LIBRARY FACULTY OF FORESTRY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO COLONIAL BEPOBTS-MISCELLANEOtt^. No. 66. ) Determination of the proportion existing between the various age gradations 150 Linear valuation surveys 151 The calculation of the annual yield ... ... 152 Approximate methods suitable for West Africa ... 152 Sylvicultural methods of exploitation recommended — Selection system — Coppice with standards 153 D. Botanical survey of the forests ... 153 E. The training of the subordinate staff ... 155 F. Plantations 156 G. The inspection and supervision of timber concessions and licensed areas 156 H. General forest policy 157 PART III. C. — CONCLUSION. Brief description of the physical features ... ... ... ... ... 159 Climate 162 Short account of the conditions affecting plant growth 166 Classification of plant formations ... ... ... ... ... ... 170 Types of West African formations and their characteristic plants ... 170 Distribution of the forests ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 173 Exports and imports of forest produce 192 List of vernacular names of plants ... ... ... ... ... ... 196 Explanation of plates ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 199 APPENDIX. The Forestry Ordinance 202 INDEX. [References to the plates accompanying this report will also be found in the List of Vernacular Names of Plants given on pp. 196-199.] GOLD COAST. — REPORT ON FORESTS. No. 66. GOLD COAST REPORT ON FORESTS. INTRODUCTION. For some years past the Government of the Gold Coast had been endeavouring to procure the temporary services of an Indian Forest Officer with a view to getting professional advice on the best means of regulating the haphazard methods of exploiting the mahogany forests then in vogue. Their object was to secure a report on the forest resources of the country and the measures that should be adopted for the preservation of the forests against excessive exploitation. For one reason or another such an officer could not be found, and it was finally decided that my services should be lent for that purpO'Se by the Southern Nigerian Government for a period of four months. Accordingly, on the expiration of niy year's (1907) tour in the latter Colony and Protectorate, I left Lagos by steamer on the 31st December, 1907, and arrived at Accra on the following day, the 1st January, 1908. After remaining there a few days and making a short visit to the Botanical Gardens at Aburi, I returned to the former town and sailed for the Port of Sekondi on the 8th of the same month ; from there I began my series of tours through the forests of the Colony and Ashanti. In Part I. of this report, I have described, in some detail, the trips made through the forests and the character of the country and the vegetation passed through. Part II. is devoted to a discussion of the measures that should be introduced with a view to conserving the forests and initiating a sound system of forest policy for their management and development. In Part III. a brief summary is given of the physical features and climate of the Gold Coast and Ashanti, of the vegetation of those countries, the distribution of the forests, a short account of the conditions affecting plant growth and their influence in determining the geographical distribution of plants, statistics of the exports and imports of forest produce, and an estimate of the future yield of timber from the forests. 6 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. The main principles governing the distribution of plant life, (hough well known to botanists and professional foresters, are not so universally appreciated by the general public. With a view to placing1 before the latter a concise account of the reactions of vegetation in the environment, and thus enabling them to intelligently follow the principles on which forest conservancy is based, I have ventured to introduce subjects that may otherwise be considered foreign to a report of this character. If, however, by doing this I can induce even a few of the Political Officers in charge of our West African Colonies and Protectorates to take some interest in forest protection, and realise the very important transformations in climate and type of vegetation that are liable to follow the wholesale destruction of the forests, then my action will be fully justified. In its initial stages, at all events, forest conservancy must to a large extent depend, as far as its successful application goes, on the attitude displayed towards it by the Political Officers. The period of four months, for which my services were originally lent, having proved insufficient for completing the examination of the forests, I was permitted to extend it to six months ; this enabled me to visit some of the wooded area's of the eastern portions of the Colony and Ashanti; but, even with this extension, I am afraid that I have left unvisited many important forests. To thoroughly explore the whole country would require two or three years' continuous work of that kind. W'ith the limited time at my disposal it was a matter of some difficulty to decide on the best routes to take, but I was eventu- ally influenced in my choice by the consideration that it was more important to discover what forests were left intact, and to explore wooded areas about which but little was known, than to occupy the bulk of my time with forests that have already been pretty well exploited. The latter, however, were not neglected ; during my wanderings through the forests of the lower Ankrobra and Tano River basins, and those along the Sekondi-Kumasi Rail- way, where exploitation is in full swing. I saw enough of the methods employed there of felling and extracting the timber to .enable me to form a pretty good estimate of the character of the work and the extent to which the wood-producing capital has been removed. I take this opportunity of thanking all those officials of the Gold Coast and Ashanti, to whom I am indebted for much kindness and assistance in connection with my duties, more especially to Major C. H. Armitage, D.S.O., the Acting Chief Commissioner of Ashanti ; Mr. F. G. Crowther, the Acting Secre- tary for Native Affairs; the Acting General Manager of the Gold Coast Railway; Mr. A. J. Philbrick, the Provincial Com- missioner of the Western Province of the Colony; Captain G. W. C. Soden, Provincial Commissioner, Ashanti; to Mr. K. Burbridge, Curator, the latter of whom accompanied me through- out my tours; and to the Agricultural Department, generally, of the Gold Coast. I have also received much help and useful information from Mr. G. A. Stockfeld, General Manager of the GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. I Tarquah and Abosso Mines ; Mr. McTear, General Manager of the Aslianti Goldfields Corporation ; the Manager of the Bibiani Mines ; and from Messrs. Nicholas and Brett ; to all of whom I now offer my sincerest thanks. I wish also to express my indebtedness to Dr. Otto Stapf and other officials of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, for their assistance in identifying and naming specimens collected during my tours. I cannot conclude without expressing my great obligations to the Governor, Sir John Pickersgill Rodger, K.C.M.G., and Acting Governor Major H. Bryan, C.M.G., to whose initiative and constant interest is due any success that may have attended my visit to the Colony and Ashanti. H. N. THOMPSON, Conservator of Forests, Southern Nigeria. December, 1908. PART I. Accra. — The small cocoanut plantation situated to the north- east of Christianborg Castle is not a success. The young plants have suffered much from the annual fires, and their growth has been considerably checked in consequence. Those which have grown high enough to escape damage from the fires are doing better, but the whole plantation is too much exposed to the strong sea breezes for the young palms to escape distortion ; the stems of the majority of them are bent over towards the north-east at an acute angle. The country about here is very arid, and this, coupled with the fact that the salt spray is blown inland a good distance bacK from the beach, accounts for the xerophitic habit of the vegeta- tion occupying it ; most of the indigenous plants along the shore, and for a mile back, possess thick succulent leaves, and even some of the grasses have become modified in this respect. The vegetation is scrubby, consisting mainly of dwarfed acacias, a species of Capparis (caper), a Bridelia (E^(,phorb^acecE)) and a Convolvulus. Amongst introduced plants the prickly pear (Opuntia), aloes, and euphorbias are most conspicuous, and have done best because their xerophilous structure is suited to the environment. In the gardens belonging to Government House, I noticed thai some casuarinas planted there were, considering the soil and climate, doing very well indeed, and that Pithecolobium saman was also flourishing. In these two plants we possess a ready means of reclaiming the land along the seashore, and making it suitable for cultivation. The two great dangers to guard against are : first, the strong prevalent winds impregnated with 6 COLONIAL REPORTS— MISCELLANEOUS. salt spray; and, second, the annual scrub fires that are so com- mon during the dry season. These dangers can be best met by planting up the coast-line with a broad belt of casuarinas, then behind them casuarinas and pithecolobiums, mixed, to form a wind-break, and behind that, again, a mixture of deciduous- leaved and evergreen trees. The whole belt of tree vegetation should be at least half-a-mile broad. Simultaneously with this, planting measures should be taken to ensure effectual protection against fire for the belt so formed. I understand that firewood is scarce in Accra, and has to be brought from the foot-hills to the north of the town, a distance of some miles. Here, again, by the creation of fuel reserves and effective fire protection, a cheap and constant supply of fuel can be ensured, and, in addi- tion, the soil can be enriched, protected, and eventually made capable of bearing fairly good agricultural crops. As things stand at present, the fertility of the soil is being gradually destroyed year by year, and there is no doubt that a time will come when it will be incapable of supporting vegetation of any economic value. Re-afforestation, combined with adequate fire protection, will prevent such a disastrous state of affairs, and play a prominent part in re-establishing the fertility of the soil, increasing the quantity of water held by it in suspension, and eventually making it suitable for agricultural purposes. The Accra Plains. — On my way to Aburi I had an opportunity of observing the character of the vegetation growing on the plains between Accra and the foot-hills of the range on which Aburi is situated. As far up the road as Kamantang the country is very arid and covered with scrubby vegetation. The latter consists mainly of dwarfed acacias (probably Acacia catechu), a spiny Capparis, Bridelia, Euphorbias, a few scrambling Coinbre- tums and short grass. The introduced opuntias (prickly-pear cactus) and agaves are also growing here and there as escapes. The soil consisting mainly of weathered laterite is but poorly covered with vegetation, and is often exposed in large patches, but in the hollows, formed by old dried-up watercourses, where alluvial deposits exist, a rank growth of fairly long coarse grass has sprung up, and gives a certain amount of protection to the soil. Trees, except those planted by man, are scarce on the plain. The niO'St characteristic wild ones are the fan palm — Borassus flabelliformis var. aethiopica, an arboreal Evpliorbia with a thick woody stem, succulent fleshy leaves, and a rounded crown, and two species of baobabs (Adansonia). These trees, however, are few and far between and do not alter the general scrubby character of the vegetation, which is typical of the arid plains of West Africa. On alluvial patches the fan palm is inclined to be gregarious. The whole of this plain is subject to fires, and at the time of my visit the scrub was burning in all directions. It is on these plains that re-afforestation and fire protection will give the best results. The Savannah Forests. — Between Kamantang and the main Aburi range the low scrub vegetation, described above, gives GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 9 place to the open park-like grass country so common in West Africa behind the forest belts found near the coast. These Savannah forests represent the intermediate stage of vegetation between the true forests and the dry scrub of the arid regions. The soil is covered with a coarse long grass and trees of several species as well as shrubs are found dotted about, often in small groups and sometimes in regular belts (fringing vege- tation) along the moister hollows. The rainfall in such vSavannah forests is not sufficient to enable ordinary tree vegetation to compete successfully with the grasses, which with the help of the annual bush fires can keep such vegetation in check. In the moister alluvial hollows tree growth still continues to hold its own against the grasses, but the destruction of the former by man results in a gradual deterioration of the fertility of the soil, its desiccation, and the eventual conversion of the Savannah forests into pure Savannahs and the arid scrub of the Accra plains. Every stage in this process can be recognised along the road leading to Aburi. The vegetation usually met with in the Savannah forests consists, amongst shrubs, of the wild custard apple, Anona senegalcnsis, Sarcoceplialiis csculentus, Bauliinia reticulata, Zizyphus mucronata and a species of Capparis, whilst trees are represented by Acacia catechu, Acacia Sieberiana, Entada soudanica, Ormosia laxiflora, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Vitex cuneata, Vitex megapliylla, two or three species of Parinarium, Parkia filicoidea, a small Pscudocedrela, the balsam copaiba tree, Daniella thurifera, Lophira alata and the shea butter tree, Butyrospcrmum Parkii. The three last trees, however, appear to be absent from, the Savannahs through which the Accra-Aburi road passes. Probably the locality is too close to the sea to suit the requirements of these plants. In addition to the plants mentioned above, others, such as the fan palm (Borassus flabelliformis var. cethiopica) and species of Adan- sonia (Baobabs), are also to be met with in the Savannah forests. The evergreen forests. — As one approaches the foot of the main hill ranges close to Aburi, the Savannahs gradually merge into the ordinary evergreen forests which are the richest in variety of species of any of the types met with in Africa. As a rule, where such forests have not been much interfered with by man, the leaf canopy is fairly complete, the soil is well pro- tected from the sun and atmospheric agencies by a dense under- growth of shrubs and young trees, and the forest has all the characteristics of what is technically knowrn as " high forest." The variety of species is great and includes most of the West African plants of economic importance. It will be sufficient for the present to give only a brief list of the more important species forming this type. They are: — The Dahomah (Pipta- denia africana), one of the most common trees on the Gold Coast, the Assohma (ParJda species) almost equally common, the Ah f ram, the Opapao (Afzelia africana}, the Eku (BoTnbax buonopozense), the Honum (Anthocleista magnifica), the Ofu 10 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. or Chen-chen (Antiaris toxicaria var. africana), the Prekese (Tetrapleura Thonningii\ the Odouin (Chlorophora cxcclsa), I he Ihihini (J\/KII/crh•( I a mlorata, one of the West Indian cedar trees. The examples n! this species in the Burdens show a remarkable growth I'm- their age. Individuals only SOUK- sixteen years old have acquired a height of from •"»() to (iO feet and a girth of between '} and 6 feet at breast height. A damaged tree was Mini and i he wood showed very rapid zones of growth; it had '.he eharaeteristic cedar smell and appeared to be quite suitable for the manufacture of cigar boxes and for veneering purposes. During a subsequent visit to Aburi I was shown a polished plank .•ut from this tree. The grain was beautiful. Specimens of the wood have, I understand, been sent to Europe for exhibition. The species up here loses its leaves during the dry season, at which period it bears fruit. The flowers appear in the rains. i am inclined to believe that this tree will prove invaluable for re-afforesting the denuded hillsides in the vicinity of Aburi; its rapid growth makes it eminently suitable for this purpose. Its deciduous habit, however, will necessitate subsequent under- planting with some evergreen species if the soil is to be adequately protected during the dry season. This species also thrives at Olokemeji and at Ebuta Metta in the Western Province of Southern Nigeria. It produces great quantities of seed at a comparatively early age. Taken all round it promises to be one of the most useful of exotic timber trees in West Africa. Casuarina. — This species also does well at Aburi and shows a good growth. It should prove very useful for firewood, for re-afforesting the Accra plains, and for the first stages in creating wind breaks along the exposed sea-coast. The West Indian and South American mahoganies, Swietenia MaJtocjani and $. macrophylla are not doing well here. Their growth is poor and is being checked by the attacks of an insect that damages the leading shoots. Similar damage up to a certain age is done to the indigenous Khaya Puncliii (a closely related genus) in the Calabar Gardens. Examples of the American species grown at Olokemeji, Western Province, Southern Nigeria, in a somewhat drier climate suffer in just the same manner from insect attacks. There is one well-grown, healthy-looking Swietenia of moderately large size, however, to be seen in the Ebuta Metta Gardens in Lagos, where the rain- fall is much in excess of that at Olokemeji. The East Indian teak tree (Tectonct grand/is) has not proved a success in these gardens. The growth is poor for the age of the plants and probably the soil is not suitable for it. At Olokemeji, where there is an impermeable ''pan" just below the soil, teak becomes " stag-headed " at a very early age. It shows slightly better growth at Ebuta Metta near Lagos, but I have nowhere in West Africa seen healthy, well-grown specimens of this species. On rich and deep alluvial soils close to the banks of perennial streams, where dense evergreen vegetation is the pre- vailing type, it will no doubt prove more successful, provided it is protected against crowding out by indigenous plants. Though it is a typical tree of the " mixed deciduous forests " of Burma, I have occasion ally in some of the moistest evergreen forests of GOLD COAST— REPOKT ON FORESTS. 15 that country found numbers of trees growing1 luxuriantly in rich alluvial ' pockets " of -soil. Hence, provided it is planted in deep soil, I see no reason why it should not grow well within the evergreen forest belt of West Africa. As far as I am aware, no determined effort has yet been made for the introduction of this tree to the Coast. Any experiments made in this direction are well worth the trouble and expense, as the reward of success will be great. The Padauk (Pterocarpus indicus). — The only specimen to be seen in the gardens does not look healthy and has not acquired the typical habit. The same remarks apply to other Indian trees, such as Dal- bergia Sixsoo and Dalbergia lalifnlia, specimens of which are growing in the gardens. In addition to the experimental cultivation of various plants of economic value, much attention has been paid by the Agricul- tural Department of the Gold Coast to the most suitable methods of preparing the indigenous rubbers, and some fine examples of Funtumia elastica ' biscuits ' were seen. Research work in connection with the extraction of palm oil from the nuts of the numerous varieties of the oil palm has also been undertaken : several distinct varieties of that species have apparently been established and their products isolated. The results when pub- lished should prove of great value to the palm-oil industry. A well-arranged Herbarium, containing specimens of a large number of indigenous plants, has been formed, and is very useful to students of the flora of tropical West Africa. The value of the collection is enhanced by the fact that the bulk of the speci- mens have been named from identifications carried out at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and that it contains duplicates of a large number of type specimens. The part played by the Agricultural Department of this Colony in developing the local cocoa industry is well known, and has in itself justified the expenses incurred in the up-keep of the Department. It deserves every encouragement and the most generous treatment at the hands of the Administration. During my visit to Aburi, both the Acting Director of Agriculture and the Curator took every opportunity of helping me in my inquiries concerning the indigenous timber trees and other useful plants of the country. Reports and documents relating to these' matters were placed unreservedly at my disposal, and I was helped in every possible way. I take this opportunity of acknowledging my indebtedness to those officers, and of expressing my thanks for the assistance rendered. Before leaving Aburi for my return journey to Accra, I was shown the source of the precarious water supply of the former town. The flow of what, a few years back, was a perennial stream affording an ample supply of water has now dwindled down to one or two trickles, and indications are not wanting of the stream running dry in the near future. This scarcity of water has undoubtedly resulted from the diminished supply of moisture in the soil, resulting from the destruction of the forests. 16 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. After a short stay at Accra I left, on the 8th of January, 1908, for Sekondi, by the mail steamer " Burutu," arriving there the next afternoon. Whilst my carriers were being procured, stores purchased, and arrangements being made for a prolonged trip into the forests, I took the opportunity of visiting the saw-mills at Gaiyin Krom, 12i miles up the railway line, and of examining the forests in their vicinity. The vegetation near Sekondi itself is of the mixed deciduous type, with, if anything, a preponderance of evergreens. The rainfall of this place is much below 50 inches a year ; to this is due the presence of extensive patches of grass lands a few miles up the railway, and the occurrence there of large numbers of the Daleb palm, Borassus flabelliformis. I also noticed some examples of Dialium guineense, the presence of which is another certain indication of only a moderate rainfall. The hillsides on which farming has been carried out are already in places over- grown with grass, and a continuance of the extensive fellings of the bush, after the native methods of farming, will undoubtedly tend to push the deciduous vegetation further inland to places at present occupied by the densest of evergreen forest. The invasion has already started. If there is any wholesale clearing of the vegetation which clothes the main ridges and borders the more important streams on those portions of the West African coast possessing a medium rainfall of 50 inches and under, there is great danger of per- manently reducing the water supply of the country, and of en- couraging the spread of deciduous-leafed vegetation and, above all, that of the grasses. During my stay at Sekondi, Messrs. J. H. Nicholas and Brett very kindly gave me much useful information regarding the timber trade of the Colony and the different kinds of wood exported to Europe ; they showed me various samples of timber, and marked for me on the maps the distribution of the more important forest areas, both of the Colony and Ashanti. They were also good enough to place their house near the saw-mills at my disposal, to invite me to wander freely all over their timber concessions, and to supply me with guides and natives familiar with the forests and the vegetation ; in short, they helped me in every possible way. For all this assistance aiul kindness I tender my best thanks to those gentlemen. As one passes up the railway line towards the saw-mills (which are situated alongside the railway at a distance of 12£ miles from Sekondi), some fairly extensive patches of grassland are met with; they are dotted about with the palm, Borassus flabelli- formis, and small clumps of bush containing Yitcx cuneata, Vitex macrophylla, Anona senegalensis, Sarcoceplialus escii- lentus, and other plants typical of the Savannah forests ; beyond this comes a belt of mixed deciduous forest much honeycombed with clearings made for the native farms. These fellings are comparatively recent, and have not yet been repeated sufficiently often to convert the existing type of vegetation into the open Savannah forests. The clearings are, however, being gradually . [GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 17 invaded by grass, and the conversion, under present conditions, is but a matter of a few years. This belt of mixed deciduous forests gradually and almost imperceptibly passes, as one pro- ceeds further up the line, into the typical moist evergreen tropical forest (tropical rain forest of Schiniper) so common along the West Coast of Africa wherever the rainfall is sufficiently heavy to favour that type of vegetation. Gaiyin Krom (the saw-mills) is situated in the midst of such an evergreen moist forest. The land rises rather abruptly shortly after leaving Sekondi, and then continues with a more or less undulating character up to the saw-mills. The difference in level between Sekondi and this place is, however, slight, and only amounts to a few hundred feet. The saw-mills have been established mainly for the purpose of supplying the mines with converted timber of local origin, but the demands of the larger towns, such as Sekondi and Kumasi, for such produce have not beeu overlooked, and every endeavour is being made to satisfy local wants. The mills are fitted with one large circular saw and some small auxiliary ones. They are of a rather antiquated pattern, but appear to serve their purpose fairly well. The bulk of the timber converted is procured from the tree known to the natives as Kaku, a species of Lophira, probably L. procera, the wood of which is hard and extremely durable, more so than any other West African timber. It is especially suited for sleepers, of which large quantities are turned out by the mills, and for underground structures that are exposed to much moisture. Logs of mahogany, cedar, and odoum (Iroko) also are cut up for local use, and occasionally trimmed for export to Europe. The mills no doubt serve a very useful purpose, and .should be encouraged. There is great scope out here for the creation of a regular demand for local woods to replace the large quantities of foreign produce imported from Europe. The West African forests contain several excellent species of timber trees that can furnish all that is desired in the way of woods suitable for furniture and other constructive purposes ; and it should be possible with proper management to place such woods on the local markets at a less cost than the imported material. Such a demand for local produce would enable several kinds of wood to be utilised on the Coast, woods which, though they do not command a ready sale in Europe, have a good reputation on the West Coast for durability and general usefulness. Up to the present only a very few of the different species of timber trees composing the West African forests have been exploited for the European market. The balance, which contains several useful kinds, has been practically left untouched. A local trade in the latter would utilise material which is standing wasting in the forests, and render of some value large tracts of forest land that are at present worthless so far as the timber industry is concerned. Hitherto, only timber cut from the various species of Khaya (mahoganies), Pseudocedrela (cedars), the N'yankom (Heritiera utilis), Bosse (species of Guarea), and the Pebedum (Lovoa Klaineana), has been exported in any quantities to Europe, gene- 12315 B 18 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. rally under one or the other of the two comprehensive trade names of "West African Mahogany" and "West African Cedar." A few logs of the Odoum (Chlorophora excelsa), the Baku (Mimusops Djarc), and some others have from time to time been sent to Europe, but such shipments have met with scant encouragement in the home markets. It is with a view to creating a demand for these woods, the good properties of which are well recognised and appreciated in West Africa, that efforts should be made to start local markets for them. The markets would, of course, be best fed by the establishment of saw-niills along the main lines of export. CHAPTER II. THE FORESTS OF THE GAIYIN KROM CONCESSION. The country in the vicinity of the saw-mills is undulating in character; towards the east some well-defined ridges form the water-parting between the Win and Pra Rivers. The soil con- sists mainly of clay sands with a good admixture of humus. The soil of the lowest depressions is marshy, and contains a larger percentage of clay. On the higher ridges to the east a few outcrops of quartz occur. The average annual rainfall appears to be about 80 inches, and it is fairly well distributed through the year. The spells of extremely dry weather accompanying the desiccating " Harmattan " winds are of short duration, and do not last long enough to have any permanent effect on the vegetation. The latter belongs to the type known to Indian foresters as the moist, evergreen tropical forests, in which the bulk of the plants are hygrophilous, and those with the deciduous habit quite the exception. The forest consists mainly of secondary growth of great age, and towards the east becomes almost primeval in character. The trees there are of immense size. The leaf canopy is almost complete, and the undergrowth thinner than it is in the younger secondary growth close to thf railway line. It has been fairly rich in valuable timber trees but the majority of the latter, especially those of exploitable size situated within easy hauling distance of the saw-mills, has now been felled. Light tram lines have recently been con- structed to tap the remoter portions of the Concession, and there is no doubt that the lapse of a few more years will see the com- plete exhaustion of the stock of timber of marketable dimensions. The younger secondary forests are dominated by the following trees, placed in descending order of frequency :- 1. The Dahomah (Piptadenia africana). One of the commonest lives of the tropical evergreen forests, in which it is universally distributed. In habit it is partially deciduous during the dry season, more especially where it has sprung up on lands that have once been cleared for farms. Quite recently, specimens of the wood exhibited at Liverpool have attracted the attention of some of the timber brokers. If a demand for this timber should ever arise in the home markets, the supply will be found to meet GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 19 almost any calls made on it. The reproduction of this speciesis very fair, and the age gradations better represented than is usually the case with West African timber trees. 2. The ~\]~(i>r-iriitr of the Fantis (TripJorliiton J <>!/ nsunii). A fine lofty tree that attains large dimensions. It is found throughout the evergreen and mixed deciduous forests of the Gold Coast and Southern Nigeria, right up to the limits of the open Savannah forests. It reproduces itself freely by seed, and young plants spring up in large numbers on recently abandoned farm lands. The age gradations are well represented. The species attains its maximum frequency in the mixed deciduous forests of the country. Like the Dahomah it is one of the few species that appear to be if anything rather favoured by the clearings made in the forests for farming purposes. On aban- doned areas of that character, it quickly gains the ascendancy over most of its competitors. It is partially deciduous in its habits, even in the moist forests. In the deciduous type, I have sometimes noticed it to be almost completely denuded of leaves during the dry season of the year. The wood is of fine grain, light in colour, and only moderately hard; it is well suited for the internal fittings to houses, and, in fact, for all purposes where it would not be exposed too much to rain. It is quite good enough in quality to replace the imported pitch-pine, and it is extremely abundant ; our West African forests contain sufficient supplies not only to meet large demands for it in the home markets, but also in the local ones. The tree has an excellent form figure, and carries its girth up well to the first branches. 3. The Assomah of the Fantis (Parkia species). One of the West African locust-bean trees, the pod of which is edible. This species is an evergreen. 4. The Offram tree of the Fantis (a species closely related to Terminalia superhn). This is a beautiful straight-stemmed tree of good-form figure, with the branches coming out at right angles to the stem in almost regular whorls. It is flat-topped and has a great range through the forest areas •jf the Gold Coast. In the mixed deciduous forests, and up to the limits of the Savannah lands, it is deciduous, but in the nioister regions it is almost an evergreen. It seeds most copiously, and like the Waw-u'aw and the Dahomah springs up freely on abandoned fann lands. The wood is light in colour, and as it splits very freely and regularly, it is much used for shingles by the Ashantis and other cognate tribes. The shingles last, on the average, for about seven years. No doubt if tarred they would prove to be much more durable. 5. The Afram of the Fantis (probably a species of Parinarium}. A common tree in the moist forests. Grows to a large size, but the wood is light, soft and porous, and almost useless. The fruits are edible. 6. Eriodendron anfi-actuos inn. The Common West African silk-cotton tree, and one of the giants of the moist forests. 7. The Kaku (Lophira procera). This is the " red iron-wood ' tree of Southern Nigeria ; the wood is of a deep reddish-brown 12315 B 2 20 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. colour, hard and very durable. Tin- Kaku is a medium-sized free, confined to the evergreen forests of the niar/timc /one. and its northern limit is roughly about the latitude of Lhinkwa Station on the railway. It is very partial to .swampy areas, seeds freely, and has the age gradations fairly well represented. It furnishes one of the best fuel woods of West Africa. 8. The Xya-mc-dna (Al*tDul>hn (Khaya sp.). This is the common mahogany of the Gold Coast, and appears to be closely related to Khaya Punchii, of Southern Nigeria. It sometimes attains enormous dimensions, and one huge example was seen on the eastern boundary of the Concession. Like all members of this genus, it exudes a gum from any injuries made on the lower portion of the bole. The bulk of the mahogany shipped from the Gold Coast is procured from this species. 10. The Emril (species of Terminalia) has somewhat the habit of the Off ram. The wood is of a yellowish colour, has a pretty grain, and is well suited for house boarding- and other internal fittings. It is fairly durable. In the older forests the species that maintain their donii- nances are, in descending order of frequency, the silk-cotton tree (Eriodendi-on anfractuosiim), the above-mentioned Dahomah (Piptadenia africana)', the KnT\n (Lopliira procera), in swampy and moist localities; the Wau'-waw (Triplochiton Johnsonii) on higher ground; the Offram (Terminalia superbfi); the Gold Coast mahogany, Dubini of the Fantis (species close to K/iatja PuncJiii); the Baku (Mimu.sops Djave), which occasionally grows to an enormous size and yields an excellent wood; the Kokoti (Pynaertia ealaensis), another good timber tree that also yields a first-class fuel; the Punkwa (Pseiidocedrela cylindrica), which produces the bulk of the cedar shipped to Europe ; the Odo u in (Chlorophora ea'-celsa), that furnishes the most useful wood in "West Africa; the oil-bean tree, Athawali of the Fantis (Pentacletfira macrophylla), the seeds of which are rich in vege- table fats; the Ote (a species of Myrixtica); the Essia (Coin- bretum species) ; the Asomah (Parl'ia species) ; and the red- flowered silk-cotton tree (Bomba.r buonopozense) . Among the rarer trees the following species were noticed: The Kixlna (Sarcocephalus esculentus), the timber of which is of a bright yellowish colour, hard and very durable- tins species attains a large size in these moist forests, but further inland, in the dry Savannah forests, it acquires the habit of a shrub: the Ttiinnrc (I)ctarium species), a good timber tree of lofty dimensions: the A irama (Ridnodendron (ifricanus), the seeds of which are rich in oil ; T el ra pleura Tlintiuinaii, with edible fruit; and Antiaris to.ricaria var. africana, a large tree, the bast fibres of which are beaten out to form a native cloth. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 21 Amongst the smaller-sized trees the following species occur ill these forests : - Berlinia u<-n nuiKitn ; Musanga Smithii; Myrinnthiix arborcux : Monoilora myristica', Monodora tenuifolia', the A/ana (not iden- tified botanically) ; the Apnn-u, ;ilso not identified; Voacanga africana; and Rauwolfia vomitoria. Scandent palms, such as species of Calamus and phyllum and rul)ber vines such as Landolphia and Carpodinus liirxuta, are the most conspicuous lianes to be seen climbing over the tops of the trees, whilst the feebler and more succulent plants of a similar habit are repre- sented by climbing- avoids of the genera Culrusiu, ('frccxfi.t. and Raphidophora, which, however, confine their attention- to the stems and larger branches of the trees. Various epi- phytic orchids, such as species of Angrascum, Megaclinum, &c., and ferns of the genera Asplenium and Platycerium are also noticeable features of the vegetation. Swamp Vegetation^. As a rule, the depressions and low valleys in the Graiyin Krom Concession are marshy, and such areas are inhabited by species characteristic of fresh-water swamps. Amongst others, the trees are represented by the Bat/a (Mitragyne macrophylla), the wood of which has occasionally been shipped home to Europe as "West African mahogany"; the Kakn (Lnplni-a procera) along the edges of the swamps; Macrolobium Palisoti, with a hard red wood: the Nya-me-dua (Alstonia con- fjenxis), the soft wood of which is used by the Ashanti and cognate tribes for the manufacture of native stools and the latex for adulterating that of the silk rubber tree (Fiintuiiiin cluxfica) ; the screw pine (Pandanus candeldbnrm) ; the bamboo — or Toutbo —palm (Raphia vinif era) ; Calamus Bartcn; SarcocepHalus 1'ns- seggeri; and Anthocleista nobilis. Vegetation on clearings. The plants that spring up on very recently abandoned clear- ings such as those along the telegraph line and both sides of the railway consist, in addition to seedlings and coppice shoots of the more dominant trees, mainly of shrubby and herbaceous species, some of which, however, attain the dimensions of small trees. The most conspicuous of the latter is the " umbrella tree" (Mu^ant/a SwifJiii) of European residents on the Gold Coast. This species is extremely prolific and rapidly occupies such areas: others are the large 1 crnoinu frondosa, Myrianthus a/' ho reiix and Haronga madagascariensis . The shrubby and herbaceous vegelation is represented amongst climbers by species of Combretum, Mussaenda, and Acficiti. />t'ti tnilti, whilsl those with the erect habit belong 1<> the genera A-TnorpliopJiollus, AcalypJia, d'Qtalaria, /In/at*, 22 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. At/cm/ u/ii, Helichrysu'ni, Achyranthes, Aerua, and to fibre- yielding1 weeds such as species of Urena and Triumfetta. As regards the natural replacement of the timber trees and other plants of economic, importance, 1 found that of the Off rani, \Vaw-waw, Kaku, and Ddhomah to be excellent. The mahoganies and cedars, though they seed freely, are not so successful, as, owing to the dense undergrowth, the seedlings are choked, and comparatively few reach the sapling stage. The same difficulty occurs in the case of that fine timber tree, the Baku. Where clearings have been made by felling trees in the vicinity of the older cedars and mahoganies during the ordinary course of exploitation and along the dragging paths, quite a lot of seedlings of these two species spring up, and, if the clearings are kept open for two or three seasons, as they frequently are in the case of some of the main hauling roads, a fairly large proportion get a sufficiently good start to enable them to hold their own with other species in the struggle for light. The density of stock of the different species is very variable, being as high as two to three trees per acre in the case of the trees mentioned as possessing excellent natural regeneration, and as low as .25 to .1, approximately, in the case of the mahoganies and cedars. The above estimates are only rough approximations, and are useful more for showing the propor- tion* in which the different species occur than as a basis for calculating the quantity of growing stock. For the latter many more surveys in greater detail are needed : the time at my disposal was far too short to admit of such operations being carried out. The above figures, however, are sufficiently accu- late for the purposes of rough estimates. Tlie Age Gradations. Taken as a whole, these are not well represented, especially in the case of the most valuable timber trees. Whole classes are often missing, and the most frequent gaps occur between saplings and trees of nu'dium age. The mahoganies and cedars are usually worse off in this respect than the less useful species. Amongst the dominant kinds, trees such as the N'dic-tcaic, the Kaku, the Dalwntali, and the Off rain have their age classes fairly well represented; but even in their cases the gradations are uneven and important gaps often occur. In the older forests the bulk of the arboreal growing stock is over-mature and regeneration tellings, carried out, with considerable care and judgment, will be necessary before the forests can be transposed into anything like the normal type. The younger forests are rather better off in this respect, but the wholesale felling of the \vgitalion for fanning purposes has generally resulted in favouring species that do not at present happen to l>e of much economic importance. The Struggle for dominance amongst the members that spring up GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 23 cm recently abandoned farm lands is intense, and the victory falls to the lot of comparatively few species, such as the Waw- iraic, the Off rain, the 'Atrama, and the Kaku, the first and second of which appear to be specially adapted for quickly gaining1 the mastery over their competitors. As a rule, owing to the practice of the natives of grubbing up and burning the roots of the large trees felled on the sites of the more care- fully farmed areas, the proportion amongst the individuals forming the secondary growth (that springs up when the farm lands are allowed to become fallow) of those that have origi- nated from coppice shoots is not so large as one would expect ; quite a respectable number have their origin from seeds blown on to the clearings from trees in the adjacent woods. Three out of the four species 'mentioned above as being most successful in the "struggle for existence' on recently aban- doned farm lands possess winged seeds tJiat are sufficiently bulky and heavy to enable them to reach the ground through the usual dense growth of weeds that spring up on such areas. The fourth species, the exception, is the Air a ma (Ricinoden- dron africanu-s) ; its fruits are eagerly sought after by frugi- roro/tx bats, but I have not yet been able to settle definitely the question as to whether the fruits are carried a sufficient distance by these mammals and then dropped or not. That they do occasionally carry the fruits and drop them a short distance from the trees is certain. Perhaps the reasons for the dominance >of the Awama are to be sought for elsewhere. Another point that favours these dominant species is their rapid growth when young; this, coupled with the excellent dispersal of the seeds and the ability of the latter to reach the soil quickly, enables the plants to occupy new clearings promptly. Enema Krom Concession . To the west of the railway line, Mr. Higginbotham, the owner of the saw-mills, possesses another concession, in which he has started a small rubber and cocoa plantation. The forests in this direction are of much the same type as those growing to the east of the railway, and, if anything, are of more recent origin. The area has apparently been subjected to heavier fellings in the past for farming purposes than the Gaiyin Krom block. The dominant trees here are Dahomah, Off rant. II utr-tnnr, and the Assomah (Parkia species). A few exceptionally well- grown Odot/'inx (Chloro/ilioi-ii cscelxii) were seen, and one rare species, the Pebedoum (Lovoa Klaineana), was found by me for the first time. The wood of this tree is excellent; it much resembles teak, and has been shipped home to Europe by Apollonian timber merchants of the Axim district. The example seen by me was of an exceptionally large sixe and towered over the rest of the forest trees. The portion of the concession gone over was rather drier than tiie block lying to the east of the railway, and a species of 24 COLONIAL 11EPOKTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Alhi::iti, probably .1. rhombi/olia, not seen, in the Gaiyin Krom, occurs here. This species is rather partial to the drier portions of the moist forests, and, with some others of the same genus, is much more plentiful in the forests further north, where a larger proportion of trees with the deciduous habit are to be found. South-east of the saw-mill, along1 the old road to iShama and close to the site of Nicholas Krom, the forest is very old and contains some trees of lofty growth and a large girth. Some fine examples of the Kokoti (Pynaertia ealaensis) were shown to me by Mr. Brett in this forest, where we^also noticed ;i fair number of the ordinary Gold Coast mahogany (K/uri/n species), the Odouni and the Kaku. Very large examples of the Baku and the ordinary silk-cotton tree (Eriodendron anfractuosum) are found here and there, and the undergrowth in such places is not so thick and tangled as it is in the younger secondary forests. The rubber-yielding vine, Landolphia Klainei is quite common ; its huge globular fruit, almost the size of a man's head, were often found lying about the path. Close to the banks of a fairly large perennial stream the vegetation is very fine, and is a typical example of a Tropical Evergreen High Forest, or, as Dr. A. F. W. Schimper calls it, a " Tropical Rain Forest" of West Africa. The forest in ques- tion is bathed in the same humid atmosphere, containing trees of lofty growth connected one with another by lianes and a perfect network of smaller climbers; the stems are covered with epiphytes of various descriptions, and under all the same dense gloomy shade 'with its tangled Undergrowth prevails as in the type. JOURNEY ACROSS THE LOWER VALLEYS or THE ANKOBRA AND TANO RIVERS THROUGH THE DISTRICTS OF LOWER WAS SAW, UPPER WAS SAW, LOWER DENKIRA, AND THENCE BACK TO THE RAILWAY LINE AT DUNKWTA. The carriers engaged for me having arrived, I proceeded on the 2()th of January by rail to Tarkwa, where I met Mr. K. Burbridge, Curator of the Gardens, who had been instructed to accompany me during my journeys through the Gold Coast forests. One day was taken up in completing arrangements, and we left that place on the 22nd for an extended tour through the Wassaw and Lower Denkira districts in directions which I hoped would enable us to form a fair estimate of the value and extent of the forests clothing the lower and middle drainage areas of the Tano and Ankobra rivers. Before describing that journey in detail, I may remark that the railway-line between, the saw-mills and Tarkwa passes through nmi>t evergreen tropical forest the whole way, and that the country is hilly and Avell watered --most of the valleys being occupied either 'by perennial streams or fresh-water swamps. In the neighbourhood d ihe more important villages such as Mansu and A^uaso extensive clearings have been made for farms, the abandoned sites of which are now mainly occupied by the GOLD COAST — KEPOKT ON FORESTS. "25 "umbrella tree" (Musniuja Sniitltii), the ] )i ii ni Palixotii : Pentaclethra macrophylla, the seeds of which, however, are rich in vegetable oil; the Asomali (species of Parkia) which is rare; the .\'7\otan (an under- mentioned species), from the wood of which the charcoal used by the native goldsmiths is prepared. This small tree is partial to swampy localities and is supported on long aerial roots (" Prop roots" of Schiinper): the Abntnasi'bi (species of Garcinu:'}. also fond of swampy soils, and the OJcisibiri (a species not yet identi- GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 27 fied for want of specimens of the flowers), the timber of which is called the " flint wood " by the European miners, and is exces- sively hard. It is used for mine props, and is said to be very durable and immune to the attacks of termites (" white ants "). This small tree only grows on high well-drained land and is never, as far as I know, found in the moist hollows close to streams. The s \vampy areas are inhabited by the same species mentioned before as composing the fresh-water swamp forests found in the neighbourhood of the saw-mills at Gaiyin Krorn. The cosmopolitan silk cotton tree is of course found everywhere, and forms a conspicuous feature of most West African landscapes. The Huni River, close to the ferry opposite the village, has some fairly deep pools that are crowded with a beautiful white flowered lily-like Amaryllid, Cnnuin natan*. There is also a fine specimen of the Baku tree (Mimuxopx Jjjace) to be seen on the left bank close to the place where the main road crosses the stream. The next march was from Hunisu to Prestea. This again was across very broken country intersected by two fairly high ranges of hills that are clothed with rather dense evergreen tropical forests. Forests of secondary growth and of comparatively recent age are, however, the prevailing forms to be met with, especially along the roadside in the vicinity of the present villages or their old abandoned sites. The oil palm, which has up to this point apparently been scarce, now makes its appearance for the first time in somewhat large numbers, but it does not seem to be anything like as fine a tree as it is in some parts of Southern Nigeria. Cedars are far from rare on the higher ridges and a few examples of the ordinary Diibini were also seen. The descent from the water-parting between the Ankobra River and its feeder, the Huni, to the banks of the former is rather abrupt, and ends in very swampy ground, probably reduced to that con- dition by the overfkrw from the river. Before the final descent is made the water-parting assumes a somewhat terraced forma- tion, the narrow plateau-like steps of which are usually very moist and give rise to numerous .small feeders of the Huni and Ankobra Rivers. Some huge examples of the Baku were seen about here as well as fine specimens of the Odouin. After cross- ing the Ankobra River, which at this, the lower, ford, is a fail- sized -i ream with a sandy bottom and high, steep banks, a stiff climb brought us to the crest of the range on one of the lower western spurs of which the mines are situated. Near the top of the ridge I noticed some more cedars, Pseudocedrela cylindrica, a new species, and examples of the gum copal tree (Cyanothyrsus oyea) ; a very large species of Piptadenia, and an apparently new species of Brachystegia, of elegant pro- portions. The forest about here appeared to me to be somewhat drier than those we had lately come through, otherwise it is very similar to the vegetation found near Huuisu, and only differs in minor details such as the relative proportions in which the different species are found growing together and in the appearance of a few others not seen in the forests previously examined. The Awama (Tticinodendron africanus), for instance, 28 COLONIAL KEPOUTS — MISCELLANEOUS. is inure plentiful about here than it is at Huuisu, and so is the Waw-waw. \Ve spent a day at Prestea in order to ascertain the character of the fellings made for supplying' the mines with fuel. For this we walked along the light tramway-line, leading to luira Junction, for a few miles in that direction. The felling zone is limited to about 500 yards on either side of tlie line, which is utilised as the main haulage track. AVe found that the bulk of the arboreal vegetation had been cut within this zone with the exception of the following species, the wood of which has been found to be difficult to split into billets, and has there- fore been discarded by the native contractors who supply the mines with fuel. The favoured species are : — The Daliomah (Piptadenia africana). The Atltaira/i (Pentaclethra macrophylla) . A species of Brachystegia. A species of Dialium. Of these the first two are the most important, as one of them, the At/iawah, is the oil bean tree, and the other, judging from recent inquiries made at home about the wood, is likely to turn out a useful timber tree. All other species of arboreal habit have been felled, including Khayas, Pseudocedrelas, the Kakit, the Baku, Kokoti, Kishia, Off ram, Kmril, &c. Those that have from experience been found to be the best for heating purposes are, in descending order of merit, the Kaku, the Kokoti ', the Baku, Dubiiii (Kliaya}, ^yankon, &c. Some exceptionally fine pieces of timber from the latter species that had been split up as firewood Avere seen. The wood is very similar to that of the mahogany (Khai/a), and has the same brilliant lustre along the radially fractured planes, due to the conspicuous " silvery grain " of the medullary rays as seen in that section. 'Situated as those mines are, a very long distance from any sea-port, the general use of coal would on account of the expense of transport be prohibitive, and under these circum- stances the only alternative is to utilise the fuel obtained locally from the forests. The cost of obtaining this even is prohibitive, unless (with the exception of the woods that are difficult to split) every species standing in the forests can be cut up and used for firewood. Any attempt in these areas at trying to protect valuable species such as the Dulj ini, Kal-tt, Baktt, Kokoti, &»•., simply means that the balance of the arboreal vegetation would not be worth exploiting for fuel, for these trees possess the good calorific properties, and they form the main mass of the vegetation. It so happens that the very timbers that are most useful for export and for local purposes are also best for fuel. Hut under these circumstances it would be folly to place any restrictions on the cutting of the forests for fuel; such restrictions would end in stifling the gold-mining industry in inaccessible localities where i( is already difficult enough to make the revenue balance the expenditure. In my opinion only two conditions should be allowed under the present condition of the GOLD COAST — UKPORT <>N FORESTS. 29 gold mining industry t<» determine any such restrictions; these are the signs of a change in the climate (water supply) towards a drier condition or a marked denudation oi the hillsides. Of these two the former is b}* far tiie greater danger to be guarded against, and at the first symptoms of such a change occurring the fellings should be placed under the control of a Forest Department. Fortunately in the " Umbrella tree' (Musanga Sinitliii), however troublesome a plant it may be when competing against the growth of more valuable timber trees, we possess a species of extraordinarily rapid growth and strong dominance that quickly and effectually occupies cleared areas, and with the help of the dense shade cast by its foliage affords ample pro- tection to the soil against the action of the sun and of desiccating winds. In the vicinity of the Prestea mines whole hillsides that have been denuded of tree growth are now clothed with pure, dense patches of that species, and providing such cover is not removed at too frequent intervals, as would be the case if the felling rotation was a short one, the're is but little danger of any marked effect being produced on the climate, especially as the locality in question is surrounded by tropical evergreen high forest and is far removed from any arid tracts of country. As the question of a cheap fuel is of vital importance to the mines, the felling of valuable timber trees for that purpose, especially when the timber they yield happens to be the best in heating pro- perties, should be considered, so far as the interests of the timber trade are concerned, as of but small importance. After all, the use of timber for fuel is a well-recognised one, and whole forests are systematically exploited for that purpose. It is simply a question of local convenience, and to which purpose the product of the trees happens at any particular place to be of the most value. But for whatever purpose the forests are exploited they should, as far as possible, be placed under the treatment that best ensures the objects in view and provides for a continuous supply of produce. "With this important principle in mind there is but one condition at present that I would insist on when the forests are being exploited for fuel, and that is that the stems of the trees should, wherever possible, be felled flush with the ground so as to promote the regeneration of the forests by means of coppice shoots which this method of ctttting favours. Of course in the ca-se of trees provided with large buttresses the fellings will have to be made at a greater height from the ground, above the point where the buttresses merge into the stem, other- wise the expense and time taken up in cutting through the former would be prohibitive. However, whenever it is possible to do so, the felling of the timber flush with the ground should be insisted upon. Even in the case of buttressed stems, when once cut through, the subsequent felling of the large coppice shoots that spring up from the stumps will present no further difficulty as they will in general not be furnished with buttresses or possess only feebly developed ones when cut at that age. Under this system the expense of cutting through the buttresses will be incurred once for all and will not be recurrent. Where large timber is also in demand, as it is at most of the mines, the ideal system of managing the forests is that known 30 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. technically as the method of " coppice with standards," which provides both for fuel ;md large timber, or an alternative method, and one which would perhaps be simpler, would be to set aside certain are;is for the production of large timber and exploit the balance for fuel under the simple "coppice" method. Which- ever system is adopted the " working plan " for the same should be drawn up by the Forestry Department, the members of which would explain its provisions to the mining authorities concerned and help them in carrying it out by general advice and super- vision. I understand that the mining leases in most instances carry with them the right to all timber growing on the land, and it is a moot point as to what amount of control, if any, Government can exercise over the fellings on such property. There is one point, however, in this connection that is universally recognised and acted upon in all European countries, and that is the right of the State to control any acts that by excessive or improper exploitation of the forests or "by their destruction imperil the climatic factors of the country, or, as in the cases of avalanches and landslips, the life and property of the inhabitants. To this extent, then, I imagine liovernment could interfere should occa- sion arise with the exploitation of the forests growing on areas leased to the mining companies. I do not, however, anticipate any difficulty in getting the mining people to adopt simple and inexpensive methods of exploiting the forests under their control, provided they are helped by the advice of the professional Government foresters. I think they will readily accept such advice if it is given in a proper spirit and not forced upon them in the form of rules and ordinances. This system of the exercise of the very lightest control is, however, only possible as long as the climatic factors of the mining localities do not alter for the worse; as soon as the first- signs of such a change are observed it will be necessary for Government to exercise greater authority over the methods under which the forests are being exploited. The construction of more railways (one is already being built to the Prestea group of mines), and the general improvement of lines of communication which will no doubt become established facts during the next few years, will probably relieve the pressure on the forests as sources of fuel, and enable other substances to replace wood for that purpose long before any marked effects on the climate and soil can be experienced. I have written at some length on this question of the fuel supply for the mines as the latter represent a very important industry of the countnr, and it is advisable that their develop- ment should be hampered as little as possible by vexatious inter- ferences in the form of forest legislation. Some of the mine managers are already considering the advisability of planting up cleared areas with valuable species of rubber-yielding plants and with cocoa. This is an excellent idea, and if followed out should prove of great pecuniary benefit to the companies, as the initial expense of clearing the areas of tree vegetation, which is always the greatest expense to be incurred in such ventures, has already GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 31 been borne under the heading of cost of fuel, and the same felling operations will then serve two purposes instead of only one. Such planting operations should, however, if they are expected to help towards the protection of the soil against ex- posure, be undertaken with species with the evergreen habit and not alone with those that drop their leaves in the hottest and driest season of the year, as is unfortunately the case with the i'ara rubber plant (I [even- brasiliensis) , one of the quickest growing, hardiest, and best rubber producers known. This species has the deciduous habit most pronounced when growing in localities having a well - marked and prolonged dry se;isrly direction as far as the Tano- .\ nkohra skater-parting. I'ehveen the J'rcstea mining camp and the adjacent group of the Bromase mines the country continues to be hilly and the forest vegetation has been extensively cleared for firewood and for tin1 farms from which the food supply of the native settle- i urn is connected with the mining industry is procured. The descent to the Ankobra lUver, which separates the two groups of mine's, is rocky and abrupt, and its channel is much obstructed by huge outcrops of rock; the crossing is very different in character to the lower one, where the bed of the river is covered with sands and gravel and the water quite shallow. Prestea and Hromase are connected by a light tram-line, which is, however, interrupted at the crossing, but an overhead wire enables bundles ol fuel to be slung over from one side to the other without difficulty. Extensive and dense patches of the " umbrella tree " (Musanga Xntif/i/i) have completely covered the clearings made for fire- wood. As the locality is extremely well watered and appears to possess a heavy rainfall there is not much danger of marked climatic changes being brought about in the near future by this destruction of the forests. Some saw-pits in which -mahogany and odoum timber had been cut up were seen, as well as large numbers of faggots procured from the N'yanl'on (Heritiera Shortly after leaving Bromase a stiff hill is encountered, after which the path follows the ridge for a long distance. This ridge is clothed for the greater part of the way with evergreen tropical high forest in which numerous examples of the Dalwmoli, the N'yankon, the Waic-icfnc, the Tiaiiin- Tlainn (a new species of Pseiidocedrela, close to P. cylindrica), a fine large tree, and a few Dubini (the ordinary Klisoil and of the conditions regulating the growth of the particular crops cultivated. To deviate from this ideal for any prolonged period results in so altering the conditions as to preclude the cultivation of the very crops that it is intended to maintain. The system adopted by the natives of the country is to clear the land of forest growth, cultivate it for one or two years, and then abandon the area for a new one. where the process is repeated, and so on till five to nine years have elapsed, when a return is made to the plot first cultivated; the young forest vegetation that has in the meanwhile sprung up on this land is then cleared, crops planted, and the whole process repeated, each area being in its turn placed under cultivation for one or two years and allowed to lie fallow for from five to nine years, as the case may be. If the people devoted their atten- tions to the same group of areas the danger done would not be so great, though the system would still be a very wastefiil one compared with more recent methods of permanent and intensive cultivation. But this is not all; a further compli- cation ensues from the habit the natives have of continually moving the sites of their farming villages as the soil gradually gets exhausted, and of taking up entirely fresh areas, covered with high forest, for cultivation. The result is that large tracks of forest-covered country, quite out of proportion to the inhabitants they have to support, become involved in the general process of destruction, and this is brought about by quite a small population. The irregular patchy condition of the evergreen forests of tropical West Africa is due to these causes; and, where the process has been continuous without any long breaks intervening, they are becoming modified into the mixed deciduous type which is the index of a drier climate, and the forerunner, given a persistence of the same causes, of the far worse conditions favoured by ;i more pronounced xero- philous vegetation. What has hitherto saved the forests as a whole from almost complete transformation into the last two types mentioned, is the fact that in the past comparatively few areas have, on account of internecine warfare, tribal invasions, disease, and other causes tending to keep the density of population at a low figure, been subjected to the continuous influence of the modifying 123JR 34 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. causes. Large tracts of country have become depopulated, and on such areas the forests have had a chance of effectively re- occupying the soil before any great damage was done. Such ill-effects are of course negligible on areas where the monsoon currents are very pronounced, but as soon as the annual rain- fall approaches anywhere near the 50-inch limit danger is to be apprehended. Forests, so far as direct observations go, appear to have no very marked effects on the quantity of rain precipitated over areas covered by them, though their influence is more pro- nounced in the tropics than it is in temperate latitudes; but their action on the soil by protecting it against exposure to sun, to desiccating winds and to the action of torrential rain, and in preserving the moisture it contains and thus sustaining and regulating the water supply of the country, as well as in bringing about a high relative humidity of the atmosphere in their neighbourhood, is of the first importance to plants dependent on such conditions of the soil and climate. An abun- dant rainfall is practically useless to hygrophilous plants demanding a large supply of moisture both in the soil and air if the former is rendered incapable by prolonged exposure of holding in suspension the requisite supply for that type of vegetation. It is this fact that explains the gradual modifica- tions going on in the forests subjected to the reckless destruction caused by the natives. The Government of India long ago recognized the dangers following the practice of shifting methods of cultivation, and had in some instances to restrict its application by suitable legislation. The introduction of such measures in West Africa is urgently called for if the water supply of the country and other climatic factors are to be preserved. Till land is actually required for cultivation (under modern systems of agriculture and not the wasteful methods of the natives) there is no better way of preserving its fertility and even improving it than to keep it under dense forest growth ; moreover, the portion actually taken up for agriculture should be thoroughly developed and not abandoned after a short period for another piece of forest land and so on, thus involving an unnecessarily large extent of forest in waste- ful destruction. After descending to the village of Dumanase one comes on 1o a low, well-watered plateau, the forests in the vicinity of which have been cleared for cultivation. Here we came across small nurseries of cocoa plants, a feature that we subsequently found to be common to all the villages we passed through. The oil palm is fairly plentiful about here. The forest is excessively moist, and, as usual in such cases, tree ferns reappear on the scene. The arboreal vegetation is mainly com- posed of TnplocJu'fon Johnsonii, Tticinndcndi-on africanus, Al- ttonid conf/rnsis, Pentad etJira macropliylla, and a few Off rams (Terminalia xttperbn) and Psevtlocedrelax. Portions of the forest, especially where the plateau ends and the land rises up into the GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 35 hills situated between the village and the Mansi River, are dis- tinctly good. Here some examples of a new species of Pipta- denia (the Okan of the Benin people) that attains large dimen- sions were seen. The country is much honeycombed with native gold-diggings, and when moving about in the dense forest growth one has to keep a sharp look-out to avoid falling into the pits. That portion of the Mansi River drainage which is situated on the left bank is occupied by some very valuable forests that are rich in all the species of timber trees usually exploited for the European markets. The species represented are, of course, only those that inhabit the moist tropical evergreen forests of the country and do not include the fine timber trees, species of Khaya (mahogany) and Pseiidocedrela (cedar), that are limited in their distribution to the drier, mixed deciduous forests found further north. The woods of the latter have, as far as I am aware, never been shipped to the home markets, as the species occupy tracts of country that have not yet been exploited. Practically the whole of the forest belts about here that are situated within a limit of two or three miles on either side of the Ankobra River and its main feeders, such as the Maiisi, have been leased to Europeans and native timber merchants by the chiefs. The particularly fine patch of forest extending from the village of Ahirisu, on the left bank of the Mansi, for several miles up stream on that side, has been leased to an Apollonian timber merchant, named Mensa, who resides in Axim. His local representative, a native of the same place, is a most intelligent person who possesses an extensive know- ledge of the timber trees of the country. He took us about various parts of the concession, showed us the areas where most of the fellings have been made, gave us much informa- tion regarding the different species that are being exploited, and generally helped us in every way possible. In addition to the comparative richness of this tract of country in species of economic importance, the most noticeable feature about it is the excellent natural regeneration of those trees and the satisfactory condition of their age gradations. The latter, of course, is really not very good, but it is far better than one usually comes across in West African forests. For these reasons I strongly recommend the bulk of the forests in the Mansi drainage being taken up as forest reserves after the present leases expire, if it is not possible to do so before. The soil in this forest is rich, contains a fair amount of moisture, and is capable of supporting trees of lofty growth. The Parkias to be met with about here are quite the tallest and largest I have ever seen. The same holds good with regard to other species, such as the Biunwc (Dctarium species), the Basse (Gmtrea species), and the Chen-Chen (Antiaris toxicaria var. africana). The cedars and mahoganies also attain large dimensions and, speaking generally, the forest is in an excel- lent condition and of great age in tlie remoter portions of the 12315 Ct2 36 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. area occupied by it. In sucli places the undergrowth is not of that tangled character so conspicuous in the younger forests of secondary growth. The latter occur in patches along the river bank and in the vicinity of the sites of deserted villages and old farms. The following species of trees have been exploited for timber in this forest : — (a.) The Dubini, the ordinary mahogany of the moist forests of the Gold Coast. (&.) The cedar known as Punkiva (Pseudocedrela cylin- drical), (c.) The cedar known as Tiarna-Tiama (another species close to P. cylindrical). (d.) The Biunwe, a lofty species of Detarium. (e.) The Basse, a species of Gaurea. (/.} The N'Yankon (Heritiera vtilis). (a.) The Baya or Yaya (Mitrayyne macropliylla). (//.) The Pebedoum (Lovoa Klaineana}. (i.} The Ehye, or " incense-tree " {Bvswellia or Santvriopsis Klaineana) . Of these the species most frequently cut are (a), (b) and (c), partly because their wood is most in demand and partly because they are as a rule more plentiful than the others. This does not, however, exhaust the list of useful timber trees to be found in these forests, as they also contain such species as the Odoum (Chlorophora excelsa) ; the Baku (Mimusops Djave) ; the Kokoti (I'ynaertia ealaen sis); the Kishia (Sarcocephalus esculentus) ; and the Emril (species of Terminalia) ; all of which yield timbers of excellent local reputation. Other species of economic importance found here are : (a.) Trees bearing fruit rich in oils. (1) The Awama (Ricinodendron africanus); fairly plentiful. (2) The oil bean-tree, Athawak {Pentadethra macropJiyUa) ; common. (3) The Baku (Mimiisops Djave) • rather uncommon. (4) The Kaku \(Lopkira procera} ; rare. (&.) Rubber-yielding plants : (1) Landolphia owariensis, iincommon. (2) Landolphia Droogmansiana? common. (3) Carpodinus hirsuta; common. (r.) Trees the wood of which is used for making shingles : (1) The Offram (Terminalia sitperba)', common. (d.) Species tluit yield Gum Copal: (1) The Asiadua (Cyanothyrsus ogea}; uncommon. Besides the above, other species forming a component part of ilie forest vegetation are the lofty Chen-chen (Antiaris toxicaria, var. africana) ; the -Duabayi or Dual-ohm {Afronnosia la.rifora), :i troi^ with a conspicuous reddish-coloured bark that peels off in large flakes: the A idea of examining them. The locality is practically uninhabited, and without his ready co-operation in procuring supplies for our carriers the trip would have proved a failure. As it was, we had great difficulty in getting enough food for our GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. fi3 men even during our short stay in the town, which is a large and influential centre, and, I should imagine, capable of supplying abundant food. However, we had the consolation of passing through a very similar (so we were informed) tract of uninhabited country, that was clothed with what is practically virgin forest, during our journey to Mohang. These forests are described below. The Forests of the upper portion of the Bia River Drainage. From the town of Mim to within a few miles of Pamo the country is covered with an almost continuous stretch of high forest that appears to be more or less virgin in character. In the neighbourhood of Kenyase Mohang a few clearings and patches of secondary growth are to be met with ; otherwise the forests have been left intact, and extend with but few interruptions right up to the zone of country forming the borderland between the areas occupied by the mixed deciduous forests and the open Savannah forests met with in north-western and northern Ashanti. The country is hilly in character with a few well-pronounced ranges forming the divide between the basins of the Tano and Bia Rivers. They do not, however, reach an altitude of more than a few hundred feet above the main valleys, and have no very marked influence on the vegetation with which they are covered. The soil is more loose in character and covered with a deeper layer of humus than that noticed during the last few days between Bibiani and Mim, and the rocks are of much older type, consisting mostly of schists and granites. Between Mim and Kenyase Mohang several important feeders of the Bia have to be crossed. They are all of them perennial streams containing much water. The neighbourhood of that river is very swampy, and the crossing difficult in consequence. From the opposite bank the country appears to rise very gradually up to the low plateaux of the open country. Water is as scarce on this side of the basin of the Bia as it is plentiful on the left bank drainage. The well-watered condition of the Bia and Tano River basins about here appears to be mainly due to the fact that those two rivers rise on the south-western slopes of the high ground form- ing the edge of the Hinterland plateau, where, on account of the elevation of the land and the aspect of the slopes (facing the direction of the south-west monsoon), the annual precipitations must be heavy. No doubt the presence of very extensive forests in that direction also accounts in part for the abundant water supply. The right bank drainage area, on the other hand, of the Bia River is not only very much smaller in extent, but it is fed from tjie eastern (protected aspect) slopes of the important and high range of hills that run close to, and almost parallel with, the eastern boundary of the Ivory Coast for a very long distance. This backbone, as it were, of the country runs practically north and south, and its western slopes intercept the larger portion of the monsoon rainfall. G4 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. 'I'll is distribution of the annual precipitations has made its eft'ects felt on the vegetation clothing these two por- tions of the l>asin of that river, with the result that in the former (left bank drainage) there is a tendency, despite the generally drier strain running through the forests, for them to revert, especially between Mini and Keuyase Mohang, where the streams are all crowded together within a comparatively short space, to the moister evergreen type in which /\*eudocedrela utilis, and another species, the TiamarTiama, of the same genus, together with the ordinary /\ Ini i/a (Dubini of the natives) as well as Khaya antliotlieca, are still to be found. Other species noticed were the Off ram, Odoum, Kokoti, and a few Piptadenias. On the right bank drainage, however, and even in the drier portions of the left bank side, species such as the Duakobin, Afzelia africana, Sterculia Barteri, S. cordifolia, S. lotnentosa, Albizzia Brownei, and another species, Xylia Evansii and Tetrapleura Thonningii are very abundant. From such areas the Khayas have practically disappeared, and Pseudocedrelas are only found here and there as very subordinate members of the forest vegetation. Funt umia elastica is still found scattered about the forests, but not in any large numbers. Rubber-yielding vines such as Carpo- d-inus hirsute, Landolphia owariensis, L. Thompson?., and another species occur pretty frequently in the more open portions of the forest. The Forests at the Head-waters of the Ba River. Between Techerabini and Pamo another water-parting is crossed. It divides the basin of the Bia from that of the Komoe River, the latter being the most important river draining the eastern portions of the French possessions on the Ivory Coast. One of its large feeders, the Ba River, rises on the main ridge referred to above as forming the backbone of the country about here, and it was this portion (at the head waters of the Ba) of the Komoe system that was traversed by us in our journey from Pamo to Pulianio. The divide is ascended very gradually, and one hardly realises from the general character of the country that an important watershed is being crossed. The difference in the forest vegetation, however, became more pronounced, and we at last entered the typical mixed, deciduous forests as found in those portions of tropical West Africa with which I am acquainted. The chief characteristic of this type is the rather high percentage (25 to 50 per cent.) of leaf-shedding trees to be met in it. Not only do new species with the deciduous hal)it make their appearance, but some of the trees ordinarily met witl. in the moist evergreen forests, where they are mainly ever- green in habit, become more pronouncedly leaf-shedding ; the re- sult is that these mixed forests, in the' dry season especially, acquire that peculiar patchy colour of grays intermingled with various shades of green that is so noticeable in this type, the gray colouring being due to the leafless crowns of trees that have acquired the deciduous habit. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 65 The main factor determining the prevalence of any one type in ti particular locality is the amount of rainfall and its distribu- tion through the various seasons of the year. Where the dry season is long and pronounced the majority of the plants have ac- quired a very marked deciduous habit, even when the total rainfall is otherwise heavy. Secondary (edaphic) influences are brought about by the char- acter of the soil, and mainly depend on its capacity for retaining moisture. These influences become very important, however, in districts where the total annual rainfall is small, say 40 inches or less, and give rise to the most pronounced types of dry vegetation (xerophilous thorn scrub and dry open savannahs) to be met with in the Hinterland. In Western Ashanti the transition between the moist, tropical evergreen forests and the mixed, deciduous ones is rather gradual, and spread over a comparatively large extent of country ; abrupt changes such as are to be found in the neighbourhood of the high hills of Kwahou and the plains situated to the north and east are not experienced here, where the hills are of insufficient altitude to bring about important differences in the amount of rain pre- cipitated. Nevertheless, even in Western Ashanti the presence of the hills has, to a certain extent, affected the general prevailing type of forest found there, and resulted in a distinctly moister strain of vegetation in localities which would otherwise, on ac- count of their greater distance from the sea and the consequently diminished force of the monsoon currents, be clothed with much drier forests than is actually the case. In proceeding from Puliamo to the north towards the Volta River the struggle between the different types to gain the ascend- ancy is very noticeable, and it is just along the borderland, as it were — that is, along the belt of country between Puliamo and Braha where the conditions are, so to say, unstable — that every little advantage in increased moisture and favourable conditions of soil is eagerly sought for by the mixed deciduous forests, and the struggle is most keen; about here reversions from the mixed deci- duous type to the open, dry, savannah forests are frequent till the country gradually passes into one possessing a small rainfall, when, these conditions being the most favourable for the latter type, the mixed deciduous forests give way to the open, savannah ones, and are henceforth confined to narrow straggling belts along the water-courses and swamps. As compared with the mixed, deciduous forests of Central Burma and the Central Provinces of India, the West African type contains on the whole a larger proportion of evergreens, and is more closed, and hence the transition from it to the savannah forests is rather more abrupt than it is in those parts of Asia. Between Techerabini and Pamo an extensive patch of grass land was met with for the first time. It was surrounded by mixed deciduous forest, in which far and away the most dominant species is the Duakobin (Afrormosia In.riflora), a large leguminous tree with a very conspicuous red bark that peels off in large 12315 6t> COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Hakes and leaves the under portions, which are of a yellowish \vliilr colour, exposed. The timber is yellow, and resembles satin wood in grain and lustre. Specimens of the wood of either this species or a closely related one from Southern Nigeria have, when figured, commanded very good prices in the home market, as much as Sd. per superficial foot. The Duakobin is one of the numerous >pi>cies of timber trees that holds a very subordinate position in the moisi, tropical evergreen forest close to the sea, and yet comes to the front as a dominant species in the drier mixed deciduous forests. It is found in small numbers throughout the moist forests of Ashanti and in the Western Province of the Colony. Associated with this species in the mixed, deciduous forests are Xi/lia Eransii (very common), Afzclia africana, All>i::ia, Broirni'i , . 1. faslif/iata, Chlorophora excelsa, Terminalia superba, Sicrc/tl/a cortU folia, Triplochiton Johnsonii, Pynaertia ealnen*!'*, the E in rll (Terminalia species), Eriodendron anfractuosum, and in the moister portions a few Funtumia elastica. Some of the villages we passed through on our way to Tuna had their houses thatched with grass — a sure sign that the open savannah forests were not far off. One very extensive patch of grass land, contain- ing several examples of a tree, Vitex megaphylla, was seen close to the latter village. The last but one of the more extensive belts of evergreen forest (growing on well-watered, alluvial soil) was passed through during this portion of the journey. It contained some enormous Pseudocedrelas and a few Khayas, as well as the usual species found in such forests. One of the most noticeable features about this belt of evergreen forest was the plague of thousands of blood-sucking flies (species of Hacmatopota) that settled on one in swarms and drove every- one, including the carriers, nearly mad with their bites. They were two species — one black with some white on the wings and legs, and the other a pale brown. The former was met with in small numbers in the forests of the Bia River basin as well, and the latter extends into the dry, open savannah country during the rainy season. B\it nowhere else have I found both species so numerous and such a nuisance as they are in the evergreen belt mentioned above; unlike the tsetses (Glossina) and flies of the genus Tabanus, they are very soft, and at once succumb to the lightest pressure or knock. I M-t \\een Tuna and Puliamo we crossed alternate belts of forest and open savannahs, the former covering as a rule larger tracts of country to begin with and then gradually getting smaller in ex- tent till close to Puliamo, where it gives way to an extensive patch of open savannah country some few square miles in extent. Here we found in places Acacia Catechu, Dichrostachysnutans,Entada toudanica, Vilc.r ci/ncata, and a dwarf species of Ficu*. The Forest belts contained Eriodendron anfractuosum, Afronnoxiu laxiflora, .\ylia Kransii, Chlorophora excelsa, Terminalia tuperba, a species of Pseudocedrela, Sterculia cordi folia, and ( 'oln . 1 ficlii . We obtained very fine views of the high range of hills to the west, along the French border, from this open country. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 67 For a few miles to the north of Puliamo (Jopakrom) the country is still drained by the ]Ja River, the sources of which are situated on a prominent range of hills situated to the north-west of that village : the path to Asare skirts the eastern slopes and spurs of this range, and passes through for about six miles a large belt of tropical evergreen forest — the last important one that we saw till we turned southwards from Kintampo and entered the forest region again some four marches from Kumasi. In this evergreen belt, which was confined to some very moist, well- watered alluvial soil along the valleys of the eastern slopes and foot of the hills, a great number of plants that we had not seen of late reappeared. The most conspicuous were Piptadenia (ifrii-ann, Antiaris toj-icdi-iu var. nfricana, the Tiama-Tiama (Pseudocedrela species), I'urkid biglobosa, the Raphia palms, and a species of Cal/nnn*, Alston/a congensis, Myrianthus arboreits; species of Antlmcleixta and Tetrapleura Thonningii were also seen. Still further to the north this evergreen forest is replaced by the more open mixed, deciduous ones, amongst which patches of grass are frequent and forest fires had already made their appearance. This type of forest gradually gave way in its turn to the open savannah forests (park-like country) of the Hinterland, which from here northwards is the prevailing type. Shortly after leaving the evergreen forest belt we passed over to the drainage area of the Volta Eiver, the most important river of the Colony and Protectorate, and one which, strange to say, drains for prac- tically the whole of its course the open park-like country charac- teristic of the Hinterland. Even near its mouth I understand the country is devoid of any extensive belts of evergreen tropical forest. The Forests of the Volta River Drainage. North-Western Aslianti. The typical open savannah forests begin to form the dominant feature of the country in the neighbourhood of the small village of Asare, which is situated on the western Ashanti plateau. This plateau extends in the form of undulating land to within a few miles of the actual channel of the Volta Eiver, on approaching which a pretty considerable drop occurs. The rolling, open country does not, I think, anywhere much exceed an elevation of a thousand feet above the level of the sea, but it is intersected in a north to south direction by two prominent ranges of hills which stand out well from the surrounding plains, and must, on their higher peaks at all events, attain an altitude of something like two thousand feet above sea-level. They are mainly composed of schistose and granitoid rocks that have a shattered appearance and are lying about, piled one on top of the other in great confusion. The two ranges are more or less parallel in direction, the one to the west follows closely the line of the French boundary and even- tually becomes the range known as the Banda hills, whilst the other, situated some twenty to thirty miles further east, has its 12315 E 2 (58 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. origin somewhere south-west of Braha, and running northwards past the village of Oboase gradually dwindles down to some low dills close to the Volta; it is broken through in one place by the Tomba River, a feeder of the Tain which, in its turn, is a tributary of the Volta. The Tomba and Tain together drain the greater portion of the plateau crossed by us. At the head waters of the latter stream water is abundant, biit further down their courses both rivers get very dry, and water is confined to a succession of rocky pools. On the whole the water-supply of this part of the country is very poor and precarious ; the villages have often to depend on wells dug in the beds of dried-up water-courses for their supply, and the whole region has a parched-up appearance, which is intensified at this time of the year (dry season) by the forest fires that were raging in all directions. The highest parts of the plateau, such as at Sikas- siko, Braha, and Oboase, were exposed at the time of our visit to very strong, dry winds, that used during the night to rise to regular gales, even when the sky was perfectly free of clouds. As was to be expected from the arid conditions prevailing about here, the vegetation inhabiting it belongs to a markedly xerophilous type, which has been further intensified by the annual fires. Generally speaking, the vegetation occurs in open formations, except in the immediate neighbourhood of the streams where the moisture in the soil has induced luxuriant growth and a rever- sion, according to the degree of moisture, to the tropical evergreen or mixed, deciduous forests. These latter aro, however, quite secondary features, and are confined to extremely narrow fringes along the water courses. In the driest localities the majority of the species become dwarfed, and some which are ordinarily found away from water courses in the savannah zone are now obliged to congregate along their banks, as the conditions become too dry even for them. This habit is most noticeable with trees like the true Khaya Senegal ensis (which is the dry zone species of mahogany) and the " Sass wood ' tree Erythrophloeum guineense. Though the formations are open it must not be supposed that they are hardly worthy to be classed as forests, and contain few, if any, species of value to man. Extensive areas, more especially along alluvial deposits in the valleys, are clothed with open forests in which the trees are growing as close to each other as they are in a well-stocked orchard, and it is only the absence of a dense and tall undergrowth that enables one to see for any distance through them. In such places the growth of the trees is straight and tall ; and above all the natural regeneration and condition of the age gradations is, comparatively speaking, very satisfactory — in marked contrast, as far as the latter point is concerned, with what is usually experienced in the tropical ever- green forests, and even the mixed, deciduous ones. Moreover, it is on just such areas that forest conservancy is most called for, and would have the best results on the water supply of the country and improved tree growth, providing, of course, fire protection is a prominent part of the programme. As GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 69 regards species of economic importance, there are several of them belonging1 to the open savannah forests the timbers of which are of good quality and well suited for local use if not for export. Even for the latter purpose species such as the " dry zone " rnaho- pany (Khaya senegalensis), the Opapao (Afzelia africana), and the " dry zone" cedar (Pseudocedrela Kotschyi), furnish woods that are well suited to the home markets. On the borders of the mixed, deciduous forest belt, where the supply of moisture in general is not so poor, the savannah forma- tions are confined to outcrops of laterite rock. It was on a succes- sion of such outcrops near the village of Asare that we first came across the typical vegetation of the Hinterland which, as I am informed by my friend, Monsieur A. Chevalier, who possesses an unrivalled knowledge of the tropical West African vegetation as found in its native haunts, is identical with that of the Western Soudan. From Asare northwards the savannah .forests begin to occupy the greater portion of the country, and the rocky outcrops are then inhabited by a very scanty dwarf vegetation, as they are, of course, in these still drier regions, the driest spots of all, from which the bulk of the moisture is rapidly evaporated or drained off after a shower of rain. Nevertheless, even here, small pools of water collect in the hollows eroded by the action of the roots of weeds, and these eventually become fairly large reservoirs of water that are generally occupied by aquatic plants. As a rule, how- ever, they are quite empty during the dry season. Where exten- sive sheets of rock come to the surface they are often bordered by rings of evergreen vegetation that stand out in marked contrast with the prevailing dry growth. The supply of moisture in the soil is abundant in such localities, and is due to the drainage off the sheets of rock. These spots are frequently occupied by large trees that belong, in habitat, to the leaf-shedding forest areas (mixed, deciduous forests), or even sometimes to the moist ever- green forests. Such examples show how all-important the in- fluence of moisture is in determining the type of vegetation found in any one locality. Great differences in the density of stock are met with in the savannah forests. It varies from that of a well-stocked orchard to the very open park-like formations of the more arid tracts, and every intermediate condition is represented. The best growth occurs on rich alluvial soils along the valleys and lower flanks of the hills. The trees typical of these savannah forests are : The Senegal rosewood tree (Pterocarpus erinaceus) ; Erythrina xenegalensis (a small tree); the " Sasswood ' tree (Eryth- rophloeum guineense), a species of Dalbergia, Parkia filicoidea (the locust bean tree), Albizzia angolensis, Detarium senegalensis (a good timber tree), Afzelia africana (which yields an excellent timber), Tamarindus indic/i, Entada soiidanica, Entada abyssinica; Ormosia laxiflora, Acacia Sieberiana, Acacia Catechu, another species of Acacia close to A nigrescent, DanicUti tint rlf era (the "balsam copaiba '' tree), 70 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. alata, Dichrostachys niitans, Zizyplius imn-ronata, Hymenocardia species, Tenninalia macro ptei-a, a species of Psorosperinum, Coin cordifolia, Adansonia digitata (Baobal) tree), Eriodendron anfractuosum (the silk-cotton tree; occurs as a stunted variety in the typical savannahs) ; the dry zone mahogany (Khaya senegalensis), the dry zone cedar (Pseudo- cedrela /\otxcliyi), Blighia sapida (frequently cultivated), Pann- :niiculy leaving them as • si;iii(l:H-(ls " when clearing the hush for fai'ins, makes the forest areas of Western Ashanti far more valuable to the forester than along the Cape Coast road within the limits of area now being dealt wit h. Tin's state of affairs in south-east Ashanti is, however, by no means to he deplored. The people east of the railway are keen tanners, they have gone in extensively for cocoa cultivation in an area that appear- to he eminently suitable for that plant, and they will nap the full benefits arising from the proximity of the way to their farms; in short, under the circumstances, it is preferable' iii every way that this land should be taken up for •Agricultural purposes. The farms belonging to the important town of Fomena extend for a long distance round that place, and the whole locality gives one the impression of being an excellent agricultural centre. The country is well watered, in fact exceptionally so, and should suit plant-: such as cola and cocoa admirably. I was glad to see that the cultivation of the indigenous rubber tree I'untnin'm i/i/,--f/nt has also been taken up by the natives in this part of the country. In the wild state it is rather sparsely distributed about here. The Proposed Dampia Reserve. 'This reserve was meant to include the area situated between the -Jyin Iviver and the crest of the Dampia range; it being bounded on the south by the boundary of the Ashanti Gold- lields Corporations land and on the north by the junction of the Moiiisin hills with the Dampia range. From the Kwisa rest- house, which is situated on a high spur of the Moinsin hills, Mr. Burbridge, Curator, and myself, were able to obtain a very good panoramic view of the upper basin of the Jym River and a por- tion of the forests that it was proposed to take up as a reserve. Excursions to the eastern watershed of that river, right up to the crest of the Dampia range and along it for some distance, as well as through the northern portions of the forests situated 1 >et \\-oen the river and the hills, showed us that: (a) the forests are very extensively cut up with cocoa farms, some of wliich are actually situated at the foot of the main range; almost all the villages situated along the right bank of the river possess farms within the area proposed to be taken up as a reserve ; (b) plants of economic importance are comparatively scarce in these forests, which are particularly poor in the more important timber-trees -'irii as i he mahoganies and cedars; the Odoum (Chlorophora excelsa) and the shingle wood tree, the Off rani, are practically the i 1\ valuable timber-trees to be met with in any abundance: these two species are, however, universally distributed in Ashanti, and it would hardly be justifiable to take up a reserve here solelv because the forest is rich in them; the Pebedum (Lovoa Kl the two former species, but extremely abundant in certain locali- ties, especially where the subsoil is rocky. Natural regeneration by seed is good, seedlings are plentiful, and the age gradations satisfactory. The timber is said to be of excellent quality, but there is some doubt as to its durability when freely exposed to atniosDheric influences. Does not attain very large dimensions. 4. The dry zone Mahogany (Khaya senegalensis}. — This is a small species of West African mahogany that is confined to the open country. It sometimes attains a girth of 6 feet, but the usual size is from 4 to 5 feet. The timber appears to be similar to that of the other West African mahoganies. In the driest parts of the open country it is confined to the vicinity of the streams. The growth of this species could no doubt be consider- ably improved by protecting it against forest fires. Natural regeneration by seed is fairly good. 5. The dry zone Cedar (Pseudocedrela Kotschyi). — Extremely r.ommon in some parts of the dry zone; local in its distribution. In favourable localities it attains a fairly large size and yields a very beautiful wood. Seedlings are numerous wherever it GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 89 occurs, aiid the age gradations are good. This species should have a great future before it. 6. Erythrophlceum guineense, the Potrodoin of the Ashautis and Akwapims (the sass wood or ordeal tree). — Local in its distribu- tion, but very abundant wherever it does occur. Attains a large size. Wood hard and fairly durable. Used for building pur- poses on the Niger. Bark poisonous, infusions of it are used by some of the natives (especially on the Kroo coast) for the ordeal test. Regenerates itself freely by seed. Young plants numerous and age gradations satisfactory. This species often invades the belts of evergreen forest to be met with in the dry country. T. Lophira alata (one of the so-called African oaks). — The commonest tree of the open grass country. Universally distri- buted there, is closely related to the Kaku tree (Lophira procera} from the evergreen forests of the maritime zone, the wood of which is the most durable to be found in tropical West Africa. On good soil it attains a large size, but is usually of a crooked and stunted growth from injuries caused by the annual fires. Seeds small, but very rich in vegetable oils. Natural regenera- tion very good. Age gradations well represented. The following species are confined to the evergreen belts of forest found in the open grass country :— 8. Mimusops multinervis. — Confined to the vicinity of the streams. Wood hard, reddish in colour and very beautiful, often figured ; exported from the Niger as African mahogany ; attains large dimensions. Not very common on the Afrain Plains. Natural regeneration by seed rather poor. 9. The ebony tree, Diospyrox mespiliformis . — Not common. Attains a large size. Heart wood black and furnishes one of the ebonies of commerce. Also found in the mixed evergreen and deciduous forests of the intermediate zone (between the moist evergreen belt and the dry zone). Age gradations poorly repre- sented. 10. Berlinia acuinincla or a closely related species. Extremely common along the banks of streams on the Afrain Plains. Wood hard and fairly durable. Usually of crooked growth. 11. The Camwood tree, the Odwen of the Akwapims, Baphia nitida. Very plentiful in some of the evergreen belts of vegeta- tion. Scarcely attains the dimensions of a small tree. 12. The Senegal rosewood tree, Pterocarpus erinaceus. Con- fined to the open forests. Local in its distribution. Never attains a large size in this country. Natural regeneration good. 13. Carapa guianensis. The Osuabise of the Akwapims. Con- fined to the evergreen belts near the banks of streams in the open country. Attains greater dimensions here than I have seen any- where else. Also found in the moist evergreen zone of vegeta- tion further south. Wood has a great reputation in the Senegal. Seeds are rich in vegetable oils. 14. Tamarindus indica. The tamarind tree. Local in its dis- tribution. Found in the open forest just outside the evergreen 90 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. belts in the vicinity of the larger rivers. Furnishes an orna- mental wood. Fruit edible. Grows to a fair-sized tree. 15. The fan palm, the Kube of the Akwapims, the Ma Kube of the Ashaiitis, Bomxxux flabellifo'rrws var. cethiopica. Universally distributed and extremely common in places, as, for instance, in the vicinity of the small hunting village of Bunda Su, and in the valley of the Surnin River. Very characteristic of the open country and one of the most useful trees found there. The wood is practically imperishable, the straight stems are very suitable for house posts, bridge piles, &c. The pericarp of the nut is edible and the leaves are used as thatch. Of the species enumerated above the most suitable for export are JSTos. 1, 4, 5, 8, and 10, if of large size. Under proper management and with the help of fire protection the growth of these trees could no doubt be considerably improved. B. Trees the Fruit and Seeds of which are rich in Vegetable Oils. The most important of these is the (a) Shea butter tree, the N'ku of the Ashantis, Akwapims, and Fantis, Bitty TO spermum Parkii. A small tree, very characteristic of the open forests, and extremely plentiful in places. Is fre- quently confounded with Lophira alata which it somewhat resembles and which inhabits the same region. This species (the shea butter tree) is very prolific and quantities of the fruit can be seen lying about rotting under the trees. The tree is common in the vicinity of the Volta, Afrani, and other navigable rivers, and as the oil is of great commercial value, efforts should be made to develop an industry in it on a large scale. Extensive tracts of country in British West Africa are inhabited by this species and the exploitation of the product on a large scale would considerably increase the value of what are at present looked upon as waste lands. I was glad to notice that the inhabitants of the small village of Sadang at the foot of the Kwahu Hills, on the Abetifi-Atabobo road, were collecting the nuts for export down the Volta Elver. Other species rich in oils are : - (6) The so-called African oak, Lophira alata, the seeds of which contain a high percentage of oil; they are, however, very small, and it is doubtful whether the collection of the seeds on a large scale would prove remunerative. As mentioned above, the species is universally distributed in the open grass country. Its congener, L. pmrcm, the Kaku, from the maritime zone, has much larger seeds, and it may pay to collect them. (c} Ricinodendron africanus. The seeds of this species have been analysed in Europe and found to contain a very high per- centage of useful vegetable fats. The tree is most prolific and large quantities of seed are available if a demand springs up for them. This tree is quite common in the mixed evergreen and deciduous forests of the intermediate zone. In the open country it is confined to the belts of evergreen forest. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 91 (d) Carapa guianensis. The Osuabise of the Akwapiuis. This is another species with large seeds that contain a high percentage of vegetable fats. In the dry country it is confined to the banks of the streams, but is universally distributed over the heavy forest belt. The seeds if required could be procured in fairly large quantities. Amongst other useful trees we have : — (e) Acacia Catechu. The species from which the Catcc/m exported from Burma is procured. It is common in the open grass country, and in places is so gregarious as to form almost pure thickets. The heart- wood from which the Catechu is extracted in Burma is, however, poorly developed in the West African plant. The fibre yielding plants, not including the various species of Urena, Triumfetta, Hibiscus, and a small Sansevieria which are almost universally distributed, are represented by— (/) Sterculia Barter i. A tree that is confined to the evergreen belts of vegetation in the open country and is most plentiful in the intermediate zone. The bast fibres of this species are used by the natives for making ropes, which are strong and durable. (g) Bauhinia reticulata, the bast fibres of which are put to the same use. It is universally distributed over the dry zone and is frequently the only plant available in such localities from which really long and strong fibres can be procured. (h) The Baobabs, Adansonia digitata and another species. These gouty-looking trees are found here and there in the open country, more especially near villages and on rocky soils. I very much doubt whether they are truly indigenous on the Gold Coast and in Southern Nigeria. The wood fibres of these trees are collected in Senegal and exported to Europe where they realize from £9 to £10 per ton. I should fancy that in favourable localities the growth of these plants is fairly rapid and that with planting a large supply of fibre could be obtained and collected at no great cost. It would, of course, only pay to grow it as a forest crop. The roots of (i) Anogeissus leiocarpus, a tree that is extremely common in the dry zone, are rich in tannin and the wood ashes are used by the Yorubas as a mordant for fixing dyes. Infusions of the bark of (j) Bridelia micrantha or a closely allied species are used by the native hunters to dye their cloths a rich reddish-brown colour; the dye is said to be a fast one, and the admixture of scraps of old iron (such as kerosene tins, &c.), with the infusion of the bark appears to be an important part of the process in fixing the dye. The following species of plants from the open country possess edible fruit : — (a) Parinarium curatellce/olium. Locally common. (1>) Parkia filicoidca. Common. (c) The shea butter tree. Common, the pericarp is edible. It has an agreeable sweetish taste. The " butter ' is, of course, used for culinary purposes. 92 COLONIAL REPORTS— MISCELLANEOUS. (d) Adansonia digitata. The fibrous pulp is eaten by the natives. It has an acid flavour. The seeds also are washed, pounded up, and then steeped in water for ten days and the infusion so obtained used by the natives of North- Western Ashanti for flavouring their soups. (e) Tamarindus indica. The tamarind. Local in its distribu- tion. Found near the larger rivers such as the Volta and the Afram. (/) The Sierra Leone tamarind, Dialiuui guineense. Very local. (g) Ficus platyphylla. (li) Anona senegalensis. The wild custard apple. Very common. (i) Sarcocephalus esculentus. Very common. (j) Gardenia sp., probably G. temifolia. Common. (7c) The pericarp of the nut of the fan palm, Borassus ftabelli- formis. Very common. Wood oil is furnished by the ' Balsam Copaiba ' tree, Daniella thurifera, which is very abundant in the open country, and Gums by Acacia Sieberiana, the dry zone 'mahogany (Kliaya senegalensis}, and the chew-stick tree, Anogeissus leiocarpus. These gums, however, appear to be of inferior quality. It is the custom to look upon the forest vegetation of the open country as being practically worthless, but the list of useful plants given above will, I hope, help to dispel this idea. No doubt the dense evergreen forests of the moist belt are more imposing and appeal more to the imagination than do the park- like forests of the hinterland, but they are far more difficult to deal with professionally. The proportion of useful species to the rest is small, the natural regeneration is generally poor, and the age gradations are invariably in a very unsatisfactory con- dition ; whereas the converse with respect to all these points holds good in the case of the open, deciduous forests just described. Here the only difficulty to contend with is that of fire protection, the cost of which, however, is likely to be heavy. Of course, where the preservation of the water-supply or other climatic factors are of importance to tropical agriculture, such as the cultivation of cocoa, cola, rubber, and other useful plants demanding a hot moist climate or otherwise, it is imperative that suitable forest areas shoiild be strictly conserved with a view to maintaining the water-supply and preventing the spread into the forest region of the grass country. This, together with the creation of forest reserves for the constant supply of timber and other forest produce derived from species that arc confrned to the moist belt, necessarily shifts the centre of gravity of loresc management to the heavy forest region, but this is no reason why the park-like forests of the open country should be neglected ; they will respond far more readily to professional treatment than the dense evergreen forest and will be much more easy to exploit with modern mechanical appliances. At the same time their preservation will steadily improve the quality of the soil and GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 93 keep it in the best possible condition for agriculture should the occasion ever arise to give the land over for that purpose. In this connection I may remark that some of the most valuable «/ forests of India and Burma belong to similar open, deciduous types. The type exists over an extensive tract of country in the hinter- land and, as such, the richest portions are well deserving of protection and systematic management. In the vicinity of Kintampo and N'koranza there are some very fine examples of these forests that are well stocked with the most valuable species of timber trees to be found in the country. They are, I am sorry to say, being rapidly destroyed, near Kintampo especially, for farming purposes. Other localities where good forests of this kind exist are along the foot of the range of hills to the west of the villages of Braha and Oboase in North- Western Ashanti, and between Bian ami •Jugbe in the Northern Territories. I very much regret that for want 01 time I was unable to make an extended trip to the Northern Territories, where the climate is such as to make forest conservancy a matter of the greatest importance. The small tract of country visited by me on my way to the main Bola-Kintampo road enabled me to form some idea of the forest vegetation found just north of Ashanti. What I saw of it was encouraging, but I believe that the vegetation further north, beyond the ninth parallel, is rather meagre. The localities visited on the Afram Plains lay in the direction of the Abetifi-Atabobo road as far north as Suminsu and Bundasu on the Sumin and Bunda Eivers. The forests lying to the right and left of the path were in several places examined for some miles on either side and a short excursion was made in a hitherto unexplored tract of country situated to the north-east of Bundasu in the direction of Krachi. The descent of the Kwahu hills from Abetifi to the plain is much less abrupt than it is either to the west or south of that town. In fact, the road taken by us has the best gradient of any leading on to the plateau. The slopes of the hills are covered with farms of koko yams, cocoa, bananas, and corn ; belts of forest, however, have been left intact here and there and they contain numbers of a species of mahogany with large leaves, probably Khaya grcnidis. They attain a large size, and young plants of different ages are fairly plentiful, but they are of crooked growth. The vegetation in general is evergreen and similar in character to that met with between Obo and Abetifi with one important exception; on the middle slopes of the hills occurs a wide belt, which has not been destroyed for farming purposes, of a " pure forest " (i.e., a forest consisting practically of only one species) of an evergreen tree that is either a species of Cynometra or a Brachystegia; with the exception of the man- grove forests on the coast, this is the most extensive example that I have met of a type of forest that is extremely rare in tropical West Africa, but which, on the other hand, is the dominant type in Northern Europe and Asia. The leaf canopy of this forest was complete, and practically the only plants 94 COLONIAL REPORTS— MISCELLANEOUS. found growing in the dense shade underneath were young indi- viduals of the same species as the over-wood. The soil on which the forest is growing is very rocky. Close to the village of Sadang, at the foot of the hills, there is a fairly large feeder of the Afram River that may be utilised in exporting down to the Volta, and so on to the sea, the mahogany growing on the northern slopes of the Kwahu hills. Between this village and Kwantanan the forests have been much destroyed for farming purposes, but what is left belongs to the type found in the intermediate zone. Neither of us, however, was prepared for the extraordinarily abrupt transition from this type to the dry, open forests of the plains that occurs at that village. We practically stepped out from the village (in a north- easterly direction) into the latter type of forest. In the vicinity of Aframsu there is an extensive patch of ever- green forest which follows the Afram River for a long distance. The country is very well watered about here, and several large feeders of that river are crossed within the space of a few miles; heavy rain had just fallen and they were all in flood. The plain itself was also under water. Shortly after leaving Aframsu we got into good open forest with trees of excellent growth for that type of vegetation. Four belts of evergreen forest were crossed and we then passed between the two isolated rock hills that stand out of the plain close to the small hunters' village of Jwafuabutan. These two hills are surrounded with forest of good growth. Fine specimens of Afzelia africana, Detarium senegalense, and the dry zone mahogany (Khaya senegalensis) are found here. Some three hours' journey to the north-west of the village the land gradually rises up to a rocky ridge, the lower slopes of which are clothed with excellent forest. Large sheets of rock begin to appear and the village itself is situated on an outcrop of this sort from a pool, from which the inhabitants procure their water. There is an extensive patch of evergreen forest to the north of the village, and a smaller one between it and the more easterly situated hill of the two mentioned above. Further northwards a broad belt of evergreen vegetation follows the course of the Obusumbone River, which is of quite a respectable size. The rest of the vegetation is of the dry zone type. Open grassy glades containing little tree growth are frequently met with and increase in numbers as one approaches Suminsu, where another broad belt of evergreen forest is found along both banks of the Surnin River. As a general rule, about this portion of the un- dulating plains the higher land is clothed with good open forest and the depressions with grassy glades, except where the more important streams have carved out their channels; these are invariably fringed with evergreen forest. Terraces of rock become more plentiful about here and contimie to increase in numbers towards the north-east in the direction of British Krachi. Between Suminsu and Bundasu the fan palm becomes the domi- nant species and covers an extensive tract of country, more par- ticularly towards the north-west between the Bunda and Sene rivers. Shea bnttor trees are plentiful all over this part of the GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 95 country and the species is quite common in the vicinity of the Afrain, which is a navigable river. The collection and transport to the Volta River of the nuts should, therefore, present no difficulty. The country is, of course, very sparsely populated, and any labour employed for this purpose would have to be pro- cured elsewhere. Early in the year, when the young grass has just sprung up, after the annual fires have swept over the country, these plains are said to literally teem with game of every sort. With the exception of two herds of buffalo, one hartebeest, one elephant, a few duikers and kob and wart hogs, we saw but little at the time of our visit. The grass had grown high, water was plentiful everywhere, and the game had dispersed in all directions instead of being concentrated in the vicinity of the few pools that con- tain water in the dry season. Judging from the game tracks met \\ith, elephants and buffalo must be very plentiful. Large numbers of them are slaughtered every year and the flesh taken up to Abetifi for sale. We met numbers of people almost every day who were employed in carrying the smoked flesh to that town. The slaughter of elephants must be great, as one of our guides told me that he had shot ten in one month. Several had been killed just before we arrived at Abetifi. Elephant meat can be purchased almost any day at Abetifi. Some steps should, I think, be taken to limit the number of hunters who shoot on the plains. The small villages scattered about them are inhabited solely by professional hunters, outlaws, and the riff-raff of the country, who earn their living by shooting game and selling the flesh in the larger towns. The quantity consumed for their own use is insignificant compared with what they sell. Abetifi is the great centre to which the bulk of the smoked flesh is brought. It is the worst offender in this respect. Some of the more well-to-do inhabitants own small hunters' villages down on the plain, and a portion of everything shot in the vicinity has to be sent up to them for disposal. Whilst Europeans are obliged to take out licences and are (very properly) restricted as regards the shooting of certain species, no steps whatever have been taken to in any way limit the incessant slaughter carried on by the natives. What the few Europeans out here who care for big game shooting kill is a mere drop in the ocean compared with the annual bag of the native hunters, yet the only restrictions existing are placed on the former. Surely, if the reason for enforcing game licences at all in the case of Europeans is the preservation of the game in the country, some action might be taken to restrict the immense amount of damage done by the natives. As matters stand, game preservation out here is an utter failure. The real offenders have not been touched by the legislation regulating this matter. The killing of cow elephants and their yoiing by the natives has not even been prohibited, and, in fact, the game laws contain a clause that specifically exempts the natives from their application. The argument is often put forward that the slaughter of wild animals has been going on for generations and 96 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. that they are still as plentiful as ever. This statement, however, does not agree with the facts. The native hunters themselves admit that game is getting scarcer and scarcer every year, and that they have to go further afield to get it. In the olden days, when internecine warfare was practically the normal state of affairs, the hunters, who formed the bulk of the armies engaged, had but little time to devote to the chase of wild animals; now, with peace assured, they have taken to it with renewed energy and are quickly making their mark felt. I may remark that a large proportion of the trophies taken out of the country every year by Europeans has been either pur- chased from the native hunters or picked out from the hunters' " heaps " of skulls found in some of the villages. Yery few of them consist of bond fide trophies obtained from animals shot by the Europeans themselves. I only mention this fact in order to remove the erroneous impression that the Europeans are respon- sible for the annual slaughter of a large number of animals. Proper enquiries will, I think, confirm my assertion. Only those who have had real experience of big game shooting in tropical West Africa can realize the arduous nature of the undertaking involved in procuring anything like a large bag. Again, the number of Europeans out here who would walk a mile in full exposure to the sun to shoot a wild animal is extremely small. To sum up, it may be safely accepted that, with perhaps the exception of the hippopotamus, there is at present no danger of the large game of tropical West Africa being exterminated by the white man. The conditions out here are far too unfavour- able for any but the greatest enthusiasts to take up in earnest big game shooting as a pastime. The real danger conies from the native inhabitants themselves. An alternative to limiting the number of native hunters allowed to shoot on the plains would be to take up a portion of the latter as a game reserve and to strictly prohibit all shooting within the area selected. During our return to Abetifi we found that the greater number of the swamps met with before had dried up and the walking was, in consequence, done in more comfort. From Abetifi we pro- ceeded to Aburi via the Inipriso-Kankan-Bunsu-Ku Kurantumi- Koforidua road. JOURNEY FEOM ABETIFI TO ABURI. The small plateau on which Abetifi is situated is connected by a series of step-like descents with the much more extensive and flatter plateau of Impriso. This appears to be an ideal place for the residence of Europeans and is only some 300 feet lower than Abetifi itself. There is any amount of flat ground available for building sites and recreation grounds, water is plentiful, the climate is bracing, and the place is not so exposed to strong winds. About two hours after leaving Impriso one comes to the steep escarpment that abruptly terminates the plateau to the south. The path down the face of the escarpment is very rough and in places, where there are huge overhanging ledges of rock, has to be negotiated with some care. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. i)7 After a descent of something like 800 or 900 feet the broken country comprising the basins of the Tmoi and Birrim rivers is reached. Generally speaking it is well wooded and contains the remains of what must once have been very fine forests rich both in cedars and mahoganies, and comparable in many respects with the best forests of Fpper Sefwi and Western Ashanti. Now, however, they have been extensively cut up by farms in which cocoa is the dominant crop. All things considered, it is perhaps just as well to sacrifice these forests in the interests of agriculture as the locality is eminently suited to the cultivation of cocoa, kola, rubber-yielding plants, &c., that require a humid atmos- phere for their best development. But in doing so it should not be overlooked that there is a limit to the amount of forest that can be destroyed with impunity for that purpose. Their complete extermination would entail the eventual failure of the very crops that it is proposed to cultivate on a large scale. In a tropical country like this it is imperative that the woods clothing the crests of the hills and the higher slopes, especially near the sources of the more important streams, should be strictly conserved, and on no account whatever should the slopes of the hills facing the dry open forest country be denuded of vegetation — that is, if it is intended to devote the districts of Kwahu> and Eastern Akyem to the cultivation of crops of the nature indicated above. In any case, whether such crops fail or not in the end, the destruction of the forests clothing the hills will adversely affect the water-supply of the country to such an extent as may bring disaster to locali- ties remote from the area in which the damage was originally done. No agricultural crops, however densely they are planted, can ever replace, as regulators of the water-supply, the forests now clothing the hills. I am sorry to say that a great deal of damage has already been done to these forests, as, for example, along the slopes of the Abetifi Hills facing the Afram Plain, the slopes of the Aburi Hill system facing the Pram Pram and Accra plains, and, so I am informed, of the slopes of the hills adjacent to the Krobo Plains. Grass, that harbinger in tropical West Africa of the doom of the evergreen forests (on which the water-supply of the country is so dependent), has established itself on several of these hills, even on some of the higher peaks of the Kwahu system, as, for instance, near the important town of Obo, and it will only be a matter of years, if the forests continue to be destroyed, for it to take such possession of the soil as to practically exclude all evergreen vege- tation. With the grass come the annual fires of the dry season and the damage thus becomes accentuated from year to year, till a complete change in the vegetation and climate becomes estab- lished. The different stages in this change can be easily observed along the Aburi- Accra road, where excellent examples exist of the transformations resulting from the reckless destruction of the forests. It is hard to conceive any more difficult or serious problem, affecting the general welfare of the country, than that which now confronts the Administration in connection with the preservation 12315 G 08 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. of the evergreen forests on which the water-supply of the Colony and Ashanti depends. If it is immaterial whether the whole of the evergreen forest region becomes eventually converted into the open type of forest characteristic of the so-called '"' dry zone " 01 not, then the problem need not be attacked ; but in this eventuality the country must be prepared to face the diminished water-supply, the drying up of what are at present important perennial streams, and the limitations as to the variety of agri- cultural crops that such a climate can support. If, on the other hand, it is decided to preserve the water-supply and the moist climate on which such a large number of agricul- tural crops depend, and there is no question as to which is the wiser choice, then immediate action is necessary. Already such damage has been done as will take years and the expenditure of large sums of money to repair, and there is no time to lose. The problem should be attacked on scientific lines and such steps taken as will ensure the protection of the forests concerned. On the one hand there is the agricultural system of the natives, which is one of the most wasteful known and which entails larger areas being taken up for crops than any other method demands, to contend against: on the other side the possible inclusion, on the advice of over-zealous advocates of reservation, of larger tracts of forests within the reserved area than is actually necessary to meet the wants of the situation. A just balance should be drawn between the conflicting interests. In this connection I may remark that the accumulated effect of timber exploitation on the climate of the country is a mere bagatelle compared with that resulting from the wholesale destruction of the forest for farming purposes. If every mahogany and cedar tree in these forests were exterminated, it would have but little influence one way or another on the rainfall, because the forest vegetation as a whole would practically remain intact, whereas the clearings for farms remove at one fell swoop every stick of the vegetation clothing the areas selected for culti- vation. The preservation of the water-supply and the climatic factors of the country must always claim first attention in any rational scheme of forest administration, and compared with it the regula- tion and control of timber exploitation is of secondary import- ance, unless indeed the exploitation is so extensive as to threaten the existence of the forests themselves, a contingency not likely to arise out here, where only comparatively few of the species composing the forest vegetation are of any economic value. Indeed, the extraction of major forest produce (timber) on the Gold Coast wants regulating not so much on account of any danger threatening the forest vegetation as a whole, but with a view to ensuring a continuous and sustained yield of the produce. I strongly advise that a commission, composed of a trained agriculturist, a trained forester (both of whom should have experience of the tropics), and a Travelling Commissioner, be disputed to visit the districts of Kwahu, Eastern and Western Akyem, and Aburi, where farming is being carried out on a large GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 99 scale, and to decide, in consultation with the native chiefs and communities concerned, what forest areas are to be protected from the axe of the farmer. There is certain to be great opposition on the part of the natives to the formation of the reserves, and it will probably be very difficult to convince them that the proposed measures are being introduced for their own interests and that of the country at large. Nevertheless, a determined effort should be made to ensure the protection of at least the forests situated at the sources of the more important streams, and for this purpose it will not suffice io select small patches of vegetation here and there; nothing but continuous belts of forest will serve the purpose. If, in addition, it can be arranged to leave intact strips of forest vegetation between the different farming centres to act as barriers to the spread of plant diseases, so much the better. On no account should a scratch commission composed of members possessing no special qualifications for the work in hand be selected, otherwise irreparable damage may result from their labours. The best forests seen on the main Abetifi-Aburi road are situated between the villages of Abetinso and Kankan, and between the former place and the southern escarpment of the A.betifi Hill system. They are rich in all the valuable timber- yielding species of this coast, with the exception of the Nyankon and Kaltu, species which are restricted in their distribution to the maritime zone. From the village of Kankan onwards towards Aburi cocoa and other farms are very plentiful, more particularly between Kuku- rantium and Koforidua and between the latter place and Aburi, where, with the exception of the '' standards " left as shade trees, practically the whole of the tree growth has been destroyed. This part of the country already shows signs of becoming drier, and plants characteristic of the mixed deciduous and evergreen forests bordering the dry zone have made their appearance. The forests situated in the upper basin of the Densu River have been much destroyed for farming purposes, but those pro- tecting the sources of its main feeders on the Kyebi range of hills and the south-eastern extension of the Begora Range have so far been left intact. As long as these forests are preserved there is little risk of the water-supply of the stream being seriously diminished. When at Bunsu the opportunity was taken to visit Mr. Pritchard's plantation. It consists of 2,500 acres, of which 170 acres have been mainly planted up with Para rubber and 140 acres with kola. The plantation has been divided up into blocks by a well laid out system of roads, and the Birrim River flows through the centre of it. The Para rubber trees appear to be doing fairly well, but the great interest centres round the kola plantation. The growth of this species in its early years is very slow com- pared with that of other crops, but when it does come into bearing 12315 G 2 100 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. tLere is no doubt that it is one of the most paying crops in the country. The best market for this produce is in Northern Nigeria, and it is quite unaffected by any fluctuations in the demand for kola in Europe. Like the majority of the indigenous West African plants, the growth of the seedlings is considerably checked by transplanting, hence it is preferable to sow tlie seeds out to stake. This is being done with success in the Bunsu plantation, where all the young plants so raised are showing excellent growth. Mr. Pritchard deserves every credit for the enterprise shown by him in striking out what is practically a new line of his own. The kola plantation should prove a paying concern in a few years' time. As regards the agricultural prospects of Eastern Ashanti and the Kwahu, Akyem, and Aburi districts of the Colony, I think that, providing the climatic factors remain unchanged, there is a great future before them, and that any expenditure likely to be incurred in constructing a railway to tap these centres and to open up the bracing highlands of Kwahu as a residence for Europeans is quite justifiable. To sum up. My tours through the country have convinced me that the Gold Coast Colony and the Protectorate of Ashanti, more especially the latter, possess in their magnificent forests a great natural source of wealth the value of which, with proper manage- ment, should increase from year to year as the world's supply of timber becomes depleted and we have to fall back on our Colonies and Protectorates to make up part of the deficiency. Nothing is more certain than the fact that of late years not only the wood increment but also a large portion of the wood-producing capital has been removed from the chief timber-producing centres of the world in meeting the yearly demand, and that the avail- able supply is rapidly becoming exhausted. As some of the sources, such as the forests of Canada, the United States, and Asiatic Russia, for instance, are brought under systematic management, the output from them will have to be considerably curtailed, and this will further reduce the available supply. A beginning has already been made in these countries by the forest management in each being placed under the charge of a properly constituted forest department, and no doubt the result of their efforts to prevent the exhaustion of the wood-producing capital will soon be felt in the timber markets. PART II. A. PROTECTION OF FORESTS AND FOREST LEGISLATION. (a) Dangers to u'hich the Forests are exposed: On the Gold Coast and in tropical West Africa generally the dangers threatening the existence of the forests are: — • (a.) The wasteful system of farming practised by the natives. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 101 (b.) The over-exploitation of the forests for timber, fuel, aud other produce, such as gums, resins, rubber, &c. (//.) Of these the former is by far the greater aud must, if allowed to continue unrestricted for a sufficient length of time, result in the virtual extermination of the forests. The latter is not so serious, unless a very large demand for fuel arises and the fellings are permitted to be undertaken without restrictions as to their extent and character. The ordinary exploitation for timber and minor forest produce can never, even if pushed to the verge of extinction of the particular species of plants concerned, have the same effect on the forests as a whole, as the damage re- sulting from the unrestricted destruction of them for farming pur- poses, because in the former case only a few species in comparison with the huge number forming the balance of the growing stock of the forests are of sufficient economic importance (at the present time at all events) to be threatened with over-exploitation, whereas in the latter case practically the whole growing stock is removed at one fell swoop whenever the forests are cut down for farms. So far then, from the point of view of looking at the forests as a whole, more especially in connection with their role of preserving and regulating the water supply, of preventing the erosion of hill-sides, of acting as barriers against desiccating winds and the spread of arid conditions, and in connection with other protective functions, the over-exploitation o'f a comparatively few species is but of secondary importance. Hence it may be con- ceded that in any rational system of forest protection the steps necessary for ensuring the safety of a sufficiently large extent of forest to carry out these functions must receive first considera- tion whatever may be the demand for forest produce. This prin- ciple is so important that every European State without exception which has included forestry amongst its administrative measures has reserved to itself the right to interfere, by legislation, for the protection of those forests that, by their situation or otherwise, are best suited as " protection " belts to carry out this important role of forest vegetation. The right to interfere is constantly being exercised over all s/tch. areas even when the property does not belong to tJic State, but to private individuals, corporations, communes, fyc. Several European countries, including all those in which forestry is most advanced, have in addition extended the exercise of this right to regulate, within certain limits, the methods under which non-State forests (private and communal forests) are c.r plotted for the supply of forest produce, even when these forests are not required as protection against climatic, agencies. (b.) The second danger to guard against is that of over-exploita- tion of those wooded areas that are or should be set aside for the purpose of supplying a sustained yield of forest produce. It is this aspect of forestry, together with the quite subsidiary one of protecting the woods as sanctuaries for game, that is more popu- larly associated with forest protection and was the first to be developed in historical sequence. This use of the forests, though not of such vital importance to the welfare of a country as the protective functions mentioned 102 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOtfS. above, is still sufficiently so to have resulted in an elaborate and special system of legislation being adopted for their protection and management by those States that have included forestry amongst their administrative measures. Before proceeding to discuss the steps that should be taken on the Gold Coast, and indeed generally in our West African Colonies, to ensure the protection of forest areas sufficiently largo to serve these two purposes for which forests are required, it will be advisable first to go into greater detail as to the results that are likely to follow, and in some cases have followed, the whole- sale and reckless destruction of forest vegetation, both in the temperate zones and in the tropics. (b) Dangers attending and following the reckless destruction of forests : The presence of forests is most important in view of the effects which they have 'both on the climatic and other factors of a country; among these may be mentioned :- 1. They mitigate extremes of temperature and render the climate more equable. 2. They exert a marked effect in regulating the water supply, more especially by ensuring the sustained feeding of springs and thus rendering the How of water in rivers more continuous, and in tending to reduce the danger of violent floods. 3. They increase the relative humidity of the air, and in consequence reduce the amount of evaporation. This effect is strongly marked on hills in the tropics. 4. By the mechanical action of their roots and stems the plants composing forest vegetation assist in preventing land- slips, erosion of hill-sides, the silting up of rivers, and arrest the progress of shifting sands. 5. They tend to increase the precipitation of moisture. 6. They act as wind-breaks, and protect adjoining culti- vated areas against the action of cold or dry winds. 7. They act as barriers against the spread of fungoid and insect attacks from one cultivated centre to another. Almost all these effects are more pronounced in the tropics, especially in localities with well-marked wet and dry seasons, than they are in the temperate zone. As regards 1, 2, and 3, their action is of the utmost importance in preserving the water supply during the intense heat of a tropical dry season, and it is in this connection that the whole- sale destruction of the forests by the native farmers is attended by the greatest dangers. In the maritime zones of tropical West Africa, where the monsoon currents are very pronounced, and a certain amount of precipitation occurs even in what are considered the dry months of the year, and where the air is con- stantly very humid, such destruction may be carried out with GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 103 ruore or less iinpimity, as the soil is quickly re-clothed with luxuriant vegetation, and the chief danger to he guarded against is that of erosion of the hill-sides. Such regions enjoy a heavy annual rainfall of 80 inches and more, and the dry season is not only of short duration but is interrupted at pretty frequent intervals by showers of rain attend- ing the tornadoes. The case is very different, however, in those portions of the hinterland, and also sometimes on the sea coast itself, where the rainfall is deficient or where a long and pro- nounced dry reason follows the annual monsoons. It is difficult to state exactly what the minimum annual rainfall determining the " safety '" margin of such a climate is, as so much depends on the distribution of the rain during the various months of the year; but so far my experience leads me to the conclusion that in a climate where the annual rainfall is 60 inches and less the wholesale destruction of the forests is followed not so much by a marked deficiency in the rainfall, as by a general drying up of what were once perennial streams and a gradual transformation of the type of vegetation clothing the locality. This change in the vegetation will be realized if the influence of moisture in the soil and the degree of humidity of the air on plant life is recalled. Both these sources of moisture are affected very adversely (for plant growth) by the extensive destruction of forests, with the result that the original forests are gradually replaced by others of a drier type. The transformation is most rapid when extensive areas covered by drier vegetation happen to be situated within a reasonable distance, say a dozen miles or so, of the locality in which the forests (of a moister type) are being destroyed, as there is always a marked tendency on the part of the former to encroach on the habitat of the latter. Once an area becomes clothed with drier vegetation, then the conditions so far as moisture is concerned rapidly change for the worse. Forest fires make their appearance and all the effects on plant life become accentuated. Such alterations in the supply of moisture lead to the transformations of the moist evergreen tropical forests (" rain forests " of Schimper) to the mixed deciduous ones (" monsoon forests " of •Schimper, in which a large proportion of the plants shed their leaves during the dry season and replace them at the commencement of the monsoons or wet period of the year), and, if the reduction is continued, the conversion of the latter into the open savannahs so characteristic of the hinterlands of our West African Colonies and also of certain areas along the sea coast where the monsoons are deficient. As a general rule the appearance of the grasses in any large numbers within a forest region otherwise occupied by evergreen vegetation is an almost certain index, in tropical West Africa, of the commencement of such changes. Erosion of the hill-sides and the tendency for violent floods to take place are also greater on land covered with the more open and drier types of vege- tation. As examples of such transformations I may mention the tract of country between Accra and Aburi, wThere the xerophilous scrub gradually gives place to thorn forests and these to the savannahs at the foot of the Aburi hills and these in their turn 104 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. to the mixed deciduous and evergreen forests on the hills. Wherever the original moist evergreen forests once covering the latter have been destroyed the secondary growth replacing it is assuming the mixed deciduous character. Lower down the hill- sides and along the valleys at the foot, adjacent to the plains, clearings of the mixed deciduous forests have resulted in the encroachment of the open savannahs and their occupation of the cleared areas. The great drawback to these conversions is, of course, from another point of view, the fact that the species occupying the different areas are replaced by others more suited to the altered conditions, and this in time leads to the scarcity of those plants associated with the original environment. For instance, the majority of species of timber trees, and others of economic im- portance, that are confined in their distribution to the moist ever- green forests disappear from the scene under the altered condi- tions, and the same holds good with regard to agricultural and other crops such as cocoa, rubber plants, &c., that are dependent for successful cultivation on moist conditions. It is on these grounds that I strongly recommend that a pro- tective belt of forest be left intact along the borders of the main cocoa-growing centres, especially those in Aquapim and Kwahou where extensive dry areas are situated at no great distance from them. Examples of similar transformations are to be seen wherever extensive destruction of the forests has taken place along the borders of the various zones of forest vegetation in Ashanti and Northern Kwahou, and are most apparent in the regions where the mixed deciduous forests approach the open savannah zone. The importance of leaving untouched suffi- ciently extensive belts of forest to regulate the water supply, more especially in the catchment basins of streams that may in the future be required for irrigation works, the water supply of distant towns, and for navigation, will be evident from the above remarks. For all such protective purposes there is no doubt that the evergreen forests are the more desirable type. The mixed deciduous ones are to a large extent defoliated during the dry season, just when the supply of moisture in the soil requires the most protection against exposure to the fierce heat of the sun and desiccating winds. They are, however, better than having no protection at all. In my opinion the influence forests have in mitigating extremes of climate in the tropics is their most important func- tion. On the presence or absence of these extremes depend the existence of the various types of vegetation. However abundant the rainfall of a locality may be during the monsoon period, if it is habitually followed by a prolonged dry season it can never in the tropics, except where telluric influences such as moisture in the soil near streams affect plant growth, be covered with the typical evergreen vegetation. Once a prolonged dry season becomes an established condition of affairs edaphic influences depending oil the physical and chemical properties of the soil assume an importance in relation to plant growth that is quite GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 105 insignificant ill regions where the rainfall is heavy and the climate huinid practically throughout the year. As far as vegetable growth is concerned a climate with a well- marked dry season is, so to speak, in a condition of unstable equilibrium; the slightest variations in the soil then become of great importance to plant life, and it is in such regions, of which the hinterlands of our West African Colonies are the most im- portant examples for the purpose of this report, that the question of forest conservancy becomes one of grave concern. Destroy the forests found there along the banks of streams, on the higher hills, and in sheltered hollows, and the country will rapidly get drier though the rainfall may remain practically the same as before the damage was done'. The soil becomes no longer capable of retaining the moisture precipitated on it once the forests are removed. As regards the influence of forests on rainfall, reliable statistics extending over a long period are not available for tropical countries. In Europe it has been shown that forests do, but only to a very small extent, increase the annual precipitation of rain. Quite recently, however, Mr. A. Walter, Chief Assistant of the Royal Alfred Observatory, Mauritius, has made a thorough examination of the data available with a view to investigating the effect, if any, that the wholesale destruction of the forests on the island has had on its climate. He " finds in the smoothed rainfall curves extending over the period 1860 to 1907 evidence that the cutting of the forests may have had some little effect on the total fall, but has had more effect on the number of rainy days. The distribution through the year is almost more im- portant than the amount. The rainy days in the districts denuded of forests have been decreased lay about 30 days per year, but under such conditions that the amount due to these 30 days is only about 6 to 10 inches, whereas the annual varia- tion of total rainfall is often 60 inches." (See page 610 of Vol. 78 of " Nature," where a brief extract of Mr. Walter's investi- gations is given.) This inquiry has, of course, been confined to a limited region (705 square miles) having an insular climate. There is every reason to believe that ihe influence of forests is much more pro- nounced in the case of continental areas in the tropics, where the differences between the various seasons of the year are very marked. A reduction by one month of the number of rainy days in the year would, if established in such a climate, have very important effects on the vegetation of the locality. The action of forests as wind-breaks is too obvious to call for further remarks ; their use as barriers against the spread of fungoid and insect attacks from one series of plantations to another has of late been 'better recognized and adopted in tropical countries. Mixed forests of the type usually found there are amongst the most effective agencies that can be employed for such a purpose. Any tropical country that is mainly dependent on agricultural pursuits for its development cannot afford to ignore this beneficial action of forest belts. 106 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. (c) Methods of protecting forests from the dangers mentioned above : In all civilized countries in which attention has been paid to forestry it has been found necessary to introduce special laws for the protection of the forests and the regulation of their manage- ment. The application of such laws has, in the majority of cases, been extended to private forests as well as to those belong- ing to the State. The essence of all such legislation should be the recognition by the law of forests " As pieces of property, as ' estates ' of a peculiar kind." To quote further from the work of an eminent authority on forest law, with reference to the above idea : "This is not a matter of words; it is an important and most practical conception. Failure to grasp it in our colonies and in other countries too has been the cause why so little progress has been made in putting forest conservancy on a rational basis. For if you realise the idea of a forest estate to be cared for as a ' piece of property ' and protected by law you will also acknow- ledge that a piece of property if it is to be either managed or protected must be denned as to its limits, and all questions of right and obligation arising within those limits must be settled. If that is not done the forest is still in a fluid, uncrystallized state ; it hardly deserves to be called ' property ' and consequently any real conservancy will be unattainable. And it will at once occur to you that if forests and other estates are to be recognized as pieces of property in the above sense, the recognition can only be made practical and operative by some action on the part of the national legislature or central authority, whereby the State, the person or body (as the case may be) who has become the owner, is protected in his enjoyment within certain local limits, and other persons are prevented from wrongful interference." In accordance with the above principle, if .any real progress is to be made in forest conservancy in British "West Africa, the first thing to do is to select the best areas and make them by law (whether they belong to the paramount Government or to native communities) pieces of property, to be managed as forests. The law, in order to ensure this condition of affairs, has to provide for five main heads of legal requirement and forest administra- tion. They are: — " I. It separates or distinguishes from the general area of lands in the country, what are the forest estates or areas subject to the law ; and it does this in several ways. "1. It regularly constitutes State or ' Reserved forest.' " 2. The Indian Act creates a class of forest estates less perfectly and regularly constituted, which it calls 'protected forest.' The Madras and Burma laws do not recognize this, but substitute certain general protective provisions for all wooded, grazing, and waste lands which are at the dis- posal of Government, but are not yet either made into regular forests or given up to cultivation. " 3. The Indian and Burma Acts (not Madras) contemplate the formation of village forests, forests for the benefit of villages, but under a certain degree of State control. GOLD COAST — BEPOllT ON FORESTS. 107 "II. It provides for separating the rights of the State from those of private persons : for defining the rights, for regulating their exercise (when left in the forest), for buying them out in certain cases, and for preventing the growth of new rights or burdens to the forest in the future. " III. It protects (in various degrees) the different classes of forest or other lands which it has made subject to its provisions by: *' 1. Preventing offences and adopting measures to fore- stall or put a stop to accidents by fire, &c. " 2. Punishing offences, i.e., acts which it specially pro- vides to be offences against the forest. " IV. It extends a similar protection to the 'produce of the forest and to all timber (whether forest timber or not) while in transit to the market or other destination. " Y. It constitutes a staff of forest officers giving them legal powers and imposing certain duties and liabilities." I believe that the provisions for the creation of village forests have now been expunged from the Burma Forest Act as it was found that such estates were not required, the ordinary wants of the people being supplied from the State reserves and the un- reserved areas. The difficulty of giving a legal definition of " a forest " has been overcome by demarcating certain areas and constituting them forest estates; in which case, tc. — Fifteen rupees are equivalent to twenty .shillings, or £1. '17. Timber of which the ownership is not indicated by a registered property mark shall not be entitled to a pass under Rule 35. 1' The above quoted Rule is as follows :- "(I) No person shall move timber in transit without a pass from the deputy commissioner of the district or forest officer of the forest division in which the timber is, or from an officer empowered by such deputy commissioner or forest officer in that behalf, or otherwise than in accordance with the conditions of such pass. Provided that this rule shall not apply to— " ((() Bamboos or firewood in billets. ' (b) Timber collected under a licence granted in accordance with Rule 72. " (2) The pass shall be in the form of Appendix XTI. ' (3) Such pass shall be produced on the demand of any forest officer or police officer. " (4) Timber for which such a pass is not produced may be detained by any forest officer or police officer." Under the Burma Rules fees are levied on timber for which such passes are given, but I do not recommend this being done on the Gold Coast, for the present at all events. This pass will usually be given when the timber is marked with the Government Pass mark (denoting that all fees and royalties payable on the timber have been paid), ritlc Rule 20 (4) of the Southern Nigeria Timber Rules. In Burma timber stealing has been reduced to a fine art, and the above quoted Rules have been found sufficient to meet all requirements for protecting timber against theft. Similar rules should, I think, be enforced on the Gold Coast, especially in the Axim district, where, I understand, stealing of such produce is very prevalent. GOLD COAST- REPORT ON FORESTS. 131 In the above Rules the divisional forest officer corresponds to a Provincial forest officer of Southern Nigeria, and deputy com- missioner to a district commissioner in our West African Colonies and Protectorates. Additional Rules will be required : - 1. To regulate the size of rafts and the minimum number of men in charge of them. This will depend on local conditions and the presence or absence of dredgers and launches in the water-ways. 2. To provide for the establishment of timber depots at— (a.) The mouth of the Ankobra River; (b.) The terminus of the railway at Sekondi, for the purpose of examining all timber before it is exported to Europe. The particular spots at which the depots are to be formed should be left till a forest department has been formed on the Gold Coast. The Customs authorities will have to see that no logs are shipped for Europe that do not bear the Government Pass mark. Timber imported from Europe might be exempted from the rules relating to hammer marks and Passes. Rule 14 of the Southern Nigerian Timber Rules will require alteration in accordance with the above quoted rules regarding the registration of hammer marks. '' Classification marks," I may explain, are marks used by timber merchants and others for their own private information with a view to indicating from what forest, stream, or contractor, &c., the timber is procured. 3. A rule to the effect that- No person shall convert, cut, burn, or conceal any timber in respect of which any money is payable to Government or the native communities. 4. A rule to the effect thai- No person shall establish or convert timber at a saw-pit or saw-mill within a distance of 1 mile from any river used for floating timber in rafts or of 10 miles of any railway, save under and subject to the conditions of a licence in the form given below, granted by the district commissioner or forest officer of a district or by an officer empowered by either of them. The licence form should be as follows : — Book number Licence number Licence to establish and convert timber at a sawpit or sawmill has been granted under Rule of the Timber Rules to (mnnc of person) of (residence) for a period of (months) under the following conditions from the (date] to the (date). (1) That the sawpit is established within the following boundaries .......... (2) That this licence is not transferable and must be in the possession of the person to whom it was granted or of his agent, when such person or his agent is using the sawpit. 12315 I 2 132 COLONIAL KKPOIITS — MISCELLANEOUS. Breach of any of the above conditions will render the holder liable io the forfeiture of the licence as well as the punishment prescribed in the Timber Rules. The (date) Signature and designation of Officer granting the licence. The licence forms for the registration of property marks and classification marks should be as below :- Book number Licence number Licence to possess and carry a marking hammer. (Name) .... of (residence) .... is permitted under Rule of the Timber Rules to possess, carry, and use within the under-mentioned limits the marking hammer or implement, bearing the impression shown on the reverse of this licence and subject to the conditions noted below. The limits above referred to are . . . (the district, forest, stream, &c., as the case may be, or the area covered by the timber licence). The time for which permission to use the hammer-mark hereby licensed is from ......... The conditions subject to which this licence is granted are:- — - (1) That the licensee shall at all times have the licence in his possession when using the hammer. (2) That the licence is not transferable, but the licensee may make over the licence and the hammer to which it refers temporal-ill/ to any person in his own employ or in the same employ as himself, provided that the name of the transferee and the date of transfer are endorsed on the licence. Breach of any of the conditions of this licence will render the licence liable to forfeiture and the holder thereof to the punishment prescribed in the Timber Rules. Date . Provincial Forest Officer, Province. Book number Licence number Licence to use a Classification Marl-. (To be issued only to owners of registered property marks or their servants and only for mahogany and cedar timber.) Name ..... of is permitted under Rule of the Timber Rules to possess, carry, and use within the under-mentioned limits the classification hammer mark or implement bearing the device shown on the reverse of this licence from the . . . (date) to the .... (date), subject to the conditions noted below: — GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 133 (1) That the mark shall only be impressed on mahogany and cedar log's already bearing the registered property mark. (2) That the person using the hammer shall carry the licence. (3) That the licence is not permanently transferable, but may be temporarily transferred to a servant or fellow-servant of the licensee, if the transferee's name and date of transfer are endorsed on the licence. The limits referred to are (District, forest, &c.). The time for which permission to use the hammer mark hereby licensed is granted is from . . to Date Provincial Forest Officer, Province. The Ti inlici- Reuiuctil Puss should be in the following form :- Book number Pass number Pass to remove timber has been granted under Hule of the Timber Kules to— (1) Owner's name; (2) Destination ; (3) Kind of timber; (4i) Hammer mark ; (5) Amount of timber; (6) Place at which Pass must be presented (Timber depot) ; (7) Date of expiry. Any one moving timber without a pass in this form is liable to a fine of £ or months' imprisonment. Date Signature and designation of Officer granting the pass. Xote. — The depots to which timber has to be taken should be notified from time to time in the Official Gazette. They should be placed at the termini of the various lines of export unless a large local trade between one district and another springs up, in which case they should be established at the most convenient places on these local lines. Lastly, as regards the question of drift timber, I cannot do better than quote in- extenso the Burma Forest Rules on this sub- ject. They should be closely followed in any adaptations made for the Gold Coast :- " 46. Timber falling under any of the following descriptions, namely : - "(a.) Timber found adrift, beached, stranded, or sunk; " (&.) Timber bearing marks that have not been registered under rules made under Section 43 ; ' (r.) Timber whidi lias been super-marked or on which marks have been obliterated, altered, or defaced by fire or otherwise; and 134 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. u(d,) In such areas as the Local Government directs, all unmarked timber; " shall be deemed to the the property of the Government unless and until any person establishes his rights thereto, as provided in this chapter." (See quotations of sections following this one.) ' (2.) Such timber may be collected by any forest officer or other person entitled to collect the same, and may be brought to such stations as a forest officer, specially empowered in this behalf, may from time to time notify as stations for the recep- tion of drift timber. ' (3.) The Local Government may, by notification in the local Official Gazette, exempt any class of timber from the provisions of this section. " 47. — .(1.) Public notice will from time to time, as occasion may require, be given by a forest officer, specially empowered in this behalf, of timber collected under the last foregoing section. " (2.) Such notice shall contain a description of the timber and shall require any person claiming the same to present to such officer, within a period not less ( ? more) than one month from the date on which such notice is given, a written statement of such claim. ' 48. — (1.) When any such statement is presented as aforesaid, the forest officer may, after making such enquiry as he thinks fit, either reject the claim, after recording his reasons for doing so, or deliver the timber to the claimant. '' (2.) If such timber is claimed by more than one person, the forest officer may either deliver the same to any such person whom he deems entitled thereto, or may refer the claimants to the Civil Court, and retain the timber pending the receipt of an order from the Court for its disposal. "(3.) Any person whose claim has been rejected under this section may, within six months from the date of such rejection, institute a suit to recover possession of the timber claimed by him, but no person shall recover any compensation against the Government or against any forest officer on account of such rejection, or the detention or removal of any timber, or the delivery thereof to any person under this section. " (4.) No such timber will be subject to the process of any Civil Court until it has been delivered or until a suit brought under this section has been decided. "(6-) Every suit instituted under this section shall be subject to the provisions of Section 424 of the Code of Civil Procedure. " Provided that the notice required by the said provision shall be g^ven within three months from the date of the rejection, under Sub-section (1), of the intending plaintiff's claim. "49. Where no statement is presented in the manner and within the period prescribed by notice issued under Section 47, or where such statement having been so presented and the claim rejected the claimant omits to institute a suit to recover posses- GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 135 siuii of such timber within the further period mentioned in Section 48, the ownership of such timber shall vest in the Government free from all mcTunbrances or, when such timber has been delivered to another person under Section 48, in such person free from all incumbrances not created by him. '' 50. No person shall be entitled to recover possession of any timber collected or delivered as aforesaid until such sum. as may be due for salving, collecting, moving, storing, and disposing of the timber has been paid by him to the forest officer or other person entitled to receive the sum. " 51. — (1.) The local Government may make rules to regulate the following matters, namely :- " (//.) The salving, collection, and disposal of all timber mentioned in Section 40 ; " (6.) The use and registration of boats used in salving and collecting timber ; " (c.) The amount to be paid for salving and collecting, mov- ing, storing, and disposing of such timber; and '' (d.) The use and registration of hammers and other imple- ments to be used for marking such timber. ("2.) The Local Government may by rule under this section attach to the breach of any rule under this section any punish- ment not exceeding imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or both." The above-quoted sections belong to the Upper Burma Forest Regulations which correspond to the forest ordinan res of Southern Nigeria, and as the latter in Sections 20 (11) and '20 (12) does give the Governor in Council the power to make rules to regulate the " transport of timber by land and water," and the " salving and disposal of drift timber," these sections of the Upper Burma forest regulations can be taken as a basis on Avhich to frame the rules that the Southern Nigerian ordinance provides for. The Upper Burma regulations have merely expressed in more detail in the regulations itself what would ordinarily be expressed in rules framed under the principal ordinances of our Colonies. The Upper Burma forest rules relating to the salving, collec- tion, and disposal of drift, stranded, or other timber are:- " Rule 68.— JIn Rules ,69 to 74, the following words have the fol- lowing meaning : - " Log — means a piece of timber which is 4 feet 6 inches or more in mean girth (i.e., the girth taken at the middle of length of the log). ' Yatthit — means a piece of timber 15 feet or more in length and having a mean girth of 2 feet or more but less than 4 feet 6 inches. '' Piece — means a piece of timber that is neither a log nor a yatthit. "69. All timber found adrift, beached, stranded, or sunk may be salved by any person, and shall either be secured on a bank or, 136 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. at the discretion of the salver, be iakeii to the next station down stream notified under Section 4(> of the Upper Burma Forest liegulations, 1898, as a station for the reception of drift timber. " 70. (1) 'The salver shall be entitled to the following bank- salvage for the securing of the timber:- Per log. Per yatthit. Per piece. Teak Other timber ... Rs. a. p. 080 040 Rs. a. p. 040 020 Rs. a. p. 020 0 1 0 and in addition thereto a payment at such rates as may from time to time be prescribed by the Conservator for delivery of timber at stations notified as aforesaid. " (2.) When rafts or compartments of a raft which have been abandoned by raftsmen are salved only half the bank-salvage shall be payable." (X1 OTE. — One anna = one penny.) " 71. The salver shall not deliver any timber salved by him to any person but a forest officer or a person entitled under a licence to collect such timber, and may refuse such delivery until the full payment to which he is entitled under the last foregoing rule has been tendered. " 72. (1.) No person other than a forest officer shall collect salved timber without a licence or otherwise than in accordance with the conditions of the licence. "|(2.) Such licence shall be granted by the officer in charge of the forest division, and shall be in the form of Appendix XX. to these rules. " 73. For all salved timber delivered to owners from stations notified as aforesaid the following fees shall be paid in addition to the salvage charges prescribed in and under Rule 70. Per log. Per yatthit. Per piece. Teak Rs. a. p. 1 8 0 Rs. a. p. 0 12 0 Rs. a. p. 060 Other timber ... 080 040 020 ' 74. On timber stored or left at a station notified for the recep- tion of drift timber for more than one month after the timber has been delivered by a forest officer to a claimant under Section 45 of the regulations, a fee of two annas per log shall be levied for each month or fraction of a month during which the log re- mains at the station. Provided that no fee shall lie leviable until after the expiry of fourteen days from the date of issue of notice in writing to the owner or other person interested in the timber, requiring him to remove it. The period of fourteen days shall GOLD COAST — KEPOKT ON FORESTS. 137 count from the dale of notice whether the notice reaches the owner or person interested or not. It shall be the duty of the owner or person interested in timber stored or left at a drift timber station properly to secure it and keep it in safety, no responsibility in respect thereto being undertaken by the forest officer in charge or by Government." Such are the provisions that it has been found necessary to make in Burma for the protection of forest produce in transit. Similar enactments, modified to suit local requirements, should be made in the timber rules for the Gold Coast. The spirit and essential points of the above quoted rules and regulations should, however, be preserved in the local rules, as they have been based on a long experience of timber exploitation and the dangers that have to be guarded against in a country where the conditions are somewhat similar to those prevailing in A Vest Africa. It remains now to mention that stations for the reception of drift timber will have to be notified from time to time in the Official Gazette; a few of them along the course of the Ankobra River and one at Sekondi should suffice for the present. In the event of the forests in the lower Tano drainage being much ex- ploited a station will have to be formed at the mouth of the canal leading from that river to Half Assini. The licence to collect salved timber should be in the following form : — Book number Licence number Licence to collect salved timber under Rule of the Timber Rules has been granted to of , who is permitted to pay bank-salvage and collect logs bearing the marks noted below within the under-mentioned limits from the {date} to the (dote) both days inclusive, subject to tlie following conditions :- (1.) That bank-salvage shall be paid at the rate fixed by Rule of the Timber Rules. (2.) That no timber bearing marks other than those noted below shall be collected. (3.) That only the person in whose name the licence is issued shall collect timber under the licence, and that at the time of collection the licence shall be in his possession. (4.) That the timber shall be brought to and reported at one other of the following places, namely : - The limits above referred to are— The marks above referred to are — Breach of any of the conditions of this licence will render the licence liable to forfeiture and the holder thereof to the punish- ment prescribed in the following rules. Date. Signature of officer granting the licence. 138 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Lastly, when, in accordance with Section 4(J of the Upper Burma Forest Regulations (quoted above), the ownership of cer- tain timber vests in the Government, this ownership should refer to the native communities from \\hose lands the timber in ques- tion was extracted. If such ownership cannot be ascertained, then the timber should become the property of the Gold Coast Government. As regards timber rules for the Northern Territories, I think that a few simple rules to the following effect will suffice for tlie present. Rule 1. — That no trees of the species specified below and of less girth than that provided for in this rule shall be felled by any person without the permission of a District Commissioner or Forest Officer. The species and their -mini inn in felling girths measured at a height of 4 feet 0 inches from the ground are : - Minimum girth. The "dry zone" mahogany (Khaya seucgalensis) ... 6ft. ,, „ ,, cedar (Pseudocedrela Kotschyi) ... 6ft. „ Shea butter tree {Biityrospcnnum Parkii) ... ... 6ft. ,, Opapao (Afzelia africana) ... ... ... ... 7ft. ,, rubber vine, Landolphia owariensis ... ... 1ft. Rule 2. — That no person shall " fake " for the purpose of trade or barter any timber except in accordance with the conditions contained in the licence form appended to these rules. Rule 3. — That the forests are not to be cleared for farming purposes within 100 yards of either bank of a perennial stream, except with the permission of the District Commissioner or Forest Officer. The same rule to apply to vegetation growing round the sources of streams and along the summits and crests of the hills. The licence form should be somewhat as follows :- Trade Licence to take Timber. Book number Licence number Licence to fell the trees specified on the reverse and to remove the timber to {locality where it trill be sold) is granted under Rule 2 of the Northern Territories Timber Rules for months from this date to {person} of (residax-, } subject to the following conditions: — ((1.) That only trees of the number, .species, and size specified on the reverse are felled. (2.) That no trees are felled in such a manner as to cause injury to any trees of the species mentioned in Rule 1 of these rules. (3.) That all branch pieces and other debris left after a tree has been felled shall be removed to a distance of not less than 20 feet from any species of tree mentioned in Rule 1. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 139 (4.) That no trees are felled or moved after the time for which this licence is granted shall have elapsed. (5.) That royalty at the under-mentioned rates shall be paid on the timber, and that the timber shall not be removed, converted, or utilized until such royalty has been paid in full. (6.) That if all dues on the timber are not paid on or before the day of , 19 , the timber men- tioned will lapse to Government. (7.) That unless the licence be obtained expressly for such purposes as providing house or bridge posts or the like, none of the following trees, the " dry zone mahogany (Khaya senegalensis), the ' dry zone cedar (Pseudocedrela Kotscliyi), the Opapao (Afzelia africana) shall be felled of less than 6 feet girth in the case of the two former species, and 7 feet in the case of the latter, at a height of 4 feet 6 inches from the ground. (8.) That no shea butter tree is felled. (9.) That the licensee shall mark all timber felled under the authority of this licence with a hammer mark duly registered at the office of the District Commissioner or Forest Officer. Breach of the above conditions Avill render the holder liable to forfeiture of his licence, and confiscation of the timber, as well as to the punishment prescribed in the Timber Rules. (Reverse of Licence.) Number and Girths of Trees to be felled. No. Species. Girth below which trees may not be felled. Mark of licensee's registered hammer. Limits within which trees may be felled or boundaries of area). Dated the (name of forest District Commissioner or Forest Officer, District. 140 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Account of Timber brought out. Date Logs. Cubic feet. Remarks. Initials of officer Rule 4. — The royalties paid oil timber extracted under a licence for trade or barter shall be distributed as follows by the District Commissioner : - Three-fifths shall be paid into the local Treasury. Two-fifths to the native communities on whose lands the timber is cut. Rule 5. — Native communities in receipt of timber royalties shall help the District Commissioner to enforce the conditions under which a licence to trade in timber is granted. Some rules providing1 for penalties to breaches of the above should be added. The protection of the trees specified in Rule 1 will cause little or 110 hardship to the native • farmers in the open savannahs in which they grow, and with the exception of Afzelia africana they cast very little shade. The protection of the belts of vegetation found growing along the banks of streams is of very great importance in the dry zone, and the same remark applies to forest growing round the sources of the streams, on the tops of ridges, and along the crests of hills. It is very probable that other trees may have to be eventually put under the protected list when more is known about the forest vegetation of the hinterland. General considerations regarding Tim her Rules. It will be seen, from the proposals put forth regarding the legislation that is considered necessary in the form of rules, that a certain amount of protection has been afforded to forest areas in general and their exploitation under proper restrictions pro- vided for. Such measures are, however, of a tentative nature and are only necessary till such a time when the best forests and a sufficient extent of wooded land has been placed under the intensive protection afforded by reservation. Reserves are the permanent estates from which the demands for forest-produce will have to be met in the future, and they therefore require different treatment from the generally protected areas, which latter are only protected in order to give sufficient time within which to complete the selection and reservation of the forests that it is considered necessary io manage solely as estates for the supply of forest produce. The procedure involved in reservation is a long one, and many years must lapse before enough wooded lauds have been taken GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 141 up for that purpose. Meanwhile, unless ;i certain amount of pro- tection is afforded to the forests ill general, there is risk of their being destroyed or severely damaged before the choice of areas that it is considered desirable to reserve has been completed. As a measure suited to the uncertainty that must exist for very many years whether permanent forests will be required in some areas, or whether it will not be better to give up such areas to cul- tivation and agriculture in general, this type of limited protection is invaluable. When the reservation of the quantity of wooded land considered necessary for meeting all the demands for forest produce likely to be made in the future has been completed, and when the per- manent existence of a sufficient extent of forest has been ensured with a view to protecting and improving the climatic factors of the country, then and then only will it be advisable to remove all restrictions from the unreserved areas. It is difficult to esti- mate what percentage of the forest lands should be reserved, because future requirements cannot be accurately allowed for. In India about 39 per cent, of the area of forest lands has been reserved and the area brouglit under this treatment is still increas- ing in extent almost every year. Rules relating to Forest Reserves. We now come to the consideration of the orders and rules necessary for the regulation and management of forest reserves, which expression includes the tint ire forest reserves provided for in the Southern Nigerian Ordinance as amended by me for the purposes of the Gold Coast. The Southern Nigeria Rules relating to forest reserves consist of: — A. Prohibitions. B. Rules and regulations, and An appendix containing licence forms for use in reserved forests. The corresponding reserved forest rules for the Gold Coast should be identical with those enacted for Southern Nigeria, and they will, in that form, be found to meet all the requirements of the case. As mentioned before, reserves should he looked upon as estates that are to be protected and managed solely with a view to supply- ing forest produce both for local use and, if necessary, for export, as well as for the purpose of ensuring that beneficial action on the climatic factors associated with the presence of large masses of forest vegetation. The necessity for placing such areas on a proper legal footing, by defining their boundaries fas pieces of property) and the rights to be exercised in them, &c., has already been explained, and it is only necessary now to remark that unless this legal protection has been properly secured it is useless to anticipate any good results from a system of forest conservancy in which an essential guarantee of that sort is wanting. It is not worth while going to the expense of introducing measures for the treatment and 142 COLONIAL REPORTS- MISCELLANEOUS. exploitation of the forest, sucli management being necessarily based on the assumption that it can be exercised without hostile interference for at least several generations, if not centuries, when the very existence of the forest as such is not guaranteed for a sufficient length of time to realize the object of the manage- ment. It is sheer loss of time and money to the State. On the other hand, it is absolutely certain that without the legal pro- tection afforded by reservation, the forests will in time cease to , exist. No property of this sort regarding which the rights of ownership and prescription have not been legally defined, limited, and regulated, can exist for very long, more particularly in coun- tries like our West African Colonies and Protectorates. What- ever measures may be adopted for the general protection afforded to the forests under enactments such as the Timber Rules, it will be found in course of time that they are quite insufficient to meet the demands of forest conservancy. The latter, without the power to legally constitute reserved forests, is a mere ghost and caricature of what it should be. PART II. B. — SUGGESTIONS AS TO THE FOREST POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION TO BE ADOPTED ON THE GOLD COAST. Having dealt with the question of legislation, the next points to consider are the means by which the provisions of the Ordi- nance, Orders, Rules, &c., should be put into practice, and the general policy to be followed in regard to Forest Conservancy and Administration on the Gold Coast. These matters can be most conveniently dealt with under the following heads: — A. Establishments necessary for carrying out the provisions of the Forest Laws and for the systematic protection and management of the forests. B. The selection of areas for reservation. C. The collection of data for the preparation of '"' Working Plans" and the methods under which the forests should be managed. D. The botanical survey of the forests. E. The training of the subordinate staff. F. Forest plantations. G. The inspection and supervision of timber concessions and licensed areas. H. General forest policy. Taking these in the order mentioned, as regards A. — Forest Establishments. The Forest Administration of the Gold Coast should be carried out by means of the staff, European and native, shown below ; — • GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 143 1. European Staff' (superior Forest Service) This should consist of: — (a.) A Conservator with a salary of £1,000 to £1,200 on a yearly increment of £50, and duty pay of £200 per annum. (b.) A Deputy Conservator on a salary of £700 to £900, with a yearly increment of £50 and duty pay of £140 a year. (c.) Senior Assistant Conservators (1st grade) with salaries of £450 to £650 per annum, a yearly increment of £25, and duty pay at the rate of £90 per annum. (d.} Junior Assistant Conservators (2nd grade) with salaries of £300 to £400, and yearly increments of £25. The Deputy Conservator will act for the Conservator when the latter is absent on leave, and will be his second in command. The Senior As-sistan-ts will ordinarily hold .charge of the larger Administrative Divisions, such as the Gold Coast, Ashanti, and the Northern Territories. The Junior Assistants will hold charge of groups of Districts corresponding to the Political Divisions known as Provinces. The Conservator, Deputy Conservator, and Senior Assistants should, as far ax J)j(ir-c). (/1.) The Kaku (species of Lophira). (g1.) The Kokoti (Pynaertia ealaensis). (A1.) The N'yankon (Heritiera ntilis). (i.) The silk rubl>er tree (F nntintiia elastica}. (j1.} The rubber vines, Landolphia ou-an'ensif; and L. Thompson i /. (&1.) The gum copal trees (species of Cyanothyrsus). (I1.) Tlie oil-bean tree (Pentad ethra macrophylla). (w1.) Awama (Ricinodendron africanus}. (n1.) Trees the wood of which is used for making- shingles, such as the Off ram (Terminalia scutifera} and the Emril, another species of Terminalia; and, finally, any other species of plant that furnishes valuable or durable timber or other produce of economic value. It will .generally be found that a large proportion of the above- mentioned plants are to be met with in one and the same forest, so that its reservation will afford protection at the same time to a great many of the species that it is desirable to conserve. When selecting- areas for reservation, information regarding the sylvicultural peculiarities of the more important species should be carefully collected and recorded. The time of flowering and seeding, whether annual or occurring at intervals of several years, the time the fruit remains on the tree, before it falls (in some species the fruit remains on the tree for two or three years), should be noted, as well as:- (i.) The kind of soil that suits each species best. (ii.) In hilly country the aspect, i.e., the slope of the ground, whether north, south, east, or west, on which the species thrives. (iii.) The relation of the more important species to the other plants in the forest ; whether they are being domi- nated or likely to be suppressed by others, and the state of their natural regeneration. (iv.) "\Vhether the species is a light-deniander or can stand dense shade. (v.) Whether it is evergreen or becomes defoliated at periodical intervals, and so on. The observations indicated above will take years to carry out thoroughly, but they should never, on account of their import- ance, be lost sight of, and every endeavour should be made to keep continuous records from year to year on these points. When selecting forests for reservation, it will be found that comparatively few tracts are covered with so-called primeval or virgin forest; the majority of forests on the Gold Coast and in Ashanti consist of secondary irregular growth that has sprung up on areas previously cleared for farms by the natives. In places, such forests have, since they re-occupied the abandoned farms, been left untouched for such a long time that a sufficient interval has elapsed for the trees composing them to have grown into large trees of very nearly as good growth as the original GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 147 ones that were felled. Such forests should be selected in pre- ference to those of younger age, commonly met with close to the larger native towns and villages. Again, forests situated within a reasonable distance of "floating" streams (streams capable of floating out large logs), should be chosen in preference to those at present inaccessible to exploitation, unless, of course, the reservation is made with the object of protective belts of forest, with a view to the latter exercising its functions of preserving or improving the factors of the locality. The system of farming in vogue with the natives is such that large tracts of forest-covered land are necessary for the successful carrying out of these operations ; very much more land, in fact, than would be sufficient in the case of permanent cultivation. It is, therefore, necessary that the forest officer should, when submitting proposals for reservation, first ascertain whether sufficient forest, or scrub-covered land will still be available to the natives' for farming purposes after the reservation has taken place. He should make enquiries regarding the size of the native villages and their rate of increase of population; the area required annually by each for farming purposes ; the length of the farming rotation ; the number of crops raised on the newly- cleared farms before they are allowed to lie fallow, and the nature of the crops grown. Some of these points, especially the rate of increase of popula- tion, can be adequately dealt with only in the course of a proper anthropological survey; and if any such work is undertaken, it is desirable that the needs of the Forest Department should be kept in view when the scheme for such a survey is prepared. In- formation as to native forest laws and land laws in general should also be collected and put at the disposal of the Forest Department. Details of this description should always accompany the reserve proposals. All areas that are found sufficiently rich for reservation should be surveyed with the compass and rope, or the plane-table ; more especially the boundaries of the reserves, which should consist, as far as possible, of easily identified features, such as ridges of hills (water-partings), the course of streams, roads, and paths. Whilst these traverses are being made, the ''valuation surveys." referred to under " (C) The Collection of Data for the Preparation of ' Working Plans ' in this chapter, should be carried out in conjunction with them. The valuation surveys will further help to fill in the interior details of the sketch map forwarded with the proposals for reservation. Such maps should have marked on them the positions of all villages that are likely to be directly affected by the reservation of the area concerned. Rough surveys made with the aid of the compass and pacing, timing, &c., should also be carried out along forest roads and paths not already shown on the maps of the Colony and Protec- torates. The field sheets of such surveys ought to be forwarded to the Superintendent of Surveys, with a view to their being utilized in the preparation of later editions of the maps. 12315 K 2 148 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. C. — The Collection of Data for the Preparation of Working Plans. This very important work should be undertaken concurrently with the exploration and selection of areas for reservation. In the early stages of forest conservancy in tropical West Africa, it will not be possible to undertake any refined and costly measures of this sort, but simple and approximate methods of the nature indicated below should invariably be adopted with a view to supplying some information regarding the actual condition of the growing stock in the forests, and for the purpose of framing simple and safe prescriptions for their exploitation till such a time as more detailed and accurate systems become possible. Reserves should invariably be exploited under some such simple prescription, that limits the fellings to a definite proportion of the mature timber they contain. For example, a prescription that limits the fellings during a specified period to one-third, say, of the number of mature trees standing in the reserve is both simple to understand and to apply. It merely means that o\it of every three mature trees found in the forest, one is to be marked for felling. The person selecting the trees to be cut searches about in the forest and marks every third tree of the requisite girth that he comes across, and has them felled. If with such a prescription is combined the 'observance of simple rules that prohibit the felling of isolated trees of a particular species, and further limit the first choice to trees that are past their prime as seed-bearers, little or no harm will be done to the forests by the time that they can be placed under a more rigorous and accurate treatment. In any case it is much to be preferred to the ordinary haphazard methods that do not take into con- sideration the actual condition of the growing stock. Before a simple plan of the nature indicated above, however, can be framed, it is necessary to ascertain :- '(«) the rate of growth, of the particular species exploited, at definite periods of their age ; and (1>) the proportion (in number of trees) existing between the various age or girth classes. As regards (a) the rate of growth : The Vjest and safest method of ascertaining this, with respect to any particular species, is to actually measure at regular intervals, say, of three, four, or five years, the girths or diameters of a good representative series of individuals of all sizes from that of the sapling to the mature tree. The same trees should be re-measured at the end of every third, fourth, or fifth year, as the case may be, and the process continued till 15 or 20 years have elapsed, by the end of which time it will be possible to obtain reliable data as to the rate of diameter urowth of the species during the different stages of its growth. The latter is not uniform in rate throughout the lifetime of any particular species, hence the necessity for includ- ing individuals of all sizes (the girths are proportional to the ages) amongst those measured. If the measurements are made on series of trees growing on poor, middling, and good soil, more accurate data still will be GOLD COAST — REPORT OX FORESTS. 149 procured, aud reliable averages for intermediate conditions of the soil can then be reached by estimation. Of course, very careful records will have to be kept of the measurements, and each tree marked with a distinctive number by which it can be identified, both in the forest and amongst the records. The necessity for carrying out these observations on trees that are not likely to be cut or damaged during the periods for which the experiments are to hold good is obvious. Other methods of ascertaining the rate of growth are, in the case -of tropical trees, not so accurate as that mentioned above. The usual one of counting the number of rings in the wood and calculating the growth from the data so obtained is only accurate when it is known for certain whether the rings are annual, or bear some definite proportion to the age of the tree. As a general rule, trees with the deciduous habit strongly pronounced at regularly occurring intervals, such as the dry season in the case of species inhabiting the mixed evergreen and deciduous forests, show well-marked differences in the appearance of the tissues formed during the dry and wet periods of the year, and these differences can be utilized in calculating the rate of growth. Evergreen trees sometimes show the same regularity of differ- ence, but there is in their case no means of ascertaining whether it is an annual occurrence or not, unless a check depending on historical information regarding the actual age of the tree is available. A safer method is to compare the number of rings in the wood of young trees with the age of the trees as estimated from other evidence, such as the number of years that may have elapsed since the area on which the young plants are growing was last cleared by the natives for farming purposes, and the time that has passed since the farm was abandoned as fallow land. If the average number of rings, as shown on the wood of a large number of young plants, agrees pretty closely with the number of years estimated from the evidence of the natives regarding the period that lias elapsed since the farm was abandoned by them, then it may be assumed with safety that the rings in such instances are of animal growth. Similarly, the correspondence between the rings and the age can be ascer- tained from planted trees the ages of which are known. It may happen that the average number of rings is some exact multiple of the age ascertained from other evidence ; the inference then is that two or more rings, as the case may be, are put on annually by the tree, and such data will be sufficient for ascertaining the age of the latter from an enumeration of the rings alone. The correspondence between the rings and the age having been found, then the age of any particular plant of the same species can be ascertained by counting the number of rings along two or three selected radii of a log or stump, and taking the average. The rate of growth is got by counting the number of rings that occur along each inch of radius. In the same manner the rate of growth at the different periods of life of the tree can be found. 150 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Data of the kind mentioned above, to be of any scientific value, should be procured from the average of a large number of obser- vations, and the peculiarities of each species ascertained separately. (b.) The Proportion existing between the various Age or Girth Gradations. Before proceeding to ascertain these ration by means of linear valuation surveys, it will be necessaiy to adopt some system of classification of the gradations. The following will be found suitable for present purposes : - In a well-stocked forest the girths of the trees may, with a fair degree of approximation, be taken as directly proportional to their ages ; if, therefore, the girths of the various sizes be equally spaced out between the plants of smallest dimensions, and the average size of the mature trees, a convenient workable scale can be arrived at. This scale need not, for the rough approximations now being considered, be divided into more than three classes. For example, suppose the average girth of the mature tree to be 72 inches, or 6 feet, then the classes (if only three divisions are made), will be as follows : — The third class (youngest trees) will consist of all plants up to 24 inches in girth. The second class (middle-aged trees) will consist of all plants between 24 inches and 48 inches in girth. The first class (mature trees) will consist of all trees between 48 inches and 72 inches and over in girth. In this example the girths have been equally spaced out at 72 intervals of — =24 inches, and the various classes are multiples o of this interval. The denominator always denotes the number of classes it is proposed to adopt. The actual size of the girth will, of course, depend in each case on the size selected as the average girth of the mature tree, and will vary with the species. Suppose the size of the mature tree is found to be only 48 inches, then if only three girth classes are required, the girths will be spaced out at intervals of -5- = 16 inches. So the classes will be: — o Third class : All plants up to 16 by 1 inches in girth. Second class : All plants between 16 inches and 16 inches by 2 inches or 32 inches in girth. First class: All plants between 32 inches and 16 inches by 3 inches or 48 inches in girth and over. The whole object of this division into girth classes being to ascertain the condition of the aye gradations witJi reference to any particular species, the classification of the ages into the tlu-ee divisions, young, middle-aged, and mature, and the sub- sequent determination of the proportions existing amongst the •number* of the plants found in each of these classes will be quite GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 151 sufficient to indicate whether the age gradations depart greatly from the normal type or not. If the number of plants in the youngest and middle-aged classes is found to be less than that in the mature class, then the forest, so far as the particular species of plant under investi- gation is concerned, is certainly over-mature, and great care will have to be taken in its exploitation ; if, on the other hand, the number of plants found in the youngest class is very greatly in excess of that in the middle-aged class, and the number in the latter in its turn in excess of that in the mature class, then the age gradations approximate to the normal type and a larger number of the mature trees will be available for exploitation without any risk being run of encroaching on the wood-produc- ing capital. The method of counting the number of plants in each class that has proved to be the best and cheapest in the tropical forests of Burma for rough approximations of this kind is that known as the system of " Linear valuation surveys." It is quite accurate enough for the purpose of framing preparatory working plans and is the most suitable, under existing conditions at all events, for the dense forests of the West Coast of Africa. They are carried out in the following manner. The person making the enumeration of the trees walks through the forest in a definite direction, say south-west, and in addition to measuring the distance walked over counts all the plants of the particular species that it is intended to enumerate that he finds within one chain of either side of his line of march. He enters in his notebook all those that belong to the lowest girth class in the appropriate column for that class by means of a dot or a dash of his pencil and so on for the other girth classes. At the end of the survey he counts up the number of dots or dashes made and thus ascertains the number of plants enumerated for cad i class. After a little practice the girth class that a tree belongs to can easily be ascertained by the eye alone without measurement ; similarly, the distance of one chain on either side of the line can be estimated by the eye, any small errors made in this respect counterbalancing each other. "When making the linear valuation surveys, care should be taken in hilly country to carry them out along lines that are roughly more or less at right angles to the ridges forming the water-partings so as to include the trees growing at the various elevations above the levels of the valleys, and thus obtain a fairer average than could be got by keeping the survey at a uniform level above the streams. At the same time that the countings are made the actual distance or length of line marched over should be measured in chains by means of a rope. The total distance travelled over (in chains) multiplied by the width of the survey (2 chains when a distance of 1 chain on cncli \/<7e of the line of march is adopted or only one chain when, as in very dense forest, only half a chain on either side is included in the survey), and divided by ten, will give the acreage of the area on which the trees were enumerated. 152 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. The area counted over should not be less than 5 per cent, of the total area of the forest. It will often be found that the particular species that is being counted occurs in patches at very long- intervals of a mile or more in such cases, and when calculating the area of the survey, the total length of distance chained over should be reduced by the number of chains travelled over in these blanks. The results obtained from the valuation surveys should be utilized, not for the purpose of estimating the actual quantity of growing stock in the forest, but with a view to ascertaining the proportion that exists between the numbers of trees in the different girth classes. These proportions or ratios will furnish the most reliable guide as to the condition of the age gradations and their approach to or divergence from that existing in a normal forest. Once the rate of growth is known and the condition of the age gradations, it will be possible to frame a simple prescription for the fellings. For example, suppose the age gradations are fairly well represented and it has been found that it requires a period of forty-five years for a tree of the middle girth class to attain the dimensions of those in the mature or exploitable class, then if G be the total number of trees in the latter class, the annual yield, Y, of the forest (in trees) will be— Y = G 45 Now supposing the forest is leased for a period say of fifteen years, then the prescription to cover such a period would be somewhat as follows : — ' The lessee shall not fell during the period of his lease more than -|§ x G mature trees or ^ x G- trees, that is to say, not more than one-third of the total number of mature trees in the forest." This is a simple prescription to apply and check. In a similar manner, suppose it is determined to work over the whole area in fifteen years and it is found that the particular species being exploited is found more or less uniformly distributed through the area. Then if the area is divided into fifteen annual coups, one of which is taken in hand each year in succession and one-third of the mature trees in each of these coups are removed, the prescription of felling -"-- trees annually will be satisfied. For, the trees being uniformly distributed, on j- of the area there will be rs mature trees, and J of this is equal to -fS, the annual yield. If it happens, as is very likely to be the case with the "West. African forests, that the age classes are deficient, especially the middle and younger ones, then the number of years required to replace the surplus stock of mature trees will, in the example given, be much greater than forty -five years ; say it is calculated from the rate of growth of the trees composing the younger classes that another 11 years will be required to replace all the mature trees, then the annual felling prescription will be equal to G (45 + n)' GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 153 Such simple prescriptions do not require an exact estimate of the actual quantity of the growing- stock in the forest to be made before they can be applied ; by felling a definite and high proportion such as |, g, |, &c., of the actual number of mature trees met with in the forest, a sufficient check can be kept on the fellings to prevent over-exploitation during the time that must lapse before the forests can be treated under the provisions of more accurate working plans. The methods indicated above are well suited to the requirements of wild, imperfectly explored tracts of country such as the afforested areas of British West Africa, where refined methods cannot be introduced at present. The method under which the forests are to be exploited should be that known as the " selection system." It is the most elastic of all the systems and can be applied to all the varying con- ditions to be found in the tropics. Moreover it is the only one that would pay under existing circumstances where only a very small proportion of the species composing the forest are worth ex- ploiting. Where fuel as well as timber for ordinary purposes is in great demand the " coppice with standards " method is the most suit- able one to adopt, as it meets both requirements and ensures a certain amount of protection to the soil at all stages of the treat- ment— a matter of great importance in the tropics. D. — The Botanical Survey of the Forests. It is very important that the forests should be thoroughly explored with a view to eventually compiling a complete botanical inventory of their contents. During the examination of such tracts every effort should be made to secure specimens of the flvwers, fruits, and leaves of the plants composing the forest vegetation, as wTell as to make collections of the different kinds of minor forest produce yielded by them. In all cases each specimen should have a label attached to it, giving the following information : - The date of collection. Locality (district, name of forest, &c.). Whether growing in open or dense forest in the evergreen, mixed deciduous, or savannah forests ; on hills or close to streams. The character of the soil on wrhicli the plant grows, &c. Colour of the flowers. Native name of the plant. Size to which it grows. Uses to which it is put. The specimens should be labelled and numbered serially, and the flow-ers, fruit, and leaves procured from the same tree should all bear the same number. On account of their bulk some fruits will have to be dried and then kept in boxes — separate from the flowers and leaves — in siich cases the greatest care should be taken that the labels attached to the fruit bear the same number as the labels attached to the corresponding specimens of the 154 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. flowers and leaves; otherwise very great confusion is liable to occur. The specimens should, as soon as possible after being thoroughly pressed and dried, be forwarded to the Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, with a request that they be identified and a list of the identifications sent to the officer who made the collection. The latter person should keep duplicates of the specimens forwarded to Europe, and they should bear the same numbers as the originals. He will then have specimens that have been identified by specialists to refer to from time to time as the occasion requires. The duplicates will of course be named in accordance with the identification lists sent from Kew. The duplicates should be kept with great care in some central office, like that of the Conservators or of the Provincial Forest Officers. Representative samples of timber of all the forest trees of the Gold 'Coast are very much required for the purpose of making1 a comprehensive study of these woods. The samples should be pro- cured from thoroughly seasoned timber and the botanical identi- fication of tlie tree yielding tlie latter tliouhl in -each caxe be ascertained from Kew and placed absolutely beyond any shadow of doubt. Certain species of trees to be found on the Gold Coast and Ashaiiti are so plentiful that every effort should be made to introduce them to and place them on the home markets, because, if a demand for them can be created, the supply is almost inex- haustible and a trade in them will enhance the value of the forests to a very considerable extent. The most important species in this respect are the Waw-waw (Triplochiton Johnsonii) and the Dahornah (Piptadenia africana). Both of them yield excellent timber, and that of the latter has lately attracted the attention of some timber brokers in the Liver- pool market. It will be well worth the while of Government to place some carefully seasoned and good logs of these woods on that market with a view to introducing them to the notice of the timber merchants. Messrs. Elder Dempster & 'Co., are always willing to carry such samples to Europe in their steamers free of all charges. Undoubtedly the best way of seasoning this and almost all tropical woods is to ring bark or girdle the trees and let them remain standing in the forest for two years or so, till they have died and the wood has become seasoned. The trees are by this method killed very gradually and the seasoning of the timber is thus carried out in a very effective manner. When ' ringing " the tree, care should be taken to completely cut through the sap-wood all round and right into the heart- wood. The slightest strip of uncut sap-wood will often enable the tree to linger on for years before it dies. In trees that possess no very distinct sap-wood the " ringing " will have to be carried oui to a great depth all round and as far inwards as' the zone of the dry dead wood, close to the centre of the tree. It has been found in Southern Nigeria that by girdling or ringing mahogany and cedar trees not only is the timber pro- perly seasoned and rendered easier to float, but it is far less GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 155 liable to the formation of ring shakes and cracks when it is felled. The improvement in this respect is very marked. Reverting to the Waw-icaw and the Dahomah, these trees are so plentiful and universally distributed that it will be possible to place their woods, by the local use of mechanical appliances, on the home markets at a less cost than it is possible to do in the case of the rarer mahoganies and cedars. Even if they command such a low price as two-pence per superficial foot it should pay to extract them. Xow that American and other hardwoods are getting scarcer every year these two species should have a great future before them. E. — The Training of the Subordinate Staff . An early opportunity should be taken of opening a forest school to which members of the native staff can be sent for a course of training in their duties. Such a school should be situated within a reserve in an easily accessible locality, and in the reserve practical lessons in plantation work, thinnings, girdling, felling, coppicing, &c., should be given to the pupils as well as elementary instruction in the conditions affecting plant growth, in the measurement of timber, surveying, the forest laws, and the preparation and submission of forest reports. Pending the formation of such a school, which is urgently required for the general use of all the Colonies and Protectorates of British West Africa, the Assistant Conservators will have to undertake the training of the men placed under their charge. A few months' course of instruction at one of the botanical gardens would also be a very desirable thing for newly-joined men. The reserve selected as the site for the school should be specially managed with a view to furnishing examples of all the operations described above, and some very useful informa- tion can thus be collected regarding the reactions of the different species experimented on towards these various methods of treat- ment. Plantations both pure and mixed of the timber-yielding species should be started and careful records kept of the methods of planting adopted and of the results, as well as a general history of all these operations from year to year. " Regeneration fellings " to stimulate the natural regenera- tion of the different species of trees should also be carried out. and records kept of the results thus obtained. In fact, the reserve selected should serve as a centre not only for teaching purposes, but for research work in connection with the sylvicultural requirements of tropical West African plants, of which but little is known at present. The reserve should be situated somewhere on the Sekondi- Kumassi Railway, for preference in Ashanti, say between Dunkwa and Oboase. Unfortunately almost the whole of the land on either side of the railway has in that direction been leased for mining purposes or as timber concessions. Xeveri lir- Icss it may be possible to come io some arrangement wiili fin- lessees arud lessors with a view to Government ac<]uiriutr an area of twenty to thirty square miles for tins purpose. The matter is ;in important one, and every effort should be made to acquire such a piece of land as a reserve. Another good locality now that the Tarkwa-Prestea line has hcen started is the (fad of country drained by the Mansi River :ind its feeder. - -ulliciciit ly explained the importance of establishing reserre.x of a sufficient extent to meet all the demands for forest produce likely to arise in the future, and for the pur- pose of realising those beneficial effects on the climatic factors of a country that are usually associated with the presence of large masses of forest vegetation. The keystone to all forest conservancy is reservation. Unless the paramount Government can ensure the thorough and legal protection afforded by reservation to estates that are meant to be managed as forests, real conservancy is out of the question, and the forests as such will gradually disappear off the face of the land. 158 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Reservation being ensured, the forests should be managed with a view to supplying a sustained and increasing yield of produce, both for local requirements and for the home markets, and this can all be brought about with but little interference with the recognised rights and privileges of the inhabitants. The supply of their wants should be the first care of the management, and after that can come the exploitation of produce for the European markets. At present there are vast forests available for both purposes, but a time will come when they will be so restricted in size that the utmost difficulty will be experienced in supplying the various demands. It is, therefore, highly desirable that the best areas should at once be selected and marked off as estates for the permanent supply of those wants before the former have been much damaged or destroyed ; and if the two-fold character of the markets to be supplied is kept in mind, it will be realised that the creation of a few reserves will be totally insufficient to meet the reqiiiremeiits of the case. Nothing short of something like 40 per cent, of the wooded area will be required if the in- habitants of the country are to be provided with that share of forest produce for their daily and other requirements to which they are justly entitled. Concurrently with this removal of produce, measures will have to be taken, by the properly arranged cutting of the ripe material and by sowing and planting, to replace what has been removed from the forests, and thus ensure a continuous supply in the future. None of the measures, however, will be of much avail unless they are continually exercised and enforced, any breaks in the continuity will be fatal both to the management and to the results originally contemplated. Continuity of purpose and action are the very breath a-nd life of sound forest administra- tion. Frequent changes of policy, management, &c., bring about that uncertainty and want of finality in the results that it is the main object of scientific forestry to avoid. A forest crop, as it is, takes a, very long time to mature; and the result of con- tinually altering the treatment to which it is subjected can, under such conditions, be easily imagined. The loss of time alone is immense. As regards the danger threatening the wooded areas of Aquapim, by the encroachment on them of the adjacent grass lands and savannah forests, I fear that the damage already done is too great to be repaired except by the expenditure of large sums of money, which the Administration will at present scarcely be able to afford. It is, however, well within the means of the Government to stop the further spread of this damage and secure for the further cultivation of cocoa, rubber, and other tropical crops, land that must in time, under the present methods of farming, be lost for that purpose. By preserving a broad belt of forest between the planting centres and the dry grass country, a suitable barrier against the spread of the latter can be pro- vided for. This protective belt of forest should be strictly reserved. GOLD COAST — REPORT (>NT FORESTS. 159 I understand ill at there is a fairly extensive piece of Crown- land between Christianborg Castle and the cantonments. This should, I think, be re-afforested, partly for the purpose of sup- plying Accra with cheap fuel and partly as an object lesson in how unfertile arid wastes can be reclaimed. Indications are not wanting- that the climate of the country round Winneba, Pram Pram, and Accra is gradually becoming drier and changing for the worse, and it may possibly become imperative some years hence for Government to arrest this process of desiccation by means of irrigation work and re-afforestation ; hence, timely experiments should be undertaken on a small scale to ascertain the most suitable plants for this purpose, and the best methods of growing' them. The importance of preserving the forests covering the catchment basins of streams flowing through those dry districts should also be kept in mind, especi- ally with a view to the utilisation of their waters for irrigation purposes. In conclusion, it is much to be hoped that adequate steps will be taken to secure the protection and proper management of some of the richer portions of the magnificent forests of Ashanti and the Colony, forests the like of which it would be very hard to match anywhere in Africa, and which form a very valuable asset of the country and the Empire. Any sacrifices made to attain this object will be repaid a hundredfold in the future. The revenues derived from timber and rubber will amply suffice to cover the cost of all such undertakings. PART III. C. — CONCLUSION. — Brief description of the Climate and J'lii/sical Features of the Gold Coast and Ashanti. — Short- Account of the Conditions affecting Plant-growth. — -Clarifi- cation of Plant formation*. — Types of West African forma- tions and their characteristic Plants. — The distribution of the Forests. — Exports and Imports of Forest Produce.— List of Vernacular Barnes of Plants. The Gold Coast with its two administrative divisions or depen- dencies, Ashanti and the Northern Territories, comprises an area of something like -82,000 square miles. It is situated on the coast of Guinea, between the French possession of the Ivory Coast and the German Colony and Protectorate of Togoland, with the frontiers of which its western and eastern boundaries coincide. It has a seaboard extending from o° west longitude to 1° east longitude, and is bounded on the north by the llth parallel of north latitude and the French Soudan and Dahomey. The greatest length from north to .south is about 450 miles. It is thus wholly situated within the northern tropic. 160 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS Drainage Systems. The chief rivers draining this extensive tract of country are:- 1. The Volta, with its two large feeders the Black and White Voltas — the former of which rises in the Mina Mountains of the Western Soudan, and the latter some hundred miles due north of the important town of Wagadugu in the French Soudan. The Black Volta from the 11° north parallel as far south as about 8° 40' north forms the boundary between our possessions and that of the French. It then flows in a south-easterly direction till within a long day's march of Kintampo, after which it makes a big loop to the north, is joined by the White Yolta, and resumes it south-easterly direction ; this it keeps as far as the small vil- lage of Epuni on the north-eastern border of Ashanti, when it turns to the south, and after running in that direction for about a hundred miles, again, in the neighbourhood of Akusa, bends away to the south-east and finally empties itself into the Kitta and Adda lagoons. It is a fine river, but unfortunately the channel is much obstructed in places with rapids. The White Yolta drains a con- sideiable portion of the Northern Territories. The most impor- tant tributaries on the right bank of the main or Black Yolta are, within our limits, the Tain, Pra, Sene, Sunii, and Afran Rivers, all of which, except the last, drain the northern portions of Ashanti. 2. The Tano River. — This rises in north-western Ashanti, and after flowing in a more or less north and south direction for nearly the whole of its course empties itself into the Tendo Lagoon on the extreme south-western border of the Colony, close to the coast town of Half Assini. It is also obstructed by rapids, but they are said to be not very formidable, and the obstructions causing them are 'Capable of being removed. The Tano River drains the best forests of Ashanti and the Colony — a wooded area of several thousand square miles. 3. The Pra River. — Rising in the high hills of Okwawu and Eastern Akirn, this river flows for the greater portion of its journey in a south-westerly direction ; at Sarmang it turns to the south and flows into the sea close to the town of Shama. It drains an extremely hilly tract of country, and is, like the others, rendered unnavigable by the presence of rapids. The most im- portant feeders on its right bank are the Anum River, which drains the country to the east of the sacred lake, and the Otfin with its tributary the Adra. They both drain the southern and south-western portions of Ashanti. On the left bank it is joined by two important feeders, the Inwi and the Birrim, the latter of which is much the larger of the two and drains one of the best cocoa-growing districts. 4. The Ankobra River. — This stream rises in the extreme northern portion of Upper Denkira, close to the mining centre of Bibiani, and is confined for the whole length of its course to the limits of the Colony. It flows almost due north and south through a very rich mining and timber country, and falls into the sea close to Axirn. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 1G1 Other less important rivers are the Nakwa, in the Salt Pond dis- trict, the Amaso in Wiimeba, and the Densu in the Accra dis- trict. These rise in the Atikwa and Aqiiapim hills, and all of them flow in a general north to south direction. In the neigh- bourhood of the sea they flow through open country covered with low scrub or savannah forest. In the eastern portion of Ashanii a small tract of densely-wooded country is drained by the Bia River, a tributary of the Konioe, which is the most important water-way of the French Ivory "Coast. The Water-partings. Generally speaking, the country along the sea-board is undu- lating in character, especially to the east of Winneba, where ex- tensive plains exist between fhe coast and the well-marked hill ranges of the interior, which approach on an average to within 15 to 20 miles of the sea shore. Westwards of the above-mentioned town the undulations are much more pronounced and give rise to low hills with abrupt slopes facing the sea. The coast line is on the whole bold and well defined, and the long stretches of low-lying mangrove swamps, so characteristic of the Southern Xigerian coast, are here a very subordinate feature of the country. As one recedes from the coast line northwards the land be- comes very hilly, well wooded, and rich in perennial streams, and these characters are maintained till the central plateau of Northern Ashanti is reached, when the dense forests gradually give way to the open savannah formations in which the water supply during the dry season is poor and the contours of the country again assume an undulating character. These upland plains are, however, dominated here and there by well-marked rocky hills that sometimes reach an altitude of over 1,600 feet. The plateau is interrupted by the lower valley of the Black Volta River to the north, but reappears, I understand, a short distance inland from the left bank of that river, and gradually increasing in height culminates in the tableland on which Gainbaga is situated. It must attain an altitude of close on 2,000 feet in that Province. The approach to the Ashanti plateau from the east is much more gradual as the valley of the main Yolta leads up to it from that direction. This valley is nevertheless very much contracted in places where prominent hill ranges, running in a north-easterly direction, are in the vicinity of the village of Mem broken through by it ; beyond this .gorge the country opens out on to the Afram Plains, which gradually merge into the Xorth Ashanti plateau. The Yolta River is practically the only drainer of the latter, and the plateau is lowest in the north-east corner of Ashanti. The most pronounced ranges of hills are: — (1.) The water-parting between the Otfin River and its tributary the Adra. To the north of N'Kwanta it culminates in a range over 1,600 feet in altitude. (2.) The divide between the Tano River and the Ankobra ; this also reaches a similar altitude. 1231-5 T 162 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. (3.) The Uboase hills forming the divide between the Offin and the Jim Eivers. They culminate in a peak that is close on 1,800 feet above sea level. (4.) The Dampia and Moinsin ranges forming the divide be- tween the Jim and Anuni Eivers, both of them tributaries of the Pra. (5.) The Bompata hills forming the water-parting between the main Pra and its feeder the Awere. (6.) The Obo-Abetifi group forming the sources of the Pra and Afrani Eivers. The highest peak reaches an altitude of 2,200 feet above the sea. This is the most prominent block of hills in the country, and it assumes the formation of an irregular plateau with steep escarpments on all sides, except to the north, where the descent to the Afram plains is in comparison rather gradual. The climate of these hills is delightfully bracing, and from the higher peaks magnificent views of the vast undulating plains to the north can be obtained. (7.) The Bogora range forming the sources of the Birrim and Ahurum Eivers. It is a prominent range, having an average altitude of about 1,800 feet. (8.) The Kyebi hills, on which the Uensu Eiver rises. They reach an altitude of close on 2,000 feet. (9.) The Akwapem and Akropong hills, about 25 miles to the north of Accra. They culminate in peaks about 1,600 feet above the sea level. (10.) The Krobo hills. These consist of some extraordinarily steep, isolated hills, situated to the north-east of Aburi, in the neighbourhood of Akuse. (11.) In addition to the above there is a very prominent range of rocky hills on the north-western border of Ashanti in the Banda district, and some bold escarpment* between N'Koranza and Ckichewere and the neighbourhood of Marnpon. Climate. The climate of the Grold 'Coast and its dependencies, so far as rainfall and the relative humidity of the air are concerned — and these two factors after all have the most influence on plant growth in the Tropics — can be ascertained from the data given below, which have been compiled from statistics given in the Gold Coasl annual reports for the five years, 1903 to 1907. Those for the seaport town of Sekondi are based on the figures for three years only— namely, 1905 to 1907. Average Rainfall and Relative Humidity of the Air for the fire, years, 1903 to 1907. " Station. Rainfall. Relative humidity. f Axim SO-02 87-61 | Sekondi 41-23° 6433 Sea coast stations ... •( Cape Coast 34-49 84-18 | Accra 21-52f 79-46 [Kwitta 19-61 79-96 C Abnri 40-72 8605 Inland stations ... < Kumasi ... 51-77 86-27 f Gambaga ... 48-21 60-41 The mean of 3 years' observations only (1905 to 1907). f The mean of 20 years' observations is 27 35 inches GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 163 These figures show that the rainfall along the coast line decreases as one proceeds eastwards from Axim, where it is 80 inches, to Kwitta, on the extreme eastern extremity of the Colony, where it is only 19'61 inches. That of Kumasi, which is situated in the northern half of the forest region, is 52'77, and of Gambaga, the most inland station, close on the llth parallel of north latitude, 48'21 inches. Aburi being a hill station shows a climate characteristic of such localities, in its relatively high degree of humidity, which is 8G'05 for a rainfall of only 40'72 inches, against 87'61 for Axim, where the rainfall is as high as 80 inches. Gambaga shows the extremes of a continental, tropical climate, and has the lowest relative humidity, viz., 60'41, of those recorded. The coastal stations, on account of their proximity to the sea, possess a higher relative humidity than the recorded rainfalls would otherwise lead one to anticipate. The maximum shade temperatures range from 91°'56 F. at Gambaga to 81° F. at Aburi, and the minimum shade tempera- tures from 70° F. at Kumasi and Axim to 76° F. at Kwitta, and 75° F. at Cape Coast. These temperatures are well within the normal range for tropical plants. The seasons of the year may be divided into the following groups, viz. : — (a.f The wet season proper, extending from about the middle of May to the end of July. {&.) The small rains, extending from the beginning of Septem- ber to the middle of November. (c.) The dry season proper, extending from the middle of November to the end of February. (d.) The small dry season, which consists of a break in the rains and is practically confined to the month of August; and (e.) The tornado season, from the beginning of March to the commencement of the heavy rains in May. This is an inter- mediate season in which, though thunder storms and showers of rain are pretty frequent, yet the number of dry days is much in excess of those on which rain falls. The limits given above are, of course, only approximate, and they are sometimes widely departed from, but, on the whole, they indicate with fair accuracy the sequence and character of the seasons ] hiring the months of December, January, and February a very dry, cold wind, known as the Harmattan, blows from the north and north-east at pretty frequent intervals, and sometimes lasts for a great number of days in succession. It is accompanied by a dust haze consisting of fine particles of quartz, diatoms, &c., and its contact with the hot, moist air near the coast often brings about the fogs and mists so prevalent at that season of the year. The Harmattan is generally supposed to blow across the sandy wastes of the Soudan on its way to the sea, and to carry with it the finer particles of sand from those regions. Whatever its origin, it has a very marked effect on the vegetation, and, to a 12315 L 2 164 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. large extent, determines the distribution of the different types. As one proceeds inland and northwards from the coast, the Har- mattan is found to l>e more pronounced and to last for much longer intervals at a stretch till in the interior beyond the 10th parallel of north latitude it is the prevalent breeze at that season of the year. Rainfall has, of course, the most influence on the vegetation, but at the same time the action is much modified l>y desiccating winds of the nature described above. When these are practically a constant feature of the season for several months at a stretch, the country rapidly dries up, though the actual total rainfall may have been abundant enough to support luxuriant vegetation but for the prolonged dry weather brought about by such winds. Gambaga is a case in point ; the mean annual rainfall, as far as available data go, is 48*21 inches, which is only 4*56 inches less than that of Kumasi, a station situated within the evergreen forest belt; but the difference between the mean relative humidity of the air in the two places is very great indeed — (>0'41 per cent, in the former place, and 86*27 per cent, in the latter. It is this reduced humidity, brought about by prolonged spells of dry weather, that accounts to a large extent for the very pronounced difference in the vegetation of the two localities. There is but little doubt that the presence of extensive forests hi the vicinity of Gambaga would considerably temper and diminish the drying action of the Harmattan winds and make the country moister than it is, though it may result in no very marked im- provement in the rainfall, whilst conversely, the persistent destruction of the forests for a good distance round Kumasi would result in the soil becoming drier, in the water supply being re- duced, in the drying effect of the Harmattans being intensified, and in a change of the type of vegetation. Forests act as protective covering to the moisture in the soil : remove them and you diminish the quantity of moisture in the soil. This decrease reacts in its turn on the forest vegetation, and brings about a change in its character that makes it more suited to the altered conditions, and so on — the climatic factors and the forests act and react on one another, by mutual adjustments, but the continued destruction of the latter inevitably results in a diminished water supply. But beyond this, forest vegetation is responsible for a high per- centage of the total amount of water held in suspension by the atmosphere, and forests exercise a marked effect in increasing the relative humidity of the atmosphere in their neighbourhood. A high relative humidity means moister conditions all round, both as to soil, the water supply of the country, and greater resistance to desiccating influences, by its retarding action on evaporation. When it is recollected that the amount of water vapour trans- pired from a large mass of forest vegetation is several hundred times greater than thait evaporated from a water surface of the same area, it will be understood that it does not require a very large portion of the earth's surface to be covered with forest vegetation for the amount of moisture transpired by it to exceed GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 165 that from all other sources, the sea included. In fact, it is prob- able that a high proportion of the total rain precipitated on the surface of the earth consists of the condensed vapour transpired by plants. The vapour may not always be condensed in the actual vicinity of the forests from which it is transpired, but it is in all probabilit3' condensed somewhere else, and that place has to thank the forests for their contribution to its rainfall. In this connection a very interesting article in the October number (1908) of the '' Indian Forester" should be consulted. Kumasi is a good example of a locality in which a compara- tively poor rainfall (52'77 inches) is associated u-itli tin' presence of extensive evergreen forests and a high relative humidity of 86'27 per cent. There is but little doubt that here the high relative humidity, and the copious water supply which this ensures, are directly attributable to the existence of these immense forests. An annual rainfall of only 52 inches would, in the absence of such forests, be totally inadequate in a tropical region like that of the Gold Coast to support the type of vegetation that actually does exist round Kumasi. The exposed soil (in the absence of the forests) would be rapidly deprived of its moisture during the Harmattau season, and this would re-act on the vegetation, and the latter would then acquire a more or less xerophilous habit. For practical purposes it is immaterial to enquire whether in the first instance the humidity of the air favoured the growth of the forests or the growth of the forests produced the humidity. Humidity cannot be voluntarily influenced by any means known to man, except by afforestation and deforestation; for the effects of irrigation are negligible in comparison with the effects brought about by forests, so far, at least, as the humidity of the atmosphere is concerned. Forests, once they have been started, whatever their origin, to a large extent mould their own destinies, and gradually change the climatic and other factors of the adjacent lands in a manner suitable for the further spread of such vegetation, pro- vided, of course, that they are not interfered with by man. No one who has actually experienced the change brought about in his sensations, when stepping from the cool and grateful shade of a tropical forest into the fierce diy heat of an adjacent treeless plain, can fail to realise what the existence of such a forest means to the locality, and can ever entertain any doubts afterwards as to its beneficial action on the soil and climate. The Soil. The most prevalent soil of the country is a red sandy loam, coloured by the presence in it of ferric oxide. The amount of sand in the clay varies in different localities, but has no marked effect on the vegetation within the maritime forest zone and the heavy rainfall associated with it. Outcrops of laterite are also frequently met with in the same region, but the edaphic in- fluences due to such changes in the soil are completely ovor- 166 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. shadowed by the very much more powerful action exercised on the vegetation by the copious rainfall. M-etamorphic rocks of a granitoid and schistose character, together with frequent outcrops of sandstone and quartz, form the chief materials composing the more important hill ranges ; in the hinterland, where the rainfall is small or a pronounced dry season occurs, the vegetation is much modified by the presence or absence of the different soils due to the weathering of the above rocks. Here, again, laterite reappears as extensive outcrops of a hard, stony, porous character, containing vitreous or cellular concretions of ferric oxide or ferric hydrate, and exercises a profound influence on the plant growth. Its presence is always associated with poor, gnarled, stunted vegetation, exhibiting a very marked xerophilous character. The sandj- soil along the sea coast in the vicinity of Accra, for a considerable distance inland from the shore, is much impregnated with salt, which is blown up with the spray and carried a good way in by the strong sea breezes so prevalent in that locality. The vegetation about here, especially that of a shrubby or herbaceous character, has acquired the halophytic habit. The Influence of Climate on Vegetation. Before dealing with the distribution of the various types of forest to be met with on the Gold Coas., it will be convenient, and it will help to explain the reasons governing this distribution, if a brief description of the reactions on plant life of the climatic and other factors of the environment is given here. The flora of the Gold Coast belongs to the zone known as the Tropical Zone, but the local distribution of the various types of vegetation found there is determined, within the limits of the zone, by the amount of atmospheric precipitation prevailing in any one locality. According to the degree of precipitation, the areas may be divided up into climatic districts, with each of which is associated a particular type of vegetation ; within the districts, again, variations in the phj-sical and chemical con- stitution of the soil give rise to other modifications due to edaphic influences. The districts may be grouped under three climatic types in accordance with the amount of atmospheric precipitation experi- enced in each. They are:- (a) the Hygrophilous climate. (&) the Xerophilous climate, (c) the Tropophilous climate, TO which correspond the Hygrophilous, Xerophilous, and Tropo- philous types, respectively, of vegetation. These modifications are brought about by the conditions known as physiological moistness and dryness. which do not always coincide with physical moistness or dryness. Anything that affects the available supply of moisture, so as to bring about this physiological moistness or dryness, is accom- panied by hygrophilous or xerophilous vegetation, as the case GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 167 may be. When these condition* alternate one with another with a regular periodicity, we get the third or tropophilous type. The boundaries between these divisions are, however, not sharply marked in nature, and intermediate conditions are often met with. Those mentioned, however, correspond to the maxi- mum adaptations acquired under pronounced conditions of physiological wetness or dryness, and their periodical alterna- tions. This relation of plants towards water is expressed by structural characters ; where the latter is such as to favour the exit of the water absorbed by the roots we get the class known as Hygro- phytes, and where it retards the exit of moisture, the class termed Xerophytes ; Tropophytes are plants the structure of whose perennial parts is that of Xerophytes, and that of their parts (leaves) present only in the wet season that of hygrophytes. Wherever moisture is abundant, and, therefore, the danger of desiccation absent, plants have, in order to prevent any possi- bility of stagnation in the water-current (transpiration current) that distributes nutritive salts to the various parts requiring them, acquired .contrivances that hasten the exit of water; such ulants are Hygrophytes. Where, on the other hand, the supply of moisture is scanty and the strength of the transpiration current relatively to the water supply has to be regulated so as to guard against physio- logical dryness, the corresponding adaptations have brought about the plants known as Xerophytes. Hygrophytes have a weakly-developed root system, elongated axes, large thin leaf-blades, and they but rarely develop thorns (not prickles). In moist tropical forests with a heavy rainfall, the plants often develop leaves with a long " dripping point," and the leaves frequently have a velvety surface on which the water spreads out into an extremely thin layer that rapidly evaporates. The leaves, again, possess well-developed air-con- taining intercellular spaces that strongly promote transpiration, and they are, especially in the case of trees forming the moist tropical evergreen forests, rich in Hydathodes or organs for excreting liquid wrater. The heavy showers of the so-called " dew-drops," that are so often noticed late at night and in the early hours of the morning, to drip off tropical forest trees in a moist locality, mainly consist of water excreted by these Hydathodes. Finally, Hygrophytes, are to a large extent Ombrophilous or rain-seeking, and their foliage is capable of being wetted. Xerophytes, on the other hand, have to accommodate them- selves to conditions that involve the danger of physiological dryness. This may be brought about by increased transpiration (with respect to the available water supply) due to the following causes: — A dry atmosphere, reduced atmospheric pressure (rare- faction of the air), and strong light, or by reduced absorption due to the scarcity of free water in the soil, excess of soluble salts or humous acids in the soil, or to a low temperature of the soil. 168 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. In nature, usually a combination of all these factors or the greater number of them has to be faced by xerophilous plants in the localities they inhabit, and their adaptations to these conditions have brought about the following adaptations of structure. Reduced transpiration is brought about by a decrease in the (ranspiring surface of the leaves for the same mass of plant substance by the formation of a thick cuticle on the exposed surfaces of the leaves, by the reduction in size of the intercellular air spaces of the leaf, by a sinking of the stornata, and by the presence of felted hairs containing much air. In addition to this, Xerophytes are often characterised by the presence of water-storing cells (double epidermis, aqueous tissue, mucilage cells, &c.), an increase in the vessels and scleren- chyrnatous tissues, lengthening of the palisade cells of the leaf, a copious root system, underground stems, the power to orient their leaves so as to avoid insolation at the hottest and brightest time of the day and, in the case of those possessing pinnate leaves, the power to open or close them according to the degree of illumination ; the production of thorns from reduced leaves and shoots, by being ombrophobous or rain-avoiding, and by the formation of thicker and more fleshy or proportionately more leathery leaves, or by the reduction of the latter to rudimentary organs, in which case the axes become rich in chlorophyll. These modifications are chiefly confined to the leaves, which are the organs most concerned with the act of transpiration; modifications of the axes (stems), however, are not rare. Those of plants belonging to the Cactus family become short and thick and even spheroidal, and are filled with a mucilaginous sap. Similarly the stems of some Euphorbias become succulent, and even those of gigantic trees like the tropical African Baobab tree (Adansonia digitate^ acquire a monstrous, gouty shape, and the wood, becoming1 soft, juicy, and spongy, forms a vast water-reservoir. Water-cells have a similar function; they rapidly fill up when-, ever the water supply is temporarily increased (during rainy weather) and yield their contents to the assimilating cells as the supply of moisture becomes reduced. As regards ombrophoby, Xerophytes perish if they are exposed for a few days to continuous rain, and their leaves cannot be wetted except after prolonged exposure to water. The most important natural habitats where Xerophytes thrive are : — (1.) Districts with a dry substratum, dry air, occasional or persistent heat, and intense illumination. (2.) The surfaces of the bark of trees (with reference to the growth on it of epiphytes), rocks, &c.. where, owing to a want of sufficient depth of the substratum, any moisture deposited on them is rapidly evaporated. (3.) Sandy, gravelly, and other similar soils which, owing to their permeability, are rapidly dried up. GOLD COAST REPORT ON FORESTS. 169 (4.) Sea-shores and some soils in which the supply of salt is abundant. In all these habitats physiological dryness is a standing- danger, and only Xerophytes can successfully occupy them. Tropophytes. Plants occupying a habitat that is alternately hygrophilous and xerophilous in climate, have adapted their structure to these periodically different conditions, and are known as tropophytes. Such a climate is one in which a season of fairly abundant rain- fall is invariably followed by a well-marked dry period of the year. Immense tracts of the earth's surface experience a climate of this sort, and it is immaterial to the plant whether the periodical dryness is due to a scarcity of atmospheric precipita- tion or to a low temperature of the soil, the latter condition being just as capable of inducing physiological dryness as the former. Hence, large portions of the Temperate Zones, where severe winters prevail, are occupied by Tropophytes as well as extensive areas in the Tropical Zone. The difficulty of adapting the structure of plants so as to satisfy the requirements of these, two very dissimilar periods of the year has been met by their perennial parts, such as the stems, branches, roots, &c., being modified to withstand xero- philous conditions, and their temporary parts, the leaves, being adapted to hygrophilous conditions such as prevail during the wet season. When the dry period of the year comes round and transpiration has to be reduced, the leaves are shed, a simple and effective device to guard against all possibility of danger from excessive transpiration during the season of phj'siological dryness. Characteristics of Tropopliytes. (1.) They sacrifice (by shedding their leaves) the greater portion of their transpiring organs at the beginning of the physiologic- ally dry season, whether the latter is brought about by a dry climate or a cold one. Most of the woody plants shed their leaves at this season. Many herbaceous plants lose all their sub-aerial parts and merely retain their subterranean ones, which transpire but slightly. (2.) Periodically foliaged tropophilous woody plants have hygrophilous leaves, but xerophilous axes (stems, &c.) and buds. The stems and branches are protected against drought by a well-developed bark or thick layers of cork, and the buds by hard and often lacquered scales. (3.) Evergreen tropophilous plants have xerophilous foliage as well as xerophilous axes and buds. The most obvious characteristic is the periodical foliation and defoliation which in some localities is most conspicuous, as the foliation is often very luxiiriant during the wet season, and in' marked contrast with the gaunt, bare-stemmed habit assumed during the dry season. 170 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. A taint of the tropopliilous habit is often to be observed in both xero.phytic and hygrophytic districts, but it is not pro- nounced, and is generally restricted to a thinning of the foliage merely, and does not extend to complete defoliation. Climatic Formations. The differentiation of the earth's vegetation is controlled by three factors — heat (determining the zones), atmospheric precipi- tation, and winds (determining districts), and soil ; the latter of which is more local in its influence, and brings about edaphic formations. Two fficological groups are to be distinguished ; they are : - (1.) Climatic or district formations, governed by the atmo- spheric precipitations. (2.) Edaphic or local formations, determined by the nature of the soil. The climatic formations can all be traced back to three main types, viz., Woodland, Grassland, and Desert. The first two types are closed formations, in which only such plants can thrive as have acquired an optimum adaptation to all the external factors, and this fact enables them to keep out less favoured competitors. Here the struggle is keen, and numerous seedlings perish in consequence ; more components cannot be admitted. Deserts, on the other hand, are open formations, in which the conditions are so severe that only a few plants are able to occupy them, and there is plenty of space available for others if the latter could be found. The components of woodland formations consist of woody plants, generally trees. The latter are cosmopolitan in their distribution, and their growth is entirely prevented only by such a degree of drought (due to scarcity of moisture in the soil or to its frozen condition) as excludes all kinds of plants, with the exception of the lower cryptogams. The depth of the root system of trees enables them, to thrive in areas where long seasons1 of drought accompanied by great heat recur periodically. Pro- viding there is a continuous supply of moisture within reach of the root-tips, it is immaterial at what season of the year the supply is renewed. Dry winds, however, on account of their pronounced action in increasing transpiration, are decidedly hostile to tree growth, as they tend to reduce the supply of moisture even at great depths of the soil, and their effect is more felt at the greater heights above the surface of the ground, that are usually attained by the tops of trees, than at lower levels closer to the surface. Grassland, on the other hand, is mainly occupied by grasses and herbaceous plants; also, though less frequently, by shrubs and dwarfed trees. The latter are, however, very subordinate constituents of the typical formation. Owing to their shallow root systems, grasses are practically dependent on the supply of moisture in the upper superficial layers of the soil, and this supply is continually exposed to the danger of being considerably GOLD COAST REPORT ON FORESTS. 171 reduced by evaporation ; hence, for their successful growth fre- quent, if even weak, showers of rain are necessary during the vegetative period, viz., the spring and early summer (March to May), and a moderate degree of heat during the same period. They are indifferent to the degree of moisture in the sub-soil or, during their resting periods, the winter months (November to February), to drought and exposure to dry winds. On account of their lower stature and the proximity to the surface of the ground of their vegetative organs, they are subjected to moister conditions of the atmosphere and do not suffer to anything like the same extent from dry winds as plants composing the woodland formations do. The most favourable conditions for the latter are a warm vegetative season, continuously moist sub-soil, and damp calm air. Of great importance to grassland is, in the tropics, the forma- tion of heavy dew during the early periods of vegetative activity and the indifference of the grasses to the fierce annual fires that sweep over the drier portions of West Africa during the winter season. These two great formations of Grassland and Woodland are continually hostile to each other, and in the struggle that often takes place between them, the victory in any locality rests with the formation that is best adapted to the climatic and edaphic conditions prevailing there. Under the most favourable con- ditions for woodland, we have the hygrophilous trees; with less favourable conditions the tropophilous and xerophilous trees ; and last of all, xerophilous scrub, which corresponds to the worst environment. The corresponding conditions for the existence of grassland are associated with the presence of pure savannah, savannah-forest, and small isolated patches of grass-land within districts with hygrophilous and tropophilous wood-laud climates. With reference to the attitude displayed by these two' forma- tions towards one another, it is important to note that in accord- ance with the climates now prevailing, the domain of each ha& l>econie more or less defined and limited, but that very small changes of climate will suffice to renew the contest, and, above 'all,, that in districts where the climate is such as not to decidedly favour one or the other, the action of man is sufficient to start the struggle. Moreover, though in a decided woodland climate, forest will generally succeed to destroyed forest growth, yet the new forest is almost invariably of a more xerophiloue (dry) character. And if the process of destruction is repeated at pretty frequent intervals, it is followed first by savannah forest and then by pure savannahs. Edaphic Formations. These are dependent on the character of the soil, and for the purpose of this report may be divided into the following types :- (a.) Fringing Forests. — They are similar in character to a hygrophilous forest, but are dependent on a telluric supply of moisture, and are hence confined to the vicinity of the beds of streams and similar collections of water. 172 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. (ft.) Swamp Forests, the trees composing which are adapted to growth in stagnant water. (c.) Mangrove Swamp Forests. - - This is a formation that is confined to tropical shores where the climate is hot and humid. The plants composing it are restricted to1 the area comprised between the limits of high and low tide, where the water is not otherwise much agitated by constant strong winds and currents. They have adapted themselves to growth in a salty stratum that is alternately flooded by sea water and exposed to the air by the fluctuations of the tide. They are characterised by their stilt- like roots and the possession in the latter of pneurnatophores and other devices for absorbing oxygen and transporting it to such subterranean parts of the trees as may require it. Less important edaphic formations are represented by rock plants (Lithophytes). Tropical Wy the hilly nature of the country and the existence of deep sheltered valleys that are frequently occupied by perennial streams and swampy soil, the trees in question are still able to thrive, hut with many of them the departure in habitat from the continually moist environment of the rain forest is associated with a more pronounced xerophilous habit and a greater periodical defoliation Some species remain evergreen throughout their range. The following trees are found distributed about the country from the centre of the rain forest region (Lower Tano and Ankobra River basins) right up to the borders of the savannah forest region in Northern Ashanti. The Odoiini (Chlorophora c.rcelsa). The Waw-waw (Triplochiton Johnsoni-i). The silk-cotton tree (Eriodendron anfractuosurn). The Dahomah (Piptadenia africana). The Off ram (Terminalia superba). Tlie Einril (Terminalia species). The Awania (Ricinodendron africanus). Other species with an almost equally extensive range are invari- ably associated with the presence of moister soil such as occurs near the beds of streams, edges of swamps and similar collections of water. Their distribution is governed by edaphic influences. and they keep reappearing throughout extensive stretches of country. Including species that are common to most of the climatic formations, the more valuable plants from the rain or moist tropical evergreen forests of the Gold Coast and Ashanti are arranged below in accordance with the character and comparative value of the products they yield. (a.) Species yielding first-class timber fit for export to Europe and oilier countries,. i. Mahoganies. The Difbini (a new species of Kliaya). ii. Cedars. The Punkwa or Penkwa (Pseudocedrela cylindrica). The Tiama-Tiama (a new species of Pseudocedrela). The Basse (undescribed species of Guared). The Pcbedum (Loroa Klaineana). All the above trees belong to the natural order Meliacere. The timber of the Pebedum closely resembles teak in colour and structure. The Odoum (Chlorophora excelsa). iii. Other species :- The N'yanl-oi) (Heritiera utilis). The Jihinire (a lofty species of Detarium). GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 177 The Ehye or incense tree (Boswellia Klaineana?). The Baku (Mimusops Djave). (b.) Species yielding good timbers fit for local use. The Kokoti (Pynaertia ealaensis). The Kishia (Sarcocephalus esculentus). The Emril (species of Terminalia). The Dahomah (Piptadenia africana). Tl>e Waw-ivaiv (Triplochiton Johnsonii). (c.) Species the wood of which is suitable for the construction of shingles. The Off ram (Term/malia superba). Another similar tree (Terminalia Brownei). The Emril (species of Terminalia). Cordia Irvingii, a tree from the rain forests of the Okwawu hill system. (d.) Species the stems of ivhich are suitable for mine props. The Okisibiri or Flint wood tree (an undetermined species). (c .) Species the fruit of ivhich yields vegetable oils and fats. The Awama (Ricinodendron africanus). The Athawah (P entaclethra macrophylla). The Baku (Mimusops Djave). Carapa guianensis. Irvingia Barteri. Pentadesma butyracea. The oil palm (Elaeis guineensis}. From the above list it will be seen that this type of forest is very rich in oil-yielding species. (/.) Rubber-yielding plants. i. Good class rubber. Funtumia elastica (more plentiful in the monsoon forests). Landolphia Droogmansiana ? Landolphia oivariensis. ii. Inferior rubbers. Carpodinus hirsuta. Landolphia Klainei. Besides species of Clitandra and other kinds of Carpodinus. (g.) Fibre -yielding plants. These are represented by small shrubs belonging to thp genera Urena, Triumfetta, Hibiscus, &c., and are weeds that spring up on cleared areas. They are more suitable for cultivation as an agricultural crop. (h.) Plants yielding dyec. The Nyi-Na-Kobin (Bombax brevicuspe), the bark of which yields a deep broAvn-coloured far-' dye. NOTE. — The N'yankon is confined to the rain forests of the maritime zone, and is usually not found further inland than about 90 miles from the sea. J23J5 M 178 COLONIAL REPORTS "MISCELLANEOUS. B. The Fresh-water Swamp Forests. This is an edaphic formation, and is composed of plants that have adapted themselves to growth in a permanently wet soil. They have much the appearance of plants inhabiting the rain forest, but are not so crowded. The formation is a comparatively open one. The swamps occur chiefly in the vicinity of the larger rivers, and are often caused by their overflow. They occur also in hilly country along some of the deeper valleys. The vegetation most partial to such areas contains, amongst trees, the Kaku or red iron wood tree (Lpphira procera), the Boya (M itrar/yne macropliyUa}, Macrolobium PnUsotii, Macrolobium *h/)ulaceum, Cynometra Afzelii, Cynometra Mannii, Pterocarpv* esculentus, the Nyamedua (Alstonia congensis], Treculiaafricana, and Anthocleista nobilis. The palms are represented by the bamboo palm, Raphia Vini- fera, and Calamus Barteri. Shrubs by Sarcocephalus Russeggeri, Urophyllum liirtellum, and Anona palustris; water-lilies by Nymphaea stellata, and N. Lotus ; the Amaryllids by Crinum natans, and C. purpurascens. Orchids by species of aquatic Lissochilus, such as L. longifolius and L. rose-us. The Aroids are represented by the West African " sudd or cabbage weed," Pistia Stratiotex, which often escapes into the streams and seriously interferes with navigation, and by large- leaved species such as Anchomanes dubius and Cyrtosperma sene- galense. A small balsam with pretty red flowers, J-mpntiens Irvingii, also occurs in the shallower places. Amongst the trees some species, such as the Kakn and the Nyamadua, are often found along the edges of the swamps, and occasionally at a distance from water, but they are always at their best when either growing in the swamps or close to them. During the dry season they are practically defoliated. In the savannah regions the fresh water swamps are generally fringed by a belt of Mitragyne africana, several species of Crinums, and the fibre plant Honckenya fid folia. The most valuable species from the swamp formations of the rain forest and monsoon forest districts are : — For timber — The Kaku (Lophira procera), which, so far as is known, fur- nishes the most durable timber of the West Coast. As a fuel the wood has very high calorific properties. It is confined to the maritime zone. The Baya (Mitragyne macrophyUa} also yields a good timber that is said to have been exported to Europe as mahogany. Fibres — The valuable Piassava fibre is prepared from the rachis of the leaves of the bamboo or tonibo palm, Raphia mnifera. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 179 Another good long- fibre is yielded by the plant Honckenya fid folia. The seeds of Lophira procera are rich in vegetable oils. C. The Monsoon or Mixed Deciduous Forests. This is a formation that is very rich in plants of economic im- portance. It is inhabited by both Tropophilous and Hygrophil- ous plants in varying' proportions, according to local fluctuations in the rainfall and edaphic conditions. The forests, on the whole, are greener than the typical monsoon forests of India, Burma, and Siarn, and contain fewer species with the Tropophilous habit; nevertheless, owing to the complete, or nearly complete, defolia- tion of the latter during the dry season the West African type is easily distinguished at that season of the year from the true rain or moist tropical evergreen forests. Forests exactly similar in habit to the mixed deciduous forests of Eastern Asia are, as far as my experience goes, very rarely met with, and then only as insignificant belts in, tropical West Africa. The Indian formation is more closely approached, on the other hand, by the denser stocked savannah forests of this coast, but here the grasses form a more prominent feature of the formation than occurs in the case of the Indian type with which I am com- paring it. Generally speaking, in Tropical West Africa the transition between the rain forests and the savannah forests is more abrupt than it is in those parts of Asia with which I am acquainted. This is probably accounted for by the prolonged dry season experienced over extensive areas in the former con- tinent, whereas, on the Gold Coast and in Southern Nigeria, up to the 8° parallel of north latitude at all events, that season is tempered by frequent showers of rain during the tornado months which coincide with the vegetative periods of the grasses, and thus favours them at the expense of forest growth. In other words, owing to this feature of the climate, as soon as an area becomes, from the reduction in the annual rainfall, unsuitable for luxuriant forest growth, it is appropriated by the grasses in- stead of by the intermediate stage represented by the typical monsoon forests. Perhaps good examples of the latter occur in the drier portions of the Northern Territories and Northern Nigeria. A large number of the evergreens found in the mixed deciduous forests of the Gold Coast belong identically to the same species as those met with in the rain forest. They are, however, generally found growing in the moist soils close to the banks of streams, or in sheltered ravines, and on the northern aspects of the hills, whilst the deciduous-leafed species occupy mainly the drier soils further back from the streams and the exposed southern and wes- tern aspects of the hills. The mixture of Tropophilous with Hygrophilous species is more one of groups of each type than of a true intermingling of individual trees of each kind. It may be that the more pronounced, dry Harmattan winds met with in the higher latitudes (from 7° '°>0' N. and upwards) during 180 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. the winter months (November to February), which is the resting season of the grasses (a period when they are absolutely indifferent to drought), and the prevalence of fierce fires at the same time, severely handicaps the woodland formations in their struggle with the grasses. A peculiarity of the West African monsoon forests is the fre- quent occurrence in them of small but pure communities of her- baceous plants belonging to the order Scitamineae. Such patches are composed of species of Amomum, Costus, and Phrynium, the last of which supplies the natives with leaves for thatching pur- poses, and the first mentioned genus a species that yields " the grains of Paradise." Each such patch is pure, and consists prac- tically of one species. The mixed deciduous forests of the Gold Coast and Ashanti, be- sides containing to a greater or less extent most of the valuable species whose headquarters are the rain forests, and which have been referred to when describing the latter formation, is composed of the following plants, amongst others, that have not yet been identified or named. The Anonacece are represented by — Monodora brevipes; a small tree. Hexalobus grandi folia; a large tree. Xylopia parviflora; small tree. Xylopia aethiopica; a small tree. The Bixinecc by — Oncoba dentata; a shrub or small tree. Oncoba spinosa; a shrub. The Hypericinecc by — Haronga madagascariensis ; tall shrub. The Malvaceae, by — Many species of Sida, Urena, and Hibiscus. The Bombacecc by— Eriodendron anfractuosum; a large tree. The Sterculiacece by — Sterculia cordi folia; a large tree. Sterculia tomentosa; a medium-sized tree. Sterculia Barteri; a large tree. Sterculia tragacantha; a tree. Cola latiri folia; a small tree. Cola Afzelii; a small tree. The Tiliacece by— Grewia car pini folia; a shrub. Glyphvea grewioides ; a shrub. And species of Triumfetta. The Malpighiacece by — Flabellaria paniculata; a climber. Acridocarpus Smeathmanii; a climber. Heteropterys africana; a shrub. The Riitacece by— Xa/ntJio.ryhim spnegalense: a tree. GOLD COAST — KEPOKT ON FORESTS. 181 Tlie Simarubece by — Harrisonia abyssinica; a shrub. The Meliacece by— Khaya anthotheca; a large timber tree. Khaya grand-is- ditto. Khaya Punchii; ditto. Pseudocedrela utilis; ditto. Carapa guianensis ; a small tree. The Olacinece by — Ximenia americana; a shrub. Apodytes beninensis; a shrub. The Sapindacece by — Lecaniodiscus cupanioides; a small tree. Paullinia pinnata; a shrub. Deinbollia insignis ; a tree. The Anacardiacecc by — Spondias lutea; a large tree. Pseudospondias microcarpa; a tree. The Connaracece by — Cnestis ferruginea ; a shrub. The Leguminosece by — Pterocarpus esculentus; a tree found near water. Berlinia acuminata; a medium-sized tree. Afzelia africana ; a tree. Albizzia fastigiata; a tree. Albizzia Brownei; a tree. Cassia fistula; a tree. Millettia Thonningii; a shrub. Cynometra species, close to C. Mannii ; a tree found near rivers. Lonchocarpus sericeus; a small tree. Lonchocarpus cyanescens; a small tree. Acacia ataxacantha; a scrambler. Dialium guineense; a medium-sized tree. Erythrina toinentosa ; a tree. Mimosa asperata; a shrub. Piptadenia africana; a large tree. Xylia Evansii; a tree. Afrormosia laxiflora; a large tree. The Rosacece by — Parinarium robustum; a tree, and Another species. The Combretacece by — Quisqualis indica; a climber. Combretum Zenkeri; a shrub. Combretum racemosum; a climbing shrub. Terminalia superba; a tree. Terminalia Brownei ; a tree, and the Emril, another species of Terminalia. 182 COLONIAL REPORTS— MISCELLANEOUS. The Rubiacece by— Morelia senegalensis; a shrub. Macrosphyra longistyla ; a scandeut shrub. Pavetta Baconia; a shrub or scaudent shrub. Cremaspora africana; a shrub. Morinda citrifolia; a tree. Morinda longiftora; a shrub. Oxyanthus tubiflorus; a shrub. Randia maculata; a shrub. Musscenda tenuiflora; a shrub. Mussccnda splendens ; a scrambler. Musscenda erythrophylla; a scrambler. The Sapotacecc by— Mimusops multinervis ; a tree. Chrysophyllum albidum; a tree. The Apocynacece by— Polyadoa innljellata; a small tree. Holarrliena Wulfsburgii; medium-sized tree. Funtumia elastica; a tree. Funtumia africana; a tree. Strophanthus hispidus; a climber. Strophanthus sarmenton-us ; a trailer. Strophanthus Preussii; a climber. Strophanthus gratus; au erect or climbing shrub. Clitandra togolana; a climber. Carpodinus hirsuta; a robust climber Carpodinus f-ulva\ ditto. Carpodinus Barteri; a climber. Landolphia owariensis; ditto. Landolphia scandens; ditto. Landolphia Thompsonii; ditto. Landolphia ftorida; ditto. Pleioceras Barteri; low shrub. Callichilia Barteri; a small shrub. Alafia Barteri; ditto. Alafia landolphioides ; a climber. Voacanga africana; a shrub or small tree. The Asclepiadeaj by— Kan nli iu consiinilis; a shrub; grown near water. The Bignoniacece by— Spathodea campanulata; a tree. The AcanthacecB by— Acanthus montana; a shrub. The Verbenaceie by— Lantana camara ; a shrub. Lippia adoensis; a shrub. Clerodendron splendens; a shrub. And many others of the same genus. The Urticacea3 by— Chlorophora excelsa; a huge timber tree. Ftr?/,s VogeUi ; a tree ; and many others of the same genus. Myrianthus arlioreus; a small tree. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 183 The CelastracecE by — Hippocratea W elicits chit', a climber. The Ebcnacece by— Diospyros mespiliformis \ a large tree. Diospyros monbuttensis ; a tree. The Myrtacece by— Napoleona Vogelii; a small tree. The Passiflorece by— Smeathmannui pubescens; a shrub. The Piperacece by— Peperomia Vogelii; a herb. The Palma; by- Elaeis guineensis; a tree. Raphia vinifera; a tree. Calamus species. 1 Ancistrophyllum species. / SCilU(lent The Aroidece by- Several species of Amorplio phallus. Anchomanes Hookeri; a herb, and Others of the same genus. The Dioscoreacece by— Dioscorea prehensilis. Dioscorea Preussii. Dioscorea alata and others. The Liliacece by — Dracaena maculata and others. Sansevieria guineensis . The Scitamineas by — Amomum Melegueta. Amomum latifolium. Amomum Danielli. Phrynium Benthami. Phrynium brachystachys. Phrynium Danielli. Costus afer. Aiid the Amaryllidete by species of Crinuni and Hcemaiit/ttts. Some of the trees common to the rain forests and the monsoon ones reach their optimum development both in growth and num- bers in the latter formation. This is most marked in the case of the following species : - The Waw-waw (Triplochiton Johnsonii). The Dahomah (Piptadenia africana). The Off ram (Terminalia superba). The Emril (Terminalia species). The Awama (Ricinodendron africanus). The silk rubber tree (Funtumia elastica). The Duakobin (Afrormosia laxiflord). They are not only more abundant in this type, but they actually become somewhere or other within it the dominant species. 184 COLONIAL KEPOBTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Each of the above species has within its distributional range a particular area or series of areas in which it is at its optimum and aggressively dominant. As a general rule the undergrowth in the drier portions of the monsoon forests is less dense than it is in the case of the rain forests, and the number of tiers of vegetation is also reduced. The more valuable economic species to be met with in the mon- soon forests may be arranged as shown below. (a.) Species yielding first-class timber fit for export. i. Mahoganies— The white mahogany (Khaya anthotheca). The large-leafed mahogany (Kliaya grandis). Mr. Punch's mahogany (Khaya Punchii). In addition to these the Dubini (a new species of Khaya} from the rain forests is also frequently met with in the moister portions of the monsoon forests, ii. Cedars— Pseudocedrela utilis, the Effuokonkonti of the Ashautis, a gigantic species, as well as the Tiama-Tiama from the rain forests, iii. Other species — The Odou'm (Chlorophora excelsa). Mimusops multinervis . The Dua-Kobin (Afrormosia laxifiora), which yields a very pretty yellow coloured satin-wood that has, when figured, sold for very high prices in Liverpool. So far it has. only been exported (on a small scale) from Southern Nigeria. The ebony tree (Diospyros mespiliformis} . (I).} Species yielding good timber fit for local use. The Waw-waw (Triplo chiton Johnsonii). The Dahomah (Piptadenia africana). Kanthoxylum senegalense, yields a yellow wood. The Emril (Terminalia species). The Papoa (Afzelia africana). Albizzia fastigiata. Albizzia Brownei. Xylia Evansii. Parinarium robustum. (c.) Species the wood of which is su /.table for making shingles, The Offram (Terminalia superba). The Emril (Tenmnalia species). Terminalia Brownei. (d.) Species the fruit of which yield vi gcinblc oil* and fats. The oil palm (Elwis guineensis}. The Awama (Ricinodendron africanus). Carapa guianensis. (e.) Rubber-yielding plants. Funtumia elastica. Most plentiful in this type of forest. Lando Ip hia owariensis . Landolphia Tliompsonii. \ Landolphia •florida. . , , . „ . , , r lit- j (• yield interior rubber. Landolphia scandens. I J Carpodinus hirsuta. Ficus Vogelii, yields a fair quality rubber. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 185 (/.) Fibre plants. In addition to the various species of Urena, Triumfetta, Sida, Hibiscus, &c., that are herbaceous and suitable more for cultivation as agricultural crops than as forest ones, the following two trees yield very good fibres : — Sterculia Barteri (from the bast). Raphia vinifera. Indigo is obtained from Lonchocarpus cyanescens. The above list shows how rich the monsoon forests are in valu- able species. Doubtless many more will be discovered as the forests get better known. On the whole the age gradations of the timber trees in this type are more satisfactorily represented than they are in the rain forests. The species 'most characteristic of the monsoon forests are : — Sterculia cordi folia. Sterculia Barteri. Sterculia tomentosa. Cola Afzelii. Spondias lutea. Albizzia fastigiata. Cassia fistula. LoncJiocarpus cyanescens. Erythrina tomentosa. Afrormosia laxiflora. Dialium guineense, &c., &c. Their occurrence anywhere is a certain index that the climate of that locality corresponds to the requirements of the monsoon forests. D. The Savannah Forests. This in brief is a park-like formation, rich in terrestrial herbs and more particularly in grasses. The tree growth is represented by arboreal tropophytes and evergreen xerophytes, but the latter are not numerous, and form an insignificant proportion of the vegetation. The density of stock, so far as the trees are con- cerned, varies in accordance with the nature of the soil and its telluric properties. On stiff laterite formations the trees arc- dwarfed, gnarled, and widely scattered, whilst alluvial hollows and the narrower valleys are much more densely stocked, but never to the extent seen in the monsoon or mixed deciduous forests. Where the supply of telluric moisture is copious, how- ever, fringing forests of great density occupy the soil, and they frequently contain species characteristic of the monsoon and even of the rain forests. The outcrops of laterite and metamorphic rocks so frequently met with in Northern Ashanti and in the Hinterland of Southern Nigeria are usually encircled by a ring of such fringing vegetation, the moisture in the soil bordering the outcrops of rock being supplied from the drainage off the latter. A peculiarity of the country occupied by the savannah forests is that during the rainy season extensive areas are under water for 186 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. very long periods at a stretch ; but they rapidly dry up at the end of the rains, and the soil is then thoroughly turned over by the action of the earth-worms. Literally hundreds of thousands of the latter must operate within the space of a few acres, for the surface of the soil is often for many square miles in succession absolutely covered with their castings. These, when dry and hard, render the act of walking over them a very fatiguing operation. In such areas an impermeable pan of hard clay or sometimes of laterite rocks exists close to the surface of the soil and renders the latter swampy. Another feature of the savannah forests is the annual prevalence in them, early in the dry season, of fierce grass fires that do an incalculable amount of harm to tree growth and keep it in check. The fires are generally most intense and destructive on the dried- up swampy areas which are, as a rule, covered with tall, coarse grasses belonging to the family Panicece. A high proportion of the trees possess a very strongly developed protective layer of bark on their stems and branches, and this is not unfrequently accompanied by a corresponding increase in the thickness of their root system ; in fact the latter is sometimes monstrous in its development. These appear to be contrivances to guard the trees against damage from the fires, as well as adapta- tions to a xerophytic climate. The average height of the tree vegetation is much less than that characteristic of the monsoon, rain, and fringing forests, but occasionally gigantic specimens of the Odoum (Chlorophora excelsa), the silk cotton tree (Eriodendron anfractuosuni), and the baobab (Adansonia digitatd) are to be met with in the savannah forests. The vegetation of the latter is very characteristic, and is enumerated below : — The AnonacecR are represented by — The wild custard apple (Anuna senegalensis}, a woody shrub. The Papaveracece by — Argemone mexicana; a weed. The CapparidacecK by — A species of Capparis. Cleoine ciliata ) m . , Gynandropsis pentaphylla \ Tr°Plcal weeds- The Bixineoe by — Cochlospermum tinctorium; a characteristic shrub of this formation. The Hypericinece by — Species of Psorospermnm ; shrubs and trees. The Malvacece by- Various species of Sida, Urena, and Hibiscus. They are all weeds yielding good fibres. A species of the last genus (H. lunarifolius) is the best fibre-yielding plant amongst them, and is sometimes cultivated by the natives. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 187 The Sterculiacece by — Cola cordifolia, a tree. The Tiliacece by- Species of Triumfetta and Honckenya ficifolia; fibre- yielding weeds and shrubs. The Bombacece by- Adansonia digitata, the baobab tree ; fruit edible and wood rich in fibres. The silk cotton tree (Eriodendron anfractuosum). The MeliacecB by— Khaya senegalensis, the Senegal mahogany. Grows to a inediuin-sized tree. Pseudocedrela Kotschyi, a medium-sized tree. The Ampelidecc by — Species of Leea. The Leguininosce by — The Senegal rosewood tree (Pterocarpus erinaceus). Erythrina senegalensis; a shrub or small tree. The " sass-wood " tree (Erythrophloeum guineense). The ' locust bean ' tree (Parkia filicoidea). Albizzia angolensis, a tree. Afzelia africana, a tree. Detai'ium yenegalense, a tree. Entada soudanica, a small tree. Entada abyssinica, a small tree. Dichrostachys nutans, a small tree. Ormosia laxi flora, a small tree. Mezoneurom Bentliamianiim, a shrub. Bauhinia reticulata, a shrub. Daniella thurifera, the " balsam copaiba tree." Acacia Sieberiana, a tree. Acacia Catechu (Willd.), the " cutch tree"; and another species close to A. nigrescent. Tamarindus indica, the Indian tamarind. In addition to the above there are various herbs belonging to the genera Indigofera, Teplirosia, Crotalaria, and Cassia. The Rosacece by— Parinarium polyandrum, a small tree. Parinarium curatelli/olium, a small tree. Parinarium Mobola, a small tree. The Combretacece by— Anogeissus leiocarpus, the "chew-stick" tree. Terminalia macroptera, a tree. Terminalia togoensis, a tree. The Myrtacece by— Eugenia owariensis, a small tree. The RubiaceoB by — Crossopteryx Kotschyana, a small tree. Randia mallei/era, a shrub or small tree. Gardenia sp., probably G. terni folia, a shrub or small tree. 188 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Sarcocephalus esculentus, a dwarf form of tlie raiu forest tree ( ?) Species of Oldenlandia ; all herbs. The Composite^ by- Numerous herbs and weeds. The Apocynacece by — A xerophilous form of Landolphia owariensis which has acquired a shrubby habit. It is rather rare. Carissa edulis, a shrub. The Sapotacece by — The shea butter tree (Butyrospermum Parkii). The Bignoniacece by — Kigelia pinnata, the " sausage tree." The Hhamnacece by — Zizyphus mucronata aud another species. The Verbenacece by — Vitex megaphylla, a tree. Vitex cuneata, a tree. The Urticacece by — (?) Ficus asperi folia, and others. The Euphorbiacece by — A species of Excoecaria, a shrub or small tree. Bridelia micrantha, a shrub or small tree. Phyllanthus reticulatus. Antidesma venosum, a small tree. Species of Hymenocardia. The Dipterocarpea- by— Lophira alata, a tree. The Loganiaceas by — Strychnos emarginata and others. The Palmce by- Borassus flabelliformis var. OKtliiupica. The Doum or Fan Palm. Phoenix reclinata, the wild date palm. The Liliacece by — Asparagus Pauli-Guilelmi; climbing shrub Asparagus africanus ; scrambling1 shrub. Aloe Barteri. Gloriosa uirescens ; a climber. The Smilacew by — Smilax Kraussiana, a trailer. The Orchidacetc by- Several species of Lissochilus, amongst which L. roseus and L. Heudelotii may be mentioned. The Amaryllidece by— Crinum giganteum and others. Haemanthus species. Hymenocallis senegambica. The Cyperaceff by many genera and species, including Bulbostylis barbata and B. laniceps. GOLD COAST — KEPORT ON FORESTS. 189 The Graminece by a large number of genera, amongst which the following may be mentioned— Eragrostis, Andropogon, Panlcum, and the bamboo Oxytenantliera abyssinica. Amongst the more useful plants of the savannah forests the following may be mentioned : — (a.) Timber trees. Afzelia africana, the Opapoa of the Aquapim natives. Yields a first-class durable timber, and is often the dominant tree in some of the savannahs. Daniella thurifera, the balsam copaiba tree. The wood is impregnated with a resin, but it is a useful timber. DetariuTTi senegalense. Yields excellent timber. Khaya senegalensis, the Senegal mahogany. Does not reach a great size ; timber of first-class quality. Pseudocedrela Kotschyi, the dry country cedar. Yields a beautiful timber. Erythrophloeum guineensis. Grows into a fine spreading tree. Wood hard and durable. Lophira alata. Good wood, but usually of small dimension. Pterocarpus erinaceus, the Senegal rosewood tree. Tamarindus indica. Yields an ornamental wood. The palm, Borassus flabelliformis , the wood of which, exclusive of the pith, is extremely durable. (6.) Trees the fruits of which are rich in vegetable oils. The shea butter tree, Butyrospermum Parkii; extremely abundant. The so-called " African Oak," Lophira procera. (c.) Fibre-yielding plants. Various species of Urena, Triumfetta, Hibiscus, and the woody shrub or small tree, Bauhinia reticulata, the bast fibres of which are long and very tough. The wood fibres of the huge baobab tree, Adansonia digi- tata, are also of commercial value, and are from time to time exported to Europe from Senegal, (d.) Wood oil. This is yielded by the ' Balsam Copaiba tree." (e.) Gums. By Acacia Sieberiana, Khaya senegalensis, and Anogeissus leiocarpus. They are, however, of but little commercial value. (/.) Dyes. Infusions of the bark of Bridelia micrantha yield a deep reddish-brown dye. (g.) Mordants. The ashes of Anogeissus leiocarpus are used by the natives for that purpose. The wood and bark of this species is also fairly rich in tannin. (h.) Rubber. y the dry country form of Landolphia ou'ariensis. 190 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. In addition to the above the numerous fringing forests found scattered about this formation are rich in valuable plants from the monsoon and rain forests. The plants most commonly met with, especially along the banks of the more important streams, are : — Carapa guianensis, which here attains fairly large dimen- sions, Ricinodendron africanus, a species of Cynometra close to C. Mannii, Pterocarpus esculentus, Mimusops multinervis, Diospyros mespiUformis, Polyadoa umbellata, Sclirebera golun- gensis, Sterculia Barteri, Sterculia tomentosa, Sterculia cordi- folia, ('liloropliora excelsa, Kliaya Punchii, Kliaya grandis, Eriodendron anfractuosum, Cola Afzelii, Xanthoxylum galense, Spondias lutea, Terminalia superba, Albizzia Brownei, Albizzia fastigiata, Spathodea campanulata, the moist country form of Landolphia owariensis, Landolphia Thompsonii, Lan- dolphta florida, Carpodinus hirsuta, the bamboo palm, Raphia vinifera, and the oil palm. Taken all round, the savannah forests, together with the fring- ing forests, are fairly rich in useful plants, and since they cover very extensive areas in the hinterland of our West African posses- sions, they are by no means to be despised. As a general rule the natural regeneration of the trees is good and the age grada- tions satisfactory. E. Savannahs. These consist of formations in which trees are practically absent and the dominant growth represented by the grasses. In the portions of West Africa with which I am acquainted they occur merely as local variants here and there of the savannah forests. I have seen no very extensive examples of them. The thorn forests are 'also poorly represented and only occur in small patches, such as near Accra, and again in the Banda country of north-western Ashanti, within the savannah forest districts. The most important of the Edaphic formations is the Mangrove Forest. It i? not, however, very strongly represented on the Gold Coast, but in the Niger delta several thousand square miles of country are occupied by this .type. The species composing these forests are very gregarious, and are mainly composed of Rhizophora racemosa, R. Mangle, and Avicennia africana. The first two yield excellent firewood, and their bark contains a high percentage of tannin. The timber is hard and fairly durable. The mangrove forests occur at the mouths of the Tano, Ankobra, and Pra Rivers of the Gold Coast. Conversions. As a general rule the destruction of the vegetation by the natives for agricultural purposes results in the following conver- sions, which invariably end in a drier type of vegetation succeed- ing the one removed. The stages are : Rain forest is converted into monsoon forest ; monsoon forest into savannah forest : savannah forest into pure savannah, GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 191 Distribution. Only a general idea can be given of the distribution of these various types of forest within the limits of the Gold Coast and Ashanti. Accurate data for the preparation of a proper stock map would take years to collect ; at present only rough approxi- mations are possible. The rain or moist evergreen tropical forests are in their typical form restricted on the coast line to the extreme south-west corner of the 'Colony in the neighbourhood of Axini. From there they extend northwards (with one marked break) along the valleys of the Tano, Ankobra, and Bia Rivers, through Wassaw, upper Denkira, and Sefwi, to just north of the (seventh parallel of north latitude. They have a tendency to hug the western frontier dur- ing the greater portion of their range, and are interrupted be- tween Asankagwa and Wiawuso by a broad belt of vegetation that possesses a drier strain and stretches across the country from the Tano River to the railway between the station of Inibrahim and a point a few miles south of Oboase. An extensive branch of the rain forest stretches from Axini in a north-easterly direction to Tarkwa, and the Pra River follows the valley of the latter a con- siderable distance inland, more especially -along the upper course of its principal feeders the A mini and Birrim Rivers, and finally splits up into several detached belts occupying the deeper valleys of the Bompata, Abetifi-Obo, Bogora, and Kyebi hill systems. The savannah forests, on the other hand, together with patches of scrub forest, are well represented along the opposite end of the coast line, viz., on the south-east sea-board, whence they extend in a gradually decreasing (narrowing) belt as far west as Sekondi. To the north of Accra they follow the plain and occupy the country up to the foot of the hills, oo r LJLL- o i I 4 I1 ^ § GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 193 J3 "c3 rs O -u cS S C? „_.-...._..........,.,.... ^ *° o> c*~ *^ CM co co t** I~H co t~~ ^* co oo oo >o ^o oo co 10 cr^ t— I I— ( i— ( 1— i 1— < 1— I CM CM ^ 1— II— 'I— I CM i— I CM »— '1— I i^Hl— I CM co~ 56^ co I o T^< CM •*< co t-»"co so -P -H 10 co i ' o oo co -^i 01 cc ,o o i—i co 01 ^H <>i 10 CM 10 ^^ co co o co t^ O-l ^.J ^^»»-»^^-«^^*»-r-^-»-»-»*»,»v«^«~»^r, ' GO T^l CO CT^) C\ O CM CO O C^» CO CO CO :C~* ^1 id CO CC ^ ^^ CO CT» OO CC o n t^- co t^- i •* i co — r rT/x— ^* "^ I ~ j ^ nj^ O^ OO C^ CO CO ^O C*" I™H I~H CO CO ^^ CO ^^ C^ ^J' t** ^^ ^J ^^ f"^ i-"* *^J O^ ^j^ ^H i£^ c^i CO OO CO t"^ i~^ LZ ] ^O lO CO C^" >^- T^ i CM "^ co o ^ oo co"co c>f csfco cs i— < »o"cOiOfMOCOGncO^MCOCO C^ CO CMi— ii— i-»oaico-*'*oo5-*T— t-coccco eo co CO O~l *O *~H CNI CT^ CM CO CO ^~ CO *O ^^ <^ t^ OO CO !>• CO ^t1 CO *O Oi r. av cT CN CO" CO co co • ' - - - - -- CO CO CM 1— ( CO CO t>-l>^I^eM!— lfMI>-COCCi— ICOCOOOCOi-HOOCOCOCN-* CO ' co co_O3_O'i_CN_co^co_co^'M o^oc_cr^o^co_co^irt_ci7^=^co rcrc^^c^r^co^co'o^cTcfrco~oo'"c-rc^rco"icrcc~ t- CM o> o co o — oo c; co CM ci -r oc c-i oo •— co os CM 10 »c i— i CM eo"«cTec^«cr>o"erf"»— 1 1-~ co ?i t~— ~v£~oc't--"c^ o ^ 1 I EH o •w ^^ rt S (5 +3 C t> ^2 I I 3 O? ^5 H o "3 ej 3 '-^ S 123 j; 194 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. floating streams and railways to which exploitation can extend. Again, the proportion of one mahogany and one cedar tree to every five acres may be accepted as a safe figure to go on. It is in all probability rather less than the actual .proportion found in the forests. Taking the railways first, the area available for ex- ploitation with human labour as the hauling power is as follows :- Distance from Sekondi to Kumasi =168 miles. „ Tarkwa to Prestea = 25 Total = 193 miles. Consequently exploitable area = 193 x 6 square miles = 1,158 square miles. Deduct 25% for clearings, farms, &c. == —289 ,, „ Total - 869 This area at the rate of one mahogany tree for every five acres, or 128 trees to the square mile, will contain 128 x 869 = 111,232 mahogany trees. And as the same number of cedar trees per square mile may also be assumed to exist, the total numbor of mahoganies and cedars available for felling will be twice the number given for mahogany, or 222,464 trees. Deduct from this 25 per cent, of the trees to provide for unsound, crooked, or other- wise defective trees, and we are left with a balance of 222,464 - 55, 616 or 166, 848 trees. Now assuming that it takes thirty years for all the trees now between 10 and 12 feet in girth to reach the latter size, then the number of trees (12 feet and over in girth) that should be felled each year amounts to —M-- trees, or 5,561 trees, which, on the assumption that one tree yields three logs, amounts to an annual output of 16,683 logs. Similarly the timber from the basins of the Tano, Ankobra, and Pra Rivers may be estimated as follows : — Exploitable area on Tano and its larger feeders -- 900 square miles. That on the Ankobra =300 That on the Offin River = 500 ,, That on the main Pra River = 600 Total : 2,300 ,, And the number of mahogany and cedar trees on this area may be computed at 2,300 x 128 x 2 trees = 588,800 trees. Deducting 25 per cent, for defective trees, the number left for felling amounts to 441,600 trees. Hence, the annual output will equal •»J-jJ;.;5.iu» frees =< 14,720 trees or 44,160 logs. Therefore, the total output from both railways and streams should amount to (10,083 + 44,160) logs = 60,843 logs. The calculation of the output from the streams, however, is based on the assumption that the channels of the Tano and Pra Rivers are GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 195 opened out to timber exploitation by the removal of the obstruc- tions in them. Unless this is done, the annual output in logs cannot be expected to reach much more than 25,000. Every effort, however, should be made to clear the above- mentioned obstructions and at the same time to introduce mechanical appliances, such as traction engines, light tramways, &c., for the haulage and transport of the timber. When this lias been accomplished, the Gold Coast, with Ashanti, should be able, and that without any fear of encroaching on the wood- producing capital, to give an annual yield of something like 250,000 logs a year. Such an out-turn, even at a very mild rate of taxation, should be capable of bringing in an annual revenue of about £60,000. These estimates do not include other first-class timbers such as are yielded by the Odoiim (Chlorophora excelsa) the Baku (Mimu- sop's Djave), &e., and are based on the most unfavourable assump- tions. To my mind, the Colony, with Ashanti, has a great future before it, so far as the timber industry is concerned. The imports of timber for the years 1898 to 1906 were: — Superficial Feet. 1898 1,470,125 1899 1,225,795 1900 1,872,520 1901 2,823,440 1902 3,378,339 1903 3,125,168 1904 3,554,850 1905 2,053,816 1906 1,841,698 Total ... ... 21,345,751 which gives a mean annual import of 2,371,750 superficial feet, or nearly one-third of the mean annual export. There is no doubt that the larger portion of the timber imported should be replaced by local woods, of which there are several kinds avail- able that are in every respect suitable for the purposes for which the former are used. Before this can be done, however, it will be necessary to establish modern saw-mills along the main lines of export in the Colony, to convert the timber strictly in accord- ance with the specifications, and to use nothing but properly seasoned wood. It is the custom of placing unseasoned West African woods on the market that has in so many instances given the former a bad name. In fact, it is a matter for consideration whether it would not be advisable for Government, to prohibit the felling of trees that have not been previously ring-barked or girdled and killed by the process; this would ensure a proper seasoning of the wood before it is felled. The establishment of saw-mills with a view to supplying local demands for converted timber will enable a great deal of timber to be utilised that is at present allowed to lie waste in the forests. 123] .i N2 196 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. The fluctuations iu the quantity of timber exported from the West Coast of Africa are mainly clue to the fluctuations in the prices offered at the home markets. The unstable prices are the most 'disturbing elements iu the local industry, and severely handicap small capitalists who have embarked in the trade. List of Vernacular Names of Plants. The following list of the native names of plants found on the Gold Coast and in Ashanti, together with their botanical equiva- lents so far as known, may prove of some use to officials interested in forestry matters : - Botanical Name. Ficus species. , Large species of Piptadenia (pi. 17). A small unidentified tree. A species of Parinanum. Cyanothyrsus ogea, the gum copal tree (pi. 15). .\ative Name. Abousandua (Twi name) Adadawa (Wassaw name) Af ana (Twi) Affram (Twi) Ahedua(Twi)... Ahedua (Fanti) Akata (Twi from Denkira) Akwabohori (Fanti)... Akwantanuro (Fanti) Akwantanuro (Fanti) Anchi (Fanti) Appapayi (Twi) Appayayi (Fanti) Apurro (Twi) ... Asoma (Fanti) Asoma, Assomah (Twi) Assoro (Twi) ... Atawah, Althawah (Twi) Awabima (Twi. Denkira) Awarna Baku (Fanti. Twi)... Baya (Twi) ... Biunwe (Twi) Bosse (Twi) ... Bowiwnsi (Fanti) Bombay, buonopozcnse, the red- flowered silk cotton tree. Kb ay a antliotlieca, the white mahogany (pi. 4). Lovoa Klaineana, a good timber tree (pi. 9). Kb ay a anthotlieca, the white mahogany (pi. 4.) Pynaertia ealaensis, good timber tree. Khaya grandis, mahogany from the shores of the sacred lake (pl. 5). >? ? ? ? ? A small undescribed tree from the mixed forests. [ Ricinodendron africanus. Species of Ompbalocarpiim H The oil-bean tree, Pentaclethra macropbylla. Heritiera utili*. A good timber tree (pl. 8). Ricinodendron africanus. Mimusops Djare, a very good timber tree (pl. 20). Mil ragyne macropb ylla . Species of Detarium, a gigantic forest tree; good timber. Speries of Guarea; good timber tree. Species of Detarium mentioned above. GOLD COAST REPORT ON FORESTS. 197 Native Name. Bowiwunua (Twi) Dahoiuah (Twi) Dahuniah (Twi) Deuya (Twi) ... Deinya (Ashanti, Twi) Duakobin, Duabayi ... Dubin ... Uubini Duamenyi (Fanti) ... Effuo kou konti (Ashanti) Efuobrodidwa (Twi)... Emil Emril ... Emiri ... Ehyedua(Twi) Eku (Twi) Ekusawa (Fanti) Ekuana (Fanti) Esseah... Essia ... Eye (Fanti) Honum(Twi) Kaku (Twi) Kishia... Kokotswi (Twi) Kube (Akwapim) Makube (Aslianti) ... Kimtunkun (Twi) ... Kunkuntuni (Denkira) Kusia (Twi) Krubna(Twi)... Kwabaho (Ashanti) ... "Kwabahori (Twi) Kwaiitanuro (Ashanti) Makube (Ashanti) ... Meinchin (Apollonian) Botanical Name. Species of Detarium, a gigantic forest tree ; good timber. Piptadenia africana, a common forest tree (pi. 16). The same. Large species of Piptadenia (pi. 17). • • 55 ) 5 J » Afrormosia laxi flora; good timber tree; red and white bark. ,..\ The ordinary K/iaija (mahogany) ... J of the moist evergreen forests. Sterculia cord if alia. i Pseudocedrela u tills, the largest species of ' cedar," a fine timber tree. .Species of Tcnninalia; wood good for shingles. Guru copal tree (Cyanothyrsus ogea) (pi. 15). Bombay bnonopozense; red- flowered silk cotton tree. . .. Sarcocephalus esculentus (pi. 18). The oil bean tree (Pentaclethra macrophylla) ... | Species of Combretum,tlcLe"siink- ... \ wood " tree. Species of Ancistrophyllum, a large kind of rattan. Anthocleista magnifica, a small tree with very large leaves. Lophira procera, yields a very durable timber. .. Sarcocephalus esculentus (pi. 18). . .. Pynaertia ealaensis. ... ) The fan-palm, Borassus flabelli- .. ) form is. .. ) Bombax brevicuspe, a new species ..I of silk cotton tree (pi. 1). .. Sarcocephalus esculentus (pi. 18). Khaya? species. KJiaya anthotlieca, the white mahogany (pi. 4). 5 » 5 > ) ' Lovoa Klaineana, a good timber tree (pi. 9). The fan palm, Boraxxi/s fl fprmis. Species of Peltopftorum ? 198 COLONIAL liErOKTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Native Name. Mousandua (Fauti) ... N'ku (Aslianti and Fauti) Nya-uie dua ... N'yaukon Odahuiua (Fauti) Odeiiya (Faiiti) Odouiu Oduin (Twi) Odupon (Fauti) Odupiu (Fenti) Offram (Twi and Fauti) Ofu Ohonton (Faiiti) Ukisibiri (Faiiti) Okitsiwanf u (Fauti) . . . Okunmankra (Fauti) Ougiua (Twi)... Ouyina (Fauti) Opapao Opapea (Twi) Opepeli (Fauti) Osuabise (Akwapim) Osupawa (Fauti) Ote Owaiua Owawa (Fauti) Pebeduui Peukwa Prckese Protodon (Aslianti Akwapirn). Pimkwa Sauiauta Samautawa (Faiiti) ... Sese (Fauti) Takwadua (Fauti) ... Takwadua (Twi) Bo tanical A a me . Species of Ficus. Butyrospermuni Parkii, the shea butter tree (pi. 19). Alstonia congensis. Heritiera utilis . Piptadenia africana, a couiuiou timber tree (pi. 16). Large species of Piptadenia from evergTeeu forests (pi. IT). ... {Gliloropliura excelsa, a large aud ... \ valuable timber tree (pi. 23;. ... ) The common Khaya (mahogany) ... j of the moist evergreen forests. ... Terminalia superba, wood used for shingles. f Antiaris toxicaria var. africana. ... The " Fliut-wood ' tree, not identified. Species of Ficus. Species of Khaya ? ...IThe "silk cotton tree' (white ... / flowered kind), Eriodendron anfractuosum. Afzelia africana, a valuable timber tree (pi. 14). \ A species of Miinusops? Carapa guianensis. Species of Sarcoceplialus ? ... Species of Myristica? or Santiri- opsis. Ricinodendron africanus. ... Trlplocltiton Johns o?iii (pi. 2). Lovoa Klameana (pi. 9). Pseudocedrela cylindrica, the cedar, a good timber tree (pi. 10). ^ Tetrapleura Thonningii. and Erythrophloeum guineense, a timber tree from the savannah forests. ... Pseudocedrela cylindrica (pi. 10). Fun- a Evansii. 11 The bastard rubber-tree, tuinia africana. Bliyhia sapida. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 199 Native Name. Botanical Name. Tiama-Tiama ......... Ne\v species of r.ieudocedrela close to 1' '. cylindrica^ a valu- able timber tree of the ''cedar " group (pi. 12). Tombo (general W. coast The wiue or bauiboo palm, name). Raphia vinifera. Wansanwah (Twi) ...... Khaya ymndis, the species of mahogany found near the Sacred Lake (pi. 5). Wawa... ... ... ... | Triplocliiton Johnsonii, a good "Waw-waw ......... j timber tree (pi. 2). Wawapupuo ......... Sterculia cordi folia Yaiikom ... ... Yankun i a-ya ... ... ... ... ~i / • , 777 Yar-yar ] -Ultr"U!Jnc macTophylla. The identification of some of the plants is rather uncertain ; such have a note of interrogation placed after their names. H. N. THOMPSON, Conservator of Forests, Southern Nigeria. ... 1 / "-cl'^LL'>'a ufaws (pi. 3). EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE 1. Bombax brevicuspe. Figs. 1 ami 2, bninchlets ; 3, fruit ; 4, central axis of fruit, and calyx ; 5, seed ; 6, hair from inner wall of fruit. — Figs. 1-5, X 5 ; 6, X 2. PLATE 2. Triplocliiton Johnsonii. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, flower with part of calyx and petals cut off : 3, petal ; 4, apex of gonophore, with two staminodes and all but one pair of stamens removed : 5, pair of stamens ; 6, longitudinal section of carpel. — Fig. 1, x I ; 2, x 3 : 3, x 2 ; 4, x 4 ; 5, x 5 ; 6, x 8. PLATE 3. Jleritiem ut'dis. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, upper part of leafy branch ; 3, tetrameroug flower ; 4, pentamcrous flower laid open ; 5, pistil ; 6, carpel ; 7, peltate scale from carpel : 8, fruit ; 9, seed ; 10, section through seed.— Figs. 1-2, x ; ; 3-4, x 3 ; 5-0, x 8 ; 7,' x 5U ; 8-10, x f. PLATE 4. Khaya anthotheca. Fig. 1, leaf : 2. leaflet ; 3, empty capsule ; 4, seed ; 5, cross section through seed.— Fig. 1, x ± : 2, x ? ; 3, X £ : 4-5, X ?. 200 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. PLATE 5. Khaya ymndis. Fig. 1, leaf ; 2, leaflet ; 3, open capsule with some of the seeds removed : 4, seed ; 5, cross section through seed. — Fig. 1, x £ ; 2, x -5 ; 3, x A ; 4-5, x -,. PLATE 6. Khaya Punchii. Fig. 1 , flowering branch ; 2, flower with corolla removed ; 3, portion of stamina,! tube from within ; 4, pistil ; 5, longitudinal section of pistil. — Fig. 1, x $ ; 2, x 4 ; 3-5, x 5. PLATE 7. Kluiya senegalensis. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, fruiting branch : 3-6, male flower : — 3, expanded ; 4, with the corolla removed ; 5, part of stamina 1 tube from within ; 6, abortive pistil ; 7-8, female flower : — 7, part of staminal tube from within ; 8, calyx and pistil : 9, capsule ; 10, seed ; 11, cross section through seed. — Fig. 1, x 4 i 2, X| : 3, natural size ; 4-6, x 2 : 7-8, x 3 ; 9-11, x f. ~ PLATE 8. Khaya sp. " Dubiui " of the Fantis. (Thompson, o. 17). Fig. 1, fruiting branch ; 2, leaflet ; 3, empty capsule. — Fig. 1, XT', 2-3, X £• PLATE 9. Luaoa Klaineana. Fig. 1, fruiting branch ; 2, portion of a lower leaf ; 3, portion of young inflorescence ; 4, flower : 5, flower with petals removed ; 6, portion of upper part of staminal tube from within ; 7, pistil ; 8, fruit ; 9, central axis of fruit ; 10, seed ; 11, embryo.— Fig. 1, x i : 2-3, x 3 ; 4, x 4 ; 5, x 5 ; 6, x 9 : 7, x 6 ; 8-H, x |. PLATE 10. Pseudocedrela cylindrica . Fig. 1, fruiting branch ; 2, leaf ; 3, a small fruit ; 4, central axis of a large fruit ; 5, seed from small fruit. — Figs. 1-2, x i ; 3-5, X f. PLATE 11. Pseudocedrela Kotscliyi. Fig. 1 , flowering branch ; 2, flower ; 3, flower with petals removed : 4, portion of upper part of staminal tube from within ; 5, pistil ; G, fruit ; 7, seed ; 8, embryo.— Fig. 1, x 5 : 2, x 4 ; 3, x 3 ; 4, x 8 ; 5, x 5 ; 6, x £ ; 7-8, x §. PLATE 12. Pseudocedrela sp. (near P. cylindrica). (Thompson, No. 36.) Fig. 1, leaf ; 2, fruit.— Fig. 1, x | ; 2, x f. PLATE 13. Pseudocedrela utilis H (Thompson, No. 48.) Fig. 1, fruit ; 2, valve of fruit ; 3, seed : 4, embryo. — Figs. 1-4, x -J. PLATE 14. Afzelia africana. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, flower ; 3, interior of calyx-tube, upper parts of sepals, petal, stamens and ovary cut off ; 4, valve of fruit from within, showing seeds. — Fig. 1, x ;i ; 2, x 2 : 3, x 4 ; 4, x t- GOLD COAST — KEPO11T ON FORESTS. 201 PLATE 15. Oyanothyrsus ogea. Fig. 1, fruitiiig branch ; 2, leaf ; 3, bud ; 4, flower ; 5, dower with sepals aiid one petal removed ; G, a lateral petal ; 7, an anticous petal ; 8, longitudinal section of pistil and calyx- tube. — Figs. 1-2, x f ; 3-6, X li ; 7, x 2 ; 8, x H. PLATE 16. Piptadenia africana. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, flower ; 3, section of flower ; 4, portion of corolla showing insertion of stamens ; 5, anthers ; 6, fruit ; 7, seed. — Fig. 1, x § ; 2, x 8 ; 3-4, x 10 ; 5, x 16 ; 6-7, x |. PLATE 17. Piptadenia sp. (Thompson, No. 27.) Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, bud ; 3, flower ; 4, petal ; 5, pistil and disc with a single stamen ; 6, anthers ; 7, fruit ; 8, seed. — Fig. 1, X f ; 2-5, X 10 ; 6, x 20: 7-8, x if. PLATE 18. Sarcocephalufi esculcntus. Fig. 1, flowering branch : 2, flower ; 3, flower laid open ; 4, anthers ; 5, longi- tudinal section of ovary ; 6, fruit : 7, seed. —Fig. 1, x 5 ; 2-3, X 2 ; 4, x 4 ; 5, x 6 ; 6, x £ ; 7, x 10. PLATE 19. Butyrospermum Parkii. Fig. 1, fruiting branch ; 2, inflorescence ; 3, flower ; 4, flower with corolla and stamens removed ; 5, corolla and stamens ; 6, seed. — Figs. 1-2, x :\ ; 3-5, x 2 ; 6, x |. PLATE 20. Mimusops Djave. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, calyx and pistil ; 3, corolla and stamens from without ; 4, corolla and stamens from within ; 5, anther ; 6, transverse section of ovary ; 7, fruit ; 8, seed. — Fig. 1, x f ; 2, x 1| ; 3-5, x 4 ; 6, x 5 ; 7-8, X |. PLATE 21. Funtumia elastica. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, pits on lower surface of leaf ; 3, flower ; 4, section of flower ; 5, portion of calyx with the pistil surrounded by the disc ; 6, an anther, front view ; 7, a pair of open follicles, seen from the back ; 8, seed. — Fig. 1, X | ; 2, x 2 ; 3, x H ; 4-5, x 2 ; 6, x 5 ; 7-8, x f. PLATE 22. Landolphia owariensis. Fig. 1, flowering branch ; 2, upper part of young fruiting branch : 3, bud ; 4, flower ; 5, corolla, opened ; 6, pistil ; 7, anthers ; 8, fruit. — Figs. 1-2, x 3 , 3-6, x3; 7, x 6; 8, x f. PLATE 23. Chlorophora excelsa. Fig. 1, flowering branch of male ; 2, flowering branch of female ; 3, male flower : 4, female flower ; 5, pistil ; 6, longitudinal section of pistil. — Figs 1-2, x f ; 3, x 7 ; 4-6, x 8. PLATE 24. Musanya Sutithii. Fig. 1, male inflorescence and young leaf ; 2, branchlet bearing female in florescences ; 3, head of male flowers ; 4, male flower and bracteoles ; 5, female flowers ; 6, seed ; 7, longitudinal section of seed. — Figs. 1-2, X 'i ; 3, x 4 4, x 8 : 5, x 12 ; 6-7, x 8. •202 COLONIAL ItEPOKTS —MISCELLANEOUS. APPENDIX. CHAPTEK CXXVIII. FORESTRY. (No. 14 — K>02, and P. No. 28 — 11)01, with subsequent amendments.) Short Title. 1 . This Ordinance may be cited as " The Forestry Ordinance." Definitions. 2. In this Ordinance and in any Rules and Orders made thereunder unless the context otherwise requires : — (1) " Tree " includes palms, bamboos, stumps, brush-wood and canes ; (2) " Timber " includes trees when they have fallen or have been felled, aud all wood whether cut up or fashioned, or hollowed out for any purpose ; (3) " Forest Produce " includes : — A. The following, whether found in or brought from a forest or not, that is to say, timber, charcoal, rubber, gutta percha, wood oil, resin, natural varuish, and bark Jac. B. The following, when found in or brought from a forest, that is to say :— (i). Trees and leaves, flowers and fruits, and all other parts or produce not hereinbefore mentioned of trees, and (ii) Plants not being trees (including grass, creepers, reeds and moss, and ail parts or produce of such plants); (iii) Peat, surface soil, and other substances other than minerals to which the Mining Regulation Ordinance or other law amending the same applies. (4) "Lands at the disposal of the Government" mean any lands of which the Crown has acquired or may acquire the ownership by conquest, capitulation, treaty, grant or in any way other than by agreement under the provisions of this Ordinance ; (5) '• Native lands " means any waste, forest and other lands at the disposal of a Native community and not being the private property of any individual ; (6) " To take timber " includes to fell trees and to carry away the timber from the lands upon which the trees have fallen or been felled ; (7) " Enquiry " means any enquiry by a Reserve Settlement Commissioner under this Ordinance ; (8) " Forestry Officer" means any officer appointed by the Governor under section 3 of this Ordinance ; (9) " Native Community " means any group of persons occupying any lauds in accordance and subject to Native law, and subject to the control and authority of any Chief or Chiefs ; (10) "Reserve Settlement Commissioner " includes any person appointed by the Governor to act on behalf of or in succession to the Reserve Settlement Commissioner appointed by a notice under section 6. Appointment of Forestry Officers, d'c. 3. The Governor may from time to time appoint such officers as he may think necessary for carrying the provisions of this Ordinance and any orders and rules thereunder into effect, at such salaries and upon such conditions as he may think fit ; and iruy revoke any such appointment. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 203 Power to Constitute Reserves. 4. It shall be lawful for the Governor to constitute any of the following lands reserves, namely : — (i) Lauds at the disposal of Government ; (ii) Lands acquired by agreement under section 5 (i) hereof ; and (iii) Lands in and over which the Governor has acquired by agreement the rights referred to in section 5 (ii) hereof. Acquisition of Lands and Rights by Agreement. 5. It shall be lawful for the Governor to acquire by agreement from any Natives or Native communities owning the same : (i) Any lands upon which trees and forest produce or any kinds thereof are growing or which are suitable for the production of trees and forest produce, together with such rights and powers as are necessary or expedient for the use and enjoyment of such lands and subject to such rights and reservations as are set forth or referred to in the agreement, for the use or benefit of the owners of the lands or any other persons ; and (ii) The right to take timber and collect forest produce or any kinds thereof specified in the agreement, together with such additional rights and powers as may be necessary and advantageous for the exercise, enjoyment and continuance of the said rights by the Governor or his licensees, and subject to such rights and reservations as are set forth or referred to in the agreement for the use or benefit of the owners of the lands or any other persons. Notification of Intention to Create Reserve and Appointment of Reserve Settlement Commissioner. 6. — (a) When it is proposed to constitute any lands a forest reserve a notice shall be published in the Gazette, (i) Specifying as nearly as may be the situation and limits of the lands ; (ii) Declaring whether the lands are lands at the disposal of the Govern- ment, or lauds acquired by the Governor, or land in respect of which the Governor has acquired rights under the provisions of this Ordinance ; (iii) Declaring that it is intended to constitute such lands a forest reserve, either for the general purposes of Government or for the particular use and benefit of the Native community within the limits of whose occupation the reserve is situated ; (iv) Appointing an officer, hereinafter referred to as the Reserve Settle- ment Commissioner, to enquire into and determine the existence, nature and extent of any rights claimed by or alleged to exist in favour of any persons or communities or brought to the knowledge of the said Commissioner affecting the lands or the rights in or over the lands which it is proposed to constitute a reserve. (b) If owing to absence, illness or any other cause the Reserve Settlement Commissioner appointed under this section is unable to perform his duties, the Governor by notice published in the Gazette may appoint any person to act on his behalf or in succession to him. (f) Any notice published under this section may be varied, amended or revoked Notice of Enquiry. 7. Upon publication of the notice aforesaid the Reserve Settlement Com- missioner shall immediately cause the particulars contained therein to be made known in the districts or district in which the lauds ate situated by causing the same to be read, and interpreted in the local Native language at the next meeting of every Native Court in the said districts or district, and also by orally informing the Chiefs of every community dwelling on or near the lauds afore- said, and shall also fix and in the manner aforesaid make a period within which and a place to or at which any person or community claiming any right affecting the lands or the rights over the lands which it is proposed to constitute a reserve shall either send in written statement of his or their claim to the Reserve Settlement Commissioner or appear before him and state orally the nature and extent of their alleged rights. 204 COLONIAL IlEPOKTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Enquiry. 8. — (i) At the expiration of the period fixed by the Reserve Settlement Commissioner, he shall enquire into and determine the limits of the lands specified in the notice aforesaid and the existence, nature and extent of the rights in respect of which he has received any claims under section 7 and of any other rights alleged to exist or brought to his knowledge at the enquiry in favour of any persons or communities affecting the lands which it is proposed to constitute a reserve -erf the rights acquired by the Governor over any lands under the previsions of this Ordinance. (ii) The Reserve Settlement Commissioner shall keep a record in writing of all claims made in respect of any rights aforesaid and of any objection which may be made thereto, and also of any evidence given in support of or in opposition to any claim. Powers of Reserve Settlement Commissioner at Enquiry. 9. For the purposes of the enquiry, the Reserve Settlement Commissioner shall have all the powers conferred upon a District Commissioner by the Supreme Court Ordinance. Judgment on Completion of Enquiry. 10. Upon completion of the enquiry, the Reserve Settlement Commissioner shall deliver his judgment, describing the limits of the lands specified in the notice aforesaid and setting forth, with all such particulars as may be necessary to define their nature, incidents and extent, the rights in respect of which he has received claims under section 7 and of any other rights alleged to exist or brought to his knowledge at the enquiry in favour of any persons or communities, and admitting or rejecting the same wholly or in part. 11. — (1) Any person who has made a claim may within three calendar months of any judgment made under section 10 appeal from such judgment to the Supi'eme Court. (2) The procedure and practice for the time being in force relating to appeals from District Courts to the Supreme Court shall apply to appeals from the Reserve Settlement Commissioner. Order Constituting Reserves. 12. — (1) At the expiration of three calendar months from the date of the judgment made under section 10, or, if any appeal has been made to the Supreme Court against such judgment, upon the decision of the Supreme Court, the Governor may make an order constituting the lauds in respect of which the enquiry has been held a forest reserve. Such order shall set forth the limits and situation of the lauds which constitute the reserve, and all rights affecting the same as set forth in the judgment of the Reserve Settlement Commissioner, or established by the decision of the Supreme Court. (2) Such order shall be published in the Gazette and in the manner pre- scribed for making known the notice referred to in section 7. (3) Any order made under this section may be revised or modified. Extinguishment of Right. 1 3. Every right in or over any lands in respect of which no claim has been made under section 7, or of which no knowledge has been acquired at the enquiry shall be extinguished, unless the claimant has satisfied the Reserve Settlement Commissioner before the delivery of his judgment that he had good reason for not preferring his claim within the period fixed under section 7, in which event the Commissioner may defer his judgment until he has decided such claim. Acquisition of Rights admitted l>ij Reserve Settlement Commissioner. 14. Where in the opinion of the Governor it is expedient that any right admitted by the Reserve Settlement Commissioner shall be acquired by the GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 205 Government, the Governor may acquire the same by agreement with the owner thereof, or compulsorily under the provisions of the Fublic Lands Ordinance, which shall be deemed to be applicable for the acquisition of such rights. Powers of Natives to Grant Absolutely. 15. Notwithstanding any Native law or custom to the contrary, any Native, and the Chiefs of any Native community on behalf of such community shall be entitled to enter into any agreement to grant and convey absolutely any lands, and any rights in and over any lands owned by them which it is proposed to constitute a forest reserve under the provisions of this Ordinance. Power to Declare Lands no longer a Reserve. 16. The Governor may by order direct that from a date named therein any lands or any part thereof constituted a forest reserve under this Ordinance shall cease to be a forest reserve or a part of such reserve, and thereupon from such date such lands or part thereof shalt cease to be a forest reserve or a part of such reserve ; provided that the rights, if any, which have been extinguished therein shall not revive in consequence of such cessation. Colonial Secretary may Execute Grant. 17. When the owner or owners have consented tc grant any concession, lease or licence under the terms of this Ordinance, or the rules made there- under, the Colonial Secretary may execute any instrument making such grant on behalf of the owner or owners, and such execution shall bind the owner or owners and his or their successors in title as effectively as if it had been duly executed by him or them, provided that at the time of such execution there shall be attached to the instrument a certificate in writing signed by the Colonial Secretary that the consent of the owner or owners has been obtained to the grant. Prohibitions. 18. The Governor in Council may from time to time by any order prohibit the following things, or any of them, namely : — (1) The taking and collection of timber, rubber, and forest produce or any kinds thereof specified in the order in any forest reserves and Native lands, either generally or for tne purpose stated in the order, by any persons other than the holders of concessions, leases or licences granted in accordance with rules made under this Ordinance, or by any other persons or by any classes of persons specified in the order ; (2) The taking and collection of timber, rubber and forest produce, or any kinds thereof specified in the order, in any forest reserves and Native lands during any period specified in the order ; (3) The sale, offering for sale, purchase and export of timber, rubber and forest pioduce, or any kinds thereof specified in the order, by any persons other than the holders of concessions, lease? or licences granted in accordance with rules made under this Ordinance, or by any other persons or by any classes of persons specified in the order ; (4) The sale, offering for sale, purchase, possession and export of timber, rubber and forest produce, or any kinds thereof specified in the order, taken, collected or prepared in contravention of any order or any rules under this Ordinance ; (5) The sale, offering for sale, purchase, possession and export of timber, rubber and forest produce, or any kinds thereof, taken, collected, prepared, sold or purchased in any territories near or adjacent to the Protectorate in contravention of the law for the time being in force in such territories ; (G) The sale, offering for sale, purchase, possession and export of timber rubber and forest produce, or any kinds thereof specified in the order, during any period prescribed by the order. And the Governor in Council may from time to time by any order vary or revoke any order made under this section. 206 COLONIAL REPORTS— MISCELLANEOUS. Every order made under this section may be subject to such limitations, exceptions and conditions as may be therein prescribed. Any person who shall contravene any order under this section shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months. Fees, Royalties, &c. 19. The Governor may with the consent signified by resolution of the Legislative Council make rules regulating — (1) The fees to be charged on the grant and issue of concessions, leases and licences : the rent and royalties to be paid by the holders thereof ; export duties on timber, rubber and forest produce ; tolls on timber, rubber and forest produce conveyed on any river or creek opened or improved by the Government ; and the costs of surveys and demarcations. (2) The collection, payment and disposal of fees, royalties, duties, tolls, and costs of surveys and demarcations. Rules. 20. The Governor in Council may from time to time make, and when made, vary or revoke rules with respect to the following things or any of them, namely : — (1) Application for grant and issue of (a) concessions, leases and licences, to take and collect timber, rubber and forest produce on forest reserves and Native lands : and (b) licences to sell, purchase and export timber, rubber and forest produce ; (2) Conditions on which concessions, leases and licences may be granted, and the forms of such concessions, leases and licences ; (3) Quantity of timber, rubber and forest produce which may be taken and collected by holders of concessions, leases and licences, or in any area or areas of the Colony or Protectorate ; (4) Survey and demarcation of forest reserves and Native lands, and any areas the survey and demarcation of which is required for the purposes of this Ordinance ; (5) Marking of timber ; (6) Use and possession of marking instruments ; (7) Taking, collection and preparation of timber, rubber and forest produce ; (8) Seizure, detention and disposal of timber, rubber or forest produce, taken, collected, prepared, sold, offered for sale, purchased, possessed, or not marked in contravention of any order or rule under this Ordinance ; (9) Returns and accounts to be furnished by holders of concessions and licences ; (10) Termination, revocation and forfeiture of concessions and licences ; (11) Transit of timber by land and water ; (12) Salving and disposal of drift timber ; (13) Establishment and maintenance of nurseries : (14) Preservation and reproduction of timber, rubber and forest produce : (15) Introduction of new species of timber, rubber and forest produce ; (16) Management, utilization and protection of forest reserves ; (17) Duties and discipline of Forest Officers ; (1.8) Generally any matter connected with the carrying of the purposes of this Ordinance into effect. The Governor in Council may attach a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months, to any breach of any rule made under this section. Publication nf Orders and Rules. 21. All orders and rules made under the provisions of this Ordinance shall be published in the Gazette, and shall upon such publication have full force and effect, subject to disallowance by His Majesty. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 207 Provided that no order or rule made as aforesaid shall come into force in any district or province to which the Native Councils Ordinance applies, unless the same shall have been approved by the Native Council, duly constituted in accordance with the provisions of the said Ordinance for the district or province affected thereby. Provided also that all rules and orders shall in every case apply to all Crown lands and lands leased or held by the Crown. Jurisdiction of Commissioners. 22. Proceedings under this Ordinance may be taken before any District Commissioner, who shall have full jurisdiction to determine summarily all such proceedings, or before any Native Council duly constituted under the Native Councils Ordinance. Forfeiture. 23. In addition to any fine or term of imprisonment which any Court may impose under this Ordinance or any rule thereunder, such Court may order the forfeiture and give directions as to the disposal of the timber, rubber, forest produce, instrument or means in respect of which or by which the offence has been committed. Proof of Knoidedge. 24. Where a person is charged with the breach of any order, prohibiting the sale, offering for sale, purchase, possession or export of timber, rubber or forest produce, either taken, collected or prepared in contravention of any order or rule under this Ordinance, or taken, collected, prepared, sold or purchased in any territories aforesaid, near or adjacent to the Colony or Protectorate, in contravention of the law for the time being in force in such territories, such person shall be liable to be convicted of such breach, unless he shows to the satisfaction of the Court that he was unaware that such timber, rubber or forest produce was taken, collected or prepared in contravention of any order or rule aforesaid, or was taken, collected, prepared, sold or purchased in contravention of any law aforesaid, as the case may be. Orders and Rules in Schedule to be in Force. 25. Unless and until further or other provision be made in the manner above prescribed, the rules and orders contained in the schedule hereto shall be and remain in force, subject to the provisions of section 21 hereof. THE SCHEDULE. 1. RULES RELATING TO RUBBER. Title. 1. The rules may be cited as " The Rubber Rules." Definitions. 2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, — (1) " Head Chief" or "Chiefs" means any Chief or Chiefs having paramount authority over a Native community. (2) " Headman " or " Headmen " means any Chief or Chiefs having imme- diate control and authority over a Native community. (3) " Licence " means a licence to collect rubber. (4) "Native Lands'" means forest lands belonging to Natives and Native communities. (5) " District " means a district constituted under the provisions of the Supreme Court Ordinance, and any part of such district. (6) Other expressions shall have the same meanings as are given in the Forestry Ordinance. (7) " Tapping " means either the process of extracting the rubber-producing latex, or the single act of cutting trees for the purpose of such extraction, according as the context requires. 208 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Applications for Grant and Issue of Licences. 3. Applications for licences to collect rubber in any district shall be made to and licences may be granted and issued by, the District Commissioner or by any European Forest Officer of the District. General Powers of Licensee. 4. Subject to the provisions of these rules a licensee shall be entitled to collect rubber on any Reserve and on any Native lands in the district named in his licence. Applicant whose Previous Application has been Refused. 5. If any person who has been refused a licence or whose licence has been forfeited in any district shall apply for a licence in the same or any other district, he shall, upon making such application, inform the District Com- missioner or Forest Officer to whom his application is made of the fact that he has previously applied for and been refused a licence, or that his licence has been forfeited and, if known to him. the reasons for such refusal or forfeiture. Right to Refuse to Issue Licence. 6. No person shall be entitled as of absolute right to the issue of a licence. Duration of Licence. I. Licences shall be granted for the period mentioned therein. Applicants to have Knowledge of Tapping. 8. Any applicant for a licence may be required to satisfy the officer to whom the application is made that he has a competent knowledge of the proper method of tapping trees and preparing rubber. Fees, &c. to be Paid before Issue of Licence. y. No licence shall be issued until the fees and commuted royalties prescribed by these rules have been paid. Form of Licence. 10. — (a) Licences shall be printed in triplicate, and may be in Form A appended hereto. Rules 2, 12, 13, 14, 15. 1(5, 17, 18, 24, 25 and 26 shall be endorsed thereon. (b) Licence forms shall be bound into books. Every book shall contain 50 licences in triplicate, or such other number as the Conservator of Forests may direct. The books and licences in every book shall be numbered consecutively from 1 upwards. The duplicate and triplicate of every licence shall bear the same number as the original. Triplicate of Licences to be sent to principal Forest Officers for Filing. II. The District Commissioner and every Forest Officer of a district shall, upon issuing a licence, send the duplicate thereof to the Forest Officer in charge of the Register referred to in rule 23, or if the Forest Officer issuing the licence is also the officer in charge of the Register aforesaid, such officer shall retain the duplicate of such licence. Every duplicate received or retained by the officer in charge of the Register shall be filed by him in his office. Licences not Transferal// 12. Licences are not transferable GOLD COAST — .REPORT ON FORESTS. 209 When a Licensee is not a Native of District Consent of Chiefs to Collection of Rubber to be obtained. 13. When a licensee is not a member of a Native community of the district to which his licence relates, he shall, before collecting rubber on the lands belonging to any Native community of the district, obtain the consent of the Head Chiefs of the community to the collection by him of rubber on the lands belonging to such community. Production of Licences. 14. Every licence shall be produced by the licensee at the request of any Chief or Headman of any community upon whose lands the licensee may be collecting rubber. Girth of Trees to be Tapped. 15. No tree of less girth than thirty-six inches at a height of four feet from the ground shall be tapped. Method of Tapping. 16. In tapping trees the following or such other methods as may from time to time be prescribed by notice published in the Gazette shall be followed :— (1)- (a) The cuts shall be Y shaped, the two arms of the V being each 2 in. long and separated at their widest part by ^ in., the apex of the V to point downwards. (b) The distance between any two adjacent V's must not be less than 2 in. (c) The maximum width of any cut shall not exceed A in. (rZ) No tapping shall be done higher up the tree than twelve feet from the ground nor extend to a greater vertical distance than four feefc. (e) Tapping shall only be undertaken in the early morning aad must cease by 8 a.m. (/) On the first day of tapping a series of V's of the prescribed size should be spaced round the tree at interval of not less than 3 in. between any two adjacent V's. The cuts made on the first day should be very narrow and should in no case penetrate deeper than the cambium layer and on no account must they enter the wood. No tapping should be done on the following day, but on the next day, the third from the commencement of the tapping, a very thin shaving should be pared off the lower side of each of the V's cut on the fiist day, so as to expose a new surface, and the latex collected ; on the fourth d ly no tapping is done and the tree is given a rest ; on the fifth day another thin shaving is pared off the lower side of each of the V's, fresh surfaces are thus exposed and the latex collected. This process of one day's tapping followed by a day's rest should be continued till the cuts have reached a maximum width of ^ in., when another series of fresh V's can be started ; provided that the number of tappings (consisting of initial cutting of V's plus number of subsequent parings) does not exceed ten in one year. That is counting from the first day of tapping not more than ten cuttings, and subsequent parings can be done during the next twelve months. The cutting and paring should be done with the sharpest of knives. (f Tapping. (2) The half herring bone method : — (a) On the first day a channel is cut vertically from the base of the trunk to a height of 3 ft. G in. From this vertical channel branch channels are 12315 0 210 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. cut, at an angle of 45° with the main channel, and on one, side only of that channel. The branch cuts should be at intervals of 6 in. The side channels are not to go more than quarter round the tree. (V) On the second day the tree is given a rest. (c) On the third day each of the branch channels is reopened by taking a thin shaving off the lower side of the old cut. The vertical channel is, not reopened. (<7) On the fourth day the tree is given a rest. (e) On the fifth day the process described under (r) is repeated, and this process of tapping on every alternate day is repeated till the side channels have been reopened nineteen times. (/) The main channel should be shallow and not exceed ^ in. in breadth. (fj) The side channels should start by being \ in. wide, then at each shaving not more than TV in. should be removed. Thus after six shavings the width of the side channels should not exceed £ in. (//) After the successive tappings described above (seven in all including the first cutting) have been completed the tree should be given a rest for six months. At the end of six months another series of similar tappings may be carried out on the opposite side of the tree ; an interval of at least six months' rest must then again be given. (1) (Third tapping.) — At the end of six months' rest the process may be again repeated on a side on which the two tappings described above were not undertaken. The next or fourth tapping is performed on the quarter of the trunk not yet touched, and subsequent tappings are to be carried out so as to leave each quarter of the circumference the maximum period of rest possible. Successive tappings on each section of the trunk should be carried out so as not to tap any portion of the bark a second time until the whole of the untouched surface of the bark on that section has been tapped. Collecting Rubber from Vines. 17. In collecting rubber from vines the vine may be cut down, but two and a half feet at least of the stem shall be left intact, and no vine less than six inches in girth at two feet from the ground shall be cut. * Latex in be Strained. The latex collected from vines must be strained through muslin or wiro gauze or otherwise cleaned in order to get rid of extraneous matter before it is coagulated. Licence Liable to Forfeiture lohen Rubber Adulterated. 18. Any licence-holder found guilty of preparing lubber adulterated with dirt or other extraneous matter wiil be liable to have his licence forfeited. Nurseries. 19. — (1) Native communities entitled to royalties under rule 21 shall establish and maintain nurseries for rearing rubber plants, and plant out such plants in such manner and at such times and places as the Forest Officers may from time to time direct : Provided that such Native communities shall not be bound to expend greater amounts for the purposes aforesaid than one half of the sums received by them as royalties. (2) If any Native community shall for any period fail to comply with the conditions of this rule the Governor may make an order directing any Forest Officer to perform the same on behalf of such community until further order, and all royalties shall cease to be paid to the community until the amount of royalty unpaid shall equal the cost of planting, and the ro^altks payable to such community during the continuance of the order aforesaid shall be applied in the performance of the said conditions. GOLD COAST — REPORT OX FORESTS. 211 Fees. 20. The following fees shall be paid, namely : — c « rJ <~t b. (t. One issue of every licence ... ... ... 0 10 0 Royalties. The following commuted royalties shall be payable, namely : — £ .s. d. By every licensee, other than a licensee who is a member of a Native community of the district 0 10 0 Distribution of Royalties. 21. — (1) Where the lands upon which rubber is collected under a licence are Native lands, the commuted royalties, if the lands are owned by one community, shall belong to such community, or, if the lands are owned by two or more communities, shall be allotted to such communities in such proportions as, having regard to the number of trees tapped or vines cut, tne Forest Officer having the supervision of such lands shall advise, and the royalties belonging to or allotted to each community shall be divided among and paid by the District Commissioner to the Chiefs, Headmen and other members of such community in such proportions as may be prescribed by Native law, or in the absence of a Native law, in such proportions as the District Commissioner may direct. (2) Subject to the provisions of these rules all fees and royalties shall be paid into the Treasury and form part of the revenue of the Colony. Remission, Ac. of Fees, &c. 22. The Governor may, if he thinks fit, lessen or remit any fees or royalties prescribed by these rules, and if any fees have been paid into the Treasury may order their refund. Licence, Register. 23. The Forest Officer deputed in every district by the Conservator of Forests for the purpose shall keep a Register of all licences issued in the district. The Register, which ?hdl be known as a Licence Register, may be in the Form B appended hereto, and may contain the particulars indicate .1 in the said form. Seizure. 24. Any Commissioner or Forest Officer may himself, or by any person acting under his directions, seize any rubber collected, prepared, sold, offered for sale, purchased or possessed, or suspected of having been collected, prepared, sold, offered for sale, purchased or possessed in contravention of any order or rule made under the Forestry Ordinance, and may detain the same until the Court has given directions as to the disposal thereof. Forfeiture of Licence. 25. Upon breach of rules 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 the licence of the person committing the breach may be forfeited, and shall be delivered on demand to any Commissioner or Forest Officer of the district in which the breach has been committed. Penalties. 26. Any person who shall commit a breach of rules 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 or 17 shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, or to imprisonment for any period not exceeding six months, with or without hard labour. 12315 0 2 212 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. to . i' — < -S O) H 2 1 a ^ ^^ O «> e '-^ S1"^* Qi" G Q CQ t* S-< G 10 °° 03 ^ Qci^-«>« -SsJ^i «•» **• f^ ^ O '-?• vlt/ S -*" o «^i "^ * p_l ""* ^£*~i O^l ^ ~ ^ cj- M fl P5 W ij _j /— N S Ci i—> § •§ ° P H M P >H tf ^ « g [H tf o 1 ^ g ^ bD /— s *» •2 ~ ^ g 'I g ~* ~ % Ci r2n V^ **"•> ^ T-H 1—1 cc H w pq >-. ^ o 2 g £ 1 ^ 1-1 rt P4 pq £-1 ^> S -S '43 CD ,-g " CO~ ^ 0 p » rt r^ T^ .22 ^ fa S. c3 rrt 8 « °* ^ C - O hH _ _ CO ;2 O 00 ^ *^ MH pq co £*3 JH v/**j- ^^ CQ^ "*"* E o ?; .S ^H r K ^ g C* 1p A ^ J2 ^ hH ^ £ £ "S c3 0 hi •« O -S £^ ^^ Q2 tf -° R ?D tr* o £ *e • S rfl ^ H Q o G a i-t ^ jr >H *• O -ta 00 ^ | | c> S ^ =0 X ^ ^> ^•j 5 s Q ^i ^« • •^q >> 03 'TS ?~ • ° fej •S ^ § -5 ^5 « H 6 ^ M =. ^^"^ fH ~ '~' ^ *Si o !^ <» Q rc ^ S a & W H o S O I-H § "3 *g E 1— I p? § o -*=> CD _0 "o cS O ^ -^ S o ^ O .2^0 ! .r a> 0 8 5 S •% ^ -s % a ^ ^ S •- C£ H tf 0 co W " a S m S g M S g ^ P^ g OO ^— x ^^ II * 1 *&» .!> ~*^ Q *+& rd a i ft 5 H K '* ^ o ^ cc g a ° S ^^ *c3 "^ J H § S cc *^™ * rw ^4 *^3 D - ^^ ii E -1 "i g ^ O hi ^ > -S Q £i 2J 00 ^O s SH "^ i J ^^ * -ti S -*-" ^j H O O O i-> •£ z 5 1^ t ^ .2 "S ^ •^ •** CO " cS ^ •* 6 tyr S ,0 •£ g 'S « S -S "^ .u 6^ H s. i2^ O F-H co \^s C *5j [2 H 05 o P4 § FH PH o P c3 . -< rH " 613 ^ ~J1 **~~ C <* co li •£ o> • i CO W j H pq ^ ^ | "» -I » ^ > ^-s "S P4 pq 0 p C. ^J C^ .^ .£< e -*-^ oi r^-4 c« Ja 'O « fe PH cj H § E g H 1 LICENCE is 'd address of -d "fl i g< eg -s ^ $ ^ X '3 £ go || ^ ^ £ •?" "S § c ) -S Q Ci QJ a: cc *"H p—l r* 1 GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 213 FORM B. LICENCE REGISTER. (Insert iKinie of district} District. (U 3 No. of Book from which Licence was issued. . of Licence. O a CJ 3 CD 01 U_l O > Name and Rank of Officer issuing Licence. •i, M M ci S Signature of Officer making entry ^nd date of entry. o eS as C« o 0) £ * Q Q ft M A 2. ORDER SETTING FORTH THE ACTS PROHIBITED UNDER SECTION 18. The following acts are hereby prohibited : — (1) The taking on Native lands of mahogany trees of the genera Khaya (known as the Oawango of the Benis and Gadeau of the Yorubas) and Entandrophragma (known as the Ikpwapobo and Onomokyukyu of the Benis and Ahtore of the Eiiks), of so-called cedars belonging to the genera Trichilia, Pseudocedrela and Guarea (known as the Opobo, Opobonikwi and Opobonufwa of the Benis), and of ebony and other timber for export by persons other than the holders of licences to take timber or the owners of such lands : Provided that this prohibition shall not apply to ebony on Native lands in the Calabar or Bende district. (2) The taking of cedars of the genera Trichilia, Pseudocedrela, and Guarea, mahoganies of the genera Entandrophra°ma and Khaya, Funtumia elastica (known as lyeri of the Benis), Landolphia owariensis, the vine rubter plant Clitandra elastica, Chlorophoia excelsa (known as Oroko of the Benis), the oil bean tree (Pentaclethra macrophylla), the oil nut (Irvingia Barter!), the African oak (Oldfieldia africana), for use in the Colony or Protectorate except in accordance with the rules relating to timber for the time being in force. (3) The collection of rubber on Native lands and forest reserves by persons other than the holders of licences to collect rubber. (4) The collection of root rubber from the roots of Funtumia elastica (known as lyeri of the Benis) and of any other rubber-yielding tree or plant, excepting such rubber-yielding species as may from time to time be noticed in the Gazette as exempted from the provisions of this Order. (5) The sale, offering for sale, purchase and export of rubber collected, prepared, sold and purchased in any territories near or adjacent to the Protectorate in contravention of the law for the time being in force in such territories ; and (6) The sale, offering for sale, purchase, possession or export of rubber collected in contravention of the Forestry Ordinance or any rules or orders made thereunder. (7) And it is hereby ordered that the onus of proof that any rubber has not been collected or acquired in contravention of this order shall lie upon the person in whose possession the same is found, and that in default of such proof the rubber and the person in whose possession the same is found shall be dealt with as if proof had been given that he had acquired such rubber in contravention of this order. 3. RULES RELATING TO TIMBER. Applications for and Grant of Licences. Title. 1. These rules may be cited as '• The Timber Rules." 214 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Definitions. 2. In these rules : — " Licence" and "Timber Licence" mean a licence granted under these rules to take timber ; "Provincial Commissioner" and "District Commissioner" mean respectively the Provincial Commissioner of the province and District Commissioner of the district in which the timber referred to issituated ; " Holder of a Licence " includes the grantee and the assignee of a licence ; " Conservator " means the Conservator of Forests ; " Owner" includes any Chief or Chiefs having the disposition of any lands, or rights thereover, belonging to a Native community, and any member of a Native community having authority from the Chief or Chiefs of the community to take timber ; Other expressions shall have the same meanings as are given in the Forestry Ordinance. No Licence to be Granted without Approval of Governor. 3. No licence shall be granted except with the consent of the Governor. Particulars to be Furnished by Applicant. 4. Applicants for the consent of the Governor to a licence shall forward to the Provincial Forest Officer a statement (which shall be regarded as confidential by all concerned) in writing in triplicate, giving, as far as they are able, the full names, addresses and occupations of the proposed grantees and their financial position, the species of timber to be cut, and the estimated area, positions and boundaries of the lands to be included in the licence. Procedure on Receipt of Application. 5.— (1) The Provincial Forest Officer, as soon as he has received an application, shall forward such application, with his recommendations respecting the same, to the Provincial Commissioner. If applications have been received from other applicants for licences relating to the same area or any other portion thereof, he shall call attention to the fact, and shall state his reasons for recommending that the licence be granted to the one applicant in preference to the others. (2) The Provincial Commissioner as soon as possible shall forward the application to the Conservator, and shall state the political reasons, if any, why the licence should not be granted ; and the Conservator shall forward it to the Colonial Secretary for submission to the Governor. (3) If the Governor decides to approve the grant of licence provisionally, he shall direct the Provincial Commissioner to enquire into and advise as to the title of the proposed grantors and of any other persons claiming to hare, or, in the opinion of the Provincial Commissioner, having a right to grant or oppose the grant of a licence, and to grant or refuse the licence accordingly, subject to an appeal to the Governor. Consent of Secretary of State required in Certain Cases. 6. No licence over an area exceeding one hundred square miles shall be approved or granted except with the consent of the Secretary of State. General Rights conferred by Licences. 1. — (1) Licences shall confer the right to fell and carry away the species of trees named therein, and shall not confer any exclusive right to the use of roads, waterways and river frontages within the area over which the licence is granted. Mining liit/lits. (2) The grant of a licence to cut timber shall not preclude an exclusive or general mining licence or a mining lease being granted under the Mining Regulation Ordinance, or any law amending the same, to persons other than the holders of the licence. Provided that when a licence has been gran'ed under GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 215 these rules to take timber over an area in respect of which no such mining licence or lease is in force, the holders of the licence to take timber shall have the right of applying under tha said law for an exclusive or general mining licence over the area over which the said licence to cut timber his been granted, and this right shall give the holders a prior right to be granted such mining licence, which said prior right shall last for sis months from the date of the said licence to cut timber. Duration and Renewal of Licences. (3) Subject to the provisions of this rule, licences shall be granted for five years with a right to renew for further periods of two years. Such renewal may be grante i on a certific ite from the Conservator that the holders of the licence havj substantially complied with the conditions subject; to which the licence is granted. The refusal of the Conservator to grant a certificate shall be subject to appeal to the Governor. Applications for renewal shall be made to the Conservator in writing nine months before the date on which the licence would elapse but for such renewal. The order for the renewal shall be endorsed upon the copy of the licence filed in the Land Registry, and a copy of such endorsement shall be sent by the Registrar to the Conservator for transmission to the holders of the licence. If the applicants or the holders of a licence desire that their licence shall be granted for a longer period than above-mentioned in order that they may construct tramways, monorails or other works for working the timber to be included or included in their licence, they may apply at any time to have such period fixed by the Governor. Exclusive Water Frontages and other Rights. (4) If for any reason it appears to the Governor desirable for the proper working of the timber included in a licence that an exclusive water frontage should be granted, the Governor may issue an order conferring such exclusive frontage. Similarly, if it is conducive to the proper working of any timber that no roads, lines or timber tracks should be made over tha lands to be included or included in a licence by the holders of other licences, the Governor may make an order restricting or prohibiting the making of such roads, lines or tracks. Effect of Provisional Consent to Application. 8. If the Governor grants his provisional consent to an application for a licence, the fact shall be forthwith notified to the Provincial Forest Officer for the information of the applicant. Unless otherwise stated, the Governor's provisional consent shall mean that the licence shall be drawn in accordance with these rules. The Governor may, however, decide not to give bis consent unless the licence contains special clauses in modification of or supplemental to these rules. Reference to Attorney-General for Report on Title of Grantors. 9. In case there is any doubt as to the title of the grantors, the matter shall be referred to the Attorney-General for report. If Report lie. Adverse. 10. If such report be adverse the Colonial Secretary shall forthwith notify the Provincial Forest Officer, who shall inform the applicant of the nature of the report, so that the applicant may discontinue any expenditure which he may be incurring or which may be incurred on his behalf with a view to obtaining a licence or so thut he may endeavour to cure the defect in the title. P aliment of Expenses. 11. All expenses connected with the delimitation of the lands included in a licence, the marking off of the boundaries, the preparation of the plan of the area of the lands aforesaid and the preparation of and recording of the licence shall be borne by the applicants. 216 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Delimitation of Lands. 12. The limits of the lands included in the licence shall, when not in the opinion of the Provincial Forest Officer adequately shown by natural boundaries or by recognised roads, be marked out in the joint presence of the Forest Officer or other person appointed by him for the purpose and of the applicant or his agent. Such limits shall be marked out by placing on trees at the limits of the lands the mark to be shown on the licence. Delimitation and Marks. 13. As soon as practicable after the Governor has given his provisional consent to the licence, the Provincial Forest Officer shall settle with the applicant what mark is to be shown in the licence. Hammer Marks. 14. In addition to the marks referred to in the preceding rule the said officer shall also settle with the applies nt what hammer marks are to be made on all timber coming from the lands included in the licence. A register of such hammer marks shall be kept by the Conservator. Distinctive hammer marks shall he settled in respect of each licence. In settling such hammer marks the Conservator shall lake care that no mark shall resemble the marks of any other exporter of timber. Preparation of Plan. 15. A plan of the lands included in the licence bhall be prepared by the applicant and shall be verified by the Conservator or Forest Officer, or other person appointed by the Governor for that purpose. Such plan shall be attached to the licence. Preparation of Licence. 16. The licence shall be settled by the Provincial Forest Officer and the grantee. If the Governor has not decided that the licence shall contain special clauses supplementing or modifying the effect of the rules, the licence may be made out in triplicate (each copy having a plan endorsed thereon) in the office of the Provincial Forest Officer, and af cer due execution (see next rule) by the grantors and grantees, shall be sent to the Attorney-General by or through the Conservator. If the licences are found to have been duly executed and stamped and to contain the provisions required by these rules, they shall be forwarded by the Attorney-General to the Provincial Commissioner for signature and registiation. One copy shall be filed in the Provincial Lands Registry Office, and the other two copies shall be sent to the Conservator, who will file one copy in his office and transmit the other to the grantee. If the licence has to contain special clauses, a dtaft licence only shall be settled as aforesaid, and this draft shall be sent to the Colonial Secretary for approval of such clauses. After such approval has been obtained the Colonial Secretary shall return the draft, and further action shall be taken by all concerned, as in the case of an ordinary licence. Registration. When a licence is to be executed by an agent authorized by a power of attorney to execute licences relating to lands on behalf of his principal, such power of attorney should be registered in the same manner as other instruments relating to land at the same time as or before the licence is registered. Execution of Licence. 17. Every licence (including all rules incorporated therewith) shall be read over, interpreted if necessary, and explained in the presence of a Commissioner of the district in which the lands included in the licence or the greater part thereof is situated, to the parties thereto, and shall be executed by the parties in the presence of such Commissioner and attested by him, provided that this rule shall not apply to execution by the Colonial Secretary under the pr wers conferred on him by section 17 of the Forestry Ordinance. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 217 Species of Timber to be staled in Licences. Sample. 18. Every licence shall specify the species of trees which the holders of the licence are authorized to fell. Such description shall include the vernacular name of each species in the local dialect. Provided that the holder of a licence may, on giving notice to the Conservator or to any officer appointed by him, cut down and carry away a sample tree of any other species. Such sample tree shall not be liable to royalty or duty. Provided further that the holders of a licence may apply at any time to the Conservator for permission to fell and carry away any other species of tree, and if the Conservator advises that such species of tree may be cut, the holder of the licence may apply for a supple- mental licence granting the right to fell and carry away such species, but only on condition that no such species of tree shall be taken except in accordance with such instructions regarding the minimum felling girth as the Conservator may in his discretion prescribe. ORDINARY CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO WHICH LICENCES ARE GRANTED. Commencement and Continuance of Work. 19. The holders of a licence shall commence work within six months from the date when the Governor's assent to the issue of the licence is communicated to them, and during the continuance of such licence shall not discontinue work for any period of more than twenty-four weeks in the whole of any je'tr, or for any consecutive period of more than sixteen weeks, provided that the licence .shall not be liable to forfeiture, nor shall the holders thereof be liable to any penalty under these rules or to proceedings on the Bond, if such cessation fro:i; work has been, in the opinion of the Provincial Forest Officer, due to causes beyond the control of the holders of the licence, or if such cessation shall in his opinion have been desirable on any other grounds. Procedure to be adopted before Trees are Felled. 20. — (1) The holders of licences shall mark all trees which they desire to fell, and shall from time to time prepare a list of such trees describing :— (a) The girth of the tree at a point 10 feet from the ground ; (ft) The vernacular name of the tree intended to be cut ; (c) The situation of the tree ; and (d) The name of the Head Chief of the Native community owning the laud on which the tree is growing, aud the name of (lie nearest village of such Native community. Such list shall be made out in duplicate and shall be forwarded to the nearest European Forest Officer of the Province. Each copy shall be certified in writing to be correct by tbe grantees or their agent. On receipt of the lists the European Forest Officer shall endorse one copy with a statement that f ermission is granted to fell the trees described in the list, and after signing his name and adding the date on which the statement is signed, shall return such copy to the holders of the licence or their agent. The other copy shall be filed by the Forest Officer in his office. Upon receipt of the copy of the list endorsed with the statement aforesaid the holders of the licence may forthwith fell the trees described in such list. Inspection. (2) The European Forest Officer shall as soon as possible inspect, or cause to be inspected, the trees mentioned in the list, or the stumps of the said trees which have been felled in accordance with any permission granted as aforesaid. Production of (3) The holders of a licence shall retain all lists aforesaid, and shall produce the same when required in order to show their authority for felling the trees. (4) No timber shall be exported unless it bears the Government pass mark which the European Forest Officer will affix or cause to be affixed at such time and place as may be agreed upon with the licensee. (5) Every European Forest Officer shall keep proper records of all trees on which he has granted a certificate of rebate under rule 39. 218 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Juju, Market and Village Trees. 21. Notwithstanding the grant of any permission under rule 20, the holders of a licence shall not cut down any trees known as " Juju trees " on the lands included in their licence, or any trees within 400 yards of a market or village on the said lands without the previous consent of the Chiefs of such market and the District Commissioner of the district in which such market or village is situated. Removal of Trees on Farm. 22. Notwithstanding the grant of a licence, the grantors of the licence may farm or permit to be farmed any area or areas of the lands included in the licence over which they have the rights of farming. If any area aforesaid which the grantors intend to farm or permit to be farmed contains any species of timber which the holders of the licence have the right to fell under their licence, the grantor, prior to farming or permitting to be farmed such area, shall give not less than three calendar months' notice of their intention to the holders of the licence or their agent in, and the nearest European Forest Officer of, the district in which such area is situated, and if the holders of the licence shall not fell and remove the timber which they have the right to fell and remove from such area before the expiration of the said notice they shall not fell and remove the same while the area is being farmed. Water-wii/s not to be Obstructed. 23. The holders of a licence shall not allow any timber or other matter to fall or be thrown from the lands included in their licence into any waterway which passes through or along the boundaries of such lands so as to obstruct the navigation of such waterway. Any logs found adrift or not properly formed into rafts and in charge of raftsmen in any waterway shall be liable to confiscation, provided always that the owner of such logs may re-obtain possession thereof upon payment of a penalty amounting to twenty-eight shillings per log in the case of mahogany and cedars, and ten shillings per log for other timber. But the payment of such penalty shall not release the owner of such log or logs from any civil or criminal liability for damage which he may have incurred. General Powers of Grantees. 24. — (1) The holders of a licence may on the land included in their licence extend, dig and set up pits, stages and erections, and make such-, roads and ways as are necessary for dressing and carrying away timber, and may erect such houses, offices, sheds and other buildings as are necessary for the residence and use of their agents, workmen and servants. The holders of a licence shall not damage or allow damage to be done to any rubber or other trees, under- growth or crops other than such damage as is incidental to and unavoidable in the exercise of the rights conferred by their licence. Farming. (2) No part of the land included in a licence shall be farmed by the holders of the licence unless and until the consent of the owner of such lands and of the nearest European Forest Officer has been obtained. Girtlt of Trees. 25. No mahogany tree of the genera Khaya (known as Ogwango to the Benis and Gadeau to the Yorubas), or Entandrophragma (known as Ikpwapobo and Onomokyukyu to the Benis and Ahtore to the Efiks) ; and no cedar tree of the genera Pseudocedrela, Trichilia or Guarea (known as Opobo, Opobonikwi and Opobonufwa to the Benis) of a less girth than twelve feet at a point ten feet from the ground : and no tree of the species Chlorophora excelsa (known as Oroko to the Benis and Yorubas) of a less girth than nine feet at a point four feet six inches from the ground ; and no tree of the species Oldfieldia africana (African Oak) of a less girth than eight feet at a po;nt four feet GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 219 six inches from the ground ; and no ebony of less girth than ten feet at a point four feet six inches from the ground ; and no tree of the species Funtumia elastica (known as lyere to the Benis) of a less girth than six feet at a point four feet six inches from the ground ; and no tree of the species Pentaclethra macrophylla of a less girth than five feet at a point four feet six inches from the ground ; and no Dika nut tree or wild mango, Irvingia Barteri, of a less girth than six feet at a point four feet six inches from the ground shall be felled : Provided that these dimensions may be reduced by order of the Governor in any district or locality named in such order, where the trees do not attain to such dimensions. Marking Stumps and Logs. 26. — (1) The stump of every tree felled and the logs from every such tree shall be marked as soou as possible after the felling thereof with the hammer mark of the holders of the licence and with numbers. The stumps shall be marked consecutively, and the logs from each tree shall bear (1) the stump number of such tree, and (2) log numbers running consecutively from one upwards. Removal of Stumps. (2) The holders of a licence wishing to remove the stump of a tree shall apply for permission to the nearest European Forest Officer and such Officer may with or without an inspection of the stump by himself or some other Forest Officer grant the necessary permission. Re-planting by Holders of Licences. 27. — (1) The holders of a licence shall plant or tend young trees in every open space caused by the felling of a tree and along all disused timber tracks. The trees to be planted or tended in such open spaces shall be of the same species as the tree which was cut, and those to be planted in such tracks shall be mahogany or such other species as may be allowed by the Provincial Forest Officer. The young trees aforesaid may be obtained by the holders of the licence transplanting from the adjacent forest, but if suitable trees cannot be thus obtained the holders of the licence shall establish nurseries from which to obtain the required seedlings. The holders of the licence shall cultivate and keep clear from undergrowth to the satisfaction of the said Officer all young trees planted as above mentioned during the continuance of their licence. Grantors Cultivate Young Trees after Expiration of Licence. (2) Grantors who have received any royalties prescribed by rule 40 in respect of timber felled on the lands included in a licence shall after the expiration or determination of such licence cultivate and keep clear from undergrowth to the satisfaction of and subject to the direction of the said Officer all young trees planted by the holders of the licence under sub-section (1) of this rule for a period of two years after the licence has expired or been determined. Re-planting by Forest Officers on Holders of Licences or Grantors failing to comply with Rule 27. 28. If the holders of a licence or the grantors shall fail in whole or in part to perform the conditions of the last rule which relate respectively to them, the Governor may direct any Forest Officer to perform the same on their behilf, and all expenses incurred in so doing shall be paid by the holders of a licence or the grantors as the case may be, within two months after demand for payment has been made in writing by such officer. In the event of the holders of the licence or the grantors failing to pay the expenses [ ayable by them in the manner afore- said the amount shall be recoverable as a debt by the Conservator. Workment Payment of. 29. The holders of a licence shall make proper arrangements for the regular payments of all labourers employed by them or by sub-contractors who are employed by the holders to carry out the work of felling timber or getting the same out of the lands included in the licence. 220 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Accounts. 30. The holders of every licence shall keep correct books of accounts showing the number of timber trees felled, and shall on the days appointed for the payment of the royalties and the permit fees hereinafter mentioned render to the Provincial Forest Officer a copy of the accounts for the preceding half-year, and shall verify such accounts by affidavit of themselves or their agent. The holders of every licence shall permit the Conservator and any Forest Officer and any person appointed by the Governor for the purpose to inspect the books of accounts and take copies thereof and extracts therefrom at all reasonable times. Transfer of Licences. 31. The rights conferred by a licence shall not be tranferred by the holders wholly or in part or for all or any part of the period for which they are granted or renewed except with the consent of the Governor in writing. Determination of Licence on Exhaustion of Timber. 32. If, before the expiration of the term for which a licence is granted the holders prove to the satisfaction of the Governor that the timber within the lands included in the licence is exhausted, they may determine the same on the 30th day of June or 31st day of December in any year by giving six calendar months' previous notice in writing to the grantors. Determination of Licence if Timber not sufficiently n-/• Breach of Rules, dr. 34. Upon breach of rules 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30 or 31 or of any special conditions or clauses in any licence by the holders thereof or in default of payment by such holders of the royalties or permit fees set forth in rules 39 and 40 within bix weeks from the date fixed for the payment thereof, or if the holders of the licence shall become bankrupt or shall compound or arrange with their creditors, or suffer their effects to be taken in execution, the Governor may by notice in writing determine their licence, and any person authorised by the Governor may thereupon take possession of the lands to which licence relates, in the name of the grantors. Provided that in spite of such determination the Governor may direct that such further action as to him may seem necessary shall and may be taken on the Bond against the holders of the licence or against any or all of the sureties to such Bond. Liabilities t<> Continue after Determination. 35. The determination of a licence under the provisions of rule 33 or 34 shall be without prejudice to the rights and remedies of the grantors against the holders of such licence for recovery of royalties and in respect of any breach of these rules which may have been committed prior to such determination. Security. 36. The Governor shall require the grantees and the subsequent holders of every licence to give security for the payment of the royalties and duties and performance of the conditions contained in these rules and in the licence either GOLD COAST — KEPORT ON FORESTS. 221 (1) by a Bond with two sureties or (2) by deposit of a sum of money in the Treasury. The amount for which the Bond shall be given or the sum which shall be deposited in the Treasury shall be four hundred pounds if the area is estimated by the Conservator at one hundred square miles or under and one thousand pounds if the area is estimated by him to exceed one hundred square miles. Seizure. 37. Any Forest Officer or any Commissioner may himself, or by any person acting under bis direction, seize any timber cut in contravention of or not marked in accordance with these rules or any order or rule made under the Forestry Ordinance, and may detain the same until the Court has given direc- tions as to the disposal thereof. Fees. 38. Applicants for licences shall pay the following fees :— (1) Upon application ... ... ... ... ... £3 (2) Upon execution of the licence £5 These fees shall be paid by stamps affixed to the application, or as the case may be to the licence. Fees 39. Holders of licences shall pay the following fees :— Upon each tree authority to fell which is given under rule 20 supra. (a) Upon each mahogany or cedar tree ... ... ... ... 56s. (6) Upon any other tree 20s. Provided that such fees may be reduced by the Governor so as to permit the profitable working of the lower classes of timber. And provided that in the event of a tree felled proving to be unsound the licensee shall forthwith notify the fact to the nearest European Forest Officer of the Province, who shall examine the tree or cause it to be examined, and if after such examination the tree proves to be unsound, and is passed as such by the European Forest Officer, the latter shall grant a certificate to that effect, upon production of which the Conservator or the Provincial Forest Officer shall grant to the licensee a rebate of forty-two shillings on the tree if mahogany or cedar, or of ten shillings if the tree be of any other kind. Disposal of fees. 40. These fees, which include the export duties, royalties and inspection fees, shall be paid by the holders of licences to the Conservator or Provincial Forest Officer before they commence felling any of the trees authority to fell which is given under rule 20 supra, and shall be divided by the Conservator or Provincial Forest Officer as follows :— («) Forty-six shillings of the fee for mahogany or cedar and fourteen shillings of the fee for any other tree shall be paid into the nearest local treasury, and shall form part of the revenue of the Colony ; and (b) Ten shillings of the fee for mahogany or cedar and six shillings of the fee for any other tree shall be paid to the Commissioner of the district in which the lands included in the licence or the greater part thereof are or is situated, and distributed by him among the grantors of the licence in the proportion to which they are entitled. (c) Any rebate granted under rule 39 of these rules shall be allowed out of the fees payable under sub-rule (a) of this rule, and shall be deducted from the fees payable upon the next authority to fell granted under rule 20 hereof. Penalties of Breach of Rules, «0c. 41. If the holders of a licence shall commit any breach of any of these rules (including the clauses or conditions contained in the licence) they shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or to imprisonment for any period not exceeding six months with or without hard labour, and in addition to such fine or imprisonment the licence may be determined. 222 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. Form of licence. 42. Licences may be in the form given in the Appendix to these rules and all conditions and clauses in any licence (whether in such form or not) shall be regarded for all purposes as being prescribed by these rules. Reservations. 43. Notwithstanding the grant of a licence under these rules there shall be reserved :— (a) A right on the part of the grantors to fell or cut, with the Conservator's consent, any trees for their own domestic uses and not for sale or barter. (6) A right on the part of the Government with the consent of the grantors of the licence to fell any trees when required for the construction or repair of Government buildings or works. CONDITIONS UPON WHICH OWNERS OF LANDS MAY CUT TIMBER. For export. 44. The owner of any lands in a district desiring to fell trees for export shall before commencing work : — (1) Settle with the nearest Commissioner or European Forest Officer a hammer mark to be made on all timber coming from his lands ; and ('2) Mark with such mark alt trees which he desires to fell, and prepare a list in duplicate of such trees, giving the particulars set forth in para- graphs (a), (i) and (c) of rule 20, and forward the same to the nearest Commissioner or European Forest Officer, who shall authorize the felling of such trees in the manner and upon and subject to the provisions of the said rule '20, and subject to the payment of the fees prescribed by paragraph (3) of this rule. The hammer mark settled as herein provided shall be entered in the register to be kept by the Conservator, under rule 14 hereof. (3) The owner of lands shall pay in lieu of export duty and inspection fee the following consolidated fees upon each tree authority to fell which is given under rule 20 supra. (a) Upon each mahogany or cedar tree ... 46s. (ft) Upon any other tree 14s. Provided that the Governor may reduce the latter fee so as to permit the profitable working of the lower classes of timber. These fees, which include export duties and inspection fee, shall be paid to the Conservator or Provincial Forest Officer by the owner of lands before he commences felling any of the trees authority to fell which is given under rule 20 supra and shall be paid into the nearest local Treasury and shall form part of the revenue of the Colony. For local use. 45. The owner of any land or any person with the consent of the owner may fell trees thereon if the same be not for export but for sale as timber for use locally. Fees. The following fees shall be paid for each tree felled under the provisions of this rule. The owner or other person shall pay for each tree felled by him an inspection fee of ... ... ... ... 4s. Any person other than the owner shall in addition to such inspection fee pay as royalties for the owners : — For each mahogany or cedar tree ... ... ... ... 10s. For every other tree ... ... ... ... ... ... 6s. Such royalties shall be paid to the Commissioner of the district and dealt with by him according to the provisions of section (b) of rule 40 hereof. The owner or other person desiring to fell trees under this rule shall before doing so comply with the requirements of sub-rules 1 and 2 of rule 44 hereof, except as regards the payment of fees provided by sub-rule 2 thereof. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 223 Re-planting by Owners of Lands. 46. The provisions of rules 27 and 28 relating to re-planting shall apply to owners of land felling trees, provided that such owners as fell trees for export shall not be compelled to cultivate and keep clear from undergrowth young trees planted by them after such young trees are four years of age. Certain Rules to Apply to Owners of Lands. 47. The provisions of rules 21, 23, 25, 26, 37 and 41 shall apply to owners of lands taking timber for the purposes aforesaid and to the timber taken by them as if they were holders of licences granted under these rules. MISCELLANEOUS. Cutting of Timber for Local Use. 48. On native lands in respect of which no licence has been granted under these rules, such timber as may be required locally for domestic, agricultural or other like purposes or for the construction or repair of canoes, vessels, buildings, bridges, tramways, railways or other like works but not for purposes of sale may be felled by the owners of the lands or by any persons authorized by them, provided the consent of the nearest Commissioner or European Forest Officer be first obtained. Procedure for Receiving of Amount Due on Bond. 49. In any proceedings which are taken on a Bond required to be given in accordance with these rules the amount due and recoverable in such proceedings shall be the amount (not exceeding that named in the Bond) which the Conservator may fix as and for liquidated damages. Ditties of Chiefs and Grantors interested in a Licence. 50. The Chiefs or grantors interested in a licence shall assist the Forestry Department in the work of inspection and shall report to the nearest European Forest Officer any instance in which any of these rules or any rule or order mnde under the Forestry Ordinance has been broken. If the Chiefs or grantois fail in the fulfilment of this duty the Conservator or Provincial Commissioner may recommend that the royalties due or becoming due to such Chiefs or grantors shall be paid into the general revenue of the Colony or to any Chief or grantor who has rendered valuable assistance to the Forestry Department, and the Governor may rrake an order to that effect accordingly : Provided that not more than one year's royalties shall be forfeited under this rule for any one failure. Application of Rides. 51. These rules i-hall apply to all Crown lands and lands leased by the Crown, and to Native lands : Provided that they shall not, without the consent in writing of the parties interested, apply to any concession granted before the rules came into force ; but all such concessions shall be regulated by the rules in force at the time of the granting thereof. APPENDIX. Timber Licence. Tins INDENTURE made the day of , 19 , BETWEEN of (hereinafter called the Grantors, which expression shall include the Grantors and their successors in title) of the one part and (hereinafter called the Licensees, which expression shall include the Licensees and their successors in title) of the other part : 224 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. WHEREAS the Licensees have given security by Bond for the perform- ance of the conditions subject to which this licence is granted in the sum of Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH :— 1. The Grantors hereby grant to the Licensees the sole and exclusive right to take on the lands situated at bounded by a line drawn through the centres of the trees marked at the limits of the said lands, which lands are delineated and surrounded with a red border line on the plan attached hereto, from the day of , 19 , for a term of five years, provided that after the expiration of the said term of five years the Licensees shall be entitled to renew the licence hereby granted for periods of two years in accordance with and upon and subject to the conditions set forth in the rules printed on the back hereof and upon and subject to such special conditions if any as the Governor may prescribe. 2. The Licensee-! shall pay the royalties, and exercise the right hereinbefore granted upon and subject to the conditions set forth in the rules aforesaid. (Here insert special clauses and conditions, if any.) IN WJTNESS WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals or made their marks and set their seals the day and year first above written. The above parties set their hands or made their marks and this Indenture was sealed and delivered in the presence of Commissioner. Assented to on behalf of the Government of Southern Nigeria this day of , 19 . Provincial Commissioner. Rules 2, 7, 19 to 35 inclusive, and 37 to 44 inclusive shall be printed on the back hereof. 4. RULES RELATING TO FOREST RESERVES. A . — ProJi ibitintifi. The following acts are prohibited except in so far as they may be expressly sanctioned in the deeds constituting the reserves, or by the rules and regulations hereinafter set forth. (1) The felling, tapping, barking or taking of any plant or the produce derived from it. (2) The taking of earth, soil, stone, rock or minerals. (3) The digging, cutting and turning over of soil. (4) The lighting of fires, or smoking within specified areas (to be notified in the Gazette), at any time between 1st December and 30th April. (5) The hunting, trapping, snaring and catching of beasts, birds or fish, the poisoning of water, and the use of any explosive for the purpose of killing fish. (6) The construction of dams or weirs across rivers or streams, and the obstruction of the channel of any waterway. (7) The erection of any building. B. — Hi/left and Regulations. l._(l)? (2) and (3) The acts prohibited may be allowed provided that a licence be obtained from the Provincial Forest Officer authorizing the same, and the conditions prescribed by the said licence be observed, and the fees paid as prescribed therein. These prohibitions and provisions do not apply to lands let out for farming purposes as hereinafter provided. (4) The lighting of fires within the prescribed period may be allowed provided that :— (i) Due notice is given to the nearest Forest Officer. (ii) The area immediately surrounding the spot where the fire is lit is sufficiently fire-traced to prevent the spread of fire to the adjoining areas. (iii) In the case of villages or farms situated within the reserve, such villages and farms are sufficiently fire-traced to prevent the spread of fire to the adjoining portions of the reserve. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 225 (iv) In the event of any fire breaking out in the reserve, the inhabitants of any village or farm situated within the reserve are liable to be called out by any Forest Officer to help to extinguish the fire. Smoking is prohibited except within areas that are sufficiently fire- traced to prevent the spread of fire from such area to the adjoining portions of the reserve. (5) Hunting and fishing within a Government reserve may be allowed provided that : — (i) Such hunting or fishing is carried out in accordance with conditions specified on a hunting or fishing licence, and that the prescribed fees for such licences are paid. (ii) Such licences may prohibit altogether the hunting of any or all animals or birds during certain seasons of the year, as, for instance, when fires are prevalent or during the breeding season, and may prohibit alto- gether the hunting of certain specified animals or birds. Animals and birds so protected within reserves will be notified from time to time by publication in the Gazette. In the case of fishing licences, similar restrictions may be imposed. Hunting or fishing licences may be obtained from the Provincial Forest Officer. (G) Buildings or similar structures may be erected in reserves provided that :— (i) Such buildings or structures are erected in accordance with the conditions of a licence and the payment of any fees prescribed by such licence. (ii) The erection of villages in a reserve or farming may be allowed free of any fees if the inhabitants of such a village — (a) Agree to plant up the farm lands allowed them when the latter have reached the fallow stage with any plants that the Conservator or Provincial Forest Officer may require to be planted out. (5) Tend the young plants so planted out for such a period as the Conservator or Provincial Forest Officer may direct. (c) Limit their farming operations to such areas as may from time to time be set aside for that purpose by the Provincial Forest Officer. (//) Fire-trace their villages and help to put out any fires that may occur within the reserves. A breach of any of the above conditions will render the inhabitants of the village liable to expulsion from the reserve. 2. The forms contained in the Appendix hereto shall be used as far as they may be applicable, and the fees shall be paid according to the rates set forth in the said licences, or according to rates which may hereafter be fixed by order made under section 19 of the Ordinance and published in the Gazette. 3. Whoever shall commit a breach of any of the provisions hereinbefore contained shall be liable upon conviction thereof to a penalty not exceeding 50/.. or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. APPENDIX. Licence Farms. FORM A. Licence In collect Major Forest Produce (Timber). Permission is granted to [i/a/i/r of person"] of [his residence'] to fell and take the timber procured from [number of'\ trees of the following kinds [cuter number nf each kind to be felled] situated within the limits of block or compart- ment [number or name of blocl- or compartment] of the [name of] reserve during the period [date of issue of licence] to [date of expiration of licence] on the following conditions : — (a) That only such trees are felled as have been marked by Government for that purpose, 12310 V 226 COLONIAL KEPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. (7j) That the following fees are paid at the rates indicated below for the different species and sizes ou issue of this licence. Rates : — (c) That the felling of the trees is carried out with due care to prevent unnecessary damage to the young growth. (d) That the timber is extracted along such lines of export within the limits of the reserve as the Provincial Forest Officer may direct hereon. [Lines of export to be utilized.'] Date. Signature Forest Officer. FORM B. Licence, to collect and take Minor Forest Produce. Such as flowers, fruit, leaves, branches, bark, roots, fibres, dyes, gums, resins, rubber, ashes and such other produce derived from plants as may be entered nereon. Permission is granted to of to collect and take [name of produce] from [species of plant] situated in compartment or block of the reserve to the amount of [otter number of plants utilized or quantity of produce to le extracted] during the period to on the following conditi ns : (a) That the following fee of is paid for [number of plants or Ibs. weight or bundles or basket] the above produce at the rate of per [plant, bundle, Ib. or basket, load, itc.] on the issue of this licence. (J) That only such plants are utilized for the collection of the produce as may be marked or otherwise set apart by the Forestry Department for that purpose. (c) That the produce is collected in accordance with the instructions entered on the back of the licence and is transported along such lines of export within the limits of the reserve as the Provincial Forest Officer may direct. FORM C. Licence to hunt within a Reserved Forest. Permission is granted to of to hunt within the reserve during the period to on the conditions mentioned below : (a) That a fee of is paid on issue of this licence. (6) That animals and birds of the following species are not to bs shot or otherwise killed by the licensee. Species (c) That the following species of birds and animals only the number and sex, given below can be killed. Species sex number to be killed. FORM D. Licence to Fish within Reserved Forest. Similar to above, but provide for restrictions as to season, and prohibit the use of poisons, nets and explosives. PL. L. BOMBAX BREVICUSPE. 12315 PL. -2. TJRIPLOCHITON JOHNSONII. PL. 3. HERITIERA TTILIS. 12315 a 2 PL. 4. Z. KHAYA ANTHOTHECA. Pr, 5. KHAYA ORANDIS. PL. 6. KnAYA PUNCHII. PL. 7. KHAYA SENEGALENSIS. PL. H. KHAYA SP. (THE " DUBINI ?I or THE FANTIS). Pi.. II. LOVOA KLAINEANA. Pi.. 10. PSEUDOCEDRELA CYLINDRICA. PL. 11. PSEUJIOCRDRELA KOTSCHYI. Pu 12. PSKUDOCEDRBLA SP. (NEAR P. CYMNDRICA). PL. 13. PSEUDOCEDHELA PL. 14. AF/ELIA AFHICANA. CYANOTHYRSUS OGEA. PL. 16. PlPTADENIA AFRICAN A. PL. 17. 12315 PlPTADENIA SP. PL. 18. 7 SARCOCEPHALUS ESCULENTUS. PL. 19. BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII. PL. 20. 7 MIMUSOPS DJAVE. PL. 21. FUNTUMIA ELASTICA. PL. 22. LANDOLPHIA OWAKIENSIS. PL. 23. CHLOROPHORA EXCELSA, PL. 24. MUSANGA SMITHII. GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 227 INDEX. Abetifi Abetifi hills Abetinso Abosso mines Abotoasibi ... Abousandua Aburi, 8, 9, 11 12, 13, Aburi hills ... Abnri hill forests .. Acacia ataxacaniha A. Catechu ... PAGES 84, 90, 93, 95, 96, 97 83, 85, 99, 191 99 • •• ••• ••• l/U 49, 50 26 196 15, 96, 98, 99, 100, 162 ... 8, 10, 11 10 77, 181 8, 9, 66, 69, 73, 86, 91, 187 A.fastigiata ... ... ... 66 A. nigrescent ... ... 69, 74. 86 A.pennata 21, 77, 175 A. Siebrria/irt, 9, 69, 86. 92, 187, 189 Acalypha ... ... ... 21, 175 AcanthacecB ... ... ... 182 Acanthus montana ... ... ... 182 Accra 7, 10, 15, 162 Accra- Aburi road ... ... ... 9 Accra plains 8,9,97 Acliyranthes ... ... ... 22 Acridocarpus SmeatJunnii!! ... 180 A. sp. 51 Adadawa ... ... ... ... 196 Ad(i/iH A. landolphioides Albizzia A. 162 160 196 196 162 83 85 ... 97, 98, 100 182 182 57, 59, 62, 77 187 A. Brownei, 37, 39, 41, 43, 58, 64, 6(5, 72, 181, 184, 190 A.fastigiata, 58, 72, 181, 184, 185, 190 A. rhombifolia ... ... ... 175 A. rhombifolia ? ... ... ... 24 J.sp 64 Alla/ililiif/cin- ftiirtbunda ... ... 175 A I ne ... ... ... ... 74 A. Barter i 70, 188 Alstnnia congensis, 10, 20, 34, 37, 44, 47, 56, 59, 67, 83, 87, 175, 178, 197 Amanchia 57, 58 AmaryUidece ... 70, 87, 183, 188 Amaso river 161 i T C 1 Oi i Amomuw ... ... ... /o. lou A. Da-nielli 183 P 2 •228 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. A. latifolium A. Meleyueta AmorphophaUus .. A mpelidece Anacardiacece Anchi Anchomanes dubius A. Hooker i A. sp. PAGES ... 183 ... 183 21, 183 ... 187 ... 181 ... 196 ... 178 ... 183 ... 183 Ancistrnplnjllum ... 21, 39, 46, 56, 59, 174, 183, 197 Andropor/on 70, 189 Anr/raecum 21,174 Ankobra river, 24, 27, 31, 35. 37, 38, 39,46, 47,48, 52, 160, 161, 191 Ankobra river basin ... ... 176 Ankobra -Tano Water-Parting ... 41 Aitogeissus betocarpits, 70, 73, 87, 91, 92, 187, 189 Anona paluKtri* 178 .1. s?ne(/ale»sis, 9, 16, 70, 87, 92, 186 Anonacecc 180, 186 Aiitltocleista magnified, ... 9, 10, 197 A.mibllis ... '. 21,178 A. sp 67 Antiar'iR tnxicaria 10, 39, 81, 174, 175 A. loxicaria var. africana, 10, 20, 35, 36, 41, 45, 57, 67, 84, 198 Antidesma rennsum ... ... 188 A. sp. .., ... 70 Anura forests ... 81 Anuni river ... 80, 160, 162, 191 Anyinabirem village 41 Aphona ... .... ... ... 49 Apocynacece 182, 188 Apwlyte-s beiih/oini* ... ... 181 App&payi ... ... ... ... 196 Apurm 21, 175, 196 Aquapims 88 Aquipim hills 161 Araemnm mexiran// ... 70, 186 Aroideai ... ... ... ... 183 Aroids 174, 178 Artobotryx Iliamscwii ... ... 174 Asankagwa 42, 191 Asare ... ... 67 Asare village ... 69 Axclepiadea' 70, 182 Ashanti stools ... 59 36, 37, 42 Ast>iint 196 Jx,,/Wi, 19, 20, 23, 26, 37, 48, 84, 175 Aftpnntf/fix africanus ... 70, 87, 188 A.Pauli-Gi'ulelmi 188 Asplenium ... ... ... ... 21 Assawase village ... ... ... 47 Assohma tree ... ... ... 9 Assi.m 36, 196 Asuaso village ... ... ... 24 Atabobo 90, 93 Atasi mines 48 Atlmmili, 10, 20, 28, 36, 49, 122, 123, 175, 177, 196 Atikwa hills , 161 PAGES Aricennia africana ... ... 190 Awabima ... ... ... ... 196 Awnma, 20, 23, 27, 36, 37, 122, 123, 146, 175, 176, 177. 183, 184 A were river ... ... ... 162 Axim ... 35, 39, 160, 162, 191 Axim district 23 Ba river 64, 67 Bfiku, 10, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 36, 38, 39, 42, 47, 48, 51, 57, 58, 61, 81, 83, 121, 123, 146, 177, 195, 196 Balsam copaiba tree, 9, 69, 86, 88, 92, 122 Bamboo palm 190 Banana 93 Banda district 162 Banda hills 67, 75 Bansu 79, 80 Bantama 42 Bantama village 41 BnnJirtb. 9, 70, 71, 73, 87, 91, 168, 187, 189 Baphla jiitida- ... ... 87, 89 B. sp 175 BauhhiHi reticnlata-, 9, 87, 91, 187, 189 Bayn, 1C, 21, 26, 36, 43, 177, 178, 196 Befjfiiiia sp.... Begora range Berlh/id aruin'tnaia, 21, 72, 87, 89, 175, 181 B. auriculata 175 Bert-) era montana 175 Bery 74> 75 Bia 51 Bia river ... 62,64,66,161,191 Bia River Drainage 63 Bian 74,93 Bibiani, 51,57,58,60,61,63,160 Bidew 21» 70 BlqHomaceot 182, 188 Birrim river, 11, 97, 99, 162, 191 "Bitters" 40 Bhoure ... 20, 35, 36, 175, 176, 196 Birinev 180,186 Black Volta river 1 60, 1 Blight ft, sapid a. 70, 198 Boerhaavifrascendens 70 B. panintlata, ••• 70 Bogora range 1»2, 191 Bojawe '•* Boia 93 Bole 74 Bombacece 180> 187 Bnmbax brevicuspe (PI. 1), 40, 50, 174, 175, 177, 197 GOLD COAST — REPORT OX FORES'l s. 229 B. PAGES Mii*', 9, 10, 20, 38, 39, 196, 197 B. malabarlcum ... ... ... 4U Bompata ...... ...... 83 Bompata hills ...... 162, 191 Bousa river ......... 2o Bornx«ns tf< tlij'urniix 8, 16, 70, 92, 189, 197 B. ftabelliformis var. (ctltiopiru. 9, 62, 74, 87, 90, 188 Borassus Palm ... ...... » 62 Bouse, 17, 35, 36, 41. 42, 48, 121, 123, 175, 176, 196 Bosumptwi Lake ...... 62, 79, 80 BoaiKellid ... ... ... ... 36 B. KhuneaiiH ...... 37, 177 Botanical Gardens ... .... 12 Botanical Survey ... ... ... 153 Bowiwtisi ...... ... ... 196 Boioiwunua... ... ... ... 196 Brachystegia ... ... ... 93 B. sp ....... 27,28,48,55 Braha ...... 65, 68, 73, 93 Braha-Oboase range ...... 73 Bi-idcln, ,,it,Tantli I'ntl kot/ti ... ... ... 197 Effuokonkonti ... ... 60, 184 Efuobrodidwa ... ... ... 197 Ehye 36, 177 Ehy&lua 10,197 l-:i-u 9, 38, 197 Eknitiia ... ... ... ... 197 Ekus'iwa 197 Elaeis guineensis, 175, 177, 183. 184 Emil 10, 197 Emilia, 70 Emril, "10, 20, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 47, 57, 58, 66, 77, 80, 146, 175, 176, 177, 181, 183, 184, 197 Enema Krom Concession ... 23 F.tiijnntan ... ... ... ••• 49 Eiitada abyxxin!r'. macrorhyncha ... .. E. marginata . . .. E. resinifei'a ... .. Eugenia oivariensis .. Euphorbia ... ... .. E. pilulifera ... .. E. prostrata ... .. Euphorbiacete ... .. Excoecaria ... ... .. Exports of forest produce Eye 197 P. Fan palm ... 8, 70, 74, 87, 90, 94, 188 Fanti tribe 19 Fetish forest ... " 50 Fibre plants ... 13, 177, 185, 189 Fibres 178 Ficus, 10, 12, 39, 45, 74, 87, 174, 198 F. axptrifolia? 188 F. elastica 12, 13 F.platyplujlla 87,92 F. Vogelii 12, 182, 184 F. sp 66, 196, 197 Flabellaria paniculata ... ... 180 Flies 66 Flint wood tree ...27, 37, 45, 83, 175, 177, 198 Fomena Formations, climatic -, edaphic Forest administration establishments - fringing - legislation ... — , mangrove swamp , mixed deciduous , monsoon ... policy protection ... , rain . savannah . 77,78 170 171 142 142 9 171 100 172 180 172 142 100 172, 173 ... 8, 172, 185 Forest, swamp , thorn Forestry Ordinance Frugivorous bats .. Funtumia africana^ F. elastica (PI 21), 37, 41, 43, 44, 58, 61, 62, 64, 83, 84, 87, 122, 182 F. latifolia ... Fura Junction PAGES ... 172, 177 ... 172, 190 202 23 10, 38J 45, 49, 182 198 10, 12, 13, 15, 21, 47, 49, 50, 51, 57, 66, 77, 78, 79, 82, 123, 146, 175, 177, , 183, 184, 213, 219 13 28 G. Gadeau Gaiyin Krom Concession... saw-mills ... Gambaga ... Garcinia G. sp. Gardenia ternifolia ? Gloriosa superba ... G. virescetis Glossina GlypkoBa grewioides Gose ... ... village Grdbossi ... Grains of Paradise 213, 218 ... 21 16, 17 161, 162, 164 174 26 70, 87, 92, 187 10,87 ... 70,87, 188 66 72, 180 ... 61 62 49 180 ... 70, 71, 189 170 180 Guar&i, 17, 35, 36, 41, 121, 123, 175, 176, 196, 213, 218 Gum copal ... 36, 41, 42, 56, 57, 61, 62, 77, 81, 84, 122, 123, 146, 175 Gums 92, 189 Gynandropsis pentaphylla 70, 186 Grassland ... carpinifolia HcetnanthuH 70, 87, 183, 188 Hcematopota ... ... ... 66 Half Assiui ... ... ... 160 Harmattan wind 1(53, 164 Ifiir<>/ii/'!cnsiti 10, 21, 77, 180 Harrisoniaabyssinica ... ... 181 Hec.keldo /•«... ... ... ... 175 Helichrysum ... ... ... 22 232 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. PAOES Ucritlera nl'di.* (PL 3), 10, 17, 26, 32, 36, 43, 49, 50, 146, 174, 175, 176, 196, 197, 19'J Heterppterys africaiia ... ... 180 Ile-Keu bras'dieiisis ... ... 13,31 Hexalobus grandifblia ... ... 180 IHbiscu*, 70, 91, 177, 180, 185, 186, 189 II. lunartfolius ... ... ... 186 Hippo£ratea 77, 174 //. WdwitsKliii 183 Holarrhena Wulfsburgii ... ... 182 Honajcmyaficifolia 178, 179, 187 JJmtttm ... ... ... 9, 197 Hun village ... ... ... 55 Huni river 25, 27 Huriisu ... ... ... ... 27 - village 25 Hydathodes 167 Uyedtta 122, 123 Hygrophytes 167 Hymenocallis senegambica 70, 188 Hymenocardia .,, ... ... 188 //. sp. ... ... ... .., 70 Hypericinece 180, 186 Z. n 213, 218 Imbrahim 38, 43, 50, 51, 1U1 forests 50 Imoi river 97 Impasatia 57,60 IntjMitiens Ironujii ... ... ... 178 /. sp. 84 Imp&rata anaidiiiacea ... ... 72 Impriso 96 Incense tree, 36, 37, 57, 175, 177 Indigo 185 Indigofera 70, 87, 187 Iruko 41, 47, 121, 146 Ircinyia Barteri ... 175, 177, 213, 219 lyere 219 lyeri ... ... ... ... 213 J. Jau boa village Jopakrom ... Jugba ...... Jugbe ...... Jwafuabutan village Jym river ...... 47 67 40 74 93 85, 94 55, 77, 78, 162 PAGES Ka Krom 62 Kaku, 10, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 36, 43, 47, 49, 51, 86, 89, 90, 99, 121, 146, 177, 178, 197 Kamantang ... ... ... 8 Kanii.h'm r.onsindlix ... ... 182 Kankan 96, 99 Kemp's Peak 55 Kenyase Mohang ... ... 63, 64 Khaya, 17, 26, 28, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 51, 55, 56, 62, 64, 66, 77, 80, 81, 83, 121, 123, 145, 174, 175, 197, 198, 213, 218 K. authotheca (PL 4), 58, 64, 75, 181, 184, 196, 197 K. grandis (PL 5), 61, 62, 72, 75, 79, 83, 84, 93, 181, 184, 190, 196, 199 A'. Ptuidiii (PL 6). 14, 20, 47, 72, 181, 184, 190 K teuegulensis (PL 7), 68, 69,70,73, 74, 86, 88, 92, 94, 122, 138, 139, 174, 187, 189 K. sp. (PL 8), 10, 20, 24, 32, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 64, 77, 176, 184, 197, 198 KiijeUa pinnata ... ... 70,188 Kintampo 67, 75, 93, 160 Kintampo forest ... ... ... 76 Kishia, 20, 26, 28, 36, 38, 50, 56, 61, 70, 87, 175, 177, 197 Kitta lagoon ... ... ... 160 Koforidua 96, 99 Koloti, 10, 20, 24, 26, 2*, 36, 37, 41, 47,48, 49, 57, 61, 64, 81, 83, 84, 146, 175, 177 197 64, 161 ... 82 ... 94 ... 162 ... 97 ... 61 ... 197 ... 96 90, 197 ... 99 Kumasi, 13, 17, 51, 57, 58, 67, 76, 77, 162, 164, 165 197 197 96 197 50 59, 121, 123 197 85 65 ...82, 83. 97, 98, 100 90,94 Kwamang ... ... ... .:. 42 Kwantanan ... ... ... 94 Kwatanuro 55, 121, 197 Ku'dtc prcjire ... ... ... 40 KoJcotswi Komoe river Konkota ... Krachi Krobo hills plains Krom Krubna Ku Kube Kukurantium Kunliuintuid KunLunL'uni Kurantumi... Kusiit Kussiabah ... Kwabalio ... Kwabdhori ... Kwabon Kwahou bills Kwahu Kwahu hills GOLD COAST — UEPOKT OX FORESTS. 233 Kwisa Kwitta Kyebi hills... PAGES 76, 77, 78, 7(J 162 Di), 1(52, 191 Xi. Landolphln. 1U, 45, 77 L. Droogmansiana '! ... ... ]77 L.florida 73,182,184,190 L. Heudelotii 70, 188 L. Klalnet ... 21, 24, 40, 174, 177 L. owiiriensi* (PI. 22), 13, 36, 38, 40, 56, 64, 73, 87, 122, 138, 146, 174, 177, 182, 184, 188, 189, 190, 2.13 L. scandenx 182, 184 L. Thompsonii, 62, 64, 73, 87, 182, 184, 190 Lantmia caiitara ... ... ... 182 Lecaniodiscus cupanioides ... 181 Leea 187 Leguminosce 181, 187 Liliaceru 70, 87, 183, 188 Lippia adoensis ... ... ... 182 Lissochilm ... ... ... ... 87 L. longifolim 178 L. roseus 70,87,178,188 Lithophytes 74, 172 Locust bean 87, 187 Locust beau tree 69 Lonchocarpus ... ... ... 174 L. cyanexcens 181, 185 L. senccua... ... ... ... 181 Lophira ... 146 L. alata, 9, 70, 73, 86, 89, 90, 188, 189 L.procera, 10, 19, 20, 21, 36, 43, 51, 86, 89, 90, 177, 178, 179, 189, 197 L.procera? 17 •£. sp 121 Lovoa ... 145 L. Klaineana (PI. 9), 10, 17, 23, 36, 38, 55, 78, 121, 123, 175, 176, 196, 197, 198 Lower Denkira district . 24 K. . .. ... ... ... 17.") Mai-rnlibium I'ali.soli; ... 21, 26, 178 M. stipidacKuni 10, 178 Macr.ogphyra litf/tvanyo ... ... ... ... 218 Okonton , 198 PAGES Oil bean tree, 20, 28, 36, 48, 55, 122, 123, 146, 211 Oil nut 211 Oil palm, 10, 15, 37, 41, 74, 87, 175, 177, 184, 190 90 26, 37, 83,775, 177, 198 Oils Okan Okisibiri OTcitsiwanfu Okpara river Okunmanlcra Ok lire Okwawu hills OlacinecB Ol'fenlandta Oldfteldia africana Olokemeji ... Olokemeji Gardens Ombrophoby Omphalocarpum .. 0. sp.? Oncoba dentala Onomokyukyu Ongina Onyhin- Opapea Opapoa Opepeh Opobo Opobonikwi... Opobonufird. Opuntia 0. sp. ()rchidacecE ... Orchids Ordeal tree.., 198 ... 73 ... 198 ... 47 ... 160 ... 181 70, 87, 188 211, 216 ... 14 ... 12 ... 167 174 36, 196 180 180 211,216 198 198 198 9, 69, 88, 122, 189 198 ... 211, 216 ... 211, 216 ... 211,216 8 7 70, 188 , 178 86, 89 Ormosia laasiflora ... Oroko Osufibise Osupawa Ote Otte .. 9, 69, 86, 187 ... 211, 216 ... 90, 91, 198 198 10, 198 20 Oiraaut ... 10, 57, 58, 59, 84, 198 Owawa ... ... ... ... 198 Oxyanihus tubiflorus ... ... 182 OxytenantJiera abyssinica... 70, 74, 189 P. Padatth- ... ... ... ... 15 Palnw 183, 188 Pamo ... ... ... 63, 64, 65 Piiiul-inus candelabrum ... ... 21 Panicum ... ... ... 70, 189 Pa,))arerace

• • • . • **• I.I 72, 182 R. malleifera ... ... ... 187 frrphia ' 46, 74, 87 Raphia palm 67 Rapliia rinifera 39, 56, 62, 178, 183, 185, 190, 198 Raphidophova ... ... 21, 174 Rauwolfia ... ... ... ... 77 R. ronritoria ... ... 21, 175 Red iron-wood 19 RhamnacecB ... ... ... 188 Rhizophora racemosa ... ... 190 R. mangle ... ... ... ... 190 Ricinodendron africinntis, 10, 20, 23, 27, 34, 36, 55, '57, 58, 72, 77, 80, 83, 84, 87, 90, 122, 123, 146, 175, 176, 177, 183, 184, 190, 196, 1118 RoKucecc ... ... ... 181, 187 Rosewood tree 69, 89 236 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. PAGES Rubber 189 Rubber, rules relating to... ... 118 Rubber-yielding plants ... ... 177 Jiiiliim-ecc 70, 182, 187 Jiutacctc ... ... ... ... 180 S. spontaneunt. ... ... 72 Saccharum sppntaneumf ... ... 37 Sacred Forest 50 Sadang village 90, 94 Salt Pond district 161 Samanta 26, 37, 58, 59, 198 Samartawa ... ... ... 198 Sansecifriti- ... ... ... 91 S. giiineensix ... ... ... 183 S. sp 70 Santiriopsis Klainci 36, 57, 81, 175 Sapindacece ... ... ...181 Sirpotaceai 182, 188 Sarcocephalus esculejitus (PI. 18), 9, 16, 20, 26, 36, 70, 87, 92, 175, 177, 188, 197 Sarcocephalus fiusseggcri... 21, 178 S. sp. • • • 56, 198 Sumin river Sarmang . . • ... 160 Suminsu Sass wood ... 68,69, 86, 89, 122, 187 Supon Sausage tree • • • ... 1*8 Swamp veget;i Savannahs • • • ... 190 Swietenid iiuic. Scitaminete ... 75, 180, 183 S. Mdhugani Schrebera golungensis ... 72, 190 >S'. sp. ... ... 72 Scrub fires ... . * • 8 Seasons • . • ... 163 Drv • . • ... 163 uiy Wr-vlnll rl liTT . . . ... 163 Tornado ... • • . ... 163 Sefwi • • • 97, 191 Sekondi ... 16, 17 , 49, 53 , 62, 162 Tabanus Sene. river ... 94, 160 Tucca ... 198 1\iccacr(t Shama • • • 24, 160 Tain river PAGES Smeathmannia^pubescens ... ... 183 Stttilaceri: ... ... ... ... 188 Smilax Kruussiana ... 70, 188 Soil 165 •^/nit/laden cqmpanulata 72, 182, 190 Spilaitthes acmella... ... ... 7ll Spondins lutea ... 72, 181, 185, 190 Staff, European 143 Subordinate 155 Sterculia ... ... ... ... 59 S. Jiarteri, 45, 55, 57, 58, 61,64,72,81, 83, 84, 87, 91, 180, 185, 190 S. cordifolia, 10, 37, 43, 45, 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 64, 66, 72, 81, 83, 84, 87, 180, 185, 190. 197, 199 S. tomeiitosa, 57, 58, 61, 62, 64.72, 180, 185, 190 S. tragacantha ... ... ... 180 Sterculiacew 180, 187 Stink-wood trees ... ... ... 37 Strophanthus ... ... 38, 77, 174 S. gratux 182 S. hispidus ... ... ... ... 182 S. Preussii ... ... ... ... 182 S. isarmento&us ... ... ... 182 S. sp ... 62 Stryclinos ... ... ... ... 74 N. f'/iia>'f/hintii ... ... 87, 188 Subinsu stream ... ... ... 55 Sudd weed... ... ... ... 178 ... 85, 90, 94, 16d ... ... ... 94 46, 47, 48 ... ... 21 ylla ... ... 14 ... ... ... 14 Shea butter tree, 9, 73, 87, 90, 91, 94, 122, 188, 189 Shedua ... ... ... ... 77 Shingle tree 10, 77, 79 Shingle-wood tree..., ... 78, 84 Sibiri stream, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48 Sifht 70, 180, 185, 186 Sikas-siko 68 Sikassiko ... ... ... ... 73 Silk-cotton tree, 19, 27, 37, 38, 40, 41, 70, 72, 73, 81, 87, 174, 176, 186, 187, 198 Silk-rubber tree, 43, 61, 146, 175, 183 Simarribeui ... ... ... ... 181 Siriko 40 Small rains... ... 163 T. 66 70 70 68, 75, 160 Takora 57 Tdkwudun ... ... ... ... 198 Tamarindus indica, 69, 73, 87, 90, 92, 187, 189 Tano 41 Tano-Ankobra water-paiting ... 32 Tano river, 24, 31,38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 51, 52, 61, 62, 63, 160, 161, 190, 191 Taiio river basin 176 Tanoso ... , 52, 61 Tarkwa 13, 24, 25, 83, 191 Tarkwa mines 49, 50 Teak tree, East Indian ... ... 14 Techerabini 64, 65 Tectono grand is ... ... 14, 38 GOLD COAST — REPORT ON FORESTS. 237 Tendo lagoon Tephrosia ... Terminalia . . . T. Brownei ... T. mncropterri '1. scutifent... PAGES ... 160 ... 70, 87, 187 58 72, 177, 181, 184 70, 187 ... 10, 72, 14G T. superba, 10, 19, 20, 34, 36, 66, 174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 183, 184, 190, 198 T. togoensis,,, ... ... ... 187 T. sp. ... 10.20,36,55,57,58, 66, 77, 84, 86, 146, 175, 176, 177, 181, 183, 184, 197 Tetrapleura Thonninr/ii, 10, 20, 39, 55, 64, 67, 175, 198 Tiama-Tiama, 10, 32, 36, 40, 41, 45, 47, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 67 121, 123, 176, 184, 198 Tilwcetf. 180,187 Timber, rules relating to... ... 122 Timber trees Tokorase ... Tomba river Tombo Tombo palm Tomento ... Tomento village Tomme river Tonkomia ... Totonso Treculia africnna Triaspis Trichilia Trichilia sp. ... 88 58 68, 74 198 21, 39, 62, 178 42, 43, 44, 52 46 74 73, 74 ... 46, 47, 48 178 174 ... 213, 218 42, 175 Triplochiton Johnsonii (PI. 2), 10, 19. 20, 34, 37, 57, 58, 66, 77, 84, 154, 174, 175, 176, 177, 183, 198, 199 Tristemma hirtum ... ... ... 70 Triumfetta, 22, 91, 177, 180, 185, 187, 189 T. cordifolia 70 T. rhomboid ea ... 70 Tropophytes 167 Tsifufu Forest 51, 55 Tuna ... 66 V. PAGES Vegetation on clearings 21 Verbenaceas 182, 188 Vernonia ... ... ... ... 70 Vernonia frondosa 21 Viler, cunealtl, 9, 16, 66, 70, 87, 188 V. macropJiylltt ... ... ... 16 V. megapliylla ... 9, 66, 70, 87, 188 Voacangn africana 21, 175, 182 Volta ' 94 Yolta drainage ... ... ... 73 Volta river... 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 85, 90,92, 95, 160, K>1 W. Wagadugu Wansanicah Wassaw district 24, Wassaw hills Water partings Waw-saw Waw-waw, 10, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 32. 37, 38, 39. 41, 42, 43, 47, 48; 50, 57, 58, 59. 75, 77, 81, 83, 84, 154, 155, 175, 176, 183, 184, Wau'ft Wawapupuo Wet season... White Volta Wiawuso ... Win river ... Winds, dry... Winneba river Wood oil 92, Woodland .,. Woodland, Tropical 199 191 83 161 76 26, 44, 80 177, 199 199 199 163 160 191 18 170 161 189 170 172 X. U. Xn/it/inri/l/ni, xrnrri)i*<:, 72, 180, 184, 190 Umbrella tree, 21, 25, 29, 32, 56, 77, Xerophytes 167, 169 174, 175. Xiiuenid crmericatia ... ... 181 Upper Wawsaw 43 Xt/lia Kcansii, 26, 37, 44, 58, 64, 66, Urena, 22, 70, 91, 177, 180, 185, 186, 181, 184, 198 189. Xylopia aethiopica 180 Urophyttum hirtellum 178 X.parmflora 180 Urticac&B 182, 188 Usteria guineensis 72,175 238 COLONIAL REPORTS — MISCELLANEOUS. V. PAGES PAGES Yenebin 00 Yams 79, 93 Yoruba 87 Yankom ... ... ... 51, 1S9 Yankon ... ... ... ... 10 Yankun ... ... ... ... 199 Yapiakrom village ... 57, 59 Yar-Yar 199 Z. Ya-Ya 199 Yayu .. ... ... 10, 36 Zizyphus sp. ... ... ... 87 Yenabin 60 Z. mucronata 9, 70, 188 COLONIAL REPORTS. The following1 recent reports relating to His Majesty s Colonial Possessions have been issued, and may be obtained from the sources indicated on the title page : — ANNUAL. No. Colony, &c. 591 Leeward Islands , 592 East Africa Protectorate 593 Bechuanaland Protectorate 594 Northern Nigeria , 595 Basutoland , 596 Swaziland , 597 St. Helena , 598 Gibraltar 599 Falkland Islands ... 600 Uganda 601 Imperial Institute 602 Northern Territories of the Gold Coast 603 Ashanti 604 Ceylon 605 Weihaiwei ... , 606 Seychelles 607 Jamaica -.. 608 Colonial Survey Committee 609 Gambia ... 610 Malta 611 Sierra Leone 612 Turks and Caicos Islands 613 Gold Coast Bechuanaland Protectorate 615 Bahamas , 616 St. Lucia 617 Hong Kong 618 Fiji , Nyasaland Protectorate 620 Barbados 621 Trinidad and Tobago Straits Settlements Somaliland Protectorate Mauritius 025 St. Vincent .'.'.' .'." 626 Jamaica 627 Swaziland 628 Grenada .' 629 Leeward Islands . Year. 1907-1908 1908 1907-1908 1908 1907-1908 1908-1909 1908 1908-1909 1908 1908-1909 1908 1908-1909 1908 1908-1909 1908 1908-1909 1908 1908-1909 No. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 MISCELLANEOUS. Colony, &c. British Colonies Northern Nigeria Nyasaland Protectorate South Africa Uganda Imperial Institute Uganda Uganda Subject. Fibres. Mineral Survey, 1906-1907. „ ., 1907-1908. Agriculture and Viticulture. Cotton Industry. Gums and Resi"s. Botanical and 1 ^restry Depart- ment. Sleeping Sickness. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY DARLING & SON, LTD., 34-40, BACON STREET, E. 1910 . . FACULTY OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 3D 103 G6T5 forestry Thompson, H. N. Gold Coast HAR 1 9 1596