GLEANINGS FROM THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE ANCIENTS. BY THE Eev. W. HOUGHTON, M.A., F.L.S. ILLUSTRATED. Cassell, Petter, Galpin LONDON, PARIS & NEW YORK. [all rights reserved.] & Co.. ®0 SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., M.r., F.R.B , F.L.S., ETC. ETC. WHOSE VARIED ATTAINMENTS AND HIGH SCIENTIFIC CULTURE ARE SO WIDELY KNOWN AND APPRECIATED, 3E Btfricatc THIS WORK. LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS. PAGE thoth, lord OF letters {Egyptian) ... 14 sitting in judgment {Egyptian) 15 BABOONS CONVEYING A WICKED SOUL IN THE FORM OF A pig back to earth {Egyptian) ... 16 apes [Egyptian) 18 ELEPHANT and monkeys, tribute of the muzri {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 dogs {Egyptian) 27 mastiff {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 clay model of hunting dog {Assyrian) ... ... ... 35 greyhounds in chase {Assyrian) 37 A fowler {Egyptian) 42 car drawn by oxen {Egyptian) ... ... ... ... 57 branding cattle {Egyptian) 59 oxen {Assyrian) 60 car drawn by oxen {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... 61 sheep and goats {Assyrian) 69 fishermen {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... ... ... 74 BLACK obelisk {Assyrian) 78 war horses {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... ... 87 king's chariot {Assyrian) 88 asses {Egyptian) ... ... ... ... ... ... 93 mule {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... ... ... 102 judgment scene {Egyptian) ... ... ... ... ... 108 geese {Egyptian) ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 hare and birds {Assyrian) ... ... ... ... ... 137 horseman surprised by A lion {Assyrian) 160 MAN attacking A lion {Assyrian) 162 hunting wild bulls {Assyrian) 174 MAN WITH OSTRICH AND GAZELLE {Egyptian) ... ... 196 netting fish {Egyptian) 222 HEMICHROMIS 223 6CARAB.2EUS {Egyptian) 244 GLEANINGS FROM THE Natural History of the Ancients. PART L DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. The title of these lectures will, I hope, sufficiently explain their scope and nature. I call them Gleanings, because it is not at all my intention to enter into so large a field as the Natural History of the Ancients considered as a whole. Such a work, even were I competent to deal with it, would require not a few lectures only, but a whole encyclopaedic volume, were an attempt made to give, even in abridgment, anything like a just conception of what should be comprised in so wide a term as the Natural History of B 2 Natural History of the Ancients. the Ancients. My task is a much lighter one. I will ask you to accompany me into some of these ancient Natural History fields, and to listen to me while I gather up, now from one quarter, now from another, some ears of corn that lie scattered before me — mere gleanings picked up almost at random, but still gleanings which will, I hope, be able to afford you some pleasure and in- struction. It is always interesting to know something of the thoughts, feelings, opinions and customs of people who lived in ages long since past; it is profitable also to ourselves, lest we, living in an age of great intellectual activity and marvellous scientific discoveries, should be inclined to despise in any way the honest endeavours and well-intended labours of bygone genera- tions. Let me now define the limits within which, speaking generally, I wish to confine myself in these lectures. It is not my in- tention to bring before }^our notice anything Domesticated Animals. 3 relating to plants concerning which ancient writers have discoursed. I shall keep entirely to the animals — the zoological, not the botani- cal department of Natural History. Then, again, I must explain what I mean by the use of the term " Ancients." Clearly, the word admits of a very wide application. We know that ancient people existed in many parts of the world ages ago, whose implements have been frequently, and remains occasionally, found imbedded in the soil, together with the remains of animals, some of which are now extinct. These ancient inhabitants have left us no written records, but we must not therefore conclude that they have left us altogether in the dark as to their habits and customs, The various kitchen -middens in different parts of Europe tell us often a most interesting story; flint implements, inter- mingled with split bones of animals of various kinds, and with different sorts of shells, as oysters, cockles, muscles, &c, testify to the existence of men of a remote date, and inform b 2 4 Natural History of the Ancients. us what animals they used as food, how they killed them, and how they extracted the marrow from their bones. Clearly, therefore, these inhabitants of a long distant past would come, in the literal sense of the word, under the category of " Ancients." But of these pre-historic ancients, and of the animals known to them, I do not propose to speak, except- ing incidentally or by way of illustration. Excluding these, therefore, I shall confine my remarks to some of the animals known to the early inhabitants of Egypt, Palestine, Assyria, Greece, and Eome, from the oldest historic period down to about the middle of the third century of the Christian era. From these fields I propose to glean and to bind together a few zoological sheaves. Let us first ask what are the sources of our information ? They are principally these four: — I. Natural History; II. Literary His- tory • III. Figures of animals on monuments, coins, gems, &c. ; IV. Names of animals. I. Natural History makes us acquainted Domesticated Animal*. 5 with the remains of animals found in pile- dwellings and kitchen-middens, which we know to have been associated with man; or with animal remains, simply buried in earth or peat, for instance, not necessarily associated with man. The value of the information derived from these four sources varies according to the nature of the evidence supplied in each case. Thus from Literary History we may get a better idea of an animal from a really good and full descrip- tion than we should get from a bad figure on a monument or coin ; and conversely, a bad figure ma)r be better evidence as to the identity of an animal than a bad description. So, again, evidence supplied unconsciously by pre -historic accounts may be more valuable to us than descriptions of animals in Literary History, because in the latter case the au- thorities may make erroneous statements as to the occurrence, for instance, of certain animals in particular places ; whereas in the former one — that, for instance, of the ancient 6 Natural History of the Ancients. pile-dwellers of Switzerland — though they have left us no written record of themselves or their animals, have nevertheless supplied us with interesting facts by simply throwing away through the cabin-door into the water the bones of the animals which had supplied them with food with other remains. These bones, horn-cores, teeth, &c, which have sur- vived to the present day, tell at once their story when placed in the hands of an ex- perienced Palaeontologist. II. With regard to the Literary History portion of our subject, we have the Biblical records of the Old and New Testaments, giving us names of various animals known to or mentioned by the ancient Hebrews. The Assyrian records and bilingual lists contain the names of animals known to the early Acca- dians and Assyrians. The classical writers of Greece and Eome cover a wide extent both in time and material, and mention or discourse of a great number of animals ; but there is nowhere anything like an attempt to give or Domesticated Animals, 7 to frame a zoological system, properly* so called, with the single exception of Aristotle among the Greeks : and even in his case we discover, as it were, mere gleams of a system, dawnings of science, but nothing more. Aristotle's " History of Animals," looked at historically, as has been well said — "looked at with reference to the works which for centuries succeeded it — is a stupendous effort ; but looked at absolutely — that is to say, in relation to the science of which it treats — it is an ill-digested, ill-compiled mass of details, mostly of small value, with an occasional gleam of something better. There is, strictly speaking, no science in it at all. There is not even a system which might look like science. There is not one good description. It is not an anatomical treatise ; it is not a descriptive zoology ; it is not a philosophy of zoology ; it is a collection of remarks about animals, their structure, resemblances, differences, and habits. As a collection, it is immense without a trace of organisation, and 8 Natural History of the Ancients. the details themselves are rarely valuable, often inaccurate." Without fully endorsing these remarks of the late Mr. Gr. H. Lewes, I must confess that, on the whole, I agree with him. Still, Aris- totle's " Natural History," considering the time when he wrote, will ever remain a monument of extraordinary diligence. He had, perhaps, certain vague and indefinite views of classifi- cation which, though not very exact, are highly creditable to him ! but he did not anticipate modern zoological science as some writers have asserted; he brought a great genius to bear on numerous points of zoology, but he lacked the true method of inquiry, careful reasoning, founded on a close and diligent observation of a great number of facts. He was, without doubt, one of the greatest men that ever lived, but the asser- tion that he " described species according to a comprehensive and luminous method which perhaps none of his successors have ap- proached " is quite untrue. Well has it been Domesticated Animals, 9 said that "those pay a very absurd homage to antiquity who would place the pretensions of the ancients upon an equality with those of the moderns : for the question does not regard the original powers of the mind, but the amount of accumulated knowledge in which these powers are to be exercised; and it would indeed be extraordinary if, invert- ing the analogy of individuals, the world should not be wiser in its old age than it was in its infancy." III. The figures of animals on monu- ments, coins, gems, bronze dishes, and vases introduce us to several kinds, and where such representations are well given the animals proclaim themselves at a glance. But the figures may be badly executed. Perhaps the sculptor was unskilful ; perhaps he drew from an indistinct recollection of an animal he had only once seen, or from mere descrip- tion given him by another person. In such cases we may not be able to make out the animal intended, unless there be in the animal 10 Natural History of the Ancients. itself some very striking characteristic, which, despite general defect of drawing, proclaims the creature : such, for instance, as the bull- like beast on the Assyrian black obelisk, whose horn, though placed much too high on its head, shows it to be intended for the one - horned rhinoceros. In closely allied species, where dissimilarities of external form are only slight, and where no striking pecu- liarity exists, figures will fail to give the necessary information, and we must be con- tent with ascertaining the genus, or the family, or even the order to which an animal belongs. IV. Let us pass on to the fourth source of information : that derived from words or animals' names — from Linguistic Palaeon- tology, to use an expression I borrow from Professor Eolleston. Now here we often meet with extremely valuable information and assistance. Words, as has been well said, are fossil thoughts, and if the names of animals are well chosen, such fossil Domesticated Animals, 11 thoughts may contain the nucleus of much historical and zoological knowledge. A good description of an animal, whether by picture or by words, ought to give, above all, that animal's chief characters ; it is possible sometimes to get a fair notion of an animal from its simple name. What an admirable name, for instance, is " fiitter-mouse for one of the commonest of our bats ; the Latin porcupine is "the pig-like creature armed with spines ; " the Greek rhinoceros is the animal " with a horn on its nose/5 The squirrel — in Grreek o-iclovpos, " shadow-tail " — must clearly have sat for his name-portrait, because when the little creature is running, the tail is carried in a lengthened form in a line with the axis of the body. In these few instances, you see the name itself gives a fair general description of each of the animals denoted thereby, in respect of some zoological characteristic of form. But sometimes the name ma)^ tell us the country from which a certain animal came — its original home, I 12 Natural History of the Ancients. mean, speaking historically — and this kind of information is often very important. Let me give one or two instances by way of illustra- tion. This method of naming animals pre- vailed much amongst the early Accadian inhabitants of the Babylonian plains. The Accadian name for " horse " is read thus into English — " The beast of burden from the East" — i.e., Media and Armenia; the camel is the "beast of burden from the sea." Now I dare say you will think that to be a very bad description, because camels are creatures of the dry sandy plains rather than of the sea. Nevertheless, you will imme- diately allow that the name is perfectly correct and well chosen, for the sea is the Persian Gulf across which the Accadians of the Mesopotamian valley first brought the camel from its original home in Arabia — history thus, by one single well-chosen ex- pression, confirming the opinion of zoologists that Arabia is the original home of the one- humped camel. In Accadian, one name for Domesticated Animals. 13 wolf means " high-land" — i.e., the mountain- district of Elaru, though there was another name expressing the ravenous nature of this wild Carnivore which in English would read, " the beast that eats like a dog/? or, in familiar words, " the ravening wolf." It is now quite time for me to end these prefatory — but as I think necessary, and I hope not uninteresting — remarks, and to speak of some of the animals known to the ancients. In some cases I shall be somewhat profuse, in others brief, according as space allows or interest attaches to my subject • and some animals I shall be compelled to pass over entirely. Let us first take the Simiadte, the apes and monkeys, as known to some of the ancients. One of the most interesting of these animals is the Baboon (Cynocephalus hamadryas), which held a very conspicuous and honourable position in ancient Egyptian theology. This species is not now found in Egypt, but in former times it appears to have been the only species occurring in that 14 Natural History of the Ancients. county ; it is found now in Abyssinia and Arabia, sometimes being seen in large groups. Its height when erect is about four feet ; the face is very dog-like and long ; its shoulders are covered with dense shaggy hair, the rest of the body being com- paratively smooth, re- minding one of a French poodle-dog; the female is destitute of a mane. This baboon was sacred to Thoth, the " Lord of Letters/' the Egyptian Mercury : indeed, sometimes it appears to have acted as deputy for the god himself, for he is represented with the title underneath, " Thoth, Lord of Letters." The Egyptians seem to have looked upon this creature as one ex- hibiting the admirable quality of justice, for not unfrequently it is depicted seated on the " THOTH, LORD OF LETTERS." [Egyptian.) Domesticated Animals. 15 top of a balance, while Thoth registers the results of the weighing of the actions sitting in judgment. (Egyptian.) of the departed in the scales of justice. Sometimes the baboon is represented in a 16 Natural History of the Ancients. boat conveying a wicked soul from the presence of Osiris, the judge, back to earth once more, as in the accompanying draw- ing ; it was especially sacred at Hermo- BABOONS CONVEYING A WICKED SOUL IN THE FORM OF A PIG back TO earth. {Egyptian.) polis, though reverenced at Thebes and other places. In the Necropolis of ancient Egypt a spot was set apart as a cemetery for sacred apes. On the monuments the animal is generally represented in a sitting posture, and its mummied remains in the same position. On what account was the baboon held sacred among the Egyptians ? I know not; but it is probable this ancient and remarkable people appreciated the docility and intelligence exhibited by these Oynoce- Domesticated Animals, 17 phali when trained and educated as little ones, and honoured them accordingly. At all events, they would not be inappropriate animal-symbols of Egyptian wisdom which belonged especially to Thoth, the Lord of Letters. They were trained in ancient Egyptian days as they are even now in Cairo, where they are taught to amuse street people by dancing and performing other antics to the sound of the drum ; but, as Sir Gr. Wilkinson humorously remarks, " constant application of the stick shows the little respect now paid in Egypt to the once revered emblem of Hermes" (iv. 131). In a country south of Abyssinia monkeys are still taught several useful accomplishments. " Among them" — I again quote Sir G. Wilkinson — " is that of officiating as torch-bearers at a supper party. Seated in a row on a raised bench, they hold the lights until the departure of the guests, and patiently await their own repast as a reward for their services. Sometimes a re- fractory subject fails in his accustomed duty, c 18 Natural History of the Ancients, and the harmony of the party is for a moment disturbed, particularly if an unruly monkey throws his lighted torch into the midst of the unsuspecting guests ; but the stick and privation of food is the punishment of the offender, and it is by these persuasive argu- ments alone that they are prevailed upon to perform their duty in so delicate an office " (ii. p. 151). Other monkeys, apes. {Egyptian.) apparently some kind of Cerco- pithecus, sometimes occur on the monuments as tribute to Egyptian monarchs. Speci- mens of these monkeys were embalmed at Thebes and other places. Juvenal says that they were worshipped; they were, perhaps, treated with honour and respect, but were not deemed nearly so important, intelligent, and sacred as the baboon. Domesticated Animals. 19 No species of monkey has existed in a native state in Palestine. Apes are mentioned in the Bible as amongst the commodities im- ported by Solomon from a foreign country. " Once in three years came the navy of Tarshish, bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.5' Now here we have some notable instances of words explaining their meaning. The Hebrew Bible names for " ivory," "apes/' and " peacocks " are not traceable to Hebrew or to any other Semitic root ; koph, Hebrew for " ape/' is the Sanskrit kapi, the Greek Krjiros, the Latin cebus, and probably (the initial letter being lost) our English word "ape/9 "ivory, in Hebrew is shen kabbim" — " tooth of elephant," habbim being the Hebraised form of the Sanskrit ibha, " an elephant y — the name of the peacock will be explained by-and-by. The ivory and apes introduced by Solomon into Palestine, there- fore, came from India; and as " algum," or sandal-wood, another imported article, is still a native of the mountainous parts of Malabar c 2 20 Natural History of the Ancients. it is probable that this is the country whence all Solomon's importations took place, for the peacock was originally confined to India. Let me now draw your attention to the monkeys of the Assyrian monuments. On the black obelisk of Shalmaneser there occur figures of monkeys, together with that of the Indian elephant. A man is leading a large monkey; another follows, leading a similar species, carrying at the same time another monkey on his shoulders. These monkeys, as an epigraph tells us, were part of the tribute of Muzri, either in Armenia or Bactria, a country too cold for indigenous Simiadce ; hence we must suppose that the people of Muzri ob- tained their specimens from India, whence also they received the elephant. Notice the ridiculously human appearance of the monkey which the man is leading — a man's hands, a man's feet, and face fringed with whiskers. Observe also the contented look of the monkey on the man's shoulders : his calm and placid appearance proclaim him to be a tame monkey, 22 Natural History of the Ancients. which very probably may be intended to repre- sent the hoonuman of India {Presbyter entettus), a large monkey with a long tail, held in venera- tion in India, and easily and frequently domes- ticated. The human-like form of a monkey, of course, must strike every observer, and the Assyrians embodied the idea in their name for a monkey, which is udumu, under which form you will readily recognise the Hebrew word adam, cc a man and you may compare with this the zoological expression of anthropoid ape, as applied to species still more human in character, as the orang, gorilla, and the chimpanzee. It is not easy to make out the precise species of monkeys mentioned in classi- cal authors. Aristotle divides the Simiadce into three tribes — the Pithecoi, Keboi, and Cynocephaloi : the cebos is a monkey with a tail, the pithecos is a tailless species ; the cynocephalus is a dog-headed baboon, and corresponds with the genus of modern zoolo- gists. Aristotle mentions the monkeys as uniting in their nature the characteristics of Domesticated Animals. 23 man and four-f ooted animals ; he notices the strong canine teeth of the cynocephalus, and its natural ferocity of disposition ; the feet, he says, are like great hands, and are used as hands as well as feet ; the internal parts of the body are like those of a man. The species of baboon mentioned by Aristotle, Pliny, and other authors would be the one I have already spoken of — the Cynocephalus kamadryas. Be- sides this baboon, other monkeys were known to or mentioned by Greek and Boman writers. The Bomans had pet monkeys, for which they would give considerable sums of money. Per- haps the Barbary Ape (Macacus innuus), the monkey of Northern Africa and the rock of Gibraltar, and the Green Monkey (Cercopi- thecus sabceus), that common accompaniment of modern street organ-grinders, would be the kinds best known to the Bomans. Pliny speaks of the remarkable affection which all kinds of monkeys show towards their young ones. " Mothers which have been tamed and have young ones carry them about and show 24 Natural History of the Ancients. them to all comers, and exhibit great pleasure when they are fondled, and seem to appreciate the kindness thus shown to them/' Hence, he says, they often smother their offspring with their embraces. Cicero (De Div., i. 34) tells a story of a monkey which, on a solemn occasion, misbehaved himself, and acted in a manner which one might call profane. The Spartans once sent to consult the oracle of Zeus at Dodona, to inquire whether in a certain battle they would be victorious. The ambassadors arrived ; the sitetta, or vessel from which the lots were to be drawn, was filled with water, as was usual, and placed on the table ; the lots — little tablets or counters of wood (sorted) — were arranged ready for throwing into the sacred urn ; it was a solemn occasion Great was the anxiety of the Spartan ambas- sadors that the shaken counters would foretell a victory ; when, lo ! a pet monkey belonging to the King of the Molossi jumped on the table, upset the sacred urn with the water, as well as the feelings of the disconcerted priest Domesticated Animals. 25 (sacerdos), and scattered the little counters in all directions, with all other oracular para- phernalia, causing the greatest consternation and disappointment ! It was a bad omen ("maximum illud portentum "), and the sacerdos, or priest, solemnly pronounced that the Spartans must not now deliberate about victory, but about their own safety ! Dogs. — The dog, with its numerous do- mesticated varieties, appears as the companion of man from early times ; it was a domesti- cated animal in Europe anterior to the earliest historical records. The Egyptians had several breeds ; some were used only for the chase, others were house or pet dogs. The mastiff type is seldom represented on the monuments. This breed appears to have been introduced into Egypt, perhaps from Ethiopia : it is very similar to the large animal depicted on the marble slabs of Assyria, and used by that people for the chase. Another Egyptian dog bears a resemblance to the Dalmatian 26 Natural History of the Ancients. hound ; another was similar in form to the Esquimaux. Then there was apparently a breed wThich was especially used in the capture of the white antelope (Fig. c, p. 27). This dog bears some resemblance to a foxhound, and has pendant ears, a sure sign of long domestication ; the name of the dog is accom- panied by the figure or determinative of an antelope. These dogs were white, and from a letter written by Mr. Bartlett to Mr. Cooper, the late Secretary to the Society of Biblical Archaeology, in 1875, it would appear that a similar dog is still empktyed for ante- lope hunting in North Africa. Mr. Bartlett writes : " I was glad to hear of the ' dog of the white antelope.' Last year I was at Ham- burg on the arrival of a large collection of living animals from Africa, in which collec- tion were many gazelles and other antelopes, together with sixteen or more giraffes. With this lot were many attendants, who brought with them two of the dogs used for the capture of gazelles and other of the antelopes : DOGS. (Egyptian.) 28 Natural History of the Ancients. these dogs are in form like the one figured on your paper." Many of the dogs o£ the Egyptian monu- ments were pied, and most have more or less a greyhound form. The oldest dog seen on the monuments appears, Dr. Birch informs us, at the time of Cheops of the fourth dynasty. In the tombs of that period (b.c. 2,300), he appears as a house-dog attached to the chair of his master. This dog has a cord four times encircling the neck, tied in front; erect pointed ears and curled tail. This breed was used both as a house-dog and a dog of the chase. Clearly, this oldest dog of the Egyptian monuments must be referred to the Esquimaux type — one of wild, wolf -like form. The ancient Egyptians had their pet dogs, but, judging from the figures on the monuments, these pets were not in accord with modern European views of canine beauty. Fig. a on p. 27 is a speci- men: a female of black and liver colour with short thick legs, erect ears, and pointed Bom es tica ted A n ima Is . 29 nose ; in general form of body it resembles a turnspit. The older breed of the dogs, held ready to start or actually running, is con- stantly seen in the tombs till the close of the twelfth dynasty. This dog was indi- genous to Egypt, is not seen brought as a foreign animal, and has remained till the present day. (Birch : Bib. Arch. Trans., iv. p. 178.) By some naturalists the dog is supposed to have been descended from the wolf or the jackal. Now it is worth mentioning that one of the names which the Egyptians used for a kind of dog was tcnsu or unsau, " wolves5' — "a very singular one,5' as Dr. Birch remarks, " as favouring the derivation of the dog from the domesticated wolf." Dr. Birch gives a trans- lation of a curious letter of a certain scribe of the nineteenth dynasty, in which he speaks of large packs of hounds — 200 of the kind called uau, and 300 more unsu : a pack of 500 in all. "They stand," he says, "daily at the door of his house at the time of his rising out 30 Natural History of the Ancients, of sleep. They make a breakfast when the amphora is opened. He does not/' he con- tinues to say, "wish to have any of the little dogs or pups of the breed of Nahar Hu, the royal scribe, staying in the house, for it is an annoyance to me. Hour after hour, every time of his going out, in his going in the road, this dog must be kicked and flogged, making the thongs of the whip fall out one after another. The red long- tailed dog goes at night into the stalls of the hills. He is better than the long-faced dog. He makes no delay in hunting ; his face glares like a god, and he delights to do his work ; the kennel where he abides he does not make it;" that is, he does not stop anywhere in the pursuit of his prey (p. 182). These uau dogs, mentioned as hunting in packs with the unsu dogs, were probably jackals which the Egyptians domesticated and used in the chase. The name au or au-au is probably the animal's cry wow or bow-wow. Perhaps the unsu portion of the pack were some wild or Domesticated Animals. 31 semi-wild animals that sometimes associated with, and perhaps crossed with the jackals. The ancient Egyptians treated their dogs well. Unlike the Hebrews, with whom the name of dog was a term of reproach and contempt, this people looked upon it with veneration. The death of a dog was not only lamented as a misfortune, but was mourned for by every member of the house- hold in which it occurred. (Wilkinson : And. Egypt., iii. 33.) Of the dog as mentioned in the Bible, I need say but little. The question asked . by Hazael, " Is thy servant a dog, that he should do this thing ? 55 expresses the feeling which the Jews entertained towards this animal. They made no use of the dog in the chase, nor did they employ it as a house- dog; its only use was as a protector of the flocks against wild beasts, and even in this capacity it was treated with contempt, as appears from a passage in Job, who complains : " Now they that are younger than I have me 32, Natural History of the Ancients. in derision, whose fathers I would have dis- dained to have set with the dogs of my flock." The only single instance of the dog being treated as a companion occurs in the Book of Tobit. Young Tobias, with a companion, is sent by Tobit his father into Media, to re- cover some money he had lent to Grabael. "So they went forth both, and the young man's dog with them" (v. 16 ; xi. 4). The Assyrians employed dogs for various purposes : such as watching the house, guard- ing the flocks, and for the chase. The only two kinds of dog actually figured on the monuments are the mastiff and the grey- hound, but the bilingual lists mention several other kinds: as the water-dog, the earth- dog — perhaps a kind of terrier — the dog of Elam, &c. Let me direct your attention to this drawing of the mastiff of the Assyrian monuments, an animal not unfrequently represented in bas-relief, and always with considerable artistic skill and truthfulness. The Assyrian mastiff was probably allied to Domesticated Animals. 33 the Indian dog known to Alexander, men- tioned by Herodotus, Aristotle, Xenophon, Strabo amongst the Greeks, and Pliny and mastiff. {As8yrian.) Solinus amongst the Latins. It was used in the chase of the wild ass, and perhaps in that of the lion and wild bull, though it is not so represented in the two last cases. Assur- banipal, son of Esarhaddon, kept a pack of D 34 Natural History of the Ancients. these large dogs, clay models of which are now in the British Museum. Each dog has his name in the cuneiform characters stamped upon him; the names, it is probable, were intended to express the characters of the dogs rather than their names. The translations run thus : — (1) " Causing evil to come forth," in allusion to the injury the dog meditated for his enemies; (2) "Biting his enemies;" (3) " Capturing enemies ; " (4) " Judge of his running," as we say in the coursing-field of a greyhound Ci running sly ; " (5) " Dust of his path, giving tongue." Here we have quite a picture of one of these muscular mastiffs tearing away, scattering the sand in his impetuous course, at the same time not running mute. Among the Bomans dogs were divided into three classes : — (1) House dogs (Canes vittatici) ; (2) Shepherd dogs (Canes pastorales s. pecuarii) ; and (3) Sporting dogs (C venatici). This last division was again subdivided into three groups : — (1) Bugnacious dogs of war Domestica ted A n im a Is . 35 ( pugnaces or betticosi) ; (2) dogs that ran by- scent (nare sagaces) ; and (3) swift dogs, that ran on sight of their game {pedihis celeres). The shepherd dogs were often provided with spiked collars round their necks as a protec- tion against wolves and other enemies, as is clay model OF hunting-dog. [Assyrian.) the St. Bernard's dog of the present day. Speaking of the dogs used in war, Pliny says : " The people of Colophon and Castabala kept troops of dogs for war purposes, and these used to fight in the first rank and never re- treat ; they were the most faithful auxiliaries, and yet demanded no payment " (N. H., viii. 61). The horsemen of Magnesia in the d 2 36 Natural History of the Ancients. Ephesian war were accompanied to the battle- field each with a war-hound, the dogs in a body attacking the enemy, being backed now by the foot-soldiers, now by the cavalry, and thus rendering great assistance. iElian, who mentions these same Magnesian war-hounds, tells a story of a certain soldier's dog, which rendered so great assistance to his master at the battle of Marathon as to be honoured with an effigy on the same tablet with his lord {Be Nat. An., vii. 38). Figures of the Greyhound occur occasion- ally among the Assyrian antiquities, as on a bronze dish now in the British Museum. The greyhound was not known to Xenophon, and coursing a thing probably unheard of in his time (b.c. 400). In the time of Arrian (born a.d. 90) Ave find that much attention had been given to the breeding of greyhounds, and that the art of coursing had attained great per- fection in his day. Here is Arrian's account of a favourite greyhound he called Horme, i.e., impetuosity : — " I have myself bred a hound Domesticated Animals. 37 whose eyes are the greyest of the grey ; a swift, hard-working, courageous, sound-footed dog, and in her prime a match at any time for four hares. She is, moreover (for while I write she is still alive), most gentle and kindly- affectioned, and never before had any dog such regard for myself and fellow-sports- man Megillus ; for when not actually en- gaged in coursing she is never far away from one or other of us. But while I am at home she remains within by my side, accompanies me on going abroad, follows me to the gym- nasium, and while I am exercising myself there sits down near me. On my return she runs before me, often looking back to see whether I had turned anywhere out of the road ; and as soon as she catches sight of me, 38 Natural History of the Ancients. she shows symptoms of joy, and again trots on before me. If I am going out on any Government business she remains with my friend, and does exactly the same towards him ; she is the constant companion of which- ever of us is unwell, and if she has not seen either of us for only a short time, she jumps up repeatedly by way of salutation, and barks with joy as a greeting to us. At meals she pats us with one foot and then with the other, to put us in mind that she is to have her share of the food. She has also many tones of speech — more than I ever knew in any other dog- — pointing out in her own language whatever she wants. Having been beaten when a puppy with a whip, if any one even at this day does but mention a whip, she will come up to the speaker, cowering and begging, applying her mouth to the man's, as if to kiss him, and jumping up, will hang on his neck, and not let him go until she has appeased his angry threats. Now really I do not think I ought to hesitate to record the Domesticated Animals, 3<> name of this dog, that it may be left to posterity that Xenophon the Athenian (he means himself) had a greyhound called Horme, of the greatest speed and intelli- gence, and altogether supremely excellent/'* The Gauls seemed to have paid great atten- tion to greyhounds and coursing. Ovid calls the greyhound Gallicics canis, " the Gallic dog/' and gives in a few lines an admirable description of the efforts of the dog to catch and the hare to elude in the course. I think it is probable that our greyhounds of to-day have proceeded from the celebrated Keltic breed. Arrian, like his prototype Xenophon, was a true sportsman. " Often," he says, " when following a course on horseback, I have come up to the hare just as it was caught, and have myself saved her alive ; and then, having taken away my dog and fastened him up, have allowed the hare to escape. And if * " Arrian on Coursing," &c, by a Graduate of Medicine. London : 1831 ; p. 78. A learned and excellent work. The Greek words here are — uKUTdrr] teal cro^ccTdrr] Kai Upordrrj " swiftest, cleverest, and most divine." 40 Natural History of the Ancients. I have arrived too late to save her, I have struck my head with sorrow that the dogs had killed so good an antagonist" (p. 109). Cats. — The transition from the dog to the cat is natural, so now let us see what we can learn about our familiar domestic cat. Should you be surprised to learn that the cat was not kept as a house or barn mouse-killer by the ancient Greeks ? For myself I do not think that the early Romans thus habitually em- ployed it, though in the houses of the rich and noble the domestic cat may have been occasionally seen, but more in the character of a rare and curious animal than in that of a recognised mouse-killer. As far as we can learn, the ancient Egyptians were the first people to employ this generally useful animal; with them it was a great favourite when alive : it was honoured when dead. Hero- dotus speaks of the great concern which the Egyptians felt at the death of a cat : all the inmates of the house shaved their eye- Domesticated Animals. 41 brows in token of sorrow; but if we may judge from this shaving process, as being any criterion of the amount of mental suffering inflicted, the dog was even more important than the cat, for at the death of a dog the whole head and body were shaved. The domestic cat is figured on the Egyptian monuments, and is sometimes re- presented accompanying its master in fowling expeditions. Sir G. Wilkinson thought that the cat was on these occasions employed by the Egyptians as a retriever to bring the killed or wounded bird to the fowler. The natural aversion which the cat has to water, as embodied in the mediaeval Latin adage — " Catus amat pisces, sed non vult tingere plantas " — may be, and has actually been, overcome, and cats have been occasionally trained to take the water » but in the scenes depicted in And. Egyptians, iii. 42, there is nothing to show that cats were ever trained to take the water like retriever dogs. In one scene a cat is 42 Natural History of the Ancients, represented in the act of seizing a bird in a thicket — I suspect, more in her own interests than in those of her master; in the other AN EGYPTIAN FOWLER. scene a cat stands up on its hind legs, with its fore-feet on its master's knee, the master being in a boat in the water near a thicket ; the cat is begging to be placed on land ap- Domesticated Animals. 43 parently ; but surely, if the cat had been trained to the water, it would be a very easy thing to jump out on her own account. As I said just now, the only people amongst the ancients who habitually domesticated the com- mon cat appear to have been the Egyptians, from which country probably all the existing varieties originally came. I do not think the cat wras known to the early Hebrews, or to the Assyrians, or to the Greeks, as a domestic mouse-killer ; in India, too, as I have learned from Professor Max Miiller, the domestic cat is comparatively recent. There is no common Aryan name for it as for mouse ; the ordinary Sanskrit word for a cat is mdrjdra, from a root meaning " to clean," in allusion to the animal's habit of licking herself at her toilette. The Romans, however, were acquainted with the cat as a mouse-killer even in early times. " In the 'Campana' tomb, Cervetri " (see Mr. King's " Antique Gems and Rings," p. 273) — " which represents in its bas- reliefs and frescoes the atrium of the old 44 Natural History of the Ancients. Lucumon's house, its present tenant — hung round, like the old English gentleman's hall, with implements of war and chase, ' pikes and bows, and old bucklers that have borne many shrewd blows ' — painted on the ground- line is an unmistakable Egyptian cat, with a mouse in her mouth to make all sure. The Tyrrhene trade with Egypt must have intro- duced the sacred animal into the noble's house. Again, a mosaic lately found at Pompeii pictures to the life a splendid Persian (?) tabby plotting against a duck hung up in the larder." Here is evidence that the early people, the Etruscans — to whatever race they belonged, or whatever language they spoke — were acquainted with our mouse-killing cat. Of course, the Pom- peian cat might be separated from the Etruscan one by hundreds of years ; never- theless, here we have evidence that the animal was domesticated occasionally, at any rate, by the Eomans at some time previous to the destruction of Pompeii and Hercu- Domesticated Animals. 45 laneum by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in a.d. 79. But if the domestic cat had been a well-known and familiar house- dweller with the Eomans, I think we must have had definite allusion to the fact in Latin authors. I dare say you may think that the Latin word felts, or feles, for " cat/' is by no means uncommon; it is, however, of very rare occurrence. In the voluminous writings of Cicero, felis occurs but once, and there he is speaking of Egyptian cats {Tuse. Disp. v. 27). Among the varied literary con- tributions of Ovid, I believe he only men- tions the word felis once, and there he is alluding to a mythological felis into which the sister of Phoebus was changed (Ovid, Met. v. 330). But Pliny, whose date is about a hundred years after Ovid, several times uses the word felis ; and here and there, when he speaks of the silent stealthiness of the feles, of their creeping lightly towards a bird, of their sly and patient watching, of their sudden pounce upon a mouse, it is difficult not to 46 'Natural History of the Ancients. believe that lie refers to the domestic animal ; but when Pliny recommends the sprinkling of water, in which a weasel or a felis (mus- tela out felis) had been boiled, over seeds to keep the mice away, who are scared by the smell, I think felis is rather a musteline than a feline animal. With the ancient Greeks, however, we have clear evidence to show that their ordinary domesticated mouse -killer was the white- breasted marten {Maries fo'ina), as Professor Eolleston has abundantly shown {Cambridge Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1868). This marten was called yakr) by the ancient Greeks. " The argument to show that our white-breasted marten " {Must el a fo'ina) — I quote from Rolleston's paper — " was used for the same domestic purposes by the ancients as the Felis domesticus is by our- selves, may be briefly stated thus. An animal called yak?} by Aristotle {Hist. An., ii. 3, 5 ; vi. 30, 2 ; viii. 27, 2 ; ix. 2, 9 ; ix. 7, 4), and repeatedly referred to by Aristophanes and Do me si ie a ted An i m a Is . 17 other Greek writers of the best ages, is spoken of as destroying mice, snakes, lizards, birds, and birds' eggs ; as being the reverse of odoriferous ; as being addicted to stealing ; and also as being so common an animal as to be, like our cats, a convenient scape-goat for the blame due to the thefts of other non- quadrupedal animals ; and, finally, as being like in its colour and pilage to the animal called in antithesis to it jctkrj ayplay the wild ryaXrj, but ordinarily faris, which is a little larger, loves honey, kills birds, and is very susceptible of being tamed. It is im- possible to think that any great mistake can attach'to the interpretation of statements so consentient, so numerous, and relating so eminently to matters of every-day life and constantly observable occurrence. We have two sets of resemblances and differences de- tailed to us as existing between two animals : the yaXrj and the yaXi] aypla, or &w ; these two sets of resemblances and differences are just those which exist between our white- 48 Natural History of the Ancients. breasted marten and our yellow-breasted marten, and, as I believe it is impossible to find a second pair of animals to which, this comparison will apply, I apprehend that the point is proved. Both the British martens are, as I know from my own observations and information gathered from persons in the habit of hunting them, great destroyers of mice, birds, and snakes." I now give a short quotation from the " Peace " of Aristophanes, in which you will see, as it were, a picture of the white -breasted marten in the house of an Athenian, the animal giving clear indications as to what brings it to the larder. A member of the chorus speaks and ad- dresses his wife : — " Now, wife, roast me three quarts of kidney-beans, and mix some red wheat with them, and bring out the fi^s . . . and let some one fetch the thrush and the couple of finches ; there were also some beestings in the larder and four pieces of hare's flesh, unless the marten (v yaXrj) has carried some off in the evening ; at all events, Domesticated Animals. 49 it was making a noise within — I don't know what about — and creating a disturbance " (Pav., 1079, Ed. Bothe.) To this day, it appears, the white-breasted marten is common in all the Cyclades, and in some of them has the old Greek name few, which originally stood for the yellow-breasted species, the M. abietum, or pine marten. Al- though full-grown specimens of both these martens are excessively wild and sly, yet when taken young they are susceptible of great docility ; and, as Bell remarks, " the remark- able elegance of this animal's form, the beauty of its fur, and the playfulness of its manners when thoroughly reclaimed, render it one of the most playful of pets."* * Professor Rolleston has favoured me with the following letter : — " In the year 1871 (July 15) I bought for ten shil- lings, in the bazaar at Smyrna, a skin of a marten, under the instructive name of depict, rrjs tcaAias, my old servant assuring me that the three words, KaAia, KowdBi, and yvfx(pir(a, were all alike names of this same animal ; /caAm, which my servant would have proparoxyton, is of course as easily formed by corruption of ya\9j as ' gat' is formed in Berkshire dialect out of * cat.' The skin is in the University Museum, and testifies to the true interpretation of the passages in classical Greek, where the E 50 Natural History of the Ancients. Besides the cat, the ancient Egyptians appear to have occasionally domesticated the Ichneumon (Herpestes ichneumon), popularly, though erroneously, sometimes called Pha- raoh's rat. There is no reason to doubt that this species is the ichneumon of Aristotle, Aelian, Strabo, and other writers, who have recorded marvellous stories about it. Aris- totle {Hist. An., ix. 7) says that when an ichneumon sees a serpent, it first of all invites other ichneumons to its assistance; all then roll themselves in mud as a protection against the bites of the snake. According to Dio- dorus, Strabo, and Pliny, the ichneumon is a word ya\jj occurs. The word w^'irCa, 'little nymph,' or ' little lady,' has been applied, I think, to the marten by the Greeks from a recognition of those same qualities of elegance, litheness, domesticability, and attachability, which have in- duced us to call the cat proper by the name of ' Tabby.' For the possession of these properties by the marten, Madame J eannette Power gives interesting and irrefragable evidence in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. ii., vol. xx., p. 417; 1857). And in the north of England — as, for example, in the lake district — the marten has often been domesticated'; and if it is not given too much meat, and is dieted on bread and milk as its staple food, it is found to be as easy to deal with as a ferret similarly treated." Domesticated Animals. 51 dreadful foe to the crocodile, which it thus destroys : — Having rolled itself up in mud, it watches till the crocodile sleeps, which this creature is said to do with its mouth open ! Upon this the little creature jumps into the gaping fauces of the Saurian, slips down its stomach, eats its way out, escapes unhurt, and kills its enemy ! The ichneumon is a very decided snake- eater, and on this account it was looked upon with great respect and veneration by the old Egyptians. Crocodiles' eggs, too, were its favourite food ; and as this reptile was held in abhorrence by the people of Heracleopolis, the ichneumon was worshipped by them. " Its dexterity in attacking a snake," Sir Gr. Wil- kinson writes, " is truly surprising. It seizes the enemy at the back of the neck, as soon as it perceives it rising to the attack : one firm bite sufficing to destroy it " (iii. 30 ; cf . Lucan, iv. 724). The ichneumon is easily tamed, and is sometimes seen in the houses of Cairo, where, e 2 52 Natural History of the Ancients. in its hostility to rats, it performs all the duties of a cat ; but from its indiscriminate fondness for eggs and poultry, and many other requisites for the kitchen, it is generally troublesome. Another species (Herpestes griseus) the Mongoose of India and Nepaul, is recorded to have killed in about a minute and a half as many as a dozen full-grown rats, which were turned out in a room from which they could not escape. It is an old belief — unsupported, how- ever, by any evidence whatever — that after an ichneumon had been wounded in conflict by the fang of a poisonous serpent, it imme- diately has recourse to some herb, which it is said to eat, and which, it is asserted, acts as an antidote against the fatal effects of the bite. The ancient Greeks and Eomans be- lieved in similar antidotal herbs. Thus, if a viper had been devoured by a tortoise — an act of which no tortoise is ever guilty — the latter took care to eat the herb origanum, and Domesticated Animals. 53 then no injury would be done to the testu- dinous stomach ! A weasel does not attack a serpent without previously eating rue. The Indian mongoose (H. griseus), so celebrated in its combats with such deadly serpents as the cobra, is also said to have recourse to some curative plant after having been bitten. This seems to have been a very old belief, for it appears in Aryan mythology. Now in all stories about animals, and the strange and often impossible doings attributed to them, we must take into account the connection that in primitive times existed in the minds of men between animals and natural inanimate objects : as the sun, the moon, the clouds. Thus, the lion, from its strength and courage, was a symbol of the sun in the heavens ; the bull, from its prolific capabilities in increasing its kind, was another symbol of the sun's powerful agency, under the influence of rain, in fer- tilising the earth. What the bull did in the terrestrial world, the sun did in the celestial. This relationship of ideas may be expressed 54 Natural History of the Ancients. by the term Mythological zoology ; bright clouds illuminated by the sun may represent white-fleeced flocks of sheep ; the black scorpion, black clouds of night ; the de- vouring wolf may ideally represent the dark night devouring the sun ; the quail, the returning bird that comes with spring, may signify the returning "dawn of day." The Sanskrit name for a quail is vartikd — i.e., the returning bird; but the quail may be per- sonified : and thus, in the Veda, Vartikd occurs as one of the many beings delivered or revived by the Asvins — i.e., by day and night. " Vartika is swallowed, but she is delivered by the Asvins ;" " she is delivered by the Asvins from the mouth of the wolf." These and other similar sayings are, as Max Muller shows, mere legendary repetitions of the old saying, " The dawn or the quail comes." Var- tika is figuratively and poetically represented as a person. Dawn is swallowed by the black wolf of night ; but as she appears in the morning after the night, she is said to be Domesticated Animals. 55 delivered by day and night from the wolf of night. Of course, as Tylor remarks, imagination in mythological zoology may run to wild extremes. " No legend, no allegory, no nursery rhyme, is safe from the Hermeneutics of a thorough-going mythological theorist;" con- sequently, he must look to names and their etymological meaning as being " at once the guide and safeguard of the mythologist." But to return to the ichneumon and the restoring herb. The name of this little animal in Sanskrit is nahda, perhaps allied to the Latin necare, " to kill :" hence the killer of mice, snakes, &c. In Aryan mythology, a black scorpion is bitten by a very small ichneumon. The black scorpion signifies the clouds of night; the small ichneumon, here called the little golden one, probably repre- sents the young rising sun — i.e., the morn- ing sun scatters the vapours of night, absorb- ing the poison of the black scorpion night; and as the ichneumon, in its conflicts with 56 Natural History of the Ancients. venomous serpents, receives into its system some of the poison, it is necessary to get rid of this virus, and therefore mention is made of the salutary herb g audita — perhaps the Ophioxlyon serpentinwn, so called from its twisted root and stems, with which the nahula cures itself of venomous bites. (Guber- natis, ZooL Myth., ii., p. 52.) If it were pos- sible to trace this idea to its source, it is pro- bable that we have here also some inanimate nature-myth at the bottom of it. Let us pass from the mythical to the natural. Cattle. — Different breeds of domesticated cattle are figured on the monuments of Egypt and Assyria. The Egyptian sculptures show a long-horned, a short-horned, and a humped breed ; the two former are probably mere varieties of the common ox (Bos taurus). The humped ox seems to be a variety of the Bos indicus, which has a wide geographical range, being spread over the whole of Southern Asia, the east coast of Africa, from Abys- Domestic a tecl An ima Is. 57 sinia to tlie Cape of Grood Hope. Another variety is represented on the monuments at Thebes, drawing a car with an Ethiopian princess seated therein. These animals are white and black in clouds, low in the legs, with the horns hanging loose, forming small CAR drawn by oxen. {Egyptian.) horny hooks, nearly of equal thickness to the point, turning freely either way, and hanging against the cheeks. The long- horned and the humped breeds are not now found in Egypt, but are common in Abyssinia and Upper Ethiopia. The humped cattle are figured on monuments of the seventeenth dynasty ; they belong, it is thought, to a 58 'Natural History of the Ancients. species distinct from the Bos taurus, from which they differ in many particulars. The domestic cattle of the Assyrian sculptures show a strong breed, generally of one type, though the animals differed in length of horn ; a hump, more or less developed, appears on the shoulder; the horns are more thick in proportion to their length than in the cattle of the Egyptian monuments, and the whole animal is more robust. Cattle formed one of the principal animal spoils taken by the Assyrians in 'their wars with other nations, and beef must have been largely consumed. Representations of killing oxen and sheep, of the various joints, as the leg, the loin, and shoulder, similar nearly to those of modern England, occur on the monuments. Amongst the ancients cattle were much used for agricultural purposes, as ploughing, thresh- ing, treading in the newly-sown corn, and for drawing carts, &c. ; the horse being re- served for hunting and war purposes. The early Accadians appear to have derived their 60 Natural History of the Ancients. cattle from Phoenicia, and the district between Syria and the Euphrates ; for the Accadian words for the domestic ox are gut and khan. I have told you how common it was for the Accadians to name their animals from the countries whence they obtained them. OXEN. (Assyrian.) Now gut seems to point to a country called Guti, or Grutium, between Syria and the Eu- phrates ; whereas khar is perhaps Akharu, " the west " — i.e., Phoenicia. An ancient Accadian farmer's guide-book gives us specimens of short songs with which the ox-driver beguiled his labours as he ploughed, just as modern farm-lads cheer their monotonous walk in the Domes tica ted A n imals. 61 fields by whistling. Professor Sayce has given us the following specimens : — (1.) " Before the oxen as they march all in the grain thou lay est thee down." (2.) " The knees are marching, the feet are not resting : thon hast nought of thy own, so serve me with thy labour." CAR DRAWN BY OXEN. (Assyria n.) (3.) " Heifer that thou art, be yoked to the cow ; the plough's handle is strong, the share cuts deep ; lift it up, lift it up." (Baby- lonian Literature, p. 59.) The ancient Eomans paid great attention to their cattle, which they divided into two classes : one was kept at home for farm-work ; the other was pastured in wooded districts 62 Natural History of the Ancients. awav from home under the care of herdsmen, who used to remove the cattle from cool wooded lands — their summer quarters — to the warmer coasts in the winter. Much care was taken of the oxen after a day's ploughing, similar to that bestowed on horses at the present day. Here are Columella's instruc- tions : — " After the ploughman has unyoked the oxen, he must rub them well, press the back with his hands, pull up the hide and not allow it to stick to the body, for that complaint is especially injurious to herds ; * he must rub down the neck, and if they are very warm, pour wine down their jaws ; two sextarii {i.e., a quart) are sufficient for each beast. They must not be tied to their stalls before they have recovered from sweating and blowing. They may afterwards in proper time be fed, but it is not good to give them much food nor the whole of their portion ; they should be supplied with parts, and * Compare our English expression " hide-bound." Domesticated Animals. 63 gradually. After they have consumed their food they must be taken to water, and en- couraged to drink freely by whistling to them ; they must then be taken back and supplied with more food" (Col. ii., cap. iii.). We may form some idea of the Roman breed of cattle in the time of Varro, Columella, and other Latin writers on agricultural matters a little before the birth of Christ, from the qualifications a good animal ought to pos- sess in the opinion of a competent judge. Columella's enumeration of the qualities a good labouring ox ought to exhibit is, as he tells us, taken from Mago the Carthaginian. Mago's date is uncertain ; all that is known of him is, that he wrote voluminously on agriculture in the Punic language, that he is frequently mentioned by Latin authors, and always in terms of high praise : so that he must have been a standard authority on all farm matters. His work is said to have opened with this recommendation: that if a man really intended farming, he should at 64 Natural History of the Ancients. once sell his town-house and reside altogether in the country. So great was his reputation at Rome, that, when Carthage was destroyed and the libraries scattered, orders were given to collect Mago's works, and to have them translated from the Punic into the Latin language. Fragments of this work have been preserved; and I now give Mago's opinion of the points of a good working ox : — " The oxen that ought to be procured should be young, square, with large limbs, high, strong, black horns, forehead broad and curly, ears rough, eyes and lips black, nostrils turned up and wide, neck long and muscular, dewlap large, reaching nearly to the knees, chest broad, shoulders large, belly capacious, and, as it were, filling out, flanks extended, loins broad, back straight and even, or slightly curved inwards (subsidente), haunches round, legs compact and straight, but rather short than long, knees moderate, hoofs large, tail very long and hairy, the hair of the whole body thick and short, the colour red or dark- Domes ilea ted Anim a h. 65 brown, and the whole body very soft to the touch" (Col. vi. 1). According to Varro, cattle of a black colour were considered the hardiest ; then the red, then the dun, then the white, which were thought to be more tender. From this description, I am inclined to think that the domestic cattle of the Carthaginians and Eomans — which appear to have been one and the same breed — were descended from Bos primigenms as the original type. This species had a wide range, and was domesticated in Switzerland during the Neolithic period ; and I think it probable that the domestic cattle of the Assyrians and Accadians sprang from the same wild breed, which, in the times of some of the Assyrian monarchs — Tiglath Pileser and Assur-natsirpal — were abundant in those very districts, Syria and Phoenicia, whence the Accadian names (already mentioned) seem to inform us their domestic cattle came. The description given by the Eoman agricultural writers of the domestic breed of cattle known 66 Natural History of the Ancients, to them, does not at all suit the species — if a true species — Bos longifrons, which had small horns and legs, and was altogether a less robust breed. Bones and horn- cores of the B. longifrons have been found in barrows in different parts of England and Ireland, and we know that this species, which, from its remains having been found associated with those of the elephant and rhinoceros, must have existed from very early times, was domesticated during the Eoman occupation of this country, and that this ox was the species which the Romans fed upon. Now if, as has been supposed, the Eoman legions when they invaded Britain brought their cattle with them, then the remains of Bos longifrons, such as the skull, horn-cores, and bones, which have been found, ought to agree with the descriptions of the Latin agricul- tural writers, whose domestic cattle were evidently a large -bodied, long-horned, broad- headed, strong-limbed breed, which the Bos longifrons, at least in historical times, was not. Domesticated Animals. 67 I think that the descriptions which the Carthaginian Mago, and the Eoman writers, Varro, Columella, and Palladius have left us of the domestic cattle of their time, is cor- roborative of the opinion long ago expressed by Cuvier, Bell, and other naturalists, that the Bos primigenius is the original whence, generally, our domestic breeds have descended. Csesar's cc boves nostri," with which he con- trasts the great Bos primigenius — the urus which he met with in the Hercynian forest — are, I think, to be referred to the breed cul- tivated in Italy in his time — the cattle of Mago and Varro, and not to the breed which Caesar's legions found and fed upon when in Britain — viz., the Bos longifrons. Among the Bomans, the cattle of TJmbria, especially those fed near the clear waters and on the rich pastures of the Clitumnus, were con- sidered the finest and handsomest breed in the whole of Italy ; they were of white colour, and on account of their beauty were selected for sacrificial offerings on triumphal f 2 68 Natural History of the Ancients. and other great occasions. The cattle of Etruria and Latium were recommended for labour in the fields. Sheep and Goats. — The ordinary sheep figured on the Assyrian monuments has long curved horns, often turned up at the tip. The variety represented is the same which is at present found in Palestine and the plains of Belkah, namely, the Ovis aries appendiculata, with white body, dark-brown head and neck, tail of moderate length, with a thin excres- cence at the end like a pig's tail ; then there is the broad fat-tailed sheep, another variety of the common sheep also found in Palestine. This fat tail amongst the ancient Hebrews was part of the " sacrifice of the peace-offering made by fire unto Jehovah;" "the fat thereof, and the whole fat tail, it shall he take off hard by the backbone " (Lev. iii. 9). This fat-tailed breed is the ordinary sheep of the East — it is the Ovis orientalis of Ludolf, who has figured this animal drawing its long fat tail in a little cart. This variety was known 70 Natural History of the Ancients. to Aristotle and Herodotus. The former speaks of Syrian sheep with broad tails a cubit long ; and Herodotus says a similar kind is found in Arabia. The story of sheep drawing their tails in a cart — first mentioned by Herodotus, (iii. 113), repeated by Leo Africanus in the fifteenth century, and again by Ludolf in the seventeenth — has sometimes been ridiculed as a traveller's story ; but here the old Halicar- nassian, as in many other instances, was right after all, and his critics are mistaken. " The necessity of carriages," writes Dr. Russell in his " History of Aleppo," " for the tails of the sheep mentioned by Herodotus, Ludolphus, and other writers, is real. I have seen some at Aleppo, brought from Egypt, and kept as curiosities, which agreed exactly with the figure given by Ludolphus " (ii., p. 149). The tail is simply a mass of fat, and in Palestine, as we learn from Tristram, it is used for grease, lamps, and cooking. The Arabs fry it in slices, and esteem it a delicacy, but it is very like fried tallow. Domesticated Animals. 71 Of the sheep of the ancient Romans we may get some notion from Varro and Colu- mella. In the selection of a ram, a necessary quality was that the fleece should be uniform in colour, either white, black, or reddish ; but colours in the same individual were not to mix ; the tongue and palate were to be free from dark spots, because such blemishes would be inherited by the offspring; in general appearance a ram should be noble looking and tall, the belly well covered with wool, the tail very long and thick in wool, forehead broad, horns twisted inwards, but it was better to cut them off altogether, in which case they would be harmless, which is not the case when the horns are erect and spreading. In severe weather, and in cold stormy districts, it was desirable that both rams and he-goats should have their heads well horned, as a protection against the weather (Col. vii. 2, 3). The Romans divided their sheep into two classes, like their cattle ; one was home-fed, the other was bred in pastures away from home. They 72 Natural History of the Ancients. had also another division — (1) Those sheep which had their fleeces protected by skin coverings. (2) Those not so protected. The first division received most care, and were more nutritiously fed, kept very clean in stone - paved stalls ; when they were allowed to go into the fields, care was taken to remove briars and thorns lest the wool should be damaged or the skin-jacket torn off; in hot weather the covering was frequently removed, and the wool combed and washed with wine and oil. The sheep reared in distant pastures were in the winter time removed to the low and warmer districts near the coast ; in summer they were driven to the hills of central Italy- These flocks were often very numerous, con- sisting sometimes of 15,000 ; they were looked after by shepherds in the proportion of about one to a hundred sheep. In ancient times the fleece was torn from the sheep ; hence you see the derivation of the Latin word velZus, "a fleece," from the verb vello, " I pluck." This custom was superseded in later Domesticated Animals. 73 times by tlie shearing process (tonsura), though it still continued to be practised, here and there, even as late as the time of Pliny. Whatever may be the original home of the stock, or stocks, whence our various domestic breeds of sheep have descended, it is certain that they were domesticated in pre- historic times, their remains having been found in the Swiss lake-dwellings, together with those of other domesticated animals, as the goat, dog, and horse ; this breed is said to be small and lanky, with goat-like horns, different from any race of sheep hitherto recognised. There is much less uncertainty as to the wild goat, from which the domestic varieties have descended ; it is now generally thought that the Paseng, or Copra cegagrus, a species common all through Asia Minor and Persia, extending even to Scinde, is the original parent. The domestic goat of the Assyrian monuments is represented with very high horns and moderate-sized ears. This elevated 74 Natural History of the Ancients. horn is distinctly mentioned in the Accadian name of a goat, sik-ka, i.e., " horn-raising." The Assyrians used the flesh of the goat, especially of young animals, as food, and the milk was, of course, valued. The skins were ASSYRIAN FISHERMEN. used as bottles for carrying water or other fluids ; inflated with air, a number fastened together served to float rafts ; a goat-skin thus inflated also served as a swimming blad- der or buoy. On the monuments may be seen figures of Assyrian fishermen sitting in the water crosslegged, each one riding on one of Do m es t ica ted A n im a Is. 75 these inflated skins, with fishing-line and baited hook, and fish swimming about them. In parts of Egypt, as in the Mendesian nome, the goat was sacred, and even the goat- herds were respected, notwithstanding the ab- horrence with which the Egyptians regarded every denomination of shepherd ; but in some parts of Upper Egypt the goat was sacrificed. On the death of a he-goat all the Mendesians went into mourning. The Egyptians made use of goats in agriculture, for treading in the grain after it was sown, driving whole herds over the fields for this purpose ; cattle, sheep, pigs, and asses were also similarly employed. In Palestine the large-eared goat, Copra mam- brica, with thick recurved horns, and enor- mously developed pendent ears, is one of the several breeds found there. This species probably is that one to which the prophet Amos, himself a herdman, refers in the words, " As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the lion two legs, or a piece of an ear " (iii. 12). 76 Natural History of the Ancients. The ancient Eomans divided their goats into two classes — (1) Those which had fine hair and sawn-off horns. (2) Those with shaggy hair, whose horns were allowed to grow. A good he-goat, according to Colu- mella, should have the following qualities : — It should show under the lower jaw two small warts, or flaps (verrucula), hanging from the neck, and should have a large body, thick legs, full and short neck, flaccid and very heavy ears, a small thick head, and very long shiny hair. From this description the breed would seem to approximate the pendent-eared goat of Syria mentioned above. The Eomans used either to shear or pluck the hair from the goats ; their treatment differed but little from that of the sheep. In certain parts of Eng- land there is a common belief amongst farmers that goats are very healthy animals, and that their smell is beneficial to cattle, horses, and other animals ; consequently it is not uncom- mon to see one or two goats pasturing with cows in the fields, and accompanying them Domesticated Animals. 77 as they are being driven home for milking. Now it is curious that amongst the Romans a contrary opinion prevailed ; there was a very prevalent belief that goats were never alto- gether free from fever or from a liability to take it; and so Varro, in his instructions about purchasing goats, says, " No sane person ex- pects to buy sound she-goats, for they are never without fever;" "so," he adds, "when you go to buy, you must make your bargain in a few such words as, 'About these she-goats, are they in good health to-day ? Can they drink ? Can you say they are well at present ? Can you warrant them thus far ? ' " Camels. — Of the two species of camel, the one-humped Arabian, and the two-humped or Bactrian camel, the first-named is the species generally known to the ancients; though on the Assyrian monuments both species are represented. The Arabian camel is frequently mentioned in the Bible, but, strange to say, it is never depicted on the Egyptian monuments, 78 Natural History of the Ancients. whether by painting or hieroglyphic writing, but we cannot therefore say that it was un- known to the people, for it is never safe to build much on the basis of negative evidence. For instance, we know that both fowls and pigeons were from early times kept by black obelisk. [Assyrian.) the Egyptians, but no figure of either bird occurs. The camel is mentioned in the Bible among the presents given by Abraham to Pharaoh, and was therefore in all probability known to the Egyptians. Arabia appears to have been the original home of the one- humped camel, so far as we are able to go D o m es t icated An im a Is. 79 back historically. I have already alluded to the Accadian name of the camel — " the beast of burden from the sea " — i.e., the Persian Gulf. Similar testimony as to its Arabian home is supplied by the Hebrew Semitic word gdmdl, which is very probably from an Arabic root, hamal, "to bear a burden/' whence jamal, " a camel.55 The Semitic word has passed with the animal itself into the nume- rous languages of Western Europe, and has extended in a south-east direction to Hin- dostan, where it appears under the Sanskrit form of kramela, a word which, as Professor Max Muller has informed me, " is a late one in Sanskrit, formed in imitation of the Semitic word for camel, and artificially brought in connection with the Sanskrit root /cram, c to step.5 55 The whole evidence, as supplied by linguistic palaeontology, thus points to Arabia as the camel's original home, so far as we have to think of the animal in historic times. I do not forget that a fossil species (Camelus sivalensis) was discovered some years ago by 80 Natural History of the Ancients. the late Dr. Falconer and Sir P. Cautley in tlie Miocene tertiary deposits of the Sevalik hills of Hindostan ; secondly, in Egypt, by Captain Horner and Lieutenant Newbold, in the drift of a pre -historic age. From the fossil remains of the skull, jaws, and teeth, which indicate an animal much larger than the existing species now in the British Museum, this camel seems to have been closely allied to the Arabian animal, whose parents — speaking palseontologically — it may have been. In the Assyrian records camels are very often mentioned. In Assur-banipars expe- dition against a certain king of Arabia, we find the occurrence of these animals in im- mense numbers. " Camels like sheep," the Assyrian king says that he took and dis- tributed to his people. So great was their number, that after a battle a camel might be bought for half a shekel of silver only. The camel is and long has been the subject amongst Eastern nations of several proverbial expressions, but I only stop to notice the one Domesticated Animals. 81 mentioned in the New Testament as having been spoken by Christ — " It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." It is perfectly certain that the Greek word /cdfi7i\o<; means " a camel," and nothing but a camel. It has been said that we ought to read at^Xo?, "a cable/' instead of kcl^Xo^, ci a camel/' and that in that case the meta- phor of rope and needle's eye is exact, whereas the idea of a camel passing through the eye of a needle is a false metaphor. Un- fortunately for objectors to the ordinary read- ing, there is no such Greek word as fcdpiXos, "a cable." The scholiasts on the Wasps of Aristophanes (1035) and Suidas are the only authorities for the existence of such a word, which must be rejected. Another suggested explanation is that a small gate at Hebron still exists, through which a loaded camel can with difficulty pass, and that this gate, or small arch, is called the Needle's Eye. There is no doubt, however, that the literal meaning G 82 Natural History of the Ancients. is the true one. Such proverbial expressions were common among the Jews when they were referring to anything unusual or impos- sible. Thus, to a person who had told some marvellous or incredible story, it was said, " Perhaps thou art one of the Pombeditha (a Jewish school at Babylon) who can make an elephant go through the eye of a needle." Again, in the Koran, " Until the camel shall enter the needle's eye," is an expression that occurs, and will serve to illustrate the fore- going remarks. The use of camels in war is mentioned by various writers, and is de- picted on the Assyrian monuments. When Cyrus made war against Croesus he adopted the following device. He took their loads off the camel's backs, such as baggage, provisions, &c, and mounted riders as horsemen upon them ; these were put to form the front of his army, then the foot-soldiers came, and then the horse. As the armies met, the Lydian war-horses, seeing and smelling the strange and ugly-looking camels, took fright and Domesticated Animals. 83 bolted : nothing could stop the terrified steeds. The riders leaped off, and fought on foot with determined bravery, but the army of Croesus was conquered. Both species of cattle are mentioned by Aristotle. " Camels/' he says, " possess a part peculiar to themselves, called the hump. The Bactrian has two humps, the Arabian one." He speaks of camels being used in war, and says that to prevent their becoming footsore they are shod with shoes of un- dressed leather. Aristotle was aware of the camel being able to go for days without water. iC It can remain without drinking for the space of four days, and then it drinks large quantities." Aristotle is entirely wrong about the den- tition of the camel, and it is clear that he never could have examined a camel's mouth, for he says that this animal has not teeth in both jaws, whereas there are in the upper jaw the usual molars — the first premolar, however, being placed a long way in front of the others g 2 84 Natural History of the Ancients. — two canines, and, exceptionally among the Puminantia, two incisors. Pliny repeats Aris- totle's errors. The Horse. — Ancient records of this use- ful animal possess more than ordinary interest. Palseontological evidence leads us back to a long distant past, and presents us with grada- tions of altered structure, shown especially in the fore and hind legs and teeth, in which modifications are seen to have taken place in the remains of the fossil horses which demon- strate the extremely interesting fact that the modern horse has descended from an equine animal which originally possessed four or five toes, with the corresponding metacarpal and metatarsal bones. These remains, which have been discovered in Europe and in America, occur in tertiary formations of geologists, from the more recent Pliocene downwards, through the Miocene to the Eocene. The ordinary splint bones of the modern horse are mere rudiments of the metacarpal and metatarsal Domesticated Animals. 85 bones which were more developed in the equine animal of the later Pliocene, and to each of which moreover was attached a finger or toe with three joints; gradations or modi- fications of structure in the remains of these successive strata occur in which it is proved that the geological ancestor of our modern horse possessed as many as five toes, with their corresponding wrist or ankle bones. The most ancient historical record is very recent indeed compared with the records of the latest tertiary formations ; and even in the Swiss lake-dwellings of the stone period the remains of the horses which have been found present no osteological differences of structure between the animal of that period and the horse of to-day. But we must confine our remarks to the horse of history. Have our domestic breeds descended from several wild races, now everywhere extinct, or from one ? Where was the horse's original home ? His- torical evidence, so far as it goes, would lead us to Media and Armenia as the birthplace. 86 Natural History of the Ancients. The Egyptian monuments anterior to the date of Amosis (about B.C. 1500) of the 18th dynasty, give no representations of horses, but it would not be safe to conclude from negative evidence alone that the horse was not intro- duced into Egypt anterior to the above date. Notwithstanding the esteem in which the horse was held by the ancient Egyptians, and its great utility, it was not a sacred animal, nor the emblem of any deity. The Hebrews, from their earliest history almost down to the time of Solomon, did not employ the horse for any purpose, though they were well acquainted with it, as it was extensively used by neigh- bouring nations, as the Canaanites, Egyptians, and Syrians. The first notice of the horse occurs in the time of David, who defeated Hadadezer, king of Zobah in Syria, and reserved for himself one hundred horses. Soon after this Solomon introduced into Judea great numbers. Amongst the Assyrians the horse was extensively employed. It is repre- sented with much spirit on the Assyrian Domesticated Animals. 87 monuments, and more frequently than any other animal. They were used in war and in the chase. As they are never represented drawing carts or carrying baggage, they were probably not used for these purposes, for war horses. (Assyrian.) which mules and asses were employed. The horse of the Assyrian sculptures is a noble animal ; the head is small, and so are the ears ; the eye often fiery, so far as can be expressed in cold marble, and full of life ; the whole body compact, with well-developed 88 Natural History of the Ancients. muscles ; pasterns rather short, and forehand good. The horses of the Assyrian army were a terror to the Jews, and are often mentioned in the Bible as such. The horses of the Assyrian monuments are of a king's chariot. {Assyrian.) comparatively late date, and the Assyrian name — sum — for "a horse," which is identical with the Hebrew, throws no light as to the country from which the people obtained their animals. The useful Accadian language, how- ever, gives us a clue. We have already seen Boniest ic cited A n im a Is . 89 that it was the custom of this Turanian race to call animals by the names of the countries from which they came. Now, in Accadian, the expression for a horse is "the beast of burden from the East/' hurra. Whether the very early Accadians in their highland and wooded home of Elam ever used the horse, or what name they gave it, I do not know ; but when they migrated southwards down into the Mesopotamian plains, they called the horse hurra, the animal which came from the "East," that is to say, from Media and Armenia. Ezekiel mentions the importation of horses from Armenia into Tyre. " They of the house of Togarmah traded in thy fairs with horses, horsemen, and mules" (xxvii. 14). Classical authors also bear testimony to the excellent qualities and great number of the horses of these countries, and to this day the pastures on the hills and plains of Armenia sustain fine breeds. The Grreeks and Eomans — if one might form an opinion from the Greek and Latin 90 Natural History of the Ancients. tWo? (=lk/cos) and equus, which are both to be referred to the Sanskrit asva, " a horse/' from the root as, "to be swift" — probably brought their horses with them when the}?* migrated westerly from their original Aryan home in Bactria. Be this, however, as it may, the horse has been long domesticated in Europe, and the Greeks and Bomans bred large num- bers, and paid much attention to them. They seldom employed horses in farm work, as we do at the present day ; oxen took their place in this respect ; they used them for racing, for military service, for carrying burdens, for draught purposes, and for hacks or roadsters. Great care was bestowed upon them, and colts were not broken in before their bones were well set, and they were three years old. The points of a good Boman horse we may learn from Varro and Columella : — " It should have a small head, black eyes, expanded nostrils, short and erect ears, a smooth neck broad and not long, a thick mane falling on the right side, and broad chest made up of a number of Born es t ica ted An ima Is . 91 nodular muscles, fore-arms large and straight, sides curved, spine ample (duplex), belly con- tracted, legs equal high and straight, knee round and small, not bending inwards, haunches round, hoofs hard, high and concave, coronets round of moderate size ; the whole body should be full, tall, erect, active in ap- pearance, and cylindrical" (Col. vi. 29, 1, 2, 3). Palladius — a late writer, about a.d. 350 — has given us a list of colours which seem to have been as various in his day as they are now. The principal were, bay (badius), bright chest- nut {aureus), whitish (albineas), red (russeus), chestnut-brown (myrteus), fawn (cervinus), pale- yellow or cream (gilbus), dappled (scidulahis) , white (albus), speckled (gutiatus), milk-white (candidissimus) , black (niger), dark brown (pres- sus), pie-bald (mistus nigro et albineo), skew- bald (mist us albineo et badio), light grey (spitmeus), spotted (macirfostis), dun or mouse- coloured (murinus). Horses of one definite colour were preferred ; still Palladius quite allowed that — to make use of an English 92 Natural History of the Ancients. saying — "a good horse cannot be of a bad colour," for, he adds, " mixed colours are to be despised unless an abundance of good qualities excuse the fault of colour " (Pallad. iv. 13, 4, 5). Ass. — Asses, like horses, have been long domesticated. Among the ancient Egyptians they were employed as beasts of burden, for turning mills, treading out ripe corn, and treading in newly-sown corn. " Like those of the present day," Sir Gr. Wilkinson says, "it is probable that they were small, active, and capable of bearing great fatigue ; and con- sidering the trifling expense at which these hardy animals were maintained, we are not surprised to find that they were kept in great numbers in the agricultural districts, or that one individual had as many as 760 employed in different parts of his estate" (iii., p. 34). The ass was sacred to Typho, " the Evil Being." According to Plutarch, the Coptites had the custom of throwing an ass down a Domesticated Animals. 93 precipice ; and the inhabitants of Busiris and Lycopolis carried their detestation of it so far as never to make use of trum- pets, fancying that their sound is similar to the braying of an ass. Even the colour of the unfortunate ass — which in Egypt, as in ancient Pales- tine, was of a redder tint than is usual with the domestic ass of England — was looked upon as indi- cative of the Evil Being, and any un- happy man who was of a ruddy com- plexion, or had de- cidedly red hair, was thought to be related 94 Natural History of the Ancients. to the Evil Being (Typho). There is no figure of the domestic ass on the Assyrian sculptures, but it is frequently mentioned in the records. It must have been known to the inhabitants of Mesopotamia in early times, before they became acquainted with the horse, because the usual determinative prefix to de- note a " beast of burden," stands alone — without any additional word — as the repre- sentative of the ass. It is " the beast of burden," par excellence as it were. So here the Accadian language, which has hitherto helped us, fails to furnish any information or clue as to the original country whence the ass was introduced into Assyria and Armenia. Eour species of wild asses are known, and naturalists are generally agreed that the domestic ass of this and other countries has descended from the Abyssinian species, Asinus tceniojpus, the specific name meaning " band- legged," in allusion to the dark bars across the animal's legs, which the Abyssinian Domesticated Animals. 95 species exhibits, though only in a slight degree. We may rest satisfied with this being the parent-form, for it is well known that the common domestic ass very often shows, be- sides the usual dorsal and shoulder stripes, traces of bars across the legs, sometimes only faint, at other times very clear and distinct. I think that the domestic ass of the ancient Accadians and Assyrians came originally from Abyssinia. Thus, while the horse of the Egyptians in Africa came from the East, its home in Asia, the ass of the Assyrians in Asia came to them from its south-west home in Africa. When we remember how preva- lent the custom among the Accadians was of naming an animal after its home, we may think it probable that they would have desig- nated the ass as the " beast of burden from the South," had they remembered its original home. But this they have not done ; the ass is simply " beast of burden." Hence, I think it probable that the domestic animal found its way from Africa to Western Asia in very early 96 Natural History of the Ancients. times, and that neither record nor tradition as to its original home existed in the memories of the people when they named the ass " Beast of Burden." Amongst the Hebrews the ass was nsed for carrying burdens and baggage in war, for ploughing and for riding. Whether these animals were used for treading out corn, as in Egypt, we cannot determine, the Biblical records being silent; but Josephus says, "Asses are the same with us as they are with other wise men, viz., creatures that bear the burdens that we lay upon them; but if they come to our threshing-floors and eat the corn and do not perform the duties, they receive many stripes" (Contr. App. ii. § 7). The white asses men- tioned in Judges v. 10, "Speak, ye that ride on white asses," were a large and handsome breed upon which judges and the great men of the land used to ride. Bagdad is still famous for its white asses, which are large and spirited, and have an easy steady pace. The ancient Greeks and Eomans paid a good deal of attention to the domestic ass. Domesticated Animals. 97 Probably in no country in the whole world was so much care shown in breeding this animal as in Italy. In Greece Arcadia was celebrated, in Italy the district round Eeate, in Sabinium, for its breeds. This latter- named country was especially celebrated ; animals bred there being occasionally imported even into Arcadia. Varro, the most practical and experienced of all the Eoman writers on agriculture and domestic animals, held exten- sive property at Eeate — a district about fifty miles N.E. of Eome — and had domestic asses of very superior stock. " He who wishes to have a good breed/' he says, " must first of all take care to select the sire and the dam of a full age ; they must be strong, handsome in every point, large in body, be descended from a good stock, and come from those places whence the best are procured, such as from Arcadia and the Eeatine district." Varro recommends that the breed should be occa- sionally crossed with the onagri of Phrygia and Lycaonia, which he calls "wild," but H 98 Natural History of the Ancients. which he says are easily tamed, and when once domesticated never again show signs of their wild nature. From this it is evident that he is speaking, not of a wild race of ass properly so called, but of a domesticated breed which had been allowed to pasture for some time in a wild, or semi-wild, state. The price sometimes paid for a handsome and high-bred domestic ass by the Eomans was enormous, but one cannot help suspecting some error in the numbers. As much as £500 of our money, Varro says, a good ass has fetched in his time, and in his own recollection, and a team of four splendid animals was sold for £3,300. These, of course, were highly -bred animals, and probably, were pedigreed like our modern race-horses and prize cattle, &c, and as with us, perhaps, so with the luxurious Romans of the Empire, these enormous sums were only occasionally paid by the very rich and noble, who did not scruple to give " a fancy price/5 however exorbitant, in order to secure the best Domesticated Animals. 99 breed. The ordinary ass for agricultural pur- poses was a very different animal ; it was " rough and ready/' hardy in nature, capable of prolonged labour, and able to " do on a little." Coarse food, such as the leaves of trees, prickly shrubs, and doubtless our own familiar thistle, were sufficient for the agri- cultural animal, whose duties were to carry burdens, turn corn-mills, and to plough. The term " donkey," or " ass," applied to a stupid or an obstinate man was, doubtless, as com- mon with the old Eomans as with ourselves, for the expression is frequent in classical authors. The germ of the reputation which the ass has of being both a stupid and a petulant animal is by some supposed to have appeared first in Greece and Italy, and hence to have spread into other parts of Europe ; but Gubernatis has given reasons to prove that al- though it was in Greece and Eome that the poor ass was thrown completely down from his rank in the animal kingdom, the first decree of his fall was pronounced in his Asiatic home. {Zool. h 2 100 Natural History of the Ancients. Myfhol. i., p. 364.) We have already seen that among the ancient Egyptians a similar reputation prevailed. Of the Equidse the ass appears to have been the first animal domesti- cated, then followed the horse, and afterwards — at what date it is not possible to say — the mule. Mules. — No mention of mules occurs in the Bible before the time of David ; it is true that in our English version the word occurs much earlier, namely, in Gen. xxxvi. 24 — "This was that Anah that found the mules in the wilderness;" but the Hebrew word very pro- bably denotes " hot springs," as the Vulgate version has it. After the first half of David's reign mules became common. Now the Levitical law forbade the coupling together of animals of different species (Lev. xix. 19), consequently we must either suppose that mules were imported, or that the Hebrews must have become less scrupulous in the matter. The mule is occasionally represented on the Domesticated Animals. 101 Egyptian monuments, and it is probable that the Egyptians bred these animals and per- haps imported them together with horses into Judea in the time of Solomon when a friend- ship existed between the king of Egypt and the Hebrew monarch, who had married the former king's daughter. But as the mule was known to the Hebrews before Solomon's time — for David his father rode on one — it seems pretty certain that the Jews first became acquainted with these hybrids after David's victory over Hadadezer, king of Zobah, a district of Syria, and though no distinct statement is made that mules were em- ployed in the king of Zobah's army, I think it probable they were. Now the appearance of mules would naturally soon take place after the introduction into the same country of the two parents — the horse and the ass ; and as Armenia and Media seem to be the original home of the horse, historically speaking, and the ass, as we have seen, was in very early times known to the Accadian inhabitants of 102 Natural History of the Ancients. the Mesopotamian valley, it seems probable that in Armenia or Media the mule first made its appearance. Ezekiel expressly tells us that from Armenia mules were imported into Tyre. " They of the house of Togarmah mule. (Assyrian.) traded in thy fairs with horses, horsemen, and mules" (xxvii. 14). The mule of the Assy- rian monuments shows an animal of excellent breed, the climate of the country being well suited to both parents ; and as these animals were often used for riding, carrying baggage Domesticated Animals. 103 in war and nets for deer-hunting, much attention would be bestowed on their breed- ing, which, judging from their so fre- quently forming part of the spoil of con- quered nations, must have been extensively practised. The Greeks and Eomans also paid con- siderable attention to the breeding of mules ; a good animal from Arcadia or the Eeatine districts might be worth as much as £250 or £300. The Eomans used the better bred mules for drawing their carriages ; they were generally yoked in pairs ; the commoner sort carried pack-saddles, and were employed in ploughing if the soil was not too stiff. The finer breeds were removed in droves for the summer season, from the plains of Rosea, near Eeate, to the mountains called Gurgures, which appear to be the high and central regions of the Apennines. When the male parent was an ass, the foal was called mulus ; when a horse, the product was called hinnus ; the former was more prized. 104 Natttral History of the Ancients. Pigs. — Among the Egyptians the domestic pig often formed a part of their farmyard stock ; but, as with the Jews, it was a most unclean animal, hateful to the sight and touch. It is but rarely represented on the monuments. As pigs were held in such abomination, it may be asked for what pur- pose did the ancient people of Egypt keep them ? One reason seems to be that these animals were very useful in treading in the corn after sowing ; that they were so em- ployed is evident, I think, from a Theban sculpture, and from the express testimony of Herodotus and iElian, quoting Eudoxus. " In no country/' says Herodotus, " do they gather their seed with so little labour ; the husbandman waits till the river has of its own accord spread itself over the fields, and withdrawn again to its bed, and then sows his plot of ground, and after sowing turns his swine into it — the swine tread in the corn — after which he has only to wait for the harvest.5' Herodotus also says that pigs Domesticated Animals. 105 were employed in threshing the grain. iElian says that one reason why the Egyptians did not sacrifice pigs was because they were re- quired to tread the grain into the ground, and thus secure it from the ravages of numerous birds. Sir Gr. Wilkinson thinks, however — and it would not be safe often to differ from so excellent an authority — that pigs were not so employed. He interprets the Theban sculpture as representing pigs driven on to marshy land to eat up the weeds and roots ; but in the figures on the monu- ment in question, a man is depicted with a knotted whip — just like our modern dog- whip — in his right hand, and a strong noose or muzzle on a stick over his shoulder, driving four bristly boars, each one being muzzled ! There is, it is true, no accompanying figure of a seedsman scattering grain ; but when we consider that several other animals were employed for treading in the corn, and that on the authority of Herodotus and Eudoxus pigs were thus employed, I see no reason to 106 Natural History of the Ancients. doubt the matter. The muzzled boars were prevented from rooting up and eating the grain; how then could they eat up weeds or roots ? The pig was thought to have first suggested to man the idea of plough- ing, by rooting up the ground with its strong snout. But, notwithstanding any use- ful purposes the domestic pig might have served, it was considered by the Egyptians so singularly contaminating, that any person who had happened even to come in contact with it, was compelled to go immediately into the water, even with his clothes on. Swineherds, of course, therefore, were held in abomination, though of pure Egyptian blood. The only two occasions on which the pig was sacrificed, according to Herodotus, were on the festivals of the moon and Bacchus. The same authority tells us that he is per- fectly well acquainted with the reason why the Egyptians sacrificed the pig on only these two festivals, but that he does not think it proper (evirpeTrearepos) to mention it. Very Domesticated An imals. 107 naughty Egyptians after death were sup- posed to return to earth in the form of pigs. In a scene representing Osiris (the judge of the dead) in the office of weighing the actions of the good and bad, a wicked soul is seen in the form of a pig standing in a boat, navigated by two dog-headed baboons who are returning to earth again. All communica- tions with the abodes of the blessed is figu- ratively cut off by a man with an axe in his hand, wTho has cut away the rope which bound the boat to the shore. The ancient Jews, like the Egyptians, held the pig in the greatest abhorrence ; they had a saying, " The pig's snout resembles ambulant dirt," while the eating of its flesh was equivalent to forswearing the Law, and to absolute apostacy from the faith. Even the Hebrew word for a pig (chazir) was de- testable, and instead of pronouncing it they used an expression meaning " the other thing," "the thing;" the poor pig being something far too disgusting to mention by Domesticated Animals. 109 name. What opinion the ancient Assyrians held with respect to the pig it is not possible to say ; no figure of the domestic animal occurs on the monuments, and I am not aware of any Assyrian word for a pig occurring in the records. The Greeks and Eomans, on the other hand, fully appreciated this most useful animal; they bred pigs largely, and ate the flesh with relish. " There is no animal/' says Pliny (N. H., viii. 77), " that affords a greater variety to the palate of the epicure ; all others have their own peculiar flavour, but the flesh of the pig has nearly fifty different flavours." The Eomans in the time of Varro bred two varieties of the pig, and divided them into two classes ; these were the sites densce, which had many bristles and were usually black, and the sues glabra, which had few bristles, were nearly smooth and generally white ; the former were considered the most hardy. An animal with a good-sized body, with small 110 Natural History of the Ancients. head and legs and of one colour, was to be preferred. Pigs were kept in herds of one hundred or more in number, and were driven out in the morning to the woods and fields, where, in the season, they could find a plenti- ful supply of acorns, beech-mast, and other food. In hot summer weather, shade, water, and swampy ground were necessary. The swineherd usually carried a horn with him, and the pigs were early taught to assemble whenever he blew it. Varro says that " the swineherd ought to accustom sows with little ones (nntrices) to do all things at the sound of his horn ; " in this way the pigs were summoned to their meals of barley which were spread out for them, not in a heap, but in a continued line, so that they could more easily feed. In the evening the swineherd was to be careful to blow his horn so that no losses might be sustained by the pigs wandering too far into the woods. There was an odd belief, mentioned by Aristotle, re-asserted by Pliny, that if a pig loses one Domesticated Animals. Ill o£ its eyes, it nearly always dies immediately. The pig has often a curled tail, and Pliny says that it is worth noticing whether the tail curls to the right or to the left; because a pig with a right-handed twist of its tail was a more acceptable offering to the gods than a pig with a left-handed twist ! The same chatty authority informs us that pigs have more sense than is generally sup- posed, for if they have been stolen and they can hear the sound of their keeper's voice, they will at once recognise it ; that if they are in a vessel which is inclined to go under water from too great weight on the one side, they will go over to the other side to restore the balance ! The favourite parts of a pig were the womb {vulva) and the breast before it had been sucked. The head, the liver, and the abdomen were also approved of ; and sausages were always a favourite dish. The Eomans salted the hams, as we do ; they often im- ported their hams and sausages — which, 11 2 Natural History of the Ancients. however, were not made of pork alone — from Gaul, as we now do from Westphalia and Bologna. It is generally agreed upon among na- turalists, who have closely studied the subject, that all known breeds of the domestic pig have descended from two types — one from the common wild boar, the Sits scrofa group ; the other from the Chinese and Siam group, erroneously named by Pallas Sits Indica, there being no occurrence of this species in a wild state in any part of India ; indeed, the wild parent form of this Chinese group has not yet been discovered in any country. The Sus scrofa type has a wide geographical range, being found in Europe, North Africa, "Western Asia, and Hindostan. The Sus Indica type is familiar to us, chiefly under the form and name of the Chinese breed. " The Eoman or Neapolitan breed " — I am now quoting from Darwin — " the Andalusian, the Hun- garian, and the c Krause ' swine of Nathusius, inhabits South-eastern Europe and Turkey, Domesticated Animals. 113 and having fine curly hair, and the small Swiss e Bundtnerschwein ' of Rutimeyer, all agree in their more important skull characters with S. Indica, and, as is supposed, have all been largely crossed with this form. Pigs of this type have existed during a long period on the shores of the Mediterranean, for a figure closely resembling the existing Neapolitan pig has been found in the buried city of Herculaneum." {Animals and Plants under Domestication, i., p. 67.) Professor Busk, in a letter to Dr. Rol- leston (Dec. 17, 1876), mentions, among many numerous little bronze articles from the ancient Etruscan tombs, many figures of animals ; one in particular being a very well-made statuette of a pig, which to his eye very closely resembles the Berk- shire breed, the only point in which it is different being the comparatively large eye, whilst the rest of the contour was quite what we might expect to see at an ordi- nary cattle show. The animal was repre- I 114 Natural History of the Ancients. sented apparently as having a close-curled tail.* Fowls. — There is no representation of any fowl on the Egyptian monuments, though they appear to have been always abundant. The art of hatching eggs by artificial incuba- tion was known to, and practised by, the ancient Egyptians. The only authority, as far as I can make out, for this practice is Diodorus, the Sicilian, who says, " The most wonderful thing is, that those who breed fowls and geese — not content with the natural production of these creatures, as among other nations — do themselves, from an innate love of art, increase the number of these birds to an unspeakable extent ; for they do not hatch them by means of the birds, but, strange to say, they display with their own hands such intelligence and skill that they are not surpassed by nature's operation 99 * See a very valuable paper by Professor Polleston, " On the Domestic Pig of Pre-historic Times in Britain " (Trans, Lin. Soc, 1877). Domesticated Animals. 115 (i. 74). From this account it is impossible to say definitely what the process was. Sir Gr. Wilkinson says that the above artificial con- trivance has been handed down to the present day, and is still practised by the Copts, who hatch the eggs in an oven specially constructed and adapted for this purpose. The domestic fowl is nowhere mentioned in the Old Testament ; " the fatted fowl/5 of our English version, as supplied to Solomon's table, being some other bird, perhaps white geese. The earliest mention of the domestic cock among the Greeks occurs in Theognis (born about B.C. 570) ; he merely mentions it once " as the awakening cock of dawn." There is no mention of domestic fowls in the works of Homer and Hesiod. Aristophanes calls the cock " the Persian bird," from which it would seem that the Greeks first became acquainted with this bird in their relations with the Persians. The fowl is figured on Babylonian cylinders of the date of the sixth or seventh century B.C. i 2 116 Natural History of the Ancients. The Eomans bred fowls to a great extent. Varro says you should select those hens which are prolific egg-layers, with plu- mage inclining to red, wings black, toes un- equal (imparibus diffitis*), heads large, comb erect, bodies large, as such are better layers. The cock should be sprightly and muscular, have a red comb, a short beak, full sharp eyes greyish-brown or black, red wattle with a little white, neck variegated or golden, short legs, long claws, tails large and well-feathered. High - spirited birds often crow, are pertinacious in battle, have no fear of other animals, and fight for the hens. Fighting cocks were the Tanagrian, Bhodian, and Chalcidean breeds. The hens of these were considered bad layers, and on the whole unprofitable. White fowls were not recom- mended, as they were thought to be more delicate than others. Generally the Eomans kept their poultry in a closed courtyard strewn with sand and ashes ; there was a hen-house # i.e., with five claws, like our Dorkings. Domesticated Animals. 117 inside the yard, with roosting poles and nests along projecting walls. A flock would con- sist of two hundred or more, looked after by a poultry keeper, or by a woman and a boy. The art of stuffing, cramming, and fattening for sale was extensively practised. Here is Cato's receipt for cramming fowls and geese. " Cram hens and geese thus : — Let the keeper shut them up, and prepare balls of wheat or barley-meal : let him dip them into water and put them into the birds' mouths ; the propor- tion to be gradually increased, a sufficiency to be determined by the quantity of food in the throat ; this to be done twice a day ; give water at noon." This cramming process was sometimes carried on in the dark, as we learn from Martial — " Pascitur et dulci facilis gallina farina, Pascitur et tenebris : ingeniosa gula est." " The hen is easily fed on sweet meal and in darkness ; how clever is the palate." (Ep. xiii. 62.) Ducks were certainly domesticated long 118 Natural History of the Ancients. after fowls. There seems to be no doubt that the several breeds have descended from the common wild duck {Anas boschas). The ancient Egyptians had several ingenious methods of catching wild ducks and other water-fowl, but it does not appear that they domesticated the common duck. To the Jews also this bird was unknown, nor can I find any allusion to it in the writings of Aristotle. The Greeks, in the time of Aristophanes, appear to have had ducks in a semi-domes- ticated state. The comic poet uses the word vyaadpLov, " little duck," as a term of endear- ment applied by a man to a woman. Cicero appears to speak of the half-domesticated duck when he alludes to the custom of placing duck's eggs under hens ; and I hope that when Libanus, in the Asinaria of Plautus (iii. 3, 103) asks the girl Philenium to call him, among many other terms of warm affection, "her little duck" {anaticula), he is not referring to himself as a bird wholly wild! Varro and Columella both speak of duck preserves, and Domesticated Animals. 119 give directions for their construction under the Greek word vrjao-orpofahv, so that the Greeks preceded the Eomans in the domestication of the wild duck. Still it is evident that the ducks of Columella's time were not thoroughly domesticated, and suffered to go about the farm-yard like the waddling tame bird of modern days, because instructions are given to cover the duck enclosure at the top with a strong net, not only to keep enemies out, but, as is expressly stated, to keep the clucks in. Here are Varro's recommendations how to form a duck-preserve. " Those who wish to have flocks of ducks, and to establish a duck nursery (nessotrqphceum,), must, in the first place, select, if possible, a marshy locality, in which ducks delight. If this is not possible, then either a natural pond must be chosen, or an artificial one must be made with sloping sides, that the ducks may descend step by step. A wall of fifteen feet in height must be built; around the whole wall, in the inside, there must be an elevated ledge (crepido), 120 Natural History of the Ancients. upon which covered nests {tecta cubilia) must be placed. The margin of the pond should have a level pavement of cement. With the pond a channel of water (canalis) was to be connected, and into it food was to be thrown, because ducks like to take their food with water. The whole wall outside was to be made quite smooth with cement, to prevent (feles) cats or other harmful animals gaining admission. Over the top a net with large meshes must be placed, lest an eagle should fly in or the ducks themselves fly out. Wheat, barley, grape -skins should be given as food ; water Crustacea {ex aqua cammari) and other aquatic creatures should also sometimes be supplied to them. A stream of water should be constantly flowing into and through the pond, that it might be always fresh." (Varro, iii. 11.) I may add that other kinds of water-fowl besides ducks were kept in these preserves, and that it was usual to hatch duck-eggs under hens. Martial must have been a very dainty feeder, for he says Domesticated Animals. 121 that the breast and neck alone are worth cooking. Geese have long been domesticated. With the Egyptians they often formed a large part geese. (Egyptian.) of their food. Figures of this bird are very common on the monuments. The species usually represented seems to be the ordinary grey-lag, though the Egyptian goose {Anser Egyptiacus) also appears. There seems good evidence for believing that the Anser ferns, or 122 Natural History of the Ancients. grey goose, is the origin from which the domestic breeds have descended. It is the tame goose often represented as part of the farm-yard stock on the Egyptian monuments, and the bird which by its vigilance saved the Eoman capital from the Gauls ; the goose (xnv) of Homer and other Greek authors. The Eomans kept their geese during the laying season in a walled yard, which had inside stone or brick partitions for nests. This yard was called %^o/3oovee£o^ which term, as in the case of the duck pre- serve, shows that this method of rearing geese had been also practised by the Greeks. The white kind was preferred to the grey, as this latter was thought to be more nearly allied to the wild species. Geese-rearing, however, was considered rather troublesome work, as the birds would eat the corn crops and injure the grass by their dung. G-oose eggs were often hatched under hens. Considering the large size of a goose's egg, only a few gos- lings could be hatched. The feathers were Domesticated Animals. 123 valuable, selling for about 3s. 6d. per pound. It was customary to pluck the birds twice a year — namely, in spring and autumn. Pliny gives us the following information about geese. " Our people/' he says, "only esteem the goose for the excellence of the liver, which grows to a large size when the bird is crammed. When the liver is soaked in honey and milk (lacfe midso) it is further increased in size, and indeed it is not without good reason that it is a moot question who first discovered such an excellent thing — whether it was Scipio Metellus, a man of consular rank, or Marcus Sestius, a cotemporary and a Eoman knight. However, there is no doubt that it was Messalinus Cotta, a son of the orator Messala, who first cooked the webbed feet of geese and served them up with cocks' combs, for I must award the palm of the kitchen to the man who is deserving of it. This bird, wonderful to relate, comes all the way from the Morini (in Gaul) to Borne on its own feet : the weary geese are placed in front, and those following 124 Natural History of the Ancients. by a natural pressure urge them on." Pliny- next speaks of the high esteem in which goose-feathers were held. In endeavours to procure them, it appears, the commanders of the auxiliaries would dispatch whole cohorts from their station when on guard to run after geese, so that complaints were frequently made at head-quarters on this account. " Luxury/' he adds, "has come to that pitch that now-a- days men will not rest their necks unless upon a pillow of goose-feathers.5' Pigeons. — The domestication of the pigeon dates from very early times. The prophet Isaiah apparently alludes to these birds when he asks, " Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?" (lx. 8). In Egypt their domestication goes back, it is said, as far as 3000 B.C., and even before that time the pigeon appears in a bill of fare. This bird is not figured on the Egyptian monuments as part of the live-stock of the farm-yard, but it was valued as a favourite Domestic at eel Animals. 125 food ; " so pure and wholesome/' says Sir Gr. Wilkinson, the king-bee (fiaaiXevs rcov neXirrcov), and the drone (ktj^v), though living in the same establishment, being regarded as distinct kinds (y«"?). The drones which were produced after the death of the king in the cells were supposed to be very passionate ; they were called stingers (fcevrpurol), for the following strange reason, that though being really destitute of stings, they had the will, but not the power to sting. Hesiod (Op. 304) uses the epithet KoOovpos or KoXovpos, i.e., z/ eap ov nroiei, ovSe fjula rj/juepa. {JEth. Nic. i. 6, 19 ; ed. Bekker.) Aristotle thought that swal- lows did not always migrate, but that in Wild Animals. £11 the winter-time they concealed themselves in hollow places where they had been seen, stripped of their feathers — a notion once entertained by Linnaeus and others, but now exploded. The swallow is a common figure on Egyptian monuments ; it sometimes sig- nifies "great" or "valuable;" it has been found embalmed in the tombs of Thebes, but it was not regarded as a sacred bird. Another small bird resembling a swallow, only that the tail is not forked, is still more common on the Egyptian monuments ; it is a usual determinative for "littleness/' "disaster," or "painful circumstance." Cham- pollion referred this bird to a sparrow. Sir Gr. Wilkinson thinks it is a "wagtail," and states that this bird is " still called in Egypt aboo fussdd, 6 the father of corruption,5 as if in memorial of the hieroglyphic character assigned to it by the ancient Egyptians " (v. 214). The figures on the monuments are, however, more like sparrows ; and I believe that Champollion is correct. I think also we may o 2 212 Natural History of the Ancients. see the connection of the ideas of littleness and disaster implied in the determinative, in the fact that sparrows and other small inses- sorial birds do a great deal of mischief to newly-sown grain, as well as to ripe corn. Hence arose the necessity of covering the seed in the ground directly after it was sown, which, as we have seen, was extensively prac- tised in Egypt by driving various animals over the newly-sown fields. The swallow is mentioned, together with the dove and the raven, on the British Museum tablet, which gives an account of the Chaldean Deluge ; these birds the Chaldean Noah sent out of his ship. He says : — " On the seventh day, in the course of it I sent forth a dove — it left ; The dove went and turned about, A resting-place it did not settle upon, and it returned. I caused to go forth a swallow — it left ; The swallow went and turned about, A resting-place it did not settle upon, and it returned. I caused to go forth a raven — it left ; Wild Animals. 213 The raven went, and the corpses which were On the water it saw, and It ate, it swam, it wandered about, and did not return." The swallow here is called in the Accadian language nam-Mu, " the destiny bird ; " the common swift has been seen in Armenia (on a mountain of which country the Chaldean ship rested) in numbers from May till Sep- tember ; and perhaps this bird, so punctual in its arrivals and leavings, may be more especially intended by the " destiny-bird " of the old Accadians, which was so called from its periodic migrations. The Cuckoo seems always everywhere to have received its name from its characteristic note. Even the old Accadians appear to have called the bird the Mu-u-ku. I suspect the Greek word k6kkv%9 which has a harsher sound than our " cuckoo," was given to the bird first by some one who heard its note when close at hand ; for when near the note has a decided guttural tone, about the last syllable, which 214 Natural History of the Ancients. tone is lost to the ear at a distance. Aris- totle's observations on the habits of the cuckoo are partly correct and partly fabulous. " The cuckoo/5 he writes, " is said by some persons to be a changed hawk, because the hawk which it resembles disappears when the cuckoo comes, and indeed very few hawks of any kind can be seen during the period in which the cuckoo sings, except for a few days. The cuckoo is seen for a short time in the summer, and disappears in winter. But the hawk has crooked talons which the cuckoo has not, nor does it resemble the hawk in the form of the head; but in both these respects it is more like the pigeon than the hawk, which it resembles in nothing but its colour ; the markings, however, upon the hawk are like lines, while the cuckoo is spotted. Its size and manner of flight is like that of the smallest kind of hawk, which generally dis- appears during the season in which the cuckoo is seen. They say that no one has ever seen the young of the cuckoo. It does, however, Wild Animals. 215 lay eggs, but it makes no nest ; but some- times it lays its eggs in the nests of small birds, and devours their eggs, especially in the nests of wood pigeons (aTT&v). Some- times it lays two, but usually only one egg ; it lays also in the nest of the hypolais, which hatches and brings it up. At this season it is particularly fat and sweet-fleshed. Young hawks also are very sweet and fat." Various opinions as to the singular habits of the cuckoo prevailed in Aristotle's time. " Some people say that when the young cuckoo grows it ejects from the nest the other young birds, which thus perish; others say that the foster-parent kills her young ones and feeds the young cuckoo with their flesh, because the beauty of the young cuckoo makes her despise her own offspring. Some again say that the old cuckoo comes and devours the young of the sitting bird (wroSegafievris opvidos) • others maintain that from the great size of the young cuckoo it is the first to get the proffered food, so that the other young birds die of 216 Natural History of the Ancients. starvation ; others say that the young cuckoo being the strongest kills every other bird that is nourished up with it." So much for other people's opinions. Now what was the philosopher's own notion to account for the singular and exceptional habits of the cuckoo? "The bird appears to act prudently in the matter of having young ones, for it is quite aware of its own cowardice, and that it cannot render them assistance ; on this account it brings up its young ones supposi- titiously, that they may be preserved ; in cowardice the cuckoo surpasses all other birds, for when it is pecked by little birds it flies away from them." I need not say that this is mere conjecture, and far from the true reason. The turning out of the young right- ful owners of the nest by the young cuckoo is not intentional on the part of the foster child ; as it grows larger than the other young ones, it naturally takes up more space, and soon fills a large part of the centre of the nest ; the other smaller ones are pushed, of necessity, to Wild Animals. 217 the sides, and often find themselves on the hollow back of the young cuckoo ; and when- ever the latter raises himself on his legs, he lifts up the young one, who is thrown off its back completely out of the nest. The reason for the cuckoo's non-incubation of its own eggs seems to lie in the fact of the necessity of a short sojourn in this country. A cuckoo seldom arrives before the middle of April ; the ovaries are not sufficiently developed for the production of an egg till about a month after the bird's arrival — this would bring the first egg to the middle of May. The eggs are said to be laid at intervals of some days. The period of incubation lasts fourteen days ; the young cuckoo requires twenty-one days in its nest before it is able to leave it, and after it has left it and is able to fly it continues to be fed for about five weeks by the foster parents. Now, the old birds leave this country generally about the second week in July, though sometimes they remain till the end of that month. The young birds remain 218 Natural History of the Ancients. till September. This being the case, "not a single nestling," as Dr. Jenner observes, "would be fit to provide for itself before its parent would be instinctively directed to seek a new residence, and be thus compelled to abandon its young one." The question, however, after all, is a difficult one : why cannot the old cuckoos remain in this country till September, and then with their respective families all migrate simultaneously ? Of course, the answer is, it is not their habit. Of that curious fish the Silurus, or Sheat- fish of the Danube, Wolga, and other rivers — I mean the gigantic Silurus giants, Lin. — I shall say but little. It grows to an enormous size, 80, 90, and 120 pounds in weight, and is said sometimes to measure eight feet in length. According to iElian, the following curious mode of fishing for these great siluri was some- times employed by the ancient Mysian inhabi- tants of Scythia and the Danubian districts : — "An Istrian fisherman drives a pair of Wild Animals. 219 oxen down to the river-bank, not, however, for the purpose of ploughing. ... If a pair of horses are at hand, the fisherman makes use of horses ; and with the yoke on his shoulders, down he goes and takes his station at a spot which he thinks will make a convenient seat for himself, and be a good place for sport. He fastens one end of the fishing-rope, which is very strong and suit- able, to the middle of the yoke, and supplies the oxen, or the horses, as the case may be, with sufficient food, and the animals take their fill. To the other end of the rope he fastens a very strong and sharp hook, baited with the lungs of a wild bull ; this he throws into the water as a lure — a very sweet lure — to the Istrian silurus, having previously fastened a piece of lead of sufficient size to the rope near the place where the hook is bound on, for the purpose of regulating its position in the water. When the fish perceives the bait of bull's-flesh, he immediately rushes at the prey, and meeting with what he so dearly 220 Natural History of the Ancients. loves, opens wide his great jaws and greedily swallows the dreadful bait ; then the glutton, at first turning himself round with pleasure, soon finds that he has been pierced unawares with the hook, and being eager to escape from the calamity, shakes the rope with the greatest violence. The fisherman observes this, and is filled with delight ; he jumps from his seat, and, now in the character of a fisherman, now in that of a ploughman, like an actor who changes his mask in a play, he urges on his oxen or horses, and a mighty contest takes place between the monster (^to?) and the yoked animals; for the creature, foster-child of the Ister, draws downwards with all his might, while the yoked animals pull the rope in an opposite direction. The fish is beaten by the united efforts of two, gives in, and is hauled on to the bank." The Fish of the Sea of Galilee. — It must be of some interest to all persons to know something of the fishes which Christ Wild Animals. 221 and his apostles so often saw as a glittering spoil — the reward of their night's labour, — either on the shore of the Gralilean lake, or in the boats that occupied its waters. What sorts were eaten? What species presented themselves ? What were the good, carefully put away for food ; what the bad, which were cast away? It is only within the last ten years or so that zoologists have learned any thing of consequence with respect to the fishes of the Holy Land. Dr. Tristram, in 1863, organised an expedition to Palestine, and amongst other Natural History objects brought home were many well-preserved specimens of fish, fifteen distinct species, three of which were new to science, while eight of these were added to the fauna of Palestine. The Sea of Galilee is now, as in the time of Christ, an extraordinary piece of water for the multitudes of fishes that swim in its depths or sport on its surface. As Dr. Tris- tram and his party were walking along near the lake, they had an opportunity of watching 222 Natural History of the Ancients. the mode of fishing as it is now carried on. " An old Arab sat on a long cliff, and threw poisoned crumbs of bread as far as he could reach, which the fish seized, and turning over dead, were washed ashore, and collected for the market." The shoals are described as being netting fish. [Egyptian.) marvellous, representing black masses of many hundred yards long, with the back fins pro- jecting out of the water as thickly as they could pack. No wonder that any net should break which enclosed such a shoal. The following fish are known to be inha- bitants of the Sea of Galilee : — Three species of Chromis, one of which is identical with the Nile species, C. Nilotica ; one Hemichromis ; Wild Animals. 223 three species of barbel, Barbus longiceps, B. Beddomii, and B. canis; one fish, very similar to a barbel, called Capoeta damascina, which is found all over the country ; one belonging to the Silnroid family, the Clarias macr acanthus, and two species of loach. It is probable that HEMICHROMIS. other species occur. Dr. Giinther has ob- served that wherever in Africa the Clarias is found it is accompanied by fish of a very dif- ferent appearance — viz., Cltromis and its allies. Now, singularly enough, these two fishes are also associated in the Holy Land. These chromids are otherwise exclusively African, nor is there any European fish to which they can be compared. They are broad oval fish, 224 Natural History of the Ancients. reminding one somewhat of our common bream, only much thicker, and they have very large scales. There is a peculiarity in the chromids which does not occur in any other known fish — the lateral line is inter- rupted on the posterior part of its course. Chromis Nilotica is very abundant in the Lake of Galilee ; it is greenish olive in colour, of shining silvery hue ; it attains to a length of sixteen inches. Two species of barbel — the long-snouted and the large-scaled — appear to be common fish in the Jordan and Lake of Galilee : in size and weight they are about the same as our common barbel. The Clarias is an ugly, eel-shaped fish, one of the Siluridse or Sheat-fish family. This genus is found in Africa and tropical Asia only. The species of the Galilean Lake is identical with that found in the Nile. It is described by Giinther as a long, scaleless, eel-like fish, of black colour, with a many-rayed fin extending along the whole length of its back, and another from the vent to the tail ; its broad mouth is sur- Wild Animals. 225 rounded by eight long barbels, and the fins at the throat are armed with a spine. It lives on the bottom, lying concealed in muddy places overgrown with weeds, and watching for its prey, which chiefly consists of other small fishes, thus resembling much the eel in habit as in appearance. It is known to grow to the size of twenty inches, and probably it attains a much greater size. It is common in the Lake of Gralilee. I come now to answer the question — What kinds of these Galilean fish were eaten by our Lord and his disciples, and what were the " bad " fish of one of his parables which were " thrown away'5 ? Do you remember Baphael's cartoon representing the miraculous draught of fishes ? Most of the fishes drawn are mere nondescripts, piscine forms of the great painter's fancy; but two are evidently of the skate or ray family, never found in fresh water, and fish " quite out of water" in this case. The fish that would con- stitute the edible kinds in the time of Christ p 226 Natural History of the Ancients. and his apostles would be principally, per- haps, chromids and barbels, as these fish are extremely abundant in one or other of the species. But what are the " bad " fish of the parable ? " The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind ; which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away" (Matt. xiii. 47, 48). Now the epithet which is rightly translated " bad " in our version is in the Greek aairpd, which more definitely means " putrid." But putrid fish would seldom, if ever, be drawn to land by the nets, nor would the separation of such fish have required so much care as is implied in the expression " sat down and gathered or sorted." The epithet crairpos was the ordi- nary one used by the Greeks to express a badly-cured silurus ; aairpo^ atXovpos, " a stink- ing silurus," is a very frequent expression, made use of by Athenseus and the Greek Wild Animals. parodists cited by him ; it is the " half of a stinking silurus," mentioned by Juvenal. It appears that the Eomans used to import large quantities of siluri from Egypt, and as the Galilean species is identical with the one common in the Nile, this species would be one of them. These fish, often hastily and carelessly prepared, and hawked about the streets of Eome. and other towns in the hot summer months, would merit the epithet applied to them ; and as these fish were con- sidered cheap and inferior food, eaten only by the hungry lower orders, the epithet of cranrpbs, originally bestowed on these semi-putrid salted siluri, was afterwards used, almost proverbially, for any silurus, dead or alive. The Jewish law forbade as food all scaleless fish. On this account, then, the Siluridce were excluded, being without scales, and when taken in a net they were picked out and thrown away.* * A friend has supplied me with a very apt illustration of the Greek term