Spal t srt FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA I ALVId PLATE I. THE FLAMING CLIFFS OF DJADOKHTA. (Painted by C. Lester Morgan after field sketch in water color by Frederick K. Morris.) CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Leader PeEOrOGY OF MONGOLIA A RECONNAISSANCE REPORT BASED ON THE INVESTIGATIONS OF THE YEARS 1922-1923 BY CHAREES” P.”BERKEY CHIEF GEOLOGIST PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGY, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY FREDERICK kK. MORRIS GEOLOGIST AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY With 44 “Plates and 161 Illustrations in the ext Six eMaps in Pocket at End NATURAL HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA VOE. ik THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, ‘President NEW YORK 1927 Copyright, 1927 by The American Museum of Natural History G. P. Putnam’s Sons, Publishers New York and London. Made in the United States of America PREFACE THE series of volumes of which this one forms a part is intended to cover a wide range of investigations conducted by expeditions into Central Asia under the scientific supervision of the American Museum of Natural History. The Third Asiatic Expedition of 1922-23 was one of these, operating in Mon- golia under the leadership of Roy Chapman Andrews, and the volume now presented grew out of the observations made at that time. The succeeding volumes will include investigations in all of the branches of science repre- sented, and will cover the results of many years of field exploration and re- lated study by different groups of men. The whole effort is directed to a better scientific understanding of the continent of Asia, especially its central and less readily accessible portions. Field observations and the collecting of material have already occupied several years, and the exploratory side of the work is still in progress. Doubtless it will take a much longer time to describe and interpret the collections and field notes. This volume is devoted entirely to geology. It is confined to reconnais- sance studies, especially the traverses of the Third Asiatic Expedition in the season, 1922, when both geologists were in the field together. The results were used in 1923 when the junior author had additional opportunity to revisit certain districts and see new ground. Since the manuscript of this volume was first written, the Expedition of 1925 gave further opportunity to both geologists to carry the investigations forward, but the results are not included in this volume. The reconnaissance observations of 1925, together with a series of special studies, are to form the next volume. The traverses furnishing the material for this volume amount to about 5000 miles of travel in central Mongolia. Observations are distributed from the vicinity of Kalgan on the southeast, to Urga on the north, and, on the west, to Sain Noin in the Khangai Mountains and Baga Bogdo of the Altai Ranges. The area has been crossed and recrossed with little duplication of trails; nevertheless, there are wide spaces untouched and large areas whose geologic details are quite undetermined. The general geologic structure, however, has proved to be readable; the major units have been recognized so many times and at so many different places that it is believed the general iv; vi PREFACE geologic features and history are now reasonably well established. The area to which these studies apply amounts to not less than 200,000 square miles. It is an enormous area to cover in so short a time, and if it were not for a certain simplicity of geologic history the results could not be presented with any confidence. Doubtless an immense amount of detail will be added as the work proceeds, but it is believed that no large item in the geologic state- ment is likely to be greatly changed. This reconnaissance is put forward as a step in the unraveling of the geology of Central Asia. We recognize its incompleteness and its many unsolved problems, yet we are confident that it is based upon true lines with respect to structure and historic succession, and that it ought to serve a use- ful purpose as a background for additional exploratory investigations. Many problems have presented themselves as the work has proceeded. It is hoped that some of them may be given further study. Data already in hand bear on problems that have not been discussed in this report but are expected to yield results on laboratory investigation. There are yet other problems which cannot be solved except by additional field work of a detailed and extended nature. In so far as future work makes it possible, we hope to present these in succeeding volumes as opportunity may arise. The four parts of this volume exhibit very different range and have dif- ferent purposes. Part I is essentially an introduction to the field and methods of work. Part II covers the traverses and records observations along the route. Part III includes a series of locality studies where more careful and detailed work could be done. Part IV is an attempt to summarize in geologic terms the meaning of the mass of data assembled from these studies. Readers not primarily concerned about the geological record will find cer- tain portions of more general interest. To them we recommend the introduc- tions under each Part as well as certain chapters in each Part, as illustrative of the nature of the investigations. Chapters I, II], X11, XIV, XXI and XXII present a series of pictures to the general reader, and we commend them as of broad enough interest to be of service to the layman. We are indebted to many organizations and many more individuals for helpful suggestions and for assistance in assembling and presenting this work. Due recognition is given some of them in the body of the report. To the generous friends of scientific exploration who have contributed the funds that have made this work possible we owe a special debt of grati- PREFACE vil tude. Without their support neither the field investigations nor the sub- sequent research could have been carried out. The sponsors have also borne the expense of publication; thus enabling the Museum to offer the volume at cost. Their interest in pure science and their faith in this venture have helped to materialize visions that otherwise must have vanished as they came, as many others before have vanished. It is fitting that special mention should be made in this place of the helpful coéperation of the Geological Survey of China, and that we should acknow- ledge the interest of individual members of the staff, particularly Dr. V. K. Ting, former Director, and Dr. Wenhow Wong, the present Director. To _Dr. A. W. Grabau, Chief Stratigrapher and Palzontologist, we have turned repeatedly for helpful suggestions. Dr. Grabau has undertaken the identi- fication of the invertebrate fossils collected by the Expedition and will pub- lish his results in a subsequent volume of this series. In the preparation of this material for publication, still more vital assist- ance has been rendered by members of the staff of the American Museum of Natural History, whose close connection with the work of the Expedition has given special acquaintance with and insight into its scientific problems. It is a pleasure to express special obligation to President Henry Fairfield Osborn whose prophetic vision is being fulfilled and whose guiding hand in these Asiatic explorations has been felt from the beginning. We are deeply indebted to Acting Director George H. Sherwood on whose shoulders has fallen the home administration. To Dr. W. D. Matthew, whose wide knowledge of paleontology and Cenozoic history make him an authority, we have referred many questions, particularly as to the correlation of a number of the Tertiary formations. The heavy labor of editorial work has been borne by Dr. Chester A. Reeds, assisted by Miss C. M. Beale and Mrs. Mary V. Forster. It is an espe- cial pleasure to record our gratitude to Dr. Reeds, whose constructive sug- gestions have been exceedingly helpful. Dr. E. W. Gudger has aided in the preparation of the bibliography. Among the institutions whose services should be acknowledged is Colum- bia University, from whose faculty ranks the chief geologist came, on an as- signment to field investigation. This service was rendered at a sacrifice made by the staff of the Department of Geology, since an absence of this kind thrust additional responsibility on every remaining member. Special recog- nition should be accorded to Professors James F. Kemp, Roy J. Colony, and Douglas W. Johnson, who together shared the chief burden left to the Depart- ment. Professor Johnson has read portions of the manuscript and has given generously the benefit of his keen and scholarly criticism. Contributions to such a piece of work, therefore, are made by many whose actual participation vill PREFACE is not apparent, and it would have been much more difficult to carry it to completion without their help. Professor V. A. Obruchev, of the Academy of Sciences at Moscow, has kindly contributed a list of references to Russian geological publications which proved a most helpful guide in reviewing the literature on Central Asia. Professor Obruchev has also aided in the preparation of the map showing the routes of Russian explorers (Plate II). To Mrs. Florence Eddowes Morris, Mrs. Flora Cook Parks, Miss Helen R. Fairbanks, and Miss Agnes Molloy, we are indebted for valuable help on the manuscript. The illustrations are the work of many hands, some of which are acknowledged in the text. Messrs. Andrews, Granger, and Shack- elford have furnished some of the photographs. Professor George B. Bar- bour, of Yenching University, Peking, contributed the photographs appearing as Plates VIII A, XLI A and B. Mr. Edward J. Alexander drafted the geo- logic cross-sections of the first ten chapters, chiefly from the field notebooks of the senior geologist; Mr. Erwin J. Raisz drafted the base maps, and Mr. Leon B. Hills made a number of the diagrams. A place of highest honor for contributory service must be reserved for the members of the field staff of the Expedition with whom we worked day after day amid the privations and perplexities of strange and uncharted re- gions. With these men we endured the hardships that months of isolation always bring. With them we worked in surroundings of seemingly boundless desolation where only the unaccountable enthusiasm of the explorer, or the zeal of the scientific investigator, or the lure of the confirmed wanderer could have made the drudgery of those days appear to be worth what it cost. With their codperation and encouragement the secrets of the desert were slowly searched out. And, now that we can look back on those toilsome days that stretched out almost endlessly month after month, with never a glimmer from the outside world, and with self-appointed tasks that taxed endurance to the last dregs, all seems like an entrancing dream that slowly takes on the glamour of a golden age. These men we came to know intimately and, as our problems were dis- cussed together, we learned to rely on them for daily help and encouragement. Sympathetic and helpful companions they were through all the confusions and discouragements that in the nature of the case belong to the borders of the unknown. Their service cannot be measured. We can only say that we appreciate it all, and realize full well that except for their fine spirit of codper- ation the results must have been very different indeed. To the leader of the Expedition, Dr. Roy Chapman Andrews, whose humanness and sanity under disappointments and successes alike helped to stabilize what might have become an ineffective effort, is due a kind of credit PREFACE ix unlike that of any other. Except for his genius the Expedition would never have been formed; except for his success in interesting public support and inspiring faith in the undertaking, the work could never have been kept going, and, except for his confident leadership and good fortune in the face of moun- tains of difficulty, calamity might easily have overtaken the venture. To Walter Granger, Chief Palzeontologist, whose patient quiet manner and scientific competence inspired general confidence, we owe another spe- cial acknowledgment. The work of the geologist and of the paleontologist interlock and overlap. Both use the same data. Some of the records that both search for in the field are to be found in the same strata, and the history that both strive to unravel is closely interwoven. Their stories supplement each other. Their discoveries are often made together or are made one for the other and must be freely contributed to the general good. Therefore, it is vital to the success of both that the fullest coéperation and the frankest relations should be maintained. With such a man as Granger the task is easy. To J. B. Shackelford, the photographer, whose artistic work speaks for itself, we owe an equal debt for other qualities. His ingenuity and practical knowledge in lines quite beyond his own special field made him the general advisor of the camp, and his genial nature and wonderful gift of humor never failed. During the field season of 1925, Major L. B. Roberts, assisted by Lieu- tenant F. B. Butler and Lieutenant H. O. Robinson, made a series of -route maps from Kalgan to Orok Nor, about 865 miles. These maps will be pub- lished in a later volume of this series, but the altitudes, which were deter- mined by means of a large Gurley transit, have been used to correct the ane- roid readings of the earlier traverses covered in the present volume. The out- line of Tsagan Nor (Plates XX1X and XXX) has been corrected also to agree with Major Roberts’ special map of that lake. Each member of the whole staff has his own special claim to recognition and acknowledgment. In a kind of work where the chauffeur of one day may become a discoverer the next, or where a camp helper of one season may develop into an efficient scientific aid the next, and where competence and reliability in any single task make for so much greater efficiency in the whole organization, it is not possible to single out every individual for his full share of credit. Sometimes even our lives were in the hands of our com- panions, and that may have been true more times than we knew. If Bayard Colgate, in charge of transportation, had been less efficient or less accommo- dating; if Merin, the leader of the caravan, had been incompetent or untrue; if the supporting staff had failed in any major service, the whole story of accomplishment must have been very different. x PREFACE So we recall with gratitude and appreciation the services of F. A. Lar- sen, the interpreter, and of the native Mongol guides, Sirimpil, Bato, Aioshi, and Tserin; of Merin’s caravaneers, Banjien, Bato, Okher, Otoburun, and Sanjarav; of Colgate’s transportation staff, Wang Hung Ping and Ah Sah; of the taxidermists, Chi Shou Lun and Hsia Wen Chiang; of Granger’s staff of collectors, George Olsen, Peter C. Kaisen, and Albert F. Johnson; and those men whose constancy in their daily service about the camp made our own work possible, Loh and his staff, Chang Kwei Mo, Hwei Hsiu Yen and Kan Ch’uen Pao. There have been scores of others, of lesser influence only because of fewer opportunities, but whose interest has been keen and whose sympathetic sup- port and encouragement have been a spur to such accomplishment as is rep- resented. We do not forget the importance of their service although it is not practicable to enter here all of the names that might properly claim a place. To them all we offer this tribute of appreciation. That one of our num- ber deserves most credit who executed his own task the best and thereby helped to make the whole interdependent organization so much the more efficient. Such results as have been attained in any field are only in part the simple product of the individuals directly responsible; in much larger part than is readily indicated they are a joint accomplishment. This is true also of the two authors of this volume. The interpretations here presented have grown up under continuous unreserved codperative contribution of observa- tion, interpretative understanding and experience. Certain parts of the volume took form originally as individual contributions, but all have been subjected to drastic revision by both authors. The work has grown in our hands so gradually and under such intimate discussion, and has been modi- fied so many times that we ourselves are not able to separate clearly the ele- ments that belong to each. The actual labor of preparation has fallen most heavily on the junior author; in the field, the larger experience of the senior author may have counted more heavily in coérdinating and interpreting obser- vations; but the result as presented is a joint product on which we have agreed, both as to form and substance. CHARLES P. BERKEY, FREDERICK K. Morris, Geologists. New York Clty, October 25, 1926. CONTENTS PREFACE . : : : : i : : A C = 2 : List oF PLATES 2 , : a = . : r - A A List oF FIGURES : é : : , ri : A ; : PART I.—GENERAL INTRODUCTION ‘ 5 3 CHAPTER I.—GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS OF THE EXPEDITION WITH A REVIEW OF FORMER EXPLORATIONS . : - . : 5 INTRODUCTION THE APPROACH TO MONGOLIA THE GOBI REGION PREHISTORIC ADVENTURE HISTORIC TRAVEL AND MODERN EXPLORATION EARLIER STUDIES OF SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE é * . . II.—BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION INTRODUCTION THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY Northern boundary—western section Northern boundary—central section Northern boundary—eastern section . Summary of the Transbaikal border THE EASTERN BOUNDARY Summary of the eastern boundary . 5 : x : THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY . : E : 3 : Southern boundary—eastern section . ; ¢ - 5 Southern boundary—central section . : : c Southern boundary—western section . : ¢ 3 ¢ THE WESTERN BOUNDARY 3 ; 3 , : = é 3 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PART II.—ROUTE STUDIES OR ITINERARY . - A 3 ee kei INTRODUCTION . ; ; : : : : , ; : AQ THE TASK OF A GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE EXPEDITION ; = - 39 RECORDING OBSERVATIONS. ‘ : ; : : : ea IIL.—FROM KALGAN TO IREN DABASU . ; : : 5 c - : 45 KALGAN TO WAN Cu’UAN Pass é : : 5 : : Br ls The lower pass : : : : ; - - . eat Wan Ch’uan basin and the upper pass : 6 é : AS THE PACIFIC DIVIDE TO P’ANG KIANG : : 5 ; 5 = 49 The granite hills of Chakhar . : : 3 : : ay BAS The P’ang Kiang hollow . : : : F ‘ ‘ ies P’aANG KIANG TO IREN DABASU , : : 5 5 e 21055 The first fossils : : j é A 5 - 4 - 59 IV.—FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA : 3 5 : ° A . 4 60 IREN DABASU TO CAMP JURASSIC . : ; 5 - - - 60 The structural relations at Camp Jurassic . ; : : Gy, Camp Jurassic TO Mount TUERIN ; : : < é = go The granites of Mount Tuerin . ; ? : ‘ : Syed Mount TuUERIN TO BOLKUK GoL .. . ‘ ; : : = a7 6 The Arctic divide . : , F ‘ : ‘ : 5 Ge OBSERVATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF CAMP BOLKUK GOL. : ar 83 Course of the Bolkuk Gol , : 2 : : : .. 85 Glacial evidence in the Gangin Daba : : : ‘ 5 4245) Groundice . : 5 : : : : ; : Se roy Local culture . : ; j d : : ; 5 5 he Side traverse toward Urga ; : é ; - ; 5 teks) Mineral resources . F 4 : A s ‘ - 5 ute) V.—FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN 4 f “ A 5 > : 5 go TRAVERSE ALONG THE TOLA RIVER ‘ : c ‘ ‘ - 90 THE VICINITY OF FIVE ANTELOPE CAMP . 3 : 2 6 3 £93) FROM THE TOLA RIVER TO TSETSENWAN ‘ c - , = | 204 THE VICINITY OF TSETSENWAN : é ; : . : 1 97 A side traverse north of Tsetsenwan . ‘ 5 é ‘ - 98 CONTENTS CHAPTER The serpent-form dikes : ; 7 5 é Contact effects of the granite margin . 5 4 Jurassic structural relations . : ; 5 : A side traverse south of Tsetsenwan . 5 : ‘ VI.—FROM TSETSENWAN TO SAIN NOIN AND THE ARCTIC DIVIDE . WESTWARD FROM TSETSENWAN THE VICINITY OF CAMP CANYON BROOK . From Camp CANYON BROOK TO THE ONGIN GOL Rock-bound hollows Continuation of the traverse . ; : : : The Ongin Gol FROM THE ONGIN GOL TO SAIN NOIN The vicinity of Sain Noin From Rainy GULCH TO THE ARcTIC DIVIDE . : 5 A step across the divide . : ¢ VII.—FROM THE HOT SPRINGS OF SAIN NOIN TO MOUNT USKUK ARISHAN TO GORIDA The Gorida basin The old Uliassutai trail . : 3 F 5 OLD ULIASSUTAI TRAIL TO Mount Uskuk The saltpan of Guchu Burt ONDAI SAIR VIII.—THE RETURN JOURNEY FROM TSAGAN NOR TO ARTSA BOGDO CHOOSING A ROUTE TsSAGAN NoR TO THE VOLCANIC CLIFFS Desert hollows ; : VoLcANIc CLirrs TO ARTSA BOGDO NORTH MARGIN OF ARTSA BoGbDo . : : ; Picture writings ‘ ‘ : ; : : 4 IX.—FROM ARTSA BOGDO TO SAIR USU - . 6 ArtsA Bocpo To DJADOKHTA i : The flaming cliffs of Djadokhta : xiii PAGE 98 102 103 105 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER DJADOKHTA TO ONGIN GOL IN SUMU Ongin Gol in Sumu . ONGIN GOL TO Sarr Usu A 2 X.—FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN . PALAOZOIC STRATA e 5 CONTINUATION OF TRAVERSE TO ARDYN OBO Sediments of Ardyn Obo . ArpyN Oso To SHARA MuruN Paleozoic strata of Jisu Honguer Tertiary sediments of Shara Murun SHARA MURUN TO KALGAN Chinese settlements . The return to Kalgan PART III.—SPECIAL AND LOCALITY STUDIES INTRODUCTION Method of Mapping XI.—IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA . INTRODUCTION GENERAL ASPECT AND LARGER RELATIONS OF THE BASIN Origin of the hollow at Iren Dabasu . GENERAL ROCK STRUCTURE The Iren Dabasu formation Variegated Tertiary beds . The Houldjin formation The Arshanto and Irdin Manha formations Shara Murun . AGE AND CORRELATION . XII—ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN INTRODUCTION FEATURES OF THE LOCALITY GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS Graywacke series CONTENTS CHAPTER The granite . j : : 5 5 The Jurassic formation . : - : Special products ‘ ‘ , c - STRUCTURAL FEATURES . : : ; : THE SPRING WATERS AND THEIR ORIGIN . : XIII.—MOUNT USKUK AND THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL FEATURES i ; - THE ROCK FORMATIONS : : : : 5 ROCKS OF THE ANCIENT FLOOR : - 5 The crystalline metamorphics . : 9 The graywacke series § f : 6 Bathylithic granite Jurassic strata : ‘ é : - Post-Jurassic intrusives . : ; : ROCKS OF THE SEDIMENTARY COVER A é Cretaceous strata. : : : Fossil content . : : s 5 Tertiary strata : 5 : - ‘ Fossil content . j : : a Former extent of later sediments Evidence of the faulted margins Evidence of the sedimentary remnants . Evidence of the basalt remnants Evidence of planation . EROSIONAL HISTORY OF THE SOUTH BLOCK OF USKUK DEFORMATION OF THE Mount USKUK REGION . THE SALTPAN OF GUCHU BURT TsAGAN Nor 5 ‘ ‘ 5 5 . XIV.—THE GURBUN SAIKHAN RANGES THE JOURNEY F : é 4 : 4 A desert well . é : , : : The return journey . ‘ : é 5 GEOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT ARTSA BOGDO . The south basin P , ; s = xvi CONTENTS CHAPTER APPROACH TO THE GURBUN SAIKHAN THE FORMATIONS OF THE GURBUN SAIKHAN Ancient rocks . Limestones Serpentine . Graywacke-slate series : : ; Topographic character of the Gurbun Saikhan XV.—ARTSA BOGDO AND OSHIH THE ArtsA Bocpo MounTAIN BLOCK The marginal shelf History of the shelf Rock formations of the mountain Ancient meta-crystallines and intrusives Folded sediments and associated eruptives Later igneous rocks Tectonic features Traces of former sedimentary cover Topographic features Stream pattern Glaciation . THE OsHIH HOLLOW Features of the locality The geologic column XVI.—PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY INTRODUCTION SEDIMENTARY BASINS AND POTENTIAL FOSSIL FIELDS . The area of the great pass P’ang Kiang ; The paper-shales of mile 299 The flaming cliffs of Uskuk Oshih (Ashile) basin Djadokhta Ardyn Obo Shara Murun . - CONTENTS CHAPTER Ulan Nor F 3 : : - 5 The badlands of the Ongin Gol . : STRUCTURAL AND HISTORICAL PROBLEMS . The Camp Jurassic area : : The crystalline upland east of the Ongin Gol The transition country of Gangin Daba Sair Usu Losin Sumu . ; 0 ; : . Jisu Honguer . ‘ ‘ : a 5 GENERAL PROBLEMS. A : 5 PART IV.—SUMMARIES AND DISCUSSIONS . 3 INTRODUCTION XVII.—STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR Two MAJOR DIVISIONS SUBDIVISION OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR Mesozoic intrusives . ; : : 2 Jurassic sediments Paleozoic strata The great Mongolian bathylith . The Khangai graywacke series . THE ANCIENT CRYSTALLINE COMPLEX j . The Wu T’ai system The T’ai Shan complex . : : 5 XVIII.—SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN BasINs AND MouNTAINS THE BASIN OF MONGOLIA Deserts in general The shaping processes MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS OF THE MONGOLIAN BASIN Talas of the eastern and southern province The western faulted talas . Mountains : 3 : : Fault-block mountains of the Altai type XViii CONTENTS CHAPTER Ikhe Bogdo : - - “ P ° “ . Baga Bogdo : : - ° : - 5 : Artsa Bogdo ‘ ‘ : c = A 5 Gurbun Saikhan - - ~ - : The mountains of the eastern province . 5 - Volcanic mountains . , : 5 : - THE STRUCTURE LINES OF MONGOLIA . ‘ - - ; XIX.—SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN (continued) . . PLATEAUS, PLAINS AND FLATLANDS : ; é : . 5 : INTRODUCTION—THE LEVEL LANDS OF THE DESERT AGENCIES WHICH CARVE THE EROSION PLANE . é ; Erosion by wind F , é c : Spats Rainfall . ; ; : : ‘ A 0 : 5 - Drainage : ; ; : ; : s : Immigrant streams Native streams Erosive work of running water . THE PIEDMONT SLOPE THE GOBI EROSION PLANE Original slopes of the erosion plane Deformation of the Gobi surface Deposits on the Gobi upland Redissection of the Gobi erosion plane Summary of the Gobi erosion plane DESERT HOLLOWS THE OLDER PENEPLANES The pre-Cretaceous peneplane The Mongolian peneplane The Khangai peneplane Relations of the Khangai and Mongolian peneplanes Relations of the Mongolian peneplane and the Gobi erosion plane Relations between the Gobi erosion plane and the lowlands of the P’ang Kiang stage COMPARISON OF PENEPLANES WITH THOSE OF SURROUNDING REGIONS . LAKES HUMMOCKS AND DUNES . PAGE 310 3II 313 314 317 318 319 323 323 323 324 325 326 327 327 328 329 330 332 333 333 333 335 336 336 341 341 342 343 343 345 347 347 348 350 CONTENTS CHAPTER XX.—STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LATER SEDIMENTS THE LATE MESOZOIC ERA CRETACEOUS DEPOSITS The Ondai Sair formation The Oshih (Ashile) formation The Iren Dabasu formation The Wan Ch’uan formation UPPER (?) CRETACEOUS DEPOSITS The Djadokhta formation COMMENTS ON CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTS THE CENOZOIC ERA PALEOCENE PERIOD The Gashato formation EOCENE PERIOD The Arshanto formation The Tukhum formation The Irdin Manha formation The Shara Murun formation OLIGOCENE PERIOD : The Ardyn Obo formation The Houldjin formation The Hsanda Gol formation MIOCENE PERIOD . The Loh formation . PLIOCENE PERIOD . : The Hung Kureh formation SUMMARY OF THE CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY DEPOSITS XXI.—SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA INTRODUCTION . PAST CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA LATE PRE-CAMBRIAN OR SINIAN PERIOD PALEOZOIC ERA MESOZOIC ERA Lower Jurassic period xx CONTENTS CHAPTER Cretaceous period . : : - S Oshih and Ondai Sair time . “ 5 Tren Dabasu time P : - : Djadokhta time . : ~ 3 CENOZOIC ERA. ‘ - - - - Eocene period . Gashato time Arshanto time Irdin Manha time Shara Murun time Oligocene period Ardyn Obo time . Houldjin time Hsanda Gol time Miocene period Pliocene period Hung Kureh time Ertemte time Pleistocene period RECENT CHANGES OF CLIMATE EVIDENCE BEARING ON CLIMATIC CHANGE Dominant denudation Double dissection ‘ ; : : The choked gorge of Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass Desert trees The forest margin Tree growth at Tiger Canyon Ancient stream courses Terraced alluvial fans Minor scarps in erosion hollows Lakes : Ancient lake beaches of Tsagan Nor . Glaciation A vanished race An abandoned dam MEANING OF THE EVIDENCE PRESENT CLIMATE PAGE 376 376 376 377 378 379 379 379 379 380 380 380 380 380 381 381 381 382 382 385 386 386 386 387 387 388 389 390 390 391 391 392 393 393 395 395 395 CONTENTS CHAPTER XXII.—SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY . ANCIENT ERAS CHARACTERIZED BY METAMORPHISM. F : The T’ai Shan complex . : ; : F s : The Wu T’ai system The Khangai series . The granite bathylith : 5 PALAOZOIC MARINE HISTORY Mip-MESOZOIC SEDIMENTATION INITIATING THE CONTINENTAL HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA DEVELOPMENT OF BASIN STRUCTURE WITH COVERING OF LATER SEDI- MENTS . . A SEDIMENTATION SUMMARY DEVELOPMENT OF VOLCANISM Deep-seated magmas Serpent-form dikes . The brittle porphyries : : : ; : Basaltic and other lavas and pyroclastics DEFORMATION HISTORY . Epeirogenic movements Orogenic disturbances Warping : : : : : : Faulting : ; : : ; Metamorphic deformation : : 3 Grouping of deformation products Epochs of erosion Disconformities ORIGIN OF PRESENT TOPOGRAPHY . : : . ‘ ‘ RELATION OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAN . BIBLIOGRAPHY . é . : . INDEX . . . . . . . . . : . Xxi PAGE 397 398 398 398 399 400 400 402 403 495 408 408 409 409 410 410 410 411 411 412 413 413 414 416 417 418 421 449 AT ab viyye PLATES FACING PLATE PAGE I.—The Flaming Cliffs of Djadokhta (colored) ‘ ; . Frontispiece II.—Map of the routes of Russian geologists in Central Asia (colored) . 6 III.—Map of the routes of non-Russian geologists in Central Asia (colored) . 17 IV.—Location map of the borders of Mongolia . : ; ; : 5 oP V.—(A) The first mountain barrier Bt : : : : ‘ Be ee (B) The Great Wall above Nan K’ou Pass P F : : ees VI.—Conventional symbols used in the geologic sections. : j me 45 VII.—Conventional symbols used in the geologic sections (continued) . 46 VIII.—(A) View from head of the Wan Ch’uan Pass. : f ‘ 45 (B) Cultivated fields of Chinese farmers . : : : ; t. 748 IX.—(A) The upland as seen from the second camp . ‘ : 3 5 lg) (B) Camp in the granite hills of Chakhar . é , : : ; ) 349 X.—(A) Dissected dinosaur beds at Iren Dabasu : 3 5 :) 60 (B) Residuary granite bowlders : F é : : : 5 (eo) XI.—(A) Updragged sandstone beds at Camp Jurassic : : é PeeoL (B) Granite residuals on the slopes of Mount Tuerin . : : = OI XI1.—(A) Peneplaned granite floor along the Urga trail : : j 1K) (B) Residuals of the granite bathylith, west of Tsetsenwan 3 SLO XIII.—(A) The aggraded trench at Canyon Brook : ; : c Bo, a (B) Rock terrace at Rainy Gulch. : : : ' ; = Te XIV.—(A) The Arctic Divide in the Khangai Mountains . : : 830 (B) Sain Noin Khan and the Khangai range . : : : 5 8%) Xxiii XxXiv PLATES PLATE XV.—Mongol lama and his small daughter at Sain Noin XVI.—Mongol herdsman and his son at Sain Noin XVII.—(A) Block disintegration in the granite at Arishan (B) The salt pan of Guchu Burt XVIII.—(A) The sand dune belt of Tsagan Nor (B) The lava-capped mesa at Oshih . XIX.—Wind-scoured cliffs at Djadokhta XX.—(A) The great temple and lamasery, Ongin Gol in Sumu (B) A nest of dinosaur eggs at Djadokhta XXI.—(A) The scarp of Oligocene beds at Ardyn Obo . (B) Structural detail of the scarp at Ardyn Obo XXII.—(A) The beveled slate floor of Bilgoho (B) Badlands of the Shara Murun formation at Ula Usu XXIII.—Geologic map of the Iren Dabasu area (colored) . XXIV.—The Sacred Mountain of Arishan (colored) XXV.—(A) Guardians of the Sacred Mountain (B) Xenolith of graywacke capping a granite hill XXVI.—Geologic map of the Arishan area (colored) XXVII.—Geologic map of the Mount Uskuk area (colored) XXVIII.—Geologic map of the Hsanda Gol area (colored) . XXIX.—Geologic map of part of the Tsagan Nor basin (colored) XXX.—Geologic map of the Hung Kureh area (colored) XXXI.—(A) The Hsanda Gol - (B) The southern margin of the south Uskuk block XXXITI.—(A) The Uskuk block from Dzun Hsir ‘ (B) Sedimentary remnant in the south Uskuk block . XXXIII.—(A) The flaming badlands south of Mount Uskuk (B) Dissected sand deposits in Tsagan Nor basin FACING PAGE 183 In pocket 213 218 218 In pocket In pocket In pocket In pocket In pocket 230 230 231 231 248 248 XXXIV.—(A) The intermont basin between Artsa Bogdo and the Gurbun Saikhan 249 (B) Typical morning scene at a desert well 249 PLATES PLATE XXXV.—(A) A fault zone in the Oshih basin . (B) The badlands at Oshih Nuru XXXVI.—(A) The tilted Lower Cretaceous strata at Oshih Nuru (B) Cannonball Canyon . XXXVII.—Residuary stack of jaspery silica at Oshih XXXVIII.—(A) Beveled surface of upturned phyllites at Gorida (B) Shattered graywacke near Jisu Honguer XXXIX.—(A) Deformed jasperite in the graywacke series (B) The phyllites of Artsa Bogdo XL.—(A) An outpost forest at the Arctic Divide (B) The terraced alluvial fan at Tiger Canyon . XLI.—(A) Two stages of dissection at Wan Ch’uan (B) The choked gorge at Wan Ch’uan Pass XLII.—(A) Shrinkage cracks in the floor of a playa near Tsagan Nor (B) The abandoned beaches of Tsagan Nor XLIII.—(A) A pre-Mongol grave . : : : 3 , (B) Gap through the Great Wall at Wan Ch’uan Pass XLIV.—An ancient monolith XXV FACING PAGE 268 268 269 269 272 302 302 303 303 388 388 389 389 396 396 397 397 418 FIGURES FIGURE 1.—Generalized geologic section from Tientsin to Wan Chu’an Pass 2.—Two cross profiles of the Gobi basin 3.—Profile and section illustrating methods of recording observations 4.—A general location and route map 5.-Geologic section, Miles 0-30, Wan Ch’uan Pass 6.—Geologic section, Miles 30-60, Miao T’an 7.—Geologic section, Miles 60-90, Ertemte 8.—Geologic section, Miles 90-120, Chap Ser 9.—Geologic section, Miles 120-150, the Chakhar Hills 10.—Geologic section, Miles 150-180, P’ang Kiang 11.—The P’ang Kiang basin 12.—Geologic section, Miles 180-210 i 13.—Geologic section, Miles 210-240, Irdin Manha 14.—Geologic section, Miles 240-260, Iren Dabasu 15.—Geologic section, Miles 260-290 16.—Geologic section, Miles 290-320 17.—Geologic section, Miles 320-350, Ude 18.—Geologic section, Miles 350-380, Camp Jurassic 19.—Geologic section, Miles 380-410 20.—Geologic section, Miles 410-440 21.—Geologic section, Miles 440-470 22.—Geologic section, Miles 470-500 23.—Geologic section, Miles 500-530, Mount Tuerin 24.—Geologic section, Miles 530-560 25.—Geologic section, Miles 560-590 26.—Geologic section, Miles 590-620 F : 27.—Geologic section, Miles 620-650, Continental Divide XXVii . XXVili FIGURES FIGURE 28.—Geologic section, Miles 650-670, Bolkuk Gol 29.—Glacial cirque, Bolkuk Gol . “ 4 < - ; 30.—Bowl-shaped valley heads in the Gangin Daba Mountains 31.—Geologic section, Miles 668-688, traverse to Urga . 32.—Geologic section, Miles 670-700, to the Tola River 33-—Geologic section, Miles 700-730, Tola River Valley 34.—Geologic section, Miles 730-760, Tola River Camp 35.—Geologic section, Miles 760-790, Five Antelope Camp 36A.—The fault-block at Tsetsenwan . B.—The fault-block at Tsetsenwan (continued) 37.—Geologic section, Miles 790-820, Tsetsenwan 38.—Geologic section, Miles 0-20, north of Tsetsenwan 39.—Margin of a roof-pendant 40.—Geologic section, Miles 0-30, south of Tsetsenwan 41.—Geologic section, Miles 30-45, south of Tsetsenwan 42.—Route map, Miles 820-850 . 43.—Geologic section, Miles 820-850 ieee 44.—Geologic section, Miles o-8.3, north of Canyon Brook 45.—Rock drawings near Canyon Brook 46.—Route map, Miles 850-880 . ; : 47.—Geologic section, Miles 850-880, Canyon Brook 48.—Route map, Miles 880-910 . ‘ 49.—Geologic section, Miles 880-910, oan Gol . 50.—Route map, Miles 910-940 . 51.—Geologic section, Miles 910-940, popes Gulch 52.—Sketch map of Sain Noin 53-—Route map, Miles 940-961 . 54.—Geologic section, Miles 940-961, Forest ee 55.—Route map, Miles 960-990 . : 56.—Geologic section, Miles 961-990, Arishan 57-—Geologic section, Miles 990-1020, Gorida 58.—Route map, Miles 990-1020 59.—The ragged mountains of Gorida 60.—Route map, Miles 1020-1051 61.—Geologic section, Miles 1020-1051, Uskuk PAGE 81 83 86 89 92 92 95 95 98 99 IOI IOI 102 107 107 112 112 113 115 117 117 121 121 123 123 126 129 129 133 134 134 137 138 140 140 FIGURES FIGURE 62.—Geologic section, Miles 0-30, Tsagan Nor 63.—Geologic section, Miles 30-60, Volcanic Cliffs 64.—Geologic section, Miles 60-90, Artsa Bogdo . 65.—Geologic section, Miles o-30, Gun Usu 66.—Geologic section, Miles 30-60, Dubshih 67.—Geologic section, Miles 60-90, Djadokhta 68.—The Khurul Obo : j 69.—Geologic section, Miles 90-120, Ulan Nor 70.—Geologic section, Miles 120-150, Ongin Gol . 71.—Geologic section, Miles 150-180 72.—Geologic section, Miles 180-210 73.—The margin of a sediment basin at Los in Sumu 74.—Geologic section, Miles 210-240, Sair Usu Trail 75.—Geologic section, Miles 240-270, Porphyry Camp . 76.—Geologic section, Miles 270-300 77.—Geologic section, Miles 300-330, Sair Usu 78.—Geologic section, Miles 330-360, Paleozoic inlier 79.—Geologic section, Miles 360-390 80.—Geologic section, Miles 390-420 81.—Geologic section, Miles 420-450 82.—Geologic section, Miles 450-480 : 83.—Geologic section, Miles 480-510, joie Obo . 84.—Map of Ardyn Obo 85.—Dissection of the scarp at pee Obo 86.—The geologic column of Ardyn Obo 87.—Geologic section, Miles 510-540, Taliu in Sumu 88.—Geologic section, Miles 540-570, ‘‘Choppy Sea”’ 89.—Geologic section, Miles 570-600, Jisu Honguer 90.—Geologic section, Miles 600-630, Shara Murun 91.—Geologic section, Miles 630-660, Boltai Urtu 92.—Geologic section, Miles 660-690, Shara Khata 93.—Geologic section, Miles 690-720 94.—Geologic section, Miles 720-750, Chinese cultivation 95.—Geologic section, Miles 750-780 96.—Geologic section, Miles 780-810 Xxix PAGE 145 145 150 155 155 159 159 160 160 163 163 165 167 167 168 168 171 171 172 172 175 175 176 176 177 179 179 180 180 185 185 186 186 188 188 XXX FIGURES FIGURE 97-—Geologic section, Miles 810-827 . : : 5 - 2 - 98.—Location map of the eastern Altai region : 3 2 99.—Sketch map of the region between Iren Dabasu, Shara ue and P’ang Kiang 100.—Block diagram of the area between Iren Dabasu, Shara Murun, and P’ang Kiang 101.—The scarp at Irdin Manha 102.—Generalized geologic section between Iren Dabasu and Irdin Manha 103.—The stratigraphic section at Iren Dabasu 104.—The scarp at Holostai 105.—Location map of Arishan 106A.—Field sketch of the Baga Bogdo front B.—Field sketch of the Baga Bogdo front (continued) 107.—Generalized geologic section across the Tsagan Nor basin ; 108.—Domed and dissected planation surface of the Mount Uskuk area . 109.—Field sketch of Baron Shiliuta 110.—Field sketch of the eastern margin of the Mount Uskuk block 111.—Gobi plantation surface beveling tilted strata ; 112.— Generalized geologic section from Artsa Bogdo to the Gurbun Saikhan 113.—Generalized geologic section of the Gurbun Saikhan 114.—Generalized structure section of the piedmont shelf at Artsa Bogdo 115.—Generalized structure section of the eastern end of Artsa Bogdo 116.—Analytical profile of the upland of Artsa Bogdo 117A.—The upland meadows of Artsa Bogdo B.—The upland meadows of Artsa Bogdo (continued) 118.—The mesa and stripped inliers of the Oshih basin . 119.—Two fault zones in the Oshih basin. , : 5 - A“ 120.—Location map of proposed studies : é : c - : 121.—Section of the Flaming Badlands of Uskuk . 122.—Dome at Camp Jurassic . ‘ ; ‘ - F ; ‘ 123.—Typical margin of a sediment basin < 124.—Geology of the oldrock floor along the route b 5 - : : 125.—Typical structure section of the oldrock floor 126.—Geologic section north of Tsetsenwan . 127.—Geologic section of an area of marine Permian beds 128.—Typical geologic section of the Khangai series 129.—Typical geologic section of the pre-Cambrian complex . PAGE 189 194 198 199 200 201 203 209 214 224 225 229 239 240 242 245 253 257 261 263 264 266 267 269 270 275 277 281 289 290 291 293 295 297 299 FIGURES FIGURE 130.—Summary table of the formations of the oldrock floor . 131.—Sketch map of Mongolia ; , 132.—A generalized block diagram of a faulted basin 133.—Four stages of sedimentation at Gurbun Saikhan 134.—View of Oshigo Ola from the south 135.—Tectonic map of Transbaikalia (after Obruchev) . 136.—General structure lines of Asia 137.—The Gobi upland at Ardyn Obo . 138.—The Gobi upland at Irdin Manha 139.—The piedmont slopes of Los Ola 140.—Diagram showing origin of residuary gravels 141.—The P’ang Kiang lowland . 142.—The short gullies at Ardyn Obo . 143.—Re-dissection of a smooth scarp at Shara Murun . 144.—Early stage in the development of a reversed scarp 145.—Late stage in the development of a reversed scarp 146.—Reversed scarps at Shara Murun F 147.—The Mongolian upland in the Chakhar Mountains 148.—The Tola River terraces 149A.—The Arctic Divide . : B.—The Arctic Divide (continued) . 150A and B.—Alternative correlations of the older erosion surfaces 151A and B.—Alternative explanations of the Mongolian peneplane 152.—The zolian crossbedding at Djadokhta 153.—Successive stages in the development of a gobi basin _ 154 and 155.—Two diagrams to illustrate the relation of warping to ee in the formation of basins 156.—Columnar diagram of the later sediments 157.-—Glacial map of Eurasia 158.—Field sketch of a bowl-shaped ee head in the on Daba Mountains 159.—Drawings cut upon a basalt block at Artsa Bogdo 160.—Sketch map of central Mongolia, showing geologic units along the traverses 161.—Generalized columnar section of the oldrock floor XXXi PAGE 301 304 310 316 318 320 321 324 324 330 334 337 338 339 339 340 340 342 342 344 345 345 346 356 367 369 370 383 384 394 404 415 f¥m ehsa) oy Qilhh hea abies Mai Real iPis “1 aly $s sinl I wig? j eae oe ae P ik "4 f Pe rT), (8:8 ay rv ' ibaa 4 (p3 ie bel rf a) Men itheale eal : Ua Rhy an ry Pindh at ias A emli a Pee hi HS atid qQahy ois ne ay “if j Me) eR olay whe 7 < eiey HE tH, “rr f load) shee itf orton iat be hy tyiaee ort arene dy ton Ke mi pisiphigaiss Vleoaal han (a dust 1a yathh choos uber otevet biog A. lp FW apt als Re, oll joc vrei leh tia 2 ’ “(ow & 7 ¢ OMOR mo Ue +P Op Widget any ie i 4 pV wethih ey igre r on (patie tat atta, vipat socuypadal. cog | ; ian’ YS fea Lalas ja) Hit Ws as oe 7 pul feddaby beauty’ ee oa pi Wea laa a GNA O a0 gtd cet phrend iL hpi ated wh rita alee Pee a ee : es te Pater Beene toni i f ii ie all oy i MY , Pa i, 4 VOL. II—I A GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE OF THE GOBI DESERT REGION OF CENTRAL ASIA PART I GENERAL INTRODUCTION PART I—GENERAL INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I—GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS OF THE EXPEDITION, WITH A REVIEW OF FORMER EXPLORATIONS CHAPTER II—BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION CHAPTER I GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS OF THE EXPEDITION, WITH A REVIEW OF FORMER EXPLORATIONS INTRODUCTION THIS volume is confined to the geological reconnaissance of the seasons of 1922 and 1923. In it are recorded observations made in the course of an extended itinerary across the desert regions of Mongolia. The major traverses include the following: I. From Kalgan to Urga, a distance of six hundred and seventy miles, through Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass over the Pacific divide, across the Gobi basin to the Arctic slopes of the Tola River region. From Urga southwestward along the Tola River, through the Tsetsenwan district across the Ongin Gol, a distance of four hundred miles, to Sain Noin Khan on the Arctic divide. From Sain Noin southwestward and southward three hundred miles to Tsagan Nor at the base of Baga Bogdo, one of the Altai mountain ranges. From Tsagan Nor in the basin at the foot of Baga Bogdo, a hun- dred miles and more eastward to the Artsa Bogdo and Gurbun Saikhan ranges. > From the Gurbun Saikhan northward across the desert to the Sair Usu Trail, returning on that trail six hundred miles to Kal- gan. These traverses, together with side trips from certain base camps, gave an itinerary of more than three thousand miles—most of it in desert or semi- desert country, part of it in the mountainous country of the Arctic divide, and a much smaller part in the isolated mountain groups of the easternmost 3 4 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA ranges of the Altai mountain system. Our traverses reached the center of the great continent of Asia, which in all probability has been inhabited by man longer than any other continent. Across its immense areas of desert and steppe country, caravans have journeyed from the time commercial inter- course developed between peoples, and travelers have toiled over these stretches of sand in the Gobi ever since man began to wonder about the earth and its possibilities. Here are the oldest trails of the world. Some of them are primitive transcontinental highways made by the tread of countless bare and padded feet, and dating back, perhaps, to the time of the great racial migrations. Notwithstanding such a history, surprisingly little had been learned about the content and the meaning of the underground of the Gobi region. But as students of science continued to gather data of other regions of the earth, especially those facts bearing on early man and the animal life that preceded him, the conviction grew that Asia must have seen the evolution of man, and may have seen as much of many other races of living things. The race of man may have originated here; there was, however, no basis for a more authoritative statement, since no one had yet found much evidence in Asia itself, especially in central Asia. It is surely not accident that has made the continent of Asia so impor- tant a factor in the development of man. Both man and beast have been more directly dependent on the corresponding growth and behavior of the earth than has been generally assumed. Geologic environment,—the whole physical setting of the past while this great continent was in the making,— may have been a more important factor in producing interrelated floras, faunas, races, and cultures of the present day than is fully appreciated. Geologic history and the history of life run side by side, and have been intertwined and interlocked from the beginning; yet they are not equally dependent one on the other, for life is always subject to the geologic setting, and to some degree is compelled to adjust itself to the endless changes that the surface of the earth presents. Too seldom have geology and evolution been studied together as complementary parts of the same story. Thus these geological explorations in Asia take on a special significance, for the unraveling of whatever story there is to be told should give a better under- standing of the long eras through which life progress has been made. Some such considerations as these were in the minds of the sponsors and of the scientific staff of the Third Asiatic Expedition, and served to give direction and character to their undertaking. The general itinerary was chosen because the region which it covered appeared to have been touched by geological exploration less than any other of similar extent in central Asia, but it was modified in accordance with the problems that arose as the work GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 5 progressed. The major traverse was projected across the Gobi basin with the conviction that somewhere in this basin country a series of sediments ought to have been preserved, which could contribute important facts to a better understanding of the geologic evolution of Asia, and of the development of present life forms. The Expedition hoped to establish a better foundation for the study of all forms of life in late geologic time. It was, therefore, in large part, an expe- dition devoted to the unraveling of geologic and palzontologic history as re- corded in the rocks of the desert regions of central Asia. i It had been predicted by Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn, many years before, that central Asia would one day yield important paleontologic contri- butions and perhaps connecting links in the chain of ancient forms of life, and that it would prove to have been a great center of origin for forms found in North America and Europe. It was not the province of the Expedition, how- ever, to predict or to promise, but rather to investigate and to interpret. Travelers crossing the desert seem to have found little support for these more or less speculative predictions, and the general reputation of the Gobi region was far from encouraging to such an undertaking as the Third Asiatic Expedition. It was evident, however, from the observations of such men as von Richthofen (1877) in the region farther south, and Obruchev (1900) in the Gobi proper, that there were sediments of somewhat uncertain age which ought to fulfil the requirements; but it took courage to project so expensive an expedition into a region apparently so desolate and un- promising as the Gobi. The region, to be sure, has been crossed by many other explorers, but with less advantage in operation and apparently with less success in detecting the elements of its complicated structure. In part this is because of the many natural difficulties that face the would-be inves- tigator in such surroundings. Slow, tiresome travel; privation and occasional danger; heat, cold, and ceaseless winds; drifting sands and almost trackless wastes; scanty food and uncertain water-supply,—all these combine to make more complicated the task of an investigation whose uncertainties and puzzles are only one part of the practical problem. It is quite outside our present purpose, and surely not necessary, to give a descriptive account of this now well-known Expedition. Its scientific staff was prepared to make every exertion to prove the quality of the enormous expanses of desert country in central Asia. The members were resolved to do as much as was humanly possible, on a hurried reconnaissance, toward interpreting the physiographic features and the geologic structure, the fossil content and the prospective paleontology of the region, and to determine, if possible, the significance of the processes represented in the rocks made in former times. They set out to discover and to read the story of the fossil 6 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA remains that might lie buried in the strata. Whether any such finds could be made no one knew, but whatever contribution the country had to offer must be found. Geographer, paleontologist, geologist—together all bent their energy to one purpose. Each turned his best effort to unraveling that part of the story which was written in the language of his own science, from the present back to the beginning. The major purpose was to see whether the Gobi region had fossil fields of late geologic time, to find how promising they might be, and to determine the structural and stratigraphic history of the plateau and basin country cov- ered by Mongolia. In any case, whether the major object proved to be attain- able or not, the staff of the Expedition was prepared to make a line of scien- tific determination across the northern desert, from China on the one side to Siberia on the other, so that it could be used as a standard for future reference and a guide to additional exploratory work. At least it should serve as a starting point for studies in other parts of the region. As a step toward this end, a continuous cross-section, representing the geological changes and structure, was carried from the beginning to the end of the traverse. A good deal of ground was covered, of course, before much system could be discovered in the accumulating mass of data. In the course of time, however, a fair working basis was evolved, and certain localities were found to be of sufficient importance to deserve special and more extended study. At those places local, detailed investigations were made on a scale commensurate with their apparent geologic and palzeontologic importance. These have become the key studies of the Expedition, and are supported by maps and large collections, both of rocks and of fossils. In this manner there was constructed about three thousand miles of cross-section, part of it with accompanying route maps, and five special areas were given intensive study as local problems. Areal and structural reconnaissance maps were made, covering more than seven hundred square miles. At the same time, the physiographic features and processes of the desert were observed and studied, so that those features constitute an addi- tional contribution. The maps of the region were entirely inadequate, and, therefore, attention was given to their correction, and to the more accurate location of important physical features or points of special interest. The major results, in addition to the details of observation, include the following items: 1. Several great fossil fields of reptiles and mammals have been located. 2. The general geologic structure of the major rock formations of the Gobi basin region has been determined. 3. The major elements of geologic history of the Mongolian region have been unraveled, and a fairly complete geologic column has been worked out. GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 7 4. Extensive collections, both of fossils and of rocks, have been made, some of which are among the rarest and most valuable ever found in any region. 5. The principal steps in the physiographic development of central Mon- golia have been detected in the features of the region. 6. A chain of scientific determinations has been welded between China on the one side and Siberia on the other. 7. The major problems deserving additional investigation have been indicated, and steps toward their solution have been suggested. 8. A great field for subsequent research has been opened in central Asia, which is certain to attract increasing attention in many other related sciences. g. A series of special key studies has been made, to serve as starting points for future work. In preliminary summary, it is, therefore, possible to say that, instead of being barren and hopeless, the Gobi Desert has proved to be one of the most productive geologic and paleontologic regions in the world. This volume records the observations and conclusions covering some of these results. THE APPROACH TO MONGOLIA The Expedition outfitted in Peking, and traveled inland by rail as far as Kalgan before taking to its own means of transportation. From that point motors were used for the scientific party, its immediate equipment and a few supplies. A caravan of seventy-five camels had been sent into the interior about two months in advance, with additional supplies sufficient for the whole season. After making connections with this caravan at Mount Tuerin, five hundred miles out, the movements of the two sections were codrdinated in such a way as to keep the supply caravan within reach of the motor section. This system of transportation and supply proved to be adequate during most of the season, and only an occasional side traverse or piece of local work had to depend on a different method. Rarely were supplies short. The sev- eral junction points were reached by the whole Expedition, and the move- ments of both sections were so well timed that no delay was caused by failure to codrdinate. Since it is not the purpose of this report to describe the incidents of the trip, or to cover the several other fields of investigation carried on at the same time, but instead to emphasize the geological observations, little further at- tention will be given in this volume to that side of the Expedition’s operations. The itinerary account will be carried without special reference to the method of travel, the incidents of camp life in the desert, or other happenings of the Expedition. These have been given in considerable detail by the 8 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA leader of the Expedition, Roy Chapman Andrews, in semi-popular articles contributed to Asia Magazine and other publications (1922 to 1925). Although the scientific work of the Expedition began beyond the outer walls of Kalgan, a better appreciation of the features first encountered there can be gathered from a statement of the geology along the route from Peking to Kalgan. Peking stands not far from the inner border of the great alluvial plain of China formed by deposits carried by rivers that have come down from the mountainous interior of the continent. These alluvial deposits cover a com- plex erosion floor of older geologic formations (Fig. 1, page 8). The surface of the deposits is a smooth plain composed of gravel, sand, and silt, rising almost imperceptibly from the sea to a very abrupt and rugged inner margin which stands as a mountain wall nearly three thousand feet above the plain (Plate V, A, page 23). The Nan K’ou Pass pierces this barrier, and through it winds the old trail—northern China’s principal gateway to the interior— over which seven centuries ago the Mongol hordes came on a very different mission. On a modern railroad that parallels the ancient trail to Kalgan, the Expedition set out to reach the heart of the country of the Mongols, which has become again a center of world interest, not because of anything the Mongols have done, but because of the remarkable geologic history of their vast desert region. oe ors SI Archean "Proterozoic Granite Cambro- Lower Tertiary Gneiss Limestone Ordovician Jurassic Cretaceous Lava Ficurp 1.—Generalized geologic section from Tientsin to the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass. The section is intended to emphasize the step-like approach to the Gobi region from the great plain of northern China. The major underground geologic structures and the relations of the principal rock formations are indicated. They fall conveniently into three groups: (a) a simple delta, made of alluvial sands and clays built out into and dis- placing the ancient Yellow Sea; (b) a basement of complex rocks emerging from beneath the delta at Nan K’ou; (c) a cover of Mesozoic and Tertiary gravels, sands and clays with associated basaltic lava flows, beginning at Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, In the Nan K’ou Pass, through which one must go to reach the higher lands of the interior, the older sedimentary rock formations come to the sur- face and are plainly exposed in all their complicated structure in the walls of the gorge. On entering the gorge, simple sedimentary strata are encoun- tered, dipping southeastward beneath the plain. Then more complex for- mations appear in the core of the range. They are cut by large intrusions of granite, which continue to the upper reaches of the Pass. The geology of GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 9 Nan K’ou Pass is comparatively well known, and it is eminently fitting to turn to it as a key to help unlock the secrets of the ground that lies beyond. Many times in the course of the work the features of this pass were recalled, and the interpretations accepted for them were read into many of the rock structures of the interior. On reaching the top of the Pass, however, one is surprised to see another plain, not very different in appearance from the one at the foot of the Pass, but this second plain stands at a much greater elevation, for it is not far below the crest of the mountain range (Fig. 3, page 42). The higher plain looks very similar to the lower one at Peking, but it lies between mountain ranges, is far smaller, and has a more variable floor and a much thinner cover of sedi- mentary strata. We may travel inland on this second level for many miles, but in due course we come again to mountain barriers that stand across the way, and if the interior is to be reached we must climb through other passes to yet higher levels. . Kalgan lies in a valley at the foot of these passes. It is located on the alluvial deposits of the Yang Ho, a stream whose variable flow cuts and fills and shifts enough at times to endanger the very foundations of the city. Occa- sional floods cause great damage and loss of life, for the inhabitants push their dwellings and tiny farms to the very edge of the river, on ground which may have been flooded only a year or two earlier. The trail to the famous Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass climbs a tributary of this valley to the Pacific divide, and by way of it we may reach the edge of the plateau where Mongolia begins. THE GOBI REGION The Desert of Gobi occupies a broad, shallow, basin-like depression in the very extensive plateau of central Asia. From every side it is approached over a mountainous rim, and the trail stretches away for one thousand miles and more over desert and semi-desert country (Fig. 2). The monotony is broken by relief features which are chiefly the result of warping and uplift. Some of these features, like the Altai ranges, are of mountainous quality, for each one is a complex uplifted fault-block. Many of the ranges are rugged, and comparatively difficult to traverse. The less prominent hill-masses mark areas of gentler warping and smaller vertical displacement. Some of them are older fault-blocks that have been more completely worn down. Elsewhere the region stretches out in a succession of plains, marking the location of minor enclosed basins where down-warped areas have caught the sediments washed down from the uplifted segments (Fig. 10, page 53). In spite of these irregularities, the average relief of the Gobi basin 'as a whole is remarkably slight. The basin measures six hundred miles in width, and more than one thousand miles in length, yet it is marked by an average 10 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA depression of less than six feet to the mile—an amount not appreciable by ordi- nary methods of observation. For all essential purposes, then, the region is a great sweeping upland country, so many hundred miles in extent in every direction that one feels hopelessly lost in it. ! KALGAN hart IDE. ee |DABAsU [RIANG PACIFIC DIVIDE y | 50 100 200 300 = 400 500 600 MILES " P PROFILE A AD is H bre He BB ———————— PROFILE B —_—0 oso FIGURE 2.—Two cross profiles of the Gobi basin. Both profiles are based on hundreds of systemati- cally distributed aneroid readings. The vertical scale is exaggerated ten times. Profile A crosses the whole of the eastern Gobi and shows a broad, shallow downwarp between the Arctic and Pacific divides. Profile B crosses only the northwestern extension of the Gobi, lying north of the Altais, and shows much stronger warping and block-faulting than does the eastern section. Index letters are as follows: AD, Arctic Divide; S N, Sain Noin Khan; G, Gorida; U, Mount Uskuk; TN, Tsagan Nor; BB, Baga Bogdo. In very early geologic time, the region had an entirely different physical habit from the present. Epochs of mountain-folding, of volcanism, and of great elevation and subsidence, with all their complexities of product and structure, have characterized the geologic history. In the beginning the region was mountainous and rugged, with rivers flowing in all directions to the sur- rounding seas (Fig. 153, page 367). After a very long period of erosion, the ancient continent was worn down almost to base-level, and the traces of this old peneplan are what one sees in some of the dissected remnants of the old rock floor. Since that time mountain-folding has not occurred there; but, under the influence of some of the inner forces of the earth, the whole region has been lifted and warped and faulted, so that the streams, which formerly carried sediments to the sea, turned inland and made deposits in the bottoms of the inland basins. Ever since Lower Cretaceous time, when these changes came about, the region has been continental in habit. Centers of deposition shifted as new warpings took place, but deposits were nearly always being made somewhere, while in places deposits were being stripped from areas previously covered. The complete story of the later sediments of the Gobi region could be com- piled by interpreting the data of all these basins. Bones of animals that roamed these plains from Cretaceous time to the present must be buried here and there in the deposits of the Gobi basins, and the story of the ancient life of the region, with its changes, could be written if their remains were found. Many epochs are unrecorded, so far as we know, and the continuity of the story is broken; but some of the gaps may be filled by future exploration. GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS II If it were not for the fact that the story is more complex than the part of it already given, the complete history could not be unraveled. If the pro- cesses had stopped when the basins were filled with sediment, the history of the Gobi could not be worked out, because only the surface of the basin could be studied. However, since deposition began, there have been periods of deformation so pronounced in certain places that great series of sediments have been turned on edge and exposed by later erosion (Plate XI, A, page 61). Here one can measure each bed in detail and examine its content as success- fully as though he had gone down through the whole series from top to bottom. In addition to this, there were, in former times, periods of greater rainfall than now, and streams have cut trenches into deposits already made. There are gorges and gulches, escarpments and uplands, where strata are exposed, in some places throughout considerable thickness, even down into the ancient rock floor itself (Fig. 11, page 54). At such places the meaning of the strata is legible, and ultimately a geologic column, covering nearly the whole depo- sitional history, may be constructed by piecing together the data afforded by the various localities. A trial column, based chiefly upon the work of this Expedition, has been assembled, and will appear in Chapter XXII. These are the obvious features of the Gobi region. The geologist soon learns their significance, so that the character of the country suggests the nature of the underground structure and something of its geologic possibil- ities. There is an alternating succession of broad, nearly level, smooth, grav- elly plains which mark the presence of sediments, separated by more rugged areas of the uplifted and dissected hard-rock floor. Occasionally a character- istic dissection of the sediments themselves actually opens to observation the edges of the strata, and these alone are favorable for fossil collecting (Plate I). They are the great fossil fields of Mongolia. Caravan trails reach out bewilderingly across this apparently endless country, intersected in a confusion of possible courses by the trails of herds and flocks and wild animals. Across such an open plains country, where tireless winds sweep the shifting sands, which are the only mantle obscuring the rock floor beneath, one must find his way and determine the geological structure, unravel the history of the region, and locate the fossil fields. Each day’s traverse looks so much like the last in general surface features and land- marks that the traveler feels hopelessly lost; yet every trail leads somewhere, for these highways of the desert have served for centuries as the only connect- ing threads between otherwise isolated centers of culture in central Asia. A Mongol guide is immensely more useful than any existing map. Save for his instinct in finding the right trail out of hundreds of possible courses, or, failing that, except for the use of the compass almost as the mariner uses it, one would inevitably come to grief in the Desert of Gobi. 12 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA PREHISTORIC ADVENTURE One of the amusing foibles of a dominant race is its belief that explora- tion begins when men of its own blood travel into a ‘‘new land’’—disregard- ing the peoples who have made it their home for untold centuries. So Mon- golia, which has been a land of varying climate, favorable enough at times to attract races, and then arid enough to drive them out again, seems to have been forever under exploration. Before men lived in Mongolia, race after race of other creatures surged through the land and died in its broad basins, where we are now deciphering their history. The tale of early human exploration will make a fascinating chapter when increasing knowledge enables us to piece it together. As we tell it now, the story is incomplete. Yet it seems advisable to fit the fragmentary evidence together as best we can, even though it will be many times corrected and added to as knowledge increases. We believe that future studies will con- firm the inference that ever since there were men in Mongolia, their tale has been one of tribal migrations. As in Europe, clan after clan has entered this region and driven out or absorbed the earlier inhabitants. As their numbers grew, streams of nomad wayfarers went out to other lands. Each invasion brought new blood into Mongolia, and the new conquerors were in turn lured forth by rumors of better lands or were absorbed by the next immigrant horde, just as fate, climatic changes, and the laws of inheritance ruled. History does not begin with the written page. Records are also made by bones, chipped flints, and ash heaps of vanished settlements, and are as much a part of human history as the Bible and the Rosetta Stone. The earliest record is a single tooth obtained from a Chinese apothecary by Haberer (1903, page 20), and described by Dr. Max Schlosser, who reported on his suggestive discovery in 1903. It is not wholly certain that the tooth be- longed to a human being; Dr. Schlosser claims only that it belonged to an an- thropoid which was structurally nearer to man than any known ape. Clinging in the roots of this tooth is a bit of red clay. These are the only facts, and speculation upon them should be made with caution. No one knows where the tooth was found, or from what geologic horizon it came, but its primitive character suggests that it belonged to one of the earliest inhabitants of cen- tral Asia. We can only hope that future discoveries will throw more light upon this interesting problem. The second chapter in the history of human adventure in Asia lies quite outside our region. In 1892, Professor Dubois (1894) discovered in Java the remains of a primitive human being, or, as some scientists believe, a crea- ture rather more primitive than man, to which he gave the name Pithecan- thropus erectus. The age of the beds in which the bones were found is generally GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 13 considered to be early Pleistocene. No one knows how widely this early Javanese roamed, but it seems unlikely that the same species lived in both Java and central Asia. The next cultural stages in the history of the region are much more defi- nite and understandable. They are represented by a Paleolithic culture dis- covered in the Ordos by the distinguished explorers Pére Emil Licent (1925) and Pére Teilhard de Chardin (1924 0), and one Paleolithic and two Neo- lithic stages found in the Gobi by our own Expedition. Licent and Teil- hard found primitive stone implements, not unlike those used by the Nean- derthal man of Europe, and bones of extinct animals in gravels which were laid down before the vast deposits of ‘‘loess’’ were formed in northern China —probably in the Middle or Lower Pleistocene. Of the three stages found by the Third Asiatic Expedition, the palzoliths are apparently much like those of the Mousterian culture in Europe, but similar implements need not imply the same or closely related races or even the same period. These stud- ies are as yet so incomplete that all we dare to say is that several stone-age civilizations existed in Mongolia long ago, and it is reasonable to think that they represent many successive invasions of the land by tribes which brought much of their culture with them. Dr. J. G. Andersson (1923 b, c, and 1925) described an ancient Eneo- lithic culture in China that antedates all written and traditional records of the Chinese. Excellent pottery, ornaments and implements were made, but no metals were found in any of the old dwelling-sites. The material includes vases, plates and ornaments, with patterns so closely related to those of later Chinese art that he believes that the ancient culture was indeed Chinese. Dr. Davidson Black has examined the human bones which Andersson col- lected, and concludes that they belong to a people essentially similar to the present-day North Chinese (1925 b, page 98). Therefore the Chinese people probably had occupied China and had developed the elements of their civil- ization at least several thousand years before the beginning of their written history. They may have been invaders, too, but not even in their legends do we find the myth of an original homeland. In many parts of Mongolia, especially in the north, there are stone mon- uments of many different types, built by races which were in the land before the coming of the Mongols. The Encyclopedia Britannica, quoting Radlov, says that the earliest inhabitants of this northern region were Yeniseians; remnants of these tribes still linger in the mountain-country of Uriankhai. They were succeeded in possession of the land by the Urgo-Samoyeds, immi- grant tribes, who brought a finer art in gold, silver, and bronze than the land had known before. The Huns drove out these less warlike people about the third century B.c. The succeeding centuries were periods of vast tribal move- 14 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA ments, and we hear of the Huns invading India on the one hand and Europe on the other—lured by the hope of better lands than central Asia afforded. Some of the monuments can be traced to the Turkish tribes which appeared in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. They were masters of much of northern Mongolia and southern Siberia, but they were overcome in turn by the rising might of the Mongol empire which Jenghiz Khan built up in the thirteenth century. Gradually the Turkish tribes shifted away from Mongolia, or merged with the overwhelming Mongol peoples. As the power of the short- lived Mongol empire declined, the Chinese conquered Mongolia, and made it one of the ‘‘outer provinces.’’ At about the same time, the Russian peoples were beginning to turn their eyes eastward to the vast lands beyond the Ural Mountains. This sketch of man’s ancient migrations in central Asia is dim and frag- mentary, yet we think that it contains the first lines of a splendid picture which future studies may enable someone to paint in full color. We discern two parts in the composition of this picture: the older part, which deals with man’s origin and descent, is but faintly sketched; the other part is a picture of migrat- ing tribes and changing cultures, rather than the history of an evolving race. The first part reaches back into Pliocene and earlier periods; the second begins with the Ice Age, and continues to the present. Ancient adventure and the discovery of central Asia by successive migrating tribes constitute good sub- ject matter for future scientific study. HISTORIC TRAVEL AND MODERN EXPLORATION Exploration implies travel for the purpose of collecting data of one kind or another. Travel for adventure and to satisfy one’s urge for a larger world is older than exploration. The list of travelers is legion, but only a few names, chiefly of those who have made extensive traverses in the interior of Asia, may be mentioned here. Exploration proper is of very recent development, and scientific exploration in central Asia dates only from ‘‘day before yester- day,” with a very short list of names. Among the travelers, Marco Polo is the dominant figure; among the explorers, von Richthofen is one of the earliest and most illustrious. As early as 1253, Saint Louis sent William of Rubrouck to Mongolia to visit the court of Mangu, the grandson of Jenghiz Khan. William reached the court in the year in which Marco Polo was born. Fifteen years later, Marco with his father, Nicolo, and his uncle, Matteo, began the astonishing pilgrimages that were to fill his life and fire his only too active imagination (Yule translation, 1921). In the next century, Father Odoric traveled through Persia, India, and the East Indian islands to China, returning by way of Tibet. GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 15 These and other travelers brought back to medieval Europe the earliest accounts of the Far East; but Marco Polo has given us the richest and most colorful picture of the land and people of Mongolia and China that was ever prepared before science came to guide exploration. In the sixteenth century, at about the time when adventurous peoples from western Europe were beginning to colonize the new-found Americas, the Russians began to cross the Ural Mountains into Asia. We may picture two streams of migrating peoples, one pouring toward the west, the other toward the east: the one to cross the salt waste of the Atlantic to America, the other to traverse the tundras and swamps of western Siberia—the one to face the red Indian, the other the bronze Mongol. Each stream went forth to a pioneer’s life, into a vast unconquered land, and each, despite the emphasis that written history lays upon wars, went armed rather with the plough than with the sword. Even the earliest records of Russian occupation of Siberia tell of farmers who were sent-out with the soldiers: one group to build the blockhouse, the other to break the soil around it. The ghastly story of exile and the prison camps of Siberia is one of those black chapters which no one palliates or defends. Most countries have tried the experiment of exile colonies in one form or another, and all have found, sooner or later, that it does not pay. Yet, curiously enough, one of the sto- ries which concerns us in this book grew out of the prison camps of Siberia. _ After the battle of Poltava, in 1710, a Swedish officer named Philipp Johann von Strahlenberg was taken prisoner by the forces of Peter the Great. He was sent, with many others, to Siberia. During their long exile, Strahlenberg and his comrades studied peoples, languages, resources, and the geography and history of Siberia. With older maps to build upon, Strahlenberg made a new and astonishingly good map of Siberia, Turkestan, Mongolia, northern China and Tibet. An excellent critique of this map has been published by Sven Hedin (1917, I, pages 246-252) in his Southern Tibet. Two other pris- oners of this same war, Schénstrom and Renat, made important geograph- ical and ethnographical observations in Siberia, and Renat constructed a map of central Asia which gives the best picture of Dzungaria and the Tarim basin known up to that time. Strahlenberg and Schénstrom bought from a Boucharan merchant a man- uscript which they translated into several European languages. It proved to be a brilliant account of the Tatar or Mogul (Mongol) people, which was written by Abul Ghazi, prince of Khiva (translated 1729). The book is un- finished, for the writing was broken by the prince’s death in 1663. He carries the history of the world rather rapidly from the creation of Adam to the rise of Jenghiz Khan, who was Adam’s lineal descendant and Abul Ghazi’s lineal ancestor. For a man who believed in magic and who dealt in traditional his- 16 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA tory, the work of Abul Ghazi is remarkably literal, and bears evidence on every page of an honest and scrupulous mind. Although we cannot include him among the explorers of Mongolia, his Genealogical History of the Tatars has become one of the source books for the history of the Mongol people. EARLIER STUDIES OF SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE Following the work of Strahlenberg, Schénstrom, and Renat, an epoch of scientific exploration of Siberia, Turkestan, and Mongolia opened. French, German, and Russian investigators searched out the resources of the vast region, studying its plants, animals, soils, rocks, and minerals. Naturally the work of the eighteenth century was crude and poor, and had to be done over again by the more fortunate and better trained scientists of the nineteenth century. A new era in the exploration of this region dawned in 1864, when an American geologist, Raphael Pumpelly, made the first geologic section across Mongolia from Kalgan to Urga (Plate III). In his short but excellent account (Pumpelly, 1866) he tells that Mongolia is an inland basin; that much of it is a plateau, or series of plateaus, formed of almost level strata of sandstone, clay, and lava sheets, interrupted by areas of granite and other massive rocks belonging to the oldrock floor; and that folded rocks, chiefly slates and schists, form another important structural element. This sane and simple analysis was the first great step toward the unraveling of the complex structure and history of Mongolia. | When Pumpelly crossed Mongolia in 1864, Ferdinand Freiherr von Richt- hofen (1877) had been two years at work upon his pioneer reconnaissance in the Far East. He examined the southern part of the great basin, and recog- nized the Khingan range as a continuation of the great line of flexure and faulting along which the mountains of Chihli bend down under the soft silts of the Great Plain. He noted the level strata of sand and clay, and called these beds the Han Hai Series. The name is Chinese and means the “dry sea.” It is a beautifully figurative name for these immense and marvelously level wastes of desert above which the hard-rock hills rise like islands. But von Richthofen carried the analogy further, for he believed that these depos- its had been laid down in an ancient sea. Von Richthofen finished his researches in China in 1873, and was followed by the new school of Russian explorers. The character of their work changed from that of travelers to that of more scientific investigators. I. V. Mushke- tov (1876, 1906) had visited the Tien Shan while von Richthofen was yet in China, and, like the German pioneer, continued his travels for twelve years (Plate II). He noted the complexly folded rocks, cut by many kinds of once molten intrusives—granites, syenites, diorites, and porphyries. He collected ‘66gF ‘utuDIOgND "28 ‘6L-g2 LL-9401 ‘yabay “VW '36-Oggt ‘Suayj01g Op DUIYsiQg-UNIg _ _,,, ‘FobI-H6gr ‘uIbApyT 7A AcYDUSDY NY ‘Acjsoy Wd - CL-BL GLI ‘NOSINAIDT AW ++4+4+00444 Or6F "UIYOUSIOL J]. —-—— ‘G6-e6gi ‘aojsoy Yq ~Aysaos0goy TA -+~++~~~ 'S0-26 Gp-+9 OL ‘£2-gdgr'SU0llIpadxy wiuDjod NO PIGE ‘ROSSA VW oeeeeeeecuce pO-268t ‘aayonigg YA -—_____ 0g--g4 'G4— pI ‘nojeyysny AJ Rysaounwoy G9 ‘po-Lob} ‘aojsoW Wad —'aouseyD “Wo ___'06- 888! Aysacsqgoy] A ‘Aosjaaid “AW ‘yo1aounppbog -y ‘dL ‘pl-glgi ‘ayrsji4g YY 6061 ‘90-S06F ‘neyInaqo’ FA RO ‘G6-~6 ‘36 ‘9R-Segl ‘zuswmayyPG ~~ ‘gg—be 08-61 12-92 '¢l-i1Zp1 Rys)paalid WN zoér “uotpipedxry aoyrulodng ‘uasyorsapaldy Jy ‘eggr ‘uluD)A pee Olgt ‘Suayjoug ung VISV TWHYLN3ZO NI $1SI1901039 NVISSNY aH1 4o SALNOY AHL JO dVW SUL ue vows = = ii f ugynarye ee) fey Il €@LVId 60-9067 ‘ajsooDT ap UD)]InNog “g0-sosr ‘uojburjuny 7 "€e-ez6F ‘u0rwipadxrg I1)01sp Pity [rn "yobr ‘StIQnDdWM - pr6r-er6r -dxg 1ddi27 ag SS “po-cobr ‘uorwipedxry Ayadwng “FF-OF6F “SLoyjnsiD) (- —~———— go-sobr Jafar py ‘gobs ‘uourpadxy sauyojry ‘1afoy py ~” *60- p06F ‘uoizipedxy 1soyovgxtap ‘1eqo1n q ————— ‘GF6t-O06F ‘u1a7G Jainpy -NON 3H1 JO S31LNOUY SHL JO dVW *¢6-169F « “66-g69F ‘UW0r41padxy 4349}JNJ ++++++00+~ "g06r-y6gFr ‘utpayy uaas 120" MM -----~---~ “G6-069F ‘SUIYY ap jInaLjNG «*****¥~r™ x og-9égr dxz r1Ruarpezs junop ‘fz207T ————~— ‘s9er ‘Ayjedwng y — — —.— ( i! L 6 bi TI €aLV Id y As ae m, = a cae . - =< - lane cm Nr we ay r9 eh le ad “f a GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 7, fossils which told of Devonian, Carboniferous, and Cretaceous seas, and plant remains which recorded swamp-lands in the Triassic and Jurassic periods. He made a careful study of the coal in the Kuldsha basin, in Turkestan, and noted many other mineral resources. Romanovsky (1878) began exploring Turkestan rather later than did Mushketov; but the two pioneers joined hands to produce in 1884 a map of Turkestan which has been the foundation of all our scientific knowledge of that region. Pievtsov and Bogdanovich (1892) traveled through eastern Turkestan, Dzungaria, Tibet and western Mongolia in 1889 and 1890. Bogdanovich (1892) made out the general geology of the region traversed, and laid the foundations for all later studies. While the Russians were pushing their investigations outward from Siberia, the Hungarian count, Béla Széchenyi, undertook an extensive jour- ney through China, southern Mongolia, and Tibet. He was accompanied by Gustav von Loczy (1893, 1899), who constructed a geologic cross-section throughout the entire course of the journey. The explorations, which began in the west with Turkestan, were con- tinued eastward by later investigators. It is not possible in a reconnaissance volume to do justice to the many colleagues who have contributed to this work through their writings, and the dry acknowledgments convey little of the appreciation due to the many deeds and thoughts of great summarists like Suess, and of master pioneers like Obruchev. The maps (Plates II and III) give some idea of the maze of routes traced across central Asia before us, but even this picture leaves much untold. We can give space to a very few outstanding names, and trust that in a later volume we may tell the whole story. V. A. Obruchey, greatest of Russian explorers, began his travels in 1892 (1893). His advent marks a new era in the study of these great regions; the coming of a keener insight into geologic problems, with a better training in the science than that of any of his predecessors. He began, as was natural, where von Richthofen, Mushketoy, Roborovsky, Bogdanovich, and others had left the story. He recognized at least two periods of mountain-building: an earlier, following the Permian period, when the strata were folded into ranges like the Appalachians; and a later, in Tertiary time after the earlier mountains were wholly worn away, when the land was broken along rifts, and tilted up as block-mountains (Obruchev, 1900, 1912, and 1923). Obru- chev was the first geologist to discover vertebrate fossils in the Han Hai beds. His utmost care in collecting the fragments could not prevent their breaking still further; nevertheless, a tooth of general rhinocerotid type was pieced to- gether, and was tentatively determined by Edouard Suess (1899) as a Rhi- noceros or Aceratherium, which he believed to be of Miocene age. Obruchev’s VOL. IIl—2 18 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA account of this discovery was in the hands of the geologists of the Expedition, and led them to pay special attention to this region, although, curiously enough, vertebrate fossils were found at two other horizons before the site of Obruchev’s discovery was examined. In the northwestern corner of the Ordos, Obruchev found the skull of a fossil rhinoceros, probably of Pleistocene age, very near to the place where, more than thirty years afterward, the Jesuit Fathers Licent (1925) and Teilhard de Chardin (1924 b) made their great dis- covery of the implements of fossil man. From the foregoing list of contributions, it is evident that a large number of exploratory investigations have been made in central Asia. The funda- mental elements of the work accomplished have been taken as a ready-made foundation for the new investigation, and the original sources of a particularly helpful character require some additional comment and acknowledgment. These are: the contributions of Ferdinand von Richthofen (1877), and of V. A. Obruchev (1900); Research in China, by Bailey Willis (1907); and Explorations in Turkestan, by Raphael Pumpelly (1905). Each in his own field has pene- trated an almost trackless wilderness of scientifically new territory, and has brought information and order out of difficult, obscure, and comparatively little-known regions. The structural and stratigraphic elements of China, as given by Willis, furnished by all means the best starting point for the geologists of the Third Asiatic Expedition, because the work had to be projected from China as a base of operation. Furthermore, his work affords most direct and ready com- parison, because, after the season’s work, one returns again from the interior to the standard sections of China. We now know that a remarkable similar- ity of development is represented in the geology of the interior and that of the Chinese border. The two regions have approximately the same history. In past time they comprised a more uniform structural unit than the present physiographic differences suggest, so that the major structural features are essentially the same. It is fortunate, therefore, that the Third Asiatic Expedition found it convenient to organize in China, as the staff was given special encouragement and help by the geologists of that country. It was of advantage, also, that one of the members of the geologic staff of the Expedition, Frederick K. Mor- ris, had already accumulated considerable field experience in China and had become familiar with its formational and structural habit. Probably from no other base and under no other conditions could the work have been under- taken with so great advantage or so great likelihood of success. It is certainly not advisable at this stage of the investigation to carry detailed correlation to such an extreme as to assume the identity of many of the individual formations in these two widely separated regions,—China GEOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES AND METHODS 19 proper and the interior desert plateau. Nevertheless it is true that the major structural units, as well as the principal deformation epochs and changes in the dominant processes, as marked out by Willis in China, can be recognized definitely, in the same order and with much the same proportions in the north- ern region. The geological statement as given by Willis is, for another reason, par- ticularly helpful. It not only recognizes formational units, but establishes them on a broad dynamic basis. Moreover, in describing them Willis man- ages to allow for expectable variations in the character and physical condition of the sediments, so that corresponding representatives or equivalents in new territory might be placed in the geologic column without serious revision. This is materially aided by a careful determination of igneous and deforma- tion epochs, so that the whole geologic column is built up with suitable empha- sis on the major breaks and the dominant forces or processes of each part. The Expedition came to appreciate the great service of such a contribution as this of Willis in China. One is the more impressed with its soundness after working, as this Expedition did, over several thousand miles of adjacent ter- ritory, where, again and again, this proved to be the only really helpful geo- logic guide. In addition to the work of Willis in China, that of Pumpelly (1866, 1905), Davis (1904, 1905), and Huntington (1905 a, 1907 a), on the west side of the continent in Turkestan, ranks especially high in its applicability and help- fulness in a study of problems of the interior. For our region the geologic column representing the older formations, as given in the Explorations in Turkestan, is of little service; but the determinations bearing on physiographic changes, the significance of the processes and effects represented, and the order of events in later time are of far-reaching application on the continent of Asia. It would be strange, of course, if this were not so; for the men who participated are masters in their own fields, and their observations and conclusions could fail of wider application only in case the geological conditions were actually different. We now know that there is enough unity in the continent of Asia, despite its immense size, to enable us to correlate with reasonable success many important steps in its development, from China on the one side to Turk- estan on the other. The emphasis placed by the work in Turkestan on the changes that have taken place in late geologic time might be applied also in Mongolia, where the deformations, the processes, and the climatic changes are of similar type and of corresponding magnitude. The features are more easily read, are more definite, and are of greater significance in the desert region of the interior than in China proper. One finds, therefore, in the reports of these western explora- tions the clearest statement of the history of late geologic time, of the physio- 20 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA graphy, and of the processes that have made present conditions. The prin- ciples used and the explanations given were found to be a constant help in our studies of the interior, and we are confident that the summary given in this volume will be found to establish a reasonably consistent geologic link of field observation between these two justly famous investigations—that of Willis and Blackwelder in China, and that of Pumpelly, Davis and Hunting- ton in Turkestan. The most suggestive observations of the latter expedition are those which postulate a fluctuating climate, reaching back to the limits of human occupa- tion and probably beyond; and those which establish the correlation of uplift and depression, with the shift of deposition centers during late Tertiary time. Displacements of ten thousand feet, recognized by Huntington, are equaled in such movements as that of the Altai uplift of the desert interior; and the repeated warpings which Huntington refers to in similar connection are not only duplicated in many parts of Mongolia, but, because of the detailed determination of horizons in many adjacent basins, are established more firmly than ever before by the work of the Third Asiatic Expedition. By means of this work, epochs of deposition, of erosion, and of deformation have been dated and brought into definite sequence. Davis and Huntington in Turkestan recognized the significance of the evidence indicating these changes, and placed them for the first time, in their proper geologic and physiographic setting. The work of the Third Asiatic Expedition, while it supports the general conclusions of the expedition to Turkestan, attempts to go further in the definiteness of its correlations. The work done in Siberia is more scattered, deals with more limited problems, and is difficult of access. Nevertheless, important observations have been made, and some of the conclusions derived from them are readily fitted to the Mongolian region. CHAPTER II BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION INTRODUCTION THE Gobi Desert is merely the arid part of a great inland basin that lies enclosed between mountainous divides (Fig. 4, page 43). The highland bor- ders of the basin are for the most part well watered grasslands that change by almost imperceptible gradations into the central desert. The boundaries of the desert proper are therefore not only indefinite, but inconstant, because a few rainy years extend the grassland, while a dry period makes the desert broader. The boundaries of the inland basin in which the desert of Gobi lies must be placed along the crests of the mountains that slope into the basin on the one hand, and outward toward the sea on the other. At first sight it seems as though the boundary would coincide with the watersheds which part the inland drainage from the waters that reach the sea, but this is not every- where true, for the Kerulen River, after draining a part of the Gobi region, escapes to the sea through the Argun and Amur Rivers; and in the west, the Gobi is not bounded by marine drainage, but is separated by low, inconspicu- ous divides from other inland desert basins. In attempting to summarize the nature and structure of its boundaries, one has to rely largely upon a crit- ical review of literature concerning the surrounding regions, and the record is very imperfect. THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY The northern boundary is everywhere mountainous, and may be divided into three general parts. The western part consists of the fault-block range called Tannu Ola, which connects with the Sailugem Mountains on the west, and, by several minor fault-blocks, with the Khangai uplift on the east. The central section includes the Khangai, Gangin Daba, and Kentai ranges, which may be considered as a series of arched or domed masses of complex rocks. The eastern section is formed of the Transbaikalian block-mountains which 21 a2 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA overlap one another obliquely along the Gobi basin, the southwestern end of each range plunging down beneath the Gobi sediments. Northern boundary—western section The northwesternmost part of the Gobi basin is a group of mountain- rimmed depressions called by Pievtsov the ‘‘Valley of the Lakes” (Plate IV). Its western wall is the Sailugem mountain chain, concerning which we have very little information. The northern rim of the Valley of the Lakes is formed by the Tannu Ola range, which is a stretch of the Arctic divide, parting the headwaters of the Yenisei on the north from the wholly enclosed Ubsa Nor basin on the south (PlateIV). The abrupt scarp of the Tannu Ola rising above the broad lake-basin strongly suggests that the range is faulted, forming as it were a shorter northern counterpart to the longer fault-block range of the Altai. Suess has assembled (1902, III, pages 111-117) three traverses of the Tannu Ola, and shows that the western traverse reveals only Devonian rocks —conglomerates, quartzites, and porphyries. The middle traverse brings in gneiss and granite, limestone, schists, marls, and sandstone. The sandstone beds contain plants belonging to the Carboniferous age (Culm). Just east of this section, on the north side of the range, the same traverse records Devo- nian strata, followed by Culm and then by the Jurassic Angara series. The third traverse begins on the north with the Jurassic Angara beds, and passes to the Devonian on the south side of the range. The rocks are folded and faulted. Hausen, in 1917 and 1918, studied the part of the Tannu Ola lying east and west of the lake Kara Kul (1925). He reports that the rocks are largely igne- ous masses,—granite, grading into diorite and even gabbro,—which invade greenstones, limestones, and schists of uncertain age. Devonian sandstones and limestones with porphyries and lava sheets overlie the older rocks uncon- formably. The range is made up of several faulted blocks, and some of the longitudinal valleys, including that of the Kara Kul, are regarded as grabens. Hausen has thus shown that there are at least two ancient periods of folding, and that the folded structures of the mountain are broken by faulting of more recent date. Northern boundary—central section The Tannu Ola passes eastward into the general mass of the Khangai Mountains. The latter name is here used collectively for a mountainous region, rather than a range, lying between the Valley of the Lakes on the west and the Tola River on the east (Plate IV and Fig. 4). Suess says (1902, III, page 118), ‘“Eastward the Khangai merges into the Kentai Shan and the mountainous regions north of Urga which are continuous with those of Trans- “VITODNOW JO SYNCNOH AHL AO dVW NOTLYIOT Ga 541919WOTM oyobuniy. pishuz, os ~ 4, \ Ty nsqng Ua] D idee 4 HRs Ny, Q 2pn® nen nai upMmuatjaPl* 2) re Ss, ” b ‘AI ALVWId PLATE V. A. THE FIRST MOUNTAIN BARRIER. THE WESTERN HILLS FRONT NEAR PEKING, B. THE GREAT WALL ABOVE NAN K’'OU PASS. This view was taken at Ch'ing Lung Chao, and shows the rugged crest of the first mountain barrier back of Peking. In an- cient times this was the inner defense line for the great plain of China, the outer defense being the Great Wallabove Kalgan, more than a hundred miles farther toward the interior of Asia. (See Plate XLIII B.) BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 23 baikalia. . . . No tectonic boundary separates the Gobi from the Khangai, since denuded remnants of a similar structure may be recognized in adjacent parts of the Gobi itself.’’ Suess recognized horsts and grabens in the Gobi region, but as both the folding and the later faulting follow in general much the same structural trend, Suess did not clearly differentiate an age or ages of dominant folding from another age characterized by dominant faulting. Tolstikhin (1920) made an extensive study in the region of the Selenga River in 1919 (Plate IV). We have not a copy of his paper, and must rely for the present upon Obruchev’s review of it (1921, page 149). Tolstikhin noted a thick formation of steeply folded crystalline limestones, striking N. 30° W. to N. 50° W. and extending from the Kosso Gol to the river Telgir Merin (Plate IV). Northward from the river Murin, dolomitic limestones striking N.N.E. have been cut and metamorphosed by granites and granite porphyries. Associated with these limestones are quartzites, sandstones, and silicious schists, all of which Tolstikhin considers to be pre-Cambrian. He goes on to say that after a long erosion period, the region came again under water which covered the lower course of the rivers Murin, Buksui, and Eder and extended eastward along the Selenga to the mouth of the river Egin Gol. Gray and black limy clays and sands, with green and red sands and conglom- erates, were deposited, in which obscure plant remains are found. This water sheet, he says, retreated toward northeast and east. While the sedi- ments were being deposited, volcanoes poured out dark basic lavas and their tuffs. All of these rocks were folded at a later date, and strike W. N. W. to E. N. E. with dips less steep than those of the pre-Cambrian. The basic erup- tive rocks were converted into green chloritic schists. Tolstikhin assigns these sediments and associated igneous rocks to the Jurassic Angara series of Suess. He describes a later granite-syenite intrusion, which closed with eruptions of keratophyre. Obruchev (1921), commenting upon this paper, thinks it more likely that the later sediments may be not Jurassic, as Tolstikhin supposed, but possibly may be of Paleozoic age, citing his own discovery of Palzozoic bryozoans and corals between Urga and Kiakhta in rocks of much the same character as those observed by Tolstikhin. Obruchev considered it probable that “in northern Mongolia, as in the rest of Central Asia, except the region of Kashgar, the lat- est advance of the sea was in Upper Carboniferous or Lower Permian time”’ (1921, page 150). The possibility that these chloritic schists may be of pre- Palzozoic age should not be overlooked. The route of the Expedition in 1922 led southwestward from Urga through a wide belt of the slates and graywackes. As this section is followed south- ward, igneous rocks appear, cutting the graywacke series, and increasing in number and size until the granite of the Mongolian bathylith is exposed over 24 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA large areas, while the graywackes lie isolated as roof-pendants and xenoliths (Figs. 34 and 35, page 95). In the region of Tsetsenwan (Lat. 46° 15’ N., Long. 104° 10’ E.), the mountains are disposed in broad, relatively low blocks whose tops are beveled by an arched peneplane and whose fronts descend ab- ruptly to basins with almost flat bottoms, some of which are floored by the gran- ite, while others bear a cover of nearly horizontal sediments (Fig. 37, page 101). In the block-mountains we found in one place gneisses and marbles which we assigned to the Archean complex; and in other places schists and crystalline limestones,—striking N. 75°-80° W. and dipping northward,—which we judged to be Proterozoic, comparable to the Wu T’ai series of China. They are all unconformably overlaid by the folded conglomerates, sandstones, and surface volcanic rocks which we tentatively consider to be Lower Jurassic. As we went northwestward again to Sain Noin, the graywackes reappeared. They form the entire region for many miles about Sain Noin Khan, save for infolded synclines of the Jurassic conglomerate. The graywackes are indeed present on a scale so vast that we called these rocks the Khangai series. Thus the Khangai mountain region, taken as a whole, includes a great complex of folded sediments and igneous rocks, ranging from the Archzan to, possibly, the Lower Jurassic. Their upturned edges are beveled by a pene- plane which forms the upland of the Khangai, standing as high as ten thou- sand feet above sea-level. All of these rock types were observed also in the Gobi desert, where they maintain the same folded structure and essentially the same strike as in the Khangai. The Gobi and the Khangai are not sep- arated by a fault line or by an abrupt scarp, and Suess may have had this in mind when he wrote that there is no tectonic boundary between these two regions. The Khangai hills become lower, and extend in long tongues out into the desert; while the lowland of the desert surface extends up the valleys between the projecting spurs of the mountains. The mountain mass as a whole rises gradually above the desert and has the aspect of a broad dome in which faults and fault lines are not so conspicuously in control of the topog- raphy as they are in the Altai ranges to the southwest or in the Transbaikal ranges to the northeast. The streams heading on the two opposite sides of the Khangai watershed form a long dendritic drainage pattern which clearly suggests that the drainage is consequent upon the Khangai arch. There is no evidence in the river pattern of a former connection of the Gobi basin with the Arctic drainage. Along the Khangai front, however, the earth movements that have made the mountains were essentially a gentle doming or upwarping of ancient, complexly folded rocks which had been peneplaned prior to the uplift. The Kentai Ola continues the Khangai northeast of Urga, and forms the Arctic divide in this region. J. Morgan Clements (1922) examined part of BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 25 the Kentai hills, and expressed the belief that the graywacke series is of late pre-Cambrian age. Ussov (1915) reports in general an Archean “ Barchin Series” and an Algonkian graywacke series which are cut and metamorphosed by great intrusions of granodiorite. The Expedition in 1922 crossed the Gangin Daba Mountains, which may be considered the southwestern exten- sion of the Kentai, and observed in the southern part a belt of schists, which we regarded as later than the Archean, and probably of much the same age as the Wu T’ai system of Bailey Willis (1907, II, page 4). This correlation would not necessarily cast any doubt on Ussov’s identification of Archzan rocks in the Kentai. Like the Khangai, the Kentai appears to rise gradually out of the great basin of the Gobi, without any marked tectonic boundary beyond a broad, gentle upwarp or doming. Northern boundary—eastern section Thus far the boundary of the Gobi has been placed along mountain crests that form the Arctic watershed. All water falling south of this divide runs southward into the desert, to escape only by evaporation. But the Kerulen River, heading in the Kentai hills, runs southward into the great basin of the Gobi, and then flows eastward nearly four hundred miles to the lake Dalai Nor, from which the waters escape to the ocean along the Argun and Amur Rivers (Fig. 4). The course of the Argun River follows the fault-graben along the eastern base of the Argun range to about latitude 50°, where it cuts across the mountain. Between this and the Khingan range the river follows some of the fault lines, and cuts across others. It swings around the northern end of the Khingan and joins with the Shilka River to form the Amur River (Fig. 4). The genetic origin of the Kerulen-Argun is an unsolved problem. The course is clearly a complex one, and shows two types of adjustment: along parts of the course the river is adjusted to the structure of the present ranges, and along other parts it cuts across these structures. If the moun- tains arose by faulting at somewhat diverse times, and at diverse rates of inter- mittent movement, a large river would maintain its course across the minor ridges, and especially across those whose growth was slow and of more recent beginning, while larger, older ranges and those whose increments of fault move- ment were greater, would force the river to take a course adjusted to the trend of the ranges. The Argun range has in part, and the Great Khingan has wholly, forced such adjustment to its own lines. The mountains north of the Kerulen belong to the Transbaikal system of fault-blocks in which the rivers have a peculiar trellis pattern. Whether the topography is primarily controlled by block faulting, or whether the rivers have subsequent courses and have etched out their valleys along the weak zones of ancient fault lines, is another of the unsolved problems of the region. 26 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Lvov (1916) says that the dominant topographic feature of the western Amur region is a group of short parallel-oriented massifs, separated from one another by narrow or broad, down-sunken depressions. Obruchev (1899, pages 192-206, and 1926, page 432) has given a descrip- tion of the broad features of Transbaikalia, in which he emphasizes the great width of the divides or mountain uplands, and also the great width of the val- leys. He considers the mountains to be fault-blocks, and his map, which is redrawn and transliterated in Fig. 135, page 320, shows a long series of faults defining the present ranges. On the other hand, he does not throw direct light upon many important problems. He says that several ranges are “broken through’’ by rivers, but does not explain the origin of the river’s present course. He stresses the fact that the ranges are bow-shaped, lying in arcs which are slightly convex toward the south; but he does not tell whether he believes that this shape is due to pressure or thrust from a given direction. He shows that the strike of the bedded crystalline rocks diverges in places quite markedly from that of the ranges. In the west, near Lake Baikal, the folded structure strikes east-southeast, while the faulted mountains lie east-northeast to northeast (Fig. 135, page 320). Farther east the prevail- ing strike is east-northeast, and here it falls into agreement with that of the mountains. Still farther east the strike of the beds is again east-southeast to southeast, and locally east-northeast, or northeast or even north, so that it lies now across, now diagonal to, and now parallel with the direction of the mountain ranges. Obruchev continues (1899, page 201): The Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks . . . in most cases strike parallel to the de- pressions, in which exclusively these rocks are found. It seems that they have been broken into larger and smaller tablets or plates, which sank steeply in this or that direction, and, locally, have thereby even formed shallow folds. The post-Tertiary deposits are not dislocated. Obruchev says (1899, page 202): The depositional relationships of the metamorphic schists, the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks, show that the fault movements repeated themselves in later periods, and in general remained true to the first established strikes . . . Secondary horizontal movements accompanied the dominant vertical movements, as the folding of the sediments shows . . . The vertical movements of the earth’s crust were accompanied by outbursts of massive rocks, which arose along fault- clefts. Many of these rocks pressed in as laccoliths into the Archean masses, and have been laid bare only by later erosion and denudation. Elsewhere they form many dikes in the older rocks. But the existence and the wide distribution of tuffs, breccias and conglomerates which are associated with various porphyrites, mela- BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 27 phyres, trachytes, rhyolites, and basalts, and which in other places are interbedded and alternate with the ordinary clastic sediments, prove that many outbreaks reached the surface and that long chains of volcanoes were active along the faults at the margins of the ancient (‘‘Archaische’’) horsts. The products of eruption came to rest partly on the dry land, and partly in the lakes, which occupied the valleys during many periods. : In the east in the district of Nerchinsk, the igneous rocks are as widely distributed as the crystalline schists and sedimentary strata; and in some localities the horsts consist only of the igneous rocks. Therefore the arrangement of the rocks in this district is not so regularly zoned as in the other parts of the region, and the structure is far more complex. . . . Besides the dominant fault lines striking east-northeast, which mostly, even though with interruptions, have a great length, there are in the region other far shorter fault lines which run north-northwest to north. Such cross-faults, which in places appear to be connected with horizontal displacements, are seen in the west, but more especially in the district of Nerchinsk. Obruchev says that these cross-faults are rudely parallel to the Khingan range, and therefore infers that they are related to the displacement history of the Khingan. He calls them the “ Khingan faults” in contrast to the “‘ Baikal faults’’ which lie parallel to Lake Baikal and form the prevailing mountain lines of Transbaikalia. He points out that the great Khingan range forms the eastern tectonic boundary of the Baikal region. At the western boun- dary is Lake Baikal, which Obruchev considers to be a great faulted depres- sion, the deepest graben in Transbaikalia. Westward from this graben we meet with broad areas of Cambrian and Silurian marine deposits, which are relatively slightly dislocated. Here, then, very different rocks and very different tectonic relations dominate, so that Lake Baikal closes the western limit of the Transbaikalian fault lines. “South and southwest of our region lies northern Mongolia, in which we find the same ancient metamorphic and massive rocks and the same tectonic lines as in Transbaikalia.”’ Summary of the Transbaikal border As in the Khangai-Gobi contact, so also in the contact between the moun- tains of Transbaikalia and the great basin of the Gobi, there is no difference in the rock formations or in the lines of ancient folding. These facts point to the conclusion that the great basin of the Gobi is of more recent origin than any of the folded ranges. All of the folded mountains, including the Altaids of Suess, were wholly planed away before central Asia became an inland, un- drained hollow. The present Gobi basin is relatively young, and was formed coincidentally with the uplift of the Transbaikal ranges. Both the Trans- 28 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA baikal mountain region and the basin of the Gobi were formed by deforma- tion of a single great province of peneplaned ancient mountains. THE EASTERN BOUNDARY The eastern boundary of the great basin of Mongolia may be taken as the Ta Hsing An or Great Khingan range, which reaches from the Amur River at the north to the mountains of the Kalgan and Nan K’ou region in the south (Fig. 4). The Khingan range strikes about N. 25° E., and so lies athwart the structure of the Altai, Khangai, and the Transbaikalian mountains. The following brief account of this range is taken from the summary of Suess (1902, III, pages 117-122): According to Gedroits, the northern part of the range has a width of one hundred eighty to two hundred versts, or about one hundred and twenty to one hundred and thirty miles. It is formed of igneous rocks and ancient schists, overlaid by deposits probably of the Palzozoic age, with intrusions of granite, porphyry, and diabase. Kropotkin (1865) and Manakin (1898) have recorded in Lat. 49° 30’ N., “‘clay-slate and granite and in places porphyry and upturned red sandstone’”’ (Suess, 1902, III, pages 151-152). Potanin, crossing at the headwaters of the Nomin River (Plate IV) noted ‘parallel chains of granite and porphyry with an almost meridional trend and particu- larly steep eastern declivity.”” Potanin, coming from the north, encountered granite, porphyry, and clay-slate down to about 45°N. (Suess, III, page 153). Prjevalski (1877), traveling northward from Peking to Dolon Nor, reports gneiss and granulite for one hundred and eighty versts on the western slope of the Great Khingan (about Lat. 42° 20’ N., Long. 116° 20’ E.). Northwest and west of Dolon Nor the Mongolian platform rises at once to over 2000 meters; on the summit, the previously rocky character of the landscape dis- appears and we suddenly enter the monotonous Gobi... The town of Dolon Nor stands on ancient rocks traversed by quartz veins; then follows to the northwest quartz-porphyry, and the steps which take us to the summit of the Gobi appear to be formed of the same rock. (Suess, 1902, III, page 153.) Upon the ancient complex rocks lie floods of lava, chiefly basalt, which probably are genetically related to fault movements. Suess mentions ‘recent voleanic rocks . . . near Nerchinski-Savod, along the upper Argun and on Lake Kulun (1902, III, page 151)."". Nerchinski-Savod is on the Argun River, about Lat. 51° 20’ N., Long. 119° 30’ E. Manakin reports an extinct volcano with a well-preserved crater on the east side of the Khingan, at the bend of the Nomin River (1898, pages I-79). Potanin notes remains of two other craters near the town of Mergen. ‘‘Thus the town of Mergen is surrounded by a BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 29 volcanic region of recent date, which measures two hundred versts from west to east.” . . . and ‘forms an eastward extension of the volcanic rocks of the Khingan and at the same time a part of the border of the eastern Gobi.” (Quoted by Suess, 1902, III, page 152.) Other extensive lava fields lie west of the Khingan. Mushketov (1881) describes a lava field north-northwest of Dolon Nor, in the hills called Bogdo Ola (Lat. 43° 35’ N., Long. 115° 30’ E.), where he saw a volcanic cone that still retained its crater. Very recently Pére Emil Licent and Pére Teilhard de Chardin visited this general region, and at about Lat. 42° 30’ N., Long. 115° E., discovered large areas of basalt and a chain of volcanic cones. The basalt overlies sediments carrying an Upper Pliocene fauna which would serve to suggest an approximate date of either late Pliocene or Pleistocene for these outpourings. (Teilhard, 1924 c, and personal communication, 1924, to W. D. Matthew.) Suess believed (1902, III, page 120) that the lavas of the Khingan Moun- tains probably were correlated with the lava fields of southern Mongolia. But later studies have shown that the lavas range in age from probably as old as Oligocene to certainly as young as late Pliocene, so that correlation of the lavas must be left for future careful investigation. The eastern side of the Khingan descends abruptly to a broad lowland, and is considered to be a fault-scarp by Mushketov. Von Richthofen also took this view, adding: ‘‘. . . it seems that the name Khingan applies to the steep eastward-facing scarp of a gentle up-swelling of the margin of the plateau from the west.’’ (1877, page 34.) On page 147 (1877) von Richthofen also says: ‘‘the gentle up-arching of the Khingan forms the boundary of the north- ern and eastern transition region [from the Gobi outward to the drained and watered regions], but is more of a connecting link between them than a separa- tion of them.”” On page 519 of Volume II, he adds: If we omit the tongues of the plain that thrust in long valleys into the mountains, the plain [the great plain of China] is separated from the mountains by a straight line If we prolong this line north-northeast, it coincides with the eastern descent of the mountains of Shansi rimming the Bay of Peking. This line, nearly at right angles to the trend of the Kuen Lun ranges, is of great significance in the configura- tion of northern China, and it is perhaps not by accident that the Khingan, which is likewise an up-arched plateau margin and only offers the aspect of mountains when seen from the east, lies in the prolongation of this very line. He considers that the uplift of these northeastward-trending mountains took place at some time later than Lower Jurassic. Willis, commenting upon von Richthofen’s line of dislocation, the Khin- gan line, says in part (1907, II, page 106): 30 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA He does not cite any evidence of faulting on the line itself, it being drawn indeed in the plain of alluvium; and according to our observations on three different sections, the passage from the plain to the mountains is a zone of warping, not a line of dis- location. Where, in latitude 49°, the Siberian railroad descends to the Sungari, the eastern slope of the Khingan is a tilted, dissected, but unbroken peneplane. Where the Sha-ho, in latitude 39°, has cut its autogenous valley, . . . the effects of modern warping are obvious. Normal faulting, though present in the Ning-shan basin, occurred at a remote Tertiary date, and erosion has reversed the relief to which it gave rise. Again, in latitude 31°, where the Yangtze emerges from its profound gorges at Ichang, the mountain slope that faces the far-spreading river plain is a tilted surface of erosion, showing a continuous stratum of Carboniferous limestone, which toward the base is overlaid by the K’uichow red beds in appropriate strati- graphic sequence. It is a warped surface, not a fault; and there is no evidence that it is limited by a fault at the base. Willis then cites two places at which von Richthofen crossed the Khingan line—one in latitude 33°, the other in latitude 38°. Von Richthofen found a simple flexure at the first, but at the more northerly crossing he found that the descent to the plains was made by a series of step-faults with the down- throw on the east. Willis points out that the moderate faulting in this case “is not inconsistent with the warping observed elsewhere,’’ and concludes that the weight of evidence favors the view that the Khingan line is to be regarded ‘‘as a zone of monoclinical flexure, not as a fault’’ (1905, page 7). Summary of the eastern boundary From the foregoing facts, we may conclude that the history of the Khin- gan range has been essentially as follows: An ancient mountain range com- posed of folded schists and igneous intrusives was wholly planed away by ero- sion before the uplift of the present Khingan. The new range is due to simple warping or arching of the peneplaned rocks, which are similar to those of the oldrock floor of the Gobi. The lava fields along the Khingan were formed by volcanic outpourings which accompanied the growth of the present range during Tertiary and Pleistocene time. THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY The southern boundary of the Gobi is complex, and locally difficult to define. In the east it is the edge of a great dissected plateau. The central section in the Ordos is indefinite. Here the Yellow River makes a great loop toward the north, east, and south, encircling the Ordos platform: Whether the Gobi basin should include this block, or whether the boundary should be placed along the hills north of the Yellow River is an open question. On the BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 31 whole, however, it seems advisable not to separate the two regions, because in the later history of basin making, they have behaved essentially as a unit. West of the Ordos, the boundary is to be placed along the Nan Shan and Richt- hofen ranges. There are thus three sections of the southern boundary—the eastern section, composed of a plateau edge, largely capped with lava flows; the central section, composed of hills that swing around the southern end of the Ordos; and the western section, composed of great mountain chains. Southern boundary—eastern section The southern boundary of the Gobi in the region of Kalgan is formed by the edge of uptilted Tertiary lavas (Figs. 1, page 8, and 5, page 47). The margin of the lavas presents an imposing scarp, descending abruptly into China on the south, and sloping very gently away into Mongolia on the north, so that it forms another “of the great steps by which Central Asia descends to the sea,’’ as Mushketov so aptly said of the Khingan. The scarp at Kalgan does not mark a fault, but is simply an erosion scarp. The only faults we have been able to trace in this region are downthrown toward the north, that is, toward Mongolia (Fig. 5, page 47). The scarp, therefore, indicates a truly impressive retreat, through erosion, of lava sheets that once must have cov- ered a far greater area than at present. The lavas overlie a thick formation of conglomerate, sand, and sandy clay in which dinosaur bones have been found. There is apparently a slight but significant angular unconformity between the sandstones below and the lavas above. The lavas dip northward at a gentler angle than do the sand- stones. Andersson (1923 a, page 99) and Barbour (1924,) have reported the presence of plant beds, believed to indicate Lower Oligocene age, between the lava sheets. According to von Richthofen’s map, the lavas continue to the westward for fifty miles to about Lat. 40° N., Long. 114° E. From this point (Plate IV) we must again follow Suess’s summary for the general description of the region (1902, III, pages 255-266). Prjevalski observed limestone hills called Khara Khada, or Shara Khada, which appear from underneath the lava cover in about Lat. 41° 30’ N., Long. 113° E., and form a range that strikes southwestward toward the Yellow River. Two other ranges, the In Shan and Muni Ola, continue the general line of the Shara Khada along the northern side of the Yellow River valley. The ranges are not in one line, but overlap one another (Plate IV). A similar chain of ranges lies farther to the north and includes the Suma Khada, Sheiten Ola and Narin Ola ranges. They are all formed of short overlapping ranges, and all are of ancient rocks—dominantly schists, gneisses, and crystalline limestones, cut by large bodies of granite. Suess remarks (1902, III, page 257) that the strike of these old disturbed rocks 32 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA does not agree with the present strike of the ranges. Probably the ranges follow Tertiary or post-Tertiary fault lines. Southern boundary—central section The Khara, Narin, Argilintai, and, farther south, the Ala Shan Mountains bend like a great framework around the corner of the rectangular course of the Yellow River. The eastern side of this frame is made by the fault-block mountains of Shansi. Within the mountain-framed bend of the big river lies the semidesert land of the Ordos. It is a platform of low relief which the Comte de Lesdain says has sunk somewhat and now lies at about 1500-1600 meters, without high mountains or deep valleys (1908). It is bounded rather indefinitely on the south by hills from which flow a number of tributaries to the Yellow River and the Wei Ho. The Cambrian limestones in the Ordos are still nearly horizontal, indicat- ing that the region is part of a very stable block of the continent,—a plateau land very like the Angara element in central Siberia (Fig. 127, page 295). Suess points out the strong contrast between this ancient plateau struc- ture and the complexly folded oldrock floor of the Gobi. He adds (1902, III, page 258): ‘‘The difference between the Gobi and the Ordos could not be more complete. In the contrast between the ancient folds of the Altaides and their foreland, the Ordos, we find a parallel to the contrast between the folded Alps and their foreland.’’ However, Suess has compared only the folded and the non-folded units of the oldrock floor; the contrast does not extend to the younger sediments that overlie this floor. Since the time when the latest folded mountains of Mongolia were peneplaned, Ordosia has been broken up into a series of elevated and depressed blocks, and the Ordos proper has shared the warping and inland deposition of the Gobi. In the Gobi, the oldest sedi- ments resting upon the peneplaned floor of complex rocks are of Lower Creta- ceous age. The peneplaned oldrock floor of the Ordos is similarly covered by inland basin sediments, the oldest of which, according to W. H. Wong, are now believed to be Cretaceous (1924, personal communication). Despite the warping that has caused the great detour of the Yellow River toward the north, around the margin of the Ordos platform, it seems fair to reckon the Ordos as essentially a subprovince of the Gobi. Southern boundary—western section The southern boundary of the Ala Shan desert, which lies west of the Ordos, is formed by the Nan Shan ranges. In describing the relations of the Nan Shan to the Gobi basin, Suess (1902, III, page 223) draws his data chiefly from Obruchev’s work (1900, page 581). The Nan Shan is a great and com- plex mountain range, striking a little south of east, and is cut by a series of BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 33 longitudinal faults. North of it lies a broad lowland bounded by the Lung Shan, often called Pei Shan, which means North Mountains, in contrast to the South Mountains or Nan Shan. The intermontane depression which forms the lowland of Kansu, is watered chiefly by streams from the Nan Shan and Richthofen ranges. Most of these streams cross the depression at right angles to its trend, and pass through gaps in the Lung Shan into the desert beyond; only one runs parallel to the trend, collecting affluents from the mountains, and then passes through a gap in the Lung Shan to become the Edsin Gol in the Gobi. Their courses lie upon basin sediments in the low- lands, and upon the complex rocks of the ancient floor in the mountains. A critical study of the relations of the rivers, the basin sediments, and the old- rock floor, would yield a rich harvest of discovery concerning the structure and age of this part of the Gobi basin. Obruchev’s cross-sections of the Lung Shan (1900, I, page 553) show clearly that the rocks have been folded in one revolution, and later have been faulted by quite another series of earth movements. The folding took place after the Carboniferous period, as Carboniferous strata are involved in the folded structures. Three of the four faults are represented in the section as downthrown on the north side, indicating that the depressed region lay north of the range, where the Gobi lies. Along the north flank of the Lung Shan, later sediments of the inland Gobi basin are tilted up, indicating that part, or all, of the uplifting of the Lung Shan is of later date than the deposition of the sediments. Similarly in the Nan Shan and Richthofen ranges, the basin sediments have been displaced, according to Obruchev; therefore, in part at least, the uplift must be younger than the basin sediments. Briefly summarizing these facts and the inferences they support, the Nan Shan and Lung Shan owe their present height to warping and faulting, not at all to folding. Here, as elsewhere throughout the Gobi region, the ancient folded mountains were eroded away before the basin sediments were deposited. The modern uplift is later than some at least of the basin sediments. THE WESTERN BOUNDARY On the west, the boundary is still more difficult to define, because we pass farther into the vast undrained interior of Asia, and must choose a boundary between basin and basin, not between inland basin and continental slopes that drain to the sea. Two such enclosed lowlands open from the Gobi,— the Tarim or Lop Nor on the southwest, and Dzungaria on the west. Between the Gobi and each of these great basins there is a lowland gate- way which probably is a peneplaned agd warped divide, not unlike the broad low saddles that separate the minor basins within the Gobi. Between the VOL. II-—-3 34 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Dzungarian gateway and that of Lop Nor, the Tien Shan mountain system thrusts far eastward, dying out at about the 1ooth meridian. The two gate- ways can hardly be considered as boundaries of the Gobi. They are, indeed, merely the connecting links between subdivisions of one great physiographic unit. It seems logical to include the mountain-circled basins of Dzungaria and Lop Nor and the Gobi in one central Asiatic basin province. The Tien Shan is one of the largest mountain systems of Asia, with a total length of about thirteen hundred miles, and a maximum breadth of nearly two hundred miles. The range Bogdo Ola, east of Urumchi between latitude 88° and 92°, is gedlogically the best known part of the Tien Shan. Here Merz- bacher (1916), Groeber (1914), Machatschek (1918), Friederichsen (1899, 1904, and 1919), and others have conducted careful studies. We briefly summarize the work of these authorities. The Bogdo Ola rises from the southern border of the Dzungarian lowland to an altitude of nearly twenty thousand feet, above which three splendid peaks rise to 21,330, 21,370, and 20,690 feet. From the lowest peak the western part of the chain drops abruptly in sheer cliffs nearly ten thousand feet, to a depression that sepa- rates the lower western part of the chain from the high central part (Friede- richsen, 1919). On the south the range sinks abruptly to a long desert depression, lying about 4,200 feet above sea level. Beyond this lowland is a minor range called the Dyjargos, the southern front of which drops sheer into the Turfan lowland, whose floor is 720 feet below sea level. On the north, the first and lowest part of the range consists of Jurassic conglo- merates, sandstones, shales, and marls, cut by younger igneous intrusive rocks: this series is eroded to a peneplane, and downthrown along a fault (Friederichsen, 1919). South of the Jurassic belt is a series of more or less strongly metamorphosed slates, quartzites, graywackes, breccias, hornfels, and altered eruptive rocks. Groeber (1909, 1914) considers these to range from Lower Carboniferous to Permian, but fossils are lacking. The high cen- tral range includes older rocks that rise in a monstrous scarp, three thousand meters above the northern parts of the range, harboring splendid hanging gla- ciers. The disturbed Jurassic beds and the folded and metamorphosed ser- ies which Groeber has called Paleozoic are dislocated along fault lines which cut and displace the folded structures. Therefore the folding must have been wholly completed before the growth of the present faulted mountains began. Such a history is very similar to that of the eastern Altai as determined by the Third Asiatic Expedition. It also agrees with the masterly summing up of this range by Obruchev, who concludes (1915, page 321): But all later observations on the TiengShan system, as well as the Russian Altai, compel us to doubt seriously the conclusions of Suess as to the simultaneity of the BOUNDARIES OF THE GOBI REGION 35 folding and faulting movements in central Asia . . . Large mountain-making move- ments, creating entire ranges of bow-shaped folds with their convexity turned to- ward the south, and extending from the Russian Altai to the Tien Shan, were com- pleted at the very close of the Palaeozoic or at the beginning of the Mesozoic. Then disjunctive movements began creating numerous faults . . . which appeared with special vigor at the end of the Mesozoic or in the beginning of the Tertiary period. The lines of rupture . . . diverged . . . from the direction of the Paleozoic folds much oftener than they coincided with that direction. By these two diagnostic evidences—diversity of the time of occurrence and lack of agreement in strike—the movements of folding and of disjunctive dislocation prove to be separated one from another; and it seems hardly possible, as Suess proposes, to reckon the dislocations as a supplement to the plication-movements. This analysis constitutes a definite advance from the view propounded by Suess, in that Obruchev has recognized a period of mountain making charac- terized by fault movements, as distinct from the more ancient revolution which was characterized by folding of the rocks. The correctness of Obruchev’s general conclusions, as far as he may have intended them to apply to the Gobi region, is thus confirmed by our more recent studies, and the fact that our analysis of the region has brought out many additional details rather enhances than diminishes the value of his pioneer work. Our own results agree very well with this sequence of events. We go farther, however, in recognizing the virtual peneplanation of the folded Jurassic series, and the development of the Han Hai in entirely new depres- sions, formed by the warping of the post-Jurassic peneplane. We also recog- nize (1924, b) that the Han Hai deposits began earlier than Neogene, in Lower Cretaceous time, that they are of diverse origin, and that they are not by any means the simple filling of large lakes. We believe that warping and fault- ing took place intermittently through the time occupied by the deposition of the basin sediments, and that the relief formed by faulting was more than once peneplaned. Although movements went on intermittently throughout the Cretaceous period and the Cenozoic era, the chief mountain-making periods. were probably the Pliocene and the Pleistocene. The following facts and inferences have been developed in this discussion of the Gobi borders: 1. Warped borders form the lip of the great basin on the Khangai,. Kentai, and Khingan fronts. 2. The border on the Kerulen River front is probably a compound fault-- and-warp. 3. On the Tannu Ola and Nan Shan fronts, the wall of the basin is a. fault-scarp. 4. Along the Ala Shan, Yellow River, and In Shan front the borders are: 36 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA faulted, if we agree with Suess in classing the Ordos as a region quite apart from the Gobi, but if we include the Ordos as part of the Gobi, the boundary is the warped southern margin of the Ordos. 5. The basins of Dzungaria and Lop Nor, lying west and southwest of the Gobi, are virtually continuous with it and are connected with it by low warped gateways. 6. The structure lines of the Gobi are quite in accord with those of the surrounding mountains. The oldrock floor of the Gobi is composed of rocks essentially the same as those of the surrounding lands. In the ancient dis- turbed rocks and in their structure lines, there is, therefore, as Suess has justly remarked, no boundary between the Gobi and the surrounding regions. Nev- ertheless there is traceable a tectonic boundary, formed of later warps and faults, which marks out the Gobi as an inland basin; and the movements that have determined this basin character are not older than post-Jurassic. They seem on the whole to have culminated in the late Tertiary and Pleistocene. | ROUTE STUDIES OR ITINERARY _ “sy PM Pegi ely ways ORD 1S OE em tke PART II—ROUTE STUDIES OR ITINERARY INTRODUCTION CHAPTER |] III—FROM KALGAN TO IREN DABASU CHAPTER IV—FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA CHAPTER V—FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN CHAPTER VI—FROM TSETSENWAN TO SAIN NOIN KHAN AND THE ARCTIC DIVIDE CHAPTER VII—FROM THE HOT SPRINGS OF SAIN NOIN TO BAGA BOGDO OF THE ALTAI CHAPTER VIII—THE RETURN JOURNEY FROM TSAGAN NOR TO ARTSA BOGDO CHAPTER IX—FROM ARTSA BOGDO TO SAIR USU CHAPTER X—FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN 38 INTRODUCTION THE TASK OF A GEOLOGICAL RECONNAISSANCE EXPEDITION It is of prime importance for a geological expedition to keep in close inter- pretative touch with the strata or other rock formations along the route of travel, for the resulting information forms the basis of such additional explora- tory investigations as the country seems to warrant. This further study may resolve itself into acquiring collections of fossils for palaontologic purposes, or into a search for important fossil fields, with a view to their future exploita- tion. It may strive to determine the ages of the strata and to read something of their geologic history, to locate valuable mineral deposits, to solve the detail of local geologic structure, or to interpret more clearly the meaning of the surface features of the country. Important finds in any field, of course, may be made by accident, but no scientist expects to reach his larger discoveries other than by careful and systematic work. In any case, he tries to weld his observations into some form of reconnaissance interpretation. A mineral deposit, a fossil field, or a surface feature has a good reason for being where it is, and it acquires added significance because of its surroundings and history. It may not be a geo- logic achievement to discover such a feature, but it is a geologic problem to explain it, and to use such factors from the record as may lead to other dis- coveries. Without such interpretation most finds have little more signifi- cance than the isolated specimens of a museum, whereas, when properly con- nected, they not only constitute a definite chapter in local geologic history, but may lead to still more important finds which would otherwise escape observation. Fossil bones had previously been found in central Asia, but they meant little or nothing to the people who found them—perhaps they were ‘‘ dragon bones,” good for medicine or magic! An occasional fragment was carried away from the desert and reached hands of greater competence, but without corresponding field observations and opportunity to connect with the geologic story, they have added little to an understanding of this great continental area. 39 40 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Such considerations explain in a measure why the Third Asiatic Expedi- tion has been successful. To the chances of accidental discovery common to all expeditions was added the result of scientifically directed search based on a step-by-step field interpretation of the geology; to the large collections of fossil material were added the determination of the structural setting and of stratigraphic relations, and the evidence of origin and subsequent changes belonging to the same deposits. Thus the strata of the desert basins have been subdivided into formations having a reasonably definite age and history. Their relations, one to another, have been traced structurally as well as by their fossil content. The detail of the geologic column has been extended beyond anything that had previously been attempted in central Asia, the history has taken on a more definite form, and now the region can be com- pared more satisfactorily with other regions of the earth. This is not the first time, of course, that the sedimentary formations of the Desert of Gobi have been described. Von Richthofen, in the winter of 1871-1872, entered the southern part of the basin, where, it appears from his description (1882), similar geologic conditions prevail. He called the sedi- ments the ‘‘Han Hai beds” (1877, I, page 25). Obruchev (1900, I, page 69) covered a portion of the same route in 1892 and gave the name ‘‘Gobi Series”’ to all these superficial sedimentary deposits. Neither scientist subdivided the series or determined their age with any considerable accuracy. Neither seems to have suspected their complexity of make-up, and neither unraveled the structural or the palzontologic story. One of the accomplishments of the Third Asiatic Expedition was to subdivide, identify, and correlate the members that make up the desert basin sediments, to discover their structural relations, and to collect their fossil content. We now know that they form a complex of several distinct groups of strata, representing an immensely long period of geologic time, from the Lower Cretaceous to the present. Nearly every period is represented in the Gobi, and no fewer than fifteen separate identifi- able formations of historical and paleontological significance have been added to the geologic column. The identification of these members, showing that definite periods of Mesozoic and Tertiary age are represented and that they contain fossils both characteristic and rare, is the most fundamental strati- graphic contribution of the Expedition. In this way the Gobi series of Obruchev has been subdivided and has taken on a more definite meaning, expanding its history to include a much greater range of the geologic column than previous investigators had assigned to it. The limits of some of the formations have been drawn, general terms have been replaced by others of more specific time value, and the several mem- bers have been given a very different significance in the geologic history of the region. For example, we find that three sedimentary formations—the Ondai INTRODUCTION 41 Sair, the Hsanda Gol, and the Hung Kureh—which are found in the district immediately north of the Baga Bogdo range of the Altai Mountains, and which together represent the Gobi series, are of widely different age from one an- other. In the first, there are dinosaurs of Lower Cretaceous type; in the sec- ond, mammals of mid-Tertiary type; and in the last, mammals of a time just preceding the Ice Age. At Iren Dabasu, at Djadokhta, at Oshih, as well as at many other localities, still different groupings occur, dependent on the shifting conditions of deposition and denudation that accompanied the suc- cessive warpings of the Gobi floor. At most places the ‘‘Gobi Series” is not a series at all, but remnants of several different series separated by significant breaks in the record. Some of these gaps correspond to deposits which are still to be found in adjacent territory. The whole list of distinguishable constituent members together makes a formidable array, covering a long series of events and a long succes- sion of life forms, and adds a big chapter to the story of central Mongolia. Whether such a reconnaissance deserves to be regarded as sufficiently complete to warrant publication, is a fair question. It is at best a hurried, preliminary study with the object of determining major features as a guide for later, more detailed work of many kinds. Its value, of course, may be measured by its adequacy in meeting the demands for which it was organ- ized. A geological reconnaissance which has solved the formational struc- ture, outlined the major historical events, established their sequence, and assembled the criteria in such a way that they can be used successfully, has perhaps a right to be considered a unit of investigation. If, in addition, these criteria have already been used to advantage in the progress of the field work in a region which bids fair to become a famous source of scientific returns, there may be good reason to put these reconnaissance results into permanent form for unrestricted use. RECORDING OBSERVATIONS It is not easy to record in usable form the thousands of observations made in so extended a traverse as that of the Third Asiatic Expedition in its reconnais- sance of 1922 and 1923 in central Mongolia. Unless they are organized they become too unwieldy to be of much value beyond that already served in the progress of the reconnaissance itself. Probably the simplest method is to avoid printing the record, and to give instead only the conclusions and inter- pretations reached. It is evident, however, that this alternative is open to serious objection, particularly because the work has had to be done too rapidly for uniformly reliable results. It is only fair, therefore, that the major facts of observation should be given without involving them in much interpretation 42 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA beyond the simplest inferences, wherein there is little likelihood of error. It is our wish to make these observations serviceable to others, even though they may lead to a different interpretation, and to this end we have chosen to record the great bulk of elementary data in an itinerary account. a Ficure 3.—Profile and section illustrating methods of recording observations. The figures below the cross section are the altitudes in feet, as determined by barometer readings. The figures above are miles, representing the distance traveled from Kalgan. The profile of the section is constructed to scale, both horizontally and vertically. The bedding of all stratified rocks is drawn in approximately correct position, recording folding, tilting or horizontal structure. The igneous rocks are indicated by symbols suggesting crystalline structure. The conventional rock symbols are set forth in Plates VI and VII. In the succeeding sections, beginning with Figure 5, only a few of the altitude readings are entered, though all were used in constructing the profile; and the mileages are represented by a graphic scale. 1 460 9 8 7 6 5 454 MILES FROM TSAGAN-NOR <—— TRAVELLING S40*E it We believe that this account will be more interesting and more readily used if it is in part narrative and descriptive, and in part graphic, represented by profiles and cross-sections running parallel with the text (Fig. 3, and Figs. 5-97). We are well aware that this is an unusual method—one which, as far as we know, has never been followed by a reconnaissance expedition. We are mindful also that to some degree the record thus takes on certain elements of interpretation, in spite of the wish to avoid it; but only such interpretation has been used as that attached to field structure, which is represented in this volume by geologic cross-sections. If presented, therefore, with the explana- tion that much of the work has been done under rapid movement, requiring hurried observations, and that this graphic method was found in the field to be the most practicable way of recording the mass of data gathered, it will probably serve a useful purpose, and should not lead to any misconception of its value as compared with those special studies where more careful work could be done. It is possible by this means to follow the route mile by mile, and to find the profile, the geologic structure, and the specific rock formation at any point along the trail without difficulty (Fig. 5, et seq.). Thus the route sec- tion becomes a base from which additional investigations can be projected. Wherever we were fortunate enough to make many observations, we are confident that the suggested determinations and structures are correct. Wher- ever the observations are particularly scattered or scanty, and where there is INTRODUCTION 43 obviously greater doubt about the structural interpretation, we have at- tempted to indicate that difference of reliability in the accompanying descrip- tion. Yet rather than leave such stretches blank, we have suggested the underground structure which the evidence best supports, believing that even this is a step toward a better understanding of this very little known region. Wherever the field notes are sufficiently complete, we have used them to construct not only the profile and cross-section of the traverse, but a route map on which it is possible to indicate more or less of the immediate side coun- try and guide points. The scales of the itinerary diagrams are uniform, each covering thirty miles, although special cross-sections are constructed on a larger scale. In 54° uf UF tb LA PPENING 1500 SSS RES Vea “A Ficure 4.—General location and route map. Mountainous areas are shaded in slanting lines. Lowlands are white, and the deeper depressions are stippled. Lakes are colored black. The routes of the Expedition in 1922 and 1923 are drawn in broken lines. Index letters along the routes indicate the following places: K (northwest of Peking) Kalgan; P K, P’ang Kiang; I M, Irdin Manha; I D, Iren Dabasu; C J, Camp Jurassic; T W, Tsetsenwan; O S, Ondai Sair; O, Oshih; G S, Gurbun Saikhan; D, Djadokhta; A O, Ardyn Obo; S M, Shara Murun; B U, Boltai Urtu; U (south of the K of Khangai), Uliassutai; K (north of the A of Altai), Kobdo. The Ubsa, Kirghiz and Kara basins constitute Pievtsov’s “Valley of the Lakes.” order to avoid possible confusion from this cause, we have taken pains to carry a scale of miles on every sheet, indicating not only the scale of the drawing but also the distance from the starting point of the traverse. The running descriptive account which accompanies the continuous pro- file and cross-section covers the major points of interest in the corresponding portion of the itinerary (Fig. 4 and Plate IV). Of course, the text and its corresponding illustration do not in all cases, fall on opposite or on following 44 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA pages but the description always follows the same order as the cross-section and forms a continuous story of observations. In large part, these observa- tions constitute the basis of such conclusions as the Expedition has been able to formulate concerning the geology of Mongolia. But the data are not wholly confined to the route traverses. Where an area was found which combined unusual opportunities for all the scientists of the Expedition, time for longer study was given, and more detailed obser- vations were made. These studies form the basis of contributions included in Part III of this Report. Some of the special and local studies covered par- ticularly critical spots, and some of them have been examined in as great detail as is ordinarily done in countries much more highly favored with geological service. Details of stratigraphy, structure, and process were worked out in certain areas, which led to extensive correction of the geologic conclusions based on the reconnaissance traverses alone. The itinerary observations, together with the special and local studies, have been reorganized, therefore, in the later discussion of the larger geologic problems. The assembled material, representing the summaries and tenta- tive conclusions of the geological section of the Expedition, constitute Part IV of this Report. , 4 i i ; ; 1 ; in : f P > i : ; f ; : , J ' ; 7. ¢ , : 1 4 ; i , , 4 ; i 5 y 1 i > y : . . i i 1 F na Wi ' 4 " ; 7 “ 7 2 ) i 6 ‘al = | ae « , } _ . ‘i ‘j : , an o ; 2 , t nf : | ‘ i ' ab } " 7 ; A i. - ; | Lh , . an & pel) Toa tay a PLATE VI. CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS USED FOR THE ROCK FORMATIONS OF THE SERIES OF STRUCTURE SECTIONS CHAPTERS Il TO X INCLUSIVE SIMPLE LATER SEDIMENTS OF THE INLAND BASINS CENOZOIC PLIOCENE ie od Hung Kureh and Ertemte PROBABLY MIOCENE P’ang Kiang OLIGOCENE =| Hsanda Gol aaa Houldjin Vt « PALEOCENE BEES Glehcto MESOZOIC CRETACEOUS Iren Dabasu Djadokhta 4 Oshih and Ondai Sair PERIOD UNDETERMINED DEFORMED SEDIMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR MESOZOIC PROBABLY JURASSIC Tsetsenwan Series Sandstones Conglomerates PALA-OZOIC CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN Jisu Honguer and Sair Usu | Sandstone Series PROTEROZOIC LIMITS OF THE SERIES UNCERTAIN RHR | - INS Limestone SIRENS ASHES i SASS Cherty Limestone NN Argillite N i\\ Slate Quartzite Khangai Series Jasper Graywacke PLATE VII. CONVENTIONAL SYMBOLS USED FOR THE ROCK FORMATIONS OF The SERIES OF STRUCTURE SECTIONS CHAPTERS Tl 10 xX INGLUSIVE (CONTINUED) EARLY PROTEROZOIC IGNEOUS ROCKS THE WU TAI SYSTEM INTRUSIVE PORPHYRIES BELONGING TO THE OLDROCK FLOOR Sy Dolomites “3 Crystalline Limestones : in Granite Porphyries \ Quartzites \ Phyllites Schists Trachyte Porphyries Andesite Porphyries Basalt Porphyries ARCHA-OZOIC T’Al SHAN COMPLEX , : MASSIVE IGNEOUS ROCKS Crystalline Limestones CHIEFLY BELONGING TO THE MONGOLIAN BATHYLITH Injected Schists : “| Granites Gneisses sonnei! Syenites Diorites IGNEOUS ROCKS VOLCANIC FLOWS mya Cebbros ASSOCIATED WITH THE LATER SEDIMENTS Rhyolites Trachytes += Andesites BASIC IGNEOUS ROCKS PROFOUNDLY ALTERED Basalts ‘s,0-| Serpentine CHAPTER III FROM KALGAN TO IREN DABASU THE ground on which Kalgan stands is alluvium, or flood-plain deposit, of the river Yang Ho, which periodically overflows its banks and spreads destruc- tion along its course; but the rugged hills above Kalgan, at the entrance to the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, are made up chiefly of igneous rocks (Figs. 1 and 5). KALGAN TO WAN CH’UAN PASS For the first few miles the traverse was made over a low spur on the side of the valley, where the roadway is cut down fifteen or twenty feet into vol- canic tuffs (Specimen 6, A.M. 9695) and associated lavas (Specimen 7, A.M. 9696), which together form the foundation rock. A small tributary gulch just above this spur is partially filled with loess, which exhibits the character- istic habit of this material. Nowhere else on the whole summer’s traverse was typical loess again encountered. Apparently it is entirely a border accu- mulation and not at all characteristic of the interior desert region. The lower pass The igneous formations belonging to the lower half of the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass are in peculiarly fresh condition except on the lower portions of the valley sides, where long exposure to weathering has led to the usual decay, and it is here only that the rocks of this formation show enough weakness to yield noticeably to the wear of travel. In the course of centuries the wear of wheels and the tramp of caravans have cut veritable miniature canyons into the rock. The types of rock include rhyolites, trachytes, trachy-andesites, porphyritic felsites with corresponding porphyries, and a great variety of tuffs. Structurally they present great confusion, and leave one in uncertainty as to their intimate relation. Some of them are clearly lava flows and surface tuff accumulations in which there is a crude structure that gives locally some clue to original conditions, but for the most part the structure is obscure. 45 46 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA It is evident that intrusions break through the simpler surface flows, not only cutting off the original continuations, but otherwise disturbing the earlier members. The variety of rock observed is much greater than this list of types would suggest. A very great range is represented, the like of which had not been seen elsewhere in our traverse, and was not to be encountered again for sev- eral hundred miles. The whole complex, however, has a definite character, due to the prevalence of felsitic and fine-grained porphyritic types of rock, to the obscurity of their structural relations, and to their habit of breaking into small angular bits, so that it has been possible to identify the same forma- tional conditions at many other places in the course of our work in central Mongolia. The igneous eruptive complex continues halfway through the pass —indeed, through the whole of the narrow portion of about five miles. Be- yond it the valley opens out considerably, and although traveling is difficult, the gorge form disappears. We found no clue to the age of the igneous rocks exposed in the lower portion of the Pass, except the fact that they are not metamorphosed and not intimately deformed, although much broken. The deformational habit, coupled with the peculiarities of rock type and structure, belongs, as we after- wards learned, to great igneous eruptive complexes associated with strata which we judged to be of Jurassic age. At other places, similar porphyries underlie the Lower Cretaceous sediments, a fact which tends to support the inference of the Jurassic age of the porphyries. A very rugged topography is carved on this complex and forms a frown- ing, jagged barrier rising to one thousand feet and more in the immediate hills about the city (Fig. 5). It is surmounted by a deeply dissected escarp- ment, rising two thousand feet higher to the top of the Pass and extending to the edge of the Mongolian plateau. Wan Ch’uan basin and the upper pass Where the road emerges from the narrow gorge into the open portion con- stituting the upper half of the Pass, the igneous complex is terminated abruptly against a fault. Higher ground lies beyond, but its slopes are smoother, because the underlying rocks are of a simpler and less resistant type. They are sediments that lie nearly flat, dipping only slightly northward toward the interior of the continent. Curiously enough, they are dragged abruptly upward at the fault margin, indicating that the ground upon which we have just entered, despite its greater present surface elevation, belongs in reality to a down-dropped block rather than to an uplifted one. Above the dis- sected edge of the escarpment lies the Mongolian plateau. Stream erosion has carved the usual complexity of a dissected surface, but *IOLIO} UT ay} JO SUISeq JUAUTpas AO][eYS pUe IOOY YOoIpjo ay} 0} ssed ayy jo saqyesoWIO[Su0d snoadejyas_Q puv szyeseq ArenyJay oy} WoIZ UOTyISUeI,[—"9 AXNOIY saw o¢ ee AAR ARAR MARA DARA RRA RRA RAR DR BD SMO|4 BACT BESeg INYS 19H 72 ebpiug ue, Oe *el[OSUOTT jO UIseq PULTUT dy} Jo SutuUTsaq OY} 4e @plArp OyOeg 9} UO say sseg UsISH] UEN YD Ue SY] ‘aus00311CQ aq 0} UOssIapuy Aq pespnl ore smoy yeseq ay *snogoejzaiD oie Ajqeqoid pue sauog ajtydar ureyu0o 93103 ay} Jo YjIOU sauO}spues pur soyeJaWIO[SUOD JaSuNOA ay, *6 aft aytsoddo ynoqe ‘uory~as sty} JO ysvO aoBjINS ay} 0} JUIOD ‘yOOI YUaUTaseq 94} Se UMOYS ‘sassIaUs yUaIOUR ay, “sseg UdISP] UeN,YD Ue IY} 0} ULSey WIOIT UOT}Oas DIS0Joag—"S aUNdIy oe S@ 02 GI ol ¢ sain ° Sass ——— : uol}ewWO4 ueN,Ud UeAA ae eae nnd pue ‘seaey ‘syn oisseune uebjey uen,u9 ueA, }e ebu0r syeaigino oijeseg Smoj4eae7 yeseg Z+0G SSeq UaIS} UeN,YD Ue/A 47 48 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA for two or three miles beyond the fault the topography is comparatively smooth, and the trail rises gently. Beyond this, the climb is more difficult, and the last three miles are as steep as can be traversed successfully with motor equipment such as that of the Third Asiatic Expedition. Thus one mounts, over the edges of a great series of strata, to the top of the Pass. Two features of this second portion of the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass deserve special note: (a) The double erosion form noted on the dissected escarpment, and (b) The occurrence of volcanic outbreaks and intrusions. Midway in the Pass, the sediments bear traces of an ancient, smoothly rounded topography, which was developed by long continued erosion during a preceding epoch (Plate XLI, page 389). In the present epoch these slopes have been sharply trenched by new, steep-sided, precipitous gullies, which give a peculiar double form to the hillsides. Whatever the cause, there has been a rejuvenation, and local erosion is proceeding far more rapidly at the present time than in the preceding cycle. This is probably due to changed climatic conditions—apparently to greater aridity. When rainfall is heavy, a thick mat of vegetation protects the soil so that rainwash tends to produce a gently rolling surface. At the present time the slopes are poorly protected by vegetation, and the attack of running water meets with little resistance. This explanation appears to be more satisfactory than that of change of local base-level, or greater rainfall, or even that commonest of explanations, defor- estation by men. Climatic change as an explanation is consistent with many evidences seen in other regions on this extended traverse. (See Chapter XX1I.) At many points in the upper half of the sedimentary series in this stretch of ground there are butte-like hills and unexpectedly rugged spots, which, on inspection, prove to be due to igneous outbreaks. Some of them are necks and plugs and irregular, projecting intrusions; others are dikes and sills; still others are local induration effects produced by escaping gases. All together they represent igneous activity on a considerable scale. At no place is there a very extensive modification of the surrounding strata by the invading mate- rial, but locally the structure is disturbed. The most marked feature is an abrupt change of rock type, introducing a great difference in erosion effect. The outbreaks are mainly basalts; some are vesicular, and doubtless volcanic ashes and tuffs were also furnished, which were distributed with the sediments. A thick series of basalt flows forms a cap which constitutes the surface forma- tion inland for many miles. Here, at the very top, stands the ancient wall that divides China and Mongolia. Here, also, we could see that we had attained, not the top of a mountain range, but the outer edge of a great plateau, a portion of which has been carried away by erosion, while the ground remaining constitutes the PLATE VIII. A. VIEW FROM THE HEAD OF THE WAN CHU'AN PASS. Valley carved in the peneplaned basalts on the inland basin side of the Pacific divide beyond the Wan Ch’uan pass. B. CULTIVATED FIELDS OF CHINESE FARMERS. Grain fields of the Chinese settlers developing the agricultural possibilities of the grassland belt of southern Mongolia. PLATE IX. A. THE UPLAND AS SEEN FROM THE SECOND CAMP. Upland of the oldrock hills preserving remnants of the dissected Mongolian peneplane in the Chakhar district of southern Mongolia. B. CAMP IN THE GRANITE HILLS OF CHAKHAR, The photograph, Plate IX A, was taken from the top of this hill. FROM KALGAN TO IREN DABASU 49 rugged topography and steep ascent of the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass from the valleys below—a distance of twenty miles. In that distance the Expedition had climbed nearly three thousand feet and had traversed the splendidly exposed representatives of two great geologic formations,—in the first ten miles the igneous porphyry complex, and in the last ten miles a great thickness of sedimentary strata, having the appearance characteristic of formations belong- ing to the later periods of geologic time. The sediments of the younger formation have not been much disturbed or reorganized since the strata were laid down, and present all the evidences of rapid accumulation by water currents. Sediments of this kind are now usu- ally considered to be of continental origin. They consist of conglomerates, sands, and clayey sands—varicolored and rapidly changing in quality and color both vertically and laterally. Bedding is prominent, but differences of resistance to erosion in successive beds are not great enough to have much effect on the topography. This was our introduction to the simple sediments of the interior coun- try. Such strata ought to carry fossils. Strata of like appearance, found in the interior, yielded abundant returns. On the outward journey little atten- tion could be given to this stretch of ground and a hurried inspection at two or three points yielded nothing. On the homeward trip, however, fragments of reptile bones were found close beside the trail. In structure and dynamic history the Wan Ch’uan formation resembles some of the Cretaceous and early Tertiary formations seen elsewhere in Mongolia, and the fossil evidence favors this view, although an exact determination has not yet been made. THE PACIFIC DIVIDE TO P’ANG KIANG The edge of the plateau reached by the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, twenty miles above Kalgan, is a true continental divide. From that point toward the interior the average elevation gradually decreases, and one enters the great basin occupied by the Desert of Gobi (Plate VIII, A). While the elevation at the divide is more than five thousand feet above the sea, at the center of the basin, three hundred miles away, it is less than three thousand feet. From the top of the Pass the streams turn inland, and for nearly six hundred miles the drainage is toward the interior. For the most part the country is either smoothly rolling or nearly flat (Plate VIII, B). The surface features are all erosion forms governed by the underground rock structure. We soon learned that the topography is related to the deformational history of the region, its faultings and warpings, its igne- ous outbreaks, and its sedimentary accumulations. The origin of the land forms is genetically connected with the physiographic history that goes back VOL. II—4 50 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA to the time when this region first became an inland basin. Traces of a com- paratively ancient erosion are preserved on some masses of the hard rock, whereas features which were developed at a much later time appear on sedi- ments resting upon the oldrock floor. The topography therefore ties up not only with the underground structure but with the dynamic history, and as the relations of these forms come to be better understood, they furnish the first, and in some respects the best, aid in unraveling the geological relations in rapid reconnaissance. For the first twenty miles after crossing the divide, the rolling basalt hills continue, with enough exposures to determine the character of the form- ations below (Fig. 6). Weathering and decay have formed a soil that has obscured most of the rock floor, and these processes, together with the stream wash, have produced an alluvium that covers almost the entire surface. The surface material is thus, in part, residuary from decay, and, in part, a deposit from the wash. In many places, therefore, and occasionally over long stretches, it is impossible to determine the exact quality of the underlying rock floor, but its general structural habit is, as a rule, indicated by the topo- graphic features just described. Relying on this evidence, we judge that the basin of sediments, across whose edge the Expedition climbed at Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, extends inland many miles, capped by basalt, and, in places, also by sediments covering the basalts. Some of the sediments are doubtless much younger than those of the Pass, and vary greatly in quality from place to place. Granite and other crystalline rocks appear abruptly on the inner margin of the basin. They are doubtless a part of the still more ancient floor on which all the so-called later sediments rest, and they have been brought to the present surface either by faulting or by warping. From this point onward there is a succession of complex features belong- ing chiefly to the ancient floor (Figs. 6 and 7). The first large basin in which sedimentation occurred was crossed at or near the 50th mile. A much smaller basin, only a few miles beyond, has one of its limits at mile 75, and then a series of schists, quartzites and slates, cut by diorite, porphyry and granite masses, forms the floor for fifty miles (Figs. 7 and 8). The minor structural relations of these different formational units are not determinable with so little field observation, but the major ones are plain. The schists, quartzites, and slates are comparatively ancient rocks which have been invaded by the granite, and the diorite porphyries have cut both the granite and the schists. It is possible that the oldrock hills are the remnants of an ancient fault-block mountain. This was our first encounter with a type of granite that we were to see subsequently in a thousand other places, exhibiting a great variety of facies, but always with similar relations to the major formations of the region. Per- haps it is the same also as that seen in Nan K’ou Pass, forming the core of the ‘soyIp Aueus pure ajtorp jo sseur yvar3 e Aq 4no st oy1ues3 eyL “ei [4qd pure ysiqyos Jo syyyjouax pue syuepuad-joor Burreaq ‘aytUeIS st yOOI Jory ay, “s|ITY JeYYeYD 24} Ysnory} worjoas o130joan—"g aAUNoIy saliw AAAAARAAAARA BARA AAAPARA AD AB BAD ARARARAAR ABAD ABAD ANG AAAARDAR AAA BDA Aan AMARAAAR ADA ; aaa A sAAA aR AAA AAA AAAMAAA BAAR AAA ig! 24h AAAAAAAAAABA AAA AAAAARARAADAD AAA 5 \eA saa saan sana rez AARAAARAAAAAAAR AMA BPD \ eee AARAAAA AMAR AKAM ABA NAA ARA AMAR AAA AAP AAARAAAAAAABAAA AA AARARARAAAARAASA a Be ‘UIseq 94} JO UOISUD}x9 UL ole ayW9zIG Pajeqe] olay syueuNpes oy} pue ‘peor ay} JO ysvayy1OU 9y} 0} Say] azWI9jIq Jo AyPeOO] adAj oY, *100ff yOoIpo xafduz09 ay uodn 4sor ‘surseq JO ‘s|[y-yUaUTpas MOTTeYsS [eIZAegG (“XT a3¥I[q yyw areduiog) *ArjyuNoo Ay1y ayy UeY} JayzooWs yonur St ‘peor ay} Suoje uaxey ‘ajyord ayy, “reyyeyD Jo s[jty Suryjos oy} OjuL AWUG—Z ano ayUEID Aq 31ND Sauojsawiy pue s}siyos aurjjeyshiD Jua|OUY AARP AARARARAAARARARDAAAARAAARAAAARD AAAAKAAAARARAAA AA ARAARABARRARARAAANRAAMAARAAAAAAA AAAAAABAARAAAAA AA ARAAAARAARAAAARABBARAAARAAAAA NAA AMAABAA ABA AAA AAR ARE AARARARMABRAAAAAARAAAAA ARARARAABARAARAAA AAAAAABRAAABA AARARAAARAAA AKA AA AAAAARRAABRAABARAAA AAMARAAAAA AA AAARARAAAKBARAAARAAARAARAAAAAAN 8Us00!|q—UOI}EUNO4 d}W9WZ 51 52 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA mountain barrier above the plains of China. It is this granite that we came afterward to recognize structurally as part of a great bathylith underlying the whole Mongolian region, in places penetrating the various oldrock formations of the roof, forming the surface for long stretches, or appearing as intrusions of more limited extent and of more variable quality. At mile 116 a third small basin was reached, where, because of the cover, ‘the nature of the rock is more obscure; but it is certain, judging from the topography, that the underlying beds should be classed with the basin sedi- ments. Several miles of granite and graywacke separate this tract from a larger basin, which begins at about mile 137, and, except for a low inlier of schists and graywacke, continues for nearly fifty miles, with simple, nearly flat-lying sediments, capped by, or interbedded with, basalts (Fig. 9). The granite hills of Chakhar In the granite hills the first glimpse was obtained of one of the great peneplanes of Mongolia. The camp here, Camp Granite Hills, lay one hun- dred and thirty miles from Kalgan and was reached on the second day (Plate IX, B). It was pitched in a country of rolling hills and broad, open valleys, but from the summit of any of the surrounding hills we looked over a veri- table sea of hilltops in every direction (Plate IX, A). From this eminence the irregularities of relief seemed to fail completely in the distance, as they might if the relief had been carved by simple erosion from an original plane surface. In every direction the same features were in evidence. This surface may be a trace of the ancient erosion floor, originally lifted and warped to make the great Gobi basin, or it may be the result of subsequent planation, with this portion still uncovered by sediments. Or perhaps it has been stripped of a former sedimentary covering and somewhat dissected. Whatever the explana- tion, it is one of the finest exhibits of planation on crystalline rocks to be seen anywhere in the region. We named this upland surface the Mongolian Pene- plane. (See Chapter XIX.) The P’ang Kiang hollow Our third camp was established near the telegraph station at P’ang Kiang, which stands in the midst of the fourth basin of sedimentary strata, on the border of a hollow which has been cut deeply enough to expose the edges of the beds (Figs. 10 and 11). Although the locality promises fossils, diligent search in the time avail- able failed to reveal any. During the season of 1923, however, a single fossil was found in this vicinity, proving that the P’ang Kiang beds are of Tertiary age. The topography of the basin introduces certain physiographic questions not hitherto presented. There is a post-mature, almost peneplaned upper (‘11 am3yg 4314 aredw0g) _,,"1q03,, Jo ulseq yUoUNpeas o3se] [eord.A] e ‘uIseq Buery Bue,g oy} SureyUuq—ol AUNT *\ a a i) * i uo0ije1S Buely Bue, saa ayoemAe uoijewio4 Buely Hue, yeseg jo aes *100] YOOIpfO 9y} uodn 4sar syUSUTIpas Jo,v] JO SUISeq MOTTeEYS OMT, *4ystYyOs Jo ‘Zh optuI ye ‘pue ‘axoeMAI Jo sue -puad-yoor SutA1ed a41UeI13 JO S}SISUOD JOO YOOIpjo oy L, S]UaUIPES J98}e7 “suIeyUNOy] JeyyeyD oY} JO yyJOU AIjUNOD ZuTOI MOT YZnoIY} uOoT}Oas d1Z0[oO9aH—"6 AUN 53 54 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA surface on the sediments. It is clearly not the original surface of the depos- its, but represents a long period of erosion, probably in some late Tertiary epoch. Later when the significance of the smooth upland came to be more fully recognized, we referred to it as the ‘‘Gobi erosion plane.” The broad, undrained hollow, with an almost level floor, carved in this ancient plane, rep- resents a definitely later stage in the local physiographic history. Similar relations were later recognized at many other places, so that the erosion fea- tures of this locality were selected as a type and referred to as the P’ang Kiang stage of dissection. It is essentially the latest important stage of erosion Crossbedded Sandstone Light red soft sandy Clay 1 White Sandstone | fe Red Sand and Clay Hard red Sandstone -—— Soft red Sand and Sandstone 15 Ficure 11.—Field sketch drawn southeast of the telegraph station at P’ang Kiang. The station lies ina large, undrained hollow eroded in the sands and clays, and the sketch shows the nearly horizontal sediments exposed in the wall of the hollow. marking the dissection of the almost level surface presented by the sediment- basins. Even though the rock floor of the hollow is composed of compara- tively soft sands and gravels, there is very little residuary soil. At most places there are only a few inches of residuary gravel or a few feet of shifting sand in the form of mounds. At P’ang Kiang there is no way of determining how thick the deposits are. They lie almost flat, for they dip not more than four degrees from the horizontal, generally less (Fig. 11). ‘The sediments are cross-bedded, and their structure seems to indicate that they were brought to their present position FROM KALGAN TO IREN DABASU 55 from the northwest rather than from the south. There are slight discrepan- cies of dip between the coarser upper beds and the lower fine, clayey beds, but this is not a marked feature. The whole structure is slightly deformed, or warped, since the strata of the east side of the valley dip gently to the east, while those of the west side dip even more gently to the west. It is, of course, entirely reasonable to believe that the sediments were formerly more exten- sive, and that they may have covered portions of the oldrock floor which are now bare. It is possible, also, that many of the last fifty miles of ground, where only small basins are indicated by the topography, have been stripped —the warpings that followed original deposition having exposed some of this ground to an erosion sufficiently deep to remove the whole cover. The P’ang Kiang basin was the first to throw some light on the geologic history of the region, and although many other places furnished much more striking and conclusive evidence, none was more suggestive or helpful to the geologists of the Expedition. P*ANG KIANG TO IREN DABASU A few miles beyond P’ang Kiang we came, without a break in the topog- taphy, to the ancient floor (Fig. 12). The relations clearly show that at one time these Tertiary sediments must have formed a complete cover. The P’ang Kiang stage of erosion has stripped them from a small area, because here, either by warping or by faulting, the old floor is lifted higher than in the basin just crossed. It is probable, judging from the apparent dips of the strata, that the floor is brought up by faulting. This effect is repeated within ten miles. In both places small patches or strips of the ancient floor form outcrops at the surface, and are abruptly terminated and succeeded in each case by smooth gravel-covered ground having the characteristic appearance of simple, overlying sediments. After the last outcrop, at mile 197, the basin sediments appear once more and continue unbroken for sixty miles, to the tele- graph station known as Erlien, or Iren Dabasu—the scene of one of the most important finds of the Expedition. (See Chapter XI.) At miles 187, 197, and 217, three quite different types of rock are repre- sented in outcrops, which are crossed by the trail after leaving P’ang Kiang. The first is a limestone belonging to old, much deformed units, whose age can- not be determined from the material itself but whose appearance is similar to limestones seen in Nan K’ou Pass, and similar also to limestones seen farther along on the traverse and regarded as of late pre-Cambrian age. The out- crops examined in the narrow strip exposed on the trail are not fossiliferous. The rocks dip steeply and are crumpled and sheared. The outcrop adjoins the sediment-basin along a comparatively straight marginal line, suggesting 56 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA that it is brought up by faulting or by very abrupt flexure, although it is fully appreciated that original eminences in the old basement might present simi- lar exposures after stripping. The ten-mile stretch from these limestone outcrops to mile 197 crosses a broad depression about one hundred and twenty- five feet deep, and on the next rise of ground, at mile 197, slates are exposed. Brief examination of these slates indicates that they were ancient sediments which have undergone considerable deformation. There is no possible way of determining either their age or their relation to other floor formations of the district, because the exposures are small, very obscure, and separated from the nearest outcrops of a different kind of oldrock by several miles of covered ground. They are similar, however, to many other slates noted on this trav- erse, most of them much farther along on the trail. The third exposure of a type of rock different from the usual superficial sediments is located in the traverse between miles 217 and 229 (Fig. 13). In this stretch are numerous outcrops of limestone of dolomitic appearance. The rock has a peculiar porous structure, and there are traces of fossils, the nature of which was not determinable in the field. Structurally this rock is much simpler than that of the two outcrops previously described. It does not show deformation, metamorphic reorganization, or any of the complexi- ties belonging to the most ancient types. It does not at all resemble the Palzozoic limestones which were encountered farther to the northwest. It has the structural appearance of a later time, but the evidence as to its exact age is not clear. Nothing resembling this formation had been seen previously along the journey of more than two hundred miles. Later on, we found patches of similar limestone interbedded in the basin sediments; we believe that they represent deposits formed in inland lakes and ponds. The last appearance of the oldrock floor in this stretch from Kalgan to Iren Dabasu is a very small outcrop of slate, in the depression of Iren Dabasu at about mile 258 (Fig. 14). At this point a patch, very similar to that noted at mile 197, has been stripped by the erosion that has made the Iren Dabasu lowland. Its only significance comes from the evidence that it bears as to the shallowness of the basin itself, since the floor rocks are actually exposed at several places and form the northern edge of the sediment-basin. Doubt- less the basin is deeper between these windows—i.e., between miles 197 and 258—but there is no way of measuring it. Between mile 197 and Iren Dabasu at mile 260, we passed continuously over simple, nearly flat-lying sediments. The trail is on the upland to mile 238, where it descends abruptly into an undrained erosion lowland, repre- senting the P’ang Kiang stage, and continues for seven miles in the hollow. At mile 245 the upland is reached again. Here a much smoother and much more gravelly surface, representing an erosion plane, extends to the Iren (‘00z ‘661 ‘g61 soded ‘ror pu oo1 ‘66 semsy yyIM eredu0g) -“Suery 3ue,g ye auo ay} oy] ‘MO[OY UotsoJa peureIpun ‘asr1e] e Jo Suruurseq oy} st yUowdseosa eyuey Ups] sy, “out, aue00q UI paqsixe yey} Saye] 10 spuod Moyyeys quassider Avy], “pojesessexe yeymoos ore aUOysSeU] JoJeMYsely JO svole ey, ‘UIseq eyueyy UIpIyT oy} Jo yred Jo ules o1s0joag—'F1 ANNI i‘ RE IRR GUO ine ED RE ner. inti ne ie Giri Pees o hy MOA * rj ah sapianenpesserencaae xk see we senna aaa ee Gaeanole nan: 1a age ee WY : aa APRA COAACY \\\\ VA CA ee TT rk ro a ie a or Cay ion SCE hes ic EBC ar ary eee ie a cg aaae aa ANY \\ \\ Bins Asa areal in Stain A pipieaiaial Alain Ala tale Altace (Alaa AAaalAiaia| oar a/OTALArR/ACaia/ ALAA AN Ayah" \ AN Bere epee chs te are Te Re are eon are | NAN A jusWdueosz eyUeW UIpPyy aUad07 ‘uOI}eWOY OJUeYSWYy Aq UeWapUp) UO}eEWWOY BYUeY UIP4| MN *duly[neyj 0 A[qeqoid anp ‘sare oq ur stvadde Joog yoorpjo ay, “nseqeq uel] pue eyuey, UIP] Jo urseq ay} Jo Suruurgeq ayy pue ulseq Suely 3ue,g 94} JO Sulpue oy,—‘zI aunoIg ANY AAA ose SJUSWIPAS JO S}UBULUDY |JELWS U}IM JOO] 4 JUBIOUYY JO SUOIWOY peddiiS 3S 57 58 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Dabasu lowland, which begins at mile 255. These two different erosion forms, the level upland and the enclosed hollow, are especially well developed at Irdin Manha (Fig. 13). Little of the topography, except in very minor ways, is constructional in origin. The smooth, almost level, gravel-covered surfaces that are encoun- NW Camp Iren Dabasu Houldjin = anni WLLL I) Mf “Probakis Granite Basement _ Slates 240 MILES 245 250 FiGcurE 14.—Geologic section from Irdin Manha to Iren Dabasu, crossing a narrow strip of upland between two undrained hollows. At Iren Dabasu the lowest sediments are Cretaceous, resting directly upon the folded slates and followed by Eocene and Oligocene in the Houldjin escarpment. (See Chapter XI.) tered here and there, stretching away for miles, are strictly erosional forms, and are typical of the Gobi region. Since the Mongols call these great open areas of nearly level country ‘‘gobis,’’ we chose the name ‘‘Gobi erosion plane”’ for the surface which we later were able to trace across nearly the whole desert region. All the landforms thus far mentioned are destructional. The most per- sistent constructional form consists of small hummocks or dunes of sand. They are, perhaps, the “‘tamarisk mounds” described by Huntington (1907, page 179). In some places they shift more or less, but in most cases they are small, very closely and irregularly placed, and owe their lodgment to shrubs and other small plant growths, which knit them together and give them some slight fixity. It is the shifting surface sands, however, that offer the greatest difficulty to the traveler and make it quite impossible in certain areas to depart far from the beaten trail. It is always easier to follow the trail where the dis- turbance caused by caravan travel enables the winds to keep the trail clear, so that the loose sands are, to a large degree, swept away. These surface accu- mulations are, in general, more numerous and troublesome in lowland areas represented by the P’ang Kiang dissection than on the Gobi erosion plane. The gravelly residue of the level upland seems to serve as a protection against the furnishing of sand for drifting, whereas the strata exposed in the walls of hollows of the P’ang Kiang stage are readily attacked, and sands from them are spread on the lowland and in places are swept over portions of the adjacent upland. FROM KALGAN TO IREN DABASU 59 Nowhere in this whole traverse of 260 miles did we see any large drift- ing dunes, and nowhere is the constructional deposit more than a thin, super- ficial covering. No large features are controlled by it, and at no place is the accumulation, including both the soil mantle and the drifting cover, more than a film on the surface. Instead of being compelled to travel over great accumu- lations of loose sand, the Expedition actually traversed rock with only a few inches or a few feet of obscuring cover. To be sure, the floor itself is com- posed, in part, of simple and almost unconsolidated sediments, not very unlike the sands themselves; but they are, nevertheless, definite sedimentary forma- tions and of varying age from place to place, quite different from one another, both in quality and in fossil content. The sandy and little consolidated char- acter is responsible for the common failure of travelers to distinguish between loose sand and sedimentary rock formation. Fully half the distance, however, is over a floor of much more complex rocks, and they also are exposed with little cover. The obscurity due to over- lying soil is greatest in the first hundred miles, where some of the country has agricultural capacity—some, indeed, is cultivated by Chinese settlers, who are in this way encroaching upon Mongol territory (Plate VIII, B, page 48). The land could be farmed for a considerably greater distance northward, but by the time P’ang Kiang is reached, conditions have become too desert-like for agriculture, and the rock formations are too nearly bare, since here the wind is so successful in blowing away the finer débris that there is little devel- opment of soil mantle. This, therefore, is the edge of the Gobi Desert proper, which, as far as we have seen it, is essentially a rock desert. The first fossils At P’ang Kiang and again at Irdin Manha and Iren Dabasu (Plate X, A), the sedimentary formations are especially well exposed in the escarpments, where the succession of strata can be seen and intimately inspected. On the first traverse no fossils were found at the first two places, but upon arriving at the Houldjin escarpment above Iren Dabasu, at mile 255, numerous frag- ments of fossil mammal bones and teeth were found, while dinosaur bones were discovered at Iren Dabasu. Later, an extensive fauna was collected at Irdin Manha, and in the following season a single rodent jaw was brought to light - at P’ang Kiang. The finds at Iren Dabasu were recognized at once as of very great importance, and on this account it was decided to spend additional time on this ground. Here the first local study was made. The results are set forth in special study No. 1 of Part III, ‘‘The Iren Dabasu Basin,” constitut- ing Chapter XI of this volume. CHAPTER IV FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA ALTHOUGH sediments are extensively exposed at Iren Dabasu, the slate floor lies near the surface. One small outcrop is uncovered at the south side of the basin (Fig. 14), and a comparatively large area is exposed on the north border of the lake Iren Nor and near the Chinese telegraph station (Plate XXIII in pocket). The hollow is margined on the south by a scarp of sedi- ments, and on the north by an abrupt ascent over crystalline rock to a nearly level erosion plane 200 feet above the lake (Fig. 15 and Plate XXIII in pocket). The trail over this northern edge’ passes across slates cut by numer- ous quartz veinlets like those in the bottom of the basin. An inspection of the veins failed to show mineralization of any conse- quence. In spite of the abundance of vein quartz—a condition that was noted at many other places in the course of the summer—there is everywhere a sur- prisingly small amount of metallic content. Prospectors have dug pits here and there, and doubtless have made tests of the material for the precious metals. But we saw nothing that gave any encouragement to such a search, except the presence of the veins of quartz. Farther to the east, the Iren Dabasu basin is bordered by intrusive granites which, with the slates, have been eroded to form the ancient floor (Plate XXIII in pocket). Within a mile of the north margin, on the way toward Urga, the slates are cut by basalts or traps (Specimen 35, A. M. 9724), which continue for about two miles (Fig. 15). The exact structural relations are not determinable, neither is it certain whether these rocks are intrusive or are in part surface flows. Some of the material has the aspect of surface flows, but in any case these rocks are much later than the slates with which they are associated. There is little evidence of deformation in the basalt, whereas the slates are considerably metamorphosed. IREN DABASU TO CAMP JURASSIC Six miles north of Iren Dabasu, at mile 267, the trail again descends to a basin-like area, smaller than Iren Dabasu but similar in superficial form 60 PLATE X. A. IREN DABASU. Dissected dinosaur beds at Iren Dabasu. The distant skyline is the Houldjin escarpment B. RESIDUARY GRANITE BOWLDERS. Bowlders of granite left as residuals on a level erosion surface of almost bare rock, along the Urga trail. PLATE XI. A. UPDRAGGED SANDSTONE BEDS AT CAMP JURASSIC, B. MOUNT TUERIN. Granite residuals on the lower slopes of Mount Tuerin, Irregular jointing controls weathering of the rock into peculiar shapes. FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 61 (Fig. 15). The floor is doubtless the same slate formation, but it is covered for several miles with later sediments which have been characteristically eroded into low, rounded bluffs and undrained hollows. The sediments con- tinue to mile 272, where basalts are again encountered; then, a little way be- yond, granites and syenites break through the slates and form the floor through a somewhat more rugged stretch of country. At mile 275.8 there is a very striking outcrop of poikilitic syenite which displays a great many variations of composition and coarseness of grain. It probably represents, in part, the results of syntexis, and, in part, the end products of a differentiating magma. The chief local types include horn- blende syenite, hornblende granites, and quartzose pegmatites. The locality bears a monument known as Kwei Ming Kwan, near which we noted a most complex group of variations in the syenitic rock. The dominant type is a hornblende syenite (Specimen 36, A. M. 9725), but there seems to be no real difference in age or origin between these and other varieties. Even the granite (Specimens 36 and 39, A.M. 9725 and 9728), from this same ground probably has essentially the same significance. At mile 278, there is granite porphyry (Specimen 40, A.M. 9729), and at mile 280, a very coarse granite (Specimen 41, A.M. 9730), both of which are probably only varietal expressions of the igneous activity of this peculiar area. In the Kwei Ming Kwan area, also, there are some older metamorphosed sediments, through which the syenites and granites have penetrated. The patches of these metamorphics now re- maining seem to be merely portions of the roof into which the original igneous mass had advanced. They include a group of strongly veined argillites which probably have been tuffs (Specimens 37, 38, A. M. 9726 and 9727). Their peculiar greenish color and their structure suggest intermixture of ash. At mile 283, an ancient conglomerate is associated with the slates and tuffs. It carries bowlders of granite and many kinds of porphyry and may be a basal conglomerate (Specimen 42, A.M. 9731), but a detailed examination could not be made. There is evidence, at least in this locality, for an important structural break between two ancient series, and it is possible that this con- glomerate represents the basal portion of the Nan K’ou series. We believe that the slates, as well as the limestones seen much farther back along the trail (miles 187 to 220), belong to the same series. Argillite outcrops again at mile 286 and is cut by a very coarse hornblende granite, which is itself cut by dikes, and which continues for two miles or more. Slates or graywackes reappear at mile 289, and in a short distance are overlaid by sediments in a basin which extends from mile 289 to mile 302, a distance of 13 miles (Fig. 16). The slates of the margin are very badly deformed and stand in all attitudes, cut by granite porphyry and by basalt sills and dikes in great abundance (Specimen 46, A.M. 9735). The slates jo peddiys pue pediemdn ‘1009 Yoorplo 3y4} JO [BASF Uy ue Aq poyeredas suiseq queumIpes OMT —'9I ANNI *yoaoo Are UauIpes S62 sain 064 Sn 28 88 ee ee, I at TY 5 eae SCOT ee COE mm a sajeyus sadeq SNosde}aAD sox!d “IOOP YIOIP[O oy} Jo SuoryeurIOJ xapduroo ay} I9A0 ATFOYM ysoumye nseqeq Waly WorF preMYyzIOU panurzUOd WoP}9s d1Z0[0ay)— 082 gle OL2 g92 - - 4 TeTTereee THe 5 a ae aae ae - - ‘\ AAR AAR asa ae \ 2) aa ‘nas, al\ Wann anaaae 1 aa nae aan -\ oe ae ae » \ \ DNAs 4 4 apa aa a NN \\\ a Aaa aes rs aa aA \ A - , Aan Na a \ \! : \ Is \ " «) an a \ ARR \ \\ aan Y ‘1 ‘ aa \ AAA a a? A\ aout wA\\ \\ s ‘ XY ARAB A 7 \ x WW \\ \ WY an AnD” SON VEE Ae SENN * an) AY: 2 S . ‘ N ~ = s % . . . ‘ . FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 63 themselves are variable in quality and extremely thin-bedded, but are well indurated. They are closely folded, and the strata stand vertically in places; but on the north side of the basin, where the slates form the surface for seven miles, the dips are chiefly to the north. The whole formation is undoubtedly very thick. The sediments in the basin from mile 289 to mile 302 have a basal con- glomerate of rather coarse quality on the north margin, at mile 302. At mile 296, there are red shales overlying a pebbly fresh-water limestone and sand- stone, together with carbonaceous paper shales which contain scattered gyp- sum crystals. It was appreciated at once that the quality of these strata is unusual and that nothing quite like them had been seen. A rapid search was made for fossils, but none was found. Their possibilities in some respects were not fully understood until three months later, when we studied the Ondai Sair locality, north of the Altai Mountains. At Ondai Sair, exactly similar dark paper shales and red and gray sandstones furnished fossil insects, fishes, and plants, as well as dinosaur bones, by which they were determined to be of Lower Cretaceous age. The paper shales alone are so characteristic that there is really little uncertainty in correlating these deposits with the Lower Cretaceous of Ondai Sair. The sediments in this particular basin, between miles 289 and 302, are quite different in physical aspect from the Cretaceous strata which had already been identified at Iren Dabasu. A small salt pan lies in the bottom of the depression. The conglomerates at the base may indicate that basal beds of the Lower Cretaceous series are represented here. It is entirely possible, of course, that the higher red shales are of Ter- tiary age, but no satisfactory evidence of their age could be found. This basin deserves additional study. It contains formations of the same type as those which elsewhere furnished a unique fauna, and probably would furnish also a valuable contribution if it could be inspected in detail. Un- doubtedly important stratigraphic data could be gathered in a more extended investigation of the ground, from mile 289 to mile 302, especially by broaden- ing the scope of the search to the east and west, within the basin. It is the only area noted on the Kalgan-Urga trail where the carbonaceous paper shales are developed in typical form. A week, instead of an hour, should have been devoted to this locality. At mile 310, a very coarse granite, of almost binary composition, cut by pegmatite veins and quartz stringers, breaks through the slates and continues for two miles (Specimen 47, A.M. 9736). Since the ground slopes gently to the north, the granite gradually passes beneath a mantle of later sediments obscured by arkosic sand and many dunes. In a gulch at mile 320, however, we noted green clays, which are probably Tertiary beds (Fig. 17). The whole basin is very shallow and is terminated on the north, at mile 323, by slates 64 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA similar to those seen before. From mile 325 the ground slopes rather rapidly between granite hills, northward toward Ude. An alaskite granite (Specimen 49, A.M. 9738), was gathered beside the trail. Probably a thin sediment, or at least an arkosic alluvium, occupies the bottom of the valley, in the midst of which stands a granite hill (Specimen 50, A.M. 9739), which marks the site of the station of Ude, now entirely deserted. From this point the trail follows the sandy wash of a stream bed with rugged valley sides of crystalline rock, probably granite, bowlders of which appear abundantly in the wash. No motor exists that can plow up this mixture of sand and cobbles without coming toa stop. And at mile 332, just where the heavy sand stops the car, the door-flap of a yurt opens, and a long-skirted Buriat official comes down, inspects the traveler’s permit to enter Outer Mongolia, and invites him to pay atax. In the hills on either hand sits an invisible garrison, ready to fire upon a car that is mad enough to try torun. The exaction may not be pleas- ant, but the strategic choice of a perfect motor trap is admirable. Above the permit station, we cross a low divide to where, on the farther slopes, sedimentary strata overlie the granite. The road is smooth and gravel- ly for five miles, continuing down a gentle slope to a well at mile 341. Although there was no opportunity to determine the quality of this ground, the sub- stantial nature of the material led us to believe that it may be older than Tertiary.. The structure is basin-like, and is terminated abruptly on the north at mile 343, making a ten-mile stretch of sedimentary strata not very different from the others passed over in the last 75 miles. All of the sedimentary basins encountered in that day’s run are smafl and shallow—none more than Io or 12 miles across. The country at Camp Snow Storm (mile 341) was covered with snow on the morning of May 8. This entailed some delay, but in the afternoon the clouds began to break, and a start was made. After a twenty-five mile run, however, the weather turned bad again, and a long-threatened storm broke in a furious blizzard. There was no alternative but to keep on as cautiously as possible, in the hope of driving through. By the time mile 373 was reached, the clouds had lifted again, and not only had the Expedition passed through the storm itself but it had come into ground where no snow had fallen. At this point we noticed a decided difference in the topography, which invited geological investigation to determine just what change of structure had taken place (Fig. 18). For some distance the storm, with its blinding snow, had obscured everything, but it was evident, at least, that a small basin had been crossed.. Herea well gave opportunity for camp, and the party stopped at mile 374, in one of the most interesting structural areas to be found on the Urga trail. Immediately after leaving Camp Snow Storm at mile 341, the trail leads over slates with a strike nearly east and west, and a dip south at an angle of (CV ‘TX 9981q YIM areduz0p) ‘s}USUTTpes Jaje] pue osseinf jo Av[dstp poos Ayjeuorjdeoxe ue Aq papeadons ‘syoorpjo xejduroo JO Vale apIM © ssoloe uoljoes d1s0[09D—"gI ANNOY saw GE yeseg V/ Sv a5 = . ¢ feniay oOlee L snoaoeeig is auelg ne 4 SOUZWEND Pue sauojsawi7 pappaquezu] YyyIM Sa}e\S --- as MN dlsseine dweg 65 ‘Sa7¥[s JO Soltas 4wa13 & SOPBAUT YOIYAA ayTUwIs yo AyatYyo sys1suod aray ‘sjuamtpes Aq pareaoo ATyeo0] ‘100g yospjo ey,—Z1 aun YUP # AR PARR ARR R RRR REAR BABAR Ap sb ana n nnn SOUOJSOLUI] PEppaquejzuj YM sazeiS pazoaluy S]UaWIPes 49}e7 | W4OJSMOUS dweg MN VOL. 1—5 66 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA about 60 degrees. There are many interbedded limestone and quartzite layers, but the most striking feature is the occurrence of great numbers of granite sills, which penetrate the slates. Weathering and erosion have left residuary bowlders of granite scattered along the course of the sills, as though they were the ruins of long, low masonry walls built upon the marvelously level surface of the desert. No more splendid exhibit of planation across different types of rock has been seen in the whole of Mongolia than is shown in this stretch of ground. From mile 343 to mile 353, folded slates which stand nearly on edge are interbedded with limestones and quartzites. They are associated with granite sills and all are planed off so perfectly that one can drive almost anywhere by motor. This kind of ground continues for twenty- four miles. It is clear that the formations are folded, but the structure could not be determined in greater detail, because of the rapidity of travel. Possibly the limestones furnish evidence of the age of these beds, but no fossils were found in them. In the northerly half of this stretch of ground the limestone beds are much more numerous, and there is some variety in the quality of associated slates and sandstone. Northward from mile 355 there is a valley-like de- pression in which the character of the material is less easily made out, but the slates dominate, with some graywacke and a few quartzite beds. At mile 362 one of the most striking features seen thus far in the traverse is represented by a volcanic blowout, which forms buttes and minor ridges bursting up through the slates. The rock is an olivine basalt (Specimen 66, A.M. 9755). North of this blowout the ground carries more graywacke and less slate, becomes pebbly, and obscures the relation to the slates and lime- stones farther south. At mile 367, conglomerates, the like of which we had not yet seen in our traverse, lie nearly flat beside the trail. Observation of these beds was interrupted by the snowstorm, and the point at which change to later sediments takes place was not accurately determined. Their pres- ence, however, was not long in doubt, because they were found again at Camp Jurassic, mile 374, on the north edge of the small basin which occupies the ground from miles 370 to 374. The belt of slates, from mile 343 to mile 367, deserves more careful in- spection than could be given. There must be an immense thickness, perhaps 15,000 to 20,000 feet. Their variation in character, the amount of deforma- tion they have undergone, the strikingly abundant intrusives in the form of sills, and the numerous limestone interbeds, are prominent features. Prob- ably more than a hundred granite sills were seen in this stretch of ground, all of them intersecting the strata in a clean-cut, definite fashion, instead of impregnating or absorbing or markedly metamorphosing the country rock. There are many quartz veins and occasional jaspery bands. Doubtless these FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 67 latter are related genetically to the intrusives in some way. The slates im- pressed us as having finer grain and a better slaty structure than most of the slates subsequently encountered farther north. Indeed, the relation between these fissile slates and the argillites and graywackes farther north is one of the questions not satisfactorily settled. They may be equivalent, but, if so, there is a marked change in lithologic quality. The structural relations at Camp Jurassic Because the physiographic features showed that a change in structure had been reached at mile 374, camp was made there on the evening of May 8, so as to give an opportunity for more detailed inspection of the ground (Fig. 18). The strata which occupy the narrow basin extending from mile 370 to mile 374 have been turned on edge by drag against the older formations. The plane of movement could be readily located (Plate XI, A). In the distance, in line with this fault, several small volcanic cones were seen. The strata thus turned on edge are sandstones belonging to the later sediments; their exact age is undetermined, but, judging from their petrographic character and condition, they may belong to the Tertiary series. Special interest centered in the formations standing almost vertically in the uplifted block against which these later beds are faulted. The older strata are comparatively hard sandstones in great variety, and are devoid of fossils except for scanty and obscure plant remains. The agencies of weather- ing and erosion have carved them into fantastic shapes. The structure and history of the rocks seem to be consistent with what was expected of the younger strata belonging to the floor formations; there is no metamorphism, and the beds are simply folded. In China, rocks which in all essential re- spects resemble these are regarded as of Jurassic age, and the same correlation was assumed for this locality. Later, at three other places, strata were found, similar in composition, structural relation, and history, and apparently con- sistent with the assumption that they are all of Jurassic or mid-Mesozoic age. The area is more significant than it at first appears to be. Here one can see that the basins carrying the later sediments, such as had been crossed re- peatedly in the traverse from Kalgan, may have originated, in part, by de- formation of comparatively recent date, for in places the strata themselves are turned up on edge, indicating that some of the deformation is younger than the sediments. The making or deepening of basins, therefore, probably was a long-continued and oft-repeated process. Within two miles the entire exposure of the steep-standing sandstones of the floor is crossed, and younger overlying beds appear again. Evidently there is an uplifted area adjacent to the down-dropped one. The erosion surface, representing the original floor, has been thrown into broad arches 68 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA and troughs by gentle warping, but there are sharp flexures and faults along certain marginal lines. It is apparent, also, that volcanic activity found vent along some of these lines of weakness. An extensive igneous accumula- tion, both of lava and of tuffaceous material, is associated with the overlying deposits. There are evidences of volcanism also within the supposed Jurassic area, but the relations there are obscure. The supposed Jurassic strata strike N. 60° E., and dip steeply north. There is a marked angular unconformity between them and the beds coming in above (Figs. 18 and 19). The area exposing the Jurassic strata is the center of a breached, dome-like uplift, with annular valleys, dip slopes, hogbacks, and the other erosion-forms characteristic of a dissected dome of sedimentary strata (Fig. 122, page 281). On the whole, this locality was the most illuminating in the matter of dynamic history and structural relations of any thus far seen in the Mon- golian region. There is definite evidence of the succession of sets of strata and of their relation to deformation and igneous activity. Here one can see the youngest strata that belong to the ancient floor, and this is the first place where strata suggesting Jurassic age had thus far been seen. It is a clear case of late faulting, and volcanism seems to be structurally related to that weakness. It shows that there is a great unconformity between the Jurassic strata of the floor and the so-called later sediments. It seems also to carry evidence of an important break in the midst of later sediments, particularly in the ground forming the north side of this dome. Apparently there are three important series here, one of Mesozoic age belonging to the old floor; another, the first series of sandstones above the unconformity, lying on that floor; and a still younger series, including the topmost beds. At the time these features were first seen, it was not fully appreciated that the structural elements of this locality are representative of the most fundamental structure of the Gobi region. Although not fully proved at the time, it appears certain from later developments in adjacent regions that the two sedimentary members at Camp Jurassic, overlying the eroded edges of the so-called Jurassic strata forming the floor, include a Cretaceous series and, after a slight unconformity, a series of Tertiary strata of simpler history. This splendid structural exhibit presents a good opportunity for working out in much greater detail the sedimentary history of the region, and warrants the recommendation that this area be given a more extended investigation. The strata of these different types are well enough exposed to allow a com- paratively complete column to be constructed, as there must be at least 3,000 feet exposed in the area, a large portion standing almost on edge. Here, an area that could be extended so as to include the basin to the north deserves mapping, as well as a structural and paleontologic study. q19 st yoryas oytue13 Aq pepeecons Ayydnage st syuaumrpes snoaoeyaz JO UIseq peoiq oy p—"oz ANAS *pedremdn so poyneydn say ARARB AA RAA SD DADA ADA S aa aaad @UCIE) uiseg SN099e}81D) uamtpes [eord. 4} & ssoJoe WoT}0es o1d0joanj—'6I ANNOY ‘e1214S JO SaLIaS OMY 4S¥I] 72 Suruteywoo urseq 7 -ArerpiaL, pue snosovjoID TE RRA DAA AAAARRAAARARARAAAAAR AA RAR AK AR AAR AAAARAK AA AAAA AA RAARAAAARARA AARARRARBARAAAAARAAR Wevveerry ti RARAARAARSARAARAR AR ARAR AAR n> ulseg SN08de}a9) sauog 9!}day Arena 70 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA CAMP JURASSIC TO MOUNT TUERIN The ‘‘Camp Jurassic’’ dome proved to be a very limited one. It is dis- sected in perfectly typical form, and from the higher eminences one can follow the hogback border from the south side eastward and northeastward until it curves back to the west again, completely closing that end of the uplift. For a distance of little less than a mile, the trail crosses steeply upturned sandstone beds supposed to be of Jurassic age (Fig. 17). The thickness rep- resented is at least 3,000 feet, with neither the top nor the bottom exposed. At mile 375, a new series of sandstone beds appears unconformably on the up- turned edges of the Jurassic strata, dipping much more gently northward. They clearly belong to the so-called later sediments of the desert region, al- though no fossils were found to indicate their age. This series continues as a foundation rock for four miles to an escarp- ment and divide at mile 379, where the red-colored strata are made up largely of basalt bowlders and smaller fragments of igneous material, which, in a general way, strongly resembles the material noted on the south side of the dome. It is much more loose in structure than either of the formations oc- cupying the center of the dome, and, although the structural relations are not quite clear, the general dips along the trail indicate that there is an uncon- formity beneath this formation also (Fig. 18). The upper series of sediments, beginning with the red volcanic débris, continues for thirteen miles and is succeeded by sandy sediments of consider- able variety (Fig. 19). Over this stretch of ground the trail is gravel-covered, and although there is considerable difference of relief the sediments through- out seem to be of the same simple type. At mile 392, more substantial rocks form the floor, and we judge that the previously encountered sandstone series again comes to the surface. This type continues from mile 392 to mile 429, and constitutes one of the longest stretches of continuous basin structure thus far seen (Fig. 20). The trail for many miles over the sandstone beds is re- markably smooth, and furnishes an excellent road for travel. The only diffi- cult places are where the sandy channels of dry water courses cross the trail. Over most of the ground there are no outcrops, and the country is a typical open plains area such as the Mongols call a ‘‘ gobi.” A significant find was made in the banks of a small stream at mile 394, where several fragments of reptile bones were recovered. These reptile bones and the somewhat disturbed and indurated beds suggest Cretaceous age. These beds we judged to be continuous with the middle member of the Camp Jurassic dome. It is clear that the ground is all sedimentary, and is a direct continuation of the sedimentary series exposed to better advantage in the first few miles of the trail; but from this point to the northern limits of the FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 71 basin, at mile 430, no additional exposures of consequence were seen. It is quite possible, however, that much better conditions for inspection might be found either to the east or to the west of the trail, and if a point could be found where the ground is more successfully dissected, this basin would furnish an exceptionally good field for further investigation and collecting. This is especially true if our interpretation of the Cretaceous expanse is correct as represented on the sections, for it is one of the longest stretches of supposed Cretaceous ground encountered in the summer’s investigation. At the northern edge of the basin, there is a sharp transition to granite (Specimen 70, A.M. 9759). There is no indication of the structural causes of this change, but we have chosen to represent it as a fault. It is possible, of course, that it is simple warping which brings the floor of the basin grad- ually to the surface, but the effect is the same. For the next eleven miles along the trail the rock floor is virtually bare. It is formed of coarse granites which display considerable variety within the mass. The granites are cut by many dikes, chiefly syenite, pegmatite, and granite porphyry, while a few are latite or melaphyre (Specimens 71, 73, A.M. 9760, 9762). There are many residuary outcrops and bowlders (Plate X, B), around which is strewn a loose arkosic sand, resulting from disintegration of the granite. The floor is splen- didly planed, and the profile followed over the sediments for the last twenty miles continues over the granites without noticeable difference of relief (Plate XII, A). It is not likely, of course, that the planations of both the crystallines and the sediments have been accomplished together. It is more probable that the granite profile represents an older peneplane which has been stripped and additionally planed during the later stages of erosion that have affected the adjacent sediments. It is most impressive to find repeatedly such perfect conformity of profile on adjacent areas of strikingly different quality of rock. This is one of the largest stretches of granite that we saw in the Gobi region. The rock is a very coarse-grained, uniform type, not at all gneissic or gneissoid in structure. It has not been much metamorphosed, but it is closely associated with gneisses of general granitic composition, which have had a much more complicated history, and it must cut these gneisses as an invading intrusive. We were later to discover evidence that a great granite bathylith underlies central Mongolia, for we found that repeatedly this same general type of granite cuts through older formations and constitutes the floor for considerable distances. This granite area doubtless belongs to the same unit. From mile 441 to mile 444, the ground is covered and smooth and has all the outward appearance of being sedimentary. It is apparently a very small, shallow basin in the granite, in which a thin cover of sediments is preserved (Fig. 21). From mile 444 to mile 448, the floor is formed of granite 72 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA gneisses representing very much older formations, the precise relations of which are unknown, but they have the appearance of being the most ancient of any thus far encountered along the trail (Specimen 74, A.M. 9763). In most places where gneisses and other ancient crystallines were seen along the Urga trail, the strike is nearly east and west. In this particular local stretch the strike is nearly north and south, with a dip to the west. From mile 448, basin sediments lie on the gneisses for seven miles; but at mile 455, the floor emerges, either by faulting or warping, and is represented by a complex series of gneisses, crystalline limestones, schists, and granite intrusions cut by black dikes. The structure is confused; the rocks are all somewhat metamorphosed (except the igneous intrusions) and must belong to some very ancient type (Specimens 78, 79, 80, 81, A.M. 9767, 9768, 9769, 9770). The limestones are strictly interbedded with the gneisses and schists, but the whole series is cut in a complicated way by granites, probably offshoots from the bathylith, and by dikes that are of later date. These dikes exhibit considerable variety, the most important types being syenite and granite porphyries. The original sedimentary series must have included sandstones, shales, and limestones which now appear as schists of various sorts. The origin of the gneisses is less certain, but in part, at least, they are likewise ancient, injected sediments. This type of geological structure continues for another ten miles and more, and presents the most complicated structural unit yet seen in the Gobi region. It is much too complex a problem to be worked out in satisfactory detail in so hurried a reconnaissance. The chief items characterizing this belt up to mile 468 are as follows: a red mica schist, very thick; massive crystalline limestone, one belt half a mile in width, with numerous smaller belts; several beds of dense quartzite; and thick graywacke schists. These are intricately cut by granite and granite porphyries. There is not much intimate injection or impregnation, in spite of the abundance of igneous material. The igneous members, with their differentiation products and different stages of develop- ment, may all belong to a single magmatic source. The ancient metamorphics, represented by specimens 83, 84, 85, etc. (A.M. 9772, 9773, 9774, etc.), are of special interest. They have a more com- plicated structural habit than the Nan K’ou series as recognized in China, but correspond very well indeed to the descriptions of the Wu T’ai system of Bailey Willis as determined in China. The Wu T’aisystem includes limestones, phyllites, green and black schists, and sheared greenstones. The best that can be said, of course, is that this ancient formation, from mile 455 to mile 469, is similar in all essential respects to the Wu T’ai system. We doubtless have in the floor of the Gobi representatives of the same age and of the same general petrographic character as are found in China. [le JO a3e30133e oy} !4993 OF 0} Oz SI MO [ENPIATPUT Yous Jo ssauyory} OY L yoo|g uNeny JUNOW 9} Gulwwo4 ay1u A AAR MARMARA AAR “Worjoas ay} UT poyeseSSexe st ssauyory} ay, “420 OOF Ysa Ie Ajqeqoid st smog ay} yD youne Aaa ahene 7 A i Raa a RA AKA A Ran Penee atgig atavA RAT ALAN a a a - Pere era ee rr> eh Pe rh > mr eed AAR AARABA ARAARRARA ‘uado pue yyoours st A1}UN0d ay, DoVyUPGse US\7 W1Ued|0/A, MN Aan ana shee mes ‘aytuess Aq poqoafur pue ynosepun “SMO OLUBOIOA Jo Sottos aBse] A[jensnun uv Zurksreo uiseq Y—ee AYN me) fon) SMO] 4 DIULDIOA, ‘sguojsouy] ouljeysh19 pue sessleug— Iz AUNTY ayueud Ag ynosepur seurjeysAsD yusiouy NN S}USWIPES J9}e7] aHxe7 [IeEWUS dwed 73 74 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA At mile 468.5, a sudden, complete change in formations takes place, probably due to faulting; the floor for a short distance is composed of sand- stones similar to those seen at Camp Jurassic. It is entirely possible that they are Jurassic strata. They are cut by granite porphyry and are overlaid by rhyolite flows and ash-beds of great variety, in which are a few sills (Specimen 89, A.M. 9778). The igneous rocks continue for several miles, dipping gently northward, and constitute a great series of volcanic flows of both acid and basic type (Fig. 22). Some of the flows are very pumiceous (Specimen go, A.M. 9779), and exhibit beautiful minor variations of petrographic quality. The chief types are interbedded rhyolites and basalts, and each type is repeated several times. Some of the vesicular basalts (Specimens 91 and 93, A.M. 9780, 9782), are crowded with amygdules of agate and chalcedony, and the ground is literally strewn with millions upon millions of these pebbles, known as “Gobi stones,’’ so that the trail looks as if it were studded with jewels. The series continues for twenty miles, dipping gently northward, but is ter- minated abruptly along the north side of a range of low hills consisting of rhyolite breccias and basaltic tuffs. Probably the termination is against a fault, and the basin has dropped down at this edge against the granite. Here the strata are structurally more obscure, perhaps because of the deformation. There is apparently no way of accounting for the change to granite without such displacement, nor is there any way of telling the age of the formations. Although lava flows are common elsewhere, at no other place has so remark- able a series been seen in the Gobi region. The succession at this place could be worked out in great detail. In passing over the ground so rapidly it was not possible to detect all the units, but it is clear that the earlier and lower members are chiefly rhyolites with rhyolite porphyry sills, rhyolitic ash, and pumiceous rhyolite, whereas the topmost flows are chiefly basalts with only an occasional rhyolite flow or rhyolitic sill, The middle members are more mixed than either extreme, and carry both rhyolites and basalts. The total thickness of these rocks is cer- tainly over 500 feet, and probably exceeds 1,000 feet. The granites of Mount Tuerin At mile 490, the trail enters on a stretch of granite, which continues un- interruptedly to Mount Tuerin, a distance of twelve miles (Fig. 23). Some of the ground is covered with débris, but the bedrock outcrops at frequent intervals, broken only by later injections in the form of dikes, chiefly of several varieties of granite porphyry (Specimens 97, 98, A.M. 9786, 9787). This is the granite of Mount Tuerin, which is a residuary remnant of a large boss and is undoubtedly a part of the great Mongolian bathylith. The rock is a hornblende granite, and is fairly uniform in the central portion ‘of the mass. FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 75 There are many other varieties of granite, however, especially on the north side of the mountain. The whole area, therefore, is a granite complex, but there is no indication of great differences of history in its various parts. Its age relations are unknown, because nowhere along the trail could we see its structural relations with other rocks of known age. On the south the contact is formed by a fault, and on the north the granite is overlaid by later sediments. Mount Tuerin is a conspicuous landmark, visible for a great distance from every direction as it looms to exaggerated height when seen across the arid plain (Plate XI, B). It is a splendid example of a residuary remnant of a very much larger mass, most of which has been worn away to a remarkably smooth erosion plane. The central portion of the remnant is rugged and craggy, and difficult to cross with such an expedition as ours. The west base of the mountain has been chosen as the site for a lamasery, where about 500 lamas, or priests of Buddha, live. This is by all means the most pretentious establishment which we saw along the Urga trail. Here, in 1921, the Chinese made one of their last stands in their retreat across Mongolia, after being driven out of Urga by the combined Russian and Mon- golian forces. A year later, at the time of our visit, the ground was still strewn with relics of that encounter. In the peculiar mirage-producing atmosphere of the Gobi, Mount Tuerin presents a more striking appearance at a distance of twenty-five miles than close at hand. The effect is increased by the crags and pinnacles left by the weathering of a jointed granite. The master joints fall roughly into a sys- tem, and the principal weathering and erosion features follow these same lines. The most marked set have a trend N. 60° E. There are prominent cross- fracture joints also, which divide the rock masses very unequally. As a result there are many overhanging and poorly balanced residuary blocks (Plate XI, B). There are also many small valleys and grassy slopes which add im- mensely to the beauty and picturesqueness of the place, and add, too, no doubt, to the interest it holds for the Mongol people. One can readily see the appro- priateness of locating a great lamasery at the foot of this mountain. So un- usual is the appearance of Mount Tuerin against the surrounding country that it seems to the Mongols to be marked by nature as a place deserving special reverence. Mount Tuerin was the first rendezvous for the Expedition. It was here that the motors overtook the caravan and received from it their first supplies, separating again for the next lap of the journey. Camp was pitched in a grassy valley of the mountainside, on one of the most attractive sites: of the whole summer; but the geology, despite the picturesqueness'of the outstanding features, is too simple to require extended study. The Expedition, therefore, moved on toward Urga after only a day or two of local inspection. For the 76 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA first four or five miles the same hornblende granite continues. It is a coarse- grained type with miarolitic structure, slightly pegmatitic in tendency, but much less so than is usual in a large granite mass. Under weathering, the rock tends to stain with some black coloring matter, probably oxide of man- ganese. MOUNT TUERIN TO BOLKUK GOL Beyond mile 509, new types of granite were encountered, quite different in physical appearance from the Mount Tuerin type. The relations of one to the other were not clearly made out, but probably the new types cut the mountain mass as later intrusives (Specimens 102, 103, 104, A.M. 9791, 9792, 9793). Farther on the complexity is increased by the presence of still other intrusives, while some of the preceding varieties are repeated. The granite complex continues to mile 524, giving thus a section of thirty-four miles from mile 490, where the unit was first observed. This is the longest single stretch of granite encountered on the Urga trail. It is not possible to determine exactly where the granite floor ends and the new change begins, but at about mile 524, after crossing a small stream, the country opens appreciably (Figs. 23 and 24). The ground, which has been comparatively uneven, with a good many outcrops and residuary knobs, gives place to smooth, level country, and the arkosic character of the soil gives place to gravel of the sort usually accompanying the later sediments. The topography is more open, with broad, gentle sweeps and without eminences of any kind. As there are few outcrops it is not possible to determine much regarding the character of the underlying material, but it is evident from every feature that a decided change has taken place. This has come gradually, probably by the downwarping of the old floor, so that overlying sediments are preserved, and arkosic disintegration material is mixed with sedimentary resi- due in a sort of transition zone of surface cover. Farther along, outcrops of sediments are exposed. This type of country continues for nearly fifty miles and constitutes the largest continuous basin thus far crossed by the Expedi- tion. There is no clue to the age of these sediments or to the details of their structure. They are more completely covered than usual, because the traverse has now entered the grassland country, where much larger amounts of soil are held than is the case in the desert. There is here little similarity to the barrenness seen farther to the south. At this time of year, early May, we saw only the dried remains of last year’s vegetation, but over long stretches it must have stood two feet high in the growing season. The district is a typical grazing country, with here and there a lake furnishing ample water for stock. Whether the lakes carry water ‘PA pue yyoours Ajqeyseurer st AUN ay, “eoeANS uoryeuEd 1qoD ay} Aq payeaeq ‘syuaupas 194¥] Jo uIseq peoiq y—'bz auno1y AAAARRARAAAAAA AAR AAKARAAAHAA AAKAAAAA AAR AAAAARA AA AAAAAA AARRAAAA ARAAAKAA S]UDUIPSS J9}€7] JO UISeg BAISUD}Xy ‘d ‘IX 23¥[q Ul UMOYs st UrezUNOUT 9Y} UI MOA Y “jIsseur az1ueI3 xafduI09 ay} Sutjeaeq pue Ulan], yunoyy sul[pss sueyd uoiso1a ay ,—'fz aun saiiw 00 Siipastsie sels satalots ple Sncioce ae ea) « aa aa aa aa na aA Aa Y >>> rae roe > >r > erro ew Pr er >> r>rm>e eons >>> rrr > ramen ae re Pre rer mere ere > > >>> >>e> PUP > rer rere Dre adsiavaVv i Vw uweny dueg 77 78 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA ' the year round we could not determine, but they appear to be permanent. Furthermore, they are not appreciably salt; at least, they are fresh enough to serve aS a suitable water supply for herds. In every respect the country resembles the better portions of the great plains of the western United States, and gives one the impression that some of the land might well repay cultiva- tion in the same manner. A country in which the native grasses grow so luxuriantly should mature crops of grain without irrigation. This northerly border of the Gobi region for 120 miles presents much the same character that one sees on the south border, where the encroaching Chinese colonists have already made good use of it. Doubtless there will come a time when this northerly border will be cultivated also; and when the limits of such encroach- ment are reached, the true desert region will be materially reduced, for almost a third of the Gobi country lying between Kalgan and Urga would encourage a much more intensive use than is now made of it. The trail is smooth and forms a perfectly safe, first-rate road for motor travel over the whole of the sedimentary basin, from mile 524 to mile 577 (Figs. 23, 24, and 25). At miles 564-565, three small volcanic vents break through the sediments, which are well exposed on the flanks of the cones. The vents are apparently recent, and the openings are filled with scoria, pumice, pieces of breccia, bread-crust bombs, glassy crusts, and a great variety of vesicular material in excellent, fresh condition (Specimen 106, A.M. 9795). Some of the material is red and preserves fragments of sediments and traces of an original sedimentary structure, whereas other pieces seem to be as typically glassy and pumiceous lava as could be found anywhere. The ad- jacent sediments are not appreciably disturbed, and the whole relation seems to favor the conclusion that not only the red bricklike material, but perhaps the whole series of volcanic products at this spot is of purely local origin, made through fusion of the sediments by superheated volcanic gases. Al- though the cones are almost covered with fragments of this sort, they cannot have been built of the fragments, since unaltered sediments show on the flanks. This structure indicates, of course, that the cones are only in small part the result of accumulation, and are in chief part residuary after erosion —they stand above the general level because of their more successful resistance. No other igneous rocks were seen within the same basin, but five miles farther north a series of lava flows was encountered, lying on the sediments. They are vesicular trachytes succeeded by basalts and rhyolites (Specimens 107, 108, 109, A.M. 9796, 9797, 9798), and are apparently covered with sediments which give a very smooth surface for a few miles to the northerly limits of the basin. The small volcanic vents seen at mile 565 are among the most striking expressions of volcanism seen in the Gobi region. It is not possible to date Sie Later Sediments SS a. — aa © n O o ro) i= oO o — ° > i oc So) i > = (S) © — = — O° n 3 xe} Le Sma!l Volcanic V Injected Schists and Gneisses FiGurE 25.—The margin of the northernmost large sediment basin traversed by the Expedition Daba Mountains. , and the beginning of the upward slope into the Gangin The thickness of the lava flows between mile 570 and mile 577 is exaggerated. 79 Later Sediments “n o a 2 o S Oo ne) = o 0 ~ iw = ) ” ~ c 2 e) = < FicuRE 26.—Gradual rise on the southern flank of the Gangin Daba Mountains, which here form the northern lip of the great basin of Mongolia. 80 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA the outbreaks because the age of the sediments is not determined. One of the most surprising things about the small cones is the great range in quality of the material found on them. The maximum diameter of the top of the first of the hills is not more than fifty feet. The second one is larger, but apparently not over a hundred feet. There are no other representatives of volcanic activity until the flows five miles to the north are reached. Perhaps, however, the vents belong to the same epoch as the flows, and mark the escape of gases from the same under-sources which gave rise to the flows. At mile 577.5, the sedimentary basin is abruptly terminated, probably by a fault, and ancient granite gneisses (Specimen 110, A.M. 9799) form the floor for ninety miles. They are cut by dikes of granite and trachyte porphyry (Specimens 111 and 112, A.M. 9800, 9801). The ground is for the most part thinly covered with soil, but outcrops are frequent enough to determine the quality of the floor. The composition of the rock is that of granite; the structure is strongly gneissic, thoroughly crystalline and considerably in- jected. The strike is across the course of the traverse; typical measurement gives strike N. 55° E., and dip 80° S. There is considerable variation, how- ever, in both strike and dip. The rock is a true gneiss. It shows shearing effect and has the appearance of being the most thoroughly metamorphosed and perhaps the most ancient formation in the region. This type of country continues from mile 577.5 to mile 598, a distance of twenty miles (Fig. 26). In a general way the character corresponds closely to that of the T’ai Shan complex of China as described by Willis. At mile 598, basin structure is encountered again, with basalt flows and sediments not very unlike those seen a few miles south, but on a much smaller scale. Outcrops are few and the structure is obscure, although the dip of the flows first encountered is to the north. The basin continues to mile 604, a distance of over six miles, where the old floor comes to the surface again, apparently by warping. The formation here, for several miles, is a blackish- green schist with a strongly developed structure, a strike N. 45° E., and a dip to the northwest at a steep angle (Specimen 116, A.M. 9805). This is undoubtedly one of the ancient series also, but its relation to the gneisses, on the south side of the basin, is undetermined. The same formation continues for two miles, then is covered for several more. At mile 610, the granite gneisses with interbedded schists appear as the floor again, very similar in general quality to those seen twenty-five miles to the south. They are succeeded in a few miles by greenish and black schists, which continue to mile 622 (Fig. 27). The schists are spotted and streaked and very micaceous, and even, in places, very carbonaceous (Speci- men 118, A.M. 9807). There are many whitish, lenticular bunches that look like pebbles which have been sheared out and turned into sericite and quartz. ('6z0in3yeeg) “JOATA NUTZUOD WOT}OIS Sojoon— gz AUNT 3 13) W or cco 82 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA The range of composition indicates rather definitely a sedimentary origin. The formation is cut by numerous quartz veins, and occasionally by dikes or sills. The average strike is not far from east and west—N. 80° W. is a common measurement. In general this formation has a simpler appearance than the gneisses and is probably younger. The green schists probably be- long to the Wu T’ai system of Bailey Willis (1907, II, page 4). This forma- tion continues to the Arctic divide at mile 624. The Arctic divide An inconspicuous ridge marks the dividing line between the water sheds of the desert and those of the Arctic. From this point northward and west- ward for many miles the traverse lies within the Arctic slopes; and with this superficial change there is a complete change also in the geology. An entirely new series of rock formations constitutes the floor, and no later sediments are preserved. At mile 623 beds of graywacke and quartzite (Specimen 1109, A.M. 9808) form the adjacent hills. The rocks have a very definite, bedded structure, dipping gently to the north, and are very hard and resistant to weathering. Associated with them are interbedded layers of jasper (Speci- men 120, A.M. 9809) and quartzite, but the dominant type is a graywacke. Farther along, interbedded slates are abundant, but are inconspicuous in the portion of the formation represented in the first few miles. The beds first dip to the north, then in the course of a few miles the dip reverses toward the south, apparently repeating the formational succession. The hills are grass-covered, and the country becomes mountainous though not very rugged. The structural relations between the graywacke formation and the green- black schists seen farther to the south are not determined, though it is entirely possible that they could readily be worked out in the vicinity of mile 622. In our rapid reconnaissance, however, we had time to note only that the quality of the floor and of the topography changes markedly in a comparatively short distance. The graywacke series continues without interruption and without marked change of quality, except an occasional intrusion of igneous rock, to mile 636 along the main trail, and is known to continue on the same trail to Urga. At mile 636, however, the direction of the traverse was changed, and, led by a Mongol guide, the Expedition turned westward through valleys parallel to the main mountain range, the Gangin Daba. Then by side trails over the alluvial slopes of the ridges, the course continued thirty-two miles, to the Bolkuk Gol, a tributary of the Tola River (Fig. 28). This change of direc- tion carried the party diagonally across folded graywackes and graywacke- slates to the new camp. Much of the journey lay over the trails of herds, and part of it over alluvial slopes without a single mark of travel, yet in the FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 83 whole distance of thirty miles, after departing from the main caravan trail, not a single stretch of ground too difficult for the motors was encountered. Small streams appear here and there in this territory, and large flocks and herds were seen everywhere. It is an ideal grazing district, but there is absolutely no cultivation of the soil. Alluvial slopes extend down from the higher ridges into the valley, but they are not heavily bowlder-strewn and are nowhere deeply dissected. Rock ledges are exposed extensively in the hills and locally along the valley floor on the banks of a stream. Although mountainous country with more abundant precipitation has been reached, there is no evidence whatever of general glaciation. The soils May 18,1922 FicureE 29.—The northern valley wall of the Bolkuk Gol. The bowl-shaped head of a small lateral valley resembles a cirque. It is possible that the shape of such valley heads is due to local glaciation. The floor is solid rock, and at least the upper part of the sloping approach to the bowl is over bare rock. and deposits of all kinds are essentially alluvial. But some valley heads in the side of a mountain present the form of a cirque, and it is believed that these are evidences of former very small, local glaciers of alpine type (Fig. 29). At best they could have been of little consequence, although it is difficult to see how the forms could be developed without the action of ice. Only three or four such bowl-shaped valley heads were seen along the Bolkuk Gol, but several hundred miles farther west, in the Sain Noin country, much more typical cirques were seen and accepted, without question, as of glacial origin. OBSERVATIONS IN THE VICINITY OF CAMP BOLKUK GOL Bolkuk Gol, fifteen miles southwest of Urga, became the second ren- dezvous. Here, near a local shrine, the whole Expedition assembled for the first time, and established headquarters for the various parties, while Mr. 84 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Andrews was completing negotiations in Urga for the further progress of the Expedition. On the traverse across the Gobi we had become accustomed to a great variety of weather. The first day had ended in rain. It was generally cold, but while we were at Iren Dabasu, several days were uncomfortably hot. On the way to Mount Tuerin, snowstorms were encountered, and a short part of the traverse was made in the snow. As the party traveled northward the cold increased, and, with the high winds that prevailed, some of the work was done under extreme discomfort. On the whole, however, the air was dry, clear, and bracing. . The extreme cold of the season came at Camp Bolkuk Gol, where the temperature readings, through the four days at this camp, ranged from 50° Fahrenheit on May 15 to 17° on May 19. Readings just a little below freez- ing were more common. Such temperatures as this, with the high winds, made the task of keeping warm a difficult one for those of us who had work to do on notebooks or maps; nevertheless, the surrounding country was scouted persistently, since this camp was to be our closest approach to the city of Urga. Although the Bolkuk Gol valley is well grassed and is largely alluvial, there are many outcrops on the higher reaches of the valley side, as well as along the course of the creek. Everywhere the rock is either graywacke, argillite, or quartzite. These different varieties belong to the same large, important formation, characterized by dominance of graywacke over large areas and by argillites in others, or by interbeddings of these two types. In many outcrops of the graywacke the rock is almost structureless; but wherever the argillites occur in them the bedding features are comparatively regular and strongly marked. In general the strike is N. 60° E., with variable dip, representing a succession of folds. In many places the dip is vertical or over- turned. This general structural habit prevails over the whole territory crossed from the main Urga trail to Bolkuk Gol, and afterwards was found to con- tinue for a very long distance to the west. Toward the north, also, as far as our explorations were carried, the same formations and formational habit prevail, extending through the Tola River valley and the Gangin Daba range. Igneous rocks and igneous influences are insignificant in this whole ter- ritory adjacent to the Bolkuk Gol, although there is an occasional dike, and perhaps there are metamorphic effects that are too obscure to trace. Farther to the west, however, these igneous associations are greatly increased. The deformation represented by the graywacke-argillite series is that of mountain folding, of a regularity and persistence that is very striking indeed. The topography is markedly different from that seen farther to the south, where the country is characterized by the alternation of basin-filled sediments and FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 85 almost peneplaned oldrock divides. Here, on the contrary, the country is mountainous, with subdued ridges and open valleys. The slopes are gentle, especially as they approach the valley bottoms, and become much steepened in the higher valley sides. All the slopes carry much finely broken material, weathered to soil so that it is practicable to drive with motors even without the aid of a trail. These slopes are remarkably free from gullies and outwash courses, although there are occasional small side streams across which one has to pick his way. Little material is being added or taken away. Course of the Bolkuk Gol In view of the fact that the rock structure of the region strikes N. 60° E. or thereabout, and is of approximately the same quality on both sides of the valley of the Bolkuk Gol, it is surprising to find the course of the stream so poorly adjusted to it. The course lies diagonally across the structure. It may follow a fault weakness, or it may, on the other hand, be a superim- posed stream, preserving a course inherited from an original drainage that was developed on some overlying formation which has been completely re- moved. Later experience in other districts on the margin of the Gobi strength- ens the inference that the superimposed stream explanation is probably the better one. It is not an uncommon thing to find stripped areas where former overlying sediments have been completely removed, and yet in such physio- graphic relation that this step in its history is perfectly clear. It is only a step, therefore, to such conditions as are presented at Bolkuk Gol, where mature dissection has been reached in the underlying floor subsequent to the stripping. The first stages, therefore, must have been reached much earlier in the history of the Gobi region, and perhaps the stripping, in this case, cor- responds to one of the periods of marked erosion, such as that following the Cretaceous, or in one of the earlier epochs of the Tertiary. The stream is a misfit in a valley too large for it, and there is a crude development of planation that should correspond to one of the planation epochs of larger development in the Gobi. Glacial evidence in the Gangin Daba The dominant erosion form is that of simple weathering and stream work, but in a few places the heads of tributary valleys present a form which attracts special attention because of its similarity to that of a cirque. No perfectly formed cirques were seen in this vicinity, although several were found in the Sain Noin region much farther to the west (Plate XIV, B, page 130). At Bolkuk Gol, however, there are the unusually steep heads of three or four side tributaries. They are crudely bowl-shaped, with a distinct change 86 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA of grade below the first portion of the deepened course (Figs. 29 and 30). In one of them the excavation is made directly across the geological structure, on rocks so slightly different in quality that there seemed to be no good struc- tural reason for the form, unless, indeed, it had been made by ice. The floor is virtually bare rock, and this, we believe, adds to the evidence favoring a glacial gouging action. The bowl-shaped valley heads have not the freshness of the cirques which were developed in the latest stage of the Ice Age. Their form is subdued by weathering and stream erosion, and if they are of glacial origin, they must have been made during one of the earlier glacial advances. It is very clear that even in the mountains around Urga there is no evi- dence of extensive glaciation. In the entire region there are no glacial de- FicurE 30.—Field sketch in the Gangin Daba Mountains near Camp Bolkuk Gol. The streams head in deep, bowl-shaped cavities which resemble cirques and may be due to a brief glaciation. (Compare with Plate XIV, B, page 130.) posits and no suggestion of the presence of an ice-sheet. During the glacial period this may well have been a very cold, desolate region, but evidently there was so little precipitation that an ice cover could not form, and, at best, only here and there were small alpine glaciers developed. This kind of history is indicated still more clearly in the district of Sain Noin, where there is an entire lack of evidence of general glaciation, but where glacial cirques are prominent, with characteristic form and product. Through- out the whole Pleistocene, therefore, it appears that this region was exposed to destructive attack from the ordinary surface agents. Erosion and deposi- tion continued, in so far as they could continue with changed climatic con- ditions, in the whole Gobi area, while regions much farther west and favored with much heavier precipitation, were covered with glacial ice. No exception to this rule was found in all our traverse in the Gobi. Nowhere, even in the highest mountain ranges, was there evidence of glaciation, except the former existence of small alpine glaciers. FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 87 Ground ice A curious instance of ice beneath the soil was found first in the vicinity of Camp Bolkuk Gol. In one portion of the valley bottom, attention was attracted to a system of nearly straight, knife-sharp cracks cutting the turf. The valley bottom was well grassed and constantly pastured by herds of cattle and sheep. On examining the exposed edge of this ground, along the trench made by the creek, we discovered that the turf was underlaid by a stratum of ice a few feet thick. The overlying soil attains a thickness of on®to two feet. The chief interest lay in the question whether the ice is a comparatively per- manent member of the soil system, or whether it is formed each year by some method of accumulation beneath the soil. The smoothness of the soil-surface would argue for comparative permanence. If as much ice as this were to form each year and be dissipated each summer, the repetition of lifting and drop- ping the soil layer with its many cracks should result in considerable deforma- tion of surface. Some deformity was observed at the edges of the system and at places where thawing was more active, but on the whole there was little irregularity traceable to this cause. We are inclined to think, therefore, that the ice layer does not wholly thaw away in the short summer season, and that such thawing as does take place proceeds with enough regularity to pre- vent irregular slumping. Apparently the ground water, fed from the ad- joining hills, enters the valley bottom and circulates in the gravel beneath the turf at about this level, and develops a layer of ice as freezing pro- ceeds in the winter season. Coming as a sheet of water, rather than as a spring, it develops a thicker and thicker layer beneath the tough mat of turf. A similar process was noted at Sain Noin, at a valley-side spring. In that case a mound several feet high, the core of which was solid ice, was formed by lifting the firm turf layer. At the time this particular formation was observed, the first warmth of spring had thawed the ice far enough to have destroyed the peak of the mound. The turf had been cracked far apart, and thawing had proceeded in the open portion, where a pool of water was held in by the surrounding ice and turf. Whether the ice accumulation at the spring is wholly destroyed each year and a new deposit subsequently developed with each winter season, we were not able to determine; but here again the simplicity of the form as a whole suggests the comparative perma- nence of it, as though the ice were not each year wholly destroyed. Probably the more fully covered portion is preserved beneath the soil. Opportunity was not presented for other observations upon this under- soil ice, but in many places similar physical surroundings were duplicated. Underground ice seems to be a common feature in this far north country of small surface precipitation. 88 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Local culture Here, at Bolkuk Gol, for the first time, conditions were found favorable for the support of large numbers of people. The country, although moun- tainous or very hilly, is well grassed, even far up on the mountain sides. Flocks and herds can be kept in large numbers, and villages are comparatively numerous. Urga, the capital of Mongolia, lies in the district and is said to have 20,000 inhabitants. On one of the adjacent mountain ridges bordering the Tola River #8 located the lamasery, which is the seat of the Great Lama, former- ly the actual ruler of the country and still the head of its whole religious system. In spite of the fact that the camp stood within fifteen or twenty miles of the city of Urga, it was thought unwise to take the caravan or other equip- ment into the city, because of a feeling of uncertainty in government circles about the nature of the Expedition and the advisability of allowing it to con- tinue upon its exploratory work. It was thought that further delay might be occasioned by any move of this kind. Mr. Andrews, therefore, and Mr. Shackelford, with Mr. Larsen, the official interpreter, conducted negotiations within the city and ultimately secured the desired permit to continue. As soon as this was.done, the whole Expedition moved westward, on the traverse which led to Sain Noin and to the Altai mountains. Side traverse towards Urga During the stop at Bolkuk Gol, a side run was made toward the city of Urga, for the purpose of connecting the geological section with that point (Fig. 31). The same formations continue, with graywacke as the dominant type of rock. In the cross section representing the side traverse, for the first time a clear-cut, anticlinal fold in the graywacke series was detected. The fold lies within the valley of the Tola River, which apparently is developed in large part on such an anticlinal structure. The strata on the south side dip toward the south, and those on the north dip northward. Whether the anti- cline extends across the whole valley we could not tell, because we did not cross the valley, but the minor structure is clear-cut and simple, and the rocks on the south side of the valley correspond to the structure on a large scale. The geologic section of this side traverse, added to the distance covered after leaving the Urga trail to Bolkuk Gol, shows nearly fifty miles on a single rock formation; but the course taken is roundabout and therefore gives an exaggerated picture of the importance of the simply folded graywacke series. If the traverse had been continued directly to Urga from mile 636, it could have been completed in an additional twenty miles, and the structure would have been correspondingly simpler. It is evident, however, that the same type of country prevails still farther to the north, and later experience showed that the series of formations encountered here, forming the basis of these FROM IREN DABASU TO URGA 89 mountain ranges, characterizes the country and gives it its mountainous as- pect for several hundred miles to the west. It is evident, from the immense area covered and the many miles that one may travel across the truncated 675 680 FicurE 31.—Side traverse from Camp Bolkuk Gol to Urga through open folds of graywacke, argillite, and slate. edges of the strata, that this is one of the great formations of Mongolia. Its enormous extent, its constancy, and the complete failure of fossil content, make it not only an important structural element but a great geological prob- lem as well. Mineral resources It is well known, of course, that there are mineral deposits within the borders of Mongolia, not far from Urga, but the conditions where these occur must be materially different from those prevailing in the districts farther south. There are probably few regions in the world with a mineral supply as scanty as that of the greater portion of the Gobi desert. Mineral develop- ment is a practical impossibility. It is appreciated, of course, that this com- ment does not apply to the marginal country where the geologic conditions may be very different, but it does apply to the region as far north as the Tola River, in the vicinity of Urga. In this traverse of more than 650 miles, not a single mineral specimen of economic interest was discovered. Quartz veins were seen by the thousand, and rock ledges of all kinds were examined, but no promise of economic returns was found in them. A few beds of coal of poor quality were seen later in Jurassic strata farther to the west, and coal may possibly exist in the Jurassic formations crossed by the traverse to Urga, but it was not exposed, and none, thus far seen anywhere in the Gobi, is of sufficiently high quality to attract attention. Besides these coal beds there is nothing of economic interest, and at present they have absolutely no value. We believe that there are good reasons for the mineral habit here encountered, and for the fact that in some of the marginal country much better conditions are reported. This will be discussed more fully, however, at a later time, in connection with the final summaries, which, it is hoped, may grow out of this series of studies. CHAPTER V FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN On May 19, in an early morning temperature of 17° Fahrenheit, we be- gan the westerly traverse from Camp Bolkuk Gol. Our way lay through valleys tributary to the Tola River, and within ten miles led into the main caravan trail along the Tola River from Urga to Sain Noin (Fig. 32). The route at first followed an exceedingly roundabout course, and was covered more deeply than usual with soil and river alluvium, presenting great diffi- culties in the task of keeping a true geologic cross section. We have, however, attempted to do this, by eliminating as much as possible of the duplication, and by reducing the whole traverse to simple structural form. TRAVERSE ALONG THE TOLA RIVER When the course has reached the Tola River it becomes more direct, and continues so for many miles, though outcrops are less frequent. The average course cuts diagonally across the general formational trend, at a low angle. There is nowhere any doubt about the character of the underlying formation. It is the graywacke-argillite series, with simple folded structure and post- mature erosion. The recorded dips indicate that the first day’s journey crossed two large folds in this diagonal manner. At numerous places the terraced form of the valley appeared prominently. The Tola is one of the great rivers of northern Mongolia, with a course westerly and southwesterly from Urga for about fifty miles, before it makes an abrupt turn to the north, joining the Orkhon River and following the Selenga drainage to Lake Baikal. For the greater part of its course the Tola seems quite in- dependent of the folded structure of the country, although in minor respects some adjustment is evident. The valley ranges from three to five miles in width, and has a wide, flat floor on which the river meanders broadly. The flood plain is bordered by wide rock-terraces bearing remnants of older al- luvium. For fifty miles our route lay along the Tola River, so far down in the val- 90 FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN gI ley that the traverse profile is unusually monotonous and the geologic structure largely a matter of inference (Figs. 32 and 33). Outcrops are rare along the trail, and it was thought inadvisable to take the time to check by means of side excursions, since there was no doubt whatever of the general structural relations. But as the traverse proceeded, igneous activity became more and more evident. An occasional dike of porphyry appeared at first, and as we progressed these occurrences became more numerous and more prominent. At the Tola River camp, mile 732, sixty-four miles southwest of Bolkuk Gol, we saw in the distance many of these large dikes in the mountain-sides across the river (Fig. 34). They can be traced in parallel alignment, brought out by differences of relief, since most of them are more resistant to weathering than the graywackes and slates through which they cut. They constitute a striking minor physiographic effect. Evidently they are the result of out- break from some extensive magmatic body which lay beneath. Further ex- plorations along this traverse were soon to reveal the character of this igneous mass, but up to this point its nature had not been determined. At mile 748, the trail turned southward, leaving the valley of the Tola River, and began to climb into higher country, at the same time turning more directly across the rock structure of the region. The same kinds of graywackes and slates continued for another day’s journey, but igneous intrusions increased in number and size. The commonest rock type is a form of granite or granite porphyry, and an occasional mass of this kind stands in isolated mountain- like relief, adding materially to the picturesqueness of the country. It is clear that the igneous rock has forced its way up through the graywacke-slate series and is a much later formation, yet there is, in most cases, very little metamorphic effect. This is especially true where the granites break through almost vertically. In a few places, however, where there is reason to believe that the contact is more gently sloping, we noted a variety of metamorphic effects. In some places the formation becomes phyllitic and schistose, and much more crystal- line than the original rock. These changes are so striking in the vicinity of the first camp south of the Tola River, located at mile 769 and called Five Antelope Camp, that specimens of the modified rocks, taken out of their known setting, would present few evidences of their true relationship (Fig. 35). One would be inclined to classify them with older and more uniformly metamor- phosed formations; but the party was fortunate enough to find all gradations of quality in the neighborhood of the camp, from the simple graywacke-slate varieties to highly metamorphic phyllites and schists,—the difference appear- ing to depend on their proximity to or distance from the igneous contact. In this locality, granite and granite-porphyry outbreaks constitute at least a quarter of the total section, and as a consequence a much greater pro- ‘soqoem Ais ydure 0} pezieiaues useq sey ‘as0jzaseyy ‘gorjoas oY} pure ‘spjoj JO worytsod ay} auTUIEJep OF 30} ‘yOR] SIYT, “PeseA0o st JOO yor ay} Jo Yon “ATWuNOD shouyeyunoUt 3urpunozims qoas oy, “AaTeA JaATY BIOL, 24} Ur worjoes a1Z0joaenj—"EL AUN iy; *pozijeioues ATLessedeu St U0TOes ‘oyeutmopeid sexoeM Jo souanbes snouojouour ay} pue dip Ayroyynos Surreaoid ay} ezise giqissodunt 41 apeur sey ,,‘speq Aox,, JO Ae] Penurjuoo YA Ioyje ay} uey} Jayjoous rey sreedde os10jzeso4} pue Aayjea JOA ay} Suoye waxe} St Or MN dial amjue ey} ‘suoztoy aztuyap Jo ,,‘spaq Aex,, Peytyuept Ayipeei ou aie -Av13 oY} vase SI} UL “Salas aze]s-oyeMALIS ay} Ul SPO} uado ‘ajdung \ ] IN areyy asneseg = “Suryoe] Ayjoys ysourye are syooI snoousy pur ‘ART FOL 24} 0} OD ynyog dureD woz worjoes gS0joagj—'zf aUNOI 3 Ajueau ayxiays spjo4 a 199 4N410G g2 FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN 93 portion of the associated rocks are modified, and attain greater complexity of composition and minor structure than elsewhere. These intrusives are all doubtless representatives of an underlying magmatic body,—a mass that we later designated as the great Mongolian bathylith (Berkey and Morris, 1924a). THE VICINITY OF FIVE ANTELOPE CAMP A day’s stop at this camp enabled us to make a more thorough inspection of the rock floor, which had attracted attention at the close of the preceding day, and which proved to be more complex than any within the last hundred and fifty miles. There is considerable schistosity, with a great abundance and variety of igneous material. Not only is the igneous content abundant, but it has its own complexities, represented in great numbers of dikes and sills, stringers and lenses of almost every range of composition between alaskite and pegmatitic quartz on the one hand, to the composition of a dolerite on the other. The foundation rock is a sediment, very siliceous and of rather obscure structure. It is highly indurated and tends to become phyllitic. The general strike is nearly east and west,—N. 80° E. being one of the definite readings,— and the intrusions take on about the same structural trend; some of them show streaked structure, in contrast to the majority which do not show any similar deformation effect. They cut each other in a complex way, and some of them include xenoliths exhibiting a schistose structure older than the in- trusion. Such phenomena seemed to indicate beyond question that the for- mation was considerably metamorphosed before these igneous members were injected into it, but it still was not clear whether this particular igneous activity was responsible for the greater metamorphism of the formation found at this camp. The first working hypothesis assumed that there are two very different formations,—one the graywacke-slate series of the country traversed from Urga to this camp, and the other represented by this more metamorphic type of rock. Such field examination as could be made, however, failed to show any distinct break in the sedimentary series, and it was finally concluded that the whole assemblage of beds, with its many differences of condition and qual- ity, really belongs to the graywacke-slate series, and that the strip of ground between the granite gateway at mile 760 and Five Antelope Camp at mile 769 represents a deeply eroded anticline in this formation. The center of the anticlinal arch exposed the lower beds of the series, which are somewhat different from the upper members over which most of the traverse had been made. They have also been modified extensively by the encroachment of a bathylithic granite mass, which in some places sent into the former roof 94 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA larger intrusive masses which now stand as granite mountains at numerous points in the vicinity. Some of these are essentially stocks or bosses, many of which stand in very bold relief above the average sweep of the country. The sedimentary formation, interpreted in this way, includes not only the graywackes and slates or argillites but also a few beds of jasper and quartzite, as well as local developments of phyllite and of schist. Some of them are very massive and exercise a distinct local control in the deformation of the region, causing considerable minor crumpling and drag effect in the associated, less competent members. The conclusion that no new formation had been encountered but that the difference in appearance and quality of the rocks is a contact effect, due to the influence of an underlying bathylith, served as a successful working hy- pothesis for the next steps of the traverse, and the experience of the remainder of the season’s investigation tended to support this explanation in all respects. From the field observations thus far made, it is reasonable to conclude that the great graywacke-slate series in this northerly region along the Tola River is made up of three members: (1) banded slates or argillites, which probably form the top; (2) interbedded graywackes and argillites, forming the middle; (3) quartzites, jaspers, and phyllites, forming the bottom. It is chiefly with the lower member of the series that we have concerned ourselves in the vicinity of Five Antelope Camp. It is evident, of course, that the series must be of immense thickness— many thousands of feet—but there has been no way of determining its measure. That it is one of the great formations of the region is perfectly clear, and its general structural position is also determinable; but its exact age is in doubt, as no fossils whatever were recovered from it. The origin of so immense a series of sediments, especially with the dom- inance of the graywacke type of sandstone and wholly barren slates, is equally obscure, and when one takes into account the great areal extent over which rocks of this type are now known to be distributed, one is confronted with a major problem of the geologic column, deserving special study on its own account. FROM THE TOLA RIVER TO TSETSENWAN After leaving the Tola River, the course of the traverse lay to the south and southwest across a region of broad, rolling topography, above the general level of which stand numerous rugged mountain masses of no very large extent (Fig. 35). These all prove to be igneous intrusions of granite-porphyry, granite or syenite. Their sharply defined, cliff-like margins rise abruptly above the general erosion level, which seems to control the rest of the topog- ‘saqjAqd pue systyos 0} pasoydiourejour are ATTeoo] ynq ‘yDoI AIZUNOS ayy Se aNUTZWOO TITAS Yor ‘saqoemAei3 JO JOOI ay} Yysnory} Surpnsyosd az1ues3 yo sdoioyno Aueu Aq paysreur Aryunoo pos8ns ssoioe ‘[ye1} WeMuUasjes[-e3I(:) 9Y} Buoje uorzoas d1Z0]oan—'SE ANNI uiseg MO||eUS *payoval st yyyAY}eq oy1UeI3 SurpeAur 9y} JO UTsIeUT oY} ‘6SZ atu ye ‘[IWUN azIs pus JoquINU Ut aseeJOUT SOATSNIzUT snoaust ‘yynOs 34} PJeMOT, “JauueUs aures ay} Ul peziesoues ‘Ef pue zf sain3y jo sayoemAess papjoy Apdums ayy Jo woryenuTyUOD) “dureg Jeary BOL 4 uorjoas o1s0joan—'be aUNoIy soexniq Aq nO ‘seyoeMAeid pue Saze|S JOAny e}Oy dweD an) Kayjea sata sadser buraeay Yynog pausny 95 96 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA raphy. This habit prevails as far as one can see in every direction, and seems to characterize a certain zone of transition between areas in which the granite bathylith forms large portions of the surface, and others in which the over- lying formations prevail. One of these granite mountains, standing now as an erosion remnant, lies along the line of traverse a short distance southwest of Five Antelope Camp. In its vicinity all of the sedimentary formations are much modified, a condition which is due to the proximity of igneous masses. In the gray- wacke-slate series along this traverse, near the granite mountain, we encount- ered an extensive development of comparatively pure quartzite. It is, however, only a facies of the graywacke formation. Our course led us to the southwest toward Tsetsenwan, past a lake basin from mile 780 to mile 790, small and shallow like hundreds of others scattered along the northerly border of the Gobi proper. It contains two small lakes, both salt; in one of which water was standing, while the other was almost dry. Accumulation of sediment is continuing in this basin, and on the margin at one or two points we saw a little of the exposed material; but it was not possible to determine either how much of an accumulation there was at this point or what its age might be. Beyond this basin the graywacke-slate series continues with granite in- trusions and many porphyry dikes, repeating the general structural relations of the country (Fig. 37). A considerable change, however, takes place at miles 795-796, where much greater igneous activity is in evidence. There are large black sills at mile 795, cutting through the graywacke, and at mile 796 a great exhibit of basalt and andesite flows and breccias. This is a type of rock entirely different from any seen within 200 miles, and it is clearly of much later origin than anything encountered since leaving the vicinity of Urga. Subsequent inspection revealed that there is a large crush zone, 300 feet wide, with no appreciable change of topography; the general erosion plane is unbroken. Here is evidently a great zone of weakness belonging to a large fault movement, and it is reasonable to assume that the lavas have found their way up along the weaknesses of the old fault zone. Structural relations such as this have been noted in many other places, particularly along the edges of faulted Jurassic strata; but this is the first time in the traverses of the Expedition that basalts and tuffs were noted wholly associated with very ancient formations. In all essential respects the products look the same as those associated with Jurassic strata. It is possible, however, that they are still younger, because similar outbreaks were noted in other places associated with fault blocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age. The igneous formations extend toward the south beyond the range of our inspection. Doubtless in that direction a more complete structural re- FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN 97 lation could be worked out. A traverse made from Tsetsenwan some days later, extending forty miles to the south, actually encountered rocks of this type associated with deformed Jurassic strata, and perhaps still younger formations. The two areas of igneous rocks are probably continuous, belong to the same structural unit, and have the same explanation. The exposure at mile 796 is a remarkable breccia, almost like a conglom- erate in form, three or four hundred feet wide in the best exposure, and vary- ing in quality in successive layers or zones. In spite of this appearance, a thorough inspection indicates that it is essentially a fault breccia and belongs, undoubtedly, to the crush-zone already described. It is very deceptive be- cause of its variable appearance, which strikingly resembles bedding. Beyond the complexities introduced by the fault zone and the volcanics at mile 796, the traverse lay for a short distance across the graywacke series, and then over granite cut by many dikes, to the edge of a block of ground standing somewhat above the average level and presenting a rather abrupt escarpment ten to thirty feet in height, which proved to be the edge of another area of graywacke and slate. Further examination showed that it is again bordered by granite on the opposite side, two or three miles farther west. Moreover, when the northerly end of the block was reached by a detour on the trail in that direction, we found that there, too, it is bordered by granite. The block is clearly a great roof-pendant, wholly surrounded and supported by granite. It is not necessarily the first one encountered, but it is the first large, clearly outlined block whose structural relations we had been able to prove definitely. It isa typical roof-pendant, a remnant of downward extend- ing portions of the original cap now almost completely removed by erosion. Granite, cut by thousands of dikes, continues as far as the temple of Tsetsenwan, which stands on an alluvial fan at the foot of a mountain block. A run of several miles across the fan, to the mouth of a gulch at the edge of the block, brought us to the camp at Tsetsenwan, mile 815 (Fig. 36, A and B). THE VICINITY OF TSETSENWAN At Tsetsenwan a stop of several days was made, connection with the caravan was established, and supplies were obtained for the next lap of the journey, which would take us to Sain Noin. This stop afforded an oppor- tunity for examination of the features of special interest in the vicinity, and for side traverses both to the north and to the south. The district about Tsetsenwan proved to be especially favorable for the geologists. The key to several puzzling geologic problems was found at this place; in fact, some of the most fundamental structural relations, which have a bearing upon the geologic problems of the entire Gobi region, were exhibited VOL. I—7 98 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA FiGuRE 36A.—The fault block at Tsetsenwan. The front is abrupt, and a gently arched peneplane bevels the upland surface of the block. so plainly here that they could not be mistaken. Among these problems are the following: 1. The bathylithic nature of the granites of Mongolia. 2. The contact metamorphic origin of many of the variations exhibited by the graywacke-slate series. 3. The extremely great erosion interval between the Jurassic strata and the graywacke-slate-granite floor. 4. The great thickness of Jurassic strata, and their simple folded structure. 5. The appearance of intrusive porphyries and outbreaking volcanics on a large scale, either during or immediately following the Jurassic period. 6. The probable unity of the varied igneous formations of the Gobi re- gion, and their genetic connection with the great bathylith. 7. Block-faulting as a type of deformation in later geologic time. A side traverse north of Tsetsenwan North of Tsetsenwan a stretch of several miles is thinly covered with disintegration débris and soil, so that the character of the rock floor is a little more obscure than usual. The outcrops indicate that the chief underlying rock is a coarse-grained granite, which is cut by thousands of dikes of great petrographic variety and of equally variable size (Fig. 38). The dikes cut one another at all angles, and traverse the granite in winding, snaky courses, giving the landscape the aspect of some ruined city of giants, where the dikes are the wreck of a thousand crooked walls. Our field name for the district was the “country of the serpent-form dikes” (Fig. 39). The serpent-form dikes The dikes have a decided tendency to stand out in relief on the surface,— enough relief, at least, to make the courses of the larger ones readily traceable FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN 99 FicureE 36B.—Continuation of figure 36A, the fault block at Tsetsenwan. as one views such an area,—whereas the granite foundation through which they cut has been more deeply etched under weathering influences. This was noted repeatedly in areas of similar structural relation, where the granite surface, as now exposed, corresponds closely to the upper portion of the bathy- lithic mass, and where the roof has been removed. Some of the larger dikes, particularly those of granite or granite-porphyry composition, take a comparatively direct course, as if following weaknesses of larger regional significance (Fig. 39); but the others are surprisingly irreg- ular, and must have broken through the granite along weaknesses distinctly different in origin from those connected with regional deformation. Later observations of similar occurrences in other places,—none of them, however, as well developed as those at Tsetsenwan,—finally led us to the conclusion that, in spite of the great compositional variety, which ranges from alaskite porphyry to melaphyre, and in which undoubtedly hundreds of facies of a general porphyry type can be observed, the dikes are all the product of the differentiating granite mass itself. There is, of course, no way of proving this; but it is unbelievable that there are as many new igneous encroachments from beneath as there are types of rock. It is much more reasonable to sup- pose that the great bathylithic magma underwent elaborate differentiation over an immensely long period after its upper and marginal portion had cooled sufficiently to form the granite now found on the margins and beneath the old roof. Eruptive activity must have been many times renewed, and there must have been abundant opportunity subsequently for the sending out of molten material from the still unsolidified deeper portions. As the outer margins cooled still more and developed shrinkage cracks, and as de- formation developed and originated other weaknesses, the still molten por- tions beneath were enabled to penetrate through the cap of solidified granite and into the roof. Under such conditions, multitudes of intruding tongues 100 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA and stringers would develop, and an abundance of penetrating solution-differ- entiates would finally solidify in this marginal and roof portion, where they now appear as dikes. If this were to happen repeatedly through long periods of time, at suc- cessive stages of local differentiation as diverse compositional concentrations were reached, there should be dikes of exceedingly great variety, as great in range of composition, indeed, as it is possible for the differentiation of a great bathylithic magma to produce in the whole course of its history. It is reasonable to expect that at certain stages the composition would not vary greatly from that of the granite of the roof itself, though the tex- ture might be quite different. At the other extreme, it is reasonable to expect that very basic constituents should prevail and that a composition approximating that of a diorite, a dolerite or a basalt-porphyry should be produced. With this explanation, the whole system of confused dikes takes on a comparatively simple genetic meaning. Even the great variety of composi- tion is understandable, for it reduces to a single process. The dikes are all relatives—they are all the products of the same process—and they all come from the same general source; but they are of different ages, and represent very diverse stages and degrees of modification in the history of the original magma. It is our belief that they have no other significance, and that this interpretation is supported by the fact that the dikes clearly cut one another in a most complex, interlocking system, and present distinct proof, in them- selves, that some of them had been formed and were solid crystalline bodies long before others were intruded. If this explanation be true, the dikes present a most remarkable exhibition of the great range of differentiation products formed by a large bathylith. How many of them ever extended up into the overlying roof of graywacke- slate, one cannot tell; but the roof-pendants which still remain carry great numbers of them. This condition is admirably illustrated in the large roof- pendant east of Tsetsenwan which has already been mentioned in the itinerary description. The intrusives habitually take on a certain regularity imposed by the structural control of the bedded host. It is our observation that they are not by any means as numerous in the roof formation as in the granite beneath; and probably many of the dikes, especially the smaller ones, were virtually confined to the granite itself, penetrating its shrinkage cracks but not reaching far into its cover. At any rate, in immediately adjacent ground, where conditions should have been almost precisely similar, as, for example, in the ground north and east of Tsetsenwan, there is a much greater number of noticeable dikes in the exposed granite areas than in the ground still covered with the graywacke and slate. (62 om3y areduiod) qstsor soyoemAvis OY ayuess ay} JO uoniod pesodxe ue ssore UeMUAS}S “JoqJor 19y OIF oAvY OIOJOIOY PUL ayes oy} UeY ‘Joor ayoemAvIS ot} JO UIsIEUT OY} OF SPFIP ., 4 J0330q WOTsOIO wsoj-quadses,, SH yy yITAGIEG | Wory preay}Iou asioavs} opis—'gt ANNOY Sani ,Wuo4-yuedseg,, Aq IND upAuzeg eHUeID \ \ACEIEUEE Juepuad joy BHeMAEIS) -twiord Aqjeadse are Yor ‘soxrp Jo sepnynyynur Aq no ay} JO oljsHayowreyo ‘syuepuad-jooy = “YyyAGIeq oqueL are svase oytuess oreq oy, “AIPEOOT STH 3 pepnuap ay} OF soyoemAviz JO Joor oy uemuesjes| Awe’ + “qorrysIp UeAUASyES, OY} Ut quou 4 ur pearasoid Ayyeord Ay ore ‘qyyAqyeq yeors 4 WOIZ UOT}ISUeIy BY} SIBACD worjoas ay — e jo ouoz seddn “LE aan 101 102 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Contact effects of the granite margin The granite country, cut by dikes, continues for some few miles, beyond which the floor is again the steeply upturned graywacke series. From the first high prominence one can look out to the north and northwest over an endless sea of similar hills that are probably of the same formation. Turning to the north, a distinct line of demarcation was detected, dividing this rugged graywacke country from an area of more rolling ground. The latter is charac- terized by granite cut by the serpent-form dikes (Fig. 39). On the west side of the line the country exhibits a rugged character, with a mountainous aspect in the distance. It also has a certain regularity in the relief forms produced, because of the structural trend of the graywacke formation. At first we as- ‘= FicureE 39.—Margin of a roof-pendant north of Tsetsenwan. (See figure 38.) The hills are of folded graywacke. The granite, less resistant than the graywacke, has weathered out to form a lowland, shown in the right-hand half of the sketch. The dikes withstand weathering better than the granite, and are etched out in relief so that they stand up like stone walls. The section below is drawn through the large obo-crowned hill in the background of the sketch, and shows the folded graywacke undercut by the granite, which is traversed in turn by a host of dikes of many kinds, sumed that there must be a fault line between these two distinctly different types of country, and that considerable displacement might be represented in bringing side by side two areas so strikingly unlike. A traverse was therefore made across this contact line, for the purpose of determining its structural significance. We had already noted that the graywacke-slate series in this mountain is exceedingly variable, showing con- siderably greater tendency to crystalline condition than usual, and that there are occasional small dikes or sills injected into the strata. When passing down over the mountain side to the contact zone at the base of the hill, we observed FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN 103 that the graywacke becomes still more complexly modified, and in places is saturated with and almost replaced by substances of foreign origin. One of these substances, most prominent in the changed material, proved to be tour- maline. This is, therefore, an igneous contact, and has no necessary relation to faulting. On crossing from the graywacke to the granite there is no de- formation effect or displacement to be seen. The granite simply emerges from beneath the graywacke, which is extremely modified at the margin, the intensity of the modification diminishing noticeably with distance from the contact. This exhibit proved beyond question that the variety of qualities in the graywacke seen at many other places, where question of its meaning was raised, is an entirely normal product of the contact with the granite bathylith. Close inspection was made of this ground, which is heavily mineralized, to determine whether it carries metallic content. Practically nothing of this sort was seen, even though extensive replacement and large introduction of other substances are evident. The mineralization is essentially of non-metallic type. Marked effects are produced, but metals are lacking. This may not be universal with respect to the Mongolian bathylith. It may be characteristic only of the central portion, while quite other conditions and products may characterize the marginal zone of the great mass. It is our judgment, from the structural relations encountered, that we did not reach such a margin on any other part of the summer’s traverse; but we are quite prepared to believe that an entirely different mineralization might be found outside of the region covered by our own work. Jurassic structural relations The northerly traverse from Tsetsenwan had been undertaken in response to a report from local Mongols that ‘‘dragon bones’’ were to be found in that vicinity. We found none, and it is not at all likely that the strata of the locality could by any possibility furnish such material. The trip proved in- teresting, nevertheless, for our attention was arrested by two hills which are distinctly different in appearance from their neighbors, and which show an outline suggesting a much simpler structure than that of the granite or of the © graywacke series (Fig. 38, and Fig. 126, page 293). In order to examine these two hills, a second trip was made, which yielded very suggestive results. The formations involved in the two hills proved to be simple, unmetamorphosed sedimentary strata lying nearly flat, or at most, only slightly folded. The rock is conglomeratic sandstone, with plain bed- ding. It is almost devoid of fossils, but we discovered a few plant remains. Some of the stems of these plants are several inches across. They not only make impressions on the sandstone, but occasionally leave cavities in it, where 104 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA the woody tissue has been removed by percolating waters. The fossils are not perfect enough to enable one to make specific determination of the age of the sandstone, but the fact that only plant remains are found in it led us to conclude tentatively that the formation is of essentially the same age as the coal-bearing sandstones of northern China, which have been assigned to the Jurassic. North of Tsetsenwan these strata rest unconformably on the eroded granite and its many dikes, whereas the graywacke series is invaded by the same granite (Fig. 126, page 293). It is clear that the graywacke series was folded and extensively invaded by granite coming from the develop- ment of a great bathylith beneath several hundred thousand square miles of territory. Then followed a long interval of erosion, during which the gray- wacke roof was worn away before the Jurassic conglomerates were laid down. Since the graywacke is invaded by the granite, while the conglomerates rest unconformably on the eroded surface of the granite, it follows that there must be a great difference in age between the graywackes and the con- glomerates. The Jurassic strata in turn have been tilted, faulted, and locally folded, and very deeply eroded. Only a few hundred feet of the conglomerate re- main in this outlying formation, but the sediments are similar in all respects to the conglomeratic sandstones forming the basal members of the series at many other places. Much better opportunity was found a few miles south of Tsetsenwan to determine the great thickness of the whole formation, but in the northerly outliers were found the first clear evidences of the great erosion break that lies beneath them. Elsewhere this formation is folded in much the same manner as the graywacke series, and except for some such exhibit as this, the importance of the structural break between them would not have been so apparent. It is difficult to reconstruct the topography of the country when the Jurassic strata were laid down. The most suggestive thing about it is the fact that on this old floor there was deposited an enormously thick series of conglomerates and quartz sandstones. Wherever the floor is visible, it looks sufficiently uniform to have been a peneplane, but it is clear that the thick beds of pebbles and sand were washed down upon it from fairly rugged hills. There is no evidence whatever of marine influence. Throughout the Gobi region the Jurassic strata lack marine fossils, and, so far as seen, contain only afew plant remains. It isa striking feature of the geologic history of Mongolia that, from the time of the deposition of these continental conglomerates to the present, there is no evidence whatsoever of marine invasion. We con- clude that the region has been continental since the great conglomerate-sand- stone series first began to form, at some time in the Triassic or early in the Jurassic period. FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN 105 A side traverse to the south of Tsetsenwan On May 29, a side traverse for a distance of forty-five miles was made to the south of Camp Tsetsenwan, in order to extend geologic observations across the structure of the country (Fig. 40). The geologic formations crossed in the course of this southerly traverse included an exceptionally good display of the strata that lie on the old eroded granite floor. The first two miles of the trail led across the fan at the foot of the Tsetsenwan mountain block, and in that distance no trace of the rock floor could be seen, although there is little doubt that it is the same granite which emerges from beneath the edge of the fan a little farther on. From mile 5 to mile 8 the trail lay across the eroded edges of a portion of the gray- wacke-slate series which represents a roof-pendant wholly surrounded by granite. This block of graywacke has no topographic expression, except that outcropping ledges are a little more frequent along that portion of the trail than on the granite. In some places it is very greatly modified by contact influences, undoubtedly originating from the granite bathylith. Beyond this the trail lay for three miles over bare granite with the usual dikes: but from this point onward the graywacke and slate roof again forms the country rock continuously to mile 20, where the first conglomerates were found, lying un- conformably on the deeply eroded graywacke series. The first patch of conglomerate, less than a mile in extent, is only an out- lying erosion remnant, occupying the bottom of a shallow syncline. Beyond it the broad anticlinal arch is completely denuded, so that the graywacke series peeps through and forms the surface again. From mile 21.5, however, for a distance of twenty miles, sedimentary formations of Jurassic and later age are crossed continuously. For the first ten miles, the strata, consisting of conglomerates and sandstones of exceedingly great thickness, clearly belong to a single formation. The basal members are heavily conglomeratic and obscurely bedded, while the higher members, consisting chiefly of sandstone, are clearly stratified. The dip varies from only a few degrees to as much as 60 degrees at different places within this ten-mile section. For the first five miles, the dip gradually increases from a scant two or three degrees where the basal members are first encountered, to 30 and 35 and finally to 60 degrees; over the first three miles the rocks are chiefly conglomerate, and over the last two, dominantly sandstone. Beyond that point the sandstones continue with varying dips, for five miles. In general, the dip is to the south throughout this whole distance, and as far as could be determined there is no repetition of the individual beds except at one point, near mile 30, where there is a possible reversal of dip for a short distance. If it be true that there is no repetition of beds of any consequence, the section represents an enormous thickness of strata. There is a total 106 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA distance of ten miles before any change of formation takes place, and the average dip must be close to 30 degrees throughout the distance. On this basis, there must be no less than twenty or twenty-five thousand feet of strata, all conglomerates and sandstones. For long stretches the trail passes over bare, thin-bedded sandstones standing on edge in so simple and so well-exposed a condition that no important change could have been overlooked. The inspection, of course, could not be exhaustive, but the fact that no fossils were found in such extensive exposures of strata, largely quite open to observa- tion, shows that the formation is unusually barren. There is no way of telling the age. These strata are referred to the Jurassic period on the same grounds as those which previously have been relied on for conglomerates and sand- stones of this type. They are undoubtedly the same formation, and were at one time doubtless continuous with the remnants found ten miles north of Tsetsenwan, where plant remains were found in some abundance in basal conglomerates of the same sort. It is possible, of course, that no portion of this series is of Jurassic age, but the number of other possibilities is not great. There is everywhere an unconformity above this conglomerate-sandstone series, and the lowest formation above the unconformity, as we afterwards learned, belongs to Lower Cretaceous time. It is clear, therefore, that these strata must have been formed long enough before the beginning of Lower Cretaceous time to allow for deformation and profound erosion. It is prob- able that, in part, they reach back into the Triassic period, but Palzozoic possibilities are eliminated by the discovery that the Permian was a time of marine deposition, and strata of that age carry abundant marine fossils. Profound deformation, followed by extensive erosion, then preceded the de- position of this formation. The conglomerate-sandstone series, therefore, which represents the con- tinental type of deposit, must have developed in the time intervening between two profound breaks in the column, one at the end of the Palzozoic era, when changes occurred which transformed the region into a continental area, and the other, just preceding Lower Cretaceous time, when the last mountain- folding took place and the last great unconformity was developed. Perhaps the series is in part Triassic and in part Jurassic, but it has the same significance in either case. For simplicity, it is convenient to refer to this formational series as of Jurassic age. At mile 31.5 to mile 32, the trail crosses a complex of eruptive porphyry (Fig. 41). The rock is dense, brittle, much fractured, variable, with little regularity of structure. It is not clear whether the rock should be regarded as part of the Jurassic formation just described, or part of the volcanic series to follow, or, yet again, a part of the older floor unrelated to either. At the time of making the traverse these porphyries were considered as being in all ‘paasasaid ase sormeojOA pue s}UauTpes 1odun0k suorsseidap yoo]q WyNey ay} JO ouo uy ‘sassiaus yuatoue AseA pue ‘sarAydiod Japjo Jo xefduioo e& ‘seyesetmo[su0o orssesn[ eyy SUIAJOAUT SHxDO[G qNeJ ssoioe uvAMUAS}aS], WOIJ PIEMY INOS esI9AeI} apis 9Y} JO uorjenurju0g— IP ANNO 2. *erjosu0yy JO UUINjOO o1Z0]093 afOYA ay} Ur syveIq WOISOIs 4s9}veIS OY} JO oUO SyIeUT SojeIOUIO[ZUCO ay} Jo aseq oy} ye AyruIJOJUOOUN sy, ‘ade OISSeIN [ Jo 0q 0} padpnf ‘souojs -pues pue Soze1auI0]Zu0o pep]oj-UMOp JO vase UE O} JOOI Sz pue ayIues3 pasodxe oy} ssoioe UBMUAS}ES, WIOIJ PIEMYINOS ISIOALIZ apis—ob aunoly NN \ \ \ iN Soiree eee \ A Uemuasyesy dwed 107 108 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA probability a part of the Jurassic series, representing flows and intrusive sills of that time, which have shared the deformation affecting the whole system, and so have taken on some of the complexities of structure, especially a peculiarly fractured condition. This explanation seemed reasonable in view of the fact that the porphyries, whose structure could not be clearly made out, are succeeded immediately on the south by a great series of volcanic flows, breccias and tuffs, with associated sills and reworked ashes, which dip south- ward at first, in much the same manner as do the Jurassic sandstones. They are much less consolidated, however, and, in the absence of any evidence as to their age, it is quite impossible to determine whether this volcanic series really belongs to the Jurassic formation or to an entirely different and later one. Later experience in other localities led us to consider that they may be of Cretaceous age, or even younger. The volcanic series forms a simple syncline for a distance of six miles, and represents again an enormous thickness of material. The beds begin with a dip of 30 degrees to the south, but this is much flattened toward the bottom of the syncline and is completely reversed on the other limb. The total exposed thickness is probably five thousand feet. On the south, at mile 38, the country is comparatively smooth, where the series passes beneath a cover of uncertain character. The chips of rock seen on the surface do not resemble the volcanics seen farther north, and probably in this shallow basin from miles 38 to 41, there is a thin cover of later sediments not belonging to either series just described. After crossing three miles of this covered ground, an abrupt change was encountered. Sheared porphyritic granite, granite porphyry and gneiss, with a prominent internal sheared structure, form the floor, all well exposed in a trench marking the outlet of the basin. This abrupt change undoubtedly marks a fault. The ancient floor is brought to the surface again, and the broad sedimentary block crossed in the last twenty miles is at that point sharply terminated. If the whole block to the north belongs to the Jurassic formation, there may be an enormous displacement along this fault line. The whole of the sandstone-conglomerate series is cut out, either here or farther back along the traverse at mile 32, where the complex porphyries were first encountered. In either case, there must be great displacement along the fault at mile 41, or at mile 32, where the porphyries have broken through, or, perhaps, at both places. The chief reason for considering that the volcanic series, from miles 33 to 38, belongs either to the Jurassic or to the Cretaceous, is the fact that the series is gently folded. The strata form a simple syncline quite consistent with the gently arched structure of the sandstones and conglomerates of the northerly edge of the block. Elsewhere in the Gobi region, folding on such FROM URGA TO TSETSENWAN , 109 a scale has not been seen in formations later than the Cretaceous. At Camp Jurassic on the Urga trail, an anticlinal fold affects the formations, which overlie the Jurassic strata unconformably, forming an arch several miles across. Perhaps this is a similar structure,—it is certainly not very often found in strata of Tertiary age. With some authority, therefore, for the latter interpretation, and with the support of observations made elsewhere in the Gobi region, we are inclined now to regard this sedimentary block as being made up of four different units: 1. A simple conglomerate-sandstone formation, of Jurassic age. 2. An eruptive outbreak of porphyries, probably along a great fault line at the southerly edge of the Jurassic block. 3. A group of sediments, with volcanic flows and ashes of probable Cretaceous age, gently warped rather than strongly folded. 4. A very thin local accumulation of later basin sediments. Beyond the fault at mile 41, the traverse crossed an exceedingly complex series of granites, granite gneisses and shear schists of strongly metamorphosed character. They are doubtless representatives of the most ancient formations and are comparable to the T’ai Shan series in China (Willis, 1907, II, page 1). The amount of internal deformation is striking. All are crushed and sheared to greater degree than was found in any other district. Perhaps this struc- ture, however, can be over-emphasized in its bearing on the question of age; some part of it may be connected with the faulting of the Jurassic block. But the important feature is the occurrence of a great granite gneiss series with schists of largely dynamic origin, quite different in all respects from anything seen since leaving the Urga trail, nearly 200 miles back on the traverse. CHAPTER VI FROM TSETSENWAN TO SAIN NOIN AND THE ARCTIC DIVIDE WESTWARD FROM TSETSENWAN For the first half mile westward from Tsetsenwan beyond Camp Tsetsen- wan, the trail lies across the alluvial fans fringing the north edge of the granite mountain block. Then it turns and rises abruptly to the block itself, and for many miles crosses a more rugged country belonging to this structural unit. The principal formation is granite, of coarse to medium texture and of essen- tially the same composition and general appearance as has been noted at many other places. It is doubtless a portion of the exposed bathylith. The granite is cut by multitudes of dikes of the serpent-form type, although they are not so numerous here as they are north of the lamasery at Tsetsenwan. There are also numerous small xenoliths, representing remnants and roof-pendants of the older formations which once served as a cover for the granite mass. These are largely hornblendic and siliceous in composition, and have in some cases a markedly schistose structure. They range widely in quality, and may represent several quite separate formations of very different age. In general structural habit, the rocks resemble those around Tsetsenwan, which have been described in Chapter V. In all essential respects this is a block of the same kind of country, but it stands higher, doubtless due to block-faulting. The uplifted block probably has been eroded to a greater depth, and this may account, in part, for the smaller xenoliths and for their greatly modified condition, as well as for a smaller number of dikes. This kind of country continues for nearly twenty miles, but at mile 831 a new type of very red granite (Specimen 196, A.M. 9885), is exposed for more than a mile (Figs. 42 and 43). It is a later intrusive, and belongs to the same history as the dikes which cut through the granite floor. It reminds one of the variety noticed in the Mount Tuerin district, where a number of strikingly different granites occur together. These simpler, later granites are not much cut up by dikes and carry few inclusions or xenoliths, although they are in all probability genetically connected with the great granite bathylith itself. 110 PLATE XII. A. PENEPLANED GRANITE FLOOR ALONG THE URGA TRAIL, B. TYPICAL SURFACE FEATURES OF THE EXPOSED GRANITE BATHYLITH WEST OF TSETSENWAN. PLATE, XIII. A. CANYON BROOK, An aggraded trench in an ancient dissected fault block of complex crystalline rocks at Canyon Brook. The skyline is the profile of an older peneplane. B. RAINY GULCH. Rock terrace beveling complexly folded graywackes above the camp at Rainy Gulch on the Tarmil River. FROM TSETSENWAN TO SAIN NOIN III They must be later outbreaks, representing renewal of activity and surface- ward invasion. At mile 833 a complete change in the character of the rock floor takes place. The structure is very confused indeed. There is considerable crushing and shearing, and some of the rock is strongly silicified. Much of it resembles the quartzites of the graywacke-slate series, but for some distance not a single good characteristic specimen was secured. Farther on, beyond mile 840, it is clear that the rocks are chiefly sheared granites which have become gneisses. In this respect they resemble the still more ancient rocks which we have correlated with the T’ai Shan system (Willis, 1907, II, page 1). From such inspection as could be made, it appears probable that a por- tion of the graywacke-slate series is represented for the first few miles, and that the rest of the block is made up of more ancient gneiss (Specimen 197, A.M. 9886), although there is no apparent unconformity. It is certain, at least, that the larger portion of this ground is occupied by shear-gneisses and schists, made largely from igneous rocks, and that they belong to a much more ancient time than do the graywackes and slates. They may, indeed, be comparable to the gneisses seen forty miles south of Tsetsenwan, and it is not improbable that the two exposures are structurally continuous with one another. No other rocks seen in Mongolia up to this point have shown so much intimate internal deformation. Clearly some of these rocks have been made from simple granites and porphyries, and some of the schists from porphyries also, but there are other members whose origin is quite uncertain. Because of the very extensive brecciation, the ledges in many places break down into small chips on weathering. This further tends to obscure the character of the rock, and makes identification more difficult. Nowhere have we seen the bathylithic granite as much deformed as are the granites of this ground. We are inclined, therefore, to believe that they represent earlier invasions. At any rate, in the run from mile 840 to mile 843 deformation is extremely prominent. It is possible that these are the very oldest formations to be found in the Gobi, and should be classified with the T’ai Shan complex (Specimens 198, 199, 200, 201, A.M. 9887, 9888, 9889, 9890). At mile 843, granite of the regular bathylithic type is encountered again (Specimen 203, A.M. 9892). The crest of the range has been crossed, and the trail descends the westerly slopes on the exposed granite, which, farther along, is overlaid by a thin layer of sediment concealing the granite for three or four miles. At mile 848, however, the granite is exposed again, with the usual accompaniment of dikes and xenolithic masses, and this continues for several miles. The trail now lies through a mountain valley in which the wash almost completely buries the rock floor under a coarse pebbly cover, which, ay} Jo oyNoI astyUe ay} SULMOYsS sjuepuad-joos SutA17e0 oytueI3 pepnusp sassO1d UOT}OES 9], *sgSSEUT SAISNIZUT JaSIV] [EIOASS YITM ‘SaxTp JO SOPNN|NUA Aq yno ore [Jy ‘sassiou3 pue systyos yualoue jo aa 42449 \ i AMY “qSeMYJNOS oY} PIBMO} URMUASJES., WOI} OSJBALI} UTEUT oY} JO uorjenurjuoj— Er aunoly saiiw O29 : : sayiq ,wuo04-juadias,, Aq nD ar ayUeJS CM MY Mt .: AN ayiues6 sabuno, SESSIDUD PUL S}S|YOS JO JUEPUSd JOOY ‘zgui00 ouo ut deur xeput yjews e uodn Moe ue Aq payeorpur st sdeur ynox Surmoyjoy oy} JO PUL STG} JO wOor}eO0] OY L, ‘sasinoo urees3s AIp ut pedojeaep eaey Yoru SMO]JOY paurespun [esaAes smoys dewey T, “YP0FP[O Fo Hog payyney e Jo pueldn ay} sso1e ‘Ep ain3y Aq pesaaod oynos ay} jo deur yoyoyS—'eh aang aue\dauad nA2> uryjosuow jopueidn joAa7 nS cs sayip .Ayeus, yum yeod us i ES Vy 2 soyip Ag {n> H rif ayiuess yo sado\s 13 4 sg es Suists Ajuad vedo 33 8S © saxipAq papoddns saBpiy 2 o 3 ypON 03 sap g Aaien uleyy uiseq v2do Sayssew yes > at ms sven ayurs5 ae e;suscung hq peurusepep eucrsoneyz y9e/'90/ [Dnsetux INO WO) II2 FROM TSETSENWAN TO SAIN NOIN 113 in some places, makes traveling extremely difficult. At mile 852, the party turned from the trail into a side canyon, and pitched camp by a mountain brook, which, for want of a local name, we called Canyon Brook (Plate XIII, A). THE VICINITY OF CAMP CANYON BROOK A day’s stop at this place, where a beautiful stream of pure water comes down the small canyon, gave opportunity for much closer inspection of the rock formations of the locality than had been possible on the previous day. All rocks near the camp are exceedingly crushed and broken. Both igneous and metamorphic rocks are involved in the general deformation, although some of the porphyries have resisted better than other members. Further observations led us to conclude that this spot lies within a crush zone of moderate proportions and that such effects are not characteristic of the whole region. We examined the canyon for a mile or two upstream, finding a very great range of different kinds of rock (Fig. 44). There are schists cut by red granite porphyry dikes and sills and a complicated lot of associated injections. One of the most prominent members of the series is a broad belt of quartz-mica FicurE 44.—Geologic section of side traverse northward from Camp Canyon Brook. schist, with which is associated a formation of limestone and limestone schists. Blue and white crystalline limestones occur together; and the structure is complicated by bunches of deformed dikes and other intrusives. All of the members are folded and in some places intimately crumpled. With the lime- stones there are interbeds of schists, phyllites and quartzites, some of which are graphitic. The general strike of the formation is N. 75-80° W., and in the vicinity of the limestones the dip is 50—60° to the north. The series must be comparatively ancient, much older than the gray- wackes and slates that form the major surface rock from the vicinity of Urga westward. How much older it is, there is no means of determining. Its structures are more complicated in all respects, and the series is much more VOL. 11—8 114 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA variable in composition and much more metamorphosed. The basis is a sedi- mentary series of the usual succession of original sandstones, shales and lime- stones, which have been metamorphosed and extensively injected and cut by igneous masses. Subsequently they were all subjected to extensive deforma- tion, including mountain-folding and crushing. Apparently, crushing is the latest important effect, and this is probably connected with block-faulting. The series must be very extensive since we found no repetition of beds. Because of the dominance of sedimentary formations, and the fact that some of the limestones are only slightly metamorphosed, we believe that the series is older than the graywacke-slate series, and probably corresponds to the Wu T’ai system of China. We saw virtually no limestones in the graywacke series proper, but in this series limestones and quartz-mica schists are common, whereas typical gneisses are rare or wanting. At Canyon Brook, much more of the terrane is igneous and the rocks are more highly metamorphosed than in the graywacke series. The canyon opens into a broad lowland, chiefly underlaid by granite of supposed bathylithic relations, and cut by many dikes. In a side trip of about eight miles across the lowland and to the north, we saw two hills which deserve special description. The first is a roof-pendant of older rock, such as has been described as occurring in the canyon. It stands above the valley simply because it is more resistant to weathering than is the average granite of the floor. The other hill, which is perhaps a third of a mile long and 500 feet wide, is igneous, and represents a volcanic outbreak through the granite floor. It is an olivine-aphanite (Specimen 206), with a strong platy structure, which gives it, at a distance, almost the appearance of a sedimentary rock. This peculiarity of structure seems to have attracted the attention of former in- habitants of the region, who seized the opportunity which these blocks pre- sented for carving inscriptions. On several of them are remarkable drawings, quite unlike the work of the Mongol people, both in subject and in method of making the incisions (Fig. 45). It is evident from the physical condition of this rock that it belongs to a period entirely different from those with which it is now associated in the district. It is practically fresh, and quite unaffected by the shearing and recrystallization which is so prominent in all of the older formations. It is another of the occurrences of later igneous rocks which were encountered at many places, sometimes associated with formations whose age can be de- termined. This one is quite without such relations and indicates only that igneous activity of later age extended into regions quite beyond the reach of the typical sediment-basins and far into the foothills of the mountains. In this traverse across the lowland, one soon discovers that the alluvial FROM TSETSENWAN TO SAIN NOIN II5 deposit, which at the mouth of the canyon seems to be important, is a com- paratively shallow accumulation and not nearly as extensive as it at first ae FicurE 45.—The rock drawings near Canyon Brook were found at the dolerite hill shown on figure 46. They had been incised with a sharp stone tool upon natural slabs of dense black dolorite. The horns of the mother, and the short, lifted tail of the single figure, suggest the antelope. appears to be. The granite floor is well exposed at many places, and small irregularities of the floor appear as completely bare outcrops (Fig. 44). The character of the alluvium attracted some attention. It is composed of an unusual proportion of large pebbles, some approaching bowlder size, which have been spread far out into the valley. In addition, the deposit is terraced, and the whole setting raises a question of the competence of the present small stream to accomplish such extensive work. There may be times of the year, of course, much more favorable to transportation than early summer, but under the best circumstances it does not appear likely that the present climatic conditions would present sufficient water-supply for so enor- mous an accomplishment. Perhaps there have been times more conducive to the transporting of such heavy material. This inference is somewhat sus- tained by the terraced condition of the deposits. The dominance of worn bowlders and pebbles led at first to the suspicion that ice had played an important part in transporting the material; but this hypothesis was later abandoned as unsupported by any evidence of glacial work on the adjacent ground (Plate XIII, A). FROM CAMP CANYON BROOK TO THE ONGIN GOL The party left this camp on Thursday, June 1, 1922, with a recorded mileage of eight hundred and fifty-four miles from Kalgan, and made a run of forty-six miles during the day to the crossing of the Ongin Gol (Fig. 48). 116 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA The route lay across the open lowland for a distance of eight miles, over the alluvial deposits already referred to, with an occasional hillock of bare rock standing above the general level. These in some cases are roof-pendants of the older meta-sediments, with their typical crushed and sheared igneous members, but most of them are surrounded by granite which appears to form the major portion of the floor just as was found in the side traverse of the previous day. There are granites associated intimately with the older rocks whose relations seem to indicate that they also date from a more ancient time than the bathylith. They are crushed and sheared with the meta-sedi- ments, whereas the bathylithic granite, forming the major floor, is compara- tively free from such deformation (Fig. 47). A number of xenoliths and roof-pendants of these older rocks are en- countered within the valley and on its westerly margin. The trail then passes into the upland that divides this valley from others tributary to the Ongin Gol, the highest point in the first range being 700 feet or more above the valley of Canyon Brook. On this traverse the whole series of modifications, which mark the transition from a roof of ancient rock to the invading, under- lying bathylith, is passed in review. At first, on the margin of the valley, the old meta-sedimentary series is dominant; but outbreaks or injections of granite are encountered repeatedly, and finally they become close-set, Jit- par-lit injections, making a complex of oldrock types and intrusive granite, so commingled that it would be impossible to determine which type predom- inates. In many places, therefore, the rock is an intimate mixture, a compound rock, not capable of simple classification. It is a variable injection-gneiss. In some places the injected portions are porphyritic; in many others, they maintain the flow structure of the invading material; and in others there is a partial preservation of the original structure of the older host rock. Effects of this kind are exhibited in great variety. As there is little soil cover, the rock is almost bare, and so there is no mistaking the facts of structure. No- where in the whole Gobi region have we encountered a better exhibit of the intimate interrelations and complexities of product that may be made by the invasion of older metamorphic rocks by younger igneous magmas. It is in this region, also, that several other striking features were first seen, such as fine white porphyry dikes, wholly lacking in ferro-magnesian content, and looking almost like pure quartzite. Here, too, the porphyritic varieties of granite were first definitely proved to be simply a facies of the major bathylithic mass. Rock-bound hollows One of the most striking physical features belonging to the locality is the occurrence of small, rock-bound hollows entirely within the granite. Not ‘q08jU09 possef AjreynZo1 ue Survey ‘yyyAyzEq SUIPPAUT Jo JUaUTYeOIOUS preMdn 9a 4} Aq paXkorjysep uaeq sey syoor asoystyos papjoy ay} jo WOISUd}X9 PIEMUMOP JOULIO} oy [, FOOT ONY JO SUOLPEUTIOF OI oY} pur YT][AYWeq oyuLI3 SurAyJapun ay} usaMyoq 4~zUOD Jo auOZ yeord4; y— "Lb aunorg 0Z8 S98 099 sse saw ose Se er errs reece ——$ry ———rcrece EERE ee SOyxIQ ,WO4-JUadIag Aq yND UyW|AU Jeg aU a : : \ \\ y i Vy i \ vi a bf en \\S 1 o9eS / i SaSSIBUY) BUE)SIPIUAS peyoaluy yooig uofkued dwed IN ( (S1g e[tUT 4e yDo]q IepruMs v Jo WOT ay} Sutmoys ‘66-96 soSed ‘gf amsy ‘yoyoys pay YIM ereduiog) ‘smoyjoy peurerpun jo Jaquimu ¥ ore Yor Ur ‘goejins purjdn Suyjor Aj}u93 ayy pue ‘sarjn3 daaqs pue qsoys Aq payessip ‘syso]q 94} Jo squorz ydniqe ay} are Soinjeay SUIPUL}S}NO oY, “UINTANTTe YIM uMmeijs ATUIG} ‘yDOI piey jo puelMoy e Aq payzeredas ‘syoo]q purjdn 0M} sMoys deur ayy, “Lb a1n3y Aq pasaaoo aynox ayy jo dew yojaxS—'gb aunoiy ha ~y . on BA hy 4 921000) 2261 peur >> ma >> ee a> > o> >>>r> Prr> erry ys >>> Sade cite Poe 7 >>> >>> >>> 2>>>>>>a>5 7>>>>e ered P7e > rae oad PPP >>> > >>0 Wer moro o>od \\ \ 163 164 GEOLOGY OF peice haa low hills and ridges with a still more rugged me Le (Fig. 71). The char- acter of the porphyries corresponds precisely with that of porphyries usually found associated with Jurassic strata, and no other strata appear for several miles. From mile 164 to mile 167, the floor is covered with alluvial or sedi- mentary material in a shallow basin, so that the floor conditions can not be seen clearly. Somewhere beneath this shallow basin, however, the floor rocks change, because typical Jurassic sediments with southerly dip appear just beyond, and continue thence for five or six miles. The dips vary in steep- ness, but do not change from a southerly direction throughout the distance. From mile 174 to mile 176, porphyries appear again, apparently breaking through the Jurassic sediments, but the conglomerates and sandstones con- tinue from mile 176 to the Sair Usu trail at mile 193. This is one of the fin- est exhibits of Jurassic sandstones and conglomerates seen anywhere in the Gobi region. The deformation is of simple folded type, as indicated by the changes in dip, and includes two anticlines and a dividing syncline in the last fifteen miles of the traverse. At the Sair Usu trail the course was changed abruptly toward the south- east, which was the general course through Sair Usu toward Kalgan (Fig. 72). From the Altai Mountains up to this point the traverse lay across a great basin filled with later sediments, with the margin along the Sair Usu trail formed by folded Jurassic strata. At this very spot, where the course was changed, the still more ancient floor comes to the surface where a gentle anti- cline of Jurassic strata is cut away by erosion. Here there is no question of the gently folded character of the Jurassic strata. The rocks outcropping from beneath the Jurassic are a complex of granite and syenite,—probably some representative of the granite bathylith,—and these massive rocks cut one another in a confused way. This exposed strip is only two miles across, for, at mile 196, the trail reaches Jurassic strata again, dipping this time gently southeastward for several miles, and then sweeping up again to form the other limb of a shallow syncline. Patches of later sediments lie on the truncated Jurassic strata at mile 207 to mile 210, where porphyry breaks through to the surface; beyond this point the Jurassic strata outcrop again for a short distance. On this journey along the Sair Usu trail, small, shallow basins with alluvial deposits of recent origin are common. It is quite impossible in most cases to determine what is beneath them, but judging from the surroundings they are all very shallow and insignificant, belonging essentially to the present epoch of alluvial wash (Fig. 73). Mile 215 marks the beginning of a long strip of coun- try with the most complex structure seen along the Sair Usu trail (Fig. 74). In the first thirty miles it is essentially a portion of the granite bathylith, cut by many igneous masses of syenite and porphyries, and by exceedingly numer- FROM ARTSA BOGDO TO SAIR USU 165 ous small dikes of great variety. The separate field units are too numerous to put on a section, but the principal ones and the characteristic structure are rep- resented in the stretch from mile 215 to mile 245. Certain portions of it, such as from mile 220 to mile 235, are comparatively simple because of the domi- Los in Sumu Later Sediments 7 ARO sUsua rail Ficure 73.—Margin of a sediment-basin at Losin Sumu. The Sair Usu trail follows an inner low- land between oldrock hills on the north and the beginning of a broad basin of sediments on the south. The trail is marked by many narrow parallel camel paths. nance of the massive bathylithic granite, whereas other less extensive portions, such as that from mile 240 to mile'245, are much more cut by a variety of in- trusives (Fig. 75). From mile 248 to mile 253, Jurassic conglomerates and sandstones form the floor again, dipping to the southeast. The interval between mile 214 and mile 248 appears to represent a stripped or eroded portion of the old floor which probably at one time was covered with Jurassic strata. From mile 253 to mile 262, the country is formed of a com- plex of porphyries which either have cut through or peep through the Jurassic conglomerates and sandstones, leaving scattered patches of Jurassic strata, such as the strip from mile 256 to mile 258. One of the most complex portions lies between mile 259 and mile 262 in the vicinity of one of the wells of the Sair Usu trail. Here the Expedition pitched the camp which we named “the Camp of the Porphyry Hills” (Specimens 580, 581, A.M. 10269, 10270). The distance of 112 miles from the Ongin Gol to this point was covered in a day,—one of the longest runs in the summer’s work. Nevertheless, the geologic route sec- tion was kept fairly true. It is a terrific task to unravel more than a hundred miles of such structure in a working day. The geologist finds himself com- pletely exhausted, and even dreams of underground structure, of strata and fossils, bathyliths, roof-pendants and ancient metamorphic revolutions, until the sun rises again on another day of geologic puzzles. One must try it to appreciate in full the effort that must be made to keep the story straight. Beyond mile 262, essentially the same type of geological structure con- tinues for a short distance; but in a few miles massive syenites and granites prevail over the porphyries, and, from mile 267, ancient crystalline lime- 166 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA stones (Specimen 584, A.M. 10273), cut by granite, form the country rock for several miles. The rock is undoubtedly one of the very ancient formations, and apparently forms the roof of the bathylith, portions of which have en- croached on the overlying rock and penetrated it far enough so that present- day erosion enables one to cross alternately patches of granite and strips of limestone. The limestones have various attitudes, but stand rather steeply and for the most part dip to the south or southeast. Several shallow basins, with alluvium and sediments of perhaps Tertiary age, were crossed, but none of them is more than a few miles in extent. At mile 275, a patch of sandstone and conglomerate suggests the presence of a wedge of Jurassic strata, but an abrupt change is made to the older formations with limestones, granites and schists as the dominant country rocks (Fig. 76). A patch of flat-lying sandstone at mile 279 suggests that Jurassic strata for- merly lay over this whole country, and that since being stripped off, the addi- tional dissection has not been very great. The crystalline limestones and interbedded schists are probably the Wu T’ai (Willis, 1907, II, page 4); they are folded and crumpled, showing all the complexity usually present in forma- tions older than the graywacke series. The best exhibit of this series of forma- tions is found from mile 280 to mile 285 of the itinerary. Smooth sediments then cover the floor for a few miles, but it reappears at mile 292, and thence for thirty or forty miles to Sair Usu there is a succession of changes from lime- stones to schists cut by granites and in places by later porphyries (Fig. 77). The structure runs simply enough, but with a great showing of granite for the first twenty miles, to mile 311, where the course of the itinerary changed from east to south (Fig. 77). This change of direction was occasioned by our having departed somewhat from the main Sair Usu trail, along one leading too far north. The change to a southerly course was made at the intersection of this byway with the reg- ular Urga-Sair Usu trail, and from that point a run of seventeen miles brought us to Sair Usu, a well-known caravan station on the edge of the desert. The same formations continue, represented by crystalline limestones, schists of various sorts, granites and porphyries. The general dip at first is southerly, but this changes at about mile 319 to a northerly dip which continues for sev- eral miles, and finally to a southerly dip again at mile 324, where the older floor passes beneath a cover of overlying sediments of uncertain age. The general quality of these sediments is about that of the Cretaceous beds of other places, and we surmise that this may be another Cretaceous area; but no other data in support of it were found, except a considerable warping of the beds, which seems to be more characteristic of the Cretaceous sediments than of later ones. At Sair Usu, mile 326, a last junction with the caravan was made for ayy Aypereds 2 ‘100 YOOIpjO ay? JO Ayrxajduroo Areut prows}xe 94} St amnqeey Surpueys}No ayy “ea HS) ‘sortAydiod aatsnszUt JO Ajowrea pue souepunqe ‘sode quarJoyiIp Ajepra jo ere Ajqeqoid yor ayeg ay} Suoye uoryenuryjyuog—'SZ axnoly saw ord ye SI!H Aakydsog dwed ‘yrery Ns) Teg ey soyesawoj6u0D ssseane ; sAydsod MN 4 Suoye premysvayyNos Woryoes as0j0agj—"b2 TANI a es in seaizdnsy wayiO Aq ND yyWAUeG BUeIE) AAAIAAAAA AIS AAA AA AW AAA AALSARAAAAAAA AAAALA AACA sowAydiodg pue a}eiowo|Hu0d oisseune NN 167 ‘sonunjuoo 9/ ainay ut uMoYs syoor yuaIouR xaydu109 joamsodxa proiq ay, “nsp seg 0} PIVAYINOS [1e1} VSIA) ay} JO puaq ayT— ZZ aun Oce Sze 02e sic ole Soe SIUW 00g) SUO}SAUI] JO SJUBPUBY JOOY BuiAsseD ayUeID AKAN AAA AAA AAR AARAA AAAKAAAAAS ARAA ANAAARARK VA AAA RAAAAAAAN AAAA ARAAAAAL A AAA AAAAA AAARK AAARA AN MAA AAA AA AAAA ARAD nsq wes Ss 8}e/8wW0|/Gu0D oIssein¢ papjojuy S peauuny ‘eurjdoued uerosuoyy 97 Syuesaides sovjzins puejdn ay L “1009 YSoIpjo areq ay} Jo svare PATSUa}XI JSOUT BY} JO 9UO JO UOTWeNUTUOO B SF UOrO9S OY, = *[1e1} BSIQ 94} preMo} AlyeNp Zurpesy yno ys0ys ev uo pleMysva eslaARI[—'9/ aNNOIT AA AAAAARAKAAAAAARAAAAAAA AAD \ aA ry, AAAAAAAKAAKARAAAAAAA AMARA ARAARAAAAARAAAA AAAPAAAAAD a a AA A oH AD AAAARAAAAAAAAAARAAMAR ADAM NNNNNANGNL EF FES NAT RS Eg A Oa i; WAKA KAAAAAAARAAAA \\ AAA AR AAAAAAAR “\A AAAAAAAD _ Q 2) Wabbhaas —— SSAKRN v = oisseunr uodn Burk4 sawAydsoy pue SUUBIE) Aq yng ‘s}SIYOS pue S8uo}sau!7 aul|je}SAiD uISeg MO}eEYS M 168 FROM ARTSA BOGDO TO SAIR USU 169 taking on supplies, and from this point on to Kalgan the run was made with- out further additions. The geologists took advantage of the opportunity to examine the strata of the basin and the adjacent hills. It was then found that the bare hillsides seen at a distance east of the trail are weathered ancient rock. The basin sediments, beginning somewhere in the vicinity of mile 324, yielded after diligent search traces of fossils judged to be plant remains. These beds are considerably deformed, and are made up largely of pebbly sandstones bound with lime (Specimen 602, A.M. 10291). The proportions of sand, lime and clay vary greatly, so that the sediments grade from sand- stones to limestones and shales. The shales are of many colors, and some of the dark carbonaceous beds are almost paper shales. This quality, together with their structural relations, the occurrence of limy layers, and the finding of plant remains, leads us to believe that the strata belong to a Cretaceous -basin, the extent of which is as yet quite unknown, but which continues in the vicinity of Sair Usu along the trail for more than five miles. CHAPTER X FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN THE trip of 535 miles from Sair Usu to Kalgan, which was begun Sep- tember 7, occupied twelve days, including brief stops for geologic and palzon- tologic inspection of promising localities. The journey was made over the regu- lar caravan trail, which is intersected by very numerous local trails and minor caravan routes, so that the most direct course is not readily followed without local guides. This region is more prosperous-looking than that in which the Expedition had worked for the last two months. One meets travelers fre- quently, and sees occasional villages, lamaseries, temples, and local shrines. PALZOZOIC STRATA The traverse from Sair Usu crosses later sediments between mile 326 and mile 327, and in general topographic features there is no very striking break for a short distance farther; but hills appear on the south side of the trail, and the older floor of schists and limestones comes to the surface again at about mile 330 (Fig. 78). Apparently this is just a stripped portion of the old floor, because sediments appear again from mile 333 to mile 336, succeeded by another stretch of schists. At mile 337, however, an entirely different formational type was found. At a cliff of fossiliferous limestone just south of the trail, hasty inspection revealed a fauna indicating Paleozoic age. The sandstone beds and con- glomerates beneath the limestones lie unconformably on the ancient schists. The column at this point, therefore, is represented by: conglomerates at the base, approximately 150 feet thick; sandstones, 200 feet; cherty limestones, richly fossiliferous, 500 feet; gray limestones, 200 feet; very dark brown lime- stone and sandstone, 200 feet; yellow dolomitic limestone, 100 feet; fossilif- erous, pink, granular limestone, 500 feet; dark brown limestone, 200 feet. This section is suggested by the outcrops that stretch from mile 337 to mile 338.5. The structure is that of an anticlinal fold, breached at the crest so that the schists are exposed along the stripped arch. 170 *suO!}efar TeINjon14s einosqo s9y} pue ‘sadéz yoor Jo Ajatsiea yvas3 puv yU9}xXe SNOULIOUA dy} SI UOTDaS SITY} JO aINyeey Burpuvyzs}no ay, “[resy uLZ[eYy OF NsQ sJteg ay} Suoje uoenuru0g—6L aunog sain 09g PTo" q R] 7 4 rey hi tind UPS SE Hi ’ y, S eos Cod Ht "AS : é Ly p)) Clay)” °S \ fK y i \e\ 4 = i hy s oN ah x we Av . a xajdwo0g AuAudiog eandnuy SINC es oreg) *je1nz00{UOO SI pIeM4SES SOUOJSOUNT] 9Y} JO UOI}ZENUT}UOD PataAoD sy, “6 puv OLE sojrur useMjoq Passos st }EIIS D1Oz0R]eY 9}¥] JO JULULE paz[Ne} pue papjoyur Uy “[re1] ULZ|eY ey} UO PIBMyseOyyNOS Ns) Teg Wor} woes o1s0joaj—"gZ aUNOT ose s]USWIPSS 438}e7 SOU0}SOWI] DIOZOBE|eq 171 24} Ur punoy are ‘sureuraz yux]d jo Se0el} aInosqo YyLM ‘S}USUIIpas UIseq ay} Jo saquiau JaMO] ‘souOysaUNT] 193eM-Ysauy Jo Speq pedeys-sugy ‘uy, *yrexy ues[ey 0} nsq areg ayy uQ—Ig auno1g r: fs ( Shel Pee SNS IESG A\qeqoig 4N] S1ued|OA Il8M Weseq dweg EES SjUusWIpas 493e7 leunzoaluog aunjo a a ee : Save Xo] S9uU0}SpuKs pue Seyeiaw0|Buoy 172 FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN 173 This was the first time in the whole summer’s itinerary that determinable Paleozoic strata were discovered in place. Only one other piece of Paleozoic rock, and that a loose fragment, had been found up to this time. The fossil content of these beds near Sair Usu has proved on later comparison to be of Dinantian (Mississippian) age. Fossils are abundant, and undoubtedly an extensive collection of later Palaeozoic forms could be obtained from this local- ity and a much more extensive series of beds could be made out if the strata were followed along the strike, either to the east or to the west. We propose to call these beds the Sair Usu formation. CONTINUATION OF TRAVERSE TO ARDYN OBO Along the course of the trail, however, the strata are cut off abruptly at mile 335, either by a fault or by an igneous outbreak, or by both; and here a basin of later sediments begins, which continues for at least thirty miles. Perhaps this is one edge of a down-dropped fault block, or a very sharp warp of the ancient floor, causing the retention of the sediments. It is not pos- sible anywhere along the trail to determine either the age or the thickness of this sedimentary deposit. It is probably comparatively thin, for from mile 345 to mile 347 the floor is stripped by present-day erosion, exposing slaty and shaly rock with limestone layers and conglomerates standing on edge. Just what these rocks represent in the series of formations could not be deter- mined. They are not exactly like any seen elsewhere, but may be some facies of the Paleozoic strata associated with the limestones seen farther back along the trail at mile 337. Except for this window exposing the ancient floor, the later sediments continue with rolling topography to mile 374, where porphyries of trachytic composition come from beneath and form the floor for some distance. From mile 374 to mile 389, a complex of porphyries forms the country rock (Fig. 79). The porphyries are brecciated and brittle, cracking into small chips. They are prevailingly fine-grained, of very great variety, and belong to many different individual field units—too many to illustrate on the scale used for the cross-section. Some of the units show flowage lines, but for the most part there is little structure to be made out, except that these porphyries cut one another in a most intricate way, making an exceedingly confused structural complex. From mile 389 granite is the dominant rock for several miles (Fig. 80). Its relation to the porphyry complex is not clear, but in general lithologic appearance the porphyries seem to correspond in some measure to the dikes that almost everywhere else are prominent in granite areas. A simpler form- ation of bathylithic granite, cut by dikes, continues to mile 397, where a change to complex porphyries again takes places and continues to mile 4or. 174 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA From mile 401.5 to mile 407, conglomerates and sandstones, standing on edge but dipping steeply to the north, are crossed by the trail. This makes a stretch of five and a half miles directly over the edges of strata whose struc- tural relations are not fully determined. Probably they are all of Jurassic age, and this is another of the down-dropped blocks so often seen carrying strata of this type. Volcanic rocks cut in again at mile 407, and continue with a porphyry complex and volcanic flows of obscure structural relations for several miles, until the edge of a basin is entered at mile 413, and from that point later sediments form the terrane for forty miles. The underground structure is simple, but the profile is more varied than in most sedimentary basins. Ero-_ sion has exposed the strata at numerous places, so that one can see their character, and at one point, mile 433, the ancient floor comes to the surface, apparently indicating that the basin is considerably deformed (Fig. 81). Judging from the physical appearance of the strata, a part of these sediments should be of Tertiary age, and a portion underlying, with somewhat more indurated habit and somewhat greater deformation, containing occasional limestone layers, is probably of Cretaceous age. Certain of the thin-bedded limestone layers carry traces of fossils (Specimens 636, 637, A.M. 10325, 10326) of a type similar to specimens found north of Artsa Bogdo and subse- quently shown to be plant remains. On the north margin of Artsa Bogdo we had found beds of fresh-water limestone, carrying obscure plant remains intercalated in the basin sediments (see page 151). Sediments of Ardyn Obo At mile 453, the ancient schists, gneisses, and porphyries of the floor appear at the surface again and continue to mile 458 (Fig. 82). This ground is very smooth and almost as level as the surface of the sediments themselves. Sediments come in again at mile 458, and continue, with only one break at mile 473, to Ardyn Obo, where an escarpment of these sediments exposes more than 200 feet of strata (Fig. 83). Here tossils of Lower Oligocene age were found (Fig. 86, and Plate XXI). The bluff of Ardyn Obo can be seen south of the road, extending east and west for many miles. At mile 487, the direction of the scarp changes sharply and lies almost north and south (Fig. 84). Upon the cliff-top at this abrupt corner, which, high over the vast lowland, looks like a cape on a sea- coast, the Mongols have built a large obo which can be seen for twenty miles (Fig. 85). An obo is a pile of stones beside the road, in which every stone represents a prayer to Buddha. Some are mere heaps, while others are built like towers, with minor piles around them. Pitiful sacrifices of the few things the desert can spare are added by pious wayfarers—torn strips of garment, “So[IUL OZ WEY} SIOUI JOJ 4SAM OY} Peo} sanuTyUOD YyoryM ‘dreos oqoO udpry ay} st edvospur] ay} Jo amnyeay quourwold ysour ayy, “eI, Wesley oy} Suoye ‘oqg UApIy WoIy preMyseayyNos uoroas o1S0joagN—"fg aAUNOTYy oisseunr A RAARRERARRARARARAAKRAKRARARR AAR DAA MARAAAAAARAARARAKARARARR ARR AARABRARA AARARARAARRRARRARKAKARARARAARRARDAARRAAAAAAKAARARARAR KAR AAAA A ARAAKRRRRKRARARARARRARRARARARRAAAARARARARRAAKKAARARARRKARR BRAD a (/ AR ARRRAARERRRARAARRARAAAA DARD = waa aMfanranana - § AR RAARAARRAAARARARAARARARARE - Gr6éz AMARA ARAK AR ARAB AA RAD EST Aaa ase ae As = @uo}spues’ jlesy uebjey UO|EUWWO4 OGD UAPiYy ‘'N 002 diq os 008 'N 84S gO uApIYy ae ‘ulseq 0qQ UApIY ay} jo a3pa ay} 0} ‘frei, UeZ[ey 072 ns Ie ay} UQ—"zg AUNTY SLv OLY Sov 097 eee $$ el ees pe ps pn sajyesawojbuo0g sisseine X9|GWOD Sulj|EYSAID PIO PN Ate l HI ! H all Gbez S]UaWIPaS 43}e79 Zig UOHeWIOY OgO UApIYy 175 176 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA nose-thongs of camels, small Chinese coins, and sticks from broken yurts or carts. The obo serves not only to mark a sacred spot, but is of serious import- ance to the traveler as a cairn to indicate the trail. A Mongol guide will tell ARDYN OBO Vast lowland Broad by pas Latitude: 43°24 Je" Longitude: 108° 21 26° Contour interval 50 feoi Elevations determined by barometer Ficure 84.—Map of the Ardyn Obo locality. the way in terms of obos, no less than of temples, wells, and topography. The impressive pile at mile 487 is the Ardyn Obo, the ‘‘prayer pile of jewels,” and gives the district its name. The name was also adopted for the strati- graphic unit. The word ‘‘ardyn,’”’ meaning ‘‘jewels,’’ proved to be the same word which we had spelled ‘“‘irdin’’ farther east. It refers to the glittering, Ficure 85.—Field sketch, made at Ardyn Obo from the lowland, showing the abrupt cliff-like scarp and the very slight back-cutting of the young gullies. highly polished pebbles of quartz and chalcedony which are found in the upper sandstones of the formation. Three days were spent at Camp Ardyn Obo (Plate XXI), to enable us to make collections and additional studies. The strata are well exposed, so that FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN 177 a detailed column of the beds forming the escarpment could be measured (Fig. 86). They consist essentially of two members, sandy clays below, and cross-bedded sands and gravels above. All were probably water-borne sedi- ments, and the channeled and cross-bedded upper member testifies to vigorous YELLOW SANOS AND GRAVELS FOSSIL BEARING BED MIDOLE MEMBER GRAY AND YELLOW SANDS LOWER MEMBER CHIEFLY REO SANDY CLAY FicurE 86.—Geologic section at Ardyn Obo. stream work. Consistently with this interpretation, no associated skeletons, such as were common at Djadokhta, were discovered here—only scattered bones, some of which were much worn, as though they had been rolled about by streams. Caches, or pockets, of bones were found in the bottoms of the old stream-channels, the cross-sections of which are clearly seen in the bluff (Plate XXI, B). Although the fauna includes an aquatic rhinoceros, a large titanothere and several carnivores—enough of a fauna to determine the approx- imate age as Lower Oligocene—the locality is not prolific in fossil forms, and the great majority of the beds seem to be entirely barren. At this point, also, there is an exceptionally good exhibit of characteris- tic erosion forms, and some of these have been made use of in our studies of erosion and physiographic history (Chapter XIX). The bluff itself is very simple, steep and straight, and extends unbroken except for minor short gulches, as far as the eye can reach. It is topped by a gravel-covered, smooth surface which represents the Gobi erosion plane. ARDYN OBO TO SHARA MURUN On leaving Ardyn Obo the trail continues over sedimentary strata of the same sort to mile 493, where, only three miles from camp, granite and granite VOL, II-—I2 178 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA gneisses cut by dikes come to the su face again. This change makes no impression on the topography, for erosion has simply stripped certain of the irregularities of the old floor, and these portions merge into the general level without any noticeable change of feature. Again, at mile 495, sediments are reached in a shallow basin extending for two miles. They are unfossiliferous sandstones, which, from the character of the rock, were judged to be probably of Cretaceous age. From mile 497 on- ward, the granites of the floor form the surface again, and erosion has left upstanding, jointed remnants that look like the ruins of giant masonry, con- veniently referred to as ‘‘monument granite.’’ The same type of erosion and relief was noted at several other places along this traverse. At mile 500, a gabbro-diorite cuts into the granite, and then there follows for two miles a great igneous complex of many rock varieties, which in turn is succeeded by a series of limestones and schists, dipping steeply to the north. Strips of this kind of rock are repeated several times in the next five miles, separated by occurrences of granite. The granite is probably of the same bathylithic type that has been noticed over so large a portion of the Mongolian territory, and the occasional strips of metamorphic rock are probably only portions of the roof not wholly destroyed in the peneplanation that preceded the depo- sition of the later sediments. An abrupt change takes place at mile 507, where sandstones come in, which we believe to be of Jurassic type; but within three miles they are cov- ered by alluvial material and perhaps shallow basin sediments, which entirely obscure the older structure (Fig. 87). The basin is limited at mile 512, and again for many miles the trail crosses the ancient floor, consisting of lime- stones, quartzite schists, granite gneisses, shear-schists, and greenstones. They form a great schist-gneiss complex, including a large amount of green- stone sheared into schistose condition, with much smaller amounts of dolomitic limestones and other metamorphic rocks, including gneisses. Nowhere have we found so great a series of this type, and nowhere in the whole summer’s work has so much greenstone been seen. The series probably belongs to the Wu T’ai system—perhaps very old Wu T’ai. Farther along, at mile 519, red quartzites and slates are intercalated with the greenstone schists, but greenstone predominates to mile 522, a distance of three miles. Quartz veins and lenses are abundant, but they appear to be barren. Toward the south the greenstones pass into brown, siliceous meta- dolomites, sericite schists and porphyritic greenstones (Specimen 673, A.M. 10362), conglomerates, and tuffs or tuff-schists. From mile 524 the trail passes over much ground covered with pebbles that might be derived from Jurassic conglomerates, but no outcrops were seen and it was not possible to determine in this stretch what the structure is. ay} ut pesodxa Aysnonurjzuoo youre ote yorya saqyypAyd pue soxsoemAeis *sapur Sz roy AIJUNOS-T]IY ,, 22S Addoyg,, “100 YOOpjo sy} JoAo preayseayNos uoryenuryuoj—'gg AXA peproy Ayasop> Jo yours Buoy ay} St UorzO9s sty} JO einyzeoy quouruoid ysour ay, WT onan nnaanae AAR AR AA AAR YY Yy oyoblig dwed ‘uorjIpodxg oy} JO Sloquiour [Pe OF uMOUY Se vore SIq} YOY fq ,,‘vag Addoyo,, aweu prey 244 g0U0 72 poysessns [aAo] JUepPIOIV UL OF Sursti sdoqypry jo epnyypnus oy L ‘guejdouad uelyosuoyy plo 944 Jo uorj10d payesstp Appuy Ara & jo Surmutsaq otf} SE STL “4sv0 oy} Uo UIseq UNINPY eILYS peor ey} PUL uiseq ogg UAprY ay} UoeMzeq Burd] ‘100g Yoorpjo oy} JO Yd pediem Suoye preayseoyynos ‘numg ur nye, Woy woras o1S0joay— 4g ANSI = —= = s]Uuepudg Jooy BulAsed a}!UPI5) SQUOJSOWIT UU] U}IM S}SIYOG AUOPSUSAID JO sales ARAA BABAR ARA BARRA BS AARAAAAKAARAARAAAAY a AAA ABAAA BAR ARAARARA AAR AKAAA ABR A RAARAAA AMAAKKARAR AKAD AARRAARAAARAD BAA NARA a AN ‘ ‘sh yond euoysuees5 dweD MN ‘saroyjouez}} Aq poztiojoeseyo euney you & pjeté pue ‘ser} -1]800] [esaAes 42 pasodxa [Joa a1v Spaq aus003YO puv eus00q -Aayea UNINY BILYS ay} ssosoe NuMS Ur dog UOIe_ WOT WoPoas o1Z0Joapj—"06 aUNNSIY ese ee ee AM AAAAAMAARAARAAAAARARAA Ba ee eee Aa eA AAAIATA RIAA AAA A AIAATALARAINTCA RIAIAUAIN, AID A(AVATATALALAIAIRIA KURI RANA AUDRINA ALAR RS al NIN AAR AAROAKMARARA DARA REMAP AAAIAAAARAMAAAN ALAA ADRIAN D RAD DEN ANAS AAR AA AA ARARARARAABRBAAARRARAARARAA AA AAAAAR BARA AKAARAAAAA AR AAA AAAAAAARARAKRAARA AKA KARAR RAS AARAARARARAR AA AARAA BAR AAARRAARRARAKARARA AAA ARRAARARKA BAA A ANAARAAAARARAABAAARA AA ARARAAAAAAAKRAKAAAARAARAABRA ae AAA AAARAARAS ARRARARAARAAKRRAAAAK AA BRAARAARABAARAARARARANA RAR As A A A = = a a a a RARARAAARAAAABAA A = A a a a a uoleWuo4 UNINW eBseYUS AaljeA unany eseus NwNg uj Bos uoseg “4981000 UT Uaes UdAaq sARY Sates oyouMALIS yec1d 4} oy} pue e7eI}s O1OzOZleg 942] peyqnopun 94} s1eyAt gorjd ATUO ay} SISTYT, ‘“Sa[TUr og UeYZ QIOUI JO} PVM ysea SeNuIzUCO YIM uIseq UnINP] BIeYS peor ey} SrojzUS vores ey, “NSA BI OF Jen3uoy nsi{ wory woloes a1gojoagj— 6g aUnoIy 06S S8c oes SS eee {ee $$ “et —— jugwaseg s}Ue!d Aiqeqog ARAARAANAR RASA RRA A AAAAARAAARARABAA AAABA AAAAA AAARD AAA A Anan AaARA AAAAA AAAAA AnaAna A atan AAaARA An Aanaan Aan anna PARA AA >> >> > > >err>>>? > > >> >> AAR AARAAM AAAARRAAAR >> rr mr? >yrrr rr? rr rrr>> >>> re >>>? Pry rrrr> >> >>> %>> >> >> rrr? >>> >>> >>> rr >>> > > UudITeUNO4 UNINY] EAEUS senBuopy nsit* o09ve nsn ein BYEIS UCIWA, JO P|OJUMOG 180 FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN 181 The next outcrop of definite character is a quartz-porphyry at mile 526, and the ground is covered again for several miles, making it impossible to deter- mine its exact character. Ridges seen in the distance at the side of the trail, indicate formations with a prominent structure, dipping to the north. Frag- ments, chiefly of mixed schists, are washed in from the adjacent country and lie about on the ground. Among the fragments are pieces of limestone, some of which are fossiliferous, and it is judged from this that Palzozoic strata are exposed in the higher ground on the east side of the trail. The cov- ered ground extends to mile 531, and then granite, cut by dikes of various porphyries, is exposed again in smooth topography and is the chief type for several miles. At mile 538, the trail crosses green schists cut by granite; the schists probably represent roof-pendants extending down into the bathy- lithic granite. This kind of country continues for several miles, with areas of granite, short stretches of covered ground, and the usual dikes and remnants of the ancient roof. At mile 546 an entirely new series begins, represented by schists, quartz- ites, phyllites, and slates, developed on an enormous scale (Fig. 88). At first, reddish slates, and phyllites with considerable vein quartz predominate; the strike is N.80°E., and the dip is northerly. Camp was pitched here at mile 549, on the Bilgoho flats. The same formations continue, becoming gradually more granular and dipping to the south. Farther along, the quality changes to typical graywacke and gray sandstones, while reversals of dip indicate that the series is folded. This graywacke quality predominates in the portion of the series crossed from mile 554 to mile 560. There are marked differences of color, and the quality is much more variable than has been seen elsewhere in the so-called graywacke series. Phyllitic slates are abundant, and in some places the rock is sheared almost to a schist (Plate XXII, A). It is possible, of course, that there is more than one series represented in this stretch of ground, which continues to about mile 571, but in the time given to it no defi- nite formational separation could be made, and it is assumed that this whole succession from mile 547 to mile 571 is equivalent to the graywacke series as typically exposed on the Tola River far to the north. Paleozoic strata of Jisu Honguer Beyond mile 571, the strata change abruptly—probably along a fault (Fig. 89). The graywackes, seamed with multitudes of white quartz veins, give place to a series of simpler sandstones, fine fissile shales and gray lime- stones, striking a little north of east (Specimens 691, 692, 693, A.M. 10380, 10381, 10382). The new series contains none of the quartz veins seen in the graywackes. The shales and sandstones are barren, but the limestones are richly fossiliferous. A.W. Grabau later identified the Permian Lyttonia fauna 182 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA in the fossils collected here, thus proving that the beds are not correlated with those of Sair Usu. The district is called Jisu Honguer by the Mongols, and the name Jisu Honguer formation was therefore chosen for these Permian beds. In the second season the geologist stopped for several days at this place, mapping and recording the rocks and collecting their fossils. The beds are very strongly folded; the folds are overturned toward the south and are broken by two series of faults—an older set of fold-thrusts parallel to the strike, and a younger set of cross-faults. The formation occupies a narrow strip bordered by fault-contacts between the granite hills on the south and the graywacke series on the north. At about mile 576, the entire series passes under sediments which, fifteen miles farther east, carry a rich fauna of later Eocene vertebrates (Fig. 89). Tertiary sediments of Shara Murun There is an escarpment at mile 589, where beds of characteristic Tertiary habit are exposed (Plate XXII, B). The gullies of the badland area descend northward into a hollow lowland of large extent, exposing beds of red, green- ish, and purple clays amazingly rich in vertebrate fossils. Above the clays lie white and gray sandstones which carry fewer fossils. In our swift recon- naissance no adequate study of these beds could be made, but the place was noted and reserved for careful search in the season of 1923. We have called them the Shara Murun formation, and Osborn and Matthew consider them to be of Eocene age—rather younger than the Irdin Manha beds. At this point the trail climbs to the top of the escarpment and crosses a stretch of level Gobi erosion plane from mile 595 to mile 606 (Figs. 89 and go). This ground is underlaid in its entire extent by Tertiary strata such as were seen at mile 593, and they are found again at mile 606, on the opposite side of this broad mesa, where a very prominent bluff exposes a few hundred feet of white and reddish sands and clays. The Shara Murun, a broad valley 300 feet deep, had to be crossed from mile 606 to mile 615. The course of the traverse across the Gobi erosion plane had been approximately S.60°E., but across this valley the direction was changed to S.80°E., and on climbing the escarpment beyond mile 615 not much difference was made in the course, except to turn a trifle more to the south. The country is underlaid by sediments of later type but of undeter- mined age, as no sufficiently good exposures were seen to warrant closer in- vestigation. The upland, across which the traverse lies, is undoubtedly again the Gobi erosion plane, but the ground, as it reaches away indefinitely in every direction, is more rolling than in many other places. There is an older topog- raphy still preserved on this upland, with shallow valley courses apparently PLATE XXI. A. ARDYN OBO. The upland surface is the level Gobi erosion plane. The heap of stones on the upland is the Ardyn Obo, or “prayer pile of jew- els,"" which gives the locality its name and for many miles is the traveler's chief guiding landmark. B. STRUCTURAL DETAIL OF THE SCARP AT ARDYN OBO. The crossbedded sands and gravels exhibit channeling. Traces of contemporary plant roots have been preserved as tubular concretions which are best seen at the right. An important find of Oligocene rhinoceros skulls was made in one of these ancient channel fillings, where Mr. Granger and Mr. Andrews are seen at work. PLATE XXII. nascent ot imi! A. BILGOHO, The bare rock floor near Bilgoho bevels the upturned edges of folded slates and phyllites. Deeply worn grooves made by caravans are seen in the foreground. B. BADLANDS OF THE EOCENE SHARA MURUN FORMATION AT ULA USU, FROM SAIR USU TO. KALGAN 183 unrelated to the more pronounced valleys, such as the Shara Murun which is now dissecting the country. SHARA MURUN TO KALGAN This rolling upland continues for many miles. The camp of September 15 was pitched beside the trail on this upland country, at mile 632, and the journey the following day continued over the same kind of ground to mile 657, twenty-five miles farther along (Fig. 91). At some point within this dis- tance the quality of the ground changes, but because of the soil cover and the increasing failure of outcrops, the change was not noticed until mile 657 was reached, where granite, quartzite, limestone schists, and other associated schists again form the floor. Not many observations were made, but occasional opportunities for identification indicate a complex floor of ancient rock, probably Wu T’ai, with schists, limestones, quartzites, and granites as the dominant elements (Fig. 92). For the next twenty miles or more no great change is registered. Long stretches of ground are covered with disintegration débris, but some indication of rock character can be made out from the fragments that lie scattered about, and there is every indication that the underlying structure is complex. In the last few miles approaching the next camp, granites dominate, weathered into ‘“‘monument granite” form. The day’s travel was accomplished under extraordinarily trying condi- tions. The autumnal storms had set in; the journey began in rain which changed to snow, with a tremendously strong, cold wind, and ended with everyone chilled through, for the party had not yet changed from midsummer clothing. Less than two weeks had elapsed since almost tropical tempera- tures had prevailed. As a result of the day’s exposure, those who were least protected were so thoroughly chilled that there was real danger of more seri- ous consequences, and the experience served asa broad hint to use all possible speed in reaching Kalgan. From Camp Granite Monument, at mile 697, the trail crosses granite with patches of quartzites and schists as xenoliths and pendants, for the next twenty miles or more (Fig. 93). The structure appears to be simple; granites greatly predominate, with numerous roof-pendants, the usual porphyry dikes, and the normal variations in quality. Chinese settlements Within a day’s traverse, the desert country gradually greened into the typical Mongolian grassland, and at about mile 725 the first cultivated fields of the encroaching Chinese came into view (Fig. 94). From this point 184 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA onward the occupants of the country are Chinese, and, except for travelers along the trail, one sees no Mongols. The outermost patches under cultiva- tion are scattered, and clearly represent a pioneering experience; but within a very short distance there appear extensive, well-cultivated fields of grain with ripening barley, oats, flax, and millet. It is noted also that the soils look rich and heavily cover the rock floor. Outcrops now are rare, and it is more difficult to determine the structural character of the country in a recon- naissance as rapid as the return journey required. Only occasional observa- tions could be made from this point onward. Wherever granites are present, outcrops could usually be seen at the side of the trail. Occasionally, as the trail crossed them in the next thirty miles, limestones, quartzites, gneisses, and schists could be identified. It is very evident, therefore, that the floor is made up of ancient rocks rather than of later sediments. Wherever the ledges are to be seen, they indicate closely folded structure and crystalline condition. This type of country undoubtedly prevails without material change, but also without possibility of very accurate correlation, to about mile 760 (Fig. 95). The trail at that point enters a prosperous agricultural plain dotted with Chinese villages. Its smoothness suggests a sedimentary basement, but the understructure is obscure. At mile 773, the Expedition went into camp at the side of a small pond in the midst of a farming community, where fields of grain and general agri- cultural prosperity were the predominant features. In the distance one could see flocks of wild fowl, and as the whole aspect was that of a grain-farming region, not very unlike portions of our own Northwest, we named it Camp North Dakota. In a single day the Expedition had returned from the barrenness of semi- desert to comfortable agricultural surroundings. For the first time in five months one could see cultivated plants being grown for food. The prosper- ity of this immediate country naturally suggests the possibility that a much greater portion of the Mongolian border might be adapted to the same pur- pose. This is undoubtedly true, and advantage is being taken of it by the Chinese, who are encroaching on this territory at the rate of two or three miles a year. How much farther this kind of cultivation can be extended is a serious question. The limits of farming without special adaptation to arid conditions appear to be not far beyond the present zone of occupation. Within two days’ journey in our mode of travel the bounds would surely be reached, and cultivation beyond would have to be confined to local areas of special favor, where irrigation could be practised. Certain it is that the Mongols themselves are not making this use of their own land, although there is evidence that irrigation was practised far inland in former times. Whether they ever will change their mode of life sufficiently “TOOH yorpjo paddizys ayy sassor uoryoas ayy, ‘Tey wesley 9y} Uo preayseayynos nyt, feyog Wory woroas o10joanW—'z6 aunoIy AAA AAAARAARAAARARAAAAAAAA A HARA ARARARRERAARARAAAARARA Le ERR RRARRARARARARARRARAD A ARR RARARARRARARARAARRAAD Ala nn nnn 105 ewiquiog eyeyy eseusS “BUT}EMYIOM yy pue nseqeq wer Burjoeuu0o ‘yynos pue you suns Tfeq}-ssolo & NIN Ieyog yy ‘uIseq unin] eleyg ey3jo yun, usajsea oy ~—'16 FANS sa1W O¢o AAMAAAAAAAARAARAAARAAAARAAAAAAAR AA A A OAAARARARAAARADARARAAARAR AAA AAARAA ARAARROR RANK AAA BAAD AA RAA Da Re AAR amo ane \ AA ORARAARAARRDBAA “ PAAR AARARA ROAD AAAAARARADEAAR DA RADS OD DAS A ARR RRAARRAAK AP AR AAR Ae pet voHeWwO4 uNINW eveuS 185 *JOLIO}UT OY} PIEMO} JoyzIey soptur AuvUT peoueApE Sey WOMPATTNS asouTYD Jo auoz ay} ‘epeur SEM OIeS SIY} Way 'ZZ6I Bours “yy Ayye 94} ssose pret} ULTTEy ay} UO UOLyeNUUOD—h6 TANSIY > Drz> >> >>> >>> >> >r >>> >> rR mr>™ >>> rOrP> Arm r mmm >>> >> >>> >mDDD >>> rma remem me dd >>> 7 >r> >> OO >>D >>> >>> > r> >>>? >r>>>> rar >>>? pr>>>> >> >> >>> >>> >>> rrr rr >>> >>> >>D >>>? >>> > mmr r> rrr? >> rrr mr rar mre >> >>>> >> >> >>> >> >>> >> >> >>> >> >> rr >>> ver rrr rm rr> errr > >>> >> >>> HDD >> >>> e> >> >>> > >>> rh r> er > mn? ee >>> >>> >> >>> 2>> >>> >> >>> >>> >> ad? >>> >>> > >>D >>> Pr>rm>>mDD a a - rs a * a a a a a (zz61) abel, eseulyD ysul4 JEZIUOIOD SSaulyy jo SPWIT— uibag spial4 pazeaning ‘saTIU 09 Wey} e1OU IO¥ YOOI AIJUNOD oY} SUTIOF ‘squepuod-Joos s}t Y}IM ‘gory aytuesd oryzt]Ay}eq JO Pare pEeolq © JO Suruurseq 94} St sty, “Joo yoospjo peddrsjs ay} J9A0 [re1} uegzey oy} Suoje uoryenurjuoD—f6 AUNTY saiiw 069 b> >>> >>> >>> >> yr r> rr rr >rr> >> >>> >>> > >>> ry a a ” a cy a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A a a A a a a a a a a a a a a ” a a a - aPUBID JUSLUNUOWY dweD 186 FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN 187 to enter upon agricultural undertakings is extremely doubtful. It is certain, of course, in that case, that other peoples sooner or later will occupy the arable lands, and it is probable that the time is not far distant when the Chinese, on whom the pressure for an outlet is greatest, will claim most of them. It is most amazing that these arable lands have lain untilled, on the very borders of a land where the struggle for existence has been so severe for gen- erations. With an example of great agricultural competence before them, even at their very doors, the Mongol owners of these tracts seem never once to have tested this quality; and, on the other hand, the Chinese, even though visited by famine time and time again, and doubtless fully appreciating the advantages of additional agricultural facilities, seem to have avoided this encroachment. It is an almost unbelievable situation, for which there must be some special explanation. Perhaps the Mongols have been too fierce, and the unprotected outposts of unwarlike settlers could not maintain themselves against their raids. The region lies outside all the ancient walls, and many, many miles beyond the Great Wall of China, the existence of which throws some light on the same problem. A people with a desire for isolation so strong that they were willing to build such a vast, protective barrier, perhaps should not be expected to venture far into the barbarians’ territory beyond; and it is equally reasonable to believe that a people outside, against whom such bul- warks must be built, were vicious enough to prevent any unwelcome encroach- ment. Something has happened in more recent times to modify materially this age-long stalemate of nations confronting each other. Perhaps the Mon- gols, weakened as a people by the loss of their best tribes and of their best lands north of the desert, and weakened as a state by the disintegration of their ancient empire, have become less watchful and jealous of their heritage. Perhaps, on the other hand, the Chinese have become more venturesome, emboldened by the pressure of their teeming millions and by the pact with Russia which gave them Inner Mongolia as a sphere of influence. It is pos- sible that the world is now witnessing one of those transitional periods that have marked the rise and fall, the expansion and the elimination of competing peoples. The return to Kalgan Monday, September 18, the return journey was continued across this cultivated plain. Occasional outcrops of rock between mile 775 and mile 776 indicate that the ancient floor of complex rocks lies close beneath the trail, but for the longer stretches the simplicity of topography suggests that the underlying strata are sediments of later age. The country is well watered; streams and small lakes are numerous, and roads are treacherous and heavy. Limestone fragments were found along (‘S$ am3y yyIM eredui0D) ssed uen,yO UeAA 24} JO UIseq JUSUTTpes 4yeaiZ ay} Siazue osay jres} ey, “ATjUNOO BururrEy ssoe ‘guy yderdeje} oy} preao, premyseq—9g6 aAUNoIy sain og) K WAY Zs WL ; smo}y 11eseg noy BuIUD e1 Jo aBeIIIA UIEWA9UP) aUN}JONIIS 9150/0a5 ‘punoid Paisa0d Iv *sJaq}Jes esourya Aq Ayoyas peyiqeyut ‘Arjyun0o Zurumszey earjonposd ATYOU eV sts “Tes} uegz[ey oy} Suoje JaAco Are} UaUIIpas $}1 OF WyyAy eq oyraesd oy} worg—'S6 aANoIYy 0s. A ARBASAAR BAAR AATAAAAA RAR ALR CAAA AA A AAR AAA RAR AAAAAAAAA RA RA RAAAAAM AAI AAA AAR ARR AAA RD S]UBWIPSS 19}e7 18,1 14D 30 SHELIA JON n}nusiy 3s eyoNeGg UWON dwed 188 FROM SAIR USU TO KALGAN 189 the trail at mile 798 (Specimen 717, A.M. 10406), and basalts are exposed in prominent ridges from mile 800 to mile 804 (Fig. 96). This is probably the same series of basalt sheets or flows that is encountered in the edge of the escarp- ment at Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass above Kalgan. From mile 805, the country clearly consists of sediments for some distance, and basalts are encountered again from mile 816 to the Great Wall (Fig. 97). At mile 824, after following an easterly course for many miles—indeed for a whole day—we reached the main road and telegraph line leading to Kal- gan, and the Expedition turned southward on the same route over which it had entered the Gobi region almost five months earlier. The night of the eighteenth was spent at the Chinese inn at Miao T’an, and the following day Hamha French Mission“ Basalt Lava Flows 820 FiGuRE 97.—End of the traverse of 1922. This section connects with the outward bound traverse at Miao T’an. (See figure 6.) the return traverse was completed to Kalgan without further incident than the finding of extremely bad roads, much worse, indeed, than they had been in the spring when the journey was begun. In the whole distance of more than three thousand miles, nowhere had there arisen conditions so difficult for travel as we now encountered on the Kalgan-Urga trail. More damage was done to the transportation equipment on this day’s traverse, together with the first day out over the same ground, than was done over all of the remaining three thousand miles. The road for the last three days had been through cultivated country, where the transport of produce to market is one of the occupations of the people, and where long trains of carts pass daily from the upland country to the markets of Kalgan. In consequence of the heavy traffic and of the fact that no road is ever re- paired, the trail is one vast stretch of interlacing ruts, with almost bottomless mud in the flat country, and with stones and bumps in the rugged country of the pass. Finally, however, the journey was completed to the Anderson-Meyer compound in Kalgan without the loss of any of the transportation equipment. This was on September 19, five calendar months to a day from the time the 190 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA party left Peking. In that interval the Third Asiatic Expedition had crossed the Gobi desert region of Mongolia twice, had traversed several hundred miles of northern border country, had covered more than three thousand miles of itinerary, had crossed the Altai Mountains, had made geologic, palzontologic, and zodlogic observations in considerable detail along the whole route, and had found several important fossil localities from which enough rare material was recovered to make the scientific reputation of the Expedition secure. On this reconnaissance a sufficient number of promising fields had been dis- covered and enough additional scientific work had been laid out to occupy years of further investigation. PART III SPECIAL LOCALITY STUDIES 191 PART III—SPECIAL AND LOCALITY STUDIES INTRODUCTION CHAPTER XI—IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA CHAPTER XII—ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN CHAPTER XIII—THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN CHAPTER XIV—THE GURBUN SAIKHAN RANGES CHAPTER XV—ARTSA BOGDO AND OSHIH CHAPTER XVI—PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY 192 INTRODUCTION ALL the traverses of the Expedition, even those made under the most deliberate and favorable conditions, compelled rapid work and gave no oppor- tunity whatever for detailed investigation. It was possible, however, to keep the run of the general geologic structure, as given in Part II of this volume, besides paying special attention to the selection of localities where it would be profitable to make a more extended examination. At three of the shorter stops, side traverses were made which proved to be especially helpful in gaining an understanding of the geology of the region. The side traverses are included in the itinerary account, Chapters III to X. Wherever more time was available, the geologists made an areal study. In the course of the summer, several such places proved to be of exceptional interest, and these reconnaissance investigations were expanded as much as time permitted. The local studies constitute the chief basis for the state- ment of the systematic geology compiled by the Expedition. They are the key studies by means of which the fundamental structural and stratigraphic features were established. Where the geologists made areal and structural studies of the rock form- ations, Mr. Granger conducted paleontological investigations and collected fossils. The two lines of research are correlated so as to tell a single story of the land and its inhabitants in successive periods. The detailed account of the palzontological researches is to appear in later volumes of this series. In certain of the localities where time was available reconnaissance maps were made, showing topography and geology; they are the first of their kind for this part of central Asia. It is hoped that the local studies may furnish starting points for additional investigation and may be useful for comparisons, in the same manner as guide localities and standard sections are used in other countries. Method of mapping The maps of special areas were made with a Gurley mountain alidade and Johnson movement plane-table. A base line was measured in most cases with stadia, and this once accomplished, the stadia rod was but little VOL. I—13 193 194 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA used, for virtually the entire map was worked out by means of triangulation and vertical angle-readings. The Mongols have a most laudable custom of building stone-piles called obos, each stone of which is said to represent a SS Khangai Camp / 4 Chockh “S Mn, RE tak Z =e Noin ST 7 oan Meee 7nd tins ‘oasis ae pa Fam, ol 7 wes AWWW Mn ~~ fe) ; : biases Ts SMW AA yy Gu ws Cally, VES $4» Gy) 4 rN | ? Sea Meg MaMa ai aly, ZiT La aes Ip yp y's i nga Coan y, FréurE 98.—Location map of the eastern Altai region. This sketch map shows the route of the recon- naissance, and the localities referred to in this report. Reconnaissance made since this map was drawn has shown that all the lakes except Orok Nor are intermittent. prayer to Buddha. All important hilltops and many minor ones are crowned by obos, which enable the grateful topographer to locate points with a precision which in Christian countries would be impossible at this stage of the mapping program. INTRODUCTION 195 In special cases, where thickness of strata as well as topography was being recorded, the stadia rod again came into play, especially in the case of com- plexly folded rocks, where the precise location of all outcrops was necessary. In certain cases, where great speed of work was required, and where the nature of the ground permitted, the base line was run by means of a motor car. Several times in the course of such a run the car was stopped and the plane- table set up, so that the base line included a number of triangulation points in its length. Maps were surveyed on the scales of one inch to one mile and two inches to one mile, with contour intervals ranging from ten feet in the flat country about Iren Dabasu to one hundred feet in the mountains at the foot of the Altai. On the whole, a fifty-foot interval was found most practical for reconnaissance mapping. The areas covered in this way by special maps total more than seven hun- dred square miles, and include the Iren Dabasu hollow, the Holy Mountain of Sain Noin, and the Uskuk-Tsagan Nor basin. Other studies in the list were made under conditions unfavorable to the making of a map, but such studies have yielded results which have helped materially toward an under- standing of geologic structure, correlation, and origin. Five of these locality studies are covered in this report, as follows: 1. Iren Dabasu and Irdin Manha. 2. The Sacred Mountain of Sain Noin. 3. Uskuk Mountain and the Tsagan Nor Basin. 4. The Gurbun Saikhan. 5. Artsa Bogdo and Oshih. Another chapter is added for the purpose of enumerating and discussing briefly other areas deserving additional exploration, and problems worthy of special study. CHAPTER XI IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA [Geologic Map, Plate XXIII, in pocket at end] INTRODUCTION AFTER traveling many miles over almost perfectly level upland, the Expedition came, on the evening of April 24, 1922, to the edge of an escarp- ment, 255 miles out from Kalgan, from which one may look out across a basin-like depression. This is Iren Dabasu where the first important palzeon- tological discoveries and the first studies of structural detail were made (Figs. 99 and 100). In the lowest part of the hollow the ground water stands at the surface, and in rainy seasons there is a shallow lake which at other times dries up, leaving a crust of salt. The lake bed is soft and miry, but the surrounding lowland is firm ground. A little to one side of the trail are two wells from which caravans obtain the only water available for many miles. They mark, therefore, one of the established camping spots along the Urga trail. Here also is the telegraph station Erlien. Four miles away, near the north margin of the depression, stands a small Buddhist temple, known as Boro Sunit (Plate XXIII). Aside from the oper- ator of the telegraph station, a Chinese inn-keeper, and one or two Mongol families, there are no other inhabitants, for, though the place is less than two hundred miles distant from prosperous cultivated fields, here it is hope- less desert. ‘There is a steady descent of more than two thousand feet from the edge of the Mongolian plateau at the head of the Wan Ch’uan Pass to this point, which lies in the lowest portion of the larger Gobi basin. The station is known as Erlien by the Chinese, and the saltpan is called Iren Dabasu by the Mongols. It is this latter name which has been adopted as a suitable designation for the whole local area and for one of the geological formations. ; Our first discovery of fossils was made at the very lip of the hollow, where 196 IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 197 the geologists found teeth and bones of rhinocerotids in the yellow gravel cap- ping the upland. But the most significant find was made the morning follow- ing our arrival at this camp. Fossils picked up by the chief geologist in the immediate vicinity of the camp proved to be dinosaur bones. With a little further search, the locality was found to be rich in these remains, and it was then decided to devote a week to more detailed study of the ground. Conse- quently the forces were divided, Mr. Andrews, with a part of the staff, pro- ceeding toward Urga, while Messrs. Berkey, Granger, and Morris remained to carry on this work. Additional study proved that the locality was of even greater importance than had at first been supposed, and the stay length- ened beyond the original intention to about ten days, until the supplies were exhausted and we had to move or starve. In the meantime, special attention was given to every phase of inspec- tion and examination that could be carried out, and extensive collections were made. A map of the locality was prepared, the geologic column and struc- tural details were worked out, and everyone turned a hand to collecting fos- sils from as wide a territory as was practicable. It was found advisable even to turn back along a part of the trail, to study the dissected bluffs noted twenty miles back, at mile 235, where sedimentary strata are exposed in even greater prominence than at Iren Dabasu. This is the Irdin Manha escarp- ment, where subsequently a very rare fossil fauna was discovered. Study of the Iren Dabasu locality, therefore, properly includes Irdin Manha. The strata exposed at the two places are intimately related; they belong to the same structural basin, which has had a long history. The problems of both spots are essentially the same, hence there is a distinct advantage in discuss- ing the two localities together. The geological complexity of the area was not at first apparent, and it was not until the fossil contents of the different strata were compared that the nature of the structural difficulties was appreciated. Structural relations in general are uncertain where so much of the ground is covered with a shifting mantle of sand, and where marked breaks in the succession of fossil forms cor- respond to very insignificant-looking unconformities in the stratigraphic suc- cession. It was all the more important, therefore, to discover a key locality thus early in the expeditionary work, for similar conditions and obscurity of structural relations prevail in many other districts, and it is not likely that they could have been interpreted as rapidly, had it not been for the fortunate advantage furnished by the Iren Dabasu investigation. The geologists, there- fore, look on this small depression of Iren Dabasu as one of the key localities of the Gobi region,—not only because it yielded the first dinosaur bones found in Central Asia, and because the Expedition’s first announcement of scientific discovery was written at this camp (Granger and Berkey, 1922), but also 198 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA because the geological studies made here became the criteria by which our reconnaissance was more rapidly conducted. GENERAL ASPECT AND LARGER RELATIONS OF THE BASIN In its broader lines, Iren Dabasu and Irdin Manha form a part of one of the largest sedimentary basins we have seen in Mongolia. The sediments FicureE 99.—Sketch map of the region between Iren Dabasu, Shara Murun and P’ang Kiang. Known areas of different major types of ancient floor rocks are shown by appropriate symbols, while the overlying later sediments along the several traverses are left blank, with the exception of a single limestone area just south of Irdin Manha, which is of fresh water origin and belongs to the later sediments. are reached at mile 197 on the road from Kalgan, and there is no interruption of them until the slates appear at Iren Dabasu, mile 260. Along the Urga trail, therefore, from southeast to northwest the basin measures sixty-three miles in width. Toward the east, the basin has been followed for ten miles from the Irdin Manha bluff, without a glimpse, even in the distance, of a hard-rock wall terminating the sediments. Toward the west, the basin IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 199 appears to be quite continuous with that of Shara Murun, nearly one hundred miles away. The width of the basin from north to south along the trail between Iren Dabasu and Boltai Urtu is at least seventy-five miles. The measurement would have been at least twenty miles greater if the trail had lain a dozen miles farther west. The total length of the basin in an east-west direction is not known; but the Shara Murun wing extends westward to Jisu Honguer, an approximate distance of ninety-seven miles west of Irdin Manha. If we allow only twenty miles for the continuation of the basin eastward from SHARA MURUN PANG KIANG FicurE 100.—Block diagram of the area between Iren Dabasu, Shara Murun, and P’ang Kiang. This shows the major physiographic features and the general underground structure of a part of southern Mongolia, approximately 100 by 125 miles in extent. The front edge runs northwestward and follows the Kalgan-Urga trail through the P’ang Kiang and Iren Dabasu basins. The rear diagonal cut shows the section between Boltai Urtu and Shara Murun, along the Kalgan-Uliassutai trail. The cut from front to rear illustrates one interpretation of the relations between the Irdin Manha and the Shara Murun formations, indicating that the Irdin Manha represents a lower horizon. Irdin Manha, it still is more than one hundred miles long and averages more than fifty miles wide, with an area of nearly six thousand square miles (Fig. 99). The area of our special study lies near the northern border of this large basin. It is bounded on the north by the hills of slate forming that part of the basin rim; on the south, our study did not extend beyond the scarp of sed- iments at Irdin Manha. Eastward and westward, the area examined by us had no definite boundaries. There are three areas of oldrock in the vicinity—the slate hills on the north, a low ridge of granite on the east, and an exposure of graywackes and quartzites, thirteen miles south of Iren Dabasu. Remnants of the sediments are found clinging to the front of the slate hills, showing clearly that the sedimentary cover once extended entirely across the hollow in which the 200 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA salt lake now lies. The floor of the lake lowland is part slate and part sedi- ment. The strata of sand and clay form a low, irregular, much dissected scarp some distance south of the lake, and pass southward into a terrace about two miles broad. From the terrace the Houldjin bluff rises abruptly. It is a smooth-faced slope, dissected by short gullies, and at its top the level upland surface, covered by a thin mantle of gravel and drifting sand, extends south- ward for ten miles. Here the smooth upland is again broken by an immense FicurE 101.—The scarp at Irdin Manha. The field sketch shows the very level erosion upland, the short gullies of the cliff front, and a portion of a broad lowland belonging to the P’ang Kiang stage of dissection. hollow, extending westward beyond the reach of vision. On the east and south, the hollow is bordered by a well-dissected bluff which we called the Irdin Manha escarpment (Figs. 101 and 102). Just at the angle of the scarp, where its north-south face swings around toward the west, there is a well called Jia Jing Shando, which Obruchev noted, more than thirty years ago, as a good camping place for those who would study the cliffs and their fossils. As the names which we have used differ in important respects from those used by Obruchev, when he crossed this region in 1892, it will be well to pause at this point and compare the records of the two traverses. Coming from the north, Obruchev passed Iren Dabasu, which he spelled Iren Dabassun Nor (Fig. 102). He ascended the scarp which our guides called Houldjin. He had no name for the bluff itself, but for the upland he records the name Kharangoin Tala (1900, I, pages 86-89). At Irdin Manha, he discovered fossils in a small butte near the well, Jia Jing Shando. He collected a fragment of a jaw which Suess (1899) later identified as Rhinoceros or Acera- therium and which he considered to be of Miocene age. Obruchev called the scarp Khuldyin-gobi—undoubtedly the same word as our Houldjin, which, we are told, applied to the scarp farther north. He called the plateau up- land, south of the scarp, Irdin Mankha. Because of the doubtful application of so many Mongol names, and because the names, as we applied them, have been used to define standard stratigraphic units, whereas Obruchev used them only as geographical terms to define localities, we have decided to retain the usage established in the IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 201 papers already published. Professor Obruchev has courteously accepted this arrangement, saying: “Your observations concerning the place of discovery of the Rhinoceros which I found in 1892 are wholly correct. I found it in the scarp of the plateau, Irdin Mankha, which my guides had called Khuldyin-gobi. My guides were Mongols who a Sa GS ETS Se a EAT Te. OPT RTO LO MERE RT Sp ee eT ees pare MELT eee } } Locality names used by UH Obruchey: j } ‘ \Irdin Mankha Steppe ~ Khuldyin -gobi Kharangota -tala Tren Dabasu Lake} Batre Ae evs oo oan Ee eer ee amet Ree 2 APR ra oT bet Gon Oy emmy 112 it) Sud? oF, aE MOU PSST CRRA SporkHamoscs bea t t t i S Irdin Manha escarpment Houldjin escarpment ae ee N “ undrained lowland undrained | lowland iRDIN MANHA FORMATION “ss BEDS... x = @ = T Vvvvuaree KEE RR a HANTO BEDEEDS ite Me si yvivivvy vvevy Vivweveveved ARSHANT DABASU'2 te ee a v PROBABLY “GRANITE Vuevvvveyed \ ‘Ont S le) eee 20 25 MILES FicurE 102.—Generalized geologic section between Iren Dabasu and Irdin Manha. The section shows at least three periods of basin making and three corresponding unconformities in this repeatedly warped basin. The unconformities lie (1) at the base of the Cretaceous Iren Dabasu beds, upon the uneven floor of crystalline rocks; (2) at the base of the Eocene Arshanto formation, upon the slightly disturbed and eroded Cretaceous beds; (3) at the base of the Oligocene Houldjin gravels, upon the eroded Eocene. Each unconformity implies a long period during which deformation was so gentle and erosion so slight as not to wholly remove the preceding thin deposits of sediments. had traveled this road many times with tea caravans, so that they knew the road very well; but, of course, they could err very easily in the matter of exact names of localities. From your profile and my description of the journey, one must conclude that the rhinoceros tooth was laid in the Irdin Mankha formation and not in the Houldjin beds which are exposed much nearer to the lake, Iren Dabasu, and which I have briefly described on page 86 (1900, I), without having discovered any fossils in them.”’ Origin of the hollow at Iren Dabasu The Iren Dabasu lowland is only eight miles wide along the Urga trail, but is more extensive east and west. The western scarp lies three miles beyond the telegraph station, while in an easterly direction the hollow extends for at least twenty miles. The lowland is not a basin structure at all, but is purely an erosion form, representing the P’ang Kiang stage of dissection referred to in Part II of this report, and discussed more fully in Chapter XIX. The depression is basin-like in topographic form, without outlet, and without very direct evidence of the process by which it has been made. The elongated depression has many of the features of a stream valley, and it is 202 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA possible that a river started the excavation; but it is certain that the undrained hollow which contains the lake must have been scoured out by the wind. Here is a record of changing climatic conditions. Only when water was absent could the wind have excavated the lake bed. The presence of the lake tells of a return to rainier conditions than those prevailing when the wind was etching out the hollow, while the drying of the lake records a minor arid cycle. There are many small stream courses, dry most of the year, leading from the bluffs toward the lake, and proving that both erosion and transportation are accomplished by running water. The fact that the stream courses do not lead out of the basin, and yet the basin does not fill, presents a problem that requires explanation. Even though there must be extensive movement of detritus, there is virtually no sediment accumulating in the bottom of the hollow itself. It is incredible that stream erosion could be a large factor in sculpturing the margins without corresponding sedimentary accumulation in the bottom, unless some other agent removes the deposits as fast as they can form. Only the wind could doit. The wind must be responsible for carrying away large quantities of loosened and transported material, so that accumula- tions are kept at a minimum. The general effect is a depression of basin-like form, the margins of which, on the south side and around the west end, are formed by an escarp- ment of sedimentary strata, whereas the northern margin is formed by the stripped floor of complex ancient rock. GENERAL ROCK STRUCTURE In a very broad way, only two strikingly different classes of rocks are present—(a) metamorphic, of which slate is the commonest, representing the ancient floor, and (b) later sediments, mostly sandstones and silts, which con- stitute the nearly flat strata overlying this floor. The rocks of the ancient floor are, we judge, of pre-Cambrian age. It is possible that they belong to the Nan K’ou series of China, but this cannot be determined in the Iren Dabasu locality. These slates carry numerous vein- quartz stringers and many dikes of igneous rock, some of which are trap or diabase, whereas others are granite. None of these intrusive units is of suffi- cient importance in the local study to warrant further description. The sedimentary strata, which are of much more immediate interest, can be divided into three groups marked by differences in petrographic quality and in fossil content. The evidence indicates that the whole triple series is of inland continental origin. Part of the sediment was deposited in shallow lakes; much of it was laid down by streams with vigorous currents, and prob- ably also a part is wind-blown dust and sand. IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 203 The Iren Dabasu formation The first and oldest of the basin formations, to which the name of the locality was given, occupies the southern half of the hollow, where bare sand- stone ledges form many outcrops (Fig. 103). With them are associated strata of fine clay, which are less resistant than the sandstones. The sandstones,— particularly the coarser varieties,—are cross-bedded and do not lie perfectly flat. The dip is always small, and its variation from place to place indicates slight deformation since the beds were laid down. These strata are much more indurated than are the overlying Tertiary beds, and some of the exposed layers are substantial enough to withstand the attack of weather fairly well,— so that they form projecting ledges, flat mesa-tops, and the caps of upstand- ond Houldjin formation Ole Disconformity —> gocene Eocene Beds Arshanto formation? Talus slop Tren Dabasu formation -« ee Cretaceous : nconformity* FicurE 103.—The stratigraphic section at Iren Dabasu. ing pillars. For the most part the clays are reddish or buff or slightly yellow- ish in color, and are comparatively thin-bedded. They vary from pebbly internal structure to extremely fine, almost silt-like material. There are a few lenticular, limy layers of very limited extent, one of which was found to carry fossil fresh-water bivalve shells. The principal constituent is quartz sand, and in composition there is no striking or unusual peculiarity. But cer- tain beds carry such fine material that they might be called silts or even mud rocks, rather than sandstones. The finer silts also are simpler in general struc- ture than are the coarser layers. The only important differences, in addition to these petrographic varia- tions, are presented by the fossil content. Certain beds carry multitudes of fossil fragments, and have yielded incomplete skeletons of several large dino- saurs. The formation proves to be of Cretaceous age. Only a remnant of the original deposit is left, and it is quite impossible to determine the original thickness. In 1923, a thicker deposit of Cretaceous beds was found several miles east of the lake (Plate XXIII). At least one hundred feet of sediment are exposed there, but only the uppermost thirty feet have as yet proved 204 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA fossil-bearing. Sandstones are rather less abundant in the eastern exposures than in those west of the lake, but they are identical in character,—rather coarse, light gray sandstones consisting of angular grains of quartz with minor amounts of chalcedony, quartzite, feldspar, granite and epidote rock. The standstones are cross-bedded and bear only fragmentary fossils. The better fossils, especially the bones which were found associated in their skeletal posi- tions, were found almost wholly in the beds of gray-green clay. One bed of red sandy clay, the highest fossil-bearing horizon yet found in the Iren Dabasu formation, contained numberless fragments of smooth, curving plates, which, it was thought in the field, might be the shells of dinosaur eggs. The discov- ery of perfect eggs at Djadokhta had not been made at that time, and these fragments were collected as doubtful material. An examination of thin sec- tions under the microscope, however, has demonstrated that they are dinosaur egg-shells. The shells vary in size, and doubtless belong to several different types of dinosaur. The larger eggs are much bigger than those found at Dja- dokhta. Hence there are at least two places in central Asia where dinosaur eggs are found. The list of fossils for the Iren Dabasu formation is as follows: Reptilia Dinosauria Predentata Undetermined iguanodonts of various sizes and in great abundance Theropoda Numerous remains of struthiomimid and deinodont types. Chelonia Fragments of turtle bones. Variegated Tertiary beds The next overlying beds were at first believed to belong to the Iren Dabasu formation, but they are now known to belong to a different age and to overlie that formation unconformably. Obviously, therefore, the same name can not apply to these beds. Everywhere the loose cover of wash conceals the transition from the sandstone ledges of the central part of the basin to the beds of an entirely different quality exposed on the marginal escarpment (Fig. 103). As nearly as can be determined, they lie flat and are less indurated than the Cretaceous strata. Some of the beds are better designated as silts or clays; most of them have a finely laminated parting, and would be classed as clay shales. They include a great range of color, varying from brick red to green and from yel- low to blue. Some individual beds are variegated red, green, and drab. IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 205 In places the beds are concretionary, and there are a very few limy lay- ers carrying septarian nodules. The most constant differences between these beds and the sandstone beds below are their less consolidated state, finer grain, higher color, less deformed condition, and their comparative barrenness. No fossils were found in them during the first season, but in 1923 a molar of a small lophiodont was found, together with great numbers of ostracods. The tooth, so far as it has been studied, is like those of the lophiodonts found in the Arshanto formation which will be described later. The stratigraphic posi- tion of the barren beds of Iren Dabasu agrees very well with that of the Ar- shanto, which is undoubtedly of Eocene age. At the base they pass beneath a cover that conceals their relation to the beds below; but it is now certain that between them and the dinosaur-bearing sandstones below there is an erosion unconformity which constitutes a floor for these much later sediments. A corresponding relation was proven later on with similar groups of strata in the Uskuk region. The Houldjin formation Upon the second series of beds described above lie about fifteen feet of yellow, pebbly gravel, which forms the top of the escarpment. The layer carries pebbles of quartzite, vein quartz, chalcedony, slate, and graywacke, and in both internal structure and fossil content is totally unlike any of the others thus far described. Even the fossils are but fragments and are dis- tributed as if carried into place by currents. Many are well worn and rounded, and are more abundant in the coarse-grained, rusty basal part of the formation than in the higher levels. The deposit is of a rusty to buff color, but is not well cemented. Such partial cementing as there is readily breaks down under weathering, and the loose sands and gravels slump over the escarpment, where small streams distribute the débris over the lowland. Fossil fragments are found, therefore, scattered over the slopes across the lower formations, but are readily traced back to this layer as a source. The first bones found by the Expedition were obtained from this horizon, and here, too, the calcaneum of the giant hornless rhinoceros, Baluchitherium, and many other fragments were collected, giving the first hint of the pres- ence of this huge mammal in central Asia. The following fossils have been collected from the Houldjin formation: Mammalia Carnivora Undetermined fragments Perissodactyla Baluchitherium sp. 206 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Mammalia— Continued Perissoda tyla—Continued Cadurcotherium sp. Cenopus or Preaceratherium sp. Artiodactyla Entelodon dirus, new species Reptilia Chelonia Fragments of a large tortoise. Apparently the Houldjin is a mere remnant of a once much more extensive formation, most of which has been completely removed by the processes that have made the Gobi plane. In spite of the fact that the formation cannot be traced on the upland, it is exposed again sixteen miles south of Iren Dabasu station, where the upland has been somewhat dissected, and where exactly the same relation of formations is found in the edge of a small depression. The drab clay is overlaid by a red clay, upon which rests a cap of rusty grav- elly sand, which is undoubtedly the Houldjin. At that point the formation is about thirty to forty feet thick. The sedimentary strata lying on the crystalline rock floor in the Iren Dabasu basin may be grouped into three formational units—(a) an older formation, chiefly of sandstones bearing dinosaur remains and, therefore, of Mesozoic age, (b) a clay formation, lying unconformably above, and clearly much younger, and (c) a topmost member, of sand and gravel, carrying a mammalian fauna, separated from the formation immediately below by an- other hiatus. The three distinct portions of the sedimentary column above the crystalline floor are represented in the accompanying columnar section in their approximate proportions (Fig. 103, page 203). The Arshanto and Irdin Manha formations Twenty miles south, at Irdin Manha, the Houldjin does not appear, and the escarpment is formed of Eocene strata. The beds can be divided into two groups,— one of red clays at the base, and the other of gray sandy clays, sands, and gravels above. There is a marked contrast between the two groups, and, while the name Irdin Manha formation was given to the entire sequence of red and gray sediments, it seemed well to reserve the possibility of separating the groups. Accordingly the name Arshanto was assigned tentatively to the lower red beds, while the name Irdin Manha was reserved for the upper gray formation. For clearness of reference these names will be used in describing the sediments, even if ultimately the Arshanto proves to be merely the lower Irdin Manha. IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 207 The Arshanto beds are prevailingly red clays and fine silts, which, on weathering, crumble into small hard chips. Much of the deposit is structure- less, almost like loess; however, it lacks the vertical cleavage and the concre- tions so commonly noted in loess. In some places, a faint color-banding is seen in the red beds, but no shaly structure or marked bedding. Color-banding is held by Matthew (1915, pages 395-398) to be not inconsistent with wind deposits, and our own observations tend to support his opinion. In still other places, chocolate brown beds and, more rarely, thin gray layers appear among the red, and here at least there is definite bedding. About a mile east of Irdin Manha escarpment lies another broad, undrained hollow (Fig. 99, page 198), part of which is called Arshanto, from which the formation is named. Here some lens-shaped beds of gray and red sandstone were found in the red clays. A limited collection of small lophiodonts was made, which has not yet been fully studied; but the preliminary examination by Matthew and Granger shows that they are quite different from the lophiodonts of the Irdin Manha beds. The base of the red beds was not seen; the only bottom known for the forma- tion is at Iren Dabasu, where it rests upon the Cretaceous beds. Whether there are Cretaceous beds beneath this part of the basin is not definitely known, but it seems probable that the Iren Dabasu formation extends farther south than is revealed in the outcrops around the lake. The barren clays above the dinosaur beds at Iren Dabasu are distinctly shaly and well bedded; there is no doubt that they, at least, were laid down in water. They probably represent a different facies of deposition in Ar- shanto time, a local deposit in a shallow lake. The Irdin Manha formation at the type locality consists of the prevailing gray beds of sandy clay, sand, and gravel. Some strata are mottled red and green; some few are even red; but there is a knife-sharp contact between the Arshanto and the overlying beds. The Irdin Manha is characterized by num- berless channel-cuts and fillings, so that no individual bed can be traced very far. The quality of the beds also varies greatly, ranging from a sandy clay through sand and gravel. Some of the sand is exquisitely fine and uniform, and may well be a wind-borne deposit. Many of the beds of sand contain clay-galls, and some of the clays carry lumps of agglutinated sand grains. Most of the coarser sands are cross-bedded, with longer foreset beds than are seen in the Cretaceous sandstones at Iren Dabasu. The prevailing dip of the foreset beds is northward, suggesting accumulations from the south. Two peculiarities of the Irdin Manha beds are especially notable. One is the presence of innumerable white marly or limy lumps, like concretions. In some cases at least, they show evidence of wear, as though they shad been rolled along by water after they had become hardened. Possibly they repre- sent limy concretions or fragments of lime-cemented sediments which later 208 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA were broken up and washed out by the streams that laid the gravels and sands in which these lime-cemented lumps are found. The other peculiarity of the Irdin Manha formation is the lustrous polish of the pebbles found in it. Jas- per, chalcedony, agate, quartz, and quartzite are brilliantly polished, while feldspar fragments are dull, save for the brightness of cleavage faces. The handsome lustrous stones have given the place its name, for Irdin Manha means “Valley of Gems.” Most of the fossils are rather fragmentary. There were no complete skeletons and no associated chains of vertebre, though occasionally a manus or pes was found. For the most part, pieces of jaw, isolated teeth, or ends of limb bones make up the collection. Assiduous search revealed several fine skulls. The generally broken and scattered condition of the bones suggests that most of them were deposited by running water,—an inference which agrees well with the channel structures which are so common in the deposits. The following fossils have been identified: Mammalia Carnivora Paracynohyenodon morrisi Matthew and Granger (1924a), new species of Hyznodontide Andrewsarchus mongoliensis Osborn (1924e) Mesonychids—genus and species undetermined Rodentia Genus and species undetermined Insectivora ? Pantolestes, or Pantolestidz Perissodactyla Desmatotherium mongoliense Osborn (19230) Lophiodonts, undescribed (Shara Murun and Irdin Manha) Protitanotherium sp., undescribed Titanotheres (dolicocephalic) undescribed (Shara Murun and Irdin Manha) Artiodactyla Undetermined genus, Anthracotheriide Amblypoda Eudinoceras mongoliensis Osborn (1924d) In the season of 1923, the Expedition camped for two weeks at Iren Dabasu, and for three weeks at Irdin Manha, near the well Jia Jing Shando. The survey was extended in several directions, and our general knowledge of the region broadened. One observation that seems to be of especial interest is the very irregular distribution of fossils in the Irdin Manha formation. The camp lay in the midst of the richest deposit of fossils seen in this vicinity. IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 209 Northward, the bluffs were prospected all the way to the granite ridge and along its entire front, without disclosing any but scattered and fragmentary bones. Southward, the bluffs were followed for ten miles, but were for the most part barren. A traverse southward from Iren Dabasu reached the Irdin Manha escarpment at a point about ten miles west of the type locality, and here a considerable deposit of bones was found, but all were fragmentary and water-worn. At another place, some miles south of Holti temple (Fig. 99), President Osborn found a tooth of an amblypod, Eudinoceras mongoliensis. No locality in this part of the basin proved as rich as the first prospect, which, though we did not know it at the time, was the place where Obruchey, in 1892, had taken the first fossil recorded from Mongolia. Shara Murun Leaving Irdin Manha on June 12, 1923, the Expedition journeyed south- ward across seventy-five miles of unbroken basin country, finding Irdin Manha fossils at one place. The road leads through an area of granite and quartzite at Holostai temple (Fig. 99), but a splendid escarpment of sediment was vis- ible some miles to the west, unmistakably resting upon the granite surface (Fig. 104). At Boltai Urtu the course turned westward and at once encoun- Gobi Upland on Piateau of Tertiary Sediments Granite PES Sagas eed _- Kwethwating FiGurE 104.—The scarp at Holostai. The eroded surface of the granite is overlaid at the western end of the sketch by Tertiary sediments. tered sediments, across which it continued for sixty-five miles to the Shara Murun district, where, in 1922, Mr. Granger had noted a rich deposit of fos- sils. Although so far away, Shara Murun is inseparable from Irdin Manha, and it carries a related, though distinctly later fauna. A high bluff extends nearly east and west, and at the camp site is divided into two slopes, separated by a terrace nearly a mile wide (Plate XXII, B, page 183). The well near camp is called Ula Usu, which means ‘‘ Mountain Water”’ or perhaps ‘‘Water on the Hill.” Meanwhile a paper had been published (Berkey and Granger, 1923), using another name, Shara Murun, for this place, and the beds will therefore be called the Shara Murun formation, al- though the river Shara Murun actually lies sixteen miles east of the Ula Usu camp. The upper part of the formation consists chiefly of white and light gray sandstones which are gravelly in places. Locally brownish and gray clayey VOL. II—I4 210 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA beds appear in the upper member. The lower member is almost wholly sandy clay, richly variegated in color. Reds predominate, but there are purple, brown, and green layers, and some are mottled with many colors. The beds are lens-shaped, and some can be traced along the outcrop for as much as a mile. In some places, large crystals of gypsum are abundant, locally forming fibrous masses two feet long, and in one place beds of gypsum a foot thick were seen. No fossils were found where gypsum was plentiful. Below the many-colored clays lies a hard red clay, which we named the Tukhum. It is nearly barren, but a few fossils were obtained which do not match those of the typical Shara Murun. Considering this difference in phys- ical condition and faunal content, it seems probable that there is an older Eocene formation below the Shara Murun, in much the same stratigraphic position as the Arshanto occupies at Irdin Manha, but it is not yet possible to correlate the red Tukhum clays at Shara Murun definitely with the Ar- shanto. The fossil field is extraordinarily rich, yielding not only numberless bones, jaws, and teeth, but several associated skeletons and many excellent skulls. From palzontologic evidence, it appears that the horizon is but a little higher than that of Irdin Manha. AGE AND CORRELATION At the time of the discovery of fossils in the Iren Dabasu, there was prac- tically no basis for comparison between the strata found there and in other por- tions of the Gobi. Strata of similar appearance, but not yielding fossils, had been seen at several places on the journey, particularly at P’ang Kiang and at Irdin Manha, and it was conjectured that the beds of those localities are closely related to the sedimentary rocks at Iren Dabasu. When it was found, however, that certain beds of the Iren Dabasu district, including those at Irdin Manha, produced characteristic fossil faunas, it was possible in a general way to fix the age of those portions of the series. Thus it was evident that the dinosaur beds, found near the base of the geological column at Iren Dabasu, are of Cretaceous age. Nothing equivalent to them was known in central Asia. At that time it was supposed that the overlying beds of red and drab and varie- gated shales and sandstones belonged with them, and the whole combination was referred to at first as the Iren Dabasu formation. Subsequent work indi- cated much more clearly an unconformity between the dinosaur-bearing beds and the overlying, simpler, and barren strata. These were subsequently proven to be of Tertiary age, but in the Iren Dabasu basin, because of the lack of fossils, the exact horizon remained somewhat doubtful. East of Irdin Manha, a productive horizon in the barren-looking series yielded a primitive IREN DABASU AND IRDIN MANHA 211 lophiodont fauna, indicating Eocene age. An effort was made to trace the connection between Irdin Manha and Iren Dabasu across the upland, but without much success. It is evident that the same general series continues; but whether the barren beds at Iren Dabasu lie above or below the lophiodont horizon is not yet clear. They are probably closely related beds, and are surely of Eocene age. It is evident, therefore, that the Iren Dabasu formation, as revised, does not include quite as much as indicated in the original description (Granger and Berkey, 1922), and properly applies only to the Cretaceous sandstone beds below the unconformity. It is evident, also, that the overlying variegated barren beds of Iren Dabasu really belong to the same series as those found at Irdin Manha, and are very probably a part of the Arshanto formation. At Iren Dabasu there is a disconformity separating the Arshanto from the Houldjin formation above, but the Houldjin beds do not appear at Irdin Manha (Fig. 102). The Houldjin formation carries a strikingly different fauna, indicating Lower Oligocene age. No higher fossil-bearing formations have developed at either place. Only a fraction of the original Houldjin form- ation remains beneath the Gobi erosion plane. The gravels and shifting sands on the smooth surface of the upland are recent. When these relations are plotted, it appears that there is no way of accounting for the peculiar distri- bution of the Houldjin formation, unless the region was warped subsequent to the production of the pre-Oligocene erosion surface. These relations are graphically indicated in the accompanying geologic cross-section (Fig. 102). The total thickness of the sediments at Iren Dabasu is not more than two hundred feet, yet there are four plainly marked erosion and planation surfaces, as follows: 1. The floor of ancient rock on which all the sediments are laid down. This is the pre-Cretaceous peneplane and unconformity. 2. An undulating surface truncating and limiting the Cretaceous dino- saur-bearing beds. This is the pre-Tertiary unconformity. 3. An erosion surface separating the Arshanto formation from the Houldjin beds above. This is the pre-Oligocene erosion surface. 4. The present level upland, which also is clearly a product of erosion, we have called the Gobi erosion plane. On it rest only the drifting sands. At Irdin Manha the erosion breaks are not visible, except the Gobi plane. The old floor is completely covered, as are the Cretaceous strata, while the pre-Oligocene plane must be warped to a position so high that it is actually above the present Irdin Manha surface, and has been completely destroyed by the beveling work of the Gobi planation. Even the Gobi erosion plane is warped, as indicated by the elevation readings across the upland. Apparently this region has been for ages affected 212 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA by gentle warping, with periods of deformation separated by periods of com- parative stability. This kind of history has continued since the beginning of Cretaceous time, and the striking feature of it is the small total algebraic sum of plus or minus readjustment that has taken place. The alternating periods of deposition on the one hand and of distributive erosion on the other, each inaugurated and closed by slight deforming movements, are all com- prised in this basin within present vertical limits of only two or three hundred feet of deposits. It would be an error, of course, to assume that the present sedimentary column includes all the vertical movements which have affected the region, or that it contains all the sediments that were ever deposited there. Probably greater thicknesses have been removed from each of the formations than now remain, and if the total column could be reproduced and its erosion then accounted for to make the present structure, a much greater total vertical range would be covered. The beds of the successive formations of later age often lie so nearly parallel that the actual physical break, caused by one of these erosion epochs, can rarely be seen. In the Iren Dabasu basin physical breaks were so obscure that two of them were not detected until a detailed study was made. When this was done, however, it was clear that the lowermost beds have been more. deformed than those above, and in a few places slight angular unconformity can be measured. The deformation, however, has been too gentle to develop very pronounced structure, and in some cases the finding of a change in the fauna is the first suggestion of the presence of a physical break in the strati- graphic succession. The evidence, as a whole, suggests a region of very gentle shifting of levels, the erosion work of one stage tending to destroy and remove from certain up- warped areas the deposits of the preceding stage. Then, after additional warp- ing, the whole process is renewed, often with the directions reversed, and part of the deposits of the preceding epoch are removed from the newly uplifted area to the newly formed depressions. Thus, from one epoch to another these changes have taken place, with the result that there is an enormously complex interlocking and interweaving of formations, no single one extending continuously, or free from partial destructive erosion, for very great distances. The construction, therefore, of a complete geologic column for the Gobi will probably require correlation of all the scattered remnants of warped and eroded basin sediments in Mongolia. It may not be possible to formulate a com- plete column. AIXX ALVId j | i j PLATE XXIV. THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF ARISHAN. (Painted by C. Lester Morgan after field sketch in crayons by Frederick K. Morris.) CHAPTER XII ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN [Geologic Map of Arishan, Plate XXVI, in pocket at end] INTRODUCTION AFTER we had traveled more than a thousand miles and had gained a little confidence in our understanding of the geology of the region, we came one day, in the province of Sain Noin, to the vicinity of a strikingly majestic, black-browed, sharp-edged mountain, whose high-hanging, dark talus forms a frowning crown that seems to give it additional distinction (Plate XXIV and Fig. 105). Blocks of fallen rock in some places reach still farther down the mountainside and form a festooned fringe on its upper slopes, in sharp contrast with its own smooth base and with its simpler neighbors. That it is an unusual mountain could be seen at once, but that it holds mystery and magic was still to be learned. Instinctively we felt that it must have a history somewhat different from anything we had yet seen. Later we were to find reasons for this and to learn why the locality is regarded with great veneration. At that moment we could not know that, for centuries past, generation after generation of men had respected this mountain, and that we were now in the presence of one of the natural wonders of their world, the Sacred Mountain of Sain Noin. At the foot of the mountain stands a shrine, and a small group of yurts occupied by priests, among them a high priest, or Da Lama, who assumes charge of the place. He is a member of the official family descended from the Khans of Sain Noin, a relative of the ruling prince of a fourth of Mongolia. Apparently he considered himself directly responsible for the sacred place, representing in his own person both church and state, and carrying in his blood the pride of centuries of authority and privilege traced back to the golden age of the Mongol Empire. Only a few feet from the lama’s yurt runs a sparkling brook, whose waters, hot as the hand can bear, issue from the ground at the base of the shrine. These are the far-famed healing waters of Sain Noin, credited for ages with 213 214 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA miraculous properties and bearing their own evidence of direct connection with supernatural powers. Else why do these waters issue forth hot, when the earth all around is frozen? Why, also, should they pour out in such abundance in a region where water is scarce at best, and where all other waters disappear into the ground? Even the mountain above stands frown- Sacred ae / Mountain | Arishan ~~ Hii CAz «en Elevations determined by barometer. Hot Spr: fj & ht Contour interval 100 Feet. 6200} Scale of Miles = 1 ° 1 2 3 FicureE 105.—Location map of the route between the Tarmil River and the Sacred Mountain of Arishan. : ing and threatening in a mutely protective way. Here is mystery. Here is result without adequate cause. Here the course of nature is reversed. What better sign could there be that this spot is to be revered more than other places? It must be that a god has touched the waters, or a benevolent demon dwells beneath, or the King of the World, whose realm lies in the earth below, has permitted this evidence of his power to mark the spot. Here is where the natural and the supernatural merge. It is a holy place! Doubtless this mountain has been the object of pilgrimage through ages, and it must have looked down on many savage scenes as the sacred rites of primitive tribes were performed. So we liked to let our fancy spin the story of the Holy Mountain and clothe it with the superstitions of that early time, some of which still linger. Some of them, indeed, may come down from the long ago when primitive man stood for the first time awestruck before this evidence of hidden powers. ; When we asked the Da Lama for permission to inspect the spring, take a sample of its waters, make a map of the district, visit the mountain, examine the formations of the locality, and study its geological history, he readily consented, but warned us, in a gentle though confident way, that nothing should be killed on this sacred ground (Plate XXV, A). The holy spot lost none of its charm for us because it happened to fit our purpose to study the mystery itself, for it is one of the type geological localities of northern Mon- golia. ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN 215 We found a great fracture in the earth’s crust at the base of the mountain, and the strata have been displaced along it so that one side has dropped down several thousand feet. Taking advantage of this weakness, volcanic lavas have attempted to break through the fault zone, but their energy died out before much of an outbreak was accomplished. They came so near the surface, however, that even to-day one can find a few fragments of volcanic rock lying about on the ground, and probably there is much more below. Now, the rain that falls on the adjacent hills and sinks into the ground finds its way into the fractured zone, following along the hillside and under the valley till it encounters the lava below, which must still be hot. Heated by the lava, the waters rise of their own accord, issuing as hot springs. Thus it has come about here, as so often elsewhere, that obscure and hid- den geologic processes came to be interpreted in terms of mystery, and that natural forces, operating in full conformity with physical laws have been clothed with supernatural powers and have been ascribed to gods or demons not subject to law of any kind. These powers must be worshiped or consulted; at the very least, they must not be offended. And we heeded the serious- minded request of our priestly host not to kill anything here because ‘this is holy ground.” But we felt the strange spirit of the place—the sacred springs and the Sacred Mountain—and soon came to realize that here we were face to face with one of the primal elements of man’s dawning wonder, respect, and super- stition which together somehow seemed to involve the very rudiments of religion. Our physical explanation of the mystery and the Buddhist’s worship of it were brought into clear contrast by the parting request of the lama prince. When asked what he would like to have us do for him or send him on our return to America, he said simply: ‘I wish you would send me an analysis of the water.’”” To him it meant: ‘Tell me what makes this differ- ent from other waters—what has the King of the World done here?’’ Race after race has dwelt here in the forgotten past, and each people has ascribed the hidden power to its own deity. Tribe after tribe has looked upon this place as one demanding reverence, recalling duties, warning the indolent of shortcomings, kindling aspiration in finer minds, and telling all of the presence of influences which they could not understand. For ages, god has succeeded god, each to inherit the magic springs from his vanishing predecessor. Buddha is only the latest of many masters. Each one has poured forth blessings at his pleasure, and called upon his people for sacrifice and for prayer, in accord with the custom of the day. It is a crude beginning of religion, but perhaps there is no other way to begin. One could stand be- fore magnificent church edifices which have no greater charm and perhaps no wider influence than has this lone mountain of Sain Noin. One could 216 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA listen to long sermons containing no more food for serious thought than the simple request of the Buddhist priest to be mindful of his holy ground. FEATURES OF THE LOCALITY Only a small area was included in our special study of this locality. The map covers about twenty-five square miles. It extends from one side of the valley to the other, just to the hill margins, and far enough on the south side to include the Sacred Mountain. The area covers a typical section of the local geology. The central portion is a smooth erosion surface, with gently rolling ground in which a stream with minor tributaries flows toward the southeast. At either side there is more pronounced hill country. On the whole, however, the topography is not especially striking. In certain places, the minor relief features indicate the structural attitude of gently dipping sedimentary beds, but elsewhere the topography is not particularly suggestive. The Sacred Mountain itself stands in marked relief, largely because of its cap of metamorphosed graywacke. The area has, however, a very com- plicated geological structure, with many faults and considerable variety of ancient crystalline rock, and with great thickness of sedimentary strata. Although the faults are of considerable magnitude they are wholly without topographic expression. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS Three important geological formations are represented, all in typical character (Plate XXVI). The oldest is the graywacke series; associated with it is a portion of the bathylithic granite, which is much younger. The most recent group consists of the Jurassic conglomerates and sandstones which occupy the central portion of the valley. The graywacke and granite form the valley sides. The only additional structural material is found in the dikes, which cut the granite and graywacke series. Graywacke series On the east side of the valley the graywacke series constitutes the border- ing region for many miles. It is the chief formation of the Khangai moun- tain range, and we have called it the Khangai formation. In the Arishan locality its bedding is especially obscure, and it is neither as good a graywacke nor as good a slate as we find in some of the other localities farther to the east or to the south. It is grayish or greenish, dark-looking, clastic rock of the sandstone type, of very mixed composition. There has been considerable deformation, with development of cleavages and fractures that help to con- ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN 217 fuse the original structural habit of the rock. Enough of the bedding can be seen almost anywhere, however, to show that the formation stands steeply inclined, and that these hills are only the eroded remnants of a great series of mountain folds. On the west side of the area, in the vicinity of the Sacred Mountain, there is a markedly different relation. The top of the mountain is capped with graywacke, as are also several other adjacent hills; but beneath the cap, and forming the base of the mountain with the adjacent ground, is granite. Erosion has cut down through the bathylithic roof represented by the rem- nants of graywacke formation, and has exposed and cut into the underlying granite. The granite magma had previously eaten its way up into the basal and down-folded portions of the graywacke series, destroying all the founda- tions on which that series had formerly rested. Thus there is here a splendid exhibit of the very roots of a roof-pendant (Plate XXV, B). The capping graywacke has been cut and broken and somewhat meta- morphosed. The granite, too, has been modified near the contact, for it has absorbed some of the cap-rock and has included fragments of it within its own substance. No place in the Gobi region shows these relations more clearly or to greater satisfaction for structural or historical study than the Sacred Mountain. The contrast between the graywacke and the granite is striking, and it is this change in quality of material, with almost black, meta- morphosed graywacke forming the top of the mountain and furnishing the streaks of dark talus on its upper slopes, that gives the mountain its frowning appearance. The base is simple granite, weathering out to granular condi- tion and pulverizing to fine sand that can be blown away. Even the granite is more readily destroyed than the graywacke which caps the hills. The granite The base of the Sacred Mountain and the adjacent hills, together with the ground sloping toward the hot springs, are all of a biotite granite. It is a massive type, of comparatively coarse composition, disintegrating in this climate somewhat more readily than the other rocks with which it is associated. The granite, therefore, is worn down in some places as low as the simple sand- stones of Jurassic age which underlie the rest of the valley. There is other- wise nothing peculiar or unusual about it. The mountain stands so high wholly because it has been protected by the cap of relatively resistant meta- morphic graywacke. Near the hot springs the granite has broken into a multitude of massive blocks (Plate XVII A, page 143). They lie tumbled about in utmost confusion, and give at first the impression that they are the ruins of some great structure built by man. The same habit can be seen in many other places, always in 218 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA low or wet spots, and we judge that the granite breaks up, by jointing, into . large slabs which are dislodged by frost; and the rgck in the low, wet places is more prominently affected in this way than the average rock, simply because the joints are more commonly filled with water, the freezing of which supplies the lifting energy. The blocks are then exposed to additional atmospheric attack, and at last disintegrate into arkosic sand which the wind can blow away. This is one of the steps, we judge, in the development of the peculiar depression-topography noted in most of the granite areas thus far seen in the Gobi region. Under the most favorable circumstances depressions of con- siderable depth are etched out. The granite covers the whole western portion of the map, except for the remnants of the older graywacke which are part of the roof of the bathylith. Toward the east, however, the granite is limited at a definite line which proves to be a fault boundary. The formations on one side of the fault line are the granite and graywacke series, and on the other, the Jurassic sandstones and conglomerates. The granite is intersected by many large dikes that trail off across- country, in wavy courses somewhat resembling the serpent-form dikes described in greater detail in the account of the Tsetsenwan country (Chapter V). These are of exactly the same type, only less pronounced in their serpent- form habit. They run somewhat more evenly, and are not quite so numerous as they are in the Tsetsenwan district. They vary in quality from granite porphyry to medium basic rocks, such as andesites; but their whole range of composition might easily come within the possibilities of differentiation in the granite bathylith itself, the same explanation applying to these as to the myriad dikes of Tsetsenwan (page 98). Some of the dikes break through the capping graywacke, and in such places tend to follow the structural lines of the rock. Another feature, somewhat different in its meaning, is the presence of almost completely digested xenoliths of graywacke within the granite mass. In some places little is left to remind one of the graywacke substance, but there is a certain superimposed structural habit in the granite and it has a slightly different composition from the average, suggesting absorption of graywacke substance by the granite. In some places there are contact meta- morphic minerals, such as tourmaline, which indicate local concentration of special constituents. Thus the granite varies both in composition and in structure, especially as one approaches the cap of graywacke or the included xenoliths. In ex- treme cases the granite and the invaded rock may be so commingled that a given specimen consists of nearly equal parts of each kind of rock. Besides the variation in quality due to absorption of the overlying rock, PLATE XXV. A. GUARDIANS OF THE SACRED MOUNTAIN, The lama prince stands at the door of his yurt with attendant priests. The yurts and tents at one side belong to pilgrim visitors, and those in the middle background stand near the shrine and over the principal springs. B. XENOLITH OF GRAYWACKE CAPPING A GRANITE HILL. The black capping rock is graywacke metamorphosed by the bathylithic granite which surrounds it. ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN 219 there is variety due to differentiation of the magma represented especially by the dikes (Specimen 251, A.M. 9940). The Jurassic formation In the middle of the valley the formation is wholly sandstone and con- glomerate, which we have tentatively assigned to the Jurassic. The sediments are well-bedded and form a very thick series, terminated abruptly on the west- ern margin along the fault line. Along this margin the beds are tilted so that one may walk across their upturned edges. Elsewhere in the valley they lie in various attitudes, for the most part much more nearly horizontal. Erosion of the tilted beds of varying hardness has produced many small hogbacks and cuestas. The rocks for the most part are thin-bedded and contain a sur- prisingly high proportion of quartz-sand. Sandstones prevail over all other types, and are associated with conglomeratic or pebbly beds, but shales are not developed to a great extent. It is not possible to tell the thickness of the formation, but several thousand feet of beds are actually exposed by the tilting of the strata. No fossils were found. Some very black, coaly-looking material was seen near the springs; this is regarded as equivalent to some of the coal layers found elsewhere in the Jurassic series (Specimens 252, 253, A.M. 9941, 9942). Special products The only unusual type of material found at Arishan consists of fragments of vesicular basalt. None was found strictly in place; all were scattered promiscuously in the vicinity of the hot springs. They are not especially attractive fragments, such as might have appealed to men who could carry them there as peculiar or fascinating pieces of rock, neither are they a part of the shrine. The one suggestive feature of their distribution is that they were found only along the precise line of the fault. The evidence favors the conclusion that they are residuary blocks from a formation that is in place. We believe that they represent a portion of a plug or outlet of volcanic mate- rial that at one time came up along the fault zone to at least the level of the present surface, and that they mark an incipient volcanic vent, which appar- ently did not fully develop. This, however, is not essentially different from the volcanic history of the area along the Ongin Gol at Sain Noin, where recent lavas have poured out and choked the stream (page 126). It is our opinion that the two volcanic outbursts are comparable in age and origin. The one at Arishan, however, did not succeed in furnishing a lava flow, as did that of Sain Noin, but followed the zone of weakness along the fault line almost to the surface. We are inclined, therefore, to assume a volcanic basalt plug in the fault at this point, and it is our belief that the hot springs 220 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA owe their existence to this volcanic history and favorable structural relation (Specimen 254, A.M. 9943). STRUCTURAL FEATURES The Sacred Mountain area covers a portion of a down-dropped block—a typical structural feature of the Gobi region. The fault block extends north and south for at least ten miles and for a shorter distance east and west. Its margins are not simple lines, but, particularly in the vicinity of the hot springs, are formed of intersecting faults, enclosing angular blocks. One cannot tell how much displacement there has been along these faults to bring the sandstones and conglomerates down against granite and gray- wacke. The strata are turned on edge for a long distance on the west side, and, from this alone, we would judge that the displacement was a large one, easily more than one thousand feet, but there is no other measure of it. The block, therefore, has the structural relation of a graben. There are faults on all sides, except, possibly, the north; and the dips are inward, showing drag effects along the north, east, and south margins. There seems to be no way to determine with much precision the age of the faulting. It is a typical example of block-faulting, which is one of the characteristic modes of deformation in Mongolia, but the surprising thing is its limited size. The whole area of the block is not much more than twenty square miles. It is, therefore, a good example of the very moderate propor- tions of areas affected by vertical movement. In areas covered by the later sediments, the vertical movements commonly observed are simple warpings. But probably in the oldrock floor beneath, the faulted graben and horst are not rare. Portions of at least two other down-faulted blocks were crossed in the Sain Noin district, within a traverse of twenty miles, and there must be liter- ally scores of others in the general region. Some of the up-faulted blocks are great masses, such as form the individual Altai ranges, but a much greater number are small and much less conspicuous. THE SPRING WATERS AND THEIR ORIGIN The waters of the hot springs at Arishan reach a temperature of 127°F. as they issue from the ground. Although the ground is covered with a thin mantle of disintegrated rock and soil, there is no doubt of the position of the fault, on the exact line of which, as projected through this ground, the spring rises. For a short space the ground along the zone of the springs is richly carpeted with grass, but beyond that the barrenness of the desert reasserts itself. ARISHAN, THE SACRED MOUNTAIN OF SAIN NOIN 221 The water itself is clear, tasteless, tinged with a slight bluish cast, and is not highly charged with mineral matter. One can detect the presence of slight amounts of H.S, as the water issues from the ground, and bubbles of some other gas emerge—probably CO., but this could not be determined. No actual difference from pure water was detected by the gravitation method, both instruments reading 1,000 points. There is no mineral deposit, but the water feels smooth, almost soapy, and furnishes a delightful bath. There is scant opportunity for that, however; two or three small tents pitched over shallow excavations in the ground, where flat stones are laid on the edge of the excavation, furnish the sole equipment. The same question of source is raised in this case, as with all hot springs. Are they meteoric or magmatic? Has the water entered the ground else- where as meteoric water and come up here, or is it pouring out from cooling or reacting volcanic sources beneath? In this case it is more reasonable, we believe, to hold that the water is of essentially local origin, particularly because of its purity. There is some question, of course, because of its con- tent of gas, and it is probable that volcanic emanations of some sort join with it, even though its chief source is meteoric. We think that the waters are essentially meteoric, or local surface collections, which penetrate the ground and find their way into the fault zone. They can circulate more readily along the crushed rock of the fault zone than elsewhere, and tend to advance south- eastward in the direction of a lower outlet. In their course, they come into contact with the still hot volcanic plug which represents the abortive attempt at eruption. We see no other adequate source of heat. It is possible, of course, as far as the manner of issuing is concerned, for the springs to be of magmatic origin, but in that case one would surely expect a water of greater mineral content. The escaping gases favor a contribution from igneous sources, but even this is not a sound argument for magmatic source of the whole supply. Even meteoric water, which has circulated to considerable depth and reissues at the surface at a higher temperature, might give off bubbles because of the changed pressure conditions. But the presence of H,S is more suspicious, especially as there appears to be a total lack of sulphides in all the rock formations of the locality. The H,S may be derived from volcanic emanations. In this connection, we recall that the basalt flow obstructing the Ongin River above the lamasery at Sain Noin, is so recent that the glazes of the glassy crusts are still preserved, and the stream has not yet accomplished dissection of it. The flow seems to have come up along a similar fault zone, at the edge of another down-faulted block. Probably the movement of the fault-block, as well as the outburst of lava, is dependent upon subterranean igneous activity. 222 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA At the surface, the commonest and plainest evidence is a lava flow, but the unseen escape of gases and the still more rare occurrence of hot springs may have the same meaning. Block-faulting and igneous activity are so commonly associated in the Gobi region as to indicate some vital genetic interrelation. CHAPTER XIII MOUNT USKUK AND THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN [Geologic Maps, Plates XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX and XXX, in pocket at end] On the traverse southward from Sain Noin to the Altai Mountains, the edge of a basin was reached in the vicinity of Mount Uskuk (Fig. 98, page 194). It was at once recognized as one of great promise for every phase of work in which the Expedition was engaged. The later sediments are splen- didly exposed; many of the beds are fossil-bearing; and the total thickness accumulated in this basin is probably greater than in any other seen by us in the Gobi region. The major unconformity within the later sediments is very evident, and a series of deformation events, with their consequent struc- tural features, is unusually well recorded. Surface features, also, characteristic of different physical conditions of the ground and different deforming and modifying processes, are clearly displayed here. The geologic story is carried with fewer breaks, through a greater range of time, and to later epochs, than anywhere else in Mongolia. This, therefore, proved to be a remarkably good locality for a special study; and the fact that all the other interests of the Expedition could be cared for there made it practicable to spend a longer time in the Uskuk-Tsagan Nor area than was devoted to all the other special localities together. PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL FEATURES The major structural units are marked by prominent differences in physio- graphic features. The area is terminated on the south by the face of the great mountain, Baga Bogdo, one of the fault-block units of the Altai system (Plate XVIII, A, page 146, and Fig. 106). It is an upthrust mass of old pre- Cambrian metamorphic crystalline rock, undercut by bathylithic granite. Thirty miles to the north is another compound block of older rocks, thrust up sufficiently high to present rugged, mountainous topography (Plate XVII, B, page 143). This is the Mount Uskuk uplift. It is essentially a double fault-block, each half composed of pre-Cambrian crystallines of complex 223 224 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA PIAS END FicureE 106A.—Field sketch of the Baga Bogdo front. The skyline, which is about fifty miles long, repre- sents the remarkably smooth Mongolian peneplane, beveling granites, schists, and graywackes. (Compare with figure 118, page 269.) structure and very great petrographic variety, modified by intimate igneous injection of dominantly granitic material (Fig. 107). Within them, also are areas of conglomerates and sandstones of supposed Jurassic age, with accom- panying brittle porphyries. The whole series, from ancient rocks to Jurassic beds, is closely folded, extensively deformed in every way, and much affected by deep seated volcanism. The mountainous units are bounded in all cases by faults and sharp flexures, and are surrounded by later sediments, which lie unconformably on an ancient floor of the same kinds of rock as are exposed in the mountain units (Plates XXVII and XXVIII in pocket). Baga Bogdo, forming the southern border, and the Uskuk block near the northern border of the area, are the two great relief features. The lowland between them is covered with sediments and is structurally a basin, although it is not everywhere of basin form. An arch has been lifted across the original basin, so that now there are two basins—a small one just north of Uskuk at the extreme northerly margin of the map, with small saltpans in it; and a very large, open one lying between Uskuk and Baga Bogdo, with the lake, Tsagan Nor, occupying its lowest depression. Separating the two parts of the original basin, is the uplifted compound block of Mount Uskuk and the arch of sediments, with remnants of erosion in the form of lava-capped mesas that stand up as great landmarks not much less conspicuous than Uskuk Mountain itself (Figs. 108,109). Indeed, Uskuk Mountain is capped with the same lava that caps the mesas (Fig. 110). Undoubtedly the lavas of the entire area once formed a single unit, of which only scattering remnants are now left to mark the position of a former continuous cover. Principal interest in the basins attaches to the subdivisions, content, character, and correlation of the different sedimentary formations, which cover nine-tenths of the whole area. At Ondai Sair, on the easterly margin of Uskuk, it is plainly seen that there are two distinctly different series of strata, the lower one of which is more deformed than the upper, with an MOUNT USKUK AND THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN 225 MIM ny, PO A ONS ae S iW vans VSR aS Ss Oe ae am ORTON =— ? ee LEED a - i TS SNe aes Se A a oe ae STE Ficure 106B.—Continuation of field sketch. The slope at the foot of the mountain is a series of alluvial fans, the oldest of which have been disturbed and eroded. Remnants of them appear as ridges partially buried in the younger fans, which are themselves trenched and partially refilled. erosion break marking an unconformity between them. The beds beneath the unconformity carry an entirely different fauna from those above; the lower fauna is of Mesozoic, the upper of Tertiary age. A similar faunal difference was noted in the Iren Dabasu basin described in Chapter XI, but there the unconformity is not so plainly defined as at Ondai Sair, where it can be traced to actual contact. In both series of strata,—those below and those above the unconformity,—fossil faunas of definite scientific interest were re- covered, and it is to these that one must turn for help in correlation. They indicate beds of Lower Cretaceous age at Ondai Sair and of Oligocene age at Loh, twelve miles farther to the south. At Loh, also, the paleontologists report the presence of a Miocene fauna, and twenty miles farther south, near Baga Bogdo, beds of Pliocene age were discovered. THE ROCK FORMATIONS The formations of the Uskuk locality may be grouped under two great divisions: first, the rocks of the ancient floor, represented by the upthrust fault blocks; and second, the division of later sediments which have been laid down on the more depressed portions of the ancient floor, and which have been preserved from subsequent erosion (Fig. 107). Chief interest attaches to the younger group, because of the advantages of extensive exposures, determina- tive fossil content, and relations that aid materially in unraveling their structure and in building up a dependable geologic column. ROCKS OF THE ANCIENT FLOOR The ancient rocks of the floor, although well exposed and exhibiting an unusually fine petrographic range, are not better developed here than else- where, and alone would not be as readily interpreted as those found in two or VOL. II—I5 226 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA three other localities. They include the following units: (1) Ancient Crystal- line Metamorphic Rocks; (2) The Graywacke Series: (3) The Bathylithic Granite; (4) Jurassic Strata; and (5) Post-Jurassic Intrusives. These require brief additional descriptions. The crystalline metamorphics The major formations of the Uskuk block are crystalline metamorphics or injection products of them, folded sediments of less modified habit, and intrusives cutting the sedimentary members (Plates XXVII and XXVIII). The general effect is to produce ridges, extending in general east and west, with an average strike of about N.60°W. Virtually all the rocks with either schistose or bedded structure stand almost on edge. On the south side of the block the average direction of dip is to the north, and on the north side the average dip is to the south, as if the whole complicated series constituted a synclinal structure. The synclinal form is not simple, however, and per- haps the fold is not complete, since the same beds were not identified on the two limbs. On the whole, the metamorphics are simpler in the southern half than in the northern, and perhaps the difference in dip is due to relations of regional unconformity rather than to simple folding. The series of formational members, in a traverse from south to north, is as follows: (1) intrusive porphyries; (2) Jurassic sandstones; (3) granite por- phyry; (4) bedded rocks changed to schists; (5) crystalline limestones; (6) spotted gneisses; (7) mica schists; (8) sheared porphyry gneisses; (9) gran- ite porphyry gneisses; (10) crystalline limestones; (11) gneisses; (12) crystal- line limestones; (13) gneisses and schists with injections; (14) large crystal- line limestone belt; (15) granite gneisses; (16) crystalline limestones and schists; (17) gneisses; (18) schists with many injections; (19) crystalline limestones and schists. In this list, which is a generalized lithologic cross section of the southern Uskuk block, minor injection products and all intrusives except the major ones are neglected. One of the striking features is the abundance of lime- stones and schists. There are also extensive bodies of porphyries sheared into gneisses. Some of them are unusually fine examples of their kind, and mark a period of profound regional deformation. They are believed to represent one of the oldest series of rocks in the Gobi region. The dominance of metamorphic rocks; the prominence of limestones and schists and shear gneisses; the abundance of injection phenomena of all kinds, from minute impregnation effects to large intrusions; the prominence of an east-west trend; and the commonness of faulting are the most characteristic structural features of the block. In spite of the confusing list of rock types, it is possible to group them into two fairly well-defined series. A portion of MOUNT USKUK AND THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN 227 the column is made up chiefly of gneisses and schists; with minor silicated limestone members, all much modified from their original lithologic habit. We regard them as forming the more ancient portion of the complex. In contrast to these rocks it is possible to distinguish a series characterized by simple physical conditions. The members of the second series are crystalline also, but they have retained evidences of their original character more suc- cessfully than those of the other series. Limestones are present in larger proportion; schists and phyllitic rocks are more abundant; and quartzites are associated with them. They are strictly a series of ancient sediments but are probably much younger than the other series. There is, however, no other means of determining either their relative age or their correlation with the rocks of other regions. The simpler series may correspond to the Wu T’ai system as used in China, and the more complicated series may belong to the still older T’ai Shan complex. The thickness of all these rocks could not be determined, but each series must be represented by some thousands of feet. The graywacke series On the margins of the Uskuk block, and particularly in a second block of hill country some twelve miles east of Uskuk, there are extensive areas of slates and graywackes. The structural trend of the rocks carries them be- neath the sediments of the Tsagan Nor basin; so it is certain that a portion of the floor of the basin is made up of rocks of this series. They are chiefly slates and graywackes with prominent bedding, much deformed by folding and some faulting, but not thoroughly recrystallized. The slates are fine-grained and slightly phyllitic, and the graywackes are granular, ranging from fine, almost slaty condition to conglomerate. Bedding is prominent, the trend of _ the folds is nearly east and west, and the series is of immense thickness. It is undoubtedly the same series as that noted along the Tola River and de- scribed in much greater detail on the traverse from Urga to Sain Noin (Chap- ters V and VI). No determinable organic remains were found in the rocks, despite a very critical inspection for possible fossil content. The search yielded only some obscure tubular structures which may be borings or burrows, and some traces of unidentified minute forms which resembled alge, but whose organic nature is inferred rather than proven. The lack of fossils in so great a formation of such simple structural condition is, we think, an argument in favor of its great age. We tentatively regard the whole series as pre-Cambrian, and as essen- tially the Mongolian equivalent of the Nan K’ou series of von Richthofen or the Sinian system of Grabau. This is one of the unsettled questions of the graywacke problem to which we hope to give more extended study. 228 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Bathylithic granite Large granitic intrusions with great variety of petrographic expression, are to be seen in the Uskuk block. It is not certain that all are of the same source, and probably they are of very different ages. Some of them, how- ever, are of the type that has been designated on this Expedition, ‘‘the great Mongolian bathylith.”” The best, and by all means the most characteristic, exhibit is that forming the northern face of the Baga Bogdo mountain block. Here the oldrock floor has been thrust up to an elevation so great that the whole mountain front is made up of granite. The ancient crystallines and other formations which originally must have formed the roof of the granite mass, have been carried off by erosion, and the débris is now distributed as detritus with the strata that formed at its foot in the Tsagan Nor basin. Jurassic strata In our opinion there are in the Uskuk region no representatives of Palzeo- zoic age. Between the graywacke series, which we consider to be late Pro- terozoic, and the sandstones and conglomerates with coal beds, which are probably of Jurassic age, the whole geologic column is a blank. In the south margin of the Uskuk block, a thick series of sandstones and conglomerates stands on edge; with them there are thin, badly crushed coal beds of very poor quality (Plate XXVIII). The rocks are almost wholly non-fossiliferous, but there is no mistaking their general significance. They are simple, unmetamorphosed sediments, which are wholly of continental type. Most of the pebbles are quartz and quartzite; they are only moder- ately well bound together, and while certain beds are very substantial and hard, on the whole they are not strongly resistant to weathering. The con- glomerate beds stand out better than the simpler sandstones. The series is closely folded, considerably faulted, and crushed. The total thickness could not be determined, as the whole series is cut off by porphyry eruptives, which form one margin of the area of Jurassic strata. Post-Jurassic intrusives In this area, as in many others, a very complex series of volcanic intru- sive porphyries is associated with the Jurassic strata; and these together con- stitute the south margin of the Uskuk uplifted block. Most of the porphyries are of the usual brittle, fine-grained, or finely porphyritic type, varying from trachytic to andesitic composition, and, in-rarer cases, to much coarser and more massive-looking granite porphyries. The granite porphyries form a larger part of the assemblage than was found elsewhere, but they are associated here with the Jurassic units. They are all somewhat deformed and are judged to MOUNT USKUK AND THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN 229 be the youngest representatives of the floor on which the later sediments were laid down. ROCKS OF THE SEDIMENTARY COVER All the formations of critical importance in the Tsagan Nor basin belong to the so-called later sediments, which have accumulated unconformably on the erosion surface of the deformed, metamorphic strata and igneous masses of Jurassic and pre-Palzozoic age. The old, deformed masses will be referred to in the following discussion simply as the formations of the oldrock floor. The strata lying above this floor fall into two definite series, separated by an unconformity (Fig. 107, page 229). The series beneath the unconform- ity, and occupying the interval between it and the oldrock floor, carries a K NM gee Hung Kureh Shitiuta Dzun Hsir Tsagan Nor Ondai Sair £599. Jondai Saii oi ¥ - - ~- - - - - Ni Sie. Book Vill. 1923 Sho from Book VIII 1923. p.5i | fT Wud pA pp es= ay Fault striking N 70° E looking North. Shows AN EDEY b) bed No.4 downthrown ay Fault, a Paikling NB8°E. by Bed No VN 09 Now S neo No.4 ve ekg upthrown. cy Bed No4, downthrown Nf \ fs 04 & Orag elava cap MT cw FiGuRB 119.—Two fault zones in the Oshih basin. The sketches record the result of deformation in post- Cretaceous time, as expressed in the modern erosion features. visible parts are enough to indicate that movements of several hundred feet have taken place. Most of the curving faults strike toward the north, in a direction approxi- mately perpendicular to the Altai front. It is quite impossible to determine the date of the dislocations, beyond the fact that they were certainly later than the deposition and cementation of the sediments, and earlier than the carving of the very level upland surface which bevels the disturbed sediments round about the Oshih hollow. These limits would place the date of faulting some time between Lower Cretaceous and Pleistocene. However, a sugges- tion is offered by evidence gathered in the region around Uskuk mountain, farther west. The Ondai Sair beds carry a fauna which the paleontologists correlate very nearly, if not exactly, with the Oshih fauna. The Ondai Sair formation was faulted, and the fault-scarps were leveled by erosion before the early Tertiary beds of the Hsanda Gol formation were laid down. There, at least part of the faulting took place before Lower Oligocene time. By impli- cation it may be argued that the faults of the Oshih region are of much the same age. The geologic column The following groups of sediments are recognizable: 1. A group of greenish-gray sandstones alternates with red, hard, siliceous clays and red, concretionary sandstones. This is the ‘“‘cannonball’’ group, in which spherical sandstone concretions are found. It is surely more than two ARTSA BOGDO AND OSHIH 271 hundred feet thick, lies nearer than any other unit to the base of the Oshih formation, and is brought to the surface only in the upthrow blocks along the larger faults. The greenish sandstones, cross-bedded and of variable thick- ness, are best interpreted as channel fillings (Plates XXXV, A, and XXXVI, B). Reptile bones, including a very perfect skeleton of the small parrot- beaked dinosaur, Psittacosaurus, were found in the red sandstones. 2. A group of thin-bedded red sandstones alternates with thick beds of hard, red, sandy clay. The sandstones are less commonly greenish gray, but the clays form the principal ingredient. In one section, one hundred and eighty-five feet could be seen; but as the bottom is not exposed, the thick- ness is surely greater than this figure. No fossils were found in this group. 3. A group of pink and buff clays. The clays are color-banded, and locally contain thin partings of sandstone. They lie immediately under the lava bed, and form the body of the central mesa. The thickness is unknown, because the base is concealed by the red clay-and-sand group, which is up- faulted at the eastern end of the red mesa (Plate XVIII, B, page 146, and Fig. 119). 4. A gravel group of rather uncertain position. It is found downfaulted against the cannonball group, as is the younger unit, and it seems to bear the same relation to the red clay-and-sand group. It forms a high hill south- east of camp (Fig. 118), where a thickness of at least two hundred feet is vis- ible. The bottom is not exposed, and the upper part has been eroded away. It is probable that gravel members are a matter of locality rather than of horizon, for a thick gravel deposit underlies the lava cap in part of the hill Oshih Nuru (Plate XXXVI, A,), while fine pink clays underlie the same lava at the red mesa. 5. A group of brown clays overlying the lava flow. It is very well ex- posed in the eastern end of Oshih Nuru, and brown clays that may be its equivalent are seen in the north wall of the hollow at Urulji Nuru. The gigan- tic sauropod A siatosaurus was found in this layer. 6. A group of gray, thin-bedded deposits, shales, sands, and limestones. The latter are thin sheets of calcium carbonate—some beds composed of ver- tically directed columnar crystals, others of cone-in-cone structure. The shales include thick deposits of typical carbonaceous paper-shales in which our brief search failed to reveal any fossils except some macerated plant frag- ments. Selenite crystals were present, suggesting that possibly the shallow lakes, in which these beds were laid down, were bitter waters that did not sup- port the rich fauna which at Ondai Sair is preserved in paper-shales just like these in all respects, except for the absence of gypsum. 7. At Oshih Nuru, only gravels, which may be of recent age, cap the gray beds. But on the north flank of the Shah Ola, in a high hill of conglomerate 272 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA some eight miles east of camp (Fig. 98, page 194) the paper-shales are suc- ceeded by fine red sandstones of well-assorted quartz grains. They closely resemble the Djadokhta sand; but twenty miles farther east, near the temple, Sairim Gashato, these sands were found to contain bones which Mr. Granger thinks represent the Oshih fauna. In a concretionary stratum of the Sairim sand, some thick-shelled pelecypods, very like those collected at Iren Dabasu, were found. The measurable thickness of these units does not indicate the true total thickness of the beds in the Oshih basin. Neither the top nor the bottom of the local series of beds is in sight. The simple elevation difference between the bottom of the basin and the south basin wall is 860 feet, neglecting the dip, which, in this part of the basin, is slightly southward, so that it would have a tendency to increase the total thickness. At least 900 or 1,000 feet might be given as directly measurable in this way. When the north valley side alone is estimated for thickness, it measures, in simple elevation, difference from the north wall to the bottom of the valley, 560 feet. The valley is two miles wide, measured from the red mesa, and the average dip is something approaching 10°. This figure would allow an additional thickness, within the range of two miles, of 740 feet; so that the total thickness of exposed strata on that basis would be about 2,300 feet. It was impossible to check these figures closely; but from them alone it is reasonable to place a thickness of approximately 2,000 feet for all the strata exposed in the Oshih basin. Half of this is directly measurable, and the rest of it is estimated on dip and distance. (Specimens Nos. 534, 535, 536, 537 and 538, A.M. 10223, 10224, 10225, 10226, 10227.) On the south wall of the hollow, opposite the western end of the red mesa, there are many stacks or pillars of chalcedonic silica, which look, at first glance, like a grove of petrified trees. They are all in one small area near the foot of a lava-capped cliff, and have weathered out of fine clay-like sedi- ments which may prove to be volcanic ash, and which dip gently toward the southeast, passing underneath the basalt cover. The stacks seem to repre- sent a replacement of ash by colloidal silica, along vertical channels which served as conduits for the escape of uprising hot waters, at the time of vol- canic activity. It is possible that they may be silica fillings of geyser necks, but they appear to lack the concentric structure one would expect in this case (Plate XXXVII). The overlying lavas at the south rim of the hollow are several hundred feet thick, and dip south and southeastward toward the Altai front. They contain numberless amygdules of chalcedony, agate, and quartz, which on weathering out, literally cover the ground. They are called ‘‘Gobi stones’”’ by travelers. The Oshih sediments and their associated lavas dip generally southward PLATE XXXVII. RESIDUARY STACK OF JASPERY SILICA BELONGING TO THE ASH BEDS OF OSHIH. = ° = 7 s ‘ 7 - 3 - : - ra ‘ a é¢ ~ 4 ‘ * ’ = a iy o« a alae =- a : y = e ~~ 7 = —— Sa. ae, eS = ARTSA BOGDO AND OSHIH 273 toward Artsa Bogdo, just as the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments at the foot of Baga Bogdo dip southward toward the Altai front. If the Oshih be the same formation as the succession of lavas and red sediments seen by us south of the Artsa Bogdo, it may very well be that the site of the present range formerly was covered by the Oshih formation. VOL. 11—18 CHAPTER XVI PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY INTRODUCTION OnE of the specific objects of the Expedition was to determine the nature of the geologic problems of Mongolia and to locate areas where additional inves- tigations would be likely to produce results. The first season was strictly a reconnaissance venture, and it could best meet the original requirements if its findings proved suggestive and supplied reliable guides to new fields of investigation. When the Expedition started, there was complete uncertainty regarding the prospect of locating fields of palzeontologic importance; but, fortunately, several productive localities were found, and it was possible at the close of the season to indicate with precision the most important of these fields and to suggest the nature of the returns that might reasonably be expected from them. The results of the second season fully corroborated these forecasts. In similar manner, it is now possible to indicate the nature of other geo- logical problems suggested by the studies which were made in the interpre- tation of the geologic structure and the geologic history of the region. In some cases, these problems are more difficult to carry forward than are the locality studies in proven fossil fields; but their nature can be stated quite as definitely, and it is possible also to indicate the district in which important data pointing toward their solution can be obtained. A great number of minor problems, also, have presented themselves in the course of these field studies. Many of them, of course, are only partly solved. It is beyond the purpose of this chapter to state them. They are characteristic.of every such investigation, and have to do with the working out of geologic structure and history in greater detail and with greater cer- tainty. In the course of the reconnaissance season, progress was made on several special locality studies, as opportunity offered, and the results are included in the preceding chapters. In each case, we have been rewarded for the 274 PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY 275 effort put on them, either because of important faunas discovered or because of suggestive structural relations determined. The special districts embrace the study of the Iren Dabasu basin, the hot springs area of Sain Noin, the Uskuk Mountain area. In the second season, 1923, certain problems, sug- gested by the first reconnaissance, were pursued with excellent results. They include the special stratigraphic and palzontologic studies of the Djadokhta district, the Shara Murun locality, Ardyn Obo, Oshih (Ashile), and a restudy of the Iren Dabasu-Irdin Manha district. Those suggested for additional consideration fall under the following heads (Fig. 120): SEDIMENTARY BASINS AND POTENTIAL FOSSIL FIELDS The area of the great pass In the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, above Kalgan, the trail crosses later sed- iments for several miles as it approaches the top of the escarpment on the edge of Mongolia, where strata, at least 5,000 feet in total thickness, are Z TUERI aly, aan ie eos! "tle, PRETO & ese im. Ge FicurE 120.—Outline map showing the location of the places deserving additional study. exposed by rejuvenated erosion (Fig. 5, page 47, and Plate XLI, A, page 389). Most of the beds are unfossiliferous, but a few have been found to carry 276 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA fragments of fossil bone, and others, obscure plant remains. They are clearly a great series of sediments of the same structural relations as the later sediments of the desert basins proper, and they appear in much greater thick- ness than is represented in any other locality of our experience—unless it be in the Tsagan Nor basin. It is entirely likely that more than one series of strata is represented. Their exact age is not known, although we infer from the fragmentary material in hand that the greater part of them are of Cretaceous age. The area of the great pass is, therefore, one of the most prom- ising localities for special study. It is not difficult to reach, and it promises important evidence in the chain of geological history. Following up the conclusions reached at the close of the first season, 1922, Prof. George B. Barbour of Peking was advised to make a further in- vestigation of the area. Several brief notes have appeared, and additional results are promised in due time (Barbour, 1924). P’ang Kiang P’ang Kiang lies on the main caravan trail toward Urga and is the first great basin north of the pass where strata of later age are well exposed (Figs. 10, page 53; 99, page 198, and 100, page 199). No very great thicknesses appear, but there are long stretches of erosion-scarps and valley sides, where strata can be examined in detail. The beds are chiefly unfossiliferous, although the one fossil found indicates Tertiary age. It might prove to be a fossil field of some consequence, but in any case it is a field where additional stratigraphic evidence is available, and it lies within easy reach of Kalgan as a center of operations. The paper-shales of mile 299 A basin of moderate size is crossed by the Urga trail about 290 to 300 miles from Kalgan (Fig. 16, page 62). The area was crossed rapidly, with only two halts in the basin, one of them at mile 295, where reddish sediments of coarse grain and somewhat limy character were seen, but no fossils were found. A few miles farther on, at mile 299, after crossing the Gobi upland, the trail passes down over an erosion-scarp into a depression in which are several outlying remnants of shales. An inspection of two of these showed the presence of a very fissile paper-shale of black carbonaceous appearance and, as far as observed, without fossil content. Only a few minutes were devoted to the inspection, and the failure to discover fossils should not dis- courage further study of the locality. This was the first encounter with the paper-shale type, and its importance was not appreciated. Later studies, however, several hundred miles farther west, revealed a very important fauna PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY 277 of Lower Cretaceous age in exactly similar paper-shales at Ondai Sair (Chapter XIII). Apparently the area at mile 289 carries the same series, and if the beds were inspected carefully, following up the outcrops both to the east and to the west of the trail, it is almost certain that an important link in the his- tory of the region could be determined. It is one of the few places in the Gobi region where paper-shales have been seen. The flaming cliffs of Uskuk On the west side of the Uskuk area, which was made the subject of a special areal study on the reconnaissance, there is a remarkable exposure of variegat- ed and highly colored sedimentary beds, called in the field ‘‘the area of the flam- ing cliffs.” They are undoubtedly a continuation of the sedimentary series underlying the Tsagan Nor basin (Fig. 120). We believe that they represent the lower part of the Tertiary column, and probably are to be correlated with the beds exposed in the badlands of the Hsanda Gol, already described (page 233). At the new place the beds are turned up on edge against the south Uskuk block (Fig. 121), so that minute inspection could be made, and these 125 450 same conditions appear to extend far to the west. How well they are exposed farther along in that direction, we do not know, but the structural conditions indicate their continuation. They are probably exposed at other places along the same fault line that marks the south side of the Uskuk block. The beds actually examined at the flaming cliffs proved to be poor in fossil content, but there is reason to believe that productive spots could be found. The strata are, of course, closely related to the strata described in the Uskuk mountain area; but it may be that the lower members of the series not so well exposed in the places already studied, could be seen in greater detail on the westward extension. It is apparently as encouraging ground as the Hsanda Gol locality itself, and promises results, both as a fossil field and as a basis for a better understanding of the stratigraphy of the later sediments. Red sandstones and sands, lying on the complex rocks of Mt. Uskuk Reddish clayey sands with red and gray layers Dark drab and black beds with central zone of red Variegated thin-bedded red and white strata Red and buff thin-bedded clays and sands White and drab beds and thin red layers White and gray sands and gravel ( Reddish sands Red clays with concretions 65 \ Black lignitic beds, alternating with yellow gravel Yellow beds and gray sandstones and sandstones Red Cle6 aN 25 320 305 v v av . 278 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Oshih (Ashile) basin Out in the plains country, twenty-five miles north of the Artsa Bogdo mountain block, a great series of Lower Cretaceous sediments is exposed in fine erosion remnants and badland country. (See Chapter XV, and Plates XVIII, B, page 146; XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, and Figs. 118, 119, pages 269 and 270.) The locality is known as Oshih. Several days of exploratory inspection during the first season revealed dinosaur-bearing strata, and one excellent skeleton was found by Mr. Granger. The large area of splendidly exposed beds offered encouragement for further study. Only ten days’ inspection could be given to the locality in the second sea- son, so that, despite the work of two summers, the vast badlands of Oshih remain a legacy for future investigators. In 1923, other areas of badlands were discovered, east and west of the original camp. A few fossils were found in the new eastern extension of Oshih, some miles north of the temple Sairim Gashato. Several areas of paper-shales like those of Ondai Sair were found, but no fossils were seen in them. Undoubtedly there are exposures of like nature at other places in the large basin extending eastward from this point; from the mountain-tops it is possible to discern badland areas in the distance. Perhaps the region to the north would also be a promising area for additional inspection, but, in all probability, the strata in that direction are of later age than those at Oshih. Djadokhta A locality, known to the natives as Djadokhta, is reached on the Kobdo- Kweihwating trail, almost due north of the great mountain mass of the Gurbun Saikhan (Plates I, XIX, page 156; XX, B, page 157, and Figs. 67, page 159; 152, page 356). The place was discovered and the nature of its fauna determined on the homeward traverse of the reconnaissance expedition in September, 1922. Only two or three hours were actually spent in inspection of the local- ity, but in that time an unusual number of dinosaur specimens was recovered, together with one dinosaur egg. These finds showed that not only were the remains abundant, but, more important still, they were of a rare and unfamiliar type. The urge to hurry the return journey prevented more detailed exam- ination, but enough was done in a few hours to prove that here is one of the great fossil fields of Mongolia; and on the return of the Expedition to Peking, when the following season’s work was tentatively laid out, Djadokhta was listed as one of the principal places for detailed examination. The results of the following season, 1923, fully corroborated the opinion, for the locality yielded an extraordinary harvest of discovery. The fossil remains, even those of delicate structure, are unusually well preserved, showing that peculiarly PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY 279 favorable conditions must have prevailed at the time of deposition and bur- ial. Twenty-six dinosaur eggs were recovered in the course of a month of exploration in 1923, with no less than thirteen nearly complete skeletons and more than seventy skulls. In addition, a few,skulls of minute, rare mammals were obtained. The area, of course, is not exhausted; but sufficient work has been done to show the range of possibilities. In a formation so favorable to the preser- vation of the frailest material, there is encouragement to further work. Overlying the Djadokhta sands is a group of clays and gravels called the Gashato formation, which yielded a very small collection of rare and primitive mammals belonging to the Paleocene. The extent of this formation is enor- mous, and as yet only a few days’ time has been spent upon it. North and northeast of Djadokhta there is an immense basin, well-exposed in places, on which almost no work has been done. Ardyn Obo At Ardyn Obo, on the trail between Sair Usu and Kalgan, a great erosion escarpment, which stretches westerly as far as the eye can reach, exposes more than two hundred feet of Tertiary strata (Plate XXI, page 182; Figs. 83 to 86, page 175, and 137, 142, page 324). An inspection of these beds was made during the first season, at the point where the trail touches the escarp- ment, and several skulls of Rhinocerotidze were found. Fragments of other forms were found also, but the beds, as a whole, were not very prolific. Appar- ently the district is one well worth additional exploration in the prospect of finding beds of more varied content. It is favorably located on a main trail, but probably has the disadvantage of a narrow range in age. Shara Murun At Shara Murun on the Sair Usu trail, one hundred and five miles southeast of Ardyn Obo, where a halt of only half an hour on the return journey revealed fossil bones and teeth, a locality of special promise was discovered (Plate XXII, B, page 183; and Figs. 89, 90, page 180; 99, page 198; 100, page 199; 143, page 339; and 146, page 340). An exposure of later sediments, carrying fossil remains, extends for several miles. The examination at that time, although insufficient to determine the possible range, was enough to show clearly that the locality deserves much more attention. Further examination was made the second season, and the connections of this basin with the Irdin Manha to the east were reasonably well traced, yet the extent of the basin is so great that it seems wisest to class it among the less explored regions as a hopeful project for further study. 280 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Ulan Nor Ulan Nor appears to be an area of deposition at the present time. The Expedition on the return journey passed about fifteen miles east of the lake, and crossed several miles of deposits where anastomosing streamlets are now stripping the basalts lying to the east and distributing the sands. It is a difficult country to traverse—dangerous for heavy motor cars—but it is one of the few places in the Gobi region where the Expedition encountered active deposition. On this account it ought to repay critical examination. Here one might make out the nature of the deposits made under present cli- matic conditions. Somewhere in the region, sediments must still be accumu- lating, and perhaps this section would throw additional light on Pleistocene and Recent history. It may hold the key to a better understanding of the later sediments of the Gobi region, and it is well worth the critical examination recommended. It does not necessarily promise important fossil returns; but if it produces any returns at all, they are likely to be quite different from those already secured and would aid materially in unraveling the problem of the later geologic history of Mongolia (Fig. 98, page 194). The badlands of the Ongin Gol The Ongin Gol has trenched the Gobi upland for a hundred miles, and in places the strata of the plain are exposed (Figs. 69, 70, page 160). On the whole, however, there is little encouragement for examination of the Ongin trench itself. Twenty or more miles to the west of the river, a short distance south of the latitude of the temple Ongin Gol In Sumu, one can see extensive badlands (Fig. 98, page 194). Brilliantly red strata are exposed; and un- doubtedly there is a favorable opportunity for inspection of additional sedi- mentary strata belonging to the great series of basins lying between the foot- hills of the Khangai Mountains on the north, and the Altai uplifts on the south. It is probably a difficult locality to reach, but it is accessible from the vicinity of Ongin Gol In Sumu with a camel train, even if not by motor. STRUCTURAL AND HISTORICAL PROBLEMS In the following list a different type of problem is presented. In cer- tain of the localities mentioned, the chief feature is one of structural relation, while in others the major point is one of age, correlation, and historical mean- ing. The Camp Jurassic area At approximately three hundred and seventy-four miles north of Kalgan, the main Urga trail crosses one of the outcrops of Jurassic strata. For a few PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY 281 hours before darkness set in, we inspected the locality and found that the place exhibits extraordinarily well some of the critical structural relations of the Gobi region. Here later sediments are tilted on edge by a sharp flexure which brings the oldrock, in this case represented by Jurassic strata, within reach of surface erosion (Plate XI, A, page 61, and Figs. 18, 19, page 65). A small, unsymmetrical, structural dome is breached so that three different series of strata are exposed. We judged, from the short inspection given, that Tertiary, Cretaceous, and Jurassic strata are all involved in this structural unit, which is one of the smaller and sharper uplifts of the Gobi basin (Fig. 122). With it are associated basaltic eruptives that may have special significance, and the Domed Cretaceous Strata Cuesta of Tertiary Strata see ene * sla meee Annular Vatiey FIGURE 122.—The northern slope of the dissected dome at Camp Jurassic showing cuestas and annular valleys. typical erosion features of a dome are beautifully developed. The intensive study of an area, five or six miles from north to south and perhaps ten miles from east to west, would make one of the finest contributions to structural geology afforded by the Gobi region. It promises fossil remains in all the formations, although it is not recommended as a fossil field. Even in the short time devoted to it, this place proved to be especially suggestive and helpful in working out the structural and stratigraphic history. The crystalline upland east of the Ongin Gol Between Canyon Brook and the Ongin Gol, along the trail toward Sain Noin, there is an upland block of complex structure (Fig. 47, page 117, and Fig. 49, page 121). In it are ancient crystalline metamorphics made from sediments of various types, cut and injected by dikes and stringers derived 282 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA from the granite bathylith. The rocks belong to an era promising returns along structural, stratigraphic, and historical lines, as well as in physiographic forms. It is a region of depressions in the granite, which are deep enough to hold water and are without adequate explanation under present conditions. The ancient sediments in the block exhibit a succession of conglomerates, limestones, and slates, showing different degrees of metamorphic complexity, and apparently representing several entirely different formational series of ancient types. The ground was covered too rapidly to enable us to make the required determinations of structural relation and succession. This is especially un- fortunate because we rushed through one of the few localities where we might have been able to distinguish the different ancient series. An area of complex gneisses ends abruptly against a zone of conglomerates, which is succeeded by less complex schists, by slates, phyllites, and more conglomerates, and then by graywackes overlaid by Jurassic strata. How important the breaks are between the different series and what significance the conglomerates have, we do not know, but in this locality these questions could be determined. Transition country of Gangin Daba Approaching the mountain country south of Urga, the trail crosses a broad succession of gneisses and schists of various kinds, of high structural complexity and apparently of great age. They continue with little change— except that they apparently become somewhat more simple in petrographic character—to the vicinity of the mountains which separate the desert from the Tola River valley (see Chapter IV). Between miles 619 and 623 a change takes place (Fig. 27, page 81). Instead of schists, phyllites, and gneisses, the country rock becomes wholly graywackes, slates, and quartzites, with a few jasper beds. The graywacke-slate series is certainly simpler in petrographic quality, and therefore is regarded as younger, although the relation between it and the formation next to it could not be ascertained. This critical strati- graphic and historical point could be determined here but the Expedition rushed past without stopping. The whole stretch of more than twenty miles deserves detailed structural interpretation, and it would”yield definite returns toward the unraveling of the structural features of the pre-Cambrian. Sair Usu Nine miles southeast of Sair Usu, Paleozoic strata, chiefly limestones, are found (see Chapter X, and Fig. 78, page 171). They are deformed by fold- ing and faulting but are so little modified in other respects that the fossils are not destroyed. Our meagre collection from the richly fossiliferous beds indi- cates that the age is Dinantian. The formation, which appears to continue PROBLEMS AND AREAS DESERVING SPECIAL STUDY 283 indefinitely westward, would yield unusually good returns toward a better understanding of Paleozoic stratigraphy. This is one of the few places in cen- tral Mongolia where fossiliferous Palzozoic strata occur under conditions favorable for detailed inspection, and where their relation to other formations could be determined. It deserves careful and detailed examination. Los in Sumu At Los in Sumu, about seventy-four miles west of Sair Usu on the Ulias- sutai trail, an exceptionally good opportunity is afforded to study the edge of a sedimentary basin where it adjoins the margin of hard rock. On the north are rugged hills of the graywacke-slate series, which descend in spurs to a smooth floor. One may suppose that sediments have been stripped from this floor, for the level-lying gravels, rubbles, and sands form a low scarp about a mile south of the oldrock hills (Fig. 74, page 167). It would be inter- esting to find an answer to such questions as the following: What is the age of the sediments? Are they beveled by an erosion plane, or is their present sur- face one of deposition? How was the floor formed on which they are laid down? By what agencies was the inner lowland formed which now separates the infacing scarp of sediments from the hills of ancient rock? What has become of the sediment removed from the site of this inner lowland? Jisu Honguer A second area of Palzeozoic strata was discovered at Jisu Honguer, after crossing many miles of upturned slates and graywackes of uncertain age (Chapter X, and Figs. 89, page 180, 127, page 295). A stretch of fifty miles deserves careful structural determination, and the area in the immediate vicin- ity of Jisu Honguer would repay special study in Paleozoic stratigraphy. Per- mian fossils were recovered during the first season. In the second season, a map of part of the area was prepared, and a larger collection of fossils was made. The Permian beds extend far toward the southwest from Jisu Hon- guer, beyond the limits of the map. The Permian beds are overlaid by con- glomerates of uncertain age, which we supposed to be Jurassic. GENERAL PROBLEMS There are, of course, many general problems not to be solved by study of a special locality, but which become more and more understandable as observ- ations accumulate over a great region. Some of these are: The study of both recent and more remote changes of climate. The major steps in physiographic history. The problem of peneplanation and the correlation of many planation rem- 284 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA nants and partial planation effects, such as those on the sediments, and simi- lar effects on the crystalline rocks. The means or method by which the very perfect Gobi planation was accomplished. Origin of the thousands of hollows that have no outlet. The question of whether the wind has been as great a factor in erosion as water. Evidence which the Gobi region offers on the problem of isostasy. The part played by volcanism in deformation. Is it cause or effect; or are volcanism and deformation only incidently associated? The reason why the region has changed so strikingly in its deformation habit since Jurassic time. The age and history of the graywacke-slate series. What evidence is afforded as to the life history of a bathylith? What was the Paleozoic history of the Gobi region? What was happening in the Gobi region in Pleistocene time? The date of man’s appearance and his reaction to the conditions of the region. One of the most unproductive epochs in the first reconnaissance was the Pleistocene. Most of the Gobi seems to have been subject to erosion in that period. The life of that time had little opportunity to register itself by bur- ial in accumulating sediments. But if the Gobi was characterized by erosion, there must be other regions, perhaps beyond the margins of our preliminary search, where sediments were being laid down. If one could discover where these are still preserved, better fortune ought to reward search for evidence of early man. Better conditions, we think, may prevail both farther south and farther east, and perhaps also along the disturbed margin of the Altai Moun- tains. This opinion seems to be strengthened by the recently reported finds of the two Jesuits, Pére Emil Licent and Pére Teilhard de Chardin, who have discovered implements and dwelling sites of primitive man in Pleistocene beds of the Ordos, south of the Gobi. Reference has been made to these discover- ies, and also to the primitive stone implements found by the Expedition, in Chapter I of this volume. PART IV SUMMARIES AND DISCUSSIONS 285 PART IV—SUMMARIES AND DISCUSSIONS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER XVII—STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR CHAPTER XVIII—SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN: PART 1—BASINS AND MOUNTAINS CHAPTER XIX—SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN (CONTINUED): PART 2—PLATEAUS, PLAINS AND FLATLANDS CHAPTER XX—STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LATER SEDIMENTS CHAPTER XXI—SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA CHAPTER XXII—SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 286 INTRODUCTION THE chapters included in this portion of the volume are devoted to sum- maries, discussions, interpretations, and generalizations based on the obser- vations and data gathered from the various fields and traverses whose more detailed descriptions have been given in the preceding chapters. In the fol- lowing chapters, we attempt to correlate, explain and unify some of the results of the exploratory work of the Expedition in so far as this seems to be possible at the present stage of the investigation. This step is undertaken despite the fact that active work still continues with every prospect that modifica- tions of the present understanding will grow out of subsequent work. The purpose is not to state a final conclusion, but rather to outline those allowable inferences and generalizations which seem to be best supported, in the belief that in this form they not only are more useful in prosecuting our own future work, but will be of greater service to others. With this purpose in mind, and with this explanation, we feel justified in presenting certain of these problems in a more definite form than would other- wise be warranted. They are the problems that have appealed to us and on which observations have been made which should lead at least in the di- rection of their solution. Whatever the answer may be, this evidence and these arguments will be taken into account, and we trust that additional contribu- tions of our own in this direction may some day be added. In studying the data on which these statements are made, we have worked with as much discrimination as we possess; and in reasoning from the assembled and assorted facts, we have tried to avoid all unfounded specula- tion. Asis usual in geology, there are fields in which facts are scarce and data too limited for fully establishing any final conclusion; but where such is the case, we have tried to indicate it by a clear statement of the limitations. The purpose, therefore, has been maintained, even in these portions, in a form that we trust will serve as a record and as a suggestive discussion. 287 CHAPTER XVII STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR DEscRIPTIONS have been given in several articles already issued (Berkey and Morris, 1924 b and 1924 c), as well as in preceding chapters of this vol- ume, of the structural make-up of the rock foundations of the Gobi region. Portions of the published accounts fit our present purpose so well that it is considered appropriate to reproduce essentially the same discussion. TWO MAJOR DIVISIONS The most important single structural feature is the unconformity between the folded strata of comparatively ancient formations, which together make up a complex oldrock floor, and the nearly flat-lying sediments of Cretaceous and younger age, which lie above this floor. Large areas in the Gobi region are covered with younger sediments that lie nearly flat (Fig. 10, page 53). The strata themselves are simple and, wher- ever they are disturbed, the deformation is of comparatively simple type also,—either gentle warping, or, somewhat more rarely, sharp flexure and normal faulting (Fig. 111, page 245). In all other areas, much more complex rock formations are exposed, representing a more ancient floor which is doubtless continuous beneath all of the sediments. Wherever the old floor rocks are encountered, the type of deformation and the degree of internal modification exhibited by them are very different from those of the simpler overlying strata (Fig. 123). Everywhere the floor rocks are folded; in many places they are cut by igneous intrusives and notably metamorphosed. These features are, of course, more pro- nounced in the older members. Wherever the rocks of these two very different types of formations—the sedimentary cover and the floor—are seen in contact, or where their structural relations can be determined, a great unconformity is found between them. The hiatus is so extensive that mountain-folding and erosion of thousands of feet of material were accomplished before the first basin sediments were laid 288 STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR 289 down. Furthermore, it appears that during this interval an entire change in the diastrophic habit of north central Asia came about. Mountain-folding characterized the deformations that took place before that time, whereas warping and block-faulting, without mountain-folding, characterized subse- quent epochs. Late Mesozoic and Tertiary continental sediments carrying a remark- able new fauna constitute the formations developed above the unconformity. The rocks below, representing together all the ages preceding the Lower Cre- Rhyolite dikes basin sediments Sediments q granite = *O a: oa o c oO a yt " i Mt 4 =A MILES SSS \ Saar wits FIGURE ACM cxistin margin of a gobi sediment basin. This figure shows the upwarped, complex oldrock floor partly stripped but carrying small remnants of the former sedimentary cover lying on a nearly smooth erosion surface. This section represents a strip along the Sair Usu trail, about 400 miles northwest of Kalgan. taceous, form the floor immediately beneath the younger sediments, and con- stitute the present surface in other parts of the region. ‘The overlying sedi- ments are at best but a thin veneer with many interruptions, and the domi- nant structural foundation for the whole of Mongolia is the ancient rock series below the great Mesozoic unconformity. Traces of the peneplane developed at that time still form major elements of the topography, and surprisingly large tracts of this old floor are to-day entirely bare. Many of the bare areas have been covered at one time or an- other by later sediments, only to be denuded subsequently to some of the minor warpings of Tertiary time. In the more elevated areas, of course, agents of erosion, working toward a new level, have dissected this old surface, leaving only upland remnants of the former peneplane, whereas in well-pro- tected areas, or those recently stripped of their cover, little change has been effected in all the intervening time. SUBDIVISION OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR From the great variety of rocks noted as belonging to the ancient floor, and the very great differences of physical condition represented by them, it is evident that this floor is of compound make-up. It has been possible to distinguish several sharply defined series of sedimentary strata, other more obscure metamorphosed formations, and yet other definite igneous units. In VOL. II—I9 290 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA some cases there are prominent structural breaks between them, or the forma- tions have structural relations characteristic of important differences either in age or in origin. Some are strictly igneous types of large extent and evident structural importance; some, on the other hand, are profoundly metamorphosed and have taken on all the complexities which commonly characterize the crys- talline gneisses and schists of very ancient time; still others are only moder- ately affected by such modifying processes, amd*consequently are regarded as of much later age, corresponding in some degree to their greater simplicity. At least six great groups are thus distinguished, some of which are capa- ble of additional subdivision (Figs. 124, 130, and 161, page 415). This is Sa Pang Ktang . al’ Han a Mountainous areas SY wut, Jurassic porphyr = and con lormehake Late Paleozoic Siiqe Y gion OP 9 pt MA (Sinian of Grabau) Early, Proterozoic rchaeozoic 100 so ie) 100 200 Miles__. 300 400 FIGURE 124.—Sketch map of Mongolia, showing the general geology of the rock floor along the route traversed by the Expedition. true particularly of the lowest, most ancient one, where for present purposes all the strongly metamorphosed units are grouped together. These major groups, in descending order, are as follows: 6. Mesozoic porphyry intrusives and extrusives, cutting all formations up to and including the sedimentary series involved in the last folding of the region previous to the development of the great Mesozoic unconformity. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR 291 5. A great series of folded conglomerates and sandstones of continental type, considered to be chiefly of Jurassic age. 4. Strongly folded, fossiliferous Palzozoic strata of marine origin. 3. An extensive underlying and invading mass of granite, described as the great Mongolian bathylith. 2. Avery thick and widely extended series of folded, unfossiliferous gray- wackes and slates, older than the granite bathylith and only moderately meta- morphosed. We have called this the Khangai series, and tentatively consider it to be of late pre-Cambrian age. 1. Still more ancient, underlying complex groups of quartzites, slates, phyllites, schists, gneisses, crystalline limestones, and other associated meta- morphic rocks. This complex is undoubtedly made up of more than one series. The upper members are judged to belong to the division distinguished in China as the Wu T’ai system, and the oldest members are regarded as local representatives of the T’ai Shan complex. Mesozoic intrusives A great variety of porphyries, forming dikes and irregular intrusive bod- ies of much larger extent, have been seen at many places. In some cases, at least, they cut the latest sedimentary series preceding the great unconformity. This clearly establishes the fact that they are the youngest of the formations of the ancient floor. The strata above the unconformity are regarded as of earliest Lower Cretaceous age, whereas those immediately below are judged, on rather obscure grounds, to be Jurassic. These intrusives, therefore, must also be of Jurassic age. Representatives of this group are widely distributed, and in many places exhibit a formidable complexity of relations. So many different units are RY Eee granite SE é. : 405 4 3 2 1 400 9 8 7 piucped conglomerates Ro ie CaS Ne aL of ee i FicurE 125.—Typical structure section of the oldrock floor. The section is based on ten miles of route traverse, seventy to eighty miles southeast of Sair Usu, on the Uliassutai trail. Folded Jurassic conglomerates, cut by many dikes, are seen at the left. A complex of eruptive porphyries occupies the center. The por- phyries are invaded and undercut by the granite of the great Mongolian bathylith, which fills the right-hand end of the section. The ancient peneplane is remarkably smooth in this district, despite the complexity and variation in quality of the rock floor. represented, and they cut one another in so irregular a way, that in certain areas they form a veritable igneous complex (Fig. 125). 292 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Field investigations since the original article was published indicate that there are yet other ancient porphyry complexes, and that large areas are occu- pied by them. The porphyry problem, therefore, is a more difficult one than was at first thought. A discussion of it in the light of the newer observations, however, must await a later volume. The commonest type is an acid porphyry, ranging in minor character from a simple quartz porphyry to granophyre and granite porphyry of com- paratively massive habit. Intermediate composition is common also, espe- cially trachytic or syenitic porphyries, and occasionally there are more basic types; so that the compositional and structural range is very wide. The most constant characters are fine grain, dense texture, and only moderately porphy- ritic habit. These rocks are brittle and exhibit a very broken condition, due apparently to deformation. This physical condition, together with the great irregularity of form and occurrence as part of a confused complex, is not so strikingly exhibited by any other series of rocks. Wherever such an igneous complex intrudes the Jurassic strata, the orig- inal sediments are entirely displaced and none of the original structural trend is preserved. Areas represented by such rocks, observed at several points, cover many square miles. The best examples are those seen at Tsetsenwan, at Sain Noin, in the Mount Uskuk district, in the Artsa Bogdo range, on the Sair Usu trail east of the Ongin Gol, and on the trail southeast of Sair Usu. It is worth noting that igneous activity of a somewhat similar sort is promi- nent in China also, in association with exactly the same sorts of sedimentary formations. The type is constant enough in character, no matter how widely the porphyry areas are separated, to warrant the belief that some very wide- spread general source for these intrusions must have existed, operating under regional rather than local control. Weare inclined to the belief that the active history of the great granite bathylith, in spite of its much greater age, is in some way connected with the genesis of the Mesozoic intrusions. There are certain differences of habit in the intrusives that appear in one age after an- other, that make the whole lot look like a genetic succession, as if they all, from beginning to end, represented only different stages in the active history of a single great, slowly differentiating, and repeatedly rejuvenated bathylithic mass. Perhaps these peculiar porphyries are only the normal product of par- ticular stages from the master source (Fig. 161, page 415). Jurassic sediments The youngest of the sedimentary groups forming the old floor is a great series of conglomerates and sandstones of continental type, simply folded or in some places block-faulted, and quite free from important metamorphism (Figs. 125, 126). A large proportion of the material is coarse-grained, and STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR 293 considerable thicknesses are strictly conglomerates. Other great thicknesses are simple, well-bedded sandstones. Locally, interbedded finer sandstones are abundant, but as far as noted there are no large developments of shale or limestones. Nowhere is there any evidence of marine conditions. The entire series consists of stream deposits. The only fossils seen are plant remains, chiefly stems, which are poorly preserved. In certain portions of the series, however, there are thin beds of coal of low grade. Even in the coaly layers, the original fossil forms are nearly destroyed by deformation, so that the fossil content has proved thus far to be quite inadequate to determine the age of beds. The material of the sediments is largely quartzose, or at least very silice- ous, and the forms of the fragments indicate much wear. The three striking features are the enormous thickness of the series, its wide distribution, and the abundance of quartz pebbles and grains. The rocks were found at several widely separated localities, the principal ones being at Camp Jurassic, fifty miles north of Ude (pages 67 and 280); at Tsetsenwan, one hundred and twenty-five miles west of Urga (page 103); at Sain Noin, three hundred miles west of Urga (pages 124 and 219); in the Mount Uskuk region, forty miles north of the Altai Mountains (page 228); in the Artsa Bogdo range (page 150); on the trail midway between Sair Usu and Ardyn Obo; and at a few other spots where the evidence was insufficient ‘to determine the extent and local importance. ‘There is evidence that strata of this series formerly extended over a much greater area than that covered by the Expedition. Almost everywhere the strata stand on edge, or are strongly folded (Fig. 125); in some localities they are mashed and faulted, while a few synclinal remnants show little disturbance (Fig. 126). The total thickness in the dis- WwW — : Contact_metamorphic effects Erosion Unconformity cy The Graywacke Series Jurassic Conglomerates Graywacke roof pendant ree Barre a Deen a NONMTONGe caatas Underlying granite bathylith cut by great numbers of dikes FicurE 126.—Geologic section north of Tsetsenwan. A synclinal remnant of Jurassic conglomerates and sandstones rests uncomformably upon the graywackes and upon the bathylithic granite with its myriad dikes. trict where this point could be best determined is no less than 25,000 feet, and at several other places great thickness is indicated, although estimates were not made (Figs. 40, 41, page 107). Doubtless the same series of strata forms 294 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA the floor beneath the covering of simple sediments at many places, but it appears that erosion has cut so deeply into the geologic structure of that time that only the lowest portions of the synclinal folds and the bases of fault blocks are preserved. The whole series is pre-Cretaceous and precedes the general planation. On the other hand, it lies above another unconformity, the exact position of which in the geologic scale is undetermined except that it belongs above the latest Palaeozoic sediments. The series, therefore, is apparently mid-Mesozoic and in all essential respects is analogous to and in many important features similar to the Lower Jurassic formations of China proper. The fossil evi- dence for age determination is inadequate, but no fossils other than plant remains are found either in the Mongolian conglomerate or in the Jurassic of China, and there are enough points of similarity in type of sediment, charac- ter of content, and deformation history to warrant tentative assignment to the same age. On this basis we are referring to the series as wholly of Jurassic age, although there is no good evidence against the presence of representatives of the Triassic also. In any case, the series must be regarded as a unit in which the only breaks of consequence are those marked by the igneous intru- sions described under the preceding heading. These intrusions occur at so many places where they are associated with the Jurassic sediments directly, that one is impressed with the necessity of accounting in some way for the close association (Fig. 125). It may well be that the deformation that accomplished the foldings and faultings of Jurassic time was occasioned by igneous activities in the depths beneath, one expression of which is marked by the intrusives. Down-faulted blocks, therefore, or very deep down-foldings may mark the places of weakness which guided the outbreak, and thus the sedimentary remnants and the associated intrusives are now preserved together. Other higher portions were more successfully removed by erosion. Palzozoic strata It is a most striking fact that all the sediments thus far found in central Mongolia, from the present back to the break at the close of Paleozoic time, are of continental type. But beneath the unconformity, at the base of the so-called Jurassic sediments, there is a great series of strata of marine origin, carrying abundant and characteristic fossils (Fig. 127). They include basal sandstones of only moderate development, with much greater thicknesses of limestones and shales preserved in down-folded remnants. Several thousand feet in thickness have been seen, but the total or maximum thickness is un- known. Strata of this age have thus far been found in only two areas, both south- STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR 295 east of Sair Usu. The Tertiary faulting, which raised the modern Altai ranges, did not extend into this portion of the desert, so that the folded Palzo- Honguer A Jurassic ? Oshigo Ola Tertiary Conglomerates | Ola Sediments } Ficure 127.—Geologic section of an area of marine Permian beds at Jisu Honguer on the Uliassutai trail, about 330 miles northwest of Kalgan. zoic strata have not been uplifted and are still simply part of the peneplaned floor (Figs. 78, page 171, and 89, page 180). The larger proportion of the strata is judged by Dr. A. W. Grabau, from fossil collections made during the first season of the Expedition’s work, to be of Permian age, but there is a continuation downward into a still earlier pe- riod, at least into the Pennsylvanian. Curiously enough, no representatives of these strata were identified in the Altai Mountains themselves, in either the Artsa Bogdo or the Baga Bogdo district. A single pebble carrying fossils of Palzozoic age was found loose on the northerly flanks of the Gurbun Saikhan. It therefore seems probable that representatives of Paleozoic age are to be found somewhere to the south in that region. Probably marine Paleozoic strata were formerly extensively distributed in this central Asiatic region, but the early Mesozoic or mid-Mesozoic epochs of diastrophism and erosion wrought such havoc that now only a few remnants are preserved. The rocks are all closely folded, but the fossil content is fairly well pre- served. The strike is nearly east and west, conforming in this respect to the average structural trend of the other elements of the ancient floor. Nowhere have we seen the exact relations between this series and the Jurassic above or the graywackes below. But the relative position in the scale can be inferred, and the general nature of the relation is reasonably well determined by differ- ences of structural habit and physical condition. An important break is clearly indicated between the Palzozoic sediments and the Jurassic series, since the former are marine, whereas the Jurassic beds are strictly continental. It is especially disappointing that the Palzozoic beds have not been seen in direct sedimentary contact with the graywacke-slate series beneath. This leaves some uncertainty about structural relation and relative age. It is clear that the graywackes are older, and, in view of the fact that they are unfossiliferous, more metamorphosed, and of an entirely different petrographic 296 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA habit, we are inclined to believe that the graywackes are much older and are probably separated from the Palzozoic strata by an unconformity as pro- nounced as either of those above. There is abundant evidence that the great Mongolian bathylith, described as the next unit under the following heading, is later than the graywacke series and is very much older than the Jurassic sediments, which in some places lie on an erosion floor of granite (Fig. 126). But it is not entirely clear, from any relation yet observed, whether the Palzo- zoic sediments are younger or older than the maximum invasion stage of the bathylith. All the early and mid-Palzozoic strata are missing, so that there are no representatives yet found from Cambrian to Mississippian time. Ap- parently the Paleozoic era is the most defective one, as indicated by the few sedimentary remnants still preserved. The Paleozoic rocks mark a transient marine history between two very long epochs of continental control. The great Mongolian bathylith Between the sedimentary series just described and the older ones to follow, there developed in central Asia a granite bathylith, exposures of which can be seen at many places over a very large territory (Figs. 125, 126, and 128). The formations existing at that time, including the Archzan crystalline rocks and the graywacke-slate series, are invaded by the granite, and at many places where subsequent erosion has been deep enough, remnants of these earlier formations are preserved as roof-pendants. The granite appears as large areas of massive rock, and also as smaller intrusive masses, even dikes, which cut all the formations up to and including the graywackes. It is not so clear what its relations are to the Paleozoic series, but in one place the Pale- ozoic strata appear to rest upon granite with the normal sedimentary contact (Fig. 127). As the Permian beds near the contact are not metamorphosed, and as no granite dikes are seen cutting them, it seems fair to infer that the Permian sediments are younger than the granite. It is possible, of course, that even the later intrusives, such as those which cut the Jurassic series, are products of the same great bathylithic magma; but, if so, they belong to a much later stage in its own development than that rep- resented by the large areas of true granite (Chapter XXII, page 408). The stage of maximum invasion, in which the massive granite was formed, is prob- ably pre-Pennsylvanian, and is certainly later than the Khangai graywacke. It is entirely possible that every igneous unit in the region, no matter what its age, is genetically connected with this immense bathylith. Its early developmental stages may have been responsible for the injection phenomena of the ancient gneisses; its maximum encroachment was attained in Palzo- zoic time, and its minor rejuvenations during old age may be recorded in the outbreaks of later periods (Fig. 161, page 415). STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR 297 The granites show considerable variety of composition and minor habit, but the dominant type is a biotite granite of medium coarse texture and massive structure. It has produced an extraordinary variety of end-product effects and considerable contact metamorphism. Its relations, distribution, and special features are made the subject of a separate paper already pub- lished (Berkey and Morris, 1924, a). The Khangai graywacke series An extensive series of graywacke sandstones and interbedded shales or slates is widely distributed in Mongolia. It forms the major composition of the mountains of the Arctic divide, and constitutes the country rock of the Urga-Tola River-Tsetsenwan region, as well as the Khangai mountain range through the province of Sain Noin toward Uliassutai (pages 82, 90, and 122). The rocks are well exhibited in the Gurbun Saikhan (page 258) and in the small mountain tract twenty miles east of the Mount Uskuk block (page 227), as well as in the Ude region along the Urga trail (page 61). Repre- sentatives of the same formation are found in many other areas. In the Tola River region and at Tsetsenwan and westward, graywackes predominate, whereas southward and eastward we find a greater proportion of interbedded shales. Neither the top nor the bottom of the series has been determined, but it is certain that it is of very great thickness,—probably at least 20,000 feet. . As far as observed, the strata are unfossiliferous throughout. Diligent search was made for possible fossil content, and, in the hills east of Mount Uskuk, slates were found with obscure markings that are believed to repre- 7 S SW Folded Graywacke-slate series NE MIO: YYW fp ip Gee DLO cue Y We FicurE 128.—Typical geologic section of the Khangai series. The section lies one hundred miles south- EY) fi C27 Ls west of Urga. Simply folded graywacke strata are undercut by the great Mongolian bathylith and are locally Y gr y metamorphosed by contact influence. 6 G Te tf 4 OY j ee Cee Great Mongolian Granite Bathylith sent imprints of some simple organic form, probably alge. A few thin, limy lenses contain tubular structures which may be borings made by some worm- like animal. A striking thing, of course, is the unfossiliferous nature of these rocks in spite of their simple sedimentation structure, in strong contrast to the richly fossiliferous habit of the Upper Paleozoic strata. It is not believed possible that the graywackes and slates, with their splendid bedding structure 298 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA and abundance of original shales, could be of Paleozoic age without bearing better evidence in the form of fossil content. We are well aware that the graywackes farther north and east are regarded as of Paleozoic age by Russian geologists, who report fossils from certain local- ities. Inthe Gobi region covered by our own traverses, however, we have not found any determinable fossil content in the graywackes, and these rocks are more modified than are the recognized Paleozoic strata. The Carboniferous strata begin near Sair Usu, above a basal conglomerate, instead of making a transition to the graywacke series. At Jisu Honguer, both the graywacke series and Paleozoic strata are present, but again there is a structural break between,—this time a fault instead of a transition. As we interpret the ground at Jisu Honguer, the Paleozoic strata belong to a down-faulted and crowded block which brings the two formations side by side. In physical habit, as well as in surface form, they differ greatly. It is our purpose to make a special study of this problem at a later time. Under these circumstances, we think that the evidence still favors more ancient cor- relation for the graywacke series, and we regard all of the Paleozoic rocks as down-folded and down-faulted remnants of superimposed strata of a later age. ! Dr. J. Morgan Clements (1922), working north and northeast of Urga in the Kentai Mountains, found graywackes which he considered pre-Cambrian. This is doubtless our Khangai series. Ussov (1915) has recorded his opinion that the graywackes of the Kentai are Algonkian. In view of the difficulties in the way of correlating this formation and the widely divergent views regard- ing it, we are inclined to let it stand as probably pre-Cambrian. Siliceous limestones of dark gray to blue color are found associated with slates in some localities; they also are quite without fossils so far as we have seen. Probably the limestones represent incursions of a shallow sea, and the very fact that they lack fossils so completely suggests that they are pre- Cambrian. The graywackes are probably non-marine and of the same age, and, especially in the Khangai Mountains and the region about Urga, where limestones are quite lacking, it is believed that the great series is essentially continental. Everywhere the series is folded. In places where it is made up largely of original shales, there is much internal deformation, so that typical slates have been formed, but wherever the much more massive graywackes predominate, simple folding is more common, with very little internal deformation or meta- structure. The series was invaded by the granite bathylith subsequent to its folding, and in many places over extensive areas the graywackes and slates now form the only roof. Great numbers of dikes cut through the series, and STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE OLDROCK FLOOR 299 the surface of the bathylith itself is very uneven, so that after prolonged ero- sion, patches of granite are exposed, alternating with patches of graywacke (Fig. 128). In places where the granite lies close beneath, considerable con- tact metamorphic effects have been produced on certain qualities of the gray- wacke-slate series. In some places a crystalline condition and moderately schistose structure are thus exhibited, whereas normally the rock is plainly granular and not schistose. THE ANCIENT CRYSTALLINE COMPLEX Clearly older than the graywacke series, as indicated not only by their structural relations but also by the much greater metamorphic modification, is a great group of formations which doubtless includes several different series, but which together may be conveniently referred to as the ancient crystalline complex (Fig. 129). The simplest of the rocks of this class are slates, phyl- lites, schists, limestones, and conglomerates that are clearly derived from NW 4 310 MILES Granite H} , Sry We My h fy fi 5 ZeThld iba ely ok c\ wy 14 PNM YAY, i Cee if | * ¥ d aie soe HL A complex of schists, injec stalline limestones cut by granite FIGURE 129.—Typical geologic section of the most complex pre-Cambrian rocks. ‘This section lies nine to nineteen miles northwest of Sair Usu, on the Uliassutai trail, The mountain structures have been pene- planed, and bear two very shallow basins of later sediments. some ancient sedimentary series, of much more variable habit and somewhat different origin from that of the overlying graywacke series. They stand everywhere on edge; they are repeatedly exposed in many places as widely separated as are the observations of the Expedition. There are few places, however, where they cover extensive tracts, and fewer still where many dif- ferent members of the series are exposed together. The Wu T’ai system Because of the fact that in certain places conglomerates are found in the midst of these series, and on account also of an observed difference in the degree of metamorphic complexity of certain members, we think the evidence favors the existence of at least two great systems of pre-Cambrian rocks, older than the rocks of the Khangai graywacke series. If we are right in regarding the graywackes as pre-Cambrian, they must be late pre-Cambrian, and as such they should correspond approximately to 300 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA the Nan K’ou series of von Richthofen (1877), and Hu t’o system of Bailey Willis (1907, II, page 7), in China, or the Sinian system of Grabau (1922). Our next older series in Mongolia may include the greenish chloritic schists in the Artsa Bogdo range of the Altai Mountains (Chapter XV, page 263). There is also a vast series of greenstones and chloritic phyllites in the moun- tains east of Ardyn Obo, which may be of igneous origin, and perhaps represent ash beds and surface flows that have undergone thorough reorganization (Chapter X, page 178). More data bearing on this problem may be expected when these rocks are studied with the microscope. Thin beds of limestone were found in the greenstone area. Mica schists and mica phyllites were seen on the Kalgan-Urga trail north of P’ang Kiang, and crystalline limestones are associated with them (Chapter III, page 55). The phyllite-schist-lime- stone-greenstone group outcrops at many places, yet is nowhere as thoroughly pierced and saturated by invading igneous material as is the group of rocks next to be described. In his ‘‘Research in China”’ (1907, II, page 4) Bailey Willis classified a series of phyllites, limestones, quartzites, schists, and green- stones under the Wu T’ai system, which he assigns to the early Proterozoic. We see no better classification for these very similar rocks in the Gobi re- gion (Figs. 130 and 161, page 415). The T’ai Shan complex Still more complexly modified rocks are found in the Gobi region. They are largely gneisses, associated schists, and crystalline limestones. The gneisses range from granitic to dioritic in general composition, but they are not simple granites and diorites. They represent a complex in which the original rock probably was a schist. This original rock has been invaded by igneous material which has penetrated and saturated the original, following in the main the structural lines of the schist. The magma has replaced as well as penetrated the host rock, so that now the igneous matter is a streaked gneiss because it has inherited the structure of the schist which it has largely destroyed and replaced. Where the igneous streaks are less predominant, the rocks may still be classed as schists, and among these the commonest type is a coarse-grained muscovite-biotite schist, streaked with lenses and thin sheets of granite or pegmatite. The limestones are white to blue or gray crystalline marble. Such rocks were especially noted in the block mountain south of Tsetsen- wan (page III); in another block mountain forty miles southwest of Tsetsen- wan (page 114), and north of Kalgan on the road to the pass, as well as at many other places. Because of the great complexity of structural habit, these rocks are regarded as still older than those we have referred to the Wu T’ai system, and, LOWER PORTION OF THE GENERALIZED GEOLOGIC COLUMN FOR CENTRAL MONGOLIA COVERING THE STRUCTURAL UNITS OF THE BASIN FLOOR PLEISTOCENE THROUGH CRETACEOUS Go eee) tN ON FOUR LM hey ALL ROCKS BELOW THIS LINE ARE FOLDED A SERIES OF SIMPLE SEDIMENTS LYING NEARLY HORIZONTALLY CENO- ZOIC A GREAT SERIES OF CONGLOMERATES, SAND-= STONES AND SHALES,WITH ASSOCIATED LAVA FLOWS, TUFFS AND ASHES;CARRYING OBSCURE PLANT REMAINS AND LOCALLY, COAL; THE WHOLE ABOUT 20,000 FEET THICK, APPARENTLY CORRESPONDS TO LOWER JU- RASSIC OF NORTHERN CHINA SERIES JURASSIC ME a2 OE EARLY MESOZOIC TSETSENWAN UINC ONE OL ROMY NOT HITHERTO SUBDIVIDED Ss easrnes O|N THE JISU HONGUER SERIES | SANOST Ni @ LIMESTONES Sy QE} to ay 3 Bs z5 CONGLOMERATES ZIE| of THE SAIR USU SERIES <|/ Cy Oj] gu DOLOMITES UNCONFORMITY COVERING EARLY PALAZOZOIC TIME GREAT BATHYLITHIC INVASION GRANITE NANK’OU SYSTEM THE THE THE TOLA RIVER} we) SINIAN KHANGAI GRAYWACKES = 4 ayes PROPOSED SYSTEM SERIES AND SLATES Sr AS USED BY} INMONGOLIA [WITHOUT FOSSILS GRABAU WILLIS IN CHINA ASERIES SCHISTS PROTEROZOIC > , IT a THE WU T’Al SYSTEM INMONGOLIA | [IMESTONES o ; COMPARABLE DOLOMITES << | AS USED BY WILLIS IN CHINA TO THE UARTZITES uJ REENSTONES WU TAI CRYSTALLINE LIMESTONES, SCHISTS, A SERIES INMONGOLIA COMPARABLE RECOGNIZED IN PART BY EARLIER EXPLORERS ARCHAOZOIC THE TAI SHAN COMPLEX ARCHA-AN AND COMPLEX AS USED BY WILLIS IN CHINA Ta otiiy | INJECTION GNEISSES FIGURE 130.—Summary table of the formations of the oldrock floor. 301 302 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA again following the usage established by Willis in China, we regard these oldest of the formations yet seen in the Gobi as Archzozoic and equivalent to the T’ai Shan of China. Undoubtedly there are great breaks between the principal members of the pre-Cambrian series. It is believed that the conglomerates seen on the Urga trail in the midst of these formations (page 80 and Fig. 27), and the conglomerates seen between Tsetsenwan and Sain Noin, two hundred miles west of Urga (Fig. 45, page 115), mark some of the important breaks, but even without these there is sufficient evidence in the differences of the rocks them- selves to warrant such subdivision as has been made and such age differences as are indicated in the tabulation (Fig. 130). Doubtless very much greater detail of formational make-up is actually exhibited than has been determined as yet, but the major elements of the ancient rock floor and the major charac- ters of the individual series are reasonably well expressed as a working basis by the accompanying table (Fig. 130). PLATE XXXVIII. A. BEVELED SURFACE OF UPTURNED PHYLLITES AT GORIDA. The photograph is taken looking down on a nearly level surface, B. SHATTERED GRAYWACKE, Upturned and broken graywacke strata cut by a shattered quartz-porphyry dike, near Jisu Honguer. PLATE XXXIX. A. DEFORMED JASPERITE IN THE GRAYWACKE SERIES. The photograph was taken near Five Antelope Camp, south of the Tola River. B. THE PHYLLITES OF ARTSA BOGDO, The fine, micaceous schists of Artsa Bogdo have a remarkably regular crumpling across the schistosity and bedding structures. CHAPTER XVIII " SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN BASINS AND MOUNTAINS THE BASIN OF MONGOLIA AN inland basin of more than a million square miles lies enclosed between the Great Khingan range on the east; the Transbaikal, Kentai, Khangai, and Tannu Ola, on the north; the eastern ends of the Sayan, Sailugem, and Altai, on the west, and the Nan Shan system on the south (Fig. 131). The essen- tial basin shape is well shown in Fig. 4, page 43. The minor basins, moun- tain ranges, isolated peaks and hills, and hollows containing lakes, playas or saltpans, which rise above or sink below the general sloping surface, do not disturb its basin-like character. Across these many and various surface features the Desert of Gobi is flung like a pall; it has no definite boundaries, but covers mountain, plain, and hollow. Deserts in general In a broad sense, a desert is any part of the land where plant and animal life are under notable disadvantage, so that only a sparse population of rather specially adapted forms can live. We may recognize three types of desert: 1. Deserts due to scanty rainfall. 2. High altitude deserts in lofty mountains. 3. High latitude or snow-deserts. The Gobi desert, as the arid part of a great inland basin, belongs to the first class. The shaping processes The inland basin of Mongolia, like all other land surfaces, has been molded and carved by geologic processes of two types: the constructional pro- cesses which tend to build up or make a country, and the destructional, which tend to destroy rocks and lower the land surface. Under the term construc- tional are included: 303 “vas of} Y]eeusq Sdip YoryM urseq [eInzonI}s v OZUT 4nO yINq ‘ured eyep © St BUTYD JO ureyd oy} !peqoes -stp AJaatsue}xe Puv Potpvelq St UIseq WeLINYouLT] oY} +SeprATp pediemdn moj Ajuo Aq ysaayynos oy} UO UISeq UNLTET, oY} Woy pure “4soM OY} UO Ft Sururol ‘uiseq uvresunzq oy} Wor payeredes st yNq yoyJNo ou sey LOSUOPY [eI}UEO Jo UIseq ay, —“UMOYS OTP BYyOSuOy [BI}UAd Jo UIseq IqoD oy} pure ‘eLINYoURYY JO PULTMOT OY} ‘euyD Jo ured ay} JO SUOTTIeI puL WIOF Seq EYL, “a}TYM are spue[MOT ‘pepeYs ase svore SnoUtEAUnOIAL “eyoSuoyy Jo deur yoyoxs JorOy— ICI aun speosfrey =——— i, -. IUPA 184d m~~ GZ6l JO e4nod| — -— epunog [P2UIAeL| —-—-- E76] JO BINOY ---— Aiepunog (eucen —:— 2Z6l jo oyned gy i. POR a BE SO Se eee 304 SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 305 1. Tectonic movements: warping, faulting, thrusting, folding, uplift. 2. Volcanism: the outpouring of lava, the ejection of ash, tuff, and bombs, and the building of volcanoes. 3. Sedimentation: a process which lies on the borderland between ‘the constructional and the destructional. In general, all sediments except volcanic ash and tuff result from the destruction of rocks by weathering and erosion. But those sediments which fill basins in the interior of a continent may be considered constructional, as they tend to build up the surface by means of new strata of rock which are as permanently a part of the continent as any other rock it possesses. Accordingly, the constructional landforms in Mongolia will be the major and minor warped basins and their contained sediments which form the plains and plateaus; the mountain ranges and the volcanoes and remnants of vol- canoes. Destructional processes include: 1. Weathering: mechanical and chemical. 2. Erosion: the work of ice, running water, waves, and wind. In the Gobi region, the mechanical processes of weathering are rather more active than the chemical. Temperature changes are abrupt and great, and frost action is vigorous. Quartzites, flints, jasper, chalcedony, siliceous argillites and other very elastic and brittle materials tend to chip, flake, and split when rapidly heated and chilled, so that the outcrops are commonly seamed with a network of fine cracks. Rocks which are composed of several different kinds of minerals tend to crack apart, yielding nearly unaltered crystal fragments. Thus granite, consisting chiefly of quartz and feldspar, breaks down into a coarse sand of quartz, feldspar, and granite chips, covering large areas of the rock floor. The surface of the granite bedrock is so disintegrated that it is difficult to obtain a fresh specimen. In addition to the vigorous mechanical weathering, there are also some chemical changes, for the ferro- magnesian minerals are altered and rusted, and the feldspars are somewhat kaolinized. Basalts and other dark, igneous rocks split into blocks; unlike the granites, they do not break down into a sandy residue of fresh minerals, but alter chemically into clayey soils. The sudden changes of temperature have less effect upon the limestones than upon the more siliceous rocks, but their surfaces are commonly etched by the solvent action of rain water into a fretted pattern of shallow pits. The chief erosional processes in a desert are the work of running water and of wind, and almost all destructional land-forms are due to their activity, although it is often very hard to tell which plays the dominant rdle. Glacial ice and the waves of lakes are both minor erosive agencies in the Gobi region. VOL. II——20 306 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Each of the factors will be discussed in connection with the land-forms which it helped to shape. MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS OF THE MONGOLIAN BASIN In Chapter II, we present evidence of warping and faulting in the border- ing ranges of the Gobi, indicating that the vast, shallow depression enclosed by these ranges is essentially of tectonic origin. The earth movements were not uniform throughout the region, so that the inland basin of the Gobi may be divided into an eastern and southern warped province and a western faulted province. The warped province is a broadly open country in which exten- sive plains, underlaid by Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments, are separated by areas of low rolling hills of ancient complex rocks. The present topography is chiefly the result of warping and differential erosion. In the western prov- ince, block-faulting of the Altai type controls the major relief features. Because of the unequal warping, each province is divided into a number of broad depressions which we have called “‘talas,”’ from a Mongol word mean- ing an open, intermontane country. In the east and south, the talas are large, rudely oval, shallow basins; while in the Altai province, they are nar- rower and deeper, walled in by high mountains, and their surfaces are divers- ified by minor mountain ranges. Within each tala, there are many lowland areas filled with sediments, for which we adopted the term “‘gobi,’’ as the Mongols told us that “gobi” is the name for the flat desert floors which we recognized as deposits of Tertiary and Cretaceous sediments. While the tala is a topographic element, the gobi is a lens-shaped mass of sediments, underlaid by the eroded and downwarped oldrock floor. The talas of the eastern and southern province The eastern and southern province of the Gobi falls into three great warped basins or talas, which we have called the Dalai, the Iren, and Gashuin talas, each from a lake lying in the deepest part of the depression. The Dalai tala is the one least known to science, and in the present volume it cannot be treated authoritatively, as the Expedition has never entered it. The north- ern part of its broad floor is occupied by a chain of lakes, some of which drain through the Argun River to the Amur. South of the lake region lies a rougher country which is apparently a continuation of the oldrock hills of Chakhar. The most recent explorations have been conducted by the Jesuit Fathers, Teilhard de Chardin and Emil Licent (1924 c), who, after traversing a consider- able area of the oldrock hills, discovered abundant Pliocene fossils in a series of sands, clays, and marls, which are overlaid by lava flows. They also re- port a ‘‘chain of Quarternary volcanoes extending more than one hundred kilo- meters.” (Teilhard, personal communication, 1924.) SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 307 The divide between the Dalai and the Iren talas is a broad swell of the oldrock floor, dissected into many low ranges which, according to the maps, strike nearly east and west (Fig. 131). The main axis of the arch lies rudely parallel to the Khingan range, and may have been formed at the same time and by the same processes of warping which uplifted the Khingan. The Iren tala was traversed by the Expedition in 1922, and part of it was restudied in 1923 (page 198). It is a broad, open country, unmistakably higher everywhere than in the center about Iren Dabasu, for which our barom- eter readings recorded an altitude of 2,930 feet. From this general low cen- ter, the tala surface rises gradually northward to about 6,000 feet at the Arctic divide, and southward to about 5,000 feet at the Pacific divide. Prob- ably at least half of the area of the tala, judging from what we have seen, is occupied by gobi-basin sediments resting upon a floor of older complex rocks. It was here we first recognized that a single tala may carry many gobis of widely diverse size and age. Thus, in the seven gobis crossed between Kal- gan and Urga, sediments were found ranging from Lower Cretaceous to at least Pliocene age. The sediments are beveled by a remarkably smooth surface which we named the Gobi erosion plane (Chapter XIX, page 332). Undrained hollows are excavated below this level surface, and many of them contain small salt lakes. The Iren tala lacks an integrated drainage more completely than does any other tala as all streams are short and drain radially into the hollows. The gobis are separated by low ranges of maturely dissected hills composed of ancient complex rocks, whose upland is crowned by a well- developed erosion surface which we named the Mongolian peneplane (Fig. 147, page 342). Obruchev (1901, II, page 434) crossed the desert from the Yellow River to the Gurbun Saikhan range, along the very boundary between the Iren and the Gashuin talas. He reported outcrops of the oldrock floor throughout almost the entire route, but noted one area of very smooth desert which we take to be a gobi. The Gashuin tala forms the southwesternmost part of the warped prov- ince and extends, indeed, west of some of the typical faulted talas. It is pierced by faulted ranges on the west, and bounded by faulted ranges on the north, thus marking the transition from the warped to the faulted province. Gashuin Nor is the largest of a group of lakes lying in the lowest part of the depression and receiving from the Nan Shan and Lung Shan ranges a wither- ing and dividing stream called the Edsin Gol. Very little is known of the geology. Chernov (1908) visited the region but gives little more than a geographical description of it. He says, however, that there is good evidence that the lakes and rivers were once larger than they now are, indicating a recent change in climate toward greater aridity. 308 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA The western faulted talas The talas of the western region are much smaller than the warped talas of the eastern and southern province. They are bounded by faults on at least one side, and, according to Suess (1902, III, pages 132, 135), some parts are reported to be true grabens, enclosed between faults on both north and south. In another paper (1924 b) we have called them the Tsagan, Shargin, Kisin, Kara, Kirghiz, and Ubsa talas. Only one of these, the Tsagan tala, has been visited as yet by the Expedition. Klementz (quoted by Suess, 1902, III, pages 122-125) has described the basins of the ‘‘Valley of the Lakes,” which we have called the Kara, Kisin, and Ubsa talas, as a succession of steps, like the treads of a great stairway, descending northward from the Altai front to the Ubsa tala, which lies only 2,660 feet above sea level at the foot of the Tannu Ola. He says that the depressions are separated by faults or faulted ranges. The Tsagan tala lies between the Khangai arch on the north, and a series of overlapping ranges of the Altai system on the south (Fig. 131). Like the Iren, the Tsagan tala illustrates strikingly the fact that a number of gobis, carrying sediments of very diverse age, can be contained within a single tala. At the foot of Baga Bogdo lies a gobi about thirty miles broad, between the Altai front and the Uskuk block (Fig. 98, page 194). The sediment-fill in- cludes Lower Cretaceous, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene beds with a total thickness of about 10,000 feet. North of the Uskuk block is another beveled and redissected gobi which is far less warped and has a lower relief than the gobi to the south. At one point we found reptile bones, indi- cating that at least some of the beds are Cretaceous. North of the chain of saltpans that occupy the deepest part of its concave surface, the gobi ends against the rock shelf that rises steadily into the great swell of the Khangai Mountains. As we go eastward to Artsa Bogdo and again plot a section north- ward, the mountain front descends abruptly to a gobi consisting of sediments and lava flows, all more or less disturbed by faulting and tilting and exposed in the eroded walls of several large hollows (Fig. 118, page 269, and Plates XXXV and XXXVI, page 268). The only fossils found indicate a Lower Cretaceous age. The sediment-basin extends far to the northward beyond our reconnaissance. East and somewhat south of the Artsa Bogdo, lies the Gurbun Saikhan tange. The basin north of it is more gently warped than either the Artsa Bogdo or the Baga Bogdo piedmont basin. Diversified by desert hollows and oldrock inliers, and cut through by the river valley of the Ongin Gol, the smooth surface of this gobi extends over one hundred miles to the northward, ending, like the others, at the foot of the Khangai arch. At three widely separated places where the geologists reached the mountain, the basin sediments were SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 309 seen steeply upturned against the front of the range. At least three distinct formations have been recognized in this gobi: (1) the thick Lower Cretaceous Ochungchelo formation, probably of the same age as the Oshih, is exposed at the foot of the middle range of the Gurbun Saikhan; forty miles to the north- west, another thick formation, the Dubshih, believed to be also of Lower Cretaceous age, underlies the Djadokhta sands. It is as yet impossible to say whether the Dubshih and the Ochungchelo are of the same age; (2) the Djadokhta formation carries a Cretaceous fauna quite different from that of the Oshih; and (3) the Gashato formation bears a very primitive mammalian fauna and has been tentatively called Paleocene. These brief descriptions omit much detail, but with their aid one may form a mental picture of a faulted tala,—a structural basin with a very com- plex history of warping, faulting, sedimentation, erosion, and occasional volcanism. MOUNTAINS Bounding the Gobi, and partly included within it (Fig. 131), are some six groups of mountains that represent but two general classes: (a) tectonic moun- tains; (b) volcanic mountains, which are of very minor importance in Mon- golia. To the tectonic class belong: (1) the Khingan range, which lies nearly athwart the Altai trend, striking about 26° east of north; it is probably up- faulted along the eastern front, while its western face slopes gently into the Gobi basin; (2) the Baikal-Yablonoi group, which consists of relatively short, broad, fault-block mountains, controlling a special type of drainage pattern in which the rivers seem to be adjusted to fault lines and grabens; Obruchev (personal communication, 1925) writes that they are peneplaned blocks, and that the valleys are tectonic and bear fills of Tertiary sediments which are being eroded by the present rivers; (3) the Khangai-Kentai group, which con- sists of broad, gently upwarped masses of peneplaned mountains, now deeply dissected; faults are present, but, in the main, they do not control the drain- age, which is essentially of dendritic pattern; these three types are considered in more detail under the heading ‘Boundaries of the Gobi’? (Chapter II); (4) the Altai group of long, relatively narrow, fault-block ranges, which trend about east-west in gently curving, parallel lines, enclosing strips of desert lowland between them; (5) the older ranges in the warped province, consist- ing of low, maturely dissected hills. Fault-block mountains of the Altai type The Altai belongs to a great group of ranges between the Khangai and the Tien Shan. All, including the Tien Shan, are essentially long, narrow 310 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA fault-blocks extending nearly east and west and enclosing broad, intermontane basins (Fig. 131). They form the most important mountain system of cen- tral Asia, and their structural features and history are characteristic of the deformations which have taken place in this region since the beginning of Lower Cretaceous time. We saw four ranges of the eastern Altai,—Ikhe Bogdo, Baga Bogdo, Artsa Bogdo, and Gurbun Saikhan, named in order from west to east. In the same order, they diminish in size, Ikhe Bogdo being the highest of the four. A touch of primitive poetry in the Mongols has led them to name many of their finest mountains after their gods: thus, Ikhe Bogdo means the Greater Buddha; Baga Bogdo, the Lesser Buddha; Artsa Bogdo, the Buddha of the Trailing Junipers; and Gurbun Saikhan, the Three Fair Ones. In general form, the eastern ranges are typical examples of the long, narrow Altai fault-blocks. They overlap one another as shown on the map NEC A\NZ\. DOWN THROWN BLOC 3 “ Z a “N AIN AYTIANS KS FicureE 132.—Generalized block diagram of a faulted basin. This diagram represents a rectangular block sliced out of the earth. The front of the block shows the cut edges of the rock structures. The center of the block is represented as the down-sinking area where sediments have continued to accumulate as deformation progressed. The uplifted portion, stripped of its original cover, ultimately forms a long, straight, mountain front of old crystalline rocks more or less deeply dissected by continued erosion. Volcanic eruptions have taken place along the zone weakened by faulting. This feature of the diagram represents conditions that existed in Cretaceous and Tertiary time rather than the present, for the volcanic cones have been destroyed by later erosion; but lava flows and ash-beds are still preserved, interbedded with the sediments. The latest develop- ment is an overspread of alluvial fans along the mountain front. (Fig. 98, page 194.) The northern front of each rises steeply to a crest which lies but a short distance behind the base line. From the crest we saw that the whole top of the range is a sea of nearly accordant peaks, which we judged to bea peneplane. In most of the ranges this upland surface tilts gently down- ward toward the south. In Artsa Bogdo and Baga Bogdo, and probably in Ikhe Bogdo, the southern face is notably lower than the northern, and drops steeply to a broad lowland. In each lowland, but especially in the northern basin, sediments have accumulated, associated with lava flows (Fig. 132). Ikhe Bogdo.—Concerning Ikhe Bogdo, Suess’s summary of Klementz’s reports (Suess, 1902, III, page 134) indicates that the range is narrow, that SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 311 it is made of granite and some schists, and that the northern slope is ex- tremely steep and difficult. In 1922 we saw from a distance that the range has a remarkably smooth upland surface, or peneplane, and that the heads of the major valleys are cirques, recording the easternmost glaciation in the Altai system. At the foot of the range lies a broad piedmont basin. We visited the range in 1925 and observed so many special features that a separate description will be required. This will appear in a later publication. Baga Bogdo.—The range is about fifty miles long from east to west, and not more than twelve miles wide from north to south. Its position is indicated on the sketch map (Fig. 98, page 194). From Mount Uskuk, forty miles north of Baga Bogdo, the surface of the piedmont basin slopes downward into the depression of the lake Tsagan Nor, and then gently rises 2,000 feet to the foot of Baga Bogdo. From this slope, the mountain juts up more than 4,000 feet, attaining an altitude of nearly 12,000 feet above the sea, and a height of about 7,000 feet above Tsagan Nor. The summit peneplane slopes gradually from the east and west ends of the range, up to the culminating twin peaks near the center (Fig. 106, page 224). The stream valleys that dissect the mountain front at this point are so short and straight that, stand- ing in the mouth of Tiger Canyon, one can clearly see the two peaks, 4,000 feet above, yet less than three miles away. As we climb the valleys, they open through terrace after terrace. The lower benches are narrow and relatively modern, and correspond to several stages in the history of the alluvial fans. But the higher shoulders, 2,500 feet and more above the inner gorges, are remnants of much wider and more mature valleys which have been almost wholly destroyed by later dissection. They must mark earlier stages in the growth of the range, when the mountain, much lower than it now is, had paused long enough in its uplift to develop a network of broad valleys. The range is made entirely of ancient, complex rocks of diverse kinds: and ages, but it is a significant fact that the folding and the granite intrusions were accomplished long before the uplift of the present fault-block range began (Plate XXX in pocket) The alluvial fans are of extraordinary interest, as they contain part of the record of mountain growth and part of the record of the climatic changes of the region. There are at least four series of fans. The oldest is the Pliocene Hung Kureh formation which outcrops less than five miles north of the moun- tain, and consists chiefly of thin-bedded clays and fine sands. The modern streams bear coarse gravels far beyond the northern scarp of the dissected Hung Kureh. It is, therefore, probable that the mountain was lower when the Hung Kureh beds were deposited. If the range had been as high as it now is, the accumulation of fine pond clays so near the mountain would not have been possible, as the average slope of the present piedmont surface is more 312 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA than 200 feet per mile. The Hung Kureh beds are tilted and even somewhat folded, indicating that mountain-movements have crowded them since their deposition. Upon the Hung Kureh lie the rubbles of the Gochu fan, which have been tilted so that their bedding planes dip as much as 20° southward toward the Altai front, quite reversing the original dip (Fig. 107, page 229). They bear a record of deposition followed by tectonic movement, followed in turn by prolonged erosion before the third fans were laid. The third, or high fans, overlie and partly bury the eroded remnants of the Gochu fans, but even they have been so dissected that some of the cones have been almost wholly cut away, leaving remnants that now stand 300 feet and more above the modern fans. The remnants connect with a rock terrace in the mountain valleys, below which the modern streams have cut deep trenches. The dis- sected fans record a long period of accumulation, followed by a reversal of conditions and the removal of vast amounts of material. The fourth and most recent series of fans has been built in the gaps torn through the older fans, and is chiefly of later date than the cutting of the inner trenches of the mountain valleys. The modern fans also record changing conditions: first, the piling of gravels along the mountain front in the canyon mouths and in the broad gaps torn in the older fans; then a dissection of these fans to a depth of 150 feet. At the mouth of Tiger Canyon, terraces are cut in the modern fan (Plate XL, B, page 388), which indicate balanced conditions, when the stream widened its bed without greatly deepening its channel. The record demands very careful reading because effects of mountain growth may sometimes be confused with the results of climatic change. Dur- ing dry cycles, when the protecting vegetation of the mountain slopes withers and the streams disappear shortly beyond the canyon mouths, the soil and loose rock wash down and overload the streams, which pile the burden along the mountain front, building up the alluvial cones. But during rainier epochs, living roots form a thick mat which blankets the mountain slopes, holding the soil in place so that the rivers are not overburdened, while their actual supply of water isincreased. With increased water and diminished load, the streams begin to excavate their channels and to dissect the alluvial fans which they had piled up. Uplift, with the steepening of all gradients within the mountain, tends to rejuvenate the streams and push the alluvial fans farther out into the piedmont lowland. A long pause in the uplift permits the streams to lower their gradients and so to increase the fans which previously they had piled up against the mountain front. Uplift, therefore, works a result similar to that of a moist climate, while the effect of a period of quiescence in mountain growth resembles that of a change to a dryer climate. Where the fans are not only dissected but tilted, which is true of the Hung Kureh and the Gochu fans, the fact of disturbance in geologically recent time is plain. In the case of SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 313 the two later series of fans, where there is no change of dip and no direct evi- dence of renewed faulting, a change in climate seems to be the most rational explanation (page 390). Artsa Bogdo.—Artsa Bogdo is notably lower than Baga Bogdo; the high- est peak thus far reached stands about 8,000 feet above sea level. The north- ern front juts up steeply from the smooth piedmont slope to an upland surface which rises gradually and as gradually descends toward the south. Notable monadnocks stand above the upland peneplane. The southern face of the range is less steep than the northern front. Within the mountain block most of the streams have a dendritic arrangement, although a few subsequent streams have developed along belts of weak rock. One well-marked terrace borders the valleys and broadens upstream until it becomes the valley floor, and the younger, inner gorge disappears. In the high valleys, which are broad, richly grassed meadows, herds of big-horn sheep and ibex graze side by side with the sheep, goats, and yaks of Mongol drovers. The slopes are beautifully decorated with the spreading rosette growth of the artsa or juniper, which gives the range its name. There are thus four topographic elements within the range: (1) the steep-sided inner gorges of the lower valleys; (2) the ter- races and high meadows in the upper valleys; (3) the summit peneplane; and (4) the monadnock peaks rising above the peneplane (Fig. 116, page 264). To these might be added two exterior surface elements,—the front slopes of the range, and the smoothly eroded rock shelf or pediment, at the foot of the mountain (Fig. 114, page 261). Like Baga Bogdo, the range is composed of an uplifted block of complex rocks—schistose conglomerates, schists, limestones—with large and small * intrusive masses, chiefly granites and diorites. Infolded or infaulted in the oldest rocks are slates, sandstones, and conglomerates which we tentatively assigned to the Jurassic. At the eastern end, the crystallines disappear be- neath a great field of lava, probably Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous (page 262). Only a portion of the history of the piedmont basin at the Artsa Bogdo range is known (Fig. 114, page 261). Along the northern front there is a _ narrow but distinct pediment, which bevels the same hard rocks that com- pose the mountain. The slope at the foot of the mountain front is an erosion plane, and, as at Baga Bogdo, the modern alluvial fans are relatively small. The rock waste issuing from the mountain is carried through the beveled basin sediments in stream courses which are trenched well below the erosion plane. Each stream valley bears a terrace, coated with a heavy layer of partially cemented coarse conglomerates. The piedmont slope is locally varied by mesas, capped with black basalt. The tilted conglomerates seen at the foot of Baga Bogdo are absent. Twenty miles north of the range, a thick deposit of Lower Cretaceous 314 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA sediments is exposed in the scarps about the Oshih hollow. Between the Oshih and the Artsa Bogdo the rocks are for the most part covered. Close to the northern face of the range, however, unfossiliferous sediments are exposed and steeply upturned, indicating that they once extended farther. Along the southern flank of the mountain lie red and gray sediments with reptile bones of the Oshih fauna. We consider it probable, therefore, that the present site of the Artsa Bogdo range was covered by Oshih sediments in the Lower Cre- taceous, and has been uplifted and cleared of sediments since that time. So, the peneplane on the top of Artsa Bogdo might well be the ancient floor on which these sediments were laid down; in this case, it would be a stripped or resurrected peneplane. The more conservative view is that the upland level is part of the later Mongolian peneplane, for which we have tentatively pro- posed an early or middle Tertiary age (1924 d). A brief summary of the history of Artsa Bogdo, so far as it is known, is as follows: 1. A complex mountainous country was peneplaned during or before Lower Cretaceous time. 2. The Oshih sediments were deposited upon the old floor in Lower Cre- taceous time and covered certain low monadnock ridges of the old hard rocks. Volcanic activity accompanied the deposition of the sediments, and possibly there were outpourings of lava after the sedimentation was completed. 3. The region was disturbed by faulting and tilting, which were renewed at intervals. Some of the resting periods were so long that the relief features, due to faulting, were planed away. The upland peneplane of Artsa Bogdo, the broad terrace along the valleys in the mountain, and the planed rock shelf at the foot of the range, are records of the larger intervals of quiescence and erosion. Gurbun Saikhan.—The Gurbun Saikhan is not a unit, but a broad moun- tainous area including a number of nearly parallel ranges, separated by long, relatively narrow depressions. The Mongols have given names to the three chief blocks—the Baron Saikhan, the Dzun Saikhan, and the Dunde Saikhan, meaning the Western, Middle, and Eastern Good One. ‘To these should be added a smaller but structurally similar ridge along the northern front of Baron Saikhan, and a long block extending southeast of the Dunde Saikhan. Each is a long, narrow, steeply rising uplift, essentially like the other eastern Altai ranges, and each is composed of old complex rocks. In the Baron Saikhan, we observed silicified and partly replaced limestone, large intrusive, stock-like masses of serpentine and diorite, and steeply folded argil- lites, slates, and graywackes (page 256). In the front range, we noted a younger series of argillites and graywackes, and an older series of phyllites, chloritic schists, and sheared, schistose conglomerates. The Dunde Saikhan SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 315 consists wholly of one closely folded series, including graywackes, slates, siliceous argillites, and green, dense, silicified ash, the age of which has not been satisfactorily determined. The front of each range rises sheer from the piedmont slope, without any foothills. There is an upland peneplane, which is tilted and bent at various angles in the several ranges. Above it stand higher monadnock peaks. The southern slope of Dunde Saikhan is much steeper and higher than the northern face, reversing the rule for this part of the Altai system. Within each range, the valleys are terraced, and the cutting of a younger, narrow, winding gorge has destroyed the terraces near the mountain front; but deeper within each range, the upper parts of the valleys open into gently sloping, beautiful mead- ows, affording rich pasturage and unfailing water. Along the foot of the Dunde Saikhan, two series of alluvial fans are dis- played. The older fans are sixty to a hundred feet higher than their modern successors, and have been much dissected. In places, they have buried the mountainous topography of the front range, and the entrenched river valleys are superposed across the hard-rock ridge and have cut gorges through it. The detritus that forms the younger fans is led in channels through the rem- nant of the dissected high fans and is spread out on the long, smooth piedmont slope, thinning gradually until the underlying basin sediments of Cretaceous and Tertiary age again form the surface. The history of the Gurbun Saikhan must be read in part from the ranges themselves, and in part from the record of the surrounding sediments. Tilted and faulted Lower Cretaceous sediments have been seen along the northern and southern fronts of the ranges. At the foot of Dunde Saikhan, they must be nearly 2,000 feet thick, and consist chiefly of evenly bedded clays and fine- grained sands. At the Baron Saikhan, red sands and conglomerates without fossils are upturned to a dip of 78° upon the front of the mountain (Fig. 113, page 257). Along the low front range a dip of 56° was recorded. The sedi- ments were formerly more extensive and may well have covered the site of the present ranges. The Djadokhta sands, consisting of almost pure silica (page 356), could not have been derived from the Gurbun Saikhan oldrocks by simple decay and transportation, but must have been derived from an older, sandy sediment that had already been considerably assorted. This inference suggests that the oldrocks of the Gurbun Saikhan were not exposed during the accumulation of the Djadokhta sediments (Fig. 133). The first sediment in which the fragments of the oldrocks appear prominently is a gravel of angular pebbles, overlying the Djadokhta (Fig. 133, C). The gravel forms the base of the Gashato beds, which consist of variable sandy clays, sands, and gravels, which may have been derived directly from the weathering of the Gurbun Saikhan. Site of the Gurbun- Saikhan range Sagdy sediments, pooal ly Sairim or Oshih were neturee rr @ Pe ; 77 YY LG, on . Bal KY Cj: PEPE Y SUSE Sans aves ROWE AAW ite AL Eronnn OF WAM, etna ) N FIGURE 133.—Four stages of warping and sedimentation at the Gurbun Saikhan: A shows a cover of Lower Cretaceous sediments resting on a complex oldrock floor. B shows initial upwarp of the Gurbun Saikhan range and corresponding deposition of the Djadokhta sands, C shows renewed upwarp and deposition of angular pebbles from the newly exposed Gurbun Saikhan rocks, D shows the deposition of the Paleocene Gashato beds. Subsequent to this last stage there has been renewed deformation and extensive erosion, and alluvial fans fzom the mountains are now encroaching upon the remnants of all three formations, 316 SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 317 The history of the Gurbun Saikhan may be summarized as follows: 1. A complex mountainous country was peneplaned prior to Lower Cre- taceous time. 2. Basin-making began in Lower Cretaceous time, and the site of the Gurbun Saikhan was covered with sediments (Fig. 133, A). 3. There followed a period of quiescence, indicated by the break between the Lower Cretaceous and the Djadokhta formations. 4. Warping began again, and material derived from the older basin sedi- ments was carried into the new basin to form the Djadokhta beds (Fig. 133, B). 5. Slight warping and disturbance took place. 6. A period of quiescence and erosion continued through most of Upper Cretaceous time. During this interval, a new erosion plane was carved upon the Djadokhta beds. 7. Probably in Paleocene time, warping and uplift were renewed, and the Gurbun Saikhan oldrocks were laid bare; the Gashato formation began with a wash of gravels derived from the mountains; clays, sands, and gravel followed, and at least one lava flow tells of volcanic activity (Fig. 133, C, D). 8. Uplift of the mountain continued with faulting. The latest faulting may be as recent as we judged it to be at Baga Bogdo, i.e., early Pleistocene. 9. The range has been vigorously redissected by the streams of at least two cycles—an older stage marked by a terrace in the river valleys, and a younger, indicated by deepening and gullying. The mountains of the eastern province No ranges of the Altai type were seen in the Iren tala and none is reported from the Dalai tala. As a typical example of the mountains of the warped province, we may describe the hills of Chakhar along the Kalgan-Urga trail (Figs. 7 and 8, page 51). The range extends for about fifty miles, east and west, and is about twenty miles wide from north to south. The highest alti- tude is somewhat less than 5,500 feet above sea level, and the upland stands not much more than 1,000 feet above the general desert surface. The splen- didly developed Mongolian peneplane (Fig. 147, page 342) crowns the sum- mits, and has been very maturely dissected. In some of the valleys which are as much as six miles wide, there are shallow accumulations of sediment which bear Pliocene and Pleistocene fossils (Andersson, 1923. a). There is no doubt that the range stands as a monadnock mass above the lower level of the desert, but the age of the monadnock remains a problem for future study. There are two possible explanations of its origin: it may be a peneplaned rem- nant of a mass that was upwarped or faulted during early Tertiary time (in this case the weathering away of the mountains furnished the sediments now retained in the surrounding gobis) ; or it may be a disinterred monadnock which 318 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA was formerly buried under the sediments which lie north and south of it. We are inclined to favor the first interpretation. There are many such masses as the Chakhar Mountains, especially in the eastern talas. In general, their history seems to be very simple. They are probably fault-blocks or broadly arched domes, which, since the time of their uplift, have been so thoroughly eroded as to destroy all the diagnostic signs by which we might recognize their precise mode of origin. An example of a dis- interred monadnock is found in Oshigo Ola, which is a low granite ridge near Iren Dabasu (Fig. 134). It rises very gradually, less than 300 feet above the smooth, planed sediments that surround it. The oldest of these sediments Granite Ridge Gobi Erosion Scarp of Tertiary Sediments Plane Ze EXM. May 13,1983. FicurE 134.—Field sketch of Oshigo Ola, from the south. The low ridge of granite is being exhumed from the sediments which still partially bury it, and which have protected it from erosion since Cretaceous time. are the Cretaceous Iren Dabasu beds, which outcrop some three miles north of the ridge. They are overlaid by Eocene strata, which show an undisturbed sedimentary contact with the granite ridge, for the beds are horizontal, and, as we follow them toward the ridge, there is a distinct increase in the amount of granite fragments in the sediment. Therefore, the ridge surely existed in Eocene time. The Cretaceous beds are not faulted, are only very faintly warped, and contain abundant fragments of granite waste. It is probable, therefore, that Oshigo Ola is not a post-Cretaceous fault-block but was a knob upon the oldrock floor when the Iren Dabasu beds were being laid down. ‘It is still partly buried in sediments, and its preservation throughout Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary time can be explained only by supposing that it was buried during most of this interval. Many other hills of hard rock rise through the gobis, and their history, if studied, would probably be very like that of Oshigo Ola. Two such exhumed monadnocks are shown in the sketch of the Oshih basin (Fig. 118, page 269). It is not impossible that some of the major ranges, such as parts of the Altai, may have chapters in their history that tell of burial and reexcavation, though in their case there is always a more extensive history of faulting and warping. Volcanic mountains Although in the Dalai tala, volcanoes with fresh cones are reported by Teilhard de Chardin (1924, c), no true volcanic cones were found in the terri- SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 319 tory covered by our Expedition. However, about one hundred and ten miles southeast of Urga, we passed two tiny, cone-shaped hillocks, not over sixty feet high (Fig. 25, page 79). They are covered by a rubble of spongy scorias, which, under the microscope, are found to be chiefly fused clay. For this reason, they should be considered as outlets of hot volcanic gases, a very spe- cial type of volcano. They probably are of Quaternary age. In all other areas traversed by our Expedition, the volcanic cones that must have existed in the past have been worn away. Lava flows, which have been buried in sediments for several geologic periods, and upstanding dikes and necks were found at many places. For example, isolated black peaks were seen in the distance, from the vicinity of Camp Jurassic, west of the Urga trail, but were not visited. Their real character, therefore, is not known; but the fact that volcanic eruptive material is abundant, and that these hills lie along the projection of one of the major fault lines, seems to favor the conclusion that they are remnants of small volcanic outbursts (page 68; Fig. 18, p. 65). North of Djadokhta there is a sharp volcanic neck called Khurul Obo—the Bronze] Peak—surrounded by many dikes and flows (Figs. 67, 68, page 159). Together they represent a volcanic center extending over fifty square miles. The original cone of Khurul Obo has been eroded away. No laccolithic mountains have been reported by any observers in Mon- golia. THE STRUCTURE LINES OF MONGOLIA By way of summary of the general relations of mountains and basins, it is well to review briefly the structure lines of the region; that is, the compass directions in which the following structural elements of the rocks lie: the cleavage-planes of gneisses, schists, and slates; the axial planes of folds; the strike of tilted rocks; the strike of fault-planes; the axial trend of mountain ranges and basins. In Mongolia these structures can be considered in four classes: (1) Those of the oldrock floor of Mongolia; (2) those of the Tertiary fault-blocks; (3) those of the warped and faulted talas; (4) those of the gobis. 1. The trends of oldrock lines belong to two groups (Plate IV, page 22): (a) A group with a general northeasterly direction, includes: The Khingan trend, a little east of north, for the eastern ranges (von Richthofen, 1882, II, pages 520, 734). The northeastward Baikal trend for Transbaikalia (Obruchev, 1899, and 1914) (Fig. 135). The Sayan trends in the region west of Lake Baikal; they swing in a great S-shaped curve from northeast-southwest to northwest-southeast and back again (Suess, 1902, III, pages 90, 91, 102, 107). 320 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA (b) A group with a general easterly direction, includes: The Altai trend, curving from southeastward to nearly east and west, for the region between the Tannu Ola and the Tien Shan (Suess, 1902, III, pages FIT, 226, 132): The Kuen Lun trend, swinging from 20° north of east to 15° south of east for the Richthofen, Nan Shan, and Tsingling Shan ranges. The structure lines of the ancient gneisses and schists vary extremely. East-west lines predominate. In the region traversed by the Expedition, we TECTONIC MAP of southern Tranobaikalia compiled by V. A. Obruchev A , —~_- Faultlines without topo jason seiR Distribution of massive rocks FiGuRE 135.—Tectonic map of Transbaikalia (after Obruchev). The faults which mark the present Tanges are drawn in heavy broken lines; areas of massive igneous rocks are shaded with short dashes. Faults of two trends are shown, the northeasterly Baikal trend and the northwesterly Khingan trend. noted nearly north-south strikes at a few places, although in the main they follow the Altai trend, varying between N. 60° E. and N. 60° W. The strike of the latest pre-Cambrian graywackes varies also, but in most places it aver- ages N. 70° W. Near Urga, the strike swings toward northeast as much as N. 40° E., approximating the trend of Lake Baikal. The Paleozoic rocks strike about N. 80° W., though N. 65° E. was observed near Sair Usu. The Jurassic folds are the least regular that we have seen, but even these vary, for the most part, within twenty degrees of the east-west line. Much more detailed study is needed before this system of folding can be reconstructed. 2. The faults of Tertiary and post-Tertiary ranges trend, in many places, at an acute angle to the direction of folding in the rocks which compose the SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 321 mountains, and there are oblique faults which divide the Altai into separate, overlapping ranges. But, taken collectively, all the Altai blocks form a series of somewhat arc-shaped chains, lying, as Obruchev has pointed out (1912, 1915), with their convexity toward the south. Granting all divergence from the structure lines of the older folding, there remains, through at least five mountain-making revolutions, a fair agreement between the old and the new trends. The repetition of trend in mountain-making revolutions which are \ SIBERIAN LOWLAND ‘ike, Ay; Anh, SS oe fe ASIA 0 STRUCTURE LINES AND BASINS COMPILED FROM THE WORK OF SUESS , WILLIS, HOBBS, STAMP, GREGORY UMPELLY , HUNTINGTON , KONSHIN , BURRARD, HAYDEN GRABAU, DE LAUNAY, LEUCHS, OBRUCHEV, GERASIMOV FicurE 136.—General structure lines of Asia. The solid lines represent the trend of folded and faulted mountain ranges. The stippled areas indicate the great interior basins. The shaded areas represent the recognized positive elements. separated by vast time intervals is also well shown in the Khingan range, where the ancient pre-Cambrian gneisses and the Tertiary arch lie almost parallel to one another, though this direction is nearly at right angles to that of the Altai ranges. 3. The talas of the faulted province are distinctly elongate east and west. The Iren tala is nearly round, and the Dalai tala’s longer axis lies parallel to VOL. II—2I 322 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA the Khingan. Evidently the basins are controlled by the same regional ten- dencies of deformation that have upwarped and upfaulted the mountain blocks and inter-tala divides. 4. The gobis are less definitely outlined, but in those of more readable history and more suggestive form, it is clear that the east-west axis is the longer. In some cases at least, there is sharp flexing or minor faulting along the north or south margins. The axes of the Cenozoic mountains and lowlands (Fig. 136) agree very nearly with the strike of the folded Palzozoic sediments and with the struc- ture lines of the ancient schists and gneisses. The general agreement is far more striking than the local divergences. The folding, thrusting, and fault- ing that have made mountains, have followed much the same directions in successive revolutions since early pre-Cambrian times, indicating an orderly constancy of control in the earth movements that, throughout the immensely long sequence of sedimentations, foldings, and igneous intrusions, have welded together the continental elements that are now Asia. CHAPTER XIX SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN (Continued) PLATEAUS, PLAINS, AND FLATLANDS INTRODUCTION—THE LEVEL LANDS OF THE DESERT BETWEEN the mountains around and within the great basin of Mongolia, we journey across wonderfully smooth and level areas that have been called “‘plains’”’ by travelers in the past. An examination soon shows that in one place the smooth surface is underlaid by granite (Plate X, B, page 60), in another place by folded slates (Plate XXII, A, page 183), in a third by tilted sands and clays (Fig. 111, page 245), and in others by horizontally lying strata of many kinds (Figs. 137 and 138). These flat surfaces are the result of erosion, but the granites and closely folded slates belong to ancient mountain structures which have been worn down, and only the horizontally lying strata come within the definition of the true plain or plateau. A plain is a region of horizontal strata, smooth, or dissected into low relief (Johnson, 1916, page 444). The plain and plateau differ only in that the plateau is carved into high relief. In Mongolia, the horizontally lying strata—either plains or plateaus—are found in the gobis, and therefore all the typical sediment- basins or gobis are true plains or plateaus, resting upon a foundation of com- plex mountain structures. They would be classed as plains throughout the open country of the large warped talas, where their relief is low—rarely exceed- ing 300 feet (Plate X, A, page 60). Deep dissection in the piedmont basins along the Altai has developed such rugged country in the sediments that pos- sibly the term ‘‘plateau’’ would be appropriate there (Plates XXXV, XXXVI, page 268). The only term we used in the field for the horizontal or but slightly tilted strata was ‘‘plains’’—because the areas of rugged relief are relatively small pockets of dissected badland country along the few stream valleys or around the walls of undrained hollows. The erosion surfaces which bevel the gobis and the hard rocks cannot be called peneplanes, for a peneplane is a vast erosion surface developed by streams whose base-level is the sea (Davis, 1909, and Johnson, 1916). A true 323 324 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA peneplane, therefore, cannot be carved in an inland desert basin. Pending the general adoption of a special name for the desert erosion surfaces, we shall Old rock fills PangKiang lowland FiGuRE 137.—The Gobi upland at Ardyn Obo. The field sketch shows: (1) the remarkably smooth erosion plane of the upland, developed on nearly horizontal strata; (2) the extremely short gullies dissecting the scarp; (3) a portion of an extensive lowland, representing the P’ang Kiang stage of dissection. call them simply erosion planes, and have grouped them, because of their similarity and wide prevalence in the Gobi region, under the generic name “‘the Gobi erosion plane.”’ AGENCIES WHICH CARVE THE EROSION PLANE The only agencies which are capable of carving the erosion planes of the desert are wind and running water, assisted by weathering. It is impossible FicurE 138.—Field sketch of the scarp of eroded Eocene sediments west of Irdin Manha. The smooth erosion plane of the upland bevels the white and gray strata. During Eocene time a small stream channel in the white sands was filled with gray clay. A remnant of the clay is still preserved beneath the thin cover of modern desert gravel. that waves or glacial ice had any part in the work. The wind acts not only as a carrier for loose waste, but as an actual sculptor. However, the relative importance of wind work as compared with that of running water is difficult SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 325 to evaluate. There are two general schools of thought on this subject. One group of authorities (Gilbert, 1880; McGee, 1897; Paige, 1912; Bryan, 1922, 1923; Jutson, 1914, Lawson, 1915) holds that running water is a potent, even a dominant, factor in the sculpturing of desert surfaces, while other author- ities (Passarge, 1904, 1909; Bornhardt, 1900; Walther, 1912; Davis, 1909, for the later stages of the desert cycle; Hobbs, 1917, 1918; Keyes, 1903, 1908a, 1916) attribute the chief r6dle to the work of wind. We shall review briefly the results which in Mongolia we attributed to each of these agencies—wind and running water—before discussing the origin of the erosion planes. Erosion by wind Despite the stinging sandblast of the big storms, which makes one’s skin smart, there is less evidence of actual abrasion by wind than might be expected, and erosion forms are almost exclusively the result of weathering and running water. In the hard-rock regions, we saw monument-like piles of granite, many with overhanging ledges (Plates X, B, page 60, and XI, B, page 61). If they had been carved by sandblast, the undercut bases of the columns, where the attacking sand grains are largest and most numerous, would soon lose their husk of weathered and loosened crystals, and the sand- blast would bite into the fresh granite, while higher up, where fewer and smaller grains strike, the rock should stand out as an overhang, its surface deeply weathered but not wind-carved. This interpretation is not sustained by the facts. In every case, the undercut pedestal is so deeply weathered and dis- integrated that the specimens we collected with our hammers crumbled to bits. In the same regions, some of the ‘‘monuments”’ have a pyramidal form, and the lower part, most exposed to wind abrasion, is unworn. Thus, both the projecting ledges and the spiring tops are due chiefly to simple weathering processes, acting upon unequally resistant portions of the rock. Where the granite is coarsest, where the crystals are less firmly interlocked, or when the joint cracks are closely spaced, the rock tends to disintegrate more rapidly. No doubt, the wind is one of the destroying agencies, but it plays by no means the chief réle, since the slow process of disintegration can outstrip it. In the soft sandstones of the gobis, undercut cliffs were seen which showed evidence of true windblast. The surface is fluted and channeled parallel to the direction of the wind (Plate XIX, page 156), and every little concretion or pebble stands out as a resistant button, followed by a trailing ridge of protected sand on its leeward side. The surfaces parallel to the prevailing direction of the strongest winds are those most effectively carved. Bluffs that stand transversely to the prevailing winds are commonly banked by drifting sand, and so are protected from erosion. 326 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA The wind undoubtedly plays an important part in excavating the un- drained hollows which form one of the most conspicuous features of the desert landscape; but as their development involves a number of complexly inter- acting agencies, it seems best to treat the origin of desert hollows as a special subject (page 336). The destructive work of wind is very easily hindered. A blanket of drifting sand protects level surfaces and even steep declivities from active erosion. Where level surfaces are exposed to the strongest blasts, the wind carries away the finer particles of weathered rock, and the heavier and firmer fragments remain as a ‘‘desert armor’”’ which reduces wind-erosion to almost infinite slowness. If there is enough moisture to support either a lake or an effective mat of vegetation, wind scour is checked. The wind is, therefore, a weak agent of erosion, abrading rocks no faster than they break down under ordinary atmospheric weathering. But as a transporting agency, moving the finer and lighter materials about and depositing them, it plays a vitally im- portant part, and is the only power that can carry sediment out of a wholly enclosed basin (page 336). In taking up the work of running water in a desert region, the questions which first arise for consideration are: How much water does the desert receive, and how is it distributed? Rainfall Rain, in this northernmost of the world’s desert basins, is most frequent and heaviest along the Arctic and Pacific divides, and lightest over the open lowlands. The bordering ranges, receiving their supply from the great stretches of Siberia on the one hand, and the Pacific Ocean on the other, have a richer water supply than even such high interior the Altai. Lacking all figures, and basing our estimate upon the general aspect of the vegetation, we hazard a guess that the rainfall varies from about thirty inches along the Arctic divide and about twenty inches on the Pacific divide, to eight or ten inches in the arid centers. The Mongols tell us that the midsummer rains, occurring in late July and August, are the heaviest of the year. As a rule, the rain falls in light showers, occasionally in long wetting drizzles, and still more rarely in short squalls that beat through the tents and cover the flat desert surface with a thin sheet of water. We have seen as much as one third of an inch fall in a single storm; but we never saw such violent ‘‘cloudbursts’’ as Walther de- scribes for the tropical deserts: storms which, at long intervals, break over quite restricted areas, carving and removing large amounts of coarse material in a very short time. For example, at Wadi-Abu Shuasha, ‘‘blocks of the pavement ran for many meters through the streets of Helwan, gliding on the SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 327 small pebbles as if on rollers’”’ (1912, page 34). The evanescent streams in the Gobi must be vigorous when they run at all, judging from the great ripple- marks and scour channels and from the cobbles and coarse gravel which they move; but the moraine-like masses of washed-out débris, described by Walther, are absent. It seems probable that in tropical deserts, especially those near the sea, sudden and extremely violent storms are to be expected, but that rains are lighter in the cooler deserts of higher latitudes, even though there be a greater annual rainfall. There is a light winter snowfall, but not enough to prevent the herds from grazing on the dried remnants of the summer vege- tation. This condition is so nearly uniform that hardly any of the Mongols store winter food for their herds. Drainage In a well-watered region, large rivers can maintain their courses during deformation of the country, provided the rate of deformation is slower than the rate at which the river can cut down its bed. In a desert, where few streams are constant and fewer streams are large, the rivers, as a rule, must adjust themselves to any change of slope that may arise through earth move- ments (Davis, 1909, page 299). Nearly all the streams of Mongolia are consequent upon the slopes of the warped and faulted basins and ranges. They therefore flow inward, radially, toward the centers of the depressions. This centripetal drainage pattern is repeated on an ever diminishing scale from the great basin of Mongolia and its subdivisions, the talas, down to the small erosion hollows excavated in the desert surface, each of which has its own little system of contributory gullies. The larger rivers are not connected to.form an integrated drainage system; instead, each terminates in a lake. The smaller drainage systems are still less integrated, most of the streams dying out before they reach the center of the desert hollows. There are two general types of stream in the Gobi region: (a) Streams rising beyond the desert border in humid areas, and flowing thence into or through the Gobi Desert; (b) streams that originate in and belong wholly to the desert. The first type may be called immigrant streams, and the other, native streams. Immigrant Streams.—Most of the larger rivers of the Gobi are immigrants: either the traversing rivers that pass through the desert, or the terminating rivers that die in the desert. Only two reach the ocean, the Hwang Ho and the Kerulen. The Hwang Ho, in passing from Lanchowfu to its junction with the Wei Ho, makes a great bend around the Ordos Desert, and virtually into the Gobi. On the northern border, the Kerulen rises in the well-watered Kentai Ola and runs through the desert to the Dalai Nor which drains into the Amur River. Most of the larger streams of the Gobi rise in the rainy 328 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA mountains, and terminate in the lakes of the desert basins. They have many tributaries near their headwaters, but few or none in the arid lowlands, where they flow through swampy valleys, walled in by low, steep bluffs. If they receive water in the desert, it must come from local rains, springs, and seep- ages. As they run, they lose water through evaporation, and locally through seepage, until the loss just balances the supply. Here they end, whether the terminal basin is reached or not. Thus, the Ongin River ceases to flow as a surface stream long before it reaches its terminal lake, Ulan Nor; and the Tatsin River for many years has not as a living stream touched Tsagan Nor, which is its geographical terminus (Fig. 98, page 194). While the immigrant rivers from the Arctic divide run to within twenty miles of the Altai front, most of the native streams rising in the Altai die out at its very foot. Native Streams.—In contrast to the long streams that head in the border- ing mountains, the desert is carved by many short river systems which depend upon local rain, melting snows, and ground-water issuing as seepages and springs. Many of the mountain-fed streams disappear into the gravels of the alluvial fans. Where mountains immediately adjoin gobis which are filled with porous sediments, the sinking streams and melting snows of the mountains feed the sponge of sediments, especially when the strata in the basin are upturned along the mountain front. The ground-water table in the mountains is higher than in the gobis, so that water also passes underground through crevices from the mountains to the sediments. The mass of ground- water moves slowly downward toward the depressed centers of the talas and gobis. As it moves, some of it is drawn upward by capillarity and evaporates from the sun-baked surface. Whenever the water-table meets the surface of the earth, seepages and springs break forth, which may feed existing rivers, or may start new drainage systems. Rainwash will, at favorable places, incise the desert surface and start a new set of stream heads, which may, or may not, receive support from ground-water. Running together, great numbers of such rills form a river which cuts a valley in the erosion plane of the desert. But the thirsty air takes its tribute of vapor, and water is lost by sinking into the ground, until the new river finds its load too great to carry, and deposits part of it. The stream now ceases to cut a valley and spreads over the surface, laying out a broad thin apron of loose sediments which is attacked by the wind as soon as it is dry. Farther down the slope of the erosion plane, the rain-wash and ground- water may again start a new system of streams—a system which converges into a main trunk and dies out, like the first, in a flat outwash apron. Streams such as these may succeed one another until the lowest one falls into a lake SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 329 basin where a final balance is struck between water supply and evaporation. This type of stream does important work in carving desert hollows, and is discussed further in that connection on page 338. One of the best examples of this type of stream is the Hsanda Gol, of which we made a reconnaissance map (Plates XXVII, XXVIII, and XXIX). It collects innumerable tribu- taries about its head, which lies between Uskuk Mountain on the west and the three big buttes on the east. It carves a trench 150 feet deep and locally more than half a mile wide. After running southward twenty miles and de- scending more than 1,500 feet, it emerges into a broad desert hollow. The walls on either side of the valley turn east and west away from the river, which there distributes a broad, flat, alluvial fan over several square miles of country, and comes to anend. The amount of sediment it has actually laid out is astonishingly small when compared with the immense excavation of its valley and the valleys of its tributaries. Going southward, within three miles after leaving the valley of Hsanda Gol, the river deposits thin out and come to an end, and we find ourselves again traveling upon bedrock. We suppose that, when the river is in flood, it spreads out so thin a sheet of fine waste that much of it can be carried away by the wind after the river has withered. Erosive work of running water One of the many surprising paradoxes of the Gobi Desert is that the most important eroded surfaces are not, as one might expect, the work of wind, but the result of erosion by running water. In the well-watered mountains, such as the Khangai, the rivers merit no special discussion, as they behave like mountain streams in any other part of the world. But in proportion as the mountains become drier, the valleys become more closely spaced—another of the paradoxes of the desert; for with a thinner web of roots to hold both soil and water, the rainwash cuts shallow, closely spaced gullies instead of the fewer and larger valleys of the Khangai (compare figure 106, page 224, with figure 149, page 344). When rain falls or snow melts in the dry mountains, the water finds a steep slope to give it power, and plenty of loose material to carry; and in its short-lived vigor, it rushes blocks, bowlders, and sand down stream. The pebbles and sand are more easily moved than the larger blocks, and eventually the floors of the lower valleys, where the gradient is less steep, become armored with bowlders, while the finer materials are carried down into the alluvial fans. Not all the streams acquire their armor by the simple method of transporting it; some inherit bowlders which descend from terraces through which the stream has cut, and some receive them from landslides or from cataract tributaries. Weathering, soil-creep, rainwash, and tributary streams continue to wear the walls of the 330 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA valley, while the main river does at least a little lateral cutting. The valley thus widens slowly in its lower reaches, without much deepening, provided the supply of water remains nearly constant; but in wet climatic cycles, the increase in rainfall revives the river, which, leaving a remnant of the bowlder- strewn floor as a terrace, sinks a new narrow trench in the bedrock, at the same time dissecting its own alluvial fan along the mountain front. THE PIEDMONT SLOPE The gently sloping surface that descends from the mountain is an erosion plane, diversified by alluvial fans draped along the front of the range (Fig. 139). The slope is concave, steepening toward the mountain base, until it attains a gradient of five to seven and even ten degrees, which exceeds by three to four degrees the maximum inclination of the alluvial fans. In August, 1922, we were camped at the foot of Artsa Bogdo, on the rock shelf which stands forty feet above the streams issuing from the mountain, =e eR Le 2 8——Caravan Trail FiGuRE 139.—The piedmont slopes of Los Ola, froma photograph. The piedmont slope is a composite of eroded rock bench and alluvial fans. and has a slope of eight degrees. During a rainstorm which lasted for about two hours, the water swept in a sheet under our tents, though after the heaviest squall it settled into shallow runways. The rock surface of the erosion plane is marked by an infinite network of shallow rill courses, and is thinly and un- evenly strewn with small chips of native rock, which no doubt are carried by vigorous little streams such as we saw form and fade during the storm. They are the tools with which the running water abrades the bédrock, which is so deeply weathered and disintegrated that we found it impossible to secure fresh samples, except in the walls of the deeper gullies; for mechanical and chemical weathering are especially active along the mountain foot, where rocks are alternately saturated and dried at frequent intervals, and where the surface run-off and the underground escape of water are slower than in the steep mountains. The wind does not contribute to the carving of the erosion surface, except in a very minor degree; the chief réle must be ascribed to the myriad short-lived streamlets acting upon the weathered rock of the piedmont. These transient rills run together into little drainage systems, which are not wholly integrated, but may either fall into some larger channel, or may die out leaving a thin, flat cover of angular fragments over the slope. SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 331 The larger channels of the mountain streams have cut shallow but steep- sided trenches across the slanting piedmont surface, whether this be composed of alluvial fans or bedrock or both. Their intrenchment is due at least partly to a revival of the streams during the latest epoch of wet climatic conditions. The valleys flatten out at varying distances from the mountain front, and the streams vanish into the general waste-covered slope. Still farther down, new systems of valleys appear, where ground-water codperates with rainwash along the thinning edge of the alluvial fans. The piedmont bench is thus a complex surface, or rather several surfaces of diverse age and origin, including alluvial fans formed by deposition, rock benches cut by streams, and the ever widening valley bottoms of the streams which dissect the fans and the benches. In order that a nearly smooth surface may be carved across rocks of diverse quality and structure, there must be some means of limiting the tend- ency to cut downward; otherwise, all streams would continually deepen their valleys, and those which rest upon soft rocks would dig in faster than those which flow over hard rocks. The influences which tend to limit the depth to which the piedmont streams may cut are the relations between the supply of water, the load of sediment, and the gradient of the river-bed. When the climate is dry, the supply of available débris is always large in comparison with the running water, so that the floor of the lower part of the valley, near the mountain front, becomes thinly armored with waste which the stream can just move when in full flood. The rate of downward cutting is now slowed to a minimum, and will remain so as long as the rainfall, and especially the number of effective storms per year, stays fairly constant, maintaining the equilibrium between current and load; a river in this balanced condition is said to be ‘‘graded,”’ or “‘at grade.” (Davis, 1909, page 390.) With an arid climate, a stream will become graded with slopes far steeper than in a rainy climate. The small rills on the divides between the main streams, issuing from the ravines in the mountain, are working with a steeper gradient on bare, much weathered rock, and carry a light load. They cannot wear down quite to the level of the graded master streams, which serve as a controlling base- level, but they can keep the divides worn down to a slope not many degrees steeper than that of the graded streams. The whole piedmont slope becomes lowered very gradually as the graded streams cut downward, and becomes lengthened very slowly as the mountain front is cut away. Here and there, masses of upstanding rock are left tower- ing above the nearly smooth surface. Just why they should be spared in the general planation, it is often difficult to see. Some are preserved because they are made of or are capped by hard rock, such as lava or conglomerate; but others, such as folded limestones or uptilted porphyries, are apparently of the same stuff as the beveled floor surrounding them. Where there is a 332 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA piedmont slope, it merges into the smooth erosion surface which bevels the broad gobi basins, and which we shall call the Gobi erosion plane. ‘This does not mean that a single erosion plane extends continuously throughout the minor basins of Mongolia, for a very similar surface is developed in separated basins and at different elevations above sea level. THE GOBI EROSION PLANE The popular concept of the typical desert basin is a sediment-filled hol- low, in which material washed down from the surrounding mountains has been collecting continuously from the time of the formation of the hollow to the present. If this were the case, the topmost sediments would be recent, and the surface of the basin would be, in the main, an original surface of deposi- tion, sloping at the angles of repose characteristic of alluvial fans, flood plains, deltas, and lake deposits. On the contrary, in Mongolia, most of the sedi- ments are Cretaceous and Tertiary, and the surface proves to be one of erosion rather than of deposition. East of the southern margin of Uskuk Mountain, the surface bevels steeply upturned sediments (Fig. 111, page 245), while along the general line of the Hsanda Gol, the nearly flat upland rests succes- sively upon beds ranging from Lower Cretaceous to Miocene age; near Shara Murun, the same smooth and almost flat upland bevels Oligocene and Eocene formations; between Irdin Manha and the Houldjin bluff, a similar level upland passes from Eocene to Oligocene beds (Fig. 102, page 201). Even upon horizontal strata, where the evidence is less openly readable, the fact that the surface rests successively upon formations of diverse age can only mean that it bevels across their structure. It is impossible that the original surface of a Cretaceous deposit could be preserved so perfectly that it would be now in the same stage of dissection as the original surface of an Eocene or Oligocene deposit, nor could they both be in the same stage of dissection as an original surface of Oligocene or Miocene age. The striking similarity in the smooth uplands, developed upon rocks of diverse age, resistance, and structure, throughout a vast area, must mean that these surfaces are erosional, are due to the same agencies, and are everywhere of nearly the same age. Superposed on the erosion surface are Pleistocene fans and gravels, and post-Pleistocene sands forming sheets and dunes. Here and there the upland is carved by streams, and in many places it is indented by large and small hollows. There are thus four elements in the surface of the desert basins—the first three belonging to the erosion plane: (1) Slopes and irregularities of the original erosion surface; (2) deformation of the surface by tilting or warp- ing; (3) erosion of the surface; (4) deposition of material upon the surface. SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 333 In a region where warping has taken place at intervals throughout the entire history of basin-making, it may be very difficult to tell an original slope from a deformation. Original slopes of the erosion plane The plane is remarkably smooth; in some places the expanse is so broad that the horizon appears as unbroken and as level as the sea-circle around a ship. The gradients of most of the Gobi uplands cannot be stated accurately, as the Expedition traversed most of them along a single line. Some of our records of extraordinary flatness, for example across the Irdin Manha basin (page 57), are probably due to our having traveled almost exactly at a right angle to the direction of the slope. The Gobi upland, east of the Ongin Gol valley, between Khurul Obo and the Sair Usu trail, is one of the smoothest stretches we have seen (Figs. 69 and 70, page 160). It rises northward, at about ten feet per mile—a gradient that in a wet climate would give ample energy to running water; a gradient many times that of the Mississippi below St. Louis. It seems pos- sible that, in a climatic cycle somewhat more humid than the present, sheet flood erosion and the wash of a net of small local streams might do much toward the leveling of an erosion surface upon soft Cretaceous or Tertiary sediments. Deformation of the Gobi surface Great caution is required in judging whether a given surface has been tilted by earth movement or carved at a slant. In general, slopes which are notably steeper than those of the graded streams are judged to have been tilted. Arched or domed surfaces are undoubtedly deformed. As one of the best examples of deformation, we may cite the domed surface east of the Uskuk block (Fig. 108, page 239), an account of which is given in Chapter XIII. Farther south, near the Altai front, there is evidence of faulting since the broad upland valleys were carved (Plate XXX, in pocket). In a later publication, we shall offer a more complete discussion of the pied- mont of Baga Bogdo. In some cases, slight deformation of the Gobi surface seems to have de- termined the courses of rivers whose valleys now dissect the erosion plane. For example, the course of the Hsanda Gol is down the shallow notch between the Uskuk block and the Shiliuta dome just east of Uskuk. Deposits on the Gobi upland Two characteristic deposits overlie the Gobi upland. Gravel covers by far the larger part of the upland surface. Its only rival is wind-blown sand, which, though far less extensive, covers broad areas. The gravels on the 334 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA erosion plane are of two general kinds: those which come from the underlying materials, and those which are carried from some other place. As the surface of the desert becomes lowered by weathering and removal of the finer grains, the most durable materials remain on the surface, gradually accumulating until they form a cover (Fig. 140). We have observed the fol- lowing common types: (1) Dense dike-rocks and veins of quartz, epidote Original Surface Pavement of Residual Gravel _ FIGuRE 140.—Diagram illustrating the origin of residuary gravels. The left half of the figure shows a bed of friable sediments containing pebbles. The right half shows the fine material blown away, concentrating the pebbles in a surface gravel. and colloidal silica, weathering out of granites; (2) quartz veins, weathering out of schists, phyllites, and graywackes; (3) veins and masses of jasper or chalcedony, weathering out of ash or sediment which they have replaced; (4) beds of silicified ash, breaking down into hard strong fragments; (5) amygdules of silica, weathering out of basalts; (6) flints and partly silicified concretions, weathering out of limestones; (7) pebbles, released from con- glomerates through the dissolving of the interstitial cement; (8) concretions of sandstone and lime. Neither of these types of concretions lasts long. Each type of pebble is especially abundant near its source, but all peb- bles tend to be distributed over the surrounding country wherever a downward slope favors the wash of shallow temporary streams. The gravel cover may be almost wholly a residue of the decaying rock beneath, or it may be wholly washed in by streams, or it may represent a mixture of residual and trans- ported pebbles. Where the surface truncates the lava flows of Cretaceous or Tertiary age, the gravels consist largely of chalcedony and agate amygdules, weathered out of the basalt. The pebbles have traveled somewhat, as foreign pebbles are mingled with the residuary agates, while the latter are found far outside of the lava areas. At Oshih, for example, the gravel overlying the basalt consists almost wholly of chalcedony amygdules weathered out of the lava, while the exposed sediments are covered by pebbles which could have been concentrated from the pebbly strata (Fig. 140). At Ardyn Obo and at Irdin Manha the upland gravels are largely residual, as the pebbles match those of SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 335 the underlying beds. Even in these places there has been some transporta- tion, for locally we find the gravel concentrates in shallow channels, where the contact between the gravel and the underlying sediment is sharp. On the upland at Djadokhta, the dark gravels are one to five feet thick, and are notably cross-bedded. They contrast sharply with the fine uniform red sands of the Djadokhta formation. The latter does not contain such peb- bles, and therefore the prolonged erosion of the sand could not have yielded the gravels as a concentrated residue. The fact that the pebbles were not derived from the underlying sediment would not, of course, preclude the possibility that some younger formation, such as the Gashato, which once rested upon the Dja- dokhta, might have yielded the pebbles, and might have been wholly destroyed. At Shara Murun, the erosion plane descends westward across Oligocene beds of two diverse aspects, and one Eocene formation. It is mantled with gravel, which varies in thickness from three to twelve feet, and is everywhere coarsely cross-bedded. The gravel is clearly later than Oligocene, and rests upon the smoothly eroded surface of the early Tertiary beds. It evidently was washed into place by streams—very probably the same streams that carved the surface upon which it rests. In general, the residuary gravels are thinner than the beds of transported pebbles. Very commonly, a cement of limy matter deposited by evaporating ground-water binds the upland gravel loosely together, or in rare instances, cements it into a massive conglomerate. Where the Gobi upland is trenched by stream valleys or by undrained hollows, the gravel cover is redistributed over the slopes and upon the new lowland. In some cases, it covers the floor as effectively as it formerly covered the upland. In others, it may be commingled with, or buried by finer sedi- ments washed from the surrounding scarps. Even in the latter case, the selective removal of finer dust and sand by the wind tends to bring the pebbles to light again, and to reform the gravel armor. The only other cover commonly seen upon the upland is sand, which is blown out of the valleys and hollows, and is spread over the upland in the form of a thin sheet, or of hummocks, held by grass and bushes; more rarely the sand may be heaped up as veritable dunes. Wind-blown deposits are dis- cussed further on page 350. Redissection of the Gobi erosion plane At the present time the Gobi erosion plane is not being formed; on the contrary, it is being eroded and destroyed—in part by streams and in part by the work of the wind. Undoubtedly there has been a change from conditions which favored the making of such a plane to conditions favoring its destruc- tion. We have considered the probability that, in carving the smooth erosion 336 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA . plane of the Gobi, a considerable part was played by graded streams. An increase in water or a deformation which resulted in steepening the slope would cause all rivers to incise their channels and sink new and narrow trenches into the underlying rocks. A lessening of either water or slope would cause the streams to die at shorter distances from their sources, dropping their load, and so building up the surface until it attained a slant that again estab- lished a graded condition of the rivers. In the case of a diminution in the activity of running water, the wind would accomplish more efficient erosion, partly because the protecting tissue of plants becomes thinner, and partly because the power of the wind has remained constant while that of its great rival, water, has diminished. Wherever the ground is especially favorable to attack by wind, undrained hollows will be excavated. Summary of the Gobi erosion plane The Gobi erosion plane thus appears as a series of wide stretches of won- derfully smooth country, sloping very gently except where it has been recently deformed. It bevels horizontal and tilted strata with almost equal smooth- ness, and in places laps over the complex rocks of the ancient floor. It is of comparatively recent origin, as it overlies all the sedimentary formations, including the latest Pliocene or earliest Pleistocene, yet it is being destroyed, not formed, in the present epoch—a fact which indicates that it was formed under somewhat different climatic conditions from those of the present time. Its destruction is being brought about partly by the work of streams, especially near the rainy mountains, and partly by the excavation of undrained hollows, especially in the arid central basins. We are not yet sure what may be the details of the origin of such erosion planes; more light is to be expected from the study of regions where these planes are now being formed. DESERT HOLLOWS On the night of April 23, 1922, we camped near the telegraph station of P’ang Kiang, on the floor of the first large, clearly defined desert hollow which we had crossed in our journey (Fig. 141). Subsequently we were to see hun- dreds of such hollows, some larger and many smaller than the one at P’ang Kiang. They are all formed in the same way, and are of later origin than the Gobi erosion plane in which they are cut. We gave the name “‘P’ang Kiang”’ to the stage of erosion which they represent. The desert hollows could not possibly be excavated without the work of wind; no other agency could lift material out of an enclosed lowland. Al- most every day while we were camped in such a hollow, we saw the “‘ whirling pillars’’ of dust racing across its dry floor. During violent windstorms the SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 337 air was dark with flying dust and sand and the sun was dim and red. Dust veils hung in the air for several days after the biggest windstorms. Much of the stirred-up sand and dust settles upon the surrounding country, but no Gobi Erosion Plane Pang Kiang Lowland FIGURE 141.—The western scarp of the lowland at P’ang Kiang. doubt some of the finer material is exported to great distances, even beyond the rim of the Gobi. We have tried to determine the conditions which favor the commence- ment of excavation, and may list them briefly as follows: . (1) The gravel cover of the Gobi upland is thin or absent; (2) The underlying sediments are fine-grained, such as sand or sandy clay, and are not well cemented; (3) The ground-water level does not lie near the surface; (4) Vegetation is sparse or has been killed by drought; (5) A small pond dries, leaving enough salt to prevent vegetation from covering the exposed bed, but this condition rarely obtains on the Gobi up- land, though it is not uncommon on the floors of the hollows; (6) A stream has cut a shallow trench in the upland, piercing the gravel cover and exposing the finer sediments, which during the dry seasons or epochs lie bare to the attack of the wind. Any of these conditions, or any combination of them, may determine the place where the wind can begin to excavate a hollow. How deep the wind can dig is controlled, in turn, by a number of limiting factors, among which are the following: (1) The floor of the hollow may come near enough to the level of ground- water to encourage a vigorous growth of plants, which checks further erosion. (2) A layer of gravel may be developed, partly by blowing away the finer particles from the beds of sand and clay, and concentrating the pebbles which VOL. II—22 338 GEOLOGY. OF MONGOLIA they contain, and partly by washing down gravel from the upland surface. Where the lowland gravel is thick enough, it eflectively checks the ravages of the wind. (3) The floor may be cut down until it rests upon a layer so well cemented, or composed of conglomerate so coarse, that the rate of wind-erosion is slowed to a minimum. (4) Rainy seasons or a rainy epoch may raise the erowndrwmater level sufficiently to support a shallow lake in the-hollow. - (5) Salts may be brought to the dry surface oe eepitianer, and may cement the-ground so firmly, that it is virtually a rock, on which the wind works very slowly. The drying lakes may leave crusts of salt, which protect | the surfacé, and the salt absorbs enough moisture from the air, or from the ground, to enable it to recrystallize and recement itself when broken by the tread of animals. Nevertheless, ane the lake plain 1 is thoroughly dried, salt. is exported along with dust. _ Any of these conditions,’ or any poentinitiren of them, may | tend to aise the depth of the hollow, which, throughout Mongolia, is shallow—rarely more than 400 feet. The sides of the hollow are dissected by rainwash and by rills from the upland. During epochs of active erosion, the sloping bluffs are fretted into FIGuRE 142.—The abrupt heading of the short gullies that dissect the scarp at Ardyn Obo, typical badlands, and the loose sediment is washed down to the floor of the hollow. As soon as the thin flat apron of sediment is dry, it is exposed to the tireless winds, which carry much of it out of the hollow. The retreat of the bluffs and the lateral enlargement of the hollow is thus mainly the work of running water. Because most of the streams that run into the hollow are temporary rills that flow only while the rain falls, vigorous cutting will not be done, except on the steep slopes. Gullies are rarely seen on the floor of the hollow, and still more rarely on the upland. The gullies along the bluffs are very short, heading a little way behind the edge of the scarp and dying out a short distance beyond its foot. (Figs. 137, 138, 141 and 142.) ‘There is SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 339 thus a narrow zone of active stream-dissection along the scarp—a zone which retreats with the scarp as the latter is cut back. Where there is enough rain to encourage a thick growth of herbs and small bushes, yet not enough to support a drainage system of permanent streams, FIGURE 143.—Re-dissection of a smooth scarp at Shara Murun. The drawing illustrates the transition from the smooth slopes, at the left, to the redissected badland condition, with reversed scarps, seen in the foreground. : the mat of vegetation may check the dissection of the scarp fora time. The profile of the bluff weathers into smooth, gently rounded slopes (Fig. 143). Locally, gravel from the upland washes down and mantles the lower slopes, ~ gravel white sand —: red sandy clay FIELD SKETCH of scarp at Shara Murun, Showing gravel- covered cuestas Book X,1923.p.47. FIGURE 144.—Early stage in the development of a reversed scarp. The smooth back slope of the reversed scarp in the foreground, preserves a remnant of the former condition in which the whole scarp had this form. though it cannot cling to the steeper part of the declivity. It forms a pro- tecting cover even in the absence of a well-rooted mat of plants. With the approach of a dry epoch, the plant cover dies on the exposed slopes, just where the steepness gives the rainwash its maximum speed and 340 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA erosive power. Short gullies are carved (Figs. 144, 145, and 146), transform- ing the green, rounded slope into a torn badland of exposed strata. The cliff is cut back, enlarging the hollow, while the rills die out on the floor, spreading FIELD SKETCH at Shara Murun,look- ing East. Shows revers- ed scarps facing toward the main scarp bie FicurE 145.—Late stage in the development of a reversed scarp. their burden of sands and clay. The significance of the periodic renewals of dissection is considered further in Chapter XXI. : Undrained hollows were found in granite regions also. They are most common in coarse-grained granites, and seem to coincide, in part at least, FiGuRE 146.—Reversed scarps at Shara Murun. The scarps resemble cuestas but are composed of hori- zontal strata. The cross-section, below the sketch, extends a half mile farther out into the lowland than the sketch above, and shows an additional older reversed scarp. The area of the section covered by the sketch is included within the limits of the bracket. SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 341 with the pattern of stream courses (Fig. 46, page 117). There is surprisingly little waste in the hollows—only a thin cover of arkosic sand and, locally, a rubble of disintegrating granite blocks. (See Plate XVII, A, page 143.) The coarse granite tends to break up under the action of frost and changes of temperature. It weathers chemically also, for the rock bears rusty stains, and the feldspars are somewhat kaolinized. As the rock disintegrates into grains which the wind can carry, these grains are removed, and the hollow deepens until it approaches the depth at which ground-water lies. The sides of the growing hollow are carved by short evanescent streams, just as in the sediment-basins. During dry seasons or cycles, the wind will continue to blow away the finer dust and to deepen the excavation. Should the ground water level rise during a season or cycle of heavier rainfall, a pond will form in the bottom of the hollow, and the exportation of material will be checked, although rills which course down the sides of the bowl may continue to enlarge it laterally. (See also Chapter XXI.) THE OLDER PENEPLANES The oldrock surfaces of Mongolia bear clear record of several periods of planation older than the Gobi upland. We observed at least two such plana- tion products, whose relations to one another are not quite clear. Doubtless there are still others, less conspicuous, whose traces may serve to confuse the problem (Fig. 110, page 242). Lacking reliable maps or surveys, and travel- ing as we did along a single route, it was impossible to study adequately these erosion surfaces, but, at least, the major features of the problem deserve a brief statement. The pre-Cretaceous peneplane The oldest basin sediments, of Lower Cretaceous Age, rest upon a nearly smooth erosion surface, which truncates the edges of the complex rocks of the floor. In some localities it can be shown that the peneplane exposed at the mountain tops, was once buried and is now being laid bare by the stripping of the sediments which formerly covered it. This is the case at Uskuk Moun- tain (Fig. 110, page 242), where early Tertiary sediments, and possibly Cretaceous beds as well, once covered what is now the top of the mountain block. It is a possible interpretation, therefore, that the Mongolian peneplane, which bevels the mountain tops, is the surface upon which the earliest basin sediments were laid down, and this was, indeed, the theory with which we at first worked in the field. But as we obtained increasing evidence of the widely different periods of basin-warping, it was judged that the entire history 342 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA was more complex than it seemed at first. The following considerations are some of the elements of the problem. Buried unconformities and disconformities are numerous and imply long gaps in the sedimentary record. Thus, in the Altai region, at least two of the gaps in the sedimentary record represent planations—one at the base of the Cretaceous, and the other at the base of the Tertiary, when the faulted and tilted Mesozoic rocks were reduced to base-level (see Chapter XIII). The Mongolian peneplane A clearly defined ancient erosion surface bevels all the’mountainous areas of Mongolia. Remnants of an older unreduced upland rise above it as monad- FiGcuRE 147.—The Mongolian upland in th The maturely dissected Mongolian peneplane bevels hills of granite and schist in southern Mongolia. The distant landscape appears mono- tonously smooth in every direction. nocks, and the valleys carved out below the peneplane represent a dissection so mature that by far the major part of the old flat surface has been destroyed. Provisionally, this upland surface has been called the Mongolian peneplane because of its widespread distribution in Mongolia. Mongolian peneplane S Monadnocks N Inner Valley Rock terrace jlola River FIGURE 148.—The Tola River terraces. The figure shows: (1) the Mongolian peneplane with surviving monadnocks, (2) the broad rock terrace of the Tola River, (3) the modern river trench within which the Tola River meanders on an aggraded floor. The peneplane was first observed in the granite mountains of southern Mongolia, at an altitude of 5,300 feet (Fig. 147). But as we climbed toward the Arctic divide, south of Urga, an old surface was again seen at about 6,000 feet, beveling the schists and the younger graywackes. At the Tola River, near Urga, the following topographic elements were observed: (1) Monad- SURFACE FEATURES AND THEIR ORIGIN 343 nocks rising above the Mongolian peneplane; (2) the peneplane; (3) a broad rock shelf, or terrace, within the valleys of the Tola and its tributaries; (4) an inner valley, sunk gorge-like below the rock terrace, yet having a mature floor upon which the river meanders. These relations are expressed in figure 148. The Khangai peneplane When we climbed into the Khangai Mountains north of the great lamasery of Sain Noin Khan, we saw a smooth upland, dissected by streams and, in the highest parts, by former glaciers. Above the peneplane rise notable monad- nocks. The physiographic unconformity between the valleys and the ancient upland surface is clearly seen (Fig. 149). We were not wholly sure of the identity of the upland with the Mongolian peneplane, and so called it pro- visionally the Khangai peneplane. It stands at about 10,000 feet where we observed it, and so should be older than the Mongolian peneplane, unless the two erosion surfaces can be shown to be identical. There is a shoulder of rock terrace bordering the valleys. Descending from the Khangai Mountains and going southward, we fol- lowed the peneplane, as carefully as possible, to test its relations with the Mongolian peneplane. The valleys broaden southward, and the rock benches within the valleys tend to coalesce so that remnant hills or outliers of the sx —FAULTED BASINS WARPED BASINS FAULT MILES ——> 10 al 80 * 70 t 300 { 120 170 20 4 70 4 80 t 70 ‘ DIRECTION-> s |SE| SE] E SE SE NE SE | SE | SE | SE ONDAI HUNG DJA- ARDYN IRDIN TABUL CHINA SAIR KUREH | DOKHTA OBO MANHA stains | HSANDA —OSHIH SHARA —_IREN PANG WAN GOL MURUN DABASU KIANG — CHUAN FicurE 156.—Generalized columnar diagram of the later sediments. Warped basins have been dis- tinguished from faulted basins, the latter carrying by far the thicker deposits. The different basins are arranged in the diagram from west to east. The distances indicated are measured between working stations and camps, and do not measure the limits of the basins. The section for northern China is compiled from J. G. Andersson's “Essays on the Cenozoic of Northern China.” The reconnaissance of 1925 has added a station 40 miles west of Ondai Sair, with 120 feet of early Pleisto- cene, a post-Pleistocene section at Djadokhta, and a thin Oligocene section at Shara Murun. of the earth’s crust. The fact that areas as large as ten thousand square miles in extent are floored by thin formations, as in the case of the Irdin Manha and Shara Murun basin, seems to indicate that these beds were laid down upon a relatively flat surface that did not tend to sink under the load (Fig. 100, page 199). The crust evidently supported these and other forma- tions while they were peneplaned. The planations are taken to imply great _ ee STRATIGRAPHY OF THE LATER SEDIMENTS 371 The stratigraphy of the later sediments is summarized in the accompany- ing table. TABLE OF THE LATER SEDIMENTS AGE ForMATIONS THICKNESS CHARACTER OF SEDIMENTS |TyYPICAL FossILs Playa deposits I-50 Fine clays and silts Alluvial fans 2000+ Cobbles, gravels, sand, silt Sheet-wash I-20 Chiefly clay-sand mixtures Recent Drift-sand I-300 Assorted sand, quartz, feld- Ce Spar, mica, hornblende Loess ; I-10 Fine silty loam Older playa and wind de- 10-200 Clays, silts and sands posits “High fans” of the Altai 1000+ Coarse gravels front Pleistocene Gochu formation of de- 1000 Cobbles and gravels formed fans along the Altai front Hung Kureh sands and 2000+ Finely bedded pond-de- |Hipparion Pliocene clays posits, windblown sands, and alluvial fan gravels Loh 1000? Olive green and brown |Serridentinus : sandy clays Miocene P’ang Kiang? 500-E Wee and gray sands and silt Hsanda Gol 3000 Red sandy clays ay Glicocene Houldjin 15-150 Gravels and yellow sands i Baluchitherium B Ardyn Obo 500 Gray and red silt; white |Menodus and yellow sands Shara Murun 500 Variegated clays and |Protitanotherium white sands Biocede Tukhum 100+ Hard red sandy clays Teilhardia Irdin Manha 100 bila sands and gray |Eudinoceras clays Arshanto 100+ Red sandy clays Schlosseria Gashato 300 Red and brown sandy silts |Pal@ostylops Paleocene and thin gravels SLIGHT ANGULAR UNCONFORMITY Cretaceous Djadokhta 500 Fine uniform red sands Protoceratops Iren Dabasu 180 Red and gray clays and |[guanodontia ; thin white sandstones Lower Oshih (Ashile) 2000+ Red clays and sands and |Prodeinodon Cretaceous : black paper-shales Ondai Sair 500 White and gray sands and |Protiguanodon black paper-shales GREAT UNCONFORMITY All rocks below this line are folded. The Oldrock Floor of the Gobi Region. Folded and partly metamorphosed sediments, ranging from early pre-Cambrian to Jurassic age, and cut by large and small igneous bodies. (See Figure 130, page 301.) 372 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA stability and rigidity of the bedrock floor; that is, the crust neither sank under the load sufficiently to deform the sediments and encourage thicker deposits, nor rose under the negative load, when the region was eroded to a peneplane. We believe isostatic balance can be overset only by very large positive and negative loads, and that the stripping and loading observed in Mongolia have been of an order of magnitude too small to overcome the inertia of the earth’s crust, even where fault lines exist. In the dynamics of the region, the sediments played a passive part. Basin-warping and mountain- building were complementary parts of a great orogenic movement or succes- sion of movements, and were controlled, we believe, by deep-seated causes, such as the intrusive movements of large magmas. CHAPTER XXI SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA INTRODUCTION IN our opinion, the case for fluctuating climate in recent time and the far- reaching effect of these changes on the migrating movements both of men and of other animals, are supported by much geologic evidence. It is entirely likely that a peculiarly delicate climatic balance, where even a slight shifting of factors could make decided differences in living conditions, together with a long continental history, have had very far-reaching consequences on the racial history of many forms of animal life. Favorable and unfavorable con- ditions, by turns inviting conquest or occupation and relentlessly driving out again; nourishing for a time and then ruthlessly applying the chastening hardships of want, trying endurance to the utmost,—these constitute a rough kind of geologic providence whose hand has been felt by every living creature whose life was spent on the open plain. On account of the importance of the whole problem and the broad application that it appears to have, we have undertaken to assemble the evidences in hand which seem to us to bear on climates of the distant past as well as on climatic changes of more recent time. PAST CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA We shall not enter into speculations on the climates which may have pre- vailed in the eras represented by highly metamorphosed gneisses, schists, and crystalline limestones. We shall omit consideration of the Archean and Huronian eras, and begin with the great graywacke series. We are aware, also, that interpretations of past climates are, at best, tenuous inferences, and that they should be taken cautiously. LATE PRE-CAMBRIAN OR SINIAN PERIOD The graywacke series of the Gangin Daba and Khangai Mountains con- sists essentially of well-bedded, dark sandstones and gray slates, with some 373 374 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA conglomerates and a few beds of jasper, but virtually no limestone. The sandstones are composed of bits of slate, phyllite, quartz, and feldspar, vol- canic ash, and several types of porphyry. Most of the fragments are fresh and unweathered. So far as these facts enable us to postulate climatic conditions, we should infer a cool or temperate rather than a tropical climate. Blackwelder (1917) has called attention to the prevalence of dark sediments of the graywacke type in Alaska, and places this same interpretation upon it. Blackwelder reasons that, in a warm and moist climate, the chemical processes of weathering would predominate, and would reduce the country rocks to clay soils or to laterites, which, when washed into their final resting place, would form clay shales. He argues that in a cold climate, on the other hand, the mechanical work of frost and temperature changes and abrasion by wind, water, and ice would pre- dominate among the weathering processes. These agencies tend to break up the country rock into small grains which are but little altered in their chemical composition. In a granite region, arkosic sands made of feldspar, quartz, and mica flakes are formed, while the wash from a region of slates would bring down myriads of particles of scarcely altered slate, which, when mingled with quartz grains and cemented together, make a graywacke. The more finely ground particles, together with some true clays made by chemical weathering, form dark-colored shales. Doubtless a part of the coloration is due to carbonaceous matter derived from plant growth. The climate of Mongolia could not have been dry, for the sediments are well assorted into distinct, fine clay slates and sandy graywackes, which range from single beds a foot thick to large formations of slate or graywacke many hundreds of feet in thickness. Such widespread masses of sediment could not have been assorted and distributed by any agency other than water. If there were abundant rains when the graywackes and slates were forming, it seems not unlikely that the climate was also cold, for in a warm and moist climate, the minerals bearing iron would be altered to form oxides and car- bonates, and the complex silicates would break down to form clay, so that the end product would have been red and brown clays rather than dark gray- wackes and slates. PALZOZOIC ERA Of the marine Palzozoic formations, only the Permian beds have been studied in any detail. They consist of limestones, sandstones, quartzites, shales, and conglomerates. The gray limestones are composed chiefly of brach- iopods and bryozoans, lime-sand, and mud. There are but few corals, and none of the reef-building types. The fauna, therefore, suggests a temperate SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 375 rather than a tropical climate, though mud and admixture of fresh water may well account for the scarcity of corals. The clays are thin-bedded and greenish, and may owe their color to chlor- ite derived from the older phyllites, graywackes, and greenstones underlying the Permian beds. The coarse sandstones include bits of quartz, graywacke, slate, and argillite. Fragments of feldspar and porphyries are present also, suggesting the disintegration of granite and dikes. At least the sandy part of the sediments was derived from several kinds of older rocks which were re- duced to small angular fragments without being thoroughly altered by proc- esses of chemical weathering. Either aridity or cold could retard the chem- ical processes of weathering so that the lands might yield a sediment com- posed of fairly fresh rock fragments; while a warm and humid country would be apt to send down to the sea maturely weathered rock waste, such as clay. The evidence of the rocks is not conclusive, but it suggests either a cool or an arid climate for the land from which the sediments were derived, and so is not at variance with the faunal evidence. MESOZOIC ERA Lower Jurassic Period The Lower Jurassic rocks of Mongolia consist of conglomerates, sand- stones, and shales, with associated lava flows, tuffs, and ash-beds. The pebbles of the conglomerates are well-rounded and range in size up to boulders a foot thick. They are of many kinds of rocks,—gneisses, granite porphyries, sandstones, quartzites, graywackes, argillites, jasper, and silicified ash, with scattered limestone pebbles. The rounded form sug- gests mature weathering with enough abrasion to keep the pebble fresh. The presence of pebbles of many different rock types suggests that many forma- tions have contributed to the streams that made the deposit. The Jurassic pebbles give evidence of having had a complex history. Some are fragments of older conglomerates which were themselves composed of rounded pebbles before the Jurassic period. How many times they have been loosened from a bedrock, worn, weathered, rolled, and again deposited and cemented into a new generation of bedrock it is impossible to say. The important thing is not the number of rock generations that have employed the pebbles, but the fact that they have had a long history. It seems to us that these considerations lead toward several important inferences: 1. In Lower Jurassic time, relief of the land surfaces must have been great enough to give the streams rather steep gradients so as to move the vast quantities of pebbles which now form the Jurassic conglomerates. Probably the Jurassic deposits were laid out in a series of separate intermontane basins. 376 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA 2. Weathering and erosion of exposed rock surfaces were continued long enough to change all new rock fragments into well-rounded pebbles with ‘which older pebbles were commingled. 3. Water must have been abundant enough not only to move the pebbles but to wash out the finer sediments and to assort the rivers’ load. Coal is found associated with this series in one place at least in the Gobi region, and remains of woody plants are common, even in the conglomerates. In China and in Siberia, coal in commercial quantities is associated with Lower Jurassic beds. The coals probably represent broad swamps in the old land surface of Jurassic time. Probably the belt of heaviest rainfall lay around the margins of the Gobi region—in Siberia, Manchuria, and China—while the climate in Mongolia was less moist and more variable, as suggested by the abundance of coarse clastics and the paucity of clays and coals. The rocks and obscure plant remains in Mongolia fall in with this interpretation, and indicate a warm climate, with only a moderate rainfall. Cretaceous period Oshih and Ondai Sair time.—The thick variable deposits at Oshih (page 270) probably represent a large alluvial fan built during Lower Cretaceous time at the foot of an ancient mountain range. The beds of sand and pebbles represent the zone of active deposition—a zone which shifts from one part of the fan to another with the changing courses of the distributary streams. The fine clays and paper-shales represent the zone of shallow lakes, which is shifted from place to place around the foot of the developing fan. The variations in quality of the Oshih sediments, therefore, probably imply the normal changes in the distribution of coarse and fine material and in the distribution of water supply during the growth of the fan. The variations do not necessarily indi- cate changes of climate during the deposition of the Oshih sediments. The dark paper-shales are clearly lake deposits. Those at Oshih and at mile 298 on the Urga trail (page 63) apparently lack fossils and contain gyp- sum, suggesting that the water was bitter, which would imply the undrained lakes of a semiarid climate. The abundance of large insects with aquatic larve in the Ondai Sair formation suggests that the climate was at least moderately warm. The fauna and flora are so nearly uniform from China to Siberia that we must suppose very similar conditions to have prevailed throughout the region. Iren Dabasu time.—The red and gray, variable, locally cross-bedded strata of the Iren Dabasu formation (page 203) probably were deposited upon flood plains and in shallow lakes. This inference is supported by the composition of the fauna, which includes a bivalve mollusk, and abundant trachodont din- SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 377 osaurs, together with crocodilians, turtles, and fishes. On the other hand, the carnivorous dinosaurs and “‘ostrich’’ dinosaur are not distinctively water- loving forms. The small isolated group of lake beds and the fauna suggest an environ- ment, but do not prove a climate. The angular-grained sands containing fresh feldspar, the rapid alternation of clay and sand, the absence of lignite, coal, or dark-colored beds, the lack of plant remains except for a few bits of silicified wood—all suggest a semiarid rather than a humid climate. Djadokhta time.—The Djadokhta formation is found about forty miles east of the Oshih. It is almost wholly composed of a red sand, so uniformly fine that it will run like sand in an hourglass. Its grains are fairly rounded and polished. ‘Virtually no clay is admixed with the sand, and there are very few beds of clay in the formation. These facts suggest that the sand has been assorted by wind. Some of the beds are apparently structureless (Plate I) and probably rep- resent settled dust or loess. The zones of small, white, nodular concretions, described in Chapter XX, probably were formed by precipitation in pond bot- toms, though it is possible that some of them represent the work of ground- water at the time the sediments were forming. Many strata are cross-bedded, some with foreset beds as much as forty feet long, dipping as steeply as twenty- four degrees (Plate I, and Fig. 152, page 356), others with curved and dis- sected beds of the type which we commonly ascribe to wind work. All the cross-bedded sands are probably part of dunes. No plant remains and no dark or gray-colored beds have been seen. The fauna consists entirely of genera which are new to science. Turtle and tortoise bones, which are common in other fossil fields of Mongolia, are rare, and the only other water-loving form is a small crocodilian. All the din- osaurs are small, and all are light-limbed, fleetly-running types, except the Protoceratops and an undescribed armored reptile. Associated bones, even to complete skeletons, are more abundant in the Djadokhta beds than in any others, except perhaps the Shara Murun formation. The ribs of the dinosaurs are expanded, not crushed—a feature which, as Mr. Granger pointed out, suggests that the carcasses were sun- dried and then buried in drift sand. The dinosaur eggs are not broken in fragments but are found whole; they have been somewhat crushed, and in many cases the larger end of the egg is slightly telescoped over the smaller end. Many of the eggs are in their original position in the nest. Washing by water probably would not produce these results, but would displace the eggs and break them up. On the other hand, slowly accumulating wind-blown sand would gradually bury the eggs, crack them and fill them with fine sand. Once filled, they could not be crushed further. 378 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA All the evidence,—in the rocks, in the fauna, and in the mode of preser- vation of the fossils,—seems to point to a semiarid climate. There probably were shallow lakes, withering rivers, belts of sand dunes, and sparse vegeta- tion, including trees along some of the water courses. Nevertheless, this inter- esting formation and its fauna do not prove that this climate extended over the entire country. The Oshih and Ondai Sair beds denote conditions found over a very large area and therefore give some clue to the climate of the region. But the Djadokhta beds may rather indicate a special and local condition in a region that as a whole was more moist. Until more deposits are found and correlated with it, we cannot say with confidence that these conditions were widespread. On the whole, the evidence suggests that Mongolia in Cretaceous time was semiarid yet somewhat rainier than the Tertiary, as will be brought out more clearly in the pages that follow. CENOZOIC ERA . There is abundant evidence that during the Cretaceous period Asia was already a vast continent with large inland basins and that this condition con- tinued into the Cenozoic era. It has been considered that the great central area in Asia may have played an important part in the evolution and distri- bution of mammalian faunas, including man. The Tertiary climates of Asia, therefore, are of especial interest. In the Himalayan Sea, south of the great Cretaceous continent of Asia, there were stirrings of uprising land masses even in the Eocene, although lime- stones with nummulites were still forming in northwestern India. Some time afterward, that seaway was drained, and the Himalaya ranges were folded and uplifted, welding the southern lands of India and Arabia to the northern con- tinent. Probably this greatest of mountain-making revolutions occupied the whole of Tertiary time. It is very probable that the uprising of the ranges was slow and that it took place in a series of minor movements. All the suc- cessive phases of this complex history of uplift, erosion, and renewed uplift must have had far-reaching effects upon the climate of the lands around, but especially in the regions north of the Himalayas. The same era witnessed the building of the arc-shaped ranges that fringe the eastern coast of Asia, as well as the uprising fault-block mountains of the interior. Beside the mountain-building, a general continental uplift must have been in progress, and broad areas were warping into high inland basins. There is evidence which suggests that, though there have been many changes of cli- mate, the range of variation has been small. No evidence of very heavy rain- fall has been found in the entire record of the Tertiary, and the climate seems to have varied between semiarid and desert conditions during the entire era. SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 379 Eocene period Gashato time-—The Gashato beds have been described on page 358. The clays, sands, and gravels are poorly assorted; the coarser grains are com- mingled with the finer, and all beds, even the gravels, carry some clay. These facts suggest rapid accumulation by streams that were not sufficiently per- manent to assort their load. The abundance of gypsum in some of the clay beds suggests the concentration of salts in enclosed waters. There is no coal or peat, or any plant remains other than a few fragments of silicified wood, though the gray and brown beds probably carry a little admixed carbon. Probably there were no large swamps, and the vegetation was sparse. The fauna includes turtles and a few aberrant mammals, most of which were adapted for herbivorous feeding, though some were insect-eaters. The fauna gives little clew to the climate, but it could well have been adapted to a tree- less prairie or a semidesert. These meager data indicate a climate that was not markedly wet, though water played the dominating réle in the deposition of the sediments. Arshanto time.—Part of the Arshanto beds are structureless red clay which resembles loess except that it lacks the characteristic vertical cleavage. True loess is formed by the settling of dust from the air, or by the action of rain, which washes the dust out of the air. There must be enough vegetation to entrap and hold the dust, so that the winds that brought it cannot carry it away again. The well-bedded, greenish fissile shales, which outcrop in the Iren Dabasu hollow are undoubtedly the filling of a shallow lake. The lens of greenish sandstone in which skeletons of small lophiodonts were found is a stream channel filling. The Arshanto suggests an open grass country with semiarid climate, rather than a desert. Irdin Manha time.—The Irdin Manha beds (page 207) consist almost wholly of the deposits laid by streams. The inference that the streams were evanescent, but ran vigorously when there was a supply of water, is sup- ported by the following facts: (1) The sediments are not well assorted, but consist of commingled pebbles, sand, and fine dust; (2) many strata are cross- bedded; (3) many of them are channel fillings, and cut one another in a com- plex way. The presence of highly polished pebbles in great number sug- gests effective windblast. The fauna (page 208) includes ranging animals adapted to the open plains; but tortoise and turtle bones are abundant, as well as a few fish vertebra. There were, therefore, some aquatic forms as well. Fragments of silicified wood are not uncommon, but still there are no dark-colored beds, and no lignite or coal. It is probable that the Irdin Manha formation represents a rather dry flood plain or alluvial fan, with trees or patches of wood along the 380 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA courses of intermittent, shifting streams. Such a deposit suggests a semiarid climate. Shara Murun time.—At Shara Murun the chief sediment is varicolored clay, capped by light gray sandstones. We judged the clays to be deposits made in shallow lakes, as they are well bedded and contain abundant gypsum. No fossils were found in the gypsum-bearing beds, but where the gypsum is absent, great quantities of bones and several nearly perfect skeletons were found in small areas or pockets. Probably there were fresh-water springs or water holes that made these spots at once a gathering ground and a ceme- tery for the inhabitants of the country in Eocene time. The fauna includes ranging types resembling those of Irdin Manha in their adaptations. All these facts suggest a semiarid climate with inland drainage and drying lakes in which gypsum was precipitated. Oligocene period Ardyn Obo time.—The Ardyn Obo formation (page 174) includes green and red sandy clays, in the lower part of the section, while the upper part con- sists almost wholly of sand and gravel. The cross-bedding of all the sands and gravels dips at low angles of fifteen degrees or less. Vast numbers of channel fillings, intricately crossing and cutting one another, contain a mixture of large and small pebbles and grains. No associated skeletons, but only scattered bones and skulls were found. Many of the fossils were discovered in the bottoms of the channels, suggesting that they were washed down by the streams of Lower Oligocene time. The fauna includes a slender-jawed carnivore with much the same general build as a fox; two rhinocerotids, one of which was probably semiaquatic; at least three artiodactyls, and fairly abundant tortoises. The physical and faunal evidence suggests flood plains or alluvial fans with water at least as abundant as in the Eocene. We again note the absence of forest-living forms, and of plant remains or carbonaceous beds, although some of the strata have a grayish color. We judge that the climate was semiarid. Houldjin time.—The Houldjin gravels (page 205) are much like the upper gravels at Ardyn Obo—yellow gravels and sand, well washed. They contain teeth and worn fragments of the bones of ranging animals, but no associated skeletons have been found. Probably, like the Ardyn Obo, the Houldjin beds were laid out on a broad flood plain or fan under semiarid conditions. Hsanda Gol time.—The Hsanda Gol formation (page 233) begins with a heavy conglomerate, locally three hundred feet thick. It passes upward into red sands and clays, which are thick-bedded, lens-shaped, uniform deposits, and no bed or unit can be traced for more than a half mile. Such deposits might be formed along the foot of a large alluvial fan, where there were broad, << SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 381 shallow, playa basins that filled when water was abundant. It is possible that some of the thick, structureless beds are dust deposits rather than lake fillings. The fauna includes a group of ranging, browsing animals, one of which is the giant Baluchitherium, which was found also in the Houldjin gravels; a number of insectivores, most of which resemble the shrews and moles, but one of which may have been arboreal; and a great host of burrowing rodents of which eleven species have been named. This assembly, according to W. D. Matthew (1924 b), has the aspect of a desert fauna, or at least a fauna adapted to an open plains country. Most of the beds bear no plant remains, though a few fragments of silicified wood are found, and the chocolate brown and gray beds contain a little carbon. The Ardyn Obo, Houldjin, and Hsanda Gol formations were probably deposited chiefly by running water. In all three, the sediments and faunas offer evidence that suggests vigorous: temporary streams and vanishing lakes, rather than permanently well-watered conditions. We may picture, under a temperate, semiarid climate, a land of open plains with long, low aprons of alluvium stretching down from low ranges of oldrock hills; dry stream courses with patches of trees along their banks, and shallow, often drying lakes in the bottoms of broad depressions. Miocene period The only Miocene beds thus far found in Mongolia or in China are the gray, brown, and olive-colored clays at Loh (page 365). If Mongolia were an inland basin in Miocene time, it is hard to see why deposits of that age were not formed, and we may hope to find them in future explorations. If, on the other hand, the entire region was being eroded, it is possible that the exporta- tion of material exceeded the deposition, and that almost no Miocene deposits were formed. In any case, the lack of adequate stratigraphic data makes Mio- cene history one of the large unsolved problems of Central Asia. Pliocene period Hung Kureh time-—The Hung Kureh beds (page 365) include fine white and yellow or buff sands, and light gray well-bedded clays. The sands have yielded the bones of deer, Mastodon, Hipparion, and a large ostrich, while the bedded clays contain small gastropods and plant remains. The deer might be a forest animal, but the horse and ostrich were both adapted to open plains. The clays are clearly pond deposits, but at least part of the sands are prob- ably wind-blown. It is difficult to estimate the climate, but it must have been more humid than the earlier Tertiary climates. 382 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA Ertemte time.—Dr. J. G. Andersson (1923, a, page 40) has described a deposit of clay and sand at Ertemte, near Hallong Ossu in southern Mongolia (Fig. 7, page 51), which he believes to be an old lake bed. He obtained fresh-water mollusks, some small fish bones, and many rodents including a beaver, as well as teeth of deer and rhinoceros, and an egg of the extinct os- trich, Struthiolithus. On the whole, this is a water-loving, forest-dwelling fauna, although the ostrich and rhinoceros are typical creatures of the open plains. It needs, as we have seen in Mongolia, only a small patch of trees to contain an isolated woodland fauna. In an unnamed basin, south of the Tsilin River, in southeastern Mon- golia, the two distinguished French scientists, Pére Teilhard de Chardin and Pére Emil Licent (1924, c), found a Pliocene fauna with remains of Giraffide, a rhinocerotid, a horse, a mastodon, a hare, several mustelids, and an ostrich. This is a typical plains fauna, and is found in ‘‘red beds.” Above the red beds are white sands and marls, with turtles, mastodon, a horse, a badger, a beaver, smaller rodents, mustelids, and large deer. Pére Teilhard correlated the higher beds with those found by Andersson at Ertemte (personal communi- cation). The beaver and deer again suggest a forest environment, although this need not be implied for the whole country, especially as most of the other animals were rovers of the plain. The deposits themselves are simply described as ‘‘terre rouge’’ and ‘‘marnes et sables blancs,” but at least no car- bonaceous beds or plant remains were noted. It seems not improbable that the Pliocene was rather moister than the present, and that lakes existed and patches of trees maintained themselves in places that are now desert. Pleistocene period The Pleistocene had the most variable climate of any post-Cretaceous period, including epochs warmer than the present and epochs in which the higher mountains bore large alpine glaciers, while portions of the Siberian coastal slopes were covered by broad ice caps. The Gobi region was not glaciated, but its geologic processes were affected by the climatic revolutions of that time. In the excellent little book on the Evolution of Climate, C. E. P. Brooks (1922) reviews the evidence on the glaciation of Asia. Only two glacial epochs seem to be demonstrated for northern Asia. The earlier glaciation was the more severe, and ice sheets formed in the extreme north (Fig. 157). The later glaciation was confined to the mountains. Brooks (1922, page 82) believes that the first advance is ‘‘contemporaneous with the first glaciation (Gtinz) of Europe,” while the second coincides with the third, or Riss, of Europe. For the Himalaya and Tien Shan, three to five ice advances have SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 383 been recorded by Oldham (cited by Brooks, page 82) and Huntington (1905, a, page 186). Epochs of glacial advance seem to have been marked by moister FIGURE 157.—Glacial map of Eurasia. The shaded areas show the maximum known extent of glacial ice during the Pleistocene. All those south of the Verkhoyansk Mountains were of alpine type. The striking feature is the small extent of glaciation on the continent of Asia. A light line shows the probable maximum extent of the Caspian Sea. A dotted line represents the present 49-fathom submarine contour showing the possible land connections of that time during epoch of uplift. climates, with increased stream erosion and increase in the size and number of lakes. We observed in the Gangin Daba Mountains, at altitudes between 6,000 and 7,000 feet, that many valleys start in bowl-shaped heads (Fig. 158 and Figs. 29 and 30, pages 83, 86). They are weathered and rounded, and no mo- raines are connected with them. In one of the bowls the stream cuts a slight trench through the rock at the entrance, which suggests that the floor of the bowl was somewhat excavated by ice that once occupied it. If they are cirques, they represent only an incipient glaciation. Streams are dissect- ing them and changing their original form. Their worn and weathered con- dition suggests that they belong to an early epoch of glaciation. 384 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA At our camp in the Khangai Mountains, some ten miles south of the Arctic divide, and at an altitude of about 8,000 feet, the valleys are flat-floored, steep-sided, and head in broad hollows that may have been cirques. No FIELD SKETCH at Bolguk Gol 22 miles south- west of Urga,showing a bowl, that may bea cirque. Book IT 7922. p.58 FicureE 158.—A bowl-shaped valley head. Field sketch in the steeply upturned graywackes of the Gangin- Daba Mountains. moraines were seen, though large beds of washed cobbles were found on the flat floors. If, as we suppose, the valleys were glaciated in an early epoch, the effects of ice action have been largely cleared away. Looking northward from our camp, we saw at the Arctic divide undoubted cirques with sheer, precipitous walls (Plate XIV, page 130, and Fig. 149, pages 344-345). We estimate that the mountains in which they were carved stood about 10,000 feet above sea level. They are young cirques, separated by broad areas of smooth, unglaciated upland. Although we had no opportunity to visit and examine these glacial bowls, we infer that they were made in the last glacial advance. It seems probable that alpine glaciers formed in this region in two distinct epochs, separated by a long interglacial period. If the inferences drawn from the obscure cirque forms are correct, the earlier glacia- tion was much the more severe and affected valleys two thousand to three thousand feet lower than did the glaciers of the later epoch. In the Altai, we saw no undoubted cirques except the distant view of those in Ikhe Bogdo. The deep narrow valleys of the ranges visited by us have the V-shaped cross-section characteristic of stream work. Except for the record of the cirques, the Ice Age in Mongolia is the most difficult period to read, because of the lack of recognizable deposits. In northern and central Mongolia no undoubted Pleistocene fossils were found in either 1922 or 1923, SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 385 and the only evidence that suggested Pleistocene age is the abundance of coarse rubble in the ridges between Hung Kureh and the Baga Bogdo front (Plate XXX, in pocket). In 1925, Pleistocene deposits were found at Hung Kureh at the north base of Baga Bogdo in the Tsagan Nor basin, and at Lake Kholobolchi, forty miles west of Tsagan Nor. They will be discussed in a later volume. Andersson reports, in southern Mongolia, deposits of fine sand in which bones of an elephant and a rhinoceros were found (1923, a, page 45). That peculiarly characteristic Pleistocene deposit called loess seems to be lacking in Mongolia. In our explorations we saw little or none, and we find no reports of it in the literature except from the extreme southern mar- gin of the Gobi. The loess of China, south of the Gobi, may well have been blown from Mongolia and from the basin of Lop Nor, especially if the moun- tain barriers that now separate these lands from China were lower during part of Pleistocene time than they are now. Deposition of loess probably implies at least a moderate rainfall in the area of accumulation, for the rain washes down the dust that the wind has carried, and there must be vegetation to hold it and prevent the wind from taking it up again. But the basin from which the dust is carried must be one in which fresh exposures of fine sedi- ment are offered to the wind. Drying lakes, the outwash of withering rivers, or fresh deflation hollows in fine sediments offer favorable supplies of dust and sand to the winds. These considerations suggest that during part of thé Pleistocene, while the loess was forming in China, Mongolia was being actively eroded, and that large amounts of material were being exported from Mongolia by winds. Whether the rivers had a better connection with the ocean than they have at present is not known, but certainly one of the chief problems of the physiography of Mongolia is the enormous amount of material that has been removed from the country in geologically recent times. The map (Fig. 157), assembles the known evidence for maximum glacia- tion of Asia; the contrast with the vast ice sheets of Europe and North Amer- ica is salient. Apparently Asia as a whole was markedly drier than Europe or North America during the entire Pleistocene; for, whereas these other con- tinents had at least four major glaciations, Asia had but two, corresponding rudely with the first and third glacial epochs of Europe. Even granting this, however, Asia was probably lower, warmer, and rainier during much of the Pleistocene than at present; and that period witnessed the growth of moun- tains and several adjustments of continental level, besides great changes in climate. RECENT CHANGES OF CLIMATE The retreating glaciers between the Pleistocene and the present, through- out most of Asia, were not large enough to have such profound effects upon VOL. II——25 386 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA the climate as they had in Europe and North America. For this interval we find many evidences of climatic changes: in the building and partial destruc- tion of several successive alluvial fans along the Altai front; in the ancient beaches at Tsagan Nor; in the redissection of the gently sloping walls of hol- lows (Fig. 143, page 339); in the renewed dissection of smooth surfaces which formerly supported a richer carpet of vegetation than at present; in renewed dissection of the Gobi erosion plane; in the carving of broad valleys by streams which have vanished, and whose channels are now filled with wind-blown sand; in the failure of rivers to reach their terminal lakes; in the shrinking of the size of meander-curves of rivers, as shown by the large abandoned meander- scarps; in the drying of salt lakes to form salt pans; in old drawings cut upon rocks by a vanished race, picturing animals that lived in woodlands, though the region is now bare of trees. It is not yet possible to correlate and date these changes, but they imply many alternations of climate, with a steady swing toward a drier climate in the present day. The nature of the evidence is discussed at greater length under the following individual heads. EVIDENCE BEARING ON CLIMATIC CHANGE Dominant denudation None of the streams of the central Gobi flows out of it to any other region. Numerous streams from the north flow from the Khangai Mountain country, across hard and soft rocks alike, into basins within the Gobi. Their sedi- ments are deposited either along their present courses or in lake basins at the end of the system. In spite of this fact, which would lead one to expect ex- tensive recent accumulations, there is surprisingly little new deposit to be seen. The land forms of the present surface are almost wholly the result of erosion. Most of the erosion is plainly the effect of running water, though there are abundant evidences of wind-erosion in rocks of many kinds. It is clear, therefore, that there is greater total erosion than total deposition, and that the present is a destructional epoch, in striking contrast to certain earlier periods. The only explanation which appears to meet all the conditions is a change of climate toward greater aridity. Probably this is only one of many alterna- tions of climate, which extend back throughout the history of the continent, and which may account for some of the gaps and changes in the sedi- mentary record. Double dissection In the open ground of the Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, above the porphyry gorge (Fig. 5, page 47), a remarkable double erosion-form is presented by the marginal slopes of the valley. There are clearly two stages of erosion,—one SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 387 comparatively ancient, the other new and active. Smoothly rounded, gently sloping forms of rolling country are cut sharply by vigorous new gullies, making a most complicated and intricate picture (Plate XLI, A). There is no doubt that the older form represents a control of some sort, strikingly different from that of the present epoch. Formerly there was a tendency to develop simple, smooth outlines, as though the land were protected from vig- orous destructive erosion. More recently, these protective controls have failed, and at the present time a vigorous dissection is in progress and has been operating long enough to partly destroy the older topography. It is commonly suggested that deforestation is responsible for removing the original protection, but we believe that artificial deforestation has been an incident rather than a large factor. At the present time, seedlings do not catch and grow on this ground; the only trees are along the stream in the bot- tom of the valley. If artificial deforestation had been the cause of the change, it would not prevent the growth of new seedlings on the unoccupied ground. The fact that they do not catch suggests that the real controlling conditions are climatic, and that the present cycle is one favoring vigorous dissection because of its greater aridity and the consequent failure to support a protec- tive cover of grass. Therefore, the double dissection pattern of Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass is direct evidence of a change in climate toward increased aridity. The choked gorge of Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass Below the redissected sedimentary ground which has just been described, the stream runs through a short, deep, narrow notch with almost vertical walls, which has been cut across a range of tilted porphyries (Plate XLI, B). If the river were in full eroding operation at the present time, the rock gorge would be virtually bare, with a floor of solid rock. But if the stream has been reduced in volume, and is overloaded with sediments washed from the sharp, new gullies just described, it would pile along its valley floor the burden that proved too great to carry, and so would choke the narrow gorge with gravels. This is exactly the present condition. The pass is clogged with gravel, and the stream is not actively cutting on the rock bottom (Plate XLI, B). There must have been a time when the stream was vigorous enough to cut out the notch that is now partially filled, and that time represents an epoch of greater humidity. Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, therefore, in its choked condition, is an evidence of change of climate toward more arid conditions than formerly prevailed. Desert trees Trees of any kind are rare in the desert region of Mongolia, but isolated trees, and even rows of large elms, are seen at a few places along the margins of 388 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA dry stream courses. The mere fact that mature trees, gnarled and battered, exist there unaccompanied by saplings, points to a time more favorable than the present for the germination of seeds and the success of new tree growth. The forest margin It was the good fortune of the Expedition to spend several days at Sain Noin, on the very margin of the northern forests, where groves of trees occupy the northern slopes of the ridges. Here along the picket line between the forest and the desert or non- forested region, the evidence of fluctuating climate, changing from favorable conditions to those unfavorable for the lodgment and growth of trees, is quite plain. In a grove covering a stretch of half a mile, the trees are prevailingly of two sizes. There is a growth of old trees, averaging two hundred and fifty to three hundred years in age, which forms the chief stand and covers the max- imum area of ground. In addition, and in contrast to the old trees, there is a rather dense growth of young saplings, with only a few members of inter- mediate sizes. There is no regular gradational series of younger trees of vari- ous ages. It is very striking that there are just two dominant sizes,—a large size represented by the old trees, and a small size represented by the younger ones. In the absence of artificial means of control, such as deforestation, which is not practised by the Mongol people, there appears to be only one good explanation. Evidently in an epoch, two hundred and fifty to three hundred years ago, the climatic conditions were such that the forest was able to advance by the catching of seeds on this hillside, until a grove was started thatis now represented by the old trees. Subsequently, for a long time, conditions were not so favorable, and, although a few trees were started in the more protected central portions of the grove, the outer margins were wholly unoccupied by any new growth until comparatively recent time, when conditions again became favorable for young trees to take root in great numbers. Some of these are seventy-five years old; much the greater number are younger,— twenty-five to fifty years old. Apparently the present is again not quite so favorable for seedlings. Only one small grove had lodged beyond this picket line—a group of a dozen or more trees on the next hill to the south. That grove marked the extreme encroachment of the forest in the most favorable epoch of recent time. There are no representatives of the second or latest favorable epoch; in other words, there are no saplings, but instead only old, wind-battered trees, isolated as if abandoned to their fate by the retreat of the forces that set them out, and not reached by the last rally in their behalf fifty years ago. It appears, therefore, that the earlier epoch, centering about the time PLATE XL. A. AN OUTPOST FOREST AT THE ARCTIC DIVIDE. The larger trees represent a successful early invasion of the Siberian forest into the edge of the Mongolian basin. The smaller growth represents a later invasion, after an interval of unfavorable climatic conditions. B. TERRACES IN THE LATEST ALLUVIAL FAN OF TIGER CANYON AT THE FOOT OF BAGA BOGDO, PLATE XLI. A. TWO STAGES OF DISSECTION AT WAN CH'UAN. The gullied valley side at Wan Ch'uan, showing an older smooth surface which is being actively redissected. The oversupply of waste thus furnished is filling the valley bottom. B. THE CHOKED GORGE AT WAN CH'UAN PASS. The rock gorge is much deeper than the present profile which represents an excessive filling of the valley with waste. SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 389 three hundred years ago, was a more favorable climatic epoch than the last one, centering about the time fifty years ago. In any case, the evidence seems to support the hypothesis that the climate of Mongolia fluctuates between changes from more arid to less arid conditions, in cycles of some kind, with intervals measured in only a few hundred years. These observations were checked up by counting the rings of trees that were available in the vicinity of our camp. The forests are wholly of larch (tamarack), which apparently is one of the most hardy trees under these try- ing conditions, and thus serves as an advance guard for the forests of the north in their contests with the forces of the interior deserts. Tree growth at Tiger Canyon Under a different head, attention has been called to the fact that the original maximum development of the modern alluvial fan at the mouth of Tiger Canyon has been trenched by stream action, with the development of two or three pronounced terraces (page 312). The trench at the apex of the fan is at least a hundred feet deep. The water, issuing from the canyon, sinks completely out of sight in the first few hundred feet after reaching the allu- vial fan material; but far out along the distributary channels, which bear evi- dence of carrying water at certain seasons, there are poplar trees of a species resembling cottonwood. They are fairly numerous for the first part of the stretch, but gradually become scattered and more widely spaced, until at the distance of a mile, there remain only a few rugged, gnarled sentinels. The point of special interest is that nearly all of this tree growth is mature; among the more distant groups there are no young trees or saplings. Almost all the trees represent a former condition which must have been much more favor- able than the present to the establishment of young tree growth. This single generation of trees must indicate a marked change of condi- tions. A lessening of moisture is the only change that seems most likely, as the rock floor has not altered, and there is no possibility of the soil having behaved very differently one time from another. It is, however, entirely possible that there were times of greater rainfall, so that abundant water could be carried to greater distance beyond the mouth of the canyon, making the distributary courses favorable to the establishment of young trees. The lack of saplings indicates that the present is a period of comparative aridity, perhaps not by any means the driest interval experienced by the region, but still sufficiently arid to produce conditions less favorable than those at the time when the groves of trees were first established. Only the most vigorous of the old stock have maintained themselves to the present time, and evidence of their coming annihilation is apparent in the fallen trunks that lie half bur- ied in the shifting gravels. 390 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA The trees that grow along the distributaries from Tiger Canyon, there- fore, seem to have the same significance as is gathered from features of very different sort in other places. At several other localities with slightly differ- ent physical surroundings, we noted the same phenomenon of mature trees which have all the appearance of being the last remnants of more vigorous col- onies. Some of these are far out on the open plain along dry stream courses, and occasionally one sees two or three lone trees, clinging to the side of a hill or at the outlet of a ravine. The evidence presented by desert trees from many localities favors a climatic change, in comparatively recent times, great enough to register its effects in numerous ways. Ancient stream courses In many places in the Gobi region there are typical valley forms in which there is no water. It is quite beyond reason to believe that these could be made without the work of running water, and yet, under present climatic conditions, it is impossible that any such forms could be produced. It seems to us that the facts point to the conclusion that in comparatively recent time more humid climatic conditions prevailed, with rainfall sufficient to develop streams of running water in valleys that are now dry. At that time, the larger erosion effects were produced,—effects that are much greater than could result under the present régime. In the same category should be placed the evidence offered by ‘‘misfit’’ streams; for the meanders of all the larger rivers are of much smaller curvature than the concave scarps left by the meanders of a former epoch, and therefore indicate a shrinking of the rivers in compara- tively recent time. Terraced alluvial fans A magnificent series of modern alluvial fans borders Baga Bogdo on the north side. The streams that have dissected this recently uplifted mountain block have deposited the large fans that reach out for several miles beyond its base and form a striking physiographic feature. They are developed at certain places on such a scale as almost to bury the bordering hills of a previ- ous cycle of erosion; but the feature of immediate importance in this connec- tion is their own dissected condition. At the mouth of Tiger Canyon, for example, the last alluvial fan, in its maximum development, reached into the mouth of the canyon more than a hundred feet above the present level of the stream. This fan has been trenched by the same stream which originally made it, and has not only developed a miniature canyon in the fan itself, but has marked its stages by several terraces. Whatever the causes may be, the later tendency was to erode the fan already built and to redistribute the material. SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 391 This same general effect is apparent in each of the fans throughout the length of the Baga Bogdo block, and is apparently quite independent of the rock composition of the block from which the material has been derived. Fur- thermore, there is in sight no evidence of renewed uplift or of dynamic dis- turbance of any corresponding sort since the time of maximum development of the fan itself. ; We judge, therefore, that the chief cause of the shift of processes, from deposition to marked erosion, is climatic change. The present is an epoch of greater or of less aridity. It is a fair question whether greater aridity with less water in the stream would tend to build up or to destroy the deposits already made. Our judgment, in this case, is that less water would build up and more water would erode the fan. The terraces apparently indicate a more balanced condition than is represented by either the building or the dissecting processes. Quite aside from the problem of whether dissection would be aided by more arid or by more humid conditions, it is evident that, in either case, cli- matic change seems to be supported by this feature. There have been times which facilitated the accumulation of such deposits, and times subsequent to these when the fans were destroyed; these two very different kinds of epochs are distinguishable from a third, in which the balance of opposing processes is much more nearly reached. Such evidence as there is in the alluvial fans points to recurrence of climatic change. Minor scarps in erosion hollows » Intimately associated with climatic changes are the ‘“‘false cuestas,”’ described in Chapter XIX in connection with the origin of desert hollows. The ‘‘cuestas” are clearly remnants of the once smooth and gentle slope from the edge of the Gobi upland to the floor of the hollow (Fig. 143, page 339). At one time there must have been sufficient protection of vegetation on the smooth slopes to prevent active gullying. When the change to greater arid- ity weakened or destroyed the protecting vegetation, the rainwash dissected the steeper parts of the slopes, but was too scanty to destroy the gentler slopes below, where decrease of gradient lessened the erosive power of the water. These gullied bluffs and their fringes of minor scarps are found especially along projecting headlands of the walls bordering the larger hollows (Fig. 146, page 340). Therefore, they are where the soil dries most readily, and where a lessening of the rainfall would first affect the protecting vegetation. Lakes In many of the enclosed hollows, for which wind erosion is the only ten- able explanation, there is at the present time standing water, which forms 392 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA small lakes, saltpans, or swamps. At most places, the waters are doubtless shallow, but in others there is considerable water. This condition exists both in the sedimentary and in the granite areas. The standing water in these holes prevents all wind attack, and it is evi- dent that the bottoms could never have been scooped out under the present conditions. The only logical conclusion is that they must have been made under an earlier climatic condition of greater aridity, with a consequent lower water-table or less precipitation, when the floors of the hollows were dry. It is possible that in a still earlier cycle the climate was moister than at present; in that case, there should still be traces of former strand lines and greater depth, or evidence of the former presence of water where none is now. In the hollows occupied by larger lakes, such as Tsagan Nor (Chapter XIII), where the conditions were more critical and more nicely balanced, a history of climatic change is legible. Ancient lake beaches of Tsagan Nor Tsagan Nor, just north of the Baga Bogdo range, is the largest desert lake yet visited by the Expedition. The floor is so gently sloping that one can readily wade out into the water several hundred paces. The lake is ex- ceedingly shallow,—probably nowhere over ten feet deep,—but it covers an area of nearly six square miles. It is slightly salt, but not too salt for use by the camel train and horses. Special interest attaches to the strongly marked, abandoned beaches along the northern shore, which indicate a succession of much higher water levels in former times (Plate XLII, B). If the lake were filled to the height indicated by the upper beaches, it would overflow at the east end and estab- lish a stream which would follow a general easterly course, marked out by a broad valley in that direction, which doubtless was at one time the lake’s out- let. The reason for emphasizing this point, however, is its bearing on changed climatic conditions. At the present time, and apparently for a long while in the past, there has not been enough water furnished to the Tsagan Nor basin to maintain a level of the lake high enough to overflow. In order to make the beach terraces, there must have been a time when water supply was more plentiful than now. This could happen only with a change toward greater humidity. Each of the well-marked beach-levels must have been maintained for along time. ‘The changes that have taken place, therefore, have not been gradual or continuous, but they have come by steps or in cycles. It is possible that there has been a time of greater aridity than the pres- ent, and the very existence of the lake basin is somewhat of a support to that hypothesis; for its broad, shallow, and rather oval form is not that of a river SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 393 valley, but more that of a shallow deflation hollow. Probably it is indeed a deflation hollow, whose floor must have been dry when the winds were exca- vating it, and therefore the form of the basin of the present lake indicates a preceding arid cycle. This explanation would agree closely with observations made in the granite areas farther to the north and northeast, which have already been described (page 116) and interpreted as indications of a former stage of greater aridity than the present. It would agree, also, with the evidence of the trenched and terraced alluvial fans of Baga Bogdo. Additional observations made in 1925 fully substantiate the inference that the lake has been dry before. This evidence and argument will be pre- sented in a later volume. Glaciation The entire failure of general glaciation and the restriction of glacial ice to the high mountains, indicate a comparatively arid climate during the Ice Age, or, at least, a distribution of seasonal precipitation which proved unfavor- able for the continuous development of ice and snow. It would be possible to have heavy rains, chiefly in the summer time, and a lighter precipitation in winter, and yet wholly escape the development of notable glaciers. Inade- quate or badly distributed seasonal precipitation would accomplish the same result. Observations made in 1925 throw a flood of light on the problem of climate in Pleistocene and Recent times, but this material cannot be made available for this volume. A vanished race Near the easterly terminus of the great Altai Mountain ranges, in the vicinity of Artsa Bogdo, where an old basalt lava flow has been undercut by erosion so that large, flat-faced blocks lie about, we found drawings incised on some of the rocks. They are unlike anything that the Mongols do, and the subjects are in part different from those available in the desert of to-day. In the illustration here used (Fig. 159), the unknown artist has represented a reindeer or an elk, and possibly a moose, and a man with bow and arrow. None of these animals inhabits the region now, and both the animals and the men belong to a country with a different climate. The inference is that when the drawings were made the mid-Gobi region, at least in the vicinity of the easterly ranges of the Altai, had a climate favorable to these animals. It must have been wooded in part, with more water. Both the unknown race of hunters and the animals that they chased have moved on. Presumably the climate changed toward greater aridity, and the land no longer supported them. 394 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA We do not know exactly when this happened; doubtless it was very long ago. Probably the drawings are prehistoric—made by a people who wrote in pictures and lived by the chase. The drawings emphasize, from a different angle, the conclusion reached through many strictly geological evidences, that FicurE 159.—Drawings cut upon a basalt block at Artsa Bogdo. These were made by a pre-Mongol people. They represent two human beings, one with bow and arrow, a large deer, a fox, and four creatures of doubtful identity, the largest of which resembles a moose. central Asia has had changing climates for ages—sometimes favorable and sometimes most unfavorable to the living creatures that occupied it. Per- haps the changes were oft-repreated, and some of them may have been severe enough to drive the occupying races to neighboring territory. Short inter- vals of such exile would leave both a desire and an ability to return, but longer periods of banishment might keep a race out permanently. Perhaps in this way, changing climate has been vitally involved with the migrations of men and other races of living things. One such exiled race hunted the deer with the bow and arrow and indicated the climate of its time on blocks of basalt. eee ee ee “a SUCCESSIVE CLIMATES OF MONGOLIA 395 An abandoned dam In a small valley ten or twelve miles north of Tsetsenwan, there is a well preserved earth dam more than a quarter of a mile long and about forty feet high. Except that it lacks a suitable spillway, it would compare favor- ably with a modern earth dam. It has undoubtedly stood for centuries. When it was made, why, or by whom, are quite undetermined; the Mongols of the region know only that it was not made by them, and in their traditions it was simply the work of a people who preceded them. No one would need a dam in this region at the present time; there must have been more water in the valley when the dam was built. MEANING OF THE EVIDENCE In assembling these items bearing upon the problem of climatic changes it has been our purpose to show that there have been such changes, and that the fluctuations have been many and of very unequal intensity and dura- tion. Wet epochs that would favor the growth of crops of saplings in the Sain Noin forest are surely of a different order of magnitude from the wet period that favored the trenching of the great alluvial fan at Tiger Canyon. Lack of ' sufficient evidence has made it as yet impossible to correlate these climatic fluctuations, or to assign dates to them. The significant inference is that changes of climate—toward greater aridity on the one hand, and toward heav- ier rainfall on the other—have taken place, and probably will continue to take place, and that they have written their record upon the country and upon its living creatures. PRESENT CLIMATE Travelers tell us that forty degrees below freezing is a common winter temperature. Most of the wells freeze, and both men and cattle must depend upon snowfall for water. In the latter part of April, at least in southeastern Mongolia, a curious warm spell comes which lasts but a few weeks. It is fol- lowed by renewed cold weather which the Russians call the Icy Saints’ Days, and which lasts into June. The hot weather begins in the latter part of June, and continues through July and most of August. Mr. Granger noted day tem- peratures ranging between eighty degrees and one hundred degrees F. for this period. The hottest night temperature was seventy-two degrees F., and most nights ranged below sixty degrees. Snows and frosts may be expected any time after September 1, but the true winter weather does not come, as a rule, until mid-October or November. The temperatures cited above were taken in the plains country at altitudes between 3,000 and 5,000 feet. During the spring the winds are prevailingly from the west or north and 396 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA are high and strong. In summer they are as a rule lighter and more variable, and often from the south. The fall brings the northwest and north winds again, and in winter the prevailing winds are from the north. There is a light snowfall in the winter, with occasional rains in July and part of August. Cloudbursts such as those described by Walther for tropical deserts, are rare, if they ever occur, inthe Gobi. As always, the rains and snows are heaviest in the mountains. Near the Arctic divide, the north side of the ranges receives the heaviest rainfall. Probably this is true in the Altai region as well. Rainfall increases again toward the Pacific divide, and here the moisture must come from the Pacific Ocean, so that the east and south winds should bring the rain. Forest patches appear on the well-watered northern slopes of the Arctic divide, while the southern slopes bear only grass. The grass-lands extend southward into the great basin, dying out very gradually into the sparse vegetation of the desert. A similar grass-land extends along the southern rim of the basin. It is nearly eighty miles broad from north to south, and is cultivated by Chinese farmers, who raise oats, millet, and potatoes. Lacking all figures, we hazard a guess at the rainfall, based upon a com- parison between the vegetation in Mongolia and that in similar latitudes in the , United States. It probably varies from about twenty inches in the rich grass-lands to as little as eight or ten inches in the arid centers. Although we believe that the Gobi is in one of its arid cycles, no part of it is comparable to the extreme dryness of the Atacama desert of Chile, or the Hamada of Egypt. PLATE XLII A. SUN CRACKS AT TSAGAN NOR. Shrinkage cracks in the sun-baked mud of a small playa near Tsagan Nor. The plates of mud are already nearly as hard as rock, and represent some of the new deposits that are now forming. B. THE ABANDONED BEACHES OF TSAGAN NOR. THREE BEACHES MARKED BY GROWTH OF SHRUBS. PLATE XLIII. A; A PRE-MONGOL GRAVE, MARKED BY A RECTANGULAR ENCLOSURE OF ROCK SLABS, B. GAP THROUGH THE RUINED GREAT WALL BETWEEN CUINA AND MONGOLIA AT THE CREST OF WAN CH'UAN PASS. . CHAPTER XXII SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY TuIs is a preliminary summary. The work of the Expedition is far from finished. In due time we shall have to make revisions. Even though some of the statements may require considerable modification and doubtless many additions, we present the following geologic story with confidence that it will serve as a background for the studies that are to follow. Our purpose is to assemble the historical facts established by our own and other work to the present time, and to treat the problem largely from the dy- namic standpoint, emphasizing in succession the different fundamental pro- cesses that have made the Gobi region. It will be necessary sometimes to group several series of formations and to treat them as a unit representing one of the large segments of geological history characterized by a certain unity of physical condition or result. The significance of a particular geologic process that has operated through many different epochs may be seen clearly if treated as a problem in itself. It is our wish to make the course of events stand out as the center of interest, and those results are emphasized that lend them- selves most readily to this end. We have accordingly chosen to include in the summary the following major elements of geologic history, as exhibited in this region: 1. Ancient eras characterized by metamorphism. 2. Paleozoic marine history. 3. Mid-Mesozoic sedimentation, initiating the continental history of central Asia. Development of basin structure, with its covering of later sediments. A sedimentation summary. The course of volcanism in Mongolia. The deformation history of the Gobi region. Prominent epochs of erosion. Origin of the present topography. Relation of geologic history to the development of man. 397 GND} 00 San eee 398 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA ANCIENT ERAS CHARACTERIZED BY METAMORPHISM The formations belonging to the ancient history of the region before Cam- brian time are exceedingly complex, highly metamorphosed, and give evidence of extensive modification (Fig. 161). Nevertheless, it is clear that the oldest formations were sediments—a great series of them—including the usual lith- ologic types represented by strata deposited in and with the aid of water. Doubtless many of them were laid down in the sea, and in that distant time there was probably an extensive marine history, now so obscured by later transformations that it cannot be read in much detail. There are great series of conglomerates, sandstones, shales, and limestones, repeatedly inter- bedded with one another. Those types of rock which indicate marine rela- tions are found more abundantly in the earliest rather than in the latest groups of pre-Cambrian strata. The strata of the final stages of this early history seem to indicate a continental rather than a marine origin. There are at least three great eras represented by quite distinctly different series of these meta-sediments, the oldest being by far the most changed from its original condition, while the latest one is much less modified. These divi- sions correspond roughly to those recognized in adjacent regions, particularly in China, where almost the same succession has been established. They may be tabulated from youngest to most ancient as follows: 1. The T’ai Shan Complex, as used by Willis in China, belonging to the Archean era. 2. The Wu T’ai System, as used by Willis in China, belonging to the early Proterozoic era. 3. The Khangai Series, probably equivalent to the Nan K’ou System of von Richthofen and Willis and the Sinian System of Grabau, belonging to the late Proterozoic era. The T’ai Shan complex It is evident from field observations that there is a very ancient series of sediments which has been intimately invaded by igneous injections and intru- sions of many kinds, chiefly of granitic type, and that the whole series, includ- ing the igneous members, has been regionally metamorphosed, extensively deformed, and exposed to destructive erosion. All succeeding formations were laid down on that erosion floor. The system now consists of injection gneisses, schists, and crystalline limestones which we correlate roughly with the T’ai Shan Complex of Bailey Willis, as described for China. The Wu T’ai system The Wu T’ai System, which follows, is represented by a great succession of schists, phyllites, and limestones that also were metamorphosed, folded, and SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 399 eroded in their turn before the succeeding Khangai Series was developed. They are less extensively modified from their original condition and less inti- mately injected with igneous materials contributed to their present composi- tion than is the older series beneath; but they are affected to a much greater degree in all these ways than any of the formations that follow. They must have been folded into mountain ranges, as were the formations of the preced- ing system, and it must have been from rocks of this kind, subsequently ex- posed to erosion, that the Khangai graywacke-slate series of the next succeed- ing period was formed. The Khangai series The formations, up to this point, have large developments of limestone, suggesting repeated advances of the sea. With the opening of the next period, however, and the beginning of the development of the graywacke-slate series, there must have been a more pronounced continental control and supply. There is a rather systematic change in the quality of the rocks of the series in different, widely separated localities, suggesting something of the geography of that time. Slates, with interbedded graywacke, predominate in southern and central Mongolia, graywackes and sandstones, with thin interbedded slates, are more common in northern Mongolia; while the assumed equivalent in central China is largely limestone. This, we believe, is the first series to have a continental significance, and it indicates that the sea lay to the south, with continental areas to the north and west. The outstanding characteris- tic of this ancient formation is its great extent and thickness, which is repre- sented in the Khangai country and along the Tola River by many thousands of feet of graywacke. There is probably more than 20,000 feet of these strata still preserved. The condition at that time, therefore, must have been un- usual. Graywacke is not an especially common type of rock, and any forma- tion of such an enormous extent as this taxes one’s imagination to account for it. During an incalculable period of time, conditions must have been reason- ably constant over an immense area, to enable a formation of such striking uniformity to be developed. This is the youngest, and also the simplest, of the very ancient series of more or less metamorphosed rocks. It is not everywhere heavily metamor- phosed, however, and as it is not very intimately injected with volcanic prod- ucts, although it carries many intrusions, its original character is easily deter- mined. The series is folded into mountains, as were its predecessors, but the folds are simpler and more open, especially in the north, and there has been less internal, intimate deformation of the beds themselves. As a result, the gray- wacke or sandstone beds are only moderately metamorphosed; the shale beds 400 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA between are transformed into slates or phyllites, and the limestones have become crystalline. The triple character of this ancient section of geologic history is readily established, but some of its detail is obscure, and only its major features are as yet determined. It includes much the longest period of time, and it covers the eras of profound transformations of simple rocks. These have lost their original character, have been folded and faulted into new positions, sheared and recrystallized into new internal structure, and indeed, in most cases, into new mineralogical composition. They mark no less than three great sedi- mentation eras, each followed by a mountain-making epoch. There is a break between each two major series, or systems, representing erosion and a lost interval of time, but the unconformities are obscure, and much more work should be done with them. The granite bathylith The greatest igneous invasion recorded in Mongolia followed the moun- tain-folding of the graywackes, but it is not strictly a part of the Khangai history. It followed—and perhaps its activity helped—the deformations of that time, but the igneous rocks of the great bathylith, which in the next pe- riod, made great advances toward the surface through all these formations, have a history of their own. In spite of this complicated history, and in spite of the mountain structure certainly represented, there is no remnant of the ancient relief at the present time. The rocks, planed down to a low monotonous relief, constitute the complex succession of formations of many kinds, which stand on edge for hundreds of miles and form the ancient crystalline floor on which all other sed- ‘iments were laid down in central Asia. PALZOZOIC MARINE HISTORY The Paleozoic history of central Mongolia is as yet almost a blank, for over great areas rocks of this age have not been identified. Only south of Sair Usu have we found formations which give satisfactory evidence of the conditions of that time. Even in these places, the land seems to have been undergoing erosion during the early part of the Paleozoic era, as no marine sediments have been identified older than the Mississippian or Dinantian period. There is thus a great break between the ancient rocks of the meta- morphic eras and the rocks of Paleozoic age. Even as we write this, we real- ize that a very different correlation has been proposed by other observers in adjacent districts. Most of the Russian geologists regard the graywacke SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 401 series as of mid-Paleozoic age. Some report the finding of Devonian fossils in them, in localities farther north and east. To this we have little to say, as we do not know the geologic structure of their country; but in central Mon- golia these rocks, as far as we have seen them, are unfossiliferous, and have a structural relation to other series and to the known Palzozoics themselves that makes such a correlation appear improbable. Mid-Palzeozoic rocks of such extent, and with the intimate relation to marine condition that seems to be demanded of that age, should carry determinable fossils. Pre-Cambrian rocks of the same type might well be normally without them. We have found late Paleozoic, marine fossiliferous strata infolded or infaulted as patches within graywacke areas, but this does not make the graywackes belong to their age. Jurassic strata are found similarly infolded in the graywackes. All that we can do is to place the Khangai series of graywackes and slates where the evidence thus far seems to favor,—that is, in the late pre-Cambrian rather than in mid-Palzozoic time. In the interval between the deposition of the graywackes and the advance of the sea in late Paleozoic time, this portion of central Asia must have been dry land. During this time also, deep-seated igneous activity developed on perhaps the most enormous scale known anywhere in the world, when the Mongolian bathylith made its greatest advance and accomplished its greatest work in massive invasion, in upward stoping, and in penetrating the enclosing rock formations. The known Paleozoic rocks are marine, and carry a characteristic fauna which clearly indicates their correlation. Limestones and dolmitic limestones predominate, while minor deposits of shale and sandstone are associated with a basal conglomerate—a thick series, but not by any means so great as those that preceded. The strata may have been much more extensive in former time, both in thickness and in areal distribution. They surely must have extended farther inland than they do now, even across the Arctic divide, and at that time they probably covered all other formations of the region. Where the limits were, however, is not thus far determined from the evidence avail- able. It is clear only that they in their turn were folded, as the others had been, into mountain structure, and subsequently were eroded. They formed an important part of the southern mass that emerged from the sea at the close of the Paleozoic era, to become the core of the continent of Asia (Grabau, 1923 d, pages 408, 468). Since Permian time, this portion of the continent has never been resubmerged. How great an interval of erosion followed is not certainly known, but it is clear that a long period, represented only by an extensive unconformity, intervened before the deposition of the succeeding formations that lie upon the post-Permian erosion surface. VOL. 11—26 402 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA MID-MESOZOIC SEDIMENTATION INITIATING THE CONTINENTAL HISTORY OF CENTRAL ASIA The Mesozoic era is represented in Mongolia by two formations of very different age and structure, separated by one of the most pronounced uncon- formities of the whole geologic column. The formation above the unconform- ity is known to be of Lower Cretaceous age, and initiates an entirely new cycle of events, different enough from those preceding to be regarded as a new divi- sion of history. Therefore, this formation is treated with the overlying Ter- tiary formations as a new structural unit, which we have referred to as the “Later Sediments” of the Gobi region (Berkey and Granger, 1923). The Mesozoic formation beneath the unconformity, has, at best, a some- what obscure historical standing. It is clearly of continental type, but carries almost no diagnostic fossils. The few traces found are obscure and poorly preserved plant remains, which accompanied the making of coal. The form- ation is enormously thick in certain localities and entirely wanting in other extensive areas (Fig. 160). It may never have been developed over the whole region, but there is a constancy in lithologic type and structure that indicates a certain unity of physical history. The sediments are chiefly coarse conglomerates and sandstones, most of which were rapidly accumulated by running water and shifting currents. A considerable proportion is well bedded and uniform in grain, indicating deposition in lakes. The formation is wholly non-marine. The prevalence of coarse material, especially pebbles, through strata thousands of feet thick in widely separated areas, supports the hypothesis that these sediments were developed as isolated deposits in subsid- ing areas adjacent to uplifted fault-blocks, the destruction of which must have furnished the rapidly accumulating material. It is apparently impossible for such materials to have been transported great distances from constant sources, but it would be possible to supply material of this kind from a series of nearby sources, during the progress of deformation that renewed the relief. It is probable, therefore, that the formations known as Jurassic strata in the Gobi region and in Siberia and China were never continuous, and that no two localities bear exactly equivalent formations. Between the areas of deposi- tion, there probably were divides whose destruction furnished the supply of detritus. Some of these ridges have persisted to the present time, for the erosion that followed was more destructive to the loose Jurassic sediments than to the ancient divides of crystalline rocks. The only remnants of the deposits, therefore, that are still preserved, lie in depressed areas, which have been faulted or warped down in later time, and thus have been protected from the general peneplanation that preceded the Cretaceous period. The land- scape of Jurassic time was probably a series of mountains and intermontane basins. But how they were distributed one can not make out with certainty, SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 403, because there are so few remnants of the strata still preserved from erosion and not now covered by later deposits. In spite of the probability that these sediments do not exactly match in different areas, they do all fall into a certain historical position. They lie in the mid-Mesozoic. They follow a long period of erosion that is itself to be subtracted from early Mesozoic time, and above them is another erosion break of enormous proportions, preceding the Lower Cretaceous period. Between these two great breaks occurred the sedimentation which, for convenience, is referred to as the Jurassic period. It may possibly extend down into Triassic time, but it surely does not continue to the end of the Jurassic. In the Meso- zoic era, therefore, the continental character of central Mongolia became firmly established, with two long periods of erosion and a period of continental deposition represented before Lower Cretaceous time. Folding and faulting and extensive igneous eruption closed the construc- tive period, and pre-Cretaceous erosion beveled across all these structures in making the great peneplane which reduced the Jurassic block-mountains, together with ail preceding rock formations, to a surface of low monotonous relief, which has become, for all succeeding time, the floor or basement on which the later sediments were laid down. Viewed from this angle, the mid- Mesozoic strata become a part of the complex floor. They are the closing incident in a complex series of events that ended the mountain-folding of cen- tral Asia. Since then the strata of central Mongolia have not again been crumpled into mountain folds. All rocks of the ancient floor have been de- formed in this way, but with the making of the great unconformity beneath the Cretaceous beds in mid-Mesozoic time, the central core of the continent of Asia became stabilized against lateral crowding, and its long history of re- peated mountain-foldings has been succeeded by an unbroken history of simple warpings and faultings, in which elevation and subsidence have dominated, DEVELOPMENT OF BASIN STRUCTURE WITH COVERING OF LATER SEDIMENTS Following the erosion epoch which closed Jurassic time, the region of cen- tral Mongolia, which by this time had been reduced almost to a peneplane, was lifted and warped into a broad basin with inland drainage, and a long period of alternating localized denudation and deposition was commenced, which has lasted to the present day. The extent and distribution of local warpings of the earliest time may not be determined, but it is clear, from the interruptions recorded in the deposits and the peculiar distribution of the sed- iments marking the different horizons, that intermittent warping has charac- terized the whole of post-Cretaceous time. The downwarped areas received sediment washed from the upstanding masses, and thus became minor fills of 404 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA sediment, separated from one another by warped or faulted divides of hard rock (Fig. 160). All the smaller basins and divides have a tendency to shift as the intermit- tent warping is renewed so that many areas which were formerly covered have subsequently been stripped; areas once covered with greater thicknesses, have : en) HEC: CES Na, 7] Cretaceous &Tertiary : Sediments Mountainous areas Jurassic porphyry : & conglomerate Shara Muru 77 a ZA Late Paleozoic Ula Usu rumah | 7 Ye 0 wey 77 Yi) iy hy = wines anne ee” g ay Yt: 5 ma ets ree JE ail prs ia: MMM £2 vrcheororc Decca naira eM 100 50 ° ar FicurE 160.—Sketch map of central Mongolia, showing geologic units along the traverses. An attempt has been made to distinguish the different major groups of floor rocks along the route of travel, by different patterns. The younger basin sediments along the same routes are stippled. In the untraversed regions, the white areas represent lowland areas, as distinguished from the more mountainous tracts. suffered partial denudation, while other bare areas have received deposits. Thus it happens that the geologic column of any locality is always only a par- tial one; it is always broken; and in most cases, it carries but a fraction of the sedimentary representatives of the whole time interval. The greatest break in the later sediments is that which marks the transi- tion from Cretaceous to Tertiary age. All strata beneath this erosion break are more deformed than are those which lie immediately above. Apparently, the region has progressed to greater stability and simpler deformation with the progress of time, even within the period of later sedimentary deposition. Doubtless the dynamic cause is the same for all. There must be changes going SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 405 on beneath the surface at some unknown depth,—changes that tend in the course of time to modify the supporting structure of the crust. It is prob- ably, in essential quality a volcanic activity, and results in changes of dens- ity as well as in a thinning of the roof, so that the readjustments are probably isostatic. Basaltic outbreaks habitually accompany these deformations— even those of latest time—suggesting that the hidden volcanic processes be- neath are not only genetically connected with the volcanic outbreaks them- selves, but are vitally connected with the deformations that accompany or precede them. This type of deformation has been so widely distributed, in both time and space, and has been repeated so many times, that it is the most characteristic dynamic feature of Cretaceous and Cenozoic time. Deposition in the depressed areas and erosion of the more elevated areas are merely inci- dental accompaniments of the deformation. The establishment of inland basin structure, and the renewal of warping from time to time, have had profound effects upon the climate of central Asia, tending to make it more arid as the uplifts grew. The same processes have continued to the present day, and the present surface represents a consider- able epoch of erosion, which has prevented deposition of beds of Pleistocene age, except in certain minor areas. It is under such conditions that the ani- mal and plant life existed whose remains now make these sedimentary rem- nants important fossil fields. The general dynamic history of the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods is, therefore, readily pictured, but in detail it is much more complex, and the building of a complete sedimentation column for the later sediments, as well as the making of a complete story of the dynamic movements of that long period of time, must await the assembling of a still larger body of data. At least the major features of the story are well established; with them, perhaps, one must be content until the work is finished. A SEDIMENTATION SUMMARY The oldest rocks known in the Gobi region are of sedimentary origin. All these very ancient formations, however, are extensively metamorphosed and, in most places, also extensively injected with igneous material. This has so modified the original character that it is not possible to determine very accurately the precise nature of the sediments themselves; but it is clear that, from the very beginning of the geologic record, there have been strata of the nature of sandstones and shales, limestones and conglomerates, just as there have been in succeeding periods. The presence of limestones on a large scale supports the interpretation that these strata were marine; but evidence of any other sort is lacking throughout the whole of pre-Cambrian time, except 406 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA in the very latest system, that of the graywacke-slate series, which is essen- tially continental. There are thousands of feet of pre-Cambrian sediments, which can be subdivided into at least three major divisions representing suc- cessive time periods. Not a trace of organic life in the form of fossils is to be found in any of them, unless it be in the uppermost slaty layers of the gray- wacke-slate series, where we find obscure traces of forms that are believed to be of organic origin. The determination of sequence and relative age, there- fore, depends wholly on their structural relations in the field and their relative complexity of petrographic condition,—it being assumed that, on the average, the more complex petrographic types represent the more ancient systems, and the simpler petrographic types, the younger. Originally even the most complex injection gneisses must have been simple rocks, probably chiefly sediments, and we must regard all the many changes in petrographic quality as indications of as many steps in the subsequent history of the formation. Stripped of these later complexities and additions, the whole group of pre-Cambrian systems would look simple enough. But each older series of rocks has had a longer experience, with increased confusion of its original characters. They may be listed in groups, indicating their original, meta- morphic, and injected condition, as follows: FoLDED AND METAMORPHOSED PRropucts IcNEous MEtA-PrRopuctTs ORIGINAL SEDIMENTS Conglomerates, quartz sandstones Quartzites, quartzite schists, Injection gneisses, banded gneisses quartz-mica schists Arkosic and lithic sandstones Graywackes Graywacke schists Shales Slates, phyllites, mica schists Injection schists and gneisses, banded gneisses Limestones Crystalline limestones and dolo- | Silicated and _ silicified meta- mites, marbles limestones and dolomites The Paleozoic system is not largely represented in the Gobi region, and probably never was represented by any formations preceding the Missis- sippian, or, at the earliest, the Devonian. Basal conglomerates were found in the Sair Usu region, immediately below the Mississippian. The sedimentary succession is marine; the conglomerates and sandstones at the base are thin and are succeeded by a thick series of limestones and dolomites in that district, with less prominent shaly members; the chief sedimentary type is a granular, fossiliferous limestone. At Jisu Honguer, the Permian beds begin with a Se SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 407 basal conglomerate of well-rounded pebbles, followed by sandstones and shales with intercalated lenses of limestone. The limestones contain the only fossils thus far found. At the close of Palzozoic time, the sedimentation habit was changed, and marine conditions ended permanently. After a long interval of profound erosion, sedimentation was established again in mid-Mesozoic time, with a series of continental deposits. These are dominantly conglomerates and peb- bly sandstones, and sandstones of strongly bedded character. In favorable places, these beds total many thousands of feet,—perhaps twenty thousand feet, in the best sections. There are no limestones, and there are few shales. The character is that of alluvial fans, delta deposits, stream wash, and inter- montane lake deposits. No fossil content has been recovered except traces of plants and coal. It is a striking fact that the sedimentary type is so definite in central Asia, and so much alike in localities scattered a thousand miles apart. It seems to us that the formations never could have been continuous, but that they were normally discontinuous, representing isolated sedimenta- tion basins, which, because of the constancy of physical conditions over wide areas, produced similar results in each locality where sedimentation was going on. These conditions terminated with renewed deformation and a period of erosion, which reduced the region to a low rolling surface. With these mid-Mesozoic deposits, the whole sedimentation history of the formations that constitute the ancient floor of the Gobi region of central Asia was completed. All formations since that time have a simpler origin and structure. The continental habit was retained, but it took on something of its present-day features, in that sedimentation was carried on in interior basins which have become in later times desert-like, and which, indeed, may have been desert- like in many earlier epochs. All these strata lie on the eroded floor of the mid-Mesozoic and earlier formations, and constitute a succession which con- tinues from earliest Cretaceous to the present time. The sediments are chiefly gravels, sands, silts, clays, and shales, with rare limestone layers. Inland lakes were more common in the earlier epochs, so that muds which now appear as fine paper-shales, were characteristic. These do not occur in such prominence in the later epochs, where clay-sand mixtures predominate, though sands and gravels arecommon. ‘These types have been repeated in successive periods and in widely separated basins, so that there is an aggregate thickness of more than 12,000 feet; but only a small fraction of this total appears in most of the individual sediment-basins or gobis. The conditions which were initiated at the beginning of Tertiary time have continued to the present,— slow and moderate warping and sedimentation, followed by long intervals of erosion. Alternations of these two sets of conditions succeeded one another throughout Tertiary time, and the sedimentation habit still continues, almost 408 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA as it began, covering altogether an enormously long period of comparatively stable conditions. The succession of sediments, marking this later history and constituting the succession lying on the ancient erosion floor, is tabulated on page 371. DEVELOPMENT OF VOLCANISM As pointed out in the preceding section, the most ancient rocks identified are interpreted as metamorphosed sediments, but with them are associated very ancient igneous injections and intrusions, some of which must date back to times .almost as ancient as the sediments themselves—for some of the igneous materials are as complexly metamorphosed as are the sediments with which they are associated. Granites are most common, but there are diorites and rocks of still more basic type, such as pyroxenites and peridotites that have been changed to serpentines and serpentinous schists. Although very long volcanic history preceded the more spectacular intrusions of the great Mongolian bathylith, the history of volcanism in central Mongolia is, we believe, essentially a simple story, centering around the development of the bathylith. Deep-seated magmas In early Paleozoic time, or, at least, after the deposition of the Khangai graywacke series, there developed in central Mongolia a great underlying bathylithic magma, whose uppermost portions in later solidification became a granite. In hundreds of places, scattered over a total area of hundreds of thousands of square miles, this bathylith is now exposed by erosion which has cut deeply into the old roof. At many places the magmatic activity was vigorous enough to penetrate far into the overlying strata. Doubtless, also, great masses of the roof were engulfed and tended to sink into the plastic magma, to be more or less completely absorbed and transformed. At favor- able places, substances were given off from the magma, in the form of emana- tions and solutions which, penetrating the overlying formations, attacked and modified the rocks through which they passed. Large amounts of the hot solutions were trapped within the enclosing formations, thus adding to their original complexity. This process is probably responsible for the structural confusion and complexity of composition that characterize the ancient series. In still more ancient time, before the maximum development of the great bathylith, there were igneous activities of a more limited sort, which we believe were simply the forerunners of the same slowly developing volcanism. It would not be unreasonable to believe that the igneous injections noted in the earliest sediments, which were metamorphosed long before the time of the Mongolian bathylith, actually came from the same deep-seated volcanic SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 409 centers, and that they represent the first steps in an age-long volcanic history which should be regarded as a unit. In this view, the various evidences of volcanism in the Gobi are but different exhibits, reaching separate expression at successive stages in the normal development of a great subcrustal igneous mass. The volcanism of early Paleozoic time is marked by the maximum development of bathylithic granite. This has many petrographic variations, but it is prevailingly a coarse-grained biotite granite of acid composition, and usually of a massive structure. It extends, with amazing uniformity for enormous lateral distances, and the local variations are certainly no greater than one should expect as a result of differentiation within the mass itself, and of syntectic modification produced by absorption of material from the roof. It is one of the most extensive and uniform bathylithic masses known any- where on the earth. Subsequent volcanism takes an entirely different aspect; nevertheless, it may be only another expression of the same history. All the succeeding products may represent only the solidifying, differentiating, and residuary activities of the bathylithic magma beneath. The chief later expressions are three: (1) serpent-form dikes, (2) brittle porphyries, (3) basaltic and other lavas and pyroclastics. Serpent-form dikes An immensely complicated series of dikes cuts the bathylithic granite and adjacent portions of the roof. These are the so-called serpent-form dikes that have been described in Chapter V. They are of great petrographic variety, and are undoubtedly of different relative age, for they cut each other in a most confusing way. Because of this great complexity, they are most easily interpreted as special products given off during the differentiation and cooling of the underlying mass. They are a type by themselves, not to be confused with any others, and they probably developed early in the solidifying stage. The brittle porphyries A series of brittle porphyry intrusives characterizes certain areas. They are granite and syenite porphyries and, more rarely, dioritic and monzonitic porphyries of great minor variety. Most of them are large, irregular intrusive masses, either cutting Jurassic strata or occupying ground between Jurassic strata and adjacent more ancient types. Some of them seem to be connected with the deformation history of that time, whereas others must be much older. They are remarkably similar over territory as widely separated as are the individual deposits of Jurassic strata. It is most unlikely that such similarity could have come about except under the influence of some regional control. 410 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA The simplest one to suggest itself is the great bathylith. The porphyries are probably only another expression of activity marking a new stage in its history. They appear to represent deformation and outbreak in a period succeeding the maximum development of granite. Since that time, nothing similar to them has been produced on such a scale. Later field observations, however, indicate that there was an immense development of porphyries and flows preceding the maximum granite invasion. The porphyry problem re- quires additional study in the field. Basaltic and other lavas and pyroclastics In later time, only one other type of volcanism is recorded. This is represented by flows that are dominantly basalts, though rhyolites, trachytes, and even pumiceous glasses also occur. Basalt flows have spread over thou- sands of square miles. Like their immediate predecessors,—the brittle por- phyries,—they seem to be intimately connected with the deformations of the region. Although of Cretaceous and Tertiary age, they may be only another expression of the closing stages in the life history of the great bathylith. The upper portion is acid in composition, and was long ago solidified; the deeper portions ought to be more basic, and there may still be highly heated portions available at times for extrusion. Perhaps these localized remnants and their activities are largely responsible for the crustal adjustments of later time. Corresponding to the flows, there are extensive beds of ashes and tuffs, widely distributed and repeated at several horizons. They seem to have the same significance as the flows. With the basalts, the whole history of volcanism has been run, from earliest times to the present. It is a fine example of an igneous history that does not miss a single period from the bottom to the very top of the column, wherever sediments are represented. DEFORMATION HISTORY The deformation processes that have affected this region have resulted in a great variety of expressions. They have included continental epeirogenic uplift and subsidence, mountain-folding, internal metamorphic reconstruction, local fault-block displacement, and simple warping, and these major structural effects have been accompanied by the usual minor structural modifications. Epeirogenic movements Epeirogenic movements have more than once submerged the region beneath sea level so that marine sediments were deposited, and later have raised it to continental position so that erosion could take place. Each un- conformity, up to and including the Paleozoic era, must represent epeirogenic movement of a profound character. The latest of these breaks is at the end en —_ ee eS ee SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 411 of the Paleozoic; another, at the end of the Proterozoic, follows the develop- ment of the graywacke series; and a third, represented by the conglomerate in the base of the graywacke series, apparently separates the Wu T’ai from the Sinian system. A fourth is indicated between the T’ai Shan and the Wu T’ai. In later time, there is only one major break—the so-called ‘‘Great Unconformity,’’ between the folded conglomerates and sandstones of Jurassic age and the overlying, simple, Lower Cretaceous strata. Doubtless there is represented in this break important epeirogenic movement, but it is not of the same significance as the previous ones, because it does not involve de- pression beneath sea level. The great breaks are indicated in the tabulation of major elements of Mongolian geology (Fig. 130, page 301). Orogenic disturbances All the strata, of every system up to and including the mid-Mesozoic sediments of Jurassic age, have been folded. There are five such major units, with unconformities of more or less profound significance between them. It is not possible, however, with present information, to assert confidently that separate mountain-folding affected each system as it was developed; but the strikingly different structural condition of each, and the much more complex condition of each older one, suggest emphatically that an additional mountain- making experience is one of the reasons. In the older systems, folding is complicated by metamorphism and very extensive igneous intrusion. This applies particularly to the T’ai Shan system and to the Wu T’ai, in both of which the folding is intense and essentially isoclinal. The next system, the Sinian, is more openly folded. In all three of these ancient systems, judged to have preceded Cambrian time, folding is the major deformation pro- cess. The same type of deformation also affects the strata of Paleozoic age. Probably regional folding came to an end in the early epochs of the Meso- zoic era, but the Lower Jurassic strata are moderately folded and are limited by large faults. The character of the sediments (see page 292) suggests that they were laid down in separated basins between uplifted fault-blocks. After the close of the period of active deposition, there probably was a renewal of fault movements, which crowded and somewhat folded the Jurassic strata between the blocks of oldrock. Thus the mid-Mesozoic disturbance is of a mixed faulting-and-folding character. With it, folding comes wholly to an end in central Asia, and all orogenic movements of later time are simple warp- ings and faultings. Warping All the sediments from Lower Cretaceous time to the present lie on the upturned, eroded edges of older strata which represent peneplaned mountain 412 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA ranges. The strata of Cretaceous and Tertiary time are deformed also, but never in this region by simple folding. In places they are disturbed so much that they stand on edge, but this is due to sharp flexures or to drag accompany- ing faulting, and is confined to narrow zones. Much commoner are the great downwarped depressions and upwarped divides, which vary from only a few miles to more than a hundred miles across. Judging from the attitude of the strata which remain, there was more pronounced and more widely distributed deformation in Cretaceous time than in the Tertiary, for the Cretaceous beds are much the more disturbed. Large areas of Tertiary strata are very little deformed. Inspection of a series of localities, scattered over the whole central Mongolian region, discloses indisputable evidence that gentle warpings have taken place, not quite continuously, but at frequent intervals, and have been in operation virtually to the present time. The upwarpings have brought portions of the ancient floor to the surface, and sometimes to elevations much above the average level, so that a rugged topography is developed on them by dissecting streams; the downwarps forming local basins have retained downwashed sediments, thus making the gobis. The floor of a gobi is the result of both erosion and warping, and its basin character may be due chiefly to erosion, or chiefly to downwarping, or in some measure to both (Figs. 154 and 155, page 369). Where the sum of erosion and warping is downward or negative, a basin containing sediments is preserved, but where the sum of all warping and erosion is upward or positive, the ground is arched and the ancient rocks lie bare, stripped of any sediment that may once have covered them. Virtually no places thus far discovered have suffered continuous downwarp so that they contain a complete unbroken section; probably, also, none has recorded continuous upwarping. Much commoner has been a combination of upwarpings and downwarpings, which has given opportunity for deposition, followed by partial denudation. Every formation, up to and including strata of Pliocene age, is affected by these movements, and even the erosion plane that bevels the Pliocene beds, and doubtless represents a portion of Pleistocene time, is itself warped. There is reason to believe that this kind of movement still continues. Thus a great change in the method of deformation appeared in north central Asia in Cretaceous and Tertiary time. Folding characterizes the pre-Cretaceous periods from beginning to end, whereas warping with local faulting characterizes post-Jurassic time. Faulting Faults are conspicuous local features of the region, and doubtless have accompanied the deformations of every era; but those of the earlier eras, when folding predominated, are obscure and have no effect on the major : SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 413 features of the present topography. Faulting must have been important in Jurassic time; but the scarps have been planed away by subsequent erosion which reduced the region to a general base-level. The block-faultings of later geologic time, however, are much more conspicuous and important. Some of the movements of Cretaceous and Tertiary time, which are in part of block-fault type, are still preserved in the landscape, and account for the most prominent mountain ranges of the Gobi region. The Altai moun- tain ranges traversed by the Expedition, with many associated uplifts of much less relief, are all of this type. The major units of the Altai system which have been examined thus far by the Expedition are the Baga Bogdo, the Artsa Bogdo, and the Gurbun Saikhan ranges. There are many minor ones of similar habit, among them the Uskuk block and the unnamed range east of Uskuk. In general, the present-day mountains of Mongolia are of two types: the fault-block, which owes its relief to direct uplift or tilting, and the eroded arch. Although the internal structure of the fault-blocks is as complex as the oldrock floor, and includes folded rocks, the mountains themselves are not folded mountains. The other type of mountain is the result of the erosion of great upwarped arches. They have been raised to such elevation and have persisted through such enormous lengths of time that the ordinary processes of erosion have carved mountain relief on them. Folded strata are included, but the mountains are not due to folding. They are only the end-product of erosion on one of the greater upwarps, which probably has had almost continuous positive movement. This is the structure of the Khangai ranges of Sain Noin and the Gangin Daba range of the Tola River country. Metamorphic deformation The rocks of the pre-Cambrian systems were so deeply buried when the great mountain-making revolutions were taking place, that in addition to the gross deformations of folding and thrusting, a series of intimate internal changes was produced within the rocks themselves. These changes include mashings, shearings, recrystallizations, and the long list of complex alterations that are best understood as the result of dynamic metamorphism. The changes characterize particularly the two most ancient systems, the T’ai Shan and the Wu T’ai. They are much less pronounced in the later rocks, although the weaker members of all the folded series are sheared and somewhat recrystallized, so that a slaty cleavage cuts across the original bedding-planes. Grouping of deformation products From the standpoint of deformation, it is possible to recognize three great types. The oldest includes the T’ai Shan and the Wu T’ai systems, 414 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA which are folded and internally metamorphosed. The second type is charac- terized by folding, with moderate internal deformation in the oldest portions and some block-faulting in the youngest ones, but folding is their dominant deformation feature. This type of deformation characterizes the graywacke- slate series, the strata of Paleozoic age, and the mid-Mesozoic strata. The third and latest type is characterized by repeated warpings, occasionally accompanied by prominent block-faulting; either expression reaches, in ex- treme cases, a relief of mountainous proportions. This type of deformation belongs to post-Jurassic time and continues to the present, with some of its most pronounced deformation effects belonging to very recent geologic his- tory. Epochs of erosion The most prominent erosion breaks in the geologic column are those between the major systems of the pre-Cambrian, that which represents the early and mid-Paleozoic, and those which cover the early Mesozoic and the late Jurassic (See table, page 301). Each of the great breaks un- doubtedly represents an enormously long erosion interval, for during each of them, relief features of mountainous character must have been leveled down almost to the smoothness of a peneplane. This can be determined with greatest certainty in the case of the Jurassic unconformity, which, because it shows the greatest structural break in the whole series and forms the ancient floor on which all later sediments were laid down, has been referred to in the geologic column of Mongolia as the ‘‘Great Unconformity.”’ If we are right, however, in correlating the Khangai series of graywackes with the late pre-Cambrian or Sinian, there is a longer break between the Khangai strata and those of Upper Paleozoic age than can be accounted for in the Great Unconformity, for the total absence of deposits representing the Cam- brian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian periods must mark an enormous erosion interval—longer than any later ones. The significance of the break between marine Permian beds and the con- tinental sediments of Jurassic time is likely to be overlooked, because, in the limited distribution of the Palzozoic strata, little chance is given for direct study of structural relations. But the mere fact that formations as thick as the remnants preserved at Sair Usu and Jisu Honguer do not exist over im- mense areas which formerly they must have covered, is in itself an argument for a most profound erosion. Probably both the post-Permian break and the early Paleozoic hiatus represent longer intervals than the Great Uncon- formity itself. There is no way of determining how profound may be the breaks be- tween the pre-Cambrian systems. The difference in quality of the strata Basin sediments, Lower Cretaceous to Recent, unconformable upon the OLDROCK FLOOR_ Spina tape ee and surface Slows, tuffs and ashes Jurassic sertes of continental sedi- ments cut by porphyries MIDDLE MESOZOIC Paleozoic series of marine sediments, shales, [imestones,and sandstones, cut by dikes. FUL Later intrusive rucks may pos- sibly be derived from le bathylith, by re- juvenation and differentiation in ils deep- er parts A? Ps = LATE PALFOZOIC ae awa Me Great Mongolian Bathylith — a subjacent body, whose depth and dif |::; ferentiation are suggested by the right- |. :: fiand portion of the diagram EARLY PALE OZOIC Kfiangai series of graywackes and slates, jaspers, quartzites 83 S38 wet hy © ois oe as ate z4 ee The Wu Jai system, phyllites, schists, green- stones and crystalline fimestones PROTEROZOIC The Jai Shan complex- gneisses, schists and crystalline limestones, cut and satur ated and even replaced by intrusives FIGURE 161.—Generalized columnar section of the oldrock floor. 415 416 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA themselves is a partial indication of great difference in age; but this may be due in part to superposition, with a more pronounced metamorphic effect in the deeper layers. It is clear only that there are breaks, that there is a simpler structure in the higher systems than in those below, and that there must be intervals between them. Disconformities All the earlier breaks are extensive as compared with the later ones. They represent greater lengths of time, and mark periods of regional erosion between more profound deformations than took place in the later epochs. In post-Jurassic time, however, with a change in the deformation habit to gentle warpings and occasional flexures and faults, the erosion breaks became simpler, less extensive, and more numerous. We have mentioned that the Cretaceous sediments are generally more deformed by tilting, flexing, and faulting than are the overlying Tertiary beds. There is everywhere a break of large time significance at the base of the Tertiary, representing the greatest physical and faunal changes recorded in all the later sediments. There are minor breaks within the Cretaceous and within the Tertiary. The three well-recognized Cretaceous horizons—the Oshih-Ondai Sair, the Iren Dabasu, and the Djadokhta—are characterized by distinct faunas, and must be separated from one another by long intervals. In the Tertiary, the breaks are of local, not of regional significance; some have continued for long intervals, and some have been short, but no systematic relation between the intervals at different localities has yet been discovered. For example, at Iren Dabasu, slightly disturbed Cretaceous beds are followed by early Eocene, upon which rest Oligocene gravels. But only twenty miles farther south, the Oligocene beds are absent, and the early Eocene is followed by a later Eocene horizon which is lacking at Iren Dabasu (Fig. 102, page 201). The generalized diagram, figure 156, page 370, has the advantage of showing how many breaks there are and of how variable length, at each camp where formations have been named; but the diagram underestimates, rather than emphasizes, the relative length of the intervals between the deposits. In some places, the earlier Tertiary beds are more disturbed than the later ones, and the angular divergence between the two suggests a profound unconformity. But it does not have this significance; there is no regional unconformity sub- sequent to Cretaceous time. The Tertiary breaks are local, and they vary in area and in the time-interval which they record. Those portions of north central Asia which have been continuously upwarped, such as the Khangai mountain region, have a greater significance and probably mark the early stages of a future unconformity. The strata, which are being laid down now on the eroded lower flanks of the Khangai arch, preserve this uncon- SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 417 formity, and measure an erosion break that stretches from Jurassic time to the present. This break may represent something akin to the Great Uncon- formity; but the large majority of erosional breaks in the Gobi region affect the sediments only, and are essentially local disconformities, of minor sig- nificance in the history of the region. ORIGIN OF PRESENT TOPOGRAPHY In spite of the apparent monotony of the Gobi region, there is an im- mense diversity of feature, due to widely different geologic processes and structural control. The most noticeable features of the Gobi are smooth, almost level stretches of country underlaid by simple sediments, which are the true constructional plains. They are separated by more rugged divides, composed of ancient deformed and crystalline rocks. This sort of monotony is broken by mountains of magnificent proportions. All the surface elements —heights, flats, and hollows—lie on the vast warped surface of a great inland basin, with a north-south limit of more than six hundred miles and an east- west extent of more than one thousand miles (Fig. 4, page 43). Although it is true that this great basin region has been one of deposition from the beginning of Cretaceous time to the present, only the minor surface features are depositional. They include alluvial fans from the uplifted moun- tain blocks; stream deposits along valleys, where sediments are dropped as the waters disappear in the sands of the desert; and wind-blown sands, in the form of dunes and thin sheets, shifting in low, bush-grown mounds over broad stretches of open country. All are small and insignificant, and the major features are of strictly erosional origin, the destructional work of wind, water, and weather. They appear as erosion planes, dissected erosion planes, and as uplifted, dissected areas that owe their relief to forces within the earth, and their ruggedness and minor detail of feature to the destructive work of surface agents. The great basin itself is a diastrophic product, and the minor basins within it are of the same origin. The same general causes account for the Altai fault-blocks and the great arch of the Khangai, and for some of the minor relief structures such as volcanic cones and lava fields. On these primary relief elements, erosion has produced its usual variety of relief. It has made mountainous country by deep erosion of great uplifted arches; it has produced exceedingly rugged topography on upfaulted moun- tain blocks, leaving only traces of the ancient smoothness that must have marked the original uplifted floor; and it has beveled wide areas of both the sediments and the harder rocks, wherever stability has been maintained for a period sufficiently long, producing widespread planation that makes certain VOL. II—27 418 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA great stretches of Gobi country look as monotonously level as a floor. Even these have been interfered with in some places by the inner forces of the earth, so that some of the planes are warped into broad domes, while others have sagged into basins. The simplicity of the record of deposition is disturbed, also, in two other ways. The present is an epoch of dissection. Stream courses have carved channels across country, and many districts are intricately dissected into badland topography, such as marks the work of rain in any dry region of soft strata. In addition to this, the wind has gouged out hollows both in the sediments and in the crystalline rock. The hollows are erratically dis- tributed, are of varying shapes, sizes, and depths, and produce a variety of erosional topography, which is not encountered except in desert regions. The whole combination of features gives a variety to the Gobi region not at first suspected. To the average traveler, it may seem to be a hopeless waste, a discouraging and endless monotony of open country, but to the sci- entist, who looks behind the scenes, it is a geological paradise—an exhibit of processes, structures, and forms, probably unsurpassed elsewhere on the face of the earth. RELATION OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAN The Third Asiatic Expedition has often been referred to as the Expedition in quest of early man, and there is a persistent demand for some explanation of that side of its investigations. No fossil traces of primitive man were found enclosed in any of the strata of the Gobi region during the seasons of 1922 and 1923, but this fact does not necessarily prove the futility of further search. A few stone artifacts have been collected, some of which have a primitive palzolithic aspect, while the ma- jority are surely neolithic types, but they were found lying on the surface, not enclosed in sediments. For the present, therefore, they must be inter- preted as proving the existence of primitive cultures; but they do not neces- sarily prove the antiquity of man’s entry into this region, and they give no evidence concerning man’s evolution. It may or may not be that the central regions of Asia were favorable for the evolution of man in his early stages of development. But the history of migrations, in so far as they are known, and the geographic distribution of different races of people seem to favor the assumption that central Asia may at least have been an important factor in the dispersal of races. Much better results were obtained in 1925 when the cultures of the Dune Dwellers of Shabarakh Usu were recovered from the sand-filled valley in the district of Djadokhta; but a discussion of that dis- covery must be reserved for later publications. It is sufficient at this time PLATE XLIV. ih ~~! + RRR ANCIENT MONOLITH SET UP BY A PRE-MONGOL PEOPLE, SUMMARY OF GEOLOGIC HISTORY 419 to say that later work on this problem has been very productive from both a geological and archeological standpoint. There is no object at this point in speculating on the place of man’s origin. It is conceded that there is evidence elsewhere of the existence of Pliocene man, and, if the other conditions were as favorable as the climate during the Pliocene and Pleistocene, man may have existed in the Gobi region during the Pleistocene and possibly also during part of the Pliocene. Among the many suggestive thoughts offered by Joseph Barrell (1917) as guiding hypotheses for our explorations in central Asia, his idea about primitive man is especially ingenious. Man’s strong padded foot, his relatively long leg and his erect posture, are all distinct departures from an adaptation to life in the trees, and tend, instead, to fit him for running and for tramping long distances; in short, for life on open plains where trees grow in patches along the stream courses, rather than for life in a dense forest. Granting that the more distant ancestors of men lived in trees and in jungles, it seems probable that they would have remained arboreal in an environment of jungle and forest. But in a region where forests were thinning, where open, treeless plains were beginning to appear, and where the climate was changing toward cooler and more arid conditions, it seems probable that arboreal types must adapt themselves to the plains, or become extinct. Central Asia probably offered just such a combination of opportunity and penalty during Tertiary and Pleistocene times. It had a variable climate swinging from arid to semiarid conditions and therefore was exceptionally favorable to ranging animals which were tending toward the evolution of fleet limbs and long endurance. It also formed the northern borderland of the tropical forest country; and with the changing climatic cycles, the forests must have advanced into central Asia and died out more than once. The grow- ing barrier of the Himalayas and the elevation of the vast interior plateaus profoundly altered living conditions for all the creatures that tried to maintain themselves in the region. If the ancestors of man actually lived there, it seems not unlikely that they must have developed adaptations to life in the open plains and the abruptly upstanding hills, where patches of forest still lingered along the water-courses. It is fair to search the country thoroughly for proof or disproof of the working hypothesis that central Asia is the right locality, and had, during the critical periods, the right environment for the evolution of man. Pliocene beds are exposed in few places, and it is possible that they may carry important evidence, but their limited development is a distinct handicap. There must have been sediments forming somewhere in adjacent regions while the central Gobi was being eroded. The material carried out of the region, both by streams and by wind, must have lodged somewhere under more favor- ‘420 GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA able conditions, and these deposits of adjacent territory should be much more promising, not only for possible remains of man, but also for the remains of all other forms of late Pliocene and Pleistocene life. It is the hope of the Expedition that in the work of its additional years, for which traverses are projected into adjacent districts, some of these more favorable conditions and the deposits of later time may be discovered. ‘ _ BIBLIOGRAPHY ein acslllaa ae ila Pere yp eee | oy ey ars - (@ = : , ] 7 (* YHTASVOLICIS 1hb BIBLIOGRAPHY Throughout the text, references to works listed in the bibliography are cited by author’s name and the year of publication, thus: Barbour, 1924. If the author pub- lished several works in the same year, these are indicated by letters, “a, b, c, etc., thus: Osborn, 1924c¢. 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INDEX Text illustrations are classified in the Index as figures, maps and sections, by figure number: thus figure 5, on page 47, is entered as 47. Aceratherium, 17, 200 Achenodont, 361 ®olian cross-bedding, see Cross-bedding Agates, 74, 151, 208, 254, 272, 334 Agriculture, Chinese, 184, 187, 396 Plate VIII B possibilities of, 59, 187 see also Grasslands, Irrigation Ah Sah, acknowledgment to, x Aioshi, acknowledgment to, x Ala Shan desert, boundary of, 32 Ala Shan Mountains, boundary of Ordos, 32 faulted margin of, 35 Alaska, past climates of, 374 Alaskite, 93, 99 Alexander, Edward J., acknowledgment to, viii Algonkian deposits in Kentai Ola, 25, 298 Alluvial fans, _ ancient, 110, 230, 236, 262, 31I-313, 315, 407 climatic significance of, 311-313, 389-391, 395 figure, 224 maps showing, 117, Plates XXVII, XXX Plate XL B recent, 115, 246, 262, 312, 313, 315, 329, 330 slopes of, 311, 312 terraces of, 390 see also Later sediments Altai ranges, as boundary of “ Valley of the Lakes,’’ 308 displacement in, 20 fault blocks in, 9, 256, 306, 310, 413, 417 first impressions of, 138 maps showing, 43, 194, Plate IV structure of, 34-35, 138, 158, 223, 226, 242-243, 252, 253, 260, 265, 308, 309-317, 320-321 trend of, 320-321 see also Altaids, Artsa Bogdo, Baga Bogdo, Gurbun Saikhan, Ikhe Bogdo Altaids, as defined by Suess, 27 Amblypoda (Amblypods), 208, 209, 361, 363 American Museum of Natural History, acknowledg- ment to, vii see also Specimens Amphibolite, 136 Ambphicticeps shackelfordi, 234 Amur River, 21, 25, 306, 327 maps showing, 43, Plate IV region of, 25-26 Amygdules, 74, 127, 253, 272, 334 Amynodon, 362 Amynodontide, 362 Andersson, Dr. J. G., cited on Cenozoic of China, 367 cited on Eneolithic culture, 13 cited on Oligocene, 31, 358 cited on Pleistocene, 317, 368, 385 cited on Pliocene, 317, 367, 370, 382 quoted on physiographic history of China, 347-348 Andesite, 96, 155, 157, 218, 228 conventional symbols for, Plate VII section, 172 Andrews, Roy Chapman, leader, v, viii, 8, 84, 88, 157, 197 Plate XXI B Andrewsarchus mongoliensis, 208, 360 Angara Series, in Khangai Mountains, 23 in Tannu Ola, 22 see also Jurassic period Angara continental element, 32 Anthracotheriide, 208, 364 Anticlinal structures observed, 88, 93, 105, 109, 154, 156, 164, 170 see also Domes Aphanite, see Dolerite Archean era, see Archzozoic formations Archeomeryr, 361 optatus, 362 Archzozoic era, see Archzeozoic formations Archzozoic formations, 24, 25, 26, 296, 302, 398 maps showing, 290, 404 sections, 8, 299, 415 table showing, 301 see also Gneisses, T’ai Shan system Arctic Divide, altitude of, 307 animals and plants of, 130 figure, 82, 344 449 They are referred to by page number, not 450 Arctic Divide—Continued in Gangin Daba Mountains, 82 glaciation of, 384 in Khangai Mountains, 125, 127, 128, 384 map showing, 43 Plates XIV, XL A rainfall of, 326, 396 rivers from, 328 section, 81, 328 in Tannu Ola, 22 Ardyn Obo formation (Oligocene), age and correla- tion of, 177, 367-369 climate indicated by, 380 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 174-177, 363, 369 figures, 176, 324 fossils of, 363-364 maps showing, 43, 176, 404 Plate XXI problem of, 279 sections, 175, 177 upland gravels, 334 see also Camp Ardyn Obo Ardynia precox, 360, 363 Ardynictis furunculus, 363 Ardynomys chihi, 363 olseni, 363 Argilintai Mountains, boundary of Ordos, 32 Argillite, 61, 84, 90, 94, I19, 122, 125, 132, 314, 315, 364, 375 conventional symbol for, Plate VI see also Khangai Graywacke Series Arguin Gol (river), 348 maps showing, 137, 140, 194 Argun River, course of, 25 drainage of eastern Gobi, 21, 306 maps showing, 43, Plate IV volcanic rocks near, 28 Aridity, see Climate Arishan, area, extent of, 216 description of, 213 geological formations of, 216-220 hot springs of, 124, 126, 127, 213-215, 219, 220— 222 maps showing, 123, 133, 194, Plate XXVI Plates XVII, XXIV, XXV Sacred Mountain of, 124, 127, 132, 213, 215-217 sections, 134 Armor, see Bowlders, Desert armor Arshanto formation (Eocene), climate indicated by, 379 conventional symbol for, Plate VI correlation of, 211 description of, 205, 206-207, 359 fauna of, 207, 359 maps showing, 198, 404. Artifacts, see Cultures INDEX Artiodactyla (Artiodactyls), 206, 208, 234, 235, 360, 361, 362, 364, 380 Artsa Bogdo range, description and history of, 313- 314 figure, 266 geologic structure, 253-255, 260, 262-268, 310, 413 journey across, 248-253 maps showing, 194, 304, 404 northern margin of, 151, 174, 261, 330 Plates XXXIV A, XXXIX B tock formations of, 262-264 sections, 150, 253, 261, 263, 264 topographic features of, 267 Ashile, see Oshih Asia Magazine, acknowledgment to, 8 Asia, structure lines of (map), 321 Asiatosaurus, 271, 354 Atacama Desert, comparison of, with Gobi Desert, 396 Aves, 235, 361 Badger, fossil, 382 Badlands, 268-270, 277, 278, 280, 353 figures, 200, 269, 270, 324, 339, 356 maps showing, 194, Plates XXIII, XXVIII, XXIX origin of, 338-340 Plates I, XXI A, XXII B, XXXII A, XXXIII A, XXXV, XXXVI see also Basins, Hollows, Later sediments Baénomys ambiguus, 359 Baga Bogdo, 308 alluvial fans of, 390-393 boundary of Tsagan Nor basin, 224 compared with Artsa Bogdo, 260 description and history of, 138, 311-313 drainage of, 147, 311 figures, 224, 269 former sedimentary cover of, 238 geologic structure of, 223, 228, 239, 243, 244, 310, 413 maps showing, 194, 304, 404, Plate XXX meaning of the name, 139 peneplane of, 242 Plates XVIII A, XL B sections, 229 Bahadur, Abul Ghazi, cited on Tatar history, 15 Baiera furcata, 233 Baikal faults, 27, 320 Baikal, Lake, drainage connections of, 90 maps showing, 43, Plate IV regional structure of, 26, 27 Baikal trend, 319, 320 Baikal-Yablonovi mountain group, 309 Baluchitherium, 205, 364, 369, 381 grangert, 234 mongoliense, 235 XXVII, INDEX Banjien, acknowledgment to, x Barbour, George B., acknowledgment to, viii cited on Kalgan and vicinity, 31, 276 Barchans at Baga Bogdo, 351, see also Dunes Barchin Series (Archean) in Kentai Ola, 25 Barley, cultivation of, 184 Baron Khara, inlier at Oshih, 269 Baron Saikhan, part of Gurbun Saikhan, 158, 314 tock formations of, 257 Baron Shiliuta, 333 figures, 239, 240 maps showing, 140, Plate XXVII Barrell, Joseph, quoted on evolution of man, 419 Basalts, amygdules of, 74, 127, 253, 272, 334 bathylithic relations of, 405, 410 conventional symbols for, Plate VII field observations of, 28, 48, 50, 60, 61, 66, 74, 78, 80, 96, 126, 148, 149, I51, 156, 158, 161, 189, 219-221, 235, 237, 238, 239, 241, 245, 253, 261, 262, 264, 266, 268, 272, 280, 281, 313, 355, 358, 365, 393 figures, 240, 242, 269 maps showing, Plates XXIII, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX Plates VIII A, XVIII B, XXXI B, XXXV B sections, 123, 129, 155, I7I see also Lavas, Volcanic, Volcanoes Basins, Ardyn Obo, 174-177, 279 south of Artsa Bogdo, 152, 248, 250, 254, 257, 266 Djadokhta, 156, 278, 358 ~ figures, 165, 199, 209, 266, 269, 310, 370 Guchu Burt, 141 Tren Dabasu, 196-199, 355 Jurassic, 407, 411 Los in Sumu, 283 major and minor, 9, 33, 303, 305, 306, 378 maps showing, 43, 137, 140, 176, 194, 198, 304, 321, 404 Ongin Gol, 161, 280 origin and structure of, 319, 321-322, 367-370, 403- 405, 412 Oshih, 268, 272, 278, 354 P’ang Kiang, 276 rock floor of, 341 sections, 8, 10, 42, 47, 51, 53, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73) 77, 79, 95, 104, 134, 140, 145, 150, 155, 159, 160, 163, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 180, 185, 186, 188, 189, 201, 229, 253, 289, 316, 346, 367, 369,415 sedimentary, 52, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 76, 96, 135, 151, 164, 166, 169, 173, 174, 178, 275-280, 308, 313, 382 Shara Murun, 279 Tsagan Nor, 138, 142, 144, 223, 224, 238, 243-246, 277, 311, 392 near Tsetsenwan, 24 Ulan Nor, 280 Wan Ch’uan, 275, 355 see also Gobi, Gobi Basin, Later sediments, Tala 451 Bathylith, 52, 94, 98, 104, 156, 164, 166, 178, 181, 216, 217, 218, 223, 228, 260, 282, 284, 292, 298, 409, 410 problem of, 99-100, 284 see also Granites, Magma, Mongolian bathylith, Roof-pendants, Xenoliths Bato, acknowledgment to, x Batrachia, 234 Beaches, ancient, at Tsagan Nor, 247, 350 as evidence of climatic change, 386, 392 Beale, Miss C. M., acknowledgment to, vii Beaver, fossil, 382 Berkey, C. P., and Granger, W., cited on later sedi- ments, 209, 402 Berkey, C. P., and Morris, F. K., cited on later sedi- ments, 35, 366 cited on Mongolian bathylith, 93, 297 cited on oldrock floor, 288 see also Granger, Walter Bilgoho, 181 Bird, fossil, 235 see also Aves Bivalve, see Pelecypods Black, Davidson, cited on human bones, 1 3 Black Butte, see Dzun Hsir Backwelder, Eliot, cited on past climates, 374 see also Willis, Bailey Block faults, see Mountains Block-faulting, see Faults Block mountains, see Mountains Bogdanovich, K. I., cited on Central Asia, 17 routes of, Plate II Bogdo Ola, in eastern Mongolia, 29 map showing, Plate IV Bogdo Ola, in Tien Shan, topography and structure of, 34 map showing, Plate IV Bolkuk Gol (river), course of, 85 section along, 81 valley of, 82-86 see also Camp Bolkuk Gol Boltai Urtu, 199, 209 figure, 199 map showing, 43, 198 section, 185 Bones, see Fossils Bornhardt, W., cited on desert erosion, 325 Boro Sunit Temple, 196 Bos, 347 Bosses, observed, 94, 264 Bowlders, 70, 329 Plate X B residuary, 66, 71, 122 Brachiopods, 255, 374 Breccias, fault, 97 igneous, 74, 78, 96, 108 Bridger formation, compared with Irdin Manha, 360 \ 452 INDEX Brontops gobiensis, 363 Camp Jurassic, compared with Tsetsenwan, 109 Brooks, C. E. P., cited on Pleistocene climate, 382, figure, 281 383 future studies recommended, 280 Bryan, Kirk, cited on desert erosion, 325 maps showing, 43, 275 Bryozoans, fossil, 374 Plate XI A Buddha, 139, 162, 174, 194, 196, 215, 310] sections, 65, 281 Buksui Gol (river), 23 vicinity of, 67-70 Bunealurus parvulus, 234 see also Jurassic period ulysses, 234 Camp Loh, 142, 225, 230, 234 Buriat official at Ude, 64 maps showing, Plates XXVIII, XXIX Butler, F. B., acknowledgment to, ix see also Loh formation Buttes, at Irdin Manha, 200 Camp North Dakota, 184 east of Uskuk, 329 section, 188 - volcanic, 66 Camp Ondai Sair, 142 see also Baron Shiliuta, Volcanoes maps showing, 140, Plate XXVII ; section, 140 Cadurcotherium, 206, 364 see also Ondai Sair formation ardynense, 263 Camp Ongin Gol, 115, 122 Cenolophus minimus, 362 map showing, 121 obliquus, 362 section, 121 proficiens, 361 see also Ongin Gol progressus, 362 Camp Oshih, 268 promissus, 362 Cenopus, 206, 364 Calcite cement, 356 Calcium carbonate, see Limestone Cambrian formations, 27, 32 Cambrian period, an erosion interval, 414 Camels, 141, 249, 250 Camelus, 235 see also Oshih hollow Camp P’ang Kiang, 52 Camp Paradise Park, 252 Camp Porphyry Hills, 165 section, 167 Camp Rainy Gulch, map showing, 123 Plate XIII B Camp Ardyn Obo, 176 section, 123 maps showing, 43, 275, 290, 404 vicinity of, 124-127 Camp Bolkuk Gol, vicinity of, 83, 88 Camp Snow Storm, 64 sections, 81, 89, 92 section, 65 Camp Canyon Brook, map showing, 117 Camp Tola River, 91 Plate XIII A section, 95 section, 113 see also Tola River vicinity of, 113-115 Camp Tsagan Nor, 142, 143 Camp Desert Well, section, 172 see also Tsagan Nor Plate XXXIV Camp Tsetsenwan, 97 Camp Five Antelope, section, 95 section, IOI vicinity of, 91-94, 96 see also Tsetsenwan Camp Forest, 128-129 Camp Volcanic Cliffs, map showing, 129 section, 145 section, 129 Canide, 363 Camp Gorida, 136 Canyon Brook, see Camp Canyon Brook map showing, 137 Caravan, 7, 75, 97, 136, 148, 166, 196, 248 section, 134 Carbon, paucity of, in later sediments, 379, 381 Camp Granite Hills in Chakhar Hills, 52 Carboniferous formations, deformation of, 22, 30, 33, Plate IX B 34, 170 Camp Granite Monument, 183 reported in Mongolia, 298 section, 186 reported from surrounding regions, 17, 22, 30, 33, 34 Camp Gun Usu, section, 155 section, I7I Camp Gurbun Saikhan, 250 table showing, 301 see also Gurbun Saikhan see also Dinantian formations, Paleozoic era, Camp Irdin Manha, 208 Permian period, Sair Usu formation see also Irdin Manha formation Carnivora (Carnivores), fossil, 177, 205, 208, 234, Camp Jichirun, section, 155 360-361, 362, 363, 364, 380 INDEX Carts, 189 Castor, 235 Cattle, 87, 258, 395 Cenozoic era, climate during, 378 orogenic movements during, 35, 405 Cenozoic formations, 358-368 structure lines of, 322 see also Tertiary period Ceratopsian dinosaurs, 357 Cervid, 235 Cervus, 347 Chakhar Hills, eastern extension of, 306 figure, 342 general description of, 52 physiographic character of, 317 Plate IX sections, 51, 53 see also Camp Granite Hills, Mongolian peneplane Chalcedony, 74, 151, 176, 204, 205, 208, 248, 254, 272, 334, 356, 364 Chalicotheriide, 361, 362, 363 Chang Kwei Mo, acknowledgment to, x Chelonia, 204, 206, 359, 361, 362, 364 Chernov, A., cited on Gashuin tala, 307 routes of, Plate II Chi Shou Lun, acknowledgment to, x Chihli, 16 China, Cretaceous climate of, 376 early cultures of, 13 fish-bearing shales of, 354 great plain of, 8 Jurassic deposits of, 292, 294, 376 loess of, 385 paucity of Miocene strata in, 346, 367 physiographic stages of, 347-348 pre-Cambrian rocks of, 291, 300, 302, 398, 399 see also Hu t'’o, Nan K’ou, Sinian, T’ai Shan, Wu T’ai Chinese, retreat of, through Tuerin, 75 settlements of, in Mongolia, 59, 183, 184, 187, 189, 396, Plate VIII B telegraph station at Iren Dabasu, 196 see also Cultures Chironomopsis gobiensis, 233 Cirques, figures, 83, 86, 344, 384 in Ikhe Bogdo, 311, 384 in Khangai Mountains, 130-131,-384 problematic, at Artsa Bogdo, 267 problematic, in Gangin Daba, 83 see also Glaciation Clays, 23, 31, 63, 146, I5I, 157, 158, 177, 182, 200, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 230, 235, 236, 238, 271, 279, 306, 311, 315, 319, 323, 340, 347, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363, 365, 366 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 382, 407 Clay-galls in Irdin Manha formation, 207 Clements, J. Morgan, cited on graywackes, 24-25, 298 453 Climate, affecting Man’s evolution, 419 evidence of change of, 48, 118, 128-130, 148, 152, 162, 202, 247, 307, 311, 313, 331, 373-395 fluctuations of, in China, 347 fluctuations of, postulated by other explorers, 20 indicated by formational units, 373-382 present, in Mongolia, 395 Coal, 17, 89, 219, 228, 293, 376, 407 Cockerell, T. D. A., cited on Cretaceous fossils, 353 Coleoptera, 233 Colgate, S. Bayard, 153 acknowledgment to, x Colodon inceptus, 363 Colony, Roy J., acknowledgment to, vii Columbia University, acknowledgment to, vii Comanchean period, 369, see also Cretaceous, Lower Concretions, 157, 205, 207, 270, 272, 334, 356, 377 Plates XXI B, XXXVI B Condylarthra, 359 Cone-in-cone structure, at Oshih, 271 Conglomerates, 22, 23, 24, 31, 49, 61, 63, 66, 104, 105, 106, 124, 127, 149, 152, 164, 165, 166, 170, 173, 174, 178, 216, 218, 219, 220, 224, 227, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238, 256, 259, 261, 262, 263, 265, 271, 282, 283, 291, 292, 293, 294, 298, 299, 313, 314, 315, 331, 334, 335, 353, 354, 355, 365, 374, 375, 376, 380, 398, 401, 402, 405, 406, 407 411 conventional symbol for, Plate VI indicating unconformities, 119, 302 interbedded, interpretation of, 119 Corals, fossil, 255, 374 Cottonwood trees, 389 Creodonta (Creodonts), 359 Cretaceous formations, 40, 41, 152, 154, 156-158, 203-204, 210-212, 224-225, 230-232, 255, 257, 268-273, 277-279, 309, 314-315, 352-358, 366, 368-369, 376-377, 416 deformation of, 35, 41, 212, 244, 269-270, 310, 405, 410, 411, 412, 413 distribution of, 306, 307, 308, 309, 315, 358, 407 figures, 199, 269, 270, 356 gaps in sedimentary record of, 366, 416-417 marine, 17 maps showing, Plates XXIII, XXVII, XXVIII Plates I, X A, XVIII B, XIX, XX B, XXXI A, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII problematic, 32, 49, 63, 68, 70, 71, 108, 151, 154, 161, 166, 169, 174, 178, 207, 255, 257, 261, 263- 266, 281, 313 sections, 47, 56, 58, 65, 69, 140, 150, 155, 159, 172, 201, 203, 229, 316 table showing, 371 see also Djadokhta, Dubshih, Iren Dabasu, Ochung- chelo, Ondai Sair, and Oshih formations; also Later sediments, Unconformity, Volcanism Cretaceous period, climate during, 376-378 fossils of, 204, 233, 353, 354, 357 454 Cretaceous period—Continued summaries of, 352-358, 366-372 uplift during, 240 Cretaceous period, Lower (Comanchean), beginning of basin hab:t during, 10, 32, 40, 402 Cricetops dormitor, 234 Crinoids, fossil, 255 Crocodilia, (Crocodilian), 357, 377 Cross-bedding, zolian, in Djadokhta formation, 356, 377 figures, 54, 356 Plates XXI B, XXXVI B torrential, 54, 177, 203, 204, 207, 231, 334-335, 36C» 363, 379 Cross-sections, geologic, preparation of, 6, 43, 143 Crush-zones, 97, I13, 135 see also Faults Crustacea, 233 Crystalline rocks, 60, 64, 72, 154, 246 at Arishan, 216 at Artsa Bogdo, 260, 262-265 complex, 281-282, 299 at Gurbun Saikhan, 257-258 at Mt. Uskuk, 223, 226-228 pebbles of, 125, 255 see also Oldrock floor, Pre-Cambrian Cuesta, 146, 219, 281 “false,’’ 391 figure, 281 see also Scarps Culm formation, in Tannu Ola, 22 Cultures, primitive, 88, 248, 418 early Chinese, 13 Eneolithic, 13 figures, 115, 394 Mousterian, 13 Neolithic, 13, 418 Paleolithic, 13, 18, 248, 284, 418 Plates XLIII A, XLIV pre-Mongol, 13-14, 114, 115, 152, 386, 393, 394 Cyclomylus lohensis, 234 Cymatophlebia mongolica, 233 Cynodictis, 363 elegans, 234 Cynodon teilhardi, 234 Cyprinide, 233 Czekanowskia, 233 Dalai Nor (Lake Kulun), 25, 327 map showing, Plate IV volcanic rocks at, 28 Dalai tala, axis of, 321 description of, 306-307 map showing, 43 Pliocene formations in, 370 volcanic cones in, 318 Dam, ancient, near Tsetsenwan, 395 Davis, William M., cited on desert erosion, 325 INDEX cited on drainage, 327 cited on explorations in Turkestan, 19 cited on graded rivers, 331 cited on peneplanes, 323, 347 routes of, Plate III Da Ying Gol (river), 366 Da Ying Gol beds, at Hung Kureh, 366 Deer at Arctic Divide, 130 fossil, 381, 382 rock drawings of, 152, 393, 394 Deflation, see Erosion Deforestation, 387-388 Deformation, of Gobi erosion plane, 230, 332, 333 of Jurassic strata, 293, 294 of Khangai graywacke series, 298 of later sediments, 411-412, 414, 418 local notes on, 113, 114, 154, 216, 224, 226, 239, 244, 245, 259, 261, 262, 263 pre-Cambrian, 398 processes of, 212, 284, 289, 405, 411-412, 413 products of, 413-414 summaries of, 410, 413 of talas, 321-322 see also Faults, Folding, Warping Deinodont dinosaurs, 204, 355 Denudation, 386 Deperetella cristata, 362 Deposits, on Gobi upland, 230, 333 marine pre-Cambrian, 405 tables showing, 301, 371 wind-blown, 335 see also Alluvial fans, Sediments Deposition, amount of, compared with erosion, 386 present, at Ulan Nor, 280 shifting locus of, 10, 20, 368-372 see also Sedimentation Desert, types of, 303 see also Erosion Desert armor, 326, 334 see also Bowlders, Gravels Desert of Gobi, see Gobi Desert Desert hollows, see Hollows Desmatolagus, 362 gobiensis, 234 robustus, 234, 363 Desmatotherium fissum, 361 mongoliense, 208, 361 Devonian formations, 406 problematical, at Gurbun Saikhan, 255 reported by other geologists, 17, 22, 401 Devonian period, an erosion interval, 414 Diabase, 202 Didymoconus berkeyt, 234 colgatet, 234 Dikes, 48, 61, 71, 72, 82, 84, 91, 93, 96, 97, 105, I13, II4, 116, 122, 124, 128, 132, 135, 139, 156, 164, 173, 178, 181, 183, 202, 216, 218, 264, 281, 291, 296, 298, 319 INDEX Dikes—Continued figure, 102 maps showing, 121, Plates XXIII, XXVI Mesozoic, 291 sections, 47, 51, 53, 62, 65, 69, 73, 77, 79, 92, 95; IOI, 102, 107, 113, I17, I2I, 134, 140, 155, 159, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 179, 186, 188, 253, 289, 291, 293, 295, 297, 415 “serpent form,’’ 98-102, I10, 112, 218, 409 see also Bathylith, Porphyry Dinantian formations, at Gurbun Saikhan, 255 at Sair Usu, 173, 282, 400, 406 Dinosaur eggs, at Djadokhta, 157, 278, 279, 377 at Iren Dabasu, 204, 355 Plate XX B Dinosauria (Dinosaurs), 31, 41, 59, 63, 157, 197, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 271, 278, 354, 355, 357) 376, 377 see also Reptilia Diorite, 16, 22, 50, 141, 178, 300, 313, 314, 408, 409 conventional symbol for, Plate VII Disconformities, in later sediments, 211, 346, 359, 417 Plates XXIII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX sections, 201, 203, 316 summary of, 416 see also Unconformities Diske formation (Pleistocene), 368 Dissection, checked by vegetation, 339 double, at Wan Ch’uan, 386 epoch of, 418 of Mongolian peneplane, 342, 344 Djadochtatherium matthew, 357 Djadokhta, artifacts at, 418 maps showing, 43, 404 overlying gravels at, 335 plain at, 254 Djadokhta formation (Cretaceous), 41, 156, 157- 158, 232, 257, 309, 315, 353, 358, 366, 368, 369, 416 climate indicated by, 377 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 356-357 dinosaur eggs in, 204 fauna of, 357 figure, 356 future studies of, recommended, 278-279 Plates I, XIX, XX B sections, 155, 159, 316 Djargos range, 34 Dolerite, 93, 114, 120 Dolichorhinus kaiseni, 362 olseni, 361 Dolomite, 178, 262, 263, 264, 401, 406 conventional symbol for, Plate VII Dolon Nor (lake), 28, 29 map showing, Plate IV Domes, 418 at Camp Jurassic, 68, 70, 281 455 of Kentai Ola, 25 at Shiliuta east of Uskuk, 333 “Dragon bones,"’ 103, 365 Drainage, dendritic, 24, 309, 313 inland or centripetal, 21, 49, 307, 327, 403 local readjustments of, 240-241, 243, 244 superimposed, 85, 267 trellis, 25 Drawings on rocks, 114, 115, 152, 386, 393, 394 figures, 115, 394 Dubois, Eugen, cited on Pithecanthropus, 12 Dubshih formation (Lower Cretaceous), 156, 309 section, 155 Dunde Khara, 269 Dunde Saikhan range, 158, 314, 315 Dunes, 58, 63, 350, 417 at Tsagan Nor, 147, 230, 351 on Gobi erosion plane, 332, 335 map showing, Plate XXX Plate XVIII A Dune Dwellers of Shabarakh Usu, 418 Dune plum, maker of sand hummocks, 351 Dzun Usir, Tertiary sediments at, 235, 236 Dzun Saikhan range, 158, 314 Dzungaria, an extension of Gobi Basin, 33-34, 36 mapped by Renat, 15 maps showing, 43, Plate IV Eder Gol (river), 23 map showing, Plate IV Edsin Gol (river), 33, 307 map showing, Plate IV Egin Gol (river), 23 Elephant, fossil, 385 Elephas, 347 Elms, 387 Emydid, 359, 364 Encyclopedia Britannica, quoted, 13 Eneolithic, see Cultures Entelodon dirus, 206, 364 Eocene formations, 182, 205, 206, 210, 211, 234, 318, 332, 335, 358-362, 366, 369, 416 gaps in sedimentary record of, 367 see also Arshanto, Irdin Manha, Shara Murun, Tukhum Eocene period, climate during, 378-380 Epeirogenic movements, summary of, 410 Ephemeropsis melanurus, 233 trisetalis, 233 Epiaceratherium, 234 Epidote, 204, 334 Equisetacez, 233 Eras, tables showing, 301, 371 Erin Nor, terminal lake, 348 map showing, 194 Erlien, telegraph station, 55, 196 Erosion, epochs of, 10, 48, 98, 212, 241, 265, 346, 347, 368, 398, 399, 401, 403, 405, 407, 414 456 Erosion—Continued evidence of, 67, 177, 178, 219, 235, 288, 294, 295, 305, 312 history of, at Mt. Uskuk, 243-244 by ice, 374 Plate XIX stages of, 90, 201, 347 by water, 46, 115, 126, 135, 138, 177, 205, 247, 269» 280, 305, 312, 324, 325, 326, 328-330, 331, 335; 336, 338-340, 341, 347, 374, 383, 386, 387, 389, 390, 391, 400, 412, 418 by wind (deflation), 118, 141, 146, 148, 202, 246, 247, 305, 324, 325, 326, 335, 336-338, 347, 350 374, 386, 391, 418 see also Glaciation, Monadnocks, Peneplanes Erosion planes, beveling later sediments, 161, 211, 216, 230, 236, 323-324, 328, 332-336, 345-348, 353, 359, 412, 417 beveling oldrock floor, 60, 71, 75, 96, 139, I41, I5I, 173, 211, 229, 259, 261, 262, 296, 313, 323, 330, 341, 342-348, 401, 417 Plates X B, XII A, XXII A, XXXVIIIA Erosion remnants, 75, 96, 120, 122, 217, 224, 241, 289, 331 Ertemte formation (Pliocene), 370, 382 conventional symbol for, Plate VI section, 51 Eruptives, see Volcanic rocks Escarpment, see Scarps Estheria middendorffi, 233 Eudinoceras mongoliensis, 208, 209, 361 Eumeryx culminis, 234 Eumys asiaticus, 234 Eurymylus laticeps, 359 Exploration, ancient, 12-14 modern, 14-20 Extrusives, see Volcanic rocks Fairbanks, Helen R., acknowledgment to, viii Faults, 30, 34, 46, 68, 71, 75) 96, 97, 104, 108-109, 114, 124, 125, 126-127, 135, 149, 154, 181-182, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 236, 239, 240-241, 244-245, 257, 259, 262, 265, 266, 269, 270, 277, 282, 288, 292, 293, 294, 298, 307, 333, 353, 355) 403 age of, 270, 289, 295, 366, 378, 403, 411, 412-413 Baikal system of, 27, 320 figures, 98, 239, 242, 269, 270, 310 Khingan system of, 27, 320 maps showing, 133, 320, 321 Plates XI A, XXXI B, XXXV sections, 8, 47, 53, 57, 62, 65, 69, 73, 79, 107, 123, 129, 134, 140, 150, 163, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 180, 199, 229, 253, 257, 261, 295, 316 topographic expression of, 412-413 trends of, 27, 30, 319, 320, 321, 322 see also Basins, Mountains INDEX Fauna, of Arctic Divide, 130 see also Fossils Feldspar, 204, 341, 356, 374, 375, 377 Felsites, 45, 122, 148, 149 Fen Ho (physiographic stage), 347-348 Fishes, fossil, 353, 354, 360, 377, 379, 382 see also Pisces “Flaming Cliffs,’ see Djadokhta, Hsanda Gol. Uskuk Flatlands, 323 Flax, cultivation of, 184 Flint, 334 Flocks, 83, 88, 124, 125, 244, 249, 250, 252, 253, 258 Flora, of Arctic divide, 130 see also Vegetation Folding, 34-35, 84, 88, 90, 104, 105-106, 108, 109, 113, I14, 124, 125, 132, 149, 164, 170, 181, 182, 217, 224, 226, 227, 258, 260, 263, 269, 282, 288, 291, 322, 366 periods of, 245, 265, 311, 344, 398, 399, 400, 401, 403, 411, 414 Forests, of Arctic Divide, 128-130, 396 Plates XIV A, XLA see also Climate Formations, tables of, 301, 371 Forster, Mary V., acknowledgment to, vii Fossils (Fossil faunas and floras), 6, 7, 11, 40, 56, 144, 154, 225, 248, 306, 308, 317 collected by other explorers, 12, 17, 200, 209, 401 first discovery of, by the Expedition, 17, 59, 196- 197 marine organisms, 170, 173, 181-182, 255, 282-283, 295, 401 non-marine invertebrates, 233, 266, 376 plants, 63, 103, 169, 174, 233, 266, 376, 402 vertebrates, 52, 59, 70, 158, 177, 182, 196-197, 200, 203-205, 205-206, 208, 209-210, 211, 232- 233, 234-235, 253, 254-255, 270-271, 272, 275- 276, 278-279, 309, 314, 353-354, 355, 357, 358- 359, 360-361, 362, 363-364, 365, 371, 376-378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 385 Fox, rock drawing of, 152, 394 Friederichsen, Max, cited on the Tien Shan, 34 Frost, action of, 218, 305, 341, 374, 395 Gabbro, 22, 178 conventional symbol for, Plate VII Gangin Daba Mountains, 21, 25, 84, 89, 282, 373 glacial evidence in, 85-86, 383 structure of, 413 topography of, 82 Gashato, maps showing, 194, 404 Gashato formation (Paleocene), 158, 309, 315, 367, 369 climate indicated by, 379 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 358 fossil fauna of, 358-359 problem of, 279 section, 316 INDEX Gashuin Nor (lake), 307 map showing, Plate IV Gashuin tala, 306, 307 map showing, 43 Gastropods, 255, 366, 381 Gazella, 235 Gedroits, Prince, cited on Great Khingan range, 28 Geologic column, tables of, 301, 370, 372, 415 Geologic data, method of recording, 39-44 Geologic history, continental, initiation of, 402 of granite bathylith, 400 map showing, 404 marine Paleozoic, 400 methods of recording, 41-44 of pre-Cambrian eras, 398 relation of, to Man’s development, 418 topical outline of, 397 Geological Survey of China, acknowledgment to, vii Ghazi, Abul (Abu al), see Bahadur Gilbert, G. K., cited on desert erosion, 325 Giraffide, 382 Glaciation, in Artsa Bogdo, 267, 268 in the Gangin Daba, 83, 85-86, 383-384 in Ikhe Bogdo, 311 in Khangai range, 130-131 map of, 383 summary of, 382-385 see also Cirques Glires, 234, 359 Gneisses, 22, 71, 72, 80, 107, 108-109, III, 116, 119, 135-136, 138, 139, 141, 154, 156, 174, 177, 178, 184, 226, 227, 262, 282, 290, 291, 296, 300, 319, 320, 321, 322, 363, 373, 375, 398, 406 conventional symbols for, Plate VII sections, 8, 47, 73, 79, I12, 117, 134, 140, 220, 257, 299, 415 table showing, 301 Goats, 313 Gobi, 307, 308, 362, 364, 366, 368, 370, 407 definition of, 306 meaning of, 58, 70 origin of, 412 sections, 47, 51, 53, 54, 62, 65, 69, 73, 77) 79, 95, 107, 134, 140, 145, 150, 155, 159, 160, 163, 168, 171, 172, 175, 177, 179, 180, 185, 186, 188, 189, 201, 203, 229, 253, 257, 261, 277, 281, 289, 295, 299, 310, 316, 367 trends of, 319, 322 Gobi Basin, 5, 196, 309, 352, 368 age of, 27 boundaries of, 21-36 description of, 9-10 entrance to, 49 general form of, 303 major subdivisions of, 306 maps showing, 43, 304 sections, 10, 367 structure lines in, 36 457 Gobt Desert, 9, 21, 190, 396 floor of, 59 general extent of, 303 Gobi erosion plane, 54, 56-58, 161, 177, 259, 268, 280, 307, 348, 386 age of, 346-347 ancient valleys of, 182 deformation of, 211, 244-245 figures, 176, 200, 209, 239, 240, 242, 245, 318, 324, 337 maps showing, 176, Plates XXIII, SROXAV ATT: SKEET CRERER: origin of, 324 Plates X A, XXI A, XXII B, XXXI A, XXXII A problems of, 284 relation of, to P’ang Kiang hollow, 347 relation of, to Mongolian peneplane, 345 sections, 53, 57, 58, 77, 145, 155, 159, 160, 163, 175, 180, 185, 201, 346 summary of, 332-336 Gobi series, 40-41 Gobi stones, 74, 254, 272 Gobiohyus orientalis, 361 pressidens, 361 robustus, 361 Gochu formation (Pleistocene), 312, 368 section, 229 Gorida, 135-136, 138 maps showing, 137, 194 section, 134 Grabau, A. W., acknowledgment to, vii cited on Dinantian, 255 cited on fish-bearing shales, 354 cited on Paleozoic era, 401 cited on Paleozoic fossils, 295 cited on the Permian, 181 cited on the Sinian, 300 quoted on Ondai Sair fossils, 366 Sinian system of, 227, 398 Grabens, 22, 23, 25, 27, 127, 220, 308, 309 see also Faults, Horsts, Mountains Granger, Walter, 152, 193, 197, 209, 268 acknowledgment to, ix cited on Cretaceous fossils, 255, 272, 353 discoverer of dinosaurs, 278 Plate XXI B quoted on dinosaurs of Djadokhta, 377 quoted on fossils of Hsanda Gol, 365 quoted on Pleistocene, 235 quoted on temperatures, 395 see also Berkey, C. P., and Matthew, Wm. D. XXVII, Granger, Walter, and Berkey, C. P., cited on Iren Dabasu, 211 cited on Later sediments, 197 Granites, 16, 22, 23, 50, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 80, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97,.98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, II0, III, I13, 114, 116, 118, 119, 122, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 156, 458 INDEX Granites—Continued 164, 165, 166, 173, 177, 178, 181, 183, 184, 199, 202, 204, 209, 216, 217, 218, 220, 223. 226, 228, 254, 258, 260, 262, 264, 269, 282, 291, 292, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 311, 313, 318, 323, 325, 334, 340, 341, 355, 363, 375, 392, 393, 398, 400, 408, 409, 410 conventional symbols for, Plate VII figures, 138, 209, 318 maps showing, 137, 198, 290, 404, Plates XXIII, XXVI Plates IX, X B, XI B, XII, XVII A, XXV B sections of, 8, 47, 51, 53, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73, 77, 79, 95, IOI, 102, 107, II2, 113, 117, 121, 134, 140, 150, 155, 159, 160, 163, 167, 168, I71I, 172, 175, 179, 180, 185, 186, 188, 229, 253, 261, 289, 291, 293, 295, 297, 299, 415 table showing, 301 see also Bathylith, Porphyries Granophyre, 292 Graphite, 113 Grass, 313, 335, 350, 351 Grasslands, 21, 76-78, 84, 88, 125, 130, 183, 220, 244, 250, 252, 258, 268, 396 see also Meadows Gravels, in alluvial fans, 311, 312, 328, 332, 389 in later sediments, 177, 197, 205, 206, 207, 237, 271, 279, 283, 315, 347, 352, 354, 358, 360, 362, 363, 364, 365, 379, 380, 381, 407, 416 residuary, 334 section, 334 in stream channels, 156, 252, 334-335, 348, 387 upland, 161, 200, 211, 271, 333-335, 339 Graywackes, 34, 52, 66, 135, 199, 205, 255, 334, 364, 375, 406 conventional symbols for, Plate VI in Kentai Ola, 25 Plates XIII B, XXV B, XXXVIII B sections, 53, 57, 65 see also Khangai graywacke series Great Khingan range (Ta Hsing An Ling), 25, 31, 307, 322 boundary of Gobi basin, 28, 35, 303, 309 maps showing, 43, 275, 320, Plate IV structure of, 16, 28, 29, 30 trend of, 309, 319, 322 see also Faults Great Wall, the, 48, 187, 189, 275, 276 map showing, 304 Plate V B, XLIII B Greenstones, 22, 72, 178, 300 section, 179 Gregory, W. K., cited on Cretaceous fauna, 353 Groeber, Paul, cited on Tien Shan, 34 routes of, Plate III Guchu Burt, saltpan of, 141, 246 maps showing, 140, Plate XXVII Plate XVII B Gudger, E. W., acknowledgment to, vii Giinz epoch, see Pleistocene period Gurbun Saikhan range, 278, 307, 308, 309, 358 description and history of, 314-317 geologic structure of, 256, 260, 310, 317, 413 journey to, 250-252 maps showing, 43, 194, 404, Plate IV rock formations of, 255, 256-258, 295, 297 sections, 257, 316 topography, 258 see also Camp Gurbun Saikhan Gurley alidade, 193 Gypsum, 63, 210, 271, 362, 366, 376, 379, 380 Haberer, K. A., cited on primate tooth, 12 Hallong Ossu, 382 section, 51 Hamada Desert, 396 Han Hai series, 16, 40, 252, 257 age of, 35 fossils in, 17 Hapalodectes auctus, 360 Serus, 360 Hare, 382 Harpagolestes, 360 Hausen, H., cited on Tannu Ola, 22 Hedin, Sven, cited on von Strahlenberg, 15 , routes of, Plate III Helaletide, 361, 362, 363 Helohyide, 361 Helwan, 326 Herds, of animals, 83, 87, 88, 125, 249, 250, 261, 313, 327 Hills, Leon B., acknowledgment to, viii Himalaya ranges, 378, 382, 419 Hipparion, 235, 347, 381 Hobbs, W. H., cited on desert erosion, 325 Hogbacks, at Arishan, 219 at Camp Jurassic, 68 Hollows, undrained, 57-58, 61, 303, 307, 308, 327, 332, 351, 393, 417 at Arshanto, 207 figures, 54, 176, 199, 200, 269, 318, 324, 337, 340 at Guchu Burt, 141, 246 at Iren Dabasu, 60, 196, 199, 201, 379 at Irdin Manha, 56, 200 maps showing, I12, I17, 121, 140, 176, 194, 198, Plates XXIII, XXVII, XXX origin of, 116-118, 146, 326, 329, 336-341, 349, 350, 391, 418 at Oshih, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 314, 353, 354 at P’ang Kiang, 52-53, 54 problem of, 284 sections, 53, 57-58, 140, 175, 201, 229, 253, 277 at Shara Murun, 182 water-table in, 146 see also P’ang Kiang physiographic stage es) Nl as INDEX Holostai temple, 209 map showing, 198 Holti, 209 map showing, 198 Holy Mountain, see Arishan Honan, Cretaceous beds of, 354 Hornfels, 34 Horse, 249, 258 fossil, 381, 382 rock drawings of, 152 Horsts, 23, 26, 220 Hot springs, see Arishan Houldjin escarpment, description of, 200 figure, 199 fossils first found at, 59 maps showing, 198, Plate XXII1 Plate X A sections, 58, 201, 203 Houldjin formation (Oligocene), age and correla- tion of, 211, 367, 369 climate indicated by, 380 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 205, 364 figure, 199 fossils of, 205-206, 364 maps showing, 198, 404 sections, 201, 203 Hsanda Gol (river), 142, 230, 231, 235, 236, 333 course of, 142, 329, 333 maps showing, 194, Plates XX VII, XXVIII, XXIX outcrops along, 230-232, 235, 236 Plate XXXI A Hsanda Gol formation (Oligocene), 41, 152 age and correlation of, 367, 369 climate indicated by, 380-381 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 235-238, 364, 365 fossils of, 234, 381 history of, 270 maps showing, Plates XX VII, XXVIII, XXIX Hsia, Wen Chiang, acknowledgment to, x Hummocks, sand, 58, 335, 350, 351 see also Sand Hung Kureh formation (Pliocene), 41, 144, 245, 347, 370 climate indicated by, 381 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 236, 311-312, 365-368 fossils of, 235 maps showing, 194, Plate XXX Plate XVIII A sections, 145, 229 Huns, migrations of, 13 Huntington, Ellsworth, cited on glaciation, 383 cited on peneplane in Turkestan, 347 cited on tamarisk mounds, 58, 351 cited on Turkestan, 19, 20 routes of, Plate III 459 Huronian system (pre-Cambrian), 373 Hu t’o series (pre-Cambrian), 300 Hwang Ho (Yellow River), 35, 307, 327 course of, 30-32 maps showing, 43, Plate IV Hwei, Hsiu Yen, acknowledgment to, x Hyenodon eminus, 363 irdinensis, 360 pervagus, 234 Hyznodontide, 208, 360, 362, 363 Hypertragulide, 362, 364 Hyracolestes ermineus, 359 Hyracodontide (Hyracodonts), 360, 361, 362, 363 Ibex, 313 Ice, erosive work of, 374 glacial, 305, 393 ground, 87, 350 Ice Age, see Pleistocene period Ichang, 30 Igneous rocks, see Volcanic rocks, Intrusive rocks Iguanodont dinosaurs, 204, 355, 357 Ikhe Bogdo, cirques of, 384 description of, 310 first impressions of, 139 maps showing, 194, 404 Implements, Paleolithic, see Cultures In Shan range, boundary of Gobi basin, 31, 35 map showing, Plate IV Indusia reisi, 233 Insecta (Insects), 63, 233, 376 Insectivora (Insectivores), 208, 234, 361, 381 Instruments, surveying, ix, 193 Intrusive rocks, 48, 113, 226, 228, 262, 288, 290-292, 294, 296, 313, 322, 398, 399, 405, 409 history of, 408-410 see also Bathylith, Dikes, Sills Irdin Manha, 58, 200, 334 basin, extent of, 198-199 erosion forms at, 58 figure, 200 fossils found at, 59, 197 gravels at, 334 maps showing, 43, 198, 275, 304, 404 scarp at, 200 Irdin Manha formation (Eocene), age and correla- tion of, 360, 367, 369 climate indicated by, 379, 380 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 206-208, 360 figures, 199, 200, 324 fossils of, 208, 360-361 sections, 57, 58, 201 Irdin Mankha (Obruchev’s term), 200 Iren Dabassun Nor (Obruchev’s term), 200 Iren Dabasu, 56, 60, 196, 197, 199, 307, 318 basin, extent of, 55, 198 description and significance of, 196-198, 307 460 Tren Dabasu—Continued fossils of, 57, 204 granite inlier at, 318 hollow at, 60, 201-202 maps showing, 43, 198, 275, 290, 304, 404, Plates IV, XXIII Plate X A rock formations at, 56, 60, 199, 202, 204-210 structure of, 210-212 topography of, 198-201 Iren Dabasu formation (Lower Cretaceous), 41, 225, 272, 352 age and correlation of, 210, 211-212, 355, 358, 366, 368, 416 climate indicated by, 376-377 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 203-204 figure, 199 fossils of, 204, 355 sections, 57, 58, 201, 203 Iren Nor, lake at Iren Dabasu, 60, 200, 355 map showing, Plate XXIIT Iren Tala, general description of, 306, 307 gobis of, 366 map showing, 43 trend of, 321 Tris, 350 Irrigation, in former times, 184 possibilities of, 147 see also Agriculture Tron-bearing quartzites, 263 Isostasy, problem of, 284, 352 Isostatic balance, unaffected by sediments, 370-372 Jasper (jasperite), 66, 82, 94, 208, 248, 254, 282, 334, 356, 357, 374, 375 conventional symbol for, Plate VI Plate XXXIX A Jenghiz Khan, 14, 15 Jia Jing Shando, well, 200, 208 Jisu Honguer formation (Permian), conventional symbols for, Plate VI description of, 181-182, 406 future studies recommended, 283 maps showing, 198, 275 remnant of, 414 sections, 180, 295 structure of, 182, 294-296, 298 table showing, 301 Johnson, Albert F., acknowledgment to, x Johnson, Douglas W., acknowledgment to, vii cited on plains, 323 Johnson plane table, 193 Jointing, in granite, 75, 135 in graywacke, 128 Plates XI B, XXXVIII B Junipers, 310, 313 INDEX Jurassic conglomerate series, age and correlation of, 104, 105-106, 402-403 climate indicated by, 375-376 coal in, 89 descriptions of, 103-104, 292-294, 402-403 fossils in, 103-104 maps showing, I2I, 126, 290, 404 outcrops of, 23, 24, 34, 67-68, 74, 96, 103-104, 105-109, 119, 124-125, 125-127, 132, 149, 165, 166, 178, 216, 218, 219, 224, 226, 228, 262, 263, * 282, 283, 291, 313, 352 Plate XI A . sections, 65, 107, 123, 129, 134, 150, 163, 167, 168, I7I, 175, 281, 291, 293, 415 structure of, 103-104, 105, 164, 265 table showing, 301 trend of, 320 Jurassic formations noted by other geologists, 17, 22, 34, 233 Jurassic igneous rocks, 46, 148, 149, 164, 226, 269, 290, 291 age of, 174, 294 maps showing, 290, 404 relation of, to bathylith, 409 sections, 47, 145 Jurassic period, 24, 35, 74, 80,°96, 119, 148, 149, 165, 166, 178, 217, 226, 242, 265, 280, 281, 282, 283, 291, 313, 320, 352, 375, 414 deformation during, 344, 403, 413 possible age of Oshih formation, 354-355 problem of deformation during, 284 see also Angara series Jutson, J. T., cited on desert erosion, 325 Kaisen, Peter C., acknowledgment to, x Kalgan, 7, 28, 31, 45, 143, 153, 169, 170, 183, 187, 189, 196, 275, 276, 280, 355 location of, 9 maps showing, 43, 290, 304, 404, Plate IV Kan, Ch’uen Pao, acknowledgment to, x Kansu, fish-bearing shales of, 354 lowland of, 33 map showing, Plate IV Kara Kul, 22 Kara Narin Ola (Narin Ola), boundary of Ordos, 31 map showing, Plate IV Kara tala, 308 | maps showing, 43, Plate IV Karakoromys decessus, 234 Kashgar, 23 Kemp, James F., acknowledgment to, vii Kentai Mountains, see Kentai Ola Kentai Ola, 21, 25, 327 Arctic Divide in, 24 boundary of Gobi basin, 24-25, 35, 303, 309 graywackes in, 25, 298 map showing, Plate IV part of Khangai, 22 INDEX Kentai Shan, see Kentai Ola Keratophyre, 23 Kerulen Gol (river), course of, 21, 25, 327 maps showing, 43, Plate IV Keyes, Charles R., cited on desert erosion, 325 Khangai graywacke series, 61, 81, 82-83, 84, 88, 89, 90-91, 92, 93-94, 95, 96, 97, 100, IOI, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, III, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, 134, 135, 156, 179, 180, 181, 182, 216— 217, 218, 220, 226, 257, 258, 282, 283, 289, 291, 293, 295, 297, 314-315, 406, 408, 411, 415 climate indicated by, 374 conventional symbol for, Plate VI figures, 102, 384 maps showing, 198, 290, 404, Plate XXVI Plates XIII B, XXV B, XXXVIII B, XXXIX A problem of, 284 sections, 81, 92, 95, IOI, 107, I2I, 123, 129, 134, 179, 180, 295, 297, 415 structure and correlation of, 227, 255-256, 295- 296, 297-299, 399-400,.40I, 414 trend of, 320 type locality, 23-24, I19-120, 124 see also Proterozoic formations, Sinian system Khangai Mountains, 21, 22, 24, 35, 120, 125, I3I, 161, 216, 280, 297, 298, 303, 308, 309, 329, 343, 373, 384, 386, 399, 413, 416, 417 boundary of Gobi basin, 21-22, 35, 303 drainage of, 24, 329, 386 glaciation of, 131, 384 maps showing, 43, 129, 137, 140, 275, Plate IV tock formations of, 125, 297-298, 373, 399 sections, 129, 134, 140 structure of, 23, 24, 309, 413, 416-417 topography, 343, 384 Khara Khada range, see Shara Khada range Kharangoin Tala (Obruchev’s term), 200 Khingan faults, 27, 320 Khingan line, 29-30 Khingan range, see Great Khingan range Khingan trend, 319-322 Kholobolchi, map showing, 404 Pleistocene deposits at, 385 Khurul Obo, 333 figure, 159 section, 159 volcanic center of, 158, 319 Kiakhta, 23 map showing, Plate IV Kirghiz tala, 308 map showing, 43, Plate IV Kisin tala, 308 maps showing, 43, Plate IV Klementz, D. A., quoted by Suess, 310 quoted on ‘‘Valley of the Lakes,’’ 308 routes of, Plate II Kobdo, 136, 144, 152, 278 461 maps showing, 43, Plate IV see also Trails Koslov, P. K., cited on Han Hai beds, 257 routes of, Plate II Kosso Gol (lake), 23 graben of, 348 map showing, Plate IV Kropotkin, Prince, cited on Great Khingan range, 28 Kuen Lun ranges, trend of, 29, 320 K’uichow (Kweichow) formation (Cretaceous), 30, 354 Kuldsha coal basin, studied by Mushketov, 17 Kulun Nor (Khulun), see Dalai Nor Kwei Ming Kwan, rock formations at, 61 section, 62 Kweihwating, map showing, Plate IV see also Trails Laccoliths, absence of, in Gobi basin, 319 in Transbaikalia, 26 Lacertilia, 357 Lakes, 76, 187, 201, 280, 305, 306, 385, 386 classes of, 348-349 as evidence of climatic change, 118, 202, 391-393 history of, 349-350 1 salt, 96, 141, 142, 143, 200, 224, 246-247, 307, 3II terminal, 327, 328 see also Playas, Salt pans see also Baikal, Dalai Nor, Dolon Nor, Erin Nor, Gashuin Nor, Iren Nor, Kara Kul, Kholobolchi, Kosso Gol, Lop Nor, Tsagan Nor, Ubsa Nor, Ulan Nor Lamas, 75, 88, 161, 162, 213, 214, 215 Plates XV, XXV Lamaseries, 75, 88, 125, 127, 161, 162, 170, 343 Lanchowfu, 327 map showing, Plate IV Larch (tamarack), 130, 389 Larsen, F. A., 88 acknowledgment to, x Later sediments, 24, 33, 46-50, 54-55, 56, 59, 61, 63, 64, 67-71, 72, 80, 105, 108, III, 135, 136, 138, 141, 144-146, 149, I51, 154, 161, 164, 166, 169, 170, 173, 174-177, 178, 182-183, 189, 196- 213, 223-247, 253, 254-255, 261, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268-273, 275-276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 306, 307, 308, 309, 313, 314, 315-317, 318, 323, 353 beveled by erosion plane, 332-335 climate indicated by, 373-385, 387 Cretaceous and Tertiary, 239 deformation of, 411-412, 414, 416 deposition of, 403-405, 407-408 at Djadokhta, 156-158, 278-279, 315 evidence of former extent of, 239-241 figures, 54, 165, 176, 199, 200, 209, 224, 239, 240, 242, 245, 269, 270, 281, 318, 324, 337, 338, 339, 340, 356, 370 462 Later sediments—Continued maps showing, 117, 176, 198, 404, Plates XXIII, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX observations by other explorers, 5 oldest (Lower Cretaceous), 32, 341, 344, 352, 411 Plates I, X A, XI A, XVII B, XVIII, XIX, XX, SEX, XXIT B, SOCK SAN AGT, XSI, XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI, XLIA problem of, 284 relation of, to isostatic balance, 370-372 relation of, to oldrock floor, 288-289, 352 sections, 47, 51, 53, 54, 62, 65, 69, 73, 77, 79) 95, 107, 134, 140, 145, 150, 155, 159, 160, 163, 168, 171, 172, 175, 177, 179, 180, 185, 186, 188, 189, 201, 203, 229, 253, 257, 261, 277, 281, 289, 295, 299, 310, 316, 367, 415 significance of, 10, 345-347, 368-372 stratigraphy of, 352-373 tables showing, 301, 371 thickness of, 56, 212, 366 Latite, 71 Lavas, 22, 28, 29, 31, 45, 68, 74, 78, 96, 127, 148, 151, 215, 219, 221, 224, 235, 236, 241, 242, 248, 253, 254, 264, 266, 271, 272, 273, 306, 308, 310, 313, 314, 319, 331, 334, 354, 358, 365, 375, 393, 409, 410, 417 figures, 240, 242, 269 Plates XVIII B, XXXI B, XXXV B see also Andesites, Basalts, Mesas, Trachytes Lawson, Andrew C., cited on desert erosion, 325 Lesdain, Comte de, cited on Ordos, 32 Licent, Pére Emil, see Teilhard Lignite in northern Siberia, 367 Limestone (crystalline), 23, 55, 66, 72, 113, 114, 139, I4I, 149, I51, 154, 156, 165, 166, 168, 178, 183, 184, 187-189, 226, 227, 257, 258, 261, 262, 263, 264, 269, 291, 298, 299, 300, 313, 314, 331, 373, 398, 399, 400, 405 conventional symbols for, Plates VI, VII sections, 8, 51, 53, 57, 65, 73, 140, 145, 150, 155, 167, 168, 175, 179, 185, 186, 188, 253, 257, 263, 299, 415 table showing, 301 Limestone (fossiliferous), 22, 32, 170, 173, I8I, 255, 282, 294, 374, 378, 401, 406, 407 conventional symbol for, Plate VI sections, 171, 180, 295, 415 table showing, 301 Limestone (fresh-water), 56, 63, 169, 174, 271, 354 figure, 356 sections, 57, 172 Limestone (pebbles), 375 Lit-par-lit injections, 116 in ancient complex, 264 von Loczy, Gustav, cited on geology of Mongolia, 17 routes of, Plate III Rhyolites, INDEX Loess, 45, 359; 377; 379 general absence of, 385 of northern China, 13, 347 Loh (camp manager), acknowledgment to, x Loh formation (Miocene), age and correlation of, 365, 367, 369 climate indicated by, 381 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 365 extent of, 236 fossils of, 235 maps showing, 194, 404 Plates XXIX, XXX sections, 145, 229 see also Camp Loh Lop Nor (lake), 33, 36, 385 maps showing, 43, Plate IV see also Tarim basin Lophialetes expeditus, 361 minutus, 361 Lophiodontide (Lophiodonts), 205, 207, 208, 211, 359, 360, 361, 379 Lophiomeryx angare, 364 gobia, 364 Los in Sumu, figure, 165 map showing, 275 problems of, 283 Los Ola, figure, 330 Lung Shan range, map showing, Plate IV structure of, 33 Lvov, Prince, cited on Amur region, 26 Lycopteride, 233 Lycoptera middendorffi, 233 Lyttonia, 181 Ma Lan, physiographic stage, 347-348 McGee, W. J., cited on sheet flood erosion, 325 Machatschek, Fritz, cited on Tien Shan, 34 Macropelobatis osborni, 234 Magma of Mongolian bathylith, 217, 219, 408 Mammalia (Mammals), fossil, 41, 59, 158, 205-206, 208, 234-235, 279, 309, 357, 359, 360, 362, 363- 364, 378, 379 living, 378 Man, development of, 4, 378, 418-420 migrations of, 12-14, 373 Neanderthal, 13 prehistoric, 18, 152, 248, 284, 386, 393-394, 395 see also Cultures Manakin, M., cited on volcanoes, 28 Manganese, oxide of, near Baga Bogdo, 366 Mangu Khan, 14 Manus, fossil at Irdin Manha, 208 Manteoceras irdinensis, 361 Maps, of Altai region, 194 of Central Mongolia, 43, 275, 290, 304, 404 geological, Plates XXIII, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, in pocket INDEX Maps—Continued of Iren Dabasu, Shara Murun and P’ang Kiang, 198 method of surveying, 193-195 Renat’s, of Central Asia, 15 route, I12, 117, 121, 123, 126, 129, 133, 137, 140, 214 von Strahlenberg’s, of northern Asia, 15 Marble, see Limestone (crystalline) Marco Polo, 14 Marls, 22, 235, 238, 306, 382 Marsupial, fossil, 359 Mastodon (Mastodont), 235, 381, 382 Matthew, W. D., 29 acknowledgment to, vii cited on Irdin Manha fauna, 360 cited on wind deposits, 207 quoted on Cretaceous fauna, 353 quoted on Iren Dabasu fauna, 355 quoted on Shara Murun fauna, 182 Matthew, W. D., and Granger, Walter cited on Arshanto fauna, 207, 359 cited on Gashato fauna, 358-359 cited on Houldjin fauna, 364 cited on Hsanda Gol fauna, 369, 381 cited on Schlosseria, 359 cited on Teilhardia, 360 quoted on age of Loh fauna, 365 Meadows (upland parks), of Artsa Bogdo, 266, 267, 268, 313 figure, 266-267 of Gurbun Saikhan, 315 Melaphyre, 71, 99 Menodus mongoliensis, 363 Menotyphla, 359 Merin, acknowledgment to, ix Mergen, volcanoes near, 28 map showing, Plate IV Merzbacher, Gottfried, cited on Tien Shan, 34 Mesas, figures, 240, 269, 270 lava-capped, I15I, 152, 224, 241, 268, 271, 272, 313 maps showing, 140, Plate XX VII Plate XVIII B sandstone-capped, 182 section, 229 Mesonychide (Mesonychids), 208, 360, 362 Mesozoic era, climate during, 375-378 orogenic disturbances during, 35, 263, 295, 342, 346, 402-405, 411-414 Mesozoic formations, 26-27, 40, 67, 68, 206, 225, 263- 289, 294, 344, 352-358 faunas of} 225 intrusive rocks of, 262, 290, 291, 292 section, 415 ; summaries of, 352-358, 368, 402-405, 407 see also Bathylith, Cretaceous period, Dikes, Juras- sic period, Porphyries, Sills, Unconformities Metadolomite, 178 Metals, see Mineral resources 463 Metamorphism, contact, 61, 91-93, 135, 217, 263, 264, 288, 297, 408 dynamic, 264, 410 products of, 60, 72, 80, 91-93, 114, 118, 149, 202, 217, 226, 260, 264, 281, 288, 290, 398-399, 405- 406, 411, 414 : by silication and silicification, 264 summaries of, 398-399, 413-414 see also Limestone (recrystalline), Gneisses, Quartz- ites, Schists, Serpentine, Slates Metarhinus mongoliensis, 361 Miacide, 361 Miacis invictus, 361 Miao T’an, Chinese inn, 189 sections, 47, 189 Miarolitic structure in granite, 76 Millet, cultivation of, 184, 396 Mineral resources, paucity of, 60, 89, 263 Miocene formations, 144, 148, 230, 233, 236, 308, 349, 365, 367, 369 fossils of, 17, 200, 225, 235 gaps in sedimentary record of, 346, 367, 369, 381 see also Loh formation Miocene period, climate during, 381 Miomeryx altaicus, 364 Mississippian period, see Dinantian formations Molloy, Agnes, acknowledgment to, ix Mollusks, 355, 376, 382 see also Gastropods, Pelecypods Monadnocks, on desert floor, 317 on Mongolian peneplane, 313, 315, 342, 343, 348 on piedmont shelf, 261 Plate XIV on pre-Cretaceous peneplane, 318 section, 342 Mongols, 8, 15, 75, 88, 138, 141, 152, 157, 174, 176, 182, 184, 187, 190, 196, 201, 236, 244, 248, 249, 250, 251, 258, 310, 313, 314, 326, 327, 388, 393, 395 Mongolia, explorations of, by other geologists, 14-20 geologic problems of, 274, 381 states (khans, eimaks) of, 251 Mongolian bathylith, 23, 52, 74, 76, 93, 96, 97-103, 104, I10, I13, I14, I16, 132-135, 139, 216-218, 223, 228, 260, 264 age of, 296, 401 contact metamorphism of, 297 end products of, 297 extent of, 71, 409 granites of, 297 as greatest igneous intrusion, 400 intrusives in, 110, 165 maps showing, 290, 404, Plates XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXX outcrops of, 61, 118, 122, 156, 164, 166, 173, 178, 181, 216, 282 Plates, IX, XI B: XII, XXV B relation of, to graywackes, 217, 298 464 Mongolian—Continucd relation of, to other intrusives, 295 sections, 47, 51, 53, 62, 65, 69, 95, IOI, 102, 107, 112, 117, I2I, 134, 140, 163, 167, 168, 172, 175, 179, 185, 186, 188, 291, 297, 415 as source of Mesozoic intrusives, 292, 409 as source of later volcanics, 410 summary of, 408 table showing, 301 Mongolian peneplane, see Peneplanes Mongolian plateau, edge of, at Wan Ch’uan, 46, 356 inland slope of, 196 Monuments, pre-Mongol, 13 see also Cultures “Monument” granite (knobs, residuals), 75, 76, 178, 183, 325 figure, 138 Plates, XI B, XII B Monzonite, 409 Mook, Charles C., quoted on Cretaceous fauna, 353 Moose, prehistoric drawing of, 398 Morris, Florence Eddowes, acknowledgment to, viii Morris, Frederick K., see Berkey, Charles P. Mount Tuerin, see Tuerin Mount Uskuk, see Uskuk Mountain Mountains, domed, 309, 417 fault-block, 50, 124, 414 maps showing, 43, 194, 275, 304 residual, 96, 217, 309, 317-318 trends of, 319-322 types of, in Gobi region, 309 volcanic, summary of, 318-319 see also Ala Shan, Altai, Altaids, Argilintai, Arishan, Artsa Bogdo, Baga Bogdo, Baikal, Baron Saik- han, Bogdo Ola, Chakhar, Djargos, Dunde Saik- han, Dzun Saikhan, Great Kingan, Gurbun Saikhan, In Shan, Kara Narin Ola, Kentai Ola, Khangai, Los Ola, Lung Shan, Muni Ola, Nan K’ou, Nan Shan, Oshigo Ola, Sailugem, Sayan, Shara Khada, Shara Khata, Sheiten Ola, Tannu Ola, Tien Shan, Tsingling Shan, Tuerin, Uskuk, Western Hills Mountain-making, periods of, 17, 34-35, 244-245, 411-413 types of, 17, 29, 34-36, 244-245, 305, 411-413 Mousterian, see Cultures Multituberculata, 359 Muni Ola Range, boundary of Ordos, 31 map showing, Plate IV Murin Gol (river), geologic formations of, 23 Mushketoy, I. V., cited on Tien Shan, 16 cited on volcanoes, 29 quoted on Great Khingan range, 31 Mustelids, 382 Nan K’ou Pass, rock formations of, 8-9, 50, 55 Nan K’ou range, boundary of Gobi basin, 28 INDEX Nan K’ou series (pre-Cambrian), 61, 202, 227, 300 398 table showing, 301 see also Hu t’o series, Khangai graywacke series Nan Shan range, boundary of Gobi basin, 31, 35, 303 structure of, 32-33 trend of, 320 Narin Ola range, see Kara Narin Ola Necks, see Volcanoes Neogene time (Cenozoic), 35 Neolithic, see Cultures Nerchinsk, rock structures near, 27 map showing, Plate IV Nerchinski-Savod, volcanic rocks near, 28 Ning-shan basin, faulting in, 30 Nomin River, rock structures near, 28 map showing, Plate IV Notungulata, 359 Nummulites, 378 Oats, cultivation of, 184, 396 Obo, definition of, 174-176 use of, in mapping, 194 Obruchev, V. A., acknowledgment to, xiii, 17 cited on Altai ranges, 321 cited on Baikal trend, 319 cited on Gobi series, 40 cited on peneplanes, 347 cited on his traverse to Gurbun Saikhan, 307 explorations by, 5, 17-18 field names used by, 201 first discovery of fossils by, 209 map by, 320 quoted on discovery of fossils, 200-201 quoted on mountain-making, 34-35 quoted on Nan Shan, 32-33 quoted on Selenga River region, 23 quoted on Transbaikal ranges, 309 quoted on Transbaikalia, 26-27 routes of, Plate II Ochungchelo formation (Lower Cretaceous), 309 Odoric, Father, journey of, 14 Okher, acknowledgment to, x Olan formation (Pleistocene), 368 Oldham, cited on glaciation, 383 Oldrock floor, deformation of, 289, 413 exposures of, 55, 56, 60, 66, 173, 202, 225-229, 266 269, 281, 306 Plates X B, XII, XX A, XXII A, XXXVIII A relation of, to later sediments, 283, 288-289, 344, 352, 353, 354, 355, 363, 368, 369, 411 rock formations of, 72, 289-302 sections, 51, 53, 57) 62, 73, 79, 150, 155, 167, 168, 175, 179, 185, 186, 299, 415 structure of, 289-302, 307, 319-322 table of formations of, 301 Oligocene formations, 31, 174-177, 211, 225, 229, 236-238, 308, 346, 349, 358, 363-365 INDEX Oligocene—Continued fossils of, 233-234, 360, 363-364 lavas of, 29, 31 see also Ardyn Obo, Houldjin, Hsanda Gol forma- tions Oligocene period, climate during, 380-381 gaps in sedimentary record of, 366-367, 369, 416 Olivine-aphanite, see Dolerite Olsen, George, acknowledgment to, x Olsenia mira, 362 Ondai Sair formation (Lower Cretaceous), 41 age and correlation of, 225, 353-354, 357, 358, 368, 369, 416 climate represented by, 376, 378 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 230-232 fossils of, 233 maps showing, 43, 140, 194, 404, Plates X XVII, XXVIII paper-shales of, 63, 271, 277, 278 sections, 140, 229 structure of, 224-225, 270 see also Camp Ondai Sair, Oshih Ongin Gol (river), 3, 115, 120, 125, 127, 128, 158, 161, 219, 221, 280, 281, 292, 308, 328, 348 course of, 120-122, 125, 128, 161, 221, 328, 348 maps showing, I21, 129, 194, 404, Plate IV Plate XX A rock formations at, 120-122, 127, 158-161, 219, 221, 280, 281, 292, 308 sections, I2I, 129, 160 terraces of, 122, 162 see also Camp Ongin Gol, Khangai Mountains Ongin Gol in Sumu (temple and lamasery), 161-162, 280 map showing, 194 Plate XX A Ordos, as boundary of Gobi basin, 30-31, 36 maps showing, 275, 304, 321, Plate IV Paleolithic cultures in, 13, 18, 284 Pleistocene fossils in, 18 structure of, 32 Ordovician period, an erosion interval, 414 Orkhon Gol (river), drainage of Khangai Mountains, go map showing, Plate IV Orogenic disturbances, see Mountain-making Osborn, Henry Fairfield, acknowledgment to, vii cited on Cretaceous fauna, 353 discoverer of Eudinoceras, 209 quoted on Shara Murun fauna, 182 prediction by, 5 ; Oshigo Ola (mountain), description of, 318 Oshih hollow, 152, 268, 278 figure, 269 inliers in, 269, 318 maps showing, 43, 194, 275, 404 topography of, 268-270 465 Oshih (Ashile) formation (Lower Cretaceous), 41, 152, 352 age and correlation of, 353, 366, 368, 416 climate indicated by, 376, 378 compared with other formations, 154, 232, 255, 257, 278, 309 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 270-273, 353-355 figures, 269, 270 former extent of, 273, 314 fossils of, 354 Plates XVIII B, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII problem of, 278 structure of, 269-273, 357 Oshih Nuru, hill at Oshih, 268, 271 figure, 269 Plates XXXV B, XXXVI A Ostracods, fossil, 205 Ostrich, fossil, 235, 381, 382 Ostrich-dinosaur at Iren Dabasu, 355 see also Struthiomimid dinosaurs Otoburun, acknowledgment to, x Oviraptor philoceratops, 357 Ovis, 347 Oxyenide, 363 Pachycynodon (Cynodon), 234 Pacific Divide, Plate VIII A rainfall of, 326, 396 at Wan Ch’uan Pass, 9, 48-49 Paige, Sydney, cited on desert erosion, 325 Paleolithic, see Cultures Paleoprionodon gracilis, 234 Paleoscaptor acridens, 234 rectus, 234 Palaostylops iturus, 359 Paleozoic era, climate during, 374-375 orogenic disturbances of, 26, 35, 320, 322, 401, 410-411, 414 problem of, 284 Paleozoic formations, 23, 28-29, 34, 170-173, 18I- 182, 255-256, 282-283, 291, 294-296, 297-298, 400-401, 406-407 fauna of, 23, 170-173, 255 intrusive rocks of, 296, 400-401, 408-409 maps showing, 198, 290, 404 sections, 171, 180, 295, 415 table showing, 301 see also Cambrian, Devonian, Dinantian, Mon- golian bathylith, Ordovician, Permian, Uncon- formities Paleocene formations, 158, 279, 309, 358, 367, 369 see also Gashato formation Paleocene period, climate during, 379 Pan Chiao physiographic stage, 347, 348 P’ang Kiang, maps showing, 43, 198, 275, 404 see also Camp P’ang Kiang 466 P’ang Kiang formation (Tertiary), 210, 346 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 53-55 figures, 199, 337 fossils of, 59 problem of, 276 sections, 53, 54, 57 P’ang Kiang physiographic stage, 56-58, 201 correlation of, 347, 348 figures, 54, 176, 200, 337 type locality of, 52-55, 336 see also Hollows Pantolestes, 208, 361 Pantolestide, 208 Paper-shales, map showing, 275 outcrops of, 63, 231, 232, 233, 271-272, 276-277, 278, 353, 368, 376, 407 section, 62 Paracolodon curtus, 363 Paracynohyenodon morrisi, 208, 360 Paramys, 361 | Park, upland, see Meadows Parks, Flora Cook, acknowledgment to, viii Passarge, Siegfried, cited on desert erosion, 325 Pea plants, makers of sand hummocks, 351 Pebbles, polished, 176, 208, 357, 379 Pediment, see Shelf Pegmatites, 61, 63, 71, 139, 254, 300 Pei Shan, see Lung Shan Pei T’ai physiographic stage, 347, 348 Peking, 7, 8, 28 bay of, 29-30 maps showing, 43, 275, 290, 304, 404, Plate IV section, 8 Pelecypods, 272, 355, 376 Pelobatide, 234 Peneplanes, 10, 24, 28, 30 in China and Mongolia, compared, 347-348 figures, 98-99, 224-225, 342, 344-345 Khangai, 259, 343-344, 348 Mongolian, 24, 52, 240, 242, 259, 267, 307, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 341, 342-343, 344, 345- 346, 348 observations of, by other explorers, 28, 30, 309 Pei T’ai, 347, 348 Plates VIII A, IX A, XII A, XIII A, XIV A pre-Cretaceous (post-Jurassic), 211, 242, 244, 261, 289, 294, 317, 341-342, 344, 345-346, 402-403, 411 pre-Jurassic, 104, 164, 294 problem of¢ 283, 289, 323 relation of Khangai to Mongolian, 343-344 relation of Mongolian to Gobi erosion plane, 345- 346 relation of Mongolian to pre-Cretaceous, 345-346 sections, 168, 179, 224, 342, 345, 346 in Tien Shan, 347 in Transbaikalia, 28, 309, 347 INDEX see also Disconformities, Erosion, Gobi erosion plane, Monadnock, Physiographic stage, Un- conformities Pennsylvanian period, formations of 295, 296 see also Carboniferous formations Peridotite, 408 Periods, tables showing, 301, 371 Perissodactyla (Perissodactyls), 205, 208, 234, 235, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364 Permian formations, 23, 34, 181-182, 283, 295-296, 406-407 fauna of, 182 sections, 180, 295 table showing, 301 see also Jisu Honguer formation Permian period, 17, 23, 34, 181, 182, 283, 295, 296, 374, 401, 406 climate during, 374-375, 401 Pes, fossil, at Irdin Manha, 208 Phenacolophus fallax, 359 Phyllites, 72, 91, 94, 113, I19, 120, 181, 227, 282, 291, 299, 300, 314, 334, 374, 398, 400 conventional symbol for, Plate VII Plates XXII A, XXXVIII A, XXXIX B section, 179 Phyllocladites morrisi, 233 Physiographic history, of peneplanes, 343-344 problem of, 283, 385 significance of, 49-50 stages of, in China and Mongolia, 347-348 Picture-writing, see Drawings on rocks Piedmont, see Shelf Pievtsov, M., cited on Central Asia, 17 quoted on ‘Valley of the Lakes,” 22 routes of, Plate II Pisces, 63, 233, 361 see also Fishes Pithecanthropus erectus, 12 Plains, constructional landforms, 305, 323, 417 definition of, 323 map showing, 304 plain of China, 8, 304 plain of Kalgan basin, 9 traversed by Expedition, 149,153, 156, 161, 264, 268 Planation, 66, 71, 211, 242, 244, 259, 261, 294, 341, 342, 346, 370, 402, 417 evidence of, 242-243 of later sediments, 211-212, 259, 417 of oldrock floor, 66, 71, 211, 242, 244, 259, 261, 294, 402-403, 417 periods of, 341-348 of piedmont shelf, 261-262 relation of, to isostatic balance, 370-372 see also Disconformities, Erosion planes, Pene- planes, Unconformities Plant remains, fossil, 23, 63, 67, 103, 151, 169, 172, 174, 233, 271, 276, 293, 294, 366, 376, 377, 379, 381, 402, 407 INDEX Plants, makers of sand hummocks, 351 Plateaus, constructional landforms, 305 definition of, 323 elevation of, 419 at Wan Ch’uan Pass, 30, 48-49 Playas, in hollows, 303, 350 maps showing, 112, Plates XXIII, XXVII Plate XLII A see also Hollows, Lakes, Salt pans Playatuft, definition, 350 Pleistocene formations, 29, 152, 235, 280, 308, 317, 332, 349, 368, 382, 385 fossils of, 235, 382 see also Loess Pleistocene period (Ice Age), climate during, 347, 382- 385, 393 deformation during, 30, 35-36, 230, 317, 333, 347, 348, 349, 412 erosion during, 230, 236, 336, 347, 348, 349, 405 glaciation during, 85-86, 382-385, 393 Giinz epoch of, 382 human record during, 13, 14, 18, 419-420 problem of, 284 Riss epoch of, 382 see also Cultures, Glaciation, Gobi erosion plane, Man, Quaternary Pliocene formations, 29, 144, 146, 225, 229, 230-233, 236, 306, 307, 308, 311, 317, 349, 365-366, 367, 369, 370, 381-382 fossils of, 235, 381-382 see also Ertemte formations, Hung Kureh Pliocene period, climate during, 381-382 deformation during, 35-36 human record during, 14, 419-420 Plugs, see Volcanoes Poplars, 389 Porphyries, 22, 28, 45, 50, 91, 96, 124, 166, 183, 291, 331, 374, 386, 387 alaskite, 99 andesite, 228 basalt, 127 “brittle,” 106, 224, 228, 409, 410 ““complex’’ of, 106, 173, 174, 228, 292 conventional symbols for, Plate VII diorite, 409 eruptive, 106, 228 granite, 23, 61, 71, 72, 74, 80, 94, 99, 108, 113, 116, 218, 292, 355, 375; 409 intrusive, 16, 98, 226, 228, 262, 290, 409 maps showing, 290, 404 monzonite, 409 quartz, 181, 292 sections, 107, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 291, 415 syenite, 72, 164, 292, 409 trachyte, 80, 173, 228, 269, 292, 355 see also Dikes, Jurassic igneous rocks Post-Jurassic period, deformation during, 244, 245, 412, 414, 416 467 erosion interval of, 417 intrusive rocks of, at Uskuk, 228 peneplanation during, 35, 242, 403, 411 Post-Permian period, erosion during, 401, 414 mountain-making during, 17, 401 Post-Pleistocene period, see Recent period Post-Pliocene period, deformation during, 239, 244, 245, 412 see also Pleistocene period Post-Tertiary deformation, 320 see also Pleistocene period Potanin, G. N., cited on Great Khingan Range, 28 routes of, Plate II Potatoes, cultivation of, 396 Preaceratherium, 206, 364 Pre-Cambrian eras, 55, 149, 154, 202, 223, 227, 254, 263, 282, 291, 298, 299, 302, 320, 321, 368, 373, 398, 401, 405, 406, 413, 414 deformation during, 322, 411 erosion intervals of, 414-416 see also Archxozoic era, Proterozoic era Pre-Cambrian formations, noted by other explorers, 23, 25, 298 section, 299 table showing, 301 trends of, 320, 322 see also Hu t’o series, Khangai graywacke series, Nan K’ou series, Sinian system Pre-Jurassic periods, deformation during, at Uskuk, 244, 245 Pre-Jurassic peneplane, 164 see also Unconformities Pre-Tertiary erosion interval, 211, 342, 404, 416 see also Unconformities Predentata (Predentates), 204, 354, 357 Prionessus lucifer, 359 Prievalski, N. M., cited on Great Khingan range, 28 quoted on Shara Khada range, 31 routes of, Plate II Problems, 274, 282, 283, 298, 317, 344, 345, 367, 381, 385 of dominant erosion, 385 general, 283-284 of Khangai graywacke series, 298 of Miocene history, 367, 381 of Mongolian and Khangai peneplanes, 344-345 of special areas, 275-283 Proboscidea, 235 Processes, constructional, 303-305 destructional, 305 Propterodon irdinensis, 360 Prosciurus lohiculus, 234 Proterozoic era, deformation during, 411 Proterozoic formations, 24, 228, 300, 398 maps showing, 290, 404 section, 415 see also Hu t’o series, Khangai graywacke series, Nan K’ou series, Sinian system, Wu T’ai system 468 Protiguanodon, 354 mongoliense, 233 Protitanotherium, 208 andrewsi, 362 grangeri, 361 mongoliense, 362 Protoceratops andrewsi, 157, 357, 377 Provinces, physiographic, 306, 308, 309, 317, 321 Psittacosaurus, 271, 354 beds, Plate XXXVI B Pterodon hyenoides, 362 Pumice, 78 Pumpelly, Raphael, 20 cited on explorations in Turkestan, 18 cited on traverse of Mongolia, 16 routes of, Plate III Pyroxenite, 258, 408 Quartz, 80, 374, 375 pebbles of, 176, 205, 208, 228, 293, 334, 357, 364 pegmatitic, 93 porphyries, 181, 292 sand, 203, 204, 219, 272, 293, 356 veins (stringers), 60, 63, 66, 89, 178, 181, 202, 254, 264 see also Graywackes, Sandstones, Schists Quartzites, 22, 23, 34, 50, 66, 72, 82, 84, 94, 96, 113, 149, 178, 181, 183, 184, 199, 204, 205, 208, 209, 227, 228, 262, 263, 282, 291, 300, 355, 357, 364, 374, 375 conventional symbols for, Plates VI, VII section, 185 Quaternary period, volcanoes of, 306, 319 see also Pleistocene period Race, 386, 393, 394, 418 see also Man Radlov, O., cited on pre-Mongol peoples, 13 “Ragged’’ Mountains of Gorida, 135, 138 figure, 138 map showing, 137 see also Gorida Rainfall, 351 distribution of, 326-327, 330, 376 seasonal distribution of, 396 variations in, 148, 348, 376, 389, 390, 395 Raisz, Erwin J., acknowledgment to, viii Recent period (post-Pleistocene period), deposits of, 230, 280, 332, 385 fluctuations in climate during, 393-394 Red-beds, 151, 152, 157, 206, 207, 237, 359, 382 Reeds, Chester A., acknowledgment to, vii Reis, Otto, cited on fish-bearing shales, 354 Rejuvenation, by climatic change, 48, 275 of igneous activity, 296 by uplift, 230, 243, 265 see also Climate, Deformation, Erosion, Mongolian bathylith INDEX Remnants, Plate XXXII sedimentary, 239-241 see also Erosion remnants Renat, map of central Asia by, 15 Reptilia (Reptiles), 49, 70, 204, 206, 233, 253, 271, 308, 314, 357, 359, 361, 362, 364, 377 Residual (Residuary) hills, see Buttes, Erosion rem- nants Rhinoceros, 17, 200, 201 Rhinocerotidze (Rhinocerid, Rhinoceros), 177, 197, 205, 235, 279, 380, 382, 385 Rhyolites, 45, 74, 78, 148, 149, 157, 410 conventional symbols for, Plate VII section, 155 von Richthofen, Ferdinand, 14 cited on Han Hai series, 16, 40 cited on Khingan line, 29-30 cited on Khingan trend, 319-322 cited on lavas, 31 explorations by, 5, 18 Nan K'ou series of, 227, 300, 301, 398 Richthofen range, boundary of Gobi Basin, 31, 33, 320 map showing, Plate IV Riss epoch, see Pleistocene period Rivers, 90, 120, 161, 327, 328, 331, 390 see also Streams see also Amur, Arguin Gol, Argun, Buksui Gol, Da Ying Gol, Eder Gol, Edsin Gol, Egin Gol, Hsanda Gol, Hwang Ho, Kerulen Gol, Murin Gol, Nomin, Ongin Gol, Orkhon Gol, Selenga Gol, Sha-ho, Shilka, Sungari, Tarmil Gol, Tarim Gol, Tatal Gol, Tatsin Gol, Telgir Merin Gol, Tola Gol, Tsilin Gol, Uljitundur Gol, Wei Ho, Yang Ho, Yangtze Kiang, Yenesei Roberts, L. B., acknowledgment to, ix Robinson, H. O., acknowledgment to, ix Rodentia (Rodents), 59, 208, 235, 361, 362, 363, 381, 382 Romanovsky, G. D., cited on Turkestan, 17 routes of, Plate II Roof-pendants, 24, 97, 100, 102, 105, I10, I14, 116, 181, 183, 217, 296 figure, 102 : sections, 62, 95, IOI, 102, 107, I12, 113, 175, 179, 185, 186, 188 Rubbles, of alluvial fans, 283, 312, 319, 368 Russians, eastward migration of, 14, 15 quoted on graywackes, 255, 298, 400-401 Sacred Mountain, see Arishan Sage, maker of sand hummocks, 351 Sailugem Mountains, boundary of Gobi Basin, 21, 303 map showing, Plate IV Sain Noin (Khan), v, 3, 83, 87, 88, 124, 125, 127, 130, 132, 195, 213, 223, 227, 251, 275, 281, 292, 293, 297; 302, 343, 388, 395, 413 hot springs of, 132, 213 INDEX Sain Noin (Khan)—( Continued) lamasery at, 125, 343 maps showing, 126, 129, 194, 275, 304, Plate IV province (khan, eimak) of, 213, 251, 297 section, 129 vicinity of, 24, 83, 87, 124-127, 227, 292, 293, 343) 388, 395, 413 Sair Usu, 164; 166, 170, 173, 256, 282, 283, 295, 298, 320, 333, 400, 406, 414 maps showing, 275, 304, 404, Plate IV section, 168 vicinity of, 164, 166-167, 170-173 Sair Usu formation (Dinantian), 295, 298, 400, 406, 414 conventional symbols for, Plate VI description of, 170-173, 256 problem of, 282-283 section, 171 strike of, 320 table showing, 301 see also Palzozoic period Sairim formation (Lower Cretaceous), section, 156 type locality, 272, 278, 354 see also Oshih formation Sairim Gashato temple, 272, 278 map showing, 194 Salt pans, in hollows, 63, 141, 196, 224, 241, 246, 247, 303, 308, 355, 386, 392 Plate XVII B see also Hollows, Playas San Men gravels (Pleistocene), 348 Sand, 148, I5I, 200, 230, 235, 236, 237, 283, 306, 315, 323, 352, 362, 374, 382, 385, 407 alluvial, 31, 63, 156, 177, 203, 206, 238, 252, 271, 280, 311, 340, 354, 355, 358, 360, 363, 365, 366, 376, 379, 380 marine, 23 residual, 71, 157, 217, 218 wind-blown, 58, 146, 147, 149, 158, 161, 197, 207, 211, 230, 249, 253, 254, 272, 279, 325, 326, 332, 333, 335, 337) 350, 351, 354, 356, 357, 368, 369, 377, 381, 386, 417 see also Dunes, Graywackes, Hummocks, Sand- stones Sandstones, 22, 23, 24, 49, 63, 67, 68, 70, 103, 105, 106, 114, 124, 127, 146, 152, 157, 164, 165, 166, 169, 170, 174, 178, 181, 182, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 216, 218, 219, 220, 224, 226, 228, 231, 232, 237, 253, 254, 256, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 270, 271, 272, 291, 292, 293, 294, 297, 313, 325, 334, 353, 354, 355, 362, 373, 375, 379, 380, 398, 399, 401, 402, 405, 407, 41I conventional symbols for, Plate VI Sanjarav, acknowledgment to, x Sarcodon pygma@us, 359 Sauropod dinosaurs, 233, 271, 354, 368 Saurornithoides mongoliensis, 357 469 Saxaul, maker of sand hummocks, 351 see also Tamarisk mounds Sayan (Sayanski) ranges, boundary of Gobi basin, 303 maps showing, 43, 275, Plate IV Sayan trend, 319 Scarps, erosion, 31, 60, 141, 157, 174, 177, 182, 196, 200, 209, 265, 275, 276, 279, 283, 314, 338, 339, 363, 365, 386, 390, 391 fault, 34, 253, 265, 269, 270 figures, 54, 98-99, 102, 176, 199, 200, 209, 224-225, 242, 267, 269, 281, 318, 324, 337, 338, 339, 340 maps showing, 117, 140, 176, 198, Plates XXVIII, XXIX, XXX Plates I, V A, X A, XXI reversed, 339 sections, 47, 54, 57, 58, 65, 102, 159, 175, 177, 180, 201, 203, 209, 229, 281 Schists, 22, 23, 50, 72, 80, 82, 91, 94, 109, 113, I19, 135, 136, 139, 141, 149, 154, 156, 166, 170, 174, 178, 181, 183, 184, 226, 227, 254, 261, 262, 263, 264, 282, 290, 291, 299, 300, 3II, 313, 314, 319, 320, 322, 334, 373, 398, 408 conventional symbols for, Plate VII sections, 117, 140, 168, 171, 185 Schizotherium avitum, 363 Schlosser, Max, cited on anthropoid tooth, 12 Schlosseria magister, 359 Schonstrom, geographic observations by, 15 Scoria, 78, 319 Sediments, see Later sediments Sedimentation, ancient eras of, 400 Cretaceous and later, 403-405, 417 gaps in the record of, 366-368 lake deposits, 392 mid-Mesozoic, 402, 4.03 Paleozoic, 401 process of, 305 stream deposits, 331, 338, 390-391 summary of, 405-408 Selenga Gol (river), 23, 90 map showing, Plate IV Selenite, 271 see also Gypsum Selenomys mimicus, 234 Septarian nodules, 205 Sericite, 80, 178, 263 see also Schists, Phyllites Serpentine, 258, 314, 408 conventional symbol for, Plate VII Serridentinus mongoliensis, 235 Sha-ho (river), 30 Shabarakh Usu, dune dwellers of, 418 see also Djadokhta Shackelford, J. B., 88 acknowledgment to, ix discoverer of Protoceratops, 157 470 Shah Ola (hill), 271 map showing, 194 see also Oshih formation Shales, 63, 114, 169, 181, 205, 210, 219, 231, 232, 263, 271, 276, 294, 297, 298, 354, 359, 374, 375; 379, 398, 401, 405, 407 conventional symbol for, Plate VI Shamosuchus djadochtaensis, 357 Shansi, block mountains of, 29-30, 32 . Shantung, fish-bearing shales of, 233, 354 map showing, Plate IV Shara Khada range, as boundary of Gobi basin, 31 map showing, Plate IV Shara Khata Mountains, 149 section, 145 Shara Murun, maps showing, 43, 198, 275, 304, 404, Plate IV section, 180 valley of, 182-183 see also Gobi erosion plane Shara Murun formation (Eocene), 332, 335, 359, 363, 370 age and correlation of, 367, 369 climate indicated by, 380 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 182, 209-210, 362 extent of, 199 figure, 199 fossils of, 182, 208, 362 Plate XXII B problem of, 279 sections, 180, 185 table showing, 272 Shargin tala, 308 Shaya Nor, see Iren Nor Sheep, 87, 249, 258, 313 Sheiten Ola range, boundary of Ordos, 31 map showing, Plate IV Shelf, 308, 315 figure, 330 origin of, 261-262, 265, 313-314, 330-332 sections, 77, 261, 345 see also Terrace Shells, 203, 354, 355 Shensi, fish-bearing shales of, 354 Sherwood, George H., acknowledgment to, vii Shilka River, 25 Shrines, 83, 170, 213 Siberia, 20, 32, 326 early settlements in, 15 edge of the forest of, 130 fish-bearing shales of, 354 Jurassic formations of, 402 Lower Cretaceous climate of, 376 Silica, 151, 315, 334 stacks, origin of, 272 Plate XX XVII INDEX Sills, 48, 61, 66, 74, 82, 93, 96, 102, 108, 113, 120 see also Dikes Silurian formations, 27 Silurian period, an erosion interval, 414 Silt, 407 Simpson, George Gaylord, cited on Cretaceous mam- mals, 353 Sinian system (pre-Cambrian), 227, 300, 373, 398, 41I, 414 table showing, 301 Sirimpil, acknowledgment to, x Skulls, fossil, 208, 210, 279, 363, 380 Slates, 34, 50, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 82, 91, 94, 97, 100, I19, 122, 178, 181, 199, 200, 202, 205, 216, 227, 282, 283, 291, 297, 298, 299, 313, 314, 315, 319, 323, 355; 373, 374, 375, 399, 400, 401 conventional symbol for, Plate VI maps showing, Plates XXIII, XXVI Plate XXII A sections, 57, 58, 62, 65, 81, 89, 92, I2I, 123, 129, 134, 179, 201, 203 Snow, 64, 84, 125, 138, 183, 327, 395, 396 Soil, 90, 120, 184 alluvial, 83 residual, 50, 149, 220 Special studies listed, 195, 275 Specimens (American Museum catalogue numbers), IIO, III, I14, 132, 149, 156, 165, 169, 174, 178, 219, 220, 257, 272 Springs, 87, 124, 127, 138, 214, 253, 348 Stacks, silica, at Oshih, 272 Plate XX XVII Stocks, see Bosses Storms, 64, 125, 183, 252, 326, 327, 330, 331, 336, 337, 351 von Strahlenberg, Philipp Johann, map of northern Asia by, 15 Streams, 70, 76, 83, 113, 147, 148, 161, 202, 216, 236, 246, 265, 313, 348, 387 braided, 120 consequent, 327 courses of, 25, 33, 90, 240-241, 243 graded, 331, 336 immigrant, 327-328 of Khangai watershed, 24 misfit, 390 native, 327-329 see also Drainage, Erosion, Terraces, Valleys Structure lines, 226, 319-322 map showing, 321 Struthiolithus, 235, 382 eggs of, 382 Struthiomimid dinosaurs, 204 Suess, Edouard, acknowledgment to, 17 Altaids of, 27 cited on Altai trend, 320 cited on boundary of Gobi basin, 22, 24, 36 cited on Great Khingan range, 28-29 INDEX Suess, Edouard—Continued cited on Ikhe Bogdo, 310 cited on Miocene lignites, 367 cited on Ordos, 31-32 cited on Rhinoceros, 200 cited on Sayan trend, 319 cited on Tannu Ola, 22 cited on ‘‘ Valley of the Lakes,’’ 308 views of, discussed by Obruchev, 34-35 Suma Khada range, 31 map showing, Plate IV Sungari River, 30 Syenites, 16, 71, 72, 94, 164, 165, 269, 292, 409 conventional symbol for, Plate VII poikilitic, 61 section, 163 Synclinal structure, 105, 108, 119, 124, 132, 154, 164, 226, 263, 265, 294 Synoplotherium, 360 Szechenyi, Bela, journey of, 17 routes of, Plate III Ta Hsing An Ling, see Great Khingan range T’ai Shan system (Archezozoic), deformation of, 413 component of oldrock floor, 291 outcrops of, 80, 109, III, 227 sections, 79, II2, 229, 415 summary of, 300-302, 398 table showing, 301 unconformity above, 411 see also Gneisses Talas, 318, 323, 327 definition of, 306 of eastern and southern province, 306-307 trends of, 319, 321-322 of western province, 308-309 Tamarack (larch), 130, 389 Tamarisk mounds, 58, 351 Tamarisks, Plate XX XIII B T’ang Hsien, physiographic stage, 347, 348 Tannu Ola range, boundary of Gobi basin, 21, 35, 303 boundary of Ubsa tala, 308 maps showing, 43, Plate IV structure of, 22 trend of, 320 Tarim basin, extension of Gobi basin, 33-34 mapped by Renat, 15 see also Lop Nor Tarmil Gol (river), tributary of Ongin Gol, 125, 127 maps showing, 123, 126, 129 Tarso-metatarsus, fossil, 361 Tatal Gol (river), Oligocene beds at, 365 map showing, Plate XXIX Tatars, Bahadur’s history of, 15-16 Tataromys plicidens, 234 sigmodon, 234 471 Tatsin Gol (river), tributary of Tsagan Nor, 246, 328, 348 maps showing, 194, Plate IV Teeth, fossil, 197, 201, 205, 208, 209, 210, 279, 380, 382 Teilhard de Chardin, Pére Pierre, quoted on pre- historic man, 284 Teilhard de Chardin, Pére Pierre and Licent, Pére Emil, cited on Paleolithic cultures, 13, 18 cited on Pliocene formations, 29, 306, 370, 382 cited on volcanic mountains, 29, 318 Teilhardia pretiosa, 360 Telegraph line, Kalgan-Urga, 189, 196, 336 Teleolophus medius, 361 Telmatherium berkeyi, 361 Telgir Merin Gol (river), map showing, Plate IV rock formations at, 23 Temperatures, 84, 183, 220, 249, 341, 374, 395 Temples, Buddhist, 97, 161, 170, 196, 209, 272, 278, 280 Terraces, of abandoned beaches, 392-393 in alluvial fans, 312, 389-391, 393 in badlands, 209 of marginal shelf, 261 Plates XIII B, XIV B, XX A, XL B, XLII B section, 342 in stream valleys, 90, 115, 122, 162, 31I, 313, 314, 315, 343, 348 see also Shelf Tertiary period, climate during, 378-382, 419 erosion during, 241-243, 261, 332-333, 346, 347- 348, 407 lavas of, 30, 31, 236-238, 241, 334, 355, 410 orogenic movements during, 17, 20, 35, 36, 238, 243, 244, 265, 273, 295, 347-348, 405, 407, 410, 412, 413 sections, 47, 69, 209, 236 stratigraphic units of, 26-27, 31, 40, 41, 49, 52, 55, 63, 67, 68, 148, 152, 166, 174, 182, 204, 210, 225, 229, 233, 235, 236-238, 239, 241, 261, 263, 270, 277, 279, 281, 289, 306, 309, 314, 315, 332, 333, 335, 341, 353, 364, 366 structure lines of, 32, 319-321 summary of, 366-372 see also Cenozoic era Testudo insolitus, 364 Theropoda (Theropods), 204, 354, 357 Third Asiatic Expedition, 23, 40, 48, 223, 228 purposes and problems of, 274 routes of, 43, 290, 304, 404, Plate III summary of 1922 season’s work, 190 Tibet, explorations in, 15, 17 Tien Shan, explorations of, 16 glaciation of, 382 map showing, Plate IV structure of, 34-35, 309-310 trend of, 320 472 Tiger Canyon, alluvial fans at, 311, 312, 395 map showing, Plate XXX Plate XL B trees at, 389-390 Ting, V. K., acknowledgment to, vii Titanotheriide (Titanotheres), 177, 208, 360, 361, 362, 363 Tola Gol (river), 22, 82, 88, 89, 413 course of, 90-91 maps showing, 290, 304, 404, Plate IV rock formations along, 84, 181, 227, 282, 297, 399 sections, 92, 95 topographic features of, 94-96, 342-343 see also Camp Tola River von Toll, Baron E., cited on Miocene lignites, 367 Tolstikhin, N. J., cited on Selenga River region, 23 routes of, Plate II Topography, character of, 76, 84-85, 94, 130, 154, 161-162, 173, 178, 181, 182, 187, 218, 235, 243- 244, 254, 258-259, 269, 351, 413 origin of local, 52-54, 58, 218, 258-259, 289, 306, 342-343, 397, 417-418 structural control of, 46, 49-50, 64-68, 94-95, 187, 266, 412 see also Basins, Erosion planes, Hollows, Moun- tains, Peneplanes Tortoise bones, fossil, 206, 362, 364, 377, 379, 380 see also Chelonia Tourmaline, at granite contacts, 103, 218 Trachodont dinosaurs, 376 Trachy-andesites, 45 Trachytes, 45, 78, 80, 173, 228, 269, 292, 355, 410 conventional symbols for, Plate VII section, 155 Tragulina, 361 Trails, character of, 4, 11, 58, 70, 78, 82, III, 122, 125, 130-I3I, 132, 146-147, 149, 156, 157, 158, 161, 174, 178, 189, 249, 253, 275 mode of formation of, 58, 147 Kweihwating-Kobdo, 143, 153, 261, 278 Sair Usu-Uliassutai, 132, 136, 139, 162, 164, 165, 166, 170, 279, 283, 292, 293, 333 Urga-Kalgan, 60, 84, 196, 232, 276, 280, 300, 302, 307, 317, 319, 342, 370, 376 Urga-Sain Noin, 90, 124 Transbaikalia, fault-block ranges of, 21-22, 25-28, 303, 309, 319 fish-bearing shales of, 354 map showing, Plate IV Obruchev’s map of, 320 peneplane in, 347 Trap (basalt, diabase), 60, 202 Traverses, Ardyn Obo to Shara Murun, 177-182 Arishan to Gorida, 132-135 Artsa Bogdo to Djadokhta, 153-158 Artsa Bogdo to Gurbun Saikhan, 248-252 Bolkuk Gol] to Five Antelope Camp, 90-93 Bolkuk Gol to Urga, 88-89 INDEX Camp Canyon Brook to Ongin Gol, 115-120 Camp Jurassic to Mount Tuerin, 70-75 Camp Volcanic Cliffs to Artsa Bogdo, 148-151 Djadokhta to Ongin Gol in Sumu, 158-162 Forest Camp to Arishan, 130-131 Gurbun Saikhan to Artsa Bogdo, 252-253 Tren Dabasu to Camp Jurassic, 60-67 Kalgan to Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass, 45-49 major, 3 Ongin Gol to Sain Noin, 122-124 Ongin Gol in Sumu to Sair Usu, 162-169 Pacific Divide (Wan Ch’uan Hsien Pass) to P’ang Kiang, 49-55 P’ang Kiang to Iren Dabasu, 55-59 Rainy Gulch to Arctic Divide, 127-128 Sair Usu to Ardyn Obo, 170-174 Shara Murun to Kalgan, 183-190 Tola River to Tsetsenwan, 94-97 4 Tsagan Nor to Camp Volcanic Cliffs, 144-148 Tsetsenwan to Camp Canyon Brook, 110-113 Tuerin to Bolkuk Gol, 76-83 Uliassutai Trail (Gorida) to Mount Uskuk, 138-141 Trees, 58, 128, 130, 351, 387, 388, 389, 390, Plates XIV A, XXXIII B, XL Triassic formations, noted by Mushketov, 17 Triassic period, as possible age of conglomerates, 104, 106, 294, 403 Trichopterella torta, 233 Trionychids, 361, 362, 364 Tsagan Nor (lake), 142, 311, 328, 385 ancient beaches of, 247, 392-393 description of, 246-247, 348 history of, 349-350 maps showing, 194, 275, 304, Plates IV, XXIX, XXX Plates XVIII, XXXIII B, XLII B Roberts’ map of, ix r sections, 145, 229 Tsagan Nor basin, 142-144, 149, 152, 195, 223, 229- 242, 276, 277, 365 maps. showing, 140, Plates XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX Plates XVIII A, XXXI, XXXII A, XXXIII, XL B, XLII Tsagan tala, structure of, 308-309, 366 Tsaganomys altaicus, 234 Tserin, acknowledgment to, x Tsetsenwan, 302 abandoned dam near, 395 figures, 98, 102 local traverses from, 97, 98-104, IO5-I1I0 maps showing, 43, 275, 304, Plate IV sections, IOI, 102, 107, II2, 293 vicinity of, 24, 97-104, 110, 218, 292, 297, 300 see also Camp Tsetsenwan Tsetsenwan series, 292-293 table showing, 301 see also Jurassic conglomerate series INDEX Tsilin Gol (river), rock formations near, 370, 382 Tsingling Shan range, trend of, 320 Tuerin, Mount, 7, 84, 110 lamasery at, 75 maps showing, 43, 275, 290, 304, 404, Plate IV Plate XI B tock formations of, 74-76 sections, 73, 77 Tufa, Cretaceous, near Artsa Bogdo, 151 Tuffs, 45, 61, 74, 96, 108, 127, 178, 235, 237, 238, 253, 262, 264, 266, 375, 410 see also Volcanic rocks Tugurik, 162 map showing, 194 section, 163 Tukhum formation (Eocene), 210, 362 description of, 359-360 fossils of, 360 map showing, 404 Tupaiodon minutus, 234 morrisi, 234 Turfan lowland in Tien Shan, 34 map showing, Plate IV Turkestan, explored by other geologists, 17, 18, 19, 20 peneplane in, 347 Turkish tribes, monuments made by, 14 Turtle bones, fossil, 204, 359, 360, 361, 362, 377, 379, 382 see also Chelonia Tushetu (province, khan, eimak), 251 Ubsa Nor basin, 22 maps showing, 43, Plate IV see also Ubsa tala Ubsa tala, extension of Gobi basin, 308 map showing, 43 see also “‘ Valley of the Lakes” Ude, 293 maps showing, 43, 275, 290, 304, 404, Plate IV rock formations near, 64, 297 section, 65 Ula Usu, maps showing, 304, 404, Plate XXII B rock formations at, 209-210 section, 180 see also Shara Murun formation Ulan Huataka Ama, at Gurbun Saikhan, 252 Ulan Nor (lake), 153, 157, 328, 348 maps showing, 194, 275, Plate IV problem of, 280 Uliassutai, 297 maps showing, 43, 304, Plate IV see also Trails Uljitundur Gol (river), at Baga Bogdo, 147 map showing, Plate XXX Unconformities, figures, 165, 199, 209, 242 physiographic, 343 Plates XXIII, XXVI, XXVII, XXIX, XXX 473 pre-Cretaceous (“‘Great Unconformity”), 106, 211, 229, 244, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 352, 354-355, 402, 403, 411, 414 pre-Jurassic (post-Permian), 411, 414 pre-Palzozoic, 296, 401, 411, 414 pre-Permian, 296, 401 pre-Sinian, 302, 398-399, 400 pre-Tertiary, 211, 223, 225, 229, 231, 236, 241, 244, 404 pre-Wu T’ai, 302, 400, 411 problem of, 282 sections, 47, 51, 53, 57, 58, 62, 65, 69, 73, 77, 79, 81, 107, 117, I2I, 123, 129, 134, 140, 145, 150, 155, 159, 160, 163, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 179, 180, 185, 186, 188, 189, 201, 203, 229, 253, 257, 261, 263, 277, 281, 289, 295, 299, 346, 415 tables showing, 301, 372 see also Conglomerates, Disconformities, Erosion planes, Peneplanes Urga, 197, 227, 282, 293, 297, 298, 320, 342 capital of Mongolia, 88 maps showing, 43, 275, 290, 304, 404, Plate IV see also Trails Urgo-Samoyeds, early migrations of, 13 Uriankhai basin, 13 Urulji Nuru, scarp at Oshih, 268, 271 figure, 269 Urumchi, in Dzungaria, 34 map showing, Plate IV Uskuk Mountain, 141, 142, 205, 223, 247, 297, 329, 332, 353, 365, 366 ancient crystallines of, 224, 225-228 deformation of, 244-246, 270 erosional history of, 243-244, 341 fault block of, 138-139, 223-224, 231, 308, 311, 333, 413 figures, 239, 242 “Flaming Cliffs’ of, 275, 277 Jurassic formations of, 224 later sediments at, 224-225 lava cap of, 224 maps showing, 140, 194, 290, 404, Plates XXVII, XXVIII mid-Mesozoic formations of, 228-229, 292, 293 Plates XVII B, XXXI B, XXXII, XXXIII A sections, 140, 229 see-also Guchu Burt Ussov, M., cited on age of graywackes, 25, 298 cited on Kentai Ola, 25 routes of, Plate II 104, 294, 401, 410- Valleys, abandoned, 147-148, 156, 158, 246, 395 aggraded, Plates XXXI A, XL B, XLI ancient, 240-241, 266-268, 392 forms and adjustments of, 30, 52, 68, 75, 90-91, 120, 138, 141, 147-148, 156, 158, 161, 182, 216, 243-244, 246, 251, 255, 258, 266-267, 268-269, 474 Valleys, forms and ajustments of—Continued 272, 309, 311, 313, 315, 327-330, 331, 342-343, 383-384, 417 see also Erosion, Streams, Terraces “Valley of Gems,"’ 208 “Valley of the Lakes,” 22, 308 maps showing, 43, Plate IV Vegetation, distribution of, 76, 130, 249, 252, 326- 327, 396 maker of loess, 356 maker of sand hummocks, 351 protector against erosion, 48, 312, 326, 339, 351 see also Erosion, Flora, Forests, Scarps, Trees Veins, 254, 264, 334, 357, 364 see also Mineral resources, Pegmatites, Quartz Velociraptor mongoliensis, 357 Vertebrates, 182, 352, 360, 379 Villages of Mongol yurts, 88, 170, 184, 244, 258 Viverravus constans, 234 Volcanic ash, 61, 74, 108, 157, 237, 272, 315, 334, 374, 375, 410 Volcanic bombs, 78, 127, 157 Volcanic eruptives, 34, 262, 281, 319 Volcanic extrusives, 290 Volcanic flows, 96, 108, 126, 127, 148, 156, 157, 174, 221, 222, 241, 242, 245, 262, 266, 271, 306, 308, 310, 319, 334, 354, 358, 365, 375, 393, 410 Volcanic rocks, 24, 28, 48, 74, 97, 98, 108, 126, 127, 148, 174, 215, 238, 272, 314, 405 sections, 73, 145 Volcanism, development of, 408-410 effects of, 224, 245, 305, 309 evidences of, 66, 67, 68, 78, 266, 319 problem of, 284 relation of, to isostasy, 245 see also Bathylith Volcanoes, 27, 28, 305, 306, 318, 319 cones of, 29, 67, 78, 80, 318, 319, 417 necks of, 48, 272, 319 plugs of, 48, 120, 219 section, 79 vents of, 66, 78-80, 219 Wadi Abu Shusha, cloudburst at, 326 Walther, Johannes, cited on cloudbursts, 326-327, 396 cited on desert erosion, 325 quoted on desert lakes, 348 Wan Ch’uan formation (Lower Cretaceous), 352 age and correlation of, 357-358 conventional symbol for, Plate VI description of, 46-49, 355-356 Plate XLI A problem of, 275-276 sections, 47, 188 Wan Ch’uan (Hsien) Pass, 196 entrance to Mongolia, 9 as evidencs of climatic change, 386-387 map showing, 275 INDEX Plates VIII A, XLI, XLIII B rock formations at, 45-49, 189 section, 47 Wang, Hung Ping, acknowledgment to, x Warping, effects of, 262, 306, 308, 309, 322, 333, 357, 402 evidence of, 211-212, 247, 259, 288, 318, 333, 403- 405, 407 periods of, 244-245, 289, 348, 367, 403-405, 407, 410, 411-412, 414 sections, 367, 369 see also Deformation, Faults Water, deposits formed by, 177, 208, 375, 379, 381, 398, 402, 417 ground-water, 87, 221, 350 presence of, 156, 187, 249, 250, 252, 253, 282, 315, 389 supply, 148, 151, 248 see also Erosion, Rainfall, Springs, Streams, Water- table, Weathering Water-table, 147, 196, 249, 328, 341, 348 Watersheds, 25, 244 see also Arctic Divide, Pacific Divide Wealden (Lower Cretaceous), 366 Weather conditions, 64, 84, 124, 183, 248, 252, 330 see also Storms, Temperatures Weathering, processes of, 118, 218, 305, 324-325, 330, 374, 375 products of, 66, 67, 218, 264, 374, 375, 417 Wei Ho (river), 32, 327 Wells, in Gobi basin, 64, 142, 165, 196, 200, 208, 209, 249, 250, 252, 253, 395 West Knolls, Pliocene deposits of, 366 map showing, Plate XXX Western Hills, Plate V A William of Rubrouck, journey of, 14 Willis, Bailey, cited on China, 18, 19 cited on T’ai Shan system, 80, 109, III, 302, 398 cited on Wu T’ai system, 25, 72, 82, 166, 300 quoted on Khingan line, 29-30 Willis, Bailey, and Blackwelder, Eliot, quoted on Pei T’ai peneplane, 347-348 Wind, deposits by, 207, 335, 350-351, 359, 377, 417 prevailing directions of, 395-397 transporting power of, 118, 141, 148, 326, 341 see also Dunes, Erosion, Loess, Sand Wong, Wenhow, acknowledgment to, vii quoted on Cretaceous in Ordos, 32 Wu T’ai system (Proterozoic), component of oldrock floor, 291 deformation of, 398-399, 411, 413 outcrops of, 24, 25, 72, 82, 114, 154, 166, 178, 183, 227 Plates XIII A, XXXIX B sections, 73, 79, 113, 145, 150, 155, 168, 179, 185, 415 summaries of, 299-300, 398-399 Wu T’ai system—Continued table showing, 301 unconformities limiting, 24, 411 Xenoliths, 24, 93, 110, 116, 139, 156, 183, 218 Plate XXV B see also Bathylith, Roof-pendants Yablonovi range, map showing, Plate IV INDEX Yaks, 313 Yang Ho (river), 9, 45 Yangtze Kiang (river), 30 Yellow River, see Hwang Ho Yenisei River, 22 map showing, Plate IV Yeniseians, ancient migrations of, 13 Yih, L. F., cited on Western Hills, 347 Yurts of Mongols, 64, 157, 213, 244, 250, 258 475 FAGAL rie wast { : Fe elwety aipaa’’ { , ey Oy od: Aaeie ot intend steed. ; th 40 aed att, OT HiserFien went Elis] Sacer, 10a ‘cma S te weed, bere T ‘ae abt atcha tater &¢ de to TOUS P atatt .pateoile ait a UAE ine 33} Zt DA Wabal taewinn innate snebeae tl | oe Haniiian inn . Seer teG wig Peer AGT otetie ll no. ttle aS al we Ris ie Hh? RASTA Shigtad. Jo's “Fier l. pAlpoa ana Opt ay ed = AO, + ata Hy: dagiet on ig ie @-vV 3NIT 3HL SNOOTY NOILD3S 91901039 HAG GTO OSHA SITNURII B eso iW ay 0p aygoindiuoy puns yuavey 45% 20' 45°) THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP OF PART OF THE TSAGAN NOR BASIN GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, President PLATE XXIX 10125) a0! a = = LEGEND 560, am SOUTHERN BLOCK OF USKUK MOUNTAIN IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS = OLIGOCENE Basalt flows Surface lows of basalt interbedded with the Hsanda Gol formation, and locally faicumpanied by beds of ash and ruff JURASSIC (?) J\= Complex of porphyries rhyolite, trachyte, endesite and granite Porphyries, associated with Jurassic (?) conglomerate series Ly 2) Ancient complex Gneisses, schists and crystalline limestones invaded by granite and dikes of the great Mongolian bathylith J) Faults CENOZOIC MESOZOIC euchDEOZOle EARLY PALAEOZOIC ey 3S dh i\ - 4s° 15° are tthe 15 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS POST-PLEISTOCENE Valley fill Partly consolidated sand, deposited J QUATERNARY arene bach el oun ls con sueamp mus, and pd aes be MIOCENE pile Yay oe Loh formation a U__|ase = White sands and gravels, and = alive greo anil ow clays 7 |10" clayey sands and thin gravels N z OLIGOCENE a Hsanda Gol formation downward into sands and pists % Fossil Sites CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Leader TRUE NORTH MAGNETIC NORTH. 101°45" me Seale inoca Geology by Charles P. Berkey ao os eaee t 5 A a 5 Miles Plane-table survey by Frederick K. Morris, 1922 Datum, Tsagan Nor in 1922 405 0 “4 2 3 4 5 Kilometers Tale outline, altitude, and position taken from the survey by L. B, Roberts, Parts of the ially thi vi Beare seid Se ur eee eats meen Tanean Nor and ata Contour Interval, 100 feet Drawn by Erwin J. Ruisz RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP OR GHE GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, President HUNG KUREH AREA PLATE XXX i014" 101° 25" £ . — , a ; q pM x LEGEND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS POST-PLEISTOCENE ps Low flat covered with swamp vegetation PLEISTOCENE == Recent Sand, Comparable to the Shabarakh QUATERNARY High fans pore bere hayos erent Gochu formation sere a a Ti iad eet PLIOCENE we pany sie formation i overlaid erce paenere ee light gray clays MIOCENE | E Loh formation eames | IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS = | a nung) koreh ——_——— CENOZOIC DayYing Gol GEOLOGIC SECTION ALONG THE LINE A-B Rubbles ——————___ OR EARLY PALAEOZOIC Mongolian bathylith Ohefly biotite granite, cut by numerous dikes PRE-CAMBRIAN Ancient complex Gneisses, schists crystalline limestones bey ‘granite and dikes of the great Mongolian bathylith ~ i Faults ARCHAEOZOIC LATE PROTEROZOIC AND PROTEROZOIC LONGITUDE EAST FROM GREENWICH 101° 25" 3o' CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS a os eo) A a= EY 4 3 Mites Geology . Berkey ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Leader FA 7 1932 OS 8, ‘ aS a 5 Kilometers Topography of Baga Bogdo range largely sketched, partly from photographs = Datum, Teagan Nor in 1922 : Lake outline, altitude, and position taken from the survey by L. B, Roberts, Con! Interval, fe 1925 © san et Drawn by Erwin J. Raise RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OF THE GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, President HSANDA GOL AREA PLATE XXVIII 101°55" 102°00° a 3 a ees We UA UA RG is LEGEND = “4 fone —. 45° SEDIMENTARY ROCKS ED Oa re tarp. Ondaiy Saar feleler 4 000s MIOCENE en Loh formation Olives, and brown ee erat are Usayinos OLIGOCENE 401g Hsanda Gol formation Red clays and dlayry sands, associated ici leonfows and doweracard into thick basal conglomerates and.sands LOWER CRETACEOUS Ondai Sair formation as x S 1 1: 2 HONSH gO uleyunoW White and yellow sands and gravels, with gray to Nack poper-shales GREAT UNCONFORMITY JURASSIC (2) pons lam rele series” Shales, sands and thick conglomerates o buff, brown oF black colors, locally mu coaly beds and obscure plant remains IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS OLIGOCENE Roath Basalt flows Surface flows of basalt interbedded with the Hsanda Gol formation, and locally accompanied by beds of ash and tuff as” @-v SNM 3HL SNOOTY NOILDSS 91901039 Mongolian bathylith oa PRE-CAMBRIAN Ancient Complex Gneisses, schists and crystalline liens inode by rane and dikes of the great Mongolian bathylith J fs 10145" 101°50" 10P55" Longitude East from Greenwich aa Scale igghor z iH Geology by Charles P. Berkey CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS a a ee ee ee ee ree TENS ae REC zseiee eBid dg Kilometers ; ; Drawn by Eris Bae Contour Interval, 100 fect CENOZOIC MESOZOIC CENOZOIC MESOZOIC ARCHAEOZOIC EARLY PALAEOZOIC RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ae GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, President MOUNT USKUK AREA PLATE XXVII 102°00° 1014S" LEGEND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Extensive Lava Fields RECENT +—— to the West F 2 UNCONFORMITY Alluvial fans OLIGOCENE (?) » 2 s 2 S Hsanda Gol formation (?) iS e 4 : ee Conglomerates and red sandy clays LOWER CRETACEOUS id Ondai Sair formation Fine white gravels and sands, inter- bedded with gray and black papersales. GREAT UNCONFORMITY JURASSIC (2) Conglomerate series colored conglomerates and sanlstones. IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS OLIGOCENE 45° 30" Basalt flows u Remnants of a oncescontinnous " cover of lava, which at Uskuk useayuzsoN “eg Dao Peak included! at least 10 flows. 4 Q-9 3NI7 3HL ONOIW NOILD3S 91901039 4OHxST TERTIARY yeed YONSL Plug or ike dark fel thoid= coe y¥O°018 Mongolian bathylith Een tose Li argh Shiliuta <” PRE-CAMBRIAN wae oS MOHSA WseYyn i = ss 33 | = ea ——<—— ° nN a = ° ° ah 8 3 8 3 ote Faults x“ Fossil sites Lava Cap Uskuk Peak GEOLOGIC SECTION ALONG THE LINE A-B CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS eat pete Gealogy ies eee oe i Sorts ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Leader roatboo Stuns ; Bae OS 1 2 3 4 5 Miles le Drawn by Erwin J. Raise 105 0 1 2 3 4 5s Kilometers H Contour Interval, 190 feet CENOZOIC MESOZOIC MESOZOIC CENOZOIC LATE PROTEROZOIC EARLY PALAEOZOIC ARCHAFOZOIC PROTEROZOIC RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, President IREN DABASU AREA mas Mm os HA PR le atios Lie wie fl HAY ‘ ts, HH i) ye i tly Be i ee Greenwich ii"45" Seale igaloas CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS a a a a ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Leader 105 0 1 2 3 4 5 Kilometers Contour Interval, 20 feet GEOLOGY OF MONGCLIA PLATE XXIII LEGEND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS OLIGOCENE Houldjin formation Yellow gravels and sands EOCENE Irdin Manha formation White and gray sands, clays and gravela Arshanto formation? diatel and red ceva LOWER CRETACEOUS Tren Dabasu formation Red. ane clays and. thin light $ray sandstones SINIAN (?) Oldrock floor Folded dark slates IGNEOUS ROCKS n2°5 Geology by Charles P. Berkey Plane-table survey by Frederick K. Morris, 1922-1923 Drawn by Erwin J. Raise “Se eS EE eee eee CENOZOIC LATE PROTEROZOIC MESOZOIC OR PALAEOZOIC CENOZOIC 7 LATE PROTEROZOIC OR PALAEOZOIC G-9 3NM 3HL SNOIY NOILOSS 919071039 ureyunoy) p2s2eS Longitude Bast from Greenwich to1"so" THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY @-vV 3NM 3HL SNOTY NOiL9aS 91901039 HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN, President l a | ies i i i re Na CENTRAL ASIATIC EXPEDITIONS if ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Leader le SS : ZS It} A i RECONNAISSANCE GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE ARISHAN AREA i fi Ss di ‘ HTT ces | aN i | the mS il ALi (i } Sonle ‘os os o 1 2 ————— Sc es few p Contour Interval, 20 feet —— i A ns | in oC od ul us it IGEOLOGIC SEC aMies Geology by Charles P. Berkey . Hi GEOLOGY OF MONGOLIA PLATE XXVI _ Plane-table survey by Frederick K. Morris, 1922 acter and northeastern portions of the map sketched with the aid of 4 ints located by intersection Za fade w oe longitude only approximate, as position was not determined pies by ‘Wy Erwin J. Raise LEGEND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS JURASSIC (?) er = Gonglonterata seri Ns i uy { He UNCONFORMITY SINIAN (7) il series Dark folded and fasted! igraywackes and slates IGNEOUS ROCKS st Mongolian bathylith Mosnire tiotue cat by nem dik Faults Jw 2 3 N fo} Ww w = yy oo NON fen Ww B.S 2°s as a4 35 > ec < z « w 5 =< |} o LATE PROTEROZOIC EARLY PALAEOZOIC TN