Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. SORE ialnestage Rec eet OFF oe mn 24 INFORMATION RTMENT a mA cRiCu LTU > | HOUSEXEEPERS' CHAT Friday, September 30, 1932. ae Beene. Oe ai eran t 8 * «hy } we (FOR BROADCAST USE ONLY) Subject: "Grape Pie for Sunday." Information approved by the Bureau of Fone Economics. U.SDA. —-—O0000000——- Did you ever stop to think of all the many good things you can make with those grapes that right now ar6 hanging out in your arbor or over the back fence-~ those purple, red, green or white grapes? Grape jelly, grape juice, er-ce Marmalade, grape conserve, grape butter, grape ketchup, pickled grapes, conned grapes--and that's only a start on the grape story. Think of all the desserts you can make with grapes--grape sherbet, grape flurmery, jellied grapes or fruit gelatin pudding made with grape juice. Then you can make grape salads and grape fruit cups and appetizers. Or you can make hot spiced grape juice, a fine Beverage for a chilly night. And then you cen Make grape pie. And that reminds me. I've just had a reqest for a recipe for grape pie made with Concord grapes. I'm glad I remembered about that for this is just the time to give you the recipe. You get out your pencil and I'll get out the directions and we'll] write the reci pe dow in a safe phace for keeps. No, Arabella, this recipe for grape pie isn't in the green cookbook. It's a new recipe, just recently worked out. ‘This is one of those open pies with strips of Crust laid criss-cross over the top. Grape pie takes just six ingredients. You'll need © cups of Concord grapes L.cup of suger 2 tablespoons of cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon of salt 1 tablespocn of lemon juice, and Pastry. Let me go over those again while you check. (Repeat.) To make the pie, fix the grapes first. Discard the stems, then slip off the skins, and keep them separate from the pulp. Heat the juice and pulp for about five minutes. Then rub the pulp through a sieve to remove the seeds. Com bine the sugar, cornstarch and salt. Mix this with the grape pulp and cook it for about five minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the grape skins ond the lemon juice. Yes, you use the skins as well as the grape pulp for this recipe. Pour the fruit filling into a pie pan lined with pastry. Cover the top with strips of pastry and bake in a hot oven for thirty minutes. I prophesy that yourwill take a large second piece of that pie. lea A AD >i tay " Titty | a oe fe, domed Able Qh 2 Td 4 i ’ ry Bie Mae Neg re ea Paar es fu , peas wht (tel ost (an [ce PDO RRMA ee aM nL (aye (eMC ta Vi) i. Deeg lea . a 7 ¥ ; ’ Me (CR iNEe in eae a Ms * ) r WR, a eet oa ey OS TS APTS ARR GT aie ha ty ve ‘ae piel “hae Palle i Se eee a Rea tk ba eye ue gi aul, ie ie Bites feinh pi * Ane conti ee Rote iy on a Hs ‘ Vf the Bie ase san SL Bd atic RS tery pe RT RATE aN eames React Rie. inde hae ghar dieiha (aih he i pieces At Bee oii ae ey coer p ARR nls NaS RS Te ey Re ee x t © i te ne Res e At ‘ Teo Ml Aves aS P 4 ae i tame nie suds ‘bis hie ‘ A ; j a i Le ne ti ny a + fas ’ ‘ee A | Pica: ae pe By fs ¢ " { i Ae Th ie ri i. ei tae Cg ‘ ; NS Ge eR. 2 FAR awe ep MeN a se Pot a ave a a a i t * aor te 1p A halen ens aa stale aga pe a “te > Loh be SUERTE pela), TONG PRR OA OR reat Uy Ah i ake Wi anes Erect ii gus ns 4 Mein ean, 1 6p. EE at Naa whe ssa ‘PA aR ae'a - y ae Be ae E A Bie ee ih gi, Ay Me Bata ae pan. J eees Let Pe RP, RR 4 Me rae. miurtte «ata fea. THON ‘ wade aa PR ae he oF Ee A SR Cal wl i fy: y's ee | Asiaeietr ¢ cE Cr epee i! iia ey BEE, Vas Ca, Aa See ae, werd bi, ine ‘ £ “A ia Pi pits Mie ake “ic aie cd gel gia et ee ma! Wy Ot. apes 345 S008 2a ee yk ey OED ate Paes i: Fay PP Jere Se A! of Le Migs orca eal os Rea Mia Riss tis aia Bae eotea lags ON ot Oe Un een a ia DENG RENE” AR a she PE tay At dae oe a ee Rt SY Re. We eid baie 0 ee ‘“ .. Teh te, ‘4 * eS 2 9 203K And now that wefve brought up the subject of grape pie, I might as well 80 on and tell you that the Mem Specialist has listed it for dessert for Sunday Ginner. ‘Would you like the whole menu right now? All right. many housekeepers tell me that the idea of cooking cucumbers is a new one on toan that I'd like to take a minute off and mention these creamed cucum Bers. You can peel and dice your cucumbers, as you dice potatoes for creaning. Or you can peel and cut them in long sections lengthwise and then crosswise once, Drop tac pieces of cucumber into boiling lightly salted water and cook than until gust tender. That will be a very fow minutes. Then drain the cucumber and pour Over it medium thick cream sauce. You can cheer up the appearance of a disn of Creamed cucumbers with a dash of red paprika and with chopped greon parslcy. Trere, The dinner is all planned and we can sit back and discuss some of the questions that have been coming in during the last week or so. The first question is from a lady who says her dill pickles always get soft and mshy before she can use them, "Wnat," asks this lady, "causes pickles to spoil this way?" "Bacterial action," answer the specialists. Perhaps you've noticed that the pickles on top of the crock begin to get soft, if you don't have enough brine to cover them. Those that are exposed above the brine will sp#il in a very short time, Tien, if the brine is too weak--contains too little salt, the pickles will spoil just the same way. You'll notice how they get soft and slippery. So be sure that all your pickles are well below the brine. And be sure you keep the brine at proper strength. Brine gets diluted in different ways. Maybe you have it just right to start with, but the brine draws juice from the Cucumbers as they stand and the brine becomes wealcer and weaker. So the sate Tule is: If you plan to keep pickles more than a few weeks, keep the brine with 15 per cent of salt. What do you do when the pickles have already become soft and slippery? Unfortunctely, no treatment will then restore them to a normal condition. They're spoiled, Waile wetre on the subject of pickle troubles, we might mention hollow Pickles, something housewives are sure to write me about every fall. What males pickles hollow in the center? The trouble may be with your Method of curing and it may be the fault of the cucumber itself. But hollow Pickles necdntt be a total loss, as soft pickles are. Though they orentt ot tractive to serve whole, you can chop them up for mixed pickles and relish, yy “iN ew : ne 7 Gh ‘6h i Ren Ma i i ( “7 HS a ci . 1 AS Ween rt é ; nes ‘ iy. ihre KK aM ate. i a F iis A's sea mo figed as sph se pe . it nae DE ET | ei a yi ea Piythe . Edie what 1 Pa Pen baie Swe Kans a Lit roo “apie uy Nati ‘ AEN ner yy ‘ Lat May ys a uth ry ‘ i Na f ye ieee tek “4 e mt a ‘ wy aiid i di ne wis IAN REN SONS Mia eat “bi thee wea vad RSP mr all pn uf Linn ty a mi er Ble is aa al ud AD Sa { ie ta ith cH ca Ys ns Che 6 te renter t! 44 yA oh a kao Are, MAR a hae TE ETY Ky! ies aes met Byline Nae ates eae Aa jiapscaia a eta. ithe aha: ey cna OBC NH wing ve Dy OAR Ye aay i ‘ (uM { " ‘ eat) Mh hit y 4 iy rete 7) ii ct P OR REMUS O TO MMM We TERS Man} 3 ae COs am i SA ae ee ante Rv wh ual sib ACNE ney ig ai \ t a Oy pte hice i {iron iy ea ic A rate sate % aR y pay ea (ane et, ‘gue tase, ieee we a é — | haa ee ey rng’ Mae plies: py ee hia Shae) . 5 uy i 4 1). tk AE aes a Iie bth » niin oe Se a bien a7 de ee Ae fol ede a a aes 3 preru@reterd he specialists say that when a cucumber hasn't developed properly, it may be nollow after pickling. Another trouble may be taking too long a time be. tween gathering the cucumbers and putting them dom in brine. Never let cucum bers stand longer than twenty-four hours from the time you bring them in from the garden to the time you put them down in brine. Hollew: pickles often become floaters. Sound cucumbers properly cured do not float, Of course, my condition that lowers the weight of the cucumber Will cause it to rise to the surface. As expert pickle makers know, somcalled hard waters aren't good for pick. ling. Large quantities of calcium in the water or some other salts, found in Many natural waters, interfere with normal curing, But often you can offset mis allalinity in the water by adding a small quantity of vinegar. Vhat about iron in the water? That!s bad if the water contains very mach of it becouse it sometimes makes pickles turn black, Still another pickle question, What mokes pickles shrivel, wrinkle and become tough? Answers Too strong a pickling solution. Shriveling may be the result of placing the pickles immediately into very strong salt or suger solu~ tions or even in very strong vinegars. If you mst use a strong solution in pickling, first get the cucumbers used to it, break themin gradually, by wtting them first in a weaker solution, This shriveling often occurs in making sweet pickles. Too mich mgor Mill couse it, Just one more question. This is about saver krmt. Several friends of Mine tcll me that their sauer kraut has been unsuccessful in recent yeorse The specialists say that the most common cause of failure in moking Smuerkrout is to) mich salt. The proper quantity is 2 and 1/2 per cent by Weight of the cabbage packed, When cabbage is to be fermented in very warn Weather, you may use a little more salt, tut never more than 3 per cent, And when you apply the salt, sec that you spread it on evenly. The red streaks which Sometimes appear in sauerkraut come from the meven distribution of salt. Mondays "Saving Day Questions," PP amen ees ie ae eae Hor i ! : . ' Lew oe ae ve wis ner ines bic ie i Lae Wet a , _ se Libedihe cae i P , a) Ainarie Die bi coetiilenuiciee me Seve es we ‘yey gf bap aren aE b vie ear or ne oe ee... Bsn sy sate ‘ ' ro ate Rae ee p EAL art aie vie Bee 9 ne aye re “ft vey) irate i Cee ail Y ; pace One a,