NS NN SS A... AY SS S S ONY ARN d NN N N SN AN NS NN NS N AS SENSN NS = Z2 3 2044 106 398 027 xm x (x87 Tndey Cep. a viele 27 W. G. FARLOW Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/grevillea1221unse 22 €» su \@REVILLES en B T" B ? rp d y v E^ » kc Un Lun tan * ‘ " ^ ^ A T L CQoNHnT"EHTS ^ al iptions of Pietes OE Cause bebes id index to Illustrations | PREFACE The student who attempts to use "GCrevilltks'" soon discovers that its valuable contents are not readily available, owing to it not being suffic- iently indexed. It has no specific index of the text or illustrations. A topical index appears in each volume, except the sixth, in which it is missing. These have not been placed in regular order. Some are in the front, others in the mid- dle, or back of the volumes. To supply this de- fect, an index of indexes has been made. Next ap- pears a specific index of the illustrations, sup- plemented by a tabulated record of the page and volume containing the desired information or des- eriptions of each plate. Without an index, the 185 plates possess little value, as the inscrip- tion under many of them was only that of the ccun- try in which the specimen or collection was found, as “Australian” etc. To gain any information of such, the reader was obliged to first search through the topical indexes for that particular collection, and when there were a number of that kind, as was frequently the case, the search must be continued through numerous pages of several vol- unes ére the desired reference to the plate was discovered. When found, a tabulated record was made of the page and volume containing the desired information or descriptions of the plates. "o$SrIfveugo" eas o£ adquedés odw juebsds adm jon ets sfmofuos eIldesfav ati fad) avovosalb t -pi finus qmied tox $i 0f aciwo .efdslieve wit edé to xeBat olttosga on aet 9l .bexebal | ateoque xobui Isofgof 4 .amottasterl £ «xo det © af 4l deldw ni .dixim ed) tqeoxe .omslov foe X d 1SÍuget at beoslq need toa eva esedt .guisaim —— nob ati viqueu of .semulov edt to xosd 10 ,oÍb RN -1& jxeW .obem xood aei sexobzt 10 xobut ne .dog2 -qua .asuoljstcfugs[Il edt to xobri offloequ S a188q 2. bus egeq edt to Stoset betsladst a vd bodsomefq ^ameb vo sotdsavetnl beriveh edt gudntstmoo ommloy adj .xebut as duostIV .odfsiq dose to agoléqiqe eaitoent oft as .oplsv eIj$ll naoneoc aejsiq -iu555 oft to dedf vilao aw med) 10 yon tob HORNO ,busiot &ew moltoslioe YO mentosqa odd doidw di VEN to soffemtolnl vus xis oT .ode "uslfeyfagA" as ín doucca fn*lit of begtido asw xebpot elf dogm | ditio Pts ta:ft tot aexebul Ieclqof edt dauotP Jent to edes 6 oxow oxedt medw Bae .cofi$oelloo. dann dotsea eft .onso odd qIjnospert esw ee Diti -ioy steven tO segeq asotemu: tarot besxtdaco ed. sew ed$riíq edt od obsoxotox berxlaeb odd e16 ROME, aca bicoet bédelude? s .bnoot nedy .bovovosoalb hevineb oft astatesaod emsiov bus egaq ext to oben .2edalq edi to esot$qtusseb xo nofdemoduE (2) The intention first was to make & specific index of only the fleshy fungi, hut numerous other kinds have been included. Specimens no- ted, but not described, have generally been omit- ted. Librarian, MINNESOTA MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Oct. 1909. INDEX TO INDEXES OF GREVILLIA Yol. rage i 185 2 190 3 193 4 1 5 i 6 missing 7 i 8 i 9 i 10 157 11 i 12 i 13 1 14 i 15 i 16 1 17 i 18 1 19 i 20 1 21 125 22 127 June Vol. 9, Page 51, June, 1880 contains Index to British Fungi described or noticed in "GCrévill£a" Vol. 1 to 8 inclusive. 2 3375335337573 525355323235355352322323*1233253535353355353533 $1,52,93,54 35 , 36 37 58 42 43,44 45 46 47 48 49 5C 51 52 DS 54,55,56,57 58,59,60, 61 62 65 64 232253335327 97. 3-3 $ 9293-5353 333331317 Ld E 35 2 $3 333335 —- — 3 For information or descriptions of Illustrotions the reader ia referred tc the following pages: 1875 1875 1873 1873 1873 1875 1873 1873 1875 1873 1873 1874 1974 1974 1872 1874 1874 1974 1874 1874 1874 1875 1875 1875 1975 1975 1875 1975 " AER E s Te ‘ 1 ai * i A a - T 3 eee * dT égevyuecsvskéüag&k?res Coens ESO GS CRE OPER sotttlanoncetlavitdteastectt? SEEEREEEECEEEREESES sasssesesasesassesesesesesesessessetosesk 23 $$ 35 3595 332533255535 iio rastn OE 7 $23 5723253255353535305353 TN 22 2735355532z:85 2232222 8 8 & XII 55 CETTE TT. 2g i: Ess o 76 1878 e b 0 0 LI * * n ER B t£ 9 $ 5$ Ek b E *. bk E 5 8 * 5 B E 9 B C $9 k E £ à E € E b 6 b 5 £ $5 8 5 & T 6 x 348 0 2: s22221111131121115101111111212121221 d BESSREHRERALSESISSISSSSSSQ0818858552283850 Beet esesereeeseaereseektet ese tes setereses E" ‘ I T m ics. : v "Tl Mat : an ^ E d 254 à * - e 4 | x E = »" "y p The METAM 2E NU WEE - ¥ ' Baw Ee Peeeneee CPST HP eee eee eect seeee rere hese , RE «4-5 ee eceeee Re tte eae E “a X Teor eee ee eee eee ayer stn ll com APR LX " 2 Di 222223323 22242 98 3 é . n z UU jr " " "1 4 r , T i í i : * " < y ^ vr 4 *h L 4 " 7 f J weg & € . ; ^ i , ‘ LI "he o ! 4 e^ 4 » Li 4 N^ / LI ( «4s D A à , xb ' " " d ^ D " i . b. n P e 7 : ; "er oy uy Li hi 5 ! P I *, " b vd : í | ‘ Á ET ‘ " bu ^ us » ^; r A. A ‘ ux Witas v2 LI ET , logasseegnn i bbibbbbbl LLLAITEEELLTELET. OEENSN:tttcrct was eer d e OF aoe OR [AN T Peg sug sOUEBEGanhatesesstiiventny " quorcifolia 118 Thnete Uum satholnint ica 113 2 3 53 agasbeense 5 » »REER waa B5H5 pe SS & & & es SSamewauwe es wo nin e. SFP OS» dra. BEREERExE = He gi ah ~ Gs " M Nr ER : "m Pr Li * ¢ à * 4 [we f » cw egeskearkka skhsBBES seo sEEEEE Prix p x axibaboh wt mauowan ads e je iS B Pee Sada: E*cuo heer á as Ms iet j^. qu "e 1 "x sitasabBeesesess EXBHSHEESE sus ReBSBRRE oS BY ak onenranaane E & & ag ^ LIBRI IIIS & & oe L Wa ae ECC TINTE TE ae. LIITITIITIT | ShhhsssasahaEUSS3SRS sassee8e SBS88k ab aaneSaSake a ; Bs D 08,86 2er B" BERABBERA 8 ex weweg~s -—AAm.. m. T f Cu cup Par yo C NM. "a Lei 4 a¥BEYSSSBEEUNRERBESSEE SEB E E D i 1,59,D, 1892 20 1880 6 1972 9 1es72 & bd, 1875 ef. Gs 1875 Shan hsssees i amt LI uons po M ver Prat ated BtBE as oop "uu . imi ia a a Mi : ELETTE III 7 * ' ARES "& BOER" KERRY GeeeRgeor "EI osBog 4eOoPR wolemm Hi ipmiwimqettolim onion EEEEEEEFEDES! eid ue ue ey ve ty tt pix» iA ARE E LI a eee 5 f iu” io ¢ ae Se Res i . wn nt ee ee Been ada’ = as PEE? - :i "ee * Se, ee ee sn P E Hee 4 c» M ! 4 5 2» o fb ies iS at e ix * (CM + ganas «t Inill ipsii Osh OS beeepbtstbhBEBPRESEBEBLBESNUEE SRSERERDEREE PEPusBEREBHusEBEENERSSeL En iu. Suto SEG of 6s5855SHESPOSSSEPEBÉ.NERBBHSSDESSESTDBESE. 2 REB oko? SeRRRSSeBsshe ks sec). cr peu a uà | : 8B E do£ bi ot NOI e aT8I S85 oval i eter wis ABE o5. Á (13) index of Iilustrationa Plato CTETETELELIDEPEELENMELULLLDLDEDPIELDIDELDELELN Fig. gabSRRERER..ssSezg t | EREBSSBESESSN.DESBEOSERBBEBSBESHBERSDSOBRSHEOSS Ld & &BBEuBdSSesGESERGJERERSUS FB G 5sUSRPSS. D8SSÉESSHESSRESEBDSSDBSSERESHEEUDRHESSEO 5 RaseRbiasas.seSes.ekahshAbacsas.Sakss E Ed RÜPISSPSOPENKESEAR eua. (16) index of Illustrations - SyRgegesassssassseg ka. ABVesssaesegsasas j SaQBRURSE ERSaRB. ERE SS.hansshstSassas Z d Li \ 4 X! ai * eagns Rakhs 222 8 i aU" aw us d 7 24» M X E " je vt $41 BgEBRRABSRBERDÉSSERDHSSRHBESRHBESDERESSSENE 114 EN ^ US n" 4 RRRAYRRARSYESHBARASRABRBSALSSS S- SBSIaE TIEN TUI ML "uj ie bert. ZEN "sx MU ELS * Bal’ 5 SR owhSSES ESsEHoHeERERSSSeenenaaseaeeseshusensen RRB Ne anbo«sfiiSBba»osoonS HIILHITHIDITHE enliusEinEsHEEsssesnsslianson eene ESRBRRRR ine aye : SE NA CONG eis ax FUA SL ey " Le gg MN mem se Bp aue c T emis ada ote ae: C SNe Su. LIH] H BREEBERSESE EL BSetRR Gado oRuaBButheB cOUU anon B5B a E i ' LI EE LLLI TES T3 LIT T I. 82 + (22) Index of Tilustrations T oe dc CEEEUEUFELETFITIEEBELBERELLELE LT L/LETTI- 882 855 nok makuanB RSH watSuBoo$wutholadaonall ? Rees áü Vi LL LI » LES , * "41 fn^*4 t . "aZ 6 dp 0 jg es bd - J NO , M. EE ae : WEN S VA VE ut roe ER. Pia uro DBeeuu vit o, Fx, c a ! H ? ; é 1 " > d RII ~ eid i J ty n " z Lr m M in Jy toe x= * J "rv 1 - MT D wt Tx ae (23) Index of Illustrations Stourastrus Longiopinun Plate Pig. 140 fec 140 Ob 1259 5 80 3 136 22 75 6 a 7 126 E 126 i i72 es 48 135 i 67 2 76 7 76 6 67 3 67 4 76 9 76 8 76 5 76 10 74 2 74 4 86 9 74 5 76 3 106 24 75 7 77 lm 3 159 23 159 Á 1,4,5,6,7,8 159 20,11,12 101 63 & 63 8 623 9 63 3 101 LIII nini 3 r 33 n These wom RAI ses Hag | . (24) Index of Illustrations SENSE SE ESSESEUSRESEESesno a8 8slsBaae quang «9 i f a&85 395 Buon (d > * € M . 8 i : ^ vdBzÜH.desk HIGH ESSSZSE.NE Ro — cs M MÀ Ó— À € * - CTILIIIEPELETTITE bed Lud e 538 ETPEPDEPEEEEERLEEEELCLIT. FEEITEPITETIPTETTITTEPTTT. 4 »w ^ Vy. 6 M. ‘i 7 , "PLA "i FAN ^ Ty i E] f i BAN ur. Me eee, peek ee ye oy 2. 4 Y ; ILTIITIEPETUDTEREPRCRETEI: iilii el BRA p ER ETE 8552555328582 SHG SRS® D x grege r Sut * ERRERBEREAR pv ded Hg * INDEX TO SPECIES Agarics Page Structure of the Gill Plates 28, 41 Acstabularia Acetabulosus Aecidium aroideum orypticum gayophyti Parnassise rubellum stobeae Soleni Statices urceolstum vignae violae withanial Acrospermm compressum foliicolum Ravenelii irridulum Ailographum vagum Amanitopsis curtus farinaceus illudens pulchelius Amanita ananiceps aridus illudens magnificus murinus nitidus Proissii solitarius strobilaceus vaginatus vernus virosus 125 21 ai 12 8 75 70,1879 97, 6l Year 1873 1861 1880 1880 1878 1872 1875 21,1880 1878 1872 1878 1880 1876 1880 1876 1876 1876 1876 1875 5,1890 2,1890 2,1890 1890 1891 1887 93,1881 1889 1881 1890 1887 1891 L876 1890 1881 Bei sai Senet ee btn CRS gh - . wy a ae EE tace 2 AL E Kec. SEU vc. ce ye D Aedes ge 0081, $8 9eer,s Gees LeeL Teel i88I.Se 8 Gael Iogí 9esr Yael 75: OGL 9vel oe8r I581 A t. £42 á d robustus 165, 1076 33,3875 70 1972 152 1073 25 1876 25, 1070 47,1876 23, 1970 112,1076 23 £78 SRRGES 5b : de | | P oa . | AB E Mo ! aif T Se | | Loree 2 » Ww —— | -— Y zm | 22 "ET ER Renpl SaRS 13828 f 133213 HET 3 PN >> TE SSNVERE h P TTEUTLPTT AE BHERBSB gBHoeXseduüu SES By 3 2 *- BHHREBUHHR HüHAS : Ww _—— eee. =-_—) >!" =—_3 5° cM » Do "7 | TIT kere wage ERR 2 A otOKluwu 2 i : SEELPLLLI Saavg Oval £50 STOZ WC E uHTEPSEPEDEPDOEEN, oit mE W HERI 116 1873 50 1994 42 1895 2 1875 128 1079 98. 1070 33 1875 2 1872 166 1875 123 1901 65 1954 33 1075 a 1051 97 1880 109 1874. 166 1876 109 1874 43 1891 166 1876 122 1961 65, 1681 147, 1982 44 1591 7$ 1872 39 1893 113 1688 73 1072 128 1679 40 1890 73 1872 7i 1972 128 1879 123 1001 5 1872 127 1879 127 1979 123 1501 Y JHIIT BERE a3 » * , a peage” j "boo d is i} an ~ oe } ^ béaggaes é Baa ghztegapaaceep a subinvolutus 109, 1574 42, 1901 vdbeploendons 2 1859 tommatus 73 19872 Prorii 125 1991 tube 128, c 108, 1874 42. | | | 1 ^ Nea | A^ g^ x * PEL artis. * » ^ Seg a “g50"s be Index Cortinarius Sribe 1 {Phiemasciu) oronaloous $ Pare Yoar 2 16085 116 1874 2 1883 1876 4, 20 157,1077 So 15885 1316, 1874 110,107€ i i079 42 i902 97 1080 44 i901 70 i992 110 1973 76 1879 M i001 38 1385 or i391 5 1976 77 L379 66 1887 5 L876 26 1375 116 1974 110 L875 5 i876 1i7 i674 12 1882 - i679 157 1077 62 HI 43 1887 42, 1883 77,1979 5 1876 157 1977 110, 1873 117,1974 66 1897 66 1887 5 1876 64 1078 36 1993 117 1874 4A 1007 110 1075 44, 1081 97 1880 157 1977 111 L873 117 1074 117 1974 44 1881 111 1975 5 1976 4A 1997 44 1087 45, 1981 77,1879 5 1976 6 1876 101 1970 4A 1987 7? 1979 68 —— 1804 30 1885 7? 1079 45 1897 117 1074 6 1976 102 1078 x es 45, 1602 78,1979 102 1678 i4 B"Beg 388 avE 5 à. seg"sg gesee aaekseuk j eesabBsgrPEgsEgs.s5BES3283 aa DEE eeeee EE gasbbstuEbSERRRCU REREN S -LEEELE : 'S 37,1878 UE a ae seedn PES P [ | ( nd "EP. mee DEO NUS xeu | m^ t ow 4. UE ex Wee a OD gout oy Pe pese eo T 3, G7, 18i i PORASENC RR3 ode i2, 47, Sus Ihe g = 2 BSubH eeeere guess BS Ll - n $ JIHIIE SREB Beunggasean sBDsunsuansUsS susBBBER i ni ug i wag m er Sb wal oat ES is 28 . 2 sa £3 za Ba ES ua i m ses 5a sa 33 ! 55 Basshs ZEES.ESEÉS SERRERSSHEE g srsnbapsesse à aver saat 2581 SLL 335i Sgt 4, 85288 evck.eseSEtsak E GeBER.REEEEBSE 2298 4 - D] $ sr In. 162, .HalisgEsada agnassse. SERSEREE iHi. j 3 77, 19079 35,1875 2 ; : 3 LU ene a? 117 "ÉSTESS TIPP E 45 "Eg " b ¥ LEE EEE TT g^Rhg tuenogsugees #220882 à rage Year 7 1868 96 1875 84 1872 114 1874 84 1872 04 18572 2 1876 42, 1881 2150,1882 3 10909 66 188i 36 1092 & 1072 98 1804 66 18504 43 1887 42, i861 71,1876 93 1887 70, 19079 97,1880 8s 1872 19 L872 114 1074 64 1072 260 i802 19 1872 7 1890 114 1874 85 1072 14, 1876 471078 a7 1878 40 1878 158 1974 40 1878 40 i878 47 1878 , "nj STef.iY FE Sb me em aT SPSL O99 C fot ate svat oo $58í ber m ug meas i] ever ait STaE 256. 2751 E M ‘Star o5 Rear SEI eTef 05 evar ee evar > E , B. vw * * 2 Tw * i} 22 EL HR RHEHREEH 258u8N5I 522 "i ii à , e ui Ü H ^1 D pan v 12152538 : E. dg Bab 8 : | d 97, 19075 115,1875 CEUPELELERI a : : i 98, .BassusgsESBssSs by g Index Page Year Hydnum laeticolor 99 1873 limonicolor 124 1878 melaleucum 115 1873 meileum 39 1875 nodulosum 124 1878 membranaceum 98 1873 Micheneri 101 1873 mucidum 99 1873 multiforme 124 1878 Murraii 101 1873 nudum : 100 1873 Nyssae LOO 1873 pallidum 103 1881 parasitans LOO 1873 peroxydatum 2 1891 pithyophilun 99 1873 plumarvim 97 1873 plumosum 100 1873 pulcherinum 97 1873 repandum 71 1872 rufuscens 47 1881 scabrosum 98 1880 scariosum 1 1891 septentrionale 97 1873 sepultum 6 1879 setulosum LOO 1873 stipstum 98 1884 sordidum 124 1676 squamosum 39 1875 scrobiculatum 115 1873 stereoides co 1892 Stevensoni 39 1875 subsquamosum 71 L872 subvelut imum 98 1079 uum 99 1873 velstum 100 1873 Weinmanni 98 1884 xanthum 98 1873 zonstum 7i 1872 oat BYSL 6791 Svst ever ETSI Sel Ever 8181 o"T8I Svei ever feet Svat [cgi SYBI | oTSI Svar vel ST8í i88I1 9881 reer 5Y6l evel ByeL MBL ov0f aver syver Seer aves ver ver Syer svar 5081 zvef aTel wrtelwoldoram - aobloerege inuosnove28 "ürzotupedume spurt turlov dire Dub mvtelov iuenurieW Juri 2r X xcrdáegos * "i LIII » B ga é "inia! ER 4 ?. y > & E E L ~~ "ED 5 Pl ee ae aly fA PX oos 699 838444545 $554 jatf222853 d tonem 9t' "e Waren v d t 3 . , e , | ZUM Ae i E.S8388345 EBabBO6auaB &dndBHüddHHB RESREERES mv. | (SE TS — "Te ncamolof . * d * certet La " b - é Derim co " BEB.EEREES ooaDeBühHeskrsirsHReEE p 38 1, a ) npn a4 h BE n * ELLE "SUBEESHESS k TP Ar ee dui c orence —— 46, aHQe Wyonaefedügr d e Hn npn ————— uÓn— ——— — JA ————— — "Ó— —À: TEPELLDIEETETELIT j 3 a LLL ZI gaSaus.Seseege ul à a E uM Genk no daseuig,t IEREHEUEEERENNR To? P i s3as8g98^aanppan Lai. * T Lj " 5 - W^ 1 M ow : | ; 4 i » 2 -! E rf | i w B 8 8l, 5, 1890 Bgagaüdug SEHgeegESN d - iainkebele 8 SDBaBSEREDREES B E oe j^ " ^ : n pi AIIIPEPEDITTA Ir Lr t^ é EPIS wove WB ~ ~ 4 aig assess Bhabha tuaBkonGhusk.Sayag " zs; LIONE fs ^P aa. bd "] - EI & ww e - ^d Mud X " Er. Y i 1 - MH 32 YY ee ui g) i > E "E A. bs. nn [^ | . ky . . à T 7 7 } "P ; M $1 hz , M [ H * ^ Lind H 1 » , we t 4 - ^ i "EE T " L . B ‘ P : w , » ! * "» £i , . * 1 > 4 23 . [^ r ( » | - ^ M ) . " LI - ' " kN ATA 14, Paro toas 119 1574 1389 125,19579 45 1991 E 19879 3 1879 156 18976 6? 1976 156 1576 157 1876 155 1e76 156 i076 155 1976 14 1875 i878 68,1979 158 10756 156 1076 158 1576 72 1879 49 1972 i078 42.1970 52 1978 52 1578 52 1870 51 1978 24 2885 S9 i078 1878 69,1972 c9 1072 69 1972 7O 1072 69 1072 H 1975 68 Le72 69 1872 TO i1" 73 1882 70 1e72 BEE sagesBSassak d E 1076 68,1079 1076 14,1076 51 1875 eugbBESSaoocEB8 # spübPRBR © E [o AILLE RSSPERS&vtee 2 Seay ~ B -FEEFELRERLT-T T1: gases aBBGuSSSBBabRE $8 B = Page — oor 115 1974 43 md 94 1087 06 1e72 85 1872 151 1882 115 1974 60 1085 iens 129,1070 1074 43,1861 59 188s 18 1872 9 1879 9 1879 72 1878 BO 1878 72 1870 50 1878 10 1879 1878 72,1078 50 1978 155 1973 155 1873 27 1880 50 1870 72 1978 80 1970 2 1870 7 1972 50 18004 136 1872 35 1875 99 1878 1074 25,1875 isk 1879 1872 112,1074 40 1886 ELIT. 3 s Beek 3 [ES -aiBEs : 1974 i970 125,1801 154 1851 1081 81,1872 1861 1876 99,1970 1028 "yh poe 2 3 x 3 i» ao CET NE BeEHRR o P ipnoriua filmeti dohttt 21, 1878 sEBSsBBseBrRESsBusBaalNsasu5ss5 aera gus 38Hy 3 tuguSBcESusRHaesnsBEsNSBEnssphESsSEanss.sHB i 3 exidiiformis BRERSRSeh Sy. Beotekeeseanakses8eskek CHLEERELEELUULPELUDPELELETATLELITAI TIAE EULTT: à eS Soa. BRRRSSESBRESe SESS seakebebReaeSs 8 HECEPELEEEDTTITLELÉELDÉELULDLÉEBRÜSREEBLITTITT11314 à PEEELTTEPELTTELSEDITTELHEULIT ELE " i86 156 1975 40 1978 38 1878 154 1975 155 1975 125 1075 6l 1076 15i 1075 122 1976 157 1975 4 1080 17 1877 156 1875 152 1975 103 1990 102 1986 176 1974 14 1978 23 1978 47 1878 GSEREEE woke eRos Babs ? sssuEB uusouauüaia SCB.EH.uEsRsosDsissRE p m i uBBaBEBESsERSESEUSBB ebusheugs SERRESESS AY EH 106 HSSERHUEBERBEBEENSS au a En oEgisusgsislaugongosono tuu uS SE à TI. eegaskEEsssBsss.PabigszsuBusssUSSOSo.HSURBEH j CTLEEDEUCTHTEPELEPELPETEELÉEELTLLELETRLÉT LT SSoeosBEoB5BeFSSUSUSBS.SUSUR.ESEPUUdEDsSSURUERE d 35gg.BdsomsangsucsSusEsER.SEBGEOSESSUSESaeSa Fs CEEEEIT-TIASATSLCEDÉCIDETUCPCERREEERUELERIÓ. LI 3 BB&BSS2B8cüskBAE PBuaassasssesas.B858235,.H CEEEPELPEELULHTTTULLTTIITLEDCCPELTTS C ET-IT- i ashahbsshBiddd Shdes6H é bà dESSoSSSSÓddas385328 pe] à TG'EEFEPELELELLE p Mer 2 NHBOBHESERBBBdSEBBESERSESASSS Russula Serotina subfoetens ?t tinctoria * var. A. B. C. & D. vesca versicolor virescens 50 & viridigrisea xerampelina Saccardia quercins Sacidium gomphocarpi Pini symploci Sarcosoypha floccasa pellita Schizophyllum commme " " flsbellsre Scleroderma strobilinum geaster Texense Schulzeria revocans tt " Septoria buddleiae Ealmiaecola Ludvigise nesodes Pipula specularise stellarize umbelliferarum Solenia snomala candida fasciculata Sordaria bombardioides californica 1886 1874 1892 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 1891 1892 1878 1891 1878 1880 1878 1878 1872 1872 1878 1881 1881 1875 1872 1873 1888 1890 1880 1878 1878 1880 1879 1878 1884 1880 1878 1878 1873 L878 1878 SUELE TI: solssknBBEtirhnzgsBfhenssstosusgty una in | il E fe E aH |n hj n Jj i > "i 4 j^? ad M ^ Yr j^ JA NER et S cuc page ve ee CC V mE NL RE Rip, cnr ET c rug Metis n Re PES