bf PANY M THE HENNEBERRY CO * ee arererert LC Leceeeerre ety | Tt oo Sakae : a aa via A> =) | JUHI uLaoomgacheeaeceoneenasits tifa aes GLEASON’S HORSE TRAINING MADE EASY BEING A NEW AND PRACTICAL SYSTEM OF TEACHING AND EDUCATING THE HORSE. Iilustrated with Forty-four Engravings WHIP -TRAINING; OR, HOW TO DRIVE WITHOUT REINS; HOW TO MAKE A HORSE TROT HONEST, ETC., ETC. BY & GLIVER H. GLEASON, V. S. ye TO WHICH IS APPENDED AN ESSAY ON HORSE SHOEING, ALSO The “ymptoms and Treatment of the Various Dis- eases of the Horse, Embracing a Full and Complete History of Glanders. PUBLISHERS: THE HENNEBERRY COMPANY, CHICAGO, 2 5 > > 5 aA)? Fo? S89 ? > 5) > Jin eae > ’ ) 2. Ee 29 > > > > ee as I> >> 9, — > > — > a 4? Pee 2 og 2 25? I 2 < A g.2 2a 2? > ? . w @ > « < « = = w = re SONGRESS, COMPANY. Copyright 1901, by THE HENNEBERRY oe a OZG a i a ; ues if PF iees: ) ye eH se 1 “ x f ‘ eet fun : Otay ) 2 ‘ pi i * ak oe “ fr 5 xy —% x, 3 PREFACH. The art of training horses has, until within the last few years, been attended with much cruelty and bad management. The system known as Rarey’s,.though practiced in this country for many years, was made popular by Mr. J. S. Rarey, to whom the author gladiy ac- cords all the credit which is justly due him. His success has given a new impetus to the in- ventive minds of horsemen; but like almost all other discoveries, the original is lost sight of in the improvements which follow it. The Rarey system is one purely of subjugation and exhaus- tion; the spirit of the animal by this method is - often broken, which is contrary to the system employed in this treatise. The author has employed a method purely his own, which is, that the animal is first taught to understand what is required of him,and when he comprehends your purpose he readily be- comes a willing subject. To attempt to force him to do that which he does not comprehend, is to excite him to resistance; a circumstance always to be avoided. Thisis the main cause of the many balky, kicking, biting and otherwise unruly horses. The system taught in this work does not re- quire an over-abundance of nerve and determi- nation to successfully train a horse, This ; 3 i 4 age, strength and cruelty. The man who is de- vequisite is possessed by but few men. A bow fifteen or sixteen years of age can break, handlot and harness the wildest animal by the ayaieues followed by the author. Patience, perseverance — and kindness are the chief requisites—not cour- void of patience cannot control and win the | 0S: confidence of a spirited horse. There is no other system known to man by which a horse can be trained to drive without — bridle, bit or reins, guided simply by motions of | the whip. The principle is so simple thatany © intelligent person can practice it successfully on — any intelligent horse. To make a horse trot— honest is also a part of the system tenant exclu- sively in this book. The subject of shoeing horses, being of great importance to horse owners generally, has been duly considered by the author. The bad effects — of careless shoeing are fully demonstrated. A — full history of Glanders, together with spiisc sin, and preventivesisalsofully treated. ~ as Paw Hints on Buying Eee ee ee Se Pt ee ee rE - Hints on Training Horses, BS rcanence ss of SicninBin pasar ae here et ‘The Rope Halter, EEE A ee Sian Mae a MN EE eases ate Peds detest nade pioncnaseasaciues ssawensabepsaesasncceeanustoneoeee The Line Webbing, BS a eS ES ee ee : = TS RESETS | SE SSR ee ee eta iene Ateneo Pee _ _Kieking in the Stable, peeeenigay duisinr oie anny a deeanaseanenanecancaes aaaeeewasiedatt __ Kicking against the side of the Stall, SR apy ae Pee - Kicking while SEER HORI docawng oe cncastia os style of horse you want, your functions as rider end, and those of the veterinary, surgeon begin. . Now comes the question as to whether you will — employ one of these professional ‘‘aids to buy-_ gS ee ers,’ or whether you will undertake the duties — . yourself. It is difficult to lay down any rule ~ upon this point, but I may say that I have, from _ beginning to end, purchased a very large num- . ae ber of horses, and never in one single instance» oe had recourse to professional assistance. This by — no means, however, proves that it is a safe plan to dispense with a veterinary examination, nor — is it any guarantee that I, personally, may not — be fairly caught at the very next venture. As- : suming that you have determined to examine fo: ea aS - yourself, as far as your abilities allow, into the oa soundness of the proffered animal, you. will ae HORSE TRAINING MADE BASY, ) that your eye will naturally fall, in the first place, upon the fore legs. Any child can, of course, tell whether these are straight or worn; but it takes a clever man to judge how long they are likely to remain straight,and without show- ing signs of wear. Pick up each leg in turn and look at the foot; is the frog sound and clean, or does it carry an odor? If so, look more closely - to it; ascertain whether thrush, etc., exists; then satisfy yourself as to the heels, which should be open, and not contracted, that is, when the foot narrows in the quarters, and the sole gets more eoneave than it should be; and bear in mind that . “one pair of good feet is worth two good pairs of legs.” Now as to the latter: Run your hand earefully down, from immediately below the knee to the fetlock joint. Is the leg cool, flat and clean? Let your digits make search for any bony enlargements, splints, etc., and “ When found, make a noteof!” The particular note you have to make is this: Where is the splint? If situated on the bone, and not very close to the - knee, it will probably never interfere with either his action, or his usefulness; but on the other hand, if on or near the ligaments or tendons of the leg, be shy in the extreme of him, for a day’s work may leave you with a cripple on your hands. topes If the leg, instead of being flat, is rounded, and apparently fleshy, it will probably be found that the back sinews are strained, and, as an intending purchaser, you had better have noth- ing todo with him. In this state,a good gallop will be as likely as not to produce what is known as breakdown—i. e., the extreme case of strain of the sinews, for, as a matter cf fact, the “tendons themselves are very rarely strained. 10 HORSE TRAINING MADE EASY. Generally speaking, the injury is one to the sheath, or else some of the fibers attaching to it are broken. One word as to windgalls. These puffy en- largements, which are more often found on the hind than the fore legs, are not of serious im- port unless they become of great size, which is extremely rare; and a horse should not be re- jected on this ground alone. They usually arise from the horse being rattled about, and grad- ually disappear with steady work. Always remember that it would be quite im- possible to indicate any golden rule by which to avoid disappointment in the choice of a horse. One may say, roughly, that your intended pur- chase should stand true on his feet, the pasterns should be sloping; the bone from the knee down- wards not too light, nor the leg too long; the thighs should be muscular, the hocks big and clean, and the body well ribbed up. Especially in a saddle horse the oblique pastern should be sought. if this joint is upright or stilted, dis- comfort will be experienced by the rider, and the horse himself will always be more or less liable to diseases of the feet and legs; the jar of the hard road is much more felt by the upright or short joint than by one that slopes naturally. The shoulder should slant more with the driver or hunter than the harness horse; the latter, having to oppose his weight to that of the vehicle he draws, is rather better for a shoul- der which, although it should be by no means upright, is yet considerably straighter than that — - of the animal destined for saddle work. Few men selling hunters will consent to giv- ing you a trial with hounds, and so the next best thing to do is to see them over fences, and, if — ea sts c hes PY a fe t ‘ » y y as he . “ Z es, HORSE TRAINING MADE EASY. ; 11 possible, to ride them over yourself. Plenty of good, free jumpers are so rough that they would jolt nine men in ten out of the saddle. Should ~ you by chance hz ppen on such a one, be not dis- mayed; nearly every case is curable with a little patience and courage, and most horses will come quiet after awhile. A horse for harness purposes should, to my mind, undergo a severer trial than any other. A horse has far more power over you when draw- ing you behind him, than when you are perched comfortably upon his back. In the latter case » you have got him, whilst in the former he has got you! If he has the least suspicion of jibbing, backing, etc.,decline him instanter; it is so sim- ple to say—in print—what to do with one of these animals, but having deliberately chosen the sharpest part of a stiff hill, your horse be- gins an Irish progression in the direction of a plate glass front! Shying is also a nasty fault in a harness horse, and kicking worse; the for- mer vice, however, ‘‘comes lighter” in a two- _ wheeler than in a four, as there is no under ¢ar- _ riage to get locked, and thus bring about disas- ter. Another important point to look to is the mouth. Although equally unpleasant, it is not equally dangerous, to have a horse with a bad mouth in the saddle as it is in harness; one that is not readily ‘‘steerable” will prove a terrible | nuisance, if nothing worse, in driving. There are dozens of other things, which experience alone will teach, to be looked to in the choice and selection of horses, and I have only attempt- ed the roughest outline in these hints, feeling that it would be courting failure to go intos™¢eh @ matter at any greater length. i = HINTS ON TRAINING HORSES. st Tn ne form, proportions, ect powers, and -swiltness of the horse, combined with its spirit, _ docility, and intelligence, expressly fit it for the use of man. It is alike serviceable for draft and the saddle. From its primeval nursery it has radiared in all directions; it has accompanied me nin his aie over the world. To the Cake sevliirist: to the onan she follows the chase for pet and to him who scours Sata “it Padtostaa the shee of inte servitude; it draws the peaceful plough, and. dashes on in battle amidst withering volleys of musketry and the clash of gleaming swords. Man f sa deep: debt of gratitu le to the horse, and is d to acknowledge his sense of its value Ly ey. and kindness. In its: natural state, =the same propensity to associate Oe ite” D the ae aes herd together, form (13) — eae = 14 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. mS friendships, gambol with each other, and rush te the fence to see a strange horse in the road, saluting him with repeated neighings. So de- cided is the disposition of the horse to contract friendship, that, when others of its species are not accessible, it will attach itself to animals of a different species. Many instances of mutual attachment between dogs and horses have been recorded. English Kclipse contracted a strong friendship with a sheep. mark of submissive attachment. There are, it is true, horses of a sullen, obstinate temper, which the kindest treatment will not conciliate; but these are exceptions to the general'rule; many horses, we may add, have their temper spoiled by 1njudicious or wanton severity, in which case it requires patience and perseverance to reclaim them; but almost universally, where kindness is shown to the horse, his attachment will be secured. In the tents of the Arabian, the mares with their foals, and the masters with their families, dwell all together; the master caresses his favor. ite mare, the children and the foal play together, and the utmost confidence exists between them. ‘The quiet peaceful companionship of horses with each other dves not obtain among the stallions, In a wild state, they have furious contests ; Peet be In a domestic state, stallions, 1f at hberty, will fight desperately with each other. Twenty years’ experience in active practice has afforded ‘the When kindly used, the horse will demonstrate towards his master every Qe s 5 bade ¥ es ot oe ~e We. 4c wes S Pcs CW i ys RKY 1m ee 7 See tf c te) . et Sirah ee 2. MS HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 15 author very many opportunities of studying the _ disposition of the horse, and how to manage it to the best advantage has been his special study. That the horse possesses more intelligence than has been accredited to him is very evident from his readiness to learn, when properly instructed. The _ feats he is taught to perform in the “ spectacles” of the modern circus fully prove this. Knowledge of time, and memory, are certainly possessed by the horse, as a thousand instances will convince. A horse accustomed to commence or leave off work at a certain hour of the day, well knows the respective periods. Well does the farmer’s team know the hour of release from labor, as is shown by their actions when hearing the horn for dinner. Taken to a distance from home, the horse will return, finding his way during the darkest night. The following, taken from an old number of the London Penny Magazine, illus- trates the love of the horse for its “‘old home :”— ‘‘ A short distance below Fort Erie, and about a mile from where the river Niagara escapes over a barrier of rocks from the depths of Lake Erie, a ferry has long been established across the broad and, there, exceedingly rapid river, the distance from shore to shore being a little over one-third of amile. On the Oanada side of the river is the small village of Waterloo, and opposite thereto, on the United States side, is the large village of Black Rock, distant from the young and flourishing city of Buffalo two miles. In com- pleting the Erie Canal, a pier or dam was erected = stirs wt 4 ’ >» ate ie, yet ik Mae et as, ~~ We ce ms = & Be w - Poggi s - % big! ie bu * aM We, 2 ; “a fe y pk ape nes anes ie Te oe 8 ert eG ef oee aE ne) f e a oe es ‘ . bie Oe he ay tae fo, Oe) = aes ake , sty 3 . $ ety ic ‘ is re PHP ss: t #e Pip. Fe q A eS ae > = ze ©) we TT ss RLS ads Ya, cs eo A } “2 a Sait a hivy i's 5 ir >» 4 if ie, Se. r Mee eta Pe Rit ye IND es Gir 16 HORSE-TRAINING MADE : i eee a: eight that ae SuaEE be ade to amagle an adjoining section of the Erie Canal. This pier was and is a great obstiuction to the ferry-boats ; for, previous to its erection, passengers embarked — from terra firma on one side of the river and — were landed without any difficulty on the other; Ss but after this dam was constructed it became — necessary to employ two sets of boats, one to navigate the river, the other the basin, so that all | Z the passengers, as ‘well as ooods and luggage, had — to be landed upon this narrow wall and reshi ipped. Shortly after the erection of the pier-dam, a boat ~ propelled by horses was established between this _ pier and the Canada shore. The boat belonged _ gee _ to. persons connected with the ferry on the Ameri. —~ _can side of the river; but, owing to the barrier ‘ formed by the pier, the horses employed on the — - boat were stabled at night in the village of Water- a loo. I well recollect the first day this boat began. S _to ply; for the introduction of a boat of ‘that __ description in those days, was considered an evi of some magnitude. The two horses (for boat had but two) worked admirably, consid the very few lessons they had had "previous their introduction upon the main he | se sy once foe a Sica eray, but at the rere I speaking of he had become white. He was. hale and hearty, for he had a Kind and ind po HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 17 4 a master. The first evening after the horses had ‘a ~~ heen a short time in the stable, to which they _ ~~ were strangers, they were brought f for the purpose fi ~ of being watered at the river, the common cus- i Sa tom of the place. The attendant was mounted == _—___ upon the bay horse, the white one was known >= ___ to be go gentle and faetic that he was allowed to =~ ~ 4rink where he pleased. I happened to be ee --—s ing close by, in company with my friend W ——_‘the ferry contractor, on the Canada side, and had =. _ -- thus an opportunity of witnessing the whole pro- + ~~ ceeding of old Grizzle, the name that the white © a horse still went by. The moment he got round i the corner of the building, so as to have a view ee of his home on the opposite side of the river, he es _ stopped and gazed intently. He then advanced at as to the briak of the river, then again stopped and baat j= _-* looked ea rnestly ee a short time, then -_ ~~ waded into the river until the water reached his" eee Bae chest, drank a little, lifted his head, and, with his lips closed and his eyes fixed upon some ~~ object on the farther shore, remained for a short time perfectly moticniess. Apparently having _-—~—~-—S made up his mind to the task, he waded further into the river until the water reached his ribs, ae when off he shot into the deep water without = hesitation. The current being so strong and eee Siaeid. the river boilmg and turmoiling over a _. rocky bed, at the rate of six miles an “hour, it was impossible for the courageous animal to keep ‘a direct course across, although he breasted the _ Waves heroically and swam wi ith remarkable vigor. : B 18 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. llad he been able to steer his way directly across, the pier-wall would have proved an insurmount- able barrier. As it was, the current forced him ee down below where the lower extremity of this) ~~ long pier abuts upon an island, the shore of = = Me which being low and shelving, he was enabled ae to effect a landing with comparative ease. Hav- — ts ing gained terra firma, he shook the water from his dripping flanks, when he plunged into the basin and soon regained his native shore. At the commencement of his voyage, his arched neck and withers were above the surface, but ~= before he reached the island his head only was - visible. He reached his own stable-door—that ‘ home for which he risked so much—to the no small astonishment of his owner. This un- expected visit made a favorable impression on | his master, for he was heard to make a vow that = if old Grizzle performed the feat a second time, a for the future he should remain on his own side of the river, and never be sent to the mill a again. Grizzle was sent back to work the boat Soe the following day, but he embraced the first - opportunity that occurred of escaping, and swam ae back the way he had done before. His owner, not being a person to break the promise he once ve made, never afterwards dispossessed him of the = stall he had long been accustomed to, but treated him with marked kindness and attention.” | Nekiae Colonel Hamilton Smith, of the British Army, —__ relates a case which proves the memory and ~ attachment of the horse: ‘“‘The Colonel had a — ly \ ee ATS ire ae 25 = HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 13 charger in his possession for two years, which he left with the army, but which was brought back and sold in London. About three years after- wards the Colonel chanced to travel up town, and at a relay, on getting out of the mail, the off- wheel horse attracted his attention; on going near to examine it with more care he found the animal recognised him, and testifying its satis- faction by rubbing its head against him, and making every moment a little stamp with its fore- feet, to the surprise of the coachman, who asked if the horse was not an old acquaintance. it was——it was his own old charger !” ‘A lady, remarkable for benevolence to the prute creation, observed from her garden-gate one day a miserable horse, with the shoulder raw and bleeding, attempting to graze upon an open spot adjacent; having, by means of some bread, coaxed the poor animal to the gate, she then managed, with some assistance, to cover the _ wound with adhesive plaster spread upon a piece of soft leather. The man to whom the animal belonged (one of those ignorant and careless beings who are indifferent to the sufferings of any but themselves) shortly afterwards led the horse away. ‘The next day, however, the horse made his appearance again at the gate, over which he put his head and gently neighed. On looking at him it was found that the plaster was removed, either by the animal’s master, or by the rubbing of the ill-made collar in which he worked. The plaster was renewed. The third day he tee HORSE -TRAINIS iG MADE EASY. : e appéared again, requiring the same e attenti i. Whien he sohoited in a similar manner. Aft this the piaster was allowed to remain, and ‘t horse recovered ; but ever after, when it saw Be and Ba voice and action n testify its sense eof kinduess and notice. che truth of which we can personally festiy proves how sensible the horse is of humane treatment, — and ee ae for benefits bestowed.” is 3 : eres eee but too often does man fre that he has a duty to perform, not only towards his: ae fellow-man, but towards those domesti a I which Providence has intrusted to hint TE. his welfare. a ee - our new system are both cheap and si mple, | : common rope halter, a three or four ply cott cord about twelve feet long, and a piece of | webbing, are all the. implements | required training colts. 3 a : THE ROPE HALTER. This should be made rather heavier and loz than those used upon broken horses, and SO. arranged, by tying a knot or otherwise, that i ee does not slip up so tightly as to pee thea mal’s nose. ‘HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 2h = ; oe Stee CORD. : | ™ — = ; it Sune oasis und is Sam softer ne | Ae any other. This cord is not a new feature in. 5 # ee Peter as impostors would have you | a A TF mee, et Ene it having set used Pare years by Snel it is ae of mee ; Py hae eas. Sane. oa it is haw as ie SS ee A pdian. war bridle. A. U1. Reckwell ea! Ls ithe = goers oh Yankee bridle, which claim is wrap ped ji sunie =. 53g obscurity. The use of this simpie arrangetient sees isa ooh means ee contre pes ee When Cae sae i att a oe bya ashe the ou a ee Se a = gS eis. he the knot pee: “as. represented by the ea a2 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EABY. These loops should be at such distances from. the knot as will allow the cord to pass around the — neck at one end and the:lower jaw at the other, passing the knot through the loop from the oppo- site side of the loop to where it first passed throuch ~ in making the lap; this brings the thickness of the cord in the centre of the Joop. By this means safety is secured; the cord shipping easily through, preventing the possibility of its getting fast, as it would be likely to do if passed through the loop from the same side it originally | came through. The necessity of this arrangement will be seen on applying the cord. We have here two principles involved: first, steady pressure upon the lower jaw; second, friction in the mouth, QORD APPLIED (CN LOWER JAW. - HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 23 CORD APPLIED ON NECK. the one stationary in the mouth, the other slip. ping through it. The uses of these loops will be explained in their proper places. THE LINE WEBBING. \ Take a piece of worsted webbing, such as 1s used for driving-lines, divide it in two parts, one piece of sufficient length to girt the body. Make a loop in one end large enough for the ~ other end to pass through, so as, when adjusted, itis sufficiently long to tie. The other part of the web needs no loop. These two pieces of web are used for various purposes, which will be explained aa we proceed. | - 24 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. HABITS OF THE HORSE. Horses contract habits very easily when ime properly managed, and transmit them to their olispriog. ‘¢?Tis easier to prevent than cure.” Kivery one at all conversant with the secrets of the stable know how readily habits are contracted by the horse, and the difficulty in breaking up such habits when once contracted, by the ordinary methods. Many habits of the horse, in no way owe their origin to vice, yet are often as trouble- some and dangerous as those which do. fs A, Le AS, fe Aig 4 Vn pe Cho VA, EG A ae fl ae KICKING IN THE STABLE. To break up this dangerous habit, it is only necessary to place the animat in a stall closed at the bead, or against a wall, e~ as to allow him no a rae - Reese ct HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 25 opportunity of jumping into or over the manger. Tie his head short, and suspend by a cord at either end, a bag of straw, hay, corn husks, or —S soft material, so as to strike the hocks when- ever the animal kicks. The bag rebounds, striking him upon the hocks: after several repetitions the animal is observed to stand and tremble; the bag at this point is to be pulled upon one side so that he does not see it, and when the animal gets over his excitement try and induce him to kick. Ifyou succeed, immediately let the bag go back to its former position. Two or three Woks will again quiet him, and he trembles as at first. Remove the bag, and when his excitement abates, try and induce him to kick again. By repeating ‘this a few times the animal is thoroughly broken of the habit. Such horses are often broken of the habit of kicking in harness, as well as the stable, by the ‘same means. Kicking against the side of the stall is a serious evil. Capped hocks, and callous enlargements are frequently consequences of this habit ; mares more - frequently than geldings are subject ip this ice. Particularly is this the case when placed beside other horses. Removal to a box stall, and left there unhaltered, will frequently break up the habit. When no such conveniences exist, a strap should be buckled around the leg above the hock, to which a slub one and a half or two inches” _ thick, and ten or twelve inches long, covered with a woollen cloth, or other scft pieteriat 4 sy as not to hurt the animal, should be attached ia such 3 8 26 HORSE TRAINING MADE EASY. manner as to hang loosely against the shank bone; — with this appendage the n1.oment the animal kicks, this club punishes it by comning sharply in con- tact with the leg, but does not bruise it. The. animal soon learns that by keeping the leg still he escapes the punishment which follows every effort to kick. KICKING WHILE HARNESSING. This habit is acquired by bad management in the early training of the horse; rough handling, throwing the harness too quickly upon its back before it becomes thoroughly accustomed to its — feel, are sufficient causes to produce this habit in the colt of a highly nervous temperament. The, more quietly you go about such an animal, the’ more readily and willingly will he yield obedience to your desires. ‘To break up this habit the cord is called into requisition ; put the small loop over the under jaw, take your position upon the near side, opposite the shoulder, pass the cord over the neck from the off side, and carry it through the loop around the under jaw ; now draw it up tightly and take a half-hitch, so as to keep the head in a confined positioz: {represented in engraving), keep the cord in your hand, so in case of the animal rearing you can slip the hitch and let the head loose. You should then give him a few quick ierks; this diverts his attention; you now quietly take up the harness in your hands, and as quietly approach, and put it upon him. Should he attempt to kick, slip the ‘20p as before, and give him a HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 27 few more sharp pulls upon the cord; this discon- certs him. Repeat this lesson a few times, and he will soon learn te stand quiet while you are har- nessing him. KICKING WHILE GROOMING. Horses of a high nervous temperament ara frequently addicted to this habit. This, like kicking in harness, is brought on by careless o1 rough handling. The cord here too is a powerful instrument of control. Having secured the head, use the brush and currycomb in the most gentle manner for several days, particularly about such parts as he manifests the most tenderness. _— KICKING IN SINGLE HARNESS. Previous to putting the animal in harness, take the cord, put the small loop over the under jaw, pass the rope over the neck from the off side and through the small loop upon the near side; give him a few quick pulls, which calls his atten- tion to you. Put the harness upon him, having a ring or loop upon the top of the bridle B and a ring H secured to the back strap, about six inches from the crouper. You now take asmail bit, attach to either ring a strong leathern strap about half an inch wide, pass these straps A, A, A, A, up over the face to the ting B in the bridle, down through the terrets in tine saddle, and back through the ring H, then bring them down at right angles, across the quarters and secure them to the shafts on either side, in such a manner as TWO METHODS FOR KICKING HORSES. ‘eee No sia 3 | HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. + : ce 2 ear Saal i interfere with the animai in travelling. ae With this arrangement properly adjusted, the: 22 ee — moment the horse attempts to kick, the strap is — eae — drawn tight over the quarters, at the same time Sa :: it jerks up the head forcibly, punishing the aN: 2 eae - mal aa ace to kick. - Bee ae “KICKING IN DOUBLE HARNESS. _ see | = First use the cord upon the animal unti: he oe ill yield | his head on the slightest pull upon the -eord; put on a halter, which should be a goud - atrone leather one, havin a strong lead, and as a ce Eng. p p- 28), so adjusted as to slip Have two strong straps with ~ ia Births en! ts 30 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. rings, on the plan ofa dog collar. These are to be buckled around ‘the leg ae the houks, D, Dew strong leathern strap “fastened to the rings D, passing through the ring F, well secured, so as — to be tense when the animal is standing square: now check him up, and he is ready to hitch up for the start. This arrangement does not interfere materially with his travelling, yet it reproves him ~ whenever he attempts to kick, and hw soon gives up the habit. KICKING WHILE SHOEING. CORD APPLIED ON LOWER JAW. This, like most other habits, is brought on by bad management, The colt, upon first entering the shoeing shop, should be used with the greates! HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 31 gentleness and kindness. Any deviation from this rule often causes the colt to resist all efforts to shoe it. Particularly is this the case wi-h the hind feet. The habit once established, requires the utmost care and perseverance to overcome the evil. Ordinary cases of resistance while shoeing may be brought to terms by the use of the cord alone. To do this, put the small loop over the under jaw, pass it over the neck, and through the loo, upon the opposite side, draw the cord tight, anu take a half-hitch ; you will then take up the foot. Should he resist, slip the hitch, and give him a few quick jerks upon the cord, and then renew the hitch. If he still refuses to let you have the foot, repeat the operation. If he chen resists, put a collar around his neck, slip tne long web through the collar, carry it back, and around the fetlock of the foot you wish to handle, bring it by quickly bringing the head towards you. 4 two handlings. Properly managed you will seldon days. -fetlock). you wish to handle, pass if over the ba a hold it ee Loe the. ani imal ceases 5 his Ba s ts a. onl ie a “allow ae to ie cpu foot as hard as may be necessa-y; then set the — : foot down, piok xt up with the hand, ith he resi HORSE- sae AINING MA DE EASY. a i ceases: ‘4 =. pine talc ae web in ye eek gene to the foot ge pull the foot i in a 2 ak caress him. : ness goa great way in gaining the enitaa | the animal. When he gives you the foot readil take a hammer and tap upon it very gently. lt resists, jerk him sharply a few times with the cor ithe still resists, remove the long web, then take short hold upon the halter with your left han and with a quick motion catch the tail with the eer right hand, and swing him around a few ti so disconcerts him that he usually yields the fo without further resistance. For safety it. always better to put-the web on again for one— 01 fail in preaking up this habit in from four to ¥ “HORSES UGLY TO SHOE IN FRONT. — . Take the short web, put it on the foot (at ] from the opposite side; now pull the foot up ar i. or HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 33 draw it up again with the web; and so repeat until he yields it readily and wil lingly. Usually the animal submits his foot in a very short ‘time, unless he becomes excited by rough usage. Kin THE LONG FOOT-STRAP. STRIKING. Some horses have an ugly practice of striking with their front feet. ‘To break up this habit take the cord, put the small end in the mouth, and jerk him from one side to the other; he will try to strike you, but he fails to do so if you give him sufficient length of cord; ine soon finds he is overmatched, and yields to you readily. By using the long foot-strap or web, placed around the near forefoot, then passed under the girth, and carried back, having an assistant at ths aal- mal’s head to lead him, as soon as he step-, pul! up the foot, let it ree and pull it up again at ag Oe ag Se rand ete: : “ eA Fit : ee $4 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. SROs ihe next effort to step or strike. This-teashou? es . him that he cannot use the foot as he would like, : aang he ceases to make the effort. 4.7 BAULKING. ae eae : T his is the most aggravating of all. fae habite™ : ae o which the horse is ‘subject; it tries the Sere Sage of man to the utmost; yet, by patience and per- — A severance, with proper management, even this — 3 habit can be broken up. Te is rarely we find te : _ baulky horse which is not a good one. They are ee usually very hardy, high-spirited, quick of com- — es | prehension, and of a strong nervous temperament. — : They resist because we have failed to make them a understand what we require of them, or at ‘may — ee occur from overloading, sore shoulders, or work- eo ing until tired. out. Particularly is ehis the case es ee ag with | young animals. To whip under such cir- es ss gumstanees only excites them to more determined — ; resistance. On the first attempt of your horse — to baulk, get out of the wagon, pat him upon th ie ee _ neck, examine the harness carefully, first upon _ et ot es. ORO side then upon the other, speaking encour- oe agingly to the animal while doing so; then jump Sat ee in the wagon and give the word to go; generally = ee he will obey; if he refuse to do s0, take Aim 7558 out of the shafts, put up the traces so that 4s : reese "ready to fall, then “hook ae up again, ‘ante at Boeck 5 sD the word to go; this rarely fails, it takes : oe sullen opt out of ane and Abaya ata +a Pn ~ Ss . =e a 5 gee eens PE ce Z oe Sen seer hat i = di He a, | oe $ ig - z = = ee ‘ Le ae? ? <= ; ~ F , 4 “2. ergs ae : : = ; re aie wage pa sy wrk SW gg Rae Pict, Sete: Fi Bowe : Sey eae ER bes By Fy ae “a gl fORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 35 word. TI have failed but once in handling baulky horses, though [ have handled a large number of them. By repeating the same operation every day for a week, usually breaks up this most perplexing habit thoroughly and permanently. Another method which ofteu proves successful, is to tie the tail of the horse fast to the shaft- bar, ‘unloose the traces, securing them so that they will not get under his feet. Now start him up; as soon as he finds his tail fast he will pull the wagon by that appendage ; repeating this a few. times will often cure the habit. Another method still will sometimes prove successful: instead of tying the tail to the shaft-bar, take it between the hind-legs, haying a cord secured to the end, and tie it ip the saddle-girth; this will often answer the same purpose. ‘SHYING HORSES. Those who are in the habit of riding or driv- ing along frequented roads, or through thickly populated cities, can best estimate the inconve- nience, annoyance, and constant apprehension occasioned by a shying horse. While travelling along with an air of the greatest unconcern, all n an instant, planting himself i in an attitude of affright, he comes to a dead stop, or flies the road. OF the sensation of the animal at such a time, we will not venture a description, but we know by experience what those of the driver or~ rider are. Shying in horses is no doubt the off- spring of fear, Fear is the emotion excited by 36 FIORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. Suspicion, apprehension, appearance or approach of danger. This may be denominated native timidity, giving rise to that kind of shyness with which colts, and young animals generally, are endowed. There is another kind of shyness which we may denominate acquired. ‘To illus- trate, a colt is naturally shy at any object of im- posing appearance, either novel or strange to him. On the other hand, he beholds an object that is familiar to him, which he associates with some former suffering. We do not mean to assert that these manifestations of fear are alike, further than that they arise from the impressions made upon the brain, a dread or consciousness of dan- ger, in the one case acquired, in the other con- yenital. Shyness may be attributed to a third gause, Imperfect vision. A horse whose eye- sight is imperfect is apt to shy at objects in con- sequence of not seeing them properly. The disposition to shy arising from either of the above causes, 18 often increased by the acts of the driver ; for instance (a very common one), a man is driving a young horse upon the road, he meets an object of fear to the animal, and, as he ap- proaches it, starts suddenly out of the road, his ~ driver instantly commences a round of castigation with the whip, in which he persists until the herse, as well as himself, have lost their temper, and then, while one whips, the other jumps, plunges, frets, &e. The next object of fear the animal meets recalls the whipping previously in- Hioted upon him, and associates it with the object HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. at he fears, shies, and starts with even more darm than before, sumetimes attempting to ruu away. Gentieness and persuasion are the best means of breaking up this habit; let the animal stand and look av the object he fears, speak to him encouragingly, and gradually he will approach it. ‘After he has ae it, turn him around, passing the object siowly several times, and his fear vanishes.’ By thus gently managing him, he soon places confidence in you, and a centle word from the driver will induce him to move on by the object. It is an old saying, that the most effectual way to make a cowardly dog fight is to put him in front of his antagonist, in such a way that. he cannot retreat; but we never heard any ove recommend that he be whipped at the same time; yet we whip a horse for being afraid to do that which we desire him to do. Reason and experience both forbid the practice. It is our duty to act mercifully towards an animal so noble, so beautiful, and so useful to man. Contemptibie indeed is that being who disregards the plaintive murmurs and ineffectual resistance of the poor beast which chance has thrown into his possession. : ie WEAVING. _. This is an unsightly habit, but not of so much consequence as either of the foregoing. It con- sists in the animal moving his head and fore- quarters in quick succession from one side of the stall to the other, like the action of a weaver’s shuttle, or like the hyena in his eage. The ani- HORSE- TRAINING MADE EASY mal ae with his (orate at mae apart, a the motion of the animal throws the weight of its body alternately upon -the inside of each fore- foot The effect of this habit is to turn the inside quarter of the feet downwards and inwards at the heel, forming, as it were, a kind of club- “foot. This habit indicates a restless ee presi lee at Hee tied a To GRIEBING MUZZLE. bye es es See Me Tae ten ee ee _ HORSE-TRAINING MAME EASY. — 88 plainly perceptible upon the -incisor (nippers) _ teeth. The cribbing muzzle is the best means of breaking up the habit. See Jennings on ‘Phe Horse and his Diseases.” BITING HORSES. This is a hateful habit, or, more properly, a vice of the worst kind. It is sometimes acquired _ from foolishly teasing the animal in the stable by mischievous boys. Love of mischief is a pro- _ pensity too easily acquired, and often becomes a confirmed vice; particularly is this the case with _ biting horses. Last spring (1865) my advice was asked regarding a horse which had always been known as a remarkably ¢ good dispositioned” animal, but, some four or five “months previous, some boys amused themselves by teasing him. He soon acquired the habit of biting, and, Stow simultaneously, that of striking. Regarding the - former vice—one of the most ears and the most difficult of all vices to break up—l advised castration ; the owner approving, I operated upon -him on the spot. Instead of curing the habit, he from this time becawe notoriously vicious, two men narrowly escaping with their lives from the infuriated animal. He finally became so con- firmed in his vicious propensities, it was worth a a man’s life to approach him. The owner, whose S ae name I omit by request, called upon me to benihie this anima!, which I did on the sixth day of Oc. ae - tober, ‘1865, at his residence, near Prineeton 8 Tersey My efforts were attet vded with 40 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. entire success. I first drew his head down close to the manger from an opening in the partition, having his head well secured. The stable-door was thrown open. I then approached his head eau- tiously, and put my rope halter upon him. I now tied a knot in his tail, slipped the halter lead through the hair above the knot, drew the lead up as far as possible, so as to draw the head to one side, and tied the halter lead by a half-hiteh to the tail this prevented the animal going ina straight line, and enabled me to keep out of his way. I now slipped the head-halter, previously _ upon him, and drove him out of the stable. The — moment. he gained the yard, L was after him, tickling him upon the hind. legs with a whip. This set him wild with rage, and caused him to move in a cireular direction quite rapidly. I. kept up this action until he began to stagger ; quickly caught the halter at the head to prev ent his falling, and, before he had time to recover rate) himself, 3 tightened the halter so as to bring the head and ial nearer together. | again started him, he reeled more rapidly, and came near fall- ing; I caught the end of the halter, slipped the iil. and, Sbefure he had time to recover, I had the small end of the cord nicely adjusted in his mouth. I then commenced to pull him right and left, and in a few minutes he was as quiet aS a lamb, following me readily in any direction. He was handled by the owner im the same manner for several days. I recently heard from him; he © remained perfectly tractable. My friend Mr. b eet = IN y ere a of a stick, and hold it towards him ; let hin smel} — ‘ HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY 63 X So , L, ———7 F =o —— Se HALTERING THE COLT. it, and, as he does so, let his nose pass through oS the loop ; raise the upper part of the halter over ~~ ~~ —hhis head, then turn the stick and the halter will : “fall back of the colt’s ears. Slip up the lead and you have him fast; now place the lead over hig neck and secure it by a slip-knot, so as to keep him from treading on it. Open the stali-door and ~— let him go out. Now drive him into a carriage- house, or some other suitabie place, not more eo than twenty-five or thirty feet square; you then Bett: approach him; he runs to a corner; take a pole | six or eight feet long, and commence as before by touching him on the quarter; and as the pole = F4 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. approaches the neck, close up gradually until you can put your hand upon him; you will then dis- pease with the pole, slip the knot in the halter, and remove the lead from his neck. You now have one end of the halter, the colt the other; yva want to teach him to lead; you take yom position a little quartering from his body, ano nearly opposite his shoulder. You say, Come here, sir; your colt pays no attention to your command, because he does not understand you; give the halter a quick, sharp pull, which’ brings the colt towards you. The instant you pull, let the halter slack, this prevents him from pulling back: if you keep your lead tight, he learns that he is fast, and he will pull in spite of all your efforts to prevent his doing so; repeat this operation several . times, always using the words Come here, your colt will soon learn to follow you in the one direction. You then go to the opposite side and teach him to follow in the same manner; he must be handled from both sides, or he will obey but one. He now follows to the right or left. You want him to go forwards; take your position a little to one side, but slightly in advance of his head; give your — ! halter a sharp, quick pull, and as your colt steps forward, stop and caress him; repeat this a few times, and he will follow you in any direction. — HITCHING THE COLT IN THE STABLE. Lead him into an ordinary stall four and a half. feet wide, having previously fitted a movable bar WORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 65 at the back of the stall about three feet and a half from the floor, or, if more convenient, a good strong rope, well secured, will answer the pur- pose—let it be about the same distance from the floor. After leading the colt into the stall, put up this bar or rope, and then tie the colt to the marger-ring; if you do so at first, he will in all probability run back before you can have the bar or rope secured in their place; and then the halter gives way, and you have taught the colt the first lesson in halter-pulling, which under all circumstances should be carefully avoided. In taking the colt out of the stable the same precau- tion must be used. Untie the halter before re- moving the bar or rope. Continue this precaution for about ten days or two weeks, and by that time, as a general rule, the colt will stand hitched any- where. TRAINING COLTS TO HARNESS. To break a colt successfully, requires a man who has inexhaustible patience, great presence of mind, strong nerve, &c., in a word, a man who can contro! himself, can train a horse to harness, so as to prevent their contracting any bad habits. With such indispensable attributes and proper appliances, a man of ordinary intelligence can train a horse to harness without accident to -the animal, himself, or others. Always train a colt with an open bridle, so that he may see exactly what you are doing: using the blind bridle pre- vents the animal from seeing your movements, E 6 * 6 -HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY and unless you use great care and judgment, you are apt to alarm the colt from the least misplaced movement. Leta man recollect how surprised, and in some cases alarmed, he feels on anything touching him behind. The same is the case with the horse where he does not see the object. We may say it was only the end of the trace that touched him; how is he to know this if he does not see it? A man standing in the street would turn as quickly round if a harmless sheep touched him, as if it were some more formidable animal. We must, therefore, be careful not to alarm or confuse the horse. Do everything in the most gentle and persuasive manner; if you do any- thing which frightens your colt, he never forgets it. Take time, and teach each point in training thoroughly ; remember, that which is done hur-— riedly, is done badly. ~ HARNESSING. ae, Horses, wnether young or old, sometimes have an aversion to going in harness; such animals show their unwillingness by kicking, baulking, rearing, running back, or, perhaps, running away. To prevent such habits being developed, take the colt, after being thoroughly halter- broken, by the head and tail, reel him a few times, and you can put the harness upon him; by this means you disconcert him, he will not then resist you; place him in the stable with the harness upon him, and leave him there a few hours, so that he may HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 67 become accustomed to it. Then bring him out, take the lines behind him, having an assistant at his head, and teach him thoroughly the use of the reins, turning him to the right and to the left, al he will obey the slichtest pull upon the reins; after having him so that he will start at the word, turn to ‘the right or to the left, by a pull vpon the line; he is ready for the word WHOA. - This is the most important word used in horse- training; it is our safeguard in case of accident; the animal, therefore, should learn its meaning thoroughly. To prevent confusion in his mind, the word should never be used out of its proper place. If we approach a horse standing quietly hy f G/ } e 2 df, 68 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. in the stable, we should never use the word ahoa, though it is very generally used on such occa- — sions. Use instead the words Get over, Go over, — Quietly, my pretty boy, or any other word you please, to make the animal aware of your pre- sence; but under no circumstances use the word whoa, except when the animai Is in motion, and you want him to stop. In order to properly teach him the meaning of the word whga, put the long web around the near fore- foot, pass it under the girth, and as the animal walks along, pull up the foot, at the same time say whoa; by repeating this, you will soon see him raise the foot when the word is given, even though the web is not pulled upon. Horses thus trained are safe in case a rein or bit should break, as they will generally stop at the word, under almost any circumstances. A friend of mine trained his horse to stop by simply catching hold of the tail. You are now ready for LEARNING TO’ BACK, Put the cord upon the horse, using the small loop; draw it up with a steady pull,—this brings the animal’s nose towards his body. Keep a firm hold upon the cord until: he steps back a little, using. at the same time the word back, then caress him; you thus teach him that he has done exactly what you wished him to do; then repeat caressing him each time he obeys. Ware must be used not to excite the colt too , aw Pa! ae - eS HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY 69 4 ; AS " ; Os 4 ae S i Y — | NN NS Y) \ Is = gow — ae 3 LEARNING TO BACK. much or you will have him resist you; therefore, do not continue your lesson more than five or ten eas _ minutes at any one time; on repeating the lesson . a few hours later, the animal will usually yield 3 ~ and back freely. Now try him with the line alone; if he obeys, you may rémove the cord altocether. Occasionally, we find an animal which will not yield to this treatment; we then take the short web, put it around the near fore foot, carry it over the back from the off-side, have . : a bridle upon the animal, take hold of it close to the bit with your leit hand on the near side Be . having the web in the right hand, with which me bring up the near fore foot, holding it up by the ee web, now press backwards upon “the bit, this ‘ret » ~~ et: * eee hanes Fn ; j 10 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. brings the body back, and as it does so, let the ae foot fall; the toe strikes the ground some fifteen Hon or eighteen inches behind the opposite foot, and ae _ as 1t does so, the off-foot comes back to the same point. By repeating this lesson, we teach any © Bes: horse to back, however obstinate he may be. I : : have never known a single instance where it ae failed. HITCHING TO THE WAGON. In hitching up a colt to the wagon for the first time, it 1s always better that you “put him along- — | side of a steady, well-broken horse; if you have Fase no opportunity of doing this, let him become perfectly familiar with the wagon before hitching E.- him up single; lead him up to the wagon in the shafts of which you intend putting him; let him examine it carefully; raise the shafts up and eae down in his presence, so as to get him familiar ee with the motion; if it be a top- buge gy, raise and | Ua lower the top ; should he behave badly, put. the “<2 22a cord upon him, using the small end; jerk him © Be - every time he offers any resistance. Now lead ge him in front of the wagon; pull it towards him; ~ should he start, jerk him again, and so repeat until you can pull the wagon up to him. Now — raise the shafts and let them down quietly over =i ae his back; repeat this operation until he will re- main perfectly quiet. Now lead him up, pulling = the wagon behind him. When he will bear this = = nicely, 3 you may hook him fast to the wagon, first =~ putting the long web upon the near front foot eas HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. ral yw SAFE TO DRIVE. — pass it under the girth, and give it to an assistant ; get into the wagon with your assistant, having previously instructed him how to manage the ‘web. Have a second assistant to lead the animal a short distance; if he behaves well let. him go. With this system, one-half hour's handling every day for a week is sufficient to break thore oughly to harness the wildest colt. BITTING THE COLT. The ordinary process-of bitting colts is too well known to horsemen generally to need any description at my hands. A cheap and easy method of bitting colts, if properly managed, is by means of the ‘cord. To arch the neck and bring the nose in where you want it, take the eee oh MADE EASY. f BITTING THE ooLT. s your position at the near shoulder, press lightly — ne upon the cord; should the colt resist, let it loose — & vg for a moment, then press upon itagain, and as he yields caress him; by repeating this a few! times, say two or three times a day as opportunity Bh offers, you will find he soon yields his head nicely. Use the utmost care on first applying it, or you | will excite the colt to resistance. When once he learns that he can resist Rapin ty he bbs tr it over again. th EN oe ee OG. A chee bey eal ee a pr Ne Oe ye HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY, 78 Now change the end of the cord, taking the large loop, pass it over the neck, put the cord through the mouth from the off side, back through the loop on the near side, take your positioa in front of the animal, pull lightly upon the cord; this sets his head up as high as you want to put SETTING UP THE HEAD. it By repeating this lesson, the colt soon learns io get up his head on the slightest touch upon the rein. The cord is also used, =TO ADD STYLE. It will be observed in using the-cord for the. purpose of bitting the colt, that the small loop brings the chin i in towards the body, at he samo time beautifully arching the neck; the large leap : having directly the opposite effect ‘by putting the head up in any position desired. This arrange-_ ment applied to older horses, with a bad carriage ~_ of the head, adds at least twenty per cent. to their appearance, ‘and often more than that amount a eS their price. | gS MOUNTING THE COLT. _ Take your position on the near side of the one stand with your right side next to the animal, — take hold of the mane with your left hand, lene the toe of the left foot in the stirrup, placing the — right hand upon the back part of the saddle; now raise yourself up with a quick spring, passing ho right leg over the saddle, and take your seat; a_ c" very little practice will enable you to perform this feat with ease and in a graceful manner. To — place your body fronting the side of the animal is. a very awkward position, and one rendering it much more difficult to mount the animal. Should the colt not stand well, a few jerks with the cord | will bring him to his senses, and make him stand — autil you are seated. te are now prepared for | Ee RIDING THE’ COLT. . - To riding the colt for the first time, a ‘common pane bridle without martin Bee is to be yee HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 75 you sit upon his back, holding the bridle-rein in the leit hand; should he act badly, pull up the off foot with the web, at the same time pat him gently upon the neck with the left hand; there is no danger in taking up the foot in this manner, provided you do not pull upon the reins at the sanie time. Let down the foot in a few minutes, and turn the colt around several times by pulling upon the off rein, then reverse the action by pull- ing upon the near rein; now turn him to the right, then to the left, several times. Should he still be restive, take up the foot again, and so re- peat until he performs his part properly—then do_ not fail to caress him. Make the first lesson a short one, and gradually increase it from time to time as occasion may require. This method rarely requires the whip, and is certainly attended with less danger than the old and tedious one of riding a colt. We now come to WHIP TRAINING To train a horse thoroughly to drive without bit or line under the whip, requires from four to six weeks’ time; it requires also a man of strong nerve and selfcontrol to be a successful trainer in this particular branch. Whip training illustrates the beauty and power of our system of horse training. Such a feat as driving a horse without bit or line cannot be accomplished by any other system known to man. Having selected a horse with a moderate share of intelligence, the next ¥ ae OF 607 76 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. thing is to secure a suitable place for training. An inclosure twenty-five or thirty feet square is required. If you have it smaller, and your horse should be disposed to kick, you would be in danger; if larger, it gives the animal too much room to get away from the whip. It is better that you go in with the horse alone, as then the animal will have no other object to take his atten- tion. Turn him loose without bridle or halter in the inclosure; take your position in the centre, holding in your right hand a straight whip nine or ten feet long; you crack the whip as you take your position; this alarms the horse and causes him to run into one corner of the inclosure; crack it several times that he may learn that you do not intend to hurt him; now commence tap- ping him lightly upon the near shoulder, but not to hurt him ; if a nervy fellow he is all excite- ment for a few minutes; continue the tapping until he turns his head towards you, which he will do in a short time. The moment he turns it, however slight it may be, cease the whipping; as soon as he turns it away again repeat the tapping with the whip; in a few minutes he again turns his head towards you; stop the motion of the whip: as he turns away repeat the whip-tapping as before; in a very short time he turns around so that you can approach him; now gently caress him; move away and again approach him; should he turn away repeat the whipping: by this means you teach him to come to you on the near side. After he has learned this thoroughly, which re- ~ + Se ¥ & i os ea ‘ Oy a a1 + ~ . é ae Sie re y i uy, me: iV * Wes sa te a ~ V4 Whe ~ y ee ee ae See aye Z ba Y ae ha te Sal Poa » VE x. AN bis & We oasis Se se be, ee a Rpeyeiad cs | HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY, ii quires about one week’s training, half an hour each day, then proceed in the same manner upon the off side; as soon as he obeys the motion of the whip upon this side, take your position behind him, and turn him by the motion of the whip, to the right or to the left; as soon as he performs nicely, put the harness upon him, take the lines behind him, and, as you give hin the word to vo forwards, throw the whip down by his right side without touching him, at the same time have the long web around the rear fore foot, and give it to an assistant; you want him to stop, give him the word Dhow. at the same time your ussistant pulls up the foot, turn the whip in a horizontal position above your head—in this way you teach nim that the whip in that position means whoa. By repeating these motions, he learns in about four weeks to turn to the right whenever the whip is thrown towards the right shoulder; to the left when thrown towards the left shoulder ; to go ahead when thrown down by the right side; and to stop when held in a hori- zontal position. You now want to teach him to back ; having previously instructed him accord- ing to our rule, put the cord, using the small loop, in his mouth; take the cord in your hand with the reins, pull upon the reins, and say Back, at the same time keep the whip directly over the animal’s back, giving it an upward and downward motion, er you may tap him gently upon the back with the whip—this is best done ina sulky. If _he starts forward, set him back by pulling quickly | 78 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. upon the cord; repeat the operation until he wul go back by the motion of the whip alone. Should he make repeated efforts to go forward, bring the whip quickly once or twice down over his nose, he will not then repeat the operation very often; with this training, it is necessary to use an open bridle, so that the animal will see the motions of the whip; you are now prepared to hook him up for the first drive. Take an assistant with you; have the foot-strap or long web secured upon the — near fore foot; give it in charge of your assistant; let the lines lie over the dash, as a matter of pre- caution. Now commence operations with the whip; if the animal acts promptly, remove the foot web, and begin again, having the lines over the dash as before ; ; drive the animal i in this way at least two or three weeks before removing the bit from the mouth. Your horse is now safe to drive under the whip. TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. It is necessary, in teaching horses to perform tricks, to have in addition to the webbing the im-- plements known as the Rarey straps, by which means you teach the animal to le down, &e. THE SHORT STRAP. A common breeching strap is all that is neces- sary; It is used to strap up the foot (see engrav-_ ing). Open the loop, keeping the buckle on the outside, put the loop over the foot, then raise the — ae 4 ae HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 79 THE SHORT STRAP. ~ foot and pass the strap around the fore-arm from | the inside, and buckle it tight; this holds the foot Se up firmly. | pee. PULLING UP THE FOOT. 80 ° HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. THE LONG STRAP. This is a strap which buckles around the foot. It has a ring in it, to which is buckled another strap seven or eight feet long, or the short web will answer the purpose. ‘his is put upon the right foot passing it under the girth (see engrav- ing at foot of p. 79), or over the back for the purpose of taking up the foot, when we want to bring the animal - upon his knees. TO TEACH A COLT TO FOLLOW YOU. Take the cord, using the small loop, give him a few quick pulls right and left, then take your position on one side opposite the shoulder, give a quick pull upon the cord, which brings him to- wards you; at the same time say, Come here, sir; as he obeys, caress him. Repeat this until he will come without the pull, then take your posi- tion upon the other side and proceed in the same way. You will soon have him so that he will follow in any direction. TO TEACH A HORSE TO LIE DOWN. Take your position upon the near side; strap up the near fore foot, using the short strap ; have a good strong bridle with cheek pieces, so as to prevent the bit from pulling through the mouth. Tie a knot in the bridle-rein over the neck, take a short hold of the bridle-rein with the left hand, the right hand holding the off rein; now press him backwards, and as you do so he comes down ‘ be wa | A /) HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 4 HINTS UPON SHOKING. A glance at the skeleton of the horse will at once serve to convince us that the animal is formed at the same time for strength, and for celerity and ease of motion. If we look at the fore limbs we shall see that the scapula, No. 9, recedes from the shoulder-joint, falling back obliquely; its upper part uniting with the spinous processes of the anterior dorsal vertebrae, No. 14, to form the withers. The shoulder-bone No. 4 retreats, forming an angle at the elbow-joint; the fore arm consists of two pieces, No. 5, the radius and ulna consolidated as one bone in the mature horse; this is followed by a double row of small bones, No 9. the carpus or wrist bones, seven in number. ‘These are succeeded by the metacarpus, No. 10, with two slender splint bones attached posteriorly to its upper part. To these succced the three phalangeal bones, Nos. 11, 12, and 15. There are besidee a small pair »f hones situated pehind the fetlock joint called sessumoides, and a small bone situated behind, and between Nos. 12 and 13, called the navicular bone. The coffin bone, No. 18, is enclosed in the hoof, which consists of thick, firm, rounded horn, having a certain degree of expansibility ; and underneath, forming a sort of sole, 1s a part called the frog; it is an elastic eushion, and in a healthy state prevenis con- cussion. At eacu step the frog yiclds under the weight of the animal, and aeclline. out faterallg" a expands the heels of the hoof. This frog ought = always to touch the ground; it does se naturally, — ie and where bad shoeing prevents it, the crust of the hoof soon becomes hard, britde,a and unyielding, — causing a shock at every step as the animal trots over he hard road. Inflammation and acre of structure soon supervene: ‘The posterior limbs. are modelled on a similar plan. Now from the _ angles which the bones of the limbs make with each other at the joints, the force of every shock — as the-animal trots or gallops is greatly broken ; . its very step is light and elastic; and this not BE only results from the obliquity of the bones in question, but particularly from the yielding spring — a : of the pastern, its elasticity being provided for by a ligament which passes down the back of te cannon bone, No. 10, and along the pasterns to _ the coffin bone 11 12, and 13. Nor is the: spring ee of the elastic froe to be here overlooked; it also contributes an important share to the easy pro- a gression of the horse, the action of whose limbs x as he moves is, or. ought to be frec, vigorous, and — springy. But alas! how often do we see the knees distorted with overtoil, and the —— rigid and swollen from disease ! < ae “Shoeing is generally regarded as a necessary _ evil; and were it not for our paved streets and turnpiked roads, an oe which met ina ere Ce chauild be to ee as ; closely : as possi three important rules in shoeing horses: ave _ preserve the hoof in its aes shape: 3d, a perfectly level bearing upon the crust or wall as it rests upon the ground, as well as upon the frog, which, as previously stated, acts as an elastic cushion preventing concussion and expanding the heels, which relieves the pressure upon the sensi- = shive and delicate structure within the hoof, that _ otherwise would cccur were the hoof hard and tee unyielding. ‘It is unnecessary as well as unin- _ teresting to the eeneral reader for us to go into a ‘minute description of the structure of the horse’s foot. Those who desire such information can obtain : a - it by consulting Jennings on ‘‘ The Horse and his - Diseases.” The sole or ground surface of the foot is all that part of the foot situated between the frog and the crust or wall; this sole should not — shoe. ‘Supposing now the reader to understand our meaning sf a perfectly level surface upon the foot side, for : ioe erust to rest upon. Beyond that point it - should be bevelled inwards, in order to. prevent untouched with the knife, except to trim off any ragged edges. The moment the substance of the moisture ; hence its elasticity. It becomes har HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 33 preserve the natural bearing of the foot: 2d. To ‘To protect the foot from injury. If we observe - the foot of the unshod horse, we find the hoof has | come in contact with either the ground or the ‘In order to preserve the level bearing of the - “foot, it is necessary that the shoe be made with _ pressure upon the sole. ‘The frog should remain eee is cut away, that moment it begins to lose its | = ie 94 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. and brittle often as the hoof itself; its ‘ane is thus destroyed, and it now acts as a foreign body, bruising the sole, causing diseases of various kinds to arise. If we examine the feet of horses shod in the ordinary manner—and there are few others—we find in place of the shoe having a level bearing for the crust, it is bevelled from without inwards, so that the foot rests upon a concave instead of a level surface. The conse- quence is, the heels, instead of expanding up these inclined planes, are actually pressed in- wards, in consequence of the lateral pressure thus brought to bear upon them. This, as a natural result, causes contraction of the hoof sooner or later, causing a hard, brittle condition of the hoof, predisposing it to split, producing toe, quarter, or other cracks, which never occur. in an elastic hoof; corns soon follow contraction of the hoof, often producing very severe lame- ness, and leading to diseases of a more serious nature. -When we have a contracted foot, it is only necessary to reverse the bearing of the shoe —that is, the bearing at the heels back from the last nail-hole should be very slightly bevelled out- wards. This has adirect tendency to gradually facilitate the expansion of the heels. Dr. R. Jen- uings’s Hoof Ointment is one of the best appli- cations that can be made to a contracted hoof; it restores its elasticity, and promotes a healthy condition of the hoof. And here let me caution the smith, in bevelling the shoe, to give it a very “little slant, from the last nail-hole on either side, — WORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 95 not more than the twentieth part of an inch; otherwise more harm than good will be likely to _ follow its application. PREPARING THE FOOT FOR THE SHOE. This, as a mechanical operation, requires a man f good, sound judgment to properly perform his work. The growth of the hoof is about equal to tts wear when the animal remains unshod, other- wise the hoof would be worn too short or become too long. Our object, then, in paring the foot, is to remove so much of the hoof as would have been worn away had not the shoe prevented such wear. Any deviation from this rule causes the feet to become unusually long, the sole thick, &c., causing the animal to stumble at almost every step. In preparing the foot for the shoe, after carefully removing any old stubs that might re- main, the crust should be lowered with the rasp from the toe to the heels, the sole then should be pared with the drawing-knife in preference to the buttress. The feet should be poulticed the night before being shod, with linseed meal; this will so soften the hoof as to enable the smith to pare the feet without difficulty. Care must be taken to remove a portion of the horn between the crust and bars, so that the heels of the crust should be higher than the heels of the sole. The bars will simply require cleaning out, removing any loose portions without diminishing their strength. All ragged portions of the frog should be removed, but the frog must by no means be 36 shoe back a quarter or three-eighths of an inch a the nails, thus rendering them more liable to do “s: structure, or by pricking the foot. The nails — | they may be driven with a greater desree of cer- ‘injury is often prevented by leaving out the HORSE-TRAINING MADE “EASY. eut away merely because the smith ihaies c to be too large. In weak feet, very little paring: is required; the heels, however, require the ticeme care for their protection from injury in shoeing. — No fixed rules can be laid down for paring hen feet; that must be determined by the nature and condition of these appendages. _ APPLICATION OF THE SHOE TO THE FOOT. ae The shoe should be set as near the outer mar- - gin of the crust as possible; by so doing, we Se have the crust as the main support of the foot, 2 as nature intended it should be. By setting the from the outer margin of the crust, as is often done, at least oné-half of the bearing surface — of the foot is destroyed. It is therefore weak-— ened in exact proportion as it is cut aM aye £ besides greatly reducing the space for driving — injury, by being driven ‘too close to the sensitive — should be pointed with great care, in order that = tainty. Hight nail-holes are usually punched in — the shoe; ‘but our experience teaches us that — quarter nail upon the inside of the foot If it o should be thought necessary, it may be put i in = - the toe instead. — | eee HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. Q4 CLIPS UPON THE SHOE, These should not be used, as they are the frequent cause of an obscure lameness, often giving rise to much trouble. The growth of the horn being from above downwards, the clip offers an obstruction to the growth of the hoof, which eannot be overcome; hence it is turned inwards upon the soft structures of the foot. This is readily seen after death, in the hoof of a horse which has been shod several years with the clip. Removal of the cause will enable the animal to get entirely over the lameness in two or three - months. I have restored horses to perfect sound- ness in this way very frequently, even after a_ Jameness of two and three years’ standing. When it is thought necessary to use a clip, one of the smallest‘ kind should be employed. INTERFERING. * Many horses are in the habit of interfering and many ingenious methods have from time to time been devised to prevent this troublesome habit. Both the hind and fore legs are subject to cutting or striking, usually about the fetlock joint. Tn the front feet, however, we sometimes find them striking just below the knee-joint, producing an enlargement known as a speedy cut. We should, when this habit exists, first ascertain the cause as nearly as possible, and the part which strikes, whether the shoe or the foot. many horaes interfere only when leg-weary. Par- G 688 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. ticularly is this the case with colts. Some horses os strike when shod with heavy shoes, but do not do so with light ones. Others interfere: from 5% some peculiarity i in the conformation of the limbs, eee The most successful plan of preventing this nals ee - is to straighten the inside of the shoe from the ~~ toe to the quarter, allowing the heel of the shoe . 3 Prt on the inside the same Fclaniion that it would — ee: have ordinarily applied. Two nails only should — a be driven on the inside of the foot with this shoe. This is an exception to our rule in applying the a shoe, but it usually has the desired effect. By _ s no means make the shoe higher on one side than the other, as it causes unequal concussion upoh the limb when the animal is in motion; hence predisposing the joints to injury. In some rare — : 3 cases, widening the web of the shoe, as well as straizhtening it upon the inside, has the desired ea effect, when ‘simply straightening fails to accom: i the purpose. ae OVERREACHING. ‘Many very good horses have this troublesome — ie ' habit. Young horses are more subject to over- reaching than old ones; it very frequently disap- oe . eae | pears as s the speed of the animal is increased. At — ee ee eae ae ca the front feet e not ae fee 3 | i Siete’ fhe hedle are cut or re adly, and occasionally the shoes are torn bs I HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 99 ‘the front feet. The most successful means of preventing this habit, is to make the front shoes a little lighter, which facilitates their motion, the animal lifting them up so quickly—the hind ones should be a little heavier. Trifling as this differ- ence may appear, it is very generally successful ; an ounce of iron will make a very marked differ- ence in the movement of most animals, as much so as weight upon the back._ SHOEING HORSES WITH CORNS. The corn should be well cut out, and then burned with a red-hot iron, muriatic acid, or but- ter of antimony. The shoe recommended for contracted feet should be here applied; the hoof backwards from the corn to the heel should be removed, so that no part of the hoof back from the corn have any bearing upon the shoe; by this means we prevent all concussion that otherwise would fall upon the part affected; the animal thus shod will travel sound though the corn be a bad one. Much depends upon the careful and skilful application of the shoe, independently of its being constructed on proper principles. Many horses with very bad feet are enabled to go sound for years by a combination of care and skill, while on ‘he contrary a single shoeing done by a ‘bungling workman would suffice to lame them. It requires considerable skill to fit a shoe properly on a bad foot, so as to save the weakest parts and econo- ‘mize the horn. L.of C. 100 HU RSE-TRAINING MALE EASY. STOPPING THE FEET. When we take into consideration the unnatural condition in which the feet of the horse in a state of domestication are brought, by nailing upon them the iron shoe, and standing them upon plank floors, we can readily understand why it is, that the hoof so soon becomes hard, brittle, and -con- tracted. Ist. There is no moisture absorbed by the foot from either the shoe or the plank. If we stand the horse upon the ground, it 1s but lit- tle better, as such floors are usually very dry, or else they are in a filthy condition in consequence of the urine which the animal has passed off, pre- disposing the feet to thrush, &c. In consideration of the above facts it is our duty to protect the feet by artificial means. To do this effectually, the feet should be stopped with flaxseed meal mixed with water, that is when the meal is mixed the soles should be packed full, say once or twice a week during the winter season, and three or four times a week during the summer season. A small quantity of Dr. R. Jennings’s Hoof Ointment applied to the upper part of the crust will be found of very great advantage; it softens the - hoof and causes a healthy secretion of horn, or hoof. For a more perfect description of shoeing and the injuries consequent thereto, see Dr. R. Jennings on “ The Horse and his Diseases.” THINGS WORTH KNOW! NG, A man to control a horse must reer to control HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 102 himself. What you do must be done thoroughly, or better not do it at all. Once handling a horse produces but a tempo- ~pary effect. ‘A merciful man is merciful to his beast.” On first hitching a colt in the stable, put a rope behind him, sc that he cannot pull back upon the halter. Light stables are preferable to dark ones. Why? “On taking a horse from a dark stable the pupil of the eye is dilated, in con- sequence of the change from a dark place to a light one; the pupil is acted upon too suddenly and severely; the result is, the animal cannot distinguish objects until the pupil of the eye con- tracts. 3 Stuff the feet often, and use occasionally Dr. R. Jenningss Hoof Ointment, if you would keep the feet of your horses in a healthy condition. _Drive fast, and stop often. Pay the groom liberally, it will pay you back in the care of your horse. To warrant a horse free from vice is to make use of an almost indefinite term, for its bounda- ries are neither weil defined nor understood ; and under this sweeping term might be included many faults generally considered trivial. Shipping the eollar, weaving in the stall, &e., might all equally be construed into vice. To warrant a horse perfectly free from vice is great folly, because it will always admit of a quibble: In law, the word « warranted” extends merely Q * 102 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. to soundness; “ warranted sound” has no greater extent. _ | | “Warranted sound, free from vice, and need ine _ to ride or drive,” covers everything but age. The — warranty should always be written. If you are about purchasing a horse, it would be to your "interest to cousult some reliable veterinary sur- oe geon. Things which cost least are not always the cheapest, but prove in the end very dear. ies a aie ness is the surest bait in the world. " Quantity may be estimated by an uneducated — eye: to discern the quality of anything, requires — experience and judgment. If you have a tow you wish to match, do not let the dealer know . your object, or he will demand a higher price. “The eye of the master makes the horse fat.’ Neg, ‘He who buys, had need have an_ Rare ao eyes.” ee “ What is everybody’s business is ‘lobodyae 4 business.” ee Try before you buy. | ae tS Ey ie To make a horse have a fine coat, Ge” Feed well, clothe warmly, sweat often, groom atl and use Dr. R. Jennings’s Condition Pow- — ® done To remove a horse Pagal a burning stable, blind fold him es SS ae Never quarrel with your horse. - eee Wet the hay for a horse with heaves, na use Dr. R; Jennings’ 3 Heave or Cough Powder Hees Good grooming promotes tke health of horses. Never let your hake know that he can resist you. | Eom Ck eh ee ene OR HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 108 Never bleed a horse when the membrane lining the nose presents a bluish appearance, as it de- notes a debilitated condition of the system; under ‘such circumstances the animal wants a liberal diet, and strong tonic treatment. Never drench a horse if it can be avoided, but always administer medicine in the form of ball or powder. ‘The anatomical structure of the horse’s throat renders drenching exceedingly dangerous. Drenching is the best way of administering medicine to cattle. Lo ball a horse properly, take the tongue in the left hand, bringing it out on the off- sda of the mouth, then take the ball in the right hand between the thumb and first two fincers, pass it over the curve of the tongue, and let it go; do not be in too much of a “hurry, or you will be likely to fail in giving it. Never feed corn or corn meal to horses which are not in a healthy condition. 104 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. _ = a A es eae ; 9 : ike DISEASES OF THE HORSE. segs This noble animal, more than any other of our : domestic animals, is subject to diseases, wiieles are as numerous and varied as are those of man, generally assaming an inflammatory character of either the sthenic or asthenic form. By es a STHENIC INFLAMMATION = rf We mean its acute form, which is the most com- mon stage of inflammation. It is generally rapid in its attacks, certain in its cause, quick in its course, or in the development of its terminations = or consequences, and strongly marked initssymp- toms and attendant fever. ‘he most acute forms of inflammation are Founder, Inflammation of the = Bowels, Lymphatics, Lungs, ‘and other forma of ‘ee oAy and abdominal inflammations. Mig Re ASTHENIC INFLAM MATION. ats This is characterized Dy a feeble and dca tated state of the organism; by an uncertainty — in many instances as to ‘ie real nature of its cause, by an insidiousness in its progress ; bya want of that precise certainty in its symptoms, which is so characteristic a feature of the acute sthenic kinds; by being attended with fever of a _ low typhoid nature ; and, by its greater proneness i in the generality of cases to spread to nearly all me the soft tissues, a terminate in pan erng and HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 105 death. The most common forms in which asthe- nic inflammation is manifested are those of Ty- phoid, Pleuro-Pneumonia, the ordinary Typhoid Influenza, Scarlatina Maligna, &ec. TERMINATIONS OF INFLAMMATION. Inflammation has several terminations, which are designated by the following terms :—Resolu- tion, Mortification, Suppuration, Ulceration, Hem- orrhage, Effusion, Hepatization, and Ossification. By “Resolution, i is meant, HEE restora- tion to health. — Mortification, death of the parts involved. Suppuration, a breaking up of tissues, and form- ation of purulent matter, which receives the name of abscess. Ulceration, the formation of an ulcer; a puru- lent solution of continuity of the soft parts. Hemorrhage occurs from rupture of blood-ves- sels, wounds, ulcers penetrating the coats of an artery, &e. : Effusion, watery accumulations ; a serous fluid as in dropsy. Hepatization, liver-like structures changed in their character, assuming the appearance of liver. Ossification, change of soft structures inte bony ones. Adhesion, two or more separate structures be- coming united. We briefly allude to the subject of inflammation in order to sive the general reader some landmarks by which to form “tolerably cor- reet conclusions regarding the character of such Atcaacnd ag thay may ehanera tA meet with 106 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. DISEASES OF THE MOUTI. LAMPAS. deatece. ie ‘however, suffer little or no inconvenience by them, while in others the great tenderness of the gums and bars causes the, 294 animal to refuse his food. The owner too often, se with a vague idea of relief, submits the animal to the ore) operation of burning out the. ine with a red-hot iron. A very few years since, and [ may add still is, in many sections of the country, almost the only course pursued in such — cases, notwithstanding it is of no practical benefit whatev er; but on the contrary is often very inju- rious. The only treatment required, is to lance — the parts freely, and wash the mouth with a solu- tion of tincture of myrrh, one ounce to three of water; give no sk or corn or a week. | BAGS, OR WASHERS. The bit, in reining, frequently brwieee 7 fining membrane af the mouth, cansing © puffy, swellings within the corners of the lips; _these sometimes become so large as to cause mv convenience to the animal in Ferien HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 107 ly lanced and allowed to bleed undisturbed ; then bathe the parts with the following wash :— R. Tincture of Myrrh. Tincture of Aloes. Rain-water, equal parts. Mix all together. Should this not succeed, remove the swellings with the knife, or what is as well, clip them off with a pair of scissors, then apply the above wash to the wound two or three times a day, until healed. : SORE MOUTH. _ This is caused also by the bearing of the bit upon tender-mouthed horses. It is situated at the corners of the mouth, often causing consider- able thickening of the lips about the parts affected. Alum-water should be applied to the parts three times a day, or the wash for bags, or washers, may be used with equal advantage. ULCERS IN THE MOUTH. In breaking horses to harness, the under jaw, immediately in front of the molar teeth, is some- times so injured by the bit as to cause inflamma- tion of. the periosteum (a thin membrane which covers the bone), occasionally causing caries of the bone, in consequence of which pipe-like cpen- ings called sinuses-are fornied, which, becoming filled with partly-masticated food, soon becomes fetid, and often occasions sores which prove troublesome to heal. When the gum only is in- HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. jured, it should be carefully wasned with tincture = et of myrrh and water, equal parts; but when the : bone is involved, the diseased parts must be re- moved, and afterwards dressed with ae flowing lotion :-— R. Gallic Acid, — T ouaee.: Tincture of Opium, 1 “ Water, 4, Mix all together, and bathe the parts aflected two or three times a day. WOLF TEETH. ‘Many horsemen regard these teeth as injurious to the eyes of horses; but we cannot understand upon what principle their opinions are based. These teeth are not supernumary teeth as has been = asserted by many writers, but on the contrary are’ = natural to all horses. The germs or pulps of these teeth are in the jaw at the time of foaling, and © are developed venerally at one year old, ready to -eut their way through the gums. All young ani- mals ef the equine species have these teeth, and — they can be found in the mouths of four out of — Sive colts at two years of age. It 1s only when 2 the eyes are affected by disease that these teeth — are looked for, and when found are supposed by x some: to be the eduec of the tromhiet 21a e cre perience of twenty years, I have not been able ton discover the least connection between these teeth — and the eyes. And what Pease ‘i HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 109 authors If you find them in your colts, and wish them removed, the best plan is to pull them out with a pair of ordinary tooth forceps. See Jennings on ‘“‘ The Horse and his Diseases.” IRREGULAR TEETH In old horses the molar teeth, or grinders, fre quently become very uneven upon their grinding surfaces, causing difficulty in masticating the food ; the outer edges of the upper molars becom- ing sharp cut the cheeks, causing them to become sore, and often very much swollen. The remedy is the tooth rasp, by which the sharp edges of the teeth are taken off, enabling the animal to again masticate his food in a proper manner. CARIES OF THE TEETH. Horses frequently suffer from this troublesome disease. Caries or decay ia the teeth gives rise to the tooth-ache the same as In man, causing symptoms in the horse which are often mistaken for other affections. My work on the horse ex- plains this subject more fully. When caries has existed for some time, there will be as a genera! thing a fetid discharge from one nostril; the food — passes away in an undicested state, particularly is this the case when whole corn has been given; loss of flesh, stupor, starring ceat, stopping short in the road when in harness, shaking the head and then going on again, starting. as aes scared when no objects of fear are “about. The 10 aes HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY, only rane | is the renin of the teeth, whieh an generally requires the aid of a qualified vetorimary : surgeon. gc hr ete ee DISEASES OF TIE EYE. AMAUROSIS OR GLASS EYE. In this disease we observe a clear bright eye, well calculated to deceive the best horsemen, tie ie a it is not until the animal runs against some object pace in his way that blindness is suspected. it 1s ae very easy matter, however, to detect the eae eb eye. The pupil i is always larger than usual, and on removing the animal from a strong to a weak ee light, and vice versa, no change is observed i in the” ee pttpil, the light not having any effect upon it, which is not the case in the « eye of a horse having his sight perfect. It is caused by paralysis of the — optic nerve. Treatment.—This is uncertain, but occasionally the following is successful : — R. Barbadoes aloes Bie Med Ky ees - Pulverized Ginger, ae Gentian, Nitrate or Potassa, . : Mix with molasses in the fan of a ball anda ee give to the horse. In-twenty-four hours after — fe giving the ball, give half drachm doses of pul — =) verized nux vomica mixed in the feed night and morning ; : and apply a blister under the e ears. i HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 111 INFLAMMATION OF THE HAW. This is an inflammation of the membrana nicti- fans situated at the inner corner of the eye, the function of which is to cleanse the eye of any dirt or other foreign substance which may get into it; when inflamed it becomes timid, causing a) buleing at the inner corner of the eye, and is commonly known by the term hooks, or haw, in the eye. _ The treatment consists in bathing the eye with the following wash, two or three times a day :— R. Tincture Opium, 4 ounce. Tincture Aconite, 2 drachms. “3 _ Rainwater, 1 pint. Mix all together. Give a purgative ball, but do not under any circumstances have them cut out, as you thus deprive the animal of the means of cleansing the eye of dirt, or other matter getting into this delicate organ. SIMPLE OPHTHALMIA. This is simply an inflammation of the eye, caused generally by blows, or some other external injury. Bathe the eye with cold water, and give the following ball :— R. Barbadoes aloes, 1 ounce. Ginger pulverized, 1 drachm. Gentian t 6 Mix with water. Bleeding under the eye is sometimes an ad- vantage. termination is sooner or later confirmed blindness; - previous to its final termination. © of the eye, situated immediately behind the pupil 112 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. SPECIFIC OPHTHALMIA. ‘This is commonly known as moon blindness, _ Bs - the attack is sudden, the eye becomes watery and exceedingly tender, the lining of the eyelid is very red, and the eye itself is ‘cloudy or white in — a a appearance. The treatment consists in opening the bowels well with the purgative ball recom- mended in Amaurosis, and to bathe the eye with the following wash. | R. Tincture of Opium, 1 ounce, Rainwater. bm | = Mix both together. This disease being of a specific character, its though the animal may have a number of attacks CATARACT. This is one of the terminations of specific oph- thalmia Itis a breaking up of the crystalline lens When diseased it presents one or more white spots, __ which gradually blend together until the whole lens is involved. ‘There is no cure: operas ie only partially restore the sight, causing the animal to become a shver, which is cer more dangerous than blindness. DISTEMEER. This term is used by hersomen to denote ail 2 eg classes of catarrhal affections. A common veld, ee HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 113 influenza, bronchitis, &c., are all included under the above heading. We are not disposed, however, to regard the term distemper on so broad a field, and will therefore drop it from our nomenclature altogether; and consider the various diseases under their proper headings. SORE THROAT. This is usually an accompanyment of catarrhal affections. It sometimes occurs independently of any such diseases; it is then known as laryngitis. Symptoms.—Stiffness of the neck, cough, dif- ficuity in swallowing, mouth full of saliva, with more or less fever. Treatment,—apply the fol- lowing liniment to the throat externally :— R. Linseed oil, 3 ounces. Cantharides ointment, 1 ounce, Spirits of Turpentine, Loe Mix all together. Ov what is a better application, Dr. R. Jennings’s Sweating Liniment. It may be obtained of Druggists and dealers generally ; and give in- ternally Dr. R. Jennings’s Tonic Powder, it seldom requires more than one box to effect a perfect cure. : STRANGLES. This is a more aggravated form of sore throat, attended with considerable swelling of the throat externally, often threatening st wffoeation. _ In very bad cases the aid of a veterinary surgeon should eS H fe =. iA HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. be had-if ooesiie: in the absence of such. assiste sie ance. poultice the throat with linseed meal; pour — scalding water upon some wheat bran and steam the nostrils with it, put a bag over the nose to a prevent the steam from escaping too much; when oe the swelling becomes soft lance it under the j janes > oe * es the danger generally is past when it discharges : sem freely. “Give internally Dr. R. Jennings’s Tonic 2a Powder. | Bees . eae INFLUENZA | eae This disease is supposed to isenie from some as miasma in the atmosphere. It occurs in the a spring and fall months, at times assuming a very ~ ieee malignant form, at other times it is comparatively Baek. mild in its attacks, a aes Symptoms.—A thin mucus discharge from thes Bee . nostrils. The living membrane of the eyelids pre An sent an orange red appearance. ‘The corners of the — aoe eyes are filled at times with a vurnlent matter , AS ae the animal is very much debilitated, as may be — i observed by its motion in the walk ; the membrane of the nose is also reddened ; cough attended with sore throat. In this ee metastic inflam- - mation frequently occurs; by metastic we mean : a change in the seat of disease in this case from the air passages to the feet, producing symptoms Bee a very similar to founder, which often is mistaken eae for that disease. A sustaining treatment is here eee required. In the early stages of the disease, ane i . ten drops of Flemming’s tincture of aconiteina little water upon the tongue every six hours, until Pee a HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. AB vhe fever is checked; then give Dr. R. Jennings’s Tonic Powder, it being prepared expressly for this elass of disease. When the throat is sore use Dr. lt. Jennings’s Sweating Liniment. BRONCHITIS. This is an inflammation of the air-tubes (bron: chial) of the lungs, usually accompanied with a painful cough, sore throat, mouth full of saliva, discharge from the nose, respiration disturbed, pulse quick, lining membrane of the nose and eyelids reddened. On applying the ear to the sides, a bubbling sound is heard, like the agita- tion of a fluid. e _ Treatment.—Give the following ball, and if the fever is not broken in twelve hours, repeat:—_ R. Pulv. Saltpetre, 2 drachms, “ Digitalis Emetic Tartar, of each, $ drachm. Mix with honey or molasses; or, use R. Nitrate of Potash, 13 oz. es Soda, 6 oz. Mix, and divide into six doses. Give one three times a day in a sloppy mash. Apply to the throat Dr. R. Jennings’s Sweatine Liniment ; and, when convalescent, Dr. R. Jenninys’s Tonic Powder may be used with great advantage in restoring strength and vigor to the system. NASAL GLERT. This is usually the result of neglected catarrh. It is attended with a chronic discharge from one 116 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. ur both nostrils of a thin, whitish mucus. The animal’s health is usually good, feeding and work. ing as in perfect health. The only treatment which has proved successful is a sustaining one. Give the following powders night and morning in the feed :— R. Sesquichloride of Iron, 2 o7. Powdered Cinnamon, 53 yaw = Gentian Root, 1 « se Quassia, 1 « Mix all together, and divide into eight pow- ders; or, use the following powders night and morning in the feed :— R. Muriate of Barytes, 1 oz. Linseed Farina, 2. Mix, and divide into sixteen powders. PLEURISY. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the chest and investing membrane of the lungs, is know as pleuritis, or pleurisy, which requires prompt treatment, or it is apt to terminate “in dropsy of the chest. Symptoms.—Pain on press- ing the sides,a grunt peculiar to this disease, pawing, the animal looking or biting at his sides, pulse quick, temperature of the body much above the natural heat, lying down but rising quickly. Treatment.—Give ten drops of tincture of aconite root, in a little water, every three hours for the first two days: give in every pail of water one ounce of nitric ether, and use Dr. R. Jennings’s te HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 117 Sweating Liniment on the sides; keep the body warm, and give no corn or corn meal. INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. This disease occurs in the spring and fall, and ~ is known to horsemen as lung fever. Symptoms. —-Pulse quick and thready, mouth hot, the ani mal hangs his head in or under the manger, legs and ears cold, appetite lost, respiration quickened ; on applying the ear to the side a crackling sound is heard. This disease requires prompt treat- ment, as it frequently terminates fatally in a few If the animal isin a plethoric condition, hours. bleeding is attended with beneficial results. Give: five drops of tincture of aconite root, in a little water, upon the tongue every two hours, until the respiration becomes more tranquil; apply Dr. R. Jennings’s Sweating Liniment to the sides. ibae jections of castile soap and water are very use- “ful; or, what is better, injections of tobacco- The legs should be well hand-rubbed, and stimulated with mustard or cayenne pepper, and then wrapped in flannel bandages. . smoke. CONGESTIVE PNEUMONIA. This disease is caused by some impure condi- tion of the atmosphere, violent exercise, or sud- den changes in the temperature of the air, &c. The blood ceases to circulate through the lungs, remaining there in a congested state; the pulse is full, but its action cannot be detected. resort to the lancet is our only hope here. Bleed Speedy 118 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. freely and quickly, then place the animal in a box-stall, where the atmosphere Is pure, and give the followins twice a day :— R. Tincture of Opium, _ 2 drachms. Liquor Ammonia Acetatis, 2 oz. Mix both together, and add one gill of water. Place a pail of “bran slop before the animal, and keep the body warm; stimulate the legs, as in inflammation of the lungs, and wrap them in flannel bandages. | HYDROTHORAX., Dropsy of the chest, is usually the termination of pleurisy. ‘Symptoms.—Pulse small and quick, respiration quick and short, legs set wide apart, breast, belly, and sheath swollen; the animal never lies down. ‘There. is much_ prostraticn of strength in this disease, making the chances of recovery very doubtful. The treatment which has proved the most successful, is setons in the breast, and half-drachm doses ‘of the iodide of potassa in water three times a day. HEAVES, OR BROKEN WIND. This disease is so well known that it does nor require any special remark. When seated in the lungs, it is out of the reach of medicine, except as palliatives. The best preparation for this disease is Dr. R. Jennings’s Cough or Heave Powder ; or, use the following: ia R. Assafoetida, 2 drachms, ay Gum Camphor, 1 drachm. » Ee pee eae + aU on ont Later Pe us ae eng HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 119 Mix, and give every other night for a week. The hay should be well sprinkled with water; avoiding clover hay or corn. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. This disease is known to horsemen as the thumps. It is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart. Symptoms. — Heart pulsates violently, and may be observed at some distance from the animal; pulse full and hard. This disease is regarded as incurable. We can, however, palliate the worst cases in one or two hours’ time, so that the animal is ready for work _ the following day- Divide one drachm of pul- verized digitalis leaves into five powders; give one powder every fifteen minutes ; keep the body warm, and give food sparingly for a day or two. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. This disease is known as mad staggers. It arises from blows over the head, over-feeding, particularly with corn; a tight collar will some- times produce 1t, &e. Symptoms.—Disinclination to move about, lining membrane of the eyelids much reddened, appetite | lest, eyes present a dull, sleepy appearance; to these succeed delirium or madness. The anima! now becomes indifferent to all about him, plunges about, destroying every thing in his way that will yield to his struggles. Treatment.—¥leed freeiy, before the mad ‘stage comes on, or you must wait until the animal falls 120 HORSE-TRAINING MADE BAsy. ag from exhaustion, then put the lancet into “ia jugular vein, bleed almost to fainting; apply — bags of broken ice to the head, and opes yee bowels with the following ball: — ne R. Barb. Aloes, ~ at or ee Croton Cil, 6 drops. Pulv. Ginger, Idrachm. Mix with water, molasses, or honey. : Injections are also very beneficial. Give no food of any kind for twenty-four hours. Beare oh should not be given to animals subject to such attacks of disease. - STOMACH STAGGERS. This is the result of an overloaded stomgenen | pressing upon the heart and lungs. The scien tre ey appears dull and stupid, with a tendency to vite i : forwards unless supported by a wall, manger, tree, _ or other object; constipation of the bowels. nts accompanies this disease. Treatment.— Bleed — freely, and open the bowels with the ball recom mended for inflammation of the brain. Give no — : food for forty-eight hours after the attack, ee INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS. ~ times makes its appearance very fittest: at ee other times it is sudlen ia its attack. Symp- toms.—Pulse full, strong, and quick, pawing, ly- ing down, rolling on the back, kicking the belly, “body hot, ‘legs cold, no intermissions of pany . 4 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 121 in colic. Treatment.—Copious bleeding is very necessary in this disease; give five drops of Flemmings’s Tincture of Aconite in a little water every two hours; blankets saturated with water as hot-as the animal can bear them should be strapped around the body, and kept wet with hot water for two or three hours ; then remove, and replace them with dry ones. Tobacco-smoke injections are here very serviceable, or castile soap and water will answer a very good purpose. Give no food for forty-eight hours. COLIC. This disease occurs in two forms, flatulent and spasmodic colic. In the former there is consider- able sweliing of the abdomen, the animal throws itself about as in inflammation of the bowels; the pule, however, is nearly in a natural condition, and there are intermissions from pain. -In spasmodic colic, the same symptoms are present, with the exception of swelling of the abdomen. Treatment.—Give one-third of a bottle of Kervr’s Kast India Liniment, prepared by Jennings & Higgins. This is the best preparation that can be used ; or, give the following :— R. Tincture of Opium, 1 o7. ie Sulphuric Ether, 4 & Water, % pint. Mix all together, and drench. If not relieved in half an hour, repeat the dose; rub the b ly well with maeiand and vinegar. ies De 5% | HORSE “TRAINING MADE EASY. DIARRHG@A. This disease is sometimes caused He ie too sf free use of cathartic medicines, change of water, exposure to vold, &e. Treatment.—Give of Kerr’s East India Liniment 3 oz. in one pint of water. The advantage of this Liniment is, it does noes sees, - eonstipate the bowels: yet it has the desired effect : x by restoring healthy action in the digestive” %, organs ; or, give the following :— | ie Puly. Opium, 1 scruple. “ Gentian Root, 1 drachm. 6é Ginger ‘é i 6c Mix all together, and give ss) six hours natit | relieved ; or, use the following R. Gum Camphor, pulv., 2 drachms. Rhubarb, & a? hae Opium, ~~ “ 1 “ Mix all together, and give in half a a of warm ale. WORMS i Ghratisancl of animals are hae hae without ae, the cause being suspected. Symptoms. —Star- ring coat, hageard eye, colicky pains, gasping, “debility, slugeish movements, emaciation, skin covered with | seurfy blotches, small feeble ‘pul ae belly tucked up, respiration slow, a peculiar pal-” id appearance of the membrane lining the mouth, irregular appetite, badly-digested fegces, agitation of the heart : and tail, dung covered with a mus HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 123 substance, a whitish or yellowish white sub- stance about the fundament, rubbing the tail, &c. These symptoms do not all appear in the same animal. Treatment.—Use Dr. RK. Jennings’s Worm Powder, the best preparation known for worms; or, use the following, which in some cases will answer the purpose :— R. Oil of Male Ferns, 1 oz. Powd. Ginger, = ass “ Linseed, % 66 Mix with molasses for one ball, repeat the dose once a day for a week, then give an active purge; -or, the following will in some cases be found very useful:— R. Assafcetida, 2 drachms. Oil of Male Ferns, 4 Calomel, 1 se Savin, 1 - Linseed Meal, Z “cs ‘Mix with molasses, and form a ball; give at night, and follow it the next morning by giving a purgative ball. RETENTION OF URINE. This is caused by irritation of the neck of the Sladder, ora dislike tospatter the legs. Symptoms. —Frequent efforts to stale. Shake up the litter under him, and he will urinate freely, unless the retention is the result of disease, when such means will fail. An instrument made for the purpose, called a catheter, should be passed up the urinary passage, first having it well greased 124 ‘-HORSE- TRAINING MADE ‘EASY. with Lal ae urine Will dion flow freely, ae give inst: Sih relief. If there is ~~ fever prea a : vive the following :— See: R. Nitrate Posse: loom Puly. Digitalis, 1 drachm. Calomel, 35 bea ae all together, and divide into eight pow- | s ders; give one on the tongue three times a 8 SOE R. Sulphate of Iron, 1 oz. Nit. Potassa, Paes: Male Ré sin, mer Juniper Berries, pulysa: & Mix, and divide into four powders; g ive one: og et wT iS night and morning. eee of Be hiss Rie at: diuretic medicines, mow-burnt or musty a soe Some persons are constantly giving their hares) ee resin, saltpetre, and other diuretic drugs, which have a tendency to produce diseases of the wie ae organs. = _ is easily remedied ; : give the following : —_ R. Prepared Chalk, 1 oz. 7 . 22 Puly.Opunm, 22" 2 (drachwig. ace 2 tee hes Catechu, See ey Ps Sota ey oe, and divide into Six = poms, one to HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 125 desired effect 1s obtained ; then give Dr. R. Jen- nings’s Condition Powder. BLOODY URINE. Hematura, or bloody urine, is caused by strain of the loins, ealenhiis: Loneeehors in the kidneys or ureters, ‘unwholesome food, rupture of small blood-vessels about the bladder, &e. Treatment. —Give flaxseed-tea to drink, and open the bowels with a strong purgative ball, and give twice a sl US ie Jennings’ s Condition Powder. CALCULI, OR, coos IN THE BLADDER. A horse may have these deposits in the blad- der a long time before they occasion any very serious disturbance in the system. Symptoms. — : Frequent efforts to stale, but voiding the urine in very small quantities s a time, which usually is of a turgid yellow or thick whitish color; colicky pains are often observed, the animal kicks its belly, paws, looks at its sides, and on changing lis position frequently gets relief. Treatment.— Give twice a day one drachm of muriatie acid in a pail of water. Should this fail to give relief, an operation for the removal of the stone should be resorted to; this will require the assistance of a competent veterinary surgeon. (See Dr. Jennings on “The Horse and his Diseases.’ eer. have operated on some nine or ten horses for this disease, and with entire success in every instance. 1 : 126 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. serub him well all over with castile soap and HIDE-BOUND. This is often caused by some slight distivtaea Stes in the system (occasionally from the action of | worms), without producing any marked symptoms _ of disease. In all such cases, Dr. R. Jennings’s Condition Powder is the best treatment which a can be resorted to. If worms are the cause of the trouble, give Dr.R.Jennings’s Worm Powder MANGE. This is a disease identical with that of itch in — man. It is caused by a very minute insect called _ the acart equus. ‘The skin about the neck be- comes puckered, the hair comes off in spots, causing scabby patches; there is an intolerable itching, causing the animal to be almost constantly = rubbing itself against a post, tree,&c. Treatment. —Select a clear, warm day, place the animal in the sun, and, with a scrubbing-brush, wash or water; when dry, take one quart of sweet-oil and two ounces of kerosene oil, mix them together, “50 wet the brush with the oils, snd rub him all over. = — It does not require to be put on very thick; in fact, it is better not to be so. Dee ae , SURFEIT. - This is a scurfy eruption of the skin, osuaaee ‘ by an unhealthy condition es the blood: Tiere i ment.—Give the following eee HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY ib 23 R. Socotrine Aloes, 102. ‘Nitrate Potassa, idr, Ginger, pulv., 1 dr. Mix with molasses, and form a ball; féllow this twice a day with Dr. R. Jennings’s Condition Powder. - POLL-EVIL. This disease occurs in horses only when the blood is in a morbid condition: it cannot live in a healthy system. An hereditary predisposition to this disease is frequently transmitted from parent to offspring. Several cases have occurred in my own practice where brood-mares having been affected with this disease, and afterwards having had several colts, and that, too, after the disease had been to all appearances thoroughly healed up, all of which showed the same disease before they arrived at the age of three years. One mare had three colts, another two, and several one, affected in the same way. I do not think a better proof of hereditary predisposition van be — ~~ ‘required. Many mares have this disease, and ss their colts escape it, simply because they do not Bee have the exciting or immediate cause to develop es it. Treatment.—The best and quickest means a is to cut it out well with the knife, when not too pr, long standing and deeply seated. After such an a és operation, the wound should be washed with two oc parts of water to one part of muriatic acid. Open 3 : the bowels, and give Dr. R. Jennings’s Condition Powder to purify the blood.. No corn or corn- 128 HORSE- TRAINING MADE EASY. meal should be given to the cau Thes se cue = being troublesome. they are best treated by the = qualified veterinary “surgeon, when he can be es, obtained. | es FISTULA. This disease is precisel 7 similar to poll- on its” 2 location only giving it a different name. It occurs ; more frequently than p:ll-evil, arises from the — same causes, and requires the same treatment. — For more full particulars of these diseases, see Dr. R. Jennings’s work on “The Horse and bis | Diseases.” WATER FAROY. sheath, Paine &e. In young horses the parts are & hot, and painful to the touch; while in old ones, there appears to be no pain on pressure, but. thee marks of the fingers will remain behind for some 3 time after. Hand- rubbing and moderate exercise — are very necessary, and give in the feed Dr. Ae Je enning’s Tonic Powder. ee LOCKED JAW. Thia disease is the result of i injuries, anges as picking up or running nails in the feet, metallic — or other substances taken into and ‘wounding : the stomach or intestines ; worms are occasionally se supposed to give rise to. this disease, &c. The first indications of its approach, are a strags oli ae if. ASE-TRAINING MADE EASY 129 edit or the hind-legs, which occurs about the ninth day. In a few days after, the membrane nictitans, or haw of the eye, will cover one-third or more of the eyeball whenever the head is ele- vated; two or three days later, the muscies of the jaw become rigid, the tongue swollen, mouth full of saliva, nostrils dilated, nose poked out, and ears erect; the respiration becomes disturbed, the animal very excitable, bowels coustipated; in turning the horse, he moves without bending his neck. The first indication in the treatment is to remove the patient where he will not be unneces- sarily disturbed ; open the bowels wita the aloes” ball. This should be done on the first symptoms being observed, as it is not orten successful after — the jaws become set. Give upon the tongue, in alittle water, ten drops hydrvucyauic acid every ke two hours; or, the following may be used with S - advantage :— - | : R. Widirishing’s Tincture of Aconite, 4 02. 3 ie . - Tincture of Belladona, Zz“ See | Waier, is Saat Mix ; give ten drops every two hours, and apply 3 Dr. R. Jennings’s Sweating Liniment all along as - the spine, from the head to the tail. Keep a pail ee of bran-slop before the animal, and put a ball of aloes in the mouth, as far up as possible; replace Beg: as often as it is dissolved; there is no danger Boe of giving too much; continue this until ‘ic _ bowels are opened. When the foot has been Bers es: injured by a nail, open the wound well, and apply x . | ee ; Boe Be. - ag ages £ 2 aie 130 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 4 a flaxseed poultice until healthy action takes place. RHEUMATISM. Tnis disease is of rare occurrence in this climate; but in Ohio, and some other sections of the United States, it is very common. Symp- toms.—Stiffness in moving about, the animal is lame first in one leg, then in another, the joints sometimes become swollen, and are painful to the touch, &e. Treatment.—The bowels should be opened with the following purge :— R. Socotrine Aloes, 1 oz. Calomel, 4 dr. Pulv. Gentian Root, 2 “ Mix with molasses, and form a ball. Give internally one ounce of pine tar, made into a ball with flour or flaxseed meal, once a day, and bathe the parts with Kerr’s Hast India Liniment, prepared by Jennings & Higgins, Philadelphia, Penna. : CRAMP. This disease, even when it exists in a severe form, is seldom suspected by the most experienced horsemen, in consequence of the peculiar manner > in which the animal is handled. The horse appears perfectly weil, eating as usual; but, on attempting to take him out cf the stall, he then : appears to have lost all power of motion in one of his legs, usually one of the hind ones. Op compelling the animal to move, he takes two o HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. Id] three steps naturally enough; when, suddenly, the leg fails to come forward, and is left drageing behind. Hand-rubbing, and bathing the limb with Kerr’s East India Liniment, prepared by Jennings & Higgins, will restore the animal in a very short time. FOUNDER. The primary cause of this disease is con- traction of the hoof, rendering it hard, brittle, and unyielding, in consequence of which, the con- cussion when the foot is thrown upon the eround when in motion is very much increased. In this condition long drives upon hard roads, bruise the soft and delioate structures within the hoof, in consequence of which the foot becomes sore and fevered. Jn this condition the animal when warm is often watered, the body is suddenly chilled, causing a determination of blood to the feet, the capillary vessels of the feet become clogeed, ‘inflammation is the result, and all the symptoms of founder follow, which are well known to horsemen generally. TZreatment.—Open the bewels as speedily as possible with the following: “ 2. Barbadoes Aloes, 1 0%. Nit. Potassa, 1 dr. Ginger Pulverized, Se Mix with mucilage gum arabic, and make inte a bail. Bieed from the coronet, around the upper part of the foot, at the inside quarter. I*oment the feet well with hot water for two or three hours, and then poultice with flaxseed meal, and 5 ieee HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. in one week’s time the animal usually recovers. After which use Dr. R. Jennings’s Hoof Oint- ment, which will promote healthy action in the hoof. PUMICED FERT. This is a change from the concave sole to a convex one, in consequence of the absorption of the lower margin of the os pedis, or bone within the foot (see Skeleton p. 90), from the inflamma- tion consequent upon neglected founder. Proper shoeing so as to prevent pressure upon the sole of fe foot, and the use of Dr. R. Jennings’s Hoof Ointment, is all that can be done 1 in einen cases. NAVICULAR JOINT DISEASE. This is a disease of frequent occurrence in all sections of the country. The horse is observed to point, or advance one foot, sometimes for months before any lameness is seen. The animal is at times lame on first going out of the stable, but recovers from it after travelling a short dis- tance, and may not show it again for days or even weeks. In some’ cases it comes on while the animal is on the road, and disappears in a_-short time, in other instances the lameness is continu- ous. These variations are in consequence of the difference in the development and intensity of the clisease. : Symptoms.—In its early stages there is no heat about the foot, no pain upon pressure, no swelling, the horse picks a the foot naturally HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 188 but steps lightly upon it. As the disease increases the animals step becomes short or paddling; par- ticularly is this the case when both feet are in. volved. Treatment.—Use Dr. R. Jennings’s Sweating Liniment, once a day to the fetlock until the parts are weli blistered, then dress with lard; wash the foot every three or four days with castile soap and water, and when dry use the lard. Continue this course until the scurf is al! vre- moved, then use the sweating liniment again and dress in like manner. _ Apply Dr. R. Jennings’s Hoof Ointment to the feet every other day. When this treatment fails the frog seton shoul be resorted to. See Dr. R. Jennings on ‘The Tforse and his Diseases.” (SSIFICATION OF THE LATERAL CARTILAGES These are gristly projections from the os pedis, or coffin bone in the foot, arising from contraction of the hoof and other causes. “They become in- flamed, in consequence of which transformation takes place, converting them into bony masses ; 1n this coidition the heels become thickened and in bad cases bulging out considerably; when con- firmed the disease is incurable. In its early stage, which is quite difficult to distinguish from navicular joint disease, the use of Dr. R. Jen- ulngs’s Sweating Liniment, and Hoof Ointment, ale ‘indicate 1. a 2 184 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. QUITAR. This disease is often the result of bad corns, Pus or matter is formed within the hoof at’the heel, generally upon the inside of the foot, which ~ ; burrows its way upwards to the top of the hoof where it discharges; in its course upwards it separates the hoof from the soft tissues within. — The animal is very lame until the abscess opens — at the top of the hoof, when considerable relief is afforded. | . Treatment.—Poultice the foot with linseed | meal, for several days; cut away all the loosened parts of the hoof, and inject the parts with a solu- tion of sulphate of zinc 2 drachms, to one pint of water, or use nitrate of silver in the same proportions. The foot should be wrapped up to keep dirt from it, and when the parts begin to heal properly, dress once a day with glycerine. THRUSH. This is a disease of the frog, caused generally by standing in filthy stables. The almost constant contact of the wet litter causes the frog to be- come rotten, secreting a very fetid matter in its cleft or division. Treatment.—Wash the parts clean with soap and water, and while wet sprinkle a small quantity of Dr. R. Jennings’s Antiseptie Powder in the cleft, and press it down with a little raw cotton. In a few days repeat if necessary. One appli- cation usually is sufficient. HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 135 SCRATCHES. This disease is caused by travelling on muddy roads during a wet season, generally in the spring or full, or in consequence of an unhealthy con- dition of the skin causing it to crack in the fet- locks, horsemen understand very well the nature of this disease. Treatment.—Wash the parts clean with castile soap and water; if the parts are very raw, apply a flaxseed poultice mixed with the following solu- tion. Sulphate of zinc 2 drs. to one pint of water; spread it upon a cloth and place it over _the scratches, securing it with a eee Con- tinue this for three days; then apply a small quan- tity of Dr. Rr. Jennings’ s Antiseptic Powder, or use = R. Castor Oil, Oh: Collodion, 5 ee Mix together and apply with a piece of sponge, The parts must be well dried before it is applied. Give internally, Dr. R. Jennings’s Condition Powder. | GREASE HEELS. This is a greasy exudation of a whitish of fensive matter from the heels; the skin is hot, tender and swollen; large portions of the skin sometimes slough away, leaving ugly sores to heal. Treatment—This must be constitutional as well as local. Give a strong purge, and poultice the parts with linseed meal, in the same manner as recommended in scratches; when the parts 186 | SORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. assume a healthy action, wash well with castile soap and water, and dress once a day with Dr. R. dennings’s Antiseptic Rowder, or use once a week 2 efeied solution of corrosive sublimate in algo- hol; if this latter article is used, do not wash the sores more than once 2 week with the maton it. will be necessary, however, to keep the parts clean with castile soap and water. BONE SPAVIN. This is a very common disease, located in the hock joint of the horse, (see Skeleton of the Horse, p. 90) arising from strains, spraius, bruises, punctured wounds, in fact anything that will cause inflammation in the hock will produce spavin. See Jennings on “The Horse and his Dis- eases.” Previous to bony deposits being thrown out, bathe the parts when first injured with tincture of arnica; spavin will very frequently be prevented by this simple remedy. When it be- comes confirmed spavin, use Dr. R: Jennings’s Sweating Liniment. BLOOD SPAVIN. This is a puffy swelling upon the inside and front part of the hock, cavsed by an abundant secretion of synovia or joint oil. It rarely causes lameness or other inconvenience, being nothing ~ more than an eyesore; it may ‘be removed by compresses and cold-water bandages so arranged as to press ofty upon the swelling. It however : requires much care and attention for severa: months, which few persons are willing to apply babes AT ot ae 4 Pw ih : Pe ee ore A es eee oe > FS oa a, ET ag SS ee "di “fan. “ate Sue i ee eet ‘ «x HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 187 RING BONE. This is precisely the same disease as spavin, being seated between the large and small pastern bones, requiring the same treatment as spavin. Both these diseases are slow in their course, re- quiring generally several months to overcome the lameness. SPLINT. This is an exostosis or bony enlargement, be- tween the cannon and splint bones, showing itself oftener upon the inside of the fore legs than it does upon the outside. usually little or no swelling takes place, the animal being scarcely affected in any preceptible | 3 way by the “operation. Fifth: there is no more hemorrhage than by any other operation. ns experience of twenty years’ active practice justi- fies me in making the above assertions, averaging © over one hundred operations a year. Where a sufficient number of colts are obtained in any — section of the country, to justify an excursion, — the services of Dr. R. Jennings may be obtained to perform the operations by addressing him at Philadelphia, Pa. | | ee Zh | -GLANDERS. ; This subject being one of great iter at the ve ally, and having in‘ connection with the Phila- — delphia Society “for promoting Agriculture, dis- gratuitously, and the applications being several thousands more than could be supplied, induces — the author to republish ut in connection with | this work. GLANDERS. sera _F ELLOW-CITIZENS :— ‘The sales of condemned government horses in New Jersey and adjacent states, having intro- duced into our county and immediate vicinity the terrible scourge known as “ eglanders,’’ I con- ceive it my imperative duty to warn you in time _of the danger which is threatening our com- munity. If the experience of a veterinary surgeon, who has devoted twenty years of his life to the relief __ of the noblest animal in the gift of Providence, _is not sufficient to excite your sympathy and even your fears, | am convinced that the following reports, based upon evidential facts and un doubted authority, will attain that object. You will see the proofs that ‘“glanders”’ is a disease without remedy, positively incurable, ex- tremely contagious, easily communicated to man, incredulity and ignorance! > \ GLANDERS. - DeEFrInit1on.—Glanders consists in a discharge, from one or both nostrils, of matter which by (141) and that every day human life is sacrificed to transfer or inosulation will produce the disease 149 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. op ee _ in another animal (of the equine or human spe- Sek cies), and which discharge is sooner or later Me accompanied by vascular injection and chanerous ey ulceration of the schneiderian membrane, by Pa tumefaction of the submaxillary lymphatic glands, ms and by farey.— Percival. es Symproms.—A discharge of matter from one me See or both nostrils, enlargement of one or both sub- ew maxillary glands. When one_ nostril only is se affected, the corresponding gland is almost inva- - riably found enlarged. The schneiderian mem- ee brane (lining of the nose) is generally of a pale ae or leaden hue, and sometimes ulcerations are visible on its surface. The discharge usually sticks tothe nostrils, and is sometimes white and thick, but oftener of a grayish aspect. A dis- — charge from the nostrils, and the appearance = of ulceration, is not alone sufficient to establish = = the presence of the disease; for these ulcerations Sere are sometimes produced by the acrid nature en of the discharge from catarrh. In the first stage “=~ of the disease, there is a discharge from one 3 nostril only of a whitish humor, which is incon- siderable, except when the horse has been exercised for some time. There is an increased redness ot the membrane within the nostrils. The swell- eae ing of the glands under the jaw is on the same e side as the affected nostril. The horse’s coat appears healthy, and the animal in good condition. The symptoms of glanders, arising from com- munication with a glandered horse, are different SD ein: trom those of glanders produced by bad proven- : HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 143 der, excessive exertion, &c. In the former, the discharge is from one nostril only, or much more from one than from the other; and there is no cough or other symptom of catarrh or cold, or any other disorder. In the latter, on the con- trary, there is cough, either dry or moist; and it is preceded by loss of appetite, or falling off in appetite, and depression of spirits. The symptoms of the second stage are, the altered appearance of the nasal discharge, which has become more glutinous, and adheres to the edges of the nostril, with a contraction and par- tial closing of the nostril, with increased tender- ness of the swelling under the jaw, which adheres more closely to the jaw-bone ; the discharge is somewhat streaked with bleod, and of an offen- sive smell. The discharge is now from both nos- _trils. There is a slight tumefaction of the under eyelid, a swelling or elevation of the bones of the nose or forehead. ~ Loss ef appetite, debility, cough, and swelling of the legs and sheath, and sometimes lameness without any apparent cause, chancres or ulcerations within the nostrils, great tenderness of the glands under the Jaw, which now adhere close to the jaw-bone, a small dis- charge of matter from tlhe inner cornei of the eye. When these symptoms appear, the disease soon proceeds to a fatal termination. The ahove symptoms “are not all peculiar to glanders, but may occur in strangles, peripneumony, and pleu- risy. The glutinous discharge, the swelling of the glands under the jaw, and the ulceration 144 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. — within the nostrils, are symptoms which occur in the above diseases, as well as in glanders. Although the disease is here divided into the. first and second stages, it 1s not essential that in each case the former should precede the latter, for sometimes the acute only is present, and the horse speedily dies, if not destroyed. In other instances, the acute stage may be succeeded by the sub-acute. It may, however, be observed, that the first stage never ends in death, but it is always in the second stage that the disease proves fatal. Besides these stages, glanders sometimes assumes a still more insidious appear- ance, in which the discharge is so slight, and the enlarged gland so trivial, as not only to deceive the ignorant, but often to mislead the well-instructed practitioner. The discharge is thin, and appears no more than a slight increase of the natural discharge, and the sub-maxillary swelling is no larger than a bean, though hard and indurated. Such cases as these have proved of irreparable- injury to many horse proprietors, from the symp- toms not being sufficiently urgent to excite alarm ; and when a veterinary surgeon has given his opinion that such case was one of gilanders, there have not been wanting plenty of farriers and others who have altogether contemned such an opinion, and, for a time at least, have exulted over their own superior sagacity. Mr. James Turner relates a striking instance of this, in which his advice was disregarded, and a horse, with these insidious appearances, was allowed to HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 145 mix with other horses, to several of which he communicated the disease in the course of a few months.— White’s Veterinary Art. The most common cause of this disease 1s the impure air of close, ill-ventilated, damp, and filthy stables, acting ‘injuriously upon the organs of respiration, destroying the constitution, de- _ bilitating the system, rendering it susceptible to et the attack of disease. Neglected catarrh, strangles, as &c., sometimes terminate in glanders ; hard: wore and bad provender, together with sudden changes from exposure to cold and wet weather, to hot stables, &c., are likewise regarded as among the causes; contagion is the most common of all causes, the disease being readily communicated from one animal to another byte > ~ 2 “The city of Lyons, France, must always con- - tain a great number of clandered horses, on -- account of the dampness of the situation and ’ elimate, and it being a public market for Luoes. The garrison at Lyons generally has its share of this disease. During this year the mildness | of the winter, and the heat of the spring and Sunimer, have prevented circumstances less favor- able than usual, to the development of this inalady ; . therefore, with the exception of horses from 3 e garrison, and which had been long kept in the infirmary at the barracks before they were ~~ gent to us, we have had very few cases of gland- ers, compared with several preceding years; yet notwitustanding these favorable circumstances, _-~—~———s We are compelled to acknowledge that it has been ae to , are: ST | 146 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 2s rebellious to treatment as ever. Our means of cure have always - possessed too little power, seeing that when ulceration of the pituitary (of the nose) membrane begins to appear, the lungs and constitution of the animal have under gone a modification which it is difficult to remove. “The greater part of the animals that have goue from us, apparently cured of glanders, have speedily relapsed when they have been subjected to hard work, or have been exposed to neglect or privation.” — Extract from the Report of the Veterinary College of Lyons, 1834 and 1835. Mr. W. Percival, in his ‘“ Hippopathology,” gives us the following facts as the result of his aa experience :— . * That farey and glanders, which constitute he same disease, are propagated through the medium of stabling, and this we believe to be the more usual way in which diseases are com- | municated from horse to horse. 2. “That infected stabling may harbor and retain the infection for months, or even years; and although by thoroughly cleansing and mak- ing use of disinfecting means, the contagion may be destroyed, yet it would not be wise to occupy such stables immediately after such supposed or alleged disinfection. 3. “ That the virus, or poison of glanders, may lie for months in a state of incubation in the — horse’s constitution before the disease breaks out. Of this we have had most positive evidence, 4. “That when a stable of horses becomes — HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 147 s0mtaminated, the disease often makes fearful ravages among them before it quits; and it is ouly “after a period of several months exemption from all disease of the kind, that a clean bill of health can be rendered.” FARCY. This I regard as an incipient stage of glanders, or as a type of the same fatal malady, and is to a certain extent curable. Hxperiments prove that the virus from a farcied horse will produce elanders by inoculation in a sound one, and that she glandered matter will in like manner produce farcy. There are two distinct varieties or stages of farcy; one, which is called button farcy, is altogether superficial, being confined to the lymphatic vessels of the skin, and readily yields to medical treatment; the other variety makes _ its appearance in the extremities, generally upon _ the inside of the hind-legs, which become com- pletely engorged; but the swelling is very differ- ent from the ligamentary thickening, or from edema, being very uneven or lumpy, excessively tender, and painful to the touch. Small ab- scesses are formed, which at first discharge a healthy pus, but soon ulcerate, and discharge a thin sanious matter. These abscesses first make their appearance on the inside of the hind-legs, and then on the fore ones in like manner; the neck and lips come next in turn, and they may appear in ali parts of the body, when glanders” will Beate to manifest itself. 148 IIORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. Stonehenge says: ‘ Farcy appears to depend upon the develop ment of the same poison as in glanders ; but the attempt at elimination is made in the ee instead of the mucous membrane lining the nose. A horse ineculated with glan- ders may exhibit farcy, and vice versa.” “ Farcy usually shows itself first by one or two small hard knots in the skin called ‘ farcy buds;’ these soon soften and contain a small quantity of pus; but, as this is rapidly absorbed, the lymphatics which convey it into the circulation inflame ; and at a short distance another bud is formed, &c.- In process of time the general system suffers, as in glanders, and the horse dies, a miserable, worn-out object: No treat- ment can be relied on to cure the disease; and, as it is equally contagious with glanders, every farcied horse ought at once to be destroyesd. The hard nature of the buds, and the thickened lymphatics extending like cords between, cleari ty make known the nature of the disease.’ Glanders Contagious.—This brings us to the more important part of our subject, and places us upon our guard, so as to prevent us as far as possible exposing ourselves to such a calamity. The time which glanders appears after inoculation is Very uncertain; it may be a few days, or it may be several months, varying according to circum- stances and the condition of the animal. Glan- ders has been known to remain dormant in the system for a period of two or three years previous to its being developed. Sn i HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 149 “The main cause is contagion —-I now ap -proach, gentlemen, not Bathe! hesitation, but _without fear, the grand cause of Gl anders—Con- tagion. I advisediy call it ‘the grand cause,’ for I believe that I shall be able to tender it pro- bable that glanders arises oftener from contagion than from any other source. [ know that our continental neighbors deny the contagiousness of glanders a altogether ; but they do not, and can- not deny that the disease does follow contact, and often mere proximity of situation. When they tell me that it is not the disease that is commn- nicated, but a mere predisposition, a greater wptitude in the frame generally, or some part of it, to be affected by the usual causes of glanders, q ‘cannot but regard this as the merest quibbliug.. ‘1 take the broad fact, that a glandered horse being inadvertently admitted into a stable, some of his companions, after awhile, become elandered too. The stable had previously, and. for many years—nay, from the very time of its erection — been free from the disease, and no alteration, whatever, has taken place in the system of ‘management: a glandered horse finds his. way thither, in a few months the whole team is _glandered. When in the face of this, a person tells me that it was not the disease which was commuricated, but a facility of beg acted upon — by certaiz agents, I regard it as a species of quib- bling, um rorthy of a scientific pathologist ; aud [ depreeate. the injury which may be done to the pericultural community by the broad assertion, 2 3 x 159 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. thus ridiculousiy and falsely explained, that glanders is not contagious. One point, however, is established, I hint ,—that glanders is far more contagious than many have supposed; Mr. — Turner’s mare destroyed four of her companions. The poor Widow at Paddington had her stable _ perfectly emptied by the disease; and I will ven- ture to say, that there is not a district throughout the kingdom, in which some farmer, by the loss of a considerable proportion, or the ereater part of his team, has not had sufficient proof of the contagiousness of glanders. The cause of this doubt with regard to the frequent communication of the disease by inoculation, seems to have arisen from ignorance of its insidious nature. When gJanders appears, and the horse has, for several weeks or months, scarcely been exposed to the possibility of contagion, it has at once heen con- cluded that the disease was generated in him by some assigned or unknown recent cause. It has now, however, been proved to us that the disease may exist and may be communicated to others, when, for many months, there has been nothing to excite suspicion in the mind of the eroom or the owner; and when the candid veterinary sur- geon acknowledges, that, had not the circum- stances heen pointed out to him, it would probably have escaped his observation. .The truth of the matter is then, that every horse that passes through a fair, or is baited at an inn, or even travels the common public road, may ie infected without the rider’s or owner's knowledge o1 d me atts i 4 ey er onthe Ye et nt pe be frit eo ; ” r “ fue (e SENS mere Sn an ee pena ee aa Mat tie ear 3 : May chee Aer pk? te ae cane Rae ‘ , ? Sale tte ert er Ms ta ti 4 My (a) ud ae I vy By hight Sate ral WR HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 151 slightest suspicion. A glandered stallion neighed at a mare that was separated from him ‘by a double hedge and a deep lane; the virus was wafted across by the wind, and she became dis- eased, and died. It is impossible for any one to say, except there be some plain and manifest eause for the generation of the disease, that any horse did not receive it by infection. There would be a degree of presumption in the assertion which the calm inquirer after truth should not display. The opinion of our ancestors, from time out of date, had taught us to beware of glanders as a contagious as well as a fatal disease. Let us not, without incontestable proof, abandon that which for ages was never doubted. There is not a circumstance that has been productive of haif so much loss to the agriculturist, and the pro- _prietor of horses, as this too frequently and tco positively repeated assertion of the non-con- tagiousness of glanders.. Many thousands of pounds would not cover the annualloss A case occurred about two years ago, and not a very great way from this metropolis. A gentleman had a team of farm-horses, almost unrivalled for activity and strength. One of them exhibited symptoms of incipient ¢ elanders. A newly arrived young veterinarian was consulted as to the pro- priety of preventing all further mischief, and cutting short the affair, by destroying the dis- eased aniunal. ‘Oh! by no means,’ said he; ‘there is not the danger about glanders which some foolish people imagine; you well veutilate a 152 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. your stables, and let there be no animal poison lurking there from air that has been breathed over and over again, and I will answer for it, your other horses are safe enough; there is not gue horse in a thousand that catches glanders.’ The gentleman was somewhat surprised, and ex- pressed a little doubt about the matter; but, the young theorist producing chapter and verse in elucidation of his point, he suffered himself to be over-persuaded ; aad in less than a twelvemonth he had not a sound horse upon his farm.”— Youatt’s Lectures ut the University of London, 1832. The glanders is a disease of the horse tribe, com- municable to man and other animals. Itis chiefly manifested by unhealthy suppuration of the mu- cous membrane of the nasal cavities, and pustular eruptions on the skin, and unhealthy abscesses in. the lymphatic system.— Drwtt’s Surgery. The instant that there is any appearance of it, the horse should be immediately removed to a place by itself, as this malady is exceedingly infectious; and from want of due caution, when even a suspicion is entertained, the most dis astrous consequences have been the result.— Brown's Farriery. GLANDERS.—A disease in _ horses, \ attendea with a copious discharge of mucus from the nose. It is needless to endeavor to describe the.various attempts which have been made to cure this almost invariably fatal disorder. But the farmer must avoid a common error of confounding ulcer- Pi ty tees ly. PE ee By ee ee ee 7 “il y r -. ot elias PP eae : { age eee ia Neca Beas A a, ae aie Se Pe ee ee phe HORSE-TRAIN ING MADE EASY. ba ation cf the membrane of the nose with glanders, for the symptoms are very similar The farmer will do well, as soon as he finds a horse attacked with this disease, to place him by himself, give him green food, and thoroughly whitewash the stable from which he is taken, for it is a most con- tagious disease—American Farmer's Encyclo- pole Two thorough-bred colts, yearlings, that had never been broke or put into a stable, were af- fected with the glanders to a violent degree. It was considered by the proprietor as a very ex- traordinary circumstance that having never been kept with any other horse, these colts should have been attacked with the disease. On inquiry, however, the author found that a canal ran on the side of the field in which these colts were kept, and that upon one occasion, some boatmen had been detected in turning their horses to graze in the same field; and hence a very fair presumption arose that the contagion was communicated in that way.— Lawrence. That the elanders is contagious, has been clearly and indisputably provea by numerous ex- periments, and the manner in which it is prope- gated has likewise been satisfactorily demon- strated. The great number of horses that have been destroyed by glanders, especially in the army, and in the establishments where great numbers of horses are kept, has excited particular attention to the subject, especially in France and italy, where manv attempts were made in the be- 154 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. cinning of the last century to diseover a remedy for it. — Shevington. “Tt is a remarkable circumstance,” says Mr. White, ‘“‘that glanders cannot be communicated by applying the matter which is discharged from the nose of a glandered horse to the nostrils of a sound one, unless there be an open wound or sore, even though a piece of lint, soaked in the matter, be put up the nostrils, and kept in contact with the pituitary membrane for a short time; or even if the matter be thrown up the nostrils with a syringe. But, if the smallest quantity of mat- ter be applied in the way of inoculation, either to the membrane of the nostrils, or to any part of the body, a glanderous ulcer will be produced, from which farcy buds and corded lymphatics will proceed. After a few weeks the poison will get into the circulation, and the horse will be completely glandered. The circumstance of glanders not being communicated by applying ) matter to the nostril, enables us to account for a_ horse escaping the disorder, as he sometimes does, after being put into a zlandered stable, or standing by the side of a elandered horse. I am inclined to believe that the disorder is more readily caught by eating the glanderous matter mixed with oats or hay, than by drinking it with water, as in the former case it is so intimately mixed with the food in mastication. M. St. Bell placed two sound horses by a glandered horse, drinking out af the same pail, and eating out of the same manger. One of the sound horses wat >. Yo eT i : Pe tiie if » \ ‘ ea 2 ) " ; 4 wh et ne + aes HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 16d Co Pele wt ¥ { Pog : six years old, and just taken from grass; the Sine other nine years old, and taken from regular work. The first showed evident signs of glanders at the expiration of thirty-four days; it fwily declared itself in the second at the end of six weeks.” | John Gamgee, Denies in the Edinburgh ee Veterinary College, says: ‘‘ Horses undoubtedly = piceted. with this dreadful malady should be de- stroyed as soon as the disease is satisfactorily es diagnosed. Various mineral tonics have been Jone vaunted as specifics, but we cannot conceive on = what principle animals should be allowed to live, ae endangering the life of those around them, with g no benefit to themselves. _ “A glandered horse may contaminate the air oe of a stable to such a degree, that horses breath- a ing the same air may become infected with the ee disease, although the infected may never come in 32 contact with the infecting horse. Fortunately ce . glanders is not so infectious as some other dis- 7s eases to which horses are liable, otherwise the ee breed would soon become extinct.’ eer ees | rian, 1883. ae _ “ GEANDERS.—We have had about the same 3 number of glandered horses as in the last year; e. _ and we must repeat, that in spite of all the care ES _ that has been bestowed upon them, and the strict - : attention which has been paid to thé adminis- ceo _tration of medicines the most likely to have a _ good effect, and the power of which has been vaunted by others, we are not able to relate a Ae Aaa , a 156 ITORSE-TRAINING MADE. EASY. sinvle case of the complete cure of glanders Seven horses were returned to their owners ap- parently curec he recognisable symptoms of the disease had disappeared ; six of them were, after some months, returned to us more decidedly vlandered than they were before; they were de- stroyed. The seventh has now been away three mouths; but we reckon upon seeing him again about the same time as the others, and in the same state as that in which they returned.”’— From. the proceedings of the Veterinary College, Alfort, France, 1833-4. “ Acure GraANpERS.—MM. Renault and Bow- ley have continued their researches on this dis- ease. An inquiry into the nature of this malady, its symptoms, and, more especially, its contagious | property, has acquired increasing interest since its transmissibility from the horse to the human being has been lately proved in so many instances. MM. Renault and Bowley have arrived at the following results: Acute glanders is contagious by inoculation from horse to horse. Every ex- periment of the last and the present year has given this positive constant result. Without a single exception, the symptoms of the infection of glanders have’ appeared in the inoculated animals from the third to the fifth day, and death - has ensued between the tenth and fifteenth days.” — Veterinarian. In the year 1861, my attention was called ta seventeen horses, the property of Mr. E. K. B., of Felton, Delaware, who, some six months pre: HURSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 157 com | vious, had purchased a horse at the horse-auction ‘in Philadelphia. This animal was supposed to ; : have a slight attack of what is commonly called a “distemper.” Ina short time some of Mr. B.’s ~ other horses showed symptoms of the same dis- “ease, several of which died. Mr. B., becoming ee ie 4 alarmed at his repeated losses, called 1 - my ass eh i. ance. I found (if my memory serves me riglit) > five of the seventeen horses glandered, three — ~~~ ‘of which I ordered killed. The others which had not shown symptoms of disease, I ordered to be at once removed from the stable, so as to pre- vent all possible communication between them and those in which the disease was not fully developed. Mr. B. loaned Mr. H., a neighbor, one of his horses to work in a lumber team; | soon after which the disease made its appearance in Mr. H.’s stock of ten horses. My attention © was called to these animals, also, several of whick I found laboring from the same fatal malady Two of these animals in which the disease was _ fully developed I ordered killed Removing my residence from Philadetphia to Bordentown, N. J.. about this time, I lost sight of these cases, and have not since heard from them. Soon after the present rebellion broke out, one of my old customers, Mr. H., who kept a livery- stable in Cherry str ect, Philadelphia, was doing a thriving business, and having a number of the finest horses in the. city kept ‘there. Two army horses were put up for the night at thatstable. No _ appearance of disease was observed about thera | 14 158 © HORSE-TRAINING MADE EABY. One of these horses occupied a stall near to that occupied by Dr. L.’s horse, which was valued at $300. Soon after this visit, Dr. L.’s horse showed evidence of ozena, which rapidly degenerated into glanders; the animal was killed. Case No. 2, valued at $500, the property of Mr. D., fell a — : victim to this fatal disease, and was also killed. Case 3, valued at $500, belonging to Mr. B also became glandered and was destroyed; to- gether with six other animals, all valuable and highly prized by their owners. This calamity fell heavily on Mr. H., who in consequence was compelled to relinquish the business for some other occupation... This stable has since ‘been torn out, the walls picked, remodelled, and it is once more in successful operation, with new stock and a new proprietor, who it is to be hoped will meet with better fortune. In 1854, when inspector of the Philadelphia Mutual Live-Stock Insurance Co., I was called~ to examine a fine gray horse belonging to Mr. W., of the Western Exchange Hotel, recently insured for $300, which policy had just expired. Mr. W. asserted that the animal had only a slight cold, but was getting better: on examining the animal, however, I pronounced him glandered, which the owner was loth to believe: in order to satisfy him of the correctness of my diagnosis, I ealled in T. J. Corbyn and the late W. W. Fra- ley, veterinary surgeons, both of whom confirmed my opinion. Mr. W., not wishing to destroy the norse, desired me to experiment with him ip — 22, HMORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 1E9 oder, if possible, to save his life. Some twe weeks subsequently, a farmer stopping at the hotel, supposing himself well acquainted with such diseases, offered Mr. W. $75 for the horse, asserting at the same time that it was only the distemper that ailed him, and he could cure any horse of that disease. Mr. W. immediately con- sulted me in regard to the propriety of selling the horse: my advice was, under the circum- stances, to clear himself of all responsibility. The result was the horse was sold. Some six months later, I learned that the horse was dead, together with two other animals belonging to the same unfortunate purchaser. | Sometime last spring, Mr. P., residing near Pemberton, New Jersey, purchased a horse which showed, as he thought, symptoms of “‘ distemper ;”” for some reason or other, Mr. P. did not keep this animal long, but sold him to a Mr. J ., Te- siding some two miles distant. Soon after Mr. _P. parted with this animal, he sent another horse belonging to him to me for examination which had been previously treated for nasal gleet. This animal I unhesitatingly pronounced glan- dered, and recommended his destruction; the animal, however, died in a few days, since which time another of Mr. P.’s horses has shown symp- coms of the same disease. Subsequently I was called to see the horses belonging to Mr. J., who had lost three animals since the purchase of Mr. P.’s horse, and had two more sick with the same fatal disease, all of which had been treated in 160 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. the same manner as were those of Mr. P. I found these animals also glandered, and ordered one of them to be killed ; the other died, making seven animals thus far inoculated by one glan- | dered horse. These cases show the necessity f existing for competent veterinary surgeons Who have been regularly educated in the same manner | as are human medical practitioners. | meee ess | in my private correspondence with veterinary $% hae surgeons, | learn that glanders is rapidly spread- ae ing all over the country. Dr. Isaiah Michener, | | of Bucks county, Pa., writes to me as. follows: Ly oe ‘‘] have just returned from a trip to see two ~2 eas cases of laryngitis, accompanied with enlarge- =: * _ ment of the sub-maxillary gland, and adhesive- : Bet ness of the matter discharged from the nose, a. ee that led me to suspect that elanders might have ote age been lying dormant in the system, until provoked Bre Cae ; <9 a development by the above disease; butmore = § anon. One other case seen to-day was bought et eee a sale of condemned government horses ; he is dis- charging freely from both nostrils ; no enlarge- : ment of the glands or evidence of rae schneiderian oe ae membrane being affected ; still I consider that ers glanders 1s lurking in his system, in the form oe of tubercles in he lungs. I was. called last’ =~ = spring to see a case of glanders that a Mr. had been treating for several weeks, telling the owner at every visit that there was no glanders ere about. the horse, and he would cure him. The © case was well defined, and no man who knows anything about the symptoms of gianders could HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 16] for a moment be in doubt. This week I was called to see another case, also an army horse, treated by the same party for three months, _ assuring the owner that there was no danger, as he did not have the glanders, because the dis- _eharge was from the right nostril, together with other say saes equally absurd. ‘the owner, strangely impressed with the idea of glanders, removed the animal from his other stock, not- withstanding his professional adviser assured him there was no danger, and that he was un- necessarily cautious. _ “JT was called last week to see a horse which the owner said had the distemper, but on exami- nation I found it was glanders, which the owner was very unwilling to believe. ‘and insisted that I should give him nedicine, This horse was also from the army.” G. W. Bowler, veterinary surgeon, Cincinnati, informs me that glanders is spreading at a fearful rate since the sale of government horses in that vicinity. T. B. Rayner, veterinary surgeon, of Chest- nut Hill, Philadelphia, informs me ‘that many ‘eases have recently come under his notice. On passing up Filbert street, Philadelphia, the other day, in company with R. McClure, V. S., and severa! of the students of the Veterinary College, my attention was attracted to an army horse belonging t~ the 20th cavalry regiment: this animal had tetanus (locked jaw) in its worst form; tied to the sacie post was another animal 14* By HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. badly affected with farcy sliders sina is, thes two stages of glanders combined. These horses — "were waiting their turn to be shod at a shoeing © shop in the neighborhood. In close proximity = = to these animals were some ten or a dozen other pees horses, the owners of which were perfectly inno. = cent of the danger in which their animals were placed. Qualified veterinary surgeons in the — army would prevent all such occurrences. The horse with locked jaw cannot be used for any ee purpose, and it would not be a matter of surprise” i if he did not reach his camp. fe I have condemned several horses as glandered during the last few months, some of which were — = afterwards sold, with, of course, a guilty know. ‘ ledge, to other parties innocent of the nature — cf the disease. Such men should be held re- sponsible by law for all damage resulting fae such a sale. Did these parties know the weight of the responsibility which rests upon them, bier would not for a few paltry dollars sacrifice the | ery and often the lives of their fellow-men. R. McClure, V. S., says: “ The symptoms of glanders are to be studied, not with a view to its euse, which is at all times dangerous to attempt, ee as there is the risk of contacion. to him who — as = but with a view of ene ue rf BEWARE OF GLANDERED HORSES. “There is one point upon which we desire t3 caution our readers—a point which we deem all- impoitant, and which, we trust, will challenge their earnest and prompt consideration. As rapidly as army horses, whether from disease or iscident, become unfit for service, they are put ap at auction and sold to the hichest bidder. As the prices obtained for them are not large, many farmers are induced to make purchases. It is now a well-established fact, that that most loath- some, contagious, and fatal disease, the glanders, prevails to a large extent among the aTMYy horses. and that, of those alr eady sold, a great many have been afflicted with it. These elandered animals have been distributed through every section of the country, and it is a notorious faci that there are now ten cases of this dangerous a’ single one two years since. What is to be done in such a case? Shall this introduction of a most pestilent disease be permitted to go on{ If it be, we may confidently look forward to the ne complete extermination of our horses; for the facility with which the disease communicates itself from one animal to another, ease, where it is the result of contagion, point to no other result. The government should at -once take this matter in hand, and remedy the of ay glandered horse in the army.— Culturisé, HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY 163 disease among our farm- ner, where there was - and the speedy and fatal termination of the dis. erying evil, by ordering the immediate killing — 164 WORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. GLANDERED HORSES. Written for the “ National Union,” by G. W. Bowler, Veterinary Surgeon, Cincinnati. In vonsequence of the many reports received vf tha increased number of glandered horses in various parts of the United States, it becomes our duty to make some inquiries as to the cause of such a malignant and fatal disease, as well as to use such measures as will mitigate it. I have no doubt but that it can be accounted for in the following manner: We are well aware of the bad treatment which the horses belonging to the army receive, not only in the manner in which they are stabled, but in the fecding of the animal; and where a large number of horses are crowded together, without any regard to cleanliness or protection from the cold and wet, disease in some form must necessarily ensue. Thousands of valuable animals are annually being sacrificed in the United States army, through ignorance, which might otherwise have been saved, was there but some little system adopted to prevent it; but, where hundreds of animals are crowded together, regardless of proper shelter from the weather, and under the control of persons who know hitle, if anything, about the proper care ef horses, why, nothing short of disease of a malignant character. can be expected. The very plan to propagate such diseases as glanders and farcy is daily practised among horses of the United States Army; for it is well known by all medical men, HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 165 . that undue exposure to the weather, transition from heat to cold, improper feeding, uncleanli- ness, and bad ventilation. are the very means to bring about such diseases as glanders, farcy, and other diseases of a debilitating character. One day the animals, as I have been informed by persons in the Government service, will have mere food placed before them than they can pos- sibly consume, and probably for several days previous they have.been on the verge of starva- tion, eager to devour almost anything within their reach, not excepting the fences they were tied to. How then can anything else be expected, but a great many of them will die from disease of the bowels or stomach ? Catarrhal affections are very naturally to be expected amongst a large number of horses ex- posed to the various changes of the weather; but do not a great many of these affections, for want of proper treatment, run into glanders? hat they do, | have not the shadow of a doubt; but as the government does not employ competent persons to examine the horses regularly, why the disease runs on; the glandered horse coming in contact with his associates transfers it to them, and thus the disease is spread throughout the vamp. Furthermore than this, not only are the — sorses in danger of communicating the disease to their own species, but are in danger of trans- ferring the disease to the persons who have vbarge of them, and who little know the fearful risk they are incurring, of becoming inoculated 166 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY by the poisonous matter. A simple seratch on the hand, should a portion of the glanded matter come in contact with it, would be sufficient to inoculate a person, the result of which would be, a most terrible death. : Yor the special benefit of such persons as may be employed about the Government horses, I will give a brief account of the nature, cause, and diagnosis of glanders, in order to put the inex- perienced on their guard. Glanders is a disease of a most loathsome. and malignant character, occurring far more frequently in the horse than any other animal; still [| am inclined to believe that it rages with far more violence when com- municated to the ass or mule, than it does even in the horse. Another important fact in regard to the loathsome disease, and which ought always to be borne in mind by those employed about stables, where the disease is likely to exist, is that it is not confined to the equine species, but is readily communicated to the human being. The onty domestic animals which appear to be free from contamination are the ox and the sheep, which do not appear to take the disease even PY inoculation. GLANDERS IN THE HUMAN BEING. The path of propriety and of duty evidently ia -to put the farmer and horse-proprieter on their guard. The experience of every age, and I would say of every man who has seen country practice, __ HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY ee de ae i teaches him that a glandered horse can rarely remain long among sound ones without serious mischief ensuing. It is affirmed that glanders is communicated to the human being. That a loathsome and fatal disease results from inocu- - lation with the matter of glanders is undoubted . ‘I am aware, indeed, of one case which goes a- great way towards establishing the identity ‘of the disease. Qne of the feeders in the Badsworth hunt cut himself while preparing a farcied leg - eee for the hounds; he died within a week. A day (ee or two before his death an ass was inoculated with = the matter from some of the sores that broke out about him, and died, evidently glandered.— _ Youatt’s Pes ) A man aged twenty- es was admitted into ~$t. Thomas’s Hospital; he complained of much pain in the head and became delirious, to miti- gate which, leeches were applied to the forehead: == -he then spoke of wandering and acute pains ae ois everywhere, indicating some rheumatic affection ; _a tumor appeared upon the hand and another on> the foot, seemingly of a gangrenous nature; the _ pain in the head would again return attended by _ delirium, so that he was compelled to be strapped on his bed; and all the while his flesh was wasting _ and his strength diminishing. On questioning a Sa the poor fellow, it was ascertained that he had hada olandered horse under his care a month | “before, and that the discharge from the nose had ao come upon his hands. The case -was now suf: iets =e foeatly Lae but the patient was to far ORE a1 ange ae ~ 168 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY to admit of the slightest hope. Previous to his death he said, ‘I am dying, I shall die soon, but I shall die happy ;—I know now I am glan- dered—I shall die as my horses do—I shall die happy.’ — Veterinarian, 1838. A ease is mentioned in the ‘“‘ Lancet” of 1854, of a Mr. Norbrook, who punctured a blister on his knee with a lance with which he had pre- viously been bleeding a horse; some of the blood remained on the blade, from this he was inocu- lated, and died a horrid death. ‘This school has, in the year just expiring, added another mournful case’ to those previously recorded in the hospitals of the biped, of the communication of glanders to the human being.” —Alfort Colleye Record, 18388. Dr. Barham, of Truro, reports a case of glan- ders in the ‘“ Veterinarian’’ of 1840, in the per- son of Joseph Pascoe, aged 22, resulting in death. A young man named P. Kelley, aged twenty, was admitted into Richmond hospital on the 26th August 1858. On admission his face presented that peculiar aspect which is so characteristic of glanders; the left half was very much swollen, tense, and shining, the redness fading away gradually and becoming lost in the surrounding integuments. He stated that he had always been healthy, and when questioned as to the nature of his occupation, said that he had been employed for the last four months in attending horses that were glandered ; he did not recollect that he had a wound or sore on either hand; he had not . 4 ete el Pd ee ee Se Pie a BO RA ay DHE | 7 TS. Pa TT ae EOS lp RO Oe eel its (ote OR Eee et hn aa oi a, ag See , HORSE-TRAINING MADE BASY. 169 drank out of any vessel used by the horses, nor had he slept in the stable. He died on the 29th. — Dublin Journal of Medical Science, 1841. _ Mr. Rocher, medical student at the hospital of Necker, was charged with the dressing of a patient affected, first, with chronic farcy, and subsequently with acute glanders, under which he died. In a few days Mr. Rocher showed evidences of the disease, and died glandered, six- teen days from the commencement of the disease. —Lancet, 1841. In the latter part of May I was requested to see Andrew Foot, aged thirty-six, who presented all the symptoms of. glanders. I could not dis- cover any appearances of his having been inocu- lated, but having seen a elandered horse some time since, and thinking the above unfortunate case so wich resembled that of this horse, I was ‘induced to inquire of the owner Ure ee there was anything the matter with either of his horses, when he told me that one-of them was laid up with a bad cold = On examining the ani- mal it proved to be a decided case of glanders. [he horse died in ten days afterwards; Mr. Foot bed leo Povintinl Medical Journal. Tn the hospitals at Paris. according to the ac- vounts of the medical journals, the cases of glan- ucrs among men have been less frequent than in nny preceding years. ‘Sidon. a veterinary sur- geop, published a paper in France, in which he stated that glanders wes transmissible from the horse, causing .b. worst kinds of ulcers 15 170 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. He mentions an instance in which a horse was affected by the disease from a farrier who had a glandered sore on his hand, which came in con- tact with the animal while he was giving it a ball. The man and the horse both died with the disease. A groom, named Provost, slept in a stable at Paris, occupied by a glandered horse. Some days after the death of the animal Provost was attacked with the same disease and died. Mr. Hamerton, surgeen to the Castle-town Dis- pensary, has placed upon record three cases of acute glanders in the human subject, all running ~ the sume course, and terminating~fatally, and all traceable to the same cause, ¢. e., contagion from a diseaséd horse.— Veterinarian, 1845. A vine-grower, in drenching a ‘elandered horse, Was biter on the cheek ; es days after ia died ¢landered.— Vet. 18£4. : The patient, whom [ saw several times during . the progress of the malady, was Thomas Whit- tuker, whose case was clearly one of inceulation, The poor fellow was bald-headed, and received a slight scratch on his scalp which cost him his life. He recollected wiping the perspiration of his head with his dirty hands; and as the scratch in his scalp first showed the true character of a farey ulcer, there can be little doubt as to the inveula- tion having taken place at the time of skinning the farcied-horse. He survived the inoculation twenty-one days.. Robert Pick, an old, faithfal, and I believe, valued, servant to the g gentleman Es —HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 171 who owned the farcied pony, was the subject of — - the second lamentable case, which is considered one of infection; and the infection is Ripe to have been convey red by the fetid breath of the animal, while the poor man was in the act of ‘giving some mucilage of linseed to the pony e few hours before his death. A few hours after the death of the pony, Dick complained of being a unwell, and of having pain in his knee. At first | the pain was regarded as rheumatism, but ullti- mately proved to be that of farey, as that disease ~ showed itself in its true character and virulence, which ended the suffering patient’s life on the twenty-second day after he had inhaled the fetid © 9 — - breath of the animal.— Vet. 1846. eee: “Within the last quarter two veterinary sur- i geons—one residing in Walworth, and the other the Wolverhampton—are reported as having died from inoculation of glanders. This terrible dis- ease is not often seen in Scotland, but very fre- . - quently in England, and still more soin Ireland, = From the latter circumstance, the malady is often - found to be imported about the west coast of. ‘Scotland. London has always been renowned Yor the prevalence of glanders among omnibus, - eab, and other horses. A very strict supervision Sis ‘maintained, and all glandered horses are des-— eS _ troyed when ‘discovered ; but nevertheless, we = can state -on good authority that the omnibus horses of London have suffered very severely i ea disease, and do so still. The partial Nee s _ measures pet by pone are not sufficient: 2° 255 ~~ bh: va * % 172 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. to eradicate it, and the “clandered night team” is not altogether a thing of the past. The danger to human lite is so great that we feel happy to seize an opportunity to urge the adoption of the most effectual measures for the suppression of any practice which tends to prolong the life of the glandered horse.” Another case,as published in the Herald of Reform,” is as follows :— “Mr. J. Burns, a grocer, in Baltimore, died A’ horrid death in that city, a ‘few days ago, in con- sequence of poison communicated to his system from a horse afflicted with glanders. During the — administration of medicine Mr. B. thrust into the animal’s mouth his hand, a finger of which had been previously cut, and the flesh laid open. Through this wound the virus was absorbed, and mortification supervened. A surgeon was called upon to amputate the diseased member. — Per- eciving, however, that the poison had pene to every portion of the unfortunate man’s s system, he declined performing the operation, and stated that no earthly skill could save his life. After lingering in great agony, death closed the scene. STILL ANOTHER— DEATH GF A RUSSIAN LADY FROM GLANDERS.—The awful death of Madame Palesikoff, one of the most charming amongst all that bevy of charming Russian ladies’ who sometimes gladden the winters of Paris, has created a terrible shock amongst the circles she s0 lately embellished by her presence. The un- happy lady left Paris but a short time ago, on a HORSE-TRAINING MADE EAS: 173 summer tour to Germany. While stepping -rou. the door of the opera-house in Berlin, to gain her carriage, she let fall one of her bracelets close tothe pavement. Stooping to pick it up, she noticed at the time, laughingly, that ‘one of the horses belonging to a carriage standing at hand, dropped his head go close to her face, that he had touched her, and ieft a moist kiss upen. her cheek.”’. In a few days the unfortunate lady was taken ill with that most horrible disease, glan- ders, and in a few day more breathed her last, in spite of the attendance of the first physicians of Berlin, and every resource to be obtained by wealth, or by the ceaseless vigilance of friends. et toutial in Mareh, 1853, a messenger named Meignan, of the commune of Chemilli, consulted a quack by the name of Moyne about a discharge affect-- ing one of his horses. Moyne, who passed ib the country as formerly a pupil of the veterinary school at Alfort, and even assumed in his prac- tice the title of veterinary surgeon, declared, after having examined Meignan’s “hors se, that he was affected with « straneles,” but that a might use him and treat him without any risk of harm, and that he would answer for his re- covery. | _ -Meignan, equally simple and confiding, followed this dangerous advice. He made use of his horse, treated and groomed him according to the instrue tions given—in fact, was too faithful an executor of the prescriptions of a man in whom he had 1p * Ry HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. placed his confidence: he would daily wipe th - nostrils of the horse clean with his pocket hand. kerchief, lest he might be found fault with by the authorities of the villages he was necessitated to pass through. Such care became to him fatal. On the 7th of April, thts unfortunate messenger fell a victim to the effects of the farcino- olander- ous attack contracted from his horse. Some days after his death, M. Pangoue, veterinary surgeon, called in by the authority, pronounced that the horse of this unfortunate man was affected with acute glanders, and recommended accordingly his immediate destruction. Our brethren, MM. Pan. goue and Bresson, communicated to us this fact, as another proof of the, danger of empiricism. In mentioning a similar case where two horses were glandered, M. Pangoue says: ‘“ For the ‘last fortnicht these horses had been treated by tlie proprietor himself, who, in the course of that titue, contracted the glanders in spite of all the precautions I bad strongly urged him to take, not doubting but that be exposed himself to great risks. Notwithstanding one could not positively assert the channel through which contagion had taken place, it was very easy to suppose what the contagious agent wus, and how the glandered virus had operated. - However incomplete this case may be deemed, especially as far as con- cerns the unfortunate subject of contagion, do not similar details to those I have just related, cxiat in abundance, and prove in a most undeni- able-manner that human nature enjoys the sad Cy FORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. avi prerogative of contracting, through inoculation, a disease so terrible among our domestic animals, _and one which veterinary science has designated __ under the name of glanders.— Rec. de Med. Vet. de Sep. 1854. : ee In man it is generally produced through in- - oculation of the matter into a wound. W hether it can be contracted by infection, through the — --miasmata arising from it, without actual contact of the matter, is not yet quite decided. There __ are, however, some grounds for believing that this _ disease is occasionally propagated by infection in the horse; and that the effluvia are capable of com- _ municating some form of malignant fever, although not true glanders, to the human subject. But the - matter from the abscesses or nasal cavities of hu- man beings is capable of communicating the _ disease both to men and animals. A man died ‘of glanders in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, in 1840, and the nurse who attended him inoculated her hand, and died of it also in a few days; and two kittens, which were inoculated from the “nurse, became affected likewise. Moreover, the blood of a vlandered horse injected into the veins Of a healthy one, communicated the disease, _ although no abnormal appearance could be de- tected in it by the microscope.—Druitt’s Surgery. “An inquest was opened at the Guildhall, ok 4, a Bath, on Friday_eyening, September 26th, by : igs: H. English, Esq., ‘the city coroner, on the body of a ‘boy who died from glanders.” — belert RS = soot 1862, : Se : ee 176 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. DEATH FROM GLANDERS.—A_ blacksmith, named George Spence, residing at Aunadarragh, and aged about forty years, was admitted into the County Infirmary on the 27th May last, suffer- ing from glanders. Notwithstanding all the efforts of medical skill, the unfortunate man expired on the 7th ult. This loathsome disease must have been communicated to the deceased by some horse which he was shoeing. As it is now well known that glanders is incurable, ant- mals infected with the disease should be-des- troyed as soon as the first symptoms are mani- fested.— Veterinary Review, 1862. | From time to time, cases of glanders or farcy are reported as occurring in the human subject, but the frequency with which such reports meet the public eye bear no relation to the actual number of cases which are observed. As with several other forms of disease due to animal poisons, there are many cases overlooked, and never diagnosed. We have a law referring to glandered horses, to their use and sale, but we yan state from experience that the law is evaded. Veterinary surgeons are not disposed to insist on the immediate slaughter of any glandered horse they meet with in practice. Cases of farcy are often much neglected, and the result is the spread of disease. Information has reached us of zlandered horses sold by public auction, of ani- mals similarly affected being worked in London omnibuses, and it is well known that glanders has proved unusually destructive within the last -#ORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. 177 two or three years amongst the horses of our _ cavalry regiments. Ireland is no doubt the division of the United Kingdom in which there are most cases of gian- ders in man and horses. In the report of the ~ Census Commissioners for 1851, we find the fol lowing remarks: “ The number of deaths from this cause afforded by the returns of 1841 was but eleven; on the present occasion they amount to - one hundred and ninety-six, viz., one hundred and sixty-eight males and twenty- eight females. We think the magnitude in the returns for 1851 is owing, uot merely to a greater knowledge, both “medical and popular, of the symptoms of the disease, but to an increase of these affections, and to a greater negligence on the part of per- 4 sons engaged in the care of horses. Instances have been recorded of families becoming infected - _—~_- with this frightful malady from residing in the =| -. same apartments with diseased animals. In our __- report upon the statistics of disease, we have eis called attention to the subject of the in- ‘erease of this affection, and pointed out the necessity which exists for bringing infected ani- mals under the surveillance of the police. The seasons show the following great varieties: In a ee spring there died seventy-one persons from this ss cause; in summer, fifty; in winter, forty-eight ; - and in autumn, but twenty-nine.’ Veterinary Review, 1863. Law respecting glandered horses in England, reads thus: ‘‘ Any person who shall sell, expose a . =i ~ f condone rs HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. for sale, or keep in his possession, or keep or suffer to be kept on his premises, or lead, drive, or bring in or into any street, road, or public place, any horse or beast affected with the said disease, or any disease of the like nature, know- ing such horse or beast to be so affected, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding the sum of twenty pounds ($100), or, in default of payment, to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one month.” ‘ Any justice or justices may order any horse or other beast affected with the said disease, together with any troughs, litter, hay, straw, or other article which he or. they shall judge likely to have been infected thereby, to be forthwithe destroyed, or otherwise disposed of in such man- ner as he or they shall deem proper.” ‘(In 1784, a law was enacted by the French~ government to prevent any one from keeping a elandered horse, under a penalty of one hundred dollars. Every animal suspected of glanders had the words ‘suspected animal’ impressed wich green wax on his forehead; and the penalty for selling such an animal, or offering him for sale, was one hundred dollars. “Persons having suspected animals were to report the same to the mayor, syndies of villages, or other proper authorities, under a penalty of one hundred dollars. Such horses were then inspected by experienced veterinary surgeons, appointed by the mayor or other officer, and, if found glan- dered, were destroyed. If only suspected, they were marked in the forehead as before described.” The foregoing is but a drop in the bucket, ~ HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY. —-179 compared with the reeorded evidence upon the subject of glanders; time and space, however, ~ will not permit a further extension of this subject. Our present experience in the United States of America should bring us to the level of Europe in passing laws, ordinances, on the subject of gilanders. The losses already sustained by our _ farmers and horsemen, by the purchase of con. _ demned and diseased government horses, amount to more than the sum realized by the govern- ~ ment, and will go on increasing at a fearful rate. va ‘We are told that the elandered horses of the _. army have been shot or destroyed, and that none _ are offered which are known as diseased. tfalf to convince a competent judge to the contrary. it not obvious that the officers having charge of the animals offered for sale are not “competent, * and do not understand the disease? How many ; recognised veterinary surgeons are there in the employ. of the United States Government? None to speak of. Before sending a lot of horses to any place for public sale, every animal should be _ thoroughly inspected by ‘the most competent sur- 2 ~_geon, qualified as such, a graduate, a man of long 3 experience and a practitioner, and every animal, even suspected, should be at once destroyed. an hour in the sales-yards is more than sufficient . _ It is evident to the observer that the malady - exists to a great extent. Where isthe fault? Is_ aed ae ee FROM THE PRIVATE RECEIPT-BOOK OF THE AUTHOR. Se é ¥ | “ts es ae — BALISi..” ae: ote Pte Bary Alege 8. Tr. fee pe -calemel oo.) Geol seruple. ee =. —ditpseed Meal Be TS eR | a8 pe Mix with > An Se used 10ES 5 a i S Bek: enon Lee oO. | | : we a — Sulphur Pioge A e aes = -Nitre pal) oe | 2 Mix with honey and divide into four balls ; a ee ccellent ee ere = a ee aes : —— i “Oates ea OP ee SS oe = - Linseed Meal See Eran Gr Ramee ae ae with molasses ; ; give at night, en] ollgw aces morning veh a : purgative ‘ball qty RENN 7 sae se e ] os : F 2 3 i : = ee GES | f; as mS *F or diarrhoea ip Loeses Bee Ss NS ee ae — ee Ba Oe 5” Rema stk 182 R. Ammonicum . . Powdered Squills . Barb. Aloes sited ee Linseed Meal Mix with molasses. Nr. For cough. Emetie Tartar Digitalis (pulv.) Nit. Potassa . Powd. Liquorice Mix with molasses. eattle. R. For fever Camphor Gum Nit. Potassa . Linseed Meal Mix with molasses. R. Barbadoes Aloes Pulv. Ginger ‘¢ Gentian Mix with water. ON Soe ee zeke banseed 5 0. ds ere ae Mix. Used . 1 abdominal inflammation. Cae eee 184 HORSE-TRAINING MADE £ASY. R. Sulphate of Potash Powd. Gentian . Mix. Used in colic. R. _lodide of Potassa . Chloride of Mercury . Powdered Belladonna . White Sugar eg RO A ea z 1] dr. 1 (6 4 OZ. 1 6 Mix, and divide into four soptdone Put upon the tongue for sore throat. R. Powdered Camphor . “ Rhubarb . ye Opium... Mix. For diarrhea. R. Burnt Alum Sulphate of Iron Sulphate of ope Camphor. . Mix. For thrush or caer MIXTURES. R. Linseed Oil . Croton Oil Mix. Fincture of Opium. * 1“ Z = pea: bine . <2. 1 : - Tincture of Capsicum. . 3 & e Mix. A good liniment. — Sec : ae B UEtrick of Gain ie a De ee ~ -Goulard’ Ss ‘Extract . TR Prt BGK ee aN YS ~ Water ee ee ne a ae Mix. Used i in inflammatory swellings <1 = a T&86 HORSE-TRAINING MADE EASY, R. -Tincture of Myrrh 2°. 4-07, Tincture of Aloes . - °. 2. Water . aah fon Sede eat ee Mix. For galls, sore mouth, &c. BLISTERS. R. Pulv. Cantharides. . =.) 2 drs. Spirits of Turpentine. . 2 “ Powd. Euphorbium . . 1 & Ov, Origanum 27.7%. <0. BA Tia 6 Ae re Mix. aine volume oi original Games and Costume Parties. Itis unique in the fact that it actually fills a place never attempted before and at a price so reasonable as to be within the reach of everybody. Besides 27 original games, suitable for all kinds of Parties, luncheons and teas, there are seven Costume Parties for children — suitable for birthday parties, amateur vaudevilles and Sunday ~— school entertainments. Illustrated and handsomely boundin ~ Handsome Paper Covers printed in three colors...... bins dened eee Red Siik Cloth, side and back stamped in gold...............00 cts. e . 5 a McBride's Latest Dialogues. 3.5. 2neciestor pis: » This collection of Dia-— logues, Parlor Dramas, Colloquies and amateur plays is without ~ a doubt the best published, They are bright and original and are designed especially for the use of young people in school exhibitions, social meetings, lodges, Sunday school entertain- ments and literary societies. Every selection available, nothing — vulgar or objectionable. Handsomely bound in ed Handsome Paper covers printed in three colors.............20 Cts. Red Silk Cloth, side and back stamped in gold..... chic awe sulee Oe Cugs The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. — ig Send for their complete catalogue. ; , & s 3 a s | ‘ | ~ A Patriotic Recitations. Tissés pecueicstcocioncr among ninety-nine others: “An American Exile;’’ ‘‘Love of Country ;”’ ‘‘Nathan Hale,” “‘Barbara Frietchie;” ‘Independence Day;” ‘‘The Constitution and the People;’” “A True Hero;” “Fourth of July;’”’ ‘‘The Heroes of ’76;” ‘““History of Our Flag;”’ “The Last Broadside;’’ ‘Independence Bell;” “Our Country’s Greatness,”’ and many others. 4 Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors............25 cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold...............50 ets. . B If you are looking for Sunday-School Entertainments. tfzo2 272 J0cki2e tor church or Sunday School entertainments you will find nothing better than this book. Among the hundred or more will be found: “The Brakeman at Church;” “Aunt Nancy on the Re- vised Testament ;” ‘‘Baby, Goodbye;” “Jesus Lover of My Soul;” “Which One;’’ “The Way to Heaven;” ‘‘God be With You;” “Charity; ‘‘The Door of Heaven;’’? “Everlasting Love: “For Baby’s Sake;’”’ ‘‘The Lost Chord;’? “The Mother’s Cry;’ ‘‘The Wife’s Prayer Answered; “The Power of Love;” “Old Man ina Stylish Church;” “Old Man in a Model Church;” ‘‘The Old Sermou.” — i Handsox ze paper covers printed in three colors.............-25 cts. - Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold........... oss 00 CES: Familiar Recitations 22s, cel'ection saat mint, Among the hundred pieces in this book may be found: ‘Rock of - Ages;” ‘“Phe One-Hoss Shay ;’”’ ‘‘The Polish Boy;’’ ‘“‘Richmond on the James;” “Legend of the Organ Builder;’ ‘The Jiners;”’ “Jerry,’’ ‘An Old Maid’s Prayer;’’ ‘“‘The Fireman’s Story;” ‘The Lisping Lover;’’ The Pilot’s Wife;” ‘‘Uncle Jack’s Melons;” ‘“‘Cur- few Must not Ring Tonight;’’ The Last Hymn;”’ ‘‘Nearer Home;” “Kittie Lee and Willie Gray; ‘‘Lay of the Madman,;’’ ‘The Bugle Song,” and many others. You need not look further for an all-around book of selections for all occasions, Handsome paper covers, printed in three cCOlorS.......+.+++s25 Cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold...............50 cts. 8 s Humorous Recitations. {.22°.-2F°uwmorece you wi * thing real humorous you will find it in this book. Among the hundred or more selections you will find: ‘Hans Bleimer;” ‘‘Dot Baby of Mine;” ‘‘How We Hunted a Mouse;”’ ‘How ‘Ruby’ Played ;” ‘‘Jimmie Butler and the Owl;” Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning;’’ “My Mule;’’ ‘Mrs. Caudle’s Lecture; “‘Sam’s Letter;’’ “Setting a Hen;’’ *‘Uncle Reuben’s Baptism;” ‘A Scientific Party;” ‘Judge Pittman on the Various Kindsof Weather;” *‘Der Oak Und Der Vine; “Irish- man’s Panorama,” and “Vas Bender Henshpecked.” This is the _ book to make you laugh. It is full of humor. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors...... ......20 cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold.........00000250 Ct& The Henneberry Company Make Good Books, Send for their complete catalorue. - Choice Temperance Recitations, P:"%ss cosa number of temperance recitations to be found in one book, there is an endless variety suitable for delivery on all occasions. Among the hundred or more may be mentioned: ‘Spike That Gun,” “Pll take What Father Takes,” ‘Please Den’t Seli My Father Rum,’ ‘The Last Drink,” ‘‘Lips That Touch Liquor Must Never Touch Mine,” ‘‘Loved Papa, When Will You Come Home Again?” ‘‘Playing Drunkard,” ‘‘What Strong Drink Will Do,’’ and a hundred others. 7 ad Handsome Paper covers printed in threecolors.......... .. 25 ets, Red Silk Cloth, back and side stamped in gold.............+-50 Cts, Holiday Entertainments. {2,rreper'ng, fos, Washing: » ton’s and Lincoln’s Birth- days, Commencements, Christmas,.New Years, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Decoration Day and Sunday-School Entertain- ments, you will find this the best book published. Besides the following well known selections, there are almost a hundred others: ‘‘Annie and Willie’s: Prayer;” ‘‘Come and Bring the Children, Too;” ‘‘The Last Hymn;’’ ‘Our Choir;” ‘Saved by a Child,’ ‘‘Under the Snow;” “Too Late;’? “Our Minister’s Ser- mon;’’ ‘‘True Heroism ;” “The Golden Wedding;” *‘A Trial of En- durance;” ‘Christmas Eve;’? ‘‘Compliments of the Season;” ‘Independence Bell;” ‘‘Washington’s Birthday; ‘‘Lincoln;” ‘““Valedictory ;”’ ‘Thanksgiving Sermon.”’ Handsome paper covers printed in three colors........0...+-20 Cts, Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold..eeosseeeee.. D0 CS. C ; E - ; In this assortment of comic, humor- OmMIC ecitations. ous and dialect, there is not a piece that cannot be used on almost any occasion. This is the very best collection of its kind published, and among the hundred or more pieces are found the following well known selections: ‘‘The Bachelor’s Sale;” “How a Woman Rides on a Street Car;” “Farmer Stebbins at Ocean Grove;’? ‘‘Love in a Balloon;” ‘“‘Mick’s Courtship;’? “‘A Naughty Little Girl’s View of Life;” ‘“‘Wedding Fee;” ‘“‘That Baby in Tuscaloo;” ‘‘Katrina Sees a Game of Football;” ‘‘Popping the Question;” ‘‘Charge of De Dutch Brigade;” “Only a Pin;’’ ‘‘How Dennis Took the Pledge;”’ ‘“Schake und Agers.”’ Handsome paper covers printed in three colors.............20 Cts, Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold.............. .50 cts. The Century Book of Recitations, xi istroaze: on hints, style of delivery and principles of Elocution. This book © of 256 pages possesses many unique features; the recitations are decidedly choice, being carefully selected with special reference to their rendition on all occasions. The treatise on Elocution is full enough for all purposes and will acquaint the reader suf- ficiently with the principles employed in the delivery of the most difficult selections, of which the book contains nearly 100. . Handsome paper covers printed in three colors..........e+.20 CtS, Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold......... 220000 CUS. _ The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. Send for their complete catalogue. 8 os m The Century Book of Irish Wit and Humor. ‘This book is the cream of all Irish speakers. Irish Wit and Humor is a factor in human experience which the world can ili afford tolose. In hishaste to express himself in any acquired language, not native, the metaphors get mixed, and his thoughts are transposed and a reversal of his intended meaning is the re sult. It hasno superior and doubtless no equal 192 pages. Handsome paper covers printed in three colors.............25 cts, Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold............. 50 cts. The Modern Art of Making Love 229 comzicte2ra=- Love, Courtship and Matrimony. Something every boy and girl, man and woman ought to know. Tells how to begin a Court- ship, when and whom to marry, the advisability of long and short courtships, points to be observed in the selection of a husband or wife, the secret of pleasing a sweetheart, how to address or win the favor of ladies, ete. Also contains a complete system of love telegraphy, handkerchief flirtation, a choice collection of sensible love letters, the language of flowers, Dewar stonesand their signification, etc. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors ............25 ets. - Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold..... ........ , 50 cts. A. B. C. Guide to Correct Conduct. oe of etiquette, or Guide to Duties, Pleasures, Details a A Studies of Life. No part in fouls conduct has been omitted. g immense popularity of this valuable little book is attested DYing enormous sales. It is an invaluable adjunct to any home‘ And will be found exceedingly helpful in the hands of parents, Bes and teachers as wellas young peopleof bothsexes. 184 P ; pocket size. Elegantly bound in Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors............ bs 18. . Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold...... Seer’ 50 cts. A, DB. S. Guide to Ball Room oceariie éau his work contains an exhaustive summary of all the Poa xve square dances, and a lucid description of the various round dances, waltzes, ete. It also contains complete quadrille ealls and is especially adapted to the needs of amateurs as well as professionals. In brief, it is a complete guide to this health- fuland beautiful exercise. 161 pages. Fully illustrated. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors.........++.-20 Cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold................50 ets. Vi By Josiah Booth. This book A. B. C. Guide 10 usic. will serve to introduce all into the th eory and practice of the Musical Art. It contains simple and illustrated chapters on singing and cultivation of the voice; full and explicit helps to the piano and organ, short sketches of eminent composers, and a complete dictionary of musical terms, ete. The reputation of the author is such as to require no ing troduction tothepublic. 164pages, Fully illustrated. Boundin Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors........ vals o SOP CESS Rea silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold............ . 50 cts, The Henneberry Company Make Good Books, Send for their complete catalogue. 3 Brown's Business letter rier and Book a ee Commercial Fons facetne ee ae ters and notes for ladies and gentlemen. Accurate directions are given for conducting correct business correspondence, including forms of notes, drafts, willis, deeds, agreements, leases, ete. It is adapted to every age and station in life and to business pursuits in general. 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Price........ esses seseeevee ee 8022808 oetecccees ae ue Lave Letters and How to Write Them, 5 woren. @ is justthe book not only for all unmarried folks, but other ait yas well; while, of course, they may not use the language pre- sentew!: still they will remind them of the time when they were just a little More particular about their correspondence. One hundred - and for, ®tyles are presented with notes and comments on each. There ar-© #1so excellent rules and good advice on love, courtship owia ~aarriage that everybody ought to know. It won’t hurt any- body to read the healthy chapters on the finer feelings of life. Follow the forms here laid down and you cannot go far astray; 150 pages. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors.............2) Cts. Red silk cloth, back and sides stamped in gold...............90 cts. - Bookkeeping Without a Master. .2."mostesces clerk, tradesman and merchant. This is unquestionably the most ‘complete and practical work of the kind published. The principles of the art of bookkeeping are clearly defined in plain language so that the student acquires with ease the exact knowl- ledge necessary to the correct recording of accounts. It contains fourteen. specimen pages of books used in single and doubleentry, embracing a complete and authentic system of single and double entry ledgers, day and cash books, journals, how to balance, the difference between single and double entry; about profit and loss, stocks, interest and discounts, sundry accounts, bill books, bills ep lage and receivable, etc. Printed on an extra fine quality of eavy book paper. Size, 6x9 inches, Bound in green silk Cloth. ........0 1.1 seen sees eee cess ccen coe BLOO — The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. : Send for thelr complete catalogue. 10 : < i ve Hr ey eee wie k Whe ne eee yp Oe Mics A 7 . £4 “aa 5] ie is 7 » . ater ‘¥45 iat ere AE Si ’ Lt eee ie fe : fies Pa = s = we: - bas Wl fi = s e The New Century Webster Dictionary sess U8 pocket, ‘The very latest up-to-date; 28,000 words. This edition has been carefully and conscientiously edited, using the work of the great Noah Webster as a basis, and conforming, as near as possibie, with the views of such eminent philologists and orthepists as Worcester, Whitney, Corbett and Ayres. It contains clear and concise definitions, correct accentuations, and full markings of all difficult words, according to the highest authorities. It eon- tains many new words lately coined and not found in any dic- tionary heretofore published; also a larger percentage of root words than any other book of its kind. Issued in two styles of binding. Size2%x5%. 194 pages. Silk cloth, red edges, indexed...... Shika ceen ras eck seks Some 25 ets, Pall leather Sold CPEs, INGEXEGs . .saccesccticussterinete.ce soz 50 cts. Bryant's Commercial Business Guide or How to , By C.M.Bryant, Ph.D. A manual of self-instrue- 0 usines . tion and usefulinformation. A compendium of facts, forms, methods and laws for safe conduct of business. It contains facts, figures and general information, involving law, both State and National, Commerce, Agriculture, Social customs, Mercantile transactions and calculations, and the rights and wrongs of Civil Life, ali in aform carefully designed for practical utility. Elegantly bound in Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors.........-.+.20 CtS, Red silk cloth, back and sides stamped in gold...............50 cts. s ag s = S° First Steps in Magnetism F's? arise J F.G.S. his book is in- tended strictly as an introduction to the science of which it treats. Theories may and do frequently change, but the facts of nature, upon which they are founded are immutable. So we should study the facts and the theories will adjust themselves. Care has been taken to describe mostly such experiments as any student may perform at-home, with but little expenditure of money. Fully illustrated.. Elegantly bound in red silk cloth. Price...... 50 cts. First Step in Electricity. 8° 3” geroms Hartson, the requirements of the new code. Each and every chapter of this book has been given as an object lesson many tim=-s to clas ses of children averaging sixty in number, and of the ages of ten _ tosixteen. It will be seen therefore that the experiments are simple and inexpensive and can be performed athome. Fully illustrated. Elegantly bound in handsome silk cloth, Price..... ee eeeoeeeeceeese erence eases eeeseeeseeveses 50 ets. First Lessons in Voltaic Electricity. f.x.csr% - y. Harrison, F. G. S. In this valuable little work on Voltaic Electricity, the author has endeavored to explain fully and in a purely descriptive and experimental manner, how to perform these simple experi- ments with as little expense as possible. The immense populiar- ity of this little hand book by Prof. Harrison proves the wisdom of his plan. Fully illustrated with carefully prepared cuts. Hlegantly bound in handsome silk cloth. Price............. 50 cts. 3 . The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. ‘Send for their complete catalogue. li Telegraphy and How to Learn it, wisn 2rstcher- 6 p y ters on Elemen-. tary Electricity. The importance of uniting Meu two allied sub- jects is apparent to any one about to take up the study of Tele- raphy, either for a livelihood or pastime, and who has not @ rudimentary knowledge of the theory of Electricity. This book, therefore, treats of the Electro-Magnetic Telegraph in its simplest form, and with an instrument and alittle practice you will be surprised at the rapid advancement you will make by the aid of this treatise. Handsomely illustrated and bound in cloth. Price. POSS SSHSSHHE SHSHHHHTSHSSHHHESSHHESS SHHHTSHEHOESAUHSHHEH SHTESSEEESE sees. $1 00 Modern Blacksmithing, Rational Horseshoe- ing and Wagon Making. 22,2, Holmstrom, This man having thirty years’ eeacrisal experience; Elementary rules are employed, thus avoiding the more technical terms, rendering this treatise practical and invaluable to all who have use for it. Even the oldest blacksmith or wagon maker will find many helpful suggestions, and any young man can master the prin- ciples of these two useful arts by a careful study of this book. Invaluable to farmers, horseshoers, wagon makers, machinists, liverymen, well drillers and manufacturers. Fully illustrated. Hotere ae in handsome dark red. Cloth.. ese seeeveee reese oeeeaeereesnseee8e@ €8-8808 sede coteteoennn .00 Bait mowmeed. 2 4sihe kes Peer re rer ee A. B.C. Guide to Photography. 2%, st, Bera: handbook containing instructions for Amateur Photographers, simply written and easily understood. Any man, woman or child of ordinary intelligence, without previous experience, can by peaDly following instructions, acquire the knowledge neces- Sary to operate, develop and print. 124 pages, viens illus- trated. Pocket size. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors......... es cts, | Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold...........++..00 cts, Fortune Telling by Cards. P.xatensvtneas ave 5 y scribing how Cards are “Read” by persons professing to tell fortunes by their aid. Mad- ame Chiro is without doubt the greatest Fortune Teller by means of Cards that has ever visited America, and this, her only and authorized book, is like the author, without a peer. If you would learn to read fortunes as Madame Chiro does, this book will teach you, and with practice you will become as adept as the author herself. Fully illustrated. Bound in Handsome paper covers, printed in three ColorS...cecseese- 25 CtS. Rea silk cloth, back and sides stamped in gold............-.50 cts. The Mystic Circle Fortune Teller and Dream La Normand. his book contains an OOK. iiateticay list of dreams, oAER their signification and lucky numbers, and the getting of fortunes by the Mystic Cir- cle, Cards, Dice, Coffee and Tea Grounds. Also a list of curious Superstitions and Omens. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors............20 cts. Red silk cloth, back and sides stamped in gold........... ....00 cts. The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. Send for their complete catalogue. 12 The Book of Card Tricks and Sleight-of-Hand. By Prof. R. Kunard. There is no book published on this subject that has met. with'the favor and demand than has this little book - of 182 pages. Nearly every card trick known is fully exposed by explicit directions and carefully prepared illustrations. De- signed for parlor and stage entertainments by professionals and amateurs who may become experts with a little practice. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors...........,25 cts. Red silk cloth, back and sides stamped in gold..............50 cts. Practical Ventriloquism °32Jicp*rsiane enlae 16 ihe q oughly reliable guide to the Art of Voice Throwing aud Vocal Mimicry, Vocal Instrumenta- tion, Ventriloquial Figures, Entertaining, etc. The long experi- ence of the author on the stage and in teaching this wonderful art by correspondence is conclusive evidence that by a little application to the fundamental principles laid down in this book, and by frequent practice after acquiring the two or three simple rules, you can become an adept in the art. Fully illustrated. Elegantly bound in Handsome paper covers printed in three colors.............20 cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold..... Seiad hints tory CO Ue Herrmann’s Conjuring for Amateurs. 4272stic! how to perform modern tricks, by Prof. Herrmann. Great care has been exercised by the author to include in this book only sich tricks as have never before appeared in print. This assures the performer a secret and almost endless fund for suitable material to be used on all oceasions. With little practice, almost anyone can perform the more simple tricks, and with practice, as he becomes more adept, he can perform the most difficult. No book published contains a greater variety of material for con- jurers and sleight-of-hand performers than this book. Coins, -@ards, silk hat, handkerchiefs, balls, are all introduced in the mauy programs offered, thus affording one an endless variety from which to select for parlor or stage entertainments. _ Handsome paper covers printed in three colors.............2) CtS. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold................50 cts. shadows are made an ow to work them, so as to produce ex- tremely funny situations, thus providing an evening’s entertain- ment of a most enjoyable kind. A hundred illustrations with full description of each has made this book extremely popular. Handsome paper covers printed in three colors..... vesseesed CLS. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold.......... ose 2-00 CLS. ; s . Keller's Variety Entertainments. 2,.27c%. eter, of original, laughable skits on Conjuring, Physiognomy, Jug- gling, Performing feats. Wax Works, Panoramas, Phrenology, Phonography, Second Sight, Lightning Caleulators, Ventrilo- | ‘ By A. Pat : i Shadow Entertainments. Beet Oe eee ~quism, Spiritualism, etc., to which are added Humorous Sketches, Whimsical Recitals, Parlor, Club and Lodge-Room Comedies, Fully illustrated. Handsome paper covers printed in three Cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold................50 Ct& The Henneberry Company Make Good Books, Send for their compiete catalogue. 13 nat, Aunt < McClure's American Horse, Cattle and Sheep By Robt. McClure, M. D., V. S. As a stock doctor octor. book, treating the diseases of the three most profit- able as well as most common of farm animals, save the hog, this book never had a peer. Itis the most valuable book ever pre- pared for the farmer, and if we may judge its popularity by its sale, it is the most successful book for the farmer and stock raiser ever written. The illustrations are excellent. Handsomely bound in silk cloth. Price......... Re PT Pe os $1.50 American Standard Poultry Book. 3..4¢"% = book is the recognized standard treatise on Poultry Raising. It treats fully all phases of the business— incubators, houses, brooders; the various breeds—ducks, turkeys, geese, guineas; the diseases of each; how and what to feed; how to market—in short, if one follows the instructions contained herein, he may con- fidently look for success. Profusely illustrated and bound in Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors .......... .20 ets. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold............... 50 cts. Standard Belgian Hare Book 2:.%.?- ca7zs, 2h Hares is no longer a fad; as a commercial enterprise, itis bring- | ing thousands of dollars to those who are engaged in the busi- ness. Belgian Hare raising is the most profitable business one can engage in, and there is no reason why a fortune cannot be made in a few years if one will study carefully the methods laid. down in this book, and avoid making the mistakes that prove costly in all new enterprises. Diseases common to Rabbits are fully treated. The book is profusely illustrated and bound in Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors........... 25 cts: Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold....... Bee 50 ets. A. B. C. Guide to Poultry-Keeping zz:2eekor the endorsement of the leading poultry raisers of the United States, Canada, and even Europe where it has found its way, be- cause of its completeness and honest treatment of the pains and penalties as well as the pleasure and profit in poultry raising. Fully illustrated. Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors.... .......25 ets. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold A. B. C. Guide to Bee-Keeping. &.%..2.Wrepster,. of the proper care and management of Bees, designed especially for amateurs, beginners and farmers, and all others, including experts who have found this book the most helpful guide to api- culture published. Newly revised and enlarged. More than 100 pages and profusely illustrated. - Handsome paper covers, printed in three colors........ anise CO CEE Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold............++: 50 cts. The Henneberry Company Make Good Books. Send for their complete catalogue. 14 Swine and Their Diseases, 2y,2ee',Zeenies..”-s: . Swine and their Diseases is the best ever published, because of the simplicity of treatment and sure cure of every disease of the hog, when the remedies are administered in time, and in the manner prescribed in this handy little volume. Theremedies are inexpensive; most farmers constantly keep in the house about ail the medicines recommended in this treatise. The great popu- larity of this book lies in the success its remedies have afforded | all who have had occasion to use them. Fully illustrated. Handsome paper covers printed in three colors............. 25 cts. Red silk cloth, back and side stamped in gold..........?.....50 cts. 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