' HAND-LIST OF THE SPECIMENS OF SHIELD REPTILES IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY Dr. J. E. GRAY, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Keeper of the Zoological Department. ^ ^ LONDON : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 1873. LONDON: I'. NEWMAN, PRINTER, I STREET, BISHOrSGATE. <^4* 7^/^ INTRODUCTION. A list of all the specimens of Shield Keptiles in the British Museum. They are arranged as they are described in — I. The Catalogue of Shield Keptiles. Part I. Testudinata, 4to, 1855; the Supplement, 4to, 1870; and its Appendix, 4to, 1872. By Dr. J. E. Gray. II. The Catalogue of Shield Beptiles. Part II. Emydosau- rians, Rhynchocephalia, and Amphisbaenians, 4to. 1872. By Dr. J. E. Gray. The new species or improvements in the arrangement of the animals that may have been discovered since the publication of these works have been adopted, and a reference made to where they have been described. "When any of the specimens have served as the types of a description or. figure of the species in any scientific work, reference is made to where the description and figure are to be found. Whenever the specimen has been presented or obtained directly from a collector, the name of the presentor or collector, and the habitat sent with the specimen, has been recorded immediately after the specimen, but the far greater number of the specimens have been obtained from dealers with only the most general habitats. The condition in which the specimen is preserved, its size, and often the age and sex, when known with certainty, are recorded. IV INTRODUCTION. The following table gives the number and state of the speci- men- :it present in the collection, and the maimer in which they are preserve d. 197 239 I. Testudinata 1. Tylopoda . . 2. Steganopodes ;>. Pleuroderes . 4. Trionychoidea 5. Oiacopodes . 28 IT. Emydosauki 1 III. EnYNCHOCEPHALIA . IV. Amfhisb;enia . Totals •3 3 85 221 71 29 38 444 124 1:1 .q p. 24 203 52 47 47 373 105 5 80 5701 563 CO 27 58 10 7 9 111 6 3 12 10 21 21 CO 157 138 32 15 34 07 G9 1181 137 376 376 1 o H 296 632 175 119 149 1371 304 8 81 1764 British Museum, April 1st, 1873. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. HAND-LIST OF SPECIMENS OF SHIELD EEPTILES. Sub-order 1. TYLOPODA. Family 1. TESTUDINID^E. Genus 1. TESTUDO. * Gopher. 1. Testudo Gopher, Gray, Cat. p. 5 ; Suppl. p. 4. a. Aninial stuffed. Thorax flat. Thighs very slightly spurred. North America. Presented by Dr. R. Harlan. 6. Animal stuffed. Thorax very concave. Thighs with two or three conical spines. North America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. c. Animal stuffed. Thorax nearly flat. Mexico. 48, 6, 8, 22. d. Adult skeleton. North America. 57, 8, 28, 17. e. Skeleton and shell, 11 in. Sternum flat. North America. 69, 10, 19, 1. /. Animal and shell dry, 9.V in. Sternum quite flat. North America. 55, 11, 26, 15. 2. Testudo tabulata, Gray, Cat. p. 5; Swppl. p. 4; Append, p. 2. a. Animal and shell. Tropical America. b. Animal and shell, 13 in. Tropical America. c. Animal and shell. Tropical America. v. Animal dried, and shell. Back very flat. Sternum very concave. $ or young. Sternum flat. Cayenne. 51, 8, 25, 16. B •_> HAND-LIST OF /. Animal stuffed, and shell, d] in. Tropical America. 38. - . Animal stuffed, and shell, 8f in. West In Presented by John Gould, Esq. Animal and shell, in spirits, young. Tropical America. G6, 8, 14, 219, Animal and shell dry, young. Tropical America. 66, 8, 28, 4. g. Animal stuffed, ami shell, 6/. in. Head symmetrically yellow- marked. Shell pale brown, with black edges to the shields. Tropical America. bb. Animal in spirits, young. Shell 3| in. Xeberos. 67, 6, 13, 80. d. Skeletons, $ . Sternum concave. Tropical America. r. Skeleton and shell, 12V in. Back worn. Tropical America. s. Skeleton and shell, 9f . in. Cayenne. 52, 12, 3, 20. t. Skeleton and shell. 16 in. "Without plates. Prepared by E. Gerrard, jun. Tropical America. u. Skeleton and shell, 12£ in. Sternum very concave. Tropical America. x. Skeleton and shell, 13 in., with two eggs in it. Tropical America. h. Skeleton and shell. 11 in. Tropical America. 43, 2, 20, 9. y. Skeleton and shell, 7 in., cut down the back. Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 97. q. Skeleton and shell, 9J in. Tropical America. d. Shell, 22 \ in., very large, much worn. Sternum concave. West Indies. Presented by Col. Finch. i. Shell, 12 ] in. Tropical America. j. Shell, ll^j in. Tropical America. ft. Shell, 12 in. Back worn. Tropical America. h. Shell, 15 in. Sternum rather concave. Tropical America. 43, 12, 7, 43. m. Shell, 9;] in. Sternum slightly concave. Tropical America. SHIELD REPTILES. 3 b. Shell, 12 in. Sternum nearly flat. Tropical America. w. Shell, 9i in. Shields grooved. Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 88. u. Shell, 6 in. Shields deeply grooved. Tropical America. 43, 2, 29, 4. z. Shell, 4J in. Shields grooved. Tropical America. 45, 6, 4, 19. aa, Shell, 6J in. Like "gr." Tropical America. 67, 4, 2. 87. 3. Testudo Chilensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 9. a. Animal stuffed. Sternum flat. Anal shield expanded. T. Chilensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 706, t. xl. Argentine Kepublic. 70, 12, 18, 2. ::::;- Megalochelys. 4. Testudo indica, Gray, Cat. p. 6; Suppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 3. c. Animal and shell, 42 in. India. d. Young animal stuffed, and shell, 4 in. Figured in Gen. Hard- wicke's drawings. Bengal. Presented by General Hardwicke. /. Animal stuffed, and shell, 34 in. Elongate, compressed on sides, and turned up at edge. India. Presented by Earl of Derby. Testudo Vosmaeri, Fitzinger, Cat. Sh. Rep. p. 6. India. g. Young animal, in spirit. India. Presented by Colonel Playfair. h. Skeleton and shell, 27 in. India. Zoological Society. b. Skull, very large, 6 in. long. India. a. Skull, 3f in. long. Testudo indica, Gray, Cat. Sh. Rep. t. 55, f. 1. India. Dr. Mantell's collection. e. Shell, 14 in. Sternum quite flat. India. Zoological Society. 54, 5, 4, 1. i. Shell, 13 [in. Bones and scutellum very convex. Caudal and sternum flat. India. 5. Testudo elephantopus, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 3. a. Animal stuffed, and shell, llf in. Sternum flat. S. America. 1 HAND-LIST OF c. Animal stuffed, and Bhell, 8 in. Sternum flat. Chili. Wucherer. 70, 12, 18, 1. g. Animal stuffed, and shell, G in. Bad state. s. America. d. Animal stuffed, and shell, 28 in. S. America. r. Animal Btuffed, and shell, 6.1 in. Galapagos Is. 55, 10, 16, 151. Presented hy the Haslar Hospital. i. Young animal stuffed, and shell, 4.V in. Galapagos Is. /. Animal stuffed, and shell, 1\ in. S. America. h. Shell, 42 in. without sternum, very broad. S. America. Presented by E. Cross, Esq. b. Shell of very young animal. S. America. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. /;'. Shell, 51 in. S. Amei-ica. j. Shell, 5 in. "Oregon." 55,6,13,2. k. Skull, very large, 6.V in. Testudo planiceps, Gray, Cat. Sh. Hep. p. 6, t. 3. S. America. e. Skeleton of adult, $ ? Sternum flat. S. America. 47, 3, 5, 27. ::;";: AstrocJielys. 6. Testudo eadiata, Gray, Cat. p. 9 ; Suppl. p. 5 ; Append, p. 4. $ Animal and shell, adult, stuffed. Thorax concave. Anal lobes thickened, bent up. Madagascar. 46, 1, 22, 3. 9' Shells, two adult, two younger. Cape of Good Hope. 52, 7, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4. c. Shell, rather smaller, 3| in. Caudal plate convex, and bent inwards. S. Africa. i. Shell, adult, 4 in. Albany, Mus. Grahamstown. j. Shell, young, 2£ in. Front lobe wanting. S. Africa. 67, 4, 2, 130. Je. Shell, 2f in. Mauritius. 42, 12, 19, 3. Presented by Lady F. Cole. lit HAND-LIST OF 7. Phltastes Verroxh, Gray, Cai.p. 8; £togpZ.p.9; Append, p. 5. (*. Animal stuffed, -1', in. Caudal plate broad, expanded. . .:. Warwick. 47, 8, 5, 20. 8. PKLTASTES SEMISKRRATUS, dray, Cat. p. 9; Swppl. p. 9; Ap- pend, p. 5. o. Young animal and shell, in spirits. Cap. of Good Hope. 58, 11, 25, 173. Presented by Sir A. Smith. a. Adult stuffed. S. Africa. 89, 10, 5, 1. 6. Adnlt stuff, d. S. Africa. 39, 10, 5, 2. c. Adult stuffed. S. Africa. 89, 10, 5, 3. d. Shell, young. S. Africa. 89, 10, 5, 4. (All from the South African Museum). /. Adult stuffed. S. Africa. 62, 2, 21, 44. Presented by Sir A. Smith. e. Shell, adult. Two extra conical prominent shields on hinder part of back. S. Africa. G2, G, 27, 3. g. Shell, adult. Caudal plate very much indexed. S. Africa. 02, G, 27, 2. h. Shell, adult. S. Africa. 62, 6, 27, 5. «'. Shell, half-grown. S. Africa. 62, 6, 27, 6. /, A-, I. Three shells, without front lobe of sternum. S. Africa. Var. SJicll depressed. m. Shell bleached ; without any front lobe. S. Africa. G7, 4, 2, 129. ?;. Shell bleached. Caudal plate broad, very much indexed, and convex. S. Africa. G2, G, 27, 4. 9. Teltastes marginatus, Gray, Cat. p. 11 ; Suppl. p. 10 ; Ap- pend, p. G. Tortoises, dc. t. 15 (hfe). a. Shell, $. Middle of sternum concave. Anal notch broad, shallow, !' r, margined. Caudal plate much produced. Greece. Parreyss. 46, 6, 1G, 65. d. Stuffed, young, 3:] in. Margin produced. Sternum flat. Pale colour. SHIELD REPTILES. 11 Peltastes rnarginatus, var. melas, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 657. Greece. Parry. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b. Upper shell only, like former. Greece. Parry. 57, 1, 3, 3. c. Animal and shell. Sternum flat. Hinder marginal plates mo- derately expanded. Caudal plate broad, inflesed. Testudo Whitei, Bennett in White's ' Selborne.' S. Em-ope. 53, 4, 17, 1. Presented by Mrs. Christopher. e <& f. Animals and shells, like a. Shores of Mediterranean. 55, 10, 16, 152, & 153. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. It is doubtful if this is not P. graeca. g. Upper shell only, 9f in. S. Europe. 67, 4, 2, 108. 10. Peltastes Leithii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 11. a. Shell only, 4J in. Testudo Leithii, Gunther, P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 502, f. 1—4. Peltastes Leithii, Gray, Cat. Swppl. p. 11, f. 3 — 6. Scinde. Presented by Dr. Leith. 11. Peltastes gr^cus, Gray, Cat. p. 10 ; Suppl. p. 12 ; Append, p. 6. Tortoises, dtc, t. 14 (life). d. Animal and shell, 6 in. Sternum nearly flat. S. Europe. 43, 3, 29, 11. e. Like former. S. Europe. m. Animal and shell, like former. S. Em-ope. 49, 5, 16, 1. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. d'. Animal and shell, 7f in. Sternum nearly flat. S. Emope. From the Zool. Soc. 72, 4, 29, 14. a. Shell, 5f in. Wanting some plates. S. Emope. 47, 3, 5, 17. ^ b. Shell, 6| in. S. Emope. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. c. Shell, 4f in. Sternum flat. S. Emope. 67, 4, 2, 110. i. Shell, 7£ in. Sternum flat. S. Em-ope. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. g. Shell, 6f in. Sternum flat. S. Emope. 42, 10, 28, 11. ~k. Skeleton and shell, 6£ in. Sternum flat. S. Emope. 46, 3, 17, 7. I. Skeleton and shell, 65 in. Sternum flat. S. Emope. 67, 4, 2, 106. 12 11 wn-LIST OF »;'. 1 and sh.ll. iV. in. Sternum flat. s. Europe. 67, l. 2, 182. n. Skeleton and shi 11. "> .; in. Sternum flat. s. Europe. 67, I. 2, LOS. ,. Skeleton and shell, 6 in. Sternum flat. S. Europe. 68, 2, 12, 20. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq. f. Animal and in. Sternum flat. S. Europe. 83, I, 2, 1. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. Presented by Gen. Hardwickc. /;. S 5 in. S. Enron.'. p. Shell only, pale, 5 in. S. Europe. 67, 42, 102. /. Animal and sin II. :>'. in. pe. 55,10,16,156. . - :< leton and shell, 2[; in. S. Europe. 46, 3, 17, 0. q. Animal and shell, 2'\ in. S. Europe. r. Shell. 2 in. S.Europe. 44,3,10,0. s. Shell, 2 in. S. Em-ope. 49, 5, 25, 6. v. Shell. 2 in. S. Europe. 49, 11, 22, 11. . Animal and shell, in spirits. S. Europe. 59, 7, 30, 5. .r. Two animals and shells, in spirits. S. Europe. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. y, z. Two animals in spirits. S. Em-ope. 59, 7, 30, 32, & 34. 12. Peltastes mauritanicus (Peltastes grsecus, var.), Gray, Cat. p. 10 ; Svppl p. 10. Sternum slightly concave. Caudal Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. Presented by Gen. Hardwieke. '.nimal and shell, 5 in. plate convex, inflexed. S. Em-ope. 6. Shell only, 4.1 in. Like a . Europe. '/. Shell only, 3 in. S. Emope. 67, 4, 2, 104. ' . Skeleton and shell, 6.1 in. Caudal plate convex. S. Europe. 64, 49, 16, 5. /. Shell only, 5] in. Caudal plate rather convex. Wanting some plat' 9. S. Europe. SHIELD REPTILES. 13 c. Animal and shell, 5| in. S. Europe. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. n. Shell only, 6£ in. Caudal plate rather convex. S. Europe. 67, 4, 2, 101. g. Aninial dry, and shell, 4^ in. S. Europe. 67, 1, 3, 5. h. Upper shell only, 5 in. Caudal plate flat. S. Europe. 67, 4, 2, 103. i. Shell only, 3 in. "Wanting some plates. Pale, with a black spot on each areola. S. Europe. 67, 4, 2, 107. Var. Shell pale, with a black spot on each dorsal shield. j. Young animal, in spirits. Asia Minor. 66, 6, 15, 9. Presented by E. MacAndrew, Esq. k, I. Two young animals, in spirits. Xanthus. 55, 10, 16, 22, & 23. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. m. Upper shell only, 3f in. S. Europe. *** Centrochelys. Africa. 13. Peltastes sulcatus, Gray, Cat. p. 9 ; Suppl. p. 12 ; Append. p. 6. Tortoises, dc, t. 16, 17 (life). Sternum flat. a. Animal and shell, half-grown. Testudo Schcepfii, Biippell. Abyssinia. Dr. Ruppell. c. Shell and skeleton. Skull imperfect. E. Africa. 65, 12, 21, 2. b. Dorsal shell only. Length 10 in. S. Africa. 39, 12, 26, 69. Genus 3. TESTUDINELLA. 1. Testudinella Horsfieldii, Gray, Cat.-p.l; Suppl. p. 12 ; Ap- pend, p. 6. a. Animal stuffed. Testudo Horsfieldii, Cat. Sh. Rep. t. 7, f. 1. Afghanistan. Presented by East India Company. b. Shell, 4 in. Wanting front lobe'of sternum. Persia. Kud i Mil, Chuh Suyuk to Duruh. 73, 1, 7, 1. Presented by Gen. Goldsmid. c. Shell, 2£ in. Paler. Persia, with former. 73, 1, 7, 2. Presented by Gen Goldsmid. 1 1 HAND-LIST OF Genus 4. TYXIS. 1. Pyxis akw hxoides, Gray, Cat. p. 14; Sitpijrf. p. 13. a. Skeleton. Shell, -I.1, in. Asia. Mas. Leyden. 61, 3, 20, 31. Genus 5. CHERSINA. 1. CniKsiN.v axc.ulata, Gray, Cat. p. 12; Suppl. p. 13; Append. p. G. Tortoises, etc., t. 19 (life). «. Adult animal. Shell worn, Ih in. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b, c. Animal and shell, 5£ in. S. Africa. Presented by B. Brown, Esq. d. Shell of young, 4i in. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. e. Animal, half-grown, in spirits. T. sculpta, Brandt. S. Africa. 50, 12, 12. /. Animal and shell. S. Africa. 47, 3, 5, 18. g. Animal and shell, 6J in. ; stuffed. Sternum concave. Caudal plate inflexed, convex. S. Africa. li. Animal and shell, 6} in.; very dark. The sternum slightly concave. Caudal plate inflexed. S. Africa. 47, 3, 5, 16. i. Shell ; sternum slightly concave. Caudal plate inflexed. S. Africa. 4G, 7, 5, 5. j. Shell, 4f in. Caudal plate slightly convex. Sternum slightly con- cave. S. Africa. 44, 2, 19, 2. k — n. 4 shells, different ages. S. Africa. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 97, 3 , & 98 $ , 99, 100. n1. One small specimen, young, wanting front lobe of sternum. S. Africa. 67, 4, 2, 99. o. Animal in spirit ; adult. S. Africa. Mus. Utrecht. 66, 8, 14, 216. p. Animal in spirit ; smaller. S. Africa, Mus. Utrecht. 66, 8, 14, 218. q. Skeleton. Sternum concave, caudal inflexed. S. Africa. 9, 67, 4, 2, 52. r. Skeleton. Sternum flat, and caudal plate slightly convex. S. Africa. 67, 4, 2, 132. SHIELD REPTILES. 15 s. Skeleton. Sternum flat. Caudal plate tliick, rather convex. S. Africa. 6, 3, 17, 8. t. Shell, bad state. Sternum concave. Caudal plate rather convex. 5£in. S. Africa. 57, 2, 3, 8. Tribe 2. HOMOPINA. Genus 6. HOMOPUS. 1. Homopus sigxatus, Gray, Cat. p. 11 ; Suppl. p. 13 ; Append. p. 6. Tortoises, dc, t. 20 (life). a. & b. Young, in spirit ; larger, with a very concave sternum, but probably artificially produced by pressure of other specimens. S. Africa. 48, 2, 29. c. Adult shell, without front of sternum. S. Africa. 57, 2, 3, 18. 2. Homopus areolatus, Gray, Cat. p. 11 ; Suppl. p. 13 ; Append. p. 6. Tortoises, <£c, t. 21 (life). a. Dry animal and shell ; not good state. C. of Good Hope. Presented by Piobert Brown, Esq. b. Shell, only 3J in. S. Africa. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. c. Animal and shell. S. Africa. S. A. Mus. 38, 6, 9, 12. g. Animal, dry, in shell. S. Africa. 62, 2, 21, 84. Presented by Sir A. Smith. e. Animal and shell. S. Africa. Zool. Soc. 51, 7, 9, 10. d. Animal and shell, dry ; length, 4 in. S. Africa. 51, 8, 25, 25. /. Shell, only 3£ in. S. Africa. 42, 2, 19, 8. h, i,j. Shells. S. Africa. h. Shell, with additional costal plates on one side. S. Africa. I. Shell, 3|. Sides of sternum very high. S. Africa. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 109. m. Shell, 3f in. Very broad behind. Sternum rather convex. S. Africa. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 111. n, p. Shells, 3i in. Rather depressed ; wanting some plates. S. Africa. 67, 4, "2, 110 & 112. o. Shell and skin in spirit. Cape of Good Hope. Parzudaki. 59, 9, 20, 24. 1(1 HAND-LIST OF Tribe 3. KINIXYINA. Genus 7. KINIXYS. * Kinothorax. 1. Kixixys belliana, Gray, Cat. -p. 13; Suppl. p. 13; 'Append, p. 6. <7. Animal. Shell, 7 } in. Much worn ; yellow, with five well-deve- loped front claws. W. Africa. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b. Animal. Areola dark. Sternum flat. Shell, 7£ in.; brown- raved, with only four front claws. Gambia/ 43, 12, 8, 2. Presented by T. Whitefield, Esq. c. Animal and shell in spirit ; young. The second vertebral plate much broader than the first, and of about the same length. The third and fourth much shorter and much narrower, the fourth being smallest and narrowest. W. Africa. 52, 7, 23, 26. d. Shell, 6 in., pale brown, with darker edges to the plates. Sternum flat. W. Africa. 63, 10, 14, 1. e. Animal and shell, 5£ in. Shell elongated, beautifully mottled with black. Sternum flat, with only four front claws. West Africa. 48, 7, 28, 32. /. Shell, wanting the hinder dorsal lobe. Plates pale, with a dark areola. Sternum slightly concave between the abdominal plates. Ivinixvs Spekii, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1863, p. 381 ; and Suppl. Cat. Sh. Sep., p. 14. Africa. 63, 8, 11, 8. g. Animal and shell, 7 in. (unstuffed), much worn. Sternum deeply concave. Abyssinia. 65, 5, 3, 68. h. Shell only, 6£ in. Much worn and discoloured. Sternum slightly concave in the middle. Africa. 65, 5, 3, 69. i. Animal and shell, 7 in., dry, worn. Sternum flat. Abyssinia, Anseba Valley, 4,000 ft. Blandford. 69, 11, 4, 47. j. Animal and shell, 6^ in. (unstuffed). Sternum flat. Abyssinia. 65, 5, 3, 67. k. Animal and shell, 6 in. (unstuffed), sulcated and radiated. Sternum flat. Abyssinia, Anseba Valley. 69, 1, 8, 1. I. Animal and shell, 5| in. Back with pale areola, and dark margin to shields. Sternum flat. Africa. 65, 5, 9, 17. SHIELD EEPTILES. 17 ** Kinixys. 2. Kinixys erosa, Gray, Cat. p. 13 ; Suppl. p. 14. a. Shell, adult, 9A in., and fore feet. Thorax rather concave the whole length. W. Africa. Gambia. b. SheU, 6 in. Kinixys castanea, Bell., Linn. Trans., xv., t. 18. *~ W. Africa. Presented by T. Bell, Esq. c. Shell, 5 in. Sternum flat. W. Africa. 43, 2, 29, 1. d. Animal and shell in spirit ; young. Gaboon. 57, 10, 28, 7. e. Animal and shell, in spirit ; yoimg. Gaboon. 69, 2, 20, 1. /. Adult shell, 10^ in., with feet, worn. Sternum concave. W. Africa. 63, 10, 8, 7. g. Shell, 8\ in. Sternum flat. W. Africa. 63, 10, 8, 8. /;. Shell, 8£ in. Very richly coloured, with pale rays. Sternum flat; last vertebral plate very convex in the lower part of the middle. W. Africa. 63, 10, 8, 6. i. Shell, 8+ in., and skeleton. Sternum concave the whole length. W. Africa. 70, 12, 28, 2. 3. Kinixys Homeana, Gray, Cat. p. 13 ; Suppl. p. 14. a. Shell only, 6:] in. Sternum flat. W. Africa. (Demerara ?). Presented by Lieut. Matth. C. Friend. b. Shell only, 6| in. The sternum deeply concave in the middle. Africa. Cape Coast Castle. Presented by Lieut. Matth. C. Friend, R. N. Tribe 4. MANOUEIANA. Genus 8. MANOUPJA. 1. Manouria Emys, Gray, Cat., Append, p. 7. M.fusca, Gray, Cat. p. 16 ; Suppl. 15. a. Shell, 16 in. ; lost some of its plates. Hinder lateral margin scarcely expanded, caudal plate convex, and rather inflexed below. Front of sternimi acutely notched behind, and slightly concave beneath. M. fusca, Gray, Cat. Sh. Hep., p. 16. Penang. From the Zool. Soc. 18 BAND-LIST OF b. sin 11 only, -2o in. Binder lateral margin much reflexed; caudal plates produced. Sternum rounded in front, slightly concave behind. Front and hinder lateral margin expanded; reflexed. Caudal plate flat, not bent in. Geoemyda spinosa, Cantor. Penang Hills. Dr. Cantor. Presented by East Ind. Coinpy. c. Animal and shell, 1G in. Sternum quite flat. Front lobe, trun- cated, slightly notched. Hinder lobe notched, half the width of the i'i\ anal shields. Scales on feet and spines on thighs very hi!' "Australia, E. Murray." Gould. 00,11,7,1. Genus 9. SCAPIA. 1. Scapia gigantea, Gray, Cat., Append, p. 8. S. falconeri, Gray Cat., Suppl. p. 7, f. 1 (skull). Skull presented and then reclaimed by Dr. Charles Falconer; so no longer in the Museum. •5 - Sub-order 2. STEGANOPODES. Family 1. CISTUDINID.E. (Box Tortoises). Tribe 1. CISTUDININA. Genus 1. CISTUDO. * Cistudo. 1. Cistudo Carolina, Gray, Cat., Suppl. p. 19 ; Append, p. 10. Tortoises, dc., t. 22 (hfe). a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 5 in. Yellow, black-rayed; beneath brown. Sternum flat. North America. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, -ij; in. Black, spotted with yellow. Sternum flat. N. America. Presented by Dr. Jacob Green. e. Animal and shell, 3£ in. Dry, discoloured from spirit. N. America. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. i. Animal, dry. Shell, 5 in. Yellow, black-rayed. N. America. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. j. Animal stuffed. Shell, 5 in. Brown, paler-rayed, with few yellow spots. N. America. k. Animal stuffed. Shell, 4£ in. Black, yellow-spotted, rather elongate, beneath brown. No nuchal shield. N. America. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. I. Animal. Shell, G£ in. Shields pale, darker-rayed. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7,1,9. Called the "Woodland and Cane-Brake " Tortoise. SHIELD REPTILES. 19 m. Animal, dry. Shell black, with large yellow spots and rays. Sternum concave in the middle. $ . N. America. 55, 12, 17, 9. n, o, p. Animals stuffed. Shells. Large shields ; pale. $ . N. America. Smith. 54,7,1,11. s. Animal, in spirits. N. America. Zoological Society. 59, 5, 11, G. q. Skeleton and shell ; wants lower jaw. Sternum convex behind, concave hi the middle. $ . N. America. 51, 8, 25, 26. Paris. t. Skeleton and sternum, without plates. Shell, 5 in. N. America. Gunther. 59, 9, 6, 435. h. Upper shell only, 4^- hi. Shields black, with large yellow spots. N. America. 42, 2, 29, 6. g. Upper shell only. Adult. Like 7;. N. America. d. Upper shell only. Adult. Shields pale ; black-rayed. N. America. c. Upper shell only. Adult ; wants some shields. N. America. /. Shell only, 4 in. Black. Sternum brown, with large yellow marks. N. America. "::;:: Onycholria. 2. Cistudo Mexicana, Gray, Cat. p. 40 ; Suppl. p. 49. a. Animal stuffed. Adult. Back high, compressed, shelving ; plate black, yellow-rayed. Mexico. Warwick. 4*8, 7, 28, 30. b. Animal stuffed. Adult. Shell oblong, evenly convex ; plate yellow, black-marbled. Sternum flat. Mexico. Warwick. 48, 7, 28, 29. c. Animal and shell, in spirits. Mexico. Zool. Soc. 59, 5, 11, 4. Tribe 2. LUTREMYINA. Genus 2. CYSTOCLEMMYS. 1. Cystoclemmys flavomarginata, Gray, Cat., Suppl. p. 20. a. Animal, dry. Shell, 5J in. Elevated, thick, worn on the sur- face. Cuora trifasciata, specimen c. Gray, Cat. Rep., p. 42. Cuora flavomarginata, Gunther, Rep. B. Ind., t. 8, f. a. China. Presented by T. Beeves, Esq. b. Animal. Shell about 7 in. Formosa. Swinhoe. 63, 2, 23, 8. 20 HAND-LIST OF Genus 3. PYXIDEA. 1. Pyxidea Mouiiotii, Gray, Cat., Suppl. p. 20. a. Animal stuffed, and shell. Cistudd Mouhotii, Gray, Amu & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, x, p. 157; Giinther, liej). B. I., t. iv, f. d. Siam. Lao Mts. Mouliot. 62, 8, 18, 12. b, e, d, f. Animals and shells, different ages. Siam. Lao Mountains. Mouliot. 62, 8, 18, 12, and 13, 15, 16, 18. g. Animal and shell. Siam. Lao Mts. 62, 12, 18, 14. h. Shell only, Gh in. Siam. 70, 11, 29,~53. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. Genus 4. NOTOCHELYS. 1. Notochelvs platynota, Gray, Cat., Sv/ppl., P- 21; Append- p. 10. Cyclemys platynota, Gray, Cat., p. 43. a. Animal stuffed. Adult. Emys platynota, Gray, Illustr. Ind. Zool., t. 5. Sumatra ? b. c, d. Animals stuffed. Adult and half-grown. Shells. Head yellow, varied with a broad yellow streak on each side of the nape ; throat yellow-streaked. Singapore. Wallace. 55, 5, 3, 3, 4 and 5. /. Animal, very young. Shell very thin, with the black spot only very indistinctly marked. Singapore. Wallace. 55, 5, 3, 7. c . Shell only ; yoimg, with the ribs about half-closed ; vertebral plate with two costal plates, with one raised black spot on the middle of the hinder edge of the nucleus. Singapore. Wallace. 53, 5, 3, 6. Genus 5. CUORA. * Cuora. 1. Cuora amboinensis, Gray, Cat. p. 41; Suppl. p. 21 ; Append. p. 10. Tortoises, &c., t. 23 (life). a. Animal and shell, 7 in., stuffed, adult; rather elongate. Sternum white, with black blotches ; concave in the centre. Asia. Presented by T. Bell, Esq., F.R.S. SHIELD REPTILES. 21. b. Animal ; young. Head and feet dry. Shell, 2 J in. Broad, three- keeled. III. Ind. Zool, t. 6. Asia. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. c. Animal and shell, in spirits ; very young. With granular shields ; the costal shields with a keel rather above the centre. Sternum white, black-marbled. Philippine Islands. Cuming. d. Animal and shell, half-grown, in spirits. Granular areola pos- terior, mai'ginal. Sternum brown-varied. Philippine Islands. Cuming. e. Animal and shell, 3§ in. Stuffed ; half-grown. Singapore. /. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adidt. Sternum white, with large black blotches. Arnboina. Mus. Leyden. g. Animal and shell stuffed ; half-grown. Asiatic Islands. Warwick. 47, 3, 5, 21. h. Animal and shell stuffed ; adult. Ventricose, high. Malacca. 46, 7, 27, 4. Presented by Capt. Ince, E.N. h. Animal and shell, dry ; very young. Shghtly three-keeled. Asia. 44, 3, 30, 15. 7n. Animal and shell; adult. ,">, 12, 6, 9. \niinal and shell, in spirits; adult. "Emys Oregonensis, Fitzinger," Brandt. Gray, Cat. Sh. Rep. P. 78, 6. N. America. Mississippi, Brandt. 55,4,12,3. /. v. Two adult animals and shells, inspirits. "Emys Oregonensis. Fitzinger," Brandt. N. America. Brandt. 55, 2, 6, 5 &0. 1. Shell, 5 in., of adult. Sternum with a large central dark blotch, pale-lined and dotted. >.'. America. 45, 11, 10, 5. Tribe 4. EMYINA. Genus 11. EMYS. 1. Emys japonica, Cray, Cat. p. 22; Siqyrf. p. 30; Append, p. 13- a. b. Animals, adult, and half-grown, in spirits. Japan. Mus. Leyden. c. Animal, in spirits ; nearly adult. Japan. 05, 12. 20, 12. 2. Emys caspica, Gray, Cat. p. 22 ; Suppl. p. 30 ; Append, p. 13. Tortoises, rfc, p. 31—32 (hfe). c. Animal stuffed, adult, and shell, G\ in. S. Europe. it. Animal stuffed, adult, and shell, 5| in. Shell and sternum pale, v. orn. Sicily. 44, 1, 1, 5. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. y. Annual stuffed, adult, and shell. All black, edge of nuchal shield elongate. S. Europe ? Zool. Soc. o. Animal, in spirits, half-grown. Shell ohve, with black-edged, branched red lines. Nuchal plate with a central streak. Fore- legs with three narrow streaks, and a streak down each toe. Emys caspica. var. arabica, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 30. I:, k.'hon. Mt. Carmel. Tristram. 04,8,23,51. m. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Distinctly keeled. Xauthus. Presented by Sir C. Fellowes 7:. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Very indistinctly keeled. Emys pannonica, Michaelles, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 30. Asia Minor. Presented by A. Christie, Esq. c. Animal, in spirits ; young. Back nodulose, with two lateral keels. Asia Minor. Valley of the Meadows. R. MacAndrew, Esq. SHIELD REPTILES. 35 p. Animal, in spirits ; very young, with a lateral tubercular keel. Sternum black, with white spots and blotches. Holy Land. Tristram. 64, 8, 23, 54. n. Shell, 7| in., and part of dry animal. Red-brown, beneath black, with white spots on side of sternum, and white lines on lower side of marginal plates. Skull separate. Emys Tristram, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 36 (skull). Jabook Elver. Rev. H. B. Tristram. 64, 8, 23, 156. e*. Skeleton and shell of adult. Claws tall, elongate. Sternum black. S. Europe. Mr. Alexander's Coll. 46, 11, 18, 33. /:;:. Skeleton and shell of adult. Like former. S. Europe. Mr. Alexander's Coll. 46, 3, 17, 10. \ in. W. Africa. Castany. 48, 8, 22, 8. d. Animal and shell, 8} in. ; adult. " Emys Sigriz." Algeria. 58, 6. 1. 45. e. Animal and shell, 5.', in. ; in spirits. W. Africa ? g. Skeleton and shell, 0 in. Front claws elongate. Emys marginata, Zool. Hoc. Cut. W. Africa. Genus 14. OELITIA. 1. Orlitia borneensis. Cistudo borneensis, BleeTier. SHIELD REPTILES. 37 a. Young animal, in spirits. Shell, 3 in. Cistuclo borneensis, Bleekcr, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. Orlitia borneensis, Gray, 1873. Borneo, Bleeker. 63, 12, 4, 37. Ill: BELLIANA. 15. BELLIA. 1. Bellia crassicollis, Gray, Cat. Swppl. p. 40. Ernys crassicollis, Cat. 20. b. Animal and shell, half-grown, in spirits. Sumatra. Mus Leyden. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6J in. worn. Keels on sides of sternum yellow. India. 47, 1, 13, 10. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, Gh in. worn. Uniform black, rather concave. India. 47, 1, 13, 10. e. Half-grown (in spirits). Shell brown, having a bronzed ap- pearance, vertebral plates distorted. Head brown, with a white spot over and rather before each eye on the sides of the chin, and on each side of the nape surrounding the back edge of the tympanum, and indistinctly continued across the throat, a small white streak en the middle of the black tympanum. Sumatra. Mr. Bartlett's coll. h. Annual and shell, :! ; in. ; stuffed. Siam. Mouhot. 59, 7, 8, G. q. Animal and shell, in spirits ; bad state. Borneo. Presented by L. W. Dillwyn, Esq. I. Young, dried, black, 1| in. Head with a spot before the eye, three on the side of the head and a streak on each side of the back of the chin. The first vertebral plate elongate, tapering behind, the others square. Gray, P. Z. S., 1863. India. 60, 8, 28, 7. n. Skeleton and bones of sternum (wants lower jaw). Borneo. 64, 9, 2, 47. Presented by Lewis Dillwyn, Esq. o. Skull, Gray, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 198, f. 10. India. Presented by Prof. Oldham. 2). Skull without lower jaw. India. Presented by Prof. Oldham. m. Skeleton and shell, o\ in., with all the shields on. " Clemmys Spengleri,"' Jeude. India. Mus. Jeude. 67, 45, 14, 2. a. Shell only, 5 in. Sternum brown, varied ; keeled on the sides. Sumatra. 65 a. Presented by T. Bell, Esq. /. Adult shell (very old). Ceylon. Dr. Kelaart. :X HAND-LIST OF g. Shell very old, worn, blackish, 6| in. vcntricose. Hindostan. Theobald. 08, 5, 11, 12. i.j. k. Three shells, 7 in., 0{ in., and 1} in. "Emys nigra, Blyth" Oldham. I',, Ilia' michalis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 41. India. Mergui. 56, 5, 6, 3, 4 and 8. Presented by Prof. Oldham. III. MALACLEMMYD.E. Genus 1. MALACLEMMYS. 1. Malaclemmys concentrica, Gray, Cat. p. 37. Suppl. p. 42 ; Ap- /. p. 13. Tortoises, dc. fc. 33, 34, 35, 36 (life). Var. 1. Head black-lined; limbs l>lack-spotted ; shield smooth, dorsal and sternal lines with well-defined dark ring. ,i. Animal stuffed. Shell, G^ in. smooth, highly coloured. Head with large black lines on the cheeks. N. America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. Var. 2. Head black-speckled. Shield more or less deeply con- centrically grooved with dark rings. j. Animal half grown, dry. N. America. g. Shell only, 5^ in., adult. N. America. Var. ">. Centrata. Head black-speckled ; shield more or less deeply concentrically dark-grooved. Sternum and lower part of marginal plates black, dotted, and clouded. Testudo centrata, Latr. b. Animal stuffed. Shields concentrically groved, and tubercularry keeled. Shell, 6} in. N. America. 37, 5, 13, 3. Presented by the Earl of Derby. c. Animal stuffed. Shields concentrically grooved. Shell, 6| in. X. America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6| in. Shields smooth, hinder costal plate distinctly ringed. N. America. Presented by Gen. T. Hardwicke. e. Animal, adult, in spirits. N. America. 51, 4, 11, 15. /.-. Animal, dry, adult, not good state. Back obtusely and inter- ruptedly keeled, dorsal shield rugose, dark brown, sternum brown, with dark edge to the shields. X. America. From the Zool Soc. p. Animal in spirits, bad state. N. America. Brandt. 56, 2, 6, 7. >. Skeleton, mounted. N. America. 54, 5, 4, 2. SHIELD REPTILES. 39 Z. Skeleton, unmounted. Malaclemmys concentrica, Gray, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 192, f. (skull). N. America. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 155. m. Skeleton without sternal shield or lower jaw. N. America. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 154. n. Shell only, 6 in. Black above. N. America. 67, 5, 2, 312. /. Shell only, 6£ in. N. America. 0. Sternum of young shell. Affixed to a back of a Pelomedusa. N. America. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 163. Var. 4. tuberculifera. The three central vertebral plates ivith a central tubercle, the hinder tubercle orbicular. h. Shell only, young. California. Malaclemmys tuberculifera, Gray, Cat. Tort. B. M. N. America. Mr. J. Drummond. Genus 2. DAMONIA. 1. Damonia maceocephala, Gray, Cat. Supjal. p. 43. a. Animal and shell, 4^ in. Geoclenimys macrocephala, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, 470, t. 21. Siam. Mouhot. 59, 7, 8, 4. 6. Animal and shell, 3f in. Siam. Mouhot. 59, 7, 8, 5. h. Animal and shell, stuffed, 8^ in. Sternum flat. Camboja. Mouhot. 61, 6, 1, 7. i. Animal and shell, 2 in., dry. Very bluntly 3-keeled. Areola large, regularly punctate, with a brown margin above and white margin below. Camboja. Mouhot, 60, 8, 28, 6. g. Animal, young in spirit. Cistudo gibbosa, Blechcr, M.S. 63, 12, 4, 38. Borneo. Je. Animal in spirits. Mus. Utrecht. Emys trijuga. Mus. Utrecht. 60, 8, 14, 232. a. Animal and shell, 5£ in. stuffed. Damonia oblonga, Gray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1871, p. 367. Cat. Append, p. 14. Batavia. 71, 12, 10, 2. e. Skeleton and shell, 6£ in., very obscurely keeled. " Emys subtrijuga." Mus. Leyden. Emys trijuga skeleton, b. Cat. Sh. Rep. p. 20. Borneo. 48, 10, 31, 16. /. Skeleton and shell, 4 in. Back much ended. Siam ? Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 148. 40 HAND-LIST OF . Sk( leton and shell, t'> in. .-ill. Gray, P. Z. .S. 1862, p. 193. f. S. A .:a. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4. 2, 153. (■. Shell, 3fj in., with remains of animal t. M nhot. 59, 7. 8, 7. ,/. Shell, 21 in. Camboja. Mouhot. 61, 4, 12, 17. 4. Damonia nigricans, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 44; Append, p. 14. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 4} in. China. Zool. Soc. a \ Animal, dry, from spirits. Shell, 3 in. ys mutica, ( . Inn. Nat. Hist. 1842. 1 . nigricans, Gray, Cat. Sh. Eep. Chin;'.. Canton. Presented hy the Hon. E. I. Compy. . Shell only, 3f in. I tnys nigricans, Gray, Cat. p. 20, t. 6. China! Presented by J. K. Reeves, Esq. 5. Damonia Rkevesii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 44; Append, p. 14. Geoclemys Reevesii, Gray. Cat. p. 18, t. v. a. Animal dry. Shell, 2.V in. China. Presented by T. E. Peeves, Esq. r. Animal stuffed. Shell, 3 in. Geochm\s Eteevesii, Gray, Cat. p. 20, t. v. China. Mr. Bartlett's CoU. 50, 11, 30, 16. c. Adult, in spirits. Some black edges, white spots on side of head, and a black-edged white streak on the upper part of the side of ck. 1. Soe. 56, 2, 15, 053. g. Animal, very young, in spirits. Shell, If in. Upper side covi red with long fibres of Conferva. The hairy tortoise of the Chinese. Gray, Ann. d Mag. Nat. '.' 1873. 65, 1". 18. 7. f. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Shell, 5 in. Keels very sliGrt, obscure. China. Blyth. 68,7, 11, 1. Shell, 21 in. China. Presented by J. R. Reeves, Esq. d. Head and shell of adult, 4 in. Broken to pieces, and lost some plates. China. 5. Damonia Hamiltonii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 43 ; Append, p. 14. a. Animal and shell stuffed, 2] in. Emys Hamiltonii, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. India. SHIELD REPTILES. 41 a. Animal, in spirits. India, Bengal. Picquot. b. Animal stuffed, and shell. India, Bengal. Picquot. d. Animal, in spirits. India. Zool. Soc. 52, 9, 10, 51. e. Animal, in spirits. India. Zool. Soc. 59, 9, 5, 1. c. Skeleton, 2£ in. India. Genus 4. GRAPTEMYS. 1. Graptemys psetjdogeographica, Gray, Cat. Suppl. P- 45 ; Ap- pend, p. 14. Tortoises, So., 37, 38 (life). a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7f in. Neck, temples, and lips with broad, distinct yellow streaks. N. America. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7£ in. Neck with many very narrow yellow lines ; temples and frontal streaks narrow, lips dotted and lined. N. America. M. Parzudaki's Coll. 43, 11, 18, 26. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9 in. Frontal, temporal, and labial streaks distinct. Like "a." N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 4. e. Animal stuffed (large size). Shell, 9J in. Frontal, temporal, and labial streaks narrow, with other parallel narrower lines. Somewhat similar to " c." N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 11. /. Animal. Shell, 5 in. Back very high, compressed and shelving, sharply keeled, frontal and temporal streaks distinct, moderate ; labial narrow, interrupted. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 6. d. Animal and shell, 9 in. Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 5. h. Animal and shell, 9 in. Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 10. g. Animal and shell, 3 in. Like "/." Louisiana. Smith. 55. 12, 17, 14. j. Animal, in spirits. Mississippi, N. America. Brandt. 55, 12, 6, 19. 2. Graptemys geographica, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 45; Append. p. 14. a. Animal, half-grown, dry, from spirits. Claws slender, curved. Head small. Emys Leseurii, Gray, Syn. Rep. N. America. G •12 HAND-LIST OF b. Animal, in spirits. Each costal plate with five or six irregular rings. Pennyslvania. Brandt. 56, 2, 6, 2. c. Skeleton and shell, 4:1 m- Claws very long and slender. Louisiana. Sniith. 55, 12, 6, 11. Tribe 4. PSEUDEMYD^. Genus 1. PSEUDEMYS. 1. Pseudemys serrata, Gray, Cat. p. 34; Append, p. 14. a. Animal stuffed, just hatched. Shell. The upper jaw distinctly bidentate. Head and jaws yellow-streaked. N. America. c. Animal and shell, 11 h in. N. America. Zool. Soc. g. Annual and shell, in spirits ; young. N. America. 58, 9, 8, 38. Presented by Odo Eussell, Esq. e. Animal and shell stuffed, 11 in. Reddish brown, with large black marbhngs. Three middle claws elongate, very slender. N. America. 58, 5, 26, 8. b. Skeleton mounted. Shell, 10| in. Depressed; three front claws elongate. N. America. /. Skeleton and shell, 11 in. Depressed, small spots. Three front claws elongate. Skull, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 206, f. 15. N. America. 58, 5, 26, 8. d. Skeleton and shell, 9J in. Ernys rubiventris, $ . French dealer. N. America. 37. 2. Pseudemys ventricosa, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 47 ; Append, p. 14. a. Adult shell, 14^ in. Emys ventricosa, Gray, Cat. p. 28, t. 14. America ? 48, 7, 28, 24. 3. Pseudemys concinna, Gray, Cat. p. 34 ; Suppl. p. 47 ; Append. p. 14. c. Animal stuffed, and shell, 9 in. Front claws very long, slender. Emj-s concinna, Holbroo'k. N. Amer. Herp. t. 19. N. America. Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 12. e. Animal and shell, 11 in. ; rather swollen. Under side of lateral margin with a large brown ■ circular spot on each suture, with a small, central, pale spot before each suture. Claws short. N. America, Louisiana. W. Smith. 60, 4, 22, 7. SHIELD REPTILES. 43 /. Animal and shell, 12f in. Costal plates with a pale central cross- band. Claws short. Inferior lateral marginal plates with a large sutural spot with centre dot and rings. Louisiana. W. Smith. 62, 4, 22, 6. h, i. Two young animals, in spirits. N. America. 58, 9, 8, 39—40. Presented by Odo Eussell, Esq. g. Skeleton and shell, 12i in. Dorsal shields varied, black, grey, and red. Under lateral marginal plates with a continuous black band, with a central pale band. N. America. 58, 7, 29, 5. 4. Pseudemys decussata, Gray, Cat. p. 30; Suppl. p. 47; Append. p. 14. Tortoises, dc.,t. 39, 40 (lite) discoloured. :\ a. Animal, not varied, yellow. Shell, 7 in. Sternum in a bad state from confinement in a menagerie. West India Islands. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. k ? Animal, very young, in spirits. Uniform pale yellow. Tropical America. n. Animal and shell stuffed, 2} in. Tropical America. 54, 5, 4, 11. i. Skeleton and shell, 9£ in. Upper part of marginal shield with very indistinct, and lower part more distinct, square, annulated, sutural spots. Sternum with distinct, irregular-shaped, symme- trical rings. Emys decussata, $ • Mus. Paris. St. Domingo. Coll., Paris. 52, 12, 3, 19. o. Shell only, 7 in. Lost its colour. From animal in confinement. America. West Indies. c. Skeleton and shell, 11 in. Sternum and lower side of marginal plates with dark rings. West Indies. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. I ? Animal, very young ; dry. Shell uniform pale yellow. Tropical America. e, Shell only, Hi in. ; very ventricose. Sternal and lower side of marginal shield with large irregular rings ; some indistinct, large, oblong and sutural spots on the upper part of the marginal plates. West Indies. 43, 12, 7, 45. /. Shell only, 6 in. Sternum discoloured. West Indies. 40, 2, 19, 8. g. Shell only, 10 in. Sternum discoloured and eroded. West Indies. From Zool. Gardens. 54, 5, 4, 14. h. Shell only, 6% in. Back dark. Sternum much eroded. West Indies. 54, 5, 4, 13. Presented by T. Bell, Esq. m. Shell only, 8£ in. ; rather depressed. Back dark brown ; upper part of tbe margin with obscure, lower with very distinct, oblong spots on the suture of the plates. Sternum with irre- gular-shaped symmetrical rings and scattered black spots. West Indies. 43, 12, 7, 46. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. 44 HAND-LIST OF Genus 2. TEACHEMYS. 1. Trachejiys Holbrookii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 47. Append, p. 14. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8£ in. Sternal spots large, diffused in confinement. N. America. M. Parzudaki. 55,10,26,15. h. Animal stuffed. Yellow streak frorn back of eye. Shell, 7^ in. Sternum black-spotted. Louisiana. W. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 13. g. Animal, in spirits. Sternal spots large solid, diffused, the hinder subconfluent. N. America. Brandt. 55, 4, 12, 5. c. Animal half- grown, in spirits. Three middle front claws elongate ; sternal spots round, solid ; band on the symphysis solid, black, interrupted in front. N. America, Ohio. Mus. Leyden. (I. Animal stuffed. Streak from eye broad. Shell, 4 in. Spots on sternum solid, distinct, very like " e." N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 8. e. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Sternal spots annular, distinct only where the plate is deficient. N. Orleans. 45, 4, 7. /. Annual and shell, in spirits ; very young. Sternal spots annular, brown, with a double marginal dark ring on the edge of the gular and middle of the other plates. Emys Holbrookii, Gray, Cat. p. 25, t. 15, t. 1. N. America. It. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Eruys sanguhiolenta, Gray, Cat. t. 15, f. 1. N. America. 51, 3, 14, 1. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b. Animal and shell, in spirits ; very large. Sternal spots solid. X. America. 55, 12, 6, 12. m. Animal and shell, in spirits ; large. Sternal spots indistinct, united, diffused. N. America. 56, 11, 28, 12. v. Skeleton not set up, and shell, 10 in. Emys decussata, G'untlicr, MS. T. Holbrookii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 207, f. 16 (skull). N. America. Giinthcr. 59, 9, 6, 434. i. Skeleton and shell, 9h in. Sternum contracted at the hinder part of the abdominal plates. Hinder sternal plates irregular. N. America. French dealer. 58, 12, 6. a. Shell only, 6 in. Sternal spots subannular. N. America, California. Dnunmoud. n. Animal, in spirits, middle size. Sternal spots subannulated, irregularly-shaped. N, America. Eraser. 60, 6, 18, 12. SHIELD REPTILES. 45 o. Animal in spirits ; half-grown. N. America. 1* Trachemys lineata, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. a. Adult. Animal in spirits. Spots on sternum large, solid. N. America. 2. Trachemys scripta, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 48. Append, p. 14. Tortoises, t. 41, (life). b. Animal. Temple with a large square spot at the back of the obit. Sternum pale, with a solid spot on each gular, axillary, inguinal, and marginal shield. Shell 4 in. Front claws short, sternal spot solid. N. America. Presented by Major Gen. T. Hardwicke. c. Animal stuffed. Temple with a large square spot at the back of the orbit. Sternmn pale, with regular subcentral black rings on each sternal plate. Shell 61 in. Three middle front claws elongate. Sternum, lower margin with large black rings. N. America. 43, 12, 6, 19. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. Temple with a large, broad, erect, streak behind the eye, and a large triangrdar spot over the tympanum. Sternmn pale, with a round solid spot on each gular, inguinal, and marginal plate, green. N. America. 53, 12, 6, 46. Presented by the Zool. Soc. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, S\ in. Three middle front claws moderate, broken. Sternum with a solid black spot on each gular, axillary, inguinal, and marginal plate, and on one or two of the other sternal plates. N. America. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Head and neck streaks very indistinct. Sternum black-speckled, with a large irregular spot on each shield ; three on each abdominal plate (when the horny shields are removed, only concentric rings are seen). "E. Troostii." Mus. Loyden. N. America, Cumberland River. k. Animal, in spirits. Mississippi. Brandt. i, g. Animal, in spirits, young, with two spots on the front of the thorax. N. America. 58, 4, 8, 41. Presented by Odo Russell, Esq. j. Animal, in spirits, with six spots in the front and two at the back of the thorax. N. America. 58, 9, 8, 41. Presented by Odo Russell, Esq. I. Animal, in spirits ; very young. Gular or inner side of each pectoral plate with small black spots, left abdominal plate with a spot near the suture. N. America. 46 SHIELD REPTILES. m. Animal, in spirits ; very young. Gular and post-gular each with a small black ring near outer margin. N. America. 58, 9, 8, 4. g. Shell only, 5 in. '"E. serrata." Mus. Utrecht. N. America. Mus. Utrecht. 57, 2, 3, 13. h. Back shell only, 6} in. "E. serrata." Mus. Utrecht. N. America. Mus. Utrecht. 57, 2, 3, 14. 3. Trachemys rugosa, Gray, Cat. Sitppl. p. 48. Append, p. 15. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9 in. ' Claws slender ; sternum eroded. West Indies. Zool. Soc. d. Animal and shell, 8} in. W. Indies. Zool. Soc. /(. Animal, in spirits; large size. Sternum with large spots. "Ernys Troostii, Brandt" Cat. Sh. Rep. Ohio. Brandt. i. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Shell olive, with broad black margin to plates, above and below. W. Indies. 52, 12, 6, 13. h. Animal, in spirits. The black marks on the margin of the dorsal and ventral shields very broad, covering almost the entire shield. N. America. Brandt. 56, 2, 6, 8. /. Animal and shell, 11 in. ; ventricose, solid, dark brown. Sternum with no indication of variation. Ernys decussata, "j," Gray, Cat. p. 30. St. Domingo. g. Skeleton and shell, lh in. ; rather light. Ernys decussata, $ French dealer. St. Domingo. French dealer. b. Skeleton of adult. Three middle front claws very long, slender, compressed. Emys decussata. Mus. Paris. St. Domingo. Mus. Paris. h. Shell only, 10| in. Pseudemys decussata, " d," Gray, Cat. p. 30. AY. Indies. c. Shell only, half-grown, pale. W. Indies ? a. Shell, 7^ in. Back brown, closely black-dotted ; sternum and under side of margin very closely spotted. Sternal shields dark-edged. Emys vermicolata, Gray, Cat. t. xii. d. W. Indies. SHIELD REPTILES. 47 e. Shell only, 7£ in., discoloured from confinement. W. Indies. Zool. Soc. 48, 11, 1, 22. /. Shell only, solid and heavy, 8 in. W. Indies ? 3. Trachemys rtvulata ? Emys rivulata, Gray, Cat. p. 27 t. xi. a. Shell, 11 in. Vertebral line depressed. N. America. 4. Trachemys annulifera. Emys annulifera, Gray, Cat. Sh. Rep. p. 27. a. Animal and shell, in spirits, very young. Emys annulifera, Gray, Syn. Rep. p. 32. N. America ? Genus 3. CALLICHELYS. 1. Callichelys ornata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 48. Append, p. 15. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6| in. Tropical America. e. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13 in. Costal shields longitudinally furrowed, dark coloured ; rings indistinct. Mexico. 48, 7, 28, 26. m. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13 in. Tropical America. Zool. Soc. 53, 9, 17, 4. j. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13 in. Emys omata, Gray, Cat. Sh. Bep. t. xii. Tropical America. Zool. Soc. 51, 6, 2, 4. Ti. Animal stuffed. Shell, Q\ in. The nuchal streak on one side interrupted. Mexico. 45, 7, 28, 27. i. Animal dry. Shell, 5^ in. Plates radiately striated. W. Indies ? Scrivener. 44, 3, 20, 36. h. Animal stuffed. Shell, 4£ in. Plates radiately striated. Mexico. d. e. Animals, very young, in spirits. Areola of vertebral plates with a posterior central spot and lateral streak ; costal with a central spot rather below the centre, surrounded with three or four regular rings ; marginal plates with a spot on hinder margin and lings in front of it. Head yellow-lined, with two broader lines on its side. Mazatlan. Presented by Alex. Collie, Esq., K.N. /. Animal very young, in spirits exactly like " d " and " e." Emys concinna, Dumeril. Mus. Paris. New Orleans. Mus. Paris. g. Animal, very young, in spirits. Mexico. 4S SHIELDS REPTILES. i\ n. Animals, very young, dry. Shells, 16^ in. Mexico. 45, 10, 5, 47. s. Young animal, in spirits. Mexico. 51, 7, 17, 221. o. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Guatemala. Salvia. 04, 2, 19, 5. p. Animal, in spirits ; young, about '2h in. Back badly coloured. America, Zool. Soc. 59, 10, 26, 7. q. Animal, in spirits, young. N. America. 58, 9, 9, 5. Presented by Odo Russell, Esq. r. Animal, in spirits ; young N. America. Zool. Soc. 64, 2, 23, 2. 2. Calliciielys venusta, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 49. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 12 in., very convex. Shields smooth, polished ; dark rings well-marked. Tropical America. 49, 12, 7, 4. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. /. Animal stuffed. Shell, lOj- in. Shields snioothish ; sternal bands indistinct. Honduras. 45, 10, 25, 19. g. Animal stuffed. Shell, 11 in. Shields radiately striated and concentrically grooved ; sternal bands indistinct. N. America. Gardens. Zool. Soc. h. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13 in. Back very dark, blackish brown ; shields rugose ; rings and sternal bands, indistinct from melanism. Mexico. Warwick. 48, 7, 28, 25. e. Animal. Shell, S\ in. Shields smooth ; rings, concentric ; regular sternal bands obliterated. Einys venusta, Gray, Cat. 24. t. 12, 8. Honduras. Dyson. 45, 8, 5, 26. b. Shell only. Shields rather smooth ; dark spots very distinct. T. America. c. Shell onlv, 7 in. Shields nearly smooth ; sternal bands distinct. T. America. 39, 12, 26, 70. d. Shell only, 13 in. Shields rather furrowed; sternal bands distinct. T. America. 44, 2, 17, 3. 3. Callicheys callirosteis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 49. a. Adidt, Animal, and shell, 1\ in. ; stuffed. Einys calhrostris, Gray, Cat. 25. t. 12. Tropical America. Haslar Hospital. 55, 10, 16, 5, 8. a. Animal and shell, 12 in., stuffed, $ . Tehirantepec. San Mates. 71, 2, 7, 43. b. Animal and shell, 11^ in., stuffed, J . Tehirantepec. San Mates. 71, 2, 7, 44. SHIELD REPTILES. 49 Family 5. DEEMATEMYD.E. Genus 1. DEEMATEMYS. 1. Dermatemys Mawii, Gray, Cat. p. 49 ; Suppl. p. 50 ; Append. p. 15. a. Shell only, 15^ in. Width, 11 in. Sternum 12+ in. Dermateniys Mawh, Gray, Cat. Sli. Rep. t. xxi. Mus. Zool. Soc. 2. Dermatemys Salvixii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 50 ; Append, p. 16. a. Animal, in spirits. Dermatemys Salvinii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 126 (animal). Guatemala. Salvia. 64, 2, 19, 6. Family 6. BATAGUEID.E. Tribe 1. BATAGUBINA. Genus 1. BAT AGUE. 1. Batagur baska, Gray, Cat. p. 35; Suppl. p. 52 ; Append, p. 17. g. Animal stuffed, and shell, 18 in. Not quite full-grown, with three oval spaces on the iateral margin. India, Ganges. 50, 11, 13, 16. h. Animal stuffed, and shell, 19 in. More adult, only two very small spaces in lateral margin. India, Ganges. 50, 11, 13. 17. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Space between the ribs not quite closed. B. Baska, Gray, Cat. p. 35, 1. 16. India, Ganges. Blyth. b. Animal, young, in spirits. Penang. Cantor. 66, 3, 19, 1415. in. Skull, 4=} in. T. Baska, Gh-ay, P. Z. S. p. 199, f. 11 ; Cat. Suppl. p. 52, f. 8. Ganges. 67, 9, 28, 7. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. n. Young animal ; in spirits. Tetraonyx affinis, Cantor. Penang. Cantor. 60, 3, 19, 1416. c. Young animal, dried. Tetraonyx affinis, Cantor. Penang, Cantor. 60, 3, 19, 1443. d. Shell only, 22 in. Much worn. Black ; not in good state. India. 66, 4, 25, 10. Presented by Dr. Falconer. e. Shell only, 22 in. Worn, black. India. 66, 4, 25, 11. Presented by Dr. Falconer. 50 HAND-LIST OF f. Shell only, 19£ in. Brown, good state. Pegu. Theobald. 67, 12, 30, 59. j. Shell only, 20 in. Brown, worn. Moulmein. 56, 5, 6, 5. 1-. Dorsal shell only, 19V in. Black; part of dorsal shields wanting. India. 68, 2, 12, 18. Presented by Dr. Falconer. I. Head, in spirits. India. 68, 4, 3, 143. Genus 2. CALLAGUR. 1. Callague picta, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 53. a. Animal and shell, 10^ in. Not full-grown. Eight depressions on the sides, the second and fourth very large. Batagur picta, Gray, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 264, t. Sarawak. "Wallace. 56, 9, 19, 21. Tribe 2. KACHUGINA. Genus 3. KACHUGA. 1. Kachuga trilineata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 55; Append, p. 18. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6| in. The second and third vertebral shields strongly keeled, ending in a tubercle behind, the fourth and fifth sharply keeled ; nine depressions on each side. Batagur lineata, Gray, Cat. p. 35, t. 17. Not Syn. Eept. Nepaul. Boys. /. Animal, adult, and shell, 20 in. ; stuffed. Shell completely ossified, with three broad black marks. $ . Head red on the sides. Pegu. 67, 9, 28, 1. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. d. Animal stuffed, and shell, 2f in., with nine small unossified spaces on each side. Sternum with a squarish cavity between the pectoral and abdominal plates, and a very small cavity between the preanal plates. B. lineata, "d," Gray, Cat. p. 36. India, Boys. 48, 2, 1, 35. i. Animal and shell, in spirits, 3i in. Vertebral plates with a brown keel; costal plates with a small spot on the hinder edge. India. Zool. Soc. 67, 3, 8, 2. j. Skull, 4 in. Batagur lineata, Gray, Cat. Sh. Rep. t. svii. India, Nepaul. Boys. 48, 2, 1, 29. It. Skull, 5| in. Kachuga Peguensis, Gray, Cat. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 201, f. 12 ; Cat. Suppl. p. 55, f. 20. Pegu. Presented by W. Theobald. SHIELD REPTILES. 51 i. Skull, 5} in. Kachuga trilineata, Gray, P. Z. S. "1869, p. 200, f. 13. K. pegnensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 55, f. 20. India, Pegu. Theobald. 67,9,28,4. b. Shell, 9| in. Vertebral plates obscurely keeled ; sides not quite ossified, with five holes on each side. Saharumpore. 46, 7, 27, 7. Presented by Dr. Falconer. c. Shell of adult. Dark olive above ; vertebral plates not keeled ; sides quite ossified. Nepaul. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Shell only, 12 in., with four large cavities, produced by youth, on each side. Batagur trivittata, Dum. d Bib. Theobald. Hindostan, " Pegu?" 67, 9, 28, 3. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. g. Shell only, 22 in. Blackish punctulated. Batagur trivittata, £ > adult. Theobald, Journ. Lin. Soc. 1868, x. p. 14. Pegu. Theobald. 68, 5, 11, 10. h. Shell only, 19 in. Pale brown, with three broad brown streaks. India. 68, 2, 12, 17. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq. 2. Kachuga fusca, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 55. a. Shell only, 14 in., with four angular unossified spaces in the margin. K. fusca, Gray, I. c. B. trivittata, Theobald. Pegu. 67, 9, 28, 2. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. b. Shell only, 17 in. ; nearly adult. Nepaul. 45, i, 12, 416. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. 3. Kachuga dentata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 56. a. Animal and shell, 2^ in. Batagur Ellioti, Gray, P. Z. S. 1862, p. 264. Giinther, Pep. B. I. t. 3, f. a. K. dentata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 56. S. India. B. Kistna. 55, 12, 17, 15. Presented by Walter Elliot, Esq. b. Shell only, 2^ in. Shields very little larger than the areola ; second, third, and fourth vertebral plates with a brown tubercle, the second and third large. B. lineata, " rf," Gray, Cat. p. 36. India. Capt. Boys. 48, 2, 1, 37. 4. Kachuga major, Gray, Ann. <£ May. Nat. Hist. 1873. a. Animal stuffed, and shell, 4^ in. ; very young. Bibs scarcely ossified, linear, rather wider near the vertebra?. India. 63, 10, 8, 11. 52 HAND-LIST OF Genus 4. DHOUGOKA. 1. Dhougoka Hardwickii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 57; Append, p. 18. b. Shell only, approaching 13 in. ; adult. The three streaks narrower, less distinct ; vertebral plates obscurely keeled. Emys Duvancellii, Bibron in Cat. Zool. Soc. India.' 54, 5, 4, 16. Zool. Soc. c. Upper shell only, 4i in. ; adult. Dorsal streaks wide. Second vertebral plate produced, angular behind. Nepaul. 45, 12, 4, 17. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6 in. Olive, with three black streaks, and sides of the back darker ; vertebral plates keeled, second and. third tubercular on the hinder edge ; sis holes on the sides. Batagur dhougoka, Gray, Cat. p. 36, t. 18, f. 1 India, Gauges. Sultanpoor, N. Benares. 48, 8, 18, 12. cl. Upper shell only, adult, 14 in. The second vertebral plate rather truncated. Nepaul. 45, 1, 12, 418. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. e. Skull, 4 in. Batagur Dhougoka, Gray, Cat. t. sxsvi. f. 1. Nepaul. Presented byB. H. Hodgson, Esq. y. Shell, half-grown, narrow. Hinder edge serrated ; second verte- bral plate with a very distinct, acute, spine-like keel. India. 56, 2, 15, 33. h. Shell only, 7£ in. Back with three streaks. Sides with seven holes. Hindostan. Theobald. 68, 5, 11, 8. i. Skull, 4| in. India. Genus 5. HARDELLA. 1. Hardella Thurgi, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 58; Append, p. 18. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13 in. India, Bengal. Picquot. b. Animal dry. Shell, 5 in. India, Bengal. c. Skull, 3| in. Kachuga Oldhamii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 203, f. 14. Hardella Thurgi, Gray, Cat. Sujyl- p. 59, f. 21. India, 56, 5, 6, 112, Presented by Prof. Oldham. d. Shell only, 15^ in. Sternum black. India. 70, 11, 29, 45. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. 2. Hardella Indi, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 58. a. Shell, 12 in. River Indus. Presented by Dr. Leith. SHIELD REPTILES. 53 Genus 6. CANTORELLA. Cantorella affinis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 58. a. Young specimen, in spirits. Tetraonyx afiinis, Cantor, Malay Rep. p. 6. Batagur affinis, Giinther, Rep. B. Ind. t. 3, f. 6. Penang. Presented by Dr. Cantor. Genus 6a. OCADIA. 1. Ocadia sinensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 35 ; Append, p. 13. a. Animal stuffed, and shell, 4 in. Dorsal plates brown, with a longitudinal reddish streak. Under side of margin annulated. Emys sinensis, Gray, Cat. p. 21, t. 7. China. Presented by J. Peeves, Esq. c. Animal stuffed, and shell, 10 in. Emys Bennettii, Gray, Cat. t. x. China. Zool. Gardens. 54, 5, 4, 19. b. Animal stuffed, adult. Shell, 7i in. Plate worn and discoloured from having been kept in confinement. Emys Bennettii, Gray, Cat. p. 22. China. Zool. Gardens. 54, 5, 19, 10. d. Skeleton and shell, 5h in. Ocadia sinensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873 (fig. skull). China ? 63, 23, 2. e. Shell, 8f in. Bluntly three-keeled. Black above, white below, with large round black spots. Formosa, Swinhoe. 65, 11, 30, 1. Tribe 3. PAXGSHUEINA. Genus 7. PANGSHUEA. 1. Pangshxra tecta, Gray, Cat. Siqpl. p. 60 ; Append, p. 18. Batagur tecta, Gray. Cat. p. 36. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 3| in. India. Picquot. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 2f in. India. Picquot. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 2k in. India. Picquot. d. Animal. Shell, about 3| in., in spirits. India. e. Animal stuffed. Shell, 4^ in. India. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. h. Animal and shell, in spirits. India. Zool. Soc. 59, 5, 11, 3 54 HAND-LIST OF i, j, k, I, 7n. Five animals, and shell, in spirits. India, Bengal. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134. n. Skeleton and shell, 4^ in. India, Bengal. Zool. Soc. o. Shell onlv, 5\ in., and skull. India. OS, 2, 12, 9. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq. p. Shell only, 3h in. Deccan. India. Ghazeret. 69, 8, 28, 4. Presented by Dr. Leith. q. Bones and shell, with two rhombic holes on centre of sternum. India. 2. Pangshura Leithii, Graij, Cat. Suppl. p. 60. a. Skull. Pangshura Leithii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 60. E. Toonah. Presented by Dr. Leith. 3. Pangshura ventricosa, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 60 ; Append, p. 18. a. Shell only, 6f in. Pangshura ventricosa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 710, f. 2. Assam. 70, 11, 29, 55. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. Genus 8. CUCHOA. 1. Cuchoa tentoria, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 61 ; Append, p. 18. Batagur tentoria, Gray, Cat. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 6 in. The third vertebral shield almost as broad as long. Sternum low. Batagur tentoria, Giinther, Eep. B. I. t. 4. f. c. Deccan. Presented by Colonel Sykes. b. Shell only ; partly broken. Assam. 67, 5, 23, 2. 2. Cuchoa flavivexteis, Gray, Cat. Suppl p. 61 ; Append, p. 18. a. Shell only, 8} in. Back with upper part of sides very convex. India. 70, 11, 29, 47. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. b. Shell only, 8| in. . Sides of upper part flattened. India. 70, 11, 29. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. c. Shell only, 6§ in. Back rather ventricose. India. 70, 11, 29, 50. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. d. Upper shell only, 5£ in. India. 70, 11, 29, 49. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. e. Shell only, 6| in. Back rather ventricose. India. 11. Cuttack. 70, 6, 14, 32. Presented by Surgeon F. Day. SHIELD REPTILES. 55 Genus 9. JEEDONELLA. 1. Jerdonella sylhetensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl.j). 61 ; Append, p. 18. a. Shell only, 7| in. Pangshura sylhetensis, Gray, P. Z. S., 1870, f. 1. Sylhet. 70, 11, 29, 52. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. b. Upper shell only, 5h in. Sylhet. 70, 11, 29, 51. ' Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. c. Shell only, 3f in. Side broken. Sylhet. 70, 11, 29, 53. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. Genus 10. EMIA. 1. Emia Smithii, Gray, Cat. Siqyl- P- 02 ; Append, p. 19. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8 in. India. 70, 11, 29, 46. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7 in. Sternum saved across. Batagur Smithii, Gray, P. Z. S., 1863, p. 253. India. Dowsett. 63, 6, 5, 3. c. Animal, dry, and shell, 33t in. India. R. Chenab. 63, 2, 21, 87. Presented by Sir A. Smith. d. Shell only, 8 in. Pangshura Smithii, Gunther, Rep. B. I. fig. on p. 2. Indus. 69, 8, 28, 8. Presented by Dr. Leith. e. Shell only, 8 in. India. 70, 11, 29, 44. Presented by T. C. Jerdon, Esq. /. Shell only, very much broken ; margin wanting. India. 67, 6, 18, 5. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. Tribe 4. MORENLAINA. Genus 11. MORENIA. 1. Morenia Berdmorei, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 62. a. Animal and shell, in spirits, 3i in. Sternum yellow. Peju. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 135. b. Animal and shell, about 2i in., in spirits. Sternum brown, regularly varied, with the lateral margins yellow. Pegu. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 130. c. Shell onlv, 1\ in. Batagur ocellata, Gray, P. Z. S., 1856, t. x., and x. a. India. Mergui. 56, 5, 6, 2. Presented by Prof. Oldham. d. Shell only, 7i in. Pegu. Theobald. 68, 5, 11, 11. e. Shell only. 4-^ in. Sternum with two large unossified spaces. Pegu. Theobald. 69, 3, 6, 6. 5G SHIELD REPTILES. /. Shell only, 3J in. Sternum like " e." Pegu. Theobald. 68, 5, 11, 14. g. Shell only, 8$ in. Pegu. Theobald. 67, 12, 30, 60. •2. Morenia ocellata, Gray, Cat. Swppl. p. 63 ; Append, p. 19. a. Shell only, 5| in. Pegu ? Theobald. 68, 5, 11, 13. Family 7. CHELYDRADiE. 1. CRUCISTERXA. Tribe 1. CHELYDRAINA. Genus 1. MACROCHELYS. 1. Macrochelys Temminckii, Gray, Cat. p. 49. ; Suppl. p. 64. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 23 in. N. America, Mississippi. Zool. Soc. 54, 2, 11, 1. 6. Animal stuffed. Shell, 19 in. N. America, Mississippi. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 1. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 15 in. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 17. (1. Skeleton. Shell, 23 in. Macroclemys Temminckii, Gray, Cat. Sh. Bcp. t. xxxyiii. f. 2, t. xxxix., t. xl. fig. 1, skull, adult. N. America, Mississippi. Presented by John Dillon, Jun., Esq. Genus 2. CHELYDRA. 1. Chelydra serpentina, Gray, Cat. p. 48 ; Suppl. p. 64. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7^ in. N. America. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 14 in. N. America. c. Animal, in spirits, younp. New Orleans. Salle. 45, 11, 9, 29. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9 in. N. America. 96, 10, 31, 18. e. Animal stuffed. Shell, 11^ in. N. America. 46, 4, 13, 3. 7;. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9 \ in. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 3. i. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9^ in. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 2. i. Animal and shell, young, in spirits. N. America. 58, 9, 8, 40. Presented by Arthur Russell, Esq. SHIELD REPTILES. 57' I. Animal and shell, very young, in spirits. N. America. m. Animal and shell, in spirits ; half-grown. N. America. 51, 4, 11, 13. n. Skull ; half-grown. C. serpentina, Gray, Cat. t. 38, f. 1, t. 40, f. 2. N. America. Zool. Soc. 0. Skeleton and shell, 7 in. N. America. Parzudaki. 55, 11, 26, 17. Trihe 2. STAUEOTYPLNA. Genus 3. STAUEOTYPUS. 1. Staurotypus triporcatus, Gray, Cat. p. 47; Swgpl. p. 45. a. Animal, young, in spirits. Pale brown varied with black. Mexico. b. Animal; adult. Shell, 14 in. The anal plates united into one. Staurotypus triporcatus, Gray, Cat. p. 47. t. 20, b. Vera Cruz. Salle. Genus 4. STAEEEMYS. 1. Stauremys Salvinii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 65. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Staurotypus (Stauremys) Salvinii. Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 127. Guatemala. Huamuchal ; Salvin. 64, 1, 26, 147. b. Skeleton of young, prepared by E. Gerrard, jun. Gray, P. Z. S., 1869, p. 179, f. 5 ; Cat. Supjpl. p. 65. f. 22. Skull. Guatemala. Tribe 3. AEOMOCHELYINA. Genus 5. AEOMOCHELYS. * Ozotheca. Sternum rounded in front. 1. Abomochelys odoratum, Gray, Cat. p. 46; Suppl. P-66. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shields spotted. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. b. Animal, in spirits. _ _ . , .. ~ Delaware. Presented by H. Doubleday, Esq. ;. Animal stuffed. Shell, 3f in. _Convex. K. America, Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 7. c. Animal, in spirits. N. America, Texas. Gunther. 59, 5, 10, 1. d. e, f. Animals, in spirits. N. America, 60, 12, 18, 25, 28, 29. ^ HAND-LIST OF g. Animal, in spirits. N. America. 58, 9, 18, 1 1. Presented by Odo Russell, Esq. h. Animal, in spirits. X. America. 58, 2, 28, 58. ;'. Skeleton and shell. X. America. 58, 2, 28, 58. a. Shell only, 2| in. Oblong, sharply keeled. N. America. * Goniochelys. Sternum truncated in front. 2. Akomochelys carixatum, Gray, Cat. p. 47 ; Suppl. p. 66. a. Annual stuffed. Shell, 5£ in. N. America, Louisiana. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 15. b. Like " a." Shell, 5} in. Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 4. c. Like " «" and " b." Shell, 5f in. Louisiana. Smith. 55, 12, 17, 5. . Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Not good state. Tropical America. Salvin. 64, 2, 19, 1. q. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Not good state. Tropical America. Salvin. 64, 2, 19, 2. r. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Mexico. Salle. 60, 6, 17, 24. A-. Shell only, elongate, 5Hn. ; three-keeled. Sternum flat, notched behind. S. America. Zool. Soc. j. Shell only, 4Hn. Like "7.-." Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 141. 1. Shell only, 4§ in. Like " /.-." Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 142. n. Shell only. 4| in. Like " 7c." Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 140. o. Shell only, 4| in. Like " 7.;." Tropical America. 67, 4, 2, 143. SHIELD EEPTILES. 61 Var. Shell elongate, not or very indistinctly "keeled. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 4i in. ; wanting dorsal plates. Not keeled. Sternum flat, entire behind. Central America. c. Animal, dry. Shell elongate, 3§ in. ; without dorsal plates, not keeled. Sternum, flat, acute behind. Kinosternon scorpoides, var. acuta, Gray, Syn. p. 14, t. vii. f. 1. Central America. a. Shell, 4£ in. ; wanting dorsal plates. Not keeled. Sternum entire behind. Tropical America. 54, 10, 16, 59. i. Shell only, rather ventricose, 4| in. ; without any keels. Sternum slightly convex, entire behind. Tropical America. 45, 8, 18, 1. 2. Swanka maculata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 68. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Swanka maculata, Gray, I. c. p. 68. Guatemala, Vera Paz. Salvin. 64, 1, 26, 144. b. Animal and shell, in spirits; adult. Guatemala. Salvin. 64, 1, 26, 145. d. e, f. Animals, in spirits. Sternum rounded behind. Mexico, Salle. 62, 6, 6, 1. g. Skeleton and shell, 5J in. Papalco, Apoia. Salle. 62, 6, 6, 4. 3. Swanka fasciata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 68. a. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Swanka fasciata, Gray, I. c. S. America. Brandt. 56, 2, 6, 1. Family 8. PLATYSTERNID^]. Genus 1. PLATYSTERNON. 1. Platystervon megacephalum, Gray, Cat. p. 49 ; Suppl. p. 70. a. Animal stuffed ; half-grown. Shell, 3i in. P. megacephahun, Gray, Illustr. Ind. Zool. f. China. Presented by John Reeves, Esq. b. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 5^ in. China. Gardens Zool. Soc. 54, 3, 4, 3. c. Animal, dry. Shell, 4 in. China. Swinhoe. 70,1,14,26. 62 HAND-LIST OF 2. Platysternon peguensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 70. a d- b. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Platysternon megacephalum, Theobald, Journ. Linn. Soc. x. p. 18. P. peguensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 70. Pegu. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 140, 141. Sub-order 3. PLEURODERES. Family 1. CHELYD^. Genus 1. CHELYS. 1. Chelys matamata, Gray, Cat. p. 60 ; Suppl.j). 71 ; Append, p. 19. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 15 in. Brazils. 42, 4, 29, 3. 6. Animal stuffed, Shell, 13* in. Brazils. 42, 4, 29, 2. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13* in. Cayenne. 55, 11, 26, 18. d. Animal and shell, in spirits. Cayenne. Jeude. 66, 8, 14, 247. Family 2. HYDRASPIDID^E. Hydraspidina. Genus 1. CHELODINA. 1. Chelodina Colliei, Gray, Cat. p. 59 ; Suppl. p. 72. /. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6 in. Australia. b. Animal stuffed, and shell, 9J in. Swan River. 52, 11, 12, 2. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9 in. Swan River. 52, 11, 12, 1. Presented by Sir J. Richardson. c. Animal, in spirits ; very young. The body scarcely larger than the head. Swan River. Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D. d. Skeleton and shell ; much broken. Shell, 7^ in. C. Colliei, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 71 (skuU). N. Australia. Zool. Soc. 64, 12, 22, 6. e. Shell only, 8 in. N. Australia. 2. Chelodina oblonga, Gray, Cat. p. 58 ; Swppl. p. 72. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, Of in. Chelodina oblonga, Gray, Travels, Australia, t. West Australia. 40, 12, 9, 81. SHIELD REPTILES. 63 b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8 in. Port Essington. 42, 1, 13, 12, 3. Presented Capt. W. Chambers, R.N. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6| in. Port Essington. 46, 7, 27, 5. 3. Chelodina expansa, Gray, Cat. ; Suppl. p. 72 ; Append, p. 19. a. Animal and sheU, 1(H in. ; with a very small additional vertebral scale between the 4th and 5th vertebral shields. C. expansa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 370, t. 12. N. Australia. Stutchbury. 56. 12, 3, 6. b. Back of shell, 4| in. C. expansa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1870, t. 34. N. Australia. Stutchbury. 56, 12, 3, 4. 4. Chelodina longicollis, Gray, Cat. p. 58 ; Suppl. p. 72 ; Append. p. 19. Tortoises, rfc, t. 47, 48 (life). a. Animal, diy. Shell, 5£. Testudo longicollis, Shaw, Zool. Australia. Presented by Sir Joseph Banks. b. Animal stuffed, adult. Shell, 6 in. ; more ovate and convex, 7 in. by 6 in. ; wants some plates. Australia. Presented by John Gould, Esq. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6 in. Australia. 60, 4, 7, 2. g. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8 in. Australia. 60, 4, 7, 3. I. Animal and sheU, about 2 in., in spirits. Austraha. Krefft. 63, 6, 16, 77. /. Animal and shell, in spirits. Austraha. Zool. Soc. 70, 12, 28, 1. d. Shell only, 8 in. Very solid. Australia. 56, 12, 11, 9. c. Skeleton and shell, 9f in. Austraha. 59, 1, 2, 5. 5. Chelodina sulcata, Cat. Suppl p. 72. C. sulcif era, Gray, Cat. p. 59. d. Shell only, 4^ in. adult ? C. sulcifera, Gray, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 370. Austraha. Warwick. 51, 4, 24, 27. 64 HAND- LIST OF Genus 2. HYDRO MED USA. :;: Hydromedusa. 1. Hydromedusa Maximiliani, Gray, Cat. p. 59 ; Suppl. p. 73 ; Append, p. 19 ; Arm. <(• Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7£ in. Sternum concave behind. S. America. Buenos Ayres. S. Miller. 48, 2, 3, 3. 2. Hydromedusa platanensis, Gray, Ann. dt Mag. N. Hist. 1873. a. Shell only, about 81 in. In very bad state, much broken, with- out dorsal shields. Hydromedusa Maximiliani, r, Gray, Cat. p. 59. Hydromedusa platanensis. Qray, Ann. dt Mag. N. H. 1873. Bio de la Plata. Bravard. 59, 5, 16, 11. ":::;: Chclomedusa. 3. Hydromedusa flavilabris, Gray, Cat. p. 59 ; Suppl. p. 73 ; Append, p. 19. Aim. dt Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. a. Animal, half-grown, in spirits. Shields nearly smooth. H. Maxmiiliani, jun., Gray, Cat. Tort. B. M. p. 44. Brazils. V. Clausen. b. Animal, in spirits ; young. Shields concentrically grooved. Brazils. P. Clausen. e. Animal stuffed, and shell, 5£. Sternum flat. Hydromedusa flavilabris, " c," Gray, Cat. p. 60. Tropical America. Zool. Soc. d. Shell only, 2^ in. Brazils. 59, 1, 31, 1. Presented by Mrs. Miers. 4. Hydromedusa depressa, Gray, Cat. p. 60 ; Suppl. p. 73 : Ann. <£ Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. a. Animal and shell ; adult, in spirits. Some of the plates of the back and sternum divided into a number of small roundish shields. Hydromedusa depressa, Gray, Cat. p. 60, t. 26. Brazds. Brandt. 49, 11, 7, 29. Genus 3. HYDBASPIS. 1. Hydraspis raniceps, Gray, Cat. -p. 55; Suppl -p. 7; Append. p. 19. r. Animal and shell, 13 in. Male. Surinam. SHIELD REPTILES. 65 d. Animal and shell, 11$ in. Female. Surinam. Var. 1. Forehead broad. Central longitudinal occipital ridge very narrow. Perhaps adult. a. Animal stuffed. Adult. Shell, 9| in. First vertebral plate nearly square, last two vertebral plates keeled. Hydraspis raniceps, Gray, Cat. p. 55, t. 23. Brazils, Para. Bates. b. Skeleton and shell, 8J- in. First vertebral plate broader ; con- siderably broader in front than behind, last vertebral plates not keeled. Hydraspis raniceps, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, fig., Cat. p. 73,/. 24. Skull. S. America. Mus. Paris. Var. 2. Forehead more convex. Central longitudinal occipital ridge much broader. Perhaps young. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7f in. Concentrically striated. Guiana. 71, 12, 13, 1. Presented by Governor Kawson. 2. Hydraspis Gaudichaudii, Gray, Cat. Tort. B. M. p. 403 ; Cat. Sh. Bept. p. 57. a. Animal, in spirits, young. H. Gaudichaudii, Gray, Ann. d Mag. N. Hist. 1873. Bahia, 69, 7, 2, 23. 3. Hydraspis maculata, Gray. a. Animal, in spirits, young. H. maculata, Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. 1873. S. America. Mus. Utrecht. 66, 8, 14, 233. 4. Hydraspis nasuta, Gray, Cat. p. 55. a. Animal, in spirits. Hydraspis nasuta, " a," Gray, Cat. p. 55. Tropical America. 5. Hydraspis eicolor, Gray. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Hydraspis bicolor, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. Demerara Falls. 72, 10, 16, 80. 6. Hydraspis Gordoni, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 74. a. Animal stuffed. Shell 7 in. H. Gordoni, Gray, P. Z. S. 1868, t. 42 (life). Trinidad. Mts. Tamana. Zool. Soc. 69. 7. Hydraspis depressa, Gray, Cat. p. 56 ; Suppl. p. 74. a. Animal, young, in spirits. Sternum with many small spots. South America. Presented by Dr. Edward Buppell. K 66 HAND-LIST OF b. Animal, half-grown, in spirits. Sternum with fewer large spots. Costal shields with an obscure keel above. S. America. British Guiana. Presented by Chevalier Schomburgk. c. Animal, in spirits. Sternum with numerous spots; vertebral | and costal plates with a brown spot. S. America. Brandt. 56, 2, 6, 8. Genus 8*. ACANTHOCHELYS. 1. Acaxthochelys Spixii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. a. Animai. in spirits. Adult. Ily.lraspis Spixii, Gray, Cat. p. 84; Suppl. p. 74. Brazils. Clausen. Genus 4. SPATULEMYS. 1. Spatulemys Lasala, Gray, P. Z. S., 1873. a. Animal stuffed. Spatulemys Lasala, Gray, Ann. d Mag. Nat. Hist. 1872, x. p. 463; P. Z. S. 1872, t. /. Jaws. B. Corrientes. Parana. Genus 5. MESOCLEMMYS. 1. Mesoclemmys gibba, Gray, Ann. d Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873. a. Animal stuffed, and shell, 6f in. Part of hinder margin broken off. Hydraspis gibba, Gray, Cat. p. 55. Mrsoclemmys gibba, Gray, Ann d Mag. N. H. 1873. " Madagascar," Parzudaki. 44, 1, 68, 25. Genus 6. PLATEMYS. 1. Platemys planiceps, Gray, Cat. p. 54; Suppl. p. 75; Ap- pend, p. 20. a. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Lost part of shields. Guiana. b. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Lost many of the shields. British Guiana. Schomburgk. r. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 6 in. Bio Negro, Brazils. Bates. 51, 4, 2, 7. d. Animal and shell, about 2i in. ; in spirits. Surinam. Bartlett. 66, 9, 20, 15. e. Animal and shell, about 5-J in. ; in spirits. Demerara. 70, 10, 16, 80. /. Skeleton, without part of sternum. Peru, Santa Cruz, Haulhaga. E. Bartlett. 69, 3, 31, 1. g. Skeleton and shell, 3t^ in. ; wanting sternum. S. America. 67, 4, 2, 178. SHIELD REPTILES. 67 h. Shell, 6| in. Brown, varied. S. America, Demerara. 68, 10, 27, 1. t. Shell only, 5| in. Brown, varied. S. America, Demerara. 57, 2, 3, 19. Genus 7. CHELYMYS. ■'Thorax ovate. 1. Chelymys macquaria, Gray, Cat. p. 57; Suppl. p. 75 (parti. Cat. Append, p. 20. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 5^ in. Shields smooth. Hydraspis Australia, Gray, in King's Austral, t. VI. C. macquaria, " 6," Gray, Cat. p. 57. N. Australia, Macquarie Kiver. 40, 12, 9, 82. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. a. Shell only, 7£ in. C. Victoria?, var. marmorata, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 21. Victoria Biver, N. W. Coast of Australia. 41, 10, 12, 2. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, B.N. 2. Chelymys Victoria, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 21. C. macquaria, Gray, Cat. p. 57 (part). c. Animal stuffed, and shell, 9h in. C. victoriae, Gray, Append, p. 21. C. macquaria, " c," Gray, Cat. p. 57. South Australia. 44, 9, 18, 13. Presented by J. Gould, Esq. d. Animal stuffed, and shell, 10^ in. C. victoriae, var. ? Gray, Ap>pend,. p, 21. C. macquaria, " cZ," Gray, Cat. p. 57. South Australia. 47, 8. 14, 44. Presented by Sir J. Mitchell. j. Animal and shell, 8f in. ; stuffed. C. victoria?, var. sulcata, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 21. Queensland, Burnett Biver. 71, 9, 25, 2. Presented by G. Krefft, Esq. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; about 10 in. Queensland, Burnett Biver. 71, 9, 25, 3. Presented by G. Krefft, Esq. b. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Queensland, Burnett Biver. 71, 9, 25, 4. Presented by G. Krefft, Esq. g. Animal and shell, in spirits. Queeusland. Burnett Biver. 71, 9, 25, 5. Presented by G. Krefft, Esq. e. Shell only. N.W. Australia, Victoria Biver. 46, 5, 23, 3. Presented by Capt. W. Chambers, B.N. /. Shell only, 9 in. ; very depressed. Margin broadly expanded. South Australia. Argent. h. Shell only, 6£ in. N.W. Australia. 56, 12, 3, 9. 68 HAKD-LIST OF i. Shell only, 5 in. Australia. 56, 12,3, 10. ** Thorax oblong. 3. Chelymys Krefftii, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 21. a. Animal and shell, 9| in. ; stuffed. lymya Krefftii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1872, t. Append, p. 21. Queensland, Burnett River. 71, 9, 25, 1. Presented by G. Krefft, Esq. Genus 8. EUCHELYMYS. 1. Euchelymys sulcifera, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 22. (C. lnac- qnaria, var., Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 75, part). a. Animal stuffed, and shell, 10 in. 0. sulcifera, Gray, P. Z. S. 1872, t. N.Australia. 56,12,3,6. b. Shell only, 10 in. N. Australia. 56, 12, 3, 8. c. Shell only, 8| in. N. Australia. 72, 11, 11, 1. Genus 9. ELSEYA. 1. Elseya latisternum, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 77 ; Append, p. 22. a. Animal and shell, 8| in. ; stuffed, with one additional hinder marginal plate. Elseya latisternum, Gray, P. Z. S. 1872, p. f. (sternum) t. (animal). Australia. 71; 12, 27, 1. h. Animal stuffed, and shell, 6^ in. Elseya latisternum, var. 3, Gh-ay, Cat. Append, p. 22. Queensland, Burnett River. 71, 9, 25, 8. Presented by G. Krefft, Esq. c. Animal stuffed, and shell, 9f in. E. latisternon, var. 3, Gh-ay, Cat. Append, p. 22. Queensland. 71, 12, 27, 2. d. Skeleton and shell, 5 in. J . Australia. 71, 9, 25, 8. 2. Elseya spixosa, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 23. a. Animal and shell, in spirits. Euchelymys spinosa, Gray, Ann. d May. Nat. Hist. 1871, p. 118. Australia. Krefft. 66, 6, 19, 1. SHIELD REPTILES. 69 3. Elseya intermedia, Gray, Cat. Append, p. [23. E. dentata, Cat. Suppl. p. 76. a. Shell, 11 in., of adult. E. dentata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 76. E. intermedia, Gray, P. Z. S. 1872, p. N. Australia, Upper Victoria. 57, 10, 24. 72. Presented by Dr. J. Elsey. 4. Elseya dentata, Gray, Cat. Swppl. p. 76 ; Append, p. 23. a. Shell only, 6 J- in. ; worn (sternum). Elseya dentata, 'Gray, P. Z. S. 1872, p. f. N. Austraha, Upper Victoria. 57,10, 24,72. Presented by Dr. J. Elsey. b. Shell only, 3§ in. N. Australia. 57, 10, 21, 73. Presented by Dr. J. Elsey. Family 3 PELOMEDUSID^. Genus 1. STERNOTELERUS. * Tanoa. 1. Sternothjerus sinuatus, Gray Cat. Suppl. p. 78. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 8i iu. Worn. Sternum flat. Sternothaerus castaneus, Gray, Cat. p. 52. S. Africa. 6. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8^ in. Sternum concave. Sternothaerus castaneus, Gray, Cat. p. 52. Port Natal. 62, 12, 4, 3. Presented by the Commissioners for Natal. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8 in. Worn. Sternum flat. Natal. 63, 12, 4, 3. Presented by the Commissioners for Natal. c. Shell only, 11 in. Depressed. Front vertebral plate with straight sides. Sternum black. Africa. 68, 10, 8, 3. e. Shell only, 10 in. "Worn, rather depressed. Front vertebral plate large, broad, sides rather sinuated. V. Africa. 2. Sternothaerus derbianus, Gray, Cat. p. 82 ; Suppl. p. 79. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 8 in. Vertebral plates elongate, very narrow, half as long again as broad. W. Africa, Gambia, 41, 12, 25, 1. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, Sh in. First vertebral plate rather broad, deeply sinuated on the side. W. Africa. Baikie. 63, 11, 14, 2. e. Animal stuffed. Shell, 9 in. Caudal plates produced. Sternum concave. Front vertebral plate very deeply sinuated on the ciHpc W. Africa. ' Baikie. 63, 12, 9, 7. 70 HAND-LIST OF f. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7 in. Sternum flat. First vertebral plate deeply Binuated on the sides. W. Africa. BaUrie. 65, 5, 8, 70. c. Shell, GJ in. Vertebral plate bluntly keeled, the two anterior marginal plates nearly as broad as the first vertebral. S. castaneus, Gray, Cat. p. 62, Sierra Leone. g. Shell only, 7\ in. Anterior vertebral plate rather broad, sinuated on tlie sides. Sternum flat. W. Africa, Baikie. 03, 10, 8, 5. /. Shell. ,")! in. Head and legs, in spirits. \ erd. "Boucard. 72, 12, 13, 1. j. Shell, ;'> ; in. Head and legs, in spirits. Cape Verd. Boucard. 72, 12, 13, 2. /;. Skull, 2| in. Part of back crest broken off. Sternotha rus (skull), Gray, P. Z. S. 1873, fig. W. Africa. M. du Chaillu. Notoa. i 3. Sterkoth.erus subniger, Gray, Cat. Sujipl. p. 79 ; Append. p. 24. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; adult. Sternotlnerus subniger, Gray, P. Z. S., 1863, p. 405 ; f. head Cat. Suppl. p. 79, fig. Africa. G3, 12, 4, 3. Presented by Dr. Kirk. r. Animal and shell, without shields, in spirits. Africa. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 5£ in. Worn. Madagascar. 51, 8, 25, 19. d. Animal, dry, and shell, 5§ in. Worn. Front vertebral shield broad, subsinuated. Sternothserus subniger," a," Gray, Cat. p. 52. Africa. 40, 12, 12, 46. r. Dorsal shell only, 6 in. Madagascar. 75, 5, 5, 20. 4. Sternoth.erus Adansonii, Gray, Cat. Sujtyl- P- 80« a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 5| in. V. Africa. Baikie. 63, 10, 14, 13. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 5\ in. Thorax rather concave over the whole surface. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 6, 29, 1. c. Animal, stuffed. Shell, 3f in. Sternum flat. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 8, 8, 14. d. Shell only, 2\ in. Partly broken. W. Africa. Whitely. 66, 5, 10, 3. SHIELD REPTILES. 71 Genus 2. PELOMEDUSA. * Pentonyx. 1. Pelomedusa Gehafle, Gray, Cat. p. 53; Suppl. p. 81 ; Append. p. 24. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6f in. Abyssinia. Eiippell. 43. 6. Animal, young. Abyssinia. Eiippell. 43, 7, 22, 4. c. Animal and shell, in spirits. An extra sternal plate. Abyssinia. 69, 11, 4, 32. Presented by W. T. Blanford, Esq. d. Animal and shell, in spirits. Central Africa. Baikie. 65, 4, 6, 7. e. Shell only, 3| in. ; without shields. E. Africa. 63, 8, 11, 10. Presented by Capt. Speke. ** Pelomedusa. 2. Pelomedusa subkufa, Gray, Cat. p. 53 ; Suppl. p. 81 ; Append. p. 24. Tortoises, dc, t. 49 & 50 (from life). a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 1\ in. Plates worn smooth. Cape of Good Hope. Presented by Dr. J. E. Gray. b. Animal, dry ; only two legs. Shell, 4 in. Shields slightly con- centrically grooved. Cape of Good Hope. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 2 in. S. Africa. 41, 1, 15, 58. Presented by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. d. Animal stuffed, and shell, 2\ in. S. Africa. 41, 1, 15, 57. Presented by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. e. Animal, dry. Shell, 1\ in. S. Africa. 41, 1, 15, 59. Presented by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. Tc. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6 in. S. Africa. 52, 11, 23, 4. Presented by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. I, m. Animals, dry. Shell, 2£ in. S. Africa. 67, 4, 2, 160, 161. n. Animal stuffed. Shell, 3| in. S. Africa 62, 6, 5, 5. s. Animal, dry. Shell, 2J in. Africa. 62, 6, 5, 4. t. Skeleton and shell, 2 in. Cape of Good Hope. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 5, 14, 1. o. Sternum only, 2\ in. " Emys europsea," Mus. Utrecht. S. Africa. 72 HAND-LIST OF ;>. Shell only, 2 in. Lost dorsal shields. •• l'.mvs picta," Mas. Utrecht. s. Africa. 67, -1. 2, L64. q. Upper shell only. s. Africa. 67, 4, 2, 162. r. Six 11 only, 3 in. Africa, Victoria, Nyanza. Baines. 66, 10, 20, 1. j. Animal, in Bpirits ; adult. S. Africa. Zool. Soc. 52, 8, 30, 54. /. Animal, in spirits. Lost part of its shields. S. Africa. h. Animal, in spirits; young. S.Africa. Bartlett. i. Animal, in spirits (young), and shell. S. Africa. Zool. Soc. g. Animal, in spirits, and shell. Dark-coloured. S. Africa. 66, 8, 14, 220. u. Animal, in spirits. West Africa. Baikie. 65, 4, 6, 39. v. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Dorsal keel somewhat tubercular 1m hind. w. Animal in spirits ; adult. x. Animal, in spirits ; young. m, n, o. Animals, in spirits. West Africa. Baikie. 63, 10, 14, 4, 5, 6. y. Animal, in spirits, and shell. Pectoral plate very narrow on the inner side ; almost intermediate. P. subrufa and P. Gehafise. Upper Nile, Petherick. 65, 11, 15, 15. z. Head, in spirits. Central Africa. Presented by Capt. Speke. 3. Pelomedusa nigra, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 81. P. subrufa, var. 2, Gray, Cat. p. 53. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell black, areola small. Pelomedusa subrufa, " g," Gray, Cat. p. 53. S. Africa. Natal. Warwick. 49, 1, 30, 29. b. Animal, young. Wants sternum. Pelomedusa subrufa, "/," Gray, I. c. S. Africa. Natal. Presented by J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7^ in. P. nigra, Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. Hist. 1863. Natal. 62, 12, 4, 4. Presented by the Commissioners of Natal. e. Animal stuffed. Shell, 4.V in. Natal. 62, 12, 4, 5. Presented by the Commissioners of Natal. SHIELD REPTILES. 73 /. Aninial, dry. Shell, 3| in. Bad state. Natal. 63, 2, 14, 46. Presented by Sir A. Smith. a. Animal, young, in spirits. Natal. 55, 10, 16, 24. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. Family 4. PELTOCEPHALID^E. Tribe 1. PELTOCEPHALINA. Genus 1. PELTOCEPHALUS. 1. Peltocephalus tracaxa, Gray, Cat. p. 61 ; Suppl. p. 84 ; Append, p. 24. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 14 in. Shields concentrically grooved. Sternum pale yellow. Emys Tracaxa, Spix, Bras. t. 5. S. America. 42, 4, 29, 1. 6. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 19 in. Worn nearly smooth ; head imperfect. Emys macrocephala, Spix, Bras. t. 4. S. America. 44, 7, 19, 27. c. Animal and shell, in spirits. Sternum black, pale-varied. Bahia. Wucherer. 63, 3, 27, 1. Genus 2. DUMERILIA. 1. Dumerilia madagascariensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 82. a. Skeleton, wanting one foot and tail, and shell, 12 in. D. madagascariensis, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1873, p, 149. W. Madagascar, Anuavandra. 73, 2, 0, 0. b. Duplicate bones of right leg and foot. Madagascar. "&« Tribe 2. PODOCNEMIDINA. Genus 3. CHELONEMYS. 1. Chelonemys Dumeriliana, Gray, Cat. p. 62, t. 28; Suppl. p. 83. - a. Animal stuffed and shell, 14 in. Lakes of Upper Amazons ; called ' Tracaja,' Bates. 51, 5, 6, 3. b. Animal stuffed ; imperfect. Shell, 5 in. Hydraspis lata, Bell. S. America. Zool. Soc. c. Animal and shell in spirits ; young. Para. Bates. L I 7 1 HAND-LIST or r. Animal and shell, stuffed ; young. Tropical America. /. Animal and shell (not stuffed), 19 in. Sauta Cruz. Bartlett. 69, 3, 31, 2. d. Shell only, 17 in. P. Dumeriliana, Gray, Cat. t. xxviii. I kes of Up]'. t Amazons. Bates. 51, 5, 6, 4. A\ Animal and shell, i\ in., in spirits. Horny plates loose. Upper Amazons. Bartlett. 66, 5, 29, 3. 7. Animal and shell, 3} in., in spirits. Tropical America. 52, 9, 7, 1. m. Animal and shell, '2\ in., in spirits. Hydraspis lata, Bell. Gray, Syn. Brazils, Para. 51, 2, 3, 15. ». Animal and shell, 2 \ in., in spirits. Tropical America. Zool. Soc. G9, 2, 27, 1. 0. Animal and shell, 2J in., in spirits. Brazils, Bahia. Wucherer. 63, 3, 27, 1. p. Animal and shell, 2 in., in spirits. " Emys quadripunctata, India," Jeude. Tropical America. 66, 8, 14, 223. g. Skull and lower jaw, 2f in. S. America, Ega. Bates. 60, 4, 16, 10. h. Skull without lower jaw, 4 in. S. America, Ega. Bates. 60, 4, 16, 9. i. Skull with lower jaw, 3f in. Upper Amazons. Bartlett. 72, 4, 26, 9. j. Skull with lower jaw, 31 in. Upper Amazons. Bartlett. 72, 4, 2G, 10. Genus 4. PODOCNEMIS. 1. Podocnemis expansa, Gray, Cat. p. 61 ; Suppl. p. 83; Append. p. 26. b. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell. Lakes of Upper Amazons ; called " Pitipu," Bates. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 7 J in., rather deformed. Animal and shell black ; head white-spotted. " Podocnemis expansa," Bibron MSS.; Cat. Zool. Soc, No. 366. Brazils. Zool. Soc. c. Animal, in spirits; young. Head blackish, with a white edge to the sides of the nasal and upper orbital edge, back of the head with four round equal spots, the lateral one above the front of the tympanum ; vertebral plates bluntly keeled, marginal plate very wide. Brazil. SHIELD REPTILES. 75 e. Skull with lower jaw, 5 in. Upper Amazons. Bartlett. 72, 4, 29, 8. j, Jc. Skeleton and shell, 30 in. Peruvian Amazons. Bartlett. 66, 6, 1, 3. /. Skull, 6i in. Upper Amazons. 60, 4, 16, 7. g. Skull, 5^ in. ; end imperfect. Peruvian Amazons. Bartlett. 72, 4, 29, 7. h. Skull with lower jaw, 5 in. S. America. 51, 10, 23, 4. (a). i. Skull with lower jaw, 4f in. S, America, Ega. 60, 4, 16, 8. Genus 5. BABTLETTIA. 1. Bartlettia pitipii, Gray, Cat. Append, p. 27. a. Animal and shell, 11J in. ; stuffed. Lakes of Upper Amazons. Bartlett. 6. Animal and shell, in spirits. Lakes of Upper Amazons. Bartlett. 69, 6, 7, 9. c. Skeleton and shell, 9J in. B. Pitipii, Graij, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 721 (skull) ; 1871, p. 748, f. 3 (sternum). Brazils. d. Shell only, 12 in. J . P. expansa, " a," Gray, Cat. p. 61. Brazils, Upper Amazons. Called " Pitipu." Bates. 51, 5, 6, 5. Sub-order 4. TRIOXYCHOLDA. Family 1. CHITRAD^E. Tribe 1. CHITRAINA. Genus 1. CHITRA. 1. Chitra indica, Gray, Cat. p. 70 ; Suppl. p. 89. c, d. Animals, half-grown and young. The inner edge of lateral callosities slightly diverging in front ; anterior sternal bones narrow, elongate. India. a. Animal. Chitra indica, Giinther, Eep. B. I. t. (badly coloured). Malacca. Presented by S. Cantor. /. Animal, stuffed. Dorsal disk, 6 in. Shell, 4 in. India. Boyes. 48, 2, 1, 39. HAND-LIST OF g. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 10', in. Shell, 1\ in. India. Boyes. 48, 8, 14, 11. 8. skull, length to occiput) 6| in., and or hyoides. Chita indica, Gray, ( 'at. t. xli; Svppl. p. 90, fig. 28 ; P. Z. S. 1864, p. 9-2. figs. 11. 12. India. Nepaul. 49, 2, 5, 1. Presented by Dr. Falconer. Genus 2. PELOCHELYS. 1. Telochelys Cantorii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 90. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 11 in. Shell, 7£ in. Chitra indica, Giinther, Rep. B. I. 1', lochelys I antorii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 90, figs. 9, 10. Penang. 60, 3, 19, 141 1. Presented by the E.India Co. c. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 12i in. Shell, 8;] in. Penang. 67, 9, 28, 5. Presented by W. Theobald, Esq. b. Skull : length to occiput, 2^ in. From specimen " a." P. Cantorii, ^Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 16, f. 9, 10; Cat. Suppl. p. 91, f. 29. Malay Peninsula. Cantor. 60, 3, 19, 1144. 2. Pelochelys Cumingii, Gray, Cat. S%ippl. p. 91. Chitra indica, Gray, Cat. p. 70 (part). a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 17 in. Philippine Islands. Cuming. b. Animal, in spirits; very young. Olive front of shield covered with close, round, subconic warts. Head olive, minutely black- dotted ; throat olive, minutely white-dotted. Chitra indica, " &." Gray, Cat. p. 70. Philippine Islands. Cuming. Tribe 2. HEPTATHYRINA. Genus 3. HEPTATHYRA. 1. Heptathyra feenata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 63. Cyclanosteus frenatus, Gray, Cat. p. 64. a. Animal stuffed, wanting one hind leg. Shell, 13 in. Heptathyra Aubryi, Cope. \Y. Africa, Gaboon. Du Chaillu. 63, 10. 8, 9. \uirnal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 17£ in. Heptathyra Aubryi. Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 93. W. Africa, Gaboon. Du Chaillu. 61, 7, 29, 25. b. Shell only. Bones of dorsal disk, 19 in. Aspidochelys Livingstonii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 6, t. 18—22. River Zambesi. Presented by Dr. Livingstone. SHIELD REPTILES. 77 Family 2. TBIOXYCHID.E. Tribe 1. TEIOXYCHIXA. Genus 1. XILSSOXIA. 1. Xilssonia Formosa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Trionyx formosus, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 99. a. Animal and shell, in spirits ; young. Skull extracted. T. formosus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 212, t. 15, f. 1. India, Pegu. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 142. 0. Skull, 7| in., of " a." India. 68, 4, 3, 142. c. Skull, adult (without animal), 3^ in. Xilssonia formosa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. India. 68, 2, 12, 15. Genus 2. FOEDIA. 1. Fordia Africana, Gray, Cat. Siqjpl.jy. 100. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 23 in. Trionyx niloticus, var. Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 88. Fordia Africana, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 119. Upper Xile. Petherick. 62, 9, 2, 34. b. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 22 in. Upper Xile. Petherick. 62, 9, 2, 34. c. Skull; length to occiput, 4| in. From " 6." Fordia Africana, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Upper Xile. Petherick. 62, 9, 2, 34. Genus 3. TEIOXYX. 1. Trionyx gangeticus, Gray, Cat. p. 66 ; Suppl. p. 97. Trionyx javanicus, Gray, Cat. p. 67; notsynon. Potainochelys stellata, Gray, Cat. Supj>l. p. 104; not skull. Tortoises, dc. t. 51 (life). a, b, c. Young, in spirits ; 4 in. Back with four black spots. India, Ganges. d & e. Animals, young, hi spirits; 4 in. Back with four large and two small posterior black spots. India, Ganges. /. Animal, in spirits ; very young. Marks on face and spots on back very distinct. India. Argent. 78 HAND-LIST OF g', li\ i'. Animals, in spirits ; very young; back with five to seven small spots. Trionyx javanicus (" g" "h," " i"), Gray, Cat. p. 67. India. .r. Animal, in spirits. Head rayed. Trionyx javanicus, "a" Gray, Cat. p. 67. India. g, h. Animals, in spirits; young. Bleached, not eyed. India. q, r. Very young, in spirits ; not in good state. China. Presented by Dr. W. Baird. i. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk. 6} in. Shell, 3 J in. India, Deccan. Presented by Col. Sykes, F.B.S. s. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 7 in. Shell, 4£ in. First vertebral bone slightlv developed. India. Boyes. 48, 2, 1. /. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 14 in. The first vertebral bone united to the other, forming one disk. Head with seven black diverging rays. Skull extracted. India. Boyes. 48, 2, 1, 38. n. Animal stuffed. Head black-rayed. Dorsal disk, 4i in. Shell, 2a in. India. 55, 12, 17, 15. I. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 2\ in. Bibs more than half free. Head rayed. India. Boyes. 48, 2, 1, 40. o. Dorsal shield, 12 in., with some bones of the sternum. India. 26, 2, 12, 16. Presented by Dr. Falconer. ]). Dorsal disk ; not in good state. Shell, 13^ in. India ? Zool. Soc. 54, 5, 4, 18. j. Skull ; length to occiput, 4| in. Trionyx gangeticus, Gray, Cat. t. xlii. f. 1. India, Ganges. Suttapore. Boyes. 48, 2, 1, 41. u. Skull ; length to occiput, 4^ in. India. 56, 5, 6, 111. Presented by Prof. Oldham. h. Skull, without lower jaw; length to occiput, 2f in. India. 47, 3, 5, 26. m. Skull ; length to occiput, 3^ in. From specimen " t." India. 48, 2, 1, 38. u. Bones of dorsal disk, 11 in. Nepaul. 45, 1, 12, 419. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. v. Dorsal disk, 12 in. Nepaul. 45, 1, 12, 420. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. w. Dorsal disk only, 9 in. ; in bad state. Nepaul. 61, 5, 10, 27. SHIELD REPTILES. 79 la. Trionyx? Dillwynii. a. Animal, in spirits. Trionyx Dillwynii, Gray, Ann. <£• Mag. N. H. 1873. Borneo. Cutter. 72, 2, 19, 60. 2. Trionyx Leithii, Gray. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 9f in. Shell, 6| in. Trionyx Leithii, Gray, Ann. <& Mag. Nat. Hist. 1872, x. p. 334. India, Poonah. 69, 8, 28, 10. Presented by Dr. Leith. b. Skeleton and skull, 2\ in. Aspilus cariniferus, var., Gray, Cat. Suvppl. p. 102. India, Poonah. 70, 7, 11, 1. Presented by Dr Leith. c. Dorsal and sternal disk separate. Dorsal disk, 13 in. Shell, 8£ in. India. 70, 7, 12, 3. Presented by Surgeon Day. d. Dorsal and sternal disks attached. Dorsal disk, 5^ in. Shell, 3^ in. India. 70, 7, 12, 1. Presented by Surgeon Day. 3. Trionyx hurum. a. Shell of adult. Trionyx Jeudii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 217, f. 19 ; Cat. Supjil. p. 97, f. 32. India. 4. Trionyx Sewaare. a. Animal, in spirits. Skull extracted. Trionyx gangeticus, var. Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 97. Trionyx Sewaare, Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1872 ; P. Z. S. 1873. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. c. Animal, hi spirits ; young. Dorsal spots, six. T. gangeticus, var. Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 97. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. 6. Skull, If in. From specimen "a." India. d. Animal, in spirits ; young. Dorsal spots, four. Spots on nose large, united. India. 43, 2, 29. e. Animal, in spirits ; young. Dorsal spots, four. Spot on nose moderate. India. 43, 2, 29. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. Dorsal spots, four. Spot on nose large. Trionyx gangeticus, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 97 (specimens "d," " e," "/.") T. Sewaare, Gray, Aim. d Mag. N. H. 1872. India. 43, 2, 29. 80 HAND-LIST OF g. Skull, 4:\ in. Trionvx Phayrei, Theobald. India, Pegu. Theobald. 68, 5, 18, 2. h. Skull. Length to occiput, 4£ in, Trionvx Jcuclii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 217, f. 19. India. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 177. 5. Trionyx ocellatus. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Dorsal spots, four. Trionvx ocellatus, Gray, III. Ind. Zool. t. 78. India. '51, 5, 9, 1. Genus 4. ISOLA. 1. ISOLA PEGUENSIS. a. Skin of the head of adult animal, in spirits. Trionvx? peguensis, Gray, Cat. Swpjpl. p. 99. Pegu. Tbeobald. 68, 4, 3, 142. b. Skull of "a." Isola peguensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Pegu. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 142. c. Shell, 3f in. Borneo. 73, 3, 0, 0. Genus 5. LANDEMANIA. 1. Landemania perocellata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 93. Trionyx perocellatus, Gray, Cat. p. 65. e. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, Qh in. Shelly disk, 4f in. China ? q. Animal stuffed. Sarbieria frenata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 100. Trionyx frenatus, 21 a., Gray, Cat. p. 67. Singapore. "Wallace. r. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 6 in. Shell, 4 in. Female with eggs. Trionyx frenatus, " 5," Gray, Cat. p. 67. Sarbieria frenata, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 100. Singapore. Wallace. 53, 37, 3, 8. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Chusan. Cantor. Presented by the East India Company. b. Animal, in spirits ; young. Chusan. Cantor. Presented by the East India Company. c. Animal, in spirits ; young. Chusan. Cantor. Presented by the East India Company. SHIELD REPTILES, 81 d, f. Animals, in spirits. Bad state. China. h. Animal, in spirits ; lias been dry. Shanghai. Swinhoe. 62, 11, 1, 280. 0. Animal, in spirits ; has been dry. Shanghai. Swinhoe. 62, 11, 1, 281. p. Animal, in spirits ; has been dry. The skull extracted, " h." Landemania irrorata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869 ; p. 212, sternum, f. 18. Cat. Suppl. p. 96, f. 31 (sternum). Shanghai. Swinhoe. 62, 11, 1, 279. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. Trionyx perocellatus, Gray, Cat. p. 66, t. xxxi. China. B. Seeman. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. g. Animal, in spirits ; has been dried. Landemania irrorata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 212, f. 18 (sternum), Cat. Stippl. p. 96, f. 31. Shanghai. k. Animal, in spirits; skull taken out, " ('." Trionyx perocellatus, Gray, Cat.p. 6">. Formosa. Swinhoe. 63, 2, 23, 11. 1. Animal, in spirits. Head contracted. Trionyx perocellatus, Gray, Cat. p. 6.j. Formosa. Swinhoe. 63, 2, 23, 12. vi. Animal, in spirits. Skull taken out, "7." Trionyx perocellatus. Gray, Cat. p. 65. Formosa. Swinhoe. 63, 2, 23, 10. h. Skull, length to occiput, 2^ in., from specimen "p." Landemania perocellata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. China, Shanghai. Swinhoe. 62, 11, 1, 279. i. Skull, length to occiput, 2\ in. from specimen in spirits. Landemania perocellata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1872. Formosa. Swinhoe. 42, 2, 28, 11. j. Skull, length to occiput, 2 in. from specimen in spirits. Landemania perocellata. Gray, P. Z. S. 1872. Formosa. Swinhoe. 63, 2, 23, 10. Genus. 6. IDA. 1. Ida ornata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Aspilus ? omatus, Gray, Cat. Svppl. p. 102. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Camboja. Mouhot. 60, 11, 14, 1. c. Animal, in spirits ; younger ; with skull. Trionyx omatus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 41, pi. 5. Camboja. Mouhot. 60, 11, 14, 1. b. Skull of " a," I in. Camboja. Mouhot. CO, 11, 14, 1. M 82 HAND-LIST OF Genus 7. DOGANIA. 1. Dogania subplana, Gray, Cat. p. G9 ; Suppl. p. 106. a. Animal, dry. Dorsal disk, 9£ in. Sternal tubercles 2, very indis- tinctly indicated, narrow. Trionyx subplanus, Gray, Illust. Ind. Zool. t. Singapore. 'Presented by Gen. Harkwicke. b. Animal, in spirits ; skull extracted. Dogania subplana, Gray, Cat. Sh. P. t. 33. Java. " Japan," Mus. Leyden. g. Animal, in spirits. Bleached. Skull extracted. Penang. Cantor. 60, 3, 19, 1414. d. Skull. Length to occiput, 2^ in. Dogania subplana, Gray, Cat Suj)j)l. p. 106, f. 35. Java. e. Skull. Length to occiput, If in. Singapore. /. Skull. Length to occiput, 1-j in., from spec. " g," in spirits. Penang. Cantor. 60, 3, 19, 1414. 2. Dogania Guentheri, Gray, Cat. Stq>pl. p. 107. or. Animal, dried. Dorsal disk about 7 in. Trionyx (Dogania) Giintheri, Giinther, Rep. B. Ind. p. 40, t. 6, f. 4. Gray, Cat. Sv/pjpl. p. 107. Asia. 60, 3, 19, 1445. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. Genus 8. PLATYPELTIS. 1. Platypeltis fekox, Gray, Cat. Supjal. p. 107. T. ferox, Gray, Cat. p. 68. a. Annual re-stuffed. Shell, 1H in. Testudo ferox, Pennant, Phil. Trans, xli. p. 266, t. 10, f. 5. N. America, Georgia. Presented by the Eoyal Society. e. Animal, adult, 2 • With a row of large spines in front of the disk. N. America. W. Smith. g. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 5^ in. Shell, 3 in. K. America. W. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 3. j. Skull, wanting hinder part. From " g" T. ferox, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. N. America. 54, 7, 1, 2. i. Skull, 1^ in. ; young. From " h ;" named T./renatus. P. ferox, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1873. N. America. " India," Zool. Soc. 52, 9, 13, 49. SHIELD KEPTILES. 83 /;. Auhnal, in spirits ; about 4 in. Skull extracted, " i." Trionyx frenatus, " a," Gray, Cat. p. 67. Gymnopus javanicus, Bibron, MS. in Zool. Soc. N. America. 52, 9, 13, 46. Var. or deformity. The dorsal bones very convex. Dorsal ribs nearly half free. f. Animal and shell, 6^ in. $ . 1\. America. Smith. 54, 7, 1, 1. fr. Dorsal disk, 12 in. Like former ; much larger, and ribs more ossified. N. America. 69, 3, 6, 1. Genus 9. CALLINIA. 1. Callinia spinifera, Gray, Cat. Svqrpl. p. 109. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 10^ in. Shell, 9 in. Trionyx Argus, Gray, Cat. p. 68. Callinia spinifera, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 109. N. America, " Sierra Leone." 43, 9, 6, 12. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Animal, in spirits ; bleached. Dorsal disk, about 9^ in. " Aspidonectes epinifer.'' Trionyx ferox, " c," Gray, Cat. p. 68. N. America. d. Animal, in spirits. Dorsal disk, about 6 in., with many small spots. Trionyx ferox, " d," Gray, Cat. p. 68. N. America. Parzudaki. 59, 9, 20, 26. e. Animal, in spirits ; uniformly coloured. Skull extracted. N. America, Wabock. 61, 5, 21, 24. b. Skull, If in., of "e." C. spinifera, P. Z. S. 1873. N. America. Wabock. 61, 5, 21, 74. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. N. America. 59, 8, 17, 2. 2. Callinia miceooephala, Gray, Cat. Sujypl. p. 108. a. Shell stuffed. Dorsal disk, 7 in. Shell, 4J in. Kibs produced. Sarawak. Wallace. 56, 9, 19, 22. b. Skull, 1\ in. From specimen " a." C. microcephala, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873, f. Sarawak. 56, 9, 19, 22. 84 BAND-LIST OF Genus 10. TYltSE. 1. Tyrse nilotica, Gray, Cat. p. G8; Supply. 108. Tortoises, d-c., t, 55 (li a. Animal Btuffed. Dorsal disk, 16 in. Anterior dorsal plate united to the others. pt. Presented by Turnbull Christie, M.D. 6. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 4 in. Shell, ribs free. pt. Presented by Turnbull Christie, M.D. d. Animal stuffed. Anterior dorsal plate scarcely united to the others. N. Africa, Egypt. Zool. Society. r. Animal stuffed. N. Africa, Egypt. 46, 3, 5, 23. Presented by Thos. Thornton, Esq. i. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 30 in. " Aspidonectes aspilus," Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phil. 1859, p. 295. W. Africa, Gaboon. Du Chaillu. c. Animal, in spirits ; young. West Africa. Presented by G. Malcolm, Esq. /;. Animal, in spirits ; young. N. Africa, K. Nile. Zool. Soc. 71,1,5,1. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. W. Africa, llich. 48, 10, 10. j. Animal, in spirits ; young. W. Africa. Baikie. 63, 12, 13, 18. /.-. Animal, in spirits; young. Upper Nile. Petherick. 68, 11, 15, 14. /, m. Two animals, in spirits; very young. W. Africa. Baikie. 63, 10, 14, 9, 10. n. Animal, in spirits ; very young. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 4, 6, 6. o. Animal, in spirits ; very young, with an umbilical mark. Gambia. Baikie. 62, 5, 20, 10. p. Animal, in spirits ; voung. Bad state. W. Africa. Higgins. 70, 5, 22, 4. q. Skull; length to occiput, 6 in. ; and bones of tongue. West Africa. 62, 3, 20, 8. Presented by I. J. Monteiro, Esq. s. Skull. Tyrse nilotica, Gray, Cat. Sh. R. t. 42, f, 2. X. Africa. q. Skeleton mounted. Dorsal shell, 9^ in. T. nilotica, " a," Gray, Cat. Sh. Pep. p. 68. N. Africa, Egypt. Riippell. r. Skeleton mounted. N. Africa. Zool. Society. SHIELD REPTILES. 85 Genus 11. RAFETUS. 1. Eafetus eupheaticus, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 104. Trionyx Eafeht, Gray, Cat. p. 65. a. Animal stuffed ; adult. Trionyx Eafeht, Gray. Cat. tab. xxx. Euphrates. 50, 10, 21, 11. Presented by W. K. Loftus, Esq. 6. Adult stuffed, without sternum. Euphrates. 54, 5, 11, 17. Presented by Capt. Chesney. c. Skull of "a?" Length to occiput, 2| in. Eafetus euphraticus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Euphrates. Presented by W. K. Loftus, Esq. Genus 12. ASPILUS. 1. Aspilus JAVAXICUS. Trionyx cariniferus, Gray, Cat. p. 67. A. cariniferus, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 101. h. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 10 in. Shell, 6 in. End of ribs free. Java. Jeude. 67, 10, 16, 18. I. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 8£ in. Bony disk, 5\ in. Sarawak. Wallace. 56, 9, 19, 22. 6. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 7£ in. Shell, 5 in. Aspilus ornatus, var. Gray, Cat. Suj'jil. p. 103. Siam. Mouhot. 59, 7, 8, 8. m. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 6^ in. Shell, 3± hi. Aspilus ornatus (parti. Gray, Cat. Svqypl. p. 103. Siam. Mouhot. 62, 1, 18, 11. a. Animal, in spirits ; half- grown. Bleached. Trionyx, U.S., Mus. Leyden. Testudo alba, Bocld. Epist. III. p. 21. Trionyx cariniferus, Gray, Cat. p. 67, t. 32. Moluccas. Mus. Leyden. c. Animal, in spirits ; like " a." Bleached. Trionyx cariniferus, " r," Gray, Cat. p. 67. Amboina, Ceram. Madame Ida Pfeiffer. 50, 3, 24, 1. d d e. Animals, in spirits ; young. Amboina or Ceram. Madame Ida Pfeiffer. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. Java. 51, 1, 7, 23. n. Animal, in sphits. Head and limbs spotted. Dorsal disk, 5h in. Java. 66, 8, 14, 234. o. Animal, in sphits. Head and feet spotted; back with large scattered dark spots. Java. 66, 8, 14, 235. 86 BAND-LIST OF g, r. Animals, in spirits. Aspilus cariniferus (part I, Gray, Cat. Supjrf. P- 101. Borneo. G9, 4, 2, 489. Presented by L. L. DhTwyn, Esq. s. Dorsal disk. 3 in., and skull imperfect. Asia. 08, 2, 12, 16. Presented by Dr. Falconer. i. Skeleton. Dorsal disk, 71 in. Shell, 4y in. T. carinifera, "6," Gray, Cat. p. 67. Trionw stellatus, Mus. Leyden. Java. Mus. Leyden. 48, 10, 31, 14. t. Skull. Length to occiput, 3£ hi. Aspilus cariniferus, Gray, Cat. Suppl. f. 33 (lower jaw). Java. Jeude. 67, 10, 16, 18. u. Skull. Length to occiput, 5\ in. A. cariniferus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 83, f. 4—6 ; Cat. Suppl. p. 103, f. 33. v. Lower jaw. A. javanicus, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Tribe 2. EMYDINA. Genus 13. BAIKIEA. 1. Baikiea elegans, Gray, Cat. Suppl. -p. 115. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Baikiea elegans, Gray, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 222. "West Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 3, 35. e. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 3 in. W. Africa, Baikie. 65, 4, 6, 11. b. Skull ; adult. Length to occiput, 5 in. Baikiea elegans, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 116, f. 39 ; P. Z. S. 1869, p. 220. C. senegalensis, adult, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 96, f. 19, 21. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 8, 8, 9. r. Skull. Length to occiput, 5 hi. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 9, 22. d. Skull. Length to occiput, 41 in. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 1, 18, 3. Genus 14. TETEATHYEA. 1. Tetkathyra Baikii, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 110, f. 36. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 7 in. Tetrathyra Baikii, Gray, P. Z. S. p. 324; Cat. Suppl. p. 110, f. 36 (sternum), Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1865, xvi. p. 205, fig. West Africa. Baikie. 65, 4, 6, 10. b. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 63 in. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 9, 13, 1. SHIELD REPTILES. . 87 Genus 15. CYCLANOSTEUS. 1. Cyclanosteus senegalensis, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. Ill ; P. Z. S. 1870, p. 717, t. 43 (life). Emyda sengalensis, Gray, Cat. p. 64. c. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 12 in. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 8, 8, 10. a. Skeleton. Dorsal disk imperfect. Cyclanosteus Petersii, Gray, Cat. p. 64. Gambia. Whitfield. Presented by the Earl of Derby. b. Shell only, with back margin. Cyclanosteus Petersii, Gray, Cat. p. 64, t. 29. ' Gambia. Presented by the Earl of Derby. d. Skull. Length to occiput, 2J in. Cyclanosteus senegalensis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1864, p. 95, figs. 16 — 18 ; Cat. Buppl. p. Ill, f. 37. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 9, 19. /. Skull, 2| in. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 9, 20. g. Skull, 3 in. Sternum, Gray, Cat. Sujrpl. p. 113, f. 38. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 9, 21. h. Skull, without lower jaw ; 2f in. W. Africa. i. Skeleton mounted. Dorsal disk, 9^ in. C. Petersii, Gray, Cat. p. 64. W. Africa. Baikie. 63, 11, 9, 6. j. Skeleton imperfect. Dorsal shell, 8 in. First pair of callosities round, second moderate. Western Africa. 65, 5, 3, 72. k. Doi-sal and sternal disk. Dorsal disk, 9h in. Second front pair of callosities very large ; first pair short. Western Africa. 65, 5, 3, 71. I. Dorsal and sternal disk. Western Africa. 65, 5, 3, 74. ?n. Dorsal and sternal disk, and some bones. Dorsal shield, lOf in. Western Africa. 65, 5, 3, 73. The latter four all vary in the shape and size of the front sternal callosities. n. Dorsal and ventral shields. Dorsal shield, 11 in., with additional sternal callosities. Cyclanosteus senegalensis, var. callosa, or Baikiea elegans? Gray, Cat. Sh. Sep. Svppl. p. 113, f. 38. P.Z.S; 1869, p, 215. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 3, 75. o, p, q. Three animals, in spirits ; young. Different sizes. W. Africa. Baikie. 63, 10, 14, 6—8. 88 HAND-LIST OF r, s. /. it. v. w. Six animals, in spirits ; young. Different ages. Sternum more or less dark varied. W. Africa. BaiMe. G5, 4, 10, 1—5. x. Animal, in spirits. Emyda s< negaL nsis, Gray, Cat. p. 04. Senegal. 60, 6, 19, 1. Genus 1G. EMYDA. 1. Emyda punctata, Gray, Cat. p. G3; Suppl. p. 117. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal skin, 8 in. India. Picquot. b. Animal stuffed. Dorsal skin, 7 in. India. Zool. Soc. 1. Animal stuffed. Dorsal disk, 6^ in., very round. India. Doves. 48, 2, 1, 40. c. Animal stuffed. Dorsal skin, 5.1 in. India. Picquot. /. Animal stuffed ; young. Dorsal skin, 4 in. Bony disk exposed, narrow. India. Bengal Soc. 41, 5, 4, 3. It. Animal stuffed; very young. Dorsal disk, 21 in. Bony disk very small. India. Boyes. 48, 2, 1, 35. p. Animal, in bad state, and shell, G in. Bombay. 69, 8, 28, 9. Presented by Dr. Leith. n. Skeleton, mounted. Dorsal disk, G in. Poonah. 70, 7, 11, 2. Presented by Dr. Leith. m. Dorsal and ventral bones, with skull. India. 68, 2, 12, 14. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq. o. Dorsal and sternal bones, imperfect, with half skull. India. 68, 2, 12, 14. Presented by C. Falconer, Esq. g. Skull. Length to occiput, 2h in. Potamochelys stellata, Gray, P. Z. S. 18G4, p. 85, figs. 7, 8 ; Cat. Suppl. p. 105, f. 34. India. 56, 5, 6, 113. Presented by Prof. Oldham. i. Upper shell only, 7| in. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. r. Upper shell only, 7} in. India. Picquot. t. Animal, in spirits; young. India, Pegu ? Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 109. it. Animal, in spirits. Back with large pale spots. India. Zool. Society. /', g'. Animal, in spints. Back pale-spotted. India. Picquot. SHIELD REPTILES. 89 1. Animal, in spirits ; discoloured. India, Allahabad. Schlagintweit. 60, 3, 19, 1443. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. x. Animal, in spirits. Dorsal long shield narrow ; margin bone- less. Sikkim. Schlagintweit. Presented by the Hon. East India Company. 2. Ejitda fuscomaculata. a. Animal, in spirits. Brown, with round dark brown spots, which are larger towards the centre of the back. E. fuscomaculata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. India, Pegu ? Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 138. 3. Emyda ceylonensis, Gray, Cat. p. 64 ; Suppl. p. 117. Tortoises, <£c, t. 55, 56 (from spirits). b. Shell only, 6^ in. Emyda ceylonensis, Gray, Cat. p. 64, t. xxix a. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. Kelaart. e. Dorsal and ventral disks separate ; ventral disk, 9^ in. E. punctata, "(7," Gray, Cat. p. 63. India, Ceylon? Picquot. /. Sternal disk only, 1\ in. Emyda punctata, " e," Gray, Cat. p. 63. India, Ceylon? Picquot. a. Animal, in spirits. Ceylon. Thwaites. 54, 3, 31, 18. c. Animal, in spirits ; young. Ceylon. Zool. Society. 58, 10, 19, 57. d. Animal, in spirits ; young. Ceylon. Zool. Society. 58, 10, 19, 56. Sub-order 5. OIACOPODES. (Sea Turtles). Family 1. CAOUAXIDiE. Tribe 1. CAOUANINA. Genus 1. CAOUANA. 1. Caouana caretta, Gray, Cat. p. 72; Sv^pl. p. 118. e. Animal stuffed. Shell, 34 in. Cape Seas. Sir A. Smith. n. Animal stuffed. Shell, 29 in. Atlantic Ocean. o. Animal stuffed. Shell, 42 in. W. Australia, Shark Bay. c. Animal stuffed. Shell, 34 in. Back with Chelovs via, Atlantic Ocean. 90 hand-list of /;. Animal stuffed. Dorsal sliiclcl, 16 in. Ocean. 50, 2, 27, 6. p. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 15 in. Ocean. 55, 9, 18, 2. g. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 14 in. Ocean. 46, 4, 28, 1. q. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shield, 9 in. otic Occ d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 121 in. Atlantic Ocean. 44, 3, 80, 16. s. Seven animals, in spirits, about 11 in. Indian Ocean. Theobald. 68, 4, 3, 144 to 149. t. Two animals, in spirits, about t'j in. Aneiteurn. Cuming. 60, 5, 31, 73. v. Animal, in spirits ; bleached and bad state, about 2 in. Atlantic Ocean. v. Animal, in spirits, about 2 in. Malabar. w. Animal, in spirits, about 1^ in. Ocean. x. Animal, in spirits, about 2 in. Indian Seas. 51, 2, 14, 24. y. Animal, in spirits ; young. " Chelonia polyaspis," Blocker. Borneo. 63, 12, 4, 119. z. Animal, in spirits ; young. " Chelonia dubia," Bleeker. Borneo. 63, 12, 4, 122. ff. Three animals, in spirits ; young. Manado. Meyer. 71, 9, 1, 48 to 50. gg. Animal, in spirits ; young. Samoa Islands. Presented by the Eev. T. Powell. ////. Animals, dry; from spirits ; young. Shark Bay, W. Australia. H. M. S. Herald. ii. Animal, dry ; from spirits ; young. " Chelonia virgata," Cantor. Penang. 60, 3, 19, 1452. Presented by Hon. East India Company. a. Animal, in spirits ; in bad state. Shell about 7 in. Ocean. Sloane Coll. /.-. skeleton, mounted, with shields on. Dorsal shell, 16£ in. Occ a p. b. Skeleton, mounted, without shields. Dorsal shield, 7 in. Ocean. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 7, 8, 27. ee. Skeleton, mounted. Dorsal shield, 16 in. Ocean. 54, 4, 29, 6. Prepared by E. Gerrard, Jun. SHIELD REPTILES. 91 aa. Skull, ■without lower jaw. Length to occiput, 7| in. Ocean. 72, 4, 29, 6. Presented by Capt. H. Toynbee. 56. Skull and lower jaw. Length to occiput, 7 in. Chelonia Eiippellii, Gray, Cat. Tort. B. Ind. p. 55. Caouana Caretta, " e," Gray, Cat. Ocean. Presented by T. Bell, Esq. cc. Skull. Length to occiput, 7i in. Beak with sheaths. Ocean. 62, 2, 8, 5. dd. Skull, without lower jaw. Length to occiput, 4^ in. Ceylon. Presented by Dr. J. Davy. m. Upper shell, 9 in., and sternum. Ocean. 67, 4, 2, 171. jj. Shell onl}T. Ocean. TcTc. Shell only, 29 in. Ocean. n. Dorsal shell only, 9 in. Ocean. 65, 6, 18, 1. i. Upper shell only, not in good state, 12i in. Ocean. 44, 2, 19, 4. /. Upper and lower shell, 34 in. Testudo Caretta, Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist. n. ser., iv. p. 136, f. Coast of Devonshire. 4, 5, 10, 11, 1. Presented by W. "Wilson, Esq. b. Upper shell only, 19 in. Ocean. 43, 12, 7, 48. Tribe 2. LEPIDOCHELYINA. Genus 1. LEPIDOCHELYS. 1. Lepidochelys olivacea. a. Animal, in spirits ; very young. Philippine Islands. h. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell with a narrow anterior vertebral plate. Caouana olivacea, Gray, Cat. p. 73 ; Supjrf. p. 118. Lepidochelys olivacea, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Indian Ocean. c. Dorsal shell only, 18 in. N. Australia, Cape York. 72, 2, 12, 0. Genus 2. CEPHALOCHELYS. 1. Cephalochelys oceanica. a. Head and fins, without shell. Cephalochelys oceanica, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Ocean. 71, 2, 7, 48. 92 HAND-LIST OF Family 2. CHELOXIAD/E. Tribe 1. CARETTINA. Genus 1. CARETTA. 1. Caretta dibricata, Gray, Cat. -p. 74; Suppl. P- 119. Tortoises, Ac, tabs. 57, 58 (life). (7. Animal stuffed. Shell, 15 in. Elongate, narrow. Tnilian Seas. //. Animal stuffed. Shell, 13.V in. Indian Ocean. 37, 5, 13, 4. J. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6} in. Broad. Indian Seas. /. Animal stuffed ; very young. Shell, 2 in. Wants one fin. Indian Oeean. g. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 17V in. Indian Ocean. 44, 1, 18, 30. h. Animal stuffed. Shell, 14 in. Raine Island. 46, 7, 27, 6. Presented by Capt. J. W. Ince, R.N. i. Animal stuffed ; half-grown. Shell, 12i in. Indian Seas. 45, 12, 29, 12. - j. Animal stuffed. Shell, 1H in. Indian Seas. 45, 6, 22, 3. Tx. Animal stuffed; young. Shell, 6 in. Narrow. Indian Ocean. 43, 12, 6, 18. Presented by Dr. Richardson. 1. Animal stuffed ; young. Shell, G in. Ocean. Zool. Society. r. Animal stuffed. Shell, 1H in. Tropical Seas. 55, 11, 26, 16. s. Animal stuffed. Shell, 8£ in. Tropical Seas. 55, 10, 16, 63. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. t. Animal stuffed. Shell, 6^ in. Tropical Seas. 56, 2, 15, 35. /'. Animal, in spirits ; half-grown. Celebes. Meyer. 72, 8, 20, 82. m. Skeleton. Shell, 11 in. Tropical Seas. w. Skull. Length to occiput, 5^- in. Tropical Ocean. x. Head, covered with shields. Tropical Ocean. 67, 4, 2, 175. n. Upper shell only, 13 in. Tropical Ocean. p. Upper shell only, 12. V in. Back of Darnley Is." 47, 2, 24, 1. Presented by the Earl of Derby. SHIELD REPTILES. 93 q. Upper shell only, 1(H in. Tropical Ocean. 46, 7, 5," 3. c. Upper shell only, 9^ in ; in bad state. Indian Ocean. e. Sternal shield only, 5i in. Indian Ocean. u. Sternum only, 9f in. Formosa. Swinhoe. 63, 12, 6, 127. v. Shell only, lOf in. ; not in good state. Zanzibar. 68, 9, 30, 2. iv. Sternum, showing the bones. Tropical Ocean. 67, 4, 2, 170. y. Shell only. Length, 8^ in. Very narrow and high. Yzabad. Vernon. 64, 4, 8, 4. v . Upper shell only, 1H in. Atlantic Ocean. 46, 4, 23", 3. Genus 1*. ONYCHOCHELYS. 1. Onychochelys Kraussii. Chelonia marmorata, Krauss (not Dumeril and Bibron). Onychochelys Kraussii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. a. Animal stuffed. Dorsal shell, 35 in. Ocean. French Guiana. Krauss. 73, 3, 13, 2. Tribe 2. CHELONIANA. Genus 2. CHELONIA. 1. Chelonia virgata, Gray, Cat. p. 74 ; Swppl. p. 119. a. Animal stuffed. Shell, 21 in. Ocean, South America. d. Animal stuffed. Shell, 15 in. Ocean, Belize. Salvin. 64, 4, 8, 3. h. Animal stuffed ; young. Shell, If hi. China. Presented by J. Beeves, Esq. i. Animal stuffed ; young. Shell, 2T'0 in. Ocean. Zool. Society. j, ~k. Animals, in spirits ; young, about 2 in. Ocean. 55, 10, 16, 25, 26. I. Animal, in spirits ; young, about 2 in. Ocean. 53, 4, 23, 3. m, n, o. Animals, in spirits ; young, about 2 in. ; not in good state. Ocean. p. Animal, in spirits, about 2 in. Ocean. 41, 4, 1, 17. 94 HAND-LIST OF q. Animal, in spirits, about 2 in. Occau. 55, 12, 19, 1. Presented by Miss Gray. r, s. Animals, in spirits, about 2\ in. Ocean, 62, LO, 27. 1 & 2. Zool. Society. t, u, r. w, x. Animals, in spirits, about 2 in. Ocean, Ascension Island. Yoy. Sulphur. Presented by Capt. Belcher. y, z. Animals, in spirits, about 2 in. Ocean. Ascension Island. Presented by Capt. Belcher. a', a". Head and fins, in spirits. Shell separate. Formosa. Swinhoe. 62, 12, 6, 126. b', c'. Animals, in spirits, about 2 in. Ocean. o. Skeleton and shell, 12 in. Guiana. 67, 4, 2, 167. /. Skeleton and shell, 5 in. ; not prepared, and in bad state. Guiana ? g. Upper shell only, 21 in., and head. Ocean, Zanzibar. 68, 9, 30, 1. Presented by Dr Kirk. bb. Upper shell onlv, 17 in. Ocean. 46, 4, 23, 4. cc. Upper shell only, 24 in. Ocean. 62, 7, 18, 21: dd. Sternum only, 11^ in. Soft parts in spirits. Formosa. Swinhoe. 62, 12, 6, 126. ee. Upper shell only, 28 in. Chelonia maculata, Jeude. Ocean, Guiana ? 67, 4, 2, 186. ff. Upper shell only, 25 in. Guiana ? 67, 4, 2, 183. 00- Upper shell only, 24 in. Guiana? 07,4,2,181. hh. Upper shell only, 18 in. Guiana ? 67, 4, 2, 184. ii. Shell, 17 in., and sternum. Guiana ? 67, 4, 2, 182. jj. Upper shell only, 8 in. Ocean, Guiana ? 67, 4, 2, 171. kk. Upper shell only, 15 in. Ocean. 62, 12, 6, 126. d'. Upper shell only, 18 in. Ocean. 46, 7, 5, 4. m. Skull. Length to occiput, 0^ in. Lower jaw with horny sheath. Tropical Ocean. 07, 4, 2, 176. ii. Skull. Length to occiput, 6h in. Tropical Ocean. 64, 7, 16, 7. SHIELD REPTILES. 95 e. Skull. Length to occiput, 6i in. Ascension Island. Presented by — Waud, Esq. b. Skull. Length to occiput, 6f in. Ascension Island. Presented by — Waud, Esq. /. Skull ; very imperfect. Tropical Ocean. r. Skull, without lower jaw. Length to occiput, 6| in. Tropical Ocean. s. Skull. Length to occiput, 4^ in. Tropical Ocean. 62, 7, 18, 13. t. Skull. Length to occiput, 3^ in. Tropical Ocean. 62, 7, 18, 12. e. Skull, without lower jaw. Length to occiput, 4^, in. Weight of anhnal, 66 lbs. Tropical Ocean. Dr. Mantell. v. Skull; bones separate. Mounted by E. Gerrard, Jnr. Tropical Ocean. 72, 12, 29, 2. d. Head, covered with shields and skin. Length to occiput, 5 in. Tropical Ocean. 44, 2, 20, 26. o'. Head, with shields. Length to occiput, 3 in. Tropical Ocean. 46, 11, 18, 41. p'. Head and dorsal shell, 6i in. Guiana. 67, 4, 2, 170. Genus 3. MYDAS. 1. Mydas vikidis, Gray, Cat. p. 75 ; Sujypl. p. 119. Tortoises, <£c.t t. 59, 60 (life). a. Animal stuffed. Shell, VU in. Brazils. b. Animal stuffed. Shell, 1H in. Brazils. c. Animal and shell, 1| in. ; stuffed ; young. Brazils. g. Animal and shell, H hi. ; stuffed ; young. Brazils. li, h'. Animals, in spirits ; young. Back brown, with pale margin. Fins pale brown, the front with black spots. Malay Peninsular. Cantor. 60, 3, 19, 1414. i. Animals, in spirits. Dorsal and marginal shields with a regular broad pale margin. Fins, front and hinder, black-spotted ; head shields with a narrow pale margin. " Chelonia picta," Jeude, MSS. Guiana ? Jeude. 66, 8, 14, 236. 2). Skeleton, mounted. Dorsal shield, 33 in. Ascension Island. 72, 3, 7, 2. Prepared by E. Gerrard, Jnr. 96 HAND-LIST OF q. Skeleton, mounted. Dorsal shield, 16 in. Ascension Island. 51, 4, 27, 3. Zool. Society. i '. Shell only, A\ in. The last vertebral bones very narrow, ovate- Lanceolate. •• Chelonia Caouana," Jeude. Ocean. 66, 8, 14. ff. Dorsal shell, 45.V in., adult; and sternurn separate. Ocean, Guiana? 67,~4, 2, 180. gg. Dorsal shell only, adult, 43* in. Ocean, Guiana ? 67, 4, 2, 185. Genus 4. EREMONIA. 1. Eremonia elongata. a. Dorsal and ventral shields. Length, 27 in. Not quite adult. Caouana elongata, Gray, Cat. p. 73 ; Sux>X>l- p- 118. Eremonia elongata, Gray, P. Z. S. 1873. Ocean. — , 12, 18, 8. Family 3. SPHAEGIDID^E. Genus 1. SPHAEGIS. 1. Sphargis coriacea, Gray, Cat. p. 71 ; Sujqrf- p. 120. a. Animal stuffed; adult. Shell, 59 in. England, Coast of Dorsetshire. b. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 56 in. ; not in good state. "West Indies, Nevis. Presented by "W. Cottle, Esq. c. Animal stuffed ; adult. Shell, 47 in. Cape Seas. Presented by Sir A. Smith. c\ Animal, in spirits, about 3 in. Ocean. d. Animal, in spirits, about 2i in. Ocean. GG, 8, 14, 237." e. Skeleton ; very young. Sphargis coriacea, Gray, Cat. Suppl. p. 119, f. 40 (skull). Ocean. SHIELD REPTILES. 97 Order EMYDOSAUKI. Family 1. GAVIALID^!. Genus 1. GAVIALIS. 1. Gavialis gangeticus, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 57; Sh. Rep. p. 5. Presented by F. P. Holloway, Esq. Presented by Major Kamptie. Presented by F. P. Holloway, Esq. h. Animal stuffed, 14 ft. 9 in. Ganges. i. Animal stuffed, 8J ft. India, K. Jumna. 7c. Animal stuffed, 6 ft. 6 in. Ganges. /. Animal stuffed, 52 in. India. e. Animal stuffed, 33 in. Nepaul. j. Animal, skin, 32 in. India. 70, 6, 18, 5. d. Animal, dry, 31 in. India. c. Animal stuffed, 27 in. India 41, 9, 4, 7. g. Animal stuffed, 24 in. India. 59, 2, 25, 1. b. Animal stuffed, 24 in. India. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 45, 9, 6, 2. j. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. I. Head of adult. India. Mus. Sloanc. m. Skull, 31 in. India. 47, 12, 20, 4. n. Skull, 30 in. India. o. Skull, 28 in. Upper jaw only. India, Nepaul. 45, 1, 8, 203. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq. p. Skull, 28 in. Wanting lower jaw. Bad state. Poonab. 69, 8, 28, 159. Presented by Dr. Leitb. o Presented by Surgeon F. Day. Presented by S. P. Pratt, Esq. Presented by J. J. Lake, Esq. Presented by Mrs. Mauger. Presented by Capt. Oriel. 98 HAND-LIST OF q. Skull, 24 in. Cleaned. India. 61, 4, 1, 2. r. Skull. 23 in. Occiput wanting. India. 70, G, 18, 7. Presented by Surgeon F. Day. h. Skull, 18 in., and lower jaw imperfect. India. Presented by J. E. Gray, Esq. s. Skull, 18 in. Wanting lower jaw. India. Presented by Dr. Falconer. t. Skull, 11 in. India. it. Skull, 5^ in. India. v. Lower jaw only, 35 in. India. Genus 2. TOMISTOMA. 1. Tomistoma Schlegelii, Gray, Cat. p. 6. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Mecistops Journei, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 58. Borneo. 44, 2, 2, 11G. Leyden Coll. d. Animal, in spirits ; young. Borneo. Bleeker. 63, 10, 4, 1. c. Skull, 23£ in. Borneo. Mitten. 60, 11, 6, 8. b. Skull, 22 in. Borneo. Leyden Coll. 48, 10, 31, 19. Family 2. CEOCODILID.E. Genus 1. OOPHOLIS. 1. Oopholis poeosus, Gray, Cat. p. 9. vv. Animal stuffed, 18| feet. Australia. wiv. Animal stuffed, 13^ feet. Australia. xx. Animal stuffed, 9i feet. India. yy. Animal stuffed, 5 feet. India. r. Animal stuffed, 54 in. India. r/q. Animal stuffed, 53 in. India. 46, 7, 27, 3. Presented by Capt. J. Ince. SHIELD REPTILES. 93 rr. Animal stuffed, 44 in. N. Australia. 57, 10, 24, 77. Presented by Dr. Elsey. tt. Animal stuffed, 41 in. India. 44, 4, 4, 1. uu. Animal stuffed, 40 in. India. a. Animal stuffed, 39 in. India. ss. Animal stuffed, 35 in. India. b. Animal stuffed, 34. in. India. q. Animal stuffed, 20 in. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. o. Animal stuffed, 18 in. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. X>. Animal stuffed, 18 in. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. s, t, u, v. Animals, in spirits, and egg. Borneo. 44, 10, 17. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. w. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 66, 8, 14, 210. x. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 66, 8, 14, 208. y. Animal, in spirits ; young. Borneo. Lowe. 48, 2, 11, 8. z. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 62, 6, 25, 1. a' a'. Animal, in spirits ; very young. Tenasserirn. 46, 4, 4. Presented by Dr. Packman. b' b'. Animal, in spirits ; very young. China. Presented by — Lindsay, Esq. cc. Animal, in spirits ; very young. N.E. Australia. 44, 6, 13. dd. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 47, 6, 4, 237. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. ee. Animal, in spirits ; young. Gorantalo. Dr. Meyer. 72, 4, 6, 112. ff, gg. Two animals, in spirits ; very young. India. 49, 1, 12. hh. Animal, in spirits; young. Borneo, Labuan. 55, 10, 16, 27. c. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 100 HAN'D-LIST OF d. Animal, in spirits. India. s. Animal, iu spirits ; young. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. /. Animal, in spirits ; young. Penang. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. g. Animal, in spirits. India. 43, 4, 26, 6. Presented by Capt. Stafford. h. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. i. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. j. Animal, in spirits ; very young. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. &. Animal, in spirits. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. m. Animal, in spirits. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. n. Animal, in spirits; previously dried. India. Presented by E. Cooke, Esq., E.A. I. Egg, in spirits. India. ii. Animal, in spirits. Borneo. 44, 10, 17, 8. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. jj, Tck. Two animals, in spirits ; very young. India. 60, 3, 9, 1086—7. II. Animal, in spirits ; young. Borneo. 44, 10, 17, 9. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. mm. Animal, in spirits ; young. Siam. 65, 4, 28, 1. Presented by Sir K. Schomburgk. oo. Animal, in spirits ; half-grown. Manado. Dr. Meyer. 71, 9, 1, 46. pp. Animal, in spirits ; young. India. 55. Presented by Dr. S. 0. MacWilham. qq. Skull, 30 in. India. Warwick. 47, 3, 5, 33. rr. Skull, 26 in. "Wants many teeth. India. 61, 4, 1, 4. ss. Skull, 25 in. " C. raninus, £c7t." Borneo. Mus. Leyden. 65, 8, 22, 1. tt. Skull, 25 in. India. vv. Skull, 25 in. Side deformed ; front injured. India. Mus. Utrecht. 67, 4, 2, 187. SHIELD REPTILES. 101 uu. Skull, 24i in. India ? Brandt, 52, 12, 9, 2. g. Skull, 22 in ; without teeth or lower jaw. Crocodilus palustris, "g," Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 62. N. Coast of Australia. Presented by Capt. Stokes, R.N. ww. Head covered with skin, 19 in. Teeth lost. India. 44, 7, 19, 21. xx. Skull, 25 in. India. 66. Presented by Dr. Falconer. yy. Skull, 18 in. India. 67, 4, 2, 188. aaa. Skull, 21 in. Lost some teeth. Trincomalee. 60, 9, 29, 2. zz. Skull, 16| in. India. 46, 1, 7, 1. bbb. Skull, 5f in. From decayed skin. No lower jaw. India. 2. Oopholis pondicherianus, Gray, Cat. p. 9. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. 0. pondicherianus, Gray, Ann. S Mag. Nat. Hist. x. 268. Crocodilus ponticerianus, Gilnther, Rep. B. I. t. vii. Poudicherry. Parzudaki. 51, 7, 17, 17. Genus 2. BOMBIFEONS. 1. Bojibifrons indicus, Gray, Cat. p. 9, f. 1 — 4. xx. Animal stuffed, 9^ feet. India, R. Jumna. Presented by Major Kamptie. yy. Animal stuffed, 7^ feet. India. h. Animal stuffed, 72 in. C. palustris, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 62. India. a/''. Animal stuffed, 63 in. Crocodilus palustris, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 62. India. Mantell. b. Animal stuffed, 57 in. India. tvio. Animal stuffed, 54 in. " C. cataphractus," Zool. Soc. 1871. India. 71, 9, 9, 5. vv. Animal stuffed, 55 in. India. 67, 2, 15, 1. 102 HAND-LIST OF g. Animal stuffed, 47 in. Madras. G3, 5, 8, 2. 0. Animal stuffed, 44 in. Crocodilus trigonops, Cray, Cat. Tori. p. 63. India. j. Animal stuffed, 42 in. India. 54, 7, 18, 1. Presented by Dr. Sayer. h. Animal stuffed, 35 in. India. 41, 3, 30, 11. m. Animal stuffed, 30 in. C. trigonops, Gray, Cat. Tort, p G3. Singapore. 71. Animal stuffed, 28 in. India. 44, 1, 5, 1. a. Animal stuffed, 28 in. India. Miers. o. Animal stuffed, 2G in. Crocodilus trigonops, " a," Gray, Cat. Tort. p. G3. India. c. Animal stuffed, 22 in. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwickc. 7. Skin, imperfect. Shields and part of back, 84 in. India. p. Animal, not stuffed. India. 70, 6, 18, 7. Presented by Surgeon F. Day. i. Animal, in spirits ; very young. India. Presented by Gen. Hardwicke. c'. Skull, 2G in. " Animal, 33 feet." India. Presented by Gibson Reeve, Esq. /. Skull, 23 in. India, 01, 4, 2, 5. &'. Skull, 21 in. Crocodilus biporcatus, Cautley. C. bombifrons, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 59. India. 44, 1, 27, 4. Presented by the E. Asiatic Soc, Bengal. a'. Skull, 20 in. Crocodilus bombifrons, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 59. Bombifrons indicus, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. p. 142, f. 2, a & b, t. 31, f. 1, 2, 3. India. Presented by Capt. Oriel. q. Skull, 20 in. India. Theobald. 68, 4, 9, 11. r. Skull, 17] in. Bombifrons indicus, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. p. 142, f. 2. India. 47, 12, 20, 5. SHIELD REPTILES. 103 d. Skull, 12 in. C. palustris, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 62. India. s. Skull, 13 in. Broken. No lower jaw, and only a few of the teeth. Ceylon. 52, 5, 9, 45. Presented by Dr. Kelaart. t. Skull, 10 in. No lower jaw, and only a few teeth. India. 48, 2, 5, 9. u. Skull, 11 in. No lower jaw, and no teeth. Ceylon. 52, 5, 9, 46. Presented by Dr. Kelaart. v. Skull, 10 in. Bombifrons indicus, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. p. 143, f. 3. India. Presentee! by Sir J. Boileau. w. Skull, 4f in. Croc, trigonatus, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 66. B. indicus, Gray, T. Z. S. vi. 143, f. 3. India. x. Skull, 4^ in. Very broad ; imperfect. India. Presented by Dr. Falconer. y. Skeleton, imperfect. Wanting skull. India, B. Kaphe. Garruckpore. 2. Bombifrons siamensis, Gray, Cat. p. 13. a. Animal stuffed, 30 in. Half-grown. B. siamensis, Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. H. x. p. 269. Siam & Camboja. Mouhot. 44, 3, 30, 13. c. Animal stuffed, 31 in. Asia. 44, 3, 20, 25. d. Animal stuffed, 35£ in. India ? 54, 3, 11, 6. e. Animal stuffed, 54 in. Camboja. Mouhot. 64, 1, 12, 22. 6. Animal, in spirits ; young. B. siamensis, var., Gray. Singapore. Genus 3. PALINIA. 1. Palinia rhombifera, Gray, Cat. p. 13. a. Animal stuffed ; half grown, 64 in. Cuba. Sagra. From Mus. Paris. d. Animal stuffed ; very young. Mexico. Warwick. 48, 7, 28, 45. b. Animal, in spirits ; young. Crocodilus americanus, "c," Gray, Cat. Tort., dc. p. 60. Cuba. Presented by W. S. MacLeay, Esq. 104 HAND-LIST OF c. Animal, in spirits; young. Crooodilns americanus, "d" Gra/y, Cat. Tort.,dc. p. GO. Cuba. Presented by W. S. MacLeay, Esq. 2. Pamnia ? Moreletii, Gray, Cat. p. 14. a. Animal stuffed ; young, 27 in. P. Moreletii ? Cray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. 146. Yucatan. b. Animal, in spirits; young. P. Moreletii? Cray, I. c. p. 146. ■ Yucatan. Genus 4. CROCODILUS. 1. Crocodilus vulgaris, Gray, Cat. p. 14, f. 5 — 8. a. Animal stuffed, 118 in. C. marginatus, (a,) Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 61. S. Africa. Presented by tbe Earl of Derby. b. Animal stuffed, 5 feet. N. Africa. bb. Animal stuffed, 8j feet. W. Africa. Senegal. k. Animal stuffed, 60 in. N. Africa. d. Animal stuffed, 60 in. N. Africa. c. Animal stuffed, 56 in. C. vulgaris, Bibron, MSS. N. Africa. ee. Animal stuffed, 58 in. N . Africa. Nile. 65, 3, 16, 3. Presented by G. L. Cunningbam, Esq. e. Animal stuffed, 40 in. "\Y. Africa. /. Animal staffed, 40 in. N. Africa. (j. Animal stuffed, 41 in. N. Africa. h. Animal stuffed, 37 in. N. Africa. Presented by Sir G. Wilkinson. i. Animal stuffed, 24 in. N. Africa. Presented by Sir G. Wilkinson. j. Animal stuffed, 19 in. Not in good state. N. Africa. cc, dd. Two animals, dried ; from tombs. Egypt. 69, 6,29, 1& 2. SHIELD REPTILES. 105 I. Animal, in spirits ; young. Head injured. Africa. Tette. 64, 1, 9. 17. Presented by Dr. John Kirk. m. Animal, in spirits ; young, dried. Africa. 62, 10, 12, 12. n. Animal, in spirits ; young. W. Africa, Old Calabar. 62, 1, 24, 52. Presented by A. Murray, Esq. o. Animal, in spirits ; young. Madagascar. 65, 3, 4, 5. p. Animal, in spirits. E. Madagascar. 63, 5, 21, 4. Zool. Soc. q, r, s, t, 11. Sis animals, in spirits ; young. Senegal. Cuming. u, v. Two animals, in spirits ; young. Africa. 48, 9, 11, 57. to. Animal, in spirits. W. Africa. Baikie. 63, 7, 30, 1. x. Animal, in spirits, bleached ; very young. N. Africa. Egypt. 51, 7, 17, 16. y. Animal, in spirits ; very young. Africa ? 53, 3, 19, 15. Presented by Sir W. Hooker. z. Animal, in spirits ; young. Natal. 62, 11, 9, 20. mm. Two animals, in spirits ; very young. Senegal. Cuming. 60, 6, 19, 6, 7. nn. Head, in spirit. W. Africa. Pungoadongo. 64, 7, 13, 21. Presented by Dr. "Welwitsch. Jih, Skull, 24 in. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 4, 6, 2. oo. Skull, 23 in. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 9, 11, 1. jj. Skull, 23 in. W. Africa. Old Calabar. 62,6,30,7. Presented by A. Murray, Esq. ii Skull, 22 in. Bad state. W. Africa. 65, 5, 3, 76. ff. Skull, 20 in. "Wants greater part of teeth. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 8, 8, 12. gg. Skull, 14 in. W. Africa. 64, 1, 25, 4. Presented by Dr. Livingstone. hk. Skull, 3f in. Africa. 45, 3, 29, 13. 10G HAND-LIST OF Genus 5. MOLINIA. * Molinia. 1. Molinia Americana, Gray, Cat. p. 17. a. Animal stuffed, 33 in. America, Mexico. 39, 12, 26, G7. n. Animal stuffed, 48 in. America. Zool. Soc. 54, 5, 9, G. o. Animal stuffed, 32 in. M. americana, va/r. Grai/, Cat. p. 18. America, Mexico. 48,7,28,17. p. Animal stuffed, 38 in. Mexico. Warwick. 48, 7, 28, 1G. q. Animal stuffed, 56 in. Lost right hind leg ; nuchal shields very few, and, like dorsal shields, very irregular. Guatemala. Salvin. G4, 4, 8, 1. r. Animal stuffed, 14} feet. Mexico. 48, 7, 28, 14. s. Animal stuffed, 11} feet. Grey Town. Presented by G. E. Williams, Esq. t. Animal stuffed, 8-| feet. Trop. America. u. Animal stuffed, 6 feet. Trop. America. v. Animal stuffed, 5+ feet. Trop. America. w. Animal stuffed, 5^ feet. Trop. America. Presented by Sir John Richardson. h. Animal, in spirits. Tropical America. i. Animal, in spirits ; young. Tropical America. 55, 10, 16, 146. Presented by J. 0. Goodrich, Esq. j. Animal, in spirits ; young. W. Ecuador. Eraser. 60, 6, 16, 1. h. Animal, in spirits ; previously dried. Tropical America. I. Animal, in spirits ; young. Jamaica. 71, 6, 8, 1. m. Animal, in spirits; young. Tropical America. 56, 2, 18, 3. b. Animal, in spirits, 12 in. Tropical. America. Mantell. g. Animal, in spirits, 12 in. Tropical America. Mantell. SHIELD REPTILES. 107 x. Animal, in spirits. Tropical America. 51, 3, 13, 27. y. Skull, 20 in. Mexico. 57, 5, 21, 1. e. Skull, 17^ in. ; covered with skin. W. Coast of America. Presented by Capt. Sir E. Belcher. /. Skull of young, in. Tropical America. Mantell. z. Skull, 7 in. From decayed skin. No lower jaw. Tropical America. c. Skull, 4| in. From decayed skin. Tropical America. •'-■■' Temsacus. 2. Molinia intermedia, Gray, Cat. p. 18. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. C. acutus, Brandt. Tropical America. c. Skull, 27 in. Many teeth wanting. Trop. America. 62, 10, 19, 1. b. Skull, 20 in. Crocodile de l'Orenoque. Mus. Palis. Molinia intermedia, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. p. 152, f. 9, 10, t. 32 ; f. 4, 5, 6. Tropical America. Orinoco. 51, 8, 25, 29. Genus 6. IIALCROSIA. 1. Halcrosia nigra, Gray, Cat. p. 20, f. 10 — 13. d. Animal stuffed, 67 in. W. Africa. e. Animal stuffed, 48 in. W. Africa. E. Borney. Presented by Dr. Forsyth. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Crocodilus frontatus, Murray, P. Z. S. 18G2, pi. xxis. Old Calabar. Presented by A. Murray, Esq. b. Animal, in spirits ; young. W. Africa. Zool. Soc. 53, 12, 6, 45. c. Animal, in spirits ; nearly adult. W. Africa. 71, 9, 21, 1. h. Skeleton, 19i in. " Alligator palpebrosus." Mus. Paris. W. Africa. 61, 2, 20, 8. 10S HAND-LIST OF /. Skull, Si in., without lower jaw, and some teeth. Halcrosia frontata, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. t. 31, f. 4, 5, 6. W. Africa. Old Calabar. 62, 5, 30, 5. Presented by A. Murray, Esq. g. Skull, 6', in., without lower jaw or teeth. AY. Africa. Old Calabar. G2, 2, 30, 6. Presented by A. Murray, Esq. Genus 7. MECISTOPS. 1. Mecistops cataphractus, Gray, Cat. p. 22, f. 14 — 17. a. Animal stuffed ; adult, 7 feet. Mecistops Bennettii, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 57. W. Africa. Gambia. Randall. b. Animal, dry, 4J feet. Mecistops cataphractus, Gray, Cat. Tort. p. 58. W. Africa. c. Animal, without head, 156 in. W. Africa. g. Animal stuffed, 34 in. W. Africa. 62, 6, 21, 6. h. Animal stuffed, 53 in. W. Africa. 58, 4, 20, 78. i. Animal stuffed, 26 in. W. Africa. Zool. Gardens. /. Animal, in spirits ; yoang. Old Calabar. 62, 1, 24, 51. Presented by A. Murray, Esq. d. Animal, in spirits ; young. Old Calabar. 62, 9, 2, 31. Presented by W. Carruthers, Esq. e. Animal, in spirits ; young. W. Africa. Tc. Skull, 21 in., without teeth. Mecistops cataphractus, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. t. 32, f. 1 — 3. W. Africa. 62, 6, 30, 8. I. Skull, 21 in., without teeth. W. Africa. Baikie. 64, 4, 6, 1. Family 3. ALLIGATORID.E. Genus 1. J AC ABE. A. Melanosuchus. 1. Jacare nigra, Gray, Cat. p. 25. b. Animal stuffed, 13j feet. Para. Presented by B. Graham, Esq. a. Skull, 22 in. Para. 45, 8, 25, 125. Presented by B. Graham, Esq. SHIELD REPTILES. 10 9 c. Skull, 1U in. Para. 45, 8, 25, 126. Presented by R. Graham, Esq. d. Skull, 8i in. Eastern Peru. Bartlett. 72, 6, 4, I. B. Cynosuchus. 2. Jacare latirostris, Gra#, Ca£. p. 25. c. Animal stuffed, 7 feet. Bio Paraguay. 72. Presented by Col. P. Percy de Lasala. /. Animal stuffed, 6 feet. Brazils. g. Animal stuffed, 5\ feet. Brazils. 7i. Animal stuffed, 5^ feet. Brazils. n. Animal stuffed, 5 feet. Brazils. j. Animal stuffed, 32 in. Tropical America. d. Animal. J. latirostris, var. 2, Gray, Trans. Z. Soc. p. 164. S. America, Lake Santa Cruz de la Sierra. e. Animal, in spirits ; young. Bleached. Brazils. 45, 2, 21, 86. CoU. Surgeons. a. Animal, in spirits ; young. Brazds, Pernambuco. 49, 6, 6, 3. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. b. Animal, in spirits ; young. Brazils, Pernambuco. 45, 2, 11, 28. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. 0. Animal, in spirits ; young. J. latirostris, var. 1, Gray, Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. p. 163. Brazils, Pernambuco. 49, 6, 6, 4. Presented by J. P. G. Smith, Esq. i. Animal, in spirits. Demerara Falls. 72, 10, 16, 69. m. Skeleton, 49 in. Tropical America. Jc. Skull, 7£ in. Without back of palate. Jacare latirostris, Gray, Aim. <£■ Mag. N. H. 1862, x. p. 328. Tropical America. 1. Skull, 1\ in. Tropical America. 3. Jacare multiscutata, Gray, Cat. p. 26. a. Skin, 24 in. J. multiscutata, Gray, Trans. Z. Soc. p. 164. Brazils. 46, 7, 10, 41. 110 HAND-LIST OF 4. Jacabe longiscutata, Gray, Cat. p. 26. a. Animal stuffed, 24 in. J. longiscutata, Gray, Trans. Z. Soc. p. 164, t. 34. Tropical America. 5. Jacabe ocellata, Gray, Cat. p. 26. a. Animal stuffed, 29 in. J. ocllata, Gray, I. c. p. 164, t. 33. S. America, L. Santa Cruz de la Sierra. 6. Jacabe pttnctulata, Gray, Cat. p, ?/. Animal stnffed. 8| in. 26. Paraguay. 70, 12, 15, 1. a. Animal stuffed, 81 in. J. punctulata, Gray, I. c. p. 165. Argentine Republic. b. Animal stuffed, 70 in. Argentine Republic. d. Animal stuffed, 69 in. Brazils. c. Animal stuffed, 66 in. Brazils. c. Animal stuffed, 55 in. Demerara. 55, 8, 28, 1. X>. Animal stuffed, 54 in. Guatemala. Salvia. 64, 4, 8, 2. o. Animal stuffed, 47 in. Tropical America. 46, 4, 25, 27. t. Animal stuffed, 45 in. Tropical America. 58, 4, 20, 77. u. Animal stuffed, 43 in. Demerara. 55, 8, 28, 2. n. Animal stuffed, 31 in. Tropical America. s. Animal stuffed, 25 in. End of tail broken. Tropical America. q. Animal stuffed, 25 in. End of tail lost. Jacare punctulata, var. 2. Demerara. 55, 8, 28, 3. /. Animal, in spirits. Surinam. g. Animal, in spirits. Tropical America. h. Animal, in spirits. Guiana. 66, 8, 14, 209. Presented by T. G. Ilutcbinson. Presented by W. D. Christie, Esq. SHIELD REPTILES. Ill i. Animal, in spirits. Guiana. 66, 8, 14, 24. j. Animal, in spirits. Demerara. 62, 9, 2, 32. Presented by W. Carruthers, Esq. 7c. Animal, in spirits. Guiana. 66, 8, 14, 207. I. Animal, in spirits. Tropical America. Mather. 49, 9, 22, 67. m. Animal, in spirits. Demerara. Snellgrove. 56, 5, 14, 1. r. Skull, 19 in. Tropical America. 51, 8, 17. v. Skull, 5^ in. From old skin. Tropical America. 7. Jacake hirticollis, Gray, Cat. p. 27. a. Animal. J. hirticollis, Gray, Trans. Z. Soc. p. 165. Demerara. Genus 2. CAIMAN. A. Palcosuclius. Head elongate. Caudal disk broad. 1. Caiman trigonatus, Gray, Cat. p. 28. e. Animal stuffed, 49 in. Tropical America. 58, 4, 20, 79. /. Animal, dry, 21 in. Eastern Peru. B. Haulhaga. Bartlett. 69, 5, 21, 23. g. Animal stuffed, 24 in. Tropical America. Guiana. 67, 10, 16, 19. a. Animal , in spirits ; young. S. America. b. Animal, in spirits; youn?. Tropical America. 66, 8 14, 212. c. Animal, in spirits ; young. Tropical America. 66, 8, 14, 215. d. Animal, in spirits ; young. Tropical America. 66, 8, 14, 214. h. Skull, 9 in. Surinam. 68, 10, 8, 1. B. Aromosmhus. Head short. Caudal disk elongate. 2. Caiman palpebrosus, Gray, Cat. p. 28. a. Animal, in spirits. Tropical America. 52, 9, 13, 45. 112 HAND-LIST OF 6. Animal, in spirits. Tropical America. 66, 8, 14, 213. c. Animal stuffed, "20 in. Tropical Amerioa. 61, 8, 20, 82. J. Animal stuffed, 44 in. Lost end of tail. C. gibbiceps. Tropical America. 46, 3, 13, 5. Genus 3. ALLIGATOE. 1. Alligator mississippiensis, Gray, Cat. p. 29. /. Animal stuffed, 84 in. N. America. h. Animal stuffed, 66 in. N. America. g. Animal stuffed, 63 in. Alligator Cuvieri, Leach, Zool. Misc. t. N. America. q. Animal stuffed, 47 in. X. America. 44, 3, 30, 14. 0. Animal stuffed, 46 in. N. America. 50, 1, 27, 14. b. Animal stuffed, 45 in. X. America. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. r. Animal stuffed, 42 in. Feet bad froru confinement. X. America. 45, 3, 15, 4, 2. p. Animal stuffed, 39 in. X.America. 43,7,1,7. a. Animal stuffed, 38 in. N. America. Mantell. c. Animal stuffed, 35 in. N. America. d. Animal, in spirits ; very young. N. America. Mantell. e. Animal, in spirits ; very young. N. America. Mantell. j. Animal, in spirits ; \crj young. X. America. New Orleans. lc. Animal, in spirits ; young. N. America. 63, 12, 3, 8. Zool. Soc. 1. Animal, in spirits ; young. X. America. 58, 9, 8, 10. Presented by Odo Russell, Esq. m. Animal, in spirits. X. America. 58, 9, 8, 9. Presented by Odo Russell, Esq. t. Skeleton, 9 feet. X. America. Mississipi. SHIELD REPTILES. 113 i. Skeleton of young. Skull, 5 in. N. America. Mantell. n. Skull, 16^ in. N. America. s. Skull, 17 in. N. America. 68, 2, 12, 6. Presented by Dr. Falconer. Order RHYNCHOCEPH ALIA. Genus 1. SPHENODON. 1. Sphenodon punctatum, Gray, Cat. p. 30. a. Animal, in spirits ; adult. Hatteria punctata, Gray, Dieffenbach's Neiv Zeal. p. 205. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Dieffenbach. b, c. In spirits ; adult. " Hatteria punctata," Gray. New Zealand. 54, 11, 16, 10, 11. Presented by Capt. Drury. d. In spirits ; balf-grown. New Zealand. 55, 18, 16, 37. Presented by the Haslar Hospital. e. In spirits ; adult. Skull extracted, " 7;."' New Zealand. 65, 5, 3, 2. Presented by Sir A. Smith. /. Stuffed. Skeleton and claws extracted. New Zealand. 44, 10, 29, 11. Presented by F. Knox, M.D. g. Skeleton of "/." Hatteria punctata, Qiinther, PJiil. Trans. 1867. New Zealand. Presented by F. Knox, M.D. 7;. Skull, of "e." New Zealand. 65, 5, 3, 2. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 114 HAND-LIST OF Order AMPHISB.ENIA. Family 1. TROGONOPHLDiE. Genus 1. TROGONOPHIS. 1. Tkogonophis Wiegmanni, Gray, Cat. p. 33. a — c. In spirits ; adult. Tangier. Frascr. 48, 2, 1G, 8. <7. Inspirits; half-grown. Ai iers. 4G, G, 15, 71. c, f. In spirits ; half-grown. Oran. 51, 8, 25, 5, G. g. In spirits ; adult. Algiers. 51, 8, 26, 4. 7;. In spirits; adult. Algiers. i. In spirits ; half-grown. Algiers. Parzudaki. 57, 10, 28, 31. Te. In spirits ; half-grown. Algiers. 50, 8, 29, 12. 7. Inspirits; half-grown. Mogadore. 61, 5, 27, 17. m, n. In spirits ; half-grown. Mopradore. Presented hy Mr. Kemp. Presented by Rev. A. Levi. Presented by M. Dumeril. Presented by the Zool. Soc. Presented by Rev. R. T. Lowe. Presented by Rev. R. T. Lowe. Family 2. CHIROTFDiE. Genus 1. CHIROTES. 1. Chirotes lumbkicoides, Gray, Cat. p. 34. a, b. In spirits. Mexico. " Brazils." Family 3. AMPHISB^NID^]. Tribe 1. AMPHISB^NINA. Genus 1. BLANUS. 1. Blanus cinereus, Gray, Cat. p. 34. a. In spirits. Xanthus. Presented by Chas. Fellowes, Esq. b. Many specimens, in spirits ; adult. Spain. c. d. In spirits ; adult. Tangier. Fraser. SHIELD REPTILES. 115 e. In spirits ; adult. Spain. Parzudaki. 57, 10, 28, 24. /. In spirits ; adult. Oporto. 59, 7, 3, 8. Presented by E. Allen, Esq. g. In spirits ; adult. S. Europe. Presented by E. Webb, Esq. h. In spirits ; adidt. Constantinople. Parzudaki. 62, 8, 12, 7. i. In spirits ; adult. Portugal. 64, 9, 19, 38. Presented by M. Du Bocage. A-, I. In spirits ; adult. Asia Minor. 66, 6, 15, 7, 8. Presented by R. M'Andrew, Esq. m. In spirits ; adult. N. Africa. Genus 2. AMPHISB^ENA. 1. Amphisb.ena alba, Gray, Cat. p. 35. a, b. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. P. Clausen. c. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. d. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. 22, 8, 16, la. e. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. 45, 2, 21, 213. Presented by E. College of Surgeons. /. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. Brandt. 56, 11, 28, 9. g. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. 66, 8, 14, 245. h. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. 2. Amphisbjena Americana, Gray, Cat. p. 35. a. In spirits. First upper labial divided in half, second lower labial distinct. S. America. b. In spirits. Dernerara. Presented by Lieut. Friend, E.N. c. In spirits. Bleached. S. America. d. In spirits ; adidt. Second lower labial indistinct. Berbice. Presented by Lady Essex. e. In spirits. Lead-coloured, belly slightly white-spotted. Dernerara. 38, 11, 19, 21. Presented by S. J. Woodward, Esq. 11G HAND-LIST OF /. In spirits ; half-grown. S." America. 45, 2, 21, 88. Presented by R. College of Surgeons. g. In spirits ; adult. W. Indies. Presented by Miss Saul. h. i. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. 46, 4, 1, 11. A\ /. In spirits; adult, and half-grown. Upper Amazon. 51, 9, 2, 40. m. In spmts. Berbice. 53, 4, G, 58. n. Inspirits; half-grown. Guayaquil. Fraser. 58, 7, 25, 1. 0, p, q. In sph-its ; adult, and half-grown. British Guiana. Leadbeater. G2, 12, 15, 6, 7, 8. r. In spirits ; half-grown. Demerara. Presented by Capt. Sabine. s, t. In spirits. Demerara. Presented by Capt. Sabine. ii. In sph-its ; adult. S. America. 66, 8, 14, 24G. 3. Amphisb^na vermicularis, Gray, Cat. p. 35. a. In spirits. Brazils. Dr. Gardner. b. In sphits. Porto Bello. Presented by Capt. Austin, E.N. 4. Amphisb^xa plumbea, Gray, Cat. p. 36. a. In sphits. Amphisbasna plumbea, Gray, Cat. p. 36. Mendoza. 71, 11, 29, 5. Genus 3. BBONIA. 1. Bronia brasiliana, Gray, Cat. p. 37. a. In sphits. Brazil. b. In spirits. Bronia Brasiliana, Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 448, f. 1 & 2. Santarem. Genus 4. SAKEA. 1. Sarea c;eca, Gray, Cat. p. 37. a. In spirits. Porto Bello. Presented by Capt. Austin, R.N. SHIELD REPTILES. 117 b. In spirits. St. Thomas. Eiese. c. In spirits. Amphisbaena antilensis, Mus. Copenhagen. Danish W. Indies. 65, 10, 2, 11. Presented by University of Copenhagen. Genus 5. CADEA. 1. Cadea punctata, Gray, Cat. p. 38. a. In spirits. Amphisbaena punctata, Be U, ZooL Journ. ii. p. 236, t. 20, f. 2. Cuba. Presented by W. S. Macleay, Esq. Genus 6. BAIKIA. 1. Baikia africana. a. In spirits. Baikia africana, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 451, f. 3 & 4 ; Cat. S. B. ii. p. 39, f. 20, 21. W. Africa. Baikie. 65, 5, 2, 7. Family 4. LEPIDOSTERNID.E. Tribe 1. LEPIDOSTEENINA. Genus 1. LEPIDOSTERNON. 1. Lepidosternon microcephalum, Gray, Cat. p. 39. a. In spirits ; adult. Brazils. b. In spirits ; half-grown. Brazils. c In spirits ; half-grown. Brazils. 65, 7, 4, 8. Presented by the Derby Museum. 2. Lepidosternon Grayii, Gray, Cat. p. 40, f. 22, 23. a. In sph-its. Lepidosternon Grayii, A. Smith, Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 452, f. 5 & 6. S. America. 48, 6, 14, 11. Presented by Sir A. Smith. 3. Lepidosternon phoc.ena, Gray, Cat. p. 40. a. Animal stuffed. Lepidosternon phocaena, Gray, Cat. Tort., dc, p. 73. Buenos Ayres. Bridges. 118 HAND-LIST OF SHIELD REPTILES. Tribe 2. CEPHALOPELTINA. Genus -J. CEPHALOPELTIS. 1. Cepiialopeltis SCUTIGERA, Gray, Cat.yi. 40. a. In spirits : adult. Rio Janeiro. 63, 9, 1G, 24. Presented by Dr. Cunningham. Genus 3. MONOTROPHIS. 1. MONOTROPHIS CAPENSIS, Gray, Cat. p. 41. a. In spirits. Zambezi. 64,6,28,7. Presented by Dr. Kirk. b. In spirits. S. Africa. 64, 10, 29, 7. c. il. In spirits. Monotrophis capcnsis, .-1. Smith, Zool. S. Africa, f. 47. S. Africa. 65, 5, 4, 179. Presented by Sir A. Smith. Genus 4. DALOPHIA. 1. Dalophta Welwitschii, Gray, Cat. p. 41 ; f. 24, 25. a. In spirits. Dalophia Welwitschii, Gray, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 454, f. 7, 8. Tuugo Adongo. 64, 7, 13, 34, 5. Presented by Dr. Welwitsch. INDEX. . TAGE r. PAGE ACANTHOCHELYS ... 66 Belliana 16 actinoides ... 7 Belliana 37 acuta 61 Bellii 33 Adansonii ... 70 Bellii 34 affiiii-s 49 Bennettii ... 53 affinis 53 Berdmorei ... 55 africana . 117 bicolor 65 africana 77 biporcatus ... .. 102 alba . 115 Blanus .. 114 alba 85 BOMBIFROXS .. 101 Alligator . 112 bombifrons ... .. 102 Alligatoridce 108 borneensis ... 36 arnboinensis 20 brasiliana ... .. 116 arnericana ... 115 Bronia .. 116 americana ... . 106 Cadea .. 117 americamis... 103 caeca .. 116 Ajiphisb.lxa . 115 Caiman .. Ill AMPHTSB.EXIA . 114 Callagur 50 Amphisbcenidcc ... . 114 Callichelys 47 Arryphisbcenina ... . 114 Callinia 83 augulata 14 callirostris 48 annulata 27 callocepbala 30 anuulifera ... 47 Cantorella 53 aracbnoides 14 Cantorii 76 areolatus 15 Caouana 89 argus 83 Caouanidcs 89 Aromochehjina ... 57 Caouania 89 Aromochelys ... 57 capeusis .. 118 Aspidochelys 76 caret t a 89 Aspidonectes . 83, 84 Caretta 92 aspilus 84 Carettina 92 Aspilis 85 carinatum ... 58 Aubryi 76 cariniferus ... 85 australuB ... 67 Carolina 18 Baikia . 117 caspica 34 Baikiea 86 caspica 36 Baikii 86 castaneus ... 69 banlancnsis 25 cataphractus ... 101 BARTLETTLi 75 cataphraetus 108 baska 49 centrata 38 Batagur 49 Cephalochelys ... 91 Bataguridce 49 Cephalopeltina ... ... 118 Batagurina 49 Cephalopeltis ... ... 118 Bealii 31 ceylonensis ... 89 Bellia 37 Chelodixa 62 120 INDEX. Chelonkmvs 73 Dogania Chi i "M \ '.»;; dorsal is Cheloniadce 92 Doubledayi ... I loniana 98 Dumerilia Chelydraina 56 Durneriliana t'm LYS 62 Dioiieriliana Chelydce 62 Diivaaccllii ('ill I ,\ MYS G7 clcgans Chelydra 56 elegans Chelydradce 56 elegcms Chersina 14 t Lephantopus clrilcnsis 3 ElUoti Chikotes .. 114 elongala Chirotidee .. 114 elongata Chitra 75 elongatus ... Chitradce 75 I'.I.SKVA Chitraina 75 Emia ... ClIKYSKMYS 32 Emmenia cincrea 32 Emyda oinereus .. 114 EmydcB Cistudinidce 18 Ilnnjdina Cisflhlin/IIU 18 EMYDOSAU11I ClSTUDO 18 Emyina Colliei 62 emys concentrica ... 38 Emys ... concinna 42 Eremonia co)ici)iiui 47 erosa coriacea 96 Eryma ... crassicollis ... 37 Euchelymys ' •odilidcB 98 euphraticus Crocodilus ... 104 europaea Crucisterna 56 curopcea CUCHOA 54 expansa Cumingii 76 expansa Cuoka ... 20 expansa Cyclanosteus ... 87 Falconeri ... Cyclemys 23 fasciata Cystoclemmys ... 19 fcrox Dalophia lis flavilabris ... Damonxa 39 flavipcs decussata ... 43, 46 flavivcntris ... Deibochelys 32 flavomarginata di atata 51 Fordia dentata 69 forrnosa depressa 65 Forstenii depressa 64 Fraseri Derl>ianus ... 69 frenata Dcrmatemydce ... 49 frcnata Dkkmatemys 49 frontalis Dhongoka 52 frontatus ... ill ' or 23 fuligiuosa ... lhnrili 24 f ii sea Dillwynii ... 79 l'usca INDEX. 121 fuscomaculata 89 indicus ... 101 galeata • . a 33 intermedia ... 69 gangeticus ... ... 77 intermedia ... ... 107 gangetieus ... ... 97 irrorata 81 gastrotcenia • • • 21 Isola ... 80 Gaudicbaudu • ■ • 65 Jacare ... 108 Gavialidce ... 97 japonica 34 Gavtalis * • • 97 javanicus ... 77 Gebafiae • •• 71 javanicus ... 83 Geoclejimys • • • 26 javanicus 85 Geoemyda ■ • • 24 Jerdonella 55 Geoemydina • • • 24 Jeudii 80 geograpkica ... 41 Journei 98 geometricus ... 8 Kachuga 50 gibba ... 66 Kachugina 60 gigantea • • • 18 Kinixyina 16 Glyptemys • • • 27 KlXIXYS 16 Gopber • • • 1 Kinosternina 58 Gordoni • . • 65 KlXOSTERNON 58 graecus • • • 11 Kraussii 93 grandis • * • 25 Krefftii 68 Graptemys • • • 41 Laxdemania 80 Grayi • • • 36 laniaria 36 Grayii • * • 117 Lasala 66 Giintberi • • • 82 /(//.■' 73 guttata • ■ • 26 laticeps 36 Halcrosia • * • 107 latirostris ... ... 109 Hamiltonii ... ... 40 latistemum... 68 Hardella 52 Leitbii 11 Hardwickii ... 52 Leitbii 54 Heptathyra 76 Leitbii 79 Heptathyrina ... ... 76 Lepidochelyina ... 91 Hermanni ... ... 30 Lepidochelys ... 91 bippocrepis ... ... 59 Lepidosternidce ... ... 117 bb'ticollis ... • * . 111 Lepidosternina ... ... 117 Holbrookii ... . • * 44 Lepidosterxon ... ... 117 Horneana ... 17 Lesueurl 41 Homopina • . • 15 lineata 45 Homopus 15 lineata 50 Horsfieldii, Te studo ... 6 lineata 51 Horsfieldii, Testudinella 13 Livingstonii 76 burarn 79 longicolbs ... 63 HydraspididcB ... • • • 62 longiscutata ... 110 Hydraspidina ... • . • 62 lumbricoides ... 114 Hydraspis • • ■ 64 lunata 29 Hydro medusa ... • • • 64 Lutrcmyina 19 hypsilonotus .. • 22 LUTREMYS 22 Ida • . • 81 macquaria ... 67 imbricata . . . • »• 92 macrocepbala 89 Indi 4* • 52 macrocepliala 73 indica ■ a • 3 Macrochelys ... 56 indica ... 75 maculata 61 indica • • • 76 maculata 65 R 122 INDEX. madagascariensis 73 OCADIA... 53 major 51 occanica 91 Malaclemmydce ... 38 occllata 56 Melaclemmys ... 38 ocellata . 110 Manouria 17 ocellatus 80 Manouriana 17 odoratmn ... 57 ma/rginata ... 36 Oiacopodes 89 marginatus ... 10 OUlhaniii 24 marmorata 33 Old Ji a in ii 52 matamata ... 62 olivacea 32 mav/ra 8 olivacea 91 Maubemts 36 Onychochelys ... 93 mauritanicus 12 OOPHOLIS 98 Mawii 49 oregoneiisis 34 Maximilian! 64 Orlitia 36 Mecistops .. 108 ornata 47 megaceplialum 61 ornata 81 meg ciccph alum 62 ornatus (Aspilus) 85 Mclanochclyina ... 30 ovata 24 Melanochelys ... 30 Palinia ... .. 103 melanogaster 21 2>alpehrosus .. 107 melanosterna 29 palpebrosus... .. Ill Mesoclemmys ... 66 palustris .. 101 mexicana ... 19 Pangshura 53 mexicana 27 Pangshurina 53 microcephala 83 jxznnonica ... 34 microcephaluni .. 117 partialis 5 mississippiensis .. 112 peguensis ... 50 MOLINIA .. 106 peguensis ... 61 MONOTROPHIS .. 118 j)eguensis ... 80 Moreletii .. 104 Pelochelys 76 MoRENIA 55 Pelomedusa 71 Moreniaina 55 Pelomedusidce ... 69 Mouliotii 20 Peltastes 5 Miihlenburgii 26 PeltocejjJialidce ... 73 nmltiscutata ... 109 Peltocejrfialina ... 73 mutica 40 Peltocephalus ... 73 Mydas ... 95 pennsylvanicurn 58 nasuta 65 perocellata ... 80 NlCOEIA 25 Petersii 87 nigra, 38 Phayrei 80 nigra 72 phocffina .. 117 nigra ... 107 picta 32 nigra ... 108 picta r>i_. nigricans 40 Pitipii 75 nilotica 84 planiceps ... 4 nilotica 84 planiceps 66 niloticus 77 platanensis ... 64 NlLSSONIA 77 Platemys 66 XOTOCIIELYS 20 platynota 20 nuchalis 38 platynotus ... 7 oblong a 39 Platypeltis 82 oblonga 62 Platystcrnidce ... 61 INDEX. 123 Platysternon ... 61 sculpta 14 Pleuroderes 62 scutigera ... 118 plumbea 116 SebcB 31 Podocnemidina ... 73 seniiserratus 10 Podocnemis 74 senegalensis 86 pondicherianus 101 senegalensis 87 ponticerianus 101 serpentina . . . 56 porosus 98 serrata 42 Potamochelys ... ... 77, 88 serrata 46 Pseudcmydce 42 Sewaare 79 Pseudemys 42 siamensis . . . ... 103 pseudogeograpliica ... 41 signatus 15 pulchella 22 Sigriz 36 pulchella 27 sinensis 53 pulchra 22 sinuatus 69 pulckra 33 SpeJcei 16 pulcberrima 29 Smitbii 55 punctata 117 Spatulemys 66 punctata 88 Spengleri . . . 25 punctatum ... 113 Spengleri ... 37 punctatuni ... 59 Sphargididce 96 punctularia 29 Sphargis 96 punctulata ... 110 Sphenodon ... 113 Pyxidea 20 spinifera 83 Pyxis ... 14 spinosa 18 quadrifrons ... spinosa 24 quadripunctata 74 spinosa 68 radiata 4 Spixii 66 Bafetus 85 Stauremys 57 raniceps 64 Staurotypina 57 Kedamia 32 Staurotypus 57 Reevesii 40 Steganopodes 18 reticularia ... 32 stella t a ... 77, 88 Pihinoclemmyina 27 stellatus 7 Khinoclemmys ... 27 stellatus 86 rhombifera ... 103 Sternoth^rus ... 69 RHYNCHOCEPHALIA ... 113 subniger 70 rivulata 47 subplana 82 rubida subrufa 71 rubiventris ... 42 subtrijuga ... 31 rugosa 46 subtrijuga ... 39 Sacalia 31 sulcata 63 Salvinii 49 sulcatus 13 Salvinii 57 side if era 63 Sarbieria 80 sulcifera 68 Sarea ... 116 SWANKA 60 scabra 28 sylhetensis ... 55 scabra 29 tabulata 1 Scapia ... 18 tecta 53 Schlegelii ... 98 Temminckii 56 Schcepfii 13 tentoria 54 scorpoides ... 60 tentorius 9 scripta 45 Testudinella ... 13 J?c t ■ ■■ 124 INDEX. Tcstudinidcc Testudo Tetrathyra Thurgi TOMISTOMA fcracaxa Trachemys trifasciata trifasciata trigonatus trigonous trijuga trijuga trilineata Trionychidce Trionychina Trionyclioidca Trionyx triporcatus Tristrami Irivittata 1 1 86 52 98 73 44 19 22 111 102 30 39 50 77 77 75 77 57 35 51 Trogonophidte .. Trogonophis Troostii tuberculifcra Tylopoda Tyrse ... ventricosa •• ventricosa •• ventricosa .. venusta vermiculata vermicularis VeiToxii Victoriae virgata viridis Vosmacri vulgaris Welwitscliii Whitei "Wiegnianni 114 114 45,46 39 1 84 30 42 54 48 46 116 10 67 93 95 3 104 118 11 114 EDWARD NEWMAN, PRINTER, DEYONSHIRE STREET, BISHOPS OATE. 0 50 AUG 1 8 1983 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET n