Return to LIBRARY OF MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY WOODS HOLE, MASS. Loaned by American Museum of Natural History IGNORANCE, A LOSS WITHOUT EXCUSE TAR-GAZING was never more popular than it is now. Yet, notwithstanding this activity in the cultivation of astronomical studies, it is probably safe to assert that hardly one person in a hundred knows the chief stars by name, or can even recognize the principal' constellations^ miuch less distinguish the planets from the fixed stars. And of course they know nothing of the intellectual pleasure that accompanies a knowledge of the stars.. Modern astronomy is so rapidly and wonder- fully linking the earth and the sun together, with all the orbs of space, in the bonds of close physical relationship, that a person of education and general intelligence can offer no valid excuse for not knowing where to look for Sirius or Aldebaran, or the Orion nebula, or the planet Jupiter. As Australia and New Zealand and the islands of the sea are made a part of the civilized world through the expanding influence of commerce and cultivation, so the suns and planets around us are, in a certain sense, falling under the dominion of the restless and re- sistless mind of man. We have come to possess vested in- tellectual interest in Mars and Saturn, and in the sun and all his multitude of fellows, which nobody can afford to ignore. — Serviss. ' Vol. VIII No. 1 June 1915 EDWARD F. BIGELOW MANAGING EDITOR Subscriptions, Sl.OO a Year. Single Copies, 10 Cents M ^^^^^^^^Mp?Si,F'^^P^ ^ GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH ^ As Trustee ■??fr Under this term are several forms of serv- ice covered by The Greenwich Trust Company, such as: Administration of es- tates left without wills, receiver or assignee of enterprises in financial difficulties; agent for persons who want to be relieved of the management of their own business and property affairs. A corporation is better than an individual, because: It never dies; it is never absent or too busy for immediate action; and do- ing its work by the collective judgment and efforts of several experienced persons, it is superior to individual human frailties of judgment and conduct which so often result disastrously in the case of one man trusteeship. Our Officers will gladly confer with you re- garding the services above outlined. The Greenwich Trust Co. 96 Greenwich Avenue GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT has good transportation facilities to New York. You can buy or rent to good advantage and enjoy living by the water or among the hills to the utmost satisfaction. I have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inland Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Building Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locations. Would be pleased to have you call or write. Laurence Timmons Tel. 456 Opp. Depot Greenwich, Conn BEST NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN ^ Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials ^ ^ j- Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES j™ DEHN & BERTOLF, Props. S LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN GREENWICH, CONN. h'x^'^ Published monthly by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA; Sound Beach, Connecticut, Subscription, $1.00 a year Single copy, 10 cents Entered as Second-Class Matter June 12, 1909. at Sound Beach Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1897. Vol Vlli JUNE. Number 1 Concerning Opossum. BY JOSEPH \V. Lli'Pi:- COTT, PHILADEL- PHIA, PA. It is, to be sure, an accepted fact that the opossum, our neighbor of the woods, occasionally likes to eat chicken, in fact loves chicken. This has indeed been re- peatedly proved in my own hen house, so that if I were ever disposed to ques- tion it, I am now convinced to my entire satisfaction. But there were several questions which, for the sake of those hens, I used to lie awake at night pondering-, and one was how did the stealth}- fellow manage to take a chicken from the roost and kill it without a noticeable sound coming from it or from the dozens of others roosting all around. One night I even experimented bv pretending I was a 'possum and stealthi- ly trying to take a hen by the neck, as the 'possum himself evidently did, and carry it off without waking the neigh- borhood. It was an interesting escap- ade up to the time I succeeded in seizing the hen, then the dust, feathers and squawks convinced me I was all wrong. T tried it again and again, however, and found that some hens didn't seem to mind it : so the trick seemed to depend upon finding a hen that wasn't skittish. Perhaps it doesn't mean that the "pos- sum went around patting each chicken to see if it belonged to the scary kind; but I think it may be inferred that the Copyright 1915 by The Agassiz Associat: old fellow was foxy or lucky enough to look around until he found a setting hen or a slow-witted lazy old biddy that roosted on the ground or otherwise sep- arate from the flock. Sometimes the "possum does raise a big rumpus among the chickens, a lot of cackling and squawking and disorder that spoils their peace of mind for days afterwards : but two of the particular raids of this kind that I remember, oc- curred in the depth of the South Jersey pine barrens and two in the Florida sand hill country, both wild places where the "possums were not used to man's wavs — still uneducated. But even there the "possum did not "cut loose'' as a weasel would and kill everything in sight from the rooster down. It seemed oossible that ordinary sub- urban chickens, never having a chance to see "possums in daytime, would not know that they were any more danger- ous than the neiglibor's gray cat, and to test their sagacity I trapped in a box one of several "possunis that T knew lived in a certain set of drains. I should exnlain here tliat while I always took the animal census of the woods in track- ing time and knew prettv well where each one lived, I respected the 'possums far too much to molest them ordinarily. The one I dropped in the chicken yard was a big fellow. . He seemed to know all about the chicken yard. too. for no sooner had I turned my back than up he on, ArcAdiA: Sound Beach, Conn. THE GUIDE TO NATURE THE OPOSSUM AND THE BANTAM got from his "playing 'possum" attitude and scurried for the gate some distance away. There were chickens everywhere and they set up a great cackh'ng. Some ran and all kept a safe distance between, but all showed intense interest and closed in behind to respectfully follow him. A more sheepish expression than that 'possum wore as he continually looked back over his shoulder while being es- corted out by the array of fowls, I "have never seen, but he did not hesitate until I caught up to him ; then he climbed a pear tree. "Now, old fellow, one more test," thought I, so running back to the yard, I caught a tame bantam rooster and placed him in the tree about six inches from the 'possum. He cackled apologetically once and then began to edge backwards and forwards on the limb very alert and full of fighting spirit. The 'possum hardly stirred. Finally the bantam leaped to a limb let the 'possum go free after that; he waited until 1 was out of sight, then slipped down the tree and scurried all the way back to his drain, brimful of vengeance perhaps. Ijut never to show himself to me again. 1 learned one great truth about 'pos- sums and that was that as long as the cover was left oiT the garbage can at night, not a chicken would they molest, which fact brought me to the firm con- clusion that though they love chickens, they only steal when the\' have to in or- der to live and that they are not such bad neio'hbors after all. A Pure White Opossum. Dallas City. Illinois. To the Editor : I enclose a photograph of a white opossum which was captured on the shore of Lake Cooper by Mr. William E. Hoskins, of this city. The eyes and ears take this specimen out of the albino type Hr^"^' ll ^ ^^^l^ft L.j^w iri [JP y ^^".-'^fe - pH H K| ^^V ^H ■^ wS^^^'-''^ i 1 A WIliTE OPOSSUM. although it has every other characteristic peculiar to that type. It thrives well in confinement and makes an interesting close by, flapped his wings almost in the and docile pet. 'possum's sheepish face and crowed, not once but again and again, each time cocking his eye on the enemy to see what efifect it had. After that he flew to the ground, crowed again and ran oft' to tell the admiring hens all about it. I Aery respectfullv, M. Tandy, What the banker sis^hs for, the mean- est clown may have, leisure and a quiet mind. — Thoreau. THE CASHMERE ANGORA GOAT The Cashmere Angora Goat. The Cashmere Ang-ora goat is a cross between the East Indian Cashmere goat and the Angora goat. The buck, Singa- pore Billy, the only one of his kind in this country, is owned by ^liss Irene Chilton of Xew York Citv. having heen Klein's Staff of Greenwich lioard of Health. The fat test was 6.8% and the bacterial count was fifty thousand. The bacterial count in cow's milk is fifty thousand in the coldest weather ; in the simimer it frequently reaches a million. The goat makes a pretty good showing MR. TODD'S FAMOUS GOAT. presented to her by Dr. \\'illiam T. Hornaday of the Bronx Zoological Gar- dens. Miss Chilton bred Singapore Billy to some pure bred Angora does and the off- spring is now owned by Mr. Walter Todd of Greenwich, Connecticut. They are Billy Singapore bred from the An- gora doe. Molly C, and Daisy S.. bred from the Angora doe, Susie B. ]\Ir. Todd has also a grade Toggen- burg, a Swiss milch goat. Billy Singa- pore and Daisy S. are the oldest ma- tured Cashmere Angora goats in the United States at this time ; they will be two years old in February of this year. The milk of Daisy S. and of the grade Toggenburg was tested for the fat and the bacterial count on August 29th. 1914. bv Dr. Bennett. Bacteriologist of Dr. with a bacterial count of fifty thousand in August. The fat test of 6.8% is almost 2% higher than that of the Jersey cow. It was received two hours after milking, and was tested twenty-four hours after it had been received. Goats have been known to give milk for a period of two years without renewed gestation. The period of gestation is five months. Goat's milk is easily digested because the fatty globules are so infinitesimally small. It is nearest to mother's milk. In time, when people become better ac- quainted with the goat, the milk will be used for infant feeding. Goats are im- mune from tuberculosis. The goat is a useful animal but is de- spised by most persons. It is looked upon as a scavenger. THE GUIDK TO NATURE TIIEY ARE GOOD .MILKERS. Some people have an idea that goats can exist on next to nothing-. This is true to a certain extent, hut one has to g-ive them the nearest to nothing' on which they will thrive. The best and cheapest way to keep a herd is to turn them out on some cheap brush land. They will clean up the brush in a wood lot as well as it can be done by hand and at practically no cost. The State of New York stocked the Adirondacks with some eight thousand goats to keep the brush down. As a pre- ventative of fire this is a good invest- ment. Two invalid sisters, the Misses Wood, went to California for their health. The}' settled on a small farm near Los An- geles. They traded three Pekin ducks for a young goat. They raised the goat, found it profitable and raised more. At present they are milking twelve does, and obtain on an average thirty-six quarts of milk a da\'. The milk finds regular customers at twenty-five cents a quart. They figure that a goat costs them a dollar and fifty cents a month. The Angora and other long haired goats do not give as much milk as the milch breeds, but contribute their fleece as profit. Mohair is the product of the Angora goat. The fibre is coarse, long, lustrous and with little crimp. It is used for the manufacture of braids, felts, linings and plushes. It is also being now used as a substitute for human hair in switches and wigs. Alpaca, Vicuna and Llama, natives of South America, are destructive types of goats which produce fibres used to some extent in commerce. Tlie annual yield is uncertain, as the ani- mals are not domesticated. The hair varies in color froni white and reddish- brown to black. When the goat's good qualities are better appreciated, more will be raised. It is a profitable animal. From an Amateur Goat Raiser. The much ridiculed goat had been the subject of much thought and discussion until it was decided to give them a trial. The idea was toward production of milk for household use in quantities sufficient and in quarters which ])rohibited the keeping of a cow. A few goats were purchased at a verv nominal figure, which is point number one in favor of the goat as the initial price THE KIDS ARE A TOY. TWO I'REE STUDIES in comparison to a cow in milk produc- tion is greatl}' in favor of the goat. The goat is clean and eats nothing but clean food, it is true they eat the cheapest of things and thrive on them, such as dried leaves — a great delicacy — corn stalks, po- tato peelings and the like, and it is true they are eccentric in the matter of eating. In milking one day. a lighted cigarette was laid on the ground for the moment, the goat spied it and ate fire, ashes, to- bacco and paper, seemingly enjoying it, and without tliscomfort. It is of course necessary to keep them tethered or placed in a yard for the pur- pose as they will damage foliage and nibble at other things not for their use. The upkeep is scarcely anything, point number two ; as stated, they will thrive on almost anything and be productive : they are hardy, only needing a shed in the coldest winter nights. A goat will give as high as four quarts of milk a day, of a very fine cjuality, almost free from bacteria, and is not subject to tuber- culosis. Goats are cunning pets and if treated kindly are absolutely gentle, not showing in the least the tendency for which they are so renowned. The adults, however, are well able to take care of themselves against dogs, even thougdi tethered. The male must be segregated from the young at birth as he is apt to injure and frequentl}' kill them. The good points in relation to goats are very numerous and the bad not worth mentioning. To'^e'~;h Grinnel. in Science for Feb- ruary 12, puts up a strong plea for the old-fashioned collector who named his birds "With a gun." Eye, camera, and field glass, he admits, are the proper weapons for nine hundred and ninety- nine observers in each thousand. But unless there is a thousandth man to form a permanent collection, and to study it diligently, there will be no accurate knowledge to guide the dil- ettante. Unfortunately, most of our game laws favor the sportsman who kills and eats, not the man of science who kills and studies. Was tlie city girl in the country whollv mistaken when she interpreted "T?. E. D." as meaning "Room for De- velopment?"— The Youth's Comi)anion. Two Tree Studies. Kcarneys\ille, West Virginia. To the I'^ditor : I am sending you two snap shots from Berkeley County, \\'est Virginia. One is of an oak and a walinit tree that TREE STUDIES FROM WEST VIRGINIA. seem to be one tree. The larger is the walnut. The other picture shows a large oak completely covered by a grapevine that Avinds around it. Sincerely, Samuel G. W^illiamson. Morton L. Clark, of the Amherst, Massachusetts, Experiment Station, riescri'es in Scieiire for January 22, an ingenious device - of his invention for counting small seeds. A short pipe, about a quarter inch in diameter is filed flat on one side, and along this flat surface are drilled ten holes. Suction on the pipe by a small air pump, causes ten seeds to cling to the ten holes. The size of the holes and the power of the draft have to be adjusted to the particular seeds; but the method is convenient for anv smooth object. Copyright Notice Was Omitted. The animal ]Mctures l)y Mr. Harry W. Frees ap])earing in our May issue were renroduced from photographs all copy- righted U)14 by Harry \\'. Frees. .Ml .'■iijhts reserved. THE GUIDE TO NATURE SEA BASS TAKKN WTTH ORDINARY ROD AN'D REEL. This is not a fake photograph but a real bass much larger than the woman that caught it with a light rod and reel. Photograph bv Professor Charles Frederick Holder. Cut by courtesy of the "Outer's Book." MONSTER BLACK BASS A Monster Black Bass. \\"e here present an impressive illus- tration of a monster 1 kicK bass that was taken with ordinary roi and reel. For the illustration we are indebted to an interesting" article by Professor Fred- erick Flolder in the "'Outer's Book." The author tells its of the joy of seeing- one of these ponderous fellows and how it eyed the bait. "The l)Iack sea bass, or Stcrcolepis gigas, as the scientific men call him, is a ponderous fellow, yet 1 jncture him as a most graceful creature. Only the day before Pinchot and I had been drifting over a great rock which rose from the slope of the sea mountain in deep water. I was lying fiat on the deck, gazing down into the depths, wondering at the vari- ants of blue, the splendid tone that ap- peared to pervade everything, when sud- denly I became aware that 1 was looking directly at something moving. It w-as tinted blue, the same hue as the sea, and the algae-covered rock ; then I saw that I was looking at a big black sea bass in its native lair, not ten feet below me and as distinct as though it had been laid oitt on the beach. 'T called the attention of my com- panion to it, and for several minutes we watched the 'king of the bass.' My bait was in a cleft of the rock and doubtless the fish had scented it like a hound. Its movements suggested caution, suspicion and cunning to a more remarkable de- gree than I should have believed. "Such a monster of a, fish, at least five or six feet in length and proportionately robust, might have been supposed to have an appetite to correspond and to have rushed at the lure, a shining sar- dine ; yet it did exactly the reverse. It would come up out of the blue waters, swim along with the greatest dignity, passing over the bait, then return, eyeing it coyly, with all the cleverness a trout is supposed to possess, all in all, present- ing an attractive and fascinating spec- tacle." Professor Holder says that some of the largest bass are captured with rod and reel. "Even ladies have taken some of the largest bass ever|hooked, as ]Mrs. Everett of Eos Angeles, who landed w'ith rod and reel a colossus which weighed four hundred and sixteen pounds. I once had the pleasure of see- ing her play one nearly as large." Think of playing with ordinary rod and reel a fish weighing almost a quarter of a ton. Fear of Our Woods. V.y KATIIERYXE SIKKIXG, SECRETARY EOUISVILLE girls' HIGH SCHOOL CHAPTER, LOUISVILLE, KY. Tliere are few dangers in the Ken- tucky woodlands, and these few may be easil}' overcome. It is impossible for us to enjoy the woods until we have driven these fears "into the dark of the moon." We, the pitrsuers, often become pur- sued and driven back to the well-worn footpath. Every time a bird cries in alarm or a mouse squeaks in pain, or a rabbit leaps in fear from beneath our feet, we too, jump and run if our fears are not allayed. From those who fear the woods, nature withholds her mys- teries. Let us go into the woodland wdth one who knows its dangers. We go boldly ahead until the woods become denser ; here the tree trunks are enveloped in a mass of hard stems from which hangs a three-leaved foliage ; in the axil of those leaves are dull whitish berries. The leader calls out in alarm as some one starts toward the vine. What is the trouble? Only poison ivy, harmless if you keep away from it. At another time we walk near a swampy tract where one plant in par- ticular predominates. So beautiful is it that we are tempted to fill our arms with its brilliantly colored leaves. Our de- sire is a rash one, for this, with its dull gray bark, red leaf-stalks, feather-veined leaves, rather far apart with the bright red berries, is the poison dogwood, the most dangerous plant .of our coimtry. If we cared to know the plants the wood fear could be blotted out in a short time. \\'e might go to a botany or a plant guidebook and read of the struc- ture of the poisonous plants, but such plants are not so well remembered -as when observed in the woods. There are several magazines in wdiich we can find such things discussed in so original a way that we soon learn to know them. As a suggestion, ask for a copy of The Guide to Nature. - What is this? A magazine, best described by this quota- tion : "Slie leads in beauty and interest from homes to nature's realms." THE GUIDE TO NATURE Plants Growing From Leaves. Leaves seem about the last thing from which one would ever think that plants might grow. One would as soon think that a plant might spring from the bark. Leaves are the temporary ser- vants of the plant, attending it during its period of growth, but when they have outlived their usefulness, they wither and fall. It therefore seems es- pecially astonishing that in the variet\' of Nature's methods she has in some plants acquired the hal^t of producing subsequent generations from the leaves. THE BRYOPIlVlJ.LiM DROPS ITS LEAVES TO GROW NEW PLANTS. THE LEAN'ES GROWING NEW PLANTS IN A PAN OF EARTir. The live-for-ever plant, Byyof>/ixlliiiii calycinuiii , has this habit. The leaves fall when they are still green and in good condition. When they touch the ground or perhaps even before they fall, the growth of tiny roots begins along the edge. If these rootlets reach moist earth, an upward shoot soon appears and develops into a large and beautiful plant, sometimes called the chandelier plant on account of its numerous branches. Another remarkable characteristic mentioned by liailey, the well-known botanist, in his "Cyclopedia of Horticul- ture." is that the leaves of the Bryophyl- litin are sour in the morning, tasteless at noon and bitter toward evening. He attributes this to the absorption of oxy- gen at night and its disengagement in daylight. We suggest that our readers secure leaves or specimens of this plant for ex- periment. We will mail, well packed and post- paid, a leaf from which several plants may be grown, for twenty-five (25c) cents. Address The Agassiz Associa- tion. Arc Am A: Sound Beach, Conn. A leaf will be sent to any present sub- scriber who will send a dollar for a new subscription for one year. THE PLANT \\"()RLD UNDER CARE SEXERAL P.RYOPIIYLLUM PLANTS MAY BE GROWN FROM OXE LEAF. An Interesting Twining Root. IIY DR. C.KokCK T. SThVK-XS, XK\V YORK Cri'Y Plants such as bear flowers and fruit, grasses, the common field plants, trees and others, are characterized by certain general forms of their three principle parts. These three parts are the stem, the leaves and the root. There is a diversity of form for each of these structures depending largely upon the species of plant. To the fea- tures of only two of these parts is at- tention called here. First, if Ave examine the stems of many plants, we soon find that we may, in a pretty general way, divide them into three groups. These groups are the erect stems, such as those of trees, grasses and many familiar plants ; then the weak stems, one group of which lies prone upon the surface of the ground, as for example, do the stems of the creeping- partridge berry (Mitch- cUa rrpciis), or those of the twin flower (Liiniaea borealis) ; or in a sub- group of these prostrate stems a con- siderable part may be covered by the soil as in the case of the gold thread (Copfis tri folia). A third group of stems includes those which, although too w-eak to sup- port themselves, prefer to rise above the soil by the aid of more robust stems or other objects. Familiar ex- amples are the stems or vines of the climbing bean, the hop, the pea and the morning glory. Here again we find a grouping de- pending on the method of support. For a twixing parsxip. 10 THE GUIDE TO iNATURE example, the climbing" bean and the hop have slender stems which wind about stronger plants, while the pea, the grape and other vines support them- selves by tendrils. The stems which wind about the supporting object are, in nearly all cases, characterized by the fact that all stems of a given species wind in a single direction. Thus, the morning glory winds always from the left to the right as it ascends, while the stem of the hop as it ascends winds to the left. Such twining stems are said to be voluble. If the stem of the morning glory, the bean or the hop finds no other support about which to wind, it seeks a neigh- boring stem and the two wind about each other and thus, in some measure, form mutual support. There are also some pretty clear groupings in the form and arrangement of roots. Thus we have the pivotal root of the carrot, the tap root, and the fascicular roots of grass. X'oluble roots, twining roots, are so rare that I have thought it worth while to show a photograph of a pair in which the twining is as regular and as perfect as it would be found between two stems of any twining plant. The photograph of the specimen here shown is that of a parsnip. Dining re- cently with a lady in New Haven, I observed the specimen arranged as an object of interest in the fruit dish. The lady kindly gave it to me and I am in turn presenting its picture to the read- ers of The Guide to Nature. It will he seen that the tap root of the parsnip divides near its origin into two roots and that these two branches at once assume the nature of twiners and continue this characteristic to the end. The thickness of the root before division is two and one-eighth inches and the length of the specimen is nine and one fourth inches. There are ten full turns of each of the members. Very rarely do roots assume the voluble character and only in rarest in- stances do we find so perfect a twining as is here shown. It might be easy to understand why weak stems should acquire the twining character but it would be difficult to guess why these deeply penetrating roots should assume the habit of twiners unless in imitation of above ground voluble stems. [By a curious coincidence, just be- fore your letter was received, there came from the kitchen of my home a similarly entwined carrot. A photo- graph of this was taken and is shown herewith.— E. F. B.] The knowledge of an unlearned man is living and luxuriant like a forest, but covered with mosses and lichens, and for the most part inaccessible and going to waste; the knowledge of the man of sci- ence is like timber collected in yards for public works, which still supports a green sDrout here and there, but even this is liable to drv rot. — Thoreau. "HE ENTWINED CARROT. Several different scholars have re- cently expressed the opinion that the Tree of Life of the Garden of Eden, mentioned in the early parts of Gene- sis, is the date palm. THE PLANT WORLD UXDI'-R CARE II An Adventurous Ivy Vine. Seattle. Washint^'ton. To the E litor : It is a welLknown fact that ivy is Iiard to check in growth, and many ])eople can testif}- tliat it will i^row u]) inside of a window casing and ont at the top, but it remained for a house in Morton, in the boards of the entrance building and sent a branch of luxurious grow'th into the interior in Arcadian picturesc^ueness.— Ed. You are producing a marvelous maga- zine and each number is a joy to any lover of nature. — Ximena AlcGlashan, Truckee, California. LR'ING I^'Y THAT MADE ITS W'AY THROUGH WALLS AND WALL PAPER. Washington, to prove that it can pierce wall paper. In this house the tendency to explore led the ivy that cover.s the out- side of the house through the walls into the living room and into the kitchen. At three diiTerent places it has broken through the wall paper and is still grow- ing. The illustration shows wdiere it has forced itself into the living room near the clock shelf and already grown long- enough to festoon the picture on the ad- joining wall. Resoectfull\-. Helen L. Bushnell. In replv to an inquiry in a later letter Miss Bushnell wrote : 'T took the picture myself, and the old lady who lives in the house said that the vine broke through the paper of it- self. She cut it off several times and kept it cut off in the kitchen, but finally decided it would make a good decoration in the living room, so let it grow and trained it around the picture." A rambler rose on the Home Of^ce of The Agassiz Association is true to its name. In its randdes it found a crack- Keeping Lettuce Fresh. In picking lettuce from the garden, do not cut oft' the root or even pull it violently from the ground. Instead, lift the plant carefully with a trowel as if for transplanting ; then shake the root free of earth without injuring the small fibers. ^^'ash. Set in tumbler of water, leaves resting on the end ; root im- mersed. In a cool place, the plant will keep fresh for several days, wdthout losing flavor as wdien the leaves are wet. Plants treated in this way, even though plucked while wilted by the sun's heat, become crisp and edible in a couple of hours. The device is especially useful in the absence of ice. Lipman and Fowler report the first successful attempt to isolate in pure culture and directly from the soil the nitrifying bacteria which forms the nodules on the roots of peas, beans, and other legumes. 12 THE GUIDK TO NATURE A Bird Home Among the Cat-tails. BY EDWIN h. JACK, PORTLAND, ME. Photographs from life by the Author. Almost everyone interested in orni- thology knows the red-winged black- bird, but owing to the general location chosen by the bird for its nesting site, few people have become intimately acquainted with its "Home Life." For three successive years a number of red-winged blackbirds had nested in a small swamp a short distance from my home. Their domestic life among the cat-tails appeared so interesting and picturescjue to me that this season I introduced my camera into their sur- roundings and succeeded in ol)taining the studies here sfiven : THE HAUNT OF THE RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD. ORNITHOLOGY The birds arrived at the swamp on the seventeenth of last May, and im- mediately began the construction ot their homes. On the twenty-ninth, the nest which I had chosen for my photographs was completed, and June fifth it contained four beautiful, light green eggs, thick- ly marked with irregular scrolls of chocolate around the larger end. The following day I started for the swamp with a five by seven camera, folates, tripod, long hose, and rubber waders. The location proved most dif- ficult for camera work, but in a short time I had my outfit arranged and se- cured the study of the nest and eggs here given. My next attempt was for a study of the female brooding, so I attached the long tubing to the shutter, went off fifty feet and waited ; the bird was ex- tremely shy of the camera, regardless of the fact that I had concealed it with reeds. She knew it was no natural part of the landscape, and she simply would not go to the nest. In fear that the eggs would chill, I removed the camera and came to the conclusion that a picture of her was possible only, when the eg-gs were farther advanced in incubation, or when the young had hatched. In twelve days, I paid the birds a second visit and, as I approached the swamp ; on a swaying cat-tail was perched the female, with what ap- peared to be an insect in her bill, and I knew that in all probability the young birds had hatched. Leaving the camera on the bank, I carefully worked my way toward the nest. As I neared it, the female flew from one cat-tail to another, uttering her harsh "click—click," while the male, perched in the top of a nearby tree, occasion- ally sent forth his clear "con-quer-ee — con-quer-ee— . On reaching the nest, my expectations were realized, for it contained three young birds, and one unhatched egg. AVith all possible haste I arranged the camera, focussed sharply on the nest, attached the long tubing, throwing the bulb back to the edge of the bank, and concealing my- self as much as possiple, I waited. It was one-half hour before the fe- male showed the slightest signs of feeding the young. At last, she flew to an adjoining field, and in the "INSTANTLY UP WENT THREE GAPING MOUTHS AND LONG SCRAGGY NECKS." course of a few minutes, returned, with a grasshopper in her bill. Flying from one reed to another, and each time going a little nearer, she at last flew to a cattail stock to which the nest w^as attached. Here, she medi- tated, scanned the surroundings, and seemingly finding things to her satis- faction, flew to the rear of the nest; instantly up went three gaping mouths and long scraggy necks. I squeezed the bulb, and the click of the shutter sent her flying to the nearest fence post. This all happened in an instant, but in that instant I secured the like- ness of the bird here given. On the following day I made a sec- ond attempt at . picturing the bird in some desirable attitude in her domes- T4 THE GUIDE TO NATURE ^^^^^ ■■ ^^BK.f»^i^^^-^ ,,_^^^ ^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H HKi^^J^^^^^H H Hp^l '^^ISIIJH ^H^K^ A YOUNG BLACKBIRD TWO DAYS BEFORE LEAVING NEST. tic duties. Having focussed the cam- era on the nest, I repeated the per- formance of the previous day ; but I had only to wait a comparatively short time, for the bird immediately flew to the nest, this time lighting in full view. I snapped and secured a second like- ness, which to me is one of my best pictures of the bird As the nest was very deep, and only the heads of the young birds would show in a picture, I concluded to wait until they were fully feathered and ready to leave the nest, before photographing them. This meant a period of about twelve days, and during that time I often waited by the hour with my camera focussed on the nest, hoping to secure a study of the male bird. What a fitting picture he made in the landscape, perched either on the old wooden fence, which bordered one side of the swamp, or swaying back and forth on a cat-tail ! But not once during the time I had worked about the ne>^t did he approach within fifty feet of it. He did not appear disturbed or frightened in the least, but evident- ly he took small part in the rearing of his family. When it was almost time for the young to leave their nest, there came a rainstorm of three days' duration. On the fourth day it cleared, and in the afternoon I went to the swamp, only to find the nest empty ; and although I searched in vain, not one young black- bird from that nest could be found. \\'ithin forty feet of the nest I had been working on, I located another, which contained one young bird. Its feathers were not fully developed, but not caring to take another chance with the weather, I carefully placed him on the top rail of the old fence and pho- tographed him. It is to be regretted that I did not have two more to place lieside him, but this is only a small circumstance in the many disappoint- ments encountered by the "bird pho- tographer." The red-winged blackbird occasion- ;illy places its nest in alder and wild rose bushes, bordering a swamp or >tream; but the majority are placed among cat-tails, in swamps. Just why the bird most frequently selects this location I do not know, but doubtless instinct teaches them, that there in the swamp, the nest care- fully hidden among the rushes, with often three or four feet of water be- neath, they are safe from four-footed as well as two-footed enemies. Birds of New York. r>v special arrangement, the Massa- chusetts Audubon Society, 234 Berkeley Street, Boston, is able to furnish the complete set of the plates of the Birds of Xew York for 57 cents postpaid to any address in the first or second zone. These are complete, just as found in- this in- v;duable book. They figure in color every bird — land or water- -that flies over the State, done on a heavy coated paper 9 x 12 in size. There are io5 of these plates and they are enclosed in a neat and ser- viceable portfolio, the whole in a card- board box. The total cost is 57 cents, and the op- portunity for bird-lovers is unique. Tropical Humming Birds. A London ornithologist has been keeping tropical humming birds alive in special steam-heated cages in which grow orchids to provide nectar for their food. When the supply of nectar fails, the birds are fed on a mixture of honey, sponge cake, crumbs, and in- fant's food. ORNITHOLOGY 15 The Ancients and Birds. . ..,umg- Llie latest of the ptiblica- tions of Leland Stanford Junior Uni- \ersity is Ernest Whitney Martin's "The Birds of the Latin Poets.'' The author has brought together virtually every mention in Latin poetry of every several bird. These amount to some seventy species in all ; and each of these so far as possible, is identified, and in addition, compared with our own American forms. The striking feature of this work, besides the remarkable learning and industry of its author, is the small knowledge of ancients concerning bird life. They concerned themselves lit- tle Avith their neighbors of the air, and took little delight in them. In this, they seem to have been of like mind with their descendants of to-day, who prefer to eat a robin or a lark to hear- ing it sing. Doubtless as the author points out, the fact that the Romans belicA ed that the birds are metamorphosed human children had something to do with their feeling toward them. Neverthe- less, they did not always think sad- ly of the feathered tribes — as witness Horace's famous lines about the duck and his habitat in the "aqua, qua, qua, qua, qua !" Trinity Churchyard a Bird Refuge. The vestry of Trinity Church, in New York City, has recently adopted measures for the protection of the birds that frequent the churchyard dur- ing migration. This action was taken at the instance of Miss Elizabeth S. Day, of Brooklyn, who reported that she had noted thirty species of birds in the churchyard, despite its location at the junction of Broadway and W'alh Street, in the heart of the financial section of the city. — Henry Oldys. A tern, ringed in the Fame Islands, almost at the north of England, in July was captured the following February on the African Gold Coast almost under the equator. The Hatching Egg. BY W. I. EEECROFT, ADAMS, MASS. A wonderful provision of nature im- pels the lower animals to do the right things at the right time, things which they could not have been taught nor have learned by previous experience ; in the case of very young animals omission would prove fatal. The chick breaks its way out of the shell unaided. But it does not work aimlessly. Starting at a point where it first breaks the shell, it continues all around in the same plane by turning itself bodily as it proceeds, until by vigorous kicks and struggles it forces the lid off. Another wonderful thing in this con- nection is that nature has provided a temporary means for the breaking of the shell. The chick's bill is soft, so nature has placed in the tip of the upper man- dible a tiny hard scale that drops ofT a few days after the chick emerges as it is then of no f:'r Iv/r •.'.-c. --__ _ ^ N \ / { M 'v V' '-^ / ■i^KM ^ggH^ ^^^gg| ^^^^ HOW THE CHICK BREAKS THE EGGSHELI. i6 THE GUIDE TO NATURb: The Black-crowned Night Herons. BY G. B. AFFLECK, A. R., M. P. E., SPRING- FIELD, MASSACHUSETTS. In tlie Connecticut river about ten miles below Springfield. Mass., and a mile or so above Windsor Locks. Conn., is an island somewhat more than a mile "OTLIERS REMAINED PERCHED NEAR THEIR NESTS." in length and about half a mile across at its widest part. Locally it is known as Terry's Island, but the Geological Sur- vey maps indicate King's Island. On its southerh- part the black-crowned night herons have nested for at least several years. The field trip of the S])ringfield Allen Bird Club to this heronry is thus described by one of the party: "On approaching the island by boat we noted the slow, steady flight of the adult birds and their occasional, contented 'Ouack!'.. 'Quack!' as they passed up or dowai the river on their way to and from the marshes. Landing at a point remote from the rookery we walked without special precaution towards the nests and soon noted the whirling, cir- cling flight of the overhead birds accom- panied by their frequent, vigorous and high-pitched alarm notes. We were not only discovered but also announced as dangerous. Our nearer approach was greeted by clamor from the several hun- dred adult birds which after quietly leaving their nests circled excitedly overhead. Others remained perched near their nests and 'froze' among the dry bare branches of the dead hemlocks among which for the most part the nests were placed — they can scarcely be de- scribed as built as they consisted en- tirely of sticks loosely thrown together in a pile with slight depressions on the upper side from which at intervals the fledgling- young scrambled in twos or threes or fours. "These platforms of sticks were usu- ally thirty or more feet from the ground and in some cases as manv as four or AND 'FROZE' AMONG THE DRV BARE r.RAXCHES OF THE DEAD HEMLOCKS." ORNITHOLOGY five were found on a single tree. Koth old and young birds would stand silent and motionless with their bills pointed upwards thereby assuming a position in YOUNG BLACK-CROWXKI) NIGHT HP:R0NS. which they most closely resembled the dead branches among which they posed. "A few of the young birds frightened by our approach attempted to stride away from the lower branches upon which they had been resting, but were easily captured by the more acrobatic members of the i:)arty. Upon close ex- amination the jjjin-feaJthered^ fledglings presented a plumage of brown spotted or streaked with light so that while the back was decidedly brownish the under parts were gray, their legs and feet were pale green, wdiile the glaring yellow eyes and massive mouths combined various- ly to give expressions sulky, threatening or stupid. Being placed upon the ground they made off as fast as they could but after a few attempts they ap- peared to lose some of their fear, and after food had been thrown into one cavernous, hissing mouth there was little difficulty in persuading them to swallow whatever was dropped into their gullets — sandwich, cake, or orange peel were equally acceptable. Some of these were appropriately tagged wdth the aluminum bands supplied by the Ameri- can Bird Banding Association, and after being thus duly appreciated consented to pose for their photographs. Unshapely and to some forbidding they are intense- ly interesting to those who wisli to make comijarisons and note stages of develo])- '.nent. 1 hese were returned to the lower branches and though as yet unable to fly were, we trust, able to regain their nests higher up none the worse for their iniique experiences. 'The trunks, branches and ground be- neath the nests were bespattered with excrementa, giving a whitewashed ap- pearance, and scattered about were feathers, fragments of dull light blue egg shells, portions of fish and occasion- al dead yoimg birds wdiich evidently had fallen from the nests or branches above. "Desiring to know the size of the col- ony a count was made which placed the number of nests at approximately two hundred and fifty, while the estimate of more than a thousand birds, adult and \oimg, seems to be conservative." Vivid Description of the Grackle. Will Webb Tuttle, of Aluncie, Indiana, is doing good work in his community by contributing to the local paper stories and articles on nature topics. In a recent es- say he speaks of the large flocks of grackles. The following paragraphs are an example of his vivid and poetical de- scription of the birds" songs : "They rap on the door with their four knuckles, pound the piano and hammer their snare drums as if finger movement and muscular expression are their main achievement. Saw filing, boiler making and dropping glass into barrels seem fit- ting figures to describe their enthusiasm as they rushed in upon us. "The crooning of the owl and the plaintive notes of the whippoorwill pos- sess the very soul of sunset ; the song of the cardinal harmonizes with the glory of the winding river ; the catbird flits to the bush and the bobolink seems like a big overgrown cricket poised in the air, the reeds in its harp filled with the splashing of rain and the skirt-rustling of ripe grain. His wing movements resemble the heat waves that rise from the parch- ing meadow and the daisies mock his garments that are dyed by the colors of the sun." A recent inil)lication of the Carnegie Institution of Washington is the life his- tory of eight soecies of Xorth American frogs and toads. The author is Mr. A. H. Wright of Ithaca. New York. The account is lull and the photographs are man\' and excellent. THE GUIDE TO NATURE M ,^M1 ^ ®t|^ Nature 5^I|0tngrapI|0r0 f Petrified Wood. Professor Edgar T. Wherry sends to us a photograph of logs that were plough- ed up in the fields of Joseph Rich, near Woodbourne, Bucks County, Pennsyl- vania. He has grouped these around the base of a modern conifer that as he sug- gests may perhaps be a descendant of the petrified trees. Petrified wood, he says, has been found in Connecticut. Profes- sor Hitchcock relates an incident in which a farmer found a silicified stump that looked so natiu'al that he tried to split it. "The tree came from the hill and we drew it down with a pair of oxen. It is nearly three feet in height and two across. The wood was plentiful on the hill, but this is much the largest speci- men. Another, in front of one of the camps, came from a neighbor's (Mr. Bradley's) land. It may be a little longer, but is only half of a tree. "When Professor Hobbs was here, he said it was the finest specimen that he had seen in these parts. He mentioned it in his book descriptive of his work PROFESSOR WHERRY'S PHOTOGRAPH OF The axe broke, whereupon he pounded to pieces the magnificent specimen. At about the time when this letter was received Miss Annie L . Scofield, of Darien, Conn., visiting at ArcAdiA, told us of petrified trees found in Connecticut and referred to Miss Charlotte F. Cur- tiss of South Britain, Conn. Miss Cur- tiss has kindly contributed two speci- mens to Arc.\diA. She reports that a number of specimens have been found on the hill back of her home. To Miss Sco- field, Miss Curtiss writes dS tollows : PETRIFIED LOGS IN PENNSYLVANIA. along geological lines. If I remember correctly he intimates that so much silici- fied wood is rarely found in Connecticut as has been found on Horse Fence Hill. \\'e have given away a large number of small specimens.'' Upon writing to Professor William H. Hobbs, Director of Geological Eabora- tor_\-, L'niversity of Michigan, Ann Ar- bor, [Michigan, we received the follow- ing: "You will find a brief description ot this and other specimens of similar char- THE NATURE PHOTOGRAPHERS 19 Geological Survey, Part 3, pp. 55-56, and especially in the appendix to this report by Professor F. H. Knowlton on pages 161-162." Color of Timber Relation to Decay. Practical users of timber have long known that there is a marked differ- ence in the resistance ot ditterent sticks to decay, one piece rotting badly while another, under apparently lik^ conditions remains sound. It now ap- pears that this difference is due to varying amounts of certain antiseptics (_ir preservatives formed in the living tree. In general, the darker the heart- wood is, the more of these preserva- tives are present and the better the tim- ber will last. This applies, however, only to different samples of the same sort of lumber. Different sorts of wood are naturally light or dark, so that the most antiseptic of white cedar will last three or four times as long as the much darker red. But differ- ent whites, or different reds, resist de- cay much in proportion to their depth of color. MISS CURTISS'S PHOTOGRAPH OF PETRIFIED WOOD NEAR HER HOME IN CONNECTICUT. acter in my Government Report en- titled, 'Tlie Xewark System of the Pom- peraug \'alley, Connecticut." published in 21 St Annual Reixjrt of The I'nited States A Dog Star But Not Astronomical. From ]\Iiss S. G. Rice, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, we have received a beauti- ful photograph with a "happy thought" for a name. Dog Star as a photograph will not only attract lovers of dogs but will sug- gest a simple yet novel manner of posing. THE DOG STAR. 20 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Mirrors in Photography. Few photographers realize the beau- tiful effects that may be obtained by the use of mirrors. Suitable ones that should preferably be without a frame may be obtained at small expense from dealers in plate glass, such as The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company of New York City. They may be of any size, convenient to the photographer and the space at his disposal. One mirror may be used for photo- graphing an object so as to show both front and back, though owing to dis- tance the back view will be somewhat smaller than the front. Interesting duplicating effects may be made, as in the photograph of the water lilies and the white rabbits here shown. It is also desirable at times to picture some small curiosity from all points of view. This may easily be done by setting up the object in the front of the mirror and slanting the mirror sidewise, not from top to bottom, so as to reflect the far- ther side of the object, this reflection to be a little to one side of the object. But notable and comical effects may be obtained by using two. so as to pro- duce a kaleidoscopical eft"ect. Take for example the little bunch of blooming clematis shown in the accompanying illustration. A wreath appears in the photograph but there is only one bunch of flowers. Astonishing effects may be had in the duplicating of animals as is shown in the photograph of the two toads, a frog and a turtle in the accom- panying illustration. There are appar- ently seven turtles, while in reality there is only one. There is no difficulty in this kind of photography. Put the mirrors together edgewise to form a V, and photograph that V ; you will have no end of interesting illustrations, ac- cording to the angl^ of the V. More or fewer may be obtained, according to this angle. Three or four kittens, placed within the V, will be multiplied until there are seven tinjes as many. The writer has taken several such photo- graphs of kittens but has never suc- ceeded in getting all sharp and in per- fect detail. The subjects were too lively. Probably the funniest of all is made by placing within this V several toads. Put a little sticky material on the top A BUNCH OF FLOWERS BECOMES A WREATH. THE NATURE PHOTOGRAPHERS 21 CURIOUS DUPLICATING EFFECT DV PUTTING MIRRORS TOGETHER EDGEWISE TO FORM A V. of each toad's head, and place a fly on the mucilage. It is better if the fly is alive and the glue strong enough to keep it quiet, though sometimes the experiment may be successful with a dead fly. The toad will try to catch the reflected fly. It is funny to see him slap his tongue against his own reflec- tion. If the fly's struggles are lively, the toad will frequently repeat his tongue lapping, but will assume an ex- pression of astonishment, evidently mystified by the failure. The toad's tongue will make curious little marks on the mirror but it is almost impos- sible to photograph these as the move- ment is so rapid that the operator can- not spring the shutter quickly enough. Other pleasing eltects may be readily obtained, as in the illustration of the dancing toads. A wooden base in which the mirror LILIES PIIOToGkAPIlKI) o.\ A IIKillLV POI.ISIIKD ^L\II()G\XV lAlM.E. 22 THE GUIDE TO NATURE WHITE J'.EI.CIAN HARES PHOTOGRAPHED ON A MIRROR. may be set is convenient. Interesting optical illusions and really valuable studies along that line may be made by a proper placing of the mirror. A piece of plank may be easily slotted so as to hold each unframed mirror edgewise. The mirrors should extend beyond the end of the base of the stand so that they may be brought into contact. This seems to be an undeveloped field with unlimited opportunity for many unexpected and decorative effects. Girls and Young Women, at Tarrytown- on-Hudson, New York. She is thor- oughly experienced in the development and management of girls and is in thor- ough and loving sympathy with their in- terests. If you would know more of this ideal camp, write to Miss Farwell, ad- dressing her till June ist at The Castle, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, and after that at Wells River. Vermont. She will send you an interesting and attractively illus- trated book. An Ideal Camp for Girls. It is good for girls and young women to leave their homes in the crowded city and take to the woods during the sum- mer, but where they go an:l under what auspices they are to spend the vacation are vastly more important. The best girls camp of whicli the editor has knowledge is Camj) Farwell, at Wells River, A'ermont. The location, environ- ment, equipment, management are ideal. Aliss Julia H. Farwell, the director, has been for many years the head teacher at The Castle, Miss Mason's School for Sale of Books and Apparatus. ]Mr. H. S. Woodman, 608 Van Buren Street, Brooklyn, New York, offers for sale his entire outfit of microscopes, slides, books, etc.. at a remarkably low price. Mr. Woodman is one of the charter members of the club which be- came the Microscopical Section of the Brooklyn Institute. For a time he served verv satisfactorilv as one of the officials. On account of recent poor health he is disposing of liis entire apparatus. He will mail a descriptive circular with prices to any one who will make appli- cation. This is not published as an ad- vertisement but as a favor to a long- time, faithful worker in microscopy. THE STARRY HEAVENS FOR JUNE -'3 By Professor Eric Doolittle of the University of rennsvlvaiiia THE beautiful planet. Saturn, which has been shining" so brightly in the heavens for so long- a time, will this month leave the evening sky. For many months this has been the only bright world to be seen in the evening heavens so that its withdrawal would have left our evening skies planet-less were it not that the bright and ever interesting little ]\Iercurv comes iust at this time into it? only a short distance beyond the borders of our evening map, and it will require Imt a few weeks more before the steady transformation of the celestial sphere will bring- this beautiful golden world, with its fo::r bright moons, into our evenino- sky. THE JUNE STARS. The bright groups, Orion, Taurus, Gemini and Auriga, have now almost en- Figure 1. The Heavens at 9 P. M., June 1. (H facing south hold the map upright. If facing east hold East below. H facing west hold West below. If facing north hold the map inverted.) best position for observation of the entire year. This swiftly moving little world will, however, pay us but a short visit : after the middle of June it will again be lost in the sun's rays, and then no bright planet will be seen among the evening constella- tions. But the great planet Jupiter is now tirely disappeared, and Leo. the last of the train of winter constellations, is sink- ing in the west. But the two most bril- liant summer stars, Arcturus and Spica, which present so interesting a contrast in color, are near the meridian in the south ; the striking Scorpio, the most beautiful of all the summer groups, has completely 24 THE GUIDE TO NATURE risen in the east, while \ ega, the Eagle, and the beautiful Northern Cross have now completely entered the evening- sky. As the months go by, the last constella- tion will swing steadily across the hea- vens, reaching its highest position in September and not finally sinking below the horizon in an upright position until the very close of the year. Above Vega, the constellation Her- cules is now found in excellent position for study. Above Hercules there is the beautiful Northern Crown while, still higher, the great Bootes now fills the very highest area of the heavens. At the point A, nearly in a straight line between the stars B and C, there will readily be found the wonderful cluster in Hercules, a compact mass of sixty thousand stars. This cloud of suns can even be seen as a faint, nebulous patch of light with the naked e}'e. In the region between the stars H. F. and Antares, there are a great many other interesting clusters (though these all require a telescope to render them visible) while at the point K there is an interesting planetary nebula, which shines as a greenish, misty, eighth magni- tude star. The faint stars in the region E form the group Cerebus, the three- headed dog which Hercules holds in his hand. THE PLANET AlERCrRY. The oberver should not fail during the first days of June to find this most inter- esting little planet, which is always so nearly lost in the sun's ravs, because its Figure 2. Appearance of the planet Mercury as it passes around the sun. present appearance is a very unusually favorable one. The planet is now reach- ing its greatest distance east of the sun, and it happens that this month it recedes from the sun an vmusually long distance. Figure 2 shows the shape of the path of the planet about the sun and also the tele- scopic appearance of Mercury when it is at various parts of its path. We always view the orbit nearly edgewise, but this orbit is not really a perfect circle, as in- dicated in Figure 2, but the distance from B to S is actually fifteen millions of miles greater than that from S to D. The planet passes the point U, and is hence seen by us at its greatest distance to the left, or east of the sun, on Alay 31. It is because when it reaches this position the planet is at nearly its greatest dis- tance from the sun in miles that we will see the two bodies so far apart in the sky. The motion of Alercury among the stars during the month is shown in Figure 3. This figure shows the appearance of the western sky at 7 P. M. on June i. On this date the planet will be seen in the northwest, almost vertically under the Twins, above and to the left of Saturn and separated from this planet by a dis- tance equal to five times the apparent dis- tance across the full moon. C)n this date Mercury will not set until two hours after sunset. Having found the planet, the observer should have no difficulty in continuing to follow it until very nearly the middle of the month, by which time it will set oidy one hour after sunset. On June i he will see that it is exactly half full, as sliown at B in Figure 2, but during the ensuing days he will see it narrowing verv rapidly to a thin, silvery crescent. It will finally pass the position C. Figure 2, and enter the morning sky, on June 17. THE PLANETS IN JUNE. On June i, \'enus may still easily be seen in the morning sky, rising one hour and twenty-four minutes before sunrise. But this planet is both drawing nearer the sun and increasing its distance from the earth, so that it is daily coming into less favorable position for observation. It will not finally pass the sun, however, and enter the evening sky until September 12. Mars rises two hours before sunrise on June I, and this interval increases to two hours and thirty minutes by June 30. It is approaching the earth, and consequent- ly growing steadily brighter, its bright- ness now being almost exactly that of a first magnitude star. It will not reach its most favorable position for oliservation until next February. Jupiter is almost on the equator and near the \ ernal Equinox. By the end of the month it may be seen rising due east so early as eleven hours, thirty minutes P. M. ' Saturn enters the morning sky on June 2S. It is too nearly lost in the sun's ravs to be satisfactorily oljserved during the present month. Uranus is in Capricornus, in the morn- ing sky : Neptune is in Cancer and hence low in the west. THE STARRY HEAVENS FOR JUNE 25 THE BEGIXXIXG OF SUMMER. On June 22, at seven hours, twenty- seven minutes, sixteen seconds, A. ^l., (Eastern Standard Time) the sun will attain its greatest distance above the celes- tial equator, and this will consequently be states and forty-two minutes less in the Gulf States. On the equator the days and nights are of exactly equal lengths, while in southern latitudes, June 22 will, of course, be the shortest day and mark for them the beginning of winter. The new comet is to attain its greatest WE.ST Hercuhy JUNE. I. Saturn uw^a f. riERCURr yJw^e. 30. Figure 3. The western heavens at 7 P. M., June 1, showing the position of the planet Mercury. the longest day of the year. In the lati- tudes of the Aliddle States, sunrise will occur at 4:30 A. AL and sunset at 7:30 P. ^L, the day thus being six hours longer than the night. This difference is six- teen minutes greater in Xew England brightness during the present month and will doubtless be a very conspicuous ob- ject in the southern skies. Unfortunately, however, it is too far below the celestial equator to be ^Jisible to observers in northern latitudes on the earth. Give Dr. Bigelow His Telescope. [An Editorial in "The Greenwich Press," May 5, 1915.] From the reading" of the war in Europe whose horrors harrow the feelings of most Americans, and whose nearness to us seems to grow daily, from the struggle against unemployment and poverty at home, and from the local political wranglings following the attempt to break up machine government, the aver- age Greenwichite will be glad to turn his mind to Arcadia. Arcadia, the little tract of land where- on is situated the home of the Agassiz Association. There one may find an- other viewpoint, and there one, with the friendly aid of Dr. E. F. Bigelow, its founder, may delve into the wonders of nature and enjoy her many beauties. And in this sanctum of nature one may forget for the nonce that wars rage, that classes struggle and that human govern- ment still far misses perfection. One may see nature and g-limpse in the study of the tiniest flower or animal, processes whose greatness makes all human strife seem small and puny and futile. By continuous labor and devotion to an ideal. Dr. Bigelow has built up this little refuge. He has added department after department in the hope of opening the vistas of nature to both young and old. in the hope of making' them see, know and enjoy the world they live in. And now he seeks to open another de- partment— that of astronomy — the most wonderful, the grandest, the most stu- pendous of all sciences. He is himself an expert astronomer, and one who loves the science, loves it enough so that he can enjoy communicating his knowledge to others. And this he is willing to do if enough money can be raised to provide Arcadia with the proper instruments. Certainly it would be a boon to give our children the privilege of wandering" in the starry fields with such a guide. And there is something more than a mere knowledge of facts to be gained by such wandering. There is the op- portunity to see our own world, our own struggles, our own troubles in perspective. As we sit, in the body, and gaze off into the millions of miles of ether, we can also sit, mentally, away oft' there in space and gaze back on this little troublesome, fretful world of ours and inspect it. \\q can see it and all our doings in com]^arison of the awe- some order of the universe, its sulilime calm and regularitv. ■26 THr: GUIDE TO NATURE We are terribly upset when we learn that a million men are being sacrificed in Europe, that mighty guns, throwing a ton of metal each, are destroying cities. We are perturbed at thousands out of •employment. We are irritated at the stupidity of mortals who, through ig- norance, wear the yoke of an outworn system of government. But let us talk with Dr. L>igelow a mo- ment. We have considered with him the miracle of growth that turns a seed into a plaiHr- and the metamorphosis of a wo^^n into a butterfly. "How large does a star look in the telescope?" we ask. 'Tt does not look as large as it does to the naked eye. It really has no size what- ever to the telescope. It is too far awav. It is merely a geometrical point of light. Light travels so quickly that it will go entirely around the earth seven times while you wink your eye, but some of the stars are so far away that it takes light five or six hundred years to travel from them to the earth. If some of them should go out of existence entirely, they would be still apparent on this earth for five or more centuries." How small our earthly afifairs appear in the lig"ht of such stupendous facts. And it is only one of thousands of facts equally amazing and equally interesting. If a nroper telescope is forthcoming there will be nightly classes in astronomy at Arcadia, to which the public will be ■admitted. Such a telescope as is needed .\w\\\ cost about a thousand dollars. Dr. Bigelow says. Some of the money has already been subscriberl. He asks the people of Greenwich in the interest of popular science and their own education and enjoyment, to supply the money needed for the instrument. It may be added that there is not at present a good observatory between Fairfield and New Rochelle. Greenwich has been generous in all things. She has given money to helo unemployed and the otherwise unfortun- ate. This is good on the moral side. She has given money to the church. This shows interest on the religious side. She lias demonstrated her interest in clean government. This is excellent on the civic side. But she is now aopealed to on the intellectual side. She is asked to provide for the ourely intellectual oleas- ure of her children — and Dr. Bigelow does not apoeal on utilitarian grounds, He savs simolv. now let the people, chil- 'dren and grown-ups enjo}" themselves intellectually. We liope that Dr. Bigelow will have his wholly unselfish desu-e to serve the people intellectually, satisfied. He ha.^ done a good work for Greenwich, a work wdiich will be better appreciated in the future than it is to-day. He has not affiliated himself with charitable move- ments, nor social movements or political movements. All of these things he rec- ognizes as good, but he considers his own work for humanity a separate one. He does not join peace parties for the ending of the European war. He is con- cerned with neither peace nor war. His interest is in science. One can almost think of him as of Archimedes, the great Greek mathematician of antiquity, whose interest in science made him obvious to all movements about him. Of him it is said that he did not budge at the ap- proach of the Roman army, but con- tinued drawing his mathematical circles on the sand. \Ad'ien a Roman soldier ap- proached him and challenged him. he •did not even look up but only answered : "Get out of my circle. You're spoiling my calculations." Whereupon, it is re- corded, the soldier killed him, thereby destroying his body but not his fame nor his great work. To those in Greenwich who have money we sav : "Give Dr. Bigelow his telescope. He can do more than a thousand dollars' w'orth of good with it. He can't rehabilitate families with it nor mend broken l)ones nor launch oolitical campaigns, nor feed hungry stomachs, but he can feed huno-ry minds, and we must always remember that 'man lives not bv bread alone.' " Bulletin of Scientific Supplies. ^'r. Edward Pennock of 3600 W^ood- hnd \venue, Philadelnhia. is issuing a "Special Bulletin" of his scientific instru- ments and supplies that will be of in- terest to many of our readers. A free conv will be mailed upon request. Kindly refer to ThK Guipe to Nature. Si'mr^er School of Biology. \y& tqke pleasure in calling attention to the Summer School of the Biological L^horitor\- at Cold Soring Harbor, Dong Titchfork and leaped across the field that the conditions were serious. So sudden a movement of course alarmed the oxen and they started to run. John yelled, "Whoa," and even I hesitated in my rapid transit toward the house, but Father shouted, ''Let them go; they will run only to the farther edge of the barn lot, and will be all right there in the shade." I arrived just in time to see the- "THE ENTIRE ATMOSPHERE SEEMED FULL. OF FLYING PILLOWS." THE RUNNING AT SWARMING TIME 29 octogenarian Grandmother enter the race. Upstairs she hurried to the spare l)e(lroom — never entered except on rare occasions when some distinguished guest was present or expected. She pulled the liedclothes olT. She thought that she piled the pillows in a chair, but in her excitement she seemed to be having a ])illow fight. She threw those pillows right and left. There probably were only two on that bed. but the entire atmos- ])Iiere seemed full of flying pillows. She threw down comfortable and blanket ; she pulled out the sheet, because, as she was with great difficulty tliat he could walk from the house out to that chair, suddenly joined in the general scramble. Forgetting his stiff joints, and even one of his canes, he ran for the very last empty hive — one hardly fit to use, but in the emergency anything and every- thing" must be brought into service if the swarm was to be saved, even if the hay Avere lost. With the hive he ran to the workshop because the cover was a little loose and one side was a little uncertain, and like the expert carpenter that he was, he hurriedlv drove in the necessarv ■THE COXCOCTIOX FROM THE PANTRY." explained, all the others were in the wash just wdien she most needed them. She gathered up the sheet — no, gathered is not the word — she did not fold it, she did not crumple it, she just "wapsed" it u]) and ])ushed it under one arm, leav- ing the other hand free to cling to the railing as she hurried down. I had followed her, not expecting to be of much assistance, but rather to see the good old lady struggle with the bedding. In the meantime Grandfather, who spent a decade or more punching his cane into the ground by his easy chair under the apple trees, and who said it nails, one, as I recall it, a shingle nail, the other a spike. Anything that would hold the parts together would do. All this time Grandmother had been en- gaged on a second round of running". From the pantry slie grabbed a hand basin, vinegar, salt, sugar, pe]i])er. mo- lasses— perhaps 1 may be slightly in er- ror in regard to the pepper ; possibly the salt is a little off, but again treacherous memory brings to me a vision of a fran- tic g-raljbing of anything and everything from the shelves, high and low. And then out she dashed through the kitchen to that bench. The whole thing was 30 THE GUIDE TO NATURE well timed. She and Grandfather had done their best ; 1 was the only negli- gent spectator, remiss in running duties at swarming tmie. "ijoy, why aon't you run? Run, hurry up, get some walnut leaves." I needed no second command. I darted by the woodhouse, over the stone wall into the cow pasture. Hur- riedly I clambered to the top rail of the fence under the branches of the walnut tree. Just as I was reaching my best and pulling down and cutting a bunch, one of the stakes in the fence dropped and down I went, hands full of branches and jackknife, rails flying in every di- rection, but somehow in the melee 1 closed the jackknife, grabbed the branches, rubbed off the greater part of the mud, and started on my homeward run. But I could not arrive soon enough to escape the storm of reprimands that I knew was sure to follow if I kept them waiting. The concoction from the pan- try must be made, for, you know, the hive must be scrubbed with the walnut leaves, with the mixture of vinegar. 'HE TOOK A POLE IN HASTE, AND WITH IT MOST OF THE BEANS." water, salt, sugar, molasses. I know not what mysterious things went into that scouring preparation. Possibly there was a dash of vanilla flavor. There must have been for there seemed to be a dash of ever\thing else in every direction. Again there came a shout, "Run, why don't you run?" In his frantic efl^orts, John, the hired man, tore the g'arden gate from its hinges, and made a wake in the truck and the corn, such as a swift yacht makes in the waves. His destination was the rail fence. I could have told him, if he had asked me, where he could find plenty of rails spread in delicious and extravagant profusion, for had I not been there? But he heeded me not, nor even thought to profit by my experience. He wanted a rail, and he wrecked the best part of a fence to get it. Father also, courageous man, ran through the garden, for he, like a brave general, had reconnoitered the field and prepared his plans for the battle. He seemed calmer than the rest, as befitted the high dignity of his position as gen- eral in that saltatory army. Although the bean poles had been set in the garden and the beans had already begun to climl) around them, what of that? What ff he pulled ofif a few of the tendrils? Beans can grow more tendrils and the poles may sometimes be returned to th.eir places. At any rate he stopped not to reason why, his liut to do or die ; he took a pole in haste, and with it most of the beans. Back through the gate he went, closely followed by John with the rail on his shoulder. In the meantime Grandfather had brought the hive and Grandmother the sheet. Again I heard that shrill voice, "Run, boy, run !" I was to get out of the stone wall four cobbles, smooth and round, "al^out as big as your two fists." The sheet, in our frantic endeavors, was almost torn in two, and I pulled so hard that I almost Dulled the fatigued and trembling old lady ofif her legs, and worse than this, I started a rip in the middle seam of the sheet. The sheet at such times must be spread smooth, and to make a sheet smooth you must oull it, but no law in the land has ever said just bow much you may pull, and vet esca'^e the horrible calamit" of pulling it in two. When it had been snapped and smoothe 1 and laid firmly on the ground, a cobble- stone was placed on each of the corners. THE RUNNING AT SWARMING TIME 31 Then the hive, under the skilled super- vision of the general, must be placed just right. It was his practiced eye that de- cided how far the top should he inclined backward, and when it should be held by the rail, and where one end of the rail should touch the hive and the other 1)6 braced against the ground. It was a delicate and complex proceeding. The time had come for Father to shoulder the bean pole, and to march as with a rifle to meet the enemy. Should I leave him alone in a situation so peril- ous? Xot I. I dashed through the kitchen into that sacred spare room, and grabbed my double-barrelled, muzzle- loading shotgun. Hastily I pulled out the ramrod, took off the cap of the wormer, thrust the rod down one barrel after the other, and pulled out the hornet paper waddin.g. I inverted the gun and poured into my palm two charges of shot. It was only the powder that was wanted. We had no desire to kill any- body or anything. Our only object was to make a noise and I was willing to make my share or more. Back I ran to the apple tree under which was the cen- ter of all interest, in time to see the com- pletion of the hive adjustments, and Grandfather panting for breath, and ex- emplifying a mixture of all sorts of gaits in his effort to reach the wood shed, not the workshop portion, but the open space portion where was tlie wood pile and where was the ladder up which the chickens went to roost in the attic. Just under that ladder was a wooden peg on which hung the old string of sleigh bells, never to be used except at swarm- ing time. I can even now hear their crisp, metallic music, as their vibrations rang in sympathy with the old man's jumping. "Run. run ; why don't you run?" With a crash of clanging metal he arrived, and met Grandmother, who had been back to the pantry, where she had snatched a polished tin nail in one hand, and a shining tin pan in the other. She thought that she might work double- action in flashing the light into the swarm, if perchance it should decide not to accept its new and well scrubbed home. Philip, a boy about mv o\vn age. who lived on an adjoining farm, grabbed a pail and ran to the middle of the road where was a liberal supplv of drv sand. He went on that errand with a swiftness so frantic that, it seemed to me, he could never be equalled by any other boy, and though the ])ail was nearly full, he rushed back as if the content were as light as feathers. Susie ran to the sitting room, grabbed "SUSIE . . . REACHED UP TO TAKE AN OLD-FASHIOXEI) LOOKIXG-GLASS FROM ITS NAIL NEAR THE CEILING." a chair, climbed on it and reached up to take an old-fashioned looking-glass from its nail near the ceiling. In her haste she lost her balance, the chair tipped over, but by some miraculous interven- tion, perhaps the great necessity of the bees at that time, she escaped with a few bruises, and the mirror without even a crack. Even Bill, who under ordinary circumstances could not be prevailed up- on to mow the grass within several rods of the hives, and who seldom knew that there was such a thing as a well on the place because of his familiarity with the cider barrels in the cellar, now suddenly became brave and an ardent advocate of cold water. He seized one of the in- verted milk pails that were hanging in the sun for purification and drying; he dashed the bucket down the well and pulled it up as if he was thoroughly fa- miliar with cold water and poured the contents into that milk pail. Then hur- riedlv grabbing a dipper, he hastened to the scene of action. Everybody was in readiness and there came over the scene a hush like that which precedes a thunderstorm. The central figure was mv Father. All eyes and hearts instinctively turned to him as to one upon whom everything depended. He shouldered the bean pole and 3^ THE GUIDE TO NATURE marched bravely forward. ( )h, could there have been present some rustic poet to sing-, bees to the right of him, bees to the left of him, bees in front of him — and so soon, so soon, bees to be behind him. He brought that bean pole back •over his shoulder, firmly grasped in both •"WITH ONE TREMENDOUS BLOW HE STRUCK THAT LIMB, BREAKING THE BEAN POLE IN TWO." hands, made careful estimate with his skilled eye of the relative distance l)e- tween sheet and hive and hanging clus- ter on the apple tree limb so heavily sus- pended. Possibly the long pause and the feints of striking at the limb were all needed to take sure, steady and effective aim. But as I look back upon it now after all those years, I am inclined to think he was like some public men whom I have known and wdio enjoy being the center of attraction and are the willing recipient of laudation for bravery, al- tliough he was, as we have known other public men, soon to be in ignominious flight. With one tremendous blow he struck that limb, breaking- the bean pole in two, because white birch poles, although ap- parently strong, are in reality only whited sepulchres of deception. Down came the black mass in a solid lump, but, as if it had exploded when it touched the white sheet and dashed against the slant- ing side of the hive, its constituent par- ticles of pungent possibility, scattered in a humming cloud of wrath toward every point of the compass. Then came a tmanimous and synchronous signal to run. No individual now ran for any specific purpose, but everyone, old and }-oung, lithe and limber, or with creaking- joints, ran in one ignominious skedaddle. Grandfather seemed to have acquired magical agility and no longer needed a cane. Grandmother renewed her youth and leaped on those slender ankles as if she was only "sweet sixteen." There comes a vision of the bare feet of Philip, of Susie, and of Julia and even of tiny "tow-head," who lived in a nearby tene- ment house, as they disappeared sudden- ly through the gate or over the stone wall around the corner of the house. Here was a case in which the slowest was the bravest, and the rear more dan- gerous than the van. In the rear I stayed, not so much from innate courage, but from eagerness to fire the gun of which I was fond. Whether the bees were going off or not, we delighted in construing- their hovering in the air as susceptible of that interpretation. Though he had not read books and though he had never opened a hive con- taining- live bees. Grandfather was pre- sumed, as the outcome of long years of observation and especially of punching his cane into the ground, to have an ac- quired knowledge of bees superior to that of ordinary mortals. All eyes w^ere turned toward him. How delightedly we heard his decision, "The bees are go- ing off', we must stop them." Joy of ADDED MY OUOTA OF NOISE TO THE DIN." THE RUXXING AT SWARMING TLME 33 joys. \\ hen did farmer ho}' or farmer girl ever hear more deHghtedly the sum- mons to break forth into Fourtli of Julv ])anJemonii:m. aye. even demoniacal racket. I loaded and hred as fast as 1 could and added my (luota (.f noise to the din of jingling sleigh bells and the rattling- of tin pans. I stood my ground. I would not retreat so long as there was any powder left. What though I be sprinkled with sand, drenched with water, and have the sunlight flashed in my eyes from glistening tin pans and heirloom mirrors? Only one other kind of excitement do I recall as being any- where near as deliriously delightful as the hiving of sw^arming bees. That was when occasionally the roof got on fire around the chimney. If it had not been for those occasional attic fires and the swarming of the bees, the country boy's pleasures in life would have been far fewer. He would have had to content himself with such quiet aft'airs as the frog pond, with, at long intervals, the excitement of breaking in a pair of steers or a colt. It is true that sometimes it did seem as if all these frantic endeav- ors were wasted, because the bees had a way of going high in air. perhaps re- turning to a branch of the same tree, or possibly alighting upon a little maple only a few rods away. That maple seemed to be a favorite position from which to reconnoiter the field. P)Ut perhaps the reader vdio has not had these delightful experiences, per- haps the pathetic reminiscences of the long ago, will ask why all this. Let it be explained that for centuries bee-keep- ers have accepted the theory, or shall I say the myth, that swarming bees must be thrown into confusion, it makes but little dift'erence how. Any one of a mul- tiplicity of methods was regarded as ef- fective— water, sand, light, noise, any- thing and everything out of the usual or- der of things was regarded as destruc- tive of the discipline supposed to exist, and by which the queen, sometimes mis- takenly called the king, led forth her myriads of followers in flight. At the ]:)resent time there is a lingering belief in tlie minds of even skilled bee-keepers, that such confusion in mid-air has an ef- fect similar to that of pufiing smoke into the hive. Smoke does not stuDefy. It makes the bees think of something else and turns their attention away from stinging, while this confusion in mid-air makes them think of an\thing and everv- thing except getting away, and I should not wonder at that. I do not see how, amidst the showers of sand and the dip- perfulls of water, any bees, especially those that were struck by the flying solids and liquids, could have gone away. On the contrary, they brought dead bees to the ground. But what if out of some ninety or one hundred thousand a few thousand were killed? One must expect that anv "reat war will have some vic- ■HE KNOWS THEY CAME FROM MY SKEPS.' " tims. Xot all can reach the promised land of vinegar-washed hives. There are those wdio say that this time-honored custom originated with good King Alfred, and that it was done in obedience to man's law, and not to the biological or innate characteristics of the bee. At any rate, after all these years, King Alfred cannot dispute any charges that may be laid on his royal shoulders. So let us throw it all on him, and insist that our country people have for centu- ries been unwittingly perpetuating a royal edict. This is the tradition. Once upon a time, never mind the year, but we natu- rally infer that it was in the beautiful month of ]\Iay, an excited bee-keeper rushed into the royal presence shouting. "He lies, he lies. They are not David's bees : they are mine. He knows they came from my skeps. I know mv bees when I see them, and they went straight from my apiary down across the meadow 34 THE GUIDE TO NATURE to the tree, and there I clainietl them as my own and was going" to gather them in, when that thief would take them from me." David without waiting for him to fin- ish this long speech had been shouting excitedly, "He's a liar, he's a liar, he's a thief. He knows they came from my skeps. He is trying to get away my property." Meantime the calm, philosophic King was the very personification of patience, benignity and placid intelligence. As David and Jonathan became almost ex- hausted by their frantic argumentative efforts, the good king raised his hand and held it above his head, as a signal for the agitated disputants to cease their clamor. Silence reigned in that austere court room. One could almost hear the sands dropping through the hour-glass and not a word broke the ominous si- lence. The well-adjusted cell structure of that great brain was formulating an impartial judgment. Either David or Jonathan, no one but that kingly brain could know which, should go home with full title to that colony of bees, while the other would be ridiculed and reviled as he passed along the street, because, "He tried to steal his neighbor's bees." So the silence seemed to imply, but in fact the royal wisdom was not only puz- zled but completely dumfounded. There seemed to be no facts in the case upon which to base judgment. Solomon with the baby and two clamoring mothers had an easy job in comparison with this. At last the silence was broken. The king- decided that in so evenly a contested matter, it seemed but right that each should take one-half of the colony. But tradition saith not who should take the queen, but of what importance is one queen when the wisdom of a king is in ieopardy? Is this the onlv time that a judge's decision has set individual rights at naught? Then, as an amendment, he said to the clerk who was ready with quill pen and sand box, "You mav, sir, DUt it on record that hereafter when a bee-keeper has an absconding swarm he shall immediately, upon his first know- ledge of such absconding tendency, forthwith take the dinner bell or the fish horn, whichever in his own judg- ment shall be the most convenient, and proceed bv vigorous clan9"ing or sten- torian tooting to oroclaim his ownership. Then upon the whole village having been notified bv the first clang or official toot. it will be readily seen by all the by- standers and fellow neighbors that any secondary clangings or intruding toots shall become ridiculous in the sight and hearing of the aforesaid neighbors and shall thereby make it perfectly clear who is the real owner of the colony. Thus not necessitating the laborious workings of a kingly brain which, on these hot, May and June days, is more fittingly to be indulging in peaceful slumber under the shade of the widespreading beech tree. Here endeth the edict." But time passed on and the loyal sub- jects of good King Alfred, like the old king himself, were laid to rest, and the daisies bloomed above them, and their bees were forgotten, and forgotten by their successors was the original pur- pose of the edict. They remembered only the clanging and the tooting and the consequent pandemonium. David and Jonathan and King Alfred have been the cause of more delirious, hilarious fun for country boys and country girls than ever they could in their wildest imagin- ings have dreamed of. But there is one farmer boy whose memory runs back to the comedy and the pathos involved in the running at swarming time, and he now exclaims, "Decades have gone by, participants of that old homesiead have, like King Alfred and his disputing sub- jects, laid aside kingly powers, clang- ing bells, tooting fish horns, flashing mir- rors and noisy guns, leaving only peace- ful, pathetic memories of the running at swarming time." Somewhere I have read that a traveler in England saw a soldier walking slowlv back and forth on guard in the middle of a field. The curious American went to the commandant and inquired why a soldier was so uselessly on guard in such a place. The reply was that it was in accord with the time-honored cus- tom, that his predecessor in office had always kept an officer on guard in that place and that his predecessor had done so. Then why should he be so presump- tuous as to violate the authority of prec- edent? Our American visitor after fur- ther investigating the matter by looking up the records of that place found that a few centuries ago the queen and her attendants were walking in that particu- lar soot and there found a beautiful flo^ver. That it might surelv come into its fullness of beautv the ciueen reonested that a guard be placed by the flower. Later on when the flower was fully ex- THE RUNNING AT SWARMING TniE 35 1 "uL. ^^jiSa^ ""^ nA^--K.^:$,_^y^^^^^;^;^ ''// 'HF, SAID TO THE CLFRK WHO WAS RF-ADV WITH OUTLI. PFX AXD SAXD BOX." l)ande(l, she walked again in the fields and picked it in its gorgeous fruition, but she forgot to countermand the order to the guard. And so who would pre- sume to go against the queen's author- ity? The soldier went on guarding and his successor went on guarding until when several decades had passed every- body had forgotten wliy there was a ■guard in that particular spot. So I think it was with King Alfred and Jonathan and all the loyal villagers in the edict of the noise at swarming time, his successors have forgotten the reasons why it was to make an infernal noise in the sky. But do not laugh too much at those good old people. Perhaps there was something more than a legal right in- volved in the matter and, like the pro- verbial great smoke that implies at least some little fire, in all those noisy demon- strations there may be a little fire of reason. At any rate, could I bring back old Dutch Willie, or A'illie as most people called him in imitation of his own peculiar pronunciation of his name, he would iirnve a valuable witness in favor 36 THE GUIDE TO NATURE of the efficacy of yelling and of throw- ing- sand. I recall that once in spite of all the noisy demonstrations the hees per- sisted in going- to more quiet fields. The bees arose, a cloudy mass, high in the air. They circled like a swaying balloon anchored by its rope, until they had ob- tained their bearings and across the field they flew, straight for the woods beyond. from \illie. Who shall say whether it was the result of Villie's screaming and jumping- jack performances, or whether they unsolicited would have alighted there ? In any case it is beyond my phil- osophy to tell whether here was a case of cause and efifect or only a funny co- incidence. A'illie claimed the honor that evening and he told the men f ^ (f^:» '-'f-^rC/ -.^ "I CLOSE MY F,YES AND SEE THAT EXCTTED DUTCHMAN PRANCING TN THE MTDST OF THAT SWARM OF BEES." Directly in their line of flight was ri- diculous old Dutch Mllie smoking his pipe and hoeing corn on the summit of the hill, lost in placid memories of his fatherland and in longings for the I^eer of his adopted country, or thinking of his next attempt at drinking some three dozen mugs of that beer on the Saturday's half holiday in the near-by village. The bees literally took a bee line. It led them high in air over the valley, but close to the ground on the summit of the hill around Dutch A'illie. The most astonished Dutchman that ever existed was in that cornfield, when ninety thousand bees swarmed near him in their slow flight onward. Bees in swarming fly swiftly around and around and around like the balloons of the solar system, while the entire family moves slowly onward. A^illie was in the very center of that flight and he had a little dirt throwing and a pandemonium of yelling all to himself. He used hands, arms, legs and mouth — a veritable jump- ing-jack, to my great delight, as I ran up the hill to ascertain where those bees were going. But the thing worked, or seemed to work, for the bees settled on a scrub of a wild cherry bush not far at the tavern that he had saved a swarm of bees that was worth five dollars, be- cause he yelled and threw dirt at them. I am not sure of the validity of his claim, l)ut I do know that he gave me more than five dollars' worth of fun that day. and many a laugh since then, as I close my eyes and see that excited Dutch- nian prancing in the midst of that swam of bees. A Peculiar Cloud-Effect. 'Twas eventide. The small lad stood on the bridge clapping his hands vig- orously. Beyond the brow of the hilt a dull red glow sufifused the sky. "Ah, little boy," remarked the stran- ger, who was a little near-sighted, "it does my heart good to see that you appreciate yon cloud-efifect." "Yes, sir," replied the lad. "I've been watching it for ten minutes." Upon the boy's face there appeared a smile of perfect bliss. "A real poet without a doubt. And do you watch the sunset often, little boy?" asked the stranger. "Sunset? Why, that ain't a sunset, gov'nor ; that's our schoolhouse burn- ing down." — Exchansre. THE GUIDE TO NATURE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. XI ORCHIDS We are specialists in this kind of plants. We collect, import and grow orchids from all parts of the world where orchids grow. We will be glad to fill your order for one plant or a thousand according to your requirements. Our beautiful Catalogue and special lists on applicaf'on. LAGER & HURRELL, Orchid Growers and Importers SUMMIT, N. J. Accurate Microscopical Slides IN BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY Slides that are Artistic and Scientific Tuition in MICRO-TECHNIQUE Correspood for particulars J. B. HOWARD EXPERT IN MICROSCOPY 45, Frenchgate, Richmond, York, ENGLAND i THE DELIGHTS OF SPRING. T^ ^ The Coining of Birds, The Bursting Buds ^ U and the Arrival of Choice Nursery Stocl(. yc Oil, the real joy of setting it out, and then watching the growth. Hardy Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, etc. High Quality Stock at Reasonable Prices. Send for Catalogue 'f 'f 'f % A THE ELM CITY NURSERY CO. K J^ Woodmont Nurseries Inc. i ^ NEW HAVEN - - - CONNECTICUT K^ XII THE GUIDE TO NATURE LITERARY NOTES Practical Field Botany. By A. R. Horwood, F. L. S. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J. B. Lippincott Company. This is an English book written with both genuine amateur and professional spirit. Its numerous illustrations are out of the ordinary, and convey new ideas, especially in the mounting and arrangement of specimens for the herbarium. Bill's School and ]\!ixe. By William Sud- dards Franklin. South Bethlehem, Penn- sylvania : Franklin, Macnutt and Charles. An interesting collection of essays to which the keynote is the author's statement in his preface, that "some things in this world are to be understood by sympathy, and some things are to be understood by serious and painful effort." Nature Notes For Ocean Wu-agers. By Captain Alfred Carpenter, R. N., D. S. O., and Captain D. Wilson-Barker, R. N. R. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: J. B. Lippin- cott Company. This book presents a comprehensive survey of the life, conditions and phenomena in the great ocean depths. An amusing anecdote is worth printing : "^^jsthetic Passenger (to old ."^alt) : 'Can you tell me, my good man, the name of that fine bird hovering about?' "Old Salt : That's a halbatros, sir." "^. P. : 'Dear me ! Quite a rara avis, is it not?' "Old Salt: 'Dunno, sir, Fve always heard it called a halbatros s.' ^. P. : 'Yes, yes, my good fellow, but 1 call that a rara avis, just as I call you a Genus homo.' "Old Salt (indignantly) : Oh, do you ? Then I calls that a halhatross, just the same as I calls vou an old humbug.' " Seehearwrite. Guide to taking notes in Na- ture Studv for "Hunters of the Beautiful.'' By D. S. Hartline, A. M., Head of Depart- ment of Biology, State Normal School, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania : George E. Elwell & Son. This is a novel form of notebook. It is unlike anything else that the reviewer has ever seen. It consists of a pocket, doubled somewhat like that commonly used by clerks in a store, and contains a large number of appropriate quotations, many of them of a religious nature. The principal quotation is, "Be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors ; And the King of Glory shall come in." This is in ornamental t3'pe within an appropriate em- blematic design. The whole thing is so unique that we suggest that our readers write to Professor Hartline for descriptive circu- lars and particulars. One of the novel suggestions is, "Bring a nice lot of (a) VVotisits, (b) Wantunos." The Pocket Nature Library. Tree Guide (Trees East of the Rockies) by Julia Ellen Rogers. Flower Guide (Wild Flowers East of the Rockies), Bird Guide (Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey East of the Rockies) and Bird Guide Part 2 (Land Birds East of the Rockies) bv Chester A. Reed. 700 Color Plates, 1,000 text Pages. Bound in Leather. Price, $4.50. Garden City, New \'ork : Doubleday, Page & Co. These four books are convenient, attractive and efficient. What more can be said? When one goes afield if several books are taken in addition to the necessary apparatus they be- come literally impedimenta, but with these- special books one can carry a library covering the flowers, the trees and the birds. It probably will not be necessary to take more than one book on birds since one volume is devoted to land birds and the other to water. It is a de- light to sit under a tree, consult a little book and compare the color plates with the living bird and thus identify and fix it in mind. jMiss Roo-ers has produced one of our best books on trees and her simplification into this pocket volume should elicit the gratitude of everv lover of trees. Star Lore of All Ages. By William Tyler Olcott. N^ew "^'ork City : G. P. Putnam's Sons. ^lany of our amateur astronomers will find this book especially delightful. We not only like to know the names of the stars and some- thing of celestial mechanics but also want to know the beautiful myths and legends that time and fanc}^ have woven about them. People who admire the beauty of the stars may learn to love them b}- reason of the literar}^ and leg- endary association recalled by their appearance. The author, as "Who's Who in America" tells us. is a lawyer, but it is evident that he is also an enthusiastic amateur astronomer, since he has written several important and interest- ing books on the subject. A further aim has been to revive an interest in the mythology that twines about the stars. It has seemed but right that this wealth of star lore, -buried in the treasury of the past, should be brought to the light, to charm and interest those who scan the skies. The same author has issued another volume entitled "Sun Lore of All Ages." This is devoted to mythology, folk lore, sun worship, emblematic and symbolic forms of the sun and to the sun as r' vealed by science. Both books are valuable. They cover the entire field in a masterly manner. To Know The Starry Heavens (SEE PAGE 55) A PROMPT RESPONSE TO THE CALL FOR AN ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY AT ARCADIA TOTAL COST FOR BUILDING AND TELESCOPE A LITTLE OVER $i,ooo. SEE LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS THAT HAVE SUB- SCRIBED $322. We Need $700 More THE FOUNDATION IS COMPLETED. WORK IS IN PROGRESS ON THE BUILDING. WE HAVE FAITH THAT OUR FRIENDS WILL NOT LET IT BE EMPTY. ^K Vol VllI No. 2 July 1915 EDWARD F. BIGELOW MANAGING EDITOR Subscriptions, $L00 a Year. Single Copies, 10 Cents 1^ ~^&' 1^ K^-^^i GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH •^ As Trustee Under this term are several forms of serv- ice covered by The Greenwich Trust Company, such as: Administration of es- tates left without wills, receiver or assignee of enterprises in financial difficulties; agent for persons who want to be relieved of the management of their own business and property affairs. A corporation is better than an individual, because: It never dies; it is never absent or too busy for immediate action; and do- ing its work by the collective judgment and efforts of several experienced persons, it is superior to individual human frailties of judgment and conduct which so often result disastrously in the case of one man trusteeship. Our Officers will gladly confer with you re- garding the services above outlined. The Greenwich Trust Co. 96 Greenwich Avenue GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT has good transportation facilities to New York. You can buy or rent to good advantage and enjoy living by the water or among the hills to the utmost satisfaction. I have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inland Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Building Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locations. Would be pleased to have you call or write. Laurence Timmons Tel. 456 Opp. Depot Greenwich, Conn laoEJ 1^ BEST NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN o Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials ^ ^ ^ IB el 1^ o Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES \3 el o lbSej DEHN & BERTOLF, Props. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN GREENWICH, CONN. Vol Published monthly by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA: Sound Beach, Connecticut. Subscnption. $ 1 .00 a year Single copy. 10 cents Entered as Second-Class Matter June 12. 1909. at Sound Beach Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1897. Number 2 Vlll JULY. A Thoroughly Commendable Vagabond BY EDWARD F. BIGELOW, ArcAdiA, Sound Beach, Conn. CURIOUS, is it not, how some words are a sort of slur upon the human mind? They are pessimis- tic in result although in themselves they mav be only good. Take the word preju- dice; it really means a prejudgment, yet it conveys the impression that the mind is thinking disparaging things. What is a vagabond? One that exemplifies the meaning of the Latin word '•vagus," to wander around. It is a curious fact that the mind usually thinks of a wanderer as necessarily bad. Should not one sup- pose that the language would commend a vagabond as the very opposite of a stolid loafer who has not life enough to move from the position where he sits and thinks and sometimes only sits." Bliss Carman of New Canaan, Con- necticut, has for many years been teach- ing and inspiring mankind with the idea that one may wander around, yes, even be a highly commendable vagabond and think thoughts that are uplifting, even heavenlv. "His poem, "The Joys of the Road,"' in "Songs from Vagabondia," gave me my first knowledge of this de- lightful vagabond. At that time I had become imkied with the spirit of Walt \M-iitman"s "'Afoot and light-hearted, I take to the open road." One thinks of Whitman as swinging along at a rapid pace in a rough and ready style, but when we turn to Bliss Carman we think more of mind and heart than of legs. Xo one reading his "The loys of the Road" would think of him as hurrying. He contemplates and uplifts. His vagabondage sees things aright and gets their inner meaning. Xo one has portrayed more perfectly nor beautifully the joys of the road in autumn. Every nature lover should know the poem. It is almost impossible to se- lect a quotation since the entire poem might well be considered a single sen- tence, a leisurely sentence wandering along a delightful October road only now and then to pause but not really to stop. The thought goes on, one joy leads to another so rapidly as to fill the mind with a constantl\- recurring pano- rama of beautiful pictures. Thus he swings ofi^ leisurely : Now the jovs of the road are chiefly these: A crimson touch on the hard-wood trees; A vagrant's morning wide and blue, In early fall, when the wind walks, too; Copyright 1915 by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA: Sound Beach, Conn. 38 THE GUIDE TO NATURE BLISS CARMAN of New Canaan, Connecticut A shadowy highway cool and brown, Alluring up and enticing down From rippled water to dappled swamp. From purple glory to scarlet pomp ; The outward eye, the quiet will, And the striding heart from hill to hill ; The tempter apple over the fence ; The cobweb bloom on the yellow quince; The palish asters along the wood, — A lyric touch of the solitude ; An open hand, an easy shoe, And a hope to make the day go through,- A THOROUGHLY COMMENDABLE VAGABOND 39 Stop to get step there, the poem like the walker goes for home : Who never defers and never demands, But, smiling, takes the world in his hands, — Seeing it good as when God first saw And gave it the weight of his will for law. The poems, "Songs from Vagab'on- dia," also "More Songs from Vagabon- dia" and "Last Songs from Vagabo,n- dia," were written in cooperation wath his fellow traveler, Richard Hovey, who died. "Echoes from Vagabondia" were written by J\Ir. Carman. These delight- ful little books are published by Small, Maynard and Company, Boston, Mass., and should be familiar to every nature lover. "The Rough Rider and Other Poems," published by Mitchell Kennerly of New York City, contains some charming bits of nourishment for every nature lover. In this are two poems with especial local interest. "Easter Eve" refers to Lake Wampanaw of New Canaan and the accompanying illustration shows Mr. Carman standing by that Lake in medi- tation, and he asks in a way that startles the reader, suppose while going from town on Wednesday he had met Christ walking on Ponus Street? Then let me ask you. Last December, when there was skating on Wampanaw, Among the weeds and sticks and grasses un- der the hard black ice I saw An old mud-turtle poking about, as if he were putting his house to rights, Stiff with the cold perhaps, yet knowing enough to prepare for the winter nights. Well, I have an instinct as fine and valid, surely, as that of the beasts and birds, Concerning death and the life immortal, too deep for logic, too vague for words. No trace of beauty can pass or perish, but other beauty is somewhere born ; No seed of truth or good be planted, but the yield must grow as the growing corn. Therefore this ardent mind and spirit I give to the glowing days of earth. To be wrought by the Lord of life to some- thing of lasting import and lovely worth. If the toil I give be without self-seeking, bestowed to the limit of will and power, To fashion after some form ideal the in- stant task and the waiting hour, It matters not though defeat undo me, though faults betray me and sorrows scar, Already I share the life eternal with the April buds and the evening star. Our minister here, entrenched in doctrine, may know no doubt upon Easter Eve. And when it comes to the crucial question. Doctor, you skeptic, you too believe ! Another delightful poem with local reference is "On Ponus Ridge." In the first stanza he propounds a question, an. answer to which he finds on Ponus Ridge : I hoard the voice of our mother planet mur- mur CO da} as the south wind blew Over the old Connecticut granite, up from the Sound and the rainy blue. "What is your comment, wandering broth- er," said Ponus Ridge to the striding rain, "Not on the new word, Love one another, but the harder text. Ye shall rise again?" It is difficult to do justice to this poem without quoting it all, but this stanza is a sample of the beautiful thoughts that crowd the author's mind and seek ex- pression : Here all day long I shall lie and ponder the teeming life whereon I brood, While the buds unfold, the low clouds wander, and all things flow to rhythm and mood. And seeing all form but the trace of mo tion, all beauty the vestige of joy made plain, Shall I stint my care and my devotion, to vex me with counting the once or again ? One can but think of Bliss Carman somewhat as of John Howard Payne. Tenderly beautiful in thought, affec- tionate in spirit, Bliss Carman lives his life alone; he has no home. He engages a room at one house near the railroad station in Xew^ Canaan, and takes his meals in another. He is not surrounded by relatives, he knows not the joys of home life though he has enriched thous- ands of homes by the tenderly beautiful, loving spirit of his poetry. He who has sung for the delight of many a home is, as he himself says, a vagabond. Ask at the station in New Canaan, "Where is Mr. Carman's home?" and the answer is, 'T suppose you mean that man who writes for magazines and wears a broad- brimmed hat. He has no home ; he boards over there. I don't believe. Mis- ter, you will find him at home ; he goes walking over the hills and through the woods and perhaps you will find him on the lake where he spends much of his time." Is vagabondage commendable? As ex- emplified by Bliss Carman, it is. Is Carman singing a new song? No, it is the old, old story of Him who walk- ed with His disciples in the open road, who drew His lessons from the lilies in the field, from the vineyards that He passed, from the birds that He saw and 40 THE GUIDE TO NATURE 'HE GOES WALKING OVER THE HILLS AND THROUGH THE WOODS.' " from the farmer's boy feeding the pigs, whose acquaintance He had probably made, and from whom He drew his mosi touching lesson. These thoughts must have been running through Bliss Car- man's mind Vvdien he asked the astonish- ing question, Suppose one were to meet Christ right on ordinary, everyday, commonplace Ponus Street, what then is to be done? It is to think His thoughts and draw His lessons from nature and realize, as Ponus Ridge said to the strid- ing rain, there is a greater question than "Love one another," the harder task, "Ye shall rise again." Bliss Carman is showing the sacredness of commonplace nature, making really a new Canaan and in the years to come that sacredness of thought shall more and more be credited to this master poet whose head and heart tower literally and emblematically farther toward heaven than those of most men while his feet tread common- place earth. From James Whitcomb Riley's Secretary. Indianapolis. Ind., April 17, 191 5. Dear Mr. Bigelow : Your letter has been forwarded to Mr. Riley in the South where he has no secretary. I know he will make a special efifort to write what you request because of his friendship both for you and Mr. Carman. May 7th, 191 5. Mr. Riley, who isn't able to take up the pen, says he has expressed his appre- ciation and love for Bliss Carman in the poem which I am enclosing. He is sorry that his health is such that it is difficult for him to write anything new. "There is nothing I would not do or say for Carman," he tells me. "He is a fine, knightly man, poet and scholar." The man is blessed w'ho every day is permitted to behold anything: so pure and serene as the western skv at sunset, while revolutions vex the world — Thoreau. TO BLISS CARMAN. He is the morning's poet — The bard of mount and moor, The minstrel fine of dewy shine, The dawning's troubadour : The brother of the bluebird, ATid blossoms, throng on throng, Whose singing calls, o'er orchard walls, Seem glitterings of song. A THOROUGHLY COMMENDABLE VAGABOND 41 He meets, with brow uncovered, The sunrise through the mist, \\ ith raptured eyes that range the skies And seas of ameth_vst : The brambled rose clings to him ; The breezy wood receives Him as the guest she loves the best And laughs through all her leaves : Pan and his nymphs and dryads They hear, in breathless pause. This earth-born wight lilt his delight, And envy him because .... He is the morning's poet — - The bard of mount and moor. The minstrel fine of dewy shine. The dawning's troubadour. Stamford Salutes New Canaan. BY CHARLES H. CRANDALL, STAMFORD, CT. Bliss Carman? Certainly. To know him is to know one whose head is in the clouds (he is considerably over six feet), so it is easy for him to see visions which escape common mortals, as an ofificer looks over the trenches by means of a periscope. When you are a poet, and in good workino- order, vou can see over mountain tops and around corners. It is therefore no wonder that Carman can extract wisdom from the turtle in Lake Wampanaw or stroll over Ponus Ridge and fancy himself walking in the foot- steps of Socrates, and gather up a fine crop of philosophy as the fruit of his walk. I have chatted with our serene and lofty poet in his tent in the woods near New Canaan and envied him his air of illimitable leisure, his calm serenity and unrufiled poise. But I am out of patience with the shade of my old friend, E. C. Stedman, who, in making up his anthologies of verse, failed to class Car- man as an American, but must remind us that he was born under the aegis of "Our Lady of the Snows," in far- away Labrador or New Brunswick or Scotia, where even the wild geese cannot stand the winters. Having all the sense of the goose, and then some (and mind you, wild geese know a lot that we do not ) . ]\Ir. Carman took flight from Can- adian wilds to old New York town many years ago and has been tramping over tlie Catskills and the New Canaan hills 'CARMAN CAN EXTIi,\CT WISDOM FROM THE TURTLE IX LAKE WAMPANAW 42 THE GUIDE TO NATURE for decades more or less. So I call him an American, as he is to all intents and purposes. I speak of Stedman's classi- fications because I wanted to telJ a lady where to find his "Make Me Over, Mother April," and did not find him in the group of American poets. Read this poem of his if you wish to find Carman in one of his choicest moods, when he revels in rhyme and rhythm and daring- characterization of nature, a wild sort of Bohemian chant such as stirred his blood in the young- days when he hit the woodland trails and the open road with Richard Hovey and g^ave the world those wild, rollicking, careless, lawless "Songs of Vagabondia." May he al- ways renew his youth whenever he chooses to hit the open road. married daughter, were all successful authors. William Hayes Ward, Honorary Editor of "The Independent. Tribute from William Hayes Ward. South Berwick, Maine. To the Editor : Yes, Bliss Carman was for a while office editor of "The Independent" while I was editor and his companion- ship in the office it is a pleasure to recall. He was in his youth a tall blonde, with statuesque head and long- hair and open neck : very quiet and unassuming, dreamy, yet companion- able. He was much with his cousins, the Robertses, whose literary ambi- tions had brought this exceptionably gifted family to New York. It was about this time that he did his tramp- ing with his poet friend, Richard Hovey, whose early death was a sad loss to American literature. The fruit of these wimderings appear in his "Vagabondia," and he mentioned his companion under the name of "Dickon. Such poems as "The Quaker Eadies" and the "Easter Market" at Washington, very simple and delight- ful, were not easily forgotten, and ought not to be, although probal:)ly they cost him much less labor than his longer poems of which I mention only the "Coronation Ode" on the accession of King Edward, for he was a loyal Canadian. "The Independent" pub- lished many of his verses. Of course he wrote prose, if not so much as did his cousin, Charles G. D. Roberts. We are indebted to New Brunswick for a family of unusual worth. The senior Roberts was an Episcopal .clergyman of much distinction, and his three sons, Charles, William and Theodore, and a Associations " of Plants and Birds. Dr. Arthur A. Allen, of Cornell Uni- versity, in a paper before the Biologi- cal society of Washington, recognizes seven "associations" of plant and bird life between pond or river on the one side and field and forest on the other. These are, in order : 1. The Open Water Association. Here the plants are important sources of food but do not provide nesting places for any birds. 2. The Shoreline Association. This provides little food. One of the few birds inhabiting it is the pied-billed grebe. 3. The Cat-tail Association. Here as a favorite locality for such birds as the least bitterns, coots, and various rails The red-winged blackbird, though having a wide range over various sorts of country prefers this belt. 4. The Sedge Association. Marsh wren, ordinary bittern, swamp spar- row, and marsh hawk, are among the birds of this district. 5. The Grass Association, of which song sparrow and Maryland yellow- throat are typical inhabitants. 6. The Alder-Willow Association, with the green heron and alder fly- catcher among nesting species. 7. The Elm-Maple Association, where dwell a large variety of woodland birds, while several species nest here which get their living in other regions. The commonest and cheapest sounds, as the barking of a dog, produce the same effect on fresh and healthy ears that the rarest music does It depends on your appetite for sound. Just as a crust is sweeter to a healthy ap- petite than confectionery to a pampered or diseased one. It is better that these cheap sounds be music to us than that we have the rarest ears for music in any other sense. I have lain awake at night many a time to think of the barking of a dog which I had heard long before, bath- ing my being again in those waves of sound, as a frequenter of the opera might lie awake remembering the music he had heard — Thoreau. CAMP FIRE PHOTOGRAPHS AT NIGHT 43 Campfire Photographs at Night. One of ihe simplest yet most eftective and striking flash-light photographs that one can make is a camp fire flash-light. All we need is a camera, a camp fire and about three of the flash sheets that can be had of any photograph dealer. First pile on a lot of wood and let your camp fire burn until vou have a big he:l of red between the camera and the fire we must have three or four figures standing close together. This is to shield the camera from the glare of the flash which might give up that fuzzy efifect called halation. Xow we give our flash sheets or powder to one of the boys sitting close to the fire with instructions to toss it into the hottest part of the bed of coals at our A CAMP FIRE PHOTOGRAPHED AT NIGHT. hot coals but no fire to speak of. Xow then, place your camera at a convenient distance from the fire so you can include your group, say about twenty feet. The camera must be on some firm support for this will be a time exposure. If you have no tripod set it on a log, tree stum]), camp chair or anything that is handy. Now then, set the shutter for a time ex- posure. Xow our camera is ready and it is time to arrange our group. Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that you focus on the fire if it is a focusing camera. oMy reason for fixing the camera first is not to have our subjects sitting close to the hot fire any longer than is necessary. Sometimes they get too hot while wait- ing for the photograoher to get ready and refuse to pose. Now we arrange our Darty in a circle about the fire, sitting, kneeling or in natural attitudes, but just word of command. Then just before taking the picture we .gather up a bunch of damp leaves or green grass and throw it on the fire. Immediately there rises up a cloud of dense white smoke which is very essential to our picture. Then we step back to our waiting cam- era, open the shutter, give the word of command to our assistant to throw the flash into the hot part of the fire. "Bing!"' ofl^ goes the flash ; we close our shutter and the ])icture is made. It is well to caution }our group to look at the fire or each other and not at the camera for this spoils the naturalness of the efifect. [Photograph, with instructions, from Brown and Dawson, Stamford, Conn., and copyright- ed by them.] The Natioual Museums of Peru have had to be closed as a result of the hard times which have followed the war. 44 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Natures Studies in and Around Washington, D. C. BY R. W. SIIUFELDT, M. D. OF ALL THE CITIES in this country few there are that can of- fer the amateurs and profession- als in any of the departments of natural science, botany, agriculture, and their allied callings, more advantages in the way of libraries, museums, and delight- ful variety in the surrounding country than can the city of Washington — our Capital. Moreover, Washington holds in its society an unusually large number of people who are more than interested in such pursuits, for the city is the home of a great many distinguished men and venient to consult everything that has been published along the lines of biology in its broadest sense. The many mu- seums have superb public exhibits of natural history material of every descrip- tion, and collections for the use of stu- dents, containing thousands upon thous- ands of specimens from every division and kingdom in nature. Situated as the city is upon the Po- tomac river, one naturally finds present the usual river faunse as they occur in this part of the world : a few interesting mammals for study ; a long list of water FIG. 1. A GROUP OF WASHINGTON FOLK WHO BELIEVE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE LIFE. women of science, and of a considerable body of those that take up such studies in a non-professional way. To these and others we may add a very large as- semblage of those devoted to amateur pursuits along similar lines, and they, in turn, have their host of friends in that charming class now usually designated as the nature lovers. In short, we have an army of such people, ranging all the way from a strict closet naturalist to the jolly soul who takes to the timber just for the love of it, in that he or she may be as close to nature as possille all the time. We have several large libraries in Washington, rendering it easy and con- and land birds ; a fair representation of fresh-water fishes, and finally, quite a number of batrachians and reptiles, as well as insects, mollusks, and other in- vertebrata. As for the flora, it is most varied and beautiful, flowering species lasting from the earliest days of spring, until entirely checked by the hand of winter, which is not always cold enough, however, to kill it all, as one may see dandelions here even in January. The summer of 19x4 was a particular- ly lovely one — all the way from the mid- dle of April to the last -lays of October, and even a good ^'-pvs into November. My wife and I enioved a score or more of fine tramps in various directions ; and NATURE STUDIES IN AND AROUND WASHINGTON. 45 FTG. 2. A SCENE IN NORTHERN \IRGIN1A. upon one memorable occasion a party was made up which included Mr. C. \\ . Gilmore. who has charge of the fossil birds and reptiles in the U. S. National ^Museum : Mrs. Gilmore, their three beautiful little daughters, Mrs. Coutant, ]\Irs. Gilmore's mother ; Mrs. Shufeldt. and the subscriber. The latter is respon- sible for perpetuating this squad of true nature lovers, as shown in Figure i, wherein Mr. Gilmore declines to apolo- gize for smoking in the presence of la- dies, while the latter told me afterwards that they wished they had taken their hats off, as these were not altogether up to date. In these tramps we by no means con- fine ourselves to the District of Colum- bia ; for, owing to the splendid system of electric cars running out from the city in all directions, it requires but short spaces of time to take in much of southern Maryland, northern A^irginia, and by an extra jaunt, soon land at the shores of Chesapeake Bay, which in all respects offers nearly everything that one finds at the seashore. Some parts of \^irginia are as attrac- tive as anything that can well be imagin- ed. In Figures 2 and 3 we have wood and farm scenes in old Virginia, just over the river from Washington ; and did you ever see such a wealth of daisies as we have in the foreground of Figure 3, or a farmhouse more snugly sheltered in the encircling woodland? When wife and I take to the country- side, we are after things. We are not only rigged out for the tramp, but all sorts of collecting traps, a 5 x 8 camera, and other necessaries go along with us. If I chance to be studying box tortoises at home — their life histories, variations, and so on — then box tortoises are in or- der, and five or six of them are duly collected. These are subsequently to be photographed in my study (Fig. 4), and to be observed and examined in various >vays as material for monographic work. In some parts of \'irginia these reptiles are remarkably abundant and exhibit wide variations in their coloring. One day we found where one had crawled into an empty tin preserving-can and (lied there. It was apparently long ago, and only its skeleton was in evidence. FIG. 3. A FARMHOUSE IX XOK I lil-.K.\ \ Iki.lMA 46 THE GUIDE TO NATURE FTG. 4. AX Or.D BOX TORTOTSK. This was nearly complete, and thus saved me some trouble in another direc- tion which I need not mention now. FTG. 5. THF. GREAT HORNFD OWL. As I am preparing" a work on the nat- ural history of this region, we allow nothing to escape us, and with my cam- era, during the past few seasons, I have made two or three hundred most beauti- ful negatives, photographs from which will be used as illustrations to the forth- coming manual. The ornithology of the country is most interesting", and is now very thor- oughly protected by the recent bird laws. This has preserved even some of the largest raptorial birds, and on the river one occasionally sees the white-headed eagle soaring majestically overhead, while in the timbered sections I have sometimes met with the great horned owl — the young" and old of this species being here shown in Figures 5 and 6, captive specimens which I photographed for my work. Down in the marshes we have the noisy little marsh wrens, which build nests out of the cat-tail leaves in com- munities, each having the form of a co- coanut, with a hole at the side for an entrance. They also build here and there "mock-nests," apparently with the hope that their enemies, in hunting^ for nests containing their eggs, might, in coming across these, become discouraged or per- haps think that all the nests in sight were deceptions, and so give up their search. Unfortunately, this little scheme rarely succeeds. Snakes get many of their" eggs, especially those found in and NATURE STUDIES IN AND AROUND WASHINGTON 47 around the marsh-lands, as the deadl}' "copperhead," the young of which spe- cies is seen in Figure 8, — a \'irginia specimen which I photographed and sul> sequently placed in the National Mu- seum collections. Of all my studies and photographic work, none is more fascinating than the insects and flowers of this region, and everv year that goes hy adds forty or fifty' new subjects to my collection. As I write these lines I am yearning for the FIG. THE SPOTTED PELIDNOTA OR GRAPEVINE BEETLE. FIG. 6. THE YOUNG OF THE GREAT HORNF.n owr.. "bluets'" and the crow- or bird-foot vio- lets to show themselves again, peeping up amid the dead leaves of last year's growth. A beautiful bunch of bluets are shown in Fig. lo, which I took last year in Maryland, just a little ways from our home. Insect life is very abundant here ; and over thirty years ago the veteran ento- mologist of the U. S. Department of Ag- riculture, the late Charles \'alentine Riley, told me that, by careful search, there were still ftew species of the smaller forms of insects to be described for the District of Columbia and north- ern Mrginia. Few contributed more to this subject than Professor Riley, and especially along the line of those species of insects which are the enemies of the agriculturist, or destroyed our shade- Fir,. S. VOTING COPPERHFAn VIPER OR SNAKE. Not to he trusted at this age, and very venomous when older. 48 THE GUIDE TO NATURE FIG. 9. THE BROAD-NECKED TRIONUS. trees, or were pests in other ways. Out of my large collection of insect photographs taken in this region, I select two for reproduction here, — the one shown in Fig. 7 being the "Spotted Pel- idnota," which often does great damage to the wild and cultivated grape-vines during the summer months ; the other subject (Fig. 9) is the well-known "Broad-necked Prionus," the larva; of wliich feed upon the roots of the grape- vine, and which doubtless is a harmful insect in other ways. IVIany of the moths and butteflies of the District are very beautiful, and a dis- play-collection of these, together with other insects, is now being made for one of the exhibition-rooms at the U. S. Na- tional ]^Iuseum. This is very convenient for study, and of great assistance to those interested in this particular and important branch of zoology. FIG. 10. A BEAUTIFUL BUNCH OF "BLUETS.' THE INTEREST IN INSECTS 49 Bee Buccaneers. BY JOHN H. LOVELL, WALDBORO, MAINE. The diligence of bees is proverbial, and they have long been held up as mod- els of industry in both prose and poetry. It is then with no small astonishment tliat we learn that there are idle bees, which have given up nest building and storing supplies ; and live wholly, as re- gards brood rearing, at the expense of their neighbors. Like robbers, as they are. they steal into the homes of the rightful owners of the nests, when they are away, and lay their eggs on the balls of bee-bread. They are called guest- bees, brood parasites, or inquilines ; while their unconscious victims are known as host-bees. The guest-bees are usually allied in structure with their hosts, and both are probably derived from the same primi- tive stock, thus the false bumblebees, which live in the nests of bumblebees, are commonly mistaken for bumblebees, and both doubtless had a common ances- try. The origin of this habit is not per- haps wholly clear, but it is only one of many manifestations in nature of a wide- spread tendency among animals and plants, not excepting the human race, to live at the expense of others when there is an opportunity. Common genera of parasitic bees in the eastern states are ^v'omada, Coelioxys, Stelis. Melecta. and Psithvrus, or the false bumblebees. (Fig. I). Of the lives and adventures of these bold buccaneers of the air we know little : "His morals are mixed, but his will is fixed ; He prospers after his kind. And follows an instinct, compass-sure. The philosophers call blind. And that is why, when he comes to die, He'll have an easier sentence. Than some one I know who thinks just so. And then leaves room for repentance." The way in which a parasitic bee en- ters the burrow of a nest bee is thus de- scribed by Dr. Graenicher : A parasitic bee (Triepeohts iiuniiiiiis comes flying FIG. 1. COMMON PARASITIC BEES. 1. Nnmnda beUa : n. female; b. male. 2. Melecta miranda, female. 3. Melecta interrupta, female. 4. Triepeolus donatus: a, female; b, male. 5. Coelioxys rufitarsis: a, female; b, male. 6. Stelis foederalis, female. over a clay-bank examining every hole and crevice in search of the nest of a host-bee. When it discovers the burrow of Colletes eulophi it becomes greatly ex- cited, crawling around with quivering wings, looking into the tunnel but not entering. It soon takes up a position on a small plant, and waits patiently until the owner arrives with its load of pollen and honey and disappears in the nest. After the departure of the host-bee the parasite enters the nest where it remains about a minute. It then spends nearly six minutes in studying the territory around the nest in order that it may easily locate it again. For several successive days it returns and at the right time deposits an 50 THE GUIDE TO NATURE egg- on the bee-bread (a mixture of nec- tar and pollen). At last the nest is defin- itely closed by its owner {Collet cs culo- phi) and both bees disappear to return no more. Another parasitic bee (Stclis uiacii- lata) lays her eggs in the nests of Alci- FIG. 2. DIAGRAMS OF SECTIONS OF CELLS. A. Diagram of a section lengthwise through a cell troni the nest of Alcidamea prodncta: c, egg of host bee, Alcidamea producta; d, egg of parasitic bee, Stelis sexmaculata. B. Diagram of section lengthwise through lower half of cell of Megachile latimanus: e, egg of host bee, Megachile latimanus; f, egg of parasitic bee, Coelioxys rufitarsis. Notice that the egg of the parasitic bee is concealed on the side of the mass of bee bread. (After Graeniclier). damea producta. The nest of Alcidamea producta is a tunnel in the pith of the dry stem of the blackberry or sumac. At the bottom there is stored a conical mass •of bee-bread on the top of which Alci- damea lays her egg; during the absence of the host-bee the parasite Stelis enters the tunnel and lays an egg on the side near the base of the bee-bread. (Fig. 2). The host-bee may build as many as four such cells, one over the other, closing each with a felt-like mass of chewed strawberry leaves. Let us now enter the nest and observe the tragic end which awaits the rightful heir. According to Dr. Graenicher both B FIG. 3. MANDIBLES OF LARVAE. A. Mandible of larva of host bee, Alcidamea pro- ducta. Notice that it is blunt and bifid, adapted neither for attack nor defense. B. Acutely pointed mandible of larva of parasitic bee, Stelis sexmaculata, with which it pierces the body of the host larva. (After Graenicher). eggs hatch at nearly the same time. The larva of the parasite is armed with long- sharp mandibles; but those of the host larva are blunt and bifid and not well adapted either for defense or attack — so the latter is doomed from the beginning. When the two larvae meet, while feed- ing on the bee-bread, the parasite seizes the body of the host-larva between its sharp mandibles. The latter may strug- gle a little but soon succumbs ; after sucking out the liquid contents of its host the parasite resumes feeding on the bee-bread. If the host bee lays two eggs in the same cell, the larvae can not injure each other; but if there are two larvae of the parasite a combat is certain to re- sult, and the victor is the larva obtaining- the first hold on the body of the other. The handsomest parasitic bees belong to the genus Nomada, and Smith calls them most beautiful of all the genera found in Great Britain. They are often called wasp-bees, "because of their gay coloring." They are dark red in color, often sufifused partially with black, and maculated with bright or pale yellow (a yellow streak is certainly a fitting color for these bees). The males are much jTiore yellow than the females. As the females no longer .gather pollen they have largely lost the hair brushes used for this purpose. They lay their eggs in the burrows of the ground bees (An- drciia). They occur chiefly north of the equator, and are more abundant in west- ern than in eastern North America. In New England there are two species of false bumblebees, of the genus Psithy- rus, which live in the nests of the bum- blebees. In appearance they closely re- semble bumblebees, and are no doubt de- rived from the same ancestral stock. They produce no workers, only males and females, which would appeal to a certain type of socialists as an ideal state of afifairs. They were long supposed to be merely commensals, living with the bumblebees but doing no harm. Their economy, however, has recently been fully described by Sladen. The female Psithyrus attacks and kills the bumblebee queen and takes possession of the nest ; but with cunning foresight she waits un- til a sufficient number of eggs have been laid to provide a force of bumblebee workers large enough to provide for her- self and her brood. Sometimes she waits too long and enters a colony with a strong company of workers, and is fu- THE INTEREST IN INSECTS 51 tiniately as }ou may, and I am ready to let fall the veil which hides me, and trust myself and all my secrets to you." FIG. 4. TWO COMMON FALSE BUMBLEBEES. 1. Psithyrus ashtoni: a, female; b, male. 2. Psithyrus laboriosus: a, female; b, male. riously assailed, overcome and slain. Females of the false bumblebees do not fight with each other. So little is known about American bumblebees that they offer a most interesting field for study. (Fig- 4)- While according to human ethical standards there are pirates of the air among the bees, the group as a whole is of inestimable value in the pollination of flowers. In the absence of insect visits a great number of flowers would remain unfertile, for example, a large part of our fruits, as apples, pears, plums, sweet cherries, grapes, cucumbers and squashes, in the absence of insects, are largely or wholly unproductive. As pol- linators the bees easily surpass all other insects in importance. As they all live on flower food in both the larval and adult stages, they are compelled con- stantly to visit flowers. In the spring the air around the catkins of the willows and the bloom of the plum trees is filled with wild bees. But the collector should examine every conspicuous flower, for some bees fly only in spring, others only in autumn. Bees with a short term of flight, as a month or two, often restrict their visits almost entirely to to one kind of common flower, as the willows, golden-rods and asters, which yield an abundance of pollen and nectar. There is no more fascinating study than the relations of flowers and insects, and in the words of Hermann Mueller the flowers extend to you this invitation : "Only venture to come to me, and in true love make yourself acquainted with me and all mv conditions of life, as in- Which Bees Swarm Out? Gentryville, Indiana. To the Editor : — I shall feel greatly obliged to you if you will kindly answer the following question : Do young or old bees leave the hive in the swarm? Halligan in his "Fundamentals of Ag- riculture," states that the old bees swarm, while T. Chalmers Potter in his booklet, "Beekeeping for Sedentary Folk," states that the young bees swarm. Assuring you that your answer will be greatly appreciated, I am, Very truly yours. J. B. Harter. You are both right and wrong. The fact is, that both young bees and old bees go out with the swarm. The very young bees, of course, are left with the young brood to take care of them. Practically speaking, the average swarm is made up of drones of all ages, bees of all ages, but mainly field bees and young bees that are old enough to go to the fields, or old enough to go out and indulge in the play spells out in front of the entrance of the hive on bright sunny days. — The A. I. Root Company. An English naturalist reports two dif- ferent male blackbirds which chanced, early in the mating season, to catch sight of their own reflections in a win- dowpane and came back every day to fight it. The one kept up the visionary combat during and entire month, the other throughout the spring. Neither bird appeared to have the least capacity to profit by experience. During the recent siege of Antwerp, the famous Zoological Gardens belong- ing to the city received only a single hostile shell, wdiich fell among the turtles and did little damage. Before the bombardment began, however, the management thought it wisest to shoot all the bears ; and later after the city took fire, all the large carnivora were likewise disposed of. as well as the venomous serpents. Otherwise the institution has suffered little except for lack of money. 52 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Ants' Heads Do Walk About. In our May number we quoted from "The American Botanist" an article en- titled, "Interesting- But Not True." We suggest that in criticising others, one should say nothing that may be criticised by those others. The following letters are self-explanatory : Washington, D. C. To the Editor: I am enclosing a page from your May number of The Guide to Nature with a slight correction. It so happens that, so far as I know, I was the first to re- port the facts about an "ant's^head walk- ing by itself without a body." , I take the following from my note- book of July loth, 1887, the facts after- wards being reported to the Entomo- logical Society here: "Hollis, N. H., July 10. "While sitting on the front steps I no- ticed the headless bodies of some black ants (Camponotus pennsylvaniciis) which were still alive. On looking around carefully I found several heads lying detached. On examination each head was found to be occupied by a small, live, white worm. They were able to move around by keeping the head on its flat (posterior) surface and by elongating themselves, pushing their house backward — " Several years later Mr. E. A. Schwartz of the Agricultural Depart- ment reported a full study of the sub- ject and identified the adult of the worm as a parasitic fly ( ?) which deposited its eggs on the back of the ant's head. "The American Botanist," from which you quote should change its quotation to, Be sure you are right, then go ahead. Sincerely yours, William H. Fox, ^I. D. ^ * * \Vashington, D. C. To the Editor : I have yours of the 4th, with letter from Dr. William H. Fox of this city and clipping from the May number of The Guide to Nature. Doctor Fox is correct, with the single exception that the man who wrote the second article conveying the determination of the para- site and so on was not Mr. E. A. Schwarz. but Mr. Theodore Pergande of this Bureau. You will find an account of this curious phenomenon of an ant's head apparently walking by itself in my "Insect Book" published by Doubleday Page &Co., on pages 147-148, under the head of "The Hump-backed Flies (Fam- ily Phoridae)." I quote: "Life History of the Ant-Decapitating Fly {Apoccphalus pcrgandei Coquillett.) "It would be rather a misnomer to call this a typical life history since this form seems peculiar in its habits and rather aberrant among the Phoridae, but the observations which have been made upon it by Dr. W. H. Fox and Mr. Theo. Per- gande have been more complete than any which have been made upon other mem- bers of the family, so it is here included. A common black ant (Camponotus perui- sylvanicus) is the host of this little hump-backed fly. In the District of Co- lumbia and in New Hampshire the fly may be found in midsummer darting about the moving ants on tree trunks and elsewhere and finally succeeding in laying its ^gg, sometimes after a strug- gle, on the neck of the ant. The Qgg hatches and the young larva bores direct- ly into the head of the ant. As it en- larges it eats out the whole head cavity, the head breaks ofif from the body of the ant and moves about independently, pro- pelled by the body of the contained mag- got which extrudes partly from the neck hole. The larva of the fly transforms to pupa with the last larval skin in the cut oft' ant's head and the adult fly issues in the course of from two to three weeks. To see an ant's head walking off by itself is a curious sight, yet it is common enough where this fly abounds. Dr. Fox named it, appropriately enough, 'the ant- decapitating fly.' " Sincerely yours, L. O. Howard, Chief of Bureau. The latest of the long series of mono- graphs on "The Natural History of New England" brought out by the Boston Society of Natural History is by W. C. Kendall, associate of the United States Bureau of Fisheries. It comprises part T of a proposed mono- graph on the salmon family, and is given over exclusively to the trouts. In addition to the usual minute de- scriptions in the hundred quarto pages, there is much historical information, together with seven large and beauti- ullv colored plates. THE MINERAL COLLECTOR •53 ■■r ■■vyy^Y^rv^^^.-o^ri.i.iri.iii.Mi.n-rtjtj.iiiiMiroTrTiomcUXaxet^^ THE MINERAL COLLECTOR « ■■« Yrrfrr, ^rtTywvvTVYTrv»-i-«vY-fi-.T 1 1 1 ni.i.Ti i-i-nm o oTjcixgcaaxoooocOJCgooooeoooecoaxc Mica and Isinglass. crystallize in the monoclynic sys- tem. The various species are charac- BY R0BI2RT SPARKS WALKER, CH.VTTA- ^-ii •. 11 -ij- tenzed by a basal cleavage yielding NOOGA, TENN. tough scales, which vary from colorless Mica is not isinglass. There is a group to jet black. Muscovite is our common of minerals classified under the name mica, and is generally known by the mica, such as muscovite, paragonite, simple name mica. Colorless mica is lepidolite, biotite. etc. ; the illustration used in stove doors, for lamp chimneys, LARGE PIECES OF MICA OF THE Ml'SCOVPrE VARIETY. shows a piece of the muscovite variety, in the manufacture of insulating mate- the kind most familiar to our read- rial, of wall paper, of dynamite and as a ers. These mica minerals, consisting lubricant. In the year 1900, 70,587 of aluminum silicate, with varying pounds of sheet mica were mined in the proportions of potassium, sodium, etc.. United States. 54 THE GUIDE TO NATURE IMuscovite mica is a normal constituent of granite, gneiss, and similar rocks. Deposits from which sheet mica is ob- tained, are found in a coarse granite called pegmatite. Its preparation is sim- ple. When freed from rocks, it is split into blocks by the use of wedges, and then cut into various sizes. The picture shows a view of some of the mica mined by the Ridgeway Mica Company, Ridgeway, Virginia. North Carolina furnishes nearly half the mica now used. The Ridgeway people take out about 15,000 pounds monthly. The largest block removed weighed more than 3,000 pounds. The mine apparently contains enough mica to keep the owners busy for nearly a century. Mica, especially sheet mica, is often re- ferred to as isinglass. This is an erro- neous application of the word, as mica and isinglass are two entirely different things. Isinglass, the dried swimming bladder of certain fishes, is prepared by tearing the air bladder from the back of the fish, washing it in clear water, and removing the outer black skin. It is then spread on a board to dry, and to prevent shrivel- ing, is tacked to the board. The best quality is made from sun-dried sounds. After being thus dried the sound is moistened with warm water and the in- terior glossy skin removed by rubbing. It is then pressed between two highly polished iron rollers. If it is desired to extract the gelatin, which sometimes amounts to more than ninety per cent., the sound is bleached in a sulphuric acid solution. This causes it to swell into a mass, which, when dry, is bright and colorless. Pure isinglass should be free from odor and taste. If not tasteless, it is not pure. It is used for the same purposes as gelatin, and in cement. It is the isin- glass in court plaster that makes the plaster adhesive. Isinglass is prepared in many coun- tries, but principally in Manila. Canada, Brazil, Russia, West Indies and East In- dies. The best is probably that from the sturgeon, but the bladders of cod and other fish furnish a good quality — From the "Southern Fruit Grower." by per- mission. Copper Rocks and Boulders in Sound Beach. ArcAdiA has recently received from the mines of the Calumet and Hecla Min- ing Company at Calumet, Michigan, two samples of native copper, one a rock weighing considerably more than a quar- ter of a ton, the other a boulder of forty- eight pounds. The rock has been placed in an appropriate position at the entrance to the Welcome Reception Room and as nearly under the word "Welcome" as is convenient. This seems especially fitting, since both specimens have been presented to The Agassiz Association by Mr. R. L. Agassiz, Vice President of the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company, and grand- son of Louis Agassiz, for whom the sci- entific association is named. The Calu- met and Hecla Mining Company has been so intimately connected with the name of Agassiz, and the name Agassiz is of nature, that a peculiar significance in- heres in this great mass of copper as an emblem of the welcome that we extend to all to share in the benefits of this nature study institution. The mineralogical section of ArcAdiA has grown extensively in the past year. The fireplace compose-:! of minerals from all parts of the country, mostly contri- buted by friends of The Agassiz Associa- tion, has acted as a nucleus, around which a large number of interesting specimens has rapidly accumulated. The ancient superstition that gun- fire, Fourth of July, and blasting, bring on rain, seems to be pretty well dis- posed of by the weather records of the artillery proving-ground at Shoebury- ness, England. Here are tried out, al- most daily, the largest guns made — yet the locality has almost the smallest rainfall in the United Kingdom. A grandson of Charles Darwin, him- self a scientific man of no small parts, has perished in Flanders. The Oregon Experiment Station re- ports a flock of fifty hens with an aver- age of 213 eggs apiece during one calendar year ; with 220 for the average of the actual laying year of each parti- cular hen. The world's champion layer, which last year produced 303 in 365 days has now brought her score to 505 and broken the two-year record. An- other bird claims the astonishing total of 819 eggs in four years. The average farm hen" attains from fifty to seventy- five. TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS Contributions to the Observatory. Sound Beach : ]\Ir. E. B. Lockwood, $i.oo; Mrs. Robert McGinnis, $10.00. A Friend, $1.00; A Friend, $2.00. Total. $14.00. Greenwich : Mr. A. W. W. Marshall, $2.00; Mr. E. C. Converse, $100.00; Mr. Arthur S. 'Todd, $1.00; Mr. R. M. Wil- cox, $1.00; Mr. P. W. Hatheway, $1.00; Mr. A. F. Rippel, $1.00; ^Ir. R. L. Chamberlain, $1.00; Air. William S. Meany, $2.00; ]\Ir. Walter B. Todd, $10.00; Mr. Francis Clark, $1.00; Mr. Frederick C. Manvel, $5.00. Total $125.00 Stamford: A Friend, $3.00; Mv. Ed- ward A. Myrick, $1.00; ]\lr. O. E. Stone, $1.00: Mr. T. H. Kirk, $1.00; Mr. Wil- liam R. INIichaels, $1.00; Air. George R. Close, $1.00; Air. B. F. Whitford, $i.oo; Voska & Otto, $2.00 ; Air. Edmund Rvan, $1.00: Air. C. O. Aliller, $5.00; Air. R. H. G. Cunningham, $10.00; Air. George Breman, $5.00; Mrs. Fitch A. Hoyt, $5.00; Air. Fitch A. Hoyt, $25.00; Airs. Belden B. Brown, $3.00; Dr. J. D. Hertz, $2.00. Total, Elsewhere : Aliss $5.00; Air. Arthur A. setts, $50.00; Air. H. sylvania, $io.oo; Air. William Tyler Olcott, Connecticut, $1.00; A Prominent Astronomer, $25.00; Airs. Charles E. H. Phillips, Connecticut, $5.00 ; Dr. Robert T. A'lorris, New York, $5.00; Mr. H. E. Deats, New Jersey, $5.00; Air. Chas. A. Bruun. Alissouri, $10.00. Total, $116. Grand Total, S322.00. $67.00. Hills, Oklahoma, Carey, Alassachu- L. Cassard, Penn- E. C. Converse Gives $100. After Reading Press Editorial He Sends Check to Help Buy Telescope for ArcAdiA. Alay 10, 191 5. Greenwich Press, Greenwich, Conn. Gentlemen : — Enclosed find check for $100 to the order of Dr. E. F. Bigelow, for use to- ward the purchase of a telescope. I was interested in your article on this subject, and am desirous of helping Dr. Bigelow accomplish his laudable purpose. Very truly yours, E. C. Converse. In response to the editorial which ap- peared in this newspaper last week, ask- ing people to help Dr. E. F. Bigelow establish an astronomical observatory at ArcAdiA, in Sound Beach, E. C. Con- verse sent to The Press to-day the above letter, enclosing a check for One Hun- dred Dollars as a donation. This is only one of the many public- spirited things that the steel 'magnate has done to help along the growth and welfare of Greenwich. The Press ex- tends its thanks to Air. Converse, in the name of the people of Greenwich. — "The (jreenwich Press." Greenwich: What Is in the Name? Director Schlesinger of the observa- tory of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, in a re- cent conversation made this appropriate suggestion : "Establish an observatory in the town of Greenwich? Why, of course you should. It is the most fitting thing that could be done. It is a wonder that sncli an observatory was not long ago estab- lished there, merely for the carrying out of the associations suggested by the name." The world over, the word "Greenwich'' is a synonym for astronomy and astro- nomical investigation. Everyone knows that the longitude of a place on the earth is the_ angle at the pole made by the meridian passing through the observer's place. The place from which most na- tions have agreed to count their time is Greenwich, England. Some of them have their own time for their own pur- poses, but for general purposes, as, for instance, events occurring in the sky, all refer to Greenwich time : that is, THE GUIDE TO NATURE by what the sun appears to do at Green- wich. It seems fitting' that the word. "Greenwich," of Connecticut, should step forward in astronomical affairs. It is hoped that the first step toward our first popular observatory may lead to something on a larger scale, and that the word, "Greenwich," may become as fa- mous as an observatory for the general public to view the wonders of the heav- ens as its great namesake is famous as a technical investigator of those wonders. When Things Are Darkest Push Ahead. In these times of war and other things, these are indeed dark days. We have been told that it is not financially a good time to attempt new things. It may not be a good time to accomplish new things but there is never a time when it is not best to attempt to do better work and to render more efficient services to man- kind. The Agassiz Association has many problems in connection with the continuation of its present work, but we have faith to believe that through the aid of many kind friends it will go forward, and we believe also that it has a greater work to do with a larger development. The wrong time? Discouraged? Not a bit. Why we are only a short way on the Sound from the home of that famous Abraham Davenport, who on that dark- est of days ]\Iay iQth 1780 said work should not be discontinued but go on. It is worth while to read John Greenleaf Whittier's poem telling of that man who was not discouraged even when every- thina: was dark. From a brown homestead, where the Sound Drinks the small tribute of the Mianas, Waved over by the woods of Rippowams, And hallowed by pure lives and tranquil deaths, Stamford sent up to the councils of the State Wisdom and grace in Abraham Davenport. The low-hung sky Was black with ominous clouds, save where its rim Was fringed with a dull glow, like that which climbs The crater's sides from tlie red hell below. Birds ceased to sing, and all the barn-yard fowls Roosted ; the cattle at the pasture bars Lowed, and looked homeward ; bats on leathern wings Flitted abroad ; the sounds of labor died : Men prayed, and women wept ; all ears grew sharp To hear the doom-blast of the trumpet shatter The black sky. No faithless servant frightened from my task, But ready when the Lord of the harvest calls ; And therefore, with all reverence, I would say, "Let God do His work, we will see to ours. Bring in the candles." And they brought them in. In spite of the dark days in these strenuous financial times, we be- lieve that our work is of sufficient im- portance to issue a call to all workers, "Bring in the candles." And I am sure that the future historian of the early days of this Institution will write as did Whittier. "And they brought them in." The Genuine Altruistic Spirit. Mr. Charles A. Bruun, an attorney of Kansas City, Missouri, writes : "By all means, ArcAdiA should have a telescope. Have you inaugurated a campaign? It seems to me that $1,000 should be, and can be, raised by popu- lar subscriptions of perhaps $10 each. I may not often 'see through it,' but you may put me dow^n for $10, v^hich will be forwarded whenever your am- bitions shall have been fulfilled, or realized." The Observatory at Sound Beach. "Popular Astronomy" of Northfield,' Minnesota, the principal publication of the United States devoted to populariz- ing astronomy, in its recent June-July issue, gives an extended notice regarding the efforts to establish an astronomical observatory and adds the following edi- torial approval : " 'Popular Astronomy' is always ready to approve and to encourage steps which will lead to wider interest in astronomy and we believe thoroughly in the useful- ness of the observatory which may be frequently open to the public at regular intervals. Everyone ought to know something of the story of the universe and nothing gives more of a stimulus to the study than an occasional look through a good telescope at some of the wonders of the skv." We Need $700 More TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 57 Good Words for the Observatory. I greatly rejoice that you intend put- ting up a new observatory in a place so Avell calculated for the study of heavenly phenomena. — J. S. Ricard, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara. California. I think your plan to establish an ob- servatory a good one. No instruction is given in astronomy in any of the schools under my charge as far as I know. I hope that some instruction will be given in the High School. — Edwin C. Andrews, Superintendent The Public Schools, Greenwich, Connecticut. ^ ^ ^ jjc ^ I sincerely hope that you will succeed in your endeavor to establish an observ- atory. A man who has been so success- ful in popularizing astronomy ought to "have his facilities for such service in- creased.— Herbert A. Howe, Director The Chamberlin Observatory, University of Denver, University Park, Colorado. ^ jjc ^ ^ :{; I am very glad to express my cordial approval, and hope that you may be suc- cessful in raising the money needed. I welcome every effort that is made to give the "man in the street" a glimpse of the wonders of the heavens. — Anne Sewill Young, John Payson Williston Observa- tory, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts. ^; ^ ^ ^ ^ I sympathize heartily with your pur- pose in wanting an astronomical observ- atory. I know of nothing which appeals to the imagination in a more helpful way than a study of the stars, and through the imagination to the sense of wonder that does so much to refresh the minds of people wdiose grooves of life are neces- sarily narrow. — Arthur A. Carey, Fel- lowship Plouse, Waltham, Massachusetts. ^ :^ ^ ^ ^ I am glad to learn that you are under- taking the campaign for the estal:)lish- ment of a public observatory at Sound Beach. As you know, we have had con- siderable experience in this matter at the Allegheny Observatory, with highly gratifying results. I can hardly imagine any other way in popular education in which larger results can be obtained for a small outlay of money, than by giving the public access to a good telescope un- der the charge of a well-informed and enthusiastic attendant. Your project de- serves immediate success, and I should be glad to assist in it in any way that I can. — Frank Schlesinger, Director Alle- gheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania. ■'fi ^ ^ ^ ^ Your effort to get the observatory de- serves the hearty approval of every one interested in astronomy and the general culture of people. I feel that it must suc- ceed, and I wish that some person of large means may be found to establish it. Probably but few astronomers can give material aid, because most of them find the financial end the handicap in their own work. — Tilton C. H. Bouton, Hudson, New Hampshire. ^ ^J; ^ ^ ?Jc The plan to establish an observatory at ArcAdiA, Sound Beach, by Edward F. Bigelow, is a project which should be heartily supported by residents through- out this entire section. ]\Iost of us are interested in astronomy. It is generally admitted that it has great value from the utility point of view to navigators and others, but it is astronomy freed from any physical needs that ]\Ir. Bigelow has in mind. The telescope that he proposes to erect in Sound Beach will cost about $800, and already nearly one-half that amount has been subscribed. The ear- nestness of Mr. Bigelow is to be com- mended, and he is receiving the sup- port of many noted astronomers in this country. — "Greenwich News and Gra- phic." Your wish to establish an astronomical observatory for popular use in the town of Greenwich is admirable. Every town needs such an observatory. It seems es- pecially neglectful that so large, well- populated, and very prosperous a section of the country should not have such an institution. A six-inch telescope would be the most useful. A glass of that size shows well the objects of general in- terest and can be turned quickly from one part of the sky to another. I sincere- ly hope }'ou will be successful in estab- lishing such an observatory "for the gen- eral dift'usion of knowledge." In regard to the possibility of securing a large ob- servatory for research work, it is the be- lief of most astronomers that more can he accomplished by gifts to the existing observatories than bv establishing new 58 THE GUIDE TO NATURE. ones, unless some site is found offering- better conditions, such as in a higher al- titude or in a southern latitude. May somebody build small, well equipped ob- servatories all over the country, as Mr. Carnegie has libraries. — Miss h. B. Al- len, Observatory House, Wellesley, Massachusetts. The Pioneer Astronomers. Mr. Lemont Barbour of Columbia University purposes to establish a Chapter of The Agassiz Association to search for new stars, for comets, and to do general pioneer work in as- tronomy. He says, "My plan is to get together a number of members of the AA and assign them particular sec- tions of the sky to observe as often as possible. These sections will not be very large, probably about the size of the constellation Auriga. The plan of work is along the lines sketched by Mr. Leon Campbell in 'Popular As- tronomy' for October, 1914. The only requisites are a good star atlas (Schu- rig's, price $1.00, is a good one and is not expensive, as is Proctor's) and a certain amount of perseverance. When a Nova is discovered, the person sends a note to me and a telegram to the nearest observatory for confirmation. This should be done immediately, and should merely include a statement of the Nova's location in relation to the nearest bright stars and its approxi- mate magnitude, calculated by com- parison with near by stars of known magnitude. For those possessing tel- escopes (there are surely some people in the AA who own telescopes) a sim- ilar but more certain work, more cer- tain, that is, because they have charts showing the star that they are to ob- serve and when to look for it, consists in observing stars that were once Novae, but are now rather dim. If the work appeals sufficiently to the ob- servers, those who wish to do so may join Mr. Olcott's association of Vari- able Star Observers. Particulars may be had regarding this from me or from Mr. Olcott, 62 Church street, Norwich, Connecticut." We purpose to make the new ob- servatory at ArcAdiA the center or clearing house for astronomical work w^ith young people, with either small telescopes or good field glasses. Meet- ings will be held here from time to time. Air. Barbour cordially invites correspondence. He proposes that the motto of the new astronomical Chap- ter be "Per stellas ad lumen" (through the stars to enlightenment). It is probable that this plan may result in two new corresponding Chapters, one for those who have telescopes and the other an opera glass or field glass Chapter. Regarding this plan our Professor Eric Doolittle w^rites as fol- lows : "This would be an excellent plan and will prove an interesting and attractive work to those who seriously enter upon it. But I would not limit the efforts to 'new' stars, nor probably did Mr. Bar- bour intend this. Let each observer take a small area of the sky and become so- familiar with it that he shall 'know^ it like a book.' Then upon searching the region at frequent intervals, he will at once notice anything new or different, whether it be a new star, a sudden variation in brightness of an old one, a comet or any- thing unusual. "It would add greatly to the value and interest of this work if each observer could have at least a small telescope. Even if it were but a pair of field glasses, held firmly with heavy rubber bands to- a cheap tripod, this would be a dozen times more efficient than the unaided eye. I remember that twenty-five years ago,, my first professor. Professor Laenas G. Weld, of Iowa City, used to urge the de- sirability of thus apportioning the entire sky among professional astronomers.. The idea was that each should take a. small area and make a full map of it, putting in all stars visible in his tele- scope, their magnitudes, colors, the nebu- las, clusters and everything else. Each should then sweep over his assigned re- gion until he knows it as well as he- knows the arrangement of rooms and furniture in his own house. A brief ex- amination made each evening before he- began his regular work in the observa- tory would then be all that would be necessary to discover if anything new had appeared, or any change had taken place, in his particular region. "The remarkable new star in Cygnus (discovered by Schmidt of Athens in 1876) rose from invisibility to a star of the second magnitude zvithin tzvo hours. The new star in Perseus (discovered in 1901 by the Reverend T. D. Anderson,. TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 59 an amateur astronomer) increased in brightness within three days until it was the brightest star in the northern heav- ens, Sirius alone excepted. The behavior of every new star that has appeared has been most remarkable and, generally speaking, entirely inexplicable. "It is true that any single observer might observe for a long time without finding anything; in fact he might never find anything new. Yet the work would be its own reward, and there would al- ways remain the hope of a striking dis- covery to spur him on to continue in it." What Allegheny and Pittsburgh Have Done for Popular Astronomy. I recently visited the astronomical obser-vatory at Allegheny for the second time within a few months. The establishing of that observatory was indeed an inspiration. It is strictly astronomical, and strictly altruistic. It shows what may be done by an intel- lectual and generous community. It was only a few years ago that ^Ir. John A. Brashear. an enthusiastic lover of astronomy and maker of lenses, decided to circulate a subscription paper among his friends and acquain- tances and the other citizens of Alle- gheny and Pittsburgh. At that time there was a small obser- vatory in Allegheny with a thirteen inch telescope. This had been bought in 1859 by popular subscriptions. That this telescope had been appreciated for a half century was evinced by the fact that Mr. Brashear's plea for something larger and better met with an immediate and satisfactory response. The public gave generously and the observatory was erected at a cost of $300,000. A new telescope with a thirty-inch objec- tive was paid for by members of the Thaw family. Friends of the late Di- rector Keeler erected a thirty inch re- flecting telescope as a memorial to him. Mr. ]\Iellon paid for a spectrograph and Mr. Porter for a solar spectrograph, various other enterprising citizens sup- plying other forms of apparatus, most of them as memorials. But here enters a surprising fact that shows the altru- istic spirit in which it was all done. The thirty inch telescope is not used for popular observation. None of the citi- zens have access to it. So far as local people are concerned they receive no more benefit directly from the greater part of the building and equipment than if the observatory were located in California. The gifts are entirely dis- connected from local use. They are employed for the benefit of humanity in general. People of the vicinity are invited four evenings a week to look through the old thirteen inch public telescope and to hear a lecture on as- tronomy, illustrated by lantern slides. Nearly all that this observatory, the third largest in the United States, is accomplishing with its $300,000 equip- ment for the people of the cities of Alleheny and Pittsburgh could be done in the Sound Beach, Connecticut, ob- servatory, with an equipment costing not more than $1,000. The six inch telescope that it is proposed to erect here would show practically everything that can be shown in larger observa- tories. The projection of astronomical slides in the Welcome Reception Room cannot be excelled by any observatory in the United States. The great Lick Observatory, on Mount Hamilton, California, is not available to the people of the locality for astronomical purposes, but only to give tourists an incentive for a pleasing excursion from San Jose. There is no hotel on Mount Hamilton and no vis- itor is allowed to remain there over- night. He may look at the big tele- scope, but rarely through it. At Williams Bay, Wisconsin, he may look at the larg- est refracting telescope in the United States but never through it. No large ob- servatory is readily available to the gen- eral public because on all fair evenings it must be used for technical work. Time is precious Such a telescope cannot be used for even a single minute, unless its use adds to our store of astronomical knowl- edge. But what shall be done for the public by this accumulation of astrono- mical information? Just what is done in other great establishments. In com- merce the large factory or wdiolesale house distributes through many similar but smaller establishments. The United States does not so much need more big observatories as it needs numerous places for distributing the accumulated product. Such a distributing center it is purposed to establish at Sound Beach. When one hears that many hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent to establish a single observatory, and that the expenses are enormous, it looks as if 6o THE GUIDE TO NATURE an expenditure of only about $i,ooo would not accomplish much. That im- pression is not correct. The observatory at Sound Beach will be more available to the public than is any of the large obser- vatories of the United States, because it will be established in the interest of the general public, while others have been established to accumulate technical knowledge. It is popularly supposed that vastly more can be seen through these enor- mous telescopes than through one of medium power. The fact is that a six inch telescope, or at least one a little larger, would show practically every- thing that a visitor may see through the largest telescope in the world. For view- ing some of the popular objects, espe- cially the moon, the smaller telescope would be even more convenient, and in one evening would accomplish more than can be done by any of the large, unwieldy instruments. For the purposes for which this ob- servatory is to be established, it would not be advisable to spend much over $10,000 even if all the money that could be desired should be available. Some- thing a little larger than the $1,000 equipment might be used to advantage, but it is hoped that the small equip- ment may lead in time to the addi- tion of a larger. For popular use it is better to have two medium sized tele- scopes rather than an enormously large one. Let us have this thousand dollar equipment. The building will be small and inexpensive, but the telescope will be good enough to grace the finest observa- tory in the land. We understand that some of our wealthiest friends think the $1,000 equipment will be too small to deserve their aid. It will be large enough for a beginning, and will be thoroughly effective. The above letter was submitted to Director Schlesinger of the Allegheny Observatory, and he wrote on the date of May 29th as follows : "The subscriptions to our new observa- tory amounted to $300,000. One anony- mous donor gave $62,500. Andrew Car- negie and Mrs. \\^illiam Thaw, Jr., gave $25,000 each. These are by far the largest subscriptions, of which there were several hundred, the smallest one being for $5. Your appeal to me seems to be a very strong one, and I shall be much surprised if it does not succeed." The Popularizing of Astronomy. There is doubtless great work yet to be done in the further establishment and equipment of observatories. x\stronomy would have come to little without these in the past, and its continued progress de- pends on the men and instruments thus located. But observatories are not en- gaged in the popularizing of astronomy ; they are digging out the sober facts, which of course we must have, and are wrestling with the enormous problems which the science imposes upon them. They are serving- themselves, a few others like themselves, a handful of stu- dents interested in sharing their work, and a few score of people who read the astronomical journals, or the popular science column of a few newspapers. It remains that the great masses of the people are uninterested in and unin- formed about this supreme science. Xor does this need to be the case. Profovmd as astronomy is. and unfath- omable as are the depths of the sky, ex- perience has shown that the skillful pre- sentation of this subject to popular audiences never fails to interest, to ex- pand the mind, to stimulate the imagin- ation, to ennoble the character. That we can know so little about one million ^Millions of gleaming worlds is no reason for not knowing and enjoving at least That little. Hut what are the facts? Astronomy, which used to be regarded as an essential in a fairly liberal education, has now con.ipletely dropped out of the high school curriculum throughout the state of New York — so the writer is officially informed — and no doubt the same is true in most or all of the other states of the union; so of private schools for pupils of similar age. The writer has recently learned of one where 200 young ladies and girls are students, only three of whom are receiving instruction in as- tronomy. In the colleges, it is true, some astronomy is taught, though often in- differently, technically and mathematic- allv, rather than phenomenally, usually in association with mathematics or some other branch of science. Distinguished professors of astronomy may be good dehers but i^'oor teachers. By far the larger number of high school students do not go to college any- way ; a large percentage do not even fin- ish high school. These hosts of young people go out into life knowing nothing TO KNOAA^ THE STARRY HEAVENS 6i of any world except this little speck of dust on which they happen to he living", and indeed little enough about that. They are ignorant of what ought to be primary in their knowledge of the earth, namely, its place in the universe of worlds. They cannot tell 30U the difference between a star and a planet. They are amazed at the statement that the moon is not found to-night where it was last night, as an ex- perienced teacher was to whom I spoke of it. They have no clear idea of the phe- nomena and causes of eclipses. They do not know one star from another, nor one constellation from another. When the subject is astronomy, they either take no part in conversation or allow themselves to be betrayed into the most egregious mis-statements. And, when they walk abroad at night, and moon and counties.? orbs are shedding radiance over the earth, they either do not notice at all, or else are as lost as if they were amid the lal^yrinth of Venetian canals. As for any thrill of healthy emotion, or uplift of soul, by reason of acquaintance with the stars, thev are utter strangers to it. The observatories are already splen- didly equipped. What we now want is to unlock the treasures of the observatories, to let the light stream out of them that has streamed into them ; to translate the great facts and figures which they have accumulated into the familiar language of the people ; to make easy to the aver- age mind what has been hard even to the trained mind ; to inspire a thousand at a time with the splendor, romance and magnificence of the universe, which have again and again heaved the bosom of the lonely astronomer as he has kept his vigil at night. This can be done ; on a very small scale it is being done. Its pos- sibility and utilitv have been abundantly demonstrated. The next man or woman, believer in education and in general en- lightenment, and lover of his less fortu- nate fellowmen, should make his gift, not to an already well equipped institution, but rather to the people — -"Popular As- tronomy." A similar need exists in all other de- partments of natural science. That is the reason The Agassiz Association should be strongly supported. We Need $700 More An Observatory — "Per Naturam ad Deum." I am pleased to see that you are going to have a telescope by which you may be able to diffuse astronomical knowledge and arouse interest in the queen of sci- ences. Some years ago I had it dem- onstrated to me that only one person in thirty could explain the phases of the moon, and I doubt if we would find more than one person in one hundred that can point out a single star in the heavens and call it by name. This should not be : it is ingratitude to God who has bralt a wonderful universe and given man vision and intellect to see it and compre- hend it . People generally believe it re- quires so much time and study in order to know anything- about this great .sub- ject that they pass it up. It never oc- curs to them that it is as much man's dutv to study the works of God as it is to study his words. I have had an observatory of some kind or another here for thirty years and every now and then some one comes to the observatory, and tells me about what he saw in a former visit years ago and how he remembers what he saw. This shows that the views and impressions are lasting. There is nothing like as- tronomy to give one a proper conception of the Creator, for as his conception of creation grows his conception of the Creator must grow in proportion. — John A. Cook, The Cook Observatory and United States Weather Station, Alacon, Missouri. "Ox Up Lunam with the Shanghai." Andover, Massachusetts. To the Editor : The account in the April number of Thk Guide to Nature of the chicken house astronomical observatory recalls to mind the fact that once upon a time the fourth largest telescope in America adorned a henhouse in the back yard of a little house off what is now Massachu- setts Avenue, Cambridge. It was in 1842 or 1843 that J. D. Whit- ney, the geologist, his brother \\^illiam, who afterwards was editor of the Cen- tury Dictionary and the author of the famous "W^hitney's German Grammar," the great Latinist, George M. Lane, and two astronomers, B. A. Gould and Jo- seph Winlock, all then young men, took a house together, which thev named "Clover Den." 62 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The memory of these brilhant young- fellows and their housekeeping- has not yet faded out of Cambridge. What in- terests us here, however, is that Winlock was already at work on the "Nautical Almanac," which later became his great life work, while Gould was engaged in determining longitudes for the Coast Survey. Between them, they actually managed to corral, for a short while a great telescope, the property either of their Uncle Samuel or of the Harvard Observatory, which they mounted in the unused henhouse, and by natural asso- ciation of ideas christened "the Shang- hai." The biographer of one of the Whit- neys confessed himself sorely puzzled by a sentence in an old letter from one brother to the other, "Now is the time to ox up Lunam with the Shanghai." But with "Shanghai" as the key, one quickly recalls ihatLnna is Latin for the moon, and that "ox" in college slang might easily mean "work" or "study." Edwin Tenney Brewster. This letter is indeed most interesting, containing as it does this personal remi- niscence of the two eminent astronomers, Gould and Winlock. The latter is at once suggested to all double star astron- omers by his discovery of the very mi- nute attendant to Regulus and also by liis discoveries of very many other pairs which are known by his name, while the most accurate meridian work of the for- mer at the observatory of Cordoba marks an epoch in the history of the as- tronomy of the southern heavens. Dr. Gould also founded the astronomical journal of perhaps the highest standard of any astronomical periodical of the world, and after its death there has been added to its title, "Founded by B. A. Gould." Many stories of his uniform consideration for younger astronomers are known to all and he may truly be said to have done fully as much as any one man ever did to advance American astronomy. I was indeed most inter- ested in this slight contribution to a his- torv of these eminent men. — Professor Eric Doolittle. We Need $700 More An Unusually Bright Halo. Mr. Edward Pennock, of Philadelphia, has kindly sent us extended notes de- scribing rings around the sun together with a column article from a Phila- delphia newspaper. There was really nothing extraordinary about this halo except its unusual brightness. That the halo not only stirred up interest in the sun, but was in some cases even a cause for alarm, is shown by the following cpotation from the paper : "About lo o'clock, persons who glanced up at the sky for a hint of the weather saw a broad band encircling the sun, the outer rim a deep purple and the inner a gorgeous red. In the north- western quadrant of its centre, a point in the circumference of the lirst circle, was a second band of whitish hue, great- er in size but much less distinct than the other. In addition there appeared in the southeast quadrant of the primary band a segment of about 90 degrees, still less distinct, although the red and violet of its edges were discernible. The first had a 22 degree radius and the second one of 44 degrees. "For two hours and more this strange sight met the gaze of millions, for it was visible in the greater part of Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dela- ware. "By noon all Philadelphia and virtu- ally the rest of the territory concerned went out of doors and stood on tiptoe watching the strange sight. Knots of persons would point their fingers at the halo and assure themselves that it was a 'war ring' or that it signified the end of the world. " 'Old timers' remembered that a simi- lar apparition had appeared just before the Civil War ; others versed in biblical literature compared it with the rainbow that cheered the hearts of Noah and his crew on the Ark, or quoted from Revel- ations on the end of the world. "In the Italian section of the city and in Italian settlements in rural communi- ties where the rings were observed the terror in some cases nearly assumed the proportions of a panic. It was held by them to be a bad omen for Italy's en- trance into the war." This article and other inquiries were referred to our Professor Doolittle and he replies as follows : "The brilliant haloes described bv Mr. TO KXOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 63 P^eniiock naturally created a great deal of interest here in Philadelphia, and even a good deal of excitement among unin- formed persons who regarded them as 'signs in the heavens' of some evil or good to come. I suppose that practically everyone in and around the city saw them : we received perhaps sixty tele- ])hone calls regarding them between the liours of 10:30 and 12:, when they were most conspicuous. "Of course we carefully observed them. Aly assistant here saw not only the three bright ones, but also at least four more — the outward, so-called par- helic circles, but sun dogs seemed not this time in evidence. "Now this is a well-known and not at all an iiiuisual phenomenon, though it is very unusual to see the circles so bright. I could explain it fully, but I think this not necessary as the explana- tion will be found in any meteorology ; for example, Loomis, pp. 214 to 225, is very clear and good and illustrated by many figures. Air. Bliss (our weather man) tells us that these average about two hundred eight a year. (This means sun and moon haloes both). When mak- ing the noon observations of the sun, we very frequently see them if the sky is hazy but otherwise clear, but, as I said, the usual halo is far fainter than that seen the other day and so attracts no particular attention. I have coated a pane of glass with alum crystals and so can now show my students a set of three fine "haloes whenever I wish to do so." The Tints of Spring. The tints of spring are rainbow tints, All roseate and gay ; Aladdin's lamp to bear us all To fairyland away. The mists of green, the gauzy scarfs Thrown o'er the branches bare. Are all in keeping with the warmth And softness of the air. The trees a-shimmer and a-flower, Are robed like reigning queen ; They're regal, ere they settle down To summer's constant green. Then come into the open, come, Renew your own youth too ; The show is fleeting, all too soon The pageant will be through. — Emma Peirce. The Starry Heavens in July. BY PROF. KKIC DOOLITTLE OF THE UNI- VERSITY oF PENNSYLVANIA. OF all the seven planets, there is not one whose in the heavens now brings it within the limits of our evening star map ; this is the only month of the year in which this unusual condition is presented. The observer who wishes to see at one time as many as possible of the bright worlds which circle about the sun, must now go out in the morning, an hour or less before sunrise. Then he will see the great Jupiter shin- ing in the southwest. Mars high in the heavens in the southeast, and Venus and Alercury close to the ground in the east, both so nearly lost in the sun's rays, that they can be viewed for a few minutes, only, in the early dawn. The planet-less condition of the evening heavens will last, however, for but this single month. On July 31st, Jupiter will rise but 17 minutes later than 9 o'clock, and for the rest of the year this beautiful world will shine out brightly in our southern skies. ' The July Stars. There is no part of the heavens which is more beautiful or more filled with ob- jects of interest than the southern and southeastern sky of this month. First, is the brilliant Scorpio, with its red An- tares ; to the right of this there will at once be seen the two stars of the Bal- ances and the bright, bluish Spica, while, so high above that they are now almost in the zenith, is that bright and interesting train of five striking groups which is led by Bootes and ended by the Northern Cross. All of these groups the observer will have but little difficulty in tracing out. but the stars of the great area extending almost from Arcturus to Sagittarius and from Hercules to Scorpio are far less conspicuous. These form the Serpent and the Serpent-holder. The former is a long, winding constellation whose head is the interesting groups of some 15 or 20 stars at A, Figure i, and whose swinging body extends first downward and then upward along the exact center of the Alilky Way. until the tip of the tail is reached. The Serpent-holder is repre- sented as an old man whose head is at E and whose feet are at F, and who holds the writhing Serpent in his two hands at the pairs of stars, B and C. There is a special pleasure in tracing out and becoming familiar with these 64 THE GUIDE TO NATURE faint groups, and often their outlines are more perfect and there are more objects of interest within their boundaries than is the case with the few, very brihiant, constellations, with which nearly every- one is familiar. But to study these more hidden beauties of the heavens the ob- server must be sure to select a dark night, when the moon is absent, and to go away from the city or other artificial lights; it is only then that the wonderful beauty and infinite complexity of the heavens will appear to him. The whole Summer Branch of the Milky Way is now well up from the of their enormous distance from us, that they appear merely as filmy patches of light in a small telescope. The Comets Now in the Heavens. The first comet of the present year has been approaching the earth and sun so- rapidly that it will be just visible to the eye throughout the present month. Un- fortunately, however, its motion carries it so verv far below the celestial equator that during this, its time of greatest brightness, it is wholly invisible to north- ern observers. At the beginning of July it is, in fact, very close to the South Pole NORTH FIGURE 1. The Constellations at 9 P. M., July 1. (If facing South hold the map upright. If -actng east hold East below. Tf facing west hold West below. If facing north hold the map inverted. ground and this will repay many hours of exploration with a small telescope. Its wide southern portion is remarkably filled with star clouds and streams, alter- nating with vacant regions from which the suns seem to have been swept away to be heaped together elsewhere. This whole region, and especially the lower part of Ophiuchus is remarkable for the great number of round, compact star clusters which it contains ; but these are nearly all so faint, probably on account of the heavens. From here it will move rapidly northward, traversing the whole length of the constellation Eridanus, and finally crossing the celestial equator and entering the borders of Taurus in next January. It will be in reasonably good position for northern observation next November, but by that time it will have diminished to the 9th magnitude, and will continue to grow steadily fainter. This comet is one of those, which,. THE STARRY HEAVENS IN Tl'LY. 65 being originally little nebulous clouds, far out in space, came to feel the gravi- tational pull of our sun and to fall toward that body. Since both the cloud and our sun are rushing through space, the chance of an actual collision occurring is almost infinitely small ; the comet will, in fact, miss the sun but swing around then whenever we have a shower of shooting stars it is because our earth ploughs through a great stream of me- teoric particles which were formerly gathered more closely together into the cloud form which we call a comet. The further behavior of this new body as it approaches the sun will be watched ConeT AT AlPR ELTON IS-l JULY 1. ip.r^. v/ ^^^^ITER ^^^==^^^^ A^ 1 \ ^\ / I \ \\ 1 \ L \ JVLY 1 JVLY 5 V I ~ T 4/ E.A.-RTK SEPT. 1 ^\>--_X-«'''^ ■E/\RTH JULY 31 \^ //r ,A^ EARTK c3ULY 1 CoMtT KT Pe.t^ihel.ioh 1310 5BPT. I 5 r:k. FIGURE The path of the faint periodic comet, 1915 b, about the sun. that body, and if undisturbed by the pull of any of the planets, will recede into space, never to be seen by us again. The present comet will attain its near- est approach to the sun on July i8. The most interesting observation connected with it thus far is the discovery that during Alay its mass disrupted, probably under the tidal and electrical forces of the sun toward which it is falling, and that four masses broke away from the main head and are now receding from this at the rate of about 2,000 miles a day. It is believed that it is from comets which are thus broken up and whose substance is distributed for a great dis- tance along their paths, that no shooting star-streams are formed. If this is so. with great interest. It is indeed unfor- tunate that just at this critical time it will not be visible from our northern observa- tories. Another most interesting comet w^as re-discovered in April. This body upon its first approach to the sun was dis- turbed in its motion by Jupiter and so forced to follow the closed path shown in Figure 2. It passes completely around this orbit in 5 years 10 months ; its last return was in 1909, and it has appeared altogether six times since its first discov- ery. As the path of this body is so ac- curately known, its apparent position among the stars can be computed for any time with great accuracy. It was search- ed for this year by means of a delicate 66 THE GUIDE TO NATURE photographic plate and when it finally had approached near enough to impress its image upon this plate it was found to he in practically the exact position which was predicted. This comet will remain in our northern heavens throughout the month, moving along the path M N Fig- FIG. 3. "THE COMET SEEKER." A form of small telescope with which the observer sweeps over the sky, hour atter hour, and night after night, in the hope of discovering a new comet. ure I, but it will remain a very faint ob- ject. It will pass nearest the sun on September i. A third, very faint, periodic comet was discovered in May, in the constellation Pisces, so that altogether there are three comets now visible in the sky. The Planets in July. Mercury, which came to conjunction on June 26, will reach its greatest dis- tance west of the sun on July 18 and may then be seen in the early morning sky for one and one half hours before sunrise. Venus also rises one and one half hours before sunrise on July i, but this time is diminished to 40 minutes by July 31. This planet is rapidly becoming lost in the sun's rays and will be practically in- visible after the middle of the month. Mars is in Taurus, between the Plei- ades and the Hyades. It rises 3 hours before the sun on July i and this time is increased to 3 hrs. 35 min. By July 31. This planet is drawing steadily nearer the earth and now shines in the morning sky with the brightness of a first magni- tude star. Jupiter is conspicuous in the southeast after midnight. It rises at 11 hrs. 20 min. P.M. on July i, and at 9 hrs. on July 31, Saturn entered the morning sky on June 28 and throughout the month re- mains too near the sun to be observed. On July 5 at 4 P.M. our earth reaches its greatest distance from the sun of the present year. At this time we will be 3,112,100 miles farther away from the sun than we were at the time of our near- est approach on the 2nd of last January. It is related of Sir Isaac Newton that he was once attracted by a fair lady, and paid court to her ; in the course of an evening's visit he fell to musing. Reaching out his hand he took the young lady's and raised it gently to- ward his lips ; he carefully picked out the little finger on which to bestow the evidence of his affection. About this time the lady also became lost in pleasant thoughts. Sir Isaac squeezed her finger a bit, and stirred the hot ashes of his pipe with it. The rest of the story is short ; he remained a bachelor. — Howe's "A Study of the Skv." The condor of the Andes Mountains, the largest of all flying birds, takes seven years to grow up. The birds spend an entire year in the nest before learning to fly. After that, they remain for two years more under their parents' care. Not until they enter their seventh year, do they take on completely their adult plumage. BY-WAYS. Lightly tripping. Summer comes. Clad in verdant coat ; The weary world the open seeks, In motor, and in hoat. But through the highways ; and the fact Is known to you and me. That nature's byways are the best. With stores of wealth to see. While others hasten, we will stroll. And find, in every nook. Enough of interest and charm To fill a Wonder-Book. — Emma Peirce. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION ^7 c«^ }^ce>^ ¥^cl^ y^cl>^ M f j^^v^r \fS^^i \fS7s-^1 w;^i J \fS^^) w^-nV,)? vrS^r^j \wpnyj W^^i) \W^^')zn^). GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH n?8^ As Trustee Under this term are several forms of serv- ice covered by The Greenwich Trust Company, such as: Administration of es- tates left without wills, receiver or assignee of enterprises in financial difficulties; agent for persons who want to be relieved of the management of their own business and property affairs. A corporation is better than an individual, because: It never dies; it is never absent or too busy for immediate action; and do- ing its work by the collective judgment and efforts of several experienced persons, it is superior to individual human frailties of judgment and conduct which so often result disastrously in the case of one man trusteeship. Our Officers will gladly confer with you re- garding the services above outlined. The Greenwich Trust Co. 96 Greenwich Avenue GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT I '1 M ^ '■'.'"' ^»c>.%.- ft /y ^RS^^^K" 1 J 1 J V 1 WP* .- : .J.^ ■nSi t"^' l\ 1 " GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT has good transportation facilities to New York. You can buy or rent to good advantage and enjoy living by the water or among the hills to the utmost satisfaction. I have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inlaod Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Building Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locations. Would be pleased to have you call or write. Laurence Timmons Tel. 456 Opp. Depot Greenwich, Conn -.r^'^ Xl:-yd^ BEST NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN i^ ei w ^ 1^ 0 ISSdii Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials ^ ^ ^ Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES l3 EiJ np9Q 1^ m „^ DEHN & BERTOLF, Props. Q LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN GREENWICH, CONN. ?5^S? Published monthly by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA; Sound Beach, Connecticut, Subscription, $1.00 a year Single copy, 10 cents Entered as Second-Class Matter June 12, 1909. at Sound Beach Post Office, under Act of March 3. 1897. Vol VIII AUGUST. Number 3 The Pussywillow's Neglected Beauty. If the pussy willow could speak, it would stand up in every springtime marsh and say, "You love and admire me not for my intrinsic beauty, but for what I represent in the transition of the seasons. If I should come in midsummer YOU would not notice me. In June I come in greater beauty than almost any other plant. In June I come from the autumnal point of view with as startling an interest as in the last of winter I come with suggestions of spring. If in the early spring I spoke with a portent of the charms of spring, then why do you not, nature lovers, for the same THE PUSSY WILLOW PREP.XRIXG FOR THE "RLXKLR V." tSee next page.) Copyright 1915 by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA: Sound Beach, Conn. THE GUIDE TO NATURE THE REVELRY OF THE FULLNESS OF LIFE OF THE PUSSY WILLOW IN JUNE AND JULY. reason admire me in June when I give you a premonition of the fuhiess of Octo- ber joys? You have forgotten that I shared in the spring because you will not remember me now. Perhaps I have too many rivals but you will, in September or October, go into ecstacies over the fruit of the milkweed, and even later for the jovs of fruiting goldenrod, hawk- weed and innumerable members of my faithful kin." Thus may the pussy willow complain because no other plant receives admira- tion more transient and as wrong as it is transient. The pussy willow in June is THE PEANUT /y the most dainty and delicate of fruiting plants. But what a parody of human nature it is ! How frequently it occurs in life, in good fortune, in happy part- nerships, how frequently do we forget those that gave the introduction that has completely changed the course of our life, or how often do we forget the kind- ness that changed our path and led us to- ward subsequent prosperity. Let us not forget the pussy willow that stands at the gate of June and welcomes us to the joys of summer. The Peanut. BY DR. FR.\XK CRAXE. (Copyright, 1914, by Frank Crane. Pub- lished by courtesy of '"The Globe," New York City.) I would lay a few wreaths at the feet of the peanut. It is one of the admirable arrange- ments of whoever runs mundane mat- ters that the very best goods of life are for every man, and that the proud and privileged when they nibble their expensive delicacies are toying with the avenging furies, from a pain in their tum-tums to hardening of the arteries. There is air, for instance, oodles of it, free ; and if there be aught better I have never found it. Also water. Al- so sunshine. More expensive, but still cheap enough for dollar-a-day folk, is corn bread, the thanwhichest of all tooth- some things. Right dowm below the high-cost-of living list, down where the multitude mults, even below down where the Wurzburger flows, are the little friends of the hoi polloi, the peanuts. Item. They are good. A better nut has not been nutted. If they cost twenty-five cents apiece they would be served as hors d'a-uvres at the Grand Hotel de Luxe, and make glad the small white teeth of the daughters of Millionbucks. If they cost $100 a nut their shells would be strung around the necks of the grillionaires' ladies who unveil their beauty upon us the first night of the opera. Alas ! They are five cents a bag. So they are nothing but just plain good. Item! They are nourishing. Fad- dists and medicine men have denounc- ed all other kinds of food, white bread, sugar, coffee and milk, but none has- dared to lift his voice against the pea- nut. A sack of peanuts is an excellent lunch. I so lunched yesterday. 1 bought a nickel's worth of Dante Al- ighift'eri, who keeps them hot at our corner. I ate them for three blocks.. It is a grand thing to lunch walking;, you get your air, exercise, and nutri- tion all at once. They are still better eaten between meals. They are the ideal tid-bit for those who watch the baseball game. They are the right hand of the circus man. On trains they have no fellow, when there is no dining car and na stop for dinner. They are the true symbol of democ- racy. They are friends of lovers. Who can say how subtle are the opportun- ities of the paper of peanuts consumed by "me and Mame" up in the third balcony, when our hands touch as we fish the gay goobers from the sack,, and munch while we watch Lord Ed- ward being foiled upon the stage? "The Star Spangled Banner" may be the national tune, the golden rod or something else the national flower, and the turkey and the eagle the na- tional birds, but the national nut is un- questionably the peanut. Sweet is the voice of the peanut man as he sings : "Five cents, a nickel, half a dime. All ready and all hot. Right this way, ladies and gents, for your fresh roasted peanuts !" A patch of timber or a wood-lot without squirrels always conveys an impression of lonesome solitude and something gone — like a country grave- yard. There is no other animal of equal size that can add so much of lite and cheerfulness to a hardwood forest or a meadow as a hardwood forest squirrel. Why is it that American men and boys kill them so eagerlv? Surely the flesh of their little bodies is not needed as food. It has a taste so queer and rank that to many per- sons it is decide^lly unpalatable. Americans are the only white men on earth who eat squirrels. An English- man would as readily eat a rat! — \\^il- iiam T- Hornaday, Sc. D., in "The American Natural Hi?tcrv." 76 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The Wild Tomato. BY CHARLES H. GAHLE, Fl'NCHAL, MADEIKA. "The little wild tomato ( Lycopcrsicitiii Tiilgare ccrasiforme) which is found in Madeira is generally considered by bot- anists to belong to the original stock, native in South America, from which our cultivated varieties have been de- rived. It grows wild in many parts of the islands, often under desert condi- tions, and in appearance the plant is quite similar to the garden varieties. One plant was found where it could not have had a drop of water for at least three months. It probably had started to grow during the last few rains of spring but had completed its growth during THE WILD TOMATO. From '"The Journal of Heredity'' by permission. MEN AS WELL AS WOMEN ARE CURIOUS 71 the heat and drought of summer. When it was found, the vine was appar- ently dead and lying flat on the ground ; the leaves had dried up and dropped ofif ; but more than 300 fruits, all plump and firm, were clinging to the vine. The fruits are so very acid that they can be used for little else besides soups, and the natives do not use them a great deal for even that. Their keeping quality, how- ever, might prove a desirable character- istic in crossing with some of the highly developed varieties with the object of ob- taining a good shipping tomato of pleas- ing flavor. Photograph, actual size." The illustration and permission to pub- lish this article were obtained through the courtesy of "The Journal of Here- dity" of the American Genetic Associa- tion, Washington, D. C. Men as Well as Women are Curious. Dorothy Dix, the w^ell-known writer for "The New York Journal," says that the old-time statement that women have more curiosity than men is without foundation. \Ve are in- clined to agree with her. "Ever since that apple incident in the Garden of Eden," says Miss Dix, "the feminine sex has been called the curious sex, and men have derided and guyed us for peeking and prying into other people's affairs, and nosing around into things that were none of our business. "And we've accepted it all as gospel truth, and let men convince us that we had more curiosity than they had, whereas the truth is that women have no curiosity at all compared to men. "Take, for example, such a common, everyday occurrence as the hoisting of a safe by means of pulleys and ropes up to a third or fourth story window. ,In every city in the world that's done every day. There's nothing new or startling about it. Probably there isn't a city man living who hasn't seen it done dozens of times, yet every time the act is performed such a big crowd will gather around it that it will stop traffic in the street." Miss Dix also cites the familiar op- eration by which a man puts a new tube into an automobile tire. That al- ways draws a crowd. Look also at the hundreds of men crowding before bulletin boards. Women can restrain their curiosity and wait to read about the game in the newspapers. Miss Dix also asserts that the husband is more desirous than the wife to learn what has happened duYing his absence, not because he is jealous or suspicious or begrudging of the money that the fam- ily has spent, but because it is "his in- ordinate curiosity that clamors to be gratified." Then Miss Dix tells us that men have always been the world's great dis- coverers, and that woman has no more curiosity to see what is at the North Pole than she has to see what is in the back yard. Nor does she care what is in the heart of darkest Africa. Most women have so little curiosity that they never strive to extend nor to go outside of their own little circle of interests and acquaintances. Then she sums it all up. "It's man's curiosity that has made him dejve into things and wrest her secrets from nature. Man calls it orig- inal research, but it is only curiosity." She admires this quality and calls it a sign of intelligence. /\ny one who has had much experi- ence in teaching nature study will bear witness that Miss Dix is absolutely correct. The writer has had many years of e^vperience with all kinds of audiences and in schools of various grades. Invariably he has found that, when talking to girls, nature must be portrayed as beautiful, sentimental, whereas with boys one must go di- rectly to the subject in hand and show what is in it, how it is formed, how the thing is done, what is on the in- side of it- The boy wants to know. The girls cares but little for detailed structure of plants or animals. It is noticeable in the laboratory that in explaining, the machinery of organisms to women they exclaim over the beauty and care' exemplified, and little heed the mechanics or the structural details. On the other hand the man says noth- ing about 'beauty or sentiment, but w^ants to know about the action. "What is it doing and how is it doing it?" There are, as in other general rules, remarkable exceptions. I once knew a: lady, the daughter of John Muir of California, who had turned her bedroom ,into a machine shop, filled with parts of locomotives. She is in- tensely curious about all kinds of ma- chinerv. I have known manv women 78 THE GUIDE TO NATURE who have acquired skill and fame in original t:cientihc research. On the other hand, there are some men who see not the mechanics but rather the poetry and the artistic aspects of na- ture. The boy and the man want to see the wheels go round, the girl likes the watch for its usefulness and beauty. Of Cats' Coats. R. I. Pocock, the superintendent of the London Zoological Society's Gar- dens, points out that there are reall> two different sorts of cats, though they both come in all colors. One is the common striped tabby, with narrow wavy markings running crosswise of the body. These stripes are sometimes slightly thickened, or they may break up into spots. But the pattern is al- ways the same and recognizable at a glance. The other sort is cpiite different and much more uncommon. Instead of the many narrow stripes lying in the di- rection of the ribs, there are a few wide irregular blotches, at least three of which run lengthwise of the body, across the ribs. These give the pecu- liar "horseshoe," "spiral," or "target ■ pattern. Besides this, there is a well- marked band on each side -f the back- bone, and a curious diamond-shaped area on the back of the neck, where the five narrow head stripes are left out. All this is quite distinct, and quite unlike the pattern of the common striped tabby. Where this pattern came from, no- body knows. The common tabby is descended from the ancient Egyptian cat, which the Pharaohs used to ven- erate when alive and embalm when dead. This also had the tabby pattern. So, too, has the European wild cat. But no known sort of cat, tiger, lynx, or anything of the kind has the other, "blotched" pattern. Mr. Pocock suggests also that an- ciently, in Europe, long before the ad- vent of civilized man or the beginnings of history, there were various sorts of wild cats besides the single one that has survived to the present day. We know these only by their bones. Their coats may have been anything. One or more of them may have been a blotched tabby, whose coat pattern still survives. Greatness and Early Marriage. Casper L. Redfield of Chicago is of the opinion that all the eminent persons of history are from the late-marrying, slow-breeding stocks which have three generations or less to the century; while the great majority of mankind, who marry early and have four gener- ations to the century produce only mediocrities. To test his theory, Mr. Redfield de- posited two hundred dollars with the treasurer of the American Genetic As- sociation, which the Association might keep if any of its members, (several of whom have expressed opinion contrary to his own) could meet the following challenge : (i) Half the sum for a single case among the two or three thousand persons known to history for their in- tellectual powers, where the eminent individual was born within a century of the average birth date of his sixteen great-great-gfrandparents ; or in other words, was the product of breeding four generations to the century. Three examples, counting male ancestors only, would also win the wager. (2) The other half for a single case where a man of the highest grade, such as Aristotle, Franklin, or Darwin, — of whom there are some two or three hundred known to history — whose male forbears were even in the three-gene- rations-to-the-century class. For it is a part of Mr. Redfield's theory that the highest types of ability can be produced only at the rate of two-and-a-fraction generations to the century in place of the four of common mortals. The offer printed in the Journal of the Association stood for nearly a year, and the time limit has just expired. Various persons, among them several expert genealogists, took up the gage. But nobody was able to score, and the Association has returned the funds. As the case now stands, therefore, the persons who make civilization are the offspring of late marriages ; while, to quote Mr. Redfield, the thirty-three states which permit legal unions be- tween boys from fifteen to nineteen and girls from thirteen to seventeen, are en- couraging the rapid generations which "lead to the production of mental and moral defectives." INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS 79 Insectivorous Plants. Through the courtes}- of the "[Mis- souri Botanical Garden Bulletin," we present herewith a cut of a group of plants that eat insects. We all know that some insects eat plants, but it is not gen- erally known that many plants have de- vices for catching, killing and literally eating insects. It has been ascertained by experiment that the majority of such plants use the captured animals as food. Some of these contain chambers into which small animals may enter but from which they cannot escape. Such plants exhibit no movement of anv kind. An- other class uses actual movement in catching their prey, which is subsequent- ly digested and absorbed. For two or three years specimens of the \'enus's fly-trap were kept growing in ArcAdiA under close observation. In some in- stances flies that were caught had evi- dently been recently entrapped for they were active in their efi:'orts to escape, but no one had the good luck to see the plant actually catch the fly. We should be glad if our naturalists will make ob- servations and report on any form of in- sectivorous plants that may grow in their vicinity. A CROUP OF INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS. Drosera. Sarrarevia. Pinguicula. Dionaea. 8o THE GUIDE TO NATURE nOG TEAM BRINGING HAY TO THE BELGIAN COMIVUSSARY IN ANTWERP. Cut by courtesy of The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Dogs Are Astonishingly Strong. Here is a remarkable illustration of a heavy load drawn by a pair of dogs. To look at this load of hay, especially at the cart, one would say, "It is a pretty respectable burden for a pair of horses." That does not mean that it would be difficult for a pair of horses, neither would it suggest that it is too small for a pair. It does mean, however, that it is too much for a pair of dogs. The Compass in the Watch. A few days ago I was standing by an American gentleman, when I ex- pressed a wish to know wdiich point was north. He at once pulled out his watch, looked at it, and pointed to the north. I asked him whether he had a compass attached to his watch. "All watches," he replied, "are compasses." Then he explained to me how this was. Point the hour hand to the sun, and the south is exactly half way between the hour and the figure 12 on the watch. For instance, suppose that it is 4 o'clock. Point the hand indicating 4 to the sun and two on the w^atch is exactly south. Suppose that it is 8 o'clock, point the hand indicating 8 to the sun, and the figure 10 on the watch is due south. My American friend was cjuite surprised that I did not know this Thinking that verv possibly I was ignorant of a thing that every one else knew, and happening to meet Mr. Stanley, I asked that eminent traveler wdiether he was aware of this simple mode of discovering the points of a compass. He said that he had never heard of it. I presume therefore, that many are in the same state of ignorance. Amalfi is proud of having been the home of the inventor of the compass. I do not know what town boasts of my American friend as a citizen. — The London Truth. PLANT MOTIONS AND GROWTH 8i Plant Motions and Growth. Professor Jagadis Chunder Bose of the University of Calcutta, who has been spending the winter travelling and lecturing- in "The States," is prob- ably the world's first authority on the movements of the common higher plants. He is originally a teacher of physics, and being accustomed in thai precise science to delicate apparatus and accurate measurement, he has lat- terly turned that experience to the minute motions of the plant world. Among other delicate tools, he has in- vented one that will record the growth of a tendril-tip during each half minute, and by distances less than the thick- ness of tissue paper, show the change of rate with alterations of temperature or w^ater supply. Still another will ex- hibit the turning of a green leaf toward the flame of a match held near it for only ten seconds. By such means as these, Professor Bose has been able to prove that the green plants are essentially like cold- blooded animals. Their tissues are at the same time both nerve and muscle ; and they respond like an animal to heat and cold, electric shocks, scratch- es and pin pricks. They are even af- fected by drugs like a very sluggish animal, and have a true rigor mortis when they die. The Largest Spider Web in the World. P.V ROUKRT [I. AIOL'LTON. The largest spider web in the world was spun, not Ly a spider, but by hu- man hands. It stands on the lawn of a Chicago man's country home, and is of such tremendous size as to startle the passerby when he first sees it. The creator of this interesting odd- ity conceived the idea of attempting to see how closely an actual spider's web could be reproduced with rope. Select- ing two immense trees on the lawn of his home, he spun between them this spider's web, forty by sixty feet, which is so strong that a boy or man may easily climb to the center or top of it. The web faces the main thorough- fare, which passes the house, and is one of the most fascinating country ground decorations ever seen. The spinner could not attain the minute- ness of the actual spider's work, but came so near to it that the illusion is almost perfect- The uniqueness of the undertaking catches and fascinates everv eve. — Scientific American. THE SPIDER WEB OF ROPES. Cut by courtesy of "Scientific American. S2 THE GUIDE TO NATURE A New Fossil Fig and Its Significance. BY EDWIN W. HUMPHREYS, NEW ROCHEEEE, N. Y. Some time ago, the writer drew the at- tention of the readers of The Guide to KaturE to some interesting fossil figs from the Tertiary deposits of Wyom- Tliis new fig was found more than a year ago by Dr. S. J. Schofield of the Canadian Geological Survey in the Ple- istocene deposits of the Kootenay Val- ley of British Columbia, Canada. The specimen along with others was finally sent to Dr. HolHck at tlie Xew York ^ ^ ^ 2 ing and Montana. Recently a still more interesting fig has been described and illustrated by Dr. Arthur Hollick in the March number of the Journal of the New York Botanical Garden. Fig- ure I is a photograph of the entire spe- cimen, natural size. Botanical Garden for determination. Careful study and comparison with the fruits of plants now living demon- strated that the specimen is a defoli- ated, fruiting branch of a fig tree, closely allied to the general type of cer- A NEW FOSSIL FIG 83 tain figs now living in ^lexico and the West Indies. A glance at Figure 2, which is en- larged to twice the natural size, will show the characteristic incurved apex of the figs. The shape, striations, and method of attachment also indicate the relation of the fruits of the figs. passing from the great past to the pres- ent. It is the period during which more than six or eight million square miles of the earth's surface which had previous- ly been enjoying a mild climate was covered with immense glaciers. Esti- mates as to how long ago this period closed vary in round numbers from The interglacial fig — as it ma}- be called, the scientific name being Ficits iii- terglacialis Hollick — is not so old as the ones, described from the Tertiary. As lias been stated it grew during the Ple- istocene period which is the last step in about ten to fifty tlibusand years. Aside from its being a new species the interglacial fig is invested with addition- al interest due to its climatic significance. A well defined specimen of the genus Fiats would. Dr. Hollick states, be re- 84 THE GUIDE TO NATURE garded as evidence of tropical or sub- tropical climatic conditions. Hence, it is to be inferred that while the specimen under discussion was growing tropical or sub-tropical conditions prevailed. This inference is strengthened by the luxuriance of the contemporaneous vege- tation as shown b}- the large size of the fossil leaves and by the presence of cer- tain remains which suggest Yucca or some kind of a palm. Finally, the fossil plants from the Ple- istocene of east Canada, in the Don River Valley, indicate a cooler climate for that part of Canada during their pe- riod of growth. Whether the Kootenay Valley and the Don River Valley Pleis- tocene floras were contemporaneous or not is not at present known. Al- though Dr. Hollick does not disre- gard a different conclusion, the fact that they may have been so taken in connection with other suggestive facts leads him to conclude his paper as fol- lows, "We may have, therefore, in this recently discovered Pleistocene flora in British Columbia, the heretofore missing link of evidence tending to show that contemporaneous regional climatic dif- ferences between the west and the east on our continent have prevailed more or less continuously ever since Cretaceous time." Cuts by courtesy of tlie New York Botanical Garden. Recent English records show that in certain especially dusty and smoky cities, the dirt that falls from the air may occasionally reach the enormous amount of sixty tons on a square mile during a single month. God in Nature. BY H. GORDON HAWKINS, WESTFIELD, MASS. Oh, the wondrous beauty of them all, The flowered dell, the mountain wall, The viny bower where hides the silver spring. The lacy wood where numerous wood birds sing. The fallow field, the unploughed hill. The slow brook running past the mill, The leafy coven, where red deer leap in sight, the wooded slope bathed in the morning light. All these, God's gifts, are to our weary gaze Far better than an idle sone of nraise. We learn His lessons from the whispering trees From warbling birds and playful breeze. From silent rock and rushing storm And from the sunbeams, dancing warm, And even in the dying flowers. We learn the lesson of the hours. Knowing Too Much to Be Helpful. In this work as a magazine writer I learned a lesson from my father which has exerted a controlling influence upon me in my editorial life. ]\Ir. Fletcher Harper asked me to write an article for the "^vlagazine" on ocean steamship travel. I told him that I could not do so because I had no other knowledge of the subject than such as I had gained from my one voyage across the ocean. "Then ask your father to write it," said he. This I did. "Why do you not write the article yourself?" asked my father. "Because I know nothing of the sub- ject," was my reply. "Then," said he, "you are just the one to write it." "How is that?" I asked. "Because," said he, "the object of the author of a popular magazine article is to give knowledge of a subject to people who are wholly ignor- ant of it. To do that he must know both the subject and the con- dition of ignorance. If he is familiar with the condition of ignorance, he can make himself acquainted with the sub- ject ; but if he is thoroughly familiar with the subject it is almost impossible for him to acquaint himself with the con- dition of ignorance." Whether I wrote the article or not I forget, but this principle, laid down by my father, became my guide when later I took up editorial work. I have found it almost uniformly true that an expert cannot write on the subject with which he is familiar what readers who are not familiar with the subject can understand. The experienced but non-technical writer must provide the article, and it must then be submitted to the expert to make sure that he has fallen into no se- rious errors. — Dr. Lyman Abbott in "The Outlook.'^ There is a corollary from this Q. E. D. A technical organization or institution can never successfully popularize natu- ral science. It requires a separate or- ganization that may draw from technical sources accurate data to be popularized. Matter has more intricacies, delicacies and potencies than the mind of man has been able to discover. Not that matter is greater than mind but it has been touched to finer issues by a finer, higher mind. — Bishop H. W. Warren. THE NATURE PHOTOGRAPHERS 8i •^vi The Most Beautiful Woman in America. The Aiisco Company, Binghamton, New York, has spent more than $5,000 in trying to find, from the photograph- ers' point of ^'iew, the loveliest woman W City. Mr. Conklin writes as follows : "The young woman was here af school and the photograph was made- in the ordinary course at the time of her graduation. I probably made six or eight negatives at that time. This ^ was nearly two years ago, and while I always considered it an especially attractive pic- ture, permission to use it was withheld until last fall. "Aliss Johnstone is now with the 'Watch Your Step*" nusical comedy company, and I understand that competent uidges have decided that her icatures approach as near the- i'leal as is possible, and that among- numerous other flat- tering attentions, one of the South American Repubhcs has reproduced her head on some of their coinage.'' FIRST PRIZE WIXXIXG PORTRAIT COMPANY'S $5,000 LO\'LIEST WOMEN CONTEST. AN SCO The United States Bureau of Standards calls attention to^ the fact that almost no Amer- ican units are precisely equal' to those called by the same name in Great Britain. Yard and pound are nearly alike;: but our gallon is only five- sixths of the imperial gallon, and our bushel is thirty-two thirty-thirds of the imperial' half a micromilemeter, or bushel. Even the two stand- ard meters dififer by more than $500, first prize won by Philip Conklin. Troy, New York; subject, , r i ' Miss Justine Johnstone. New York City. This portrait, togrether with the abOUt OUC five-thoUSandth OI entire collection of prize winners, is now on e.xhibition at tho .Ansco linlf Company's booth at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, ndll California, is" Published by courtesy of the .\nsco Company. Binghampton, New York. a micromilemeter, or an inch. in America, and incidentally the pho- tographer sufficiently skillful to por- tray that woman. The first prize of $500 was awarded to Philip Conklin of Troy, New York, who photographed Miss Justine Johnstone of New York Examination of the- stomach contents of bats indicates that their food is more- than nine-tenths moths, the rest being beetles and other insects. Attempts to- utilize these animals to keep down mos- quitoes have therefore failed. 86 THE GUIDE TO NATURE San Antonio, Texas. To the Editor: I send to your fine magazine, The Guide to Nature, an interesting view of two of our Texas cactus leaves, a tissue. I prepared the photograph at the farm pasture of a good friend and great nature enthusiast, Mr. Lee Hoyt, of the Leona valley. Sincerely yours, Dr. R. Menger. TWO CACTUS LFAVES FROM TEXAS— ONE F OTHER TO SHOW^ large fresh one from a growing plant, and another showing the framework or skeleton with its beautiful network and ramifications intact. They were gathered by me during a late outing at our lovely Leona hills, close to San Antonio, where miles of wild cactus jungles exist in un- cultivated pastures and open prairies. During late and remote floods near the Leona creek numbers of these leaves were carried away and lodged in the trees and shrubbery — some as high as thirty and more feet above the ground. In one place, where earth, all sorts of debris, cactus remnants and sand had ac- cumulated, there were several leaves, whole side branches showing such leaves and root stems denuded of their succu- lent parenchyma, leaving only the fi- brous network, similar to that shown in the photograph. This specimen, from years of exposure to the elements, and its incomplete covering of sand and soft earth, lost all its integumental covering except at a few spots near the base that show outlines of the original external RF.SH FROM A (SROWING PLANT AM) THE THE FRAMEWORK. Look Up! Look up, at the stately trees, Look up, at the winsome flowers Which nature's lavish hand Has woven through the bowers. Look up at the hills around, All verdure-clad, serene ; Look up at the mountains bold O'er nearer hilltops seen. Look up at the clear blue sky, Look up at the stars at night, At clouds that are sailing by. The moon with its silvery light. Look up as you go along, 'Twill broaden all your way; Look up till the habit grows, And adds a zest to vour dav. -Emma Peirce. Clarence King, the first head of the United States Geological Survey, writ- ing in 1880, opined that the mineral otitput of the country might sometime in the distant future reach a value of a billion dollars a year. Already it is two and a half billions. TJIl". XATURl^: PHOTOnRAP'TTr^RS 87 A Multiplicity of Young. Cincinnati, Ohio. To the Editor : I send two puzzle pictures for the readers of The Guidk to Nature. This mother 'possum was caught on August ist, 1914, because, as usual, she feigned death or "played 'possum." Examina- tion showed 'that nine young ones were twined about her tail. Her captor car- ried her for at least half a mile as shown in one of the pictures. The entire family is now confined in a public park in Chilli- cothe, Ohio. The capture occurred on the farm of ]\Ir. George Core, Frankfort. Ohio. In view of the vanishing wild life in this country, this seems to be well worth publishing. I doubt if many such finds are made now. I know Mr. Core THE MOTHER POSSUM AND ^UUNCt personally, and can vouch for the num- ber of young. On looking up the sub- ject I find that the 'possum may have as many as sixteen young. There may be two or three litters a vear. Yours sincerely. G. A. HixxEx. Tests in Soil Fertility. The new theory of soil fertility, that fertility is due to bacteria in the soil and sterility to infusoria that prey upon the bacteria, is soon to have a thorough try-out. An association has been formed in Enoknd of nursery- men and market gardeners, who have subscribed ten thousand dollars for the plant of an experiment station and promised another fortv-five hundred a year for running expenses. The special line of study will be the partial sterilizing of soils to just the degree which destroys the infusoria but spares the somewhat more re- sistant bacteria. Laboratory experi- ments have already shown that lime, steam at 100 degrees instead of the customary 130, chloroform, carbolic acid, carbon bisulphid. and toluene can all be given in such accurate graduated amounts as to kill the animal life in the soil without affecting the vege- table. The soil then remains fertile i"^^^il dust or earth from tools or shoes infects it once more. The problem now is to reduce the laboratorv to a commercial basis. METHOD BY WHICH THE CAPTOR CARRIED AX OPOSSUM FAMILY FOR NEARLY UALF A MILE. MEADOW-RUE. As foam on crested wave is seen, So meadow-rue on sea of green. — Emma Pcirce. ^ THE GUIDE TO NATURE A Photograph of a Lynx Cat. Idr. S. C. Baker of Wallingford. Ver- Tnont, sends us an interesting and lifelike photograph of a lynx cat. Its length A LYNX CAT. was five feet from tip to tip, its weight fifty-one pounds. It was shot by Mr. A. E. Rodgers of Wallingford. The Abandoned Art of Micro- photography. What is microphotography ? Do not confuse it as it is often confused, with photomicrography. Photomicrography is a large pho- tograph of a microscopic object. It is usually made through a microscope by the aid of microscope objectives alone or with the addition of the eyepiece. Photomacography is a term less fre- quently used but is employed by some opticians to designate enlarged photo- graphs of moderately small objects. The work is done with short focus camera lenses and usually with a long camera. These are but tw^o forms of magni- fying photography, although the dis- tincdon between the two is not always absolutely sharp and fast. Microphotography is exactly the re- verse and consists of carrying to an ex- treme minimizing photography. Near- ly all ordinary photography w^ith a camera stands about the same relation in mini- mizing that photomacrography has to magnifying. For example, a child with a small camera takes a picture of his schoolmate who is four feet tall. The photograph is perhaps an inch in height. This is a micro photograph ; the object is reduced in size. Your friend may also be microphoto graphed so that you may examine his l)icture under the microscope. Such photographs are invisible to the naked eye. While these microphotographs are extremely interesting and a few of them are to be found in nearly all microscopical cabinets yet the making of microphotographs is practically an abandoned art. There is one micropho- tographer in Germany and another in Manchester, England, but so far as an extensive correspondence has revealed there are few workers in this country. Mr. Edward Pennock of Philadel- phia writes as follows : "Francis T. Harmon, 3920 Ellis Ave- nue, Chicago, Illinois, has been doing some good work in this line of late ; he has sold some microphotographs of 'The Declaration of Independence' made from an old copy (engraving) which I obtained for him at an old- book shop here, and which I believe is the same as the one copied by Langen- heim in Philadelphia along about i860 or thereabouts." When these photographs were pop- ular as interesting things with which to entertain the microscopist's unsci- entific friends, such objects as the fol- lowing were common : "A Ticket to Heaven" (a. card of admission to a Sunday School bearing much good ad- vice) ; "The Lord's Prayer" ; Land- seer's "The Stag at Bay" ; Gray's "Elegy" ; the Presidents of the United States ; Niagara Falls, and similar sub- jects. These, and others like them, had no natural science value. They are preserved in our cabinets of slides as curiosities. Photomicrographs are vastly dififer- ent. These are usually instructive and valuable, permanently recording the microscopic structure of objects other- wise invisible, and probably incapable of being made visible to the majority of human beings. Scientific magazines and similar publications and their readers would sufifer great loss if pho- tomicrography should cease to exist, of which there is not the slightest dansfer. THE NATURE PHOTOGRAPHERS 89 Lines to the Violet. BY H. GORDON HAWKINS, W KSTFIELD, MASS. O gentle, shj-. retiring flower Of green banked dell and mossy wood. Little knowest thou thj' power That within us works for good. For when petulant and weary, We see thy gently nodding head. Gone is the thought that life is dreary, And all our evil dreams have fled. And ever in thy clear blue eye, Where with our thoughts we sense thy worth, We see the trace of Him on high Who holds the destinies of earth And rules in love. Some Fishing Experiences. Philadelphia, Pa. To the Editor : Grassy Sound is a summer fishing- place with about one hundred cottagers who spend only the summer month > there. It is on Hereford Inlet, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean, near Anglesea, at the end of the Jersey coast near Cape May. The following notes of my fishing ex- periences at this place may be of interest to some of vour readers. A TEN POUND EEL. AN EIGHTEEN POUND SHEEPSHEAD. Last year I caught a seventy-five pound channel bass ; this year an eighty pound one, that fought for his life for half a mile, while the boat drifted with the tide. An eel, the largest ever caught in the Sound, weighed ten pounds and meas- ured nearly five feet in length. I got it into the boat with my bare hands, in spite of its size and slipperiness. Sheepshead are rare and hard to catch. One may fish for weeks and not get one. It is a slow biter and generally hangs around old piles, wrecks of boats and overhanging banks where there are mussels, fiddler crabs or soft clams. It is a handsome fish with black and yellow stripes, and big teeth like those of a sheep with which it crushes the hard shells of its favorite food. Sharks come in the Soimd in schools, and either follow a school of small fish in or come in after small fish. When swimming it always shows its dorsal fin. ^^'hen it is hookell, the struggle becomes furious, but the shark is speedily ex- hausted. There is nothing artificial al)out the i:)hotograph of the snake. It shows the 90 THE GUIDE TO NATURE A S.XAL:, .-.L ...M.Wi ITSKLr. reptile exactly as I saw it, sunning- itself in an old tree. I approached near enough to get this good sized picture. It seemed to he a ground snake. No water was near. Yours respectfully, Harry BeelEr. Tests of the ahility of various birds to pick out their food against diiTerent backgrounds show that such birds as make a quick rush for their prey take non-protectively colored objects nine times more frequently than they take those which resemble the surroundings. Such birds, however, as approach slowly and look before seizing, seem hardly at all to be influenced by concealing pat- terns. Novel Position for Cereus. W'estport, Isle of Pines, W. I. 1 send a photograph which I hope will be of interest to you. It is of a night-blooming cactus taken on Alay 5th, between 5 and 5.30 a. m., with a Zeiss I'rotar on a Standard Orthonon plate. It was taken wide open (6.3) and 10 seconds' exposure. The early morning was very foggy. The blossom is beautiful, being white tinged by buff and with a yellow center. This special plant had eight blossoms at the same time and twenty-six buds. It is native here, although it is not com- mon. As a rule it grows in the jungles. This particular specimen was flourishing- on a post palm together w^ith orchids and ferns. The mass is about as big around as a barrel. We have had this wonderful thing for more than two years, having brought it post and all from the coast, but a heavy rain broke the whole mass from its sup- ])ort after the photograph had been taken. Yours truly, A. C. Read. ABOUT AS BIG AROUND AS A BARREL ORNITHOLOGY 91 ORNITHOLOGY Former President Roosevelt Visits Louisiana's Vast Bird Island Reservation The visit of Col. Theodore Roosevelt to the many bird island reservations, many of which he set aside for this pur- pose while president, and game pre- serves of Louisiana during the first part of June has aroused considerable inter- est in conservation measures practiced there for bird protection. As the guest of John ]\L Parker, a break, ]\\\\^ 8th, and the course was laid so as to circle the long stretches of Chan- deleur, Errol, Free Alason, North Har- bor, Battledore, Hog, Grand Cochere and Breton islands. These islands all lie east of the many- mouthed delta of the ^Mississippi river and are given over almost wholly to the terns, gulls, skimmers, pelicans, men-o"- warsmen and shore birds that breed in the south. Vast colonies of these birds flock to these islands to lay their eggs COLONEL ROOSF.VELT IXSPECTIN'G THE XESTIXG COP OXV OF ROY \L C VSPI \X \ND CABOT TERNS, LAUGHLN'G GULLS AND BLACK SKIMMERS OX BRETOX' Isi.AXD. " noted Louisiana sportsman, and the Conservation Commission of Louisiana, Col. Roosevelt was given the opportun- ity of setting foot on the sandy shores of the many low-lying islands that guard the delta coast of the Pelican State from the high rolling waves of the, at times, turbulent Gulf of Mexico. The trip, which consumed a solid week, began when the Conservation Commission's yacht "Daisy" left Pass Christian at day- either on the sand or in the rough nests they construct. A arious sized colonies ranging from ten to twenty thousand in- dividuals were inspected but it was not vmtil he went ashore on Breton Island that Col. Roosevelt realized the extent of the protection and the multitude of birds given sanctuary to-day in Louisi- ana. At Breton Island the Roosevelt party was joined by AI. L. Alexander, presi- 92 THE GUIDE TO NATURE COLONEL RUOSEVELT, PRESIDENT M. L. ALEXANDER CIN THE CENTER) AND AU- DUBON WARDEN EXAMINING A ROYAL TERN EGG. dent of the Conservation Commission of Louisiana, and Stanley Clisby Arthur, the commission's ornithologist. The head of the commission found a ready listener in the former president when he went into the details of conservation work now practiced in Louisiana. Breton Island proved a revelation to Col. Roosevelt. A two-mile stretch of sandy beach was covered with the eggs of the Royal, Caspian and Cabot terns and black skimmers. Back from the beach the mangroves and salt grass were filled with the nests of about fifteen thousand laughing gulls. At the ap- proach of the party, sections of the vast colony, estimated to be over a hundred thousand, took the air in a beautiful fluttering flight of snowy wings, settling back on their eggs, however, as the par- tv moved forward. For an hour the former president sat on the beach and with his binoculars studied the nesting habits of the various species, the peculiarities of flight, and saw for the first time the reprehensible habit of the laughing gull in pouncing on the unguarded egg of the terns, breaking it open with its stout bill and feasting on the contents. Many other habits were noted and discussed with Herbert K. Job, head of the Department of Applied Ornithology of the National Association of Audubon Societies, who accompanied the former president to make the pictures for his magazine articles, and Air. Arthur, who in his work for the Louisiana commission, has made a special study of breeding cus- toms practiced by the southern breeding birds. A R0\AL TERN COLONY ON BRETON ISLAND A VIEW SHOWING HOW TERN EGGS ARE DE- POSITED ON TWO MILE STRETCH OF SAND ON BRETON ISLAND. The patrolling system of protecting these breeding islands from human mo- lestation during the summer months was explained to the distinguished natural- ist by President Alexander and the com- mission's work in this regard was high- ly commended by Col. Roosevelt, who also showed lively interest in the other natural resources of the state under the jurisdiction of the commission. It is expected that Col. Roosevelt will make a second visit to Louisiana during the coming winter to investigate the great game and water-fowl refuges. Marsh Island, The State Game Pre- serve, the Ward-Mcllhenny and Rocke- feller Foundation, when the ducks and 2'eese are there. ORNITHOLOGY 93 Swiffs and Weather. West Devonport, Tasmania, Australia. To the Editor : Perhaps the following" note may be of interest, and may induce some of the readers of the The Guide to Nature to study and record the movements of the American members of that extraordinary group of birds — the swifts. In a paper read before the Royal Society of Tasma- nia I endeavored some time ago to trace a connection between the appearances of the spine-tailed swift {Chactura canda- cuta) both in this state and in Mctoria (Australia) and disturbed weather con- ditions, showing" that in all cases which had come under my notice the appear- ance of this swift meant atmospheric change. This was again strikingly demonstrated on the twentv-seventh of February of this year, when in the morn- ing I saw fifty or sixty of these fine birds coursing insects over the paddocks. The day was sultry but fine. Soon afterward I met a friend who spends most of his life out-of-doors and, like myself, takes pleasure in noting natural objects. I told him that I had just seen a large party of swifts for the first time this summer, the twenty-seventh of February being near the end of summer wath us in these southern latitudes, when he re- marked, "Then rain is not far away." That very evening a light rain began to fall, and practically the whole of the fol- lowing day was wet. Not only so. but for several days afterward we had high winds and showers, culminating on the seventh and eighth of ]\Iarch in a tre- mendous northwesterly gale, w'hich did a great deal of damage. All this distur- bance came after months of fine settled weather. On the ninth of March the swifts were migrating from southeast to northwest, passing in twos and threes every few minutes, from two to four o'clock, during the afternoon. As this species is often with us until April and I have seen it as late as the twenty-seventh of that month, I took this early departure to mean rough and cold autumn weather. a supposition which has since been abun- dantly verified. Some notes of mine on the subiect were sent to the Tasmanian Field Club, which has its headquarters in Hobart, at the end of the state oppo- site to that in which I reside, and were read by the secretary at a recent meeting. Considerable discussion ensued, most of the members agreeing, however, that the sudden appearance of the spine-tailed swift, especially if flying low, after a long spell of fine weather, indicates a break-up of anticyclonic conditions. I was pleased to receive this confirmation of my series of observations which cover a good many years. H. Stuart Dove. John Burroughs's Diet. This veteran naturalist, who has re- cently passed his seventy-eighth birth- day, tells us that he is now in better health and is better able to do his work than he has been for years. In an inter- esting article in "The Ladies' Home Journal" he says : "Old age is not such a bugaboo after all. He is, in many ways, better to live with than Youth, because he leaves you more at your ease ; you are in the calmer waters ; the fret and fever of life have greatly abated. Old Age brings the phil- osophical mind ; he brings a deeper, wid- er outlook upon life ; he brings more tol- erance and charity and good will." As a part of his experience we learn the astonishing fact that he has dis- carded from his dietary eggs and raw apples. He also says, and this is less surprising, that he avoids pastry, new bread, coiiee, tea, iced drinks and all al- coholic beverages, but the most amazing thing is that he uses neither eggs nor raw apples. It has been generally sup- posed that these are the prime factors in the diet of one that lives near to na- ture. But !Mr. Burroughs believes that eggs are poison to some people. He was induced to discard them through the in- fluence of Professor Chittenden's book, and by the fact that no eggs were given to the Yale students upon whom Chitten- den has been experimenting with various svstems of diet. In a personal letter to tiie editor of TiiE Guide to Nature, he says : "I do not eat our grapes, or plums, or pears and rarely a raw apple. I eat a few ripe peaches and ripe strawberries once a day. Oranges and grapefruit do me more harm than good. With cooked fruit I fare better. I can eat baked ap- ples three times a day. The one raw fruit that is medicine to me is the tree melon or papaya of the Hawaiian Islands." We shall be glad to learn from others, especially of our elderly readers, as to whether their experiences coincide with this of the Dean of Naturalists. 94 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Contributions to the Observatory. Air. J. R. de la Torre Bueno, White Plains, N. Y $ i.oo Mr. Frederick A. Hubbard, Green- wich I.oo Mr. Irving Bacheller, Riverside, Conn lo.oo Mrs. John Elbert White, Green- wich I.oo A Friend ( Increase — total $4.00) ., . 2.00 Mr. Fred C. Binney, Sound Beach. 5.00 Mr. J. D. Sawyer, New York City 2.00 Mr. S. M. Boschnogel, Sauders- burg", Penn i.oo Mr. J. K. Lawrence, Stamford. . . . 2.00 Mr. E. N. Fast, Stamford i.oo Mr. Geo. W. Lockwood, Stamford i.oo Mr. B. Frank Finney, Greenwich. . i.oo Miss Frances H. Errett, Newtown, Ohio 25.00 Brady & Chadeayne, Stamford. . . . 5.00 Mr. George Lauder, Jr., Greenwich 25.00 Mr. Charles H. Knapp, Sound Beach io.od Air. Chas. O. Trowbridge, Fram- ingham Center, Mass i.oo Air. Arthur L. DeGrofif, Newark. N. T 25.00 Airs. 'R. G. Hinton, Hartford, Conn I.oo Air. Walter F. Alortimer, Sound Beach 2.00 Air. AI. G. Allyn, Riverside. Conn, i.oo Air. S. C. Hunter, New Rochelle, N. Y 50.00 Air. Samuel Phillips. Stamford... i.oo Airs. Grace Lee Smidt, Sound Beach 10.00 Aliss Sarah Root Adams, Portland, Alaine 20 Total $184.20 Previously acknowledged 322.00 Grand Total $506.20 The Starry Heavens in August. BY PROF. KRIC DOOLITTLK OF THE UNI- VFRSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. DOUBTLESS the most interesting astronomical occurrence of the present month is the entrance of the beautiful planet Jupiter into our eve- ning sky. If during the last few weeks the reader has happened to glance at a late hour of the evening toward the eastern heavens, he cannot have failed to notice this most brilliant object there, well up from the ground, and shining with sixteen times the brightness of a first magnitude star. But not until the first of the present month does this most wonderful and interesting world — by far the largest of all the worlds which circle around our sun — enter the bor- ders of our evening sky map. For the remainder of the present year it will re- main the most conspicuous object in the evening heavens. This month is also signalized by the passage of the moon over the bright star Antares and by the occurrence of an eclipse of the sun, but unfortunately neither of these interesting phenomena will be visible to observers within the borders of the United States. THE AUGUST STARS. There have been many interesting changes in the face of the evening heav- ens since last month. The great Leo, the very last of the winter groups, has disappeared ; the preceding stars of the very large group, Virgo, are beginning to set, and there no longer remains the least trace of the long, straggling con- stellation known as the Water Snake. Hercules and Corona no longer occupy the highest point of the heavens, but they, as well as the brilliant Scorpio, Opiiiuchus and Bootes, have moved far toward the west. The long train of bright groups along the Alilky Way are now all near the meridian, while Aquari- us, the beautiful Andromeda and the TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 95 Great Square of Pegasus have all ap- peared in the east. A very beautiful region for explora- tion and study is that which lies within the borders of the constellation Cygnus, or the Northern Cross, now high in the evening sky. The star at A is perhaps the most beautiful double star in the heavens with a small aperture, the larg- which, from the immense amount of mathematical research which has been devoted to it, is well known to every as- tronomer. This pair is called "Sixty- one Cygni" and has the distinction of being nearer to us than any other known star north of the Celestial Equator. The light from this pair of suns requires bnt eight vears to reach us, so that Sixtv- SOUXM Figure 1 Tlic Constellations on August 1 at 9 P. M. (If facing south, hold the map upright; if facing East hold east below; if facing west, hold West below; if facing north, hold the map inverted.) er star being of a golden color and the smaller one blue. The star at C is a very similar but more difficult double, while that at D is a double presenting an only slightly less beautiful contrast in color, but in which the colors are far more un- usual, the larger star being white and the smaller one of a lilac tint. If there are any worlds in this strange system, the dwellers upon them thus see a white sun and a lilac sun rise every day ; in fact, it might always be day on so strangely situated a world, because, per- haps, one of their suns is always to be seen in their sky. At the position E there is an incon- spicuoiis sixth magnitude pair of suns one Cygni is at almost exactly the same distance aw^ay as the bright Dog star Sirius. The variable star at B, which the reader may have noticed when it was a bright, naked-eye object, is now of near- ly the eleventh magnitude and is daily growing fainter. This strange sun thus oscillates from brightness to faintness continually, the period being 406 days ; though for some cause, as unknown to us as the cause of^the variability itself, this period has recently been growing longer. Around the star at F there is a won- derful stream of stars, while between this and the star at H is the curious va- 96 THE GUIDE TO NATURE cant region of the Milky Way known as the Northern Coal Sack. But star streams and clouds and other wonderful objects literally fill this beautiful region of the Milky Way. The bright star at H is itself a most interesting sun. Not only do we now see it as the brightest star of the constellation, but it is ap- moon, while to those within the narrow strip MNO, the intensely black disc of the moon will appear to move complete- ly on to the bright disc of the sun. Even here, however, the sun's light will at no time be completely cut off ; it will shine out as a brilliant ring encircling the ball of the moon. It is for this Figure 2. Regions of the earth from which the eclipse of August 10 is visible. proaching our earth at the rate of thirty- six miles a second, and in the course of very many centuries it will have drawn so near us that it will far outshine every other star of the heavens. What kinds of beings they will be who will then be watching the heavens from our little earth we can only conjecture, if indeed our world at that remote epoch will be in such a condition that any life at all wall be possible upon it. THE ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN. On the afternoon of August lo the moon will pass between the earth and the sun, but unfortunately the shadow of our satellite will not at that time fall upon any part of the United States. Were there an observer at the point A, Figure 2, he would be the first person on the earth to see the moon's black disc touch the edge of the sun ; while it is from the point B that the last trace of the eclipse will be visible. All observers within the region RST V will see the sun partly hidden by the reason that eclipses of this kind are called Annular, or Ring, eclipses. The present eclipse will begin on Aug- ust lo at 2 hours 56 minutes 6 seconds, P. M. (Eastern standard time) and will end at 8 hours 48 minutes P. M., thus lasting in its entirety almost six hours. THE PLANETS IN AUGUST. Mercury enters the evening sky on August 14, but does not reach its great- est distance east of the sun until Septem- ber 27. On August 31 it sets about one hour after sunset and may therefore be then detected low in the twilight; but it can be seen to much better advantage four weeks later. Venus is practically invisible through- out all of August, as it is lost in the rays of the sun. On August i it rises but forty minutes, and on August 31 but ten minutes before sunrise. Mars will be seen rising far in the northeast, four hours before sunrise ; it thus attains a quite high altitude by the time of dawn. It is now of almost ex- actly the same brightness as a first mag- nitude star ; because of this, and because TO KNOW THF STARRY HEAVENS 97 of its red color, it is very conspicuous and cannot be mistaken. Jupiter may be seen rising almost ex- actly at the east point of the horizon at 9 P. M. on August i and at a few minutes before 7 P. M. on August Figure 3. A recent drawint; of the planet Jupiter made with a large telescope. The flattening of the planet at the poles is very evident in this drawing. 31. Though this world, on the whole, moves eastward among the stars, com- pleting the circuit of the heavens in about twelve years, it is at the present time moving slowly westward or "re- trograding." This retrograde motion will continue until Novemljer 15, when it will be found at a distance equal to seventeen times the apparent diameter of the full moon west of its present po- sition. After this date it will again run rapidly eastward among the stars. No planet affords a more interesting subject for study with a small telescope than does this one. Its delicately color- ed bands and its markings, which are continually changing both on accoimt of the great disturbances on this vaporous world and on account of its rapid ro- tation, and its four bright and ever-mov- ing moons form so fascinating an object that one can scarcely tire of watching it. Numerous occultations, transits or eclipses of the moons will be seen to oc- cur during the nights of August 6, 8, 15. 22 and 31. Saturn is steadily withdrawing from the sun's rays into the morning sky. On August I it rises, but two hours before sunrise, but this time is increased to no less than four and three-fourths hours by the end of the month. It will not be until November, however, that we will see this beautiful planet shining in our evening sky. A Sonnet. Mysterious nijjht! when our first parent knew Thee from report divine, and heard thy name, Did he not tremble for his lovely frame. This glorious canopy of light and blue? Yet "neath a curtain of translucent dew. Bathed in the rays of the great setting flame, Hesperus with the Host of Heaven came. And lo! creation widen'd in man's' view. Who could have thought such darkness lay conceal'd Within thy beams, O Sun ! or who could find, Whilst fly and leaf and insect stood re- veal'd ; That to such countless orbs thou mad'st us blind? Why do we then shun deatli, with anxious strife? If light can thus deceive, wherefore not life? — Joseph Blanco White. Dr. Edward F. Bigelow, over at Sound Beach, is trying to buy a tele- scope for ArcAdiA, so we can all look up into the sky and see what is going on so far away. While there is a good deal of room up in the sky for one small spy- glass to look at we hope the Doctor gets his observatory. It is nice to know a lot if you can acquire knowledge by merely looking at it instead of reading and studying, Avhich is hard on the occiput. — "Cos Cob Nature Notes." — New York World. . A late report from the Lowell Obser- vatory at Flagstaff, Arizona, states that the only water on Mars is that furnished by the melting snow of the polar ice caps. The equatorial region, therefore, is excessively dry. The latest measure- ment of the amount of oxygen present in the Martian atmosphere show^s it to be about one-half that of the earth's. A German naturalist notes that some of the common shore crabs lifted by the shell between thumb and finger and waved in the air, become rigid and are probably hypnotized. A recent study by Crocker and Groves of the duration of life in seeds appears to show that death is due to a slow coagulation of the proteins. The rate at wdiich this takes place is the more rapid the higher the temper- ature and the greater the amount of moisture in the seed. One hundred and fifty years seems to be the limit of longevity for the most resistant seeds under the most favorable con- ditions. 98 THE GUIDE TO NATURE :^^i *••••••♦•••* AQASSIZ ASSOCIATION KCCCi-fi n-rrtr-ri — ii-Tr.r-Ti H^ 1 IF YOU ARE A USER OF PAPER WE WISH TO INTEREST r YOU IN THE FAMOUS ..LINDENMEYR LINES.. They embody the best products of the foremost mills of this country and cover every conceivable requirement. Complete stocks are on hand of the renowned Warren Standard Book Papers — "LUSTRO," "CAMEO," "CUMBERLAND," Etc. Our selection of Fine Cover Papers is unsurpassed. Samples furnished gladly to those who are interested. We invite your inquiry. s HENRY LINDENMEYR & SONS PAPER WAREHOUSES U loitll^lt'e?'''"' NEW YORK 32cu„,„ NEWARK, N.J. ^^1 IDOai ICJQi-il ^^T-TOT-ri — fT-Tr>r-Ti 1 1^ BOBBINK & ATKINS World's Choicest Nursery and Greenhouse Products FOR EARLY AUTUMN PLANTING We cordially invite you to visit our Nurseries and see these surpris- ing collections and our modern facilities for their successful culture. We wish especially to emphasize the fact that we are growers and having expensive land and experience are able to discriminate with care and con- fidence the finest in every line of Horticulture. EVERGREENS In an unrivaled selection, rare and complete. HARDY OLD-FASHIONED FLOWERS .\ wonderful assortment includini^- Peonies and Iris SPRING-FLOWERING BULBS Only the best in quality and variety. OUR NEW HYBRID GIANT - FLOWERING MARSHMALLOW The wonder of the age in striking color. Flowering now. You can obtain by request our Illustrated General Catalog No. 66 the most completeand up-to-date book of its kind, also our Autumn Bulb Catalog We "Plan and "Plant Grounds and Gardens Everywhere Nurserymen, Florists and Hanters RUTHERFORD N. J. XII THE GUIDE TO NATURE LITERARY NOTES York State Rural Problems. II. By L. H. Bailey. Albany : J. B. Lyon Company. Every lover of the out of doors will hail with delight this collection of Professor Bailey's addresses to various companies of students, farmers, and others. He speaks clearly and effectively on many aspects of the farm and of life in the countrv. Money Talks. By Eleanor Baldvirin. Holy- oke. Mass. : The Elizabeth Towne Company. This is the New Thought on money, what money really is, what the function of money really is, what money must have through which to perform that function, and how these three may be applied to solve the problems of our present conditions. "Money will mas- ter mankind until mankind masters money," says the author. Spencer Fullerton Baird : A Biographv. By William Healey Dall, A. M., D. Sc. Phila- delphia : J. B. Lippincott Company. Natural history in America is most of all indebted to two remarkable men, Professor Louis Agassiz and Professor Spencer F. Baird. Their activities in a public sense in this country began about the same time, Agassiz, the enthusiastic inspiring teacher, and Baird, the efficient, hard-working and lovable organ- izer, complemented each other. Professor Baird was a born naturalist and organizer of methods and men. His biography is not a history of explorations nor a record of technical investigations ; but an account of the life and relation to them of a singularly eminent, able, efficient and modest devotee of the natural sciences. Apart from the scientific side of the activi- ties it endeavors to make the reader ac- quainted with the characteristics of a pure and lovable leader of men to whose modesty and self-sacrifice the country owes a debt which is still appreciated only by a select few. Handbook of Medical Entomology. By Wm. A. Riley, Ph. D., and O. A. Johannsen. Ph. D. Ithaca, New York : The Comstock Pub- lishing Company. This work treats of poisonous and parasitic insects and their allies, and especially of those which transmit and disseminate disease. It is fully illustrated and contains keys for deter- mining the principal species noxious to man. .An extended bibliography, alphabetically ar- ranged adds greatly to the value of the work. The "Handbook of INIedical Entomology" will prove invaluable for medical men, stu- dents of entomology and to all interested in public health questions. The Well-Considered Garden. By Mrs. Franci^s King. New York: Charles' Scrib- ner's Sons. This volume by the president of The Women's National Agricultural and Horti- cultural Association contains the results of a large gardening experience set forth with that "knowledge, insight, and splendid enthusiasm" which, as Miss Jekyll writes in the preface she contributes, "combine to make her one of those most fitted to direct energy, to suggest and instruct." Harmony in color and design may be said to be Mrs. King's central theme, but there are few aspects of gardening prob- lems which she does not touch informinglv. A Field Book of Stars. Bv William Tvler Olcott. New York City: G. P. Putna'm's Sons. To facilitate the fascinating recreation of star gazing, the author has desigrned this field book. All matters of a technical or theoreti- cal nature have been omitted. Only what the reader can observe with the naked eye or with an opera glass have been included in it. Simplicity and brevity have been aimed at, the main idea being that whatever is bulky or verbose is a hindrance rather than a help when one is engaged in the observation of tlie heavens. iiuBin»«iii»»""" Packt'd One no/en in an Attr,icti\c- pull i. if Bi.x aii'l Flail ( iins> in a Cart(jn FOR SALE AT YOUR DEALER 5c. EACH OR 50c. PER DOZEN He.xagon Shapo Hiyhly Polislied in Yellow finish. The Mikado is a Superior Quality of Pencil and with Gilt Tip and Red Rins. fitted with Bi'st Red contains the very finest specially prepared lead, which is exceed- Erasive Rubber. injjlyLsmooth and durable. ACCURATELY GRADED IN FIVE DEGREES No. 1 Soft No. 3 Hard No. 2 Medium No. 2' 2 Medium Hard No. 4 Extra Hard for Bookkeepers Conceded to be the Finest Pencil Made for General Use 377 Broadway EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY Nciv York =11 mm ffoA //p 'J^ f'"^?) AN ENLARGED AND IMPROVED DEPARTMENT ORNITHOLOGY BEGINS IN THIS NUMBER (PAGE 118) IT IS EDITED BY HARRY G. HIGBEE 13 AUSTIN STREET, HYDE PARK. MASSACHUSETTS THE HEARTY COOPERATION OF ALL BIRD LOVERS IS CORDIALLY INVITED Vol. VIII No. 4 September 1915 EDV/ARD F. BIGELOW MANAGING EDITOR Subscription, $L00 a Year. Single Copies, 10 Cents GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH 0 1^ ^ As Trustee Under this term are several forms of serv- ice covered by The Greenwich Trust Company, luch as: Administration of es- tates left without wills, receiver or assignee of enterprises in financial difficulties; agent for persons who want to be relieved of the management of their own business and property affairs. A corporation is better than an individual, because: It never dies; it is never absent or too busy for immediate action; and do- ing its work by the collective judgment and efforts of several experienced persons, it is superior to individual hum in frailties of judgment and conduct which so often result disastrously in the case of one man trusteeship. Our Officers will gladly confer with you re- garding the services above outlined. The Greenwich Trust Co. 96 Greenwich Avenue GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT r W^^^^bi ' '^ "^ t, ■ t- InMl GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT has good transportation facilities to New York. You can buy or rent to good advantage and enjoy living by the water or among the hills to the utmost satisfaction. I have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inland Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Building Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locations. Would be pleased to have you call or write. Laurence Timmons Greenwich, Conn ^ BEST NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN o Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials ^ ^ ^ 13 Bi ]hm Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES \3 el o 1^ lasei LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN GREENWICH, CONN. I ooo^-oo oo«r3cxx) ( Published monthly by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA; Sound Beach, Connecticut, Subscription, $1.00 a year Single copy, 10 cents Entered as Second-Class Matter June 12, 1909, at Sound Beach Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1897. Vol VIII SEPTEMBER. Number 4 A Naturalist Who Considers Many Subjects By EDWARD F. BIGELOW, ARCADIA: Sound Beach, Connecticut OUR readers know him as a natural- ist, the medical profession and many patients as a skillful sur- geon, hundreds of students as "Profes- sor," and all Stamford as a suburbanite — a real "back to nature" resident on a nut farm. But we now have the surpris- ing pleasure of knowing him ?.s Robert T. \ [orris, the Philosopher. I say advisedly "'su.rprising." since even he must be surprised, because it all came about in so sudden and yet so nat- ural a way. Like Europe in the present war, he exploded because he was loaded, but with what effect perhaps even this firer of philosophical broadsides did not even himself anticipate. That came as the Deacon's one boss shay went — all at once and nothing first. He has billed three books with many good things by saying much in few words. His three large volumes of philosophy have been published by Doubleday, Page & Company under the general title of "To-morrow's Topics." They are "A Surgeon's Philosophy," "Microbes and Men"' and "Doctors Versus Folks."' It seems hardly possible that these are by he author of Dr. Morris's medical boo.r far from the farmhouse door." "All right. Expect me with a 'Mmera in about an hour." These views show the thinker and his thinkery. The following brief quota- tions show the spirit of his books. "Some of the most beloved people dc not know my feeling towards them. \\'ere I to let them know about it, there would be reciprocation and ex- changes of affection. That would take time, —diverting our thoughts toward what is so attractive. Some of the men. whom I esteem most highly do not know it. There are people who iise af- fection and esteem for trade purposes,. but it seems better to use them as a. miser holds his gold, wdiere one caa gloat over afl^ection and esteem in pri- vate." ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ "I gave a spray of white azalea to a friend on an early July day. 'How won- derful !' he said. 'What delicate fra- grance, what daintiness in shades of white, — if one can have shades of white! Is it Japanese? Now wdiat do you think of that? No wonder people ask what is the use of living. My friend did not know where the white azaleas grew. It grows where the rose breasted grosbeak would waken him at four o'- clock in the morning ^vith a finer song' than he would hear in town during" the day. It grows where the hellebores say 'I'm here !' to the g"oddess of spring"- time — where the bracken fern ofl:'ers best thanks for sunshine received, and where the X'irginia tvu'tle shows us a placer of unalloyed gold in the trout brook." THE PICTURESQUE E1)(;E OF THE SWIMMING POOL DEDICATED TO YOUTH AND ENTHUSIASM. Dr. Morris takes his morning dip here. Perhaps that has helped put so much vigor and freshness into his philosophy. 112 THE GUIDE TO NATURE THE PHILOSOPHER AND HIS ROSE. 'I have a beautiful clump in the woods not far from the farmhouse door.' A NATURALIST WHO CONSIDERS MANY SUBJECTS 113 A BLAZE OF GLORY OF A DOUBLE ROSE. Photographed by Mr. Nathan R. Graves. Rochester. New York. "Is the most famous double rose really finer than the healthy simple rose after all ? By the gods I do not know ! Sit down by the side of a wild rose bush — and not vulgarly close, for it has tan- gible dignity indeed. It keeps one at an aristocratic distance until he has loved it enough to understand it. When ■one has loved the wild rose enough to ■take the trouble for really understand- ing it he is then at liberty to hold its finest flower in his hand, to press the soft petals against his cheek ; to drink the royal clear pink into his color soul, and to enjoy the fragrance that is not for the careless passer-by, but only for liim who seeks it affectionately, and who finds it as a reward. And then the unfolding bud ! There is exquisite mod- esty in its diffident advancement from the sepals which protect, even as the wise mother guards her beautiful daughter until the tender heart can bear the glance of a powerful but kind and generous sun, which might unwit- tingly do it harm. "If I may have the choice between a wild rose and a double rose upon my grave, give me the sturdy wild rose that combines its colors with those of early morning sunlight in jewels of a thous- and glimmering dewdrops, when the robin and the woodthrush are making the welkin ring with songs of life-joy and of praise for the coming day." 114 THE. GUIDE TO NATURE "Aly friend Dr. Bigelow, finding- him- self near his lK)}diood scenes, in the country, hunted up an old playmate who was not at home. The Doctor en- joyed the qtiaint old farmhouse and its surrotuidings, and wc.s truly envio'>.:s oi the owner. He took a photograph ot the hotise, and later sent a copy of it to his old time acqtiaintance. There was no answer to the letter enclosing the photograph, and the Doctor learned later that his boyhood companion call- ed him all sorts of names, and said "I sometimes hear a man complaining about having been born mto tiie world against his will, an e^•ent concerning which he had no chioce. Vv hat an un- grateful wretch ! If you were born blind, and could have sight as a reward for being good for a period of ten years, how very, very good you would be for ten years at least. The complainer us- ually has first rate eyes. If you were born deaf, how good you would be if you were to be given ears as a reward of merit. The complainer usually has THIS ROCK INSPIRES A "TOPIC" FAR AHEAD IN THE "TO-MORROW." "Odd folks belonging to some strange new nation will come aiid sit upon the rock at the foot of my garden two thousand years from next June." that if he was protid of living in a bet- ter house in the city, he ought not to taunt anybody by taking a picttire of the old farmhouse and sending it to him. How many people there are in this world surrounded by beatitifid things and envied bv others but not aware of it." ^ ^ ij; ;■; ^ "Men are best judged by their attitude toward other people, because that re- presents their tuiconsciotis and un- guarded expression of personal feeling for the degree of need for self protec- tion. first-rate ears. With all his gifts a man is ungrateful. He obtained his gifts for nothing and consequently does not value them." ^ ^ ^ ^ sj: "I have always refused to look at life as anything excepting a good game of sport, with its proportion of good losers and bad losers among my friends. "Would you like to know right now everything you will ever know? 'Yes!' That would spoil the game ! You are not a good sport ! "If we knew everything at once it would be like playing a game of cards A NATURALIST WHO CONSIDERS MANY SUBJECTS ii backward after the game was over. There is no sport in that. There is great sport in playing the game of life if one plays fair. "There is, to be sure, such a thing as luck, btit man does not call it by that name unless it is going against him," "Which pays best, goodness or bad- ness? Anyone who is bound to put the question upon a payment basis is him- self bad. I can answer the question, however, having made observations for more than half a hundred years. It is my conviction that goodness and bad- ness pay about equally well so far as material gains are concerned. Good people, on the whole are-more comfort- able. That is the only difiference." "I would rather have dogs and babies run to me instinctively, than to have a press agent succeed in working into 'the society columns' an impression that I was really on the inside with the exclusives." ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * "This is October the 5th, 1912. A perfect autumn day, and mine the luck to have traded temporarily a fine old shopworn city in exchange for my beautiful clean Merribrooke at Stam- ford. What would I not give to return to the farm house for one whole day an hundred years from now on Octo- ber the 5th, 2012. Not in spiritual form with pure white wings and a golden harp, but just in my old duds. A felt hat torn at the top, hob nail shoes, and my canvas shooting coat minus a but- ton or two, but with its treasury of capacious pockets all intact. The early gunners walked this morning through glinting frosty grass that was still being lighted by the crescent of a wan- ing moon, long after signal lights had come from the east bidding the j^lanet Neptune to retire. There will be no change in that particular morning order of the heavens for October 5th, 2012." "It is difificult to live one's happiest life among surroundings of the city. It is only while at my old farmhouse in vacation time that these notes can be written, — near the pleasant sound of rushing water, where vireos are sing- ing, and a chattering squirrel in the hickory tree tries to attract my atten- tion. Here is where one can watch sunset clouds and smell ripening fruit. These must be my joyful surroundings, for in the city one is engaged in making adaptation to duties of the day as one cog wheel fits into another cog wheel, rotating with the rest of town machin- ery. We may call it "life" in town, but "soul" is in the country. W'ho cares if soul and life were once synonymous terms away back in the dark begin- ning, so long as- now the course of life, like the Nautilus of Dr. Holmes, estab- lishes grander mansions' as it pro- gresses. Eyes brighten most when men speak of the country." "A family is often proud when a genius appears in their midst. They should be sad, rather, because it indi- cates beginning disintegration of the family." ^ TfC ^ ^ ^ "One reason why science does not have so many advocates as general literature is because its reasons are not turned into feeling and the public is thankful to anybody who will serve as proxy for its thinking." ^ 2(: ;{: ^ ^ "In the good old days of my youth, there was a distinction in small vices of the different sexes. W^here men swore, women shed tears and had a headache. Where men drank rum, women drank tea. Tea and tears were the equivalents of rum and swearing." ^ ;{; ^ ^ ^ "A bright thought let us say is nothing but a potato expressed in another form of energy, just as the whistle of the locomotive is a piece of coal expressed in another form of energy." ^ 5{C 5}C 5{C Jjc "People understand each other very well on the whole. I have watched a bear for half an hour at a time feeding or playing right near me in the woods. I have watched a beaver at his work, often but a few yards away. They did not know they were being watched, or they would not have stopped long enough for two grunts. It is the same way with people. Their intimate habits are watched and understood by other ])eo])le, just as T watched the bear and the beaver." :^ ^z ^ :^ ^ "A\"hen al)out to make a sarcastic re- niarl<. sto]:> to think if you would do it beside a man's cof^n when his hands are folded on his breast, and the white face can make no reply. If you would ii6 THE GUIDE TO NATURE not do it then, why do it now?" "A young man said to a father : 'I suppose you will refuse if I ask for the hand of your daughter." The father replied, "Yes, I will refuse ; but if you had put it the other way, that you were bound to have my daughter if you had to kill me first, you could have had her. As it is, you have defeat- ed yourself at the start, and I do not want a son-in-law of that type of mind. A man who defeats himself on pro- positions at the start needs to be look- ed after by some one else most of the time." "I have had under my care many an one whose history would make a novel, and yet the entire lii.'-tory would be of no real consequence to the world. If the same people had been engaged in some .?tudy of .science their lives woulil ha\c been completely filled, there would ha'c been a life-satisfaction for them, and the social world would have profited by their presence instead of being subjected to a destructive attrition resulting from their friction applied to its surface. To- morrow social efficiency experts will utilize such waste material." ;i< ^ :); H= "How quickly sympathy changes a man's entire point of view? In camp in the north we were all very fond of wild goslings for the camp table. One day I captured a couple of them wdien going off salmon fishing; kept them in the canoe all day for company, and to- ward evening handed a little fresh grass toward them. They came up and took it out of my hand, and I never could kill goslings after that. "Although meat is a necessary article of diet for most people I suppose that as we get older we all dislike more and more the idea of having anything killed. Hot roast duck stuft'ed with chestnuts, mushrooms and sausage, and served with a flood of rich brown gravy is pretty good, but any one who has had cunning little yellow downy ducklings climbing all over his feet and hands and has watched them grow under his care, would rather have someone's else ducks killed for his dinner. When eat- ing roast duck I always try to imagine that it was raised by somebody who didn't know Timmie from Dickie. — somebody who raised impersonal ducks. "I often wish the pathetic did not ap- peal to me so deeply, for it does not seem to belong to a broad shouldered bear hunter who is about six feet in height. When I find a little dead bird ly- ing upon its back with feet outstretched in mute appeal against a decree which could bring destruction to one so little and innocent, I always know w^here tears start from in women. It is from a place away down deep. It requires something of an effort to put aside the feeling on the ground that it is woman- ly, and not masculine in origin." ^ ^ :^ ^ ^ "Thousands of women of education and refinement spend a large part of every day in card playing. This is done largely by time-wasters of the elim HE IJUDS A nSTAClIIi BRANCH AND A THOUGHT. A NATURALIST WHO CONSIDERS MANY SUBJECTS 117 group. Imagine how a country would progress if all these minds were to be engaged in any department of natural science whatsoever." 'T know an elderly couple who lost all their money. They formerly entertained extensively, and carried all of the com- plicated responsibilities of social form. Now they sing' all day long since the money is gone, and say they were never so happy in their lives previously. They are on a tiny salary, keeping chickens and enjoying life. Their former butler came to call upon them one day when I was present. He looked very grand. Why is this couple happy? One reason is because a former butler would call respectfully when their money was gone." "Happiness is said to consist in not wanting wdiat we cannot get. Satisfac- tion is really better than happiness, the satisfaction of getting things in the end which one was not cjuite sure he would obtain. "Contentment is to be deprecated if it leads to inaction. The man who is most contented wdien he is hardest at work has the right sort of content- ment. "Contentment is not altogether pleas- ing to nature and she sees to it that it does not last long unless one is con- tented when at hard work. "Most people are well off, but they do not know it. Often when hunting I have been cold, wet and hungry, and have thought how^ well off people were with their warm clothes on. in some distant house in which I saw" the light shining from a window. Perhaps the people there were uncomfortable also but in a different way, bothering them- selves with some financial or social question or disturbed about their neighbors. They were well oft' but did not know it." ^ ^ :^ ^ ^ "Among all bird songs appropriate to the environment what can be more delightful than the song of the wood- cock? It is the song of the tenderest of lovers, and it strikes the very note that poets have sought in their ideals of love in a cottage, or of a secluded spot in some far wilderness. The song of a woodcock is the dearest song in the world. "Would that some one would sing to me such a lullaby ! All is quiet in the valley. Moonlight is transmut- ing spring mist into gold. The jingle of silver bells of the Hyla chorus comes faintly from some distant marsh. Then it is that the woodcock looks into the dreamy eyes of his beautiful bride and springing aloft with twittering wing, — stills the wing note when high in the air, and warbles so softly and sweetly to his true love that it seems almost sacrilege to listen. It is not to the mul- titude that he sings. Oh, no, indeed ! Tt is just for you and me, Betty! Not for the w^orld w'ould we disturb any- one with our affection, but we love each other and our happiness is complete.' " ^ ^ ^ ^ sic "We love people who bring out our best qualities, and avoid those who. bring out our worst equalities." ^ ^ ;{< jjc ^ "Anger and emotional stress of any sort places an undue burden upon the liver, with bad reciprocal consequences, and may give one gall stones." ***** "]\Ien of large affairs are knocked down on favorite propositions every year of their lives and they enjoy it as much as hearty players enjoy the bangs in a football game." "'Had I twenty-five millions of dollars to give away at the present time, I would give ten millions of dollars to a certain medical school wdiich teaches graduate doctors to be of greater ser- vice to humanity in modern ways. Ten- millions of dollars would go to the na- tural history departments of my former alma mater and five millions of dollars would be devoted to my experimental work in developing nut trees for fur- nishing a great food supply for the masses of the future." ***** "I find the only way for obtaining mental relief is to emulate the guinea hen, and she is now my pet symbol. A guinea hen will find a choice corner in the brush lot and soon has forty eggs in her nest. Then she sits in the mid- dle of the nest. She cannot hatch all of the eggs, but hatches out all that she can, and lets the rest go. The lesson taught by the guinea hen came to me as a srreat coiufort." ii8 THE GUIDE TO NATURE All communications for this department should be sent to the Department Editor, Mr. Harry G. Higbee, 13 Austin Street, Hyde Park, Massachusetts. Items, articles and photographs in this department not otherwise credited are by the Department Editor. Let Us Make It Better! Hyde Park. Mass. To Our Readers : In assuming the responsibility of this department, I have done so somewhat reluctantly and only with the confi- dence in our readers of their willingness to assist in making it a success. Let us have a department as brim- ful of interesting bird notes and obser- vations as the bobolink's song is full ■of melody. To do this we must depend upon the help of many rather than the over-exertion of a few. Personal observations and anecdotes •of bird-life are always interesting and faithful research by our thousands of readers in their widely separated locali- ties cannot fail to bring to light much valuable information. Take your note-books and pencils with you afield. If you have a camera you will get so much more enjoyment out of your study. Sharp eyes and ears are the prime requisites. In any event ob- serve accurately and do not over-look ■details — these may be the most import- ant— and above all. never jmnp at con- •clusions. By the interchange of ideas, the re- sults of what we see and hear and the facts learned we should be able to help each other and may each learn something to our profit. First- "hand study is what we want and oppor- tunities are never lacking for faithful observers. Bespeaking the indulgence of our rea'ders I wish to assure them of my earnest endeavors to make this depart- ment of interest to all. and to urge their co-operation in the attainment of this end. Harry G. Higbee. A Visit to the Home of the American Eagle. PHOTOGRAPHS BV DR. A. W. KING AND THE AUTHOR. About midway along the western coast of Florida, where the blue waters of the Gulf of ]*iIexico lap the white sands and wash up curious sponges, shells, and other forms of marine life, a channel has broken through the low- lying coastal reefs, and finding its way in graceful curves among the palmettos, has spread out its waters into the quiet BALD EAGLE AND NEST. ORNITHOLOGY 119 and peaceful seclusion of Dona Bay. Far up in the eastern arm of this bay are the few scattered houses and orange groves of the little town of \'enice. Aside from the enjoyment of life, the raising of citrus fruits here seems to be the principal occupation of the in- habitants,— exceot for the intrusion of the turpentine camps, whose exhaustive work is causing the beautiful and char- acteristic groves of longleaf pine to fast disappear. Here, in a grove of scattered pines near the shore, within sight of some of the houses on the outskirts of the vil- lage, and but a few rods from the sandy road which winds through the scrub palmettos, my companion and I saw our first nest of the bald eagle. It was a huge mass of sticks, wdiich the top of the stout pine in which it was placed seemed hardly able to support, and its height commanded a good view of the surrounding territory. We had been observing this magnifi- cent bird for the past month, on our cruise down the east coast and through The Everglades, — admiring his impos- ing attitude as he sat perched on the tallest cypress of an inaccessible swamp, sometimes for more than an hour ; mark- ing his rapid flight in pursuit of the os- prey, to rob him of his quarry, or watch- ing his dignified movements on an oc- casional fishing trip of his own, along the mangrove keys, — and it was thus with a keen delight that we at last be- held the nest of "The Bird of Our Coun- try." It was on the evening of the seventh of January, 1914, while Old Boreas still held New England in a savage grip of intense cold, that we entered Casey's Pass and anchored our launch on the placid waters of Dona Bay. The sun was just setting over the gulf, rimming the horizon with an indescribable color- ing of crimson and gold, and the fring- ing palm trees along the shores leaned far out over the water, as if to admire their beauty reflected in perfect image below. A delicious odor was in the air, for it was spring along the hummocks and bayous of tropical Florida. The buds were swelling and bursting on the live-oaks ; flowers were in bloom, and the birds were doing their best to instill into us some of their exuberant joy. Bluebirds called softly; meadowlarks whistled, and Florida wrens warbled THE P\LMETTO BLIND. CONCEALING THE CAMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHER. their ventriloquial notes, and as these died away the purer strains of a hermit thrush came floating across the_ water, bidding us a sweet "good-night." A\^e"had planned to spend but one night here, but on learning from a friend whom we visited that evening of another eagles" nest in the vicinity, we decided to stop over in -hope of securing some photographs of the home life of these birds. Before breakfast on the follow- ing morning our good friends were alongside in their canoe, and we made our plans for a visit to the eagles' eyrie. The first nest appeared not to be oc- cupied, though we learned it had been used for several years past — usually in the month of February. It was about sixtv feet up in the tallest pine in the grove, and we estimated it to be over six feet in depth and three or four feet in diameter. It was apparently com- posed entirely of sticks, although we made no attempt to ascend the tree, as it was seemingly impossible to climb up over the bulkv mass. 120 THE GUIDE TO NATURE THE FEMALE EAGLE UPON THE NEST. After photographing this nest our friends guided us to the other grove not far away, where a pair of breeding birds were said to be. and we had no difficulty in locating the spot. Indeed this great nest, which was considerably larger than the other, was the most con- spicuous object in the grove. being placed in the upper crotches of a large dead pine, where the watchful birds might obtain an unobstructed view. A long distance observation through our binoculars showed the nest to be occu- pied,— the white head of the parent bird showing distinctly over the top, — so making a detour of about half a mile, I attempted an approach near enough to secure a photograph of the eagle upon the nest. The birds proved extremely wary, however, and scrub palmetto rather difficult to make one's way through quietly, and while still about a hundred yards distant the bird arose and circled about overhead, uttering a series of rapid shrill cries, accomoanied by a low scolding and hissing when directly above me. The male bird, which had been soaring far overhead, now joined its mate and they continued their circling about with cries of alarm. Wq could distinP'uish a difference in their calls, — that of the male being a rapid, whistling alarm or cackle, and uttered more regu- larly than that of the female : the plum- age of both sexes being alike, these birds are otherwise indistinguishable. Their conspicuous markings, — in the adult a uniform brownish-black, with the head, neck and tail of pure white,-^ and their large size, with a wing-spread of over six feet, give to these bn-ds an imposing appearance, and to watch them at close range in their native haunts was a rare privilege which we thoroughly enjoyed. By partially concealing myself in the scrub palmetto and standing in one po- sition for about an hour, I was able to secure a photograph of the nest and both birds, and finally another of the female about to alight upon the nest. I then withdrew to where my companions had been waiting — being followed by the agi- tated birds until well out of the grove — and planned to return the following day for further observations. There was a spring feeling in the air as we went ashore the next morning, with two cameras, climbing-irons, life l^elt and ropes, prepared to spend a day with the eagles and if possible to make a close scrutiny of the nest and its contents. There had been rain in the early morn- ing with clearing about seven, the tem- perature was 65, and a fresh clear atmos- ])here made every breath exhilarating. THE EAGLE ABOUT TO LIGHT UPON HER NEST. ORNITHOLOGY 121 We met our friends at the bridge, and as we walked through the woods the white-eved towhees and mcadowlarks mounted the scrub pahiiettos and called; several loggerhead shrikes were in evi- dence, and a pair of red-bellied wood- peckers were busily engaged hunting about on a cabbage palm. At our close approach they flew across the water, — the male giving a loud, rattling call like that of a kingfisher as he flew. Ground doves moved noiselessly about under the scrub, while the animated wrens jerked restlessly over it or disappeared beneath the broad leaves, only to peer out from some hidden retreat with a chuckling call, as if they had gotten the best of us, — and so they had, for they were ever present yet always disappearing just as we wanted to watch them. The eagle allowed us to approach to within abotit fifty yards of the nest be- fore taking flight this morning, and re- mained in a nearby tree until we were verv close. She then began circling about overhead and uttering a low gut- teral note, while the male soon appeared giving his sharp, piercing cry. Select- ing a favorable spot, the 5x7 camera was set up close by and focussed on the nest. We then constructed a rough blind of palmetto leaves about it, concealing all but the lens and leaving room to crouch behind and work the camera. Entering the blind. I was covered by my compan- ions, who then walked away making no attempt at concealment, and the birds after following them out of the grove, returned and ceased their cries, circling about and apparently paying not the slightest attention to the blind. They were evidently able to distinguish no dif- ference between three persons entering the grove and two persons leaving it, and their actions clearly indicated that thev did not realize mv presence in the blind. The following detailed notes of the birds' actions will give an idea of their extreme wariness and watchfulness about the nest. The male almost im- mediately flew away, while his mate circled about a few times and then perched on the tree within a few feet of the nest, where she sat looking into it with mouth open but uttering no cries. It was now eleven o'clock. After a few moments in this position as if to assure herself that her home had not been dis- turbed, she flew up ; hovered for an in- stant over the nest, then flew off. cir- cling about a few times and seeming to« scrutinize the ground below, and at 11.05 returned and dropped into the nest, soon, settling down where she could not be seen over its rim from my position in the blind. After making several expos- AT THE EAGLE'S NEST. This nest, seven by twelve feet, was seventy feet up in a dead pine eight feet in circumference in a grove of long-leaf pine. Photograph by Dr. A. W. King. ures I quietly watched. At 1 1 :20 the male came circling over the tree, but without alighting and with no cry flew immediately awa}'. I then made a slight sound to attract the attention of the bird on the nest so she would hold her head up high enough to show in the photo- graph,— which she did, but immediately settled down again out of sight. At II -.23 she left the nest, evidently- alarmed by something, and circling about she alighted on a tree, called several times and then flew away. At 1 1 :43 she returned, and slowly circling overhead a few times, alighted near the nest, utter- ing some low, cackling notes. She re- mained thus, looking about and below her for three minutes, then again circling about emitted several rapid, whistling calls followed by shrill peeps. After several minutes absence she returned to the tree and looked about from her perch for two minutes : then flew oft", again circled about and returned without call- ing, remaining, however, but a few minutes, when she was oft' again. Soar- ing- in circles overhead she uttered sev- eral rapid calls. — shrill whistles begin- ning with a rising inflection and rapidly running downward : then in a few minutes returned to the tree and at 1 1 :59 dropped onto the edge of the nest — where she remained for three minutes, then flew off. circled and returned to her perch on the tree. 122 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Here she remained for nine minutes, uttering no sound but scanning the sur- roundings closely. She then flew away, circling about w^ith a shrill call, and at 12:17 returned and alighted on a dead pine near-by. Remaining here for four minutes, she flew up, hovered over the nest, called twice, then circled about a few times and returned to the near-by tree wliere she looked about for a few seconds ; flew to her perch over the nest, and after again scrutinizing the nest and its surroundings, hopped quietly onto it. She seemed still restless and at the snap of the camera flew oif and soared about, soon returning to the tree close by where she perched for a few moments ; then •was off with more circling, after which she alighted near the nest and again dropped onto it at 12:35. Almost im- mediately leaving, she resumed her circ- ling for about five minutes, when she returned to the near-by tree. After mak- ing a few exposures with the Graflex (cajniera as the eagle soared overhead I emerged from the blind, — feeling some- what cramped and uncomfortably warm from my confinement of over two hours, but pleased with my observations. The watchful bird had spent about a fourth of this time upon her nest, and in her restlessness and anxiety had left and returned to it sixteen times. At one o'clock there was a tempera- ture of 74 and a fresh east wind. We lunched at our friends' house and re- turned to the eagles' nest at one-thirty, the bird leaving quietly when we were a hundred yards away. I at once made ready to ascend the tree, which was a •dead long-leaf pine eight feet in circum- :ference. Climbing to the top where the huge nest was set among the forking branches was not an especially difficult task, but I now found myself beneath a mass of sticks measuring seven feet in di- ameter and twelve feet high, and the prob- lem seemed to be how to get around and above it. After working on one course for half an hour and being compelled to abandon it on account of the rottenness of the branches, I managed finally, by throwing a rope over several of the limbs, to pull myself, up ; and standing on the uppermost brantch coming out of the side of the mass I peered over the top and into the nest. I was immediately greeted by a young eaglet, which, utter- ing long peeping cries, scrambled to the edsre of the nest to meet me. I judged it to be about two weeks old. It was covered with a soft grayish down, had snapping black eyes and a black beak, and although not strong enough to stand upon its feet, it insisted upon working itself to the edge of the nest nearest me after I had continually replaced it to- ward the middle. This nest was evidently a very old one showing where it had been added to and repaired year after year. It was a solid mass of coarse sticks, some of which were over two and a half feet long and an inch or more in thickness, and the huge bulk must have weighed more than five hundred pounds. There was but a very slight depression in the top and no attempt at a lining of softer material. A fe^v clumps of coarse grass and a bit of 11 loss lay among the sticks near the up- ])fcr edge, and scattered about through the mass were a few fish 'ooiits, bird skulls, etc. The remains of a fresh, partly eaten catfish, about a foot long, lay in the nest beside the eaglet. J.owering a rope, I drew up niv cam- ' ras one at a time, and made several attempts to photograph the young bird, though I soon found that maneuvering about with such apparatus sixty feet in the air, — with nothing above 3'ou to h oid onto and your subject determined to walk into the camera, — was not condu- cive to pictorial success. I finally tried focussing on an object the approximate distance from the lens and holding the camera up over my head to get it far enough away from this inquisitive young chicken, — and thus out of five attempts secured one passable picture. The view from this eyrie was su])erb. There was no chance for an enemy to approach unobserved by the keen-sight- ed birds, as they could see for a long dis- tance in every direction. Considerably above the tops of the surrounding trees, they would be first to receive the breath of the new dawn, while away to the west- ward over the sparkling gulf the last glow of the sunset would be theirs. Even now as I looked, the great fiery ball was dropping into the midst of those rippling waters, — its slanting rays still lighting up the nest with a glow, though it had disappeared from view from the ground beneath some minutes before. After holding up the eaglet to the view of my companions below, I carefully re- placed it in the nest and descended to the ground, having been in the tree two hours and fifteen minutes. Although I was prepared for trouble from the pa- ORNITHOLOGY 123 rent birds, they made no attempt to de- fend their nest and young, and during all this time soared majestically about. high overhead. The next morning we noted both eagles circling about the nest, but did not re-visit it. Subsequently inquiries in the vicinity showed that both nests here referred to have been occupied succes- on a most exciting trip as far as Sara- sota Bay — which, however, is another storv and has nothinsf to do with eacles. State Bird Sanctuaries. A new held of service for Natural History Societies is made possible by the ^Massachusetts statute which g-ives THE EAGLET IN THE NEST. sively for the past seven years, a family near-by assuring us that the large one has been used to their personal knowl- edge for at least eighteen years, being when they first knew it but a comparatively small nest. \\'e were told that the eagles leave this locality about the first or mid- dle of August and are absent for a period of about two months. A pair had been seen roosting nightl\' in the trees near here, and another pair about a mile away. \A e learned also from a woman living not far distant of a still larger nest which she stated she had known for over twenty years, ^^'e did not, how- ever, have opportunity to investigate it, and though we saw other eagles in this general locality, — both in the immature and adult plumages, — we could not spare the time to search for their nests. With urgent invitations to return we left A'enice about smirise on the morn- ing of the twelvth, to continue our cruise up the west coast. Somewhat reluctant- ly we left our anchorage and passed out of this quiet bay. for it was a charming- spot and we had made several new friends, three of whom accompanied us to the Fish and Game Commissioners power to take over land, on request of the owners, and use it as sanctuary for wild life. The Andover Natural History So- ciety, for example, selected a tract of wild country some two miles long and a half mile wide, containing a stream and a small pond, and persuaded its owners, some fifteen in number, to join with it in having the area made a State Reservation. The society undertook to relieve the owners of all trouble and expense, to put up bird houses, to keep down enemies of the interesting- wild life, and to feed the creatures through the winter. In return, the owners are protected In- the state offi- cers from the depredations of gunners — so that as a matter of fact, they were nearly all heartily glad to come into the scheme. Thus through the efl:'orts of the local society, the community has added an interesting feature to its other attrac- tions, although no single owner had any special interest in the matter or 124 THE GUIDE TO NATURE would have put himself to any trouble to secure the result. In addition, while notes in the local paper have educated the adults,' by having- the public school classes in carpentry make the bird houses, zeal for wild life protection has been given a distinct "boost" among the young. Here then, in states where the laws make it possible, is an interesting and worthy field of effort. To any organi- zation disposed to attempt a like pro- ject, the Andover Society offers freely the results of its experience. — Address E. T. Brewster, Andover, Mass. An Unusual Vireo's Nest. The accompanying photograph shows the nest of a red-eyed vireo found in a very unusual and beautiful location. It is from Merrimac, N. H. and was placed in the low branches of a young white pine, where it was but a little over two feet from the ground and seemed well concealed among similar :growth and scrub hardwoods near the edge of an open pasture. This nest when first visited, on the morning of the 29th of June, contained naked young, apparently but a few days old. Thinking from its location in the pine tree that it might be the nest of the "blue-headed" rather than the red- eyed species, I visited the place with a jack-light about ten-thirty the follow- ing night to positively identify the bird upon the nest. By approaching care- ful!}" with the light held out in front I was enabled to get within two or three feet of the nest without being noticed by the brooding bird who was fast asleep with her head buried under her right wing. After studying her for about a minute she suddenly awoke with a startled look in her deep red eyes and gazed intently at the light, btit remained motionless. The com- pactly woven nest of strips of bark and fibre, decorated with bits of paper and white birch bark lighted up beautifully against the soft delicate green back- groimdof pine needles and made a pretty picture. Not wishing to disturb her fur- ther I quietly withdrew, making an- other visit the next morning and find- ing her again on the nest. My next opportimity for visiting this nest was on the tenth of July, when I foimd it empty, with no traces of either parents or young in the immediate locality. It may have been possible that the young birds had flown, though I half suspect that a large black snake Avhich I foimd lurking in the vicinity ma}' have had something to do with their disappearance. The English Starling. The U. S. Department of Agricid- ture is making a wide-spread investi- gation of the status of the English starling, a bird recently introduced into the United States, which has been con- sidered by many an undesirable addi- tion to our fainia. It is a bird which has increased and spread rapidly and seems able to hold its own against all comers, and it is to be hoped, therefore, that its beneficial traits will so far out- weigh its injurious ones that this hand- some bird may be welcome to remain with us. Nobody wants a second "English sparrow." A VIREO'S NEST IN A WHITE PINE I wish to express my appreciation of The Guide to Nature. We have found much of interest and have been greatly aided in our efforts to become better ac- quainted with nature. — Miss ]\Iatilda Krebs, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. ORNITHOLOGY 12 = Photographing Young Birds. The most attractive age of a young bird is usually the tirst week or so after it has left the nest, — when it is lainich- Flickers and goldfinches, in Riverside Drive between ii6th Street and Grant's Tomb, late in November. YOUNG CATRIRn JUST AFTER LEAVNG NEST. Photograph by Mr. Charles I. Reid, Millersburg; Pennsylvania. ing forth into the world to try its own resources. It is shy, yet it seems to know no fear : its poses are graceful combining with the freshness and vigor of youth some of the dignity and repose of the adult. This period might be said to be the "sweet sixteen" of bird life, and it seems to contain all the attrac- tive qualities of the bird with none of the objectionable ones, making its sub- ject as lovable as an opening flower. Bird Notes for New York City, BY MISS ELIZABETH VAX HOEVEXBERG, FISH KILL, XEW YORK. A Blackburnian warbler was observed May ly, 1914, on Lenox Avenue at 129th Street, in a tree near the curb in front of a florist's greenhouses. Kinglets and redstarts have been seen among the trees and shrubs of the Upper Campus, Columbia University, New York City. Juncos, feeding among the chickens on a "Harlam Squatter's" claim, on Morningside Drive, at 121st Street, be- fore the great apartment houses, now there, were built. Bird Photography for Women. That bird-photography is not only possible for women to enjoy, but that it may be made one of the most fasci- nating and healthful of out-door studies is shown in an interesting article tinder the above title, published in the May- June number of "Bird Lore." The author is Miss E. L. Turner, F. Z. S. of Cambridge, England. A number of women in our own country have also done most admirable work along similar lines, and such re- sults should be encouraging to others who are taking up this useful pastime. Remarkable Devotion of a Robin. BY RE\'. MAXLEY B. TOWXSEXD. X.ASHU.A, XEW HAMPSHIRE. A number of years ago, when living in Southbridge, Mass., this remarkable robin incident came to my notice. A friend, a conductor on the railroad that runs from Thompsonville, Conn., to Southbridge, told me the story. One morning at Thompsonville a passenger car that had been standing idle on a siding for several weeks was attached to the train. Several miles otit of the place the attention of some passengers standing on the rear plat- form was attracted by the peculiar actions of a robin that seemed to be persistently following the train. My friend, the condtictor. was informed rnd a close watch kept upon the bird. Yes. it was certainly following the train, but for what purpose? The an- swer soon came, for when the train made its first stop the robin flew directly to the car and disappeared be- neath the trucks. An investigation revealed a nest containing four newly- batched voung, on whom the mother was sitting close. Bright-eyed and fearful, but bravely, she eyed the faces thrust close to her and her treasures. Wben the train started she flew out, but followed faithfully the entire run, brooding and warming her bal)ies whenever the train stopped and af- forded her the opportunit}'. Thus she kept them alive and warm until ."^outh- bridtre was reached. The conductor at 126 THE GUIDE TO NATURE once notified the railroad officials, who gave orders that the car should be de- tached and set apart. It is gratifying to be able to report that such devotion had its fitting re- ward, and that the little family was safely reared and launched out into the world. The other day I read of a mother who made a great sacrifice for her child. Readers of the deed were thrilled by the mother-love behind the act, yet here in this simple, humble bird we find the same mother-love. — strong and beautiful. Shall we not ren- der her our tribute as truly as if she were a human mother? An Ambitious Wild Goose. In the Zoological Park wc have reared yearly a goodly number of Can- ada geese, our flock of these birds now numbering more than fifty. In the spring of 191 5, the usual number of pairs nested, and succeeded in hatching their goslings. But one curiously acquisitive and equally pugnacious pair, apparently dissatisfied wath their own brood of five, decided to increase it. By means of a system of browbeating on one hand, and persuasion on the other, thev actuallv succeeded in ab- ducting the goslings of other birds until they had gathered a flock of fif- teen ; a number entirely without pre- cedent in the writer's experience. The trouble of the "old lady who lived in the shoe" was caused by the fact that she didn't know what to do with so many. Our geese never be- trayed any such tribulation, and while there was some scantiness of space be- neath the sheltering feathers of the mother, the overflow could always col- lect alongside and receive a share of warmth. All are being safely reared, and the excellence of their care is at- tested by the evident prosperity of the goslings, as shown in the accompany- ing picture. — L. S. C. in the "Zoological Societv Bulletin." "American Forestry" for July con- tains a five-page article on "Bird Pro- tection and the Work of the Brookline Bird Club" in Brookline, Mass., an or- ganization which has done invaluable work in that town. This magazine also makes the following announcement : "Birds and the Need of Them" will be another subject given a special depart- ment. The conservation of birds is vi- tally necessary to the preservation of human life. So few people realize this that "American Forestry" will make a CANADA GOOSE WITH HER KIDNAPPED GOSLINGS Cut by courtesy of the "Zoological Society Bulletin." ORNITHOLOGY 127 special effort to promote proper protec- tion and care of birds." It is indeed gratifying to note the in- terest being- shown in this subject by such magazines, and denotes an awaken- ing which is becoming wide-spread and must certainly result in a great deal of good. Publicity means education, and education means progress. Dr. Arthur W. King of Jacksonville. Fla., who has recently returned from a motor-boat trip around the lower part of that state, brings back well authenti- cated reports of a good-sized colony of Roseate Spoonbills on an island near Caxambas on the west coast, and it is hoped arrangements may be made at once for the protection of these beauti- ful birds, which were formerly so abun- dant but had become nearly extermin- ated throughout the state. It is grati- fying also to learn of the large rook- eries of the "great white" and snowy egrets in regions through which he passed, the recent increase of these birds being largely due, no doubt, to the excellent work of the Audubon Society wdiich has done so much to stop the plumage traffic and to protect the fast- disappearing birds of this region. Two recent publications by the ]\Iass. State Board of Agriculture of especial interest to bird students are Circular No. 45, entitled "The Starling" and Cir- cular No. 47 on Bird Houses and nest- ing Boxes." The former gives a his- tory of the introduction of the Starling into America and the increase, dis- tribution, food and habits of this bird of questionable character, while the latter covers well the subject of which it treats, and being fully illustrated should be of valuable assistance to those contemplating erecting bird boxes on their gromids. Both circulars are l:)y Edward Howe Forbush. the State Ornithologist, known throughout the country for his painstaking work and valuable con- tributions on eccjnomic ornitholoe:^^ sistants to our agriculture. We are de- pendent upon the birds much more than the average person has realized, and their protection and increase about our homes has a large bearing upon the insect problem, which is so vital to any lover of trees. Let us not forget them when we plan our grounds. The many attractive appliances in the natv:re of feeding stations, nesting- boxes and bird-l)aths now oft'ered the bird-loving ]n:blic are doing much to stimulate an interest in our feathered friends and to bring us into a right relation with these most valuable as- Beautiful Photograph of Snowy Owl. Ebensl)urg, Pennsylvania. To the Editor : I am sending the photograph of a snowv owl, which I took some time ago. Experts say that this species of A SX(:)\N"Y 0\VL. owl is rare in Pennsylvania, and is usually found in the state of }^Iaine. The bird is one of the most beautiful specimens of this type ever seen. It was shot and slightly injured near Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, and upon discovery that the l>ird was in the pro- tected class, was turned over to the state game warden for this district. Yours ver}- truly. Deck Laxe. A Four }klonth's Trial Sul)scri])tior for onlv 2SC. Send to a friend. 128 THE GUIDE TO NATURE i;lack-tiiroated loon ox nest. A Real Not a Wooden Bird. apparently of wood and striped with In this remarkable specimen of the paint. It is a photograph of the living black-throated loon, nature has success- bird. For its use we gratefully ac- fully imitated an artificial bird made knowledge the courtesy of "Bird-Lore." TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 129 Contributions to the Sound Beach Observatory. Miss Frances H. Errett, New- town, Ohio (Increase — total $179-38) ....$154-38 Dr. P. J. Oettinger, New York City 1 .00 Miss Eulalee Finney. Sound Beach i.oo The Frost Family, Soitnd Beach ($1.00 each) 5.00 Mr. H. E. Deats. Flemington. New Jersey (Increase — total $15.00) 10.00 Mr. Thomas W. King. Sound Beach 5.00 A Friend 2.00 Mr. W. W. Lathrop, Warren, Ohio 50 Mr. William T. Finney, Stam- ford I.oo Reverend Fay E. Livengood. Sound Beach 2.00 Mrs. H. H. Knox, New Canaan, Connecticut i.oo Mr.]\Iitchell Kennerley, ]^Iamar- oneck. New York 5.00 Total $187.88 Previously acknowledged . . . 506.20 Grand Total $694.08 Here is a good example for other young folks. Miss Eulalee Finney of Sound Beach has contributed a dollar to The Agassiz Association for a telescope, and writes as follows : "I earned a dollar a few days ago. and I want you to have it, to help buy the telescope wihch I know we shall all enjoy." It is probable that every girl and boy in Sound Beach would contribute at least five cents each if it could be made clear to all yonug folks how much they will enjoy and be benefitted by becom- ing familiar with "the wonders of the sky." These wonders are marvelously entertaining, and few people, even the adults, know much about them. Eula- lee Finney is right in the statement that we shall all enjoy the telescope. The heavens are moving pictures that are not "trash," and that are al- ways uplifting in thought. Variable Star Observing. Fascinating Work for the Amateur Astronomer BY WILLIAM TYLER OLCOTT, CORRESPOXD- IXG SECRET.4RY, AMERICAX .4SSOCL\TIOX OF VARIABLE STAR OBSERVERS There may be many members of The Agassiz Association who possess small telescopes. By small telescopes I mean those mounted on tripods of three to five inch aperture. It is the purpose of this article to outline briefly how telescopes of this type may be turned to good advantage in the aid of science by anyone willing to engage in an interesting bit of astrophysical re- search work that involves no mathe- matics and the details of which are quickly and easily mastered. There are many stars, telescopic for the most part, that, strange-enough, do not present the constant state of brightness that characterizes most of the lucid stars with which the layman is familiar. The light of these stars, which are known as Variables, fluctu- ates, and the law that governs their variation presents a baffling enigma, which only time, and a large number of observations can solve. Professional astronomers the world over are for the most part too busily engaged in solving other great astro- nomical problems to give much atten- tion to \'ariables, and consequently this important work has been some- what neglected, and the field is open to the amateur astronomer with his modest telescopic equipment to do something that is worth while in the realm of astronomical research that so many think is for the professional as- tronomer alone. The only requisites for the work, aside from a certain amount of patience and perseverance, is a knowledge of 130 THE GUIDE TO NATURE the constellations, easily acquired, a "Star Atlas," (a good one can be pur- chased for $1.25), and the charts which the writer will gladly furnish to those who wish to take up the work. The method of observing is briefly as fol- lows : On each of the charts the Right As- cension and Declination of the Variable is designated, that is to say. its latitude and longitude terrestrially speaking. First the position of the \"ariable is roughly plotted on the "Star Atlas," and then the region is swept over with the telescope, using a low power ocular until the immediate field given on the chart is identified. The \'ariable is then easily located. This may strike the reader as difficult, but it does not prove so as many have found out who have essayed this form of c>bservational work. The observation of the \ ariable then follows. On each chart are a number of constant stars that have been photo- metrically measured, and their definite magnitude is designated. These are the comparison stars. Note one a trifle brighter and one fainter than the Vari- able and you have the means of ascer- taining and estimating visually the magnitude of the Variable on the date observed. Observe the \'ariable a few nighis later, and you will note a change in its degree of brightness. Continue the work for a time and you can trace out its light curve in full, thus determining very closely its exact magnitude at maximum and at minimum, and the date of each, which constitute valuable scientific data. There is nothing monotonous about the work, and every observation you make has a positive and scientific value which renders observing a pleasurable and interesting task. You always have the assurance that your time is well spent, and that you are not engaged in the desultory work in which class so much that the amateur does with the microscope and telescope falls. Once you engage in \'ariable star ob- serving you will l:)ecome fascinated with it, and will wish to join the Ameri- can Association of \"ariable Star Ob- servers, a group of amateurs who de- light in this interesting telescopic em- ployment. There are no dues to frighten vou a- away, or exacting obligations of any sort. You simply agree to observe Var- iables when it is convenient, and pay a nominal tax of twenty-five cents per annum to cover postage. You are fur- nished with a valuable set of charts gratis, and in return make a monthly report of your observations to the Har- vard College Observatory and the wri- ter. The observations appear each month in "Popular Astronomy," and later are published in the Harvard An- nals. Here is a chance you have been look- ing for. An opportunity to assist if even by the contribution of a mite in adding to the sum total of scientific knowledge. The work is endorsed by Professor E. C. Pickering, Director of the Har- vard College Observatory, who consi- ders it to be the most valuable and use- ful that the amateur can engage in. Get out that old glass up in the attic. It is a valuable scientific instrument in intelligent hands. You can do as good work with it in observing Variables as can be done with an expensive tele- scope of great aperture. You will not find the work difficult, of that I can assure you, for many write me that they have success from their initial ef- forts. Naturally the cjuality of the esti- mates depends on constant practice, but in a wonderfully short time the eye yields results that are reliable and val- uable. Some day we will know the secret these inconstant stars now possess, and the fame and satisfaction of the discov- ery will be shared in a great measure by the faithful group of amateur astro- nomers now engaged in this delightful and intellectually profitable telescopic work. Fm willin' a man should go tollable strong Agin w'rong in the abstract, for that kind o' wrong Is oilers unpop'lar an' never gits pitied, Because it's a crime no one never committed ; But he musn't be hard on partickler sins, 'Coz then he'll be kickin' the peo- ple's own shins. J.4MES RUSSEL LoWELL. TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 131 A Young Man's Homemade Telescope. Dayton. Ohio. To the Editor : Enclosed you will find a picture of the telescope that I constructed with the aid of Air. Fosdick. The instrument is a astronomer as R. E. Fosdick declares is as g-ood for all practical purposes as any telescope costing $150. "John made his own design of the telescope according to directions that he read in books obtained from the library. MR. JOHN L. WALLACE AND THE TELESCOPE HE MADE reflector of the Newtonian type with a mirror six and one-half inches in diame- ter and a focal length of one hundred and ten inches. Some of the parts are odds and ends found in a garage, such as an automobile drive shaft for a declination axis, but for the larger part I bought the material and worked it down. Yours truly, John L. \\'allace. Mr. Fosdick is the leader of a local group of amateur astronomers. From a newspaper clipping sent to us by him we quote as follows : "The latest mechanical genius that has been discovered in this city is John \\'al- lace, sixteen years of age, a sophomore in Steele high school. The lad who is the son of Clinton Wallace, of the Rotterman building, has just constructed a telescope — an instrument that such a well-known He conceived the idea while studying as- tronomy, although there was nothing brought out in the classroom that would provide the directions for making the telescope. "He began his work some time before Christmas and worked on Saturdays and at various times on week days, when he wasn't occupied in doing other things, until he had completed the instrument. Everything was carried on in his father's garage. He consulted Mr. Fosdick at various stages of the work, but he per- formed the actual labor himself^ "The tubes are of common sheet iron. There is a silver glass mirror at one end and an eyepiece at the other end. He bought the glass for the lens and ground it himself . The tube is one hundred inches long and seven and one-iialf inches in diameter. The mirror is six and one-half inches in diameter. 132 THE GUIDE TO NATURE TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 133 The Starry Heavens in September. BY PROF. ERIC DOOLITTLE, OF THE L XI- VERSITV OF PEXXSYLVAXIA. THOUGH the most brilHant con- stellations of the heavens have all now left ns. the evening skies of September are wonderfully beautiful. The ]\Iilky Way now passes through the very zenith, its golden arch extend- ing from the northeast to the south- west, its succession of most interestiner which was to the Persians one of the four Guardians of Heaven ; and in the northeast we again welcome the group Perseus, with its wonderful variable star, and the bright Capella, that sun so like our own but so very much larger and brighter. \'ega, the autumn star, has now just passed the highest point of the heavens ; Arcturus, whose red color contrasts strongly with Vega's brilliant blue, is still high up from the ground in the FiR. 1. The Constellations on September 1 9 P. M. (If facing south, hold the map upright. If facing east, hold East below. If facing west, hold West below. If facing north, hold the map inverted.) Star groups, no less than its own won- derful and intricate structure, forming an object of endless interest for explora- tion and study. The September Stars. The remarkable and striking summer group, Scorpio, is just sinking from the evening skies, while appearing in the east to take the place of those constel- lations which have withdrawn since last month, we see only the very faint Aries, Pisces and Cetus. But just be- low these there has appeared the bril- liant Formalhaut, the solitarv star. west, w'hile, most conspicuous of all, we seethe brilliant Jupiter shining out with its golden radiance in the south. The four best-known objects for a very small telescope — the Nebula of Androm- eda (at A, Figure i), the Cluster in Hercules (at B), the double cluster in Perseus (at C) and the remarkable "Demon Star" (at D)— are all in favor- able position for examination. The eclipses of Algol can only be observed toward the end of the present month, since the earlier ones will occur during the daytime. The times of the star's 134 THE GUIDE TO NATURE greatest faintness are roughly as fol- lows: September 24, i A. M. ; Septem- ber 26, 10 P. M., and September 29, 7 P. M. The Planets in September. Mercury may be detected low in the twilight glow throughout almost the whole of the present month. On Sep- tember I it sets almost exactly due west, about one hour after sunset, while on September ly it reaches its greatest and a little below the planet Mars. It rises far in the northeast about four and one-half hours before sunrise on September i. and this time is increased five and one-half hours by Sep- tember 30. The reader who chooses to observe during the early morning hours will find that both of these plan- ets are excellently situated for study, while at this time he will also see the brilliant Jupiter low in the southwest. Fig. 2. Measuring the distances of the stars. As the earth moves around its orbit, .ABC, a near-by star seems to move about a similar orbit. ARCE elongation, by which time, however, it will have moved much farther toward the south point of the horizon. Venus passes the sun on September 12 and enters the evening sky, but throughout the month it is far too near the sun to be satisfactorily observed. Mars is daily becoming more con- spicuous in the eastern heavens before sunrise. On September i it rises four and one-half hours before the sun, and its own eastward motion among the stars is so rapid that this time is in- creased only to five hours by the end of the month. This planet is now near the summer solstice and so rises as high in the heavens as does the sun in mid-summer. It is approaching the earth, its distance diminishing from 163,000,000 to 147,000,000 of miles dur- ing September, and its brightness is consequently steadily increasing. It will be seen shining as a reddish, first mag- nitude star. Jupiter will at once attract attention in the southeast, just below the Great Square of Pegasus. This world is now slowly retrograding among the stars and moving slowly downward and westward from the Vernal Eqinox at V, Figure i. The most numerous phe- nomena of Jupiter's satellites will be seen to occur on the evenings and nights of September 2, 7, 14, 23, 25, and 30. Saturn is in the morning sky, lying, on September i, six degrees to the east The morning skies are thus far more brilliant at present than those of the early evening. The moon, which passed over the bright star Antares, at E, Figure i, on the i8th of last month will again occult this object on September 15 at 3 A. M., and in the course of its regular jovirney around the heavens it will again hide this star from view on October 12. But, unfortunately, these interesting occul- tations can only be seen by observers who are near or below the equator of the earth. The sun will pass the Autumnal Equinox on September 23 at 10 hours 24 minutes 12 seconds P. M. (Eastern standard time,) and at this instant autumn will begin. It should also be noticed that we are now drawing near to the time of a sun-spot maximum. The observer who examines the sun's disc will therefore almost surely notice several spots upon its surface, and the probability is that a few" of these inter- esting objects will be seen which are of an unusually large size. Measuring the Distances of the Stars. When the great astronomer Coper- nicus, more than 350 vears ago, an- nounced his discovery that the earth is not fixed but that it is moving around the sun, this new and startling idea was opposed even by scientists, on the strictly logical ground that such a mo- tion of the earth must certainly cause an apparent displacement of the stars TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 135 on the sky. Just as when one is walk- ing through a wood or riding on a rail- way he sees all objects apparently mov- ing past him in a direction exactly op- site to that in which he is going. The nearer objects, because they are nearer, appear to move the most rapidly, while those which are very distant may seem to be moving: verv little indeed. observations were begun with the most accurate instruments that had then ever been constructed in order to see if any such dis])lacement could be found, but apparent!}' no trace of it existed. The reason is that the stars are so very far away that the greatest displacement of even the nearest of them is quite too small to have been detected with these Fi^. 3. The Mi-ridian Circle in the United States Naval Observatory. Washington. An instrument for determining^ the positions of stars on the sky with higrh accuraey. In exactly the same way, if the earth is really passing around a circular path, any star should seem to be moving in direction exactly opposite to that in which the earth is moving at the instant of observation. A little reflection will show the reader that the total effect of this apparent motion of the star will be to cause it to apjiarently describe a small closed jiath in the heavens, completing its circuit alxjut this p;ilh in exactly one year. Three centuries aeo most careful earl}- instruments. In fact, very nearly all of the stars are so distant that even in our most accurate instruments they seem not to Idc displaced in the slightest degree while we on the earth change our position 186,000,000 of miles in going from one side of our sun to the other. If in the course of all this jour- ney a star is displaced in its position on the sk}- b}- the thickness of the finest spider thread, we can measure the dis- placement and so lind the distance awav of the star. This work illustrates 136 THE GUIDE TO NATURE probably better than any other the ex- traordinary accuracy of modern astro- nomical observations. There are several different methods employed for measuring these exces- sively minute displacements. The most direct one is to actually measure with the so-called Meridian Circle the suc- cessive positions of the star on the sky — that is, its distance above or below the Celestial Equator and its angular distance from the Vernal Equinox. If it is found that the point of the sphere occupied by the star does not remain constant but that it apparently moves along a little elliptic curve, we know that this apparent motion is wholly due to the nearness of the star. The nearer the star is to us the greater will be its displacement; the computa- tion of its absolute distance from the amount of its displacement is a very simple matter. Another method now very exten- sively employed is to measure the posi- tion of the nearer star with reference to one or more stars which are so in- finitely far away that these so-called comparison stars will not seem to move at all as we move around the sun. This can either be done by direct measures at the telescope or, as is now more usual, by photography. If at several different dates a very small region of the heavens about the star whose dis- tance is to be measured is photographed and if the plates are then carefully measured under a microscope, a dis- placement of any one star can thus be found with reference to the others. It is in this way that the distances of the nearer stars are measured, and the results are so enormous that thev overwhelm the imagination. We find that there is no star so near that the light with which we view it, though traveling with the inconceivable velo- city of nearly 200,000 miles a second, has occupied less than several years in coming to us. while manv even of the brighter stars are no less than 100 light years awav. And it is still more remarkable that many of the very bright stars of the sky are so remote that thev undergfo no dis- placement arising from our motion about the sun at all. It mav be that their light has occupied thousands of years in coming to us. and it is certain that they are as far as 100 light years away. The brilliant Arcturus now so» conspicuous in the western sky is one of these. This star is certainly many thousands of times brighter than our sun, for though it seems so bright to us it is so infinitely remote that its- distance cannot be measured. Truly the great cloud of suns which surrounds us is of so enormous a mag- nitude that our whole solar system seems to shrink into nothing in com- parison with it. The Ennobling Effect of Astronomy. Dr. Brashear recently spoke at the- annual banquet of the Providence Society of Mechanical Engineers. From an account of his address published in "Popular Astronomy" we quote the following : "In closing, Dr. Brashear spoke of the lofty and ennobling influence which the study of 'the supreme science' has upon the human mind and soul, and spoke of a well-known millionaire, whose son was not all that his father desired him to be. The father had gone to Dr. Brashear and asked him to take the son into the Observatory, and show him some of the marvels to be seen through the telescope. This the Doctor had done, the young man had become interested in the study, and the inevi- table ennobling effect had followed. The young man is now one of the most highly respected men in the city where he lives." C. C. Georgeson, of the United States Department of Agriculture, has been doing some special work on the native wild fruits of Alaska with the hope of breeding new cold-resistant varieties of the cultivated species. Already he has produced nearly four thousand hybrids between the cultivated strawberry and wild sort that grows along the Alaskan coast. Other crosses between exotic and native raspberries, gooseberries, and currants have thus far been less successful. There is also a wild Alas- kan crab apple which it has been hoped to cross with some of the hardiest of our northern cultivated sorts, since even the most resistant of these latter are grown only with the greatest dififi- cultv so close to the Arctic Circle. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION 137 AQASSIZ ASSOCIATION' k<.<.i(MM-al.>i-fi -n-fr\i-fr ii-tr«i-ii — H^ IF YOU ARE A USER OF PAPER WE WISH TO INTEREST YOU IN THE FAMOUS ..LINDENMEYR LINES.. They embody the best products of the foremost mills of this country and cover every conceivable requirement. Complete stocks are on hand of the renowned Warren Standard Book Papers — "LUSTRO," "CAMEO," "CUMBERLAND," Etc. Our selection of Fine Cover Papers is unsurpassed. Samples furnished gladly to those who are interested. We invite your inquiry. I HENRY LINDENMEYR & SONS 2 PAPER WAREHOUSES . loltl1„!LT.r".'''"' NEW YORK 32 Clinton street NEWARK, N. J. ^y' ii-frM-fi ii-rrn-ti -ij-^rxi-iT ,,-,<^^-,,— , t^ BOBBINK & ATKINS World's Choicest Nursery and Greenhouse Products FOR EARLY AUTUMN PLANTING We cordially invite you to visit our Nurseries and see these surpris- ing collections and our modern facilities for their successful culture. We wish especially to emphasize the fact that we are growers and having expensive land and experience are able to discriminate with care and con- fidence the finest in every line of Horticulture. EVERGREENS In an unrivaled selection, rare and complete. HARDY OLD-FASHIONED FLOWERS A v/onderful assortment including- Peonies and Iris SPRING-FLOWERING BULBS ( )nly the best in quality and variety. OUR NEW HYBRID GIANT - FLOWERING MARSHMALLOW The wonder of the age in striking color. Flowering now. You can obtain by request our Illustrated General Catalog No. f 6 the most completeand up-to-date book of its kind, also our Autumn Bulb Catalog We "Plan and "Plant Grounds and Gardens Everywhere Nurserymen, Florists and Planters RUTHERFORD N. J. XII THE GUIDE TO NATURE LITERARY NOTES A Popular Handbook to the Microscope, By Lewis Wright. London: The Religious Tract Society. This is the only book on the microscope published from the standpoint of religious interest that has come to the reviewer's desk. The author says : "The Microscope, then, has deserved well of the Christian believer; and it is to be lioped that this may not be the last work the Religious Tract Society may see fit to publish concerning the marvels it unfolds to us, upon which part of the subject very limited space has prevented any enlargement in this little volume." This is indeed a good point of view and merits heart}' commendation from our Asso- ciation whose motto is "Per Naturam ad Deum." The book is up-to-date, convenient, and contains good material in concise form. Love and Service of Country. B3' Frede- rick J. Gould, 17 Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, E. C, London, England: Watts & Company. This booklet of some thirty pages has just reached America. It is one of the strongest and wisest little books that the At your dealer or direct OUTING PUBLISHING OUNTRY LIFE L. C. Corbett, Chief of the Plant Bureau of the Depart- ment of Agriculture and other experts tell you "how to"' in plain language in OUTING HANDBOOKS Intensive Farming. Apple Growing. Prof- itable Breeds of Poultry. Pigeon Rais- ing. Suburban Gardens. The Horse, Its Breeding, Care and Use. Thirty-eight other HANDBOOKS on other phases of outdoor life. Catalog free. Seventy Cents, postage five cents extra. COMPANY, 141 W. 36th St., New York war has brought forth. Li the preface we read : "The European War of 1914-15 has con- centrated the mind of the world, by a sad necessity, upon the military forms of pa- triotism. The present pamphlet seeks to emphasize the non-aggressive aspects of love and service of one's country. " The true scientific method in bringing out ''love and service" is shown in this pamphlet. To be conscious of keen patriot- ism in the activities of life is noble, but let patriotism prove grander results than through bloodshed! Air. Gould is an English author and lec- turer. He has devoted his life to pioneer work for humanity. The pamphlet may be used by both teachers and speakers. It is filled with ideas for both old and young. An Illustrated Catalogue of American In- sect Galls. By Alillett Taylor Thompson, Ph. D. Published and distributed by Rliode Island Hospital Trust Company, Executor, in accordance with the provis- ions.of the will of S. Millett Thompson. Edited by E. P. Felt, Nassau, Rensselear County, New York. This interesting publication was needed. It fills an important and previously unoc- cupied field. Its pictures of a large number of galls will be convenient in getting the names but it is to be regretted that more matter descriptive of galls has not been in- cluded to teach us something more about them. The book neglects to tell what a gall is. Alanj' years' experience with boys and girls has shown that galls are interesting objects to them. They are intrinsically in- teresting to everybody. Why does not some one write a book to tell what they are and to describe the insects that cause them, their life historj- as well as the struc- ture of the plant malformation? II' EAGLE "IVIIKA.DO" PENCIL No. 1T4 Packi-d Urn- IKizcn in an AttraL-ti\.- puU-ulI Bux and llali Giu^s in a CarlMn FOR SALE AT YOUR DEALER 5c. EACH OR 50c. PER DOZEN Hexasjon Shape Hiahlv Polished in Yellow finish. The Mikado is a Superior Quality ol Pencil and with Gilt Tip and RedRinsr fitted with Best Red contains tho vimv finest specially prepared lead, which is e.xceed- Erasive Rubber. insjly smooth and durabli'. ACCURATELY GRADED IN FIVE DEGREES No 1 Solt No. 3 Hard No.' 2 Medium No. 2'i Medium Hard No. 4 Extra Hard lor Bookkeepers Conceded to be the Finest Pencil Made for General Use 377 Broadway EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY New York srasias'aa'aBpag'as' g'aspaBPgspaB'aB'aBgaKP; AN ENLARGED AND IMPROVED DEPARTMENT ORNITHOLOGY IN THIS NUMBER (PAGE 160) . IT IS EDITED BY HARRY G. HIGBEE 13 AUSTIN STREET, HYDE PARK. MASSACHUSETTS THE HEARTY COOPERATION OF ALL BIRD LOVERS IS CORDIALLY INVITED Vol. VIII No. 5 October 1915 EDWARD F. BIGELOW MANAGING EDITOR Subscription, $1.00 a Year. Single Copies, 10 Cents ^s^^^^i^^:^s^^^^E^i^^m GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH As Trustee Under this term are several forms of serv- ice covered by The Greenwich Trust Company, such as: Administration of es- tates left without wills, receiver or assignee of enterprises in financial difficulties; agent for persons who want to be relieved of the management of their own business and property affairs. A corporation is better than an individual, because: It never dies; it is never absent or too busy for immediate action; and do- ing its work by the collective judgment and efforts of several experienced persons, it is superior to individual human frailties of judgment and conduct which so often result disastrously in the case of one man trusteeship. Our Officers will gladly confer with you re- garding the services above outlined. The Greenwich Trust Co. 96 Greenwich Avenue GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT has good transportation facilities to New York. You can buy or rent to good advantage and enjoy living by the water or among the hills to the utmost satisfaction. I have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inland Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Building Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locations. Would be pleased to have you call or write. Laurence Timmons TeL 456 Opp. Depot Greenwich, Conn ^ BEST NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials jt ^ ^ Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES DEHN & BERTOLF, Props. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN LB ei 1^ GREENWICH. CONN. THE GUIDE TO NATURE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill mi Dnuu^'- }.J^^^K^L-i-<^-s >",---^iua^^kii£slri>^ <:,<^lu^^Bk^-^-<\r>/ v^^'j^i^^kia-.^.'' »^-^Blit^-'.''i -. jci MERRILL BUSINESS COLLEGE All COMMERCIAL and ENGLISH Branches. Sessions : Daily except Saturday. Evening School: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Port Chester, 7:15—9:15. Stamford, South Norwalk. ^Ke SIANFORD OA^ aa^EltCTKIC 11-17 Da^rxK 5-t^ §tt^mford (onn. CLCCTDICITY 72^ LlOm, nCAT^ DOVER IV THE GUIDE TO N ATU RE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. TRADE MARK REGISTERED NO CHANCE FOR AN ARGUMENT. When you and the "man next door" have those Sunday morning discussions, you differ on many points. Makes of tires, brands of oil, body design, rela- tive merits of fours, sixes and eights — all of these you can find arguments for and against. But when you consider storage batteries you agree that the Willard satisfies all your require- ments for starting and lighting. And nobody questions the value of Willard Service Stations — they have proved indispensable to owners every- where. If you haven't learned the advantages of an acquaintance with Willard, now's the time to begin. Willard performance and service are two big elements in the successful operation of 85% of American makes of electrically equipped motor cars. We are agents and service station of Willard Storage Battery Co. FAIRBANKS ELECTRIC COMPANY 438 Atlantic Street - - - Stamford Evervthing Electrical. The Egotism of Youth. It was commencement evening. A youth rose to deliver his oration. His sub- ject was "Light." He began: " 'In the beginning God said, Let there be Hght : and there was light.' Now let us consider some of the modern improve- ments."— Canadian Monthly. Less Than Human, Tom, the country six-year-old, pre- senting himself one day in even more than his usual state of dust and dis- order, was asked by his mother if he would not like to be a little city boy, and always be nice and clean in white suits and shoes and stockings. Tom answered scornfully : "They're not children ; they're pets." — Harper's Monthly. Interrupted Story. Supper was in progress and the father was telling about a row which took place in front of his store that morning. "The first thing I saw was one man deal the other a sounding blow, and then a crowd gathered. The man who was struck ran Citizens Savings Bank OF STAMFORD, CONN. Assets $4,300,000.00 A Savings Account is the best investment for your Money To foster the Habit of Saving We make Small Deposits a Specialty. A Dollar or more will Start You and give you a small bank for home savings. WILLIAM D. SMITH. President CHARLES D. LOCKWOOD, Vice President WALTER E. HOUGHTON. Sec'y and Trees. and grabbed a large shovel he had been using on the street and rushed back, his eyes flashing fire. I thought he'd surely knock the other man's brains out and I stepped right in between them." The }'Oung son of the family had be- come so hugely interested in the narra- tive as it proceeded that he had stopped eating his pudding. So proud was he of his father's valor his eyes fairly shone, and he cried : "He couldn't knock any brains out of you, could he, father?" Father looked at him long and ear- nestly, but the lad's countenance was frank and open. Father gasped slightly and resumed his supper. — Lippincott's Magazine. 12 New Bulbs, 10c Together with a. Complete Treatise on the Culture of Hardy Bulbs both indoors and out, and our beautiful Catalogue — 1 Giant Calla, larm-st and Iniest. 2 Pink Freesia, •xciuisite new color. 3 Purity Freesia, biK pure white. 3 Eouble Rosebud Oxalis, large as a half .inllar. r'nrl fine as a Rose. 3 Oxalis G. Duchess, mixed colors All for 10 cts. postpaid. Our Catalofiue of Hyacinths, Tulips. Narcissus. Lilies. Hardy Plants and rare winter-blooming plants free to aU. John Lewis ChUds, Inc., Floral Park, N. Y. HOMES NEAR TO NATURE Homes Near to Nature. architect to supply further information. The Guide to Nature intends to pub- We begin the series with a pleasing lish a series of plans for suburban or design and convenient arrangement for country homes with estimates of cost, a home near to nature that can be built TlRST Tl,00^ PU*^^ f?ECOHD 5\LOOR-RLAN Detailed specifications may be obtained for $4,175. by addressing this office. We have The exterior is of stucco, with shin- made arrangements with an expert gle roof. 146 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The first floor provides for a porch across the entire front of house, with a living room of exceptional dimensions provided with a fireplace. The kitchen is almost square and connects with the dining room by a small pantry. Two good closets are also provided. There is a small porch at the rear. The second floor is complete with four bed rooms, a fair sized bath room and a hall. Following is an itemized cost of con- struction : publi5her;s Excavation $150 Stonework $200 Brickwork $125 Carpenter work $800 Plastering $800 Lumber $600 Millwork $900 Painting and Glazing $150 Plumbing, etc. $200 Hardware $85 Hot air heating $125 Range $40 $4 J 75 NOTICES Tis not in mortals to COMMAND success, but we'll do more, Sempronius, we'll DESERVE IT. —Addison: Cato The Slingerland Insect Slides. It is with special pleasure that we call attention to the advertisement in this number of the Slingerland lantern slides of insects. They are used at ArcAdiA to the delight oi the visitors that have seen them on the screen. They are colored true to nature and are sharply and clearly defined on the can- vas. They are in every respect first- class. High Awards for Dog Foods. Gold Medal and Highest Award for dog foods at the Panama-Pacific Expo- sition has been given to Spratt's Patent. Newark, New Jersey. Is this surprising when you are told that at three (3) shows recently, over 3000 prizes were won by dogs fed regu- larly and exclusively on Spratt's Dog Foods? The products manufactured by this company have been on the market for over fifty years. During this period they have received the highest honors at all the principal national and inter- national expositions, a convincing proof that merit wins in the long run. There are more prize-winners reared and fed on Spratt's Dog Foods than on all others combined. Spratt's will bench and feed the Panama-Pacific Dog, Poultrv, Cat and Pet Stock Shows. These exhibitions are among the largest and most impor- tant held in this country and the fact that the contracts for all the above men- tioned shows have been awarded to this well known firm speaks volumes for their up-to-date methods, efficiency, etc. Get the Right Camera and Lens. The Goerz hand cameras equipped with the Goerz lenses, the result of twenty-five years painstaking research work, are offered in a variety of styles and lenses. The editor believes that every form of hand camera, if the ex- pense can be met, should be equipped with an anastigmat. The difference between the price of an ordinary lens and that of an anastigmat is large, but the result is well worth the increase. Good work is occasionally done with the simpler form of lens, but the anas- tigmat is the most satisfactory, and as- sures the largest percentage of success. The Goerz people have devised a cam- era that for convenience is ideal, and have equipped it with anastigmat lens- es, because they are not satisfied with a moderate percentage of success but want every exposure to be the best pos- sible. Send for their new booklet, "Goerz Lenses." Address C. P. Goerz American Optical Company, 317 East Thirtv-fourth Street. New 'York Citv. Published monthly by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA: Sound Beach, Connecticut, Subscription, $1.00 a year Single copy, 10 cents Entered as Second-Class Matter June 12, 1909. at Sound Beach Post Office, under Act of March 3, 1897. Vol VllI OCTOBER. Number 5 A Well-Equipped Chemical Laboratory By EDWARD F. BIGELOW, ARCADIA: Sound Beach, Connecticut PROFESSOR Frederick H. Getman, for several years professor of chem- istry at Bryn Mawr College, has decided to devote his time to original research in chemistry, and for that pur- pose has recently completed an ideally equipped laboratory on the steep hill- side in the rear of his home on Glen- brook Road, and has very appropri- ately named it The Hillside Labora- tory. The writer believes that not only locally, but generalh% there is keen in- terest in this kind of work. For this reason we publish the accompanying photographs and this description of the laboratory and its ecpiipment. Dr. Get- man is well-known locally on account of his active interest in our Stamford High School as a teacher in chemistry and physics. This Laboratory is a single-story building, thirty feet long and twenty wide. One enters it through a small vestibule into a well-lighted office where, in addition to the usual office furniture, is a library of about five hundred volumes bearing upon Physics and Chemistry, together with files of the more important chemical journals. From the office, a doorway leads into the main laboratory, which is devoted to measurements of precision. Near the center of the room a marble slab resting upon two brick piers free from all vibration, serves as a support for an analytical balance and a cathetom- eter. hi this room are two stills, one for the distillation of the city water, the other for the distillation of the product from the first still The distilled w^ater obtained from the second still is of so high a degree of purity that its electri- cal conductance is only 0.000002 recip- rocal ohms. Among other special pieces of appara- tus in use in this room may be mentioned a large electrically controlled thermo- stat bath, capable of maintaining its contents at any desired temperature between that of the room and 35°C., with a maximum variation of o°.oi ; a potentiometer permitting direct read- ings of electromotive force to hundred- thousandths of a volt, and an apparatus for metallurgical photomicrography. An apparatus-case in the same room contains other fine specimens of the instrument maker's skill, such as a Copyright 1915 by The Agassiz Association, AkcAdiA: Sound Beach, Coin 148 THE GUIDE TO NATURE DR. FREDERICK H. GETMAN OF STAMFORD, C( )N N EC TORY. ICLr, AND HIS HILLSIDE LAUORA- w^ave-leiigth spectroscope, a polarime- ler and a refractometer. A-djoining the main laljoratory is a dark room especially arranged for scientific photography. Beyond the(main laboratory is a small- er apartment devoted to purely chemi- cal work. In this the desks are equip- ped with water, gas, and electricity, while a fume-closet connected with a special flue in the chimney serves to •carry off noxious gases. Adjoining the chemical laboratory is a small room for the storage of chemi- cals. Owing to its situation upon the side of a hill, a well lighted basement is secured. Here is installed a one kilo- watt motor generator furnishing direct current for experimental purposes, and for charging the laboratory storage- battery. The basement also contains a work bench well stocked with tools, the nucleus of a future shop, and ample •shelves for the storage of laboratory •glass-ware. The building is heated throughout by "hot water, and is lighted by electricity. The Hillside Laboratory was plan- ned primarily for physico chemical re- search along lines already developed by its owner. At the present time certain interest- ing phenomena connected with the metals are under investigation. In the course of a series of experimental stu- dies conducted by Dr. Getman several years ago at BrynMawr College, certain peculiarities were noted in the electri- cal behavior of metallic cadmium when it is immersed in an aqueous solution of one of its own salts. During the past year this phenomenon has been studied much more thoroughly, and several exceedingly interesting facts have been clearly established. When a stick of cadmium is immers- ed in an aqueous solution of cadmium iodide, a difference of potential between the metal and the solution is developed. Lest the term difference of potential be unfamiliar to some of the readers of this magazine it may not be amiss to attempt to make its meaning clearer- If two tanks of water, A and B, be con- nected lDy a pipe, and the water flow^s from A to B, we infer that the hydro- static pressure at the point where the pipe leaves A is greater than it is where it enters B, and we attribute the flow to this difference of pressure. Similarly if two bodies. A and B, are connected by a conducting wire and an electric charge is found to pass from A to B A WELL EQUIPPED CHEMICAL LABORATORY 149 we say that the potential of A is higher than that of B, and the cause of the current is assigned to the difference of potential between the two bodies. Dif- ference of potential may thus be thought of as a difference of electrical le\el. The unit in which difTerence of potential is measured is called the volt. It was found that freshly cast sticks of cadmium were negative to the solu- tion of cadmium iodide in which they were immersed, but the magnitude of this difference was not constant under apparently identical conditions. Upon prolonged immersion in the solution of cadmium iodide, however, a constant dift'erence of potential was established, the average difference between the ini- tial and final values being abottt 0.0093 volt. \^arious hypotheses were advanced to account for these facts, but the only one which has thus far survived the searching test of experiment, is that which assumes the existence of two or more forms of the metal cadmium. Such different forms of the same ele- ment are known as allotropic tnodifica- tions, Allotropic modifications of an element undergo transformation from one form into the other at a definite temperature known as the transition temperature. Obviously at this particular tempera- ture there should be no difference be- tween the electrical behavior of freshly cast cadmium and that which has been immersed for some hours in a solution of cadmium iodide. This was actually found to be the case at about 70° C. Therefore, this temperature may be considered as a close approximation to the transition temperature of the two forms of cadmium. Furthermore, if we were to construct a cell having for its two poles sticks of freshly cast cadmium, and cadmium which had been transformed by pro- longed immersion in a solution of cad- mium iodide, and having as an electro- lyte a solution of a cadmium salt, the direction of the current furnished by such a cell should be conditioned by its temperature. Below 7o°C the fresh- ly cast electrode should be positive, while above 70° it should be negative. A careful series of experiments served to completely verify the correct- ness of this prediction. Among other facts it was observed that whereas freshly cast cadmium has a bright silvery lustre, that which has been immersed in a solution of a cad- mium salt for twenty-four hours ac- quires a dull gray color. THE OFFICE OF THE HILLSIDE LABOliATORV, T50 thp: guide to nature A CORNER IX THE MAIN LABORATORY. It therefore seemed of interest to subject the surface of the metal before and after immersion to microscopical examination. The results of such observation were more than g-ratifvinQ- as the accom- Danying- photomicrographs will show. The appearance of a piece of freshly cast cadmium, polished and etched in nic.ic acid, is shown in Fig. i, the mag- nification being two hundred diameters. After five weeks immersion in a solu- AIAIN LAliORATORV SHOWING VIBRATION-FREE SUPPORTS. A WELL EQUIPPED CHE^IICAL LABORATORY i^i FIG. >i FRESHLY MIUM. CAST CAD- tion of cadmium iodide, the metal ap- peared, under a magnification of one hundred diameters, as shown in Fig. 2. That we are, in fact, dealing with allotropic modifications of cadmium can no longer be doubted. Further- more the change in crystalline form is from a lower to a higher degree of sym- metry, which is as it should be, if the freshly cast metal is to be more electro- positive than the gray modification. Other lines of evidence are being accumulated to confirm the correctness of the view that cadmium exists in at least two allotropic modifications. It is of interest to point out that simi- lar results have recently been obtained bv Professor Ernst Cohen of Utrecht, Holland. He has succeeded in showing that ordinary freshl}^ cast cadmium consists of a mixture of three allotropic modifi- cations which he designates as a, b. and 2 cadmium. In addition to the investigation of cadmium, similar studies are being carried out with lead. While it would be premature to make any detailed statement at this time yet it may be of interest to point out that there is un- questionable evidence in favor of the allotropjsm of lead. This is clearly shown by Figs. 3 and 4. In Fig. 3 is shown a photomicrograph of a freshly cast lead surface magnified one hun- dred diameters, while in Fig. 4 the same surface is shown after six weeks immersion in a solution of lead acetate. the magnification being one hundred diameters. The complete disintegration of the metal is clearly shown in Fig. 4. The question that the visitor to the Hillside Laboratory invariabl}^ asks is, 'A\'hat is the practical bearing of all this work"? To this Dr. Getman invariably replies that he does not know, — rthat it fre- quently happens that discoveries, which at the time when they are made are of purely scientific interest, turn out later to have practical application and hence commercial value. In writing to the Faraday Society of London about his work along similar lines. Professor Cohen has this to say : "****A new field of research for chem- ists, as well as for physicists, presents itself. Whilst it will be the task of the chemist to prepare the pure modifica- tions (of the metals) and study their physicochemical properties, the physi- cist will require to turn his attention to the determination of their physical and mechanical constants. As the phe- nomena described have been unknown up to the present, metallurgists have not been able to take them into account when studying the hardening of metals. And yet these reversible transforma- tions, which so often go on so very slowly in consequence of the retarda- tions mentioned above, must play an important role when the metals are subjected to changes of temperature. FIG. 2. SURFACE OF CADMIUM AFTER IM- MERSION IN A SOLUTION OF CADMIUM IODIDE. 152 THE GUIDE TO NATURE This role may become fatal if the metals are in contact with electrolytes (water), as these accelerate enormous- ly the transformation velocity. The volume changes which generally accom- pany these transformations may cause the disintegration of the materials. Research in pure science has its place in the world's work. It is not a mere pastime for the dilettante, nor is it an easy pursuit for the trained inves- tigator. At the bottom of all of our real progress lies what may be called the scientific spirit. *"Those who have come to under- stand what is meant by scientific proof of an hypothesis have learned that even the most fascinating theory may go down into oblivion if it cannot meet new facts." "Scientific training tends to exalt the idea of knowledge attained. _ Few people outside of the scientific circle can grasp the satisfaction felt by an investigator, when he feels that his work has opened up a new line of thought. The ordinary man, looking at the progress of chemistry, would be apt to imagine that the synthesis of a new dye, the production of a new ex- plosive or the simplifying of some metallurgical operation w^ould cause a profound impression in the scientific world. But such things can be pro- duced by methods which are largely sive, is a sudden development, which the ordinary man probably never hears mentioned, something which the scien- FIG. 4. Sl'KI'ACfc: ()!<■ LEAD AFTER IMMER- SION IN A SOLUTION LEAD ACETATE. tific mind sees will revolutionize more than one field of inquiry, and bring a flood of light to bear upon intricate problems still awaiting solution. Ap- plied science any one can understand, as it comes into touch Avith his daily experience ; but applied science is only a superstructure built upon the solid foundations which have been laid by men who never sought to make a cash transaction of their knowledge. Yet, if it had not been for their labor, di- vorced apparently from all practical application, applied science would not stand where is stands today. On the one hand are the needs of humanity, on the other lies the search for knowl- edge ; the bridge between them is ap- plied science. But unless the pursuit of knowledge was going on, there would be no bridge, for the acquire- ment of knowledge must come before its application." A new study of one of the Trypano- somes of the common rat, made by two British zoologists, adds an important point to our knowledge of human infec- FiG.^ 3. ^ SURFACE OF FRESHLY CAST LEAD, tious by way of rat flcas, such for ex- applications of old principles of no ample as the bubonic plague. The flea great scientific interest. What is much takes the infection from the rat by more rare, and therefore more impres- biting. But the rat becomes infected ^Chemistry and its Borderland. A. W. only by licking its own fur or by eating infected insects, not by the flea's bite. Stewart. THE FLOWER BED OX TOP OF A ROCK 153 A Beautiful Flower Bed in an Unusual Situation. We ha\-e all heard that it is difficult to grow o-rass on a rock, but a lady of Sound Beach and her son have proved that it is possible to grow petunias on a rock. The accompanying photograph shows a novel flower bed at the home of Mrs. ]\Iary E. Campbell and her son, Mr. Mr. George \V. Campbell, of Sound a rim of pointed stones along the edge uf that hollow that was then tilled with earth. The result is that with constant care, prol)abl}' with more care than an ordinary flower bed would need, Mr. Campbell has one of the most luxuri- ant beds of flowers ever seen in this vicinity. "Indeed," he says, "it was so sturdy a growth that we got tired of the rankness, and recently cleaned it out, and put in rosebushes." A good suggestion for ornamenting an other- Tin-: FLOWER 1!EJ) (JX Beach. Mr. Campbell is an architect of long experience, which he has ap- plied in building a home for himself, comfortable and unique. The wall fronting the street is made of pointed rocks ; the posts are capped in a simi- lar manner. Within these caps earth has been placed, and in them flowers are growing. But perhaps the most novel of these designs is the bold plan of growing petunias upon the top of the ledge. Mr. Campbell explains that the ledge was naturally somewhat hollow'ed at the top. and all he needed to do was to run TOP OF .'v R(_)CK. wise barren place to make it a thing of beautv. The red rust of wheat has been vir- tually extirpated from Germany by de- stroying all wild barberry bushes near the wheat fields. The barberry serves as the host plant for one of the alter- nating generations, the other of which spoils the wheat. This being elimi- r.ated, the rust can no longer reproduce iliself. In the same way. pear rust can be prc\-ented by remo\-ing all juniper trees. 154 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The Land of Paradoxes. BY MR. JOHN C. UHRLAUB, RIDGEWOOD, GLENBROOK, CONNECTICUT. I believe the Chinese, rich and poor ahke, of all people on earth, may be counted anion"- the g^reatest lovers of find there hundreds of citizens, resting after the toil of the day, sipping hot tea or wiping" their face with one of the lux- uries of a Chinese restaurant or theatre, the sweat cloth, a piece of cotton wrung out in boiling water, while at least half of the tea drinkers hold in their hand or MR. UHRLAUB WITH THE PET BIRDS IN CHINA. nature. To have evidence of this, one only need to go to any large tea house in Canton or in anv other Chinese citv, to A BIRD'S NEST FROM WHICH THE CHINESE MAKE SOUP. have on the table in front of them a cage containing a pet bird. I have seen a street beggar asking for alms with a caged bird on his arm. At dawn of a summer morning, I have seen hundreds of people sitting at the street corners or in the public squares and giving their pets an airing. Many of the birds are trained to do marvelous tricks. A rice bird of large size is commonly taught to catch a grain of "kalian" (giant millet) in the air and fly back to the hands of its owner and eat the grain at leisure while it sits on its patron's thumb. The birds, among which are many beautiful songsters, are petted and well cared for, and often have free access to their cage, going and coming as they please. But the same John Chinaman that will assiduously and gently care for his song bird, will quietly look on the torture and execution of a criminal so horrible in its details that it would freeze our blood. A land of paradoxes and things incongru- ous, this flowery kingdom ! In Pekin on the old Hattaman Street, what a mixture of modernism and a remote past ! A car- avan of ^Mongolian dromedaries coming for eighteen hundred miles from the Gobi desert, laden with furs, wool and tea, meets a procession of Ford motor cars ! SEEING THEXGS IX AUTUMN 155 But everything- changes, even in China. r^Iany Chinamen to-day j^refer a juicy beefsteak to the finest plate of bird nest soup. I do not blame them, after having A REMARKABLE -'HEAD OX" STUDY. PHOTUGRAPHIC Ixjth seen an uncooked bird nest and tasted the soup. The famotis edible bird nest is formed of the regurgitations and excrements of a rock swallow, and is considered one of the greatest of Chi- nese delicacies. The isoirp tastes like musty dishwater. The Chinese are om- nivorotis in the ftillest sense ; aquatic beetles, owls. cats. dogs, rats, snakes. toads mice, are all dainty dishes for a Chinese palate. I have assisted at sonie great Chinese dinners, some of one htmdred and fifty courses, beginning with bird nest soup, shark fins, sea cucumbers (Holothurea), seaweeds, eggs a hundred years old. roasted dog, dried rats, fried ice, boiled water beetles, etc., etc. — that is. I have been present, bttt taste, appearance and odor prevnting me from reallv eating. Fried ice? Yes, fried ice is absolute- ly correct. Pieces of flavored ice are covered with batter and cpiickly dipped in boiling lard. The batter, fried crisp, encloses a piece of ice. The dish is served with lightning-like rapidity from the frying pan to table. Seeing Things in Autumn. BY .MAY L. JOIIXSOX, RICIIAIOXD HILL, XEW YORK. Every lover of nature can find inter- esting things in the springtime, for then all the outdoor world is waking up and rising into life with a promise of glorious beauty to come ; the birds are returning; Ave ourselves feel a new zest in living, it seems to be in the air. But hoAv about the autumn? Each -eason has its attractions for the true nature lover, although some of our pessimistic friends who are poetically- inclined may quote Bryant's : "The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the j-ear. Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear." An yet even the withered leaves may- be a source of enjoyment, as I discov- crd a short time ago, as I sat in the dusk and Avatched the wind playing pranks Avith the dead leaves that in the twilight looked like little broAvn mice. One moment they A\^ere Avhirling in a circle as though playing some childish game, then the A\and changed and away they Acaa- one after the other arotmd the corner of the house, playing a game of folloAv the leader. A few moments later the Avind A'eered and caught them from every direction and huddled them in a group. One could almost imagine that they Avere aliA^e, and bobbing their heads together like a little company of fairies congregated like small boys to talk over some all- important secret, or planning Avhat mischief to do next as they danced and fluttered ; but the restless Avind scat- tered them eA'en before their plans could be laid and aAvay the little broAA^n felloAvs fleA\% each to his OAvn important task. To a person of the aA-erage amotmt of imagination it seemed hard to belieA'e that they Avere inanimate. If our friends Avotild enjoy this moA-ing jMcture experience in the tAvilight of a Avindy autumn evening before the leaA-es are gone. I am sure they would appreciate literally "The Fun of v^eeing 'Jliinefs." I50 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Collecting Crooked Sticks. BY FRANK A. ARNOLD, NEW YORK CITY, [Reprinted by permission from the August Countryside Magazine]. It is said that every man has, or should have, a fad. Among the faddists are many collectors, but who ever heard of a man collecting crooked sticks? There is such a man, however, — E. A. Miles, of Clifton Springs, N.Y., wan, Canada, and was cut from a small tree, close to the wood's path, leading to the Canadian Pacific Hotel. "C" Avas found about 300 feet below the summit of Mount Tamalpais, Cali- fornia, within sight of the city of San Francisco. The letter "D" came from Erie County, N. Y. "E" was found in the village of Ma- rilla, near Bufifalo, N. Y. THE ALPHABET I'RO.M MOTHER NATURE. — who has collected all the letters of the alphabet from Mother Nature in the shape of crooked branches of trees and shrubs, and with just one root to finish the twenty-six letters. Here you have the collection before you, framed and photographed, and worthy of permanent preservation in narrative form. Mr. Miles has been col- lecting these letters for many years, and each letter has its history. "A" comes from Oshawa, Canada, on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, about forty miles east of Toronto. "B" was found at Banff, Saskatche- "F" in a grove at the Great Falls of the Potomac,, about thirty miles from \\'ashington, D. C. The letters, "G," "K,"M," and "W" were found either in, or near Attica, N. Y. How very appropriate that w4ien he found the letter "M" he should have been taking a walk through the woods with his mother ! It is quite natural that several of these specimens should have been found near Mr. Miles's home, in Clifton Springs, N. Y., for he is a great walker, and enjoys exceedingly a long ramble through^ the fields and Avoods. wdiere. COLLECTING CROOKED STICKS 157 with his eyes wide open, he sees many things which the ordinary pedestrian would overlook entirely. The letter "N" which was the first of the series, was discovered in this vicinity; likewise the letters "H," "O," "P," ''S," "U," and "Z." The letter "H" formed a portion of a root, and is the only exception in the list, the other letters coming exclu- sively from branches of trees. The letter "1" grew in a small park adjoining the home of the late William A. Wheeler Malone, N. Y., once Vice- President of the United States. *'T" was cut from a scrubby tree about fifty feet from the edge of the Grand Caiion of the Colorado, in Arizona. "L" came from Lundy's Lane battle- field, Province of Ontario, Canada. The letter "Q" was found growing beside the trail leading to, and about five hundred feet from the summit of Mount Lowe, Southern California. "R" was discovered at the corner of Queen Park Avenue, Toronto, not far from the Parliament Buildings. The letter "T" has an exceptional history. Mr. Miles was visiting the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, at Spring- field. Illinois, and, by a strange coinci- dence found a workman pruning a tree directly beside it. With his quick eye, ]\Ir. Miles detected a branch which would naturally form the letter T, and in a moment it was his, with all of its historical association and without a hint of vandalism to his charge. "Y" came from the "Plains of Abra- liam, Quebec, where "Wolfe died vic- torious." "X" was found very near the Fifth Corps headquarters Monument on Lit- tle Round Top, Gettysburg, Pa. The letter "Y" has another bit of in- teresting history. It was found form- ing a part of a bush, growing where the Union Army commenced the tun- nel, which, when completed, terminated in a chamber under Fort IMalone in front of Petersburgh, Virginia. When the mine was exploded, it created what is known in history as "the crater." It will be noticed that, in addition to the letters, a complete set of numerals has been obtained in the same way; all of these, however, having been cut from .trees or bushes in the immediate vicin- ity of Clifton Springs. In talking of this unique collection. Mr. Miles says that in no instance has any twig or branch been bent or artifi- cially twisted. Each letter and numeral represents the actual formation by Nature — a fact which renders this alphabet all the more wonderful. We read often of how the preacher obtains sermons from stones, books from running brooks, and so on ; but, so far as we know, it has been left for Mr. Miles to obtain from Nature the sum total of human knowledge, as em- bodied in the alphabet and its corres- ponding word combinations ! If you should by chance be in Clif- ton Springs some time, stop your auto- mobile in front of the Sanitarium, and step just inside the lobby, and there, protected by a frame, you will find the original from which the above illustra- tion was taken, and, if Mr. Miles hap- pens to be at his desk, I know how pleased he will be to tell you some of his personal experiences connected with collecting these bits of wood. T. A. Jagger, formerly of Harvard, now of the Hawaiian Volcanic Ob- servatory, with a number of his assist- ants, narrowly escaped losing their lives during the recent errtiption of ^launa Loa. The party had ascended the mountain for nearer observation of the crater, and were caught by a storm and avalanches almost in the path of a lava stream. "Perhaps the most convincing sign of this new-old faith is the unconscious- ness of the unbeliever. He has no idea that he is believing or having faith in any thing. He is simply loving the green earth and the blue sea, and the ways of birds and fish and animals ; but he is so happy in his innocent, ignorant joy that he seems almost to shine with his happiness. There is, lit- erally, a light about him — that light which edges with brightness all sincere action. The trout, or the wild duck, or the sea bass is only an innocent excuse to be alone with the Infinite. To be alone. To be afar. Men sail precarious craft in perilous waters for no reason they could tell of. They may think that trawling, or dredging, or whaling is the explanation : the real reason is the mystery we call the Sea. — Richard Le Gallienne in "The Phoenix." 15^ THE GUIDE TO NATURE An Impaled Fly. New York City. To the Editor : A few days ago I was camping on that stretch of sand and sand dunes which ranges from Fire Island to Mon- TIIE \\'IX]) IMPALED THIS FLY. tank Point, and separates the Atlantic ()cean from those inland bays, such as Great South Bay, Peconic Bay, etc., and was forced during this period to supply my own meals through my craftiness as a fisherman and hunter. As I found no birds flying along the shore, I decided to enter the fields of sedge grass and try my luck there. I lay down in grass about three and a half or four feet high, and scanned the horizon for any birds that might be coming my way. Every time I looked over my left shoulder I saw, a few feet from me, a blade of sedge grass on which a fly seemed to be perching. After a lapse of from fifteen to twenty minutes, I became curious to learn how and why that fly clung to that blade of grass, so I laid down my gun and walk- ed over to gratify my curiosity, and found that the sharp point of the grass blade had pierced the fly's body and was holding it impaled. It had evidently l:)een flying over the field when a sudden gust of wind blew it against the tip of the blade and impaled it there. I lirought it home, because I considered it a peculiar freak of nature, illustrating one of the many dangers that threaten the insect world. I took the specimen to the IMuseum of Natural History and showed it to the curator, Doctor Lutz, who told me that he had never seen a similar speci- men. The butcher bird kills insects of all kinds and places them on thorns but Doctor Lutz doubts if this bird is a habitant of this stretch of Long Island. I enclose two photographs made from the s])ecimen. I shall be pleased to hear v.hat you think of them. \^ery sincerely yours, A. L. Goodman, M. D. This is a rare and remarkable acci- dent. The fly's life was lost as is that of a tree when it is lilown over by the wind. The [Missouri Experiment Station re- ports encouraging progress with its ef- forts to breed more hardy strains of ';e\- era! of our most prized varieties of reach. I think your August number quite excellent and the September number its equal. I hail with delight the new de- nartment of "Ornithology." In fact if I were to trv to express my apprecia- tion it would take shape something like the following: The Guide to NaTl'RE is a live olive leaf dropped into my window by the dove of good fortune that impels the belief that the blinding mists are abating and a new beauty is rising from the common like a green island thrust up from the sea! — Will Webb Tuttle. Muncie, Indiana. ANIMAL ART STAMPS 159 Animal Art Stamps. The increasing popularity of poster stamps and their collecting in various wavs has suggested the reproduction in that form of some of the remarkable photographs of animals taken in the New York Zoological Park during the fifteen vears that institution has been open to the public. The series issued at this time con- A SAMPLE OF ONE OF THE STAMPS. sists of 130 subjects, reproduced in natural colors by the four-color process. The stamps are 2}i x 3 inches in size and are particularly clear and well exe- cuted pictures. They are to be disposed of in six sets of twenty stamps each, at ten cents per set. The remaining ten stamps of the series are mounted in a thirty-two page album sold at fifteen cents, which provides space for the en- tire 130 stamps, making the cost of the complete series and album seventy- five cents. Carefully written captions giving authentic infomation regarding each animal represented appears in the album under the space for each stamp. This educational feature, in connection with the fact that they are from actual photographs, which include many rare animals unknown to the average child, makes the series the most worth while picture stamps that have yet come to our attention. If this isstie proves popular, others will follow, as the collection of photo- graphs available runs into the thous- ands. A Mouse-eating Garter Snake. BY JOSEPH W. LIPPINCOTT. It is claimed by anthropologists that different species of snakes have a re- stricted diet from which they never vary and that those which eat batrachians will never eat warm-blooded animals and vice versa ; nevertheless I once saw a garter snake sw'allowing a meadow mouse re- gardless of the fact that this species of snake comes under the former head and feeds regularly on toads, frogs, small fish and earthworms. It happened that, when walking along the sea cHft's on Conanicut Island, Nar- ragansett Bay, I saw^ quite a distance away a queer head rear itself above the thick meadow grass, wag oddly once or twice on its thin neck and then drop again below the grass tops. It proved to be a stout three-foot garter snake with the biggest, fattest, short-tailed meadow mouse I ever saw stuck in his jaws in such a way that it seemed a pro- longation of the snake's head. The hind quarters and the tail were down the throat and when the snake reared up in his earnest yet comical endeavors to climb over the grass in the directon of a briar patch, the mouse seemed to be calmly sitting on a pedestal. The grass was too thick 10 push through with the cumbersome load so the snake rose on his tail as high as he could and then toppled over, or rather fiung himself, towards his goal. His head would land in the grass about a foot away from where the tail had been, the tail being drawm after the head and coiled again preparator_\- to repeating the strange performance. I evidently hastened the reptile in his retreat for he soon made much quicker motions and scarcely ever rested between jumps. The closer I watched the more ner^-ous he grew until without any warn- ing- he disgorged the half swallow^ed mouse and then beat a very hasty retreat to the briar patch, finding no difficulty in threading his way through the grass ^low that the bulky prey was discarded. There w^as not the least doubt about his being a common garter snake. Tests at the IMaryland Agricultural College show that 700 yards is the out- side limit to which a fly commonly roves from the point where it is hatch- ed. New measurement by a French as- tronomer shows that the sun's corona is apparently spinning faster than the general mass. About two miles a second is the probable velocity. 1 6c THE GUIDE TO NATURE All communications for this department should be sent to the Department Editor, Mr. Harry G. Higbee, 13 Austin Street, Hyde Park, Massachusetts. Items, articles and photographs in this department not otherwise credited are by the Department Editor. What One Bird Club Is Doing. When any organization reaches a membership of over half a million it nat- urally commands some attention. The Liberty Bell Bird Club— without doubt the largest organization of this kind in the world — has reached these pro- portions, and in two and a half years' time. The active work and growth of this club is outlined below by Mr. Shoftner, its leader, at my recjuest, and the magnifi- cent restdts accomplished in so short a time should be a source of gratitude to all friends of the birds and an inspira- tion to other clubs of a like nature. Over Half a Million Bird Club. BY CriAS. p. SHOFFXER, PHILADELPHIA^ EDITOR OE THE LIBERTY BELL BIRD CLUB. In this day and generation, anv move- ment to be a success, must be built on a need. You can popularize, to a certain extent, almost anybody or anything by advertising and a judicious use of print- er's ink. But to make a movement grow, increase in value and in the estimation of the, very often, fickle public, is another problem. If the foundation is of sand, down your building will go, it matters not how fine, strong, or well planned the superstructure. ^^'hen the formation of a new bird club was discussed two and a half years ago, there Avere fifty-seven apparent rea- sons given why such a club was unnec- essary. There were many bird clul:)S, there had been bird clubs for years, folks wouldn't join any more clubs, and so on and so on. \\'e know now thev were not reasons. A LIBERTY BELL BIRD CLUB AT BAKERVLLE, MASSACHUSETTS. ORNITHOLOGY i6i The one who believed in the new chib idea was positive of two facts, first, that we should have more birds, and, second, that the great majority of the bird clubs confined their activities principally to the cities. So, on January i, 1913, The Liberty Bell Bird Club was formed. The name was significant : Independence for Birds. The motto was, "Protect our Feathered Friends." The Pledge : "I desire to become a member of The Liberty Bell Bird Club, and promise to study and protect all song and insectiv- orous birds, and do what I can for the Club." The "Farm Journal," of Phila- delphia, was to be the official spokesman, and the publishers of that paper said, as an educational feature and with a sincere desire to help the farmers of America, they would bear the expense of the Club. There were to be no dues, no fines, no assessments of any kind. Upon receipt of the signed pledge, a button and a twenty page "Guide" were to be sent free of all charge. The great feature of the Club was that it was especially formed to interest, in- struct and enlist the support of the men, women and children of the country, the real place where birds are found. ( )f course, city members w'ould be welcomed. We now have many thousands in the cities, and we would like to have more. The Club grew rapidly. On its first birthday, it had 86,000 members, on its second birthday, 252,904 members, and to-day August 4, 1915, 533,194 members. We believe it to be the largest active bird club in the world. Our members work. We started a campaign of education and and it has brought forth much good fruit. Formerly few farmers had bird-houses or nesting thickets. To-day, thousands of farms have both and thousands of trees have been planted to furnish food for the birds. Our birds have been thoughtlessly slaughtered for food and for adornment. Civilization and the onward tread of the times have taken from the birds their natural food supply. They decreased, I ut the insects, which only the birds can keep in check, increased. Those insects cause an annual loss of $1,000.- 000.00. The farmers are the sufiferers. Increase the bird population and the insect pests will decrease. The Liberty Bell Bird Club members are pledged to increase the bird population, and they are doing it. Cp to March i, 1915, we brought the battle for the birds before 3577 county superintendents, 166,471 school teachers,, and introduced bird study into nearly^ 9.000 schools. Our members have put up thousands- of bird houses, faithfully fed the birds in winter and given them water in sum- mer. We have installed many bird sanc- tuaries and have established the second Friday in April of every year to be the Annual Bird Day of The Liberty Bell Bird Club. This year, celebrations were held from Maine to California and from Canada to the Gulf. We believe our Clvib was the first to buy an entire page in one of the great magazines to bring the sub- ject of bird conservation to the attention of the country. Our Platform is easily imderstood. Here it is : Protection by competent laws through- out the world for all song and insectiv- orous birds. The teaching of practical ornithology in all public and private schools. The regulation, but not persecution, of cats, red squirrels, and all enemies of the beneficial birds. The establishment of ])ird sanctuaries in every city, town, village and hamlet. The planting of trees, shrubs and vines that will attract and feed our birds. The putting up of safe and artistic bird houses and the feeding of our winter birds. We have not always received roses. Many could not believe we were sincere, so we have had to print this : "Save the Birds, The Farm Journal can take care of itself." Educators, ornithologists and economic students everywhere have ap- proved our work, and we are much en- couraged. Xow, dear friends, don't you think our Club was needed ? Much more remains to be done. The more we can interest, the sooner will bird protection become an assured fact. Re- member this, The Liberty Bell Bird Club is trying to secure the right balance of bird life, in a practical way. Are vou with us? First Federal Bird Preserve in Minne- sota. By executive order of the president a small rocky islet on Mille Lacs. Min- nesota, which is the breeding resort of a number of varieties of gulls, has been set apart for a federal bird reservation.. 1 62 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The Poisoning of Birds by Spraying Trees. The increasing use of arsenate of lead in spraying orchards and shade trees for the suppression of insect pests seems to have created considerable alarm among arsenic is required to kill caterpillars, and a great many of the poisoned ones would have to be eaten at one time to affect a bird under ordinary conditions. In ten years' experience with spraying in various localities the writer has been A BIRDLESS AREA STRIPPED BY GIPSV MOTHS. Photographed in July. 'bird-lovers generally as to the danger of killing birds through the poisoning of their food. Especially has this been the case throughout the territory of the gyp- sy and brown-tail moth infestation in Massacliusetts and elsewhere, as it has frequently become necessary to spray large areas of woodland, and there has been a number of reports of birds being found dead in these localities, attribut- ed to the spraying. A thorough investigation of this matter tends to show, however, that there is lit- tle danger to birds of poisoning from this source, and there appears to be several practical reasons born out by extended and careful observation for this conclu- sion. That birds will seldom feed upon THE GUIDE TO NATURE The Starry Heavens in October. BY PROF. ERIC DOOLITTLE, OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. During the past month the whole of the striking constellation of the Scor- pion has sunk below the western hori- zon of the evening heavens ; Sagittarius has partly disappeared, as has also the winding Serpent and the great Bootes, the principal star of the latter constel- now swung completely below the Pole which has shone so brightly in the and is seen resting in an upright posi- tion almost upon the horizon ; here it seems to be a far larger figure than when it is higher in the heavens. The Solitaiy Star, Fomalhaut, is almost on the meridian in the south, the Great Scjuare of Pegasus is high in the heav- ens, and the planet Jupiter shines out Fig. 1. The Constellations at 9 P. M., October 1. (If facing south, hold the map upright. If facing east, hold East below. If facing west, hold West below. If facing north, hold the map inverted.) lation, — the great, reddish Arcturus, — northwest for so many months, has completely withdrawn, not to again be seen in our evening skies until next March. In the North, the great Dipper has with its steady, golden radiance in the Southwest. The October Stars. But the most interesting of all the changes in the heavens is the reappear- ance of the brilliant Taurus, the very first of the train of Winter groups, TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 169 -which, with its beautiful Pleiades and Hyades, will now be seen well above the ground in the northeast. The little •dipper-shaped group of rather faint stars which form the Pleiades is the Fig. 2. Showing the present positions of the plan. ets Mars and Saturn. most noted of all star groups in the heavens. Every nation had its legends about this beautiful star figure, and many peoples regulated their calendar "by its appearance and withdrawal from the evening sky. The little group can easily be seen and studied now. but it is November which is the Pleiad Month and which marked the beginning of the new year when this was determined by these stars. The observer will probably at once notice six stars in the Pleiades, but a small telescope or opera glass will ■greatly increase the number, while on a delicate photographic plate no less than two thousand have appeared. All of these form a compact little group of suns, which are moving through space together, and it is most remarkable that the principal stars of the cluster are surrounded and connected together with clouds and streams of faintly shin- ing nebulous matter. Below the Pleiades there is the beau- tiful A^-shaped group of the Hyades. whose principal star is the great red- dish Aldebaran. or Follower, so called because this sun is seen to follow the Pleiades across the sky as the hours of the night go by. The light from this star requires twenty-eight years to reach us. If we represent the great distance which separates the earth from our sun by one inch, then the dis- tance to Aldebaran, preserving the same scale, will be no less than twenty- seven miles. The Planets in October. Mercury which reached its greatest distance east of the sun on September 27, may possibly be detected low in the ■southwest after sunset during the first few davs of October, but it will soon be again lost in the sun's rays. On October 22 it will pass to the west of the sun and enter the morning sky. On October 30 the planet will be nearest the sun and this little world will then have its season of greatest heat. At this time more than twice as much light and heat will be poured down upon it as it will receive when it reaches its greatest distance from the sun forty-four days later. Venus is in the evening sky, but too near the sun to be well observed. It sets about 20 minutes after sunset on October i, and this time is increased to nearly an hour by the end of the month. ^lars and Saturn are conspicuous in the heavens during the late hours of the night but they are still beyond the borders of our evening map. The for- mer is moving eastward so rapidly that it passes from Gemini entirely across the constellation Cancer during the month ; Saturn is near the center of the former constellation, in the position shown in Figure 2. Jupiter is in excel- lent position for observation. The most interesting phenomena of its satellites will be seen on the evenings of October 9, 15, 22, and 31. * ^ H= =1= * The Planet Uranus. This great world, no less than 32,000 miles in diameter, is always so very far away from our earth that it is never more than barely visible to the naked eve, and even in a moderatelv large • » • . • ' •<: , ..• • «u • Fig. 3. The small square of Fig. 1 enlarged to show the position of the planet Uranus. telescope it is always an inconspicuous object. Yet this planet, with its very strangely moving system of moons and the remarkable position of its axis is I70 THE GUIDE TO NATURE one of the most interesting of all the worlds of our sun's family. During the present month it is not only in good position or observation but it happens to be so near a moderately bright star that it can be found with less difficulty than usual. And on October i6 the glass, appearing as a greenish star of the sixth magnitude. Though this distant world is so large it is far less dense than our earth and is indeed almost certainly in a vaporous condition. Long ages must pass before it can become a cold and solid world. EAST Fig. 4. Passage of Uranus and a star behind the moon on the evening of October 1( planet will be occulted by the moon. On all of these accounts therefore, the possessor of a small telescope should not fail to search for this most interest- ig object. Uranus moves steadily along the path A V B, Figure i, completing the entire circuit of the heavens in eighty- four years. It is now in Capricornus, far below the celestial equator and therefore cannot rise very high in our southern skies, but for the past ten years it has been slowly climbing up- ward and in the course of thirty-two years more it will reach the Summer Solstice, near B, Fig. i, and will then be in its highest position in the heavens. The planet is now exactly 3 minutes 33 seconds west of the star at C, and 21 minutes 45 seconds south of it. In Fig. 3 all of the faint stars near C are shown. The faintest of these will probably not be visible in a telescope of but two or three inches aperture, unless the air at this low altitude is unusually clear, but Uranus will be visible in the smallest It has a system of four beautiful moons whose paths among the stars are al- most perpendicular to the path of the sun as seen from Uranus. It is very probable that the axis about which the planet turns thus lies in the plane of the orbit, a very strange position wholly unlike that of any of the other planets of our Solar System. Were the axis of our earth in a similar position the sun would be at some times nearly ver- tically above the north pole of the earth ; six months later it would be ver- tically above the south pole, and not only the north pole, but nearly the whole northern hemisphere, would be in complete darkness. Thus at some time during each year every part of the earth would be sub- jected to a tropical heat ; at another time, six months later, it \vould be without sunlight, — or a frigid zone. The wind motions and the character of the seasons would thus be exceedingly intricate and unlike those we now enjoy. TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 171 The Occultation of Uranus. The moon, which passes completely around the sky in one month, following- nearby along the path A \' B, Fig. i, will pass over both Uranus and that star at C on the evening of October i6. As seen from Washington, the planet will disappear at the eastern (dark) edge of the moon at 9 hours 40 minutes P. M., Eastern Standard Time, and will reappear at 10 hours 43 minutes. The star will disappear at iihours 34 min- utes and reappear at 12 hours 34 min- utes, but at the emergence the moon will have set throughout the eastern states. These exact times, however, apply ■only for observers at Washington, at another station they will be very differ- ent. The observer should therefore find Uranus in his telescope in the early evening" and having noted the relative positions of the planet and the moon, he should estimate as closely as "he can the time when the occultation will occur, remembering that the moon requires one hour of time to move eastward a distance equal to its own diameter. As the planet has a disc, he will see this object gradually fade away as the dark edge of the moon pauses •over it ; the disappearance of the star will, on the contrary, be absolutely instantaneous. This fact shows us that •our satellite has no appreciable atmos- phere upon its surface. The Hunter's Moon. The full moon of October 22 is the so- called Hunters' Moon. On this evening the moon will rise almost exactly at the east point of the horizon while on the following evening it will rise much farther north and only about a half an hour later than on the evening before. For four or five evenings the moon will thus move so rapidly north- ward on the heavens that this motion will partly overcome it usual retarda- tion in rising. It will rise but about one half hour later on each successive evening instead of about one hour later as is usual. These nights will there- fore have an unusual amount of moon- light. The efifect was even more marked at the time of the Harvest Moon, which occurred this year on September 23, — the exact dav of the AiUumnal T^ciuinox. Retrogradation of Stars. Pattersonville, New York. To the Editor : I noticed in your August number of The Guide to Nature that you speak of the planet Jupiter retrograding. What is the cause of this motion? Very truly yours, Charles H. Patterson. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. The outer planets all move Cjuite steadily eastward among the stars, completing the circuit of the heavens in a greater or less time depending upon their distances from the sun. Thus Jupiter moves completely around the stm in 11.86 years, Saturn in 29.46 years, Uranus in 84.02 years, and Nep- tune in 164.78 years. These numbers represent the times that the planets occupy in themselves actually passing around the sun. But we must remem- ber that we do not view them from the sun itself but from our moving earth, which world is itself going around the sun once each year. The resulting apparent motions can readily be imi- tated by turning one wheel inside of another, much larger one and noticing how^ a point on the inner wheel some- times passes a point on the outer one and how sometimes these two points are moving in the same direction. When the earth is between Jupiter and the sun it is moving forward so much more rapidly than Jupiter that, as seen from the earth, the larger planet seems to move backward on the sky. and this backward motion continues until the earth is about sixty degrees ahead of the position of conjunction. WHien, however, the earth gets on the opposite side of the sun, both its own motion and that of Jupiter make the latter planet appear to move forward : hence at these times the outer planets run rapidly eastward. Figures illustrating this may be found in almost any astronomy, but the best way is to study it from a small model. A so-called planetarium shows it beautifully, but it may also be clearly shown l)y merely drawing two concen- tric circles of different sizes, moving a point around each of the circles, let- ting the point on the inner circle move the faster, and noticing, (or indicating l)v drawiiiQ- lines between the two 1/2 THE GUIDE TO NATURE points in their different positions) how as viewed from the inner point the outer one is sometimes moving for- ward and sometimes moving backward. In the former case the motion of the outer point is said to be "direct;" in the latter it is "retrograde." — Eric Doolittle. Mr. Warner's Observatory at Tarry- town. After 'Mv. Worcester Reed Warner, of the well-known firm of Warner & collapse, but is l)raced rigidly, for the barn and the trees hide the horizon, but when it is open, as here shown, I have plenty of room for the pole. "The foundation is only eight posts set in concrete, the tops sawed oft' level after hardening. A concrete pier ex- tends from hard gravel to twelve inches l)elow the floor where the broad iron column of the telescope meets it. I should have mentioned that the two quadruple bronze hinges into which the girders screw were made at my factory TWO SELF-K.\PLA.\AT()RV \ I l-.W > Swazey of Cleveland, Ohio, had estab- lished his residence at Tarrytown-on- Hudson, New York, one of the first things that he did was to erect an ob- servatory. Upon request of the editor, Mr. Warner has sent two photographs, and has written as follows : "I enclose two views of my new ob- servatory. I think you will find them largely self-explanatory. The building was not quite finished when they were taken. "Nearly every piece of wood was sawed to length and shape at the mill (except flooring) and my chauft'eur did the erecting. "The girders are four pieces of one- half inch galvanized pipe bent to shape by the erector. The covering was fit- ted and put on l)y our local carpet dealer. The northern section does not IV MK. WARNER'S OBSER\'.\TORY. in Cleveland. The cost of the building Was low, and its efficiency seems high, for the severest storm does not succeed in getting a drop of water inside. "My telescope is our standard pat- tern ; the objective is seven and three- quarters aperture." ]\Ir. Warner has gone to California, and on October 2nd, will sail for the Orient, where he expects to spend the winter. "The wistlom of C^iod receives small honor from those that stare about and with gross rusticity admire His works : those highly magnify Him, whose ju- dicious inquiry into His acts, and delib- erate research into His creations, return the duty of a devout and learned (i. e., intelligent) admiration." — Religio Medi- ci. A.^D.. i( TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS What Visitors See at The Lick Observ- atory. Aiouiit llamilton, Califurnia. To the Editor : On Saturday nights the thirty-six inch telescope is directed upon the most interesting available object, and the twelve inch upon the next most in:er- esting. With so many visitors it is im- possible to show more than one object with each telescope. At this season, in the dark of the moon, the Hercules Cluster and a double star, Epsilon Lyrse, more often than any other usually shown. Jupiter is now getting into position and will be shown to- night (August 28thj with the twelve inch. It is not high enough yet to be convenient for the thirty-six inch. AA'e ask our visitors to be prompt in taking their places at the telescope, but when there to look till they are satisfied. Some merely glance in, others take two or three minutes or more. Alany ask a number of ques- tions which are always answered to the extent of our knowledge. No lantern slides are shown, but in the main hallway or corrider are five large cases of transparencies, holding from eight to twenty-eight plates eight by ten or larger. These are illuminated by electric lights and the views — sun, moon, comets, nebulae, clusters, spectra, Milky Way, etc. — ex- plained to all who care to hear. There are also numerous photo- graphs on the walls. Besides this the clocks, transit instru- ment, seismograph, weather instru- ments, etc., are shown and their use explained. Rouglily speaking, about half the Saturday night visitors are content with looking through the telescopes and taking a rapid survey of the build- ing without guide. The rest see and hear as much as possible. Yours verv trulv, ' R. G. AiTKEx. lishes "The Monthly Evening Sky Map," subscription to w'hich is one dollar per year and which we cordially commend to our readers. It is a clear, large sized monthly map, and contains many items of astronomical interest. Mr. Barritt has continued this work with a faithful- ness that elicits our admiration. The publication cannot be sufficiently remun- erative to give him full returns for his time, and he should therefore be consid- ered as an enthusiastic missionary in be- half of the science of astronomy. Contributions to the Sound Beach Observatory. A Friend, Stamford $ i.oo Mrs. S. O. Edwards, Sound Beach 5.00 Mrs.W. G. Ihrig, Brooklyn, N.Y. i.oo Mr. Tamizo Watanabe, Green- wich 2.00 A Friend, Massachusetts 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hilliard, Stamford i.oo ]\Ir. and Mrs. C. W. Payne, Case- novia, N.Y i .00 Antietam Farm, Smithtown, N.Y, 5.00 Mr. John xA.. Brown, Stamford. . i.oo Dr. F. Schavoir, Stamford 10.00 Mr. Robert Stewart, Sound Beach 5.00 A Friend, California i.oo Mr. Charles Andrews, Sound Beach i.oo ]\Ir. Samuel P. Avery, Hartford, Conn 25.00 Total $ 64.00 Previously acknowledged. . . . 694.08 Grand Total $758.08 "As quick as a wink" proves on the recognition of five different types of Thunderstorm phenomenon. The dividuals from 0.035 seconds to 0.049, with a mean of 0.042. In other words, a wink commonly takes about one twentv-fifth of a second. Mr. Barritt's Good Work. Every lover of "the grandest of scien- ces" should have a feeling of gratitude and of appreciation for the excellent work that Leon Barritt, 150 Nassau Street, New York City, is doing in behalf of all astronomical interests. He pub- A promising attempt is now under way to reclaim the waste peat bogs of Ireland by planting them to pine. The ordinar}^ Scots pine of the British Isles will not grow in the peat ; but an- other species, Pinu pinaster, has been found to do well. Oddly enough, P. pinaster cannot be transplanted to the bogs, but must be grown from seed sown in place. 174 THE GUIDE TO NATURE AQASSIZ ASSOCIATION Established 1875 Incorporated, Massachusetts, 1892 Incorporated, Connecticut, 1910 The Value to Young People of Study and Observation of Nature. P.Y MRS. MARIA HE;RRICK BRAY, WEST GLOUCESTER. MASSACtlUSETTS, A NA- TURE STUDENT EIGHTY-SEVEN YEARS YOUNG. Life is eternal, and on each of its pages we register what we are. As I look back to the beginning of my earth- ly life eighty-seven years ago, I am firmly convinced that one of the duties that I owe to the young people of this generation is to urge them to come at an early age into close and familiar companionship with nature. Nature never fails to give a cordial welcome to every son and daughter who is inspired with love for birds, flowers, ferns, trees and the countless variety of interesting attractions that nature offers everywhere freely and profusely. Splendid opportunities open to _ us every day. Years ago Browning wrote : " we're made so that we love First when we see them painted, things we have passed Perhaps a hundred times nor cared to see A deep, reverent love for nature, a real hunger for knowledge concerning simple everyday objects in botany, or- nithology, marine plants, things not rare nor seclusive, but as Hamilton Gibson says, "To be found in almost any of our woods or fields, along the seabeaches, and which any wide-awake saunterer may discover with 'half an eye' if that meml^er be properly equipped." Anticipation is an equipment, the surest "open sesame" to discovery, and anticipation may be quickened either bv pictorial hint or previous experience. The brain must be on the alert. A boy who has woodchucks in his mind as he crosses the farm is sure to see his woodchuck. Having lived for more than eight decades I feel it a privilege and a pleas- ure to counsel young people, if they desire to enter into one of the broadest zones of real enjoyment and happiness, where the daily frets and worries of life cannot enter, to begin the observa- tion and study of nature early in life. I give this counsel from personal ex- perience. I have no recollection of the time when the woods, the fields and the shore of the multitudinous sea. did not have strong attractions for me, nor when I failed to find "Mother Na- ture" a teller of true and entrancing stories. If you begin early in life to think, study and observe, the wise mother will reveal wonderful stories of planting, growth of leaf, bud, blossom and fruit. Turn another leaf in "nature's vast storybook," and you become interested in the study of the flowerless plants, lichens, mosses and ferns. After these interesting plants attract your atten- tion, you cannot walk aimlessly through the woods and fields, for as Mr. Under- wood declares. "In the entire vegeta- ble world, there are probably no forms of growth that attract more general notice than the ferns." I recall hours filled with perfect joy in "fern hunts." In a short time the ferns become companionable through observation and study of their names, habits and habitats. In early life I began to collect sea plants, wild flowers and ferns. The work was full of fascination, and devel- oped within me an insatiable desire for the study and observation of nature. And in these later years memories of the long ago are beautiful ; like rare paintings thev glow with the colors of THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION 175 flowers, intermingled with shadows of green ferns and dotted by lichens, grey, brown and in motley, and the himible moss. Such pictures are securely en- shrined wnthin my soul. They have been to me blessed consolers in seasons of sadness and sorrow, and now', in the days of my declining years, they bring to me the spirit of peace, joy and cheer- fulness. Then comes the study of the birds, the observation of their habits. Read 'A\'ake-Robin" by John Burroughs. That cannot fail to inspire you with a desire to begin to study and observe the birds that come about your door- vards even in winter, waiting" to be fed, and the great army of land birds and sea birds that come with the return of summer. Olive Thorne Miller truly says, "Ears have they, but they hear not, may be said of many people Once learn to hear the sounds from nature's vast do- main, and observe even a small part of what is wonderful and beautiful in the helds, along the byways, and objects in the open air, countless birds on the wing, you cannot fail to find, not a de- crease in your interest in nature's fauna and her flora and the wonders of her world, but an increase of satisfaction and joy that can come from no other source My last message to my young friends that do not wish to grow old in heart is : Keep in touch with ]\Iofher Nature and her old storybook and you will always find that she has a new leaf for you to ttu-n. Finis has not yet been written on her page. Every day it is my experience that "Spring still makes spring within the mind When over eighty years are told ; Love wakes anew the throbbing heart And I am never old." Nature's portals open wide, , Her ,a:ifts are free to all; Come, let us gather precious store. Before the frosts of Fall. — Emma Peirce. I have lived to be fifty years old and I have troubled myself overmuch with books, yet with a tiniverse of knowl- edge untouched before me I feel like a child lisping its first lessons. What hope, then, but that the lamp which here dies shall be rekindled in a higher sphere? — "The Phoenix." Web-like Growth Around a Tree. Singer's Glen, Virginia. To the Editor : This strange tree stands near Lester, West X'irginia. The oak seems to have grown u|) throitgh the maple and A WKl; (IF MAl'I.K AROLXD AX OAK. caused it to take this peculiar shape. I can accoitnt for it in no other way. Yours trtily, Harry Staley. The White-throated Sparrow. By Elizabeth \'an Hoevenberg, East Stone- ham, Maine. The white-throat's ringing, bell-like note Is filling all the air with nielod}- so sweet and clear, We seem to feel its mys'try float About us far and near. He calls on "Old Sam! Peabody, Peabody, Peabody!" Insistant, pleading, earnesth', to "Sow \\heat! cleverly, cleverh-, cleverly!" His little head is lifted high,, his white- throat thrills and throbs. The notes seem welling to the sky, As, tumbling from his trembling beak, they burst in swelling sobs — Of "Sow wheat! cleverly, cleverly, clever- Insistant, pleading, earnestly, for "Old Sam! Peabod}', Peabod3\ Peabody!" 1/6 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Interesting Dog and Kittens. Willimantic, Connecticut. To the Editor :— Herewith I send a picture, taken by my self, of myself, of my white collie dog, and my two white kittens eating their breakfast together. When the kittens were smaller, Duke, my dog. Credit to Professor Matheson. Through an oversight, credit to Pro- fessor Robert Matheson, Ithaca, New York, was omitted from the article, "Insects that Swim under Water," in our September number. Professor Matheson was author with Professor Crosby in the original publication. KATING THEIR r.RE used to carry them around like the mother cat. Duke likes to play with the kittens and is always careful not to hurt them. The kittens were four weeks old when we got them. They slept in a basket and while they were sleeping Duke would lie down beside the basket. If he thought they were sleeping too long, he would put his nose in the basket and take the kittens out very gently with his mouth and then they would play together. I have lots of fun playing with my dog and kittens. Helen Zipfel. AKFAST TOGETHER. Bluebells at Grand Manan. All over the cliffs tiny l)luebells Were nodding with exquisite grace, The solid rock softening and brightening, As smiles will illume a stern face. — Emma Peirce. Couleur de Rose. Bright maple leaves a carpet made, A roof above our heads; Their wondrous tints were all about,, Beyond the garden beds. As though sunrise and sunset clouds Encompassed us around, And were jiot melting in the air. But falling on the ground. — Emma Peirce. God speed the good work of making God's creatures love the works of God and through these grow to know the Truth in spiritual fields. — POULTNEY BiGEEOW. (Personal letter.) Mr. Charles T. Wills, of Greenwich, Connecticut, a Member of The Agassiz Association, died in the Greenwich Hospital on Tuesday morning, August 31st. The deceased, one of the oldest and most prominent residents in Green- wich, held many prominent positions in civic and business matters. He was a member of several other scientific organizations, including The Metro- politan Museum of Natural History. The American Geological Society, The New York Botanical Society and The New York Academy of Science. The Agassiz Association extends to mem- bers of the family sincere sympathy in their great loss. and_to the community for the loss of an ef^cient business man who devoted a large part of his time and means to scientific interests. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION // The Agassiz Association and Its Home Are for You. To create and increase a knowledge and love of nature. You are not too rich, nor too poor ; not too wise nor too ig- norant ; not too young nor too old, to share in their benefits. VISITING DAYS. To Members (and accompanying Friends) : All Days. Special personal attention, if an appointment is made by telephone or otherwise. To Xon-Members (not accompanying Members). Wednesdays and Saturdays, 3 :oo to 5 :oo P. M.. and at other times by Special Invitation and Appointment. ArcAdiA is not a Museum, not a Botan- ical Garden, not a Zoo. Yet at different times it has a few- special interests (under special study) along some or all of these lines. Our purpose is not so much to ex- hibit nor to entertain, as to create a de- sire to do what Agassiz so insisted upon — that is. to "study xature.'' BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Corporators: Edward F. Bigelow, Ph. D., Sound Beach. Conn., President and Treas- urer; Hon. Homer S. Cummings, Stam- ford, Conii., Secretary; Walter D. Daskam, Stamford, Conn. Other Trustees: Harlan H. Ballard. Pittsfield. Mass.. Honorary Vice-President; Hiram E. Deats, Fleming- ton. New Jersey, Business Adviser and Auditor: Dr. David Starr Jordan, Chancel- lor Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, California, Dean of Council: Dr. Leland O. Howard, Washing- ton, D. C, Naturalist Adviser; Reverend Charles Morris Addison, Stamford, Conn,; George Sherrill, M. D., Stamford, Conn. Chapter Organization Expense Entrance Fee *^i -^; Handbook, "Three Kingdoms"... .75 Engraved Charter, in tube 1.00 $3.00 ANNUAL DUES — PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. The Annual Dues for Chapter. .$2.00 Annual Dues Members of Chapter Members @ 5c each — $ Total Necessary Expense to Chap- ter upon Joining the Associa- tion afh by Com. oi\no,: H. Graham of Mass. U. S. Senator George P. McLean feeding young ruffed grouse reared on his estate at Simsbury, Connecticut profitable occupation. Naturally much well- meant effort in this direction has been ill- directed; and it has become evident that there is great need of some one highly skilled in the matter of artificial propoga- tion of birds to give counsel to those desir- ing to undertake an enterprise of this char- acter. "It was to meet this demand and provide expert advice for those desiring to begin the raising of game-birds, or to make bird- sanctuaries of their groves and fields, that I arranged for the National Association of Audubon Societies to establish, in 1914, its 'Department of Applied Ornithology.' " In his introduction Mr. Job points out that the work of the Audubon Societies looking toward the propagation of wild birds is really a movement in direct line with the great national desire for the con- servation of the natural resources and beauties of the country. Up to about 1875 birds of all sorts were slaughtered for food, for their plumage or for the mere sport of killing. But at that time the economic value of bird life began to dawn upon a few thoughtful minds, and the effort ever since has been to prevent the useless killing of birds. In another place he describes the joy to be found in helping the birds in their un- equal struggle for life: "Recently I sat for more than hour on the shore of a small pond close to several species of wild ducks in all the glory of their nuptial plumage. The previous_ sea- son out in the wilds of northern Manitoba I had hatched these ducklings in an incu- bator, raised them by hand, and had brought them under my personal care more than two thousand miles to the spot where I sat. The wonderful can- vasbacks were diving and eating the succulent roots which they brought to the surface. The light glanced resplendent from their delicately pencilled backs and gleamed in the fiery eyes of the inales. Was. it tedious to sit there so long in the cold April wind? Nay, rather in my delight I was oblivious tO' the passing of time. "Much the same feeling may be kindled when a pair of bluebirds, wrens, or chickadees accept our hospitality and raise a brood or two in one of our nesting-boxes; or when the chirping spar- rows and phoebes use the building material we have put out for them, and nest in the woodbine or under the porch by our very door." The author asserts that the propagation of wild birds for food or for other practical purposes is go- ing on to a greater extent than ever before. He showed the legitimate bas- is of such propagation, and how the work of the Audubon Society has created a new field for scientific research. The book is divided into three general divisions. In the' first part, "Methods with Gallinaceous Birds, and Others," it treats of the wild turkey, the pheasant, the pigeon. In the second part, "The Propagation of Wild Waterfowl," it deals with wild ducks, wild geese, swans, wading birds, and sim- ilar types. In the third part, "Methods with the Smaller Land Birds," the person just beginning the study will perhaps find the most interesting material. Here the author discusses such important fundamental mat- ters as nesting-boxes, nesting material, water supply, attractive vegetation, sup- pression of enemies, etc. The book is profousely illustrated with excellent photographs that have not only artistic merit, but well illustrate the practi- cal parts of the subject. From the Agricultural Experiment Station at Madras, India, comes the report of successful experiments on feeding cattle with dried fish. The diet is by no means ideal, but serves to keep the creatures alive when the grass fails. w Fie upon thee, November ! thou dost ape The airs of thy young sisters ; — thou hast stolen The witching smile of May to grace thy lip, And April's rare capricious loveliness Thou'rt trying to put on ! Julia C, R. Dorr VoLVIll November. 1915 PUBLISHED BY THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION ArcAdiA: sound beach, CONNECTICUT EDWARD F. BIGELOW. Managing Editor Subscription, $1.00 a Year, Single Copy, 10 Cents No. 6 ^^SE^^E^^^^^ ifSiSQ ^^JSt^Q^Al^.^^JliS^ GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH As Trustee Under this term are several forms of serv- ice covered by The Greenwich Trust Company, such as: Administration of es- tates left without wills, receiver or assignee of enterprises in financial difficulties; agent for persons who want to be relieved of the management of their own business and property affairs. A corporation is better than an individual, because: It never dies; it is never absent or too busy for immediate action; and do- ing its work by the collective judgment and efforts of several experienced persons, it is superior to individual human frailties of judgment and conduct which so often result disastrously in the case of one man trusteeship. Our Officers will gladly confer with you re- garding the services above outlined. The Greenwich Trust Co. 96 Greenwich Avenue GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT has good transportation facilities to New York. You can buy or rent to good advantage and enjoy living by the water or among the hills to the utmost satisfaction. I have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inland Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Building Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locations. Would be pleased to have you call or write. Laurence Timmons 456 Opp. Depot Greenwich, Conn BEST NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials ^ ^ ^ Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES DEHN & BERTOLF, Props. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN GREENWICH, CONN. THE GUIDE rO NATURE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. VII THE STAMFORD NOTE BOOK Inspiring for Late Autumn and Winter One of the most stimulating and satisfying stores is that of The Lock- wood' & Palmer Company in Stamford, Connecticut. Any lover of suburbs or of country that enters this store will love the home and its surroundings and nature better than ever, and will see that here are satisfying equipments of every kind. If you are interested in building, har- vesting, care of chickens, the cultivating of vegetables on the farm, in repairing and painting the buildings for the win- ter, if, in fact, you are interested in any- thing connected with a home near to nature, then here you will find the best of everything with reasonable prices and courteous treatment. A store so well equipped and man- aged is not only a commendable busi- ness enterprise for the owners, but is to the visitor educational and suggestive. It tends to make living in the country enjoyable and efficient. Stamford's Biggest Candy Kitchen. It is fifteen years since the Olympia Candy Company started in business on Atlantic Street, Stamford, Connecticut. Their growth, the result of painstaking endeavor to please the public, has been steady. The crowning point of their success has recently been celebrated by several changes and improvements. They have installed the largest and best refrigerat- ing plant in this vicinity, at a cost of more than two thousand dollars, and with a capacity of six tons. The work- ing rooms have been extended. A new ceiling and a new tile floor have been put in. The entire establishment is beautiful, convenient, spacious, attrac- tive. A large variety of candy always fresh and ice cream always delicious is kept at all times. Everything about this popular store is inviting. A three-year-old girl became inter- ested in a peculiar noise and asked what it was. "A cricket, dear," replied the mother. "Well," remarked the little lady. " he ought to get himself oiled." — Christian Resfister. Cheering. — Mistress — "I shall be very lonely, Bridget, if you leave me." Bridget — Don't worry, mum. I'll not go until ye have a houseful of com- pany."— Boston Transcript. Come out into the sunshine Why stay cooped up in-doors? This sparkling morning tonic Is always freely yours. — Emma Peirce. A well-to-do Scottish lady one day said to her gardener : "Man Tammas, I wonder you don't get married. You've a nice house, and all you want to complete it is a wife. You know the first gardener that ever lived had a wife." "Quite right, missis, quite right," said Tammas, "but he didna keep his job lang after he got the wife." The codfish lays a million eggs. While the helpful hen lays one; But the codfish does not cackle. To inform us what she's done ; And so we scorn the codfish coy, But the helpful hen we prize; Which indicates to thoughtful minds It pays to advertise. w. A. McClelland OPTOMFTRIST OPTICIAN J\keds- whether business or social, can be supplied here to the best advantage. Variety, quality, price, all in your favor. We would espec- ially like to show you 345 Atlantic Street STAIVll-uRU, CONN. VIII THE GUIDE TO NATURE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. THE C. O. MILLER CO. Established 47 Years Atlantic Square Stamford, Conn. A Store for Particular People where you will find full stock of reliable merchandise at reasonable prices THE NEW FALL STOCKS have been selected with careful discrimination and will be found most attractive SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries and Trimmings, Blankets, Comfortables, etc. Rugs, Draperies, etc. A very large line of Linoleum is now on sale — priced 50c square yard and up THE C. O. MILLER CO. ESTABLISHED 1S5: THEQETMAN&JUDD CO. Homes Near to Nature Skould be so constructed as to give lasting satisfaction. Our metkod of manufacturing dependable Imterior amd Lumber And Tiiriber of AII Kinds Exterior kouse trim from thorougkly kiln dried materia) by skilled meckanics insures sucii satisfaction. SPECIALTY: High-Qrade HARDWOOD FLOORING THE ST. JOHN WOODWORKING CO. tkoroughly KilnDiied aad stored in Steam keated kuild CANAL DOCKS. STAMFORD CONN, lag until delivered to our customers. Our steadily in- -7- , o creasing trade in tkis specialty proves the fact tkai Telephone 781 tke country home is not complete until fitted out witk old ones. tkii beautiful and sanitary furnishing. Old residences DIRECTORS may be greatly imp'oved fcy laying tkin floors over tke WALTON FERGUSON, Pres. W. W. HEROY, W. D. DASKAM, Vice Pres. F. H. HOYT. CKS, STAMFORD, CONN. w. H. JUDD. Sec. and Treas. F. W. BOGARD Telephone 2180. j. G. WIGG, General Manager. The LOCKWOOD & PALMER Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS House Furnishings, Etc. TOOLS A.11 Kinds 92 PARK PLACE (Cor. Summer Street) STAMFORD - CONN TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS :ii: n Published monthly by The Agassiz Association, ArcAdiA; Sound Beach, Connecticut, Subscription, $1.00 a year Single copy, 10 cents Entered as Second-Class Matter June 12. 1909. at Sound Beach Post Office, under .Act of M arch 3. 1897. Vol VIII NOVEMBER Number 6 A Lake of Possibilities and Difficulties. By EDWARD F. BIGELOW, ArcAdiA: Sound Beach, Connecticut. MR. Ernest Thompson Seton for the past three years at his new home that he calls "The Fincherie" has been engaged for about three months each year in developing- or transforming" a pes- tilential marsh into a picturesque lake. This famous naturalist quite evidently likes to do that kind of a thing, because on his former estate — "Wyndygoul" — he had an extremely interesting lake that was almost wholly his development, na- ture provided onl.\ the water and a very nice possibilit}- so that the attempt met with a great many difficulties in order to get the water back enough to flow over a large stretch of territory and in giving the whole thing a really natural appear- ance. One would never think of calling it a pond, because it really was a lake to all intents and purposes. Here at his recently acquired property there are greater possibilities and greater difficulties in producing the desired effect but on the whole, the plan seems to give promise of far greater results than did his former lake. The road by the side of the lake has every picturesque advantage and the view from the south looking up the lake is beautiful in the extreme. ^Ir. Seton says, "I am a little shy about giving information concerning the lake plan just now because so much of it is prob- lematic. I never know what the difificul- MR. SKTOX ADMIRES THK STUMP M.VCHIXE. PULLIXG Copyright 1915 by The Agassiz Association. Arc.-Vdi.A: Sound Beach, Conn. l82 THE GUIDE TO NATURE "THE ROAD BY THE SIDE OF THE LAKE HAS EVERY PICTURESQUE ADVANTAGE." ties are till I come to them, so I cannot separate treatment." However great are say in advance how I am going to solve the difificulties, he will overcome them, them. Bog, rock and level flat all require I remarked to a friend who visited the THE MEN GO OUT IN BOATS TO ATTACH A WIKK CABLE TO THE STUMPS. A LAKE OF POSSIBILITIES AND DIFFICULTIES 183 IN THE LATE AFTERNOON. locality with me, "How is it that such a the right hands ?" His reply was : "When marvelous locality could have been here the gods wish to have a work done, they all these years and now fall into exactly not only provide the work but they keep ONE OF THE MANY SCENES AMONG FALLEN TREES. 1 84 THE GUIDE TO NATURE "THE VIEW FROM THE SOUTH LOOKING UP THE LAKE IS BEAUTIFUL IN THE EXTREME. it until an opportune time and then they provide the man." That seems to be the solution to the whole situation. Mr. Seton has had ex- perience ; he loves the work ; he knows nature ; he has an artistic eye and the re- quisite knowledge and financial facilities to carry the thing through successfully. He does not work at it with feverish impatience nor with the air of a con- tractor who must rush the job. He em- ploys a few men and makes use of a powerful little machine that has a capacity to draw between forty and fifty tons through the labor of two men who work a long lever. Huge trees are moved bodily by this Oregon stumper and drag- ged bodily from the lake bed to the road- side. The stum])s are dragged with a large mass of earth as much as a thou- sand cubic feet at one pull to form ready planted lake borders or enchanting islands, so that a canoe trip of this mile long lake will be a trip of exploration with vistas and surprises at every turn. It is quite evident that here is thorough- ly original work and there is not much precedent to go b\-, but the impression MR. SETON IS MUCH INTERESTED IN SKUNK FARMING. LAYING EGGS ON TIME i8: given to a visitor is that the problems are quickly being" solved and that here will be one of the most novel and picturesque lakes covering about a dozen acres and with a permanent depth of some eight feet of water. The lake will be stocked with fish, but the prime idea is not the fisherman but the naturalist ; not a land- scape decoration, but artistic satisfaction. Mr. Seton is well known the world over as being interested in skunk farming, and, after returning from the lake with him, he kindly consented to pose at the feeding time of his favorite pets. He also has two lynxes or bobtailed cats from the Rocky ^Mountains, and he derives much pleasure in studying their charac- teristics. There, under close observation, are several of our wildest and shyest animals, including minks, martens, sables, coons and others. There is every indication that this will become, under the transforming hand of this famous naturalist, one of the most beautiful and natural developments and a real bird and animal sanctuarv. Fall Dandelions. Like golden stars throughout the browning grass, These tardy blooms appear to those who pass; A message of good cheer they have for most, Late lingerers of Summer's blossom host. — Emma Peirce. Laying Eggs on Time. Go with your clock to the clock maker's to have it repaired. Probably a dozen people will say, "I see that you are going to be on time as you are carrying it with you. " Nowadays time is in the atmos- phere. How soon can you do it? How soon can I get there? Oh, Central, be quick ; I am in a hurry ! Is this the fast- est train? We discuss the number of hours that shall form a working day, and some predict that that day will soon be shorter than it now is. Time is in the air. It seems conclusive from circumstantial evidence that even the hens are consider- ing the matter. One can easily fancy that over in Cos Cob during one of these dis- cussions one of the egg layers arose to a point of order and said, "What is the use of this discussion? Human beings have clocks but we haven't." Then arose a Yankee biddie. "Necessity is the mother of invention !" she laconically re- marked. "If there is a need there is almost always some method of supplying that need. It is therefore evident to me that all this discussion should have some effect on our egg laying." Therefore sitting- down to the situation, the hen produced an egg with a clock face on it. Some reader may be so bold as to be- lieve that this is only a dream. But is THE 'TIOUR" MARKS OX THE EGG. The white ridges were marked with pencil in order that they might show clearly in the photograph. Mrs. Gotthold explains that the hen escaped from the yard into the flower bed and fed from a bed of thvmel I this the photograph of a dream ? A hen's egg with a clock dial on it. and put there by the hen? The egg was kindly con- tributed to ArcAdiA by Airs. Frederick Gotthold. one of the Members of The Asjassiz Association. The new building for the Field Ahi- seum of Natural History in Chicago is a1 last under way. and is to be complet- ed in three years. Seven hundred feet by three hundred and fifty are its di- mensions : wdiile its floor space will amount to more than fifteen acres, of which nearly ten acres will be given over to exhibitions. Some three thou- sand men will be employed on the struc- ture, which when completed will be. the largest marble building in the world, and one of the largest museums. i86 THE GUIDE TO NATURE A Remarkable Piece of Veneer. The illustration shows a remarkable specimen of rotary cut, yellow poplar labor and delicate machinery were re- quired to cut such a piece of wood with- out splitting it. In addition to this, :^>^^NJ^::^>'>^^ veneer, one-eighth of an inch thick, ten think of the skill required to fit it to feet wide, and thirty feet long. It is the ceiling and put it in position as one to be used as a ceiling panel for an entire ornamental design, electric street railway car. Much skill. We are indebted to "American For- SQUIRREL BURVIXG A XUT 187 estry for the use of this remarkable illustration, taken from an interesting article entitled "Commercial Uses of Tulip or Yellow Poplar." "American Forestry." beginning with the August numbei, has made a remarkable ad- vance. The magazine is enlarged and in every respect improved; the quality of the paper is good; the printing is first-class, and the reader must wonder where the editors find so great an amount of interesting material pertain- ins: to our forests. Squirrel Burying a Nut. BY EWING SUMMERS, WASHINGTON, D. C. For the first time in my life I saw a few days ago the beautiful and interest- ing operation of a squirrel burying a morsel of food. As I was passing a park I noticed the dear little creature work- ing with all his rapid might, with his nose close to the ground not more than two feet from the sidewalk, and was surprised that he did not notice me, he was so enthusiastic in his task. Having been drilled for many years by nature study writers into the importance of close observation, I immediately thought that now there is a golden opportunity for putting the principle into practice. The provident little animal was digging a hole in which to bury a peanut which he was holding in his mouth with ends up and down, not horizontally. There was a wise object in this, as we shall presently see. On his finishing the ex- cavation I noticed that it was about two inches wide at the top and two inches deep. He stuck the peanut down end- wise into the bottom of the hole as tightly as he could and commenced to cover it, not as we men would, by paw- ing in the loose earth thrown up, but by tearing in the unbroken earth next the peanut. At first I did not discern the reason of this, but I soon saw it. He saved the soil first thrown up for the final covering, so that it would not be of a color diflferent from the surround- ing surface. With his characteristic quick movement, as rapidly as a small dead leaf tree fluttering in a violent wind, he finished ofif the surface by skillfully patting it down so swiftly I could not see what he was doing, and jerked a dead leaf over the center and scampered away, and not till then did I discover what he had done. I peered at the com- pleted task closely and could not see even the least marking to show that the surface had been disturbed ! Now the object of his plunging the peanut down endwise at the bottom of the hole w^as evidently to facilitate tak- ing it up when he came to dig up the store, by grasping the upper end with his mouth as soon as he reached it, with- out having to dig more for it had it been laid horizontally. How he can ever find the place again, I cannot imagine. Can any of my readers suggest? The odor of the soil is much stronger than that of the nut. We men would have to de- scribe the exact point in surveyor's terms, as for instance, so many feet and inches from a certain designated tree, north 202 o mm 'i^y east. Well, after the squirrel had run off about twenty feet from me he noticed that I did not go along about my busi- ness as a decently behaved man ought to, and his suspicions were aroused. So he reared up into a statuesque position to watch me. I took the warning and passed on, and then he passed on his way. Studies of the White Pine. The seasonal growth of the white pine is the subject of a careful study by an English botanist. He finds that increase begins in March with the ex- pansion of the soft tissues without cell division. Late in April, the tissues begin to divide — at first rapidly, then more slowly. Growth begins in the trunk, near the top, and spreads both upward and downward, reaching the tips of the branches some time before the base of the tree. The butt, how- ever, continues to grow after the crown has stopped. The total growth period is about five and a half months. Rate of growth depends largely on the temperature, and varies from day to day and even from hour to hour. It is most rapid in May and early June. It then becomes less rapid, only to take a new spurt in July and August. In- crease is, however, not the same at all levels in the tree, though in the end the differences are evened up. New wood begins to form early in August, starting at the top. The new shoots, however, stop elongating about the beginning of July. But the needles continue to grow until more than a month later. 1 88 THE GUIDE TO NATURE SOME SOUASH INTERESTS 189 The Value of Bees in Fertilizing Squash Blossoms. UV SUSAN E. HOWARD, STOXliHAM, MASSA- CHUSETTS. Replying to your inquiry as to the value of bees to my squash and small fruits, 1 would say they are of the utmost impor- tance, and they have been a great factor in mv success in growing squashes The development of a small orchard and fruit growing are secondary to my bee inter- ests; and while the trees ana bushes are growing, I utilize the land by planting- catch crops and fertilizing or cover sow- ings. The eight tons of squash shown in the picture were grown on iive-sixths ol an acre, which also carried 115 two-year fruit-trees and 600 one-year currant bushes. The squash followed a crop of 54 bush- els of green peas, which were harvested before the squash were ready to spread. As recorded in Apiarian Bulletin Xo. 8, Massachusetts Department Agriculture, it was no uncommon occurrence to note four to six bees in a squash-blossom at one time, happy and contented. I have also counted 28 bees within an hour in one squash-blossom. The scpaash crop was the banner one for this section, for the land occupied, and was in marked con- trast with results at a distance from my apiary. To people who realized in a measure the good work performed by the Ijee it was a revelation, and substantiated my oft-repeated statement, "bees as ilower fertilizers first, and honey production an after-consideration." — "Gleanings in Bee Culture," [Medina. Ohio. Forest fires, during the last year, burned over six million acres, and did about ten million dollars' worth of dam- age. More than half these fires were due to pure carelessness — in no small measure to campers. Of the four or five thousand fires re- ported each year in our national forests, slightly more than a third are attribut- ed to lightning. The largest proportion, of thunderstorms come between three and five o'clock in the afternoon : the smallest, within an hour after midnighv and between seven and eight o'clock in the morning. Thunderstorms are most frequent in June, rarest in December and Tanuar\'. A Twin Squash. A remarkable twin squash, of which an illustration is here shown, was grown in Mr. Stanley Tompkins's garden at Glenbrook, Connecticut, and forwarded to this office by Miss Lottiebelle Tompkins. We have re- THE TWIN SQUASH. ceived other forms of twin fruits, such as apples, plums, strawberries, toma- toes, etc.. l3Ut this is our first twin squash. It is a fine specimen. Students of mankind are taking ad- vantage of the vast numbers of Russian prisoners of war to push the study of Russian anthropology To a single in- vestigator, for this purpose, the Vienna Academy of Sciences has lately made a srrant of nearlv a thousand dollars. Bronze and Gold. The maple fires have come and gone, And earth would be left drear. But that the bronze and gold of trees Are left to give us cheer. The beech and birch and aspen gold Is gold witliout allo3\ And with the richness of the oaks. A late Autumnal joj-. When they are gone, then all is gone, .\nd Fall's parade is o'er; But Winter has its beauties too, A richly varied store. — Emma Peirce. 190 HE GUIDE TO NATURE The Bucket Orchids. These are so unusual aud grotesque in their appearance and structure that there is nothing quite like them found among the great variety of orchids, or even in the entire plant kingdom. Perhaps no- where is the curious structure of this group of orchids more conspicuous than from which the plant receives its common name. Unfortunately, the flowers are of such short duration and the plant itself is so difficult to cultivate, that few have had the pleasure of seeing this floral curiosity. ^ ^ ^ :}c ^ Dr. Cruger, formerly Director of the Botanic Garden at Trinidad, writes as ,3 « w "^ - c o u, n n H lip in the genus Coryanthes, of which there are upwards of a dozen species indige- nous to tropical America. The partially opened buds resemble a bat at rest and when the flower is fully opened it reveals a ''bucket," which holds the nectar and follows of his observations of the insects which pollinate the flowers : "Large humble-bees, noisy and quarrel- some, are attracted at first by the smell of the flower ; but the smell probably only o-ives notice to the insects ; the substance THE BUCKET ORCHIDS 191 they really come for is the interior lining of the labelluni which they gnaw off with great industry. They may be seen in great numbers, disputing with each other for a place on the edge of the hypochile. Partly by contrast, partly perhaps intoxi- cated by the matter they are indulging in, they tumble down into the 'bucket' (epi- chile) half full of the fluid secreted by the horn-like organs at the base of the column. They then crawl along the an- terior inner side of the bucket where there is a passage for them. If one is early on the lookout, as these hymenopters are early risers, one can see on every flower how pollination is performed. The hum- ble-bee in forcing its way out of its invol- untary bath has to exert itself consider- ably as the mouth of the epichile and the face of the column fit together exactly and are very stiff and elastic. The first bee that is immersed will have the gland of the pollen masses glued to its back. The insect then generally gets through the passage and com'es out with this peculiar appendage, to return almost immediately to its feast, when it is generally precipi- tated a second time into the bucket, pas- sing out through the same aperture, and so inserting the pollen masses into the stigma while it forces its way out, and thereby pollinating either the same or another flower. I have often seen this, and sometimes there are so many of these humble-bees assembled that there is a continual procession of them through the passage specified." — "Missouri Botanical Garden Bulletin," St. Louis, ]\Iissouri. Regent's Park, London. BY DR. C. H. MYERS, CHATTANOOGA, TENNHSSEE. The Gardens of the Zoological Society, situated in Regent's Park, London, occupy more than thirty acres in the northern portion of the Park adjoining the grounds of the Botanical Society and the Archery Society. The Society is very old, having been founded by Sir Humphrey Davy and Sir Stamford Rafflees in 1826. 'Naturally it is a Mecca for children, and hundreds are familiar with the elephants and the dromedaries, the pelicans and the par- rots of this famous zoo. The band plays for the children on Sunday afternoons. Many Parks are inhumane enclosures, where beasts and birds suffer from im- proper feeding and limited space. The photograph herewith will serve to show the remarkably fine provision made in Regent's Park. Rock and cement have been used lavishly to re- l)roduce as nearly^ as possible the habi- tats of the animals. At the left back- ground are the rocky crags for ante- lopes, mountain goats and gazelles. There are also furnished spacious pad- docks. In the foregroimd is the polar A POLAR BEAR IN CAPTIVITY UNDER GOOD CONDITIONS. bear's pond. This healthy white speci- men is a good illustration of the possi- bilities in well-conducted zoological parks — which constitute one of the finest of educational institutions. The famous asphaltum beds of south- ern California have preserved many in- teresting remains of animals which have become ingulfed in them. A col- lection of more than two thousand specimens from these deposits has late- ly been acquired by the Field Museum of Chicago. Among other bones, are those of the sabre-toothed tiger, the mastodon, bison, a giant sloth similar to the Megatherium, with various cats, horses, deer and the like. Nearly everything is of the time of the Glacial Period. 192 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Moles, and Their Relation to Agricul- ture. BY DR. R. W. SHUFELDT, WASHINGTON, D. C. In the present article it is my purpose to touch upon the natural history of moles, and in what way their presence on the farm may affect the farmer's in- terests— that is, should he regard them as his enemies or as his friends. What I have to say is chiefly from personal ob- servation, as I have, for many years, had of these, while in the case of others we still have much to learn about them. One of the most striking species is the star-nosed mole. Coiidylura cristata, so called on account of the peculiar fleshy rosette of feelers ornamenting the distal end of its snout. This mole is not very abundant anywhere ; and, owing to its habits and to its being a semi-aqua- tic swamp species, it is but rarely ob- served. I have never seen but three of them in mv life. One of these was a C4; A COMMON MOLE CAPTURED NEAR WASHINGTON, D. C. the Opportunity to study moles in na- ture, in the museums, and in my own laboratory. The two photographs from which the cuts that illustrate this article were made were taken by myself of a specimen of a common mole, captured near Washington, and presented to me by Mr. Edward S. Schmid of that city. It was an adult male of the species found in the eastern part of the United States, Scalopus a. aquaticus, and its skeleton now forms a part of my private cabinet. It will be a surprise to some to learn that we have so many different kinds of moles in this country, although they all belong to the same family, Tal- pidae. Most naturalists recognize four genera of them, and these four genera together contain no fewer than twenty different species and sub-species of these interesting little animals We are fairly well acquainted with the habits of some dead specimen ; another escaped me af- ter an exciting chase, while a third I captured alive on the border of a swamp near Stamford, Connecticut, and had the opportunity to study it for a short time. Brewer's mole has never been seen alive by me, nor any of the Pacific Coast forms of the genus Neiirotrichus, or, indeed, any living examples of the com- mon mole of Europe, Talpa curopaca; so the present account may be said to apply only to the eastern United States species, and to such other species as chance to agree in their habits. All moles belong in the order Inscctiv- ora. where they are, in this country, as- sociated with the shrews, of which in- teresting little animals there are a great many kinds. Our common mole does not appear to be particularly abundant in any locality, though it is fairly so in many parts of its ranges. Every farmer MOLES AND THEIR RELATION TO AGRICULTURE 193 and gardener in the Northern and Mid- dle States are more or less familiar with them, and, as a rule, they destroy them whenever opportunity offers. When asked why they do this, the usual answer is that moles disfigure the lawns and grass-plots with their long burrows ; that they uproot plants and feed upon garden vegetables. How true all this may be will be discussed further on in the present article. The entire structure of a mole fits it for the life it leads, that is, underground, in the long passages it digs, and in the sub- terranean nest it constructs, as a home in which to rear its young, these latter rang- ing in numbers from two to nine. Bur- rows dug by these animals have often been found to be upwards of one hundred and fifty yards in length, and may, in some instances, even far exceed that, as it has been so stated by writers on the subject. They rarely come out in winter, unless the weather be very mild, as they do not endure cold well, notwithstanding the thick coat of close fur they have. On one occasion, however, during a thaw in Jan- uary, I saw a mole scamper over the snow and disappear into one of its burrows be- fore I could overtake him. At this sea- son their passages are much further be- neath the surface of the ground than they are during the summer months, which is the season of their greatest ac- tivity. Moles live almost entirely upon vari- ous kinds of insects and their larvae, which they come across while making their burrows. They also partake very largely of angling worms ; and one that I had a short time in captivity appeared to be very fond of raw beef. They are in no sense of the word vegetable-feed- ers or seed-eaters, as the agriculturists usually say they are ; depredations of that sort are now readily traced to those field mice which make use of the gal- leries of the moles in getting about un- derground. It is truly astounding what a number of angling worms a mole will eat in the course of twenty-four hours, and few animals are more dependent on their food than moles. If one be kept in a big box with a foot of clean earth in it, the animal will not live over fifty-six hours, if it is not regularly fed on worms, meat, or such insects as it feeds upon in nature. Should another mole be placed in the box to keep the first one company, the stronger animal will, if very hungry, kill and devour the weaker one. In other words, under certain conditions, moles are cannibals, killing and eating their own kind. Most of the insects which moles con- sume in great quantities feed upon the roots, leaves, and other parts of garden A DETAILED MOLE STUDY. vegetables, or, in some instances, upon the vegetables themselves. In this par- ticular, then, these little animals are of decided benefit to the gardener, the agri- culturist, and the farmer. Occasionally, in their search for food, they will uproot a plant or two, or rip up the lawn with a superficial burrow ; but such slight of- fences are as nothing compared with their most useful services in destroying the insect enemies of sfarden and farm. Throw open the casements and fling wide the doors, Let in all the sunshine and air; 'Tis better by far than your potions and pills. And the M. D.'s most vigilant care. — Emma Peirce 194 THE GUIDE rO NATURE Is This the Largest Elm : On page 396 of The Guide to Nature for May we published an article and illustration borrowed from "American Forestry," entitled, "Largest Elm in Connecticut." Since then that mag"a- for February or the Stirling Elm de- scribed in 'American Forestry' for April. Indeed it is so much larger than either of these two that there appar- ently is justice in the claim that it is the largest elm in the entire state." THE BIG ELM AT WETHERSFIELD, CONNECTICUT. Cut by courtesy of The American Forestry Magazine^ Washineton, D. C. zine has published the following, which we are through their courtesy permit- ted to reprint : "Mrs. Mary M. Williamson of Mid- dletown, Connecticut, furnishes an ad- dition to the several magnificent elms for which Connecticut is famous, in the Wethersfield Elm which she believes is the largest in the State. "This elm is at Wethersfield, Hart- ford County, Connecticut, and when it was measured in 1912 by Mrs. William- son's husband, its circumference was 27 feet I inch, its spread 142 feet 8^ inches and its age about 175 years. This is larger than either the Benedict Elm mentioned in 'American Forestry' Does the Gray Squirrel Find Buried Nuts by Memory or by Smell? BY DR. ROBERT T. MORRIS, NEW YORK CITY. The question relating to this caption has been discussed at considerable length ; perhaps both faculties are em- ployed. Here is definite evidence re- lating to the sense of smell. On my country place at Stamford, Connecticut, there is a sand beach at the swimming pool. Last winter a large number of acorns of the red oak were whirled into the eddy of this pool and buried in the sand. As the water receded the gray squirrels found these acorns and dug for them at various points near the water's edge. THE LARGEST SHADE TREEE 195 1 was struck by the fact that the squirrels seemed to go directly to each nut ; they did not dig about haphazard. In order to experiment a bit I placed a number of the acorns an inch or so beneath the surface of the sand in a row, and the next morning they were all gone. Wishing to determine the depth at which the squirrels detect the presence of these acorns beneath the surface of wet sand, I buried a row of acorns at a depth of 2.y2 inches. The following morning it was found that the squirrel which found this row had apparently not been unerring. He had found some of the nuts and left some of the others. This gave the impression that perhaps a limit for him was not far from 2^ inches' depth. Yesterday morning on going quietly to the pool I saw a gray squirrel indus- triously digging in the sand near the water's edge. He had scooped out a hole about as big as an ordinary teacup saucer and which was full of water — he kept on digging in the water. When he espied me he ran olT. I went to his little pool and scooped out a handful of the sand but there was no nut there. Another handful of sand still more deeply down was taken, with no nut. I then made up my mind that the sqttir- rel had been engaged in some tmusual procedure at that particular point, not relating to the question of nuts, but on second thought decided to make a final search. At a depth of nearly six inches three acorns were found lying almost in contact with each other. The squir- rel had evidently smelled these acorns through six inches of wet sand before he began digging, and the presence of water in the hole did not change his determination. There is no doubt but these acorns are somewhat "high." I am enclosing one of them to the editor. If anyone cares to suggest any par- ticular experiment in this connection, I will try and carry it out, for the acorns and the squirrels will both be at band. The Largest Shade Tree. _A sycamore near Worthington, In- diana, has been declared by the American Genetic Association of Washington. D.C.. to be the largest shade tree in the United States. The measurements and other details of interest are given by "The Journal of Heredity" as follows : "I ft. above the ground. . .45 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. aljove the ground. . .42 ft. 3 in. East branch 27 ft. 8 in. West branch 23 ft. 2 in. "The height is said to have been re- duced considerably in recent years by wind and lightning; it is now estimated at 150 feet, while the spread is about lOO feet. As far as is known, these are the largest authentic measurements of a syca- more now living. "The American sycamore (Plat anus occidentalis) is more correctly called the plane tree ; is is not related to the Biblical sycamore (Ficits sycamoris) , a species of fig), mentioned particularly in connec- tion with Zaccheus who, as the old Primer put it, 'did climb a tree, his Lord to see.' The American sycamore is also knowai in some parts of the country as the buttonwood or buttonball, in allu- sion to its large seed-balls, which hang on the tree all winter. "The tree here illustrated is located in the rich alluvial loam of the White River bottom. As this stream frequently over- flows its banks, it periodically deposits a layer of silt around the tree; but the floods appear to have done no damage to it, although on one occasion it is said the water reached as high as the fork, 15 feet from the ground. It may be believed that this frequent deposit of alluvium is one of the factors which has caused the great growth of the tree. Many other large sycamores, beech and walnut trees have been produced in the same locality, but most of them have been long since felled for lumber. One of the sycamores which met this fate was so large that it could not be hauled to the mill, but was floated down the river; another, cut in the last few years within 500 yards of 'the big tree,' as the prize winner has been known in the region since the first settlers ar- rived, made five lo-foot logs, the largest of them 60 inches in diameter and measur- ing 1, 960 board feet. The tap log was about 43 inches in diameter. These figures give some idea of the amount of lumber that a single one of these giants will yield. "As are most large sycamores, the base of this tree is hollow, the opening being on the opposite side from that shown in the photograph. Fire has recently dam- aged it." THE oriDE TO XATURE THE LARGEST SHADE TREE 198 THE GUIDE TO NATURE All communications for this department should be sent to the Department Editor, Mr. Harry G. Higbee, 13 Austin Street, Hyde Park, Massachusetts. Items, articles and photographs in this department not otherwise credited are by the Department Editor, Young Bald Eagles. BY F. J. HAYDEN, VENICE, FLORIDA. The interesting article in the September number with description of the Great American eagle by the department editor prompts the writer to offer a little supple- «•"" IK. /^ ^»:, &*L*fc*C^ mm ■% g i THE NEST WITH THE TWO YOUNG EAGLES. mentary data taken in the same locality one year after Mr. Higbee's visit to our home in Venice, Fla. Early in December, 19 14, we discov- ered a new nest on the shore of Dona P)ay. It was occupied by a pair of splen- did birds which we daily observed cir- cling over the bay in front of our home, robbing gulls, cormorants, pelicans and ospreys with cheerful indiscrimination, carrying the captured fish away to their tree-top nest. One fine day in January while passing in our launch we saw two young birds standing on the edge of the nest. We were, of course, delighted with the dis- covery and immediately the edict went forth — we must rival Mr. Higbee's ex- ]:)loit, climb the tree and secure pictures of the young eagles. The tree was a long leaf pine of stupen- dous girth and height and the longer we looked at the nest the higher it seemed to be. Our sole outfit consisted of a ladder, a piece of string and a little Goerz vest- ]x~)cket camera. The ladder enabled us to reach the first horizontal limb, my com- panion insisting on going up with me as a body guard. After half an hour's diffi- cult and laborious climb we reached the bottom of the nest only to find that our troubles had just begun. Over our heads in the top crotch of the tree was a huge mass of seemingly impassable sticks eight feet high by seven feet in diameter. For nearly two hours we studied and worked on the baffling problem of how to get past this huge mass in order to reach the top of the nest. By dint of much patience I finally succeeded in digging sufficient sticks from the nest to give hand hold and footing with which to ptill myself up on a limb that overlooked the nest. During all this time the old birds cir- cled over our heads uttering their pecul- iar sharp whistles and, although threaten- ing, they did not at any time come near enough for attack. They were beautiful specimens, their white heads and tails and wonderful ex- panse of wing showing to splendid advan- tage directly over our heads. Upon arriving at the top of the nest ORNITHOLOGY 199 my greatest surprise was the size of the young birds. They stood eighteen inches high, were fully feathered and were ap- parently as large and able to fly as the adults. Their plumage was a dusty brownish black which is said to undergo three changes before they appear at the close of the third year with white heads and tails. They did not resent my intrusion, in fact the picture shows the utter uncon- cern with which they regarded both the camera and myself. One picture shows the birds quite close together. This view gives a very good idea of the hawk-like beak, the marvellous eyes, the beautiful plumage and majestic bearing. In the next picture the birds were sep- arated with the idea of showing the width and character of the nest and giviug some idea of the commanding view from the tree-top nest. To the north and east the view is an Arabian Night's dream of tropical splen • dor. To the south (showing in the pic- ture) are the placid waters of beautiful Dona Bay along whose shores stand giant pines and majestic palms hung with flowering ivy and festooned with Spanish moss. To the west is the roar of the open sea. and probably nowhere on the rim of any ocean is to be found such a wealth of land and water birds. It would be hard to conceive of a location better adapted for the home of the Great American eagle. A CLOSE VIEW OF THE YOUNG BIRDS. We are indebted to Air. Higbee for the first eagles' pictures ever attempted in this locality. At the time he made his perilous climb, with every prospect of being attacked by these powerful birds, It made each particular hair of our heads stand on end until we resembled the fret- ful porcupine. Since then a somewhat similar ex- perience has proven to my entire satisfac- tion that any one looking for adventure (who wishes to be thrilled until their nerves twang like harp strings) will find no sport like hunting eagles with a camera. i ^^^^^^P\«^^. ' ..AjoHhib^. ^ L. -. "- %^^ 3 iHii^SiH^S • N.;f THE AERIE OF THE BALD EAGLE. 200 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The Belted Kingfisher. BY EDWIN L. JACK, PORTLAND, MAINE. [Photograph by the Author.] There are few people, indeed, who are imfamiHar with this Izaak W'ahon among birds which inhabit the regions of lakes, rivers and streams in the more remote districts of our northern states. glossy white eggs on a little heap of rejected fish bones and scales which in her opinion serves as a nest for the young. In recent years, especially in the more remote regions, kingfishers have become very nitmerous and complaints are arising from the fish hatcheries to which the bird frecpiently finds its way. YOUNG KINGFISHERS TWELN'E D As the kingfisher's diet consists en- tirely of fish, — chiefly chubs, perch and frequently trout, — it is not at all un- common to come upon him perched motionless on an old dead snag over- hanging the water, watching the crystal depths below for his unsuspecting prey. Suddenly, as an unwary fish swims within range of the bird's vision, there is a flash of blue as the kingfisher dives, striking the water with a resounding splash. Immediately he returns to his favorite perch to devour the prize, which if it be a small fish is swallowed head first. A peculiarity of the kingfisher is the fact that following a meal the bird re- jects all indigestible matter, such as bones, fish scales, etc. Like the bank swallow, this bird places its nest at the end of a tunnel in a bank, which is of clay or gravel and near the water. A pair of kingfishers will sometimes w^ork on an excavation for three weeks before the desired length is attained, tunneling their wav into a solid embankment by the use of their strong, sharp bills. At the end of this tunnel, which is usually six feet in length, is an enlarged chamber. Here the female lays from five to seven AYS BEFORE LEAVING THEIR NEST. I once visited a state hatchery in the interior of Maine, which was situated near a large lake. The inen in charge told me they were obliged to shoot over forty kingfishers in less than one month. The birds had discovered that hunting in the shallow pools about the hatchery, which were swarming with trout, was much more easy than wait- ing by the hotir in their nattiral environ- ments for a meal. That the kingfisher is a bird worthy of protection in its wild state, is gener- ally acknowledged, as it is known to subsist principally upon fish which are of little or no value as food, but which live upon the eggs and young of other more valuable species. It is therefore to be regretted that it should become necessary to shoot or trap these birds in such instances as above mentioned. While there is no doubt that the kingfisher at times may do serious dam- age in destroying yotmg trout, it seems as though ways might be devised for protecting the fish without destroying these birds in any such numbers. Many hatcheries now have the pools which contain the young trout screened although this is rather expensive. ORNITHOLOGY 20 1 The Superintendent of the Govern- ment Station at Nashua, N. H., writes me that he has a setter dog which has learned to know that the kingfishers are not wanted, and so keeps after them until they are driven away from the ponds. His suggestion that other dogs might be similarly trained is a good one, and seems worthy of a trial in places where these birds are trouble- some.— H. G. H. With the Audubon Societies. SUiMMER COURSES IN BIRD STUDY. The arrangement made by The Na- tional Association of Audubon Societies for conducting summer courses in bird study in New York, Vermont, Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Mon- tana and California seems to have be- come very popular, and will give to teachers and others a much needed opportunity for a definite, practical course in applied ornithology under the leadership of experts. These courses will doubtless be enlarged and arrange- ments made to cover many of the other states another season. The Massachu- setts Agricultural College has included in its summer classes a four-weeks' course in Bird Life which provides a similar opportunity to all residents of that state. ILLEGAL SALE OF AIGRETTES. For the recent seizure of Ten Thous- and Dollars' worth of "aigrettes" from five millinery dealers in New York much credit is due the agents of the National Association, who have been untiring in their efforts to bring to jus- tice importers of wild bird plumage in violation of the laws. The secrecy and underhand methods of handling these "forbidden goods'' pur- sued by the firms mentioned, together with certain facts learned in regard to the collecting of the aigrettes in the Florida rookeries, show that there is still considerable traffic in such goods going on behind our backs, despite the stringent laws enacted to stop this ne- farious work. As long as dealers ofifer fabulous prices for the aigrettes there will always be plenty of uneducated and un- principled men ready to defy the laws : collecting the birds even at the risk of their own lives, and finding wavs to ship them undetected, and as long as women demand the aigrettes to wear, so long will unscrupulous dealers con- tinue to offer the fabulous prices to meet their demands. The ceasing of the demand would, of itself, stop the supply. War Scares Birds Away, The war is having a great influence on the birds throughout Europe, espe- cially on the birds of passage. Last Autumn the storks left Russia and Galicia a month earlier than usual : they were noticed in flocks of 30 to 100 on their way through Austria, where they alighted on the roofs and chim- neys of the houses, to rest before con- tinuing their journey south. Other birds of passage have deserted their old routes of flight and have chos- en new air roads along less disturbed regions. Both going and returning, these birds were observed in places where they were never seen before, and were missed in the localities where battles were raging. In Luxemburg, where otherwise mil- lions of birds congregate in leafy for- ests, there are now scarcely any to be seen or heard. As an instance how the birds have deserted Luxemburg, a nature lover writes that "whole oat fields have sprung up along the roads and in the market squares of the little towns and villages where the horses have been fed as the cavalry passed through." This would never have been possible in other years, for then the birds would soon have picked up every grain that fell to the ground. — Scientific Ameri- can. Observation on Fall Migration. BY MRS. F. J. HAYDEN, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. For some reason the migrating war- blers, etc., are not in evidence this fall in the vicinity of Sioux City, la. It may be that the unusual weather we have had this summer and fall has influenced ihem to take a dififerent route or to go through by night without stopping. September 19th we saw a scarlet tana- ger in the transition stage. The breast was yellow with a few small patches of scarlet. It was silent and shy, seeming to avoid observation as if ashamed of its strange appearance. 20^ THE GUIDE TO NATURE Nesting Habits of the Nighthawk Upon city roofs and house-tops would not generally be supposed a profitable place to look for birds' nests, yet such a location is not uncommonly chosen by While both young and adult were colored remarkably like the gravel and tar of the roof, the blotched, gray down of the young especially resembled the stones upon which they squatted, and ADULT NIGHTHAWK ON WALL. the nighthawk ; perhaps not for its nest, properly speaking, — for there is abso- lutely no trace of such, — but to deposit its eggs and rear its young. It was high up on the flat, gravel roof of a business block, along one of the busiest streets of Nashua, N. H., that I first made a visit to such a home on the twenty-sixth of June. As we stepped out from the skylight onto the roof and looked about, there seemed to be nothing visible but the coarse, gravelly floor, en- closed on all sides by a three-foot coping. It was several minutes before we dis- covered the parent bird brooding two downy young, — near the end of the roof, under a beam which had been placed across, as a support for a sign. Although in plain sight, they were practically con- cealed by their remarkable "protective coloring," which was much more apparent in life than the pictures would indicate. The eggs, I learned, had been hatched out in the middle of the roof; the young birds having evidently been transferred to this position for shade. When within ten or twelve feet, the brooding bird, — which we supposed to be the mother, — fluttered along the roof as if injured, to lure us away from her help- less young. A few yards away she would He with her wings spread and mouth open, uttering a faint twitter and seem- ingly unable to fly. When followed she flew to the coping, repeating this perfor- mance until closely approached, when she flew ofif, but soon returned and remained silently watching us. THE FLUTTERING ANTICS OF THE ADULT BIRD. they were quite invisible a few yards away. They were apparently not many days old and huddled closely together with half-closed eyes. Four days later we again visited these young, securing several more pictures, and their growth and development in this short period seemed remarkable. They appeared nearly twice their former size and were now covered with pin- feathers. We noticed that the blotched markings extended even to their bills, making their belonging with the surroundings almost perfect. On our approach at this visit, the adult bird, which had been brooding one of the young in the same location as previously, left its charge and repeated its fluttering antics almost at our feet. Curiously enough, our picture of this bird shows a broken, white band near the end of the tail. This is supposed to be a dis- tinguishing mark of the male bird, and would therefore indicate that he shares in the brooding of the young, — a trait which I have been unable to find pre- viously mentioned by any writer. The other young was alone, several yards away, and after photographing them sep- arately the two were placed together as shown in the picture. In neither case, although we made a thorough search, did we see any sign of the other parent bird. A third visit to this little family, on the tenth of July, disclosed both the young and adult squatted under the shade of the big cross beam, the old bird being be- tween the other two, which were now about two-thirds its size and showing ORNITHOLOGY 203 signs of the mature markings, though still downy in appearance. When I approach- ed within six feet of them both young suddenly flew out, sailing across the roof, up over the casement wall and away, without alighting. The old bird then fluttered out onto the roof, going through its ruse of feigned lameness to distract attention from the young, as before. The nighthawk, or "bull-bat," is with- out doubt one of the most useful of all birds to the farmer and agriculturist, as it feeds entirely upon insects, of which it destroys large quantities. Stomachs of these birds examined have been found to contain over five hundred mosquitos ; others even a greater number of flying ants, while grass-hoppers, cucumber beetles, potato beetles, cotton-boll w^ee- vils, June-bugs and various other de- structive insects form part of their daily food. These insects are all captured by the birds while on the wing. They are very adept fliers, with a quick zigzag- ing flight, and as they come forth about dusk they may often be seen making great swoops downward through the air, seemingly as if they would dash into the ground or the top of some building, sud- denly swerving just before they strike. On a wall or ridge of a house they usually alight length-wise, — instead of cross-wise, as do most of the perching birds, — and it is in this position^ squatted upon the limb of a tree, that the night- hawk spends the day in the woods. Here in some open spot it deposits its two eggs — which are blotched similar to the young birds — either upon the ground or a bare rock. Chapman, in his "Handbook of Birds of Eastern N. A.," states that "the night- hawk is one of our few truly nocturnal birds," while Forbush, in his "Useful Birds and their Protection," remarks that "It flies chiefly at evening but is seldom heard to cry after dark, and often may be seen flying about during the greater part of the day." My own experience bears out the latter statement, and I have fre- quently heard this bird's sharp, wheezy note in the middle of the day and looked up to see them flying about, high above the city buildings, — although their favor- ite time for feeding seems to be from sun- set until dark, and in the early hours of the morning. The note of these interest- ing birds, although difficult to describe, is unlike that made by any other, and when once heard wall be remembered. Belonging to the order of goatsuckers, swifts and humming-birds, the night- hawk is of the same family as the whip- poor-will, which it somewhat resembles and with which it seems to be often con- founded. The latter, however, has a rounded tail showing broad white patches on its outer feathers, and short, rounded wings wuth no conspicuous markings ; while the former has long, angular wings with prominent white bars, and a slightly forked tail. The difference in plumage markings is also readily apparent upon a close examination and comparison. The whip-poor-will is a bird of the woods, often heard, but rarely seen, — unless ocasionally it is flushed from the ground, where it spends the day, — as it seldom appears before night-fall. Nighthawks are birds of the open and 'THEY WERE QUITE I WIST RLE A FEW YARDS AWAY." "THE BLOTCHED MARKI.\GS EXTENDED EVEN TO THEIR BILLS." 204 THE GUIDE TO NATURE one has frequent opportunities to observe them about their haunts. They rang^e over the greater part of North America, appearing in the latitude of New York about the first of Ma}', and leaving about the first of September. They winter south to Argentina. Robin Roosts. BY F. J. HAYDEN, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. Autumnal ornithology brings many interesting problems. The remarkable habit of robins roosting together in large flocks beginning in July and lasting until migration seems to receive no comment or attempted explanation in our popular bird books. At the Sioux City Morningside College campus is a robins' roost toward which every evening these birds may be seen flying from all directions over the city. Upon arriving at the grounds a few eve- nings ago at 5.30 P.M. only a few robins were in evidence. Soon however we observed them coming in twos and threes and dozens from all directions. It was out of the question to keep count or make sure of them all but judging that the influx was equally great on all sides there must have been between one and two thov:sand birds. The trees were soon filled with a loud cackling, scores were bathing in roadside pools and the ground and grass seemed literally alive with robins. By day these birds scatter over the entire city and country. They make no attempt to live in commimities in the summer but any one who will keep a sharp lookout on the robins in their local- ity will find that beginning in July and August these birds flock to some general roosting place at sunset. It would hardly seem that this gather- ing could be in any way connected with the southern migration. Why then should these birds not sleep upon their respective nesting and feeding grounds instead of flying several miles twice a day just for the privilege of spending the nights at some particular rendezvous ? [Have any of our readers noticed simi- lar roosts in their localities? — H. G. H.l O Mountains, lift us to your heights, Let us look down, serene, On all the pettiness of life, Which distance serves to screen. — Emma Peirce. The Junior Audubon Work. AUDUBON SOCIETY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. BY THE REV. MANLEY B. TOWNSEND, SEC "The child is father to the man." The rising generation of today are to carry on the world's work tomorrow. Any eft'ective educational work must com- prehend the children. The National Association of Audubon Societies, real- izing this and wishing to do something big for bird conservation and the spread of knowledge about our feather- ed songsters, fotu' years ago began in a modest way the organization of Jimior Audubon Classes in the public schools. It was a master stroke. Everywhere, from Maine to California, teachers and children seized upon the idea with enthusiasm. A good friend of the children and the birds contributed five thousand dollars for the work. The next year he gave seven thousand, and last year he in- creased the sum to twenty thousand dollars ! Such is his confidence in this method. This year he has repeated his gift, and has placed another twenty thousand dollars at the disposal of the Association. Every child who pays ten cents and joins a Junior Audubon Class receives ten bird leaflets (all different) : ten col- ored plates and ten outline drawings, besides a bird button, — the Junior Au- dtibon badge. Every teacher organiz- ing a class of ten or more receives "Bird-Lore" free. Educators every- where endorse the plan and are ready to help the work. Six years ago Mrs. Russell Sage gave five thousand dollars for similar work in the South, and has maintained her generous gift yearly. Without these gifts the work could not be continued. The fees received from the children are merely nominal. The results of this work have been truly astonishing. From its humble beginning six years ago to the present day, the total enrollment has grown from ten thousand enrolled in one year to one hundred and fifty thousand en- rolled in 1914-15. One hundred and fifty thousand children studying lairds, learningtomake bird-houses, bird-baths and to attract birds about the house ! One hundred and fifty thousand child- ren edttcated in bird conservation, their eyes opened to one of the most fascinat- ORXITHOLOGY 205 ing- of nature's realms ! Xor does the good work end with the children, for every one of them carries home the knowledge he has gained and educates his father and mother and the other members of the family. So there is no measuring the good that this work is accomplishing. "A little child shall lead them." Bulletins of Interest to Bird Students. The following bulletins may be obtain- ed free while the supply lasts from the Editoi- and Chief, Division of Publica- tions, and after that at a nominal cost from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Washington. D. C. There are constantly new bulletins of this nature appearing from this depart- ment, as well as from the various State r)Oards of Agirculture, and bird students would do well to keep in touch with tliem, as nowhere else may so much val- uable information be obtained at so slight a cost. DEPARTMENT BL'LEETINS. Xo. 107. Birds in relation to the alfalfa weevil. X'o. 128. Distribution and migration X. A. rails and their allies. X^o. 187. Preliminarv census of birds of the U. S. ' farmers' bulletins. X^o. 197. Importation of game birds and eggs for propagation. X^o. 390. Pheasant raising in the U. S. Xo. 456. Our grosbeaks and their value to agriculture. X'o. 493. The English sparrow as a pest. Xo. 497. Some common game, aquatic and rapacious birds in relation to man. Xo. 506. Food of some well-known birds of forest, farm and garden. Xo. 513. Fifty common birds of farm and orchard. X'^o. 609. Bird houses and how to build them. X'o. 621. How to attract birds in north- eastern U. S. X'^o. 630. Some common l)irds useful to the farmer. C[RCri. ARS. Xo. 17. liiological Surve_\-. IWrd day in the schools. Xo. 77. Biological survey. Xational bird ant! mammal reservations in Alaska. Xo. 79. Biological Survey. Onr vanishing shore-birds. Xo. 81. Biological Survcv, Three impor- tant wikl duck foods. X'o. 84. Biological Survey, Distribution of the American egrets. Xo. 87. Biological Survey, Xational re- servations for the protection of wild life. Y. B. SEPARATES. 504. Plants useful to attract birds and protect fruit. 590. Our meadowlarks in relation to agri- culture. 601. Relation of birds to grain aphides. 620. The American thrushes valuable bird neighbors. 642. Our shore-birds and their future. Reprint Year-book 1904, The relation of birds to fruit growing in California Biological Survey, Bulletin 44, Food of our more important flycatchers. The cause of bird protection spreads. With the beginning of this year, impor- tation of wild bird plumage was prohib- ited for the entire Dominion of Canada. Xow comes the report that the law is on against shooting and exporting skins even in such unlikely places as Java and New Guinea. To be sure, this latter prohibition afifects only some districts and some species of birds of paradise ; but prospects are said to be bright for further extensions. To Frederick W^ard Putnam, head of the Peabody Museum at Harvard, who died last August at the age of seventy- six, is assigned the credit of inaugura- ting the modern type of scientific col- lecting expedition. Before his time, ex- peditions went out in search of what- ever they could pick up. Nowadays, they start out with a particular prob- lem to solve and bring back to the mu- seum the evidence for the answer. Readers of Dr. W. J. Holland's well- known "Butterfly Book," one of the most fresh and charming of all natural history volumes, will welcome his "But- terfly Guide." The new work, unlike the old, is distinctly a "guide book," a vast pocket manual for the identification of 255 common species, largely by means of some three hundred remarkably well executed colored pictures. Yet the price is only one dollar. The Cardinal. A flash of color, a hurst of song, A cardinal has passed along. — Emma Peirce. 2o6 THE GUIDE TO NATURE The Heavens in November. BY PROF. ERIC DOOLITTLE, OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. With the approach of winter the eastern heavens are beginning to be filled with the most brilliant constel- lations of the entire sky. Already the most beautiful and striking group of the Bull, with the lesser groups of the Pleiades and the Hyades which are in- Saturn into our evening sky, so that throughout November both Saturn and Jupiter, which are the most satisfactory planets of all for study with a small telescope, will remain with us in excel- lent position for observation. This month also is the month of the most interesting November shooting stars, the richest in numbers of all the shooting star showers of the year, and morth South Fig. 1. The Constellations at 9 P. M., Novcmucr l. (If facing S outh, hold the map upright. If facing east, hold East below. If facing west_ hold, West below. If facing north, hold the map inverted.) volved in it, has risen high above the eastern ground, while below this there shines out the very brilliant Gemini and the great constellation of Orion, which is the most striking star group of the entire heavens. The present month is signalized also by the entrance of the beautiful planet when we add that we are at this mo- ment very near to the time when the spots upon our sun appear in their greatest number it will be realized that the present month is one of unusual interest to those who find pleasure in watching and studying the revelations of the sky. TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 207 How to Observe the Sun With a Small Telescope. During the last several weeks the reader may have noticed occasional newspaper announcements of the dis- destroy the (Cyesig'ht. Sometimes a dark paper is placed over the larger lens, having a small circular hole cut from its center, but this is a poor plan, for it greatly increases the blurring of Fig. 2. Arrangement for viewing the sun with a small telescope. covery of one or more great sun spots, the discovery being sometimes credited to one astronomer and sometimes to another. As a matter of fact, any sun spot large enough to be noteworthy is visible even in the smallest telescope, and sometimes even without any tele- scope at all, and therefore it will be sure to at once be seen by any observer who happens to look at the sun's disc after it has appeared. It is thus hardly more reasonable to speak of the "discoverer" of a great sun spot than to credit a single observer with the discovery of a iull moon or of an equinoctial storm. At the present time, and for several months to come, every possessor of a small telescope will find that a frequent ■examination of the sun's disc will af- ford a most profitable and interesting study. For we are now very near to an epoch of sun-spot maximum, an •epoch which will not occur again until II years from the present time. With even a small telescope one •cannot look directly at the sun, for were this done the large lens would act as a "burning glass and concentrate upon the eye all of the light and heat rays which fall upon the area of its surface. This would injure or even com])letelv the solar image. A far better arrange- ment is that shown in Figure 2. The eyepiece at E is removed and the card- board screen A. D. is adjusted at the position of most perfect focus, a clear image of the sun will appear upon the screen, especially if a dark cloth be thrown over the top and farther sides, ABKD, so as to cut off all out- side light. (The figure is taken from Kelvin McKreadv's "A Beginner's Star Book.") The amateur should be warned against looking at the sun directly, even with the red glasses provided with small telescopes. If the observa- tion is prolonged, which is apt to be the case when an enthusiastic observer is intently watching the marvelous changes going on in this wonderful star, the heat may suddenly crack the red cover with disastrous results to the observer's evesight. ' :i: ' ;!: * ^ * The Sun a Great Ball of Fire. AX'hen care is used in arranging this simple apparatus an image of the sun will appear on the screen which will have all the sharpness and clearness of a steel engraving, its appearance re- sembline more or less that shown in 2o8 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Figure 3. The ol)server will at the pre- sent time see several spots upon its surface, and if he will look at these at intervals of a few days he will plainly see that our great luminary is steadily turning around upon it axis, just as the earth is doing. But our great sun, a million times larger than our earth, in- stead of turning about once each day. Fig. 3. The a|iptavancc ut tlu Mm a^ viewed in a small telescope. occupies twenty-five and one-third days in making one single rotation. If, there- fore, the observer sees a large spot just coming around the advancing edge — that is, just rising to his view — nearly two weeks will elapse before its steady onward motion will have carried it en- tirely across the disc of the sun and caused it to withdraw from view to the side of the sun which is ever hid- den from us. Our svm is an inconceivably large body, no less than 866,500 miles in di- ameter, and it is so excessively hot that the temperature, even of its cooler out- er layer, is no less than 12,000 degrees above zero. This is sufficient not only to melt but to instantly vaporize any known substance which occurs upon the earth. Consequently we believe that the sun is nothing but a great ball of intensely heated, gaseous matter. How inconceivably hot its interior may be we have no means of ascertaining, but doubtless great currents o'f super- heated matter are forever rushing from the interior to the surface and, becom- ing cooled there, are sinking to the in- terior again — currents of vaporized metals and other substances on which whole earths like ours would be carried as easily as small chips are carried up- on the surface of a swiftly flowing mill stream. The whole enormous ball is in a state of inconceivably violent agitation. It is no wonder that great disturbances appear upon its surface, known to us as sun spots, and that these are some- times of forty or even fifty thousand miles in diameter. We do not know their exact nature, nor do we know why, every 11 years, they reappear in very unusual numbers. But long-con- tinued observations have shown that the inconceivably violent agitations to which this great ball is subjected at- tain their maximum regularly at times separated by this constant interval. It is certain that these disturbances will thus be the greatest from toward the end of the present year until nearly the middle of 1916. It is during these months that our sun will be an object of the highest interest for study to those who are so fortunate as to have access to a small telescope. The Planets in November. Mercury, which passed to the west of the sun and became a morning star on October 22, will reach its greatest wes- tern elongation on November 7, and at this time may be seen in the early dawn for nearly two hours before sunrise. It must be looked for very near the ground, a little south of the east point, where it will be seen shining with three times the brightness of a standard first- magnitude star. In the telescope dur- ing the last days of October it will ap- i:)ear as a beautiful, thin, silvery cres- cent, becoming half full on November 7, and from then on rapidly increasing its phase. Venus is destined soon to be the most conspicuous object of the evening skies, but it is still too near the sun to be easily observed. On November i it sets but 50 minutes after svmset, and this time is increased to only i hour and 10 minutes by November 30. The planet is now moving very rapidly southward over the sky and by the lat- ter date is almost 25 degrees below the equator. Soon after the end of the month, however, it will begin to move rapidly northward and will thus soon be seen high in the evening sky. At present it must be looked for far south of the west point of the horizon, shin- ing in the twilight for about an hour after the sun has set. TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 209 Mars, tliough destined soon to enter the borders of our evening star map, is still a little too far east to be shown in Figure i. During November it moves from Cancer well into the con- stellation Leo. On November i it is a little above and to the east of the re- markable cluster of stars known as the Praesepe, while by November 30 it has reached a position only slightly to the right of Regulus. On the former date it rises about 10 o'clock, and on the latter half an hour earlier. This planet is still drawing steadily nearer to us. its distance decreasing during the pre- sent month from 122 to 99 millions of miles. It will not, however, be in its best position for observation and be- come a striking object in the evening heavens until next spring. Jupiter, which is seen shining bril- liantly in the south, a little to the west of the meridian, is now the most beauti- ful and conspicuous object in the even- ing sky. This planet is always a most satisfying object for examination in a small telescope. If the air is reason- ably steady its beautiful rose-colored bands and its four bright moons can always be seen, and if the observer has the patience to watch this world for only a few hours he can see clearly that it is turning around under his telescope. In fact, any marking which is seen emerging at the right-hand edge of the planet will pass completely across the disc and disappear at the left-hand edge in less than live hours : and, meanwhile, the bright moons will be seen to be rapidl}- changing their positions, some transiting across the planet's disc, some passing l^ehind it and some passing into the planet's shadow and becoming eclipsed, so that altogether the wonderful system af- fords perhaps the best study in a small telescope of any object in the entire heavens. Eclipses, etc., of the moons will be seen to occtir in unusual num- bers on the evenings of November 2. 9, 22 and 27. The beautiftil planet Saturn will be seen in almost the center of the constel- lation Gemini, a short distance up from the east point of the horizon in the early evening and by midnight it will have risen high in the heavens. The rings of this planet are now widely opened and it forms a beautiful object in a small telescope. The planet is now between the bright stars A and B of Figure i. It is at present retrograding, or moving westward over the sky, and will pass the star at A on December 27. This westward motion of Saturn will continue until March 11, when it will have reached the position C. After this it will run rapidly eastward, nc^t, how- ever, finally passing the star at B until June 21. The eastward motion of Sat- urn carries it entirely arotmd the sphere in about 30 years, but in the course of this motion it retrogrades no less than 29 times, so that its actual path among the stars is a very complicated one. The November Shooting Stars. If the observer will go out of doors toward midnight about the middle of the month and face northeast he will see an occasional shooting star dart outward from the constellation Leo. move very swiftly across the sky and disappear. These are the November shooting stars. Each one is a little meteoric body which is moving with a high velocity about the sun and which, colliding with the upper regions of our air, is rendered luminous and speedily consumed by the great fric- tion to which it is stibjected. The earth happens to run into this stream of particles, consequently they plow through our air with a speed of about 40 miles a second and are hence very cpiickly consumed. The stream of August meteors on the contrary over- take the earth, and therefore enter our air with a velocity of only about eight miles a second ; these shooting stars are hence consumed but slowly, and travel in long paths across the sky. For these reasons also the light of the November meteors is of a deep bluish color, while that of the August meteors is yellow- ish or red. The former meteoric swarm is following about the sun the exact path of a comet known as Tempel's Comet : it is indeed believed to be noth- ing less than the remains of this com- et, which has been drawn out along its orbit for a great distance owing to the tidal action of the stin. Each year in November our earth runs into this swarm of meteroic particles and there results what we observe as the Novem- ber shower of shooting stars. No star seemed less than what science has taught us that it is. — Cooper. 2IO THE GUIDE TO NATURE An Interesting "Ten" at the Sound Beach Observatory. 1. The Moon. This is generally re- garded as the most spectacular object in the sky. The new telescope may be used to advantage along about the first quarter of the moon, perhaps a few- days before or a few days after. Then may be clearly seen the mighty Apen- nines— a long mountain range, the huge volcanoes — Copernicus and Gassendi, the streaks radiating from Tycho, and other spectacular appearances. A view of the moon is impressive to most persons because it shows that the fami- liar object has not been known as it really is. The six inch telescope shows all of the more prominent details with probably fully as much satisfaction to the amateur astronomer as does any other telescope in the United States. This is true of nearly all the most in- teresting objects. A popular but er- roneous impression is that huge tele- scopes and big buildings are required for observation. These huge equip- ments are used mostly in technical re- search, especially in photography. When the moon is shining in the sky, it is not only in itself an interesting- object, but it overpowers everything else and monopolizes our attention. On moonlight nights we see the moon but on moonless nights we may readily see all the other nine objects here listed. 2. Jupiter. This may now be viewed at its best in the southern sky. Even the naked eye is attracted by its marvel- ous splendor. It is larger than all the other planets put together ; it is thir- teen hundred times as large as the earth. Most astronomers agree that nothing in the heavens is more impres- sive than the disappearance and the return of Jupiter's moons. The planet and its wonderful train of circling satel- lities that gleam like diamond sparks cannot be adequately described in words ; they can be appreciated only when seen. Both the moons and the planet can easily be seen to be moving in a small telescope. Jupiter actually turns around under the telescope as one looks at it — an interesting sight. 3. Hercules 13M Star Cluster. On a still moonless evening the sight of this sun cluster in Hercules captivates the mind of even the most thoughtless and uncontemplative observer. Here the imagination will unavoidably let itself loose on its wings and fly away to that wonderful collection of suns which was estimated by Sir William Herschel to contain fourteen thousand stars, and in which at the great observatory on Mount Wilson sixty thousand were counted, but whose true number may even be far more. It can be seen even with an opera glass as a small nebulous body between Eta and Beta Herculis. It it one of the few objects that a large telescope will exhibit to a little better advantage than will one of six inches' aperture, but the difference is not great. It would probably not be noticeable to any but the professional astronomer. The spectacular appearance in the six inch is surely fully up to the wonders of this far famed cluster which is prac- tically unknown to those that are not especially interested in astronomy. I once spent an evening in a large ob- servatory and had the big telescope placed at my disposal. "What are you going to try it on?" asked the astrono- mer. "Try it on ! I intend to travel in 13M. That is a dreamland I long have wanted to see." For more than an hour I gazed at those myriad suns, first with one eye, then with the other, first with one eyepiece and then with another. I could not tire of looking. It is marvel- ous. It is more. It is awe-inspiring. 4. Andromeda Nebula. This great nebula, famous in itself, is easily distin- guishable with a good opera glass ; in- deed, a person with acute eyesight may on a very clear and cloudless evening see it as a nebulous body, but it does not usually attract much public atten- tion. In August, 1885, a new star sud- denly made its appearance in this neb- ula, but in a year it disappeared. Not even the largest telescope in the United States can now find it. This astonish- ing phenomenon gives one the same feeling as looking at a so-called haunted house only in this case the mysterious appearance and disappearance are proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Where did that star come from? Where did it go? No human being in all this world can answer these ques- tions. 5. Epsilon Lyrae. This is near Vega, the third brightest star in the skv and the brightest north of the celestial equator. It emits one hundred times more light than our sun. Epsilon Lyrae TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 211 is a fourth magnitude star but on ac- count of its intrinsic interest even out- rivals Vega, the third brightest star of the sky. With it and with one other star it forms a small equal-sided tri- angle. It is not only a good example of a double but of a double double. Even with the unaided eye, if acute, it may be seen as a double star. A small opera glass readily separates the two doubles, but the six inch at the Sound Beach Observatory shows not only the double but splits each component, making a double double. Between the two com- ponents appear two faint spots of light that Sir John Herschel made famous by naming debillissima. If we may call the new star in Andromeda, The Ghost, then we may call this The Will- o'-the-Wisp, because now you see it and now you don't. It demands care- ful scrutiny with the most sensitive part of the retina. About ten degrees east of Vega, within this constellation, appears the famous Ring Nebula of Lyra. This is considered by some to be as interesting as the Andromeda Nebula. 6. The famous colored star, Albireo. This is Beta Cygni and if one thinks of the beautiful constellation in the Milky Way as a swan flying southward, then this is the bill of the swan. If one thinks of it, as is commonly done, as a cross, then Albireo is to be regarded as the base of a cross leaning toward the north. Perhaps this is the most charm- ing of all double stars. During Novem- ber a number of beautiful colored stars will be easily accessible. For those that best like these objects a list of some half dozen will be provided. The components of Albireo are in sharp and beautiful contrast — light yellow and deep blue. It is a heavenly sight un- known to one that has not used a tele- scope, and to which one may return again and again with pleasure undimin- ished. 7. Algol, the Demon Star. Every starlovershould be able to locate Algol, and to follow the perfect and regular changes that occur at intervals of two days, twenty hours, forty-eight min- utes and fifty-five seconds ; that is, they occur on every third day about three hours and eleven minutes earlier in the day than at the previous maximum or minimum. Perhaps there is no other variable about which so many popular articles have been written. The story is as fascinating as any that can be told. Algol is supposed to have a dark component about the size of our sun and slightly smaller than Algol itself ; it does not totally eclipse Algol, but as it revolves around the star gradually, and regularly every three days, reduces its light from the second to the fourth magnitude. Can anything be more fas- cinating than a black sun that circles around a bright star but never com- pletely hides it? 8. The Milky Way or The Galaxy. The telescope shows that here, spinning together, are unknown millions of stars, wath others as numerous that the most powerful telescopes can only faintly define. Our six inch telescope is turned on various parts of this amazing collec- tion of suns, suns as plentiful as are the sands of the sea, and shows their segre- gation, or collection, into little groups, and among them, here and there, amidst this streaming of dust-like suns, jet black, apparently empty holes, places where one might say, in popular language, "The bottom of everything has fallen out," and through them we gaze into vacant space. 9. Mizar. This is the big bear's principal attraction. Even the naked eye shows near it a small star named Alcor, but the telescope will apparently cut Mizar in two and show that it consists of two bright stars brilliantly contrast- ing in color, the larger white, the small- er blue green. These two with Alcor form an interesting triangle. Besides Alcor several fainter stars are seen clustered together over the field of view. "Taken all in all," says Mr. Ser- viss, "there are very few equally beau- tiful sights in the starry heavens." Near-bv are several interesting nebulae. 10. The Pivot of the Top. All the stars and other objects that have been mentioned move rapidly out of the field of the telescope, showing that the earth is whirling rapidly in space, lit- erally spinning like a top, and carrying the telescope with it. The telescope will be turned on Polaris, the pole star, that is interesting not only in itself but in the fact that it is the pivot around which all the others are turning. The pole star is not exactly the pivot, but is so near that for practical purposes it stands still like the pivot of a spinning top, and will remain long in the field of 212 THE GUIDE TO NATURE the telescope, while for all other stars a constant adjustment is needed to keep the object in sight. Polaris is a double separable by even a small tele- scope. The six inch clearly shows it as a double. Appointments to view the heavens through the telescope on clear evenings should be made by telephone, so as to prevent overcrowding in the small (twelve by twelve) observatory. Those that wish to study popular astronomy systematically may arrange now for a series of absolutelv free lessons. Contributions to the Sound Beach Observatory. Mrs. M. Kennerley, Mamaroneck, N. Y., $ lo.oo Greenwich Farmers' Club, Green- wich 5.00 Mr. George Lauder, Jr., Green- wich (Increase — total $50.00).. 25.00 A Friend, Stamford (Increase — total $13.00) 10.00 A Friend, Sound Beach 10.00 R. Hertzberg, M.D., Stamford. . 5.00 Mrs. Pauline Agassiz Shaw, Ja- maica Plains, Mass 50.00 Judge Charles D. Lockwood, Stamford 5.00 A Friend. Stamford 5.00 Ivcwis W. Barney, Ph.D., Sound Beach 5.00 Miss May L. Tohnson, Morris Park, N. Y...; 50 Miss Elizabeth D. Ferguson. Stamford 20.00 Mr. Stephen I. Clason, Sound Beach i .00 Mr. R. L. Agassiz, Boston, Mass., 20.00 Mr. Howard H. Cleaves, New Brighton, N. Y 3.00 Total $174.50 Previously acknowledged $758.08 Grand Total $932.58 5): ^ ^ >!; ^ Mrs. Pauline Agassiz Shaw is the daughter of Louis Agassiz from whom The Agassiz Association is named. In sending her contribution, she writes as follows : "I enclose with pleasure $50 for your telescope and congratulate you on the pur- chase of Clark's wonderful instrument which I well know, I am sorry I cannot send more. "1 think \our family of students will have some wonderful revelations by means of this telescope." ;|: ^ * ;|; ;1: Mr. Howard H. Cleaves writes us : "You may thank the quartz-like clearness of the sky last night for the inclosure, which is for the Observatory Fund. "My bed is so near the window that I can thrust my head out into the open the second I hear a screech owl, or the notes of any migratory birds. This I did last night and after the bird sounds had ceased I fell to gazing at the stars and wondering about them. The twinkling of the stars reminded me of the radiant optimism of the Sage of Sound Beach — and from this it was perhaps only a natural sequence of meditation that led me to recall the need of funds for the Observatory ! "It isn't always that one's night thoughts are found to be substantial the next morning ; but in this instance my faith has boldly held until I have reached my check-book." Trained Aircraft Guns on Jupiter. Paris. — Jupiter, looming up especially brilliant nowadays, has been frequently mistaken for the searchlight of an aero- plane flying over Paris. Gunners at the front have made the same mistake, and prepared to train their anti-aircraft weapons against it. The well known as- tronomer, Abbe Moreaux, says he has received a great many letters from them asking particulars about this great light in the East, brought to their notice for the first time by the war. Abbe Moreux infers from the mass of correspondence received that thousands of soldiers oblig-'ed to pass the night under the open sky, are acquiring an interest in the won- ders and beauties of nature that other- wise they would have passed their lives without. — Newspaper. Purple and Gold. The first flower colors are purple and gold. Behold when crocus buds unfold.. And when the season's latest blooms Unfurl their brilliant, wayside plumes, Are purple and gold again abroad. In aster rays, and golden-rod: While linking the two the year around, Are sunset clouds, gold-purple crowned. — Emma Peirce. THE GUIDE TO XATURE—ADVERTISEMEXTS X\ ^-n^t ^y*vA »*^'^ PUBLISHERS NOTICES Tis not in moitais to COMMAND success, but well do more, Sempronius, we'll DESERVE IT. — Addison: Cato Awards for Optical Excellence. The record made by the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. at the Panama-Pa- cific Exposition is one that is probably unequalled by any of the other exhibi- tors at San Francisco. The awards granted aggregate four Grand Prix, or highest possible awards, one Aledal of Honor and one Gold Medal. The award THE WONDERFUL MIRRORS. in each case was the highest prize granted. There is good reason to be- lieve that no one company in any other department of the great Exposition received such high honors as did Bausch & Lomb. In fact the company's representative at the Fair writes that the other exhibitors, regardless of their product or how they were grouped onlv received one Grand Prix and in most cases only a Gold Aledal. The four classes in which Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. received the Grand Prix are Optical Instruments, Balopti- cons. Engineering Instruments and Range Finders. The first division, called Optical Instruments, is com- prised of seven classes and covers the company's Opthalmic Lenses, microscopes, parabolic and Mangin mirrors. Field Glasses, microtomes and magnifiers. Opthalmic lenses, or the len- ses used in eyeglasses and spec- tacles, are one of the chief pro- ducts of the Bausch & Lomb plant and many million pairs per year are manufactured. Notwithstanding this quantity production, the highest stand- ard of scientific accuracy and precision is maintained and every single lens is subjected to rigid inspections before leaving the factory. Within the past year Bausch & Lomb have in- troduced in America two new types of lenses invented by their associates, the Carl Zeiss ^^'orks. One of these is the Punktal, which is described as a perfectly corrected opthalmic lens and which is rapidly com- ing into favor in preference to the ordinary spectacle lenses heretofore used. The second t3^pe is the Katral, a lens which restores nearly normal vision to persons who have been operated upon for cataract. The Punktal and Katral lenses are acclaimed by scientists as the greatest achievement thus far at- tained in this branch of optics. The superior quality of all Bausch & Lomb optical instruments is gener- XVI THE GUIDE TO NATURE— ADJ'ERTISEMENTS ally recognized. Their microscopes are found in the laboratories, schools and colleges throughout the country. Mag- nifiers of this make have been in use for sixty years, while it was this com- pany who introduced in this country the stereoscopic prism field glass , a type that is now universally adopted for the better quality glasses. Another Grand Prize was awarded the Balopticons, as the projection appa- ratus of Bausch & Lomb manufacture is called. It is believed that this award was granted not only on the general excellence and completeness of this line, but upon the marked improvement in projection apparatus caused by the entry of this company into the field Besides simple stereopticons for lan- tern slide projection, the Balopticons include instruments which project opaque objects direct, that is, solid ob- jects or actual photographs, pictures, etc., without the necessity of making lantern slides. These instruments also project on the screen objects as seen through the microscope and include every other device known in optical projection. Bausch & Lomb surveying instru- ments received a Grand Prix tor "(jen- eral Design and Excellence of Qual- ity." These engineering instruments are known to engineers everywhere for the excellence of their optical parts and the number and value of the mechani- cal improvements which these instru- ments introduced as innovations in the field. The fourth Grand Prize awarded Bausch & Lomb products was granted upon Range Finders. These instru- ments are used in all branches of war- fare to ascertain the distance of a hos- tile ship or force, and thus obtain the firing range. As '^sed in connection with the big guns of '^""e Toast D'^f*""^'". ''-■p range finders may be stationed a mile nwav fror^ ■'' ' '^'-o-•^' O s ^nd the range of '^ ^nronching ship^, the various farto'-= r^'-e calculated and the position of the enemy plotted on a chart. Exact directions are telephoned to the ofificer in charge of the firing squad, who may never see what they are shooting at. The optical parts of the Bausch & Lomb range finders are mounted in a way original with this make. They are suspended upon nickel-steel wires stretched between the ends of the tube under a tension of 10,000 pounds. Bausch & Lomb are now making two of the largest instruments ever built. They are forty feet in length and will be used in the fortifications on the Panama Canal. When, in the early days of photog- raphy, Bausch & Lomb began to man- ufacture piiotographic lenses they pro- duced them so cheaply that camera manufacturers were enabled to offer their products at popular prices. The invention of the iris diaphragm shutter helped still further in making picture- taking popular and paved the way for the modern high-speed lens. Hence, when Dr. Rudolph, of the Zeiss Works, invented the modern anastigmat pho- tographic lens, the Zeiss company now collaborators of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., designated these manufac- turers as the sole producers for Amer- ica. As a result of the experience and skill gained in this way, the Gold Medal has been awarded to Bausch & Lomb- Zeiss photographic lenses. The Photomicrographic Apparatus of Bausch & Lomb make has been granted the Medal of Honor. This apparatus consists of a special camera with appli- ances for using it in connection with a microscope to make photographs of specimens as seen in the microscope. Considerable accuracy and rigidity are required in the mechanical parts and high quality in the optics — for the im- age as received on the photographic plate is magnified a thousand or more times and the slightest tremor of the apparatus or other defect would result in a failure. Minerals for Working Collections. Ward's Natural Science Establish- ment, 84-102 College Avenue, Roches- ter, New York, has recently issued an attractive pamphlet that gives a list of their minerals and prices. It contains many suggestions in regard to a selec- tion for private cabinets and for school use. We advise our readers that are interested in minerals to send for this pamphlet with a mention of The Guide TO Nature. PUBLISHED BY THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATION ArcAdiA: sound beach, CONNECTICUT EDWARD F. BIGELOW. Managing Editor Subscription, $1.00 a Year. Single Copy, 10 Cents 3^^[f ^^ JK^^tj^ 1 oootvoo D<3 C)O-<30OOl ^^^c ^^ GREENWICH THE EDITION DE LUXE OF CONNECTICUT TOWNS GREENWICH Are You Protected? l^ dJ Give It Consideration ^ The Greenwich Trust Co ESTABLISHED 1887. GREENWICH, CONN. 1^ jl^a^i^ ^.^■asa^.. ll§Jl GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT rr-4 TTAonrtn I inn f i^r i If tii^Q tO 1 have for Sale Elegant Country Estates, Shore and Inland Residences, Farms, Acreage, Cottages and Buildii^ Sites. Also a number of selected Furnished Residences and Cottages to Rent in all locatrotts. ".sed to have you call or write rence Timmons Tel. 456 Opp. Depot Greenvrich, Conn ^^Sl NURSERY STOCK EVER GROWN 9 rP8^ 1^ Evergreens Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Hedge Plants Vines Roses Hardy Perennials j- ^ ^ Preparing of Plans Laying Out of Grounds Grading -:- -:- Road Building Tree Work -:- -:- GREENWICH NURSERIES DEHN & BERTOLF, Props. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS AND NURSERYMEN J GREENWICH, CONN oo oo-Oooo O' ^^^ ^^ ^s ooogjoo oo^c THE GUIDE TO NATURE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. V THE STAMFORD LUMBER CO- LUMBER ISash^^ Doors, Blinds and Window-Fram ES — i [WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , ,* -., _^^ :iaa^ OFFICE and yard. 297 pacificistreet; .-.ri;.::;;^ :: .-sizr^ STAMFORD, CONN. NEW STORE NEW LOCATION NEW GOODS COME AND VISIT AUGUST GARGIULO Cor. Main and Greyrock Place 8826 {With Basting Line and Added Seam Allowance) One-Piece Dress for Misses and Small Women, 16 and 18 years. Here is one of the prettiest, smartest frocks that could be offered. It combines plaid taffeta with the new crepe gabardine and it is most charming both in material and treatment as well as in its lines and cut. It is simple too and easy to make, especially so because of the seam allowance and basting line included in the pattern. The skirt is a simple one, gathered at the upper edge, but the trimming portion that is applied over it gives it an en- tirely novel effect. DELMOMCO RESTAURANT Good Food Promptly served at popular prices in neat and tastv manner. GEORGE PIERRIDES 284 Main Street, Stamford Connecticut Xpy for IVIen's Xogs Suits and Overcoats to measure Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing a Specialty Best Hat Values Obtainable in the Celebrated C & K Line of Derby and Soft Hats 196 Atlantic St. Stamford Connecticut VI THE GUIDE TO NATURE A Home Near to Nature This design is of a popular style, beau- tiful in appearance with many little points of taste and convenience. It has a living room with open fireplace and wide door- way to dining room. Hall contains pretty staircase with coat closet under it. The kitchen is a very large and convenient one. Pantry contains dresser. On the second floor are three pleasant Plastering 1/5 Lumber 45° Millwork 425 Painting and Glazing 250 Plumbing, etc 250 Hardware lOO Hot air heating 125 Range 40 Total $2,690 0^. ^^/\V'/t ^»^^ f^iDSTfLOOPPLAH SLCono Floor Plan- bedrooms. Each room with closet space. Linen closet in hall. Bath room with modern plumbing. In the following items, cost of con- struction is given : Excavation $100 Stonework 1 50 Brickwork 125 Carpenter Work 500 Nature's Knowledge is Expensive. "Farm products cost more than they used to." "Yes." replied the farmer : "when a farmer is supposed to know the botanical name of what he' raisin', an' the entomological name of the insect that eats it, an' the pharmaceutical name of the chemical that will kill it. somebody's got to pay." THE GUIDE TO NATURE VII Publishers' Notices "The Man on the Job." Blessed is the man that has found his job and is in harmony with it. Such a man will do good service for his fellow men. Occasionally one meets a case so lacking in adaptation that it seems im- moral for the workman to continue in it ; but it is a joy to see a man working with enthusiasm and with efficient service. Such thoughts often recur to the writer's mind as he sits at a table in The Stamford Lunch and notices how skiU- fuUy the proprietor, Mr. Fred McDer- mant, conducts his establishment. Mr. McDermant is in a class by himself. He stands distinctly and conspicuously be- yond and above some of his fellows. He is efficient. In the writer's opinion Mr. McDermant is the most efficient restau- rant manager that he has ever known. Hundreds of people in Stamford voice a similar sentiment. Skill, unfailing courtesy, the menu well selected, the food w^ell prepared and attractive in appear- ance, are a few of the features that make an ideal restaurant. All of these, with minimum rates, may be found at The Stamford Lunch. Why do not some other restaurants elsewhere emulate his example? To do so would be to their advantage. Some other restaurants in other towns seem absolutely immoral in their slovenly and desultory conduct, with their lack of neatness and, perhaps still worse, their lack of courtesy. We laud a man and build a monument to his memory wdien he dies in the service of his fellow men, but we should not forget to patronize as well as to honor the man that feeds his fellow men and does it well, and in these days of the high cost of living does it for only a moderate and honest compensation. Air. McDer- mant is providing fare as good as can be found in New York City or in any other city at many times his prices. No one knows how he does it, but that he does it is pleasingly evident. Many attempts have been made to solve the puzzle. The only possible explanation is that he is exactly the man for the place. S. G. aUDD DEALER IN House Furnishings, China, Glassware Jardinieres, Cut Glass, Silverware, Etc- 262 Atlantic St. Stamford, Conn. THE WM. H. JONES DRUG STORE 421 to 427 Main Street Stamford, Conn. THE SAN-TOX STORE. Drugs, Books and Stationery. LAVOY AND SHINE MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHIERS 403 Main Street, Stamford, Connecticut. We would be pleased to show the reaaers ot this magazine our offerings for men and boys. The place you will eventually go to have your CHIR0PR4CTIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS Latest Painless Methods. Spinal Analysis Free E. BARTHOL, D. C. Week Days Only, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phone 1727 w. A. McClelland OPTOMl=^TRIST OPTICIAN yburStat/onery jAfeeds- whether business or social, can be supplied here to the best advantage. Variety, quality, price, all in your favor. We would espec- ially like to show you 345 Atlantic Street STAMFORD, CONN. V'll] THE GUIDE TO NATURE.— ADVERTISEMENTS. THE C. 0. MILLER CO. Established 47 Years Atlantic Square Stamlord, Conn. A Store for Particular People where you will find full stock of reliable merchandise at reasonable prices THE NEW FALL STOCKS have been selected with careful discrimination and will be found most attractive SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries and Trimmings, Blankets, Comfortables, etc. Rugs, Draperies, etc. A very large line of Linoleum is no\v on sale ■ — priced 50c square yard and up THE C. O. MILLER CO. ESTABLISHED 1855 THEQETMAN&JUDD CO. Lumber and Timber of ail Kinds SPECIALTY: High Grade HARDWOOD FLOORING tkoroughly KilmDiTed and stored in Steam keated kuild iag until delivered to our customers. Our steadily in- creasing trade in this specialty proves the fact tha< tke country home is not complete until fitted out witk tkis beautiful amd sanitary furnishing. Old resideace! may be greatly imp»-aved by laying this floors over tke old omes. CANAL DOCKS, STAMFORD, CONN. Telephone 2180. Homes Near to Nature Skould be so constructed as to give lasting satisfaction. Our method of manufacturing dependable Interior aad Exterior house trim from thoroughly kiln dried material ov skilled mechanics insures such satisfactiom. THE ST. JOHN WOODWORKING CO. Canal Docks, Stamford Conn. Telephone 781 DIRECTORS WALTON FERGUSON, Pres. W. W. HEROY. W. D. DASKAM. Vice Pres. F. H. HOYT. W. H. TUDD. Sec. and Treas. F. W . BOGARDUS. J. G. WIGG. General Manager. hed in storms or had been wiped out by disease, though as the seasons went by and no birds reappeared the former theory soon died out, and from the best obtainable reports it appears now conclusive that destruction by man has been the ultimate factor in causing the disappearance of the wild pigeon. That there may yet remain a few of these birds alive s^ems not altogether im- possible, and a report coming from the Rev. Dr. Francis L. Palmer,, of Stillwater, Minnesota, that he believes he has seen a PASSENGER PIGEONS AT ONE TIME IN CAPTIVITY IN HYDE PARK, MASSACHUSETTS. large rewards have been otlered for the finding of a nest of a wild pigeon, and occasionally reports of one or more of these birds having been seen would be brought to the attention of ornithologists, only to find that the observer had been mistaken and that the birds in question were mourning doves, band-tailed pigeons or some other species resembling the true "wild"' or "passenger" pigeon. Notwithstanding the relentless persecu- tion and slaughter of these birds through- out their range, their disappearance took place so suddenly and the annihilation of the species was apparently so complete that it has called forth considerable specu- lation as to the direct cause of this catas- trophe. Manv believed that it was but a temporary disappearance and that for some unknown reason the diminishing flocks had migrated to new fields ; others. passenger in the vicinity seems to be a well-authenticated record of its recent appearance, wdiich, he states, occurred on the thirty-first of May, 191 5. Noting this occurrence mentioned in "Bird-Lore" I wrote Dr. Palmer for further particulars and previous records in his locality. In the instance mentioned. Dr. Palmer, who has studied the birds of Minnesota for fifteen years, was accompanied by his daughter and two other observers and had a g-ood opportunity of observing the bird and noting its call. \\'hile skepticism always pushes to the front in such cases, reasonable testimony must be accepted and there appears very little chance of the parties being mistaken in this instance. That the mourning dove is common in the vicinity and was well known to the ob- servers ; that the band-tailed [n'geon has never been known to occur in that part 224 THE GUIDE TO NATURE of the country, and that the calls of the bird which they saw and heard were totally different from those of either of the above species and exactly coincided with the calls attributed to the passenger pigeon, are convincing facts which point almost to a positive identity. Dr. Palmer also states that they were familiar with a stuffed specimen of the wild pigeon in their school collection, and its comparison only served to strengthen their belief in the identification of the bird which they saw. Regarding recent previous records, he writes as follows : "A retired lumberman thinks he saw one a year ago when riding in his automobile in the vicinity. Dr. E. S. Boleyn, a trained observer, four years ago saw a pair of great wild pigeons which he was sure were passenger pigeons." It is difficult to comprehend the extent of the flocks of these beautiful birds, as recorded by the early observers. Even a comparatively few years ago they were r^ot deemed especially valuable and not- withstanding their former abundance many of the museums have but a few specimens to represent this vanished mul- titude. Even those familiar with their habits did not seem to realize their danger of extinction. I well remember a market- man friend tellin:g of their receiving the pigeons minus their wings, that they might get more of them packed into a barrel, and of his being ridiculed by his fellows when he ventured to prophesy that they would see the day when there would be no more wild pigeons in the market. My own observation of these birds was limited to a flock of about fifteen kept in a large enclosure at the Webster Public Museum at Hyde Park, Mass. The ac- companying photograph, taken through the cage, while not very distinct, is inter- esting to show the characteristic attitudes of these birds and their constantly alert, half-wild appearance which they always seemed to preserve. For the use of this picture we are indebted to the Frank Blake Webster Co., proprietors of the museum. These pigeons, which were brought from Indian Territory, were acci- dentally liberated by some workmen in the spring of 1894, and for about two years thereafter occasional reports of wild pigeons being seen in this vicinity were brought to the attention of the ^luseum. about the last report coming from Sharon, some fifteen miles southward. The following paragraph from "The Story of my Boyhood and Youth" gives us a delightful bit of insight into the habits of these noble birds, as observed by the master mind of John Muir, during the early days of his life on the Wisconsin farm. 'Tt was a great memorable day when the first flock of passenger pigeons came to our farm, calling to mind the story we had read about them when we were at school in Scotland. Of all God's feathered people that sailed the Wisconsin sky, no other bird seemed to us so wonderful. The beautiful wanderers flew like the winds in flocks of millions from climate to climate in accord with the weather, finding their food — acorns, beechnttts, pine-nuts, cran- berries, strawberries, huckleberries, jtini- per berries, hackberries, buckwheat, rice, Avheat, oats, corn — in fields and forests thousands of miles apart. I have seen flocks streaming south in the fall so large that they were flying over from horizon to horizon in an almost continuous stream all day long, at the rate of forty or fifty miles an hour, like a mighty river in the sky, widening, contracting, descending like falls and cataracts, and rising suddenly here and there in huge ragged masses like high-plashing spray. How wonderful the distances they flew in a day — in a year — in a lifetime ! They arrived in Wisconsin in the spring just after the sun had cleared away the snow, and alighted in the woods to feed on the fallen acorns that they had missed the previous autumn. A comparatively small flock swept thousands of acres perfectly clean of acorns in a few mintites, by moving straight ahead with a broad front. All got their share, for the rear constantly became the van by flying over the flock and alighting in front, the entire flock constantly changing from rear to front, revolving something like a wheel with a low buzzing wing roar that could be heard a long way off. In summer they feasted on wheat and oats and were easilv anoroached as they rested on the trees ?ilong the sides of the field after a good full meal, displaying beautiftfl iridescent colors as they moved their necks back- ward and forward when we went verv near them. Every shotgtm was aimed at tliem and everybody feasted on pigeon pies, and not a few of the settlers feasted also on the beautv of the wonderful birds." ORNITHOLOGY 225 Nesting of a Bullock Oriole. BV I*. II. VAX IIISE, SL'.MMEKLAXD, H. C, CANADA. On June 7th, 191 5, noticing a Bullock Oriole (Icterus hullocki) trying- to pull strings from a piece of carpet that was hanging- on the clothesline, I put the car- pet on a wire running along the front of the porch and placed upon it short pieces of string. The bird, which was a female, would come and get the string while I was on the porch, being gone only two and a half to three minutes at a time when she would BULLOCK ORIOLE WITH STRING. return for more. The nest was about a hundred feet from the house. The male did not help with the nest- building but the female worked all day on the seventh and eighth and until eleven- thirty on the ninth, taking fifty strings, each about a foot long, on the latter day. The nest was then finished except for lining. Early on the morning of the eleventh she came aagin and called to me. I thought perhaps she was after more string- but that was not what she wanted, so I combed some hair out of my collie and put that up for her. She soon came and took several big mouthfuls, with which she lined the nest. The voung left the nest on the twelfth of Tulv. BULLOCK ORIOLE NEbT COMPOSED MOSTLY OF STRING. The 1916 Audubon Bird Calendar has been issued and may be secured at the various state departments of the society. Starry blossoms and blossomy stars Bedeck the earth and the sky; Let us not go about with unseeing eyes, That pass these -beauties by. — Emma Peirce. INTERIOR OF NEST, LINED WITH HAIR FROM COLLIE DOG. 226 THE GUIDE TO NATURE "ANYBODY HERE." "DID SOME ONE CALL. "OH THERE YOU ARE." The Flicker at Home. BY CLARENCE BUXDY, T.\C()^L\, OHIO. , It was the middle of April. Birds were everywhere. The flickers were beginning to remodel their summer home — located in a dead cherry tree by the yard fence. For several days they worked at the digging and the cleaning until the hol<" was five inches in diameter and After a week or so all became quiet. Had the birds gone to find a more suit- able abode? Investigation proved that they were at home, for a tap on the tree brought the female bird to the front door. About the middle of ^lay, things began to happen around the old cherry. The days of patient brooding were over, and the duties of hunting for food and training the young were added to the ordinar^' routine. One "YES, rVE RETURNED. •DO YOU LO\E ME YET "YUM, YUM, YUM.' eighteen inches deep, a more spacious apartment than the former occupants, also flickers, had owned during the pre- vious year. Occasionally they took resting spells, on a nearby trellis, there going through the craziest performances, bowing, scraping, spreading wings and tail, and sounding their rolling wheet-ur, wheet- ur, wheet-ur. It was curious love-mak- ing when viewed from a human stand- point. morning when the male bird flew to the hole he was met by one of his greedy offspring whose energy had brought him to the edge of a new world. Before giving up the morsel of food, the male flicker often sat prop- ped on his tail at one side of the hole just out of reach presumably giving a lesson in patience, though I should say that the vocal apparatus was most benefitted. And how they grew. So fast that the ORNITHOLOGY 227 home soon became too small, and one morning, one little savage, spreading his over confident wings, landed igno- miniously in a crestfallen heap amongst the weeds, and got scolded for his pains. In passing the old cherry a few days later, I could but mark the silence that brooded about the tree, lately so full of life. The old birds paid it an occa- sional visit, but for the rest of the year their interest in it was over. Birds seem to thrive best in human society in spite of the fact that their ex- perience has not been entirely reassur- ing. The great crested flycatcher, na- turalists say, "is a shy, solitary bird seldom seen beyond the deep forest." Yet this summer I found a pair nesting in the hollow limb of an apple tree in a neighbor's yard. Let the birds come back. Let us help them to come, realizing that our existence depends in large measure on their companionship and continuance. Nature Interest Rewarded. BY CLARENCE BUNDY, TACOMA^ OHIO. The student of nature that shares his interest and knowledge with the youths of the neighborhood receives his re- ward quickly and repeatedly. So do they. If every community could have as one of its members an earnest nature student, well might that community rejoice for he is or inay become a mighty factor in elevating the ideals of the boys and girls. I know a boy whose companionship is dear to me. He accompanies me on rambles through the woods and the by- ways, sharing every observation and showing a lively interest in things per- taining to birds and insects. It was not always so. His parents moved from the city to the country to remove him from the evil influences that were fast making him a little ruffian. It has been my privilege to watch his mental and moral outlook rise and broaden, influenced by his glimpses of the wonderful things in the great out- doors. I also have a Sunday school class and some other young friends whom I have interested in this subject. A quail's nest was discovered one dav in the lane that leads to the main road, and not many rods from the home of the boy that found it. I was called by telephone to photograph the nest. It was a wonderful affair of soft grasses woven into a deep round struc- ture and roofed over with similar mate- rial, and with a hole in the side only large enough for the plump little body to slip in and out. The boy told me that he would never have found it had not the mother bird flown from the nest at his feet. In this snug little home were nineteen eggs. Ten days later the telephone rang again. A voice, eager and full of ex- citement responded and bade me come as "quick as you can get here." The boy had been working in an adjoining field and as he passed the nest he saw a sight few are ever fortunate enough '•THE QUAILS WERE HATCHING." to see. The quails were hatching. Tiny brown heads were sticking out around the mother's breast, and taxing her spreading capacity to the utmost. We cautiously proceeded to record this un- usual sight, making the first exposure with a nine inch lens, fearing to go close enough to use the seven inch An- astigmat. A few leaves and blades of grass inter- fered with the view, so my friend took the tripod and carefully pulled them aside (note the tripod in the corner holding down the grass), after which I made another exposure within three feet of the subject. I was not yet satis- 228 THE GUIDE TO NATURE fied. The boy then took the tripod and pulled away the grass from within three inches of the mother's bill and she showed no sign of fear or nervousness. Her young birds were too precious to be deserted for any such ordinary dis- turbance. I made No. 3, and left the patient little creature to rear her brood in peace. The March of the Penguins. We are indebted to Robert Cushman Murphy, Acting Curator of Natural beaches that separate various arms of the bays, or which lead from the sea to the snow-water ponds in which the penguins delight to play, they follow regular, well-tramped avenues. When bent on a definite journey across the land, they trudge along very steadily and unconcernedly, and for the time seem to take no notice of their fellows. When in great haste, they fall upon the belly and run on all fours. By this well-known mode of progTession, called "tobogganing," they lead a man a very creditable chase. Their most curious attitude is assumed when they walk ,11.-.-^ MARCH TO THE SEA. Sciences of the Brooklyn Museum for the accompanying illustration of the marching penguins of which he has made extended studies in South Geor- gia. He makes the following interest- ing statements regarding these curious birds : "The johnnies walk in a deliberate manner, raising their feet high at each step, carrying their tails well above the ground, thrusting their wings behind them as balances, and poking the head forward into the accustomed near- sighted attitude. Their near-sighted- ness is probably no less real than ap- parent, because of the specialization of their eyes for vision through a medium of water. "In crossing the stony or hummocky down an incline, such as a snow-bank or a steep beach. The head is then thrust so far forward that the straight neck and the spine form a right angle ; the wings are held stiffly back as far as possible, and the round belly projects as the bird proceeds with gingerly steps. On rare occasions they hop in- stead of walking, springing with both feet from one beach pebble to another, in the manner of the true "rock-hopper" penguins Eudyptes. Their fat bodies seem to be able to stand hard knocks, for not only do they tumble over fre- quently wherever the walking is rough on shore, but they also suffer fearful batterings on the shingle when they come out of the surf, sometimes being bowled over bv four or five successive ORXITHOLOGY 229 breakers before they can scramble out of the undertow. "When wading into the w^ater, the johnny penguins invariably round their shoulders, bend down their heads almost to their feet, and scoop beneath the surface as soon as there is depth enough to float them. Once under way, all their terrestrial awkwardness van- ishes. They swim with well-nigh incredible speed, remaining below the surface except when they leap out por- poiselike, giving an audible gasp for air — to be gone again within the twink- ling of an eye. "As long as young penguins were on this nesting ground, processions of adults might at all times be seen com- ing and going between the high land and the sea. The birds met and passed each other without a visible sign of recognition, each trundling graveh' along on its own business. A broad thoroughfare had been stamped across the moraine, worn down doubtles.'- through generations of the pattering of little leathery feet, and deeph' grooved, sinuous avenues extending up the long snowbanks to the highest por- tions of the colony two kilometers from the shore. "The antiquity of the hill-climbing instinct among the johnny penguins of South Georgia is attested by a strange and romantic phenomenon, namely that the penguins go back to the heights to die. In a hollow at the sum- mit of the coast range south of the Bay of Isles lies a clear lake on a bed of ice-cracked stones. This transparent pool, with a maximum depth of three or four meters, is a penguin graveyard. In January, 1913, I found its bottom thick- ly strewn with the bodies of penguins which had outlived the perils of the sea and had apparently accomplished the rare feat among wild animals of dying a natural death. They lay by scores all over the stony bed of the pool, mostly on their backs with pin- ions outstretched, their breasts reflect- ing gleams of white from the deeper water. Safe from sea leopards in the ocean and from skuas ashore, thev took their last rest." Two Skillful Fishermen, the Heron and the Kingfisher. BY THK RKV. MAXLKY B. TOWNSEND, NASHUA, N. H. (Photograph by H. G. Higbee). Long' before the white man invaded the wilds of America and began to exter- minate the fish and game with rod and gun, those fine old fishermen, the herons An English naturalist reports a wea- sel feeding on frogs. Till i.RKAT BLUE HERGX. These beautiful birds add much to the life of our streams and marshes. and king-fishers, fished our lakes and streams. Indigenous to our soil, like the red man they took what necessit}' re- quired, making no appreciable impression upon the teeming waters. Then came the white man and began his dread work. Once the trout swarmed everywhere — now one must seek the remote wilds to find these speckled beauties in any con- siderable numbers. Yet every once in a while some group of fishermen breaks out in stupid antago- nism to the feathered native anglers, denouncing them as destroyers of fish, and seeking legislation to allow their destruction. Most states have seen such attempts, — attempts that are frustrated only by concerted action on the part of bird conservationists. An instance of this sort occurred last winter in New Hampshire. Some fisher- men, with more zeal than wisdom, intro- duced a bill into the legislature to remove 230 THE GUIDE TO NATURE protection from the great bine heron and the kingfisher on the plea that they de- stroyed fish. Only prompt and energetic action by the Audubon people killed the pernicious measure and saved these fine birds to the landscape of the state. Undoubtedly herons and kingfishers do catch fish. But who has a better right? Who was here first? To whom do the lakes and streams belong? It is true that these t)irds sometimes work havoc at fish- hatcheries, but my friend, the Superin- tendent of the United States Fish Hatch- ery at Nashua, N. H., keeps a dog that drives off all such poachers. He has no trouble. Everybody knows or should know, that the heron is a wading bird and subsists ordinarily not upon game fishes, but upon frogs, minnows, chubs, suckers and fishes that frequent shallow water; but even if these birds did feed upon game fishes, would that warrant their destruction ? As a matter of fact there are a dozen persons who enjoy watching the heron at his frog- ging and fishing and whose hearts leap un when they behold him winging his wav across the sky on great, strong. wiM wings, to one person who pursues the pis- catorial art. These people have rights in the wild life of the land as well as fisher- men in the fish of the waters. I have done much fishing in my day. It is a healthful and invigorating pastime, — ^but when I go fishing I go for more than the mere catch- ing of fisii. I go to get out into the great wonder-world. I go to get into touch with nature. I go to see the trees and the wild flowers, and the ferns and the birds. I go to see the herons and the kingfishers at their fishing. I like to catch fish, but even if I catch no fish, I go home en- riched. I carry back something in my mind and soul better than fish in a basket. Old Mother Nature has placed her hand upon my head with healing power. Herons and kingfishers destroy the fish, do thev ? The boot is really on the other foot ! Man has reduced our fish and game almost to the vanishing point. Let justice be done. Let the feathered bipeds alone and let featherless bipeds remember that "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones." Our streams can be re-stocked with fishes, but our feathered friends once destroyed can never be re- placed. ^t * * * * Our friend is right. We should be broad enough to look upon these matters- with an unbiased mind. Neither the blue heron nor the kingfisher are destroyers of edible fish in general. There may be in- stances where they do damage and these cases should be regulated accordingly. We should see something besides fish when we go a-fishing, and we should not make laws to favor and satisfy a few, that will restrict and deprive many of the legiti- mate pleasure of enjoying our wild life. — H. G. H. A Barn Owl's Remarkable Attitude. North Salem, Indiana. To the Editor : Can you or any of your readers guess at first' glance what is the thing shown in the accompanying illustration? It is a barn owl that had been frightened A liAKX OWl. I'RlGllTEXEl) KV A DOC. by a dog that passed near him just as I was going to take his photograph. In his terror the owl assumed this posi- tion, with bill and tail on the ground, body raised as high as possible, wings spread like fans and hiding his body. It is amusing to hear the guesses as to what the photograph represents. Some call it a stump, some a stone. Frank B. Hopkins. Steamship St. Louis, of the American Line, reports encountering a swallow almost in mid-Atlantic, .s6o miles from the nearest land. The bird, though evi- dently tired, was by no means alto- gether spent. ORXITHOLOGY 231 Gods ReLpeR Whei\ ir\tKe orchard patK I fo\ii\d you, Where Kurt and treiphliiig in the 0rass yo\i lay, Itrvily thought God had forgotten. To note your falling this hot sumnier day V-^c^ PV^ V* Bvt Guntie said twas God who sent n>e to you, And Birdie dear, I truly think Re did; I had TDade plans to Qo beside the n^aples, Then chose this path wher^ sooi\Ifoui\dyojJ To thir\K I'm helping God maKe#^;^^^^J^4L^' me so happy, So ^lad that I caiv make you ^ well and free; 4^^rj^ -v'f^' P^T\d when once more \ip in the t- •u ^^' ^'^ sKies you're flyinQ /k"^^^-Q gjj^^ loud praises both for ^^L ^ yo\j and me. f^ V. vv -^i JS%^1^ Sophia R. RGi+lett:^,i? o Y-::??^ 4'ivt'r 232 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Contributions to the Sound Beach Observatory. Miss A. P. Cobb, Sound Beach. . .$ i.oo Frederick H. Getman, Ph.D., Stamford 5-Oo Mr. Charles B. Allyn, Riverside, Conn 5-00 Mr. Arthur F. Estabrook, Boston, Mass 25.00 Mr. L. S. Miller, Sound Beach. . . . 2.85 Mr, Mason Parker, Greenwich. . . 5.00 Mr. Alfred Gilbert Smith. Greenwich 25.00 Total $ 68.85 Previously acknowledged $932.58 Grand Total $1,001.43 Only $150 more needed. Please clear that up before the Holidays. ;;; H: * * * The Heavens in November. BY PROF. ERIC DOOLITTLE, OF THE UNIVER- SITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. THE whole eastern half of our even- ing heavens now appears a most beautiful spectacle. The great group Taurus has mounted more than half way to the zenith ; the very beautiful, bright Gemini covers a large part of the sky toward the east, while above this last constellation we see the very brilliant, golden Capella and below it there shines the bright, bluish Procyon, a most beauti- ful double-sun system known as the Les- ser Dog Star. Below Gemini, in the northeast, there has again appeared that strange, faint little group of the Crab, within whose borders is the misty little patch of light known as the Little Cloud to the ancients and which even the smallest telescope will show to be a loose cluster of about 150 suns. When, in a clear sky, this little cloud grew more and more indistinct, and perhaps finally entirely disappeared, it was regarded as a certain sign of rain. Thus it was employed as a sort of weather-glass, though it would apnear that the wonderfully delicate, filmy haze of stars forming the constellation known as the Maiden's Hair should have been still more useful for this purpose. ^; ;)c ;]; >)! sj; A New Attendant to the Dog Star. Following along the horizon from Cancer toward the south, we next come to the wonderful Dog Star, Sirius, the brightest star of the entire heavens. It will be remembered that so early as 1844 it was known that this great sun must have a companion sun revolving around it, for a mathematical investigation show- ed conclusively that Sirius was continu- ally being disturbed by the gravitational pull of some unseen body. It was not until the year 1862, however, that the companion was ac- tally seen in the tele- scope. Within the last two months another excessively faint little star has been dis- covered near Sirius. The new body is 31 seconds south of the bright star and of only the fourteenth magnitude ; that is, it is only one one-hundredth part as bright as the old companion. It is probable that this very minute body is not physically connected with the bright star but that it is almost infinitely far away and only happens to lie in the same direction and hence to be seen ap- parently near Sirius in the sky. As the latter star is, however, drifting so very rapidly through space that it is displaced in its apparent position on the sky by no less than one three-tenths seconds every year, it will require the measures of but a few years to decide whether it is carrying the new companion along with it or not. The Constellation Orion. But most interesting of all the star grouDs which have recently entered the sky is the very brilliant Orion, that most wonderful midwinter constellation which is brighter and more striking than any other star grouo of the heavens. The head of this mightv hunter is marked TO KNOW THE STARRY HEAA'ENS 233 by the naked-eye cluster of stars at A (Figure i), the shoulders being at B and C; the (bent) right knee is at E and the left foot at D. The stream of stars from H to K represents the Lion's Skin, held on the left hand and arm, while the right hand is at L. The orange-reddish star at B is the brightest star of the constella- but how much solid matter there may also be involved in it we do not know. The spectra of certain of its stars are so iden- tical with its own that it is practically certain that these are immersed in and are a part of the cloud itself. As to the true size of this great cloud, it is so great as to be entirely inconceiv- HOTZTH. SOUTH. Figure 1. The Heavens at 9 P. M.. December 1. (If facing south, hold the map upright. If facing east hold East below". If facing west, hold West below. If facing north, hold map inverted.) tion, while the bluish sun at D is next in brilliance. The former is irregularly variable, so much so that in December, 1852, it was actually for a short time the brightest star of the entire heavens ; the latter is a triple star. New Discoveries in the Nebula of Orion. It is, however, in the position X that there is found what is by far the most wonderful object in this constellation. This is the very well-known nebula in Orion, the greatest nebula of the sky and a beautiful object of wonderful complex- ity. This is one of the purely gaseous nebulas ; that is, the light with which we view it emanates from luminous gases, able. If we can imagine a great globe formed about our sun, and so large that it will always contain our moving earth within it — that is, if we imagine the dis- tance through this globe to be about two hundred millions of miles, then it is cer- tain that it would require more than one million of these globes to equal in bulk this great nebulous cloud. Very recently the announcement of cer- tain results from wonderfully delicate measurements has attracted the attention of astronomers anew to this extraordi- nary object. By two quite different pro- cesses it has been found possible to meas- ure in miles per second the velocity with which any selected portion of the nebula is moving toward us or awav from us, 234 THE GUIDE TO NATURE Figure 2. The great Nebula of Orion. and when this was done the results found were most surprising.. For it then ap- peared that all the little portions were moving with different speeds : of two re- gions very near together, one might be moving' toward or away from us eight or ten miles per second faster than the other. In other words, instead of the nebula being a great, still mass of nearly quies- cent gases, the entire cloud is violently sursing; and streaming in a most com- plicated manner. Without doubt observa- tions upon this wonderful object will be industriously continued and multiplied during the next few years. Possibly our at present very imperfect, knowledge of the true nature of g'laseous nebulas may soon be very greatly extended. If so, a new light may be thrown, nut only upon these objects, but also on the nature of new stars, and ui:)on many other diffictdt r.T.tters in astronomy. T(^ KXOW THE STARRY HEAVENS 235 The Planets in December. Mercury passes behind the sun on December 15. and will therefore be wholly invisible throughout the month. Venus is steadily withdrawing from the sun's rays and coming into better posi- tion for observation. On December i it It is so near the stars R and S (Figure i) that from even only a few nights' watch- ing its westward motion may be clearly seen. It will pass to the west of R on December 27, though toward the begin- ning of the month it will be seen far to the east of this star. The rings of Saturn Figure 3. Two recent drawings of the Planet Jupiter. The borders of the faintly colored bands and all of the markings are, however constantly changing. sets I hour and 20 minutes after sunset, and this time is increased to two hours by December 31. The planet must be looked for far toward the south of the west point of the horizon, when it may he seen but a short distance above the ground, shining in the twilight glow. During the last month Venus has been moving very rapidly southward among the stars. By December 5 it will be nc less than 24V2 degrees below the celestial ■equator, but on that date it will begin to move northward again, and its northern and eastward motions will conspire to Turing it high into the evening heavens and make it a conspicuous object during the early months of 1916. Mars, though high in the northeast by midnight, does not rise until 9 :30 o'clock on December i and is therefore just be- yond the borders of our evening map. It is moving slowly eastward through Leo and will be seen crossing the handle of the Sickle just above the bright star Reg- ulus. These two bright, reddish objects so near together will form an interesting star figure in the northeastern sky. Jupiter still shines brightly in the south- west, in excellent position for observa- tion. Saturn is slowly retrograding through the middle of the constellation Gemini. are now very widely opened out and it will be found a most beautiful object for study even with a moderately large tele- scope. The sun will reach the lowest point of its yearly apparent path on December 22 at 5 hours 16 minutes 16 seconds P. AI. (Eastern standard time) ; this is the in- stant of winter solstice, after which its northern motion will again begin. De- cember 22 will thus be the shortest day of the present year, this day (in our Cen- tral States) being 5 hours 34 minutes shorter than the ensuing night. Then, too, how wondrous must be the colouring observed by the planet- beings, if such exist, in any one of the not improbable planets revolving roimd sitch glorious suns ! How grand the fairy spectacle in those belonging to the compound S3'stems, one sun setting it may be in golden yellow, or in purest green, and another rising in amethyst blue or in richest purple Moreover, fancy can sketch better than words can describe, or an artist portray, the richness, beauty, and variety, of the hues presented, when such charming- ly coloiu'ed suns, mingling their flash- ing rays, happen together in the sky. — "The Call of the Stars," (Kippax). THE GUIDE TO NATURE Some Insects Need Protection. BY ESTHER M. CUNNINGHAM, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. There is a need for insect protection as well as for bird protection. Butterflies and moths are becoming- scarcer each year. The milkweed butterfly, once our commonest large butterfly, is now rare. It is entirely harmless, its food plant being the milkweed for which we do not care. Other butterflies and moths are disappear- ing. There are several reasons for this. The first is the brown-tail spray. While trying to kill the pests, I fear that we are destroying the harmless and useful in- sects. To kill the brown-tailed moths the trees are sprayed with poison. The cater- pillar eats this poison and dies. The brown-tailed and gypsy moths are fast disappearing. We hear pleasing stories of their decrease, but are not our harmless insects going at the same time ? Another cause for the decrease is ignorance. Many of us, when we see a cocoon or a caterpil- lar, say: "There is one of those dreadful creatures ; kill it !" Every cocoon and caterpillar should not be destroyed in the belief that it contains a gypsy moth, a brown-tailed moth or other nuisance. Butterflies and moths have natural ene- mies. Ichneumon flies attack many spe- cies. Birds devour great numbers. These enemies tend to keep insects within rea- sonable limits, but with our enmity added these creatures have little chance. Many insects are entirely harmless, and some are lovely. We Americans should not be- come so practical that we shall lose these beautiful and inspiring creatures. Our beautiful night moths are often consid- ered a nuisance ; they are especially sub- ject to attack from the ichneumon fly. They are so large, too, that they are con- spicuous and so are subject to the attack of birds. For these reasons, they can never become dangerous. Their food is the foliage of the forest trees. The loss of a few of these leaves cannot harm us. Many persons beheve that all moths are clothes moths; the clothes moth is indeed a nuisance, but other moths will not eat woolen cloth. Numberless flowers are fertilized by the aid of moths and butter- flies. Many flowers depend upon one kind of moth for their life; if the moth disappears the flower will disappear. Hawk moths are especially adapted to the work of fertilization on account of their long tongue. The tomato worm moth is the commonest of this group. Although this is considered a nuisance, it is rare and does little harm. It too is subject to attack from the ichneumon fly. There are other kinds of flies that scatter pollen. The chief of such insects, however, are bees. Many of us do not realize how much de- pends on these insects. Take an example from Australia. Red clover was planted for the use of the cattle. The first year it grew abundantly, but the next year it failed. The people blamed the climate. A naturalist solved the problem by planting more red clover and at the same time in- troducing numerous bumblebees. After this, the clover crop was immense. Our farmers in America would regret to lose their clover, but they would lose it if the bumblebees should disappear. These creatures are becoming less numerous. Dragon flies are useful, because their chief food is mosquitoes. Our common ladybugs make way with plant lice ; spiders eat flies ; many insects help us in their individual ways. As President Lincoln once said : "Let us give the bug a chance." The New York Agricvdtural Experi- ment Station at Geneva is paying spec- ial attention to the study of grapes. Its vineyards now contain 350 native var- ieties, 50 foreign, and 800 crosses, all in bearing. In addition about 1,600 self-seedlings and 3,500 crosses have not yet come to fruit. THE IXTEREST IX IXSECTS ^y> Henri Fabre. Henri Fabre, whose portrait appears on another page, is dead, at the fine old age of ninety-tuo years. It is fortunate that he could live so long, for until nearly eighty years old the man whom illiterate parents. When only five year^ old, his special bent was indicated in an attempt to find out how the cricket chirped. But he could not take up the investigation of natural history as he wanted to do : he had to earn his living-. 11 1 S- I -^ E-2. ' o » -." -» w o ^ E'° o '■ »S'"',g ■ •1 < — »5 3 a.-- o u a 10 C 1 3 , •lip. ; 2 — '"' •' E o __ °no " -' QJ «-!' "^ W o " « - = n S-«o- „ 2 o •" - 2 a § o \'ictor Hugo described as "the insects' Homer'' remained almost unknown to the world. His life had been one of povertv, sacrifice, and struggle, but of superb per- severance. He was born of humble and and became a teacher of mathematics. This, however, did not prevent him from being a tireless and wonderfully success- ful observer of insects. He discovered many facts regarding them, and solved 238 THE GUIDE TO NATURE not a few mysteries. He married early in life, and the responsibility of a large family made it imperative for him to work harder than ever at teaching, thus ])ost- poning his dream of becoming a natural- ist with nothing to do but to study insect life. He was able, however, to make great use of his studies near Avignon, where he lived, because the sun-baked, wind-swept wastes about that town were, if worthless agriculturally, an insect para- dise. Here it was that Fabre wrote his greatest work, "Souvenirs Entomologi- ques,'' which has now gone into many editions. It was crowned by the French Academy. Fabre became the friend of Darwin, Maeterlinck, and Mistral. Maeterlinck has said : "He is one of the most profound scholars, purest writers, and finest poets of the century just passed." Through talks with Fabre, Maeterlinck was inspired to write "The Life of the Bee.'' The poet Mistral rescued Fabre from poverty and obscurity by begging aid from all inter- ested in science. A recent remark by Fabre illustrates his simplicity and humility : "Because I have stirred a few grains of sand on the shore am I in a position to know the depths of the ocean? Life has unfathomable secrets. Human knowl- edge will be erased from the archives of the world before we possess the last word that the gnat has to say to us. Scientifi- callv, nature is a riddle without a definite solution to satisfy man's curiosity. Hy- pothesis follows hypothesis ; the theoreti- cal rubbish heap accumulates and truth ever eludes us. To know how not to know might well be the last word of wisdom." —"The Outlook." Where to Obtain Living Pupae Many of our readers desire to watch the transformation of pupae into moths or but- terflies. Suchof course know that a butter- fly passes through a chrysalis pupa, a moth through a cocoon pupa. We are glad to announce that both kinds may be obtained from Ward's Natural Science Establish- ment, 82-104 College Avenue, Rochester, New York. Send for their price list and refer to this magazine. The Lament of the Drones. BY GRACE ALLEN IN "GLEANINGS IN BEK CULTURE.'' Xo JHOl-e? Not ever ever more within the hive No more to feel its friendly shelter 'round ? Xo more to share its pulsing peace, alive With vibrant hum of motion and of sound ? And we so powerful-winged and light of heart ? ( )f all this life we love are we a part Xo more ? The Harvard College Observatory was founded in 1840 with a total en- dowment of $3000. Now, it spends $50,000 each year. "NO MORE." No more. Not ever ever more within the hive. An unimaginable end has come. The things are turning dead that were alive And all the singing voices turning dumb And Life herself, who one time bade us be, Has turned away her eyes, which we shall see No more. And this the end ? No end but this for those uncounted days Of banqueting, or those mad hours of bliss We went careening, careless, through the ways Of miracle and light? No end but this? No end but this. No proud sustaining thought Of deed with rapture or with patience wrought — ■ No end but this. More and more The dripping night that stalks without the hive THE INTEREST IN INSECTS 239 Draws round us, dread and ghostly, grim and stark ; Within, tlie deepest shadows are alive With warmth and fragrance, and the very dark Dreams day to come. But though the great sun burns A million dawns awake, the day returns To us. no more — no more. A Remarkable Honeycomb. It seems as if honeybees at times work purely as a matter of pleasure and for their own education. They then abandon every regular method and become amaz- ingly irregular, as was recently shown in certain tests made to ascertain what they would do on sheets of pure smooth bees- wax. When a block of such wax was placed in a hive, the bees probably thought, "As you are doing such an un- usual thing, Mr. Reekeeier, \Ae will meet you halfway." Here is shown th?ir astonishing pro- duction. It is unique. The two down- wardly projecting portions stand out clearly from the sheet of plain beeswax. Around these suspended parts the bees could go freely, as a careful study of the dainty projections makes clearly evident, since they are so transparent that the cells of the other side are visible through them. Come Forth Come forth from your roofs and walls. Into the woods and fields; Find out for yourself the delight A day in the open yields. Eacli sunbeam, every flower. An influence for your good; But better than all, the cool Enchantment of the wood. Therein is balm for your soul, Therein is rest for your nerves. Therein the elixir of life. That bodily health conserves. Then shatter your prison bars. And live in God's-out-of-doors; Put awaj' life's carking cares, Fill 3^our soul with nature's stores. — Emma Peirce. HIE REMARKABLE HOXEYCOMB. 240 THE GUIDE TO NATURE g««« Incorporated, Connecticut, 1910 Additions to our Membership Since Last Publication. Corresponding : Miss Edna H. Danielson, Goodhue, Minnesota. Mr. T. R. Moss, Louisville, Ken- tucky. Mrs. Kate Lockwood Nevins, Anti- och, California. Charles C. Adams, Ph. D., Syracuse, New York. Mr. Edmund J. Sawyer, Watertown, New York. Mrs. John Hofmeyer, Williamsburg, Virginia. Mr. W. C. Gray, Tama, Iowa. Mr. William D. Richardson, Rich- mond, Virginia. Dr. George F. Kunz, New York City. Miss Frances M. Tollett, New Brigh- ton, Staten Island, New York. L. H. Pammel, Ph. D., Ames, Iowa. Mr. Lemont Barbour, New York City. Miss Frances M. Staples, Stockton, California. Mrs. Estelle Darrah Dyke, Green- wich, Connecticut. Mr. Osmar Falls Wright, New York City. Mr. John Franklin Johnson, Green- wich, Connecticut. Mrs. O. H. Stevens, Marlboro, Mas- sachusetts. Mr. William Howlett Gardner, Port Washington, Long Island, New York. Master Charles Casimir Wade, Sound Beach, Connecticut. Miss M. Inez Lee, Plainfield, Iowa. Mr. W. W. Lathrop, Warren, Ohio. Albert Elmer Austin, M. D., Sound Beach, Connecticut. Mr. Will Webb Tuttle, Muncie, In- diana. Sustaining : Mr. Frank La Manna, Brooklyn, New York. Mr. George Lauder, Jr., Greenwich, Connecticut. Mr. A. Ramsey, Surrey, England. Mr. Herbert W. Faulkner, Washing- ton, Connecticut. Mr. Chas. P. Shoffner, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mr. Frederic Webster, Darien, Con- necticut. Life: Mr. Charles A. Bruun, Kansas City, Missouri. With Our Chapters. Under the leadership of Mr. Halbert C. Phillips our Glenbr-ook Chapter has been reorganized and the following of- ficers elected : President, C. S. Hemp- stead ; Vice-President, Alan Arthur; Recording Secretary, Carl Mix ; Cor- responding Secretary, Arthur Sylves- ter ; Treasurer, Abbot Andrews. We have added to our list the Seeley Chapter of Stamford and Springdale, and the Ernest Thompson Seton Chap- ter of the Woodcraft School in Green- wich. The officers of the Seeley Chap- ter are: President, Mrs. Bertha Gallup Dailey; Vice-President, Miss Sarah A, Ward ; Recording and Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sara Crissy Brown ; Treasurer, Miss Margaret J. Hutch- ings. Of the Ernest Thompson Seton Chapter the President, Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary is Virginia Beresford ; V ice-President, Richard Beresford ; Recording Secretary, Cecile Dudley; Curator, Wade Dudley. Events in the Welcome Reception Room, November 6th : Organization of the Seely Chapter. November I2th: Camo Fire Girls. November r3th : Boy Scouts. November i6th: Organization (^f the Ernest Thompson Seton Chapter. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATIOX 241 Talks by Dr. Bigelow Elsewhere. November 4tli : Waterside School, Stamford. November 8th : Greenwich Farmer's Club, Greenwich. November 9th: Woodcraft School, Greenwich. Miscellaneous Contributions to ArcAdiA. Air. Stephen I. Clason, Sound Beach: poker for mineralogical fireplace in the Welcome Reception Room. Mr. John R. Gordon, New York City : block of sulphur from Louisiana mines. Mr. Arthur Munson, Panama City, Florida: shells from Florida. Mr. H. E. Beats, Flemington, New Jersey : two pieces of coral and flicker nest. Airs. \\'illiam Siegrist, Sound Beach: portrait of Eouis Agassiz for the Wel- come Reception Room. Mr. W\ Scott Lewis, Los Angeles, Cal- ifornia : three slides for projection by stereopticon. Aliss A. P. Cobb, Sound Beach : ter- minal bud and stem through center of rose. Miss Linda \¥orrell, Sound Beach: large jack-in-the-pulpit. Airs. Frederick Gotthold, Cos Cob, Connecticut : unusually large fasciated stem of asparagus — flattened stem three inches in diameter and five feet long ; egg with peculiar markings. Aliss Poloma Engle, Sound Beach : Actios luna moth. Air. Thomas O'Connor, Sound Beach : large mourning horsefly, Tahanus atra- tus. Aliss Natalie Roeth, Stamford : double leaf of wild cherry. James Byrnes, Sound Beach : specimen of Corydalis cornuta. Mr. Ellis B. Noyes, Portsmouth, Vir- ginia : large herbarium. Mrs. Charles Engle, Sound Beach : bat from Porto Rico. John Drenckhalm, Riverside, Connec- ticut: larva of moth (Sibine stimulea). Air. Wm. J. Blackburn. Jr., Adena. Ohio : specimen of Calamite or "horse- tail." Aliss Helene Edmonds, Sound Beach: string of egg cases of whelk {Fulg^ur canaliculata). Aliss Winifred Stoner, Jr., Wilming- ton, North Carolina: living specimens of carnivorous plants — Venus flytrap pitcher plant and trumpet plants and their bloom. Excelsior Hardware Company, Stam- ford : burnishing and lacquering candle- sticks for the fireplace in the Welcome Reception Room. Reverend Lewis W. Barney, Ph. D., Sound Beach : decorative drawing of Biblical texts (God's Works). Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin : eighteen astronomical trans- parencies. Lick Observatory, Alount Hamilton, California: illustrated volumes of star fields, nebulae, comets, etc. United States Coast Survey, Washing- ton, D. C. : large chart showing details from Shippan Point to Captain's Island and northward to the railroad, LInited States Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. : "The American Ephemeris" for 1915-1916. "Everyone to Her Taste" Heading, of Leading Editorial of Stamford Evening Star. As the sweet young thing said when she kissed her Boston brindle pup. The visitors wished to see the aver- age life of Connecticut folks so we took the Post Road to Bridgeport. Cove Pond and Percy's — hospitality, rest, geniality. Then onward through bright, lively, pretty Norwalk ; onward, across the bridge (at your own risk) — on to Bridgeport, brilliant in every way ; stylish girls and fellows, firm and vigorous movement, vibrant life. Let us see all of Bridgeport; so the six-cylinder Haynes pauses at the cabaret. Don't abandon hope, ye who enter, but get on while you are still normal ! Noise ! Noise ! ! Noise ! ! ! Noisy sounds from the piano ; noisy sounds by a good voice that knows nothing of the art of singing, noisy talk, noisy laughter, exceedingly noisy cos- tumes, noisome air and fortissimo marks on the thermometer. How poor the things that cost so dear ! Fresh air is free, stale air costs by the minute. The genial family with its handsome sons and pretty daugh- ters, has the latch string out ; the un- clean cabaret with its stench and rouge taxes you at the door. Pure water and delicious viands bestow^ed without 242 THE GUIDE TO NATURE stint by the head of the family ; drug- ged waters and food flavored with sweat at the cabaret, plus the fragrance of stale tobacco, stale alcohol, very stale alcoholics, stale strategems all around. Oh yes, the people like to be hum- bugged ! For the tables were filled, so were the come-ons — ears, eyes, noses, bellies — with poison, and their pockets rapidly emptying. Yet neither the poor, pretty, panited girls, nor the gluttonous drinkers were as poor as the man who taxed all for his poor stuff. Enough. We have seen poverty of soul, poverty of mind, poverty of taste ; to-morrow we shall see riches. Back to Stamford. Up and out into the fresh morning air, past prosperous homesteads and fragrant gardens, glimpses of the spark- ling Sound, and we apply brakes at ArcAdiA. "Welcome," says the bright blue sky ; "Welcome," say the trees : "come, enjoy our shade ;" "Welcome," from the leaf- embowered cottages ; "Welcome," say the whole God-blessed clan of Bige- lows. Take your ease, breathe ozone, walk with God, feast your soul. Forget the poor cabaret, for here is wealth. Strength, love, normality — these are yours without condition or price at ArCz^diA. Stamfordians, you can get the price- less for nothing, or you can buy the worthless by paying out your all. Everyone to his taste. But taste can be acquired. Has Established a Conchological Museum. Y. Hirase, one of the members of The Agassiz Association, has been a faithful worker among shells for thirty years. He labors for a new ideal along the line of nature study but in the meritorious pur- suit he has met with many financial trials. Recently he issued a circular in which he appeals to his American friends, telling the story of his struggles, the great ex- pense for books, papers, magazines and the time that he has devoted to the work. He states that he has consumed half his property and that necessarily hi? family has lived sparingly. But, good for him, he has been sticking to it and now expres- ses his determination as follows : "I was determined 'not to look back, as J had put my hand to the plough' nor to leave it off until I should fall down dead." Every lover of shells wili be interested in his circular. Add'-ess : V. Hirase, President, The Hirase Conchological Aluseum, Okazaki, Kyoto, Jai)aii. The Astonishingly Powerful Stump Pulling Machine. That Mr. Seton aided by one or two workmen has been able to uproot such enormous trees, as was explained in our November number, has attracted much attention and elicited many inquiries. At the time of publication of that num- ber we did not know the manufactur- er's address, but have obtained it and are glad to present it to our many in- quiring friends. Full particulars may he obtained from Walter J. Fitzpatrick, 182 Fifth Street, San Francisco, Cali- fornia. A man at the handle of this machine can lift forty-eight tons. This is more than can be accomplished by sixteen horses. Is there any^thing more aston- ishing in all the realm of mechanical power? The editor, watching the operation of the little machine, realized that it is entitled to its name of the "Wonder Worker." It will pull any stump that a one inch wire cable will hold. It is built of first-class material, it will last a life- time, and it is not expensive. Think how convenient this is for any farmer or, perhaps even better, for some local contractor that could easily secure one and do a thriving business among the farmers and others that have need of so powerful a machine. A few farmers could club together and own it in a company and each have the benefit of it. Where in all the world can another machine be found capable of pulling as much as sixteen horses, and needing onlv one man to control it? Of Interest to Parents. "Child Life," published by the Amer- ican Institute of Child Life, of Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, has been dou- bled in size and so improved that it is now in true harmony^ with its name. It publishes much material of interest to parents, and reprints from a large number of magazines suggestions in- tended to inspire interest among the young folks themselves. THE AGASSIZ ASSOCIATIOX 243 Tragic Death of a Young Naturalist. On September 21st. only a few days after his eighth birthday, little Robert Walker of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was struck by an automobile as he was cross- ing the street to visit a candy store, and almost instantly killed. His father is the representative of The Agassiz Associa- was Robert and his brother Wendell who at the dinner table said: 'Tell Mr. Bige- low to come ; Wendell and I have $50 in the bank ; we will bear his expenses. We want to see him and hear him tell some stories." I intended to allow him to carry out his wishes, and you will remember that when I wrote you I stated, 'You will be amused when you learn who it is that is putting up the guarantee fund.' "HE HAS THE MAGAZINES UNDER HIS ARM." "SHOWS HIM FEEDING HIS PET KID." tion for Tennessee and for a long time has taken active interest in the work. He, his son and the other members of his family are good naturalists. The editor ■expected to visit the family last autumn. but was unavoidably prevented. Under date of October 7th ^Ir. Walker writes as follows : 'T am sorry that you did not know Robert personally. He was a born natur- alist, and the most affable, and genial child that ever lived. He never failed to •enjoy a beautiful sunset, or a glorious sunrise, nor to try to show others the beauty that was in nature. The plants, the birds, the flowers, everything in nature had a peculiar charm for him. Three hours before the occurrence of the terrible accident that took away his life he was caressing his butterflies, feeding his garden spider, and showing me the spines on the back of an lo moth larva. "Last fall when we were anticipating a visit from you and when the organiza- tion here failed to keep its pledge to sup- ply the funds that were to bring you. it "T enclose a photograph that I made of him last winter when the snow was on the ground, and as he was starting out to solicit subscriptions for The Guide TO Nature. He has the magazines tnider his arm. The other photograph shows him feeding his pet kid. This was taken a few weeks before his death.'' Fill the Mind with Roadsides. For, if we can fill the plastic minds of growing children with thotights of the beautiful world of nature, with the fas- cination of the myriads of wee beati- ties, more wonderfttl than a circus, we can so saturate them with the good, that no room remains for the morbid, the inidesirable, the vicious. Let us teach them to read roadsides, as well as books. — "The Nature-Study Re- view." Nature is so prodigal, She heaps her treasures up: If to her we look for joy, Full will be our cup. — Emma Peirce. 244 THE GUIDE TO NATURE °®«®®SS