GUIDE TO BOTANICAL GARDENS Many -fnquiries are received from visitors to the Botanic Garden.'; fc r a guide to enable them to see the chief items of interest in the short time at their disposal 5n in 18S& and it 5 s felt / A , ,‘0 B <•#$> Singape re. Nc handbook of thi« kind hors b**n attempted nine9 that , written by that an up tc date bccklet illustrated. with tv pic pi! viewn cf the Gftrdenn will nupply a long felt want to vifjitorn and be C f interest alor tc the many renidentn who have recently arrived in this ccur.try. Per tile convenience of visitors whe have only a few hours at their disposal a plan of the Gardens is included and a route marked by a dotted line is suggested which will enable • anyone tc find the. pr r ‘nclpnl. tre^s plants c ? interest without difficulty. Th; s r< ut« does n< + • -»’ ■ • ■ Garden, and viGitcrc; deniring to visit it are recon; tended to make an appointment at the Garden* r; c f fice for a guide. The suggested tour in marked out in the Gardens by sign boards painted. with a number and p- These numbers a»e inserted cn the map and will help the vi si to rh t c f 1 x t he 1c c ali t v * A catalogue of the species cf plants grow* ir the Gardens ;• s published ser ar at el y "jS also 4s a list cf plant s which frcm time tc time become surplus to the requl rements of the Gardens and are available for sale tc the public. A bulletin known as "The Garden 1 ;; Bulletin" 5 s published quarterly, giving account.;; c f. recent work and c brier vatic ns carried cut ir. the c, ardens, and a nummary oi articler; published in ether journals that are likely tc be o f local interest * This bulletin war; founded by Mr, Ridley in /8y / and first published ande^ the title of M*d£er{tt$ £&* &44*L**sta^ k rjubriequently chan£li.£ to (kyuuUJ-U 4-JUS *f it* fU*at~m*A /Witi4/ /5-r IP*/ . n ^rjt^Mi.qjunant of an Agricultural DepartF«PV : t«j Bulletin . > miff* the title wo,:; as air changed tc itrj present nnjne cf " The Garden* « Bulletin, Straltn Settlement:.;". - ■ wr * 1 - ^-4 iirt *f c *«s>. JL»C~ '{*■*+* -*w *f'* rtf-, //r* / / Z> ;// ^ ^a«u^ ' ' *• W ^ ^ ^ W/J- «*»/- ^ ^ - *.UJ.UU ^ ^ ^ ^ .^3 t*~£7 18 S'? U3-h~ A •_/ >!< — , .. / j'- of Singapore established a Fieri cultural and Horticultural ^ Society, under the title of The Singapore Agr i~Ko rt n c u 11 ur&i Society, and obtained a gr-u.t f’rom 'Government, of about 45 acr?u C f abandoned land between Nap;Te>", Cluny and Garden -ad,; fi + m '>■ i it I ■,0" - g . < «n U . ih, i f> S* rUp-r M p lr>..i ir K-,i '' rlnm + ] | « • v i- v*-: fl t, ; t f i a y —’' —' rl ™^ '-■ '^ 1 ■ ‘ 1 rr i -. m • + a, r y • fr_L 1 T 1 ft in n rn 4 >^ . Through hoping to benefit Agriculture, the * Society's first object was tc create a pleasure garden as an alternative to the Esplanade/ and a place where a band could play, ond in 1861 if net in 1860 a regimental band is recorded as having played on the site of the present bandstand. Except du ring the reined C' f the war, the Regiments static neoi * v sir gape re have ve rv kindly continues, this courtesy, a*-d th* tPiA that- are Present in the Gardens on trie occasion o i A band per, Gardens^as Superintendent. Mr. Murtcn during the five years he was in Jiarge, chiefly devoted his attention to the introduction of new plants from other parts cf the. world, and in a very short tine he more than doubled the number of ;mecies In culta vatic n. Iv 188C he renigned li.’.n appcir.tment and nucc^eded by Mr, Cantley whc won trannferred from Mauritius. Unde*" Mr. Cart ley' n direction, the Sardenn nnhere cf Influence wan extended tc include forestry, and it wan from thin beginning that the present Fcre.ntry Department cf the country criminated. The Gardenn were extended no an tc include the Military Renerve, new known an the Economic Garden and that part wan chiefly demoted to foment nurnerien and the intro- ♦ , ducticn cf ferent treen from other countrie.n. In 1888 Mr. Cant ley died and wan n cceeded by Mr. Sidley, whe held the peat cf Dx-ectcr till hi a retirement ♦ in 1 9/1. . During M/J term cf office the excellent Herbarium of higher plantn and fernn cf the Malay Pen. nnuj a wan built up; the planting; and development of the Para Rubber Industry took place; fU\d the publication ex the reriiutjp c f the work done by the Garden.n/1c ck the fc rm c f a bu 11 etinf ' it e r i al« f c r a Pic r a o f •liny separate papers, and th ? i the Malay Peninsula. 0 ii Mr. Ri dlev • s - ret 1 rement i n /f/2 he was succeeded bv Mr, BurkilJ , the present Director TJiR 7C0 . gi?i/8 In 1875 the Gcvernment decided to maintain a cc Hectic n cf oninols in the Garden*;, representatives cf the local famia* , Large r.unb *rs cf gifts cf large and small animalr; rapidly accumulated and considerable expense was in fitting up the necessary acac-nimodatio u • A house with enclosure and a wallow frr the Rhinoceros mate at the foot cf the La^e/ > CTeJeer were accommodated between the hake Qlm and Garden Rc-ad* the aar.£/^c^s and ffcmus w^re by the •‘resent the ( f flee; the darnivera were housed cn the north ea't r £cle f c the Bandstand Hill ; the monkeys near the present Herbarium. The expense c f the building and maintenance cf -V i the an5jng>lfj he w^ver, proved tec much fc r the 6c vernment grants, j and when in 1876 r;c me evi|fc disposed person k;’ 1 led j\ one night ' a Bear. the Emu and and when . ihc rtlv afterwards several c f the larger animal a died, it warj decided tc limit the collection tc smal 1 animals only. By 1879 , only the deer and a few small animals and bi rds remained, and shortly after war dr; th.e idea c f the 2co was definitely abandoned and the ec Hectic n digperned, ■v. . t (PC* /?-/< (ra^+L<.j> om — tzzz' 7o«a4^ oiiZfcziT *Y cu~l o—- «./5^y /tZZZi c^n^JU' '/ ^ /Wtz^u. ^ oU^/l ta _ / ^ O^u* . rjto -'i4»«^ £ ;-u'i X««J a^tr*%*/t JI&& ^L~ A^r>w ^ *Ai»*-/. /*Z£<, ' ,** ~£*rt I *~A V*+iJ t ( tz t^> ££*' -U^Aut^ c^^/y iTCiAAy c*!j "UL^m. js> m c*~i Sz.* F &^<~yL^4 /£: y-^. /?*_ „- ^U^_V; * '1 1 a L ^ *z iiz '.t,,A *y- tez -t^j. y /QsLtjt^u^' ^ 4. C.c*i^Ht44. / u^L^ ^ f^/y &%T <•»«” 6. oj <-,*/*,. A&,* -£*.££1 jZ^-/ ^Z. /£ z^ 5 **^ i/^, f~ +*~r ~ d —i 4 6 l-i'th tt> -JM i- jjf » wJV «* R 0 ,U ,? B. i ♦ / - i>r Bi win Shortly *%fter 7-eaving tha. CfT rirs re- r «/ln at Tangfiln +,P^ virjitc~ + he nrincipujl entrance to the GardehfJ m*v rked cut by fc ur wh£te pi 11 ar 3 , the twc t&1 15r c l ef: fiirfiBCuirt&d by gl 0,33 globed. These pillars were ejected in 1885 -Mid the globes placed in position in 1886. On entering the Gardens one sees the rain rc/ud which lead;; tr the Bandstand lying fit plight ahead, -ss** bordered by •flo wer beds illustrating the best varieties of Cam which form bright: rlpiKs:.esfeolour against the green of the 1awns. -fV /£ -vt-oisiStt ■ ? £*. SA \jjj d f ^ CP^€ A >' - .B if >c ,4* UJ^£i 6.^^* * ***" ** ^ B stugsC-'l AtZt 7vt.A-<«« iflA*<.r C .M 4 VM * A. j'-‘ r l«f A- 4^«^t ’*• c^w^ yC^«< (.£ 4 " jvrCfcrCli -t+4 /ztr. ^f'*-'^- ^ A 7 4C44« f 'LtJL J 1 «.(> 11 , ,£~^c c* <* 1 *^* * ^*«*i -— ^ a / /fH tf***/^«K -46t t tXtt-*(. -♦> LA* dt *e-& ^ W./ «-^l4 ^ <-a4-L /X I’Xtf a yfH * ■* * ■ 1 ^ (a<.^ 4 ■/*< QLjyj^jtK 4 (U4uci 4 /?, tz j t*4~e Cxjcjls Ac ^cc-a^^a ^«2-< n^. a ?£, , <1 Et$y/r> In .■£»-o '< A p+ttj ^ /h* ^ /'^ n fa •*#*& * Jffrte 'luLA'i £<* , jU^v &r(d y' &~c 4 'fct &U*U*/ ^ **-*«•* <>-/ /It- /Z+MAJl Cc * 4 LC 't 0 ££*r SUta*/ t? (X. Ti CjC^O^ «% 1 / < 2 ^ ^tc £&%*%_,(*e± uHL^. *£<-&+.£ -*.«— ^ /*£ fVlrt A. i - \*r-€*tso> s&jyC*.&£jt ,1 uh. U t i^rw Au ^ / y^- ^ . , ^LA #- -A / 0**€SL i\. ^ y $%*%! C*y #vt^ c^. /r V e^t ^ c*r-{L*~*t ~C / — * //» £+?-€>£<- c*^ t£ a. ~ /J cLl t*~U (\ ^4. 0~lt # J~ft tr*st*4 ./fc -T. «.« « 7 taX *-- / /£l -iylX evu-fn**. Lkc Ifc ?*-•* •/’«-* / /W*« -A~« A f>*nn (ji***- t*sv /C a. t/ei. CcL ~ »- V ' *-*-» »* '■*'» ' ■"* - ' *'■' «- _ ^ /£.<- r^// ^ '*~* r ~' / ■£ -)c If A*~do Cl# **<> Pa- ht . su+o^y ?<« ft<*s>- 7fu^X OU '2/WCi. M U4|j ./& / Ci^^ * /a f a /ttt. 4- L / /ha It-/W-iVlHr* f (V^t-C 4 y ^ L CT~t-+s*t O $-& LlZk Pc*~£\, t^. u a Ca. 2-J>C c <^4t y-A 6la^ ~//~iX#jLs> OJ~£l+^£ 4» ££j -/ / w< i/ / t*y 81 3«//V ■ C Ct M c~0 o/* - ^ « ; ^ 'i-lATD l^ft-. ^ ^4«y30 /fc ^ /fcox^^irt-, /CLcta V" '-j£x. » /xkjt, jl. i4fc /a^u* UX<* ■^!l#/ l /Lvtr*^jy£ ^^€jl & ^4k,j /j-\-Oj^-vt a~ £&j Cl. CO a.. ./ I^ct /Z^X^eo C£^t ^ a^»h^/ f ^ /tx-t. .-c. fix^c ^!e«. ^ /^£c a 4 i /^6n: a^ tjx*t4sO (? i ■yt \^ jo / /^4c. ■^H *f-^V (tu 0 „£l cb 1 'lj£x *{^t 1*4 ^ A^h^;/ AAi-t£> Z 1 ”^ /£*^~ '= > ^’ - 'll* £ci U^ # C-j£^£*. t yen** 4 Z*.Jf£ CLs€-*-+£ c4Lcj>^9 'hl^dy SL<^C£~ , Urf^£ {- CT* Zfc (J^ ACfUM?^A_ «r-3c\ /?■£*_+£ /U±-a,sZs.%4^> ^ <*<-* a cryv -'ffluL. £*dut. /t /2~ez_'&Za (K<^ fjj/ ££c_ ^fc^ta^O / '^txX. eX+4>&£ ''dtZ *£n*c^£ W-S, i^jrVXK. V 2 cl i't*. ^ MiCc. ££*. UJcLn «vu r- 4< A 1-4. 7 */ -4. ^ w r^'" *■ ^ K ^ it «^4c ^ * 4^. -4 -tc^x^ A c*~J B cr*** /tu /kc4^.JL, /£^ U &Z Cj, 'Zl /<^lt cu^ ^ 2o -fc. a*.* «/ 'k^h***- isit-t. t ^-«-^l-»*M3 f*t-i /Lc.^ ^ sr£y+M^ Y*~~ <4- ^ *~^ ^ /*&,. /£y ^ -^>4 afctti, ^ ■*« OLCACxt-u.£^J I * xfe /£rwV 'V*i^£±y ^Cc Uxc i-t 3(jf(S ► ' 3v/f? 9 l\f o/Cv'j CL & ^>+ fast' ^ ^ (jL/tA^i.+jytjl firo n^ru^O J^en^. crj*p^r>*sfi >j£C%~+ # /lCtOa^ OUa t*>£CCCf£ sytzZx l+A-0ls U* d ( fit+A. ficjCo Cc AS~Ci^fi_ " ur£ t r^/ C-o~* <4. liJ*£jt.< plxstfM. */ A>/ rJ'&COi < '4f~Cx‘ CLlo (au ^^ ^ c^/iC />i-< 4vf/T*r C**~£Ctri+rz$ to ir-wrsjgCtout.*C t f* U -f^i ’^+^€£44 - <^ 4 > W #/ /CCcyy *k.f~Ct/l t +. fi ft 0,1 l£~t fij 9 y/ Cfi* A. ^-**4 4^/^.^ J< ^ld «-* e C^ Cvi^ ' fir A rCa^Z'^ ^ /-* f3-LA^*t C «X-to/ WV -€. /te ,^ui ^ finij 0->* llCt ■'U>y£/'' ^U /fc- UrCi^Cd' tCo. -fi Cxru. *u tiuL ^9 & A. . p^ru* '£trv/£r£A &&***{' & ?**rt^> A, / * <* * ** ■ 4^/ X, lAce *4r'{y J*1 syt~.p~L p ^ t§ "/j ** *-cU*Jt •* (~£*J C,r;r^ct hex ui ; .L-*.k© i x *^ Ty - — One new takes the path^bcVdered each de with #1*^” Vine clumps o' the R^d Se-ling Waie Paiba Cyrtc st^ys u ^ rolms are very slew grew.fng but are well wc-rth their place for the brilliant scarlet rfOu 4 ‘7* 4 £l \ ^ f" .’V*,. /• ImZkIZLl. ^ '"• i~ i tu.'lf/i' t^z^za, ■ ^ ( L/- XI . 4*. eelcuring of the leaf bane nheathn. On lawn B are to be neen npecierij c f the Seijfr tree wh 1 c! \ at f 1 c we r i ng t* fir 5 r; n Carin' a A- . . # , man fj cf gel den ^etXcw ^enn c re c + ne ;y * .• n an * B ng 11 rf■ rjpr;* i ,g . . 'A - to A- y “A 1 * •'iz, ££***C A tA-e*. * /' ~3 J /.-C Y f^r dir t'tZLUy — *{- , Bl-wM <@> BI3V/; IS I / \ an n,t,t=rjyt n.t a/trcpical r garden fd.t,h j>edr) / / / / /' 1V CCrlc U rad fit W8 rfi *■»/• ;d 1 C Id. T £ thaX beclfj cue mtfift* rv.rx ixf Icj ■xi wnj.kff rcuiid " n I f .orprj 7v!i;* ch a^Q unbidden gu^r/fj jY. tl> f ‘ ■/ \ n,r d whi c!i «?/+,*r «\ tine defeat thei** V y^SV'y ght- v> rar^kJLl’ig dc Wl; V* p n .d.J i / & < 4 *. ... ~ / / V ^ i<± Lzz~ •«*.«* *«*•<* ^ ^ "7 j?- y ‘*-¥r4f -'•■**. ^ r * ^1h// / A / ”gr 4 / / J j J /.« Ink'Ll <> 4 M ft!**''* (Ec ^ ^ £*£**&* (tu cLrun*. fct+TA'^h €**£*. 4u 2^. It! iWt.# ^ r** ^ ^ /X*^ S^6eU p*.l ^ tfc , {+A cj^c -£* ~r^ ^kl4«l^|4*k It cn* A. ^< ■1- » ^ CL«^SSf' ^7 £^hu*l (b*s%Z £r£rts/Li*. nrHo**- ^&x+**+o jfa,+*0+,(r~t^ 4L4 twu.«*»/ ^-^ZZ At k^CuT^ *■/- t£t +£p* &*** +££zm «_ r£ £& fiMZt tjf Wc*^ /LC^u i'l+*UL€ (m4 d to pV\ Itsu. £irp r~j{ /3e<***C* {xZ%d /J-U-& cr£+hs*'/'~ ^>c+as£~' itCL (mk^oU^. /&uc A T^jtyy/^ J^ X * r ur&* e h laawine the Bandrr&nnd one nhculd pana do nr. tlie Office 0 ate Wo ad for a nhcrt distance and then tu-n tc the left and dcan the flight cf steps tc the Exhibition house. * n Ar These ster&s are //n,ys bo rdered v/ntn E 1 ^ ' 1 so rv • * tc present a blaze c f colour^ *hec disp-layed f( # ■ t h : e~^A^’iiAe ; '’b*e , 5.T?g',y ffhe path running dlon£ tne front cf the he use is be rd^red with an ever flowering display c f the 1 c c al ru rpl e ar. d white Malay an Ore 1 . \ I d Sp at 1 © £ 3. c 11 v tf -^r the TOC au11'ruIxy seented^Dlpl»ei n -•> \ She House was erected iv: 1884 at a cost cf $6000 primarily for the purpose of local Flower Shews for which it is admirably adapted. Hie last ox these rhews held was in ' since when t:ie local ] icwr j h e id in different porto of the country haf* r»*h«r fjuprian- P flee old 1£L- ■ m » ted tie c rig5.nlil central .nhc wn j at Singapc^e. tfinUX. fit t,vv>4«J*l *Um «& f ... Grouped ".round th* centre p? ece 'c f + he hcu;je /s a /♦i • Bi iv/rf crri"+ff +i v ciiarir' r*(* cr 1 lectio n c t floff$riKj! pc t pj.'-m.!<.■>• .Tne walkn cn either rjide are bordered bv mariners of brightly ;—>11# * coSPectic-n Cf ferivj and/mc s» like plaLta/wh’1st cue {side W'v.k A f A i:! devoted to * exhibition of denert olnnta rarely rjeer. in. '.hi Humid climate .It in eitir nl av tri iv t! > in heur;e * ev terri the Begc nia He une v7h ere 0n ted t 1 1 at tin ere are o.t leant thirj i heune Vv the b> r.c i rtfi e ^n ■here an ^ centra -a : it aren tic r c f tl. e infin: * te varie b y t v»cp *. c a I p ere mi a ; !«,v d Bxh.r ):■ tic n Hcufje a .re shown thev come 5. 1 tc flc we r . Ole X;J i\ Uz. 'll* t-i Zlu. /hna^ £o CCZL c^c. p c*,+*€4> % $*r-~C-^r> J} . , 30 At the better*, c ? Li *?,*=> Read one enter- t 1 e iu« ^7 ^ t- * w * by »•., footpath cn th ■■» le^t. The first part c f one* ; walk :ln rofeAer open fc r here during the pant few yearn, a furgun re t harj played havoc with the vegetation♦,all except the big gent trees having been 4 killed" .rirht off <*rcwthrj cf fern- npr/ngirg up in the opened hpacers. After the path herein werjtv/a^dn,heweverj one neon the mvnouched jurgJe ard car. there visual ire the excel} er.t opportunity c r.e ha- 1 c ’ getting lent or.eec f f the beaten track, ar.&.|th i d.-fficuitv * ' \ v t * * of cutting c refi way through th=» nann c ** crea^^r-fj and urd^rgre wth. On ernergir g from the jungle path, one firdri cnerjelf at i\ ! the bottom cf Mararta Avenue, ■ 3 ! f (AVT.VU'S jgkA then/to the right, tc xivrj^sot * the Pom Volley. The fir»t thiug tc rxtice *w« one T ■=* • the Palm Volley read iu *,j:e cc 11 >ctici. of Roton3 'MelwScft cdvjij) fthlch ’i,re 'jeei. g rc wing c ii the lei tj ai ^ ulnii^ *..*ie-.r 8*1 3 1 // 33 l. niinXe-X'lke colln up to the ten?) cf the t men bv the ad ml mi i v adapted whip—!ike ntror.dn nlenti-fu 1 tv Turr.tnhed with rtha^p mflenred rTHloee . ■ '. ’ -’ s '• • '•’• , '*'■% ’ ' f, *, • . •••;■ / ’ * Pc lie dc mi the real cne pannen ^ the c f the TUwgle c n ’^*Ne >-*ighi andvc i, ,n net Ice tile high ty' ys. c f *vthe b >v‘.c k e * • 1 .* k -\ *£ rr. & 1 a&o ■ > en5. ^ vt • c Ii&'tc nVwT • £ nft \ ' KV)i ,yi b X\ Vi ^ i V >A^ rc 4 '^r , ^4e**r**' vEhA v ir-trun* c i\ t\hc \fc -mnt ^*ei\_ 1 ;i FLft€k »,t ly the- ier a„n 1 tn \' v • < " ;e J V* v ) ™*'- "***"■**”"*- Xt \. 1 _^ ri - ! yn*&^ ■ j \»4f*e v c &<* Ajkw^he * £>& £jp\ Ane i y '' V c bt=•/* a fcc the 1 d. At f lie end cf the Palm Valiev rc e/1 cne rveen the white pill nr n maifkJ.8Ethe Cluny Rc-ftd entrance tc t.he CKi-den.'! er.d >>,t thir; pcin t c i.q n.urit, begin tc f' < ?t> > nc c > cs e'n ntepfi by w^' ft I ■3 v/W At ' ^4? %&f-P ‘-* ^'' ^X ^"' ^ ^il_‘ (. - f ^««fA -•-4^— 11 /• H.. /tt,- * ' u* - _ ^ -r'? •- v- ,. , .' .v ■ 'j<'•.,/' A-~ [jJjJUk . 'rtsJt ■ f# . • ■!.'•■ ! 1 ' *• ' n ■' ■ - -r r i ■ mWj J . A ts tMrlX t^4. U w ’ •$•.* '/ A^i A C *~ 1 J, -v M LX.* ' Xj^* ? •> <%V -.'v*' j ’v\ 4 X4# ^ i*/ ■4fr$fr Lt .j*’' >!a ^Iru/V i/H util 'pLtowf* U 4 -^w aA^fat • oL^A ci^ tzzzA lAtcy <£*> ^(TTvi^ tr» f l^r /& iia // ^ X T* S3 tc be 'c und in trcpi'CnJL «aul ;jubt rcpicnj A -rived M,t. +. ! e he»4 c ' the P«*lr.i Valley sr rc ok? ri e,S c f cc rnj. amc ng rjt the n n r»f * c * r * - rj * J 1 J A * J V f fernrj o.fcd 7e S* ^^ 0 JLC , On ron c^i '* "o r v * - ■ ** K J the lake 'lie rath r ,V * ,-f •' ’ 3 « J J-V — t / « J *J m V 'i e '■}> f e rv; edse uu til it jcinrj th e Mail. G *,te Read, de wh v' ! 1.1C ] 1 we ret race cur fjteprj tc t he —* «> : t ^’nJ:C» C—= ^M===2-- .. ' I 'I L. ■■* * f Vi f ii ^ ^ f — » ■ U j * 1 1 ■ ’ —■ ■ n> ■ * »— > ** ■ , .1 — — -—»— w- > •«■■ ■ —" t_ , * r 1 1 f r > vT• i o? i. i.'yl u rp ?» « i > ■ nmc <1 yd . ?C^L C^. cLjl ■£' ^ J- f~ £*♦* 4~ i llu '* *f C<^\ -* ,LUM. / . / r . <* Bi 3^56 ' At ■ t- r t t-Ci V - \ Vw * »*** A *A f« V* +' vlS !-«.t *^- \\ \ ' r a * -** ' ^ % r*» I-' \ A $ /J'* * > J'i "" - ~ ‘ * . * Ct<3 AtA «-w*y^A4 ^ ♦ £t\.£y . /tVv/a,»V* ^fc* Lt44^&h ^A /^ci /2v^^d«-wi t rt^^-f / 't+^r far •-’^£>*. 4 ^ /' u^'l' ^-Um. /v£ T CjrhZi^U^J ^vCo oli-'c* Co , #' 6 '<- ^A >* /A »57 c^4 ^ * ^/" *&» S~ ^ Y wu -. /t .*; U. / ^“ i /— A 7 - U-, rj P-£s~k. ft £*{' / /A~ A , ‘~ V A ’"~y * ~Tmzlj 7~ & ^~ 4 ~* ^r~ A ^ y ^ /l/4 ^' / f / *£ WAu^ , tV-*-^ . 4 //gv/' ;L^„ ■/ ^y’ *~£r * * 7 *?-