lateral borders of the shell. Length 2;\ inches; breadth about the same; length of hinge line about 2 inches. This shell may be readily distinguished from the .1. vansovi- ensis. described and figured in Vol. VII of these reports, by the much finer radiating cost* with which it is ornamented. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Niota, Hancock county, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2505 of the Illinois State Museum. 114 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. AVICULOPECTEN MONROENSIS. Worthen. PI. XXII, Fig. 8-8a. Aviculopecten monroensis Worthen, March, 1884, Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 21. Shell below the medium size, left valve moderately convex, sub-ovate or nearly circular below the ears, the lateral borders gradually rounding into the broadly rounded basal margin. Ears nearly equal in size and ornamented with five or six rad- iating costse similar to, and continuous with those on the body of the shell, and also with delicate concentric lines that are plainly visible under an ordinary lens. Surface of the valve or- namented with 60 to 70 irregular sized rounded costae that are usually a little wider than the intervening spaces, and fine transverse striaa similar to those on the ears, which are only visible under a lens. A right valve belonging apparently to this species is nearly flat, radiating costa? very fine, anterior ear longer than the other and defined by a deep narrow sulcus, and both ornamented with costse and concentric striae that are a litttle less conspicuous than those on the opposite valve. Length of left valve 1:1/16 inch; breadth about the same; length of hinge line °/16 inch. Position and locality: Oolitic beds of the St. Louis group, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2509 of the Illinois State Museum. AVICULOPECTEN TALBOTI. Worthen. PI. XXII, Fig, 11-lla. Aviculopecten talboti Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 21. Associated with the A. monroensis, there is a smaller form that seems to be clearly distinct, and may be characterized as follows : Shell small, broadly ovate in outline, left valve moderately convex, ears short and not well defined from the lateral bor- ders. Surface apparently smooth, but under a good lens min- ute radiating and concentric lines may be seen, which are most conspicuous on the ears and lateral borders of the shell. INVERTEBRATES. 115 Length of the largest individual seen % inch ; breadth about the same: length of hinge line about % of an inch. This form differs from the A. monroenxix in its smaller size and nearly smooth surface. Named in honor of my friend Henry Talbot, Ksq.. of Waterloo. Position and locality: Same as the last. Collector. A. H. Wort hen. No. 2510 of the Illinois State Museum. AvirrLopErTEN ELSAHE.vsis. "Worthen. PL XXII, Fig. 3. Aviculovecteii rlfahpnsit, Worthen, March, 18*4. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 19. Shell of medium size, left valve moderately convex, and ex- clusive of the pars presenting a slightly oblique sub-trigonal outline: hinge line equaling about two-thirds the greatest width of the valve: basal outline forming a somewhat oblique semi- circular curve; posterior margin straight from the base of the ear to the basal curve where the valve attains its greatest width. Anterior margin regularly rounded; anterior ear small and ob- tusely angular: posterior ear large, triangular, and sharply pointed at the extremity. Surface of the ears apparently with- out ornamentation. Surface of the shell ornamented with nu- merous radiating cost.e that increase by implantation, and are somewhat variable in size, being usually about equal to the in- tervening Spaces. Length I1" u- inches: breadth I11/™ inches: length of hinge line I1* inches. Position and locality: Kiuderhook group? half a mile above Elsah. Jersey county. 111. Collector. A. H. Worthen. No. 2506 of the Illinois State Museum. AvifTLOPEtTEN CHESTEREXSIS. Woi'theU. PI. XXI, Pig. 5-Sa. Aviculopecten chesterensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 20. Shell above the medium size, nearly equilateral, broadly ovate or semi-circular in outline, a little wider than long; left valve moderately convex, beak depressed and extending slightly be- 116 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. yond the cardinal border. Anterior ear broken away, posterior ear small and ornamented with fine lines of growths. Surface of the valve ornamented with 36 to 40 radiating unequal-sized costae the alternating ones nearly twice as wide as the others, and all traversed for more than half their length by smaller costoe which become obsolete before reaching the cardinal bor- der. Traces of numerous transverse striae are also visible where the surface of the shell is well preserved. Length 2% inches; breadth 2% inches. This shell is closely allied to A. provifk'iisis, Cox, sp. from the Coal Measures of Kentucky, but differs from that in its smaller and more numerous costap and transverse striae. Position and locality: Lower division of the Chester lime- stone, Chester, 111. Collector, Mrs. J. C. Salter. No. 2507 of the Illinois State Museum. AVICULOPECTEN SPINULIFERUS. Meek and Worthen. Pf XXII. Pig. 1. Aviculopecten spinuli ferns , Meek and Worthen. 1870, Pro. of the Acad. of Nat. Sc., Phila., and Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 20. Shell of medium size, inequilateral, obliquely ovate; left valve moderately convex, and ornamented with about fify angular spiuuliferous costoe, each alternate one being about twice as large as the others, the small ones coalescing with the large ones before reaching the cardinal border. Beak moderately elevated, and located about one-third nearer the anterior than the pos- terior termination of the hinge line. Anterior ear sharply tri- angular, about half as large as the posterior, and ornamented with three or more spiniferous costae similar to those on the body of the shell. Posterior ear large and not clearly defined from the lateral border, the spiuiferous costae extending without interruption to the cardinal border. Anterior lateral border neatly rounded from the sinus below the ear to the ventral border. Length measuring obliquely from the beak to the basal mar- gin l^/io inches; breadth 1% inches; length of hinge line 1% inches; posterior ear 15/le inch; anterior ear J1/1(. inch. Right valve unknown. Position and locality: Keokuk shale, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Collector, Frank H. Bradley. No. 2508 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 117 AVICULOPECTEN MAZONENSIS. (sp. nOV.) PL XXII. Pig. 9. Shell rather below medium size, ovate, slightty inequilateral; left valve moderately convex, the greatest convexity being about 2/5 the distance from the hinge line to the cardinal border. Hinge line straight, beak depressed, extending slightly bej^ond the hinge line, and situated a little forward of the middle. Ears nearly equal in size, triangular, and marked by about eight radiating costie, much smaller than those on the body of the shell. Anterior lateral border regularly rounded from the base of the~anterior ear to the cardinal border. Cardinal border regularly rounded; posterior lateral border nearly straight from the base of the posterior ear to the point where it joins the rounded cardinal border. Surface of the left valve ornamented with about thirty rounded costae on the cardinal border, which on the middle of the shell are about as wide as the intervening spaces, but unequal in size. A portion of the cost* becomes obsolete before reaching the hinge line. Length of a large individual l6/ie inches; breadth about the same; length of hinge line 1 inch. Position and locality: Coal Measures, Mazon creek, Grundy county, 111. No. 2952 of the Illinois State Museum. AVICULOPECTEN HARDINENSIS. (sp. nov.) PI. XXII, Figs. 5-5a. Shell of medium size, obliquely ovate in form, the length ex- ceeding by about one-tenth the lateral diameter. Basal and lateral margins regularly rounded. Left valve moderately convex, beak obtuse, hinge line straight, and equal in length to about four-fifths of the greatest lateral diameter. Anterior ear rather narrow, triangular, and sharply defined from the lateral border. Posterior ear broken away. Test thin and ornamented with longitudinal rays of which about four to five may be counted on the basal border in the space of one-fourth of an inch. The longitudinal rays are 118 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. crossed by rounded stria* about half the diameter of the rays, giving a strong reticulated character to the surface where the test is well preserved. Length 2% in., greatest breadth 2% inch., length of hinge line about 1% infix's. Position and locality: St. Louis limestone, Hardin county, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2951 of the Illinois State Museum. AVICULOPECTEN MAC-VVHORTERI. (sp. nOV.) PI. XXII, Fig. 4. Shell of medium size, inequilateral; obliquely sub-circular in outline, a little broader than long; hinge line about equal to the greatest breadth of the shell. Left valve moderately convex, in the umbonal region, and flattened towards the lateral and basal borders. Anterior ear narrow, and clearly defined: posterior ear broader, and not clearly defined from the postero-lateral border, and both orna- mented with rounded striae, similar to those on the body of the shell. Surface of the valve ornamented with about sixty to sixty-four rounded striae, each alternate one smaller than the others, and becoming obsolete about half way from the basal margin to the hinge line. Length 1% inches, greatest breadth 111/10 inches. Position and locality: Kinderhook group, Kinderhook, Pike county, 111. Dedicated to Tyler McWhorter, Esq., of Aledo, Mercer county, 111., in consideration of his meritorious services as an industrious collector of western fossils. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2583 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 119 AVICTJLOPECTEN coLLETTi. AVorthen. PI. XXII, Figs. 13 and 8b. Arii-iii/,(! inch; thickness n/i(5 inch. Position and locality: Coal measures, Mercer county, 111. Collector, Tyler McWhorter, I0s<|. No. 2586 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 123 GENUS MACRODON, Lycett. MACRODON SANGAMONENSIS. (sp. nov.) PL XXI, Figs. 3-3a. Shell large, transversely elongated, hinge line equal to about 4/s of the entire length of the shell. Posterior margin compressed and obliquely truncated, so as to meet the hinge line at a rather acute angle; posterior ex- tremity quite narrow, and rounding gently downward to the basal margin. Anterior margin regularly rounded from the anterior extrem- ity to the basal margin, which is slightly sinuous about the middle. Beak depressed, strongly incurved, and placed about one-fifth the length of the hinge line from the anterior extremity. A gradually widening depression extends from the beaks to the posterior extremity on the dorsal margin, and on this flat- tened portion six or seven strong striae may be seen, which ex- tend from the beak to the posterior extremity. Strong lines of growth extend around the basal margin, and minute transverse striae are visible under a lens, especially on the anterior portion of the shell. Length 2% inches; length of hinge 1% inches: height 15/1(. inch; convexity of valves 7/l6 inch. Position and locality: Coal Measures, Rolls Ford, Sangamon county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2585 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS PLEUROPHORITS, King. PLEUROPHCRUS CHESTERENSIS. Worthen. ri. XX, Fig. C. Pteurophoma chesterensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 16. Shell of medium size, nearly cylindrical when the valves are closed, almost three times as long as high, most strongly con- vex on the anterior half of tlic shell; cardinal margin straight 124 PAL/EONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and about equaling three-fourths the entire length of the valves; basal margin slightly sinuous near the middle; anterior ex- tremity broadly rounded and wider than the posterior; beaks depressed and located very near the anterior extremity. An ill-defined radiating ridge extends from behind the beaks obliquely to the posterior margin, between which and the car- dinal margin some indistinct traces of longitudinal costa1 may be seen. The specimen is a cast in limestone of both valves slightly displaced. Minute surface markings unknown. Length 19/10 inches, height from beak to base % inch. Position and locality: Chester limestone, Chester, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2501 of the Illinois State Museum. PLEUROPHORUS MINIMUS. Worthen. PI. XX, Figs. 4-4a. Pleurophorun minimus, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 17. Shell small, about twice as long as high, moderately convex. Outline elongate ovate. Anterior margin slightly produced forming an obtuse point, posterior margin obliquely truncated ; dorsal and ventral margins nearly straight and sub-parallel, the latter rounding up to the obtuse anterior extremity. Beaks depressed, and placed about one-fourth the length of the valve behind the anterior extremity. Posterior umbonal slopes sub-angular from the beaks obliquely backward and downwa-rd to the posterior extremity, with a decided depression between their slopes and the cardinal mar- gin. Surface marked by linear lines of growth, crossed by rad- iating costs?, which are most strongly defined on the depression of the cardinal area, and on the posterior portion of the shell. Length 5/16 inch ; height % inch; convexity of the valves about Vie incn- Position and locality: Oolitic beds of the St. Louis limestone, Monroe county, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2524 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 125 PL,ETJROPHORUS MONROENSIS. Worthen. PI. XVIII, Fig. 3-3a. Pleurophorus monroensis, Worthen, Marsh, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 17. Shell elongate-oblong, moderate!}' convex ; umbonal ridges forming- the most convex part of the valves ; length about twice as much as the height ; a well-defined ridge commencing at the beak extends diagonally to the posterior extremity; anterior ventral region depressed ; cardinal margin straight, and rather more than half the entire length of the shell; basal margin nearly straight in the middle, but rounding up in front to the anterior extremity : beaks depressed to the hinge line, and placed about one-fourth the length of the shell behind the an- terior extremity, surface smooth. Length % inch; height % inch; convexity about % inch. Position and locality : Oolitic beds of the St. Louis group, Monroe county, 111. Collector. A. H. Worthen. No. 2523 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS MODIOLA, Lamarck. MODIOLA ILLINOIEXSIS. Worthen. PL XX, Fig. 2-2a. Modiola HUnoirnsis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum ot Natural History, page 16. Shell below medium size, length from the anterior to the pos- terior extremities a little more than twice the width of the valves, narrowing rather rapidly behind the posterior extremity of the hinge line; valves strongly convex in the umbonal region, and obliquely across the valve to the ventral margin, com- pressed behind; beaks depressed, hinge line equal to three-fifths the entire length. A shallow depression extends from the beak obliquely to the ventral margin in front of the umbonal ridge posterior margin narrowly rounded, anterior extremity obtusely pointed, ventral margin slightly sinuate in the middle, hinge line straight, surface nearly smooth but showing a few obscure lines of growth. 126 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Length of an average size specimen ir>/i« inch; breadth at the posterior extremity of the hinge line 7/i« inch; convexity of the valve about 3/1(, inch. Position and locality : From the oolitic beds of the St. Louis group, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2518 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS CARDIOMORPHA, DeKoninck. CARDIOMORPHA? PELLENSIS. Worthen. PI. XIX, Figs. 9-9a, 9b. Cardiomorpha pellaensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page Hi. Shell longitudinally sub-ovate, length less than once and a half the height; dorsal and ventral borders sub-parallel, dorsal margin nearly straight, ventral margin moderately curved ; valves convex, the greatest convexity being about one-third the distance from the beaks to the ventral margin ; beaks depressed and placed close to the anterior extremity which is nearly straight above, and curving below into the ventral margin; posterior extremity cuneate. The specimen is a cast in a calcareous shale, and shows no surface ornamentation. Length 11/le inch; height 7/i« inch; thickness 5/16 inch. Position and locality : Shaly limestone of the St. Louis group, Pella, Iowa. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2516 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS BAKEVELLIA, King. BAKEVELLIA ILLINOIENSIS. Worthen. PI. XVIII, Fig. 4-4a. Bakevellia ittinoiensis, Worthen, March. 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 14. Shell about medium size, elongate sub-rhomboidal, left valve moderately convex from a ridge which extends from the beak about two-thirds the distance to the cardinal border where it becomes obsolete. INVERTEBRATES. 127 This ridge slopes abruptly to the dorsal margin, and more gradually to the anterior portion of the shell. Posterior wing equal to about two-fifths of the entire length of the shell. Um- boiial region squarely truncated at the apex, upper portion of the anterior margin nearly straight to the point where it joins the ventral portion of the valve, or about one-fourth its entire length. Surface ornamented with numerous concentric lines of growth, which are closely arranged on the umbo, but become more widely spaced on the lower margins of the shell. Right valve unknown. Length 1'x inches: greatest breadth about % inch; convexity of left valve % inch. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures, LaSalle, 111. Collector, A. H. Wort hen. No. 2525 of the Illinois State Museum. GEMS MYALINA, DeKoninck. MYALINA MONKOENSIS. Worthen. PL XX, Figs. 10-lOa. Myalina monroensis, Worthen, March, 18*1. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 15. Shell small, nearly equi valve, moderately convex on the um- bonal slopes from the beaks two-thirds the distance to the posterior extremity, becoming gradually depressed below. Pos- terior and postero-lateral regions cuneate; cardinal margin nearly straight, and about half as long as the valves, gradually rounding below to the basal extremity. Beaks small, slightly oblique, and not projecting beyond the cardinal margin. Angle of the anterior and posterior margin about 50°. Surface smooth, or with very obscure traces of lines of growth. Length of a medium size specimen *- ](i inch; greatest width of the valve 7/ie inch, convexity of valve about % inch. Position and locality: Oolitic beds of the St. Louis group, Monroe county. 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2522 of the Illinois State Museum. 128 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. GENUS NUCULA, Lamarck. NUCULA ILLINOIENSIS. Worthen. PL XIX, Figs. 4-4a. Xui'iilti Hlinoiensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Nalural History, page 15. Shell small, transversely ovate, depressed convex, the greatest convexity about the middle of the valves ; slightly excavated in front of the beaks ; anterior end regularly rounded to the ventral margin, dorsal outline declining moderately from the beaks to the posterior extremity ; ventral margin slightly curved ; beaks depressed and situated about one-third the distance from the anterior to the posterior extremity. Length 6/1(5 inch; height 4/ie inch. Surface nearly smooth, but in some of the specimens, faint lines of growth may be seen with a good lens around the borders of the shell. Position and locality : Oolitic bed of the St. Louis limestone, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2519 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS AVICULOPINNA, Meek. AVICULOPINNA ILLINOIENSIS. Worthen. PL XX, Figs. 5-5a. Aviculopinna iUinoiensis, Worthen. March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 13. Shell rather larger than the typical species, valves moderately and about equally convex, cardinal and ventral margins curved, and converging gradually from the base to the apex. Surface ornamented with numerous thread-like lines or lamellae that curve gracefully round to the dorsal margin, and are separated liy rather broad spaces on the dorsal portion of the valve. The apex is broken away so that its form cannot be determined. Length 19/10 indies; greatest width % inch; greatest thickness % inch. This species differs from the A. americana, in the cur- vature of its margins and the greater convexity of the valves. INVERTEBRATES. 129 Position and locality: Coal Measures, Peoria county, 111. Collector, Mr. Gifford. No. 2529 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS SANGUINOLITES, McCoy. SANGUINOLITES ? MULTISTKIATUS. Worthen. PL XIX, Fig. 2. Sanguinolites? multistriatus, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2, of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 14. The specimen from which the following- description is drawn, is a cast from the shaly sandstone of the Keokuk group, and may be characterized as follows : Shell below the medium size, oblong, valves moderately convex; beaks depressed, and situated about one-third the entire length of the shell behind the anterior extremity. Dorsal line straight, basal border slightly rounded, extremities obtusely pointed and apparently gaping, surface marked by numerous fine concentric striae that are most conspicuous on the posterior portion of the valves. The specimen is somewhat dis- torted by pressure, so that its exact proportions cannot be de- termined. Length 1 inch; height % inch. Position and locality- Keokuk shales near Crawfordsville, In- diana. Collector, Frank H. Bradley. No. 2528 of the Illinois State Museum. SANGUIXOLITES? BURLINGTOXEXSIS. Worthen. PI. XX, Figs. 8-Sa. Sangninolites? burling tonens is, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 14. Shell of medium size, longitudinally elongate-ovate, more than twice as long as high, moderately and evenly convex anteriorly, and regularly depressed towards the posterior extremity. Car- dinal margin slightly depressed in the middle and elevated behind, giving a greater breadth to the posterior than the anterior region. -16 130 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Beaks not prominent, and situated close to the anterior ex- tremity. The specimen is a cast, and shows no surface mark- ings. Length !7/ie inches; greatest height ri/i6 inch. Position and locality: Burlington limestone, Calhoun county, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2541 of the Illinois State Museum. SANGUINOLITES RANDOLPHENSIS. Worthen. PL XX, Figs. l-la. Cypricardia? randolphensis, Worthen, 1883, Geol. Surv. of Illinois, Vol. VII, page 326. Shell oblong, height from beak to the ventral margin about equal to half the length, valves moderately convex on the an- terior portion of the shell, and depressed towards the posterior extremity, where the valves were apparently closely joined. Beaks rather large, depressed, and incurved beyond the dorsal margin, and situated about two-fifths the distance from the an- terior to the posterior extremities. A broad and slightly flat- tened depression appears on some of the specimens, extending from the beak to the ventral margin of the shell. Dorsal margin nearly straight, ventral margin parallel with the dorsal for about two-thirds of its length, curving abruptly upward on the anterior and more gently on the posterior ex- tremity. Lunule ovate; surface markings unknown. Length of an average size specimen 2% inches; height 1% inches; thickness 15/16 inch. All the specimens obtained are casts in limestone. Position and locality. Chester limestone, upper bed at Chester, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2491 of the Illinois State Museum. INVERTEBRATES. 131 GENUS SOLENOMYA. Lamarck. SOLENOMYA VARSOViENSis. Worthen. PL XIX, Fig. 8. Solenomya Varsoriensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 12. Shell rather large, elongate-oval or sub-elliptical in outline, moderatety convex, and apparently closed at the extremities. The greatest convexity of the valves is in the umbonal region, and thence obliquely to the ventral margin, and, in front of this elevated region, a slight depression may be seen which ex- tends nearty to the anterior extremity. Beaks depressed and recurved towards the posterior margin, and located a little less than one-third the entire length of the valve behind the an- terior extremity. Dorsal and ventral margins nearly straight and sub-parallel, anterior extremity rather narrow, and the posterior broadly rounded. Surface of the cast marked by a few obscure wrinkles near the umbo, and lines of growth towards the ventral margin. Length about 3 inches; height from the beak to the ventral margin 1% inches; convexity of the valves about 7/1Q inch. Position and locality; Keokuk limestone, Warsaw, Illinois. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2539 of the Illinois State Museum. SOLENOMYA MONROENSIS. Worthen. PI. XVIII, Fig. 5-5a. Solenomya Monroensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 13. Shell below the medium size, oblong, the length being a little more than twice the height from the beak to the ventral mar- gin; valves moderately convex, the greatest convexity being obliquely along the umbonal slopes from the beaks to the ven- tral margin; cardinal margin straight and about three-fifths the entire length of the valve; basal margin slightly sinuous, from a shallow depression that extends obliquely from the beaks 132 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. to the opposite margins, extremities rounded ; beaks depressed, oblique, and located about one-sixth the entire length of the valves behind the anterior extremity. Surface smooth or showing only a few obscure lines of growth. Length of the largest specimen obtained 13/ieinch; height from beak to base 6/16 inch. Position and locality : Obtained from the oolitic beds of the St. Louis limestone 011 Fountain Creek, Monroe county, 111. Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2515 of the Illinois State Museum. SOLENOMYA? iGWENSis. Worthen. PL XIX, Fig. 5-5a. Solenomya? lowensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 13. Shell small, narrow, oblong, valves apparently closed at each extremity. Dorsal and ventral margins nearly parallel, beaks depressed and situated close to the anterior extremity. Surface markings unknown. Length of the largest specimen 7/io inch; height \ inch; thickness % inch. This little shell is only known from a few casts obtained from the shaly layers of the St. Louis limestone near Pella, Iowa, where it was associated with Allorisma, marion- ensis, RhynchoneUa ottumwa, Spiriier littoni and Zaphrentis sp? Collector, A. H. Worthen. No. 2517 of the Illinois State Museum. GENUS ALLORISMA, King. ALLORISMA ILLINOIENSIS. Worthen. PL XVin, Pig. l-la. Allorisma illinoiensis, Worthen, March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Mus- eum of Natural History, page 11. Shell large, elongate-ovate, length a little more than twice the height; valves moderately convex, extremities broadly rounded; dorsal margin straight and nearly parallel with the base; an- terior extremity short and rather more narrowly rounded than the posterior, and descending obliquely from the beaks. Beaks INVERTEBRATES. 133 compressed, extending beyond the cardinal border, and located about one-fourth the entire length of the shell behind the an- terior extremity. Surface of the cast ornamented with rather strong parallel lines of growth. Length 39/16 inches; height from the beak to the basal mar- gin 1% inches: convexity of the valves about T/i6 inch. This species resemblns .1. subcuneata in size and form, but larks the concentric undulations of that species. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Warsaw, 111. Collector, A. H. Wort hen. Xo. 2540 of the Illinois State Museum. ALLOT? SMA ELOXUATA. Wort-hen. PI. XIX, Fig. 10. Allorisma elongata, Worthen. March, 1884. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page 12. Shell large, very elongate, dorsal and ventral margins nearly straight and parallel: length three times as great as the height; greatest convexity in the umbonal region: cuneate and perhaps a little gaping behind, with a rather narrowly rounded outline. Beaks recurved, approximate, and located near the anterior ex- tremity. Anterior margin evenly rounded. The surface of the cast shows numerous concentric undulations that are much smaller and more numerous than in .4. subcuneata. its nearest representative form. Length 315/16 inches: height 15/16 inches; breadth near the umbo 1% inches. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Warsaw, 111. Collector. A. H. Worthen. Xo. 254:2 of the Illinois State Museum. 134 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. PTEROPODA. GENUS CONULARIA. Miller. CONULARIA CHESTER KXKIS. Worthen. PL XI, Fig. ire but slightly elevated; outer angle of the volution sharp, volutions about five, aperture ovate. Suture line marked by a row of small nodes, of which about ten may be counted on the last volution. A revolving slightly im- •<1 baud may be seen with a good lens above the outer angle of the last volution, which probably joins the sinus in the lip: umbilicus shallow. This shell is most nearly related to the flat variety of P. sphferulatci, described by Prof. Cox, under the name of P. de- pirssn. but differs from that in its more flattened volutions, the impressed band on the lower volution, and its smaller and < onspicuous nodes. Breadth of an average size specimen 9/16 inch; height 3/16 inch. Position and locality: From a black limestone over one of the lower coal seams in Mercer county. 111. Collector, A. H. Wort hen. No. 2530 of the Illinois State Museum. PLEUROTOMARIA GIFFORDI. Worthen. PL XXIH, Figs. 8-«a. \M TI-I.l Uoviri. Worthen. PL XXVIII, Fig. 3. <<. Ludorici. Worthen. March, 1881. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History, page. Carapace valves narrow and elongated, the length being equal to about three times the height, probably slightly convex though flattened on the surface of the limestone: dorsal and ventral margins nearly straight and parallel: anterior end —19 154 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. curving1 regularly upward to the dorsal margin; posteflfor terminating in an obtuse point, the ventral margin being more strongly curved at both extremities than the dorsal. The sur- face is covered with round pits which are most numerous and conspicuous near the margins, with traces of delicate longitu- dinal striae along the center of the valve when viewed under a good lens. Length 14/10 inch; height, 4/i« inch. Position .and locality: St. Louis limestone, South St. Louis, Mo. Collector, A. H. Wortheu. No. 2497 of the Illinois State Museum. PART II. PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. SECTION II. NEW SPECIES OF CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS FROM THE KINDER- HOOK GROUP OF THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS AT LE GRAND, IOWA. AND A NEW GENTS FROM THE NIAGARA GROUP OF WESTERN TENNESSEE. BY CHARLES WACHSMFTH AND FRANK SPRINGER. I'ltlXDiriS AND BLASTOIDK. 157 CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. Quite a number of Oinoids and Blastoids, witli one or two exceptions representing new species, have been recently dis- covered at Le Grand on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad . a few miles east of Marshalltown, in Marshall county. Iowa. The quarries at that locality have been in operation for many years, yielding- a most excellent limestone, in part oolitic.* The exposure at Le Grand embraces about fifty feet of verti- cal thickness. The base of the quarries consists of a fine-grained blue sandstone, which has been used for curbing. This is suc- ceeded by about 18 feet of heavy bedded, whitish grey oolitic limestone, containing many shells and remains of fishes. Above this is a succession of limestone beds of about 35 feet total thickness. The lower part is subcrystalline, bedded in layers of moderate thickness. It is succeeded by a fine-grained, brownish or buff magnesian limestone, which at first is somewhat irregu- larly bedded in rather thin strata, but toward the top occurs in massive layers from 2 to 4 feet thick. Below the heavy beds there are several thin layers of soft, sandy limestone, and these contain the remains of Crinoids in remarkably fine preservation, as the specimens herewith illustrated abundantly show, and they occur in large quantities. *The oolitic layers, which are easily cut and polished, have been used ox ensively for ornamental work and heavy masonry. The stone has proved to be a good building material, and its dut ability is said to be well established by tests of many years. It has outlived the prejudice which arose against it when first brought into use, based upon the tendency of oolite in some other localities to crumble, a fault from which the Le Grand rock appears to be free. 158 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. A few Crinoids have been discovered in irregular deposits both above and below this bed, and they are for the most part of distinct species. Next in order are some thin beds of impure limestone, inter- spersed with bands of chert, and a thin bed of oolite half way up. They contain fish remains, including some large teeth and fragments of spines of enormous size, and from this portion of the quarry we obtained a Crinoid apparently belonging to the Lower Burlington fauna. The rocks at Le Grand have long been understood to belong to the Kinderhook epoch, and among other characteristic fossils a few Crinoids had been collected; but it was not until re- cently that the rich crinoidal bed to which we have alluded was discovered. Within the last two years fine collections have been made by Hon. Delos Arnold, Dr. N. S. McBride, Dr. N. B. Waters, of Marshalltown, and by one of the authors. The quarries are worked by a company, of which Mr. G. F. Kirby is President, Mr. H. J. Howe, Secretary and Treasurer, and Mr. Gregg, Super- intendent. The above named gentlemen have formed a scientific association, which has exclusive control of the collection and disposition of the specimens. It is to their courtesy that one of us is indebted for the opportunity to examine the fossiliferous deposits in situ, to study the specimens, and to make some interesting collections for himself. He avails himself of this op- portunity to tender to Messrs. Arnold, McBride and Waters his grateful acknowledgments for the invitation to make the excur- sion with them, to Mr. Kirby for unusual facilities most generously placed at our disposal, and to all these gentlemen for their many acts of personal kindness and hospitality. The geology of this locality has been very clearly described by Dr. C. A. White, in his Report on the Geology of Iowa, 1870, Vol. I, pp. 196-7, where he points out the relation between the rocks in the neighborhood of Le Grand and Indiantown, and the Kinderhook beds at Burlington. He concludes that the heavy oolitic bed represents No. 6, and the superincumbent strata No. 7, of his Burlington section. We see no reason to differ with the distinguished author in this reference, further CKINOIPS AND BLASTOIDS. 159 than to observe that the upper part of No. 3 of the Le Grand and Indiantown section is, in our opinion, very probably the representative in part of the Lower Burlington limestone. Dr. White, indeed, notes this resemblance 'in his explanation of the Indiantown section, on p. 196. In the upper layers we found a specimen of Actinocrinux prohowidnliH which is one of the most characteristic species of the Lower Burlington. By reference to Dr. White's admirable description of the beds at Burlington, in 'the Boston Journal of Natural History, Vol. VII, No. II, p. 21"), ft .s-fv/, published in 1860, it will be seen that his bed No. 7 is divided into three portions, without, how- eve?-, any definite line of separation. The lower portion is irregu- lar in character, being partly magnesian limestone, in some places somewhat silicious, in others tolerably pure limestone. The middle portion is a rather pure limestone composed to a great extent of the remains of Crinoids more or less solidly cemented together. The upper portion consists of impure cherty limestones and silicious shales. The division between the lower and middle portions of this bed was taken as an imaginary line between the true Devonian (as these Kinderhook beds were then considered,) and the Carboniferous strata, indicating approxi- mately the limits of the two systems. The middle portion is what has since been known as the Lower Burlington limestone, and the upper portion as the beds of passage into the Upper Burlington. In other words, in practice, all beds below Dr. White's imaginary line are Kinderhook, and all above it Bur- lington. Comparing these features writh what we have observed at Le Grand, we are inclined to think that the strata from the oolitic bed up to the top of the brown and buff magnesian limestone, represent the lower portion of White's No. 7, and that the thin- bedded cherty limestone above is equivalent to the upper part of that bed: the middle or crinoidal Lower Burlington being feebly developed. This, if correct, would make the Le Grand exposure Kinderhook, as far up as the top of the magnesian limestone only. Very few Echinoderms have been found in the Kinderhook elsewhere. In the paper above referred to, Dr. White gives a 160 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. list of the genera discovered at Burlington, in which he notes ."» genera of Oiuoids, and one of Blastoids as occurring in the lower portion of bed No. 7, and 3 genera in No. 6. Our obser- vations are to the effect that Kinderhook Crinoids in this region are extremely rare, and that the authenticity of some of the few that have been reported from that horizon since the appearance of Dr. White's paper, is very doubtful. The Waverly beds in Ohio, which are probably the equivalent of some member of the western Kinderhook, have yielded a very interesting crinoidal fauna, to which in general features the Le Grand crinoids bear a certain resemblance, though no identical species have been observed. Still closer, however, is the resem- blance between the Le Grand and Lower Burlington species; but even among them we have not been able to positively recognize more than one or two species characteristic of both beds, besides the specimen from the upper layers to which we have alluded. However, there are several other species which are closely allied, and the same genera occur in both beds; but, as a rule, those from Le Grand indicate in one way or another a somewhat lower state of development. This is most readily ob- served among the species of Batocrinus and DorycrimiN, in which some of the generic characteristics are, as yet, partly undeveloped, although the tendency toward them is manifested, ll is also shown in Megistocrinus, of which both Le Grand species have a subceutral anal opening like the Devonian species of this genus, instead of a lateral one placed within the brachial zone, as in the Burlington species. It appears that the LeGrand Crinoids were deposited in very quiet waters, and in many cases were imbedded just as they died. They occur in nests or colonies, and the genera and species are commingled indiscriminately. It is therefore a curious fact, that while the specimens of some species are of a pure calcareous com- position and of a very light color, those of others, under pre- cisely similar conditions, lying side by side with them, some- times even with stems and arms intertwined, are harder and of a very dark, brownish grey color. The contrast between some of them, indeed, is very marked, and so far as observed, con- CRINOIDS AND P,LAST< >IDS. 101 stant for the species, so as to be quite a reliable character for identification. There are of course intermediate shades of color between the lightest and darkest, but. as a general thing, speci- mens of the same species have a uniform shade. The conditions of preservation of the LeGrand Crinoids are such as to give unusual opportunities for examining the stems. We found there a number of specimens having the stems intact almost to the extremities of the roots and cirrhi. The stem in all of them is short — shorter than has generally been supposed to be the case among Paheocrinoidea of this period. In all species >»f the Camerata which have come to our notice, the lower portion of the stem is provided with small irregular cirrhi. given off at intervals singly from different sides. In a species of Graphiocrinns, however, we found the cirrhi thickly distributed all along the stem from the basals down : and a similar structure we observed in certain species of Seapbiocrwns lately found by us in Kentucky. It is also worthy of note that in all our perfect specimens from LeGrand. as in those from Burlington and CYawfordsville. the stem tapers to a tine point, giving off rootlets in all directions, and that there is in no in- stance any indication of an attachment by the column to a solid substance. Similar observations have been made by us upon detached steins ami roots, which at Burlington are found in countless numbers, but among all the specimens which we have examined there were only a few — not a half dozen in all — showing a place of attachment, and in these exceptional c.-i the stem terminated not in form of a plate, such as we find in the Pentacrinoid larva of Antedon, but in a mass of flattened roots. This seems to us of considerable importance as bearing upon the question whether the Pakeocrinoids generally wen- attached permanently, or perhaps in their adult state led a kind of semi-free life, somewhat similar to recent species of Pentacrinux (Challenger Report on the Stalked Crinoids. pp. 18 and 10. PL 10. Fig. 1.) Taking everything into considera- tion, it seems to us the numerous small rootlets, spreading in all directions lead to the conclusion that those Crinoids, with but few exceptions, either lived upon a soft oozy bottom, —20 162 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. in which they were rooted like plants, or that the rootlets served as an anchor, by which the animal attached itself to foreign bodies. Since the above was written we have discovered in the main bed at LeGrand another well marked species of Dichocrinus and a small species of Scaphiocrinua, both new, which remain undescribed. CHIXOTDS AND BLASTOIDS. 163 CLASS PELMATOZOA. ORDER CR1XOIDEA. SUBORDER CAMERATA. FAMILY ACTINOCRINID.E. GENUS ACTINOCRINUS. AtTIXOCRIXUS ORXATISSIMUS (llOY. Sp.) W. & Sp. PI. XVI, Fig. 9. A specimen with arms, showing the posterior side. PI. XVII. Fig. 3. A specimen without arms; anterior view. This beautiful species has close affinities with Actinocrinus tenuisculptus McChesney. from the Lower Burlington limestone, which Hall redescribed in 1860, under the name of A. chloris. It has a similar style of ornamentation, and the same number of arms. In A. temrisculptus, however, the arms are arranged in clus- ters, the interradial spares are wide and deeply depressed, and this depression, which extends ventrally to the proximal plates, gives to the calyx a decidedly lobed appearance not observable in our species, neither dorsally nor ventrally. It also resembles Actinocrinus ihiphne from the Waverly group of Ohio; but A. ornutissimus has tooth-like processes on the back of the arms, which are wanting both in the Burlington and Waverly species. The specimens are always light colored. Dorsal side of the calyx somewhat depressed, sides convex as far as the top of the secondary radials. whence they spread more rapidly to the arm bases. Basals short; scarcely notched along the sutures, extending outward and forming a rim. 164 I'AL.KONTOLOGY OP ILLINOIS. Primary radials decreasing in size in ascending order, all three wider than high. First radials hexagonal and heptagonal; the second quadrangular with convex sides; the third axillary. Secondary radials 1x10; axillary; supporting the two main divisions of the ray. Each of these plates is succeeded by two pieces, of which only the inner one of each ray bifurcates again, giving off two simple arms; while the outer ones, which are truncate above, support a row of fixed cuneiform brachials. The latter are alternately arranged, and interlock on becoming free. There are six arms to the ray, or thirty in all. Excep- tions to this rule are not unfrequent, some of the rays having occasionally five, others seven arms. Arms long; moderately stout, rounded along the back; their tips curved and folded inwards. They are composed of two series of joints, alternately arranged. About every second to fourth joint of each series is longer and bears a conspicuous tooth-like node, giving two alternating rows of nodes on the back of each arm. The intervening joints are very short and connected vertically by waving sutures. Pinnules closely packed together, contiguous. They are composed of short joints, each one provided laterally with a short, tooth-like projection. Interradials variable in size; the first comparatively large; occupying fully one-half or more of the interradial space in the dorsal cup, and extending up to the middle of the third radials. The first supports two very small pieces in the second range, .succeeded by two still smaller ones, and others which constitute a part of the ventral covering. The ventral side consists of small, irregular pieces, interspersed with larger ones which are tuberculous. The first anal plate is as large as the first radials or larger, and generally higher. It supports two plates which are smaller than the first interradial of the four regular sides. The next row consists of three much smaller pieces, two of them interradials, which enclose a second anal plate, with two small plates above. All succeeding pieces are ventral in position and form part of the anal tube. The regions above the arm- has* 's arc hemispherical, not turbinate as in the allied Burling- ton species, and the anal tube, at its base, is comparatively CRIXOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 105 small, and apparently short. There are generally also two or three interaxillaries. and frequently a small interbrachial between the arm ba- Summit plates larger than their surrounding pieces and nodose, but smaller than in allied forms. The central plate and proxi- mals, although distributed with the usual regularity, are com- paratively small. The ornamentation gives to this species a beauty which is not surpassed by any other Actinocrinus. The plates of the calyx are comparatively thin, and the suture lines difficult to distinguish : they are not convex, but their surface is marked by a system of sharply elevated, very prominent ridges, pass- ing from plate to plate, meeting in large stellate clusters on the interradial spaces. The ridges follow the middle of the radial series, they are very conspicuous, and pass without interruption, from the basi-radial suture into the arms, increasing a little in width toward the arm bases. There are also bead-like elevations, definitely arranged over the plates, and sometimes surmounting the ridges. The sculpturing formed by this combination of ridges and beads is very remarkable and constitutes a most interesting feature of the species. Column round, composed of joints alternating in size; edges of the internodal joints sharp, the intermediate ones rounded and crenulated. A similar crenulate structure is found around the projecting rim of the basals, giving it a resemblance to a stem joint. Geological position, etc.: Kinderhook beds of the Lower Car- boniferous, LeGrand, Marshall County, Iowa. Our own collection. Af.TINOORIXrS XODOBRACHIATUS (nOV. Sp.) W. & Sp. PI. XV, Fig. 5. Specimen with arms, from the anterior side. PL XVI, Fig. 10. Specimen without arms, from the posterior side. Of the type of Actinocrinus proboscidalis Hall, but with a larger number of arms, which are less robust, and ornamented on the back with conspicuous nodes, of which no trace is found in the Burlington species. It also resembles our A. ornatisxi- mus. especially in the arm structure, but the nodes are dis- !(>(> PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. tributed at greater intervals and are longer. The two species also differ in their style of ornamentation. The calyx plates of A. nodobraclriatus, are strongly convex, the suture lines deeply excavated, and the radiating ridges which cover the plates are not continuous. The ridges, though generally well defined along the edges of the plates, either disappear entirely in the central portion, or become indistinct even in the best specimens, and appear as if they had been worn off by attrition. The specimens are light colored with a slight brownish tint. Dorsal side of the calyx bell-shaped, sides moderately convex, spreading on approaching the arm bases. Basals short, ex- panding into a conspicuous rim with a sharp edge, which pro- jects beyond the limits of the column. Interbasal sutures deeply notched, making the basal disk distinctly tripartite. Primary radials decreasing in size upward; the first plate as high or higher than wide; the second wider than high, hexangu- lar, exceptionally pentangular, or even quadrangular when not in contact with the interradials of the second range; the third twice as high as wide. Secondary radials 1X2X5, almost as large as the preceding axillaries. There are 1X2X10 tertiary radials; the inner ones axillary, giving off t\vo arms, one from each side; the outer ones truncate; supporting a single arm; thus giving six arms to every ray or thirty to the species, with oc- casional exceptions. The higher radials retain the embryonic character of arm plates; they are cuneiform, and immediately on becoming free change into two series of transverse pit M-OS. Arms equidistant, crowded at their bases, and taking an out- ward direction ; they are very long, rounded on the back, taper- ing upward, the tips deeply infolded, sometimes reaching down to the calyx. They are biserial, the places of each series united longitudinally by straight sutures. Upon the back of the arms there is a series of large tooth-like nodes, whose sharp points are directed upwards. They are larger, but not so regularly arranged as those of the preceding species, and are farther apart, occurring usually either on the sixth, eighth or tenth joint. These nodes are not confined to one plate only, but generally extend over two or more, sometimes covering even a CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 167 portion of the vertical suture which unites the two series of the arm. Pinnules long, constructed and arranged as in A. orna- tisshuus. Interradials five to seven up to the arm bases. The first is hexagonal, in size equal to the second radials. The second and third ranges consist of two pieces, which are comparatively large. First anal plate about the size of the first radials, but angular above instead of truncated. It supports two interra- dials. succeeded by ranges respectively of three, two and two plates. There is one interaxillary, but no interbrachial piece. The ventral side is hemispherical, composed of a large number of very small, smooth plates, interspersed with prominent spiniferous ones representing the summit plates. The various summit plates are separated from one another by the smaller pieces, as in Mcgixtocrinus. and so are also the different orders of radials. which are represented likewise by spiniferous plates. The central plate forms the base of the ventral tube: the latter is located almost centrally, and does not extend to the tips of the arms. The surface of the plates on the dorsal side is marked by numerous broad, indistinct ridges, passing singly or in pairs from the middle portions of the plates to adjoining pieces. Those connecting the radials and ascending to the arm bases, are not stronger than any of the others, a character by which this species is readily distinguished from A. ornatissimus. Column round, moderately strong, and composed of alter- nately large and small joints, rounded at their edges. In a specimen in our collection, apparently of full growth, in which the column is preserved to its termination, it is about fifteen inches long. The upper half of the stem is stouter than the lower half, which ultimately terminates in a sharply pointed root. At the upper end. the nodal joints project largely over the intermediate ones, which are also shorter, but the latter grow gradually in length and width, until at the middle of the stem they equal in size the nodal ones, which appear to be correspondingly somewhat diminished. This change goes on more rapidly toward the end of the stem, where the joints lose that convexity which is so marked in the proximal region, and become uniform. The lower por- tions of the stem are provided with a few thread-like lateral 168 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. cirrhi; there are no regular branches such as we find in most of the Burlington species, and we doubt if this specimen, and several others of other groups, occurring in the same locality, were firmly attached when they died. Geological position, etc.: The same as that of the preceding- species. Our own collection. ACTINOCKINUS ARNOLDI (nOV. sp.) W. «fc Sp. PL XVII. Fig. 10. A somewhat flattened specimen with arms and column. Of large size, with long, slender, spreading arms, and fan-like fringes of pinnules. Form of calyx subovoid, gibbous below, somewhat spreading at the arm bases. Basal disk low, discoid, convex toward the margins, with slightly retreating angles to meet the radials; flattened for the attachment of the column, but without projecting rim. First primary radials large, heptagonal; second hexagonal, not more than one-half the size of the former; the third still smaller. Secondary radials apparently small. Arms six to the ray on the anterior side; long, tapering abruptly toward the top and growing very thin. They are composed of a double series of very short interlocking pieces, with waving suture lines. In the lower and middle portion of the arms, every third to fifth arm piece bears on the back, close to the longitudinal suture, a small, sharp, hook-like spine, pointing upward. Toward the upper part, the arms have more or less serrate edges, and the plates overlap each other, form- ing at the back small, pointed hooks. Pinnules very numerous, long, slender, and in close contact as if forming a reticulate fringe; each joint bearing a prominent sharp hook, pointing at right angles to the pinnules. These hooks, which run in 8 or 10 regular rows, parallel to the arms, give to the mass of the pinnules, as they lie spread out, a marked reticulate appearance. Interradials five or more, comparatively large. The first equal in size to the second radials, the two in the second range CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 169 to the third radials ; the succeeding ones comparatively smaller. Azygous interradius unknown and likewise the ventral cov- ering. The surface ornamentation of this species is different from that of any other with which we are acquainted. The surface of the plates is indented with numerous shallow polygonal pits and short grooves, whose rims, which are somewhat rounded off, connect with one another from plate to plate, and on the same plate, in intersecting wrinkles. There is no very definite arrangement of either pits or wrinkles, but the whole surface has a somewhat irregular cancellate sculpturing, not unlike the appearance of the parasitic Chastetes. Column round, composed of very short joints of nearly uni- form diameter so far as we have observed them, and alternat- ing in thickness. Geological position, etc.: Same as last. Collection of Hon. Delos Arnold. GENUS MEGISTOCRINUS Owen & Shum. MEGISTOCRINUS NOBILJS (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PI. XVI, Fig. 6. A large specimen with arms. P . XVI, Fig. 7. Another specimen. Ventral view. Calyx large, broadly urnshaped, truncate at the bottom, with deep constrictions or depressed areas at the brachial zone between the rays and their divisions. Vault usually but little convex, forming almost a plane, except along the azygous side, which is more or less depressed, while the plates surrounding the anal aperture are slightly elevated. The specimens are of a light grey, intermediate between the lightest and darkest fossils of this locality. Basals comparatively small, resting within a shallow cavity, produced by the bending in of the lower portions of the first radials. They form a very regularly hexagonal disk, with a conspicuous rim enclosing the upper stem joint. The plates are closely anchylosed, and the interbasal suture but indistinctly visible, while the basi-radial sutures are deeply beveled. 170 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Primary radials large ; the first and second hexagonal ; the third or axillary one pentagonal. The lower portion of the first radial and the interposed first anal plate somewhat abruptly bent inward to form the basal concavity, while the upper portions are slightly bent upward in such a manner that the calyx rests upon the median portions of the plates. Second radials somewhat smaller than the first, but much larger than the third. Secondary radials 2x2x5, about as large as the pre- ceding axillary. They support upon their nearly truncate upper sides two rows of tertiary radials, of which, however, only the lower ones take the form of radials, the others resemble closely free arm plates. Arms short, the tips bending inwards; bifurcating soon after they become free, and two or three times above. At their bases in the calyx the arms are very robust, but they diminish in size rapidly from each bifurcation upwards. They are composed of a double series of low transverse pieces, longitudinally arranged, and alternating. The pinnules are closely packed to- gether and composed of short joints. Interradials 12 to 15 or more up to the arm bases, the lower one as large or larger than the second radials, hexagonal, sup- porting on its sloping upper sides two plates of the size of the third radials; hexagonal or heptagonal according to whether there are two or three pieces in the third range. The plates of the third range resemble in size the secondary radials against which they rest. They are of large size compared with the plates of the upper ranges, especially those of the equa- torial zone, which comprise the fifth and sixth ranges. Axygous interradius much larger than the four regular ones. First anal plate a little higher than the first radials, and narrower. It supports three large plates, and above several other ranges of considerably smaller pieces. There are six or more interax- illaries, the lower one as large as the interradials of the third range, the upper ones like the succeeding interradials. Vault composed of slightly convex plates, almost of uniform size. Summit plates a little larger ; continuous in mature speci- mens; never separated by the intercalation of small plates. They consist of a central piece and six proximals, of which four CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 171 are placed over the four regular sides, and two over the azygous one. \vith a radial dome plate interposed above each of the postero- lateral rays. The arrangement of these plates is not correctly represented in The figure. In two of our specimens, the ventral covering of the arms is beautifully shown for quite a distance. It consists of two rows of rather robust covering -pieces, form- ing a well defined ridge, and there is at each side of them a some what smaller row of side pieces. These four rows commence at the edge of the vault, being continuous with it, and extend ap- parently to the full length of the arms. It is the first instance, to our knowledge, that side pieces have been observed in the Camerata. Column large, round, composed of alternate thicker and thinner joints, with a large pentalobate axial canal, in which the lobes, instead of being rounded, are angular. Geological position, etc. : The same as in the last species. Collection of Hon. D. Arnold, and our own. MEGISTOCRINUS PARVUS (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PI. XV. Fig. 7. A fine specimen with arms and column. (One of the rays has excep- tionally but two primary radials.) A comparatively small species. Calyx bowl-shaped, with con- vex sides, swelling regularly from the basals up. Arms long. This species differs from the preceding one in the form of its calyx, which is not impressed at the bottom, and in having longer arms and a smaller column. Calyx plates convex, without ornamentation; the suture lines well marked. The only two specimens known to us are light in color. Basals closely anchylosed, forming a low. almost flat disk. Primary radials large, decreasing in size upwards. Secondary radials 2x2x5. supporting ten primary arms. Arms biserial from their base up. constructed of comparatively long pieces, longitu- dinally arranged, the plates- alternating. The arms are long, heavy, but decrease in size after each bifurcation. The two proximal arm-plates, although regularly interlocking, form generally a part of the calyx. Pinnules rather strong, composed of joints twice as long as wide. - 172 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Interradials ten to twelve to each area; the first one as large as the third radials, or larger, the upper ones, which form a shallow impression along the calyx, much smaller. There are two plates in the second range, three in the third, and generally two or three smaller pieces above. Interaxillaries three, small. Azygous interradius much wider, consisting of three large plates in the second range, three or four in the third, with several rows above. The exact position of the anus is not known, but it evi- dently was not placed laterally, as it cannot be seen between the arm bases. Nothing is known of the construction of the vault. Column and axial canal small for this genus. The joints near the basals are all large, while further down long and short joints alternate. Geological position, etc. Same as the last species. Our own collection. GENUS BATOCRINUS Casseday. BATOCRINUS MAC-BRIDEI (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PL XV, Fig. 4. Specimen with arms, column and cirrhi. PL XVII, Fig. 12. Anterior side of another specimen. PL XVII, Fig. 11. A side view of the calyx, from its anterior side. This is the earliest and smallest known species of Batocrinus, but it possesses all the characteristics of the genus. Height of calyx and arms rarely more than an inch. The plates are but slightly convex, and without ornamentation. Dorsal cup sub- turbinate, broadly truncate at the base, with straight sides to the arm bases. The vault is somewhat lobed, with a con- spicuous depression toward the arm bases. The specimens have a brownish color, much lighter, however, than those of Dicho- crinus inornatus and Rhodocrinus kirbyi. Basals forming a shallow cup, truncated at the lower end, and excavated for the reception of the column. The plates are rounded upon the surface; deeply beveled at theinterbasal sutures, forming notches, two of which are occupied by radials, the third by the first anal plate. The upper margins are excavated to re- ceive the lower convex sides of the three other radials. First primary radials one and a half times as wide as high, the second short, quadrangular, more than twice as wide as high; the third pentangular, not higher than the second but wider. Sec- CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 173 ondary radials 2x2x5, the upper ones axillary; succeeded by two cuueate fixed brachials, each supporting an arm, giving normally four arms to the ray, or twenty in all. Arms biserial, moderately strong, rounded, the tips slightly incurved and somewhat flattened. Interradials rarely more than three, sometimes but two. The first one very large, extending to the full length of first secondary radials: those of the second range small. None of these plates connect with the interradials of the vault, except those of the azygous side, and therefore the plates forming the bases of the arms are united laterally. The first anal plate has the form of the first radials, and supports upon its truncate upper side another anal piece, which rests between two large interradials. All three plates are nearly of equal size, and as high, if not quite as wide, as the corresponding single plate of the four regular sides. There are two or three small plates above, and a single piece between the arm bases. The interradials of the ventral side are numerous, small, slightly convex. Ventral tube subcentral, long, slender, extending beyond the tips of the arms. Ventral side broadly convex, somewhat lobed; composed of numerous small convex plates, among which the summit plates are well de- fined, the central one forming the base of the tube. Column short, the nodal joints in the upper part large, rounded on the edges; the intermediate joints comparatively small and short, contrasting strongly with the others. At the lower end the joints are more uniform. The column has been ob- served by us to its full length in several specimens, and in all of them it is short, not to exceed six inches. It tapers all the way gradually to its distal end, where it terminates in a sharp point. The lower part, to about one-third of its whole length, bears short lateral cirrhi, which are arranged singly, not in whorls, there being but one to a joint. Geological position, etc. The same as the preceding species. Our own collection. GENUS DORYCRINUS Roemer. The three species of Dorycrinus herein described are very in- teresting as illustrating the close affinities which exist between B&tocrinns, Eretmocrinus and Dorycrinus, for which we pro- 174 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. posed (Kev. of the Palaeocr., Pt. II, p. 96,) the group Bato- crinites. If it was not for the fact that Dorycrinus immaturus has but two arms in the anterior ray,* and Batocrinus mac-bridei four, the two species could not be easily separated without see- ing the posterior side of the calyx and the ventral covering. The azygous interradius is much wider, and in the arm regions forms a large gap between adjoining rays. At the four regular sides, also, the interradials of the dorsal cup are continuous with those in the vault, but the gap between those arms is much smaller. Another small gap is found between the main divisions of the rays; while the two arms comprising each division are laterally connected with one another for quite a distance. The pairs of arms are given off from a small bifurcating radial, each arm having a separate ambulacral opening, but the openings placed closely together. We allude to all these details to show that Dorycrinus immaturus , and the two succeeding species from the same horizon, have single arms, contrary to all later species of Dorycrinus, in which, as a rule, two arms proceed from one arm opening. The double-arm structure — two arms from one opening — which we have observed only in the Batocrinites, was introduced in the course of time from the single-arm structure, as shown (Rev. of the Palaeocr., Pt. II, pp. 47-50,) in Bato- crinus and Eretmocrinus, in which both forms are found fre- quently side by side, and accompanied by most remarkable transition forms. A comparison of the Le Grand species writh those in the Bur- lington and Keokuk limestones, reveals the fact, that the former have but half as many arms as the latter. Among the species of the two beds the arms are distributed fundamentally on the same principle, those, however, of the lower horizon have single arms, while the others have two arms from each arm opening. Another differentiation between the species of the different hori- zons is shown by the fact that in species of the Burlington and Keokuk the arm joints are extended into lateral spines; while in the Le Grand species the tips of the arms are merely com- pressed and flattened. * Since the above was written, we have found in a layer nine feet above the main crinoidal bed a number of specimens of a variety of this species having uniformly four arms to the anterior ray, but otherwise undistinguishable from it. CRIXOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 175 DOHYCRI.VUS IMMATURUS (nOV. 8p.) W. & Sp. PI. XYII. Fig. 17. Posterior sides of a specimen with arms. PI. XVII. Fig. 6. Another specimen, showing anterior side. Pi. XVI, Fig. 5. The calyx, showing the position of the anal opening. The specimens are below medium size, measuring from an inch to an inch and a half to the tips of the arms. Dorsal sidi of the calyx subturbinate with slightly convex sides; the lates convex and without ornamentation. The vault is conical, some- what flattened posteriorly. Color of the specimens rather dark. Basals short, truncated, extending laterally beyond the limits of the column; suture lines distinctly defined. First radials comparatively large, almost as wide as high ; the lower margins convex, the upper concave; upper corners truncated. Second and third radials very short, not more than half the width of the first, but twice as wide as high; the second quadrangular; the third pentangular. Secondary radials 2x2x5; resembling in form the two upper primary radials, but somewhat smaller. The upper plates are axillary in the four lateral rays, where they support 2x2 tertiary radials with two arms each ; in the anterior ray quadrangular, with only one arm to each side, thus giving 18 arms to the species. Arms biserial. arranged in groups around the calyx, and sepa- rated interradially by small plates. There are no inter-axillary plates although the main divisions of the rays are readily identified. The two arms which constitute these divisions are in four of the rays arranged in pairs, being connected laterally by the proximal arm plates. Interradials three in the dorsal cup, two of them at the brachial zone, and others above. First iiiterradial very large, extending beyond the limits of the third primary radials; twelve- sided, and nearly as wide as high. The two plates above are elongated, small, but larger than those succeeding them in the vault. First anal much the largest plate in the calyx; sup- porting three plates in the second range, which are nearly as larg*-1 as the first regular iiiterradials: the middle one, or second anal plate, smaller than the other two. These again are suc- ceeded by several smaller plates forming a protruding subcentral anus which is lateral, but placed above the arm bases. 176 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Vault subconical, pentalobate; summit plates prominent, the central one sharply tuberculous, showing a tendency to become spiniferous. Column round, composed of long joints with rounded edges, which alternate near the calyx with very short and narrow pieces. Geological position, etc.: The same as the preceding species. Our own collection. Remarks : It is possible that this Kinderhook form is specifi- cally identical with Dorycrinus (Actinocrinus) helice Hall from the Waverly group of Ohio. DORYCRINUS RADIATUS (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PI. XVII, Fig. 5. A specimen with arms from the posterior side. PL XVII, Fig. 5a. The same from the 'anterior side. Dorycrinus radiatus somewhat resembles D. immaturus, but differs from that species in the arm formula, and in being the only species of this genus which has radiating ridges along the plates. From every first radial two low, rounded ridges pass to the basals, two to the adjoining radials and anal plate, and one to each first interradial. The interradials have nine ridges two connecting with the first radials ; two with the second, and two with the third radials, while the remaining three which are smaller pass into the three interradials of the second range. The ridges are well defined next to the margins of the plates, but become indistinct, or disappear entirely, in the middle. Color rather lighter than in the last species. Dorsal side of the calyx subconical, wider than, high, truncate at the base, a little convex along the sides. Basal cup short, broad, with projecting lips, extending in width considerably be- yond the limits of the column, and slightly beyond the lateral walls of the calyx. First radials somewhat lower than those of the preceding species, the second and third radials proportionately a little higher. The secondary radials vary among the rays, consisting in the anterior ray, which has but two arms, of two com- paratively large, transverse pieces, which are succeeded by free, cuneiform plates, interlocking, and gradually turning into two series of transversely arranged arm pieces. The other four CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 177 rays have three arms each, with, exceptionally, four in one pos- terior ray. In these rays the upper secondary radial toward the posterior side is an axillary, and supports two arms, that directed toward the anterior side quadrangular, with one arm only. The arms are scarcely as long as those of the preceding species: they are round and composed of medium sized pieces, with straight transverse sutures. The interradials dorsally consist of six to eight plates in three ranges. The first plate is large, and extends to the top of the third radials. There are three much smaller plates in the second range, and two in the third, the latter resting between the arm see. At the azygous side, the plates are arranged as in Dory- crinus im ma turns. The first anal plate is as large as the first radials. and the three succeeding plates fully equal in size to the single plate at the four regular sides. The second anal plate extends in height slightly beyond the level of the inter- radials adjoining it. and is generally a little larger throughout. This row is followed by several rows of smaller plates, which lead to a subcentral anal opening. The arrangement of the plates forming the vault is not known. Geological position, etc.: The same as the preceding species. Our own collection. DORYCRLNUS PARVIBASIS (nOV. 8p.) W. & Sp. PL XVII, Fig. 7. Specimen with arms from the anterior side. PL XVn, Fig. 9. Lateral aspect of the calyx. PL XVH, Fig. 9a. The same specimen, showing the ventral surface. This species differs from the two preceding in the form and proportionate size of the basals. and in the form of the calyx. It is of the type of Dorycrinus concavus from the Lower Bur- lington limestone, for which Meek and Wort-hen in Vol. II, of this Report, p. 214. proposed the genus Ccelocrinus. This spe- cies was supposed to have no secondary radials, and upon this character principally, and a slight variation in the arrangement of its interradial and anal plates, the new genus was founded. With regard to the absence of secondary radials. Meek and Worthen were evidentlv misled. On page 214. they say: "there -23 178 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. being but a single brachial piece to each division of the ray, soldered into the walls of the body, and these rest directly upon the third radials." What else could these plates be but secondary radials? General form, without the arms, oblate-spheroidal, truncate below. Dorsal cup in form of a basin which rests upon the basals and portions of the first radials; wider than high, and spread- ing but little at the sides. Plates moderately convex, without ornamentation, suture lines well defined, with a small pit at each angle of the plates. In color not distinguishable from D. immaturus. Basals forming a very small disk, resting in a shallow con- cavity, not visible in a side view. First radials large, hepta- gonal, narrow below and wide above, so as to present an ob- tusely triangular aspect; the upper corners truncate; upper margins concave to receive the second radials. Second and third radials small, of about equal size. Secondary radials 1x2x5, succeeded in the three anterior rays by fixed brachials. In the posterior ray to ward the anal side the secondary radial is axillary, supporting two rows of arm plates, thus giving twelve arms to the species. Arms biserial, with one or two cuneate joints succeeding the radials, of which those of the same ray are laterally united. The arms are proportionally more robust than in the two preced- ing species, and resemble those of Agaricocrinus. Interradials in three ranges; the first very large, reaching to the top of third radials. It supports two long, narrow plates, which extend to near the arm-bases, and by still smaller plates in the vault. First anal plate larger than the first radials, hexagonal, higher than wide; the second anal, and the two in- terradials on either side of it, about equal in size to the first regular interradial. They are followed by about four ranges of small plates, which lead to a circlet of very minute pieces, sur- rounding a subcentral protuberance with a small lateral opening. Ventral side depressed, convex, summit plates nodose and prominent; the central one large and projecting, in form of a CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 179 small spine; the four regular proximals much larger than the two at the anal side, which are separated from the former at each side by a radial-dome-plate. Column round, slender; composed near the calyx of alternat- ing joints, the larger ones with rounded edges. Geological position, etc.: Same as preceding species. Our own collection. 180 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. FAMILY MODOCRINID.E. GENUS RHODOCRINUS. KHODOCRINUS KIRBYI (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PL XV, Fig. 10. A specimen with infolded arms, and column. PL XVI, Fig. 3. Another specimen with spreading arms, showing the pinnules. This species is characterized by its barrel-shaped calyx, robust arms for the genus, short arm joints, and rapid widening of the arm bases up to the first bifurcation. The color of the speci- mens is very dark. Calyx elongate, truncate below; the sides nearly straight, swelling but little from the lower edge of the basals on which it rests to the top of the third radials, above which it contracts rapidly, producing the form of a barrel. Some specimens are almost cylindrical, about equal in diameter at top and bot- tom. Viewed from above or below, the outline is obscurely pen- tagonal. Base sharply impressed. Underbasals small, resting in a shallow concavity concealed by the column. Basals very large, their lower margins sharply bent inward, forming the edge of a rim on which the cup rests. Sutures distinct. First primary radials much smaller than the basals; the second and third about half as large as the first, and equal to each other. Secondary radials 2x2x5, quadrangular, narrow, rising above the surface in prominent ridges, which increase in width upward. They are succeeded by three very short, transversely arranged brachials, which also successively widen upward. The upper one is axillary, giving off two branches. The inner branch of the rays bifurcates again, generally on the third plate, thus giving three arms alternately arranged to each main division CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 181 of the ray, thirty in all, with occasionally an additional one in one or both posterior rays. The arms are proportionately heavier than in other species of the genus, but taper rapidly at their tips. They are composed of a double series of very short interlocking pieces, with deeply indented suture lines so as to give to the back of the arms a file-like appearance. Pinnules strong, continuous, composed of elongate joints. Interradials 7 to 9 in four or five ranges; the first plate smaller than the first radials. This is succeeded by two, rarely three, plates of nearly the same size, and two or three ranges of smaller plates. Azygous interradius wider and easily distin- guished. It has always three plates in the second range, of which the middle one is an anal, higher than the first radials and fully as wide. There is a second anal plate in the third range, which is but little more than half the size of the first. Succeeding plates small and more or less irregular. Anal aper- ture placed at the end of a very short, wart-like, somewhat tubular and almost central protuberance, which is directed up- wards, and surrounded by small spiniferous plates. The plates at the azygous side are similar in proportion but greater in number than at the other sides. Vault slightly elevated and rounded, with small depressions toward the interradial spaces. It is composed of numerous, very small tumid pieces, among which the summit plates are with difficulty distinguishable. Surface of plates convex or slightly angular, covered with ridges passing from plate to plate. The ridges following the radials pass into the arms, growing sharper and higher on approaching the arm bases. Column large, round, joints short, of uniform diameter; cen- tral opening small, round or obscurely pentagonal. This is one of the most characteristic species of the Le Grand beds, and we take pleasure in naming it in honor of G. F. Kirby, Esq., of Marshalltown, Iowa, the President of the Le Grand Quarry Co. Geological position, etc.: Same as the last species. Our own collection. 182 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. RHODOCRINUS NANUS Meek and Worthen. PI, XVI, Fig. 4. Specimen with arms from the anterior side. PL XVII, Fig. 15. Another specimen from another side. 1866, Meek and Worthen, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 254. 1868, Geol. Surv. Ill, Vol. III. p. 476, PL 18, Figs. 2 a, b. This species was described by Meek and Worthen in Vol. Ill, of these Reports, p. 470, PI. 18, Fig. 2 a, b, from a single speci- men without arms. It was found by one of us in the Kinder- hook beds near Burlington, just above the oolitic layer, but by mistake it was stated in the description to be from the Lower Burlington. It remained unique until the Le Grand discoveries brought to light a number of specimens, which apparently be- long to the same species, and as they present the characters of the species more fully, we have thought it best to redescribe it briefly. Rhodocrinvs nanus is nearest allied to A. kirbyi, from which it is distinguished by its more globose form, more slender arms, and these composed of longer and more uniform pieces, as well as by the ridge-like series of anal plates. In the Le Grand beds this species is readily identified by its color, which is invariably light. Calyx subglobose, sides regularly convex, except in specimens with protuberant basals, in which the sides are nearly vertical. Base truncate, slightly impressed. Underbasals small, projecting but little beyond the column. Basals large, sometimes protuberant, the cup resting on their lower edges, which are rounded and form a low rim around the shallow basal depression. First primary radials nearly as large as the basals; second and third about equal, and one-third the size of the first radials. Secondary radials 1x2x5, followed by about five rounded quad- rangular brachials of uniform size. Arms bifurcating on the fifth joint, and the inner branches of the ray once again on the third joint, with an occasional bifur- CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 183 cation of the outer branch in a posterior ray, giving normally 6 ultimate arms to the ray, or 30 in all. The free arms are biserial, slender, tapering very gradually; the arm pieces pro- portionately longer and narrower than in Jt. kirbyi, and the back of the arms more rounded and smoother. Pinnules strong, not so closely packed as in the last named species. Interradials 8 to 10; the first one half as large as the first radials, and the two in the second range almost equaling it in size. There are several more ranges of plates above, which are irregularly arranged and decrease in size upwards. The anal interradius is wider. It contains a row of anal plates, longitu- dinally arranged, which rest upon the truncate upper face of the first interradial, and extend up to near the anal aperture, forming a kind of ridge, which is readily distinguished from the surrounding slightly depressed interradial plates. The first anal plate is as large as the first radials, the interradials on either side of it smaller than the corresponding plates at the four other sides. Anus excentric, protuberant, tube-like, composed of rather large plates; opening directed upwards; Ventral side rising somewhat above the dorsal cup, depressed in the interradial spaces, and composed of small, irregular convex pieces. Summit plates very indistinct, if represented at all. The surface of the calyx is marked by rounded radiating ridges, which are continuous along the radial series, and extend into the arms. The ridges vary somewhat in prominence among specimens, and in some are almost entirely confined to the radial series, giving to the calyx a pentagonal outline ; while in others they also pass to the basals, interradials and anals. The plates as a rule are convex, and the suture lines well de- fined. Column small, round, composed of alternate joints; perfora- tion small, apparently round. Geological position, etc. : Kinderhook beds of the Lower Car- boniferous, Le Grand ; also, Burlington, Iowa. Our own collection. 184 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. RHODOCRINUS WATERSIANUS (sp. nov.) W. & Sp. J3!. XVII, Fig. 16. Specimen with arms. Anterior view. This species is of the type of R. wortheni Hall, (Geol. of Iowa, 1859, Vol. I, Pt. 2, p. 556), which is its nearest congener. It differs from that species in its more concave base, the proportionally smaller size of basals and first radials, and in its globose form . All specimens known to us are light colored. Calyx globose, truncate below, and slightly concave. Plates decreasing in size from the basals up. The underbasals are small and concealed by the column. The basals moderately large; their lower end abruptly deflected inward, forming the rim of the basal cavity on which the cup rests. First primary radials slightly smaller than the basals. Second and third plates still smaller, decreasing gradually upward. Secondary radials 1x2x5, not more than half the size of the third. They support a series of slightly cuneate arm joints, the fifth of which is axillary. In the type specimen, and the most of those observed, there is but one bifurcation, giving four ultimate arms to the ray, or 20 in all, but we have observed specimens, probably more mature, but otherwise not distinguishable, which have five arms in place of four. Arms rounded, slender, tapering gradually, the joints pro- portionally longer and narrower than in R. kirbyi, and the pin- nules stouter. The interradial areas are not depressed, but form an even surface with the other calyx plates. They are composed of about six plates, of which the first is a little more than half the size of the first radials, the succeeding plates decreasing in pro- portion to their rank. Azygous interradius occupied by a median series of three or more comparatively large anal plates, which are hexagonal, and bordered by interradials of about the same size as the corresponding ones in the other areas. They are succeeded by smaller plates extending up to the anal opening, which is small, subcentral, protuberant, and directed upward. Ventral side convex, abruptly constricted above the arm bases, with no marked depressions in the interradial spaces. It is com- posed of numerous small, smooth plates. CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 185 Surface of the plates granular, but otherwise devoid of orna- mentation: suture lines indistinct. Column small, rounded, with a small axial canal. The specific name is in honor of Dr. W. B. Waters, of Marshalltown. Iowa. Geological position, etc.: Kinderhook beds of the lower carbon- iferous. LeGrand. Iowa. Our own collection. 23 186 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. FAMILY PLATYCRINID.E. GENUS PLATYCRINUS. PLATYCKINUS SYMMETRKTS (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PL XV, Fig. 8. Specimen with arms, column and root. This species is of the type of P. burlingtonensis O. & Sh. (Geol. Surv. Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, 1852, p. 589,) and may possibly be identical with some one of the various smooth species that have been described from the Burlington limestone. Several of these species were based upon specimens in which neither the vault nor the arms were preserved, and from the meagre informa- tion we obtain from mere descriptions of the basal and first radial plates, it is not easy to identify them satisfactorily. Our species differs from the P. burlingtonensis, as described by Owen and Shumard, in having a proportionally smaller basal disk, longer and narrower first radials; and from specimens identified by the Burlington paleontologists as representing that species, it differs in the form and structure of the ventral side, which in all Burling- ton specimens is considerably elevated above the arm bases, and occupied chiefly by the extremely large summit plates and the base of a large anal tube. In P. symmetricus the ventral covering- is low, to a large extent formed by rows of rather prominent cov- ering plates, and the anus is represented by a simple subcentral opening. It agrees with P. hurlingtonensis, however, in having thirty arms. From P. pileiformis Hall, it differs in the vault structure, in its truncate base, and, besides, that species, as shown in our collection, has but twenty, and much heavier arms. The new species bears a strong resemblance to an undescribed species from the Lower Burlington limestone of New Mexico, not only in the shape of the radials, but also in the proportionate size of the basal disk, and the outline of the calyx generally. It agrees S AND P.LASTOTDS. 187 in a marked degree with P. truncntiilus Hall, from tlie Lower Burlington, i Inscribed in the Report on theGeology of Iowa, 1858, Vol. I. Pt. '2. p. .~>:ix. and we should regard the two as identical, if it were not for the fact that Hall's species has three primary radials instead of two. as all other known species of the genus with the exception of one from the Devonian, of New York. This feature was indicated by Hall — Iowa Report, supra— who described the second radial as of "quadrangular form, with a single groove on the inside, showing that there was no bifurcation from this plate." This was so great a departure from the normal type of the genus, that we regarded it as an aberrant individual until re- cently, when we obtained two specimens of that species with parts of the arms preserved, which have a quadrangular second and pentagonal third primary radial in every ray. This character being thus apparently constant for the species, the LeGrand form cannot be referred to it, and must be regarded as distinct. The color of the specimens is very light, in marked contrast with Rhodocriuus kirbyi and Dichocrinus iuormitns. The species is of rather small size, its general form more elongate than discoid ; the rays rising vertically in symmetri- cal clusters, by equal divisions, from the upper portions of the first radials. Calyx cup-shaped or subturbinate. spreading uniformly to the top of the cup; truncate below, with a slight elevated rim for the attachment of the column; plates convex; interradial and basi-radial sutures beveled and indented. Basal disk small, con- vex, margins slightly concave, the plates so closely anchylosed, that no traces of sutures can be discovered. First radials a little higher than wide, increasing in width upward; articular facets facing upward, and occupying a little more than one-third the width of the plate. Second radials triangular, sometimes pentangular, completely filling the facet. Arms given off from the second plate above the second radial, and on the inner branches again from the second plate above, making six arms to the ray in equal divisions, or 30 in all. Two or three joints above the last bifurcation are usually cuiieate, in single series, and above these the arms are biserial, rounded, slender, tapering gradually to the tips. Pinnules strong, not in very close contact. 188 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Interradial plates of moderate size, resting on the corners of the first radials. Anus in form of a simple subcentral opening in the vault. The opening is very small, surrounded by a num- ber of minute plates. Vault depressed-convex, composed of small, smooth plates. It is conspicuously marked by five strongly elevated ridges, radiating from the center to the armbases. They are composed of small covering plates, which in the two posterior rays ex- tend to the central plate, but in the others rest between the proximals. There are two proximals at the anal side, but ap- parently no special anal plate, or, if present, it is not distin- guishable from the other small plates bordering the anal open- ing. Nearly the same structure is found in a specimen of P. truncatulus, in which two of the rows of covering pieces, at least, extend to the central plate. Column short, large, rapidly twisted, composed of transverse elliptic joints, as usually in the genus. It tapers to a point, and near the end is provided Avith numerous short rootlets; which taper in a similar manner. Perforation minute. Surface of plates and arms smooth, without any ornamenta- tion. Geological position, etc. : Kinderhook beds of the Lower Car- boniferous, LeGraiid, Iowa. Collection of Wachsmuth and Springer. PLATYCRINUS PLANUS Owen and Shumard (?). PL XVI Fig. 8. A specimen with arms. 1860, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (Ser. II.), Vol. II, p. 573. 1852, U. S. Geol. Surv. Wise., Iowa and Minn., p. 587, PI. 5a, Fig. 4. 1858, Hall. Geol. Surv. Iowa, Vol. II, Pt. II. p. 533. 1868, Meek & Worthen, Geol. Surv. 111., Vol. Ill, p. 467. 1873, Meek & Worthen, Ibid, Vol. V, PI. Ill, Fig. 5. The specimen figured under the above name belongs to a type not uncommon in the LeGrand beds. It is larger and more elongate than the preceding species, and characterized by a rather low, gently swelling subturbinate basal disk, above which CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 189 the calyx is nearly cylindrical, expanding a little at the arm The first radials are a third longer than wide, and their upper margins generally of equal height, forming a straight transverse line all around, without any truncation of the cor- ners for the iuterradial plates. The articular facet is small, rather shallow, facing upward, without any prominent rim. Arms usually six to the ray. with some exceptions: long, comparatively strong and with closely packed pinnules. The plates are smooth and thin, sutures not indented. The basal disk has a sharp prominent circular lip for the attachment of the column, forming a part of the basal cup. although having the appearance of an auchylosed upper stem joint. The basal cup appeal's as a single plate, no traces of sutures being visible. Vault uukown. Specimens all light colored. The specimen figured is of about medium size, some being considerably larger, others smaller. It has only 5 arms in three of the rays, and the upper margins of the radials are not so uniformly rectilinear as in most of the others, but otherwise it fairly represents the form herein described. Whether this is really P. planus is uncertain. The difficulty arises from the confusion in which the literature of that species is involved. Owen and Shumard described it in the report on the Geology of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, p. 587, from the Lower beds at Burlington as a thin plated, elongate spe- cies, with subturbinate base, long radials with small and deep articular facets, and the point of attachment for the column slightly excavated. They figure on PI. 5a. Fig. 4, two speci- mens : one of moderate size answering the description fairly well except that there is no excavation for the column ; the other of a very much larger form, which has been described by Prof. Wortheu as P. pmtteni. They also speak of specimens having been seen nearly two inches in diameter, which would be an ex- traordinary size for any Lower Burlington Platycriuus. Hall, in the Report on the Geology of Iowa. 1858, Vol. II, Pt. '2, p. 533. PI. 8, Fig. 6, figured and described the species with some doubt as to the specific identity of his specimen. His figure shows very plainly that he was describing a specimen of P. halli Shumard. from the Upper Burlington, a very different 190 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. form, with heavy plates and somewhat indistinct surface mark- ings. Meek and Worthen, in Vol. Ill of this Report, p. 469, PL XVI, Fig. f>, described and figured as P. planus a well pre- served specimen with large, elongate calyx, of the form of P. pratteni, having similar slender arms; and again in Vol. V, PI. Ill, Fig. 5, they figured under the name of P. pJanus, but without description, a good specimen having many diameters in common with the form under consideration. The truth is, there are probably several species of these elongate smooth forms of I'lntycrinus. The plates of those in the Lower Bur- lington are very thin and fragile, so that specimens in good preservation are rare, and the vault is for the most part un- known. More abundant collections will no doubt throw new light upon their affinities, but for the present we are inclined to think the form herein illustrated comes as near to the origi- nal description of Owen and Shumard as any that have since been referred to it. Geological position, etc.: Same as the last species. Our own collection. P. planus, as recognized by the Burlington Geolo- gists, is a leading fossil of the Lower Burlington limestone, and has been found at the various localities where that formation is exposed. It has been collected by us in New Mexico, and we have seen specimens from different places in Missouri. GENUS DICHOCRINUS. DlCHOORINUS INORNATUS (sp. nOV.) W. & Sp. PI. XVI, Fig. 1. A specimen with arms, showing the posterior side. PI, XVI, Fig. 2. The same from the anterior side. This is the earliest Dichocrinus known to us from America, and perhaps precedes any known from Europe, but nevertheless it has all the characteristics of the genus. Dichocrinus inorna- tus probably has its closest affinities with D. ovatus 0. & Shum., which, however, is beautifully ornamented, the calyx, and especially the radials, are more elongate, and the large anal plate less constricted between the arm bases. It also resembles D. simplex Shum., but the proportions of the plates in the two AND BLASTOIDS. 191 species are very different, the basal cup in our species occupy- ing one-third the height of the calyx, besides being deeply ex- cavated for the reception of the column. />. moral us is a very characteristic fossil of the locality, and is found in excellent preservation. The color of the specimens is very dark. Height of specimens, without the stem, ranging from an inch and a quarter to two inches and a half in the larger ones. Calyx subglobose, truncated at the arm regions: the sides curv- ing very uniformly from the column to the arm bases. Larger specimens comparatively more elongate than smaller on Surface of plates devoid of ornamentation or any kind of mark- ings, except the first radials have a small angularity following the middle portion of each plate in a vertical direction, which extends frequently into the basals. Sutures, although quite distinct between the radials, not marked by indented lin> The basals occupy fully one-third of the height of the calyx; they form a rounded cup or basin, which, seen from above, has a strictly hexagonal outline. Interbasal suture passing from the posterior to the anterior side; frequently obscure. First radials one-quarter to one-half higher than wide. Sides slightly contracted at both ends, somewhat bulging at their middle portions, and abruptly inflected toward the vault, which, including the first interradials. lies in a plane at right angles to tlie sides of the calyx. Facets for the attachment of the higher radials above one-third the width of the plates. Second radials small: twice as wide as high or even wider: upper and lower sides convex: rounded like arm plates. Third radials a little larger: triangular, bifurcating: upper angle very sharply pointed, and the upper part bent inward so as to separate the two divisions: the sloping sides of the plates concave. The third radials support from each side a short quadrangular pi» which, together with the preceding plates, form a part of the calyx, being connected with their fellows by the intercalation of interradial plates. They are succeeded by a cuneate free plate, and again by two rows of interlocking arm pieces. First anal plate about the size of the first radials, but more strongly inflected towards the vault. Arms biserial, two to each ray: about twice as long as the height of the calyx or a little more; comparatively stout: grad- ually tapering to their tips. The arm plates have parallel 192 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. upper and lower sides, and are of medium height. Pinnules ex- tremely long, rather stout, closely packed together. They are composed of from 10 to 15 cylindrical joints, about three times as long as wide. Interradials apparently five to each side, all forming a part of the ventral surface, which is flat and placed on a level with the inflected upper edges of the first radials. The first range of interradials consists of three plates, two of them facing the adjoining radial; the third placed between the two others. There seem to be two, perhaps more, small interradials above, meeting with the summit plates. The azygous side apparently has 5 plates in the lower range, the middle one being an anal plate. The summit plates — their exact arrangement could not be ascertained — are scarcely convex, they form together a con- spicuous elevation, from which six well defined ridges pass out to the sides; five of them divide again and follow the arms, the sixth one leads to the anal aperture, which is directed upwards and excentric in position. The ambulacral ridges, those lead- ing to the arms, are formed of irregular covering pieces, the anal ridge by numerous convex or wrinkled plates. Between the ridges are six depressions, four of them located above the regular interradii, the two smaller ones above the azygous side. The column of this species is not very long. From our ob- servation in two specimens it varies from 9 to 10 inches. The joints increase at first a little in width, but soon taper again, until at the distal end the column runs to a fine point, giving off at intervals a small, short cirrhus from one side only. The joints throughout are very even, and the nodal joints can be distinguished only along the upper part of the stem. Axial canal minute. Geological position, etc.: The same as in the last species. Our own collection. CRIXOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 193 > [BORDER IX ADO AT A. BRANCH FISTULATA. FAMILY POTERIOCRIXID^E. GEXUS GRAPHIOCRIXUS. LONGICIRRIFER (nOV. 8p.) W. & Sp. PL XY, Fig. 12. Specimen with arms, from the anterior side. PI. XTII, Fig. 14. The same from the posterior side. This species is of the type of Graphiocrinus (Scaphiocrinus) wachsmuthi (M. & "W.). and Graphiocrinus (Scaphiocriuus) spino- brachiatus (Hall), but differs from both in having cirrhi along the upper portions of the stem. Besides, the former has a de- cidedly bell-shaped calyx — the upper part of the radials flanging outward : also the brachials are much less constricted, the suc- ceeding: arm plates considerably higher, and the outlines of the arms less waving. G. spinobrachiatus has a more depressed dorsal cup. the underbasals are covered by the column, it has stouter arms, and these are covered with small spines. The specimens are always of a light color. Calyx short, depressed, saucershaped, with slightly convex sides; scar for the attachment of the column but slightly im- pressed. Uuderbasals. although small as in almost every other species of Graphiocrinus, extending slightly beyond the limits of the column. Basals large ; four of them hexagonal, about as wide as high : that of the azygous side considerably larger and heptagoual, supporting upon its truncate upper face a large anal plate, which extends far beyond the top of the radials, and actually forms a part of the ventral tube. There is no az3'gous plat P. —24 194 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Radials once and a half as wide as high, and about of equal size, but differing somewhat in form although all are penta- gonal; the two facing the anal piece, owing to the greater length of the posterior basal, irregular. The upper face of the radials, throughout the full width of the plates, truncated and slightly concave. Brachials one, of the same height as the radials ; pentangular, but subtrigonal in outline, upper angles sharply pointed; line of articulation toward radials and also first arm plates widely gaping. Arms ten, long, moderately stout, gradually tapering. They are composed of rather short, sharply cuneate pieces, which at the upper margins form a thickened rim, which projects beyond the lower end of the succeeding joint. The rim increases grad- ually in prominence in the upper parts of the arms, especially at the pinnule-bearing side of the plates where it bulges out considerably, giving to the arms their characteristic zigzag ap- pearance. The proximal arm plates, next to the brachials, are longer than the succeeding ones, at their lower face as wide as these, and somewhat constricted along their middle portions; the others are at their longest side about equal to their width. Pinnules long, and close to the arms very strong. They con- sist of about ten joints, of which the proximal ones are short, the others from twice to three times their width. The form and size of the ventral tube is not known, near its base it is composed of longitudinal rows of very regularly arranged hexagonal pieces. Column small, indistinctly pentangular ; nodal joints consider- ably higher, especially the lower ones, and projecting laterally. Each nodal joint, from the calyx down, gives off radially sev- eral cirrhi, which are long, slender and directed upward. Near the calyx where the nodal joints come very close together, the cirrhi are so tightly packed that they frequently hide the column, and extend beyond the calyx to the arms. Farther down the column they are wider apart, and reach a length of an inch and a half or more, while their length above is not more than an inch. They are composed of numerous short joints, and end in a sharp point. Geological position, etc.: The same as the last. Our own collection. CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 195 GENUS SCAPHIOCRINUS Hall (emend. W. & Sp.) SCAPHIOCRINUS ELEGANTTILUS (nOV. Sp.) W. & Sp. PL XVII, Fig. 13. A beautiful specimen with arms and portions of the stem. This small and elegant Crinoid resembles very closely Scaphio- crinus nanus M. & W. from the Lower Burlington limestone, and perhaps should only be considered a variety of that species. The Burlington form, however, differs in having a more de- pressed calyx, larger underbasals and higher brachials. The LeGrand specimens are always light in color. Calyx turbinate, the sides very slightly convex ; a little wider than high; without ornamentation. Underbasals projecting be- yond the column; the upper angles turned upward to meet the basals. Four of the basals are hexagonal, about as wide as high, the fifth one heptagonal, and larger throughout. Radials but little larger than the basals, and almost as high as wide; the upper face truncated throughout the width of the plates. Brachials one to the ray ; axillary ; nearly twice as high as the radials; obtusely angular for the reception of the first arm- joints; not constricted in the middle, and, when the arms are closed, their lateral faces almost meeting with those of their fel- lows from adjoining rays. Arms dividing once from the brachials up, the division taking place generally from the sixth plate. The arms are com- paratively strong, waving in outline, and composed of cuneate, slightly convex and rounded pieces, about as high as wide or nearly so. Pinnules very conspicuous, long, unusally stout, and composed of cylindrical joints twice as long as wide. Azy- gous side exceptionally wide. The posterior basal extends to one-half the height of the radials, and supports upon its trun- cate upper side the anal plate, which to a large extent forms a part of the ventral tube. The azygous plate, to the right of the anal plate, is also unusually large, pentagonal, and extends very nearly to the top of the right postero-lateral radial, although that plate, as in most of the Poteriocrinidae, occupies a higher level than the radials of the other rays. 196 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The column, as observed in two specimens, is from 4 to 5 inches long. It tapers gradually from the calyx down, and ter- minates in a fine needle point. It is round, and composed of rather long segments, the nodal joints more prominent. Only the lower portions of the stem, for about two-thirds of its length, are cirrhus-bearing. The joints which bear the cirrhi are higher than the intermediate ones, and while increasing in length they decrease in width downward; the cirrhi are given off singly, and are directed upwards, contrary to those of the preceding species which hang downward; they are long, threadlike and taper at their ends. Geological position, etc.: The same as that of the last species. Our own collection. SCAPHIOCRINUS GLOBOSTJS (nOV. Sp.) W. & Sp. PL XVII, Fig. 8. A specimen of unusually large size. A small species. Calyx semi-globose ; the plates without orna- mentation or convexity. Underbasals minute, resting within a concavity formed by the basals; rounded at their lower end; covered completely by the column. The basals are comparatively large; four of them regularly pentagonal, the fifth somewhat larger and hexagonal, supporting upon its truncate upper face the anal plate. Radials short, twice as wide as high. Brachials triangular, meeting their fellows of adjoining rays; the two sloping upper sides forming an acute angle; each side supporting from four to six arm-plates of a second order, the upper one axillary. There are two more branches above, making four arms to each ray, the anterior one being not distinct. They are composed of strongly wedge-shaped pieces, slightly swelling toward their larger end; the axillaries more prominent. Pinnules strong; tubular. Anal plate larger than the azygous piece; ventral sac unknown. Column unusually small, round, its diameter less than that of the arms near their tips. Geological position, etc. : The same as the last. Our own collection. CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 197 SUBORDER ARTICULATA. FAMILY ICHTHYOCRINID^. GENUS TAXOCRINUS. TAXOCRINUS FLETCHERI Worthen. PL XV, Fig. 6. A specimen with arms and stem. PL XV, Fig. 9. Another specimen from the posterior side. 1883, Worthen. GeoL Rep. Dlinois, VoL VH p. 308, PL XXX, fig. 2. Of about medium size ; rather short for its width ; arms stout, short, closely folded together. The nature of the arms, and still more the unusual size of the stem, gives to this species that solid and robust aspect by which it is characterized, and readily distinguished from all other species of this genus. The specimens which we examined are all light in color. Underbasals entirely covered by the column, and also por- tions of the basals. The exposed parts of the latter are penta- gonal, twice as wide as high, obtusely angular above, except the posterior plate which is slightly truncated. The basals, together with the first and second primary radials, form a conical cup with broadly truncate base. Primary radials three, transversely arranged, increasing in width upward; their lines of articulation, like those of the succeeding orders of radials and all arm-plates, strongly undu- late, with short but wide patelloid pieces* interposed between them. The first and second plates are about twice, and the third three times as wide as high. The third radials, which *The patelloid pieces, although well defined in the specimens, were omitted in the figures. 198 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. are axillary, are sharply angular at their upper faces, and pro- vided with two articular facets and two impressions for the reception of patelloid plates. Secondary radials three; by one- half narrower than the preceding ones, and somewhat shorter, but not in proportion to the decrease in width, except the axillary one, which is comparatively shorter and also wider. The next order of plates consists variously of from 3 to 5 or 6 pieces, with another bifurcation above. These plates are all arranged on the plan of the primary radials, like them they are flat at their outer sides, and united in a similar manner as those, which makes it difficult to ascertain the actual com- mencement of the arms. This difficulty is increased by the fact that the rays are free from the top of the primary radials, while their main divisions remain united all along the secondary radials by means of interaxillary plates. Perhaps these rays formed a kind of free appendage like those of the Platycrinidse and Hexacrinidse, a question, however, which can- not be solved unless we find the ventral covering intact. Interradials three; elongate; the two upper ones much smaller, extending to the top of the primary radials. There are gener- ally three somewhat smaller interaxillaries, arranged longitu- dinally, which unite the secondary radials. Smaller specimens have but one or two. The azygous side is composed of a row of from 3 to 4 or more tube-like anal plates, longitudinally ar- ranged, which rest upon the truncate upper face of the poster- ior basal. There are no traces of interradials to connect these plates with the radials. Column extremely stout, almost large enough to support a species of twice the size of this. It is inflated near the calyx, and, along the upper part for about an inch, is composed of rather short, very uniform joints, wrhen suddenly the aspect of the column changes entirely, the joints, at their margins, become more convex, and larger and smaller joints alternate with one another, the larger ones extending conspicuously be- yond the smaller ones. Geological position, etc. : The same as that of the last species. Our own collection. CRINOIDS AND BLASTOIDS. 199 TAXOCHIXT s IXTERMEDIUS (nov. sp.) W. & Sp. PL XV. Fig. 11. A fine specimen with arms and stem. A transition form between Onychocrinus and Taxocrinux, but apparently nearer the latter: larger than the preceding species; in its usual condition, with the arms bent inward, wider than hi.irh. The rays widely divergent: the arms so long that their incurved tips hang down to the top of the primary radials. Color of specimens comparatively light; the plates devoid of ornamentation. ['nderbasals three, unequal; the smaller one placed in a ver- tical line with the right postero-lateral radial: almost completely covered by the column, there being only a small rim exposed laterally. Basals large, subequal in size; regularly pentagonal: forming a shallow cup. with five salient and five reentering angles. Radials four in four of the rays, five in the right postero- lateral one (constant in both specimens); wide but compara- tively short for the genus, about three times as wide as high, the upper and lower plates somewhat wider and pro- portionately higher; the axillary one with obtuse upper angles. Secondary radials three, a little more than half the width of Thf preceding plates: the lower ones laterally connected in the same ray. but not with their fellows of adjoining rays: the second separated by three interaxillaries; the third free, widely apart. Third order of radials variously composed of from 3 to 5 plates, of similar proportions to those of the preceding orders, with one or three small interbrachials between the second plates: the succeeding radials free. There are apparently three more divisions above, the proximal plates above each bifurca- tion connected laterally, the upper ones free. All articular lines between the radials of the first and second orders undulating, owing to the presence of short but wide patelloid pieces: the lines between the succeeding plates straight, the patelloid pieces either being absent or very minute. The interradial plates can be traced in both specimens to the ventral side: they are very interesting as throwing light upon the ventral covering of the Ichthyocrinidae generally. In four of the interradii, interposed between the primary radials, there are five to seven comparatively large, slightly convex plates vari- 200 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ously arranged; the lower one which is larger generally deeply wedged in between the first radials, so as to almost touch the upper angles of the basals. There are two, three or four plates in the second range, which abut laterally against the adjoining second and third radials, and these are succeeded by 4 or 5 plates of a third row, which are abruptly bent inward at their upper ends almost at right angles, so as to form a sharply defined edge, against which the plates of the ventral covering rest. The latter plates are very minute and irregular in their arrangement, they form a pliable integument, which prob- ably extends over the whole surface and along the rays. The free rays at their ventral side are provided with large pouches which apparently contain the ambulacra. At the azygous side the arrangement of plates is very different; the posterior basal is shorter, truncated instead of angular, and excavated at the upper end for the reception of three or more anal pieces, which are longitudinally arranged and connected with the radials at each side by small plates. Column stout; slighely tapering; its upper end composed of very short and even joints, all of equal size and prominence. Geological position, etc.: The same as the last. This is probably the rarest species at LeGrand, only two spe- cimens having been found; that figured is from the collection of Hon. Delos Arnold, the other in our possession, being kindly presented to one of us by Mr. George Cull, the station agent at LeGrand. CRIXOIDS AXD BLASTOIDS. 201 CLASS PELMATOZOA. ORDER BLASTOIDEA. FAMILY CODASTERID.E. GENUS OROPHOCRINUS. 1864. Orophocrinus, Von Seebach. Nachr. k. Gesellsch. zu Gottingen, p. 100. 1879. Orophocrinus, Zit;eL Handb. d. Paheont I, p. 434. 1882. Orophocrinus, Ether, and Carp., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist (Apr., 1882), p. 249. 1883. Orophocrinus, Ether, and Carp., Ibid. (Apr., 1883), p. 226. 1885. Orophncrinns, Wach«muth, GeoL Rep. Illinois. VoL VH, p. 317. 1886. Orophocrinus, Ether, and Carp., Blast. Catalogue, p. 2S3. Syn. Pentremitfs. (in part) Munster.1839, Beitrage z. Petrefactenk, p. 1 ; also DeKoninck and Lehon, 1853, Recherch. sur les Crin. du Terrain Garb, de laBelgique, p. 189; also Owen and Shumard, 1&52. GeoL Rep. of Wise., Iowa and Minn., p. 333. When Meek and Worthen. in 1869, proposed the name Codo- nitvs for Owen and Shumard's Penti-emitf*$ st^lliformis and their new species f'\ ^j\-n-i]is. they were not aware that Von Seebach had previously proposed for the former the * abacus Hall annulatum Hall... baculum Hall cinctum Hall conradi Hall D. cylindricum Whit field. D. fenestratum Hall D. filitextile Hall D. hamiltonense Hall D. irregulare Hall D. nodosum Hall parallelum Hall patulum Hall , prism aticurn Hall D. I). D. D. ? redfieldi Hall. : In the 35th Regt. Eept., Prof. Hall defines the family and a number of genera which he proposes to place in it. At this time I am not prepared to offer an opinion as to the validity of the proposed genera, nor of the numerous species which accompany them. 237 D. rude Hall D. sacculns Hall D. telumHall D. tenue Hall D. tuberosum Conrad ECTEXODICTYA Hall, 1884. K. burlingtonensis Hall E. eccentrica Hall E. expansa Hall E. implexa Hall LYRODICTYA Hall, 1884 L. romingeri Hall PHEAGMODICTYA Hall, 1884 P. catilliformis Whit field. P. lineata Hall P. patelliformis Hall PHYSOSPONGIA Hall, 1884. P. alternata Hall P. colletti Hall P. dawsoni \Vhitfield sp. THAMNODICTYA Hall, 1884 T. newberryi Hall UPHANT.ENIA Vanuxem, 1843. U. chemungensis Vanuxem Protospongia Salter, 1864 P. fenestrata Salter P. ? minor Matthew P. ? minor var. distans Matthew P, tetraneina Dawson 238 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. FAMILY MONAKID^ Marshall ASTILEOSPONGIA Roemer, 1860, A. hamiltonensis Meek and Worthen. A. meniscus Roemer... FAMILY POLLAKIDvE Marshall HYALOSTELIA Zittel, 1878. * H. delicatula Ulrich... H. metissica Dawson. * H. solivaga Ulrich •>* ASTROCONIA Sollas, 1881. A. grant! Sollas FAMILY BRACHIOSPONGID^E Beecher. BRACHIOSPONGIA Marsh, 1867. A. digitata Owen, sp FAMILY RECEPTACULITID^ Hinde. RECEPTACULITES DeFrance... Mr. S. A. Miller gives a list of 24 species of this genus in his "American Palaeozoic Fossils" (edition of 1883). How many of these will prove to be valid species, and what forms, if any, are referable to Ischadites Murchison, and Acanthoconia Hinde, I am unable to say. I am, however, aware that Dr. Hinde has re- viewed nearly all the American species in his valuable memoir on the Receptaculitidse, but as this work is, unfortunately, not within my reach at present, I must be content with simply referring the reader to it. SPOX(;I:S. 239 Taconic Cambrian . . . Silurian Devonian — II = -. _ — • 5 • o- • o . p 0 o K a> P 1C LEPIDOLITES Ulrich. 1879 * L. dickhauti Ulrich * L. elongatus Ulrich : * LEPTOPOTERION Ulrich, 1889 * L. mammiferum Ulrich * Order CALCISPONGI^ Blaineville. Family PHARETROXES ZitteL BATOSPONGIA Ulrich, 1889 * * B spicata Ulrich * CAMAROCLADIA U. & E., 1889 * * C dichotoma, U & E * DYST \CTOSPO\GI\ S A. Miller, 1882 * * D insolens S A Miller * D minima Ulrich * * D minor U & E. * * D rudis U. & E « HETEROSPOXGI v Ulrich, 1889 * H subram osa Ulrich * H knolti Ulrir-h * H aspera Ulrich * S^CCOSPOXGII Ulrich, 1889 * S rudis Ulrich * S danvillpnsis Ulrich * STROTOSPOXGIA U & E 1889 * * S. maculosa U. <£- E... * 240 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. STREPTOSPONGIA Ulrich, 1889. S. labjrinthica Ulrich CYLINDROCCELIA Ulrich, 1889. C. endpceroidea Ulrich.... C. covingtonensis Ulrich. C. minnesotensis Ulrich.. C. minor Ulrich... INCERT/E SEDIS. ARCH.EOCYATHUS Billings, 1862 A. atlanticus Billings A. billingsi Walcott A? pavonoides Matthew AULOCOPINA Billings, 1875. A. granti Billings EOCORYNE Matthew. E. gemina Matthew ETHMOPHYLLUM Meek, 1868. E. minganense Billings, sp E. profundum Billings, sp E. rarum Ford, sp E. rensselaericum Ford, sp E. whitneyi Meek PATTERSONIA S. A. Miller, 1882. P. difficilis S. A. Miller... RHABDARIA Billings, 1865. R. fragilis Billings.. R. furcata Billings. SPONGES. 241 Ta«onio... Cambrian Silurian... Devonian. —00 H - • .M • cr • o Q ; g_ 2 • . D : RIBEIRIA Sharpe, 1853 * R .? calcifera Billings * R.? longiuscula Billings * TRACHYUM Billings, 1865 * T. cyathif orme Billings * T. rugosum Billings * TRICHOSPONGIA Billings, 1865 * T. sericea Billings * -30 PART II. PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS, SECTION IV. SPONGES OF THE DEVONIAN AND CABBONIFEROUS SYSTEMS. BY E. 0. ULRICH. SPONGES. 245 SPONGES OF THE DEVONIAN AND CARBON- IFEROUS SYSTEMS. HYSTRIOSPONGIA CARBONARIA n. gen. et sp. PL VI, Fte. 3. The specimens which \ve propose to designate as above, are associated with species of the bryozoan genera Fenestella, Poly- pora and Prismopora, on a small slab of bituminous limestone. Their original form seems to have been sub-globular or ovoid, and less than 12 mm. in diameter, with the spicules arranged in a radiate manner from the base, sometimes parallel but at other times more irregular than those figured. The bulk of the sponge skeleton is composed of small Macerate spicules, about 1 m.m. in length, and 0.03 mm. in thickness. They are straight and taper each way to the pointed ends. Among them may be noticed a small number of similar spicules having one end trifid. A few four-rayed spicules of larger dimensions were also ob- served. In these the shaft is about 2 mm. long and 0.07 mm. thick, while the head rays are short and form the outline of an inverted three-sided pyramid. Acerate spicules 2 or 3 mm. long also occur among the smaller ones. This sponge, as defined above, differs from Tetbyopsis Zittel, and more especially from Pachastrella Schmidt, in the very limited number of the trifid spicules, and the small size of the acerate spicules. In Ophiorbapbidites Carter, the four-rayed spicules are also few, but the uniaxial forms are much longer and wavy. 246 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. In the residue left after freeing one of the specimens from the matrix by means of acid, I found, beside the spicules above de- scribed, a number of others, which could scarcely have belonged to this sponge. Some belong to the genus Batospongia, founded upon specimens from the same locality and supposed to be a calcareous sponge. Another kind, represented in the accompanying wood-cut, is of regular Hexactinellid form, and probably belonged to a delicate sponge of the (type of Hyalostelia Zittel. This supposition is strength- ened by the fact that they are associated with numerous fragments of linear spicules or Fig. 1. A triflcl spicule of Hysti iospongia car- rods, fl'Om 0.07 to 0.12 Him. bonaria,*x 25. Fig. 2. Small six-rayed spicule of Hyalostelia thick. The longest fragment delicatula, x 25. Fig. 3. one of medium size, x25. observed has a length of 5 mm. These spicules, being more slender and in all respects more delicate than those of the several species of that genus known, I propose to designate, provisionally, with the name Hyalo- stelia delicatula. Position and locality: Near the base of the coal measures at Seville, 111. BATOSPONGIA SPICATA n. gen. et sp. PL VI. Figs. 2-2a,2b. Sponge sub-hemispherical or sub-globose, consisting of small in osculating sub-cylindrical or flattened branches, 0.5 mm. to 1.5 mm. in diameter, which arise from a reticulated basal portion, and give the sponge a brushy appearance. In the perfect state the base is covered with a dense dermal layer, which, when separated, exhibits on its inner side a network of substellate or irregularly branched spicule fibre. The meshes of the reticulated basal portion of the sponge, (PI. VI, fig. 2,) vary in size from SPONGES. 247 0.5 mm, to nearly 2, mm., and are arranged in an obscurely radiate manner. The branches are composed of small irregularly branched spicules (fibre?) which are compactly interwoven in the central region of the branches, but more loosely near the surface, where their form is approximately determinable. The branchlets of the spicules are slender and pointed, and project in all directions, so that the branches, when magnified, have a very spiny appearance. Extremely minute a/cerate spicules, scarcely 0.5 m.m. long, occur between the branched spicules, and in the matrix filling the space between the sponge branches. So far as they can be made out the spicules of this species, agree, in a general way, with those belonging to the Lithistid family Rhizomorina. On the other hand the magnified branches are not unlike the spiny fibres of some of the Calcispongiae (e. g. Peronella). and I do not consider it at all improbable, that better preserved examples will show that, instead of irregu- lar four-rayed spicules with bifurcated rays, the spicules are really three-rayed. Their association with numerous minute acerate spicules, is more indicative of the Calcispongiae than the Lithistida. Another circumstance suggesting an originally cal- careous skeleton, was observed in freeing fragments of the sponge from the rock by treating with acid. One specimen proved to be siliceous, a fragment of another was so only in part, while the third (the specimen represented by fig. 2) proved, unfortu- nately, to be entirely calcareous, as it was nearly destroyed before its character was noticed. The residue of a part of the last specimen contained, beside numerous spicules of Hystrio- spongia, also several small partially silicified fragments of bryozoa. None of the Calcareous or Lithistid genera of sponges with which I am acquainted, sufficiently resemble Batospongia to necessitate detailed comparisons. Position and locality: The specimens are contained in a slab of bituminous limestone obtained from a layer near the base of the Coal measures, at Seville, 111., where they are associated with Hystriospongia carbonaria, Hyalostelia delicatula, and numer- ous brvozoa. 248 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. BELEMNOSPONGIA nov. gen. Sponges free (?), composed of elongate acerate spicules, which radiate upward and outward from a pointed base. The spicules are large, sub-equal and joined to each other by short processes, while they tend to arrange themselves into fascicles. I am not acquainted with any genus of this order of the sponges from which Belemnospongia is not distinguished by the large size of the spicules, coupled with their tendency to become fasciculate, and in being united to each other by short lateral processes. In a letter to the author, Dr. Hinde suggests that this genus might be compared with his Climacospongia. During the past summer (1886), I made extensive collections of the sponges from the Niagara group of Tennessee, and among them I found no difficulty in detecting several specimens of C. radiata. Upon careful examination I find that instead of belonging to the Monactinellida, as asserted by Dr. Hinde, Climacospongia is a real Lithistid, comparing favorably in the arrangement of the spicular mesh with the Anthaspidellidre, to which family I pro- pose to refer the genus. BELEMNOSPONGIA FASCICULARIS n. sp. PL III, fig. 2, 2a, 2b. Sponges consisting of rather large acerate spicules, that radi- ate upward and outward to form a loose sub-hemispheric or discoid mass, with the base pointed, and the centre of the upper surface depressed. The spicules are straight, cylindrical, taper- ing gently to both extremities, 4 mm. to 8 mm. in length, 0.18 mm. in diameter, and united to each other by a small number of lateral processes, exhibiting at the same time, a more or less marked tendency to arrange themselves into bundles of three or more. At the surface of the best example the spicules are as a rule, smaller than those in the inner portions of the skele- ton. The specimens are preserved in chert nodules, and in all, save the one figured, the spicules have been dissolved and removed, leaving only the empty moulds. As is shown by a fracture, SPONGES. 249 they are likewise gone in the interior of the mass of the illustrated example (PI. Ill, fig. 2a). At the surface, however, the spicules themselves are preserved. Position and locality: Rare in the cherty layers of the Bur- lington limestone, at Burlington, Iowa, and Montezuma, Pike county, Illinois. From the shales of the Keokuk group I have collected speci- mens of two additional Monactinellid or possible Hexactinellid sponges, which, however, are generic-ally distinct from Belemno- spongia faxcicularis. One is composed of extremely fine parallel fibres, or spicules, the length of which could not be determined. The other, as it is not uncommon, and easily recognized, I pro- pose to name Lasiocladia hindei. A brief description is as follows : LASIOCLADIA HINDEI, n. sp. Sponge skeleton composed of elongate, slender, straight, acerate spicules, pointed at both ends, and closely arranged in sub-parallel series; their size is generally quite uniform, and varies little from 6 or 7 mm. in length, by 0.12 mm. in diameter. The broken spicules of this species, are frequently seen scat- tered over the surface of slabs between the fronds of Fenestella and other bryozoa. A small slab, about two and one-half inches square and more than one-half inch thick, from Nauvoo, Illi- nois, is almost entirely composed of them. In this condition they present no recognizable arrangement, and only one speci- men has been observed in which their normal arrangement is preserved. This is a very thin elongate fragment about 35 mm. long, by 7 or 8 mm. in width, which, under the ordinary pocket lens, presents the appearance of being composed of long- itudinal fibr The type of the genus (L. compmssa Hiude, from the Lower Devonian of Belgium) differs from L. hindei, in having stouter and shorter spicules. They are also differently arranged, in being directed upward and outward, instead of in longitudinal series. —31 250 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: In the shales of the Keoknk group at Nauvoo, Illinois; Keokuk, Iowa; and Kings Mt. tunnel, on the C. S. R, E., Lincoln county, Kentucky. SYRINGOPHYLLUM nov. gen. Sponges frondescent, with both sides deeply channeled. Chan- nels parallel, increasing in number by interpolation. Vertical canals, arranged in linear series, pass through the expansion from side to side, opening into the bottom of the channels. In- terspaces minutely tubular, the small canals originating in the central region of the expansion, and proceeding to each surface in a curved direction. Spicules and minute characters of skeleton apparently indistinguishable from Antlinxjiidclla. This genus, though clearly a member of the Anthaspidellidse, differs greatly from the typical genera of the family, in the form of the sponge, arrangement of the canals, and the absence of distinct oscula. Several sponges now referred to Calathiuni (e. g. C. canadense Billings and C. infelix U. & E.) are, perhaps, the nearest rela- tives known. From these Syringophyllum is distinguished by the frondescent form of the sponge. SYBINGOPHYLLVM WOBTHENI n. sp. PI. VII, figs. 4, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e. Sponge frondescent, consisting of an expansion several inches in diameter and 5 mm. thick. Both sides are deeply channeled in a like manner. The channels are parallel, radiately arranged from the base, five or six in 10 mm., increasing in number by interpolation. The mouths of vertical canals, passing through the frond from side to side, are arranged in linear series, five to seven in 10 mm., along the bottom of the channels. The ridges between the rows of canals which, when worn, appear to be striated, are com- posed of a finely tubular spicular mesh, the spicules being- arranged so as to form columnar series, extending from the SPONGES. 251 centre of the expansion in a gently curved direction to each .surface. In sections the spicular mesh is somewhat irregular, but the true Anthaspidellid type is often observable. (PI. VII, fig. 4b.) The spicules in the spaces between the vertical canals an- smaller and much more irregular, than those in the radiat- inir ridges. The specific name is given in honor of our distinguished chief, Prof. A. H. Worthen, who collected the unique example figured. Position find locality: In shales of the Hamilton group, asso- ciated with numerous corals and bryozoa, at Thunder Bay Island, Michigan. PART II. PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. SECTION V. DESCRIPTIONS OF LOWER SILURIAN SPONGES, BY E. 0. ULRICH AND OLIVER EVERETT. SPONGES. 255 DESCRIPTIONS OF LOWER SILURIAN SPONGES. The collection described on the following pages, comprises, without doubt, the most interesting and important addition to our knowledge of Palaeozoic sponges ever made. The collection is so varied, and the preservation of the numerous specimens in ii^neral so favorable, that we have been able to make out witli reasonable certainty, representatives of no less than three orders and ten genera. The Lithistida include by far the great- est number of the species, and the genera Hindis, Antbaspidella, Zittrfella, Edriospongia, and Streptospongia, as well as a section of Calathium. The minute structure of these genera, though mostly of a type not well recognized before, always contains the essential characters of the order. The remaining genera Strotospongia. Dyataetospongia and Camerocladia, apparently belong to the Calcispongiae. All the specimens were collected by Dr. Everett at a quarry situated three miles northwest of his home in Dixon, 111. They a iv found only in a shaly layer of Trenton limestone, from one to four or five inches thick, lying between heavy layers of sub-crystalline limestone, about twenty-five feet above the top of the St. Peter's sandstone. It is called the mud layer by the quarry men, but on examination it is found to be largely made up of organic remains. The shale is crowded with the stems of Pal&ophj-cus and Biithotrephis, while the enclosed thin slabs of limestone contain many of the characteristic fossils of the Trenton group. The sponges may be scattered all through the layer, or confined to particular spots in which they are es- pecially abundant. Some of the slabs from these favored spots are literally covered with fragmentary and complete specimens. 25G PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The following list of characteristic Lower Trenton fossils have been recognized in the sponge layer: Buthotrephis succulens Hall. Palaeophycus simplex Hall. Monotrypa undulata Nicholson. Homotrypa arbuscula Ulrich. Poteriocrinus gracilis Hall. Strophomena camerata Conrad. Strophomena deltoidea Conrad. Streptorhynchus filitextus Hall. Orthis bellarugosa Count d. Orthis pervetus Conrad. O. (Platystrophia) lynx Eichwald (small var.)- Raphistoma lenticulare Emmons. Pleurotomaria rotuloides Hull. Pleurotomaria subconica Hall. Fusispira vittata Hall. Fusispira subfnsiformis? Hall. Subulites elongatus Conrad. Murchisonia gracilis Hall. Maclurea bigsbyi Hall. Ormoceras tenuifilum Hall. Lituites undatus Emmons. Cyrtoceras subannulatum D'Orbigny. Illsenus ovatus Conrad. ANTHASPIDELLA nov. gen. Sponges compound, saucer or funnel-shaped, supported by a short sub-cylindrical stem. Both surfaces of sponge wall with numerous inosculating radiating channels. As growth proceeds those of the upper surface are arched over by the spicular skel- eton and form radial canals, which, by bending downward at their outer extremities, pass through the sponge wall, and open into the channels of the lower surface. These radiating canals are closely arranged in vertical series, each series being sepa- rated from the others by vertical sheets composed of spicular structure. The canals of each series communicate with each other sparingly, but more freely with those of the next series. Upper surface presenting a greater or less number of oscula, SPONGES. 257 each provided with its individual system of radiating channels, which, however, gradually merge into the prevailing radiate ar- rangement. The depressed central portion of each osculum is occupied by the apertures of a limited number of rather large thin-walled vertical tubes, which traverse the sponge wall to half or less than half its thickness. Those in the central oscu- luni extend throughout the stem. Interior skeleton composed of } — { shaped spicules, arranged in linear series so as to leave minute canals of triangular, quad- rate, or polygonal form. Just below the centre of a vertical section of the sponge wall, these capillary canals run nearly parallel with the lower margin. From this region they proceed in a gradually diverging and curved direction to each surface.* Both surfaces sometimes covered with a dense dermal layer. Types, A. florifera and A. mammulata. The minute internal structure of the species referred to this genus and described on the following pages, is practically iden- tical in all. This we believe to be largely due to the destruc- tion of the finer details of structure, consequent to the replace- ment of the original siliceous material by crystalline calcite. The same may be said of the spicular mesh of Zittelella, Edrio- spongia and Streptosolen when compared with that of Anthas- pirtella. We were, therefore, obliged to depend entirely upon external features and variations in the systems in distinguish- ing the genera and the species referred to each. As these char- acters are often unreliable among the sponges, we will not be surprised if future investigations prove that we have made more species and, perhaps, even genera than was necessary. The field being comparatively new and exceedingly difficult, we expect our work to prove faulty in some respects; yet, what- ever errors we may have fallen into, we will find consolation in the conviction that we have done the best we could under the circumstances.! * For further information respecting the interior see discussion on the Anthispidel- lidae, on pages 221 to 226, t Since the above wa- written Mr. Ulrich visited Dixon and succeeded in collecting a considerable number of these sponges. Their study proved very gratifying to us, since we found no difficulty whatever in placing every specimen save a few, belonging to as yet undescribed species. —32 258 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ANTHASPIDELLA MAMMULATA U. & E. PI. I, Pig. 1, la, Ib, Ic, Id. Sponge having the shape of a widely expanded funnel, with the margin abruptly rounded. Upper surface deeply concave. Oscula numerous, occurring at intervals varying from 5 to 20 mm. They occupy the summits of more or less elevated monticules, and when the compact dermal layer is preserved, their abruptly depressed apertures, having a diameter of 2.5 mm. or less, are rounded and sharply margined. When the outer layer is wanting, they are surrounded by from six to ten radiat- ing canals. As usual, the oscula are most numerous in the central portion. The furrows of the radiating canals inosculate rather freely. Under surface comparatively even, with the sides nearly straight or faintly convex, and marked by radiating furrows, of which seven to nine occur in 0.5 of an inch. The margins of these furrows may be entire, more often serrated, and, less commonly, connected with those adjoining by transverse canals. The canal system, as brought out by sections, consists princi- pally of the radiating canals, which, penetrating the sponge wall in a curved direction and a;t right angles to the minute canals formed by the spicular mesh, are arranged in vertically superimposed series. Those of adjoining series are connected with each other at more or less frequent intervals by short canals, arranged in such a manner that they might be mistaken for another series of canals running parallel with the capillary canals. This, however, is not their true nature, as the section clearly shows that each of the supposed canals is formed by a series of closely approximated connecting canals. (See PI. I. fig. Ib.) Diameter of an ordinary sized example, 100 mm.; entire height about 38 mm.; depth of cup, 25 mm.; thickness of wall from 7 to 10 mm. The greater concavity or depth of the upper surface and general form of the sponge, separate A. mammulata from such SPONGES. 259 species as A. florifera, A. scutula and A. parvistellata, while the pustulate form of the oscula furnishes the most characteristic feature of the species. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, 111. ANTHASPIDELLA FLORIFERA U. & E. PI. I, Fig. -2. and PL IY. Fig. 2. Sponge saucer-shaped, usually very shallow and abruptly ex- panded above the short stem. Margin sharp or narrowly rounded. Under surface comparatively even, sometimes with a fesv irregular shallow radiating and concentric depressions. The channels on the under surface are united at frequent but irregular intervals by cross furrows. Their width usually equals about one-half that of the intervening wall-substance. Upper surface gently concave, with a central osculum, surrounding which, at a radius of from 18 to 25 mm., is an irregular circle of similar, but slightly smaller oscula. In very large specimens a second series is developed at about the same distance from the first circle. In the first circle the oscula number from six to eight and are separated from each other by 12 mm. or more. The center of each is slightly, but rather abruptly depressed, and occupied by the apertures of a group of six or more vertical, very thin-walled canals, about 0.7 mm. in diameter. Radiating in all directions from the oscula, the surface pre- sents a series of canals which sometimes anastomose rather freely with each other, but, more commonly, are connected at more or less remote intervals by transverse furrows or canals. The width of these channels sometimes nearly equals that of the intervening sponge tissue, but generally is not more than half as wide. In the central portion of the sponge seven or eight of the radiating canals may be counted in the space of 10 mm., while near the outer margin five or six suffice to fill the same space. A section, dividing the sponge vertically through the centre, shows that the tubes occupying the central osculuin are continuous from the base of the stem to the upper surface, while those occupying the other oscula do not penetrate the 260 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. walls of the sponge more than half its thickness. On each side of the central tubes the section shows a number of radiating canals at distances apart of 1.2 mm. or more, which run parallel with the upper surface, and therefore curve downwards at their outer ends, and open into the radiating furrows ob- served on the lower surface. They are occasionally united with each other by vertical, but, more frequently, by transverse canals. A distinct series of capillary canals is formed by the regular arrangement of the spicular tissue. These proceed to each surface in gradually diverging curved directions from a line parallel with, and much nearer the lower than the upper surface. Entire height of an ordinary specimen 37 mm.; height of stem 12 mm.; diameter of cup 88 mm.; depth of cup 10 mm.; thickness of wall about 12 mm. More specimens of this beautiful species were obtained than of any of the others here described. They are easily recognized by the comparatively few oscula, and regularity of the radiating canals around the large central one, which is also more defined than in any of the other species. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone near Dixon, 111. ANTHASPIDELLA PARVISTELLATA U. & E. PI. I, flg. 3. Sponge patelliform, very shallow and abruptly expanded above the short stem. Walls thin, with a few irregular concen- tric and radiating depressions on the lower side. Margin sub- acute. Upper surface gently concave in the central portion, and slightly convex towards the margin. Oscula comparatively small, numerous, numbering at least seventy. Nearly all of these occur in the inner two-thirds of the diameter, they being but sparingly or not at all developed in the outer third. Where they are most numerous, more than twenty may be counted in one inch square. Each is surrounded by from five to nine radi- ating furrows, giving them a decidedly stellate appearance. Be- SPONGES. 261 t\veen and beyond the oscula the surface is radiately furrowed. The furrows are usually half the width of the intervening sponge substance. They bend down toward the lower surface more abruptly than usual. It is due to the last fact that when but slightly worn, the sponge presents the appearance of being traversed by vertical canals, the rounded apertures of which are closely arranged in radiating series (see PL I, fig. 3.) The canals on the lower side of the sponge wall are usually irregu- larly serrated at their sides, or they may inosculate with each other without losing their distinctly radial character. From six to eight occur in a space 10 mm. wide. The internal structure conforms with that given for the genus. Diameter of a specimen 88 mm.; thickness of wall from 5 to 8 mm.; height of expanded portion of sponge 13 mm.; height of stem unknown, apparently not more than 15 mm. The small size and great number of the oscula characterize this species, and serve to distinguish it from A. scutula. and A. florifera, both of which have a somewhat similar form. Position ;uid locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. AXTHASPIDELLA SCfTULA U. & E. PL m. fig. 1. la. Sponge large, saucer shaped, rather shallow, and abruptly ex- panded above the short sub-cylindrical stem. Margin sharp. Under surface veiy uneven, with rough, irregular prominences and depressions, which are often arranged in a somewhat con- centric manner. On account of the irregularity of the under surface, the radial character of the furrows is less distinct than usual. Upper surface concave throughout, excepting just at the inside of the outer margin where it is convex. Oscula of mod- erate size, numerous, from 5 to 12 mm. apart, and surrounded by from eight to fifteen radial canals. On account of the great number of the oscula, the radiating furrows or canals inoscu- late freely with each other. This is especially the case over the central region of the surface ; nearer the margin their arrange- ment in series radiating from the centre of the sponge becomes more apparent. 262 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Canal system and interior skeleton like that of A. mam- mulata. Diameter of a large specimen 168 mm.; entire height about 50 mm.; night of expanded portion 37 mm.; depth of cup 28 mm.; thickness of wall from 10 to 18 mm. This species is readily distinguished from all others here des- scribed, by its extremely roughened under surface. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. ANTHASPIDELLA GRANDIS U. & E. PL II. fig, 2, 2a. Sponge very large, consisting of a discoidal expansion, the upper surface of which is flat, or very slightly concave. Outer margin sub-acute or rounded. The entire upper surface is marked by frequently connected radiating furrows, the regu- larity of which is more or less disturbed at very unequal inter- vals by the development of an osculum. Oscula rather incon- spicuous and unequal, from 12 to 50 mm. apart. Lower sur- face somewhat roughened, and traversed by frequently con- nected or only serrated radiating furrows. Over limited portions of the surface they are sometimes almost labyrinthically inter- twined, when their radial character may be entirely obliterated or, at least, much obscured. No complete specimen of this species has as yet been found, but judging from the fragments before us the sponge attained a diameter of no less than 500 mm., while its entire height does not appear to have been more than perhaps two or three inches. The fragments show further, that, though the sponge was extremely expanded, the thickness of the wall never exceeded 20 mm., while it is usually not more than 12 or 15 mm. The shape and large size of the sponge, as well as the irregular disposition of the oscula, serve readily to distinguish this spe- cies from any of the associated forms. Position and locality : Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. SPONGES. 263 ANTHASPIDELLA FIRMA U. & H. PL H, fig. 3, 3a. Of this sponge the specimen figured is the only one observed.* Its shape is obliquely depressed-obconical, the cup shallow, and its margin acute, the stem strong, and apparently very short. The under surface shows two faint constrictions, besides several nodular protuberances. The furrows are strong, four to six in 10 mm., and more or less irregularly interrupted, being espe- cially so upon the shorter side. The comparatively large, oval or circular mouths of the radiating channels, are visible in the bottom of the furrows. About seven occur in 10 mm. The oscula of the upper surface are deeply impressed, irregu- larly stellate, of moderate size, and the twenty-seven that can be determined are confined to the inner two-thirds of the cup; the canals which radiate from them, are strong and usually proceed but a short distance when their diameter is diminished, and their identity lost in the confused canal-network prevailing over the central portion of the surface. It is only toward the margin of the cup that the channels assume a common radiate arrangement : yet. even here, they inosculate rather freely. The canal system, as shown by cutting the specimen vertically through the centre, proves to be in all important particulars considerably like that of A. florifera. The canals, however, are larger and the radiating canals less curved downward at their outer ends, appearing also, much less continuous in the section. Height of sponge about 50 mm.; greatest diameter of cup, 92 mm.; depth of same 13 mm.; diameter of stem, where broken about 25 mm. The canals of this species are larger and more widely separ- ated than in any other of the species here described, and as the type specimen differs more or less obviously in other re- spects from them, it is difficult to decide to which A. firma is the most closely related. These peculiarities, however, are only of specific importance, and the species is clearly congeneric with A. mammulata. * Another specimen of this species was collected lately by Mr. TJlrich. 264 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. ANTHASPIDELLA FENESTRATA U. & E. PI. ii, fig. i. Sponge infundibuliform or campanulate, with the cup rather deep. Above the comparatively large and irregularly sub-cylin- drical stem, the sides diverge with a gentle outward curve to the acutely rounded and slightly oblique margin of the cup. Wall about 10 mm. in thickness. Outer or under surface, where unworn, with distinct vertical furrows, seven or eight in 10 mm., into which the radiating canals open. On the stem the furrows are irregularly disposed and united at frequent inter- vals by short transverse channels. Upper surface deeply concave, with a large central osculum, from which ten or twelve strong channels radiate. Over fifty, similar, but smaller oscula are unequally distributed over the remaining surface of the cup; each is surrounded by from five to ten radiating channels, which proceed but a short distance before they merge into the principal furrows; these, despite the numerous interruptions, always maintain a general outward direction from the centre of the cup. Entire height of a good example about 90 mm.; greatest diameter at margin of cup 80 mm.; diameter of stem 20 mm. or a little less; depth of cup about 23 mm. In external form this species somewhat resembles both A. obliqua and A. magnifica. From the first of these it differs in its larger size, less expanded cup, and much more numerous oscula, while the radiating furrows communicate by means of transverse channels rather than by anastomosis. From A. mag- nifica it is distinguished by its smaller size, furrowed outer sur- face, and generally larger canals and oscula. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. SPONGES. 265 ANTHASPIDELLA OBLIQUA U. & E. PL IY, flg. l.la. Sponge funnel-shaped, gradually expanding above the sub- cylindrical stem. Margin of cup narrowly rounded and some- what oblique. Upper surface depressed, and sloping gradually towards the centre, where the best specimen shows a group of three oscula, each surrounded by from twelve to sixteen radi- ating canals, which inosculate with each other and bifurcate rather freely toward the outer margin of the sponge. The sponge tissue between the canals is thinner than usual, being generally of less width than the diameter of the canals. Outer and under surface apparently smooth or even, with the sides concave and traversed by vertical furrows in which the closely arranged apertures of the radiating canals, which have pene- trated the walls of the sponge from the upper surface, are plainly to be seen. On portions of the stem the canals are very irregular. Only two imperfect specimens of this species have been observed but as they show decided peculiarities, it has been thought desirable to describe them. Judging from the form of the speci- mens, the affinities of the species lie with A. fenestrata, from which, however, it is easily distinguished by the smaller size, more expanded cup, and different arrangement of the canals and oscula on the upper surface. Diameter of cup of best specimen 40 mm.; entire height 53 mm.; diameter of stem about 15 mm.; depth of cup 9 mm. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. ANTHASPIDELLA? MAGNIFICA U. & E. PL VIII, fig. 2, 2a, 2b. 2c. Of this fine species the collection affords but a single example, which is figured, partly in outline, on plate VIII. By sawing it vertically through the centre we were enabled to free the deep cup of the enclosed rock, and to trace out the canal systems which are well shown in the wall sections, The entire specimen -33 266 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. is funnel or goblet-shaped, the stem strong, sub-cylindrical, irregularly expanded below, and marked by the more or less confluent and irregularly distributed apertures of small canals, rarely more than 0.5 mm. in diameter. Above the stem on the outer side of the cup, the same irregularity pertains to the dis- tribution of the canal openings and continues to within one inch of the cup margin, where they arrange themselves into vertical series. The outer surface of the cup, especially just above the stem, is faintly mammulated, the broad eminences low and with an obscure vertical arrangement. The cup is deep, and on its sloping sides presents a large number of small slightly raised stellate oscula, 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter; ten or more may be counted in a space one inch square. Below the dense cortical substance which covers the intermediate spaces in the perfect state, the canal furrows inosculate freely, but a tendency to follow lines radiating from the centre of the cup to the margin is always maintained. A vertical section of the specimen shows that the central portion of the stem is traversed by vertical canals opening into the base of the cup. The same series of canals continues on into the walls of the cup. Here they originate along an imaginary line dividing the sponge wall into two layers, an inner one that nearly maintains its thick- ness throughout the cup-wall, and a thinner outer layer that gradually diminishes in thickness from the base of the stem to the margin where it is wanting. The canals in question pass through the inner layer in a curved direction and open at right angles with the surface into the cup cavity. The outer layer is traversed in an opposite direction by similar, but shorter and more numerous canals. A third series is shown in the upper portion of the section figured (PI. VIII, fig. 2c). These proceed apparently from the oscula, and passing through the inner layer in an opposite direction from those already described, ter- minate, at the line marking the beginning of the outer layer. The spicular structure does not differ, so far as observed, from that of A. florifera and the other species. Height of specimen 150 mm.; diameter of stem 35 mm.; ap- proximate diameter at cup margin 140 mm.; depth of cup 70 inni.; average thickness t)f cup wall 17 mm,; thickness of inner layer about 10 ram, SPONGES. 267 This species differs considerably in its canal system from A. florifera and A. mammulata. In those species the vertical canals are almost entirely restricted to the oscula, while the radiating canals are much the more numerously met with in sections. The opposite is the case with A. magnifica, since the radiating canals are but rarely seen in the sections, while the vertical ones are numerous. None of the other species seem to have been provided with an outer layer like that described above, as in all, (so far as their preservation will admit of de- termining this point) the radiating canals open on the outer surface into the vertical grooves. Except at or near the margin of the cup, this is not the case in A. magnifies,, since in this species they do not pass through the outer layer. The func- tions of the latter was probably the same as that of the ordi- nary dermal layer of the sponges. The differences may indicate another genus of this peculiar family of sponges, but till they are proven to be of generic importance by finding them in other forms, we prefer to place the species, at least provisionally, with AnthaspideHB. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. ZlTTELELLA nOV. gen. Sponges simple, pedunculate and attached, varying in shape from depressed obconical, turbinate or sub-spherical, to sub- cylindrical : rarely lobate. Upper surface with a shallow central depression into which a variable number of thin-walled vertical tubes, extending through to the base of the sponge, open. Canal system consisting principally of a series of radiating canals, which may inosculate freely with each other, or only to a limited degree in their passage through the walls of the sponge from the outer surface to the vertical central tubes. The radi- ating canals are closely arranged in vertical series, separated by spicular tissue from one to three times as wide as the canals. This arrangement of the canals gives the sponge the appear- ance of being divided by vertical fissures. Interior skeleton as 268 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. in Anthaspidella, excepting that the capillary canals run parallel with the sides of the sponge wall, and open only at the upper surface. Under surface sometimes covered with a dense dermal layer. Type Z. typicalis* ZlTTELELLA TYPICALIS U. & E. PL V, fig. 5, 5a. Sponge vase or funnel-shaped, with a comparatively long sub- cylindrical stem. Upper surface slightly depressed, and marked by somewhat regular radiating canals uniting more or less freely with each other by means of lateral divisions, or by inoscula- tion. The width of the channels is about 0.6 mm., while from eight to ten occur in 10 mm. The depressed centre of the cup surface exhibits the apertures of nearly fifty vertical tubes, each about 0.8 mm. in diameter, having very thin walls. The sides of the sponge spread rapidly above the stem, and usually ex- hibit a number of shallow vertical depressions, as well as the vertical channels. About five of the latter occur in a space 10 mm. wide. The vertically arranged mouths of the radiating canals are shown in the place of the channels when the speci- mens are worn; six or seven in a series 10 mm. long. On the stem the channels are short, numerous, and irregularly arranged. From the fact that the radiating channels of the upper surface are more numerous than those on the sides, it appears that many of the radiating canals are blind, (L e. terminate before reaching the outer surface) or, that all of the radiating channels are not converted into internal canals. The best specimen (a small one) is 44 mm. in height, and 60 mm. in diameter; the stem about 18 mm. long, and 20 mm. in diameter. The above describes the typical form of the species, but the collection contains a number of sponges from the same locality, which, while they do not appear to be distinguishable by specific * The absence of radiate oscula distinguishes this genus from Anthaspidella. Aulocopium and Climacospongia, have different canal systems. SPONGES. 269 characters, can, nevertheless, be recognized by peculiarities of form and other features of minor importance. For these we propose the varietal names pistilliformis, turbinata and sub- rotunda. var. PISTILLIFORMIS U. & E. PL V, fl«. 4. This variety is distinguished from the typical form of the species by having a more distinct stem, the radiating channels less regular, and oftener united by inosculation, the vertical cloacal tubes somewhat larger and much less numerous, and the upper surface convex instead of flat. The three specimens referred to the variety are also smaller, the largest being only 36 mm. high, while the greatest diameter is 35 mm. var. TURBINATA U. & E. PL V, Fie. 3, Sa, 3b, 3c. 7. 7a. The turbinate form of the sponge is the distinguishing charac- ter of this variety. In all other respects a close resemblance to the typical form prevails. Six specimens are referred to the variety. The two examples, illustrated on plate V, are of medium size. var. SUBROTUNDA U. & E. PL V, Fte. 2, 2a. This form is related to var. turbinata, but differs from it, and to a greater degree from var. pistilliformis, and the typical form of the species, in the subglobose body of the sponge. The central or cloacal depression is deeper than usual, and it does not appear that the sponge was prolonged below into a stem. We have seen only two specimens which could be referred to this variety, and both are much worn and imperfect. In their present condition they present very little resemblance to Z. typicalis, but fearing the differences might in part be due to the poor state of preservation, and as the var. turbinata is an in- termediate form, we preferred to class them as above. 270 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. This species and varieties is, perhaps, more closely related to Z. trentonensis Worthen sp.*, than to any other of the species found at Dixon, 111. They are easily distinguished by the de- pressed obconical form of that species, and the very short or rudimentary stem. The channels are also separated by wider interspaces than in the present species. Position and locality: Twenty,five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, 111. ZlTTELELLA LOBATA U. & E. PL IV. Figs. 3, 3a, 3b, 3e. Sponge of an irregular obconical form, with the upper surface flattened, the sides or lower surface deeply sulcate or irregularly lobate, and abruptly expanded above the stem. The radiating channels of the upper surface are moderately regular, with an average of seven in 10 mm. The cloacal tubes are 1 mm. in diameter, and ten or more in number. The outer portion of the upper surface also exhibits a number of shallow impressions, arranged in an irregularly radiate manner around the centre. On account of the irregular lobate character of the under sur- face the channels here are also irregular. In the perfect state they are covered by a dermal layer, the characters of which have not been ascertained. A large specimen has a height above the stem of 30 mm.; the greatest diameter of the upper surface is 90 mm. The stem is compressed and of unknown length. The longest and shortest diameters are, respectively, 22 mm., and 13 mm. This well marked species is readily distinguished from all associated forms by the irregularly lobate character of the under surface. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone near Dixon, 111. * Cnemidium? trentonensis, Worthen, 111. Geol. Sur, Bep'ts, Vol. VI. p. 491. 1875. SPONGES. 271 ZlTTELELLA INOSCULATA U. & E. PL V. Figs. 6-6a. Sponge pestle-shaped, the stem large, subcylindrical, the upper portion expanded, with the margin narrowly rounded into the convex upper surface. The vertical channels on the sides of the sponges are very irregular and frequently united. The inter- spaces vary in width from one to three mm., and the number of channels in a space 10 mm. wide, from four to seven, while the average number is about five. The central portion of the upper surface is abruptly depressed, the depression stellate, and exhibiting at the bottom the mouths of from four to eight cloacal tubes. The radiating furrows are wavy, bifurcate and inosculate freely with each other, and from 0.5 mm. to 0.8 mm. in width. The interspaces which are narrow wedge-shaped in the region about the cloacal depression, vary in width from 0.2 mm. to 2 mm., being widest at the margin. Height of a medium sized specimen, 33 mm.; diameter of stem varying from 14 to 18 mm.; height of same 21 mm.; diameter of upper portion, about 27 mm. Another example is about 25 mm, in diameter; height of expanded upper portion 10 mm.; diameter of stem where it is broken from the body of the sponge, about 11 mm. The form of this specimen appears to have been very much like that of Z. typicalis var. pistilliformis, figured on the same plate with this species (PI. V, fig. 4,). The distinguishing characters of the species are found in the wavy and inosculating surface channels, and the generally wider interspaces. The form of the sponge approximates to that of Z. typicalis var. pistilliformis, but none of the four specimens are so much expanded above. A comparison of their respective surface channeling^ will readily distinguish them. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone near Dixon, 111. EDRIOSPONGIA nov. gen. Sponge massive, lobate, attached by a broad base, with the sides irregularly indented. Canal system irregular, consisting 272 . PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. of closely arranged radiating canals, connected by tortuous vertical canals passing through them. Minute canals, formed by the arrangement of the spicules in linear series, traverse the sponge in a direction parallel with the radiating canals. When perfect the sides of the sponge are covered with a minutely porous dermal layer. When this is removed the irregularly arrayed apertures of the radiating canals are exposed. Spicu- lar structure between the canals, of unequal thickness, usually narrow. The distinguishing characters of this genus may be summed up as follows: (1) The massive form, (2) broad base, (3) absence of stellate oscula and vertical cloacal tubes, and (4) the irregular arrangement of the canals, when compared with those of An- thaspidella and Zittelella. From Streptosolen the genus is separated by the three peculiarities first noted, as well as by the smaller and less tortuous radiating canals. EDKIOSPONGIA BASALIS U. & K. PL VI, fig. 1. la, lb, lc. Sponge massive, irregular in outline, and attached to foreign bodies by a broad base; the sides are irregularly and often deeply indented, so as to impart to the mass a rudely pillared aspect. Upper surface with irregular depressions, but without oscula save those of the radially arranged vertical canals. These usually alternate with the radiating canal furrows, and form close series between two of the latter. Five or six mouths occur in the length of 5 mm., while the diameter of each is about 0.6 mm. Upon grinding the surface it will be noticed that the radiate furrows are replaced by rows of vertical canal apertures, and the series of the latter by radiating canals. This changing from one to the other repeats itself if the grinding is continued, and proves that the two sets of canals pass through each other, and are alternately developed at the surface. The sides of the sponge, when the dermal layer is removed, often show the sub- Circular mouths of the radiating canals arranged in irregular SPONGES. 273 vertical series. Portions of the more or less tortuous vertical canals also may be presented to view. Generally, however, the sides present a very irregular network of canals. Height of largest example varying between 18 and 40 mm.; greatest width about 90 mm. The three specimens of this species contained in the collection before us, are in too poor a state of preservation to admit of satisfactorily determining all the details. One of them is very det-Hptive. as it is attached to the lower surface of a species of Anthaspidella and has adapted itself so neatly to it that the osculiferous face was supposed to belong to the Edriospongia. This mistake was not discovered till some time after the speci- men had been lithographed (PI. VI, fig. 1, la) and the plate printed. It then occurred to us to saw the perplexing specimen vertically through the centre. When this was accomplished the duplex character was made manifest, as the section clearly shows a divisional line between the two sponges. Another diffi- culty, now presented, was to determine whether the Edriospongia had grown upon the Anthaspidella, or the former been accidentally- deposited upon the upper surface of the latter. All the facts seem to point to the second explanation as the true one. Every character of the lower surface of the specimen as it is repre- sented by fig. la, brings evidence against the conclusion that we are dealing with the upper surface of the sponge, but on the contrary, agrees in every respect with our idea of the base of a parasitic sponge. It therefore appears that during the lifetime of the Edriospongia the Anthaspidella was deposited upon its upper surface, without seriously interfering with the functions till the gradual increase of the sponge mass had stopped the water circulation by closing the canal outlets. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon. Illinois. STREPTOSOLEX nov. gen. Sponges simple or compound, obconical, pedunculate. Central oscula showing the mouths of five or six thin walled tubes, which extend'through the sponge to the base. The oscula are -34 274 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. surrounded by an irregularly radiating series of large canals; between these are also a few apertures of vertical canals. Sides of sponge with very irregular branching canal furrows. Minute structure of skeleton like that of Zittelella and Anthaspidella. The character principally relied upon in distinguishing this genus from Anthaspidella, is found in the very irregular dispo- sition of the canals. The radiating canals are not, as in that genus and Zittelella, arrayed in vertical series, but pass through the sponge ma,ss in every direction, and the vertical furrows, so characteristic of those genera, are therefore wanting. STREPTOSOLEN OBCONICUS U. & E. PL IV, fig. 4, 4a, 4b. Sponge obconical, gradually widening above the strong and slightly expanded base. Upper surface flat or slightly depressed with the margin rounded. The collection contains two speci- mens of which the smaller one was figured. This has but one osculum, sub-centrically situated, and around it a number of tor- tuous interrupted and branching radiating canals. The larger specimen has three oscula, each of which is surrounded by its own irregular system of radiating canals. The average width of the canals is about 1.2 mm. The sides of both specimens present a very irregular system of tortuous branching canal furrows. Near the base of the larger specimen there are evi- dences of a dense dermal layer. The dimensions of this example are as follows: height 75 mm.; greatest width about 60 mm.; diameter of stem 17 mm. by 24 mm. None of the associated sponges resemble this species suffi- ciently to necessitate detailed comparisons. The irregular in- tertwining of the canals will distinguish it at a glance. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. CALATHIUM?? (?ZITTELELLA) INFELIX U. & E. PL V, flg. 1. la. Of this species only two imperfect examples have been observed, but as they seem to be quite different from any of the associ- SPONGES. 275 ate<] sponges, it was deemed advisable to name and illustrate them. The form is obliquely conical, about a.s wide as high; the cup very deep, with the margins rounded. Sides of cup pre- senting the apertures of large radiating canals, arranged seri- ally in the bottom of vertical channels, four or five in 10 mm. The outer surface of the sponge wall is much weathered, but preserves enough to show that though the radiating canals pass through the wall they are less regularly arranged here than on the inner surface. The spaces between the canals are poriferous, but the form of the spicules could not be determined, with certainty. A transparent section seems to show, however, that they are not unlike those of the ANTHASPIDELLID.E. Sponge wall gradually increasing in thickness from below up\vards. The greatest thickness, 10 mm., is in the upper one-third of the height. This sponge is placed provisionally in the genus Calathium of Billings, because it is most probably congeneric with his C. ruiicidense, from the Chazy. Question signs are added because we believe C. formosuw, the type of the genus, is generically distinct from these forms, but till the spicular structure of the various species has been determined, it will be impracticable to separate the groups. Perhaps the genus Zittelella should be extended so that it would include species of this type. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. HINDI A IX.EQVALIS F. ».V: E. PI. H. fig. 4. 4a, 4b. Sponge free, of spherical form, with the surface evenly rounded. The diameter of the largest specimen is 13 mm. Other examples apparently belonging to the same species, vary from 7 to 10 mm. The centre of the sponge is occupied by loose tissue, from which extend small straight canals to all parts of the surface. The radiate canals increase in number, and very slightly in size, a.s the sponge grows larger, are sub-circular in section, and vary 276 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. in width from 0.2 to 0.7 mm.; their walls are thin and consist of cemented spicules. The skeleton, being calcined, gives but a faint idea of the individual spicules. The internal character of the species, as they appear in thin sections, are well shown in figs. 4a and 4b. In transverse sec- tions, the angles of junction between the canals, are alternately composed of: ( 1 ) clear crystalline calcite, representing the nodes of the spicules, and (2) the matrix which passes through the connecting pores. In fig. 4a the latter are represented by a darker shade. It would, perhaps, have been better to have left them out of the drawing altogether, as the irregular shad- ing by which we intended to imitate the limestone matrix, might be interpreted to represent details, of skeleton structure not intended. The distinguishing feature of this species is found in the un- equal size of the radiating canals. The larger ones are gener- ally surrounded by one or two series of the smaller canals, but their arrangement with relation to each other is quite as vari- able as their width. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. STROTOSPONGIA nov. gen. Sponges compound, funnel-shaped, composed of thin, intri- cately intertwined vertical leaves. The upper surface with more than one osculum, around which the undulating vertical leaves are arranged in a radiate manner. Cloacal depressions of vari- able depth; the apertures of several vertical tubes occupy the bottom of each. Lower or outer surface with large sub-circular and closely arranged canal apertures, arranged in somewhat regular longitudinal series, while the interstices between them are occupied by smaller canal apertures of variable size and form. Vertical sections show that the sponge wall is travered by labyrinthically intertwined canals, having irregularly perforated thin walls. SPONGES. 277 Owing to changes produced during the process of fossilization the minute structure of the canal walls cannot be determined satisfactorily. Where the walls are thinnest, traces of the spi- cules are preserved. They appear to have been very minute, and mainly three-rayed. Also a few extremely small uniaxial spicules seem to belong here. In the form and general aspect of the sponge, Strotospongia resembles species of Anthaspidella so closely, that the utter disagreement in their respective internal structures (so far as it has been determined) is very surprising. On the other hand, we are again surprised to find that the internal structure of Stro- tospongia corresponds very closely with that of the massive sponges for which Mr. S. A. Miller proposed the genus Dystac- tospongia. Both of these genera, we believe, belong to the CAL- CISPONGLE, which they resemble more than any other group of sponges. At any rate, none of the characters so far determined present any serious objections to our view, but on the contrary all seem to justify a provisional classification with the calcare- ous sponges. STROTOSPONGIA MACULOSA U. & E. PI. VIII, fig. 1, la, Ib. Ic, Id, Sponge depressed funnel-shaped, expanding rapidly above the sub-cylindrical stem, which is of unknown length. Upper sur- face concave, with the margin acutely rounded. Near the centre there is a deep cloacal cavity or osculum, while six others, of smaller size, and less deep are situated at varying distances from the central osculum. Around each there is a series of thin-walled canals, arranged in a radiate manner, from 1 to 1.5 mm. wide. The radiating canals extend but a short distance from the oscula when they bend downward and are lost in the confused plexus which prevails throughout the interior of the sponge. Beyond them the thin sponge substance forms a very irregular network, with large angular meshes. The under surface exhibits the apertures of numerous canals, 0.7 to 1.2 mm. in width, which are arranged in subregular longi- tudinal series on the expanded portion of the sponge. On the 278 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS, surface of the stem their arrangement is much less regular, while they are also somewhat larger aud more angular than those occupying the space for some distance above the stern. Here their mouths are sub-circular, and separated by sponge tissue less than half their diameter in width. Near the margin of the upper surface the canal apertures again become more angular, and the sponge substance thinner. Numerous smaller canal apertures occupy the spaces between the larger caimls. A vertical section shows that the sponge walls are traversed by labyrinth ically intertwined canals. The separating sponge substance, which is generally not more than 0.1 mm. thick, has been replaced by crystalline calcite, and the process has effectu- ally destroyed nearly all the finer details of structure. Where the walls are thinnest, or less compact than usual, obscure traces of the spicules and sponge fibre are preserved. So far as the unsatisfactory conditions will admit of determining their characters, it seems that the fibres contained both three-rayed and uniaxial spicules. The above describes the characters of the specimen we have illustrated. The collection contains, besides, two other examples which differ considerably in the size and arrangement of the canals, and may belong to another species of the genus. Although we were tempted to add another species to this pecu- liar genus, we have concluded to await the discovery of other specimens, before deciding them to be distinct. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, Illinois. DYSTACTOSPONGIA MINOR. U. & E. PL Yin, Fig. 3. 3a, 3b. Sponge lobate massive, composed of irregular vertical leaves, which combine to form a tubular mass. The tubes or canals radiate from the base to the upper surface of the specimen, where their walls, which have a thickness varying from 0.1 to 0.4 mm., present the appearance of short, beaded lines of cal- cite, forming an incomplete net work, with small and irregular meshes, not exceeding, apparently, 1 mm. in width. SPONGES. 279 in vertical sections the canal walls decrease slightly in thick- ness from below upwards. They are pierced at frequent but unequal intervals by large irregular openings. The canal cavi- ties are traversed by fine branching or simple fibres of calcite, which we suppose to represent spicules. In transverse sections the sponge substance is represented by small irregular masses of crystalline calcite. Of this species Ave have seen only the small lobate example, illustrated on plate VIII.* The figure gives an oblique view of the specimen and shows, on the left side, vertical canals running from the base to the rounded upper surface. The vermiculate lines on the half to the right, represent their incomplete walls. On account of the great irregularity of the internal structure, it is difficult to draw up satisfactorily descriptions of the species of this genus. The same difficulty is experienced in describing the internal construction of Strotospongia. The structure of these sponges might, perhaps, have been better defined by saying, that the sponges are composed of irregular reticulate fibres so arranged that they form labyrinthically intertwined canals, or, more or less irregular, vertical tubes. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone near Dixon, 111. DYSTACTOSPONGIA RUDIS U. & E. PL Vm, Figs. 4-4a. Of this species also, the collection contains but one example. This is massive, of oval shape, three and one-half inches long, two and one-half inches wide, and one and five-eighths inches high. It is composed of reticulate sponge fibre arranged in such a manner that it forms very thin, cribrose leaves, .1 mm. or more in thickness, which combine with each other at unequal intervals, so as to produce an irregularly tubular mass. The canals so formed vary in width from 1.5 mm. to 4 mm., and traverse the mass in an irregular radiate manner from the base. •Since this was written Mr. E. O. Ulrich visited Dixon and succeeded in collecting several other specimens of this and the following species. These agree in all respects with the ones described. 280 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. In sections the cribrose character of the intertwining sponge leaves is quite obvious, but the component parts of the fibres have been so much obscured during fossilization, that they can- not now be determined. But in the matrix which fills the canal cavities, a large number of minute needle-shaped bodies, as well as a few three-rayed forms, were observed. This distinct species is separated from I), minor by the thinner leaves, and much larger canals. From D. insolens Miller, the type of the genus, it is distinguished by the same characters. That species also presents a limited number of large radiate oscula on the upper surface, which are not observable on the species here described. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, 111. CAMAROCLADIA nov. gen. Sponges consisting of small subcylindrical branching stems. Interior with comparatively large, but short sub-cylindrical canals, or cavities, which wind about in an irregular manner before opening at the surface of the branches. The canals are separated by thin cribrose walls. The walls are now composed of crystalline calcite, and preserve only very faint traces of the spicular fibre. In the canal cavi- ties a number of minute, mainly isolated three-rayed forms were observed. This genus is proposed to include small branching fossils that are quite numerous in the Dixon sponge layer. In their general appearance they resemble species of Buthotrephis, a genus of the so-called "Fucoids." Whether any of these supposed plants are really fossil Algae remains to be seen. That many are not, will be shown, we think, when their obscure remains are examined and studied as they should be. Some will probably turn out to be inorganic, others may be trails and burrows, while not a few will prove to be sponges, as has already been shown of Dictyophyton and Cyathophycus. The systematic position of Camarocladia, while not positively determined, is nevertheless, sufficiently indicated by the known characters, to induce us to classify the genus with the calcareous sponges, in the neighborhood of Peronella and Verticillites. SPONGES. 281 CAMAROCLADIA DICHOTOMA U. & E. PL VII, Figs. 1. la. Ib. Sponge ramose, branching dichotomously at intervals of 10 mm. (more or less). Branches sub-cylindrical, 2 mm. or a little more in diameter, with the surface smooth or minutely rough- ened, and irregularly porous. Among the minute pores, which we regard as interstices between the reticulate skeleton fibre, a small number of larger ones may be detected. Sections show that the interior of the branches is mainly occupied by more or less confluent short sub-cylindrical cavities, with the separating partitions very thin. The cavities seem to wind about in an irregular manner before they open at the surface. Their width varies but little from 0.4 mm. The cluster of branches shown on plate VII, illustrates the usual appearance of this peculiar sponge. The branches are generally matted together and much broken in the rock or on the surface of Antbaspidelhi species. In this condition the speci- mens rarely show any recognizable structure. There are, probably, two or three other species of this genus in the Trenton rocks of the western states. Though very abundant in certain layers, the conditions of preservation were in every case so unfavorable that none of the specimens pre- serve more than the merest traces of the sponge skeleton. Two of them are more robust than C. dichotomy, while the third is a smaller form and its branches divide more frequently. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, 111. -35 282 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. STOMATOP0110IDS. ACTINOSTROMA? TRKNTONENSE U. & E. PL VII. Fig. 3, 3a, 3b. The specimen which we propose to designate as above, is a rounded sub-hemispheric mass, 47 mm. in diameter, by 23 mm. in height. It consists of superimposed layers, from 1 to 3 mm. thick. Sections are somewhat obscure, but show thai? the mass is composed of minute irregular vertical rods, of stellate form in cross section. At varying intervals the rods throw out from four to six slender rays which may or may not unite with the rays of the surrounding rods. In its minute structure this fossil resembles the ANTHASPIDELLID.E, but the fact that the hemispheric mass is made up of superim- posed layers, seems to indicate a more decided affinity with the Stromatoporoid section Actinostroma,, proposed by Dr. Nichol- son. The typical species of Actinostroma,, one of which is illus- trated on plate VII, differ from our species in having the rays of the "radial pillars" placed at corresponding levels. Up to the present time the genus wras not known to have representa- tives in older rocks than those of the Wenlock limestone of Britain. From that horizon two species are mentioned by Dr. Nicholson. In Devonian deposits the species are more numerous. Position and locality: Twenty-five feet above the base of the Trenton limestone, near Dixon, 111. PART II. PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. SECTION VI. PAL.EOZOIC BRYOZOA. BY E. O. ULRICH. BRYOZOA. 285 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To Prof. A. H. Wortben, State Geologist: DEAR SIR: When I undertook this work it was with the in- tention of preparing a complete monograph of the Bryozoa found in the Palaeozoic rocks of the State. It soon became apparent, however, that this could not be carried out, since the class proved to be so numerously represented that neither space nor the appropriation would suffice for the purpose. In view of this I decided to select only the typical and most important species and upon these to base a system of classification enabling the student without much trouble to arrange his long neglected material. To facilitate the study I found it necessary to write a comprehensive introduction, containing a short bibliographic sketch of the subject to date, an account of the general and comparative structure of Palaeozoic Bryozoa, and a chapter on their classification with notes upon recent methods of investiga- tions. My classification is based almost entirely upon the microscopic and really fundamental characters and I need not therefore apologize if my system differs widely from those hitherto employed. The time has arrived when some convenient and natural arrangement for this large branch of the Palaeozoic fauna is not only desirable but a pressing necessity if we would use them to further the progress of stratigraphical geology. There is no class of fossils better entitled to that distinction than the Bryozoa, as they are more than usually persistent in their characters. Those of the suborder TREPOSTOMATA are even servicable where other fossils are too imperfect, since in most cases they can be identified by means of thin sections. 286 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The material upon which the present report is based is mostly contained in the State Museum at Springfield. A few illustra- tive species not in the museum were loaned for description from private collections. Of these, whenever possible, I have placed typical examples into the State collection, so that it may be claimed with truth, that as a collection of Upper Palaeozoic Bryzoa at any rate, it stands unsurpassed. The numerous thin sections required for the work, were all personally prepared by me. The illustrations, too, have all been drawn, and many of them transferred to stone, by myself. On the remainder the lithographic work was done, under my personal supervision, by Mr. Charles Schuchert, to whom I am much indebted for the fidelity and skill he has shown in the performance of his difficult task. To Mr. J. M. Nickles of Sparta, Illinois, who has not only amassed a large collection of Palaeozoic Bryozoa but also is conversant with their structure, I am especially indebted for much valuable assistance both by way of advice and specimens. And to you, my dear sir, I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for the encouragement and many kindnesses that I have received at your hands, nor can I forget the marked patience and sympathy that you have shown me throughout the progress of my work. Very respectfully yours, E. O. ULRICH. BRYOZOA. 287 PREFACE For reasons pointed out in my letter of transmittal, the pre- sent work falls considerably short of being a "Monograph" of the Palaeozoic Bryozoa of Illinois, and much umvrought material still remains in the State Museum. Many new and important forms are also contained in private collections, while in my own there are over two hundred Palaeozoic species (many of them from Illinois) that must await opportunities for publica- tion. This, however, was not so much a cause for regret as the loss of much time that was consumed in selecting just such forms as would show the characters and limits of the genera in the best manner. My desire to establish the generic divisions in such a manner that they would readily appeal to the mind of the student I sought to fulfill by incorporating into the re- port as many diagnostic species as possible. On this account the plates, especially the latter ones, are more crowded, and some of the species less fully illustrated, than I had originally intended. The crowded condition of the plates, on the other hand, bears witness to the fact that I have done what I could in the way of illustration, and in most cases, I have no doubt, it will be found to suffice for present needs, or until a "Mono- graph" of the Palaeozoic representatives of the class can be prepared. Palaeontologists have now universally conceded that in the determination of such difficult groups of organisms as the fossil Bryozoa the microscopic structure is the most essential ele- ment. The superficial characters may vary greatly in differently preserved specimens, or they may not be recognizable, while the mere external form or habit of growth is too treacherous a guide to be relied upon. The older palaeontologists, without 288 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. exception, relied upon these delusive external characters in dis- tinguishing their species, and the result is that it is now almost impossible to identify a large number of forms which they have described and named. Their names have become current, but we have no assurance that we are really dealing with the forms to which the names were originally applied. Frequently, too, the names have been applied by subsequent observers to totally different organisms, so that no little amount of confusion has resulted. The ill effects of this state of things upon stratigraph- ical geology, can scarcely be exaggerated, since it is often quite impossible to be sure of the identification by various authors of the characteristic fossils of particular horizons. Thus, one often finds Chsetetes lycoperdon Say, Stenopora fihrosa Gold- fuss, S. columnaris Geinitz, and Monticulipora or Chsetetes petro- politanus Pander, quoted in lists as typical fossils of certain stratigraphical horizons; but it is safe to say, that in almost every instance there is no surety that the indentification of the species rests upon anything beyond the worthless characters of external form and general composition. This confusion will continue so long as such illy characterized and unidentifiable species are recognized by palaeontologists. Some indulgences might be extended to early authors but I hold that there is absolutely no excuse whatever for such work at the present time when our facilities for giving our work a permanent value, by doing it well, are so much better than they were in former years. Of greater value, at present, than the mere addition of new species to our lists, is the proper elu- cidation of those already named. Until within the last ten years the Palaeozoic Bryozoa did not receive the attention from palaeontologists that they deserve, and previous to 1875, Dr. Hiram A. Prout was the only Ameri- can author who aimed to introduce some system into their classification. Unfortunately, his labors were almost exclusively confined to the Bryozoa of the Carboniferous rocks, and consist mainly of careful delineation of species and genera. On account of his limited acquaintance with the Silurian, Devonian and Mesozoic forms, his conclusions were often faulty. However, when we consider the time and the primitive methods of inves- tigation then employed, we are forced to credit him with fine BRYOZOA. 289 powers of discrimination and observation. To Dr. H. A. Nichol- son the student of Palaeozoic TREPOSTOMATA is more indebted than to any other naturalist, since to him belongs the credit of being the first to recognize the absolute necessity of thin sec- tions. His works mark a new departure, an epoch in the study of these intricate fossils, and it is upon the outlined basis first drawn by this brilliant naturalist, that my own work has been built. We agree admirably upon fundamental principles and the facts involved, and if we differ more or less in our conclu- sions, I think it is mainly because Dr. Nicholson has not gone into the comparative anatomy of the subject as deeply as I have found it necessary to do. Nor can he have had any ade- quate idea of the vast variety and number of the forms under consideration. To enhance the value of my work I have extended my inves- tigations so as to embrace not only Palaeozoic, but also all available Secondary, Tertiary, and recent material. The ex- haustive works of D'Orbigny, Busk, Reuss, Manzoni, Hagenow, Hincks and other authorities on the subject, were carefully studied and searched for information which might throw some light upon the early representatives of the class here treated. Much success has attended my endeavors in this direction and the classification now offered, though essentially the same as the scheme published in my "American Palaeozoic Bryozoa," is nevertheless much improved and more natural, as the whole is based upon the microscopic and really fundamental characters of the organisms. Nearly four thousand thin sections were prepared, illustrating the internal characters of between six and seven hundred species. It is not claimed that the system adopted applies correctly in all cases, but I am convinced that the outlines as herein drawn will recommend themselves to all who will undertake the study of the Palaeozoic Bryozoa with an unprejudiced mind and a firm determination to master them. Such a student will quickly learn that, as soon as he has accustomed himself to taking note of every variation, and grasped the fundamental principles of the system, the subject is less difficult than it at first seemed, as he will find that his specimens usually drop naturally enough —36 290 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. into their proper divisions. In the chapters on general struc- ture and classification some notes on methods of investigation may prove of interest and, perhaps, of value. An abridged bibliographical sketch, as well as a chapter on comparisons between Palaeozoic and more recent Bryozoa, has been prepared, but on account of a lack of space they could not be printed in this volume. TERMINOLOGY. ZOARIUM (=polyzoarium and ccenoecium auctt.): — The compo- site structure formed by repeated gemmation. ZotEciuM (= cell auctt.): — The true cell or chamber in which the polypide is lodged. MESOPORES (= interstitial cells auctt.): — The angular or irregu- lar cells which occupy the spaces between the zocecia in many of the TREPOSTOMATA and some of the CRYPTOSTOMATA. VESICULAR TISSUE: — The vesicles which occupy the space between the zocecia in the FISTULIPORID.E and other Palaeozoic Bryozoa. ACANTHOPORES (= spimform coralHtes Nicholson, spinifonn tubuli Ulrich, Wandrohrchen Dybowski):— The tubular spines which are found in so many Palaeozoic Bryozoa, notably De- kayia, Leioclema and Rhombopora. MEDIAN TUBULI (= Wandstrlingn Dybowski): — Very slender tubes which are present between the zocecial walls and the median laminae of certain double leaved forms (e. g. STICTOPO- RID^E). Their apertures at the surface are slightly elevated and present the appearance of series of minute granules. The small granules in Rhombopora, Stenopora and other genera, are sup- posed to be of the same character. COMMUNICATION PORES:— Small pores which pass through the walls of the zooecia and establish communication between adja- cent cells. O(ECIUM (= ovicell, gonocyst, goncecium auctt.):— A modified zoGeeium set apart for reproductive functions, the inflation of BRYOZOA. 291 the surface of the zoarium in which the embryoes are developed, or a special receptacle which is attached to the zooecium and serves the same purpose. DIAPHRAGMS (=ttibul& and septa auctt.): The straight plates which cross the tubular zocecia and mesopores in the TREPO- STOMATA. CYSTIPHRAGMS: — The convex plates which line the walls of the zooecia in some of the TREPOSTOMATA. OPERCULA or PERFORATED DIAPHRAGMS: — Horizontal plates, perforated su been t rally, closing the mouths of the zooecia. As growth proceeds in the colony these are left behind in the tubes and mark the successive stages. SUPERIOR HEMI-SEPTUM: — A plate or laminar projection which forms the posterior border of the primitive zooecial aperture, in the typical CRYPTOSTOMATA. INFERIOR HEMI-SEPTUM: — A small plate often present in the CRYPTOSTOMATA, springing from the anterior wall or the medium laminae of double leaved forms, at a point a short distance below the "Superior hemi-septum". LUNARIUM: — A more or less thickened portion of the posterior wall in mam* Bryozoa which is curved to a shorter radius and usually projects above the plane of the zooec-ium aperture. It is of crescentic form, and represents the "notch" which is such a characteristic feature of the aperture of some of the recent CHEILOSTOMATA. In the Palaeozoic Bryozoa it is variously modi- fied and drawn out trough-like. PRIMARY APERTURE:— "The original orifice" of the zooecium in the CRYPTOSTOMATA. SECONDARY or SUPERFICIAL APERTURE: — The superficial orifice of the tubular prolongation of the original aperture. OBVERSE and REVERSE: — Two terms employed to designate, respectively, the celluliferous and non-celluliferous faces of the zoaria of the FENESTELLID.E, ACAXTHOCLADIID.E, and PHYLLOPO- RINID.E. DISSEPIMENTS: — Short non-celluliferous bars connecting the cell- bearing branches in the FENESTELLID.E, and developed at regu- lar intervals. The rounded, hexagonal or quadrate meshes of the net work thus formed are known as the "fenestrules". 292 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. CHAPTER I. GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE STRUCTURE OF PALEO- ZOIC BRYOZOA. To get a correct idea of the structure of Palaeozoic Bryozoa, it is absolutely necessary that they be studied with the aid of thin sections. The following is a simple method for preparing sections: The materials required are, (1) a piece of sandstone (not too gritty) eight or ten inches wide, eighteen or twenty inches long, and of sufficient thickness to insure solidity; (2) a piece of water hone one inch thick, a little wider, and four or five inches long; (3) a block of wood (walnut is the best) one inch thick, two inches wide and four and one-half inches long. The edges of the upper side is rounded to fit the hand, while in the lower side a shallow excavation one and one-sixteenth inches by three and one-eighth is made to fit the ordinary glass slip. The excava- tion must be made so that the central portion of the glass slip will bear upon the block, while the ends may have a little play. With a strong pair of "wire nippers" a fragment is pinched from the specimen of which sections are desired. This is taken into the fingers, rubbed upon the sandstone until the surface is perfectly flat. This is the most important part of the process, and the greatest care must be exercised to retain (or obtain, as the case may be,) the desired angle. This surface is now rubbed smooth upon the hone, when the fragment is ready for mount- ing. A drop of Canada balsam is placed upon the glass slip and the ground face of the fragment into it. The slip is now heated (on a heating stage or over a lamp) and the Canada balsam allowed to boil five or six seconds, when the slip is laid upon a horizontal piece of wood to cool. After it is cold the BRYOZOA. 293 balsam should be tested, and, if it is not hard and brittle, must be reheated. If of the proper hardness, the block is moistened, the slip placed into the excavation, and the superfluous material rubbed away upon the sandstone. When nearly thin enough it is taken out of the block and finished upon the hone. After thoroughly cleaning and drying the section may be covered with a thin sheet of glass, or only a film of balsam, when it is again heated and the air bubbles, if any are present, expelled by faint pressure upon the section with some pointed instru- ment. Of course it requires a certain amount of experience and time to make good sections, yet even the beginner ought soon to be able to make from twenty to thirty sections daily, while an expert may increase the number to forty and even fifty. For reasons which will become apparent to the reader further along, these sections must be prepared with a knowledge of certain peculiarities which are common to the Bryozoa, other- wise the sections will be misleading. Take for example any ramose or palmate form, and the student will find that the zoarium of such Bryozoa is composed primarily of two distinct zones, an inner or axial region where the zooecia are tubular, with very thin walls, and more or less nearly vertical, and an outer or peripheral region composed of the same tubes bent outwards at varying angles in order to reach the surface. In this outer region the zooecia are supposed to have entered the mature condition, and it is here only that such accessory features as the acanthopores and mesopores are developed. The necessity of two sections, a vertical and a transverse, is at once obvious, but as neither of these sections will give us a cross section of the zooecia in their peripheral region, where the adult and consequently the most important characters are to be found, it is evident that a third section must be prepared, which will enable us to investigate these characters. This sec- tion, which is called ; 'tangential," must divide the zoarium along a plane paralled with the surface, and only a little below it. Of bifoliate forms two tangential sections ought to be made, one passing through the zoarium just below the surface, and the other just above the median lamina. In thin examples of this 294 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. style of growth one large section can be made to show the characters of the zocecia from their origin to the aperture. For massive, parasitic, or discoid zoaria, two sections (verti- cal and transverse) will ordinarily suffice to bring out the principal characters, but it is advised that two or more trans- verse sections be prepared, dividing the zoarium at different heights. I. Mode of growth. — In considering the general structure of fossil Bryozoa, the mode of growth and the form ultimately as- sumed by the zoarium, though generally of but sub-ordinate classi- ficatory value, may very appropriately be mentioned first. The out ward form of the zoarium, though extremely variable, when the whole class is taken into consideration, is tolerably constant for each species, and not infrequently all or most of the species belong- ing to one genus may adhere more or less strictly to some particu- lar method of growth. The importance of variation in outer form as a factor in classification is very much diminished by the fact that many species may vary considerably in shape, and but very slightly in their minute structural characters, while on the other hand structurally diverse species may assume the same outward form. We must admit, however, that in many Bryozoa the ultimate form of the zoarium is largely determined by the shape and reproduction of the zooficia, and in these the external form is of the first importance, since it is indicative of variations in structural characters. The zoaria of Palaeozoic Bryozoa usually exhibit one or the other of the following conditions: 1. The incrusting or parasitic zoa.rium, in which the colony is parasitically attached by the whole of the lower surface to foreign bodies, such as shells corals other Bryozoa or stones. The zooecia are short, usually tubular, and by the formation of successive layers the zoaria may form large masses. Examples are several species of Leptotrypa, Spatiopora, Palseschara, Atactopora, Ceramoporella, Eridopora, Stomatopora, etc. 2. The laminar zoarium, differs from the encrusting only in being free and in having the lower surface covered with a wrinkled or striated epithecal membrane. The colony usually commences its growth upon some small object. This type of BRYOZOA. 295 growth is represented by many species of Fistulipora, Monticuli- pora cincinnatiensis Nicholson, and several species of Steno- pora. 3. The massive zoarium, which may be free, attached only at the base, or growing around some foreign body. The zooecia form long tubes, divided at more or less frequent intervals by diaphragms. The massive zoarium is seen in Monticulipora mammulata D'Orbigny, some species of Leptotrypa, Mono- trypa, Fistulipora and Crepipora. 4. The discoid zoarium has the form of a plano-convex or concavo-convex disc. Generally the convex surface is cellulifer- ous and the flat or concave surface covered Avith a striated and wrinkled epitheca. Monotrypa? petasiformis Nicholson, Lepto- trypa discoidea Nich., Diplotrypa petropolitana Pander, and Prasopora lycoperdou are examples. More rarely the upper or celluliferous surface is concave or flat, and the lower side con- vex. Of this condition Scenellopora radiata, and Proutella dis- coidea (Prout sp.) examples. The same type of zoarium per- tains to species of Aspidopora, Discotrypa and Cyclopora, but in these the height when compared with the width is propor- tionately much less than in the examples first cited. In all, the adult form was essentially free, but that the majority were originally attached to some small foreign body usually admits of demonstration. 5. The bifoliate zoarium, in which the zooecia diverge from a double median lamina or basal plate, and open upon the two surfaces of a foliate expansion, or of flattened branches. This type of growrth is very common, being characteristic of the PTILODICTYOXID.E and STICTOPORID.E. Among the CYSTODICTYO- NID.E, Prismopora, Glyptopora and Evactinopora offer peculiar modifications of this type of growth. 6. The dendroid or ramose zoarium, in which the entire free surface is covered by the apertures of zooecial tubes, is very common among the TREPOSTOMATA. The tubes radiate in all directions from an imaginary axis, or from an axial tube. A ramose zoarium is seen in Rhombopora, Batostomella, Am- plexopora, Monotrypella, Diamesopora, Nematopora, etc., etc. 296 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. 7. The frondescent or palmate zoarium is intimately con- nected with the ramose, the arrangement of the zocecia being the same. It usually consists of leaf-like expansions with the edges rounded and celluliferous. Good examples are Heterotrypa frondosa D'Orbigny, sp., and Homotrypa dawsoni Nicholson. 8. The segmented zoarium is characteristic of a number of Palaeozoic Bryozoa. In these the complete zoarium is com- posed of more or less numerous, simple or branched segments, with each end slightly bulbous and subsolid. This type of growth is seen in ArthrostyJus, Arthropora, Arthroclema, Dicra- nopora and Helopora, all Silurian genera. It has also been observed in a new form from the Hamilton group of New York. The species of Ptilodictya may also be included with the seg- mented Bryozoa, since the basal extremity of the zoarium in this genus is pointed and was inserted in the socket-like depres- sion of an attached basal expansion. 9. The fenestrated zoarium, in which the colony is composed of slender branches, celluliferous on one side, which anastomose with each other as in Phyllopora and Phylloporina, or are united at regular intervals by non-poriferous processes (dis- sepiments) the whole forming a flabellate, spiral or infundibular expansion. Fenestella, Polypora and Semicoscinium are ex- amples. Archimedes and Lyropora are modifications of this type of growth. In the first there is a solid spiral axis; in the second two strong diverging supports, between which the reticulate ex- pansion is spread. 10. The pinnate zoarium differs from the preceding in being composed of a straight central branch and more slender lateral branches, which spring from the sides of the main stem. Acan- thocladia and Pinnatopora. 11. Surface characters. — Aside from the superficial characters of the zocecia, which will be treated in another place, the sur- face of a large number of Palaeozoic Bryozoa presents certain peculiarities, which, on account of their conspicuousness, demand special consideration. Foremost among these are the structures commonly known as "monticules" and "maculae" which, though properly enough applied to designate distinct conditions, are BRYOZOA. 297 morphologically the same. In a strict sense the "monticules" are circumscribed areas on the surface of the zoarium which are elevated to a variable degree above the general level and con- stitute a more or less regularly distributed series of conical rounded or elongated eminences. Usually the "monticules" are occupied by zooecia more or less decidedly larger than those of the average size in the intervening spaces, though in some cases the difference in this respect is quite inappreciable. Ap- parently always, however, the cells on the monticules are dis- tinguished by some peculiarity, so that if they are not larger they may be recognized by their thicker walls, or by the greater width of the spaces between them. Monticules having the struc- ture here described are present in Afonticulipora mammulata D'Orb., M. cincinnatiensis Nicholson, Callopora ramosa D'Orb., Monotrypa? filiosa D'Orb., Discotrypa elegans, Spatiopora montifera and Homotrypa dawsoni Nicholson. The "maculae" like the "monticules" are circumscribed spaces on the surface of the zoarium, but differ from them in being composed of aggregations of mesopores or vesicular tissue, in- stead of groups of large zooecia. It is a fact, however, that the zooecia which surround the "maculae" are almost invaria- bly appreciably larger than those farther removed from the centre of a "macula." The surface of the maculae may be finely porous (e. g. Heterotrypa subpulchella NicholsoD, Crepipora impressa), with the mesopores visible but closed (e. g. Dekayella obscura and Peronopora decipiens Rom- inger). apparently solid and elevated above the general level of the surface (e. g. Atactopora maculata, Crepipora solida), or smooth and depressed. The last condition is the most typical and common, and is represented in a more or less marked manner by all of the FISTULIPORIDJ;, and many of the CYSTODICTYONID.E. In these families the interspaces between the zooecia are occupied by lenticular vescicles which, at any rate in the perfect adult state, are not visible at the surface. The '•maculae" are depressed, often stellate and quite regularly arranged, when they impart a very characteristic and orna- mental appearance to the zoarium. Though of rare occurrence, "maculae" are also occasionally present among the STICTOPO- (e. g. Pachvdictya and Phyllodictya) , but the non-porifer- -37 298 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ous margin, which is so characteristic a feature of the zoarium of that family as well as of the PTILODICTYONID^ and CYSTO- DICTYONIDJE, is essentially the same thing, since its minute structure is precisely similar to that of the maculae. The non-poriferous margin further agrees with the "maculae" in the fact that the zocecia which are nearest to the margin are almost invariably larger than those occupying the central region of the stipe. In Prismopora serrata Meek, and P. trifolia Rominger, the mor- phological identity of the non-poriferous margin and the "mac- ulae" is clearly shown, the two being confluent. As regards the uses of the "monticules" and "maculae," the only suggestion that seems at all applicable, is that they had something to do with the reproductive functions. The large cells which occupy the monticules or surround the maculae must in that case have been the receptacles in which the embryo were developed into the larval stage. This explanation is made very plausible by a comparison with the goncecium of Crisia, which is nothing more than a slightly modified zooecium set apart for reproductive functions. The ocecium of many other Cyclo- stomatous Bryozoa is simply an inflated Zooecium, which also may be slightly modified in other respects. In Strotopora, a new genus of the FISTULIPORID^E, the surface exhibits more or less numerous cells which are curiously modified in having the apertures abruptly expanded to two or three times the normal width. In the perfect state the aperture is arched over and presents the appearance of a small vesicle. That these struc- tures represent ooecia will scarcely admit of doubt. III. Mesopores and vesicular tissue. — The term "Mesopores" was proposed by Nicholson and Foord for the cells which oc- cupy the spaces between the true Zooecia previously known as interstitial cells and cancelli.* They applied the term equally to the interstitial tubes of CaUopora, Prasopora, Diplotrypa, Eeterotrypa, etc., and to the vesicular cells of Fistulipora. These structures are, however, very distinct and ought to be known by different names. I propose, therefore, that the use of the term "mesopores" be restricted to the tubular interstitial cells, * Prof. Busk and other authors applied the name "cancelli" to the interstitial tubes ol Heteropora and other Bryozoa of that type. Mesopores is supposed to be a more appropriate term, and is used by me in its stead. BRYOZOA. 299 and that the lenticular vesicles provisionally retain the more appropriate designation "vesicular tissue." In this restricted sense the mesopores are tubular cells occu- pying the interspaces between the true zooecia. Their number and size varies greatly in different species, being quite variable even in species of the same genus. In some they are very small and occur only at the angles of junction between the zooecia, while in other forms the latter are completely separated from each other by one or more series. When closely examined they are found to be, perhaps in all cases, more or less decidedly angular and of irregular shape, though it is not infrequently found that the angles are blunted and the cavity rounded by an internal deposit of sclerenchyma. This is the case in all those forms in which the cell walls are thick. Numerous ex- amples might be cited, but Stictoporella and Batostomella will suffice. In longitudinal sections the tubes of the mesopores are generally distinguished from the true zooecia by their compara- tively more numerous diaphragms, which are always horizontal and "complete.'' From a morphological point of view the most important character of the mesopores is found in the fact that they do not occur in the axial region of the zoarium, but first make their appearance in the cortical portion after the original zooecia have commenced to bend outward (or upward as the case may be) in their course to the surface. The structure known as "vesicular tissue" is composed of lenticular cells, which fill the interspaces between the zooecia in the FISTULLIPORID.E and CYSTODICTYONIDJS. Unlike the mesopores they originate already in the axial region, being, howrever, more numerous as well as smaller in the superficial portion of the zoarium. They are never arranged so as to form tabulated tubes like the mesopores, but occur in horizontal layers, the constituent cells of which are quite independent of those of the preceding layer. Near the surface of an adult zoarium they are largely filled with sclerenchyma, which more or less completely obliterates their individuality. This deposit, however, is traversed by minute vertical tubuli, that seem to serve the pur- pose of maintaining communication between the open cells and the surface to which their prominent terminations impart a minutely granular aspect. Vesicular tissue is also developed in the older regions of species of Semicoscinium between the "ca- 300 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. rinse," and especially in the footstalk. The discovery of that structure in such unequivocal Bryozoa as the FENESTELLHXE is of the greatest importance in its bearing upon the question of the zoological position of the FISTULIPORULE. In the proper place we will consider it in greater detail. IV. Acanthopores. — A large number of Palaeozoic Bryozoa, especially among the TREPOSTOMATA, present, when in a good state of preservation, a greater or less number of blunt spine- like structures, which are placed around the zocecia apertures, usually at the angles of junction between adjoining cells Some- times they also occur at some point between the angles, while in other forms, notably such as Leioclema species, in which the mesopores are very numerous, they are apparently included within the substance of the walls of the zocecia. These peculiar appendages present themselves at the surface as so many blunt projections, varying considerably in prominence and size in different species, In the genus Dekayia, they attain a greater size than in any other, being in some species almost or quite as large as an average zooecium. Ordinarily they are much smaller than this, while in some forms they are so much re- duced in size that it is difficult to distinguish them from the elevated surface terminations of the "median tubuli" (e. g. Rhombopora species, and Leioclema? araneum). Thin sections show conclusively that they were all originally hollow, and the apical aperture of the spines may in rare instance be detected. Generally, however, the summit of the spines appears to be solid, but this fact may be easily accounted for by the readiness with which the excessively minute apertures would be filled up by the matrix or by infiltrated calcite. As stated, sections prove beyond a doubt that we are not dealing with mere superficial ornaments, but that they extend into the substance of the peripheral region of the zoarium, in which they can be traced to a depth equal to that reached by the "mesopores". As seen in tangential sections they appear as circular spots of somewhat darker or lighter shade than the wall substance immediately surrounding them. 301 Fig. I. Leioclema foliatum, UL Warsaw beds, Warsaw, DL— a, Vertical section x28. showing entire thickness of zoarium, tabulation of zocecia and mesopores, and struc- ture of the aeanthopores : b, tangential section x28, showing distribution of acanthopores, mesopores and zooecia; c, small portion of wall x50: d, acanthopore x50, showing its structure. Further examination shows that they are composed of lami- nated sclerenchyma, disposed in a concentric manner around a circular clear or dark central space. In vertical sections the minute central canal is often clearly seen, as well as the struc- ture of the thick walls. The concentrically laminated structure noticed in tangential sections proves to be produced by a succes- sion of overlapping conical layers of sclerenchyma. This arrange- ment of the laminae proves conclusively that the aperture of the spines was at all times approximately of the same diameter, and completely overthrows the supposition advanced by Dr. Nicholson (''The Genus Monticulipora", p. 47), that these spines were a peculiar form of corallites, the mouths of which became closed by secondary deposit as the corallum assumed its final characters. On the same page he also says: ''It is not, of course, essential that we should suppose these singular struc- tures to be occupied by polyps; but I think them to be modified zooids in the same sense as is true of the 'avicularia' of the Polyzoa''. I am perfectly willing to accept Dr. Nicholson's view as it is expressed in the above quotation, since I am fully convinced that in the "acanthopores" we are dealing with structures that supported appendages most likely of identical nature and functions with the avicularia or vibracula found on recent Bryozoa. This explanation possibly applies only to the large acanthopores as they are seen in Dekayia,, species of Leioclema. and other forms. The smaller and closely arranged 302 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ones, characterizing the genera Batostomella, Amplexopora, Atactopora and Rhombopora, were most probably occupied by somewhat different yet homologous appendages. These may find an explanation in the stout, chitinous or calcareous bristles which are found upon the walls of the zooecia in many CHEILO- STOMATA. After the death of the zooid these bristles fall off, leaving minute pits in the summits of small blunt spines. True acanthopores are also present in a large proportion of the FENESTELLID^E and ACANTHOCLADIID^E. In Fenestella, Ptylo- pora and Septopora, the mesial carina very often bears strong spines, which sections prove to have been hollow and con- structed upon the same general plan as the "acanthopores" of the TREPOSTOMATA. In Polypora and other genera having more than two rows of zooecia they are distributed among the cells jWith greater or less regularity. The apical apertures are not often preserved, but they are shown in a beautiful manner in specimens of several species de- scribed in this volume (Fenestella wortheni, PI. 52, fig. 5, 5a, and Ptylopora cylindracea, PI. 66, fig. 2). While I regard these "acanthopores" as probably having been occupied by vibracular structures, some other explanation seems necessary to account for the peculiar "dimorphic pores" occurring so abundantly upon the non-poriferous side of the branches in Septopora, Acantho- cladia fruticosa and Semicoscinium infraporosum. These pores are also present on the celluliferous side of several species, where they are scattered among the zooecia. In the species last men- tioned, we find them on each side of the prominent mesial keel. These cannot have contained the same kind of modified zooid as the acanthopores, since they are generally much larger than the latter, and because in most cases (notably Septopora biserialis Swallow) both kinds of pores occur in the same species. If in the "acanthopores" we see the supports of vibracu- lar structures, would it be unreasonable to suppose that the "dimorphic pores" were the receptacles of "avicularia"? I see nothing in their structure to negative the supposition, nor would these be the only instances in which both avicularia and vibracula occur together, as, according to Hincks, both kinds of appendanges are present in two genera of the CHEILOSTOMATA. BRYOZOA. 303 We now pass on to the consideration of other sets of minute tubuli, which, though often strongly resembling the "acantho- pores'', must have had very different functions. Until they are better understood I propose to designate them by the term ''median tubuli", the name having reference to their position in the zoarium. V. Median tubuli. — In its strictest sense the term applies to certain exceedingly slender longitudinal tubes which are present between the two median laminae in many of the STICTOPORID.E. In Stictopora and P achy diet y a they are of sufficient size to be recognized with ease in transverse sections. So far as observed here, they do not seem to be provided with distinct walls, but appear to have been produced by an equal longitudinal grooving of the laminae, so that half of the tube is on each side of the divisional line between the laminae. Another set, which I con- sider as essentially of the same nature as those just described, traverses the walls of the zooecia (or the interspaces between them) in a vertical direction. These are arranged in crowded series and very much resemble small "acanthopores''. In Sticto- pora and some species of Pachydictya they are usually arranged in a single series along the middle of the walls between the zooecia. In certain species of Stenopora, Rhombopora and Anisotrypa they are also arranged in a single series, but in these they are confined to a distinct linear space which sepa- rated the walls of adjoining zooecia. Structures of probably the same type, but slightly modified, occur in the walls of Idiotrypa parasitica and Nicholsonella ponderosa. The spine-like structures of Fistulipora utricula Rominger, F. spinulifera Rominger. and other species of the genus, which Nicholson and Foord identified with the "acanthopores" of Dekayia, are, most probably, of a veiy different nature. That in tangential sections they resemble small acanthopores is true, yet certain peculiarities, which they often show in an unmis- takable manner, indicate functions decidedly different from those here attributed to the true acanthopores. On plates 4(5 and 48 I have figured sections of various species of Fistulipora, some of which are provided with the structures in question. Upon close examination we find that the cover of the interstitial vesi- cles is perforated by one or more minute openings that look 304 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Fig. 2. — a, Transverse section x50 of Ptilodictyavariabilis,* showing the basal portion of the two layers of zocecia, and the duplex character of the median lamina; between the plates there is no series of median tubuli.— b, small portion of a tangential section of Tceniodictya cingulata, x 50, showing a transverse lining of the central region of the walls, a character often present among the PTILODICTYONID^;.— c, deep tangential section of Stictopora mutabilis, VI., x 50, showing the primitive portion of the zooscia and the median tubuli in their walls.— d, tangential section of same showing characters of zooecia just beneath the superficial aperture.— e, transverse section of a young example of same, x 50, showing median tubuli.— f, transverse section of old example of same, x 50.— g, Ver- tical section through one zooecium of an old example of same, x 50.— h, vertical section section of a young specimen of same, x 50. "This name is proposed instead of Ptilodictya nodosa for the form figured in my "Amer. Pal. Bryozoa," under that name, Hall's Escharopora nodosa (Pal. N. Y. vol. 1, 1847.) having proved to belong to Ptilodictya, BRYOZOA. 305 just like the supposed acanthopores; and, when the section passes through the zoarium just beneath the surface of a fully matured example, where the vesicles are filled with a dense deposit of sclerenchyma, they cannot be distinguished from each other. Precisely the same conditions prevail in Coscinium, Eractinopora, Phyllodictya, Pachydictya. Idiotrypa, Nichol- sonella and Constellaria, and, with the addition of true acantho- pores, in species of Trematopora. On account of their excessive minuteness and consequent liability to obliteration, I have found it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine whether these structures are ever actually tubular (i. e., like the acanthopores, passing in a continuous line through successive stages of the zoarium). The evidence afforded by vertical sections is generally opposed to this view, excepting in some sections of Cystodictya, and other genera, in which the secondary deposit that filled the interstitial vesicles exhibits a finely lined appearance, making it not unlikely that calcification was arrested by the pores and only extended around them, so that with the continuation of the deposit, they gradually formed tubular shafts*. Taking all the evidence at hand into consideration, the only plausible ex- planation would seem to be that we are dealing with small per- forations in the calcareous covers of the mesopores and inter- stitial vesicles. Whether these were closed at the termination of each stage, or remained open so as to maintain communica- tion throughout the zoarium, is a problem we may never be able to solve. In species of Ptilodictya of the type of P. pavonia D'Orb., and P. falciformis Nicholson, and Tseniodictya, (n. gen.) and Cyclopora fungia Prout, the intra-mural space is crossed by numerous dark lines, which tangential sections, taken from ex- ceptionally preserved specimens, show to be composed of closely arranged spots. Whether these spots represent extremely min- ute vertical tubes or moniliform tubuli, which traversed the *In the Ann. & Mag. Nat Hist. 5 ser. vol. 13, p. 213, Rev. T. Hincks, the eminent authority on recent Bryozoa, describes a very similar condition in the development of his Mitcronella spinosissima var. major. After stating that in the young state there are two or three rows of pores around the margin of the zocecia, he says, "As calcification proceeds it is arrested by the pores and only extends around them and not over them; so that they continue open and form at last tubular shafts piercing the stony cru.s which has been piled up about them," --38 306 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. walls in a transverse direction, is a point not yet determined. The evidence at hand favors the last possibility more than the first Sections oiRhomboporalepidodendroides, E. crassa, Bactropoi-a, simplex, Stenopora? signata and several other species, exhibit a most peculiar character, which is perhaps best shown in the species last mentioned. In tangential sections of these forms, the portion af the wall immediately surrounding the zocecial cavity displays one or two series of minute spots with a dark or lucid central space, while each ''acanthopore" is likewise en- circled by a row of the same spots, which again in the central region of the walls are arranged is closely approximating clus- ters of six or more. As viewed in vertical sections, they still present only the appearance of minute spots, and I have not observed anything showing that they communicated either with each other or the zooecia, nor can I offer any explanation of the singular structures- In a large proportion (perhaps all) of the FENESTELLID/E the non-poriferous side of the branches as well as the spaces between the zooecia apertures are pierced (?) by very minute vertical tubes, which compare with the surface pores of both the CYCLOS- TOMATA and CHEILOSTOMATA. VI. Structure of the walls of the zocecia. — From a zoological point of view the minute structure of the cell walls is of the first importance. Unfortunately, however, the process of fossili- zation has so often obliterated the finer details, that great caution and careful examination are necessary if we would obtain a correct idea of their structure. Still, with the aid of good sections the differentiations are determinable and may be utilized with great advantage in the framing of our classifica- tion. Before we proceed to discuss the more common modifica- tions in the minute structure of the zooecial walls, it is necessary to notice a very important feature of zoarial anatomy. a. "Mature" and ''immature7' regions. In the TREPOSTO- MATA and CRYPTOSTOMATA, namely, the tubular zooecia which make up the zoarium become more or less modified in their structure as they approach the surface and pass into their final stage of growth. In all cases, whatever their structure may be BRYOZOA. 307 in the final and most developed condition, they commence with thin and apparently indivisible walls. This I have called the "immature" portion of the tubes; in the ramose, frondescent, and bifoliate forms, it occupies the axial and deeper regions of the zoarium The peripheral or what I have termed the "ma- ture" region commences near the point at which the tubes bend outward and from there extends to the surface. Generally, the two regions differ widely from each other. Thus in the "im- mature" region the tube walls are exceedingly thin and the dia- phragms, if not entirely absent, are always separated by longer intervals than in the "mature" region, while none of the accessory elements, such as the inesopores and acanthopores, are developed until the zootria have passed out of this region. On the other hand, in the "mature" region the walls of the zooecia become more or less extensively thickened, and if at all present, such structures as the cystiphragms and perforated diaphragms, meso- pores and acanthopores are developed. As already mentioned, the diaphragms are also comparatively more numerous and, as I will endeavor to show in the section on diaphragms and oper- cular structures, in some forms at any rate appear to be of a different nature from those which cross the tubes in the "im- mature" region. The thickening of the walls of the tubes by a secondary deposit and a general increase in the deposition of calcareous material is one of the most conspicuous features of the "mature"' region. The thin walled basal or prostrate portion of the zooecia of the bifoliate, encrusting and fenestrate species, is equivalent to the "immature" region of the dendroid forms, while the erect por- tion represents the "mature" region. Among massive forms the two regions are often readily distinguished. This is especially so when the zoarium is composed of numerous layers as in Stenopora polymorphfi Prout. In cases of this kind each layer is divisible into a prostrate or immature and an erect or mature region. Less easy is the task with species like Monotrypa? filiosa D'Orb., and Monticulipora mammulatti D'Orb., in which the layers are so intimatelv connected that the tubes form continuous lines v through the mass. Yet even in these, the two zones are distin- guishable, the walls being slightly thicker and the diaphragms more closely arranged in the "mature" region than in the im- 308 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. mature. I have seen specimens of these species in which it was possible to distinguish more than twenty successive zones, with out a break in the continuity of the tubes. A separation of the zoarium into different zones is apparently not possible with the true species of Monotrypa (e. g. M. undulata Nich., M. rec- timuralis). In these extremely simple forms the walls of the tubes remain excessively thin throughout their length, the dia- phragms are separated by wide and unequal intervals, and neither mesopores nor acanthopores are present. b. Independence of the Zocecia walls. — Theoretically it may be said that the zocecia of all the Palaeozoic Brj'ozoa had per- fectly independent and complete walls. In many cases this in- dependence of the wall of each individual cell or tube is clearly preserved throughout the entire growth of the zoarium and in Fig. 3. Tangential sections of Palaeozoic Bryozoa showing variations in wall struc- ture, x50. a. Monotrypa rectimuralis Ul., showing the extreme simplicity that marks that genus. 6. Monotrypella cequalis Ul., showing structure of walls just beneath the sur- face, c, a similar section of Amplexopora cingulata UL, showing slightly more complex structure, d, similar section of Callopora subnodosa UL, showing apparent amalgama- tion of walls, e, Arthropora shafferi Meek, /, Heliotrypa bifolia UL, showing the most complicated structure yet seen. BRYOZOA. 309 thin sections of such forms, of which Monotrypella pulchella Ed. & H.. Amplexopora cingulata, Anisotrypa symmetrica, Steno- pora carbonaria "Worthen, Ptilodictya pavonia D'Orb., Nema- topora lineata Billings, Pachydictya everetti, Batostoma varia- bile and many others are examples, the visceral chambers of each zooecium is seen to be surrounded by its own calcareous investment, and to be separated from its immediate neighbors by a more or less clearly marked dark or light line. The actual thickness of the walls inside of the divisional line varies with the species, but in a comparatively small number of forms, represented by the species like Monotrypa rectimuralis, Diplo- trypa petropolitana Pander, and D. patella, they are so thin that their duplex character cannot be made out in thin sections, appearing in them merely as delicate dark lines. However, as Nicholson truly says, "rough fractures will demonstrate what thin sections fail to show.'' In rough fractures of the zoaria of these species the tubes always separate clearly from one another, each carrying with it its own wall, a phenomenon which could not be possible if the primitively duplex condition of the walls of adjoining tubes had in reality been destroyed. In another group of forms comprising mainly thick walled species, and, with others, the species of Batostomella, Leioclema, Atactopora, many of Rhombopora and several of Stenopora, there is no distinct divisional line in the centre of the partition between contiguous tubes and the walls appear to be actually Fig. 4. Vertical sections x50, showing variations in wall structure, a, Monotrypella cequalis UL; 6, Stenopora americana UL: c, Amplexopora cingulata Ul.; d, Monotrypa rectimuralis UL 310 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. amalgamated. That there is no real fusion of the walls in these cases is shown by abundant and conclusive evidence, fur- nished, however, only by exceptionally preserved material. Or- dinarily the visceral cavity is surrounded by concentrically laminated sclerenchyma, while the central portion of the parti- tion seems absolutely structureless. After a careful examination of numerous sections, I find that this condition of parts is mainly due to two causes, (1) imperfect preservation, (2) to slight irregularities in the deposition of the internal laminae of the sclerenchyma. The first cause needs no explanation, as better specimens will show the median line in the wall which we know to be double. The second occurs only in forms having the partition rounded at the surface (e. g. Stenopora carbon- aria, Worthen) and never in those in which they are carinate (e. g. Anisotrypa symmetrica). When observed in longitudinal sections, the partitions between the zooecia are seen to be com- posed of a succession of superimposed conical layers, which are deposited one upon the other as the growing margin of the wall is carried upwards. When the centre of the partition is carinate at the surface, then a more or less distinct straight line passes through the apices of the conical laminae, but in those forms that have the superficial termination of the par- titions rounded, the separating line or primitive wall is often made slightly zigzag by the alternate overlapping of the de- posit on each side. This peculiarity sufficiently explains the fact that while the divisional line may be quite distinct at one point of a tangential section, it is scarcely or not at all per- ceptible in other portions of the section. In considering the wall structure of Bryozoa with numerous "mesopores," like Callopora, Trematopora, Constellaria and Leioclema, we find no difficulty in demonstrating the independence of the walls of each zooecium, since, even when in contact with each other, a divisional line is generally traceable. To show the duplex character of the partitions between the mesopores, is a far more difficult task, yet, that they are really double, will scarcely admit of question. Like the thin-walled tubes of Monotrypa and Diplotrypa, as well as the extremely thin partitions of the tubes in the axial or immature region of nearly all the Palaeo- zoic Bryozoa, the double condition of the mesopore walls is conclusively shown by the fact that fractured surfaces almost BRYOZOA. 311 invariably exhibit the exterior of the tubes. On the contrary, rough fractures of Bryozoa with interstitial vesicles like Fistu- lipora, Cystodictra, etc., expose the interior of the cells. I am, therefore, not inclined to regard these as each having its own complete investment. The only portion of the confining invest- ment which can be said to be strictly its own, is the convex plate which forms its upper boundary* If actual fusion of the walls of contiguous zooecia ever oc- curs among Palaeozoic Bryozoa, it is to be looked for in the CERAMOPORID.E. This family is distinguished by a wall struc- ture differing obviously from that observed in such Bryozoa as Leptotrypa, Stenopora, Rhombopora, Amplexopora or Bato- stomella. In the CERAMOPORIDJE, namely, the walls of adjoining zooecia and mesopores seem to be perfectly amalgamated, and, so far as observed, rough fractures always exhibit the interior of the tubes. In species with thick walls (Diamesopora coin- munis) the central portion of the partitions, as seen in tan- gential sections, is sometimes apparently structureless, but gen- erally a more careful examination will reveal a peculiar granu- lar or intermittent appearance, while in species with thin walls (e. g. Crepipora simulans and C. hemispb&i-ica,) the whole wall is of this composition. Very nearly the same granular wall- structure is observed in species of Monticulipora, but in these the duplex character of the partitions is demonstrated by rough fractures. In all these cases the appearance here described as granular or intermittent, is most probably due to the imperfect preservation of excessively minute pores in the walls of the tubes. Being a feature of some importance, it will be referred to again. The most obvious peculiarity of the Ceramoporoid wall is found in the irregularly laminated deposit immediately sur- rounding the tube cavity. The lines which separate the con- centric lamina* rarely extend around the wall, and in most in- stances are not parallel. Sometimes they even appear to inter- twine. When examined in vertical sections the walls present the appearance of being composed of narrow, super-imposed, alternately light and darker bands of sclerenchyma, which slope backward and downward. A narrow structureless and often nearly colorless band which hues the inner side of the posterior 312 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. wall, represents the lunarium, which (among the CERAMOPORID.E) is usually distinguished from the rest of the zooecial investment by its lighter color. The primitive duplex character of the zocecia walls of the FENESTELLHLE and ACANTHOCLADIID^ is generally shown in deep tangential sections, but, after they have passed into the erect stage, the divisional lines are rapidly obliterated by the deposit of layers of calcareous material in the spaces between the aper- tures. As is seen in transverse and vertical sections, these layers are deposited equally over all portions of the original zooecia, appearing as parallel bands, conforming with the shape of the primitive zoarium. Among the bifoliate genera of the CRYPTOSTOMATA, Stictotrypa is built up upon very nearly the same plan. Here, also, the originally thin cover of the zooecium is thickened by the deposition of successive horizontal or con- cave layers of sclerenchyma. Vertical sections of this genus, therefore, are very different from those of Stictopora and Ptilo- dictya, in which the walls are constructed upon the same plan as in Rhombopora, etc. Lastly, the walls of the CYCLOSTOMATA genera Stomatopora, Protocrisina, Miioclema, etc., have that finely granular appear- ance in thin sections, which I consider as indicative of an originally porous condition of the wall. That the walls were really pierced by fine pores is clearly shown by numerous speci- mens from Cincinnati, O., and elsewhere. So far as the inde- pendence of the walls of contiguous zooecia is concerned, the sections studied offer no positive evidence. c. Connecting foramina or communication pores. — While evi- dence showing that the zooids of a colony communicated freely with each other is abundant, it is nevertheless true that it is rarely or never so conclusive with Palaezoic Bryozoa as to de- termine this point beyond dispute. Only now and then a speci- men is found furnishing any evidence whatever to bear upon the question, and in the great majority of cases the observer is left in total ignorance upon this important point of bryozoan anatomy. Of the most typical CYCLOSTOMATA, some of which were represented in Palsezoic times, we know that the parti- tions between adjoining zooecia are perforated by numerous minute pores, and it is of these forms that we may regard the evidence bearing upon the point in question (presented by thin BKYOZOA. 313 sections), as reasonably conclusive. But if the peculiar granu- lar structure of the walls of these Bryozoa is admitted to be conclusive evidence of their originally porous condition, we must also admit that the walls of Monticulipora (restricted) and the CERAMOPORID.E were porous as well, since thin sections of those forms exhibit precisely the same granular wall structure. The same also applies to many FISTULIPORHLE. Nicholson and Ethridge jun. claim to have discovered "mural pores'' in species of Stenopora*. Unfortunately for the discovery the very illustrations which these observers give to show these structures, also show in on unmistable manner that the dis- covery is founded upon faulty observation. Their new species S. jackii is said to exhibit the "mural pores" in a more satis- factory manner than any of the others studied by them. Three figures are given, two of them (b, c) enlargements of a, repre- senting a vertically split branch. The explanations to the figures set forth that b and c show the annulations of the tubes in their outer portions and the mural pores. A knowledge of the minute structure of Stenopora,, such as we must believe these authors possessed, should immediately have explained certain peculiarities which are presented by the specimen figured. The authors ought furthermore to have seen that the form of the tubes ascribed by them to S. jackii is totally different from that of £ ovata, Lonsdale, in being brought into contact with each other only at subregular intervals by periodic ring-like swellings, instead of being in contact throughout their length. On the other hand, a little more careful examination would, perhaps, have revealed the fact that the interspaces between the supposed tubes correspond exactly with the walls of a Steno- poroid as they appear in vertical sections. The fact of the matter is that these usually so cautious observers were mislead bj* a peculiar, yet not uncommon state of preservation, con- sisting, namely, of the dissolving or wearing away of the actual walls of the zoarium, whereby the siliceous or semi-siliceous casts of the interior of the tubes is exposed to view. Specimens of S. carbonaria Worthen, from the Coal Measures of Illinois, *Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1879, VoL IV, p. 275. —39 314 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. exhibit the same condition precisely when they have undergone some weathering. With this new light upon the subject, Steno- pora once again reverts to the imperforate forms, since we have no conclusive evidence showing that any true species of the genus possessed perforate walls. That some at least of the structures mentioned in the section devoted to "median tubuli" aided in the inter-communication of the zocecia, I cannot doubt, but nothing comparable to the communication plates of the CHEILOSTOMATA has yet been recog- nized in their Palaeozoic ancestors. As only the "immature" or prostrate region of the zocecia of Ptilodictya, and other genera of that type, is equivalent to the ordinary Cheilostomatous cell, the communication plates, if they existed at all, ought to be found in the thin walls that separate the zooecia in that region. VII. Opercular structures, diaphragms and cystiphragms. — Opercular structures seem to have been present in most Bryo- zoa, yet among fossil forms they are of extremely rare occur- rence. Among the CHEILOSTOMATA their absence is readily ac- counted for by the fact that the operculum in these is incapa- ble of preservation, since it is composed of horny substance. In the CRYPTOSTOMATA, which are Palaeozoic representatives of the CHEILOSTOMATA, the operculum was most probably also horny. In many cases, however, notably the FENESTELLID.E, the second- ary or superficial aperture was closed by a thin centrally per- forated plate, which, most probably was not developed till at the final period of growth. This seems to be shown by the absence of diaphragms in the tubular orifice beneath it, and the fact that the plate has been observed in fully matured examples only. This plate has also been detected in tangential sections of very old examples in which the zocecial orifices are covered with a dense layer of sclerenchyma having the same structure as the dense substance of the non-poriferous side of the branches. In these sections the central perforation in the operculear plate is surrounded by numerous minute dark spots, which probably represent former pores. Among the CYCLOSTOMATA the zocecial tube is similarly closed by a perforated frail calcareous plate situated usually a short distance from the aperture. This plate BRYOZOA. 315 I have detected in the tubes of several Palaeozoic CYCLOSTOMATA, but unless it is terminal (see pi. XXIV, fig. 2,) the closest search may fail to reveal it. Fig. 5.— Six illustrations showing various forms of opercular covers, x 50. a, perfect aperture of Pinnatopora stellipora Y. & Y. b, perfect aperture of Callopora ramosa d'Orb. c, aperture of Stenopora tuberculata Prout. d, aperture of Polypora bisermta, having the central perforation of the cover closed, e, Meekopora clausa UL; /, Fistuli- pora foordi UL In typical CYSTODICTYONID.E and some FISTULIPORIDJE (e. g. F. foordi, PI. XLVIII, fig. 7,) the larger portion of the aperture is often found closed by a plate. The remaining open portion is of circular outline and occurs immediately within the lunarium. In Meekopora, clausa (pi. LXXVII, fig. 7,) and other FISTULJ- PORID.E, the perforation in the opercular plate is sub-central. When in a good state of preservation the zooecial tubes of Callopora, Stenopora and several species of Batostomella are closed by a centrally perforated opercular structure. Ordinarily the perforation is surrounded by a slight rim and the whole plate may be either slightly concave or convex and smooth. In Cnllopora elegantula Hall, C. ramosa d'Orb, and other species of the genus, six to ten small ridges radiate from the perforated centre to the margin, giving the false appearance of a septate aperture. These structures, as they occur in the TREPOSTOMATA, are most certainly not developed only at the final period of growth, as some authors have thought, but we have abundant evidence to show that what at one time served the purpose of a cover to the zocecium, next formed the floor of the succeed- ing cell; in other words, became a "diaphragm." Furthermore, there appears to be no reason to doubt that this process was carried on throughout the extent of the "mature region" since 316 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. in tangential sections of these forms the opercula of previous cell-layers are often recognizable. Their recognition is especially easy in Stenopora, since in species of that genus the central per- foration generally remains open. Occasionally an exceedingly thin membrane is stretched across. In Callopora the perfora- tion is closed by a secondary deposit and cannot be detected excepting when it differs in color from the rest of the plate. The calcareous plates which cross the tubes in the immature region of the zoarium in the Bryozoa under consideration, seem to have been without perforations of any kind, but so far as we can determine, they are precisely like the true "diaphragms." The latter are probably the most characteristic feature of the TREPOSTOMATA, occurring, perhaps without any exception, in all the members of this suborder. They consist of simple calca- reous plates, flat, or convex, which cross the zocpcial tube at near a right angle. In all cases they occur at shorter intervals in the mature region than in the immature, while in the meso- pores the diaphragms are also comparatively more numerous than in the zocecia. Idiotrypa parasitica is an exception to the last rule, since in that species the diaphragms occur upon the same level in all the tubes. In Dekayia and Dekayella, at certain periods in the growth of the zoarium, a thin pellicle is drawn over greater or smaller patches of the surface, while other portions have the cell-apertures open. This membrana- ceous covering was doubtlessly developed at the final period in the existence of the zooids of each layer of cells, and after form- ing the floor of the succeeding layer, ultimately became a diaphragm. True diaphragms are of very rare occurrence among the Cryptostomata, but in species of Ptilodictya Lonsdale (Hetero- dictya Nich.), the larger specimens are composed of more than one layer of cells. Each layer is marked by an inferior and superior hemiseptum (just the same as the original cell) which in vertical sections might be mistaken for diaphragms. BRYOZOA. 317 Fig. 6. a, vertical section of Ptllodictya variabilis TJL, x 35, showing several hemi- septa; b, half of a slightly oblique vertical section of Ptilodictya maculata UL, showing peculiar hollow spine-like processes projecting into the zocecial cavity. Upon careful examination it will be noticed that the supposed diaphragms spring alternately from the two walls, and that they do not extend to the opposite wall but terminate at some point between them. The peculiar structures which I have called cystiphragms are very characteristic of some of the most typical TREPOSTOMATA. They are best shown by and almost restricted to the MONTI- CULIPORID.E, comprising the genera Afonticulipora, Peronopora, Prasopora, Homotrypa, Homotrypella and AtactoporeUa. When examined in vertical sections of these genera, the cysti- phragms are seen to form a series of lenticular vesicles on one (rarely both) sides of the zocecial chamber. They are usually joined to each other in such a way that they present the ap- pearance of overlapping curved lines. In tangential sections the vesicles are seen to extend around about two-thirds of the cir- cumference of the cell chamber (or sometimes to encircle it) their cut edges giving the appearance of an enclosed eccentric tube within the zooecial cavity. The space between the inner margin of the cystoid series and the opposite wall is inter- sected by horizontal plates or ordinary diaphragms, which may be as numerous as the cystiphragms. In species of Prasopora (e. g. P. oculata and afiinis Foord, and P. selwyni Nich.,) the cystoid diaphragms are often isolated so that they do not touch each other at all. In this condition the structures compare very 318 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. favorably with certain interzooecial vesicles which I have ob- served in Ceriocava ramosa d'Orb., from the Cretaceous of France. Fig. 7. a and 6, transverse and vertical sections of Prasopora lycoperdon Vanuxem, showing the usual type of cystiphragms. c, vertical section of Prasopora affinis Foord, showing the isolated cystiphragms. d, small portion of a zooecial tube of Amplexopora robusta UL, showing a funnel-shaped diaphragm supposed to be a modified cystiphragm. e and /, transverse and vertical sections of Ceriocava ramosa, d'Orb., showing, beside the spinelets and peculiar wall- structure, two vesicles that are supposed to be homologous with the cystiphragms. In the accompanying cut I have figured sections of this species for comparison with sections of Silurian forms having cysti- phragms. In the Cretaceous form the vesicles are sub-spherical and may be attached to the zocecial wall, or suspended from the radiating spinelets so as to hang apparently free in the zocecial chamber. In the first instance they resemble the isolated cystiphragms of Prasopora affinis Foord, in a marked manner, and I do not think there can be any question that we are dealing wish structures in every way homologous with true cystiphragms*. * Since the above was written I have detected very similar structures in an unde- termined species of Fistulipora from the Hamilton group of New York. BBYOZOA. 319 Lastly in Amplexopoia, cingulata, A. robust a, and other forms, we have certain structures which may be peculiar modi- fications of the ordinary cystiphragms. These occur in the tubes near the surface of the zoarium. In vertical sections of these species (fig. 7d) the first or innermost appears as two convex lines which spring out from each wall and extend about one- third of the diameter of the zooecium into its cavity. Above these another pair of convex lines run parallel with the outer half of the first pair, and after approaching each other quite closely form a tubular prolongation, which extends some dis- tance down into the space between the first pair. In tangential sections they appear in the zooecial cavity as too circular lines, of which the larger one encloses the smaller. From these ap- pearances, it is clear that the first was of hour-glass shape, and the second funnel-shaped. At the present time I am not prepared to offer a satisfactory explanation of the cystiphragms. I may be permitted, however, to suggest that they were in some way connected with the re- productive functions. VIII. Lunarium— This important character, with slight modifications, is found in the CERAMOPORIILE, CYSTODICTYONID.E and most of the FISTULIPORID.E. In its typical and most com- mon form it is a more or less nearly semicircular portion of the posterior half of the zooecial walls. The ends of the semi- circle or crescent project into the zooecial chamber to a variable degree, depending upon the comparative length of the radii, being greatest when the radius of the semicircle is shortest. 320 Fig. 8. Six illustrations showing modifications of the lunarium. a. Fistulipora astrica TJL; b, Crepipora simulans Ul.; c, Anoloteichia ponderosa UL; d, Cystodictya occellata Ul., one of the zooecia divided horizontally just above the primitive orifice ; e, vestibule of a cooecium of Cystodictya gilberti Meek, cut transversely just beneath the external aperture; /, zooecium aperture of Buskopora. In the above cut, a, representing a tangential section of a zooecium of Fistulipora astrica UL, shows the lunarium in its normal form; b, shows the true "crescent" as it appears in Crepipora and other Ceramoporids. Here the outer or convex line of the crescent is sharply defined, the inner much fainter, and the intermediate space filled with nearly transparent struc- tureless substance; c, is apparently intermittent, or traversed in a longitudinal direction by minute tubuli, which vertical sections (pi. XLI, fig. 3c,) show to have been intersected by numerous diaphragms - d, represents a zooecium of Cystodictya just about to pass in the mature stage ; e, the cell just beneath the external orifice. These show that the lunarium is not devel- oped excepting in the vestibular portion of the zooecium. In Buskopora (fig. f.) we see a decided modification. In this re- markable genus the lunarium is formed by the channeling of an internal ridge which projects far into the zooecial chamber. In Cystodictya gilberti Meek, and Coscinium cribriformi Prout, (PI. XLIII, fig. 7, 8) the crescent is also very prominent (especially near the edge of the zoarium) but it is a much less separate structure. IX. Wall inflections. — Nothing that will compare with the ' 'septa" of a coral, nor even the imperfect spiniform septa of BRYOZOA. 321 so many of the FAVOSITID.E has yet been detected in any bryo- zoan. In a number of forms, however, there are indentations of the wall which a superficial observer might mistake for such structures. In most cases these inflections are produced by the developement of "acanthopores" in the walls of the zooecia. They are well shown in Atactopora, Atactoporella, Amplexopora septosa, Batostoma implication Nich., and Heterotrypa inflecta. In a few other cases of which Actiuotrypa peculiaris Rominger (PI. LXXVII, fig. 3, 3a, 3b) and Glyptopora keyserlingi Prout, may be mentioned, there are vertical ridges on the inner side of the walls, which are not produced by acanthopores. In A. peculiaris these ridges terminate at the surface as spine-like projections on the peristome of the cell. Their number, though varying from six to ten, is usually eight or nine. When exam- ined in tangential sections they are found to be best developed near the surface, and that, as the section cuts the zoarium at a deeper level, they gradually become more and more obtuse till they are no longer recognizable, the cell aperture having at the same time been traced to its primitive circular form. In Glyptopora keyserlingi the inflections are both less numerous and less defined, as well as much more irregular. Ordinarily two of them occupy positions in the wall opposite to the lunarium. In the species of Ptilodictya (especially the section of the genus typified by P. pavonia D'Orb., and P. maculata) I have often observed certain tooth-like processes which project, from the walls into the interior of the visceral chamber. In large ex- amples of P. maculata and P. MH, they are often very numer- ous, several tangential sections of the first species now before me exhibiting from two to four in each cell. I have also re- cognized them in vertical sections of this species, (see fig. 6b) but here they sometimes look so much like perforations in the wall that I originally described them as such.* Perhaps it is not now possible to give a satisfactory explanation of these singular projections, still a comparison with several recent Bry- ozoa may give us a clue to their nature. In the first place we find that the spine-like projections are developed at correspond- * Am. Pal. Bry. Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. voL V, p. 163, 1882. —40 322 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ing levels in contiguous tubes. This brings us to a point which ought never to be lost sight of in the study of Palaeozoic Bry- ozoa. Namely, that in the TKEPOSTOMATA and many CRYPTO- STOMATA, the tubular zooecium really represents a series of super- imposed cells. This fact is very well shown in fig. Ga represent- ing a vertical section of P. vari&bilis. Upon examination, it is clear that each tube in this section contained two successive zocecial chambers, each of which was provided with its own superior and inferior hemiseptum. In P.pavonia and P. maculata the last structures are repeated at much shorter intervals, but on account of their extreme delicacy are rarely preserved. Re- turning to the consideration of the spine-like projections, I find that they resemble the radiating spines which occur in the tubes of several species of Heteropora and Ceriocava ramulosa, D'Orb. In these also the spines are developed at correspond- ing levels in contiguous tubes. Next I would suggest a com- parison with the spines which project from the walls and over the cells in a number of recent species of Membranipora (e. g. M. spinifera Johnston, M. lineata Linn. (Hincks.) BRYOZOA. 323 CHAPTER II. CLASSIFICATION AND INTERRELATIONS OF FAMILIES AND GENERA. As thjs work deals solely with Palaeozoic Brjozoa it is quite unnecessary to enter into the various systems of classification that have been proposed for the arrangement of Secondary, Tertiary, and recent representatives of the class, excepting in a general way. and more in detail when these classifications in- cluded some of the Palaeozoic types. D'Orbigny's elaborate classification shows a knowledge of bryozoan form that stands unrivaled even to-day. His lucid descriptions and excellent plates reveal a wonderful variety of structure and an almost endless array of beautiful forms. How very unfortunate then that a work so laudible should be ac- companied by an extremely artificial classification, and a nomenclature so complex that it is bewildering. D'Orbigny's first attempt at a systematic arrangement is found in his "Cours elementaire de Palaeontologie," which was shortly followed by a more comprehensive synopsis of the fossil forms in the "Prodrome de PalaeoDtologie." Lastly in the ''Palaeon- tologie Francaise, vol. V" he publishes his completed classifica- tion, embracing all the forms known up to 1852, making in all two hundred and nineteen genera and one thousand nine hun- dred and twenty-nine species. Upon this vast array of bryozoan diversity he based a wonderfully artificial system, which has been abandoned, perhaps without an exception, by all subse- quent authors who have made a special study of Bryozoa. His two grand divisions, the BR YOZOAIRES CELLTJLINES and BR YOZOAIRES CENTRIFUGIXES correspond very nearly with Busks CHEILOSTOMATA 324 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and CYCLOSTOMATA. and to him, therefore, belongs the credit of being the first to delineate the two principal divisions of the GYMNOL.EMATA. His family and generic groups, on the other hand, have little to recommend them, as they are largely based upon the most trivial characters, such as the presence or absence, position and number of the "special pores," complete and incomplete calcification of the anterior wall, while even in- dividual peculiarities or conditions due to age are credited with generic importance. As, however, d'Orbigny is the only author who has sought to account for the entire field of fossil and re- cent Bryozoa, the palaeontologist has been obliged, in the absence of a more natural system, to accept that of this em- minent French naturalist as an indispensible basis. With a single exception (Hippothoa inflata Hall,) all the Palaeozoic species known to d'Orbigny, were placed by him in his order CENTRIFUGINES (CYOLOSTOMATA Busk) . None of them, however, really belong there, though true Cyclostomatous Bry- ozoa were not uncommon in some of the Palaeozoic rocks. As instances of the unnatural collocations often found in his sys- tem I may mention Omniretepora (generally supposed to be a synonom for Fenestrella) Archimedipora (Archimedes Leseur), the Fenestellid genera Fenestrella, Fenestrellina, Reteporina and Polypora McCoy, and the ACANTHOCLADIID^E Keratophytes Schlotheim (Acanthocladia King), Penniretepora, Ptylopora McCoy, and Ichthyorachis McCoy. The first is found among the CRESCISIDJE with Heteropora and genera of that type, the second with the TUBIGERHLE, and all the rest among the SPAR- SIVM where they are total strangers. Busk's skillfully devised system* has rendered most important service in promoting the study of fossil and recent Bryozoa. For D'Orbigny's CELLULINES he proposed the appropriate name CHEILOSTOMATA, and this division especially, he sought to divide into natural families and genera, taking the zoarial characters, or in other words, the result of the mode of combination of the zocecia, as of the first importance. With such characters as a basis he succeeds in dividing the class into convenient and readily recognized groups, which are particularly adapted for * "British Museum Catalogue, 3 pts.," "Crag Polyzoa," Palaeontographical Soc. Pub." BRYOZOA. 325 the easy identification of species. In this respect the system is not surpassed by any other, but being very largely an artificial arrangement, it too often gives the student no clue to the nat- ural relations of his species, which after all must be the first aim of classification. For this reason, therefore, however well adapted to the wants of the collector, the system can hold only a provisional place. In his last worksf Mr. Busk has modified his system to a considerable extent, so that it now seems much more in accordance with nature than formerly. Still, while I am not ready to admit that zooecial characters alone, should be consulted in the framing of a system of classification, I am, nevertheless, convinced that even now Mr. Busk credits zoarial variations with more importance than they deserve. Palaeozoic Bryozoa have received very little attention from this eminent authority, and beyond placing some of the well known genera into his suborder CYCLOSTOMATA, he does not account for them. Hincks. whose work applies almost exclusively to recent re- presentatives of the class, foEows and greatly enlarges the system first proposed by the Swedish naturalist, Prof. F. A. Sinitt. The latter aims at a genealogical classification, start- ing with the supposition that the variations of species follow the line of their development, and may be in a great measure explained by it. In accordance with this theory he would ar- range the Bryozoa in series according to the law of their evo- lution. This doubtlessly opens a most interesting and im- portant field for inquiry, one that I believe deserves more at- tention than it has yet received. Still in the present stage of our knowledge, the morphology of the class will be better ad- vanced by recognizing and clearly discriminating between the more constant variations than by uniting them upon grounds, which only in rare instances can be unquestionable, into com- prehensive specific groups under a single name. If a genealog- ical arrangement in detail is ever possible, it will only be after we have taken into account every departure from the simple and more permanent types. Hincks himself thinks that Smitt's arrangement of the Bryozoa in genealogical groups is prema- ture, and his reduction of species excessive, as well as often confusing, because unwarranted. t Challenger Reports. 326 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. After the feature of Prof. Srnitt's work just noted, the next important is the value he assigns to the zocecium in the forma- tion of families and genera, the zoarial characters being on the other hand treated as perfectly subordinate. His claim is that the cells themselves, and not the mode in which they combine, furnish the true test of relationship, and the essential basis of a natural classification. As Busk's three orders of the GYMNOL^EMATA are founded upon structural peculiarities of the cell, they are accepted by both Smitt and Hinck's. When however it comes to the farther di- visions of the order into families and genera, we find that the new system departs very widely from the classifications of Busk and d'Orbigny. As none of their families are represented in Palaeozoic Rocks, it is not necessary, at this time, to follow the system in greater detail. Unfortunately, none of the supporters of the new classifica- tion have in any way sought to account for the Palaeozoic types, so here we find a perfectly free and unoccupied field. With respect to these the first question that arises is, which system or classification gives the best results, that in which the zoa,rial characters are assigned a high degree of import- ance, or the other in which the zocecium alone furnishes the test of relationship. If it was necessary to make an absolute choice between the two systems, I would not hesitate very long before accepting the second, for it can not be questioned that differentiations in the cell or actual home of the polypide are more trustworthy structural variations than the form of the zoarium. Still, since the latter in a large measure must be due to deviations in cell structure, it follows that zoarial as well as zooecial peculiarities should be taken into account in the fram- ing of a classification, and while it also follows that in their relative values, the former must necessarily be subordinate to the latter, we should not overlook the individuality of the zoarium as a continuous whole or entity, since we do not fully understand the comparative significance of zoarial and zooecial characters. An extended study of Palaeozoic Bryozoa shows me that in classifying these early types much caution must be exercised, and that no character or set of characters has the same classi- ficatory value throughout when applied to a large number of BRYOZOA. 327 forms. The value of a character must be determined by its constancy and degree of prevalence, and experience will show that the value is not by any means the same when observed in different groups of species. Thus a character may be suffi- ciently constant in one set of forms to be considered of generic importance, while in other species the same peculiarity may be found so variable that its value is almost over estimated, when we call it specific. As an instance of this variability in the significance of a character I may mention the two "mesopores" whir-h are constantly present between the ends of the cells of Ph&nopora, Hall. In other respects this genus is almost identi- cal with Ptilodictva Lonsdale. In this case, therefore, the position and number of the "mesopores" is a generic character. In Stictoporella and Intrapora Hall, precisely the same kind of "mesopores" are constantly present, but as they vary in num- ber and position (even in the same species) their arrangement in these cases is only of specific value. This naturally suggests the question, when are we justified in considering a variation as having generic, specific or only varietal importance? In the first place, the answer depends very much upon the views held by the individual who is to make the divisions. Some authors make genera and species upon a very small margin, while others give their divisions un- due latitude. My own plan is simple enough, and so far as I can see, fills all the requirements of classification, as the result is a system that is convenient as well as natural. Convenience is a necessity, and, in the framing of a classification, must be taken into consideration just as much as the natural relations of the organisms we seek to arrange. These two necessary fea- tures of a permanent classification I have sought to furnish in the system here proposed. With what success will be determined by future research. That it will be lacking in many points of minor detail I do not doubt, yet, taken as a whole, I feel con- vinced that it will meet with favor. Some of the older palaeon- tologists will doubtlessly object to what they consider my ex- cessive multiplication of species and genera. The same com- plaint will come from other naturalists who are endowed with more than ordinary ability in solving genealogical problems. The first class of dissenters belong to the old school of natur- alists, the second are extremists of the new. Opposed to these 328 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. is the steady growth of a tendency to provide for all the re- cognizable stages in the development or evolution of organic nature.* Perhaps the principal cause for this tendency is found in the fact that now, more than ever before, naturalists con- fine themselves to the study of special groups, and it is well known that specialists, at any rate modern ones, make species and genera upon small provocation. Their great familiarity with the minor details of structure may perhaps magnify the points of difference, but, on the other hand, we must not for- get that this same familiarity gives them an insight into the relative values of structural variations which the ordinary stu- dent cannot possess. As good illustrations I have but to men- tion the admirable system recently proposed by Zittel for the classification of the Sponges, Haeckel's work on the RADIOLARIA, and Wachsmuth and Springer's excellent work on the PAL^EO- CRINOIDEA. Some of the older authors too, who have kept pace with the remarkable progress of natural history, and have adopted modern methods of investigations, offer striking in- stances of the "tendency." Take for instance Hall's recent works on Devonian Fossils, Barrande's last, and De'Koninck's magnificent contributions to the Carboniferous fauna of Bel- gium. Even more striking in this respect is Davidson's supple- mentary work on British Brachiopoda. He was, perhaps, the * Every classification must, to a certain extent, be artificial and arbitrary, since it is impossible to draw up a system that will follow out all the intricacies of evolutional ex- istence. Again, the "vanishing lines" of nature forbid our looking for sharply defined groups or species, consequently our divisions are necessarily more or less arbitrary _ In practice, species gradate almost insensibly by means of intermediate species and varieties into each other, while the same instability of characters gradually effaces the separating lines between genera and groups of higher rank. Some authors upon find- ing the intermediate links between closely allied species are not content with the knowledge thereby gained, but make use of it by reducing the "excessive" number of species. I take a different standpoint, and would like to see every recognizable stage in the evolution of organic beings distinguished from the next by its own name. Now, whether this stage is ranked as a variety or species, is a matter of very little moment to me, since in most cases, the palaeontologist at any rate, finds it almost a hopeless task to define just what constitutes a variety and what ought to be called a species. My idea of a genus is a more or less arbitrary group of species, having intimate natural relations to each other. In other words, a greater or less number of species having certain structural peculiarities in common. Sub-genera I hold are a useless encum- brance of nomenclature, as there is very little, if any, need for intermediate divisions between species and genera. So far as I can see they only serve to destroy the uni- formity of classification in giving an undue rank and latitude to the genera to which they belong. In many cases these subdivided genera may be said to assume the rank of families. BRYOZOA. 329 most conservative of all palaeontological specialists, yet in the la.st five years of his life he established more new genera than during the preceding thirty years. With such illustrious pre- cedents, I feel justified in presenting the following classification of Palaeozoic Bryozoa, subject to the decision of future workers in the field. In making my divisions I have sought to follow nature as nearly as possible, starting with the propositions, (1) that the classificatory value of a character is determined by its con- stancy, (2) that in the aggregate of characters is found the true test of relationship. From the first proposition it follows that the constant characters, whether zoarial or zooecial are the significant ones, that their relative values are according to the degree of constancy, the degree being determined only by a comparative study of numerous individuals, species or genera, as the case may be. By experience we learn that modifications of certain features are generally more significant than of others. Thus among th CHEILOSTOMATA the variations of the apertures, the degree in which the primitive opening is pre- served or obliterated, and the modifications in the form of the orifice are very important. In the CYCLOSTOMATA, however, the zooecium is extremely simple and uniform, so that here the :natist must depend almost entirely upon variations in the mode of combination of the cells. When we come to the TREPO- STOMATA. both the zocecium and zoarium supply us with impor- tant characters. The same may be said of the CRYPTOSTOMATA, but among these, perhaps as much as with the CYCLOSTOMATA, must we take zoarial variations into consideration in making generic and family divisions. In a general sense this sub-order may be regarded as representing the Escharina group of the CHEILOSTOMATA. but the characters which serve so well in class- ifying the recent forms are almost always obliterated by subse- quent deposits of calcareous material. Thin sections, of course, —41 330 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Fig. 9. a, Eschara artemis, d'Orb. b, E. argyrias, d'Orb., from the Cretaceous of France (after d'Orbiguy). c, diagrammatic vertical section of a Cryptostomatous zore- cium showing the "vestibule" at v, the superior hemiseptum at sh, and the inferior hemiseptum at ih. d, outline of the primitive porfion of a Cryptostomatous zooecium, showing the primitive orifice at o, the superior hemiseptum at sh, and the line of the inferior hemiseptum at ih. e, Small portion of zoarium of a typical Cyclostomatous bryozoan, (Idmonea serpens Linn., after Hincks). give us an approximate idea of the primitive cell and aperture, but as these features are often of quite uniform construction, we must look to other characters for generic points. These are supplied by the superficial orifice, the presence or absence of mesopores, acanthopores, median tubuli and hemisepta, and by modifications in the form of the zoarium, which, as I have already indicated, are very constant in this sub-order. The bilaminar zoarium is very persistent and, perhaps, the most typical, but the fenestrated forms are more numerous as well as exceedingly constant in their zoarial peculiarities. This is fortu- nate, since the small, yet readily recognized variations in the construction of the zoarium, supply us with excellent points upon which to found our genera. On the other hand the in- dividual zooecia of the fenestrated forms, excepting Pliylloporina, are so uniform that no recognizable peculiarities can be said to BRYOZOA. 331 distinguish those of one genus from those of another. (Com- pare sections of fenestrate genera figured on pi. 54 and 56). Taking this uniformity into consideration it seems evident that the Silurian species which 1, have united under the genus Pbyl- loporina, are sufficiently distinguished from the FEXESTELLID.E to rank as a separate family. Indeed, the tubular zocecia, which are occasionally intersected by diaphragms, suggest a decided affinity with the TREPOSTOMATA and CYCLOSTOMATA. Granting this relationship, we must not lose sight of the fact that a tubular primitive cell is also characteristic of many of the ARTHROSTYLOXE, and all of the RHABDOMESONTID.E as well as occasionally in other families of the sub-order (e. g. Stictoporella, and Phyllodictya ) . It also appears highly probable that in Fhylloporina we see the ancestors of the more highly developed FEXESTELLID.E. A comparative study of that family brings to light some important facts. Thus the earliest of the species really belonging to the restricted genus Fenestella, differ from the typical Devonian and Carboniferous species in having the thin walled primitive cell more inclined to be tubular; or per- haps it would be better to say, that the anterior and posterior walls are less nearly vertical than we find them in later repre- sentatives of the genus. On plate 54, fig. 2, represents a deep tangential section of a branch of F. bellistrmTa (?) Hall, from the Niagara shales at Waldon, Ind. This should be compared with 16 on same plate, representing a similar section of Pbyllo- porina ? dawsoni, from the Trenton group at Montreal, Canada,* and it will be seen that they have one peculiarity in common which is not possessed by the Devonian and Carboniferous species represented by figures 3, 4, 5. Namely, the partitions PHYIXOPOBIXA DAWSONT, n. sp. Branches lax, very slender, 0.3 to OJ> num. wide, irregularly inosculating, often united by non-poriferous dissepiments. Fenestrules acutely elliptical, usually wider than the branches and from 1.5 to 3.0 m.m. long. Reverse convex, smooth or faintly striate. Poriferous side with a sharply angular! mesial ridge and one range of cells on each side. Zocecia sub-tubular, with rather prominent sub- circular apertures. 0.18 num. in diameter, five or six in 2 m.m. Tangential sections show a number of minute accessory pores in the interspaces between the apertures. The reverse of this species very much resembles that of P. reticulato. Hall, from the same foi mation, but sections of the two forms cannot be confounded. Hall's species has three ranges of zooecia and generally has smaller fenestrules. Quite abundant in the Trenton strata at Montreal, Canada, and Chimney Point, Ver- mont Specimens were received from Sir Win. Dawson and Prof. H. M. Seely. 332 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. between the ends of the cells are directed obliquely upward and outward from the mesial line, instead of at a right angle. P. ? dawsoni, agrees also with Fenestella in having only two series of cells separated by a mesial carina, and the branches united by non-poriferous dissepiments. Taking all these characters into consideration, I think we are justified in regarding P. ? dawsoni as one of the ancestral types of Fenestella. On the other hand, the rather prominent and but slightly contracted cell-orifice point to a relationship with the Cyclostomatous genus Protocrisina, sections of which are figured on plate 53. A careful study into the minute structure of the various spe- cies of Phylloporina almost forces the conviction upon us that, at some time before the commencement of the Trenton epoch, there existed Bryozoa \which combined characters that during subsequent ages became separately specialized and characteristic of widely different groups. Take for instance P. trentonensis Nicholson sp. Sections of this remarkable form remind us very strongly of typical TREPOSTOMATA, the angular cells, their long "immature" region, and the closely tabulated mesopores, all being present in species of that suborder. The resemblance is heightened in vertical sections of P. corticosa, by the addition of diaphragms in the tubular zooecia. The last species has also a very prominent mesial carina running along the centre of the branches very much as in Semicoscinium. The relationship thereby suggested is, however, in no wise born out by further comparison. In P. aspera Hall, P. reticulata Hall, F. dawsoni n. sp. and P.asperato-striata H.,the zooecial tubes are shorter, approaching the Cryptostomatous cell. In the last species the interstitial spaces are occupied by angular mesopores which have been filled by secondary deposits of sclerenchyma. In Drymotrypa dichotoma n. sp. we have a species in which the zooecial struc- ture is not unlike Phylloporina, but the branches bifurcate fre- quently and are not united by anastomosis as in that genus. The general aspect, therefore, is not at all unlike that of a small species of Thamniscus. That genus, however, has the short cells characteristic of the FENESTELLID^E and never has dia- phragms. There are some points also which suggest comparison with Protocrisina. BRYOZOA. 333 The theory which is suggested in the foregoing paragraph is corroborated by similar comparisons between early Palaeozoic and more recent representatives of perhaps every class of the Invertebrata. It is well shown in the Mollusca and is especially apparent in those classes that are largely represented in recent seas. The student of Palaeozoic fossils is continually beset with obstacles in his endeavor to classify his species, finding over and over again that the rules which serve so well arrange recent material, do not apply to the Palaeozoic faunas. To this is attributable much of the confusion which pertains to palaeo- zoology, since, according as the student emphasizes one or the other character, the fossil is removed from one family to another. Is there no remedy for this deplorable state of affairs? The remedy will be at hand when palaeontologists generally will have come to realize the vastness of their science, and the im- portance of accurate and discriminative observation of the min- ute details of structure. This is the pressing necessity, a min- ute inquiry into the morphology of Paloeozoic life, and the in- evitable result, — a better idea of Palaeozoic geneaology, — can- not fail to produce harmony wThere we now have utter confu- sion. A superficial observer determines the affinities of a fossil very quickly; not so the careful student. He has learned to esteem caution, because he sees how very easy it is to misin- terpret a character, and how extremely difficult the task of cor- relating the ancient types with the living. A full appreciation of this difficulty may have led me to propose and adopt divi- sions that workers on recent Bryozoa may object to in the be- ginning. Thus the suborder CRYPTOSTOMATA lately proposed by Mr. Vine, includes forms which there can be little doubt are to be regarded as the ancestral types of a large proportion of the CHEILOSTOMATA. In fact, the CRYPTOSTOMATA really repre- sented that suborder in Palaeozoic times, and we might with with much propriety unite the two groups. Still, as all the Palaeozoic forms have certain peculiarities in common in which they differ from the true CHEILOSTOMATA, the better course, at any rate now, is to keep them separate. The order GYMNOLJSMATA includes, so far as known, all the fossil Bryozoa. The bulk of those in the Palaeozoic rocks I 334 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. have arranged under three suborders: CYCLOSTOMATA, TREPO- STOMATA and CRYPTOSTOMATA, while the CTENOSTOMATA and CHEILOSTOMATA also seem to have had a meagre representation. I. Ctenostomata. — These Bryozoa as they are known in the recent state, are characterized by a horny or membranous test; on which account it is generally supposed that they have not been capable of preservation by fossilization. One of their lead- ing characteristics is the curious opercular mechanism of the zooecium. The upper portion of the cell wall is thinner than the rest, and terminates above in a number of delicate setae held together by a thin transparent membrane. When the polypide retreats the whole of this anterior portion is drawn in, and the setae, being brought close together, form an operculum-like cover- ing above the tentacles. The zoarium is often creeping, with the flask-shaped zooecia arranged in single series resembling Hippothoa and Stomatopora. Frequently the zooecia stand erect upon a cylindrical stem, while in other cases they are immersed. As already stated the horny membranous test is strongly against finding fossil remains of CTENOSTOMATA, still there are two Palaeozoic genera that agree so nearly in habit with certain recent members of the suborder that I can not do otherwise than place them together. These genera are Ascodictyon Nich. and Eth. jr., and Rhopalonaria* The genus Ascodictyon was established by the authors cited for the reception of certain problematic fossils which occur usually as radially arranged, extremely delicate fibres on shells, etc. The fibres vary in length and are sometimes bulbous or inflated at intervals. In a few cases, too, the fossil consists of small clusters of bulbous vesicles which are arranged in a radial manner. When more than one cluster is preserved they seem to be connected to each other by a thread-like fibre. The substance of the fossil appears to be corneo-calcareous. Ascodictyon may be compared with species of Valkeria, Bowerbankia and Cylindrcecium, as figured by Hincks (British Marine Polyzoa). The Silurian genus Rhopalo- imitates Hippothoa in its zoarial habit. The zooecia are * Since the above was written I have learned that in the Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist for Aug., 1884, Mr. Vine in discussing these two genera, suggests a comparison with the stoloniferous VESICULABID^: (CTENOSTOMATA). BRYOZOA. 335 slender spindle-shaped, united to each other by their extremely attenuated terminations, or by an uninflated filiform tube. The substance of the zoarium is very thin, dark brown or black, and only rarely preserved, but on account of its curious habit of excavating the substance of the body upon which it grew, the form of the zoarium, as well as that of the zocecia is gen- erally clearly defined and recognizable. The orifice is small, in- distinct, and readily overlooked in the best specimens at hand. Khopalonaria compares favorably with species of Arachni- diuni Hincks; A. clavatum Hincks (loc. cit. pi. 71, figs. 3,4,5) is especially recommended. The species of Ascodictyon and Rhopalonaria should perhaps be placed in distinct families, but, as it is not probable that either one of the genera belongs to any of the recent families, and as our opportunities for comparison between fossil forms of the suborder are necessarily very limited and unsatisfactory, I regard it sufficient for present needs to arrange the Palaeozoic species in one family, the ASCODICTYONID^E. II. Cyclostomata. — The forms of this suborder are character- ized throughout by simplicity of structure, the zocecia being always tubular, with the mouths simple, rounded, inoperculate, and generally exert; the walls thin, of nearly uniform thickness throughout, and minutely perforate; all appendicular organs are wanting. The polypide also is more than usually simple in structure, has comparatively a small number of tentacles, while the larva? of the principal families are almost identical. It is really a very difficult matter to divide this suborder into satis- factory families and genera. On account of the extreme sim- plicity and uniformity of the zooecium, we must depend almost entirely upon variations in zoarial habit and mode of zooecial aggregations. These are generally striking, and among Palaeo- zoic forms at any rate, usually reliably indicative of true rela- tionship. Thus, while in Mitoclema the zooecial tubes are long and radiate equally in all directions to open on all sides of a cylindrical stem, they are shorter, beaded proximally, and those opening on each side of the compressed branches, are separated by an axial plane in Diploclema. Protocrisina again differs from both in having one side of the branches without cell aper- tures. 336 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. True CYCLOSTOMATA appear already in the Chazy horizon of the Lower Silurian, from which the author has described Mito- clema cinctosum. This species, though probably belonging- to the same family as Entalophora Larax., differs from species of that genus in several important particulars*. The axial region of vertical sections is more like what we find among ramose TREPOSTOMATA or CRYPTOSTOMATA. In the Trenton proper we find already a fair representation, the following genera having been determined: Stomatopora Bronn, Berenicea Lamx., Scenellopora, Protocrisina, Diploclema and Phacelopora, each with one or two species. Individuals of these forms are rather uncommon, but with the beginning of the Cincinnati group both species and individuals become more abundant. Scenellopora is not yet known from these rocks, but another group of species nearly related to Stomatopora, and apparently congeneric with the species for which Audouin pro- posed the genus Proboscina, now make their appearance. In Upper Silurian deposits I have detected only Berenicea (Sage- nella Hall) two species, Stomatopora, one, Diploclema one or perhaps two. For Devonian forms that may belong here, Hall proposes several genera, but no true CYCLOSTOMATA are as yet known from the Carboniferous rocks. Thus it seems that the suborder was better represented during Silurian times than at any subsequent time before the beginning of the Jurassic de- posits. Several interesting facts are brought out by a compari- son of these ancient types with their much more numerous Mesozoic relatives. *In a paper on Australian Bryozoa, Mr. A. W. Waters not only thinks Mitoclema the same as Entalophora, but he identifies the Chazy form with E.verticillata Goldfuss, a Cretaceous species. Mr. G. B. Vine (Kep't on Eec't. Poly.), however, thinks the species distinct and only the genera synonymous. These gentlemen arrived at their hasty and erroneous conclusions without examining specimens, and as the internal structure of Mitoclema cinctosum had not yet been made public, they should have deferred their condemnation. When I proposed Mitoclema I was acquainted with over twenty species of Entalophora (Spiropora). All of these possessed one peculiarity which I could not find in my species, namely, all the zooecial tubes of EntalopJiora originate along the axial line of the branch, and gradually increase in diameter as they curve outward toward the surface. An end view of the branch shows the very characteristic arrange- ment of the tubes in intersecting curved radial lines. As I have said, this peculiar ar- rangement is not present in the Silurian species, and I consider myself justified in pro- posing a new generic name for it. BRYOZOA. 337 Species of Stomatopora and the closely allied divisions Pro- boscimi and Bei-enicea from Cincinnati, Ohio, differ in no appre- ciable manner from Jurassic and Cretaceous species, while Mitoclema, Diploclema, Protociisina, and Scenellopora, closely resemble Entalophora, Bidiastopora, Crisina, and Defrancia, re- spectively. Of all the Silurian forms the two species of Phace- lopora are probably the most distinct, yet, even these admit of comparison with some of the TUBULIPORHXE. The large size of most of the Devonian forms makes it some- what doubtful that they are really Bryozoa, still their general aspect is so much like that of typical CYCLOSTOMATA that I do not see how they can be placed elsewhere. To determine the question beyond dispute requires a more minute study than I have found time to give them. III. TREPOSTOMATA: — The zoaria of this suborder are com- posed of prismatic or cylindrical tubes, that change more or less in character as they pass from the "immature'' into the "mature" region. In the ''immature" region the tubes have extremely thin, prismatic and simple walls, while horizontal diaphragms may or may not be developed here. The "immature" region of a zooecial tube is longer in the ramose forms, than in the lamellar and parasitic, and is equivalent to the primitive cell of the CHILOSTOMATA and CRYPTOSTOMATA. The transition from the "immature" to the "mature" condition is often grad- ual, but more generally rather abrupt, though never so much so as in the CRYPTOSTOMATA. The change consists of (1) a thickening of the walls, (2) the development of mesopores, and (3) an increase in the number of diaphragms. Opercular struc- tures and perforated diaphragms also only occur in the mature region. Each stage in this region marked by the diaphragms, represents a layer of zooecia, each of the individual chambers having been developed in direct sequence from the zooecium im- mediately beneath it. By repeating the process a tabulated tube resulted. This suborder, though having living representatives, attained its irreatt'-T development during Palaeozoic times. In Mesozoic and more recent times the distinctive characters are largely subdivided, and, by equal concessions on the part of the CY- CLOSTOMATA, the dividing line between the divisions has become -42 338 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. somewhat shadowy and certainly much less sharp than we find it to have been during the early periods of their existence. So little is known of the internal structure of Mesozoic CYCLOSTO- MATA and TREPOSTOMATA that it is not now possible to dis- tinguish satisfactorily between them. It would be presumptive on my part to attempt it. In a general way. however, it may be said that the Mesozoic types which are provided with meso- pores, such as the majority of the genera referred by d'Orbigny to his families, CLAUSED js, CAVEID.E, CAVID.E and CRESCISID.E, are not true CYCLOSTOMATA but rather TREPOSTOMATA. The Palaeozoic genera I have grouped under the nine families, MONTICULIPORID.E, HETEROTRYPID^E, CALLOPORID^E, TREMATO- PORID.E, BATOSTOMELLULE, AMPLEXOPORID.E, DIPLOTRYPID.E, CER- AMOPORID.E, and FISTULIPORHLE. The first may be considered as the most typical, as the forms which constitute the family contain all the more characteristic features of the sub-order. (1) MONTICULIPORHLE: — The zoarium in this group comprising the genera Monticulipora, Peronopom, Atactoporelki , Praso- pora, Homotrypa and Homotrypella, may be massive, discoid, lamellar or incrusting, while the bifoliate and ramose forms are also frequent. The zocecia are prismatic, rounded, or irregu- larly petaloid. with comparatively thin walls, having a peculiar granular structure. The mesopores vary greatly in number, being sometimes apparently absent or very few, at other times very numerous. Occasionally they are obscured by a secondary deposit of sclerenchyma. Zooecia with cystiphragms, the meso- pores with horizontal diaphragms. The acanthopores are nearly always small, and generally numerous. The family as above restricted contains a large number of mainly Lower Silurian Bryozoa, whose principal character, the cystiphragms, has, so far, proved an almost infallible distin- guishing mark. In the genus Monticulipora (e. g. M. lamellosa and M. winchelli) these structures are often modified so that they might be mistaken for simple, oblique or slightly curved diaphragms. Experience, however, will soon dispel the illusion. The genera of the family are separated from each other mainly by constant zoarial peculiarities, though each also has its own distinguishing zooecial features. * BRYOZOA. 339 (2) HETEROTRYPID.E: — The zoarium in this family is fronde- scent, ramose or iiicnisting. Usually the zooecia are polygonal, more or less contiguous, with comparatively thin walls. In other cases rounded or oval. The mesopores, though always present, vary greatly in number, being exceedingly few in some (Dekayia). and quite numerous in others (species of De- kayella.) Acanthopores are always present, sometimes being of very large size (Dekayia). Generally they are small and placed at the angles of junction between the zooecia. Their cavity, too, is usually very small, but in species of Batostoma it is larger than in any other member of the TREPOSTOMATA. No cystiphragms are present, and the diaphragms are always horizontal and conspicuously more numerous in the meso- pores than in the zooecial tubes. Another peculiarity fre- quently met with, especially in species of the typical genera of the family, is the closing of the cell apertures on limited or extended portions of the surface by a thin, apparently imper- forate calcareous pellicle. The four genera, Heteroti'ypa Nicholson, Dekayia Ed. & H., Dekayella. and Petigopora constitute the family as here under- stood. These genera clearly have natural affinities, differing from each other only in the number of mesopores, thickness of zooecial walls, and in the form of the zoarium. Thus Hetero- trypa is characterized by moderately thick-walled zooecia, com- paratively few mesopores, and a frondescent or compressed habit of growth; Dekayia by its thin walled zooecia, a ramose or subramose zoarium, and by the practical absence of meso- pores: Dekayella by the numerous mesopores, and two sizes of acauthopores: and Petigopora by the parasitic habit of growth and nou-celluliferous epithecal margin. (3) CALLOPORID.E:— The zoarium in this family may be dend- roid, subfrondescent, discoid, or, rarely, sub-pyriform. The zor- 1 «7Q c", d" and e" represent the zocecial cavity as it ap- ( ° ' y' pears in tangential sections at levels corresponding gives a short description to the dotted lines, c, represents a "nest" of the , . „,, . outlines. °f ^- The former found two identations but the latter failed to notice that the appar- ent inflection on the one side of the cell of species of Fenestella is caused by the slight lateral direction of these walls in such form.* d' * In this connection it seems proper to show how imperfect observations of certain defective specimens have led the Messrs. Young and Young into an error, which ap- pears not only to have been overlooked by Mr. Vine, but induced him to propose a new family for the sub-generic division proposed by those authors. In 1875 they publif l:ed a 352 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The primary orifice is of sub-circular form, somewhat nar- rower than the width of the cell, and occupies the anterior third (or a little more) of its length. As growth proceeded the front of the cell was gradually thickened by a deposit of lami- nated sclerenchyma ; this calcareous addition being built up about the orifice so as to draw it out into a vertical tubular shaft, called the "vestibule" by Mr. Vine. The superficial aper- ture is circular, and, with few exceptions, surrounded by a peri- stome. In transverse sections of the branches the original basal or germinal plate is generally quite distinct from the subsequently added layers of calcareous tissue. A number are figured on plates LIV and LY, that show how sharply the plate is often dis- tinguished. Almost invariably the lower side of the plate pre- sents a number of tooth-like projections that represent transverse sections of former longitudinal striations. It is a fact that the reverse of many Fenestellids show strong striae on very young examples, which are wanting or nearly obsolete on old specimens. description and figures of Glauconome marginalis, for which they proposed the new subgenus Diplopora, upon the ground that there is a small secondary pore immedi- ately beneath the true apertme. Similar secondary pores they mentioned as oc- curring in their Glauconome (Acanthopora) stellipora and Fenestella (Actinostoma) fenestrata. This secondary pore I consider the result of attrition combined with a paucity of calcareous secretion by the zooids. The Messrs. Young and Young show in their figure of the first that the supposed pore varies much in size, and rightly attribute the variation to the state of preservation. Had they investigated a little far- ther, I think they would have seen that there is a good reason for the presence of the "pore" in their species. These (especially D. marginalis) are forms in which the de- posit of cal areous material over the primitive cell was much less than usual. Polypora whitei and var. sevillensis are likewise such forms, and, as will be seen from fig. Ib and 2 on plate LXII, frequently present what Waters suggests might be compared with the suboral pore found in so many CHILOSTOMATA. I am really sorry that I flnd it so often necessary to differ with my esteemed English collaborers in this difficult branch of palseozoology. Indeed, in this instance I am particularly grieved, since it would have pleased me much to be able to corroborate so important a point for comparison be- tween Pateozoic and Recent Bryozoa. But, being convinced that their conclusion is based upon defective specimens, I must dissent. Comparing examples of the several species in question with shallow tangential sec- tions of ordinary Fenestellids we find that with a little diagrammatic restoration of the section, there is no essential difference, while the supposed "pore" is explained by the wearing away of the thin and slightly convex1 portion of the front of the cell. The dark matrix which has entered the cell is then clearly seen, and the weathered portion might readily be mistaken for a suboral pore. The thin septum which is said to separate the lower from the true aperture is nothing more or less than the superior hemiseptum, and when the attrition has proceeded to the extent that even this is removed then the general appearance of the cell with its two inflections looks precisely like what we see in tangential sections of most FENESTELLIDS. BRYOZOA. 353 All the dense portions of the zoarium, such as the base, the spiral axis of Archimedes, and diverging supports of Lyropora, a< well as the stony deposit over the front and reverse of the zooecia exhibit essentially the same structure. A finely lami- nated composition prevails throughout, and very delicate ver- tical tubuli, penetrating the laminae, can, as a rule, be demon- strated. The tubuli again are generally arranged in series, and though varying in number are always abundant. A- regards zoarial features the genera Semicoscinium Prout, Isotrypa and Unitrypa Hall, and Hemitrypa Phillips, present several peculiarities that have at various times been called into question. The most serious objection to Hemitrypa, which was the only genus of the group generally known, comes from Eng- lish palaeontologists. In a paper entitled "A Review of the British Carboniferous Fenestellidav' published in the Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. for May. 1879, Mr. G. W. Shrubsole. after quoting some remarks by Lonsdale upon the genus, writes as follows: "There can be no doubt that the interior portion of the Hemitrypa hiheruica (McCoy), is a Fenestella > nor need we be in any doubt as to the species. The difficulty has always been the external sheath. It is important to mention that the same form is parasitic on brachiopods and crinoids, as well as Fenestella. Its connection therefore with Fenestella is accidental and not structural. It is without doubt a small coral common to the limestone, very similar to Flustrx palmata McCoy, the empty calices of which cover over and conceal the Fenestella underneath. Hemitrypa, as we have seen, has Fenestella mem- branacea Phillips for the ground work, and a microscopic coral or polyzoon for the super-structure/' The next year in reviewing the Upper Silurian species of Fenestella. he treates of specimens of F. prisca, Lonsdale, which "are disfigured by the enveloping coral." This species most probably belongs to Uni- trypa. ''The growth of F. prisca is readily detected by the peculiar shape of the so-called fenestrules which are often twice as broad as long. What I take to be the tabulae (!) of the coral occur more frequently than the dissepiments of the Fenes- tella." As regards Mr. S. R. Vine's stand-point it is enough to say he appears to have accepted Mr. Shrubsole's ultimatum without examining into the facts for himself. —44 354 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. When I think of the hundreds of exquisitely preserved examples of species of the genera in question that I have seen and studied, it seems almost ridiculous that argument is necessary to show them to be a structural unity and not composed of two separate and distinct organisms. It seems to me that Mr. Shrubsole must be lacking sadly in caution, as well as in respect for the work of others, or he would not express himself so dogmatically as in the above samples upon a question that manifestly he can scarcely have touched. Both Mr. Shrubsole and Mr. Vine could easily have verified the structural unity of the Fenestella interior and the supposed parasitic coral by mak- ing a few judicious thin sections of specimens preserved in lime- stone, those in shale being usually so much compressed that the union between the two fenestrated expansions is broken. Had they had an opportunity of examining some of the silicified spec- imens from the Falls of the Ohio river, which show the delicate net-work perfectly free from the matrix, I am sure their present views upon Hemitrypa and Unitrypa would never have been published. Still, as the outer structure of Hemitrypa, etc., is by many regarded as of the nature of a parasite, some refuta- tion is required. I will therefore ask a few questions. If the structure is viewed as a parasitic bryozoan similar to Paleschara Hall, or to Monticuliporoids of the type of Lepto trypa, upon what grounds is the supposition based? The zooecium of a bryozoan raust before all things have a bottom or basal plate. Is this present on the inner side of the external net-work? I answer emphatically, no. On the contrary the little openings communicate without any interruption with the interior space between the two expansions. It is true, of course, that over the basal portion of old examples of Hemitrypa and Unitrypa, the fenestrules on both surfaces of the zoarium are covered by a thin calcareous membrane, but this fact has no bearing whatever upon the question. Again, if the suspected expansion is of the nature of Leptotrypa, why do we not find clusters of large cells, which are invariably present in such forms? And why do the little openings in the superficial net- work of Hemitrypa correspond so exactly both in position and number with the zocecial apertures beneath them in the cellu- liferous expansion? Surely this is not simply a coincidence. BRYOZOA. 355 Further, why is it impossible to detect a divisional line between the supposed parasite and the "disfigured"' Feuestella? Upon what ground does Mr. Shrubsole base his assertion that the same parasite is found upon brachiopods and crinoids? In this country it is less erratic, besides being an exceedingly- constant type, Hewitrypa fenestellids ranging from the Upper Silurian to the Carboniferous. Lastly if the cross bars of Unit ry pa. are, as claimed by Mr. Shrubsole, the tabulae of a coral, will he not oblige us by publishing a description of the unique form? But let us pass on to something more interesting than this rather impertinent inquisition. In Semicoscinium we have a type that commenced already, in the Niagara group, with such aberrant forms of Fenestella as F. tenuiceps and F. acmea. In all its representatives the keel is very high, while, especially in the more typical forms, the branches are not rigid on the reverse side of the zoarium but appear to inosculate. The zoarium is funnel-shaped, with the upper portion more or less undulated and often decumbent. The poriferous side is the outer one, and the strong keels of the branches give this surface a vertically lined appearance. The base of the funnel, particularly in old examples, is smooth and spreads somewhat over the body to which it is attached. The smoothness is due to a thin membrane which is spread over the keels sometimes a considerable distance up the side of the inverted cone, the space between the keels and under the mem- brane being filled with vesicular tissue. The keels themselves are very thin immediately above the top of the branches, but are much thickened towards the summit, which in some cases is quite flat, but in others varies from obtusely to acutely ridge-shaped. The sides of the flattened keel summit is usually smooth, but in some they are crenulated (S. planodorsatum Ulrich. PL 44, fig. 3). By producing these crenulations into transverse connecting bars, we realize through certain interme- diate species (e. g. Fenestella ? precursor Hall, and F. bigeneris Ulr.) what Hall has described as Unitrypa. The transverse bars that characterize this genus are really vertical plates \\hich occur at very regular intervals (corresponding to the zooecia) and are usually, if not always, suddenly bent backward, so as to give the intervening spaces the appearance of imbricating 356 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. cell mouths. In Isotrypa Hall we have the same general con- struction as in Unitrypa, but the external aspect of the two expansions are so much alike, that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between them. Indeed, the summits of the keels and the connecting bars are rounded and longitudinally striated, so that they might readily be mistaken for the reverse side of an ordinary species of Fenestella. Sections of a species of this genus are figured on plate LIV. In the much disputed Hemitrypa, we find a somewhat differ- ent construction. In this genus the carina (which in Semico- scinium, Unitrypa and Isotrypa is a continuous plate) carries a close series of small pillars that support the favose super- structure. A regular series of arches connect the pillars and combine to form a longitudinal crest at intervals corresponding to the number of zocecia. Short transverse bars proceed from each side of this crest and extend to the center of the space between two branches where they unite with a false crest which is usually somewhat thinner and more decidedly zigzag than the true crest. This arrangement of the bars and crests pro- duces a delicate net- work, pierced by small and exceedingly regular hexagonal, petaloid, or circular openings, This brief description of the structure of Hemitrypa may be advantage- ously supplemented by a study of the sections figured on plates LIV and LVII. None of these are in any way diagrammatic but are drawn as near to nature as possible. The free condition of the branches in species of Thamniscus in- duced King to establish another family for their reception.* In this course he is followed by Vinef and by Waagen and Pichl$. Zittel, however, places the genus as a synonym under Acantho- cladia King§, being under the erroneous impression that the two genera are distinguished only by differences in the arrange- ment of the zooecia apertures. All of these authors agree in * Mono. Perm. Foss. (Pal. Soc. Pub. vol. Ill, 1849.) t 4th Kept. Brit. Assoc. on Foss. Poly. 1883 and Notes on Joredale Poly, of N. Lan- cashire, 1885. + Palseontologica Indica, ser. XIII, part 5, 1885. § Handbueh der Pal. 1880. BRYOZOA. 357 placing Acanthocladia in the immediate vicinity. My arrange- ment is quite different. I find that there exists between Tham- niscus and Polypora a very close chain of intermediate links. Examples of T. dubius (the type of the genus) now before me, clearly show that non-poriferous dissepiments occasionally con- nect the branches. In cell structure there is no difference be- tween T. dubius and such species of Polypora, as P. tubercu- lata Prout, P. cestriensis and P. spinulifera. In species of Thamniscus the branches bifurcate in precisely the same man- ner, though as a rule more frequently than they do in Poly- pora. Such a slight difference can, of course, scarcely be taken into account as of even generic importance. Now as to the presence or absence of dissepiments, we must, because of their constant development in so many forms, regard them as a character of considerable value. But here again the ''vanishing lines of nature" come into play, giving us an inkling of geneo- logical relation. For instance, in Polypora halliana Prout, we have a true species of the genus, but upon comparison, it is found that the species is closely related to P. maccoyana, and this to P. distinct a and P. gracilis (Prout.) The last is brought into close relation with Thanmiscus divaricans by an unde- scribed form from the Keokuk group of Keutucky. In P. halliana and P. maccoyana there are from two to six dissepiments to each bifurcation, in P. distincta and P. gracilis, generally two, while in T. divaricans there are rarely two, generally one, and sometimes none. The same mav be said of T. ramulosa* * T. ramulosa belongs to another line of development tending the same way through P. cestriensis and P. tubercitlata. It is my opinion, and good evidence can be brought to support it, that the majority of the Carboniferous and Permian species of Thamni- sc»s (including the type species) were developed from Devonian and early Carboniferous species of Polypora, such as I have mentioned, and not from Silurian and Devonian species now referred to Thamniscus. When it comes to the latter, we have but little evidence to show that they were derived from Polypora, yet the inference is fair that they were, and that Polypora always had within itself the tendency to assume the characters of Thamniscus. If this is admitted then we can admit that Fenestella also had a continual tendency to run into Polypora. Again many problems present them- selves which can only be explained by supposing that the changed form reverted back into the parent stem. (A Fenestella gradually assumed the characters of Polupora and vice versa). Hence, in all formations from the Niagara to the Coal Measures, there were intermediate forms between Polypora and Fenestella. These species, the evidence leads me to believe, were more often derived from typical species of the genera than from each other. 358 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. From whatever point the question may be viewed, no one can deny the relation between the genera as here outlined. As re- gards the relation generally supposed to exist between Acantho- cladia and Thamniscus, my investigations have convinced me that it has no real foundation in nature. That the branches in the two genera are free is of little consequence, since there are differences of far greater import. In fact, Acanthocladia is con- structed upon the same plan as Pinnatopora Vine (Glauconome of authors), Synocladia King, and Septopora Prout. In these four genera comprising the bulk of the ACANTHOCLADIIDJE, as here denned, the zoarium consists of primary and secondary branches, the latter being smaller and arranged in a pinnate manner on each side of the former. In the two first the second- ary branches are never united, bnt in Synocladia and Septo- pora, those which spring from adjacent primary branches coalesce so as to produce a reticulated expansion. As Mr. G. R. Vines arrangement of the Bryozoa under consid- eration is quite different from that adopted by me, it is but justice to the student that some mention be made of it. He restricts the family FENESTELLID^E to fenest rated or non-fenes- trated forms in wThich the zocecia are "arranged biserially in the branch." The four genera Fenestella, Ptilopora McCoy, Pinnatopora and Septopora, he groups under this head. The new family DIPLOPORID^E he proposes for the reception of Diplo- pora, Acanthopora and Actinostoma, three genera previously proposed by Messrs. Young and Young as subgenera of Fenes- tetta and Glauconome. For Polypora and Phyllopora King he proposes the POLYPORID^E. Lastly, Kings family THAMNI- SCID.E, containing Thamniscus, Acanthocladia and Ichthyorachis McCoy, is accepted by him. This classification is so obviously artificial that the proba- bilities are very much against its acceptance by any one who will undertake an extended study of the forms in question. His definition of the FENESTELLID.E would include Phylloporina daw- soni, and the Permian Phyllopora ehrenbergi since in both the zocecia are arranged in two series. What would he do with such forms as Polypora whitei, P. radialis, P. biserialis, P. celsipora Hall, P. art a Hall, and P. incepta Hall? They would BRYOZOA. 359 figure equally as well under his FENESTELLIDJE as under the POLY- PORID.E. Lyropora Hall, would go partly in one family, and the remainder in the other. And why separate Pinnatopora and Septopora from AcantbocJadia and Ichthyorachis? Simply because the former have only two rows of zooecia, and the lat- ter three or more? Such a difference is surely not sufficient to outweigh the important points of agreement above mentioned; no, it does not require a very extended knowledge of the Fene- stellids to become convinced of the inadequacy of variations in the number of ranges of cells as foundations for families, yes, scarcely even for genera. As to the three genera which he groups under the name DIPLOPORID.E, I should say that Actino- stoma is founded upon a species of Fenestella, in which the radial ribs of the opercular closures of the zocecial orifice were not obliterated by deposits of calcareous material. I have seen these more or less distinctly preserved in a number of the FEXESTELLID.E (species of Fenestella, Polypora, Lyropora and Pinnatopora) and believe that they were generally present in these Bryozoa. Acanthopora Y. & Y., stands in the same re- lation to Pinnatopora* As regards Diplopora Y. & Y., I shall view the division in the light of a valid genus, but not upon the characters mentioned by Mr. Vine and the authors of the genus. For discussion of this point see remarks upon the genus further on. With regard to the POLYPORIU.E and THAMNISCIDJE, nothing farther need be said, as my opinion of them is already sufficiently expressed. Waagen and PichPs arrangement of the FENESTELLID.E differs somewhat from that proposed by Tine. They divide the family into three sub-families, of which the first, the FEXESTELLIN.E, con- tains, FenesteUa, Fenestralia Prout, Septopora, Lyropora, Ptilopora McCoy, Helicopora Claypole, and Archimedes Lesueur. In the POLYPORIN.E they propose to include Poly- pora. Phyllopora, Synocladia and Dendricopora DeKoninck, * The name Acanthopora has priority over Pinnatopora of Vine, having been pro- posed in 1875, but as it is less appropriate than the latter and was erected upon what I believe to be defective specimens, and only as a provisional subgenus under Glauco- nome, it seems desirable to drop the name in favor of Vine's, which was well charac- terized and established for the reception of species not intended to be covered by Acanthopora, 360 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. while for Goniocladia Ethridge and Ramipora Toula the sub- family GONIOCLADINJE is erected. This classification has as little, or even less merit than Vine's, being based upon the presence or absence of a median keel, a character shown by experience to be unreliable. All the genera in the first and second divisions, excepting Septopora, Syno- cladia, and, probably, Ptilopora and Dendricopora, belong to the FENESTELLID.E as here defined, but Goniocladia is very differ- ent, being related to the CYSTODICTYONID.E, where I would place it provisionally. Ramipora is doubtful, and before its position can be determined, must be subjected to recent methods of in- vestigation. The typical genera of this and the following family have heretofore been regarded, I believe, universally, as CYCLOSTO- MATA. This now seems to be a wrong collocation, resulting from defective observation of certain deceptive peculiarities in their structure. In the first place the zooecia have always been described as tubular. This, however, is an error, as only the vestibular prolongation of the orifice is tubular, the true ZOCB- cium being an horizontal cell of quadrate or hexagonal form, with both ends truncated. The aperture, furthermore, is not situated at the end of a tubular zooecium as in the CYCLOSTO- MATA, but occupies the anterior portion of the upper side (front) of the cell; in short, the cell agrees in form with those of the Escharine group of the CHILOSTOMATA, to the same ex- tent as those of Ptilodictya and other genera referred to the new sub-order CRYPTOSTOMATA. Vine, in briefly discussing the subject, brings out another point in their structure, which he compares to the foraminated condition of the walls of the TUBULIPORHLE, namely, the minute tubuli which penetrate the dense deposits of laminated sclerenchyma on both the front of the zooecia and the basal plate on the reverse side of the zoarium. Admitting provisionally the propriety of the comparison, I ask, will it not apply fully as well to the CHILOSTOMATA, since a foraminated cell front is well known to be present in many genera of the sub-order? Why should the answer not be yes, and, if we take other points of structure into consideration, better? My space being limited, I am not at liberty to enter BRYOZOA. 361 into any extended discussion of this and other points bearing upon the question,, but as it is an important one, I will men- tion briefly some of uiy reasons for removing the families from the CYCLOSTOMATA. First, the zooecia of the FEXESTELLID.E and ACANTHOCLADIID.E are not tubular, but agree closely in form and general structure with those of the PTELODICTYOXID.E and ESCHARID.E.* Second, the primary orifice is drawn out into a shaft-like vestibule, pre- cisely as in typical members of Mr. Vine's new sub-order CRYP- TOSTOMATA. Third, the structure of the secondary deposit over the cells and basal plate, differs in no essential manner from that of the dense tissue which forms the non-poriferous margins aud pointed base of Ptilodictya. and the deposit over the basal portions of the zoaria of many CYSTODICTYOXID.E. Fourth, one or both of the structures that I have called superior and in- ferior hemisepta are usually (perhaps always) present. These four- reasons refer to such weighty points of structure that I am content to rest the question upon them without detailed explanation. The critical student can, without much labor, corroborate at least some of the abundant evidence relating to the points at issue given on the plates attached to this volume. (5) ACANTHOCLADIID.E: — The minute structure of this family is so much like that of the preceding, that for present needs it is sufficient to point out the features upon which the family is maintained. The zoaria are generally pinnate, often fenestrated, and rarely dendroid, differing from those of the FEXESTELLID.E in consisting of primary and secondary branches, and in being without non- poriferous dissepiments. The primary branches are strong straight stems, which usually remain simple, but in a few cases are known to bifurcate. The secondary branches are nearly always considerably smaller than the primary ones, from the two opposite margins of which they are given off. In Syno- dadia and Septopora the secondary branches unite with those of adjacent branches, thus forming reticulate expansions. From * In a few species the secondary deposit upon the cells was very slight. These re- semble Chilostomatous Bryozoa in a marked degree. In describing one of these forms (Pinnatovora? simpler* Mr. Vine states (Notes on Yoredale Poly.) that it reminds one of Chilostomatous rather than of Cyclostomatous Bryozoa. -45 362 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. the margins of the primary branches new ones are given off at the same angle as the secondary branchlets, and these again are provided with branchlets the same as the original stem (see PL LXVI, figs. 7 and 8). From the above it will be seen that the ACANTHOCLADIID.E and FENESTELLHLE are distinguished by a zoarial difference, but this difference is merely the result of some peculiarity in the de- velopment of the zooecia, causing celluliferous branchlets to take the place of solid dissepiments. In Ptilopora McCoy, which might with equal propriety be arranged with the FENE- STELLID.E, we have intermediate conditions. It is a type that commenced in early Devonian times with species of FenesteUa, in which some of the branches were disproportionately thick- ened, and the thinner branches at the same time arranged in an indistinct pinnate manner. The type cannot rank as a sep- arate family, and the ultimate position of the genus depends largely upon the relative importance attached to the presence of dissepiments on the one hand and the pinnate arrangement of the zoarium on the other. (See remarks on the genus fur- ther on). (6) SPHRAGIOPORID.,E: — This family is proposed for the re- ception of a single genus, of which, so far as I have seen, only one or possibly two species are known. This is, however, so distinct from all the previously established families, that I feel justified in adopting the course here pursued. For particulars relating to the structure of this unique bryozoan, the reader is referred to the specific description further on. (7) PHYLLOPORINHXE: — The genera comprised in this family have been established upon species usually referred, heretofore, to the FENESTELLID^E. A minute comparison of their interiors having brought to light certain peculiarities in zooecial struc- ture, a new family seems to be demanded for them. These dis- tinctive features have already been pointed out in my general remarks on classification, and to prevent repetition, the reader is referred there, and to the descriptions in the subjoined synop- sis of classification. (8) ARTHROSTYLID.E.— This interesting family of Bryozoa, especially in its typical members, reminds one of the recent CELLARID.E, yet beyond the articulated zoarium and a general BRYOZOA. 363 external resemblance, but little can be brought showing true relationship. On the contrary, in the form of the zooecia there is close agreement between them and the STICTOPORHLE. It also appears highly probable that the ARTHROSTYLID.E constituted a distinctively Silurian type, since no representatives are as yet known from either the Devonian or Carboniferous systems. The jointed condition of the zoarium is the most conspicuous and perhaps also the most important feature of the family. It is well shown in all the genera excepting Nematopora, in which the zoarium is a dichotomously branching stem above the basal articulating extremity. (PI. XXIX, fig. lla). In Helopora Hall, Sceptropora Ulr., and Arthrostylus Ulr., the segments are simple and terminally joined together. In Arthroclema Billings, the zoarium forms a plumose expansion, and is divisible into numerous primary, secondary and tertiary segments, those of the first and second order being connected terminally and ranged in straight lines. A deep socket occurs on two opposite sides of each of the joints of the first and second series, in which the first of the series of the second and the third order is inserted. The zooecia are arranged in a radial manner around a central axis, and, excepting Arthrostylus, open on all sides of the sub- cylindrical segments. In the excepted genus one of the sides is marked only with longitudinal striae. The primitive cell is wedge-shaped, but inclined to be tubular in the larger species. As nearly all of the zooecia commence at the center of the zoar- ium the reason is obvious; their form must adapt itself to the distance between the axis and the surfaces, and as it is greater in the large species than in the smaller, the primitive cell ap- pears, consequently, somewhat tubular (compare figs. 15 and 18) . Ordinarily they are oblong quadrate or hexagonal in out- line, and aside from their wedge-like shape (due to their arrange- ment) agree closely with those of the STICTOPORID.E. "Hemi- septa" I have not observed. (9) RHABDOMESONTID.E:— This interesting family must be re- garded as forerunners of the VINCULARID^. Indeed the external resemblance to species of that later type is often so very striking that a real affinity between them is forcibly suggested. Minute comparisons show, however, that the differences which distin- guish the groups of Palaeozoic Bryozoa from their more recent 364 PALAEONTOLOGY OP ILLINOIS. representatives also prevail in this case. Namely, the zocecia are more tubular than those of the Vincularids, while the secondary deposit which gave rise to the "vestibule" of the CRYPTOSTOMATA is wanting in them. In other respects the closest agreement can be shown. On the other hand the RHABDOME- SONTID.E are intimately connected with the BATOSTOMELLID.E of the TREPOSTOMATA, and it is sometimes very difficult to draw the line between Rhombopora and the genera of that family. The genus Rhombopora also embraces species that compare very favorably with Streblotrypa. In fact the genus contains some very diverse yet intimately related forms of which each points in widely different directions. In Rhabdomeson Y. and Y., the zocecia are arranged round an axial tube precisely the same as in the cretaceous Siphonella of Hagenow. Such an axis does not exist in Rhombopora nor have I yet seen an American species of this family in which it is present. The structure of the zooecia is about as follows: Their primitive portion is always tubular and enclosed by ex- ceedingly thin walls. Their proximal ends may be attached to an axial tube (Rhabdomeson}, or they may originate along an axial line around which they are wedged in a radial manner (Rhombopora incrassata, PI. LXX, fig. 12d) or they are pro- duced by germination throughout the axial region (R. suban- nulata, PI. XLV, and R. tabulata and R. minor, PL LXX). Here too the longer tubes may be intersected by one or more complete diaphragms. These structures must not be confounded with the hemisepta which are usually present at the point of outward bending and thickening of the walls. As in PtUodidyn, two or more pairs of hemisepta may be developed in old exam- ples, but in most cases the inferior hemisepta appear to be absent, (PI. XLV, fig. Ih, and PI. LXXI, fig. 3c). The aper- ture is circular or elliptical and, with only few exceptions, sur- rounded by a sloping area, typically rhombic or hexagonal in outline, causing the inter-apertural space to be ridge-shaped. The summit of the ridge carries from one to three series of minute granules, while an acanthopore is commonly found at the angles of junction. As already intimated the family foreshadows the VINCULARID/E. Among Palaeozoic Bryozoa the BATOSTOMELLID^E offer the most BRYOZOA. 365 points of resemblance. The relationship to Stenopora would scarcely be even suggested by a comparison between the typical species of that genus and of Rbombopora, yet, when the com- parison is extended to a large number of species, it becomes clear enough. For instance, Stenopora ramosa and Rhombo- pora crassa Ulr., may be compared through Stenopora? signata. A clear line of relation passes from— say, Rhombopora dicho- toma. through R. incrassata, Anisotrrpa? elegantula Ulr., and A. solida, to Stenopora ramosa. Again, if we pass from R. siwulatrix, R. decipiens, R. tabulata and R. minor to R. ? n*]>erula, but a short step is required to bring us to Batosto- inella nitida and B. spinulosa. Despite the close relationship suggested by the above lines of comparative inquiry, I have placed the two families in different suborders. My reason for doing so is that, notwithstanding the numerous points of agreement, there always remains one peculiarity to disting-uish them. This is the presence of hemi- septa in the RHABDOMESOXTID.E, and their absence in the BATO- STOMELLID.E. These structures are known only among the CRYP- TOSTOMATA, of which they constitute one of the most important and characteristic features. That the primitive portion of the zooecia of this family is tubular, is, I believe, largely accounted for by the fact that the distance from the center of the branches to their surface is too great to admit of short cells. The much shorter zooecia of the new genus Coeloconus, which compare favorably with those of the STICTOPORID.E, lend plausibility to this view. Still I would not for a moment deny the importance, from a morphological point of view, of the relationship above shown. (10) STREBLOTRYPID.E: — In this family the zoarium may be ramose, bifoliate, or unilaininar, the primitive portion of the zocecia tubular in the first, and sub-tubular in the other modes of growth. Hemisepta may be present or wanting. The aper- ture which is usually circular, or elliptical is in other forms decidedly truncated at the posterior margin. The front of the cell back of the aperture, is simply depressed or exhibits from two to twelve or more small pits. When the latter are numer- ous they are generally arranged in two longitudinal series. 366 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. This family will provisionally include Streblotrypa, Wortheno- pora, Cydopora Prout, Proutella and Hyphasmopora R. Ether, jr., the last mainly upon the authority of Mr. Vine, who considers the genus related to Stivblotrypa. As regards the systematic position of the genera, I should say that Cydopora fungia Prout, is related to the Ptilodictyo- nidae (compare fig. 2b and lie in text with fig. 3c, d, and e, on PI. LXVIII); Streblotrypa compares on one side with Ehombo- pora, and on the other agrees in important features with Intra- pora basalis. In Worthenopora and Proutella, I believe we see the nearest approach to the Escharidze yet known from Palaeo- zoic rocks, but as careful search of many specimens has failed to reveal accessory cells of any kind, it has appeared better to arrange the genera with the STREBLOTRYPHLE than with that family. (11) HELIOTRYPID.E: — This provisional family is founded upon the peculiar genus Heliotrypa. For its characters the reader is referred to the original description and figures* and to the fol- lowing synopsis of classification. V. CHILOSTOMATA: — Paleschara Hall, is the only Palaeozoic genus that my present views will admit of placing in this sub- order. As near as I can determine, the affinities of the genus, for which the new family PALESCHARiDJi; is proposed, are nearer to the MEMBRANIPORID^E than to any other. *Am. Pal. Bry., Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist, vol. 6, p. 277, 1883. BRYOZOA. 367 SYNOPSIS OF CLASSIFICATION. Order GYMXOL-EMATA Allinann. Sub-order CTEXOSTOMATA Busk. Family ASCODICTYOXUXE Ulrich. Zoaria adnate, consisting of radially arranged filiform, fusi- form, or bulbous zooecia; or of sub-fusiform uniserial cells. Substance? corneo-calcareous. < >DICTYON Nicholson and Ethridge, jr. — Zooecia consisting of radially arranged, fusiform or bulbous zooecia, or filiform threads with periodic swellings. Type: A. fusiforwe Xich. and Ethr. jr. Range, Cincinnati group to Coal Measures. RHOPALOXARIA Ulrich. — Cells slender, fusiform, arranged in a single anastomosing series. Cell mouths small, near one end of the cells. The animal had the power of excavating the sub- stance of the body upon which it grew. Type: E. venosa Or. Range, Trenton and Cincinnati. Suborder CYCLOSTOMATA Busk. Family TUBULIPORID-E Busk. STOMATOPOBA Bronn. — Zoaria adnate. with the zooecia in a single branching series. Zooecia tubular, the apertures circular, more or less elevated, subterminal. Walls finely porous. Type: S. dicbotoma Larnx. Range, Trenton to Recent. 368 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. PROBOSCINA Audouin. — Like the preceeding, but with the cells in two or more series, and the apertures slightly constricted. Type: — ? — Range, Cincinnati to Recent. BERENICEA Lamx. (SageneUa Hall). — Zoaria forming delicate incrustations upon foreign bodies; sometimes consisting of sev- eral superimposed layers. Zooecia as in the preceding. Type: B. diluviana Lamx. Range, Trenton to Recent, but not as yet known from Devonian and Carboniferous strata. The same is true of Stomatopora and Proboscina. Clonopora, Cystopora, Hederella, Ptilionella* and JHernodm, are genera lately proposed by Prof. Hall. Judging from his brief descriptions only, it seems probable that they refer to Bryozoa having affinities with the TUBULIFORILLE. All are from Devonian deposits. Family FRONDIPORIDTE Reuss. SCENELLOPORA Ulrich. — Zoaria broad-obconical, the under side with an epitheca, the upper slightly concave and celluliferous. Zooecia with subcircular apertures, occupying the summits of radiating ridges. Intermediate spaces smooth, without cells. Type: S. radiata Ulr. Range, Trenton. Family PHACELOPORID^E n. fam. Zoaria segmented; the zooecia conical, combined in bundles of two or more to form conical segments. PHACELOPORA n. gen. — Zoarium articulated; segments short, conical, consisting of two or more equal, conical zooecia, with slightly contracted circular apertures. Type: P. pertenuis Ulr. Range, Trenton to Cincinnati. Family ENTALOPHORIDJS Reuss. DIPLOCLEMA n. gen. — Zoaria ramose, ovate in cross section. Zooecia tubular, long, apparently moniliform proximally, separ- ated internally by an axial lamina from which they gradually diverge to open up on the two sides of the compressed branches. Apertures prominent, isolated, somewhat constricted and cir- cular. External wall thin. "This genus is the same as Reptaria proposed Rolle in 1851. (See Pal. N. Y. Vol. 6.) BRYOZOA. 369 Types: D. trentonense n. sp.,* from the Trenton group of NV\\ York, and D? sparsum (Trematopora sparsa Hall) from the Niagara group. MITOCLEMA Ulrich. — Zoaria ramose, slender, subcircular in transverse section. Zooecia tubular, very long, gradually diverg- ing in all directions from an imaginary axis. Apertures prom- inent, circular, arranged in transverse series around the stems. AYalls thin. Type: M. cinctosum Ulrich. Range, Chazy. (For internal structure see PI. LIII). PROTOCRISINA n. gen. — Zoaria ramose, celluliferous on one side only. Zooecia subtubular, with prominently exerted circular aper- tures. Reverse finely grano-striate. Small pores, apparently communicating with the interior of the zooecia, are rather irre- gularly distributed over both sides of the branches. Axis thin, cruciform in transverse section. External walls thick. Type: P. exigua n. sp. (PI. LIII, fig. 11-llc). Range, Tren- ton and Cincinnati. Sub-order TREPOSTOMATA Ulrich. Family MONTICULIPORID.E Nicholson. (Emended and restricted.) Zoaria massive, discoid or lamellar, ramose or bifoliate. Zooecia with thin and probably minutely perforated walls, the peculiar granular structure exhibited in thin sections being strongly indicative of an originally porous condition. Aper- tures polygonal, rounded, or irregularly petaloid. Mesopores * DipJocleina trentonense TTlr.— As this spec-ies has not yet been described, I append here a brief diagnosis of its characters. Zoarium slender, ramose, dividing dichoto- mously at an angle varying from 70 to 90 degrees; intervals between divisions, 5 mm., a little more or less. Branches 0.55 mm. wide, 0.35 to 0.4 mm. thick. Zooecia tubular, in tangential sections faintly moniliforni near their origin. Apertures slightly constricted, p eminent, circular. 0.1 mm. in diameter, in three or four rows on each side of the branch; generally arranged in oblique rows, less commonly transversely; at other times irregular, four or five in 2 mm. measuring longitudinally; transversely the interspaces are shorter. The species is Quite common at Trenton Falls, N. Y. The internal structure of i D. trentonense and D. sparsum is figured on PL LIII. -46 370 PAL/EONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. occasionally wanting, in other cases numerous; when present they are angular and intersected by crowded horizontal dia- phragms, often obscured by a secondary deposit. Acanthopores abundant. Cystiphragms always present in the mature region. MONTICULIPORA d'Orbigny. — Zoaria massive, lobate or lamel- late, incrusting or free. Surface with monticules, or even. Zooecia polygonal, thin-walled. Mesopores very few, generally entirely absent. Acanthopores more or less numerous. Type: M. mammulata d'Orb. Kange, Trenton to Hamilton. ATACTOPORELLA Ulrich. — Zoaria generally forming thin crusts over foreign bodies, rarely lobate, or subramose. Surface with monticules. Zooecia with very thin inflected walls, the apertures irregularly petaloid. Mesopores numerous, frequently isolating the zooecia, and largely filled, especially near the surface, by a secondary deposit. Acanthopores very abundant, generally en- croaching upon the zocecial cavity. Type: A. typicaJis Ulr. Kange, Trenton to Cincinnati. HOMOTRYPELLA Ulrich. — Irregularly ramose. Monticules want- ing, small maculae usually present. Zooecia with moderately thick or thin walls. Apertures sub-circular, sometimes faintly petaloid. Mesopores abundant, more or less completely isolat- ing the zooecia. Cystiphragms generally developed only in the median region of the zooecial tubes, being usually absent just beneath the surface and never present in the axial region. Acanthopores numerous. Type: H. instabilis Ulr. Range, Trenton to Clinton. PERONOPORA Nicholson. — Zoaria bifoliate, the surface even, usually with small maculae. Mesopores and aeanthopores vary- ing in number. Cystiphragms abundant, present throughout the mature region in the zooecial tubes. Apertures circular or poly- gonal. Zooecial walls comparatively thick, sometimes ring-like in transverse section. Type: P. decipiens Rominger, sp. — Cincinnati group. HOMOTRYPA Ulrich. — Ramose to frondescent, with or without monticules. Mesopores occasionally wanting, always few, some- times gathered into clusters. Zooecial tubes with verv thin walls and remote diaphragms in the large axial or immature region ; BRYOZOA. 371 cystiphragms are developed just before opening at the surface. Apertures subcircuiar or polygonal, the shape depending on the thickness of the interspaces. Under favorable circumstances tan- gential sections exhibit what appears to be large communica- tion pores. Type: H. curvata Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Niagara. PRASOPORA Nicholson and Ethridge. — Zoaria forming hemi- spheric, discoid, or, irregular masses, and, more rarely, thin ex- pansions; usually free, with an epithecal covering on the lower side. Zooecial tubes prismatic or cylindrical, thin-walled, largely separated from each other by small angular mesopores, which are generally quite inconspicuous at the surface. Acanthopores usually present, but only occasionally either numerous or strong. Cystiphragms in all the zooecial tubes. Diaphragms crowded in the mesopores. Type: H. grayte Nich. and Ethr. Range, Trenton to Cincin- nati. Family HETEROTRYPHLE n. fam. Zoaria frondescent, ramose or parasitic. Zooecia polygonal, walls comparatively thin and more or less contiguous; rarely sub-oval, with thick walls. Line of separation between adjoin- ing zooecia more or less clearly defined. Mesopores varying from very few to numerous. Acanthopores present, sometimes of large size. Diaphragms numerous, usually horizontal. Cysti- phragms wanting. HETEROTRYPA Nicholson. — Zoaria frondescent, sub-ramose, or, rarely, incrusting. Zooecial tubes prismatic, sometimes sub- cylindrical. Apertures angular, sub-circular, or slightly peta- loid. Walls moderately thin. Mesopores varying in number, sometimes abundant, with illy defined walls. Acanthopores small, generally numerous. Diaphragms well developed, usually horizontal; sometimes a few may be concave or recurved. Type: H. frondosa d'Orb. sp. Cincinnati group. DEKAYIA Edwards and Haime.— Ramose; branches cylindrical or compressed. Zoo?cia polygonal, walls thin. Mesopores few. 872 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. restricted to the monticules or maculae. Acanthopores originat- ing in the axial region, sometimes very large, in other cases more numerous and smaller. Apertures closed at intervals by a thin calcareous pellicle. Type: D. aspera Edwards and Hairne. Range, Trenton to Hamilton. PETIGOPORA Ulrich. — Zoaria parasitic, with a narrow non-po- riferous band along the outer margin. Mesopores absent. Acanthopores well developed, abundant. Type: P. gregaria Ulr. Range, Trenton to Cincinnati. DEKAYELLA Ulrich. — Ramose, branches sometimes compressed. Mesopores more or less numerously distributed among the zocecia, and often aggregated into irregular "maculae." Acan- thopores of two sizes, the smaller ones the most abundant and only present in the peripheral region. Those of the large size commence in the axial region. Diaphragms horizontal. Type: D. obscura Ulr. Cincinnati group. Family CALLOPORIDJE, n. fam. Zoaria ramose, sub-frondescent, or discoidal. Zooecia gener- ally sub-circular, rarely polygonal, separated from each other more or less completely by angular mesopores. Walls usually thin, sometimes thickened and ring-like in transverse section. Apertures closed by centrally perforated covers, which, as growth proceeds, are left behind in the tubes to form the floors of the succeeding chambers. Acanthopores wanting in the typi- cal forms, very small when present. CALL/OPORA Hall. — Ramose to sub-frondescent, or sub-pyriform, smooth or tuberculated. Zooecia with thin walls varying, according to the number of mesopores, from circular to poly- gonal. Apertures in the perfect state closed by opercular covers; perforation small, central, generally surrounded by radiating ridges. Mesopores angular or rounded, more or less numerous, sometimes completely isolating the zooecia, with crowded dia- phragms. Zooecial tubes slowly attaining their full development, closely tabulated near their origin in the axial region; the dia- BRYOZOA. 373 phragms more distant farther along in the tubes. Transverse sections show that' the tubes in the axial region are of two sizes, the larger ones sub-circular, the smaller set angular. This is one of the most characteristic features of the genus. Type: C. eleg&ntula Hall. Range, Trenton to Lower Helder- berg. ASPIDOPORA Ulrich. — Very thin free expansions, with a con- centrically and radially striated epitheca covering the lower side; rarely parasitic. Typically composed of (according to age) from one to many unequal spaces. Cells gradually increasing in size from the margin of each convex space to near the center of same. Mesopores numerous. Both kinds of tubes crossed by diaphragms. Small acanthopores present. Type: A. areolata Ulr. Cincinnati group. CALLOPORELLA Ulrich. — Free or encrusting, thin expansions. Surface smooth or undulated. Zocecial tubes cylindrical, with thick walls, separated by one or two rows of angular meso- pores. Zooecia apertures sub-circular, arranged in regular inter- secting series. Diaphragms numerous, straight. Acanthopores small and few. Type: C. harrisi Ulrich. Cincinnati to Niagara. Family TREMATOPORID.E n. fam. Zoaria ramose, irregularly frondescent, or parasitic. Zooecial tubes thin-walled and prismatic in the immature, sub-cylindri- cal in the mature region. Apertures circular, oval, or petaloid, with a more or less distinct peristome. Mesopores angular, abundant, usually isolating the zooecia, closed at the surface ; the closure with numerous perforations showing as small hollow spines or granules. Acanthopores often wanting. Zooecial tubes and mesopores with diaphragms. TREMATOPORA Hall. Zoaria ramose; branches solid, even or montiferous. Zooecia with oval or sub-circular apertures, sur- rounded by a more or less elevated peristome. Interspaces de- pressed, sometimes exhibiting the closed mouths of the abun- dant mesopores. Zooecial tubes with thin walls and few dia- phragms. Mesopores irregularly angular, generally exhibiting 374 PAL/EONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. an obscurely beaded appearance in vertical sections, with a diaphragm at the constriction. Acanthopores of moderate or small size usually present. Type: T. tuberculosa Hall. Range, Trenton to Niagara. NICHOLSONELLA n. gen. — Zoaria consisting of irregularly inter- twining flattened branches or fronds, sometimes laminated. Zo- cecia tubular, with a few diaphragms in the "mature" region. Apertures circular, with a faint granose peristome. Interspaces wide, occupied by numerous angular mesopores, that more or less completely isolate the zooecia. Walls of both the zooecia and mesopores thin, and in the mature region traversed longi- tudinally by minute tubuli. The interzocecial spaces are filled with a calcareous deposit, into which the minute tubuli con- tinue, but in which the mesopore walls become unrecognizable. Mesopores with rather thick and numerous diaphragms. Type: N. pondurosa n. sp. Range, Trenton and Cincinnati. CONSTELLARIA Dana. — Subramose or frondescent zoaria. Sur- face with stellate maculae, the spaces between the rays more or less elevated and occupied by .two or three short rows or clus- ters of closely approximated zocecial apertures. Zooecia with rather thin walls, small, circular apertures and peristome, equally distributed and partly in contact with each other in the spaces between the stellate maculae. Mesopores abundant, aggregated in the maculae, always closed at the surface, with gradually crowding horizontal diaphragms. Zooecial tubes with few or moderately numerous diaphragms. True acanthopores wanting. Type: C. florida, Ulr. Range, Trenton to Cincinnati. STELLIPORA Hall. — Zoaria forming thin crusts over foreign bodies. The upper surface exhibiting at rather irregular inter- vals stellate monticules. Zooecia with sub-circular apertures occupying only the summits of the radially arranged short ridges, the depressed central space and furrows between the ridges, as well as the intermacular spaces, appearing non-cellu- liferous at the surface. Thin sections, however, show them to have been occupied by rather small, angular mesopores, which are more closely tabulated than the zooecial tubes, and like them arise from the epithecal membrane. BRYOZOA. 375 Type: S. antheloidea Hall, from the Trenton limestone. IDIOTKYPA Ulrieh. — Zoaria parasitic. Zooecia sub-circular, with a faint peristome, separated from each other by a series of large irregular closed mesopores,. Zooecia and mesopores not distinguishable in vertical sections, both being crossed by thick parallel diaphragms, occurring at short and regular intervals. Diaphragms apparently perforated by numerous minute fora- mina. Walls with numerous minute vertical tubuli or cells. Type: /. parasitica Ulrich. Trenton and Niagara. Family BATOSTOMELLID.E n. fam. Zoaria multiform, often consisting of superimposed layers; never bifoliate. Zooecia with thick walls in the mature region, where they usually appear fused together. Diaphragms hori- zontal, those in the peripheral region centrally perforated, originally functioning as covers to the cell apertures. Meso- pores usually present, often intermittent, generally without dia- phragms and distinct walls; when abundant they are small. Acanthopores well developed. BATOSTOMELLA Ulrich. — Ramose, branches slender, without monticules. Zooecia thick-walled in the peripheral region, inter- sected by remote, delicate, originally perforated diaphragms. Apertures small, circular or oval. Interspaces rounded, thick, spinulose: the acanthopores small and usually very numerous. Mesopores subcircular, small, varying in number. Types: B. spinulosa n. sp., and B. gracilis Nicholson. Tren- ton to Coal Measures. STENOPOKA Lonsdale. — Zoarium ramose, sublobate, massive, laminar or parasitic. Surface even or montiferous. In the mature region the zooecial tube walls are periodically thickened so as to appear moniliform in vertical sections. Comparatively large acanthopores are developed at the angles of the cells. Diaphragms straight, more or less numerous, with a large cen- tral perforation; a few irregular mesopores occasionally present. Type: S. tfMiifinieiifiifi Lonsdale. Ranges through the Car- boniferous svstem. PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. - ANISOTRYPA Ulrich. — Zoaria ramose; branches irregular, hollow, and lined on the inside with an epithecal membrane; or more regular and solid. Zooecia with subcircular apertures. Inter- spaces ridge-like, the comb sometimes with a series of extremely minute granules. Acanthopores and mesopores wanting. Type: A. symmetries Ulrich. Range, Keokuk to Chester. BYTHOPORA Miller and Dyer. — Zoaria consisting of very slen- der ramulets. Zooecial apertures oblique, lanceolate, narrowing above. Interspaces varying in thickness, often channelled. Dia- phragms practically wanting. Mesopores very few or absent. Acanthopores comparatively strong, not numerous, rarely more than one to each zooecium, sometimes wranting. Type: B. fi'uticosa M. and D. Range, Trenton to Lower Hel- derberg. CALLOTRYPA Hall. — Zoaria ramose, slender, solid. Zooecia small, oval, separated by one or two series of shallow often elongated mesopores. An acanthopore sometimes present at the inferior margin of the aperture. Types: C. unispina Hall, and C. multiseriata Hall. Range, Lower Helderberg to Hamilton. The genus will include, beside the two species named, Hall's C. heteropora, and C. oculifera. LEIOCLEMA Ulrich. — Zoaria ramose, lamellar, sub-globose, or parasitic. Surface frequently exhibiting distinct monticules or maculae. Zooecia with sub-circular or irregularly petaloid aper- tures, separated by abundant angular mesopores, which appear to be open at the surface in the typical species and closed in others. Acanthopores numerous, situated in the walls of the zocecia, strong in the typical forms, (giving the surface a spi- nous character) and very small and inconspicuous in another group of species. Diaphragms few in the zooecial tubes, fairly abundant in the mesopores of the typical section, crowded in the majority of the species now provisionally referred to the genus. Type: Callopora punctata Hall. Range, Cincinnati to Chester. Family AMPLEXOPORIDJS n. fam. Zoaria ramose, incrusting, discoidal, or massive, rarely bi- foliate. Zooecia comparatively simple, prismatic, with a well BRYOZOA. 377 marked divisional line between the walls of adjoining cells. Mesopores practically absent, but small abortive cells some- times occur among the large zooecia forming the monticules. Acanthopores sometimes absent, generally abundant. AMPLEXOPORA Ulrich.— Zoaria ramose. Zooecia polygonal, forming prismatic tubes, which are thin-walled in the axial region and more or less strongly thickened in the peripheral. Mesopores wanting. Acanthopores always present, varying in size and number. Diaphragms complete, horizontal. Type: A. dngulata Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Hamilton. MOXOTRYPELLA Ulrich.— In most respects like Amplexopora, but differing in the absence of acanthopores. In one section of the genus, the zooecia are often separated from each other in the peripheral region by closely tabulated interspaces, that simu- late mesopores. Type: M. sequalis Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Hamilton. PETALOTRYPA n. gen. — Zoaria bifoliate, consisting of irregular, compressed branches or simple fronds, celluliferous on both sides. Zooecial tubes prismatic, arising from a strongly flexu- ous mesial line. Apertures subcircular or polygonal. Mesopore- like interspaces that do not differ in their tabulation from the zooecia may occur. Very small acanthopores (?) occupy many of the angles of junction. Type: P. compressa n. sp. Range, Lower Helderberg to Ham- ilton. ATACTOPORA Ulrich. — Zoaria thin, incrusting, often composed of more than one layer. Zooecia with moderately thick walls, the apertures indented or floriform, a peculiarity due to the position of the very abundant acanthopores. These always encroach upon the visceral cavity. Rather large solid maculae or monticules, composed of numerous abortive cells, completely filled by calcareous deposit, stud the surface at rythmical inter- vals. Diaphragms thin, few, sometimes wanting. Type: A. Im-suta Ulrich. Range, Trenton? and Cincinnati. LEPTOTRYPA Ulrich. — Zoaria varying from thin incrustations to free forms of discoidal, spiral, or elongate conical shape; irregularly massive species occur also. Zooecia polygonal, with —47 378 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. thin walls, and a variable number of delicate diaphragms. Zooecia walls appreciably thickened in the mature region. Acan- thopores small, more or less numerous, but nearly always re- stricted to the angles of junction between the zooecia. Meso- pores wanting. Type: L. minima Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Hamilton. (?) DISCOTRYPA Ulrich. — Zoaria consisting of very thin, free or parasitic circular expansions. Surface with low broad monti- cules, or even. Zooecia gradually decreasing in size from the center of the monticules, very regular in their arrangement, with thin walls, direct and generally hexagonal or rhomboidal apertures. Mesopores and acanthopores entirely absent. Type : D. slogans Ulrich. Range, Cincinnati to Upper Helder- berg. Family DIPLOTRYPID^E n. fam. Zoaria hemispheric, massive or ramose. Zooecia forming com- paratively large tubes of which the walls are more or less flexu- ous and mostly very thin. Mesopores and acanthopores pres- ent or wanting. Diaphragms very thin, developed at rather ir- regular intervals. No cystiphragms. DIPLOTRYPA Nicholson. — Zoarium generally free and of hemi- spheric or discoid shape; in other cases massive, or forming thin crusts. Zooecia with thin walls and rather irregularly distributed horizontal or oblique diaphragms. Acanthopores wanting in the typical species, but present in some of the others. The genus as now understood, embraces at least three generi- cally distinct sections, differing so much from each other as to suggest affinities with as many different families. The typical section comprises, so far as known, only two species, the European type of the genus, D. petropolitana, Pander, sp., and D. westoni Ulrich, a species lately described from rocks in Manitoba supposed to be of the age of the Cincinnati group. Another section, typified by D. infida Ulr., from the Trenton shales of Minnesota, is closely related to Praxopora, while the Niagara species, D. milleri Ulr., is just as closely allied to Callopo- BRYOZOA. 379 i-ella. It is difficult to place D. dubia Ulr., and one or two other species, yet I am satisfied that they are not really congeneric with D. petropolitana. BATOSTOMA Ulrich. — Irregularly ramose, with a large basal expansion. Zooecia with thin irregularly flexuous walls in the axial region, more or less thickened in the peripheral. Typic- ally the walls are irregularly ovate and ring-like, with those of neighboring cells in contact only at limited points; the meso- pores numerous, irregular in shape and size, and the acantho- pores abundant and with a larger central cavity than usual. Species vary from these to forms with polygonal, thin-walled zoopcia and very few mesopores and acanthopores. Diaphragms strong, horizontal, incomplete in several species. Type: B. implicatum Nicholson. Range, Trenton to Cin- cinnati. MOXOTRYPA Nicholson, (Ptychonema Hall). — Zoaria irregular- ly massive, discoid or subglobose, not divisible into mature and immature regions. Zooecia comparatively large, prismatic, with walls very thin throughout and often undulating or wrinkled transversely; diaphragms remote. Both mesopores and acan- thopores missing. Type: M. undulata Nicholson. Range, Trenton to Lower Helderberg, perhaps also in Devonian and Carboniferous de- posits. Family CERAMOPORIDJE Ulrich. Zoaria usually incrusting, at other times discoid, lamellate, massive, or forming more or less regular hollow branches; rarely bifoliate. Zooecia with lunarium, the apertures usually oblique, of subtri angular, ovate, or, more rarely, polygonal form. The lunarium generally appearing at the surface as a prominent over-arching hood. In forms with direct apertures it appears as a slightlj- elevated portion of the margin, of cre- scentic form, with the ends projecting more or less into the apertures. Mesopores usually present, sometimes abundant, always irregular and without diaphragms. In the zocecial tubes 880 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. a few horizontal diaphragms are often present. Walls ap- parently minutely porous, composed of irregularly laminated tissue. CERAMOPORA Hall. — Zoaria discoidal; free or attached by the center of the base to foreign bodies. Under surface with one or more layers of small, irregular, inter-communicating cells, which do not form tubes. Zooecia large, oblique, imbricating, ar- ranged in a radial manner around the depressed center, com- municating with each other and the mesopores by means of remote perforations in their walls. Mesopores irregular, short, numerous at the center of the colony, decreasing in number toward the margin. Type: C. imbricata Hall. Niagara group. CERAMOPORELLA Ulrich. — Zoaria incrusting, becoming massive by super-imposition of numerous thin layers. Zooecial tubes short, the Vails thin. Apertures more or less oblique, hooded, commonly of oval shape. The hoods are directed away from the centers of small maculae marking the surface at rythmical intervals. Mesopores abundant, often completely isolating the zooecia. In the fully matured state their apertures are closed by a thin membrane. Diaphragms occasionally present in the z official tubes. Type: C. distinct^ Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Niagara.? CREPIPORA Ulrich. — Usually incrusting, sometimes lamellate or massive, with a wrinkled epitheca on the lower side; in one case forming regular hollow branches. Surface exhibiting, at subregular intervals, maculae of mesopores, appearing as min- utely porous or subsolid elevations or depressions. Zooecia very little oblique, the apertures varying from rhomboidal to sub- pyriform. Lunarium well marked in perfect examples, but easily overlooked when a little worn; best shown in tangential sections. Mesopores usually restricted to the macula?. Dia- phragms are developed in moderate numbers. Type: C. simulans Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Upper Silurian. DIAMESOPORA Hall. (Coeloclema Ulrich).— Zoaria ramose, branches hollow, lined internally with a striated epitheca. Sur- face with or without maculae. Zooecia with rather thick walls, and sub-oval apertures. Peristome complete, but highest at BRYOZOA. 381 the posterior side, making the aperture appear more oblique than it actually is. Lunarium scarcely distinguishable in tan- gential sections. Mesopores fairly numerous, rather equally dis- tributed among the zooecia. Diaphragms usually absent; occa- sionally one may be observed closing the apertures. Type: D. dichotomy Hall. Range, Trenton to Lower Helder- berg. CHILOPOKELLA Ulrich. — Zoaria rising up into flabellate fronds or compressed branches, from a greatly expanded heavy crust. Zoopcial tubes long: very thin-walled, large, and of irregular shape in the axial region. Walls much thickened near the sur- face. Apertures ovate, the lunarium conspicuously elevated. Mesopores numerous. Diaphragms few, generally absent. Type: C. flabellata Ulrich. Cincinnati group. AXOLOTICHIA n. gen. — Zoaria large, irregularly ramose or digitate. Zooecia comparatively large, forming long sub-poly- gonal tubes, intersected by remote diaphragms. Walls thin, transversely lined in vertical sections. Apertures sub-oval, di- rect, with the lunarium, which occupies about two-fifths of the margin, elevated. Thin sections show the lunarium to have been traversed vertically by from three to six minute, closely tabulated tubes. Mesopores of irregular form, moderately abundant, rather equally distributed among the zooecia. Type: A. ponderosa Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Cincinnati. SPATIOPORA Ulrich.— Zoaria forming thin parasitic crusts upon foreign bodies, the shells of Orthoceras being the most favored. Surface even or with monticules. Zoo?cia short with direct ir- regular apertures. Lunarium scarcely perceptible even in thin sections. Mesopores very few, usually absent. Interspaces often with large blunt spines (?acanthopores). Walls of zooecia mod- erately thin, with the characteristic structure pertaining to the family. Type: S. aspera Ulrich. Range, Cincinnati group; possibly to the Niagara. 382 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Family FISTULIPORIDJS Ulrich. Zoaria massive, laminar, bifoliate or ramose. Zocecia with a more or less developed "lunarium," causing many modifications in the form of the apertures; diaphragms horizontal. Inter- spaces occupied by vesicular tissue. Cystiphragms and acantho- pores wanting; eccentrically perforated opercular covers close the perfect zooecial aperture. FISTULIPORA McCoy, Lichenalia Hall, Thallostigma Hall, Didymopora Ulrich.— Zoaria massive, lamellate, parasitic or free, with a wrinkled epitheca below; less commonly sub-ramose, the branches solid or hollow. Zocecia subradially arranged about the surface maculae, with ovoid, sub-triangular, or pyri- form apertures, the variations being due to the degree in which the lunarium is developed; internally with thin walls and a small number of complete horizontal diaphragms. Interspaces smooth or granular, internally occupied by one or more series of vesicular cells. Type: Calamopora incrustans Phillips (Fistulipora minor Mc- Coy). Range, Lower Silurian to Carboniferous. A section of the genus that ought, perhaps, to be separated, differs in having the zooecial apertures circular and the luna- rium obsolete. Type: F. communis Ulrich. ERIDOPORA Ulrich, Pileotrypa Hall (pars). — Zoaria thin, para- sitic. Zocecia with oblique, sub-triangular or ovoid apertures. Lunarium very prominent. Type: E. macrostoma Ulrich. Range, Niagara to Coal Meas- ures. CHILOTRYPA Ulrich (Coelocaulis Hall.) — Zoaria ramose, the branches with a small, irregularly contracting and expanding central tube. Zooecia with the posterior portion of the wall thickest and strongty elevated hood-like, gradually thinning on the sides, becoming linear at the front; the aperture elliptical and oblique. Interstitial vesicles filled by a dense calcareous deposit near the surface. Diaphragms few or absent. Type: C. hispida Ulrich. Range, Niagara to Coal Measures. BRYOZOA. 383 MEEKOPORA Ulrich.— Zoaria bifoliate, sometimes branching; the median lamina? thin, flexuous. Zooecia not arranged : in radial series around the solid maculae, but with their oblique apertures directed towards the distal margin of the expansion. Lunarium moderate or obsolete. Zocecial tubes oblique, the anterior walls thinnest and flexuous. Diaphragms numerous, often recurved. Ooeciuni a large oval cell, showing as a convex space with a small apical perforation. Type: M. eximia Ulrich. Range, Keokuk, St. Louis and Ches- ter. STROTOPORA Ulrich. — Zoarium ramose, branches large, irregu- lar, solid or hollow. Large abruptly spreading cells, which are supposed to represent ooecia, are distributed among the ordi- nary zooecia. When well preserved they appear on the zoarial surface as strongly convex nodes, about 0.5 mm. in diameter, with an opening on one side. In all other respects like Fistulipora^ Type: S. foveolata Ulrich. Range, Devonian to Lower Car- boniferous. LICHENOTRYPA Ulrich. — Zoaria thin, incrusting, with two dis- tinct stages of development. In the first the colony resembles an ordinary species of Fistvlipora, the zooecia having subcircu- lar apertures, surrounded by a peristome that is thickest and most elevated on the posterior side, the interspaces concave and smooth. As growth proceeds, the peristomes of the adjacent zooecia are united by thin irregular walls, which traverse the interspaces and gradually form an elevated and very irregular net -work, with still greater elevations at numerous points in the shape of strong spines. Many of the zocecia keep pace with the formation of this superficial structure, while others occup\r the bottom of large cavities. Numerous subangular pores or vesicles are interspersed among the zooecial apertures; the two kinds of cells not easily distinguished. Type and only specie's known: L. cavernosa Dlrich. Middle Devonian. BUSKOPORA Ulrich, (Odontotrypa Hall, Glossotrypa Hall, Pileotrypa Hall (pars). — Zoaria thin, lamellate, incrusting or free. 384 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Zooecia with sub-circular apertures and a faint peristome; pos- terior margin slightly more elevated than the anterior, with a strong bidenticulate process (lunarium), extending nearly half across the aperture, forming a ridge on the inner side of the zooecia. The ridge is channelled along its inner termination. A variable number of small accessory cells, with elevated sub- circular apertures, is present, also a few large tumid cells (ovicells?) occur among the ordinary zocecia. Type: Fistulipora lunatu Rominger (B. dent at a Ulrich.) Range, Devonian. SELENOPORA Hall, Favicella Hall. Zoaria laminar or incrust- ing. Inter-zooecial spaces occupied by two series of small vesicles, separated by strongly elevated walls, forming the borders of hexagonal concave spaces at whose centers the sub-circular zooecia apertures are situated. The latter are surrounded by a thin peristome, but the lunarium is obsolete. Type: L. circincta Hall. Range, Upper Helderberg and Ham- ilton. ? BOTRYLLOPORA Nicholson.— Zoaria simple or compound; when simple, consisting of small circular parasitic disks, the upper surface slightly convex, and marked by numerous radiating ridges which terminate before reaching the depressed center. Each ridge carries two rows of small contiguous rather thick- walled zooecia. The depressed interspaces are smooth at the surface, but internally are occupied by comparatively large vesicles. When the zoarium is compound, it may consist of a large number of such disks and, by superimposition of layers of them, may eventually form small masses. The spaces be- tween the disks a,re mainly occupied by very large vesicles, possibly of the nature of ooecia. Diaphragms, several times their diameter apart, cross the zooecial tubes. Type. B. socialis Nicholson. Hamilton group. PINACOTRYPA n. gen. — Zoarium consisting of thin contorted expansions, with a wrinkled epitheca below. Zooecia with sub- circular apertures, a well developed granose peristome, thin walls and, so far as observed, no lunarium. Interspaces wide, occupied by a single series of very large angular mesopores, BRYOZOA. 385 which never present the appearance of vesicular tissue. Dia- phragms horizontal, few in the zocecial tubes, numerous in the mesopoi Type: Fistulipora elegans Rominger (F. proporoides Nich.). Range. Hamilton group. Sub-order CKYPTOSTOMATA Vine. Family CYSTODIOTYONID.E Ulrich. Zoaria consisting of two or three layers of cells grown to- gether back to back, forming thin foliate expansions or trian- gular branches. Primitive cells semicordate or obovate-acumi- nate in outline, arranged in longitudinal series between ver- tical double plates. Primitive aperture subcircular, being some- what truncated on the posterior side. As growth proceeds the aperture is drawn out shaft-like, forming a tubular vestibule, and the longitudinal plates become obsolete. Superficial aper- ture with peristome and more or less developed lunarium. In- terspaces between zooecia and vestibules occupied by vesicular tissue, the vesicles more or less completely filled with a minutely perforated calcareous deposit near the surface. Margin of zoarium sharp or rounded, and like the basal portion, non- cell uliferous. CVSTODICTVA riridi. — Zoaria ramose, .bifoliate, the branches acutely elliptical in cross section, with sub-parallel, sharp, non- poriferous, striated, granulose, or smooth margins. Zoopcia apertures generally arranged in longitudinal series between ridges, sometimes in more pronounced oblique rows. Apertures sub-elliptical, partially closed in the fully matured condition with a more or less developed lunarium, that is always situated upon the side nearest to the margin of a branch. Interspaces finely striated, granulose, or smooth, and never with pits or cells, excepting when worn. Type: (.'. ocellntn Tlr.. and ('. piUwti Meek. Range, Upper Helderberg to Coal Measures. Cosrixir.M Keyserling, (Coscinotrypa Hall.— Zoaria composed of flattened branches, celluliferous on both sides, which inosculate —48 386 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. at short intervals till there is produced a broad frond per- forated at rythmical intervals by circular or elliptical feuestrulcs. In other respects like Cystodictya. Type: C. cycJops, Keyserling. Range. Upper Helderberg to Carboniferous. DICHOTRYPA n. gen. — Zoaria consisting of large, thin, bifoliate expansions. The surface with solid macuke. Zocecial structure in conformity with that given for the family. Type: D. foliata Ulr. Range, Niagara to St. Louis. ACTINOTRYPA n. gen. — Zoaria very much as in Dlcliotryjm. Zocecia apertures showing the projecting ends of from eight to ten vertical septa-like ridges, that extend down on the inner side of the tubular vestibule nearly or quite to the primitive apertures. Type and only known species A. peculiaris (Fistulipora pecu- liaris Rom.), of the Keokuk group. T.ENIOPORA Nich. — Zoaria consisting of dichotomously divided branches as in Cystodictya, but differing from that genus in having a strongly elevated longitudinal central ridge on each face, causing the transverse section of the branch to be diamond shaped. The ridges may be obtusely angular, or sharp, thin and prominent. The zooecia apertures are arranged in a pin- nate manner or in longitudial rows, and increase in size out- ward. Type: T. penniformis Nich. Hamilton group. PRISMOPORA Hall. — Zoaria consisting of triangular branches di-or trichotomously divided at irregular intervals; sides equal or unequal, concave or flat, each celluliferous ; margins sharp, straight or serrated, with a narrow solid border. In transverse section the zooecia are seen to arise from internal laminap, which radiate from the center to each angle, and divide the branches into three subequal triangular portions. Apertures varying in arrangment, frequently occupying the summits of small papillae. Minute structures as given for the family. Type; P. triquetra Hall. Range, Upper Helderberg to Coal Measures. BRYOZOA. 387 SCALARIPORA Hall. — Zoaria in every respect like those of Pris- mopora, excepting that the faces of the triangular branches are crossed by salient transverse ridges. Type: S. scalariformis Hall. Range, Upper Helderberg to Hamilton. EVACTINOPORA Meek and Worthen. — Zoaria free, consisting of four or more vertical leaves, which radiate from an imaginary axis so as to present in transverse section a star-shaped or cruciform outline. Rays thin, double, celluliferous on both faces, and free in the upper half; united, thick and non-poriferous in the basal portion; thickest and most dense at the outer and under edges. Zooecia with subcircular apertures. Interspaces apparently solid at the surface, occupied by vesicular tissue in- ternally. As growth proceeded, a gradually increasing deposit of minutely perforated calcareous laminae covered the lower and older portions of the zoarium. Type: E. radiata Meek and Worthen. Range, Burlington to Keokuk group. GLYPTOPORA Ulrich, (Ceramella Hall.) — Zoaria consisting of thin bifoliate expansions, having both surfaces divided into larger or smaller cup-shaped cavities, by the bifurcation and coalescence of salient ridges; or of unilamellate bases, having the coalescing ridges of the upper surface developed to such a degree that they themselves form large expansions. The ridges in both cases consist of two layers of cells growing in opposite directions from a mesial lamina. The surfaces of the ridges and the bottom of the cups exhibit rather regularly distributed and more or less elongate solid maculae, which, as thev are commonly depressed below the level of the surface, have been called "dimples." Minute structure conforming with that given for the family. Type: G. plumosa and G. keyserlingi Prout. Range, Bur- lington to Chester. The following genera are placed here provisionally : GONIOCLADIA Ethridge, Jr. Carboniferous of Great Britain. CRISINELLA Hall. Lower Helderberg. THAMNOTRYPA Hall. Lower Helderberg. 888 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ACROGENIA Hall. Hamilton. Founded upon a remarkable species in which the zoarium is segmented very much as in Dicranopora Ulr. COSCINELLA Hall. Hamilton. Family RHINOPORID.E n. fam. (Provisional.) RHINOPORA Hall. — Zoaria bifoliate; forming large undulating expansions, having the free lateral margins thickened and non- poriferous. Surface without maculae or monticules, but when perfect, exhibiting slender rounded bifurcating ridges, which, when the zoariuin is a little worn, appear as shallow grooves. The tubular structure thereby indicated is borne out by an ex- amination of thin sections. These show further that they are crossed by rather remote partitions. Zooecia apertures subcir- cular, occupying the summits of prominent papillae, arranged in more or less regular intersecting lines. Mesopores small, about equal in number to the zocecia, sometimes showing at the surface (?due to attrition). Large median tubuli between the mesial laminae. Type: JR, verrucosti Hall. Range, Clinton and Niagara. Family STICTOPORID.E Ulrich. (Emended). Zoaria bifoliate, consisting of compressed branches, or leaf- like expansions. Primitive cells subquadrate, arranged in longi- tudinal series. Both primitive and superficial aperture elliptical or subcircular, sometimes a little truncated posteriorly when the superior hemiseptum is more than usually developed. In- ferior septum wanting. Median tubuli present between the median laminae, and the longitudinal rows of zooecia vestibules. Mesopores absent, but vesicular tissue sometimes present. STICTOPORA Hall, (Rhinidictya Ulricn). — Zoaria composed of narrow, compressed, dichotomously divided branches, with the margins sharp, straight and essentially parallel; attached to foreign bodies by a continuous expanded base. Zooecia aper- tures sub-circular or elliptical, arranged alternately in longitu- BRYOZOA. 389 dinal series between slightly elevated, straight or flexuous ridges, carrying a^ crowded row of small blunt spines. Space immediately surrounding apertures sloping up to summits of ridges. Type: S. fenestrata Hall. Range, Chazy to Cincinnati, and perhaps also in Lower Helderberg. EURYDICTYA n. gen. — Zoaria forming broad, simple or irregu- larly divided, bifoliate expansions, without non-poriferous parallel margins. Surface with more or less conspicuous, small, solid maculae or monticules. Zocecial structure very much as in Stictopora, the differences being of small importance and due to zoarial habit. Type: E. montifera Ulr. Range, Trenton to Cincinnati. DICRANOPORA Ulrich. — Zoaria jointed; segments ligulate, rarely simple, usually divided dichotomously at the upper end. Each extremity somewhat thickened and solid. Minute structure and arrangement of zocecia apertures as in Stictopora. Type: D. internodia Miller & Dyer. Range, Trenton to Cin- cinnati. GONIOTRYPA Ulrich.— Like Dicranopora in all respects save that there is a prominent median ridge on each of the two faces of the double-leaved segments. Type: G. bilateralis Ulrich. Cincinnati group. EUSPILOPORA n. gen. — Zoaria consisting of small, flattened, irregularly divided branches. Zooecia apertures subcircular or elliptical, arranged in four or more rows over the central por- tion of the branches between slightly elevated longitudinal ridges, bearing numerous, small nodes. At brief intervals, occur- ing alternately on each side of the branch, there are several short rows of apertures directed obliquely upward and outward from the central rows, extending nearly to the sharp margins. Between these lateral rows the margin of the frond is more or less indented, but a wide depressed non-poriferous space remains. This is covered with exceedingly fine granulose striae. Thin sec- tions show that between the ends of the zooecia there is a verti- cal series of shallow lenticular vesicles, separated from each other by a thick layer of tissue. All the remaining interspaces are traversed vertically by exceedingly numerous minute tubuli. 390 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Type: E. serrata Ulrich. Range, Hamilton group. PACHYDICTYA Ulrich. — Zoaria varying from parallel margined narrow branches to large undulating expansions. The edges are acute and have a non-celluliferous border. In the larger species the surface exhibits solid granulose maculae. Zooecia rising rather abruptly from the mesial laminae, near which they have very thin walls, are broad elliptical or subquadrate in out- line, arranged in longitudinal series and partially separated from each other by small vesicles. Toward the surface their walls are thickened, ring-like, and usually completely isolated, and the interspaces solid. Median tubuli well developed between the mesial laminae, and in one or two rows between the zooecia. Apertures plain or with slight peristome. Diaphragms cross the zooecia tubes. Type : P. robusta Ulr. Range, Trenton to Lower Helderberg. PHYLLODICTYA Ulrich. — Zoaria leaf-like, or consisting of irregu- lar broad branches. Zooecia tubular, the prostrate portion long; apertures circular, slightly oblique, with the posterior margin elevated. Interspaces wide, solid, granulose, traversed vertically by numerous minute tubuli. A few diaphragms pres- ent. Type: P. frondosa, Ulr. Range, Trenton. Family PTILODICTYONID.E Zittel. Zoaria segmented or continuous, bifoliate. Zooecia sub-tubular, the primitive cell more or less elongated, subquadrate, rhombic, or hexagonal in outline, with thin walls. Both superior and inferior hemisepta generally present. Vestibular portion with thick and often ring-like walls, the central region between the cavities usually of conspicuously lighter or darker color than the rest. When wide the region usually appears transversely lined; at other times occupied by untabulated mesopores. Median tubuli wanting. PTILODICTYA Lonsdale. (Escharopora Hall, Heterodict.va Nich.) — Zoaria segmented, consisting of a small, radially striated basal expansion which is attached to foreign bodies, and has at the center of the upper surface a socket for articulation with 1lie sub-solid extremity of the erect and unjointed frond. Frond BRYOZOA. 391 commonly lanceolate or falciform, sometimes a broad undulat- ing expansion, at other times dichotomously branched with the margins parallel. Proximal extremity longitudinally striated, pointed or wedge-shaped. Lateral margins of frond acute, non- celluliferous, smooth or obliquely striated. Small monticules usually present in the large species. Zocecia with subcircular or elliptical superficial apertures, surrounded by a sloping area of quadrate, rhombic or hexagonal outline. Apertures arranged in a plumose manner, with longitudinal series in the center and, diverging from these on each side, oblique lateral rows; or simply in regular diagonally intersecting series. Both hemisepta usually well developed. Type: P. lanceolata Goldf. Range, Trenton to Upper Helder- berg. F:^. 11. Sections of Ptilodictya. All the figures are magnified x25.— a. Portion of a vertical section of Ptilodictya magnified S. A. Miller, showing several zooecia with hemi- septa ;— b, b', and b". three portions of a tangential section of same, showing structure of zoarium at various depths below rhe surface :—c, zooecium of same sectioned just be- neath the aperture, and showing slightly different structure from what is seen in 6."— d, vertical section of Ptilodictya lanceolata Goldf.. from Gotland;— e. tangential section of the American representative of the species; Clinton gr., Dayton, Ohio. (P. erjtanfn Hall, Ind. Geol. Sur., voL 12, 1882, not Phaenopora expansa Hall and Whitfleld. Pal. Ohio, voL n, 1875). 392 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. CLATHROPORA Hall. — Zoaria composed of anastomosing branches, forming a regular net-work with round f,:iestrules. Minute structure essentially the same as in Ptilodictya,. Type: C. frondosa Hall. Range (?) Trenton to Upper Hel- derberg. PILENOPORA Hall.— Zoaria as in Ptilodictya, from which they differ in having two mesopores between the ends of the zooecia apertures. Type: P. explamitn Hall. Range, Cincinnati to Lower Hel- derberg. 0- V Fig. 12. Sections illustrating the internal structure of Phcenopora; allx25.— a, tangen- tial section of P. constellata Hall, showing structure of zoarium just beneath the sur- face;— l>, half of a vertical section of same;— c, deep tangential section of P. expansa H. & W., showing structure of zoarium just above the median laminae;— d, tangential section of P. lindstromi n. sp., showing the pitted margin and three rows of zocecia;— e, vertical section of same.* * Phasnopora lindstromi is from the Upper Silurian deposits of Gotland. It grows into narrow, parallel-margined, compressed branches, about 1.5 mm., thick, 3.8 to 4.5 mm. wide, bifurcating at intervals of 10 mm. more or less. Margins wide, rather sharp, with several rows of small pits. Zocecia apertures elliptical, about 0.19 mm. long, arranged in 9 to 12 longitudinal series, 14 in 5 mm. Between the ends of the apertures are the usual two mesopores. I am indebted to the eminent palaeontologist, Dr. Gustav Lindstrom, of Stockholm, Sweden, for an excellent example. BRYOZOA. :>,'.>:', ac»>s depressed, generally linear, sometimes with one or two fine tortuous elevated lines; vertically lined in longitudinal sections, but with the lines in- terrupted. Median lamina? straight in transverse sections. Type: G. pei-elegnns Ulrich. Range, Trenton to Cincinnati. ARTHROPORA Ulrich.— Zoaria bushy, spread in a plane, coin- posed of numerous segments; joints sometimes simple, usually with several short lateral branchlets. some of which may be tipped for articulation with succeeding segments. Zocecia with elliptical or subpyriform apertures and elevated margins. In- terspaces with one or more vermicular stria?. Apertures, when perfect, closed by centrally perforated opercular structures. Median lamina? zig-zag in transverse sections. Type: Stictoporti shnfferi Meek. Range, Trenton and Cincin- nati. T.EMODHTYA ii. gnu. — Zoaria growing from a basal expansion into dichotomously divided narrow branches or broad fronds. Zooecial structure very much as in some species of Ptilodictyn (P. pavomn D'Orb.). Apertures elliptical or subcircular, sur- rounded by a sloping area. Interspaces ridge-like. Both ''hemi- sppta" present. Type: T. ramulosx n. sp. Range, upper Helderberg to St. Louis. PIILOTRYPA n. gen. — Zoaria forming large ramose expansions. Zooecial tubes and apertures very oblique. At the upper ex- tremity of the acutely ovate aperture there is a small cell which is best seen in tangential sections. Surface with irregular, longi- tudinally channelled spots. Type and only known species: P. obliquatu n. sp. Cincinnati group. STICTOTRYPA n. gnu. — Zoaria consisting of dichotomously di- vided, narrow, compressed branches. Zooecial apertures circular or elliptical, surrounded by a distinct, evenly elevated peristome. Interspaces flat or concave, composed of horizontally laminated solid tissue. Tvpe: Stictopora similis Hall. Range, Trenton to Niagara. -49 394 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Fig. U. a. tangential section of Sticto- porella interstincta Ul. (Gin. gr.); b, ver- tical section of same. Fig. 13.— a, vertical section of Stictotrypa punctipora Hall (sp.).— b, vertical section of Stictotrypa similis Hall (sp.).— c, tangential section of same. All x25. STICTOPORELLA Ulrich.— Zoaria branching, cribrose, or leaflike. Zooecia with the primitive por- tion tubular and unusually long. Superior hemisepta wanting; the inferior ones sometimes present. Apertures placed at the bottom of a wide sloping area. More or less numerous thick-walled and untabulated mesopores oc- cur between the zooecia apertures and line the zoarial margin. In the frondose species they also form clusters. Tangential sec- tions show that both the zooecia and mesopores are separated from each other by a sharply defined line. Type: 8. interstincta Ulrich. Range, Trenton to (?) Chester. INTRAPORA Hall, (Cosinella, Hall.) — Zoaria cribrose, branch- ing, or sub-frondose. Zooecia with moderately thin walls, which are not sharply distinguished from those of the numerous tabu- lated mesopores which occupy the interspaces. Apertures sub- circular, without area but enclosed by faintly elevated peri- stomes. A short distance below the plane of the zooecia aper- tures perfect specimens show a perforated diaphragm. Meso- pores usually open at the surface, but sometimes completely closed by a deposit of horizontally laminated calcareous matter. Type: /. puteolfita, Hall. Range, Devonian. BRYOZOA. 395 Family FENESTELLID.E King. Zoaria forming reticulate expansions, celluliferous on one side only, composed of rigid branches united to each other by regular non-poriferous bars called dissepiments; or they may l»tj sinuous and anastomose; or even remain free. Primitive por- tion of zoupcia of oblong quadrate or hexagonal outline. Su- perior hemiseptum usually present, the inferior one less fre- quently. Primitive aperture semi-elliptical, being truncated at the posterior side. Superficial apertures rounded, with peris- tome, and. in the perfect state, closed by centrally perforated opercula. FE.VESTELLA Lonsdale. — Zoaria flabellate to infundibuliform, poriferous on the inside (always?); branches nearly straight, and connected with each other at rhythmical intervals by non- poriferous dissepiments. Zooecia in two rows, separated by a more or less developed median keel. Accepted type: F. plebeia, McCoy. Range, Cincinnati to Per- mian. SEMICOSCIXIUM Prout, (Carinopora Nicholson) — Zoaria funnel- shaped, poriferous on the outer side. Dissepiments wide, very short, the branches appearing on the non-poriferous side to anastomose. Here, also, the fenestrules are sub-rhomboidal or rounded. Zohown. and the narrow visceral cavity seen to be crossed by diaphragms. When the section does not pass through the vis- ceral cavity, and it rarely does, the diaphragms seem curved or horizontal and to extend clear across the tube. The appear- ance presented by cutting through an infundibular cystiphragm i- shown at the top of the third tube from the right, in figure 6a of plate XLV. The general features of the zoarium are decidedly like those of several Lower Silurian species of the genus. The large size of the cystiphragms. the consequent slenderness of the visceral cavity, and the apparent absence of acanthopores, are marked peculiarities of the species. Position and locality:— Hamilton group, Thunder Bay. Mich. HOMOTRYPA Ulrich, 1882. •Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. V, p. 240.) (For generic diagnosis see page 370.) Already ten (?) species belonging to this genus have been de- scribed, yet this is scarcely one-half of the species known to me. The Cincinnati group furnishes the largest proportion of them, and. like Monticulipora, only one species is known to have ex- isted at any subsequent period. The characters of the genus are remarkably persistent and nearly always easily recognized. HOMOTRYPA ARBUSCULA Ulrich. PI. XXXVIH, fig. 3. 3 e. Zoarium loosely attached to foreign bodies by a broad basal expansion, from which grow a number of stout dendroidal stems with freely inosculating branches. Stems diminishing from twelve mm. in diameter at the base to three or four at the free terminations. Surface smooth, with scarcely noticeable clu.-ters of larger cells. Cell apertures oblique, angular and sliirhtly elongated, varying in diameter from the average of 0.18 or 0.20 mm., to 0.3 mm., the diameter of those in the —51 410 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. clusters. When well preserved, the cells have their margins beset with very small granules, which may be only surface or- namentations, as no evidences of acanthopores have yet been detected in tangential sections. Walls of zooecial tubes slightly flexuous and crenulate, very thin in the axial region and but little thickened in the peripheral region. Zooecial tubes oblique throughout their course, with an unusually gradual curve from their origin to the surface. Apertures seven or eight in two mm. A few mesopores with diaphragms somewhat less than their diameter apart are developed in the cortical region. One, occasionally two, cystiphragms are developed in the zooecial tubes in the transition period. In the case of complete specimens, the growth alone will easily separate this species from similar forms. Fragments are readily distinguished by the thin walls, and more than usual obliquity of the cell apertures from any Lower Silurian species known to me. In the brevity of the pheripheral region this species is like H. dawsoni Nicholson, but the frondescent growth and pro- nounced monticules of that species give it an entirely different appearance. Position and locality: — Birdseye horizon of the Trenton group, High Bridge, Ky.; Calhoun Co., and near Dixon, 111. HOUOTRYPA GELASINOSA UMch. PL XXXII, fig. 2-2d. Zoarium consisting of flattened branches, four mm., more or less, in thickness. Surface without monticules, but marked with conspicuous, elongated, parallel, dimple-like maculae, arranged in transverse rows. Walls of zooecia thin, and flexuous or wavy in the axial region, moderately thickened near the surface. Zooecia subangular, about ten of the ordinary size in two mm., those forming the borders of the maculae about one-half larger. Mesopores angular, comparatively large and shallow, present in the dimples only. Diaphragms occasionally present in the axial region. Cystiphragms rather closely set. In the meso- pores there are two or three diaphragms in the space of a tube diameter. Acanthopores commonly situated in the angles of BRYOSOA. 411 the zooecia, sometimes found in the axial region; now and then they do not follow the trend of the zooecia in the cortical re- gion, but cut across the tubes at an acute angle. The acantho- pores found in the maculae are longer and larger than the others. In some parts of a longitudinal section, the acantho- pores are seen to have exceedingly thin cross partitions. The elongated dimples distinguish this species from all other described forms of the genus. An undescribed related form, oc- curring in the Cincinnati group, at Waynesville, Ohio, also has somewhat similar elongated dimples, but differs in other char- acters. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. HOMOTRYPA FLABELLARIS UMch. PI. XXXII, flg. 3-3c Zoarium consisting typically of fan-shaped fronds; an almost perfect specimen gives the following measurements: width 45 mm., height 50 mm., thickness 5 mm. Surface smooth, with obscure maculae about four mm. apart, measuring from center to center. Peripheral portion of zoarium narrow. Walls of zooecial tubes flexuous or crenulated in the axial region, and very thin even in the cortical region. Zooecia apertures angular, slightly oblique, from eight to ten in two mm., those in the maculae from a third to a half larger than the average. Mesopores few, gathered into clusters in the maculae. Zooecial tubes provided with a few remote straight diaphragms in the axial region. Diaphragms moderately numerous in the meso- pores. Cystiphragms form a short series in each tube. Acan- thopores few, very small. A very close variety occurs in the upper beds of the Cincin- nati group, at Blanchester, Ohio, which has the maculae a little more pronounced, and a tendency to a ramose growth. The thin walls and flabellate growth distinguish H. tiabellaris from the hitherto described species of the genus. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. 412 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. HOMOTRYPELLA Ulrich, 1886. (14th Ann. Eep. State Geol. Minn. p. Si.) (For generic diagnois see page 370). This genus was established to receive a small but natural group of species that could not be included in any of the other genera of the family. The ramose habit of growth ally the genus to Homotrypa Ulrich, but the abundant mesopores are a distinguishing mark of some importance. A comparison with Peronopora Nicholson, and Atactoporella Ulrich, shows the fol- lowing differences: the zoaria of the first are bifoliate, of the latter parasitic; in both the cystiphragms are developed in an almost uninterrupted series to the zooecial apertures. In the structure of the walls the typical species presents close resem- blance to Peronopora, while that of H. context a, shows greater likeness to Atactoporella. The aggregate of characters thus in- dicate an intermediate position between Homotrypa on the one side, and Peronopora and Atactoporella on the other. HOMOTRYPELLA CONTEXTA Ulrich. PI. XXXII. flg. 5-5b. Zoarium consisting of a mass of irregular, coalescing branches varying in thickness from three to six mm. Surface smooth, exhibiting spaces where both zooecia and mesopores are larger than ordinary. Walls of zooecia scarcely thickened in the cor- tical region. Zooecia sub-circular or oval, from eight to ten in two mm., about 0.15 mm. in diameter, occasionally in contact, ordinarily separated by the angular, thin-walled mesopores, which are very numerous and differ but little in size from the zooecia. Diaphragms few in the axial region, but becoming- more numerous as the zooecial tubes approach the peripheral region. Here they are abundant, extending from the overlap- ping cystiphragms to the opposite wall of the tube. In the mesopores the diaphragms are closely set, and approximately upon the same level in all, two or three in the space of a tube diameter. Acanthopores rather small, but a conspicuous feature BRYOZOA. 413 in tangential sections, situated in the walls of the zocecia, from three to five surrounding each zooecium; also at some of the angles between the mesopores. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. HETEROTRYPA Nicholson, 1879. (Pal. Tab. Corals p. 291.) (For generic diagnosis see page 371.) As defined by Dr. Nicholson this genus included very diverse material, the only characters common to the assemblage being the possession of two sets of cells (i. e. zooecia and mesopores). In the "Am. Pal. Bry." I have shown that only one of the seven- teen species which he refers to the genus is congeneric with the type species. H. froiidosa d'Orb., (H. mamniulata Xich., non d'Orb). The remaining fifteen species are distributed among the genera Callopora, Homotrypa, Amplexopora (?), Monotrypella, Bato- stoina and Batostonwlla. The amended definition of the genus as then proposed by me is now somewhat modified by the eli- mination of H. vaupeli, which I now refer to Nicholsonella. The restricted group is closely allied to Dekayia Ed. & H., and comprises at least nine species, all of them from the Cincinnati group. Three of these remain undescribed. HETEROTRYPA PROLIFICA Ulrich. PI. xxxvn, fig. i-id. Zoarium frondescent, or subramose with much flattened branches, varying in thickness from four to twelve mm., and at times attaining a height of ten cm. Low rounded tuberosities arranged in irregularly interesecting lines and composed of cells a little larger than the average, commonly surrounding a clus- ter of mesopores. serve to break up the monotony of an other- wise smooth surface. Zocecial tubes curving in the axial region, direct throughout the peripheral region, where their walls be- come considerably thickened. Zooecia apertures sub-polygonal, about eight in two mm., and 0.15 to 0.18 mm. in diameter. Interspaces occupied by calcareous matter: where very wide by a few mesopores with illy defined walls. Most of the mesopores are found in the clusters. A few diaphragms in the axial re- 414 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. gion; in the transition period they become more numerous; in the cortical region they are close-set, a tube diameter or less apart. In the outer portion of this region they are often con- cave, sometimes tending to the infundibular form. Mesopores more closely tabulated than the zooecial tubes. Acanthopores a little more than one-third as numerous as the zooecia; when not situated at the angles, generally inflecting the zooecial cavity a little. This species approaches quite closely to H. frondosa d'Orb., having a somewhat similar growth; but in that species the zooecia are more angular, the walls thinner, mesopores far more numerous and the acanthopores rather more abundant. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. A common form in the upper beds at Blanchester, Ohio. It also occurs at Wil- mington, 111. The H. frondosa is restricted to the lower half of the Cincinnati group. HETEROTRYPA INFLECT A Ulrich. PL XXXVII, fig. 2rZd. Zoarium frondescent, seldom over four cm. in width, six cm. in heighth, and five mm. thick; usually only about three in thickness. Surface smooth or with slight elevations of cell aper- tures somewhat larger than the average. Zooecial tubes bend- ing abruptly into the cortical region, with walls slightly flexu- ous in the axial region. Zooecia apertures circular, 0.14 to 0.18 mm. in diameter, with about eight in two mm. A large but variable number of angular mesopores scattered among the zooecia, rather more numerous in the clusters. Diaphragms only one or two in each zooecial tube; numerous in the meso- pores. Acanthopores present in considerable numbers, frequently indenting the visceral cavity, in well preserved specimen^ very conspicuous on the surface, giving it a hirsute appearance. This species is distinguished externally from H. frondosa D'Orbigny, its nearest ally, by its much more delicate growth, strictly frondescent form, monticules wanting or but little ele- vated, conspicuous acanthopores and larger number of meso- pores. Internally it has very few diaphragms, wrhich structures are abundant in M. frondosa. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, Ohio. BRYOZOA. 415 HETEROTRYPJL SINGULARIS Ulrich. PL XXSVU. Bg. 3-8f. Zoarinm subramose, at times attaining a thickness of seven cm. Surface smooth, or nearly so, with clusters of cell aper- tures a little larger than the average. Zooecia about nine in two mm., angular and thin-walled in the axial, subeircular in the mature region. There are commonly two or more succes- sions of immature and mature regions. Mesopores of variable size, very numerous, usually angular or subcircular. Dia- phragms developed very irregularly, at times but few in the cortical region and wanting in the axial, at other times about two tube diameters apart in the axial and elosewset in the peri- pheral region. They are commonly horizontal, often concave, sometimes infundibular, and occasionally simulate cystiphragms if they are not of that nature. Acanthopores very numerous, inflecting the visceral cavity so as to give it a petaloid appear- ance. The extremely large size of this species, the remarkable de- velopment of acanthopores and mesopores, and irregular char- acter of the diaphragms are its leading features. Some points in its structure leave me in doubt as to this being its rightful position, but for the present it seems best to place it with Heterotrypa. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Wilmington, HI. DEKAYIA Edwards and Haime, 1850. (PoL Foes, des Ten-. Pal. p. 277.) {For generic diagnosis see p. 371.) Extensive remarks upon the position of this genus, as well as full descriptions of a number of species, will be found in my Amer. Pal. Bry."* to which I refer the reader. D. aspera, Ed. HL, the typical species, occurs in rocks of the Cincinnati group, near Wilmington, Dl. The specimens are in a bad state of pre- servation, but I had no difficulty in identifying them by means of thin sections. The following species is the only one known from rocks above the Lower Silurian. •Jour. On. Soc. Sat. Hist. VoL VL pp. 84 and 146-155. 416 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. DEKAYIA DEVONICA Ulrich. PI. XLV, flg. 5-5d. Zoarium ramose, consisting of small subcylindrical irregular branches, averaging six or seven mm. in thickness; in one in- stance solid, in all the others hollow with a AArrinkled epitheca lining the interior; in the latter the zoarium has a thickness of less than 1 mm. Surface level or with slightly elevated clusters of larger apertures and bristling with very prominent spines 1 mm. or a little less apart. Zooecia angular, quite oblique to the surface, thin-walled throughout, about five in two mm., measuring longitudinally, with elongated, unequal apertures. Diaphragms few, one, or perhaps more to a tube. Acanthopores exceedingly prominent, with very thick walls. The examples from New York are hollow and appear to be composed of one or more very thin layers. The specimen from the Ohio Falls has a solid axis. The extreme obliquity of the zooecial tubes and the very strong acanthopores distinguish this form from any Devonian bryozoan known to me. Position and locality: — Devonian; Falls of the Ohio; Eighteen Mile Creek, N. Y. (Hamilton group). CALLOPORA Hall, 1852. (Pal. N. T. vol. H, p. 144.) (For generic diagnosis, see page 372.) This is a distinct and easily recognized genus, and so far as known, its range does not extend into Devonian deposits, but in all the groups of rocks between the Trenton limestone and the Lower Helderberg, inclusive, it is represented by from one to twelve species. In all, twenty species have been studied, but only thirteen of them are described. The first species to follow Hall's generic description is his C. elegantula, from the Niagara group afc Lockport, N. Y. According to commonly accepted rules of nomenclature, the species must stand as the type of the genus. Of the remaining species which Hall described and referred to the genus in 1852, C. aspera and probably C. floridn and C. lammata belong to Leioclema as now understood; while C. nummiformis is very likely referable to Calloporella. With BRYOZOA. 417 the exception of C. perelegans none of the species more recently- referred to Callopora by Prof. Hall seem to have the essential characters of the genus. Thin sections of Callopora exhibit a remarkable uniformity of structure, and it is sometimes very difficult to discriminate between those of closely allied forms. TJiis uniformity is more especially apparent in transverse and vertical sections, but as these are highly diagnostic of the genus, they are necessary to confirm the generic reference. Most of the species form large bushy masses, and the Cincinnati group deposits often furnish some very showy cabinet specimens. CALLOPORA SUBXODOSA Ulrich. PI. XXXIII, fig. 5-5c. Zoarium ramose: stems subcylindrical, from six to twelve mm., or even more in diameter. Surface sometimes nearly smooth, usually tubercled. Tubercles rounded, never conical, more or less elevated, composed of apertures rather larger than the average, and numerous mesopores. Zooecial walls com- paratively thin throughout. Zooecia approaching the surface in a gentle curve, about seven in two mm.; with circular aper- tures, ranging from 0.18 to 0.27 mm. in diameter; surrounded by a variable number of angular or subcircular mesopores. The zooecial tubes expand very gradually from the point of their origin until they attain their normal size. In the first part of their course, they have several diaphragms about their own diameter apart: after that, diaphragms become rare and may be entirely absent in the rest of the zooecial tube. The mesopores are tabulated very closely throughout; about three diaphragms in a space equalling their own diameter. This species differs from the common C. ramosa d'Orbigny in the less prominent monticules, which are rounded instead of conical. The tabulation of the tubes in the two species is also very different. Though very distinct from (_'. elegantula Hall, the type of the genus, it is more nearly related to that form than is any other known species of the genus. Position and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Blanchester. <).. and numerous other localities. A variety oc- » -iirs at Wilmington and Savanna, 111. —52 418 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. CALLOPOKELLA Ulrich, 1882. ("Amer. Pal. Bry." Jour. Tin. Soc. Nat, Hist. Vol. V. p. 154.) (For generic diagnosis, see page 373.) The thick ring-like walls of the zooecial tubes distinguish this genus from Diplotrypa Nich., species of which C. harrisi Ulr., the type, resembles in other respects. The species next de- scribed is only provisionally placed in the genus as better pre- served material may show that it is not congeneric with C. harrisi. CALLOPORELLA? NODULOSA Ulrich. PI. XXXIII, ng. 4-4a. Zoarium parasitic upon foreign bodies, (so far as observed upon the valves of Strophomena,} forming patches of greater or less extent; edge of zoarium inclined to turn up. Surface marked with small conical monticules, a little more than two mm. apart, measuring from center to center, more or less sub- solid at the apex, due to the closure of the mesopores, and ar- ranged in diagonally intersecting rows. Apertures circular, about nine in two mm., 0.2 mm. or a little less in diameter. Interspaces occupied by mesopores which are most numerous in the monticules. The internal structure has not been observed owing to the peculiar character of fossilization which has preserved the ex- ternal features, but entirely obliterated the internal structure. Hence the species is referred only provisionally to Calloporella. The general external appearance is that of Atactoporella or- toni Nich., but it wants the petaloid apertures of that species. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Savanna, 111. TREMATOPORA Hall, 1852. (Pal. N. Y. Vol. II. p. 149.) (For generic diagnosis, see page 373.) This genus was re-defined by me in my "Amer. Pal. Bry." taking T. tuberculosa, Hall, the first species to follow Prof. Hall's generic description, as the type. Much redistribution of BRYOZOA. 419 species is the unavoidable result, since but a small proportion of the forty-two American species that had been previously re- ferred to the genus are really congeneric with the typical form. TREMATOPORA DEBILIS Ulrich. PL XXXIV. flg. 3-3e. Zoarium consisting of slender, cylindrical, branching stems, from 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter. Surface smooth. Zooecial tubes long, bending but little to reach the surface. Cell walls very thin in the axial region, slightly thickened in the cortical region. Zocecia with apertures circular or nearly so, about 0.15 mm. in diameter, and surrounded by a peristome most elevated at the lower end; closer together transversely than longitudinally, there being about five in one direction and only four in the other in 1 mm. Mesopores interspersed irregularly among the cells, of unequal size, and closed at the surface. Acanthopores few and inconspicuous. An occasional diaphragm is present in in the zocecial tubes, and from one to three in the mesopores. The cortical region, as shown by a transverse section, is very narrow. From TV? nitida Or., this species is distinguished by its more robust growth and larger and differently shaped cells. The cortical region is thinner, and the curve of the zocecial tubes in approaching the surface is greater in this species. From T. primigenia Ulr., a Trenton species of Minnesota, it is easily dis- tinguished by the lack of the maculae so characteristic of that species. It differs too widely from the other described species of the genus to necessitate comparison. Position and locality: — (?) Cincinnati group, Alexander Co., Illinois. TREMATOPORA? NITIDA Ulrich. PL XXXIV, fig. 2-2f. Zoarium consisting of small cylindrical stems, branching vari- ously, 1 mm. or less in diameter. Zooecial tubes extending obliquely outwards from the center of the stem, scarcely curving 420 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. to reach the surface. Walls thin in the axial region, thickened but little towards the surface. Zooecia often in contact, with apertures sometimes oval, usually pyriform, narrowing above, surrounded by a narrow peristome, obsolete or less distinct at the upper end; about six or seven in the space of one mm. measuring longitudinally, and eight to ten measuring trans- versely, arranged in irregular, obliquely ascending lines. Inter- stitial spaces irregular, more or less depressed, apparently solid at the surface, but in thin sections seen to be occupied by elongated mesopores. Acanthopores moderately abundant, small, sometimes conspicuous. Diaphragms two or three in the mesopores, rarely present in the zocecial tubes. This species is associated with a number of other small forms, from all of which it is readily separated by its very much smaller cells, and characteristic pear-shaped openings. This is probably the smallest species of the genus. Its small size and pyriform apertures at once distinguish it from its nearest con- geners T. debilis and T. primigenm Ulr. Since the above was written a large series of specimens of this species have been collected. These show that the base of the branches was pointed and that the zoaiium was jointed at irregular intervals. It is, therefore, probable that the species belongs to another genus. Position and locality:— Cincinnati group, at Savannah, 111., where it is very abundant at an horizon about 150 feet above the river. TREMATOPORA CALLOPOROIDES Ulrich. PL XXXIV, flg. 1-ld. Zoarium irregularly ramose, branches from four to seven mm. in diameter. Surface marked by faint monticules whose centers, occupied by sub-stellate groups of mesopores with closed aper- tures, present an apparently solid aspect. Distance between centers of monticules two or three mm. Zocecial tubes run irregularly in the a.xial region, curve gradually, and at the sur- face are almost direct. Walls thin in the axial region and but little thickened in the cortical region. Zooecia seven or eight in the space of two mm., with sub-angular or sub-circular aper- BRYOZOA. 421 tures. Peristome faint. Interspaces occupied by very thin- walled, angular mesopores, which are sometimes open at the surface. When this is the case, the surface resembles that of some species of Callopora. From four to seven diaphragms are developed in the zooecial tubes as they leave the axial region. Diaphragms numerous in the mesopores. Acanthopores small and usually inconspicuous, often projecting a little into the zooecial cavity owing to the thinness of the walls. The characters of this species are so distinct from T. debilis with which it is associated, and from other species of the genus that comparisons are unnecessary. Its surface bears some re- semblance to certain species of Callopora, but the internal struc- ture is widely different. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Alexander County, Illinois. NICHOLSONELLA Ulrich. (For generic rliagnosis see page 374.) Only four or five species are known having the peculiar characters upon which this genus is founded. Two of these, N. ponderosa, the type of the genus, and an undescribed species, are from the Trenton limestone, the other two or three from the Cincinnati group. Of the latter, N. vaupeli was described by me as a species of Heterotzypa* It is not uncommon near the tops of the hills at Cincinnati, Ohio. A closely allied species or variety occurs about 250 feet higher in the series and is bundant at several localities in Ohio. The fourth form is described here for the first time. It also belongs to the Cin- cinnati group, but is not yet known from any other locality than Wilmington, 111. The affinities of Nicholsonella, are with Constellaria Dana, but the absence of stellate maculae, is quite sufficient to distinguish them. The frondescent species resemble Heterotrypa Nich., but the relationship is much more remote than I at one time thought. The generic name is given in honor of Dr. H. Alleyne Nichol- son, as a slight token of my appreciation of the great value of *Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., voL VI, p. 85. 422 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. his labors, in micropalseontology. To him belongs the credit of being the first to make extensive use of the microscope in classi- fying the "Monticuliporidse." NICHOLSON ELL A PONDEROSA Ulrich. PL XXXIV. Figs. 5-5d. Zoarium large, consisting of very irregular, inosculating, flat- tened branches or fronds, from one to two and one-half cm. in thickness. The largest example is twelve cm. in height. Surface even, exhibiting rather inconspicuous maculae in which the zooecia are slightly larger and separated by wider interspaces than usual. Zooecia curving rapidly from the axial region to the surface, where they open with regularly arranged circular apertures, about 0.21 mm. in diameter; eight in three mm. Peristome very faint, carrying from eight to twelve small granules. Interspaces either appearing solid and minutely granu- lose, or showing the angular mouths of a single row of rather large mesopores; in the maculae there are two rows. In the spaces between the maculae, the zooecia apertures are separated by interspaces varying in width from 0.1 to 0.2 mm. Mesopores are developed in moderate numbers already in the axial region. Diaphragms not very numerous, being most so in the peripheral region, where they are distant from each other from one to nearly three tube-diameters. In the mesopores they are thick, and about their own diameter apart. The large flattened branches and irregular growth distinguish this species from all Bryozoa known to me from this horizon. It is much larger than N. vaupeli Ulr., from the Cincinnati group, while N. cumulata, differs decidedly in structure and zoarial habit. Position and locality: Trenton group, Dixon, 111. I am indebted to Dr. Everett for two good examples. Some smaller subramose specimens from near Beloit, Wis., may be- long to this species but their preservation is such that I could not satisfy myself of their identity. BKYOZOA. 423 NirHOLSONELLA (TMTLATA PL XXXm, Fig. 6-6c. Zoarium very irregular, sometimes submassive, at other times subramose, consisting of one or more superimposed layers, from 0.7 to 4 mm. in thickness, with the inner side generally covered by an epithecal membrane or loosely attached to other bodies. In one (a lobate mass having a tendency to become massive) the central regions are solid in the sense that the tubes traverse an ''axial region." Surface sometimes smooth, but generally with low, rounded, rather regularly arranged monticules, two mm. or a little more apart, measuring from center to center. On these monticules the zooecia are scarcely larger than those in the intermediate spaces, but they are separated by wider inter- spaces. Zoopcial tubes slightly curved near the origin in each layer, after which they proceed direct to the surface. In this portion they are crossed by diaphragms from once to twice their diameter apart. Apertures subcircular, the average dia- meter 0.18 mm. ; when perfect with a faintly elevated and minutely spinulose margin; about seven in two mm.; arrange- ment moderately regular. Interspaces varying in width, usually narrow, usually almost half as wide as the zooecia, occupied by small, closely tabulated, angular mesopores, which, just be- neath the aperture surface of each layer, are filled with a dense deposit. The minute mural tubuli, best shown in this deposit, are a less marked feature than in the more typical species. The habit of growth d'stinguish the species from both N. ponderosa and -V. raupeli. The absence of stellate maculae dis- tinguish specimens from an associated species of Constellaria, that is closely allied to C. limit aris Ulr. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, Illinois; very abundant. CONSTELLARIA Dana, 1848. (Zoophytes, p. 537.) (For generic diagnosis see page 374.) The type of this genus is my C. tiorida* For many years it was regarded as identical with Stellipora antheloidea Hall, and *Jour. Cin, Soc. Nat. Hist, Vol. V, p. 257. and VoL VI, p. 267. 424 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. the New York types of that species seemed to have been lost sight of entirely. Several years ago having had an opportunity of examining Hall's original specimens, together with another set of authentic examples, I came to the conclusion that the Cincinnati specimens belonged not only to another species, but to a distinct genus as well. In 1848 Dana proposed the genus Constellaria for the Cincinnati species, but failed to give it a specific name, and, as I have said till recently, it has gone cur- rent as either Constellaria or Stellipora antheloidea. In 1875, Nicholson described and figured a closely allied but distinct species under the name Constellaria polystomeUa\ . Examples of this species are not uncommon at several localities in Ohio and Indiana, where the upper layers of the Cincinnati group are exposed. The species also occurs at an equivalent horizon in Wisconsin and Illinois, but has not been found at Cincinnati. As it differs both internally and externally from the Cincinnati species, I could not accept Mr. Whitfield's proposition to apply Nicholson's name to all the western^ forms, but considered my- self justified in applying the new name florida to the common Cincinnati species. The genus as defined by me includes at least five species and several varieties, all of them from the Cincinnati rocks. What may prove another species, closely allied to C. linntaris, occurs at Wilmington^ 111. CONSTELLARIA PARVA Ulrich. PL XXXIV, Figs. 1-lb. Zoarium consisting of irregularly undulating small fronds, two to three mm. in thickness, and twenty-five mm. or more in height, growing from a broad basal expansion. Surface smooth, showing small star-shaped maculae of the type characteristic of the genus, varying from one to one and one-half mm. apart, measuring from center to center, and averaging sixty in the space of ten mm. square. Zooecial walls comparatively thin throughout, though ring-like in the mature region. Zooecial tPal. Ohio, Vol. II. p. 215. tGeol. of Wis., Vol. IV, p. 251, 1882. BRYOZOA. 425 tubes bending rather abruptly from the axial to the per- ipheral region, about 0.08 mm. in diameter in the spaces be- tween the stars, while the two to six zocecia between the rays of the macula* are slightly larger, sometimes having a diameter of 0.13 mm.; apertures circular, with peristome. The angular, thin-walled mesopores are arranged in star-shaped macula*, and in the intermediate spaces surround the zooecia in one or two series: they vary in size being generally smaller than the zocecia, and largest at the center of a macula. Diaphragms from one-half to one tube diameter apart in the peripheral region of the zocecial tubes, and from one to two tube-diameters apart in the axial region; very crowded and apparently upon the same level in contiguous mesopores. This species resembles C. fischeri Ulr., but forms smaller and thinner fronds, and has diaphragms throughout the zooecial tubes; the disproportion in the size of the two sets of tubes is much less, the zocecia are smaller, and a greater number of mesopores is found surrounding the zocecia in this species. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. LEIOCLEMA Ulrich, 1882. "Am. Pal. Bry." Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V. p. 141.) (For generic diagnosis see page 376.) When this genus was proposed I was acquainted with the type species, Callopora punctata Hall, only. Now, by extend- ing the limits, fifteen species are united under the name. Five are here described as new. the remainder, with one exception, having been previously described by Prof. Hall as species of Callopora. It is possible that more than one generic group is included in the genus as now defined, but, as I found no char- acters upon which to base satisfactory divisions, I have thought it advisable to arrange them provisionally as one generic group. The species are distributed as follows: L.? wilmingtonense Or., in The Cincinnati group; L. singulare, asperuw, floridum, and (?) laminatum of Hall in the Niagara group; L. cellulosum, para- siticum. and ponderosum of Hall, in the Lower Helderberg group: L. occidens (Fistulipora occidens Hall and \Vhitfield)m the Hamilton group; L. wachsmuthi and subglobosum Or., in the —53 426 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Kinderhook group; L. gracillimum Ulr., in the Burlington and Keokuk groups; L. punctatum Hall, and L. foliatum Ulr., in the Keokuk group, and L.? araneum Ulr., in the Chester group. Beside, several undescribed species are known, one from the Hamilton, one from the Keokuk, one from the Chester, and another from the Coal Measures. LEIOCLEMA WILMINGTONENSE Ulrich. PL XXXIV. flg. 4-46. Zoarium compressed, subramose; the type specimen is about twenty-two mm. in width and about ten mm. in thickness, surface smooth, unmarked by maculae, or monticules. Zooecial tubes slightly inclined from the vertical in the center of the branch, and reach the surface by a rather sharp curve; pro- vided with a few diaphragms near the cortical region. Walls but little thickened in the peripheral portion. Zooecia about four to one mm. Apertures of zooecia circular, about 0.2 mm. in diameter, seldom in contact, being nearly always completely surrounded by angular mesopores, which are almost as large as the zooecia. Diaphragms numerous in the mesopores, from 0.05 to 0.10 mm. distant from one another. Acanthopores small and inconspicuous. Some care is required to distinguish this species from the some- what similar Hoinotrypella contexts, which is associated with it and, like it, has thin-walled zooecia separated by large meso- pores. Sections at once prove the distinctness of the two forms, the species here under consideration being entirely devoid of the cystiphragms which are so abundant in H. context a. The nearest congener of this species is the L. occidens Hall and Whitfield. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. LEIOCLEMA OCCIDENS Hall and Whitfield. Fistulipora occidens H. & W. 23 Beg. Eep. State Mus. N. Y., p. 228. PL V, flg.9, 10; 1875. Callopora cincinnatiensis Ulrich. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. I, p. 93, PL IV, fig. 8-86, 1878; Ibid. Vol. V, p. 142; PL VI, flg. 18-18a, 1882. Zoarium exceedingly variable in form, commonly irregularly ramose or lobate. Surface smooth, occasionally (in exception- BRYOZOA. 427 ally well preserved specimens) minutely spinulose; but this is never a conspicuous feature. Walls of zooecia thin, somewhat flexuous in the axial region, slightly thickened in the peripheral region. Apertures of zooecia circular from 0.15 to 0.20 mm. in diameter, seven or eight in the space of two mm.; encircled by a single series of large angular or subcircular mesopores, on an average about two-thirds the size of the true zooecia. Diaphragms rather few and remote in the zocecial tubes, in the mesopores more numerous, and about their diameter or more apart. Acan- thopores small, present in moderate numbers, and at times en- croaching a little upon the zooecia. Aside from L. minutum (?) Rominger, the nearest congener of this species is L.? wilmingtonense from Silurian strata. These species have a facies rather different from the other species of this genus, and should perhaps form a separate genus. In that case L. subglobosum, and possibly L. wachsmuthi as well, will go with them. Small examples of this species have been described by the author as Callopora cincinnatiensis. The specimens were fur- nished him by Mr. Fred Braun, who stated that he had col- lected them from strata of the Cincinnati group, at Cincinnati, 0. This is now known to be an error, and careful comparison with Iowa examples leaves no doubt as to their having been collected at some western locality. Position and locality: Hamilton group. Occurs abundantly at several localities in Iowa; (Independence, Rockford and Buf- falo); also at Rock Island, 111. LEIOCLEMA MIXUTUM Rominger?. tFistxlipora minnta, Rominger, 1866. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. p. 120. Callopora minntissima Nicholson, 1875. Rep't. Pal. Ontario, p. 77, fig. 43. This common species of the Hamilton group, closely resembles the preceding in its minute structure, and it would be difficult to point out any differences between them, excepting that of zoar- ial habit. L. minuta, so far as observed, invariably occurs as thin incrusting layers, a mm. or less in thickness, that by su- perimposition of successive layers may eventually form small masses. Such specimens are more common in the western lo- calities than in Michigan and Canada. 428 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The species is identified with authentic examples of the spe- cies, agreeing in most respects with Rominger's brief descrip- tion. The interspaces are, however, not vesiculose, but occu- pied by unmistakable mesopores, with open apertures. The structure, therefore, is not as in Fistulipora. Should an exam- ination of Rominger's original types prove his species distinct, then Nicholson's name will stand. Position and locality: Common at Buffalo and Davenport in Iowa, Andalusia and Rock Island, in 111., and at several locali- ties in Northern Michigan and Western Ontario. LEIOCLEMA WACHSMUTHI Ulrich. PL LXXV, flg. 7. 7b.. Zoarium a thin expansion, consisting of one or more super- imposed layers, each one mm. or less in thickness; the lower surface provided with a finely wrinkled epithecal membrane. Surface irregularly undulating or montiferous, occasionally showing a tendency to throw up short, slender branches, from one to two mm. in diameter. Zocecia about six in the space of two mm. with thin walls, at first prostrate, then curving and opening perpendicularly to the surface. Apertures mostly oval, some circular, their longer diameter about 0.2 mm.; their mar- gins beset with small spinules, the surface projections of the acanthopores which occasionally project into the visceral cavity and give the aperture a floriform aspect. Mesopores angular, very numerous, completely encircling the zocecia in from one to three rows. The thin laminar growth, and the exceeding abundance of the mesopores are the most marked features of this species. Position and locality: Kinderhook group, Marshalltown, la. LEIOCLEMA SUBGLOBOSUM Ulrich. PL LXXV, fig. 8, 8b. Zoarium subglobose, pedunculate, base sometimes expanded. Surface smooth. Zooecia radiating out in curved lines in all directions from the center of the base. Tube walls thicken in- BRYOZOA. 429 appreciably as they near the surface. Zooecia eight or nine in the space of two mm., with circular or oval apertures 0.15 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. Zooecia separated by angular or subcir- cular mesopores arranged in a single or double series, some- times forming small clusters. Mesopores from one-half to three- fourths as large as the zooecia. Diaphragms fairly abundant throughout the zooecial tubes, very numerous and closely set in the mesopores. Sections present obscure evidences of the dia- phragms of the mesopores having a central perforation. Acan- thopores numerous and of large size. The figure of the tangential section (PI. LXXY. fig. 8b) does not represent the structure as well as it might. Some of the acanthopores are made too prominent and others overlooked entirely. This is due to the peculiar fossilization by which the internal characters are much obscured. The globose form in connection with the strong tabulation easily distinguish this species from the other species of the genus. Position and locality: Kinderhood group. Marshalltown. la. LEIOCLEMA GRAciLLmrM Ulrich. PI. LXXV, fig. 6, 6b. Zoarium ramose, branching regularly; branches from one to one and a half mm. in diameter. Surface even. Apertures of zooecia elliptical, about 0.15 mm. in their longer diameter, and 0.1 mm. in their shorter diameter, eight or nine in two mm.; surrounded by a large number of very small mesopores. Acan- thopores small, numerous. This species is closely allied to L. punctatum, but is distin- guished from it by its smaller cells, and smaller branches, which are also more constant in size. It seems to have an extended vertical range. The typical form is from the Keokuk group. Specimens which cannot be distinguished from the typical forms are found in the Kinderhook. Burlington and Warsaw groups. Position and locality: Occurs at most localities of the Keokuk group: in the Kinderhook group at Marshalltowu. la: in the Burlington group at Burlington, Iowa, and in the Warsaw beds, at Warsaw. 111. 430 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. LEIOCLEMA PUNCTATUM Hall. Callopora punctata Hall. 1868. Geol. Iowa, Vol. I, part II. Pal. p. 653. Callopora missouriensis Kominger, 1866. Proe. Aead. Nat. Sci. Phila. p. 117. Leioclema punctata Ulrich, 1882. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V. p. 141. PL VI, fig. 1, la. Zoarium ramose, reaching a height sometimes of fifteen to twenty cm., branches from two to five, generally about four mm. in diameter, springing from a broad irregular basal ex- pansion, which may be free and with a wrinkled basal epitheca or attached to foreign bodies. Surface smooth or slightly tubercled, in well preserved specimens, spinulose, having a hir- sute appearance under a pocket lens. Walls of zooecia flexuous in the axial region, comparatively thick in the peripheral region. Zooecia about five or six in the space of two mm., with sub-cir- cular, or petaloid apertures, from 0.15 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. Mesopores sub-angular, small, their diameter about one-third that of the zooecia, arranged in two or three or more series about the zooecia, frequently aggregated into large irregular groups, comparatively more numerous on the basal portion than higher up on the zoarium. Diaphragms strong, few and remote in the zocecial tubes, more numerous and about their own diameter apart in the mesopores. Acanthopores large and numerous, from four to seven encircling the zooecia and en- croaching upon their visceral cavity, causing the floriform ap- pearance of the zooecia observed in tangential sections and upon the surface. The robust habit of growth distinguishes this species from L. gracillimum. The great abundance of mesopores and acantho- pores, in connection with the growth, separates it from all other species of the genus. Position and locality: This is the most abundant species in the Keokuk limestone, occurring at Keokuk and other localities in Iowa; Warsaw 111.; Lagrange, Mo. (Rominger); and King's Mountain, Ky. Also in the Warsaw beds. BRYOZOA. 431 LEIOCLEMA FOLIATUM Ulrieh. (Fig. 1, page 301.) Zoarium a delicate laminar expansion, from one-half to one and a half mm. in thickness, with a thin wrinkled epitheca on the under surface. Upper surface even, spinulose, with a hirsute appearance. Zooecia, except at their origin, direct, with thin walls, about six in the space of two mm. Apertures circular, petaloid, about 0.2 mm. in diameter. Mesopores small, angu- lar or subcircular, arranged in a single, occasionally a double row about the zocecia. Diaphragms thin, few and remote in the zooedal tubes, rather more than their own diameter apart in the mesopores, sometimes apparently wanting even in these. Acanthoporcs very large and prominent, usually three, some- times four, surrounding each zooecium and projecting more or less into its cavity. The laminar form, less numerous acanthopores, and compara- tively small number of mesopores. distinguish this species from the L. punctatum, occurring in the same beds. Position and locality: Warsaw beds, Warsaw, 111. LEIOCLEMA? ARAXEUM Ulrieh. PL LXXV, Fig. *-3c. Zoarium consisting of a thin crust, about one-half mm. in thickness, attached to foreign bodies, sometimes throwing up small, short branches. Surface generally even, sometimes marked with small, pointed tubercles. Zooecia arranged radially about one or more centers; at first prostrate, soon proceeding directly to the surface, nine or ten in the space of two mm., sometimes in contact, at other times separated by mesopores. Apertures oval, their longer diameter scarcely 0.2 mm. Mesopores small, irregular in shape, frequently compressed between the zooecia, scattered about rather promiscuously, commonly aggregated into clusters, which are often elevated into conical monticules, appearing subsolid at the surface. Diaphragms closely set in the zooecial tubes, about three in the space of a tube diameter, a little more closely set in the mesopores. Acanthopores very small, situated in the wall of the zooecium, with from seven to ten encircling each zouecium. 432 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Different examples show considerable variation in the number of mesopores. The most marked features of this species are the tenuity of the zoarium, the small size of the zocecia, the com- paratively small number of mesopores, the large number and extreme minuteness of the acanthopores, and the nearly equal tabulation of zooecial tubes and mesopores. It prefers to attach itself to the shells of Brachiopoda, though it is found adherent to other organisms as well. Position and locality: Monroe Co., 111.; Chester, 111.; Pulaski and Jackson Co., Ky.; and probably at all typical localities of the Chester group. BATOSTOMELLA Ulrich, 1882. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V, p. 141 and 154). (For generic diagnosis see page 375.) This genus attained its maximum and most typical develop- ment during Carboniferous time. With perhaps three or four exceptions, the Silurian and Devonian species present peculiari- ties which, when once we have a good understanding of this group of fossils, may necessitate their removal to other genera. The two species next described belong to these doubtful forms, but the four following them are typical members of the genus. A small portion of a tangential section taken from an unusu- ally well preserved example of B. gracilis is figured on plate XXXV, fig. 2. It should be compared with the sections of B. obliqua figured on plate XLVI. BATOSTOMELLA SIMULATRIX Ulrich. PI. XXXV, flg. 1-10. Zoarium dendroidal, throwing off cylindrical branches from two to five mm. in diameter. Surface smooth, with clusters not at all or but slightly elevated, in which the interspaces between the cells are wider and mesopores more abundant than elsewhere. Zooecial tubes a little irregular in their course in the axial por- tion, quite oblique in the peripheral zone where their walls be- come considerably thickened. Apertures of zooecia oval, owing to the obliquity of the tubes, about 0.2 mm. in their longer diameter and about eight in two mm. measuring longitudinally. BRYOZOA. 433 Zoopcial tubes for a short distance after their origin rather closely tabulated, afterwards the diaphragms become about two tube diameters or less apart. Mesopores moderately abundant, with rather close-set diaphragms. Acanthopores very small. In the oval form of the cells, the numerous mesopores, the frequent closure of the cell apertures by perforated opercular structures, this species is remarkably like Callopora sigillaroides Nich., but its internal structure is altogether different. Intern- ally it can scarcely be distinguished from B. trentonensis Nich., from the Trenton limestone of Ontario, but the smaller size of this species, and its rather more oval apertures and different horizon discriminate the form from that. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Savanna, 111., and at a number of localities in Ohio and Indiana, where the upper beds of this formation are exposed. BATOSTOMELLA OBLIQUA Ulrich. PL XLVL fig. 2-2c. Zoarium dendroidal, consisting of dichotomously and other- wise branching stems, of an average thickness of six mm. Sur- face marked with low rounded tubercles composed of larger sized cell apertures; centers of clusters 2.5 mm. apart. Zooecial tubes slightly tortuous, opening very obliquely upon the sur- face, their walls thin and somewhat flexuous in the axial re- gion, rather thick in the cortical zone. Both tangential and vertical sections show that the central portion of the wall is granular. Apertures angular, eldngated, owing to their obli- quity, those occupying the monticules especially so, about seven in two mm. measuring lengthwise. Mesopores few or wanting. Two or three diaphragms developed just before the tubes enter the peripheral region. A few faint and small acanthopores ap- pear to be present in tangential sections; not observed on the surface. The great obliquity of the tubes, the absence, more or less complete, of mesopores, and the angular elongated apertures are the most distinctive characters of this form. The granular structure of the central portion of the walls is the chief ground —54 434 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. for placing; this species under Batostomella. This peculiar struc- ture is present in well preserved examples of B. gracilis James, as figured on plate XXXV, fig. 2. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Alpena, Michigan. The specimens from which this description is drawn were kindly donated to the author by the Rev. W. H. Barris, of Davenport, Iowa. BATOSTOMELLA INTERSTINCTA Ulrich. PI. LXXV, fig. 4-4c. Zoarium forming a very thin incrustation, spread upon crinoid columns, throwing up irregularly branched shoots, one mm. or thereabouts in diameter at the basal portion, and somewhat more higher up. Surface smooth; when well preserved hirsute. Zooecial tubes make a very abrupt bend from the axial to the peripheral region. Apertures varying from circular to oval, about nine in two mm., measuring along the irregular obliquely ascending intersecting rows of apertures. In the thin basal ex- pansion the interspaces are less wide, and there are fewer meso- pores. Here the average long diameter of the oval apertures is about 0.18 ram., while upon the ramose portion the diameter of the mostly circular apertures rarely exceeds 0.1 mm. A considerable number of mesopores are developed upon the ra- mose portion. Diaphragms few or wanting. The cortical re- gion is equal in thickness to about the diameter of the axial region, the most marked peculiarity of this species and one which at once distinguishes it from all other species of the genus. The irregular growth, large basal expansion, and its larger cell apertures, readily distinguish this species from B. spinulosa. Position and locality: St. Louis group; rather rare at Pella, Iowa. BATOSTOMELLA SPINULOSA Ulrich. PI. LXXV, fig. 1-le. Zoarium slender, ramose, branching at greater or less inter- vals, the cylindrical stems from one to two mm. in diameter. Surface smooth; when well preserved, hirsute. Zooecial tubes thick-walled and direct in the cortical region after making a rather abrupt turn from the axial region where they are thin- BRYOZOA. 435 walled. Zooecial apertures separated by thick interspaces, oval, variable in size, the average long; diameter being 0.1 mm., six or seven in two mm., measuring lengthwise. Mesopores small, moderately abundant, circular or broadly oval. Diaphragms often wanting in the zooecial tubes, never numerous; generally lacking in the mesopores. Acanthopores very numerous, arranged in a circular band about each zocecium. The peculiarities of tabulation, the thick walls, and vast num- ber of acanthopores, causing the spinulose aspect of the surface, are the most noticeable features of this species. Position and locality: Chester group. Abundant at Sloan's Valley, Pulaski Co., and other localities in Kentucky; worn specimens from Chester, 111., are referred doubtfully to this species. BATOSTOMELLA ABRUPTA Ulrich. PI. LXXV, fig. 2-2e. Zoarium dendroidal, from two to three mm. in diameter. Sur- face smooth, hirsute, with clusters of somewhat larger cells. Zooecial tubes inclining gently outwards from their origin, rather oblique even in the cortical region, causing the apertures to have a somewhat oval shape. Apertures about eight in two mm. When in a good state of preservation the apertures are surrounded by a sloping space. The thick interspaces are oc- cupied by one or two rows of closely arranged small acantho- pores. When in two series, they are separated by a groove in which an occasional mesopore of small size may be detected. Walls of zooedal tubes abruptly thickened in the unusually nar- row cortical region. An occasional diaphragm developed in the zooecial tubes. The somewhat more robust growth, very narrow cortical region, the larger cells, and the abruptly thickened walls, are the principal points which distinguish this species from B. spinu- losa, found in the same beds. Position and locality: Chester group, Sloans Yalley, Pulaski Co., Ky. Probably occurs at Chester and other localities in Illinois. 436 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. BATOSTOMELLA NITIDULA Ulrich. PI. LXXV, flg. 3-3&. In this species the zoarium consists of very slender branching stems, about one mm. in thickness. Surface even, hirsute. Cell apertures oval, variable in size, the largest about 0.15 mm. in their longer diameter; about eight in two mm., with only mod- erately thick interspaces. Often the cell aperture is provided with an .opercular structure having a central perforation. Zocecial walls frequently flexuous in the axial region, consider- ably and abruptly thickened in the cortical zone. Mesopores moderately abundant. Diaphragms almost wanting. A single row of acanthopores encircles each zooecium. This species holds an intermediate position between B. spinv- losa and B. abrupta. The greater irregularity in branching, the larger cell apertures, less numerous acanthopores, greater obliquity of zocecial tubes in the axial region, thinner inter- spaces and other points separate it from B. spinulosa. The comparatively wider cortical region, thinner interspaces, fewer acanthopores, and more slender habit of growth, distinguish it from B. abrupta. Position and locality: Chester group; Chester, 111., and Sloan's Valley, Ky. STENOPORA Lonsdale, 1845. (Strzelecki's Phys. Desc. N. S. Wales, p. 09.) (For generic diagnosis see page 375.) Like the genera Chaetetes and Monticulipora this genus has for many years served as the receptacle for very diversely con- structed Palaeozoic Bryozoa. We owe it to the labors of Dr. H. A. Nicholson and Mr. B. Ethridge, Jr., that we now possess some adequate idea of the true structure of the genus, these naturalists having published a short time ago critical descrip- tions and figures of Lonsdale's types* together with several new species. The present addition to our knowledge of Stenopora makes it abundantly evident that the genus has no affinities with the FAVOSITID^E, but that in Batostomella on the one hand, and * Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, Vol. IV. 1879, and Vol. XVII, 1886. BRYOZOA. 437 Anisotrypa on the other, we see the closest possible relations. Going a little farther we arrive by easy gradations into most close proximity to such undoubted Bryozoa as Rhombopom. Indeed in practice it is not an easy task by any means to draw the line between these genera, though the typical forms appear to differ widely. It will require nothing less than a rnonograph- ical study to determine the exact limits of each division. STENOPORA AMERICANA Ulrich. PI. LXXIV, fig. 1-la. Zoarium ramose, branches large, subcylindrical, irregularly divided, twenty-five to forty mm. in diameter, and twelve cm. or more in height. Usually they are very much flattened by pressure, and appear to be frondescent. Surface sometimes smooth, generally marked by somewhat elevated, broad tuber- cles, whose summits are about four mm. apart. Zooecia with rounded or polygonal apertures varying according as the in- terspaces are thick or thin; those on the monticules a half larger than the others; nine or ten of the ordinary size in three mm. Zooecial tubes thin-walled and vertical in the axial region, then bending rapidly outward proceed direct to the surface; as they enter the peripheral region their walls gradually exhibit the moniliform thickenings characteristic of the genus. These soon become more pronounced and the intervals shorter. Near the surface five to eight occur in two mm. Diaphragms horizontal, perforated. Mesopores absent or very few. Acanthopores of moderate size, fairly abundant, giving to the well preserved sur- face a spinose aspect. Position and locality: Keokuk group; Warsaw, and Jersey Co., 111. Not uncommon. var. VARSOVIENSIS Ulrich. PI. LXXIV, fig. 3, 3a. This variety has smaller zooecia and much thicker walls than the typical form. The moniliform thickenings of the walls are also less distinct from each other. The specimens are from Warsaw, 111. 438 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. STENOPORA MONTIFERA Ulrich. PI. LXXIV, fig. 4-4b. Zoarium consisting of thin laminae, which sometimes appear to have been part of large hollow branches. Surface with large and very prominent monticules. Zooecia eight to ten in three mm.; generally with very thin walls and angular apertures. Re- maining external features like those of S. americana, of which it may be only a good variety. The internal structure of these specimens differs slightly from that of typical S. americana, the periodic thickening of the walls being more irregular, and the divisional line between the zooecia marked by a closely arranged series of minute dark spots, which are also to be detected in vertical sections. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Otter creek, Jersey Co., 111.; Bentonsport, Iowa, and other localities. STENOPOBA EMACIATA Ulrich. PL LXXIV. Fig. 2-2a. Zoarium laminar, attaining a considerable width; thickness one mm. or more; under surface provided with a thin wrinkled epitheca. Surface marked with groups of larger cells, which are elevated into low broad monticules, about four mm. apart, measuring from center to center. Apertures polygonal, varying in width from 0.3 mm, in the intermacular spaces, to 0.5 in the clusters, about eight or nine in three mm. Walls very thin, spinose at the angles. Zooecial tubes bending toward the sur- face very soon after their origin. Walls very thin throughout, but appreciably thickened at intervals, about seven times in two mm. Mesopores wanting. Perforated diaphragms very thin, a tube diameter or so apart. Acanthopores small, excepting in the clusters of large cells, commonly at the angles, protruding more or less into the zocecial chambers. The very thin walls and more numerous diaphragms distin- guish this species from S. montifera. S. tuberculata Prout, differs somewhat in growth, and has the walls more decidedly thickened and at shorter intervals. The diaphragms are also more numerous. Position and locality: Keokuk group; Warsaw, 111., and Keokuk, Iowa. BRYOZOA. 439 STENOPORA INTERCALARIS Ulrich. PL LXXIY, Fig. 5-5a. Zoariura consisting of large cylindrical branches from one to two cm. in diameter. Surface smooth, without groups of larger cells. Zooecia polygonal, somewhat variable in size, apertures subangular, 0.18 to 0.25 mm. in diameter, about ten in three mm. Interspaces moderately thick, with spines at the angles when the surface is well preserved. Walls of zooecia thin and faintly flexuous in the axial region, thickened and irregularly moniliform in the cortical region, the beads not separated by thin intervals, but merged into each other. Mesopores quite numerous for the genus, small, but varying in size, circular or angular, intermittent and irregular. A few diaphragms developed in the outer part of the axial region, generally^ absent in the cortical region. Acanthopores numerous, invariably situated at the angles of junction. This species differs from S. americana, with which it is asso- ciated, in having no monticules nor clusters of large cells, smaller cell apertures, far greater number of mesopores (which may be detected on the surface) and much fewer diaphragms. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Warsaw, HI. STENOPORA AXGULARIS Ulrich. PI. LXXIV, Fig. 6-6b. Zoarium consisting of extremely massive branches, the largest specimen under investigation being eight cm. wide and four cm. thick just before a bifurcation, the latter measurement being about equivalent to the normal diameter of the branches. Sur- face smooth but with group of cells decidedly larger than the average. Apertures angular, variable in form, with thin inter- spaces, about ten in three mm. Walls of tubes thin in the axial region, and but very little thickened in the cortical though pre- serving the moniliform character of the genus. In the cortical region the zocecia do not form continuous tubes, but the whole is divisible into a number of distinct thin Ia3^ers. Mesopores very few. Diaphragms wanting. Acanthopores abundant and commonly occupying the angles, not very large, but conspicuous on account of the tenuitv of the walls. 440 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Its large size, comparatively small angular cells, absence of diaphragms, and very thin walls, are characters which, com- bined, easily distinguish the species from others of the genus. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Lagrange, Mo. STENOPORA INTERMITTENS Ulrich. \ Fig. 16. Sections of Stenopora inter-mittens Ulr., x!8. a.— tangential section showing extremes in the thickness of the walls, a few perforated diaphragms, and the conspicuous acanthopores ; ?>.— vertical section showing the faintly beaded struc ure of the walls, and the intermittent development of the acanthopores. Zoarium an irregular broad expansion, presenting a very rough aspect. Lower side with a strong epitheca. Upper sur- face very irregular in its general contour, but exhibiting faintly elevated broad monticules, occupied by cells scarcely larger than the average. Apertures angular, quite regularly polygonal, often quadrate, between seven and eight in two mm. The zoariuin seems to be composed of a number of superimposed layers. The zooecial walls are very thin till near the termination of the layers when they are moderately thickened, and numerous, ex- ceedingly strong acanthopores are abruptly developed. Perfo- rated diaphragms occur sparingly, and the walls occasionally show long narrow swellings. The peculiar growth, thin walls, and intermittent character of the zoarium, are the most marked features of the species. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Warsaw, 111. BRYOZOA. 441 STENOPORA TUBERCULATA Prout. Fluatra tuberculata Prout. 1859. Trans. St. Louis, Acad. Sci. Vol. I. p. 447. Cyclopora polymorpha Prout. 1860. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. l,p. 578. C'vclopora polymorpha Prout. 1866. Geol. Sur. 111. Vol. II, p. 421. PI. XXI. fig. 5,5b. PI. XVII, fig. 3— 3f. Fig. 17. Sections of Stenopora tuberculata Prout x!8. (i. — Tangential section; l>.— Vertical section showing thickness of layers and tabula- tion of zooecial tubes. Zoariuni aii expanded crust attached to Brachiopoda and other organisms, frequently attaining a large size by superim- posing of numerous thin layers; sometimes hemispherical, dis- coidal, or laminar, and apparently free, with a rugose epitheca upon the lower side. Surface smooth or with faintly marked, scarcely elevated, clusters of cell apertures but little larger than the average. Apertures polygonal, quite regularly arranged, about ten of the average size in three mm., separated by thin interspaces, spinose at the angles. Zooecial tubes for a short distance prostrate, then curving rapidly to proceed direct to the surface of the layer. Walls thin, somewhat flexuous, often dis- tinctly moniliform. A few mesopores may occur near the center of the clusters mentioned. Diaphragms abundant, perforated, from one-half to their diameter apart. Acanthopores abundant of moderate size, often encroaching upon the visceral cavity. The variable form of growth, thicker walls and more numer- ous diaphragms, discriminate this species from S. emaciata, while the more decidedly moniliform walls, thinner zoarial layers, slightly larger zooecia, and smaller acanthopores, separate it from S. cestriensi*. I cannot distinguish from this species Prout's Cyclopora polymorpha, described from the Chester group and propose to unite them as above. —55 442 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester and numerous other localities in Illinois; also common in the Warsaw beds, which furnished the original examples of the species, and in the St. Louis limestone. STENOPOEA CESTRIENSIS Ulrich. PI. LXXIV, flg. 7,7a. Zoarium forming laminar expansions of considerable breadth, the under surface provided with a thick concentrically wrinkled epitheca. The typical example consists of but a single layer with an average thickness of about five mm. Celluliferous surface spinulose where well preserved, with low broad tubercles occu- pied by cell apertures slightly larger than the average; cen- ters of monticules three or four mm. apart. Zocecial aper- tures sub-circular or polygonal, about eleven in three mm. Im- mature portion of zocecial tubes short, prostrate, bending rather quickly and proceeding direct to the surface. Walls thickened, but seldom appearing distinctly moniliforrn, the swellings usually being merged into each other. Divisional line between zocecia sharply defined. Mesopores probably absent. Diaphragms abundant, close set, five or six in one mm. Cen- tral perforation large, often closed with a flat or concave plate. Acanthopores numerous, rather large, usually situated at the angles and bulging a little into the zocecial cavity. They ap- pear more than usually conspicuous in tangential sections, being sharply defined and the dark central spot comparatively large. This species is related to S. tuberculata Prout, but the cells are smaller, their individual walls more clearly defined, the acanthopores more conspicuous, and the zooecial layers at least twice as thick. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. STENOPORA RAMOSA Ulrich. PI. LXXIII, flg. 6, 6c. Zoarium ramose, consisting of cylindrical or somewhat com- pressed stems from five to ten mm. in diameter. Surface usu- ally even but marked with clusters of cells a little larger than BRYOZOA. 443 the average. Zooecial apertures angular or sub-circular, fre- quently preserving the perforated opercula. separated by thin interspaces, about nine or ten in three min. Zooecial tubes pro- ceeding in a very gradual curve to the surface where they are almost direct. Walls of zocecia very thin and flexuous in the axial region, considerably thickened in the peripheral region where they are more or less regularly moniliform, the swellings, however, not separated by very thin intervals. Divisional line between adjoining zocecia generally well defined. Diaphragms horizontal, with a sub-central perforation, having a thickened margin, rather more than one-half their diameter apart, devel- oped mainly in the cortical region. Mesopores oval, very few. Acanthopores of moderate size, situated generally at the angles, occasionally projecting into the zooecial cavity. Sections of a single example show what may be rather large communication pores. In tangential sections the}' appear as simple transverse lines of lighter color than the walls. In ver- tical sections they are again represented by narrow light inter- vals, traversing the walls in a direction parallel with the A- shaped layers of sclerenchyma. Position and locality: Chester group. Common at Sloan's Valley. Pulaski Co.. and other localities in Kentucky. Several illy preserved specimens from Chester, Illinois, are supposed to belong here. *.- STENOPORA MEEKANA Ulrich. PL LXXm, Fig. 7-7a. Zoarium ramose, consisting of robust branches, fifteen mm. or more in diameter. Surface without monticules but marked with clusters of cell apertures about one-third larger than the aver, age size. Apertures angular, with thin interspaces, about nine of the ordinary size in three mm. Zooecial tubes curving gradu- ally from the axial region, direct in the peripheral region. Walls thin and irregularly flexuous in the axial region, thick- ened and more or less moniliform in the cortical region. Divi- sional plane between adjoining zooecia, marked by lighter colored tissue or a dark line. A few thin diaphragms are developed as the tubes approach the mature region. Here[they are somewhat thicker, and <•]« about two-thirds of a tube diameter 444 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. apart, and, as usual, perforated subcentrally. Mesopores very few or wanting. Acanthopores not very large, numerous, almost all the angles being occupied. The far more robust habit of growth, larger number of a.can- thopores, and somewhat thicker walls, are peculiarities which , easily distinguish this species from S. ramosa,. In other re- spects they are practically identical, and I do not doubt that they have been developed from a common type. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. STENOPORA RUDIS Ulrich. PI. LXXII, Fig. 8-8b. Zoarium consisting of hollow irregular branches, varying in size and composed of one or several superimposed layers, each 1.5 mm. or less in thickness. Surface smooth, but with well marked, scarcely elevated, clusters of cells, about one-half larger than the average size. Apertures polygonal, those of the average size 0.3 mm. in diameter, and eight in 3 mm. Zooecial tubes oblique and thin walled at first, then making an abrupt bend, proceed directly to the surface, the walls at the same time becoming much thicker. One to three bead-like swellings succeed the first. Two to five perforated diaphragms intersect the tubes of each layer, the first occurring at the point where the tubes bend outward. Rather small acanthopores occupy less than half of the angles of junction between the zocecia. Divisional line between the walls of adjoining zocecia well marked. This species makes a close approach to Anisotrypa, but the acanthopores ally it rather more closely with Stenopora. Sec- tions have a general resemblance to those of S. polymorpha Prout, but the zocecia are larger and the acanthopores less numerous. The hollow branches and large cells distinguish it from the Keokuk species of the genus. Position and locality: Chester group. Sloan's Valley, Pulaski Co., Ky. BRYOZOA. 445 STEXOPORA CARBON ARIA Worthen. PL LXXm, Fig. 8-8a. Ch(f fetes ? carlonaria Worthen. 1875. Geol. Sur. El.. VoL 6, p. 526. PL XXXII, Fig. 5. Stenopora carbonaria Foerste, 1887. BulL ScL Lab. Denison Univ., VoL 2, p. 85. PL VHI, Fig. 13a-c. Zoarium ramose, consisting of sub-cylindrical branches, vary- ing in diameter from ten to fifteen mm. Surface smooth, not exhibiting groups of cells marked by differing from the average size. Zooecial apertures angular and sub-circular, with either thick or thin interspaces, about ten or eleven in three mm. Walls of zooecial tubes moniliform in the cortical region, the swellings irregular, often merged into each other, at other times separated by a thin interval; twelve to fourteen in two mm. Thin centrally perforated diaphragms developed in the mature zooecia and about a tube diameter apart; none were observed in the axial region. Mesopores almost wanting. Acanthopores large, fairly numerous. The divisional line between the thick- ened portions of the walls of adjoining zooecia is marked by a series of minute dark spots. The above describes the typical form of the species. Associated with them are a number of other specimens offering certain peculiarities that, while not very marked, are nevertheless suffi- cient for identification. These I propose to designate as varie- ties maculosa and confer! a. var. MACTLOSA Ulrich. PI. LXXTTT, Fig. 10-lOa. This differs from the typical form in having well-marked groups of small cells, surrounded by zooecia apertures of larger size than the average. Nine or ten of the ordinary size in three mm. The diaphragms are also stronger and more numerous. The branches too are generally somewhat stronger, being some- times as much as twenty-five mm. in diameter. 446 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS, var. CONFERTA Ulrich. PL LXXIII, Fig. 9-9a. This variety has the beads of the moniliform walls more closely set, there being in the peripheral region ten or eleven in one mm. The moniliform character of the walls is more pro- nounced in this variety than in any other form of the genus known to me, excepting S. ohioensis Foerste, lately described from the base of the Coal Measures in Ohio. Should it prove upon further examination that the var. conferta is identical with the Ohio form, then Mr. Foerste's name will take prece- dence over mine. Position and locality: Coal Measures; both the varieties and the typical form, occur at Caseyville, 111. I have also studied examples from Ohio, and from Lawrence, Kansas. STENOPORA? SIGNATA Ulrich. PI. LXXIII, fig. 5, 5b. Zoarium consisting of branching cylindrical stems, from four to seven mm. in diameter. Surface hirsute, without monticules Zocecial apertures small, sub-circular or sub-polygonal, varying in diameter from 0.15 to 0.25 mm.; about seven in two mm. Interspaces moderately thick, minutely granulose between the strong acanthopores which occur at many of the angles. Zooecial tubes curving gradually from the center of the axial region to the surface, where they are direct. Walls thin in the axial re- gion, considerably and irregularly thickened in the cortical re- gion, never distinctly moniliform. Diaphragms entirely wanting. Acanthopores very large, about one to every two zooecia. Sec- tions present a peculiar feature. In tangential sections, for in- stance, the zocecial cavity is surrounded by a single series of very minute dark spots. Along the middle of the partition be- tween the zooecia the same kind of spots form closely arranged stellate clusters, of five or more, while a single series again surrounds the acanthopores. In vertical sections these peculiar spots are closely arranged in transverse series and less regu- larly in vertical rows. At the surface they appear as granules. I am unable to offer a satisfactory explanation of these singu- lar structures. It is possible, however, that they represent the BRYOZOA. 447 foundations of delicate setaB. Similar structures have been de- tected in Bactropora simplex and in species of Rhombopora (e. g. R. crassa.) The minute dark spots between the walls of the zocecia in S. montifera and other species of the genus are prob- ably of the same nature. The generic reference of the species is somewhat doubtful, and there is little danger of confounding it with any species of Stenopora known to me. The large acanthopores serve amply in distinguishing specimens from Rhombopora crassa Ulrich, an associated form. Position and locality: Coal Measures. The only examples seen are from Casey ville, 111. ANISOTRYPA Ulrich, 1883. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. VI, p. 275.) (For generic diagnosis see page 376.) When I proposed this genus I supposed the hollow branches and the large cell which occurs at sub-regular intervals among the ordinary zocecia of A. symmetrica, were characters of gen- eric importance. My acquaintance with Stenopora Lonsdale, and Rhombopora Meek, at that time also was limited. Now, since I have gone over the ground much more fully, I find that both features are really of only specific importance. That I failed to grasp the more significant characters is to be credited to my ignorance of the close relationship existing between Ani- sotrypa and Stenopora. This relation seems quite remote when we compare only the typical species of the genera, but becomes rapidly less distant with the extension of our comparisons, so that now the only structures that are not common to the two genera are the acanthopores. These are wanting in Anisotrypa Another peculiarity that may hold good for the genus is the ridge-like form of the interspaces separating the zocecia aper- tures. The affinities with Rhombopora Meek, will be discussed in my remarks upon that genus. Six species are known to me at this time, the oldest being from the Keokuk group in Lincoln county, Kentucky, and is des- cribed as Rhombopora elegantula in my "Am. Pal. Bry.v It agrees in all essential respects with A. symmetrica, and like that species, has occasional large cells. Two species, the A. fistulosa 448 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and ramulosa, belong to the St. Louis group. They are remark- ably alike in tangential sections, but the first grows in irregu- lar hollow branches, while the second forms small solid ramulets. Two species differing from each other in precisely the same manner, and from the St. Louis forms, by their much thicker walls and somewhat smaller cells, occur in the Chester group. The one I have called A. solida, the other must await an op- portunity for publication. The sixth species is A. symmetries, the type of the genus. It is not uncommon at several Chester localities in Kentucky, and I have also seen specimens from Illi- nois, that were collected by Mr. J. M. Nickles at Chester. A good example is figured on PI. LXXII, fig. 5, to show the gen- eral arrangement of the zocecia and the distribution of the larger cells. ANISOTEYPA FISTULOSA Ulrich. PI. LXXII, fig. 6-6c. Zoarium composed of from one to three layers, each about one mm. in thickness, assuming the form of very irregular, branching hollow stems, from less than five mm. to more than ten in diameter. Inner side lined with a finely wrinkled epitheca. Surface generally smooth, at intervals of three or four mm. with clusters of apertures of larger size than the average, which in rare instances are slightly elevated. A few small cells usually present near the centers of the clusters. Apertures regularly arranged, polygonal, commonly hexagonal, varying in diameter from 0.28 mm. to 0.5 mm., in the clusters, nine or ten of the. average size in three mm., separated by comparatively thin partitions. Zooecial tubes curving gently throughout their lenght, not quite direct even at the surface of the layers. Walls thin and flexuous below, but towards the surface they become rather abruptly, but only moderately thickened. Lines between walls of adjoining zooecia sharply marked. Mesopores (?) (small tubes) very rare, only in the groups of large zooecia. Diaphragms with rather large perforations, three or four in each tube, quite commonly observed closing their apertures. This fine species is readily distinguished from A. symmetries, (a Chester species) by the thinner walls and in having groups of large cells instead of one or two zocecia of very large size. BRYOZOA. 449 Position aiid locality: St. Louis group, Fella, Iowa. A simi- lar species, having somewhat smaller cells, occurs in the Chester limestone. AMSOTRYPA RAMULOSA Ulrich. PL LXXTI, flg. 7, 7o. In its minute structure this species closely resembles A. fistu- losa, from which it may be distinguished by its consisting of small solid branches, from three to six mm. in thickness. The cell apertures are about of the same size and shape, though, perhaps always, separated by slightly thicker walls, and there are clusters of large sized apertures. The minute structure of the walls and the arrangement of the perforated diaphragms in the mature region are not materially different. Vertical sec- tions will of course be distinguished immediately by the solid axis of the present species. The zooecial tubes in the axial re- gion have very thin walls, and so far as observed are not crossed by diaphragms. Position and locality: St. Louis group. Pella, Iowa. AMSOTRYPA SOLIDA Ulrich. PL LXXH, flg. 9-9e. Zoarium consisting of solid cylindrical stems, branching di- chotomously and otherwise. The examples from Sloan's Valley, Ky.. average three mm. in diameter, those from Chester, 111., nearly five mm. Surface with clusters of cells a little larger than the average, which are only conspicuous when they are slightly elevated. Zooecia polygonal, usually hexagonal, vary- ing in width from 0.28 to 0.45 mm. in the clusters, nine or ten of the average size in three mm. Apertures oval or subcircu- lar, rarely angular. Zooecial tubes curving gradually from the axial region to the surface where they are direct. Walls thin in the axial, very much thickened in the narrow cortical region, where they may present one or two faint constrictions. Adjoin- ing- zcKHcia separated by a well marked divisional line. Inter- spaces thick and ridge like. Three or more perforated dia- phragms intersect the tubes in the mature region. Dark spots —56 450 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. appear in tangential sections at the angles of the zooecia which simulate acanthopores, but are not of that nature so far as I can make out. The solidity of the stems is the character that separates this form readily from A. symmetries,, the type of the genus, figured on PI. LXXII, fig. 5; it also lacks the single very large aper- ture at the centre of the clusters, which is such a characteristic feature of that species. The much thicker interspaces distin- guish the species from A. ramulosa. Position and locality: Chester group. Sloan's Valley, Pu- laski Co., Ky., and Chester, 111. AMPLEXOPORA. Ulrich, 1882. ("Am. Pal. Bry." Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V. p. 154.) (For generic diagnosis see page 377.) Fourteen species of this genus, ranging in time from the Trenton to the Hamilton group, have been studied by me. The two here described have thinner walls than is usual in the genus, differing in that respect conspicuously from A. cingulata. Still they present all the essential characters of Amplexopora,, and are brought into closer connection with the typical species than at first appears by such intermediate forms as A. superba Foord, A. septosa and A. robusta Ulrich. In their general structure species of Amplexopom resemble ramose species of Stenopora Lonsdale, but are fundamentally distinguished by the opercular structures, perforated diaphragms, and periodi- cally constricted zocecial walls of that genus. AMPLEXOPORA AFFINIS Ulrich. PL XXXVI. fie. 2-2a. Zoarium irregularly dendroidal, branching seldom, about fif- teen mm. in thickness. Surface smooth, exhibiting scarcely ap- preciable clusters of cells slightly larger than the average. Cell apertures subpolygonal. Zooecial tubes polygonal, thin-walled, seven or eight in two mm. Diaphragms somewhat more than a tube diameter apart in the axial region, in the peripheral re- gion about twice as close. A few infundibular diaphragms scat- tered about promiscuously. Acanthopores conspicuous, usually BRYOZOA. 451 situated between the zooecia, projecting more or less into one or the other zooecial cavity, occasionally situated at the angles. The affinities of this species are with A. septosa Ulrich, but its thinner walls, less numerous acanthopores, and more robust growth easily separate it from that form. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. Wilmington, 111. AMPLEXOPORA PVSTULOSA Ulrich. PL XXXVI, fig. 3-3e. Zoarium subrainose, lobate or irregularly compressed, of an average thickness of eight mm. Surface rarely smooth, gener- ally set with low monticules, about 2.6 mm. apart from center to center, consisting of groups of larger cells with a few small ones. Zooecial walls a little flexuous, thickened somewhat in the cortical region. Zooecia polygonal, hexagonal and pentagonal, about nine in two mm. Apertures subpolygonal, those in the monticules one-half larger than the others. In the axial region the diaphragms are about twice their diameter apart, but become more numerous as the peripheral region is reached, where they are somewhat less than a tube diameter apart. Aeauthopores fairly numerous, commonly situated at the angles. Usually there are two or three superposed mature regions with diaphragms very crowded where the transition from one to the next takes place. This species differs in several important respects from A. sep- tosfi Ulr. In that species acanthopores are more numerous and project into the visceral cavity, tubercles are wanting or but slightly elevated and the growth is strictly ramose. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. Hanover. Clarks- ville, and other localities in Ohio; probably occurs at Wilming- ton, 111. MONOTRYPELLA Ulrich, 1882. ("Amer. PaL Bry." Jour. Cin. Nat. Hist. Vol. V, p. 153.) (For generic diagnosis see page 377.) Species of this genus closely resemble Amplexopora and Homo- trypa. but with a little practice it is not difficult to distinguish between them. The absence of acanthopores separates them from the first, and the absence of cystiphragms from the second. 452 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. True mesopores are also wanting, but in several species, notably M. crassimuralis and M. subquadrata, the zocecial walls are partially separated near the surface by tabulated interspaces. MONOTRYPELLA CKASSIMURALIS Ulrich. PL XXXVIII, fig. 2, 2f. Zoarium dendroid, dividing dichotomously or otherwise at in- tervals from ten to eighteen mm.; branches with low rounded monticules, whose centers are about two mm. apart. Zocecial tubes after passing through the axial region with a steady curve, open at the surface with direct circular apertures, 0.1 mm. in diameter, arranged in regular curved series, about eight in two mm. Interspaces thick, flattened centrally, then sloping down to the zooecial cavities; thickest on the monticules, where a few illy defined mesopores are generall distinguishable. Tan- gential sections vary considerably in the appearance of the in- terspaces, sometimes showing open spaces of diverse form and size between the ring-like walls of the zocecia, (see PI. XXXVIII, fig. 2c); at other times the interspaces seem to be filled with a light colored calcareous deposit. In transverse sections the tubes in the axial portion of a branch are very thin walled and regularly rhomboidal or pentagonal. Diaphragms wanting in the axial, very few in the mature region; numerous and thick in the interspaces. This species belongs to the same section of the genus as M. quadrata Kominger, and M. subquadrata Ulrich, though differ- ing very obviously from them. All three agree in having the tubes in the axial region regularly rhomboidal. Another pecu- liar feature is the habit of changing the direction of the rhombs at intervals of about one mm. This peculiarity is readily no- ticed in rough vertical fractures, which exhibit concentric, alter- nately smooth and rough or toothed spaces, each about one mm. wide. In thin vertical sections each change is marked by the origin of a number of rapidly enlarging young tubes. The most striking feature of the species is the extreme thick- ness of the interzooecial spaces. This character alone readily distinguishes the species from its nearest allies. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. BRYOZOA. 453 MONOTEYPELLA APPRESSA UMch. PI. XLIV, fig. 1— Id. Zoarium consisting generally of very much flattened branches, occasionally sub-cylindrical. Surface smooth, with clusters of cells larger than the ordinary size, little, if any, elevated, three mm. apart measuring from center to center. Apertures of zooecia thin-walled, polygonal, varying in diameter from 0.2 to 0.35 mm. In the axial region the walls of the zooecia are very thin, but become thickened in the cortical region. In tangential sections prepared since the plates were printed the median region of the walls exhibit a minutely granular aspect. Zocecial tubes curve but slightly and are still oblique in the peripheral region, though the apertures appear to be direct; about seven of the ordinary zooecia in the space of two mm. Three or four hori- zontal or but slightly curved diaphragms are developed in the transition period of the zocecial tubes. M. pulchella Edwards and Haime, from the Wenlock limestone of Dudley, England, has some affinities to this form, but has much larger and more angular zocecia, with comparatively thinner walls; the tabulation also differs. The species here des- cribed approaches more nearly to M. sequalis Ulrich, from the Cincinnati group of Ohio, the type species of the genus, but has thicker walls, a much smaller number of diaphragms that are also differently situated; and the zocecial tubes are oblique in the peripheral region, while in M. sequalis they are direct. Position and locality : Hamilton group; Rock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa. PETALOTRYPA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 377.) The bifoliate zoarial habit of this genus marks a decided and easily recognized departure from Amplexopora, Monotrypella and Leptotrypa, while in the zocecial features it is about equally related to all of those types. 454 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. PETALOTRYPA COMPRESSA Ulrich. PI. XLVI, fig. 4-4f. Zoarium consisting of compressed branches, two or more cm. in height, one cm. or less in width, and form one to four mm. in thickness. Surface smooth, with scarcely appreciable clusters of cell apertures a very little larger than the average, and with somewhat wider interspaces. Zooecial tubes almost direct from the medial plane, the prostrate portion very short. Walls of moderate thickness throughout. Zooecia sub-polygonal, at times quite regularly hexagonal, about eight in two mm. The num- ber of mesopores varies in different examples; disposed to con- gregate in the clusters. Diaphragms abundant in the zooecia, situated at rather unequal distances apart; in the mesopores more closely set. Dark spots simulating acanthopores, or per- haps really of that nature, found at some of the angles between the zooecia. Between two adjoining zooecia there is a dark line which is interrupted by tissue of the same color as the wall substance. I am not prepared to give the exact interpretation of this feature. This species neither superficially nor internally can be con- fused with any other species known to me from Devonian rocks. Very frequently specimens are overgrown by a form of Aulopora often causing the subsequent growth to be very irregular. Position and locality: Hamilton group; Davenport, Iowa; Rock Island, 111. PETALOTRYPA DELICATA Ulrich. PL XLVI, fig. 5-5a. Zoarium a slightly undulated bilaminar frond, about two cm. in height, the same in width, and 0.7 mm. in thickness. But two examples of this species have been examined. Surface smooth; cell apertures angular, subrhomdoidal or hexagonal, arranged in diagonally intersecting series, about nine in the space of two mm. measuring diagonally. Zooecial tubes very short, approaching the surface in a steady curve. An occasional diaphragm present at the beginning of the cortical region. Acanthopores absent, though at some of the angles of the zooecia are dark spots which may be of that nature. BRYOZOA. 455 Its very much thinner zoarium, the rhombic cell apertures, their regular arrangement and the almost total lack of dia- phragms discriminate this form from P. compressa. Position and locality: Hamilton group; Buffalo, Iowa and Rock Island, 111. LEPTOTRYPA Ulrich, 1883. Am. Pal. Bry. Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. VI, p. 158. (For generic diagnosis see page 377.) My original diagnosis of this genus included only thin para- sitic zoaria, but later investigation has shown that these could not be separated from several species that differed only in the thickness and ultimate form of the colony. The zocecial features are identical in the massive and parasitic forms, nor is there any difference in the general plan of construction. Tho massive and discoid species present great resemblance to MonotrypaNich., but good tangential sections serve to distinguish the genera at once, acanthopores being a conspicuous feature in sections of Leptotrypa, while such structures are wanting in Monotrypa. In all about seventeen species of Leptotrypa are known to me from American Palaeozoic rocks; of these one (Chsetetes quadrnngularis Nich.) or perhaps two occur in the Hamilton group, two in the Niagara, and the rest in the Cin- cinnati and Trenton groups. The four species here described are fair representatives of this genus. LEPTOTRYPA HEXAGONALIS Ulrich. PL XXXVI, Fig. 6-6a. Zoarium forming parasitic expansions less than one mm. in thickness, spread upon Orthoceras or Hyalithus. Surface smooth. Clusters of cell apertures of almost twice the usual size are arranged in diagonally intersecting rows; these clusters are about three mm. apart, measuring from center to center. Zocecia regularly hexagonal in shape, sometimes a little elongated, seven measuring longitudinally, almost nine, diagonally, in two mm., diameter of the smaller 0.2, of the larger 0.35 mm. Acan- thopores prominent on the surface when well preserved. 456 The thin parasitic growth and markedly hexagonal cells are the most noticeable features of this species. Position and locality: Trenton group, Mineral Point, Wis.; Calhoun Co., 111.; and Minneapolis, Minn. LEPTOTEYPA FILIOSA D'Orbigny. PL XXXVI, Fig. 7-7a. Monticuliporafiliosa D'Orb., 1850. Prod, de Pal. t. I, p. 25. Chcetetes ftliosa Ed. & H., 1851. Pol. Foss des Terr. Pal, p. 261. Chcetetes filiosa ? Nich., 1875. Pal. Ohio. vol. II, p. 206. This species is a very common one in the Cincinnati group at Cincinnati, Ohio. It is massive in shape, sometimes attaining a vertical thickness of thirty cm. or even more. The zooecial tubes are regularly prismatic, seven or eight in two mm., with groups of larger size. Diaphragms something over a tube diameter apart, but become about twice as close-set as the zooecial tubes near the top of a mature region. Acanthopores few and inconspicuous, only present in the mature regions, therefore only rarely met with in tangential sections. Mature region very short. Many successive mature and immature regions may be observed upon some specimens, the tubes usually being continuous throughout the. zoarium. The sections figured were taken from a small specimen from the Trenton group of Calhoun Co., 111. This is the first time this species lias been re- corded from so low a horizon. LEPTOTEYPA STIDHAMI Ulrich. PL XXXVI, Fig. 4-4b. Zoarium irregularly lobate-massive. Surface smooth, with clusters of somewhat larger cell apertures. Zooecial tubes radiat- ing out in all directions from a point in the base, angular, irregular in shape, and thin-walled even to the surface, from eight to ten in two mm. Diaphragms horizontal, about a tube diameter apart. Acanthopores ra.ther large, numerous, situated at the angles of the zooecia. The shape of the zoarium and the number and regularity of the diaphragms, combined with the size and number of acantho- pores, are the main distinguishing features of this species. BRYOZOA. 457 The specific name is given in honor of Rev. I. F. Stidham, to whose generosity I am indebted for the type specimens. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Brown Co., Ohio. LEPTOTRYPA KEMIPILARIS Ulrich. PI. XXXVI, Fig. 5-5d. Zoarium small, massive, bat varying in shape from lenticular to subglobose; usually hemispherical. Surface smooth or with low broad elevations having a cluster of larger cells at their apices. Zooecial tubes direct, thin-walled throughout, with sub- polygonal apertures, about eight in two mm. Diaphragms usually wanting, occasionally a few developed as the tubes approach the surface. Acanthopores of moderate size and num- ber, situated at the angles of the zocecia. The greater regularity and slightly larger size of the zooecia, the different shape of the zoarium, and the almost total absence of diaphragms distinguish this species from L. stidhami, its nearest congener. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Covington, Ky., about 300 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. DIPLOTRYPA Nicholson, 1879. (Pal. Tab. Corals, p. 292.) (For generic diagnosis see page 378.) In the general aspect and composition of the zoarium this genus presents much resemblance to Prasopora Xich. and Ethr. Juii. The absence of true cystiphragms, however, is an impor- tant and easily recognized peculiar-it}-, that not only distin- guishes the two genera, but also casts much doubt upon the family relations of Diplotrypa. Such species as D. H hiteavsi Nich., and D. milleri Ulr., point to decided affinity with the CALLO- PORiD-E. On the other hand D. regularis Foord, D. infida and D. jjtitella Ulr., approach more nearly to Prasopora. In this group of species the zooecial tubes are crossed by oblique, more or less recurved, or occasionally even overlapping diaphragms. In the last instance they simulate isolated cystiphragms in a marked degree, but a careful examination has failed to show that they are anything else than irregular or modified dia- -57 458 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. phragras, since in no case have I detected the unmistakable appearance of cystiphragms in tangential sections. D. petropolitana, the type of the genus and one or two simi- lar but as yet undescribed species, seem to be very different from the other species now classed under Diplotrypa. In fact I regard them as more nearly related to Monotrypa and Baton- toma, two genera constituting with the typical section of Diplo- trypa the provisionally established family DIPLOTRYPID.E. The ultimate position of these genera, however, depends largely upon the results of future study and discoveries. DlPLOTRYPA PATELLA Ull'ich. PI. XXXIII, fig. 2-2c. Zoarium lenticular; the typical specimen is twenty-five mm. across, another larger example thirty-eight mm. across ; greatest thickness, at centre, from two to four mm. Surface smooth, thinly hirsute from the surface projections of the acanthopores, showing clusters of cells larger than the average, but not ele- vated above the general level. Under surface provided with a thin and somewhat concentrically wrinkled epitheca. Zooecia very thin walled, about eight in two mm. Apertures circular, some- times polygonal, those of the normal size about 0.18 mm., the larger 0.25 mm. in diameter, arranged in diagonally intersect- ing series. Usually each zooDcium is touched by four others, with an acanthopore situated at or very near the point of con- tact. The interspaces between the zocecia are occupied by meso- pores, bounded by three or four concave sides, Mesopores more numerous in the clusters of larger cells. In the zooecial tubes diaphragms are moderately abundant, straight, at times curved, especially in the lower part of the tubes where they frequently have the appearance of cystiphragms and may actually be of that nature. In the mesopores the diaphragms are closely set, about three in the space of a tube diameter. The nearest congener of this form is possibly the D. regularis Foord, from which it differs in having the mesopores larger, and a much larger number of diaphragms in the tubes and other less important features. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Oxford, Ohio, and other localities. BRYOZOA. 459 DIPLOTRYPA? DUBIA Ulrich. PI. XXXm, flg. 3-3b. Zoarium discoidal. Upper surface with the usual style of cell aperture ; lower surface with an epitheca. Zooecial walls slightly wavy. Zooecia direct, circular, seven or eight in two mm. Mesopores comparatively few, small, situated at the angles be- tween the zocecia. Diaphragms horizontal in the zocecial tubes, their diameter or more apart, closely set in the mesopores. Acanthopores wanting. As shown in fig. 3 a, the zocecial walls have a peculiar inter- mittent structure, which seems conclusive evidence of the wTalls having been originally minutely porous. The small size and number of the mesopores make it some- what doubtful whether this species is properly referred to Diplotrvpa. This character and the absence of acanthopores distinguish it from other described species of the genus. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. BATOSTOMA TJlrich, 1882. ("Amer. Pal. Bry." Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. V, p. 154.) (For generic diagnosis see p. 379.) Such species of the genus as B. implication Nich., and B. jamesi Nich., are characterized by zooecia with thick ring-like walls, irregularly oval apertures, numerous mesopores and acanthopores. Although a closely allied species, B. variabile Ulr., differs conspicuously from them in having few mesopores, and polygonal zooecia. B. fertile Ulr., a species from the Tren- ton shales of Minnesota, differs in the same way, but goes farther in having acanthopores considerably reduced in size. Two undescribed forms deviate from the typical species in very much the same manner, and in one of them both the mesopores and acanthopores are so much reduced in number that they are practically wanting. Through these species the genus is made to resemble Monotrypella and Amplexopora without, however, there being any very intimate relationship. The true position of the genus is between Diplotrypa and Monotrypa. 4(>0 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. A peculiar group of species comprises B. imperfectum Ulr., B. irrasum Ulr., and B. ottawense Foord. These differ from the other species in having incomplete diaphragms, and ought, per- haps, to constitute a distinct genus. BATOSTOMA VARIABILE Ulrich. PI. XXXV, fig. 4-4e, 5, and PL XXXVI, fig. 1. Zoarium exceedingly variable; encrusting, lobate, digitate, ramose, and subfrondescent. Surface smooth, showing inappre- ciably elevated clusters of larger cells. Walls of zooecia in axial region thin, faintly and irregularly flexuous; much thickened in the mature region; the tubes are polygonal, approach the surface with a gradual curve, and are mainly in contact, with the divisional line between those adjoining sharply marked. Apertures angu- lar, averaging six in two mm. Mesopores angular, varying in number, generally few as in the sections figured. Diaphragms few in the immature region, three or four in the narrow cortical region, the one or two nearest the surface concave; in the mesopores they are moderately abundant. Acanthopores fairly numerous, usually situated at the angles between the zocecia. The name "variabile" is given to this species because different examples exhibit considerable variations in the mode of growth, in the number and arrangement of the mesopores, in the amount of thickening of the walls in the cortical region, and some other features. This form bears much resemblance to the B. jainesi Nich., which, however, has oval zooecia separated by many mesopores, while this species has the zooecia polygonal and often in contact, with fewer mesopores and diaphragms. Position and locality: — A very abundant and characteristic species of the upper beds of the Cincinnati group. It is found at numerous localities in Ohio and Indiana, and at Savannah, 111., and Delafield, Wis. BATOSTOMA IMPERFECTUM Ulrich. PI. XXXV. fig. 3-3d. Zoarium ramose, branches subcylindrical, very robust, twenty mm. or even more in thickness, dividing at short, irregular in- BRYOZOA. 461 tervals. Surface marked with very slightly elevated aggrega- tions of larger cells surrounding a larger or smaller cluster of mesopores, about three mm. apart. Zooecial walls but little thickened in the peripheral region. Mature portion of the zooecial tubes usually longer than the immature portion; the bend in the tubes is rather abrupt. Zooecia subpolygonal, about seven in two mm., with subcircular apertures; the diameter of the smaller apertures is about 0.2 mm., of the larger, constitut- ing- the borders of the clusters, about 0.35 mm. A few meso- pores scattered about irregularly among the zooecia, usually gathered into clusters of from six to fifteen in the centre of a group of the larger sized zooecia. Diaphragms present through- out the zooecial tubes, some horizontal, some incomplete, vary- ing in separation, in the axial region somewhat more than a tube diameter distant, in the cortical region from one-third to one-half of a tube diameter apart. Acanthopores (?)very small. Sections of this form present some very interesting features. In the axial region the diaphragms extend horizontally across the tubes but in the mature region, they are incomplete and crescentic in shape, rarely, if ever, extending more than half way across the tube. In tangential sections another peculiarity is brought out, namely, at the angles between the zooecial tubes, there is a space, generally triangular in shape, of lighter color than the remainder of the interspaces or wall. The points of these spaces continue as dark lines that mark the divisional line between the walls of adjoining zooecia. The walls exhibit a horizontally lined appearance reminding one very much of the wall structure observed in some of the CERAMOPORHXE (e. g. Crepipora). In exceptionally good tangential sections minute circles may be detected between the zooecial walls. They have the appearance of minute thin-walled tubuli, and, though much smaller than usual, are probably equivalent to the peculiar acanthopores of this genus. This species resembles B. ottawense Foord, in the possession of incomplete diaphragms and the peculiar structure of the walls, but differs in the closer arrangement of the tubercles, the thinner walls, and inconspicuous acanthopores. Position and locality: — Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. 462 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. MONOTRYPA Nicholson, 1879. (PaL Tab. Corals, p. 293.) (For generic diagnosis see page 379.) MONOTRYPA RECTIMTJRALIS Ulrich. PI. XXXVIII, Fig. 4-4b. Zoarium massive, varying from lenticular to sub-spherical in shape, growing to be ten or more cm. in diameter. Surface generally smooth, presenting, occasionally, faintly elevated clusters of cell apertures, about one-half larger than the ordi- nary size. Zooecia angular, direct, with exceedingly thin straight walls; apertures polygonal, about six of the average size in the space of two mm. Straight horizontal diaphragms from two to four tube diameters apart. No acanthopores observed. There are indications that the zoarium is built up of a number of successive superposed mature regions with a very narrow imma- ture region, separating two succeeding mature regions. The simplicity of its structure is the most marked feature of this species. It differs from M. undulata, Nich., and M. subglo- bosa Ulrich, in having straight instead of undulating or crenu- lated walls. Position and locality: The type specimens are from the Cin- cinnati group, in Alexander Co., 111. Examples apparently of this species are quite common near Savannah, 111., and occur more rarely at Cincinnati, Ohio. CERAMOPORA Hall, 1852. (Pal. N. Y. Vol. II, p. 168.) (For generic diagnosis see page 380.) The type species of this genus is so peculiar in certain re- spects that I have deemed it advisable to figure its internal structure. This is done on PI. XXXIX, by fig. 1-16. A brief description of the species is as follows. BRYOZOA. 463 CERAMOPORA IMBRICATA Hall. f'erainopora imbricata Hall, 1852. Pal. N. Y. Vol. n, p. 169. PI. 40e, flg. la-li. Zoarium free, discoidal. plano-convex, under side sometimes slightly concave, from five to fifteen mm. in diameter; thickness at center seldom exceeding four mm., usually only about two or three mm. No epitheca on the lower side. Lower or basal portion of zoarium composed of a cellular or spongy tissue, from which the zocecia grow out more or less obliquely. At the depressed center of the zoarium the zooecia are nearly direct, but toward the margin they gradually become more and more oblique. Zooecia compressed tubular, being long oval in trans- verse section. Apertures imbricating, arranged in multiplying radial series, all facing away from the center, triangular or oval iu outline, 0.5 to 0.7 mm. in their long diameter. Inter- cellular space occupied by irregularly flexuous rows of meso- pores, variously shaped, short. Zooecial tubes and mesopores communicate rather freely by means of perforations in the walls. Besides the Avails have that granular structure which is sup- posed to indicate an originally minutely porous condition. Lunarhmi small, yet well marked. No diaphragms developed. The remarkable features about this species are its free habit, and the spongy basal layer. When compared with the other forms which are generally referred to the genus, it does not seem probable that they are congeneric. The Lower Silurian species I refer to either Ceramporella or Crepipora. Several of the Upper Silurian forms which Hall has regarded as congeneric with C. imbricata, are most probably referable to the FISTULI- PORID.E, (Eridopora Or.). The same is believed of Ceramopora huronensis Nich., from the Hamilton formation. Position and locality: Niagara group: Lockport, N. Y. (Hall); Osgood, Indiana. 464 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. V CERAMOPORELLA Ulrich, 1882. ("Amer. Pal. Bry." Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V, p. 156.*) (For generic diagnosis see page 380.) This genus is intended to receive a number of Silurian JBryo- zoa that most palaeontologists would refer to Ceramopora Hall. But, as I have shown, C. imbricata, the type of the genus, differs too widely from these forms to admit of being referred to the same genus. Commencing in the upper half of the Trenton group with one or two species, Ceramoporella is represented by six or seven additional species in the Cincinnati group. Only three of these are here described, while Nicholson's Ceramopora ohioensis is, provisionally, also placed here. It is questionable whether the genus is represented in Upper Silurian rocks. Some of the species from that horizon, that have been described under Ce- ramopora, present a close external resemblance to C. distincta, yet I am inclined to believe that a careful examination of their interiors will reveal Fistuliporoid characters. CERAMOPORELLA DISTINCTA Ulrich. PL XXXIX, flg. 6, 6a. Zoarium forming thin, parasitic expansions upon Monticuli- poroids or Orthocerata; by the formation of successive super- imposed layers, large masses may result. The layers vary in thickness from 0.5 to 1.0 mm. Surface even, though sometimes appearing monticulose owing to the zoarium adapting itself to the irregularities of the surface to which it is attached. Zooecia thin-walled, at first prostrate, then becoming abruptly direct or almost so, more or less triangular or pyriform, and with well marked lunaria. In young examples very oblique, almost imbricating. Apertures with thin obliquely projecting peristome, more elevated posteriorly, oval in shape, about 0.2 mm, in * A description of this genus was published as above cited in the synopsis of classi- fication that appeared in the first part of my "American Palaeozoic Bryozoa." Unfortu- nately, the publication of this memoir was discontinued ere I could take up the CEKAMO- PORID.S:. As no good species of the genus was then described I could not name a type. Hence the genus was not actually established, and ought, perhaps, to date from this work. BRYOZOA. 465 their longer diameter, arranged in regular series, about seven or eight in three mm. Mesopores shallow, developed in great numbers, usually arranged in a single or double linear series, between the sides of the zocecia, occasionally completely isolat- ing a zocpriuin. In the fully matured perfect condition their apertures are closed by a thin membrane. This very pretty species is distinguised by its small cells and rather widely separated zooecia apertures. Their oval form and the continuation of the peristome around the anterior margin are also quite distinctive. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. Abundant at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, especially at the foot of the hills. The same species, or a closely allied form, occurs at Wilmington, 111. CKKAMOPORELLA STELLATA Ulrich. PI. XLI, flg. 1. la. Xoarium a thin subcireular crust upon foreign bodies. The only specimen seen is 0.5 mm. in thickness, by about thirteen mm. in diameter. Surface with prominent conical monticules, their summits apparently solid, and about three mm. apart; their sloping sides occupied by radially arranged zooecia. Zooe- cia usually contiguous in the radial series, the series separated by slightly concave furrows which diverge from the centre of the monticules, and impart to the whole a stellate appearance. Apertures very small, oval to subcircular, nearly direct, about 0.12 mm. in diameter, nine or ten in two mm. Hood or luna- riuui very little developed except near the summits of the mon- ticules. Mesopores very abundant, occupying the centers and rays of the monticules, a few are found in the end spaces also. The conical monticules and the decided radial arrangement of the zocecia are such striking features, that I do not hesitate in pronouncing this a very distinct species. It cannot be con- founded with any other known to me. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; Sterling, 111. -58 466 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. CERAMOPORELLA GRANULOSA Ulrich. PI. XLI, flg. 2, 2a. Zoarium forming masses, consisting of many superimposed layers, the initial layer being attached to some foreign body; in the type specimen a species of Pachydictya. Surface even, granulose with groups of larger cells. Zooecia oval, direct to the surface. Lunarium prominent, narrow, occupying from one- fourth to one-third the circumference of the wall. Apertures somewhat oblique, irregularly oval, from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, in diagonally intersecting series, about six in two mm. A considerable number of rather small irregular mesopores are scattered about among the zooecia. Rather abundant thin diaphragms intersect the tubes. A large number of small dark spots, precisely like acanthopores in tangential sections occur in the walls. Vertical sections, however, show that unlike these structures they do not form continuous thick-walled tubuli, but that they are developed at successive levels corresponding with the diaphragms. The granules, numerous diaphragms, and less regular arrange- ment of its parts, distinguish this species from C. distincta which it resembles in the size of the zooecia. I am not acquainted with any other species that would admit of closer comparisons. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; Wilmington, 111. CERAMOPORELLA? OHIOENSIS Nicholson. PI. XXXIX, flg. 2. 2a. Ceramopora ohloensis Nich. 1875. Pal. Ohio, Vol. II, p. 265. PI. XXV, flg. 10,10e. Zoarium incrusting, forming thin expansion over other Bryo- zoa or the shells of Brachiopoda, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. thick, com- posed, usually, of but a single layer, but sometimes of two or three superposed layers. Surface with slightly elevated clusters of zooecia of larger size and with thicker walls than usual. Zo- cecia at first prostrate then rising abruptly, proceed almost direct to the surface. Walls moderately thick. Apertures vary- ing in shape, but more or less triangular or snbromboidal, and oblique on account of the prominent elevation of the overarch- ing lunarium or hood. Zooecia arranged in obscure radiating BRYOZOA. 467 series around the elevated clusters, and in diagonally intersect- ing lines on the spaces between them; here six or seven occur in two mm. The long diameter of the apertures varies from 0.25 to 0.5 mm. in the clusters. A small number of irregular mesopores, about one-fourth as large as the zooecia, are inter- spersed among them. At this time it seems highly improbable that this species is congeneric with Ceramopora imbricata Hall. It is more nearly related to Ceramoporella and Crepipora. and provisionally, I propose to arrange the form as above. It is readily distin- guished from typical species of the genus by its rather thick walls and few mesopores. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. Common at Cincin- nati, Ohio. DIAMESOPORA Hall, 1887. Diamesopora Hall. Pal. N. Y. Vol. II, p. 158. 1852. (Not defined.) Cwloclema Ulrich. Jour. Cin. She. Nat. Hist. Vol. V, 1882. (Not defined.) Diamesopora Hall. Pal. N. Y. Vol. VI, p. XV, 1887. (For generic diagnosis see page 380.) This name stands for a convenient and easily recognized genus of the CERAMOPORIDJE. Though already used in 1852, the genus was not defined by Hall until 3887. There are no very marked internal peculiarities, but the ramose form and the hollow branches serve excellently to separate its species from other Ceramoporoids. In these features they resemble Chilo- trypn Ulr., but thin sections will immediately distinguish them, as that genus is an unqualified member of the FISTULIPORID^E, having vesicular tissue instead of untabulated mesopores. The genus is represented by one undescribed species in the Trenton limestone of Canada and New York, by D. vaupeli and communis Ulrich, and D. oweni, (Fistulipora oweni James,) in the Cincinnati group, by D. oscula, iufi-equens, sub-imbricata dichotoma, tubulosa and varia of Hall* in the Niagara group, * With the exception of D. dichotoma, all these species are described by Prof. Hall as Trematopora. A closer examination of these Niagara forms will, I fear, prove that they are not all distinguished by good specific characters. 468 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and by 6'. constricts and venustfi (Trematopora constrict a and venusta Hall,) in the Lower Helderberg group. Several undescribed forms are known to me, and, so far as 1 am able to judge from Billings' brief description, his Helopora circe and H. variopora (Anticosti group) belong here. DlAMESOPORA VAUPELI Ull'ich. PI. XXXIX, fig. 3, 3b, and PI. XLI, fig. 4, 4c. Zoarium consisting of hollow branches whose diameter varies from two to five mm., the average being about three mm.; thickness of zoarium a mm. or less. Surface even. Axial tube circular, with nearly smooth epitheca. Apertures oval, about 0.18 mm. in their long diameter, arranged in very regular dia- gonally intersecting rows, ten in three mm. measuring diagon- ally, with prominent overarching hoods which are all directed toward the distal extremity. Zocecial tubes at first prostrate along the axial tube, then procumbent upon the next higher zooecium, then bending abruptly to proceed more or less directly to the surface. Mature portion of zoarium about twice as thick as the immature. Zo(Bcial walls thin in the axial region, very thick in the mature zone. Lunarium, at the lower or posterior end of each zooecium, of lighter colored material than the rest of the wall substance. Mesopores small, developed in consider- abundance in the mature region. Diaphragms wanting. This is a very neat and abundant species at the foot of the hills about Cincinnati, O. In the absence of maculae and other features it resembles some of the Upper Silurian species of the genus, but more closely a small undescribed form occurring in the Trenton limestone of Canada and New York. The specific name is given as a small compliment to my friend Mr. E. H. Vaupel, who was the first to point out its pecu- liarities. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, O. BRYOZOA. 469 DIAMESOPORA COMMUNIS Ulrich. PI. XXXIX, Fig. Sa, and PL XLI. Fig. 5-5b. This species is closely related to the preceding, but differs in being more robust in growth, in having well marked maculae, with subsolid centers, from which the cell apertures radiate out in all directions. The apertures immediate surrounding the maculae are also slightly larger than the others, while an ob- scure concentric arrangement prevails. On the whole, the cell apertures are also somewhat larger, and the peristomes thicker. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. This form is commonest in the layers exposed in the river bank opposite Cincinnati, 0., where D. vaupeli is not known to occur. It has a vertical range of about 125 feet, and in the last 25 feet, the two species are found associated. CREPIPORA Ulrich, 1882. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist.. voL V, p. 157.) (For generic diagnosis see page 380.) This genus differs from Ceramoporella Ulrich, mainly, in the nearly complete restriction of the mesopores to the maculae. These usually form a conspicuous feature of the surface. The lunarium is also better developed and the zooecia apertures much less oblique than is usual in that genus. (7. impressa and C. solida. however, are closely related to some of the aberrant forms now classified with Ceramoporella. Five representative species are here described, which, com- bined, furnish a good idea of the limits of the genus. The sub- ramose, hollow branched species, described by me as Chsetetes venustus* although differing widely in its habit of growth, is nevertheless closely allied to C. simulans. the type of the genus. Beside these, my cabinet contains material of four or five un- described species, all of them from the Cincinnati group. An Upper Silurian species, closely related to C. epidermata, occurs at Gotland. It is known to European palaeontologists as Dis- copora squamata (Lonsdale sp.) 470 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. CREPIPORA SIMULANS Ulrich. PL XXXIX, Fig. 4-4a, and PI. XL, Fig. 3-3a. Zoarium encrusting, sometimes forming crusts of greater or less thickness, at other times irregular masses by the develop- ment of successive layers. Thickness of layers varying from one to five mm. Surface exhibiting at intervals of three or four mm. small clusters of mesopores, which are usually abruptly elevated and surrounded by zooecia with larger orifices than ordinary. Apertures arranged in more or less regular curving series, a somewhat concentric arrangement about the maculae prevailing; rhomboidal or subpolygonal in outline, 0.22 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, the average being 0.25 mm.; about seven of those in the intermacular spaces in two mm. Lunarium only observable at the surface of the well preserved examples. Zooecial tubes scarcely prostrate at their origin, then proceeding almost direct to the surface; walls thin throughout. In sections the zooecia are seen to be angular, sub-rhomboidal and in contact with one another; the lunarium small, with the ends projecting a little jnto the zooecial cavity and composed of much lighter tissue than the rest of the wall. Mesopores developed only in the mature portion of the zoarium, restricted to clusters in which they number from ten to forty, thick walled, rather variable in size and shape, oftenest oval. Among them the observer may detect very small acanthopore-like structures. Diaphragms thin, about a tube diameter or more apart. This fine species is related to (J. venusta, Ulr., but that species is essentially free and grows into irregular hollow branches. The zooecial walls are also considerably thicker. In C. impressa Ulr., the lunarium is much more pronounced, and the maculae larger and depressed instead of elevated. Position and locality: Not uncommon near the tops of the hills about Cincinnati, 0. I have also collected the species at Madison, Ind., and seen one specimen from Wilmington, 111. "Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1. p. 93, 1878. BRYOZOA. 471 CREPIPORA EPIDERMATA Ulrich. PL XL, Fig. l-le. Zoarium forming a subcircular undulating expansion, attain- ing a diameter of eight cm. or more: the thickness varies from two to eight mm. Upper surface with slightly elevated large macula? of mesopores. varying both in size and arrangement; usually about four or five mm. apart. Apertures directed out- ward from the center of the zoarium, the lunarium being moder- ately conspicuous, with no striking regularity of arrangement, sub-circular to sub-triangular, 0.4 to 0.6 mm. in diameter: about six in three mm. Zooecial tubes with walls rather thin throughout, very soon after their origin proceeding almost direct to the surface. Usually a single diaphragm is developed in each tube. Lunarium occupying about one-third of the wall, with a radial structure as shown in fig. le, pi. XL. Mesopores abundant, variable in shape and size, scattered about among the zocpcia, but mainly gathered into clusters of fifteen to fifty: very irregular in vertical section, sometimes provided with a few diaphragms. The form of the zoarium, the structure of the lunarium, and certain peculiarities of the mesopores, suggest affinities with the FISTULIPORID.E. Specifically it is widely different from all the other species of the genus excepting C. squamata (Discopora xqnamata Lonsdale.) from the Upper Silurian rocks of England and Gotland. The European form differs in several respects, such as having the macula? smaller and the zooecia apertures more oblique. The zoarium is also less robust. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; common at Wilming- ton, 111. CREPIPORA IMPRESSA Ulrich. PL XL, Fig. 2-2a. This species, which has all the characters of the genus, is chiefly distinguished by having exceptionally conspicuous lunaria, and large sized, but irregularly distributed maculae, depressed below the general level of the surface. The single specimen seen is an elongated, hollow stem four cm. long by six mm. in aver- 472 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. age diameter. It evidently grew upon some cylindrical body which has since been destroyed. Cell apertures direct, trans- versely oval or sub-circular, with the teeth or ends of the scarcely elevated lunarium projecting strongly into the visceral cavity, generally arranged in a somewhat concentric manner about the macula?. The apertures immediately surrounding the maculae are a little larger than the rest; about eight of the average size in three mm. A considerable number of mesopores interspersed among the zocecia in addition to the clusters of sixty to one hundred. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; Covington, Ky. CREPIPORA SOLIDA Ulrich. PL XL, fig. 4-46. Zoarium forming a thin crust attached to foreign bodies (in the type specimens on Orthoceras); less than a mm. in thick- ness. Surface studded with apparently solid small conical mon- ticules about four mm. apart. Apertures rhombic or long oval, frequently very irregular, especially near the monticules, with strongly arching hood, making them appear more oblique when the example is in a good state of preservation, than when some- what weathered; about six in two mm. Maculae composed of solid intertwining tissue and mesopores, having a somewhat radial arrangement. A moderate number of mesopores inter- spersed among the zooecia. Lunaria very pronounced in tan- gential sections. The conical, sub-solid monticules give this species a very characteristic appearance, not possessed by any other known to me. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; in a small creek south of Covington, Ky. CREPIPORA HEMISPHERIC A Ulrich. PI. XL, fig. 5-5b. Zoarium hemispheric or discoidal, commonly about four cm. in diameter and two cm. in height; base flattened or concave, concentrically wrinkled. Upper surface even. Apertures direct, BRYOZOA. rhombic or subpolygonal, with no marked regularity of arrange- ment, seven or eight in three mm. There are groups of slightly larger cell apertures which are arranged about small and scarcely perceptible macula*. Walls of zooecia thin and with a peculiar ragged structure. Lunaria inconspicuous, easily overlooked. Mesopores few, generally only two or three at the center of the clusters. They are without the lunarium and have thicker walls than the zotecia. Diaphragms thin and somewhat more than their own diameter apart. The external form, and the extreme paucity of the mesopores, ilisting-uish this species from all the prescribed forms. It is more closely approached by a large massive species that occurs rather abundantly in a layer at the base of the Cincinnati group, which is exposed near Harrodsburg, Ky. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; not uncommon at Wilmington, 111. AXOLOTICHIA Clrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 381.) This genus is proposed for the reception of the following spe- cies, and another that I have lately described from the Trenton shales of Minnesota as Crepipora, impolita, (14th Ann. Rep. St. Geol. Minn.). The tubulose structure of the lunarium is re- garded as the principal distinctive character. The number of these minute vertical tubes varies with the species, since in the Minnesota form there are usually only three to each lunarium, while in the Illinois species there are from five to seven. AXOLOTICHIA POXDEKOSA Ulrich. PL XTJ. fig. 3-Sd. Zoariuin forming large, irregular, massive branches. Surface smooth. Apertures approximately direct, irregularly sub-circu- lar or oval, eight or nine in three mm. Their arrangement is rather irregular, and there are no clusters of large ones. Lu- narial hood inconspicuous, with minute pores in the perfect Mate. Zooecial tubes thin-walled throughout, yet considerably stronger near the surface than in the axial region, proceeding — 59 474 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. from an imaginary axis to the surface with a gradual curve. Diaphragms thin, about two tube diameters apart. Mesopores, variable in shape and of moderate size, are numerously inter- spersed among the zocecia. In thin sections the lunaria present a very peculiar feature. Thus, when the tube is cut transversely the lunarial or narrowest side is apparently composed of alter- nating intervals of light and dark color. When viewed under a high power the light intervals are seen to be of circular form, and with the aid of vertical sections, we learn that they are really of the nature of small vertical tubes. Two of the sides must have been bounded by extremely thin walls, as they are only very rarely preserved, the appearance ordinarily presented in tangential sections being that of a simple perforation in the zooecial wall. These small tubes, of which there are usually about six in each lunarium, appear to have been crossed by numerous diaphragms, usually about twice their diameter apart. The massive ramose zoarium, and large zocecia, suffice to sep- arate this species from all associated Bryozoa. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; very abundant at Wilmington, 111. FISTULIPORA McCoy, 1849. (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, Vol. Ill, p. 131.) (For generic diagnosis see page 382.) It is only since December, 1885, that we know exactly what form McCoy had before him when he proposed this genus. At the date cited there appeared in the Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist, a valuable treatise on the genus Fistulipora by Dr. H. A. Nich- olson and Mr., A. H. Foord. The authors show that Dr. Nichol- son's identification of McCoy's . F. minor* (upon which I had based my estimate of the character of the genusf) was incorrect the new name F. mucosa being applied to the species. It fur- ther appears that McCoy's F. minor is identical with Phillip's * Palaeozoic Tabulate Corals, 1879. t Am. Pal. Bry. Jour. Cin. Soe. Nat. Hist. Vol. VII, p. 43, 1884. BRYOZOA. 475 earlier Calamopora incrustans. Founded upon this species, Fis- tulipora exactly occupies the ground that I had proposed to assign to Lichenalia of Hall (loc. cit.} Unless it can be shown that the original New York specimens, upon which Lichenalia was founded, are different from the very abundant Niagara species at Waldron, Ind., that is generally identified with L. concentrica, Hall's name must be abandoned. Strictly then, Fistulipora includes all the unilaminar forms in which the lunar- iuni ("folds") is a recognizable feature. I am still in doubt what course to pursue in disposing the large group of species (at least fifteen) in which the lunarium is obsolete and the zooecial apertures circular or oval. Fistulipora minor Nicholson (non McCoy) seemed to belong to this group! and, relying upon the correctness of Dr. Nicholson's identification, I pro- posed in my Am. Pal. Bry. to restrict Fistulipora to species of that tvpe. But, as already mentioned, F. incrustans, the type of the genus, has distinct lunaria, and all the characters usually assigded to Lichenalia, hence it is clear my proposal cannot be entertained, and that FistuUpora as defined by me though possibly congeneric, is not strictly identical with typical Fis- tulipora. Hall's new genus Thallostigma* is proposed for Bryozoa with all the characters Fistulipora (Lichenalia) excepting that the interzooecial spaces exhibit the cavities of the vesicles at the surface. This feature is not of structural value and, in every case that has come under my observation, it represented either the young condition when the vesicles were forming, or the in- terior of the vesicles was exposed by attrition. The range of the genus as no Understood is very extensive, a large massive form, not yet described, having lately been dis- covered in the Galena limestone of Manitoba. Several Cincin- nati group species which have been referred to the genus, prove upon examination to belong to the CERAMOPORIDJ:, and, so far as I now am informed, no true Fistulipora occurs in these : Nicholson and Foord's figures of the species show faint "folds" in the walls which were deither mentioned nor figured by Dr. Nicholson. * Trans. A.lb. Inst. Vol. X, 1883. (Abstract published in 1881.) In Vol. VI, Pal. N. Y. Prof. Hall abandons this name in favor of Fistulipora. 476 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. rocks. In the Upper Silurian rocks; however, the genus is re- presented by at least ten species, in Devonian by from twenty to thirty, in Lower Carboniferous by perhaps an equal number, and terminates its existence in the Coal Measures, with five or six species. The total number of valid species known to me from American rocks alone is not less than seventy, while four- teen species are recorded from European deposits. FISTULIPORA COMMUNIS Ulrich. PI. XL VII. fig. 1, la. PI. XL VIII, fig. 1, la. Zoarium explanate, commonly attached to foreign bodies, at other times free and provided with an epitheca, often composed of layers, each a mm. or two in thickness. The surface is raised into low, broad, rounded monticules two or three mm. wide, and their summits three or four mm. apart. Apertures circular with a very thin but distinctlv elevated peristome, generally about 0.16 mm. in diameter, but attaining a diameter of 0.25 mm. near the summits of the monticules; distances apart rather variable, those in the monticules more separated than the others. In the intermediate spaces five or six occur in two mm. When the surface is worn the apertures appear quite small and the interspaces very wide. Zooecia thin walled, circular or oval, provided with two or three distant diaphragms. Lunarium ob- solete. Vesicles thin-walled, generally wide and shallow, about two-thirds as wide as the zocecia, surrounding them in two or more series and forming large clusters under the monticules. In good tangential sections the vesicle spaces exhibit one or more subcentral minute spots, which probable represent perfor- ations in their covers. This very abundant species was at first supposed to be the F. minuta of Rominger, but from an examination of authentic specimens of that species, it appears that his species is closely allied to Liocleina occidens (H. & W. sp.) and not a Fistuli- pora at all. The small zooecia, their circular form, and the obsolete lunarium, distinguish F. communis from the associated species. Position and locality: Hamilton group. Buffalo, Iowa, and Rock Island, 111. BRYOZOA. 477 FlSTULIPORA MONTICULATA UMch. PL XLVTL fig. 3— 3b. PI. XL VIII. fig. 2, 2a. Zoarium consisting of more or less compressed hollow branches one to three cm. in width and two and one-half to five mm. in thickness; actual thickness of zoarium less than two mm. Sur- face generally with broad rounded monticules of moderate ele- vation, four or five mm. apart and arranged in diagonal rows. Monticules composed chiefly of vesicles and hence have a sub- solid appearance on the surface. Apertures with thick rounded peristomes, more elevated on one side; somewhat irregular in shape, commonly oval, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in their greatest dia- meter, about half their diameter apart. Zooecial walls only moderately thin sometimes ring-like, the lunarium distinct, but with the ends scarcely projecting into the zocecial cavity. Ves- icles sub-angular, about two-thirds as large as the zooecia, sel- dom in more than a single row between the zooecia, shallow, often arranged in quite regular vertical series. Diaphragms developed occasionally in the zocecial tubes. Vertical sections indicate that upon the floor of each vesicle there was a cal- careous deposit. Typical examples like that represented by fig. 3, are readily distinguished from other species of the genus. When without monticules the species bears some resemblance to F. utricula Rominger, but the absence of spines, which are a characteristic feature of the surface of Rominger s species is sufficient to show their distinctness. Position and locality; Hamilton group, Buffalo, Iowa. FlSTlLIPCRA ASTRICA UMch. PI. XLVH, fig. 5— 5b. PI. XLVm, fig. 3. Zoarium consisting of large, hollow, compressed branches, or laminar expansions, several cm. wide, one and one-half to three mm. thick. Surface marked with large, showy, depressed, star- shaped macula1, at somewhat variable distances apart, averag- ing six mm. measuring from center to center, forming rows of greater or less regularity. Apertures sub-triangular or, more commonly, pyriform, bidenticulate. with the lunarium pronii- 478 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. nent, about six of the intermacular apertures in two mm. Zo- cecia with thin walls and diaphragms about two diameters apart. Vesicles rather large but irregular in shape and size, rarely in more than a single series between the zocecia. This fine species is distinguished from all Devonian species of the genus by the larger and decidedly stellate maculae. These lend the species considerable resemblance to F. asterhi Prout, from the Keokuk group. In other respects, however they are quite distinct. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Buffalo, Iowa. FlSTULIPORA COLLINA UMch. PI. XL VII, Fig. fr-eb, and PL XL VIII, Fig. 5-5a. Zoarium a circular expansion, five or more cm. in width and one to three mm. in thickness; a wrinkled epitheca upon the lower side. Surface with solid, more or less prominent, elon- gated maculae or monticules, set in cross rows, their summits about four mm. apart. Zooecial apertures arranged in some- what concentric rows about the monticules, diminishing very slightly in size as they recede from the monticules; sub-oval or circular in shape, averaging 0.22 mm. but varying from 0. 1 7 to 0.27 in diameter, about one-half their diameter apart, about eight in three mm. Apertures, so far as observed, Avithout a distinct peristome, the lunarium too being generally obsolete, but occasionally the apertures appear somewhat oblique on account of a slight prominence of the posterior margin. In thin sections the zocecial tubes are seen to contain a small number of diaphragms, their walls being thin, the lunarium unrecog- nizable, the vesicles comparatively small, of nearly uniform size, but varying from one-third to two-thirds the size of the zooecia, moderately shallow, angular, usually in only a single series be- tween the zooezia, though a double row is commonly present between those which open upon the slopes of the monticules. All the walls have a minutely granular or intermittent appear- ance. In some respects this species resembles F. communis and F. monticulata,, two common species at Buffalo, Iowa, which are described in this work as new. The absence of a complete peris- tome and smaller vesicles separate F. collinfi from both, while BRYOZOA. 479 the larger zoc^cia help in distinguishing it from the former, and the different habit of growth from the latter. Position and locality: Hamilton group. Comparatively rare at Buffalo, Iowa. FISTDLIPORA FOORDI Ulrich. PL XL VII, Fig. 7-7a, and PL XL VIII, Fig. 4-ia. Zoaiium a broad expansion; when complete, probably eight to ten cm. wide; the only example seen is two and one-half mm. thick at the edges, and five mm. in the thickest part. Under surface \vith an epitheca marked by rather faint irregu- larly concentric wrinkles. Large solid macula?, nearly on a level with the surface, occur at intervals of six to eight mm., measur- ing from center to center. Apertures immediately surrounding the maculae, larger and more prominent than the others, de- creasing gradually in size toward the middle of the inter-macu- lar spaces, from 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, arranged in regu- lar intersecting series, sub-triangular or pyriform in shape. Lunarium very prominent, usually giving the apertures a decidedly oblique appearance. When the apertures are closed by opercular covers, the zoarial surface seems studded with triangu- lar points, a little more than the diameter of their base apart; about ten in 5 mm. Interspaces in general slightly concave, but exhibiting irregular, faintly convex spaces, which are most distinct on the surface of the maculae. Zocecial tubes a little oblique to the surface, with diaphragms somewhat more than their own diameter apart. The two ends of the lunarium pro- ject strongly into the broadly pyriform zooecia. Vesicles large, angular, irregular in shape, forming but a single series between the zocecia, less shallow (in vertical section) than usual; the macula? are entirely made up of them. Tangential sections show that the interspaces are really of less width than the zocecia. The present species is, perhaps, nearer related to F. astrica Ulr., also from the Hamilton group, than to any other species known to me. The points of dissimilarity between them are, however, quite marked, and it is scarcely possible that they will be confounded. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Rockford, Iowa. 480 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. FISTULIPORA SPINULIFERA Rominger. PL XLVI, Fig. 3-3d. Fistuhpora spinulifera Bominger, 1866. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 121. Zoarium ramose, branches one to three cm. in diameter. Sur- face monticulose; the small, prominent, conical, and sub-solid monticules about three mm. apart, and arranged in rows of considerable regularity. Monticules composed of vesicular tissue and, like the interzooecial spaces, minutely spinous when in a good state of preservation. Apertures sub-oval, about 0.20 mm. in their greatest width, and between six and seven in two mm. Lunarium but little elevated, the ends sometimes prominent and projecting slightly into the zocecial cavity. Zocecial tubes thin walled, proceeding in a gradual curve to the surface upon which they open almost perpendicularly. Diaphragms rather irregular in position and distribution, none in the central part, few in the outer portion of the axial region, numerous in the cortical re- gion. Vesicles irregular, usually small, angular, very large in the axial region, becoming gradually much shallower toward the surface, surrounding the zocecia in one or two series. In tangential sections the lunarium shows but faintly. These sec- tions also show a large number of small spots, that resemble thin-walled acanthopores. They do not appear to form con- tinuous tubuli. This form closely resembles monticulated specimens of an asso- ciated species of Monotrypella, from which it should be dis- criminated. An examination with the hand lens readily does this. The ramose habit of growth, solid branches, and com- paratively thin granulose interspaces, distinguish it from other species of the genus. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Alpena, Mich. FlSTULIPOKA (?DlCHOTRYPA) CORRUGATA UMch. PL XL VII, Fig. 8-8a, and PI. XL VIII, Fig. 6-6b. Zoarium an irregular undulating or somewhat distorted ex- pansion, one mm. or there about in thickness. Under surface with a concentrically wrinkled epitheca, the wrinkles strong, sub- equal, and closely approximated. Sharply denned, small solid maculae, of stellate form, dot the celluliferous surface and are but BRYOZOA. 48J little if any raised above it. Measuring from center to center they are about 2.5 mm. apart. The maculae are surrounded by com- paratively large apertures, facing outward; having the hood or lunarium very prominent. Apertures oblique, sub-triangular or pyriform, bidenticulate, hooded, about 0.15 mm. in diameter, rather closely approximated, an average of twelve or thirteen in three mm. Zooecia at first oblique, then direct. The primi- tive cells, as shown by deep tangential sections, are of elongate semi-cordate form, and arranged between longitudinal lines. Here they sometimes show a feature that reminds me of a su- perior hemiseptum. Diaphragms apparently wanting. Vesicles varying in shape, angular, approaching in size to the zocecia. In the upper part of the zoarium the vesicles are filled up or replaced by solid calcareous matter, exhibiting in good sections a large number of minute dark spots. The distinctive features of this neat and well marked species are the small and closely approximated zocecia, the strong and regular wrinkles of the epitheca, and the general resemblance of the zocecial structure to that of the CYSTODICTYONID.E. Should it prove that the form is bifoliate then it would have to be re- garded as an unqualified species of Dichotrypa. In any event I am strongly inclined to place it there. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Thunder Bay, Mich. FISTULIPOKA STELLIFERA Romiuger. PI. XLVII. fig. 2. 2a. Fistulijpora steilifera Rominger. 1866. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. p. 120. Zoarium sometimes unilaminar, more commonly rising into bifoliate expansions, from one to three mm. thick. Surface nearly even, but sometimes the m acute are slightly elevated. Maculae of stellate appearance, about four mm. from center to center, the central portion and rays concave, smooth or finely granular, appearing solid at the surface. Apertures oval or circular, with prominent peristome, one side (lunarium) often more elevated than the other. In perfect examples, the rim bears from six to eight small blunt spines. The arrange- ment of the zocecia apertures is quite regular, radial series being the most marked around the maculae, where they are also slightly larger and separated by wider interspaces than in the —60 482 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. intermacular spaces. Here they are rather closely approxi- mated, about six in two mm., with an average diameter of 0.18 mm. In sections the lunarium is illy defined, the zooecia appearing as regularly oval or circular. The interspaces are occupied by a single series of rather large, angular vesicles, but in the im- mediate vicinity of the maculae they often form double series. In vertical sections the zooecial tubes bend abruptly outward from the irregularly flexuous median laminae, and, a short dis- tance above the bend are usually crossed by a diaphragm. The vesicles decrease in height toward the surface, and near it are largely filled by a secondary deposit of sclerenchyma. The bifoliate zoarium suggests comparison with Meekopora, Ulr., but I cannot find that the species approaches that genus in any other respect. In its zooecial features it agrees closely with the section of Fistulipora typified by F. communis Ulr. The specimen here figured is identical with a number of exam- ples collected at Rominger's original locality by Mr. J. M. Nick- les. It also agrees quite closely with an authentic example of the species, the principal difference noted being a slightly greater elevation of the lunarium in the latter. Position and locality: Hamilton group, near Alpena, Mich., where it was collected by Rev. W. H. Barris, who kindly pre- sented it to the author. MEEKOPORA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 383.) The two principal peculiarities of this genus, 7. e., the bifoli- ate zoarium and the uniform direction of the zooecia apertures toward the distal end of the zoarium, render it more than or- dinarily easy of determination. In their general form and con- struction the zoaria of Meekopora resemble those of Dichotrypa, and the careless observer will probably confound them. A little care, however, in comparing species of the t\vo genera will soon bring to light several important differences, the genus under consideration being an unequivocal member of the FISTULIPORIDJE, while Dichotrypa is an equally true division of the CYSTODICTYO- NID.E. A comparison of vertical sections brings to light some of BRYOZOA. 483 the most striking differences (see PI. LXXYI, fig. 96, and PI. LXXYII, fig. 7b). Thus the zocpcial tubes in Dichotrypa are re- cumbent on the median lamina, then bending outward abruptly proceed direct to the surface. A more or less developed superior hemiseptum is usually recognizable, but diaphragms are absent. On the other hand in Meekopora the tubes are gently curved throughout their length from the median laminae to their aper- tures withe ut becoming direct and, while hemisepta are wanting, numerous diaphragms are present. Other important differences might be pointed out, but as they will be obvious enough to the student, the above are deemed sufficient for the present. Four species are now referred to the genus, one of them pro- visionally. Beside these my cabinet contains three more. All the species now positively known to have the structure of the genus are from Lower Carboniferous deposits. MEEKOPORA EXIMIA Ulrich. PL LXXVH, flg. 6-€d. Zoarium a bifoliate, somewhat undulating, palmate expan- sion, several cm. in width and two to five mm. in thickness. Surface presenting large, slightly elevated, oval, smooth spots or macuUp. arranged in somewhat regular diagonal rows, five or six mm. apart. The apertures immediately surrounding the macula^ a little larger than the others. Apertures in rather regular oblique rows, all facing up toward the distal part of the zoarium, sub-triangular or semicircular in outline, with prominent overarching lunarial hoods; six or seven apertures in three mm., each with a diameter of about 0.21. Ooecia few, taking the place of one of the zooecia and consisting of a cyst- oid elevation of the surface, with a small perforation at the apex. . Zooecial tubes thin walled, extending with a gradual curve to the surface, without, however, becoming direct. Lu- narium usually obsolete in tangential sections, but sometimes the ends project slightly into the visceral cavity. The axial plane consists of two very thin closely adhering flexuous epi- thecal membranes. Yesicles of irregular shape, much the larg- est near the axial plane, often exhibiting an obscure concentric 484 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. arrangement around the zooecia. As they approach the surface the floor of the vesicles (the top of the underlying one) is cov- ered with a deposit of light colored sclerenchyma, which ap- pears to be traversed by minute vertical canals. Near the sur- face this perforated deposit entirely fills the vesicles. It is of darker color in the immediate vicinity of the zooecia. In tan- gential sections showing the characters just beneath the surface the zooecia are circular, the vesicles and lunaria unrecognizable, at a deeper level the lunarium is fairly well shown, and the form of the numerous vesicles, though they are still partially filled with the deposit, is readily determinable. At the median plane the zooecia are arranged between longitudinal lines. These sections also show that the interspaces gradually increase in width, w7hile the zooecia diameter decreases with growth. Dia- phragms fairly numerous, flat or slightly concave, a tube diam- eter or less distant from each other. This fine species need not be confounded with any bryozoan known to me from either the St. Louis or the Chester horizon. Position and locality: Near the dividing line between the St. Louis and Chester group, Monroe Co., 111. The species may be found both above and below the line. MEEKOPORA APPROXIMATA Ulrich. PI. LXXVII, fig. 5. Zoarium bifoliate, growing into irregularly undulating thin expansions, from one to one and a half mm. • thick. Surface smooth, with small solid maculae, their centers four to five mm. apart. Apertures closely approximated, oblique, sub-circular or subtriagular in outline, 0.20 to 0.30 mm. in diameter, arranged in more or less regular diagonally intersecting rows, seven in three mm. measuring along the rows; interspaces thin, the lower margin of the aperture elevated into a prominent hood. Median lamina? forming a rugosely wrinkled plane from wrhich the zooecial tubes proceed with a gradual curve to the surface which they reach obliquely. Diaphragms usually flat, most abundant in the deeper portion of the zoarium, where also they are often recurved. Lunaria quite angular in tangential sec- BRYOZOA. 485 tions, but their ends rarely if ever project into the zooecial cav- ity. The vesicles resting upon the median laminae are elongated in the direction of growth, those resting upon them are smaller, angular, comparatively few, and often failing to completely isolate the zooecia. This species is to be compared with M. eximia, but the thinner zoarium, much more closely arranged zooecia and smaller maculae distinguish the two species without much trouble. Thin sections furnish additional differences. An undescribed associated species is not so readily separated, though differing in several impor- tant particulars. Its zoarium is two or three times as thick, the zooecia separated by somewhat wider interspaces, and all tlit- diaphragms strongly recurved. Position and locality: Chester group. Chester, 111. Sloan's Valley. Ky. MEEKOPORA CLAUSA Ulrich. PI. LXXVI, Rg. 6 and PI. LXXVH, fig. 7-7b. Fistulipora? claitsa Ulrich, 1884. Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. 7, p. 47. PL 3, fig. 4, 4b. This species of which a full description was given in the refer- ence above cited, was there referred to Fistulipora with an (?) added. The weighty points in which it differs from Fistulipora then pointed to a generic separation which I was unwilling to make without first finding similar species. This has been done and the genus Meekopora established for their reception. M. i-lnu^a is related to M. eximia, the type of the genus, but differs too conspicuously in its habit of growth and other characters to admit of confusing them. Position and locality: Chester group. The types are from Sloan's Valley and Grayson Co., Ky., but I have seen speci- mens from Chester. Dl. MEEKOPORA? APERTA Ulrich. PL LXXVI, fig. 1, la. Zoarium consisting of small compressed branches, several cm. in height, about three to five mm. in width by one mm. in 486 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. greatest thickness; cross section of branches lenticular; margin acute, smooth or obscurely granular. Apertures subcircular or oval, with a beveled margin, slightly flaring, from 0.20 to 0.25 mm. in diameter, arranged in diagonal curved rows, about four in 2 mm. Interspaces slightly concave, rising around the aper- tures to form a kind of peristome, which is more elevated below than above, causing the apertures to appear slightly oblique and directed toward the distal portion of the zoarium. Lunar- ium indistinct. Axial membranes very thin and somewhat flex- uous. Zooecial tubes for a short distance prostrate, then curv- ing abruptly they proceed to the surface at nearly a right angle. Diaphragms appear to be wanting. Vesicles angular with an obscure longitudinal arrangement, those along the median lam- inae very large, diminishing in size and increasing in numbers with age. Near the surface they are replaced by or filled with calcareous tissue. The general appearance of this species is so much like that of species of Cystodictya that I was at first inclined to refer it to that genus. Upon a closer examination, however, I found that the principal zooecial characters of the CYSTODICTYONHLE were absent, and that in these features the species presented a marked resemblance to Meekopora. Some care is required in distin- guishing M. aperta from certain forms of Cystodictya pustulosa Ulrich, and it will not surprise me should future investigations prove these two species more closely related than is shown by the material now at hand. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Hare at King's Moun- tain, Ky. STROTOPORA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 383.) This genus is proposed to include a small group of Fistuli- poroid species having a peculiar feature in common, which in most cases is sufficiently obvious to render their separation from other genera of the family a comparatively easy task. The peculiarity referred to, in the ordinary state of preservation, presents itself in the shape of large abruptly spreading cells, having at the bottom an aperture of the average zofBcia size, BRYOZOA. 487 and a thin irregular elevated margin. When perfect they ap- pear as laterally perforated, prominent, round and smooth tubercles, about 0.5 mm. in diameter. That they represent ooecia will scarcely admit of doubt. The following three species are all that are positively known to have this character, but another form, of which my material is not good, most prob- ably also belongs to the genus. STROTOPORA PERMINUTA Ulrich. PI. XL VII, fig. 4-4b. Zoarium having the form of small, irregular, hollow branches, with a rugosely wrinkled epitheca on the inside; thickness of zoarium 0.5 mm. or a little more. Surface with subsolid, slightly elevated, conical monticules, about two mm. apart from center to center. Slopes of monticules occupied by zooecia facing outward from the center, so as to form radiating series. Aper- tures suboval, but generally a little irregular in shape, 0.10 to 0.12 mm. in diameter, and eleven or twelve in three mm. Lun- arium very prominent and overarching. Interspaces once and a half to twice the width of the apertures. Ooecia comparativelv small, about 0.4 mm. in diameter, with an eccentric opening at the bottom; when perfect with a dome shaped covering in which there is a lateral opening. They vary somewhat in number, on different fragments, being numerous on some and few on others. The minuteness of the zooecia, the delicate zoarium, and the dome-shaped oopcia, distinguish this species from all Fistuli- poroid Bryozoa known to me from Devonian rocks. This spe- cies is smaller in every respect than the Keokuk species next described. Position and locality: Middle Devonian. Falls of the Ohio. STROTOPORA FOVEOLATA Ulrich. PL LXXVII, Fig. 9-9a. Zoarium having the form of solid compressed branches; four or more cm. high, two or three cm. wide and four to eight mm. thick. Surface with low, broad, rounded, generally transversely elongated monticules. Inter-in onticular spaces less than the 488 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. width of the monticules. Apertures irregularly arranged, the interspaces being of variable width, those upon the monticules more separated than the others; varying also in size and shape, some being circular, others oval or sub-triangular. 0.29 to 0.30 mm. in diameter, and seven or eight in three mm. Lunarium or hood moderately developed, occupying one side of the aper- tures. Ocecia numerous, but without regularity of arrangement, sometimes a number occur in close proximity to each other; bowl-shaped, about three times as wide as the zooecia, with prominent margins, circular or irregularly indented by the en- croaching zooecia; in their perfect state, as shown by well pre- served specimens, over-arched by a dome-shaped covering, having a small round or crescentic opening upon one side. Center of branch, in the specimens at hand, crushed out of shape. Zooecia rectangular to surface in the latter part of their course; provided with fairly numerous, thick, flat, or sometimes re- curved diaphragms. Vesicles surrounding the zooecia in a single or double series, uniform in depth, angular, variable in size and shape, replaced near the surface by calcareous tissue, which is perforated by numerous, small, longitudinal, irregularly arranged tubuli, establishing communication between the surface and vesicles. Lunarium composed of lighter colored tissue, occupy- ing about one-third of the circumferance of the zocecium. In the form and general aspect of the zoarium this species resembles Fistulipora. compressa Rominger, a common species of the Keokuk limestone. Indifferently preserved examples might be confounded, but when in a good, or even in the ordinary state of preservation, the ocecia of the one serve excellently in discriminating between them. Position and locality; Keokuk group, Bentonsport, Iowa, and Warsaw, 111. STROTOPORA DERMATA Ulrich. » PL LXXVII, Fig. 8-8a. This species like S. foveolata, the type of the genus, consists of compressed branches, but they are much less robust in every respect, the thickness being seldom more than two mm. The branches too seem always to have been hollow, with an epithe- BRYOZOA. 489 cal lining on the inner side. The surface is more even, the cell apertures are smaller, more rounded, the lunarium not so well marked, the interspaces comparatively wider and slightly ele- vated, so that they appear to slope down into the zooecial apertures; of these about eight occur in three mm. The ooecia are rather smaller, and the zocecial openings in the bottom, eccentric in position. The ocecia, though also irregularly dis- tributed, are less so than in S. foveolata. An arrangement in transverse series is common. Interspaces minutely granular or pitted. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Keokuk, Iowa, and Warsaw. 111. The specimens from Warsaw are a little more robust than those from Keokuk. Not rare. BUSKOPORA Ulrich, 188(5. (Contr. Am. PaL voL 1, No. 1, p. 22.) (For generic diagnosis see page 383.) HrsKOPORA LUNATA Rominger. PI. XLVn, Fig. 7-7d. ii'itata Rominger. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1866. ta HalL Trans. Albany Institute, voL X. abstract, p. 10, 1881. L-ii-kopora dentata Ulrich, 1886. Contri. Am. Pal., vol. I. p. 22, PL n, fig. 5-5a. Lichenalia, lunata Hall. Rept. St. Geol. for 1885. Expl. to pi. 31, fig. 1-9, 1887. Lichenalia lunata Hall, Pal. N. Y.. vol. VI, p. 77, PL 31, flgs. 1-9, 1887. A fine example lately obtained enables me to add some infor- mation about this species. The example is evidently more mature, its greatest thickness being about 4 mm., and shows the fully developed characters at one point. Here the zooecia apertures are much smaller than usual and the interspaces pro- portionally wider. Upon close examination I find that this peculiar appearance is due to a large portion of the original aperature being covered by a thin membrane. The present ori- fice occupies the space between the lunarium and the opposite wall and is of oval or subcircular shape. The specimens being silicified and entirely free from the matrix, it shows, where fractured, the character of the interior. Fig. 7d represents a portion of a vertical fracture and shows several zooecial tubes —61 -490 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. with the internal ridge and lunarium. Also the vesicles of the interspaces. Diaphragms are few or absent in this example. Hall says septa (diaphragms) are "frequent." Position and locality: Middle Devonian, (Upper Helderberg?), Falls of the Ohio. BOTRYLLOPORA Nicholson, 1874. (Can. Jour., vol. XIV, No 2. (For generic diagnosis see page 384.) BOTRYLLOPORA SOCIALIS Nicholson. PI. XLin, Fig. 9-9b. Botryllopora socialis Nich.,1874. Geol. Mag. n. s.,vol. I, p. 160, PL IX, fig. 16. Botryllopora socialis Nich.,1874. Pal. Ont.. p. 96, fig. 32. Botryllopora socialis Hall, 1884. Kept. State Geol. for 1883, p. 61. Zoarium rarely solitary, generally consisting of a greater or less aggregation of approximate or confluent disc-like colonies, attached by their lower surface to foreign bodies; rugose corals and Brachiopods seeming to be the most favored. Sometimes specimens are found that are free, with a strongly wrinkled epitheca below. These again may consist of several successions of colonies growing one upon the other. Ordinarily, however, there is but one layer of about one mm. in thickness. Diameter of discs varying from two to four mm. Upper surface of disc convex with a central cup-shaped or flattened depression, from which radiate a number of depressed linear spaces, all of about the same width, commonly bifurcating about half way out. Between the depressed spaces are ridges that extend nearly to the margin of the disk; about half way between the center and the margin their number is usually doubled by the interpola- tion of shorter ridges. Total number of ridges varying from fifteen to twenty-five. Each ridge is occupied by two series of zocecia, having rather thick adjoining walls, there being no in- terspaces between them. Zooecia apertures circular or oval, less than 0.10 mm. in diameter, about eight in one mm., (the length of the long ridges) with horizontal or slightly concave diaphragms, about three tube diameters apart. Central and BRYOZOA. 491 radiating depressions occupied by angular sub-spherical or flat- tened vesicles; about two or three times the diameter of the zooecia. The space between the disks is taked up by much larger irregu- lar vesicles, being several times as wide as those at the center of the disks. These may represent ooecia. Specimens from different localities vary a great deal in the size of the disks and number of ra^-s. Possibly several species have been thrown together, but without more material than is now before me, it would be unwise to establish more species. In the specimen figured the disks are larger than in any other seen by me. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Eighteen Mile Creek, X. Y.; Arkona, Canada; Falls of the Ohio; Thunder Bay, Mich. Probably also at Andalusia, 111. CYSTODICTYA Ulrich, 1882. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V, p. 152.) (For generic diagnosis see page 385.) This is one of the most important of the Palaeozoic genera of Bryozoa, being abundantly represented by both species and individuals, in the upper divisions of the age. No species are as yet known from rocks of earlier date than Devonian, but in the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton deposits the genus makes its advent with a comparative!}' strong representation, no less than twenty species having already been described that are referable to the genus. Of these seventeen have lately been published by Prof. Hall as species of Stictopora. Most of them he illustrates, while the descriptions of the others are sufficiently full to enable me to determine their generic relations. The fol- lowing clearly belong to Cystodictya and not to Stictopora,* * I find a foot note on p. 10 of a number of plates and explanations which are pub- lished by Prof Hall in advance of his report as State Geologist for 1886. This note reads as follows: "In relation to the genus Cystodictya, I may remark that every species of Stictopora known to me possesses the characters on which the genus Cystodictya has been founded." In answer to this decretory note, I wish to say, that Prof. Hall has either entirely forgotten that his genus Stictopora was founded upon Lower Silurian species of very different structure from Cystodictya, or he has failed to appreciate the really essential characters of the typical species of his genus. He describes the genus with six species in the PaL of New York, Vol. 1, published in 1847. On page 16 we find Stictopora fpnestrata, page 17 .5'. glomerata, p. 50 5. labyrinthica, p. 51 S. ramosa, p. 74 the generic description and S.(?'> acnta, and on the page following S. elegantula. Now 492 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Stictopora crescens, invertis, linearis, ovatipora, perarcta, rigida, semistriata, and vermicula, from the Upper Helderberg group; and £ crenulata, incisurata, limata, ovata, i-ecta-linea, sinuosa, subrigida, trilineata, and tumulosa, from the Hamilton group. Regarding these Devonian species, I have to say at present only that in my opinion Prof. Hall has drawn the specific lines un- justifiably close, and that in some cases at any rate, he has proposed two names where one would have sufficed. Of other Devonian species, having the structure of fystodictya, S. gilberti Meek, S. meeki Nicholson, and S. sukata Winchell should be mentioned. In the Kinderhook and Burlington beds wo meet with a small undescribed species having pustulose aper- tures arranged longitudinally between low and broad ridges. In the Keokuk limestone C. lineata Ulr., is common, while C. pustulosa, C. americana, and C. nitida, three new species, are more rare. C. ocellata is from a bed in Kentucky, doubtfully referred to the Keokuk group. In the St. Louis limestone we find in great abundance a variety of C. lineata, which might be known as sancti-ludovici; also a wide form that I will pro- visionally designate as var. major. In the Chester group the genus is represented by one or two undescribed species, and in the Coal Measures we find C. carbonaria Meek. The Waverly deposits of Ohio also furnish several species. whichever of these five species S. (?) acuta being unavailable), we may select for the type of the genus, we never approach the ground occupied by Cystodictya. Stictopora as now employed by me is based upon S. fenestrata. This species is congeneric with the forms which I formerly proposed to call Rhinldictya, and is one of a number of dis- tinctively Lower Silurian Bryozoa, differing from Eurydictya of the present work almost solely in the form of the zoarium, which, insiead of broad indefinite expansions, forms slender, parallel- sided bifurcating stipes. The student will do well to compare figures on plate XXX with those of CYSTODICTYONID.S; on plates 76, 77 and 78. The 8. fenestrata seems to me to be the most available of the six species originally referred to the genus to stand as the type. S. glomerata, 8. ramosa and 8. labyrinthica are too indefinite to have furnished the generic characters, while S.(?) acuta, although the first to follow the generic description, cannot be utilized because Hall questioned his reference of the species to the genus. 8. elegantula is the only other species having any claim to the distinction. This species is one of a small but little understood group of species, related to Sticlotrypa of this work, that most probably should be regarded as generically distinct from the widely distributed group typified by /S. fenestruta and S. nicholsoni, Ulr. In case 8. elegantula is made the type of the genus, then Bhinidiotya will stand and Stictopora have only two or possibly three representatives. In no case, however, can Stictopora be made to include Cystodictya. BRYOZOA. 493 CYSTODICTYA HAMILTONENSIS Ulrich. PI. XLII, flg. 4. and PI. XLHI, flg. 1. Zoarium a bifurcating stipe, from 2.5 to 3 mm. in width be- tween the bifurcations, and 0.5 mm. in greatest thickness. Bi- furcations frequent, commonly at intervals of about 8 or 9 mm. After bifurcation the two divisions bend a little toward each other. Non-poriferous margin narrow. Cell apertures in parallel longitudinal rows between strong elevated ridges; eight or ten rows just before bifurcation, half going into each divi- sion, soon after bifurcation the number of rows reaches by in- terpolation the normal number seven or eight. Those in ad- joining rows alternate with each other, causing an arrangement in intersecting series extending diagonally across the branch. Apertures almost circular or oval, about 0.2 mm. in diameter and six in three mm. measuring lengthwise, those in the margi- nal rows a little larger than the central ones, with a slightly elevated peristome, a little stronger at the outer side, causing the apertures to appear a little oblique. Lunariurn strong only in old examples, usually quite inconspicuous. End spaces equal to about one and a half times the diameter of the cell apertures. Internal structure in accord with generic requirements. This seems to be a characteristic species of the western ex- posures of the Hamilton group, if not also of the eastern. It is closely allied to C. sukata (Stictopora sulcata Winchell) but differs in the disposition of its parts. Position and locality: Hamilton group. Buffalo, Iowa and Rock Island, 111. The same or a very similar form occurs at Eighteen Mile creek in N. Y., and near Milwaukee, Wis., on the lake shore. CYSTODICTYA NITIDA Ulrich. PL LXXVI, flg. 4— Ic. Zoarium a narrow stipe, about 1.5 to 2 mm. in width, branch- ing dichotomously at intervals of from 8 to 12 mm. Non-po- riferous margin very narrow. Apertures in linear series, between scarcely elevated ridges, five to eight of these series upon each 494 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. face of the zoarium. In the matured perfect state (fig. 4b) the apertures are circular, small, less than 0.1 mm. in diameter, raised above the ridges with prominent projecting peristome. Aper- tures also arranged in rather irregular diagonally intersecting series across the branch. Summits of the ridges with delicate flexuous lines, the whole of the remaing interspaces finely gran- ulose. In the less mature state (fig. 4c) the apertures are much larger and bounded on two sides by crescentic margins, the outer one (lunarial) promptly elevated, directed slightly toward the center of the stipe and curved to a shorter radius than the opposite. Measured lengthwise six aperturs occur in three mm. obliquely about three in one mm. This species is much smaller than the C. lineata Ulr. It is more closely related to C. americana Ulr., which see for com- parisons. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Bentonsport, Iowa. CYSTODICTYA AMERICANA Ulrich. PI. LXXVI, flg. 5, 5a. Zoarium a long narrow stipe, not observed to branch, about 1.5 mm. in width. Transverse section of branches sub-acutely elliptical, with the two sides more convex than usual. Each side with four or five linear series of apertures, arranged between prominent rounded ridges at the bottom of moderately deep sulci, 5 or 5% in three mm. Apertures much elevated, small, circular, and about 0.08 mm in diameter in the perfect mature stage; in the ordinary condition much larger, subelliptical, 0.18 mm. in length by 0.13 mm. in width, and with the margin most elevated on the outer side. The cells are also quite regu- larly arranged in diagonally intersecting series. End spaces from two to four times as long as the diameter of the cell apertures. This species I formerly considered identical with C. parallels Phillips (species) from the Carboniferous shales of Great Britain. Comparisons lately made have shown that the English species has both external and internal peculiarities not possessed by its American representative. It is closely related to C. nitida Ulr., but that species has the stipe frequently bifurcated, the zooecia a little more numerous, and their arrangement in dia- BRYOZOA. 495 gonal lines less regular. The longitudinal ridges are stronger, the rows of cells generally less, and the surface more convex in "weiicaua. Position and locality: Keokuk group; King's Mountain Tun- nel, Ky.. and Bentonsport, Iowa. CYSTODICTYA PUSTULOSA Ulrich. PI. LXXYI, fig. 2, 2a. This species differs from C. lineata ("Am. Pal. Bry." Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist. Vol. VII, p. 37, PI. II, fig. 4, 4c) mainly in the fact that the hues which form so conspicuous a feature on C. lineata are obsolete or almost wanting, and that the apertures occupy the summits of prominent papilke. imparting to the surface a strongly pustulose appearance, quite different from what we find in C. lineata. A tangential section dividing the zooecia just above their decumbent portion shows a very peculiar feature, which I am not yet able to explain. Namelv, the zocpcial cavity is here divided longitudinally by a line which commencing at the posterior side of the subcircular wall, ex- tends about three-fourths of the diameter to the opposite side. A similar but shorter line has also been observed in a section of C. lineata. These sections also show that the zooecial cavity is larger in C. pustulosa than in C. lineata. Position and locality: Keokuk group; King's Mt. Tunnel, Ky.; Keokuk, Iowa: Warsaw and Xauvoo. 111. CYSTODICTYA LIXEATA var. MAJOR Ulrich. PI. LXXYI, fis. 3. Comparison of sections of this form with those of typical specimens of C. lineata has not developed any appreciable dif- ference in internal structure. Externally this variety is more robust and has three or four more rows of cells than the typi- cal form. All the examples seen are badly preserved. Better material may show differences which are not now obvious. 496 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Po&ition and locality: The specimens are attached to the sur- face of a slab of rock labelled only "Keokuk limestone.'' This is probably an error as the character of the rock is decidedly like that of the St. Louis limestone at Alton, 111. COSCINIUM Keyserling, 1846. (Eeise in das Petschora Land, p. 191.) (For generic diagnosis see page 385.) So far as I am aware the minute characters of the type of this genus have never been made public, so that there is yet a possibility of error when we refer species here. The probabili- ties, however, are decidedly against C. cyclops Keys., being generically distinct from such species as C. cribriforme Prout, and C. latum, of the present work. These two species belong to a small group that is first met with in the Upper Helderberg, and extends up into the Coal Measures. The form of the zoarium is precisely like that of Chithropora Hall, and authors have usually regarded that genus as synonymous with Cosci- nium. This is an error if my understanding of C. cyclops is correct, since Hall's genus is closely related to Ptilodictya Lons- dale, while Coscinium, as defined by me, is an unquestionable member of the CYSTODICTYONID^E. In 1859, Prout identified a species from the Falls of the Ohio with the C. cyclops, and at the same time described a new species from the same locality as C. cribriforme. In my "American Palaeozoic Bryozoa," I also described and figured a species as C. cyclops. During the pro- gress of this work I have made it a duty to reconsider every previously determined point. In this case the result was more than usually gratifying, since I can now rectify several errors. I learn that the C. cyclops of Prout, is the Clathropora inter- texta Nich., (a true species of that genus) and not the same as Keyserling's species; that my C. cyclops and Hall's Clathropora carinata (later Coscinotrypa carinata) are the same as Coscinium cribriforme Prout. With regard to the true C. cyclops, I shall hold that it is not known in the rocks of this country. In rela- tion to the generic characters of this species I have only this to say, that every zooecial feature mentioned by Keyserling BRYOZOA. 497 (among which I find the lunarium) agrees well with what is found in C. latuw, PI. XLIII, fig. 8, shows the perfect zooecia apertures in C. ci-ibri forme. COSCENIUM LATUM Ulrich. PI. LXXYI, Fig. 7-7b. Zoariuni growing from, an expanded base, attached to foreign bodies, into a flabellate, reticulated frond, from 5 to 10 or more cm. in height and width; consisting of regularly inosculat- ing flattened branches, about one mm. thick and four or five mm. wide. Fenestrules broad oval, 3 or 4 mm. long and 2 to 3 wide, arranged in rather regular intersecting series. Margins of fenestrules and basal portion of zoarium noii-celluliferous and very finely granular. Zooecia apertures arranged in regular, curved, diagonally intersecting series, and in less regular trans- verse and longitudinal rows. When the specimens are worn the last arrangement is the most obvious; seven to nine rows be- tween the fenestrules. Apertures when well preserved, with unequally elevated peristome, commonly kidney shaped or sub- pyriform, more rarely, sub-circular, a little larger near the feuestrules than over the central portion of the inosculating branches, varying from 0.15 to 0.25 mm. in diameter on an example in the ordinary state of preservation, six or seven in three mm. measuring diagonally, more than their own diameter apart. Lunarium generally evident, always directed away from the nearest fenestrules. Interspaces solid at the surface, flexu- ously striated or finely granular; internally occupied by vesicu- lar tissue. This fine species is the only one known to me from the Lowrer Carboniferous rocks. It differs from the Devonian C. cribiforme Prout, it its wider branches and interspaces, the elevated zooecia apertures, and in their obvious diagonal arrangement. Position and locality: Burlington limestone: Calhoun Co., 111., Quiucy, 111., and Burlington, Iowa. —(32 498 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. DICHOTRYPA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 386.) Only one previously described species, the Fistulipora, flabel- luw, of Rominger, seems to have the characters ascribed to this genus, yet I do not doubt that when the Palaeozoic Bryozoa are more fully worked out, the genus will occupy a prominent place in our classification. Already I can determine seven well marked species, beside fragments of one or two other species from the Keokuk group. The seven described here belong, one to the Niagara, one to the Hamilton, and five to the St. Louis group. The great prominence of the genus in the last forma- tion is a rather peculiar circumstance, since remains of Bryozoa are comparatively rare in these beds. DICHOTRYPA GRANDIS Ulrich. PI. XLII, Fig. 1-le. Zoarium a large undulating frond, attaining a height of 13 cm. or more, a width of more than 7 cm., and at hickness of 4 or 5 mm. Surface smooth, but exhibiting, generally, small and inconspicuous solid maculae. Apertures arranged in bent diagonal series, about seven in three mm. measuring longitudi- nally or diagonally, with a total absence of ridges, the inter- spaces being flat. Orifices sub-oval, about 0.15 mm. in diame- ter, with slightly elevated peristome. Interspaces from one and a half to twice the diameter of the apertures. Zotecia at first thin-walled, prostrate, commonly of obovate form; with the vestibule tubular and traversing the space to the surface at a right angle with same. Interspaces filled with vesicles, which at first decrease in size outward, and, long before the surface is reached, become filled with solid tissue. Lunarium occupying from one-third to one-half the circumference of the zo PL LXXVIII, Fig. 10-10e. Coscinium elegans Prout, 1860. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. 1, p. 572. Coscinium elegans Prout, 1866. Geol. Sur. 111., Vol. 2, p. 413. PL XXII, Fig. 2-2a. In this species the growth and general construction of the zoarium is precisely as in G. keyserlingi, from the Keokuk group. The only differences so far observed are, (1) that the cups are more numerous, proportionally smaller, and the bi- foliate partitions narrower; (2) the dimples prevailingly nar- rower, and (3) the zooecia apertures are smaller, their diameter varying from 0.15 to 0.2 mm., with from 12 to 14 in 5 mm. The smaller size of the apertures is the most important as well as the most constant of the differences. Position and locality: Warsaw beds at Warsaw, 111. GLYPTOPORA MEGASTOMA III rich. PL LXXVIII, Fig. 5-5a. In its manner of growth and general appearance this species resembles G. keyserlingi Prout, but the following points of dif- ference are so obvious that there is little danger of confusion between them. The dimples or maculae are shorter and not de- BRYOZOA. 519 pressed, sometimes even occupying the summits of broad eleva- tions. The zon-cia apertures are direct and sub-circular in out- line, with the lunarial side usually somewhat straightened and pinched in the middle,the peristome thinner and sub-equally elevated, the apertures considerably larger, those of the average size being about 0.25 mm. in diameter, while some of those in the immediate vicinity of the maculae are frequently 0.4 mm. in width. Nine and one-half or ten of the ordinary zocecia aper- tures occur in 5 mm, At the junction of the leaves they are somewhat thickened and there is no narrow depressed non- poriferous strip at the line of junction. The interspaces and macula? appear rather coarsely granular or pitted at the surface. Internally they are occupied by larger and fewer vesicles. These differences seem amply sufficient to distinguish the two species. A nearer congener is probably found in G. pinnata of the Bur- lington limestone. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Occurs at Warsaw and Nauvoo in 111., and Keokuk and Bentoiisport in Iowa. GLYPTOPORA PUNCTIPORA Ulrich. PI. LXXVUI, Fig. 9-9a. In the manner of growth and general aspect this species is precisely like G. keyserlingi, and G. elegans, with the single ex- ception that the maculae or dimples are smaller, and very little impressed, usually appearing on a level with the general plane of the surface. They are consequently a much less conspicuous superficial feature than in those species. The zooecial apertures are small, compressed, somewhat kidney-shaped, the longer diameter about 0.2 mm.; arranged in regular curved diagonally intersecting series, 11 or 12 in five mm. The apertures occupy the summits of rounded confluent pustules, which are a little the largest in the vicinity of the maculae. The width of the interspaces usually equals about one and a half times the long diameter of the apertures. In sections the zooecia are thin- walled, the lunarium fairly distinct, the vesicles numerous and generally in two series between the zooecia. Several sections show very plainly the minute perforation in the vesicle covers. 520 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Fragments of this species might be confounded with a St. Louis limestone species of Dichotrypa, but the nearly complete example before me clearly proves the species to be a Glypto- pora. Position and locality: Chester group. Rare at some locality in Monroe Co., 111. EURYDICTYA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 389.) This genus includes a small group of Silurian Bryozoa that, though intimately related to Stictopora Hall (Rhinidictya Ulrich), it seems desirable to distinguish from that genus. The broad and undefined zoarial expansion pertaining to the sev- eral species gives to them a very different aspect from that presented by the parallel margined, dichotomously divided, narrow stipes, so strictly adhered to by the true species of Stictopora. The two genera stand precisely in the same relation to each other as Cystodictya and Dichotrypa. In addition to the three species here defined the genus will include Phsenopora multipora Hall, of which a full description is given in my "American Palaeozoic Bryozoa," (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. V, p. 171). At that time I stated the species was most probably not congeneric with typical Phsenopora Hall. That supposition has since been verified. EURYDICTYA CALHOUNENSIS Ulrich. PI. XXX, Fig. 4-4c. Zoarium an expanded frond; thickness two mm. Surface smooth with maculae which are irregular in size, elevation, and distribution. Zooecia arranged in longitudinal series; the super- ficial apertures have the appearance of being between raised longitudinal lines; generally oval, occasionally sub-circular, be- tween six and seven in two mm. measuring lengthwise. Inter- spaces between the ends of two successive apertures about equal to or less than the long diameter of the apertures. Minute tubuli, appearing on the surface as granules, are arranged in a flexuous line between adjacent series of cells and in one or two irregular rows in the end interspaces. Macute consist of a large BRYOZOA. 521 number of these minute tubuli. Superior hemiseptum very pro- nounced. This form in common with some others shows a secondary layer growing upon the primary layer of cells, but growing in reversed order, zocecium above zooecium, and macula? above maculae. This is best observed in longitudinal sections (fig. 4c). Externally this species resembles E. multipora Hall, but the cell apertures are more rounded, and the internal structure is very different. Internally it is considerably like E. montifera, but the pronounced monticules of that species are sufficient without other points of difference to distinguish the two. Position and locality: Trenton group; Port au Gres, Calhoun Co., 111. EURYDICTYA MONTIFERA Ulrich. PL XXX, Fig. 3-3d. , Zoarium an expanded frond, several cm. in height and breadth and 0.15 to 0.20 mm. in thickness. Surface provided with con- spicuous monticules having solid apices, and with no marked arrangement, two or three mm. apart. Primitive portion of zooecia very short, vestibular portion of tube almost at right angles with the surface. Vestibules 0.15 to 0.18 mm. in diame- ter, inter- vestibular space about the same as the diameter of the vestibules. Apertures oval, from 0.15 to 0.22 (nm. in'their long diameter, nine longitudinally and ten diagonally in three mm., arranged in longitudinal and diagonally intersecting series. Zooecia surrounded by a single row which sometimes becomes doubled at the angles, of minute tubuli, appearing on the surface as granules. The macula? are composed of a large num- ber of these minute tubuli having an indefinite radial arrange- ment. Occasionally there is a superposed layer growing in the reversed direction. Superior hemiseptum rather pronounced. In some respects this species is closely related to E. calhoun- ensis, but is readily distinguished from that form by the smaller, and differently arranged median tubuli and the montiferous surface. The zocecia of that species also have a dark band sur- rounding the visceral cavity; this band is wanting in E. monti- fera. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. —65 522 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. EUEYDICTYA STERLINGENSIS UMch. PI. XXX, Fig. 2-2a. Zoarium an irregular frond, sometimes appearing to branch. Surface smooth, destitute of maculae. Zooecia arranged in very regular longitudinal and diagonally intersecting series. Aper- tures round, about 0.12 mm. in diameter, six vertically and seven diagonally in two mm.; separated by very wide inter- spaces, about 0.20 mm. wide, which are filled with a great number of minute granules arranged in several series about each aperture. The form of growth of this species is like that of E. multipora Hall, but that species has the interspaces very narrow, and cells so arranged as to appear between elevated longitudinal ridges, while the minute tubuli form a longitudinal line between the adjoining vertical series of apertures and never occupy the end interspaces. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Sterling, 111. PACHYDICTYA Ulrich, 1882. (Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V, p, 152.) (For generic diagnosis see page 390.) This genus proves to be one of the most important divisions of the lower Palaeozoic Bryozoa. The three species that were known to me when the genus was proposed, have since been re- inforced by nineteen others, varying in time from the base of the Trenton to the Lower Helderberg. The form of the zoarium varies greatly in the different species, some being narrow rib- bon-like, a few wider and stronger, while others again form broad undulating expansions of considerable thickness. In all, however, the minute structure is remarkably constant. The ex- tremes in this respect so far noticed, are furnished by the five species here described. The structure of P. robusta Ulr., the type of the genus, is intermediate between that of P. everetti and P. firma, while that of P. gig-ant ea, is very much like that of P. acuta Hall, P. occidentalis Ulr., F. obesa Foerste, and sev- eral other species. P. splendens suggests Eurydictya, but not very strongly. BRYOZOA. 523 PACHYDICTYA EVERETT: Clrich. PL xxxm. flg. i-if . Zoariuin an undulated frond, several cm. in height and width, three mm. or a little more in thickness. Surface smooth, desti- tute of maculae. Cell apertures suboval to hexagonal in shape, forming diagonally intersecting as well as longitudinal rows, from 0.18 to 0.25 mm. in longitudinal diameter, about five in two mm. diagonally, and four longitudinally. Occasionally a cell aperture has preserved an opercular structure. Zooecial tubes rather thin-walled, largely in contact, with no straight or flexuous lamella separating them, provided with closely set diaphragms. The interstitial vesicles are angular, comparatively few, mainly occupying the angles between the zooecia and re- maining so far as observed, open to the surface. In deep tan- gential sections the walls are exceedingly thin and appear to contain a series of exceedingly minute tubuli. The minute tubuli between the median laminae of the frond are a more de- cided structure than in any other species of the genus yet ex- amined. This species preserves all the essential characters of the genus, yet the open interstitial spaces and the great abundance of dia- phragms are curious features. The smooth surface unmarked with maculae, and the regular and comparatively large sized sub-angular cells distinguish it from other species of the genus. Position and locality: Trenton group; Dixon, 111. PACHYDICTYA SPLENDENS Ulrich. PL XXXI, flg. 2g, and PL XXXH, flg. 1-lb. Zoarium consisting of undulated flabellate fronds, or of broad irregular dividing branches, 1 to 3 cm. wide, as much as 15 cm. high, and 4 mm. or less in thickness. Surface smooth with scarcely noticeable clusters of cell apertures separated by thicker interspaces and a little more prolonged than ordinarily. Cell apertures oblique, narrowing toward the upper end, with peri- 524 PAl^ONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. stome or lip upon the lower margin, arranged in longitudinal and diagonally intersecting lines, the longitudinal arrangement most prominent. Apertures six longitudinally, seven and a half diagonally in two mm., from 0.16 to 0.2 mm. in longitu- dinal diameter. Zocecial tube* at first prostrate, then bending outward proceed to the surface at an angle of 45°; provided with two or three diaphragms. Interzooecial spaces at first oc- cupied by a vesicular structure which is soon afterwards re- placed by solid calcareous tissue, pierced by minute tubuli; the latter are arranged very closely in a flexuous line, and at the surface appear as minute granules occuping the ridges between the longitudinal series of cells; also found in the end spaces. This species is intermediate in its characters between P. firm a and P. gigantea. From both it differs in the obliquity of the cell apertures, from the former in the absence of monticules or distinct maculae, in having longer and somewhat larger cells, and the median tubuli arranged in regular flexuous lines, from the latter in having much thinner walled zooecia, and somewhat different grow7th. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; very abundant at Wilmington, 111. PACHYDICTYA GIGANTEA Ulrich. PI. XXXI, fig. 3-3e. Zoarium a very large undulated frond, the type specimen which is not complete, being 10.5 cm. in height, 5 cm. in its greatest width, and about 3.0 mm. in thickness. Surface with maculae, arranged in more or less regular series, sometimes broad and low, usually level with the general surface, occasion- ally a little depressed, about three mm. apart. Apertures arranged with great regularity in longitudinal and diagonal series, approximately oval, surrounded by a slightly elevated peristome, from 0.15 to 0.25 mm. in their longest diameter, those immediately surrounding the maculae being the largest with about eight in three mm. longitudinally. Zooecial tubes but little prostrate at their origin, curving outwards in their course to the surface, where they open with nearly direct aper- BRYOZOA. 525 tures; walls thick, ring-like; two or three diaphragms developed. Interzooecial space at first occupied by vesicular tissue, which afterwards becomes obsolete. In tangential sections the minute tubuli are quite inconspicuous (only in longitudinal series), and the maculae have a solid appearance. The large subfrondescent growth, and thick ring-like walls, distinguish it with other characters from P. splendens and P. firma. Position and locality: Cincinnati group; Wilmington, 111. PACHYDICTYA FERMA Ulrich. PL XXXI, fig. 2-2f. Zoarium consisting of usually twisted, compressed branches, 5 to 10 cm. in height, 10 to 15 mm. in width and 5 to 8 mm. in thickness. Transverse section lenticular. Surface gen- erally marked with small, conical monticules, with solid apices, arranged in quite regular diagonal intersecting series. Zooecial tubes gradually curving outwards until they are nearly direct at the surface, provided with an occasional diaphragm. Zocecia surrounded by one or two series of minute tubuli which appear as granules upon the surface when well preserved. Apertures with but little regularity of arrangement, sometimes subcircu- lar, usually oval, from 0.15 to 0.20 mm. in diameter, about six in two mm. measuring lengthwise. Maculae subsolid with a variable number of minute tubuli aggregated in them. Inter- zooecial space provided in the deeper portions -with vesicular structure. This is afterwards replaced with solid calcareous tissue. The comparatively thick branches, small pimple-like monti- cules, large number of granules, and lack of orderly arrange- ment of the apertures, (though sections show the zooecia to be arranged in longitudinal series), are the most marked charac- ters of this species. In the width of the branches it resembles P. robust a, but ample differences in cell arrangement distinguish them. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. 526 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. PACHYDICTYA FENESTELLIFORMIS Nicholson. PI. XXXI, fig. 1. Ptilodictya fenestelliformis Nieh., 1875. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 4 ser. Vol. 5, p. 181. PI. XIV, fig. 5-5b. Ptilodictya fenestelVformis Nich., 1875. Pal. Ohio, Vol. II, p. 263, PL XXV, figs. 8, 8b. Ptilodictya fenestelliformis Nich., 1875. Kept. Pal. Ontario, p. 14. Phcenopora fenestelliformis Ulrich, 1882. Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. V,P1. VIII, fig. 8. This species is exceedingly abundant at Wilmington, 111. Its ramose habit of growth and comparatively small branches dis- tinguishes it from the four species of the genus with which it is associated, one of them still undescribed. The figure represents a small but nearly complete example of a variety which I propose to call corticula, from the fact that the zooecia apertures of the lower half or more of the zoarium are covered by a more or less thick, and finely granulose or striate, solid deposit. The zoarium of the variety is larger and the branches wider and much stronger than in the typical form. In both the surface exhibits sometimes conspicuous, at the other times faintly defined smooth spots. The zooecia apertures are small, widely separated, surrounded by a peristome, ranged in longitudinal rows, with twelve or thirteen in 5 mm. The inter- nal structure is similar to that of P. gigantea. P. fenestelliformis and its var. corticula, belong to a group of closely related species, comprising, besides, P. acuta Hall and P. occidentalis Ulr., from the Trenton, and P. biturcata VanCleve (Hall) and P. turgida Foerste, from the Clinton. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. EUSPILOPORA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 389.) EUSPILOPORA SERRATA Ulrich. PI. XLIII, fig. 4-4h. Zoarium a narrow stipe, branching dichotomously as a, rule, with serrate margins, width about two mm., thickness 0.8 mm. BRYOZOA. 527 attached to foreign bodies by a slightly expanded base. Cell apertures arranged in four or five longitudinal series, occupying the center of the branch, sending off alternate lateral series, com- posed of three or four irregular rows extending to the margins. Between these lateral series are concave granulo-striate non-cel- luliferous spaces. The elevated ridges between the longitu- dinal series bear a considerable number of blunt spines. Cell apertures about seven in two mm. measuring down the rows; oval, about 0.10 mm. in longer diameter; width of end spaces about one and a half times the diameter of the apertures. Zo- oecial tubes prostrate for a short distance, then abruptly bent outward. Between the zooecia are vesicles or mesopores, which do not show at the surface and are provided with very thick diaphragms. The interspaces between the zocecia and the non- cellnliferous portions are occupied by exceedingly numerous minute tubuli. The peculiar arrangement of the zooecia distinguishes this spe- cies from all Stictoporoid Bryoza known to me from the Ham- ilton group, with the exception of Stictopora palmipes Hall. That species, if I have correctly identified it, is closely allied to the one above defined, and clearly congeneric with it. It differs in being wider and scarcely branched, nor have I found it at Buffalo, Iowa, where E. serrata is fairly abundant. These species I regard as quite distinct from Stictopora, the minute structure and the arrangement of the zooecia being very different from what we find in typical species of that genus. The following species does not belong in this association, but is provisionally placed here till we can find a more fitting re- ceptacle for it. EUSPILOPORA ? BAKRISI UMcll. PI. XLIII, Fig. 5-5d. Zoarium dichotomously branched, stipe with non-celluliferous margins, from two to four mm. wide, and one to four mm. in thickness. Transverse section strongly double convex. Aper- tures sub-polygonal or sub-circular, slightly oblique, 0.2 mm. or a little less in diameter, between eight and nine in three mm., 528 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. rather irregularly arranged. Interspaces considerably less than the diameter of the apertures in the central portion, but greater towards the margins of the stipe. Zocecial tubes long, oblique from their origin to the surface. Interzooecial space appearing granular; under a higher power resolved into a very large num- ber of exceedingly minute tubuli. Mesial lamina wavy in trans- verse section, and scarcely distinguishable. This species is only provisionally placed with Euspilopora. It presents some points of resemblance to the Silurian genus Phyl- lodictya, but differs too strongly in other respects to admit of its being referred there. It probably belongs to an undescribed genus, but being unwilling to found a new genus upon unsuffi- cient material, I prefer to arrange the species as above till more of the numerous Hamilton species have ben thoroughly investi- gated. I am indebted for the fine specimen figured to the Kev. W. H. Barris, of Davenport, Iowa, in whose honor the specific name is given. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Buffalo, Iowa. T^ENIODICTYA UMch. (For generic diagnosis see page 393.) TJENIODICTYA RAMULOSA Ulrich. LXVII, Fig. 1-lb. Zoarium a flexuous, dichotomously branching stipe, of con- siderable height, 2 or 3 mm. in width and less than 1 mm. in thickness, increasing in width before bifurcating, with essentially parallel margins; attached by a small expanded base. Bifurca- tions numerous, taking place at intervals of from 5 to 10mm. Cell apertures arranged in longitudinal and curved diagonal series, the longitudinal arrangement more pronounced in the center and the curved arrangement towards the margins; about six in 2 mm. longitudinally; the oval apertures occupy the bottoms of sloping areas; the latter are more or less confluent, sometimes BRYOZOA. 529 hexagonal in outline, smallest in the central rows, gradual^ in- creasing in size toward the rather wide, punctate or finely striate margin. Position and locality; Keokuk group: Keokuk, Iowa: Xauvoo, Warsaw and other localities in Illinois. A common and charac- teristic species. var. BURLINGTONENSIS Ulrich. PL LXVH. Fig. 2-2b. The two specimens figured are from the Burlington limestone at Burlington, Iowa, and agree very closely with the T. ramu- losa, but are somewhat more robust. The cell apertures appear to have been a little more circular and the sloping areas sur- rounding them are never confluent so far as observed. The material is not in condition to furnish good thin sections, so that the internal characters could not be compared. One speci- men is an anastomosing form and may not belong here. T.ENIODICTYA FRONDOSA Ulrich. PL LXVH, Fig. 5. and PL LXIX, Fig. 5-oc. Zoarium an expanded frond, a cm. or more in height and width, and one-half mm. or more in thickness. Surface nearly even, marked with clusters, something more than their own diameter (1.5 mm.) apart composed of larger sized cells. At the center of the clusters is often found a greater or less aggregation of small openings (mesopores?). Cell apertures in more or less reg- ular, diagonally intersecting series, sub-circular, with moder- ately thick interspaces, seven or eight of the average size in 2 mm., those in the clusters from one-third to one-half larger than the others. Inter-apertural spaces ridge-like, witli the central portion sub-angular, and when in a good state of pres- ervation bearing minute granules. Zooecia prostrate, the ves- tibule almost direct to the surface. In a tangential section the space along the middle of the zooecial partitions exhibits a large -66 530 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. number of irregularly arranged minute dark spots, which only in rare and very limited instances arrange themselves in trans- verse lines. The mode of growth and cell arrangement as well as the ir- regular disposition of the intra-zooecial dots distinguish T. frondosa from the other species of the genus. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Keokuk, Iowa. T^ENIODICTYA CINGULATA UMch. PL LXVII, Fig. 3-3b. The only specimen examined of this species is a very large, more or less dichotomously branched stipe, three to five mm. wide. The specimen is split through the center, showing one side of the median lamina. Celluliferous face imbedded in the matrix and not seen. The arrangement of the zocecia as shown by thin sections, though similar to that of T. ramulosa, differs in having the diagonal lines straighter and more pronounced; diagonally about eight in two mm., longitudinally six in the same space. The zooecia are elongate-hexagonal, the outlines being formed by a transversely lined interspace. In T. ramulosa, this lined interspace does not surround the zooecia, but continues as a flexuous band between the longitudi- nal series of cells. The present species is further distinguished by its wider branches. Position and locality: Keokuk group; Warsaw, 111. T^NIODICTYA SUB RECTA Ulrich. PI. LXVII, Fig. l-4d. Zoarium an erect stipe, branching dichotomously; angles be- tween branches about thirty degrees; width of branches between 2 and 3 mm., slightly less immediately after each bifurcation. Cell apertures oval, in from twelve to sixteen longitudinal series, appearing as though ranged between raised ridges, nine at the margins and eleven at the center of the branch in three mm. longitudinally; interspaces thin. BRYOZOA. 531 The erect form of growth and acute angle of bifurcation, thinner walls and narrower non-celluliferous margins distin- guishes this species from T. ramulosa. Position and locality: St. Louis group; Elizabethtown, Ky. PTILOTRYPA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 398.) PTILOTRYPA OBLIQVATA Ulrich. PL XXX, Fig. l-le. Zoarium consisting of frondescent branches varying consider- ably in height, width and thickness: the extremes of thickness noticed are 1 and 6 mm, The material at hand, though abund- ant, is not sufficient to determine the nature of the basal at- tachment. My judgment, however, would say that the basal portion was in Tteniodictya and not jointed as in Ptilo- dictya. Surface smooth. Zooecial tubes almost straight in their course from the median laminae to the surface with which they form an angle of between 25° and 40°. Apertures lanceo- late, rounded and with an elevated margin posteriorly, acute and drawn out trough-like at the upper end. At irregular inter- vals the surface presents spots where the apertures are more than usually drawn out; they have a striated appearance and simulate maculae. In the spaces between these spots the aper- tures are ranged in vertical series, separated in this direction by an interspace equal or greater than their longitudinal diame- ter which is about 0.25 or 0.30 mm.; in the diagonal series they approximate quite closely .the slight peristomes being sepa- rated by only a narrow channel; measuring diagonally there are about seven in two mm. At the upper end of each zooecium, or in the interspace above it, is found an accessory pore. An occasional complete diaphragm crossing at right angles is found in most of the zooecial tubes. The walls of the tubes have a very curious structure as shown in longitudinal and transverse sections (fig. Id and 1 e.). 532 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. This is the only species of the genus thus far described. The obliquity of the tubes at once distinguishes it from any Ptilo- dictyoid know to me. The associated P achy diet y a, splendens alone sometimes approaches it in that respect. Position and locality: Cincinnati group, Wilmington, 111. ^NTRAPORA Hall, 1881. Trans. Albany Instit. vol. X, p. 157. (For generic diagnosis see page 394.) INTRAPORA COSCINIFORMIS Nicholson. PL XLIII, llg. G, 6a. Ptilodictyacoscini/ormis'Nich. 1875. Geol. Mag. n. s. vol. II, p. 35, PL II, fig. 2-27>. Ptilodictyacosciniformis'NiQh. 1875. Kept. Pal. Ont. p. 80, PL II, flg. 2a, 2&. Although differing considerably in its mode of growth from /. puteolata Hall, the type of the genus, thin sections as figured prove them to be congeneric. The zoarium resembles that of Coscinium Keyserling. * Position and locality: Hamilton group; Arkona, Canada. It should be searched for in the Illinois and Iowa exposures of the formation. STiCTOPORELLAUlrich, 1882. (Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. V, p. 152.) (For generic diagnosis see page 394.) STICTOPORELLA BASALTS Ulrich. PL LXXV, flg. 5-5&. Zoarium attached to foreign bodies by a large spreading, thin, basal expansion, from which arise irregular inosculating *Since writing the above, Vol. 6, Pal. N. Y., has appeared. In this work Prof. Hall proposes a new genus, Coscinella, for a cribrose form which, if indeed It is not the same species, is at any rate congeneric with Nicholson's P. cosciniformis. I question very much whether Coscinella can stand as distinct from Intrapora. On the other hand, the relationship to Coscinium is remote. BKYOZOA. 533 bifoliate fronds, varying in width and height; thickness rarely exceeding 2 mm., generally much less. Surface smooth, with cell apertures sub-circular, varying but little in size, averaging 0.13 mm. in diameter, seven or eight in 2 mm., regularly arranged in the spaces between the maculae, which usually are much the largest over the basal expansion. Immediately surrounding the zooecia apertures there is a narrow, slightly elevated sloping space, which on the other side slopes again into the sub-angu- lar mouths of a single or double series of small mesopores. The latter are aggregated at intervals of about 3 mm. into clusters varying much in size. Median lamina very flexuous, with difficulty distinguished from the long prostrate basal por- tion of the zooecial tubes. These overlap each other for a con- siderable distance before they make an abrupt bend and proceed direct to the surface. Walls moderately thick in the vestibular, thin in the primitive region. Superior hemiseptum obsolete, in- ferior, sometimes quite pronounced. Diaphragms entirely want- ing, even in the mesopores. Position and locality: Keokuk group; Warsaw beds, War- saw, 111. . STICTOPORELLA? UNDULATA Ulrich. PI. LXIX, fig. 6-66. The specimens upon which this species is founded are two small, imperfect, undulating fronds, less than 2 cm. in height and width, and about 0.5 mm. in thickness. Surface nearly smooth, exhibiting a few inconspicuous elevations, the centers of which are occupied by zooecia separated by slightly wider in- terspaces than usual. Zooecia arranged in regular series vary- ing in direction. Apertures almost circular, sub-equal, about 0.15 mm. in diameter, eight in 2 mm., with small mesopores placed at the angles of junction. Interspaces rather thin. The smaller and more delicate frond, and much less numerous mesopores, distinguish this form from S. basalis of the Keokuk group. Position and locality: Chester group, Litchfield, Ky. 534 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. FENESTELLA Lonsdale, 1839. (Murchison's Silurian System, p. 677.) (For generic diagnosis see page 395.) Very much indeed might be written upon this remarkably prolific group of Bryozoa, but, as space is limited, I must re- frain. A few remarks however seem to be called for. In looking over the one hundred or more described species of Fenestella,*, we see that the original infundibuliform zoarium, which prevailed exclusively among the species of the Cincinnati and Clinton groups, gradually gave way in the Niagara and Lower Helderberg deposits until in. the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton groups it is far less common than the flabellate zoar- ium, while in the Lower Carboniferous groups and Coal Meas- ures the original form of growth is almost unknown. The number of the flabellate species is also so much greater that it is evident that the genus had not attained its most typical de- velopment before the beginning of the Upper Helderberg. The earliest infundibular species are really the ancestors of the whole family, and in the Niagara and Lower Helderberg groups sev- eral species show departures from the original simple forms along lines of variations which did not attain full development until well into Devonian times. Thus in F. acmea Hall, F. thyene Hall, and other species we see the progenitors of Semi- coscinium. Unitrypa was developed from such forms as F. qua- drula Hall, and F. precursor Hall, while two- and three-ranged Polyporse began early. No intermediate forms are as yet known showing the descent of Isotrypa, of which the Niagara F.? amhigua Hall, is already a fully developed species. These facts are thrown out rather in the light of suggestions to students who are desirous of working out the life history of the family. My own investigations in this line have scarcely begun, yet the results have already proved most gratifying and sometimes surprising. * Many more have been described as Fenestella that belong to Polypora, Semico- scinium, Unitrypa and other genera of the family. BRYOZOA. 535 FENESTELLA VERA Ulrich. PI. XIJV. flgs. 1, la, and PI. IJV, fig. 3. Zoarium a somewhat undulating flabellate expansion; largest fragment seen over 6 cms. in length. Obverse with branches rather straight, slender, ridge-shaped, bifurcating at distant in- tervals, about 0.35 mm. in width, and twenty-four in 1 cm. Dissepiments short, sub-carinate, varying in width from about two-thirds to almost the width of the branches. Fenestrules elliptical or sub-quadrangular, about 0.5 by 0,2 mm.; fourteen in 1 cm. Carina prominent, not sharp, bearing small nodes about twice their diameter apart, and six or seven in 2 mm. Xorecia in two ranges. Apertures small, circular, opening ob- liquely into the fenestrules, generally four to each fenestrule, and twenty-three in 5 mm. On the reverse the branches are usually zigzag, on the same level and scarcely stronger than the dissepiments, the fenestrules have a somewhat hexagonal shape, less marked in the older portion of the zoarium, and form quite regular diagonal series. Surface of both branches and dissepiments very minutely granulose. This species was at first supposed to be identical with Front's F. nodosn, but upon a careful comparison with his description, I find that the measurements do not agree. The flexuous char- acter of the branches on the reverse is perhaps the principal peculiarity, and serves to distinguish the species from several Devonian forms that approach it in other respects. Position and locality: Hamilton group. Abundant at Buf- falo, Iowa. FENESTELLA FILISTRIATA Ulrich. PL XLIX, fig. 2, 2a. Zoarium a flabellate expansion, with the margins curved so as to give to the whole a semi-funnel shape. Base slender, solid, with root-like processes. Branches lax, rather slender, subcarinate. 0.35 to 0.5 mm. wide, and about four in 3 mm. Dissepiments slender, striated, varying in length. Fenestrules subquadrangular, much longer than wide, about six in the 536 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. space of 1 cm. Carina rarely prominent, it and the sides of the branches covered with fine longitudinal striae. Zooecia in two ranges. Apertures circular, elevated, almost twice their diameter apart, six or seven to a fenestrule, thirteen or four- teen in 5 mm. On the reverse the branches are striated longi- tudinally as on the obverse. This species is much more delicate than the F. regalis of the Keokuk group. F. funicula, has a stronger keel, and no striae upon the obverse. Position and locality: Burlington limestone, Burlington, Iowa, and Montezuma, Pike Co., 111. FENESTELLA BURLINGTONENSIS Ulrich. PI. SLIX, fig. I, la. Zoarium a foliate expansion, with strong root-like processes extending from the sides near the base. Branches rather strong, a little irregular, from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. wide. Dissepiments short, rounded or subangular, depressed, from one-half to two-thirds the width of the branches. Fenestrules irregular in shape and size, varying from subquadrangular to narrow elliptical, aver- aging 0.7 by 0.4 mm., with eight to ten in 1 cm. Carina strong, moderately elevated and bearing a row of obscure nodes. Zooecia in two ranges. Apertures circular, small, widely separated, about seventeen in 1 cm., and from three to five to each fenestrule. On the reverse the dissepiments are more slen- der and fenestrules more rectangular than on the obverse. On the branches are a few obscure nodes. The Burlington Bryozoa are rarely good, and the examples of this Fenestella, which I have seen are no exception to the rule. They show perhaps too great a variation to have all belonged to one species, yet as the state of preservation did not admit of nice discriminations, I thought it best to unite provisionally the forms comprised in the above description under one name. The example of which fig. la, represents a small portion has smaller and more crowded branches than usual. The species is related to F. rudis of the Keokuk group, but has smaller cell apertures and somewhat larger fenestrules. Position and locality: Burlington limestone. Burlington, la. BRYOZOA. 537 FEXESTELLA RTTDIS Ulrich. PI. XLIX, flg. 3-3d. Zoarium flabellate. usually forming but little undulated sub- circular expansions, attaining a diameter of 7 cms. or more. Numerous root-like strong and smooth processes strengthen the small base from which the branches diverge. These are strong, moderately rigid, and bifurcate at intervals varying from 5 to 15 mm. On the obverse the branches are angular, the keel strong but not very prominent, and carries large elongated nodes about two to each fenestrule. The elevations of the nodes varies in different examples being very prominent in some and scarcely perceptible in others. Age and state of preservation largely account for the variation. The average width of the branches also varies from 0.28 to 0.33 mm. In all the average strength is somewhat greater near the base than at the outer margins: their number in a given space is, however, fairly con- stant, there being usually sixteen or seventeen in 1 cm. Fenes- t rules elongate elliptical, twice as long as wide, with ten and one-half in 1 cm. Dissepiments depressed, comparatively weak, rarely half as wide as the branches. Zooecia in two alternating ranges, eighteen in 5 mm., three to each fenestrule, with rather large circular apertures, and slight peristome, separated by in- terspaces of nearly the same width as their diameter, which is about 0.12 mm. When well preserved the interspaces and dis- sepiments are faintly striated. Certain shallow cavities on the sides of the keel (see fig. 3b,) may represent ooecia. On the reverse the branches are strongly rounded, often irregu- larly tuberculose, at other times only thickened at their junc- tion with the dissepiments. Between the nodes the surface is smooth or faintly striated. This is one of the most persistent and characteristic species of the Keokuk group, and is easily distinguished from its asso- ciates by the robust and rather coarse aspect of its fronds. F. burlingtonensis is nearly allied, but has larger fenestrules. The common European F. plebeia McCoy is also closely related but differs in a like manner. -67 538 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Keokuk limestone, Keokuk and Ben- tonsport, Iowa, Warsaw, Nauvoo, and other localities in Illi- nois. Also in the Warsaw beds, at Warsaw. FENESTELLA LIMITARIS Ulrich. PL XLIX, flg. 4, 4a. Zoarium a convoluted foliar expansion, several cms. in width, consisting of rather strong, rounded, subequal, and flexuous rather than rigid branches; sixteen or seventeen in 1 cm. On the obverse side the branches vary in width from 0.25 mm. just above, to 0.5 just below a bifurcation, but the normal width is fairly constant at 0.35 to 0.4 mm. Median keel obsolete, or represented by a faint, somewhat flexuous, thread-like line, scarcely rising above the cell-aperture margins. Zocecia in two alternating rows, seven to two fenestrules, fifteen in 5 mm., with rather large and more than usually direct, circular aper- tures, surrounded by a prominent peristome. Dissepiments de- pressed, narrowly rounded, thin, rarely half as thick as the branches. Fenestrules narrow, elongate sub-elliptical, indented by the projecting cell mouths, with an average of ten in 1 cm. On the reverse they appear wider and more regular, and may be said to be generally oblong quadrate in outline, with the length equal to about twice the width. Here also the branches are rather narrowly rounded, and more or less distinctly striated. The very little developed median keel distinguishes this spe- cies from F. rudis, its nearest congener. At the same time it reminds us of species of Polypoid like P. biseriata, but as the branches never carry more than two rows of cells it is evidently still within the limits of Fenestella. Position and localit}^ Keokuk group. Rare at Bentonsport and Keokuk, Iowa. FENESTELLA REGALIS Ulrich. PI. L, figs. 1, la, and PL LIV. flg. 5. Zoarium flabellate, usually forming a flat, sub-circular expan- sion, 4 or 5 cms. in diameter. Branches very strong, rather flexuous, bifurcating in the lower and middle portions of the BRYOZOA. 539 expansion at intervals of 4 to 8 mm.; number of branches in 1 cm., nine or ten; average width of same, about 0.7 mm., just before bifurcating it is 0.8 or 0.9 mm. and just above the division 0.5 or 0.6 mm. Dissepiments slender, less than half as wide as the branches, rounded or sub-carinate, Fenestrules large, of variable form, usually subangular and two or three times longer than wide; about four or five in 1 cm. Carina strong, rounded, bearing a row of small nodes about 0.8 mm. apart. Zocecia in two alternating ranges, from seven to eleven in the length of a fenestrule, and fourteen in 5 mm. Apertures circular, about 0.16 mm. in diameter. In well preserved ex- amples with a prominent peristome. In such the interspaces and carina are finely striate. On the reverse the branches are strongly convex and striated longitudinally. In tangential sec- tions the solid substance on the sides of the branches is seen to be traversed transversely by very fine and crowded tubuli. The very large size of the branches and fenestrules distinguish the species from all known to me. Indeed its branches with their two ranges of zocecia are fully as large as those of Fenes- tralia sancti-ludovici Prout, in which there are four rows. Position and locality: Keokuk group. King's Mt. Tunnel, Kentucky (On Gin. South. R. R.). FEXESTELrLA COMPRESSA UMch. PL L. Fig. 2a. Zoarium a flat foliar expansion, the largest fragment seen being over 6 cm. long. It spreads unusually slow because of the long intervals between the bifurcations. The branches, of which there are fourteen or fifteen in 1 cm., are rigid (especially on the obverse), and compressed laterally, so that the zooecial apertures look side wise rather than upward. The width of the branches is nearly uniform, varying but little from 0.35 mm. On the obverse they are strongly keeled. The carina carries a series of small nodes which are nearly or quite as numerous as the zocecia on either side. Zocecia sixteen in 5 mm. four to each fenestrule, with small apertures and faint peristome. Dissepi- ments slender, sub-carinate, half as wide as the branches. Fenes- trules sub-quadrate, appearing rectangular in specimens partially 540 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. obscured by the shale; generally twice as long as wide, 8.5 in 1 cm. On the reverse the branches are rounded and distinctly striated longitudinally. The compressed branches, large fenestrules, small and widely separated cell-apertures, and numerous nodes on the keel, are the distinctive features of this species. Its frond has a more delicate look than any of the associated forms. Position and locality: Keokuk group. King's Mountain Tun- nel, Ky. I have collected several fragments of this or a very closely allied species from the Chester group at Sloan's Valley, Ky. ' FENESTELLA COMPRESSA var. NODODORSALIS Ulrich. PI. L, flg. 2. This name is proposed, provisionally, for a form of which I have seen only one example. This is over 8 cm. in length by 4 cm. in its greatest width. It adheres tightly to a slab of lime- stone from King's Mountain, with the reverse, which is finely preserved, exposed. As it agrees fairly well in the strength of its branches, form and size of its fenestrules, with F. compressa, I at first supposed that it represented the reverse of that species. Having occasion to prepare some thin sections of the type speci- mens of F. compressa, I was surprised at seeing no indications of a tuberculated reverse. This discovery led to an examina- tion of all the specimens I had referred to the species. The result was that the reverse of all the specimens, excepting the one in question, was found to be simply rounded and even. A careful comparison shows that beside the strong and irregular nodes, there are also slight differences in the measurements. Thus, while F. compressa has fourteen or fifteen branches and 8.5 fenestrules in 1 cm., this specimen has twelve or thirteen branches, and 7.5 to 8 fenestrules to that space. Under these circumstances it seenls best to refer to it as above. FENESTELLA MTJLTISPINOSA Ulrich. PL L, Figs. 3-3e. Zoarium a strongly undulating flabellate expansion. The largest example seen (it is nearly perfect) measures in different BRYOZOA. 541 directions from the base from 5 to 7 cm. Strong root-like appendages spring from the free margins and from both fa of the basal portion. Branches rigid, except near the base, where frequent bifurcations make them appear flexuous. They are also slender, from 0.3 to 0.4 mm. wide, with twenty to twenty-one in 1 cm., but being well knit together the whole frond appears comparatively strong. On the obverse the keel is pronounced but never sharp, and bears, on an average, three small nodes to the fenestrule. Zooecia in two ranges. Apertures small, sub-oval or slit-like, seemingly situated in a groove at the base of the keel, with the outer margin prominent, some- times appearing almost spine-like; twenty-one in 5 mm., two or three in each fenestrule. Certain saucer shaped depressions which occasionally take the place of one of the zooecia, may be of the nature of ooecia. Dissepiments half or less than half as wide as the branches, scarcely depressed, carinate. Fenestrules (beyond the basal parts) regular, elliptical or sub-quadrate, fourteen or fifteen in 1 cm. On the reverse near the outer mar- gin, the branches are straight, and covered with granose longi- tudinal striae; the dissepiments half as strong, and the fenes- trules sub-quadrate, with the length nearly twice the width. Toward the base the branches and dissepiments, the latter par- ticularly, are much thickened, so that the fenestrules gradually become round -oval. The granules are also larger and no longer arranged in longitudinal lines. This fine species may be compared with F. compressa and F. serratula. The former differs in having much larger fenes- trules and in wanting granules on the reverse. The latter in being more delicate and smaller in every feature. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Bentonsport and Keokuk, Iowa, and King's Mountain, Ky. FENESTELLA TRISERIALIS Ulrich. PI. L, figs. 4. 4a. Zoarium a foliaceous expansion. Branches rigid, of moderate strength, 0.4 to 0.45 mm. wide, seventeen or eighteen in 1 cm.; rather flat on the poriferous side, which alone has been seen. 542 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Dissepiments short, depressed, slender, less than half the width of the branches. Fenestrules 12.5 in 1 cm., each about 0.6 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide; with the sides indented. Carina very small, with a row of closely set small nodes, and on each side a continuous or interrupted fine line. Zooecia in two ranges. Apertures circular, with well .developed peristome, comparatively large, closely arranged, their diameter or less apart, nineteen or twenty in 5 mm., and regularly three to each fenestrule. A very perfect fragment, obtained since the plates were litho- graphed, shows a peculiar feature not noticed at that time. At the same time it explains the small spots which are shown in sections between the cells. In this specimen a long tubular spine extends from the interspace between the apertures ob- liquely outward and upward. Being very delicate, these spines would readily give way to attrition, but, since I know of its existence, I can detect its base in the other specimens. Perfect examples of this interesting species could not be con- founded with any other known. In its ordinary state of pre- servation it resembles F. multispmosa, but differs in having longer fenestrules, larger branches and zooecia apertures, and less angular obverse side to the branches. The last character and the large cell apertures distinguish it from F. compressa,. That species also has larger fenestrules. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Rare at King's Moun- tain, Ky. FENESTELLA FUNICULA Ulrich. PL LI, fig. 6. Zoarium an irregular foliar expansion. Branches fourteen or fifteen in 1 cm., comparatively slender, about 0.4 mm. wide, at times a little flexuous, approaching and receding from one another without regularity. Bifurcations at variable though generally rather distant intervals. Dissepiments of unequal length; their width a little more or less than one-half that of the branches. Fenestrules variable in size and shape, from three to four or five times as long as wide, with about five in 10 BRTOZOA. 543 mm. Carina strong, cord-like, carrying strong nodes about 0.7 mm. apart. Zo FENESTELLA WORTHENI Ulrich. PI. LH, Fig. 5-5a. Zoarium a small, delicate, fan-shaped expansion. Branches comparatively strong, about twelve in 5 mm., each 0.25 mm. in width. Dissepiments about half as wide as the branches, rounded and widening considerably at the ends. Fenestrules sub-quadrangular, indented a little on each side, about 0.3 by 0.2 mm. and twelve in 5 mm. Carina very strong, sub-cylindri- cal or thread-like, about half as thick as the entire branch. Along the middle of the carina there is a row of small nodes, (their apical opening is better preserved than usual), distant from each other about 0.15 mm. Zooecia in two ranges, twenty- four in 1 cm. Apertures small, circular, almost three times their diameter apart, situated one at the end of each dissepi- ment and one opposite the middle of each fenestrule. Peristome indistinct. Reverse not seen. 552 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. This interesting little species resembles F. tenax in many re- spects, yet has even a more delicate zoarium, and the cells more regularly arranged, while the strong cord-like keel gives it a peculiar appearance quite foreign to that one. Position and locality: Base of Coal Measures, Seville, 111. FENESTELLA SEVILLENSIS Ulrich. PL LII, Figs. 6-6a. Zoarium a foliaceous expansion. Branches straight rather slender, rounded, 0.3 mm. wide, six in 3 mm. Dissepiments thin, about one-third as wide as the branches. Fenestrules quite regularly sub-quadrangular, 0.5 by 0.2 mm., eight in 5 mm., slightly indented at the middle by the encroaching zocecia mouths. Carina obsolete, replaced by a fine sharply impressed line, bordered on each side by an intermittently stronger and fainter raised line. One or two thinner lines usually mark the longitudinal interspace between the cell apertures. Zocecia in two ranges, sixteen or seventeen in 5 mm. Apertures compara- tively large, circular, scarcely twice their diameter apart, usually situated one at each end of each dissepiment and one at a point midway between (i. e., about two to each fenestrule). On the reverse the branches are rounded and have five or six fine parallel striae. The fenestrules here are nearly rectangular. The presence of an impressed line instead of a raised keel, and the interrupted striae are regarded as the distinctive features. Position and locality: Base of Coal Measures, Seville, 111. FENESTELLA MIMICA Ulrich. PI. LII, figs. 7, 7a. Zoarium a small foliar expansion. Branches rather slender, rigid, about 0.25 mm. in width, and seven in 3 mm. Dissepi- ments short, about one-third as wide as the branches. Fene- strules sub-quadrangular, strongly concave at the sides, 0.35 by 0.2 mm. and seven in 3 mm. Carina a very fine and but little projecting line, bearing a row of small spines about 0.12 mm. apart. Zocecia in two ranges, twenty-four in 5 mm. Aper- tures large, circular, with well developed peristome, slightly more than their diameter apart, generally two to each fenes- BKYOZOA. 553 trule, so arranged that one is opposite each dissepiment and one between. Opercular covers the same as those of the F. sevillensis, F. wortheni, F. rudis, and many other species. This species is closely related to F. tenax, of the Warsaw and Chester beds, but is more delicate, has larger cell apertures and fenestrules and a smaller number of branches in a given space. F. sevillensis is larger, has longer fenestrules, fewer cells, and an impressed mesial line instead of a keel. F. wortheni differs in its remarkably developed keel. Position and locality: Coal Measures. Seville, 111. FENESTELLA CONRADI Ulrich. 1 PL LH, figs. 8, 8a. Zoarium a strongly undulated foliar expansion, several cm. in length. Branches strong, appearing very rough on their ob- verse side, about 0.4 mm. wide, with twenty-one or twenty-two in 1 cm. Dissepiments very short and broad. Fenestrules nar- row, sub-elliptical, averaging 0.33 by 0.15 mm., sixteen or sev- enteen in one cm., arranged in diagonally intersecting series. Carina itself not much elevated, but the rather closely arranged compressed spines which it bears are very strong and exception- ally prominent when perfect. Their bases are often in contact when they form a sort of rough crest. Zooecia in two ranges. Apertures circular, with slight peristome, arranged in a not very straight line, so that there are several times three to once two in the space of a fenestrule; twenty-three in 5 mm. On the reverse the branches and dissepiments are rounded, on the same plane and about equally thick, the former being thinner than on the obverse side. The fenestrules are almost perfectly circular. A small node, perforated at its summit, often occupies then center of the branch at a point midway between four ad j acent fenestrules . The circular fenestrules and other features of the reverse, and the strong spines on the keel, (they are more conspicuous than in fig. 8,) are relied upon in separating this species. The ob- verse brings F. rudis to mind, but that species is so much more robust that comparisons are unnecessary. —69 554 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The name is given in honor of the discoverer, Prof. A. H. Conrad, of Shenandoah, Iowa. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures. Seven miles north of Red Oak, Iowa. FENESTELLA IN^QUALIS Ulrich: PL LH, figs. 9, 9a. Zoarium a strong, irregular, foliar expansion. Branches rather strong, not very straight, sixteen to eighteen in 1 cm.; variable in size on the reverse, where their width varies between 0.8 and 0.5 mm.; more equal on the obverse face, where their average width is about 0.4 mm. Dissepiments short, narrowly rounded, of variable thickness, generally less than half the width of the branches. Fenestrules sub-quadrangular or ellipti- cal, unequal, averaging 0.8 by 0.8 mm., and nine in 1 cm. Carina strong but not much elevated, at the summit with a series of closely arranged small nodes, about ten in 1 mm. Zooecia in two ranges, seventeen or eighteen in 5 mm. Aper- tures small, circular, surrounded by an abruptly elevated peri- stome which projects a little beyond the margin of the branch; a fraction less than four to a fenestrule. On the reverse the branches are marked with longitudinal, parallel, granulose striae. The granules are distinct, and so closely arranged that their bases are in contact. When a little worn they disappear, and the surface is thon either smooth or simply striated. The fenestrules have about the same form and are but little, if any, larger than on the obverse side. None of the Coal Measure species known to me are as large as this one, nor is any one of them sufficiently like it to re- quire close comparisons. Of Lower Carboniferous species, F. cestriensis and F. compressa are related, but not very closely. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures. Ball's Mill, San- gamon Co., 111. BRYOZOA. 555 SEMICOSCIXIUM Prout, 1859. (Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. vol. 1, p. 443.) (For generic diagnosis see page 395.) On account of certain very unfortunate errors in Prout's original diagnosis of this genus, the name has not become cur- rent. His type specimen was, however, almost beyond question, a fragment of a large and easily recognized species which is common at the Falls of the Ohio. He mistook the obverse for the reverse side, and described the thin membrane which is often drawn over the summits of the high carinae, as a longitudinally lined sole. The spaces between the branches and this membrane is filled with vesicular tissue. This he noticed and described, together with the true zooecia, which he called "tortuous tubes," as a part of the "sole." The cells, he supposed, originated in the tortuous tubes and opened into the fenestrules. In short, his conception of S. rhomboideum was altogether incorrect. The genus as now defined, departs from Fenestella in having the keel very much higher and expanded at the summit, and the branches zigzag on the reverse. The zoarium is always infundibuliform. with the inner side non-celluliferous. Species of this genus can be recognized in the Niagara group, but it is not until we reach the Upper Helderberg rocks that they assume their most marked peculiarities and become abund- ant. Here we find nineteen species, the majority of which have been described by Prof. Hall under Fenestella. Seven more species are described by that author from the Hamilton group. Above this horizon the genus is not known. SEMICOSCTVIUM PLAXODORSATUM Ulrich. PI. XLIV, figs. 3-36. Zoarium infundibuliform above the abruptly contracted base, with the free margins nearly flat, and somewhat undulated. Outer surface celluliferous, strongly ridged. Branches rather slender, sixteen or seventeen in 1 cm., 0.3 mm. wide just before a bifurcation, increasing gradually to 0.5 or 0.0 mm. Dissepi- ments very short, depressed, wider than the branches. Fene- 556 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS: strules very small, 0.25 by 1.2 mm., sub-oval, eleven or twelve in 1 cm. Carina about 0.4 mm. in height, thin at first, with the summit abruptly expanded and angular along the middle. The sides are wavy, the undulations corresponding closely both in number and position, with the zooecia apertures beneath them. Zooecia in two ranges, one on each side of the median keel. Apertures circular, opening directly upward, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, as much or a little more apart, eighteen in 5 mm.; with well developed peristome. On the reverse the fenestrules vary from quite regularly circular to broad oval, are 0.3 or 0.4 mm. in diameter, and much farther apart longitudinally than transversely. Surface of branches and dissepiments, when well preserved, with numerous small nodes, and varying between slightly convex or flat and appreciably concave. In the last case the fenestrules are encircled by an elevated rim. This species is smaller in its proportions than either Fene- stella semirotunda or F. permarginata Hall, from the same locality. Both of those species, which clearly belong to Semi- coscinium, also have twenty cells to 5 mm., while in this there are only eighteen in that distance. Right here it may be well to remark that Hall's figures of the two species mentioned (Pal. N. Y. Yol. VI, PI. 49) appear to be somewhat mixed. Position and locality: Upper Helderberg group; Falls of the Ohio river. SEMICOSCINIUM RHOMBICUM Ulrich. PI. XLIV, figs. 4-4a, and PI. LIV.fig. 8. Zoarium infundibuliform, large, undulated. Celluliferous face with the branches rather slender, more or less flexuous, alter- nately approaching and receding from each other, bifurcating at long intervals, very gradually increasing from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. between the bifurcations, seventeen or eighteen to 1 cm. Dissepiments very short, the branches appearing almost to in- osculate, their width equal to or greater than the length of the fenestrule, varying from 0.6 to 1.0 mm. Fenestrules oval, rather unequal, but averaging about 0.6 by 0.2 mm., eight in 1 cm.; regularly alternating in the adjoining longitudinal series. BRYOZOA. 557 Carina strongly elevated, flexuous, but little thickened at the summit, frail, easily broken or worn away. Zooecia in two ranges separated by a keel. Apertures circular, 0.09 mm. in diameter, their diameter or more apart, twenty-two in 5 mm. On the sides of the branches, but always opposite a dissepi- ment, are a number of large, irregularly distributed, shallow, thin rimmed sub-circular cells, about 0.3 in diameter, extending from the keel nearly across the dissepiment. Their number is variable but the average is about as shown in the figure. Simi- lar structures are known to be possessed by several species of Fenestella, and unless they represent ooecia, their nature is not understood. As usual in species of this genus, near the base the carinse are covered by a thin calcareous membrane, and the space under this and between the branches, is filled with loosely woven vesicular tissue. On the reverse the fenestrules are oval or sub-rhomboidal and arranged in regular diagonally inter- secting series, eleven or twelve in 1 cm. The branches are thin- ner than the width of the fenestrule, carinate when wTell pre- served, zigzag, and united by inosculation so as to form regular rhombs. The point of junction or intersection is more or less prominent. This fine species is distinguished by the flexuous branches, and the large cells (? ooecia). S. rhomboideum Prout, has fif- teen fenestrules where this has only twelve. They are besides not so regularly rhombic. 'Position and locality: Hamilton group; Buffalo, Iowa. FENESTRAPORA Hall, 1887, (1885?) (Pal. N, Y. Vol. XVI, p. XXH.) (For generic diagnosis see page 395.) At first I was not inclined to admit this genus, but the sub- sequent finding of the dimorphic pores in three distinct species has convinced me of its claim to recognition. As regards the nature of these pores, I can only suggest a comparison with the "avicularian" cells of the Chilostomata. 558 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. FENESTRAPORA OCCIDENTALIS Ulrich. PI. XLIV, tigs. 2— 2a, and PI. LIV, flgs. 7-7e. Zoarium infundibuliform, expanding rapidly, almost salver- shaped, but rounding gradually from the short stem into the horizontal portion. The free margins are flat or somewhat un- dulated. On the obverse or outer side, the branches appeal- rigid, moderately strong, and increase in width from 0.3 to 0.5 mm.; fourteen or fifteen in 1 cm. Dissepiments short, depressed, as wide or wider than the branches. Fenestrules rather regu- larly oval, averaging 0.7 by 0.38 mm. with eight in 1 cm. Car- ina about 0.4 mm. high, expanded at the summit, subangular or rounded above; both sides present a series of large pits or cells, separated by unequal intervals, but the average may be placed at two in the space of a mm. One of the cells also oc- curs on the top of the carina just beneath the bifurcations. Zocecia in two ranges, one on each side of the median keel. Apertures circular, nearly direct, about 0.09 mm. in diameter, about twice their diameter apart, twenty in 5 mm.; and with a faintly elevated peristome. On the reverse or inner side the fenestrules are broad oval, being wider then on the opposite face; rather irregularly ar- ranged, varying from quincuncial to directly opposite. In the first order, which apparently prevails mainly near the center, the branches are zigzag, and somewhat depressed below the much stronger longitudinal interspaces that represent the dis- sepiments. In the other arrangement the branches are nearly or quite straight, and again much thinner than the rounded dissepiments, which continue across them obliquely or at right angles. The fenestrules are always wider than the branches. Large cells, of the same nature as those in the carinae, with an average diameter of 0.14 mm., and direct or oblique apertures, are distributed over the surface of the branches and dissepi- ments. Their number is about equal to that of the fenestrules. The internal structure is fully illustrated on PI. LIV. When compared with F. biperforata Hall, from the same horizon in New York, we find that that species is more delicate, has the fenestrules smaller, the carina less pronounced, and the di- BRYOZOA. 559 morphic pores on the summit instead of the sides, and much more numerous on the reverse. The branches are also more rigid. The form described by me as Semicoscinium infraporosum (Contr. Am. Pal. Vol. I, PI. I, 1886) has aU the characters of Fenestrapora. It is from the Upper Helderberg group, and differs from the two Hamilton species in its smaller size, strongly undulated frond, flattened and comparatively strong reverse aspect of its branches, and other points of minor importance. Position and locality: Hamilton group; Buffalo, Iowa. HEMITRYPA Phillips, 1841. CPaL Foss. of Cornwall, Devon. & Westsomerset, p. 27.) (For generic diagnosis see page 396.) For further discussions see chapter on classification, under the section treating of the FENESTELLID.E (page 349). Of the four- teen or more species known, one is from the Clinton, two from the Lower Helderberg. one or more from the Hamilton, four from the Keokuk and one or more from the Warsaw and St. Louis limestone. HEMITRYPA TENERA Dlrich. PL XLIV, fig. 7— 7a, and PL LIT, fig. 10— lOc. Zoarium infundibuliform, only known from fragments. The obverse is a very delicate net-work in which the principal and secondary bars are indistinguishable, being equal in width and both zigzag: connected by lateral bars or scale? of the same width, they form equal hexagonal interstices, arranged in very regular vertical and diagonally intersecting series, twelve in 3 mm. measuring along the rows. Their openings correspond in number to the zooecia in the branches beneath them. Zocecia observed only in thin sections. On the reverse the branches are straight or slightly zigzag, slender, thirteen or fourteen in 5 mm., rounded, somewhat variable in width, smooth when old, granular and striated longitudinally when young. Dissepiments short, in the middle about as wide as the branches, spreading at their junction with them; on some portions of the zoarium, 560 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. opposite in adjoining rows, on others alternate. Fenestrules oval or subquadrate, about 0.5 by 0.2 mm., with fourteen in 1 cm. The delicacy of the zoarium is its distinguishing feature. Position and locality: Hamilton group, Rock Island, Illinois and Davenport and Buffalo, Iowa. HEMITRYPA PROUTANA Ulrich. PL LVII, fig. l-lc. Fenestella hemilrypa Prout, 1859. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Nat. Sci. Vol. I, p. 444, PL XVII.flg. 4-4a. Zoarium a large flabellate or semi-infundibular expansion, more or less undulated toward the free margins. Obverse or inner side protected by a delicate net-work, formed by the union of longitudinal and transverse bars. The former consists of two kinds, a slightly stronger and more prominent set, which are developed directly over the center of the branches and united to them by short supporting pillars. These may be called the principal bars. A second set, which alternates with the prin- cipals and may be known as the secondary bars, are suspended over the space between the branches. The net-work is com- pleted by a set of short transverse bars to which Prof. Hall applies the appropriate term "scalte." According as the scalse are developed oppositely or alternately in the adjoining longi- tudinal series, the principal and secondary bars are straight or zigzag, and the interstices, consequently, may be quadrate, pen- tagonal or hexagonal. In this species the last form is less the rule than usual. Measuring transversely, about twenty-six rows of interstices occur in 5 mm.; longitudinally about twenty-four. One to three small denticles sometimes project from the bars into the interstices. When this net-work has been denuded, which, on account of its delicacy, is often the case, the obverse face of the branches is seen to be ridge-shaped, from 0.2 to 0.32 mm. wide, and generally twenty-six in 1 cm. The median carina is neither sharp nor prominent, but carries small nodes (the broken pillars that support the superficial net-work) at intervals corresponding with the length of the zooecia. Dissepiments very BRYOZOA. 561 • short, depressed, about half as wide as the branches. Fenes- trules long-oval, small, about 0.3 by 0.1 mm., and eighteen or nineteen in 1 cm. Zoopcia in two ranges, twenty-three or twenty- four in 5 mm., with small, widely separated, circular apertures, and elevated peristome. On the reverse the branches and dissepiments are on the same plane, usually ridge-shaped, forming quadrangular fenestrules of greater width than on the opposite face. On mature examples the branches are smooth or very finely granular. On young ones they are faintly striated. This species is very common in the Warsaw beds, and occurs also, but rarely, in the Keokuk group. It is closely allied to the Keokuk H. plumosa (Fenestella plumosa Prout,) but differs in having nine or ten fenestrules in 5 mm., while that species has only 6.5 to 7.5 in the same space. There are most proba- bly other differences, but the Keokuk species has not been ob- served in a sufficiently good state of preservation to permit of comparisons in the minute details of structure. As usual Prout's types of H. plumosa were denuded of the superficial net-work. Below are described two varieties of H. proutana. Position and locality: Rare in the Keokuk group at Warsaw, 111., and Keokuk, Iowa; abundant in the Warsaw beds at War- saw, and Monroe Co. in Illinois, and less common at Barrett's Station, St. Louis Co., Mo. The species occurs also in the St. Louis limestone of Caldwell Co., Ky. HEMITRYPA PROUTAXA var. VERMIFERA n. var. PL LVn, Fig. 5-5a. This variety is represented by a number of specimens which agree closely in their proportions with typical H. proutana. The following differences have been noticed. The branches and dissepiments on their reverse side are rounded instead of angu- lar, and the fenestrules are more oval. The principal feature, however, are certain peculiar, tubular, vermiform bodies, which are irregularly distributed over and form part of the reverse face of the zoarkim. They are about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. in diameter, lie more or less nearly parallel with the branches, —70 562 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and have a sub-circular opening at the distal extremity. At present I cannot give a satisfactory explanation of their nature. Position and locality: Warsaw beds at Warsaw, 111. HEMITRYPA PROUTANA var. NODULOSA n. var. PL LVII, Fig. a-2c. This form differs from the typical H. proutana in having the interstices of the superficial net-work decidedly rayed or flori- form, the small denticles which project from the sides of the bars being more numerous and better developed. On the reverse the branches are somewhat thinner, rounded, and bear numer- ous small tubercles. The zoarium also does not attain the size of H. proutana, but in the other measurements the variety offers no striking difference. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Keoktfk and Bentons- port, Iowa, and Nauvoo, 111. HEMITRYPA NODOSA Ulrich. Pl.LVn.Fig.3. The principal distinguishing feature of this species is the nodose enlargement on the reverse of the branches opposite their junction with the dissepiments. The branches are rounded, eleven or twelve in 5 mm., with an average width of 0.2 mm., increasing from 0.15 to 0.3 or 0.4 mm. before bifurcation, the dissepiments depressed, and less than half the width of the branches; the fenestrules oval or sub-quadrate, twice as long as wide, as wide as the branches, and seven or eight in 5 mm. The superficial net-work is very much like that of H. proutana, but the interstices are more nearly circular, about twenty in 5 mm., and the principal and secondary bars of about equal strength. The strong nodes and more slender branches distinguishes the species from H. plumosa Prout sp. The specimen of which several branches are represented by fig. 3a, simulates this species BRYOZOA. 563 in the nodose character of the branches, • but in its measure- ments it is identical with young H. aspera. That it is only a peculiar example of that species is shown by the facts, that on other portions the nodes are on the dissepiments, and that the superficial net-work is spinous. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Nauvoo, 111., Keokuk and Beutonsport, Iowa. Not rare. HEMITRYPA ASPERA Ulrich. PL LVII, Pigs. 4-4f and 3a. Zoarium a flat, rapidly expanding, flabellate expansion, at- taining a height of 3 or 4 cms., though usually not more than 2 or 3 cms. It grew upon some cylindrical. body over which it spread to form a strong base. The example figured is stronger in this respect than usual, but a good idea of this portion of the zoarium can be gathered from it. The different sets of bars forming the superficial net-work are indistinguishable near the base, but farther up where the branches bifurcate less frequently, we find that the principal bars are elevated, generally opposite each second scala, into strong spines, that all the bars are thin and approximately of the same thickness, and that the inter- stices are rather irregular in shape and size,but, almost invaria- bly, nineteen or twenty in 5 mm., measuring longitudinally. On the reverse near the base the branches and dissepiments are rounded and thickened so as to be sub-equal and to make the fenestrules sub-circular; their surface here is either smooth or exhibits the remains of nodes. Farther up the fenestrules are quadrangular, about 0.4 by 0.25 mm., and eight or nine in 5 mm.; the dissepiments half the width of the branches, some- what depressed at the ends, but with the center elevated into a prominent node. The branches are rigid, rounded and smooth, and increase from 0.2 to 0.4 or 0.5 mm. before bifurcating; about ten in 5 mm.; occasionally with a node that should have been developed on a dissepiment. The nodes on the dissepiments and the strong spines on the superficial net-work distinguish this species from all others. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Nauvoo, 111., Keokuk and Bentonsport, Iowa. 564 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. HEMITRYPA PERSTRIATA Ulrich. PL LVII, Figs. 6-6a. Zoarium infundibuliform, strongly folded in the upper half, slowly expanding, 5 cms. or more in height, non-poriferous on the outer side. Superficial net-work with the interstices or openings circular, comparatively small, surrounded by a sloping area, generally hexagonal, sometimes pentagonal or quadrate in outline, about twenty in 5 mm.; the bars and scalse sub- equal and sharply carinate. On the reverse the branches are rounded, with from three to six strong longitudinal striae, and from one to three series of small but prominent spines, the cen- tral row being usually the most conspicuous. Average width of branches about 0.3 mm.; just before bifurcation at least 0.5 mm., with ten or eleven in 5 mm. Bifurcations remote. Dis- sepiments very short, much depressed, about half as wide as the branches. Fenestrules narrow, oblong oval, about 0.5 by 0.15 mm., and fourteen or fifteen in 1 cm. The favose net-work is very much like that of H. pateriformis, but the reverse aspect of the two species is very dissimilar. The zoarium of that species is also smaller and plate-shaped rather than infundibuliform. The narrow fenestrules and strongly striated branches distinguish the species from H. plumosa, Prout, and H. proutana. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Bentonsport and Keokuk, Iowa. HEMITRYPA PATERIFORMIS Ulrich. PL LVII, Figs. 7-7c. Zoarium patelliform, spreading rapidly from the short and strongly ridged footstalk. It is further supported by numerous root-like processes which extend downward from its under side near the base. On the obverse or upper face, the bars forming the superficial net work are carinated, the principal ones often a little the strongest, the interstices regularly circular, rather small, and alternating in adjoining rows, with about twenty- one in 5 mm. On the reverse the fenestrules are sub-circular BRYOZOA. 565 near the base. Here the dissepiments are thickened so as to equal the branches and fenestrules in width Toward the outer margin both the branches and dissepiments gradually become thinner, and the fenestrules wider, and oval or even sub-quad- rate in form. The surface of the branches is rounded and, when well preserved, minutely granular. Between ten and eleven branches occur in 5 mm., and in the same space longitudinally nine or ten fenestrules. The form of the zoarium, carinated bars of the superficial net-work, small interstices, and rounded branches separate this species from H. proutana. H. perstriata has very narrow fenes- trules and strongly striated branches. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Keokuk, Iowa. ARCHIMEDES LeSueur (Owen), 1842. (Amer. Jour, of Sci. Vol. 43, p. 19.) (For generic diagnosis, see page 396.) This remarkable genus of the FENESTELLID.*} is so far known only from American Lower Carboniferous deposits. Here, how- ever, the genus suddenly springs into prominence, first making its appearance with four species in the Keokuk group, (includ- ing the Warsaw beds*), two of them, the A. grandis Ulr., and A. wortheni Hall, being the largest yet discovered. In the St. Louis limestone, in which the Fenestellids are few and but illy preserved, no species of Archimedes has yet been met with, but in the overlying Chester group, the individuals and species again become numerous, being, perhaps, the most characteristic fossils of that division. Much diversity of opinion exists as to the possibility of separating the species of the genus by the charac- ters of the axis, but no one, so far as I am aware, has hereto- fore given them much study, nor does it appear that any one has taken pains to collect much material, and I do not wonder then that so many palaeontologists have expressed themselves * These beds are usually classified with the St. Louis group, but judging mainly from the Bryoza, I should regard them as more intimately connected with the Keokuk group. That they are beds of passage between these two groups will scarcely admit of doubt. 566 as opposed to the specific divisions already established. A parallel case is found in the old practice of uniting all Monti- culiporoids under the specific names of Clitetetes lycoperdon and Stenopora fibrosa; other cases in the old methods of classi- fying the now well established species of Fenestelhi and Pinna- topora Vine (Glauconome of authors). This multiplication of species by the splitting up of old landmarks of palaeontological nomenclature, being the result of special studies, is the strongest evidence of progression, showing at the same time how ex- tremely limited our knowledge of nature really is. Five valid species were proposed by Prof. Hall in 1857, (Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. Vol. 10), and in the following year (Geol. Rep. Iowa, 1858), he proposed the name re versa for sinistral examples of A. wortheni. To these the present work adds eleven more, of which only two are from the Keokuk group, the re- mainder being from the Chester. In proposing these species, I fully appreciate the difficulties that the student will have to meet in his attempts to identify them, yet, I can assure him, that they are by no means insurmountable, nor any greater than those which must be overcome in determining other groups of organisms. The first thing to be done is to grasp the essen- tial characters. These, of course, are surest determined by their degree of prevalence and constancy, a test that can be applied only when the material at hand is plentiful. During the course of my work upon the genus I have had before me no less than 800 specimens, many of them nearly or quite perfect, this large amount of material being contained partly in the State Museum at Springfield, and partly in the extensive collections of Bryozoa belonging to Mr. J. M. Nickles and myself. Some of the species were represented by from 50 to considerably over a hundred examples, two by only one each, 'while of the others the numbers ranged from four to fifty. To determine the species the variations in the following characters must be learned: (1) the number of volutions made by the spiral axis in a given space; this is generally very constant; (2) the outline and re- lative diameter of the shaft and flange*; (3) when a portion or the * The term "flange" is applied to the projecting portion of the axis that would be equivalent to the "thread" of a screw. By the "shaft" I mean the subcylindrical portion of the axis about which the "flange" revolves. BRYOZOA. 567 whole of the fenestrated expansion is preserved, observe the angle at which it diverges from the axial line; (4) the charac- ters of the branches, fenestrules and zocecia, and their number in a given space. The actual thickness of the shaft is available only to a limited extent, while the direction of the volution is only an individual peculiarity, both dextral and sinistral spirals occurring in, perhaps, all the species. The zoarium was free, and in some species at any rate, consisted of more than one spiral axis. In every instance where two spirals were preserved in connection the}' are turned in opposite directions. Two ex- amples of this kind are represented on PI. LXIII, figs. 9b and 14. The first shows on the left side how a new axis is formed. The outer margin of the perforated frond is at first slightly thickened, then gradually recurved upon its celluliferous side until a complete volution has been made. The succeeding volutions follow at regular intervals. The extreme constancy with which these volutions take place in, for instance, A. coin- munis and A. proutanus is remarkable, and seems to me a severe rebuke for those palaeontologists who decry what they are pleased to call a burdening of nomenclatnre by the foundation of species upon trivial individual peculiarities. Who is to say that these characters are trivial?* Had I more space and plates at my disposal I would have described and illustrated the minute internal characters of the axis which in a number of species are quite distinctive. Magni_ fled views of the fenestrated expansion, of which I give full and complete descriptions, would no doubt have materially aided in the determination of the forms, but they had also to be dis- pensed with. The following tabulated list of the species in which the more important features of each are noted, will, I hope, partially atone for the deficiencies. , * In the three years that have passed since writing the above, I have collected nearly a thousand additional specimens of Archimedes, In this large number every specie* here described, save A . perminimus, is represented, besides several species as yet undescribed. The study of these specimens has been most gratifying to me, since I was thereby afforded the very best demonstration of the specific validity of the char- acTcrs upon which the species were founded. Nor did I experience even ordinary difficulty in discriminating between the species. 568 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. BRYOZOA. 569 ARCHIMEDES NEGLIGENS Ulrich. PL LXm, Fig. 7-7a. Axis slender, lax, appearing delicate, faintly fusiform, at least ten cm. in length; volutions moderately irregular, varying in different examples from 3.6 to 4.5 in two cm. It is only in rare instances that there are more than four in that space. Shaft thin, slightly spiral. Fenestrated expansion from one to two cm. wide, making an angle of about 75° with the axial line. Branches slender, straight, 24 or 25 in one cm.; on the obverse with very faint carina separating the two rows of zooecia, of which there are about 26 in five mm. Apertures small, with peristome. Fenestrules elliptical here, quadrangular on the re- verse, a little longer than wide, about seven in one cm. Dis- sepiments about half as wide as the branches. The axis of this form cannot be confounded with those of any other species known to me from this horizon. They resemble A. terebriformis, of the Chester group, but the shaft is not swollen below the flange, and the whole has a more delicate aspect. Diani. of shaft of strongest ex. 1.5 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 4. " smallest " 0.7 " " " 4. average " 1.0 " " " 3.8. another " 1.0 " " 4.6. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Bentonsport and Keokuk, Iowa. ARCHIMEDES GRANDIS Ulrich. PI. LXTTT. Fig. 10. Axis very large and strong, the largest example seen, though incomplete at both extremities, being nearly eighteen cm. long, and making one volution to each cm. Of two other examples one makes eight the other nine turns in ten cm. The shaft is comparatively slender, and gradually spreads from the flattened top of a flange into the smooth under side of the succeeding flange, presenting on a large scale very nearly the appearance noticed in A. invaginatus of the Chester group. Fenestrated frond about five cm. wide, forming an angle of from 60° to 65°, with the axial line. Branches slender, 23 or 24 in one cm., —71 570 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. slightly carinated on the obverse, and rounded on the reverse. Zooecia about 22 in five mm., in two ranges. Fenestrules sub- quadrate, longer than wide, 1(5 in one cm. Dissepiments as strong as the branches. Diameter of shaft 6 mm.; diameter of flange 2 cm.; number of volutions in 10 cm,, 8, 9 or 10. This fine species is related to both A. owenanus and A. wor- theni. From the first the axis differs in having a wider flange and longer volutions, from the second in having the under side of the flange smooth, and in the outline of the shaft. Position and locality: Keokuk group. All the specimens seen are from Jersey Co., 111. ARCHIMEDES OWENANUS Hall. PI. LXHI, Fig. 6-6c. Archimedes oicenana Hall, 1857. Proc. Amer. Ass. Ad. Sci., vol. 10. p. 178. Axis probably very long, sometimes slender, at other times very strong; volutions disproportionately rapid at the proximal end, but soon they become longer; generally 2.5 occur in two cm., more rarely three, and occasionally only two. The shaft varies considerably in strength in different examples. Just above the flattened top of the flange it is sub-cylindrical, spread- ing a little in young examples toward the base of the succeed- ing flange, which bends abruptly outward, the junction between the two being marked by a more or less defined sulcus. Fenes- trated expansion delicate, several cm. wide, leaving the axial line at an angle of about 70°. Reverse only seen. Branches narrowly rounded, 22 in 1 cm. Fenestrules oblong quadrate or elliptical, as wide as the branches, the length equal to one and a half times the width, with 13 or 14 in 1 cm. Dissepiments as strong as the branches. Diam.of shaft of strongestex., 5.7mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 2.3. " smallest " 1.8mm.; " " 2.7. " " " average " 2.9mm.; " " " 2.2. The above description refers to the form usually identified with Hall's A. owenanus. The very incomplete original descrip- tion contains nothing that does not agree with it. The posi- tion of the species is somewhat intermediate between A. wor- BRYOZOA. 571 theni Hall, and A. terebriformis Ulr., but is not near enough to either to require detailed comparisons. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Keokuk, Iowa, Appa- noose (Hall), and three miles northeast of Quincy, 111. ARCHIMEDES WORTHEXI Hall. PL LXm. Fig. 8-«a. Archimedes wortheni HalL 1857. Proc. Amer. Ass. Ad. Sci., voL 10, p. 178. Archimedes wortheni Hall, 1858. Pal. Iowa, p. 651, PL XXII, flg. 3, 4a. 4b, 5a, 5b. Archimedes recersa HalL 1858. Ibid. p. 652, PI. XXH, flg. 2. Axis large, sub-fusiform, sometimes attaining a length of thirty cm. or more. Volutions regular, dextral and sinistral, varying in different examples from 5 to 6 in 5 cm. Shaft very short, comparatively small, abruptly spreading into the wide flange, the junction between them sharply defined. Upper end of flange flat or slightly concave; lower side usually a very little convex, and uneven, frequently with rather regular verti- cal depressions. Fenestrated expansion as much as six cm. wide, diverging from the axial line at an angle of 65°. On the obverse the branches are rigid and closely approximated, the fenestrules appearing very narrow. Separating the two rows of zocecia there is a strong carina, carrying a series of compressed spines. Zooecia about twenty-six in 5 mm., with small, promi- nently elevated apertures, very regularly arranged. On the re- verse the branches are more slender, with from 23 to 25 in 1 cm.; the fenestrules are sub-oval, quite as wide as the branches, about once and a half their width in length, and 16 in one cm.; and the dissepiments generally a little stronger than the branches. Diam.of shaft, largest ex. 10.0; No. vol. 5 cm., 5.7; diam. fl'ge,28. smallest " 5.1; " " " 6.0; " " 15. average " 7.2; " " " 5.4; " " 20. At Bentonsport, Iowa, there occurs what may be a small variety of this species. The length of the axis, as is shown by a nearly complete example, was not much more than 9 cm. There are eight volutions in 5 cm. Another example has only seven in that distance. Hall describes A. wortheni, as having occasionally three rows of apertures below a bifurcation, and sometimes with zooecia on 572 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. the dissepiments. None of the numerous examples before me exhibit anything of the kind, and I do not doubt that both assertions are based upon defective observation. Position and locality: Warsaw beds. This is one of the most abundant and characteristic fossils of this horizon. ARCHIMEDES PERMINIMUS Ulrich. PI. LXIII, Fig. 13 and 11, pars. Of this species the example figured is the only one seen. Its axis is, however, so minute in its proportions that I cannot hesitate in pronouncing it distinct from all the other species known to me. In the form and construction the axis reminds us a little of the much larger species A. terebriformis, and it might be urged that A. perminimus is only the terminal or young condition of that species. But such an explanation would not occur to any one who has devoted only a moderate amount of time to the study of these peculiar Bryozoa. The number of volutions in a given space is approximately the same through- out the length of the spiral axis. In the specimen under consideration there are four volutions in 5 mm. The shaft of the axis at its thickest part is only 0.25 mm. in diameter. The fenestrated expansion must have been very narrow. It is not preserved so as to enable me to give measurements of its minute features. The branches seen bifurcate at each dissepiment, and are about as wide as the fenestrules. The latter are elliptical, with a length equalling about twice the width of a branch. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. ARCHIMEDES COMPACTUS Ulrich. PI. LXIII, Figs. 2-2e (?2c). Axis small, sub-fusiform, not over 6 cm. in length, usually about 3.5 to 4.0 cm.; volutions varying from 9 to 11 in two cm.; shaft comparatively strong, nearly regularly concave on each side. Fenestrated expansion less than one cm. wide, form- ing an angle of 75° with the axial line. Branches slender, about as wide on the reverse as the fenestrules, 24 in one cm. Fenes- BRYOZOA. 573 trules once and a half as long as wide, oval or sub-quadrate, about 16 in one cm. Dissepiments rather thick. Obverse not observed. As determined by thin sections, there are about 25 zooecia on each side of a branch in five mm. The section represented by fig. 2c most probably does not belong to this species. It had a much stronger shaft, while the angle of the fenestrated expansion, as well as the outline is different. In these features it is exactly like the A. intermedius. Thick, of shaft of strongest ex. 2.7 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 9. " smallest " 1.0 " 11. " average " 2.0 " " " " 10. Position and locality: Chester group, Sloan's Valley, Ky., and other localities. ARCHIMEDES COMMTTNIS Ulrich. PI. LXm, fig. l-ld. Axis slender, over twelve cm. in length, approximately of the same diameter throughout; volutions very regular, 7 or 8 in 2 cm.; shaft moderately strong, rather deeply and regularly con- cave on each side, so that it is difficult to distinguish the dis- tal from the proximal extremity. Fenestrated expansion nearly always broken away, apparently not over one cm. in width, forming an angle of from 85 to 90 degrees, with the axial line. Branches rounded on the obverse, without a keel, 24 or 25 in one cm.; the zooecia about twenty on each side in five mm., with small apertures and elevated peristome, separated by an interspace equal to once and a half their diameter. Fenestrules elliptical, nearly twice as long as wide, about 15 in one cm. Dissepiments thin. Thick, of shaft of strongest ex., 2 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 8. " " " smallers " 1 " " " 7%. " average " 1.3 " " " 8. The smaller axis, more regular and numerous volutions dis- tinguish this species from A. swallovanus Hall. In A. inter- medius there are about six volutions in two cm., and the fene- strated expansion forms an angle of 72° with the axial h'ne. Position and locality: Chester group. This is the most com- mon as well as the most constant species of the genus. It 574 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. occurs at most localities in the group, but is especially abund- ant at Sloan's Valley, Pulaski Co., Ky. ARCHIMEDES INTERMEDIUS Ulrich. PL LXIII, flg. 2c. This form, which is also rather abundant, closely resembles both A. communis Ulr. and A. swallovanus Hall. It differs from the former in having from 5% to 6% volutions in two cm., and in having a stronger axis. The angle formed by the fenestrated expansion is also smaller, being about 72 degrees, while in A. communis it is not less than 85 degrees. The last comparison holds good also for A. swallovanus. The axis of Hall's species makes from 4% to 5 volutions in two cm., and is generally also much stronger. The Kentucky examples usually make one-half a volution more in two cm. than the Illinois specimens. The section figured was taken from an example from Chester, 111., which had 6% volutions in that distance, and is an exception to the .rule. Thick, of shaft of strongest ex., 4.5 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 6. " smallest " 2.0 " " " 5%. " •«• " average " 3.0 " " " " . 6. Position and locality: Chester group. Chester, 111., and Sloan's Valley, Ky., and other localities. Common. ARCHIMEDES SWALLOVANUS Hall. PL LXIII, flg. 12-12d. Archimedes swallovana Hall, 1857. Proc. Amer. Asso. Ad. Sci. vol. 10, p. 178. Axis rather strong, of considerable length, approximately of the same diameter throughout (i. e. not appreciably fusiform); volutions regular, 4% to 5 in two cm.: shaft strong but deeply .concave, generally forming a regular curve, sometimes a little straightened above, or again quite straight at the sides (see fig. 12a). Fenestrated expansion of unknown width, forming an angle of about 85° with the axial line. Branches 22 in one cm., with a scarcely. perceptible simple keel, and two ranges of zooecia; in each 19 or 20 occur in five mm. Fenestrules ellipti- cal, twice as long as wide, about 14 in one cm. BRYOZOA. 575 The smaller number of volutions, and the larger and stronger axis, distinguish this species from A. communis and intermedius. It has not been found in the Chester group localities of Ken- tucky, where both of these species are abundant. Diam. of shaft of strongest ex. 6.7 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 5. another " 5.0 " ." " 4& smallest " 2.8 " " " " 5. " average " 4.0 " " " 5. Position and locality: Chester group, at Chester and other localities in Illinois. ARCHIMEDES TEREBRIFORMIS Ulrich. PI. LXm, figs. 5-oc. Axis rather slender, just a little fusiform, the largest specimen seen, which appears to be almost complete, is ten cm. long; volutions quite regular, varying in different examples from 3 to 4.2 in two cm.: shaft comparatively thin, distinctly spiral, thickened just below the spiral flange, the thickening best shown in medium sized specimens. Fenestrated expansion of unknown dimensions, forming an angle of from 60 to 65° with the axial line. This form is readily distinguished from ah1 the associated species by the spiral form of the shaft, and the swelling just beneath the flange. In other respects it compares closely with A. negligens, from the Keokuk group. The collection before me contains eight axes of what is probably a variety of this spe- cies. They lack the swelling below the flange, and have con- stantly 4.8 to 5 volutions in two cm. So far as observed they do not differ in any other respect from the typical specimens. Diam. of shaft of strongest ex. 2.5 mm.: No. of vol. in 2 cm., 3.1. smallest ;- 1.1 " " " 3. average " 2.0 " " " " 3. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, Illinois, and rarely at Sloan's Valley and Grayson Springs, in Kentucky. ARCHIMEDES IXVA<;I.\ATUS Ulrich. PL LXD3. figs, lla, lie. Axis rather strong, usually a little curved, over ten cm. long when complete, diminishing very gradually in strength toward 576 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. each extremity; volutions regular, varying in different exam- ples from 3.7 to 5 in two cm.; shaft comparatively slender just above the flange. The appearance of a series of invaginated oblique cones is more striking in this species than in any other. Fenestrated expansion two cm. or less in width, forming an angle of from 55 to 60° with the axial line. On the reverse the branches are narrowly rounded, from 23 to 25 in one cm., near the axis as wide as the fenestrules, becoming narrowed and somewhat zigzag toward the outer margin; fenestrules sub- quadrate, sometimes perceptibly pentagonal or hexagonal; 16 or 17 in one cm.; dissepiments nearly as strong as the branches. On the obverse the branches are usually without a keel, but a few spines may be detected. Zooecia in two ranges, about 26 in five mm., with small aperture and peristome. On this side the fenestrules are narrower and elliptical. Diam. of shaft of strongest ex. 4.5 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 4.2. " " smallest " 2.3 " " " " 4.5. " " average " 3.1 " " " " 4.0. The larger size, less numerous volutions, and the compara- tively greater extent of the flange, as well as the absence of a spiniform keel and the smaller zooecia, distinguish this species from A. proutanus, to which it is closely related. A. intermedius Ulrich, might be confounded with it, but a careful comparison will show among other differences, that while in that form the frond diverges from the axial line at an angle of about 72°, it takes place in this species at an angle of only 55 to 60° Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. ARCHIMEDES PROUTANUS Ulrich. PI. LXIII, figs. 3-3d, and 11, lib. Axis slender, as usual both sinistral and dextral, very gradu- ally diminishing toward each extremity, appearing generally as of uniform size throughout. The longest specimen seen is of the average thickness, nearly complete, and ten cm. long. Volu- tions very regular, but varying in different examples of the typi- cal form from 6 to 8 in two cm. Six examples before me belong apparently to a variety of the species. Two of these are repre- sented by figures 11 and lib. These differ from the typical form principally in being stronger and in having from 4.5 to 5.5 BRYOZOA. 577 volutions in 2 cm. Shaft rather thin just above a flange, then gradually thickening and slightly curved outward to the mar- gin of the succeeding flange. The under side of the flange is dis- tinctly marked by the branches in the typical form, but much less distinctly in the variety mentioned. Fenestrated expansion usually not over one cm. wide, forming an angle of about 65° with the axial line. Branches about 21 in one cm., rounded on the reverse, with a moderate keel on the obverse, separating two rows of small scarcely elevated zooecia apertures, of which from 20 to 22 occur in five mm. Keel with sharp spines three or four to each fenestrule. Fenestrules subquadrate, a little longer than wide, 16 or 17 in one cm. Dissepiments thin, scarcely half the thickness of the branches. In the large variety the fenestrules are somewhat longer, there being only about 15 in one cm. Diam. of shaft of strongest ex. 1.8 mm., No. of vol. in 2 cm., 7.0. smallest " 1.2 " " " 7.2. average " 1.5 " " 6.7. av. large var. 2.5 " " " " 5.0. Although quite distinct and nearly as abundant, it requires care to distinguish this species from A. communis. These two species agree closely in the number of volutions and size of the axis. However, with a little experience the student will soon learn to detect their individual peculiarities at a glance. Thus in A. proutanus the flange is directed toward the distal extrem- ity and furrowed on the lower side, while in A. communis the flange and fenestrated expansion extends out from the shaft at nearly a right angle. The form mentioned as a large variety may prove a distinct species. The specimens approach A. in- vaginatus in form and were at first supposed to belong to that species, but as the characters of the fenestrated expansion agree more closely with typical A. proutanus than A.invaginatus, I have thought it best to refer them, provisionally, as above. Position and locality: Common at Sloan's Valley, Ky. It also occurs at Chester, 111., and other localities in the State. —72 578 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ARCHIMEDES MEEKANUS Hall. Pl.LXIII,flg.4. Archimedes meekana Hall, 1857. Proc. Amer. Ass. Ad. Sci. Vol. 10, p. 178. Axis slender, probably not exceeding seven cm. in length; sur- face minutely granulose; volutions 4 to 5 in two cm., shaft thin, faintly spiral, and spreading gradually into the flange, the lower side of which is generally furrowed (7. e. showing the base of the branches.) Fenestrated expansion of unknown width, diverging from the axial line at an angle of 65°. Branches rounded on the reverse, wider and faintly carinate on the ob- verse, the carina with closely crowded small spines. Zooecia in two ranges, 25 or 26 in five mm., with very small elevated apertures. Fenestrules subquadrate on reverse, slightly longer than wide, about 20 in one cm. Dissepiments two-thirds as wide as the branches and even with them. Diam. of shaft of strongest ex. 1.0 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 4.9. " " smallest " 0.6 " 5.0. average " 1.1 " 4.3. another " 1.0 " 4.0. In its general appearance the axis of this species resembles that of A. proutanus Ulr., but differs in being more loosely wound. The zocecia are considerably smaller, and the fenes- trules and branches more numerous in a given place. Position and locality: Chester group; not uncommon at Ches- ter, 111. Eare at Sloan's Valley and Grayson Springs, Ky. ARCHIMEDES DISTANS Ulrich. PI. LXIII, fig. 9-9b. Axis very slender and delicate, probably not exceeding eight cm. in length; volutions 3 to 3.5 in two cm.; shaft delicate, sub-spiral, spreading gradually into the flange, the lower side of which is, particularly in young examples, strongly furrowed vertically. Perforated frond from 1 to 4 cm. wide, diverging from the axial line at an angle of from 45 to 50 degrees. On the reverse the branches are rounded, about 23 in one cm., the fenestrules oblong quadrate, being about as wide as the branches and one-half of the width longer than wide, with 19 or 20 in BRYOZOA. 579 one cm.; the dissepiments one-half as wide as the branches and nearly on a level with them. On the obverse the dissepiments and branches are carinate. the keel with small spines corres- ponding in number with the zooecia, of which there are about 22 in five mm. Apertures of moderate size, with slight peris- storne, usually two. sometimes three to each fenestrule. Diaui. of shaft of strongest ex., 1.4 mm.; No. of vol. in 2 cm., 3.5. " smallest ik 0.8 " " " " 3.5. " average " 1.1 " " " " 3.3. This species differs from A. mefikanus Hall, in the longer volu- tions, larger zocecia, and smaller angle of divergence of the feuestrated frond from the axial line. Position and locality: Chester group. Not uncommon at Chester. 111. I have also seen several examples from Sloan's Valley, Pulaski Co.. Ky. ARCHIMEDES SUBLAXUS Ulrich. PI. Lxm, fig. 14. Of this species the specimen figured is the only one seen. It consists of two axes, one sinistral the other dextral, which ob- viously formed part of a single zoarium. The volutions are completed at intervals of 11 or 12 mm., the shaft slender and more or less spiral, from 1 to 1.3 mm. thick, spreading slowly upward into the small flange. Fenestrated expansion 1.5 cm. or less in width, diverging from the axial line at an angle of 38° to 40°. On the reverse the branches, of which there are 22 or 23 in one cm., and dissepiments are rounded, the latter two-thirds as thick as the former: the fenestrules a little longer than wide, as wide as the branches, of subquadrangular form, with about 16 in one cm. On the obverse the fenestrules are a little narrower, and the branches proportionately wider, with an in- conspicuous, faintly spinous keel. Zocecia in two ranges, with small apertures and slightly elevated peristome: about 26 in 5 mm. The spiral axis of this species is more loosely enrolled and the shaft thinner than in any other of the genus excepting A. laxus Hall. In other respects it resembles the A. owenanus Hall, of the Keokuk limestone. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. 580 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ARCHIMEDES LAXUS Hall. PL LXHI, flg. 15-15a. Archimedes laxa Hall, 1857. Proc. Amer. Ass. Ad. Sci. Vol. 10, p. 178. Helicopora archimediformis Claypole, 1883. Quar. Jour. "Geol. 8oc. Vol. 39, p. 34, PI. IV, flg. 3,4. Axis very loosely enrolled, consisting of scarcely more than the thickened edge of the spiral frond; completing a volution at intervals of 2.5 cm. or more. Number of volutions probably not more than four. Fenestrated expansion diverging from the axial line at an acute angle, wide, the greatest width observed 5.5 cm., slightly decumbent toward the free margin. On the reverse the branches are narrowly rounded, becoming zigzag and thinner as they near the outer margin; 20 or 21 in one cm. Fenestrules oblong quadrate, or somewhat hexagonal, as wide or wider than the branches, with a length equal to nearly twice the width; about 13 in one cm. Dissepiments usually as strong or stronger than the branches, and sometimes more prominent. On the obverse the fenestrules are narrow, ellipti- cal, the branches stronger and rigid, subangular, but without a keel. Zooecia with rather small circular apertures more than their diameter apart, and very slight peristome, in two ranges excepting just below a bifurcation where some of the branches exhibit three rows; 21 or 22 in five mm. As above cited, Prof. Claypole referred a specimen of this spe- cies to his new genus Helicopora. While agreeing that A. laxus closely approaches his genus, I am still indisposed to accept his arrangement, since it scarcely admits of question that the form is nothing more than a loosely coiled Archimedes. The Silurian type of his genus (H. latispiralis) does not appear to be so. Position and locality: Chester group. Fragments are not un- common at Chester, Illinois, and Litchfield, Ky. LYROPORA Hall, 1857. (Proc. Amer. Ass. Ad. Sci., vol. 10, p. 179.) (For generic diagnosis see page 390.) This genus, although presenting but few characters to distin- guish it from either Fenestella or Polypora, is nevertheless a very convenient and natural group of Lower Carboniferous BRYOZOA. 581 Bryozoa. The relation to Polypora is in every way equivalent to that between Archimedes and Fenestella, the only difference being that while in Archimedes the stony support forms spiral volutions, in Lyropora it is Y- or U-shaped. The form and other peculiarities of the support are quite const ant J*f or each species, and when this portion of the zoarium happens to be similar in two species, as for instance in L. quincuncialis Hall, and L. ranosculum Ulr., and L. subquadrans Hall, and L. divergens Ulr., marked differences are found in the struc- ture of the net -work. This is more or less different in all the cpecies. and I have found it possible to determine with certainty the specific relations of the merest fragments. Six species, and possibly two more, beside one variety, are known to possess the characteristic support of the genus. With the exception of L. i*etroi-sa M. & "W., a rather rare species in the Burlington limestone, all are from the Chester group. LYKOPORA RANOSCULUM Ulrich. PL LVm, Fig. l-lc. Zoarium large, free, a foliate expansion spread between the recurved ends of a strong support. Support parabolic, the arms diverging at a variable degree, subcircular or oval in cross section, consisting of exceedingly thin, transversely grano- striate concentric layers of sclerenchyma. which are successively deposited upon the lateral margins of the strongly convex fenestrated expansion At the base of the support there is com- monly an obtuse knob-like thickening. Fenestrated expansion celluliferous oh the convex side. Here the branches vary in thicknegs from 0.4 to 0.6 mm., with about 15 in one cm.; their surface rounded and, when perfect, with a somewhat irregular series of strong tubercles, two or three to each fenestrule, along the middle; the zooecia with circular or sometimes irregularly inflected apertures, about 0.09 mm. in diameter, separated by interspaces as wide or wider, and arranged in from three to five (usually four) only moderately regular alternating ranges, 21 or 22 in five mm.; the fenestrules irregularly oval, eleven in one cm.; the dissepiments short, their width as great or greater than the length of the fenestrules. On the reverse the fenes- trules are circular or round oval and larger than on the ob- 582 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. verse, the branches and dissepiments longitudinally striated in the young state, granulose, or with short vermicular striae in older stages. This well marked species was at first supposed to be identical with the L. lyra of Hall, but upon investigation proves to be quite distinct, as it now appears that that name was applied to only a variety of his L. subquadrans. The features that sepa- rate it from Hall's species are the stronger and subcylindrical form of the support, the absence of a slender base and the strongly convex form of the fenest rated expansion. The sup- port closely resembles that of L. quincuncmlis Hall, but that species has, excepting below a bifurcation, only two rows of zooecia on the branches. Position and locality: Chester group. Fragments of this specie are rare at Chester and Kaskaskia in Illinois. They are more abundant and better preserved at Sloan's Valley, Pulaski Co., Ky. LYROPORA SUBQUADRANS Hall. PL LVIII, Fig. 2-2e. Lyropora subquadrans Hall, 1857. Proc. Amer. Ass. Ad. Sci., vol. 10, p. 180. Zoarium with the thickened support and fenestrated expan- sion spread nearly in a plane, or with the celluliferous side somewhat convex. Support comparatively thin, pedunculate at the base, with the arms usually direct from the base, and di- verging at an angle of 80° or more. Sometimes the sides of the support near the base are irregularly wrinkled. Entire height of zoarium not known to exceed six cm. On the obverse the branches appear rather rigid, generally about 0.6 mm. wide, 13 or 14 in one cm.; subangular, with a central row of small tubercles, five or six to each fenestrule. Zooecia with small cir- cular apertures, about 0.075 mm. in diameter, arranged regu- larly in four ranges, which are increased to five or six below a bifurcation; 22 or 28 in five mm. Fenestrules irregularly ellip- tical, about ten in one cm., separated by slightly depressed strong and short dissepiments, having a width about equal to the length of the fenestrules. On the reverse the branches and dissepiments are thinner and narrowly rounded, and the fenes- trules larger, varying in form from suboval to subquadrate. BRYOZOA. 583 The less strong and different form of the support, the more rigid branches, more regular arrangement of the zooecia aper- tures, and sub-quadrangular form of the fenestrules on the re- verse, distinguish This species from L. ranosculum Ulr. Hall's description of the obverse differs somewhat from the above, but there can be no doubt about the identity of the specimens here described with the original exampi I have failed to find any reliable characters upon which to distinguish Hall's L. lyra from this species. Fig. 2a (PI. LVIII) represents a small example of what I regard a# the typical form of L. subquadrans, while fig. 2 and 2b represent examples that are intermediate between it and the L. lyra form. A specimen before me (obtained since the plates were lithographed) seems to agree in every particular with Hall's description of his lyra. It also agrees with figure 2 in every respect excepting slight modifications in the form of the support, such as incurving abruptly outward and upward from the slender peduncle or base, instead of being nearly direct. Such small modifications, unless accompanied by more important differences, are scarcely sufficient even for varietal separation, since nearly every speci- men examined by me offers some slight peculiarity. The L. sub- quadrans being the normal and more abundant form, it seems desirable that its name, although following L. lyra in the original paper, should take precedence. Position and locality: Chester group. Rather common at Chester, 111., and Sloan's Valley, Ky. LYROPORA QUIXCUNCIALIS Hall. PL LVm, Fig. 3-3d, and PL LV. Fig. 7-7c. Lyroporo. quincuncialis Hall 1857. Proc. Amer Ass. Ad. Sci., vol. 10, p. 180. In this species the support is very much as in L. ranosculum, but differs in being less strong and rather narrow oval instead of subcircular in cross section. The fenestrated expansion is also less convex, and in every respect the zoarium is less ro- bust. Branches, on the obverse, rounded, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide, with a series of small tubercles along the middle, and two ranges of cell apertures excepting below a bifurcation where there are three: 24 or 25 in one cm. Apertures small, about 0.07 mm. in diameter and twenty-five in 5 mm. Fenestrules 584 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. elliptical, sometimes appearing oblong quadrate, 16 or 17 in one cm. Dissepiments rather prominent. On the reverse the dissepiments are often more prominent and stronger than the branches, often forming short oblique or transverse ridges. At other times they are of about equal thickness and leave regular subcircular or oval fenest rules, having a diameter nearly or quite equal to the width of the branches. Position and locality: Chester group. Fragments are com- mon at Chester, 111., and other localities, but good specimens are rare. LYROPORA DIVERGENS Ulrich. PI. LVIII, Fig. 4-4b, 4d. Zoarium small, with a peduncle or point of attachment below, from which the arms of the thickened support diverge at nearly a right angle and approximately in a direct line; the whole spread nearly upon the same plane. On the obverse the branches are usually, a little fiexuous and subangular, with a row of small tubercles, about three to each fenestrule, along the middle; 18 or 19 branches in one cm. Zooecia in two rather irregular ranges excepting a short distance below a bifurcation where there are three; apertures with a distinct peristome, compara- tively large, about 0.1 rnm. in diameter, and 22 in five mm. Fenestrules irregularly elliptical, indented by the zocecia aper- tures, 12 or 13 in one cm. Dissepiments subangular, nearly as high as, and thinner than the branches. On the reverse the branches and dissepiments are rounded, of nearly equal thick- ness, and covered with fine vermicular striae; the fenestrules round oval, varying in width with age, in younger examples being wider than the branches, in old ones narrower. In having two rows of zocecia this species resembles L. quin- cuncialis Hall, but differs in the form of the support, in having the expansion spread in a plane, and the zooecia, fenestrules and branches a little larger. The apertures too are larger and have a distinct peristome, a feature not noticed in that species. The two ranges of zo(Pcia and the smaller branches will distinguish it from L. subquadrans Hall. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111., and Sloan's Valley, Pulaski Co., Ky. BRYOZOA. 585 LYROPORA OVALIS Ulrich. PL LYin, Fig. 5-5b, and PI. LY, Fig. 8. Of this species I have seen only the imperfect example figured. It does nott preserve any of the basal portion of the support, but the sides of the expansion are thickened in the manner usual for the genus. Contrary to the rule the reverse is the con- vex side. Here the branches are rounded and appear to inoscu- late, forming a regular net-work, leaving suboval or circular fenestrulHs. about ten in the length of 1 cm. Branches about sixteen in 1 cm., with a nearly smooth surface; their width, as a rule, is a little less than the transverse diameter of the fenes- t rules. The obverse being buried in the matrix, the arrange- ment of the zooecia and and other features were determined by means of thin sections. These show that the zocecla are larger than usual (especially wider) there being about twenty in five mm. The prevailing arrangement is in two ranges, but three rows occur for a distance of 2 or 3 mm. below the bifurcations, i own by vertical section (PI LV, fig. 8,) the inferior hemi- septum is situated higher up on the anterior wall than in other species. The two ranges of zooecia ally this species to L. divergens Ulr.. and L. c/uincuncialis Hall, but the net-work is considerably larger than in those species. Both L. subquadrans Hall, and L. ranosculuw L'lr.. have from three to five rows of apertures. Position and locality: Chester group, Grayson Springs, Ken- tucky. POLYPORA McCoy, 1844. (Synop. Carb. Foss. Ireland, p. 206. (For generic diagnosis see page 396..) In my estimate of this genus I regard such forms as P. shu- niardi and P. rai-soviensis. as representing its most typical phase. McCoy's P. dendroides is one of a series (to which P. cestriensis, P. tuberculata. and P. gracilis also belong), that approaches Thamniscus too closely to make it a desirable type. I regard it as farther removed from P. shumardi than are the numerous two and three ranged forms/ —73 586 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. POLYPORA SHUMARDI PrOUt. PI. LV, figs. 2-2d. Polypora shumardi Prout, 1859. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. 1, p. 271. PI. 16. fig. 3-3b. Polypora shumardi Hall, 1885. Bept. State Geol. for 1884, p. 35 PI. 1, flg. 5. Fenestella cultellata Hall, 1881. Trans. Alb. Inst. Vol. X. Abstract p. 21. Fenestella (Polypora) cultellata Hall, 1883. Rept. State Geol. for 1882. Explanation to PI. 29. Fenestella cultellata Hall. 1886. Eept. State Geol. for 1885. Explanation to PI. 41. Fenestella cultellata Hall, 1887. Pal. N. T. Vol. 6, p. 160. Zoarium a large irregular fan-shaped expansion, the largest fragment seen being over 10 cm. high, and 12 cm. wide. Near the base and along the free margins there are, usually, strong root-like processes which may be attached to foreign bodies. Branches rather strong and straight, subangular, varying from 0.6 to 1.0 mm. in width, with eight or nine in 'one cm.; along the middle, on well preserved examples, with a series of elong- ate, strongly projecting, sharp, elevations or spines, about one to each fenestrule. Dissepiments half the width of the branches, depressed, rounded, often with a sharply margined irregular ex- cavation or channel. Fenestrules narrow, elliptical, eight or nine in 1 cm. Zocecia generally in four or five alternating long- itudinal ranges, increasing to six or seven before bifurcation; about seventeen in 5 mm. Apertures circular, rather large, regularly and closely arranged, the not very well developed peristomes being almost in contact laterally. On the reverse the branches and dissepiments are rounded, commonly smooth, nearly on the same plane, the latter expanded at their junction with the former and about 0.6 mm. in length. A very abundant and easily recognized species. Some of the silicified examples show the superior hemiseptum very clearly as a narrow crescentic plate projecting obliquely downward and forward from the posterior basal margin of the "vestibule." Other speci- mens have the superficial aperture closed by the usual opercular plate, the small perforation of which may be open or closed by a round stopper. Position and locality: Upper Helderberg group. Falls of the Ohio, and Utica, Indiana. BRYOZOA. 587 POLYPORA BURLFNGTONENSIS Ulrich. PL LIX, figs. 2-2a. Zoarium flabellate, at least 6 cin. wide, with strong root-like processes at the base. On the reverse the branches are moder- ately strong and straight, rounded, smooth, 0.6 to 1.0 mm. wide, and seven or eight in 1 cm. Dissepiments rather slender, somewhat depressed, one-half or less than half the width of the branches. Fenestrules subquadrate, 4.5 to 5 in 1 cm., about as wide as the branches, averaging 1.6 by 0.8 mm. None of the specimens show the obverse side satisfactorily, but as is learned from thin sections, the zocecia are often in four, gener- ally in five, and sometimes (just before bifurcation) in six alter- nating longitudinal series. Their apertures are about their diameter apart, with fourteen or fifteen in 5 mm. Bryozoa are so rare in the Burlington limestone that the de- scription of poorly preserved material from it is, in a measure, excusable. Moreover, the nature of the rock is such, that good specimens of this class are almost unknown. As near as can be determined P. burlingtonensis is closely allied to P. hal- liana Prout, of the Keokuk strata. The latter differs in having the reverse of the branches more narrowly rounded, and six fenestrules where this species has 4.5 to 5. Better specimens would probably show other distinctions. Position and locality: Burlington limestone, Burlington, la., and Henderson Co., Illinois. POLYPORA HALLIANA Prout. PI. LIX, flgs. 5-oc. Polypora haUiana Prout., 1860. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. 1, p. 580. Polypora haUiana Prout, 1866. Geo. Surv. HI. Vol. 2, p. 421. PL XXI. flg. 4-4b. (Not Polypora haUiana Nich., 1874. Pal. Ont. p. 99.) Zoarium large, expanding rapidly from a short, thick, finely striated foot-stalk, so that the margins quickly meet beneath it, or pass and overlap each other. The largest example seen measures 11 cm. from the outer margin to the sub-central foot- stalk. The inner half of the expansion is spread nearty in a plane, but towards the margins the frond is somewhat undu- lated. Near the footstalk the branches bifurcate frequently, are 588 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. much curved, and have both sides thickened so that the fenes- strules are smaller than farther out. The zooecia apertures, also, are here entirely covered by a minutely granulose second- ary deposit. Beyond its influence the characters of the zoarium are as follows: Branches 8 to 10 in 1 cm., moderately strong and straight, convex and minutely papillose when per- fect, enlarging from 0.6 mm. just after, to 1.0 or 1.1 mm. just before a bifurcation. The width of a fully developed branch is quite uniform at 0.8 mm. Dissepiments rather slender, from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. wide, enlarging at their junction with the branches. Fenestrules six in 1 cm. varying from subquadrate to elliptical, about 1.3 by 0.5 mm. Zooecia ranges increasing from three to six, the usual or normal number being four. Apertures small, without peristome, arranged alternately, about fifteen in 5 mm., in the usual state of preservation appearing oval, but when perfect decidedly pyriform the posterior margin being sinuate. On the reverse the branches have their summits narrowly rounded and their sides flattened, giving them a pinched appearance that is most marked toward the outer margin of the expansion. The dissepiments occupy nearly the same plane as the branches and the fenestrules are wider and more quadrate in form than on the obverse. When very young they are finely striated, but commonly they are smooth or covered with extremely minute granules. This fine species is common and easily recognized by the char- acters above described. Position and locality: Keokuk group: numerous localities in Illinois and Iowa. Warsaw beds, at Warsaw, 111. POLYPORA MACCOYANA Ulrfch. PL LIX, figs. 3-3d. Zoarium a large, flabellate, slowly expanding frond. Branches six to eight in 1 cm., strong, rigid, subcylindrical, often with a row of \videly separated and exceptionally large spines, which usually take the place of a cell aperture. Though varying from 0.6 to 1.2 mm., the average width of the branches is between 0.8 and 0.9 mm. Surface minutely granulose. Dissepiments slender, rounded, depressed. Fenestrules oblong subquadrate to elongate-oval, of variable width, averaging 2.4 by 0.8 mm., BRYOZOA. 589 with 3 to 3.5 in 1 cm. Zooecia in from four to eight alternat- ing ranges, normally in five or six. Apertures fourteen or fif- teen in 5 mm., subcircular, without peristome, appearing larger in worn examples than in perfect ones, widely separated longi- tudinally, and arranged in more or less regular intersecting diagonal series. Reverse of branches and dissepiments convex and finely striated. This species, although closely related to P. halliana Prout, cannot be confounded with it. The fenestrules are so much longer, the branches stronger, more rigid and cylindrical, that a glance suffices to distinguish them. P. simulxtrix resembles it more in its general aspect, but differs widely in important characters. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Nauvoo and near Plymouth in Illinois, and Keokuk and Bentonsport, Iowa. POLYPORA SIMl'LATRIX Ulrich. PI. LIX, flg. 4-4b. Zoarium a large foliate expansion, with strong root-like ap- pendages at the base. Branches moderately strong, slightly convex on the poriferous side, rather straight, bifurcating at long intervals. 0.7 to 1.3 mm. wide. with, generally, seven in 1 cm. Their average width between bifurcations is about 0.8 mm. Dissepiments one-fourth to one-third the width of the branches, expanding at their junction with them. Fenestrules 4 to 4.5 in 1 cm., varying from long-oval to sub-quadrangular, with aver- age dimensions of about 2.0 by 0.6 mm. Zooecia generally in five or six alternating ranges, twelve or thirteen in each in 5 mm. Apertures comparatively large, circular, surrounded by a well developed peristome, arranged obliquely across the branches or in regular diagonally intersecting lines, their diameter or a little more apart longitudinally. A few small spines, as shown in fig. 4b, are often present. On the reverse the branches are strongly rounded, somewhat flattened at the sides, and very finely striated. Although in its general aspect this species is very much like P. maccovana, there are still certain peculiarities which enable us to separate them easily. The larger number of fenestrules in a given space alone can be depended upon when the examples 590 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. are badly worn, but more perfect ones show more important differences. The cell apertures in that species are smaller and without an elevated peristome, and the interspaces between them crowded with small granules. The branches are also more convex on the obverse side. The vestibular portion of the zooecia again is longer, giving the branches a solidity and strength not possessed by those of P. simulatrix. Hence, while the branches of the latter are usually flattened by pressure, those of P. maccoyana, so far as observed, have always retained their convexity. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Nauvoo, Warsaw and Henderson Co., Illinois, and Keokuk and Bentonsport, Iowa. POLYPORA (?) GRACILI8 PrOUt. PI. LXI, flgs. 10, lOa. Polypora gracilis Prout, 1860. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sei. vol 1, p. 580. Polypora gracilis Prout, 1866. Geol. Surv. 111. vol. II, p. 422. PI. XXI, flgs. 1, la. Zoarium a long, narrow, gradually spreading net-work, grow- ing from a small pedicle. Branches strong, rounded, 0.8 to 1.2 mm. in width, with five or six in 1 cm.; bifurcating at variable intervals. Dissepiments very thin, slightly expanded at their junction with the branches. Fenestrules long, quadrangular or elliptical, usually a little wider than the branches. Their length varies greatly, the extremes noticed being 3 and 8 mm. Zooe- cia in from three to five alternating ranges. Apertures small, circular, pustuloid when perfect, widely separated longitudinally, about nine in 5 mm. The branches are covered with granulose striae, and on old examples there is a row of strong spines along the center of the branch. Reverse convex, smooth or finely striated. In its growth this species approaches Thamniscus, but in its minute characters it closely resembles such species of Polypora as P. maccoyana and P. halliana. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Warsaw and Nauvoo, Illinois, Keokuk, Iowa, and King's Mountain, Ky. BRYOZOA. 591 POLYPORA RETRORSA Ulrich. PI. LIX, flgs. 6-6d. Zoarium a small, rapidly expanding, foliar net-work. Branches 6.5 to 7 in 5 mm., rounded, slender, averaging 0.4 mm. in width, but increasing from 0.3 to 0.5 or 0.6 mm. before bifurca- tion takes place. Dissepiments short, depressed, half as wide as the branches. Fenestrules long-oval or sub-quadrangular, five or six in 5 mm., narrower than the branches. Zocecia in three or four alternating ranges, in each about twenty in 5 mm. Apertures small, sub-oval, seemingly directed backward on account of the peristome, which is much the highest on the anterior side; sometimes with a rayed appearance. On the re- verse the branches and dissepiments are rounded, occupy the same plane, are nearly of the same thickness, and exhibit nu- merous distinct granules, arranged in one or two encircling series. The fenestrules are shorter than on the obverse, and regularly elliptical in form. The distinct granules and rounded fenestrules of the reverse, and the unequally developed peristome separate this species from, at any rate all the Carboniferous species of the genus, known to me. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Rather rare at Keo- kuk, Iowa. POLYPORA RADIALIS Ulrich. PI. LX, flgs. l-ld. Zoarium very small, compact, two or three cm. in diameter, originally flabellate, but by expanding very rapidly the lateral margins at last meet and unite, giving it the appearance of a very much depressed funnel. Branches comparatively strong, close together, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. wide, and eight or nine in 5 mm., their surface minutely granulose. Dissepiments short, depressed, varying from one-fourth to two-thirds the width of the branches, their width depending largely upon the relative proximity of neighboring branches, being widest when these are nearest. Fenestrules small, irregular, sub-oval, about 0.5 by 0.2 mm., and between six and seven in 5 mm. Zocecia in two ranges im- 592 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. mediately after bifurcation, these soon increase to three, and then to four before the next division. Apertures circular, rayed, • with prominent peristome, less than twice their diameter apart, about twelve in 3 mm. On the reverse the branches are rather straight, the dissepiments half as wide, the fenestrules sub- quadrate or elliptical, and twice as long as wide. This beautiful little species is distinguished from its nearest relative P. retrorsa, by its closer branches, smaller fenestrules, their more elongate form, smooth and straighter branches on the reverse, and the direct apertures. The rayed apertures are also better shown in P. radialis than in any other species of the genus known to me. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Rare at Keokuk, Iowa. POLYPOKA BISERIATA UMch. PI. LX, figs. 4-46. Zoarium a slowly expanding, irregular, more or less undulat- ing, foliar net-work, from four to eight cms. in height. Branches closely approximated, seventeen to nineteen in 1 cm., slender, averaging 0.5 mm. in width, but increasing from 0.4 to < .7 mm. before bifurcation, which takes place at intervals of from 5 to 14 mm. Their poriferous surface is nearly flat or slightly elevated centrally, where a row of prominent spines or nodes, about 0.45 mm. apart, almost gives the impression of a median keel. Dissepiments short, depressed, one-half or less than one- half the width of the branches. Fenestrules small, sub-oval, about fourteen in 1 cm. Zooecia in two alternating ranges, in- creasing to three at a point 2 or 3 mm. below the branch di- visions. Apertures large, 0.15 mm. in diameter, direct, with prominent peristome, seventeen or eighteen in 5 mm., their di- ameter or less apart, often closed by an opercular cover of the usual type. On the reverse the branches are rather broadly rounded, somewhat channeled below the bifurcations, and either smooth or very finely striated; the dissepiments thin and not depressed, and the fenestrules sub-quadrate. The material upon which this species is founded is very satis- factory, many of the examples being free and in a fine state of preservation. The species is very constant and all the speci- BRYOZOA. 593 mens, save one, agree closely in their measurements. The latter adheres to the rock and exposes the obverse side. So far as can be seen it agrees with the typical form in every respect ex- cepting that the fenestrules are larger, there being only ten in 1 cm. It probably represents a variety. The affinities of the species lie with P. varsoviensis Prout. That form is larger, has invariably one row of cells more to the branch, and larger fenestrules. Position and locality: Warsaw beds. Monroe Co., 111., and Warsaw, 111. The same or a closely allied species occurs in the St. Louis limestone at Barrett's Station, Mo. POLYPORA VARSOVIENSIS Prout. PI. LX, figs. 2-2b. Polypora varsoviensis Prout, 1859. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. Vol. 1, p. 236. PI. 15, flg. 3-3b. Zoarium a large irregular foliar expansion. Branches rather strong, rounded, nine to eleven in 1 cm., averaging 0.7 or 0.8 mm. in width, but increasing from 0.5 to 0.9 or 1.0 mm. be- fore bifurcation takes place. Dissepiments short, slender, be- tween 0.2 and 0.3 mm. thick. Fenestrules oval, somewhat ir- regular in size and shape, averaging 0.9 by 0.4 mm., with from 6 to 8.5 in 1 cm., the most common number being 7.5. Zooecia at first in three alternating ranges, then in four, and, just be- fore the branch again divides, in five. Apertures large, with a prominent peristome, their diameter or less apart, with fourteen or fifteen in 5 mm. On the reverse the branches are broadly rounded, smooth or finely striated, the dissepiments thin, the fenestrules nearly regularly elliptical, or occasionally, approach- ing subquadrangular, with their length fully equal to twice the width. The larger dimensions of the fronds of this species distinguish them from P. biseriata. The two are almost constantly asso- ciated, and in both the zooecia apertures are larger than usual. P. simulatrix of the Keokuk group agrees with them in this respect, but differs in having stronger branches and consider- ably larger fenestrules. —74 594 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Warsaw beds. Abundant at Warsaw, Illinois, and Monroe Co., Illinois; also in the St. Louis lime- stone at Barrett's Station, St. Louis Co., Mo. POLYPORA SPININODATA Ulrich. PL LX, fig. 3. Of this species I have only seen one large semi-circular frond in good preservation, and a smaller weather-worn fragment. Unfortunately both adhere firmly to the rock so that the re- verse only can be seen. With the aid of thin sections the ranges of zooecia have been determined. The characters of the reverse are as follows: Branches rather slender, varying from 0.3 to 0.6 or 0.7 mm., with thirteen to fifteen in 1 cm., bifur- cating at long intervals. Their surface is strongly rounded, covered with distinct longitudinal striations, and raised, at in- tervals about equal to the length of a fenestrule, into pro- nounced spines or nodes. Dissepiments generally less than half the width of the branches, slightly depressed or on a level with the branches, subcarinate or narrowly rounded. Fenestrules elliptical, nine or ten in 1 cm., averaging 0.7 by 0.35 mm. Zooecia at first in two ranges, then in three, and later on in four. The last number prevails for from 1 to 3 mm. before the branch divides. The strong hollow nodes on the reverse of the branches, dis- tinguish this species from all Carboniferous species of Polypora known to me. In the proportions and number of zooecia the species occupies an intermediate portion between P. biseriata and P. varsoviensis. Thin sections also show some slight dif- ferences in their minute structure. Position and locality: Warsaw beds, at Warsaw, 111. POLYPORA CESTRIENSIS Dlrich. PI. LV, figs. 4-4b, and PL LX, flgs. 7-7c. Zoaria consisting of foliar expansions of somewhat lax and irregular growth. Branches rather strong, slightly rounded, with a row of faint nodes along the center about 0.5 mm, apart; width above a bifurcation 0.5 mm., increasing to 1.0 mm., with about eight in 1 cm. Dissepiments slender, slightly BRYOZOA. 595 depressed and expanded at each end, from 0.25 to 0.4 mm. thick; in some specimens with parallel striae extending from branch to branch. Fenestrules rather large, narrow, sub-oval, with slightly indented margins, five or six in 1 cm., their aver- age dimensions being 1.5 by 0.5 mm. Ranges of apertures alternating, increasing from three to four (the number imme- diately after bifurcation) to six just before the next division. Very young examples have the ranges of apertures separated by fine tortuous lines which become obsolete with age. Ordi- narily the apertures are small, circular, pustuliform, generally about twice their diameter apart, with seventeen in 5 mm. On the reverse the branches are strongly convex, smooth, or with exceedingly fine longitudinal striae. The fenestrules are wider and appear more nearly quadrangular than on the opposite face. This easily recognized species is one of the most common and characteristic fossils of the Chester group. Its fronds are larger in every way than those of its nearest congener P. tuber- culata Prout, while the pustiliforni cell mouths and lax growth separate them from Keokuk and Warsaw species. Position and locality: Chester group, at Chester, Kaskaskia. near Anna, and other localities in Illinois; also at Litchfield and Sloan's Valley. Ky. POLYPORA TUBERCULATA Pl'OUt. PI. LX, fig. 8. Polypora tuberculata Prout, 1859. Trans. St. Louis Acad. ScL.Vol. 1, p. 449. fig.3, pi. 18. Not Polypora tuberculata Nich., 1874. Pal. Ontario, p. 110, fig. 37. Zoarium a small, flabellate net-work, not known to exceed •'"5.5 cm. in height. Branches twelve to fourteen in 1 cm., sub- cylindrical, slender, with an average width of 0.45 mm., but enlarging from about 0.3 to 0.6 mm, before bifurcation, which takes place at intervals varying from 1.5 to 8.0 or more mm. Along the middle of the branches there is an irregular row of moderately prominent and widely separated nodes, with only one or two in the length of a fenestrule. Dissepiments some- what depressed, one-third to one-half the width of the branches. Fenestrules suboval but variable in size and shape, with aver- age dimensions of 0.7 by 0.35 mm., and eight or nine in 1 cm. 596 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Zooecia normally in three or four, somewhat irregular, alterna- ting ranges, just before bifurcation in five or six, and immedi- ately after, rarely in two, generally in three. Apertures small, circular, when perfect somewhat pustuloid, about twenty-five in 5 mm. On the reverse the branches are rather narrowly rounded, slightly zigzag, and smooth or finely striated; the dissepiments scarcely depressed, and a little wider than on the opposite face; the fenestrules about as wide as the branches, and of oblong subquadrangular or subovate form. A few root-like apendages spring from the branches near the base, and occasionally fap- ther up on the frond. This species is on the order of, but in every way smaller than P. cestriensis. It has been erroneously identified in the Scotch Carboniferous shales by Mr. John Young. Mr. G. R. Vine,* after noting the resemblances and differences comes to the same conclusion, although his American examples of the species, are, as I have good reason to know, really quite different from Front's P. tuberculata, and probably belong to P. spinulifera of this work. The slightly raised keel which Prout says separ- ates the rows of cells in this species I have never seen, nor are the tuberculations so numerous as stated by him. These characters he probably obtained through confounding a frag- ment of P. cestriensis with the true P. tuberculata. His fig- ure is quite reliable and shows the tubercles as above described, but no lines between the rows of cells. The dissepiments are represented a little too thin. Position and locality: Chester group. Not uncommon at Chester, 111.; rare at Litchfield, Ky. POLYPORA CORTICOSA UMch. PL LX, Figs. 5-5c, and PL LXI, Fig. 1. Zoarium rather small, forming a flattened expansion, perhaps not exceeding three or four cm. in height, which springs from a strong, solid, finely striated foot-stalk. Both surfaces of the branches near the base are covered with the striated deposit, causing the fenestrules to become very small or entirely filled * Notes on Yoredale Polyzoa, 1886, p. 17. BRYOZOA. 597 up. Beyond its influence the characters are as follows: Branches strong, broadly convex, eight or nine in 1 cm. with an average width of 0.8 mm., but increasing from about O.G mm. imme- diately after bifurcation to about 1.1 mm. before again dividing. Dissepiments short, slightly depressed, gradually decreasing in width from the base toward the free margin, where their width varies from 0.4 to 0.6 mm. Fenestrules comparatively small, oval, increasing in width outward, with 6 or 6.5 in 1 cm. Zooecia at first in four alternating ranges, then in five, six, and seven rows (occasionally in eight) before the branch divides. Apertures about twenty in 5 mm., small, circular, with faint peristome, their diameter or more apart longitudinally, the rows separated by a fine wavy line that is alternately stronger and weaker and occasionally sufficiently elevated to form a small node or spine. On the reverse the branches and dissepi- ments are strongly rounded, upon the same plane, of nearly equal thickness, and finely striated. The branches being thinner than on the opposite face causes the fenestrules to be larger, their average dimensions being about 0.8 by 0.6 mm. Their form is somewhat variable, but, as a rule, they are broad-oval. The seemingly disproportionate strength of the zoarium, and the striated solid tissue which is drawn over the basal portion of both sides, give this species a decidedly distinct appearance. In many respects the species resembles P. complanata, but that form is larger, more regular, has the zooecia open down to the foot-stalk, the branches less convex and more uniform, the feuestrules smaller and circular, and no striations between the zooecia apertures. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. POLYPORA COMPLANATA UMch. PL LX, Fig. 6-6c. The above name is proposed for the specimen figured and one other. A number of fragments now before me may represent young examples of the same species but as their general appear- ance is more like that of P. corticosa. and, as none of them expand as rapidly as the types, I prefer to leave them unclassi- fied for the present. The types which expose only the obverse side may be described as follows: Zoarium a semi-circular and 598 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. slightly concave foliar expansion, 4 cm. wide and nearly 3 cm. high, growing from a short foot-stalk, with the branches scarcely distinguishable, the whole appearing rather as a ryth- mically perforated plate. Branches flat, bifurcating frequently and rapidly increasing in width from 0.7 to 1.5 mm. Dissepi- ments depressed, very short, extremely wide, the width equal to that of the branches and two or three times their length. Fenes- trules circular, or nearly so, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, with seven in 1 cm. Zocecia in rather irregular ranges increasing in number from three or four to eight or nine between the bifurca- tions. Apertures nineteen or twenty in 5 mm., small, circular, when perfect with a faint peristome. Interspaces wider than the apertures, apparently set with inconspicuous nodes. From thin sections it appears that the reverse side of the branches is broadly rounded, and the dissepiments much depressed. The examples from which the above description is drawn differ so much from the ordinary species of the genus that I do not hesitate in proposing a new name for them. The relation of the species to P. corticosa can only be determined by more complete examples than have as yet fallen under my notice. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. POLYPORA SPINULJFERA Ulrich. PL LXI, Fig. 2-2a, 3-3a, 4-4a. Zoarium a foliar, fan shaped, undulated or flat, expansion 4 or 5 cms. in height. Branches rather slender, gently convex, about thirteen in 1 cm., and from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. in width. Surface spinulose, the spines small, about two-thirds as numer- ous as the zooecia, and irregularly distributed. Dissepiments short, rounded, depressed, from one-third to one-half as wide as the branches. Fenestrules irregularly oval, more or less in- dented, 9.5 to 11 in 1 cm.; on an average 0.6 by 0.3 mm. Zooecia in from three to five alternating ranges, these numbers being the extremes between the bifurcations. The prevailing number is four. Apertures small, with well developed peristome, twenty to twenty-one in 5 mm., regularly arranged between the small tubercles. On the reverse the dissepiments are about as wide as the branches, and both are strongly convex and smooth, while the fenestrules are regularly broad-oval or subcircular, BRYOZOA. 509 they and the dissepiments being wider and the branches nar- rower than on the obverse side. A variety of this species is represented by figs. 3 and 3a. It is from the Coal Measures in Montgomery Co., 111., and differs from the typical form in having three as the prevailing number of zooecia ranges, narrower branches, and wider, subquadrangu- lar fenestrules. The zocecia are also a little larger, there being only eighteen or nineteen in 5 mm. The form represented by figs. 4 and 4a, is also from the Coal Measures. It agrees more closely with the typical form, differing mainly in having the fenestrules slightly shorter and the dissepiments correspondingly stronger. In the number of cell rows it is intermediate between the Chester form and the Montgomery Co. variety. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111., and Mon- roe Co., 111. Coal Measures, Montgomery Co., 111., and near Red Oak, Iowa. POLYPORA APPROXIMATA Ulrich. PI. LXI, Figs. 5-5a. Polypora biarmica Prout, (non Keyserling) 1859. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., vol. 1, p. 450. This is probably only a well marked variety of P. spinulifera,, but it is sufficiently distinct to deserve a name. It differs in the following respects: The zoarium is stronger and in every way presents a more robust aspect, the branches and dissepi- ments being somewhat wider, and the fenestrules larger, espe- cially upon the reverse side. There are seven to nine fenestrules instead of ten or eleven. The number of cell ranges increases quite regularly from three or four just after a bifurcation, to six or seven before the next division. The nodes or spines are stronger, much less in number, and generally occupy only the center of the branches.* Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111.; Sloan's Valley and Litchfield, Ky. *I have lately collected several hundred examples of this species, showing it to be a constant form and qui e distinct from P. spinulifera. The specimens were obtained from near Clayton P. O., Caldwell Co., Ky., where they occurred in a bed of shaly limestone at the top of the Chester. 600 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. POLYPORA WHITEI Ulrich. PI. LXII. Fig. 2. Zoarium a delicate, slowly expanding, foliar net-work, branches very slender, rigid, varying from 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide, w-ith nine or ten in 5 mm. Dissepiments slender, about 0.1 mm. thick, enlarging at each end. Fenestrules subovate, nearly as wide as the branches, 0.7 by 0.25 mm. their average dimen- sions, with six in 5 mm. Zooecia in two and three rows except- ing just below a bifurcation where a fourth is interpolated. The ranges are separated by an interrupted or continuous keel, which gives the branches so long as they have only two ranges of cells, very much the appearance of a Fenestella. At intervals the keel is slightly elevated so as to form a small node. Apertures circular or faintly truncated at the posterior side, with a thin peristome, about nineteen in 5 mm. The longitudinal spaces between the apertures are equal to nearly twice their diameter, and usually marked by two or three raised lines. Reverse not seen. In this species we see, perhaps, the last of the numerous links between Fenestella and Polypora. Such species have been de- scribed from the Niagara and all the principal horizons between that and the Hamilton group, but have not, heretofore, been known from Carboniferous deposits. It gives me much pleasure to name this beautiful species for my esteemed and distinguished friend, Dr. Charles A. White, of Washington, D. C. Position and locality: Base of Coal Measures, Seville, 111. POLYPORA WHITEI var. INSCULPTA ri. var. PI. LXII, fig. 1. This variety or species closely resembles the type of P. eximia but differs in the following points. The branches are slightly wider, less rigid, the two ranges of zocecia sooner give way to three and these to four, the separating ridges are more irregu- lar, the finer lines wanting, the peristomes more elevated and thicker, and the fenestrules larger, there being only 4.5 in 5 mm. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures, at Springfield, Illinois. BRYOZOA. 601 POLYPORA XODOCARIXATA Ulrich. PI. LXI, fig. 9-fla. Zoariuru infundibuliform, large, thrown into strong folds to- ward the tipper margin, poriferous on the inner side. Branches moderately strong, rigid, averaging ten to 1 cm., 0.5 or 0.6 mm. wide at a point immediately above a bifurcation; the width gradually increases to 0.7 mm., which prevails till a short dis- below the next bifurcation when another 0.1 mm. is added The bifurcations being widely separated,' the increase is very gradual. Dissepiments short, depressed, rounded, 0.3 or 0.4 mm. wide. Fenestrules oval or subquadrangular, about 0.7 by '0.3 mm., and 8.5 or 9 in 1 cm. Zooecia in four regular alter- nating ranges, excepting for a short distance after bifurcation where three is the prevailing number-, and occasionally just be- fore bifurcation where a fifth row may be developed. Apertures circular, without a peristome, about their diameter apart, nine- teen in 5 mm. The ranges of apertures are separated by three rows of tubercles, of which the central row is much the most conspicuous, giving the branch the nodo-carinate appearance that has suggested the name. Frequently, however, the tubercles occupy the longitudinal spaces between the cell apertures when that appearance is less marked. On the reverse the branches are narrowly rounded and appear very thin, the fenestrules are larger, averaging 0. 8. by 0.7 mm., nearly square! or slightly hexagonal. The surface of the branches is smooth over the lower half of the zoarium, and finely striate toward the upper margin. The subcarinate branches, with their four ranges of apertures bring to mind F"enextrynocladia biserialis Meek, 1874. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts. p. 486. Synocladia biserialis Meek, 1875. Pal. Ohio, vol. 2, p. 326, PI. 20, flg. 5-5b. Synocladia biserialis White, 1877. Wheeler U. S. Geol. Surv. vol. 4, p. 107, PI. 7, flg. 3a-3c. Zoarium large, irregular, infundibuliform, strongly folded and often overlapping in the upper portions, consisting of approxi- mately equal, parallel radiating branches, their number increas- ing by lateral divisions, or intercalation of new branches, the whole being united into a fenestrated frond by the union of the lateral branchlets or pinna?, which form more or less arched dissepiments. Fenestrules usually transversely oblong, often irregularly quadrangular or somewhat crescentic, wider than the branches, about thirteen in 1 cm. Branches averaging 0.5 mm. wide, but varying from 0.3 or 0.4 to 0.7 or 0.8 mm., with nearly uniformly ten in 1 cm.; reverse evenly rounded, with fine minutely granulose striae, and a variable though never large number of accessory pores, chiefly occurring on the sides of the branches; their mouths are circular, about 0.07 mm. in diame- ter, and, when perfect, with a slightly elevated rim. The dis- sepiments are about two-thirds as wide as the branches, and. on the reverse side, more or less depressed below them, and striated. On the obverse face the branches and dissepiments 632 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. present two ranges of rather large, sub-circular zooecia aper- tures, separated by a thin mesial ridge, which is stronger on the branches than on the dissepiments, and carries a series of elongate, more or less prominent nodes, 0.8 mm. or less apart. Zooecia apertures 0.13 mm. in diameter, about two-thirds their diameter apart, with twenly or twenty-one in 5 mm.; and from three to eight on each dissepiment; when well preserved with a thin but distinct peristome. Irregularly distributed between the apertures, especially on the dissepiments, there are accessory pores of the same nature and size as those on the reverse side of the zoarium. The measurements of this species agree very closely with those of S. subquadrans, but there are, nevertheless, certain differences that show them to be distinct. In the Chester form the branches increase by true bifurcation, while in S. biserialis the mode is by lateral division and interpolation. Another dif- ference will be noticed upon comparing figs. 7 and 8 with fig. 11 on PL LVI. These represent the appearance of the two species in thin sections, and show a minute dotted character of the dense reverse layer and the zooecia interspaces in the Car- boniferous species that is entirely absent in S. subquadrans. The ultimate form of the zoarium also shows some differences, the latter being characterized by its slightly undulated flabel- late form, while S. biserialis forms a strongly folded infundibuli- form zoarium. On the whole, therefore, I believe the specific separation is justified. Position and locality: Upper and Lower Coal Measures, at localities in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Kentucky. SEPTOPORA BISERIALIS VAR. NERVATA Ulrich. PI. LXIV, flg. 6. This designation I propose provisionally for a form repre- sented in the collections before me by seven examples. They differ from the typical form of the species in having primary and secondary branches, the former being much stronger than the latter, and arranged in a radial manner around the base. The secondary branches are thinner, nearly parallel with each BRYOZOA. 633 other, and given off from one or both sides of the primary set at a very acute angle. At intervals one of the secondary branches becomes thickened and is likewise pinnated. The fenes- trules are sub-quadrate or ovate, generally a little \vider than the branches, with eight or nine in 1 cm. in six of the speci- mens, and between ten and eleven in the seventh. In other re- spects the variety agrees with the typical form. Three of the specimens * are from the Chester group of Ken- tucky, three from the Upper Coal Measures of Illinois, and one from the same horizon near Red Oak, Iowa. SEPTOPORA PIXXATA Dlrich. PL LXTV, fig. 7. PL LXV.flgs, 1-la. This form agrees in many respects with S. biserialis, but the pinnate arrangement gives it such a different aspect that it seems unreasonable to regard them as specifically identical. Their relations are about the same as those of S. decipiens to S. subquadrans. In distinguishing it from the var. nervata. we find that the branchlets are given off at a much less acute angle, and that altogether the branches are thinner and the fenestrules comparatively larger. Eight branchlets, averaging 0.3 mm. wide, are given off from each side of the midribs, in 1 cm. The midribs vary from 0.5 to 0.7 mm. wide. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures, Jasper County, Illinois. SEPTOPORA ROBUST A Ulrich. PL LVI. fig. 9-9c, and PL LXTV, figs. 3-3a. The zoarium of this species is flabellate, and, though with many points of resemblance to S. biserialis, will be immediately distinguished by its more robust appearance, the branches hav- ing an average width of between 0.7 and 0.8 mm., the extremes being 0.6 and 1.1 mm; five to eight branches occur in 1 cm. The dissepiments are either direct or arched, strong, from 0.4 to 0.7 mm. wide, and somewhat depressed on the reverse side; the fenestrules vary from circular to transversely oblong sub- quadrate, usually wider than the branches, with seven or eight —79 634 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and rarely nine in 1 cm. longitudinally. The zooecia form two ranges on the branches, with twenty-two or twenty -three in 5 mm., and three irregular rows on the dissepiments. The aper- tures are comparatively large, being 0.14 mm. in diameter, and separated by little more than half their diameter. One of the principal features of the species is the large number of the accessory pores on the reverse side. A few of these pores also occur among the zooecia apertures. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures, Fayette County, Illinois. SEPTOPOBA ROBUSTA var. INTERMEDIA Ulrich. PI. LVI, fig. 10, and PI. LXIV, figs. 4-4a. Under this provisional name I desire to make known a form from the Chester limestone of Kentucky, that differs from the typical form in having more delicate branches, and longer and more arched dissepiments. The former vary in width between 0.4 and 0.7 mm., and the latter usually carry only two rows of zooecia. There are three specimens, two from near Litchfield and one from Sloan's Valley. One preserves the base with a large number of rootlets. SEPTOPORA DELICATULA Ulrich. PI. LXIV, fler. 5-5a. Of this species only the reverse is known, but this is so char- acteristic that there is no danger of mistaking the species. The zoarium is small and exceedingly delicate. The branches are rather narrowly rounded, distinctly striated, and vary in width between 0.2 and and 0.4 mm. The intervals between them average 1.2 mm. Dissepiments or connecting pinnae slender, about two-thirds as wide as the branches, and 1.2 to 1.5 mm. distant from each other. A few accessory pores are developed, usually at the base of the dissepiments. Position and locality: Lower Coal Measures, Seville, Illinois. Associated with Fenestella wortheni, F. sevillensis, Rhombopora multipora, (Foerste) and other species. BRYOZOA. 635 ACANTHOCLADIA King, 1850. (Monograph Brit. Perm. Foss. p. 48.) (For generic diagnosis see p. 398.) On plate LYI figures 1 to Ic, illustrate the internal charac- ters of A. anceps Schlotheim, the type of the genus. According to my observations, the zooecia are arranged about as follows: In A. anceps there are generally four alternating rows of zooecia on the main branch, but the number varies from three to six. Of these the two central ranges are the principal ones, since they run without interruption throughout the length of the stem, while the one or two rows on each side of them are often discontinuous. This fact argues a relationship to Septopora that is better shown in A. fruticosa, in which, though with ample room for them, the lateral rows are developed only along the line of junction with the lateral branches. In both species the lateral branches or pinnae have three ranges of cells. Another feature common to both Septopora and A. fruticosa are the small accessory pores. I have, however, not detected them on the reverse side of the Permian species. ACAXTHOCLADIA FRUTICOSA UMch. PI. LXV. fig. 2-2c. Zoarium strong, fruticose, pinnated, with the primary branch giving off similar pinnated branches at frequent but irregular intervals. Pinnae short, varying in length, between 1 and 3 mm.; 0.6 to 0.9 mm. wide, tapering slightly, with the free ends obtuse. Primary branches' from 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, giving off on each side, seven pinnae or lateral . branches in 1 cm. Obverse face showing three, often irregular alternating rows of zooecia apertures on the pinnae, and two central rows on the midribs. The latter are situated in two deep furrows, with six- teen in 5 mm., and are generally flanked on one or both sides by an intermediate row which more properly belongs to the series that pass on into the pinnae and lateral branches. Aper- tures circular, with no appreciable peristome, about 0.1 mm. 636 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. wide, and about one and a half times their diameter apart. On the ridges chiefly, will be found small accessory pores, about equal in number to the zooecia. Reverse face very finely striated, rather strongly rounded, with numerous accessory pores arranged in a line near the margins of the branches and pinnae. The shrubby appearance of the zoarium, the three ranges of zooecia on the pinnae, and the accessory pores, induced me to place this species with A canthocladia, the greater persistence of the lateral rows of pores on the main stem of A. anceps being re- garded as of only specific importance. I am not acquainted with any bryozoan in American Carboniferous rocks that could for a moment be confounded with A. fruticosa. What Swallow's A. americana may be, has not been determined, but his meagre description is nevertheless sufficient to show that it can not be the same as the present species. Position and locality: Upper Coal Measures, near Springfield, Illinois. DIPLOPORA Young and Young, 1875. (Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow.) (For generic diagnosis see page 398.) The above name was proposed by the authors cited as a sub- generic division of Glauconome (Pinnatopora). They include under it only one species which they call G. (Diplopora) margi- nalia, and describe as having a pore beneath each zooecia aper- ture. As I have already shown, this supposed auboral pore is the result of attrition whereby the convex front of the cell was partially worn away, leaving the superior hemiseptum to sep- arate the "pore" from the aperture. As, however, the species is one of several deviating from Pinnatopora in wanting the pinnae, I have concluded to adopt their name in a generic sense. Beside D. marginalia, which is from the Scotch Carboniferous shales, I have met with three other species. One of these has lately been described from England, by Mr. Vine, as Pinnato- pora? simplex; the remainder are from Illinois, one from the Lower Coal Measures, the other from the Chester. The latter is somewhat doubtful as it differs from the others in having its branches divided dichotomously. BRYOZOA. 637 DlPLOPORA BIFTJRCATA Ulrich. PI. LXIL fie. ia-12a. Zoarium very small, consisting of slender sub-cylindrical dichotomizing branches, about 0.3 mm. in diameter, bifurcating at intervals of from 1 to 3 mm. Obverse side with two ranges of small, zooecia apertures, situated along the margin to which their rather prominent peristonies give a slightly wavy outline. Apertures circular, about 0.08 mm. in diameter, twice their dia- meter apart, with twelve in 3 mm. Between the ranges of aper- tures the surface is rather narrowly rounded but not carinate, and occasionally exhibits a small tubercle. Reverse of branches finely striated. It is not improbable that this species has closer affininities with such species of Thamniscus as T. furcillatus, which it resembles in the dichotomization of its branches; but, in the present state of our knowledge, the two ranges of zooecia seem to demand recognition, and I have accordingly placed the species here. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, Illinois. DlPLOPORA BISERIALIS Ulrich. PI. Lxn, fig. n-iic. Zoarium consisting of very slender, sub-cylindrical, straight or slightly curved stems, nearly 0.3 mm. wide and somewhat less in thickness, which throw off, at variable but long intervals precisely similar lateral branches. Margins wavy, due to the projection of the zooecia apertures. Reverse of branches finely striated, evenly rounded. Obverse, with two ranges of alterna- ting zooecia. Apertures subcircular, marginal, opening obliquely outward, with elevated peristome, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, once and a half to twice their diameter apart, with twenty in 5 mm. Surface between the ranges of apertures subangular, and marked with faint, intermittent, longitudinal striip. The Scotch D. warginalis Y. & Y., to which this species is closely allied, has a thin tuberculated central keel, and usually another on each side of it. The reverse is also granulo-striate. Position and locality: Lower Coal Measures. Seville, 111. 638 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. SPHRAGIOPORA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis, see page 398.) Although externally somewhat resembling the isolated colonies of Botryllopora Nich., the species upon which this genus is founded proves upon investigation very different. That genus exhibits little to distinguish it from the FISTULIPORID^:, while S. parasitica in no feature reminds us of that family. Taking only the zooecial characters into consideration the genus agrees very closely with both the FENESTELLHLE and ACANTHOCLADIIDJD. The zoarium is however so very different that a reference to either one of those families seems out of the question. SPHRAGIOPORA PARASITICA Ulrich. PL LXV, fig. 6, 6a. Zoarium a small disc-shaped body attached parasitically to foreign objects; very frequently the strong supports of Lyro- pora. Upper surface flat or a little concave; base smooth, form- ing a margin around the raised celluliferous portion. Diameter of zoarium, when mature, from 1 to 2 mm., height about 0.5 mm. The smallest specimen seen is 0.32 mm. in diameter. On a mature example the zooecia apertures are arranged in an ir- regularly radial manner about the center, upon the summits of six to nine more or less elevated ridges. At first they form only single rows, but at the outer margin the arrangement is biserial. A cyclic arrangement is also more or less evident. Apertures subcircular, about 0.09 mm. in diameter, generally with a faint peristome, occasionally preserving rayed operculum- like covers. A variable number of irregularly distributed acces- sory pores and tubercles also present. Position and locality: Chester group, Chester, 111. What may prove another species occurs attached to shells in the Upper Coal Measures of Illinois. Its zoarium is comparatively higher. and its zooecia apertures, so far as observed, not radially arranged. BRYOZOA. 639 PHYLLOPORINA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 399.) After extended study this genus was established for the recep- tion of a well marked group of Silurian Bryozoa. Nicholson's Retppora trentonensis, and Hall's R. asperatostriata are regard- ed as the typical species. The earliest species known belong to the Chazy group from which horizon I figured .one (PI. LIII, fig. 4,) that is identified with Hall's Gorgonia? aspera. It is a peculiar form and differs widely from the ordinary species of Phylloporina, among which it is now placed with some doubt. The other species that should be removed to the new genus are Retepoia trentouensis Nich., Intricaria ivticulata Hall, Phyllo- pora corticosa Ulr. (Trenton): Intricaria clatbrata M. & D., Phrllopora variolata Ulr. (Gin. gr.); Retepora angulata Hall, (Clinton); and R. asperatostriata Hall. (Niagara). Several new species are known, one of them (P. dawsoni) is briefly defined on page 331 and the internal structure very well illustrated on PL LIII. PHYLLOPORINA GRANISTRIATA Ulrich. PL XXIX, Fig. 3-3a. Zoarium an undulated expansion, consisting of more than ordinarily rigid, slender branches, from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. in width, that inosculate at rather long but irregular intervals. Fene- strules narrow, with an average length of about four mm., but varying from two to six mm.; width from 0.2 to 0.7 mm. Re- verse with fine, granulose, longitudinal striae. Celluliferous side not seen. Zooecia (as observed in sections) tubular, arranged in three rows. Apertures circular, with a small peristome, 0.09 mm. in diameter, ten or eleven in two mm. Rows of cells sepa- rated by slightly elevated carinae, bearing one small acantho- pore to each zooecium. This species is allied to P. reticulata Hall, and P. dawsoiii. From the first it is distinguished by the stronger branches and much larger fenestrules. From the second by the same differ- 640 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ences, and in having three instead of two rows of zooecia. In the length and form of the fenestrules the species resembles P. trentonensis Nich., but they differ too obviously in other re- spects to require any further comparison Position and locality: (?) Base of Cincinnati group, Alexander Co., 111. Another specimen was collected by Prof. Moritz Fischer in the upper beds of the Trenton group at Lexington, Ky. CHAINODICTYON Foerste, 1887. (Bull. Sci. Labor. Denison Univ., Vol. II, p. 81.) (For generic diagnosis see page 399.) This genus was founded upon a species from the Lower Coal Measures of Ohio. Its fenestrules and zooecia apertures are slightly larger than those of the Illinois form, but in all other respects the two agree very closely. Both greatly resemble the Retepora, undata McCoy, in having the reverse transversely un- dulated, and it is not improbable that a careful examination of McCoy's species will show it to be congeneric with the American types. The elongate, conical, or subtubular zooecia, their large impressed apertures, and the thin interspaces, place the genus into the new family PHYLLOPORINIDJE. CHAINODICTYON LAXUM var. MINOR Ulrich. PL LXII, fie. 3-3a. Zoarium a reticulated foliar expansion, consisting of thin in- osculating branches, united in such a manner that they leave irregular lozenge-shaped fenestrules averaging 1.5 mm. in length by 0.8 mm. in width. The fenestrules are ranged in moderately regular longitudinal and diagonally intersecting series, with re- spectively 4.5 and 6 to 7 in 1 cm. each wray. Branches strongly convex on the obverse side, 0.3 to 0.45 mm. in width, with four alternating ranges of zooecia. Apertures rather large, ovate- acuminate, somewhat oblique, arranged in acute diagonal series. On the reverse face the branches are marked with sub-imbricat- ing transverse folds or striae, which pass across the flattened surface of the branches in a curved direction. BRYOZOA. 641 Tliis variety differs from the typical form of the species in having smaller, and more regularly arranged fenestrules. The zooecia apertures also seem to have been somewhat smaller, but this point was not determined satisfactorily. Position and locality: Lower Coal Measures, Seville, 111. ARTHROCLEMA Billings, 1862. (Palaeozoic Fossils, vol. I. p. 54.) (For generic diagnosis see page 400.) ARTHROCLEMA ANGULARE Ulrich. PI. XXIX. fig. 6. 6b. Of this species I have seen only isolated segments, but there can be no question as to their generic relation. The primary ments are four mm. in length, about one mm. in diameter, somewhat irregularly cylindrical, with the ends slightly thick- ened, solid, the proximal extremity obtusely pointed, the upper only convex and faintly indented at the center. On two oppo- site sides of the segments there is a large and rather shallow socket, situated a little below the middle of the length. The secondary segments are six-sided, 5.5 mm. in length, 0.5 mm. or very little more in diameter. Zooecia with narrow oval aper- tures, 0.07 mm. wide, 0.17 mm. long, seven in three mm. ar- ranged in longitudinal series, between the strong bounding angles of the slightly concave sides of the segments. The lower margin of the apertures is more prominent than in front, and generally drawn out posteriorly. On the primary segment the zooecia are less regularly arranged, and the interspaces between the apertures flexuously striate. especially in the vicinity of the articulating sockets. Tertiary segments not observed. In most respects the above species agrees with A. pulchelluni Billings, from the Trenton of Canada. Before me I have a number of very fine specimens of that species, showing that both the primary and secondary segments are longer in the Illinois species, those of the Canadian examples being quite con- stantly two or three ram. in length. The cells are also a little smaller and closer together, there being six in two mm.; the —80 642 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. number in the length of a segment varying from four to seven, generally five or six. One specimen which I collected at another locality* is clearly distinct from Billings' species. This species I propose to call A. billings!, in honor of the eminent founder of the genus. It is distinguished as follows: The primary segments are 3.5 to 4 mm. in length, and 0.8 mm. in diameter. The first of each of the secondary segments is also about 4 mm. in length, while the remaining secondary, and all the tertiary joints, are only 2 mm. long by about 0.5 mm. in diameter. The most striking peculiarity is that each of the primary segments articulated with four secondary segments, two upon each side. Compared with A. pulchellum the cell apertures are more crowded and thin-walled, as well as sub- quadrate instead of oval, though also six in two mm. The whole zoarium also has a more rigid appearance than has been observed in any example of that species. (PL XXIX, fig. 6c.) HELOPORA Hall, 1852. (Pal. N. Y. Vol. II, p. 44.) (For generic diagnosis see page 401.) The typical species of this genus is Hall's H. fragilis, a very abundant and characteristic fossil of the Clinton group of Can- ada. Beside the type species, seven others are known to me that are constructed upon the same general plan,t four of them Lower Silurian and three Middle or Upper Silurian. The Lower Silurian species differ from the Upper Sifurian and typical section of the genus, in having the cell apertures arranged in longitudinal series between elevated ridges, and the interspaces between the ends of the apertures longer. In H. fragilis the zocecia apertures are oval or sub-quadrate, with rather thin equal walls. In H. Undstromi, n. sp., they are ovate, with hexa- gonal margins. The Lower Silurian species are also without the small acanthopores which are found in the Upper Silurian *In the city of Ottawa, at the base of the bluffs near the ferry landing. * In the Catalogue of Silurian Fossils of Anticosti, Mr. E. Billings describes twelve species, which he refers to Helopora. Upon examination only three of these prove con- generic with H. fragilis. BRYOZOA. 643 forms. When the various species now referred to the genus are better understood, these two sections will probably be separated generically. A suggestive resemblance to Cyclostomatous Bryo- zoa is represented by H. imbricatu and H. spiniformis. The in- ternal structure of two typical species is represented in the ac- companying cut. Fig. 18, a, b, c, d, e. Sections of Helopora frag ilis, x!8, Clinton group, Hamilton, On- tario. Fig. a, tangential section as it appears in the ferruginous matrix; in these ex- amples the extreme outer region is destroyed; b, tangential section of another exam- ple, showing acanthopores at surface, etc. ; c, transverse section near upper extremity of segments; d, same at base; e, vertical section. Fig. /, a, h, sections of Helopora Kndstromi, n. sp. x!8. Upper Silurian. Gotland; /, tangential section showing form of zooacia and acanthopores; g, transverse section; h, vertical section. The cylindrical or slightly club-shaped segments of this fine species vary in length from 10 to 15 mm., in diameter from 1.3 to 1.8 mm. Upper extremity flattened, slightly concave centrally; lower end moderately convex. Zooecia arranged in quincunx: measuring lengthwise seventeen in 5 mm.; diagonally four in 1 mm. Apertures direct, oval, with a narrow peristome set into a rhomboidal or hexagonal concave space. Between the ends of the cells a strong acanthopore. It gives me great pleasure to propose the above name in honor of the talented Swedish Palaeontologist, Dr. Gustav Lindstrom, to whose kindness I owe the opportunity of studying this beauti- ful species. 644 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. HELOPORA IMBRICATA Ulrich. PL XXIX, Fig. 5. Segments with a rough aspect, 3 or 4 mm. in length, and 0.5 mm. in diameter; upper end flattened, lower extremity ob- tusely pointed and striated. Zooecia in seven or eight vertical series around the segment, the rows being separated by rather inconspicuous carinae; also in much more conspicuous trans- verse series, on an average 0.3 mm. distant from each other. Apertures when worn, oblong quadrate; in the perfect state ob- lique, sub-circular or ovate, 0.1 mm. wide, with the lower mar- gin strongly elevated and produced posteriorly into three small ridges, the central one terminating at or within the mouth of the preceding cell, is the most persistent, while the other two, which continue into its margin, are generally fainter and may be obsolete. The transvere approximation of the zocecia and the prominence of the posterior margin impart a characteristic imbricating appearance to the segments. This species resembles H. spiniformis Ulrich, from the base of the Trenton group of Tenn., but is distinguished by the shorter segments, more pronounced aperture margin, and the ridges between the ends of the cells. Position and locality: Cincinnati group. Isolated segments are not uncommon on the surface of limestone slabs at Wil- mington, 111. NEMATOPORA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 401.) The typical and earliest known species of this well marked and natural group of Palaeozoic Bryozoa is the N. quadrata, n. sp.,* from the Trenton limestone of New York. The next * The characters of this species are as follows: Zoarium slender, dichotomously branched at varying intervals; branches quadrangular, 0.3 or 0.4mm. wide. Zooecia arranged alternately in four longitudinal series, separated by a double ridge. Aper- tures oval, 0.4 mm. wide and nearly twice as long, four in 2 mm. lengthwise ; surrounded by distinct peristome ; peristomes connected longitudinally by a thin ridge. (PL XXIX, fig. 12.) The double ridge between the ranges of cells is the most conspicuous peculiarity of this species. It is common on slabs from Trenton Falls, N. Y. BRYOZOA. 645 species occurs in the Alexander Co. beds of the Cincinnati group. (The exact age of these beds is somewhat doubtful, and I am inclined to regard them as more likely representing an upper member of the Trenton group). Four species are known and now described from the horizon. So far as known, the genus is represented only by an undescribed species in undoubted Cin- cinnati group deposits, but from the divisions of the Anticosti group, Billings describes five forms under Helopora that have the characteristic features of the genus. These are H. concava, forwosa, Hneata, striatopora. and strigosa. The H. lineopora may also belong here. Of Niagara species, Hall's Trematopora mJnuta and one or two undescribed species are congeneric with JV. quadrat a. As yet the genus is unknown above the Niagara formation. NEMATOPORA RETRORSA Ulrich. PI. XXIX, fig. 9-9b. Zoarium ramose, sub-cylindrical, branching irregularly, about 0.6 mm. in diameter. Zocecia arranged in longitudinal series, about 5 in two mm., between eight to ten straight and moder- ately prominent ridges. Apertures sub-circular. 0.1 mm. in diameter, slightly truncated, and sloping on the posterior side; the anterior margin direct, sharp, sometimes with a perceptible rim. Immediately below the orifice the interspace exhibits three faint striae. Walls of zocecia very thin, appearing somewhat sickle-shaped in vertical section. The backward direction and the subcircular form of the zoce- cial apertures are characteristic features. In A7, fragilis the apertures are also directed backwards, but they differ in being oval, while the longitudinal ridges are less distinct or absent, and the rows of zooecia only six, instead of eight to ten. Position and locality: Base of Cincinnati group. Alexander County, Illinois. 646 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. NEMATOPORA ALTERNATA Ulrich. PI. XXIX. flg. 8-8a. In growth and general aspect this species closely resembles the preceding, and in the worn condition in which they are usually found, it is not easy to distinguish them. When in a good state of preservation, the alternate arrangement of the cells, absence of longitudinal separating carinae, and other char- acters shown in the figure, will separate them. Position and locality: Associated with the preceding. NEMATOPORA FRAGILIS Ulrich. PI. XXIX, flg. 10-lOe. Zoarium ramose, very slender, branching dichotomously or otherwise; branches 0.35 mm. in diameter. Zooecia in six long- itudinal ranges, seven in four mm.; ranges not separated by a ridge, though the branch looks angular when worn. Apertures ovate, 0.08 mm. in width, twice as long and channeled pos- teriorly; a faint peristome around the sides and front margins. In vertical sections the walls are thin and falciform. Trans- verse section show two minute axial tubes at the center of the branch. The six ranges of zooecia suggest a comparison with H. lineata Billings (PI. XXIX, fig. 7), from the Anticosti group, but we soon find that they disagree in nearly every other respect. The species finds closer allies in N. retrorsa and N. alternata but, when in a good state of preservation, the different form of aper- ture, smaller size of branches and other characters readily dis- tinguish them. Position and locality: Base of Cincinnati group; Alexander County, Illinois. NEMATOPORA DELICATULA Ulrich. PL XXIX, flg. ll-llb. Zoarium small, exceedingly slender, ramose above the pointed basal end. Branches quadrangular, each side 0.15 to 0.18 mm. BRYOZOA. 647 wide. Zocecia in four ranges, with subcircular or ovate aper- ture, 0.12 mm. in the larii'fst diameter, separated by long in- tervals, about three in 0.2^ mm. Peristome very faint, often confluent with the moderately sharp angles of the branches. The exceeding delicacy, widely separated zooecial apertures, and quadrangular zoarium of this species, distinguish it from all other species of the genus, excepting N. quadrata, known to me. It is too distinct from that form to require comparisons. Position and locality: Associated with the preceding species in the Cincinnati group, Alexander County, Illinois. RHOMBOPORA Meek, 1871. (Pal. Eastern Nebraska.) (Orthopora Hall. Pal. X. Y. Vol. VI, p. XIV.) (For generic diagnosis see page 402.) Of the Palaeozoic genera of Bryozoa this genus ranks next in importance to Fenestella and Polvpora, having a known re- presentation in American rocks of no less than 46 species. These range through all the important divisions beginning with the Niagara, where we meet with one species (Trematopora granulifera Hall). In the Lower Helderberg we have three or four, in the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton ten to twelve, in the Lower Carboniferous divisions at least twenty-five, and in the Lower and Upper Coal Measures five. The general charac- ters of the genus are maintained throughout with remarkable persistency, and I cannot mention a single feature, either ex- ternal or internal, in which the Silurian and Devonian species, taken as a whole, differ from the Carboniferous forms. It is, therefore, a little surprising that Hall should propose Ortho- pora for the reception of the majority of the Upper Silurian and Devonian forms, since the ground is fully covered by Rhom- bopora. What is even more astonishing is that Orthopora is defined as a subgenus under Trematopora when the typical species of the two groups are not closely related in any respect, and really belong to different suborders. Even Orthopora as figured in Vol. VI, N. Y. Pal., contains widely divergent forms. Acanthoclema is the name proposed by the same authority for another group of closely related forms. The type species is 648 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS, marked by longitudinal ridges and a strong spine which is situ- ated on the depressed space between the ends of the zooecia apertures. ' A. confluens, of the present work, has these two essential features, but I very much fear that the division will prove of little value, as it will be exceedingly difficult to draw the line between it and Rhombopora. A second group em- braced by Hall's Acanthoclema are widely different from his type species, and belong to my genus Streblotrypa. Of these I may mention A. scutvlatum Hall, and A. hamiltonense Nich- olson, sp. RHOMBOPORA SUBANNULATA Ulrich. PI. XLV, flg. 1-li. Zoarium dendroidal, branching dichotomously at intervals of 15 mm. or more, and inclining to spread in the same plane. Branches from 1.2 to 2 mm. in diameter, marked with more or less noticeable annulations between 1.5 and 2 mm. apart. Zooecia proceed obliquely out from the axis of the branch at an angle of about 45°, a,nd have irregularly, flexuous thin walls. Two or three superior hemisepta and an occasional in- ferior hemiseptum are seen at the close of the immature region in vertical sections. The zooecia walls are in contact. In young examples they are comparatively thin, the apertures sub-rhom- boidal in shape and arranged in diagonal intersecting series winding spirally around the branch. Measuring diagonally ten in 2 mm. At each angle a small but distinct tubercle. As the zoarium matures, the apertures become smaller and subcircular or oval in shape, the interspaces thicker, multigranose, and occasionally form faint longitudinal ridges. Now there are nine apertures in 2 mm. diagonally. In transverse and tangential sections the strong hemisepta cause appearances likely to be mistaken for diaphragms. This species resembles several others but is clearly distinct. The superficial appearance, as shown in the figures, varies greatly according to the age of the examples. With the aid of tangential sections the extremes are brought together, showing what may also be seen by examining the opposite ends of large fragments, that they are really due to age. E. varians, of the Keokuk group, shows similar variations. Positition and locality: Hamilton group, Buffalo, Iowa. BRYOZOA. ' 649 *• RHOMBOPORA SULCIFERA Ulrich. PL XLV, Fig. 2-Ub. Zoarium consisting of slender cylindrical stems, 1 mm. or a little more in diameter, none of which were observed to branch, though probably doing so at long intervals. Zocecia apertures oval, about 0.17 by 0.08 mm., arranged in diagonally inter- secting series, crossing each other at an angle of about 90°, with eight or nine in 2 mm., measuring diagonally, and about six in the same space longitudinally. Interspaces as wide or wider than the apertures. A considerable number of small spines encircle the apertures, and are often arranged in a double series. In the latter case the center of the interspace is de- — 'd. so that the apertures appear to be surrounded by a granulose peristome. The distinctness of this furrow, which has suggested the specific name, depends largely upon the preserva- tion of the specimen. Beside the small spines, a less numerous series of larger size are present, generally one between the ends of the apertures. In tangential sections the small spines are noticed only in the extreme outer region of the zoarium, while the larger ones extend inward to a greater depth. The smaller size of the branches, the depressed interspaces, and their great thickness in tangential sections, distinguish the species from R. subannulata. Position and locality: Hamilton group; Davenport, Iowa. The specimens were presented to the author by Rev. W. H. Bams of Davenport. Iowa. RHOMBOPORA LIXEINODIS Ulrich. PL XLV, Figs. »-3b. and (?) 4-la. Zoarium consisting of slender stems from 0.5 to 0.8 mm. in diameter, branching dichotomously at intervals of from 3 to 6 mm. Surface appearing beaded from the large number of small spines arranged serially and close together on straight or flexu- ous, elevated, rounded ridges, running parallel with the length of the branches between the rows of apertures. In young ex- amples these ridges are generally more flexuous than in the -81 650 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. larger specimens. Apertures long oval, their longer diameter about 0.14 mm., the shorter 0.07 mm., alternating in the ad- joining rows, with six in two mm. longitudinally, and about five in 1 mm. diagonally. A variety of this form, or, perhaps, a closely related species, occurring with it, is represented by figs. 4 and 4a on PL XLV. Its zoarium has a stunted appearance, caused by the frequent bifurcation of the branches. The zooecia apertures are shorter, and there are eight in 2 mm. longitudinally. The granules and ridges are less marked, and, especially near the base, many of the zocecia apertures are closed by a thick calcareous deposit. Should these differences prove constant, the form might be called jR. humilis. Position and locality: Upper Helderberg, Falls of the Ohio. RHOMBOPORA DICHOTOMA Ulrich. PI. LXX, Figs. 13-13b. Zoarium dendroid, spread in the same plane, arising from an expanded base. Branches strong, about 3 mm. in diameter, dividing dichotomously at intervals of 10 to 15 mm.; angle of bifurcation about 85°. Surface with inconspicuous elevations, which sometimes continue around the branch as low annula- tions. Zooecia apertures arranged in regular intersecting spiral series, crossing each other at an angle of about 90°. These lines are somewhat interrupted by the surface elevations, upon which the apertures are appreciably larger than elsewhere. Toward the upper ends of the branches the interspaces are ob- tusely ridge-shaped, the apertures circular, 0.12 mm. in diame- ter, and situated at the bottom of a rhornboidal sloping area. The summit of the ridge with a closely arranged series of small nodes, of which the one at the angles of the rhomb is usually the largest. Toward the base the diameter of the apertures is gradually decreased to 0.08 or 0.09 mm., by the thickening of the interspaces. The latter has also become rounded, and the nodes a little larger and less regularly arranged. Measuring diagonally thirteen apertures occur in 4 mm.; longitudinally seven or eight in the same space. This species is related to R. lepidodendroides Meek, from the Upper Coal Measures, but differs in its mode of growth, less BRYOZOA. 651 prominent large tubercle, and the thickening of the interspaces with age. R. varians has both smaller zooecia and nodes. Position and locality: The type specimen is from the Burling- ton limestone, at Burlington, Iowa. I have collected seven fragments of what seems the same species from the Keokuk limestone at Warsaw. 111. A comparison of their internal charac- ters is necessary before their absolute identity can be admitted. RHOMBOPORA GRACILIS Ulrich. PL LXX, figs. 11-116. Zoarium a long filiform stem, about 1.3 mm. in diameter, branching dishotomously at intervals varying from 8 to 30 mm. Angle of bifurcation varying between 60° and 90°. The specimen figured has a total length of 10.5 cm. Zooecia aper- tures small, oval, 0.1 mm. long, usually arranged in longitudi- nal and diagonally intersecting series, with six or seven in the first, and nine in the second, in 2 mm. Interspaces ridge- shaped, the summit rather sharp, and enclosing an hexagonal or sub-rhomboidal area which slopes down into the aperture. A small node may be developed at the angles of junction. This very neat species differs from R. dichotoma in its more slender branches, and in wanting the row of nodes on the in- terspaces. R. exigua is more slender and has granulose inter- spaces. Position and locality: Burlington limestone, Burlington, Iowa. RHOMBOPORA EXIGUA Ulrich. PI. LXX. fles. 10, lOa. Zoarium consisting of very slender cylindrical stems, from 0.6 to 0.8 mm. in diameter. None of the fragments seen are branched. Zooecia apertures arranged in quite regular, diagon- ally intersecting, and rapidly ascending spiral series. Also in less regular transverse and longitudinal rows. Apertures oval, about 0.11 mm. long, situated at the bottom of the sloping area, with four in 1 mm. diagonally, and three in 5 mm. trans- versely. Sloping area narrow, lozenge-shaped or sub-hexagonal, 652 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. not sharply margined, the summit of the interspace being nar- rowly rounded and occupied by a row of closely set small gran- ules. Often two rows of granules prevail for a short distance. The granulose interspaces and more slender stems separate this species from R. gracilis with which it is associated. E. at- tenuata, from the Keokuk group, has larger and more regu- larly arranged zooecia apertures, and sharply margined areas. Position and locality: Burlington group, Burlington, Iowa. EHOMBOPORA ANGUSTATA Ulrich. PL LXX, figs. 6, 6a. Zoarium an exceedingly slender cylindrical stem, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. in diameter; not observed to branch, but probably doing so at long intervals. Zooecia apertures arranged in rather ir- regular diagonally intersecting series. Sloping area large, elon- gate elliptical or lozenge-shaped, averaging 0.5 mm. long by 0.2 mm. wide. Summit of interspaces sharp, crowded with a closely arranged row of small nodes, which form flexuous lon- gitudinal Knes. Apertures 0.17 mm. long and one-half as wide, about five in 3 mm. longitudinally. It requires between five and six zooecia to form one oblique volution about the stem. The small size of the stems, the comparatively large zooecia, and the elongate sloping area about their apertures, constitute the distinguishing features of this species. Position and locality: Keokuk group. "Rather rare at King's Mountain, Ky. RHOMBOPORA INCRASSATA Ulrich. PL LXX, figs. 12-12d. Zoarium a rather robust straight stem, from 1.2 to 1.8 mm. in diameter, occasionally sending off branches of the same size at about a right angle. Apertures arranged transversely, longi- tudinally, and in diagonally intersecting series which ascend the stem spirally, making an angle of about 40° with the axis of the stem. Interspaces very thick, ridge-shaped, bearing upon the summit a single or sometimes double series of closely set BRYOZOA. 653 nodes (? acanthopores) enclosing the sloping area at the bot- tom of which the aperture is situated. Area deep, oval or sub- rhombic in outline. Apertures oval, 0.17 mm. long by 0.09 mm. wide, with five in 2 mm. diagonally. About thirteen of the transverse rows occur in 5 mm. Thin sections show that the zooecial tubes are arranged in a wedge-shaped manner about the center, and that the nodes are really the surface projections of thick-walled tubes. This species resembles R. dichotomy, of the Burlington lime- stone, but is distinguished superficially by its larger zooecia, smaller apertures, and deeper area. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Not uncommon at King's Mountain, and Button Mould Knob, n6ar Louisville, Ky. i , RHOMBOPORA VARIANS Ulrich. PI. LXXI, flg. l-lb. Zoarium consisting of robust stems, 2 to 4 mm. in thickness, which arise from an irregularly porous basal expansion, and usually branch dichotomously at variable intervals. Angles of bifurcation more or less wide. Zooecia apertures arranged in diagonally intersecting and longitudinal series, with seven in 2 mm. measuring diagonally, and fifteen or sixteen in 5 mm. verti- cally. Interspaces decreasing somewhat in thickness from below upward, and varying considerably in character at the two extremes, the extent of the variability depending upon the age of the specimen. On the distal or young portions of the zoarium, the interspaces are ridge-shaped, with the summit sharply de- fined and carrying a single series of minute granules. The area is elongate hexagonal in outline, 0.24 by 0.33 mm., with the ends truncated, and slopes with moderate rapidity down to the oval aperture, which has a length of 0.12 or 0.13 mm. Toward the base the interspaces gradually loose their angularity, the granules increase in number from one to two, and then three irreg- ular rows, while the apertures become more nearly circular, and, near the expanded base of the zoarium, may even be surrounded by a faint peristome, the interspaces having ere this become perfectly flat. Vertical sections show that the primitive or immature region of the zooecial tubes may be intersected by an occasional thin 654 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. diaphragm, that the superior herniseptum is strong, and that delicate diaphragms are often preserved in the vestibnlar region of old examples. In tangential sections the appearance at differ- ent stages in the development of the zoarium, as above described, are easily traced out. This species is distinguished from R. dichotomy and its Keokuk representative, by its smaller zooec-ia and the absence of the strong acanthopores between the ends of the area. This feature is particularly prominent in the Keokuk examples which I have provisionally arranged with the Burlington species. Position and locality: Keokuk group; near Plymouth; near Whitehall, in Greene Co.; Warsaw and Nauvoo; all localities in Illinois. RHOMBOPORA TRANSVERSALIS Ulrich. PI. LXXI, fig. 4-4b. Zoarium a comparatively robust stem, 2.5 to 4 mm. in diam- eter, branching dichotomously, at intervals of 12 mm. or more. Angle of bifurcation generally about 60°. Young branches com- monly found flattened from pressure. The surface of the branches is marked by transverse annulations, about 1.7 mm. apart. They are formed by the periodic channel-like prolongation of the anterior end of the depressed areas of transverse series of zocecia apertures. In old examples, in which the interspaces are thicker and more rounded than in young specimens, the annulations are the most distinct, appearing like narrow and slightly depressed solid bands. In young examples they are much obscured by the ridge-like prominence of the interspaces, but as their position is always indicated by a slight elevation of the surface, the feature constitutes a reliable distinctive character. Interspaces thick and rounded in the mature specimens, less so, even rather thin and ridge-shaped in those that are younger; and carrying from one to three series of small closely crowded granules. De- pressed areas, (L e., the space bounded by the summits of the interspaces,) more or less lozenge-shaped, this shape prevailing especially in young examples. At the bottom of the areas are situated the ovate apertures, whose long diameter is about 0.12 BRYOZOA. 655 mm. The arrangement of the apertures is not very regular. The longitudinal series are as a rule more noticeable than the diagonal rows. The latter intersect each other at an angle of 90° or more. Measuring longitudinally, twelve to fourteen aper- tures occur in 5 mm.; diagonally 6.5 to 7.5 in 2 mm. The transverse marking of the branches, and the less regular arrangement of the zooecia apertures separate this species from R. vnrmns. Xone of the other are very closely related. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Plymouth, Xauvoo and Warsaw. 111. RHOMBOPORA ATTENUAT * Ulrich. PL LXX, flg. 7. Zoarium a slender stem, from 0.7 to 1 mm. in diameter; not observed to branch. Zooecia apertures arranged very regularly in longitudinal and diagonal series, which intersect each other at an angle of about 45°. Interspaces rather thin, acutely ridge- shaped, bearing upon the summit a single series of very small and closely set nodes. The node at the angle is commonly larger than the others. Areas rather narrow, regularly long-hexagonal, truncated at the ends, sloping rapidly down into the oval aper- ture, whose long diameter is about 0.15 mm., the shorter 0.10 mm. Longitudinally, there are sixteen apertures in 5 mm.; diagonally five in 1 mm. This species is closely allied to R. wortbeni from the Lower Carboniferous (? Keokuk) deposits of Kentucky. The cells of that species are a little larger and scarcely so regular in their arrangement, and the stems stronger, being from 1.2 to 1.8 mm. in diameter. The R. exigua of the Burlington limestone, is even more slender, has smaller apertures, rounded interspaces, larger granules, and the ends of the areas pointed instead of truncate. The last fact causes the diagonal rows of apertures to ascend more rapidly in their spiral course around the stems. Position and locality: Not "uncommon in the upper layers of the Keokuk group at Warsaw, 111. 656 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. RHOMBOPORA? ASPERULA Ulrich. PL LXX. figs. 9— 9e. Zoarium ramose, growing from an expanded base, attached to foreign bodies. Stems from 1.0 to 1.6 mm. in diameter, branch- ing dichotomously at variable intervals. When in a good state of preservation the surface is very rough or hirsute, the blunt spines or acanthopores being very prominent, and so abundant that the zooecia apertures are obscured by them. Apertures usually suboval, but rather variable in size, shape, and arrange- ment. Measuring in an obliquely transverse direction, about six occur in 1 mm. Interspaces rounded, varying in thickness from one-fourth to three-fourths or more of the diameter of the aper- tures, depending largely upon the maturity of the specimen. The irregular arrangement of the zooecia apertures, and the prominence of the spines, distinguish this species from all others of the genus known to me. The first peculiarity is so at var- iance with the ordinary species of the genus that I am inclined to believe that better sections than I have yet been able to prepare will show the species to belong to some other genus, probably Batostomella. Position and locality: Keokuk group; Keokuk, Iowa, Nauvoo and Warsaw, 111. RHOMBOPORA? SPIRALIS Ulrich. PL LXXI. Fig. 5-5d. Zoarium a rather robust stem, 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter, not observed to branch. Zooecia apertures arranged in diagonal spiral series which intersect at an angle of between 70° and 80°. Measuring along the series there are five in 2 mm. The apertures are subcircular, 0.21 mm. in diameter, and separated by rounded interspaces, bearing a single or double series of contiguous hollow nodes, which are represented by a series of minute pores when the surface of the zoarium is abraded. These pores are quite distinct in thin sections, though not of uniform size, those in the longitudinal interspaces being the largest. Transverse sections are interesting because they show that the zocecia are arranged in a spiral manner about the axis of the branch. This is a verv unusual feature among Palaeozoic Bryozoa. BRYOZOA. 657 The position of this species is doubtful, and more material IB required before its relations can be determined satisfactorily. It may turn out to be a Streblotrypa. Position and locality: Keokuk group, King's Mountain, Ky. RHOMBOPORA SIMULATRIX Ulrich. PL LXXI, figs. 2-2e. Zoarium ramose, branches slender, varying from 1.0 to 2.1 mm. in diameter, dividing dichotoinously at intervals of from 10 to 15 mm. Zocecia apertures oval, averaging 0.12 mm. in length, arranged in only moderately regular, diagonally inter- secting and longitudinal series, with sometimes one and then the other arrangement the most noticeable. Measuring longi- tudinally, five or six apertures occur in 2 mm.; diagonally, nine in younger examples and eight in the older ones in 2 mm. In- terspaces becoming natter and increasing in thickness with age, usually wider than the zooecia apertures; in the young examples, narrowly rounded, and crowned with a single series of small, close set granules, with one of larger size between the ends of the oval depressed areas. On the larger specimens the inter- spaces may be nearly flat and occupied by two or three rows of granules. The internal characters of a mature example are very well shown in figs. 2d and 2e. This species resembles several others but is really not very closely related to any. Small specimens present external resem- blance to R. minor, of the Chester group, but the internal struc- ture of the two is quite different, and points rather to a rela- tionship with R. wortheni and R. decipiens. Position and locality: St. Louis group, at Columbia and other localities in Monroe county, 111. RHOMBOPORA DECIPIENS Ulrich. PI. LXXI. flg. 3-3d. Zoarium ramose, the branches rather robust. 1.5 to 3 mm. in diameter, divided dichotomously at variable interval*. Zo- recia apertures oval, a little oblique, averaging 0.15 mm. in length by 0.10 mm. in width, arranged in more or less inter- rupted lines, which may be vertical, diagonal, or transverse. —82 658 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. In young examples the arrangement appears to be rather more regular than in the larger ones. Measuring longitudinally, or transversely, five or six in 1 mm. Interspaces rather thin, rounded, not appreciably different in young and old examples, carrying small tubercles about equal in number to the zooecia apertures. Of internal characters those furnished by vertical sections are the most interesting. (See PI. LXXI, fig. 3c.) Large examples of this species especially remind one very much of such TREPOSTOMATA as Batostomella, but thin sections prove beyond question that it is a true species of Rhombopora, with close relations to R. wortheni and R. simulatrix. From the former it is distinguished by the ramose habit of growth, and much less regular arrangement of the zooecia apertures. The latter differs in having more slender branches, thicker and granulose interspaces, and more regularly arranged zooecia apertures. Position and locality: St. Louis group. Monroe county, 111. RHOMBOPORA TABULATA Ulrich. PI. LXX, fig. 2-2<3. Zoarium a cylindrical stem from 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, branching dichotomously at intervals of 10 mm. more or less. Zooecia apertures ovate, overaging 0.18 mm. in length, from one-half to two-thirds as wide, arranged in irregular series, with the transverse and diagonal lines less frequently dominant than the longitudinal. On an average five apertures occur in '2 mm. transversely, and from twelve to fourteen in 5 mm. longitudin- ally. Measuring diagonally, seven is the usual number in 2 mm. Interspaces carinate, as wide or wider than the zooecia aper- tures, carrying at most of the angles of junction a moderately large tubercle. Sloping areas varying considerably in form, being sometimes hexagonal, and at other times pentagonal, lozenge- shaped, or irregularly quadrate. Thin sections, aside from showing that the species is rather closely related to R. persimilis, are interesting because of the comparative abundance of true diaphragms in the axial or primitive portion of the zooecia tubes. These and other char- acters of a vertical section are well shown in fig. 2c. BRYOZOA. 659 R. persimilis has the zooecia apertures arranged in regular diagonally intersecting series (about as in fig. 12b, PI. LXX), the summit of the interspaces granulose when perfect, and the tubes in the axial region straighter and without diaphragms. In the Burlington limestone species R. gractiis, the zooecia are smaller and differently arranged. Position and locality: Chester group. Rather abundant at Kaskaskia, 111. Less common at Chester, Illinois, and Sloan's Valley. Ky. RHOMPOPORA PERSIMILIS Ulrich. PI. LXX, fig. 3. Khombopora persimilis Ulrich, 1884. "Am. Pal. BIT." Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. VH, p. 30. The figure above cited represents an unusually large example of this species, in a slightly abraded condition. The arrange- ment of the zooecia is as in the typical specimens, only the apertures are a trifle wider, since, measuring transversely, there are only five where they show six. This, I believe, is accounted for by the increased circumference of the larger specimen. Meas- uring diagonally both show eight in 2 mm., and longitudinally nine and ten in 5 mm. Position and locality: Chester group. The specimen here fig- ured is from Chester, 111., where more typical examples have also been found in moderate abundance. The species also occurs at other localities in Illinois, and at Sloan's Valley (Tateville), Ken tuck v. RHOMBOPORA MINOR Ulrich. PI. LXX, fig. 4-4a. Zoarium irregularly ramose, branches not rigid, from 0.5 to 0.9 mm. in diameter. Zooecia apertures suboval, averaging 0.12 mm. in length, situated at the bottom of the deep and illy de- fined areas; arranged, generally, in rapidly ascending but not very regular diagonal series, with about four in 1 mm. Inter- spaces narrowly rounded, never cariuate. carrying, beside a 660 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. single row of small, closely set nodes, some that are of larger size, and usually situated between the ends of the suboval areas. Vertical sections are similar to those of R. tabulate, but the diaphragms seem comparatively more numerous. The zooecial tubes seem also to be shorter. Externally R. minor differs from that species in its smaller zooecia and row of closely set nodes on the interspaces. The zoarium is also much smaller. R. per- similis has ridge-shaped interspaces, much more regularly ar- ranged zooecia, and, so far as known, no diaphragms in the zooecial tubes. Position and locality: Chester group. Sloan's Valley, and Litchfield, Ky. RHOMBOPORA TENUIRAMA Ulrich. PL LXX. flg. 8-8b. Zoarium very small, consisting of exceedingly slender stems, which may divide dichotomously or send off branches at right angles. Diameter of stems varying between 0.4 and 0.5 mm. Zooecia apertures oval, about 0.11 mm. long, from one-half to two-thirds as wide, arranged in longitudinal and diagonally in- tersecting series, between somewhat flexuous, subangular, longi- tudinal ridges, which have a more or less irregular appearance because of the unequal distribution of the two sizes of spines carried by them. Sometimes the smaller spines are in contact, at other times widely separated. The areas are more or less confluent, with the sides rather wide and slightly convex. The spiral rows of apertures intersect at an angle of about 75°, and it requires nine or ten of the apertures to make one volu- tion about the stem. Measuring longitudinally, eleven aper- tures occur in 4 mm. The exceeding minuteness of the zoarium, the comparatively strong spines, and the longitudinal arrangement of the zooecia between strong ridges, are the distinctive features of this spe- cies. R. minor is larger, and has the zooecia differently arranged. R. angustata, of the Keokuk group, has much larger zooecia, and does not branch at such short intervale. Position and locality: Chester group. Kaskaskia, Illinois, and Sloan's Valley, Ky. BRYOZOA. 661 RHOMBOPORA NICKLESI Ulrich. PI. LXX. fig. l-lc. Zoarium consisting of small, dichotomously branching stems, averaging 0.6 mm. in diameter, but varying from 0.4 to 0.9 mm. Interspaces rather narrow, sloping rapidly down on each side into the oval apertures, which have an average length of about 0.17 mm. The summit of the interspaces is narrowly rounded or sub-angular, and mostly smooth, excepting at the angles of junction, where it rises into a more or less conspicu- ous node. On each side of the summit, and marking the top of the suboval or lozenge-shaped area, there is an exceedingly minute series of closely arranged granules, which are too small to be shown in the illustrations. Zooecia apertures ranged in rather regular diagonal lines, intersecting at an angle of about 65°: with four in 1 mm. Sometimes the zooecia aper- tures are narrower on one side of the stem than on the other. The external appearance of this species is very much like that of Rhabdomeson rhombiferum Phillips, from the Carboniferous shales of Scotland, but numerous thin sections show that there is no axial tube, and that the minute characters agree in all respects with Rhombopora. R. lepidodendroides Meek, is larger, and has a single or double row of distinct granules on the sum- mit of the interspaces between the large spines at the angles. R. persimilis of the Chester limestone has wider interspaces and differs internally. The specific name is given in honor of Mr. J. M. Xickles, of Sparta, Illinois, to whom we are indebted for the discovery of this and many other new Bryozoa from the Lower Carbonifer- ous and Coal Measure deposits of Illinois. Position and locality: Lower Coal Measures, Sparta, 111. ACANTHOCLEMA Hall, 1887. (Pal. N. Y. Vol. VI, p. XV.) (For generic diagnosis see page 402). I propose, provisionally, to adopt this genus, for species dif- fering from typical Rhombopora, in having the zooecia apertures arranged between longitudinal ridges. Some of the species 662 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. placed by Hall under his Orthopora,, as also several of my species of Rhombopora should, perhaps, have been referred here. ACANTHOCLEMA CONFLUENS Ulrich. PI. LXX, Fig. 5-5b. Zoarium a slender stem, 1 mm. or a little more in diameter, bifurcating at intervals, frequently found flattened by pressure in the shales. Zooecia apertures oval, 0.12 mm. long, two-thirds as wide, arranged very regularly in longitudinal, transverse, and diagonally ascending series, between sharply angular, and regu- larly fiexuous, longitudinal ridges, which alternately recede and approach each other, without, however, at any time coming in contact. The sloping areas are confluent, 7. e., they communi- cate with each other by means of a narrow channel which is left between the ridges. Between this channel and the lower end of the aperture there is a distinct, though not large tubercle, that scarcely projects beyond the level of the ridge summits. Measuring longitudinally, between nine and ten apertures occur in 4 mm.; diagonally, about nine in 2 mm.; transversely, five in 1 mm. None of the species known to me resemble this one sufficiently to require comparisons. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Nauvoo, 111. BACTROPORA Hall, 1887. (Pal. N. Y. Vol. VI, p. XV.) (For generic diagnosis see page 402.) Species of this genus are characterized by a free and un- branched zoarium, the basal extremity being pointed and the remainder a simple, slightly curved or straight, solid, cylindri- cal stem. In their minute features the zooecia and zoarium differ in no essential respect from Rhombopora. The "solid" character of the stems distinguishes them from Cceloconus. BRYOZOA. 663 BACTROPORA SIMPLEX Ulrich. PI. LXX, flg. 14-14b and PI. LXXI, fig. 6-6a. Zoarium free, consisting of a simple, unbranched, straight or slightly curved stem. An average specimen is 1.5 mm. in diam- eter and 18 mm. long. The largest seen is nearly 30 mm. long and 1.8 mm. in diameter. The upper extremity is rounded, the lower is striated and tapers rapidly to a point. Surface with small, transversely elongated monticules which often appear as annulations but really never continue more than half way around the stem, and only rarely more than one-third the way. These semi-annulations or monticules are developed in two alternating series on opposite sides of the cylindrical stem. Those of each series are placed directly above one another, the distance from summit to summit being about 1.5 mm. Zocecia apertures oval or sub-circular, about 0.12 mm. in diameter, ar- ranged in spiral diagonal lines which intersect each other at an angle of about 67°. Measuring diagonally, nine apertures occur in 2 mm.; transversely, five in 1 mm. Interspaces seldom equal in width to the diameter of the apertures, generally considera- bly less, thickest and less acutely rounded toward the base, the summit occupied by a single or double row of small closely set acanthopores, which have a peculiar rayed appearance in tan- gential sections. Zooecial tubes thin-walled in the axial region, proceeding from the center of the stems toward the surface at an angle of about 45°. At the beginning of the peripheral region their walls are much, though not excessively, thickened. In this zone the peculiar stellate acanthopores make their appearance. In verti- cal sections they appear as vertical series of minute dots. The free and unbranched character of the zoarium of this species is so marked a feature that complete specimens may be distinguished at once from associated bryozoa. The trans- versely elongated monticules are also very distinctive. The Devonian types of the genus are without surface elevations. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Abundant at Keokuk, Iowa; Nauvoo and Warsaw, 111. 664 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. OELOCONUS Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 402.) This genus, though closely related to Rhombopora and Rhab- domeson, is amply distinguished by its zoarial and zooecial pe- culiarities, The free character of the zoarium, its hollow coni- cal form, and the comparatively short zooecia, are the chief fea- tures of the genus. So far only two species are known to have these characters. In Bactropora Hall, the zoarium is also free, but neither conical nor hollow, the entire axial region of the cylindrical stems being occupied by the tubular primitive portion of the zooecia. CCELOCONUS RHOMBICUS Ulrich. PI. LXXII. fig. 4-4o. Zoarium a hollow elongate-obconical body, 8 to 10 mm. long, and about 1.5 mm. wide across the open top; lined on the inner side with a thin epitheca. Thickness of the zoarial crust about 0.2 mm. Zooecia apertures differently arranged on differ- ent portions of the surface. Near the pointed base they are narrow and ranged between raised longitudinal lines, which give this portion of the zoarium the appearance of being striated. Farther up they gradually become suboval, occupy the bottom of sharply defined rhombiform sloping areas, arranged in rather regular diagonally intersecting series. Toxvard the upper end the areas gradually change from rhombic to regularly elongate hexagonal, with the ends acute. At the same time an arrange- ment of the areas in transverse series becomes evident. The in- terspaces are rather thin and, in the usual state of preservation, (in which the summit alone projects above the infilling matrix) appear very delicate. At the angles of junction the summit is slightly elevated. Measuring longitudinally, about six zooecia apertures occur in 2 mm.; diagonally, five in 1 mm.; trans- versely, five in 1 mm. Thin sections show that the zooecial walls are comparatively thin throughout, that the zooecia are short, ranged in longitu- dinal series on the basal plate, and provided with both hemi- septa, the inferior one but little developed. BRYOZOA. 665 The conical form of the zoarium distinguishes this form from all the Lower Carboniferous Bryozoa, known to me, except- ing the next described. I am indebted to Mr. J. M. Nickles for the only specimens seen of this species. Position and locality: St. Louis group; Fountain Creek, Mon- roe county, Illinois. QELOCONUS GRANOSTJS Ulrich. PL LXXIL Fig. *-3b. Zoarium elongate cone-shaped, hollow, with a rather thick, transversely striated epithecal lining, apparently perforated by minute tubuli. Thickness of entire zoarial crust about 0.3 mm. Cone from 8 to 12 mm. long, and from 1.3 to 2 mm. wide across the open top. Base attenuate, usually deflected a little to one side. Zooecia arranged as in C. rhombicus, but with the interspaces higher, granulose, and the summit more rounded; the area more abruptly impressed, deeper, and not so sharply outlined, appearing, in the lower two-thirds of the zoarium, to be rather of oval shape than rhombic. Apertures varying from oval to sub-circular, 0.1 mm. in diameter; measuring longitudi- nally, there are between six and seven in 2 mm.; diagonally' between four and five in 1 mm.; transversely, five and often six in 1 mm. Of internal characters, the most striking is the strength of the basal lamina and zooecia walls when compared with C. rhombicus. Position and locality: Chester group; near Anna, Union Co., 111. STREBLOTRYPA Ulrich. Acanthoclema Hall (pars). Pal. N. T., voL VI, 1887. (For generic diagnosis see page 403.) In its superficial characters the typical species of this genus greatly resembles species of D'Orbigny's Cavea (C. costata, et regularis) ,but whether this resemblance is due to real relation- ship, or is only incidental, remains to be seen. Compared with —83 666 PALEONTOLOGY OF/ ILLINOIS. Rhombopora, the principal difference is found in the more or less numerous pores which (normally) are situated back of the zooecia apertures. The Devonian species of the genus Hall has placed under his new genus Acanthoclema. They are, however, quite distinct from his A. alternation, which is mentioned as the type, and which is closely related to Rhombopora. STREBLOTRYPA MAJOR Ulrich. PI. LXXI, fig. 8-8d. and PI. LXXII, fig. l,la. Zoarium a comparatively robust, dichotomously or otherwise dividing stem. Often found flattened from pressure. The divi- sions of the branches occur at long intervals and are often unequal. Zooecia apertures oval, 0.25 mm. long and about 0.15 mm. wide, surrounded by a narrow sloping area, only notice- able in perfect specimens; arranged in longitudinal series (inter- rupted at more or less frequent intervals) between subangular longitudinal ridges, that are not distinct from the aperture margins but form their lateral boundaries. The longitudinal in- terspaces between the succeeding zocecia apertures exhibit the mouths of from one to three short ranges of mesopores. These pores vary considerably in size, and in number from three to twelve, but when the zooecial arrangement is regular, their num- ber is generally either four or six. Measuring longitudinally, about ten zocecia apertures occur in 5 mm. Of internal characters, the comparative shortness of the zoce- cial tubes, the non-development of an inferior hemiseptum, and the rather irregular appearance of the tubes in the axial region, are the most noteworthy. The large zocecia and rather robust zoarium easily distinguish this species from all others of the genus so far known. Position and locality: Keokuk group; King's Mountain, Ky.; Keokuk, Iowa; Nauvoo and other localities in Illinois. The specimens from Illinois are larger than those from Kentucky. BRYOZOA. 667 STREBLOTRYPA RADIALIS Ulrich. PI. LXXH, fig. 2-2d. Zoarium consisting of slender, dichotomouslj dividing stems about 1 mrn. in diameter, the whole forming a bushy mass growing from a central point out in all directions. Zooecia aper- tures small, suboval, slightly truncated posteriorly, about 0.1 mm, long, two-thirds as wide, occupying the anterior half of the bottom of a sloping area. Area hexagonal in outline, trun- cated at the ends, about 0.28 mm. long, by 0.14 mm. wide, sloping gradually down into the aperture, which, as has been said, occupies the anterior half of the bottom. The posterior slope is more gentle than the anterior, and presents the mouths of from two to four very minute pores, which, unless the speci- mens are exceptionally preserved, are liable to be overlooked. The areas are ranged in very regular longitudinal and diago- nally intersecting series, with eleven or twelve in 3 mm. longi- tudinally, and six in 1 mm. diagonally. The summit of the zigzag ridges formed by them is rather sharply defined and carries a crowded series of very minute granules. The internal characters are very well shown by the illustra- tions. The chief distinctive feature shown by thin sections is the radial arrangement observed in transverse sections. This species presents much superficial resemblance to Rhombo- pora attenuata, but a close comparison shows that they differ in important particulars. Of these the presence of small pores back of the zooecia apertures in the present species, is the prin- cipal one. The apertures are also smaller and not situated in the middle of the area. S. subspinosa, of the Chester limestone, differs slightly in its measurements, has the areas less sharply defined, and the ridges somewhat tuberculated. Position and locality: Keokuk group, near Xauvoo, 111., and Bentonsport. Iowa. STREBLOTRYPA NICKLESI Ulrich. PL LXXI. fles. 9-9c. Zoarium consisting of slender, sub-cylindrical, bifurcating stems, about 0.5 mm. in diameter. Zooecial tubes very long. 668 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. small, almost vertical in the middle of . the axial region, ap- proaching the surface slowly, and increasing in size a.t the same time. Between 0.2 and 0.3 mm. from the aperture a short inferior hemiseptum is developed. Zocecia apertures ovate, slightly truncated posteriorly, 0.08 mm. long by 0.06 mm. wide, surrounded by a thin peristome highest at the anterior border. They are arranged in alternating longitudinal rows between thin ridges which unite with the peristomes and are about 0.1 mm. apart. The interspaces between the succeeding apertures is depressed and occupied by the mouths of from nine to fifteen small pores arranged in two or three rows. Measuring longitudinally six zooecia apertures occur in 2 mm.; diagonally five in 1 mm. It requires about twelve rows to encircle the stem. The small zooecia apertures, their regular arrangement, and the large number of the (?) mesopores. are the distinguishing features of this species. The specific name is given in honor of Mr. J. M. Nickles, of Sparta, 111., to whom belongs the credit of first finding the species in abundance. Position and locality: Chester group. Common at Kaskaskia and other localities in 111., and at Sloan's Valley, Ky. Accord- ing to Mr. Vine (Proc. Yorksh. Geol. Soc., vol. VIII, p. 107, 1885,) also in the Carboniferous shales of England. STREBLOTRYPA SUBSPINOSA Ulrich. PI. LXXI, figs. 7-7a. Zoarium consisting of long, slender, cylindrical stems, 0.7 or 0.8 mm. in diameter, branching dichotomously at varying in- tervals. Zooecia apertures arranged alternately in longitudinal series, nine or ten in 3 mm.; diagonally five in 1 mm. Between the series are nearly straight longitudinal ridges carrying a variable number of small nodes. Between the ends of the de- pressed apertures, which occupy the bottom of distinct oval sloping areas, there are from two to four small mesopores. These sometimes occupy the transverse ridges, at other times the posterior slope of the area. BRYOZOA. 669 This species is closely allied to the S. radialis, of the Keokuk group, but differs in having the longitudinal ridges straighter and nodose, the area oval instead of hexagonal, the mesopores less regularly situated and often placed on the transverse ridges instead of within the area. Position and locality: Chester group. Not uncommon at Chester, 111., and Sloan's Valley, Ky. STEBLOTRYPA DISTINCT A Ulrich. PI. LXXI. flg. 10-106. Zoarium consisting of slender dichotomizing stems, from 0.5 to 0.7 mm. in diameter. A small slab is almost made up of fragments, from which we may judge the zoarium formed bushy masses. Zooecia apertures generally arranged in longitudinal series, but there are no ridges between the rows. Occasionally a transverse arrangement will predominate, and, more rarely, diagonally intersecting rows are formed. On the whole the arrange- ment is inclined to be irregular. On an average eight occur in 2 mm. Apertures oval, 0.10 or 0.11 mm. long, by 0.07 or 0.08 mm. wide, with the margin somewhat elevated. Interspaces slightly depressed, varying considerably in width, occupied by more or less numerous, small but unequal mesopores. The in- terspaces between the sides of the peristomes are usually linear. The rather irregular arrangement of the zooecia and mesopores, and the absence of longitudinal ridges, give this species a very distinctive and characteristic appearance. Position and locality: Chester group. Chester, 111. WORTHENOPORA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 403.) WORTHENOPORA SPINOSA Ulrich. PI. LXVm. Fig. l-lg. Zoarium a bilaminar elongate frond, 3 or 4 mm. wide, 0.5 to 0.8 mm. in thickness, branching dichotomously or otherwise at long intervals. Acutely elliptical in cross section. Margins sub- 670 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. parallel, armed with a series of slender spines from 0.3 to 0.5 mm. long, pointing obliquely upward and outward. There are on each side about sixteen in 3 mm. Zooecia enclosed by an elevated sub-a,ngular ridge, common to adjoining zooecia. The space enclosed is elongate, somewhat rhombic in shape, drawn out long wedge-shaped posteriorly, and more rounded anter- iorly; the whole usually 0.6 mm. long and 0.12 mm wide. Aperture semi-elliptical, truncated posteriorly, 0.18 mm. long, and 0.1 mm. wide, occupying the anterior third of the space enclosed by the ridges, which form its margin except at the pos- terior side, where a thinner and less elevated line separates the aperture from the remainder of the enclosure. The latter forms an irregular sub-triangular depressed space, with the bottom smooth and slightly concave. When perfect five small tuber- cles, one on the posterior and two on each of the lateral mar- gins, project into the aperture. Apertures arranged in regular, acutely intersecting, diagonal series, nine in 3 mm., and in less regular transverse rows, between eight and nine in 2 mm. The marginal rows of zooecia are usually a little larger than the central ones. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Warsaw and Nauvoo, 111.; Keokuk and Bentonsport, Iowa; Warsaw beds, at War- saw, 111. WORTHENOPORA SPATULATA Prout. PI. LXVIII figs. a-2a. Flustra spatulata Prout, 1859. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. vol 1. p. 446. PI. 17, fig. 2-2c. This species differs from W. spinosa mainly in the form of the zoarium which is always more explanate, being usually of flabellate form. The margins are sharp and striate, and with- out spines. On one fragment many of the triangular suboral spaces are divided in half by a thin transverse ridge. Position and locality: Warsaw beds, Warsaw, 111., and Bar- rett's Station, St. Louis county, Mo. BRYOZOA. 671 CYCLOPORA Prout, 1860. (Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci. vol.1, p. 574.) (For generic diagnosis see page 403.) The utmost confusion has hitherto prevailed among palaeon- tologists who have sought to determine the true characters of this genus. Such a condition of affairs appears natural enough, when we consider that according to Prout's description the principal feature of the genus is the concentrically and radiallv striated epithecal membrane ("sole"). The zooecia are said by him to be sub-tubular, sub-prismatic, and separated by a po- rous interstitial net-work. The last character in conjunction with the preceding, suggests Fistulipora, but, when we examine his species, none of them show anything like the interstitial net-work of that genus. On the contrar}-. none of his original species, excepting C. fungia. which, being the first described, I regard as the type, have any interstitial cells whatever. C. fiin- pia too, when normally developed, has only a depressed space back of the zocecia aperture, which as growth proceeds is grad- ually drawn out into a tabulated mesopore. Four species are described by Prout, and these in themselves already show how extremely misleading an index to generic affinity is the com- mon possession of a striated epitheca. Thus C. discoidea differs so much from C. fungia in its zooecial features that I propose the new genus Proutella for it; C. polymorpha is a true Steno- pora, and probably identical with his Flustra tuberculata; and C. jamesi is the same as Ptilodictya pavonia D'Orb. The genus as now defined is based upon specimens that were identified by Dr. Prout himself with his C. fungia. It is still somewhat unsatisfactory, and much more work is necessary before the true position of the genus can be established. CYCLOPORA FUNGIA Prout. PL LXVm, figs. 3-3e. Cydopora fungia Prout, 1860. Trans. St. 'Louis Acad. Sci. vol. 1, p. 577. Cyclopora fungia Prout, 1866. Geol. Surv. HI. vol. n, p. 419, PL 22, flgs. 9-9b. Zoarium an irregularly undulating sub-circular expansion, 3 mm. or less in thickness, and from 2 to 7 cms. wide. Under 6 72 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. surface with an epithecal membrane, marked with irregular con- centric wave-like wrinkles and faint radiating- lines, the latter being the base of the zocecia walls showing through; at the center there is a slightly raised or depressed cicatrix of attach- ment, about 5 mm. in diameter. Upper surface occasionally even, generally with more or less elevated monticules, composed of cells wider apart and rather larger than the average. Zoce- cia for a short distance prostrate and thin-walled, then making a rather sharp curve, proceed direct to the surface; the walls have now become thicker and a number of mesopores devel- oped, which may be intersected, according to age, by from one to four or more centrally perforated thick diaphragms. The zooecial walls exhibit a large number of delicate transverse lines, which may represent minute connecting foramina. Some of the zooecia also show several tooth-like processes projecting a short distance into the vestibular cavity. These denticles seem to have been developed at successive levels, perhaps in all the zooecia. Apertures sub-circular, the posterior side usually somewhat straightened, averaging 0.15 mm. in diameter, sur- rounded by a thin and but little elevated peristome, that, some- times at any rate, carries a number of very small granules. Between the monticules they are arranged in quincunx, thus forming transverse, longitudinal and diagonally intersecting rows, whose regularity is more or less disturbed around the monticules. The triangular or oblong quadrate space left be- tween the apertures is occupied by one or two mesopores, either open or closed by a membrane. Three specimens give the following measurements: No. 1. Transversely, 11 apertures in 3 mm. Eleven of the transverse rows in 3 mm. Diagonally, 10 apertures in 3 mm. Total number of apertures in 3 mm. square, 121. In this specimen the interspaces between the apertures are triangular as in fig. 3d. It is from the Keokuk limestone, at Keokuk, Iowa. No. 2. Transversely, 9 apertures in 3 mm. Fourteen of the transverse rows in 3 mm. Diagonally, 12 apertures in 3 mm. Total in 3 mm. square, 126. BRYOZOA. 673 In this specimen the interspaces are long and narrow. It is from the base of the "Warsaw beds, at Warsaw, 111. No. 3. Transversely. 7.5 apertures in 3 mm. Sixteen of the transverse rows in 3 mm. Diagonally, 12 apertures in 3 mm. Total number in 3 mm. square, 120. In this specimen the interspaces are wider and shorter than usual. Its surface is represented by figs. 3-3b. Keokuk group, Xauvoo. 111. Position and locality: A common species in the Keokuk and Warsaw beds at mam- localities in Illinois and Iowa. CYCLOPORA EXPATIATA Ulrich. PL LXVm, fig. 4-4d. Zoarium a very large unilaminar expansion, from 0.5 to 1 mm. thick; one specimen before me (incomplete) has a breadth of 15 cms. and a width of 8 cms.; occasionally incrusting, usually free, with the under surface protected by an epithecal membrane more or less~rugosely wrinkled in an irregularly con- centric manner. The wrinkles are crossed by faint radiating lines. Surface with scarcely elevated monticules, composed of small aggregations of mesopores and a few zooecia of larger size than the average. Zooecia apertures subcircular, 0.2 mm. in diameter, not very regularly arranged, ten or eleven in 3 mm., often completely isolated by the large, irregularly shaped mesopores, but usually in contact with each other at one or more points. A thin peristome, carrying from four to eight nodes (?acanthopores) surrounds the apertures. In thin sections the walls are thin and exhibit considerable variability of struc- ture, probably indicative of developmental stages, the sequence of which has not been determined. Sometimes the transversely lined structure shown in fig. 3e, PI. LXVIII, is quite distinct, but usually the appearance is more like whatsis shown by figs. 4-4c of the same plate. Several diaphragms intersect the zooecial tubes in vertical sections. This species differs from C. fungia,, in the larger size of the ex- pansion, the well developed acanthopores, and less regular ar- rangement of the zocpcia. Tangential sections of the two look quite different. —84 674 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Warsaw and Nauvoo, 111. PROUTELLA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 403.) This genus approaches very near to some of the CHILOSTO- MATA, but agrees with the CRYPTOSTOMATA in having the zooecia layers follow each other in direct sequence so as to form tubes. Proutella furnishes a powerful argument in favor of the view published in my "American Palaeozoic Bryozoa" as to the func- tions or purpose of diaphragms. PROUTELLA DISCOIDEA Prout. PI. LXIX, fig. 4-4d. Cyclopora discoidea Prout, 1860. Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Vol. 1, p. 578. Cyclopora discoidea Prout, 1866. Geol. Surv. 111., Vol. II, p. 420, PI. XXII, fig. 10- lOa, and PI. XXI, fig. 2-2a. Zoarium a thin sub-circular expansion, several cm. in diame- ter, and less than 1 mm. in thickness. Lower or epithecal sur- face convex, with a short peduncle at the center, and around it more or less strong concentric undulations or sharp wrinkles; crossing these there are fine radiating stria', which correspond with the arrangement of the zooecia, as is shown by the appli- cation of moisture, when the oblong procumbent portion of the zooecia is brought to view. Upper or celluliferous surface more or less concave, with the rhombic or hexagonal zocecia arranged in very regular curved intersecting lines, about nine in three mm. Apertures a little oblique, rounded or sub-rhomboidal, about 0.28 mm. in diameter, of nearly uniform size throughout; occasionally preserving a delicate membrane, which closes some- what more than one-half of the opening, the orifice left being sub-triangular in form and situated at the anterior or depressed side of the aperture. Interspaces ridge-like, with the angles a little elevated. As shown by vertical sections, the short zooecial tubes run from the basal membrane to the upper surface with a gradual curve, without, however, becoming direct at the aper- tures. According to the thickness of the expansion, each tube exhibits from one to four incomplete diaphragms, which spring BBYOZOA. 675 at a right angle from the posterior wall and extend to a point a little further than midway to the opposite wall. The inter- vals between them about equal the diameter of a zooecium. These incomplete diaphragms may also be detected in tangen- tial sections. Prout's description and figures of his Cyclopora discoidea, leave so much unsaid that I found it quite impossible to identify the species with certainty. As, however, several of the specimens used in drawing up the above diagnosis of the species were so named by Dr. Prout himself, I feel reasonably confident that they are the same as the original examples. Three outwardly very similar yet very distinct species, the Cyclopora fungia Prout, Cycloporella spinifera Ulr., and the present species, are associated in the Keokuk limestone at Warsaw and other locali- ties in the State. The difficulty of separating them is greatly aggravated by the fact, that in perhaps nine cases out of ten, the specimens show only the under side. Here they look de- cidedly alike and it was only after considerable practice that I could separate them successfully. Thin sections will, of course, immediately distinguish the species, while there is also very little difficulty in separating specimens showing the celluliferous side. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Warsaw, Hamilton, and Nauvoo, Illinois, and Keokuk, Iowa. CYCLOPORELLA Ulrich. (For generic diagnosis see page 404.) This genus is founded upon C. spinifera. Provisionally I place another species here, though fully aware that it is widely differ- ent from the type. CYCLOPORELLA SPINIFERA Ulrich. PI. LXIX, fig. 1-lc. Zoarium discoidal, thickness 1 mm. or less. Under surface nearly flat, witli a small central elevated scar of attachment; epitheca showing faint concentric wrinkles and radiating striae. Upper surface strongly spinulose, sometimes witli smooth spots, 676 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. at irregular intervals, consisting of clusters of mesopores. Zo- oecia apertures obscured by the projecting acanthopores, sub- angular, 0.15 mm. in diameter, with those in the immediate vicinity of the "maculae" of much larger size, the largest being about 0.28 mm. in diameter. The arrangement is in irregular series with nine or ten of those in the intermacular spaces in 2 mm. Mesopores numerous, of unequal sizes, irregularly distri- buted, never isolating the zocecia, and much obscured by the acanthopores. The latter are large and slightly exceed the zo- oecia in number. From thin sections we learn that the zocecia are at first pros- trate and thin-walled, then bending abruptly proceed direct to the surface. The walls become thickened and apparently amalga- mated, the mesopores and acanthopores are developed, and, at intervals of about 0.1 mm., several superior hemisepta will be seen, in vertical sections, to project from the posterior wall into the zooecial cavity. The cavity of the acanthopores is compara- tively large and crossed by closely set, delicate diaphragms; their walls are composed of obliquely laminated tissue. The mesopores appear largely filled by a structureless deposit in which an occasional diaphragm may be detected. When the under surface alone is visible the species might be confounded with Proutella discoidea. A little moisture applied to the epitheca will show that that species has larger cells, the radiating lines being farther apart. The under surface of Cyclo- pora fungia is strongly wrinkled; that of Cycloporella? perversa even more so. Position and locality: Keokuk group, Warsaw, 111. CYCLOPORELLA ? PERVERSA Ulrich. PI. LXIX. flgs. 5-3b. Zoarium a free or parasitically attached, thin, irregular ex- pansion, 8 to 10 cms. in diameter, and from 0.5 to 2.0 mm. in thickness, being often composed of two or three superimposed layers. When free the lower surface is strongly wrinkled, the zoarium appearing sometimes like a crumpled piece of cloth. Zooecial tubes with a short prostrate region, bending soon to proceed direct to the surface; intersected by one or two dia- phragms in each layer. Walls moderately thickened, composed, BRYOZOA. 677 near the surface, of a dark ring of tissue immediately surround- ing the cavities and a central lucid region (see fig. 3a) . Meso- pores few, generally small, situated mainly at the angles, often wanting over considerable spaces. A few small acanthopores present. Apertures angular or sub-circular, subequal, arranged in moderately regular curved rows, about 0.15 mm. in diameter, with nine in 2 mm. The position of this species is doubtful. In many respects the Silurian genus Leptotrvpa is suggested, but the presence of mesopores, argues against a reference to that genus. The mesopores again are sometimes arranged as in Cyclopora fungia, but the primitive portion of the zooecia and the structure of their walls is different. The majority of the characters known point to the TREPOSTOMATA rather than to the CRYPTOSTOMATA, but till more material can be studied it has been deemed best to arrange the species as above. Care must be exercised in separating the species from the laminar form of Stenopora tuberculata Prout, which occurs abundantly at the same locality. When the lower surface alone is visible, thin sections are generally required to distinguish them. They, of course, do so effectually. Position and locality: Keokuk group. Warsaw, 111., Greene Co., 111., and Bentonsport, Iowa. 078 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. ADDENDA ISOTJIYPA (? TECTULIPORA) GOTHLANDICA 11. Sp. PI. LIV, fig. 6, Gc. Zoarium irregularly infundibular, about 2 cm. in height and the same in diameter at open upper end; base small. The zoar- ium consists of a double network; its entire thickness is about 1 mm. Zocedal apertures on the outer side of the inner net- work, invisible from the surface because of the great develop- ment of the carinse and scalae prevailing in genera of this type, and which form the false or non-celluliferous outer network. On the inner or "reverse" face of the zoarium the branches average a little less than 0.3 mm. in width, are flexuous, and seem to inosculate regularly, leaving oval fenestrules nearly as wide as the branches; 15 fenestrules, measuring longitudinally, in 1 cm.; 19 or 20 branches in 1 cm. transverely; surface of branches striate. Obverse side with the carinse very strongly developed, their summits expanded and connected transversely by scalse, two- thirds as thick, at intervals equalling the development of the true dissepiments, which always occur almost directly beneath them. Outer surface of scalse and summits of carinse but little convex, and marked with from three to five distinct parallel lines, causing the two exposed faces of the zoarium to resemble each other greatly. The only difference likely to be noticed is that on the outer side the false fenestrules and branches are respectively a little larger and thinner than on the inner face. Zooecia in two flexuous ranges on each branch, one on each side of the carina, with 21 or 22 in 5 mm.; apertures subcircu- lar, 0.1 mm. in diameter, with rather strong peristome. BRYOZOA. 679 < )\rr the basal portion of the zoarium the false outer fene- strules are closed, and the entire space within apparently filled with vesicular tissue. This species is closely allied to Fenestella ambigua Hall, from the Niagara shales of Indiana and New York. Its proportions, however, are somewhat smaller, there being only 10 fenestrules and 10 to 18 branches in 1 cm. in the American species. In the latter the outer or false fenestrules are also less regular. The propriety of placing species of this kind with Isotrypa is questionable. If the presence of pores on the reverse side of the dissepiments is essential, and we are inclined to admin the point, then they must b:? placed elsewhere. Originally we in- tended to refer the two species to Loculipora, but since seeing figures of the types of that genus we have concluded that they cannot properly go there. Unitrypa, also, was suggested, but we believe that that name should be restricted to forms having the scalre more numerous than the dissepiments. Hall's recently proposed Tectulipora (41st Ann. Kept. X. Y. St. Mus., 1888), is p-obably nearer the mark than any of those mentioned. The description, however, fails to fit the two species in one point, and that is in the statement that the carina? continue over the dissepiments, thus leaving only perforations through the fronds and no median longitudinal channels. These exist not only in the Gotland species, but also in the Niagara and a Hamilton species from Michigan. As the point is one that is not easily determined, it is possible that the objectionable statement is founded upon faulty observation. Until more is known of the type of Tectulipora. and its character fully illustrated, we must be content with referring to the fossils under consideration as above. Position and locality: Upper Silurian, Island of Gotland. We are indebted to Prof. Gustav Lindstrom for the oppor- tunity of describing this interesting species. The type is in the author's collection. About the time the text of this volume had been put into type (Dec. 1st, 1889), Mr. S. A. Miller's valuable work on ''North American Geology and Palaeontology'' appeared. A list of the new genera and species described in this volume had previously been transmitted to him, together with a revised 680 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. catalogue and classification of American Palsezoic Bryozoa, which we had prepared, but could not, because of a lack of space, publish with the more necessary portion of our MS. on the Bryozoa. Mr. Miller, however, chose to arrange the Bryo- zoa according to his own views, adopting some of the new- families, and nearly all the new genera and species. We do not complain of this, since he had an undisputed right to use the material" turned over to him in whatever way he saw fit. We, on the other hand, have equally as good a right to dissent from the arrangement he has adopted, and we propose to ex- ercise this right by offering the following critical notes on the more important points upon which our views deviate. On page 169 he places the MONTICULIPORID^E and STELLIPORID.E under_the sub-class ALCYONARIA, the first comprising the genera Dekayia, JJekayella, Diplotrypa, Monotrypa, Monotrypella, Monticulipora, NebuHpora, Nyctopora and Prasopora, while Stellipora alone is included in the second; and on the preceding- page we find Ptychonema (Hall) under the sub-class Zoantharia, in the family CHETETID.E; on the whole an arrangement that is unwarranted, and in the last instance at any rate also mis- leading, since Ptychonema cannot be distinguished, upon any grounds knowrn to us, from the earlier Monotrypa. It is somewhat surprising to find Nyctopora (Nich.), a coral with relations to Columnaria, placed among the MONTICULIPORID^E. With the exception of this genus, all the genera referred by him to the family should be removed to the Bryozoa. If they are not Bryozoa, then the AMPLEXOPORID.E, BATOSTOMELJ,ID.E, BYTHOPORID.E, CERAMOPORHXE, FISTULIPORID.E, HELIOTRYPID^E, PTILODICTYONID.E, RHABDOMESONTID^, andTREMATOPORm^E, all of which Mr. Miller refers to the Bryozoa, are not either. Extensive comparative studies show beyond question that these are all so intimately related that they cannot possibly be divided into coral and bryozoan groups without doing actual violence to natural affinities. As to Stellipora and Constellaria, which Mr. Miller considers as synonymous, they were placed already many years ago among the Bryozoa by such authorities as d'Orbigny and Jules Haime. A superficial comparison with Jurassic and Cretaceous BRYOZOA. 681 CERIOPORID.E (e. g. Radiopora) should suffice in showing that that is where they belong.* On page 290 and 291, we find the classification into families adopted by Mr. Miller. We will review it in the alphabetical order in which he arranges the divisions. The ACANTHOCLADIID.E include the same genera as on pages 397 and 398 of this volume, excepting that Pinnatopora Vine, is not recognized and Glauconome retained instead. On pages 614 and 615 we give reasons for using Vine's genus instead of Glauconome for such species as we place under it in this volume. Glauconome can not be used for them for two reasons: (1) As originally defined in Goldfuss' work the name is synonymous with the previously defined Vincularia of Defrance. (2) If founded upon the emended definition by Lonsdale in Mur- chison's Silurian system, the type would necessarily be the G. disticha Lonsdale, which is a Wenlock fossil and probably quite different from the Devonian G. disticha of Goldfuss. An examination of a number of specimens of Lousdale's species, which we owe to the kindness of Mr, Vine, has convinced us that the Wenlock species is totally different from those for which Pinnatopora is proposed. In fact they cannot belong to the same family, Lonsdale's G. disticha being closely related to Nematopora Ulr., and probably constitutes an extreme member of the Arthrostylidte. Billings' Helopora strigosa is a con- generic species. The AMPLEXOPORID.E is the same as in this volume, save that Monotrypella. a genus very closely related to Amplexopora, is out being placed with the MONTICULIPORID.E under the ZOANTHA- RIA. * Much evidence was published in Part I of our memoir on "American Palaeozoic Bryozoa," (Jour. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vols. V, VI and VII), to establish the bryozoan nature of the Monticuliporoids. More still, and, among the latter probably some of the most important, was reserved to be drawn upon in case our views were criticised. But no call being made upon it, and the reserve being reinforced continually by new evi- dence gathered during the progress of our studies, we are now enabled to claim with confidence, that when the subject is again taken up by us, we will support our views with such an abundance of evidence that even the most skeptical of our opponents, provided he is just, must be convinced of their truth. The matter for the paper on the "Relations of Palaeozoic to Mesozoic, Tertiary and Recent Bryozoa," has been ready for several years, and only awaits an opportunity when it may be published, properly supported by illustrations. -85 682 PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. The ARTHROSTYLHLE and ASCODICTYONID.E also are constituted as in our classification, but under the BATOSTOMELLIDJE we miss Bythopora, Callotrypa and Stenopora, the last being placed among the corals, and the second among the TREMATOPORHLE, while a new family, the BYTHOPORID^E, is proposed for the firwt. The family as given by him embraces besides Anisotrypa, Ba- tostomella and Leioclema, also Batostoma (?) and Peronopora, the latter probably through a clerical error, since on p. 199, he places the genus as a synonym for Monticulipora* The BOTRYLLOPORHLE, including only Botryllopora, may be a good family. We did not feel warranted in proposing a new family and in our classification have doubtfully referred the genus to the FISTULIPORHLE. The CERAMOPORID^, however, is a heterogeneous assemblage. Thus, beside Ceramopora, Ceramoporella, Chiloporella, Crepipora and Spatiopora, which are properly referred here, the family is made to embrace Eridopora, Glossotrypa, Lichenalia, Licheno- trypa, Odontotrypa, Pileotrypa and Selenopora, all genera that, if not actual synonyms for Fistulipora, are at any rate so closely related to that genus that they must belong to the same family. None of them possess the structure characterizing the Ceramoporoids, while all have the vesicular interstitial tissue and zocecial wall structure marking the Fistuliporoids. Ceramella, an unquestionable synonym for Glyptopora and therefore a genus related to Cystodictya, (referred by Mr. Miller to the STICTOPORHLE) is also placed here, together with Peti- gopora, a genus whose minute structure agrees intimately with Dekayia, which, as we have seen, he puts with the ALCYONARIA. Sagenella, founded upon a species, that if it is not strictly a Berenicea, clearly belongs to the TUBULIPORID^E and Phracto- pora, the relations of which are uncertain and which he also refers to the STICTOPORID.E, complete the list of genera placed by him as CERAMOPORID.E. * It is interesting to note how differently authors view the Monticuliporoid divisions proposed by Nicholson. Contrast with the above Waagen and Wentzel's recent erection of the subfamily Peronoporince (Pal. Indica, Ser. XIII, I, 6.) BRYOZOA. 683 The erection of a new family for Crisinella may be justifiable in a work of that kind ; but not so the ENALLOPORID.E, under which he ranges Diploclema, Enallopora and Protocrisina, since the EXTALOPHORID.E will include these genera without any ex- tension of its usually accredited limits. We must protest also against the use of d'Orbigny's Enallopora instead of our Mito- clema. Ennllopora was founded upon Hall's figures and des- cription of Gorgonia (?) perantiqua (Pal. X. Y. Vol. I, 1847.) Mr. Miller gives the following free translation of d'Orbigny's des- cription (Prodr: d. Pal. T. 1, p. 22, 1850.) "Small bifurcating branches, without connecting bars; cell-mouths prominent on each side, opening laterally and alternately." How can this description be made to include Mitoclema cinetosum, in which cylindrical stems are encircled by transverse rows of zooecial apertures as in Spiropora and Enthalophora! Nor are we acquainted with any bryozoan from the Trenton rocks having two rows of alternately arranged and outwardly projecting cell- apertures. The species which we originally identified with Hall's G. (?) perantiqua (Jour. Cin. Soc. Xat. Hist. Vol. V, p. 159,) since it was found to agTee neither with the description nor with the figures given by Hall of that species, is now described as new and made the type of the new genus Diploclema, a sub- sequent and more careful examination having developed that we were wrong in uniting the species with Mitoclema* We have also become convinced that Hall's work on his Gorgonia (?) perantiqua is faulty and that Enallopora rests upon char- acters that are hypothetical and with no existence in nature. If this view is right, then Enallopora cannot stand, since it fails to fulfill the first and most important rule of nomenclature in this that the description is not sufficient for the identification of the organism named. And there is no rule known to us per- mitting the retention of a genus founded upon imaginary char- acters. His FEXESTELLID.E embraces all the genera placed there by us save Thamniscus. D'Orbigny's very doubtful Reteporina, and * For further remarks upon this subject see note under Protocrisina eiigua (p. 405} which is another of the forms that have been identified with Hall's species. 084 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. Clathropora, Goscinella, Coscinium, Coscinotrypa, Evactinopora, Reptaria and Semiopora are also included. Upon what grounds the last seven genera are placed into the same family with Fenestella, etc., is beyond our comprehension; and we are thoroughly satisfied that no one who has paid even the most cursory attention to fossil Bryozoa, will follow him. Clathropora differs from Ptilodictya only in its mode of growth, and Coscinella and Coscinium are distinguished from Intrapora and Cystodictya in precisely the same manner. In their inter- nal and really essential structure each pair of these genera is practically identical. Co&cinotrypa Hall, is a pure synonym for Coscinium* while Semiopora, as defined and figured by Hall, (Pal. N. Y. Vol. 6, 1887,) is indistinguishable from Phssnopora. Evactinopora also, though regarded by us as a very good generic group, is distinguished from Glyptopora and the other genera comprised in our CYSTODICTYONID.E, almost solely by char- acters resulting from its peculiar style of growth. The zooecial features are essentially the same in all, constituting the CYSTO- DICTYONID^E one of the most natural and easily recognized fami- lies of Palaeozoic Bryozoa. We were, therefore, not a little dis- appointment at finding that the family was not adopted by Mr. Miller. In splitting up the family and re-distributing the genera he has been very unfortunate, especially in placing one among the CERAMOPORID.E and several with the FENESTELLHLE. The remainder he puts with the STICTOPORIDJE which is a less unreasonable allocation. Rcptaria also, surely has nothing in common with the Fenes- tellidas, and, if it is a bryozoan at all, must go with Hederella into the Cyclostomata near the Tubuliporidse. *It should be remarked here that Mr. Miller regards Glyptopora Ulr., (erroneously written Glyptotrypa by him) as not distinct from Coscinium Keyserling, and that he has apparently overlooked the new species of Glyptopora described in this volume. He gives no reasons for thus ignoring our genus, and it is a little surprising to find that he has not emended the definition of Coscinium so as to cover Glyptopora, but leaves it so that its terms include only the cribriform species for which Keyserling proposed the genus and for which the name was adopted by Hall, Ulrich and others. On the other hand he accepts Hall's Coscinotrypafor Coscinium cribri-forme wh ch we, in accordance with the anthor of the species, regard as one of the most typical species of Keyserling's genus. Such a proceeding does not appear just to us. We may add further that the characters which he assigns to Coscinotrypa ought to be joined to his description of 'Coscinium to make it complete. BRYOZOA. 685 The FISTULIPORID.E as recognized by him contains besides those genera that we place there, also Actinotrypa, Callopora, Callo- porella and Callotrypa. In his definition of the first of these genera (p. 291,) the only feature mentioned as distinguishing- it from Dichotrypa, which he places among the STICTOPORID.E, are the radial striae that extend down the vestibular portion of the zooecial aperture in Actinotrypa. And yet the two genera are placed into different families. It is now a well established fact that Callopora is without the interstitial vesicles which char- acterize the FISTULIPORID.E, and, therefore, ought not to belong to the same family. The same is true of Callopoi-ella and Callo- trypa, but the latter has the structure of the BATOSTOMELLIDJE, its systematic position being intermediate between Bythopora and Leioclema. He also places in this family (the FISTULIPORHXE) Eridopora, Lichenotrypa and Selenopora, a reference that we believe correct, at any rate more so than under the CERAMO- PORID.E, where they also occur. The HELIOTRYPID.E includes, as in our work, only the genus Heliotrypa. But why is this genus also placed with the STICTO- PORID.E as we will see presently? The next family is the LABECHIID.E, with one genus, Labechia Ed. & H. Mr. Miller himself seems to have doubted that this genus belongs to the Bryozoa, since on p. 310, he supplements his definition with this remark: "Probably this genus belongs to the Protozoa and is related to the Sponges." We were not aware that anyone doubted that Labechia is an unequivocal Stro- matoporoid, and consequently far removed from the Bryozoa. The PALESCHARID.E and PHACELOPORID.E include as with us each only its typical genus. Under the PTILODICTYONID.E, however, he has struck out Clath- ropora, Arthropora, Intrapora, Semiopora Stictoporella and Tseniodictya, all of which, except the first and fourth, that, as has been stated alreadj7, he refers to the FENESTELLID.E, he places with the STICTOPORID.E, a course that is unwarranted if we credit zooecial features with importance in the framing of our classifi- cations. Furthermore, our family STREBLOTRYPIDJ-: is set aside 686 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. and the five genera Cyclopora, Cycloporella, Proutella, Streblo- trypa and Worthenopora, which, with us constitute that divi- sion, are removed to this family, a proceeding for which there is even less reason than in the preceding case. In fact the STREBLOTRYPID.E is one of the best marked families of Palaeozoic Bryozoa, resembling the PTILODICTYONIDJE much less than do the STICTOPORID.E and some of his FENESTELLID.E. A union with the RHABDOMESONTID.E might have been comprehended and per- haps excused by us, since that family embraces some of its nearest relatives. Coscinella, we believe, is properly placed in the family, but he has also put the genus with the FENESTELLID.E, while Intrapora, to which Coscinella is very nearly related, is found among the STICTOPORID^E. The RHABDOMESONTHLE is constituted as in this volume, only Anisotrypa belongs with the BATOSTOMELLHLE, where he has also placed it. The RHINOPORID.E and SPHRAGIOPORID.E embrace as in this work only the typical genera. STICTOPORID^:. — In this family he places, besides the genera that we refer there, also Acrogenia, Cystodictya, 'Dichotrypa, Phrac- topora, Prismopora, Scalaripora and T&niopora which with us form the bulk of our CYSTODICTYONID^} ; also Arthropora, Intra- pora, Stictoporella and Tseniodictya, which we refer to the PTILODICTYONID^E on zooecial characters mainly; and Heliotrypa which, a little higher on the page, he makes the type and only genus of the HELIOTRYPIDJS. His family SUBRETIPORID^E is in every way equivalent to our PHYLLOPORINID.E, he being of the opinion that Phylloporina Ulr., is the same os Subretepora of d'Orbigny. This is a case very nearly like that between Mitoclema and Enallopora, discussed above. D'Orbigny proposed Subretepora for Hall's Intricaria reticulata, relying upon Hall's description and figures (Pal. N. Y., Vol. I) for the characters of his genus, which he defines as having a single row of large cells, occupy- ing the entire width of the slender, irregularly anastomosing branches, all of which agrees very well with the data upon BRYOZOA. 687 which he relied. Now, however, since it is known that Hall's diagnosis and figures are incorrect in precisely those features upon which d'Orbigny founded the genus, it is evident that Sub- retepora must drop out of sight once more, on the ground of insufficient and incorrect definition. According to our view, it is neither safe nor proper to found genera upon someone else's figures or descriptions, particularly if these were drawn or writ- ten in the '40s, when palaeontological work was not done nearly so accurate as is now demanded. Nor can we regard it as good policy to resurrect old and obscure names, especially when they, like those under consideration, have never been current in palae- ontological literature. Indeed, so far as we are informed, none of the genera of Bryozoa proposed by d'Orbigny for species described by Hall in Vol. I. of the New York Reports on Palae- ontology, have been used by subsequent writers. They do not even appear in catalogues like Bigsby's "Thesaurus Siluricus." Enallopora. Subretepora, and Sukopora (founded upon Hall's Stictopora fenestrata, which, for the present we regard as the type of Stictopora), were known to us since March, 1880, but we placed them, in accordance with what seemed to be common consent, among the "not recognized" names. The THAMXISCID.E, including Crisinella, Diplopora, and Tham- niscus. is not a natural assemblage. Xor does Mr. Miller ap- pear to have had much faith in the group, since Diplopora oc- curs among the genera of his ACANTHOCLADHD.E, and Crisinella is the type of his CRISINELLHXE. Tbanmiscus, the only genus re- maining is, as we have shown on pages 357 and 606 of this volume, too clearly related to Polypora to permit of greater than generic separation. The TKEMATOPORID.E includes a very peculiar and unnatural assemblage of genera, showing in a striking manner the incon- sequence of those authors who deny that Monticulipora, Mono- trypa. Stenopora, etc.. are Bryozoa. Thus, Mr. Miller places here besides Acantboclema, Bactropora, Xemataxis and Tropi- dopora, which he has arranged much more properly also with the RHABDOMESONTID.E; and Amplexopora and Atactopora which the reader will find also under the AMPLEXOPORID.E; and Cbilo- trrpa'which has been already correctly placed with the FISTULI- 688 PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. POKID.*:; Atactoporella, Homotrypa and Homotryj^lla, three genera closely related to Monticulipora and quite distinct from Trematopom; Diamesopora, a Ceramoporoid and totally differ- ent from Trematopora, as founded upon T. tuberculosa; and Nicholsonella, which of all the genera placed here by Mr. Miller alone belongs to the same family as Trematapora, Orthopora being a pure synonym for Rhombopora, and Trematella, most likely, the same as Batostomella. The TUBULIPORID^; we find no fault with save in this, that Sagenella, which he has with the CERAMOPORID.E, ought to go here, because, if indeed it is not a straight synonym for Bere- nicea, they are at any rate very nearly related. INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 689 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII, PART I. (Species marked t are figured in the text.) PAGE Alluvial deposit - 7 Ammonites in the drift t 4 Analysis of Coal from Kinmundv 42,691 Ananehytes in the drif rt 4 Ancient channels and valleys 11,14,28,33,36,39 Ancient soils in the drift 9,14,15,16,18 Artesian water in Illinois 64 Artesian wells in Northern Illinois 63 Artesian wells in Southern Illinois 63 Artesian well at Beardstown 65 Canton 62 Carthage 62,64,65 Hamilton 65, 65 Jacksonville 66 Monnaouth 62,66,691 Olney 63 B AxyisiEB, DB., report on drift 12 Belemnites in the driftt 4 Bos primigenius 8 Boulder clays 9,17 BBADLEY, FBAXK H.. on ancient channel a western outlet of Lake Michigan 11,28,34 BBTCE, GEO. C., record of boring at Hillsboro 46 Castoroides ohioensis 8 Coal, analysis of 42 Coal in Illinois 25 Southern Illinois 54 COLE, C. B., records of borings 58 Co UN-TIES: Adams Co., Loess at Quincy 8 Carroll Co. drift 10 Champaign Co. drift 12,28 GaUatin Co. coal 54 Hancock Co. , section of bluffs at Warsaw 7 Iroquois Co. drift 11 Jackson Co. coal :,; Jefferson Co., Coal at Mt. Yernon 56 Kankakee Co. drift 11 Lee Co. drift 11 Livingston Co. drift 12 M'-Lean Co. drift 12 Menard Co. loes 7 8 Ogle Co. drift 10 Whiteside Co. drift 11 —86 690 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. COUNTIES— Continued. Section of Strata at Coatsburg, Adams Co 15 Greenville, Bond Co 38 Smithboro, Bond Co 37 Sorento, Bond Co 39,40 Mt. Carroll, Carroll Co 10 " " Beardstown, Cass Co 61 Virginia, Cass Co 16 Champaign, Champaign Co 27 Sidney, Champaign Co 17,27 Palmer, Christian Co 16 Pana, Christian Co 15 Mattoon. Coles Co 36 Clinton, DeWitt Co 13,34,35,58 Tuscola, Douglas Co 17,26 " Efflngham, Effingham Co 55 Canton, Fulton Co 62 Carthage, Hancock Co 65 Hamilton, Hancock Co 68 Warsaw, Hancock Co 7 Elkville, Jackson Co 52 " " New Burnside, Johnson Co 54 near Lake Forest, Lake Co 12 Cullom, Livingston Co 29 " Odell, Livingston Co 14 Saunemin, Livingston Co 31 Strawn, Livingston Co 28,30 Pulaski, Logan Co 50 Decatur, Macon Co 15,48,691 Medora, Macoupin Co 51 Kinmundy, Marion Co 41.44 Odin.Marion Co 43,44 Salem, Marion Co 44 Sandoval, Marion Co IS Wenona, Marshall Co 13 • " Bloomington, McLean Co 14 Menard Co 16 Waverly, Morgan Co 50 " " Jacksonville, Morgan Co 66 ' ' Franklin, Morgan Co .- 50 ' ' Hillsboro, Montgomery Co 46,691 Galum Creek, Perry Co 56 Harrisburg, Saline Co 54 Sangamon Co 16 Lementon, St. Glair Co 18 Monmouth, Warren Co 66 of drift in Southern Illinois 18 Cretaceous fossils in the drift of Illinois 3 Cretaceous strata in Iowa, former extent of 6 CUMMINS, T. 8., letter on coal in Livingston Co 32 Devonian strata in Illinois 63,64 Drift.ancient soils in 9,14,15,16,18 ' ' cretaceous fossils in 3 ' ' deposits in Illinois 1 ' ' mammalian remains in 8 ' ' modified 7 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 691 PAGE. Drift, subdivisions of 7,9 theories of formation 19 ' ' period, commencement of 2 Erosion in Illinois 3, 4 Gas, natural, in Illinois 13,58 Gas, natural, in Ohio and Pennsylvania 61 Glacial theory discussed 19 Helicina occulta in the drift 15 Lake Michigan, ancient western outlet of 11,14,28 Lamna, in the drift + 4 Loess 7.9 Mammalian remains in the drift 8,23 Mammoth 8 Mastodon 8 Megalonyx 8 Modified drift 7 Native copper in the drift 19 Natural gas and oil in Illinois 58 Oil, natural, in Illinois 58 Oxyrhina crassa in the drift t 4 Ptychodus polygyrus in the drift t 4 River terraces 7 RUTLEDGE, W., reports of borings 36,39,55 SHAW, JAMES, report on northern counties 10 Terrace epoch 7 Tertiary age in Illinois 3 WHITE. Dr. C. A. former extent of cretaceous strata in Iowa 6 ERRATA IN PART I. Page 42, line 3 from bottom, for 100.04 read 100.14, Page 49, line 11 from bottom, for 528-6 read 628-6. Page 62, line 19 from top, for 1,088 read 1,078. The Hillsboro boring log, on pages 46 and 47, bearing various evidences of incor- rectness, I wrote to Mr. GEO. C. BBTCE, who kindly furnished me the following cor- rections: Ft. In. 11 Limestone (Shoal Creek) 8 15 Sandy shale and sandston • 63 4 22 Limestone 6 25 Clay shale 1 10 27 Bituminous shale 6 35 Coal, 1 ft; slate, 6 in.; coal, 1 ft. 6 in.— No. 5 3 .. Total depth 775 feet. (J. L.) INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 693 INDEX TO VOL. VIII, PAKT II. SECTIONS 1 AND 2. (Numbers in Full Face refer to diagnosis. An asterisk (*) after the number of the page indicates that the species is figured.) PAGE. Actinocrinidae 163 Actinocrinus Miller 97.163 arnoldi W. & Sp 168* ( ' ' chloris Hall) 163 daphne Hall 163 ( " ) helice Hall 176 lobatus Hall 97* ( " ) nashvillae Troost 85 nodobrachiatus W. & Sp 165* ornatissimus W. & Sp 163*,165,167 proboscidalis Hall 165 tenuisculptus Me. Ch 163 Agaricocrinus Troost 94,96 americanus Boemer 94 mac-adamsi Worthen 94* nodulosus Worthen 94* Allocrinus W. & Sp 206 typus W. & Sp 207*,699 AHorisma King 132 elongata Worthen 133 illinoiensis Worthen 132* ' ' marionensis White 132 subcuneata Meek and Hayden 133 Amphoracrinus Austin 96 jerseyensis Worthen 96* Amplexus Sowerby 82 geniculatus Worthen 82* Anisophyllum Edwards and Haime 80 iovense Worthen 80* Antedon larva 161 Articulata (suborder of Crinoidea) 197 Ascoceras Barrande 151 southwelli Worthen 151* Athyris McCoy 103 ' ' squamosa Worthen 103* 694 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Aviculopecten McCoy 112 chesterensis Worthen 115* colletti Worthen 119* edwardsi Worthen 119* elsahensis Worthen 115* hardinensis Worthen 117* mac-whortheri Worthen 118* ' ' • mazonensis Worthen 117* menardi Worthen 120* monroensis Worthen 114* niotensis" Worthen 113* orestes Worthen 112* providensis Cox (PI. XXI, figs. 4, 4a) 116* spinulif erus Meek and Worthen 116* talboti Worthen 114* varsoviensis Worthen 113 Aviculopinna Meek 128 " illinoiensiS Wortheu 128* Bakevellia King 126 ' ' illinoiensis Worthen 126* Barycrinus Wachsnmth 99 spurius Hall 99* tumidus Hall 100* Batocrinus Casseday 83,172, 173,174 biturbinatus (Hall) 84 mac-bridei W. & Sp 172M74 montgomeryensis Worthen 83* ' ' nashvillae Troost 85* subconicus Worthen 84* ' ' unionensis Worthen 84* Bellerophon Montf ort 143 ' ' giganteus Wurthen 143* Blastoidea 201 Brachiopoda 102 Calceoerinus Hall 92 robustus Worthen 92* tunicatus Hall 93* Camerata 163 Cardiomorpha DeKuninok 126 (?) pellensis Worthen 126* Centrocrinus Wachsmuth and Springer 95 tennesseensis Worthen 95* Cephalopoda 148 Chaetetes Fischer 169 (Cheirocrinus) tunicatus Hall 93 Clinopistha Worthen 122 radiata Hall 122* Codasteridae 201 Codonites gracilis M. & W 201 ( " stelliformis M. & W.) 201 Coalocrinus concavus M. & W 177 Colpocaris Meek 153 chesterensis Wortheu 153* Conocardium Bronn 112 parrishi Worthen. .. 112* INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 695 Conularia Miller chesterensis Worthen Crinoids and Blastoids Crinoidea ".."...."...,.".. Crustacea (Cyathocrinus tumidus Hall) ( ) bullatus Hall "...J...J...... Dentalium Linna?us illinoiense Worthen 14g* Dichocrinus Austin inornatus W. & Spr j'^' '^ '19Q* ornatus Owen an ' Shumard simplex Shum . 190 190 SP, ondeecribed 102* Discina Lamarck 102 varsoviensis Worthen... Dolabra orbicularis McCoy ..................................... Dorycrinus Roemer ............................................. irw> i~s concavus Meek and Worthen ............................ j«~ helice (Hall)... ..................................... 17b immaturus W. & Sp... ...................................... 174,175*,176 mississippiensis Eoem .................................... parvibasis W. & Sp ......................................... 177 radiatus W. & Sp ................................... ,-6 Edmondia DeKoninck .................................. illinoiensis Worthen ......................................... J22* varsoviensis Worthen ............................... joi* Eretmocrinus Lyon and Cass. . . ,-•? i- . .............................. Ltof 1/4 Eupachycrinus Meek and Worthen ......................................... 97 orbicularis (Hall) ...................................... g^» (?) sancti-ludovici Worthen .............. oo Fistulata ...................................................... ......... " 19g Gasteropoda ................................................ ..... Goniatites DeHaan ........................................... monroensis Worthen ....................................... i eg* Graphiocrinus DeKoninck and LeHon ............................ 193 longicit rifer W. & Sp ....................... ..................... jgg* spinobrachiatus (Hall) ...................................... 193 wachsmuthi (M. & W.) ..................................... 193 Icthyocrinida? ......................................................... 19_ Inadunata ..................................................... ,„„ Kinderhook epoch at LeGrand. Iowa ................................ 15g Lamellibranchiata ......................................................... 107 LeGrand fossils... 140 Lepetopsis Whitfleld chesterensis Worthen Leptodomus McCoy (?) magnus Worthen JQ^* Lima Bruguiere ,.>.> chesterensis Worthen 120* Linsnila Bruguiere 1(I4 mytiloides Sowerby 1ft- varsoviensis Worthen. Lophophyllum E. & H 104* 696 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Lophophyllum profundum Worthen 79* Loxonema Phillips 139 eerithiiforme Meek and Worthen 139 ' ' peoriense Worthen 139* Quadri-carinatum Worthen 140* Macrocheilus Phillips 143 altonense Worthen 143* Macrodon Lycett 123 sangamonensis Worthen 123* Marshall county, Iowa, strata and fossils 157 Megistrocrinus Owen and Shumard 169 nobilis W. & Sp 169* parvus W. & Sp 171* Modiola Lamarck ' 125 ' ' illinoiensis Worthen 125* Murchisonia D'Arch. & Vern 141 • ' keokuk Worthen 141* * ' lasallensis Worthen 141* Myalina DeKoninck 127 " monroensis Worthen 127* Naticopsis McCoy 144 ' ' madisonensis Worthen 144* Nautilus Breynius 148 montgomeryensis Worthen 148* Nucula Lamarck 128 illinoiensis Worthen 128* Onychocrmus W. & Spr 199 Oolitic limestone at LeGrand, Iowa 157 Orophocrinus von Seebach 201 conicus W. & Sp 201*,204 fusiformis W. & Sp 201,203* stelliformis (Owen and Shum.) 201 Orthis Dalman 106 • ' resupinata Martin 106 resupinoides Cox 106* Oi thonema Meek and Worthen 145 ' ' carbonarium Worthen 145* Orthoceras Breynius 148 illinoiense Worthen 148* lasallense Worthen 149* okavense Worthen 149* rushense McChesney 149 sp 151 Palseocrinoidea Wachsmuth and Springer , 83 Pelmatozoa 163,201 Pentacrinus Schlth 161 (Pentremites) stelliformis Ow. & Shum . . 201 Pinna Linnteus Ill Pinna missouriensis Swallow Ill sancti-ludovici Worthen Ill* Platycrinidfe 186 Platycrinus Miller 186 Platycrinus burlingtonensis O. & Sh 186 " halli Shumard ..189 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 697 PAGE. Platycrinus pileiformis Hall 186 planus Owen and Shumard (?) 188* pratteni Worthen 189 symmetricus W. & Sp ...186* truncatulus Hall 188 Pleurophorus King 12} chesterensis Worthen 123* minimus Worthen 124* monroensis Worthen 125* Pleurotoniaria Defrance 135 adamsi Worthen 137* ( cozana Worthen) 138 giffordi Worthen 135* illinoiensis Worthen 135* iovensis Worthen 138* montezuma Worthen 136* nauvooensis Worthen 137* subconstricta Meek and Worthen 136 Polyphemopsis Portlock 144 (?) keokuk Worthen 144* Porcelh'a LeYeille 138 peoriensis Worthen 138* Poteriocrinida? 193 Poteriocrinus Miller 86 buffaloensis Worthen ." 89* elsahensis Worthen 88* mamma?f ormis Worthen 91* nodobasalis Worthen 89* rowleyi Worthen 90* spinuliferus Worthen 86*,90 ulriehi Worthen 87* Pteropoda 134 Rhodocrinidas 180 Rhodocrinus kirbyi W. & Sp 172,180* namis M. & W 182* watersianus W. & Sp 184* Rhynohonella Fischer 104 illinoiensis Worthen 104* ottumwa White 132 wilsoni Sowerby 104 Sangu'nolites McCoy 129 (?) burlingtonensis Worthen 129* (?) multistriatus Worthen 129* randolphensis Worthen 130* Scaphioerinus Hall (emend. W. & Sp.) 195 elegantulus W. \- >r 195* globo?us W. \- Sp 196* nanusM. X- W 195 ) orbicularis Hall 97 ( * ' ) spinobraehiatus Hall 193 sp., undescribed 162 ( " ) wachsmuthi M. & W 193 Schizodus King 107 chesterensis Worthen 108 -87 698 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Schizodus (?) circulus Worthen 109* depressus Worthen 109* ( ' ' magnus Worthen) 107 ' ' nauvooensis Worthen 108* randolphensis Worthen 110* ulrichi Worthen 110* varsoviensis Worthen 107* wheeleri Swallow 110 Solenocaris Meek 153 sancti-ludovici Worthen 153* Solenocheilus Meek and Worthen 150 collectum Meek and Worthen 151 indianense Worthen 150* Solenomya Lamarck 131 (?) iovensis Worthen 132* ' ' monroensis Worthen 131* varsoviensis Worthen 131* Spirifera Sowerby .' 105 ' ' multigranosa Worthen 105* littoni Swallow 132 SPBINGEB, FBANK (see Wachsmuth and Springer.) Straparollus Montfort 142 subumbilicatus Worthen 142* umbilicatus Meek and Worthen 142 varsoviensis Worthen 142* Taxocrinus Phillips '. 197 fletcheri Worthen 197* intermedius W. & Sp 199* Temnocheilus McCoy : 151 coxanum Meek and Worthen 151 scottense Worthen ....: 151 Terebratula Llwyd. 102 rowleyi Worthen 102* Trachydomia Meek and Worthen 146 nodulosa Worthen 146* Traehypora Edwards and Haime 81 austini Worthen 81* ornata Rom 81 WACHSMUTH and SPBINGER, Crinoids and Blastokls 157 WACHSMUTH and SPKINGEK, New Genus of Crinoids from W. Tennessee 206 Waverly beds ol Ohio 160 WHITE, C. A., on the Burlington bed* 159 WOBTHEN, A. H., Fossil Invertebrates 69 Zaphrentis Eaflnesque 71, 132 calcariformis Hall 74* carinata Worthen .- 75* centralis E. & H 72* chesterensis Worthen 73* cliffordana E. & H 75* cylindracea Worthen 78* dalei E. & H 71* illinoiensis Worthen 77* lanceolata Worthen. . . 76* INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 699 PAGE. Zaphrentis parasitica Worthen 79* pellensis "Worthen 74* reversa Worthen 78* spergenensis Worthen 77* ( ' ' spinulifera Hall) 71 spinulosa E. & H 73* ulrichi Worthen 76* varsoviensis Worthen 78* Zeacrinus Troost (Hall) 91 Zoantharia . 71 ERRATA IN PART II, SECTIONS 1 AND 2. On Page 74, change Z. PELLAENSIS to Z. PELLENSIS. On Page 75, change Z. CARINATUS to Z. CARINATA. On Page 76, change Z. LANCEOLATUS to Z. LANCEOLATA. On Page 78, change Z. CYLINDRACEUS to Z. CYLINDRACEA. On Page so, change Z. cylindraceus to Z. cyliudracea. On Page 80, change A. IOVAENSIS to A. IOVENSE. On Page 110, after A. providensis, Cox, sp. insert (PI. XXI, figs. 4, 4a.) On Page 136, change PL XXIV, Fig. 2 to PL XXIV, Fig. 5. On Page 138, change PEUROTOMARIA IOWENSIS to PLEUROTOMARIA On Page 143, change M. ALTONEXSIS to M. ALTONENSE. On Page 207, line 4 from bottom, leave out the word large before plates. On Page 207, Line 3 from bottom, change smaller to larger. INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 701 INDEX TO VOL. VIII, PART II. SECTIONS 3, 4 AND 5. (Numbers in Full Face refer to pages where diagnosis or description is given. An asterisk(*) after a number indicates that the species is figured.) PAGE. Acanthoconia Hinde 238 Actinostroma Nicholson. 221,282 ? trentonense Ulrich and Everett 282* Amblysiphonella Steinman 218 American Palaeozoic Sponges 211,233,245,255 Anomocladina Zittel 225,226,234 Anthaspidella Ulrich and Everett 217,222,234,257 fenestrata Ulrich and Everett 234,264* firma Ulrich and Everett. 234,263* florifera Ulrich and Everett ^34,257, 259* grandis Ulrich and Everett 234,262* ? magniflca Ulrich and Everett 235,265* mammulata Ulrich and Everett 233,257, 258* obliqua Ulrich and Everett 235, 265* parvistellata Ulrich and Everett 235,260* scutula Ulrich and Everett 235,261* Anthaspidellidae Ulrich 221, 234 Archaeocyathus Billings 216,240 atlanticus Billings 240 billingsi Walcott 240 ? pavonoides Matthew 240 Astraeospongia Roemer 217,238 hamiltonensis Meek and Worthen 238 meniscus Roemer 238 Astroconia Sollas 238 granti Sollas 238 Astylospongia Roemer 217,223,234 Christiana Meek and Worthen 234 imbricato-articulata Roemer 234 inciso-lobata Roemer 234 inornata Hall 227 ? parvula Billings 234 ? perryi Billings 234 pi aemorsa Goldfuss 224*,234 prsemorsa var. nux-moschata Hall 234 roemeri Hinde . . 234 702 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Astylospongia stellatim- sulcata Boemer 234 Aulocopina Billings 240 grant! Billings 240 Aulocopium Oswald 217,222,223,2251 Batospongia Ulrich .' 218,239, 246 spicata Ulrich 238, 246* Beatricea 216 Becksia 223 Belemnospongia Ulrich 233,248 fascicularis Ulrich 218,233, 248* Brachiospongia Marsh 217,238 digitata Owen, sp 238 Brachiospongidae Beecher 217, 238 Buthotrephis 255,280 (Calamopora Goldf) '. 227 ( ' ' flbrosa Goldlusa) 228 Calathium Billings 210,235,250,275 afflne Billings 235 anstedi Billings 235 ? canadense Billings 235,250,275 flttoni Billings 235 f ormosum Billings 235 ?? infelix Ulrich and Everett 235,250,274* pannosum Billings 235 paradoxicum Billings 235 Calcispongise Blainville 220, 239 Camarocladia Ulrich and Everett 217, 23<», 280 dichotoma Ulrich and Eveiett 231), 281* Cambrian System, Sponges of 216,233 Carboniferous System, Sponges of 218,233,245 Ceraospongiae Bronn .' 220 Classification of Sponges 219,233 Cleodictya Hall 236 gloriosa Hall 236 ^mohriHall 236 Climacospongia Hinde 217,222,223*,235,248,268 (radialis Hinde— in error for C. radiata) 235 radiata Hinde 224t,235,248 Cnemidiastrum 221 (Cnemidium?) treutonense Worthen 270 Coal Measures, Sponges of 233 Corynella 215 Craticularia Zitiel 222 Cyathophycus Walcott 216,217,236,280 quebecense Dawson 236 reticulatum Walcott 236 subsphericum Walcott 236 Cyathospongia Hall 234 excrescens Hall 234 Cylindrocoelia Ulrich 217,240 endoceroidea Ulrich 240 covingtonensis Ulricii 240 minnesotensis Ulrich 240 ' ' minor Ulrich 240 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 703 PAGE. Devonian System, Sponges of 218,233,215 Dictyophyton Hal) 216.218,236 abacus Hall 236 annulatum Hall 236 baeulum Hall 236 cinctum HalL 23C conradi HalL 235 cylindrieum "WhitfieM 236 fenestratum Hall 236 filitextile Hal! 236 hamiltonense Hall 236 irregulare Hall ^36 nodosum Hall .f 236 parallelum Hall 236 patulum Hall 236 prismaticum Hall 236 ? redfieldi Hall 236 rude Hall 237 sacculus Hall 237 telum HalL 237 tenue HalL 2:~ tuberosum Conrad 237 Dietyospongidae Hall 236 Dystactospongia Miller 215,217.23 1 insolens S. A. Miller 239 minima Ulrich 23.1 minor Ulrich and Everett 239,278* rudis ririch and Everett 239,279* Ectenodictya Hall 237 burnngtonensis Hall 237 eccentrica Hall 237 expansa Hall 237 implexa HalL 237 Edriospongia Ulrich and Everett 217,235,271 basalis Ulrich and Everett 23.'. 272* Eocoryne Matthew 240 ' ' gemina Matthew 240 Eospongia Billings 217, 234 rremeri Billings 234 varians Billing? 234 Ethmophyllum Meek .' 216,240 minganense Billings, sp 240 profundum Billings, sp 240 rarum Ford, sp 240 rensselaericum Ford, sp 240 whitneyi Meek 240 Euretidae Zittel 2±2 Fenestella, associated with sponges 2 '5,249 Fossihzation of Sponges 212 Geological Distribution of Sponges 211,215 Heterospongia Ulrich 21 " . C " _ aspera Ulrich 239 knotti Ulrich 236 subramosa Ulrk-h . . 239 704 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Hexactinellida Schmidt 220,236 Hindia Duncan 226,234 inasqualis Ulrich and Everett 234, 275* ( ' ' inornata Hall) 228 parva Ulrich 234 sphasroidalis Duncan 225*,234 Holasterella Carter 218 Hyalostelia Zittel 217,238 delicatula Ulrich 238,246t metissica Dawson 238 L ' ' solivaga Ulrich 232, 238 Hydnoceras Conrad 216 Hystriospongia Ulrich 218, 233, 245 carbonaria Ulrich 2*3, 245*.246t Ischadites Murchison 238 Jerieca Zittel 226 Lasiocladia Hinde 218,233 compressa Hinde 233,249 hindei Ulrich 233, 249 Lepidolites Ulrich 217,239 dickhauti Ulrich 239 r ' ' elongatus Ulrich 239 Leptomitus Walcott 216,233 zitteli Walcott 233 Leptopoterion Ulrich 217,239 mammif erum Ulrich 239 List of Lower Trenton fossils, DE. EVERETT, Dixon, 111 256 Lithistida Schmidt 220,234 Lodanella mira Kayser 218 Lyrodictya Hall 237 romingeri Hall 237 Lyssacina Zittel .' 236 (Micro^pongia Miller and Dyer) 226,228,229 ( gregaria Miller) 229 MonactineJlidae Zittel 220,233 MonakidaB Marshall 238 Myxospongise Haeckel .' 220 Ophiorhaphidites Carter 245 Pachastrella Schmidt 245 Palaeomanon Eoemer 217,223,234 bursa Hall 234 cratera Eoemer 234 Palaeophycus Hall 255 Pattersonia Miller 217,240 difflcilis S. A. Miller 240 Peronella 280 Pharetrones Zittel 239 Phragmodictya Hall 237 catilliformis Whitfield 237 lineataHall 237 patelliformis Hall 237 Physospongia Hall 237 alternate Hall;. . 237 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 705 PAGE. Physospongia colletti Hall 337 dawsoni (Whitfleld) 237 Pollakidae Marshall 238 Polypora, associated with sponges 245 Preservation of fossil sponges 212 Prismopora, associated with sponges : 245 Protospongia Salter 216,237 fenestrata Salter 237 ? minor Matthew 237 ? minor var. distans Matthew 237 tetranema Dawson 237 Pulvillus Carter 218 Baphidistia Carter 218 Bauffella Ulrich 217.236 flliosa Ulrich 236 palmipes Ulrich 236 Reoeptaculites DeFrance 217.238 Beceptaculitidae Hinde 238 Beniera Carter 218 Rhabdaria Billings 240 fragilis Billings 240 furcata Billings 240 Ribeiria Sharpe 241 " ? calcifera Billings 241 longiuscula Billings 241 Saccospongia Uh-ich 217,239 dan illensis Uh-ich 239 rudis Uh-ich 1239 Sebargasia Steinman 218 SECTION III. AMERICAN PALEOZOIC SPONGES 209 SECTION IV. DEVONIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS SPONGES 243 SECTION V, LOWER SILURIAN SPONGES 253 Seliscothon mantelli Goldfuss .- 22o* Silurian System. Sponges of 217,233,255 Soliasia Steinman 218 (Sphaerolites Hinde) 228 ( " nicholsoni Hinde) 227,273 Spongiee, tabular list and classification. 233 Spongia incertse sedis 240 Streptosolen Ulrich and Everett 217,235,257.272,273 obconicus Ulrich and Everett 235,274* Streptospongia Uh-ich 217, 240 labyrinthica Ulrich 240 Strobilospongia Beecher 217 Stromatoporoidea 216,221,282 Strotospongia Uh-ich and Everett 217,2-39, 276 maculosa Ulrich and Everett 239,277* Sub-carboniferous System, Sponges of 218,233 Syringelasma Uh-ich— read for Syringophyllum 21*. 222.235, 250 wortheni Ulrich— read for Syringophyllum! 235, 250* (Syringophyllum Ulrich; name pre-occupied— See.Syringelasma.) ( ' ' wortheni Ulrieh— See Syringelasma wortheni.) —88 706 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Taconic System, Sponges in 216,233 Tethyopsis Zittel 245 TABULAR LIST AND CLASSIFICATION OF AMERICAN PALEOZOIC SPONGES 233 Tetracladina Zittel 223,225,226,231,234 Tetractinellida Marshall 220,233 Thamnodictya Hall 237 newberryi Hall 237 Trachyum Billings 216, 241 cyathiforme Billings 241 rugosum Billings 241 Trichospongia Billings 216,241 sericea Billings 241 Uphantaenia Vanuxem 216,218,237 chemungensis Vanuxem 237 dawsoni Whitfleld 218 Verticillites DeFrance 280 Zittelella Ulrich and Everett 217.221,222,235,267,275 ( " ?) infelix Ulrich and Everett 271*,274 " inosculata Ulrich and Everett 235,271 lobata Ulrich and Everett 235, 270* trentonensis Worthen, sp 235,270 typicalis Uh-ich and Everett 235,268* typicalis var. pistilliformis Ulrich and Everett 235, 269* typicalis var. subrotunda Ulrich and Everett 235, 269* typicalis var. turbinata Ulrich and Everett 235, 269* Zoantharia rugosa, affinity to sponges 216 ERRATA AND ADDENDA. PART II, SECTIONS 3-5. Page 211, to the list of genera at the bottom of this page, add: Receptaculites by Defrance; Iscliadites by Murchison; CerionitOS by Meek & Worthen. Pages 218, 222, 235 and 250. the name SyriDg'Ophylluw, being pre-occupied, should be changed to Syringelasma. Page 218, line 18 from bottom, for SollaCJa read Sollasia. Page 221, in foot note, for Stromap toroidea read Stromatoporoidea. Page 233, line 2 from bottom, for 1880 read' 1889. Page 235, line 2 from top, for A. mamillata read A. mammulata. Page 235, line 10 from bottom, for C. radialis read C. radiata. Page 257, line 10 from bottom, for the systems read the canal systems. Page 272, line 17 from top, for U. & R. read U. & E. Page 273, line 17 and 18 from bottom, exchange former and latter. INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 707 INDEX TO VOL. VIII, PAKT II. SECTION 6. Numbers in FuL Face, indicate page -where diagnosis or description is given. A cross (t) indicates that an illustration is given in the text. An asterisk (*) indicates that an illustration is given on the plates. PAGE. Acanthocladia King 398, 627,635 amerieana Swallow 636 anceps Schlotheim 398,635* fruticosa Ulrich 635* Acanthocladiidae Zittel (TJlrich) 361,397 Acanthoclema Hall 402,661 alternatum Hall 666 confluens Ulrich 662* ( " ) hamiltonense Hall (Nicholson)... 648 ( " ) scutulatum' Hall 648 Acanthopore? 290,300 Acanthopora Young and Young 358,359 Actinotrypa Ulrich 386, 503 peculiar-is (Rominger) 386, 603* (Actinostoma Young and Young) 358,359 Acrogenia Hall 388 Amplexopora Ulrich 377, 450 afflnis Ulrich 450* cingulata Ulrich 308t. 309t, 377 pustulosa Ulrich 451* robusta Ulrieh 318t septosa Ulrich 451 superba Foord 450 Amplexoporidae Ulrich 342. 376 Anisotrypa Uh-ich 376 elegantula (Ulrieh) 365, 447 flstulosa Ulrich 448* ramulosa Uh-ich 449* eolida Uh-ich 365,449* symmerrica Ulrich 376, J48* Anolotichia Uh-ich 381, 473 ponderosa Ulrich 3201, 381, 473* impolita Uh-ich 473 Apertures 291 708 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Archimedes LeSueur (Owen) 353, 396,565 communis Ulrich 568, 573* compactus Ulrich 568, 572* distans Ulrich 568, 578* grandis Ulrich 568, 569* intermedius Ulrich 568, 574* invaginatus Ulrich 568, 575* laxus Hall 568, 580* meekanus Hall 568. 578* negligens Ulrich 568, 569* owenanus Hall 568, 570* perminimus Ulrich 568, 572* proutanus Ulrich 568, 576* ( " reversus Hall) 571 swallovanus Hall 568, 574* sublaxus Ulrich 568, 579* terebriformis U Irich 568, 575* wortheni Hall 396,568, 571* Arthroclema Billings 363, 400,641 angulare Ulrich 641* billingsi Ulrich 642 pulchellum Billings 400, 641* Arthronema Eschscholtz 291 ( " ) tenue Ulrich 400 Arthropora Ulrich 349, 393 shafferi (Meek) 308t,393 Arthrostylidae 362,400 Arthrostylus Ulrich 363,400 tenuis Ulrich 400 Ascodictyon Nicholson and Etheridge jr 367 fusiforme Nich. and Ether, jr 367 Ascodictyonidae Ulrich 367 Aspidopora Ulrich ; ; 373 areolata Ulrich 373 Atactopora Uh-ich 377 hirsuta Ulrich » 377 Atactoporella Ulrich 370, 412 ortoni Nicholson 418 typicalis Uh-ich 370 Aulopora 454 Avicularia 301 Bactropora Hall 402,662 ' ' granistriata Hall 402 simplex Ukich 447, 663* Batostoma Ulrich 379, 459 fertile Ulrich 459 imperfectum Ulrich 460* implicatum Nicholson 379, 459 irrasum Uh-ich 460 jamesi Nicholson 459, 460 ottawense Foord * 460,461 ' ' variabile Ulrich . . ... 460* INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 709 PAGE. Batostomella Ulrich 375, -132 abrupta Ulrich 435* gracilis (Nicholson) 375,432,434 intersttncta Uh-ich 434* nitida (read nitidiila) 365 nitidula Ulrich ,» 365, 436* obliqua Uh-ich 433* simulatrix Ulrich 432* spinulosa Uh-ich 365,375, 434* (?) trentonensis (Nicholson) 433 Batostomellidae Uh-ich 341,375 Berenicea Lamouroux 368 dihmana Lamx 3Q< Bidiastopora d'Orbigny 337 Bifoliate zoar ium 295 Botryllopora Nicholson 384,4'JO socialis Nicholson (84,490* Buskopora Uh-ich 383, 4«J ( ' ' dentata Uh-ich). ..' 384,489* lunata (Rominger) 320t,489* BUSK'S System 5S54 Bythopora Miller and Dyer 376 ' ' fruticosa 376 (Calamopora) inerustans Phillips 382,475 Callopora Hall 372, 416 ( " ) aspera Hall 416 ( cincinnatiensis Ulrich) 426* elegantula Hall 372,416,417 ( " ) florida Hall 416 ( " ) heteropora Hall 376 ( " ) laminata Half 416 ( minutissima Nicholson) 427* ( missouriensis Rominger) 430* ( " ) multiseriata Hall 376 ( ) nummiformis Hall 416 ( " ) oculifera Hall 37ri perelegans Hall 4J7 ( " ) punctata Hall 376,42.% 130 ramosa (d'Orb) 315t,4J7 sigillarioides (Nicholson) 433 subnodosa Ulrich 308t, 417* ( " ) unispina Hall 376 Calloporella Uh-ich 373,418 harrisi Ulrich ". 3T.',U8 ? nodulosa Uh-ich 418* Calloporidae Uh-ich 339, 372 Call<5trypa Hall 376 heteropora Hall 376 multiseriata Hall 376 oculifera Hall 376 unispina Hall W8 Cancelli 238 (Carinopora Nicholson) 3fl5 Carinee 299 Caveidfe d'Orbigny .. £« 710 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. Cavidse d'Orbigny ............................................................................... 338 Cavea d'Orbigny ................................................................................ 666 costata d'Orbigny ....................................................................... 665 ' ' regularis d'Orbigny .................................................................... 665 CeU ............................................................................................... 290 Cellaridaj .......................................................................................... 362 Cellulines ......................................................................................... 3^3 Centrifugines .................................................................................... 323 (Ceramella Hall) ................................................................................. 387 Ceramopora Hall ........... . ................................................................ 380,462 ( " ) huronensis Nicholson ............................................................ 463 imbrioata Hall ................................................................ 380,463* ( " ) ohioensis Nicholson ............................................................. 466* Ceramoporella ....................... . ....................................................... 380, 464 distinota Ulrich ............................................................ 380,464* granulosa Ulrich .............................................................. 466* ' ' ohioensis (Nicholson) ......................................................... 466* stellate Ulrich ................................................................. 465* Ceramoporidas Ulrich ...................................................................... 342, 379 Ceriocava ramosa d'Orbigny ................................................................... 3181 Chffltetes ......................................................................................... 436 ( " ?) carbonaria Worthen .............................................................. 445* ( " ) flliosa Nicholson .................................................................. 456* ( " ) lycoperdon Say .................................................................... 566 ( " ) quadrangularis Nicholson ........................................................ 455 ( " ) venustus Ulrich .................................................................... 469 Chainodioty on Foerste ..................................................................... 399,640 laxum Fcer-te .................................................................. 399 laxum var. minor Ulrich .................................................... 640* Ghilostomata ..................................................................................... 366 Chiloporella Ulrich ...................................................... , ....................... 381 flabellata Ulrich ............................................. PI. XXXIX, flg. 5, 381 Chitotrypa Ulrich ...... ......................................................................... 382 hispida Ulrich.... ........................................... . ...................... 382 ClausidiB d'Orbigny ............................................................................. 338 Clathropora Hall ......... ................................. .............................. 349,392,4% ( " carinata HaU) ...................................................................... 496 frondosa Hall .................................................................... 392 intertexta Nicholson ............................................................. 496 Clonopora Hall .................................................................................. 368 (Coeloclema Ulrich) ........................................................................... 380, 467 Coaloconus Ulrich ...................................................................... 365,402,664 granosus Ulrich .................................................................. 665* rhombicus Uh-ich ............................................................ 402, 664* (Coalocaulis HaU) ................................................................................ 382 Coenoacium ....................................................................................... 290 Communication pores ...................................................................... 290,312 Constellaria Dana ........................................................................... 374,423 flscheri Ulrich .................................................................... 425 florida Ulrich .................................................................. 374,423 limitaris Ulrich ................................................................... 424 polystomella Nicholson .......................................................... 424 parva Uh-ich .................................................................... 424* Connecting foramina ........................................................................ 290.312 Corallites, spiniform ............................................................................ 290 Coscinella Hall .......................................................................... 388,394,532 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 711 PAGE. Coscinium Keyserling 385, 496 cribriforme Prout 320,497* cyclops Keyserling 386.4% ( " cyclops Prout) 496 ( ) elegans Prout 518* ( " ) keyserlingi Prout 517* latum Ulrich 497* ( " ) michellnia Prout 515* ( " ) plumosum Prout 512* ( " ) sagenella Prout 513* ( ' ' wortheni Prout) 517* (Coscinotrypa Hall) 385 ( " carinata Hall) 496 Crepipora Ulrich 380, 469 epidermata Ulrich 471* hemisphserica Ulrich 472* impolita Ulrich 473 impressa Ulrich 471* simulans Ulrich 380,470*,320t solida Uh-ich 472* Crescisida* 338 Crisina 337 Crisinella Hall 387 Cryptostomata Vine 344,385 (Cryptopora \icholson) 397 Ctenostomata Busk 834,367 Cyclo*tomata 335,367 Cyclopora Prout 366, 403 , 671 { ' ' ) discoidea Prout 404, 674* expatiata Ulrich 673 fungia Prout 366,403,671* ( ' ' jamesi Prout) 671 ( ' ' polymorpha Prout) 441* Cycloporella Ulrich 404,675 ' ' ? perversa Ulrich 676* spinifera Ulrich 404,675* Cystiphragm 291,314 Cystodictya Ulrich 385, 486, 491 ,501,508 americana Ulrich 492, 494* carbonaria (Meek) 492 crenulata (Hall) 4« crescens (Hall) 492 gilbert! (Meek) 320*+, 385 hamiltonensis Ulrich 493* incisurata (Hall) 492 invertis (Hall) 492 limata (HaU) 492 linearis (Hall) 492 lineata Uh-ich 492,494,495 var. major Ub-ich 492, 495* " sancti-ludovici Uh-ich 492 meeki (Nicholson) 492 nitida Ulrich 493* ocellata Ulrich 3201,385,492 ovata (HaU) 492 ovatipora (Hall) 492 712 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. Cystodictya parallels (Phillips) 494 perarcta (Hall) 492 pustulosa Ulrich 486,492,495* rectilinea (Hall) 492 rigida (Hall) 492 semistriata (Hall) 492 sinuosa (Hall) 492 eubrigida (Hall) 493 sulcata (Winchell) 492, 493 trilineata (Hall) 492 tumulosa (Hall) 492 vermicula (Hall) 492 Cystodictyonidae Ulrich 346,360,385,481,486,492,496,504 Cystopora Hall 360 Defraucia '. 337 Dekayia Edwards and Haime 371,415 " aspera Edwards and Haime 372,415 ' " devonica Ulrich 416* Dekayella Ulrich 372 ' ' obscura Ulrich 372 Dendricopora DeKoninck 359 Dendroid zoarium 295 Diamesopora Hall 380,467 communis Ulrich .' 469* constricta (Hall) 468 dichotoma Hall. 381,467 infrequens (Hall) 467 oscula (Hall) 467 oweni (James) 467 subimbricata (Hall) 467 tubulosa (Hall) 467 varia (Hall) 467 vaupeli Ulrich 468* venusta (Hall) 468 Diaphragm 291,314 Dichotrypa Ulrich 386, 498 elegans Ulrich 500* expatiata Ulrich 501 flabellum (Bominger) 501* foliata Ulrich 386,499* grandis Ulrich 498* intermedia Ulrich 500* lyroides Ulrich 502* Dicranopora Ulrich 338 internodia Miller and Dyer 389 (Didymopora Ulrich) 382 Dimorphic pores 302 Diploclema Ulrich 368 sparsum (Hall) 369* trentonense Ulrich : 369* Diplopora Young and Young 358,398,636 bif urcata Ulrich 637* biseiial.s Ulrich 637* marginalia Young and Young 398,637 ' ' simplex -(Vine) 636 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 713 PAGE. (Diploporidae Vine) 359 Diplotrypa Nicholson 378,418,457 ? dubia Ulrich 379, 459* inflda Ulrich 378.457 milleri Ulrioh 378.457 patella Ulrich 458* perropolitant (Pander) 378,379,458 regularis Foord 457.458 westoni Ulrich 378 whiteavsi Nicholson 457 Diplotrypidae Ulrich 342,378 Discoid zoarium 295 Discopora squamata (Lonsdale) 469.471 Discotrypa Uh-ich 378 elegans Ulrich 378 Disteganopora d'Orbigny 345 Dittopora Dybowski 340 Dissepiments 291 Domopora d'Orbigny 340 D'OBBIGXY'S classification of Bryozoa 323 Drymotrypa Ulrich 399,607 ceissis (Hall) 399 dichotoma Uh-ich 399* diffusa (Hall) 399* niagarensis (Hall) 607 Entalophora 337 Entalophoridas Reuss 368 Eridopora Ulrich 382,463 huronensis (Nich.) 463 macrostoma Uh-ich 382 E? :-hara argyrias d'Orbigny 330t artemis d'Orbigny 330+ Escharidze 361,366 (Escharopora Hall) 390 ( ) nodosa Hall 304 Eurydictya Uh-ich 389,492,520 calhounensis Ulrich 520* montifera Ulrieh 389, 521* multipora Hall 521, 522 sterlingensis UTrich 522* Euspilopora 389,526 ? barrisi Ulrich 527* palmipes (Hall) 527 serrata Uh-ich 390,526* Evactinopora Meek and Worthen 387,508 grandis Meek and Worthen 511* quinqueradiata Uh-ich 510* radiata Meek and Worthen. 387, 509* sexradiata Meek and Worthen 510* (Favicella Hall) 384 Favositidae, no affinity to Stenopora 436 FenesteUa Lonsdale 395,535 ) acmea Hall 534 ( " ?) ambigiia Hall 534 bigeneris Uh- 355 714 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Fenestella burlingtonensis" Ulrich 536* cestriensis Ulrich 547* cinguh.ta Ulrich 543* compressa .Ulrich 539* compressa var. nododorsalis Ulrich 540* " conradi JJlrich 553* ( " (Polypora) cultellata Hall) ."8« deUcatula Ulrich 549* elevatipora Ulrich 549* exigua Ulrich 545* fllistriata Ulrich 535* ' ' flexuosa Ulrich 548* funicula Ulrich 542* ( " hemitrypa Prout) 560* inasqualis Ulrich 554* limitaris Ulrich 538* mimica Uli ich 552* morlesta UMch 550* multispinosa Ulrich 540* nodosa Prout 535 ( ) permarginata Hall 556 permmuta Ulrich 551* plebia McCoy 305,537 ( " ) plumosa Prout 561,562 praecursor Hall 534 quadrula'Hall 53t regalis Ulrich 538* reteporata Shrubsole 544 rudis Ulrich 537 ( ) semirotunda Hall 556 serrata (in error for F. serratula) 545 serratula Ulrich 544* sevillensis Ulrich 552* tenax Ulrich 546* ( " ) thyene Hall 534 triserialis Ulrich 541* vera Ulrich 535* wortheni Ulrich 551* Fenestellidae King 349,351t, 395 (Fenestellina? Waagen and Pichl) 359 Fenestralia Prout 359, 396, 004 sancti-ludoviei Prout 604,396 sancti-ludovici var. compacta Ulrich 605* Fenestrapora Hall 395,557 biperforata Hall 395,558 occidentals Ulrich 558* Fenestrated zoarium 296 Fistulipora McCoy 382, 474 asteria (Prout) 478 astrica Ulrich 320+.477* ( " ?) clausa Ulrich 485* collina Ulrich 478* communis UMch . . 382, 476* INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 715 PAGE. Fistullpora compressa Bominger 488 (?Dichotrypa) corrugata Ulrieh 480* elegans Eominger 385 ( " ) flabellum Bominger 498,501* foordi Ulrieh 315t, 479* incrustans (Phillips) 382 { ) lunata Eominger 384, 489* ( ) minuta Eominger 427*. 476 ( ' ' minor McCoy) 382,474 ( ' ' minor Nicholson) • 475 monticulata Ulrica 477* mucosa Nichol. and Foord 474 ( " ) peculiaris Eominger 386. 503* ( proporoides Nicholson) 386 ( " ) occitiens Hall and Whitfleld 425 ) oweni James 467 spinulifera Eominger 480* stellilera Eominger 481* utricu'a Eominger 477 Fistuliporidae Ulrieh 343,382,471,482,504 Flustra palmata McCoy 353 ( " ) spatulata Prout 670* ( " ) tuberculata Prout 441*t,671 Frondiporidae Eeuss .- 368 Frondescent zoarium 296 (Glauconome Munster (Goldfuss)) 397,566,614,615,636 disticha Lonsdale 615 ( ) elegans Young and Young 397 ( (Diplopora)) marginalis Young and Young 636 ( " ) trilineata Meek • 620* (Glossotrypa Hall) , 383 Glyptopora Ulrich 387, 511 elegans Prout 518* keyserlingi Prout 387, 517* megastoma Ulrich 518* . " michelinia Prout 515* pinnata Ulrich 516* plumosa Prout 387, 512* punctipora Ulrich 519* sagenella Prout 513* sagenella var. caliculosa Ulrich 514* sagenella var. lata Ulrich 515* (Goniocladinas "\Viiagen and Pichl.) 360 Goniocladia Etheridge Jun 360,387 Goniotrypa Ulrich 389 bilateralis Ulrich 389 Gonrecium 290 Gonocy st 290 (Gorgonia ?) aspera Hall 639* ( " ) perantiqua Hall 405 Graptodictya Ulrich 349, 393 perelegans Ulrich 393 Gymnolaemata Allman 333,367 716 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Hederella Hall 368 Helicopora Claypole 359. 396,580 ( " archimediformis Claypole) 580.P1. LXIII.flg. 15 latispiralis Claypole 396,580 Heliotrypa Ulrioh 366, 404 bifolia Ulrich 308t, 404 Heliotrypidae Ulrich (provisional) 366,404 Helopora Hall 363, 401, 642 circe Billings 468 ( " ) concava Billings 645 ( " ) -.formosa Billings 645 fragilis Hall 401,643t imbricata Ulrich 644* lindstromi Ulrich 643t ( " ) lineata! Billings 645 ( " ) lineipora Billings 645 spiniformis Ulrich 644 ) striatopora Billings 645 ( " ) strigosa Billings 645 ( " ) variopora Billings 468 Hemitrypa Phillips 353,396,559 aspera Ulrich 563* nodosa Ulrich 562* oculata Phillips 396 pateriformis Ulrich 564* perstriata Ulrich 564* plumosa (Prout) 561,562,564 proutana Ulrich 560* proutana var. nodulosa Ulrich 562* proutana var. vermifera Ulrich 561* tenera Ulrich 559 Hemiseptum 291 Hernodia Hall : 368 (Heterodictya Nicholson) 390 Heteropora Blainville 340 Heterotrypa Nicholson 371,413 frondosa d'Orbigny 371,413,414 inflecta Ulrich 1..414* mammulata d'Orbigny 413 ( ' ' mammulata Nicholson) 413 proliflca Ulrich 413* singularis Ulrich 415* ( " ) trentonensis Nicholson 433 ( " ) vaupeli Ulrich 413,421 Heterotryidae Ulrich 339,371 HINCKS, on F. A. Smitt's classification 325 Homotrypa Ulrich 370, 409 ' ' arbuscula Ulrich 409* curvata Ulrich 371 dawsoni (Nicholson) 410 flabellaris Ulrich 411* gelasinosa Ulrich 410* Homotrypella Ulrich 370, 412 contexta Ulrich 412*, 416 " instabilis Ulrich ..370 INDEX TO VOLUME TOI. 717 PAGE. (Hornera?) dichotoma Hall 607 Hyolithes, bearing parasitic Bryozoa 455 Hyphasmopora R. Etheridge, Jr 366 Ichthyorachis McCoy 398 Idiotrypa Ulrich 375* parasitica Ulrich 375 Idmonea Lamouroux 608 serpens Linnaeus 330t Incrustine zoarium 244 Interstitial cells 290 Intrapora Hall 349, 394, 532 basalis (in error for Stictoporella basalis Ulrich) 366 " cosciniformis (Nicholson) 532* puteolata Hall 394,532 (Intricaria) clathrata Miller and Dyer 639 ( " ) reticulata Hall 639 Isotrypa Hall (emended) 353,395,534,679 ambigua (Hall) 534 conjunctiva Hall 395 gothlandica Ulrich 395,678* (Keratophytes) dubius Schlotheim 606 Laminar zoarium 294 Leptotrypa Ulrich 377,455 flliosa CD'Orbigny) 456* hexagonalis Ulrich 455* minima Ulrich 378 semipilaris Ulrich — 457* stidhami Ulrich 456* (Lichenalia Hall) 382,475 ( " ) concentrica Hall .... 475 ( " lunata Hall) 489* Lichenotrypa Ukich 383 cavernosa Ulrich 383 Lioclema Ulrich 376,425 araneum UTrich 431* aspenim (Hall) 425,416 cellulosum (HaU) 425 foliatum Ulrich 301t,431 floridum (Hall) 416,425 gracillimum Ulrich 429* ? laminatum (Hall) 425,416 minutum (Rominger?) 427* occidens (Hall and Whitfleld) 426* parasiticum (Hall) 425 ponderosum (Hall) 425 punctatum (Hall) 376, 430* singulare (Hall) 4i5 subglobosum Uh-ich 428* wachsmuthi Uh-ich 428* ? wilmingtonense Ulrich 426* Loculipora Hal) (Eominger MS.) 397 Lunarium. . . 291,319 718 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Lyropora Hall 396,580 divergens Ulrich 584* lyra Hall) 582,583 ovalis Ulrich 585* quincuncialis Hall 396, 583* ' ' ranosculum Ulrich 581* retrorsa Meek and Worthen 581 subquadrans Hall 582* Macul ae 296 Massive zoarium 295 Mature and immature regions 306 Meekopora Ulrich 383, 482 ? aperta Ulrich 485* approximata Ulrich 484* clausa (Ulrich) 315t, 485* eximia Ulrich 383,483* Median tubuli 290,303 Membraniporidse 366 Mesopores 290,298 Microscopic study of sections of Bryozoa 287,292 (Millepora) gracilis Phillips 402 MILLER, S. A., classification of Bryozoa, criticism of 679 Mitoclema Ulrich 369 ' ' cinctosum Ulrich 369* Mode of growth of zoarium 294 Monotrypa Nicholson 379,407,455. 462 rectimuralis Ulrich .3081,3091, 462* subglobosa (Ulrich) 462 undulata (Nicholson) 379, 462 Monotrypella Ulrich . 377. 451 sequalis Ulrich 308t , 309t , 377, 453 appressa Ulrich 453* ' ' crassimuralis Ulrich 452* pulchella (Edwards and Haime) 453 quadrata (Eominger) 452 subquadrata Ulrich 452 Monticulipora D'Orbigny : 370, 407 ( " ) flliosa D'Orbigny 407,456 ( " ) frondosa D'Orbigny — 407,414 lamellosa Ulrich 408* mammulata D'Orbigny 370,407 ( ) ramosa D'Orbigny 407 winchelli Ulrich 408* Monticuliporidse Nicholson (Ulrich emend.) 338,369,407 Monticules 296 Mucronella spinosissima var. major Hincks 305 Multicava D'Orbigny 340 Nemataxis Hall 402 Nematopora Ulrich 363,401,406,644 alternata Ulrich 646* concava (Bill.) 645 delicatula Ulrich 646* formosa (Bill.) 645 fragilis Ulricn 646* lineata (Bill.)... 646* INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 719 minuta (Hall) 645 Quadrata Ulrleh 401, 644* retrorsa Ulrich 645* striatopora (Bill.) 645 strigosa (Bill.) 645 NICHOLSON, H. A., and FOOED, A. H., on the genus Fistulipora. 474 Nicholsonella Ulrich 374,421 cumulata Ulrich 374, 423* ponderosa Ulrica 374. 422* vaupeli Uh-ich 421,422,423 \ Obverse face 291 (Odontotrypa Hall) 383 Ooecium 290 Operculum 291,314 Orthoceras, bearing parasitic Bryozoa 455,472 (Orthopora Hall) 402,647,662 OviceU 290 Pachydictya Ulrich 390,522 acuta (Hall) 522,526 bifurcata (VanCleve) . . 526 everetti Ulrich 523* f enestelliformis (Nicholson) 526 var. corticula Uh-ich 526* flrma Ulrich 525* gigantea UMch 524* occidentalis Ukich 522, 526 obesa Foerste 522 robusta Ulrich 390,522 splendens UMch 523* turgida Foerste 526 Paleschara Hall 354.366 Palescharidse Ulrich .' 366 Palmate zoarium 296 Parasitic zoarium 294 Penneretepora D'Orbigny 398,615 Peronopora Nicholson 370,412 decipiens (Rominger) 370 Petalotrypa Uh-ich 377,453 compressa Uh-ich 377,454* delicata Ulrich 454* Petigopora Uh-ich 372 gregaria Uh-ich 372 Phacelopora Uh-ich 368, 406 constricta Ulrich 406* pertenuis Uh-ich 368,406* Phaceloporidae Ulrich 368 Phsenopora Hall 349,392,520 constellata Hall 392+ expansa Hall and Whitfleld 391,392t explanata Hall 392 ( " fenestelliformis (Nich. sp.) Ulrich) ._ 526* lindstromi Ulrich 392t ( ) multipora Hall 520 Phyllodictya Ulrich .' 390,528 frondosa Uh-ich. . ..390 720 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Phyllopora King 358,397,612 aspera Ulrich 613* ( ) corticosa Ulrich 639 ehrenbergi King 358,397,612, 613 superba Ulrich 613* variolata Ulrich 639 ( " ) sp. indet 612, PL LV, fig. 10* Phylloporina Ulrich 399.639 corticosa (Ulr.) 639 dawsoni Ulrich 331*, 358, 639* granistriata Ulrich 63 9 * reticulata Hall 639 trentonensis Nicholson 639 variolata (Ulrich) 639 Phylloporinidae Ulrich 362, 399 (Pileotrypa Hall) 382,383 Pinacotrypa Ulrich 384 elegans (Eominger) 385 Pinnatopora Vine 358,397,566,614 bellula Ulr 362*. 619* conferta Ulr 615*. 618* elegans Young and Young 615* flexicarinata (Y. & Y.) 620 flexuosa Ulr 617* laxa Young and Young ; 615* ' ' . retroflexa Young and Young 615* sedgwicki Shrubsole 627 ( " ) simplex Vine 361, 636 stellipora Y. & Y 315+ striata Ulr 617* tenuiramosa Ulr 619* trilineata (Meek) 615*. 620* vinei Ulr. 616* white! Fcerste 620 youngi Ulr 615* Pinnate Zoarium 296 Polypora McCoy 351,357,396,585 approximata Ulr 599* arta Hall 358 biarmica Keyserling 599 ( ' ' biarmica Prout) 599* biserialis (in error for P. biseriata) 358 biseriata Ulr 315t , 538, 592* burlingtonensis Ulr 587t celsipora (Hall) 358 cestriensis Ulr 357, 594* complanata Ulr 597* corticosa Ulr -. 596* crassa Ulrich 603* cultellata (Hall) 586* dendroides McCoy 397,585,607 distincta Ulrich 603* eximia (in error for P. whitei) 600 gigantea Waagon and Pichl 603 gracilis Prout 357, 950* grandis Toula 603 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 721 Polypora halliana Prout .................................................................. 357*587* Nich) ........................................................................ 58T incepta? Hall ...................................................... 358.(P1. LY.. fig. 1)* koninckiana Waagen and Pichl ................................................... 604 mac-coyana TJlrich ............................................................ 357, 588* marginata McCoy ................................................................... 602 ( ' ' marginata Geinitz) ................................................................. 602* nodocarlnata Ulrich ................................................................ 601* radialis Ulrich .................................................................. 358. 591* retrorsa Ulrich ..................................................................... 591* shumardi Prout ................................................................ 397, 586* simulatrix Ulrich ................................................................... 589* spininodata Ulrich ................................................................. 594* spinulifera Ulrich .............................................................. 357, 598* submarginata Meek ................................................................ 602* tuberculata Prout .............................................................. 857. 595* ( ' ' tuberculata Nicholson) ............................................................. 595 varsoviensis Prout ................................................................ 593* whitei Ulrich .................................................................... 358,600* var. insculpta Ulrich ...................................................... 600* (Polyporidae Vine) ............................................................................... 358 (Polyporinse "Waagen and Pichl) .............................................................. 359 Polyzoarium ..................................................................................... 290 Prasopora Nicholson and Ethridge, Jr ....................................................... 371 ' ' affinis Foord ........................................................................ 318t ' ' grayae Nich. & Ether .............................................................. 371 lycoperdon (Vanuxem) ............................................................. 318t Primitive aperture ................................... .......................................... 291 Prismopora Hall .................................................................. 386,337.505,506.508 minima Ulrich .................................................................... 506* trif olia (Eominger) ............................................................... 505* triquetra HaU ...................................................................... 386 Proboscina Audouin ............................................................................ 368 Protocrisina Ulrich ......................................................................... 369,405 exigua Ulrich ................................................................ 369, 405* Proutella UWch ......................................................................... 366.403,674 discoidea Prout .................................................................... 674* (Ptilionella Hall) ................................................................................. 368 Ptilodictya Lonsdale .................................................................... 390,496,531 ( " ) cosciniformis Nicholson ........................................................... 532 ( ' ' expansa Hall) ....................................................................... 39H ( " ) fenestelliformis Nicholson ....................................................... 526* lanceolata Goldfuss ................................................................ 391t maculata Ulrich .................................................................... 317t magniflca S. A. Miller ............................................................. 391t nodosa (Hall) ....................................................................... 304 pavonia D'Orbigny .............................................................. 393,671 variabilis Ulrich ............................................................... 3041,317* Ptilodictyonidje ZitteU ...................................................................... 346, 390 Ptilopora McCoy ............................................................................ 398,621 acuta UWch ........................................................................ 622* cylindracea Ulrich .................................................................. 623* paupera Ulrich ..................................................................... 624* prouti HaU ...................................................................... 308, 625* valida Ulrich ........................................................................ 623* Ptiloporella HaU ................................................................................ 397 —90 722 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Ptiloporina Hall ! 397 Ptilotrypa Ulrich 393,531 obliauata Ulrich 393,531* (Ptychonema Hall) 379 Radiopora d'Orbigny 340 Eamipora Toula 360,398 Ramose zoarium 295 Reptaria Rolls 368 Retepora Imperato 612 ( ) anpulata, Hall 639 ( ) asperato-striata Hall 399.639 (••'.'" ) diffusa Hall 399 ( " . ) flustriformis Phillips 398 ( " ) trentonensis Nicholson 399, 639 ( ) undala McCoy 640 Reverse face 291 Rhabdomeson Young and Young 364, 402 gracile (Phillips) 402 rhombiferum (Phillips) 661 Rhabdomesontidse Vine 363, 401 (Rhinidictya Ulrich) 388, 492, 520 Rhinopora Hall 388 ' ' verrucosa Hall 388 Rhinoporidae Ulrich (provisional) 388 Rhombopora Meek 402, 647 augustata Ulrich ; 652* ? asperula Ulrich 365, 636* ' ' attenuata Ulrich 655* crassa Ulrich 365.447 decipiens Ulrich 365,657* dichotoma Ulrich 365.650* elegantula Ulrich 447 exigua Ulrich 651* gracilis Ulrich 651* granulifera (Hall) 647 humilis Ulrich 650* incrassata Ulrich 364, 652* lepidodendroides Meek •. 402.651 lineinodis Ulrich 649* minor Ulrich 364,659* multipora Foerste 634 nicklesi Ulrich 661* persimilis Ulrich 659* simulatrix Ulrich 365, 657* ?spiralis Ulrich 656* subannulata Ulrich 364. 648* sulcif era Ulrich 649* tabulata Ulrich 364,658* tenuirama Ulrich 660* transversalis Ulrich 654* varians Ulrich 653* wortheni Ulrich 655 Rhopalonaria Ulrich 367 " venosa Ulrich... ..367 INDEX TO VOLUME Till. 723 PAGE (Sagenella Hall) 368 Scalaripora Hall ... 387,507 approximata Ulrich 508* scalarif ormis Hall 3g7 separata Ulrich 507* Scenellopora Ulrich 368 radiata Ulrich 368 See ptropora Ulrich 363, 400 facula Ulrich 40it Sections, how to prepare them. 292 Segmented Zoarium. 296 Selenopora Hall 384 circincta Hall 384 Semicoscinium Prout 395,555 acmea (Hall) 534 { ) infraporosum Ulr 559 permarginatum (Hall) 556 planodorsatum Ulr 555* rhombicum Ulr 556* rhomboideum Prout 395,555,557 semirotundum (Hall) 556 thyene (Hall) 534 Septopora Prout 397, 626 biserialis Swallow , 631* biserialis var. nervata Ulrich 632* cestriensis Prout 398,628* ( " cestriensis M. & W., no* Prout) 628,629 decipiens Uh-ich 630* delicatula Uh-ich 634* pinnata Ulrich 633* robusta Ulrich 633* ' ' Tar. intermedia Ulrich 634* subQuadrans Uh-ich 629* Septa 291 SHBUBSOLE, G. W., on the Fenestellidae 353 Siphonella Hagenow 364 SJOTT, T. A., Classification of Bryozoa 325 Spatiopora Uh-ich 381 aspera Ulrich 381 Sphragiopora Uh-ich 398. 638 parasitica Uh-ich 399,638* Sphragioporidee Uh-ich 362,398 Spiniform corallites 290 " tubuli 390 Steganopora d'Orbigny 345 Steganoporella Smitt, 345 Stellipora Hall 374 antheloidea Hall 375,423 Stenopora Lonsdale 375, 436 americana Uh-ich 30yt.437*,438.439 americana var. varsoviensis Ulrich 437* angularis Ubrich 43 9* ' ' carbonaria (Worthen) 445* ' ' carbonaria var. conferta Ulrich 445* ' ' carbonaria var. maculosa Ulrich 445* 724 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. Stenopora oestrienslsJTJlrlch 442* emaciata Ulrich 438* ( ' ' flbrosa Goldfuss) 288 intercalaris Ulrich 439* intermittens Ulrich 440t meekana Ulrich 443* montifera Uh-ich 438* ( ' ' polymorpha Prout=S. tuberculata Prout) 444,671 ramosa Ulrich 365, 442* rudis Ulrich 444* ? signata Ulrich 365, 446* tasmaniensis Lonsdale 375 tuberculata (Prout) .* 3151.438,441*+ Stictopora Ulrich (Hall, 1847) 388,491 ( " Hall, 1886) 491 ( " ?)acuta Hall 491 ( " ) crenulata Hall 492 ( " ) crescens Hall 492 ( " ) elegantula Hall 491 fenestrata Hall 388,492 ( " ) gilberti Meek 492 glomerata Hall 491 ( " ) incisurata Hall 492 { " ) Invertis Hall 492 labyrinthica Hall 491 ( " ) limata Hall 492 ( " ) linearis Hall 492 ( " ) meeki Nicholson 492 mutabilis UMch 304t nicholsoni (Uh-ich) 492 ( " ) ovata HalL 492 ( " ) ovatipora Hall 492 ( " ) palmipes Hall. 527 ( " ) perarcta Hall 492 ( " ) punctipora HalL 394t ramosa Hall 491,492 ( " ) rectilinea Hall 492 ( " ) rigida HaU 492 ( " ) semistriata Hall 492 ( ' ' ) shafferi Meek 393 ( " ) similis Hall 393,394t ( " ) sinuosa,Hall 492 ( " ) subrigida Hall 492 ( " ) sulcata Winchell 492 ( ' ' ) trilineata Hall 492 ( " ) tmnulosa Hall 492 ( " ) vermicula Hall i 492 Stictoporella Ulrich 394,532 basalis Ulrich * 532*, 727 interstincta Uh-ich 394 (?) undulata UMch 533* Stictoporidas UMch (emended) 347, 388 Stictotrypa UMch 349, 393 ' ' punctipora (Hall) 394t similis (Hall) 393,394t INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 725 PAGE. Stomatopora" Bronn gg^ dlchotoma Lamx ..367 Streblotrypa Ukieh, 403 ggj distincta Ulrich 669* major Ulrich ...666* nicklesi Ulrich 408,667* radialis Ulrich 667* ' . sabspinosa Ulrieh 668* StreblotrypidEe Ulrich 365^ 402 Strophomena, bry ozoan growing on 41g Strotopora Ulrich 383,486 dermata Ulrich 488* foveolata Ulrich { 383,487* perminuta Ulrich 487* Structure of Bryozoa 292 Superficial aperture 291 Synocladia King 398.627 ( " ) biserialis Swallow 531 virgulacea King 398,627 ( " virgulacea? Swallow) 631 Tabute 291 Ta?niodietya Ukich 393, 528 cingulata UMch 304t, 530* frondosa Ukich 529* ramulosa Ukich 393, 528* var. burUngtonensis Ukich 529* subrecta Ukich. 530* Taeniopora Nicholson 386,504 exig-ua Nicholson 505 occidentalis Ukich 505* penniformis Nicholson 386.505* Tectulipora HalL 679 Terminology 290 (Thallostigma Hall) 382,475 (ThamniscidEe King) 358 Thamniscus King 897, 606 ( " ) cisseis Hall 399 crassus (Lonsdale) 607 dichotoma Hall 607 divaricans Ukich 357. 608* dubius (Schlotheimj 357,397,606 furcillatus Ukich 609*,637 gracilis Vine 610 ( ' ) niagarensis Hall 399,607 octonarius Ulrich. 611* ramulosus Ukich. 357, 607, 610* var. sevillensis Ukich (now regarded as a species) 610*. 727 sculptilis Ukich 608* serialis Waagen and Pichl 608 sevillensis Ukich 610*. 727 Thamnotrypa Hall 387 Trematopora Hall 373.418 calloporoides Ukich 420* ( " ) constxicta Hall 468 debilis Ukich 419* ( " ) granulifera Hall ..647 726 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. PAGE. (Trematopora) minuta Hall 645 ? nltida Ulrich 419* ' ' primigenia Ulrich 419, 420 tuberculosa Hall 374.418 ( " ) venusta Hall 468 Trematoporidse Ulrich 340. 373 Trepostomata Uh-ich 337,369 Tropidopora Hall 402 Tubuli median 290.303 " spiniform 290 TubuliporidEe Busk 367 UnitrypaHaU 396.534,679 lata Hall 396 Vesicular tissue 290,298 Vesicularidae 334 Vincularia Defrance 615 Vlncularidae 363.364 VINE, Q. B., on the PenestellidaB 358 WaU inflections 320 Wall structure of zooacia 306 Wandstrange '. 290 Wandrohrchen 290 Worthenopora Ulrich 403.669 ' ' spatulata (Prout) 670* spinosa Ulrich 669* Zoarium 290,294 Zocecium 290,306 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. 727 ERKATA IN SECTION 6. Page 320, 3d line from top. for OCCellata read OCellata. Page 320. 6th line from bottom, for Cribriform! read cribriforme . Page 321,10th line from bottom.for hill read Mill. Page 324,16 and 17th line from bottom.for Fenestrella read Fenestella. Page 335,18th line from bottom, for exert read GXSert. Page 344, 8th line from bottom of note, for of Joredale read on Yoredale. Page 350,10th line fiom bottom, for SGCton read Section. Page 357, 16th line from top, for geneO- read genea- Page 358. 2d line from bottom.for biserialis read biseriata. Page 366,9th line from top.for Intrapora basalis read Stictoporella basalis. Page 368, in note at bottom.for Bolle read by Rolle. Page 369,12th line from top, for exerted read exserted. Page 394, in explanations to flg. 14, transpose a and b. Page 394,11th line from bottom, for Cosinella read Costinella. Page 397,3d line from top, for Scbumardi read Shumardi. Page 420.10th line from bottom.for PI. XXXIV read PI. XXXVIII. Page 453, 2d line from top, for PI. XLIV read PI. XL VI. Page 469, add the following note, Ch&tetes venustus Ulr., Journ. Gin. Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. l.p. 93, PI. IV, flg. 7, 70,1878. (This note, in part, occurs erroneously on page 470.) Page 489, 19th line from bottom, for PI. XLVII read PI. XLVIII. Page 492,4th line from bottom in note, for fenestruta read fenestrata. Page 515,19th line from top, for flg. 4 read flg. 7. Page 527, llth line from bottom, for fig. 1— lb read 1— It. Page 532,3d line from bottom, for fig. 5-5 b read 5-5c, and add. PI. LXVIII, fig. 5, 5a, and LXIX. fig. 2, 2a. Page 578,14th line from bottom for plaCG read space. Page 600,9th line from bottom for P. exiwia read P. whitei. Page 610,6th line from bottom, for var. SEVILLENSIS read THAMNISCU8 SE- VILLENSI8; and modify the description and remarks so that they will accord with this change. Page 620,14th line from top, for XL VI read LVI. Page 623,2d line from top.for figS. 5-5c read 5~5b. Page 643, in explanation to flg. 18, for flg. a read c; for c read d; for d read e; for e read a Page 647, 3d line from top, for 0.2 mm. read 2 mm. Page 653,15th line from top.for fig. 1-lb read fig. 1-lf. 728 INDEX TO VOLUME VIII. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION 6. PAGES. Letter of Transmittal 285-286 Preface 287-290 Terminology 290-291 General and Comparative Structure of Palaeozoic Bryozoa 292-322 Classification and Interrelation of Families and Genera 323-366 Synopsis of Classification 367-404 Descriptions of Species 405-677 Addenda t>78-688 Index 707-727 Errata 727 Table of Contents 728 Explanations of plates. ILLUSTRATIONS. Plates XXIX-LXXVIII, Eighteen woodcuts in the text. APPENDIX. (Geological Surrey of Illinois. Yol. VIII.) THE PRIVATE LIFE AND SCIENTIFIC WORK OF PROF, AMOS HENRY WORTHEN BY X. W. BLISS AND CHARLES A. WHITE. WITH A PORTRAIT BY JACQUES REICH. No. 6646 WBNTWOBTH AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, ILL., December 22, 1888. PROF. JOSUA LINDAHL, State Geologist, Springfield, 111.: DEAR SIR — In response to your request that I should prepare for the Eighth and final volume of Prof. Amos H. Worthen's Reports upon the Geology of Illinois, a biographical notice of the learned and lamented author, I beg to submit the enclosed account of his life and estimate of his personal and scientific character; and to remain, most truly, Your obedient servant, N. W. BLISS. A Sketch of the Private Life and Personal and Scientific Character PROF, AMOS HENRY WORTHEN, BY N. W. BLISS. Prof. AMOS HENRY AVORTHEX, State Geologist of Illinois and Curator of the State Historical Library and Museum of Natural History, died at his home in Warsaw, Hancock county, Illinois, on Sunday. May 6, 1888, of pneumonia, at the ripe age of nearly seventy-five years. For over thirty years he had been constantly engaged, first, in the survey of, and then in writing and publishing the reports upon, the geology of his great adopted State; and his work has been of such a thorough and able character, that while it has made for him a name honored among the scientists of the world, his volumes have long been text books of palseontological nomenclature. Just prior to his death he had completed and prepared for publication his eighth and final volume of Reports upon the Geology of Illinois, and was anticipating a period of rest as soon as by means of a suitable appropriation this final volume should be published and off his hands, having determined then to resign the place in the service of the State which he had so long and ably filled. But death came all too soon and found the busy man still in harness, and the period of earthly activity was exchanged for one of heavenly rest. Amos Henry Worthen was born at Bradford, Orange county, Vermont, October 31, 1813. He was the son of Thomas Wor- then and Susannah Adams, his wife, and was the younir*jst. save one, of a large family of thirteen children. His mother, 8 {Susannah Adams, was the daughter of Abraham Adams, who married Mary Brickett, and was a descendant of Henry Adams, the founder of the Adams family in America, who settled at Mount Wollaston (now Quincy), Massachusetts, and to whose memory his descendant, President John Adams, erected a plain granite monument with this quaint inscription: "In memory of Henry Adams, who took his flight from the dragon persecution, in Devonshire, England, and alighted with eight sons near Mount Wollaston. One of the sons returned to England after taking time to explore the country. Four re- moved to Medford and the neighboring towns. Two to Chelms- ford. One only remained, Joseph, who lies here at his right hand, who was an original proprietor in the Township of Brain- tree, incorporated in the year 1639." Susannah Adams, the mother of Prof. Worthen, was a woman of a most amiable disposition, and at the same time of great mental and physical activity and force. A mother with these characteristics seldom fails to transmit them to her posterity. His father, Thos. Worthen, was the owner of a farm upon what was known as the South Road, in Bradford, where were "brought up" (not "raised") this large family of sons and daughters. Here Prof. Worthen gained the first rudiments of his education in the excellent common schools of his native State, and his early physical training, of almost equal import- ance to his future usefulness in his chosen profession, in labor upon his father's farm. At that time the academy at Bradford Village was an institution of learning of a high class, and here Prof. Worthen finished his school training, boarding for that purpose at the home of his sister, Mary, who married Capt. Ellis Bliss, an extensive farmer in the Connecticut Valley. At- tending the same school, from the same house, bearing the re- lation of uncle and nephew, he finishing, and the writer begin- ning his academic course, a friendship and intimacy began which lasted from that period to the day of his lamented death. At an early age, before arriving at his majority, he married, Janu- ary 14, 1834, Miss Sarah B. Kimball, of Warren, N. H., who was his faithful and life-long companion, preceding him to the better land only a little over a twelve-month. At that time Ohio and Kentucky were the far west, and it required a high degree of courage and determination for the young New Eng- lander to risk his fortunes in those strange and distant lands. But. as with so many others, Prof. Worthen was not without friends and even relatives in the distant west. His eldest brother, Enoch, was then living at Cynthiana, Kentucky, where he had settled and founded a family, and thither the young emigrant betook himself. Whatever else the average New Eng- lander may or may not be capable of doing, one thing, for want of better, or rather more remunerative employment, they have almost universally engaged in, in all the new countries which they have helped to settle and civilize, and that is, school teaching. Prof. Worthen, then a plain Yankee lad, without title, was no exception to the rule, but began his western life and experiences in teaching school at Cummiusville, Ohio, then in the wilderness — though now a suburb of her chief city, Cin- cinnati. Remaining here two winters, in June, 1836, he took his wife and infant son to Warsaw, Illinois, where he made his permanent home. Here he has done his life's work, and hence he has entered into (well earned) rest. Meanwhile his wife's family (the Kimballs) had also emigrated to the west, making their home on Bear Creek, in Hancock county, and with his brothers-in-law, the Kimball boys, or one of them, Prof. Wor- then became first a forwarding and commission merchant, oc- cupying and residing in the warehouse and dwelling standing on the site now occupied by the mill of the Warsaw Milling Company, known as Grace mills, later occupying the brick cot- tage which he built, and conducting a dry goods business upon the hill at Warsaw. In 1842, influenced by the depression in business caused by the Mormon difficulties in Hancock county, he removed with his family to Charlestown, Mass., and here his son. Amos Henry Jr., was born. He was probably influenced in his second removal (that from Ohio) to select Warsaw as his future home, by the fact that his wife's family had selected this region as their western home, but had his predilections for the life of a naturalist been known and their stimulation an- ticipated, no region could have been selected better calculated to awaken and sustain the enthusiasm of a naturalist. As stated by himself on page 89 of his first volume of Reports upon Geology of Illinois: "A fine section of the geode bed is —2 10 exposed just above the steamboat landing at Warsaw, where its whole thickness may be seen in the bluff above the railroad grade, and there is perhaps no locality known in the west where a few hours labor of a good collector would be rewarded by so large a variety of finely crystallized specimens. There is no formation in the State that presents such attractive and in- teresting specimens of crystallized minerals as are to be found in this division of the Keokuk limestone, and tons of these beautiful geodes have been sent from the county of Hancock to adorn the cabinets of mineralogists throughout the civilized world." It may be added that by far the largest portion of these shipments have been sent abroad by Prof. Worthen him- self. One can easily imagine what an impetus such surround- ings would give to a love of nature already abounding, and to powers of observation and analysis already somewhat trained and cultivated by study and travel, accordingly his attention from the first was strongly attracted to the geological features of his new home, and its geode beds at once commanded his admiration and close investigation. Even at that early period he felt stirring within him that spirit of investigation and love for natural science that later caused him first to neglect and then to abandon entirely all business less suited to his taste, and to devote himself to science with a singleness of purpose and devotion as rare as it is honorable to the individual and advantageous to mankind. He gathered and took with him to Boston several barrels of the splendid crystallizations called "geodes," then rare in collections, and there, instead of selling them, with a naturalists true love for his (to be) calling, ex- changed them for a cabinet of sea shells, which he brought back with him to Warsaw when he returned there in July, 1844. Similar forms to these shells he saw everywhere preserved in the limestone rocks and shales of his neighborhood and every spare hour found him with his hammer and satchel exploring every ravine, bluff and quarry and every exposure of the sub- jacent rocks which could be reached. He was consumed with a desire to know something of their history and nomenclature. The science of geology may be termed a child of the nine- teenth century, during which more progress has been made in the knowledge of the history of the earth than during all pre- 11 ceding time. When Prof. Worthen took up the study, amid the cares of a family and while engaged in business, the facilities for its study were extremely few especially in the western country. No work on elementary Geology had then been pub- lished in this country and the first books that he was able to obtain were Dr. Mantell's "Medals of Creation" and "Wonders of Geology,'' which I well remember finding in his library upon my arrival at his house in the spring of 1850. They were written in a style adapted to popular comprehension and by as great an enthusiast and collector as himself. It is doubtful if any works could be found now, better calculated to stimu- late the zeal of a born naturalist. They presented a general survey of the Fossil World, with an outline of British Paleon- tology, illustrated by wood cuts of fossil remains. It gave him what he most needed at the time, an insight into the manner in which the sedimentary rocks were formed and howr the re- mains of animals and plants came to be embedded and pre- served in them. By collecting the minerals and fossils in his own locality and exchanging them with other collectors for those found elsewhere, he gradually gathered not only an ex- tensive and very valuable geological museum but acquired the knowledge which was the object of his ardent pursuit. Thus the writer found him upon his own arrival in the Mississippi Valley in the spring of 1850. He was still engaged in business but his store as well as his house was more of a stone shop than a dry goods shop and he evidently begrudged the time there spent waiting for or attending upon customers; conse- quently he soon sold out his business and determined for the future to devote himself to his loved science. Meanwhile by his correspondence and exchanges he had made the acquaintance of many men engaged like himself in scientific pursuits and made such progress himself in knowledge as to be elected a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at its 5th annual meeting, held at Cincinnati in 1851, a society of which he remained a member to the time of his death, whose proceedings he greatly enjoyed, and to whose trans- actions he at various times contributed valuable papers, notably "On the occurrence of fish remains in the carboniferous limestone 12 of Illinois", "Remarks on the discovery of a Terrestrial flora in the Mountain Limestone of Illinois," and "Remarks on the relative age of the Niagara and the so-called Lower Helderberg groups." January 16, 1863, Prof. Worthen was made a member of the "American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia." October 15, 1871, he was appointed correspondent of "The Imperial Royal Geological State Institute of Vienna." April 17, 1872, he became a member of the "National Aca- demy of Sciences, U. S. A." And on May 20, 1873, of the "Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege." He was probably a member or correspondent of other learned scientific bodies, but he was careless of such honors, paying more attention to furnishing the scientific world through the membership of these societies, with new facts and discoveries, than to receiving from them indorsements or honors. Before these scientific bodies he read or to them he communicated at various times, important papers relating to his investigations and discoveries in the Lower Carboniferous Limestones, some of which will be found published in the transactions of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, of the American Philosophical So- ciety of Philadelphia and in the American Journal of Science and Arts, edited by Silliman, specimens of these communications are found in his remarks on the age of the Leclaire Limestone, at Leclaire, loAva, and Port Byron, Illinois, Vol. 33, Silliman's Journal, and Remarks on the Age of the Goniatite Limestone at Rockford, Indiana, Vol. 32, Silliman's Journal, a joint paper by himself and the learned palaeontologist Prof. F. B. Meek, whom he had so closely associated with himself in the Palseon- tology of the Illinois Survey. Prof. Worthen was not given to "rushing into print" and ex- cept for the purpose of preserving priority of description and nomenclature of the fossils collected and described in the reports of the Illinois Survey, seldom published anything unless he had some important fact or discovery or well considered conclusion, to present to the scientific world. The Illinois Legislature in February, 1851, passed an act authorizing a geological survey of the State, appropriating |3,000.00 a year for that purpose, and two years later increased ' this appropriation to $5,000.00 per annum. Prof. Norwood, a 13 Scientist of repute, who had been associated with the noted Scientist Prof. Owen, of Indiana, was appointed Geologist, and for a while Prof. Worthen did some work under him, but soon en- gaged in more active work in Iowa under Prof. James Hall of New York, who having just finished the survey of his own great State was called to that of Iowa, which State had, in 1855, passed an act authorizing a survey which was promptly com- menced in September of that year. Prof. Hall in his first re- port says of Prof. Worthen that "he was engaged as assistant at the commencement of the survey and was employed during the seasons for exploration until the close of 1857; by his ser- vices in the field and the loan of his magnificent collection of carboniferous crinoids he has added greatly to the value and interest of this report/' His first work here was a series of examinations along the DesMoines Valley and the eastern border of the Iowa coal field made with a view of determining the number, thickness and relative value of the different coal seams outcropping in that part of the State, upon which he duly reported and the next year (1857) he made minute examination of and report upon the geology of certain counties in southeastern Iowa. This consti- tuted all the detail work of that survey, only the leading feat- ures of the remaining counties establishing the outlines of their geology being given. Meanwhile the work in Illinois languished: although six years had elapsed since the passage of the act authorizing the survey, no report had been made, and when on March 22, 1858, Gov. Wm. H. Bissell placed in the hands of Prof. Worthen his com- mission as State Geologist, nothing of prior work came to his hands save a report by Prof. Norwood on the lead mines of Hardin county, and the field notes of his assistants. On taking charge of the survey Prof. Worthen at once proceeded to those active labors in the field, in prosecuting which he has probably carried a greater bulk and weight of geological specimens than any other scientist of his day. During his long period of pre- paration by personal exploration and study of the geological formations of his vicinity and by the extensive system of ex- changes he established with other collectors at an early day, he had been enabled to gather, classify and arrange the largest and best geological museum in the west. By his minute and 14 careful examination of the rocks of his region he had discovered those "platforms of death" as he well named those crowded masses of remains of fossil fishes which he found in the thin strata of the lower Archimedes limestone. One specimen found by him in this prolific locality proved to Prof. Agassiz that he was correct in his conclusions already drawn from comparative anatomy, and he stated that it enabled him as upon an estab- lished basis of fact (not reasoning) to take up his studies of fossil fishes anew and pursue them further than ever, and he had portions of this collection long in his possession. This minute and careful personal examination and observation of the different strata and abundant collection of specimens re- dounded greatly to the advantage of his collection which con- sequently contains a greater number of what may be called type-specimens than any other collection. From it were selected almost wholly the specimens with which to illustrate the re- ports upon Paleontology of Iowa and the same is largely true also of the volumes of the Illinois reports. He had also during these years gathered together a scientific library of great value. The writer well remembers how he exercised a severe economy in other directions to enable himself to purchase the rare and expensive books needed for his studies in his favorite field. Wherever a book was to be had in exchange for specimens it was obtained regardless of expense in the way of payment for it, and where money was required it was freely expended. Thus well equipped, both by personal experience in the field, and by the study of actual specimens as well as of books, he came to his life work of which it is enough to say that it has been done with characteristic thoroughness and fidelity, and reported with an ability and minuteness that have made his reports text books of the Palaeontology of Illinois, and a monument of his own industry and ability. Professor Worthen like General Grant, never withheld the meed of praise and credit from his assistants and co-laborers. He had the countenance, support and friendly aid of numerous lovers of science in all parts of the State. He also secured for the work the aid and assistance of the ablest specialists of the day in every department, notably Prof. J. D. Whitney in mineralogy, Prof. Leo Lesquereux in coal measures and coal plants, Profs. F. B. Meek, Orestes St. John, Dr. John S. Newberry and Mr. E. O. Ulrich in different 15 departments of Palaeontology, Dr. J. V. Z. Blaney in analysis and Mr. Henry Engleman in chemistry and detailed county work. There were born to Prof. Worthen and his wife Sarah, six sons, all of whom survive him, and one daughter, whose death in early years was mourned during their whole lives. He had a happy and prosperous home and the companionship and support of a faithful and noble wife. All the sons are worthily married and twenty-two grand children are growing up in the light and succession of an honorable name. The six sons, Fay S., George B., Thomas A., A. H. Jr.. Charles K. and John B. were their honored fathers's pall-bearers, and by them were his remains placed in the tomb at Oakland Cemetery at Warsaw. All are res- idents of Warsaw save Fay S., who, since his father's death, has removed to Denver, Colorado. As was natural in a family where the head was so entirely devoted to scientific observation, all the sons and some of the grand-children as well became imbued to some degree with the father's enthusiasm and in all of them the powe and practice of close observation of nature and natural objects, is developed to an unusual degree. One of them, Charles K., has devoted himself to natural science and is now a naturalist and taxidermist of note residing at Warsaw. He it was, who made the fine pencil sketches for the engraver, which have given the numerous volumes of the Illinois survey their admirable illustrations. Mr. Edward O. Orich, formerly one of his assistants in the Illinois survey, says of him, "Prof. Wort-hen's labors related principally to the carboniferous series. To him belongs the credit of being the first to work out the true relations of the principal divisions of the lower carboniferous system, though the inflexible rules of priority may demand that the names pro- posed by other laborers in this field should stand for them." "The value of his work was recognized by his election as an honorary member of several European scientific societies as well as a membership of various scientific societies in his own country." Regarding his character; Prof. Ulrich who had an unusually good opportunity to form a sound opinion, says, "Its salient features were: great love for scientific truth and justice, sim- plicity, unbounded affability, unswerving integrity, coupled with 16 an unpretentious yet strong desire to accomplish a useful career. His generosity and charity scarce knew bounds, while in his public and private life his frank and sympathetic nature and unassuming yet dignified demeanor won the esteem of all with whom he came in contact. This seems to me, having known him all my life, an estimate at once terse and just. Like Dr. G. A. Mantell, the author of the first works on Geo- logy, Prof. Worthen was able to obtain, "his most important discoveries sprang out of the researches he never ceased to pur- sue among his favorite group of rocks — the Lower Carbonifer- ous. His location at an early period of his professional career, was exceedingly favorable for these inquiries, and as stated by Prof. Ulrich he was assuredly the original demonstrator of the true relations of its principal divisions. With the Lower Car- boniferous series also are connected his chief and very memor- able palaiontological discoveries, out of that formation he pro- cured those wonderful fish remains so highly regarded by Prof. Agassiz as well as the evidences of Terrestrial Flora there im- bedded as announced in his paper read before the 13th meeting of the American Association for the advancement of science. I feel that I cannot close this biographical notice of Prof. Worthen without calling attention to characteristics that, to my mind, rendered him a brother indeed to that great naturalist he so much admired and loved, Prof. Agassiz. He had the same intense love of natural science with that great teacher. Like him, he could not exist without collecting a museum. He had the same remarkable powers of instant observation. Like him, he gathered and brought home from the formations to which he devoted his life work a greater variety and collection of fossil remains than have ever before or since been collected by one in- dividual. He had the same disinterestedness, the same conse- cration to science, the same readiness to oblige even the hum- blest and most modest, the same superiority to self-interest, the same sincerity and absence of all pretension, and the same en- thusiasm in all that was noble. As with Agassiz, so with Worthen, never was a life more richly filled with study, work and thought. Like Agassiz, Worthen had no time to make monev. 17 In one of his, letters home. Agassiz said: "If I could for a moment forget that I have a scientific mission to fulfill I could easily make more than enough by my lectures to put me com- pletely at my ease, but I will limit myself to what I need to repay those who helped me through a difficult crisis. Beyond that all must go to science — there lies my true mission." So said Prof. Worthen in deed, if not in words. I well re- member his only anxiety for money was to pay some balances on his mercantile debts, and these he paid out of his salary earned in his early employment in geological surveys, and as with his great exemplar, all beyond that "went to science." As said by me in the obituary notice of him published in the War- saw (111.) Bulletin just after his decease, Prof. Worthen was, Like most men who become eminent in any special work, en- tirely devoted to that work, and counted all else as dross in comparison with results to be obtained in his favorite field of investigation, and the result with him, as with such men in all ages, has been a long, honorable, industrious and useful life, and an honored and lamented death. —3 18 A Sketch of the Scientific Work PROF, A, H, WORTHEN. BY CHARLES A. WHITE. Professor Worthen began the work which has made his name so widely known at a time when little had yet been done in geological science in our country, and he prosecuted it almost without interruption until his death in 1888. Like most of the earlier American naturalists, he began his scientific work as an amateur, and under difficulties that the younger naturalists of to-day, who have had the advantage of special training in scientific schools, and who have free communication with a multitude of scientific workers, cannot well understand. His home being upon the Lower Carboniferous rocks of west- ern Illinois, his opportunities were good for the study of their fossils and their stratigraphical relations; and it was doubtless this circumstance that gave bent to his future career. In the prosecution of his private studies he made many extensive jour- neys in the region traversed by the Upper Mississippi river, and brought together some of the finest collections of fossils from the formations there that have ever been obtained. His first public work was performed sometime about the year 1853, as an assistant to Dr. J. G. Norwood, then State Geolo- gist of Illinois, but little or no record of that work has been preserved. In 1855 he was appointed assistant to Prof. James Hall, then State Geologist of Iowa, and continued upon that work until its suspension in 1858. Besides contributing two important chapters to Professor Hall's report upon the geology of that State, he aided largely in constructing the geological section along the Mississippi river, from Lansing to St. Louis, which is published in that report. 19 In 1858 he was appointed State Geologist of Illinois by Gov. W. H. Bissell; and in connection with this office he performed the work which has been of so much honor to himself and credit to the State. From the time of his appointment, to the end of his life, he devoted himself to the State of Illinois almost exclusively, for he found there an ample field, not only for his own labors, but for those of all the assistants whose services he could obtain. Upon entering upon the duties of his office he quickly com- prehended the magnitude of the task that lay before him, and he began to gather about him men skilled in various branches of scientific work, among whose names are many that are familiar to the whole scientific world. The following is a list of those who have aided him in his work, and who have con- tributed their writings to his reports and other publications: Bannister, Dr. H. M. Lesquereux, Dr. Leo Barris, Prof. W. H. Meek, F. B. Blaney, Dr. J. V. Z. Miller, S. A. Bradley, Prof. F. H. Newberry, Prof. J. S. Broadhead, Prof. G. C. Prout, Dr. H. A. Cope, Prof. E. D. Scudder, S. H. Cox, Prof. E. T. Shaw, James Englemann, Henry Springer, Frank Everett, Dr. Oliver St. John, Prof. Orestes Freeman, H. C. Ulrich, E. O. Green, H. A. Wachsmuth, Charles Whitney, Prof. J. D. After his field work upon the State Survey had been accom- plished, Professor Worthen was appointed Curator of the State Historical Library and Natural History Museum. In connec- tion with the duties of this office he continued the preparation of the remaining results of his work on the survey for publi- cation, which have appeared in Bulletin No. 1 of the Museum, and in the two last volumes of his great series. The following is a list of the works which have been pub- lished by him, portions of which have appeared under his name alone, and other portions under the names of certain of his assistants respectively; but his name appears as joint author of the greater part of the work of his assistants. 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. A. H. WORTHEN. On the Occurrence of Fish Remains in the Carboniferous Limestone of Illinois. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10th meeting, Albany, N. Y., pp. 189-191, Cambridge, 1857. 2. A. H. WORTHEN. Geology of the Des Moines Valley. In Report Geol. Sur- vey of Iowa, by JAMES HALL; Vol. 1, part I, pp. 147-182, 1858. 3. A. H. WORTHEN. Geology of certain Counties, embracing the results of ex- aminations in the counties of Lee, DesMoines, Henry, Van Buren, Jefferson, Washington and Wapello. In Report Geol. Survey of Iowa, by JAMES HALL; Vol. I, part I, pp. 183-258, 1858. 4. A. H. WORTHEN. Remarks on the Discovery of a Terrestrial Flora in the Mountain Limestone of Illinois. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 13th Meeting, Springfield, Mass., pp. 312-313, Cam- bridge, 1860. 5. A. H. WORTHEN. Notice of a new species of Platycrinus and other fossils from the Mountain Limestone of Illinois and Iowa. In Trans. St. Louis Acad. Sci., Vol. I, pp. 569-571, 1860. 6. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Descriptions of new Carboniferous fossils from Illinois and other Western States. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. IV, 2d ser., pp. 447-472, 1860. 7. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Descriptions of new species of Crinoidea and Echinoidea, from the Carboniferous rocks of Illinois and other West- ern States. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.. Vol. IV, 2d ser., pp. 379-397, 1860. 21 8. A. H. WORTHEX; F. B. MEEK and Remarks on the age of the Goniatite Limestone at Rock- ford, Indiana, and its relation to the "Black Slate" of the Western States, and to some of the succeeding rocks above the latter. In Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXII, 2d ser., pp. 167-177, 1861. 9. A. H. WORTHEX: F. B. MEEK and Descriptions of new Palaeozoic fossils from Illinois and Iowa. In Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., Vol. V, 2d ser., pp. 128-148, 1861. 10. A. H. WORTHEX. Remarks on the age of the so-called "LeClaire Limestone" and "Onondaga Salt Group" of the Iowa Report. In Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXIII, 2d ser., pp. 46-48, J862. 11. A. H. WORTHEX: F. B. MEEK and Note in relation to a genus of Crinoids from the Coal Measures of Illinois and Nebraska, proposed on page 174 of this volume of the Journal. In Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XXXIX. 2d ser.. p. 350, 1865. 12. A. H. WORTHEX; F. B. MEEK and. Notice of some new types of organic remains, from the Coal measures of Illinois. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. IX, 2d ser. pp. 41-53, 1865. 13. A. H. WORTHEX: F. B. MEEK and. Remarks on the genus Taxocrinus (Phillips) McCoy, 1844; and its relations to Forbesiocrinus, de Koninck and Le Hon, 1854, with descriptions of new species. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Vol. IX, 2d ser. pp. 138-143, 1865. 14. A. H. WORTHEX; F. B. MEEK and. Descriptions of new species of Crinoidea, &c., from the Palaeozoic rocks of Illinois and some of the adjoining states. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Vol. IX. 2d ser. pp. 143-155, 1865. 15. A. H. WORTHEX: F. B. MEEK and. Contributions to the Palaeontology of Illinois and other Western States. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Vol. IX, 2d ser. pp. 245-273, 1865. 22 16. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and. Contributions to the Palaeontology of Illinois and other Western States. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Vol. X, 2d ser. pp. 251-275, 1866. 17. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and. Descriptions of Palaeozoic fossils from the Silurian, Devo- nian and Carboniferous Rocks of Illinois and other Wes- tern States. In Proc. Chicago Acad. Sci. pp. 11-23, 1866. 18. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. I, Geology, pp. i-xvi and 1-504, plates I-VIII (dia- grams and maps). Imp. 8vo. Chicago, 1866. CONTENTS. PAGES. Letter to the Hon. Richard J. Oglesby i-vii Introduction ix-xvi CHAPTER I. Physical Features, General Principles and Surface Geology, A. H. WORTHEN 1-39 CHAPTER II. Stratigraphical Geology, Tertiary Deposits and Coal Meas- ures, A. H. WORTHEN 40-76 CHAPTER III. Sub-Carboniferous Limestone Series, A. H. WORTHEN 77-118 CHAPTER IV. Devonian and Silurian Systems, A. H. WORTHEN 119-152 CHAPTER V. Geology of the Lead Region, PROF. J. D. WHITNEY 153-207 CHAPTER VI. Report on the Coal Fields of Illinois, LEO LESQUEREUX.. 208-237 23 CHAPTER VII. On the Origin and Formation of the Prairies, LEO LES- QUEREUX 238-254 CHAPTER VIII. Chemical Report for the Geological Survey of Illinois, DR. J. V. Z. BLANEY 255-277 CHAPTER IX. Geology of Randolph County, A. H. WORTHEN 278-296 CHAPTER X. Geology of St. Clair County, A. H. WORTHEN 297-312 CHAPTER XI. Geology of Madison County, A. H. WORTHEN 313-326 CHAPTER XII. Geology of Hancock County, A. H. WORTHEN 327-349 CHAPTER XIII. Geology of Hardin County. A. H. WORTHEN and HENRY ENGELMANN 350-375 CHAPTER XIY. Geology of Johnson County, HENRY ENGELMANN 376-409 CHAPTER XV. Geology of Pulaski County, HENRY ENGELMANN 410-427 CHAPTER XVI. Geology of Massac County, and that part of Pope County south of Big Bay River. HENRY ENGELMANN 428-455 CHAPTER XVII. Geology of Pope County. North of- Big Bay River. HENRY ENGLEMANN 456-495 Glossary of Scientific Terms 497-504 24 19. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. II, Palaeontology, pp. i-xix and 1-470, plates I-L, Imp. 8vo. Chicago, 1866. CONTENTS. PAGES. Introduction iii-xix SECTION I. Descriptions of new species of Vertebrates, mainly from the Subcarboniferous limestones and Coal Measures, J. S. NEWBERRY and A. H. WORTHEN 9-134 Remarks on the Occurrence of Fossil Fishes in Illinois, A. . H. WORTHEN 11-16 Supplement to descriptions of Vertebrates, consisting of a description of a new genus and species of Reptiles, from the Coal Measures, PROF. EDW. D. COPE 135-142 SECTION II. Descriptions of Invertebrates from the Carboniferous sys- tem, F. B. MEEK and A. H. WORTHEN 143-411 Supplement to the descriptions of Invertebrates, consist- ing of descriptions of Poylzoa from the Palaeozoic rocks, H. A. PROUT ! 412-423 SECTION III. Report on the Fossil Plants of Illinois, LEO LESQUEREUX.425-470 20. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Preliminary notice of a Scorpion, a Eurypterus? and other fossils from the Coal Measures of Illinois. In Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. XLV, 2d ser., pp. 19-28, 1868. 21. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Notes on some points in the structure and habits of the Palaeozoic Crinoidea. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. XX, 2d ser., pp. 323-334, 1868. 22. A. H. WORTHEN: F. B. MEEK and Remarks on some types of Carboniferous Crinoidea, with descriptions of new genera and species of the same, and of one Echinoid. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. XII, 2d ser., pp. 335-359, 1868. 23. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. Ill, Geology and Palaeontology-, pp. i-vii and 1-574, plates I-XX A.-H., and one map. Imp. 8vo. Chicago, 1868. CONTEXTS. PART I. PAGES. Letter to the Hon. Richard J. Oglesby vii CHAPTER I. Coal Measures and Lower Carboniferous Limestones, A. H. WORTHEN 3-19 CHAPTER II. Aeology of Alexander County, A. H. WORTHEN 20-32 CHAPTER III. Geology of Union County, A. H. WORTHEN 33-57 CHAPTER IV. Geology of Jackson County, A. H. WORTHEN 58-83 CHAPTER V. Geology of Perry County, A. H. WORTHEN 84-103 CHAPTER VI. Geology of Jersey County. A. H. WORTHEN 104-121 CHAPTER VII. Geology of Greene County, A. H. WORTHEN 122-133 CHAPTER VIII. Geology of Scott County, A. H. WORTHEN 134-144 -4 26 CHAPTER IX. Geology of Washington County, HENRY ENGELMANN 145-171 CHAPTER X. Geology of Clinton County, HENRY ENGELMANN 172-191 CHAPTER XI. Geology of Marion County, HENRY ENGELMANN 192-218 CHAPTER XII. Geology of Jefferson County, HENRY ENGELMANN 219-238 CHAPTER XIII. Geology of Cook County, H. M. BANNISTER 239-256 CHAPTER XIV. Geology of LaSalle County, H. C. FREEMAN 257-287 PART II. Palaeontology of Illinois, F. B. MEEK and A. H. WOR- THEN 289-565 Supplementary paper on the Fossil Insects of Illinois, S. H. SCUDDER 566-572 Appendix— Chemical Analyses, J. V. Z. BLANEY 573-574 24. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Notes on some points in the structure and habits of the Palaeozoic Crinoidea. In Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. XLVIII, 2d ser., pp. 23-40, 1869. (Previously published in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., pp. 323-334, 1868. 25. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Descriptions of new Crinoidea and Echinoidea from the Carboniferous rocks of the Western States, with a note on the genus Onychaster. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. XXX, 2d ser., pp. 67-83, 1869. 27 26. A. H. WORTHEX: F. B. MEEK and Remarks on the Blastoidea, with descriptions of new species. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. XIII, 2d ser., pp. 83-91, 1869. 27. A. H. WORTHEN; F. B. MEEK and Note on the relations of Synocladia. King, 1849, to the proposed genus Septopora, Prout, 1858. In Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. XIV, 2d ser., pp. 15-18, 1870. 28. A. H. WORTHEN: F. B. MEEK and Descriptions of new species and genera of fossils from the Paleozoic rocks of the Western States. In Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Phila., Vol. XIV, 2d ser., pp. 22-56, 1870. 29. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. IV. Geology and Palaeontology, pp. i-vii and 1-508, plates G, H, and I-XXXI, Imp. 8vo., Chicago, 1870. CONTEXTS. PART I. Letter to the Hon. John M. Palmer vii CHAPTER I. Geology of Calhoun County, A. H. WORTHEX 24-42 CHAPTER II. Geology of Pike County, A. H. WORTHEX 43-61 CHAPTER III. Geology of Adams County, A. H. WORTHEX 43-61 CHAPTER IV. Geology of Brown County. A. H. WORTHEX 62-74 CHAPTER V. Geology of Schuyler County. A. H. WORTHEX 75-89 CHAPTER VI. Geology of Fulton County, A. H. WORTHEN 90-110 28 CHAPTER VII. Geology of DeKalb, Kane and DuPage Counties, H. M. BANNISTER 111-125 CHAPTER VIII. Geology of McHenry and Lake Counties, H. M. BANNIS- TER..^ 126-135 CHAPTER IX. Geology of Kendall County, HENRY M. BANNISTER 136-148 CHAPTER X. Geology of Morgan County, HENRY M. BANNISTER 149-162 CHAPTER XI. Geology of Cass and Menard Counties, H. M. BANNISTER.. 163-175 CHAPTER XII. Geology of Tazewell, McLean, Logan and Mason Coun- ties, H. M. BANNISTER 176-189 CHAPTER XIII. Geology of Grundy County, FRANK H. BRADLEY 190-206 CHAPTER XIV. Geology of Will County, FRANK H. BRADLEY 207-225 CHAPTER XV. Geology of Kankakee and Iroquois Counties, F. H. BRAD- LEY 226-240 CHAPTER XVI. Geology of Vermilion County, FRANK H. BRADLEY 241-265 CHAPTER XVII. Geology of Champaign, Edgar and Ford Counties, F. H. BRADLEY... ...266-275 29 CHAPTEE XVIII. Geology of Henderson County, H. A. GREEN 276-287 CHAPTER XIX. Geology of Warren County, H. A. GREEN 288-300 CHAPTER XX. Geology of Mercer County, H. A. GREEN 301-312 CHAPTER XXI. Geology of Knox County, H. A. GREEN... 313-324 CHAPTER XXII. Geology of Stark County, H. A. GREEN 325-333 CHAPTER XXIII. Geology of Woodford County, H. A. GREEN 334-342 PART II — PALAEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS. SECTION I. Descriptions of Vertebrates, J. S. NEWBERRY and A. H. WORTHEX 346-374 SECTION II. Descriptions of Plants, LEO LESQUEREUX 377-508 30. A. H. WORTHEN. Remarks on the Relative Age of the Niagara and the so- called Lower Helderberg Groups. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 19th Meeting, Troy, N. Y., pp. 172-175, Cambridge, 1871. 31. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. V, Geology and Paleontology, pp. i-iii and 1-619, Plates H, and I-XXX1I, Imp. 8vo., Chicago, 1873. CONTENTS. PART I. Letter to the Hon. John L. Beveridge iii 30 CHAPTER I. Geology of Northwestern Illinois, JAMES SHAW 1-24 CHAPTER II. Geology of JoDaviess County, JAMES SHAW 25-56 CHAPTER III. Geology of Stephenson County, JAMES SHAW 57-74 CHAPTER IV. Geology of Carroll County, JAMES SHAW 75-81 CHAPTER V. Geology of Winnebago County, JAMES SHAW 82-94 CHAPTER VI. Geology of Boone County, JAMES SHAW 95-103 CHAPTER VII. Geology of Ogle County, JAMES SHAW 104-123 CHAPTER VIII. Geology of Lee County, JAMES SHAW 124-139 CHAPTER IX. Geology of Whiteside County, JAMES SHAW 140-166 CHAPTER X. Geology of Bureau County, JAMES SHAW 167-184 CHAPTER XI. Geology of Henry County, JAMES SHAW 185-201 CAAPTER XII. Geology of Marshall and Putnam Counties, JAMES SHAW.. 202-216 CHAPTER XIII. Geology of Rock Island County, A. H. WORTHEN and JAMES SHAW... ...217-234 31 CHAPTER XIV. Geology of Peoria County, A. H. WORTHEX 235-252 CHAPTER XT. Geology of McDonough County, A. H. WORTHEX 253-265 CHAPTER XVI. Geology of Monroe County, A. H. WORTHEX 266-285 CHAPTER XVII. Geology of Macoupin County, A. H. WORTHEX 286-305 CHAPTER XVIII. Geology of Sangamon County. A. H. WORTHEX 306-319 PART II. Palaeontology of Illinois, F. B. MEEK and A. H. WOR- THEX 323-619 32. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEX, Director, Vol. VI, Geology and Palaeontology, pp. i-iii and 1-532, plates I-XXXIII, Imp. 8vo., Chicago, 1875. CONTEXTS. Letter to the Hon. John L. Beveridge iii PART I. CHAPTER I. Coal Measures, A. H. WORTHEX 1-8 CHAPTER II. Geology of Clark County. A. H. WORTHEX 9-21 CHAPTER III. Geology of Crawford and Jasper Counties, A. H. WOR- THEX... ...22-36 32 CHAPTER IV. Geology of Lawrence and Richland Counties, A. H. WOR- THEN 37-50 CHAPTER V. Geology of Wabash and Hamilton Counties, A. H. WOR- THEN 51-65 CHAPTER VI. Geology of White and Hamilton Counties, A. H. WOR- THEN 66-81 CHAPTER VII. Geology of Wayne and Clay Counties, A. H. WORTHEN... ..82-97 CHAPTER VIII. Geology of Cumberland, Coles and Douglass Counties, A. H. WORTHEN 98-111 CHAPTER IX. Geology of Williamson and Franklin Counties, A. H. WORTHEN 112-127 CHAPTER X. Geology of Bond County. G. C. BROADHEAD 128-134 CHAPTER XI. Geology of Fayette County, G. C. BROADHEAD 135-148 CHAPTER XII. /" Geology of Montgomery County, G. C. BROADHEAD 149-155 CHAPTER XIII. Geology of Christian County, G. C. BROADHEAD 156-162 CHAPTER XIV. Geology of Shelby County, G. C. BROADHEAD 163-174 CHAPTER XV. Geology of Effingham County, G. C. BROADHEAD 175-184 33 CHAPTER XVI. Geology of Moultrie, Macon and Piatt Counties, G. C. BROADHEAD 185-196 CHAPTER XVII. Geology of Gallatin County, E. T. Cox 197-219 CHAPTER XVIII. Geology of Saline County, E. T. Cox 220-234 CHAPTER XIX. Geology of Livingston County, H. C. FREEMAN 235-244 PART II. SECTION I. Descriptions of Vertebrates, ORESTES ST. JOHN and A. H. WORTHEX 245-488 SECTION II. Descriptions of Invertebrates, A. H. WORTHEN and E. B. MEEK 489-532 Geological Map of the State of Illinois from Original Surveys, made under the direction of A. H. WORTHEN, State Geologist. 33. A. H. WORTHEX. Descriptions of fifty-four new species of Crinoids from the Lower Carboniferous Limestones and Coal Measures of Illinois and Iowa. In Bulletin No. I, Illinois State Museum of Natural History., pp. 3-38, 1882. 34. A. H. WORTHEN. Corrections and proposed new names for species previously described in Geological Survey of Illinois under names that were pre-occupied ; and descriptions of two new species of fossil shells from the Coal Measures of Illinois and Kansas. In Bull. Xo. I, Illinois State Museum of Xatural History, pp. 38-40. — 5 34 35. A. H. WORTHEN. Economic Geology of Illinois. Reprinted from the original reports of the Geological Survey with additions and amendations. Published by authority of the Legislature of Illinois, Springfield, 1882. Vol. I, pp. 541, Vol. II, pp. 615, Vol. Ill, pp. 596. 36. Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. VII, Geology and Palaeontology, pp. i-iv and 1-373, plates I-XXXI, Imp. 8vo. Chicago, 1883. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Economical Geology, A. H. WORTHEN 1-51 PART II. Palaeontology of Illinois, Section I, Fossil Fishes, ORESTES ST. JOHN and A. H. WORTHEN 52-264 Palaeontology of Illinois. Section II. Description of Fossil Invertebrates. Descriptions of Lower Carboniferous and Coal Measure In- vertebrates, most of which were originally described in Bull. No. I, 111. State Mus. Nat. Hist., A. H. WORTHEN.. 265-322 Descriptions of some new species of Fossil Shells from the Lower Carboniferous Limestones and Coal Measures of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN 323-326 Descriptions of new Carboniferous Echinoderins, A. H. WORTHEN and S. A. MILLER : 327-338 Palaeontology of Illinois. Section III. Descriptions of , Fossil Invertebrates, CHARLES WACHSMUTH and W. H. BARRIS 339-364 37. A. H. WORTHEN. Bulletin No. 2 of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History. Descriptions of two new species of Crustacea, fifty-one species of Mollusca, and three species of Crinoids, from the Carboniferous formation of Illinois and adjacent States, pp. 27, Imp. 8vo. Springfield, March, 1884. 35 38. Geological Survey of Illinois; A. H. WORTHEN, Director, Vol. Till, Geology and Palaeontology, pp. i-xi and 1-728 Plates I-LXXVIII. Posthumous publication, edited by JOSUA LINDAHL. With an appendix, pp. 1-151, and map. Imp. 8vo. Springfield, 1890. CONTEXTS. Table of Contents iii-iv Letter of Transmittal v-xi PART I. GEOLOGY. CHAPTER I. Drift Deposits of Illinois, A. H. WORTHEN 1-24 CHAPTER II. Economical Geology (Coal; Natural Gas and Oil; Artesian Water), A. H. WORTHEN 25-67 PART II. PALEONTOLOGY. SECTION I. Description of Fossil Invertebrates, A. H. WORTHEN 69-154 SECTION II. New species of Crinoids and Blastoids from the Kinder- hook group of the Lower Carboniferous Rocks at Le- Grand, Iowa; and A new genus from the Niagara group of Western Tennessee, CHARLES WACHSMUTH and FRANK SPRINGER 155-208 SECTION III. American Palaeozoic Sponges, E. O. ULRICH 209-241 SECTION IV. Sponges of the Devonian and Carboniferous Systems, E. O. ULRICH... ...243-251 36 SECTION V. Descriptions of Lower Silurian Sponges, E. O. ULRICH and OLIVER EVERETT 253-282 SECTION VI. Palaeozoic Bryozoa, E. 0. ULRICH , 283-678 Index to Part 1 689-691 Index to Part II, Sections I, II 693-699 Index to Part II, Sections III, IV and V... 701-706 Index to Part II, Section VI 707-727 Table of Contents to Part II, Section VI 728 Plates I-LXXVIII and explanations. APPENDIX. The Private Life and Scientific Works of PROF. AMOS HENRY WOKTHEN, by N. W. Bliss and C. A. White, with a portrait of Prof. Worthen, by Jacques Reich 3-37 General Index to Geological Survey of Illinois, A. H. WOR- THEN, Director, Vols. I-VIII, by Josua Lindahl 39-151 Approximate Geological Map of Illinois. The foregoing list comprises all the publications of Professor Worthen that have come to the knowledge of the writer, and it is believed to be nearly or quite complete. It is proper to say that nearly or quite all the matter contained in the publi- cations mentioned in that list, exclusive of the eight large vol- umes of Survey reports, is also contained in those volumes in a completed form. That is, those publications consist of material which was printed in advance of the reports, or of tha.t which has been abstracted from those volumes after their publication. The eight large volumes and accompanying maps therefore represent fairly the results of Professor Worthen 's life work. It is impracticable to present an extended analysis of that work on this occasion, but the following brief summary will serve to give an indication of its magnitude. This great work embraces the geology, both structural and economic, and the palaeontology of Illinois. In the geological division was accomplished the mapping, upon one comprehensive sheet and various smaller ones, the nearly 56,000 square miles which are embraced within the boundaries of that State, 37 in such a way as to show its geological structure and the area occupied by each formation. The geological structure is further shown by numerous measured sections, most of them showing local relations of the strata, but the principal one was con- structed from exposures along the Mississippi river, which forms the whole western boundary of the State. This section shows the relation of the different formations, from the Potsdam Sandstone to the Coal Measures, inclusive, for a distance of more than 600 miles. The immense economic resources of the State are also shown in these volumes. The characteristics and outlines of its 37,000 square miles of productive coal field are recorded. The lead region has been carefully explored and mapped, and the char- acter of its mineral products determined. Besides this the character of the soils of the State is described; and its re- sources in stone and other building material are shown to be abundant and good. The most conspicuous portion of this great work, however, is its palaeontology. This portion is so extensive and elaborate that the volumes of the Illinois survey have long been indis- pensable to every palaeontologist in every part of the world where the palaeozoic formations are studied. The fossil forms described are all well illustrated. They have been collected from all the formations, from the Potsdam Sandstone to the Upper Coal Measures, inclusive: but those of the Lower Carboniferous and the Coal Measures are especially abundant. Some indica- tion of the extent of this palaeontological work is shown by the fact that it embraces the description and illustration of 297 species of vertebrates, 1073 species of invertebrates and 256 species of plants. Nearly 1.500 of these species were first made known to the scientific world through the publications enumer- ated in the foregoing list. Such briefly are the character and extent of the labors of one who for nearly forty years devoted his best energies to their fulfillment. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ILLINOIS. A. H. WORTHEN, DIRECTOR. GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUMES I-VIIL BY DR. JOSUA LLXDAHL. 1890. A. GEOLOGY, with List of Illustrations. B. PALEONTOLOGY: I. SYNOPTIC TABLE. II. PLANTS, III. ANIMALS, APPROXIMATE GEOLOGICAL MAP OF ILLINOIS. GENERAL INDEX TO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ILLINOIS. VOLUMES I— VIII. A. GEOLOGY. Alluvial deposits 1,24; V111.7 Altitudes in niinoi - 1, 3 Grundy Co FV, 192 Will Co IV.224 Ancient soils in the Drift IV, 45; V, 307; Vn,23; VIII, 9, 14, 15, 16. 18 valleys 1,7; IV, 191, 237; VHI,11.28,34 Anticlinal axis 1,5,7; V.39,41; Vn,39; Vm.25 Antiquities — see Indian remain-. Ai chimedes limestone n,13 Area of Illinois 1, 2 Artesian wells in Bureau Co V,172,173 Cass Co Vm, 65 Cook Co EH, 244 Fulton Co Vn,5; Yin. 62 Grundy Co IV,205 Hancock Co V ill, 62, 64, 65 Kane Co IV. 114 LaSalle Co VII, 40, 49,50 Livingston Co VI, 244 Morgan Co VHI,66 Eichland Co Vn,5,7.40: VIII,63 Tazewell Co IV. 189 Warren Co Vm,62,66 Athens (Lockport) Marble 1,133; IV.220 Azoic rocks 1, 19 Barren coal measures 1,48 Barrens and postoak flats HI, 84-87 Bitumen in Cook Co 111,255 Bituminous shales 1, 140, 176,262; V.16 Black slate 1, 119 Blue and Buff limestone 1,165. V.21,22 Boulder Clays— see Quaternary deposits. Building stone VH.34 " , Table showing tests and properties of V.157 Burlington group 1, 102-108 ; VIH, 159 Burrstone 1, 234 Calciferous sandstone 1,149,163; 111,280-282 Calif ornia diggings 1, 142 —6 I I I 42 GENERAL INDEX. Carboniferous system 1,40-118; 111,1-19; VH.58 Cement 1,324; IV, 40: VII.39 CHEMICAL ANALYSES of:— Bituminous shales in Carroll Co. (Cincinnati) 1,140,176 Building materials in Adams County, White limestone (Burlington) 1,107 Brown " 1,108 Alexander Co., Cape Girardeau Marble (Trenton) 1, 148 " " Cook Co., Hydraulic limestone (Niagara) Ill, 574 Greene Co., Hydraulic limestone (St. Louis) 111,573 " Hancock Co., Hydraulic limestone (St. Louis) 1,339 (Keokuk) 1,99 Hardin Co., Oolitic limestone (St. Louis) 1,374 Jackson Co., Limestone (Oriskany) 111,574 Jersey Co., Buff Dolomite (Niagara) 1,136; 111,117 " " " Hydraulic limestone (Hami 'ton).. 111,574 •• " Kane Co., Hydraulic limestone (Niagara) 111,573 " LaSalle Co., Hydraulic limestone (L. Magnesian) 1,151,256 " " Pike Co., Hydraulic limestone (Kinderhook) IV, 40 " " " Brown Dolomite (Niagara) 1,135 " " Sangamon Co., Limestone (Coal measures) 1,61 Union Co., Hydraulic limestone 1,255,256 - " Will Co., Joliet limestone (Niagara) 1,133 Building stones in Iowa, concretionary limestone (Niagara) 1,134 Coal in Adams Co., Coatsburg 1,275 McDonalds Creek IV.50 Mendon IV.58 " Bureau Co., Sheffield 1,276: V.176 Tiskilwa V.179 Calhoun Co., Fruitland Landing IV, 21 Fulton Co., Canton and Cuba 1.275: IV.104 " Grundy Co., Morris 1,277 Henry Co., Kewanee V.197 Bock River V.191 " Jackson Co., Murphysborough 111,77 Knox Co., Bursans Mine 1,276 " Kane Co., Briar Hill 1,267 MaQUon 1,276 Oneida 1,276 [IV, 316] Sinn's Mine 1,276 " LaSalle Co., LaSalle 1,276 Little Vermilion 1,276 N. IlJinois Coal Co's Mine 1,276 Peru 1,276 Macotfcin Co., Hodges Creek V.302 Madison Co., Alton 1,319 Marion Co., Kinmundy VIII,42,691 Marshall Co., Lacon Station 1,276 " McDonough Co., Colchester IV.105; [V.262] Mercer Co., various mines 1, 276 Peoria Co., various mines 1,276; [V.248] Perry Co. DuQuoin 111,98 " Pike Co., Pittsfleld IV.33 " Randolph Co., various mines 1,276; 111,574 " Rock Island Co., Carbon Cliff V,221 Schuyler Co., Pleasant View IV.85 Rushville... IV.86 GENERAL INDEX. 43 CHEMICAL ANALYSES of:— Coal in Scott Co., various mines 111,141.142 St. Clair Co., various mines 1,308,309 Vermilion Co., Danville 17,257 Grape Creek IV, 259 Warren Co., Avon 1,276 Spring Grove 1.276 Coal from Scotland and from Kentucky (for oil) 1,272 Fire-clay in Adams Co., Coatsburg ; 1.275 from England used for glass-melting pots 1,275 Fuels, different kinds 1,260 Ores, iron, in Hardin Co.. pipe ore 1,256 limonite 1. 257 Schuyler Co., Argillaceous carbonate 1.275: HV.87J from Pennsylvania, Argillaceous carbonate 1.275; UV,87] Ores, lead, in Hardin Co., Galena with gold and silver in. 18 from 111. and Wis., Galena with silver 1.188 Water, brine, in Gallatin Co., Saline VT.216 chalybeate in Hamilton Co.. McLeansboro VI.80 Schuyler Co IV, 89 alkaline in Brown Co., Versailles IV, 74 Pike Co., Perry Springs IV.41 Chemical analysis of soil, importance of 1,257 Chemung group , n, x Chester group 1, 41, 77-83; VH. 34 Cincinnati group 1.136-141.172; ll.xviii; 111,324; Vn,58 Clay 1,24,48,275; VH.40 Clear Creek limestone 1,126-129; H.x Climate of Illinois 1,2 Coal, amount produced from a given thickness 1,65 ' analysis of— see Chemical analyses. ' ' anthracite 1,65 " beds, dip of 111,16 ' ' cannel 1, 64.262 ' ' classification of 1,261 " how formed 1,68,209 " production in Illinois in 1867 III. 16; V.7 1880 V.7 Coal fields of Illinois, report by LEO LESQUEBEUX 1,208-237 Coal measures, reports by A. H. WOBTHKN ..1,49-76; 111,1-17; VI.1-8; VH.1-34; Vm.25-54 general sections of, in Illinois 1,234; VI,3; Vn,2 Coal oil 1,72,268-272; VTI,37 Coke and Coking 1.70,268-272 Concretions IV, 18 Cone in cone, or Tuten mergel VI. 128,131 Conglomerate 1,48,82; m,l,9.68 Copper in the drift, native V.101; VHI.19 Coralline beds 1, 177 Cornif erous group 1,120; in, 407 COUNTIES,* geological reports on Vols. I, III- VII * The items of each county report are not arranged alphabetically in this index, but generally in the following order: Physical features, Sections of Strata. Stratigraphical Geology (in chronological order). Economical Geology, Indian antiquities. 44 GENERAL INDEX. Adams Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) IV.43-61 Physical features IV.43 " Section of strata IV, 44 Quaternary deposits 1V.46; VIII,8,15 " Coal measures IV, 48 St. Louis group IV, 51 Keokuk group IV, 53 Burlington group IV,55 Kinderhook group IV, 57 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, limestone for lime, fire and potter's clay, clay and sand for brick, soil and timber) IV, 58 Alexander Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN and H. ENGELMANN) 111,20-32 Physical features 111,20 Section of strata Ill, 21 Tertiary System 111,21 " Black Slate, Hainilton.and Corniferous gr 111,22 ' ' Onondaga group Ill, 23 " Clear Creek Limestone 111,24 " Lower Helderberg Limestone 111,25 Cincinnati group 111,26 Thebes Sandstone and Shale 1,139; 111,27 • ' Trenton Limestone 111,28 " Economical Geology (lead and iron ores, building stone and marble, clay and sand, road material, agriculture) 111,19 Bond Co.. (G. C. BBOADHEAD) VI.128-134 " Physical features, timber and soil VI, 129 Sections of strata VI, 128-133 " Quaternary deposits VI, 130 Coal Measures VII, 131 " Economical Geology, (coal, building material, fire clay, water, soil and agriculture) VI, 134 Boone Co., (JAMES SHAW) V.95-103 Physical features V, 95 " Section of strata V,97 " Quaternary deposits V,97 Cincinnati shales V,98 Galena limestone V,99 Blue limestone V, 100 Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, bog-iron ore, copper in the drift, chalybeate springs, sand and clay, peat, agriculture) — V.100 Indian relics V.102 Brown Co.. (A. H. WOBTHEN) IV.62-74 Physical features IV, 62 Sections of strata r. IV, 63, 65, 70 ' ' Quaternary deposits IV, 63 ' ' Coal measures IV, 65 St. Louis group IV, 68 Keokuk group IV.69 Economical Geology, (potter's clay, fire clay, building stone, limestone for lime, sand and clay for brick, soil and agriculture, mineral springs and analyses) IV.70 Bureau Co., (JAMES SHAW) V, 167-184 . ' ' Physical features V, 167 " Sections of strata V.169-180 Quaternary deposits V.170 " Coal measures V.172 GENERAL INDEX. 45 Bureau Co..(Cincinna?i and Trenton) V.181 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, clays, sand, peat, agricul- ture) V.182 Calhoun Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN IV.1-23 Physical features IV.l Fault at Cap au Gres -. IY.2t 'Sections of strata 1,111 IV,3,4,13,16 St. Peter sandstone IV H Trenton group FV,4 Cincinnati group IV.5 Niagara limestone IV,6 Hamilton limestone IV.8 Kinderhook group IV. 9 Burlington limestone IV,12 Keokuk limestone IV, 14 St. Louis group IY.15 Coal Measures IV, 15,21 Quaternary system, drift, loess IV.17 Economical Geology, (building stone, limestone for lime, glass sand, iron ore, mineral springs, agriculture and soil) IV.18 Carroll Co., (JAMES SHAW) V.75-81 Physical features V,75 Galena limestone 1,142 ; V, 76 Cincinnati group V,77 Niagara C'Pentamerus beds") V,78 Quaternary system V.79; VHI.IO Cass and Menard Counties, (H. M. BANNISTEB) IT, 1' 3-175 Physical features IV.163 Sections of strata IV,164-173; VH.14- 2: Vin,16,61 Quaternary IV, 164 ; VTTT, 8, 16 Coal measures IV.165; VII.42 Economical Geology, (coal, iron ore, building stone, other building materials) IV, 173; VII, 14 Champaign, Edgar and Ford Counties (FBANK H. BBADLEY) IT, 266-275 Section of strata IV, 276, 270, 272; VHI,17,27 Quaternary deposits IV, 266, 272, 273: VUUL, 12,28 Coal measures IV, 267, 271 ; VIII, 26 Ancient channel from Lake Michigan IY.273 ; VLU, 12 Christian Co., (G. C. BBOADHEAD) YI.156-162 General features, soil, timber, crops, etc VI, 156 Sections of strata VI.128, ;59-161; VEI,22; Vm,15,16 Quaternary VI, 158 Coal measures VI, 159 Economical geology, (coal, building material) VI, 162 Clark Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) VI.9-21 Sections VI.10-19 Quaternary deposits VI, 10 Coal measures VI, 10 Economical geology, (coal, building stone, lime, potter's clay, soil timber) VI, 20 Clay Co.— See "Wayne and Clay counties. Clinton Co., (H. ENGELMAX) 111,172-191 Physical feature - Ill, 172 46 GENERAL INDEX. Clinton Co., Sections of strata 1,223, 111,178 Upper Coal measures (Upper Sandstone, Shoal Creek limestone, Slaty division. Lower sandstone) 111,174 Lower Coal Measures 111,174; VII, 9,10 Economical geology, (coal, iron ores, building material agriculture) . . Ill, 186 Coles Co.— See Cumberland, Coles and Douglas Counties. Cook Co.,(H. M. BANNISTEE) m,239-256 Physical features III. 239 Sections of strata 111,241,244 Quaternary deposits 111,240 Niagara group 111,245 Artesian boring (Niagara— Lower Magnes ian) Ill, 244 'Economical Geology, (building stone, lime and cement, clay, sand, peat, bitumens, minerals in the drift, soil) 111,253 Crawford Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) TI.22-30 Physical features V.22 Sections of strata. VI.23-28 Quaternary deposits VI.22 Coal measures VI, 23 Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, iron ore, sand, gravel, clay, soil, timber) VI.29 Indian mounds VI, 90 Cumberland, Coles and Douglas Counties. (A. H. WOBTHEN) VI.98-111 Physical features VI.98,104,110 Sections of strata VI.99-109; VIII,17,26 ' ' Upper Coal measures (no coal seams) VI.98, 105, 110 " Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, iron ore, sand, clay, soil, timber) VI.103, 109 DeKalb.Kane and DuPage Counties (H. M. BANNISTEB) IV, 111-125 ' ' Physical features IV, 111 Sections of strata IV.114,138 ' ' Quaternary system IV.112 Niagara group IV.114 Cincinnati group IV, 121 ' ' Trenton group IV.122 ' ' Economical Geology, (building stone, limestone for lime, other build- ing material, peat, agriculture, etc) IV, 125 DeWitt Co., (No general report.) sections at Clinton and Farmer City VII. 16: VIII.13,34.35,58 Douglas Co.— See Cumberland, Coles and Douglas Counties. DuPage Co.— See DeKalb, Kane and DuPage Counties. Edgar Co.— See Champaign, Edgar and Tord Counties. Edwards Co.— See Wabash and Edwards Counties. Efflngham Co., (G. C. BBOADHEAD) VI.175-184 Physical features VI, 175 Sections of Strata VI.176-181; VH.33; VIII.55 Quaternary deposits VI, 176 ' ' Coal measures VI, 177 Economical Geology, (coal, iron ore, building rock, potter's clay, water, soil, "scalds") VI.182 Fayette Co., (G. C. BBOADHEAD and A. H. WOBTHEN) VI, 135-148 Physical features VI , 135 Sections of strata... VI. 128, 137-142, 147 GENERAL INDEX. 47 Fayerte Co.. Quaternary deposits VI, 137 Coal measures .- VI, 139,147 Economical Geology, (coal, building rock, road material, agricul- ture, water) VI. 143 Indian relics VI, 146 Ford Co.— See Champaign Edgar and Ford Counties. Franklin Co.— See Williamson and Franklin Counties. Fulton Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) IV,90-110 Physical features IY.90 Sections of strata IV. 93-103 ; VH, 3-6; VIII. 68 Quaternary deposits IV, 91 Coal measures IV, 92; VII.3-6 St. Louis limestone IV, 103 Economical Geology, (coal, fire clay, iron ore. building stone, lime- stone for lime, sand and clay for brick, agriculture).. IV, 103; VII, 3-6, 36 List of trees and shrubs in Fulton County IV, 109 Gal'atin Co.. (E. T. Cox) VI, 197-219 Physical features VI. 197 Sections of strata 1.213; VI, 4, 198t, 200-212 Quaternary deposits VI, 213, 214 Coal measures :1.213; VI.2"2; VH.4,7; Vm,54 Chester group VI.200 Economical Geology, (coal, brine springs, clay, iron-stone, building stone auicklime, potter's clay, agriculture) VI, 213 Indian relics VI, 216 Greene Co.. (A. H. WOBTHEN) m,122-133 Physical features HI, 122 Sections of strata m, 123-126; YH, 3, 12 Quaternary deposits rn,123 Coal measures HI.124 St. Louis limestone 111,127 Keokuk limestone m, 128 Burlington limestone m, 129 Kinderhook group m, 130 Economical Geology, (coal, clays, hydraulic limestone, iron ore, lime- stone for lime, building stone, agriculture) in, 130 Grundy Co.. (FBANK H. BBADLET) IY.190-206 Physical features, elevations, etc IV, 190,192 Sections of strata IV, 195 Quaternary deposits IV, 191 Coal measures 1,55; IV.194 Cincinnati group IV,200 Trenton limestone IV.201 St Peter sandstone IV.201 Economical Geology, (coal, brick, potters' clay, building stone, lime, hydraulic lime, sand and gravel, iron ore, water, gas.) IV, 202 Hamilton Co.— See White and Hamilton Counties. Hancock Co.. (A. H. WOBTHKK) 1,327-349 Physical features 1,327 Sections of strata 1,25,86,329-338; Vm,7,65 Quaternary deposits 1,25 Cretaceous fossils in the drift VIII, 5 Coal measures 1,86,330 48 GENERAL INDEX. Hancock Co., St. Louis limestone 1,84,333 Keokuk limestone 1,89-102,334 Geodes from the Keokuk limestone, a report by GEO. J. BBUSH,..I,90-% Economical Goology, (building stone, hydraulic limestone, potter's clay, coal, agriculture) 1,338 Statistics on vine and fruit in Hancock county, by N. W. BLISS.. 1, 341-349 Hardin Co., (A. H. WOETHEN and H. ENGELMAN> ) 1,350-375 Physical features 1,350 Map of Hardin Co opp. 1,350 Sections of strata 1,356 Coal measures (millstone grit, conglomerate sandstone) 1,351,359 Chester group 1,350 St. Louis group (including the lead bearing strata)... 1, 87, 350, 353; 111,17-19 Keokuk group 1,350,353 Kinderhook group 1,352 Black slate (Devonian) 1,352 Keport on the Eosiclare Lead Mines, with 4 maps and plans, by Dr. J. G. NORWOOD 1,366-372 Economical Geology, (coal, iron ores, galena, zinc blende, fluor spar, mineral springs, building material, agriculture) 1,362,372; 111,17-19 Henderson Co., (H. A. GBEENE) .IV.276-287 Physical features IV, 276 Sections of Strata IV.279-285 " Quarternary deposits IV, 277 " Coal measures IV.278 St. Louis group IV, 278 Keokuk group IV.279 Burlington group IV,281 Kinderhook group IV.285 " Economical Geology, (building stone, limestone for lime, coal, clay, zinc blende, agriculture) IV, 286 Henry Co., (JAMES SHAW and A. H. WOETHEN) V, 185.201 Physical features V.184 Sections of strata V.187-199 Quarternary deposits V.187 Coal measures (lower) V.188; VII, 4 ' ' Devonian limestone (Hamilton) V.187 ' ' Niagara limestone (LeClair) V, 187 Economical Geology, (coal, stone, clays, agriculture) V.200 Iroquois Co., (see Kankakee and Iroquois counties.) Jackson Co., (A. H. WOETHEN and H. ENGELMANN) 111,58-83 Physical features, (with four steel engravings from sketches of "The Devil's Bake-Oven" and "Back-Bone" (Devonian), by PAULUS BOETTEB 111,58 Sections of strata 111,61-73; VIII, 52 Quarternary deposits 111,75 Lower Coal measures 111,69; VIII, 53 List of 66 localities of coal in the county 111,74 Conglomerate 111,68 Chester group 111,65 St. Louis and Keokuk groups III. 64 Hamil' on group 111,63 Oriskany group 111,62 Onondaga group 111,62 GENERAL INDEX. 49 Jackson Co., Lower Helderberg group 111,62 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, iron ores, lead ore, saltpetre, brine, sand and clays, agriculture) 111,76 Jasper Co.. (A. H. WOBTHES) VI, 31-36 Physical features VI,31 Sections of strata YI.33-35 Quarternary deposits VI, 31 Coal measures VI.31 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, lime, sand and clay, soil and timber) YI.35 Jefferson Co., (H. EXGELMAITN) m,219-238 Physical features 111,219 Coal measures m.220; Vm.56 . " Economical Geology, (coal, mineral springs, building material, agri- culture) 111,235 Jersey Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) IH,104-121 Physical features 111,104 Four steel engravings of landscapes in the county, showing outcrops of Subcarboniferous and Niagara rocks— Opp. 111,59,61; IV.front- ispiece; V, frontispiece. Sections of strata m,105-109 ' ' Quarternary deposits HI, 105 Coal measures HI, 107; VII, 12 St . Louis group HI, 11 1 Keokuk group HI, 112 " Burlington group m,113 Kinderhook group HI, 115 Black slate group HI, 115 Hamilton group HI, 116 Niagara group HI, 116 Cincinnati group Ht.117 Trenton group HI, 118 Economical Geology, (coal, clays, hydraulic limestone, lime, building stone, soil, timber, etc.) HI.118 JoDaviess Co., (JAMES SHAW) , V.25-56 Physical features V. 25 Map of the Galena Lead Region opp. 1,154 Diagram of lead bearing crevices near Galena opp. 1,182 View of lead bearing rocks and furnace near Galena I, frontispiece Sections of strata 1,141,16-2,174; V.38 Quaternary deposits V, 28 Niagara limestone V, 33 Cincinnati group V.35 Galena limestone V.36 Trenton limestone V.38 Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, clays and sand, min- erals,) V.39 Lead mining 1,153-207; V.40-56 JOHNSON Co,, (H. EKGET.MAXX) 1,376-409 Physical features 1,376 Sections of strata 1,380-397: Vm,54 Tertiary ? sand 1, 409 Coal measures (Conglomerate beds) 1,397-404 Chester group 00 distinct divisions) 1,381-397 — 7 50 GENERAL INDEX. Johnson Co., St. Louis group 1,378-381 Economical Geology, (coal, iron ore, saltpetre, mineral springs, build- ing material, agriculture) 1,404,409 Kane Co.— See DeKalb, Kane and DuPage counties. Kankakee and Iroquois Counties, (F. H. BB ADLEY) IV, 226- 240 Physical features IV, 226 Sections of strata IV, 231-237; VII.25 Quaternary (ancient channel of Lake Michigan) IV, 226-230 ; VIII, 11 Coal measures IV, 231 Niagara limestone I V , 232 Cincinnati group IV, 233 Economical Geology, (coal, bog-iron, peat, building stone, water) ..IV, 234 Kendall Co., (H. M. BANNISTER) IV, 136-148 Physical features IV, 136 Sections (vertical) of strata IV, 1 11-145 Longitudinal section from Montgomery, Kane Co., to Milford IV.138 Drift IV, 137 Coal measures IV, 138 Niagara group IV, 139 Cincinnati group IV, 140 Galena and Trenton limestones IV, 143 St. Peter's sandstone IV, 146 Economical Geology, (building materials, sulphur springs, peal) — IV, 147 Knox Co., (H. A. GBEEN) IV.313-324 Physical features IV, 313 Sections of strata IV, 314-322 Quaternary deposit- IV, 313 Coal measures I,22f»; IV, 314-322 Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, coal) IV, 322 Lake Co.— See McHenry and Lake Counties. LaSalle Co., (LEO LESQUEREUX) 1,231-237 (C. H. FREEMAN) 111,257-287 (A. H. WORTHEN) VIM, 39-51 Geological map of the county (exc. Tps. 29 and 30, K. 2, E.) ....opp. 111,256 Physical features 111,256 Sections (vertical) 1,231; 111,263-286; VII, 41-51 Sections (longitudinal 111,261,270 Quaternary deposits 111,262; VII, 51 Coal measures 1,231 237; 111,264-275; VII, 40-50 Trenton limestone 111,276 ; VII, 40 St. Peter's sandstone 111,279; VII, 39 Calciferous 111,280; VII.50 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, lime, glass, sand, hydraulic cement, fire clay, peat, mineral springs, artesian wells, natural gas) Ill, 282 ; VII , 39-51 Lawrence and Richland counties. (A. H. WORTHEN) VI, 37-50 Physical features VI, 37, 44 Sections of strata VI, 38-48; VII.8 Quaternary deposits VI, 37,44 Coal measures VI, 38, 45: VII, 8 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, iron ore, lime, agricul- ture) ...VI.42,48 GENERAL INDEX. 51 Lee Co., (JAMES SHAW) V.124-139 Physical features V, 124 Sections of strata. V.126 Quaternary deposits V.134: Vlil.ll Niagara limestone V.132 Cincinnati group V.131 Galena limestone V, 129 Blue or old Trenton V.128 Buff limestone V.128 St Peter's sandstone V.126 Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, clays and sands, glass sand, peat, agriculture V.134 Livingston Co.. (H. C. FBEEMAN) YI.235 Physical features VI.235 Sections of strata YI.237-244; Till, 14, 28-31 Quaternary deposits VI, 236 ; VLTJ, 12, 14 Coal measures VI.238 ; Vin.28-31 Artesian well VI,244 Logan Co.— See Tazewell, McLean, Logan and Mason counties. Macon Co.— See Moultrie, Macon and Piatt counties. Macoupin Co.. (A. H. WOBTHEX) Y, 286-305 Physical features V.286 Sections of strata V.287-295; VII, 12; Tin.51 Quarternary deposits Y,286,305 Coal measures 1,2.6; Y.287-301 ; YII.12 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, lime, iron ore. fire clay, sand and clay for bricks, agriculture) V.301 Madison Co., (A. H. WOETHEN) 1,313-326 Physical features '. 1,313 Sections of strata 1,59,317-321 Quarternary deposits 1,314 Coal measures 1,59,316; VII, 10 Chester group 1,321 St Louis limestone 1,321 Keokuk geodiferous sha;es 1,322 Economical Geology, (coal, clays, lime, building stone) 1,322 Marion Co., (HEXBT EXGELMAXN) 113,172-218 Physical features 111,192 Sections of strata ffl.194-203; YI,5; VH.9; VTQ, 18.41-44 Quarternary deposits VLLL, 18 Coal measures ni,193; VI.5; VH.6,9; VHI.41-44 Economical Geology, (coal, iron ores, salt, building materials, agri- culture) 1 IH.215 Marshall and Putnam Counties, (JAMES SHAW) V, 202-216 Physical features V, 202.211 Sections of errata V.208,211; Vn,29; Vm,13 Quaternary deposits V, 203,213 Coal measures V, 204, 214 Economical Geology, (coal, building materials) V, 209,216 Mason Co.— See Tazewell, McLean, Logan and Mason Counties. .iC CO.. (HEXBY EXGELMAXX) 1,428-455 Physical features 1,428 Sections of strata 1,441,445 52 GENERAL INDEX. Massac Co.. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary formations 1,447 Chester group 1, 438 St. Louis group 1,435 ' ' Economical Geology, (lead and iron ores, fluor spar, building mater- ials, agriculture) 1, 452 Indian remains 1,455 McDonough Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) V.253-2C5 Physical features V.253 Sections of strata : V.254-261; VII.24 Quaternary deposits V.254 Coal measures V.255; 1,228 " St. Louis group V.260 Keokuk group V, 261 " Economical Geology, (coal, flre clay, iron ore, building materials, agriculture) V.261 McHenry and Lake Counties (HENBY M. BANNISTEB) IV, 126-135 Physical features IV.126 Sections of strata IV.129; VIII.12 " Quaternary deposits IV, 129 Niagara group IV.131 Cincinnati group IV, 132 Galena limestone (?) IV, 133 Economical Geology, (building materials, peat) IV, 133 McLean Co.— See Tazewell, McLean, Mason and Logan Counties. Menard Co.— See Cass and Menard Counties. Mercer Co.. (H. A. GBEEN) IV.301-312 Physical features IV, 301 Sections of strata IV.303-307 Quaternary deposits IV, 302 Coal measures IV, 302 Kinderhook group IV.307 Economical Geology, (building stone, lime, coal, agriculture) IV.307 Monroe Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) V.266-285 Physical features V.266 Section of strata (longitudinal) V.269 Sections of strata (vertical) 1,112; V.270-278 Quaternary deposits V.267 Coal measures V, 270 Chester group V.272 St. Louis group V.274 Keokuk group V, 277 Burlington group V, 278 Trenton group V, 279 Economical Geology, (building stone, marble, coal, iron ore, hydraulic limestone, lime, brick materials, agriculture) V.281 Montgomery Co., (G. C. BBOADHEAD) VI, 149-155 Physical features VI, 149 Sections of strata VI, 128, 151-154; VII,27,37; VIII, 46 Quaternary deposits VI, 150 Coal measures VI, 151; VII.27; VIII.46 Economical Geology, (coal, building rock, agriculture) : VI, 153 Natural oil... VII.37 GENERAL INDEX. 53 Morgan Co.. (HENBY M. BAXXISTEB) IV, 149-162 Physical features V, 149 Sections of strata IV.150-1GO; YII,32; VHI,50.66 Quaternary deposits IT, 150 Coal measures IY.151; Vn,32; VI 11,50 St. Louis limestone IV.ltiO Economical Geology, (coal, clays, building material) IV, 161 Artesian wells Vin, 66 iloultrie. Macon and Piatt Counties, (G. C. BBOADHEAD) VI, i 5-1% Physical features VI, 185, 189, 194 Sections of strata VI.186-195; Vn,17: VIII. 15,48 Quaternary deposits VI, 186, 190, 195; VIII, 15 Coal measures VI,187,193; VII. 17; VIH.48 Agriculture and water VI, 188, 192, 196 Ogle Co., UAMES SHAW) V.104-123 Physical features V, 104 Sections of strata V, 107 Quaternary deposits V.107, V ill, 10 Cincinnati group V, 110 Galena limestone V.lll Blue limestone V.113 Buff limestone , V.115 St. Peter sandstone V, 115 Lower Magnesian limestone V.118 Economical Geology, (stone, peat, clays and sand, agriculture) V.119 Peoria Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) V.235-252 Physical features V.235 Sections of strata 1,53,230; V.236-245 Quarternary deposits V.235 Coal measures 1,52.229; V.238; VH.6 Economical Geology, (coal, building stone, iron ore, cla>s, sand, gravel, agriculture) V.247 Analyses of coal V.248 Perry Co.. (A. H. WOBTHEN and E. EXGELMAXS) 111,84-103 Physical features 111,84 Sections of strata 111,86-96; Vm,56 Quarternary deposits m,86 Coal measures 1,220; D3.87; VHI.56 Economical Geology, (coal, iron ores, building stone, sand, clay, ag- riculture) 111,97 Analyses of coal 111,98 Salt wells VH.38 Piatt Co.— See Moultrie, Macon and Piatt counties. Pike Co., (A. H. WOBTHEN) IV, -24-42 Physical features IV, 24 Sections of strata IV, 26,27 Quarternary deposits IV, &5 Coal measures IV, 32 St. Louis limestone „ IV, 32 Keokuk group IV.31 Burlington limestone IV.29 Kinderhook group I V , :.>; Niagara limestone I V,2>. 11.280; VIII, 103, 105. II, 297—299 n, 320— 324; V, 566-573; VII. 318; YUI, 104, 106. Brachiopoda. V. 520—522 V.541. VII. 325; VIIL134. Pteropoda. II, 159,160; 111,457,458. III.506— 510 VII. 325: VIII, 137. H.260; V. 516— 520; VIII, 138, 141-144 H, 284— 286, VIII, 143, 144. n.302— 304; VII. 325; VIII. 141- 145. n.351— 385; Y,589—608; Vm, 135— 147. Gasteropoda. IL Ifi2— 165 111,458— 460 VII, 325 V. 022-525 11,286; V, 543— 545; VIII, 150. 11,304—309; VII, 323- 325; Yin, 149. H, 386— 393; V,608-€12; YI. 531, 532; VII. 324; YHI.148,150. Cephalopoda. 11.157; III.453— 456 VIII, 115, 118, 11.231; VIII, 13". 11.256— 258; 111,532-539 VI, 52- VIII, 108— 133. 11.281—284; V, 539—541 ; VII, 326; VIII, 109... 132. 11.300-302: VnjK: vni, 107- 130. n, 326— 350; V, 573-589; VI, 529— 531; VII.319; VIII.110...129, Lamelli- branchiata. n,462. Annelida. in, 460. V, 525—529 Y, 612-618. Trilobita. VHI, 154 Yin, 153 11,393—408; 111,540—555; V, 618, 619. Other Crustacea. IH409— 411 ; n,, 556— 568. Arachnida, tfyriopoda and Insecta. II. i; VI. 483-488 Vll.261. n.il; IV. 355... 374; VI. 483— 488 VII. 261- •264. II.ii.iii; IV, 356... 368. VI. 483- 488; VII, 261- 264. Il.iii; IV, 354... 369; VI. 483— 488 VII, 261— 264. II. iv; IV. 3.1s; VI. 483-488 VII, 261- 264. H.v; [V, 347... 372; VI. 483— 188. VU, 261-264. Pisces, 11,135—141. Batrachia. —9 66 GENERAL INDEX. II. FOSSIL PLANTS. Numbers in full face refer to. pages where diagnoses are given; an asterisk (*) after the number indicates that an illustration of the species is given on the plates; a cross (t) after the number indicates that an illustration of the species is given in the text. Vol. H, Vol. IV, page. page. Alethopteris Sternberg and Goeppert 438 391 aquilina Brongniart 438 472 callosa Lesquereux 472 ( coxiana Lsqx.) 469 crenulata Brgt 439 392* oristata Gutbier. 395 dournardii Brgt 439 erosa Gutbier 394 emarginata Goepp 398* falcata Lesqx 396* halli Lesqx 394* hymenophylloides Lesqx 393* inflata Lesqx 393* lanceolata Lesqx 398* longifolia Brgt 469 massillonis Lesqx 438* 472 mazoniana Lesqx 391* muricata Brgt 395 nervosa Brgt 472 oweni Lesqx 439 pectinata Lesqx 469 pluckneti Brgt 395 Pennsylvania Lesqx 469 ( rugosa Lepqx) 469 serlii Brgt 439 472 solida Lesqx 397* spinulosa Lesqx 396* stellata Lesqx 440* 472 Annularia Brongniart 444 422 calamitoides Schimper 423 inflata Lesquereux 423* longif olia Brongniart 473 (Brgt?) Lesqx 422* sphenophylloides Unger 469 473 Aphlebia Presl 410,414 Artisia Sternberg 446 ' ' transversa St'-rnb 446 474 Asterocarpus Auctorum grandis Lesqx 469 GENERAL INDEX. 67 VOL n. vol. rv. page. page. Asterophyllites Brgt 444 424 equisetiformis Brgt 444 473 fob'osus Lindley and Hutton 469 424 grandis Lindley and Hu ton 424 lanceolatus Lesqx 444 473 longifol us Goeppert 444 424 ovalis Lesqx 473 rigid us Brgt 469 424* sublaevis Lesqx 444 473 tuberculatus Le^qx 424 Bythrotrephes Hall VILE, 255,280 Calamites Suckow 446 approximatus Brgt 445 474 bistriatus Lesqx 445 473 cistii Brgt 445 473 cruciatus Sternberg 445 473 nodosus Brgt 464 473 pachyderma Brgt 445 473 ramosus Brgt 445 473 suckowi Brgt 445 421 undulatus Brgt 474 Callipteris Brgt 440 sullivanti Lesqx 440* 468 Carpolithes Sternberg *460 463 bullatus Lesqx 463* cistula Lesqx 461* 475 eorticosus Lesqx 462* fasciculatus Lesqx 461* 475 ' ' jacksonen-is Lesqx 461* 475 multistriatus Sternberg 460* 475 persicaria Lesqx 462* vesicularis Lesqx 462* Caulopteris Lindley and Hutton 458 457 acanthopora Lesqx 458* insignis Lesqx 459* 475 intermedia Lesqx 459 obte^ta Lesqx 457* wortheni Lesqx 459* 475 Chondrites Sternberg 379 colletti Lesqx 379 Cordaites Unger 443 420 augustifolia Lesqx 420 borassif oLa Unger 443 473 Dictyopteris Gutbier 388 rubella Lesqx 388* obliqua Bunbury 389 Distribution of Fossil Plants, stratigraphical and geographical 500 ' ' in Illinois 471 Equisetites Sternberg 425 occidentals Lesqx 425* Fossil Flora of the Illinois Coal fields 468 471 ' ' plants affinities of 489 modes of preservation of 478 68 GENERAL INDEX. Vol. II, Vol. IV. page. page. Halonia Lindley and Hutton 450 tuberculata? Brgt 451 Hymenophyllites Goeppert 436 410 adnascens Lindley and Hutton 414* alatus? Geinitz 437* 411 arborescens Lesqx 415* clarki Lesqx 438* 416* delicatulns Brgt 412 furcatus Brgt 470 var. membranaceus Gutb 413 gutbieranus Presl 438 416 hirsutus? Lesqx 437 473 inflatus Lesqx 414* ' ' lactuca Gutbier 415 mollis Lesqx 418* myriophyllum Brgt 412 pinnatifidus Lesqx 436* 473 schlotheimi Brgt 412 spinosus (Goeppert) 436* 473 splendens Lesqx 413* strong! Lesqx 417* tenuifolius Brgt 413 thallif ormis Lesqx 417* trichomanoides Brgt 411 tridactylites Brgt 411 Knorria Sternberg and Goeppert 466 445 ' ' imbricata Sternberg 445 " selloni Sternberg 415 Leiodermarize Goldenberg 450 Lepidodendron Sternberg 451 428 clypeatum Lesqx 455 474 costatum Lesqx 453* 474 cruciatum Lesqx 432* diplotegioides Lesqx 452* 474 elegans Brongniart 433 forulatum Lesqx 431* gracile Brgt 433 ? greeni Lesqx 433* modulatum Lesqx 430 morrisianum Lesqx 430* mamillatum Lesqx 432* obovatum Sternberg 455 474 obscurum Lesqx 453* 474 ( ornatissimum Brgt) 436 radicans Lesqx 454* 474 ringens Lesqx 429* rugosum Brgt 433 simplex Lesqx 454* 474 tijoui Lesqx 431* turbinatum Lesqx 453* 474 veltheimianum Sternb 455 474 wortheni Lesqx ..452* 474 GENERAL INDEX. 69 Vol. H, VoL IV. page. page. Lepidophloyos Sternberg 457 439 auriculatus Lesqx 439* laricinus Sternb 440 obcordatus Lesqx 457* 440 protuberans Lesqx , 440* Lepidophyllum Brongniart 456 443 auriculatum Lesqx 457* foliaceum Lesqx 444* lanceolatum Brgt 456 474 majus Brgt 456 474 rostellatum Lesqx 443* striatum Lesqx 443* Lepidostrobus Brongniart 455 440 connivens Lesqx 442* hastifolius Lesqx 456 474 lancifolius Lesqx 442* oblongifolius Lesqx 441* ornatus Brgt 443 ovatifolius Lesqx 441* princeps Lesqx 455* 474 truncatus Lesqx 442* sp. Lesqx 440* Lycopodites Brongniart 447 426 annularifefolius Lesqx 426* asterophyllitif olius Lesqx 447* 474 meeki Lesqx 426* Megaphytum Artis 457 mac-layi Lesqx 458* 475 protaberans Lesqx 458* 475 Neuropteris Brongniart 427 380 angustifolia Brgt 467 capitata Lesqx 383* clarksoni Lesqx 428 471 collinsi Lesqx 382* coriacea Lesqx 387* crenulata Brgt 468 desori Lesqx 430 471 eveni Lesqx 430* 471 fasciculata Lesqx 381* flmbriata Lesqx 384* flssa Lesqx 432 flexuosa Brgt 428 471 heterophylla Brgt 430 471 hirsuta Lesqx 427* 380 inflata Lesqx 431* 387 loschii Brgt 428 471 microphylJa Brgt 467 pachyderma Lesqx 430* 471 plicata Sternb 428 471 rarinervis Bunbury 428 386* rotundifolia Sternb 428 ' 471 tenuifolia Brgt 428 471 verbenifolia Lesqx 431* 385* vermicularis Lesqx 385* villiersi Brgt 429 471 70 GENERAL INDEX. Vol II, Vol. IV. page. page. Odontopteris Brongniart 432 390 asqualis Lesqx 434* 472 bradleyi Lesqx 390* heterophylla Lesqx 433* 472 schlotheimi Brgt 391 subcuneata Bunbury 433* 390* wortheni Lesqx 432* 472 Pachypteris Brongniart 419 gracillima Lesqx 419* Palaeophycus Hall VIII, 255 Palseoxyris Brongniart 464 appendiculata Lesqx 465* ' ' corrugata Lesqx 466* prendeli Lesqx 464* Pecopteris Brongniart 441 399 abbreviate Brgt 441 403 acuta Brgt 442 472 arborescens Brgt 442 472 arguta Brgt 402* aspidioides Brgt 403 bucklandi Brgt • 401 callosa Lesqx 442* candolliana Brgt 401 ' ' chserophylloides Brgt 448 404 cisti Brgt 441 472 ( " cristata Gutbier) 395 ( " ) crenulata Brgt 439 cyathea Brgt 469 472 dentata Brgt 40t ( ' ' elegans Germar) 403 ( ' ' erosa Gutbier) 394 ' ' flavicans ? Presl 404 grandini Brgt 469 " hemiteloides Brgt 401 lepidorrhachis Brgt 442 472 ( " miltoni Brgt) 441 ( ," muricataBrgt.) 395 murrayana Brgt 443 472 nervosa Brgt 442 " newberryi Lesqx 443 472 oreopterides Brgt 442 472 plumosa Brgt 442 472 polymorpha Brgt 441 472 pteroides Brgt 441 472 sillimani Brgt 401 squamosa Lesqx 400* strongi Lesqx 399* unita Brgt 442 472 ' ' var. elegans (Germar) 403 velutina Lesqx 442 472 villosa Brgt 442 402 Pinnularia Lindley and Hutton 461 capillacea Lindl. and Hutt 462 475 (Polypodites elegans Germar) 403 GENERAL INDEX. 71 Vol. n. Vol. IV, page. page. Rhabdocarpus Goeppert and Berger 461 clavatus Hernb 461 mamillatus Lesqx 461 Rhizolites F. Braun 453 Schizopteris Auctorum 411 anomala Brgt 419 ) mollis Lesqx 418* Schutzia Goeppert — 427 bracteata Lesqx 427* Selaginites BroDgniart 446 carvifolius Lesqx 446 474 crassus Lesqx 446* 474 uncinatus Lesqx 446* 474" Sigillaria Brongniart , 448 445 alternans Lindley and Hutton 447 brardei Brgt : 451 475 cisti Brgt 447 corrugata Lesqx 445* intermedia Brgt 451 475 massiliensis Lesqx 446* ( •' menardi Brgt) 450* 435 monostigma Lesqx 449* 446* reniformis Brgt 451 475 sculpta Lesqx 450 474 spinulosa Germar 477 tesselata Brgt 451 475 yardleyi Lesqx 451 475 Sigillariae semina 463 Sigillarioides Lesquereux 449 radieans Lesqx 449* stellaris Lesqx 450* Sphenophyllum Brongniart 444 421 cornutum Lesqx 421* emarginatum Brgt 444 421 filiculme Lesqx 422 schlotheimi Brgt 444 473 Sphenopteris Brongniart 435 408 abbreviata Lesqx 436 473 elegans Brgt 410 ( " flavicans? Presl.) 404 gracilis Brgt 408* irregularis Sternb 435 473 latif olia Brgt 435 473 mixta Schimper 409* obtusiloba Brgt 435 473 paupercula Lesqx 435* 473 rigida Brgt 435* scaberrima Lesqx 408* ( " sinuosa Lesqx 409 trifoaata Brgt 410 Staphylopteris Presl 405 asteroides Lesqx 406* sagittata Lesqx 4C7* stellata Lesqx 405 wortheni Lesqx 405* 72 GENERAL INDEX. Vol II, Vol. IV, page. page. Stigmaria Brongniart 447 451 ' ' anabathra Corda 448 elliptica Lesax 451* ( " ?) eveni Lesax 448* flcoides Brgt 447 452 " var. reticulata Goeppert 448 " stelluta Goep 448 " undulata Goep 448 minor Goep 448 umbonata Lesax 448 452 undulata Goep 448 Stigmarioides Lesquereux 452 afflnis Lesax 455* eveni Lesax 453, 475 linearis Lesax 455* ? rugosus Lesax 470 selago Lesax 456* ' ' truncatus Lesax 453* tuberosus Lesax 453* villosus Lesax 454* Syringodendron Sternberg and Brongniart 451 448 cyclostigma Brgt 449 pachyderma Brgt 451 475 pes-capreoli Brgt \ 448 porteri Lesax 448* Trigonocarpus Brongniart 460 460 juglans Lesax 460* 475 noeggerathi Lindley and Hutton 460* olivaeformis Lindl. & Hutt 460 rostellum Lesax 460* 475 Ulodendron Ehode 434 ellipticum Sternb 436* elongatum Lesax 437* majus Lindl. and Hut 435* punctatum? Sternb 438 III. FOSSIL ANIMALS. Abracrinus d'Orbigny 11.147 Acantherpestes Meek and Worthen 111,559 major M. & W Ill, 5591 Acanthocladia King VIII, 398, 627, 635 americana Swallow VIII.636 anceps Schlotheim VIII, 398, 635* fruticosa Ulrich VIII, 635* Acanthocladiidae Zittel (Ulrich) VIII,361,397 Acanthoclema Hall VIII, 402, 661 alternatum Hall VIII.666 confluens Ulrich VIII, 662* hamiltonense Hall (Nicholson) VIII.648 ( " ) scutulatum Hall VIII, 64<* GENERAL INDEX. 73 Acanthoconia Hinde ., V ill, 238 Acanthopora Young and Young VIII.358 Acanthops 111,567 Acanthotelson Meek and Worthen 11,399; 111,549 even! M. & W ITT. 551t ( " insquale M. & W.) 11,403*. PL 32 flg. 7; UI.552 stimpsoni M. & W H.401*; EH, 549+ Achatina Lamarck 11,337 Acidaspis Murchison Ill, 390 hamata (Conr.) 111,390* Aclls Loven V.596 ' ' minuta Stevens TJ.383 " robusta Stevens V.596* Acondylacanthus St. John and Worthen VI, 432; VU.241 aequicostatus St. J. & W VI, 434* gracilis St J. & W VI, 433* jenkinsoni (McCoy) VI, 433 junceus (McCoy) VI,433 mudgianus St. J. & W Vn,244* nuperus St. J. & W VH.242* occidental (N. & W.) '. VI.433 ( occidentals St. J. & W.) VTJ.238* rectus St J. & W Vn,241* tenuistriatus (Bom'sky) VI.433 (?) xippias St. J. & W Vn,244* Acroculia Phillips HJ, 385 ( " ) sigmoidalis PhiUips HL385 ( " ) vetusta (Sby) in,385 Acrocrinus Yandell VU, 343 wortheni Wachsm VH, 343t* Acrogenia Hall VTIT.,388 (ActaeoneUa d'Orbigny) elliptic* Zekeli 11,368 ( " ) obtusa Zekeli H.,368 ( " ) reynauxiana d'Orb 11,368 Actasonidze H, 369 Actseonina d'Orbigny V.594 minuta (Stevens) V.594* Actinoceras Brown 11,287 (Actinochonchus paradoxus McCoy) 11,254 Actmocrinidffi V.327.329,339; VIII,163 Actinocrinus Miller 11,147,173.188,195,200; 111,470; V, 323, 329, 330, 339, 347; VUI,97,163 ( " ) aegilops Hall U.190; V.349 sequalis Hall 11,150 aequibrachiatus M. Ch n,150,207 ( " var. alatus Hall) H.207 amplus M. & W IH,470t* ( " ) araneolus M. & W 11,198* armatus Kon 11,149; V.340 arnoldi W. & Sp VIH.168* ( ' ' asterias McCoy) V, 341 asteriscus M. & W 11,150,207* biturbinatus Hall 11,150 brevicornis HaU II. 211 brevis HaU) 11,210 brontes HaU V.341 caelatus HaU V.341 74 GENERAL INDEX. Actinoerinus cancellatus Hall , 11,149; V, 549 ( " chloris Hall) V.341,345; VIII.163 christyi Shum 11,150; 111,347 ( " ) christyi Hall 111,347 clarus Hall 11,149; V.841 clavis Hall V,341,347,349 clypeatus Hall II, 150 ( " ) concavus M. & W 11,215 concinnus Shum 11,149,200*. 202t; 111,476; V.341 conicus L. & C II, 150 corniculum Hall 11,210 costatus Hall II, 149 costus McCoy II, 192 daphne Hall VIII, 163 delicatus M. & W V.341, 343* deornatus Kon V.340 depressus L. & G 11,150 " diversus Kon V.340 divergens Hall Ill, 472 dodecadactylus M. & W II,205*,206t dorsatus Kon II, 149 erodus Hall 11,190 euconus M. & W II, 150 excerptus Hall V, 341 formosus Hall ~ II, 150 fosteri M. Ch V.341 glans Hall V.349 ( " ) glyptusHall 11.190; V.349,355 hazeri M. Ch 11,150 ( " ) helice Hall VIII.176 humboldtianus Hall V.341 hurdianus M. Ch 11,149; V.341 icosidactylus Cass II, 150 indianensis L. & C V.341 infreauens Hall V, 341 inornatus Hall 11,150,209 ( " ) insculptus Hall V.349 irregularis Cass II, 150 jugosus Hall V.341 limibraehiatus Hall V.341 ( " ) liratus Hall 11,190; V, 347,349 lobatus Hall V.341; VIII,97* locellus Hall V.341 longirostris Hall 11,191 longus M. & W V.341, 345* lowei Hall 11,149; V.341 lucina Hall V.343 minor Hall II, 211 multlbrachiatus Hall : II, 149; V, 340,341,343 multiradiatus Shum.? 11,149; V, 341 ( " nashvillse Troost) VIII, 85 nodobrachiatus W. & Sp VIII, 165* oblatus Hall II, 149 opusculus Hall V, 341 ornatissimus W. & Sp VIII, 163*, 165, 167 ornatus M. Ch 11,149 GENERAL INDEX. 75 Actinocrinus ovatus Hall * Y.341 penlcillus M. & W Y.341,342* ( " )pentagonus HaU n,191,196t; m,474* pernodosus Hall Y.341 ( " Jperumbrosus Hall n,188t: Y.339,347 pisttlliformis M. & W n,150,151*; HI, 474 pistiUns M. & W n.150; m, 472* planobasalis Hall 11,210 planodiscus Hall n, 150 poljrdactylus Miller 13,149; Y.340 proboscidalis Hall 11,149; V,328*,330*,332*.:«l; Vm,165 pyrtformis Shum n,150,15S; HI, 474 var. rudis M. & W 11,153 duaternarius Hall V, 341 var. spiniferus Hall V.341 ( " )regalis HaU n,189,191t,192t*,194t; V.349 retlculatus HaU Y.341 rotundatus Shum 11,150,191,206 rudis HaU : n,153; Y.349 ( " rusticus HaU' 11,202,205; V.341 scitulus M. & W n,282*,204t: V.341 { " )sculptus HaU n,197t; V.343* securis HaU V.328,341 sexarmatus HaU 11,149: V.341 ( " silUmani M. & W) n,202,204t; Y.341 simiUs Hall n, 150 sinuatus HaU n, 150 f " speciosus M. & W.) 11,192 ( " ) speciosus HaU 111,347 steUaris Kon. and Leh n.149,201; V.340 ( " ) subturbinatus M. & W H,212t* ( " )subumbrosus HaU 11,190; V.349 subventricosus M. Ch 11,149; V.349.H64 superlatus HaU 11,211 ( " ) tenuiradiatus Hall V.349 tenuisculptus M. Ch Y.341; YIH.163 thah'a Hall Y.341 themis HaU Y.341 thetis HaU V.341 thoas HaU V.341 ( " )tholus HaU Y.349 triacontadactylus MiUer H.I49; Y,339,340 ( " )trinodis Hall H.213 ( " )umbrosus Hall II,190;iY,349 unicomis HaU 11,211 unicostatus Hall Y.341 ( " vaUdus M. & W.) 11,200 ventrieosus HaU 11,149; Y,335,339,347,349 verneuili Troost H, 191 verrucosus HaU Y.341 wachsmuthi White Y.341 ( " )whitfieldi HaU : HI,347 yandelU Shum Y.341 (Actinostoma Young and Young) YIII,358,359 Actinostroma Nicholson Vin,221, 282 (?) trentonense Uh-ich and Everett Yin, 282* 76 GENERAL INDEX. Actinotrypa Ulrioh VIII.386,503 peculiaris (Rominger) 386, 503* (Actinurus) boltoni Bigsby VI.508 Adelophthalmus Jordan and Von Meyer 111,546 (?) mazonensis M. & W IH.547 ^Egilops Hall '. 111,310 ^Etobatis Miller n,59; VI.299; VII.200,229 Aganides Montfort 11,165,393 compactus M. & W V.612* " (?) globulosus M. & W 11,393 " (?) iovensis M. & W 11.393 " (?) lyoni M. & W 11,166 Agaricocrinus Troost 11,173,191,210 ; V.397.499; ¥111,94,96,178 americanus Roem "" V.500; VI.517; VIII.94 bullatus Hall V.399 mac-adamsi Worthen VIII, 94* nodosus M. & W V.397* nodulosus Worthen VIII, 94* pentagonus Hall II, 210 tuberosuslTroost V, 500 whitfleldi Hall V.499* Agassizocrlnus Troost V.556,566; VII.315 " carbonarius Worthen V.566* ' ' chesterensis Worthen V, 558* conicus 0. & S V.557* dactyliformis Troost V.P1. xxi.flg. 7* gitibosus Hall V.558* globosus Worthen V, 557* hemisphaericus Worthen VII, 316* papillatus Worthen VII.315* pentagonus Worthen V, 556* Agassizodus St. John and Worthen VI, 297, 299, 311 corrugatus (N. & W.) VI.323* denticulatus (N. & W.) VI.317 scitulus St. J. & W VI.322* variabilis (N. & W.) VI, 317, 318*, 322, 323 virginianus St. J. & W VI.321* Agelaerinidse V.513; VII.335 Agelacrinoidea VII.335 Agelacrinus Vanuxem V.513; VII.335 ' ' hamiltonensis Vanuxem V, 515 kaskaskiensis Hall V, 514 parasiticus (Picttst) V, 515 (Lepidodiscus) squamosus M. & W V.513* Allagecrinus Etheridge and Carpenter VII,341 carpenter! Wachsmuth VII, 341* Allocrinus Wachsmuth and Springer VIII, 206 typus W. & S VIII.207* Alloprosallocrinus Lyon and Casseday 11,147,150; V,365,368 conicus L. & C V.368 depressus L. & C V.368 euconus M. & W V.368 Allorisma King 111,538; V.585; VIII, 132 costataM. & W V.585* elongata Worthen VIII.133 geinitzi Meek V, 586* GENERAL INDEX. 77 AUorisma (Chaenomya?) hybrida M. & W 111,538* illfhoiensis Worthen VIII, 132* " lata Swall 11,350 marionensis White VIII,132 ( " ) minnehaha Swall V.588* (?) rhomboidalis M. & W V.541 sinuata M. Ch V.P1. XXII, flg. 2* (?) subareuata M. & W in, 538 subcuneata M. & Hayd 11,350; VIII.133 sp. indet II, 350* Amacanthus St. John and Worthen VI, 464 gibbosus (N. & W.) VI, 464* Amalthea Schumacher ., 111,386 Amblyptems Agassiz IV.348 macropterus Ag IV, 348 Amblysiphonella Stelnman VIII.218 Ambocoelia Hall II, 155 ( " gemmula M. Ch.) 11,156 Ambonychia Hall , 111,306, 337, 356 acutirostris Hall Ill, 356* belUstriata Hall 111,307 casei M, & W 111,337* illinoiensis Worthen VI.495* intermedia M. & W 111,306* mytiloides Hall 111,356 neglecta M. Ch 111,358 obliqua M. & W 111,357* radiata Hall 111,307 Ammonites Bruguieres II, 162 sp. (in the drift) VIII.4 Amphibamus Cope 11,135 grandiceps Cope II, 135*,136t Amphicoelia Hall 11,339; 111,357 leidyi Hall 111,358; V.580 neglecta (M. Ch.) 111,358* Amphigenia Hall Ill, 403 (Amphora sp. Cumberland) 11,209 Amphoracrinus Austin 11,151, 209 ; V.339,386, 484 ; VIII.96 ( " ) concavus AL &W 11.215 divergens (Hall) V.387,388* inflatus (Hall) V.388 " jerseyensis Worthen VIII, 96* planobasalis (Hall) V.388 (?) spinibrachiatus (Hall) V, 387,389* subturbinatus M. & W II,212*,213t trinodus Hall II, 213 Amplexus Sowerby VIII.82 geniculatus Worthen VIII, 82* Amplexopora Ulrich VIII, 377, 450 affinis Ulrich VUI.450* cingulata Uh-ich VIII, 308t,309t, 377 pustulosa Ulrich VIII, 451* robusta UWch VIII,318t . " septosa Ulrich VIII, 451 superba Foord VIII, 450 Amplexoporidee Uhrich VLU.342,376 \ 78 GENERAL INDEX. Anaclithacanthus St. John and Worthen VI, 442 semicostatus St. J. & W VI.443* Ananchytes sp. (in the drift) ' VIII, 4t Anisophyllum Edwards and Haimo VIII.80 iovense Worthen VIII, 80* Anisopoda II, 399 Anisotrypa Ulrich VIII, 376 elegantula (Ulrich) VIII.365,447 flstulosa Ulrich VIII, 448* ramulosa Ulrich VIII, 449* solida Ulnoh VIII, 365, 449* symmetrica Ulrich VIII, 376, 448* Anolotichia Ulrich VIII. 381, 473 ponderosa Ulrich VIII,320t, 381, 473* impolita Ulrich VIII.473 Annulata II, 462 Anomalocrinus Meek and Worthen 111,327 incurvus M. & W III,327t* (Anomites) rhomboidalis Wahlenb Ill, 426 Anomocladina Zittel VIII, 225, 226, 234 Anomphalus Meek and Worthen V.597 rotulusM. & W V.597* Antedon (larva) VIII.161 Anthaspidella Ulrich and Everett VIII.217.221. 234,250,257 fenestrata U. & E VIII.234,264* flrma U. & E VIII,234,263* florifera U. & E VIII,234,257,259*,263)267 grandis U. & E VIII,234,262* (?) magniflca U. & E VIII,235,265* mammulata U. & E VIII. 235, 258*. 263, 267 obliqua U. & E VIII,235,265* parvistellata U. & E VIII.235,260* scutula U. & E VIII.235,261* Anthaspidellidae Ulrich VIII, 221, 234 Anthozoa, 111,304,368,407,420; V.560; VI.525; VIII, 71, 216 Anthracerpes Meek and Worthen 11,409; 111,557 typus M. & W 11,409* Anthraconectes Meek and Worthen Ill, 546 mazonensis M. & W 111,546 Anthracoptera Salter Ill, 534 carbonaria Salt 111,535 (?) fragilis M. £ W 111,534* Anthrapalsemon Salter 11,406 ; 111,554 gracilis M. & W 11,407*; 111,554+ grossarii Salt II, 408 Antliodus Newbury and Worthen 11,33,38; IV, 356, 362; VI, 367, 374, 377, 384, 393, 397 cucullus N. & W 11,33,39,41* gracilis St. J. & W VI,393t minutus N. & W 11,33,39,43* mucronatus N. & W 11,33, 38* parvulus N . & W II, 33, 38*, 52 perovalis St. J. & W VI.393* politus N. & W 11,33,42*; VI.368 robustus N. & W 11,33,392,42 sarcululus N. & W IV.356* similis N. & W .- 11,33,41* GENERAL INDEX. 79 Antliodus simplex N. & W 11,33,39,44* sulcatus N. & W- 11,33, 42, 45* ? (Chomatodus) truncatus Ag 11,33; VI, 412 Apioceras turbiniforme M. & W 111,444* Aploceras eurtum M. & W 11,388* Arachnida Ill, 560,568 Arachnocrinufe M. & W 11,177 bulbosus (Hall) II, 177 (?) pisiformis Boem 11,177 Archegosaurus II, 133 Archaeocidaridae McCoy 11.229, !»4; 111,523; V.510; VII.333 Archaeoeidaris McCoy 11,226,294; 111,523; YII.337 edgarensis W. & Mill YII.337* illlnoiensis W. & Mill VII, 338* mucronatus M. & W 11,295*; VII, 337 norwoodi Hall 11,296 spiniclavatus W. & Mill VH.337* wortheni Hall 11,227 sp. indet. (jaw plate?) VII, PL xxx, flg. 16* sp. indet V, PI. xxiv, fig. 13* Archaeocyathus Billings VIII, 211, 216,240 atlanticus Bill VIII, 240 billingsi Walcott VIH.240 (?) pavonoides Matthew VIII,2tO Archimedes LeSueur (Owen) 111,504; VIII,353, 396. MS communis Ulrich VIII.568, 573* compaetus Ulrich VIII, 568, 572* distans Ulrich VHI,568,578* grandis Ulrich VIII, 568, 569* intermedius Uh-ich VIII.568, 574* invaginatus Ulrich VIII, 568, 575* laxus Hall VIII,568,580* meekanus Hall .*. VIII,568, 578* negligent UMch Vni,568, 569* owenanus Hall v VIII,568, 570* perminimus Uh-ich VIII, 568, 572* proutanus Uh-ich VIII,568, 576* ( ' ' reversus Hall) VIII, 571* swallovanus Hall Vni,568, 574* sublaxus Uh-ich VIII.568,579* terebriformis UJrich VIII, 568, 575* wortheni Hall VIII, 396, 568, 571* Architarbus rotundatus Scudder Ill, 568t Arcidae 11,156 Argonauta gondola Adams V.525 Arthroclema Billings VIII, 2%, 363, 400. 641 angulare Uh-ich VIII, 641* billiugsi Ulrich VIII, 642 pulchellum Billings Vin, 400, 641* Arthronema Esch-choltz VIII, 400 ( " ) tenue Uhrich VIII, 400 Arthropleura Jordan and Von Meyer 111,559 ( " ) ferox Salt 111,559 Arthropora Uh-ich VIII, 349, 393 shafferi (Meek) VIII,308t,393 ArthrostylidEE VIII.362,400 80 GENERAL INDEX. Arthrostylus Ulrich VIII.363,400 tenuis Ulrich VIII, 400 Articulate 11,393; 111,299.320,363,390,416,447,460,540; V, 525, 612; VI, 497, 508; VIII.153 " (suborder of Palseocrinoidea) VIII, 197 Asaphus Brongniart VI, 497 " (Isotelus) megistos Locke VI.498 ( " ) vigilans M. & W VI.497* Ascoceras Barrande VIII, 151 southwelli Worthen VIII, 151* Ascodictyum Nicholson and Etheridge VIII, 367 fusiforme N. & E VIII.367 Ascodictyonidse Ulrich VIII. 367 Aspidodus Newberry and Worthen 11,92; VII, 63 convolutus N. & W 11,94*; VII.67 crenulatus N. & W 11,93*; VI.419 Aspidopora Ulrich VIII.373 areolate Ulr VIII.373 (Asteracanthus) siderius Leidy VI.444,445 ( Asterocrinus Lyon) 11,288 Asteroidea 11,277; 111.499,526; V.474,510; VII.327 Asteroptychius Agassiz IV.370; VI.435; VII.248 bellulus St. J. & W VI, 439*: VII.249 keokuk St. J. & W VI.436* ornatus Ag IV, 371 sancti-ludovici St. J. & W VI.437* semiornatus McCoy IV, 371; VI, 438 tenellus St. J. & W VII.248* (?) tenuis St. J. & W '. VI.438* triangularis N. & W IV, 370*; VI, 436 vetustus St. J. & W VI.435* AstrJEOSpongia Roomer 111,419; VIII.212,217,238 hamiltonensis M. & W III. 419*; VIII.238 meniscus Roem 111,419; VIII.238 Astroconia Sollas VIII.212,238 granti Sollas VIII.238 (Astroita Wolfart) III.407 ( Astropodia sp. Ure) 11.179 Astylospongia Roemer 111,344; VI.491,499; VIII, 211, 217, 223, 234 christiani M. & W 111,344*; VIII.234 imbricato-articulata Roem VIII, 234 " inciso-lobata Roem VIII.234 inornata Hall VIII,217,227 (?)parvula Bill VIII.234 (?)perryi Bill '. VIII.234 prasmorsa Goldf VI.499*; VIII,224*,234 var. nux-moschata Hall VIII, 234 roemeri Hinde VIII, 234 stellatim- sulcata Roem VIII, 234 Atactopora Ulrich VIII.377 hirsute Ulrich VIII,277 Atectoporella Ulrich VIII.370,412 ortoni Nicholson VIII. 418 typicalis Ulrich VIII.370 GENERAL INDEX. 81 Athyris McCoy 11,254: V.570; VIII.103 ( ' ' paradoxa McCoy)/. 11.254 ( " parvirostris M. & W.) 11.254 planosulcata (Phillips) II, 254* ' ' squamosa Worthen VIII.103* subtilita (Hall) V.570* Atrypa Dalman 111,430 aspera (Schloth.) HI, 430* (var. occidentals Hall) 111,430 ( " ) comis Ow 111,428 ( " )flabellites Conr 111,397 ' ' isorhyncha McCoy 11,251 ( " ) laevis Yanuxem ins376 ( " ) modesta Say HI.378 ( ' ' oblonga Sby) H.254 ( ' ' obtusa McCoy) H.254 ( " ) peculiaris Conr m,395 ( " ) planosulqata Phill 11,254 reticularR (L.) 111,431,432* spinosa fiall in, 450 Aturia Bronn n,165 Aucella McCoy. „ n,S36 Aulocopina Billings Vin,211,240 granti B ill VIII, 240 Aulocopium Oswald VIII,211,214,217,222,225t Aulopora Goldfvffis VHI.454 Avicula Klein ( " ) eirculus £hum m,453*. V.576 communis Hall .' V.577 ( " )cooperensis Shum 11,334; 111,453 lonpa (Geinitz) V.578* ( " magna S'.valL?) 11,258 morganensis M. & W V.576* ( " ) oblonga M. & W 11,258 radiata Phill n,259 { " ) rectilateraria Cox n, 326 sericea Yern 11,336 subplana Hall 111,355 "(?; undulataM. & W 111,456* Aviculida? H.156; 111,358 Avieulopecten McCoy 11,231,256,326; 111,532; VI.511; Vn,321; VIII.113 ' amplus M. & W 11,257 burlingtonensis M. & W 11,231 caelatus McCoy H, 232 chesterensis Worthen YIII, 115* circulus (Shum) 111,454 coUetti Worthen VHI, 119* cooperensis (Shum.) 111,455 coxanus M. & W II, 326* edwardsi Worthen VIII, 119* elsahensis Worthen VIII, 115* hardinensis Worthen VIII, 117* indianensis M. & W ..' 111,532* interlineatus M. & W 11,329* konincki M. & W 11,328* —11 82 GENERAL INDEX. Aviculopecten limiformis Wh. & Whitf 11,334; 111,453 mac-whortheri Worthen VIII, 118* mazonensis Worthen VIII, 117* menardi Worthen VIII, 120* " missouriensis Shum 111,455 ' ' monroensis Worthen VIII, 114* neglectus (Geinitz) V,589* niotensis Worthen VIII, 113* oblongus M. & W II. 258* occidental!* Shum.? 11,331* orestes Worthen VIII, 112* oweni M. & W 11,256* papyraceus Sby 11,327 pellucidus M. & W 11,327* providensis Cox VIII.116*; PI. xxi.flg. 4* " rectilaterarius (Cox) 11,326 spinuliferus M. & W VIII.116* talboti Worthen VIII, 114* unionensis Worthen VI, 511* varsoviensis Worthen VII,321t; VIII, 113 sp. indet VI, PI. xxxiii, fig. 3 Aviculopinna Meek VIII, 128 illinoiensis Worthen VIII.128* Axophyllum Edwards and Haime VI, 525 infundibulum Worthen VI, 525* rude Wh. & St. J VI, 525* Bactropora Hall VIII,402,662 granistriata Hal] VIII, 402 simplex Ulr VIII, 447, 663:: Bakevellia King 111,535 ; VIII, 126 illinoiensis Worthen VIII, 126* Baphetes Owen II, 140 Barycrinus Wachsmuth V,483,530; VI.515; VIII.99 bullatus (Hall) V.488 geometrieus M. & W 111,518*; V,485* herculeus M. & W V.485* hoveyi (Hall) V.486* magister (Hall) V, 484 magnificus M. & W V.484 ' ' mammatus Worthen V, 486* pentagonus Worthen V,487* protuberans (Hall) V.486,488 spectabilis M. & W V.530* spurius Hall VIII, 99* 4 ' striatus Worthen VI, 515* subtumidus M. & W V.487* thomas (Hall) V.532 tumidus Hall VIII, 100* Baryphyllum Edwards and Haime 111,409,420 (??) arenarium M. & W 111,409* Batacanthus St John and Worthen VI, 468 ; VII, 253 baculiformis St. J. & W VI.469*; VII.254 " (?)necis St. J. & W VII.253* (?) pustulosus (Ag.) VI, 468 (?) semigranulatus (Bom'sky) VI.468 stellatus (N. & W.) , VI.470*; VU.254 GENERAL INDEX. 83 Bathychilodus St. John and Worthen VI, 251 mac-isaaci St. J. & W VI, 251* Batocrimis Casseday 11,147,150,191, 205,209; 111,472; V.364,367; VIII.83,172,174 aequalis Hall 11,150; Y.367 aequibrachiatus M. Ch 11,150,207 ( " var. alatus HaU) 11,207* andrewsianus M. Ch V.367 asteriscus M. & W 11,150,207* biturbinatus (Hall) 11,150: V.367; V1H,84 calyculoides Hall V.368 calyculus HaU V.367 caricus Hall V.368 caroli (Hall) Vn,307 cassedayanus M. & W Y.370* christyi (Shum.) 11.150; V, 367, 376,379* clavigerus Hall Y.367 cloelia (Hall) V.368 clypeatus Hall 11,150 conicus L. & C n,150; V.368 corbulus Hall V, 368 depressus L. & C 11,150; V.368 discoideus HaU H.150; Y.367 dodecadactylus M. & W n,205t* doris Hall V.367 euconus M. & W 11,150; V.368 formosus Hall 11,150; Y.367 gemmiformis HaU Y, 368 hageri M. Ch n.150; V,368 icosidactylus Cass 11,150; Y.367 inornatus HaU 11,150,209, V, 367 irregularis Cass n,150; Y.367 konincki Shum V, 367 lagunculus HaU Y.367 laura (HaU) Y.378 lepidus Hall .*. V.367 longirostris HaU Y,367,372,PL IX.flg. 11* mac-bridei W. & Sp VIII,172M74 macniflcus L. & C Y.368 matula HaU Y.368 montgomeryensis Worthen '. YI11, 83* mundulus HaU V, 367 nashvillee Troost Yin,85* neglectus M. & W Y.377* oblatus HaU Y.368 papiUatas Hall Y, 367 pistilliformis M. & W 11,150,151*; 111,474; V.367,376 pistiUus M. & W 11,150; IH,472*; V.367,370 planodiscus (Hall) 11,150: V.367,374 pyriformis (Shum.) 11,150; 111,474; Y.375* duasiUus M. \- W Y.367,369* remibrachiatus (Hall) Y.368,370* rotundatus O. & 8 11,150; V.867 similUs HaU 11,150; V.367 sinuatus HaU II, 150 sinuosus HaU Y.368 subaequaUs M. Ch Y.367 84 GENERAL INDEX. Batocrinus subconicus Worthen VIII, 84* trochiscus M. & W « V.372* turbinatus Hall V.367 " unionensis Worthen * VIII, 84* urniformis M. Ch V.368 verneuilanus Shum V, 328*, 368,379* Batospongia Ulrich VIII.218, 239, 246 spicata Ulrich VIII, 238, 246* Batostoma Ulrich VIII, 379,459 fertile Ulr VIII, 459 imperfectum Ulr VIII, 460* implicatum Nich VIII.379,459 irrasum Ulr VIII, 460 jamesi N ich VIII, 459, 460 ottawense Foord , VIII, 460,461 variabile Uh- VIII, 460* Batostomella Ulrich VIII, 375, 432 abrupta Uh- VIII, 435* gracilis Nich VIII, 375, 432, 434* interstincta Ulr VIII, 434* nitida (read nitidula) VIII, 365 nitidula Uh- VIII.365,436* obliqua Uh- : VIII, 433* simulatrix Ulr VIII , 432* spinulosa Uh- VIII.365,375,434* trentonensis Nich VIII, 433 Batostomellidse Ulrich VIII.341,375 Batrachia 11,135 Beatricea BilUngs VIII.316 Becksia VIII.223 Belemnites sp. (in the drift) VIII, 4t Belemnocrinus White 111,463 typus White Ill, 464 whitel M. & W 111,463+* Belemnospongia Ulrich T VIII, 218, 233, 248 fascicularis Ulr VIII, 233, 248* Belinurus Koenig 11,393 ; 111,457 anthrax (Prestw.) : II, 394, 398 bellulus Koen 11,397 " danae M. & W 11,395 ; 111,547 " rotundatus (Prestw.) 11,397 Bellerophon Montfort 11,160,385; 111,312; VIII.143 bilobatus Sby 111,313 canadensis Bill 111,313 costatus Sby 11,385 crassus M. & W - 111,385* ( " ) curvilineatus Conr II, 160 cyrtolites Hall 11,160* deslongchampsi (d'Orb.) 11,160 giganteus Worthen VIII, 143s (Bucania) platystoma M. & W 111,312* " vasulites Montf 11,385 sp. indet V,P1. xxiii.flg. 2 Berenicea Lamouroux VIII, 368 diluviana Lamx VIII, 368 GENERAL INDEX. 85 Bidiastopora d'Orbigny Yin,337 Bisiphites Montfort 11,307 Blastoidea 11.274; III. 496; V.461, 506,537; VI. 521; VII, 346; VHI.157.201 Blattariae in,567,569 Blattina gracilis Goldenberg 111,569 Borborocoetes Bell n, 133 Bos primigenius Bojanus VUI,8 Botryllopora Nicholson VIII, 384,490 socialis Nich Vm,384, 490* Brachiopoda II, 153,251, 280,297, 320 ; in, 305, 335, 349, m, 398, 410, 423, 450, 505, 528; V.566; VI.502.5-J1; VII. 318,321; VEDL.102 Braehiospongia Marsh VUI. 238 digitata (Ow.) Vin.238 Brachiospongidae Beecher V 111, 238 Brachyops Owen * II, 140 Bryozoa Ehrenberg n,412 ; III.oOl ; VIII, 283 Bucania Hall 111,313 " (?) platystoma M. & "W m, 313 Buccinum Linnaeus 11,364,368 acutum Sby II, 368 ( " ) arculatum ; 11,368 ( " ) breve Sby n,364,368 ( " ) imbricatum 11,368 Bulimella Hall n,373 ( " ) bulimiformis Hall 11,373 ( " ) canaliculata Hall 11,373 ( " ) elongata Hall 11,373 Bulimus Scopoli 11,373 Bumastus Murchison VI.508 graftonensis M. & W VI.508 Bursacrinus Meek and VTorthen 111,478 wachsmuthi M. &W m,479+* Buskopora Ulrich VIII.383,489 dentataUlr VHI,383,489* lunata (Homing.) Vni.320t,489* Buthus Leach 111,562 carbonarius M. & W III,562t Bythiacanthus St John and Worthen VI, 444 van-hornei St. J. & W VI.445* Bythopora Miller and Dyer .' - . VIII,376 fruticosaM. &D Vm,376 Calamopora Goldfuss VUI, 228 fibrosa Goldf 111,304; VIII, 228 incrastans Phill VIII.382.475 Calathium Billings VUI, 211, 235,250,275 affine Bill VIII.235 anstedi Bill VEH,235 canadense Bill VIII, 235, 250, 275 flttoni Bill VIII.235 formosum Bill VIII, 235 " ??imfelix U. & E VIII. 235, 250. 274* pannosum Bill VIII,235 paradoxum Bill VIII.235 (Calathocrinus) erodus Hall 11,190 86 GENERAL INDEX. Calceocrinus Hall V,442,502; VI.510; VIII.92 barrisi Worthen VI.510 (?) bradleyi M. & W V.502* dactylus Hall V.445 nodosus Hall V.504 robustus Worthen VIII, 92* tunicatus Hall. V.504; VIII, 93* ventricosus Hall V, 445 wachsmuthi M. & W V.444* Calcispongire de Blainville VIII, 220, 239 Callopora Hall VIII, 372, 416 ( " ) aspera Hall VIII, 416 ( " Cincinnati ensis Ulrich) VIII, 426* elegantula Hall VIII, 372, 416, 417 ( " )floridaHall VIII.416 ( " )heteropora Hall VIII.376 ( " )laminata Hall VIII.416 ( ' ' minutissima Nicholson) VIII, 427* ( " missouriensis Eominger) VIII, 430* ( " ) multiseriata Hall VIII, 376 ( " ) nummiformis Hall VIII, 416 ( " )oculifera Hall VIII.376 perelegans HaU VIII, 417 ( " ) punctata Hall VIII.376, 425, 430 ramosa (d'Orb.) VIII,315t,417 sigillarioides (Nich.) VIII.433 subnodosa Ulrich VIII,308t,417* ( " )unispina Hall VIII.376 Calloporella Ulrich VIII, 373,418 harrisi Ulrich VIII.373, 418 (?)nodulosa Ulrich VIII.418* Calloporidae Ulrich VIII,339,372 Callotrypa Hall VIII, 376 heteropora Hall VIII.376 multiseriata Hall VIII, 376 oculifera Hall VIII.376 unispina Hall VIII,376 Calliopodus St. John and Worthen VI, 403 apicalis St. J. & W VI, 403* Camarocladia Ulrich and Everett VIII.217,239,255, 280 dichotoma U. & E VIII,239,281* Camaraphoria King II, 251 ; VII, 318 giffordi Worthen VII,318t ( ) isoz-hyncha McCoy II, 251 subtrigona M. & W 11,251* Camerata VIII, 163 Capulus Montfort Ill, 384 Carbonarca Meek and Worthen VI, 530 gibbosa M. & W VI, 531* Carcharias Eaflnesque 11,35 Carcharodon Smith II, 70 ; IV, 351 Carcharopsis Agassiz 11,69 dentatus (McCoy) VI, 257 prototypus, Ag VI, 253 wortheni Newb 11,69*; VI.255 GENERAL INDEX. 87 Cardiomorpha de Koninck 11,156; V.588: Till, 126 missouriensis Shum V.588* ovata d'Orbigny 11,157 ( " ) ovata Hall 11,157 (?) pellensis Worthen Vm,126* radiata Kon II, 157 ( " ) radiata M. \- W 11,147 (?)sp.Swall 11.317 Cardiopsis Meek and \Vorthen II. 156 radiata M. & W 11,157* Carinopora Nicholson Till, 395 Castoroides ohioensis Fost VIII.S Catilloerinus (Troost) Shumard Ill, 465 ;V, 504 bradleyi M. & W V.504* tennesseas Troost V.505 wachsmuthi M. & "W HI, 465* Cavea d'Orbigny Vm,665 ' ' costata d'Orbigny VEH.665 " regularis d'Orbigny VIII,665 Caveidae d'Orbigny Vni.338 CavidaB d'Orbigny VTQ.SSS Cellaridae Vffl.362 Cellulines Tm,323 Centrifugines VIII,323 (Centrocrinus Austin) 11,170,172 ( Jgigas Gilb 11,17:3 Centrocrinus Wachmuth & Springer YIII,95 tennesseensis Worthen VIII, 95* Centronella Billings m.352 bilUngsiana M, & W m, 352t* glans-fagi Bill 111,353 hecate Bill 111,353 tumida Bill 111,353 Cephalopoda 11,161,286,304,386; m,444,459; V, 522, 543, 608; VI, 496,503,511,531; YIII.148 (Ceramella Hall) YIII,387 Ceramopora Hall YTTT, 380, 462 ( " ) huronensis Nich YIII,463 imbrieata HaU YIH, 380, 463* ( " ) ohioensis Nicholson YIII, 466* Ceramoporella Ulrich YIII, 380, 464 distincta Ulrich VIII,380, 464* granulosa Ulrich YIII. 466* ohioensis (Nicholson) YIII. 466* stellata Ukich YIII. 465* Ceramoporida? Ulrich YIII, 312, 379 Ceraospongia Bronn YIII, 220 Ceratiocaris McCoy 111,540 " (?) sinuatus M. i W 111,540+ Ceratodus Agassiz YI.329 (Ceratophytes) dubius Schlotheim YIII, 606 Cercomya Agas^iz 111,538 striata, Ag 1H, 538 Ceriocava ramosa d'Orbigny Yin,318t Cerionites Meek & Worthen 111,346 dactylioides M. i; W IH.345* 88 GENERAL INDEX. Ceriopora Goldftiss 11,417 verrucosa Goldf 11,419 Cestraciontini Bonaparte 11,77,91 Cestracion Cuvier 11,121; IV,a59,365; VI.299,312,319,335,337,347,419; VII.64 Chtenocardia Meek and Worthen V.586 ovata M. & \V V,586* Chaenodictyum Foerste VIIl,399,fi40 Jaxum Foerste VIII, 399 " var. minor Ulrich VIII, 640* Chrenomya Meek 111,538; V.540,588; VII.319 " (?) hybrida M. & W 111,538* maria Worthen VII. 318t minnehaha (Swall.) V.588* rhomboidea M. & W V.540* Chajtetes Fischer 11,419; 111,304; VI.526; VIII.169, WG ( " ?) carbonaria Worthen VI, 526*; VIII, 445* ( " ) flliosa Nicholson VIII, 456* ( " Hycoperdon Say 111,304; VIII.566 petropolitanus (Pander?) 111,304* ( " ) quadrangularis Nicholson VIII, 455 ( " ) venustus Uh-ich V1I1, 469 (Cheirocrinus Hall) V, 442 ( " tunicatus Hall) VIII.93 ( ) wachsmuthi M. & W V.445 Chemnitzia d'Orbigny 11,377 ( " attenuata Stev.) V.596* " subconstricta Kon -, 11,380 Chilostomata VIII, 366 Chiloporella Ulrich VIII, 381 flabellata Ulrich VIII, 381; PI. xxxix.flg. 5* Ghilotrypa Ulrich VIII, 382 hispida Ulrich VIII, 382 Chiton Linnaeus V, 608 " carbonarius Stev V,608* Chitonodus St. John and Worthen VII, 61 , 109 antiquus St. J, & W VII, 116* liratus St. J. & W VII.119* springeri St. J. & W ....VII, 112*. 119 tribulis St. J. & W VII.117* Chomatodus Agassiz 11,32,34,51; VI, 354, 356, 366, 384 afflnis N. & W H.34,54* ( " ) angularis N. & W 11,34,55*; VI, 357, 368, 375 angulatus— See C. angularis. arcuatus St. J VI, PI. x,flg,23* chesterensis St. J. & W VI.363* comptus St. J. & W VI, 356* " (?)costatus N. & W 11,85* cultelius N. & W 11,34,52*; VI.359 dcntatus MoCoy 11,73 denticulatus McCoy VI, 345 elegans N. & W 11,34,86*; VI.357 elytra (N. & W.) VI,299 gracillimus N. & W 11,34,51*; VI.368 inconstans St. J. & W VI, 360* incrassatus St. J. & W VI, 359* GENERAL INDKX. 89 Chomatodus insignis Leidy VI, 359*,364 linearis Ag.... 11,33,34,52; VI.368 loriformis X. & W n.34,50,5S* molaris X. & W II, SI. 56* multiplicatus N. & W n,34,50,57*; VI.368 oscurus Leidy VI.368 parallelus St. J. & W VI, 358* pusillus X. & W 11,34,53*; VI.364 ( ) truncatus (Ag.) 11,33; VI.412 varsovien'-is St. J. & W VI.363* ( venustus Leidy.) 11,34; VI.346 Ch"netes Fisher 11,253; in,505; V.566,570 coneentricus Kon V.568 illinoiensis Worthen m, 505* ( " logani Hall) in,505 logani N. & P 111,505 millepunctatus 31 & W V,566* planumbonus M. i W 11,253 shumurdianus Kon HI, 505 smith! X. & P V.570* Choristites Fischer 11,321,323 ,?) hemiplicatus (Hall) H,323t lamareki Fischer n, 321 mosquensis Fischer II, 323 Chrestotes Scudder HE, 567 lapidea Scud HI, 567t Cidaridse n, 226 (Cirrus acutus Sby.) n,363 Cladacanthus paradoxus Ag VI, 451 (Cladoc: inus Austin) ". II, 268 Cladodus Agassiz 11,20: IV.354; VI, 253, 258, 280, 324, 328 alternatus St. J. & W VI.261,265* angulatus X. & W 11,21, 24*. 25 bellifer St. J. & W YI.270* carinatus St J. & W VI.279* costatus X. i W II,25,27*,30 deflexus X. & W IV, 355*; VI.268 excentricus St. J. & TV VI.272* elegans X. i W IV, 354* euglypheus St. J. i W VI,274*,280 exiguus St. J. i: W VI, 261* exilis St. J. & W VI, 258* ferox X. \- W 11,26*; IV.355 fulleri St. J. & W VI,272,276*.2T8 gomphoides St. J. & W VI, 269*. 271 ^raoi.i- X. i W 11,25,28.30* grandis X. \- W 11,29* hibberti Ag 11,25, 28 intercostatus St. J. & W VI, 267*, 271, 275 ischypus X. Jc W FV.354* keokuk St. J. i W VI,268,272 lamnoides N. & W 11,27,30* magnificus Tuomey .II, 24*,29 micropus X. \- W II,21*,25,29; VI, 258, 271. 282 milleri Ag 11,29 mirabilis Ag II, 33 —12 90 GENERAL, INDEX. Cladodus mortifer N. & W 11,22*; IV.355 " occidontalis Leidy VI.270 pandatus St. J. & W VL278* politus N. & W II,27*,30; VI,259,272 praenuntius St. J. & W VI,270*,274 raricostatus St. J. & W VI, 271* robustus N. & W II,20*,25 simplex Ag '. VI.285 spinosus N. & W II,22*,26; 1V.355 springer! St. J. & W VI, 259*. 263, 279 stenopus N. & W II, 23* striatus Ag 11,24,26 succinctus St. J. & W VI, 261, 265* ( " ) tenuistriatus Kom'sky VI, 433 turritus N. & W 11,25,28* van-hornei St. J. & W VI.271,273* wachsmuthi St. J. & W VI,263*,265 zygopus N. & W 11,25*; VI.268,275 Clausidae d'Orbigny VIII, 338 Clathropora HaU VIII.349,392,4% ( " carinata Hall) VIII, 496 frondosa Hall VIII.392 intertexta Nicholson VIII, 496 Cleodictya Hall VIIL236 gloriosa Hall VIII.236 ? mohri HaU VIII, 236 Climacodus McCoy IV.367 Climacospongia Hinde VIII, 217, 223+, 235, 248, 268 radiata Hinde VIII, 2241,235,248 Climatius Agassiz IV, 371 Clinopistha Meek and Worthen V,584; VIII, 122 radiata (Hall) VIII, 122* " var. levis M, & W V.584* Clonopora Hall VIII.368 Cnemidiastrum Zittel VIII, 221 Cnemidium Goldf uss VI, 491 ( " ) trentonense Worthen VI,491t,492t; VIIL270 Cochliodontidse Owen VII.57, 61,63 Cochliodus Agassiz 11,75,87,92,102,111; IV,362,364; VI, 299, 324, 409: VII, 61, 111, 120 acutus Ag II, 90 contortus Ag IV.365; VII.92,125 ( " costatus N. & W.) IV.364*: VII, 167,171 ( " crassus N. & W.) II,91*,1<>5; VII.184* latus Leidy VII, 112, 123 leidyi St. J. & W VIL127* magnus Ag 11,93; VII, 63 ( " ) nitidus Leidy VII, 91, 99 ( " nobilis N. & W.) 11,89*; IV.365; VII,112,123 obliauus St. J. & W VIL126* striatus Ag VII, 175 van-hornei St. J. & W VII, 120*, 127, 130 Codaster McCoy V.463, 468; VII,347, 353 ( " ) alternatus Lyon VII, 353 pyramidatus Shum VII, 353 Codasteridae ,.-.,,,.,., , ,,,,...,,,,.,,., , VIII,20l GENERAL INDEX. 91 (Codonites Meek and Worthen) V,463: VII, 347; YTJI,201 ( " ) gracilis M. & W Y,467*; Yin,201 ( " ) stelliformis M. & W Y.464*; Till, 201 Coelenterata 111,304.368,407.420: V.560; YI,525: YJT.1,71 Coeliocrinus White 11,179,181 (Coeloclema Ulrich) YIII,380,467 Coeloconus Ulrich YHI, 365, 402, 664 granosus Ulrich YIII. 665* rhombicus Ulrich YIII, 402, 664* (Coelocaulis Hall) YIII,382 (Coelocrinus Meek and Worthen) 11,114 ( " jconcavus M. & W Il,215t*; YHI.177 Colasteridfe Worthen and Miller YII.328 Colaster W. & M YII, 328 peculiaris W. & M YII, 329* Colodus St. John and Worthen YI.415 ina?qualis St. J. & W YI.416* Colpocaris Meek YHI,153 cestriensis Worthen YLH.153* Comarocystites Billings EH, 291 punctatus Bill 111,293 shumardi M. & W ni,292t* var. obconicus M. & W HI.294* Comatula europaea Muller 11,191 Coiubophyllum Edwards and Haime 111,420 (?) arenarium M. & W ITT, 410* Compsaster Worthen and Miller YII, 327 formosus W. & M YII, 327* (Conchy liolithus anomites glaber Martin) TJ.,298 Coniopterygida? 111,571 Conocardium Bronn 11,373; YI.529; VUI,112 obliquum M. & W YI, 529* parrishi Worthen Yin, 112* (Conocrinus Troost) 11,147,150 Conotubularia cuvieri Troost 111,298 Constellaria Dana YIII. 374,423 flsheri Ulrich YIJJ,425 florida Ulrich YIII,374,423 limitaris Ulrich VIII, 424 polystomella Nicholson YTTJ.424 parva Ulrich YIII, 424* Conularia Miller 11,373; Y.520,541; YH.325; YIJJ.,134 chesterensis Worthen YII, 325 ; Yin, 134* nrissouriensis Swall Y, 541* malticostata M. \- W Y,.i,21 subcarbonaria M. i W Y, 520* verneuili Emmons Y.'.L'l Copodus Agassiz VU.200, 227t,228t cornutus.Ag YJJ.231 pusillus St. J. & W YII.231* spatulatus Ag YII.231 van-hornei St. J. & W YII.229* Corynella Zittel YUI.21:. Coscinella HaU YIII, 388.394, 532 Cpseinium Keyserling 11.412: YUI. 385, 4% asteria Prout II, 416* 92 GENERAL INDEX, Coscinium cribriforme Prout VIII,320,496,497* cyclops KeyserUng VIII.386,496 ( " cyclops Prout) VIII.496 ( " ) elegans Prout II, 413" escharense Prout. ( " Jkeyserlingi Prout 11,413 latum Ulrich. ( ) michelini Prout II, 414" H " ) plumosum Prout II, 414" ( " ) sagenella Prout II, 415* tuberculatum Prout. VIII, 518* ...11,416* VIII, 517* VIII, 497* VIII, 515* VIII, 512* VIII, 513* ...11,415* ( " wortheni Prout) 11,412* V1II.517* Coscinopora Goldfuss 111,301 sulcata Goldf Ill, 301 ( ' ' sulcata Owen) Ill, 301* ( " ) wortheni Prout II, 412* (Coscinotrypa Hall) VIII, 385 ( ' ' carinata HaU) VIII, 496 Cotylederma Quenstedt 111,371 Cotyledonocrinus Casseday and Lyon 11,167 (Crania) quadrata Eichwald 111,305 Craticularia Zittel VIII,222 Crepipora Ulrich VIII, 380, 409 epidermata Ulrich VIII, 471* hemisphjerica Ulrich VIII.472* impolita Ulrich VIII, 473 impressa Ulrich VIII, 471* simulans Ulrich VIII, 380, 470*, 320t solida Ulrich VIII, 472* Crescisidae d'Orbigny VIII, 338 Crinoidea 11,147,167,234,263,288,310; 111,421,463,511; V, 323, 483, 530, 546, 561; VI, 501, 513, 526; VII, 269, 335, 341 ; VIII, 83, 157, 163 Crisina d'Orbigny VIII, 337 Crisinella Hall VIII.387 Crocodilia 11,137 Crustacea 11,393; 111,299,320,363,390,416,447,460,540; V, 525, 612: VI, 497, 508; VIII, 153 (Cryptoceras d'Orbigny) VI, 532 ( " )capax M. & W VI, 532* ( " ) rockfordense M. & W 111,454* Cryptostomata Vine VIII, 344, 385 (Cryptopora Nicholson) VIII.397 Ctenacanthus Agassiz 11,113,118,121,126; IV, 372; VI, 420, 432, 478; VII, 233, 245 angulatus N. & W 11,118*; VI.431 brevis Ag VI, 421, 444 burlingtonensis St. J. &W VI, 426* buttersl St. J. & W VII.240* canniliratus St. J. & W VII.239* ( " eostatus N. & W.) VII.246* coxanus St. J. & W VII.233* (?) eostatus N. & W 11,120* deflexus St. J. & W VII, 234*. 237, 241 distans McCoy 11,117, 119, 127 excavatus St. J. & W VI,428*,431 formosus Newb VI, 422 gemmatus St. J. & W VI, 429*; VII.238 gracillimus N. & W : ...11,117,126*; VI.430; VII.238* GENERAL INDEX. 03 Ctenacanthus gradato-costatus St. J. & W VI, 425*, 430 harrisoni St J. & W Vn, 236* hyboides Egerton n, 117, 119 keokuk St J. & W YI,427*.4a5 major Ag H, 117, 119 mayi X. & W IV.372*; VI.426,429; Vn,233 nodosus Egerton n, 119 peUensis St J. & W Vn,237* pugiunculus St. J. & W ¥1,430* sculptus St J. & W YI.421* similis St. J. & W ¥1,431* speciosus St J. & W VI, 421, 424*; YII,235 spectabilis St J. & W VI, 420*; ¥11,235 varians St J. & W VI, 422* Ctenodipterinl IY.374 Ctenodonta astartif ormis Salt HI, 309 Ctenodus Agassiz VI, 330 Ctenopetalus Agassiz VI, 368, 383, 396, 413 beUulus St J. & W ¥1,397,398* dentatus (Ag.) ¥1,354, 399 limatulus St. J. & W ¥1,399* medius St. J. & W ¥1,400* occidental St J. & W ¥1,401* serratus Ag ¥1,397,399,402 vinosus St J. & W ¥1,396* Ctenoptychius Agassiz 11,33,72; ¥1,382,397 apicalis Ag 11,33,72: ¥1,382,384 digitatus Leidy 11,34 pertenuis St. J. & W ¥1,382* semicircularis N. & W 11,33,72* serratus Owen 11,33,72 stevensoni St J. & W ¥1,383* Ctenostomata Busk YI11, 334,367 Cucullaea Lamarck 111,340 ( " ) amygdalina Phil] HI, 340 ( " ) angustata Sby 111,340 ( " ) unilateralia Sby 111,340 (Cupellocrinus Troost (Shumard) ) 11,170 ( " ) tennesseensis Koem 11,172 Cupressocrinus Goldfuss 11,185 abbreviatus Goldf 11,316 ( ) Impressus McCoy n, 313 Cyathaxonia Michelin ¥1,526 distorta Worthen ¥1,526* ( " ) prolifera M. Ch ¥.560* Cyathocrinus MiUer 11,175,181,234,310; 111,481,517; ¥,325,400,484,489; ¥11,309 angulatus M. & W 11,234* arboreus M. & W 111,520* (Poteriocrinus) barrisi (Hall) V.401 (Arachnocrinus) bulbosus Hall 11,177 ( " )bullatus HaU ¥.488; YIII.IOO ( " )capillaris PhiU 11,182 ( " )crassus M. & W n,313 divaricatus Hall v V, 401 enormis M. & W 111,481*; V.406 farleyi M. & W III,517t*; V.401 94 GENERAL INDEX. Cyathocrinus florealis Y. & Sh V.537; VII,291 fragilis M. & W V.401* ( " ) geometricus M. & W ni,518*; V.485* ( " ) goniodactylus Phill 11,182 ( " hamiltonensis Worthen) VII.309* ( " )hoveyi Hall V,4^5,486* iovensis O. & S V,401 lamellosus Hall .'. V.401 ( " ) macrodactylus Phill 11,270 macropleurns Hall V, 412 ( " ) magniflcus M. &W V,483*,484 malvaceus Hall V.401 marshallensis Worthen VII, 310* ( " )nobilis Phill 11,270 ( " ) ornatissimus Hall 11,182 parvibrachiatus Hall V.490; VII,309* (?) pentalobus Hall 11,178 (?) perplexus M. & W V.405* poterium M. & W V.489* protuberans Hall V, 488 Quinauelobus M. & W III,519t* rigidus White V.401 rotundatus Hall 11,237; V.401,402 saffordi M. & W II,236*,237t; V.401 sangamonensis M. & W II,310*,311t sculptilis Hall 11,178*235; 111,520; V.401* tenuidactylus M. & W ." V.403* ( " )thomse Hall V.532 ( " ) tuberculatus Mill 11,270 ( " tumidus Hall) 111,519; VIII.100 viminaUs Hall V.401 wachsmuthi M. & W 111,482+* Cyathophycus Walcott VIII,212, 216,217, 236, 280 quebecence Dawson VIII, 236 reticulatum Walcott VIII.236 subsphaericum Walcott VIII, 236 Cyathophora Michelin Ill, 368 ( " ) iovensis Ow 111,368 Cyathopora (?) Owen 111,368 ( " ) iovensis Ow 111,368 Cyathospongia HaU VIII,212,234 excrescens Hall VIII, 234 Cyclocrinites Eichwald Ill, 346 Cyclophthalmus senior 111,561 Cyclopora Prout 11,417; VIII, 366, 403, 671 ( " ) discoidea Prout 11,420*; VIII,404,674* expatiata Ulrich VIII, 673 fungia Prout 11,419*; VIII, 366, 403, 671* ( ' ' jamesi Prout) VIII, 671 ( " polymorpha Prout) ...11,421*; VIII, 441* Cycloporella Ulrich VIII, 404, 675 " (?) perversa Ulrich VIII, 676* spinifera Ulrich VIII, 404, 675* Cyclostomata VIII, 335,307 Cylindrocoelia Ulrich VIII, 212, 217, 240 endoceroidea Ulr VIII, 240 GENERAL INDEX. 95 Cylindrocuelia covingtonensis Ulr YHI.240 minnesotensis Ulr Yni,240 minor Ulr Till, 240 Cymatodus X. & W IV, 368 oblongus N. & W rv, 364* Cypricardia Lamarck. ( " ) occidentalis Swall V.580 ( " ) randolphensis Worthen Vn,326 Cypricardites Conrad 111,297,309 obliquus M. & W III. 311* sp. indet III. 311* Cyrtia triquetra Hall 111,436 Cyrtina Davidson 111,383, 436 acutirostris Shum III. 436 dalmani (Hall) HI, 383* heteroclita III. 436 triquetra (Hall) in, 436* Cyrtoceras Golfuss H.388; EH, 445; VI, 496,506 carrollense Worthen YI, 495* (Aploeeras) curtum 31. & \V 11,388* dardauus Hall VI, 595* depressum Golf 11,389 " (?) dilatatum M. & W 11,389* fultonense (?) M. & W VI.506 heteroclitum Bftrrande in, 446 sacculus M. & W m,445* (Cyrtodonta Billings) m, 309 ( " ) hindi Bill Ill, 339,340 ( ) subcarinata Bill in, 312 Cyrtolites Conrad HI.340 compressus Conr HI, 341 ( ) deslongchampsi d'Orb n, 160 imbricatu? M. X- W ni, 340* Cystodictya Ulrich VIH, 385, 486, 491,501,508 americana Ulrich VIII, 492, 494* carbonaria (Meek) Yin. 4£2 crenulata (Hall) VIII. 492 crescens (HalL VUI,492 gilberti (Meek) VIII, 320*t, 385 hamiltonensis Clrich VHI.493* incisurata (Hall) VIII, 492 invertis (Hall) VIII. 492 limata (Hall) VIII. 492 linearis (Hall) VIII, 492 lineata Ulrich VIII, 492, 494, 495 var. major Ulrich VIII, 492, 495* ' ' ?ancti-ludovici Ulrich Vin, 492 meeki (Nicholson) Vni, 492 nitida Ulrich VIII. 493* ocellata Ulrich VTII, 3201,385,492 ovata (Hall) VIII, 492* ovatipora (Hall) VIII, 492 parallela (Phillips) VIII. 494 perarcta (Hall) VIII, 492 pustulosa UMch VIII, 486, 492. 495* rectilinea (Hall) VIII, 492 96 GENERAL INDEX. Cystodictya rigida (Hall) VIII, 492 semistriata (Hall) VIII, 492 sinuosa (Hall) VIII.492 gubrigida (Hall) VIII, 493 sulcata (Winchell) VIII.492.493 trilineata (Hall) VIII, 492 tumulosa (Hall) VIII, 492 vermicula (Hall) VIII, 492 CystodictyonidEO Ulrich '....VIII,346,360,385,481,486,492, 496,504 Cystopora Hall VIII, 360 (Cytocrinus llcemer) II, 151 Dactylethra Cuvier II, 138 Dactylodus Newberry and Worthen 11,33,45; VI. 386, 390 concavus St. J. & W VI, 390*. 392 digitalis (Leidy) 11,34 exeavatus St. J. & W VI. 392* inflexus N. & W 11,33,48*; VI, 392 lobatus N. & W 11,33,47* minimus St. J. & W VI, 391* princeps N. & W 11,33,45*; VI, 390 sarcululus N. & W VI.392 (Dalmania Emmrich=Dalmanites.) Dalmanites (Emmrich) Barrande 111.363,391,416 (Odontocephalus) aegeria (Hall) ? Ill, 417* (arenarius?) M. & W 111,417 ' ' caudatus Brunnioh '• Ill, 366 danas M. & W 111,363* limulurus Green 111,367 " micrurus Green 111,367 pleuropteryx Green 111,367 selenurus Conr Ill, 417 tridens Hall 111,392 tridentiferus Shum 111,391* Deoapoda 11,403,406; 111,552 Defrancia Bronn '• VIII, 337 Dekayia Edwards and Haime VIII. 371, 415 aspera Edwards and Haime VIII, 372,415 devonica Ulrich VIII, 416* Dekayella Ulrich VIII, 372 obscura Ulrich VIII, 372 Deltodopsis St. John and Wortheu '. VII, 61 , 158 affinis St. J. & W VII, 160 angustus (N. & W.) VII, 163* ?bialveatus St. J. & W VII, 169* ?convexus St. J. & W VII.169* ?convolutus St. J. & W VII.165* ?exornatus St. J. & W VII.168* ? inflexus St. J. & W VII, 167* " . ?keokuk St. J. & W VII, 169* sancti-ludovici St. J. & W VII, 161* Deltodus Newberry and Worthen 11,95,102,105; IV, 362, 364, 306, 370; VII.61, 141, 144,158 alatus N. & W IV, 368* ( " angularis N. & W.) ' 11,97*; VII, 177, 192* ( " ) angustus N. & W IV.368*; VII, 163 cinctulus St. J. & W VII, 146* cingulatus N. & W 11,96,99*: VII, PL ix.flg. 13*,147,155 ( " ) complanatus N. & W 11,98*; IV, PL iii.flg. 5*; VII, 184* GENERAL INDEX. 97 Deltodus fasciatus N. & W IV.366* ( " grandis X. & W.). VI1.184* intermedius St. J. & W VII, 153* latior St. J. & W VII.145* littoni N. & W IV.367*; VII.144,149 mercurii Newb VII, 144, 145 occidentals (Leidy?) YII.150* parvus St. J. & W YII.151* powelli St. J. & W VII.154* propinauus St. J. &W VII.156* rhomboideus X. & W 11,100*; IV.368; Vn,188* sandalinus Eon * VII, 144 spatulatus N. & W IV.P1. Ill.fig. 11*,368; VII, 144, 148,166 stellatus N. & W 11,97*; IV.367; VII.144,150 sublams Ag VII, 144 trilobus St. J. & W VII.148* undulatus N. & W 11,96,98*; IV, SOT; VII, 144, 147 Deltopty.-hius Agassiz VII, 61, 81, 89 acutus Ag VII.91 expansus St. J. & W VII, 85, 98* nitidus (Leidy) VII, 91, 99* " . primas St. J. & W VII, 93* varsoviensis St. J. & W VII, 96* wachsmuthi St. J. & W VII, 93* Dendrerpeton Owen II, 140 Dendricopora deKoninck VIII.359 Dendrecrinus Hall 11,181; 111,333 latibrachiatus Bill 111,334 osvegoensis M. & W III,333t* proboscidatus Bill 111,326 Dentalium Linnaeus 11,284; V.589; Vn,325; VIII, 145 annulostriatum 31. & W ...". V.589* antiquum Goldf 11,284 illinoiense Worthen VIL325; VEH.145* meekanum Gein V.590* missouriense Swallow V 11, 325 primarium Hall 11,284 priscum Munster < 11,284 venustum M. & W 11,284* Dcsmacanthus Meek and Worthen Ill, 565 Desmiodus St. John and Worthen VI, 387,403; VH.65 costeiliferus St. J. & W VI,341*,343 " (?) flabellum St. J. & W VI, 343* " (?) ligoniformis St. J. & W VI, 342*. 344 minusculus (X. & W) VI, 839. 342 tumidus St. J. & W VI, 299, 339*, 342 Dexiobia Winchell II, 157 ovate (Hall) H, 157 Diamesopora Hall Vni.380,467 communis Ulrich VIH.469* constricte (Hall) VIII, 468 dichotoma Hall VIII.381,467 infrequens (Hall) VIII. 467 oscula (Hall) VIII, 467 ow'.-ui (James) VIII, 467 subimbricata (Hall) . . . . , VIII, 467 —13 98 GENERAL INDEX. Diamesopora tubulosa (Hall) VIII, 467 varia (Hall) VIII, 467 vaupeli Ulrich VIII, 468* venusta (Hall) VIII.468 Dichocrimis Munster 11,167.171.203,280: V, 440,500,537; VI,515; VII.313; VIII.190 ( " ) chesterensis M. & W 11,292 constrictus M. & W II, 263* conus M. & W 11.169* cornigerus Shutn. (?) V.537* coxanus Worthen VII.313* ( " )crassus M. &W 11,290 (?) elonga'us Austin 11,168 expansus M. & W V, 500* ficus C. & L V.502*; VI, 515*; VII.313 fusiformis C. & L 11,168 hamiltonensis Worthen VII, 313* inornatus W. & Sp VIII, 172, 187, 190* intermedius Kon. & Leh 11,170 laevis Hall 11,170 lineatus M. & W. V.440* ovatus O. & S V.441; VIII, 190 pisumM. & W V.441* pocillum Hall 11,168 sexlobatus Shum 11,290 simplex Shum 11,264 ; VIII, 190 stelliformis M. & W V.502 striatus O. & 8 V.441 sp. indet VIII.162 Dichotrypa Ulrich VIII, 386,498 elegans Ukich VIII, 500* expatiata Ulrich VIII, 501 flabellum (Rominger) VIII, 501* foliate Ulrich VIII, 386, 499* grandis Ulrich VIII, 498* internodia Ukich < .VIII, 500* lyroides Ulrich VIII, 502* Dicranopora Ulrich VIII.338 internodia Miller and Dyer VIII, 389 Dictyophytum Hall VIII, 216, 218, 236 abacus Hall VIII, 236 annulatum Hall VIII.236 baculum Hall VIII, 236 cinctum Hall VIII.236 conradi Hall VIII, 236 cylindricum Whitlield VIII, 236 fenestratum Hall VIII.236 fllitextile Hall VIII, 236 hamiltoneuse Hall VIII.236 irregulare Hall VIII.236 nodosum Hall VIII, 236 parallelum Hall VIII, 236 patulumHall VIII, 236 prismaticum Hall VIII, 236 " (?) redfleldi Hall VIII, 236 rude Hall VIII, 237 sacculus Hall... VIII, 237 GENERAL INDEX. 99 Dictyophytum telum Hall VIII,237 tenue Hall VIII, 237 " tuberosum Conrad VIII,237 Dictyospongidae Hall VHI.236 (Didymopoi a Dlrich) . VIII.382 Dlmyleus Agassiz VII, 200 Diploclema Ulrich VIII, 368 sparsum (Hall) VIII.369* trentonense Ulrich VIII, 369* Diplodus Agassiz 11,59 compre^sus Newb 11,60* ( " ) duplicates N. £ W n,61*; VI.289 gibbosus Ag 11,59,61 gracilis Newb 11,59,61 ( " Hncurvus N. & \V 11,62*; YI.289 latus Newb II, 59* minutus Ag 11,61 Diplopora Young and Youug VIII.358,398,636 bifurcata Ulrich VIII.637* biserialis Ulrich VIII, 637* marginalis Young and Young VTH,398,637 simplex (Vine) VHI, 636 (Diplopoi Mae Tine) VIIL359 Diplotrypa Nicholson VIII, 378, 418, 457 • ' ? dubia Ulrich VIH,379, 459* inflda Ulrich Vjn,378,457 milled Ulrich VIH,378,457 patella Ulrich VIII,458* petropolitana (Pander) VIII, 378, 379, 458 regularis Foord VIII, 457, 458 westoni Ulrich VIII.378 whiteavsi Nicholson VIII, 457 Diplotrypidas Ulrich VIII, 342, 378 Dipriacanthus McCoy VI, 47:.', 475 Dipterus Sedgwick and Murchison VI, 329 Discina Lamarck V.572; VHI.102 nitida (Phillips ?) V.572* varsoviensis Worthen VIII,102* Discites McCoy II, 161 disciformis M. & W V.522: VI.531 highlandensis Worthen VI, 531* ( ' ' tuberculatus Owen) 11,386,388 Sby 11,388 Discopora squamata (Lonsdale) VIII, 469, 471 Discotrypa Ulrich VIII, 378 elegans Ulrich VIII.378 (Discus) digonus M. & W 11,163* ( " ) planorbiformis M. & W 11,386 ( ' ' ) sangamonensis M. & W 11,386 ( " ) trisulcatus M. & W 11,162 Disteganopora d'Orbigny VIII, 345 Dithyrocaris Scouler V.618 carbonarius M. & W V, 618* colei Portlock V,619 s -ouleri McCoy V, 619 Dittopora Dybowsk v VIII.340 100 GENERAL INDEX. Dolabra McCoy 111,339 " (?) alpina Hall 11,346 " amygdalina (Phill) 111,340 angustata (Sby.) 111,340 " hindi (Bill.) 111,339 orbicularis McCoy VIII.109 sterlingensis M. & W III,v339* " unilateralis (Sby.) 111,340 Domopora d'Orbigny VIII, 340 Dorycrinus Eoemer 11,209,213,290; V, 379; VI.513; VIII, 100, 173 canaliculatus M. & W V,381* concavus M. & W II,215*t; V1II.177 cornigerus (Hall) V.380 'desideratus (Hall) V.380 divaricatus (Hall) V, 380 gouldi (Hall) V.380 helice (Hall) VIII, 176 immaturus W. & Sp VIII, 174, 175*,176 kelloggi Worthen VI.513* mississippiensis Eoem V.380,385; VIII, 100* missouriensis (Shum.) V, 380, 384 parvibasis W. & Sp , VIII.177* duinauelobus (Hall). '. V, 380,385 var. intermedius M. X W V, 385* radiatus W. & Sp VIII,176* roemeri M. & W V.383* subaculeatus (Hall) V, 380 subturbinatus M. & W... 11,212*; V.380 symmetrieus (Hall) V.380 trinodus (Hall) V.380 unicornis (O. & 8.) V.380,383* . " unispinus Hall V.380 Drepanacanthus Newberry and Worthen 11,120; VI, 447, 460,456,459; VII.253 ( " )anceps N. & VV 11,122*; VI.458 gemmatus N. & W II.123M25; VII, 253 reversus St. J. & W VI.456*; VII.253* ( " ' Jstellatus N. & W 11,125*; VI.4C8 Drymotrypa Ulrich VIII, 399, 607 cisseis (Hall) VIII, 399 dichotoma Ulrich VIII, 399* diffusa (Hall) VIII, 399* niagarensis (Hall) VIII, 607 Dystactospongia Miller VI1I.212, 217,239,255,277 insolens Mill VIII, 239 minima Ulr VIII,239 minor U. & E t VIII,239,278* rudis U. & E V1II,239,279* Eatonia Hall Ill, 395 peculiaris (Conr.) Ill, 395* Echinocrinus Agassiz 11,294 Echinodermata II, 117. 107, 234,263, 288; 111,291,321,317,370.421,463,511; V, 323, 530, 546,561; VI, 492,501, 510,526; VII, 269, 367, 341; VIII, 83, 157 Echinodiscus Worthen and Miller VII, 335 optatus W. & M VII.336* Echinothuridje VII, 331 GENERAL INDEX. lOl Echinoidea II, 225.247,294 Echinus drydenensts Vanuiem V.482 Ectenodictya Hall VIII, 237 burlingtonensis Hall VIII.237 excentrica Hall Vni,237 expansa Hall VIII.237 implexa Hall VIH.237 Edestes Leidy II. 84 heinrichsi N. & W IV, 350*; VI.461 minor Newb 11,84* vorax Leidy IV, PL I, fig. 2*,a50 Edmondia Koninck II, 346 ; V.583 ; VIII.121 " (?) compressa McCoy V.583 illinoiensis Worthen VIII, 122* ovata V.PL XXVI, fig. 13* peroblonga M. & W V, 583* ( " ) radiata Hall V.58! unionilormis (Phill?) 11,364* varsoviensis Worthen VIII, 121* Edriocrinus HaU 111,370 pociUiformis Hall 111,370* Edriospongia Ulrica and Everett VIII, 217, 222, 235, 271 basalis U. & E Vm,235, 272* Edwardsocrinus d'Orbigny *. . .11,170,172 Elaeacrinus Roemer 11,275 ; VII, 357 angularis (Lyon) VII, 360 elegans Conr VII.362 lucina (Hall) VII.360 melonlf ormis Barris VII, 361 ( " )norwoodi O. & S 11,275; 111,496; VH,359 obovatus Barris VII, 3581 verneuili Troost VH.362 (Elonichthys) peltigerus Newb 11,17 (Encrinus moniliformis Miller) n,315 Endocycliiiues Desor , II, 226 Endolobus Meek and Worthen ., II, 307 ( " peramplus .M. & W.) 11,308* spectabilis M. & W 11,308* Entalophora Lamarck VIII.337 Entalophoridae Reuss VIII, 368 Entolium Meek V.558 aviculatum (Swall.) 111,455; V.588* Entomostraca (11,393); 111,299,320,363,390,416, 447, 460,5iO; V, 525,612; VI, 497,508 (Entomostracites) crassicauda Wahlenberg 111,322 Eocidaris Desor 11,294 ; V.478 (?) squamosus M. & W V.478* Eocoryne Matthew VIII, 240 gemina Matthew VIH.-240 Eoscorpius Meek and Worthen 111,560 carbonarius M. & W 111,5601,564,508 Eospongia Billings VIII, 211, 217, 234 roemeri Bill VIH.234 varians Bill VIII, 234 Ephemeridas in, 571 Ephemerites Scudder 111,571 afflnis Scud Ill, 572t 102 GENERAL INDEX. Ephemerites gigas Scud Ill, 571t simplex Scud Ill, 571t Epilampridse 111,568 Eretmocrinus Lyon and Casseday V.468; VII.306; VIII.173,174 calyculoides (Hall) V.368 (?) carica (Hall) V.368 claelia (Hall) V.368 clio (Hall) V,368,378 (?) corbulus (Hall) V, 368 coronatus (Hall) V.P1. X.flg. 8* (?)dodecadactylus M. & W 11,205*; V.368 (?) gemmiformis (Hall) V, 368 (?)hazeri (M. Ch.) V.368 magniflcus L. & C V,368 matula (Hall) V.368 neglectus M. & W V.377* (?) oblatus (Hall) V, 368 remibrachiatus (Hall) V, 368 (?) sinuosus (Hall) V,368 (?) urniformis (M. Ch.) V.368 varsoviensis Worthen VII, 306* verneuilanus (Shum.) V,368,37!»* Eridopora Ulrich ¥111,382,463 huronensis (Nich.) VIII, 463 macrostoma Ulrich : .VIII, 382 Erismacanthus McCoy VI, 401 jonesi McCoy VI, 463 mac-coyanus St. J. & W VI, 461* Erisocrinus Meek and Worthen II, 315 ; V, 445,561 antiquus M. & W V, 4 *7* conoideus M. & W II, 318t ( " nebrascensis M. & W.) 11,317; Ar, 445,446 ( " ) tuberculatus M. & W 11,319: V,446 typus M. & W II,317t,318+; V,445,561* whitei M. & W V.448* Eschara argyrias d'Orbigny VIII, 330t artemis d'Orbigny VIII, 330t EscharidaB VIII, 361,366 (Escharopora Hall) VIII, 390 ( " ) nodosa Hall VIII, 304 Ethmophyllum Meek VIII, 212, 216,240 minganense (Bill.) VIII, 240 profundum (Bill.) VIII,240 rarum (Ford) VIII.240 rensselzericum (Ford) VIII, 240 whitneyi Meek VIII, 240 Eucalyptocrinus Goldfuss VI.501 magnus Worthen VI, 501* sp. indet VI, PL xxiv.flg. 2* Euchrysalis Laube 111,362 fusiformis (Munster) 111,362 (Eulima) peraeuta M. & W II, 375 Eulimidae 111,362 Eumicrotis Meek 11.258, 336 hawni Meek 11,338 var. sinuata M. & W ' 11,338* ' ' speluncaria King 11,339 GENERAL INDEX. 103 Eunema Salter 11,380 ( " ) salteri M. & W 11,381 Eunemacanthus St. John and VTorthen VII, 246 costatus (N. & W.) Til, 246* Euomphalus Sowerby 11,158 catillus Sby 11,158 discors Sby 11.158 )lens Hall 11,159 nodosus Sby II. 158 pentangulatus Sby II. 158 pernodosus M. & W y. 604* ) planidorsatus M. & W n, 302* rugosus Sby 11,158 subquadratus M. & W y . 607* < " sp.) 111,313 Eupachycrinus Meek and Worthen 11,175.177; V, 554. 5»r>: VI..VJ7; VII. 311; Vin,97 asperatus Worthen y II, 311* basetti Worthen VI. 528* boydi M. & W V.554*; VII, PI. xxix.fig. 3* craigi Worthen VI, 527* fayettensis Worthen V.565*; VI.. ".27 formosus Worthen VH.312 monroensis Worthen VII, 312* orbicularis (Hall) 11,178; Vin,97* pentalobus (Hall) II, 1 8 quatuordecim-brachiatus (Lyon) Vn,312 (?) sancti-ludovici Worthen VIII, 98 subtumidus M. &W 11,178 tuberculatus M. & W V.566* (?) verrucosus (Wh. & St. J.) YI.528 Eui-hoberia Meek and Worthen 111,556 armigera M. & W in, 556t " (??) major M. & W 111,558+ Euproops Meek 111,547 danae M. & W m,547t Euretidae Zittel VIII, 22 Eurydictya Ulrich VIII, 389, 492, 520 calhounensis Ulrieh VIII, 520* montifera Ulrk-h VIII, 389, 521* multipora Hall , Vni,521.522 sterlingensis Uhrich VH1, 522* Eurylepis minuta Ne\vb IV, 348 Eurypterus DeKay 111,544 ( " )ferox Salter 111,559 mazonensis DeKay Ill, 544f remipes DeKay . 111,546 Euspilopora Ulrich VIII, 389,526 :rrisi Ulrieh VIII. 527* palmipes (Hall; VIII. 527 serrata Ulrich VIII. 390, 526* Evactinopora Meek and Worthen Ill, 501 ; \ III, 387,508 grandi^ M. & W III.503t*; VIH.511* quinqueradiata U!r VIII, 510* radiata M. & W 111,502+*: VIII, 387.509* sexradiata M. & W III. 502*: VIII, 510* (Exogyroceras Meek and Worthen) 111,509 104 GENERAL INDEX. Fasciolaria Lamarck 11,383 (Favieella Hall) VIII.384 Favosites Lamarck HI, 408 { " hemisphaericus Kuborga) 111,304 ( " lycopodites Vanux.) 111,304 ( " ) petropolitanus Pander 111,304 Favositidse VIII.436 Fenestella Lonsdale 111,504; VIII,350,359,395,535 ( " JacmeaHall VIII(355,534 ( " ?)ambigua Hall VIII,534,679 bellistriata Hall ¥111,331* bigeneris Ulr VIII.355 burlingtonensis Ulrich VIII, 536* cestriensis Ulrich VIIL547* cingulata Ulrich VIII, 543* compressa Ulrich VIII, 539* var. nododorsalis Ulrich VIII, 540* conradi Ulrich VIII, 553* (Polypora) cultcllata Hall) VIII, 586 delicatula Ulrich VIII, 549* elevatipora Ulrich VIII, 549* exigua Ulrich VIII, 545* fenestrata Y. & Y VIII.352 filistriata Ulrich VIII, 535* flexuosa Uh-ich VIII, 548* funicula Ulrich VIII.542* ( ' ' hemitrypa Prout) VIII, 560* imeaualis Ulrich VIII.554* limitaris Ulrich VIII.538* membranacea Phill VIII.353 mimica Ulrich VIII, 552* modesta Ulrich VIII, 550* multispinosa Ulrich VIII, 540* nodosa Prout VIII.535 ( " ) perrnarginata Hall VIII.556 perminuta Ulrich VIII, 551* plebeia McCoy VIII, 395,537 ( " )plumosa Prout VIH.561,662 prc-ecursor Hall VIII,355,534 prisca Lonsdale VIII.353 auadrulaHall VIII.534 regalis Ulrich VIII.538* reteporata Shrubsole VIII, 544 retrorsa M. & W 111,504* rudis Uh-ich VIII, 537* ( " ) semirotunda Hall VIII, 556 serratula Ulrich VIII, 544* sevillensis Ulrich VIII, 552* subquadrans Hal! Ill, 504 tenax Ulrich VIII, 546* ( " )thyene Hall VII1.534 triserialis Ulrich VIII, 541* veraUhich VIII, 535* wortheni Ulrich VIII, 551* Feuestellidre King VIII,349,351t,395 GENERAL INDEX. 105 (Fenestellinae Waagen and Pichl) VIII. 359 Fenestralia Prout VIII, 359, 396,604 sancti-ludovici Prout VIII. 604.396 var. compaeta Ulrich VIII, 605* Fenestrapora Hall VIII, 395 ,557 biperforata Hall Vin,395,558 occidentalis Ulrich Vin, 558* Fishes 11,1; IV.355; VI.245; VH.55 Fissodus St. John and Worthen VI, 413 bifldus St. J. & W VI,414» tricuspidatus St. J. & W. ... VI, 415* Fissurellidae HI, 386 Fistulata VTTT, 193 Fistulipora McCoy VLU.,382. 474 asteria (Prout) Vin, 478 astrica Ulrich VU[,320t, 477* ?) clausa Ulrich VTn.485* collina Uh-ieh V 111, 478* communis Ulrich Vm,382,476* compressa Rominger VJLU,488 (?Dichotrypa) corrugata Ulrich VJLLL.480* elegans Rominger VH1.385 ) flabellum Rominger Vill,498, 501* foordi Ulrich VTH,315t ,479* incrustans (Phillips) ¥111,382 ) lunata Rominger Vin, 384, 489* ) minuta Rominger Vin. 427*. 476 minor McCoy) Vni.382,474 minor Nicholson) VIH,475 monticulata Ulrich VIH.477* mucosa Nichol. and Foord V 111, 474 ) peculiaris Rominger VEG, 386, 503* proporoides Nicholson) Vin,386 ( ) occidens Hall and tt'hitfleld VIII. 425 ( " ) oweni James VIII, 467 spinuUfera Rominger VHI, 480* stelUfera Rominger Vin, 481* utricula Rominger VTU,477 Fistuliporidae Ulrich Vni.343,382,471, 482,504 Flustra palmata McCoy VUI.353 ( ' ) spatulata Prout VIII, 670* ( " ) tuberculata Prout Vm,441*t,671 Foraminifera in,345; V.560; VI.500 Forbesiocrinus de Koninck and LeHon H, 242,268,270; HI, 495; V,399,4% aggassizi Hall H.270; in, 495 var. giganteus M. & \V TTT, 495* ( ) asteriiformis Hall n,243; III,4!i4 ( ) communis Hall 11,270 (?)diversus M. & W 111,495 giganteus(?) M. & W HI, 495* ) juvenis Hall 11,272 ( ) kelloggi Hall 11,270 ) meeki Hall H.243; V.553 ) monroensis M. & W 11,243,244* multibrachiatus L. & C V.498 nobilis Kon. & Leh II,27'j -14 106 GENERAL INDEK. (Forbesiocrinus) norwoodi M. & W 11,243. 245* ( " ) nuntius Hall 11,270 ( " ) semiovatus M. & W 11,272* ( " ) thiemei Hall 11,271; V, 399* ( " ) whitfleldi Hall 11,243*; V.552* wortheni Hall 11,270*; V,496*,553 FrondiporidrB Reuss VIII, 368 Fungia discoidea Gold! . . . . II, 420 Fuftulina Fischer V, 560 cylindriea Fisch VI, 526 var. ventricosa M. & W V.560 gracilis M e,fjk V.560* ventrcosa M. & W V.560* Galeocerdo Muller 11,79 GaleusCuvier 11,79 Gampsacanthus St. Jolin and Worthon VI, 471 (?)latus St. J. & W VI, 474* sauamosus St. J. & W VI. 473* typus St. J. & W VI.472* Gampsonyx flmbriatus III. 552+ Ganoidea II, 135 Gasteropoda 11,158,200,284,302,351; 111,441,457,506: V,516,589; VI.495; VIII.135 Gasterosteus Linnaeu^ IV.371 Gecco Linnaeus 11,137 Geisaeantlms St. John and Worthen VI, 440 ; VII, 251 bullatus St. J. & W VI, 441* stellatus St. J. & W VI.440* Gervillia Cox II- 336 " auricula Stev 11,341 laminosa Phill 11,340 ) longispina Cox 11,336 lunulata Phill 11,340 Gilbertsocrinus Phillips II.21V219: 111,476; V.389 bursa Phill II,217+,219 calcaratus Phill H.217+,219 (Goniasteroidocrinus) fl?cellus M. & W II, 219. 222*, 224+ mamillaris Phill 11,217,219 (Goniast.) obovatus M. & W V.391* papillatus (Hall) 11,219 (Goniast.) reticulatus (Hall) 11.219 ( " ) tenuiradiatus M. & W "V.389 ( " ) tuberculosus (Hall) 11,225 ( " ) tuberosus (L. & C.) 11,219,220+ ( " ) typus (Hall) 11,219 Glauconome Munster (Goldfuss) VIII, 397, 566, 614, 615, 636 disticha Lonsdale VIII, 615 ( ) elegans Young and Young VIII, 397 ( (Dip:opora) ) marginalis Young and Young VIII, 636 ( " ) triiineata Meek VIII, 620* Gl«ssolega Bonap II, 137 (Glossotrypa Hall) VIII, 383 Glymmatacanthus St. John and Worthen VI, 446 irishi St. J. & W VI.447*; VII.250 petrodoides St. J. & W VII, 250* rudis St. J. $ W ...VII.249* GENERAL INDEX. 107 Glyptopora Ulrich Yin. 387,511 elegans (Prout) II, 413'; VIII;518* keyserlingi (Prout) II, 413 ; VIII,3S-, 517* megastoma Ulrich YIII.518* michelini (Prout) 11,414*: Tin, 515* pinnata Ulrich Yin, 516* plumosa (Prout.) 11,414*; Yin,3,S7,512* punctipora Ulrich Y III, 519* sagenella (Prout) 11,415*; YIII,513* var. caliculosa Ulrich YIII.514* var. lata Ulrich YIII. 515* Gomphoceras Sowerby Ill, 444 beta Hall 113,444 saccu'.us M. & W Ill, 445 (Apioceras) turb'niforme M. & W 111,444* Gomphocystites Hall '. 111,315 Goniasteroidocrinus Lyon and Casseday 11,217, 219.2.>2; V,324,389 flscellus M. & W n,219,222*,22It: Y.390 obovatus M. & W Y.391* papillatus (Hall) 11,219 reticul.itus (Hall) 11,219; V.390 tenuii adiatns M. & W Y.389* tuberculosus Hall V.390,392 tuberosus L. & C II.2-.JOt; Y.324 (Trematocrinus) typus Hall) n,219; Y,325.390 Goniatites DeHaan 11,165,390; V.611; YIH.150 ' ' chemungensis Yanuxem II, 166 compactus M. & W Y.611* globulosus M. & W II,390t*,391t ( " hyas Hall) 11,165 iovensis M. & W 11,392* lyoni M. & W 11,165* mixolobus Phill 11,166 monroensis Worthen YIII, 150* Goniocladia Etheridge, Jr YIII,360,3S7 (Goniocladinae Waagen and Pichl) YIII,360 (Goniocoelia Hall) 111,380 Goniotry pa Ulrich YIII, 3 89 bilateralis Ulrich VIII.389 Goniomya Agassiz 111,539 Goniophora sp. (?) VI. PI. XXIII. fig. 7* (Gorgonia) aspera Hall YIII,639* ( " ) perantiqua Hall VIII, 405 ( " ripisteria Goldf.) 11,423 Grammysia de Yerneuil in, 439 bisulcata (Conr.) 111,441 " (?) rhomboidalis M. & W 113,439 Granatocrinus (Troost) Hall 11,274; Dl,4%; Y.4G8.508.537; YH.349 cornutus (M. & W.) 11,276* fimbriatus (?) M. & W 111,497 glaber M. & W ....Y.537* granulosus M. & W V.508* ( )melo O. & S 11,275; III, 4%, 499; V II. 549 ( " var.) projectus M. A: W UI.496+* melonoides M. & W V, 46i* neglectus M. & W V.471* Granatocrinus norwoodi O. & S 11,275; 111,496*; V.473*; VII.350,359 pisum M. & W V.470* projectus (M. & W.) 111,496+*, 498 (*?) ( " )sayi Shum 11,274; V.469; VII.350 shumardi M. & W 111,4981* Graphiocrinus de Koninck and LeHon 11,181,186; V.559; VIII.193 dactylus Hall V.559* longicirrifer W. & Sp VIII.193* (?) planobrachiatus M. & W II, 241 quatuordecim-brachialis Lyon 11,177 spinibrachiatus (Hall) VIII, 193 wachsmuthi (M. & W.) VIII, 193 Graptodiotya Ulrich VIII.349, 393 perelegans Ulr VIII.393 Griffithides Portlock V.525 bufo M. & W V.528* portlocki M. & W V,5*5* scitula M. & W V.612* " (?) sangamonensis M. & W V.615* Gymnolaemata Allman VIII, 333,367 Gymnophidia 11,137 Gypidula (?) comis Owen Ill, 429 Gyracanthus Agassiz VII, 251 " (?) cordatus St. J. & W VII, 251* Gyroceras de Koninck 111,446,459 constrictum M. & W 111,446; VI, PL XXVII, fig. 2* gracile Hall 11,164 logani Meek Ill, 447 " (?) rockfordense M. & W Ill, 459* Gyromices ammonia Goeppert 11,462 Hadrophyllum Edwards and Haime 111,420 Harpacodus Agassiz : VI.348,354 compactus St. J. & W VI, 355* ( ' ' dentatus Ag.) VI.354 occidentalis St. J. & W VL355* Hederella Hall VIII, 3(58 Helicina occulta VIII, 15 Helicopora Claypole VIII, 359, 396, 580 ( " archimediformis Claypole) VIII,580,P1. JLXIII.flg. 15* latispiralis Claypole VIII, 396,580 Heliotrypa Ulrich VIII,366,404 bifolia Ulrich VIII, 308t, 404 Heliotrypid* Ulrich (provisional) VIII.366,404 Helodus Agassiz 11,52,74,90,111; iv!359,365; VI.337; VII.64,124 ( " angularis N. & W.) VI, 346. 362 angulatus N. & W 11,83* biformis N. & W 11,77*: VI, 419 carbonarius N. & W 11,75* ( " )compressus N. & W 11,78*; IV.360*; VI.287* coniculus N. & W II, 75* consolidate N. & W 11,87*; IV.360; VII.124 crenulatus N. & W 11,82* dens-humanus N. & W 11,76* ( " ) denticulatus N. & W 11,80,81*; VI.317,345 ( " )didymus Ag 11,75; VII.73 elytra N. & W 11,78*; VII.95 GENERAL INDEX. Helodus gibberulus Ag ...11,79 ( )gibbosus N. & VT : «. 11,79*: VI, 305 laevissimus Ag 11.91 Umax N. & W II, go*, 83 (Cochliodus) nobilis N. & W H, 88* ( ) placenta N. & W 11,80*; VII, 69* planus Ag 11,80,93; TI.419; TII.64 politus X. & W 11,79* pusillus (McCoy) 11,34 rugosus N. & W IV. 359* sulcatus N. & W 11,83* undulatus N. & W 11,82* Helopora Hall Till, 363, 401, 642 circe Billings VIII,46* ( ) concava Billings Vm,645 ( ) formosa Billings YIII.645 fragilis Hall VILE, 401, 643t imbricata Ulrich Till, 644* lindstromi Ulrich Till. 643t ( " ) lineata Billings Tin, 645 ( " ) lineipora Billings Till, 645 spiniformis Ulrich Till, 644 ( " ) striatapora Billings Till, 645 ( " ) strigosa Billings Tm,645 ( " ) variopora Billings Till, 468 Hemeristia Dana 111,566 occidentalis Dana 111,566 Hemipronites Pander 111,349; T.570 crassus M. & Hayd T.570 crenistria Phill Ill, 411 (?) propinauus M. & W 111,351 suplanus (Conr.) Ill, 349*. 351 Hemipristis Agassiz I V, 351 Hemitrypa Phillips Till, 353, 396,559 aspera Ulrich Till, 563 * nodosa Ulrich Till, 562* oculata Phillips Till, 396 pateriformis Ulrich Till, 564* perstriata Ulrich Till, 564* plumosa (Prout) Till, 561, 562.564 proutana Ulrich Till, 560* var. nodulosa Ulrich Till, 562* var. vermifera Ulrich Till, 561* tenera Ulrich Till, 559 Hernodia Hall Tin, 368 Heterocrinus Hall HI, 324, 328 ; TI, 4H3 crassus M. & W 111,324*; TI.493 ( " )incurvus M. & W IH,327i* subcrassus M. & W Ill, 325* (Heterodictya Nicholson) Till, 390 Heteropora Blainville Tin,340 Heteroschisma Wachsmuth Til, 352 alternatum (Lyon) Til, 357 var. elongatum Wachsmuth Til, 353 gracile Wachsm Til, 354t 110 GENERAL INDEX. Heterospongia Ulrich VIII,212,215,217,239 aspera Ulr VIII, 239 knotti Ulr VIII.239 subramosa Ulr VIII, 239 Heterotrypa Nicholson VIII,S71,413 frondosa d'Orbigny VIII, 37 1,413, 414 inflecta Ulrich VIII, 414* mammulata d'Orbigny VIII, 413 ( " mammulata Nicholson) VIII, 413 proliflca Ulrich VIII.413* singularis Ulrich VIII, 415* ( " ) trentonensis Nicholson VIII, 433 ( " )vaupeli Ulrich VIII. 413, 421 Heterotrypidae Ulrich VIII, 339, 371 Hexacrinus Austin II, 168,173 HexactinellMa Schmidt VIII, 220,236 Hindia Duncan VIII, 226,231,255 " inagqualis U. & E VIII, 229, 234, 27 5* ' ' inornata Hall VIII, 228 ' ' parva Ulr VIII, 229, 232, 234 ' ' sphaeroidalis Duncan VIII,217,225*,234 Hipponyx Defrance Ill, 386 Holasterella Carter VIII, 218 (Holopea) depressa M. & W 111,443 Holoptychius Agassiz II, 19 Homacanthus Agassiz 11,113 arcuatus Ag 11,114 ( " ) gibbosus N. & W 11,113*; VI.464 macrodus McCoy II, 115 ( " ) rectus N. & W 11,115*; VI, 466* Homocrinus Hall VI, 492 angustatus M. & "W VI, 492* parvus Hall II, 182 polydactylus Shum VI.493 (?) scoparius Hall 111,347 Homotrypa Ulrich VIII, 370, 409 " arbuscula Ulr 409* curvata Ulr VIII, 371 dawsoni (Nich.) VIII.410 flabellaris Ulr VIII, 411* gelasinosa Ulr VIII, 410* Homotrypella Ulrich VII 1, 370, 412 contexta Ulr VIII, 412*, 416 instabilis Ulr VIII.370 (Hornera?) dichotoma Hall VIII.607 Hyalostelia Zittel VIII,217,232, 238,246 delicatula Ulr VIII, 238, 246t metissica Dawson VIII.238 solivaga Ulr VIII, 232*, 238 Hybechinus Worthen and Miller VII, 331 spectabilis W. & M VII, 332* Hybocladodus St. John and Worthen VI, 284, 291 compressas ( N. & W.) VI,287*,289 intermedius St. J. & W VI, 287* nitidus St. J. & W VI, 288* plicatilis St. J. & W VI,286*,288 tenuicostatus St. J. & W ...VI.286* GENERAL INDEX. Ill Hybocrinus Billings III.327 " (?) incurvus M. & ^W 111,327+* Hybodontiflae 11,70,91 ; VI.251 ,284,313 Hy boclus Agassiz 11,121 ; VL285 plicatilis Ag VI.285 reticulatus Ag YI.291 Hydnoceras Com ad Vin,216 Hydreionocrinus de Koninck 11,181 (?) verrucosus Wh. & St. J VI.528 woodianus Kon 11,177 Hylonomus Dawson 11,137 Hvolithes Eiclrwald. . . '. VIII, 455 Hyphasmopora R. Etheridge, Jr VIII, 366 Hystricospongia Ulrica VHI.233, 245 carbonaria Ulr VIII, 218,233, 245*,246t lanthina Bolten II, 362 lanthinopsis Meek and Worthen 11,362 Ichthyocrinidae Yni,197 Ichthyodorulites 11,113; IV, 370; VI, 487; VII, 233 Ichthyorachis McCoy VHI,398 Idiotrypa Ulrich VHI.375* parasitica Ulr Vm,375 Idmonea Lamouroux V11I.608 serpens Linnaeus Yin, 330+ Igoceras Hall 111,387 plicatum (Conr.) 111,387 Illaenus Dalman in,320; VI.508 ' ' americanus Bill in, 320 (Bumastus) barriensis Murch VI.509 crassicauda (Wahlenb.) 111,322* (Bumastus) graftonensis M. & W VI, 508* insignis Hall VI, 510 salteri Barrande VI, 510 " taurus Hall IH,320* trentonensis Emm HI, 322 (Bumastus) sp. indet VI, PI. XXIV.flg. 3* Inaduna'a VIH.193 Insecta II, 410 ; III, 566 Intrapora Hall VIII, 349, 394, 532 cosciniformis (Nicholson) VIII, 532* puteolata Hall VIII.394,532 (Intricaiia) clathrata Miller and Dyer VIII, 639 ( " ) reticulata Hall VIII, 639 Inversaiia Hagenow 11,417 Ischadites Murchison VIH, 238 Isocardia Lamarck 11,346 ( " ) unioniformis Phill 11,346* Isocrinus Phillips 11,268 Isogramma Meek and Worthen V.568 millepuncta-a M. & W V. 566* Isonema Meek and Worthen Ill, 442 depressumM. & W III,443t* bellatulum (Hal!) IH.443 Isopoda II,o99 ; III, 549 Isotelus DeKay VI, 497 megistos Locke VI.498 " vigilans M. & W VI, 497* 112 GENERAL INDEX. IsotrypaHall (emended) VIII.353,395,534,679 ambigua (Hall) VIII, 534 conjunctiva Hall VIII, 395 gothlandica Ulrich VIII.395, 678* (Jerea excavata d'Orbigny) VI, 499 Jerieca Zittel ' VIII.226 (Keratophytes) dubius Schlotheim VIII, 606 Labodus Agassiz VII, 200, 228, 231 " planus Ag VII, 228 prototypus Ag VII.228,231 Labyrintodontia 11,137 Lacertilia II, 135 Lambdodus St. John and Worthen VI,280 calceolus St. J. & W VI.281* var. robustus St. J. & W VI,282*,283 costatus St. J. & W VI.280*, 283,284 hamulus St. J. & W VI, 283* reflexus St. J. & W VI.284* transversus St. J. & W VI,282*,284 Lamellibranchiata 11,156,231,256,281,300,326; 111,294,306,337,354,437,453,532; V.539,573; VI,494,511, 524.529; VII, 319,326; VIII.107 Lamna Cuvier .' 11,30 sp. (in the drift) VIII, 4+ Lasiocladia Hinde VIII,218,233 compressa Hinde VIII.233,249 hindei Ulr VIII,233,249 Leaia Jones HI, 541 ' ' leidyi Lea Ill, 542 " var. salteriana Jones 111,542 " williamsoniana Jones 111,532 " tricarinata M. & W III,5iOt,541 Lecracanthus St. John and Worthen VI, 473, 475 unguiculus St. J. & W VI.476* Lecythiocrinus White VII, 317 adamsi Worthen VII, 317* Leda Schumacher 11,282 ( " )curta M. & W 11.283* ( " Hevistriata M. & W 11,282 ( " )subscitula M. & Hayd 11,283 Lepetopsis Whitfi eld VIII, 140 chesterensis Worthen VIII, 140* LepideehinidJB 11,229; VII.331 Lepidechinus Hall 11,226,229,294; 111,522; V.481; VII.334 imbricatus Hall 111,522 rarispinus Hall 111,522; V.481 Lepidesthes Meek and Worthen Ill, 522 ; VII.331 coreyi M. & W 111,524+ , 525 Lepidolites Ulrich VIII.212,217,239 dickhauti Ulr VIII. 239 elongatus Ulr . VIII, 239 Lepidoptera (?) 11,410 Leptacanthus Agassiz 11,113, 116 ( ) jenkinsoni McCoy 11,117; VI, 433 ( J junceus McCoy 11,117; VI, 433 ( " }) occidental N. & W VI,433; VII.238* GENERAL INDEX. 113 Leptfena Dalman 111,393 ( " depressa Kon.) ~. 111,426 ( " distorta J. Sby m,426 ( ' ' laticosta Yern.) HI, 427 ( " nodulosa Phill in, 426 " (?) nucleata HaU m.393 " (?) rhomboidalls ( Wilkms) HI, 337 ( " rugosa Hisinger) 111,426 ( " ) subplana Conr 111,349 ( " tenuistriata Sby.) 111,426 " (?) unicostata M. & W ni,337 teptocoelia Hall in, 397 flabellites (Conr.) 111,397* ( " )imbricata HaU 111,381 ( " propria Hall) 111,397 Leptodomus McCoy 111,357 ; Vm.107 (?) magnus Worthen VHI.IOT* (Leptogonia rugosa McCoy) in, 426 ( " multirugata McCoy) IU.426 Leptomitus Walcott. VHI, 212, 216, 233 zittell Wale Vm,216,233 Leptopoterium UMch VIH,212,217.239 mammiferum Ulr VHI,239 Leptotrypa Ulrich Vni,377,455 flliosa (d'Orbigny) vm,456* hexagonalis Ulr Vin,455* minima Ulr Vni,378 semipilaris Ulr VHI, 457* stidhami Ulr Vin,456* Lichas Dalman HI, 299 ; TI, 508 " boltoni (Bigsby) HI.SOO; VI.508* var. occidentalis Hall VI.508 " cucuUus M. & W DI,299*,PL i, flg. 6* " hibernicus Portl m,300 trentonensis (Conr.) HI, 300 (Lichenalia Hall) VIII,382,475 ( " -) concentrica Hall Vin,475 ( * ' lunata Hall) VIII, 489* Liehenotrypa Ulrich VUI, 383 cavernosa Ulr VIII, 383 Lima Bruguiere V.588; VIU.120 " chesterensis Worthen VUI,120* ' ' retifera Slium V, 588* (Limulus) anthrax Prestwich 11,398 ( " ) rotundatus Prestw U.394 Lingula Bruguiere m,305,437; V.572; VUI, 104 concentrica Conrad IU.437 granulata Phill in,3C6 " lewisi Sby in,306 mytiloides Sby V.572*; Vffl, 105 quadrata Eichw ." Ill, 305* spatulata HaU in, 437 " subspatulata M. & W UI.437* tenuigranulata McCoy % 111,306 varsoviensis Worthen Vni, 104* -15 114 GENERAL INDEX. Lioclema Ulrich VIII, 376, 425 araneum Ulr ¥111,431* asperum (Hall) VIII, 416,425 cellulosum (Hall) VIII.425 foliatum Ulr VIII, :jX)lt , 431 floridum (Hall) VIII. 416, 435 gracillimum Ulr VIII.429* ? laminatum (Hall) - VIII, 416, 425 minutum (Eominger ?) VIII, 427* ocoidens (Hall and Whitfleld) VIII.426* parasitif-um (Hall) VIII, 425 ponderosum (Hall) VIII, 425 punctatum (Hall) -. VIII.376,430* singulare (Hall) VIII.425 subglobosum Ulr VIII, 428* wachsmuthi Ulr VIII.428* ? wilmingtonense Ulr VIII, 426* Liodus St. John and Worthen VI, 335 " calcaratus St.'j. & W VI, 336* grossipunctatus St. J. & W VI, 837 Lisgodus St. John and Worthen VI, 363 curtus St. J. & W VI, 364* selluliformis St. J. & W VI.364,366* serratus St. J. & W VI,365*,367 Listracanthus Newberry and Worthen IV, 371 hystrix N. & W IV.372* Lithistidae Schmidt. VIII.220.234 Lithophaga Lamarck 111,536 lingualis (Phill.) 111,536*; V.539 " (?) pertenuis M. & W V.539* Lituites Breynius VI.507 " ammonius Conr VI.507 graftonensis M. & W VI.507* " marshi Hall VI, 507 Litorina Ferussac .- 11,364 ( " ) biserialis Phill 11,364 ( " ) wheeled Swall 11,364; V, 595 Loculipora Hall (Bominger M.S.) VIII.397 Lodanella mira Kayser VIII.218 Lophodus Romanowsky VI, 311 ( " Newberry and Worthen) IV.360; VI,311 (Helodus) didymus Ag VII, 73 variabilis N. & W IV,359,361*; VI.317 Lophophyllum Edwards and Haime V.560; VIII, 79 profundum Worthen VIII, 79* proliferum (M. Ch.) V.560* Loxonoma Phillips 11,368,373,377,383; 111,442; V.596; VIII.139 bellatulum Hall ." 111,442 cerithiiforme M. & W VIII.139 " (?) compactum Hall : 11,377 halli N. & P 11,376 ( " ) inornatum M. & W * 11,374* ( " ) minutum Stevens V.594* multicostatum M. & W II, 378* ( " ) newberryi Stevens V.594* ( •' ) nitidulum M. & W ., 11,374* " (?) obtusum Hall % 11.377 GENERAL INDEX. 115 Loxonema peoriense Worthen VIII, 139* quadricarinatunT Worthen VIII, 140* rugosum M. & W 11,378* scalaroideum (Phill.) 11,379 scitulum M. & W 11,377* semicostatmn Meek V.596* sp. indet V, PL xxix, flg. 3* (Michelina) sp. indet V.PL xxix.flg. 4* Lumilites dactylioides Ow 111,345 Lyrodictya Hall VIII, 237 romlngeri Hall VEH.237 Lyropora Hall 111,504 ; Vni,396,580 divergens Ulr VTII,584* ( " lyra Hall) Vni,582,583 ovalis Ulr VIII, 585* quincuncialis Hall VHI.396, 583* ranosculum Ulr VIII, 581* retrorsa M. & W 111,504*; VHI.SSl subquadrans Hall 111,504; Vin,582* Lyssacina Zittel Vm,236 Macrocheilus Phillips 11,367,384; V.593; Vm,143 acutum (Sby.) n,368 altonense Woi then V, 593* ; VTTT. 143* elongatum Phill 11,368 (?) fustforme Hall 11,375 harpula Phill , 11,368 intercalare M. & W 11,371* japonicum A. Ad n,369 limnaeif orme McCoy 11,384 maculatum Kon n, 368 mediale M. & W II, 370* newberryi (Stev.) 11,368; V.594* primigenium (Conr.) 11,368,370,372 pulchellum M. & W n,371 symmetricum King 11,369 ventricosum Hall 11,368 sp. indet 11,372* Macrodon Lycett , V.575 ; VHI, 123 delicatus M. & W V.575* sangamonensis Worthen VIII, 123* tenuistriatus M. & W V.576* Macrostylocrinus Hall n, 151 (Malleus ?) orbicularis McCoy 11,258 Mammalian remains in the Drift VLU,8 Mammoth IV,36,46; V.237; VI, 214; VIII, 8 Mantis 111,567 Marraeanthus St. John and Worthen VI, 465 rectus (N. & W.) VI.466* Marsupiocrinus Phillips n, 170, 172 C£elatus Phil n,172 tennnesseensis Boem 11,172 Martinia McCoy n,155,298 Mascalodus VI.285 Mastodon Cuvier 1V.36,46.113,193,242; VI.214; Vm.8 Mazonia Meek and Worthen 111,563 woodiana M. & W III,563t 1 1 () GfcNEKAL INDEX. Meekella White and St. John V.571 striato-costata (Cox) V.571* Meekopora Ulrich VIII.347,383,482 " (?)aperta Ulr VIII, 485* approximata Ulr VIII, 484* clausa(Ulr.) VIII, 315t, 485* eximiaUlr VIII.383.483* Megalomus Hall 111,292 " (?) dixonensis M. & W 111,298 Megalonyx Jefferson IV, 40; VIII.8 Megambonia ly oni Hall II, 156 (Meganteris) olongatus (Vanuxom) IH.-lOi ( " ) ovalis Hall 111,401 Megaptera Meek and Worthen casei M. & W 111,337* Megathentomum pustulatum Scudder III. 570t Megistocrinus Owen and Shumard 11,151,210; V.393; VIII, 107, 169 amplux M. & W ....V, 394,395 brevicornis Hall V.395 crassus White V,395 evansi O. & S V.393,395 ( " ) infelix Winch. & Mar 11,210 knappi Lyon II, 210 . ( " ) mareouanus Winch. & Mar 11,210 nobilis Wachs. & Spr VIII.169* parvirostris M. & W V.396* parvus Wachs. & Spr VIII, 171* plenus White V.395 spinulosus Lyon 11,210; V.393 superlatus Hall V.395 whiteiHall V.394,397* (Melania) fusiformis Munster ; — 111,302 (Meleagrina) kevigata McCoy 11,333 ( " ) pulchella McCoy 11,333 Melocrinus Goldfuss 11,147,209 Melonites Owen and Norwood n, 227, 247 ( " ) danre M. & W II,248t,249t; III,524t multiporus O. & N II,227t,228t,248; III,524t (Melanopsis Meek and Worthen) 11,249 Mclosaurus Meyer II, 140 Membraniporidas VIII.3G6 Menopoma Harlan II, 139 Merista Suess Ill, 376 lajvis (Vanuxem) 111,376* Meristella Hall 111,354 sp 111,354* Mesodmodus St. John and Worthen VI, 290,339 explanatus St. J. & W VI,293*,295 exsculptus St. J. & W VI, 291*. 294, 297 ornatus St. J. & W VI,294* Metoptoma Phillips 111,506 oblongaPhill 111,506 pilous Phill 111,506 Solaris (Kon.) 111,506 " (?) umbella M. & W 111,506* undata Winch ... III. 507 GENERAL INDEX. 117 Miamia Dana in, 566 ' ' bronsoni Dana ) Ill, 566 danae Scudder Ill, 5661 Michelia Rcemer 11.377 Michelinia favosa Kon 11,414 Microcyclus Meek and Worthen 111,420 discus M. & W 111,420* Microdoma Meek and Worthen ., V.598 conica M. & W V.598* (Microspongia Miller and Dyer) VIII, 226, 228,229 ( gregaria Miller) VIII, 229 Millepora Lamarck 111,305 ( " ) gracilis Phill VIII, 402 Mitoclema Ulrich VIH,337.369 ciiictosum Ulr VIII.SO'J* (Mitra sp. Cumberland) 11,274 Modiola Lamarck VIII.125 concentrica Hall Ill, 439 illinoiensis Worthen VIII, 125* ( " )lingualis Phill 111,536 Modiolopsis Hall m,294,438 carrollensis Worthen (to be substituted for M. subnasuta) Bull. I,p.38. gesneri Bill ! 111,2% modioliformis M. & W 111,294* orthonota M. & W. (See M. rectiformis) 111,295* " (?) perovata M. & W Ill, 438* rectiformis Worthen, to be substituted for M. orthonota, Bull. No. I,p. 38. subnasuta M. & W. (See M. carrollensis) VI, 494* sp. indet. (cast) VI. PL xxiii,fig.2* Monactinellidffi Zittel VIH,220,233 Monakidae Marshall VHI.238 Monopteria Meek and Worthen II, 339 gibbosa M. & W 11,340* longispina (Cox) 11,336,341 Monotis Bronn V.573 eregaria M. & W V.573* ( . " )hawni M. & W...' 11.338 ' ' salinaria Brohn 11,337 Monotrypa Nicholson VIII.379,407,455,462 rectimuralis Ulrich VIH,308t,309t , 462* subglobosa (Ulrich) VIII, 4i;2 undulata (Nicholson) VIII,379, 462 MonotrypeUa Ulrich .VHI,377,451 sequalis Ulr VIII,308t,309t,377.453 appressa Ulr VIII, 453* crassimuralis Ulr VIII, 452* pulchella (Edwards and Haime) VIII, 453 quadrata (Rominger) VIII. 452 subquadrata Ulr VUI, 452 Monticulipora d'Orbigny VIII.370,407 ( " ) flliosa d'Orb VIII, 407,456 ( ) frondosa d'Orb Till, 407, 414 lamellosa Ulr VIII, 408* mammulata d'Orb VIII.370. 407 ( " ) ramosa d'Orb VIII. 107 winckelli Uh- VIII, 408* Monticuliporidae Nicholson (Ulrich emend.) VIII, 338, 369, 407 Musronella spinosissima var. major Hincks VIII, 305 118 GENERAL INDEX. Monticava d'Orbigny VIII.340 (MontlcuUpora) petropoiitana (Pander) 111,304 Murchisonia d'Arohlac and Verneuil 11,317,373,383; 111,317; V.599; 7111,141 ' bicincta Hall 111,317* inornata M. & W V.599* keokuk Worthen VIII.141* lasallensis Worthen VIII, 141* minima Swallow II, 383 ( " perangulata Hall) 111,317 Myalina deKoninck 11,281,300,341; 111,358.535; V.582; VI, 524; VIII.127 " angulata M. & W 11,300* aviouloides M. & Hayd ....v 11,345 concentrica M. & W .". 11,281* " kansasensis Shum 11,345 " keokuk Worthen VI, 524* " meliniformis M. & W 11,343* monroensis Worthen VIII, 127* perattenuata M. & Hayd : 11,342; V.582* ' ' permiana Swall . . . 11,343 recta Shum 11,342 recurvirostris M. & W 11,344* sancti-ludovici Worthen V, 540* squamosa (Sby) 11,342 subquadrata Shum II, 344 var. ampla M. & Hayd 11,336 " swallovi M. Ch 11,336,341* Mylacris anthracophila Scudder — Ill, 568t Myliobatis Cuvier 11,59; VII.199,210 aauila (L) IV.365 Myliodonts VI,299,363,472 Myriacanthus pemigranulatus Rom'sky VI, 468 Myriapoda 11,409; 111,556 Mytilus SQuamosus Sby 11,342 Myxospongia Hseckel VIII, 220 Naiadites carbonaria Dawson Ill, 535 Natica Adanson . ( " ) altonensis M. Ch V.595 ( " ) mariae Murch 11,364 ( " ) plicistria Phill 11,364 ( " ) ventrieosaN. & P 11,366: V.592* Naticopsis McCoy 11,363,368; V.592; VIII.144 altonensis M. Ch V.595* " (?)var. gigantea V,P1. xxviii.flg. 12* biserialis (Phill.) 11,364 (Trachydomia) 'brevis (Sby) II, 364 madisonensis Worthen VIII, 144* (Trachyd.) mariae (Murch.) .- 11,364 nanaM. & W 11,365* (Trachyd.) nodosa M. & W 11,366* " var. hollidayi M. & W 11,367* ". phillipsi McCoy '. 11,364 " * plicistria (Phill.) 11,364 ( " ? pricei Shum.) V.592 subcostata Goldf 11,364 subovata Worthen V, 595* ventricosa (N. & P.) 11,364; V.592* GENERAL INDEX. 119 Naticopsis (Trachyd.) wheeled (SwalL) n,364; V.595* Nautilus Breynius (L.) : H, 161, 305.386; ¥,522.543,608; YI.531; VIII,148 biangulatus McCoy n, 162 ( " bistrialis Phill.) 11,305 capax M. & VT VI.532* cariuiferous Sby n,162; Y.522 chesterensis M. & W 11,306* coUectus M. & W V,544* coxanus M. & W Y.543* digonus M. & W 11,163* disciformis M. & W Y.522*; YI.531 discus Sby V.523 dorsalis Phill YI.532 edwardsianus Kon II , 162 ' " globatus? Sby : 11,162,305* highlandensis Worthen YI,531* lasallensis M. & W Y.610* latus M. & W Y.608* leidyi M. & W Y.524* montgomeryensis Worthen r . . .: YIII, 148* niotensis M. & W Y, 523* ( " nodocarinatus M. Ch.) 11.387 occidentals Swall n,386 omalianus Kon n, 162 ornatus? var. amplus M. & W VI, PL iwii.flg. 1 and 2* ( " (Endolobus) peramplus M. & W.) 11,308 pinguis Kon n, 162 planorbiformis M. & W 11,386* planovolvis (?) Shum V.P1. xxx.flg. 3* ( " quadrangulus M. Ch.) 11,387 ( " ) rockf ordensis M. & W 111,459* sangamonensis M. & W H.386* (EndoL) spectabilis M. & W 11,308* stygialis Kon. H.162 { " subglobosas M. & W.) m,305 sulcatus Sby 11,162 (Trematodiscus) trisulcatus ''. & W 11,162* tuberculatus Sby 11.306,308 winslovi M. & W Y.609* ( " wrightiFlem.) n,305 sp. indet Y.P1. itr.flg. 2* Nemacanthus Agassiz YI, 440 Nemataxis Hall YIII, 402 (Nematoerinus) wachsmuthi M. & W 111,465* Neinatopora Ulrich YHI, 363. 401. 406, 644 alternata Ulr YIII, 646* concava Bill.) Yni,645 delicatula Ulr YIII.646* fonnosa (Bill.) Y]JI,645 fragilis Ulr Yin, 646* lineata (Bill) YIU,646* minuta (Hall) YIII.645 quadrata Uh- YIH, 401, 644* retrorsa Ulr YIII, 645* striatopora (Bill.) VIII,645 strigosa (BUI.) Yin,645 120 GENERAL, INDEX. Nerita haliotis Sby 111,385 ( " price! Shum.) V.592 " spirata Sby 11,366 ( ' • ) subcostata Goldf II, 364 Nicholsonella Ulrich VIII.374,421 cumulata Ulr VIII.374,423* ponderosa Ulr VIII.374,422* vaupoliUh- VI II, 421, 422, 423 Nipterocrinus Wachsmuth V, 434 arboreus Worthen ...V.436* wachsmuthi M. £ W V.435* Nucleocrinus Conrad 11,275 ; VII, 357 " angularis Lyon VII, 360 " ? canadensis Montgomery VII, 357 e;ogans Conr VII.362 lucina Hall VII.360 meloniformis Barris VII, 361 Nucula Lamarck V.589; VIII.128 " ? beyrichi Schaur V.589* illinoiensis Worthen VIII, 128* " parva McCoy V.589* Nuculana Link 11,283 " ? curtaM. &W 11,283* sp. indet V.P1. xxvi.fig. 10* Obolus Eichwald 111,351 (Trimerella?) conradi Hall Ill, 351* davidsoni Salter Ill, 351 Odontaspis Agassiz VI.276 Odontocephalus Conrad Ill, 416 tegeria (Hall?) 111,417* arenarius M. & W 111,417 ' ' selenurus Conr Ill, 417 sp. indet 111,416* Odontochile Ha wle and Corda 111,367.391 (Odontotrypa Hall) VIIL383 Oligoporus Meek and Worthen 11,226,247 danze M. & W II,248t,249*; III,524t; V.477 nobilis M. & W V.476* (Olivanitos Troost) VII, 357 Ollacrinus Cumberland II, 225 ( " ?)flscellus M. & W 11,225 Omphalotrochus Meek 11,159 Onchus hainatus Ag VI.450 Oncoceras Hall Ill, 446 Onychaster Meek and Worthen 111,526; V, 474 barrisi (Hall) V.476* flexilis M. & W 111,5261; V,475,510* Onychocrinus Lyon and Casseday ....11,242; 111,492; V.498,552; VI.520; VII.307; VIII.199 asteriformis (Hall) 11,243; 111,494 distensus Worthen VII, 307* diversus M. & W 11,243; III,492t* exsculptus Ly. & Cass 11,247; V.498* magnus Worthen VI, 520* meeki (Hall) V.553 GENERAL INDEX. 121 Onychocrinus monroensts M. & W II, 244* . norwoodi M. & W II, 245*,247t whitfleldi (Hall) V, 552* Ophileta Yanuxem 111,313 ' ' compacta Salter 111,314 owenana M. & W HI, 313* Ophioraphidites Carter Vm,245 Ophiuroidea V.509 ; VH.330 Oracanthus Agassiz 11,117,126: VI,472,477; VII.255 abbreviatus Newb 11,118; VI, 480 ( " consimilis St. J. &W.) VI.478*; Vn,255 milleri Ag VI, 479 ?obliauus St. J. & W VI.477*; VH.257 ( " )pnigeus X. & W 11,117*; VI.480 pustulosus Ag VI, 4C8 rectus St. J. & W VH.257* vetustus Leidy VI.479; VH.255* Ormoceras Stokes 111,298 backi Stokes in, 298* tenuifllum Hall HI, 298 Orodus Agassiz 11,62,73: IV,358,360; VT,285,291, 295, 315,335,337; VH.65 alleni St. J. & W VI,310*,318 carinams St. J. & W VI.300, 307*,309 cinctus Ag H, 64, 65 ( " ) corrugatus N. & W IV,358*; VI.311,316 " daedaleus St. J. & \V VI.301* decussatus St. J & W VI.300* elegantulus N. & W II, 64*. 67; VI.302,309 fastigiatus St. J. & W VI.306* gibbosus (N. & W.) VI.308 major St. J. & W VI.300,302* mamillaris N. & W 11,66*; VT,301 ( " )minusculus N. & W II,67*,69; VI.339 minutus N. & W H,68*; VI.308 multicarinatus N. & W 11,62* neglectus St. J. & W VI.308* ornatus N. & W I,,65*,68; VI.308 parallelus St. J. & W VI.295* parvulus St. J. & "W VI, 309* " plicatus N. & W - 11,63*; VI.301,309 ramosus Ag 11,63; VI, 303 tuberculatus N. & W 11,66*; VI.307 turgidus St. J. & W VI.310* varicostatus St. J. & W VI, 304*, 308, 311 whitei St. J. & W VI.297* Orophocrinus von Seebach VII,347; VIII,201 conieus W. & Sp VIII,201*,204 fusiformis "\V. & Sp VIII,201,203* graciUs (M. & W.) V.467* stelliformis (O. & S.) V.464*; VII.347,349; VIII, 201 Orthis Dalman 11,322; IH, 372, 410, 423; V.571; VIII, 106 carbonaria Swallow V.571* elegantula Dalman 111,374 " hybrida Sby? 111,371* iovensis Hall Ill, 424 var. furnarius Hall in, 424* ( " lasallensis M. Ch.) V.570 —16 122 GENERAL INDEX. Orthis mac-farlanei Meek HI, 423* musculosa Hall 111,410 oblata Hall 111,371 ' ' perelegans Hall Ill, 374 ' ' planoconvexa Hall Ill, 374 ' ' resupinata Martin VIII, 106 resupinoides Cox VIII, 106* ( " richmondi M. Ch.) V.570 ( " rugosa Buch.) 111,426 striatula d'Orb Ill, 425 subcarinata Hall Ill, 373* testudinaria Dalman Ill, 373 sp. indet Ill, 410* (Orthisina crassa M. & Hayd.) V, i>70 Orthoceras Breynius 11,286,304; 111,298,318; V.612; VI, 503, 512; VII, 323; VIII, 148 anellus Conr 111,318* angulatum Wahl VI, 504* ( ' ' annulato-costatum M. & W.) see 0. randolphense. . . , II, 304* (Ormoceras) backi Stokes? 111,298* crebescens Hall VI, 504 crebristriatum M. & W VI, 503* dilatatum Kon 11,287 expansum M. & W 11,286* jolietense M. & W VI, 505* illinoiense Worthen Vn,323; VIII.148* laphami M. Ch VI, 504 lasallense Worthen Vn,324; VIII.149* maro Bill 111,320 medullare Hall? • VI.504* munsterianum? V.P1. xxiii.flg. 5* ' ' occidentale Winch VI, 513 okavense Worthen VII.324; VIII, 149* pauciseptum Hall VI, 505 " randolphense Worthen; this name should replace O. annulato-costatum M. & W., the latter name being pre-occupied. (Bulletin No. 1, page 38.) rectum Worthen VI, 504* rushense M. Ch V.612*: VIII.149 striilineatum M. Ch VI.504* tenuifllum Hall Ill, 298 unionense Worthen VI, 505* winchelli M. & W VI.512 sp. indet V, PI. xxx, fig. 5* " VI1I.151 Orthonema Meek and Worthen 11,380; V.590; VIII.145 ' ' carbonarium Worthen VIII, 145* conicum M. & W V.590* salteri M. & W 11,381* Orthonychia Hall 111,385,387 ( " ) pyramidata Hall 111,389 ( " )subplicata (M. & W.) 111,385,457* ( " )subrecta Hall 111,385,387 Orthopleurodus St. John and Worthen VII,61,85,190 carbonarius (N. & W.) VII,177,192* convexus St. J. & W VII, 193* novimexicanus St. J. & W VII, 195* (Orthopora Hall) VHI, 402, 647, 662 GENERAL INDEX. 123 Osteophorus Meyer II. HO Oxyrhina crassa Ag VHI,4t Pachastrella Schmidt THI, 245 Pachydictya Ulrich THI, 390, "-22 acuta (Hall) Tin,522,526 bifurcata (VanCleve) Yin, 526 everetti Ulr VIII. 523* fenestelliformis (Nich.) VIII, 526 var. eorticula Ulr YTII. 526* flrma Ulr Till, 525* gigantea Ulr YHI, 524* occidentalis Ulr YII I obesa Foerste YHI,522 robusta Ulr Yni,390,522 splendens Ulr VHI.523* (targida Foerste) • YHI, 526 (Palfearca Hall) 111,309 Palasasteridae .' 11,278; YII.327 (Palaeasterina) flmbriata M. & W H, 278 Palseechinida? McCoy 11,229.247,294; 111,523: Y.473 PalEeechinus McCoy II. 22*. 229 ; IU.523; Y, 473 burlingtonensis M. & TV II,230*,231t; V.474 danae M. & W 11.251 graeifis M. & W Y.473* Palfeeschara Hall Yin.354,366 Palaeescharidae Ulrieh YIII, 366 Paljeocampa Meek and Worthen H.410: in, 565 anthrax M. & TV 11.410* Palaeocaris Meek and Worthen 11.403: HI. 552 typus M. & \V n,403*,405*; in,552^ Palaeocrinoidea Wachsmuth and Springer. ...H, 147, 167, 234, 263, 288, 310; in,421,463,5U; Y. 323-339, 483,530,546,561; VH, 269, 335. 341; YHI, 83,157.168 Palseomanon Roemer YHI, 212.214. 217,223,234 bursa HaU Y1H,234 cratera Roemer YIII. 234 Palaeoniscus de Blainville n.17: IY.347 gracilis N. \- W F\'.347* peltigerus (Newb.) n,!?^; IY.348 Palaeopterina Scudder 111,566 (Panopasa?) lunulata Gein 11,347 (Paradoxides) boltoni Bigsby VI.508 Pasceolus Billings IH.345 ( " ?) dactylioides (Ow.) 111,345* (Patella) Solaris Kon. 111,506 Pattersonia S. A. Miller YELL 212. 217. 240 difflcilis Mill YIH.240 Pecten Muller. ( " ) aviculatus Swall in,455; Y.588* ( " ) clevelandicus (SwalL) 11,331 consimilis McCoy 11,333 dissimilis McCoy 11.333 maximus L 11,333 ( " ) neglectus Gein Y.,589 ( " ) occidentalis Shorn H.331 124 GENERAL INDEX. Pecten pusillus Munster. 11,334,336 sericeus (Vern.) 11,335,336 sowerbyi McCoy 111,455 ( " ) tenuilineatus M. & W 11,334 Pelmatozoa VIII, 163, 201 Peltodus Newberry and Worthen IV.862; YI,409,414 curtus N. & W IV.355* plicomphalus St. J, & W VI.411* pulvinulus N. & W IV.362 quadratus St. J. & W VI,410*,413 transversus St. J. & W VI.412* unguiformis N. & W IV, 363*; VI.409,413 Penniretepora d'Orbigny VIII.398,615 Pentacrinus Schlotheim VIII, 161 Pentagonia Cozzens Ill, 380 Pentamerus Sowerby 111,428 comis (Owen)? 111,428* ( " ) eloneatus Vanuxem Ill, 402 ( " galeatiformis M. & W.) 11,325; IH.4'28 galeatus Dalman 11,325; 111,429 occidental Hall 11,325; 111,428 subglobosus M. & W 111,429* Pentremites Say 11,171,274; 111,496; V.461,506; VI, 521; VII.346 ' ' abbreviatus Hambach VII.351 burlingtonensis M. & W V.461* clavatus Shultze V.364 cornutus M. & W 11,276 elongatus Shum Ill, 499 godoni Defr V, 461 inflatus Gilb V.466 lineatus Shum VI, 521 ( " )melo (O. & S.) 111,496 ( " " var.) projectus M. & W 111,496 ( " )norwoodi O. & S 111,496; V.473 (Tricoelocrinus) obliauatus Koeraer VI, 521* ( " )reinwardti Shum VII.357 roemeri Shum V,509 ( " ) stelliformis O. & S V.464; VII.347; VIII.201 { " subtruncatus Hall) VII,357 ' ' (Tricoal.) varsoviensis Worthen VI, 521* . " (Troostocr.?) woodman! M. & W V.506* wortheni HaU? V.506* Pentremitidea d'Orbigny, VII, 363 ' ' americana Barris VII, 363 clavata iSchultze) ....VII,364 Periplectrodus St. John and Worthen VI, 324 compressus St. J. & W VI, 326* expansus St. J. & W VI,327* warreni St. J. & W VI,325*,327 Perischodomus McCoy 11,229,294; VII.333 illinoiensis Worthen and Miller VII, 333* Perischoechinidse 11,225,247,294; 111,522; V.473,510; VII.331 Pernopecten WincheU 11,334; III, 453 cooperensis (Shum.) 11,334 limiformis White and Whitf 111,455 ' ' shumardanus Winch.? Ill, 453* Peronella Zittel VIII.218,280 GENERAL INDEX. 125 Peronopora Nicholson VIII, 370, 412 decipiens (Borainger) Vni,370 Petalodontidae Newberry and Worthen 11.31 Petalodus Owen 11,31,35,47,73; IV.355; 71,367,377,394,397,403,413 acuminatus Ag 11,32,37; VI, 396 alleghaniensis Leidy 11,32; VI, 396 ( " )bellulus St. J. & W VI,397,398* curtus? N. & W VI.394* destm.-tor N. & W II,32,35*,46; VI,3% bastings! Ow 11,32; VI.396 hybridus 8t J. & W VI, 394* hevissimus Ag VI, 399 linguifer X. & W 11,32,37*; VI.394,400 proximus St. J. & W VI.395* Petalorhynchus Agassiz n, 32,40; VI, 405, 414 distortus St J. & W "VI, 406* pseudosagittatus St J. & W : VI, 405* psittacinus Ag 11,32; VI, 408 sagittatus Ag n,32,40; VI. 406, 408 spatulatus St. J. & V? VI, 408* striatus N. & W 11,32,40*; VI, 406 Petalotrypa Ulrich VIIE, 377,453 compressa Ubr VIII, 377, 454* delicata Ulr Vm,454* Petigopora Ulr VIII, 372 gregaria Ulr VHI.372 Petrodus McCoy 11,70; IV,369; VI.314 acutus N. & W II, 72* occidentalis N. & W. 11,70*; IV.370; VI, 461 patelliformis McCoy 11,71 " (?) pustulosus N. & W IV, 369* Petrospongiae II, 145,233,262 Phacelopora Ulrich VIII, 368,406 constricta Ulrich Vni, 406* pertenuis Ubrich VIH.368, 406* Phaceloporidae Ulrich Vni,368 Phacops Emmerich 111,447 rana (Green) Ill, 447* Phaenopora Hall Vm, 349, 392. 520 constellata Hall VIH,392t expansa HaU and Whitfleld Vin,391,392t- explanata Hall VED,392 ( " fenestelliformis (Nich. sp.) Ulrich) Vin,526* lindstroml Ukich VIII, 392t ( " ) multipora Hall VHI,520 Phaenoschisma Etheridge and Carpenter VII,353,356 verneuili Eth. & Carp VII, 356 Pharetrones Zittel VIII.239 Phi.lipsia Portlock : V.525.612 bufo M. & W V.528* ( " ?) eUiptica M. & W 111,462 portlocki M. & W V.525* sangamonensis M. & W V.615* scitula M. & W V.612* Philocrinus de Koninck 11.315; V.446 " (?)antiauus M. & W V.449 ( " Jconoideus M. & W II,318t 126 GENERAL INDEX. Philocrinus nebrascensis M. & W V.446 ( " pelvis M. & W.) II,317t* ( " ?) tuberculatus M. & W 11,319 typus M. & W V, 446 " (?) white! M. & W V,449 Phcebodus St. John and Worthen VI, 251 sophiae St. J. & W VI, 251* Pholidocidaris Meek and, Worthen V, 510 irregularis M. & W V.512* Phragmoceras Broderip VI,506,511 ' ' byronense Worthen VI, 506* nestor Hall VI.506 walsbiM. & W VI.511* Phragmodictya Hall VIII,237 catilliformis Whitfleld VIII, 237 lineata Hall VIII, 237 patelliformis Hall VIII, 237 Phrynidae 111,568 Phyllodictya Ulrich VIII, 348, 390,528 frondosa Ulr VIII.390 Phyllopoda 111,540 Phyllopora King VIII.358, 397,612 aspera Ulrich VIII, 613* ( " )corticosa Ulr VIII, 639 ehrenbergi King VIII, 358, 397, 612, 613 superba Ulrich VIII, 613* variolataUlr VIII.639 ( " )sp. indet VIII.612,P1. Iv.flg. 10* Phylloporina Ulrich VIII,399,639 corticosa (Ulr.) VIII, C30 dawsoni Ulr VIII, 331*, 358, 639* granistriata Ulr VIII, 639* reticulata Hall VIII, C39 " trentonensis Nicholson VIII, 639 variolata (Ulrich) VIILG'W PhylloporinidEB Ulr VIII.362,399 Physetocrinus Meek and Worthen V,349,351,363 asper M. & W V.351* cancellatus (Hall) V, 349 dilatatus M. & W V,363* ornatus (Hall) - V.363 reticulatus (Hall) V.363 subventricosus M. Ch... V.349,364 ventricosus (HaU) V, 349 Physonemus Agassiz IV.373; VI, 448; VII.252 altonensis St. J. & W VI, 454*; VII.252 arcuatus McCoy IV.373; VI.448 carinatus St. J. & W VI.452* cestriensis St. J. & W VI.455*; VII.252 depressus St. J. & W VI, 452* falcatus St. J. & W VII, 252* gigas N. & W IV.373*; VI, 448, 453, PI. xviii.flg. 6-10* parvulus St. J. & W VI, 453* proclivus St. J. & W VI, 451* subteres (Ag.) VI, 448 GENERAL, INDEX. 127 Physospongia Hall VIII.237 alternata HaU Vin,237 colletti Hall VTH, 237 dawsoni (Whitfleld) Vin,237 Pileopsis Lamarck 111,384 ( ' ' tubifera) 111,385 ( " JvetustaSby 111,3*5 (Pileotrypa Hall) YIII,382.383 Pinacodus Agassiz VH, 200, 232 gonoplax Ag VII. 232 Pinacotrypa Ulrich Till. 384 elegans (Eominger) Yin, 385 Pinna Linnaeus VI.524; Vm.lll missouriensis Swall Vni.lll sancti-ludovici Worthen Yni.lll* spatula McCoy YI.524 subspatulata Worthen YI, 524* Pinnatopora Yine YIII.358, 397,566,614 bellula Ulr Vni.362*,619* conferta Ulr Yin, 615*. 618* elegans Young and Young Yin,615* flexicarinata (Y. & Y.) VIH, 620 flexuosa Ulr Yin, 617* laxa Young and Young YUI.615* retroflexa Y. & Y Yni,615* sedrsvieki Shrubsole Ym,627 ( " ) simplex Yine Yin,361,636 stellipora Y. & Y YIII,315t striata Ulr Yin,617* tenuiramosa Ulr VIII, 619* trilineata (Meek) Yin, 615', 620* vinei Ulr VIII, 616* whitei Fuerste Yni,620 youngi Ulr VIII, 615* Pisces II. 11-134 ; IV, 313-374 ; YI,245^88 ; Vn,55-264 " Synoptic tables of II. i-v. 128-134; VI.483-488; Vn,261-264 Placunopsis Morris and Lycett , V.578 carbonaria M. & W V, 578* jurensis Roemer V.579 Plagiostomi VI.276 Plaryceras Conrad n,227; HI, 384,387,406, 441,457; V, 334-339,516,594 aequilaterale Hall Y, 518* biseriale Hall • HI.509* flssurella Hall 111,385,457 ; V, 519* gebhardi Conr UI,S88,406 haliotoides M. & W in, 458* infundibulum M. & W Y,334,517* ' ' intermedium Hall in.387 multisinuatum Hall ni,387 pabulocrinus R. Ow V, 335 (Orthonychia) pyramidatum Hall? HI.389* ( ) auincyense M. Ch ni,510* (Exogyroceras) reversum Hall in, 508t* ?I linigerum Worthen Y, 594* spirale Hall III.389*,406* (Orthon.?) subplicatum M. & W 111,385,457* 128 GENERAL INDEX. Platyceras subrectum Hall V.335,387 " subsinuosum Worthen, substituted for subundatum. Bull. No. 1. p. 38. ( " subundatum M. & W.)— See P. subsinuosum « 111,387* tortuosum Hall 111,406 tubiferum (Sby.) III. 387 ( " )umbellaM. & W 111,506 uncum M. & W V, 516* " ventricosum Conr 111,388,405.441* Platycrinus Miller 11,170,172,242,264; 111,466,511; V, 450, 506, 555; VII,306; YIII,186 jsqualis Hall V,456* " americanus O. & S V.451 (Pleurocrinus) asper M. & W 11,172;' 111,468+* burlingtonensis 0. & S V.452M60; VIII, 186 (Marsupiocrinitesj caslatus Phill *. 11,172 discoideus Hall 11,175 freorgii Hall 4 11,265 (Centrocrinus) gigas Gilb 11,172 granulatus Mill 11,172: 111,513 halli Shum V.454*; VIII.189 hemisphaericus M. & W..... 111,511+*; V,334,506* incomptus White V, 453, 455, 459* ( " inornatus M. Ch V.452 laevis Miller II, 171 monroensis Worthen VII, 306* (Pleuroc.) mucronatus Austin 11,172 mullerianus Kon T II, 172 niotensis M& W III,513t* nodibrachiatus Hall 11,172; 111,491 ( " olla Hall) V.454,460 olla Kon V.460 parvulus M. & W 11,171; V.555* penicillus M. & W 11,266* perasper M. & W 11,172 pileiformis Hall VIII.186 planus 0. & S.? 111,467*; V,452*,456; VIII,188* plenus M. & W 11,267* plumosus Hall II, 173 polydactylus Troost II, 267 prattenanus M. & W 11,264* pratteni Worthen VIII, 189 sarae Hall Ill, 514 scobina M. & W Ill, 466t* ( ' ' spinosus Austin). .-. II, 172 (Pleurocr.) subspinosus Hall 11,172,173*; V.452* symmetricus W. & Sp VIII, 186* (Marsupiocr.) tennesseensis Koem 11,172 tenuibrachiatus M. &W V,450* ( " triaconta-dactylus Austin) ..11,172 truncatulus Hall VIII, 188 ' ' (Pleurocr.) tuberculatus Miller 11,172 ( " ) tuberosus Hall 11,172 wortheni Hall Ill, 467 ; V, 451 ( " sp.) : 11.167,168 (Platynotus) boltoni Bigsby VI.508 Platysomus Agassiz I V.317 circularis N. & W IV, 347* orbicularis N. & W IV, PL iii.flg. 1* GENERAL INDEX. 129 (Platystoma) tumidum M. 4f W 11,360 Plectostylus Conrad 11.367 Plectrodus Agassiz YI.324 Pletirocrinus Austin II, 170, 172, 173,290; 111,468 asper M. & W 11,172; HI,468t* mucronatus Aust H. 172 subspinosus Hall II, 172 tuberculatus Moll H, 172 tuberosus Hall n.172 Pleurodeles Mich 11,137 Pleurodictyum Goldf uss in, 407 problematicum Goldf? HI, 407* Pleurogomphus Agassiz VII.200 Pleurophorus King n,347; m,535; V.589; YI.529; YIII.123 (?)angulatus M. i W YI.529* chesterensis Worthen YIU, 123* costatiformis M. & W HI.535t* costatus (Brown) 11,348; HI.536 minimus Worthen Vin,124* monroensis Worthen Yin, 125* oblongus Meek Y.589* subcos-tatus M. & W - 11,347* subcuneatus M. & Hayd n,348 Pleurotomaria Defrance 11,260,303,351,373,380; m,359; V.600; Yn,324; Yni,135 adamsi Worthen Vm,137* ( " angulata Conr.) HI.314 beckwithana M. Ch V, 601 bicarinata Sby n,359 brazoensis Shum? II, 354* casii M. & W 111,359* chesterensis M. & W 11,303* conica Phill H, 260 coniformis Worthen (substituted for P. conoides.) Bull 1,38 ( conoides M. & W.) Y.603* coxanaM. i W Y.600* ( coxana Worthen) YIH.138 cyclonemoides M. & W m,360 giffordi Worthen Yin,135* granulo-striata M. &, W-. H, 356* gurleyi Meek V.PL xxx.flg. 6* illinoiensis Worthen YHI.ISS* intertexta M. & W 11,355 iovensis Worthen YIII.138* ( ) lentioularis (Sby.) 111,316* micronema M. i W Y.603 missouriensis (Swall.) 11,360; Y.604 montezuma Worthen YII, 324 ; YIII, 136* nauvooen-is Worthen YIII, 137* obtusispira Shum _ Y.604 pauper Hall in,361 pratteni M. & W 11,357* proutana Shum 11,352 riddelli Shum H.360 scitulaM. & W H.353* shumardiM. & W U,260* gpeciosaM. i W 11,352.* —17 130 GENERAL INDEX. Pleurotomaria spironema M. & W V, 601* subconstricta M. & W V.351*; VIII.136 subscalaris M. &W 11,360* subsinuataM. & W 11,358* tabulata Conr II, Ml tenuicincta M. & W 11,355* (?)tumidaM. & W 11,361* tuberculosa Defr Ill, 317 turbiniformis M. &W 11,359* Jumbilicata Hall 111,314* valvatiformis? M. & W V.602* yvani Leveille 11,369 sp. indet V.P1. xix.fig. 1* (Plicatula) strlato-costata Cox V, 571 PnigeacanthusJSt. John aud Worthen VI, 480; VII.259 ( " deltoides St. J. & W.) : VI, 475, 479, 480* pnigeus N. & W 11,117*; VI.480* trigonalis St. J. & W VII.259* Poecilodus Agassiz 11,96; IV.363,366; VII, 61, 131 ( " aliformis McCoy) ...VII.144 angustus Ag 11,96; IV. 366 carbonarius St. J. & W VII.139* cestriensis St. J. & W VII.131,135* convolutus M. & W IV.366* jone^i Ag 11,95; VII. 136 marginatus 11,96 obliquus McCoy (Ag.?).. 11.95; VII, 136 ( " ornatus N. & W.) 11,95*; IV.366; VII.112 ( " parallelus McCoy) VII.144 ( " )rugosus N. & W 11,94*; IV,3(i6; VII,112.119,120 sancti-ludovici St. J. & W VII.131* springer! St. J. & W VII.139* ( " )subkevis McCoy 11,99; VII.141 varsoviensis St. J & W VII, 131* wortheni St. John VII, 136* PollakidsB Marshall VIII.238 Polyphemopsis Portlock 11,372.384; 111,361; V,5%; VIII.144 brevis M. & W Ill, 362 bulimiformis (Hall) 11,373 canaliculata ( Hall) II , 373 chrysalis M. & W V.596* elongata Portl 11,373; 111,361 fusiformis (Sby.) 11,373; 111,361 inornata M. & W 11,374* (?) keokuk Worthen VIII, 144* nitidula M. & W 11,374* peracuta M. & W _. 11,375* (Polyphemus) fusiformis Sby 11,373 Polypora McCoy 11,421; 111,504; VIII,245,351,357, 396,585 approximata Ulr VIII, 599* artaHall VIII. 358 ' ' biarmica Keyserling VIII, 599 ( " " Prout) VIII.599* " biserialis (in error for P. biseriata) VIII, 358 biseriata Ulr VIII,315t,538>592* burlingtonensis Ulr VIII. 587+ GENERAL INDEX. 131 Polypora celsipora (Hall) VIII, 358 cestriensis Ulr VIII, 357, 594* complanata Ulr VIII, 597* corticosa Ulr VIII, 596* crassa Ulr VIII.603* cultellata (Hall) VIII, 586* dendroides McCoy VIII,397,585,607 distincta Ulr VIII.357,603* eximia (in error for P. whitei) Vni,600 glgantea Waagen and Pichl VIII.603 gracilis Prout 11,422*; VIII, 357, 590*. 603 grandis Toula VIII, 603 halliana Prout 11,421; VIII,357*,587* ( " " Nich.) VIII.587 hamiltoneusis Prout 11,423* incepta? Hall Vin,358,(Pl. Iv, fig. 1*) koninckiana Waagen and Pichl VIII, 604 laxa (Phill) 11,423 mac-coyana Ulr VHI, 357, 588* marginata McCoy VIII, 602 ( " " Geinitz) Vin,602* mexicana Prout 11,422 nodocarinata Ulr Vin,601* radialis Ulr VIII,358,591* retrorsa Ulr VIII, 591* shumardi Prout VIII, 397, 586* simulatrix Ulr VIII.589* spininodata Ulr VIII, 594* spinulifera Ulr VIII,357,598* submarginata Meek VIII, 602* tnberculata Prout VIII,357, 595* ( ' ' tuberculata Nich.) VIII.595 varsoviensis Prout VIII, 593* whitei Ulr VHI,358,600* " var. insculpta Ulr VIII.600* (Polyporidae Vine) VIII, 358 (Polyporinae Waagen and Pichl) VIII, 359 Polyrhizodus McCoy 11,32,34,39,47; IV.357; VI, 379, 384, 391 amplus St. J. & W VI,385,387* carbonarius St. J. & W VI, 389* dentatus N. & W 11,34,50*; VI.388 inflexus N. & W 11,48*; IV.357 littoni N. & W IV.357*; VI.385,388, PL XIILfig. 14* magnus McCoy 11,34,49,51; IV.358 nanus St. J. & W VI.386* piasensis St. J. & W VI.386* ponticulus N. & W 11,34,50,51* porosus N. &W n,34,49*; IV,357*; VI.385 ( " )pusillus McCoy 11,34,51 " radicans McCoy VI, 388, 389 truncatus N. & W IV.357* williamsi St. J. & W VI,384",386 Polyzoa-«See Bryozoa. Porcellia LeveiUe 111,458; VIII.138 nodosa Hall HI, 458* peoriensis Worthen VIII, 138* puzosi Lev III. 458 132 GENERAL INDEX. Porocrinus Billings IJI> 329 conicus Bill • 111,331 crassus M. & W III,330t* ' ' pentagomis M. & W HI> 332* Portlockia McCoy in, 449 rana (Green) 111,449 Posidonomya (?) rhomboidea Hall. 111,355 Poteriocrinidse VIII, 193 Poterioerinus Miller : 11,176,179,185,237; 111,484,515; V, 405, 410, 490, 533, 561; VI, 516, 526; VII.269; VIII,86,193. seaualis (Hall) VII.282 " arachniformis Worthen VII, 281* asper Worthen VII, 278* asperatus Worthen VII, 280* bayensis M. & W < V.550* bisselli Worthen V.546* briareus Worthen VII,279* buffaloensis Worthen VIII, 89* burketi Worthen VII.270* bursiformis White V,433 calyculatus HaU 111,485 capillaris (PhilL) 11,182 carinatus M. & W III,486t* claytonensis Worthen VII, 288* clytis Worthen VII,294*,301 columbiensis Worthen VII,293*,295 concinnus M. & W V.490; VII.284 coreyi Worthen VI, 516*,519 coxanus Worthen •:• VII, 269* cultidactylus Hall VII.301* dilatatus HaU (?) V, PI. iv, fig. 7* ( " Jegertoni Phill 11,270 elsahensis Worthen VIII, 88* ( " J.enorinis M. & W 111,481* f ountainensis Worthen VII, 286* goniodactylus Phill II, 182 ' ' hamiltonensis Worthen VII, 273* ' ' hardinensis Worthen V, 533* ( " ) hemisphsericus Shum •. V.561 hoveyi Worthen VI.516* illinoiensis Worthen VII,2 Ill, 426 GENEEAL INDEX. 145 Strophomena rugosa Raf 111,336 subplana Conr Ill, 349 unicostata M. & W HI, 335* (Strophodonta) sp. indet '. in, 411* Strophostylus Hall ni, 404 (?) cancellatus M. & W HI, 404t* " (?) ventricosus (Conrad) III. 405* Strotocrinus Meek and \\forthen 11,150,188 : V,339,347 aegilops (Hall) II.19Q; V,349,355,357 (Physetocrinus?) asper M. & W V.351* asperrimus M. & W. V.349* (Physet.) cancellatus (Hall) V.349 ( " elavis Hal) ..V.349 (Physet.) dilatatus M. & W V.363* ectypus M. & "W V.353* erodus (Hall; n, 190 (?)glans (Hall) V.349 glyptus (Hall) 11,190; V,349,353,355,357 insculptus Hall V.349 liratus (Hall). n,190; V.347,349, 355* var. (?) subumbrosus (Hall) V.349 (Physet) ornatus (Hall) V, 349 ( " } " var. (?) senarius (Hall) V.349 perumbrosus (Hall) II, 188t ; V.339, 347,349, 357* regalis (Hall) II,189,191t,192t*,194t; V.349 (Physet.) reticulatus (HalP V.349 rudis (Ha.l) V.349 (Physet) senarius (Hall) V.349 subumbrosus (Hall) 11,190 ; V, 349 (Physet.) subventricosus M. Ch V,349,364 teuuiradiatus (Hall) V.349 tholus (Hall) V.349 umbrosus (Hall) .....11,190; V,349,360* (Physet.) ventri?osus (Hall) V.339,347, 348 sp. indet V.P1, vii.flg. 3* Strotopora Ulrich Vni, 383,486 dermata Ulr VIII, 488* foveoataUlr Vni,383,487* perminuta Ulr Vin, 487* Strotospongia Ulrich and Everett VET, 215, 217, 239, 255, 276 maculosa U. & E YHI,239,277* Stylonurus Page ni,545 Subulites Conrad 11,361,373; VI, 495 (Polyphemopsis) brevis M. & W HI.362* elongatus Conr 111,361 inflatus M. & W VI.495* ( " ventricosus Hall) 111,362 Synbathocriuus Phillips 111,465; V.324.4,??: VI.514 brevis M. & W V.439* dentatus O. & S V.438,439 papillatus HaU V, 438,439 robustus Shum VI, 514* wachsmuthi M. & W IH,465*; V.437* wortheni Hall V, 438,439 Synocladia King VIH,398,627 ( " )biserialis SwaUow V.P1. 24,flg. 15*; Vni,631 —19 146 GENERAL INDEX. Synoeladia virgulacea King VIII.398,627 ( " virgulacea? Swallow) VIII.631 Syntrielasma Meek and Worthen 11,321; V.571 (?)andii (d'Orb.) 11,323 (?)gaudreyi (d'Orb.) 11,323 hemiplicata (Hall) II,322t,323,324+; V.571* (?)lamarcki (Fischer) 11,323 Syringelasma Ulrich VIII,218,222,235,250,705 wortheni Ulr VIII.235,250* Syringothyris Winchell. ciispidata (Sby.) 111,532 " propinqua (Hall) 111,532 Teenlodietya Ulrich VIII,393,528 cingulata Ulr ¥111,304+, 530* frondosaUlr VIII, 529* ramulosa Ulr VIII,393,528* var. burlingtononsis Ulr VIII. 529* subrectaUlr VIII. 530* Taeniodus de Koninck VII. 61, 75 contortus Kon VII, 74 fasciatus (N. & W.) VII.76* obliauus St. J. & W VII.78* regularis St. J. & W VII.77* Taeniopora Nicholson VIII.386,504 exiguaNich VIII.505 occidentalis Ulrich VIII, 505* pemniformis Nicholson VIII,386,505* Talarocrinus Wachsmuth and Springer VII, 314 ovatus Worthen VII.314* sexlobatus (Shum.) VII. 315 Tanaodus St. John and Worthen VI, 367 angularis (N. & W.) 11,34,55*; VI, 357, 368, 375 bellicinctus St. J. & W VI,370,376*,379,381 depressus St. J, & W VI, 371, 378*, 381 grossoplicatus St. J. & W VI.375* obscurus (Leidy) VI.368 polymorphus St. J. & W VI, 372, 374, 377, 380* praenuntius St. J. & W. VI,371*,381 pumilus St. J. & W VI, 369*. 379, 381 sculptus St. J. & W VI,373*,381 sublunatus St. J. & W VI, 368* Taxocrhras Philh'ps 11,268; 111,421,495; V.399; V1I.308; VIII, 197 agassizi (Hall) 11,270; 111,495 var. giganteus M. & W 111,495* communis (Hall) 11,270 egertoni Phillips II, 270 fletcheri Worthen VII.308*; VIII.197* giganteus (?) M. & W ' 111,495* graciUs M. & W Ill, 4211* intermedius W. & Sp VIII,199* interscapularis Hall Ill, 422 juvenis Hall 11,271 kelloggi (Hall) ; , 11,270 macrodactylus Phill II, 270 " nobilis Kon. & Leh 11,270 ( " ) norwoodi M. & W ...11,243,245* GENERAL INDEX. 147 Taxocrinus nuntius (Hall), 11,270 semiovatus M. & "W 11,272* thiemei (Hall) 11,271 ; V.399* ( )wortheni (Hall) 11,270*: V,496*,553 Tectulipora Hall VIII, 679 " (?)gothlandicaUlrich VIII, 678* Telerpeton Mant 11,140 Tellinomya Hall 111,307 alta Hall Ill, 309* contracta (Salter) 111,308 nasuta Hall Ill, 309 ventricosa Hall 111,307* Temnocheilus McCoy 11,162; V, 524, 543, 608; Yin, 151 coxanum M. & W V.643*; Vni,151 latum M. & W V.608* niotense M. & W V, 522 scottense Worthen VITE, 151 win-lowi M. & W V.609* Tentaculites Schlotheim II, ,341 distans Hall 111,343 elongatus Hall 111,342 ( flexuosus Hall) IH,342 incurvus Shum TTT, 342 oswegoensis M. & W Ill, 342* sterlingensis M. & W 111,343* tenuistriatus M. & W Ill, 341* Terebratula Llhwyd V.572; Vni,102 ( ' ' afflnis Sby.) 111,432 andii d'Orb 11,323 ( " ) aspera Schloth 111,430 bovidens Morton V.572* gaudreyi d'Orb 11,323 geniculosa M. Ch V.572 paradoxa Schloth Ill, 415 ( ' ' prisca Schloth.) Ill, 432 • rowleyi Worthen VIII.102* schlotheimi Buch 111,379 ( " )subtilita Hall V.570 ( " sp. d'Orb.) n,321 Tesseles Desor II, 225 Tethyopsis Zittel VOI,245 Tetradium Dana in,346 Tetracladina Zittel VIIT,223,225,226,231,234 Tetractinellida Marshall VIII, 220,233 Tetradecapoda 11,399; 111,549 (Thallostigma Hall VIH, 382, 475 (Thamni^cida; King) VHI.358 Thamuiscus King VDJ,397,606 ( " )cisseis HaU VIII.399 crassus (Lonsdale) Vm,607 dichotoma HaU V1H.607 divaricans Ulr Vin,357,608* dubius (Schlotheim) VIII,357,397,60ti furcillatus Uh- VIII,609*,637 gracilis Vine VHI.610 ( " ) niagarensis Hall '. VIII,399,607 octonarius Ulr Vm,611* 148 GENERAL INDEX. Thamniscus ramulosus-TTlr Till, 357, 607, 610* ( " var.) sevillensis Ulr VIII,610*,727 sculptilis Ulr , .'..... YIII, 608* serialls Waagen and Pichl VIII, 608 sevillensis Ulr Vm,610*,727 Thamnodictya Hall VIII, 237 newberryi Hall VIII,237 Thamnotrypa Hall VIII.387 Trinacodus St. John and Worthen VI.280, 289 duplicates (N. & W.) 11,61*; VI, '.89 incurvus (N. & W.) 11,62*; VI.290 nanus St. J. & W VI, 289* Tomodus Agassiz VII, 171, 191 convexus Ag '. VII, 171,177,179 " (?)limitaris St. J. & W , VII.173* Trachydomia Meek and Worthen 11,364, 3(i6; VIII.146 brevis (Sby) II, 364 •marias (Murch.) II, 364 npdosa M. & W 11,364,366* " hollidayi M. & W 11,367*; VIII.147 nodulosa Worthen VIII, 146* wheeleri Swall 11,364; V.595*; VIII.147 Trachypora Edwards and Haime VIII, 81 austini Worthen VIII,81* ornata Horn VIII.81 Trachyum Billings VIII, 211, 216, 241 cyathiforme Bill , VIII.241 rugosum BiU VIII.241 Tremataster Worthen and Miller VII, 330 difflcilis W. &M VII.330* (Trematocrinus Hall) 11,217 ( ) papillatus Hall 11,219 ( " ) reticulatus Hall 11,219 ( " ) tuberculosus Hall 11,225 ( ', ) typus Hall 11,219 Trematodiscus Meek and Worthen • 11,161 trisulcatus M. & W .'.11,162* Trematopora Hall .' VIII.373,418 calloporoides Ulrich VIII, 420* ( " )cofcstricta Hall VIII.468 debilis Ulrich ' VIII, 419* ( " ) granulif era HaU , ; VIII.647 ( " )n:inuta Hall VIII.645 ?nitida Ulrich VIII.419* primigenia Ulr VIII,419,420 tuberculosa Hall VIII, 374,418 ( " ) venusta Hall VIII.468 Trematoporidse Ulrich ^ VIII.340, 373 Trematospira Hall 111,381 (?) imbricata Hall 111,381* Trepostomata UMch VIII, 337, 369 Tretoceras Salter 11,307 Trichospongia Billings VIII, 211, 216, 241 sericea Bill ...VIII.241 GENERAL INDEX. 149 Trigonodus Newberry and Worthen 11,111 ( " major N. & W.) 11.112*; vn,184* minor N. & W H, 112* Trimerella Billings 111,551 Tricoelocrinus Meek and Worthen V.507; VI.521 obliquatus (Roem.) VI, 521 varsoviensis Worthen : VI.521 woodman! M. & W V, 506* (Trigonotreta Koenig) 111,384,398,414 ( ) engelmanni M. & W Ill, 398* ( ) hemicychis M. & W 111,399* ( " ) oblata (Sby.) Bronn n,298 ( ) paradoxa (Schloth) 111,415* ( ) perextensa M. & W HI, 414* ( ) perlamellosa (Hall) Ill, 384* ( ) striata Martin 111,532; VI.523 Trilobita. 111,299,320,363,390,416,447,460; V.525,612; VI.497 Trimerella Billings Ill, 351 " (?) conradi (Hall) 111,351 TrochacUeon Meek 11,369 ellipticus (Zekeli) H.368 obtusus (Zekeli) 11,368 reynauxianus (d'Orb.) II, 368 Trochus Linnceus IH,316 ( " ) lenticularis Sby m,316 ( " ) missonriensis Swall 11,36V Trochonema Salter 111,314 pauper Hall in,361 umbilicatum (Hall) HI, 314* Troostocrinus Shumard V, 607 ; VII.349,363 reinwardti Troost VII, 357 (?) woodman! M. & W V.506* Tropidodiscus curvilineatus (Conrad) 11,160 Tropidoleptus Hall HI. 427 carinatus (Conrad) Ill, 427* Tropidopora Hall <. VIII,402 Trygon Adanson VI.312 Tubuliporidse Busk VIII,3t>0,367,368,688 Turbonilla Risso 11,377 Turritella Lamarck 11,382 " (??) stevensoni M. & W 11,382* Unitrypa Hall Vni,353,356, 396.534, 679 lata Hall VHL396 (Uperocrinus Meek and Worthen) 11,147,150,151 Uphantaenia Vanuxem VICE, 216,237 " chemungensis Vanux Vin,237 dawsoni Whitfleld. Vm,218 Vanuxemia Billings . ...in,297 dixonensis M. & W '. 111,297* Vaticinodus St. John and Worthen , VH.ei, 80 " (?) carbonarius St. J. & W VII.88* discrepans St. J. & W VII.81,83* " (?; lepis St J. & W VH.88* " (?) similis St. J. & W VH.86* " (?) simplex St. J. & W VIL84* vetustus St. J. & W VH.81,82* 150 GENERAL INDEX. Venustodus St. John and Worthen VI, 339, 344 argutus St. J. & W , VI.352* leidyi St. J. & W VI.346,348,350* robustus St. J. & W VI,345* tenuicristatus St. J. & W VI.348* variabilis St. J. & W VI, 346* Vertieillites DeFraiice VIII, 280 Vesicularidae VIII, 434 Vineularia DeFrance VIII,615 Vincularidaj ; VIII, 363,301 Woodocrinus deKoninck Ill, 478 Worthenopora Ulrich VIII.366,403,669 spatulata (Preut) '. VIII.670* spinosa Ulrich VIII, 403,669* Xenorhachia 11,135 Xestorrhytias Meyer — 11,140 Xiphosura 11,393; 111,544 Xystracanthus Leidy VI, 450,457,468 acinaeiformis St. J. & W VI.459* anceps (N. & W.) VI,458,460 arcuatus Leidy VI, 457 mirabilis St. J. & W VI, 458* Yoldia Moller n,282 " (?) levistriata M. & W 11,282* Zaphrentis Baflnesque 111,410; VIII. 71, 132 calcariformis Hall VIII, 74* carinata Worthen VIII, 75* centralis E. & H VIII, 72* chesterensis Worthen VIII73* cliff ordana E. & H VIII, 75* cylindracea Worthen VIII, 78* dalei E. & H VIII, 71* illinoiensis Worthen VIII, 77* lanceolata Worthen VIII, 76* parasitica Worthen VIII, 79* pellensis Worthen VIII, 74* reversa Worthen VIII, 78* spergenensis Worthen VIII, 77* (spinulifera Hall) VIII, 71 spinulosa E. & H VIII, 73* ulrichi Worthen VIII, 76* varsoviensis Worthen VIII, 78* sp. ind^t Ill, 410* Zeacrinus Troost 11,181,185,216,237,240,312; V, 426, 490, 534, 547, 563; VII,302; VIII, 91 acanthoporus M. & W '. V.563* ' ' arboreus Worthen V, 534* armiger M. & W V, 547* asper M. & W y, 439* bifurcatus M. Ch 11,241 cariniferus Worthen V, 535* compactilis Worthen V, 536* concinnus M. & W — V, 490* ' ' coxanus Worthen '. yn, 302* " (?) crassus M. & W II, 314*,315t GENERAL INDEX. 151 Zeacrinus discus M. & W 11,312*; V.565 elegans Hall 11,185 formosus Worthen V, 549* impressus (McCoy) 11,313 intermedius Hall 11,181 keokuk Worthen VII, 303* lyraM. & W V.432* mucrospinus M. Ch 11,313; V, 548, 563*, 565 perangulatus White V,427 pikensis Worthen v VII, 304* planobrachiatus M. & W II, 240* ramosus Hall 11,187; V.429 scobina il. & W V,426*,430 serratus M. & W V.428* spinibrachiatus White V.442 stimpsoni Lyon , VII, 298 subtumidus Worthen '. V.548* troostanus M- & W II,186*,187t sp. indet V, PL i, fig. 4* Zittelella Ulrich and Everett Vin,217,221,222,235,255,257,267,275 " (?)infelix U. & E VIII,271*,274 in sculata U. &E VIII.235,271 lobata M. & E Vin,235,270* trentonensis Worthen .«. Vin,235,270 typicalis U. & E VIII,235,268* var. pistilliformis U. & E VIII,235,269* " subrotunda U. & E VIII.235,269* " turbinata U. & E VIII,235,269* Zoantharia 111,804,368,407,420; V.560; VI.525; VIII, 71,216 Zygobatis Agassiz 11,59 Zygospira Hall in,377 concava (Hall) ni,381 modesta (Say) 111,379 subconcava M. & W . . ...111,380* ^ V RETURN EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY TO— ^ 230 McCone Hall 642-2997 LOAN PERIOD 1 1 MONTH 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Books needed for class reserve are subject to immediate recal DUE AS STAMPED BELOW FORM NO. DD8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES "oforaqe. k