The Contemporary Science Series The Germ-Plasm ®t|p i. 1. ItU SItbrarg QH431 ¥44 '^ ^::=?L^. N.C. STATE UNIVERSITY D.H. HILL LIBRARY S001 42329 L This book is due on the date indicated below and is subject to an overdue fine as posted at the circulation desk. EXCEPTION: Date due will be earlier if this item is RECALLED. 150M/01 -92— 941680 THE GERM-PLASM /Uy small units. Wiesner remarks that theories of heredity have hitherto always adopted units invented for the purpose, whereas the same units which make life possible at all, and which control assimilation and growth, must also be the agents in bringing about the phenomena of heredity. Spencer's ' physiological units,^ Dar- win's ' gemmules,' HaeckeFs ' plastidules,' and my ' ancestral germ-plasms," are all, in fact, elements of this kind, assumed for the explanation of the problem of heredity. De Vries stands * y. Wiesner, ' Die Elementarstruktur und das Wachsthum der lehenden Substanz,' W'ien, 1892. 20 THE GERM-PLASM alone in considering all living matter to be actually composed of his ' pangenes/ though I have already indicated that my ' ancestral germ-plasms ' are also composed of similar primary units, which do not exist in them alone. The minute vital particles or ' plasomes,' adopted by Wiesner from Briicke. cor- respond in all essential points to the • biophors ' or bearers of life assumed by myself. B. — Descriptive Part By the term heredity is simply meant the well-known fact that living organisms are able to produce their like, and that the resemblance between a child and its parent, although never perfect, may nevertheless extend to the most minute details of construction and functions. The fundamental phenomena of heredity are familiar in all existing organisms : the transmission of the character of the species from parent to offspring results whether the multiplica- tion takes place by the halving of a unicellular organism or by the process which occurs in multicellular organisms, which consists in a complex succession of continually increasing groups of cells, i.e., in development. These fundamental phe- nomena of heredity are, however, complicated in all the higher organisms by the connection of reproduction with that process which may be described as amphimixis.* This consists in the mingling of two individuals or of their germs, and owing to its constant connection with reproduction in multicellular organisms it is usually spoken of as ^sexual reproduction.' As will be shown in greater detail further on, the various phenomena, such as the blending of parental characters in the offspring, and reversion, depend exclusively on the hold which amphimixis has taken on the life of the species. Similar phenomena must occur amongst unicellular organisms, in which amphimixis is widely spread if not universal, in the form of conjugation, and is, therefore, not directly connected with reproduction. At present, however, we are ignorant of the details of heredity in these forms, and are therefore compelled to base our conclusions entirely upon what we know to occur in multicellular organisms. * August Weismann, 'Amphimixis, oder die Vermischung der In- dividuen,' Jena, 1891. See ' Essays upon Heredity,' vol. ii,, 1892. INTRODUCTION 2 1 These phenomena have only been observed in detail in the higher plants and animals, more particularly in man. In the case of the higher forms of life a large number of facts have now been accumulated which can be used for the purpose of theoretical analysis. Although the study of heredity is greatly complicated by amphimixis, this mingling of the hereditary tendencies of two parents, and even the process of sexual reproduction which accom- panies it, afford us a much deeper insight into the actual proc- esses of heredity than we could ever have obtained in any other way. We may thus hope in time to penetrate further into its nature by carrying out more detailed investigations of the phe- nomena. In order to do so, however, we must not forget that this form of reproduction is neither the only nor the original one, and that even in multicellular organisms reproduction is not necessarily connected with amphimixis ; it must also be borne in mind that so-called asexual {jnonogonic) reproduction forms the basis of the amphigonic method. The fundamental phenomena of heredity had already shaped their course in the living world before the introduction of amphimixis, and have, therefore, no connection with amphigonic descent and the complications aris- inof from it. This fact has often been overlooked or left out of consideration, and thus the solution of the problem of heredity has been rendered much more difficult. A whole series of the phenomena of heredity can be investigated theoretically without considering the complications arising from amphimixis, though, in point of fact, it is always a factor, and thus the problem to be solved is very considerably simplified. The natural course of such an investigation would be to pass from the simple to the complex, but it is not advisable at present to begin the study of heredity by a consideration of the simplest beings, and to ascend from the unicellular to the multicellular organisms. For besides the fact that we know nothing of the individual phenomena, — such as the transmission of the indi- vidual characters, — in the lower forms, the principal reason for not following the ordinary course in this case is the fact that amphigonic reproduction, or the processes of fertilisation and the complicated development of multicellular organisms, affords us, as already stated, a deep insight into the processes of hereditv. The same is true in this case as in almost all 22 THE GERM-PLASM physiological processes, — investigation cannot proceed from the simple to the more complex without taking into considera- tion the objects and processes for which it was first undertaken. It must, on the contrary, avoid the densely overgrown path and skirt the hedge which surrounds the enchanted castle of the secret of Nature, in order to see if there be not somewhere a gap through which it is possible to enter and obtain a firm foothold. Such a gap in the hedge which encloses the secret of heredity may be found in the processes of fertilisation, if we connect them with the facts of heredity as observed in the organisms which have adopted sexual reproduction. As long as we were under the erroneous impression that the fertilisation of the ovum by the spermatozoon depended on an aura se//i2Jtalis which incited the egg to undergo devel- opment, we could only partially explain the fact that the father as well as the mother is able to transmit characters to the children by assuming the existence of a spiritus rector, con- tained in the aura seminah's which was transferred to the ovum and united with that of the latter, and thus with it directed the development. The discovery that development is effected by material particles of the substance of the sperm, the sperm-cells, entering the ovum, opened the way to a more correct interpre- tation of this process. We now know that fertilisation is noth- ing more than the partial or complete fusion of two cells, the sperm-cell and the egg-cell, and that normally only one of the former unites with one of the latter. Fertilisation thus depends on the union of two protoplasmic substances. Moreover, although the male germ-cell is always very much smaller relatively than the female germ-cell, we know that the father's capacity for transmission is as great as the mother's. The important con- clusion is therefore arrived at that only a small portion of the substance of the ovum can be the actual hereditary substance. Pfliiger and Nageli were the first to follow out this idea to its logical conclusion, and the latter observer stated definitely that it is impossible to avoid the assumption that no more hereditary substance is contained in the egg-cell than in the male germ-cell, and that consequently the amount of the sub- stance must be infinitesimal, for the sperm-cell is. in most cases, many hundred times smaller than the ovum. The numerous and important results of the investigations of INTRODUCTION 2^ many excellent observers on the process of fertilisation have now rendered it almost certain — in my opinion, absolutely so — that by far the larger part of the egg-cell does not consist of hereditary substance, and that the latter only constitutes a small portion even of the sperm-cell. From his observations on the egg of the star-fish, Oscar Hertwig had suspected that the essential part of the process of fertilisation consists in the union of the luiclei of the egg- and sperm-cells, and as it is now known that the hereditary substance is undoubtedly contained in the nucleus, this view has, in this respect at least, proved to be the right one. It is true that the nucleus of the male cell is always surrounded by a cell-body, and that Strasburger's opinion to the contrary is incorrect. We now know, through the researches of Guignard, that even in Phanerogams a small cell- body surrounds the nucleus, and that a special structure, the '- centrosome,' — which is absolutely essential for the commence- ment of development, — is contained within it. This structure will be treated of in further detail presently, but I must here lay stress upon my view, that the '• centrosotne^ with its 'sphere of attraction ' cannot in any case be the hereditary siibstatice, and that it is jnerely an apparatus for the division of the cell and nucleus. Both in animals and plants, however, essentially the same substance is contained in the nucleus both of the sperm-cell and egg-cell : — this is the hereditary siibstance of the species. There can now be no longer any doubt that the view which has been held for years by Strasburger and myself is the correct one, according to which the nuclei of the male and those of the female germ-cells are essentially similar, i.e.., in any given species they contain the same specific hereditary substance. The splendid and important investigations carried out by Auerbach, Biitschli, Flemming, and many others, on the detailed processes of nuclear division in general, and those dealing more particularly with the fertilisation of the egg in Ascaris by van Beneden, Boveri, and others, have given us the means of ascer- taining more definitely what portion of the nucleus is the substance on which heredity depends. As already remarked, this substance corresponds to the ' chromosomes,^ those rod-like, looped, or granular bodies which are contained in the nucleus, and which become deeply stained by colouring matters. As soon as it had been undoubtedly proved that the nucleus^ 24 THE fJERM-PLASM and not the body of the cell, must contain the hereditary sub- stance, the conclusion was drawn that neither the membrane of the nucleus, nor its fluid contents, nor the nucleoli — which latter had been the first to attract attention — could be regarded as such, and that the ' chromatic granules ' alone were important in this respect. As a matter of fact several investigators, — Strasburger. Oscar Hertwig, Kollicker, and myself, — reasoning from the same data, arrived at this conclusion independently, within a short time of one another. It will not be considered uninteresting or superfluous to reca- pitulate the weighty reasons which force us to this conclusion, for it is clear that it must be of fundamental importance in a theory of heredity to know for certain what the substance is from which the phenomena which are to be explained proceed. The certaintv with which we can claim the ' chromatin gran- ules " of the nucleus as the hereditary substance depends firstly, on the process of amphimixis ; and secondly, on that of nuclear division. We know that the process of fertilisation consists essentially in the association of an equal number of chromatin rods from the paternal and maternal germ-cells, and that these give rise to a new' nucleus from which the formation of the offspring proceeds. We also know that in order to become capable of fertilisation each germ-cell must first get rid of half of its nuclear rods, a process which is accomplished by very peculiar divisions. W^ithout entering into further particulars here, am- phimixis may be described as a process by means of which one- half of the number of nuclear rods is removed from a cell and replaced by an equal number from another germ-cell. The manner, however, in which the chromatin substance is divided in nuclear division strengthens the above view of its fundamental nature. This method of division leaves no doubt that it is a substance of the utmost importance. I need only briefly recapitulate the main points of the wonderfully complicated process of the so-called mitotic or karyokinetic cell-division, which follows a definite law even as regards the most minute details. When the nucleus is going to divide, the chromatin granules, which till then were scattered, become arranged in a row, and form a long thread, which extends through the nucleus in an irregular spiral, and then divides into portions {chro7)iosomes) of fairly equal length. The chromosomes have at first the form INTRODUCTlOlsr 25 of long bands or loops, but afterwards become shortened, thus giving rise to short loops, or else to straight rods or rounded granules. With certain exxeptions, to be mentioned later, the number of chromosomes which arise in this way is constant for each species of plant or animal, and also for successive series of cells. By the time the process has reached this stage a special mechanism appears, which has till now remained concealed in the cell substance. This serves to divide the chromatin elements into two equal parts, to separate the resulting halves from one another, and to arrange them in a regular manner. At the opposite poles of the longitudinal axis of the nucleus two clear bodies — the ' centrosomes,' each surrounded by a clear zone, the so-called 'sphere of attraction ' — now become visible. The importance of these was first recognised by Fol, van Beneden, and Boveri. They possess a great power of attraction over the vital particles of the cell, so that these become arranged around them like a series of rays. At a certain stage in the preparation for division, the soft protoplasmic substance of the cell-body as well as of the nucleus gives rise to delicate fibres or threads : these fibres are motile, and, after the disappearance of the nuclear membrane, seize the chromosomes — whether these have the form of loops, rods, or globular bodies — with wonderful certainty and regularity, and in such a way that each element is held on either side by several threads from either pole. The chromatin elements thus immediately become arranged in a fixed and regular manner, so that they all come to lie in the equatorial plane of the nucleus, which we may consider as a spherical body. The chromatin elements then split longitudinally, and thus become doubled, as Flemming first pointed out. It must be mentioned that this splitting is not caused by a pull from the pole threads (spindle threads), which attach themselves to the chromatin rods on both sides ; the division arises rather from forces acting in the rods themselves, as is proved by the fact that they are often ready to divide, or indeed have already done so, some time before their equatorial arrangement has taken place by means of these threads. The splitting is completed by the two halves being gradually drawn further apart towards the opposite poles of the nuclear spindle, until they finally approach the centre of attraction or centrosome, which has now fulfilled its object for the present, and retires into the obscurity of the cell-substance, only to .2.6 THE GERM-PLASM become active again at the next cell-division. Each separated half of the nucleus now constitutes a daughter-nucleus, in which it immediately breaks up, and becomes scattered in the form of minute granules in the delicate nuclear network, so that finally a nucleus is formed of exactly the same structure as that with which we started. Similar stages to those which occur in the aggregation of the chromatin substance in the mother-nucleus preparatory to division are passed through during the separation of the daughter-nuclei, but in the reverse order. It is evident, as Wilhelm Roux was the first to point out, that the whole complex but wonderfully exact apparatus for the division of the nucleus exists for the purpose of dividing the chromatin substance in a fixed and regular manner, not merely quantitatively, but also in respect of the diffej-ent qualities which must be contained in it. So complicated an apparatus would have been unnecessary for the quantitative division only: if, however, the chromatin substance is not uniform, but is made up of several or many different qualities, each of which has to be divided as nearly as possible into halves, or according to some definite rule, a better apparatus could not be devised for the purpose. On the strength of this argument, we may therefore represent tJie hereditary substajice as consisting of different ' qiial- ities.'' The same conclusion is arrived at on purely theoretical grounds, as will be shown later on when we follow out the con- sequences of the process of amphimixis. For the present it is sufficient to show that the complex mechanism for cell-division exists practically for the sole pur- pose of dividing the chromatin, and that thus the latter is w'ithout doubt the most important portion of the nucleus. Since, therefore, the hereditary substance is contained within the nucleus, the chrotnatin must be the hereditary substance. De Vries's objection to this view is, in my opinion, only an apparent one ; for it has not been asserted that ' the nucleus alone is the bearer of the hereditary characters,' as de Vries thinks, but that the nucleus alone contains the hereditary sub- stance, or that substance which is capable of determining not only the character of a particular cell, but also that of its descend- ants. This is never contained in the cell-body, but always in the nucleus in multicellular organisms, and doubtless the same holds good for unicellular beings. It is quite possible that in certain lower Algae a few of the structures in the cell — such INTRODUCTION 27 ju: Fig. I. — Diagram of Nuclear Division. A. — Cell with nucleus — «, and centrosomes — cs, preparatory to division. The chromatin has become thickened so as to form a spiral thread — chr. B. — The nuclear membrane has disappeared. Delicate threads radiate from the centrosomes, and form the ' nuclear spindle,' in the equator of which eight chromosomes or nuclear loops {chr) are arranged: these have been formed by the spiral thread of chromatin in A becoming broken up. C. — The chromosomes have each become split longitudinally into two, and are about to be drawn apart by means of the spindle-threads. (For the sake of clearness only four of the eight chromosomes are indicated.) D. — The daughter-loops pass towards the poles of the spindle. E. — The body of the cell has undergone division; each of the resultant cells contains a centrosome and eight nuclear loops. 2$ THE GERM-PLASM as vacuoles and chlorophyll bodies — pass directly from the egg-cell into the daughter-cells, although this cannot by any means be considered as proved. In any case such a direct transmission plays only a very insignificant part in plants, and practically none at all in animals, for specific structures are not present in the egg-cells of animals : there may at most be deposits of nutrient material. These, however, are not living structures of the cell, but only passive chemical substances. So far from denying that the nucleus contains the hereditary sub- stance, de Vries bases his whole theory on this incontestable fact. The last doubts on this point were dispelled by the ex- periments of Boveri,* who, after artificially removing the nucleus from the eggs of a species A of sea-urchin, and then pouring over them the sperm of another species /?, found that these eggs developed into larvae of the latter species. In this case there- fore the substance of the maternal germ-cell acted as nutrient material only, whilst the paternal germ-cell impressed the char- acter of the species on the larva. None of the maternal specific characteristics were transmitted, and in this case, at all events, tlie question of any ' heredity apart from the nucleus ' is therefore excluded. Several objections have been recently raised to my view that the nucleus is the seat of heredity. Verworn.f for instance, repeats the opinion, previously expressed by Whitman, that the cell-body, quite as much as the nucleus, must be looked upon as the hereditary substance, because the nucleus cannot exist with- out the cell-body ; and also because, in his opinion, w^hich is undoubtedly a correct one, the life of a cell consists in a con- tinual interchange of substance between the cell and the nucleus. But is the question as to whether the closest physiological rela- tions exist between the nucleus and the cell, so that neither can exist apart from the other, synonymous with that as to whether the hereditary substance is contained in the nucleus or in the cell-body? We must at least be allowed to make the hypothesis that the '■ store of the primary constituents ' (^ Anlagenmagazin ') of the hereditary substance is contained and preserved in the * Boveri, ' Ein geschlechtlich erzeugter Organismus ohne miitterliche Eigenschaften.' Gesellsch. f. Morph. u. Physiol., Miinchen, i6 Juli 1883. t Max Venvorn, ' Die physiologische Bedeutung des Zellkerns,' Bonn, 1891 (Archiv. f, ges. Physiol., Bd. 51). INTRODUCTION 29 nucleus ; for, as has already been indicated, and will subsequently be shown more clearly, this substance can hardly be stored up in two different places, seeing that a very complicated apparatus is required for its distribution : a double apparatus would cer- tainly not have been formed by nature if a single one suffices for the purpose. Only as long as the phenomena of heredity and the meaning of these phenomena are still far from being known, is it possible to hold such opinions as that which pre- supposes the distribution of the hereditary substance amongst both cell and nucleus. As soon as a further insight into these processes is obtained, it will no longer be possible to doubt that the structure of the hereditary substance must be so complex that we can only wonder how it could ever have been developed at all. We know that the nucleus contains a substance which, even with the imperfect means of observation at our disposal, is seen to be extremely complex, and that it becomes modified in a very remarkable manner after every cell division, only to be again transformed at the approach of the following division. We can, moreover, observe that the cell is provided with a special apparatus which evidently enables it to halve this substance very accurately. The statement that this substance is the Jiereditiwy substance can, therefore, hardly be considered as an hypothesis any longer. It has also been supposed that fresh evidence against the view that the chromosomes are the hereditary substance, has been furnished by the recent observations of Fol * and Guignard,f w^hich prove that the centrosome and its ' sphere of attraction,' — which belong to the cell-body, and constitute the apparatus for division, — pass into the ovum along with the sperm-nucleus in the process of fertilisation. Suppose I take two heaps of grain from different places, and load them on two carts, harness a horse to each cart, and drive them to the same place ; does this prove that the horses consist of grain? They are merely the means by which the grain is transferred from one place to another, just as the centrosomes are the means whereby the sperm-nucleus is transferred to the ovum : whether they are any- * ' Le Quadrille des Centres,' Archiv. Sc. Phys. et Nat., Geneve, 15 Avril 1891. t 'Sur I'Existence des Spheres Attractives dans les Cellules \'6g6tales,' Compt. Rend. Sc, 9 Mars 1891. 30 THE GERM-PLASM thing more than this, — /.-, a rearrangemejit of the molecules^ analogous to the isomeric rearrangement of the atoms in a single molecule. This assump- 44 THE GERM-PLASM tion is not unfounded, inasmuch as several instances of molecular compounds are known in chemistry, e.g.. the double salts and the water of crystallisation of salts, in which definite numbers of molecules are always present : this number is even retained in spite of substitution. Thus alum always contains twenty- four molecules of water of crystallisation, and this evidently indicates a deforce oi affinity between the molecules. We shall have to assume this property for the biophor also, for without it the latter would not be a real unit at all. We shall, moreover, be able to conclude that these degrees of affinity are of various kinds, and that the molecules can combine in many different ways and form groups, so that isomeric molecular compounds are formed. Such isomeric compounds, however, will possess other properties, just as in the isomeric arrangement of atoms in the individual molecule ; and thus we conclude that the special properties of a biophor are to be considered dependent not only on the physico-chemical constitution of the molecule, but also very essentially on their position and relation to one another ; so that one biophor can be changed into another by an altera- tion in the arrano:ement of its molecules. According to this statement there are several kinds of biophors, the difference between which depends on either the absolute relative number of molecules, their chemical constitu- tion (isomerism included), or their grouping; in fact we may say that the niDiiber of possible kinds of biopliors is jinlii)iited^ just as is the number of conceivable organic molecules. We shall, at any rate, meet with no theoretical difficulties on this score, however large the number of different kinds of biophors may be which we require to explain the theory of heredity. The biophors are not., I believe., by any nieans mere Jiypo- thetical iniits ; they uiust exist., for the phenomena of life must be connected with a material unit of some sort. But since the primary vital forces — assimilation and growth — do not proceed spontaneously from either atoms or molecules, there must be a unit of a higher order from which these forces are developed, and this can only consist of a group consisting of a combina- tion of dissimilar molecules. I emphasise this particularly, because a theory of heredity requires so many assumptions which cannot be substantiated that the few fixed points on which we can rely are doubly valuable. These biophors constitute all protoplasm — the morphoplasm THE GER]\I-rLASl\r 45 which is differentiated into the cell-substance, as well as the idioplasm contained in the nucleus. It will be shown subse- quently in what manner these two kinds of protoplasm differ as regards their constitution, and I will only remark here that the idioplasm must have a far more complex structure than the mor- phoplasm. The latter, as the cell-substance of a muscle or gland-cell shows, can assimilate, grow, and also divide, but it is not able to change into anything different from itself. The idioplasm, on the other hand, is capable of regular change dur- ing growth ; and ontogeny, or the development of the individual in multicellular organisms, depends upon this fact. The two first embryonic cells of an animal arise from the division of the ovum, and continually give rise to differently constituted cells during the course of embryogeny. The diversity of these cells must, as I have shown, depend on changes in the nuclear substance. It now remains to be considered how we are to imagine this capacity on the part of the idioplasm for regular and spontane- ous change. The fact in itself is beyond doubt, when once it is established that the morphoplasm of each cell is controlled, and its character decided, by the idioplasm of the nucleus. The reg- ular changes occurring in the egg-cell and the products of its division in each embryogeny must then be referred to the corre- sponding changes of the idioplasm. But what is tJie nature of these changes, and how are they brought about ■ 2. The Control of the Cell In order to answer the question which has just been asked, it will be necessary to consider the manner in which the idioplasm of the nucleus determines the characters of the cell. At present we only know that the idioplasm consists of a large number of different biophors of various kinds. To exert a determining influence on the minute structure of the cell-body and on the chemical composition of its different components, it must either be capable of exerting an emitted influence (* Fernwirkung ") or else material particles must pass out of the nucleus into the cell- body. Strasburger * has endeavoured to prove a dynamical effect of * E. Strasburger, ' Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Befruchtungsvorgang bei den Phanerogamen," 1884, p. iii. 46 THE GERM-PLASM the nuclear matter. In his opinion ' molecular stimuli are trans- mitted from the nucleus to the surrounding cytoplasm, and, on the one hand, control the processes of metabolism in the cell, and on the other, give a definite specific character to the growth of the cytoplasm, this growth being caused by nutrition/ Al- though transmission of the molecular stimuli, proceeding from the nucleus to the rest of the cell, is certainly conceivable, de Vries has rightly shown that this is not a sufficient expla- nation of the phenomena, because it takes for granted the fun- damental point of the matter requiring explanation. If the cell of any plant is to acquire the hereditary property of forming malic acid, those pangenes in the cell-body which can produce this acid could, it is true, come into play by molecular stimuli being transmitted to them from the nucleus ; but this hypoth- esis takes their presence for granted, and the main question as to how these producers of malic acid get into the cell remains unanswered. Haberlandt * has attempted to trace the control of the cell by the nucleus to the enzymatic action of the latter, i.e., to the giv- ing off from the nucleus of certain chemical compounds which cause the cell-substance to become changed in a given manner; but this explanation is regarded by de Vries as insufficient, be- cause here again it is necessary to presuppose a definite diff'eren- tiation of the cell-body. De Vries himself gives a solution of the problem, and his hypothesis has, at any rate, the advantage of great simplicity and lucidity. He supposes that some of the pangenes which constitute the nuclear matter pass into the body of the cell through the nuclear membrane, and there form its parts and structures, of the qualities of which they are the special bearers. Although I formerly inclined towards Strasburger's view, it always appeared to me rather as a formal than as a real expla- nation of the problem, and I regarded it more as a provisional formulation than as a solution of the difficulty. In my opinion de Vries's idea of the migration of minute, specific, vital parti- cles from the nucleus into the cell-body affords an extremely ' happy solution of the apparently inexplicable manner in which * G. Haberlandt, ' Uber die Beziehungen zwischen Funktionen und Lage des Zellkerns,' 1877. THE GERM-PLASM 47 the cell is controlled by the nucleus. It, moreover, fits in very well with my other views. As long as I was engaged in seeking for an epigenetic theory of heredity, an explanation of this sort was naturally impossible, but as soon as I assumed that the germ-plasm consisted of biophors, the various kinds of which are required for the various characters of the respective cells, it was not only possible to suppose that the particles exerted an influence of this nature on the cell, but such an explanation of the phenomena became the most natural and satisfactory one. Much may of course be urged against this fundamental assumption, and it is not in itself a sufficient explanation ; but it is not only fruitless to attempt a satisfactory explanation from the other point of view, but as will appear later on, de Vries's conception alone agrees with certain fundamental biological principles. If the nuclear substance exerted an emitted influence on the cell-body so as to give rise to the structures characteristic of this particular kind of cell, they would be formed by a kind of '• generatio egiiivoca ' ; they would have arisen by the operation of an external influence on the given substance in the cell, just as would be the case in primordial generation. Particularly favourable influences would have operated on certain combina- tions of inorganic substances in such a way as to give rise to a vital particle. We know nothing of such a primordial generation as far as our experience extends, and even if it must be considered to be logically necessary, we have every reason to suppose that it has no share in the origin of those forms of life with which we are acquainted, but that these always arise by division from others similar to themselves. Moreover, what is true of the independ- ent organisms familiar to us must also hold good for all the different orders of vital units which have united to form higher organisms, for each of the earliest and lowest organisms must have been neither more nor less than the eqidvaletU of one biophor. If, then, in order to explain the presence of life on the earth, we must assume that such individual biophors arose at one time by primordial generation, they must have been capable of reproduction by division immediately after their origin, for such multiplication is caused directly by the pri- mary forces of life, — assimilation and growth. We can only imagine the very simplest biophors as having been produced 48 THE GERM-PLASM by primordial generation : all subsequent and more complex kinds of hiophors can only Jiave arisen on tJie principle of adaptation to new conditions of life; they must have been developed gradually by the long -continued co-operation of heredity and selection. All these biophors of a higher order, which are adapted to the special conditions of existence and which in endless varieties form organisms as we see them around us, possess 'historical' qualities; they can. therefore, only arise from others like themselves, and cannot be formed spontaneously- This fact is confirmed by experience. Not only does a cell always arise from a cell, and a nucleus from a nucleus, as de Vries. and more recently Wiesner, have shown, but all the other constituents which occur in the cell-body and determine its structure never arise, so far as we know, by ^ generatio equivocal or, as de Vries expresses it, ' neogenetically.' They are always produced by the division of similar structures already present. This is apparently true of the green chromatophores and the H-acuoles"' of plant-cells, as well as of the ^sphere of attraction,' or centrosome, which controls the division of the nucleus : the same must also hold good for those invisible vital units, the various kinds of biophors, which have arisen during the course of the earth's history by gradual adaptation to continually new conditions of life. If then, each vital unit in all organisms, from the lowest to the highest grade, can only arise by division from another like itself, an answer is given to the question with which we started ; and we see that the structures of a cell-body, which constitute the specific character of the cell, cannot be produced by the emitted influence of the nuclear substance, nor by its enzymatic action, but can only arise owing to the migration of material particles of the nucleus into the cell-body. Hence the nuclear niatter must be in a sense a storehouse for the various kinds of biophors which enter into the cell-body and are destined to transfor)n it. Thus the development of the 'undifferentiated' embryonic cell into a nerve-, gland-, or muscle-cell, as the case may be, is determined in each case by the presence of the corresponding biophors in the respective nuclei, and in due time these biophors will pass out of the nuclei into the cell-bodies, and transform them. To me this reasoning is so convincing that any difficulties we meet with in the process of determining the nature of the cell -J THE GERM-PLASM 49 hardly come into account. We are still far from being able to describe in detail the entire histological process of the differen- tiation of a cell. The passage of invisible ' biophors ' through the pores of the nuclear membrane is probably just as admis- sible an assumption as that of the independent power of motion thereby necessitated in these bearers of vitality ; but the histo- logical structure of a cell is not completed by the mere emission into the cell-body of a few kinds of biophors with great powers of multiplication. Numerous questions suggest themselves in this connection, all pointing to the fact that forces are at work of which w'e are at present ignorant. The immigrating biophors are the mere material which forms the histological structure of a cell, only when subjected to the guiding forces — presumably those of attraction and repulsion — which must be located in the biophor. We can as yet form no more exact conception of this process than we can of the manner in which the biophors already con- tained in the cell-body behave in respect to those which have migrated into it from the nucleus. Presumably a struggle of the parts occurs, in which the weaker are suppressed and serve as nutritive material for the stronger ones. But although much remains to be decided by future investigation, the main point at issue, at any rate, viz., that the nature of the cell is really decided by the elements of the nucleus, is definitely established. By the nature of the cell must be understood not only the histological structure of the cell as a whole and^it^ mode of reacting to external influences, but more particularly its mode of division in respect of time and place. It is true that the ctW-body itself and its apparatus for division (the centrosome) primarily determine whether a cell is to divide sooner or later, and into equal or unequal parts ; but these processes always depend finally on the nucleus, which controls the cell-body and impresses on the latter its definite nature. The most plausible objection which can be urged against the migration of the particles of the idioplasm into the cell-body is that the substance of the latter is chemically quite different from that of the nucleus. Their behaviour as regards taking up colouring matters is certainly different, as the terms chromosome and chromatin indicate ; but even if a difference in their chemical composition could be inferred from this fact, it would still fail to constitute a decisive proof against the hypothesis of migration : 50 THE GERM-PLASM for it is well known that the affinity of the chromosomes for colouring matter varies markedly at different periods, and this indicates that slight changes, which are beyond our control, take place in the constitution of this substance, and are sufficient to cause its most striking reaction with regard to colouring matters to disappear for a time. Chemical analysis of the substance contained in the nucleus has certainly established the presence of ' nuclein ' ; but although it is probable from Miescher's * excellent observations on the sperm of the salmon that nuclein is derived from the nuclei of the sperm-cells, it is not by any means certain from what part of the nucleus it originates: if one supposes that over 48 per cent, of the dried sperm consists of nuclein, it is doubtful whether this is contained in the small mass of chromatin which we see in the form of chromosomes. Another recent observation may be mentioned here, which proves at any rate that matter is actually transferred from the chromosomes of the nucleus into the cell-body just at the time when the characteristic structure of the cell-body is being formed. I refer to Riickert's observations on the remarkable alteration in the size of the chroiuosonies of the nucleus during the growth of the ovum of the dog-fish. f One of the youngest ova observed in the ovary — which measured 2 mm. in diameter — contained from 30 to 36 chromosomes, each of which was 12 microns:}: long, and 2 cubic microns in bulk: later on, in nearly ripe eggs, the length of a chromosome reaches 100 /x, and its cubic contents 7,850 cubic /x, or more accurately, since it has meanwhile become doubled by division, 15,700 cubic /x. Still later, just before the formation of the first polar body, when the ovum is ripe and has attained its full size, the length of the individual chromosome diminishes to 2 /x, and the cubic contents of a double rod to 3 cubic /x. Ruckert infers from these facts that the chromosomes give off a great amount of substance to the ovum during the gradual ripening of the latter, and we can only agree with him on this point. But the ques- tion arises as to how this transference of substance takes place, — * Miescher-Rusch, ' Statist, u. biolog. Beitrage zur Kentniss vom Leben des Rheinsalm,' 1880; Schweiz. Literatursamml. z. internationalen Fisch- ereianstell. in Berlin. t j. Ruckert, ' Anat, Anzeiger,' loth March, 1892. X A micron (m) is the lo'on of a millimetre. THE GERM-PLASM 51 whether it occurs in the ordinary way, fluid nutrient material being given off, and then assimilated by the cell-body, or in some other manner. There seems to me to be no reason why we should not assume that niitiute, specific, vital particles, and not merely nutritive substances, are produced by the chromo- somes during the growth of the ^gg-, and are then emitted through the nuclear membrane into the cell-body. Further facts must be ascertained before we can attempt to explain the details of the curious morphological transformations which the chromosomes undergo during this period. We are already, however, in a position to state that the extremely interesting processes described by Ruckert must have a wide significance, and must occur in all cells which become histologically differen- tiated as well as in all animal ova. But they cannot appear so distinctly in these other cells, for no animal cell grows to such an enormous size as does the egg-cell. I shall again refer to the process in a later section, in order to emphasise one of the consequences which results from it still more strongly. Let us now suppose with de Vries that the nature of a cell depends on the extrusion of minute vital particles of different kinds from the nucleus into the cell-body, and that these subse- quently multiply and become regularly distributed and arranged in groups according to the forces of attraction and repulsion situated within them. On this supposition, heredity could be simply and easily accounted for in unicellular organisms, for in them multiplication depends on a division of the whole body and of the nucleus into two parts, and thus each product of the division receives a similar supply of latent biophors which form its nucleus, and from which it can then provide the necessary material to the cell-body. As the influence of amphimixis is not taken into account in the present connection, I may here leave out of consideration the fact that the nucleus may be differentiated into two different kinds of nuclei. This arrangement is practically universal amongst the highest unicellular forms — the Infusoria — and is merely an adaptation for conjugation. In the unicellular forms heredity will therefore depend, firstly, on the fact that all the different kinds of biophors which are required for the construc- tion of the body are present in the nucleus in a latent condition, and in definite proportions — very probably they have also a definite style of architecture; and secondly, on the periodi- 52 THE GERM -PLASM cal or occasional migration of these biophors into the cell-body, where they multiply, and become arranged in obedience to the forces acting within them. The difficulty of ascertaining the actual mode of arrangement is nowhere greater than in the case of the higher unicellular forms. How is it possible that the nucleus should always allow only those kinds of biophors to migrate which are required to replace those structures lost by division ? And why do these biophors always move either in the direction of the missing oral region, or towards the posterior end of the body, according to which parts are wanting in the two daughter-animals? For the present these questions are un- answerable ; and in the meantime we must be content with having shown how the materials for the construction of the cell-substance are transmitted from mother to daughter, and in what way they are placed at the disposal of the forces acting in the cell-body. The experiments made by Nussbaum * and Gruber f on the artificial division of Infusoria prove that the nucleus really controls the cell-body. These observers found that only those portions which contained a part of the nucleus were capable of giving rise to a complete animal ; the other pieces lived for a time, and then perished. One of Gruber's observations also tends to show that when regeneration of missing parts occurs, the nucleus sends out invisible material particles into the cell- body. He cut a large Stentor which was preparing for division transversely into two parts, so that the posterior portion con- tained no trace of the nucleus, and then observed that regenera- tion of the missing parts nevertheless took place, especially in the oral region. If the control of the cell depended on the emitted influence of the nucleus, this regeneration would be totally inexplicable ; if, however, biophors proceed from the nucleus into the cell-body when regeneration is to take place, this might have already occurred in an animal preparing for division, as this one was before it was artificially divided. The descendants of unicellular animals are similar to their ancestors : two daughter-cells are produced by the division of * Nussbaum, ' Ueber die Theilbarkeit der lebenden Materie,' Archiv. f. mikr. Anat., 1886. t Gruber, ' Ueber kiinstliche Teilung bei Infusorien,' ' Biol. Centralblatt,' Bd. iv. ; and ' Beitrage zur Kentniss der Physiologic und Biologic der Pro- tozoen," Ber. d. naturf. Geseilsch. zu Freiburg i/Br., 1886. THE GERM-PLASM 53 the mother-cell, and thus the nuclear substance is always com- posed of different kinds of biophors. But how does this apply to multicellular forms in which so large a number of different kinds of cells, each presupposing a different structure of the nuclear matter, arises from the germ-plasm of the ovum ? Thus we find ourselves brought back to the question asked at the end of the last section : — on what do the regular series of changes in the germ-plasm during ontogeny depend ? 3. The Determinants As has just been shown, the nuclear matter of an Infusorian must be composed of a great number of different kinds of biophors, each of wiiich corresponds to the primary constituent of a definite portion of the unicellular organism. If the cells of a multicellular animal were represented in the germ-plasm by all the kinds of biophors occurring in them, such an enormous aggregation of biophors would result that, even if they were ex- tremely small, the minute quantity of matter in the germ-plasm would not be able to contain them. It was this consideration more than any other which for many years made me persevere in my attempt to discover an epigenetic theory of heredity. I thought that it must be possible to imagine a germ-plasm which, although highly complex, nevertheless did not consist of such an inconceivably large number of separate particles, but which was of such a structure as to become changed in a regular manner during its growth in the course of ontogeny, and, finally, to yield a large number of different kinds of idioplasm for the control of the cells of the body in a specific manner. Hatschek,* too, has recently put forward the view that • the egg-cell may be supposed to contain a relatively small number of qualities,' and that this number is not larger than that which is to be assumed in the case of any other histologically differen- tiated cell of the body. The diversity in structure seen in multicellular organisms is due, in his opinion, to the fact that in spite of the limited diversity as regards the qualities contained within a single cell (including the ovum), a far greater complica- tion of the bodv as a whole is attained bv the variation of these few qualities (' des einen Gmndthemas'). * B. Hatschek, ' Lehrbuch der Zoologie," 2te Lieferung. Jena, 1889. p. 232. 54 THE GERM-PLASM If in considering a theory of heredity we had only to deal with an explanation of the transmission of an unalterable structure from the parent to the offspring from generation to generation, there would be theoretically no objection to the assumption of such a structure of the germ-plasm. We have, however, to deal with the transmission of parts which are variable, and this necessitates the assumption that just as many independent and variable parts exist in the germ-plasm as are present in the fully formed organism. It is impossible that a portion of the body should exhibit an independent variation capable of transmission unless it were represented in the germ-plasm by a special par- ticle, a variation in which is followed by one in the part under consideration. If this were represented, together with other parts of the body, by one particle of the germ-plasm, a change in the latter would be followed by a variation in all the parts of the body determined by it. The independently and hereditarily variable parts of the body therefore serve as an exact measure for determining the nnniber of ulti))iate particles of whicJi the ger?n- piasm is composed: the latter must contain at least as great a fiumber as would be arrived at by such a computation. An example may make it clear that the independently variable parts are not identical with those which are merely hereditary. It is well known that butterflies pass through a metamor- phosis in the course of development, the stages of which are independently variable from the germ onwards : that is to say, a variation in the caterpillar is not necessarily followed by one in the butterfly, and vice versa. The caterpillars of a species may be dimorphic, some being green, and others brown, but both of these forms nevertheless give rise to butterflies with a similar coloration. If, therefore, the phyletic modifications depend on changes in the minute structure of the germ-plasm, there must be at least two inde- pendently variable units in the germ-plasm of such a butterfly ; for if there were only one, the butterfly as well as the caterpillar would be affected by a variation in it. But a comparison of nearly related species shows us that the individual parts of the caterpillar or butterfly must also be variable from the germ onwards : the limbs, for instance, of two species may be very similar, while their wings are different, and even the separate parts of the wings may vary independently of one another. We must therefore assume that the germ-plasm contains a large THE GERM-PLASM 55 number of units, on the variation of which the independent changes of certain parts of the body depend. In all the higher animals the number of these units must be very large, because the parts which are independently variable from the germ onwards is large also. A consideration of the individual and hereditary characters in the human species will show most clearly how great this number may be. I know of a family in which a depression of the size of a pin's head in the skin in front of the left ear has been transmitted through three generations. This slight abnormality must therefore have been contained potentially in the germ- plasm of the respective individuals, and their germ-plasm must ditfer from that of other people in the slightly abnormal form of the element which determines this peculiarity. We are logi- cally compelled to assume a particular element of the germ- plasm for each peculiarity of this sort, not because heredity may be manifested in details so minute, but because the tra7istuission of such details 7)iay be independent. If all people possessed such a depression in front of one ear, we could not thereby conclude that it must be represented by a special element in the germ- plasm merely because it is hereditary. It might conceivably be represented, together with the skin of half the face, by one element or biophor, which in the course of ontogeny became divided into a number of secondary ones of divers sorts, one of which proved to be abnormal and came to be situated at that particular spot in the skin. What compels us to accept the above assumption is the fact that all people do not possess this depression, and that two persons might conceivably resemble one another in all other respects except in the possession of this abnormality. The germ-plasm of both these persons would be almost identical, but not perfectly so, for it would contain a certain element which differed in the two cases. This simply means that this particular character which is independently variable from the germ ofiwards is also represented by a special element in the gertn-plasm. It would not have been possible to infer this from its transmissibility alone. A hundred different characters might conceivably be determined by a single element in the germ-plasm ; the whole hundred would then be trans- mitted as soon as the determining element was present in the latter, but not one of them would be independently variable from the germ onwards ; but if the determining element varied. 56 THE GERM-PLASM all the hundred characters would vary at the same time. The capacity for transmission and that of independent variation from the germ onwards are distinct from one another. The germ-plasm must consequently be composed of as many units as there are transmissible parts in the body which are in- dependently variable from the germ onwards. Each of these units cannot be smaller than a biophor, and they can therefore not be simple molecules within a biophor; for variation is a biological conception, and a biological element does not pre- suppose a one that is merely physical. What parts of the body of a multicellular organism are repre- sented in the germ by special particles of the minimum value of one biophor? Is each cell, or even each part of a cell? Darwin adopted .the former, and de Vries the latter of these two alter- natives. Darwin's gemmules are germs of cells, so that every cell of the body would be represented in the ovum by these units ; while de Vries's pangenes are in a sense germs of the characters or structures (' Zellorganen ') of the cell. There is no doubt that the hereditary variations in plants and animals manifest themselves in alterations of the individual parts or structures of the cell, and not only in the iiiunber, relative arrangement, and the changes in the form, size, and nature of the cells as a whole. The variegated varieties of our orna- mental plants possess similar cells to those of their ancestral forms, but the green colour of the leaf is absent in certain of the cells : the red tint of the leaves of the copper beech, and other varieties of plants, depends on the red colour of the sap in a certain layer of cells, and this colour is transmissible. The coloured pattern on a butterfly's wing or a bird's plumage depends on cellular elements which were probably all alike in remote ancestors, but which afterwards became gradually changed by hereditary variations in the individual components or in the structure of the cell. Although the entire phyletic transformation of a species does not by any means alone depend on its zV/Zr^^-cellular variation, the latter has, nevertheless, con- stantly accompanied the other variations, and has shared to a greater or less extent in the transformation of the species. Hence it cannot be doubted that even in multicellular forms not only the cells as a whole, but also their parts, are determined from the germ onwards. It seems therefore impossible to avoid the stupendous as- THE GERM-PLASM 57 sumption that each of the millions of cells in a multicellular organism is represented in the germ-plasm by several or manv different kinds of biophors. There is, however, a simple and natural way out of this dilemma, as soon as we inquire whether every cell of a plant or an animal is independently variable at all, and whether consequently it must be represented l)y special elements in the germ-plasm. I shall designate the cells or groups of cells which are inde- pendently variable from the germ onwards as the ' hereditary parts ' or ' deter ndnates,'' and the particles of the germ-plasm corresponding to and determining them, as the ' deteriiiiniiig parts'" or ^determinants.'' It is evident that many of the cells in the higher animals are not represented individjially in the germ-plasm by a determinant. The millions of blood-corpuscles which are formed during the life of a Vertebrate might possibly be coiitrolled in the germ-plasm by a single determinant. At any rate no disadvantage to the species would result from this, because the capacity for being independently determined on the part of the individual blood-corpuscles, or even individual thou- sands of them, would be of no value to the animal. They are not localised : one of them has the same value as another, and their variability therefore might well be controlled from a single point. In conformity with the law of economy, Nature would not have incorporated more determinants than was necessary into the germ-plasm. Thus there are probably many groups of cells in the higher animals, the constituents of which are not represented individu- ally in the germ-plasm. All the nerve-cells of the brain do. it is true, possess their special determinants, as otherwise the trans- mission of such fine shades of mental qualities in man would be inexplicable; but it can matter little whether each fibre of a muscle, or each cell of the epidermis or of the epithelial lining of the alimentary canal, has its special determinant : in the last- mentioned cases larger or ^w^tWqx groups of cells are presumably controlled by a single determinant. The manner in which tTie epithelium of the alimentary canal is renewed amongst insects may perhaps be taken as pointing to this assumption. In flies and butterflies, for instance, as I have proved long ago, the alimentary canal of the larva undergoes disintegration, and that of the imago, which has a very different structure, is developed out of its remains. Kowalewski and van Rees have since 58 THE GERM -PLASM shown that the process takes place as follows: — the formation of portions of the new alimentary canal begins in certain cells which are separated by fairly regular intervals ; these then spread until they come into contact with one another. The idioplasm of the new intestinal cells is consequently only con- tained in these formative cells, and it is natural to suppose that each of them contains only one kind of determinant. The same appears to be the case with the hair of mammals. Every hair does not possess a special determinant in the germ, but more or less extensive regions of the hairy covering are represented each by one determinant. These regions are not large, as is shown by the stripes and spots on the coat of such animals as the tiger and leopard. The recurrence in the son, on exactly the same part of the head as in the parent, of an abnormal tuft of white hair, has been observed in the human subject. - Similar hereditary parts or determinates may be observed in butterflies, in which the colours on the wings often form very complicated lines and spots of slight extent but of great con- stancy. Such regions are often limited to quite a few scales (cells) : Lyccrna argiis, for instance, possesses a black spot on a particular part of the anterior wing consisting of only ten scales, while the surrounding parts are blue. In this case we may therefore conclude that the black cells are represented in the germ-plasm by at least one determinant. The determination may possibly be carried out in still further detail in this instance, and each cell in the black spot may be determined from the germ onwards ; and possibly it is only the constant inter- mingling of two hereditary tendencies in sexual reproduction, and the consequent variability in the number of scales, which prevents us from recognising the fact. We can at any rate, however, find instances of the determination of single cells in other species of animals. For example, in many Crusta- ceans a number of sensory organs are situated on the anterior antennae : each of these corresponds to one cell. The number, position, and form of these ' olfactory ' setae is determined exactly for each species. The Ostracod Cypris possesses only otie olfactory seta on each antennule, while in the common fresh-water species of Ganitnarus^ there are about twenty of these structures, each of which is separately attached to one of the consecutive joints of the feeler. In many blind Crustaceans, THE GERM-PLASM 59 which live in the dark, the number of these setae is greater than in the case of related forms which possess the sense of sight. And though in all these instances individual deviations occur, we may nevertheless suppose them to be hereditary, for other- wise the increase in the number of olfactory setae incident on a life in darkness, could not have been established as a specific character. In smaller and simpler organisms each individual cell may well have been determined from the germ onwards, and not merely with the result that the number of cells is a definite one, and the position of each definitely localised : the determination may also have caused individual peculiarities of each cell, in so far as they depend on changes in the germ-plasm at all — i.e.^ are * blastogenic,^ — to reappear in the corresponding cell in the next generation, just as in the case of a birthmark in the human subject which recurs in precisely the same place on the same side of the body. This may also be true of animals as simple as the DicyeinidcB or the Tardigrada, although it is not possible to prove it positively. In all the more highly differentiated animals there can be little doubt that the number of determinants is always very much less than that of the cells which are the factors in the process of ontogeny. If we compare this statement with Darwin's assump- tion of the presence of a gemmule — or rather of several gem- mules — for each cell, it is evident that the germ-plasm is thus to some extent relieved of a burden. We must not forget, however, that a cell may vary as regards transmission not only as a whole but also in its parts, so that not one but several biophors must be assumed for each deter- minant of a cell or group of cells ; we must, in fact, suppose just as many to be present as there are structures in the cell which are variable from the germ onwards. We ought, properly speak- ing, to speak of these bearers of qualities, which correspond to de Vries's pangenes, as determinants also, for they determine the parts of a cell. As the name of biophor has been given to them, however, it is better to retain this term, and to define a deter 7niiiant as a priinary constituent of a cell or group of cells. Thus a determinant is always a group of biophors, and never a single one. It may now, I believe, be proved without difficulty that the biophors determining a cell not only lie close together in the 6o THE GERM-PLASM germ-plasm so as to form a group, but that they also combine to form a JiigJier utiit. The determinant is not a disconnected mass of different biophors, but a vital unit of a higher order than the biopJior, possessed of special qualities. The fact that the determinants must possess the power of multiplication is in itself a sufficient proof of this. We know how greatly the nuclear matter contained in the fertilised egg- cell increases in volume during development, and this can only be due to the multiplication of its vital particles, the biophors. Such a multiplication could never occur with as much precision and regularity as is necessary for the preservation of the char- acter of a certain cell, if the biophors which determine it were scattered at random instead of being definitely separated from those of other cells. Hence the multiplication of the biophors must occur within the fixed limits of the determinant, and must be preliminary to the division of the determinant itself. And consequently the latter is also a vital unit. In accordance with our assumption, which can scarcely be refuted, a single determinant of the germ-plasm frequently con- trols entire groups of cells : this is a further proof that the de- terminants as such must multiply. This is only possible if they do so in the process of ontogeny. It is very probable, moreover, that the nucleoplasm of any cell in the body never contains one specimen only of the determinant controlling it, but several ; otherwise, how could such a cell be visible at all under our microscopes? Biophors, at any rate, are far beyond the limit of vision, and even determinants can hardly come within it. Thus the assumption made by the gifted propounder of the theory of pangenesis is so far justified. ' Gemmules " of cells really exist, and multiply by fission ; but they are not the ulti- mate vital units, nor are special gemmules of all the cells of the body already present in the germ-plasm. We have next to deal with the question as to how these two elements of the germ-plasm, which have now been formulated, are instrumental in the process of ontogeny. 4. The Id in Ontogeny We can now make an attempt to solve the problem stated at the close of the last section concerning the way in which the THE GERM-PLASM 6 I germ-plasm is capable of giving rise to the various kinds of idioplasm required in the construction of the organism. As we have seen, the germ-plasm contains the primary con- stituents of all the cells in the body in its determinants, and it only remains to inquire how each kind of determinant reaches the right part in the right number. Although we do not know what forces are called into play for this purpose, the elements of the germ-plasm now formulated, and the processes and course of ontogeny, nevertheless enable us to draw certain conclusions as to the structure of the germ-plasm and the nature of the changes it undergoes ; and I trust that these conclusions will not lead us too far from the truth. We can, in the first place, state with certainty that the germ-plasm possesses a fixed arcJiitectiire^ wJiich has been trans- mitted historically. In working out the idea of determinates, it was stated that probably not nearly all the cells of the higher organisms are represented in the germ-plasm by special deter- minants : possibly all the blood-corpuscles, or the thousands of fibres in a particular muscle, for instance, are represented each by one determinant. But it does not therefore follow that all the cells of a similar kind which exist in the body can be repre- sented by one common determinant : this would be equivalent to abandoning the conception of determinants altogether. If, for instance, all the transversely striped muscles of a Vertebrate were represented in the germ-plasm by a single determinant, each variation in the latter would also produce a corresponding change in all the muscles, and the independent variation of which each individual muscle is actually capable would then be impossible. Several, or even many, similar determinants must therefore exist in the germ-plasm of an anijnal. Muscle-cells and nerve- cells are repeatedly formed even in the fully developed organism, and, in so far as they can vary individually at all from the germ onwards, will be represented by identical or by very similar determinants in the germ-plasm. If such identical determinants represent a single fixed cell or group of cells, they cannot be situated anywhere in the germ- plasm, nor can they change their position according to varying influences : the determinants must be definitely localised, for otherwise, they would not be certain to reach the right cell and tiie right position in the course of ontogeny. 1 have already 62 THE GERM-PLASM mentioned the olfactory setae of Gammarus, which are situated individually on particular segments of the feeler. Each of these can vary hereditarily, and thus it is necessary to assume special determinants for them in the germ-plasm ; these, however, will all be similar to one another. This is also true of the black spots on the wings of certain butterflies, already referred to. In LyccBua Argus, for instance, there is a spot on that part of the wing which is known to entomologists as ' cell i b,' and this spot is independently variable : it may be larger or smaller, and the variations in it can be transmitted quite independently of the numerous other black marks on the wing. The particular spot referred to may have disappeared entirely in another species of Lyccena^ while a precisely similar spot in ' cell 4 ' has become much larger. We have also decided indications that homologous parts in the two halves of the body in bilaterally symmetrical animals can vary independently of one another. The human birthmark mentioned above was always inherited on the left side, and never on the right. If each detenninant occupies a fixed position in the germ- plasm, // cannot have an indefinite or variable size and form, but must form a complete unit by itself, from which nothing can be removed, and to which nothing can be added. In other words, we are led to the assumption of groups of determinants, each of which represents a separate vital unit of the third degree, since it is composed of determinants, which in their turn are made up of biophors. These are the units which I formulated on different lines long ago, and to which the name of ancestral germ-plasms was then given. I shall now speak of them as '■ids,''* a term which recalls the 'idioplasm'' of Nageli. I assume that just as the individual biophor has other quali- ties than those of the determinant, which is composed of biophors, so also does the id possess qualities differing from those of its component determinants. The fundamental vital properties — growth and multiplication by division — must how- ever be attributed to the id as to all vital units. Several reasons. * I have already used this term in my essay on 'Amphimixis ' ('Amphi- mixis, Oder die Vermischung der Individuen," Jena, 1891, p. 39). In my earlier essays the ids were spoken of as ' ancestral germ-plasms,' the mean- ing and derivation of which term will be explained in the chapter on amphigonic heredity. THE GEHM-PLASM 63 more especially those furnished by the phenomena of heredity in sexual reproduction, lead us to assume that the germ-plasm does not consist of a single id, but of several, or even many of them, and this assumption must be made even in the case of asexual reproduction. I shall therefore assume that each idioplasui is conposed of several or many ids, which are capable of growth and iniiltipli- cation by division. If animals existed, in the whole series of ancestors of which sexual reproduction had never occurred, these ids would be exactly similar to one another. But in all cases every id of the germ-plasm contains the whole of the ele- ments which are necessary for the development of all subsequent idic stages. Theoretically, therefore, one id would suffice for ontogeny. We assume that the cJianges in the id of gerni-plasni during ontogeny consist merely in a regular disintegration of the deter- minants into smaller and smaller groups, until finally only one kind of determinant is contained in the cell, viz., that which has to determine it. It is highly improbable that all the determi- nants in the id of germ-plasm are carried along through all the idic stages of the ontogeny. In discussing regeneration and gemmation later on, I shall have to show that, under certain cir- cumstances, groups of determinants are supplied to certain series of cells, and that these are not actually required for determining the cells; this arrangement, however, depends, I believe, on special adaptations, and is not primitive, at any rate not in the higher animals and plants. Why should Nature, who always manages with economy, indulge in the luxury of providing all the cells of the body with the whole of the determinants of the germ-plasm if a single kind of them is sufficient? Such an arrangement will presumably only have occurred in cases in which it serves definite purposes. The enormous number of determinants contained in the germ-plasm also stands in the way of such an assumption, for in the higher animals they can be reckoned by hundreds of thousands at the very least ; and although we may assume that they all remain in a latent condi- tion in every cell, and so need not interfere with the activity of the determinants which control the cell, they nevertheless deprive the active determinants — which we must also suppose to exist in large numbers — of a considerable space. If we wished to assume that the whole of the determinants ol 64 THE GERM-PLASM the germ-plasm are supplied to all the cells of the ontogeny, we should have to suppose that diflferentiation of the body is due to all the determinants except one particular one remaining dormant in a regular order, and that, apart from special adapta- tions, only one determinant reaches the cell. viz.. that which has to control it. This latter supposition is undoubtedly less likely than the former. If however we do make this assumption, the question then arises as to what factors can cause tlie gradual disintegration of the id of germ-plasm into smaller and smaller groups of deter- minants, — that is to say, into ids which contain fewer and fewer kinds of determinants. This disintegration I believe to be due to the co-operation of three factors : these are — the inherited architecture of the germ- plasm, in which each determinant has its definite position ; the tinequally vigorous multiplication of the various determinants ; and possiblv also, the forces of attraction which are situated within each determinant, and result from its specific nature as a special and independent vital unit. The architecture of the germ-plasm has already been discussed in general terms : for the present, at any rate, we can hardly conjecture the actual details of its structure. In order to do so, it would be necessary to sup- pose that hundreds of thousands, or millions, of determinants, which are all definitely localised, take part in the formation of the higher organisms. The fact that the right and left halves of the body can vary independently in bilaterally symmetrical animals, points to the conclusion that all the determinants are present in pairs in the germ-plasm. As, moreover, in many of these animals, e.g. the frog, the division of the ovum into the two first embryonic cells indicates a separation of the body into right and left halves, it follows that the id of germ-plasm itself possesses a bilateral stmcture, and that it also divides so as to give rise to the determinants of the right and left halves of the body. This illustration may be taken as a further proof of our view of the constant architecture of the germ-plasm. An id is evidently not constiuited like the sediment of a complicated and well-shaken mixture, in which the heavier particles come to lie at the bottom and the lighter ones at the top : nor is it con- stituted in such a manner that the respective positions of the particles are only determined independently by the forces acting on them and between them momentarilv. Its structure may be THE GERM-PL.\SM 65 compared to that of a complicated ancient building, the stones of which we may suppose to be alive, so that they can grow and increase, and thus cause displacements and fissures in the walls, in which process the forces of attraction present within these living stones take part. The historical transfuission of the architecture of the i^erni-plas/zi forms the basis of the entire ontogenetic developjnoit of the idioplasm. If however the id has a right and left half in bilateral animals, we must not thereby infer that it is merely a miniature of the fully-formed animal, and tliat therefore we are once more deal- ing with the old tlieor}- of preformation. Quite apart from all coniectures as to the detailed architecture of the id of orerm- plasm, it is at any rate certain that the arrangement of the deter- minants in it is quite different from that of the corresponding parts in the fully-formed organism. This is proved bv a study of development, and need scarcely be treated of in detail here. Any one with a knowledge of animal embryology knows how- great a difference there is between the mode of development of the parts from one another in the embryo and their respective relation in the mature organism. The earlv stages of sejrmenta- tion of the ovum show that groups of determinants have been formed in the id of germ-plasm, and that these, moreover, cor- respond to the parts of the body w^hich arise from one another consecutively, though they can have no resemblance to them either in form or in their degree of perfection. In some worms the two first blastomeres do not give rise respectively to the right and left sides of the body, but to the entire ectoderm and endoderm. In these cases the id of orerm- plasm must break up into two groups, one of wdiich contains all the determinants of the ectodermal organs, and the other all those of the endoderm : it is evident that this arrangement has no analogy to that which obtains as regards the organs of the fully-formed animal. If in any species we knew the 'value in primary constituents ' (' Anlagenwerth ') — if I may use such a term — of each cell in the ontogeny, w'e could give an approximate representation of the architecture of the germ-plasm : for. begin- ning with the last formed cells, w^e could infer the nature of the determinants which must have been contained in each ]-)revious mother-cell, passing gradually backwards to the ovum ; thus we should reach the tw^o first blastomeres, and finally the egg-cell itself. The groups of determinants which are present at each 66 THE GERM -PLASM stage would tlius be known, and we might in imagination then arrange them in such a way that it would be possible to picture their disintegration into the respective series of smaller and smaller groups. Such a representation of the architecture of the id of germ- plasm would, however, never be an accurate one, because its parts must be subjected to incessant slow displacement during the growth of the idioplasm and in the course of development. This brings us to the second factor which takes part in the ontogeny of the idioplasm, viz., the uneven rate of DiultipUcatioii of the deteriniiiaiits. An id of germ-plasm composed entirely of similar determinants, would have to retain its original archi- tecture even daring vigorous growth and continued division ; just as would be the case in one of the lowest forms of life — a Moner — consisting of a number of identical biophors, which must remain the same throughout all the divisions which it un- dergoes. In a germ-plasm consisting of a number of different determinants, a perfectly even rate of multiplication cannot be assumed in the case of all of them. For the difference between two determinants depends presumably on the differences in the nature, number, or arrangement of their constituent biophors, and the latter differ again in their molecular structure, i.e. in their essentia] phvsico-chemical properties. Hence the determinants will behave differently as regards their reaction to external influ- ences, — more especially in respect of their rate of growth and increase, — according to their constitution. The same conditions of nutrition will therefore stimulate one to a faster, and another to a slower, growth and corresponding multiplication, and thus an alteration in the proportional numbers in which the indi- vidual kinds of determinants are present in the germ-plasm must occur continually in the course of embryogeny ; for the latter is connected with a constant growth of the idioplasm, and therefore also witli a continual increase of the determinants. This must cause a disarrangement in the architecture of the germ- plasm, in which process the third factor concerned in these changes, viz., tJie forces of attraction in tJie determinants., may take part. The assumption of such forces can scarcely be avoided. For it is very probable, a priori, that vital units do act upon one another in different degrees, and this view is supported by a con- sideration of the processes of nuclear division, together with the distribution of the primary constituents in ontogeny. THK CF.RM-PLASM 67 So far I have not touched upon the question as to whai observable parts of the idioplasm are to be regarded as ids. This point cannot be decided with certainty at present, but I have elsewhere expressed the opinion that those rod-like, loop- like, or granular masses of chromatin in the nucleus, — the chromosomes, — are to be considered equivalent, not to single ids, but to series or aggregations of ids. 1 have therefore pro- posed to call the chromosomes idants} in order to keep uj) a certain uniformity in the nomenclature. It is probal)le that the ids correspond to the small granules hitherto called ' microso- mata,"' which are known to form the individual idants in many animals : we may mention as an example, Ascaris niegalocep/iala, as in it the nuclear structure is best known. These microsomata, although lying very close together in one row, are nevertheless separated by a thin layer of intermediate substance ; the whole idant cannot there- fore be equivalent to one id, for the latter is a clearly defined vital unit possessing a fixed architecture, and cannot consist of completely separated parts. The great variety as regards size, number, and form of the chromosomes in different species of animals, indicates that they pos- sibly have not always a similar morpholog- ical value. As however there is no reason for assuming that the number of ids must always be the same in all species, and as, on the contrary, it is much more probable that their number varies greatly, it is impossible to make use of the above fact as a decisive argument. We can onlv state that the individual chromosome or idant in air probability represents a different number of ids in different species. Division of the nucleus depends on the longitudinal s])litting of the idants, in which process each of the spherical ids — assum- ing these to correspond to the microsomata — becomes halved. Each half then becomes rounded off, and passes, together with the idant to which it belongs, into one of the two daughter-nuclei. In the ordinary process of cell-division in tissues, which results in the formation of dauijhter-cells similar to those from Fig. 2. Two Idants with theii contained Ids of As^ can's inegalocephala. (After Boveri.) 1 ' Amphimixis,' pp. 39, 40. 68 THE GERM-PLASM which they arose, the ids produced by the division naturally contain precisely similar determinants ; in embryogeny, on the other hand, divisions occur which ensure that the two daughter- nuclei contain combinations of determinants which are usually entirely different from one another. We have an example of such a nuclear division in the segmentation of the ovum in the case, for instance, of certain worms already referred to, in which two cells are formed by the first division of the egg-cell, one of which contains all the determinants of the internal, and the other all those of the external germinal layer. A division of this latter kind we may speak of as differetitial or dissimilar as regards heredity (• erbungleich '), in contrast to the former, which is integral or similar as regards heredity ('erbgleich "). As in the case of the entire idants, the ids are split by an inter- nal force, and are not pulled apart mechanically by the threads of the • nuclear spindle ' which are attached to them. Flemming has shown that this splitting often takes place long before the spindle-threads become active. The forces of attraction in the determinants must therefore take part in this process, just as they must be assumed to act between the biophors which constitute the body of a dividing cell. It appears to me, therefore, that the inherited architecture of the id of germ-plasm undergoes a gradual change, owing to the uneven rate of multiplication of the determinants, and that it is further regulated by the forces of attraction which we must suppose to act between them. We might represent the archi- tecture of the id by a very complicated geometrical figure, which gradually becomes changed during the growth of the id ; this change does not occur in the first division, the preparation for which has been accurately made in the original figure, but in the subsequent stages of ontogeny. As the greater number of these divisions is connected with a diminution in the number of kinds of determinants, the geometrical figure representing the id gradually becomes simpler and simpler, until finally it assumes the simplest conceivable form, and then each cell will contain the single kind of determinant which controls it. The disintegration of the germ-plasm is a wonderfully coniplicated process ; it is a true ' development," in which the idic stages necessarily follow one another in a regular order, and thus the thousands and hundreds of thousands of hereditary parts are gradually formed, each in its right place, and each provided with the proper determinants. THE GERM-PLASM 69 The construction of the whole body, as well as its differentia- tion into parts, its segmentation, and the formation of its organs, and even the size of these organs, — determined by the number of cells composing them, — depends on this complicated disin- tegration of the determinants in the id of germ-plasm. The transmission of characters of the most s^ejieral kind — that is to say, those which determine the structure of an animal as well as those characterising the class, order, funily, and gouts to which it belongs — are due exclusively to this process^. The slight differences only, namely those which distinguish species from species, and individual from individual, depend partly on the characters of the individual cells. De Vries has overlooked this in his attempt to explain all the facts of heredity by the theory of ' /////'^'-cellular ' pangenesis. As was mentioned in the * Historical Introduction' to this book, it must be borne in mind that most of the ' characters ' of any of the higher forms of life result not from the characters of the individual cells, but from the way in which they are combined. On the other hand, the construction of a living organism is not conceivable unless we presuppose the determination of the characters of each cell. We have therefore to give an explanation of this concluding part of the process of ontogeny ; this has already been done to a great extent above, in the section treating of the control of the cell by the idioplasm. I there assumed, as de Vries has also done, that this determination depends on the migration of minute vital particles from the nucleus into the cell-body. We have now seen by what means the biophors characteristic of any particular cell reach that cell in the requisite proportion. This results from the fact that the biophors are held together in a determinant which previously existed as such in the germ-plasm, and which was passed on mechanically, owing to its ontogenetic disintegration, to the right part of the body. In order that the determinant may really control the cell, it is necessary that it should break up into its constituent biophors. This is an inevi- table consequence of the assumed mode of determination of the cell. We must suppose that the determinants gradually break up into biophors when they have reached their destination. This assumption allows, at the same time, an explanation of the otherwise enigmatical circumstance, that the rest ot the de- terminants, which are contained in every id except in the last 70 THE GERM-PLASM stages of development, exert no influence on the cell. As each determinant consists of many biophors, it must be considerably larger than a biophor, and is probably therefore unable to pass out through the pores of the nuclear membrane, which we must suppose to be very small and only adapted for the passage of the biophors. Although it is impossible to make any definite statement witli regard to the internal stmcture of the determi- nants, it must be owing to this structure that each determinant only breaks up into biophors when it reaches the cell to be determined by it. We may suppose that, just as one fruit on a tree ripens more quickly than another, even when the same external influences act on both, so also one sort of determinant may mature sooner than another, although similar nourishment is supplied to both. It must not, however, be overlooked, that a difference in the time of maturation of the determinants in the embryogeny of animals is chiefly to be assumed only in the case of the actual embryonic cells ; for the histological differentiation of the cells of the body, and the differentiation of the parts of the latter, occur at about the same time ; that is, not until the organs already exist as definite groups of cells. This is equivalent to saying that the disintegration into biophors occurs when the id only contains the single determinant which controls that par- ticular kind of cell. It is well known how suddenlv the histolog- ical differentiation of the cells occurs in the embryogeny of an animal. For a long time the various parts and tissues are very similar to one another, though not perfectly so, and then histo- logical differentiation suddenly sets in. This is very markedly the case as regards the transversely striped muscles of Arthropods and Vertebrates, in which the contractile substance is first seen as a mere narrow ring around the cell, and then gradually becomes thicker, so as to replace the greater portion of the cell- body, — just as one would expect if it were caused by muscle- biophors which had migrated into the cell-substance and there multiplied. The assumption of a 'ripening'' of the determinants, which though not simultaneous, is yet exactly regulated, nevertheless remains indispensable ; or, to express it differently, we must assume that the determinants pass througli a strictly regulated period of inactivity, at the close of which the disintegration into biophors sets in. The determinants certainlv continue to grow- THE GF.R^r-PLASM 7 I and multiply without interruption during this period, as may be deduced from the fact that the amount of the nuclear substance in the individual cell does not decrease during embryogeny. although such an enormous increase in the number of cells takes place. No accurate and methodical observations have at present been made with regard to the comparative size of the chromosomes in the various stages of development and in the different organs of the body, but it may nevertheless be taken as certain that the entire mass of the nuclear substance grows con- siderably during embryonic development. It appears to me, however, to follow from the observations of Ruckert 1 have already referred to concerning the chromosomes of the ovum of the dog-fish,* that the most marked growth of the determinants takes place immediately before, and during, their activity. Dur- ing the period of growth and histological differentiation of the egg in this fish the idants grow enormouslv, and towards the completion of these processes they gradually decrease in size, until finally, when the ovum is ripe, they have become almost as small as they were originally. This may be expressed, in the terms we have adopted, as follows : the determinants which control the histological struc- ture of the egg\ multiply enormously during the growth of the ovum, into the body of which they transmit their 7iumeroits biophors. After this has occurred, only those determinants of the germ-plasm are left which have in the meantime been in- active, and which have only increased to a slight extent ; these are thus contained in those idants which are not much larger than they were in the young egg-cell. From the beginning of ontogeny and onwards, one determinant after another becomes active, and during their activity they also multiply. It has for a long time appeared to me probable that the determination of a cell does not take place, as one might suppose, by the agency of a single determinant, but bv that of many determinants of * Anat. Anzeiger, loth March 1892. t These determinants of the ovum correspond to the ' oogenetic nucleo- plasm ' of my earlier essays, and constitute the substance which deter- mines the growth and histological differentiation of the egg. For a long time I believed that this substance was extruded from the ovum at the close of the period of maturation by means of the polar bodies. We now see that such an extrusion is not required, as this substance is used up in the differentiation of the tg'g. 72 THE GERM-PLASM a similar kind ; and I imagine that that kind of determinant which has to control a particular cell, multiplies considerably by division before — and perhaps even during — the process or determination. This view is completely borne out by Ruckert's interesting observations. Every cell during the whole period of ontogeny is, however, controlled — not only as regards its structure, but also in respect of its mode of division — by 2i single determinant only. The in- active determinants remain without exerting any influence on the cell-body ; they how^ever determine the architecture of the id, and therefore the further formation of the embryo also. For, indeed, the mode of disintegration of the id into smaller groups of determinants is necessitated by its architecture. I have above attributed to the determinants forces of attrac- tion which take part in the configuration of the structure of the ids. Such forces must be present, for otherwise the id could not possess a definite architecture ; but I do not wish it to be understood that these forces are the principal factors in the arrangement of the determinants. They are concerned in con- necting together the parts of which the determinants are com- posed, and not in their continual rearrangement during the course of ontogeny. It is primarily always the inherited definite architecture of the id of germ-plasm which results mechanically in the idic figure of the subsequent stages ; disarrangements in this architecture are due to the unequally vigorous increase of the various kinds of determinants, all of which naturally are definitely determined beforehand. The arbitrary or accidental action of the forces of attraction takes no part at all in this process. I must emphasise this view particularly, in contrast to that of Galton, who speaks of ' repulsions and affinities ' of the gemmules which compose the ' stirp."' He compares the masses of these gemmules, which undergo active and incessant changes of their mutual positions owing to attraction and repulsion, to a swarm of flying insects, in which • the personal likings and dislik- ings of an individual may be supposed to determine the posi- tion that he occupies in it." Witli this view I can by no means agree, for it rests on the assumption that the germ-substance is composed of many homologous gemmules (• competing germs ') wiiich struggle for the supremacy, onlv those which are success- ful determining the cliaracter of the future organism. P'rom THE GERM-PLASM 73 the very first Galton takes into consideration the compHcations or the germ-substance caused by sexual reproduction, which, as will be shown subsequently, are due essentially to the fact that the germ-plasm contains majty, and not a single specimen of each primary constituent, and that these are present in various modifications. It is this struggle between the honiologoiis primary constituents which Galton refers to in the passage just quoted, which indicates that first one, and then another, reaches the desired spot, without any definite order being observed. This conception appears still more plainly in another passage, in which he compares the germ-plasm (the 'stirp') to a nation, and those gemmules 'that achieve development." — i.e., become transformed into the corresponding parts of the body — ' to the foremost men of that nation, who succeed in becoming its representatives.^ Excellent as these similes are in themselves, I cannot help thinking that they lead to error if intended as an explanation of ontogeny. If we take up the position which Galton occupies with regard to the essential part of the theory of pangenesis, we must suppose that a large number of gemmules — many more than are necessary for the construction of the body — are con- tained in the stirp ; that is. in the germ-substance of the fer- tilised ^gg. For only one gemmule is required for each cell of the body, but nevertheless a large number are present ; and these, so to speak, struggle for the precedence, the successful gemmale alone becoming converted into the cell which is to be formed. In this conception the fact is entirely overlooked that ontogeny itself cannot possibly depend on this struggle, but would take place just the same if only one gemmule were present in the * stirp ' for each cell, and that the cause for the progress of development must therefore be sought elsewhere than in the rivalry between homologous gemmules : it must be due to the right succession of the gemmules. Galton considers that the • purely step-by-step-development ' assumed by Darwin in his theory of pangenesis is insufficient, but I think, neverthe- less, that Darwin's opinion is the more correct one. Neither does Galton's simile of the swarm of insects seem to me to be appropriate as an explanation of the struggle between homologous oremmules derived from different ancestors. Even if the gemmules in the 'stirp' were in perpetual motion, and if on this depended the decision as to which of them obtained the 74 THE GERiM-PLASM privilege of taking part in the formation of the organism, how could one explain the existence of identical twins, about w^hich we have received such valuable information from Galton him- self ? How would it be possible for the exactly corresponding gemmules in two individuals in the flying and ever-changing swarm always to reach the most favourable position, even if the ' stirp ' contained precisely similar gemmules ? In a subsequent section I shall attempt to show that this struggle between homologous but individually different primary constituents can be proved in quite another manner in connec- tion with the idioplasm. It was necessary to mention Galton's view here, in order to show that the forces of attraction and repulsion, assumed by him, are introduced for an entirely different purpose from that which I have stated with regard to the similar forces in connection with the biophors of the idio-plasm. Two physiological conditions of the elements of the idio- plasm exist, — an active and an inactive. In the former, these elements become disintegrated into their constituent parts ; while in the latter, they remain entire, although they are capable of multiplication. When determinants are active, they become disintegrated into biophors, and are then capable of controlling the cell in the nucleus of which they are situated. The activity of entire ids depends on a disintegration into determinants, which, though certainly successive, is often very slow; it must be contrasted with the inactive state, which in both elements of the idioplasm depends on the fact that their constituent parts do not become separated from one another, but remain in their primarily entire condition. In the immature ovum, for instance, only 07ie kind of determinant — the 'oogenetic' determinant — is active, and this controls the growth and histological difterentia- tion of the egg ; all the other kinds remain inactive, as do also the ids which are formed from them. Only when fertilisation has occurred do they become active, — that is to say, one kind of determinant after another begins to separate itself from the entire id. We shall see later on, however, that ids of the germ- plasm also exist which remain inactive even after fertilisation has occurred, and are passed on from cell to cell in what we may call an unalterable (^ gebu7idene)n^) condition, so as to form subsequently the germ-cells of the embryo. We know as little about the cause of this condition as we do about that of the THE GERM-PLASM 75 state of the brain during sleep, or of the latent period of certain fertilised animal eggs, which, after beginning to undergo develop- ment, remain inactive at a certain stage for months. The facts with which we are acquainted, however, render the assumption of an active and an inactive state of the ids and determinants unavoidable, as will become more evident in the course of this book. A similar assumption has been made by all those who have formulated vital units : thus Darwin has assumed these conditions in connection with his 'gemmules,' and de Vries with regard to his * pangenes/ Two forms of heredity, which we call homotopic and hotno- chronic, may be deduced from the theory given above. As the individual determinants — from the germ-plasm onwards, throughout all the stages of ontogeny — take up a definite posi- tion in the id, they must reach the right place in the body, and there cause the development of a structure corresponding to that of the parent. As, moreover, the period of maturation of each determinant is decided by the nature of the latter, the determinant will become active in the individual and will cause the formation of any particular part of the body at the same stage of development as in the parent. Exceptions to this rule occur in the case of abnormalities, and also in that of phylo- genetic displacements. 5, Summary OF Sections 1-4, relating to the Structure OF THE Germ-plasm According to my view, the germ-plasm of multicellular organ- isms is composed of ancestral germ-plasms or ids^ — the vital units of the third order, — each nuclear rod or idant being formed of a number of these. Each id in the germ-plasm is built up of thousands or hundreds of thousands of determinants, — the vital units of the second order, — which, in their turn, are com- posed of the actual bearers of vitality (- Lebenstrager'), or bio- phors, — the ultimate vital units. The biophors are of various kinds, and each kind corresponds to a ditTerent part of a cell : they are, therefore, the • bearers of the characters or qualities ' (•Eigenschaftstrager') of cells. Various but perfectly definite numbers and combinations of these form the determinants, each of which is the primary constituent ("Anlage") of a particular 76 THE GERiM-PLASM cell, or of a small or even large group of cells {e.g., blood-cor- puscles) . These determinants control the cell by breaking up into bio- phors, which migrate into the cell-body through the pores of the nuclear membrane, multiply there, arrange themselves according to the forces within them, and determine the histological struc- ture of the cell. But they only do so after a certain definitely prescribed period of development, during which they reach the cell which they have to control. The cause of each determinant reaching its proper place in the body depends on the fact that it takes up a definite position in the id of germ-plasm, and that the latter, therefore, exhibits an inherited and perfectly definite architecture. Ontogeny depends on a gradual process of disintegration of the id of germ- plasm, which splits into smaller and smaller groups of determi- nants in the development of each individual, so that in place of a million difterent determinants, of which we may suppose the id of germ-plasm to be composed, each daughter-cell in the next ontogenetic stage would only possess half a million, and each cell in the next following stage only a quarter of a million, and so on. Finally, if we neglect possible complications, only one kind of determinant remains in each cell, viz., that which has to control that particular cell or group of cells. This gradual dis- integration of the id of germ-plasm into smaller and smaller groups of determinants in the subsequent idic stages does not consist in a mere division of the id into portions, but — as occurs in all disintegrations of vital units — is accompanied by dis- placements in the groups of these units, brought about by the unequally vigorous multiplication of the various individual deter- minants, and regulated by the forces of attraction acting within them. In spite of all the alterations in the arrangement of the determinants which must occur, owing to the differential nuclear divisions together with unequal growth of the various kinds of these units of the second order, the original position of each determinant in the extremely complex structure of the id of germ-plasm renders it necessary that it should take up a definite and fixed position in each idic stage ; and also that it should traverse the precisely regulated course from the id of germ- plasm., through perfectly definite series of cells, to the cell in which it reaches maturity in the final stage of development. In this cell it breaks u]) into its constituent biophors, and gives the THE GERM -PLASM 77 cell its inherited specific character. Each id, m every sta^e, has its dejiiiitely inherited architecture ; its structure is a complex but perfectly definite one, which, originating in the id of germ- piasni, is transferred by regular changes to the subsequent idic stages. The structure exhibited in all these stages exists poten- tially in the architecture of the id of germ-plasm : to this architec- ture is due, not only the regular distribution of the determinants, — that is to say, the entire construction of the body from its primary form to that in which its parts attain their final arrange- ment and relation, — but also the fact that the determinant, of a small spot on a butterfly"'s wing, for example, reaches exactly the right place ; and that, to take another instance, the determinant of the fifth sefjment in the feeler of a Gannnarus reaches this particular segment. The determination of the character of the individual cell depends on the biophors which the correspond- ing determinant contains, and which it transmits to the cell. 6. The Mechanism for the Phyletic Variations in THE Germ-plasm The causes of phyletic development will be treated of in the chapter on Variation : the present section merely gives an account of the mechanism existing in the idioplasm in connec- tion with this process. I shall here attempt to show how the phyletic changes in the idioplasm follow mechanically from its assumed ultimate structure. Since all parts of the organism are determined from the germ onwards, permanent variations in these parts can only originate from variations in the germ. Each phyletic variation must therefore be due to a variation in the structure of the id of germ-plasm. If we suppose, with Darwin, that the transforma- tion of species is a gradual one, originating in individual varia- tions which become increased and directed by selection, it follows that the corresponding process in the idioplasm cannc>t be due to a sudden and complete variation in the entire id, but must begin with changes in the individual biophors or in individual determinants and groups of determinants also, and must then extend gradually to more numerous groups, until finally the nature of the id becomes entirely, or to a great extent, changed. 78 THE CERM- PLASM The basis of the process must be sought in the variability of the biophors. which is followed in turn by that of the units of a higher order, — the determinants and ids. These variations are not by any means confined to the structure of the individual cell, but concern primarily the tuDnber of cells of which an organism consists. A leaf of a plant, or a bird's feather, may increase considerably in size during the course of phylogeny, without a change necessarily occurring in the cells which form these parts. The variation will depend primarily on a multipli- cation of the respective determinants. If the primitive eye of a lower animal consisted of a single cell, constituting a visual rod, and the power of multiplication of its determinants gradually increased in the course of phylogeny, the number of identical determinants which would arise during development by the multiplication of the single determinant in the germ-plasm would gradually increase so as to suffice for two cells instead of one. The eye would then possess two visual rods, and if the power of multiplication increased still more, a whole group of visual rods would be controlled by one determinant. We are unable to conjecture on what internal variations in the determi- nant such an increase in the power of multiplication depends ; but the fact that every individual cell in the body does not possess a special determinant, while large groups of cells are controlled by a single one, proves that such variations must be possible. Such a very simple phyletic variation, resulting in the local increase of the number of cells, will be followed by a further variation as soon as the multiplication of the determinant of, e.g., an undifferentiated sensory cell, is not confined to the later stages of ontogeny, but occurs also in the germ-plasm itself; that is, when the doubling of the determinant has already taken place in the id of germ-plasm. For in this case the group of sensory cells, which have become developed phyletically from the originally single cell, will now be controlled by two deter- minants, each of which can vary independently of the other, and can transform the group of cells under its control. Thus one of these groups might give rise to auditory cells, and the other to gustatory or olfactory cells. Thus the increase in the differentiation of the body depends primarily upon the multiplication of the determinants in the id of germ-plasm, but this differentiation is only rendered complete THE GERM-PLASM 79 by variations in the determinants of similar origin taking place in different directions. The mere addition of a new ontogenetic stage can very easily be conceived without an increase occurring: in the determinants of the id ; but as soon as the double number of cells which are present in the new idic stage have to become differentiated in various ways, the differentiation must be pre- ceded by a doubling of the determinants in the id of germ- plasm. A higher degree of differentiation will therefore be primarily connected with an increase in the number of cells of which the organism is constituted. It is known that the extreme prolongation of development, due to the constant addition of new generations of cells at the end of ontogeny, can be neutral- ised by the abbreviation and reduction of the ontogenetic stages : this process may be also to some extent understood if we trace it to its origin in the structure of the idioplasm. The reduction in the number of generations of cells from two or more to one, depends on the fact that the process of multiplication and rear- rangement of the determinants takes place more rapidly during these particular stages, than does that of cell-division ; so that several idic stages, each of which formerly characterised a particular stage of the cell, pass into one another during the same stage of the cell. The respective idic stages have not here disappeared completely' : they only follow one another more rapidly, and therefore disappear as recognisable stages in development. In lowly organised beings the differentiation of the body may become increased by a simple reduction of the iiereditary parts or deterf/iifiates, without an increase taking place in the cell- generations. If a determinant which controls a region con- sisting of a hundred cells divides into two, each of which only controls fifty cells, the two resulting groups of cells can vary independently of each other from this point onwards, and may give rise to very different structures. In this way a continued division of the determinants, and consequently also a constantly increasing differentiation of the species, may occur, without necessitating an increase in the total number of cells present in ontogeny. Each additional differentiation denotes an increase in the degree of organisation. But the phyletic development of the organism is by no means invariably connected with an increase, or. in fact, with any other change in the degree of organisation. So THE GERM -PLASM The species of a genus, and often the genera of a family, cannot be distinguished from one another by the number of cells com- posing them, nor by an increase in the variety of these cells, but only by qualitative differences in the structure of the various parts. Hence the phyletic development of living beings cannot simplv be due to the augmentation of the number of determinants in the id of germ-plasm, but must also be attributed to a change in the iiature of the determinants and in that of their com- ponent biophors. The structure of the idioplasm which we have here assumed, also offers an explanation of the phenomena of paj-allelism between ontogeny and phylogeny, which depend on the law of biogenesis as well as on the relegation of the fijial characters to earlier and earlier ontogenetic stages in the course of phylogeny. Let us first consider the former of these phenomena. We have assumed that each ontogenetic stage is characterised by a definite 'determinant figure.'' /.i, and 8,000,000 biophors would oc- cupy the space of i cubic /x. A human blood-corpuscle measures 'J .'] ix. in diameter ; if we imagine it to be enlarged so as to form a cube of j .j m- in diagonal length, this space would contain 703,000,000 biophors. Let us further assume that those por- tions of the cell which, according to the facts at our disposal, must contain the idioplasm, viz.. the chromosomes, are mostly a great deal smaller than the nucleus in which they are situ- ated, and that the germ-plasm is composed not of ofie but of several ids, each of which contains all the biophors required for the construction of the entire body, it will then be evident that only a limited number of biophors can be contained in one id. The chromosomes in the germ-plasm of Ascaris megaloce- phala are the largest which are at present known to us. Each * Sir William Thomson, 'Popular Lectures and Addresses,' Vol. I., 1889, p. 148. THE GERM-PLASM 87 nucleus in this animal contains two or four rod-like chromosomes (see fig. 2), each of which is composed of ' six thickened granu- lar or disc-shaped portions, which become deeply stained with colouring matter, and which are separated by portions staining less deeply ' (Boveri). If we connect this fact with the hypo- thetical composition of the germ-plasm out of ids, it follows that an id cannot in any case be larger, and is probably smaller, than one of these granules or microsomata. It cannot be larger, because the id is a unit which is capable of division into two daughter-ids, but which cannot remain permanently sepa- rated into several parts by a different kind of intermediate sul)- stance. If we suppose the id to be as large as it can possibly be, — that is to say, to correspond in size to a microsome, — it will measure, according to Boveri's drawing and scale of enlarge- ment, .0,008 mm., or not quite i m in diameter. Only the ter- minal granules of the rods, however, are as large as this ; the greatest diameter of those in the middle measures .0.006 mm., while their shorter diameter is about .0,003 — .0,004 mm. The terminal granules, looked upon as spherical bodies, would be capable of containing about two million biophors of the size given above. This number is certainly a very considerable one, and it would apparently be sufficient to make up the number of determinants in such a lowly organised animal as Ascaris. But even in Arthropods the number of determinates, and therefore that of the determinants also, is considerably greater. Each of the olfactory setae on the feelers of Crustaceans, which were mentioned above, must be capable of being determined from the germ onwards ; and this is also true of the spots and lines on a butterfly's wing, each of which represents at least one deter- minant, and in case of all the large markings several, or even many, of these units. If we consider that the pattern on the wing is often very complicated, and frequently differs on the under and upper surfaces, it is evident that hundreds of deter- minants must exist for this pattern alone. But there are. again, several peculiarities in the structure of the wing-scales, and thus it is probable that almost every scale can vary independently from the germ onwards. In some males of the family Lycaenidce, e.g., Lycaena adonis, small guitar-shaped odoriferous scales (the 'androconia' of Scudder) are distributed regularly amongst the colour-scales, while these are entirely absent in other nearly 8B THE GERM -PLASM allied species, such as Lycaena agestis : hence we must conclude that these androconia have arisen by the transformation of ordinary scales. This, however, presupposes the independent variability of the scales which are to become changed phyleti- cally, and consequently also their capability of being determined from the germ onwards. Were this not the case, a single scale could never have varied from the others hereditay'ily. In Lycaena adonis there are 30,830 scales on the upper surface of the wing.* If each of these is to be looked upon as cor- responding to a determinate, the enormous number of about 240,000 determinants of the germ-plasm would result merely from the scales covering the wings, provided that the upper and under surface of the four wings possess each about the same number of scales. I have endeavoured by direct experiment to ascertain the lowest limit to the size of a determinate, — that is to say, the size of the smallest determinates for a particular character of a certain species. For this purpose I selected one of the Ostra- coda, Cypris reptans, which multiplies parthenogenetically. and in which it is easy to compare the different green spots on the shell in the mother and daughter. It appears that the larger spots are strictly transmitted, though this is not the case as regards the very small ones, which consist of only one or two pigment-cells. The form of these larger spots, which consist of fifty or a hundred pigment-cells, also varies to some extent, so that the number is here also somewhat inconstant. If partheno- genetic reproduction could be looked upon as being purely nniserial, it might be inferred that the determinates are not in this case single cells, but groups of cells. Unfortunately, how- ever, this experiment cannot be considered conclusive, for — as will appear later on — the germ-plasm is here composed, just as in the case of sexual reproduction, of dissimilar, and not oi simi- lar ids, and consequently variations in heredity may thus arise. We must conclude, even from the external coloration, that a very considerable number of determinates exists in the case of the higher Vertebrates. Thus most, if not all, of the contour- feathers of a bird must be controlled by special determinants in the germ-plasm, for they are independently variable hereditarily. * My assistant, Dr. V. Hacker, was good enough to make this calcula- tion for me. THE GERM-PL.ASM 89 The number of wing- and tail-quills is nevertheless definitely fixed for every species of bird, and each of these feathers pos- sesses a definite form, size, and coloration. We must assume that viore than o)ie determinant is necessary for an entire feather, for a feather is formed from thousands of epidermic cells, which are not by any means all similar to one another, either as regards form, mode of combination, or colour. Many feathers are striped, while others have a brilliant ornamental spot at the tip ; as in the case, for instance, of the peacock, many humming-birds, and certain birds of paradise. The cells to which these stripes and spots owe their origin, must contain determinants which differ from those of the rest of the cells which take part in the construction of the feather. We must therefore conclude that at least one^ and often several, determi- nants of the germ exist for each of these two kinds of cells ; for, as is well known, ornamental spots of this kind are often formed of several colours, and are very complex. It would be erroneous to suppose that the contour-feathers are not determined individually in such birds as the raven, in which the plumage is all of one colour ; but in such cases the qualita- tive differences refer less to colour than to form and size. The fact that each part of the feather is determined hereditarily, even as regards its colour, is proved by the variation which occurs, and which in individual species has resulted in certain feathers being partially or entirely white, or being brilliantly coloured, as in the case of the bird of paradise, which is allied to the raven. One need only look through a collection of humming-birds, and compare the females, which are so often plainly coloured, with the wonderfully variegated males, in order to become convinced that almost every contour-feather can vary in almost any direction as regards coloration, form, size, and minute structure. As has already been remarked, the internal organs are ap- parently by no means so specially determined from the germ onwards as are the external parts : their determinants must therefore control larger regions of cells, as in the case, e.g., of blood-corpuscles and epithelial cells. The number of deter- minants in the germ-plasm of the higher animals is nevertheless an enormous one, and it might certainly be doubted whether such a large number of biophors as must be required for the construction of an id of the germ-plasm could be contained within a single id. 90 THE GERM- PLASM It is impossible, as we have already seen, to obtain a satis- factory answer by means of a calculation. But let us assume for the moment that we possess reliable data as to the number of determinants and the size of an id in a particular species. We will further assume that each determinant is composed of, let us say, fifty biophors, and each biophor of a thousand mole- cules, and that the average diameter of a molecule is 2;TioJ7i(5oth mm. Supposing we found that all these units could not be contained within an id of the size we have assumed, we should be forced to conclude that one or more of these quantities had been over- estimated. This result would not weaken the theory of deter- minants, for minute particles iniist exist in the germ-plasm for each hereditary and independently variable part of the body. I therefore consider it fruitless to attempt a more accurate esti- mation of the number of determinants in individual species, and to endeavour to find a support for this fundamental theory by means of such calculations. The theory is correct in any case, although our conception of the structure of the germ-plasm may be very incomplete. The object of making the above calculation was simply to arrive at this result. The germ-plasm is an extremely delicately- formed organic structure. — a microcosm in the true sense of the word, — in which each independently variable part present throughout ontogeny is represented by a vital particle, each of which again has its definite inherited position, structure, and rate of increase. A theojy of evolution appears to me to be ojily possible ill this sense. The constituents of the germ-plasm are not miniatures of the fully-formed parts, or even particles exist- ing solely for the formation of the corresponding parts in the body. But each of these particles (the biophors and deter- minants) has a definite and important share in the preceding stages of development, for it takes part in determining the architecture of each idic stage, and consequently also assists in the further ontogenetic disintegration and distribution of the determinants amongst the subsequent cell-stages. All the more essential differences in the structure of organisms depend on this fact. The determinants are particles on whose nature that of the corresponding parts in the fully-formed body depends, whether the latter consists of a single cell or of several or many cells. The assumption of such particles is inevitable in a theory of hereditv. and it alone necessitates an almost inconceivable THE GERM-PLASM 9 1 complexity in the architecture of the germ-plasm. But if we suppose that the number of ultimate particles of which the germ-plasm is composed is less than the number of parts in the body which are independently variable hereditarily, it would then follow that several minute parts of the body must become changed simultaneously with the variation of one of these parti- cles,— that is to say, the number of determinants then become too small theoretically. PART II HEREDITY IN ITS RELATION TO MONOGONIC REPRODUCTION Introductory Remarks In the following part those phenomena of heredity will be considered which do not result directly from the composition of the germ-plasm as already described, but which would also occur if there were no such thing as sexual reproduction. In considering the phenomena of the regeneration of lost parts, of multiplication by fission and genunation, of the production of nnicellular germs, and of the continuity of the gerni-plasjn, it will materially facilitate the attainment of clear results if the inves- tigation is conducted throughout as though these phenomena occurred in organisms in which the process of multiplication is, and always has been, entirely an asexual one. The complica- tions resulting from sexual reproduction can be considered after- wards, and it will then be easy to connect them with all these phenomena of heredity. 92 REGENEkATlON 93 CHAPTER II REGENERATION I. Its Cause and Origin in the Idioplasm It does not follow directly from what has already been said with regard to the structure of the germ-plasm, that lost parts can be more or less completely replaced. The only deduction that can be made so far is, that all the parts of which the entire organism is composed are formed once during the development of the organism from the ^g'g : no explanation is given of the fact that individual parts can be produced a second time, when they have been lost by the action of external influences. During ontogeny, the determinants of the part in question pass from the ovum into the segmentation-cells, from these into embryonic cells of a later stage, and finally into those cells which constitute the fully formed part. If tliis part is forcibly removed from the organism to which it belongs, its determinants are removed along with it : this follows from what has already been assumed with regard to the ontogenetic stages of the idioplasm. We must now' therefore attempt to explain the fact that a part of the body can nevertheless be reconstructed. If the capacity for regeneration were possible at all, it is obvious that it would have to be introduced by Nature, for its physiological importance is apparent. The power of replacing larger or smaller parts of the body must in all cases be useful to the organism, and is often indeed indispensable to its further existence. Arnold Lang * is certainly right in considering the faculty of regeneration in animals to be one of the arrangements for protection which prevent the species from perishing. The capability of completely restoring those parts of the body which have become injured by the bite of an enemy, forms a more * ' Ueberden Einfluss der fesfsitzenden Lebensweise auf die Thiere,' &c. Jena, 1888, p. 108. 94 THE GERM-PLASM efficient protection in many of the lower animals — more espe- cially in polypes and worms — than would the possession of shells, stings, poison-organs, and all other kinds of weapons, or even protective coloration. For although all these arrange- ments certainly serve as a protection from many enemies, and from various dangers, they are not always effective, and there- fore the capability of restoring losses of substance would cer- tainly be extremely valuable in any case. This fact must not be forgotten in any inquiry with regard to the question of regenera- tion. If we consider how highly important regeneration is from a physiological point of view, its wide and even general distribu- tion in the animal kingdom need not surprise us, and we shall be able to understand why it has been introduced even into the course of normal life : for the functions of certain organs depend on the fact that their parts continually undergo destruction, and are then correspondingly renewed. In this case it is the process of life itself, and not an external enemy, that destroys the life of a cell. I refer, of course, to the process of physiological regeneratioti . Our knowledge of histology is not yet sufficient for us to be able to determine what tissue-cells in the higher animals become worn out by use during life, and have therefore to be continually replaced ; but it has been proved in many cases that the wear- ing away of the cells goes on incessantly, and that life could not last if these cells were not constantly replaced. Such a constant loss and renewal of the cells occurs in the cases of the epidermis of the higher \^ertebrates, the human finger-nails, blood-corpuscles, hairs and feathers, claws and hoofs, the epithelial lining of the respiratory and other passages, and even in the antlers of stags. In all these cases a continual or periodic wasting away or shed- ding of groups of cells occurs normally, and a corresponding replacement of these cells is one of the normal functions of the body, and is therefore provided for. It is not difficult to explain the simplest of these cases of physiological regeneration theoretically. If a tissue such as the human epidermis, for instance, consists of one kind of cell only, it is only necessary, in order that regeneration may take place, that all these cells should not be thrown off simultaneously, and that the tissue should be composed of cells of various ages, the vounjrest of which, under certain influences of nutrition and pressure, always retain the power of reproduction, and so form REGENERATION 95 a stock in which the necessary substitutes for the older cells can constantly be produced. The whole supply of the corresponding^ determinants is not therefore removed from the bodv simul- taneously by the loss of the worn-out cells, for the young cells which remain contain determinants of the same kind. In the human epidermis, this stock of young cells constitutes the so- called ' rete Malpighii ' or ' mucous layer,' in which new cells are constantly being formed by division ; these, in proportion as they become older, are gradually pushed upwards mechanically from the deeper into the superficial layers, while the deepest layer of all consists entirely of young cells which are capable of division. No special theoretical assumption need be made to explain this process. We must only suppose that the first formed epidermic cells are endowed in advance with a capacity for reproduction during many generations. It must be assumed that the repro- ductive power of a cell is regulated by the idioplasm, because the power and rate of multiplication are essential qualities of a cell, and, as we have seen, are controlled by the nuclear substance. But we cannot at present even form a conjecture as to which qualities of the idioplasm the degree and rate of the capac- ity for reproduction are due. We must be satisfied with attributing to the cells which form the epidermis of the embryo an idioplasm possessing a definite reproductive power, which gradually decreases. We can further only suppose that the idioplasm retains its constitution during life, or, in other words, that the determinant of a particular part of the epidermis is always retained in the permanent stock of young cells. Regeneration depends simply on a i-egular increase of those cells which contain epidermic idioplasm. The nature of the epidermis is not the same in different parts of the human skin : thus it differs on the volar and on the dorsal surfaces of the fingers ; and, again, on the two basal and on the unirual seo:ments. But this fact does not stand in the wav of the theoretical explanation of regeneration, for the determinants of different parts must differ somewhat from one another. Even in places where two or more dissimilar parts are situated close together, the retention of the limits between them, during their continual regeneration, may be explained simply l)y the fiict that the different regions of the tissue are regenerated by formative cells possessing different determinants. g6 THE GERM-PLASM Many tissues, even in the highest animals, when they have suffered an abnortnal loss of substance, are renewed in precisely the same way as in the cases of physiological regeneration already mentioned. Thus in mammals, for instance, portions of muscular tissue, of epithelium covering an organ or lining the duct of a gland, and of bone, can be replaced by cellular elements of a similar kind ; and recent researches in pathological anatomy render it almost certain that all these regenerative processes orig- inate in the cells of the tissue which is to be replaced. Hence these tissue-cells retain the power of multiplying by division, but they only begin to exercise this power in response to certain external stimuli, more particularly to that which is produced by a loss of substance in their immediate vicinity. Thus epithelial cells multiply around a defect in the epithelium ; and in an injured muscle, the nuclei multiply and cause the surrounding protoplasm to be transformed into cells, which become spindle- shaped, and give rise to muscle-fibres. In both these cases we must merely attribute to the idioplasm the capacity for multipli- cation : the cells in question only begin to divide w'hen inHu- enced by a stimulus due to the loss of substance, or, as it would be expressed in the language of modern pathology,* *by the removal of the resistances to growth.' Thus in these very simple cases of the abnormal loss of parts, the rest of the tissue gives rise to a stock of determinants from which replacement of the part can occur. In more complicated tissues, the process of regeneration is less simple. Thus Fraisse has shown that in the Amphibia the entire epider)nis, toi^ether with the slinie-glands and the integumentary sense-organs, is regenerated by the epidermic cells in the vicinity of the defect. In this case also, the new material is furnished by the deeper uncornified layers of the epidermis. But the newly-formed cells do not all develop into the same kind of tissue. The main mass of them gives rise to the stratified epidermis, while others 'unite to form pearl-shaped masses in the deeper part of the epidermis, the cells becoming grouped around an imaginary centre.' ' Connective tissue-cells then migrate from the cutis, and these masses, each consisting of from ten to twenty cells, thus become marked off from the epi- dermis.'' 'At the same time ])igment-cells wander into the * Cf. E. Ziegler, ' Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomic,' Jena, 1890. REGENKRA'IIOX 97 epidermis, and finally the development of smooth muscle fibres takes place.' * New integumentary sense-organs arise in a sim- ilar way. A number of young cells become arranged so as to form a rounded mass in the deeper portion of the newly-formed epidermis : these then become elongated in a direction vertical to the surface of the epidermis, the central element undergoing differentiation into sensory cells, while the peripheral ones form an investment around these. It is evident that the process is rendered more complicated in this case by the fact that the young epidermic cells, formed by the proliferation of those already present, give rise to cells of various kinds, viz., to ordinary epidermic cells, to gland cells, and to sensory and * investing ' cells ; and the complication is further increased by all these cells being arranged and localised in a perfectly definite and more or less prescribed manner. We certainly must not assume that the formative cells which undergo these various differentiations are really identical, although they may appear so. It cannot possibly depend on external influ- ences alone whether one of these subsequently becomes trans- formed into a horny, glandular, or sensory cell ; for we cannot assume the existence of such a regular and localised difference in the external influences. The various differentiations of the formative cells must therefore depend on their own nature — that is to say, on the determinants contained within them, which have hitherto been latent but which have now become ripe, and have impressed a specific character upon each cell. Tliese formative cells f/mst have contained differoit sorts of determinants from the first. Fraisse compares the processes which can be observed in the regeneration of the skin in Amphibia with those which occur in the embryogeny of this class, and shows that they are essentially similar. We shall therefore be justified in imagining these proc- esses— which are invisible to us even under the highest powers of the microscope — to be homologous with those which take place during the development of the embryo. We can thus further assume that the stratified cells in the 'mucous layer" of the epidermis, although apparently all alike, * Cf. Fraisse, ' Die Regeneration von Geweben u. Organen bci den Wir- belthieren, besonders bei Amphibien u. Rcptilien." Cassel and Berlin, 1885. 98 THE GERM-PLASM — as are those cells which form the first rudiment of the embry- onic integument, — must nevertheless possess several kinds of determinants. We can hardly venture to say whether the three kinds of determinants with which we are here concerned are all present together in the formative cells, and only become distrib- uted amongst special cells when regeneration sets in, or whether they are distributed amongst special cells from the first. Either arrangement is possible. Hence we may assume that some of the young formative cells contain determinants for the glands, and others those for horny or sensory cells, and that the propor- tional numbers and topographical arrangement of these are defi- nitely fixed from the first. A precisely similar assumption is also necessary in the case of embryogeny. If, for instance, the sensory organs of the lateral line in a fish or amphibian occur only along the lateral lines and their branches, we must suppose that the subdivision of the idioplasm of the ectodermic cells occurs during the development of the epidermis in such a way that the cells containing the determi- nants of these sensory organs come to be situated only along the lateral lines, and only in definite places on these lines. If now, all the formative cells of the sensory organs do not undergo further development at once, but some of them, on the contrary, remain undeveloped in the immediate neighbourhood — i.e., in the deep layer of young cells — until a necessity for regeneration arises, we can understand in principle why a similar topographi- cal arrangement and numerical relation of the sensory organs to the remaining epidermic elements occurs in the case of regenera- tion, as well as in that of the primary formation of the epidermis in the embryo. The idioplasm of the cells does not alone decide what will happen in regenerative processes of this kind. This is shown by the fact that the occurrence of regenerative cell-multiplication depends on a loss of substance, and that the cells cease to pro- liferate as soon as the defect is made good. The stimulus to the further proliferation of the cells ceases at the same time. These facts, however, only give us a very vague insight into the causes of the limitation of the regenerative process ; and w'e shall presently see that the above explanation is insufficient in more complicated cases of regeneration, and that we must, in- deed, assume in addition the existence of other regulating fac- tors, which are situated within the active cells, and not outside them. REGENERATKW 99 It is well known tliat the limbs of a salamander .Sand' D^.22 JJet.t Oee-ZT-SS \uln.Metacarpiig +Digitt ulrv-CarpuS 'Jet. 33 -35 JDetX DL JJetJl^ Metaca/j?JJ ^hain^m ■^^^^rrr Metacarpus J}iguiisI7 m+IV rvL IV Ph <19 PhaUJ .-On u i+m ^I>ec29 'JUS C.3S- UetSf Fig. 3. — Diagram of the Cell-Generations in the Fore-Limb of a Triton. Supposing that a stimulus, produced by the injury, caused the cells of the injured part to undergo multiplication : bony tissue would then, indeed, be developed, but a bone of a definite shape and size would not necessarily be formed. The formation of a definite bone can only take place if the proliferating cells possess, in addition to their active determinants, a supply of determinants REGENERATION IO3 which control the missing parts which have to be renewed. If therefore we wish to suppose that Bhnnenbach's ' tiisus forina- tivus ' is situated in the idioplasm of the cell, it appears neces- sary to assume that each cell capable of regeneration contains an accessory idioplasm, consisting of the determinants of the parts which can be regenerated by it, in addition to its primary idioplasm. Thus, for instance, the cells in the bone of the upper- arm must contain, in addition to their controlling determinant 2, the determinants 3-35 as accessory idioplasm, which can cause all the bony parts of the fore-arm to be formed anew ; the cells of the radius, again, must contain the determinants 4-20 as acces- sory idioplasm for the reconstruction of the radial portion of the wrist and hand. This theoretical illustration may be looked upon, indeed, as representing the phenomena as they occur in reality. It is very possible that the required accessory idioplasm becomes separated from the disintegrating embryonic idioplasm in the earliest stage of development of the entire organ. According to our assumption, the individual determinants are present sitigly in the germ-plasm, and their multiplication increases the further ontogeny advances. As only those determinants which corre- spond to parts to be formed subsequently are required in the accessory idioplasm, the material for the latter is always present ; and we need only assume that in each division of the primary cell of any bone, a portion of the determinants required for the formation of the subsequent parts becomes split off as secondary idioplasm, and remains inactive within the cell until a cause for regeneration arises. I shall speak of this group of determinants as accessory idio- plasm (' Neben-Idioplasma""), and its component determinants as siippieinentary determinants (' Ersatz-Determinanten ") . We may imagine that these form a special and minute group en- closed within the id in the neighbourhood of the determinants which control the cell in question. A similar assumption may be made as regards the individual bones of the entire limb. The regeneration of the bisected humerus can be explained by supposing that each cell capable of regeneration possesses an accessory idioplasm, containing the determinants of the cells which will subsequently be formed in a distal direction ; this formation will be possible because the necessary • determinant- material ' is present. The process only depends on the tact that 104 '^"Hf" GERM-PLASM in each differential cell-division a certain number of determinants, which ripen later on, become split off from the rest, and are retained in the cell as accessory idioplasm. The mechanism for regeneration is certainly a very complicated one, for each separate bone is controlled by a number of different determinants, and not by a single one ; and all these special determinants are contained in the accessory idioplasm. As far as we can judge from the investigations made hitherto, the bones are at any rate regenerated in detail fairly exactly. The complexity of the mechanism accounts, in my opinion, for the fact that the fore- limb, which has such a marked power of regeneration in the salamander, has lost this power completely in the higher Vertebrates, for in them the mechanism would have become too complex. A simpler mechanism than that which we have supposed to exist can only be conceived, if, with Herbert Spencer,* we attri- bute to each of the units composing the body the power com- bining to form any necessary organ just when it is wanted. We might then compare the entire animal to a large crystal, in the individual parts of w'hich ' there dwells the intrinsic aptitude to aggregate into the form of that species ; just as in the atoms of a salt there dwells the intrinsic aptitude to crystallise in a particular way.' The only difference between the particles of the crystal and those of the organism w^ould be that the former are all permanently alike ; and that the latter, in order that regeneration may be possible, are arranged in many different ways, according to whether an entire limb, a tail, a gill, or a single toe, fore-arm, or finger is to be replaced. How are the ' units ' shown in each individual case wdiat part is missing, and what form their arrangement is to take in order to produce the part anew? We are thus once more brought back to Blumen- ])ach's ' iiisusforinativtis.'' Spencer himself says : — 'If in the case of the crystal we say that the whole aggregate exerts over its parts a force which constrains the newly-integrated atoms to take a certain definite form, we must, in the case of the organism, assume an analogous force.' This force would correspond to what was formerly spoken of as the ' spiritus rector'' or ' nisus forma- tivus ; ' and even supposing it to exist, it does not in the least help us in the attempt to explain the mechanism of the phenom- * Herbert Spencer, ' The Principles of Biology,' Vol. i, p. i8i. REGENERATION 105 ena. Spencer adds that his view ' in truth is not a hypothesis/ but only 'a generaHsed expression of facts;' and remarks in another passage, that although it is ' difficult " to imagine regene- ration as a sort of process of crystallisation, ^we see that it is so.'' It is just this point that I must object to. We see that it is so, or rather appears to be so, sometimes, but we also see that it is often ;/^/ so. If the units of the body were capable of becom- ing modified at will under the influence of the whole, and of crystallising into the missing part, they must be able to do so in all species and in all organisms. This, however, is not the case. The limb of a salamander can be regenerated, and tiiat of a lizard cannot. In a special section of this chapter I shall be able to show in greater detail that regeneration depends on special adaptation, and not on a general capacity of the animal-body. It will be unnecessary to give a special diagram illustrating the regeneration of a single bone, such as that of the upper arm, and showing the supplementary determinants of each of the cells composing the bone which are necessary in order that regeneration may set in at any point. The diagram given for the entire limb is sufficient to make the general principle clear : an approach to an explanation of the actual details is out of the question, as is evident if we compare the numl^er of cells given in the diagram with that of whicli tlie bones actually consist. For this reason I have not attempted to enter into minute histological details, or to define the quality of the cells which are capable of regeneration, — that is, to state whether they belong to the periosteum or to the bone itself, and whether all or only certain cells take part in the process. We only re- quire a diagram which can be adapted to the actual details of the processes when these are known. It is sufficient at present to show that regeneration may be understood by considering the activity of the cells themselves, without having recourse to the assumption of an unknown directive agency. The ^ jtisHS formativus' descends from its previous position as a single force directing the whole, and breaks up into an un- limited number of material particles which are situated in the individual cells, and each of which prescribes the course of life of the cell. These particles are determined as regards their kind, and are distributed to their proper places so accurately, that by their united effect they give rise to a composite whole, sucli I06 THE GERM -PLASM as, for instance, a series of l:)ones, together with their articular capsules and ligaments, and the muscles, nerves, blood-vessels, connective tissue, and integument which come into relation with them. The diagram I have given to illustrate the regeneration of a bone can obviously be adapted to represent any other part or tissue. We must not look upon the bone as something quite disconnected from the rest of the limb, as we may very likely be inclined to do if we are specialists. The bone is in reality con- nected most intimately along its entire surface with the surround- ing tissues, — the periosteum and loose connective tissue external to the latter, the numerous blood-vessels which penetrate into the substance of the bone, the nerves, and so on. The first rudiment of the limb consists, in fact, of a mass of mesodermic cells, which give no indication of the various structures which will later be developed from them. Nevertheless, their differen- tiation does not, in my opinion, depend on their accidental posi- tion within the limb, or in fact on any other external influences, but is primarily due to their individual nature, that is. to tJie constitution of tJieir idioplastn. The determinants composing the id control the subsequent development of the cell and of its successors. The further changes which the id undergoes in the course of cell-division, and the manner in which the deter- minants undergo disintegration in the ids of the daughter-cells of all the subsequent generations, is decided by the composition of the id. We can thus understand, at least to some extent, how it is possible that such a complicated part as a limb, the structure of which is so accurately prescribed, can arise by degrees from a mass of cells which are apparently all similar to one another. The harmony of the whole is primarily brought about by the variation and increase of the cells, the kind and rhythm of which respectively, is prescribed by the idioplasm of each in- dividual cell, rather than by the mutual influence of the cells durinjr their sradual differentiation. A muscle becomes de- veloped at any definite spot, because one particular cell amongst all the apparently similar cells in the first rudiment of the limb contained the determinants which are capable of giving to a large number of the successors of this cell the special character of muscle-cells ; and because, again, the id of this particular cell caused a rhythm of multiplication to set in, which, on mechanical grounds, rendered it necessary that certain succes- REGENERATION IO7 sors of this cell which contained muscle-determinants should take up their position in the precise region of the limb in which this particular muscle is situated. We must not, however, imply from what has been said above, that external influences are of no importance whatever in ontog- eny, but merely that they certainly only play a secondary part in the process. A limb will certainly grow crooked if a corre- sponding external pressure is brought to bear upon it. Growing cells do not cease to multiply directly they are subjected to abnormal external influences, for they can accommodate them- selves to circumstances. It is such cases as the regeneration of broken bones and the formation of new joints under abnormal external conditions, which prove that the cells continue to perform their functions of growing and of giving rise to organs under circumstances which deviate very markedly from the normal. These false joints also show what a considerable power of adaptation is possessed by the cells, and how efficient may be the parts which these cells are able to produce under abnormal conditions. But although the principle formulated by Roux * of the struggle of the parts, or as it might well be called ' intrabiontic selection,^ is certainly a very important one, I think it would be a great mistake to refer the normal process of ontogeny mainly to this principle. The groups and masses of cells must certainly press upon one another durin<; the process of differentiation : in the process of the formation of a joint, for instance, proliferating connective-tissue cells do actually force themselves amongst the cartilage cells in one part of the rudi- mentary bone, in order to separate them from one another. But this proliferation and pressure are taken account of, just as much as are the processes of dissolution or absorption that occur in those cells in the primordial cartilage which are situated in the region of the joint. It might be supposed that the existence of so-called 'identical' human twins contradict mv conception of ontogeny ; for although they are undoubtedly derived from a single ovum and sperm-cell, and hence possess the same kind of germ-plasm, they are never really identical, but only very similar to one another. But apart from the fact that the abso- lute identity of the germ-plasm has not been proved in these cases, the very close resemblance between these twins shows * W. Roux, ' Der Kampf cler Theile im Organismus,' Leipzig, 1881. I08 THE GERM-PLASM how slightly the diversity of external influences affects the development of an organism. How wonderfully accurately the course of ontogeny must be prescribed, if it can be kept to so closelv. through thousands of generations of cells, that •• identi- cal ' twins result ! We may compare the process of development of such twins with the course taken by two ships, which, start- ing from the same place, proceed along the same devious route whiqh has been carefully mapped out beforehand in all its thousands of definite changes in direction, until each finally reaches the same distant shore independently, within a mile of the other. A careful consideration of such a case as this leaves no doubt that a very exact and definite course is mapped out for the egg- cell by its idioplasm, which, again, directs the special course to be taken by each of the innumerable generations of cells, in the direction of which course external influences can only play a very subordinate part. If this consideration be borne in mind, it will be less likely that the objection may be made that a much too complicated stmcture has been attributed to the idioplasm. Its structure must be far more complex than we can possibly imagine ; and in this respect, its construction, as we have represented it theoretically, must certainly be far simpler than is the case in reality. For the same reason, it is less probable that similar objections may be made to the theory of regeneration as here stated. Complicated phenomena cannot possibly depend on a simple mechanism. The machines in a cotton factory cannot be constructed of a few simple levers, nor can a phonograph be manufactured from two lucifer matches. That form of regeneration which has been considered above may be described as palingenetic^ for it pursues the course taken by the primary or embryonic development ; but as soon as it leaves this course and takes a shorter one, it may be distin- guished as coenogenetic. Coenogenetic variations of the primary process of development probably always occur in cases of regeneration of complex struct- ures ; and even the reconstruction of the extremities, which we have chosen above as an example, will hardly take place in exactly the same way as occurs in the primary development of these parts, although it may resemble the latter in its principal phases. Even if mere abbreviation of the development of a part can REGENERATION IO9 be easily conceived by supposing an aggregation and redistribu- tion of the determinants to occur in the idioplasm, the process of idic division becomes very complicated when the primary and secondary development take place along ditlierent lines ; for in the latter process the combinations of supplementary determinants in the id of the cell-generations must be different from those which occur in the former. But this difference is evidently due merely to a greater complication of the process, and it does not stand in the way of the theory. In all cases of regeneration, the mode in which the supplementary determi- nants become split off must be previously arranged for in the id. The assumption of a mere increase in the power of multiplica- tion of certain determinants might seem sufficient in the case of palingenetic regeneration, for this would lead to one portion of a certain group of determinants becoming separated off as accessory idioplasm at a particular ontogenetic stage. In ccenogenetic regeneration, however, we can only assume that a double or still greater number of determinants are present in the germ-plasm, one set of which are destined for embryonic devel- opment and the others for regeneration ; and these are previ- ously arranged with reference to their internal forces, particularly that of multiplication, so that at a certain stage of development they become split off as ' accessory idioplasm,' either alone or together with the adjacent ' regenerative determinants.' It seems to me, how^ever, that palingenetic regeneration cannot be satisfactorily accounted for unless we assume the existence of special regenerative determinants, for it would otherwise be impossible to explain the phyletic origin of the ccenogenetic variations in the process of regeneration. These latter must, indeed, depend on variations in a determinant of the germ-plasm. If however the latter contained only the one determinant destined for embryogeny, variations must occur in the latter process at the same time. But this is not the case, and consequently a kind of double determinant must be con- tained in the germ for those hereditary parts (determinants) which are capable of becoming regenerated : — that is to say. two originally identical determinants must be present, one of which becomes functional in embryogeny and the other in regenera- tion. This will be made apparent if we take some examples. In most existing amphibians the caudal region of the vertebral column may undergo regeneration, although its embryonic no THE GERM-PLASM foundation, the notochord, is never formed anew. The carti- laginous sheath of the notochord has an important share in the primary formation of the vertebral column, but it disappears to a greater or less extent at a later stage. If it became pos- sible for the vertebra to undergo regeneration after a portion of the tail had been lost without a renewal of the notochord taking place, the result would be a useful abbreviation of the process of regeneration. Such an abbreviation has occurred, and everything supports the assumption that at an earlier stage of phyletic development the notochord was capable of ujidergoing regeneration, and that it has only lost this capacity secondarily. In the case of frog-tadpoles, the power has been retained of re- generating the tail when it is cut off together ivith the notochord. We must not assume that the notochord does not become restored in other amphibians because it no longer persists in the full-grown animal ; for it is entirely absent only in a few of them {e.g., Sabnandrind), and the notochord of the larval sala- mander cannot be regenerated any more than that of the adult. Thus the capacity for regenerating the notochord has been lost by most amphibians in the course of phylogeny. Such a process of degeneration is certainly to be explained most easily by assuming the existence of special regenerative determinants, which may gradually disappear without in the least affecting their embryogenetic partners. The necessity of this assumption is shown still more conclu- sively in the case, for instance, of the restoration of the solid axis of the tail in reptiles. The tail of a lizard quickly becomes restored after it has been cut off, but its stmcture is then different from that of the original tail ; for, according to the statements of Leydig and Fraisse, the spinal cord and vertebral column are not renewed. The former is, however, represented by an epithelial tube, but gives off no nerves ; and the latter is replaced by an unsegmented cartilaginous tube. As Fraisse points out, this tube does not correspond to the regenerated notochord, but is a new structure which is substituted for it. A phyletic de7>elopment, tending essentially towards a sim- plification of the parts, has taken place in this case as re- gards the processes of regetieration. A gradual degeneration has occurred, just as may take place in the tail or any other organ of an animal in the course of phylogeny. The caudal region of the vertebral column has undergone a reduction, RFXiENERATION T I T which does not influence its primary (embnonicj ontoji^cny. but only its secondary formation by regeneration. A vertebral column is formed primarily ; but if the re-formation of a part of it becomes necessary, in consequence of the loss of the tail, the secondary reduced process for the development of the axis comes into play, and a simple cartilaginous tube is formed. This process recalls the phenomena of ' dichogeny ' which take place so frequently in plants, and in which the same group of cells may develop in either of two different ways, according to the nature of the external stimulus which is applied to them. Thus a shoot of ivy will produce roots on a certain side if it is shaded, and leaves if it is exposed to light. The determination of the sex of an animal may perhaps be referred to similar causes, — if, at least, we may assume that the sex is not always universally decided by the act of fertilisation, and that influences exerted upon the organism subsequently may have an eiTect in this determination. In the case of certain parasitic Crustaceans, the Cyinathoidcp^ the male sexual organs are developed first : and when the animal has fulfilled its function as a male, the female organs become developed, and give the animal the char- acter of a female. The two developmental tendencies here come into operation temporarily, one after the other ; just as in the case of the lizard's tail, in which the tendency to form the verte- bral column first comes into play, and then that to form the sec- ondary cartilaginous tube. The necessity for the formation of this tube certainly need not arise at all ; just as that side of the shoot of ivy from which the roots arise need not necessarily be subsequently exposed to the light, and give rise to leaves ; the possibility of such an occurrence is, however, foreseen by Nature. It might be urged that there is an important difference between the regeneration of a lizard's tail and the successive development of the two kinds of sexual organs in the Cymathoids, since in the latter case the rudiments of these organs are present in the embryo, and it is only their final development which takes place successively. This is 'certainly a difference, but it is just such a one as to indicate to us how these cases of supplementary substitution may be explained theoretically. The cells in the tail of a lizard which give rise to the secondary cartilaginous tube must contain determinants which differ from those of the embryonic formative cells of the caudal vertebra?, just as the idioplasm of the formative cells must contain ihfVerent I I 2 THE GERM-PLASM determinants for the testes and ovaries. The suppicmetitary deteynii)ia}its with which the idioplasm of certain cells of the vertebral colunui was provided for the purposes of regeneration^ must have become changed in the course of phytogeny. A transmissible variation of this kind must, however, also have had some effect on embryogeny, if only one and the same deter- minant were present in the germ-plasm for the two modes of development. Hence each determinant of these caudal vertebrce must be doubled in the germ-plasm. It would be premature to go beyond this assumption, and to attempt to decide anything about the manner in which the various supplementary determinants which are required for the restoration of one of the larger parts — such as, for instance, the caudal vertebrae — come together, and how and when they be- come separated from the primary determinants. The processes of regeneration have not as yet been examined from the point of view which I have here suggested ; and in many cases it is not even known for certain from what cells regeneration proceeds. Hitherto we have not discussed in detail the question as to the kind of cells which contain the supplementary determinants^ and from which regeneration thus takes place. May these determinants be present in any kind of cell belonging to any tissue, or is their distribution always limited to young and apparently undifferentiated cells of the so-called ' embryonic type ' ? If w'e only consider Man and the higher Vertebrates, we shall be disposed to look upon the latter of these two alternatives as the one which is in general correct. Even recently, in fact, many authors seemed to be in favour of this view : ' embryonic cells ^ were supposed to be contained in all those tissues which are capable of regeneration, and it was, indeed, believed by many that the leucocytes are cells of this nature. The latest investigations, however, lead us to the conclusion that this is not the case, and that although the white blood corpuscles are extremely important as conveyers of nutriment in the process of regeneration, they do not serve as formative elements in the construction of a tissue. In his text-book on Pathological Anatomy, Ziegler speaks of a formal ' law of the specific character of the tissues,' w^hich he explains as follows : — ' the successors of the various germinal layers which separate from one another at an earlv embrvonic stas^e, can onlv give rise to re(;ener.yiion ii^ those tissues which belong to the germinal layer from which they were developed.' But this statement can only be true in the case of the highest Vertebrates, for, as the brothers Hertwig have shown, the germinal layers of the Metazoa are not primi- tive organs in the histological sense; and moreover, in the lower animals, several, if not all of the tissues, can be formed from each of the germinal layers. In lower animals, not only all the varieties of tissue, but under certain circumstances even rows of cells of one primary germinal layer and even indeed the entire animal, may arise from young cells belonging to the other germinal layer. In the chapters on multiplication by fission and gemmation, this process will be traced to its origin in the idioplasm. At present we have only to deal with the question as to whether the determinants of the various kinds of cells which are required for regeneration are contained within young cells only, or whether they are also present in those which have become differentiated histologically. Although the supplementary determinants are certainlv in many cases contained in young cells without any specially marked histological character, their distribution can neverthe- less hardly be limited to these cells exclusively. It may happen — as will be shown in greater detail subsequently — that cells, which are fully developed histologically, both in plants and in the lower animals, contain all the determinants of the species ; that is to say, they may contain germ-plasm as supplementary idioplasm. Hence there is no reason to assume that smaller groups of determinants may not have been supplied to specific tissue cells wherever they were required, although I am unable to give a definite example of such a case. Although regeneration may originate in most cases in young, or so-called • embryonic ' cells, it is nevertheless quite a mistake to connect the idea of the undifferentiated state of these cells with this fact, as is so often done. These ' embryonic cells' are not 'capable of giving rise to anything and everything,' for each of them can only develop into that kind of cell the determinant of which it contains. Under certain circumstances such a cell may contain several different determinants at the same time, which are only distributed amongst the individual cells in sub- sequent cell-generations ; but the structure which can and will become developed from it always depends on the cell itself, and its fate is determined by the idioplasm it contains, and can only 114 1HK GERM-PLASM be affected secondarily l)y external intiuences. Cells moreover exist, the idioplasm of which permanently retains the possi- bility of development along one of two lines. "Dichogeny' in plants, wliich has already been mentioned, is likewise deter- mined by the idioplasm, inasmuch as the latter must contain two kinds of determinants, one or the other of which either remains inactive owing to the nature of the external intiuences acting upon the cell, or else becomes active and determines the cell. There are, however, no such things as 'embryonic cells' in the sense in which this term is used by authors. In the fresh- water polype {Hydra), for instance, cells which are young and histologically undifferentiated — the so-called -interstitial cells' — are present in the deeper part of the ectoderm: these can certainly give rise to various structures, viz., to ordinary ectoderm-cells, nettle-cells, muscle-cells, sexual-cells, and in all probability to nerve-cells also. It would nevertheless be absurd to suppose that any particular interstitial cell is capable of developing into any one of these structures. It obviously con- tains either germ-plasm, i.e., the whole of the determinants, — in which case it can develop into a sexual cell, — or only the deter- minants of a thread cell or of one of the other kinds of cells, and then it can only give rise to one of the corresponding structures, and can never develop into a sexual cell. 2. The Phvlogeny of Regeneration It may, I believe, be deduced with certainty from those phe- nomena of regeneration with which we are acquainted, that the capacity for regeneration is not a pri)nary quality of the organ- isnif but that it is a phefionienon of adaptation . • The power of regeneration has hitherto been practically always regarded as a primary quality of the organism, — that is to say, as a direct result of its organisation : it has been looked upon as a faculty for which no special arrangements are required, but which naturally results as an unintentional secondary effect of the organisation which exists independently of it. This view is based on the idea, which is in general a correct one, that the regenerative power of an animal is inversely proportional to its degree of organisation.* If this were univer- * Cf. Herbert Spencer Hoc. cU., p. 175), who, however, expresses him- self very cautiously with regard to this ditftcult subject as follows : — 'so REGENERA'IION I j :; sally true, it would nevertheless not be a convincing arcjument for the above view, although it would certainly support it. Hut a closer examination into the facts shows that this statement is not absolutely correct. Although the capacity for regeneration is never so far-reaching in the highest animals as it is in the case of the lower ones, — and tliis must be due to some cause, — the regenerative power may nevertheless even vary widely in animals of the same degree of organisation, and may in fact be far greater in one of the higher than in one of the lower forms. Thus fishes are unable to regenerate a lost pectoral or pelvic fin, while the much more highly organised salamander has been known to regenerate a limb six times in succession (Spallanzani). The regenerative power often varies in degree even within the same group of animals. In Triton and Salajnandra the entire limb grows again after amputation, but apparentlv, so far as I have been able to observe, this does not occur in Proteus. The tail, too, is only replaced slowly and imperfectly in the latter animal, w^hereas it easily becomes restored in the salamander. In the year 1878 I received a \\\\\\g Siren lacertina, the fore-limb of which had been torn off, so that only the stump of the upper arm remained, and the entire limb did not grow again in the course of the ten years during which I kept the voracious animal, and gave it abundant food. In this case again the power of regenerating the extremities seems to be less than in that of salamanders, which are much younger phyletically, and much more highly organised. It is well known also that the limbs of a frosf do not e processes in each stage of its degeneration, in the case of certain parts 126 THE GERM-PLASM which are physiologically i}>iportant and are at the savte iifne frequently exposed to loss. In all probability this view is the correct one. 3. Facultative or Polygenetic Regeneration The tail of a lizard or the limb of a Triton grows again when it has been cut off, but the part amputated does not reproduce the entire animal. In some segmented worms, on the other hand, such as iVais and Lunibriculus, not only does the amputated tail- end become restored, but this end itself reproduces the anterior part of the body, so that two animals are formed from one. This fact evidently cannot be deduced merely from the assumption we have made with regard to supplementary deter- minants ; for were this the case, determinants of one kind only — viz., those which are necessary for the construction of the lost part — would be present in the cells. But in the above instances the same cells give rise to entirely different parts, according to whether they are situated on the surface which is anterior or posterior to the plane of amputation : in the former case they reproduce the tail-end, and in the latter the head-end. The fact that both parts grow again when the worm is cut into two through any region of the body, proves that regeneration in either direction may proceed from the sa7)ie cells ; it therefore follows that the cells situated in any particular transverse plane of the body are not merely provided wuth the supplementary determinants for the formation of the head- or tail-end only, but every cell can react in either way, according to whether it is situated anteriorly or posteriorly to this plane. In order there- fore to explain the twofold action of these cells in accordance with our fundamental view, — which presupposes that the cells taking part in regeneration are arranged and controlled by the forces situated within them, and not by an external agency, — it seems necessary to assume that each cell possesses two different supplementary determinants, one for the construction of the head-end, and one for that of the tail-end ; and that the one or the other becomes active according to whether the stimulus, due to the exposure of the cell, is applied to its anterior or to its posterior surface. Before attempting to verify this assumption, I must mention certain cases in which the regenerative activity of the cells may even be threefold. REGENERATION 1 2 7 It appears to me that tlie regenerative processes which have been observed in the fresh-water polype Hydra and in the sea- anemones {Aciijiice) are instances of this kind of regeneration. If a worm is cut through in the median or anv other lonii!:;le cell, situated at the apex of the growing shoot, and known as the ' apical cell.' This cell grows and undergoes a series of divisions, much as occurs in the development of the ovum, and thus gives rise to a group of cells, the number, form, and arrangement of 164 THE GERM-PLASM which is perfectly definite. The primary constituents of the entire new shoot are contained in this group, and it is possible to predict what parts of the shoot will be formed from each of its cells. The successors of this group of cells continue to multiply up to a certain limit, and have then only to become elongated in one or more directions, and more highly differentiated, in order to give rise to a fully developed 'person' of the stock. This person does not undergo any further essential changes, but it is capable of giving rise to a new person from its apical cell ; Fig. 7. — The apex of a shoot of Chara, in longitudinal section. (From Sachs' ' Lectures on the Physiology of Plants.') for the latter is always being renewed, or, in other words, it always remains the same. Let us take as an example the alga C/iara. A glance at Fig. 7 will at once make it apparent that the idioplasm of the apical cell (v) cannot undergo separation into different groups of deter- minants in the first division, because one of the resulting two cells remains as the apical cell, while the other, or *• segmental cell,' gives rise to an entire shoot, — that is to say, to that very structure which the apical cell is capable of producing. The MULTIPLICATION BY (;EMMATI0N 1 65 next division of tlie lower of the two daughter-cells, however, separates the determinants into two dissimilar groups, for it re- sults in the production of an upper biconcave ' nodal cell,' from which the leaves {b\ b^\ //", <^'^), the lateral shoot (k), and the sexual organs {a and ^), will subsequently arise ; and of a lower biconvex cell, which does not undergo further division, but onlv grows considerably in length, so as to form a segment of the main axis (/', /", /"'. /"'). The idioplasm of this * internodal cell ' does not therefore undergo further disintegration ; the nodal cell, however, divides vertically, so as to form cells which, since they give rise to other parts of the shoot, must contain various groups of determinants. Thus a comparison of the younger with the older segments of the shoot, shows that the outer of the five nodal cells in the figure gives rise to a whole leaf, together with the sexual organs, the inner ones forming the actual node. The division of the outer cell is accompanied by constant though usually unimportant changes as regards its idioplasm : a glance at the structure of the leaf, in which similar segments are repeated many times over, will make this evident. If we now leave out of consideration the accessory idioplasm which is present in the cells along with the primary idioplasm, it will be seen that the distribution of the group of determinants derived from the apical cell must simply take place so as to result in each cell, as it is formed, receiving that group of determinants only, the individual constituents of which are required by its successors for the control of the individual cells. We must therefore sup- pose that the internodal cells of the stem only contain their own specific idioplasm, composed of • internodal determinants/ for they do not give rise to any other structures. The primary nodal cell, on the other hand, must contain an entire group of determinants, as it gives rise to a number of cells which have various forms and perform various functions. Although the cells of plants are often apparently very much alike, and no essential difference can be observed between them, such a difference must exist if the origin of the specific leif, stem, and reproductive organs can be proved theoretically at all. For the origin of these structures can only be explained, at any rate in principle, by supposing that each of these centres of vitality is controlled by a specific idioplasm ; that is, by a deter- minant which differs in some way or other from those in the other cells. r66 THE GERM-PLASM 3. Comparison of the Process of Gemmation in Animals and Plants Various stages may be recognised in the different kinds of gemmation with regard to the kind of idioplasm concerned in the process. The simplest form of budding is seen in those plants in which the production of a new ' person ' by budding always originates from a single cell. We must therefore assume that the idioplasm of this cell contains all the deter- minants of the shoot, and very probably those of the root also. For most of the shoots of a plant, when they have been cut off from the stem, are capable of giving rise to roots under favourable circumstances. This does not as a rule occur under normal conditions, — that is to say, while the shoot is still con- nected with the parent-plant. The ' blastogenic idioplasm' cannot be quite identical with germ-plasm proper ; for although precisely the same parts may arise from it as from the fertilised egg-cell, the different succession of cells which results in embrv- ogeny and in gemmation indicates that the determinants must at any rate be differently arranged in the idioplasm, and that possibly their proportional number is also different. '• Blastogenic idio- plasm ' and geriii-plasni Diay in a sense be 7'egarded as ' isomeric ' idioplasms, using the term in an analogous sense to that of isomeric chemical compounds. The same would be true as regards such animals as Hydroids, in which the formation of a bud originates from a single cell. In this case, again, the resemblance between embryonic develop- ment and the process of gemmation, although to a certain extent approximate, is not a complete one ; and it must again be assumed that the wJiole of the determinants of the species are contained in the blastogenic idioplasm, — not only those which as a rule undergo development, but also those required for the formation of the attached ends in the case of Hydroids, or of roots in the case of plants. This conclusion is supported by the phenomena of budding in polypes like Hydra, in which the buds regularly become detached, and carry on an independent exist- ence. In such cases the daughter-polypes do not develop a 'foot' until they become detached from the parent. The next stage in the process of budding is seen in the Polyzoa. All the determinants of the species from which tlie bud is formed are no longer contained in a single cell, but are MULTIPLICATIOX V.Y GEMMATION 167 arranged into main groups, one of which is supplied as accessorv idioplasm to one cell of the ectoderm, and the other to one or more cells of the mesoderm. The siiigle ectoderm cell gives rise to the entire endoderm, but it must nevertheless not be considered equivalent to those cells of the embryo which give rise to the endoderm by invagination, for it forms parts which are either not developed at all in the embryo, or else arise from other ectoderm cells. Without entering into details here, the facts may be expressed in terms of the idioplasm by supposing that the ectoderm-cell from which the bud arises is provided with an idioplasm which contains the whole of the determinants for the endoderm, as well as a number of others, and that this combination of determinants does not occur in embryogeny. The mesoderm-cells of the parent which gives rise to the endo- thelia, muscles, &c., of the bud, must also contain a peculiar combination of determinants which is not exactlv similar to that which occurs in embryogeny. The gemmation must there- fore be prepared for in embryogeny by certain series of cells in the ectoderm and mesoderm being provided with these groups of determinants in the form of accessory idioplasm. A third stage is represented by the gemmation of fixed Asci- dians and Salps. In these the bud originates — in the fully- formed animals, or in those which are still undergoing develop- ment— from three kinds of cells, viz., those of the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. And here again those groups of determinants which must be supposed to exist in the three kinds of cells do not correspond exactly to those which must be contained in the prmiary ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm cells. In fact, no group of cells which occurs in embryogeny can contain precisely the same group of determinants as does the endoderm cell of the bud. A collection of determinants especially adapted for budding must therefore be provided on a large scale during embryogeny in this case, so that eventually certain cells may receive their supply from it in the form of accessory idioplasm. This last kind of budding resembles reijeneration verv closelv as regards the idioplasm concerned in the process. It must not, however, be therefore implied that the former process has been derived phylogenetically from the latter. The re- semblance only consists in the formation of a new ' Derson,' which in both cases originates in several cells provided with 1 68 THE GERM-PLASM different groups of determinants, these eventually completing one another, and interacting in such a manner that a fully- formed person must result. 4. The Phylogenv of the Process of Multiplication BY Gemmation In all probability the phylogeny of gemmation has taken place along different lines. The process most likely arose independ- ently in animals and in plants, and perhaps even in different groups of animals it has had a different origin. In many of the lower plants, the cells and organs of which are only slightly differentiated, all, or at any rate many, of the cells can individually give rise to a new plant under certain cir- cumstances. In such cases we might be inclined to suppose that each cell contained originally, i.e. at the time of its phyletic origin, the entire mass of determinants of the species, or, in other words, contained germ-plasm. The various differentiations of the cells on the upper and lower surfaces, for instance, would consequently depend on the different determinants becoming active in response to different external stimuli : some, for in- stance, might be stimulated by a bright light, and others by a dim light. This explanation would hardly suffice in the case of the higher plants, the differentiation of which is far too complicated to be due to the effect of external causes. A large number of the cells must nevertheless contain germ-plasm, which, however, is in the unalterable (* gebundenen ') state, — that is to say, it is not merely inactive, but is incapable at the time of undergoing disintegration. This stage in the phylogeny of gemmation may be derived from the earliest stage. As the plant underwent an increasing differentiation, cells appeared which only contained special determinants, in addition to those with germ-plasm proper ; and this may have led to the condition which we now find in the highest plants, and which is distinguished by the fact that many cells only contain specific determinants, while a large number of others possess in addition germ-plasm in the unalterable condition, which only becomes active under certain influences. I shall have occasion to return to this subject later on. In the case, again, of the various groups of the lower animals MULTIPLICATION RV GEMMATION 1 69 which multiply by gemmation, we cannot assume that this proc- ess has a common origin. But although it may have arisen independently in the various subdivisions of the animal king- dom, the history of its origin will have been essentiallv the same in all cases, for ' blastogenic ' idioplasm must have become dilTerentiated from the germ-plasm even in the egg-cell, as all the determinants of the species are contained only in the latter. Even at the present day the blastogenic idioplasm must be present as such in the germ-plasm, for otherwise it could not have undergone independent and hereditary variation : the for- mation of medusae from polypes by gemmation, and many other cases of alternation of generations, prove that this has actually occurred. Balfour attempted to derive the process of budding from a division of the fertilised ovum into two separate parts, such as has been observed in certain animal forms, and which leads to the formation of two individuals. He imagined that if this process of doubling were transferred to a later ontogenetic stage, budding would result, and expressed his views as follows : — ' While it is next to impossible to understand how production of a bud could commence for the first time in the adult of a highly organised form, it is not difficult to form a picture of the steps by which the fission of the germ might eventually lead to the formation of buds in the adult state.''* Unfortunately this gifted observer did not work out this idea in detail : it seems to me, however, that the derivation of budding from the doubling of the fertilised ovum by division is not so simple or self-evident as we might expect at first sight. Let us suppose that a fertilised ovum became capable of dividing into two parts: these two first segmentation -cells would not then be blastomeres, but would correspond to egg- cells, each of which could give rise to an entire animal. But this could not be called gemmation, nor would the latter process occur if the doubling were transferred to a later stage : — this would only cause a multiplication of the egg-cell, which would result in the formation of four, eight, sixteen, (S:c.. ova. instead of two. If, however, we suppose that the division of the egg is of such a kind that the two halves at first remain together so as to form * F. M. Balfour, ' Comparative Embryology,' Vol. i., Introduction, p. 13. lyO THE GERM-PL.\SM only one embryo, the condition observed in a certain earth- worm i^Lunibricus trapezoides^ by Kleinenberg would result. In this animal the development is apparently single up to the gas- trula stage, at which the separation of the two embryos first occurs. Did this separation take place at a much later stage, perhaps not until the two individuals are fully developed, the process would not be one of budding, but only of a doubling of the embrvo. An essential modification of this process is indispensable if gemmation is to result from it, and this consists in the postpone- ment of the developinent of one half of the egg. Let us suppose that one of the two equivalent blastomeres of an ovum did not at once undergo development at the same time as the other, but remained in a unicellular condition enclosed within the embryo formed from the active blastomere. and subsequently began to develop when the latter had already given rise to a full-grown animal: this would be a true process of gemmation. I do not wish to assert definitely that the phylogeny of budding might not have taken place on similar lines. A postponement and subsequent transference to a later stage of ontogeny of the de- velopment of one of the blastomeres is not actually inconceiv- able. But such a transference must have undergone a still further modification, before even the simplest form of budding with which we are acquainted could arise. The shifting must have occurred in a backward as well as in a forward direction ; that is to sa}-, tJie division of the egg into two separate ones must have been suppressed, and represented by the mere division of the gerjn-plasm. Thus in Hydroids and other animals which multiply by bud- dinof, we see, in fact, that one of the two blastomeres into which the egg-cell divides does not serve, so to speak, as a reserve cell for subsequent gemmation ; both blastomeres, on the contrary, continue to divide, and together give rise to the embryo : and even in the latter none of the cells can be distinguished as 'blastogenic- cells': the cells which take part in the formation of the buds only appear at a much later stage, when the polype is fully formed. If therefore gemmation has in this case originated from the doubling of the egg, the latter process must itself have become degenerated, only the essential part of it remaining: the germ-plasm concerned in it must have remained associated with that of the egg-cell in the form of ' unalterable ' germ-plasm, and MULTIPLICATION BY GEMMATION I 7 I must then have been passed into certain series of cells in the course of ontogeny. Whether the process of budding has actually been derived from that of the doubling of the egg or not, it seems to me to be certain at any rate that the first process undergone by the idio- plasm ;//us/ Jiave been that of the doubling of the ids of the ^erm-plas»i in the fertilised egg-cell, and that this was not con- nected with the division of the egg-cell ; one half of the germ- plasm consequently remained in an unalterable and inactive condition, in which, however, it was capable of development. This blastogenic germ-plasm was then supplied to one of the first segmentation-cells in the form of accessory idioplasm ; and from these it was passed on through certain series of cells in an unalterable condition, only becoming active when it had reached certain parts in the fully formed animal, in which it then caused gemmation to occur. It does not seem to be inconceivable that the process of bud- ding owes its origin phyletically to such a spontaneous division and doubling of the germ-plasm, and that this was originally connected with the inactivity of half the germ-plasm : its con- nection with the doubling of the ovum was consequently not such as was indicated above, — that is to say, gemmation did not owe its origin to the doubling of the egg, but both processes orig- inated priniarily i?t the division and doubling of the gerni-plasni of the egg-cell, to which in any case the doubling of the egg must be due. The difference between the two processes would then consist in the fact that in budding one-half of the germ-plasm would pass into the inactive condition, while in the doubling of the egg both halves would at once become active. The modifications of the idioplasm which result in gemmation must become more complex as soon as two, or all three, of the germinal layers take part in the process, instead of one only. In such cases the blastogenic germ-plasm must undergo disin- tegration at certain ontogenetic stages, e.g., at the separation of the ectoderm from the endoderm, and again at the separation of the mesoderm from one of the two primary germinal layers. Precisely the same combination of determinants need not necessarily be produced by the disintegration of the accessory germ-plasm into two or three groups of unalterable accessory idioplasm, such as are formed in embryogeny. We can thus explain the origin of endodermal organs from the ectoderm cells 172 THE GERM-Pr,ASM of the bud, as occurs in the Polyzoa for instance, and also even the co-operation of tliree germinal layers in the formation of the bud. It seems to me to be improbable that the phylogeny of gem- mation in animals has taken place in the reverse manner. We mighr assume that in the lowest Metazoa, which no longer exist at the present day, all or many of the cells also contained germ- plasm proper, just as in the case of the lower multicellular plants. Under certain circumstances a perfect animal might have been produced from each of these cells. But this assump- tion would only suffice as long as the individual formed by bud- ding was exactly similar to that arising from the egg. Even the slightest difference between these would necessitate the presence of special ids in the germ-plasm . For such a difference can only depend on the fact that the two kinds of individuals are capable of independent variation from the germ onwards. We should therefore have to assume further, that in the course of phylogeny the germ-plasm of these somatic cells from which the buds orig- inated became doubled in the earlier stages of ontogeny, and that it was consequently present in the germ-plasm of the egg-cell in the form of a special group of ids. But this, to say the least, is a very involved assumption, and can hardly be considered very probable : that which presupposes a primary doubling of the ids of germ-plasm is certainly far preferable to it. The following chapter will make this point still more evident. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS I 73 CHAPTER V ALTERNATION OP^ GENERATIONS IN ITS RELATION TO THE IDIOPLASM Starting from the germs specially adapted for amphimixis (sexual intermingling), we liave designated as ge^'Jii-plasni the definitely arranged group of determinants which must be con- tained in the sexual cells. By this term is meant an idioplasm which contains all the determinants of the species. At the same time a large number of species exist in which the sexual cells are not the only ones which contain all the determinants, and in which the development takes place, for tJie second time during the course of the life-cycle, from a single cell ; the idio- plasm of this cell must therefore also be composed of all the determinants of the species. This is the case in most of the lower plants, such as mosses, horse-tails, and ferns, — in all of which sexual reproduction alternates with the formation of asexual ' spores,' — as well as in those groups of animals in which that form of alternation of generations which is known as heterogeny occurs. But even in the case of alternation of gen- erations in the more restricted sense, — i.e., the alternation of sexual reproduction and gemmation, — the development of an individual may take place twice successively from a single cell, as was mentioned above with regard to the stocks or colonies of plants and of Hydroid-polypes. In all these a cell, the idio- plasm of which contains all the specific determinants, occurs twice in the course of the life-cycle from one fertilised ovum to the next one. The question therefore arises as to whether the idioplasm in each case is to be considered identical, and may merely be described as germ-plasm. This question has already been discussed in the section on the process of gemmation in plants ; and it was there concluded that the idioplasm of the apical cell and that of the fertilised ovum cannot be assumed to be perfectly identical, owing to the fact that the course taken by embryogeny — in which process the first shoot and roots are formed — is different from that followed I 74 THE GERM-PLASM by the cell-divisions which result in the apical cell producing a new shoot. The same is true as regards the formation of a new polype from a blastogenic cell and from an ovum. In both cases the final result is the same, or at any rate very similar, though the method bv which it is attained is different. Although a precisely similar organism might be produced by either of the two methods of development, and the primary cells would therefore contain the same determinants in both cases, the grouping of the latter in the two idioplasms at any rate must be different, for they must pass through different groups during ontogeny before their ultimate disintegration into single deter- minants. Even in this very simple case it is necessary to dis- tinguish the 'germ-plasm proper' of the egg- and sperm-cells from the 'apical-plasm' or 'blastogenic germ-plasm.' It is convenient, however, to speak of every kind of idioplasm which contains all the determinants of the species as ger)n-plas7}i in the wider sense, and to distinguish its various subdivisions as 'blastogenic' and 'sporogenic' germ-plasm, and so on; these latter may all be included under the term accessory genn-piastns or para-ger7n-plasms, in contrast to the primary or ancestral gerjn-piasin. Wherever two kinds of germ-plasm occur in the life-cycle of a species, \ve might be inclined to assume that they change into one another in the course of life. But this view is untenable, as has been shown above, and we are on the contrary forced to assume that both kinds of genn-piasni contituially pass siuiul- taneonsly along tJie germ-tracks, and that each of them becomes active in turn. This assumption is unavoidable, for the phyletic development of the species shows that the individual generations in cases of alternation of generations can vary independently and heredi- tarily. It. however, presupposes that special determinants are present in the germ-plasm in each generation, for otherwise both generations would be affected at the same time by a variation in the germ. A similar assumption must be made in the case of metamorphosis. The wings of a butterfly must be represented in the germ-plasm by a group of determinants. If the wings were formed by the transformation of some of the determinants of the caterpillar, they could never vary without at the same time producing a variation in some parts of the caterpillar, and vice vers A. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS ns It will not be unin- teresting to give some examples by way of illustration. We will first take a case of Jieterogefiy, or alternation of gener- ations in which the two generations do not differ at all from one another in the full- grown condition. As a rule, the difference between the two suc- cessive generations in the Daplinidce or water- fleas, for example, con- sists in the fact that one generation is de- veloped from summer- eggs, which contain a small amount of yolk, while the other arises from winter-eggs, in which the yolk is very abundant. From both of these two kinds of eggs similar females are developed : — the complication arising from the periodic ap- pearance of the male may be neglected for the present. The sum- mer-eggs are nour- ished by the blood of the mother, while the winter-eggs are not ; for the amount of yolk in the latter necessitates a different kind of Fig. 8. — a female of DapJntia pulcx, with two parthenogenetic eggs in the brood-chamber {b). (After R. Hertwig.) 176 THE GERM- PLASM ontogeny, and this presupposes not only a difference in the arrangement of the determinants in the germ-plasm as compared with the meta-germ-plasm (' Nach-Keimplasma'), but also the presence of different determinants for some of the embryonic stages. The case becomes still clearer if we take one particular species of Daphnid {Leptodora hyalind) into con- sideration. In this animal the embryogeny of the winter-eggs only extends as far as to the formation of the primitive crustacean larva, or nauplius, which possesses three pairs of limbs : the summer-eggs, on the other hand, develop at once into the adult form of the animal, in which all the limbs are present. The summer-eggs certainly also pass through the stages from the ripe ovum to the nauplius, but these are abbreviated, and Fig. 9. — Nauplius larva of Leptodora hyalina. (After Sars, from Korschelt and Heider's ' Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte.') though this nauplius also possesses three pairs of limbs, these are only rudimentary, and are useless as swimming organs. There must therefore be two kinds of germ-plasm in Leptodora., one of which still contains all the determinants of the nauplius. while the other only contains a portion of them, and even these have probably undergone some change. The two kinds of germ-plasm must be passed separately along the germ-tracks from one generation to another, so that each must always con- tain the other, which is, so to speak, stored away in it in an inactive condition. It seems to me impossible to explain the facts in any other way, for it is inconceivable that the germ- plasm of the summer-eggs, which has undergone reduction, and possesses comparatively few determinants, should be able to develop the lost determinants ojit of its own snbstajice. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS 1 7 7 The phyletic development of these two kinds of germ-plasm would be very enigmatical if we were compelled to assume that only a single unit of the germ-plasm is present in the nucleus of the germ-cell. We have, however, made the reverse assump- tion from the first, and it will be shown later on that a con- sideration of sexual reproduction, or amphimixis, leads us to assume that several, and in fact probably a large number of units or ids must be contained in the germ-plasm of every species which multiplies sexually. If now a reduction of the determinants for the nauplius in the summer generation of Leptodora were advantageous, it would have appeared, increased, and become fixed in the course of generations by selection, and an abbreviation of embryogeny would thus have resulted. This would only have occurred gradually, so that at first the summer- eggs would contain more reduced than unreduced ids only in the case of a few individuals ; and if the original unabbreviated form of embryogeny were of greater advantage to the winter genera- tion, the determinants for the nauplius would not become lost or modified in all the ids, but only in certain of them. A balance of the two kinds of ids would finally take place from the struggle between the modified ids. which were more advantageous in summer, and the unmodified ones, which were of greater advan- tage in winter, and this would result in the germ-plasm of the species being composed of an equal number of modified and unmodified ids ; these would alternately control the cell, so that each would remain inactive and unalterable during a certain number of generations, and become active during certain others. This regular alternation between definite periods of activity and inactivity in the two kinds of germ-plasm can be directly observed, for we can determine how many generations occur which give rise to summer-eggs before one again appears in which winter-eggs are produced. As I was able to prove a con- siderable time ago, this regularity varies very much in difierent species of Daphnida^, and stands in close relation to the mode of life of the species. In those species which live in very small bodies of water which are liable to become rapidly dried up, the formation of the two kinds of eggs alternates very frequently; this is due to the fact that the extermination of the animals by the sudden drying up of the pond is only prevented by the thick shells by which the winter-eggs are surrounded. On the other hand, all the species which live in large bodies of water, such as lyS THE GERM-PLASM pools and lakes which never become dried up, produce summer- eggs alone for a large number of generations, and only give rise to eggs of the other kind on the approach of winter ; and these, on the death of the animals which produced them, ensure the continuance of the species in the following spring. The occurrence of changes in \.\\tjinal stages of ontogeny must be accounted for in a similar way. In plant-lice belonging to the genus Aphis, the fertilised ^gg gives rise to females, which are, however, incapable of being fertilised, for the receptaculum seminis is wanting, and this is essential in the process. Their eggs are, however, capable of undergoing development in the ovary parthenogenetically. The resulting offspring give rise to similar females possessing no arrangements for fertilisation, and these again produce others of the same kind. Ultimately, however, one of these gives rise parthenogenetically to females which are capable of fertilisation, as well as to males. The two sexes as a rule differ as regards the shape and colour of the body, apart from the structure of the reproductive organs and sexual products, but the embryogeny of these sexual animals is similar to that of the others. In this case, therefore, the determinants of the mature animal become modified in the parthenogenetic generations, for sexual reproduction is the more primitive of the two forms of the proc- ess. If therefore we make the assumption, which, however, is not a strictly correct one, that the sexual generations have remained quite unaltered since the introduction of alternation of generations in these animals, we should have to represent the phyletic change in the germ-plasm as being of such a nature as to cause the degeneration of the determinants of the seminal vesicle in one half of the ids, and to produce a change in other determinants, such as those w'hich control the colour of the in- tegument, for instance. The modified, as well as the unmodified ids, must be contained within the same germ-plasm, but they control the egg alternately, and never become active at the same time. In this instance the generations which have been interpolated have only suffered a slight change as regards the structure of the whole body. But in many cases of alternation of generations very important differences of structure occur, so that not infre- quently one might easily believe that the different generations belong to two entirely different groups of animals. ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS 179 This is the case in the alternation of generations in medusa;. The polype is the original form, and even at the present day the fertilised ovum of the medusa gives rise to a polype in most species. By the budding of this polype, or at any rate of the offspring which have been produced by gemmation, medusae are again developed. If, for the sake of simplicity, we neglect the slight differences Avhich may exist between the germ-plasm of Fig. 10. — Bougaifivillea ramosa. (After Allman.) Polype slock with gastro- zooids (A) and medusoid buds {mk)\ >ii, young Medusa {Margelis ramosa), which has beconae free. (From A. Lang's ' Lehrbuch der vergieichenden Anatomie.') the egg and that of the bud, it is evident that two germ-plasms take part in the cycle of development of the species, and these must differ as regards very many, if not almost all, of their deter- minants, for the medusa is provided with a number of parts and organs which the simple polype does not possess. Thus we must assume that there are two different kinds of ids of wiiich l8o THE GERM-PLASM the germ-plasm is composed in equal numbers, the periods of activity of which alternate with one another. The ids of the accessory germ-plasm, which arose subsequently, must be larger than those of the ancestral germ-plasm, because they contain more numerous determinants. If at some future time it should be definitely ascertained that those granules or microsomes, which are arranged like beads in a necklace in the nuclear rods, really correspond to ids, we may possibly, perhaps, be able to prove by the aid of the microscope that such differences in size actually exist. A knowledge of the entire number of nuclear rods or idants may also possibly help to confirm the theory, for it is probable that in species in which alternation of genera- tions occurs, the ids, and therefore the idants also, have been doubled during the development of the species. For if my view is correct that a definite amount of germ-plasm is necessary for the normal development of a certain kind of egg, the periodical inactivity of half the ids must have been accompanied by a cor- responding doubling of these structures. The mechanism of the idioplasm in alternation of generations becomes somewhat different, and rather more complicated, as soon as the second generation arises, not from a single cell, but from several cells at the same time, derived from different layers of the body. This is the case as regards ^/le strobilation of the higher inednsce and that of tape-ivo}'ms, and an intermediate stage is seen in \\\e gemmation of the SalpcE. In the last-named animals, two generations differing as regards the form of the body and mode of reproduction follow one another. A number of individuals are united into a ' chain ' in the first generation, in which sexual multiplication occurs ; and in the second generation the individuals are separate, and mul- tiply by budding. It has already been pointed out in the chapter on gemmation that this budding is produced by a co-operation of the ectoderm and mesoderm cells. We must imagine that in this case, again, the germ-plasm of the egg- and sperm-cells is composed of two kinds of ids, which alternately become active, one of which contains the determinants for gemmation, and the other those for embryogeny. In the case of the Hydroid-polypes and medusae, the determinants of the ' blastogenic ' ids remain together in one cell, but in the single form of Salpa they must be separated into groups during embryogeny, and these groups would be supplied — in part to the ectoderm, and in part to the ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS 8l mesoderm and endoderm — as inactive and 'unalterable' acces- sory idioplasm. These only become active, and cause budding, when they have reached some definite part, such as the ovarv or proliferating stolon. The development of the higher medusas or AcalephcE by strobilation can easily be traced from the above processes. In these animals the sexual forms arise asexually : the polype becomes divided into disc-shaped portions, and so comes to resemble a pile of saucers, each disc eventually being trans- FiG. \\. — Developmeiit of MednscE by strobilation — i, the young larva; 2-5, its development into a polype; 7, a polype viewed from the oral pole; 6, 8, and 9, transverse division of a polype into disc-shaped portions; 10, the con- striction of these portions into young Medusae; 11 and 12, a young Medusa. (From Hatschek's ' Lehrbuch der Zoologie.') formed into a medusa. If the medusa undersvent division, the process would be one of simple regeneration : the differentiation of one of these discs into a medusa depends on a mechanism in the idioplasm exactly similar to that which gives rise to the process of regeneration in a worm the anterior end of which has been cut off, or which has undergone spontaneous division. The I 82 THE GERM-PLASM various cells in the body of the polype must be provided with different groups of determinants of the medusae in the form of inactive accessory idioplasm, and these must become active in the process of strobilation, and cause the development of highly complex medusie with eight or more radii, and provided with eyes, auditory organs, and olfactory pits. The difference between this process and that of simple division followed by regeneration, consists in the fact that in the latter the supplementary deter- minants of the cells of the body are of the same kind as those from which the body was constructed : in strobilation, on the other hand, the germ-plasm of the egg- and sperm-cells, which gives rise to the sexual generation or medusa, must contain not one, but two kinds of ids, viz., those of the polype and those of medusa ; the latter, although they remain inactive during the ontogeny of the polype, and take no part in the control of the cell, are nevertheless not absolutely unalterable, for they break up during ontogeny into many different groups of determi- nants, and at the same time become distributed among different cells in a regular and perfectly definite manner. It is very probable, however, that a// the cells of the polype — those of the ectoderm as well as of the endoderm — are provided with acces- sory determinants, so that each cell of the polype contains in addition the primary constituents of some cell of the medusa. We have, however, no positive knowledge on this point, for no investigations have as yet been made with regard to the succes- sion of the cells which lead to the formation of the medusa from the polype. T/ie basis of the alternation of generations as regards the idio- plasm must therefore in all cases consist of a germ-plasm co?n- posed of ids of at least two different kinds, which ultimately take over the control of the organism to which they give rise. THE FORMA'l'ION OK CERM-CEI.T.S 1 83 CHAPTER VI THE FORMATION OF GERM-CELLS I. The Continuity of the Germ-plasm If heredity depends on the presence of a substance, the germ-plasm, which causes the production of the new individual by directing the process of division in ontogeny, in the course of which it becomes changed in a regular manner, the question arises as to how unaltered germ-plasm can nevertheless reappear in the orerm-cells of the new individual. The transmission of characters from parent to child can only depend on the germ- cell from which the offspring arises containing ids of germ-plasm precisely similar to those of the germ-cell from which the parent was developed. The germ-plasm, however, undergoes an enor- mous number of changes during the development of the ovum into the parent : how is it possible therefore that this substance can reappear in the germ-cells of this parent? There are obviously two possible solutions of this problem. The changes which the germ-plasm undergoes during the con- struction of the body must either be of such a kind that they can take place in the reverse order when the idioplasm of all, or at least of a portion of, the somatic cells is re-transformed into the germ-plasm from which it was, in fact, indirectly derived ; or, if such a reversal is impossible, the germ-plasm of the germ-cells must be handed on directly from parent to offspring. This latter hypothesis was suggested by me some years ago under the name of the contimiity of the germ-plasm.* A third solution of the problem is impossible, for it is quite out of the question that the germ-plasm can be entirely formed anew. The hypothesis of the continuity of the germ-plasm depends on the assumption of a contrast between the somatic and the reproductive cells, such as can be observed, in fact, in all multi- cellular plants and animals, from the most highly differentiated forms to the low-est heteroplastids amongst the colonial Algae. * ' Die Continuitat des Keimplasma's als Grundlage einer Theorie der Vererbung; Jena, 1885 (English translation, 2nd ed., p. 163). 184 THE GERM-PLASM I assume that germ-cells can only be formed in those parts of the body in which germ-plasm is present, and that the latter is derived directly, without undergoing any change, from that which existed in the parental germ-cell. Hence, according to my view, a portion of the germ-plasm contained in the nucleus of the egg-cell must remain unchanged during each ontogeny, and be supplied, as such, to certain series of cells in the develop- ing body. This germ-plasm is in an inactive condition, so that it does not prevent the active idioplasm of each cell from im- pressing a specific character on the latter in a greater or less degree. It must, moreover, differ from ordinary idioplasm, inasmuch as the determinants it contains are kept closely to- gether, and are not distributed in groups among the daughter- cells. This accessory germ-plasm is thus passed on in an unalterable condition through longer or shorter series of cells, until it ceases to be inactive in a certain group of cells, more or less remote from the egg-cell, and then impresses upon the par- ticular cell the character of a germ-cell. The transmission of the germ-plasm from the ovum to the place of origin of the re- productive cells (' Keimstatte ") takes place in a regular manner, through perfectly definite series of cells which I C2i\\ germ-tracks. These are not actually recognisable, but if the pedigree of the cells in the embryogeny is known, they may be traced from their termination in the germ-cells backwards to the ovum. This assumption is supported by the fact that a direct, or at any rate a very close, connection can be proved to exist, although only in rare instances, between the germ-cells of two consecu- tive generations. In the Dipt era the first division of the egg- cell separates the nuclear material of the subsequent germ-cells of the embryo from that of the somatic-cells, so that in this case a direct continuity can be traced between the germ-plasm in the germ-cells of the parent and offspring. The process in this case must certainly, however, be looked upon, not as a primary one which has been passed on unchanged from very ancient times, but as a special arrangement peculiar to this order of insects. It nevertheless proves the possibility of each generation of germ-cells being derived directly from the preceding one, and also that the germ-plasm which has been prevented from taking part in the construction of the somatic portion of the embryo is not required in this process. We may next take the case of the embryogeny of the THE FORMATION OF GERM-CELLS 185 DaphnidcF. In these animals the primary germ-cells become separated from the somatic cells in the first stages of the seg- mentation of the \ and in Sagitta again, this separation takes place at the gastrula-stage. In Vertebrates this process occurs much later, although it always takes place within the first half of embryogeny ; while in Hydroids — both in colonial and solitary forms — the germ-cells do not appear in the * per- son ' which is developed from the ovum at all, and only arise in a much later generation, which is produced from the first by con- tinued budding. The same is true as regards the higher plants, in which the first shoot arising from the seed never contains germ- cells, or even cells which subsequently become differentiated into germ-cells. In all these last-mentioned cases the germ- cells are not present in the first person arising by embryogenv as special cells, but are only formed in much later cell-genera- tions from the offspring of certain cells of which this first person was composed. These ancestors of the germ-cells cannot be recognised as such : they are somatic cells, — that is to say, tkey, like the numerous other somatic cells, take part in the construc- tion of the body, and may be histologically differentiated in various degrees. A series of organic species might therefore be formed in which the formation of the germ-cells begins at very different degrees of remoteness from the egg-cell. This would admit of the interpretation that the fertilised egg-cell of the earliest Metazoa first divided into two cells, one serving. for the forma- tion of the body (soma), and the other for that of the germ- cells ; and that a shifting had occurred subsequently, owing to a separation of the material for both parts in the germ-plasm, so that the portion of the germ-plasm which remained un- changed was supplied in an inactive condition, in the form of accessory idioplasm, to one of the somatic halves of the egg- cell, and was transmitted by the latter to a somatic cell of the second, third, or fourth generation. The shifting of the process of separation into germ-cells and somatic cells finallv reached its extreme limit, as in the case of the Hydroids, and the unchanged germ-plasm of the fertilised ovum then only led to the formation of germ-cells after passing through a long series of somatic cells. These facts do not, however, as yet constitute an actual proof of the correctness of this interpretation : they might be taken I 86 THE GERM-PLASM as indicating that the series has been developed in the reverse direction, the late differentiation of the germ-cells being the primary condition and the earlier separation of the two parts then having arisen gradually in individual cases. There can hardly be any doubt, indeed, that the early differentiation of the germ-cells of the Diptera and Daphnidae is of a secondary nature ; and it will presently be shown that in the case of Hydroids such a shifting of the formative areas (' Bildungs- statte") of the germ-cells — /.6'., the fact of their earlier differen- tiation — can be actually proved. But the facts which have been stated still support the interpretation of them given above, in so far as they show that the germ-cells are by no means formed at the time and in the place where they are actually wanted, and that the time of their formation, in fact, varies very much, and must have been changed in the course of phylogeny. The direction in which this shifting originally took place — that is to say, whether it proceeded from the egg to the close of on- togeny or in the reverse direction — must be decided when our knowledge of the facts is more complete. We might here lay stress on the fact that the destruction of the sexual glands in an animal, however low in the scale, is not followed by the formation of sexual cells in any other part of the body. Castration might be expected to have this effect if germ- cells could be formed from any young cells of the body. But just as in the case of any other highly specialised organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and central portions of the nervous system in Vertebrates, such a replacement never occurs. This fact is to be explained according to our present view by supposing that the formation of these latter organs anew is impossible, because the determinants necessary for such a development are not present in any other cells of the body. The same conclusion will, it seems to me, be inevitable in the case of the germ-cells ; the idioplasm necessary for the format ion of germ-cells — i.e., germ-plasm — must be absent in these cases, and germ-plasm at any rate caiuiot be formed from somatic idioplasm. The case of the Hydroids * is probably still more convincing, for here a natural shifting of the place of origin of the germ-cells has actually taken place. As has already been mentioned, the germ-cells of Hydroids first arise very late in the life-cycle, * Weismann, ' Die Enstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen,' Jena, 1883. THE FORMATION OF GERM -CELLS 187 and hundreds or even thousands of cell-generations are passed through from the fertilised egg-cell onwards before they appear. In species which exhibit a complete alternation of generations, they are first formed in particular parts of the medusae which have arisen from the polype-stock by budding — usually in the ectoderm of the manubrium. No trace of them is to be seen in D Fig. 12. — Diagram of the degeneration of the Medusa into a mere gonophore. A, Medusoid bud; B, a Medusa shortly before it is set free; C, degenerated Medusa, in which the manubrium is present, but the mouth and tentacles are wanting; D and E, further stages in degeneration. (From Hatschek's ' Lehrbuch der Zoologie.') the young bud, and in many cases thev only become differentiated from the other ectoderm-cells after the medusa has become de- tached from the stock, and has developed into an independent. 1 88 THE GERM-PLASM free-swimming animal. Some of the ectoderm cells of the part in question then become transformed into egg- or sperm-cells. In the case of certain species of polypes, free sexual medusae were produced in the earlier period of the development of the species, but at the present day these do not become detached, but always remain attached to the stock : they thus no longer serve for the dispersal and ripening of the sexual products but only for their production and ripening. These species illustrate the different stages in the process of degeneration of the medusae to mere gonophores, or sexual sacs. In some species the form of the medusa is completely retained in the sexual persons of the stock, only the eyes and marginal tentacles being absent ; in others, the bell has become degenerated into a closed sac, the walls of which still retain the circular and radial canals ; and in other species again, these canals have also disappeared, only the three characteristic layers of the medusa remaining, and even these have become so thin that their presence can only be de- tected in microscopic sections. Finally, these three layers also undergo degeneration, the w^all then consisting of a single layer, so that the derivation of the sac from the bell of the medusa can only be proved indirectly. Throughout all these stages of de- generation, however, the ova or spermatozoa always ripen in the gonophores. The behaviour of the germ-cells is the chief point of interest to us in the course of this process of degeneration. For the entire degeneration of the medusa proceeds from its germ-cells, and 'is due to the fact that t/ie development of the latter has gradually to be thrown back to earlier stages, so that the sexual elements are ripened more quickly. It will not be necessary to enter into the reasons for this hastening of the sexual maturity ; it is sufficient to know that in some species in which the medusae become detached, e.g., Podo- coryne cornea., the egg-cells are developed earlier than the medusae in which they subsequently ripen, and in proportion as the degeneration of the medusa advances the place of origin of the germ-cells recedes more and more into the older and earlier formed parts of the stock. The advantage of this is, that the germ-cells develop earlier, and afterwards enter the germ-sacs in a riper stage : they thus reach maturity much more quickly. The remarkable thing about this process is the fact that THE FORMATION OF GERM-CELLS 1 89 active migrations of the germ-cells take part in it. Originating in the ectoderm, these cells wander into the endoderm, and subsequently back again into the ectoderm ; and this remark- able process occurs in a definitely prescribed and regular manner. In spite of the relegation of their place of origin to earlier persons of the stock, the germ-cells always originate from the same layer of cells as that from which they arose in the ancestors of the species. It may thus be said that they are developed ontogenetically from the ancestors of those cells from which they would have arisen if the polype stock still produced free medusae ; or, in other words, they arise lower down on the germ-track at present than they did formerly. Thus in Hydractinia echinata, for instance, the youngest egg-cells first become visible in the endoderm of certain polypes in the same regions from which gonophores (degenerate medusas) subse- quently bud out. The egg-cells then migrate into the latter, and enter the ectoderm of the manubrium as soon as it is formed ; and in this way they return to the old place of ripening, which in earlier ti?nes was also the place in which they were formed. At the present day, however, the egg-cells only apparently originate in the endoderm of the polype : it can indeed be proved that they are derived from the ectoderm, but migrate into the endo- derm while still in a very young condition, before they exhibit the definite character of egg-cells. They therefore originate in the same region in which at an earlier phyletic period the ectodermal layer of the manubrium of the medusa was devel- oped ; or, in other words, the same ontogenetic series of cells which produce the egg-cell at the present day did so in former times. This fact probably only admits of one interpretation, and this is. that 07dy certain series of cells contaijt the primary constituents of the gerjn-cells, and wherever it became useful in the course of phylogeny for the germ-cells to be situated in another position and in another layer of the body-wall, this change of position could only be effected by the ceils of the germ-track becoming transformed into germ-cells at an earlier stage, and at the same time migrating into the other layer of the body-wall. If any — I will not say all — of the cells could give rise to germ- cells, this complicated mode of procedure would be quite inex- plicable, for Nature always takes the shortest possible course. If this reasoning is correct, the hypothesis of the germ-tracks. as I have formerlv stated it, is inevitable ; and the fact that the ICjO THE GERM-PLASM cells lying in these tracks are alone capable of giving rise to germ-cells, can hardly be explained otherwise than by assuming that these cells alone contain germ-plasm along with their special idioplasm. If germ-plasm could be produced from the idioplasm of ordinary somatic cells, it would be impossible to see why germ-cells should not be formed in Hydroids in case of need by the transformation of young ectoderm cells : but this never happens. And even if we wished to assume that the endoderm cells, as such, possessed an idioplasm which could not be transformed into germ-plasm, while the nature of the ecto- derm cells rendered such a transformation possible, this assump- tion would be contradicted by other facts : for, as far as we know, the germ-cells arise exclusively from the endoderm cells in the higher medusae, and in the polypes nearly related to them. In this case therefore the germ-tracks are situated in the endoderm, — that is to say, the germ-plasm is only passed into certain series of cells in the endoderm, and the reserve material of unalterable germ-plasm, which will serve for the formation of the germ-cells, is passed into the primary endo- derm cell only in the process of segmentation of the ovum, and is handed on by it. In the Vertebrata the germ-cells become differentiated from certain groups of mesoderm cells, and they are never found in any other part of the body. In this case the germ-track passes from the fertilised egg-cell into those segmentation cells from which the primary cells of the whole mesoderm are formed, in which latter it follows a closely con- fined course. All these facts support the assumption that somatic idioplasm is never transformed into germ-plasm, and this conclusion forms the basis of the theory of the composition of the germ-plasm as propounded here. It is obvious that its composition out of deter- minants which gradually split up into smaller and smaller groups in the course of ontogeny, cannot be brought into agreement with the conception of the re-transformation of somatic idioplasm into germ-plasm. If, as we have assumed, each cell in the body only contains o;ie determinant, the germ-plasm — which is composed of hundreds of thousands of determinants — could only be produced from somatic idio- plasm if cells containing all the different kinds of determinants which are present in the body were to become fused together into o/ie cell, their contained idioplasm likewise coml^ining to THK FORMAl I(3x\ OK GERM-CEU.S IQI form one nucleus. And, strictly speaking, even this assumption would be by no means sufficient, for it does not account for the architecture of the germ-plasm : the material only would be provided. Such a complex structure can obviously only arise historically. The fact that somatic idioplasm cannot again give rise to germ-plasm serves as an additional support for the theory of the germ-plasm as here developed. Invisible, or at any rate un- recognisable, masses of unalterable germ-plasm must ha\e been contained in the body-cells in all cases in which such a trans- formation has apparently occurred. These masses need not necessarily be invisible, for they can- not be smaller than ids ; and if it should subsequently be proved that the microsomes of the nuclear rods do actually correspond to ids, we may hope to ascertain the exact number of these ids in the individual species. An extensive field would then be opened out for further investigation, for it would be possible to decide by direct investigation whether the cell-series of the germ-tracks carry along with them a larger or a smaller number of ids than is contained in the fertilised egg-cell, and also the relative proportion of the number of ids in the somatic cells in the germ-track. We may thus hope that facts will come to light which can be utilised in connection with this theory. Observations of this kind have already been made which indi- cate an actual continuity of the germ-plasm. Boveri * observed that the differentiation of the somatic cells from the primary sexual cell in the segmenting &gg of Ascaris tnegaloccp]iala is accompanied by a peculiar diversity in the nuclear structure. The nuclei of the somatic cells throw off a large part of their chromatin, in which process each idant loses a similar amount of substance. Further facts and illustrations of the process are still wanting, but even did we possess them it would be neces- sary to postpone the detailed theoretical explanation of such observations until we were able to judge as to the universal occurrence of the process. Observations which my assistant. Dr. V. Hacker,t has made on the segmenting ovum of a crus- * Theodor Boveri. 'Anatom. Anzeiger II. Jahrgang," No. 22, 1887; and ' Zellen-Studien,' Heft 3, Jena, 1890, p. 70. t Valentin Hacker, Zool. Jahrbuclier, Abtli. f. Anat. und Ontog.. Bd. v., 1892; and Archiv. f. mik. Anat., Bd. 40, 1892. 192 THE (lER.M-PI.ASM tacean {Cyclops), have indeed also proved that the behaviour of the somatic segmentation cells is different from that of the primary sexual cell, but the process differs essentially from that which occurs in Ascaris. When we are in possession of similar observations on various types of animals, we shall be able to recognise the essential parts of the process, and shall then be in a position to offer an explanation of them. From a theoretical point of view, we must expect that the ids of germ-plasm become doubled in the nucleus of the fertilised egg-cell or even previously, one half of such a double id being in the active condition in which it can undergo disintegration, and the other being in the inactive and unalterable condition. The former direct ontogeny, and the latter are passed on in a passive condition to the primary sexual cells. As these, how- ever, behave at first like somatic cells, — that is to say, they multiply in a regular manner, and are distributed amongst defi- nite series of cells to definite parts of the body, — they must possess active idioplasm in addition to unalterable germ-plasm. They must therefore contain 7nore ids in their nuclear matter than do the somatic cells. The above-mentioned observations on Ascaris can thus be explained in accordance with our theory up to this point, but more than this cannot be stated at present. 2. The Germ-tracks Taking sexual reproduction only into consideration for the present, the course of the germ-tracks in existing Metazoa ap- parently varies both as regards its length and the direction it takes. The germ-track is shortest in the Diptera, in which the primary germ-cell becomes separated off in the first division of the ovum, so that in this case we might speak of a division of the ovum into a primary germ-cell and a primary somatic-cell. In the Daphnidce the germ-track is longer ; for, counting from the ovum, five successive divisions occur before the primary germ- cell is formed. In the free-swimming marine worm Sagitia it is longer still, two primary germ-cells only appearing after ten or more successive divisions have occurred, and the mass of embryonic cells has already given rise to a gastrula-larva. In other worms, such as the Nematodes, the primary germ-cells become separated from the somatic cells in a still later genera- tion of cells, wliicli lias so far not been actually determined ; and THE KORMATION OF (JKk.M-CKLLS 193 in most of the higher Metazoa this only occurs after the forma- tion of hundreds or thousands of cell-generations. The position of the germ-track may also vary. In the Diptera it is quite distinct from the somatic cell-tracks, and the ^/y^' segmentation up to the differentia- tion of the primary mesoderm-cell {mes) . This and the following stages are represented diagrammatically in fig. 16, which shows the 2:enea- uvu*. Fig. 15. — Stages tu the segmen- tation of the ovum and forma- tion of the germinal layers in Rhabditis nigrovenosa. — (After Gotte.) ect. Ectoderm; ent, En- doderm; ;//<'j, Mesoderm. logical tree of the cells and the germ-track. The ovum (^Kiz) must of course be considered as containing the whole of the primary constituents of the organism before its first division into a primary ectoderm {itrEkt) and a primary endoderm cell (i/rEtit). The latter retains all the primary constituents of the mesoderm and primary germ-cells. 196 THE GERM-PIASM in addition to those of the endoderm. and is therefore not merely a primary endoderm cell. This then divides again and forms two cells, of which the one marked 3 on the left side of the figure only contains primary constituents of the endoderm, and is therefore an endoderm cell proper ; while that marked 3' represents the first rudiment of the mesoderm and of certain portions of the endoderm, and contains in addition the primary constituents of the primary germ-cells. This cell (3') divides into two (4' and 4"). thus separating the above-named rudiments into those for the right and the left sides of the body ; and finally, the y^^