LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE kiUSfJ^ ing, into a pure and wholesome region of Folenin joy and wonder. He goes up some Snowdon valley ; to him it is a solemn spot (though unnoticed by his companions), where the ptag's-horn club-moss ceases to straggle across the turf, and the tufted alpine club- 14 GLAUCUS ; OR, moss takes its place ; for lie is now in a new world ; a region whose climate is eternally influ- enced by some fresh law (after which he vainly guesses with a sigh at his own ignorance) which renders life imjiossible to one species, possible to another. And it is a still more solemn thought to hira, that it was not always so ; that ccons and ages back, that rock which he passed a thousand feet below was fringed, not as now with fern, and blue bugle, and white bramble- ilowers, but perhaps with the alp-rose and the " gemsen-kraut " of Mont Blanc, at least with Alpine Saxifrages which have now retreated fif- teen hundred feet up the mountain-side, and with the blue Snow-Gentian, and the Canadian Ledum, which have all but vanished out of the British Isles. And what is it which tells him that strange story ? Yon smoothed and rounded sur- face of rock, polished, remark, across the strata, and against the grain ; and furrowed here and there, as if by iron talons, with long parallel scratches. It was the crawling of a glacier which polished that rock-face ; the stones fallen from Snowdon peak into the half-liquid lake of ice above, which ploughed those furrows. JEons and a;ons ago, before the time when Adam first THK AVOXDERS OF THE SHORE. lo " Embraced his Eve in happy hour, And every bird of Eden burst In carol, everj' bud in flower," those marks were there ; the records of the "Age of ice " ; slight truly ; to be effaced by the next farmer who needs to build a wall ; but unmis- takable, boundless in significance, like Crusoe's one savage footprint on the sea-shore : and the naturalist acknowledges the finger-mark of God, and wonders, and worships. Happy, especially, is the sportsman Avho is also a naturalist: for as he roves in pursuit of his game, over hills or up the beds of streams where no one but a sportsman ever thinks of going, he will be certain to sec tilings note- worthy, wliich tlie mere naturalist would never find, simply because he could never guess that they were there to be found. I do not speak merely of the rare birds which may be shot, the curious facts as to the habits of fish which may be observed, great as these pleasures arc. I speak of (he scenery, the weather, the geological formation nf the country, its vegetation, and the living habits of its denizens. A sportsman out in all weathers, and often dependent for success on liis knowledge of " what the sky is going to 16 GLAUCUS ; OR, do," has opportunities for becoming a meteo- rologist -which no one beside but a sailor pos- sesses ; and one has often longed for a scientific gamekeeper or huntsman, who, by discovering a law for the mysterious and seemingly capricious phenomena of " scent," might perhaps throw light on a hundred dark passages of hygrome- try. The fisherman, too, — what an inexhaustible treasury of wonders lies at his feet, in the sub- aqueous world of the commonest mountain burn ! All the laws which mould a world are there busy, if he but knew it, fattening his trout for him, and making them rise to the fly, by strange electric influences, at one hour rather than at another. Many a good geognostic lesson too, both as to the nature of a country's rocks, and as to the laws by which strata are deposited, may an ob- serving man learn as he wades up the bed of a trout-stream ; not to mention the strange forms and habits of the tribes of water-insects. More- over no good fisherman but knows to his sorrow, that there are plenty of minutes, ay, hours, in each day's fishing, in which he would be right glad of any employment better than trying to " Call spirits from the vasty deep," who will not THE WONDERS OF THE SIIOKE. 17 " Come when you do call for them." What to do then? You are sitting, perhaps, in your coracle, upon some mountain tai'n, wait- ing for a wind, and waiting in vain. " Keine luft an keine seite, Todes-stille furchterlich " ; As Gothe has it, — " Und der schiffer sieht bekummert Glatte flache rings umher." You paddle to the shore on the side whence the wind ought to come, if it had any spirit in it ; tie the coracle to a stone, light your cigar, lie down on your back upon the grass, grumble, and finally fall asleep. In the mean while, probably, the breeze has come on, and there has been half an hour's lively fishing curl ; and you wake just in time to see the last ripple of it sneaking off at the other side of the lake, leaving all as dead calm as before. Now how much better, instead of fallinEC a.'*leep, to have walked quietly round the lake- side, and asked of your own l)rains and of nature the question, " How did this lake come here? What does it mean?" It is a hole in the earth. True, but how was the hole made ? There must have been huge 2 18 GLAUCUS ; Oil, forces at work to form such a cliasm. Probably the mountain was actually opened from within by an earthquake, and when the strata fell together again, the portion at either end of the chasm, being perhaps crushed together with greater force, remained higher than the centre, and so the water lodged between them. Perhaps it was formed thus. You will at least agree that its formation must have been a grand sight enough, and one during which a spectator would have had some difficulty in keeping his footing. And when you learn that this convulsion prob- ably took place at the bottom of an ocean, hun- dreds of thousands of years ago, you have at least a few thoughts over which to ruminate, which Avill make you at once too busy to grum- ble, and ashamed to grumble. Yet after all, I hardly think the lake was formed in this way, and suspect that it may have been dry land for ages after it emerged from the primeval waves, and Snowdonia was a palm- fringed island in a tropic sea. Let us look the place over more carefully. You see the lake is nearly circular ; on the side where we stand, the pebbly beach is not six feet above the water, and slopes away steeply THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 19 into the valley behind us, while before us, it shelves gradually into the lake ; forty yards out, ;i3 you know, there is not ten feet water ; and then a steep bank, the edge whereof we and the big trout know well, sinks suddenly to unknown depths. On the opposite side, that vast flat-topped wall of rock towers up shore- less into the sky, seven hundred feet perpendic- ular; the deepest water of all, we know, is at its very foot. Right and left, two shoulders of down slope into the lake. Now turn round and look down the gorge. Kemark that this pebble-bank on which we stand reaches some fifty yards downward : you see the loose stones peeping out everywhere. "VVe may fairly sup- pose that we stand on a dam of loose stones, a hundred feet deep. But why loose stones ? — and if so, what matter, and wliat wonder? There are rocks cropping out everywhere down the hill-side. Because if you will take up one of these stones and crack it across, you will sec that it t6 not of tlie same stuff as those said rocks. Step into the next field and see. That rock is the common Snowdon slate, which wo see everywhere. The two slioulders of down. 20 GLAUCUS ; OR, right and left, are slate too ; you can see that at a glance. But tlie stones of the pebble- bank are a close-grained, yellow-spotted rock. They are Syenite ; and (you may believe me or not, as you will) they were once upon a time in the condition of hasty-pudding heated to some 800 degrees of Fahrenheit, and in that condition shoved their way up somewhere or other through these slates. But where ? whence on earth did these Syenite pebbles come ? Let us walk round to the cliff on the opposite side, and see. It is worth while ; for even if my guess be wrong, there is good spinning with a brass minnow round the angles of the rocks. Now see. Between the cliff-foot and the slop- ing down is a crack, ending in a gully; the nearer side is of slate, and the further side, the cliff itself, is — why, the whole cliff is composed of the very same stone as the pebble ridge ! Now, my good friend, how did those pebbles get three hundred yards across the lake ? Hun- dreds of tons, some of them three feet lone : who carried them across ? The old Cymry were not likely to amuse themselves by making such a breakwater up here in No-man's-land, two thousand feet above the sea: but somebody, or TOE -SVONDERS OF THE SHORE. 21 something, must Lave carried them ; for stones do not fly, nor swim either. Shot out of a volcano? As you seem deter- mined to have a prodigy, it may as well be a sufficiently huge one. "Well — these stones lie all together ; and a volcano would have hai-dly made so compact a shot, not being in the habit of using Ely's wire cartridges. Our next hope of a solution lies in John Jones, who cai'ried up the coracle. Hail him, and ask him what is on the top of that cliff. . . So? "Plainshc and pogshe, and another Llyn." Very good. Now, does it not strike you that this whole cliff has a remarkably smooth and plastered look, like a hare's run up an earth- bank ? And do you sec that it is polished thus, only over the lake ? that as soon as the cliff abuts on tlic downs right and left, it forms pinnacles, caves, broken angular boulders ? Syenite usually does so in our damp climate, from the " weathering " effect of frost and rain : why hii3 it not done so over the lake? On that part something (giants perliaps) lias been scrambling uj) or down on a very large scale, and so ruljbed off every corner which was in- clined to come away, till the solid core of the rock 22 GLAUCUS ; OH, was bared. And may not those mysterious giants have had a hand in carrying the stones across the lake ? . . . Eeally I am not altogether jesting. Think awhile what agent could possibly have produced either one, or both, of those effects ? Thex-e is but one ; and that, if you have been an Alpine traveller, much more if you have been a chamois hunter, you have seen many a time (whether you knew it or not) at the very same work. Ice ? Yes ; ice ; Ilrymir the frost-giant, and no one else. And if you will look at the facts, you Avill see how ice may have done it. Our friend John Jones's report of plains and bogs and a lake above makes it quite possible that in the " Ice age " (Glacial Epoch, as the big-word- mongers call it) there was above that cliff a great neve, or snowfield, such as you have seen often in the Alps at the head of each glacier. Over the face of this cliff a glacier has crawled down from that nev6, polishing the face of the rock in its descent : but the snow, having no large and deep outlet, has not slid down in a sufficient stream to reach the vale below, and form a gla- cier of the first order ; and has therefore stopped short on the other side of the lake, as a glacier of THE WONDEKS OF THE SHORE. 23 the second order, which ends in an ice-clifF hang- ing high upon the mountain-side, and kept from further progress by daily melting. If you have ever gone up the Mer de Glace to the Tacul, you saw a magnificent specimen of this sort on your riglit hand, just opposite the Tacul, in the Gla- cier de Trelaporte, which comes down from the Aiguille de Charmoz. This explains our pebble-ridge. The stones which the glacier rubbed off the cliff beneath it, it carried forward, slowly but surely, till they saw the light again in the face of the ice-cliff, and dropped out of it under the melting of the sum- mer sun, to form a huge dam across the ravine ; till the "Ice age" past, a more genial climafe succeeded, and neve and glacier melted away: but the " moraine " of stones did not, and remain to this day, the dam which keeps up the waters of the lake. There is my exj)lanati(jii. If you can find a better, do ; buf remfmber always that it must include an answer to — " IIow did the stones get across the lake ? " Now, reader, we have had no aljstruse science here, no long words, not even a microscope or a book : and yet we, as two plain sportsmen, have 24 GLAUCUS ; OR, gone back, or been led back by fact and common sense, into the most awful and sublime depths, into an epos of the destruction and re-creation of a former world. This is but a single instance ; I might give hundreds. This one, nevertheless, may have some effect in awakening you to the boundless world of wonders which is all around you, and make you ask yourself seriously, " What branch of Natural History shall I begin to investigate, if it be but for a few weeks, this summer ? " To which I answer. Try " the Wonders of the Shore." There are along every sea-beach more strange things to be seen, and those to be seen easily, than in any other field of observation which you will find in these islands. And on the shore only will you have the enjoyment of finding new species, of adding your mite to the treasures of science. For not only the English ferns, but the natural history of all our land species, are now well-nigh exhausted. Our home botanists, entomologists, and ornithologists are spending their time now, perforce, in verifying a few obscure species, and bemoaning themselves like Alexander, that there are no more worlds left to conquer. For the THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 25 geologist, incleed, especially in the remotest dis- tricts, much remains to be done, but only at a heavy outlay of time, labor, and study ; and the dilettante (and it is for dilettanti, like myself, that I principally write) must be content to tread in the tracks of greater men who have preceded him, and accept at second and third hand their foregone conclusions. But this is most unsatisfactory ; for in giving up discovery, one gives up one of the highest enjoyments of natural history. There is a mys- terious delight in the discovery of a new species, akin (o that of seeing for the first time in their native haunts, plants or animals of wliicli one has till then only read. Some, surely, who read these pages, have experienced that latter de- light ; and, though they might find it hard to define whence the pleasure arose, know well that it was a solid plcjisure, the memory of which they would not give up for hard cash. Some, surely, can recollect at tlicir first sight of the Alpine Soldanclla, the Khododendron, or the black Orchis, growing upon the edge of tlie eternal snow, a tlirill of emotion, not unmixed with awe; u sense that they were, iis it were, bronglit face to face with the creatures of another world ; 26 GLAUCUS ; OK, that Nature was independent of them, not merely they of her ; that ti-ees were not merely made to build their houses, or herbs to feed their cattle; as they looked on those wild gardens amid the wreaths of the untrodden snow, which had lifted their gay flowers to the sun year after year since the foun- dation of the world, taking no heed of man, and all the coil which he keeps in the valleys far below. And even, to take a simpler instance, there are those who will excuse, or even approve of a writer for saying that, among the memories of a month's eventful tour, those which stand out as beacon-points, those round which all the others group themselves, are the first wolf-track by the road-side in the Kyllwald ; the first sight of the blue and green Roller-birds, walking behind the plough like rooks in the tobacco- fields of Wittlich ; the first ball of Olivine scraped out of the volcanic slag-heaps of the Dreisser-Weiher ; the first pair of the Lesser Bustard which we flushed upon the downs of the Mosel-kopf ; the first sight of the cloud of white Ephemerae, fluttering in the dusk like a summer snowstorm between us and the black cliffs of the Rheinstein, while the broad Rhine beneath flashed blood-red in the blaze of the THE "WOXDEKS OF THE SHORE. 27 lightning and the fires of the Mausenthurm, a lurid Acheron above which seemed to hover ten thousand unburied ghosts ; and last, but not least, on the lip of the vast Mosel-kopf cra- ter, just above the point where the weight of the fiery lake has burst the side of the great slag-cup, and rushed forth between two cliffs of clink-stone across the downs, in a clanging stream of fire, damming up rivulets, and blasting its path through forests, far away toward the valley of the IMoselle, the sight of an object for which was forgotten for the moment that battle-field of the Titans at our feet, and all the glorious panorama, Ilundsruck and Taunus, Siebengebirge and Ardennes, and all the crater peaks around ; and wliich was — smile not, reader — our first yellow foxglove. IJut what is even this to the delight of finding a new species? — of rescuing (as it seems to you) one more thought of the divine mind from Ilcla, and the realms of the unknown, unclassified, uncomprehcndod ? As it seems to you : though in reality it only seems so, in a world wherein not a sparrow falls to the ground unnoticed by our Father who is in heaven. The irutli is, the pleasure of finding new 28 GLAUCUS ; OR, species is too gi*eat ; it is morally dangerous ; for it brings witli it the temptation to look on the thing found as your own possession, all but your own creation ; to pride yourself on it, as if God had not known it for ages since ; even to squabble jealously for the right of having it named after you, and of being recorded in the Transactions of I-know-not-what Society as its first discoverer : — as if all the angels in heaven had not been admiring it long before you were born or thought of But to be forewarned is to be forearmed ; and I seriously counsel you to try if you cannot find something new this summer along the coast to which you are going. There is no reason why you should not be as successful as a friend of mine, who, with a veiy slight smattering of sci- ence, and very desultory research, obtained last winter from the Torbay shores three entirely new species, beside several rare animals which had escaped all naturalists since the lynx-eye of Colonel Montagu discerned them forty years ago. And do not despise the creatures because they are minute. No doubt we should both of us prefer helping Rajah Brooke to discover mon- strous apes in the tropical forests of Borneo, or THE WOXDERS OF THE SHORE. 29 Stumbling with Hooker upon herds of gigantic "Amnion sheep " amid the rhododendron thickets of the Himalaya : but it cannot be ; and " he is a fool," says old Hesiod, " who knows not how much better half is than the whole." Let us be content with what is within our reach. And doubt not that in these tiny creatures arc myste- ries more than we shall ever fathom. The zoophytes and microscopic animalcules which people every shore and every drop of water, have been now raised to a rank in the human mind, more important, perhaps, than even those gigantic monsters, whose models fill the lake at the New Crystal Palace. Tlie re- scarcli which has been bestowed, for the last century, upon these once unnoticed atomies, has well repaid itself; for from no branch of physical science has more been learnt of the scientiu scicnliarum, the priceless art of learn- ing ; no branch of science has more utterly confounded the wisdom of the wise, shattered to pieces systems and theories, and the idolatry of arbitrary names, and tauglit man to be silent while his IMaker speaks, than this ap- parent pedantry of /oopliytology, in which our old distinctions of "animal," "vegetable," and 30 GLAUCUS ; OK, " mineral " are trembling in the balance, seem- ingly ready to vanish like their fellows, " the four elements " of fire, air, earth, and water. No branch of science has helped so much to sweep away that sensuous idolatry of mere size, which tempts man to admire and respect ob- jects in proportion to the number of feet or inches which they occupy in space. No branch, moreover, has been more humbling to the boasted rapidity and omnipotence of the human reason, and taught those who have eyes to see, and hearts to understand, how weak and way- ward, staggei'ing and slow, are the steps of our fallen race (rapid and triumphant enough in that broad road of theories which leads to intellectual destruction) whensoever they tread the narrow path of true science, which leads (if I may be allowed to transfer our Lord's great parable from moral to intellectual matters) to Life ; to the living and permanent knowl- edge of living things, and of the laws of their existence. Humbling, truly, to one Avho, in this summer of 1854, the centenary year of British zoophytology, looks back to the summer of 1754, when good Mr. Ellis, the wise and benev- olent West Indian merchant, read before the THE ■\VOXDEES OF THE SHORE. 31 Royal Society his famous paper proving the animal nature of corals, and followed it up the year after by that " Essay toward a Natural History of the Corallines, and other like Marine Productions of the British Coasts," which forms the groundwork of all our knowledge on the subject to this day. The chapter in Dr. G. Johnston's British Zoophytes, p. 407, or the excellent little resume thereof in Dr. Lands- borough's book on the same subject, is really a saddening one, as one sees how loath were not merely dreamers like Marsigli or Bonnet, but sound-headed men like Pallas and Linnc, to give up the old sense-bound fancy, that these corals were vegetables, and tlieir i)olypes some sort of living flowers. Yet after all there are excuses for them. "Witliout our improved microscopes, and while the sciences of comparative anatomy and clicmislry were yet infantile, it was difllcult to believe what was the truth ; and for tliis .simple reason ; that, as usual, the truth, Avlicn discovered, turned out far more starthiig and prodigious than tlic dreams wliich men had Iiastily substituted for it ; more strange tlian Ovid's old story that the coral was soft under the sea, and hardened by exposure to air ; tlian 32 GLAucus ; ou, Marsigli's notion, that the coral-polypes were its flowers ; than Dr. Parsons' contemptuous denial, that these complicated forms could be " the operations of little, poor, helpless, jelly-like ani- mals, and not the work of more sure vegetation " ; than Baker the microscopist's detailed theory of their being produced by the crystallization of the mineral salts in the sea-water, just as he had seen " the particles of mercury and copper in aquafortis assume tree-like forms, or curious delineations of mosses and minute shrubs on slates and stones, owing to the shooting of salts intermixed with mineral particles": — one smiles at it now : yet these men were no less sensible than we of the year 1854 ; and if we know better, it is only because other men, and those few and far between, have labored amid disbelief, ridicule, and error ; needing again and again to retrace their steps, and to unlearn more than they learnt, seeming to go backwards when they were really progressing most ; and now we have entei-ed into their labors, and find them, as I have just said, more wondrous than all the poetic dreams of a Bonnet or a Darwin. For who, after all, to take a few broad instances, (not to enlarge on the great root-wonder of a number of distinct individuals THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 33 connected by a common life, and forming a seem- ing plant invariable in each species,) would have dreamed of the " bizarreries " which these very zociphytes present in their classification ? You go down to any shore after a gale of wind, and pick up a few delicate little sea-ferns. You have two in your hand, which probably look to you, even under a good pockct-magnifior, identical or nearly so.* But you are told, to your surprise, that however ahkc the dead horny polypidoms which you hold may be, the two species of animal which have formed them are at least as far apart in the scale of creation as a quadruped is from a fish. You see in some Musselburgh dredger's boat the phosphorescent sea-pen, (unknown in England,) a living feather, of the look and con- sistency of a cock's comb ; or the still stranger sea-rush, ( Virfjalaria mirabilis,) a spine two feet long, witli hundreds of rosy flowerets arranged in half-rings round it from end to end ; and you arc told that these are the congeners of llie great stony Vcnus's fan which bangs in seamen's cot- tages, brought liomc from tlie "West Indies. And * Herhdiirtd cy/i n ulnOt iiini ijiiiicliari.i Imintliita ; or nnv of the fimall Scrtulnriw, cornpnicl witli Crimir uml CiHularicc arc very good cxomplcs. 3 34 GLAUCUS ; OR, ere you have done wondering, you hear that all three are congeners of the ugly, shapeless white " dead man's hand," which you may pick up after a storm on any shore. You have a beau- tiful madrepore or brainstone on your mantel- piece, brought home from some Pacific coral-reef. You are to believe that it has no more to do with the beautiful tubular corals among which it was growing, than a bird has with a worm, and that its first-cousins are the soft slimy sea- anemones which you see expanding their living flowers in every rock-pool, bags of sea-water, without a trace of bone or stone. You must believe it; for in science, as in higher matters, he who will walk surely must "walk by faith and not by sight." These are but a few of the wonders which the classification of marine animals affords ; and only drawn from one class of them, though almost as common among every other family of that submarine world whereof Spenser sang : — " 0 what an endless work have I in hand, To count the sea's abundant progeny ! Whose fruitful seed far passeth those in land, And also tliosc which won in th' azure sky. For much more eath to tell the stars on high, THE AVONDERS OF THE SHORE. 35 jVlbe they endless seem in estimation, Than to recount the sea's posterity; So fertile be the flouds in generation, So huge their numbers, and so numberless their nation." But these few examples will be sufficient to account both for the slow pace at which the knowledge of sea-animals has progressed, and for the allurement which men of the highest at- tainments have found, and still find, in it. And when to this we add the marvels which meet us at every step in the anatomy and the repro- duction of these creatures, and in the chemical and mechanical functions which they fulfil in the great economy of our planet, we cannot wonder at finding that books which treat of them carry with them a certain charm of ro- mance, and feed the play of fancy, and tliat love ol" the marvellous whicli is inherent in man, at the same time that they lead the reader to more solemn and lofty (rains of tliought, which cnu find their full satisfaction only in self-forgetful worship, and tliat hymn of [)raise which goes up ever from land and sea, as well as from saints and martyrs and the lieavcnly host, " O, all ye works of the Lord, and ye, too, spirits and souls of the righteous, prai liini, let mc take yon to a shore where I am mon- at Immc, aiid for 52 GLAUCUS ; OR, whose richness I can vouch, and choose our sea- son and our day to start forth, on some glorious morning of one of our Italian springs, to see what last night's easterly gale has swept from the populous shallows of Torbay, and east up, high and dry, on Paignton sands. Torbay is a place which should be as much endeared to the naturalist as to the patriot and to the artist. We cannot gaze on its blue ring of water, and the great limestone bluffs which bound it to the north and south, without a glow passing through our hearts, as we remember the terrible and glorious pageant which passed by in the glorious July days of 1588, when the Spanish Armada ventured slowly past Berry Head, with Elizabeth's gallant pack of Devon captains (for the London fleet had not yet joined) following fast in its wake, and dashing into the midst of the vast line, undismayed by size and numbers, while their kin and friends stood watchinir and praying on the cliffs, spectators of Britain's Salamis. The white line of houses, too, on the other side of the bay, is Brixham, famed as the landing-place of WUliam of Orange ; the stone on the pier-head, which marks his first footsteps on British ground, is sacred in the eyes THE -WONDERS OF THE SHORE. Oo of all true English "Whigs ; and close by stands the castle of the settler of Newfoundland, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Raleigh's half-brother, most learned of all Elizabeth's admirals in life, most pious and heroic in death. And as for scenery, thouf^h it can boast of neither mountain peak or dark fiord, and would seem tame enough in the eyes of a western Scot or Irishman, yet Torbay surely has a soft beauty of its own. The rounded hills slope gently to the sea, spotted with squares of emerald grass, and ricli red fallow fields, and parks full of stately timber-trees. Long lines of tall elms, just flushing green in the spring hedges, run down to the very water's edge, their boughs unwarped by any blast ; and here and there apple orchards arc just bursting into flower in the soft sunshine, and narrow strips of water meadow line the glens, where the red cattle are already lounging knee-deep in richest grass, within ten yards of the rocky pebble beach. The shore is silent now, the tide far out : but six hours hence it will I)c hurling columns of rosy foam high into the sunlight, and sprinkling passengers, and cattle, and trim gardens whidi liardly know what frost and snow may be, but see the flowers of autumn meet the 54 GLAUCUS ; ou, flowers of spring, and the old year linger smiling- ly to twine a garland for the new. No wonder that such a spot as Torquay, with its delicious Itahan climate, and endless variety of rich woodland, flowery lawn, fantastic rock- cavern, and broad bright tide-sand, sheltered from every wind of heaven except the soft south- east, should have become a favorite haunt, not only for invalids, but for naturalists. Indeed, it may well claim the honor of being the original home of marine zoology and botany in England, as the Frith of Forth, under the auspices of Sir John Dalzell, has been for Scotland. For here worked Montagu, Turton, and Mrs. Griffith, to whose masculine powers of research English marine botany almost owes its existence, and who still survives, at an age long beyond the natural term of man, to see, in her cheerful and honored old age, that knowledge become popular and general, which she pursued for many a year unassisted and alone. And here too, now, Dr. Battersby possesses a collection of shells, inferior, perhaps, to hardly any in England. Torbay, moreover, from the variety of its rocks, aspects, and sea-floors, where limestones alternate with traps, and traps with slates, while at the valley- THE "WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 55 mouths the soft sandstones and hard conglomer- ates of the new red series slope down into the tepid and shallow waves, affords an abundance and variety of animal and vegetable life, un- equalled, perhaps, in any other part of Great Britain. It cannot boast, certainly, of those strange deep-sea forms which Messrs. Alder. Goodsir, and Laskey dredge among the lochs of the western Highlands, and the sub-marine mountain glens of the Zetland sea ; but it has its own varieties, its own ever fresh novelties ; and in spite of all the research which has been lavished on its shores, a naturalist cannot now work there for a winter without discoverins: forms new to science, or meeting with curiosities which have escaped all observers, since the lynx eye of Montagu e.'^pied them full fifty years ago. Follow us, then, reader, in imagination, out of the gay watering-placo, with its London shops and London equipages, along the broad road beneath the .sunny limestone clilf, tufted with golden furze; past tho huge oaks and green filopc.H of Tor Abbey ; and pa^t the fanta.stif rocks of Livermead, scrtDjicd by the waves into a labyrintii of p. 220, 227. But first, as after descending tlic gap in the sea-wall we walk along the ribbed fioor of hard yellow sand, 1)C so kind as to keep a sharp look-out for a round gi-ay disc, about as big a.s a i)cnny-picce, peeping out on the surface- No ; that is not it, that little lump : open it, and you will find within one of tlie common little Vrniis f/iillina. — (They have given it some new name now, and no tlianks to tlicm : they arc always clianging the names, those closet col- lectors, instead of studying the live animals where Nature has put thcra, in wliich cjisc they G8 GLAUCUS ; OK, would have no time for word-inventing. And we verily suspect that the names grow, like other things ; at least, they get longer and longer and more jaw-breaking every year.) The little bivalve, however, finding itself left by the tide, has wisely shut up its siphons, and, by means of its foot and its edges, buried itself in a comfort- able bath of cool wet sand, till the sea shall come back, and make it safe to crawl and lounge about on the surface, smoking the sea-water instead of tobacco. Neither is that lump what we seek. Touch it, and out poke a pair of astonished and inquiring horns and a little sharp muzzle : it is a long-armed crab, who saw us coming, and wisely shovelled himself into the sand by means of his nether-end. Neither is that ; though it might be the hole down which what we seek has van- ished : but that burrow contains one of the long white razors which you saw cast on shore at Paignton. The boys close by are boring for them with iron rods armed with a screw, and taking them in to sell in Torquay market, as excellent food. But there is one, at last ! — a gray disc pouting up through the sand. Touch it, and it is gone down, quick as light. We must dig it out, and carefully, for it is a delicate monster. At last, THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 69 after ten minutes' careful work, we have brought up, from a foot depth or more — what ? A thick, dirty, slimy worm, without head or tail, form or color. A slug has more artistic beauty about liira. Be it so. At home in the aquarium, (where, alas ! he will live but for a day or two, under the new irritation of light,) he will make a very different figure. That is one of the rarest of British sea-animals. Actinia chrt/saiithellum, though really he is no Actinia,* and his value consists, not merely in his beauty, (though that is not small,) but in his belonging to what the long-word-makers call an "interosculant" group, — a party of genera and species which connect families scientifically far apart, filling up a fresh link in the great chain, or rather the great net- work, of zoological classification. And here we have a simple, and, as it were, crude form; of which, if we dared to indulge in reveries, we might say, that the Divine Word realized it before either sea-anemonc9 or holothurians, and then went on to perfect the idea contained in it in two different directions ; dividing.' it into two different families, and making on its model, by adding new organs, and taking away old onc.«, in one direction the ♦ Now " rcnchin," of Jlr. Go»sc. 70 GLAUCUS ; OR, whole family oi Actinia;, (sea-anemones,) and in a quite opposite one the Holothurice, those strange sea-cucumbers, with their mouth-fringe of feath- ery gills, of which you shall see some anon. Not (understand well) that there has been any '• tx-ansmutation " or " development of species," (of individuals, as it ought honestly to be called, if the notion iS intended to represent a supposed fact,) — a theory as unsupported by experiment and induction, as it is by a priori reason : but that there has been, in the Creative Mind, as it gave life to new species, a development of the idea on which older species were created, in order that every mesh of the great net might gradually be supplied, and there should be no gaps in the perfect variety of Nature's forms. This development is the only one of which we can conceive, if we allow that a Mind presides over the universe, and not a mere brute neces- sity, a Law (absurd misnomer) without a Law- giver ; and to it (strangely enough coinciding here and there with the Platonic doctrine of Eter- nal Ideas existing in the Divine Mind) all fresh inductive discovery seems to point more and more ; and especially Professor Owen's invaluable tracts on the Homology of the Vertebrate Skeleton. THE -WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 71 Let US speak freely a few words on this im- portant matter. Geology has disproved the old popular belief that the universe was brought into being as it now exists, by a single fiat. We know that the work has been gradual ; that the earth " In tracts of fluent heat began, The seeming prey of cyclic storms, The home of seeming random forms. Till, at the last, arose the man." And we know, also, that these forms, seeming random as they are, have appeared according to a law, which, as far as we can judge, has been only the whole one of progress, — lower animals (though we cannot say the lowest) appearing first, and man, the highest mammal, "the roof and crown of things," one of the latest in the series. "NVc liavc no more right, let it be ob- served, to say that man, the highest, appeared last, than that the lowest appeared first, l^oth may have been tlic case ; but there is utterly no proof of cither ; and as we know that species of animals lower llian those which already existed appeared again and again during tlie various eras, so it is ciuite possible that they may be appearing now, and may appear hereafter : and 72 GLAUCUS ; OR, that for every extinct Dodo or Moa a new species may be created, to keep up the equilibrium of the whole. This is but a surmise : but it may be wise, perhaps, just now, to confess boldly, even to insist on, its possibility, lest the advocates of the " Vestiges of Creation " theory should claim the notion as making for them, and fancy, from our unwillingness to allow it, that there would be aught in it, if proved, contrary to Christianity. Let us, therefore, say boldly, that there has been a " progress of species," and that there may be again, in the true sense of that term : but say, as boldly, that the Transmutation theory is not one of a progress of species at all, which would be a change in the idea of the species, taking place in the Divine Mind, — in plain words, the creation of a new species. "What the Transmutationists really mean, if they would express themselves clearly, or carefully analyze their own notions, is a physical and actual change, not of species, but of individuals, of already existing living beings created according to one idea, into other living beings created according to another idea. And of this, in spite of the apparent change of species in the marvellous metamorphoses of lower animals. Nature has as yet given us no instance among THE "WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 73 all the facts which have been observed ; and there is, therefore, an almost infinite inductive probability against it. As far as we know yet, though all the dreams of the Transmutationists are outdone by the transformations of many a polype, yet the species remain as permanent and strongly marked as in the highest mammal. Such progress as experimental science actually shows us, is quite awful and beautiful enough to keep us our lives long in wonder ; but it is one which perfectly agrees with, and may be perfectly ex- plained by, the simple old belief, which the Bible sets before us, of a Living God: not a mere past ^vill, such as the Koran sets forth, creating once and for all, and then leaving the universe, to use Goethe's simile, " to spin round his finger " ; nor again, an " all-pervading spirit," words which are mere contradictory jargon, concealing, from those who utter them, blank IMatcrialism : but One who works in all things which have obeyed Ilim to will and to do of His good plciusure, keeping Ili.s abysmal and self-perfect purpose, yet altering the methods by which that purpose is ftttjiincd, from a-on to jron, ay, from moment to moment, for ever various, yet for ever the same. This great and yet most blessed paradox 74 GLAUCUS ; OR, of the Changeless God, who yet can say, " It repenteth me," and, " Behold, I work a new thing on the earth," is revealed no less by nature than by Scripture ; the changeableness, not of caprice or imperfection, but of an Infinite Maker and " Poietes," drawing ever fresh forms out of the inexhaustible treasury of the primeval mind ; and yet never throwing away a conception to which He has once given actual birth in time and space, but (to compare reverently small things and great) lovingly repeating it, reapplying it ; pro- ducing the same effects by endlessly different methods ; or so delicately modifying the method that, as by the turn of a hair, it shall produce endlessly diverse effects ; looking back, as it were, ever and anon over the great work of all the ages, to retouch it, and fill up each chasm in the scheme, which for some good purpose had been left open in earlier worlds ; or leaving some open (the forms, for instance, necessary to con- nect the bimana and the quadrumana) to be filled up perhaps hereafter when the world needs them ; the handiwork, in short, of a living and loving Mind, perfect in His own eternity, but stooping to work in time and space, and there rejoicing Himself in the work of His own hands, THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 75 and in His eternal Sabbaths ceasing in rest in- effable, that He may look on that which He hath made, and behold it is very good. "We speak, of course, under correction ; for this conclusion is emphatically matter of induc- tion, and must be verified or modified by ever- fresh facts : but we meet Avith many a Christian passage in scientific books, which seems to us to go, not too far, but rather not far enough, in asserting the God of the Bible, as Saint Paul says, " not to have left Himself without wit- ness," in nature itself, that He is the God of grace. Why speak of tlie God of nature and tlic God of grace as two antitlietical terras ? The IJiblc never, in a single instance, makes the distinction ; juid, surely, if God be (as He is) the Eternal and Unchangeable One, .ind if (as wc all confess) the universe bears the impress of Ili.s signet, we have no right, in the present infan- tile state of science, to put arljitrary limits of our own to tlic revelation whicli Ho may Iiave thought good to make of Himself in nature. Nay, ratlier, let us believe that, if our eyes were opened, wc should fulfil tlie n(|uiremcnt of Genius, to " see tlie universal in tlic particular," by seeing God's uhol(; likenc'-;, Ili-s wboln glory, reflected as in a 76 GLAUCUS ; OR, mirror even in the meanest flower ; and that nothing but the dulness of our own sinful souls prevents them from seeing day and night in all things, however small or trivial to human eclec- ticism, the Lord Jesus Christ himself fulfilling his own saying, "My Father workcth hitherto, and I work." And therefore, when we meet with such an excellent passage as this : * — " Thus it is that Nature advances step by step, gradually bringing out, through successive stages of being, new organs and new faculties ; and leaving, as she moves along, at every step, some animals which rise no higher, as if to serve for landmarks of her progress through all succeeding time. And this it is which makes the study of comparative anatomy so fascinating. Not that I mean to favor a theory of * development,^ which would obliterate all idea of species, by suppos- ing that the more compound animal forms were developments of their simple ancestors. For such an hypothesis. Nature gives us no evidence : but she gives us, through all her domains, the most beautiful and diversified proofs of an ad- herence to a settled order, by which new com- * Harvey's Sea-side Book, p. 166. TUE "NVOKDERS OF THE SHORE. 77 binations are continually brought out. In this order, the lowest grades of being have certain characters, above which they do not rise, but propagate beings as simple as themselves. Above them are others which, passing through stages in their infancy equal to the adult condition of those below them, acquire, when at maturity, a perfection of organs peculiarly their own. Oth- ers again rise above these, and their structures become gradually compound ; till, at last, it may be said that the simpler animals represent, as in a glass, the scattered organs of the higher races." When we read such a passage as this, and confess, as we must, its truth, we cannot help sigliing over certain expressions in it, which t, and end with the highest, but compen- sating and balancing the lower with the bi'dier 78 GLAUCUS ; OR, in each successive stage of our planet? This last is what the Professor really means, we doubt not: but then, would that he had said boldly, that "God," and not "Nature," is the agent. So would he have raised at once the whole matter from the ground of destiny to that of will, from the material and logical ground to the moral and spir- itual, from time and space into ever-present eter- nity. To us it seems (to sum up, in a few words, what we have tried to say) that such development and progress as have as yet been actually discov- ered in nature, have been proved, especially by Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Hugh Miller, to bear every trace of having been produced by succes- sive acts of thought and will in some personal mind ; which, however boundlessly rich and pow- erful, is still the Archetype of the human mind; and therefore (for to this we boldly confess we have been all along tending) probably capable, without violence to its properties, of becoming, like the human mind, incarnate. This progress, then, in the Divine works, though tending ever to perfection in the very highest sense, need not be always forward and upward, according to the laws of comparative anatomy. It is possible, therefore, on the one TUE AVONDERS OF THE SHORE. 79 hand, that the idea of the Chrj'santhcllum, and its congeners Scolanthus and Chirodota, has been developed downwards into the far lower Actinia, as well as upwards into the higher Holothurians ; just as the idea of a fish was first realized in the liiglicst type of that class, and not, as has been too hastily supposed, in the lowest ; for it is now discovered that the sharks, the earliest of fish, are really higher, not lower, in the scale of creation, than those salmons and perches which we from liabit consider the archetypes and lords of the fin- ny tribes. And it is equally possible that all our dream (though right in many another case, as in that of the .shark just quoted) is here altogether wrong, and that these Chrysanthella are merely meant to fill up, for the sake of logical perfection, the space between the rooted Polypes and the free Eciiinoderms. Be this as it may, there is mother, and more human, source of interest il>out this quaint animal who is wriggling him- self clean in the glass jar of f^alt water ; for he is one of the many curiosities which have been adfled to our fauna by that humble hero, Mr. Charles Peach, the self-taught naturalist of Corn- wall, of whom, as we walk on toward the rocks, -omcthing should be said, or rather read ; for 80 GLAUCUS ; OR, Mr. Chambers, in an often quoted passage from his Edinburgh Journal, which we must have the pleasure of quoting once again, has told the story better than we can tell it : — " But who is that little intelligent-looking man in a faded naval uniform, who is so invariably to be seen in a particular central seat in this section ? That, gentle reader, is perhaps one of the most interesting men who attend the British Association. He is only a private in the mount- ed guard (preventive service) at an obscure part of the Cornwall coast, with four shillings a day, and a wife and nine children, most of whose education he has himself to conduct. He never tastes the luxuries which are so common in the middle ranks of life, and even amongst a large portion of the working-classes. He has to mend with his own hands every sort of thing that can break or wear in his house. Yet Mr. Peach is a votary of Natural History ; not a student of the science in books, for he cannot afford books ; but an investigator by sea and shore, a collector of zoophytes and echinodermata, strange creatures, many of which are as yet hardly known to man. These he collects, preserves, and describes ; and every year does he come up to the British Asso- THE ■\V0NDER3 OF THE SUOllE. 81 elation with a few novelties of this kind, accom- panied by illustrative papers and drawings : thus, under circumstances the very opposite of those of such men as Lord Enniskillen, adding, in like manner, to the general stock of knowledge. On the present occasion he is unusually elated, for he has made the discovery of a llolothuria with twenty tentacula, a species of the echino- dcrniata which Professor Forbes, in his book on Star-Fishes, has said was never yet oteerved in the British seas. It may be of small moment to you, who, mayhap, know nothing of Ilolothurias : but it is a considerable thing to the Fauna of Britain, and a vast matter to a poor private of the Cornwall mounted guard. And accordingly he will go home in a few days, full of the glory of his exhibition, and strung anew by the kind notice taken of him by tlic masters of the science to similar inquiries, dillicult as it may be to prosecute them under such a complication of duties, professional and domestic. But lie li;is still another subject of congratulation, for Dr. Carpenter lias kindly given biin a microscope, wlicrcwith to observe the structure of his favorite animals, an instrument for which he has sighed for many years in vain. Honest 6 82 GLAUCUS ; OR, Peacli ! humble as is thy home, and simple thy bearing, thou art an honor even to this assem- blage of nobles and doctors: nay, more, when we consider everything, thou art an honor to human nature itself; for where is the heroism like that of virtuous, intelligent, independent poverty ? And such heroism is thine!" — Cham- bers's Edinh. Journ., Nov. 23, 1844. INIr. Peach is now, we are glad to say, reward- ed in part for his long labors in the cause of science, by having been removed to a more lucrative post on the north coast of England ; the earnest, it is to be hoped, of still further promotion. But here we are at the old bank of boulders, the ruins of an antique pier which the monks of Tor Abbey built for their convenience, while Torquay was but a knot of fishing huts within a lonely limestone cove. To get to it, though, we have passed many a hidden treasure ; for every ledge of these flat New-red-sandstone- rocks, if torn up with the crowbar, discloses in its cracks and crannies nests of strange forms which shun the light of day ; beautiful Actinia; fill the tiny caverns Avith living flowers ; great Pholades bore by hundreds in the softer strata ; THE W0XDER3 OF THE SHORE. 83 and wherever a tbin layer of muddy sand inter- venes between two slabs, long Annelid worms of quaintest forms and colors have their hori- zontal burrows, among those of that curious and rare radiate animal, the Spoonworm,* an eyeless bag about an inch long, half bluish-gray, half pink, with a strange scalloped and wrinkled pro- boscis of saffron color, which serves, in some mysterious way, soft as it is, to collect food, and clear its dark passage through the rock. See, at the extreme low-water mark, where the broad olive fronds of the Laminarioa, like fan-palms, droop and wave gracefully in the retiring ripples, a great boulder which will serve our purpose. Its upper side is a whole forest of sea-weeds, large and small ; and that forest, if you examined it closely, as full of inhabitants as those of the Amazon or the Gambia. To "beat" that dense cover would be aii endless task ; but on the under side, wliere no sea-weeds grow, wc shall find full in view enough to occupy us till the tide returns. For the slab, sec, is such a one as sea-beasts love to haunt. Its weed-covered surface shows that the surge has ♦ Thalassema Nepluni (Forbcs's British Star-Fislies, p. 259). 84 GLAUCUS ; OR, not shifted it for years past. It lies on other boulders clear of sand and mud, so that there is no fear of dead sea-weed having lodged and de- cayed under it, destructive to animal life. "We can see dark crannies and caves beneath ; yet too narrow to allow the surge to wash in, and keep the surface clean. It will be a fine mena- gerie of Nereus, if we can but turn it. Now, the crowbar is well under it ; heave, and with a will ; and so, after five minutes' tugging, propping, slipping, and splashing, the boulder gradually tips over, and we rush gi'cedily upon the spoil. A muddy dripping surface it is, truly, full of cracks and hollows, uninviting enough at first sight: let us look it round leisurely, to see if there are not materials enough there for an hour's lecture. The first object which strikes the eye is prob- ably a group of milk-white slugs, from two to six inches long, cuddling snugly together. You try to pull them off, and find that they give you some trouble, such a firm hold have the delicate white sucking arms, which fringe each of their five edges. You see at the head nothing but a yellow dimple ; for eating and breathing are THE -SVONDERS OP THE SHORE. 85 suspended till the return of tide : but once set- tled in a jar of salt water, each will protrude a large chocolate-colored head, tipped with a ring of ten feathery gills, looking very much like a head of " curled kale," but of the loveliest white and primrose ; in the centre whereof lies perdu a mouth with sturdy teeth, — if indeed they, as well as the whole inside of the worthy fellow, Iiave not been lately got rid of, and what you see be not a mere bag, without intestine or other organ : but only for the time being. For hear it, worn-out epicures, and old Indians who be- moan your livers, this little Ilolothuria knows a secret which, if he could tell it, you would be glad to buy of him for thousands sterling. To him blue-pill and muriatic acid are superfluous, and travels to German Brunnen a waste of time. Happy Ilolothuria! who possesses really that secret of everlasting youth, which ancient fable bestowed on tlic serpent and the eagle. For when liis teeth ache, or his digestive organs trouble him, all he has to do is just to cast up forthwith his entire inside, and fuisunt mniyre for a month or so, grow a fresh set, and (hen eat away as merrily as ever. Ilis name, if you wish to consult so triumphant a liygeist, is Cncnmaria 86 GLAUCUS ; OR, Hyndmanni, named after Mr. Hyndmann of Bel- fast, his first discoverer : but he has many a stout cousin round the Scotch coast, who knows the antibilious panacea as well as he, and submits, among the Northern fishermen, to the rather rude and undeserved name of sea-puddings ; one of which grows in Shetland to the enormous length of three feet, rivalling there his huge congeners, who display their exquisite plumes oji every tropic coral reef. Next, what are those bright little buds, like salmon-colored Banksia roses half expanded, sitting closely on the stone ? Touch them ; the soft part is retracted, and the orange flower of flesh is transformed into a pale pink flower of stone. That is the Madrepore, Caryophyllia Smithii, one of our south coast rarities ; and see, on the lip of the last one, which we have care- fully scooped ofi* with the chisel, two little pink towers of stone, delicately striated ; drop them into this small bottle of sea-water, and from the top of each tower issues every half second — what shall we call it? — a hand or a net of finest hairs, clutching at something invisible to our grosser sense. That is the Pyrgoma, parasitic only (as far as we know) on the lip of this same rare THE "WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 87 Madrepore ; a little '• cirrliipod," the cousin of those tiny barnacles which roughen every rock, and of those larger ones also "who burrow in the thick hide of the whale, and, borne about upon his mighty sides, throw out their tiny casting- nets, as this Pyrgoma does, to catch every passing animalcule, and sweep them into the jaws con- cealed within its shell. And this creature, rooted to one spot through life and death, was in its infancy a free swimming animal, hovering from place to place upon delicate cilia^, till, having sown its wild oats, it settled down in life, built itself a good stone house, and became a land- owner, or rather a ghhce adscnptiis, for ever and a day. IMysterious destiny ! — yet not so myste- rious as that of the free medusoid young of every polype and coral, whicli ends as a rooted tree of horn or stone, and seems to the eye of sensuous fanry to have literally degenerated into a vcgc- taltlo. Of them you must read for yourselves in Mr. Gossc's book ; in the mean wliilc he shall tell you something of the beautiful IMadreporcs themselves. His description,* by far the best yet published, sliould be road in full : wc must content ourselves with extracts. • A Xatumlist's Rambles on the Dcvonsliiro Const, p. 110. 88 GLAUCUS ; OR, " Doubtless you are familiar witli the stony skeleton of our Madrepore, as it appears in museums. It consists of a number of thin calcareous plates standing up edgewise, and ar- ranged in a radiating manner round a low cen- tre. A little below tlie margin, their individu- ality is lost in the deposition of rough calcareous matter. . . . The general form is more or less cylindrical, commonly wider at the top than just above the bottom. . . . This is but the skeleton ; and though it is a very pretty object, those who are acquainted with it alone can form but a very poor idea of the beauty of the living ani- mal. . . . Let it, after being torn from the rock, recover its equanimity ; then you will see a pellucid gelatinous flesh emerging from between the plates, and little exquisitely formed and colored tentacula, with white clubbed tips frin- ging the sides of the cup-shaped cavity in the centre, across which stretches the oval disc marked with a star of some rich and brilliant color, surrounding the central mouth, a slit with white crenated lips, like the orifice of one of those elegant cowry-shells which we put upon our mantelpieces. The mouth is always more or less prominent, and can be protruded and THE "WOXDERS OF THE SHORE. 89 expanded to an astonishing extent. The space surrounding the lips is commonly fawn-color, or rich chestnut-hrown ; the star or vandyked circle rich red, pale vermilion, and sometimes the most brilliant emerald green, as brilliant as the gorget of a humming-bird." And what does this exquisitely delicate crea- ture do with its pretty mouth ? Alas for fact ! It sips no honey-dew, or fruits from paradise. " I put a minute spider, as large as a pin's head, into the water, pushing it down to the coral. The instant it touched the tip of a ten- tacle, it adhered, and was drawn in with the surrounding tentacles between the plates. With a lens I saw the small mouth slowly open, and move over to that side, the hps gaping unsym- mctrically, while with a movement as imper- ceptible as that of the hour-hand of a watch, tlie tiny prey was carried along between the plates to the corner of the mouth. The mouth, however, moved most, and at h.-ngth reached the edges of the plates, gradually closed upon the insect, and then returned (o its usual place in the centre." Mr. Gesso next tried tlie fairy of the walking mouth witli a house-fly, who escaped only by 90 GLAUCUS ; OR, hard fighting; and at last the gentle creature, after swallowing and disgorging various large pieces of shell-fish, found viands to its taste in " the lean of cooked meat, and portions of earth- worms," filling up the intervals by a perpetual dessert of microscopic animalcules, whirled into that lovely avernus, its mouth, by the currents of the delicate cilia3 which clothe every tentacle. The fact is, that the Madrepore, like those glo- rious sea-anemones whose living flowers stud every pool, is by profession a scavenger, and a feeder on carrion ; and, being as useful as he is beautiful, really comes under the rule which he seems at first to break, that handsome is who handsome does. Another species of Madrepore* was discovered on our Devon coast by Mr. Gosse, more gaudy, though not so delicate in hue as our Caryo- phyllia ; three of which are at this moment pout- ing out their conical orange mouths and pointed golden tentacles in a vase on my table, at once grumbling and entreating for something to eat. Mr. Gosse's locality, for this and numberless other curiosities, is Ilfracombe, on the north coast of Devon. These last specimens came from * Balanophyllia regia, Coast of Devon, p. 399. THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 91 Lundy Island, in the mouth of the Bristol Chan- nel, or more properly from that curious " Eat Island" to the south of it, where still lingers the black long-tailed English rat, exterminated everywhere else by his sturdier brown cousin of the Hanoverian dynasty. Look, now, at these tiny saucers of the thin- nest ivory, the largest not bigger than a silver threepence, which contain in their centres a milk- white crust of stone, pierced, as you see under the magnifier, into a thousand cells, each with its living architect within. Here are two sorts ; in one the tubular cells radiate from the centre, giving it the appearance of a tiny compound flower, daisy or groundsel ; in the other they arc crossed with waving grooves, giving the whole a peculiar fretted look, even more l)cautiful than that of the former species. They are TuhuUpora patina and Tufjulipora Itlspida; — and stay, — break off that tiny rough red wart, and look at its cells also under tlie magnifier : it is Ccllcpura pnmicosa ; and now, with the IMadrepore you hold in your hand, tlie principal, at le.'ust the commonest, IJriti.-ih types of those famed coral insecU*, whicli in tlie tropics are the architects of continents, and the conciucrors of the ocean 92 GLAUCUS ; OR, surge. All the world, since the publication of Darwin's delightful " Voyage of the Beagle," and of Williams's " Missionary Enterprises," knows, or ought to know, enough about them : for those who do not, there are a few pages in the begin- ning of Dr. Landsborough's " British Zoophytes," well worth perusal. There are a few other true cellepore corals round the coast. The largest of all, Cervicornis, may be dredged a few miles outside on the Ex- mouth bank, with a few more Tubulipores ; but all tiny things, the lingering, and, as it were, expiring remnants of that great coral-world, which, through the abysmal depths of past ages, formed here in Britain our limestone hills, storing up for generations yet unborn the ma- terials of agriculture and architecture. Inex- pressibly interesting, even solemn, to those who will think, is the sight of these puny parasites, which, as it were, connect the ages and the zones : yet not so solemn and full of meaning as that tiny relic of an older world, the little pear- shaped Turbinolia, (cousin of the Madrepores and Sea-anemones,) found fossil in the Suffolk Crag, and yet still lingering here and there alive in the deep water off Scilly and the west coast THE AVOXDKRS OF THE SHORE. 93 of Ireland, possessor of a pedigree which dates, perhaps, from ages before the day in which it was said, " Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." To think that the whole human race, its joys and its sorrows, its virtues and its sins, its aspirations and its failures, has been rushing out of- eternity and into eternity again, as Arjoon in the Bhagavad Gita beheld the race of men, issuing from Kreeshna's flaming mouth, and swallowed up in it again, " as the crowds of insects swarm into the flame, as the homeless streams leap down into the ocean bed," in an everlasting heart-pulse whose blood is living souls. And all that while, and ages before that mystery began, that humble coral, unnoticed on the dark sea-floor, has been "continuing as it was at the beginning," and fulfilling " the law which cannot be broken," while races and dynas- ties and generations have been " Playing such fantastic tricks before high Heaven, As make the angels weep." Yes ; it is this vision of the awful permanence and perfection of the natural world, beside the wild flux and confusion, the mad struggles, the despairing cries, of that world of spirits which 94 GLAUCUS ; OR, man has defiled by sin, which would at moments crush the naturalist's heart, and make his brain swim with terror, were it not that he can see by faith, through all the abysses and the ages, not merely " Jlancls, From out the darkness, shaping man " ; but 'above them a living, loving countenance, human and yet divine ; and can hear a voice which said at first, " Let us make man in our image " ; and hath said since then, and says £ot ever and for ever, " Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." But now, friend, who listenest, perhaps in- structed, and at least amused, if, as Professor Harvey well says, the simpler animals represent, as in a glass, the scattered organs of the higher races, which of your organs is represented by that " sca'd man's head," which the Devon chil- dren more gracefully, yet with less adherence to plain likeness, call " mermaid's head," * which we picked up just now on Paignton Sands ? Or which, again, by its more beautiful little con- gencr,t five or six of which are adhering tightly to the slab before us, a ball covered with delicate * Ampliidoius cordatus. t Echinus miliaris. THE "SYOXDERS OF THE SHOUE. 95 spines of lilac and green, and stuck over (cunning fellows !) with strips of dead sea-weed to serve as improvised parasols ? One cannot say (though Oken and the Okenists might) that in him we have the first type of the human skull ; for the resemblance, quaint as it is, is only sensuous and accidental, (in the logical use of that term,) and not homological, /. c. a lower manifestation of the same idea. Yet how is one tempted to say, that this was Nature's first and lowest attempt at that use of hollow globes of mineral for pro- tecting soft fleshy parts, which she afterwards developed to such perfection in the skulls of vertebrate animals. But even that conceit, pretty as it sounds, will not hold good ; for thouprli Radiates similar to these were amoner the earliest tenants of the abyss, yet as early as their time, perhaps even before them, had been conceived and actualized, in the sharks, and in Mr. Hugh Miller's pels, the old red sandstone fishes, that very true vertebrate skull and brain, of which this is a mere mockery.* Here the whole animal, with liis extraordinary fccding-mill, (for neither teeth nor jaws is a fit word for it,) is * See Professor Sedgwick's liist edition of tlic Uiscourscs on the Studies of Cambridge. 96 GLAUCUS ; OR, inclosed within an ever-growing limestone castle, to the architecture of which the Eddystone and the Crystal Palace are bungUng heaps ; without arms or legs, eyes or ears, and yet capable, in spite of his perpetual imprisonment, of walking, feed- ing, and breeding, doubt it not, merrily enough. But this result has been attained at the expense of a complication of structure, which has baffled all human analysis and research into final causes. As much concerning this most miraculous of families as is needful to be known, and ten times more than is comprehended, may be read in Professor Harvey's Sea-Side Book, pp. 142-148, — pages from which you will probably arise with a dizzy sense of the infinity of nature, and a con- viction that The Creative Word, so far fi'om hav- ing commenced, as some fancy, with the simplest, and, as it were, easiest forms of life, took delight, as it were, in solving the most difficult and com- plicated problems first of all, with a certain divine prodigality of wisdom and of power ; and that before the mountains were brought forth, or ever the earth and the world was made, He was God from everlasting, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Conceive a Crystal Palace, (for mere difference in size, as both the naturalist THE "WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 97 and the metaphysician know, has nothing to do with the wonder,) whereof each separate joist, girder, and pane grows continually without alter- ing the shape of the whole ; and you have con- ceived only one of the miracles embodied in that little sea-egg, which The Divine Word has, as it were to justify to man His own immutability, furnished witli a shell capable of enduring fossil for countless ages, that we may confess Him to have been as great wlien first His spirit brooded on the deep, as He is now, and will be through all worlds to come. But we must make haste ; for the tide is rising fast, and our stone will be restored to its eleven hours' bath, long before wc have talked over half the wonders which it holds. Look though, ere you retreat, at one or two more. "What is that little brown fellow whom you have just taken off the rock to wliich he adhered so stoutly by his sucking-foot ? A limpet ? Not at all : he is of quite a difierent family and filructuro ; Ijut, on the whole, a limpet-like shell would suit him well cnougli, so he Iiad (inc given him : nevertheless, owing to certain anatomical peculiarities, he needed one aperture more than a limpet ; so one, if you will examine, has been 7 98 GLAUCUS ; Oil, given hiin at the top of his shell.* This is one instance among a thousand of the way in which a scientific knowledge of objects must not obey, but run counter to, the impressions of sense ; and of a custom in nature which makes this caution so necessary, namely, the repetition of the same form, slightly modified, in totally differ- ent animals, sometimes as if to avoid waste, (for why should not the same conception be used in two different cases, if it will suit in both ?) and sometimes, (more marvellous by far,) when an organ fully developed and useful in one species, appears in a cognate species, but feeble, useless, and, as it were, abortive ; and gradually, in species still farther removed, dies out altogether ; placed there, it would seem, at first sight, merely to keep up the family likeness. I am half jesting ; that cannot be the only reason, perhaps not the reason at all; but the fact is one of the most curious, and notorious also, in comparative anat- omy. Look, again, at those sea-slugs. One, some three inches long, of a bright lemon-yellow, clouded with purple ; another of a dingy gray ; t * Flssurdla f/rceca. t Doris iubcrculata and hilineata. TUE ■WOXDKKS OF THE SHORE. 99 another (exquisite little creature) of a pearly French white,* furred all over the back with what seem arms, but are really gills, of ringed white and gray and black. Put that yellow one into water, and from his head, above the eyes, arise two serrated horns, while from the after part of his back springs a circular Prince-of- "VTales's leather of gills, — they are almost exact- ly like those which we saw just now in the wliite Cucumaria. Yes ; here is another instance of that same custom of repetition. The Cucumaria is a low radiate animal, the sea-slug a far higher raoUusk ; and every organ within him is formed on a different type ; as indeed are those seeming- ly identical gills, if you comp to examine them under the microscope, having to oxygenate fluids of a very different and more complicated kind ; and, moreover, the Cucumorid's gills were put round his mouth ; the Doris's feathers round the other extremity ; that gray Eolis's, again, are simple clubs, scattered over his whole back, and in each of his nudibranch congeners these same gills take some new luid fantastic form ; in Me- libtra tliosc clubs arc covered with warts ; in Sryllaa, Avith tufted bouquets ; in the beautiful • /Jb/»* jHijnUosa. 100 GLAUCUS ; OR, Antiopa* tlicy are transparent bags; and in many other English species they take every con- ceivable form of leaf, tree, flower, and branch, bedecked with every color of the rainbow, as you may see them depicted in Messrs. Alder and Hancock's unrivalled Monograph on the Nudibranch MoUusca. And now, worshipper of final causes and the mere useful in Nature, answer but one ques- tion,— Why this prodigal variety? All these Nudibranchs live in much the same way: why would not the same mould have done for them all ? And why, again, (for we must push the argument a little further,) why have not all the butterflies, at least all v/ho feed on the same plant, the same markings ? Of all unfathomable triumphs of design, (we can only express our- selves thus, for honest induction, as Paley so well teaches, allows us to ascribe such results only to the design of some personal will and mind,) what surpasses that by which the scales on a butterfly's wing are arranged to produce a certain pattern of artistic beauty beyond all painter's skill ? What a waste of power, on any utilitarian theory of nature ! And once more ; why are those * Gossc's "Naturalist in Devon/' p. 325. THE WOXDERS OF THE SHORE. 101 strange microscopic atomies, the Diaiomacece and Infusoria, v/liicli fill every stagnant pool, -nhich fringe ever)- branch of sea-weed, which form banks hundreds of miles long on the Arctic sea- floor, and the strata of whole moorlands, which perv-ade in millions the mass of every iceberg, and float aloft in countless swarms amid the clouds of the volciinic dust, — why are their tiny shells of flint as fantastically various in their quaint mathe- matical symmetry, as they are countless beyond the wildest dreams of the Pantheist ? Mystery inexplicable on all theories of evolution by neces- sary laws, as well as on the conceited notion which, making man forsooth the centre of the universe, dares to believe that variety of forms has existed for countless ages in abysmal sea- depths and untrodden forests, only that some few individuals of the western races might, in these Litter days, at last discover and admire a comer here and there of the boundless realms of beauty. Inexjdieable, truly, if man be the cen- tre and the object of their existence ; exi)licable cnougli to liim who believes that God has created all tilings for Himself, and rejoices in His own haiifliwork, and that the material universe is, as the wise man says, " A platform whereon Ilis 102 GL.VUCUS ; OR, eternal Spirit sports and makes melody." Of all the blessings which the study of nature brings to the patient observer, let none, perhaps, be classed higher than this ; — that the further he enters into those fairy gardens of life and birth, which Spenser saw and described in bis great poem, the more he learns the awful and yet most comfortable truth, that they do not belong to him, but to one greater, wiser, lovelier than he ; and as he stands, silent with awe, amid the pomj) of nature's ever-busy rest, hears, as of old, " The Word of the Lord God walking among the trees of the garden in the cool of the day." One sight more, and we have done. We had something to say, had time permitted, on the lu- dicrous element which appears here and there in nature. There are animals, like monkeys and crabs, which seem made to be laughed at ; by those at least who possess that most indefinable of faculties, the sense of the ridiculous. As long as man possesses muscles especially formed to enable him to laugh, we have no right to sup- pose (with some) that laughter is an accident of our fallen nature ; or to find (with others) the primary cause of the ridiculous in the perception of unfitness or disharmony. And yet we shrink THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 103 (whether rightly or wrongly, we can hardly tell) from attributincT a sense of the ludicrous to the Creator of these forms. It may be a weakness on our part ; at least we will hope it is a reverent one ^ but till we can find something corresponding to what we conceive of the Divine Mind in any class of phenomena, it is perhaps better not to talk aljout them at all, but observe a stoic " epoche," waiting for more light, and yet confess- ing that our own laughter is uncontrollable, and therefore we hope not unworthy of us, at many a strange creature and strange doing which we meet, from the highest ape to the lowest polype. But, in the mean while, there are animals in which results so strange, fantastic, even seemingly horrible, arc produced, that fallen man may be jiardoncd, if he shrinks from them in disgust. That, at least, must be a consequence of our own wrong fitatc; for everything is beautiful and perfect in its place. It may be answered, " Yes, in its place ; but its place is not yours. You had no business to look at it, and must pay the penalty for intermfdilling." I doubt that nn.Mwer ; for surely, if m:ui have liberty to do anything, he Jian liberty to Bonrch out freely his Heavenly Fatlier's works; and yet every one 104 GLAUCUS ; OR, seems to have his antipathic animal ; and I know one bred from his childhood to zoology by land and sea, and bold in asserting, and honest in feeling, that all without exception is beautiful, who yet cannot, after handling and petting and admiring all day long every uncouth and venomous beast, avoid a paroxysm of horror at the sight of the common house-spider. At all events, whether we were intruding or not, in turning this stone, we must pay a fine for having done so; for there lies an animal as foul and monstrous to the eye as " hydra, gorgon, or chimtcra dire," and yet so wondrously fitted to its work, that we must needs endure for our own instruction to handle and to look at it. Its name I know not, (though it lurks here under every stone,) and should be glad to know. It seems some very " low " Ascarid or Planarian worm. You see it ? That black, shiny, knotted lump among the gravel, small enough to be taken up in a dessert-spoon. Look now, as it is raised and its coils drawn out. Three feet — six — nine, at least : with a capability of seemingly endless expansion ; a slimy tape of living caoutchouc, some eighth of an inch in diameter, a dark chocolate-black, with paler longitudinal lines. TUE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 105 Is it alive ? It hangs helpless and motionless, a mere velvet string across the hand. Ask the neighboring Annelids and the fry of the rock fishes, or put it into a vase at home, and see. It lies motionless, trailing itself among the gravel ; you cannot tell where it begins or ends ; it may be a dead strip of sea-weed, TlimanthaUa lorea perhaps, or Chorda Jilum ; or even a tarred string. So thinks the httle fish who plays over and over it, till he touches at last what is too surely a head. In an instant a bell-shaped sucker mouth has fastened to his side. In an- other instant, from one lip, a concave double proboscis, just like a tapir's, (another instance of the repetition of forms,) has clasped him like a finger ; and now begins the struggle : but in vain. He is being "played" with such a fi.shing- line as the skill of a "NVil.son or a Stoddart never could invent ; a living line, with elasticity beyond that of the most delicate lly-rod, Avhich foUov.'s every lunge, shortening and lengthening, slipping anrcaks the surface, we can already sec some bright-hued and active creatures in its capacious bag. A wide board, resting on two thwart?, serves for a table, and on this — a few of the more delicate things, that ajjpear at a glance, havinjr been first taken out — the whole contents are poured. Tlie empty dredge is returned to the 124 GLAUcus ; ou, deep for another haul, while we set eagerly to work with fingers and eyes on the heap before us. " "What a pleasure it is to examine a tolerably prolific dredge-haul! I am not going to enu- merate all the things that we found; it would make a pretty long list. Numbers of rough stones, and of old worm-eaten shells, half a bro- ken bottle, and other strange matters, were there, — every one, however rude, worthy of close ex- amination, because studded with elegant zoo- phytes, the tubes of serpulas and other anneUdse, bright-colored pellucid ascidians, graceful nudi- branch molluscae, the spawn of fishes, and end- less other things. Brittle-stars, by scores, were twining their long spiny arms, like lizard's tails, among the tangled mass, arrayed in the most varied and most gorgeous hues of all varieties of kaleidoscope patterns, (see plate IV.,) * and sand- stars not a few. The latter are much more deli- cate in constitution than the former, being very difficult to keep alive, and also much more brit- tle ; the former, notwithstanding their English name, I have not found so particularly fragile. Among other members of this wonderful class of animals, we obtained, in the course of our * Gosse's " Aquarium." THE -WONDERS OF THE SHOKE. 125 day's work, several of that fine but common one, the twelve-rayed sun-star (Solaster papposa), a showy creature, dressed in rich scarlet livery, some eight inches in diameter. Two or three of a species usually counted rare also occurred, the bird's foot {Palmipes memhranaceus), more curious, and equally beautiful. (See plate III.) It resembles a pentagonal piece of thin leather, with the angles a little produced, and regularly pointed. The central part of this disc is scarlet, and a double line of scarlet proceeds from this to each angle, while the whole is margined by a nar- row band of the same gorgeous hue. The remain- der of the surface is of a pale yellow or cream color, and covered, in the most elegant manner, with tufts of minute spines, arranged in lines which cross each other, lozenge-fashioned, near the middle of the disc, and run parallel to each other, at riglit angles to the margin, between the points. " Not less attractive wiis another star-fish, the Kycd Cribclla {('ribella ocnlata). It consists of five finger-like rays, tapering to a blunt point, and cleft nearly to the centre, the consistence .stiflly fleshy, or almost eartilaginous. 'J'lie hue of both disc and rays, or the superior surface, is a fine ro.-iy purine. (See plate III.) 126 GLAUCUS ; OK, " All these arc very attractive occupants of an aquarium. They are active and restless, though slow in movement, continually crawling about the rocks, and round the sides of the tank, by a gliding motion produced by the attachment and shifting of hundreds of sucker feet, which ai'C protruded at will through minute pores in the calcareous integument. Their showy colors are exhibited to advantage on the dark rocks, around the projections and angles of which they wind their flexible bodies, now and then turning back a ray, from which the pellucid suckers are seen stretching and sprawling ; and as they mount the glass, not only can their hues be admired, but the exquisite structure of their spines, and the mechanism of their suckers, can be studied at leisure. " Every haul of the dredge brought up several univalve shells, tenanted, not by their original constructors and proprietors, but by their busy intruder, the soldier crab {Pagurus). Several species of this curious creature occurred. . . . I shall only just allude to the beautiful cloak anemone (Adamsia palliata), and several other species of this charming family. Long- legged spider crabs, of the genera Stenorynchus, THE AVONDEKS OF THE SHORE. 127 Inaclius, cScc, were abundant, sprawling tlieir slender limbs, like bristles, to an unconscionable distance, tempting us to think that, if we had legs like these, we might cover the ground in a style that would put to shame the old giant- slayer's seven-league boots. " But, as I have said, time and space would fail me if I were to attempt an enumeration of all the objects of interest that were brought to view in the course of a good day's dredging. Mollusca, both naked and shelled, both univalve and bivalve, and crabs, prawns, and shrimps, worms, sponges, sea-weeds, all presented claims to notice, and all contributed representatives to ray stock, in the successive emptyings of the dredge ; for we worked pretty nearly all the way home. And when we came to bring on shore the bottles, jars, pans, pails, and tubs, we found them all well tenanted with strange creatures, the greater part of which were despatched on their way to London by the same evening mail train." — Gusscs Arjuariiim, jjp. 55, 58, 59, G3. But if you cannot afTord the expense of your own dredge and boat, and the time and trouble necessary to follow the occupation scientifically, yet every trawk-r and oyster boat will afford you 128 GLAUCUS ; OR, a tolerable satisfaction. Go on board one of these ; and while the trawl is down, spend a pleasant hour or two in talking with the simple, honest, sturdy fellows who work it, from whom (if you are as fortunate as we have been for many a year past) you may get many a moving story of danger and sorrow, as well as many a shrewd practical maxim, and often, too, a living recognition of God, and the providence of God, which will send you home, perhaps, a wiser and more genial man. And when the trawl is hauled, wait till the fish are counted out, and packed away, and then kneel down and inspect (in a pair of Mackintosh leggings, and your oldest coat) the crawling heap of shells and zoophytes which remains behind about the decks, and you will find, if a landsman, enough to occupy you for a week to come. Nay, even if it be too calm for trawHng, condescend to go out in a coble, and help to haul some honest fellow's deep-sea lines and lobster-pots, and you will find more and stranger things about them than even fish or lobsters : though they, to him who has eyes to see, are strange enough. We speak from experience ; for it was but the other day that, in the north of Devon, we found THE -VVOXDEnS OF THE SHORE. 129 sermons, not indeed in stones, but in a creatiu'e reputed among the most worthless of sea-vermin. I had been lounging about all the morning on the little pier, waiting, with the rest of the village, for a trawling breeze which would not come. Two o'clock was past, and still the red mainsails of the skiffs hung motionless, and their images quivered head downwards in the glassy swell, "As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean." It Avas neap-tide, too, and therefore nothing could be done among the rocks. So, in despair, findino- an old coast-guard friend starting for his lobster- pots, I determined to save the old man's arms, by rowing liim up tlie sliore ; and then paddled home- ward again, under tliu Iiigh green northern Mall. five hundred feet of cliff furred (u the water's edge with rich oak woods, against wliose base the smooth Atlantic swell died whi.spering, as if curling itself up to sleep at last witliin that sheltered nook, tired with ils weary wanderinf's. The sun sank lower atid hnver behind the deer- park point ; the white stair of houses up the glen was wrapt every moment deeper and deeper in hazy smoke and .shade, as the light faded; 9 loO GLAUCUS ; OK, the evening fires were lighted one by one ; the soft murmur of the water-fall, and the pleasant laugh of children, and the splash of homeward oars, came clearer and clearer to the eaV at every stroke : and as we rowed on, arose the recollec- tion of many a brave and wise friend, whose lot was cast in no such western paradise, but rather in the infernos of this sinful earth, toiling even then amid the festering alleys of Bcrmondsey and Bethnal Green, to palliate death and misery which they had vainly labored to prevent, watching the strides of that very cholera which they had been striving for years to ward off, now re-admitted in spite of all their warnings, by the carelessness, and laziness, and greed of sinful man. And as I thought over the whole hapless question of sanatory reform, proved long since a moral duty to God and man, possible, easy, even pecuniarily profitable, and yet left undone, there seemed a sublime irony, most humbling to man, in some of Nature's processes, and in the silent and unobtrusive perfection with which she has been taught to anticipate, since the founda- tion of the world, some of the loftiest discoveries of modern science, of which we are too apt to boast as if we had created the method by dis- THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 131 covering its possibility. Created it? Alas for the pride of human genius, and the autotheism which would make man the measure of all things, ^ and the centre of the universe ! All the inval- uable laws and methods of sanatory reform at best are but clumsy imitations of the unseen wonders which every animalcule and leaf have \ been working since the world's foundation, with this slight difference between them and us, that they fulfil their appointed task, and we do not. The sickly geranium which spreads its blanched leaves against the cellar panes, and peers up, as if imploringly, to the narrow slip of sunlight at the top of the narrow alley, had it a voice, could tell more truly than ever a doctor in the town, why little Uessy sickened of the scarlatina, and little Johnny of the hooping-cough, till the tod- dling wee thing.-i who used to pet and water it were carried ofT each and all of them one by one to the churchyard sleep, while the father and mother sat at home, trj'ing to sujjply by gm tliat very vital energy which fresh air and pure water, and the balmy br<'ath of woods and heaths, were made by God to give ; and how the little geranium did its best, likg a heaven-sent angel, to right the wrong which man's ignorance 132 GLArcus ; or, had begotten, and drank in, day by day, the poisoned atmosphere, and formed it into iiiir green leaves, and breathed into the children's faces from every pore, whenever they bent over it, the life-giving oxygen for "which their dulled blood and festered lungs were craving in vain ; fulfilling God's will itself, though man would not, too careless or too covetous to see, after six thousand years of boasted progress, why God had covered the earth with grass, herb, and tree, a living and life-giving garment of perpetual health and youth. It is too sad to think long about, lest wc become very Ileraclituses. Let us take the other side of the matter with Democritus, try to laugh man out of a little of his boastful ignorance and self-satisfied clumsiness, and tell him, that if the House of Commons would but summon one of the little Paramecia from any Thames sewer-mouth, to give his evidence before their next Cholera Committee, sanatory blue- books, invaluable as they are, would be super- seded for ever and a day, and Sir William Molesworth would no longer have to confess, as he did last year, that he knew of no means of stopping the smells which were driving the THE 'VVOXDERS OF THE SHOKE. 133 members out of the House, and the judges out of "Westminster Hall. Xay, in the boat at the minute of which I have been speaking, silent and neglected, sat a fellow- passenger, who was a greater adept at removing nuisances than the whole Board of Health put together ; and who had done his work, too, with a cheapness unparalleled; for all his good deeds had not as yet cost the state one penny. True, he lived by his business; so do other inspectors of nuisances.: but nature, instead of paying Maia Squinado, Esquire, some five hundred pounds sterling per annum for his labor, had contrived, with a sublime simplicity of economy which Mr. Hume might have envied and admired afar off, to make him do his work gratis, by giving him the nuisances as his perquisites, and teaching him liow to eat them. Certainly, (without going the length of the Curibs, who uphold Cannibalism be- (^ause, they say, it makes war cheap, and precludes entirely the need of a commissariat,) this cardinal virtue of cheapness ought to make Squinado an interesting object in the eyes of the present generation, especially as he was at that moment ji true sanatory martyr, having, like many of his human fellow-workers, got into a fearful scrape 134 GLAUCUS ; OR, by meddling with those existing interests, and " vested rights which are but vested wrongs," which have proved fatal already to more than one Board of Health. For last night, as he was sit- ting quietly under a stone in four fathoms water, he became aware (whether by sight, smell, or that mysterious sixth sense, to us unknown, which seems to reside in his delicate feelers) of a pal- pable nuisance somewhere in the neighborhood ; and, like a trusty servant of the public, turned out of his bed instantly, and went in search ; till he discovered, hanging among what he judged to be the stems of tangle (Latninaria), three or four large pieces of stale thornback, of most evil savor, and highly prejudicial to the purity of the sea, and the health of the neighboring hei'rings. Happy Squinado ! He needed not to discover the limits of his author- ity, to consult any lengthy Nuisances' Removal Act, with its clauses, and counter-clauses, and exceptions, and explanations of interpretations, and interpretations of explanations. Nature, who can afford to be arbitrary, because she is perfect, and to give her servants irrespon- sible powers, because she has trained them to their work, had bestowed on him and on hi.^ THE -WONDERS OF THE SHORE. loO forefathers, as general health inspectors, those very summary powers of entrance and removal in the watery realms, for which common sense, public opinion, and private philanthropy are still entreating vainly in the terrestrial realms ; so finding a hole, in he went, and began to remove the nuisance, without " waiting twenty-four hours," " laying an information," " serving a notice," or any other vain delay. The evil was there, — and there it should not stay ; so, having neither cart nor barrow, he just began putting it into his stomach, and in the mean while set his assistants to work likewise. For suppose not, gentle reader, that Squinado went alone ; in his train were more than a hundred thousand as good as he, each in liis ofTice, and as cheaply paid ; who needed no cumbrous baggage-train of force-pumps, hose, chloride of lime packets, wliite- wash, pails or brusljcs, but were every man hi? own instrument ; and, to .save expense of transit, just grew on Squinado's back. Do yon doubt the assertion ? Then lift him up hitlier, and, putting him gently into that shallow jar of salt- water, look at liim through the hand-magnifier, and sec how nature is mnj-ima in minimis. There he sit.-J, twiddling his feelers (a substi- 136 GLAUCUS ; OR, tute, it seems, with Crustacea for biting their nails when they are puzzled), and by no means lovely to look on in vulgar eyes ; — about the bigness of a man's fist ; a round-bodied, spindle-shanked, crusty, prickly, dirty fellow, with a villanous squint, too, in those little bony eyes, which never look for a moment both the same way. Never mind : many a man of genius is ungainly enough ; and nature, if you will observe, as if to make up to him for his uncomehness, has arrayed him as Solomon in all his glory never was arrayed, and so fulfilled one of the few rational proposals of old Fourier, that scavengers, chimney-sweeps, and other workers in disgusting employments, should be rewarded for their self-sacrifice in be- half of the public weal by some peculiar badge of honor, or laurel crown. Not that his crown, like those of the old Greek games, is a mere use- less badge ; on the contrary, his robe of state is composed of his fellow-servants. His whole back is covered with a little gray forest of branching hairs, fine as the spider's web, each branchlet carrying its little pearly ringed club, each club its rose-crowned polype, like (to quote Mr. Gosse's comparison) the unexpanded buds of the acacia.* * Coryne ramosa. THE AVOXDERS OF THE SHORE. 137 On that leg grows, amid anotbei- copse of the gray polypes, a delicate straw-colored Sertularia, branch on branch of tiny double combs, each tooth of the comb being a tube containing a living flower ; on another leg another Sertularia, coarser, but still beautiful ; and round it again has trained itself, parasitic on the parasite, plant upon plant of glass ivy, bearing crystal bells,* each of which, too, protrudes its living flower ; on another leg is a fresh species, like a little heather- bush of whitest ivory ,t and every needle leaf a polype cell — let us stop before the imagination grows dizzy witli the contemplation of those myriads of beautiful atomies. And what is their use ? Each living flower, each polype mouth is feeding fast, sweeping into itself, by the perpetual currents caused by the delicate fringes upon its rays, (so minute these last, that tlieir motion only betrays their presence,) each tiniest atom of decaying matter in the surrounding water, to convert it, by Fome wondrous alchemy, into fresh cells and buds, and rillier build up a fresli branch in their thousand-tenanted tree, or form an egg- cell, from whence, when ripe, may issue, not a fixed zoophyte, but a free swimming animal. * Ciiwiiniuhirid ln'.rt/r(t. t Ciiiidin dinmcu. 138 GLAUCUS ; OR, And in the mean while, among this animal forest, grows a vegetable one of delicatest sea- weeds, green and brown and crimson, whose office is, by their everlasting breath, to reoxy- genate the impure water, and render it fit once more to be breathed by the higher animals who swim or creep around. Mystery of mysteries ! Let us jest no more, — Heaven forgive us if we have jested too much on so simple a matter as that poor spider-crab, taken out of the lobster-pots, and left to die at the bottom of the boat, because his more aristo- cratic cousins of the blue and purple armor will not enter the trap while he is within. I am not aware whether the surmise, that these tiny zoophytes help to purify the water by exhaling oxygen gas, has yet been verified. The infusorial animalcules do so, reversing the functions of animal life, and instead of evolving carbonic acid gas, as other animals do, evolve pure oxygen. So, at least, says Liebig, who states that he found a small piece of matchwood, just extinguished, burst out again into a flame on being immersed in the bubbles given out by these living atomies. I myself should be inclined to doubt that THE ■WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 139 this is the case with zoophytes, having found water in which they were growing (unless, of course, sea-weeds were present) to be peculiarly ready to become foul : but it is difficult to say whether this is owing to their deoxygenating the water while alive, like other animals, or to the fact that it is very rare to get a specimen of zoophyte in which a large number of the polypes Iiave not been killed in the transit home, or at least so far knocked about, that (in the Anthozoa, which are far the most abundant) the polype — or rather living mouth, for it is little more — is thrown off to decay, pending the growth of a fresh one in the same cell. But all tlie sea-weeds, in common with other vegetables, perform this function continually, and thus maintain the water in which they grew in a state fit to support animal life. Tliis fact, first advanced by Priestley and Ingenliousz, and, though doubted by the great Kliis, satisfactorily ascertained by Professor Daubcny, Mr. Ward, Dr. Johnston, and INIr. Warington, gives an answer to the (jucstion, which I hope has ere now arisen in the minds of some of my readers. How is it possible to sec these wonders at liO GLAUCLS ; OK, home ? Beautiful and instructive as they may be, can they be meant for any but dwellers by the sea-side ? Nay more, even to them must not the glories of the water-world be always more momentary than those of the rainbow, a mere Fata Morgana which breaks up and vanishes before the eyes ? If there were but some method of making a miniature sea-world for a few days ; much more of keeping one with us when far inland. This desideratum has at last been filled up ; and science has shown, as usual, that by simply obeying Nature we may conquer her, even so far as to have our miniature sea, of artificial salt- water, filled with living plants and sea-weeds, maintaining each other in perfect health, and each following, as far as is possible in a confined space, its natural habits. To Dr. Johnston is due, as far as is known, the honor of the first accomplishment of this as of a hundred other zoological triumphs. As early as 1842, he proved to himself the vegetable nature of the common pink coralUne, which fringes every rock-pool, by keeping it for eight weeks in unchanged salt-water, without any putrefaction ensuing. The ground, of course, on which the proof rested in this case was, that THE "WOXDEHS OF THE SHORE. 141 if the coralline were, as had often been thought, a zoophyte, the water would become corrupt, and poisonous to the life of the small animals in the same jar ; and that its remaining fresh argued that the coralline had reoxygenated it from time to time, and was therefore a vegetable. In 1850, Mr. Robert Warington communicated to the Chemical Society the result of a year's experiments, " On the Adjustment of the Re- lations between the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, by which the vital Functions of both are permanently maintained." The law which his experiments verified was the same as that on which ;Mr. "Ward, in 1842, founded his invaluable proposal for increasing the purity of the air in large towns, by planting trees, and cultivating flowers in rooms, that the animal and vegetable respirations might counterbalance each other ; the aniinal'.-i blood being [)urifif'd by the oxygen given off by the plants, the plants fed by the carbonic acid breathed out by the animals. On the same principle, Mr. "Waringlon first kfi)t for many niontlis, in a vase of unchanged water, two small gold-fi.^h and a plant of Vallis- nerin .spiralis ; ami two years afterwards began a similar experiment with i^ea-water, weeds, and 142 GLAUCUS ; OR, anemones, wliich were, at last, as successful as the former ones. Mr, Gosse had, in the mean while, with tolerable success, begun a similar method, unaware of what Mr. Warington had done ; and now the beautiful and curious exhib- ition of fresh and salt-water tanks, opened last year in the Zoological Gardens in London, bids fair to be copied in every similar institution, and we hope in many private houses, throughout the kingdoms. To this subject Mr. Gosse's last book, " The Aquarium," is principally devoted, though it contains, besides, sketches of coast scenery, in his usual charming style, and descriptions of rare sea-animals, with wise and godly reflections thereon. One great object of interest in the book is the last chapter, which treats fully of the making and stocking these salt-water "Aquaria " ; and the various beautifully colored plates, which are, as it were, sketches from the interior of tanks, are well fitted to excite the desire of all readers to possess such gorgeous living pictures, if as nothing else, still as drawing-room ornaments, flower-gardens which never wither, fairy lakes of perpetual calm which no storm blackens, — oi/T iv dfpei, ovT eV onaprj. THE ■SVOKDEKS OF THE SHOUE. 143 Those who have never seen one of them can never imagine (and neither Mr. Gosse's pencil nor our clumsy words can ever describe to them) the gorgeous coloring and the grace and delicacy of form which these subaqueous landscapes ex- hibit. As for coloring, — the only bit of color which I can remember even faintly resembling them, (for though Correggio's Magdalene may rival them in greens and blues, yet even he has no such crimsons and purples,) is the Adoration of the Shepherds, by that " prince of colorists," Palma Vecchio, which hangs on the left-hand side of Lord Ellcsmcre's great gallery. But as for the forms, — where shall we see their like ? Where, amid miniature forests as fantastic as those of the tropics, animals whose shapes outvie the wildest dreams of the old German ghost-painters which cover tlie walls of the galleries of Brussels or Antwerp ? And yet the uncouthest has some (juaint beauty of its own, wliilc most — the star- fishes and anemones, for example — are nothing but beauty. Tlie Ijrilliant plates in Mr. Gosse's " Aquarium " give, after all, but a meagi'c picture of the reality, as it may be seen either in his study, or in the tank-house; at tlur 144 GLAUCUS ; OK, Zoological Gardens ; and as it may be ^^cen also by an}^ one who will follow carefully the directions given at the end of his book, stock a glass vase with such common things as he may find in an hour's search at low tide, and so have an opportunity of seeing how truly Mr. Gosse says, in his valuable preface, that — " The habits " (and he might well have added, the marvellous beauty) " of animals will never be thoroughly known till they are observed in detail. Nor is it sufficient to mark them with attention now and then ; they must be closely watched, their various actions carefully noted, their behavior under different circumstances, and especially those movements which seem to us mere vagaries, undirected by any suggestible motive or cause, well examined. A rich fruit of result, often new and curious and unexpected, will, I am sure, reward any one who studies living animals in this way. The most interest- ing parts, by far, of published Natural History are those minute, but graphic particulars, which have been gathered up by an attentive watching of individual animals." Mr. Gosse's own books, certainly, give proof THE "WOXDEKS OF THE SHORE. 145 enough of this. We need only direct the reader to his exquisitely humorous account of" the ways and -works of a captive soldier-crab,* to show them how much there is to be seen, and how full nature is also of that ludicrous element of which we spoke above. And, indeed, it is in this form of Natural History : not in mere classi- fication, and the finding out of names, and quar- rellings as to the iirst discovery of that beetle or this butter-cup, — too common, alas ! among mere closet-collectors, — " endless genealogies," to apply St. Paul's words by no means irreverently or fancifully, "which do but gender strife"; — not in these pedantries is that moral training to be found, for Avhich we have been lauding the study of Natural History: but in healthful walks and voyages out of doors, and in careful and patient watching of the living animals and plants at home, with an observaticjn sliarpened by practice, and a temper calmed by the continual practice of the naturalist's first virtues, — i)ntience and perseverance. Practical directions for forming an " Aqua- rium " may be found in Mr. Gosse's book bear- ing that name, at pp. 101, 255, ct scq. ; and * Aqunrium, p. 103. 10 14C GLAUCUS ; OR, those who wish to carry out the notion thor- oughly cannot do better than buy his book, and take their choice of the many different forms of vase, with rockwork, fountains, and other pretty devices which he describes. But the many, even if they have Mr. Gosse's book, will be rather inchned to begin with a small attempt ; especially as they are probably half sceptical of the possibility of keeping sea-animals inland without changing the water. A few simple directions, therefore, will not come amiss here. They shall be such as any one can put into practice, who goes down to stay in a lodging-house at the most cockney of watering- places. Buy at any glass-shop a cylindrical glass jar, some six inches in diameter and ten high, which will cost you from three to four shillings ; wash it clean, and fill it with clean salt-water, dipped out of any pool among the rocks, only looking first to see that there is no dead fish or other evil matter in the said pool, and that no stream from the land runs into it. If you choose to take the trouble to dip up the water over a boat's side, so much the better. So much for your vase ; now to stock it. THE -WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 147 Go down at low spring-tide to the nearest ledge of rocks, and with a hammer and chisel chip off a few pieces of stone covered with grow- ing sea-weed. Avoid the common and coarser kinds (fuci) which cover the surface of rocks ; for they give out under water a slime which will foul your tank ; but choose the more delicate species which fringe the edges of every pool at low water mark ; the pink coralline, the dark purple ragged dulse (lihodi/menia), the Carrageen moss {Chondnis), and, above all, the commonest of all, the delicate green Ulva, which you will see growing everywhere in wrinkled fan-shaped sheets, as thin as the finest silver-paper. The smallest bits of stone are sufficient, provided the sea-weeds have hold of them ; for they have no real roots, but adhere by a small disc, deriving no nourishment from the rock, but only from the water. Take care, meanwhile, tliat there be as little as possible on the stone beside the weed itself. Especially scrape off any small sponges, and see that no worms have made their twining tubes of sand among the wccd-stcms ; if they have, drag them out; for they will surely die, and as surely sj)oil all by sulphuretted hydrogen, blackness, and evil smells. 148 GLAUCUS ; OR, Put your weeds into your tank, and settle them at the bottom ; which last some say should be covered with a layer of pebbles : but let the beginner leave it as bare as possible; for the pebbles only tempt cross-grained annelids to crawl under them, die, and spoil all by decaying : whereas if the bottom of the vase is bare, you can see a sickly or dead inhabitant at once, and take him out (which you must do) instantly. Let your weeds stand quietly in the vase a day or two before you put in any live animals ; and even then, do not put any in if the water does not appear perfectly clear : but lift out the weeds, and renew the water ere you replace them. Now for the live stock. Lx the crannies of every rock you will find sea-anemones (Actinia;) ; and a dozen of these only will be enough to convert your little vase into the most brilliant of living flower-gardens. There they hang upon the under side of the ledges, apparently mere rounded lumps of jelly : one is of a dark purple dotted with green ; another of a rich chocolate ; another of a delicate ohve ; another sienna- yellow ; another all but white. Take them from their rock ; you can do it easily by slipping under them your finger-nail, or the edge of a THE -SVONDERS OF THE SHORE. 149 pewter spoon. Take care to tear the sucking base as little as possible (though a small rent they will dam for themselves in a few days, easily enough), and drop them into a basket of wet sea-weed ; when you get home, turn them into a dish full of water and leave them for the night, and go to look at them to-morrow. What a change ! The dull lumps of jelly have taken root and flowered during the night, and your dish is filled from side to side with a bouquet of chrysanthemums ; each has expanded into a hundred-petalled flower, crimson, pink, purple, or orange ; touch one, and it shrinks together like a sensitive plant, disjilaying at the root of the petals a ring of brilliant turquoise beads. That is the commonest of all the Actiniai {Mesemhnjantheiniim) ; you may have him when and where you will : but if you will search those rocks somewhat closer, you will find even more gorgeous species than him. See in that pool some dozen noble ones, in full bloom, and rpiitc six inches across, some of them. If their cousins whom wo found just now were like chrysanthemums, these are like quilled dahliius. Tiicir arms are stouter and shorter in proportion than tlio,=r- of the last species, but 150 GLAUCUS ; OR, their color is equally brilliant. One is a bril- liant blood-red ; another a delicate sea-blue, striped with pink ; but most have the disc and the innumerable arms striped and ringed with various shades of gray and brown. Shall we get them? By all means, if we can. Touch one. Wliere is he now ? Gone ? Vanished into ah", or into stone? Not quite. You see that knot of sand and broken shell lying on the rock, where your dahlia was one moment ago. Touch it, and you will find it leathery and clastic. That is all which remains of the live dahlia. Never mind ; get your finger into the crack under him, work him gently but firmly out, and take him home, and he will be as happy and as gorgeous as ever to-morrow. Let your Actiniae stand for a day or two in the dish, and then, picking out the liveliest and handsomest, detach them once more from their hold, drop them into your vase, right them with a bit of stick, so that the sucking base is downwards, and leave them to themselves thenceforth. These two species (Jilesemhryanthemum and Crassicornis) are quite beautiful enough to give a beginner amusement : but there are two others THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 151 which are not uncommon, and of such exceeding loveliness, that it is worth while to take a little trouble to get them. The one is Bellis, the sea- daisy, of which there is an excellent description and plates in Mr. Gosse's " Rambles in Devon," pp. 24 - 32. It is common at Ilfracombe, and at Torquay ; and indeed everywhere where there are cracks and small holes in limestone or slate rock. In these holes it fixes its base, and expands its delicate brown-gray star-like flowers on the surface : but it must be chipped out with hammer and chisel, at the expense of much dirt and patience ; for the moment it is touched it contracts deep into tlie rock, and all that is left of the daisy flower, some two or three inches across, is a blue knot of half the size of a marble. IJut it will cx[)and again, after a day or two of ca[)tivity, and well repay all the trouble which it has cost. The other is JJianthns ; which you may find adhering to fresh oysters in any dredger or trawler's skiff, a lengthened mass of olive, pale rose, or snow-wliitc jelly. The rose and the white are the more beautiful ; the very maiden fiuccns of all the beautiful tribe. If you find 152 GLAUCUS ; OR, one, clear the shell on Avliich it grows of every- thing else (you may leave the oyster inside if you "vvill), and watch it expand under water into a furbelowed flower, furred with innumerable delicate tentacula ; * and in the centre, a mouth of the most brilliant orange ; altogether one of the loveliest gems, in the opinion of him who writes, with which it has pleased God to bedeck his lower world. But you will want more than these anemones, both for your own amusement and for the health of your tank. Microscopic animals will breed, and will also die ; and you need for them some such scavenger as our poor friend Squinado, to whom you were introduced a few pages back. Turn, then, a few stones which lie piled on each other at extreme low-water mark, and five minutes' search will give you the very animal you want, — a little crab, of a dingy russet above, and on the underside like smooth porcelain. His back is quite flat, and so are his large angular fringed claws, which, when he folds them up, lie in the same plane with his shell, and fit neatly into its edges. Compact little rogue that he is, made especially for sideling in and out of cracks * Sec Gosse's Afjuarium, Plate V. p. 192. THE ATONDERS OF THE SHORE. 153 and crannies, he carries with him such an apparatus of combs and brushes as Isidor or Floris never dreamed of; Avith which he sweeps out of the sea-water at every moment shoals of minute animalcules, and sucks them into his tiny- mouth. Mr. Gosse will tell you more of this marvel, in his Aquarium, p. 48. lisext, your sea-weeds, if they thrive as they ought to do, will sow their minute spores in millions around them ; and these, as they vege- tate, will form a green film on the inside of the glass, spoiling your prospect ; you may rub it off for yourself, if you will, with a rag fastened to a stick, but if you wish at once to save yourself trouble, and to see how all emergencies in nature are provided for, you will set three or four live shells to do it for you, and to keep your sub- aqueous lawn close mown. That last word is no figure of speech. Look among the beds of sea-weed for a few of the bright yellow or green sea-snails (Nerita), or Conical Tops {Trorhns), especially (hat beautiful pink one spotted willi brown (Zizip/iinus), which you are sure to find about s-baded rock- ledges at dead low tide, and put tliem into your aquarium. For the present, they will only 154 GLAUCUS ; OR, nibble the green ulva?, but when the fihn of young weed begins to foi'm, you will see it mown off every morning as fast as it grows, in little semicircular sweeps, just as if a fairy's scythe had been at work during the night. And a scythe has been at work ; none other than the tongue of the little shell-fish ; a descrip- tion of its extraordinary mechanism (too long to quote here, but which is well worth reading) may be found in Gosse's Aquarium.* A prawn or two, and a few minute star-fish, will make your aquarium complete ; though you may add to it endlessly, as one glance at the salt-water tanks of the Zoological Gardens and the strange and beautiful forms which they con- tain will prove to you sufficiently. You have two more enemies to guard against ; dust and heat. If the surface of the water be- comes clogged with dust, the communication be- tween it and the life-giving oxygen of the air is cut off; and then your animals are liable to die, for the very same reason that fish die in a pond which is long frozen over, unless a hole be broken in the ice to admit the air. You must guard against this by occasional stirring of the sur- *P. 34. THE TrONDERS OF THE SHORE. 155 face, (it should be done once a day, if possible,) and by keeping on a cover. A piece of muslin tied over will do ; but a better defence is a plate of glass, raised on wire some half inch above the edge, so as to admit the air. I am not sure that a sheet of brown paper laid over the vase is not the best of all, because that by its shade also guards against the next evil, which is heat. Against that you must guard by putting a curtain of muslin or oiled paper between the vase and the sun, if it be very fierce, or simply (for simple expedients are best) by laying a handkerchief over it till the heat is past. But if you leave your vase in a sunny window long enough to let the water get tepid, all is over with your pets. Half an hour's boil- ing may frustrate the care of weeks. And yet, on the other liand, light you must have, and you can hardly have too much. Some animals certainly prefer shade, and hide in the darkest crannies ; and for them, if your aquarium is large enough, you must provide shade, by ar- ranging the bits of stone into piles and caverns. But without light, your sea-weeds will neither thrive, nor keep the water sweet. With plenty of light you will sec, to quote Mr. Gosse once 156 GLAUCUS ; OR, more,* " thousands of tiny globules foi-ming on every plant, and even all over the stones, where the infant vegetation is beginning to grow ; and these globules presently rise in rapid succession to the surface all over the vessel, and this pro- cess goes on uninterruptedly as long as the rays of the sun are uninterrupted. " Now these globules consist of pure oxygen, given out by the plants under the stimulus of light ; and to this oxygen the animals in the tank owe their life. The difference between the profusion of oxygen-bubbles produced on a sunny day, and the paucity of those seen on a dark, cloudy day, or in a northern aspect, is very marked." Choose, therefore, a south or east window, but draw down the blind, or throw a handkerchief over all if the heat become fierce. The water should always feel cold to your hand, let the temperature outside be what it may. Next, you must make up for evaporation by fresh water. A very little will suffice, as often as in summer you find the water in your vase sink below its original level, and prevent the water from getting too salt. For the salts, remember, do not evaporate with the water, and if you left * P. 259. THE WOKDERS OF THE SHORE. 157 the vase in the sun for a lew weeks, it would become a mere brine-pan. But how will you move your treasures up to town ? The simplest plan which I have found success- ful is an earthen jar. You may buy them with a cover which screws on with two iron clasps. If you do not find such, a piece of oilskin tied over the mouth is enough. But do not fill the jar full of water ; leave about a quarter of the contents in empty air, which the water may absorb, and so keep itself fresh. And any pieces of stone, or oysters, Avhich you send up, hang by a string from the mouth, that they may not hurt tender animals by rolling about the bottom. "With these simple precautions, anything which you are likely to find will well endure forty-eight hours of travel. "What if the water fails after all ? Then Mr. Gossc's artificial sea-water will form a perfect substitute. You may buy the rc(iuisitc salts (for there are more salts than " salt " in sea- water) from any chemist to whom ]\Ir. Gossc has intrusted his discovery, and, according (o his di- rections, make sea-water fi)r yourself.* * Mr. W. r.olfon, Chemist, yf HO Ilulboni Bnm, London, will furnish the materials. 158 GLAUCUS ; OR, One more hint before we part. If, after all, you are not going down to the sea-side this year, and have no ojiportunities of testing the " won- ders of the shore," you may still study Natural History in your own drawing-room, by looking a little into " the wonders of the pond." I am not jesting ; a fresh-water aquarium, though by no means as beautiful as a salt- water one, is even more easily established. A glass jar, floored with two or tliree inches of pond-mud (which should be covered with fine gravel to prevent the mud washing up) ; a specimen of each of two water-plants which you may buy now at any good shop in Covent Garden, ValUsneria spiralis (which is said to give to the canvas-backed duck of America its peculiar richness of flavor), and Anacharis alsinastrum, that magical weed which, lately introduced from Canada among timber, has multiplied, self-sown, to so prodigious an extent, that it bids fair in a few years to choke the navigation not only of our canals and fen-rivers, but of the Thames itself: — these (in themselves, from the transparency of their circulation, in- teresting microscopic objects) for oxygen-breed- ing vegetables ; and for animals, the pickings of THE -WOXDERS OF THE SHORE. 159 any pond. A minnow or tAvo ; an eft ; some of those caddis-baits (walking tubes of straw, sticks, and shells) and water-crickets, which you may find under any stone ; a few of the dehcate pond- snails (unless they devour your Vallisneria too rapidly) ; water-beetles, of activity inconceivable ; and that wondrous bug, the Notonecta, who lies on his back all day, rowing about his boat- shaped body, with one long pair of oars, in search of animalcules, and, tlie moment the lights are out, turns head over heels, rights himself, and, opening a pair of handsome wings, starts to fly about the dark room in company with his friend the water-beetle, and (I suspect) catch flies, and then slips back demurely into the water with the first streak of dawn ; — these animals, their Iiabits, their miraculous transformations, as the caddis-baits appear at the top of the water as alder-flics and sedge-flics {Plmjgancai) and the water-crickets as duns and drakes {Ephemera') of the most delicate beauty, might give many an hour's quiet amusement to an invalid, laid on a sofa, or im[)risone(l in a sick-room, and debarred from reading, unless by some such means, any page of tliat great green book outside, whose pen is the finger of fJod, whose covers arc the 160 GLAUCUS ; OR, lire kingdoms and the star kingdoms, and its leaves the heather-bells, and the polypes of the sea, and the gnats above the summer stream. And, now, how can this desultory little treatise end more usefully than in recommending a few books on Natural History, fit for the use of young people ? Not that this list will contain all the best; but simply the best of which the ^vriter knows ; let, therefore, none feel aggrieved, if, as it may chance, opening these pages, they find their books omitted. First and foremost, certainly, come Mr. Gosse's books. There is a playful and genial spirit in them, a brilliant power of word-painting, com- bined with deep and earnest religious feeling, which makes them as morally valuable as they are intellectually interesting. Since White's " History of Selborne," few or no writers on Natural History, save Mr. Gosse and poor Mr. E. Forbes, have had the power of bringing out the human side of science, and giving to seem- ingly dry disquisitions and animals of the lowest type, by little touches of pathos and humor, that living and personal interest, to bestow which is generally the special function of the poet : not that Waterton and Jesse are not excellent in THE WONDERS OF THE SHORE. IGl this respect, and authors who should be in every boy's library : but they are rather anecdotists than systematic or scientific inquirers ; AvhUe Mr. Gosse, in his " Naturalist on the Shores of Devon," his " Tour in Jamaica," and his " Cana- dian Naturalist," has done for those three places what White did for Selborne, with all the improved appliances of a science which has widened and deepened tenfold since White's time. Miss Anne Pratt's " Things of the Sea-coast " is excellent ; and still better is Professor Harvey's " Sea-side Book," of which it is impossible to speak too highly ; and most pleasant it is to see a man of genius and learning thus gathering the bloom of his varied knowledge, to put it into a form equally suited to a child and to a savant. Seldom, perhap?, has tlierc been a little book in which so vast a quantity of facts lias been com- pressed into so small a space, and yet told so gracefully, simply, without a taint of pedantry or cumbrousncss, — an excellence which is the sure and only mark of a pei-fcct mastery of the subject. Two little "Popular" Histories, one of Brit- ish Zoiiphytcs, the other of British Sea-weeds, by 102 GLAUCUS ; OR, Dr. Landsborougli (lately dead of cholera, at Saltcoats, the scene of his energetic and pious ministry), are very excellent ; and are furnished, too, with well-drawn and colored plates, for the comfort of those to whom a scientific nomencla- ture (as liable as any other human thing to be faulty and obscure) conveys but a vague concep- tion of the objects. These may serve well for the beginner, as introductions to Professor Har- vey's large work on the British Alga;, and to the new edition of Professor Johnston's invaluable -' British Zoophytes." For general Zoology the best books for begin- ners are, perhaps, as an introduction to comjiara- tivc anatomy, Professor Rymer Jones's " Animal Kingdom " ; and for systematic Zoology, Mr. Gosse's four little books, on Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes, published, with many plates, by the Christian Knowledge Society, at a mar- vellously cheap rate. For microscopic animal- cules, Miss Agnes Catlow's " Drops of Water " will teach the young more than they will ever remember, and serve as a good introduction to those teeming abysses of the unseen world, wliich must be afterwards traversed under the guidance of Ilassall and Ehrenberg. THE "WONDERS OF THE SHORE. 163 For Ornithology, there is no book, after all, like dear old Bewick, passe though he may be in a scientific point of view. There is a good little British Ornithology, too, published in Sir W. Jardine's " Naturalist's Library," and another by Mr. Gosse. And Mr. Knox's " Ornithological Rambles in Sussex," with Mr. St. John's " High- land Sports " and " Tour in Sutherlandshire," are the monographs of naturalists, gentlemen, and sportsmen, which remind one at every page (and what higher praise can one give ?) of "White's "Ilistorj- of Selborne." These last, with Mr. Gosse's " Canadian Naturalist," and his little book, "The Ocean," not forgetting Dar- win's delightful " Voyage of the Beagle and Adventure," ought to be in the hands of every lad who is likely to travel to our colonies. For general Geology, Professor Anstcy's Intro- duction is excellent ; while, as a specimen of the way in which a single district may be thor- ouglily worked out, and tlie universal method of induction learnt from a narrow field of object.*, what book can, or perhaps ever will, compare with Mr. Hugh Miller's •* Old Red Sandstone " ? 1C4 GLAucrs ; or, For this last reason, I especially recommend to the young the Rev. C. A. Johns's " Week at the Lizard," as teaching a young person how much tliere is to be seen and known within a few square miles of the British Isles. But, indeed, all Mr. Johns's books are good, (as they are bound to be, considering his most accurate and varied knowledge,) especially his " Flowers of the Field," the best cheap intx'oduction to systematic botany which has as yet appeared. Trained, and all but self-trained, like Mr. Hugh Miller, in a remote and narrow field of observation, Mr. Johns has developed himself into one of our most acute and persevering botanists, and has added many a new treasure to the Flora of these isles ; and one person, at least, owes him a deep debt of gratitude for first lessons in scientific accuracy and patience, — lessons taught, not dully and dryly at the book and desk, but livingly and genially, in adven- turous rambles over the bleak cliffs and ferny woods of the wild Atlantic shore, — " Where the old fable of the guarded mount Looks toward Namancos and Bayona's hold." And so I end this little book, hoping, even praying, that it may encourage a few more THE WOXDERS OF THE SUORE. 165 laborers to go forth into a vineyard, which those who have toiled in it know to be full of ever- fresh health, and wonder, and simple joy, and the presence and the glory of Ilim whose name is Love. THE END. 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