A GUIDE '^ "^'^''"^r- 0, 0^^ TO THE ^ ; TO THE V. , ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS EXHIBITED m THE INVERTEBRATE GALLERY OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. 1894. Price Ten annas. 31 A GUIDE TO THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS ^hc trustees OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. CALCUTTA : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM, 1894. Price Ten annas. CALCUTTA : GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL PRINTING OFFICE, 8, HASTINGS STREET, < PREFACE. ♦ '' I ^HIS Guide is issued with the main object of assisting those who may have occasion to study in detail the collections contained in the Invertebrate Gallery, but it is believed that it will be of equal service to the casual visitor. The exhibited collections of Sponges and Corals, of Echinodermata, of Crustacea, and of Mollusca, may be regarded as at the least thoroughly re- presentative of the Seas of India both in the shallows and in the depths, as far as the depths are known at present ; but owing in the one case to want of space, and in the other case to the incompleteness of our present knowledge, the respective collections of the air-breathing Arthropoda of the Indian region (ex- cepting only the Lepidoptera, and the Mantidae among the Orthoptera) and of most of the groups of Worms of the Indian region, are intended only to illustrate important generic types. A. ALCOCK, Surg eon- Captain, Superintenderit of the Indian Museum, Indian Museum, Calcutta; 2ist May iSg^. A GUIDE TO THE ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS EXHIBITED IN THE INVERTEBRATE GALLERY OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. INTRODUCTORY. THE matter of which the terrestrial system consists is either inorganic (mineral matter) or organic (living matter). [We also include as organic matter all such dead substances as are or have been formed in Nature only by the agency of living plants and animals — such as starches, sugars, fats, albumens, alkaloids, and such as coal and other fossils]. Living organic matter differs broadly from the in- organic matter of the Mineral kingdom in being, on the one hand, liable to rapid dissolution and decay, but in being able, on the other hand, to spontaneously renew and in- crease itself out of the various inanimate substances with which it is brought into relation. The cycles of compli- cated physico-chemical changes that occur in the course of this constant decay and renewal constitute Life. Living bodies are divided into (i) Animals which feel, and can move spontaneously ; (2) Plants which do not. Although we have no difficulty in distinguishing a highly developed animal, e.g,, a vertebrate, from a highly devel- oped plant, e.g,, a flowering tree, yet when we descend in A Guide to the Zoolopical Collections in the the animal kingdom we find many groups of animals, e.g., the Sponges, which being devoid of organs of sensation and beino- devoid of the power of voluntary movement were for a long time classed as plants, and when we descend to the lowest foundations of the vegetable kingdom we find many microscopic plants, which being endowed with the power of spontaneous motion were at first classed as animals. The broad distinction that holds good, in the main, throughout the two kingdoms is that Plants live upon and build themselves up out of inorganic substances, while Animals can only live upon and build themselves up out of already-made organic substances. In other words, in the cycle of Nature, Plants are manu- facturers of organic substances for the consumption of Animals. All Animals and Plants are built up of cells. [The word "cell," as used in biology, means a micros- copic mass of semi-fluid living-substance or protoplasm usually containing a denser body known as the nucleus, and sometimes surrounded by a membrane or wall : the semi-fluid living jelly or protoplasm of which cells are made, is an extremely complex chemical compound of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulphur, etc.]. For purposes of classification Animals are divided into (i) Protozoa^ or animals that consist of a single cell, and (2) Metasoa, or animals that consist of an aggregate of cells. The Metazoa again are sub-divided into (i) Ccelen- terata, or animals in which the cavity of the body is formed entirely by the intestine ; and (2) Ccelomata, or animals in which there is a distinct body-cavity through which the intestinal tube runs, — like a lamp-chimney through a lamp-globe. The Coelomata are further sub-divided into several great phyla or family unions, namely, (i) the Platyheltninthes or Flat-worms, of which the common Liver Fluke may be taken as a type ; (2) the Nemathelminthes or Non- Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 7 segmented Round-worms, of which the common Intestinal worm may be taken as a type ; (3) the Annelida or Segmented worms, of which the common Earth-worm may be taken as a type ; (4) the Arthropoda or Segmented animals with many-jointed legs, of which the common Prawn may be taken as a type ; (5) the Echinodermata^ of which the Star-fish may be taken as a type ; (6) the Mollusca, of which the common Snail may be taken as a type ; and (7) the Vertebrata, or animals which possess at some tim.e of their life either a backbone or the element out of which a backbone is developed, of which the Fish, the Frog, the Crocodile, the Bird, and the Mammalian quadruped are types. The old Lamarckian classification of animals is into (i) Vertebrata and (2) Invertebrata — the latter including the Protozoa^ the Ccelenterate Metasoa, and all the Coslo' mate Metasoa, with the exception of that portion of the Vertebrate phylum which consists of animals charac- terized by a well-developed backbone. PROTOZOA. [(JDccu^Jging the Southern enb of OTasc I oxx ih.z Wizsiztw siic of the (ialUrg]. The Protozoa are microscopic animals which consist of a single cell, in other words of a single minute speck of protoplasm, usually with a nucleus, sometimes with several nuclei, but occasionally {Monera) without a nucleus, and the great majority of them therefore can only be represented in a Museum collection by enlarged models and drawings. Many species, however, are able to secrete protective shells of chitin or of lime or of flint, or to manufacture tests by the agglutination of minute grains of sand, and some of these are large enough to be distinguished by the naked eye. 8 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the Most of the Protozoa are aquatic : the species of one group — the Gregarinida — live as parasites in the interior of the cockroach, the earth-worm, and other animals. In the Museum collection the shell-secreting Protozoa are well represented — both actual shells and enlarged models. There are two great groups of shell-secreting Protozoa — (i) the Radiolaria, the shells of which consist of flint, and (2) iViQ, Foraminifera,i\\& shells of which consist either of agglutinated sand-grains or, more commonly, of chitin (a flexible horny substance like that which forms the wing- cases of beetles and the integument of Crustacea and many other invertebrate animals), impregnated and strengthened with either carbonate of lime or flint. Only the Foraminiferal Protozoa will be here described, as they alone are represented in the collection by actual specimens visible to the naked eye. The Foraminifera are aquatic (mostly marine) Pro- tozoa in which the body is enclosed in a shell which is usually perforated all over with little holes like a sieve, whence the name Foramirtifera, but in some cases is entire with at one end a single opening, or mouth, just like, for example, a snail-shell. From the little holes in the shell-wall, or from the mouth of the shell, the living animal puts forth and draws in again thread-like processes of its own body-substance, which are known as pseudopodia, and it is by the continuous motion of these threads of pro- toplasm, or pseudopodia, that the animals move from place to place and seize their minute prey. The great majority of the Foraminifera live in the sea. At the surface of the great oceans they exist in countless numbers, and as they die their shells fall to the bottom, where they form deposits of vast extent known as " Fora- miniferal ooze," or, form the name of the commonest and one of the largest of the oceanic species, " Globigerina ooze." When dry this ooze has all the appearance of com- mon chalk, and the White Chalk of Geology is in fact Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. g simply Foraminiferal ooze that has been laid down in the seas of past geological ages, and has since been upheaved into dry land. Among the exhibits are to be seen : — I. — Pelagic and Deep-sea Forominifera : — (i) A piece of rough dried Glohigerina ooze from the Bay of Bengal, (2) Glohioerina ooze from the Laccadive Sea washed free from impurities, and dried : this specimen shows the constituent shells as a coarse powder. (3) Specimens of Glohigerina bulloides, one of the commoner "perforate " forms, mounted sepa- rately. (4) Specimens of Pulvinulina menardii, another very common " perforate " form, mounted separate- All these come from depths of one thousand to two thousand fathoms. The imperforate forms are well illustrated by a large specinien of (5) Horniosina bradyi dredged in the Bay of Bengal at a depth of 561 fathoms. The shell of Horniosina consists not of lime, but of chitin strengthened on the outside by a smooth compact coat of minute grains of sand, and at one end of the shell is the opening — shown in the enlarged drawing that accompanies the specimen — from which the pseudopodia are emitted in a bunch. II. — Littoral and shallow-water Foraminifera : — (i) Orbitolites. (2) Nummulina. (3) Alveoli na. (4) Planorbiilina. III. — The other exhibits in the Protosoa-cdLse are a series of models of recent and extinct Forami- nifera much enlarged ; and IV. — Enlarged drawings of the other types of Protozoa—vis.^ Monera, Amwba, Thalassicolla 10 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the and Sphxrozoum, Chilomonas, Paramcecium, and Gregarina^ for an account of all of which the visitor is referred to works on systematic zoology. The last exhibit is (V) a specimen of Eozoon canadense from Canada, presented by Lady Dufferin. Eozoon has been supposed to be the fossil remains of a gigantic Fora- minifer, and its interest lies in the fact that, if fossil, it re- presents, geologically speaking, the most ancient form of life known to us. It is not generally conceded, however, that Eozoon represents an organic structure. METAZOA. We next come to the Metazoa^ or animals that consist of a complex of cells. Among the Protozoa the single simple cell performs, though imperfectly, all the various functions by which life is maintained : it receives simple impressions from without, e.g. of the proximity of food, it is locomotive, it takes hold of and digests prey, it respires, it circulates its assimilated nutriment, and it excretes its useless waste, — and in most of the Protozoa it does all this with any and every part of its simple unicellular body. But when a multitude of cells is incorporated together to form a large many-celled animal, it is not economical for the incorporation that each of its cell-units should, so to speak, go its own way and continue to perform all its func- tions independently for itself. It is more economical, both for the incorporation as a whole, and for each of these cell-units, that each of the functions requisite for the com- mon weal should be assigned to particular groups of cells — to some groups the receiving of impressions, to other groups the functions of digestion and assimilation, and so I Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. il on : much as happens in communities of men, where the various industries and activities of the community are not performed by all the citizens alike, but each citizen is devoted to one particular occupation. In this way, since '' practice makes perfect," each function comes to be dexter- ously and economically performed. This apportioning of functions is known as the " physio- logical division of labour," and we must now consider the changes to which it gives rise. Let us imagine a colony of cells, all of which are alike in form, and, like a Protozoan, possess the same limited range of ill-developed functions, and let us now suppose that to one group of cells is allotted the function of pro- tecting the colony from external injuries, and to another group of cells the function of digesting the food of the colony. Then as a natural result of special perfection in one set of protecting functions to the relative neglect of the digestive functions, and vice versa, these two groups of cells will gradually come to differ in many points of structure and form. In other words, among cells originally alike in form the specialization of function to which the division of physiological labour gives rise leads to many differences in form. A second consequence of the physiological division of labour, and of the differences in occupation and struc- ture to which it leads, is that all the various cells and groups of cells — like the citizens of a state — come to be mutually dependent on one another. The earlier and simpler stages of the physiological division of labour are seen in the two large family-unions or phyla of Metazoa known as Coelenterata, in which the constituent cells of the body fall into two distinct well- differentiated layers or membranes, — an external protec- tive and sensory layer, and an internal digestive layer,— enclosing a central cavity or stomach. 12 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the METAZOA CCELENTERATA. [Case® 1—8 along the SS^stcrn sil)c, anb 9—16 along the ©astern ©ibc of the Olatlerj)]. The Coelenterata, or Zoophytes, are multicellular ani- mals, most of which are immovably fixed and have the power of increasing either by fission, or by budding like plants, to form tree-like colonies. Many of them were formerly classed with plants, and their name of Zoophyte, or "Plant animal", indicates this superficial resemblance. The group includes the Sponges, the Sea-firs and Sea- jellies, the Sea-pens, the Corals, and the Sea-anemones. In the Ccelenterata-iy^e the division of labour has pro- gressed to the extent of segregating the cells of which the body is made up into two layers — an outer chiefly defen- sive layer known as the ectoderm, and an inner chiefly digestive layer known as the endoderm. Between these two layers a middle chiefly supporting layer, known as the mesoderm, is afterwards developed. The Coelenterata are divided into two great groups — (i) the /'^'^{/6'rrt:. or Sponges, which have inhalant pores in the body-wall, but have no mouth, no tentacles, and no stinging cells ; and (2) the Ctiidaria, or Stinging Zoo- phytes, which have no inhalant pores in the body-wall, but have a mouth, tentacles, and stinging cells. PHYLUM I OF THE CCELENTERATA. PORIFERA (SPONGES). [(Eases 1—3 along the SEestern sik of the (lallevj)]. The typical form of the simple sponge-animal is that of a tube closed and fixed at one end and free and open at Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 13 the other. The tube-wall is built up of three layers of cells (1) a very thin outer layer of delicate cells known as the ectodermal epithelium, {2) an inner layer of large cells known as the endodermal epithelium, and (3) a middle layer of cells and intercellular substance secreted by the cells, known as the mesodermal connective tissue, or sponge parenchyma. In this mesodermal tissue a sup- porting skeleton of horn, or lime, or flint is usually de- veloped, and it is this skeleton, washed and dried, that constitutes most of the Museum specimens of sponges. The hollow of the tube is known as the " gastral cavity," and its open end as the "osculum". The osculum does not correspond to the mouth of other Ccelenterates. The sponge in fact does not possess a mouth, but the body-wall is perforated by large pores which can be closed and opened again. Through these pores currents of water stream into the gastral cavity^ carrying with them the microscopic organisms which form the food of the sponge, and passing away out through the osculum. This simple type of sponge is seen in Ascetta, which, however, is not represented in the collection. Such simple forms are uncommon. In the Syconidae, of which several specimens {Sycandra^ Grantessa, Leucandra) are exhibited in the collection (Case 1), the mesodermal parenchyma gets much thicker, and becomes tunnelled by pouch-like offshoots of the gastral cavity, the ends of the pouches opening to the exterior by pores, and causing the conical bulgings to be seen on the outside wall of the sponge where they open. This not very complicated type is fairly well seen in the exhibited specimens of Sycandra and Sycon, both of which are shown in longitudinal section, in Case 1. In most other cases the structure of the sponge is still more complicated by the further thickening of the meso- derma parenchyma and the repeated branching of the 14 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the pouches derived from the original gastral cavity to form systems of canals and of chambers— the "ciliated cham- bers " — in which all the digestive and respiratory work of the sponge is carried on. In these cases the water carry- ing food and dissolved air streams through the "pores" into "afferent canals " which lead into "ciliated chambers" that are really only special developments of the branches of the gastral cavity. From the ciliated chambers the now effete water passes through "efferent canals" into the much-restricted gastral cavity, whence it streams out at the osculum. This complicated branching canal and chamber system can be seen in almost any sponge, but it is specially well seen in the exhibited vertical section (spirit-speci- men) of the Hexactinellid sponge Pheronema globosinn^ in Case 1. Further complications of the sponge-form result from the fact that many sponges increase by budding, so that the originally single sponge becomes a colony of sponges. This is well seen in the exhibited specimens of Sycandra^ Reniera and Chalina. It has already been stated that a firm supporting skeleton is usually developed in the mesoderm of the sponge, and this skeleton, from the superficial observer's point of view, is the principal part of the sponge, as it forms the bulk of the animal and its roost enduring part. With the exception of one small Family — the Spongil- lidae--2A\ the sponges are marine, living either attached to rocks and reefs in shallow water, or anchored in the mud of the ocean-depths. Sponges are divided into two great Classes — [\\Calcarea and (2) Nun-Calcarea. I. PORIFERA CALCAREA. [€il5C 1]. The Calcarca consist of one Order, namely, — Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 15 i.— CALCISPONGIiE. Ill the Calcispongix the sponge skeleton is made up of spicules of carbonate of lime interlaced to form a sort of rigid felt-work. The Calcispongise are represented in the collection by specimens of Ascetta, Sycon, Sycandra, Grantessa, and Leucandra. 2. PORIFERA NON-CALCAREA. [Cases 1—3]. In the Non-Calcarea the skeleton consists either of spi- cules of silica (flint), or of horny fibres. There are three Orders — Hexactinellida, Chondrospongi^, and Curnacu- spongise. ii.-PORIFERA HEXACTINELLIDA. [OTasc 1]. Hexactinellida (Glassy or Flinty Sponges), in which the skeleton consists of spicules of flint or opal. The Hexactinellida^ which are well represented in the Museum collection, live almost entirely in the great depths of the ocean. They very rarely occur in less than 100 fathoms, but are to be found at all depths between 100 and 3,000 fathoms. In the Indian Sea they have been found at the greatest depth at which the dredge has been used by H. M. I. M. S. ^^Investigator'' and according to the observations of the naturalists of this vessel they occur in the greatest abundance in the neighbourhood of the Andaman Islands at depths of 180 to 300 fathoms. The skeleton in the Hexactinellida is formed of spicules of flint or opal which are typically six-rayed, the tips of the rays of neighbouring spicules being very commonly cemented together by flint to form a lattice-work of re- markable regularity, symmetry, and rigidity. This is well seen in the beautiful Venus' Flower Basket {Euplectella), 1 6 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the and also in Aphrocallistes and Farrea, all of which are exhibited in the collection. In some species the spicules at the base (or root) of the sponge are fused together to form stout threads, which either remain separate or in loosely-woven tufts as in the Bird's Nest Sponge {Pheronema globosum) and in Semper- ella schnitzel^ or are tightly woven together in strands to form a long rope, as in the Glass-rope Sponge {Hyalone- ma). By these tufts or ropes the sponge anchors itself in the mud at the bottom of the ocean. The Hexactinellida are represented in the collection by specimens of the following genera : — Euplectella, Au- lochone, Nyalonema, Stylocalyx, Pheronema, Semperella, Aphrocallistes, and Farrea. Some of the forms taken by the spicules of the flinty sponges are shown in the large plate of enlarged drawings in Case 1. iii.— PORIFERA CHONDROSPONGI^. [(Ia0c 2]. The Chondrospongise, or Horny-Flinty Sponges, form a very large Order of sponges, in which the skeleton is typically made up of a mass of siliceous, or flinty, spicules of various shapes, which are not usually cemented together either by spongin or by flint, but are matted together to form a stout felt-work. The Order is fairly well represented in the collection by the following genera : — Tethya, Aulospongus ; Raphyrus, Papillina ; Suberites, Poterion (a series of magnificent specimens of Poterion neptuni), Raspailia, Dictyocylin- drus, Acanthella, Phakelliay Chondrilla, Spongilla. iv.— PORIFERA CORNACUSPONGI.^. [Case 3]. The Cornacuspongise also form a large Order, in which the skeleton is typically made up either of siliceous Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 17 spicules cemented together by a substance known as " spongin " chemically very similar to horn, or is formed entirely of spongin fibres without any spicules whatever. The common bath-sponge is a familiar example of this last group. In Halme the horny skeleton is strengthened with grains of sand. The Cornacuspongix are represented in the collection by the following genera : — Esperella, fo- trocha, Clathria, Echinonetna^ Plumohalichondria^ Clath- rtssa, Thalassodendron, Echinodictyum, Caulospongia ; Reniera, Haplochalina, C/ialinissa, Chalina, Tuba ; Phyllospongia, Chalinopsilla, Hippospongia, Halme, Stel- osf)otigia, Hircinia, Cacospongia, Carterispongia, and Dendrilla. PHYLUM II OF THE COELENTERATA. CNIDARIA (STINGING ZOOPHYTES). [Cases 3—16], The other great group of the Coelenterata is that of the Cnidarta, or Stinging Zoophytes, distinguished from the Porifera or Sponges in possessing for the ingestion of food a mouth surrounded by tentacles, instead of pores, in being provided with special stinging-cells for defence and for disabling their prey, and in being possessed of a true stomach, as well as of the elements of a muscular and nervous system. There are two great divisions of the Cm'daria, namely, (i) the division typified by Hydra, in which the mouth is a simple orifice in the body-wall, and leads directly into the stomach ; and (2) the division typified by the Sea-anemone, in which the mouth is formed at an invagination of the body-wall, the invagination forming an ectodermal gullet. Of these two divisions the first consists of the one Class Hydrotnedusse, and the second consists of three Classes the Ant ho 20a, the Scyphomedusse, and the Ctenophora, B A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the I. CNiDARiA HYDRO MEDUSiC. [OTas^s 3—4]. In this great Class the type is an animal having the form of a simple tube closed and often attached at one end — the aboral pole ; and provided at the other end (oral pole) with a mouth surrounded by tentacles. The tube of which the animal consists is mainly formed of two layers, — an outer layer or ectoderm, and an inner layer or endoderm — and between these two there occurs the elements of a third supporting layer, or mesoderm. The hollow of the tube is the gastric cavity, or stomach. This simple type is seen in Hydra, an animal that can only be properly examined under the microscope, and which is therefore exhibited in the form of an enlarged drawing. This simple type becomes complicated by the fact that the parent polyp usually buds and branches again and again — the resulting offspring remaining united together and to the parent to form a tree-like colony. This is well seen in the exhibited specimens of Tiibu- laria, Eudendrium, Corydendrium, Plumularia, and Ser- tularia. In these colonial forms the units of the colony are known as "zooids," and the fleshy substance which binds them together is known as the "coenosarc." In the ecto- dermal coenosarc a protective and supporting investment is often secreted. In Tubularia and the allied forms this is a chitinous pellicle. In Perigonimus the chitinous pelli- cle is strengthened by grains of sand. In Plumularia and Sertularia the chitinous investment is very thick and stout, and is moreover continued over the zooids up to the level of their tentacles to form protective cups into which the zooids can completely retract themselves when alarmed. In Millepora, instead of a membranous or chitinous pellicle, a hard stony deposit, in structure ex- actly similar to a stony coral, is formed by the ectoderm. Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. ig and into cavities in this the zooids can withdraw them- selves. All these gradations may be well studied in the specimens and models exhibited in the collection. (Cases 3-4). Another complication found in these compound colonies is due to the fact that a physiological division of labour takes place among the zooids of which the individual colonies are composed, some of the zooids remaining devoted entirely to nutritive functions and retaining the hydroid form, while others become specialized for repro- duction, and undergo much modification in form. The essence of this modification is that the reproductive zooids (or "gonozooids") lose their fixed attachment and become free-swimmers. The explanation of their becoming free- swimmers is that the eggs and young which they produce may be widely scattered, and so may be more likely to find food and to live and grow than they would be if they fell close to the already well-established parent colony. The reproductive polyps are known as Medusse .- they may be regarded as hydra-ioxm polyps, which have become greatly flattened out at the aboral pole into a disk, and then bent round into the form of a bell, from the centre of which the oral end of the polyp (the mouth) hangs down like a hollow clapper (" manubrium " or " gastric peduncle "). At the same time the mesoderm in the wall of the bell becomes much thickened, and the gastral cavity in the wall of the bell becomes obliterated, except at the cir- cumference of the bell, where it remains as a canal ("cir- cumferential canal"), and along certain definite lines (usually four in number) which lead from the cavity of the clapper or gastral peduncle to the circumferential canal. These canals are known as " radial canals", and they carry digested nutriment to all parts of the bell. They are well seen in the spirit-specimen of Olindias mulleri, in Case 3, Further, the inside edge of the bell becomes thickened B2 '-^ I 20 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the to form a ring of muscle, by the contraction of which, under the control of a double ring of nerve-tissue, the Medusa swims through the water, and along the edge of the bell tentacles and sensory organs (auditory and visual) are developed at the point where the radial canals join the circumferential canal : these sense-organs are never cover- ed over by folds of membrane. The development of the Medusa from the ordinary nutritive-zooid type into the free locomotive gonozooid type is well displayed in the enlarged glass-models of Bougainvillea fmticosa, Syn- coryne frutescens, Perigonimus vestitus^ etc., in Case 3. From such a typical Medusa-iorm two other modifica- tions arise, one being of the nature of an advancement, the other being probably a degradation. The advanced type of Medusa is shown in the beauti- ful specimen of OUndias miilleri, a large Medusa which throughout its life is known only as a free animal, and never springs as a bud from a tree-like colony. The same thing is illustrated in the series of models of Carmarina has tat a. The degraded type of Medusa is seen in the exhibited specimens of Sertularia, and in the beautiful spirit-speci- men of Tubularia larynx^ where the reproductive units of the polyp-colony, instead of breaking away and becom- ing freely locomotive Medusae with mouth and tentacles, merely grow into large buds or sacks, without mouth and tentacles, in which the reproductive elements are developed. These arrested or incompletely developed Medusae are usually known as " Medusoid gonophores." An intermediate step, in which the reproductive zooid (gonozooid) becomes developed into a more or less perfect Medusa, wliich, however, never becomes detached from the parent colony, occurs, and is represented in the collection by the enlarged models of Tubularia indivisa, in Case 3. In some Hydrozoa the physiological division ot labour goes far beyond the simple separation of the units of the colony into two classes of zooids, the nutritive and the re- I nvertehrate Gnllcry of the Indian Museum. productive. For example, in the Millepora, as is shown in the enlarged drawings after Moseley, the colony consists of a multitude of polyp-like zooids bound together by a hard stone-like ccenenchyma, as is seen in the exhibited speci- men. The zooids are grouped together in little groups of six, in each of which the central zooid is short and stout with a mouth and few tentacles, while the five peripheral zooids are long and thin and flexible, and have no mouth but numerous tentacles. The central zooid, or gastrozooid, is specially modified to perform the work of digestion for the colony ; while the long thin zooids (dactylozooidsj are specially modified to catch prey, which they convey to the mouth of the gastrozooids. The food digested by the gas- trozooids circulates in canals in the ccenenchyma, and is thus distributed all over the colony and to the dactylo- zooids, just as in other Hydrozoa. In the Siphonophora^ which are represented in the col- lection by the glass models of f hysophora^ Apolemia, Agalmopsis, Halistemma, and Physah'a, the entire colony is freely locomotive, usually near the surface of the open sea, and the physiological labours of the colony are allot- ted to separate groups of units or " persons," each of which becomes specially modified for the sole performance of its own function. The exhibited specimen of Physophora hydrostatica may be taken as an illustration : here the labour of the colony is much subdivided, and of the polyps some are exclusively devoted to moving the colony about ("locomotive persons") and have a modified Medusa form, others are exclusively concerned with the digestive labours of the colony ("nutritive persons"), and have become transformed into simple tubes for taking in food, others are entirely occupied with the mechanical protection of their fellow-workers, and have become simple shield-like plates ("protective persons"), others are completely engaged in active defence or in offence, and have become changed into long grappling lines furnished v/ith batteries of stinging- cells, while others are " reproductive persons/' and are prac - lically nothing but bunches of egg-capsules. Ail these 22 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the differently occupied and variously modified " persons " are indicated by letters on the life-sized models in Case 3. Such colonies, made up of units of many different forms, are known as Polymorphic Colonial Hydrozoa, Almost all the Hydrozoa are marine, Hydra being the best known of the very few freshwater forms. The fixed Hydrozoa usually live attached to rocks or encrusting sea-weeds, dead shells, etc., between low water mark and lOO fathoms; a few are known from the deep sea ; while some species attach themselves to freely loco- motive animals, such as crabs, fishes, etc., by which arrange- ment they greatly profit. The free-swimming Medusas are found at the surface of all the seas and oceans. Not to include the usual glass models, the Hydrozoa are represented in the exhibited collection by spirit-speci- mens of the following genera : Tubtilaria, Eudendrium, Corydendrium, Cordylophora, Olindias, Sertularia, Plumularia, A nt ennui aria , only the last three being from the Indian Seas, 2, 3, 4. CNIDARIA ANTKOZOA, SCYPHOMEDUS/E, AND CTENOPHORA. [Cla0£0 4—16]. In the second division of the Cnidaria or Stinsfine Zoophytes the mouth is formed, as in all higher animals, by an invagination of the ectoderm. The mouth, therefore, does not open directly into the gastric cavity as it does in the Hydrozoa, but into an ectodermal invagination, or gullet, which leads to the gastric cavity or stomach. There are three distinct and equivalent types or Classes of these more highly developed Cnidaria, (i) the Anthozoa- type, of which the Sea- anemones and Coral polyps are good examples, (2) the Scyphomedusa-ty^e, of which the large Acraspedote Medusa are the examples, and (3) the Ctenophor type. In the typical Anthozoan the form of the body is still a three-layered tube usually closed and fixed at one end, free Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 23 and provided with a mouth surrounded by tentacles at the other — the hollow of the tube forming the gastric cavity or stomach. The gastric cavity is divided into compartments along its whole length from pole to pole by radial partitions formed by outstanding ridges of endoderm and mesoderm — these being known as sarco-septa or mesenteric folds. 2. CNIDARIA ANTHOZOA. [dases 4— X6, toith the cxaptiou of a ©itigle com^jartment ai QTase 7 0aupii;li bu .SruphomtbusiC vtnl) €tenophora]. The Anthozoa comprise the Sea-anemones and various kinds of Corals, and form a very large and important group. They are all marine animals. The Corals especially are of much interest, because they give rise by budding and fission to great branching tree-like or turf-like colonies, the massing together of which in the shallower waters of tropical seas forms reefs of vast extent. These reefs often become at places raised to the sea level, and they then constitute the nuclei of groups of islands. Good examples of such coral islands near at hand are the Laccadive and Maldive Archipelagos. The Anthozoa are divided into two sub-Classes — the Actiniomorpha and the Alcyoniomorpha. a. ANTHOZOA ACTINIOMORPHA. The Actiniomorpha are divided into three Orders Actiniaria, Antipatharia, Madreporaria. i. ANTHOZOA ACTINIOMORPHA ACTINIARIA. [JEibile of (Ease 7]. The type of simple Actiniomorph Anthozoan is the Sea- anemone (Actinia), of which there are numerous examples exhibited, both glass models and actual spirit specimens, in Case 7. From an inspection of one of these it will be seen that the sea-anemone consists of a tube usually 24 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the attached at its aboral pole, which is known as the pedal disk or foot-plate, and provided with a mouth and crown of hol- low tentacles at the oral pole, which is known as the oral disk or peristome. In Polysiphoma, a deep-sea form, shown in the Case, the tentacles are reduced to short broad stumps, each of which has an orifice at the end through which water with nutrient particles can enter the gastric cavity. The hollow of the tube forms the stomach, into which the pendent oesophagus opens, as may be seen in the several longitudinal bisections of Sphenopiis. The wall of the stomach is raised to form sarco-septa or mesenteric folds, to the free edges of which are attached bunches of filaments (mesenteric filaments) and acontia. The latter are freely armed with stinging-cells, and can be protruded rapidly from the mouth, and sometimes through the body- wall, in defence, when the sea-anemone is irritated. From the free edges of the mesenteric folds the reproductive or- gans also arise. The sarco-septa, or mesenteric folds, with their bunches of mesenteric filaments and of generative products are very clearly displayed in the longitudinal bisections of Sphenopiis and Cerianthus. The acontia are beautifully seen in ,the longitudinal bisection of Cerian- thus, fringing the lower end of the septa. The tentacles in the Actiniaria are multiples of six : they are usually retractile, as is seen in the sections of Sphenopus, and their function is to seize upon prey and convey it to the mouth. Most of the sea-anemones have soft bodies, but some, as in the exhibited specimens of Sphenopus arenaceus and Sphenopus marsupiaiis, and oiZoanthus and Episoanthus, have a leathery external coat, which is further strengthened by a layer of sand-grains agglutinated together. The interesting form Cerianthus, too, some large specimens of which are to be seen in the Case, is furnished with a thick jacket made of mucus and mud and sand, into which the animal can retract itself. Most of the sea-anemones are simple, that is to say Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 25 they do not form colonies by budding and fission, but Zoanthus and Epizoanthus are exceptions to this rule, and form encrusting colonies on shells and very often on the anchoring strands of the Glass-rope Sponge. The sea-anemones usually live attached to rocks between tide-marks or not far below low-water mark. Some, as Sphenopus. and Cerianthus, which live in deeper water are not fixed, but bury their bodies in the mud of the sea- bottom, leaving the mouth and tentacles exposed. A few, as Polysiphonia, live on the soft mud of the ocean-bottom at the greatest depths. Many sea-anemones attach themselves to the carapaces of hermit-crabs or other soft-bodied Crustacea, by whom they are carried about from one feeding-ground to another, the anemone paying for this service by affording the necessary protection to the soft-bodied crab. This inter- change of services between two animals, both of which live in other respects a completely independent life, is known as commensalism. When an animal such as a simple sea-anemone gives off buds, or splits itself into two longitudinally to form new " persons," and when these newly-formed "persons" remain attached to the parent and themselves give rise to another generation which also remains attached, and when further the parent and all its attached generations of branching offspring secrete in their outer layer or ectoderm a hard protective coat of carbonate of lime, we then get the common forms of stony-coral. The stone coral, or Madreporarian, is in fact simply a sea-anemone or colony of sea-anemones with a calcified integument. ii. ANTHOZOA ACTINIOMORPHA MADREPORARIA. The stony corals {Madreporaria) do not all form colonies, but they all secrete in the outer layer of their 26 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the integument the stony protection and support known as "coral." The coral, or " corallum," when freed from the soft parts of the animal by maceration (as is done in most Museum specimens) consists of an outer cup or " calice," which usually contains a central upstanding column or "columella " and numerous series of vertical plates radia- ting from the columella to the calice wall — the *'sklero- septa" and " pali " — by w^hich the mouth and tentacles are supported. The vertical section through the corallum of Caryophyllia communis in Case 16 shows this well. The living Madreporaria are divided into three sections — the (i) Madreporaria Aporosa, (2) Madreporaria Fun- gida^ and (3) Madreporaria Perforata. MADREPORARIA APOROSA. [(Eas^s 14-16]. In the Madreporaria Aporosa the corallum has a solid wall and solid septa. This section is divided into four families — the Turbinolidx, the Oculinidie, the Pocillopori- dse, and the Astr^idx. ist Family Turbinolidas— In which the corallum is almost always a single simple calice or cup, with the chambers between the sklero-septa (" interseptai loculi ") open to the bottom of the cup. Branching colonies never occur and the Turbinolidge therefore play no part in the forma- tion of coral reefs. Many of the Turbinolidx live at the bottom of the deep sea, where sometimes, as in the case of Caryophyllia cotn- munis, they occur in large beds. This family is represent- ed in Case 16 by the following genera, all of which occur in Indian waters : — Flabellum, Rhizotrochus, Deltocyathus, Paracyathus^ Heterocyathus, Caryophyllia^ Stephano- trochus, Discotrochus, and Poiycyathus, the latter being one of the very few Turbinolians that form colonies. Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 27 2nd Family Oculinidge — In this family the corallum is always compound, forming tall branching colonies, the calices or cups of the individual corallites being borne on the sides and tips of the branches. As growth goes on, the calices often fill up with stony deposit. So far as is known only two species of Oculinidge occur in Indian waters, namely, Lophohelia and Cyathohelia. The Ocultnida^ are represented in Case 16 by the following genera : — Lopho- helia from the depths, Cyathohelia from the Madras coast and from Japan, and Amphihelia from Japan. 3rd Family PocllIoporJdse. — In this family the coral consists of a branching tree-like colony bearing crowds of small calices with small or rudimentary septa — the calices often filling up with stony deposit. The Pocilloporidse consist of only two genera — Pocillopova and Seriatopora, both of which are common reef-forms, and are found in abundance in the shallow waters of the Indian Seas. Numerous species are repre- sented in Case 16. 4th Family Astrasldse. — A very large family, some of which are simple, but the majority of which form the great massive boulder-like colonies of the coral-reefs. In structure the Astraeoid much resembles the Turbinoloid coral, but the corallum in the Astraeidse differs in havino- the chambers between the septa (interseptal loculi) more or less crossed by strands of coral known as "dissepi- ments." The Astrxidai are represented in Cases 14-15 by the following genera — all from the coral-reefs of the Indian Seas : — Montlivaltia, one of the simple Astrseans which does not form branching colonies ; Cylicia, one of the genera which forms creeping colonies ; Cladocora, Tra- chyphyllia, Mussa, Euphyllia, Mxandrina, Cceloria, Symphyllia, Tridacophyllia, Hydnophora^ Favia, Goni- astrsea. Phymastrxa, Plesiastrsea, Echinopora, Galaxea Leptastrsea^ Prionastrsea, Mcrulina — all these last being true reef-corals forming branching or mpssive turf like colonies. 28 A Gutde to the Zoological Collections in the MADREPORARIA FUNGIDA. [arjts£ 13], The majority of the corals of this section are flat mushroom-like forms : the chambers between the sklero- septa (" interseptal loculi ") are always more or less filled up by bars of coral ("dissepiments "), which pass across from septum to septum, and the calice-wall is usually fenestrated or perforated to a certain extent. The Fimgida are divided into five families — two of which, however, are extinct, being known only as fossils. The three living families are the Plesiofiingidse, the Fungidx, and the Lophoseridse. 1st. The gene/a of the Plesiofungidae are all extinct but one ~Std era iirxa — which lives in the Indian Seas, a specimen being exhibited in Case 13- 2nd Family Fungidae. — The corals of this family are larcre flat mushroom-shaped disks, with perforated and fenestrated walls; some are simple and some compound. They are well represented in Case 13 by numerous beau- tiful specimens, from the Andaman and Mergui reefs, of the following genera : — Fimgia, Haliglossa, Halomitra {Podobacici), Cryptahacia^ Herpolitha^ Lithactinia. 3rd Family Lophoseridae. — In this family the calice-wall IS not perforated or fenestrated, and the corals are either simple and small, flat and mushroom-like, or else they are compound, and form spreading encrusting fungus-like cakes. They are well represented in Case 13 by the following genera : — Trochoseris^ Cycloseris, Diaseris, and the beauti- ful Bathyactis from the depths of the Bay of Bengal — all these being small simple forms : and Lophoseris {Pavonio), Leptoseris, Agaricia, Coscinarxa, and Psammocora — which are compound forms. MADBEPOKAKIA PERFORATA. [Cases 8-12]. In th's section, which includes both small simple corals and huge trec'like colonies, the great distinguishing char- Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 29 acter is that both the walls of the coral-cups and the branches are spongy and porous or lace-like. The Per- forate Madreporaria are divided into three families — the Eupsam?nida;, the Madrepcridx, and the Poritidse. 1st Family Eupsammidse. — The Eupsammidai are mostly small simple corals, but some of them, e.cr., DendropJiyl- lia, form colonies. They are represented in Case 12 by the following genera from the rocky parts of the coasts of India, Burma, and Ceylon : Balanophylh'a, Eupsammia Heteropsatnmta, Dendrophyllia^ Ccenopsam?7tia, Astro- psammz'a, and Rhodopsammia. 2nd Family Madreporidas. — The Madrepores are the typical corals of the reefs of all parts of the world, where they occur as large tree-like colonies of singular beauty. A large number of species of the genera Madrepora and Turbinaria are shown in Cases 9-12, all of them being from the reefs and islands of the Indian Seas 3rd Family Poritidse. — In this family not only the coral-walls, but the septa also, are porous and lace-like : the corals are always compound, and the individual coral- lites are very small. The colonies are usually in the form of tufts or boulders, and are very common constituents of coral-reefs. Numerous species, from the reefs of the Indian Islands, of the following genera, are exhibited in Case 8 '.—Porites, Synarsea, Goniopora, Alveopora {Favo- sitipora), and Montipora. In connexion with these exhibits of corals, it must be remembered that almost all Museum specimens are sim- ply denuded and dried skeletons. The appearance of the living coral is well seen in the wax models of y^.y/r^;/^'^^- (in Case 12), and of Caryophyllia smithii (in Case 16), and can be fairly well understood by examination of the spirit specimens of Bathyactis stephanus (in Case 13), and of Flabellumjaponicum^Flabellum lacimatum,znd Rhizo- trochus crateriformis {\x\ C3iSe\G), where the spirit-pre- 'jprved specimens, with the soft parts intact though much 30 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the retracted, can be compared with the denuded and dried coralla alongside. ill. ANTHOZOA ACTINIOMORPHA ANTIPATHARIA. [^owth^vn txxt of Qla0£ 7], The Antipatharia constitute a small group of Ac- tiniomorpha which, like the true corals, form branching tree-like colonies supported by a rigid skeleton. The skeleton of the Antipatharia differs from that of the Mad- reporaria in being formed of horn instead of stone, and in being developed only in the coenenchyma and not round the polyps themselves, which are quite soft, like a sea- anemone. The Antipatharian corallum, in short, much resembles the corallum of the Gorgonacea next to be de- scribed, the resemblance being so complete as to have misled the older zoologists into classing the Antipatharia with the Alcyonaria. When, however, the living polyps are examined, the Antipatharia are found to agree with the Actiniaria in having tentacles in sixes or multiples of six, and in having usually numerous septa, instead of, like the Alcyonaria^ eight tentacles and eight septa. The black skeleton or corallum of the Antipatharia^ moreover, can be at once distinguished from that of the Gorgonacea in being densely covered with little thorns. The Antipatharia are represented in Case 7 by the dried tree-like skeletons of Antipathes and Cirrhipathes, by the fine spirit-specimens of the same genera, in which the little polyps with their coenenchyma can be seen in- vesting all the twigs and branches of the corallum like a soft bark, and by the fine specimens of Bathypathes, a deep-sea genus. Bathypathes is a remarkable type which is distinguished from all other Actiniomorpha by exhibiting the phenome- non, already described, of dimorphism : that is to say, in every colony some of the units are specially modified to perform only reproductive functions (reproductive zooids Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 31 or gonozooids), while the others are specially modified to perform only nut:itive functions (nutritive zooids or gas- trozooids). The Antipatharia usually encrust rocky bottoms at moderate depths, — 30-60 fathoms. The few deep-sea forms are also rock livers. b. ANTHOZOA ALCYONIOMORPHA. [Cases 4—6]. This sub-Class consists of marine reef-living animals very commonly in the form of branching tree-like colo- nies or of encrusting moss-like or fungus-like colonies, the constituent units or " persons" of which have the typical polyp shape and structure. Each polyp usually has eight tentacles, instead of six or a multiple of six tentacles, as in the Actiniomorpha. The possession of eight tentacles and eight septa is in short the principal constar^i, character of the Alcyoniomorpha. The tentacles, moreover, are pinnate. The Alcyoniomorpha, like most of the Actiniomorpha^ secrete a firm supporting skeleton or coral, which, however, differs from that of the Actiniomorpha, not merely in being less stony and rigid, but often in important points of development. The skeleton or "coral" of the Alcyoniomorpha (i) is sometimes formed entirely by the mesoderm, in which calcareous spicules are deposited to finally fuse together into a hard solid wall : such a mesodermal coral is seen in the specimens of Tubipora musica (the organ-pipe coral) and of Telesto arborea ; but (2) is most often formed by both ectoderm and mesoderm, the mesodermal element, however, greatly preponderating. la this case the polyp, at the point where it attaches itself to the ground, secretes between its ectoderm or outside layer and the ground a layer of horny matter, and as the polyp-stalk grows up- wards this horny mass follows, until it forms a central horny core or axis which follows the polyp-stalk in all its 32 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the branchings : so that in this way the horny substance which was originally on the outside of the base of the polyp comes to occupy the central core of the polyp-colony. Round about this horny axis of ectodermal origin masses of calcareous spicules are deposited, and these often fuse to- gether or interlace to form a thick rigid coral. Such a coral, formed of both ectoderm and mesoderm, is found in Gorgonia. The Alcyoniomorpha are divided into three Orders, the Alcyonacea, the Pennatulacea, and the Gorgonacea. i. ANTHOZOA ALCYONIOMORPHA ALCYONACEA. [ara0£ 4]. In the Alcyonacea there is no horny central axis of ectodermal origin, and the units of the polyp-colonies are united either by a thick fleshy ccenosarc in the mesoderm of which calcareous spicules are secreted, or by a hard calcareous coenenchyma. The coenosarc is tunnelled by canals which are continuations of the gastric cavities of the polyps, and by these canals (" nutritive canals ") nu- triment is distributed throughout the colony. The nu- tritive canals are well seen in the vertical section of Alcyon ium glaucum^ and in the transverse section of Spon- godes, in Case 4. The Alcyonacea are represented in Case 4 by the fine spirit specimen of Telesto arborea, by the series of dried coralla (mesodermic) of Tubipora musica, by the spirit specimens of Alcyonium^ Lobularia, and the fine series of species of Spongodes, and by the dry specimens and draw- ings of Heliopora. In Spongodes the colony has the form of a bush, in which the coenosarc forms a root and stem and branches, and the polyps occupy the sides and tips of the branches like leaves or flowers. In Heliopora the coenenchyma has become calcified and forms a crystalline stony mass, like the coral of a Madreporarian. Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 33 In Tubipora the ccenenchyma consists of a mass of tubes shaped like organ-pipes. The Alcyonacea mostly inhabit the reefs and rocks of shallow waters, encrusting rocks, dead coral, etc., with their funeus-like and shrub- like colonies. ii. ANTHOZOA ALCYONIOMORPHA PENNATULACEA. [dase 4]. In the Pennatulacea^ which comprise the Sea-pens, Sea-feathers and Sea-rods, the polyp-colony consists of a more or less fleshy stem (coenosarc), one end of which is buried in the mud, while at the other end are borne the polyps, either on regular bilateral overlapping leaf-like plates (as in Pteroeides^ Godeffroyia^ Pennatula^ Hali- sceptrum, Virgularia, and Scytaliiim)^ or sessile on the stem in a long row or rows {Leptoptilum), or in a bunch at the end of the stalk [Umbellula), or in a head, like the radiating florets of a dahlia {Veretillumy Cavernu- laria). In most cases the fleshy stem is strengthened by a deposit of calcareous salts in the mesoderm, and in Virvnlaria the central axis of the stem forms a riafid rod. Examples of all the above genera (specimens preserved in alcohol) are to be found in Case 4, The Pennatulacea are mostly adapted for life on the muddy bottom of shallow seas, but Umbellula and Leptop' tiluin are peculiarly deep-sea forms. iii. ANTHOZOA ALCYONIOMORPHA GORGONACEA. [dascs 5-6]. The Gorgonacea include the Sea-mats and Sea-fans, and form a large group. The polyp colonies in this group consist of a hard, often horny and flexible axis, which is covered by ccenenchyma from which the little polyps protrude. Calcareous spicules are usually deposit- ed in the ccenenchyma, so that the " coral " of the Gorgon- acea consists of two elements — a hard or horny central 34 -^ Guide to the Zoological Collections in the axis or core, and a spicular skin or rind. The Gorgon- acea, like the Alcyonacea, are usually found encrusting coral-reefs, and rocky banks in shallow water, but they also occur in considerable abundance in the great depths of the sea up to 1,200 fathoms, and a few species have been found in the ab3^sses of the ocean. In Cases 5-6 the Gorgonacea are exhibited. Of shal- low-water forms (surf-line to 40 fathoms) the following Indian genera are represented : — Solenocaulon, Sclero- gorgia [Rhipidigorgia and Pterogorgia), Melithsea, Mopsea, /sis, Acanthogorgia, Afuricea, Paramuricea, Leptogorgia, Eunicella, Gorgonia, Juncella, Ctenocella, Gorgonella, Verucella^ Scirpearella. While of deep-sea forms fine alcoholic specimens of the following beautiful species occur : — Strophogorgia ver villi, Ceratoisis grandi- Jlora, Acanella fruticosa, Calypterinus allmani, Stenella^ Thouarella, Callistephanus koreni. To these beautiful specimens, which were dredged by the "Investigator," most of them in the Laccadive Sea at about 700 fathoms, attention is particularly directed. 3. CNIDARIA SCYPHOMEDUS/E. [J^orth^rn mh of Ca0£ 7]. The Scyphomedus£Cy or Acraspedote Medusa;, are ani- mals of the Anthozoan type modified for a free-swimming life at the surface of the ocean. They may be looked upon as Anthozoan polyps that have become converted into swimming-bells by a flattening out and cupping of the body, just as the Craspedote Hydroniedusx may be de- rived from the Hydrozoan polyp type. In the case of the Scypho^nedusae, however, this meta- morphosis has no special relation to reproduction, and the Scyphomedusx are usually throughout the whole cycle of their existence free-swimming Medusse^ giving rise by re- production not to polyp stocks, but to Medusa; like the parent. Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 35 The Scyphomedusx^ or Acraspedote Medusa;^ besides being very much larger, differ from the Hydromedusx, or Craspedote Medusa, in the following essential points : — (i) The muscle at the circumference of the medusa- bell never projects into the cavity of the bell to form a ' velum.' (2) Instead of a velum we find the edge of the swim- ming-bell produced into variously complicated lobes and filaments (marginal lobes) into which prolongations of the gastric cavity extend. (3) The manubrium, or gastric peduncle or oral tube, of the medusa-bell is provided with an ecto- dermal oesophagus or gullet, and the edge of the mouth is generally prolonged into long oral arms. In some Scyphomedusse (the Rhizostomse) these oral arms become deeply grooved, and the edges at last curl over and meet to convert the groove into a tube which, however, remains unclosed at certain spots known as ' suctorial mouths." The tubes of the oral tentacles lead into the gullet, while the true mouth becomes closed. (4) Where the ectodermal oesophagus joins the true endodermal gastric cavity special gastral fila- ments, or gastric tentacles, usually in tufts, are developed. (5) Another important difference, which, however, does not hold good throughout, is that the Cras- pedote Medusa; {Hydromedusae) very seldom (only in one family) give rise to secondary medusae asexually by budding, whereas repro- duction by asexual budding is not uncommon among the Scyphomedusx. This is well seen in the sflass model of Lucernaria. o (6) The sense-organs at the edge of the umbrella are always covered. 36 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the (7) The generative products arise in diverticula of the stomach, and not, as in the Hydromedusse (as is so well shown in Olindias millleri), from the ectoderm. The Scyphomedusx are usually free-swimmers through- out the whole of their existence, but in the family Lucer- naridcB they are attached by their aboral pole in the adult stage , The Scyphomedusx being exceedingly delicate animals, are not easy to preserve for Museum purposes, and in this collection they are represented only by the usual glass models, and by spirit specimens of the deep-sea form Atolla. 4 CNIDARIA CTENOPHORA. [Ilorthcm txCss of Cnsf: 7]. In the Ctenophora the simple polyp type is much modi- fied, and, as in the Scyphomedusse, the modification is such as to fit the animal for a freely locomotive life at the surface of the ocean. Locomotion, however, is effected not so much by the contraction of muscles as by the rowing action of special processes of the ectodermal cells known as "cilia." The cilia are collected together in rows which much resemble combs (hence the name Ctenophora or "comb-bearers"), and the combs of cilia are usually disposed in eight bands or meridians which pass from pole to pole of the usually spherical or ovate or helmet- shaped body. These rows of combs of cilia are very well displayed in the spirit specimens of Beroe ovata and Cydippe plumosa. The internal structure of the typical Ctenophor is not essentially different from that of the Medusa : the mouth leads by a much-compressed gullet into a long stomach placed crosswise to the gullet, and from this stomach a number of canals radiate throughout the bedy. The sensory organ of the Ctenophors is single and is situated at the aboral pole of the body. 1 he Ctenophora are very delicate animals, and are very difficult to preserve, Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 37 and are therefore seldom met with in Museum collec- tions. In this collection they are represented at present only by the alcoholic specimens already named, and by glass models of Mertensia and Cestum veneris. Cestum veneris, however, is an unusual form, for the reason that its body is much compressed and elongated. Cydippe 2iX\6. Beroe are the typical forms. METAZOA CiXLOMATA. We next come to the CcElomata, or animals that pos- sess a true body-cavity, or coelom, through which the alimentary canal runs somewhat like a lamp-chimney through a lamp-globe. The coelom is a closed cavity and lodges, besides the alimentary canal and the glands acces- sory to digestion, at least the organs of circulation, excre- tion and reproduction. In the Coelomata the differentiation of the cells of which the body is built up has become so complicated that it is only in the very earliest stages of development that the simple division into three germinal layers — ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm — is to be verified. In a majority of the Coelomate phyla we are able to dis- tinguish an anterior end or head, just behind which the mouth opens ; a posterior end at which the vent opens ; a ventral surface turned towards the ground upon which the animal moves, and opposite to it a dorsal surface ; and in most a plane carried vertically through the body, along its whole length, from dorsum to venter divides the body into two practically symmetrical halves. The first phylum, or family union, of the C(£lomata is formed by the Platyhelminthes or Flat-worms in which the body-cavity is imperfect and parenchymatous, and the in- testine, except in the case of the one Class of Memertines, either ends blindly or is entirely absent. 38 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the PHYLUM I OF THE CCELOMATA. PLATYHELMINTHES. [5Ke0tcrn mM-t^u 46]. The Platyhelminthes include four natural groups, namely, (i) the Turbellaria, (2) the Trematoda, (3) the Cestoda^ and (4) the Nemertina. Of these the Cestoda and Tretnatoda are entirely parasitic, and are therefore much degraded in form, the alimentary canal being either absent or incomplete. The only characters that are common to all four groups are that the body is flat and more or less elongated and solid, and that the nervous system is concen- trated in a mass or " ganglion " at the head end. Repro- duction is usually sexual, but may sometimes, especially in the larval stages, take place asexually. I. PLATYHELMINTHES TURBELLARIA. [®£stertt ®aU-ra0£ 46]. The Turbellaria are small Platyhelminthes with a leaf- shaped body: some live in the sea, some in freshwater, and some in damp places on land. The main features of their organization are illustrated by enlarged drawings of Planaria polychroa and Planaria lactea and of Cycloporus papillosus (Case 46), in which the body-cavity is seen to be filled with parenchyma and the intestine to end blindly. 2. PLATYHELMINTHES TREMATODA. [SJUestcrn ® all-case 46]. The Trematoda, or Flukes, also are small Platyhel- minthes usually with a leaf-shaped body. They are para- sitic, commonly in the alimentary canal of warm-blooded vertebrates, whence they sometimes pass into the portal vein and its affluents : other forms are found in the gill- chambers of fishes, in the bladder of the frog, etc. In order Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 39 to secure their hold upon the walls of these cavities the Trematoda are furnished with large suckers for adhesion. The intestine ends blindly. The Trematoda are represented in Case 46, by specimens of Distoma hepaticum, (the com- mon liver fluke), and of D. sinense^ D. crassum, and D. con- junctum. In the last of these, as well as in D. sinense, most of the details of the internal organization can be made out through the thin transparent body-wall. The Flukes pass through a complicated series of larval changes, or metamorphoses, in the course of their develop- ment, the larval stages, like the adult, being parasitic. 3. PLATYHELMINTHES OESTODA. [Silcsbm 5EitU-£a0t 46]. The Cestoda, or Tape-worms, are Platyhelminthes that also are parasitic in the alimentary canal of vertebrate animals. Mouth and intestine are alike absent, the para- site being nourished by simple absorption through its soft body-wall. A tape-worm such as Txnia solium, several good specimens of which are exhibited in Case 46, consists of a small head not much larger than a pin-head, followed by a long chain of joints or segments, the anterior of which, nearest the head, are very short, while the posterior in- crease in length as they recede from the head. The head is the real essential part of the animal : the joints, or ''proglottides" as the yare called, are to be re- garded as packets of egg-cells which are constantly drop- ping off at the far end as the eggs ripen, and as constantly being renewed by budding immediately behind the head. This explains the fact that the segments nearest the head, being the latest formed and youngest, are the smallest while those farthest from the head, being the oldest and most mature, are the largest. The structure of the head is not easily seen without a magnifying lens : it consists of a globular mass the apex of 4© A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the which is slightly drawn out — the protuberance or " rosteh lum" being armed with a ring of booklets — and the equatorial circumference of which is furnished with four large suckers. By careful examination all these details, except only the individual booklets, can be recognized in the exhibited specimens. It is by the booklets and suckers that the parasite adheres to the wall of the alimentary canal of its host. The structure of the segments or "proglottides" cannot be made apparent to the naked eye, and all that can be seen on simple inspection of a large mature proglottis is that it is a flat solid oblong mass with a prominent pore at the middle of one edge : this pore is the genital orifice. The proglottis, in fact, is honey-combed with reproduc- tive organs — both elements, male and female, being pre- sent in the same segment — and when it is fully mature it is little more than a packet of impregnated ova. It will be noticed that the pores are not all placed in one series along the same side of the chain of segments, but in two alternating series, on opposite sides. A tape-worm goes through a complicated series of me- tamorphoses in the course of its development from the egg. The egg, after liberation from the proglottis, if it finds its way into the stomach of a (vertebrate) " host " does not forthwith develope into a tape-worm, but the resulting embryo, which is furnished with booklets and somewhat resembles in appearance the "head" of the adult tape- worm, bores its way by means of its booklets through the stomach of its host (first or intermediate host) until it falls into one of the blood or lymph vessels, by the stream of which it is carried often to some distant part of the body. Somewhere or other in the tissues of its first or intermediate host it lodges and, becoming encysted, is known as a Cysticercus, or bladder-worm. The bladder-worm may increase in size and may give rise by budding to other generations of bladder-worms, but no further development occurs within the first host. If, however, the first host be Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 41 eaten by another vertebrate animal, then the bladder- worm, when it reaches the intestine of the second host, develops into a sexually mature tape-worm such as those exhibited. A specimen of a Cysticercus^ or bladder- worm, is shown in Case 46. The Cestoda are further represented by three fine spe- cimens of Taenia mediocanellata, which differs from T, solium in being without the coronet of chitinous hooks. 4. PLATYHELMINTHES NEMERTINA. . [(Lflllci5tern SLtiUl-rasij 46]. The Nemertina are flat worms, usually of small size, al- though some reach gigantic dimensions, and are for the most part marine : a few, however, live on land. Unfortunately there are no specimens in the Museum collection, and we are compelled for the present to represent the Order by en- larged drawings of Tetrastemma agricola, a Land Nemertine from Bermuda, and of Pelagonemertes rollestoni^2LX\. Oceanic Nemertine, to both of which explanations are attached. The Nemertina are the most highly organized of the Platyhelminthes. PHYLUM II OF THE CCELOMATA. NEMATHELMINTHES. [fficston MaU-fitse 46]. The Nemathehninthes or phylum of Non-segmented Round-worms includes three natural groups: (i) the Ne- matoda or Thread-worms, (2) the Chxtognatha, and {3) the Acanthocephala. The most noticeable external char- acter that they have in common is the elongated cylin- drical body, which is devoid of appendages of any sort and tapers more or less at both ends. The great majority of the N emathelminthes are parasites : they are, however, on a higher level than the PiatyhelmintheSy the body- cavity being distinct. Reproduction is sexual. 42 A Guide to the Zoological Collections m the I. NEMATHELMrNTHES NEMATODA. [^.(Llcstcrtt cEall-cas£ 46]. The Nematoda or Thread-worms are mostly parasitic either in the intestine or in the blood-vessels of vertebrate animals. The Nematoda usually have a complicated de- velopment, and pass through larval stages in the tissues of one or more intermediate hosts before they reach their final sexually-mature growth in a permanent host. In the collection specimens of the following are exhibit- ed : — Ascaris lumbricoides^ the common intestinal round- worm, Ascaris from the intestine of the dugong, Trico- cephalus dispar and Ankylostoma duodenale from the intes- tine of man, and Filaria medinensis (the common guinea- worm). The exhibited dissection of a large female of Ascaris lumbricoides shows the nature of their internal organization. 2. NEMATHELMINTHES CH>ETOGNATHA- [SEcstern ®aU-ca0£ 46j. The Chxtognatha include only the two genera Sagitta and Spadella, small delicate worms found swimming free at the surface of almost all seas. An enlarged drawing of Sagitta is exhibited. 3. NEMATHELMINTHES AOANTHOCEPHALA. [SJil^sttrn SEaU-ras£ 46]. The Acanthocephala include only the one genus Echin- orhynchus, a parasitic round-worm, the head end of which is armed with a thorny proboscis by means of which the parasite maintains a firm hold on the wall of the gut of its host. Like all parasites its organization is much degraded, even a mouth and intestine being absent, the parasite as it lies in the alimentary canal of its host being nourished by simple absorption through the body-wall. A slightly enlarged drawing of Echinorhynchus gigas is shown in Case 46. Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 43 PHYLUM III OF THE CCELOMATA. ANNELIDA. [flSlcstcm (ilaU-rascs 43-44]. The next phylum is formed by the Annelida, including the Sea-worms, the Earth-worms, the Leeches, and the Wheel-animalcules, or Rotifera, The members of this phylum usually possess blood and blood-vessels. In most of the Annelida we distinguish very plainly the following external characters :—(i) a body made up of a succession of equal rings or segments, (ii) an anterior or head segment behind which is the mouth, (iii) a posterior or anal segment in which is the anus, (iv) ventral and dorsal surfaces, and (v) bilateral symmetry. The segments behind the head are not only alike exter- nally, but internally their contents correspond or nearly correspond, — each containing an equivalent portion at least of digestive tube, of blood-vessel, of excretory organ, and of nerve-cord. In many Annelida each segment carries a pair of loco- motor appendages, one on each side, which are known as "parapodia" (or foot-like organs), and each parapodium commonly consists of two elements — a dorsal element or " notopodium " and a ventral element or " neuropodium," both carrying a tuft of bristles and a finger-like process or "cirrus." This is especially well seen in the sections of the large Sea-worm — Eunice. The alimentary canal usually passes straight along the body-cavity from one end to the other, and is held in place by two longitudinal folds of the membrane that lines the body-cavity — one above (the dorsal mesentery) the other below (the ventral mesentery), and by transverse partitions or "septa" which correspond to the segments. By these septa the cavities of the segments are shut off from one another. 44 ^ Guide to the Zoological Collections in the The body-cavity contains blood, but there are also closed blood-vessels, the two principal trunks of which traverse the whole length of the body — one above (the dorsal blood-ves- sel) and the other below (the ventral blood-vessel). When "branchiae/' or gills, exist, as they do in most of the Sea- worms, many small blood-vessels run into them, the branchiae in short being organs specially developed for the aeration of the blood. There are special excretory organs . — a pair in each segment. The nervous system consists of a cerebral ganglion placed above the gullet, and connected, by means of a nerve- rino- which embraces the gullet, with a pair of usually very closely approximated jierve-cords that run along the ventral wall of the body. This can be seen in one of the dissec- tions of the Earth-worm in Case 44. The internal morphological characters sketched above can be seen by reference to the dissections of the large Sea- worm Eunice from the Andamans, and by tne several dis- sections of the common Earth-worm in Case 44. Repro- duction is usually sexual, but many Annelida are reproduced asexually by budding and fission from the parent. The Annelida consist of three groups or natural Classes — the Chsetopoda or Worms, the Rotifera or Wheel-animal- cules, and the Hirudijiea or Leeches. Along with them we may briefly consider, as an appendix, the Gephyrea or unseg- mented Sea-worms, the Byyozoa or Polyzoa^ and the Brachiopoda, which along with the Annelida, the Platyhel- minthes and the Nemathelminthes used to constitute the phylum Vermes of older systematists. I. ANNELIDA CH/ETOPODA. [SUcst^rn gSall-ras^s 43-44]. The Chsetopoda possess, on each segment, either paired parapodia bearing cirri and setae and surmounted by breath- ing organs (branchiae), or at least paired tufts of setae. A head, often surrounded with tentacles, is generally present. Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 45 The Chastopoda are divided into two great natural Orders, (i) the /'c/y^^.s'^^ or segmented Sea-worms and (2) the Oligochasta or segmented Earth-worms. i. CH^TOPOBA POLYCH^TA. Good typical examples of Polychaetous Annelida are the large Sea-worm, Eunice, from the Andaman Reefs, and the species of Nereis from Norway, in Case 43. In Nereis we find a distinct head (formed of two segments, — " pros- tomium " and " peristomium"), provided with tentacles, palps or feelers, and eyes. On the under (ventral) surface of the head is the mouth, from which, in one of the speci- mens of Nereis pelagica, the muscular pharynx with its chitinous hooks and its pair of large sickle-shaped chitinous jaws is seen protruded. Behind the head comes an indefinite number of equal sized rings or segments, each of which bears, on each side, a parapodium with dorsal and ventral cirri and bundles of setae, while above the dorsal half-section of each parapodium (notopodium) is abroad fiat membranous plate — the gill- plate or branchia, by means of which the blood is aerated. On the ventral surface of each segment are seen the depres- sions where the excretory organs (" segmental organs"), of which there is a pair in each segment, open. The last segment is smaller than any of the others, and in the middle of it is seen the anus with a pair of long anal cirri. The main facts of the internal organization of the typi- cal Polychxta can be made out from the lettered dissec- tions and sections of Eunice from the Andamans, exhibited in Case 43. The bundles of setae, both ventral and dorsal, and the gill-tufts which surmount the latter, are remarkably well shown in the specimens of Chloeia. The Seaworms are sub-divided into two groups accord- ing to their mode of life, namely the Errantia or free- 46 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the swimming Polychxta^ and the Tuhicola or sedentary Poly- chseta. POLYCH/ETA ERRANTfA. The Errantia, or free-swimmers, live usually in sand and mud and shallow water near the coast: some, however, in- habit the abyssal depths, and some live habitually at the surface of the ocean. In accordance with their manner of life they have a distinct head with powerful biting jaws (well seen in Eunice), and have well-developed parapodia and setae for locomotion, and usually large and numerous branchiae or breathing organs. Although freely locomo- tive they sometimes inhabit thin tubes, as may be seen in Hyalincecia. POLYCH/ETA TUBICOLA. The Tuhicola or sedentary Sea-worms live in protective tubes or shells, which they either manufacture, or actually secrete for themselves. The tubes may consist of grains of Pand and stones and broken shells glued together by a sticky secretion, or of chitin strengthened with sand, etc., or of carbonate of lime. Examples of these different tubes are exhibited in Case 43. Being sedentary, the Tuhicola have no need of para- podia and setae for locomotion, and these structures there- fore along with branchiae are quite rudimentary. The head is indistinctly demarcated from the rest of the body, and there are no jaws. On the other hand the anterior end of the body, which can be protruded from the tube, is provided with bundles of long thread-like tentacles which are not only used for sweeping food into the mouth, but are also organs of respiration. These tentacles are beautifully shown in the exhibited specimens of Cirratulus filigerus and Spirographis spallanzani from the Gulf of Naples. In the exhibited collection the Polychaeta are repre- sented by specimens of the following genera from Indian seas : — Errantia — Chloeia, Eurythoc^ Aphrodita, Eupompe, Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 47 Eunice^ Hyalincecia, the last named from the depths of the Arabian Sea. Tubicola — Branchiomma, Chstopterus, and Serpula, the last named also being from the deep-sea. Besides the Indian representatives of the Order there is exhibited a fine collection of beautifully-prepared spirit specimens from the Naples Aquarium, and in Case 47 are some glass models. ii. CH^TOPODA OLIGOCH^TA. The other order of the Annelida Chxtopoda is formed by the OUgochseta, and includes the Earth-worms and River-worms. These much resemble the Polychaeta in that they have a cylindrical body made up of rings or segments, but they differ from the Polychxta in several inportant characters. In the first place they have no definitely demarcated head with palps and tentacles, and in the second place the seg- ments of which the body consists never bear parapodia and branchiae and have but few setae and these small. The details of the internal organization of a typical Oligochaete — the common Earth-worm — are displayed in a series of dissections in spirit in Case 44 to which explana- tory drawings are attached. 2. ANNELIDA ROTIFERA. The Rotifera or Wheel-animalcules are aquatic animals of such microscopic size as to be beyond the limits of an exhibition gallery, except in the form of greatly magnified drawings. Though externally but little resembling adult worms they have many essential characters in common with the larval annelid type. The sexes are separate, and only the females attain their full organization, the males being small, being devoid 48 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the of an alimentary canal, and leading therefore only a tran- sient life. An enlarged diagrammatic drawing of a female Rotifer, in side view, is exhibited in Case 44- 3. ANNELIDA HiRUDINEA- [® est cm SEaU-rasc 44]. The third class of the Annelida includes the Hirndinea or Leeches. Ihe Leeches, like the Earth-worms, have a ringed and segmented body; the rings however are only external markings and must not be confounded with the " segments", for each segment consist of five rings. The segments of the Leeches differ from those of the other Annelids in being destitute of appendages (parapodia and setae) of any kind. Locomotion is effected entirely by suckers, of which there are usually two, one at the fore end and one at the after end of the body. In the anterior sucker lies the mouth, which in some leeches is provided with three jaws disposed in Y-fashion and each armed with a saw-like series of chitinous teeth. The nature of the internal organization of the Leeches is shown in the spirit dissections of the large Horse leech, in Case 44, alongside of which is an explanatory drawing. Of the Leeches a few are marine, but the greater number live either in freshwater or in damp places on land. The marine Leeches are represented in the collection by fine specimens of Pontohdella from the European seas. The terrestrial leeches are represented by the following genera from India : — Hirudo, Hsemodipsa^ and Lininatis. The habits of the leech are proverbial. APPENDIX TO THE PHYLUM ANNELIDA. As an appendix to the Annelida we may here consider the Gephyrea, the Brachiopoda, and the Polyzoa^ three Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum. 49 groups which have been classed together by Professor Ray Lankester as a distinct phylum under the name of Pod- ax onia. The reasons why these three groups have been placed together near to the Annelida group cannot be discussed here, where it is enough to say that they follow from the fact that the larval forms of all four groups have many characters in common. I. GEPHYREA. [®e0tern giJitU-fa0e 44]. The Gephyrea, or Spoon-worms, are entirely marine. They differ from the Chxtopoda in not having the body segmented and in not having parapodia and setse. Sipunculus, of which several specimens are exhibited in Case 44, illustrates this class. In Sipunculus we see a papillated proboscis, at the end of which is the mouth-opening. The rest of the body is marked by deep longitudinal and transverse furrows, the latter dividing the body into a series of rings which, how- ever, are only superficial and must not be confounded with the segments of Annelids. In the Indian Seas Sipunculus has been found on the Andaman reefs and in the depths of the Andaman and the Laccadive Seas. The details of the internal anatomy of Sipunculus can be seen in the dissected specimen, which has been laid open along the ventral surface, a little to the right of the middle line of the body. The dissection is accompanied by an explanatory drawing. 2. BRACHIOPODA. [SEestan eUaU-nis^s 44-45]. The body of the Brachiopoda is enclosed in a bivalve shell, something like the shell of a Mussel or of a Cockle in external appearance, and so far as mere outward resem- blance goes the adult Brachiopoda have little likeness to D 5o A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the worms, near which, however, they are classed on embryolo- gical grounds. The Brachiopod shell consists of an upper or dorsal and a lower or ventral valve, and, as may be observed in the specimens of Lingula anatina, is furnished at its hinder end with a long fleshy stalk, or " peduncle ", by which the animal is fixed to the sea-bottom. In Lingula the ''pedun- cle " simply passes out between the valves : in Waldhei- mia it passes through an aperture in the beak of the ven- tral shell. In a few forms the "peduncle" is wanting. A general idea of the internal organisation of the Bra^ chiopoda may be gained by a study of the lettered dissec- tions of Lingula anatina. In Lingula the inner surface of each valve is seen to be lined by a thickened fold of the integument — the " mantle '\ the edge of the mantle lobes being closely fringed with "setae". A large part of the space between the "mantle" folds is occupied by the coils of two long fringed " arms " — one situated on each side of the mouth — which function both for procuring food and as organs of respiration. At the broad fore-end of the shell is the mouth lying between the coiled up arms, and behind it the coiled intestine, embedded in a dark brown granular mass, — the liver. The rest of the cavity is filled by the great muscles which open and close the shell. The Brachiopoda are all marine : they are but sparely represented at the present day, the majority of known species being fossils, many of them of great geological antiquity. The Brachiopoda are divided into two groups — the Ecardines^ represented by Lingula^ in which the shell is not hinged and not furnished with an internal calcareous hoop for the support of the long coiled " arms ", and the Testicardines, represented by Waldheimia, in which the shell is hinged and furnished with an internal calcareous hoop for the support of the " arms ". In the collection the only representatives from the Indian seas are Lingula and Crania from comparatively Invertebrate Gallery of the Indian Museum, 51 shallow water, and Terebratula from the depths of the Laccadive Sea ; but Australian, Mediterranean, and Atlan- tic forms are well represented. 3. POLYZOA. [®e0hm ®JaU-i:a0C0 44-45]. The Polyzoa are small animals which bud asexually, like many of the Hydrozoa and Actinozoa, to form branch- ing or encrusting shrub-like or moss-like colonies. Some live in freshwater, but the majority are marine. The colonies are supported and protected by a horny (chitinous) or calcareous exoskeleton formed by the hardening of the outer layer of the ectoderm of their units or zooids. It is these horny and seaweed-like, or calcareous and coral-like, exoskeletons, denuded of their occupants, which form the majority of museum specimens of Polyzoa. A good example of a Polyzoon colony is the specimen of Retepora in Case 45. This is seen to be an encrusting branching lichen-like mass, the thin leaves of which are formed of carbonate of lime and have the texture of a very fine lace with very regular meshes. The meshes of the lace-work are the openings of chambers which, during life, were occupied by the Polyzoa zooids. The colony, in short, consists of myriads of these little chambers, all shut off from one another, in each of which dwelt a small animal, or zooid, of the shape and structure shown in the enlarged diagrammatic drawing alongside of the specimen ; and each little chamber was formed simply by the calcifica- tion of the cuticle of its occupant. During life the zooids ordinarily extrude their head and tentacles from the open- ings of the chambers, as shown in fig. i, but they are able, when alarmed, to completely withdraw within the cham- bers, and sometimes to close the orifice, as shown in fig. 2. In many of the Polyzoa colonies a division of physiolo- gical labour occurs, with the result that some of the zooids lose all resemblance to the typical form. Certain of them become transformed into structures resembling a bird's head, and these, which are known as avicularia and are D 2 52 A Guide to the Zoological Collections in the shown (enlarged) in fig. 3, by a continual snapping action seize and hold the animalcules that form the prey of the colony. Others become transformed into long lashlike filaments, known as vibracula (fig. 4), which also serve the colony by sweeping prey into the mouths of the ordi- nary zooids. The Polysoa of the Indian Seas have not as yet been systematically investigated. Many of them appear to be identical with well-known European forms, a fact that is easily explained when it is remembered that Polyzoahahi' tually encrust the bottoms of ships, and are thus likely to be widely distributed along frequented lines of navigation. In the exhibited collection of Indian Polyzoa specimens of the following genera are included : — Cellularia, Rete- pora, and Cellepora. As already stated, the majority of the Polyzoa are marine. They incrust rocks, dead coral, etc., and thus contribute considerably to the growth of reefs. They also incrust all sorts of floating drift. The larvae are free-swim- ming. PHYLUM IV OF THE CCELOMATA. ARTHROPODA. [(Ea0£0 37—42 nlong