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LEO B AECK INSTITUTE MICROFILM COLLECTION AR 25253 HANNA KUNZ FAMILY COLLECTION BOX 2 9 POLDERS 24-4 1 Pld 25253 Hfi-NNA Ku/v2 Fa^IL^ CcLLecrrjohi ZJZH \ i\ Wt iD^rc>^ y- \ 'r: CO . ''iiiiii'' !?^^iLi«5'*Ä'^-"^> :v v> ^ : ,. • . .. : ;.^s V , • • ' -''^^ ■ > ^c#: ';^i^i.'-;4;>? ^'Mv^^c*^:^^;;^' -/.^tv.;,^.:^^- .::v.-.;,^ - ' '«— *.*i>^ -■• ' • V,.,*. ^ t ■ /<•' . fw r? UlnlßtexatVQ v^ilvy^ va^uSic xxa isäklacl* uataaoYenf' f"'4» odst. 7 d»k^*tu p'x-esidairta r«publllc3r S^ 101A943 Sb*;.T« Jlafial^s^acoo« i5. 113/ '194-8 Sb. rowiJBÜJi «Äitrodjiöixl^aaj«™vrfpodata"^,podnilra Lihovar a rafl- xierla Uhu» BartoSovlc«, Dr ASTthatr Cs«c sowie sJca» JahoS snärodaöixjC bylo yyhläÄena yyhlÄSkou mloi^ty* v^Xlvy za du« 9»l«d ' 26 u«l'. I § jeliQZ majetkovÄ jttÄÄfcata byln vj-hlÄSkou a „ . -«•liä»" 14- ,500X8 194-7 »• 185 .I!ä3-^ l- «aölaukSÄA do Sle«»Jc^csh- a^vodtl li- hovarslcj^oh a potravinilfs]c:^oli|:iiM6s^i»)äUii pod«UC.V Opavi, Slilä«J«)U olAifltrjn» v^2ivy »• $8i IT.ßipi^ ö, 2 S2ia^^i93Ur#:^4^pM«^*^twtt. Bu- 8Ö2* >^Baa*' w -vi^ v666 L^^Vt'^VtÄfcerÄt,' 2;öfize*- ■ *~ * X * **>sr^TJ T«^"^ k**v^. •*.-\-^. f.- .,» v. f . \,^^M.' «^• .*»' ■W y^': "■<^^; «Ca- .J>. . ^1 ■¥•' >»« ( . :o ~ V. • -'^ c * « I ♦« ^i-«. «. . V < •^,. iAc t-*- ■^.i'^' ' • • "^1^^^^ (. ento souhlasi dosl^vne s p^opisem nym opisem - o ..^ ar ...' — i enym kcllcom 7.1 Kcs h okresnfho roj^j dvijrJi.o v Csirave dne.-._::Lia Jtet- 19. ( nomJL k, kä>i\u%it^f 1 ont' S C(';r:;v-' 5 T A T N eine /< ^c\ <•>', / / • ■r*» »*.. I advokAt J.U Dr. JlftI HORA PRAHA XII, T«l«fon B81-7e Roit. «poP. 84.480 Francouzskä 29A31 / .1 V • .•M»«W«*«»< mUm.^ K'/ilzcno cnc '7 ^ /•' ( A V Titl. I .* • ESHf snno V Pfti ■'.e: 19. r. 19^9 - ^^\^ ■r r.ret^ Okresnlmu goudtf *•" W^I#4«lfcHw»fr»»■•—« P f 1 b o f e c^> »• ; OdDÜrce: Navrhovatel: Dr«Arthur Czeczowiczka,t,c. v LondynSJaJco vlastnik prot.firmy **Lihovar a rafinerie lihu, Bar togo vice, Dr. Arthur Czeczcwiczka" se sldlem V Praze XVI/Smlchov, prävnö zast. JUÜrem Jifim H 0 R 0 U,adv.okätein v Praze XII. .Francouzskä 29/51 Josef P e § e kjako närodni spravce prot.firny **Lihovar a rafinerie Uhu gar to so vice, Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka" Bartosovice cp. 374 spr.okr. N, Jiöln Fond Närodni Obnovv v Praze, zast. Financni prokuraturou v BrnS. l^vrh na vräceni podniku s pfisl. a pozemky prot.firmy "Lihovar a rafinerie lihu 3artö§ovice, Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka ** die zäk.c. 13S/46 znenl säk..c. 78/48 Sb. Üöastnf k; T r 0 j m 0 s rubrikou,plnou moci a pfflohami. * • • US nes eni. Vyjädfete se o tomto nävrhu do 2 mesicil po äorucieni, :,in!:i: se buäe niiti za to, ze s n£vrheni soulilasite./:^ jdruha vete zäk.c. 100/31 Sb.:/. Okresni soud v Pfibofe,o dd.I. , 26, dne le. 1.1949. - ^r .1 .♦» Okresnlmu soudu ^ b*^v '- V Pribore, a to od 27 YTT iQ'xc; o- j r^ pä-x^ceie c.jcat. 43/2 nerie lihu fir;M '^'f'^l*'" P°=^i>™ J« übovar a rafl- iinu.iirna je protokolovanä v reiEtf-ciri, t^=< . -i. Boudu obchodnfho v Pra^e Pr«„., rejstriku krajskeho v^emi r,fprf!l! .^ ^''°^ ^ hotovy-oh vj'robkü a se po.kni.,kat4fSi'Bä,:rora"^r:off -^r - • Pustgiov a c 6oP n.,. u r^^'Y^^^c- 563 poz.knihy kat. uzeml Jako^poLlk ; n' r?-^"'^^ kat.uzemi Butovioe /:däls jaKo poanik s pn slusenstvlm''uvedeno : / Osvedceni: v^^pis z obctiodniho *rej stfiku v/Disy z vlo2ek c. 567 Bar to§o vice, 563 Pustgjov, 6o2 Butovice,bilanci a inventäfern k 31/12.1938 a dalMch let. vj^slechem J. Peska,t>arto§ovice, V3?slechein podnikoveho reditele fy. Slezck^ zävody lihovarsk^ a potravinäfskö,narodni podnikv Opavö preifmajlci protokol o pfevzeti pod^ku s prlsl.närodnim podni kern, vj^ siechem navrho- vatele.t.c. v Londyng s vyhradou dalsich navrhü. »iä/''^hv^ P° l-Kjnu 1238 - PO okupaci Bartoäovio 123S e r in ^ LT- l ^. ' Pflsl.konfiskovän dne 36/9. ose. i s'rodino'u l!i 1"°"' "'^ P=-'"3*ät„l snahy.Säm okupa f do Prahy Tdü^cdnl 1!°"" ' ^^*°^°"^ t.sna pfed persekuci o^nant, »^ "^''^ "^"'^ politickou a rasovou se^uof okupantu. Muj poünik s pfisluSenstvi» bvl pfeved»n nemeckou P.i^i - byl - 2 - % cit.v^mgrem tag.sUtnl ngmeckä policiena LEBENSBORN, einge- tragene Vereinigung v Mnichovg 27,Po8chinger Strasse l,zast. povefencem SS Standarterfahrerem Guntram Pf laumen,taffit^2, Celir müo podnik s. prisl. byl po dobu okupace a2 do osvobozeni spravovän okupajity. Nebyla mnS jimi vyplacena gädnä nährada a vsechny vytg^ky ^dniku s pfisl. tö2ili okupanti pro sebe. Osvedöeni: vymgr Gestapa v Opavg z 26/9.1939 ö.j . Nr.I-L,vypißy z vloäek ö. 567 Bar to§o vice, 563 Pust6jov;6o3 Buto vi ce,\7 siechem navrhovatele,s vj^hradou dalälch nävrhü. 3./ Pfi söitänl lidü v roce 1939 pfihUsil j sem se k närodnosti 2idovske,jsein ceskoslovenskym st^tnlm obcanem. Fred okupacl j sein podporoval v§estranng öeskou men§inu v Baruosovicich,v kronice b^valg ngmeckg obecne §koly tarntet jsem byl oznaöen jako püvodce poöe§^oväni kdysi ryze nemecke obce Bartosovic,tak2e jsem byl ngm.nacisty nenävidgn. Pfed hrozlcl okupaci Prahy jsem byl nucen uprchnouti do londyna pocätkem roku 1933. Tarn jsen spolupracoval s ceskoslovenskym ministerstvem pro hospodäfskou obnovu a 8 ** Ceskoslovenskym hospodäfsk^m sdruSenim** ^ako znalec-zemg- delec a lihovamik. Mäm toti2 vysokoskolskg odborng vzdglänl zemedglskg a jak svüj lihovar tak svüj velkostatek v Barto- sovicich j sen osobng s uspöchen vedl a spravoval , a to a2 do l/lo. 1938,kdy mne okupanti jak o moji existenci ,tak o moje jmeni do posledniho halgfe pfipravili. Osvedceni: Osvedöeni o närodnosti z 25/8,1945, osvgdcenl o cs.stätnlm obcanstvl z roku 1946,dopis Jednoty ös. rafieniri Uhu z 13/10. 1938, osvedöeni es. velvyslanectvi V Lond)^n6 z 1 5/lo. 1945,potvrzenl MNV Bar to§o vice ze 4/4. 1946, svgdectvo z Mor. Sv.Jäna z 15/lo. 1945,potvrzeni min. pro hosp.obnovu z 2o/8.1945,potvrzenl ös. ^ t^ ^ r) - 3 - ^ V. ^ hosp.sdrufenl Lond^ ze dne 22/8.194: ' v^slechBm navrhovatele,v]^sle ehern Josef a Pe§ka v Bartosoviclch,s v^hra nävrhü dalgich. 4,/ Po osvobozenl byla na podnik s pflsl.zaveden: närödnl spräva die 5 15a dekretu c. 5/1945 Sb.v^mgrem ministerstva v^rgivy z 5/12.1945 ö.j. 25.283/V-45,je2 byla zapsäna pfi firmg m^ho podniku v rejstriku krajsk^ho soudu obchodniho v Prazejakoz i ve vlo5ce c. 537 BartoSo- vice.Närodni spräva vedla v§ak cel^ podnik s pfisl.via fac ve stejn^m rozsahu jalc jej okupanti vedli az do konce okupace . Moje protokolovanä'firns,v odstavci 1 tohoto nävrhu uvedenä,byla znärodngna die § 1 odst.l c. 2 dekretu vyhläsk(!»u v Üfednlm listS es. republiky,cästka 5/1946,b.c.vyhl. 2ß. Na to byla eelä. majetkovä podstata tohoto podniku s pffsl. pfevedena ke dni 1/1.1946 do roajetkoviä podstaty *• Slezskä zävody lihovarsk^ a potra- vinafsk^,nprodni podnik*'v Opavg die vyhläsky ministerstva vy2ivy b.c. 185 v Üfednim listg cästka 28/1947. Osvedcenl: v^pisem z rejstfiku kradsk^ho soudu obchodniho v Praze,v5^isy z vl'oSek ;)ako sub 1/ tohoto nävrhu, Üfedni list c. 5/1946 a c. 28/1947. 5./ Kähradu vytgzkü a te2by z m^ho podniku z doby okupace vyhrazuji si uplatniti dodatecn§,stejng jako udaje vlo5ek o pozemcleh o^ho podniku. 6./ Z techto skutecnostl vyplf^ri.,ie majetkovy pfevod m^ho podniku s pflsl. v odstavci 1 tohoto nävrhu uveden^ho,na firmu Lebensborn, eingetragene Vereinigung V Mnichovd Subjekt okupanty urÖen^,je neplatny podle § 2 zäk.c. 128/46 Sb. JeSto byl proveden pod tlakem okupace a närodnl a rasov^ petsekuce v dobg od 29/9.1938 ♦v - 4 - ^fthi advokAt ^UDr. JlftI HORA PRAHA XII, •<.*•*•*» T«l«fon 8B1.7e / Ro«t. spor. •4.480 ^rancouzskä 29/31 do 4/5.1945 a to na podkladö neplatnäho prävnlho pfedpisu /:t.3.dle § 1 odst.2 a 3b naflzenl o konfiskaci jmSni närodu a statu nepfätelsk^ho v sudetonSmeck^ch uzemlch z 12/5. 1939/ :RGB1..I.S. 911 a die vj^nosu flgsk^ho ministra vnitra z-21/8.1939 - Pol.S-y I.Nr.229o/39-212:/ a neplatn^^m ufed- nim vyrokem,t. j.vymerem tajnä stätnl ngmeck^ policie v Opave z 26/9.1938 ö.j. I-L resp.jakymkoliv jin^m zpüsobem die § 2 zäk.c. 126/46 Sb. Osvgdcenl: jako shora sub 2 tohoto navrliu. 7./ Pflslusnost tohoto soudu ^e däna podle § lo zäk.c. 128/46 Sb. Navrhuji proto,aby soud vydal toto usnesenl: I. Majetkovy pfechod resp.pfevod podniku s pfisl. a pozemky säle sub II .uveden3^mi,oznaceneho protokolovanou firmou 9 Lihovar a rafinerie lihu Bartoso vice, Dr. Arthur Gzeczowiczka" se sidlem v Praze XVI.Sipichov^leSf clho v Bartogovicich na firmu Lebensborn, eingetragene Vereinigung V Mnichovg, subjekt okupantv urcen^,proveden]^ okupanly jak^mkoliv zpüsobein,zejm6na na podkladS vymdru tajn^ stätnl policie V Opavg ze dne 26/9.1939 c.j. 1-L je die 5 2 zäk. c. 128/46 Sb.neplatny. II. Vklad vlastnick^ho präva pro firmu Lebensborn, eingetragene Vereinigung v Mnichove,ve vlo^käch c. 567 pkku . Bartosovice,c. 563 pkku.Pust6oov,ö.5o2 pkku. Butoidce podle vymeru tajnö stätni policie v Opavö z ^/9.1939 c.ji. I-L je podle § 2 zäkona ö. 128/46 Sb.neplatny. III. Kärodni sprävce podniku s pfisl. pro tokolovanä firmy **Lihovar a rafinerie lihu Bartosovice Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka** pan ^osef Pesek a Fond närodni obnovy v Praze, jsou povinni trpeti a eouhlasiti : a/ aby u nemo vi tos tl ve vloSkdch c. S7 pkkii. Barte §o vice, c. 563 pkku.Pustgjov a 6o2 pkku, Butovice bylo obnoveno. I - 5 - ♦) «>*- ,»^^m^'^*m^^t»im,^mm^t^ J f izenl , 1 '^^^^^' ^' i r^,.r^+ fWmv "Llliovar a rafinerie tovym ^^^"^ navrhovateli üru Arthuru vydän täto P^°t•*^""^f !^- " t^!o firr,y,pokud se ^e aby tento poonxE pan Jose. e^eK } Ar+huru Leozowiczkovi jako d^Di^u vlastniku vyaal , c/ jakoJ i zaplatiti navrhovateli ütraty tohoto jak soudem urSeny budou, „„H,r.{ v.e to shora sub a/b/c/ do 15 onü pod exeln^cl a.79/48 Sb,-,P0lmd ti«to nävrhem "^^f "f ^^1 restitucniho n.vrhu -^nnebo nabuae pod e predp su^o^ ^^^^ „..^o^vice. a närokem na nähradu ve vyäx P°^^«.P '^P'^^i^ovaniho podniku .n.rodn.n^ .aoe.ek s «^^^ /^f^ .^^zSlatiU navrhova- näsledkeiB znaroanem zi.Kaneno j^ v ,x._-„env budou, rukou teli utraty tohoto fizeni.oak ^"f " !^^Jj'„,efe. Peskem spoleönou a nerczdllnou s närodni« jrjvce» Jos ^^, V Bartosovioich a Fondem naroam obnovy v Pra„ i * pod exetnici. ,n>iQ ■ V Praze dne v4.cervence 1948. ^ Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka ^Lihovar a raiinerie ^-^"^ ^ ». _ Dr. Arthur CzeczowiczKa ___ Q^httP l^MAaUti^ifity^jpS^. »r/»> \^-4i^ M^-d» - 5Wr. ^»M/. ^ ..»«P^"' Frotokol ßcpsan^ dne 9;proolr>ce 1946 poölc J 4 oä;3?etu e.K;I/l945 Cb. vo anSni asikona 5.115/ 48 -b. u flrisy Clezskj? llhovarsk:? a »iii>ojov^ lipmnyel,näroüni podnüc Op&va^ ,t.6.O0trttva»»ivoö B a r t o ä o v i c *t im ujor« w if-ltonni; l/po-daiKotr:^ t^ditel JlIDr ILarol Zell 2/ prokurlatax Karcl E a k e a 3/ vpcl^.döctni Josef Eobfirok^ 4/ "veaoucl ssdvoäa Josof F e ä o k 3/ zdT^ÄiJC d^ivSrcflc Adolf i; u c h 1 fc/ aa ustl-oc.fcKiiteistvi ^c.prJs^slu lihovarijkßiio a droäSaf 7/ b>W.r»odnik.fG'ult«l Lle;^£lcyc^i sävodti lihovarÄkycü /mt.D 8 / » e minißterctvo viiiiQf Dr :t;jilc.lav B e r a n X:odsiiku Lihovar a raflccrio liha,3artoSovico,i:T ..rthor Csocaovjioaka ssö iidlan v üartolSovicic^; vfc az^^ilu ^i 4 cdst.7. cit.dekrt'tu. --■, lento podnüt bjl 2iulroö Ür.l.l .ß.lol aa .le2uk:>e liryoxrai'eicy a ctsnüky lint, i;a a^lklade pfecilo'^cnycij voia£.ä*^ :i3i;^1u^Cr st utu.iaCu^.ici ro2i:.a.i z;-ul- r. Jnäi:! aJrti\i:i ä pt- iv: J , obsazö^'ic v jfilo^exicj rc^vaze k >l.l'..l-/'^i> a/' ri«siOTito2ti sapsaiXiV kn.vl,5i)7Äürscüovico :v^trlcl viascxdcky ULncwaru a Öistiraö Üt :^rt:mr Czücao3ficsIsii»Burto§o vice, »eiaovltoati vc vlozco 602 - kat.ds.Butovlcor,x>&1rf'ici vlaötnlcky rovnöa'Juihovaru" ♦neaAvltcstl zapr^siMS v poaeßk*kni häch kat.ik.Butovlca I /■ -i - vt,» •i* t «^. patt£oi stednj^ dlltm dtiv« jn^nofBB^ JTeaovltofitl sapsan« ▼• vloic« 563^-*at.dB.Pust»dov pattiol- TlttiSiil«3qr tea Jlptiiuru a Ixial Caeosovlodco Vdechny aemovitosti byly v ra939 i»*jr' vlastnicky'pf Ipsday pro "Lebensbom i.V. in Jfilnchen, ZapBan^ nemovitosti patti do madetkovö podßtat^ ae vflemi budovami,v8im »at nlm a ostatnim pflßluSenstvinu b/ Ostatni pHElu§enstvi podniloi v8etn6 novit ost £ a prdv/ßmSnekjOtnni^ch pap£ra,vkladn£ch knisiek^hotovosti a pohledävek II. Zi-vnostenske oprävnSnf na v::h?obu a rafinaci lihu vystavene Okresnim ufaden v Rovem Jlöin§ 6.d.3605 ze dne 25.1.1915 na Lr Artur özeczoviczka däl© zivnostenske oprävnSni na vj^robu cukeraich Ätav.cukemlho syrupa " repneho a neCistSnöho fepn^ho cukra po toväreneku zapsan^ v iivnostenskem reJEtf£ku SV.VI.-A-16 ze dne 23.VI.1951 ft.d.ll.32a/V-l2. -OKV.K.Jiöin. in.Vodnl oprävnSnl k pHvodu vody z feiy Odry podle v^isu z Todnf laailjy II,str.96.pol.l55 vedene u ONVjRov^ JiSln. Pfltomni ad l,2,4.2ädadl,alDy na parcele _6/U96/3^dako_jBlu2ebn^h^ pacelami 1796/11,1789/7,1796/9 bylazajlgtgna' sluSebnost'fijtrov^ odpadove vody z liliovaru,zfi2oväni potfebn-ych brazi a pHkopii: pro " Lihovar »zapsan;^ ve vlo£ce 567-^t.uzeial BartoSovice, Par'cela 1796/1 patf-ila df-lve velkostatku Bartoäovice. Dale zädaai pfidSleni porcel 1802,1804,2508/1äovice,kter:^c^ de nezbytne potfebi k neruäen^ mu provozu tfeti a ötvrt© odstavni vleökov^ kolejo »vagondvö vdhy a skladi§t§, Pfltoani ad 1 az 5,a 7 prohla§uj£ Bou]ilasn6,2e podle jeoicb vfedoml nepatfl k aadetkove podstate zndrodncneho podniku zadn^ Äadetek,ktery by podlehal zndrodnSni ve smyclu §4 cit.delil^etu a 2e k shora uveclenemu neiaaoi zädnych pfiponinek ani v;^hrad. Iteßteno.skonöeno.podepBdno s tin,2e rozsah znärodnSnf vi^äe uvedeneho •podniku urci liinlr.te rrtvn inWi-iTTr »to^s*-^^-, ,^'™,x f —7^ ///, >-/^ / . ■■■tejau-i (b t:r-i^\ " * Protokol CeekiSc Icofnfe o vyinczen/ neciovitoetf patffcfch lihovaru v EarotoÖo- vicfch. PfftoioXii: 1/ ing.* BohjuLll K:^:=;1Eul, vrchnf hosp.rada 2/ dr* r.arel ^ellniia, , odnikov:; teditel V Kt.:cl : aksa » ptokurista 4/ tJc^bef rlotp^reky , vrchnf U'^-etnf .5/ JJLr. Boland lirth /C/ ii • wtani..lav LeraÄ £8 fedltelatvf CiL>a E za -^i^LA^P f f f » sa csi^r-^ß^^yöi a droüuersicy Ea ^^vylivy. lihoviirök:^ Vrcnuf Lotp^rada in^.- •KoÜul souhlasf s t^nit aby lihovarii iyly zai^le- n-iny ncrirvit?sti capsanö v kniiiovui vloSce ö. 5^67 kat.4z»i^art.iSovice, be vi. oor fcat.d* lutovice vc vi* 5>21, ^19, poz.parcela ;i 14o6/2 Zi.psar:Li ve. vi* 677 kat«&.*l^utovi ce* oouöasnir a . .2.1^3 f, lihcvaru p^. tV i la pi:jrcela Uor nanfl ctojf vagonov^ vuha a ökladi^ tc?. jL.vefitut.lni £&: nu.goz^pArcely lü?*3/2 a 17*^0/1^ zappaii^^ ve vl.567 kat. p02;.p:;.ic* l'77^/ 7t17Vo/1 1,1 796/9 a 1796/1? v kttr^kcliv roör.i üobe odstrarJ.ti z'^^ Barto^ovice patrila velkostatku« vc.i^;:C wl:;jncfcriO, j rueteao a pc;c!epsJno* /^ 7. ../ ^X .^-v - /^ ^^^/t^i^^^^v - OPI^ - Protoko 1 sepsany dne 4. kvetna 1850 v Bartoäovicich o aelimitaci zdvodu V 3artoäovicich, vyni-t6ho ze Slezskych lihovarü,näroüniho podniku. Dr. Karel Nävrätil. zs ministerstvo vnitfniho obchodu, Dr. JVantiäek Sokoi, za Benzlnol,n.p, i/r. Vlastimil Havlicek, za Csl. prüm. lihovarsky a drozc Inf?, Jinarich luach, za poönikove feditelstvi SU*IIPU-n,p# Kobersiii'- Josef -- .: ' ■♦•'■ui ■ -v y . 2cafsk2'',n»p« *^aroslav Hucera -"- Joso Peäek za zävod 3örto§ovice* Ö» 540 ^.l.II. üezi 3enzinolem n.p. a Csl. pr-urayslem lihovarck:?ni, resp'. 3L/vNP,n.p. jest dnisterstvo vySivy pfenechalo ninisterstvu ncHiovitosti t*enDvitosti zapsape ve vlozce c.5o7 kat.üz. 3ar^oäovice, ve yxczce .i..So3 pö kat.üs. Pustüjov, ve vlozkäcn d.SC£,521,5l9 a 4J-x_pos.^Ji. k« Butovice, ns-iovi'.ost parc.c. 1405/2 zapsi-na ve vlofce ooo po..-.n. k^-t.a^.. 3arto3ovice. Poznamenäva se, ze pro parc. ö.l^.- öyla zrlzoac rövä vic-2ka C.S41 po?..icn. 3artoäovice a to pocle usneseni OKres. scucu V Noven Jicini- ze -^O: 13. rijna 1049 Ö.ü. I3ja/lt49. napienävä, ze narcö. vS33/3 zaps. ve vlS434 kat . ,ps. V teze vlczce a cäst }.-)£.rc. 2.1407/ 7 zttps.^ teto pi-ilezitosi.i se^ poz üz. 3ut.ovice ä 1915/3 za^^. » «v.^- .- . ^_ ^ ^ VC vio'ce 602 kat.üz. 3utovice a 6act parc.5.1^^v7/o Zc^ps, v te^e :^ viczcc s -*ou-i iako verejnä korrranikace /cesty/ a oucou postoupen, tatku. 0 ton bucs Benzinol n.p. jecnati priu-.o s ooci. y do verejneho postupne dencntovdiiO a ocvazeno. - 2 - .t^^^ttm. imäl- V seznanu, ktery je souöastl to'hoto protokolu nejsou uvedeny 3 decima ni vähv, kter6 fa Benzinol prevezme a poäcauje. Üstfedni feditelstvl lihovarsköho rpümi'slu sdöli Benzinolu sv6 koneön^ rozhoanuti. Pokud ide o zdvazek depurace pohledävky Väeobecn^ho pens. üstovu V Praze ze zäpüjöky Kös 2,000»0Ü0.— s vedlejäimi zävazky do v^Se Kös 200. 000^ — konstatuje se, ie tato zäpüjöka se ty-kd Csl. stÄtnlch statku a Ze ve vlozce ö»677 byl vloäen jako ve vlo2ce vedlejäi. ,»- Z tohoto d^odu upouäti Benzinol od poZadavku provedeni depurace ülezskym lihovarskym prünryslem, Zamestnance, jak jsou uvedenl v protokole ze dne 22,ünorä 1S50 a to: Jos. Peäka, Jos. Kozaka, Ad. Muchla, Jos. Bebenka, Le op .Fa Itynka , Mich. Vodosnaka, Bmericha Hallu a Jos. ^säga, prevezme 3enzinol,n.p. oblastni spräva v Ostrava poäinaje dnem 1. kvStna 1950 a provede prislusnä hlääeni s pfevzetlm» ICancelarske zarizeni sestavajici ze 2 starych kancelä?3k:^ch stolÄ, dvou obyöejnvch stolü, ö starych skrini, 1 äeleznÄ poklodny, 1 star^ho psa- ciho stroje a star6ho stolku pod psacistroj se ponechava Benzinolu n.p. 2idle nejsou majetkem lihovaru, Konstatuie se, 2e vyölengni podstaty bylo proveceno ke dni 1.1.1050 ^ a proto k tcmuto datu budou oböma närocnlni podniky v^-rovnany vzaoemne pohledavky a näroky. , ■astupce Ssl. statnlch statkü n.p. se k .iednani nedostavil ^ pf-es opetovnou telefonickou vyzvu a prislib, ze v krätkim case pi-ijece, tak neuäinil. iästuoce r4nisterstva ^/nitrniho obchocu p© shl4dnuti situace doporu- p- po du V pc _ _ _ benzinem. Z pärc.lS25/2 pruh ^ . -^- -^ - k+trä bv se pfipojila na cestu mezi vleckovymi kolejerr.i nahracou ^«• • ^ P r a h a !!• - Töänov f >7.:»5.V/&-lS49 s 14a.i!U Kk/P 9372 Ostrava, dno 28# 4o 1949 Lihovor a rafinorlo liliu, BartoSovico - üetfoni podle ^ 7 dokrelu Ha pO(iklad5 Vaceho pfipicu rjie urodoxieho Slßla jodboaclho provedli jaae poiadora- nc ijotfcni V tiaijcm 2;dvol£.rriIio sd.pi::u vlactnoruSnS podepsanöho vSord. pvitoan^ci, zaclldxo Vam Äoucacne na vedcxnl« Ddlc prihlddrlne 1 vytr::k bilance k ijl* proßinci 1S^45, neboi podlo ntiseho hdzoru .lodinS tato bilonce auSo byti vzata za podkliid k zjiSt&f hodnoty zndrodiiSnoho po^J.ku» • * i-ri ieio pflleEitoeti upozornu jemo , So v pHpadS Barlo^ovic Jodna ce o zavoc zm- rodnfmy v t^zv* l^otapo, JQbo2 inirodnonl tylo yyhlaikou siinlstra vyzivy i. 16 ze .:jic i.^ 1V46, (If.l« !• ^hli^eno^ jebol oajeU;x>va podctat^ bj^la vyhlaSkau r.ini^torctva y^ziry fie Une 14«iinora 1^47, 6« 165, öf« !• I. caclenona do ncuJcho rj-lrouniho pounilcu* lluxe proto povilo naioho nilzoru jodinö tÜLOCQ k :jl#pro3inci 19<5 dilti Vdm sprdvny obras o tonte podBlka, jehoS zndrodncnf pixDvcd'jno bylo - 2 ucirjici:^ti k i«l*lS?46, l'ncj^cniinc s pozdravcm y. pfiloby Petilctce zdo^'! -?:t4 ^ r - »-r -^ ^^ «^ * • ( t ' w , V«»' .^'*\. I<^ »> P r sepsany one 27. dubria 1949 v obchodnich mistnostech Slezsk6ho liho varskeho a näpojov^ho prurn&'slu, n.p, , zävod Bartosovice za üöasti väech podepsanych. ?i-edmetem sepsäni protokolu bj'lo vysetreni dotazu, ktery na näs narodni podniic vzneslo ministerstvo vyzivy svym dopisem ze dne 14. dubna 1949. aj.37.305-V/o-1949. Väichni pritomni byli s obsahem toho pfipisu ministerstva vyzivy obezna- meni. Zastupce podniKoveho i-eoitelstvi i kädrovy referent pi-esvedcili se, ze obchooni knihy z let 1330 az 1939 jsou ved^ny pouze nemeck;/ a rovnez korespondence s üi^ady jest rovne2 nemeckä. Ze zachovan^, korespondence jmenujeme namatkou dopis na Okresni financni reditelstvi v Olomouci ze Praha ze dne 24. V. 1932, na Oki^esni ürad V Nov^m Jicing ze dne 13. III. 1935, na Moravsko-zemskou zemedelskou radu V Brno ze dne. 22,ledna 1938, kter6, jakoz i cetne dalsi jsou Dsäny nemecky* K tomu podotykaji spolupodepsani byvali i nynejsi zamistnanci a to pan sprävce Josef P e ä e k , pan Leopold F a 1 t y n e k , düvernik zameso- nancü a pan Josef K o z ä k , zam-cstnanec lihovaru od roku 19 IS, näsle- Gujici : Dr. Arthur Czeczov;iczka s ceskynii zamestnanci sveho podniku mluvil ces- k;>' a s nemeckymi nemecky. Zamästnaval 2 üfedniky ceske a 2 nemeckä a preväzna cäst manuelnich zamestnancu byli Öesi. Rovnez pokud Jj^e znamo, V rodinfe mluvil p. Dr. Czeczowiczka nemeckj^, nebou jehorodina s vyjim- kou jeho tchynä, neovlädala cesky jaz-yk. Jmenovani dale potvrzuji, ze obchodni a üce^ni knihy byly veden^' nemecky a rovnöz korespondence bjla nemeckä. V ceske reäi byl^^^ vedeny Jen ty zaznamy, kter^ si äeäti zamesL- nanci pro svcji vlastni potrebu dne 28 .8. 1930, na Obchodni a zivnostenskou komoru, 1932, na Berni sprävu v Novem Jicine ze cne 30.5.1 sami pcrizovali. Skonceno, precteno a vöemi pritornnymi na diikaz sprävnosti vlastnorucnS podepsäno. I Jindrich Fe &^ v.r. kadrovy ref>ferent SLAliP / •. '• ^ Karel Maksa, v.r. zästuDce podn.feditel- stvi SU\11P Josef Peäek v.r. SDrävce lihovaru / Leopold Faltynek v.r düvernik zam^stnancii a düvemik ROH Josef Kozak v.r. strojni zämeönik lihovaru MMMMil&rib^a*aa«<»i^>»ä_ArfBaMM>^^_0' i^«^ X.t. Ostrava !•. Klavni tf^IOj Titl. Aecitelstvi statnich sta^kii V ÖesKen T 6 a ine •• Mk/Hä//^/P' Ostrava, eine l.cervna Il4'3» CluiieuriJL^t na n^-movitoatech velkos^atku V äartcc/cvicicii m^ Kor^v - ur^ence Ine i.II.t.r* p 2aduli ja^e Vac dopißem 5j«Kk/Ka 6664^ abäste pr:»- vedli zaiinihovani öluiebnosui n^ ne^TiOvitosLi pÄrv.c.lT'-K^/l a ßiu- ieünosti na purceiach ci* 17^6/11, 1775/7 a 17?::A^, 179f/r: tc;k| Jak b^ ic uröeno vyiTiCrcin o rossahu zrjlrcxinöni, k';.eri^ vydaio mir-ister- rtvo vvzivy cne 2D*:;iI.i?4S pod cj, 3-36.1XfAV4-1^48* Zc-kninovani r. :.i jidte p^ove£^i podie tohot:. v/niiru de S'^.cervna l?-i9 i^vyra nak-U-aex. PresLo, 2e uplynulo' ji- 3 n-cice naäoötali J6cr.e d^sud vyrozumenii ie za^cninovani siuieonosti v ocistc^vci B uvedeneno vyr:eru vyii^ Vj V naä prospech srlzen^ch b^lc bv vän.i proveocno* '^Vi;uJenB protc Varizen! naäeho pavrdriibo doi:isu ze dne 3*II#t.r. , pro ini'orr^ priiiladr^me opis tonoto dopisu xiu vedomi a oöckavame, ze k zaicniho- vani sluzebnos^i v nao proßptch dcjce ihned, aby tak ihüta ve v^rmi* ru niin* vyziVj ze cne 2?.XII»ru*r. byla codr^ena» Nestalo-li bj se -Lak, D^^ li b^chon: nuceni pro nesplnwUi pod:::ink^' v odstavci 3 tohoto vy^i^T'j. mir., v, iivy uvedene, zaaati, abj i neniovitcEU parc,ö.l7>3/l a daioi v odotavci B uvedene, o^ly zaiirnut^ do rozsahu ^narrdn^ni ve prospech naL^eho nar-jüniho podniku* Zastavarne s pozdravec ?i;tilctce. 3d I «■»/•^«>« WC b'K!£i{r fe::.""' ■;' «MMM»aB«H »v n '«M • ^! t>« V L .. j./' V Bc 1 ec^/n$ (2) / . I ■ p xot o k 0 1 Dr. Srnec, »pr.a. Gouflöl s liaui Pitr Qruswui a Jar, KtcbM« E.OU 3ce 1 • ' ' ' Dootavill «• « , 1/ Dr» Oskar Caecatwicaka, ©oukrü&nlk V Ira» V, aaäzlova ? za nevriiovatele, 1/ Josef PBäek, Ditj*/ sprÄvce, zcroeufinllao liliovarut 5/ jrsr-il Ifaxs, «Aßt. podnik.fed* f=lz. Ithovar. pr^ayalu, v, -'aavnl lü, ^/ Dr. «>-.c üybikjvrch. ko«. f ir.. prokuratury V Brcfi. t« uJoatnfüa. • • • poe.e»ku pro', ftm^ i-iriovar a rafijaerie iita. . Bartoäovice . ^. Arthur ÄÄntupci navrhujfci sträng ^jfadiJÄäl jako v üävrhu C.i.l. ZÄ^tu:xje u?;.;?tnika udÄvi,j^.ko ve vj,-5.1-3r'?nl flf .7* prlio.t.Q ei'ß. 2,ouvtecer:l velvy lant^ctvl C£R v Lcn:!5^nß ze dne i!?.I^. ' 19*4«;, f. 3, svMectvo üfadu lör? v **or, St^. «J^oC« ^e :ljQe 15.r-'.iS'^5Bt«5.» pr/pis t-^ V J:>8rto5oviclch z« di:« u.-.19*»6 pf.n/, pflpla esl.hospod. 3dru-rrf v i^oad^n? -^ dne ; 2.'-'.lCS5iJ. ?1-15, o^vM.'enl o crtt.obtanat.^l r^ rthura Uzeczov,iczky .e dne . .1:^6 vyd. >A' v ^alnc::äch -f. 9/. Vi^fin 2 obcnoa. rs5sttlku V rr ze a.l^, v/plB z roz.kDinöf vi ..^ .• . , SC3 K.u.ruste^ov f .pr.ll, vi. 567 :<.u. Bartoäovlce P^J.f-l . -l.^.t'OZ rr.C.Hutovice p:.?.| . . ,, .3&i Dvic DieMe^o ö^ 1 vj/j.dlecf ?KC v irr.ze,. Zir^tupie nar. puduiku Lar-d Itaxa u^iäv. . Jie ndn. vyavy ,rovÄdl .-.t.^ -1 « r-odl^ dosBvadßlch vysledkü öe vclci ?rGvd£podobn6 . ie Bwwlaa« ».«aUEii. o cavrticvi, tali vvjdou r.2 jevo. re.p. vjSlj takov* -.«trCnos^tl, ktor^ ukiioü li s. pravdivÄ. byxy by pfekÄ«KOu pro provader.! rxvrhovan* -siUuce. r<3Y^-uuj^> proto.-abj «oud pJod ro^boJnutln o n.^.vr u re restitu Zpräva rlr. v^^ii^fy » i4.;??tf?Hfc^n ''- ^^'A>>-:^..TM/^^-- Ü<«^^<4k*^ --V^-M.-** -A ■ .^:irmi»Mji liHi' '«* ■ •**»-»i- Usncooni« ZVj^Qüui üQ^C V .>ovJu^ tii£fii5 oüd.Il.,usno8l se ve v£ci flavriiova wcle i)ra Arthura C;iccßowic:.lT taBt.ürea Oil^iron; CaeCÄOWiciÄkou, pr.'vn£ OroL. ll^rlca: Beo;;eEi,cdvoL, v ...v.'a JlCin5,proti Joeeiu PcSkovl, xlIi, t. r.:vci V BariülovicJch 8 da.Llr. '.Ici^'.ni'ü^-u rKC,Sc.Bt.fix^acn.£ pru::.-aturü^ v leircvc c JÜCLSiC^-ra ji vo..un liliovfirßl:vci u potroviruirer. n ii r. i-üu. ..; V O.evo o rc6;iw-ci liliovaru c ruilrGiüo lihu v Bartotiovicich k. 4 4L«* V.W iA^ a* W «A Va \ W '^* '• ^ A^» «^ • *• -.rth.^r C.oc;. /i- '^-»^. ic.-;.:a ur.latnil jciio vlc.t5^nii Lii.cvar a rr.-Lincric li:.u v Burtolovicxcii fr* r'j » • • „victcti tc'vo firü.: pati'ici je Iji-li' .^^-ril ac-5ic:iär;;^ sr.; rcuxiCK^n äo n rjufiii-o poü.iiku t le2et:<5 advcd^ li:i:-\%eUc u pütrcvin;:i:'e>;ö v Ox^avo /iu>ro k i Xx rcowituci toholo najetkUtjor... ziu byl vyaCreÄ ae&^apa v ü. liVc wC ^ ■* • * C c 9.1555 V dle-odlrü nurodnl w. rai-ovü pcraok.^ce» />> Poülc ooveücciif Generalnlho kC;r;e lutu Si.n V Lor.dyne z c. i;-'5 I w^ *.o.. :.. iotoiwOpie oe ßr^iicci* L r\ y? i;: od vo u ly4c 1/yv siurjrilio eouau,3vCt nnvri:üv:.tei j brixBr: r» et tuia pi-lelutnlken^ V # Vi.iiledei'n i: toctu pali. k.ze reB^iti.':/.! m roliA- Britek cn jjrielu W- 4 i£b -!'»n 5ec.u-ii pc pr::v.:,b;lj- jiu v;croviii.r>j' i;iGb::i:.i.'.. Ovitkodriunia pocii^- w nut\ n T'i I LLj.« ;;; l c c W*«* 9, \^ -JK -^ •u. « :Ci-in^rodni dcho V^^ 1- T)v'? 4. ciliou ijritcM % • : .-'4v 0 V • »■ c^ruvt''a; i v»^ '- W* VA\ n5:hra':lr.b:io vc crvrlu M''nl:u II ,::nii:.Ci:ö CiOilOu' r G^ho:i:.Cütl *• *■♦ «u.. ^- w ^cct öhtra uvec.e::c • V^'U' ^« -» f * 1 » •>: rc. aoaiiwX ^- ^n ^- .'"• '^ f u ^. 1^0 oui...oanci .f :i crj 11 T" ' r 1^ ^»«ca X \.J iir w^ < er.i vtecxi u- Ic :r::^c} 1 »'< ' "»n :"" V.' 1. «I. I r. 'brr; ucrokcjc;.- j[ je:. kvot>^ v>. W'^ t t-0 «A^A. r/ k^C^ Ct^C V rir^Ciü £ u jcti s:\-t oc-L vi -^oaiehi, Pcrc^i vOiTUto uenc ec:u Icic pudc- i ^* rs n » -*••»»-'• CU ci-C; >^'. ^s/4 i pii:c: /" . » • r*> f- — » . " •' % r*. üO--^ U Ckroeni soud * uovtiQ Jiüfnc, ^5 sc.'dvri i06t vvhotov-nli Vt il'Li .seif-: i^ ^ (' i > KJi.Ji.-'^^ ^ •»„ ■ •iÄ!*'*^^'?! "'N '■. .V N, .1 .*' ab^ijo a ü m i n a 9 1 a[ 0 »I^a 'OSnoiq BAlol ° ♦Äi»o4ov«ho prö«yaltt, n.p., Opava, t.6. Ostrava I., Velk* 18»^ Podle ^^(^ § 7 sikana «• 128/Sb. jsou prdvni jednänl» podÄni a iistiny mtn« k provedeni toboto «Akona oeroboaeiy. od kolkü a poplatkü Dfivfeiäi vlastnik t LihovcA« ^ *aflfi€Äret ni« c^ iflaJrtoÄvice. Dr. A. Czeczowicka. / V o ;f ü fi Jtnssi; ..t^ ?Ve ß ^Ci' ,€Xö ,IC3 ,COD .5 xfo^üolv 5V mätet vyro«imeni « 1. Slezsk^ lihwarsk^ a nÄpojovy prümyel, närodni podnik, Opava, t.ö. 0 s t r a V a I., VelkÄ ulice e.l8. 2* Slezsk^ lihovarsk^ a nÄpoJov^ prömysl, n.p., «dvod BkRTOSoVICE. 3*-B erni spräva, Pflb<4^c*"^^öL 4« Bemi ürad, Hov^ J; ^A^li-fi ? 6, Uißtrd jakpodpi v^or v Ä.u t o v i c i c h . Po proveden&n ^dpise prosime, abyste nÄm zaslali 2 vypißy z pozenu. knih a pf-ikladäme 2 kolky i Kfis 20.— • '^r. ■V^C j PetiWtCB »dar I . J *:»■. . '^-.-V-* . :\ w^ * .;-.- Ä-Ä**?.- , ^ . ^ -. ■ "-mtl-^' üaait«^ IM»« ■ 1» "* ' in II I « »~-^ V ' \ ' ■ ' - ■ IX ' ■ '- •* KoUca prosta podl« f 7 z&k, 6.128/48 Sb, I lovoq &008 .81 ÄiteV ,.IßVßi^«0 .5.^ ,BVßqO ,.q.a ,oIav»friq .sölvaE-ÄJ-i^eb f> flöÄ ie-xJfoiit^* it -fevorfiJ :„ :I3:ri^8sJv l£t.^vl^a ß i ;« O S 0 9 2 0 #/r #10 l Xöj-feVYCfsH ve vloSkäch «. a02, 621, 519, 434 a 677 kat. "»«f^f „tt^jb-?.-? 4jiuk I .ßViioO .alinboa Inbo-ißr: .la^möiq \vogoo^ ß ^aievorill >:J3S^J^2 .1. V * .&2.5 aoU;; kiLo^ <.I ß v e i J e 0 .O.d" .rrOIVOSOTfi;^ 5cv^ «.q.n ^IzxpL-c, ^votoqM ß x^laißvorfll "^assia #2 5%JbÄl^ ^ ^:vo^ t^ß'^^ ^^^ •t . ri 0 X 0 1 V ?'.-soc fi Yi-.lqtv 'i lleler>s m^n s \ •^ ° \ ^p#liili"1?-^Uf e^^o^oi^^i:.^ 8\,de ,G;T2eoiq sfcilqßs mänsbovoiq o«i l ißba €rod-ftIl^e^ « •« * •-■ I X, ■ >K V V -^— — >^ I l. ^J. C«d. BsAe« I -J . U » n a' a e n i \ I P ^c.dni;^,^t>.v«. t.c. -..trat* L. V.lk4 10 o vU»4 prcva vL.tnicV.eho :)r. creczo.lczkc-T'l.tä. v lorOyn.'^ «. .vrice J..=07icz'^oye, 0 ^ ■^ £ r 1 r« a r r 1 c dd.I»f dM 7. ^ ■w 1 .1 ünora 1949 • • AN iONH4 ••■,A.A' ;& rrtV Ä«' •*•«»-'* y' Z* f / /" ■'» »^ 1 i c / / • fir .A. .-> /• J • V • ^ v.— -^' (j:,) fj Ö#d* 137/49, U n e 6 e n i • Souö povoluje podle v^möru ministerctva v^£ivy 5j«136 1C8/VA-194S 2e eines 22#12#1948 ve vlo2!cdch ölslo SCß^sai, 519,4^4 n ^Tl pozerako- v^ knihy kat.uzand Butovice | tento z^Ib : Vliladd be prävo vlristniclce lil3ssic4ho lü^ovartkdhö i\ n^ojov6ho pru- niyclu 9 n#p« Opava ,t#Ö* Ostrava I«) VelJcä 13# i-ocÜG 5 7 2;di;oa:i 6 •128 /^o« jaou pravni jednaii£|padanl a listiny nutni k provecieni tohoto aaico:ia OöVObo;söny oc; kcilci a paplatldi • Drivijtl vl-..':tnik : Lihovar a raTinerie lihu^Sirtoäovice^ Dr*A« Czeczoivicka« I^atn'Vntel i Slez&l:y i napojovy prunr;el ^n^p* Opnva|t#ö«OstraVu I*^ - — • — — ■ ■■< Velka ulice 6«1S« 1» / / Clir^snl soud v Pilovcl,oöd#r^.\j dne 4» unora 1949 • » 4 / «morsttkJi .*■ * 0 0 ' • n """ C^ P i N/V**?" f • - r" *' -- ' O i •> • . » , , <" . ' ^, . V CÜllt -n ■ I I /tt.*'ci v:-ü.J: povrhov«: buc 1- ti^j-r neco ve pro£?i, cc 2i,ii . i-^^-» xl'r '^ i:^ /V** ' U^ • f* #^ T- 1 • T 8 • 15 14 15 16 17 18 «. ^-> » Ü^ r* • « r5 • 4'.. M • 1 •-»I'« T'' Ä'" 41 ■üi I n* . a« t^. S G: s n fc tt p ? ^ 1 0 h . « L>e5;;a...t:. v^.i.i.'^'^invci:. ^I:cc. • ? «■■/• •* a. ,. ritri "t:'v 3*5 ru' e: s^c £:*i spr-iv^** V rir*--, '■. «; vi M.-'-t^i.'f r. I ff I -!• Ä, rvüvni pooSxgr • I !•/ Prdvni a öHvöjäi vlastaflu Zävoe byl xjilo&ea c postaven roku 1915 v Bartodoviclch« OBc 17 «12» 1951^ bylo opovSzeno u i;.aeletrdtu Hl*n*r^pahir j?ro- vosovänl tovdmi n^roby a mCiaerle lüiu v ijwiacf-Galciiovö, toiit bylo eldlo fiaaBj' » B&rtOüOviö pfeloköao, e poacchAria vs^rolxß:' V Bczrfcoöoviclcii. üo obchoönfno redßtfiloi la?a;iciu.%o souäu obciioörilio byl dne 57.1?. 15>5 poö pol. 6S>^/1 Si^pöda p-'fc-xlnXk & velkostatkdf-, brtaa. ^^raiia-. mlchov, c^ do oksa- pacc pS-ialuanlk CrH, v roce 19>9 pfibldöex^ Js cdroaioati li- öovökc, t.t«. b^iJoa 4 Eoatii-Court IJ ProsB^ilf Ixm^^on li.. • > -• liö. / w)pi£ vytahu'» obchodnlho poiet£'i:ku pi?iloha c. 1 / Dne lO.f i^na 19>S b^l 8rf.voö sabrda Sitoci a na^it^ei^ c^s ctoi 5 • l«bcnßbom • ©.V« Fnicbov, ^ehoä: «actupoval r<>v5f«- nec r>.>l.Öerveace 194;: ae ßp5tnou piatoosfci oü l.öcrvencc isa tlsL, £e BÄjcac« • Yersachsanstalt • poals&sal laa.ji't^^J. • * . jPbeaöbort • ödistku ^ S6*4>-7.16 t.j. öitt^ obt^^e tß^^i xxxialia. ke clni JC.öcrvn'; 1941« VoüouciJn eüvodii b^l ."«^c« i o p^evrsitu v lcvf?toii 1945 coBa^U 2äi:v t Bc-jelJOiiOvicicü öc- i»oä2itai jako cv-^o plr>05:.ocr^a Viltiaa l^ozilka, t^vulOho dsstilLLterä zdvodtt, r^xi b^'tüs vt ;:tuaence,tp.*i9J. i.>ol;usfer- L :J,T b:,l& 2.JiSt5Sao, U ^^sovciücsai Ev.b:a V roco 1945 ^^ ♦ '.^ JiS-JPOCIli Spi'SiVU« 45 b:?l podlc § 7 öekJK^tu preeiäeiit-. re-'Ublik^ st dnc 1/,^'ctna ?- 194$ &• V1945 rib*a* & n. jndoovAn aftroänia aprdveeoi flxo^ Josef Pedek» do t6 aoSi^r tioelmlek^ eprivee roflnerie litoi ▼ EesiiaoBti n*K* Mlidsterstvo t^t/ v^Bfirem b9 dae $*X2* 1943 &•;}• sc &e 5<»dQ^ o podlnlk oelostdtni p(\aobn08ti« v nfimi s^v&di zilroOnf opETdvu aixilBterstTVo roAortaß pf^iBlaScfi / § 7 lit* £ y^'Äc citovaniho dfeteretai /. Op&tf^oci podniknutd na podkladft sraöendho y^xa&ru pro- zutismisi zuixoäxiiM spirdvoeai, olaöi poküdutl b& SiilrLmnl vc ß3s;;iilu t ?' dtovan^ho dekreta. Sliiio T^-aSresi savÄcii miniötei*stvo v:i?tivj' vo es^slu {i li oitovaxiöho äefcpotu äo finay ß^isao oärodnf sprdvu ß od'iA- voän$nl3i, äe poänik hyl v aeptltooBioati aa^Jltele veäcn v dobo okupcce nSsjuecli:^ Bsocs^Sacesi, kterf po ocvoboseal poc)- nliJ opiistll u vX&ETtailk poiSxiilai se dosad nerrdtil oö repub- likj'. DoDcvaäniho prozatatanllxo odrodnlho sprdvc© Josef a i}c obchodnüio re;jDtf'lku kra^Jsk^o souda obchofinüio v iTCiss b:l »apsän öne 1:1 12» 1945 / Oplß v;>teiii.i pf-£l«6.1 / "b/ IT&roüal eprävce Jo0«f leäek se narodll 14» 10. 1305 v wl-JucllJai, abaolvovcJ. 4 tt-idy podladho GSTzmaßla v ü^ibof« e. ? -t^tal pT'^Eislo70\x äkolu atro^nlökoii v Eürvirme« r^cja^JGtn.-'ja oc !•<}. 19^4 äo >1«1?. 19>1 u AiKJ.Bpol.a?«''iio<äov:= i^- vpt,- V :;r.:*sc, odd$lo&i ÜhovarcJcö a p02dö;Ji v aisdove litittli'jAd. ■:jC l.I, 13>^ öo 51»fJ, 1953 provoeoval äi-vnoct sc^rilatelcliou 5; r;«:li;(3ni iuito3oprcvtt v Ittise. w4 X,S.# iP5; äo 5C-,t£5na 195G v llhovej^ v i-:Arto£;cvic Ich De 15«12. ll"j^e de 14.4. 1941 ^ako provosni ufcünik v äi 15. 4» 1941 do >s>.Sj,iv4:> 5ako techalcl:^' spsrdvce- rc:- ^-*' If\?ä:::j£t(Äi jioßntkdui • b;l lihovor & pafiacrie llbu v Bart oöovic ich. c^jIo £tv- - 5 - £4HUA V • *% aoc-^onelidl«) liatu 6» 5G05 ae aae i5»l#1915 vyctaiveaÄbo v-zh. 4>/2 V ireelovi: ulici tovömi -»ifrobu e. rafiaict lihu ß Lle pMpojencUiO opisu porvrzeni (1*Y v fsovöa Jiöiog ül-viiostcnskö oprdvncnl na r^^Tobü. cultomich äitlv, oukcsmfho ' j br^~l^ ni'4itcl€!s:. I-Ter- ;»*Gsccscwici4l£0a,t.c. v *.ai^öSzi?)t i^rfi-ÄiS s;intour»cn:fe Juar. ZLi-iz. Horoa, ti<ävolcdtoa 3r.±« i.n,]-rQiJCCUzsKJi ±:ic t.B. 194C- st£ötiO?is ndvriui c tia, abj' ae uo dvou n^Irfc:« üac 17«Erj)r:ci l«-4?; pozjtoujdl epr« Joiicf :crscli tcato -j-rinmänt o v/uracovi::l ixnccpcu oäptniRii oia>-Cüi::ii;i i;oü.äu v Ht >604?; b:/l ftprtiv^ SfU'CJCiii eple vrtlccs £ tir»» i;b:^ o-üsa b. 1 sri-irou-iJii. £.•- aa':orki <. br.Valöau n^^ltuli b;- norOci bj.t pousti jüs äoiiii(2:^ u wpr^vsc s4vodii nevi proto, ade. sa oceneni poc- i •4 • c niiX k vj^äe nciznat-enÖKai ufiolu propoCitati. SBaeia 1./1«1946 l)5fl Hhovcx a raLfintirio lüm v Bcrtoöovicicii r.*r.ict;civ:t:ve2L v:v'ziv:' .j3«tnovilii .njatojaiji IJssipal. •ÄCf, pobird o±n?*au Ivfcc 6.0'X>,- brutto aSsitm^ citanovc-iiou äu v;;:uf>:.»ä::. ii«,-'' Lri%''- davirriiiXeJL Mta«M>M»«M*< ^^mm^^m VCt ir tC o:.;v or»n//:.e .öwva 1: -1#/I%l94v# «MMAdMMawMMa c/ 1 töChTitdi-c-dral: / nar.spravce.'» 'L> f I B* r^fcUiow -t>£otr^ictTl. mmmmmmm ;L.Uii:: -Js:.:'! dc-itrlcWi. iOc'v:,iric dc;e'cni<;;t"vl ve •VL.:::L^-.yv:- ;ii-tb«tc3a. '<• 'V ■«••«>• «•■■rWMWki • » -MaaratrianM / ♦- ' t F -5- 9./ 11./ Xh9/ Faldofcont^O od U/7a94> äo 27#/4a945 ▼»«««i* n^t«prÄ- vou* Inwntumi e ^V,"'^! ^^>^ od 1«/X0.19>9 Y©d«ni do il./12.l94> nöa.Bprdvoa.I'rvnla »dpl8«a ndr.EppÄvy ^e popl« Öa^Mil k I./6.1945« Pokladnl knitJi od 1,/1.1545 äo 10./2.1945 TOiSend nto. liovA poklaönü knlba^ aciloieni S»/6.1S»45. i^picnikjltnC'nl o prvnl z^ve-rkoa k ^1./I2.1v45* Og 1./1.1948 de voöono mcäov«J dSetnictvi pfeösposnva SF^xobea ru\ vclniv-Gh llritccb« Ijilaöni döetaiictvl nonl s.o. k .il#/l.< :*l^f4i>. >«»i YluEtnlmu rosboru t-5cl^rbo civi :?ei: nutao uvoöeri prc-deslü- ti,i:e 21t; ckloni^u välkj^ utrpSl rev.t-lvod velke Hkody.i;%kcü'i}'^6' nl ii oöftilafeni pHLtrcjc t;!;- ;7roBtHlcny,llricve naär:;(? b;.'!:.' pcndresi tv'^cc x.03lt'5rcr-r,lthov^ ßkiaaiät«^ lelilo popelcc: a tyl ^V-02^r. t se.Ic:!tJ.ftni ao.t i^ro vlcc-ku.l^-to i^kodr b;"ly postuiaiS ricpravorZiO'» V l X -6- v #/ Rapravitl «e viak n«di Skoda spftBOl«iJÄ v icancoim ohnSau ChyM moho obchodnich imih^doUada a »toanA » do^ okupaco , tvuat» Y»ak £ obdobl pro tevlsl nejdülem»il»ü^Ot* pHlo- mu roL-a 1944 a 1945. icOc iU y^ByiU z k^pltcly o podnlkcvdm po- eetr.ictv£.Hlavnl bUanoe byl^ pravößpodobnJ od ^-"^-^9*^ «^f ^- vovriBi^ V Enichovfi.kde aSl sivod sidlo.Z ladlÄ 8acbrdxi*B:Joli »i6et-.. b^-XT u^avi^eziy k l./5.',podruhÄ k l./7.,v roc« 1944 ;ie ptevod po- öätecnlcfc zftstatkö V hluvni knize k l./l.l944,ale zdpiey .i^ou "l. toi^uto oatu bjla tM v zävcdß mlesei^a v ^ecin^ v:rho - tovcnf btlunce ce tavenä i^^tZ ncnccV.ou sprdvou.Jedud se pr^vüS- POdobne pooze o bllancl vjl-sledkcvou.RovnSi neni EB&ao,iida ee ho- cpodltGk:^ rok kr/l 8 kalendÄftaliD .:«bo 3de-ll o k-^unpoP-ov^ rok kon5lci bttd il*/S.,nöbo ^0./9.l945. fc/ iTSetnl siav^rka lc/^l./^/«l->>3«. ,iev.ko]aiße oööOuLliXila n. üi^rve nalesicuou asl v^-slec^uvou bilonci k ;>!./. .1W5 .^etcvenou 14w'..lV45 oe :««bovcnou l.lavn£ Jezto nökterc p.loLky t/.to biluiice tvoMly podklad pro ae- ctjuveal bilance k pl./lzay4S.,sab:s-vl be ;Jl rov.koalse bU2,6, R02va:;a k 5l#/>*U-45« ^ b/ 5i-L' IrvCv^tiSnl "::^:t<:t>€k rcvdmi bado\7 554.95 l.L'47.o7^ iti pofearu konceci e.ibna,r.cbo pofeärKeE kvtt- na 1^U5 siiof€ly SJlaobr lthu,.icboi: laaozatvi xiorionio bj^i odbadnuto.Ve cklacliöti b^^lo uloze- no ccci 5000 q BJiT.cukPU pro zprcuj ovÄci rux lib,s niclia odveLlfi^ laid^l tjail^ a "» " "^ 2: kzz,liaUei •7 - Pfenos m 222*76I«67 ^»z 1'^ ffißlas7,kt^r£ "byia proddna 7#/ll»l946 Ako. Bpcl.Tro libovy prikaj'sl ve rvinovö ml Cäßtku '\rj'pfj.ku,l^.tt'rt3 Ivl.. v r«l*"46 poslto;- k zpraco- rd ao kolliid'si? Drasl: vl^" a (3alc ffienSf nmozct- vi jTU'-errocfatu u Eir,ax!ion«,5iil: uvödeno v ßou- pir.r- r-'-lof^f-l- ear.ovdho roLÜ'ienl c r,l^'46 a rir::-:^!.f 51,. ,-<^>trlc :iOX;o\'0£tl ^• iOliieadvizi-i M « ! , cos Ci: de rrcyjiik , .' i :;c t;att 1 1 l,r5Ö.7C 1:35.79 -.19 *\ ^ - ^ « kivan^ ;:c: l:-1ü:;>' r^ l*h. !^ II, >:s-^ •'"«.5 f« •» ♦► •'>>öbs:]£t.c2;?n* e.V. ^Ixiit^LC^v Hü. Hä; xosdil V üßti; "iÄbcinsi^oni 5.U4.09 '\ .-Vi-.- •• 2C^«74Z»>7 471."^:?«76 ;;?l.v?:>»/i r>i><:.04;*,lV ■.19tr= i^vod 32. 552«e70,l7 » I? I I 1 i 1 • Ö - 11./ Pfenoe P^echoämö poloiik^ ,m 353,670,17 }^ 360.560 Ziele KK UV>>6»1.77 b/ töetai 2*Jv"rlti. k 5l./lJ:.l945. •ftMM üßti-«ätt£BJu or^inu pi^dloieai bilcince k >l./lr. 15-15 /Iti- lolm £■•?/ aeasÄ bilunöni koot;lmiita.I'-.Bl©öni äctun s^jdea v ca- ci";ov*i^rvö sdpisi» po clioöccni oliup(ace ^eoa st. du® l./6»lö45»i'^ btlance poHsene uös» sprdvoü k ^l./J.l94-f> riöäsou ste^ao oüpißy»i?tir.spri;V^ nibylo naS- no soKtJc.viti Eeziicra ^nöni po<;niku k ^l#il«»l^<5 lü a{!kl«ß. bl - lüccc £ä ixoap.x'ok lii^:— lr:»44,iyj'bri br^l* »a Siltiac rok l9'»8-ly:>9f reep,l94l-l942 a rsrovedle. oöpixy k >1«/I2#lv45»dc-Öichi v??&e ne- PWL ee3t&\'ov.lni bi Lance k >1./1?»1',4^ b^'io nar.fs;-.r'/iVou po- Cuupoväno tiß sp'^EObesz ,ix c ncoacn^ch aktiv dHvC;5S£cb bilrjr.c*, V iiä/.terych pffx'-^^^öGk i c-äLrioa byl£ vi'kccatiniovdi'^. äaMct hru. - bd rcsviÄa k l*/t),l«;45 /Itil,b»b/ a teprve po'lroti b^-lo ci:ronolo - i-ticky uötcvcino. Bilanco b^'la opö^lna api'tsobea 2idüÄn;;*n aniömiccni a iJe pSlpo- ^na ^:ikc V'**ilo:.t. c«?j k tfStc iHrvicni zprdvS« D. K-oabor rozvcJv' k >1./1;.*1^^45« fwn ■«*«• l£ ' •/ I ifc I <■■■■> «llill »tm^ii^mm^ %- — — W^M 1 H IUI I Hl 1, ],xLr:^. vli^B^sni t^^to j>0Äe5üyi Katjas tr»uL,';ra Bcj^to i:v..cei Kos 17&.CX>J, PtOVÖKl E6c 17&»CX, - 9 • V. Pf«nos Kfi Udle ißou 8öe poceal:;/ na katastr^tlsexl Pc- Etfe3ov,»apounö v posegikilrrih/cVi na i^rtra & Inau Cacczo^c2kovi,kElh«vl»56>i,pexc<»6» ^Iv • « 1477/3 UO ■ 4>4 • • 14-'^ 2l f o Jrfccre riras. sa^-ticiala a cMlei UC7/2 1996 i' " Isll/l 1141 • 176#o:;0, »..«« J^-«««^*! ■ • 4:i4 19 iE/ teil ialio llbcv^r. fjiüiovni hofiaots. pcaesL* v &ezruiiw v:;'2.l'i-(* ^,i-. t.: t;.li.^ vsuta z bllanoe k J 0,6 #1941. bb/ B u d o V y stav k'»i> i:5s die tohoto scstüv^ri i hlavni tovämX baucw t ko^uiucci Qcnat'ürci;!! i;tur.icc 577.557.— mmmmm mm* 116•>>%•i■C• lS•5?-.— 19.650.— 50.760.— ■«» K68 (>20.59l.>0 Mmm»«ü X>feno8< '. ... S&c 796.}91.50 - 10 - i*0 tovdrni budov^- v 3artoä0Vic£ch ob5tii4 bttdovö. V Bartodovlclcli cc/ Lvtroje a JSaHeeni i MMMI ncicrS kotle.ü^^pÄjeölQ^.öerpadla a L>üro;Jovnü ; Et;..v l.C« 1945 pand ctro^ 0 I2i kÄ.pvclilobSix-;- stron p-omi, d^'n:jao e el.iriStul:ujx jw rosvdööcf <3eßlcou,transni9e ae vöfeifc öisti ti^ln^ od'?paäiio. * % StüV l.u.lüA^ (i. vsdüih".i korprerar- "bili^CnS Zdparovd oln • ctj.v l«o.r:>45 addräo* Öcr;Ä51:.,elcvdtor,cll- fttsnl batcsric,^ ?ezaöky e ostiitau aai-i2.fc;ii-bilanöaafe vos- aSe odcpßäno. i;v^tHis. i 6t^v l#t. 1^45 i:? ♦ielt.snych kviujn:;-;:;^ iSELüi, Dbiraa iiaar;i-Jx •jCEtllace / vclrsia / sdbliörxil-io Jlße ».C?».50 1-ös :;&£ Kös Eös Jv5s i>öO*444»5»0 Cl* X { o • >< •'■»I '>•'> < w rWM ;"» XA Kd6 5r;7*r.l5,5C? iiöc ?«a2,yv se vöim pi-ialuieastvia, rfanos I 52.4p5.4w •■ip 4. » '» 5* 673 * 50 t 17» .» ,. J9v«l.'«lvt'»r' V^ Loa >>7*lS^;>.iJ^ £66 B19.195.S'J 79fc.>''l.?0 Pfevod J>: lUDU. rinacoi ßtav l./b,l945 K&8 &19.19:>«80 E58 rclrtiTüiüftcl pflstro^ Sorbet ß pf-« "biloniinÄ dpinS odope&n Kßc 2,— g^s >014«92 Idlna. Btav l.b»l945 1.J51.10 473 •— 796.>9lt>v> I: düir^ i etüY 1»6. Iv45 77.3S>. r^ovafcv ir7*0^1>80 lD4.974#Sjl' VÄiii, invvot.pcv^^' Mt;^^^tT- 1- ^iisckjt± 9 ;5^*st nc— i-rosi:: toho cai rc viel • f iruu od Xiaji,äopra.Vj' pridtleriou cisl ^ ac;^ ; Btav 1.6# 1^4.5 1.'0 Ü ÖS ^K,*^"^"^ ^O'. *«^w • Ci'iorD veop/'.T bil. »de pci;i3d« ' 536.5>2»7ü ij^oao. 1% • 2 0 «»X l,4.^7.4r->r'.^ Lös 2,i'w;,t7?«ü'0 "bOd {.a 17* - 12 - 19 •/ b/ Zdfioby. f \mmt Guroviuy J stav 1»6. 1945 a ^^ odproädnss. 7*2 •1946 ^ lih« ' ' pröisC'&l ve LviaA0v6 2a il5e 206«481«30» rtoaäil Kös 6.4öl#20 betö rov.koQlse na yj?lolij epoöerx^ s eacpeöici tohoto «nnoistvi detovanÄ k tlii refelc» Köc 20C#0vw#' 15« — ftini Lös :>&.5ittvi.— e. proto natno occr^?ini toto zvyäiti o u6& 1;«S99.— K6e X4»i>viv#" ^ Ldt>:^ j)^^'^^**^ • ö'^^' ^•^^ ^^^^5 Kfe liitik;- poaocjyfc ; ßtciv 1*6 • 1945 Lüs B.m'j* .... f #s q supeirio&fdta* zd.obE. bi'lü l#t. 1«>4 5 \'sat£i do aktiv prcti ü£tu zdkIridn.irtu«l;ojdij(?jat up«rfosfÄtovti]iO pröa;/ßlu £•£ r.o« üobobk;/ v i;.Lrlovych Var©ch ze ane i..>7« 1945 b^lo va:Jc rev.flrm« aöö- lono, te äöe lü.daboi* 1945 vjpravoo b, 1 tcto z Ohöaickj^h zavoöü v ueti n. l';-v c oupcpfosfiStu V protlhoroc#republlky o obnoveri ö& a E-idii c dhrada vo Pt-.iv Dciiö«.iX}to ;ießt imtiiv?. ä opuTjmosti prouct»ovi-ti k >l,i.-#1^4:> obnoa tcntc vt piX>S5V|6cb. tcto ttTT^ t. 1: t(i:l üütu siiaadr 1 h!? , £ ktcreko j'e c?ult;ov *1 prl ötusfcavcni luubc roc'/iii; k l.O« 1 :■•".">. Mita i;£e Ä. i>X» w .'0 4- u«/ C/ i'4»Xf.C«IXOll^ H^l^^C^'t^^ik 4 ii 1 • > eji/ll et ovo st i EGc 6»?*'?4#4-' -13- Ifüßoß K&e 6.?94.4D ?:*•/ bV \lÜÄdi' tt pöaö2nicb dot&vA» / souiiCTä llkvläace fi- V Jiain S 2e># 052*8^ / •3 .-. o p- i*0£g1 K. <:>• 3«ct ühraäc nistaci neiioccnsl:© T>Dklatinö v i^ovön viciii5»iÄörou rntno prodötovat vo jJi'oap'^h k ti2d rezic. £ X. po>u.t;<äävc© E 4.C1S.50 autno ho liiiovuru v xTiaae z titulu ribo'jiciiirjovcfco s^ii<-ilaiuU • • • • <*«ljj^> a^Vr' W \»i£ }^e saldo ve pro- nutao T>i-odctov-at ve prosp?>cli pf- oUocnycii poloiiok puclvnlch a k titl iju tov-Ci üvcrti 3 .;'J • ■->^.f' oöoteii ioatervaoci u pen*&iicli üßtRiva I Itviios K£& l«2Sß»K'3*!»^ -14 - Ftenoe £6« 1,295«I05*$0 9', f cc/ Diain Ici« ic6ichasio&ox>olver9sJ.tuns fltr Branntwein« Berlin E :x;Etr£j.baro fur liaercaöl, r>erlln K I;ociau-VcrBici; crungsaD- c ro-^iLüi l;06;Jxc ot oor.piau- fcu a vs proepCfCii opräviik k ü oc^pcöiätoviui !;.»Ti5la K * ' & la iiETiitdiu / V ^cho£ prospöch E. ve procpc-ch pft^chodnych j 291«461»10 1Ö.3S7« x«&4B#4f^ 8* 614« ca ' Iluuce « ?lauc? tjtcj jvct nez^istitcl- tuto poLIoüävföx pro«» aC-tra '*^^ «2/ a1;i*^ ►i»* läu;:» K 2 «■MM <* > ou&et ,^/rM'i,;,?'MiPr 110#457»S»^-" ■I - 15 - II. Eapitdl «Ä/ ttßet »4Jcladn£ t •1»'w 1,6. 19 '-5 CpreTa zia dStt Atstilao« / bod le cc / 80^.875. R lliLiiliilS z 631. 241. BC bb/ Versuchaenstalt f .E.u.V. iG.B.b.H,, 3erllr. /b:^val< Mjemce / Lebönsborn e.V., l^nlchoT /S&ldfe pfeTftatä 1.6.1045/ 47'i. G^l.714.80 s ?,ft'-i.:'57.i t ie:.5S5.70 5«.2il§IiiäL:-^ 28./ b/ Cl«i kapital. rraiskA uY«rai bazüc^, fiiiälfca I«ov^ Jiöia - Tolni u5et lodl« »iifiUni pfi oftofcfci tnter- rencl 51nllo »aldo k >1. 12. 1945 KSb 50.210.— a jesi ^udU ros- dll r.58 210.- proißtovatl k tiu sprÄvcleh T^lob a ▼• pro 8 p6 oh pfeohoin^oh poloSek pa«lTnicü. bb/ Oatatni v^fltal^ a / pjiloiu: 5. 11/ . 2 tohoto obnosu byl iuplbüea pousi \6.:j.?."l?47 r.'« ^p^.AT e /tytaK K 54.5:'2.50 3«ött vesmSa poblftdövky nöaecKtrct pHsluörilka, kter« nftly b\Ui youicdctu^ nc ucet 5* 901-0 poätcvr.! 8po*itclny v ?r:-.zc. Pfenoa K5a 50.000. :4,311.50 x^ K 64.yU.9ö i - 16 - FFeHOS ZU 64.911*90 *". '^ » >••/ VöfiteK nir.BpriTjri J.?eä«Jc,xijir.apr.,Btvrto8oTic« X 5C.956.- z^p^i^Sica na ASdy s l^./U.« 51.1C.194S- V cJebÄ»kdy uT»r n«byl itötl poTol*n.3:;l« tt*- cena ve dlneoa 7. /6» 194 6 - Zl< VQlk-AetDtok, Bnrtoaovle«: " 100. OOC. « iv; •l!:i!ii.2i»pluceaa od 6*/2.dD 1C# '^•l^^G V nov< ffi5n6* ii'if'ijSic. na roßJy z U*1C 25*0O0. Hcep.skup.llhcv^prÄmyila .•edcplÄtQiC x^zi /^^feoh .poi./ J^ödoplotak öOC.pO^./ ** / r;edoplatÄit aac- riuenodov^ if n l.."50.S0 2.000.— 705.40 5.^'17.iO :;^. 607. 70 : ..u7e.6c'*' ::?:■. 97 :.eo cc/ 2c*nky: :ra5.Bfc4 Jv^rnl bax»ka,fil,5cv; J151a itrycf akoept » -.oc.ooc. K.f8 6ft';.Be-5.70 L pfevratim Buldtlia »e tarie c:. ar* v oh doicliid*., nutiic cr^tovn« r-oananennti, Sc vzhledeia k cjiybc jicic »Uii-ia^ s^ doDu od 1:7. U sUl** "I.elxriSbor:;'',- -icnov & •'VereucLöaiiBtult-,l;3r':in,V.yl& pft- Ysrienfi nft siklsdni knpiUl, t. ret.toaiBC uv di dcBlova^i pozn^aücu 8i E^r»iny fei v^Mtelft Xcl...'.: " I-ivcd vrcve enf reanuaftce : loule popianiku n-^oUdtf a« v rozvaae poSdteSul k 1./1.19A6 miito itn-f t'J poloSky: Vereuchsonstalt, Berlin oaldo l./l.Vj^S li^üi-ZlriS dhmem t?,g51.9>';2.60 ^1 ^n • a ponevai n» t^to ov6 firBy byl v pHdchäsc^icica Ictecb pfevd- dön öl^ sick Aylj' äoöasa^-ai ai^ilteU poönika/ e }^oto ©o ty Hevisni kaacclat Josef rt^pdueli. "X L. lio&bar v:;£l&clovky /a&^^^ ztr&t^ a sieltu,^ MM Hdiaa-Cy» K6ö lldra.ovdBi buöov Ucrtovdril eilen /crobnc- nd?-aäl/ '^7'^« ^ " ioloäke Lcs 4?>f— objevu.;© 6C v cilunci &in/s.rit9 i. to poprvid \' airtivech /'boö IS cc/t kterou T«v,i-:osise »a dceleji evioeuce ponecl*d- ■vÄ V rü«xtnoi:ti a tuto re^i;5iil poilozicu stcriiu- Ije VC proßpcch retic a /. titi Uctu sdi:ii*cliiüiO icardtdlu /boö r? aa,^«V IdÜilcr: värJfe tato poloi— iit. obosfeena ocet porxze ^ledi^ou a potlraiie vloaüi- 1&. se CO pfeülcieniS bilcjicc 02i;>'1obu •"j.rriVEi' v::lch7 t€r.ovaci v?^'ioio' Icjij' soci&.iiii pou--ci I4#6^^7,0c i.6£. n f» '• ^r.- ^ $ ^ K> - IB • ;>•/ V^aofly >«■ 1946, Ztrdta ^ U0.4yN50. Poloi-igy detovace V l^toch 1946 » l94S p&ttici povcüioyfe k tliil trokii 194^. V165riö C.'vl - procincc 1945 iorilatek SS. hli'JkovLni o vöuocicii dtlii# nööae C3i; - lietojÄd VH^ üSet Sa poti-V:y proflnec l!:45 * • * sdf-i - listopaä 194 !> ur:;;scve po;jifftfn£ si II.T>ololeti 1945 t':.V 2;-:irto5o\lcc,<5cx doxiCVji 1545 liemi ui-ad,i'f'ibor,daii pozeiijr:,^ daiL.1945 cliiäne CO >l./lUl945 r.5s 1;?«9^'2»— oöccttnC vTä.c#pfepla.tlca 'S, "66 K.&& pojtStcBi siG i?c.£rL-Cube:: 4S' diu ciopicu a lc«/i:'.lsr:4b 245.60 65v«— 717-10 5.250.— 7.75v.— 15. OX.— clO# — IxWi. 41.073.10 l.vOG. a.6e 45.671*10 ^f>./ .':^lo::I-^^ d?.-tov:u;;t' a t\3r-:l?.cer»e v 14t^ch l946«'l94r-«T>atHs^ v^-;^ T>ov:v;ovc V rroivech roku lSi4i>» V i 2^* !-«*,-f'ü-l- Is-, v:v^j>ulkovifiao vihli ]X) ?4e2>i" Ki>COJ 21.£;71.2v ^ i*©voä ..♦*.ivtt 21.71^ t7 •19« Vtyj2:^o'96 uhll b:;lo öoädno z ^iraßlov- iQ' 2 lLolln& na üöet rcv*sävoäu s ^eho sa* i:/ch v]^pallca do tovdroy na potdl v l^ soll s kac^pang 1945/46 obsäL^LenS vo v^palo£ch»dIe dopiaa larasl. V^ v ilo- cot' a<4!/ • 1 Xa,477.;'0 .**•/*«.•*.;...»„ 4._y.^uoicl::? lÜiöViir|lTQhtt lilrviö&öni ro^ill 2 bi^.pfiboudiiao - Vüho 2;?ndti:dt;u. * S * d •■' ''t K&ö ':^c»(>4 ^ >6«/ 4;9loi:i£a ^d&;tovarta,.v^r,l':4fctCtocii-;.gg ^^nos-./^l-^cera: , i^ „ .retl^ic^ Vi. T-:^i; &c:-- Vk .121^ ^1,/1. »I946 Akc.3poi«;:ro spiucofväni ' uozuii Xb.4>/44 & 11*44/ 4^ l2«<;'4^Sf i'üs fc,- za IX kgjt.^, KÖß 2»>G6«4U iOdlc kopie 6oplsu at (Znc 5#/8»l943 üdTv sovui;öLo rÄoecJjLiTfl »dvocaiL lifiovoräk^Ta a#p« »i-raivi-clben malo b:>ti tocuito sdvodu cod#lao b»/4«a 6»/J>,46 s b:-Tto üorick^ch r;«?- liSovycL vy-DxJ^ celliea 2>#7C;i? k^ i;:*GO>» Zcäi rev.koaise s;5ictilLi £ oüpottu acnalye H^»7o9 k^ v;i?pali:ovDho uiill,vrdoei36ho pota- ülr^i V -ibal v pr siüci liJ47»o celkov&ß cijciJui 2>«7bi^ kg i'r'CO^^Toto vjTj,uLli 00 - c'r^zi Zü 192. b6C kg inel£iCov;*ui-*v^paljdi I2- vor.t;ovcir.i:?ci: jöT^tt v bilanci k ;!♦, Ii:'#l945 ti, oC-e£lai;:*cb 2rc'v,siv,;.x*ui:- .ovcc vlac **«/4«a C./>,l'Mt« Jeiitc tclcf.üotu^ea 4^ ^ idbni|tak i .jödsak ,1c t;ot;c. ninocctvl sprdvnü u buöo-li ^c±tä sr.'jl:.ceco,a&i;oliv vjecrj::^' oltolBastl ««CUT J»Dw#^i >r «Mi .»* »> cv9e>0.B: 4 . V tin,aby ei vede::! z*av-da pfieüci'ilo viräi k ;3l»/l,^,l':^4^ VicJlo HÄ ni sfetel« A4y>oO,4o ?f«vod ....• fJis 96»249«60 MM mmsti die x^tipLm ttstt-.ors<ÜJU zc äac / 5./9a940 JüV&aala I»aßlov]ca V J^olin» öle ojodaane dohody vidtttl pota- üiSnidÄ col35»tt 180. XO kg ohllftitwQU J»a»«^ fora» v,o k1»r2^ "b^lo BÄ ;iobo uSct potaSäm« y toiine i^ä proto närok xi:i udi-radu 4.769 ^.'^^COJ po rot 16v.527:^S ßa IX l:eit.i.a- öästiai l^B 7.6H,---, 1— :r.Y».M'. rev.koaiee e or.lecleii na odok&vunou narosuatt 11 ccvoza p'^ Lös 0.- Ä« 100 Ics v:?p»uhll,BT^'au.5e ^ Qi-i. CO r.lyn:># j|^>«iMLt'>vA 96.249.00 XO#iX>0# MllH iVcD l^H>#^rv:^«t» Vi H» / \ >6«/ ^'. rkds.J3Ä £trOia • - ■ . cl JiCln *• -x ' \!^ '' . - » 1 j;^ bl., toUßS)onor>3lvcrJ::.ltuii^: f^lüSXXDiit^ vicir:* Jr^rlin /bod .if;- cc/ r-lt :;ontralbUro i^Llrier^awlt^/ürltö v. ♦ »^. CO. «•' :: .1- wOriau-VorGicber#tiiibcr«c Ajoö 25 cu/ t'^: Tii^. » — CO dv^^ru uovoznoho l>r.i> /boc 2«; üö/ / /bod vti toviiQ uTobnöriO rÄraOi /:oe >!/ ^ v«JL^«i.-l'' tv- ^ • «k< ti> ;ov!in6 v r.lS^4o-l:^4S k tiai v^ .» / Jl« o \ji^odctovoX\6 7^10^:5' pi^tfioi k f ir» olouiS" :> Icu x-^i^"-X*->B pdi'iwi VC bO' cv »'* ' ;^;'f> V# !«• 7 OC-4.30 / 51«>0/ 4* 291.461.10/ 337 y 1.84Ö.40 / / :i:.\ 7 K66 4l«6V'9»^^' l.y9e »rl^ 1CX> «^ »» ■ ■ m ^•^"If.-fM- r £5e 471»961.20 i:ö£ lX,7i:r'«6 l#t>.C»0 vi.. i^'*l^'*> Kße >65.25ö.t> -al- so./ £a toto oböob:! ncbude Tfyüfttoivdoa väeobecnä CajD vydflkcvi /bod 41/ • il*l eost&vei:! TiOi^to vypoCtu nebrala p©v#lcoEii60 sfrcfcel iki adlüLa(2y T dan^ na rekocctrukol Isveetlfinlho i&&jetka»po3koseniSbo Y^lo&n;^ uÖHlC5rtsi,v obdobi od l./U1^45 do >l./0.1b»48 v tdrrtjce ilöe l,li>.727,50 fc aavodft bli^e objaenönych v bodu 4"J ä na odecla- ni aväak neprou6tovao6 ßdsillqr llh» s rcrviGOv^iieho sdvoda v nno£ - ztvi t)B";.5Z2»4 i*. /bod p9/a 44«521f2 It /bod >!^/. Iä zdUli-dS ntlr.oprcivoa naletcaöho prwü:löjji3i copisu ..ei;ii:i- nona^olvars-iltima f^Iiraiinlrjcln Vcrjervun*:» Et feile ..Dt.iTalüi st cmc 2 i../ ^«1945 a k üeaau pi*ipo<€ri4nu sezn-^iiai /oplay pfil'»t^ &••:•/ b^lo oüsaLiao ac zdvoüa od 1';, - 2>,/>.lf>45 fimS S6#9»,4 • al3-'jr.clt £ 50 liordhaucenu ;^l4.0Clö * sur.ljjiu TtxtG laaoLctrvi ao;::ßou nibde prou6tcväiia«I'.£lcz toiictc co'iia- du hld^en bj'l Cal.aonopolu lihovenu Oae ll»/5«lV4€ se tAnozti c ßtaEoveni cexi,iib5 tato pclotka rsohla b^^tl larouitovslaa.J^dvof! noob- drSel cd rtätnibc !Bono:olu libovebo odpoveö a na oaotjni nr^i^srÄi adr.Gr-Ti^vce b:lc tia^ii oznd:;iCiio vrcbnlri f^edltclea i-ollvl:ou,üe ta- to adleiltost buäc yj-f-izerja pM. rcparö-önia ^.ednäni isealadnißtsr - Vecenl zävoäu ßc- ^epodaf'ilo z;li»t;lti,3ci^-li fcc- o Itl. %'o' ~ i'obon:? V ndvocjö^nebo o cizi HL 5d.8t€Ön& 0^2; rojfinovanj? a feisteß- TiS V nezLafe5nrr2i ctavu ödle poctoupen^ /evaloiace/» IvOvn?i cic copicu t.niono^oiu liJ^iOveiio £© dise 7«/£«l''Äj> ü oapov^di zrwju cc dno 1'. 'f>,l':;4^ v^isvitd^t' die aäarjTAi u cV^ou koroejxjvicuöi^ict c, 1;/ dne '5k./'f#lOii> odbr.ven;y r=ro i.iliovi-r v „arau- bicicL dVfc ^Jinu^' bc 3arov:»Ts Itlüßs o celkovöri obsaiiu 44,5>ä1, lt. DO ^'r.."öabir neao;ily c »dvodu gc rej'Odat'ilc :j:iiDtiti,2dc ncbr;ly bC— hon dopri-v;. oddißpOTir>\'riZij' ;Jinx2. Ilai:« t.,to 2:>^ili-a noni ;:Z'0\ii^\ovL ~ JaJc xirvnljtrii: i c-inih?! poloiika nebyla proto po^iita Co bilaa- ce CL i;c;;Cou obl takö an* v;r5i£jlerj'" v cvtäc-ri&nic c©;::riaÄi rSledn^Jcli äkod / pHl.ö.lQ,', »4 • at *. I 40./ VäXe5a6 iOEoAjr, i Soupie vAloGn^h Skod pfihld&ez2;^ch dl« dtkreta pro* Qidenta lepublik^' sd (hya 51«8*X!)4$ Ö« S4 £^b* s« a &• dne 2U/11» 1945 ßinil die pHloh^ ß. 11 KÖß 4»551.400«— a to ^^dnak na lxiv«?eti6&im m&;)etlcu u sdeobach» jednak sa ud- len ctEku zci 7 vyrotonlch obdobi poölna^e kaitpsni 19>0/!J9» Vyäe t; i!ikod y 2iäunäa pHpad$ zicbyl& z;}iil;t&is pf«Bnb, n^bri pousc pHbllSaac odhadnuta ndrodnC spriivou V rocc 194 i>» täi:^£ skuteßn^ näKUidy aa reSronstruiKl nälc- tcr:^i T'risjluäönr.t^fi slvoöu, »aplacene v rooc- l^AG a 1947 Celtov;^ esdctki^ oöhadnutirch ökod R5s 4,551.400«— acb;,!^ 2>o5c.tü öo bilancc & ^e veden:: A revldovan^lio aävoiu poaze- evid«nÖn$. Kaproti tomu näklfädy na rekoaistrakcl InvertiÖnftib riajetlqi, poi^coscneto "vÄle^njtel uddloßtci a vydiui^ do kooace roku 1945 T cßll:ov6 SlPtce Kfts ??2»234«60 bjls' u pti8lu5ii:»c>; j>oloic6k: iii^-esrti&üliic ran^etlai v bllanci k ?1*12« 1945 akti- vovÄn;;. Kdklaä^- *v:.di-nd na rrkonEtrukci luTeetlfinlho iaa;jGt}:u, XJOtiiiojiencho VElicin^tei uddloatnl a sapl&een* v pMStich lotcch ßtnl vSetai? p?-lGluSneho podllu aezd ea öobu od l./l« 1?46 do 51. A^. 1<^45 Köe 1,125.727«50 , kteräSto feSrrfckE byla "Vj-p^ iiotonstmkäril prdce zii dobu od i./6,l945 öo 51»Q. 19^^; pccülc oipoctu. reviüovaas firc^' Sinil^' / pfiloiü £. 15 / : r-kladii^tg Kfis 897.651.40 Itoct K6e 55.:. 775.50 isectiir.'Szii pf'iotro;Je üös 64»&i5#uC l.ontarolni liciridla Hcs 30« 959.60 s tolic zu dobu oö 1.0.1945 do ^l.l>.lj>45 reaidrlvovÄno ilös l,54e-.Qli*.10 EÖ6 22<^.2S4.öO IT. üobu oc i.I.l-;;t» do nös 1,123.7?7#50 -a»- ^tito edetka pQtti rovnt^i do bilasee k 51*12 •I94$»ni»b7la vöalt iwviüovonjTi ^vodea alctlvovtoa ä «aal rovlsml kosaise tak noa6lBila, vahledoB: k nettolaostl s^iatitl bl3 anSni hoäaota Skod A k celkon^ nft;|afiao8t«B pH oo«&o^n(Uut inv«sttön£ho aa- ^estktt pro bilanci k 51.12. 1945, nmaiißi bllantol kontümitu lofcacl sö t^6e vileöß^h Skod na pohledivk^ch* ovedla revi firaa v bilaaci k 2il.l?.l94l» »a nto«ckj5ial dluinflsy Cdstku Lös >11.636.5C / Boö üjS. / t; 41./ I^ & R S ^Seobecnd dar. vyd-^lkav?i. li^ ocobci ln1;€rveaci u Bertllio df-jidu v ItfUoiv bj-lo s^lS- töno.Si© rfevici«flrm& na väftobacnou dan v:M51kovou nißcho nc- dluti* fia bcrni eprävö v •wpe.vd, ktcr6 byl;- w&kere ßriny rcvi'i, sasldn:', bylo rovneS pfl oaobni inteia'eaci sdClono, ie o bude upuStöno e di^- vodu, &e Vi^poba v libovsTU v iortoäoviclct byl«. saßtavöui s. kroa« toho poetiaeaa vilednyai uö&lofe>tmi, iTCfto rcvxi^ni koiiiäs od xx-.ccwj' nü tuto dan upouöti» C-stutnl d::ji5 V ^cou podl© 6e^it>z:i tt berxiihc di-adu v i^iboH Bprdve V iKOVQt «Jiöln«; dno 54,II*ll-;S / X^hüt:* k pöi^i:il yi^ild^::; \yzv&i:i k poddiil pflzndnl k ddvce z m.';,3^>tiiu obarielt» rcviio- vi^xd firaiL od bernl spi'd\':; v 'tovo^ Jilüi€ eine 1-;,X';, lv-4b £ pfx>'icpc--aiou 3sd deani iöütou, *aie L^^.IO. 1^41:; ixxkOa tütIc* -24- ß^io rov.wrt^»**«- tivahtt pou»« dÄwa e V iia!fto;.ovicfc>H *» 21.Wdnt 19«. '. ,: r€Y.oiv:?in;*' ^ •/7 '^ . " ' ■ C Ztx rev.firatt i ühovar a r:::ncri8 liiiu V Banojovicfch u I 2dvo5mi davÄrci^ • (/ / i-it^i \ ,»_. , I ■ ■ — I r^_ ilw ** i Jr, *> f- K k t i V a Bilanz - • Anlaj!;e ve imoKen »_ Pabrikseebättde ^ Fabrikseinriclituns. •• ^^ Umlaufvermögen .». Roh-Kils-und Betriebsstoffe ••• ^ Forderungen ^ Barmittel • • •** rf^ BsinkGuthab en • tr: AbprrerxZ-nost en ^'" m-'i 554.95 1.047.67 221.159.03 5.509.99 5.144.09 5^.0'r4.64 20y.74i:'.57 471.252.76 Gewinn- und Verlust ::oii Ldhce und Gehalte « £ ociale Abgaben Ire iv;. SOG .ii.uf".vendar;Geii L'teuern / Grmiästeuer / • ••••••• • •••••••••••• • •••••« Ei; 44.S5i.i^ 5. 85-. 2 7 4 . 2 > ^- . J-^ 1.965. 2. -• 7. S 29. 6 0 Ccrirti'-^e /.aiLM^enciUDi'er- ; >-elasse, wacker, iLolile/ieclm^Krtikel Ki >9^*^^^*fJ eri.iu-uvscnutz. -; v o -'o ->o 7:0";:.:iratureii ♦..•••• • ^7; -*-.;•!::"•■, Versiehe runter ^; ^♦-l-:^*:^^ ÜTunsport-üiikost en. . . • ^; •7 r^ ^r G e »« 1 n fc!a 415. 930. 52 110.691.77 592.539.57 << MMfe Konto per 3l#lüarz 1945 I a s i v a a .... . Verbindlichkeiten : Deutsche Versuchsanstalt Feldberg M 551.955.71 Lcbensbom e.V.,MUnchen.,« RM 18,283.57 sonstige* •••..,• BM 2.445.89 532.67O.i7 Abgrenzposten •• ...• 7.390.8 2 Gewinn • 110.691.77 EM - K o n t o per 3l#ffiär2 1945 Kolüiberschuss : ^.U5 Lr^iciiG^^^G LL.RelnismiG -^ 56 9 #5 21 .57 • Verkauf u^Expedition^ EM 6.834#58 • Vemiietung von Kesselwagen KLl 6. 6 96 #50 •• £chleppbaiinbenUtzunGßE;^bühr VS>L 2.57B*5Ü masserordentliche •••••• Zinsen« •*••• •••••••••• • ••• 471*252.76 liwxben* 535.7SJ.t:^5 6#549«bC 5£*S2 I t^ PuTtscbeDCorf , 14« April 194 5 L^utscLe VersucliGCLi.G'l:alt für Lrtni^rums und Verpriegans G*ia*b#H« Abr.Spiritusf abrill und Baffinerie Partschendorf v#r« Putschek« o ^ jy ^ Priloha 5. ^ JoCatccisi rocvahÄ k i.fccrvnu l>i5 • l«kMU«||MMMMaMMM«MM»«i i w- ^ * 4:; «t*. / 'ü- s.-* <•:> ••*' Vi i.- r >. ♦•• -. »^ r ) '^"^ «T' ^tirf^j'^ «^ * fS irotl- . 23dt2r*iO / li il'uk;'. i. laiitftüj.roVOZi; «■I mm '> 176. a;:) 577 !».>7 "»••3» t" 5Ji .:-5 4 5^ *v^.^ 5 t .7 St^'^w *f'r-4 i ;i37 3;'> •Pf ■"'«■• L? 1:H. '. 1^-* V «•; >w 5:. 50 ■* • <- 1 '"'■ «?.:C' e7;^.' 4: r-v..43> b:^»>#i MMMhM*« «•HM^iMH» ^/ //y'/^-^LiJiovar a rafmeris Uhu ^^ UAH>t\^ K t U^yu^ 1 i) f i It I Priloha fw K ? X V 4 . !•/ F3s«at:y« S^ J'ütt^liov 3,5«v7e 570 &UtOYiO€ >»67S2 £,/ Buöovv; oe Ikesß he 20,31'^ f •/ licaydrrce If' r.of. c;,' . / '^p *,iJ^^j2jK^ V r,Ui«-c provc3en6 o;rcvy il,/ i^acr^e 1^./ Vie^KE biI.:»3dnotf l,^j,lCvitt> V r.lfnS provcrjcnt o-r>'Vv 1^4 . / .M?C^;,V 17«/ Cur-Jvlnv 577 .557 . "' 3 .D 1.C .er 2.^ 3 .: 1 2 >r 76- .£> .10 107 .Dil ,60 32:> .00 c . Pren-'R 8. c & • 17^ .000 . *• >5 .0» .50 s .67 > .so 17.*' 3S0 .ea& .20 »7.1£>.20 lec.3as.9Q »^7 :>• >eC.352.7c ii^^C'jr miji^ •£; I äl./ Rot ovo at 22./ 2il<3^iay^ann£)eCiB: 2«,/ -l.©J^i-"''^n'[j4,stJ5,'^v ir» gobanka * icrycl »s^inxe 2D./ DluSinXcl. He i ohesonap Olren«! tun CJORcoröie. Liberec 2^. / Itrilts Vf .000 • '• 12 .€00 • •" i>5fc.7tTC."' i*..Ol£.>C 300 .000 . " ' 2ei.»*'6l.io_ 1 .IkB ,^ £.61^. " 6 .2?V .Wo 2 .7^0 • ■• 5.000 • l,i:e£.£ll.lö y^,y^o.20 P A B I V A . L/yen^^r.! uetfvy c,/ v^^tUtVi bfvci^ n'söcfe^ etri^y 5./ Kt_*ni Lefcensb-:>rc vr.lchov V«rs'acus»n«^tfvit Berlin k ./ vcet S!i,iCl£tdni 50 .000 . • JOO .000 . * 5i*.ill.$0 >50,000^. 5 >i; .ee s .70 1C2.5£5.70 2,562 .j£7«^ 2,fiSl .S.'T2•öo SQu^.rr. p*»eiv Kör ^M 411^ ^ ^"^* •* ^^«( .• ^ ••' m^ ^* ^u^ir^e.s^^i.^o ^ V Bartesovicfch / 1 y -Opis i ! 21*lictopckdu ^« Iv & r 0 c" a i 2. u V <> b o r u V ,f', g r t o £■ o V i c i_c_l^>_.,_ «HftM»««»« o u -fcL^ B » lÜiU V barto ^vielen. s' 4 7 i. Wl««Mi» "Loa;. vsn-JO^ üi. öeDtllucaiai a reirtülkciönia Cizoaa vaaikld poöfcazenlm ostatoiho ctroonfhc 10, J.-L# •^ . ' v-/ *^te«. baciove ci:iaüiöt6 liiiu *.koic- vzi^Jl^ iiu ostcLteicn bacovacii "^ .- K5e V/>' ^♦^-^ ./^' J ♦tw > • V *• V I "• 51'. 2C^ t ■ 7 * '■ -' •■ • r <^. C n " . • < pfiloha p 1 • • 9. S^tKtrs l'HS "^fomi^mijx Vor^jsrUffiCO'öe^*^ i;!)^»*'«*^! f* r V & £ • Vsrlai-.c'Tjao 2Dr ürcJcntraöldÄtutÄaSc» — n— laawiwp'Wii'H"" MM Wi«««Ml«MNM*«M*»' Ubor die Ol:-, so::: hcutic.^ '^KP csic unaorer !%brl£: K^r^^. :itjiibncst U IdtlDS? 1 I i. isciL'S'«;« idMi / cibo? dio Ixlo am V ersoloholo 1 „^^^^A^A^^* ^^_ ^^^^^L^i_^^ — — i^* - ^>aa_JH ,^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^b .^^^^ftik^L^K j_ rt^stoß pzdtDOQQeci A « r^wa30l:33CQ;i OOSftO ml^^m iWi'» ©üastxjr <53^-6-/6 I*occbetirQO^lAöi)CEi isdaacgs^ 46.45?f • • 95^-^.7 t • m «ö»l5C:t- IW^» 555451 1» « • Jß#5:^-f?:i • m'> !^55£c-57 # ■» • • 12»&'.T:,1 I6^;.^ R)G. 7yU7^ • • iOIaaböl 4;-.#r/:..S • ilasriov::? 56471D 1» • m I?»62/j,4 1 • i:^ruDCio :?;i:>i4'^ « • • 2Jl*03Iy'f& «t-iif'oifci Alh»vA«?.»> C?*>-^Ü!)':J 1» • l^^':^-?it ^^•ril'.^i:; m ^«ßsör?. ccco^> «» l>'»7-r,;- m i^iliU'iJii: • l3#6^r:^t^ n^ nx • • 9 c " '. ^ • « 0 # X2»ön'.»-:> # ßiri^-'tipla r>l.;)51 • 0 • l::'*?^^,':" # C^i^^Iß D7;s:>.^ n <; • m riS5361 t # # w 1^ ^♦/^* 'V^ • 1^ • '•^-^^ ■»"%'» ^KkJ 5l'551a T'jQCy ^v^i'^y^n v^:ap::rlt; m EaCSOl 5:>:aTi XX#w# v|^'« • ZiTüOlOi $>...*7i in BorUii ^m-yj X4#i.S->9^ e £5?öo2.asi « uai2iOT?:?r ;??»a-<,6 t l 4X;iiC2: (4 «-V *«t», • ?l,vi .-»o e •»•• '^ •* 9iX)'a w t r3X>04aa e Ctutt^-^i; ■>;'64?? « rtrat;t?3c»ü f:j?4ir^> '• . ■ H'i'^ll/C*'^ i;:^73 r2x>aci20fr>i:'X ^-iötxsn ..2»3«x.s^)rlt 4^#-^ t-^ t f'^^ii^'n • fi «. 51 IsccccslJrciGD ci' \ : GÄcdxsiSor " I r,vi.^ I'4p* 7/ ^'--'^jiO j'i'^^H^-.ii ß,Uui k o r/0 0 / I % ■I k' ! :? Soupis pojistnych hodnot (*»•• Slezskd zävody lihovarsk^ a potravinäf sk^, ndrodnl podnik, Opava, zävod BartoSovice* FTIMED tN TW) S WclKOVii. k'.. ^■-^■' V y'^ SAPTOSOKICE I t SLEZSKi ZÄVOBY LIHOYARSKÄ uARODui PODUix, o: •« z^vod BARTOSOVICI. Seznam budov» 1. 1. Üfednick^ byty • 16. 16 2. 2. Kvaslrna 17. • 17 5. 3. Zäparovä sin 18. 18 4. 4. Appariitnl sin 19. 19 5. 5. Kancel^fe 20. 2C 6. 6. Mkladnl vftah 21. 21 7. 7. Slzkovy lia 22. e. 8. Mdrse na vyoalky . 23. 23 9. 9. Konln 24. 10. 10. LI Ina 25. 11. 12. 11. li. "■Kotelna • Zdohody 26. 13. 13. Strojovna 27. •^ 14. 14. SklcüitS 28. « 15. 15. Denaturacnl stanice. 29. Oz;na5enl ; L B Cr S"K D A . 1/ Assekuraönl : spodek : Inrytiri t sciivo tvrdö i — — 1 anlSeny n.dfevo tvrdc' C Z3 zdivo raÖkk.< 3 Striaen;? n.dfevo TsSkkJ^ stav^ba celoäeleznd SLEZSKÄ ZAVOEY LIHOTARSZi A POTRAYINAÄSZ^, K/ROBini POLITIX, 0PA7A, zivod BimTOSCVICI. Seanaa 'budov. . 1. ufedniok^ byty ;KVasfrr.3 . 5. Zäoarcvi sin * . 4. Apparatni 3ln . 5. ICanceldre Mkl-ädnl v-;'tah Sislfovy lia , 8. N4-:lr2e na vy^mlky . 9. ICo:r.fn . 10. Lilna -• ^ ^otelna . 1.. Zachody . i:. Strojovna . 11. SklaiiJt:^ . 15. Denaturacnl 3tani 16 • 15. Lihove 3klü.äi5t§ — 1 • 17. et övreud IrMna 13. 18. KUna 19. 19. Mostnl väha 20. 20. Sklarii^/t^i olf-jA 21. £1. Gv,rd5 CiL • 22. 23. 23. SV1 -.3^ -.^^ 24. Yaronov^ Vriha 25. - V 1 e :; kn 3 uuc e tika- 26. 27. 29. Vccovod nzickov^ v^djr 2 Odrr C-^locerl terrainnl Ipr^-vy • L B G 2 :i D /\ • C^naSenl ; [ V 1 • 4 J^ I - .V 1 1 J 1/ Aaaekurainl : spodek X krytina : zöivo zdivo tvrdä smiöeny n*dfevo tvrdd aSkkä 3iü£äen^ n*dfevo mSkkä stavba celoielaznä -. / i^y 2/ ücetr.ick^ : C 3 C21 3 022 J 024 ] 025 ] 026 FILMED tN TWO SBCTIGNS .,« *^- ^- *»*•*« » •«►* '«.♦»»y«iv*'*»i^«^>«»' «**•«**'*■ *»»■>■<» V««^.»» *»>«>.«■<»«>»««»»» -»*•%•< ►> JM» «Ä.^>* ..»^ ■ ^M». <«r-««l»>k •» •'Umi nr.^ ***»«<»— >*^ "i* *■*■ 1. 1. Cf««ltiick(J byty « • 3. 4. Si. •s V > • b f.Yakjlma f^ancel^I'e ■'•.. sdlvo »Aivo s£iY« SdiTO lopcinka Iep«nk« l*p«aka 30 2.306. 2.054» 2.814. 1.55©. s 76<-7«5 634.5:4 955-X04 765-659 "575-564 35 40 40 35 7- 6t 4r: ir. 15. 14. : • f 1*» 11 15 . 15 . IC. IC. i'oiiin a ilnü Kotdna 11 '* ^.ächody :';tro;;fma uklaalftS l'cnatars'Tu «tanice ilt50vt< GJclr-iCtd BdiVO ei»i§ea^ •dlTO t^ivo sdlro s4iTo «ÄlYO SÄiVC Itpdalta lepünk«^ IcrptolÜt* lepanka Ittpenka 1 ep cnk& Ic^pcidcft lipfztkft Irpenhft So • 23C 157 — 1.350.— 55 — i.orr.- 90. 636. *.C22. 16.S35 43-992 ; 06. 5 00 29.* 67 ^^0.?95 u.eoo £7S .508 5.567 16 ,275 706.14? 46.ri6 45 25 40 45 40 45 40 30 23 20 "t •*? 4» « • Ctcv?tr.t. hi-lne »divo l^pcok« r*7. <3.58:- '#^ iw 1&. 11 •/ ."-» t /-. aina «4lY0 l€pen):a .56- r5.^;7 w* IS ■t c i-'ostni vs^'ti«. EdlTO lo'Pcska 78. 19.C71 .-0 iiklü^l^'t« olc^^ü cdlvo 1 op enka 65. •*. i-4.-^45 ■ I I « i.rii T> ■ 1l ^ I ., ■ hIO ^:-J« •flt"^ --"^ ■ ' U.iM««t-^ A • , i.».ik>Maa. 766. 7«5 55 a«8.575 408. 41C l,01'2.3SO 634.5 4 40 53.8X0 3BC.714 701.593 553.104 22i.:78 .^31.316 614. «60 765 .£52 •575.554 40 35 6.344 501.447 4 39. -3 15 374.117 Ö5C . ^5 4 659.516 1«.335 45 7.643 S.i42 it.öTS 43-»:^ 25 10.998 2.994 47.Ö17 Oö.üOO 40 8i • 600 1*. 3'. 900 295.000 29.<67 13.170 16.097 31.135 90.J95 40 116.110 174,177 341,523 14. SCO 45 6.660 3.140 ld.5O0 279.508 40 111. 8C3 167.705 310.365 5.387 30 1.616 • • 771 5.670 1»>:,275 20 32.455 1^9.920 ieo.3C6 706.14? ?0 in.-»2s 564.914 794.602 46 43.96? 15 30 6.92r 13.195 39.284 30.f87 51.351 48.869 5.9?7 40 10O71 15.556 34.570 19.071 3.814 15.:57 S1.150 54.445 20 6.S89 27.55« 38.27 FIUIED IN TViO SBCTIGNS Clalo 1. 5. 24 ?5. •• *• ^ •t V I f.. j f ■■¥ . FoJ stnoTiliif s 2« \ k. ■ \ ^ \ äaelSßktf s^ojBlco £»klaöi£tl^ ?4. V«socov< Tibft i • >• SdlTO SÖlTO »£ivo l«p«nka 4. l«ptnkft •3« i e. .:■ ••tm\- ee T&ia saf':£s<» « « 7. ^»^»/■n»«. * *t>^ >»«riS»»» *»i|»ii>.j|>litlj> I &4.0Ö 524,00 65 »00 el-453 29.984 0. 29.555 -2- 15 r^^ 40 » % Op X >• i^ • B. ;-6. ?7. 2ö. 29» C/ploOf»n£ •1 Sü:{üc:^64esk7, cla£by a ttrraioni dpravy ■•»««MMlMtoMMPiNin^iftCWnMW« •■■•«Wrffc^Mta^»-^'"'^**^"*'''^ IIP« »I I »mmmy Cfllcem 5 #595. 468 107. &69 — 1 5v. 51. ^tmmmmm F«s«rr&i poloik& xp&solm *B Tykll«arac£ r^lohy« «MMMaNMOtftV" ■«MaMMM mm \ \ Celk«st 110.C.7 5,611.564 «■ wMtmmmm*mmmm0mm «MiMaMMBf^»*'* ^Mb*MlM|MaMak~M««aMWW»i>*MMM»«*MMM^«[lMK^^»««» ^m,mmmt0».,mm 11 ■ »I ■»^— — >^tw«1—i — ÜPXI MMMHi^i / «▼•B^ or 7. 6. C«XkoTd K3« ». ^5a 13« 11. '»«S.-»"^. .-i^^^-BV..-»' ».«» f wv »:c x:5.as4 2^ . 3 :5 5 X5 25 40 v»'!'*:; 1S# ..ic 8.3j; ^ l^.BCC ^ •;,5.SX4 •*C.475 -M^ 5 ♦ 593.468 — 1,860.393 3,5>?.47S IM^M^ X07.S69 70 . 650 XXO.C -7 7^- .063 5,6U.;ä4 3,a73.I31 mmi mammmmammtmt^immmmi^ßttmmmfimi^ . — . , «^ ^•jmtm^ -t^^mm A^ - Ji- — ^ .r fc ■ S . v^t . : -i t ^ . V V :^ t a h z'obchodnlho rejstrlku odd.A krajsk^ho soudu obchodnlho v Praze,svazek XXIV,strana 9, 6855/l/i)6n zäpisu 27.prosince 1935. Pirma: "Lihovar a rafinerie lihu Bartoäovice, Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka" nSmecky: vymazäno. Sldlo firmy: Praha-3mlchov,dum na parcele ökat.43/2 näroäl ulice Presalovy a Dvofäkovy,dosud popisnym^ölslem ne vy zna ö en;^ , kam bylo sldlo firmy z Bartoäovic pfelozeno« Preduiet podniku: lihovar a rafinerie lihu* Majitel firmy: Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka^Praha-Smlchov diim na parcele ökat.43/2# • Znamenänl firmy: ke znSnl firmy pf ipoji majitel sv&j podpia. 6835/2 Den zäpisu 12.proaince 1945. - ßozhodnutlm ministerstva v^2ivy z 5/12 1945/Ö3.25283/V-1945 byla/6 do podniku, zavedena närodnl spräva, Närodnlm sprävcea byl • »• ^ ^^ ,u3tanoven Josef P e ä e k, Bartoäovice, Tento närodni sprivce zastupuje firmu samostatnö v mezlch cit.rozh, a dekretu a znamenä ji tak, 2e se pod znönl firmy podepläe s dodatkem "ndrodnl sprävce". " Vymazävä se nömeck^ zn§nl firmy • Sprävnost vypisu se potvrzuje. Krajsky soud obchodnl v Praze, kanc.odd.VII,, dne IT.Servence 1948. Div'Ta 1 V ^m ^ znamu : J^Yf /(ff ; ,, /■ % '^^.^^^ % s.k.revident: -\ \ i Zemsky archiv v Ojav8 Fond: Lihovar a rafinerie lihu, majitel dr* Arthur Czechowiczka se sldlem v Bartoäoviclch /\(L 2^Z^'h Hfi^fJt^A Www 2 FAfML^ Cci^Lec^rwi^ z/z'^ % l^-ro^jovKu: 'Pftc^fz.W iV*««- r % • c, V (0 MINISTERSTVO ZEMfiOßLSTVf V PRAZE '*r >^lf V PRAZB dne ai« Hjna aasQ« ♦ « ö..j.: Uil9/50-IX/i3-m2/B-X. Okrtsniau niroinfau v^boru ▼ .J'.o^v^^^ a J 1 ö i n ö • IlkTldaoe nixoäni aprävy • Objekt Bartolotlo iiSr« A* Csoomwloska« 'i'-V r»; K tamlon «oplau s« dn« S|» «rpna 1$50 Zu« 150/0 ^/9/Ö/50Al?I «4öiuj« iBlnlstorstvo aeitt6461»tvit odb* lVi3f i« lilcyiiftol sroiaal, juirodnl »pr4Tjr ^«»t x>rov<«tl iwtttt sdtJÜ^ saSznlo »• eJa«n^dli y* Sblret oni&nika ic«„ KK7 ro&xik I1A950 «• 46. . "' Klniataratvo zemöiölatvi, odb« iVü unosoxSuit. Se ftäradni Bpravce pokuJ nobyl priao eactöataanoem tolioto podnlicu n«aä niroku na v^paatUj, äädnj?cli pflplatka ▼ Jak^ollv toroA oatatnlm aamdatnait» com Vi^pläcen^ch /jako prdo« pfaa öae, ml.aoMin< 2nov4 a vrfnoäni pft(- davky a poi,/, taki« ndroJnl apriivoe al tteaa:C 24Jn< ta. ovd pKplaW ky Y/pldceti« Nenü takd zamöatnanoao podnlku a aepHalufii au proto do volenti, anl nihrada za nl. Rdxodnl aprdvoa mä podle olt. amSmlo ni^k Vj?hradnö na. odaönu, kterou etanov< or«fc, ktery nirodnl apr^ vu zavaJl a na nähradu hotovyoh ▼^dajü« P«L elxi^ebnlch oeatÄoh m^ ▼ prvd i-adÄ pou2itl vereja^^ch dopravnlob proatJftdkü t.J. 2el«anloa •' autobuau. Kti prd«o pouilti II • ti-. osoö.vozü ale pou^lti lauai pjw- kä«atl pi'eJloSenlm plotrK« Jlaieziky, Poile pi*ajllo5on<5 Zprdvy o llicvidat2ini rovlel 2ajtl mlnlatex^ ßtvo ze;a6 iölatvi , oJtj, Ia/jj, aö^ste prozkou^all polozku ooatovnd ▼0 VjoleJovce, kteru ciini, jan sa rok 1^,40 Köa j7.U4cj,- /pHlXlk vyaokö - nohOi»po4dm'hotoveni ^ r Za ministra : KRA]S\ 't Zprocoval: Spoluvyllzend tatdi zn. ze dne: / » ■ ^' I I* > !—♦•»•— — ♦••••■»■••••—' Pledmöt: Pfü.: Lhftta t j ' ' ••• « Upomenuto "777 .•'..»>♦■ » 4 • P o k y n y : i .t . 'T . •V: a) pro spisovnu - pied prove- dealm podle vedlo]iI(ch) exp9dic«(i) odpoj svoz^k MdffH c) pro vyprovnu: odeslati obyfiejnS doporuienö na zpäte&nl Ustek ddlnopisem doru£lti poslezn na datovanou stvrzenlcu d) Pisäma: doSlo dne: •/• I ./ -,/ i^n^^. opsdno dne: « Porovndno dne: Do vypravny doftlo dne: Vypraveno dne »pm. C 7. VI. 1951 \y (/■• ».j r> > ; r ^' '> ♦-f '.*■ y k^iMoM^"^^ * t \. ^ 7 vi-»' ?'-«-„•.. <\ r t jmy^'"^ * Uv 'yuf^f^ ^'^'"^^'^ ■ ^ ' U^f^ ^-p:" ^^'^^■' ./ yv(^l>irrvw^ ,f\/\/t^ K /vt^^^ / 1 ^ < ( \ •0 o (.3. Krajsk;]^ n^rodnf v;^bor V Ostrava Rderät: Vaaaii^ I ij'vur^ Ozna^enf nal^havosti, dävSrnosti: Zpracoval: ^^fM^AAAAyf • • * i I V Ostrava' dne !^..y.:.,..ijf.....'...''f .^.....* ..,„;,„. | Spoluvyfizenä tatäz zn. ze dne: PfedmSt : Ph'I.: Lhäta mr. Upomenuto P o k y n y : a) pro spisovnu - pfed provede- iiim podle tedlejsi(ch) expe- dice(i) odpoj svazek b) pro pisarnu: c) pro vypravnu: odeslati obycejne ^> doporuäene na zpätecni listek dälnopisem doruciti poslem na datovanou stvrzenku :-.\; / ^U r fiM/^Wt^ U^ / y d) Pisärna: doslo dne: opsäno dne: U. »T* i^(\ j Porovnäno dne: Do vypravny doslo ^^M^1/l^ : *f3 ft/r. - dne: Vypraveno dne s pfil. \ ' A' \y V ^•9 %ti^ ^^mMb 5 • ■h { -. -(3 .; «■^ Krajsk^ närodni v^bor v Ostrava. ^ Oznaceni naiehavosti, dävirnoati: Refee^t: }^UyC4^y / Zpracoval : Spoluvyfizena t^z zn. ze dne: 'Hcv^uUiAi \ 1i N V Ostrava dne . / V V T— !■ * I * P«l. : LhAta Upomenuto P o k y n y : a) pro spisovnu - pf ed provedenim podle vedieiSi(ch) expedice(i) odpoj svasek b) pro pisarnu: • • ♦-* •♦. Ifi^,e * ^» V 7 .•»• • ^ V :J- .. • '.•"•> ■""« Krajsk^ närodai vi^bor V Ostrav Referat: ^^^44/"<^ / f/'hf^ p^aöenf naläiavostt, dävirnosti : Zpracoval: ^hj/M^A^AA/l - 't\'ix ..*--'Jk »-X-.*' V /» , J.» '. * .-% • . *•••.. 'V.^V r".^:»,> '.l/'^J ... . )i;i >->'■ .*t?'.J •. '■« . '■fr- • ».'i*»'«' V>« y, •' .. V Ostrava dne .. ......i i' ![ ' (f^ '* ♦>; •!♦ -ri !•••*••••*••••» Spoluvyftzenä tatäi zn. ze dne: •i i Pfedmit: ■'f- LhAta ^TW UpQmenuto P o k y n y : a) pro spisovnu - pfed provede- riim podle tedlejsi(ch) expe^ dice(0 odpo] svazek j^h. b) pro pisarnu: c) pro vypravnu: odeslati obycejnJ ^- doporuöene na zpätecni listek dälnopisem doruäti poslem na datovanou stvrzenku d) Pisärna: do§lo dne: opsäno dne: }• ^' ^^H fy Porovnäno dne: Do vypravny doslo dne: Vypraveno dne # s pfil. 9. V-. ■•«••t •:3 # _ . • •• - - . ^» ^ I^'^ fi^iA/tt>l^}^iy^ / -^^ ^ JH4» Je V ;!t^ W^, '«^(?^ ^'^•''^ \.fM^ ^M'-^^ '^^^^'^^^ / X ' ^•? %ti^ V .^ä V 6 j OKRESNi NÄRODNI VVBOR V NOVI^M JICtfNE (V ^p9tU\ uvWftt vidy inaelui, dahim «viel) V Novaedefli k Umx^l» na l|hr« Yalkostatku BartoSovio* Al^r« vlastli^lc Or* Arthur OMocovloika/ torla provedena pdS'ialuöni poMH^ortf 3?«tonni«nntöu4^ ▼Q oqyfllu r^oBtt nin* Ma^d^lstvi m dm 2ü«&erTaa I960»6i« 29»047/90»Z);/ A-114I/4 dosavudni n^lrodiuC ap»tm a wKfiAiM likirldaöiif atf^rodnx qpfawm« Likvido^ini rvnrlB« terla ekbnfcwia dwta oC«9»19äO • ^ ^^^ . Majßtkov^ podataty^b;^« vslkostbtktt dl« likvidBönx vavlaa poBftatcvajSt a/ s poBoiAcft kat* umuC fitu:to0<>Tloet'=>««i^l^^t^v^^^t^^<>^^^t''*^^i^^' t/ M ö^yf dorCi a to " Zdmeolrsr' dvür^VelK;^ dvürytl^tJ-«^^ dfftr^a Loftal clyQy U70dezi4 BMiJatkovd podstz^ty V^ piMdölaaar tttiöö ▼ üovda JlöihfttT&atnfi fti» v^iK> a Burtvtfhc l^^•'^■^tdS^e• , ^ ^ ^ ^^ • « t; ohledam na natu: >venl alt« v^^^noea Bin* samMölatvl ^aMmUi sou&aeai ndrodnl eprtfvu likvlduöni a rzdrodnia eprdroea li.kyidtt£:nib jBMWJl ÜS^ V 2JovdiB Jlcint.TirBto v^hnpörem ochroldvAi dlopoolcnf pirfvo 1j(^» n^rodnxho sprävoe 8 bö£n^Bi uöty a VKlady apzwovand nujotkovö podetuty bIjbo invaU' t^ kultumi a hietorioicä hodnoty ai&oku fifetrtouovloci ^aad nitoi suatavata närodxxün aprrlvceta ufi do doljr/jkdy t«nto pj^ereB» IWlrodal kultumf koodee ▼ iTuea ve ao^aXu am^rnlo Bin« B«i»öd^0tri se dne 9« viSti 19Ö0» i»rotl tomuto vymto'U Is« poütitl odvoÜKni u okrearJtho rdxoQxdh.o vijfbora v : »^^»^^li Spoluvyfizenä tatäznzn. ze dne:' ^ ^. ^ /Pf Pfedm«: Pfil.:... Lhuta Upomenuto Poky a) pro spisovnu - pfed provede- nim podle ^liejäi (ch> , ebtpe- dice(0 odpoj svazek b) pro pi^amu: >>"?^iN >. ^ \ <\-^, •i»' t> ; ,«v.^-.'. -i^- *i\«^ » ^^i^r/^ c) pro vypravnu: odeslati obycejnf 'doporucene na zpätecni listek . dälnopisem doruciti poslem na datovanou stvrzenku o /^' . /fr^/^^l d) Pisärna: doslo dne: opsäno dne: Porovnäno dne: Do vypravny doslo dne: Vypravepo ckie s pfil. ^ . z^i^cP '^ I 4t*-"^'" !A \ 'A. cCci^^'^ >>*^, t ■ ?A-.V ^^'/J.j ^:^'^^'>^ ^7->H^ ^•^-. / '^ ■a^- ^•^^>i^^^^>. fi« v^'v ■i^w :/. .y M^^ IV ^^ /^t^^\ sc*© ->»■:*■•:■■'■''•■ / V I *?*•' '*'v.»»:v _.-,{-.— -\ •^ ■ ♦ r <> > V i* Miu^ vi* :i A' / «.<... ,*■ » • »• •*-> r f^«. 4 V o n V ^, ^ \, / / '■^.^ ♦ >• N 9 \ ( -o I I <\ N •V- K ] > !• • I OKRESNI NÄRODNf VYBOR V NOVEM JICINE C) Znaek.93l/DS/9/8/S0/nn (V odpov*di uv« •' ■»» •4k'4M<* -« F r a h « • / Pf ll«hy I 1 pvUiin s. fr«di«e«ni lÜErid«£nih* oftttrlala >■:;•■ r ^F.!. "Sr!? i^??»* P5?^^»^ • PJ»v«4««< likridiiCmi vriü nän^td ^rS^ry relk. ^ V««1;»J!^ UJcra4*^ni iaat«rial M0£Ui •• t»iina£iBu aliii«Ur«t¥u: ¥ balleieh It|f«rtiit I ..j^ r »•w KrajskSr n6r»dnl vyb«r,zeni§d§lslc3^ referät -'^^^^^ J »•■■-.• Hj ^i ,sl ■ ■'» » ■ ' i, V- - *ix ♦.^ i?»\ Ostrava • Pfilehy : 1 pr#t#k#l Na vedomi. ./ w' e K • f < V f- f o.:r et (f 'Tr/ KRAJ8KY NAR<;^(DN| VYBOR IMb: l10.Vlli.19SO Zn.J^Jf__ X v? jtt Wo y ««.••%'• ..., • ' • r . r . ^ ... .i I... i% 5 4.^C/v- :^- f 1 r». . w • '• • ..^«•' av« ' r •— mmm «•• mm- mm •■«■«■■ ««• '"^ 1 m ^ ^^r \f^* ., « l • » e^^ •^ I ^ \ f f i. L^ Krajsk^ närodnf v:^bor v Ostrava, Oznaceni naichavosti, duvernosti: Referat : fHpi^T'^^ Zpracoval: Spoluvyfizenä tatäz zn. ze dne: "^tr/^^ü^ / I V Ostrave dne 2"? \ '1 • dMi Pfedmet: Pf iL: Lhuta Upomenuto P o k y n y : a) pro spisovnu - pfed provede- nim podle vedlejsi(ch) expe- dice(i) odpoj svazek b) pro pisärnu: c) pro vypravnu: odeslati obycejne doporucene na zpätecni Ifstek dälnopisem doruciti poslem na datovanou stvrzenku d) Pisarna: doslq dne: opsäno dne: ' Porovhäno dne: Do vypravny doslo dne: Vypraveno dne s pnl. ,' / / ü D(i a / kM. 7/ }l r * (^<:^!i^rry^ L. ^^^ Ct- / ^Hoi/^ ft Krajsk}^ näredni v^bor v Ostrava. Referat: Oznaceni naiehavosti, düvernosti: Uu^eCoUj Zpracoval : -^ i- f ( Spoluvyffzenä tatäz zn. ze Une: Ostrave dne '. ZLif...^.....:... Pf iL: Lhüta • • Upomenuto • • I • ^ ok y n y : % I a) pro spisovnu - pfed provede- nim podle vedlejsi(ch) expe- dice(0 odpoj svazek. b) pro pisärnu: 'l^^n^ c) pro vypravnu: odeslati obycejne doporucene na zpätecni listek dälnopisem doruciti poslem na datovanou stvrzenku // ^A ^ a^-^^ H..^'*^^**^ *^^' •f, / d) Pisärna: doslo dne: J opsäno dne: • ' pCiVi4 Porovnäno dne: Do vypravny doslo ""- ' 1 8 . V 11 .1950 , , et s pfll. \ / Vi^. {U/^'^ /««%'^^"^ ^5 •Vi A W^"^""/ I \ \ ./ .> c / "0 o n / • A9« N l %> s* ; ' / ( r 1' 1 c ^ •; • *••• V * OKRESNI NARODNI VYBOR V NOVEM JICINE 31/5 -1950 -VIII (V odpovidi uv*0 pfedklädä okresnl närodn-f vj^bor hlä§eii:f o stavu likvidaönich revisf na majetcfch nad i30 ha s tfm| 2e v kvet- nu bylajgrovedena likvidaCnf revise näE.QdG.1 sjprÄYJ yelkostatku v BaPboSov^Qjc¥pT33^V7^^ Czeczowiczk;^ a dödicö. ^ ^^^^B9ÜSas'n§ zädä zdejä-f okresni näroönf vj^bor o urychlenö sdrlenf, ktery- ufad provede koneSxjou likvidaci uvedenö närodn-f spravy,^resp. komu mä byti zaslän likvidaönl materiäl, jelikoz se v danöm pf"f- padS nejednä o konfiskät, n^br2 o majetek äidovsky, kde konfiskace oyla Jen zahajeiia a celä zäle2itost jest v restituSnfm flzenf. Poslednl likvidaönf revisi a to na velkostutku v Jesenfku n./O bj^valj^ tö majetek manäelii Stecherov^ch hodld zdejSf okresnl ndrod- nf vybor provösti vlastnfini silami a v dobe od 15*6*1950. Touto likvidaCnf revisi budou veSkei*^ närodnl sprävy zem^^döl- skö nad 50 ha ve zdejSfii. okrese zlikvicoväny • -rf' KRAÜSK? iWAnOn .! VYaOR V 0«TR'\ £ DA: \^ ?. VI. 1950 ri^atr Zn. Pfll. ^ /^ J / / (^ct/iA^üYi >i^'^!OuZ -»«^/tit^ '^U«e^ ^^.<^ / /^. ^■ \/t^iM^ p1y^l4^ I. ^^'''^^^^' i^U^ O^K *• -ac- -^V- ^ ^. « • ÄÄfy^C/eU' ^T^Oc'^^^yi^ ^^^^pyU'tMi^ /iliyk'^^U^t^ n^iJlfvrytUyU ^/^fVVÖ' r^^ ^jl^ A^A.^li/' i ^t^iM;^<^ €l ^Pyi'r\ny^^ ju V V ^ OKRESNI NARODNI VYBOR V NOVEM JICINE 551/08/2/6/50/VIII Znacka: (V odpovedi uv«^t* vzdy znacku, datum a v«c I) V Novem )icine dne lO.öervna 1950. I Krajsk;^ nörodnl vybor,zein.odd§lenl Ostrava. • LikvidaCnl revise n6r.spräv na majetlm zemgdglskö a lesnlm nad 50 ha. Ke zn : 1610- 2 5/5-1 9 50- IV4 ze dne 25.1cvgtna. 1950. K tamnimu shorauvcdendmu do2öd6nl se sdauje,2e pfesnj^ stav likvidaönlch pracl na zemSdglskych a lesnich majetclch nad 50- ha ve zdejäim okrese byl tamnlmu üfadu zasl6n v pfedepsanöm mgslönlm hlöäenl ze dne 5.6.1950 zn: 551/08 'souöasng opakuje zdejäl ONV svojf ^ädost o urychlenä sdglenl,kumu m6 byti zaslän likvidaSnl materiöl z revise vellcostatku Bartoäovice-Dr.A.Czeczowiczka. <»— I K^A.: \ -' • "vfBOrt • • m4 1 2. VI. 19S0 ^ ■« —I I i «J - ' Pv • • * / ^ A ' r - ■ r- • M ''• ■ ' > • ' V 'ci / . ' / 1/ \ ^'^'^■''■^ ^"«^ ^„...r V; \ Krajsky närodni vybor v Osjt Referat : Znacka: j ^ 7 •. Spoluvvi'izena^ Oznaceni nalehavosti, düvernosti : ^ «Zpracoval : /rl/^^^Tiyiiyl J / tz zn. ze dne: ^, V Ostrava dne d^.....r£.lJ.±.S....^.... * enim P o k y n y : a) pro spisovnu - pred provecl_... podle vedleisi(ch) expedice(i) odpoj svazek b) pro pisarnu : c)pro vypravnu: ddeslati obyceine doporucene na zpatecni Iistek dalnopisem doruciti poslem na datovanou stvrzenku d) Pisarna: /il2: ./^./.f. rr/- -f -//-^ -4. ^ H^iCjf/\^ ' ^vi-(^ s A ^ '^ I^V^K^ ^ doslo dne: opsano dne: Porovnano dne ff dne: Vypraveno dne s pfil. p «o I / /J^Ä *^^^';>r >,^;-'^ .^^-^-^ Do vypravny doälo Aj \ ^"^"^y^^-t/^ OKRESNI NÄRODNI VYBOR V NOVEM JICINE 2i..Sk.:_.5 5 l/9r.r2/5 -19 5 O-VI 1 1 (V odpovidi uv»iu^^ '^ /y7. V // /hA^ 2. MT^^^r^y^"^' • • / ZnaekaiX.-6ll^8/8-195l/ätr. f (V odpoved« uvWt« vzdy znacku, dtium • >4<0 , I • • . Y Novam JiÖne. dne-M ?.«^.J^a 1951 W! r »1»>V «»»»l»^'. « ) Okresni spofitelna a sälo^na ^..^L. Novy Jiöln ^ Liicvidacnl riieul byvT'velköstatku Bartoäovic© k Z]i*4403.kf«.5008 ze dno 7,8rpna 1953« Pflloha :i, Ke shorauveden^mu poddnf se sdSluJa toto« Spia l)yl I6m aasldn ONV dne lOtl.1951 ,k tomuto byl p?ilo«an original li^ zapiau. a amSmioa oiin. zam8d&latvl# ^ VziilQdem k tomu .ie neni moino zasleti amSruioa ^Jeat uutuo ^a vyiäidati u KNV %Oatrava ,oddSleül IX/S^Potfa'bnÄ ödet zdpiau pro likvidaönl uöely aa zasild« Vzhledem nal^havoati likvidaSuiho fizeui se ^ad^ ,aby s likvidaci bylo a urychlen 'm zapoöato a o pr\ib?^hu aom podana zprava.O touto so Y.l\V souöa'in^ Za rufoi'.mtai Krajsky uarodui vybor Ostrava, oddSlanl IX/5 *^- ^^ — •^^^••^^ — ^- aa vSdoml a k zaslanl atnSrnio miu# zamSdSlatvl o provädial*likvidaoa~SAZ#^ podla uvedeu^ho adSlanl litratila oely apia, ktery ;)! byl dna 10«l*195l zasldn* ZÄ/iref eronta; SHiDilM^VÖl .Li^^i ßjiqiö.c'lg^b 9.. OSiMi i ,iüc\LcQi *•' >'.» ♦ «iu«»b rfiil SV ,'UJ fli^T/i^^y^i ' "Kh 'vr-v^W S >^ '^^ ^ ■'I» 1 ö' \\r X iiO I e Jd j 0 » a vaiJ 80 / / / /, •< OkT9md. nirodni v^^bor Nong^ Jifiiiu MHHMMM Sto t 551/D8/9/5/50/mi. «■M»« MW MR Llkftrld«eiii rwriam airodni «pivivy YttUoMtatka ▼ fiurtoioTiofaih,ttlor«a itov;^ JiSia« I Z A p i • MfMMtt^ «EM 26.kritai I9M) • iP^Atdka largnaiitf likridaBai rvvlM iQT ▼ Burtaiovl^fslitOkvM Itov:^ JlCik« Btviaa tQrl« «Piv $ » 217/d->46 IqrlA adratetei apvdirei atanarana niliiinn takte t Fsdla ^qflü^ftcy ti^valdfa» alniataivtaa »affKlaf a advaratai ampdiigr da« 2102*1940 • «• B - 2I61/l»»2Q/l2 ^ iittlabai diaaptel I S dla valal 4arBiai8aft ▼ livfe»vaatl HBa 6*000»- a aahiwiliif pallUqr* Jalikoft BiiadBi msKisnm ujal aa Im ig idaftai Jll «aa 2€«$«19^ 4il aa däavw 1945« SU täte I -^fT««/ <• 11 - 2 - ■tojtSnl pl«t ▼ hatavovU « 6.000 O« •§ 40 miimimt 240.000 XS« Mtm^liii pdatlgr M rok 1949<6 nte«p» 1.109.20 XZUi) •$••• 6.699.20 natoi^ilnl poSltky sa r»k 1946/12 ■»••p» 1.109.20 tBm/ •• 15.510.40 MturAUuC poSltky w rok 1947A2 ■»••p» 1.217.20 IS« .• 14.606.40 iMitur^lni paUtky s« r»k 1948/9 ■K«.p* 1.217.20 SS« 10.954.80 mm dovolAHBU t roc» 1945 po 2.000 KB« ♦ 2.000.« M aav«l«nott ▼ vom 1946 - 1948 pe 4.000 XS« 12.000.- n v^Lnstei pMapftrric t roc« 1946 - 1948 p* 1.200 fite • 5.600,»- Ml deba od 1.10.1946 do 14.4.1950 de kUrdft« detgr «pxwvwal n6«dnl apr69cm lüi^iMk desul iMpMdfilMid aaJtttkMrtf podstaty o v^nßf« 94 l»,i»vrtiuje Utorldaßni Inols« ndr©dni«i «px-drel odm&u dl« •hoz«inr«d«tiöho ip;fno«t •kup.B «- 1.5.90 KB« HisieBfi t.4.» 18 n^«lcü 28.620.- CvlkB« bor bSI adr.spr.ebdrfteti KSa Calktv si o6roöKi ^artfre« yytoia n» liotoTe«ti t poieiUy M dotu od 1.6.1945 d» 31*5.1946 72.000 ttf p»«ltky sa dobu od 1.6.1946 de 51.12.1946 49.000 peSltky sa dobu od 51.12.1947 99.200 poSttky M dobu od 50.924«800 5Ä.746.80 UmAtinma^ ntoek ■ir.apfif ■ XBe 6.946.«0 - 5- ■•^•tlEtt I «»1^ Tm M vlastniei • t* 1998 •puatlll pAr«dai tadtevni CT9lt% Mm tMt rlekoa |lBjttt«k v«lko«t«t]BB t Ua4«tttk Tslkostatku byl ]»f«d «Ipu^ael ro»d0»651.6M,666 puiartwi toU^ k»t«üaMBi BurtoMrlM k 4*^ pilmafi 6fs«TlaIky 8^ • 8?9 |Mi«kDdil^ kKt.dx«KC atäOLBäm k >dii4 p^l^Fiai» (9 PM kn&BT Sis.Tloilgr 512 pos Sis.TlASky 579 a 566 pM fiiB^'WlMXkj 474 • 677 pMi*knllqr katvüseai «be« Batorice k jadai poloyinl eis.TloSky 652 a 68? pac«kBlhy kiit«üs«al abea Burtefiifvlaa k iadntf Stvr^ tSnlt«*^^»* idaalB:C poda 527 ha^lO Tt a 96*75 b) Sn» CaacM«leskavA«raaaaA Adlafvrtf s ■2« eia*Tl»ll^ 648 a 651 pos.kKltaor k«t«ite.BBrtatoTl«a k Jadai paloriai» eia«Tl9fiiiv 579 PM* X pos kiiUds*Sy«tf eia*Tl«ft]iy 652 • 655 pPs^kBÜiar kat*ds crr k iadntf BartaMVle palavial ealkM i9 p0»>knlhy kaUOMoi S«41nl«i k 3«4o4 po^orlnfiy «l«»Tle2ky 966 pos^knihy kaUüMsi SUstfi49V k Amiai po^mne. «X««Tl»&ky 454 • 677 po—m1r.lmtTy kat«ds,Bit«Ho« k ^S^^^^SSSf-«- (iia»7lo£ky 652 a 653 posvknJltjr ImtmiiMMa Barloiwie« k ^edn» «tfrtliw c«lkaia idMlni poda 91 ba 79 m<1 it 90*25 ai2* SU ^laa 8 poseokoT^eli axtfaft p^sfiat^vA apravo^ao^ majotek nanovli^ tS^ito paa«mk& dl« kultftr i • lol«*. 5X0*55*45 ha lettky •••••••« 165«9d*85 ha utjiamQy ••••«• 5*65*74 ha paatftny ••••• 6»22«65 ha laciy 129*54*20 ha aastavanA pl«* 5*58*04 ha nBplad*p&da *• X»24*51 ha SMBdanSnä pdd» 11*50;55 ha t *•••• 65>^*97ha* dlt 4adn»tllV2^^ kataatvtflxiiah r&zmid t Bu>«* 655*67*97 ha FtoMokDv;^ BMdatak aastdvtf ae Styi^ drovA • ta **atea^ 6vCär"**V«lk^ Budavy t tt mymkwymi padatat« ■< laia^l tyta K4t^ t 1« afaMk • HidtfyartI pro ialal «pa • 4* ^ . ^ 5* StfadBi Ärftr - -«w -i^. 6p*171f 4. »Gafaa T Ärta«iflrleÄh 6p*lT5f , __, ^ ^^ 9* tSÜ^ dvftr • haapadJyaH a «I^Ib« tatof7^ep*2109 6* 6laz^ Mastt «• mäiliiiin an fo*242 (htOPaBlEftlt 7* ttfaradBl«!^ tgrT^lMM «p«295 ¥jMlnl6 • Mir m 6te ep*9(Steii Mii ip*295)* I - f - Ijatml dvAr • hoapoa&Motf m. ol^tai Indovy 5|^296, SMiVBdC tmdova fiiu9l2. .Obytatf buaovm v» V«lklB dvoi» <^?6B« VBMlwy uvttdMitf buOoiw iiNa ▼ I ■i^ti»! r ■ iilnl awt^torlo» :tes^ tMc artod po J«t te aiMdbi «crimr po oflvtboMnl BKmb ndixodtaC mptkty \aX Jibwaia «te spmb^ 8Ucif bfitfk ▼ DartoiyrtLoicl itfsodBi flfwify k» tel 90«%1948 pISmnU «•«wqf Ifti^lBPHiM» CSSS «> IMi«» t«l0tvl ▼ NDTTte JiCiaS» I I VSOar kR dni 31*1? a to toka 1946 a 47 I9I« ptowiMm imaoMgm^M ktai^? byl «teT KPtvtfb» inv«nt6fa kHitiol9fte*BBMn nAvoAHt api^ ptm^äSly m na ortvto iafwUM v^ani BB8nyt^va^|Aak»I 1 od^Ugr a kmCi^ atav 4« sadiycMi ▼ pfadavanba protokola ba s «»■ >^tfmmmm )a5ix)(inl apröva poCala hoepodaiHti b&z ^ak&nolsollr xiiltkcfViSijO doh^rtka^ mlB» 3 kDnl»P?iJeEi daläflio dobytka xiastal «vedenia hovSzllio dobytka 8 roa^^ opuötrni^ch uaedlostl v DartoSovlcich ▼ poCtu 66 krev,12 Jalovlc,!^ telat 4 fayk&9? volü,2 ssavs^ch telsd a 5 knanc^di v©plS2i»ü iwedenÄio p^evsatdho dotQrtkB tyly ..^'atnin n^tradmm v^^bocram pMd&lenl :!^ vepfl miatnici obcaxifim,2 asanrd talt» ta bylß odporstäana :* 1 pflleSitosti oslov osvoboz«ni a pohoätöni pf Islußnlkfc lyv V jartoaovicicht-vis potvrz«:il 6» 7 (pWloha). r©tatiil dobytok byl postupn^ I.m'.OCJCjlTlA}: pfld.riovun nov^^m osüdlencüa Jax vidno s pMlohy o pohybu hospodörokeho zvlrectva 2«8»V tC'to pMlo»e,fcto- rö Je vyijrecovöna dl© sdeobnlku ziv^ho linrcnt^f'e a kontrolov<5ina üÖetnS,3« «O" chycen c&lkcfvj pohyb dobytka taänäho 1 uf.itkovöho od zovedenl ajl do konc« nÄrodiii aprävy» Llkvlduölci nezjiotili V zäsnaiaech o dobytku zdvad a koneCnj? stav pM zrusenl nörodnl eprövy aouhlasl preonS se stavocafke kteröma likvlchijlcl dö» kladnou kontrolou doaLl« ICrnnd a 8telivov«5 dövlsy byly prozkotanaSix;' a shleddny vzhledao k poctu dobytka pi*iia5i*©nynsl# Veäkei^ 21v;/ invetfitÄl^ byl pfevcat CssG/f^ditelstvl v l'iov^ :?^*^^I podtu « dpuzf.edevaclin protokole ze dr»'!*^ ^ebo.: v^pi.5 tvofl pfUohu eis« 9» Kostllnnil vyrob» : VyüötovÄnl akliznc prov»dli llkvidujlcl die aSsobnlku ajirpky.vedenöho vo vaz^in4 i-iilze.v nrofi zÄplsy byl^' «Inftny inkoustem denne s uzavlröny mgelö- ni".'"«*nlo zöoobnllc oljeohuje aizn.r'<*i fcultör ^rvpeäny z osevnlch plteß jouFilasl s v^hrCrou vypsanou z pozeirkov^ «srchu.'jato v^-üötovÄnl o« p.lklÄdAJl J^Jo pflloby c«5i4t5 « o tohoto protokolu« Sklizon 194? s Prömemö hektarov^ vpiOQy obllnln v tomto roce Jeou vcIibI ^b^d.pi- el«dky vt-leönj^öi udÄloetl projevlly s« pronikav€Jl u okopönln,pon^«di tyto plodiny pr6v/» v dobfe oevoboiujlclch bo^ü - kv.»^ten 1945 -yyäadovaly otopfol , plenl.Jednocenl a pod.Nlzki^ vjh^we »Äku byl« zavlnfn rovnfefe touto P^Jinou- nemolil bc^i vyJadnoc«n a aakraol.Pokud ee V5e s«na a zelen4 plc« «rtno po- dotkno\itl,2e byl* « v^tSl ö^tl bud zkrwena nebo znißcna pxx>ch6e«JlclBil an» dami.Vedenl «ösoteilku v toßtto roce vykazuje u «ita © 1 q v^tgl vydönl n»i i l>?ljem,c«2 bylo die vyi>ovcdi «ir.epn'tvce zp&aobeno OE^lem p«. V62«nl -7* mä am ntelsdilui« 1» lunoi ivka rjfcwwüt ifttlmflr tfaflüMU ■pwiilw gimi»»» i q pfndtoval iMR wm 1% tsWt ^tm V rtJMitnflw pp9f4mti< " r VDQ« 1946 t ■tiiltevlctMWi Ttek Minaflii il^^th juwni »p«— iml ■i nfglBi.llilr ^ ▼ t«nt« >*•• Umüt mäJbm knipobitik^ktis^ «tvp«U r»f&a 1 fepkiuBrtiiA •• pidc t#fe «iitottttaii 0U2*ilm*MtiQf^I di«t«t *.. « T^tMrt« VM« SDfta^bll^^i» •• irftltütlgr iMsh* tak pcaBÜem Jak ▼ ^lJ^^ kzajiflh a vtAari plwny 4«Q aCU |iodiA»ktar4 tiyly aküMagr pfed ia( plM ufadiaia mkaatatka CSS B]C iBffaätiaa ] 1948 t.4.; SSS*lQadinr daaoA oaakUaaatf • JakoS 1 pü. Jaott abaaiaaor ▼ pdMftTacia prataiala a 1«10*1944 jalwS apla m pfadklädi >k» pMloha 6-10. aianr ▼ pfadavaela pgataiiala a 1«10«1948 . 5- ID. läroafi täte h/1^ pfaafawBäasr polgrby adaab kislTfataUva^aBfil^ab hna^lv a taktrt;^ 1 pavi^eb pallir|pM 6«ai MilQrla ajütftiia padatata^ »hrad a uk^ 'tfay aaai dtoo^ia YaikÜPi »waithafd pl^pRtfy tQrljr MdaS ps^üHaräi^y, aala aaJta apatMa tarla üStlzuft a iMhnMl« mdaj* a ko«|Mi b^ly kontralar^ay aaa^tkOTrft po atrtoaa üfiatai a ahla- ICU&4 kaapodäJSitfi t 0 dojlvoatl vadl n^lrodni sprdnroa al^fini^ sibjiaa od 1«6«1941> «2 do ^. 12*1946 T aaiitft.v nft^ hyly einSsor dancX w^ftnangr a to SAatltöaS lnkou«tea a dAstaSad tuJUawuy a5ktax;^di wiaieii^ tmal urad«o podat dajnie a to od X.6*- 51*8*1945*0d 1«7« - 31«8«194? Ja aattnawffniina pouaa dad^Tka aldka do mbixvy* Od 1*9*194$ xartM ae J12 paSot do4nia«calkaT4 aoaSatTl nadojondke alöte a 4«h0 ^dd&i«I«nta aldCn^ aisMaa koaS^ 71.12.1946 a 1.1.1947 4o salo2a& nov^ aldSngf sianaa va 'wimmsed kniaa»T ainS ^ «aanmatattto po6at knuj^eh a dojlvj^cb dhftjwaäatiFi aadajoadbo aldta a Jaha tttai rydäini» Bonfeni miaM daaJivoat ioai vyavitlaaa tia^Ia daliytak tayl fipata4 4»- kaatl a aal ^pyiAjEnl kzan^ 4MamX MMhla ^i daJiYoat s«:^tea.BBad«il mrySu^td wm dojlvaat naatalt tla^Ia }ar&wy mlj paatupad TTMaaräqyvpfinipa- ▼dny a pflcfaardNr^ krtfty lopfti kfaUt#«V dobS od 18*2*da 26« 9*1946 aebyla id^dny^ doJnlo»pf.isiu§nö pi^llohy Jsou uvedeny pod ö,18. © Char drOkaia notgd BKTodbu api^vy« na valkoatatku aaradan a ta po ealou dabu txr&al • 8 - LmhC IwmMdAfiMC t «I y IfHm J152a& •• dM 9*$«1990 m592/08/9/9/M/Vm stotup»« Immüm «ddU»-^ ui m t^Ute OHV ym Vx^üin • Oi»t«r X • i^ i ■ • k« vifif^j^-rin, dfwfBiflh hMt nttorlj ▼•^«qr «d p*C|tt]ai atix^dai •pWNqr »< ^ r«ku 1948^0AiiUM «d Min 1948 a t mm 1949 bgOy Jü «<— tafty v«dMQr*T ^ •ItdlBi Ute Mirll •• vmrlteJiäl ImrI •]»<» iM m ü6«t»l di^didJ • E«lS«f»< Amm£lagktmr4 m Mjr «irxlB?» «pzimn 6ha i ainMiel*m« UbvU iMlfiM: hm ■plMvdbi Mt«t%2a toi fyli»t»yfc tj^pia df«nd«fa taMt m 4«dMiUiw4 Mlgr« kUx:^ jMt Mofiiirti tatet« sAplaa • tvA pPilate " A "«Y t«irta «MipiMi 48«tt lila torljr pamvidaiar pfadniaor tüab |»rt zak 1944-194$ ai 1949 m hlftfta- ■ia a tJURiiab ▼ iadaatllv^ 1^«^ m% akotaSai pzaiSStavaaao ^fmml teatau ▼ tJtetita latach adbyta« a aalka«# atoras w Jari t^cto t^ Pädia i:MM tSSab 6isil pd«adpia tlikur ▼ pl» dfiri t9«a liata.4atal I Jahl 4«hl >fal vataand pallva aE«dM!< J«hl«liata. aalkaa pla. 1944/45 200 1945/46 40 1946/47 100 1947/48 178 1949 105 30 8 12 10 15 500 50 54 80 500 «B « • 850 lOs •• «a 20 — 60 plB 50 « 50 40 298 Pia 40 «• 25 79 569 pl« 50 9 10 • 400 pl» CalkttB 625 50 25 464 420 105 HO 1*802 plB m.« podaaii^ch hläKani bylo rytii^tm «■Mi 1944/45 700 1945/46 40 1946/f7 110 1947/48 178 1949 194 10 12 10 10 50 34 92 50 40 92 10 70 • 770 pln 10 • 50 p3« 50 95 575 pl« 25 73 322 plB 14 - 533 pl« ■«•*«■ Calkoa 1022 42 20 176 182 10 169 118 1.939 plB FssnaaendTd 8a»2a dl« prahI4&«nl Bdr.apx^iTea a aTSdkü(ptfll*B)iiepiSeT8«la när« spr^va s bld^and t£lby 1944/45 s laaa B»x«Tea 2d ro I .^^m-t^'m^ - 9 - SLulM podvtkMtttlyS« s Ulfagr ▼ v»e« 1944/45 byU pr9äim MM cm VhlaSsktf Mssifiöi m «pravu Msta Mmil tedatta am 7*2QI«40 KB« b« udAnl Hmtj • druhu dNrfm,« e» bgrl« Tis« vytiiMM M«i J« «hsra «f«d«M« K ttat» bodfla uddtA aAxvdai nvAvot^it ^«Tiel m miaam ▼ ABt«?Mi4i hzvubl « t* ▼ d«l0rliift.vlAlaiiaft a uiltktdr^a iwr—» »la>Ti]ia pra u— tfpayjCdaJici prCMr byla pfvradaaa na Jtamtmw4 dMvi a ialca takav4 piad faraaoa V7i4^vajiei m adtaau df«va«]cta»A aCIa l^tX pflpaftltiaa* liata edmdaujc ndb^adid apsavae üta^Sa YyhlAika a aaaAch dMTi vyila tapnr« kaaeas raku '1946,tak2a nanahX üfitavati mr£mii eaiijr* NAr»dBi apHKrea haapodafil aa oaläu laada abjaktu da l*10*194a*TlBita diMB tqrXy laay laii^l ▼ kitaatra abea BMrtaSarlea a yMfa 47 ba pfaddbiy CeakaalarenaKN aUtnia statkOn^faditalatTl t Vmw^ JUini.aQrtak laaA ▼ kat. -«bei SadXnioa byl aäradafa aprtfnrevD abhaspadafo?^ ai da daa pfavsati Caak»-> ^«▼anakaNL stAtnial la«r»AuadiuC padaikfiStditalatvl F)r«a5tAt p/}tedh*,t«J.dae 14«6,1930 aa spdtnau platatati ad 1.1*19^*V dabft ad 1*1.19X> da 14.6«19^ nabyla nArmdai vpxAronx prarasanina 2Adnd tüba a aal Jiai ulitlgr pl^niauoi z laaalha hoapadafaaf Yxrähy aabyly* Vdlecntf Ska^y na leanfa aajatku hliLi«qy nabyl/« V raca 1944/4^ byla hlAÄana t^iba 40 pzn tf£alov4 kOiy^tata viak bgrla podle pazntoly v hlädeal vojakm advasana a «pdlaaa» OdpxodeJ Täna^asDah ati^takAydnraJi a paresfi Jast ▼ dStach aadbyean. Odprod«3 xwöfija^ Je vad«n ▼ i:UStaeh polniha h»mpodAiyttrim 0db9i^ poaudak i I i» JeliktS nArmäni BpvAvcm Jan V ä 1 • k tiyl tuispddii^sl^ o(3bani£k,TSno^ Tal 0e vice hofn)090« « UT.inraBUvte.«d 1.6.49 «• 90* ^ • aUk» vb.«ivdl» liirentÄf«Ä4«tk»W hodi»ty.«5tT^ te- TWit^t« • pxwed«^ch odpisaeh a ■a4«tk»^ hodnoty »»▼1*^*J • Pä^f^ttä»- iitTi!zä«»lv ocaSiIW vidy pofUwraclmi hodnotami.PaoSlTtnA odplaonrÄ procanta Jaou Te Tfieoh letech ste4nd a te a) u budofT •••••••• 1% soocdLeh atarab 5% lektr.Tadanl .10% d) u nlÄUeak a lak«B»bil 5% ^ < »_ , ^ u ♦^4a ir«. a) u alektrlcl^^ notorCL a nemotorlaorai^oh palnioh »trojü 105» t) a traktarCi 10% g) u poatroJA *••« 209» h) tt drob.nafadi.. 90% 1) u kx^tkodofac^ch intfeatic 50S^ PaaJtirmnA odpoaivd proeanaa 4aou ümSrnd. , , , ^ ^ ^ *, ^ Vadenl cbchodnich knlcb 4« p*ahladndt«achyou4« i»^ pahyby najatkov«, tak hoepoddjfskö WaOadky r JednotllT^ch hoapodäfa^fch obdoMeh.Rarisi netolo »JlgtönSTSTad rd«i inateralnöio . vy aladak po atrdnca odbornrfho hoapodafaal 4ak» v^xwba roatllimd,ftiTt>«iönd,laay atd.4« «hadnoean ▼ aa«aatatn;^ch pi^ila- bdch tohoto protokalu. . . -n ^ ^^ _^ j« 1 K haapodÄfais^ v^ladkö« aa poaiaBandTd,«^ ndrodnl aprÄvea pfa^ hoaDoddJatrl po vÄlca vi atavu ▼dlaSjMl uddloatal valoi poSkoaand« a *• 4«k bQS?y,3^mrU3^ inrant^ a maha s udrfavacloh BÄltl^^««^!!!?; L'^ni^lE * I94S 4iou Tlaatnö nilklady Inreatlönl.ktar* ly vykdaanÄ hoapodäfaktf va^aXodky ( oiaky ) acvy Sovaly • ' Jak pM4iwr4.tak rMmAmH pa ealou dobu tnrd pKädnialdakiadar.l^rd 4^« fd^i« uacfaovdiQr Infi dn±A.Itokl&dy jaau aauhlaaift adialardaor aa - /f^/» B 1 1 « a e • Xü äaX pd^wrsttl täofäai •portfivy kgrl M s nfiltlnr 8.12 tatet» uwtaliBltt« " «— ^ Onanftrf ■tfpla laka < ttata a eoji prmrMptäfAaä apopinMI ■ajatkn a ilv«ia inrwUfa ■a^attoW padatatgr afoatei äpoNtoy «^< T pfaQalilali i 809-17 jMtt pfipaiaagr ^1^ ■ajatkat^ali lastah a taaapaitt> BBl^baa üfttadi aaMloav^Mt 1 »I a 4aaii papaingr daklady a aasJiftUay rm viadi lataoli piMkBtt / fiiaU eiBila t4 padataty aärc4ai ^xtfagr 194!» tta 10,8(a*488«90 Bwigni «iaU jBtaaC k Sl*12*1949 Clidla 4Ia pfopiantf Mianea «« •••••• E5a ll«939«00i«60 Javl aa tad^r pMrflatak sa datu trvtfnl atfr^apa^ty X8a 1»196.9XS«30 FlxunSal dSatnictrl sadiiycaTala pa aat» tnriai aizoAuC apvAvy pMklad» aS yattartf paligrtQr t haapaflafanl' iiäro Fz«i«» yMlA 2]Bi»>CtMaitda.FoJi«tlQr IqrXy nUn» piMCBQr • dnwi pfvddoii irvltestatka I «MM» ?)iX«£Btf äk«^ ▼ rossafau 23fX27»0C0 X&s byljr JMdni • itSm pHhli£«iiy u QNV ▼ NMnte Jiöittl SS^eh^^ef aB4«t«k pod adr^sFrdvML t >««i fit tei prsvddSni llkfid*toi rtviM sAstinrA ▼ nAr.sprM iak» doaud ^ pf«TS«t^ sdHik ft (Nbt«fotf «aff—nf «Mn^kUx^ doaud Mlgriä C$SS td adr.sard- Ty pl<«Tsat« iii«-tok»linii«2tSatk S%9X riak c "^ l*XO«194e ▼ uiivdaf SSSS« P» pIvvMti iFvlkMtatka daa 30«9«lS;4d zftatal» t adr*apx^f edat leaü a pasaBkA TfiatMft lid^m; aa kBt.dsaajC abae Sedlniea.Tato 54Bt laaA a pödy tiyla faxndlnft pfafTsata CSIr>fad*Ta ArvnitdtS p/ti«dB»a 1.1.1990« Ittvsli a paaodak likv*kD&iaa t •«MW» UkridaBni kanlaa padrobila Slanaat iitfro^ l«&rodnl e ♦• •■ -• , 'f Ukvidaeni nrl«« au^r.spvAvy Telkostatloi % Vfüdbai (•! 8 • « p 1 • mmmimmmm ii i iii ■ TvfiteWte ■rtrtfhe inPMiUf» te dal 2*6a949 pH. saliAiifti prwMO« I I ifl^^ff^iy t Sl«lctv»a»t«igr I M» «» «1« >«BiMMai loksnobilott 1 M««i47au M te MUltB « kMn- 1 ■nifllnpir 6»29209 • wnJtUmmAm 7/«tBj 1 vuJmm m. Umb « lokMMMlfltt ««21967 i mi.iillUr a;470979 ▼ tevAmi r iG/«tA» 1 siuAao T teUMl 1 iin.fM iwllf U« liatt • lriwi>biay i ftis.2> 26267-^90» • 19 ■ küd 1 na wKwwf Im pcJiadi^y Bumü «tr« J« t 'fdnpplMMnn^ inpriM pdbegr xwpo^lsdq^ 2 lokpBoblijr aräenopnfi prvrowa^ ÜSraktoiy t ' 1 Hjf^fUd folM*«s«rla8«r7«fti. 1 6tl Ü1d4 pHviikafvi ldi*i«lM 1 sn*fimts«|ivof*UL neadMipoBf rAntf — ufltottar na tvakt«r nuBwioiBaig 1 $U 1 plevelovitf dMt«v4 «bilai ?£Lc« } di'wini 1 SR«lMHI*v9NHC«0WVyg __ 9 tKdOatf dlfi»lii<| 9 ti>l»Mi(< Tiai^l«t# s AHiw^rimmtf 2 waAjmm^lmmmYi mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmm J BUBMVft^fyOhilni 6 rOsn^ naiBtlD-obllnieh, .^♦M' 2 — dBtb3r>t< Obttxwm^e bwhir t 1 tMrMlli«a(iri#i«b.i«l*B^ Seel «trtj* < 2a8lgr ohilni a tr«ynf||pni^t>g» liriabir t 24 Mdkortf 9 suZ*Ui« r>1T4^t)rf>l J , X m«jMuittoidcMMPivy 2A^ MlmMte « «i ■Pfl» li« a «bSrafi 9 iwBBieh lHiWMrtaflli haiilar t iP 1 oi^SuBMjto 5tlMdkaHi tawriiMar 1 4Mdkov;^ tm bnateiy " -^ ■aa«i K ff flMI i. 1 OKLailofaB fsgy { I X * SlgrftiidXieatf •tanlM I •. • 4 f # X X X varkuXofaB X ifykBlevtte fftpndbe 2 tmktowrtf «UdOtttf S«1mii<, 1 uajfüv4 •mmm > auEXiofir • Ttfotmat 8«2JX09 BtliiüilBIMlll • IVUl'WuX &aaS]Qr t X suBritood m MSkn« X sn«Qn«^ na ««eku, 5 m {«PO» X X X X oaostni yHtuk dö 40 q. • " X5 q, mJI^^ /-^ ?^q.döb(jrt51, daeifiitfliil Tffiiy lehei, X/0» 20li«yX/0«XOa(8, 1 X 9 5 2 X 2 2 2 4 I 2 * bw •teufiit pimtS vmbQc do 5 q bidn^ky ruakd» v«XB2Ck tSXfiit teyeky, aanS seXaktfi iHfifthovy plLsma 11 tnücaZ^ aa hndj, 1 kDledka 2 TesDgr na Toaani kraiva» 4 T^by ▼esoT4» 2 vosllQr na pvtlm *. 1 trcüctor» 2A>«5kÄ, : «i Autoaatlektf yoddrny i«M 2 na Ztoaekäm dvofa, Raan4 atroja a pf istroja : »«■w« 1 1 X X X X X X 1 clriaLUzrka, Serpadlo aa lK>Mnrkn notorov^i firotomlk klod^TkMT^y klepafi na hrAeh^ pj^troj na laomif obilX. • • « T^rdit * na bubenl bXiskäSka» paMk na brtaBAwry a praCkou» brua na ruSnl pohon» Jkanaktf 10 voXtii^eb« Ndüadl va «Uyiofa s koora na alAGO 2 cbladlCa na Bildko« 9 akHn< na knaive. 12 atUfiak na dojani, 1 Stefan aa saplaovteü adtfka, 1 atoli5ka ka stolUt N&i^df ruSni i 7 •bane^kfl dvouradlien#ob> 6 JadnomdliCn^eh • kolaäor, 7 drouradllfin^ dvojAky, 3 Jadntwadlifintf prohlnbnitfcy, DXaubäky na Iwn 217 kuaft 50 Tldli Sty'brot^<^f 12 kruBDpAS&y X koaa 4 lopaty dfarSn^t 22 aiovSky q& okop^dü:il ixiu, 2 draniini x^öa« X ru5ai pun^» na Yodu. X atJMkaJ^ka na poatfllc ovocn;^ch etraoA ? i it I I \ XfMlM« 6» 1 m I MÜMi steofi t 2 tefafOy "^ 2 fOBOT^ lukdla« an dlooM» 4 mtiky wm obilif mümn t «MMMatM»« 1 IVIUltXtill • 1 klü X plXs •tanitex •• 4 Bftir«]Dotoiifii, llBMl fMIMiy ki il«t*A i>MBlrfle« J^ ^üff^vfiä ^^wwmltex ■>■»!■■ ■BflirtI pfüm 2*000 k| 24 Atl* pXD MTM HalMMmii, upHpmi VwnfMH t IwlOik ll0bJy9VM:C atllM 1 nbf4Mi «tixiM, «■ pMMl isUUt potiuMfEfoh ](&££* 1 pilA «r»glieit 3 «kMnS kniocUNM 1 (Ttolftk na fi^di»» 1 sIMk IM psaei »tioj femrc^, •t«l«k na odklmni «plaft I afar«B^ Pi?^i 2 TrUlor a« «H«6)Qr ■»!# I 9aMf«:f kibal 2«$ • SoClim «tsajadUdci t H ' I il i 1 i«Mi »«• 1 «tax M 2 «virtfilQr» 1 »behodai akHn • pMAi plaehtm, ^ pölkoradlin». X iriMk pohoTka. lEMBna 8t arSf e «hlAkta a Xepatkoa 2 kofi« na pap^ 9 XMfQT atolni fcanceläfalotf« X aadobiytnä poldadna zaaCna poftkosentf 30 pofadaSA b«a obaXft» Sadatak t X Bafikftdlo Oft ova« sn.Bouaek X rfCuk neduplsQ^« 2 tndiCa brambor» ** pluh dTooradliSq^ abx>Eietti } nrioy dfevto4 4«tllT^. 2 pXoi^ traktQPortf dvouradiiCatf» XO mSle dfav^n^i 4 koXaCka k xv5Xä& dfwSnit X ▼AXfic peUdila^, X B3;fo«k na Siatfial, 9 Mata KDivima t X kOBpreaor a aXaktroaat^d »2X6222 8 kAbXaB 8b dlovfti^t X ventllAtor a aXekmaotorami X bxoa a alaktronotorMiy X vrtaSka roSnii X k»vadlina« 2 erüT^ky^ 2 kladlTa yalkti $ !«• 9 klaStl ahnov^ch, X atro 3 na o^btfai rifa« X polox v^^n, X 5ialoya(Uca 1 • XO X ▼rtaökR na «Xaktriek^ pohon. X koytf .atoUfika s pfinX.ntfi^alm, Z pdMLos« 8« 1 iMtnntAf steka. o 1 poat«! i»«ftanA»opotfebjwinit 8 pomtmH S«lflMaiydifOpotf«D« 1 mtiitfS dNfT6Ri^ opotfeb* 1 skHn b«s dvcfx» 1 okfinka opetfebovanA» 29 ty6i -m iq>fnial lDDb«i«&»epetil^» 1 «tahflivaei lasp« 1 kompl.üiitfwbif tep«iil, 9 «toljr ▼•U4| 1 lanrie« p«niA» 2 Itfvle« ▼»Intff ^ « ^ , 17 voJMMlq^oh |idll b«s opöradel» 9 Sidl« kuehynsktf, üdl« li»rtlnaki|0tar^t kamnm «tAloIAma» o«v&tl*töl«M(l poSkosen^) •• • wlBici , l'^daielB^ palt ktttthyiwKtf «tel^ starbt " krtdanoe otare» " iidl« star^« 7 aiar vAmä »tcro» rntür m pMhvidkaol v«ll», apeirtfk — safiB^na taplofa voda, uayradlo dv»4it4 na atfou» 2 1 2 ) 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 7 9 2 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 2 ! 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 X 1 1 1 5 kr«d«a kiMiijrnikAt akH^» fisUilk* pato^n Bdft«i« (bas petalm) atAl aborBijHv» ildXa I falaani pfanawA •terCaiMKatari rosb, glüätoät aawStlarael tüaaa» •kfln tra^ännA. kIMIa OixalBi aniCflatff atoly stavi stieaatf, Ifliko p.v 4tfllntf 'HTTTTif tiäi j^lowBl««« di^teni UhM •« •••• xbQjBtf **1ffwi4 ld4iSki «»ri •••. 2Allnof dMM iqrfMig^ < 90«* 290 900«-» 900«*» 900»* 290«» 900«- lOO«» 1«200 2000 1*000 ### kttltivittMy <1 Thriiap • 1 Stevtjf) Ttarvb 9nidlieos^ 2«lf«^ «•••••••«• plaCIgr telesntf 91tnniirt mSiii oJlT.Slf» 300 400 CB '^wül^ irySwmm »Ütlglwi sa^schindlcrmri • U«m * jgufQlngw 48* «••• 1okr>apM1« paxni vrak.««*.... 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BtdMftka pA^ • te X96*06 ha *••* • 960*00 Kte WMai. «■%• k a»ti 49.78 te **•• « 940*00 KSa fHfgmm k mmH 92«2mi •*•*•• m 290*00 flto CcUbhi X9aaL*a87*90 0« 99#200*00 fli« 190*000*00 Ite 112*900.00 IS« 686*400*00 2*200*00 19*080*00 2*940*00 16*000*00 48*901*60 29*641*00 8*000*00 11*009*70 1*100.00 12*109*70 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm X8« Kfo mm Um Um Um Um 2t997*999*60 0« i ! I K pfilMM 8« 12* •priTar I*6*1949.Ff£Ioha k pi 2fawk s pffstavbMBi 1»128.400*> KBa HMp«spK«iv» fip«>12 141«090*-- £S« ]3te ep*255»lQrt sahr. 9?»262*9 K8« Dte «pa71»Sti««dzil dv,151«12%» XS« Ite 8p*173»HiU4^nMi Burtofevie* 25*IB7*3 tt« O&a fe«I89 Hij«TM Stdlnie« •••• 26a99*-> XSs ate»«]i^ dvCbr 8p«6 ••2»428.079*- iSa V«ll^ dvte 8p«210.. 1.541.475«- XCa Tu&;f dvAr 5p.256«* »2»2^0** SS« 4f^ 217*620«- KSs ai • lAvunUf* k» ^bi aa(Tad«ni ii2r»sar^v9 1 damu X945*JPMloha k pottUSal rasfM« Xk^Ai • idnipina mrtwfb» InrtntÄf« t •«■«iMW«»MMl Muue^ .«, BMrni lokMiobilgr JSBm •••• •• • ••• Zkäl 0tMj« obiitti 2m^ atv», SMi atr», Clatiei yarararaßa bzvMbarA ••• Otoae«da 8«na ••••••••. »Ja obUtti ••• laja toavB^ ••• «Ja •••••••••• ataalea ••••••. CalkiM t 5»996.640.- m» Pla^jr txaktarori •••••• ardajr txakto^^tf • FLuby pra ko^al^ patah ardboor pra lamäkf patah Vtflaa ^ »•••• ÜaQQr X5a X8a KBa KSa 12a XCa KSa S5a IBa SSa • «>«. Y^ • BaflaetidQlayflBQr^ •*•••• Calkm t ESa XSa XSa Xia fl!a XSa ISa XSa 105.000.- 90*^00.* 210.000*- 109.000*- 42«000*- 42«000*- 21.000«- 5*250.- 12.600.«» I.575»- 1«575.- LU700.- 37.eoo.« 12.6C0.» 56.750.- 7.560.- 16.800.- 10.500.- 2.100v- 5*250.- 168.000.- 8«400.- 5»250.- Om 962.210«- StaeaUfaktf saMsauC XSa 5.250.- JteOiaaaaX poaaakflulaaA.iSiTdbo isTantiia a lcBn6al.aaf£aaB£ ka tei aaraäMi a. 6.000 XSa .••••••.•••• BSa 54.440 , ^, 1.668 ....... 10.000 XSa .....i. XSa SISoO ZBtatartotf pLaebgr .. 32.42 2.500 KSa .«• SBa 81.050 Faatvlmr mm 2l¥2^ lavanOi» t 154.54 8.000 XSa tta 4t442.490 XSa 1,074.720 Caial vaU fifei .vy inraRttf aalkaa 16 koaA »•••.. 7.500 XSa JGBa 4 " 6.500 XSa XSa 4 " 10.000 KBa XSa 1 <* • 10.000 ue.000 25.500 40.000 MMM ua^m^^^t^imämim^ \ ?f£Lohft 8, 12 PoC4t«enf T • n r m h m pi^ sahij«a£ pnrr^su ▼•IkMtatlai dna 1»6«1949 Aktiv« I l»«M«i ) Lmqt KE* 5»996«640«- KZ« 4«442««90*- K8« 1, 074*720 Mrtf^ JLnv»nttf Kba 967*460^ 2iv]^ larftBttf •••••••*••»•••«« X8s 189«900«-> ) P • S 1 T * I OirporUSnl sapäJSloi aUdadai iapltil KB« IteG8«92I«90 XS« 10|802»488«^ w» IE» 12^€70*ei0*« SB«. 12»670««10^ T B«x tts 242*000^ ff* 9X>«20Q«» XS« 12«646.410*— ^ •ff« 59a.$3I*40 nm SUribwai SKasSiffi^!!!!:^!!!!-:::::::::: £ 4I2»549*30 ffs 202*620«^ X»8$e«>21«90 » • • ff« 1>,457.«22«U^ 3L5,4>7»«22a9 ff« • ' • I I tfihii Btvitar a itfate • r • • t ff» ff« X»469U664ao •79*0e3.*99 9Ü*5!XU40 liliBitT i«MaM M»«Ü ff» M71«4I2*99 l,4n«4U.99 • » • • 9U12a945« K 9 4 ni rofrl«« atfr«apr*T«lku8tatku Pfil0ha d» 14« © Aktiva t Hot«ro8ti t FoULadnl hotovost • ••• KSs b*03e«70 Yäz9n4 I (^eml üsteT PnlMi • • KS« 95«2&e*70 Pehl«i^eh»«DÜ «ktlTa t Zanist UCasti istaunei *•• ££• ddovrap VArrwrie« 1000 p^dXlA • xSs 200. MUkin» lOünnrald 100 pednü m Ttm 100.- StaJ«tkoTd Mmftaeai » Inren-Ulf t J2« XSa 6.670»< 200.000. 10*000. Boamry , ^ZfePHitäi^ « •statai »mHMmd. pww132.20 42.724*— 85.735.40 2.000.— 3.644.— 6.310.20 4.323.10 8.260. — 3.041.60 i 77.50 18.bul.75 61.262.50 63* 4 55.15 6.391.70 1.351.— 337.— 233.— IB.277.10 502.570.— 56.550.— 1.335.— 31.530.50 11.78%30 6.000.— 147.097.02 3.673.65 I 5,764.784.95 1,033.900.— 67.885.— 314.60 807.938.19 t^mmmm 5» 674.822.74 9, 674.822.74 I II Ai rvTlse nAr»BprAyy Telkostatku * rie«,2^«A.CB«cs«wleska. PMloha «• 15. Hosvaha k ^l.prealnei 1947* • • ^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmf .'! a J • t e k t 1* VomMoky ••* IGSs 4t442*490*— 2* ^mm± «tanrbor 84*584*30 3. aidovy 5f946.80e.lO 4« StroJ« « •txoJ.«af>is«ni •••• 932«63%50 ß« Nifadi^pHatroJ« • sai^* •••• -109«512«70 6. ZlTP^ InvanUf • 1,757.708,90 ?• 2)ir3il5t»C ienroatleaCleay) ••• 1.074* 720««- II* Z tf • o b 7 t •—^■W *— — ■W— — iM II I ■ III — — t y 24mhy 475.339.50 HLFlaanfiitit aa^atak t 8. HataiTaati »«•••••••••••••••• I20«ai0«30 9. PanMai üatavyCpahl.Wteaatf). 118«424.30 10« PodÜjr ( TalBtf) • •• 5.510«— U. ^safijr ^risantf •• 210.000.-^ 12« niiiiniel(prtil.Talii4) ••••••• 225«069*20 BlniBlei paia.Tfoantf .•«•••• ei.156.40 PJ^acfaotetf podlaaivlQr aktlviii ••• 15.844«20 13* Satean« palaikgr aktlimi •••• 25fl25.000*— Kapitell 1. VUstBi k^itil t ) x^ Ylaatai kaplUl ...••. KB* lO936O.332.l8 n. Clai taqpittfl t wM^HMMBMHittaHaaaiMavviaaaaMMMHMama • • • 2. ratffai iSaUngr •••• 1.380*(60.— 5- 5*^*?3j*;-i: 1,389.655.40 4. TUmaemi tffe^ 27.479.50 '• S?5ä^'*^T%**" ....... . 1,950.756.42 Oatatai TätftaXtf *« 241.320.— 5. Pfaahaflai MlaJOgr paalTuf .. 126.329.20 6. IMMdatf paloilgr paaiTni .*•. 25,123.000..-» lll.OprM^ k Mjatkn t •«■«■■■•«■MMMMnaMBaBMHMHMHanMnaHBMMÜHaaViMCa» 7. PpK^ky k invaat.JBa4atkB ••• 123.258.70 aa*Ma«MMaaa»«>«M»«M«»ai[i«aflft«M«M«M«an«MMMaM»iM«MaMaMHMH«aaaM^ XSa 18,742.791.40 Ote 38,742.791.40 '<^/, / yr i I, i V Bvtai0Tlaieli,dBa 31.12.1947. I K pMl»wm S» 19* vy«l«d«YkR n »btebi od 1.1.4* >1*12*1947* mmmm^mmmmmmimmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmm Näkl«dys 1^ lady d^lnlotv« ••* xe« X,961*404*— > 2. NatlraliUC poSitliy ddlnletv« 24l.470.10 5* Nkturdlni poSltlcy ddl.proplaoend ••• 68« 418.20 4* Bted>^ dMnietira aimoMaii^ 77.796.40 3» Voiir»tiJ^ a pedenf ehlab» 91«092.40 6* DovolcsiA d£lnitttv» proplaemitf .»•••• 8*667.90 7. Vtfnodnl pMap&frmk dllnlctra 146.749.— > 8. Slu2ii^ dotoreü • üf^dnikA ^42*&2%40 9. rtetur£L.po2itky doa.« üf^dr^loS •.••• 68*7:M.^ 10. dtto doprlat»k • •...•• 22.'}^7»30 n. Slu2n^ mlx»f6äni • 2C*30Ö.-~ 12. VänoeSnl pM»pST^ desercA a ü/adnikA I7.7CO*-> 13. NVoocenaM peJiStCnl di^lnictva 246*0$7.70 14« NeiaocanaM paJiStSnl das.a üfednikA. 92*81$*70 15* Penalini poJlSt£ni dofeorefl a lU^adnikfl 22ao?*— 16* Orasartf pojUtöai >1.693.70 l7* i^dkup abllaTln 28*?00.!70 18. ** olajuln ••• 7.420.— • 19. " 2f«pQ^ aeaena .••* 677*20 20* ** aadkity hTtmboT9w4 *••*•*••••••. 656*b0 21* « travnich avatm • 18»5?7*50 22m * aatuwAnieh a«Ban a aasenia ••* 1*629*— 23* " laaaieh aaaanie 1*202*— 24* " Initfiiila * 10*1^*90 25* JadmA kndTa 96*236*50 26* IteSlii ln<»4iva *. ...* 240*362*20 27« Uhll 27*649*— 28* PDhannd IdUgr 211*960*10 29* Olaja a aasadla **•..•••* •...• 37*066*^ 30* R&snd pTwro^ai potf«by 17*346.40 31* XteeaXtfak)^ pati^^ * .* 4*337*20 ^2* Oalonmi pvaatfadky proti fikOdeflii •• 14*|19*60 i?* Elaktr^achalal^ aatarlal 2*029*20 34*0balJr *** *•*•*••*.. •*.*•*.••.* 12*021*80 33* Zreivldkai^ ***** 396*50 36* OmSÜmi •••**•*..**•••** 32*541.60 37« Mlatl a •vaiovdni * * *•* 10*596*— 36« Odplnr ***** *.••*. 123*256*70 39« UdriaviKC htOmw 22*336*30 40* UdriaTdAi Inap*atra4fl **.** 62*197*99 a* (Mriaviiii tniM«rA 23«950*80 42* Uirlavitei UtAm invantdfa *.*• 11*567*70 43* Udriflffdaf ■■■nfeh atovab •** • 300*— > 44* BaÜomtf 2*339*80 45* Talafto ft UUamav 10*100*80 46* Oaprand fäkLÜfy 11*143*90 47* Qaatavnd * 49*091.— 48* Caaopiay a knlhgr • •• 2*221*10 49* fmwixmS pH&piMv * 5*507*80 50* Sary 265*— 51* Santomi draky 86ao3*90 52* uralgr s poradlanaC ***** *..** 3*643*40 59« BaidoafBl ytUtfj * 4*619*40 94* P»4Uttoi ▼Saiid 125*526*50 95* Oaai,i*rlDr a pa^tky * 109*222*80 56» Mlkla^ aanastTaifradBi nrfar 12*486*— 57* fK^mtf^mwUmi m pavÄdni utaämäy **• 19*295*— 58* Zia^ Aaif1w1iMi ••»•••*•*••»••• 132.000*— 16« Itav««tla« •••••• ••• ?44*— 17* Bieht«VB< ••«•• 67«44l.— 18* SMrl • 217* 798.70 19« Ztrodnl tgrlsr •.... ^7,>;70.«> 20« MUk» •••••.•.•••. 970.114.— 2I« Bfittai prwmai potfalsj ••.•••••. 7*696«80 >y22» DVfMMi •••••• 22.568.90 -^m QmtmtMl v«dl*4U t^iio^ •••*••.. 47«465«^ '2iv AkttvaM VBitx«pediilk«f;/iio«& ... 57.175.— ^ 29» Ukri&iM fited«p041iUai kxv^b. 52.Q10.— 26« amkar •«.•••• *• 984.70 27* aimor steil ( tenistei ) ••••••• 475.539.50 ■ r . • • • Z 1 • k •••• «.••••••••...•.. 7»997*20 y BU'teS^viclflhyAM- ?l*pr»slBe« 1947* r 'ß- Ffnoha C» 16 l^«l«40Vto M «bdobl «d l*l.a» 71.12.1948* / Xäikladytt g \* SÄ i:;'v:**** ••••• ^^ it879.9>i.4o ic« sitti*oai platjr •••••••••••••••.••• 409. 213.10 3. SBOitflni ntfkliUr I 29ll54al20 J* 2Ji?****^ J J*^*«» 5.780.40 I* SSTJJ*??* 101.082.90 §• ?5if^*?Sj}l! * 152.486.50 Im %)mxraMi KTavrm •.••••••••••••••••.« 402.380.80 8. Ochw«n< px«8t^,pr*tl ttcQdcÜB •••• 15.449*60 ?• 2S^!I^Vi:^* •• 61.806.30 II* ä^f?l 2iJ£.* "■"^^ •••• 154.290.50 J2. K?n2S«g* POtftitor ^oallS 13. Slaktrielq^ preud •••••• 42.644.50 14. Ml«tjC • ttr»tayibii 119301-- ,15. CiMi yfktnf 16.575.— A6. BodhMt« ptodusfvlki linr*«tle 631.454.bO \L' J52f^ Pf^wÄD ltw.1immUH 1,847.8^.90 le. OäffXmsf « larwiUc 186.057.— 19. U:^ri»viiil linr««tle 175!745!so S- Äsä»* i»chtP«{^t]ey • jli,4 8.550:80 26. BMt«qnatt«l«f«ii « WUcranr .*••• 11.584.— ?!• iÜSüS "**^^^ • 12.253I20 29. CMäplKy « tellV 1.338140 IS* älteS ü^^ Bäkli^jr 7.981.20 »• 5!2"^ FK*P«v1^ 31»703.— OUT ••.*........•.•••....•••••••• 350.— 4« nfida^r MKBSS.ait«?tt 8oo.9o 35« 2Um9lbM m prvirMjHit(pom««iii) 473.339.50 T / B • • 7 t 6;x«aik2Btfft a vj^amA «••••.«...•••• ffa 8A52«743*90 * * • ^^ .;.............. It410.861.20 »• 9,565.605.10 T Birt08«TieldktdBii 31.pi^»siiie« 1948. I 8,936.890.80 626.714«30 9»563.605ao 9,563.605.10 r K pfllose 8* 16« RMTate k TX^prosixiei 1946» \a M a J t t • k } mm I« ]äarre8ti5iijt naj^t^ t !• PftSMÜQT •••••••••••• 4* II«PlaaBtei Mj«t«k t KCs ■» 4* K«t«v»ctl •••••••• • 9* Penitiil ü»tcfvy(pohl«'vAs. )••••• 6« C«Bn4 paoixjr a üöastitYös)«»»* ^7* OdMbnit«U(iMhl,r&s«iitf) • ^ Odb«nit^<(poia.Tplii«) •• 8* IMiatetf paloSky «ktiTni: •••••• ra p 1 t il 1 I I* naaiUd. kspitA t 1« kapital kit»lt41 t im 2« FnUai üatavy •••••••• 3« MawataU 4« Ittnif ▼«H.tali 3« T)ihafti< palaiky paaimi SUIvOpviv^ aa sajatku t >^BanaiMaMMM«a«a«MaattMMa«HM«Maiiia«Mv«MH«iia» ^« Opr^kä k l»ra^«aaj«tku • • # ZI a ka ■ • « ift«aMi 73.593." 2$,740.- 671.473. 11 «362 «70 121.603.80 210« 000*— 81 .13^ «40 5,279.359aO 53,671.575.— -•* K5a 40,145.843< 10»3B0.3;2*20 1,439.010.—. 1,159.049.20 2, r '9.070.40 23,':v.7.000.— 520.— l94iO.86l.2O •«■■■»« 40,145.843( i T BvtaiavlafehyAM 3i«praaiiioa 1948. I I LDnridadnf reyl»« nir.sprtfry velkostatku P*'£L«ha 8. 17. //T/ Bu*toäovlc« , Er •A«Cs«eso«vlOEkB . - - ^ 7/^ RosYaha ke dnl 31«12.1949* U • J^e t • k I "*" I» Imreotlfinl lOMjetak t 1« Pozenl^ T Swllnlei ••••» KKs 73»$93«-. 2m öadovR ep*I89 v Sedlnid • KCs 25.220.— lÄfly y 3«dlAici KCs 671.475«— FlnanSnl Buijetek 1 !• Poklrfdn« ...•.., RBe 11.30 2. Pr«2,üv*r»ü»t«y (▼/»aantf) ••.,... Kßs llß»424«K> 5. NoYOJleki epoHtelx» H.Jigfa 1^ kSb 3.179.50 4# Cukrovalr VAvrovlce v4x KSa 200.000.— ?• Ultfkäma Mttnin väs •.•••••• KB« 10.000.— > 6. Uosp.dnütotTo iWperk VAS. ..,., KC» 81.1H*40 )7. StAtnl iMy a otatky Prah« iräa. K5al5279.359«10 Ci^SL npaftfittft p/H.TOln^ ••.*•.*••.. KSo 9.476*60 PohledÄTlHi s titulu rälaC.äkoä .... ß»25125.000. — Pohladövka SLS Keal0548.575.— \aa«tai kapital i 1. ZfflüLadnf kaplUl KSa 11,959.006.80 CiMi kapital : 2. SiTnobanka N.Ji«la Kß« 1,515.0C0.— % HPK ••• KC» 964.061.60 4* Bdap.droSetTO M.Jidln KSa 16o.l23.80 5. OH? Nav:^ Jidin KSs 54.000.— 6. Idhorar Qartoäcrica KSa 8.604.80 7. IffvT«8Tas Fk«ha •••••• KSa 20.-— S* i2f*l*'P!^^Jl5 N.JiSiii KSa 4»264.40 5. OHV «ln.r«f.N^i«in ..KSa 132.918.10 t?*fE 2*ÜSS*^^'* ®» 55.095.20 11.IIN? Fiistejar • KSe 14.40Q ^ l2*2«v«Siii nda ralkaatatku KSa I1I515I— J?*J ^^».**1Ä- :!!:••••* **• 1,950.756.40 l4*K»atfk fiartoiavlca • KSa Q«4oo..-. l5.BaPr «.JiCü^ KSa 2^!— lf>,Briilad4vka ■ Ut«TÄl.ik»d XSa 23.123,000.— 17.0M? ÄMTiöim 20% Mtei KSa SJloc^!— Id.Nadaplatak n^.aprtfTel SSa 6*9/, .80 KSa 40,145.448.40 40,145.448*40 ^ f V uartoftoTicfeh,«»« 51.12.1949. I I FHlohft il • la «MM» r t kmm mm • IkMipsdafMii alikHi ▼ t— 1949 • 46« diqr litarA SmUt «•IkMi oftlkMi prwd^j UtrA t Uti« t Ut>« s «»«• 1949 H»a«WM«MlMi» crpMi H4«B 1094 li«U|iM 1120 XB93 993.7 97« 6257 >659 92«9 1904 929 42?1 2929 9U 4249 2004 919 1094 4744 499 960 122$ 1191 1126 1216 91749 mmmtmmmmmmmmtmmt 1946 179 961 1012 9244 2771 427 407B tfmwm% 1936 ARMM ii«t«9ii6 4oS 1 7781 19471 9619 1926 2069 2942 9224 ivSi 209SL 940 990 427 446 1927 2290 2469 2244 9299 19046 2199 10B9 935 174 409 99 62 990 572 669 420 510 i • -I • lattB9 107469 2U09 4621 MM« ««•MMIi :?» : ft I I / r X pMlos« e«18 / « 1 • alMaAi lM«padai*«wC ▼ vom 1947 • 48< «»«■ B»k * m»- Xhntf ])ijlfi< Nkb^ca» UUkän» i Oratio SapuUt alo t dnsr t diQr i crnlkmt t P>«^1«4 1947 ■MW O ? bl%a«i dubia kritta liatapad 4594 4162 4427 4152 4290 4222 4152 4092 7997 4146 4147 4106 3M0 3564 3367 3441 32B6 3207 3320 5129 3254 CallBMi t 50325 • •^^f % 16532 15383 17041 16650 15573 13616 21665 2; -• . 19562 18682 18334 1B476 13962 12995 14092 11384 12194 C*'«» r 18422 15998 15455 218.604 177847 839 896 957 975 1065 971 1013 1058 868 2262 2484 2019 2429 2533 2562 2457 2337 2434 1693 1560 8642 27050 310 526 465 419 53 305 787 ^ 816 900 593 5074 1948 4058 4003 3999 3870 $ff^ 3900 4025 »74 3649 24040 m 15516 14715 1«95 15910 17140 19C12 16100 16561 CillBM t 355G1 28218 186984 151204 852 816 9019 894 988 910 947 833 894 1426 1550 1500 1550 1224 12^ 1426 173 m^mmm 794116442 10998 ■i m» 5i \ I t II Ali Z^i6i HkivHfi KlANi FaMILV d/lLLtcT^ff^ Zjl(r> \ \ I'l q:,Q::((pJ^' Q^c^ ^ ? /-/i 'i- '648,649t65o. 631. 652, 653,654. 666> \' < ■f'' . l> '' k >' K Jr^ •'• »1 . . «.'. i, Oslo parcelni Zpüsob vzd61äv4ni «■:'■•■■ jakostini . tfida — _ — — ^ Uv \,- Dum;;'' f V:^mira pf ejlmanöho majetku zemödilsköho ha a ^.( \ .••4* v?- >./ n.l 1— "— •'S' ■99 ;\ DOA 0P..1I5: .„.^ ^^ op*36o iff?:^ •iPr^ .—>.,. \,l 38 15. 18. .55 53. .6.0 .6.8 lesniho a m' X^ c ■M , «•«\ v K *»^i ■■5. *' OD« op.>4l :iqA_.^«2^_ # V. ' 1 »'• •< .Vi ^zor.R-21 . , ]. \ (j*/*.^ . ■j * i*»^««*«*« : > .5.2. 84 ^^ -«I ^ >^ :6^ rybniöniho ;vvA ../X.y^^ A^.rVv^ ■ ^-f / ; > .' ^^.^^ *^» L-A/v-t •xy' l :v. vlastniku ha a 5^ ^ ^-^ ^ \ I 8 71 41. .17. M V -*L-0 .±.):/.. iTi-. Vc ^ \ 3 < -^O ;< lO r1 / ^ 3. >^ 3.5' ^O X V '10 ./ /<: u-»^ .N W« . / iU Poznämka KoB-hfll 7 »«y /*♦ ^. t r (~ i( / \ > -t ^ A "^t--^ •'< ^ ?:^^viC^ ^^ ■N-^ i/d: V Vi ciov^':- o6 > s 4.7 69 4.2. /. \ ' / sm^nena z« püdu konf lekovaAOU" smenana za p:^4u konf lBkova2H>a : ■\ r^' \ 56...!>.ß /^ ^«r3 /^ ^v: )~^e^t^:^. • / / A > ^. 7 ,/ A 2^) 2i> Z^? I \ '■>~J Y ■^»»^^•»■#^* ,-' ..•''■' ( / >> N ■ , •) l^ehodfcl ' se /ftkrtnftte. V T ' 1 I I V s (■'r )•* /•i ) ).. ( i Cblo parctlni ".\-'; I- - 'V. /ZpAsob vzdiläv4iii ji|kostiii \ tflda^ , - . / '?.■•■. V V^mira pfejfman^ho majetku v..,-l. I : l 't^ .,-'■. a9/2 «tp, 120-. Btp 121 .122 8t p 123 «tp 334- zemidilskiho lesniho ha a m^ BAm . op.«^33T op.l .... op,.3 op..*...,.. ■I '(' .;v r 1* .0.2 59 ha > a m" X t\ J e «s /' stp 355 0tp 545 alsp 348,1 ..... .. .V^^ol op*3l2 Dum, ; T 99 i A AI 59 (. ^^ 2$ DOB: ä; 29 /:.. ■/ rybniöniho ha a m^ vlastniku ha a m' ^. 1^ Poznämka .. 1 \ j •rrv r" •/ -21 »■ ', • '4- ,1 . / { £0 tfl ^iTj \ \ . : .4.0 60 66 X ./ IV ^^ I ; ( ( I ^^^ ^' X .2. iol*'4 >', 29 3?r / . . • fw, ■ 33 34. i. \f 35-.. * • «al^^2 .X.0.1t...4:^ •■^^■•^■.■•,■**• .xoift.-2 lo q6 6 i3 AI I /' ( I \ ^sj\ ^..j. ^.^A. -V ,■ 73 ;o. .. \ ..... 2i 26 85 ■/• ■\ 86 >• ;( 50 7, v(.(:--'r.'«..,<"''«2 :«»to*2 ^J V V 1Q.Q/.3 .guter -fg >:r'7^ >• ■ ■ ,1 • .-» — ^^. 18 TT" k ( 16 04 X ^>!.!..>r iN/ :) ^sj X ^ I M i.ii,* \i # i: ' >,.^ 2o^.f . *a|i?:*? .235...4. 236: ''' : ■ ' . l.f:.'_.~';.*,'. "S-^. . ( : »N .*V. '# I .'^'>, • J .^U— p — .1 42 K I / ,"> ^ rl" ir ^ w 1 :f:^^.^..Q.52x 4Ä- .10, 4- -- , 47 .47 ^ ^^ r 97 *'4^..L^.....4.-.7.4.>;. ^^.i.l2,6*.9.Q..f<. y .^:f-?j..^. ..Oj?.7.2.>. ■. /o ''^ 0I40A <^^i'^4i.44'^ ^^ T v yj ><■ /ä^ -^ioUis ^ / 8 • 16 /, > .' /■• l. X ^s^ ek 'i " \ ■\ ■ 15 .25 / 2 ; 20 / , Bmenona zu p^du --[ 3t26 konf ' 1 "i9?:4!5-jkonf :|b1s >^^ ^ 52 76 / 4.92X C-' »j .f...n. J^ X 2.06 X •.,;( ' X 0.64/ ^^^^^V^V f^^^^^^ - l- n Kdiddfd M itiftflfte ■;r-ry^ ■f . j /!■ r i \ lo3«16 EÖB I ' \-^ f r-V-*S**4S>vvlr. ^ ; 1^'. .^'.; <•) / .< r •,/. ; \ v^ . * ^ -^ «i«>x -. >• I I I 1 t ■••)',/ K « VvV •.V (' ,»''.••' / .j^v»*. ^ V:»:'- /^ 'V- '\- ' C13I0; ^P^p-ylc^i^^iX' ^ » . .1 n V— H .:»'i\ i. •' ^': - Zpüsob ■ ' Jakostniv^ 2 '">»/.v*i"."'.OV'.'n> • ■ »_^» .£ ■ ■■' -l f 1 f 1 . ■ "" ' t*». ,■ 1 I '::>• '»" Ä \ ::.l:^^ \ Vi -' ' ■;V.*« f^ ' I ■ '• Ai\) V<;'.' Vym4r^ pfcjimanöho majetku 1 ' \ .' zem2d61sk^ho ha,' i'-. '• "T m' >. 'v.,v. 'j Vr «,.t ' »M ■ ^ . — -»— r.* / ' t ,. .-i; m;» ■ ■■ ITT ,j. I r !■• ««Aa , ♦ , .k I' ■ «"i ' . V' il !)• I '"■■-■."i-V"''''^-" - .'^ >^ >> 333:''> «•iir v^^l »•••--••f^>v»r^r*'^- ; i '\ i1 • V' / 1 ■ i.,y.-,:.,l-,X .;15.... (•^■'■ 'v| .36:- ^; jc ' lesnihö ha a m' vr i" k • •*•*«■ '/X; •;-• 9^ £4.; 5:.: 4 - "TT? Vv>A>: 46 • i— 4- 80 ^ 54 9« m ■}■ k \ \ / .( ■ T. ; 90 1 *' ; r 63 4 M )• i> „...i.. ■I X *r" »-— — .u .. \ \ 38) >ai. •>..... I • 'S--* , *' .;■: ■ Wt3^Sir»iÄ^3^ pö9 :.ttu(^s V ■ \ Vi; '■'^'"■'^LQ' ■ 79/- ^bl^ Ci ■»■■ ....... i i 1 -t-- - . \ .J. • r 7' I . N^v; IWBft -^ :} :l| rybniCniho ha m' T • t» '(. ....11 T S:<;y ! 4x16^ ■ ■ 1 .-, ..... I T'"" ,1 — — r 'fi^ *} Niehodid se Skrtn^te i '■( ha Zbyvä vlastniku a r m^ V ■::i.^. T"" • ^»rnrnrnm^ '."V ,i^ii...... ......S..'.... i ..... ...«J4...... . ...i. .' A .vi... \a. f -7 jp \ Mt_m \T* ß — ~x ■- - — -^ ^^^^^^TTJ^^^^^yr^^F^^W ^'^•^•^••■1 tUM^^^^^^k^M b^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^V.^,^ f."V" '• l.^'.'/J '■' '\ ■'••• *"• r 'ii'^'ft- *•'.''*' '♦••"^" ■' • V.'- ' :^:! F'-v "^ '^■•^ •••••«•> *«*Ai-j- 1 ikäll3.' r62 30 ' -S',,-.'. ■.■•:.^v. ■•; •■(■■v'^-'^'-^N. ,:;'2-39 33 : .'■ '..' V ^ ^ « « •p- t « .Ü... .'i- . * -+•.-1— - 271 ^ Ppzn^mka \^ ( .-• 7 ej ^^ V ^3 ^. I t M..M.t -Xi. /-^ r . I \ '■■'■■ j . A •••-43ir38'*rv-'--'r.%;.- ii..:^M^. X • ■■■:;' 5^84;^ Y ..jy....,j)fc..i..x.^ — .V ...: isrsXx " ) ; .. -•f \^d IV ...') 1 r' ;^1 • .■'\>. m 's ».^ V • ■7' ^^^> 46*24/^ < I ^ >2 A .^ s - * «A.. ....... ...Jl -■(. ..^ .-? --^ ^..,,.^.w*«j»..r;...(S^..i.;; /.53 ---"-* 2, '\ |^ir28A •--- •-^- 4^j 9Ä*74V: Z -> -' *'i ^^^.^ \ / ^v "T" ---f--..l--l2.<«^..*..*...-r::.... "■"■■"""" i63»'30"4'""":T:" \..' 578.96^5» 11 .'^r 2, ■Y # >J v> \ 1 f« ■» H 1 s \ Vit . I.V.. :t it . Cfslo parcelni \ 1 Zpiüspb / / ■/• .'''' vzd61äväiU ' ifücostnf / / ÜidEL i. '■ /''■.*r- • '1 • < / . I < <*. -.. ./4''..•^'^.\C:T *r . .-«1 ' •> '''- ■•«««Ml^Wf^^W« 24 li» X415 • /<''" <■■ ; ^ ■X||y:t U^2 3»cM .rj vO V • ( I /vv"l^^. / V^ihira pJfcjlmaniho majctku < /^ ' v zcmdd^lsköhp ■IUI . I ■ ■ ■ V a m" ;^'-'N'.'; ^^'1^' f' ■' y '•\» .' % !• rN / V., 7. •-•f«"" -T"- \"" — • If— < 2416 -^xä^üW^f -i-m- ( 14Ö-^^*5«ri4-->-'^'-'-^--12 \ j'*n^H/''^ ■ -v •» . ^ ■> y . Vl^-Trr iSiHl^-2- 1/ ",- J .X>.^La>«^y. .1...,. ■ \ \ .-VI ;^> M- ^9£ -142 , ,_ , - --V-V y...«y— ■/— •■ 32'< /-, , '' lesniho ''■"'■' j ' ha a m' — .j ■ . .■■' 1/ -\ ;r-32 -2i.A. \ '^ I ■ T i -VI l ,, • ' I .^,Ä..Y--- - V \, rybniöniho I ■ ) ^ ' ha a in« ( 5 ^' '\ •V ■y/ -JL. r-y—v'- c" I l . / . \ ■.y ^fv --;-- J'l ». ■4 \, *.B*J| ■••-«^rf.L»*. t^* ...i ' \ N . (, / / Zbyvä vlastniku ha a m' ^ j ■r-rj -f rv --( y> ': . \. '../• V '1* • i.a..( 4'...-»..... \J ' \ I A - "-/•'• ( • \ '/ f» Poznämka •v i '/ ,./ L^ • |......»%i%i4..;». ■'■■■ (■T"'" rv'^^Mi f, • i vi !• . •• /1 , /.Vi *,;;••,/. >v ; <^>c ^^^>,A' HO»92^ >, '. » ii • ' ' '» — v: ^ .L. ^'. .\. ■• »" A r ^ ~.j O ^^*....,.-!: y,..-....^-,... .''1' ' ' ■ ' ' '. • ,. '.'. •»>, ■y . \- 7 '( -h •T ': /,\^Z'i ,f ^.f:^Jf:J!^.i^.t/l j-j- •1 1 '• " [■■ ■ ,A... -"--^ f- .-v-v-.-.-:.\.-.-. X' ■--/ r • ^'^ .'•■•• ( •■•-••••^« -.--.*• ^^ « .Ab a • b « ****A ...) x'l2^«a2:;^:t .L..^...C ./t.' - (I - ifi*m I I . I ,\- • . * ' V I - '- • A j. y.Ky' K i^yr^r-f-- ^J,;'^'~' V^mira pfcjiman^ho njajetku -)-'^^ ^^ /zemßd^lsköho ha ■A ■i:'^. *t t ,-• X43I j«a*|i* ..uw ~ > «• « •---«•n--'-f • 1590/1 v^n''. <^ S- « ' t ^ -".r" lesniha ha / a m' \ < S \ I / l '-J , i' • \ "..1. »- 1 - ■•■•'• r. /.."..■..■ , 16JJV '%• ^■■■»vC^^'-" 2 'L««itä>>V' - . • - r • - • - ^ » -^ • — • - - j» " - r^ .4.'. .i ':."» 1624 4«;i©. i^-; .J!.....\..T .:/\ "» • \ -i:^— - • / { . ■M ;•>.*- > ' 1625 — - V • • • - 1626 -/^ ■ / *v**^ ■*"■**'• / ; ■Ol«'' 5^, . 4 »^ * 'l 1^39 iolv 4 • , \ ..,.-:..v.-.. -7— V . .'V-, '.'■y A. ... 174Q pw^il / ,\ ,1 . rybniCniho ha a m' • ( 'V. :i I i I \f ■f. I V' Zb^va vlastnlku V / ha a m» ' I .tC- Poznäpika Kon-hül /i ', ,. \ -i.J.. . -TT .L ^ ' .1 \ » 1 6. lö ^ \. 2i9i i....T:! ,/ ,••7*-- t" •'. •' y -, \..'..v. < ; I. » I v/' ■ 1 r^ .'^;. /'7 ,' L» :il ^«^«•««»•^««••••••«iw« -\ ^ p.7j42 roA,^v 5 < JtiUBt.l'/^. s> l744'iJÄ5^^V^ '. (^ 1 i^i-^>i > tf> ,1.. /T b.-*«.. <.,-- f6 JJ^ \.> .-I 7 \\v \, \ I l '/ J i - : . ..•!.. IXULltX' M.,." ^f^:.Aj9jtM^-. ^^:^.66*66 A ,\'',Jr -( ^- .y ;) ±1 . . •••^. h . ••*-, .-W.. >vf - / / H .«J V/ -a<< \ ' 7— i^^^ . vi» > 1 1> fe .-^....aaß r'^ - ^-----■-^-^--:v ^ -l f •C 1'^ .•^ .«■ ' I ( :^.^oUft^ J •i>^ ^, .4... .i s 7 .Sl -..»VW.^ hü : ■'■■•'■ '} » , ; • • • i '■ ;■■ .■•■... ■' > ^' '' '■' . 'Vi »" I ' '■ — ^ — ' ...-<... J. . a«!..... Ci} Vy -t- „ .^ w. —.-««"•' ■ ' " » ••» I'. A : ti Ü*2Z ■,v) ■ ■i'5-.-jR#:y5-6-'^'-.:-;---ä;"i- 4- i^ v:r .' ' . » •■ ,* / V--4 • MX -'... »Ii^..a.64-^ V ■■> > ** '/vi ■V-'v ^y^ ^- - .^ - ..H^ |1^ Ap.aiA . • I.. •i-r VIv • . » • ■ s >:.«)' Nehodici sc äkrtnitör ,-.-U4..Cl..>^,i...Äi....l.Af.^— .4/1 - X — ..r...-.i.-c...j-.^i ,.-.. "i'l/ ,/« .» ',■. c ^ /•' r .-^ ' M ■\ Zpüsob , vz4^1ävani . iako'stni ^ tfida « 1 ' 2 ii^'A'icf ••» •»« »V* 1 % I VJmÄra pfcjimaniho majctku ^ i . .««»«»i^« /•^ zemidHsk^ho lesniho a/ m a ^ MS ^ :-7"r-; ^.\ ;L:.::!ll> ha a m« . rybniöniho ha a m^ vlastniku ha "\ ■•' ( '• m^ «' .^ 6^21 ^5«»^ .—4 \ Ion* r I ii7A <•■. ;t r-t ■A ••^^<'. .:".:.i^ ■^<' — /*> .•<^.,'»-^- li. 2<>xv 61 X- Poznämka I 7 //• r" .t -/" ■>/• I '<*-i 3 Bii i 1755 / ';'::.j^^C^ -*t /> l,:3;^.....:a6-.'^ ^ 1754/ rr o7 A '^. M-Z viWii'^^^ ' % ', i_' 3^> <••• \tJ ' , —7'" .,_.^2.*.i^. 1 1 W ■/.. .\ -— V 1-94 9 > /ffy >c 15*16 -^ >^ * .■ * nÄ'^i; X \ h'H] A ^«1^ >» » I ' <: 'A .r .■ 1* ^-..J-^'^i r^i- .« — i >V-:"--4"?*';J'0'""*'^ •••/r-r '»'^ ■ ^ 17*9/^ Y 7 lö ;^ ; 7 A ^♦^.:.^.4>Ä«i:io..:^^ül -f ;•'' ^,^•98 Xr^^ Ax-r* 1 //■. \ J \'-. ,J I -«--T •-• - "]" '"■ '^' ■•; ""t:: •s .:^ r •(' 6-2; r A A t» / .-/- -V *\ \t \' J .^ — i. V".\ ■•'•-.■ *••• . . \ .■'.'■ \. \ • « -g ; A J9c 90. jti#^ -^- -s^*^-»^- "-•^ -^i'^ >>. .-.J..U- — • t M •f ,*... •.♦ ~ • M ■■■; i ''"'", ':(n. r^j ' t 1 A ♦ \ < ,•■* -*> »* •♦«^<. t »•■♦•* ■*»^ •►•'^ — »-^ X t M» #,V JL> »w • ' V i\ ■ r J ....lA.,.'. -^ ) "-"-«^v"?.--».'*-?! väörR-2r 0 ■ ^:l'- : .-i i . i >, . > i.S.t V /..■,. ^ .'-I.' ' .• ■ i'' .^ ' -\ V'i . -v? » V*- v..r C ^'•f ■ < >L y M. h'f--'^: 'j "■ ■' \ {'■ / ^ V A ».,..a \ m \ >^^ l^'::; \ . f. f. I .\' V, 1 '*4 '\ « i.r. \ ,./ •V .1 ^ Ci$Io I parcelni 1 • ■ . • ^79^ r ^Xu- I ZpCisob ' vzdiläv4ni . ^ iakostni • ^' -^ 1796/1 1791^ 15 1797 1798 A' V I iCgiJtQ;3 M.J. itjuisifi V .■''■■.(.•• V-, rolA 4« ■''''■1 V '■ ,VL': l8ob role 4 I X ^- V : / l8o2 rolo^4v V- l8o3 h.d.n; 1805/ oie 4 .i, ,'^ i u, 18«8 1809, 1 1809/ ......2.:.. 1809/ 1809/ .VN 4 1809/ .■A r: loa. 2; 4' '•^iV I ..\ \' ?. -"- ftOt#l > I- lou.^ F * .0U,;^;4: /--. 3 iou*2 r \ ■. > -^ I8I0 ;^ACt;X A 3:\- >«Müi. '^ /l ■/ y / Vymira pfejimanöho majccku I \/ ^ /, / •' zemidilskihQ^ ha a I m* ■'-ttt: ^fsj "1" ♦*--f^( ^' ^V \ 66 -■»--r---- A . ' . 24 17 15.6.. r- ; i •-,«■• V,, . V' ^i^ ..... 69 00 98 ,/V 17 v 03 47 7^ 51 ?4. •.-[ 5ö r ..1 — — I«- >■ ; » 93 2 48 18 28 u oZ »9 )U6 72 .^,ix .\Cu »;v •' ^ »3 r6 « I :5i 94 •^^/v«^ :^.^ .y. r ß5. 12 3o t^to j|8 ,95 *) Nehodicl sc jSkrtnite Im '• I 76^2 lesniho t I ha a m' i / \ A H j:/ iO — -■>■ ^ ' / ll'' ml 11 fc 1—4. ,/ \ ■v-i T " rybniiniho ha a m' /• ^ / j ■) V '\ \ ff vlastniku ha a m' .' \ y "V ^ -*tt- r^ \ -4- > ^ / ,-.1. <.-h. 1 / ••-iv \. -.-l \' >•* ««a^. \ c )( \ / M -i ........... \- 4---^..i .i<.. 1»' LV. i. Poznümka '1 Kon«hri'' \ . t ^* e^ü^vcr- ( '.fj •^^»as-i^f .U^2«v^ -^ •■•4Vöö- A- 7 V ^lo*ärO A V ■r .) •. LA:. ,.!X n. -i- 1 /.'» :Xi:.... //v -:. .-.i.J. ^r--^ -.*.jV-..:i.. ^.V$|^2i ■ }irJri 1^ t 7.' 1 ■ ■ I \ Vw)r R-2II V. . /'. H djL;. rti*iM^di*pi jf '■^*itiltoi I I I ' ^ • \ J J •-, '\ \} i:'' r?jff* ' •'^ !^- '.» ^.■■. VC» Us> Cisl( .a. Zptsoh vzdiUvini jakostni thda. i«*^a 1813/ 4 1819, »«i$«i PWVl * Vit n . ; Ml) VD 'ft\A- x... 1825 ( V^m£ra|pfejimanöho majetku / zem£d£lsk6ho ha m' ■\ •T'- ll . . V.I f - . ,f 99^t*'^ ' 1827 1829/ 1 l82ftK I83o9 V 7.7 81 03 8& 88 91 l * 93 78 lesniho ha a m' A A S 93 61 63 1^31 P*bW1 1833 U3^ n fr {laatkl ■x 184:/ -l^l»^*! X 38 79 191 57 155 ...64. e •* Zttl»....]! zQi*L:.iii. a^MJji«^ ^>»'W{r- 40 ! .1.. X : .53 A X 31 1» 93 >..v. :. 16 ...83 ..tV. 46 26 .10 •4- 32 K: 4iL^. 33 11 20 73 03 v 35 rybniönfho ha a m^ \ !• •« W«/4»*«> ' » ( .1. » ««»M 4 *•/ Zb^Vä vlasttiiku ha a m' V > K' '1.'- ^; s t rl.( ..^-V .««/.A..1. /• V \ 4 « A«*«->» •- J--^ » I /:' If PoznÄmka 7 :*?>^...^.....a*.o.6..r?^.i#. •fi?X ■^ .tS'.s ^f?f..l...vl*o8 .^^J) ^...:53i.26j<;fn / ' t .• - n79.44 i t ,.. . *^...*.Mö.?..M.'..'^. \ f^.l.:..^.M^^t^m J.J«£Vi.. I t 1«; r r A 1«16j^ «; . /^ A •24 A;tj,.(^. .^■•v /j^^ ^ .86»^* «N ■" < 34#.9ß ^i.tii ji j( ^^Jc .^t^.f ^ /:r:?.?.....:..5.<.&pX -<^^«^ 162.60 ^ !•■•' •>S 4-. 4s^\^ { :2.76 a ^ ly ^ /sTi. %'V' ^SJ^ /) '? X 186.12 « A 28*50 ici V .1- ^ A ^ 36.42 A,f «V» 29.34 ^ ir i n Kdhodid «e ikrti^Ste V < V20r R-21L<' '^" <■ ^, • '• -^ 'i.» \ / f J :;^''' ; I '^■^ - ^ Clslo' parcelni ■:jt'^^^ .4-:-'.-..w.., -i.rr. sob/ ■ vzdiläväni a jakosti^ . tfiOa ' , *'A' v'^.rv' \ V^m^ira pfciimanöho majctkü 4^ zemidilsk^ho ha a m' v^TnITJ' VS H, . 7.7 ^ 79 '^ 26 82 -^ ...y. (t, » ;— ^ • v- X.V i. -..f. j '• \ ^ 'V • , vt - ■■f'.«;v:yv.::,; ?^'.f. M V lesniho ha a m' ...:x ■:('—' u , ./ V t' -'S ' ^vS :-^:'( ..-,. — -..^.. r0lb»^_;6^_' 2'- 25 i: 2 rol» 6 m .»«' l ■ 2. ••tola-'&.^ •VV/ . . } -• ; .'I .K.... / U 3.6 Ol' 29 < \ ^ ./ /'r, - X -«" ' , ,' •. ^ ^ 1787 *öli? 6 V ^•.-o . ....3... U 20 ; >o •I *^v :\ r'-96 :I. ... i(i 5;..j>.2..L.,4.i ( A «1 1^- -X->x TV'T" 'S 'f. ^ ; W^y.Nehodld sp «irtndt '»i**»« -r—y -*-vi.: — A'... \ ' \ *>fl < 577.26 X - B .— .L'Jlf '• I v(^ /^r, ■f Ä. . 2^J •l',fo- ->4* •«-«••■ -.*• » , 'W :i«aa>. r 7«^BX .m- .-4- <- V ♦ ) , \ -aiSr^^i'^ t - - ^-r- r ^ / ^ ^^ ^) --W * ( - y'*- -Vf"^" -/-■ ■\'. ^y<\ . .. '...i. A... 7 • •v. /s:. ^a ? * ■75.744 / ^ 8Ö.48i-'C.. ... ./ ■ » j^ ■--■ -^^''^ 63^»1<>-*--- (..>■,■ t ( I ■k" -.».*..■ ,! • /v (.>.*<•, '-..',/ /«'; 1 l^ ^• ^ , V, -i.'»c->;vN> y. • vror K«2if N 1 ^ ^ ^'•^ l V > - , ■'^ :i V!> »■i ft> , Cfalo parctlnl .'- :) \ I 1789/ I • 9 ^ t 1789/ 3 ; Zpüsob vzdilävänj ■ jakostni f Ltfida paatiil .? .. 2. . iou#4 V^m6ra pfejiman^ho majetku zem6dilsk^ho ha a m' ' ^'m^ A 1789/ 4 1789/ 1789/ 6 ■•/ ./ ;♦, ^ . ¥.p.if....s. .. «. 1789/ 7 ..i.^.. . ^1> 17951. ■■/■■ Vt) 17951.... 'iGiÄ^S/.i-:..': 179^,i:5'# ■- m :-^- u H^'^' ■;; 179^ 7 *k.-"- 1796/ rpl!P.,.5. I /'. I / '\ ilo»^^5 . V, • I '• • .'..JT.VJ',.. :rr (L K (. •X -. i ...i/. .. "»"'"•i" 8 lo 14' 54 39 38 34 75 05 26 50 23. 7ß '••*. §7 6.Q. .4.2. oiel5 .?.(».1^....6. 179 ;■••'.■..■■;<.■" rol« 5 ...y.M..-.^^,.-.^,;-^--^.«. 1790/ i796/ » lE::;iA 3179^ v. L 8» ,j 11 snaskA '« «Jw- #•* V*;. ' ' 30 ^ \ t .84. 13 65 20 92 " /• / 5...P7. 7.51 j. ■ . .-yv^. . .4- .5.6 *^ Kdhodid se Skrtfite iAJ.J.6: lesniho ha a m' K X X J^ 74 .V 19. 72: 28 7.1 63 98 80 58 r IG 09 \ - 13 73 / • .40 72 .83 3.0 55 A A A I / -^-.-^ 45 37 rybniCniho ha a m' 07 1 , \ vlastniku ha a m' Poznämka • • ••> 4 • , • \. 31 19 V 44 ' i A. i ' r V .s. •1 .' >''r •u/1 (.) /' ■1 1 V.; ^ "1 , 1^ ■ -; /^iX 0.96 A ■\ ^ £^^36#24 A ....k..... ■ • i •' ► ) ^•^^ A ©•94 >^""'' > ' I ■ 4 ^f ;^ ;>»£i8;-> ■ ..>.:'■■' 0 I *, i/^^; ^ 7»54 ». >r, • i'- 2ai3*> •c ■ / ^sAx 14>66 -^ \ ^j^Vti?»^^ n s i ■ » \ r \ » » <" > **° Ti^ 4>,«i9 < .Ä ^'^242.2^ 5 4^A..Al^3.A dMl}^*^.l I -.' - ; A 24.40 f j •L , >-^.i ///:j^i.,88..A i" 9 «04 •'i ^^ .:5t..'2 ♦.^9-.^ ^ffl..A.. .94 .• 18. :.^. ^j^fj ''.....5 ?.*?.^..:^. .V ^..^=^^^^i....;;....W..^. Si^i^^Ül^.. äT^a 202.50 A i;84 A i ' I.' ). 4 i .■;•{ '. t> l : ^ r' ■ ^ .! . ■> .. VI •V.! . t • ' * • ' ! • J U • /• 1«452*26 K09 f , ) V \ ) , •) J VtOT R-21' ^t, / *'_.»»U'. _ > :...^4 > >' . •• v*^ .- /• '.'■> .1 ■ J 'n W ••»,. 1 .,• ' Zpüsob vzd^läväni a iakostni trida ./ LszdLpJxS Vym^ra pfejfmanöho majetku zemödelsköho ha a m' /^ »* V*. f r 184$ rol» .4 1846 ... .p. \ . ' 'X f. /f,:*- f I.', t \ ■ ' *' ir .^..•.*.. .flt^ff .^v.ift . . . Ir.^n^R . If .Hc4v. r9l.f..2. rolf J( 1 5.18 ■» 2o45 baet«! 2049 2050 » •/ ■>; 1/ 1 52. 8a; A lesniho ha a m« '^v K 97 67^ 1:^^ r. i< ....ß..0.1. |15- 13- f; •A- 2o46 rolo 4 pa«t«l V ' * . y- J . ♦ }\ ?.95iiJ^Pl!«i..:5. rola 4 ;o54 ^ lo«i,5 <:o55 role 4 p.««t»i y-i :•■.■ .. 11. {• /^i-*) Skrthite f -■ \' snafl^ .^T-»*- ,y..^. <^ i»,v-^- 00 /» 1. 1 29 A..*. — .. «•«•«4*-** 71 ;*. A» 77 39 9o A V • -t 19 X ■ l i V \ rybniöniho ha a m^ ll. Zbyvä vlastniku .\. ha a m' •■?■ y -r — .!:. i\ :k}A. Poznämka ^H I T ^ /^^l^ ^f^ 7.34 .r • -y^ r— •- ;'-V / 11* |---l-j-4-gvr... • i ^^^- - - .o,B4^-. o»68a >2) .'•f ■ I ..Xi.i 4----V- » ) .t:.t \. N jL.ti. ->ti' ^^.i. .2 193 17 91> '^ ^ii ^3#og Konf i« k. 0,38. * t 15 78 oft A !?8. 78^ f^r^ii74^7d.^..f I; (X^- :n: • .7a^Aö ^^3 .-.|.— . -r 7" ./ ii . \ • ^^•••M*M«4*M<»»««««««SW«*«»^«»«i ^ ; :v^^ 1711 >l»5]L9Ve>e gog t > »•; > •r A- L ' • i#'' *»• ... ^/' •/^ Ä ( ' .' ' V, 2061 ■) 'S, • Zpüsob . vzdilävAni • a • ■ ' ' jakostni ^ tflda, '\< v' : ) ^ ..,; ,.;A-: N '\ •^ ■■f\ •V... .w r^ ,■•:-/•■■■ .^... \ 93 ■-V- X K \ \ ■' 04 ,. * '. I, ^- ••«...i. j^ai»; 'S. -r*.->—--] -♦p- . s 97 V «•«•••4W *«^ (V ./ \ (■' \- \ 12 lo 28 •t;- • I rybniöniho ha a m^ ■"■■>' Zb^ä vlastniku ha a — '»---•» 50 35 •■23 Ö9 ' ■ A- 95 -L... A l .7..:... b...k... L .'( /* -.-^^,- A- 4i 78 26 X . ( ■'•1- Uk> f^ \ r 1 r ..,^..v. ; \'" \ ?-- — ^+— ■--, .'i--.-i- 2591 f **Ä« 251^ -U- A, / y 85. 34 ,/^. ''^:^'». X. ,ß54.»68 ifJ?^. .1 1'. \ .. ■\— • ( \ 59 X - i - A -:vf- ' 1 3q5.80'if. ... V...... ..-t-i- — .... • • ■ >•« V ▼ > — r-t •* — iU i, .... . -.^. •\- .....i. <^-— 7 i < A \--- 21 ,< / K*^ r-/^-^- ■■)' ' ' • '), j.,-. itübf ^tS/ 1? J 3ii«lkH •> * *^ Ntibodiof ■ »e'ikrtnifte -7" ' 63 « ■ 83i^ X 1€ -^ -■-v- -,--!■ ..).. \V — ^. M --•f\ — v f i \ ,.X:„ ^ •* ^.........^.. — ._...... • •( ■ I ■■ r> ■ •.^»■».1 .i \' V • '\ •V. ■ V ^^, ■, 'V ^■«^iA .■•.■V^i^ T/: ^"» -»------*---•...-...., ««.Vi r \ ) •.-"/'■ -t--- ^)- Y -.'../.. :^ i V \ > I '^ y-,- t -'-• — r.....!.., ---T*- /, -" ».-•.-. \ \ V ^^ ^ \..^^UM^ I . 1. .7 ^ t i^ f ■ * ■■'' i f^\ :..\. .-; j~ 4c 33 iq^j:^! !plj; /t) ^ * . •■ •■ ; •■■ ^^ ■»• ■. ,. ', X "11 '.'»1 f..;. 'U - ll I... ,1-^'u 76 •I» t« k « rf .« >«».«« V- .- Y-'-r-r '■\i -/- ^y r-: r'Aii ;^*— • 1, * * ■ y » ^fJf:_K :* •_yii' ; Vv- — »— ./.-w.-.y^. .»,1 — L-T-.r! /^ l -t --••w - - • »i^*« t • I 'J^v)i: ./ i<* -.■■.; rftf ■'■•• " . ■,'V tu"-r M "H^^^^^ -1* r' ; \ ... j. ...:■..•. !♦■#•' r 26 \., 4si. K -•.-........ ,». ,».-..,1 I I (■ ^ I r ' V > * P ..•** --■■^ .V .\ i 1 » • : r.'i" ■» A x. •.( *'. l .; '-• r-' — — ;: \ :rr" >''««k.«_ 89 1 25 A o;?7iS>A -v/ ..■1.'^ ;i<' r * w." .• • . Vi' 1.686.84 äÖE r i f- w ■y J»V< t' 1 y i: T»^!?^^^^^»* ..•<^'- ^.,'' ^■;v\;-s;«', • a/^'A f ; Oslo l Iparcelni ^ .■ Zpüsob ^ vzddlävänl iakostni >fida 1^ ^. Li'"» »■ 13 •«• i^'. .. ■ A ■■:;? 12» V ..V /, sAiaikA .'V-.,i' mf. .*.— ...-J».*.. *V. lo« 4> , r-^ 6. 5« 'I. ^ • i #V sinaaka ^p sna^k« ^ , ... ' »tf,».' -r^T^' anaaka B2 BiiaSka 1-'. '^ r, / •:•/• t 3. ■t 1 v- ;^ ■.■..':• » 1. ;/ S ; ?■ '\ :; :\ 1 1 *...«' snafka ana snaSka i . C?!i]MnB'!:^;l-55^ ^«^^'^:^J.i '■ .r' f;. f--r»— -p--- /• •■ .4<.. I ''*•*) Nehodld sc Skrtnite; snaska 13 «■A ^^ •■» A^ jM^flBb^M iMAiB SöOhlaa ■ t; : i .1 •• ^' A" I }\ ,1 V / I . v'V ..A ^ .■•! •"* \< ♦ ( / I« f ^ f-.V.> ■.. Oslo; parcelni 1 : ' Zpüsob- iakostol / 2 ..'/.; f'V'(i ' 1 V ) • V^mira pfcjlmanöho majctku /. ; zem^d^lsköho ha I a I ' m' ^■/\i- »'■" •V-.';. -I v^ • ) ■V.«: a:^s\. Ü Nl" • / 367 '\<:^"-J^ -;1-->5r«e*W-;-if -..hl. ,\. lesniho ha m' a U 1^ i / ) ...i..,/.., • ••> 4#_«> .*. l a 11 1 ;.'"i^"":,^ '1 \' ^•/- V' <, 569/ » i^hr> 2 kV"- \ /. • V\: in 3fthr«2 - -^••••r»f \ r ■ J.^..: :< '\ "n .11^^ »j............. ^'^v: ,.i. .'«( i^, ;^5>n|(.x.^.,.^.. », ( X..-..U..Vv' :.A.^.;.'.J: hV A I \ ...L rybni^niho ha a m'' vlastniku V o a e ü ha a m' V A' ^ Poznimka < I -1 ) k — -A y^-V-V . '^^-^ n- LV-' a ^ 1^. '- t' I * ■ « < ' ■'■'^ !■ f^ «-•tf-.«««-« \: l ...r ^\ \- ; I > [. ,. ....,.< :^...:...i.. .-.. •r-'-'V r , 1 . / Tf 35V :J9 \ :..h ••S-— -"---7- -■•■•■f. ■■•s(, ,;<. / r.. > V ■••'••X' v'^. ^/ '^t-^^' '^^v^^- ^. N .Ar-? \.^ ' >'-,.'7.,' '^ / 356 59 •f" 65 ^ \„.. i i y 5 -( -A .T .J V 17 lo , ß .4 1 » I tmm»mmrm Ci>lkory BQUoct rr"" 41 -t 3Ö V-.». »•»M iS4 I 1 i\ W .; \.- ../ .,.,...k.*Vj.. I I \\ r— r l 6^ 41 \V 36 M 34 17 36 19 19 66 1 48 32 63 54 11 I f • /* •^ V . . _ . j . -V • • . . 1' «- ■/»•• ■■^ 1 . \ i '\ \ i 1 > • .'i./ 1 K ti ■ 1 » > 3t22. ... .-.9 .•4f5. --> — ) n .i -• 5.72, 17 9« .16.94...!! / 2400 n 3.74 4 1.46 .■'1 I [ i o^ ^■-V-^-£ll^.--L-- '"\ 1 13 / 4--i^ >R< .i'ij f. }■■ i' ■■ '^V *»4'---'^rJTV^ ^..« Tu ' ■■"^y- I .V .1 \ I. A-A— ,. -C-- J < \ -4- *u -T" ...X. J ^'^ 07 '] \ a£- »o l'J 39,02 t'es I \ lt. y. \> ••■••' V ' k" V' ■ ♦' I ' ■* '» , I \ ■■ ■4- [..... --V- \*. p: 9' ±- 1. ■ i 1.3. 326 .74 ««"^JJ ,-r--^-:-- i- 50. oa fi '.'.•1 >i ^ ■ ■*■ ».■ oc 00 Lli- f 0 .•.:y..„.... / , /■ ( |r ; /, v — ^. ■V j --\- ' * ' . ' ] . \ ^ , \ . /- -In .) t — "^ > ' ftrfr-'v^jüJ '- V '^- \ A JT ''>}^^-i^,'±\tuh.'i,vtfJ \ .: f \ ' *^-^.•, . \ _ ' N f J V*1R-S1 \ K > r \ ( ( . f. ,\ / l S OlOinOUOl KKTASTRALNl MEI^ICKt OflAD i iWUa.terstvazemM41.tviV.'-:.. y..!Eyj_.t M.. J.!..ViN & I v^ *) Velkostatck-zbytkoir^st^tek ~3aXt05Ä¥iO.Ä ., ^^ '''\ ■ . r i ^ ./ ' ;Dr*Czeczowiczka , J- • \ Vv, ^ *) Osidlovaci komipe Squdni okre.i . .BjClOVeO .:. SprÄyni okre.» —l -B.lloye.O ..' ■ :\ (.; 1 >/• /• / r t <» \ y.l« pözemkov6ho majetku podroben^ho revisi podle zäkona S. 142/1947 ; ' V '1 1 Pf Cfa. knlh. vJoJky : 5 63 , 579 » 5 8 6 . M- i. Cfs. pozem. archu: 4-96* ,, j[^y^ t ' i» !r' Clslo, parcelni 1186/ 1 ; Zpüsob v^d^lävinl . jakdstni ' tflda fV lou#3 •*i' *• I Vj'mira pfejimanöho majetku ?/ ^ zemSdSlskdho ha a m" lo 17 00 lesniho ha a m' ; \ rybniöniho ha a m^ ^ vlastniku ha a m' Poznämka V o KoB-hal y'' i . ; ' .4I7..«L.16 '?', loa. 4 lo 1186/ ^ > iiö6/' ;:l-YX" r lqW4.Jt.„.2 7o 71.40 T 1.1 35 .9..1.9.4. lou*3 8o n 1186/ ^•dfiij» ,1- .85. ( • ,1186/' ' loa. 4 21 .89... 1187 j^^ggy ; t» ^ .j*d*.n?. '/ 42 lou.l 73 I ' • I'* •-. . / f i#d«n< 1190, ■ iKlpu.l l.jr. , 1 .0U.2 13 73 88 22 46 73 42 . /^ \ />>" 16 95 48 I I .3.7...7..Q. I . I ' , ls,AZ. \ <• Ts I \ .7...12. • ■ «• I I 503.74 \ 185.34 ;S ,41 X / A l?»i3 K 62 03 lou.l .(•V 11 '<-,' 1. •^v .9.9. .8.7 V lou.2i 99 93 Ubu.3 ^ 50 81 // .1......:. • ^ * 29.10 •* * / , . I N, I ' \ ' >■, .1».1o5...q8. / ■* ' * 4 406.5Ö IS .25.8 ...44 ............ • 4 « '^0 .9.xijiik% tf r Vzor If..... ir R-21 '^ • "*" '^ ''V' •'''"/ v" " "■ ■ ''/ ^ 1-,'- .,<;v.i. 49 173 69 /v ^ I T-t .V ". , ...i-.: . ,^ I ! '»i}' ^i:,'t''^',ri'\:T- ''^-^i ^f>....^'-lVi:.s:.i. /?. '., ■' ( J. ■MMMki T ^ \ ^. I r T T "^ I T . ^» 7 •' •) Nehodicf se Skrtnöte. I. . «i 4 • .' V. .}. ' i'-. JV_i ,-» i 4 /' * [ .^,>>( ♦' / ' > ' V (• ) Cislo parctlni 119 o/j 3 119 q Zpüsob vzd^vAni "a" , '' jakostni tfida V^m&a pfcjlman^ho majetku zemidilsköho loa* 3 ^/ 1190/^ J#d.n# lou. J ha a m' \ ^ 47 22 00 66 50 lesnlho ha a m' rybniöniho ha [ a m^ ZbM vlastniku 5 .'V ^' ha a m' Poznämka Kcs-hal V 115.88 'b.oK '' ) J •'! 1190/ ;....b . i.»d.n;. 119V- 1-fllou.l 76. 58 93 A 422.68 :'>•../ loa* 2 13 54 lou.3 87 83 -'\ loa#l 18 \/- loa« 2 lA lou*l 75 53 07 66 51 oo 212.50 41.20 1.726.94 i71.82 152.88 loa. 2 86 .41 /. '58.58 loa »3 50 59 L .> 1' I - « loa.4 nepl. i.d.n, 119 Ü^ ^ loa^l 44 5 1 15 75 63 39 -ii- 74 \ X. ^•.- I I ' 23;74 15.16 I06.60' 1190/ ; ( J^dfii* V ^ 84 • 4 i( f • !•■ \ . • 11937 .....: 7 2102 2103 loa* 2 47 <.•■ loa« 3 ■X .l»d<»n«. j.d.n j.d*n. 08 33 38 46 93 60 22 60 .4. ■ \ \' • 50^.56 \ ,k — 144.94 2166/ • > -:1 2 30 .73 2168 ■•'•■1*:' v i«d<»_n» 15 I" 56 93 \ '■i- ^ / 2171 j(»d.n; 33 83 \ " >. vr ■• ^^B ^^* ^^■^^■^^* ma B«lr« IQ fyfi O*^ ^•7o2-S2 Tr T»« -/. u. • \r' ■ * \ \ t \ \ f.] : { ■' ■ . ; ■■■ -x \ *, .\ 1 > \ ^^^ V f Clslo parcelni Zpüsob v^ddlävänl ^ a jakostni . tfida ^ \ ^ . VymSra pfejimanöho majetku Zb^vä vlastniku \ Poznämka \ zem^ddlsk^ho ha lesniho rybni£niho ha a m' a m» 1 ha a m^ ha a m' 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 •naika V .4.9. 73 69 * • R9k; ipit ilao 1 e^ ' snai iek • » ) f V 1 • \ 3.18l,o2 KoA , . i. ...snailii ?m... ^; iL .99 66 --r- .59. 7.2 t^mmmmmtm < . — • -•--;. J --------t*- ^.„._ . 3.7o2*.5.2 .•• - .6«.883.,.5.4..Ko8... \ 1 /% V : L. •• . N \ ( \ \ \ ^ . \ \, 1 ) » > \ j 1 \ V Nov m J ioln e,di le 5 »srp aa 1 948, s .'• Vyhotovil : / • . / - 1 ) 1 1 • ' 1 - ■ ^HM'I'I ^ h^^-t'^Ciy^ -/ * , J....- . Souhl HS 8 poz emnc » < stn Cm a rche m s€ 1- poi 1 !.y?:.z. )8ta aje . 1 '- 7 .V 1 , 1 1 ^ 1 / P2 ednc ura du : ,' f t '. ( <' < • < » « ' t \ ^ ! ( ¥'■ ■ • j • « \ . 1 - ' 1 f T , 1 \ 1 \ / ( • t • -/' / / j ■ • f 1 • 1 \ \ 1 / 1 1 \ J V ,> ./-/~ > • ■■•-•-"-T* ) m ■--*--T--"- \ ■ ■ , L / / • ; ' A * ; v_ 1 / 1 1 1 i ( \ , • J \ i • 1 ■' V ' . \> t 1 \ r 's 1 l ■'>: s \ • { ' t '■ ■' /' 1 ' V ( ; L ' 1 » f.- •»• . ( ^■■■■- ii. / , .1 • » \ 1 , • t 1 \ T \ ' ■-•* » V \ ■ ,^ '.' • 1 • • V .. 1 ■ 1 / ..................... 4. < • 1 • ■N .-.-\.— ........ 1 1 , — . — * — ,-.- 1 .t ' ) '■ '• \ i \ '" ->" * 1 , \ -vi *) Nehodld, se Skrtnite ' ,% ..^ Vzor R-21 /" »■ . . h ■>. V.i >.i I.J V \ I I 1 i Katastrdini üzemi^ üedlnice (D Soudnf okres: Sprävni okres: Pfibor Nov^ Jiöin "\ ••M'V^'».'#.l» l«.'^, *) Stätni obvodovd üi'adovna pro pozemkovou rcformu v y....T:'.Si — j??....y....y.....y....4:.t.-. *) (iXß^x^XNi^BXt Pracovnl skupina I . sagcYJHRPQgJKatKsaKv Qpav.S^ _. Dr» Artur Czeczowiczka Pfehled ^ pozemkov^ho majetku podroben^ho revisi podle zäkpna c. 142/1947 a pMdelenöho SLS - öeskoslovensk^mu statu. Cis. knih. vloäky: <^p«y-| yr Cis. pozem. archu:2.QQT *) Velkostatek- \ V r Cislo parcelni Zpüsob vzdeläväni a jakostni tfida Vym6ra pfejimaneho majetku > stai 1 ^ »1 - lhs> PozAmka «.4?*u'a zem^d^lskeho lesniho rybniiniho rs^. ha a m' ha a m' ha a m^ ha a m^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -1- \ st.p. ^ lö9 2 59 I 1761 les 5 les 5 i 60 24 • 1 1 "- r- ( 5 09 90 1929 les 5 1 96 70 \ ■■ y • X 1934 les 5 * 82 89 \ \ p r 1955 P 1 5 54 •• « r r -i c • * ■ . 1956 les 5 ■ • ■ - - 2 80 18 . V 1957 P 1 . . ..j 9 42 1 ■ ■ i 1940 1 5 ^ .94 * • • 66 V f V 1 1940 "2"" les 5 « « • • * « 9 89 r"'\ \ • ) • — r" r • 1945 les 5 2 08 85 .•-\. -••'.•.. f r 1945 '2"*" r 4 • 1 49 65 ^-v — -955 les 5 • ♦ « 27 08 . .... X. . • » 1955 1966 P 2. 90 • • . \ • t -V. les y 4 62 « .,. 42 ,. ^.w— - -5"..., • « 2040 z 4 6 19 \ ^^^ — 1 * 2041 - -.« -irv ...... 2042 z 4 -<•-» — les 4 Tz 4 45 14 16 ...^. 15 • • ( 1 •V.VRVftW 2' ^59 ^ 0 ■ • . A a. M .'. iJ Snöäld 75 1 93 1 , -4 ^ Vzor R-21 ♦) Nehodici se äkrtnöle. i I I 1 % ^^, Cfslo parctlni Zpüsob vzdiUvAni a jakostni tfida Wfxaiiü pfejfman^ho majetku • - sta^ HW^ fho Poznimka *1 U •!.•' J zemidilsköho lesniho rybniCnlho 7815» ha a m* ha a 1 m' ha a m- ha a m* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 •• 2052 2 les 2 .' 1 76 * % » ^ • • • ■ • 2054 1 5 - 22 77 » » ......••.•.•.••••..•..•••.•..•..•«.....««..«..W........ 20Z2 2 » 1 5 / • 6 76 "«- • 2082 1 5 3 55 1 4 2085 1^ 5 3 99 \ 2086 1 5 1 47 \ t . ■•'•"•(§- ■ 2087 1 5 12 •....«.1... 48 2088 1 5 • 2 09 w 2069 r 6 1 81 67 • 2091 1 5 42 40 » \ 2092 1 5 8 74 .J --■••••-•••" * m 2095 p ai 1 87 ■' 2094 p 1 1 51 « ■ 2095 .p. 1. 4 17 • 2096 p 1 2 52 • 2097 p 1 2 88 • 2099 1 5 les 2 1 97 • • 97 31 03 36 • \ 2101 2101 .les 2 Ids 2 — 12 2 99 ?5 26 ...... ., — • 2103 les 3 3 78 22 * ly 2104 les 2 » t 19 70 43 • 2233 J«d«n. 5 65 0 « .• . 2236 J»d*n« 2 50 2249 ri^ 4 1 15 \ • ir ^ ^^iAAM tA ikrtühA i V«r R-21' . s 2,Snääka 4 06 14 67 55 26 1 ^% . . k _ . \ Cislo parcelni Zpüsob vzdiläv^nl a ' jakostni tfida Vymiia pfejimaneho majecku ^ • 3S Poznämka 1 zem^ddlsk^ho lesniho | rybni(niho stavebn ha a m« ha a m* ha a m* ha a m* 1 2 3 4 1 6 7 2253 ...1 22§3 -Uli. 3. .....2. 1. Snägkn II f. tt • ...4- 2 30 Od. 73 . 55._ 45 14- 93 '.N. 6.7... 16 55 38 -26 15 41 i932 • 1. • ■ - * n « • ».tVtfMJR^ 1 •jMLtna«* 0 «•«-«•r«!« < / , • • « 0 • • 09, ■ ■ 2 2 iL 59 • Celkem ölslo k j oihj 10 -YiS 66 84 43 67 3 87 21 7"; < — • * 52 77 23 94 47 81 55 17 45 83 # ;836 1 t » • 93 0 11 2 6 ' •• ♦ .44 3 10 • ^ eis. lB25 2hü: % 6222^ \_^_ • •• • j_ 2030 r 4 1 2Ö52 les 2 95 49 87 t ,a7' f 42: „24 57 • r \ \ 1 ..-.1...... / \ • 1 \ - • • -2052 ■■^51 les 2 les 2 2054 1 5 # 1 5 P 5 • ...., — .-...— 2023 2083 -2- 2083 1 5 /4 ,,, J » - • • • 2084 ; 2084 —2- • r 4 les 2 i^ 2 les 2 -'ji 2101 -"2""7 2101 2101 2101 'TZ. 2104 ...las. 2 les 2 ' ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ mä \^mmmm^m^* # t I. Sn/läka 4 75 39 1 04 37 1 • 1 . . •l *) Nchodid sc Skrtndtc Vzor R-2 f . • • « t Cislo parcelni Zpüsob vzcUUÄväni a jakostnf tfida Vymira pfejimanöho majetku 8ta^ «?"«^V,Y K iho PozniimKa 1 • >:*>>^ zemdd^Uk^ho ha lesniho rybniönfl lO 76bii ha a ni^ a m« ha a • ha a m^ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2222 "5"" 2222 2248, 2. 1* Snääke Snä§k£ 4 .10 11 ._-§. 29 .-25. 48 79 91_, 18 39 «• ---!- • ---- ••. ..•...•« • • Z .•! P.....-V —-- 1 • • an» * ...,■.•. J0.... 1 04 -22- '. • • » - # Celkem: • 5 04 57 . 1 04 37 • - » p 1 t l 1 u c ^ \ ' ; • 7 • ---r — ----- 10 - R e X a • , ■ - • ... .. V ; arch 188 52 £^E2 85 • 98 2§tr 41 Ich ' «iM MN* ^itt >i .arcl 1 4-: 2 59 > flIV S^B 9mm flfli MM •■• aas tfflB^HK AHVfl^ft flB» flMS flSCfla fliV ■ • arch 622 5 04, 57 1 04 -22. • -IS. 15-. 02- JI4-. -21. -28. ^mmjmmjmmkm \' ■ v^ «-S- AI, \ • • • 4 - ^«««••n « ........... s • *■■ «iM w^ •* r Ta« spii jjpT • • % ' OT flHV 90m 4MK flSM ^i» •■* fllB ttH^ ■■•aBBfl^Mift W flBft W4 Pfejlmä celö SS a R. _ .:'. • iuut< *ffK j ^^^ - le-.fcv ■MS OSi» * • • i)«si. /...„; l ..„^.... • • 1 • • • • < : •-^, ** 1 • - - T ■ * 1 • I 1 1 1 ' • i 1 ' 1 *).Nehodici sc skrtn^ic Vzor R-2i f 1 i \ '' >\ f i ' *) StAtni obvo / X Üv •S' \ ;, ' vpozemkovou reformu v J-^~4 *) Osidlovaci komise : < Olomouol \. t ' r--' / t'/ ''V > ( nmSTRALNl jEftlGKt OÜAD [.V niliiisterstva zem£d£Utvi v y NOV^M JlÖlM?-. lUtMtrAliiI (izemi^.....Süt_OVi,ge . Soudni okres: £Ui]>nLO.k SprÄvni pkres: -.-.^ .-jÄQvi^ .Jloin r \. / i> •.♦ *) Vdk^statck . zljytkov^ .tfatck - -l-^-tpS^O YI?^^^ <■ "■ ) > ^"\ ' I .j A . , \ i Dr«Cz60 v'A \: ^ Vi <\ • I. V Pf ehied • j ! Ji " 4.' ' ■ *■ '' n pozemkoy^l^p majetku podroben^ho revisi podle zäkona S. 142/1947 i >• 't ' fdis. knih. ylo4ky: 434,521,519 ,6o2 ,6?? • >] r iA ' J V> I ••;.(v ' _ Cis. pozem. archu: 570« <, ' sr 1 533, Zpüsob vzdöläväni • , *^ - jakostni tflda v\ J«d»n» > I zahr.l :■* 1407/ W 'r.: -'- i;;' •:t, ' ■ Uol/i lou« 3 loa. 3 role 2 V^mira pfejiman^ho majetku V, ^ zem€d£lsk^ho ha a m" .....1 ■'■\ role 2 / role 2 role 3 "V ■■'Vi '• role 3 past.! I \ ■r (',(" 7 ^ , 1 38 38 55 ,■ ; 99 17 1?. 20 v-'v 44 19 00 lesiüho ha a m" / •i . 65 35 6o 83 50 33 7, >i / rybnifinfho ha a m' V» \ U I I Zb:^vä ylastniku ha a m' r f I /^j^ \ I \ Poznämka Cos-hal I ii / "*-«/ 0.88 -^ .f^^.?? /. ».« 11 / • 41 30 J t .5...18.../'. .^..>:2 ^jjf 0.18 /- 'I- I '1 • '• ,;,.// V, ( / Celkjm^' i \ ; ;V" ..v/ \' \ ••»— • •, -;^- >'.''• Söohiks 8 ....i. "t- 1/ -v; 'f 1. ■;-1 61 52 / .' \ J V Novm Jtoii]e,di.e 4 rsrpi« 1H8. j. f- P.?-? .emnc j.t ii; Cm. ^ r;.Q]ite ? //;^ ;\^or 11.21 >- ^ '\ , i \ •/ / i5.i.«.o4..i;;$..8 Vyhotovll : /-:a^'^ i \< \\ / • ' ' r / *) Nehodlcf se Skrtnöte. -i._ 1 II ( I ;»v ) • ; Cblo parctlni 1 Zpüsob vzdilAvAnf a jakostni thda , ,\- V^mira pfejlman^ho majetku/ zemidilsk^ho ha m' /• /^J4 S7 f.. S^ÜJ / lesniho ha m' rybni^nlho ha a m^ ^ \ y/ / ^s ^j 4^ V Zb^vä vlastniku ha a m' Poznämka vi ) . ■d^irf^MI^ • y3 s^/^ •NT- %-^>. t ...>«* • - f - - - -^ - ' • j •V ■: ♦- ; •f '/•■ * r t • CS' ' ■ t -^ ■ T £ / ' V' \' L j r -\ »' n • ( \ \ \ ( ,> ' I '{ \ .. ;';:i' v-,^ • .. ./' . . .u. V, ■V / • >y t_*.*- '- 1 \ ) ^ .'VV **^*. 't* I > ;^:^^. r,\ /• «1 Kdhodid le. ikrtflfte V«t R-21' < ■.',• '*t. r \' ■- ■ ■ ■ .1.-1 ^^Stitnl obvodovA "df adovnii pr» -^ - - Olomoucl ••• *%^9 «• «'•«,•* «-^AV * ••#• »»»««v/ • V KatÄiiÄü üVemi r:::?^?.^:^.? (2) '«•<••• "•• pozemkovou reformu v *> »öaSßßBStitsc Pracovni skupina I. Bartoäovice Soudni okres: E&lbiBr. — Nov^ Jißin. Spräva( okres: IVN^r.^A-v^. *) Velkostatek •XBQXBOQifiiacai- Dri Artur Czec25owiczka Pfehled pozemkoveho majetku podrobeneho revisi podle zakona c. 1421 947 pfevzatäho podnikem Stdtnl statl^y a rybnlky* Cfs. knih. vloiky: 512 Cfs. pozem. archu: 1 AR Clslo parcelni Zpüsob vzd^läväni a jakostni tflda • Vymera pfejimaneho majetku X * * 1 • ' •oznämka zem^delskeho lesniho rybniöniho staTeBfilho ha a m- ha a m= ha • a m' ha a in- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1082 les 5 ATMfMClM r 1 1 T 1 .15. 68 61 ........... ...TT. 27 ...?T 04 i • 9 ■■■ ' » 1085 les 1 • 1084^ "•"I les _1 les 1 ' • # 1085 -leg^-l. • • • 17 'mtmtjmßim „22. 08 1. • ••••• > vav «iv ffiv • • 1 •■• MAI'VMI ■ p ------.-.-—--..--. — ......«•......•.••... — -< 1 — ^ :?TW( L . -• •*• •• I 1 -6 S ato 1 pisu pisr (opie w ■^\\' / K*TA8TRÄtH|«EftlGKtÜf!Ai :^; vNOVeM JIÖfNe. ;• A t- ^ ■^■•' ^ ■ 'V'' / ^ / \ I t. '.J< >J / ^ I .J ') / \ rl I \ r^ 1 V\: ' y \ Vyk 1 -^ \ / ■A r -'''.. '^ ■ ' <■ '• . • . ' V I 'Sprdvnrokres:...,'.No^....'^M^^ , SoudnJ okres: .: |^^^0^ ' \L,...../ ' ^': •) Velkostatek - zb. statek :..'^^.^9^.^J^.9.^..., .' ' M ■>.( . \ "^ -"x smeh .j f.i 1/ -9 f' '• I ( ./ l": « \ i > \ 'N >• • / ■-.:^ ;/ ? — <^/ L ." \ i ^; ;^. ,s^ > '" • > .-. ^~ \ T > ^ I lÄ ^1 7. amu plänu pro katasträlni üzemi B ä „r .t A f. ( .' / N » \ \ \ ( '• \/^^ r \ • \ vV > >^ Vr V. - ..? ' v.n « -r- \ . V I ■ ' )■ ■ z' ■■\- J l". '. V f /• . — Iv.:' / provedla OKMZ v Npyem Jiclne» *) Nehod{d se Skrtnicd« ( « Vior R.25 .\ t 1 ( /"•. A ^ -V- I ' \, / . .- .^^* / ^/ \- ^ / •\ \ \ { i I I l^ '\ \.l \ ' ^ I \ 1 \ > \ . / i -1 /'^ r '. »> \ 1/ / 1 > \- J I r < . \ ^ -^' ,\ t • « 1-^' .',1, 1 ■• ■• •;i ^■ <' I "( V, V. P^. \ t\ ;V- i^:^; v^. I » lr I I I ' 1 » ■ ■ J v V: ' '. Vy k a z Cfsio bS2n6 ( ' ■ Jmino vlastnika B/dliStd Cisio domu NemovitostI ku smdne nabizend | Katastrdini uzeml Knih. vioika £(sIq poz. archu Parc. efslo Zpüsob vzd4l6vdnl a jokoscnf crido Vymcra t Ocen^nl V Kes ha 1 i a m« !• \ 1. Bartoso- 363 566 stp 99 Dum cp242 5 80 1 Bartosovloe •■•• •-• ••» 9 • i vlce • \ \ vice# 564 XS& 3tp lo8 Dum cp253 3 63 \ 1 Dr •Czeosowlczka ^ } : 1 551 187 zah.2 6 93 / \ 1 < ( ) ( 1 651 188/ 'zah.2 zah.2 41 48 ^7. fylp A ■ r ,, < T "1 \ 4 ..; 651 .88/ ■ 60 i .^■2^' • / / • t , 1 t 364 359 zah.3 V 11 58 ^•cfZ ..) ■ ' , 1 564 !o44 role3 73 70 • - i . - » 1 • V 653 i :663 i»d-n • 5 65 / t i V--; ■ ■ ; • C9I C9m 1 49 * 37. 1 • U. .: • 1 N ^ 1 1 \ ■ i ' • * \ . • •••4 , ' V « \r \ • . 1 « 1 / .*. • • ). ,. t ; . • ' . ,. • / • • • 1 1 1 *v_ ■ • 1 1 ^ ... 1 \ . ; , ,' • ' / 9 • •••*( ' 1 •'V i 1 ' ' . » '/ • / 0 ^ 1 0 1 t ' ' \ 1 • 1 *> < ■r < * i * J. 1 t • i *. » (■ • • • / 1 \ ( • • t ' '' ( ••••••••■•••••••••••••••4«*«««». ' * 1 , • i... ^J....L. 1 1 /• • i... / 1 f - t ■ . ■ \ ' 4 1 • • f / i • V \ 1* * » > < • t • 1 V'- I . I I » V I '••' V ■«'* /•, f / ^ ' / I,' s m e n »• rv i» v< Ndhradni pozemk/ eui6 növrhu pridilu Parc. eislo 8tp stp L:Jp9/2 566 Zpusob vzdöldvdnf d jqkostnf tffda DiSm pp 558 r-..._^r role 3 Vym6ra ha 17 m' .19. 66 48 Ocenöni V Kes Vyrovndnl v penözich Uchaze^ doplati Pozndmka UchazeSi bude doplac«no 7 \ »•' 367 role 3 lo 32 I 368 les 2 63 .r». 569/1 &r.-'-:r 569/2 zahx.3 17 34 2;ahr*3 36 11 •/■ 1»- 370 les 3 19 17 P 371 zahr.2 98 372 zahr.2 3I09 Celkern \. .^ 19. 9.7. V y \' .i.' \ « \. V. JH.; •. ' . + 1'. ■ V ) • ( ( V ' J ■'[ / < ) V V .1. / .x V. ' \> ■T •V"^T Vf >fVC^^^ '^ ^^'-^•-f• ■' I A" ,< \ Ji^L^ I! ' Vlastnlkem pozadovane pnrcely v kat.uzemf Bartisovice i I r-3 ■■■■\ i ■ \ \ Stp. 118/4', 118/3 118/2 118/1 117 55 3V§ 334 p.p. 329/2 374 ' . 375 V 379 ^ • 235 ^ 240 -^ 239/1 • 236 ^ 2049 '^ 2050 ^ 2051 ^ 2o54^ 2o55 ^ dil 2o62 atp •• 0.3o44 ha O.o4ol " 0.0342 " 1.0669 0.0647 0.O595 ^ 0.0086 0.0313 0.I6I7 0.0802 0.1338 1.9766 0.0625 0.0083 0.0327 0.0552 0.0957 0.0399 8.3816 0.1791 7.0908 28.8925 48.8003 P IO9/I 319 IO9/2 166 366 1748 367 lo32 368 363 369/1 • 1734 369/2 3611 ■ 370 1917 371 798 372 3o9 \ Zlskano smenou OKMZ 50.0000 ha ?; ,i (^ t'-i -4 tmiM j i itmtM 1 r» I KatastriUni üzeinf BAX.t.0.a.Q.Y.lQ.«..~ v' -J ' ^ \^t ;^) Zbjrtkov^ stat^ - vdkostatek r BartoiBovloa - Dr.Czeczowiczka «XsEsmjüSihäaä^KX.' ' 5.'j;>3;i.üASi, r '\ ' H KATA8TRALNI H^f^ICK? OflAD vNöveMarCtNe Yypocet vymer zmenenych parcel '.(■.V »1. »^, i ■ • V " fi '^ ■••• fr* fei. ^"f / ».', U'/^ f. r \'.. r / it'^. ,<• • in , , »- DosavadAi stav | Novy stav | Dosavadni stav | Nov;^ stav | ' Clslo parcelni Vymdra B£2nö öislo Ii4vrhu pitidilu 3 Vymira zjiit£nA planimetricky nebo yypo^tenA Koneönä v^mira po vyrovnäni Cislo parcelni V^m^ra eislo nivrhu pfidau 3 V^m«ra zjiit^nA planimetricky nebo vypo£tenä Kone^nä v^dra po vyrovnini ha a m« ha .a m' ha a m* ha a m' ha a m* ha a m. 1 1 2 4 5 J 1 1 4 1 -1 .> .Je?. t • ...i r • ♦ -/ — l SS... AS... 12. .1 / 9..ä... \ — ./ — - -..4--..- /* \ • / \ \ k \ T-— 1 / 1 ( l r { V l \ y -* > * ( 1 • J2 V,. ..dl 1 ... ........ Q..Q.... 2.0.... / 1 fj... 0 S..Q.... •"1 JZ/t 3S.. 97 V \ 1 1 1 --• — •«f~ 27 GO ^V IC... • • 1 ...1 £0... V S.S.. V i ..f.^.. 1.0. ■_ ' \ ^ T* 1 / ( 1 • • ( \ \ - öm Jiö £nS 1 , dne ^adi * ■ i2^ :.i?.' £ :8.?... 1 ( • • 1 1 1 \ ( ■ f V t \ ) 1 / t n :| 4 V i^ Pfe dno 3ta a u . . I ' '^ z; ; 1 • ^- ■ 1 1 ■ \ N \ -^v r " \ 9 (' ^^ 1 V 1 • • "i ; \ ■ ■ ■ •) 1 1 V V , 1 ■ y^ \ 1 \ \ « I ,^ I ':1 ■ 1 ^ rj ■ 1* .•? A i ''M • J ,A. *) Nehodilci se äkrtm^te / Vzor Ri23 / 1 Vi I« I \ I » vNOV^MJlÖlNfe ')Vclkostatek.- zbytkovS statek: -^iartof.OVio« Vlastnik: ]}r« ArtuT Czeozowlozka a spol« Pruvodni Katüstcalni üzemi.....jj^^.j^^.f^^^y^QQ Soudni okres P.?f bOP Spvävni okres ÜOV^' ...Jldln.. zprava k nävrhu pfidelovöho pldnu püdy zemedelskö Püloha (prümernfl nadmocskä vyäka kaL üzcmi): il^O y^yrobni ablast {podle vi naf. 183/47 Sb.): obilnd?k8Ä Vzdalenost od nejblizsi naklädaci stanice drähy : 4 km« »• . •/• . ». I. Prevzaty zem^d^lsk/ majetek urceny pro pridSI: * puda zemedelskä ^.2.r«-/./» *.0 /ia püda iina 4.1.*3.6.t.3.4 /la Vymera püdy postoupene na smenu:..^ .-rtrrrrr. ha II- Navrieny prfd^l Po<:et pftdölü Vymera püdy v ha PridSIovd cena v Kds zemödölsk^ jjne k doplndnf nesobistafn/ch usedlostf * - '^r • ♦ -♦ k vytvofenf novych usedlostf • zemidilcüm, )imi bylo püda po 1. 1. 1938 v/vlastn£na . zemid^lsk/m vyrobnim druistvüm * • jinym zemidilskym druistvüm • •» ^ na stavbu domu nebo na zNzeni zahrädk/ k üielüni vefejnj^m (komu) SloEßM aÄTödy lihOTersk^ 1 13.70.40 ..SS...a.R _. .1 34.2,69.^5. 4106.34 zbyvd nepi'id^len^ pudy • • ■ • * ( Ce 1 ke m 2 350.39.^5 41.36.3* sf.. ff Prümdrn6 vymera ptidelu pro iednoho udiazede-zcm^ddlce „ „ „ na stavbu domu nebo na zrizcni zaiuadky Z kolika kusü prümernii pozüstäva pfidel k üöelüm zemedelskym? Jsou na pridelene püde mGlioraöni zarizeni? ' . kym byla provedena? , Ztizuii se nove sluzcbnosti (iak6)? ^ Ztizuii sc nove cesty {komu se piidelujO? 0 Jak bylo rozhodnuto o pc delu budov? P^ebfrÄ SS a R a llhOVeT . Poöet potiebnydi meznikü: ^ Puidtlovy plan vyhotoven a vylozen dne .f. ZZ.....T. % Jmeno vyhotovitelc : lug. iialxriuil iAlohtillJ&^^^y^j * ^<'^^\'^\fmi^is vyhntovitele ha ha *) Podle potreby se pfeikrtne. Vzor R— 27 \1?/>-i ( \ V •» • ' • • I MEHIÜKY ÜRAl a . V^NOV^M JlÖlNg. ^ «irm^gim¥i|aaOTTgaiifflKiyyifyff«a5WiHifT^ V •• .....'.../ ............V Velkostatek*);^rayiBflfyyttlg*) BartOÖOTle« Vlastnfk: Ite«. Jjzao^owlcaskst: Artukt ^ / / / CS) Soudni okres iP.^.^.ßQX SprÄvni okres .Mpyf..J±Ma.., ../ ^.v t I / t • ''fc ' • ■ ■ ,. . . »l'. ' • ' V Pruvodni zpräva k n&vrhu plridSloveho plänu pudy lesni*) - tlklObäD- 4 im. ,,\C^^' j, M..M.. :..., Vyrobnl oblast (podle vi. nah 183/47 Sb.): I. Pfevzat^ lesnl^) - rybniini*) majetek urieny pro pfldSl: i^M ■ 'pi •■«♦,• . V VI « . l ^^■^■' :■ vj 7 / -% I ;" (. ^\ 'S' rW / 4. r-'' VymSra püdy ziskane na smönu podle druhü: Pöda ziskanä pro pf idöl podle druhü . . . ■•■' ' ■ '' ■ II. püda lesni . . . • rybniky . . . ^ • • • püda zemgdöLskä • • • • püda jinä . . . t • • Souöet celkem , ' '^ 1 celkem 86.17 h, — ■•• ha .12,16 ha ..... .0 «..Qa ha 100*55 ha /• ha :/. ha + t«i' •.M v^c •■■■ .'•^';. Navrfen^ pf fd61 • PoCet VymSra püdy v ha | Pfidfelovä cena v Kös pfidölcü pHdfel. Jednotek lesnl*) rybniönl*) zemödöl. jin6 souöet A)k lesnlmu*) - rybnlC- nimu*) hospodäfstvi SlÄtU 1 1 84« 97 3.20 12.16 0.02 97.15 1 obcim 1 1 ,^^ 3.2c 1 jinym svazküm ' üzemni samosprävy '■ - • ( • lesnim drulstvÄm z obcl ^ ' t • • lesnim*) - rybäf- skym*) druistvüm ze ZQm§d£Icü 1 / « i 1 1 f' ( B)K üöelüm jin^ (jakym a komu) ' 1 • \ k \ i ; . ■'• 'i ■'. • 1 • C) zb^& nepfideieni püdy .„.-•...•. i / • • • ! • . • Celkem ' ' v - • ■ 88.17 12.16 0.02V 100.35 VzorR-29r :' . Li*) Nehodici se fikrtnfete. . ■'■■ .s-e" ■'":. • ■ ^ •^■•^■T' ■■ .^ ^^1 N t ■ .;f / '*'v. A 1 A K ) ' ■"' Prümöfn^ v^mSii pfjulölu pro jedivoho uchazeöe lesnlho»)^ igöOttOD«) majetku ....... ,::...^^^^^ ha. Byiy' pro kaidy pfid« püdy lesni*)"- rybniöni*) zajiStgny odpovidajlcl budovy spr^vni a provozni. jakoi ..■'•': ■ • ' ■ •••'*' •■'..'■ • ' ' ' ' ■ ' . * "I '*■■ ' ' '' i potf ebn6 pozemky zem§d61ske a jin6? ••• • ^nO • - ••••—..... 1 1'^: Zfiz^jl se nove sluzebnösti (jake?) ••• ^ y; ; ; ZHzuji se riov6 cesty (komu se pfidfeluji)? •• ^/ • • , * Dochäzi, pHdeiem k dgleni dosavadnich hospodäfsk^ch.celkü nebo kat. parcel? K • ne i il. . v. Poöet potf ebnych meznikü: .-••.• • • - "" • ' • ; n v '^^"T"' !'Vj'v ' V' ' '. \ ■' ' . ' '- \ y-' '■ • "'. "" '^ \ ' ''■ ' • •••••••■••••••••■ Pf ideiovy plan sestävä z tSchto souC&sti: -^ ' nämü ^3PJt|i0M prehleone mapy* a byl yyhotoyen dne- •"• -"-^ - - ff^y< ^'Vp^ -^- V' /^ MlohalJCk JBohundi] „ f I ' •) Podle potfeby se §krtne. ■::*.■ ^^ . . .<>.' I . » f.: V :■ iV ■■ r. \ b • » .^,v*'*»*"*'*»*'^\ o. C <; • ^ ■...• •' .S '-^ , ri' i » • ^- , . • t A . » 1 ( ■ ..' . • '.1 V-.» > ■•< V • ' ■• *■"** > • •■' r • • ^ / ■ ' ■ r ,. f. Km*-- ••••-%• # •:,h; I I «■•N \- .>, A 1 I ) 1 l' I l 1 to • X I \- i ■'.A..V'>i,', ^ > ' »'. Pj^is vyhotovltele. . ' \ '/ , •- .!< ;i » ^ / ..' . / ■ \ ■>.' • X • « ** 'i ,{ , »^ *,R -* *^-» (•.. •••.•* tr* • •■ /•.••• •), V .^T I ( C>X^'' \'- ^« 1 *.*' A.l \ '; \ ' I » *•• • • • , \ . • ^M- \ Ir .". ^ o '■ .. V. .Ai .( \ ^ s r>f::-i^i..'r A ■. :-\. .;^'-, ••'■^ - , ' • V ' . > • , >-' ■ V .\ .v ■■• •• ■r\\ i\ ^: -^^ f c\ ■(. .1 \ » • ' l \> . 1 r^> i'i V •\ i »• X , i ' ../ ^ / N, 1? ■f. Soudni okres: ...yuijQek Sprdvni okrc8:...u0«yy j^^f^. »•!>'_• JV Vlastnik .1 LRL-JlfilCKt ÖftAD , .-. A' w4. u A "t. •l )\ V » / r. ^ ^! *• . • •^» V,1VJ priae a budov , ) pro kätasträlni üzemi - BartosoTio« ''• '■': -c .■■■•# I Den pfevzeti pridelu X '^»fS- fr*' k ■• . V • . V* ' • St » ! ■ UpozomSni: 1. Pfldfelci se zapisujf v aritmeticky scstaven^m pofadi Minych eisel. 2. Obdriel-li pfidäce püdu te2 v jinem katasträlnim üzeml, oznaöf se tato . ^ /.A.v;r.^ okolnost ve sloupci pro poznamky. 3. PfidSly nihradnfch pozemkü za pozemky dane do smeny se v poznäm- ..% c: kovem sloupci ozna^i pofadovym ölslem vykazu smfen. 4. Sluzebnosti souvislcl s pfiddlovanym pozemkovn^m majetkem se v po- znämkovem sloupci vyznaöi b^inym öislem seznamu sluzebnosti. ■1 >*. •i- •"•« '4 '■} \ V1 >. '\t ^ %• A . » . • 1 ■ »«r- ■' ■^.- >, "^ :-'V^ 0 Podle potfcby sc pfeikrtne. %c., ^ZOR R— 22. / \\ Nävrh pHdSlu vyhotovil: •^.XÄ -'^»-*- > •'« i < .-» ~ -- • \ W/\ •Ata ^v ' ir;J '.4 ; I Cislo parcelni 8tp 1 P- 1 • • . \ r. / " « ■ r7.59>^ ' Zpütob vzd&Uvani a jakostni tfida V^m£ra Jh »* A ha m' rolt. lo.»ka..3 K 175J^A rfil«-.,2. / role 2 .paa^.*^- ..paa1iT«X .louka-3 X6 ._....9 6 _66. J2Ö. m.. 51. ._„& 179.6/9 IQ«^ * .loalLa-.5 1796A2I role .5-. xole -6. I796/I3I iPVika .5. 00- 4^ .53. 7^ ._..^ 3-6 _. -32^ J&6 .a3. -30. .69 ÜQ. 1796A5 I8Q5A 180^/2 louka..5. louka...^ .45 - .2*. role. 4 .T.61A.JL X7 Ä3- .02. >9 -05- iaQ.9/2..l.-l-C3iuka -2.. 09/4_l-io.«ka_2. -T-W 7-U3-. ' - Ml» ^ ^- ',^'*i TT ^iMHMM-HanauMite.iaifca i • ¥ » 25 I 0 Tflda boniuci 24 72 44 52 • o6 20,2.5« 1.84 I 12. 3« 6,26 9-18 I 13 20 6,5 4( 3o 23 < 9. 1 4. 68 So 9o 14 lo Cena za 1 ha Ührnni cena phdilovd Prvnf splitka Zbytek ceny pffdölov^ Odpodtävä sc za pozemky postoupenö do sxndny Pozndmka Kes 8 1/ • • j^64_ 1/ .30 J • 84 V • 50 \/ 7 7 l/ y/ i }/ V f/ »/ V \l V 7 '^.3(rt), ^ /(7.Pr.'. /[o , ((TS . Jlo^ itO • y ^SfrO'^ I . ^(Hl / \{,Hy tv L .^r^, - l vo. £j n. ^ g.m. l 11 12 13 .p^ y I. >i?r> y L hv. / ^}lh llL //2/^. JV. ^ttv, nt). ,n(. f, /n : 3,1 (hl. y lOO. I (q. \i^- . w« 3, hin). t£>. l Jrv. ^ /trv, 7 Cislo Winö (pfidaiu) 1 Pfidölce Jmeno a pfijmeni Bydliste (obec a £p.) 3 Cislo parcelni Zpüsob vzdiläväni a jakostni tfida V^mira ' f ha a m' j^. 1811/4 atatnl i^tatky a rybnlky BartoBOVioe 1819/1 V 5/1 r-tp 5/2 15/1 "iTtp 15/2 15/5 "irtp' 18 ■'irtp 57/1 ötp 57/2 "■"ntp 119/1 •atp 119/2 ötp 120 ■ ötp 121 srtp 122 ■■■ütp" 125 •-ütp M5^ pnetv^l past.l 11 IX 'l/l b/1 26 27 29 "Duo op 256 cp 585 'Urfm' op 210 op 5 67 op 568 plochM • Btxrveb . pluoh 4 oiJ 560 "DiM cp 2 "ötn op 357 üriw — up 1 ■-D:\n op 5 DC.ra — 6p 4 "ITfäV'^'b « ploch'i ■ DT;ia — 6p 518 70 AB 17 03., 4o . 2 15 25 68 IB 55 ■ ■■—!■■■■ 53 68 63 52. 4 84 , — 8 71 02 > lA 59 99 59 loukiii i- rolo 2 role 4 pf;»ßtv»f Zähr«2 lo 06 5^1 rol« 4 5 Go 55 47 < 7^ 2€. 8^. oc r ^mmtm^m^timt^mi^mmm P'^ vNOVeMJlÖlNä (3> Soudni pkrcs: J?^!':^«]^ Sprävnf oju-es : I^tJ^^f^. .*• .^\ * M/ * 1', V'. ■^ .1 ^ Velkostatek - zbytkovy statek ?.?.?.i9|9T!!:.f!»... i:.^<\ .«< "(^ viV ». < *^ w . - V , .1 •.'.-'."/• \*.: ■1 , "■• V. V V ' ' . >i Ct. • * • \ Vi 't , t< V. t Jk • f. / h".>. K%^> A. a. Ol i 0. i:ji r \i J Nävrh pf id püdy bud r r • i 0 1 ■■ ■^' 0 -E r •-' r ■ -y pro katasträlni üzemi 1 j^ i 9 v i c e ^^ ' ■ • ■ . ■ ■ • ' \ , Den pf eyzeti pf idMu J^r A^^^ f .:r V.' H' Jl ■T; y ■ ■/ ) ' • . UpozornSni:;!. Pfidölci se zapisujl v aritmeticky sestavenem pofadi beznych cisel. . ^ 2. Obdrzel-li pfidelce püdu x6i v jlnem katasträlnim üzemi, oznaci se tato okolnost ve sloupci pro poznämky. ' 3. Pfidely nähradnich pozemkü za pozemky dane do smeny se v poznäm- kov^m sloupci oznaöf pofadov^m cislem vykazu smen. , ^ ^ ■r r - r- 4. Sluzebnosti souvisici s pfidclovanym pozemkovym majetkem se v po- znamkovem sloupci vyznaci bSznym cislem seznamu sluzebnosti. "\ <- 7. i Nävrh pHdSlu vyhotovil: \ \ ^ V Np3»:^,.JiöfnS, dne l6._ ffjna 1948, *) Podle potfeby sc pfe^krtne. \ y.' fe^VV: VZOR ,' - r . ' . • •■ ■ , .T-.. »''«•■ ••.'^: *'...■■ R— 22 .^ //. \^' V. 4r', i,\ \ .» _.^. ■■Mta I I J Cislo '. biin6 (pfldSlu) Pfld61ce 1 Jm^no' a pfijmenl Bydlistö (obec a £p.) T—r ^:■■..■ L\ :a Obeo Butovioe Butovlce :jf Cislo parcelni Zpüsob vzdilävähi a jakostni tfida 5 V^mira ha m' 1407/2 I role ^2 "T 1408 Ipastvina ■ \ %f. U ^vr' 99 65 35 iili^*^.. ,.\;- ■•»•V»« • ■ 1 • Slezsk^ advody lihovarskö, lr»C-: ' närodiOLf podnik;^ 0 < , BartoSovloe zAMl..:gattQB-O.TiAS. / I» 1 ■•>;■• 533/6 580/2 \ I Lo.ulca..3-. 14-06/2 LoukaJ 1407/^ ' role 2 1407/6 2;ole 2 j.d.p. ahrada 1 14 41 39 38 ^5 r- / y ' s». r 7" -12. 1477/^ . 1 "> ! SLl;itii£_..aiatlsy...Ä..ry.bate r.-c—- - « I \ role 3 role. -3 role 2 13 • .. \ 20 .4.4. 11 19-. P0..„ 60 83.„. ^0- ^3.;.. §/i^ X2l2«.3:>üw -w;;:.i .-.-.. 1Q-. 19 1^ ' / -i loulca. ...3. . — ....... ^-. _^J4.. .^OQ-. j > *•■-• • .'*■'! r 00 •,\ ;;N ; I i\ ^" \ i / .« / U T ■ I -.'■ -.v ■ ,7 y ■• / \ • « 1 , X 1 . 1 ./ ( . ' # / I X, '.*,^ \ .'» I • / ( ■ • f Tftda zji^tinä bonitad Cena za 1 ha Ührnnd ceuia pfidelovä Prvni splitka Zbytck ceny pfidSlövö Odpo^iUvä se za pozemky postoupcnö do sminy Kös 8 f ■ -T-»"^^^— ~- w^-v :^- • ""'S*' » 4. "/. --"88 .• :i- •.. Lr88 / / I 10 11 12 Poznämka 1.-^ /■ r. Y'U C'» 6 V H> mUBAr . V ^,52- ■^»f;'- •1^22:1 ^•^ >*!& • ■> ■ . ■ :^4-U^0 !'# I I'» ■ t \ ^r' i.-vf-i:i cS • l <■ - ■ *•'■■ 4^ -\ ^ / ■/^-.^;- iAMiM**»^ « w« a <;/.••. M , X Y -V \ '/■ /, /^*?^:.;-\ ■":f>'? cf^nA n^j^ ^rc 'li/^ I -I MINISTERSTVO ZEMEoeLSTVl \ Öl8. j. Vec: 45,146/50 - IX A 21 Yolkoetatek Bartoäoyioe, Revlso podlo zikona ö, lA2/l9A'i Sb. V© ssn^ni zdkona 6, 44/1948 3b,, Zru3eai,pon9oliäiil püdy v revlal podlo i X, odat,3 raviaruiho zdkona / prvnl ▼6ta § 11 zdb.zdlc,/ V PRAZE dne 28, 8« 1 ^O-,- ^ :^ a^ ^ T . Pan Dr, Oskar 0 z o ^ r a h a Y. . Maieelova 7 0£;owlczka V zastoupojil p.Dra Artura a Iray Czeozowiczkov^ch, pi Eriky Sa.- monov^ roz, Ozecaowlozkovd a pi Uany KuazOT^, Vj^mßrem minister stva zeaedgletvi ze dne ^3»2«1949 ö,i,. 5281/4 9 - II A 21 byly Väm ponechäny jako vlastaiküa slxora uveden^ho velkootatku pri provadSnl reviae podle zäkoaa ö» 142/ 1947 Sb. va zxißni zäkona ö. 44A948 Sb, podl« uataaoveai § 1, odat,3 tolioto reTieniho zäkojoa / po vyvlaataönf öästi pAdy pro - puSten^ V prvnl pozemkovö reformd iia tomio velkoatatfcu ze zAboru podle uataaovenJC prvni v^ty § 11 zäkoxia 6, 215/1919 Sb, / nanori- toatl V kat.iXa, Bartosovica v celkovd v^mSf» 50 ha a v^bradou, St «iüietaratvo zemßdölatvl mü2e z töto püdy zraäiti poxieoliÄnl tako - T:;,oh aemovltoati, o nloh« dodataSn« z^iati, Se najl charaktar § 20 pf. a,2. 83/1920 8b, nabo ^lyäadujl z d&vodii vefejniho zäjanx evUSt» ni oohraay ve amyalu tohoto ustanovenl a ie tyto nemoritoatl mfiMß pfavzlti a pfid^liti v revisi tak, aby byla zaJiätJna jajioh oohrana a fädn^ uflräovÄnl. , Ta amyalu t^to y^^hrady a r u S u .1 e mlniataratro zemgd61ßtvl ahora uyadea^ v^mgr ß, 3. 5281/49 - H i 21, pokud iia byly Väm jako Tleatnlkün poneohiny v ravloi podl© ustanoraai $ 1, odet, 3 zäkoaa 5, 142^947 3b. ve «n6al zÄkom 2, 44/1948 8b, a» • morltoatl etfi&ku a parku v BartoSoviciob a pHal. , poaivad« doda* taön« bylo zJiStßxio, 2a Jda 0 nemovitoati, kter^ majf obaraktay • ♦'1 1^!. V '•"» - s « « • Y^SaAitli Mnfimaii otiiTtuay ▼• usiytlu uatanoYeni $ 20 piid$l«vI« Sb, a iraia«» das k vatair^yvcaia eäkooa o »«si^dlXak^ däni 5« 49/X948 6t>« a alfe^ «> HS d« 28>A94d Sb, o .dsAi v&oobaottl byXa aasXa-beoua fXaaiiSAi a aa^ ierlal^i aiJtkX&dnti pro ulrüov4Qi pasRi&tak v idXoia atayu a y^Aoatt Talk^atutku« jahoS aou&isti ponaohao^ obJ^kt ^i^X, Ja tady aaaliQ>vi < Ai a vtdu'Scrini ttikoTyoh vysnac^A^oh na^iovltodti v^ia«» QhroSaiiO# troi to alnJi')tar»tvo aaiuCdcXötvi^ prliaiio jia k t<^to uai&Adii;^ poaMrim§ mal p/ada« aal»£4xiitl takovi^auto ohro^ani paa&tdk« Jlolul poäkes« •» nif p(/ pi^Xpadd ;sk^sa by so aohXy etätl nanapravltaXD^ai a iiSialtl pfia3/»opatfoiU x aocl ^adai« f^roio roxbodXOf alDy ponad^tfai taka • yfth ptätitnich a vyssoaanioh obiakt^ vX«3.a ifiikw« r ravlal tvXo i t nw gm t -5 - . wenB^mi a aby tyto objekty byly pfldfcltny kvallfikovaa^ «itijtkrKte, kt«z^ earvil^uji Jejioh oohr&mi a Hdn^ udr^oyäni 14 pa jia2 doaaTadjii TXaatAÜk, Y aüsledlcu tohoto sxuSeai atävaji aa tady baspfatoSt» H3^«l i rSaohny dÜ8l«dJ^ oa toto poa»chdai navasujloi / odvolini ^« pov^l a p,/. f 2a Bpxdvno^t vyhotoveni« 2a nixilo'^rai f r {•.-iliMSi cRe ! v'O ZEMEDELSIVf CR Täto Kopie by»a thofovena ze spisu ulolen^ho V ustfednf SDisovnö. Po^et Siran: f Oatumt 7 1. m s: ^ »» Podpis: / CJ^ V ^ OKRESNi NARODNI VYBOR V NOVEM JICINE Znaeka:....jßlV'i>S'*29A-l*?4^«IX (V odpovedi uv»]r« Oskar CBaosoviskat iKViui 7* aieolova 7* 'Vyiaä^enjC v^^kupu podXt a&koxm ö. 46/134Ö üb. Vyhltiäic©. 3 lodla ^ ICfOdst. 3 säkona o* 46 1046 ^b. o norh poeeiakovö r'/3,Si?3V2 0 cj3LiiovÄ v^mSfa 9X065Ä Ixa« rHdeedat Novak v.r. Llistni narodni vybor Bartosovice. Na vedomi dobu 15 diiu. se sädostl o vyvesenf vyhläSky na ürediif tabuli po /..X • Y /■f ■ Xi /. * I * ! L._l /- Pr^'dseda/' f Cit. j. V4<, G> MINISTERSTVO ZEIS/ieoeLSTVI • u/M M «WAU V PRAZE Jim 19. ^^HUL lMm£bD wai'^^tax ! I •dltt# XI/4 o 9» pMMdbOfvva rkadDram aBLs2l«ter9*VQ» KaaLjd^^^»!39aäiilo ^diZarj ^n Zxmd xf^^ MiiiJDd3«t 3e l4Ma£ iia»vitaiiti ««üotp :3«Qbara nx&flD^ pro pi^fdSI iXidou oCsi i *cioir»M^ ^ ^Jnlft Ic iT^brnn^ odd» Z2/4 • do ep»^ p^encdb^ **^ * ' I m^' )?^ ■ao' ;10V mSo d^^" m i Z5«. or^S inä tt »' -. :^ai^' U»' po^^^ sU'' ^'/^ ^0^9? I ^ I I I I •f tMteto Am id 4o Am ^*"<'**"^^** odflvariUbtf« ./ THllÜA t ?Hia«4 :7?fdaUL, Sa iipiXtfinMit tj^aMowa t .^ ^ . •■ ■• •..»•• » 2a mlAi«trm* fadltaUtefl, a i 1 o T • • » ililiMf a k ]pev«idns£ j/XtifumMuftäx, pzaof pora i>in,tniTrf pf IdiXtagro^x aMori« tMt£ to 1«i«ta» atfsXTf xrCrpnp \t m... P 3? a z e ') t3 C. j. ..^^ /19.-??. - EX/ V.c:Yif'!^-i.iJJ.?. B 23 Listina o pficielu lesü*) — rybnik£v* ) podle zakona ö. 46/1948 Sb. V ..., 22^Ai; 19.49 SeskosloTenskd statnü statk narö^Sir "pöflniR"/ ust geaaf " fe axt'el st vjC 7$ l P r a 2 e 11^' • Iösmv I. Ministerstvo zemed^lstvi* )^ i»*«#^ ^<»ii» V Praze jrlfy nfhimrlni lUjrhnriV _-r_^^„" •) pfideluje Väm podle § 16, odst. 6 zakona ze dne 21. brezna 1948, c. 46 Sb. o nove pozemkove reforme a podle §§ 25 a 26 vyhläsky ministra zemedelstvi ze dne 28. cervna 1948, c. 1447 (Üf. 1. I, castka 129), kterou se provädeji nekterä ustanoveni zakona o nove pozemkove reforme, do vlastnictvi*;! do ipo Iprnphn vlqstmVtvi g n^Hily 1 •) s vyhradami a za podminek däle uvedenych tyto vykupem podle cit. zakona ziskane lesni*) iiyhiucini^^) i jine nemovitosti. • Z toho püdy Katasträlni üzemi, oznaieni knihovniho t^lesa (iis. knih. vloiky a pod.) Cisla katastr. parcel ^ Bi2. eis. Kultura Vpnin lesni*) jine celkem Poznämka ha ha ha ha l. Sedlnlce a Bartoso« vice ' • 2IeiQOvlto3tl zapsazie v 1761 •1877 1929 lea lee les 6024 3,0990 1,9670 • lai^ vl^ S II poz^knihjj 1934 leB 8289 f pro kat« uzQQ^ Sedini ce 1936 Ice 1940/2 les ; lea 2,8018 989 v^m JiSlnS, statek 1946 1965/3 les les 2,0885 2708 • • • Dra Artlxoxa Ozeozo^ < 1966 lea 4.6242 wiozky v3artcsovici(i 1 2053/2 \ les 176 • ZlOl/i les 12.9926 - 2103 las 3.7822 2104 les 19,7043 • Bartoso vic e 368 les 363 • 370 les 1917 84,1623. - 84,16^1 4 • 84,1621 84.1623. *) Co se nehodf, Skrtnöte. Vzorec N - 35 a 117 IL Oznaceni kupce na inventäf , zasoby a zafizeni provede — pokud se tak ji2 nestalo — podle vyhlasky ' i. 1447/1948 Ü. 1. I (vladni narizeni c. 116/1949 Sb., pfiloha A, polozka 5) krajsky närodni vybor V , u nehoz svoje pozadavky v tomto smeru uplainete. ^ poikujd se tsic jlä nestdlo ' III. Do drzby pfidelenych nemovitosti uvede Vas krajsky närodni vybor, odd. IX/4c, v — il_a_t_x.^_y_Ä za'pi'i[iadiiL) uiiuuU piJiüluijityoh Oi'samu naMütüiiho o^Rtiiy't),' pokud jooif Jim piiidiilono Qnii^Wifcoiii jio pr^niate ttameLri i.^iiprairmriny — pf i pfevzeti pfidelenych nemovitosti statem podle ustanoveni zäkona nähradoveho a zä- kona c. 46/1948 Sb.*) Pfidelene nemovitosti budou odevzdäny do Vasi drzby s ücinnosti ke dni pfevzeti, t. j. ke dni i 19 a n^irT(i^^^ ^ndp_Dt!iiiL£dcilll-dli£, ' '. 10 ^}- den odevzdäni bude urcen pozdeji.*) delove listiny, oznaceneho ,,Pro ufedni £otre]jiC 0. ^6äiemm po^pSalTeÜo-sfejnGpisu minisTerstvu zeme- delstvi*) — lirajs^emu narodnimu vyboru v ^^_^_-i-iJ •|)i4deice» i5fiafEl pf^jme^ projevi^outhtos^^odn»inha»ii-^rtdauT?re3i^^ se nevztahuje na närodni podniky Ces- Pfidelovä cena, jakoz i zpüsob jeji ührady budou stanoveny dodatecne. Pfi odevzdäväni pfidelenych nemovitosti do drzby budou uväzena a podle moznosti ihned provedena vse- chna opatfeni, jez vyplyvaji z pfipadneho skonceni sprävy provädene na pfidelenych a statem jiz pfe- vzatych nemovitostech närodnim podnikem Ceskoslövenske stätni lesy*) -^n^'— -) nebo närodni sprävy zavedene podle dekretu c. 5 1945 Sb. Zejmena budou provedena opatfeni, jez se tykaji pfevodu zamest- nancü pfidelenych nemovitosti z dosavadniho sluzebniho pomeru do noveho pomeru u pfidelce nebo pfi- padneho skonceni tohoto sluzebniho pomeru. Za mlnistra zemödSLstvi*) r*ffr''ir'^" Kii^Y*^' Ing^ ''^yleta v.r.' 1« Za sprävnost vyhotoveni: < » I ^) Co ae nehodi, äkrtnöte. I t Priloha k i. j. 39.85? /» 13^^^ ^ l * Öls. Oznaöeni pHd^lovych jednotek Kat. üzemi Vymöra püdy Jmeno prid^lce lesni rybnikü ha jine ha celkem ha 1 Statek i^ura • C2ec20^7icalq^ Xr. . «CA'^n^T. y^^yitfT^jm.i^w^. ^«1m Öeskoslovenak^ stätxiü Akrea Novy Jicin statky, narodnf podnik 1761, 1877, 1929, Sedlnlce 1934,' 1^6, ■1940/3,'' 1945, 1955/1,.. 1966 3063/2, 2101/1, 2101/3, 2101/5, 2IC3 ...M^.nLmM....37o 1 a04/l 1 3ertoäovice •••••• }3«9341 ■• 83.9341 .0.228C 1 /^-'■n^- , 1 34.1621 84«1623 k ü6xi£esn 1 ** 1 • 1 • • • « •••■■••■••.«•■••■••■••^ • 1 • • !• ••••••••«••••••••••■•• ■ •••■••■••••••• ••••••■• •••••••••••••••• * • • • • * 0 # • • ^ „„ ^,, 0 'V Vzor R 46b. h t \ -adblo%m5 o' T'J S" Ätn . Ü3 poCet stc '»:i 3 4it,lC'.9 Priloha k i. y 39« 857 /. 23 J B6i. Öls. OznaÖeni pfid^lovych jednotek Vym6ra püdy Kat. üzemi ^ lesni ybnikü ha jine ha 1 1 celkem ha 1 Jmeno prid^lce 1 Statek Artxura • • • m •••••••••••••••• " 1 Czeczowlcsk^ 1 SeskoslovenalQ^ stdtn^ ■..y- SarbosoYicidti- Akrea Novy Jicin 1 staitlc^y naxodxiJC podnlk 1761, 1877, 1929» Sedlziloo ...^.„.^.....^._^.....^._^..g^. ...1945,. . 1955/1,....19S6 2053/2, 2101/1, 2101/5, aOI/S; 2IC3i ÄQÜ/l/ 368. 370 < •••••••••••••••••• • ,,,, «.,«■••••••« • • aw/i '^J 3erto30vlce 3.9341 7^. .Ä.fl^Wfc». »■ • - i »•9343 0.228d ...iFr)f!!*i..*i.....T?.?«--*?'>?- • .....••• ,,,..•••♦•• • 1 • 4.162X «_ 1 • *• Oelicpcr G 1 • • •«•.••*••••*•••••••*••** • ■••#•••*•.••••«******** . 1 * • « »••••••••••••••••■••••*• #••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*' ^^^^ ••... ,,»,••.••...••••••••••••.«••.•••••••••••••♦•••••••••••••■•••"••***•""*••******* • ,«.»»^w*» — — ^.... .«>.~~-.~ ....„^....~...- t • • • • • •...•••.•••••••••••••••• •• • »•••..•»••••••••••••••• • • •. • ••••• •.•..... .•.•..•...•.••••••••••••• • • ««««•«••••••••••••••••■•••»••••■**■*** •• •••«•••••••■•••******* « .„ ^ —>»—'- « • ... » — « ••••••.•••.••..«•••••• B.« »••••.•.•••*•••••••••• • •• •••..•••••••••••****** ••• ••• • •.•••••••.•••••••••••^••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'••••••'"•••*'**'*""** ..M .....^ -•" "l ••••■••■•»•••••••••• • )•• ••.•••.•••♦•♦.••••••• »•M •«•••.••••••••••••••••••••••••""•"--****•*••••••••••** •• ••** ,««, >»•••.••..•....•••..••••••■•••• 1 Vzor R 46b. v I > ♦ -Kri y.'^- :elVi-: ^zr ^aT' »•»'" Z' '', V Y*6^ -^^"•3 .'r» C'.'Tl' c^po^^^^'^ S' -^lll OT < 'jr «' 3 ,/(./, ^£?.9 ■ mtm^r^r^^'w Dr.Oskar Czeczo'wiczka Praha V^-ltaiselova 7# (^ » ^ T Praze,20.unora 1950. -.>^ >y0^: ii « <•>«» I ! fO Iv'T'. V V * >-— . Titl. MlMISTERSTVfiZEMFDEiSTVI Doslr 2?. H.1953 Ministerstvo zemedelstvi IX.od'bor Yec • oceneni <. II ii\Xi Na Plorer\ci velkostatku Bartosovice na Mor. V düsledku prave projednavaneho oceneni velkostatku Bartosovice dovoluji si V zastoupeni majitelü velkostatku pfedlozit ^sva podäni x | ¥arodnimu pozerakovemu fondu pfi Ministerstvu zemedelstvi v Praze II. cj. 14T223/49 -III/21 ze dne 12. ,13. ,20. ,23. a 31.1.1950,/ v opisech / kterymi jsem s4 proti oceneni iDodle zakonac. 142/47 Sb, »prip.zak. 0.45/48 Sb.ohradil a v zaveruzädal 'o oceneni celeho velkostatku .obepnou^jjnou^^^ Predkladaje tato podani zdvofile zadäm,aby jejich obsah P.!r. mlnisterstvem zemedelstvi »odlifrem IX. ,byl vzat na vedomi a oceneni podle toho bylo nafizeno. Za ucelem prip.podrobneho vysvetleni jsem k dispo- Mimo to si dovoluji v pfedmetne veci znova zdüraznit,ze svym konecnym rozhodnutim cis.j. 5281/49 -IX/21 ze dne 23.11.1949 Ministerstv, zemedelstvi se dosud nikdy nevyporädalo s jednotlivyini oduvodnenimi maji. telü proti vymerüm Min. zemedelstvi z 15. IV. 1948 04.6306/48,6 308/48, a t 6309/48 vesraes IX/R -12 podanymi Lünisterstvu zemedelstvi dne 25.V.1948 a uplatnenymi u okresniho soudu v Pribofe k c.d 286/48,304/48 a. 285/48 dne 2. VII. 1948 a ze podanymi »arodnimu poz.fonducj. 147223 / 49 -III/21 ze dne 12.1.1950,ze dne 23.1.1950 a ze dne 31.1.1950^j3-ou majitel^ uplat. neny dalsi nove okolnosti . odüvodnujici zruseni vymeru Min. zemedelstvi * cj. 6306/48- IX R 12 z 15. IV. 1949 &fu 5308/48- IX R-12 ze dne 15.4.1Ö4Ö tykajicich se t.zv. zbytkovych statku,ve kterem ohledu dne 24.1.1950 byly V Bartosovicich zjisteny take dülezite okolnosti protokolarne. Pokud se tyce postupu pri provadeni komisionalniho odhadu v ; Bartosovicich ve dnecli 24.1.1950 a nasl. a oceneni nsamotneho Jsem nucen namit.nout zejmena ,2e pritomnemu zastupci majitelü nebyla ani danä moz- j nasT'tento sledovat,ani'zjistit nahlednutim do odhadniho protokolu,takz^ majitelüm jest fakticky znemozneno zaujat k nemu stanovisko meritorne, '■ a ze zastupce majitelü se dovedel jen natolik,ze vecne nejlepe informo vana osoba na prvnim miste navrzenä Mistni rolnickou komisi,dlouaol,pty ^ celedin velkostatku Miksik,nebyl ke komisi pfibran a ze z odhadu byla - dale vyloucena vymera knih.vlozek lihovarskych protokolarne prevzatych Ministerstvem zemedelstvi dne 30. IX. 1948. '« ßadam 0 laskave vyfizeni ysech techto stiznosti,re3p.,> zadosti a sdeleni podeüsanemu jakozto zastupci majitelü. ^ ■* • V / 5 priloh • V plne moci • \Ä - \l^ Il«t# iig rim JXX. MIWIiTuRSTVO 7.E^1£0eLSTV^ C« n spisu utozeiiV.c v tisireartf Oamm; Poapis: • •> ^ i: 91 > MV^ juutMj:^ii.'^^v triVT, • fi rrff •'-iT-**x -s. ^T'^OgTf^— l^^i^M^^ i^HlMU tw^rr^l^lWWT' f % •« •• * ^9Ei§^2Yxi2Q^22^^ •Jericho ©pisu. öeskbslovenskd^r^EB^lika i . . j ( • Ölslo, 884/6-1946 r# f • • Kolek 10 KÖB Okresn^ n^rodny vybor Malacfcy.' Evidenönö öfslo Ol 5006. ■ 0 s V |_d_ö_e_n_i_e_^_ o öeskoslovenslcom_ätdtnom_oböianstvei Meno a priezvisko Dr.Artur Czecilj^owiczlca zamestnanie/povolanie/ . velkostatkär ; narodeny/den,mesiac,rok,miesto^kres^/^^ ^ Pferov«,okr.Pferov domovskQ obec Moravsky Svätj^ Jdn, pol.okr.Malacky bytom V Londj^ne -;.•*• je öeskoslovenskym ätdtnj^m oböanom- Toto ätdtnö obSianstvo imi aj jeho man2elka IRMA rod.Adlerovd, narodend dne 20.februara rokii 1893 v §enove,okr.Novy Jiöfn. , - > V ll1alackdch,dna 2. 11.1946 • - • Peciatka : ^*»V^"-; Okresny n^irodny vybor. neöitelny podpis v.r. Predseda okresn^ho ndrodnöho vyboru. J^*tci^ouÄ^ " ♦ . ■» -.M i Koiek K 5 Öls.odp. 1335 Desviedöujem, 2e tento opis shoduje sa s listinou, 1^^©^^ Jo povodina bdli mi preukdzand so strany pana Dr.Axtura Czecze- wlczka V Bratislava. •Bratislava, dna 13. / trindstöho februara 1946 - tisf cdevätsto ätirycatäest. • Peöatko • • Vladimir ^Pivko v.r. Dr.Vladimfr Pivko, verejnj^ notär, verejny notör. Bratislava , Slovensko. 1 \ ./. l I >^ i Kolek 3 Kös •• • » • - 1 < V 'soühiäsi^s^döslovn^m 'öpis Opis tento opatrenym kolkem za 5 K. ••'' . .i em 0 1/2 archu Soudnl kanceldf okresniho soudu civilniho pro vnitfnf Prahu I.II.. V. a VI. : V Praze,""dne 22.11» 1946 . V V 0 .^ 4\ \. 1.« J^'l*'«' Kulatö razitko •. neöitelnj^ podpls v.r \ vo*.: i:.::::o, tr-r. Pt \- : "• » t ♦ •"*• y n •-Th* li-.: ( Wi-i^^ sib>f>SÄ4otoöHt^i2li s^^T:Masi dodur^ii i*^^_0v»?f^Opi.^i;ri: V. ^.Jr.?...;;uiin >.. •s". » ::? « ^•- ♦• -♦'»• ^•' ,'^;,.r*«*«' « • » <^ » r • ) 0 '^/.' n r •m-^ * * 0^ ,'•> 'l • .-^ i. W <^ • W -•;> ^ .; ^ V- • • <. • • ^< « » • • • » * •\ 1 •'1 .1 i 1 l^^mumitm ii» nw i».» i « »VilNISTERGTVO ZEMSD^LSIVf CR Tato kopie by^d z*ioiover»ö ze spisu üiozenöho v oslfednf spisovp^. PocGi Siran: c^ Datum: m. 92 ' Ml»! Podpis: •vA •r • — • .J. TT V ^. -^ . . . »* -.- > « - , , •• • ■ •» r « 0\." . *. T .... < ! ^ • » • '■« 4 '^ •^ - • • • < -' »• • .V ' * . . • .^' .\.< . - _ _ •• • • «> ^ J* f« . J % r^ 9^r,^*alter KülTZ Bd«jilfln - c ^^ 1«40»« 1940. • •> » •. /w'^ftia^^^t^^Z^ 5^. J>'tiit4ta '^^;^ ,3132/kA.6 poplatak die i>oloflcy 4«26a.9»» Pol«pflpl.deiuä«J«3152« «.gllck^i «ttglnAl« pi^oimj« paaai Dr..Urtur« C-osowK«*«, V£LVrSUf«£CTVI CESKOSlOVc.NSKE fiEPUB^fl'Y^l^*^**'*' /'' / / ,;//>■ V < W) SV : .-. h •»■ •«» • *»^** •■■■■ itfia» -«»••- * ti» »^ ..V ' Photostetlc Copy. Melders Tradln.' Cc . ,;^h, iolders Jarders, NA 11,SPE p^4^ J A ^-1 1 . ^ r " f ■»■ "> 1 r. 'f C Cfslo: 1997/47. Popiatek podle polo% ^. 24a: Is. Polozka poplatk. deniku c. 1997/47 ^ ^ Potvrzuje se, ze...j.^dnpstrankovy stranou opatreny fotostaticky sni'mek na druhe strane ^-w tohoto^listu shoduje sc s prvopisem kolkovanym ■ ' .rr.'.. Kc, pVedlozenym p. Dr. A. Czeczowiczkou," • b-'in V Lond^ne, N.W.6,\?8, Greencroft Gardens. Gensralni Konsulat Ceskoslovenske republiky v Londyne. Dne 22. I, 1947, DUPLIKAT Generalm; ^ons MINISTERCTVO ZFJvltO.-.LSTVl CR Talo Kopie t>>"3 zNo-ovene ze spisu ulozeneho v üslfertnl spiso^ne. Poö^a.suan: ^ Datum: \^V >p\ ^i Podpis: /^ .^L. 11.^ ■ ■ A« w I SLOANK 9115-8. islo: 14.479/48. CZECHOSLOVAK CONSÜLATE GENERAL, e. UPPER BELGRAVE STREET. (mloravc •quake), LONDON, 8.W.I. POTVRDENIE . i t I Generalny konzulat Ceskoslovenskej republiky v Londyne tymto uradne potvrdzuje, zo pani Hana K u n z o v a , rod. Czeczowiczkova, narod. dna 23. januara 1917 vo Viedni, domovsky prislusnd do obce Pfedbofice, okres Milevsko, po- volanim krealiarka, bytom 74, Darthnouth Road, London, N.f.2 je liplne nemajetnd. Meno?an4 je vedena v zaznamoch tu - najsieho uraidu ako atdtne spolahlivi obcianka (Jeflkoslovenskej republiky» •*'''' __. Toto potvrdenie sa vvdava na ziadosi horemenovanei ako doklad k iiadosti^o uplatnova- nie nahrady za znarpdneny majet Y Londyne dna 24, .iiiria 194 S\\i\ c'^;-'^ / / y % ^ ^ tL fUVIÜid^wl L /\^ />• Ate Z6i63 ^AtiUf] K(AHZ f/^HXP^ Cci^L£crr:^(?t^ Z 2Ji Taio Kopie by»E zhotovena ze Datum: iii 92 Podpis: 9f '^/-.yibrw- 'I / dh <^6(i^^^ /--J^ r ; \ iHwnHfm^trl) l 1 ;^4>^Y ÜTinf ^ Po7n.cciit imrcol» («'.lo rfom«, .p«.ob ,.d.^,.c() ^^ nai.^c(si„ c(,i„ k.i»irij»( ^roMiajoiil i»nra>Vy (^'"»J"»". •P'""»'' »iHjl^v.W) U»jiU> ({irtn8mtinmn; Ö^utdiffluhmiHi V » '5* \ ^ ^^fM^^^ l (f^^y <^ ,^ ^ A-^ .4^ vA. i,. .tf—; 3CJ5 ^ < - ^ i W • 'f HA -•k /'»♦-*' »W^V'i^»-»-* •*<*--%(^,'%,.«,v '^•^♦•n«' .yK-^L'-fr^^ K^^t^^^-^/^ /*^ / •6 '^ ■' ' ;»• W'. /^A-^U I I 1. ■•f::U00ft^ MK ^ Itffa : '^?r^»^ , »» j . 1 «•• • • T k 1 ad O-' ^^/^ /^^ >y > ^^j'Q'Ary^ xf:^«^^^^- <2«- ^2^=i=2ir I^SIZJL^L^ /.-T* 1*. »*' ^^^ » ^ r >y y^j»"^ V / "/-r ^ >C^ /.r^ 0-**^ ^ ^ ' -tU^Ärntyq^y^ '^'^r^^^^p^.f/r^.^A^D'- yyß,A.y%y^ ^^ <2>-c>y'-/vvC>^f*v^'t»<^wvv^/9 /tvt^vv^^^vt/7^1^ ^J^/f'tUyM^. ^ jiJ^y\s^/ff fr ' .^.y^ivtv^ /^»/i U/i '^^vr ^♦w^^^^^u^ %'^y.^^x//^ /^^'^^y^>^At^^A^^ ^,/uZv^^^ . —p '-n!^ y ^. k-^^^uur^^/^ 3/ .^r^^ 6y y^ r//a4*^ '<>^ ^r'^'/v«^***« *xs. ^u^^ f^A, f*^^^.AAAc:Ji f<^<^ Afi litAU^ /. • ^^^^g^■^ /'/f : ,^y = :— « «- ^ • ^i^^ t • * «a y.^^/. ^z^-^; ^/^7. -^i^^-^ -" ^-^^^ --J — ^ — ^^ __-£ — / r^i ^"^ ' (K.y J)y./0^e^.^ 't^^AAJU^A^r^.lA^ ^fu^4^^ •": f , ;',:>- ' >''^.t\!J'r-\ B, 1 „ •'' » • ->^;"'*v,: y klad nu- 7IZ ^^ ct^^^/^fß r(. yv^cv^l/Mni/irt 'iwj^^'W^wv^l^x^ AJinJU- /^aw^^ yl^'vi^y ,t44^r»sA^^ /p-nl'^. /.. V-^ «-*>•» *-*=»'_ ^ ^••.«««•*«4 A«a^ X«a^ 4UUJk& /id»*^ ^/44 *y ^C< Mx^^M^ Vv -^ ^^ ) V« «» y-*^» **-»* *^ i^9» «-*-)« #♦, Uv^m^XMic^M H>*-^n^ > i'-»*«^C«**y^ .^*^v*^^ ,1/ ^^ U) Uui4^i.p^ yA ^?7 ^<=^ V''^«^ ->^tjt >A.ce »-«2, ^^-^ Atr.^t,^Ce. -<^*, y^t4:^.^AAr r x- /«4cÄ«*-ac-tV^* STÄTNI NOTÄRSTVf 741 11 V NOVEM JlÖlNt rz IX. B92 f»-^!r -^ . ' r ♦ '. .^-AV " -iA' A > -* ». ■ »■ • - »^ t w. •J? . • • • ,-*s • • - 1 '*'■ t * ;|aftl %w gtnmhfuif» jt'islo vioisky kuihovnf A. I Katastrdlnf obec: :^ ^^^/vlöej. <8tri4>t*t«a 77^ UM — -:7^ J^ ^/ » L- t»5/jL. .iS?!/-. -i' ■ < 1^ ^^^CX.-«: /1^^l^/cju'>iA^ ^ • ^'^ '0Ur7(<'islo dpmiu ^ Äeiii parcc Spusoh >7.ilt-i.i i « .■• IV ..^V'--'**^*'»*' y k 1 • d - ^^//f^ Y^u n^, t'^f. P-^-^^-ol-Oi-äT --»v*'«/^-«^ //Ct^^ «^Uf e^^-C '^'^^y^-t/^ yii^i^ y^^'U^^v^ A-^"^ > /, (/!])a^tvvvyw r./wwo^ 4 ^^ / /^ /. h/lü'2^^^*'**'^^/ 1 r ^rr Ikt •/ ^ /' .*: j3^ji.u^. f/^j 'TqWTJ^d'^^. ^ /^ \^yU¥. . •*• » V « ^ Ti •f. * ••• • • p .*..■<»'♦.■ ^*.n .•• - % ■• ♦ 1 k ^j . . V{."*:»*-'•'• -^^t^^x^^u Ve^i,/. t^ttx^^t^ ^^<>-t?6/* y^yLö^^^i^^ f ^j!La^J^^ o / ^'^tx.'jA^ iif^^i:^ ■ «»(\iM^M' HL<»4,^<"' ^,'yHv^/'^>vl/W ^T^vri/TCvvi^v/'/Vi/i^.^v^^ <^/ ^t .'*c.4u^ .j^dL^'H^e^,,^-^ .i^cc^ .u^ /<^'.£<.,.t.^ ^^,^ ^^ ^.^^ . ^^ ^ ^^^.^ 7/t,^ex>^ ^,^^n^XA.A^ vi/v>v^w #Vy^W>Wi^/U^ ^K^v^wr^ \c ^^aM/{ /yy'M^y^^^n^ 4',^rU/vv^/i/^yy^ px. -^vu^^tv^ i«T'* ! jc/nyuvv;c) /tit^}^^ ßriuA^ {mj/mJj /l^wo^ ) x^ /» fo^tAi^^ /*)^'»*<*^^^Wt)i• II £A Y kl ad c^/'// A <^f^^J /: 7 /W'VVO ^•vo/wr / '^'^cua^/yc .^vt/c^ ^' v/^ -t^ /W(vAj^' I I ^^/ -!( 7^ •'^/fy % ICj {;^; ^ ^,^Ä^u<^' -^ r^*^ "^.^ ^.Z^vlo^»vv*V«.i^ -^V &^ ««I-Xta, AAiM-^^'Us^C. tftuny ^ •/>t^rt*^ Me ^£e>*-e <-• ,^"y 4W ''• B_^.^ 1 '^*«*t6«<4/ ,K»Avtn '^»A^^v.f'»*'^ >^wrA^ ^^-^-ÄUC^ _ ^__ ^- •-^. (&, ..„,, . '^ y>v,e<>4c^*Ji,' x€^ /^IlC J*^<^ -^^ -'>*^-csL^>^i-^^ ^ /v^<^ Zt-.^ /fc^W^- — • •* . *( .- V', •V , . K5^4!ö5> ^. 1^ A. ^:5jd .^-* t» • • j^ t iti'if/^i.^-^ vlo>.ky knihovnC: 3^^ wV'-'V» ^^^^:^c^ T. ej Soudnf okrcs: ^^^.^^^^//^^^^t^^/'V^^^^ milimiiiiiini ffiilhimWum) ('i»)o,katulri|n(J, ^Pozn«l{cni parccif (i'i'lo «lomu, •p4»ob rtJjlimO 1 3 /^/ ££££ ^^ ^«;'i' {^c^f^^-^^^^.A. l^ijiiii^imiig >i> yii'jifft (jjuu8iiaminii, iu(lniyii(f[iiii|) 9|tU8ob vzdelav^ri)^ t< 7, i 76 ^ I i «f c V r if >k- V ^ fc • ^ 1 ^-^ *.. ^ «IH , 1 tt I ;^:. .. ..,v.-i,-. timiä^smmsäau^^^^^^^tmuim i^ü« y k 1 a4 ^ 4^. ^^^ " ^^^' ^. '==<^«:i-»-«L-^ ^-t ^/ o .3 ''LSI 6/ r ^. //ß ';»'. /^^Xy/ y^^^ w>^c^e^ ^.^yr/y(.^4^y^^^^^ r j "^ y \» yy ' r* »^ »t ^^ ^ H^ 't'Jityt'^^- 't^ f.»' A^^m^JtA^^j ^uto ^{r^a^ /<^^ tZ^fLilA^ ^k^^^tUjl f^eM!A^^A4D 2t^oUc<^ /^^-vA^l^^ix^ ^L.O-«^n4^<^it.>^t<^^4/L,^€y^a^c?*- oL^Laa. ü i S-^jJ^^ou^^ ^t<9 e?. * *f ^. ^ 5st!^ 'V^Ul^AAA O^O^ ^ Ol^O^^ ^^ ^yH..i^u.t^%^ )± ' ,* y ^Ia^M^ ^/nWn^ '^^/kwnW^; to^i>wv^ iiww^'^^vi ^^/y/jutyZy /y^^^ /i^i^nil^ YV, .iG^iJu ' .iaik.d* T» jU^g^*^%^^A^A^m0K.^<:L ^ .\^^*^^i^^ ^HO. / . > ^ ^^^. 'JM.^tjg^ .'-^ ' B. Tk lad H- U yp ^f C' /jUc/)^xn.i^y/ V /0,(/ 4}^^ ^^^/^ntvyAvt' ft^«:;^^^. ^4i^yfc;:»^<^ ^^^^^^ x^ /tv^^vu^/Hy 1 ?i'^k!^ Jt4*44M * 'f\\^cy%rt>l*a f. 4,4,'K*' J4 'hyuy -»-K? ***', A(^ci^a^ ^ '««aX.€Pc> - <^«?<> . ^y *€ ^ 0^^V. t^\''^>i *:*--- >f. .*Ä ♦*« ^v*«< Co-^^iC^ / ^^ x4i. :7o^€, .^^ ü ->.. ^'^ y^^t'^^^^ M^y^^^ -Ä^^iA-A^' ^/»x-«. 741 11 V '■'■ %T^ ^IX. 1992 - ; J^^.-^•. I I 1f & U Cf »Olli >tr flhiMtMHc^te jslorloiky knihoTiii /r^ SoDdnf okres : . Tr."^'!^^^ ^J". ^ / / dtflo kalutniliii' ^ 7 •r ««« lOb vzü^ljprti't, c^^tf-^^ ^v^g./ ^. ^.j^A^^ /^>c /^^,o ^. $: y^a^/y «-«-»-irr ' ',1f'-^:> -^f:^ '^ -». '-^^ ^' : r-ii- ^/»-^ i^^»-l^'V«>ajC^^ .iry^^f%^/- o^^^i^-*--*;^^^^^/' •Tr ^A^^W%^ • .-* %• « V,. V' - •:.4J?V- -'-r .üj - - iu 9. sa ' .-.'«r =:r» Jr. ' «-•• < <• M '••'.Vi^ J ?K:2|;^Äar* S^~; B. Maftiuhl nr ¥ » » • 1 t^ne yiislo / 4-r-t- y k 1 a d "^ <^. 3 V" C^^^-*-^^^^^ ^^^ / ff f 1 . ^-r -T. -T» «-»> >") if>ul' 1^1 ) A'H 'y C n T^'l ^-«»6Q-tC><7 C'.-^-c y*<3r t^ ^^t2 Ä^A. ^ t>CvtL> ^^ ?->^/' N- ■^ i • - - * i '^ 1 ;. ^^AT'yOWl/, A/l .c- 'if. r •/< ■ ^ >. rf^~i \>f .» ^ ^ L /^^ /Tai ^ /^ AC ', i^^^^' fln,U,^^^^. \x tcUu. «?"y4f^U4tt, zl X <.«-* -«-«-«-j «^ /7 ^i jVGiJJ2L ^ . *^ ^^ ■a^i» Ä-.0, rt •<-.«_ A' ^vr-"*.^ cxtx^ ,£(«- ^/C4/V^^l^/>1^-^ jV ^^< ■^ '^ A * } w'i 'ff »^ ; ^ 1« r/ '^■^^A^MVOVU/ /fC ?or:C^ yj/ ^c^ ry<^ /^^mI^ M^jirrAX^/v (k/. ^aJJ^} T^ft^^fj^y^/uJl^^v^ ju4ut ^/>^ «-'t** 4*v**a>» ♦^ * /*<'7 ««Ä»^ »-1/ -P^ I i j J /^c i >. a* 5 »» ^1» I 'i. ü V k 1 a d a^ C^ AA/ CV^yV M ■'•/ V Jy^*-%^i^yn/(^A^^i^\ 1« «.*^> «/■ v2^« .^^i^tWw>eA tju^.jtmt» iH^^vHl i*< v>^r't/ ^ J^.^.^jC^ .//c.J/J^ ,1t^r2^^^\ ^^^^4^ y^^ ^ >< ,^*«4i^ : I '^: /^'^«'^,-<'/Wj<: . 7i1 i .-.^i COM :a I «M ■-:. ^ V ^992/,/ V/ > .rr.t.i'fli. \'HI i» (( ;rt. f L^y A. ^^l^/^t. / i trfi0einlaflr> pv^j} A. vJotky küihovni: ^3 'Ki^lvtj, ^ßAMAJU, /^.^w^^,v^....^wC^c;^.^..^^^^^ Katastriini obec: ^Mra/x. -n/X ^JLT^^/ ."'.^j Att'-^-t^-H^ 1tiihi)Uiiliii>fl i» M9«iU^^^MiiiiiMiiMiMKittei9«ilii«if t>e^.iiü CUlu X/>VZ //^ ^Av^L^^ /t6^ v^/^. ,i '^^-^■J« Poiliatoli parcelv^öiulo d^mu, «pAsob vza«l4vuci; 0^ T^ 1:1; ■ ■ 8 ■ ■ I "»■^ ti^ * ' •z'» -r ^ . M — j^ ~~^ : , r i ■ ** ^ j y—, r- ' •^' y ^' -rfT" t^i f^y y/^^H^/w^^ ^Au><^ fi,c>M,<)\/^ ^/'/-i /<*^>*A7V^/#vv^4^i^Ki/^^^/i,u^^^ /. ^/{"u IV f -l V \u Q «Nl ,^^ •• • I «?■ \\('t HC i * V k 1 a d X. (c^^/Zc/r-f^^f?, ,A. / i — ^T~ •I . ^ 7' % » • r «■ • 4 l^2l£IlL£-LL ..5 '. ; ! 75 : : — ' — " / r ^ — — ^ — »* T'* -^ ■ ■^ ^^'■-^ "^'y^ »y.^ t-v^ ^Y A V C -^^t^/ J? V « « 'V -L^^'t . ,r . ' j — 7 ■ V-..W..., vA h'y\.-\ ..... r ..V — -- , - — V -* : — * 7 " ^^^ r-^w X- J- ^ /^-y^^v.y-: P y^'xU^. . \,f ^^,y^^^:^^^^^^^^ ^? A.j^ '-^^üiL^^,:^ • — ■ i^i - » — — — — _ z^^ , T^^; — " ; — ^^-^^ — ^ / ' ;>« — ^ ' ■.'^■'- <^' / ^ ; ^^-- -f ^ y "^ v; I ~-~-~— ^ * -■ ' 4/ _ / t /' r- 'n. ■ 1 mMrzf^TT. T77^ y- 1 «-1^ y^V* L/VwA 1 — ~ ^ *^ Z ^<^^ >T^^- »>K«> »t4^ »^Tfc^ a^ r \ V ^:fi^- ;*_..*v:* \ ?%*:.*' ?# I • STÄTMJ ?•."": TM c-rx 741 11 V Mp- .-Zr<. 1992 « . » ,tl f >. mmJ^ / /^ -i-? ^^I^i- ß) ahi der ürundbuchseinlage: 648 Katastralgebiet: . ''A/it/y t/t i / i(^/<^ fr Soudni okres: ^U WKe^^^il/- Gerichtsbezirk: ej. QAt//^/<^ Cislo / h ) .5' Katasträini eislo KatastraJzahl ^l^li Pozaa^enf parccJy (eislo domu. zpasob obddttvact) Bezcidiounf der Paraellc (Hausnummer, Kulturgattung) / if. J H(:ti\^ eislo Postzahl • eislo Postzahl Katastr^lni eislo Katastraizahl Poznadcnl parcciy (eislo domu. zpusob obd^lävad) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer, Kulturgattung) I Eintragung Z ä p i s — y.^^/y^^A^"^ //^-////-^^, ^p'^/-^"^^, ^^>^/y^^>^>^ ^;^A/^^u .^u. //jw^^.. ^.....yu^,-^.r : rC ^ *• /'^-r^' :* . _ — ! r f/W^ 0iCl^i\^t*^r **y^J'}m' -7 -^»H-*-W. ^•M<' *^ \ 'zurec e. 1. Pozemkovl kniha. — 64-lä56/2i. B. bczn^ Cislo Pi»stzahl / M 1j ..C2j Zäpis — Eintragung / In) ci^^^<<=t^ ^--nt< Jt* C * Ol3t/gc?y^g^ M AiMe^l'J Z*^»^^»^** /. ^v • .-«a -*»*' •^>2^v^v-^^»W< ^ JcJ^. ^ ^U 74111 V NOVi£.VI JiCINg : - 21 IX. 1992 '/ . ; ; n /<) ■' ^ knihovni vlo^ky: 6A9) A. i ( (( < '">-' i Soudni okres: ■.^. ^ ^ ßyix^beJ Gerichtsbezirk: _X^f^''^-<>.- -f- lil Kalasirälni Kaiastralzahl PoznaCOll parcciy (fislo ilomu. ipus*»!) taxlc^Uvacl) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (MausmimnMrr, Kniturßattunj;) • S'<' ♦ < -/< it «' fr - ft . - 'f* ■■ rt w,/*r*. -• Cislo Postzahl A^ ^'V Kataslr:)lnj (Mslo Kaiastralzahl Pozna^eni parcely (eisJo üomu. /iVisoh olHlcIävad) Bezeichnunt; der Parzelle (MauMuiimiki. Kuiiur^jatiutiK» t-U'A t ßx.i^ft. < i. A^C^ 1 /^» ^ ' >\M TT Zäpis — Eintragung / t, ' / . «^ -••.. 4.,^»,,. -^. i 1^' ^7 y^J^ -^ ^^'^^ dt^K. o^. 741 11 STATK'F V T-l IX. 1992 • /•*rct f. •. I'o/cinküva knih«. - 64- Jj.'^ Zahl der ürundbuchseinlage: \^ */ Katastralgebiet: (6) Soudni okres: v/vl/VvT'Cx (P. Ban« fitio Pbttxahl y^ M Gerichtsbezirk: JA/^At eA>oi>^ f Katastrdlni eislo Katastralzahl Poznaöenf parcely (Cislo domu. zpjsob obd^lävaci) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer. Kulturgattutig) eislo Postzahl lkVii6 Cisio l'ostzahi Katasträini Cislo Katastralzahl Poznaieni parcely (eislo domu, zpusob obdckivad) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer. Kultur^attun^) Zäpis — Eintragung / i \.«.icc e. 1. Co/emkovi kniha. - 64-IJ56 2(t. I I ^■h j Postzahl t / •^r *iV -'i y.- Zäpls — Eintragung fU»^ 1}. %Xir.-^ yy y-^V ni yvvWÖ -AM^tc^'« r / r -^/f/J/ IMCA/ A^CHJO^'X, /' '7 ^ ►♦*««»«>">V^^^4-^'^*yi^^^A ^•-^^- *^*^'^ . /wrcc 0. 1. PozcmkovA kaiha. - 64-IS96/28. ocziic Cislo i'obtzahl / vi B. Zdpi» — Eintragung 7^ ^^s v?/i/vvvay yK /auo 1 J ""^ 7 i7— ■ ■ilHH^ ^.t ^ ä)%i^MJH/i^ tisf^j^-^r^ "f ^ i<.^- ^yt^^^^< J!l^j^^ > »1 'C?**^.«, J 74111 f'?'/^?OTA«STV; ^«Üli^g feZ IX. «92 •/■, -' ■; '"'/v.' i.' Cislo knihovni vioiky: $52 1 Katasträini üzemi: fgt^^ ^yO^^uUJ Zahl der Grundbuchseinlage: Katastralgebiet: 1 '/OA^jO-i^^i^vi/CK \}<^ Soudni okres: U -^yi'VV'^'' l /^->j/v^vvu x/ • /V 3 Gerichtsbezirk: J^-U^-^f^J e^^obej. r eislo Posuahl I l C ; / Katastr^lni eislo Katastralzahl rr -.XiL: iv^ ^K^ Pozna^ciii parcciy (Cislo iloniu. zpüsob (»bdiMävaci) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnunimer, Knlturgattun^) Cislo Postzahl rt^yyti^A /^/yU^^^ .^•wv/W /^ ><; jy i Katasträliii Ci'slo Katastralzahl Pozna^eni parcely ((islo doiim, /piisot) olKicIävaci) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (liausiumiMicr. Kiiliiif(;aiiuii, miwt eislo l'ostzahj / i 0j Zäpis — Eintragung 3' '/ ■* -^ r- ^' / Uii^^U^ ^*fJS ^<^C ^ s^X Sc S-K- -•--»- -^*vA,^t J^-»y-»»-» A^'ti'i- '. / XiC •:. 1. i'u/riiikuvi kiiih^i. (>4-I):k>2H. ^^M^dh^^m^mmmm ■^— ^ai^»^^^^'' ■ >■ ■ f Z *i p i s — E i n t r a ^ u II j{ 741 11 u i"v '■ •' •- L i'- t •. l'4-li.>i .U. dl) 4 Cislo knihovni viofky: ^55 Zahl der Grundbuchseinlage: ^ A. /.,. Z ^2o/^^ Katasträini uzemi; ^? Katastralgebiet: tu-uf rf^v^c-- :^t^^^l.A^^t^^ Soudni okres: Gerichtsbezirk: l/yi^vTV\? S^yUAArCi^ li^tn^ Katasiräini eislo eislo Postzahl Katastralzahl T 1 ü. Poznaiienf parcciy (dslo dotnu. zpOsob obd^livad) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer. Kulturgattung) eisio Postzahl Katasträlnl eislo Katastralzahl ^^•«/^^vv«' /^>v^/j(^ /HWt^vm/^ Poznadehf parcely (fislo domu. zpüsoh ()lHicM.1vau) Bezcichnuni; der Parzelle (Hausnummer, Kuliur^aliun. 'w I '/ r" i I IWzahl t I ! 0 J / 5% 5 ( ; r IC 11- 3 /. " / ^ 1 - / 0 0 SS So t^^^T ß^\^rh'uj Z ä p i s [ficy /^ t r ä g u n fi^ i n t r ä g /* ir A^yOyfhraJ / oC./vt^^ 4U^y^^ '/.Co^,^^^: u */j' '/^ * • • ^ "i^y^ i'^jf ZCSf l I ,\^Hj^ v/ / / / f y y^yj-^y^^^ti^ ^.<^H~/i<:^ "y<-t*t£' fij *.*, * ^ iy^.^y»^. : 'Jl^*^'.*^^«^ f-^ «■ r«-- ' j y-^-OC '' ^ • ' C 1^ Vr/ ^'.^^ y/ 1 7^ 10 Gd -r» t Y'-^< /t^ ' • ^ V^ ^. /// ^«^/^ - V :^ X ' /- ^^^^^-v <;afe^^-/V c' <^-v^*'/5^ ^ ^-^z" ? A^^^.^^^yc ' /f / .'^i*«' ,^i^.^ .^>^rv ^ " / Äd6oivi/» v"^ /Wh^' Yf ^1 /c? V / ^t^^Vy^t ^/A-^^' %0j Arty^ywJÜJu r^ aZ ArJy /i^^^^^'^^ /t4./yt^ ^yU/n^ ^y(iU /ii-^ yy/f Cni . ^ 7/ . /^//•/:-. »• «f ry<. ^«^ *^ </x^ /«r^/»» t/-*-*< *■ ^v'^^'t^^W*' *U^'»t*-)»,-H.'^tf»i' /J »V. ^^/ if. c^j:^^^ /497~fY'j/i7^^ ■■^ '•*^ <^'*tW A, 4 y? ^ C /£, ^, ,.^, /^ ./ y / /^ f'^^^/L^ .^i:.^j^ XV.^.^^ j4^^.^X^ Mj^^y/yj.y, 4f}0 ^V -^ 7^ /4^ .r /*^e2^(f^\.' tiA?^vvU'HC.ATL/ Xt ♦•* I 5_ 6 7^ y/ioi •7 ü •VO«»^ (^4 «^^Sl ^iSS 4J }HJ>S, M u^ / — -f^-f-f^ — : 'i 1^ »*«»£» "»*^^ >* •d^oji.^.oU^ JLgl. a*m £» ^ {o^-^tx o/u~*^ ß. ^O'» •CO-»«*» »^ *L«>v^ ti*-^ TK/'*. ;;^^ ulu^^^uL-l^ rf^ ^ ^^^c^c/c ^ Kt y^j^.^":. ^j^/i/^j^, /^*^3^fc__ l / / ^.^ *^'*»^*'- -^l' '^:^ ,.0^ STÄTi^]! NCTÄRSTVI 741 11 V NOVEM JICiNE l iX. «92, ■IC«. C. 9. l'uz^mkuvA knitu. ~ <>4-l JLü Jl. I I n ^^, llHl'iL (i) 4u ^iöio i%iiiiioviii vlüzky: S54 Zahl der GrundbuchseinJage: Katasträliii üzemi; ,yj , Äö ^ »*/ /Toi /i 0(4/4 /rzZj JL^JU^-Zr^'' tr u 3 5 i r U •i4 vi Katasträlnl eislo Katastralzahl y1>i/oyn^nsL.y BöinööJsio l'ostzahl / J ^ r tro i/r Poznatenf ptrcely (eislo domu, zpusob obd^lüvaci) Bezeichoong der Parzelle (Hausnummer, Kuliurgattung) >€•/»<«/ /f 95] TU W z a p i s — E intragung J-Ji^^ \^. f 7*/, ^ /f^'^o^^^^ ^^ .ü,:>^ /^J^ V^. /^f^ ^..^i,v*«^.»«;J^<^^i^,|t^ ^^ y,,^4UM. <>. //Oy/ir ^^iv^fefc^Xy^-^H.^ ^■'Ji ^ />>«»».f ^'nA^.^KU<>. '•f •'V'-iwU »- **^. •f./»«.*'«^./»^_«i., 1^^ b^ J^n^,^ , - ^ :^u j* ^'^ ^i^t/uf/jt m^t l 1 ****»• ^4, p/Ut tUi%-xi\ii, »v.-^. o 1.1. -.^v^^^ r.^^/vj ^v; //• -7* 7A <;''"//>, /7*y/«» 'Jis/^M^ 7*'//!»7*y/, ^^-v<,^U<«^, j._^2:^^._^ -;^-,r.;?^-'^ >*^r---^ «-' 7«v,^^-..c^ Ä, >../*^v*;^.^2i.^w> ^^ Z A'.^ ae^Aj, /UuMß^'l^. JL0A. .^^^r ^-^ /?y^.p€u ^^^^ I % i II ■* • Wl\\^ £islo i'obtzaht ^"^V -^ Zdpis — Eintragung >Ar^- r . A*v >^ i. 5 /v ^ — A«, MuSl^r^ ijUitx ^ft^luo^^CM ;>do T ^. -**st^. rcc e. t. Poztmkovi knilu. - &4-I556 i^g. " <• <-<. i^i^2^j 74111 ^^^J!"^? NOTÄRSTV/ ''4 MI V NOVEM JlÖlN^ ■^-Z IX. 1992 • j I I G^ s.. mi/'^z- 1) Cislo knihovni vloiky: i; c.ö A. Zahl der Grundbuchseinlage: ^^^^^ Katasträini obec: Katastralgemeinde : u,4^aJU.u.^frs^ Soudni okres: ^^"^ ^^ ÖA^^ *^ Gerichtsbezirk: jZ/i^e^x^efc^^ Cislo Postzahi 1 Katasträini eislo Katastralzahl Pozoaieoi parcely (Cislo domu, zpusob otxl^lävad) I ^}?^ Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnuimner, Kulturgattung) p . . I v-irC*. r-, ^ liOin^ eislo Postzahl I ib 3 Katasträlni Cislo Katastralzahl Poznaieni parcely (cisio domu. zpus<»b obiitiävaci) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnumin«r. Kuiiurgattun Zäpis — Eintragung -' t/^^^^ / rt -^ff^ .^/c^-i^. ^^> ,CCCJty^ / I I \ 4 Uc^zii^ tislo Postzahl Züpis — Eintragung f. /o -'^^ t^^l^^-^t^ c. I jg .^^^AJ , ^^^..m^^ ^^ b o\vt ^ S 'fr. • V ,1 j % ^^/^/-5/^^.~^ 7^ ^If r^rjy^^x.fy ^^ fd «M A««. OCd-otr^- */t*^ ^^ a>4c V r / 7 Jt l! ^^CC€. '*^^X- -«iV^^. < *i0.^tl$ yt Xtl/tlt /' ^/-^. .y yf/iV rAt^/,^c<•A<,'4Z',yt,'',t't4^ /-r^-ire ..,< 74111 VNOV^MJlQlwl =^ 2 IX 1992 1 '4 < « • I I I 1' ''-4^ i Cislo knihovnf vioiky: i; (;« A. Zahl der Grundbuchscinlage : TUTIT Katasträini obcc; , ßkxU^^i^-^^i^ Katastralgemeinde! ^^^.^^UL^u,^ 1 -ij^tet^^ 4y ' Soudni okres; Gerichtsbezirk : Ia^^^"^-*^ J'jU^i&^tJuy' / Most zahl Katasträini eislo Katastralzahl T Poznaieflf paicely (dslo domu, zpusob olxl«IAvad) 1 ^.f^."^ DCZeichnun^ der Ptrzclle (Hausnuinmer, Kulturgattui^) p f hl VirC-«' -9'. ^ BSi . Ili>inii eislo l'ostzahl I <^ J Katasträini eislo Katastralzahl Poznatenf parcciy (eislo domu. zpus(»b (ibtklävaci) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer, Kulturgatum.; Zäpis — Eintragung c-*^ ±^. 7F7 ^^:^. ' »■'»■n»»-v' ^»-'-^ >••■•*'' %0^^%^%^ ^^ 7pr if4 /' I I ü UOzii^ Cislo Postzahl Z:!lpls — Eintragung 5- i ' '^ cct' -f^ ^*/ ./ /c ' > y.r /W^yi-w^oi^-w .±^ '^^■j^Z^ A^ >^\A-«fc-V~^ ^ ^»tfJt»«».^/ ^ ^ Xf.l/I- y-rJ^S . 1,«/ ■ « -VW« -«.♦'• voc "^ "^ /l^"^'***^^ t-*«Ä^<^*^- ^yuA '^•>ic-o>^'»4 Jt^»^' o>*^j^«^ *^Hr^ '^irir/^> >C -e^^ij^ / / f-c«'- . * a f<^ Q / f ^ . ^ ^ «^ /^rcf 4^ yviu f4^ ^^ifri ,../'. 74111 V NOV&VIJiCiiMe ^Z IX. M ' * • • I I I ./ Cislo knlhovn^ vioiky: i (;ö A. Zahl der Grundbuchseinlage; TIÜF {PtB^« Ly'^ Katasträini obec; JLu^^ Katastralgemeinde ; ^^^.OjL^u^ Soudni okres; ^ ^aUjU^ Gerichtsbezirk: IC J^/i^e-c^t^u^^ limine ><.'t>^^»'1.-tJC^p w ^ ■■ /hsA—tt^-yf—^ ii/flßy*-r"^'i K> ■#A.^^.*»,/ /Jl 4^%^^^^ ^^^ »t«> »ir^^^ 'i^9£i-i €. / 7 l I tl i 7^11-1 ^^TNf NOTÄßsTVF 741 11 V NOV^M JICinI *=^Z IX. 1992, I I ^ • • I ■A ■ •■'1^ ^M ^ ^^ A. Souduf okros: J/?^ Ja ////^/r^rz^i^Ä^/^ t y ^7i^ /^ - ^ V if l» ^-V . j f ^ *^ r /^ / '.UJA ''^^ \* *^ • ^-KJt.*^»^-«^ <« v* < • / r > / ' * .7 Ml I < ■■■! ■ "■ ■■ I %' ^ i ilO •/ V / \y fai TT j kaJjsli-jVlnf ,. 7< /.t^/,^ jf^^^ h^/'^ l'oziiu^^eiii nurcciy (Ctslo domu, «pi'isob v/.«i/?l;. r -r~rf — xUy ^-^^^-^^^^ -r-^^ ^ in ♦ g • / /^i'^ / r y -^ r' * z' y» Zr -^k / / y- «^« » >.^. t^>^. --^rT^ 4^i£y^^t^ -cnj^ -^^9^ ;;/»'-*■»/ -^^ // ^y-r CO. ''^-')^.' .-ox ^ v^Wv' ic- w vi^'^/i^.-; r"- ltVX>o.v^\ it r- t^j,^^ ^\^, 'T' 3 t «iüiiii !Hr X (Vrui«5bu(^ o f ^ f ^ ;/i- . <^^e>. : c4 r^ ^ 77- T^"~-n -m ^ rjr-i ■ ^ — - ' . ■■■ -f i^v^tO /t ^Hv/-» /tli/ii. ;m' '^ ^ L-, s< \j ds ) ytr^ - -■„uU -^ -^- * ^- 1 — i -^ ' / ' ^ • > •f . A » >, • . 7 • . ., • l •* «■/ ,.••.•. 1, ' t< -y.- JT^'/-/'^^ ^^ y^y.^; .//'V^ ea J/V/X. //^.^..^. ,r .Z^.... V/'f. '*/.*-*Vt**' y^i^^-t -"^^^C*— *.• ^ ,y^^^-^j^/^^ ■ -•■«-«^ ^^ 'i "• •,*. «1 ffH ■■K / g i M < » ft ft tut H Ziipis L -L ^u-^«c-< -a-if <» f t r ^ f I ^'M-f ■#-»-»' ki^^/g-^^A^^/t- ^ *^-^ »^ ^"^ -.-/ //fA-'^J -/«-^/^ y/'^^f^.^r^ ^i -^v^.-/^.-^ ^O a-Tc f Ä ^Ä STATNI MOTARSTVI 741 11 V NOVEivI jiCInE ja IX. «92/, O I I ir p iiakl-^ A. ) (^ tmtmt r^^r,4^U^ Ci8lo knihoYiif yiotky : Katastrilnl obcc: /// ^//^ <^CX/? /^ C' \ < »rvr — A^X^ UlP^/^i^t^e\ Soudnf okres: (2^.v(k?t y^ Cislo »tfHii»/^'v^ » J t^^ 7- /^^Mtyyf-^r^^ ^ ^ > Ü. j^t^^i*^^^Q^y^M. Sorm. 1h. S •nmbbuc^. B. *i Z * P i • ^ ^iz^// r vVV^^^^^*^ :^ Y^vto/i^A^b ,>Jvwx^ 1&-W/Y- VAa-^U\5I^\wU.;ayJIw^} /Wvw, \\\ (^ CWVLCv>r -IhO^ c^-c/^ My^SK^ b0i*c(^ l^A^^^wiiA.t \ \t^Cnyi/%4^ STÄTha NOTÄftSTVI 741 11 V NOV^M Jlöfwe 2äiX. 1992 // 1 v.^» t A . ioi>/12. c^ / Wido vloiky knibovni: ^}S "^ ' v) •;i>lo. I / :> ■/ j / Cialo U«inö Poxiiiideni piircclj (öfslo ^^/ <^^ V ^^^-V yy*C^'yOi ^/O/K^^^WvWA^ «7.t»' ^ yC^x^ xww w A /rr^ .V ^/j>VV^M^^^^/*^ ■9 ^ ^ v-v»*^ xwvi^ /-J^^^Mrvy^ -f.- 99nR«I« — |i|. ^ B. V k 1 a d-^othuc?iuic^^ 7. ^. S. ^y -""^ ^— ^ '<>y^auO?ii ^^f/t/i(i -~~~~U^ TTTX/ t t f %J H ^ f ^ I f / 6V /^. t^-fo» uej&ji^ J^c 'z. ^vi.^-"t^ »-^W , i'^j ^jL'y4^^^L.'^J^ A-, -f^T viTiiiuJ* *j^n ^%^ ^^L^^.>!^CvJ^ ;^ i*-aC-*M^, y*>'>^>'jHfvV .-< i. ^il^.i^^i*' /M-i;//. /cVv^', vt;/rv>?.^i-'VVv/vK/'-^i^'%^'^'V- j^^ h 'U /^^v^yf^ yt/^ Of^ /"t- ^Sc-^^1^ .#t^«yAr^^Vrvvj/ .-r-i^^ .^^v- x-M'H^ V(W^^v^^a^M^»v ^*pg^^/r^ y^k^h- lY BarmiilM — |m §. SO. f« ~ « 1 msfSBFtFmsBtm B. mBsmmma € I ■ t I' • g w w y k 1 Hl (>v*Äu;>i*^^«4^ n f. /. ^< 6. ^ -M># J|r^ -*x-^ >^ *.:?tÄ '?^nr^r^'^^^^ l^' '^ e^^i^>iL>* xcXy S •-' ^.-«%« 1 1 cfLA.\^ Ö^V^ >iyu^^.^>^ ^^rt-«- ^t^ yi^ ^ZL^cbd^ 4(feS r32:Js:ir^!tl^^ll /^C.g^ ^'«Ay . UMMiyi^^^ a-^-O't ..A '>ÖL> . ^/•t^^vVi i^ ci: Wi'vV-il^ "^^^M^ ^^i^'tyiyfv^pn^ STÄT^H NOTÄilSTVI 741 11 V NOVEM J1ÖIn£ 2atK «^ *>^ .1 t'fc^/^l^ H. Ao knihovni vioiky; ^u imau'* ^ ■ Katastralni eislo Katastraizahl Pozna^eaf parcely (£lslo domu, zp&iob obdftlivad) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hautnummer, Kulturgattung) 1 Witiwi Cisio ■ stzahl Zäpis — Eintragung ^x\-'^.'-v;. r /^ ' Z,*J,t:ri f^ T^lo^^cvwTyy? Tt>/^»/t^^ ^/M^u/dm) /^4f/lu^**vm*^^/M*^«'^*»*< /^O^^yU^ fU*Uy}ß >Ä:U»^m**.At^^'' ö^ 1. ^c-vvt Ao/yvya^ujL, « !• 4 Bc2nc Ciblo iV>tzahl B. Zäpis — Eintragung ^ * * .w/ ^ 0 6 '/i'Utt iimvtut*' UKKit hh>.UlL \f ivti*^ 3T/1 '«ys/ IW Uni <. f^A|/^j fh-ür,My m/ y>r.....|-y, ^ gfM,.u^ii.ut,a.,ih%.^^:^'^ ^^„^.^,^..i^ ^-tryfirk.turf,,, ,..'i..(ryr.'.ft., i„»/. ^"^ LA'Jl tty /v« -y t« t.<«u ««< /»4tf«<' >/^^ • 4*< ■ ^fi''> t^^t *r* ' *• •'*^>»'-« e.* ./" K^ '/ •/ ^"^^ ^.< . / '• L'A^ ^-•O-vl'l/-» 1 'V ^i "^^^T^ **-^^ i^^.y. . , / ti ^ Püstzahl I l r 6 1 r Katastralgemeinde: dUI^^a v(2j Soudni okres: Gerichtsbezirk: Katasträlnj eislo Katastralzahl t ^ 'p/)Hm 1 Pozna^enf parcely (Cislo domu, zpäsob obdiUvad) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer, Kulturgattung) Cfslo Postzahi Katastraini eislo Katastralzahl t/Of X^ l>i Ol r J Poznatenf parcely (eislo domu, zpusob obdiUvad) Bezeichnunf der Parzelle (Hautnummer, Kulturgattung) U/0 ^■L dislo i'«)Stzahi I Z ä p i s Eintragung — ■ ■ f. ."^^ j;;.'^: aZV ^^ ,(., ' ' ' . ' ^/^ ^ ——. . -_ — - . . _____ -^ ^♦"•"*^^i •;>w f ^/^^yv^^ /f^^^^y^ ^"O^/x i«^«^-"**^ ^.i ►^ii^A'^^v^ f^^f «.-v^/ ■»--»'♦V '»'^^^»-»•«/yiv^ -^D /ut. Ji/oz /*Wi >*<2^ ^ik) / /' / ^ l ^ iLapis — cintragung 'j ^ ^ ^ — ">^ — — .^ ,._______^,____ 2 y ■ ^ — ~ X": rr=^^==^ —: — -' r "■ " * "'"''*''*' ■■■■■■ ■ , ^^ _^__^_ ■ Ip-TftvWAW /V'vCu^« V'y yi r ivi v^ ^ JtJ^^^Jx_>/^/ ^..^vW....^ ^^.^.■,.. .V '/ / ..^ C''- 7 y --^ »-»V// «.^Cy;» Ä^Ä34/1 Sha.^ *^9hL^^V^ %At A/k3v^ CL %.^W-;W«>-A-.^ /^'' / ;/ ■' -^ r^ ..^-T- ;.^-^ (i^^.«/6, .^!/U^ i^.ys^ijj^^, JT^T^"^'^- '^ / <.. / ^-< ^^H^^^^^LJisfc «L^ '^e^ t^pld^^. ^y^^y^^^ ^^r^^,^^^ I I ^ V ® J'^ i iUf -/ 2. Cislo kiiihovni vioiky: 93 i^ i »• Katasträini iizemi: J^M^tc^ Zahl der Grunübuchseinlage: Katastralgebiet: \. Soudni okres: ^ ^ aA' Gerichtsbezirk: ( ,vycwv/vi 1 Cislu iN'Stzahl r r Parcelnl CIslo Parzeilniiiiimer ^±Id^ 11 i^'^ /1 J Poznaieni parceiy (Cislo domu, zpüsob vzd^läväni) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnummer. Kulturga(tuii^) Cfslü Postzahl ' »; , '^SJ ,M* C .■r.L C(7V UV' :/(l- 4ieAda^\ UY-^ - - Parcelnf dislo Parzcllniimmcr Pozna6enJ parceiy (Cislo dumu, zpüsüb vzd«^lävani) Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausmiinincr, Kiilturgattuiiy) HOznt^ eislu Postzahi Z ä p i s Eintragung ^^^ite :^ .A.^'; /"' '< : ' y^hMj: '»-^v^. f » 7* ^ 7 ^ir^ l.^y^.^^?/•'^'•A•:l^' ••- -1 - : '«^ ^/K**'«-^*^' <»^*rVüi»''''^, ^^ .'c^i^ >,<:. /«s^v ^v.'. e \/iHtc e. 1. IWcntkovA kiiihü. - 10.' 227!) *» ^ i . ■*•* *•« . •" *♦- Zäpis — Eintragung .3 T-, /fi^.ui ^J^. t^;nia /VJi- ^.^-'" ^^ ^ 4^M. ifititi^tifnp t^ »vnMn<*- <^^^/> ^..^ >-«^t)'/^/^ *-c ^ t^t,.^,yk^.^ >*^? *«t e V/oi«w C. •. {I'ozeiiikovj kiiiti.« ) IQOrZni JO. I . w (^ . .-1 -J'u '■ !*- -^ /'/L .•; A. 1» vlo^k) kiiilmviii; ff Giuncli cbceinl . ^-. / y liadistraliii okec: Kataa tralgemeTi nd« x^xjje). 9^/-^'t 'r . - . Soiidiii okresj Vi \ h k^ i :il :^«_' C'lslu Kat .Zahl ?f Ibtrg 1*0/Jia6'lli pÜlTely (i islo doinii, xpüuob vx.lclava« i; y^^^' - <^ ;;^ < f iJ«flllll,l is'l^ . ^V:>^ - .^J/i*^/ V -• ^f^ #y^' |tntnttral7rtf|t kiitiiiitiälui _ Kiirajidaliil Kft t . za?il V ^ 'tdftL . f^ Y/J y^^f i^ 4, -^fifirfpiMiifl bfr^»flr^fHt .^^ ^^ ^ ■^ ^ Z. i -ir.^^» t v>^^r. ^- /■!>.> r*^ 1 ^ ^•^^^^^^y^;^ £^ ^fc.^'fc^^^^ y- y^^yKPy^yTr^ » ^^ * /r^*-< ^^.^-^ - . 5^rc_ r '7— -'^^^-"-r--..4''• W*^.^-^^^^ x^ -^ ^ 7. / .-.-.^r.o.ri' ^'.ypfl^^s^ -.KUj-.iy.l, :.:i\,V7,rVt .r»..*►. ^^^' ..X, ^^ IV . liiiiiltiii — (u 5 30. r Hl /.in'* f QB tl / i 'nh ? ? Tl. A-, . •> ^ / -^ V r- ,.:-^ / l--nr ># »^ *mt f ,a - 'Jl '\^ / .. c -^ f j£ .../.,' c Ji;.^^ E. V k I n (I ^liiyTRAOUNQt . -»« > » «- «y- ../.:/y^' ^l/*j/-/^y ^- • • ■ // v^/ yf yf ./:, . /" Xy - ' ^y^. ^ - - /■• /

^'»/3' A^^^\*>Ov^r^' j> ■ ■ r— ^ '^-^ r ^ -r • > >' " -:ji-- — r ;;' 7 V-- ','- . I 1.1. 'p • r * n ? '^^ — '' ' ^ / * : / ; ." * '.'Jv^j yCvfv'/'^'^ ^\*'^i ^ <^ /* / ;*^^ra to^x* • "- / IX — -:^ / 'j • r •' 1< ' • .»«71 «--» (•• ^ c^ ^w^ /^vi-y ^/ ^UxL. I ■: '-< '■ '>■ > /-- ■ 6» r' ^•'« :-;f^- ".i««- ^ *« «f • 1 ■ • i ! /ii i ^rrUn **€ir 7i ^»vc? ^»^ *-*:^ . _ .. _ __ • » v*'Vt,*i»'-r*W'vf^v<' 0 f « ^ » •' 1/ 1 I r A^'rruio^p^fy^x ^scaA. 3^'£i^. (D./. r/ß v /^;^ y^^ ■77" "(^ i 11 4-if-« f^ M n fi V k 1 u <1 IL ii. ri. kr. <^<> h / ^J?^ /4Jt t/^ ^^t^*^^*^^ ^^^^ i^C ./>^^j^i^\)/cJtU^ ^. vVv, ^19 U\/c .rr/'./5|^^>_ /y /. 4» c^/, *^^ -^ ^ /ri^M,/4:.^A,^ '^'/iij, 1 i A^/. /. • >/ ;^ J^ itil bcr Wi iiti»bMd>ocinlu<|i ; 7 *^ A J^^^l*^ ^1 l'l L, .^UIlU|U«l4f|iiM%Mi^% . .1)1 • • iiiitiillVäFjiii)! ^^^^^^^ I ir ■ '•'^'•■' .:fJt/£ / /^/O^// /y^// ^ /^m^ .633/3 /(//S/s (aEBlOflTSBFijrir 0 //J..IA /^,^ '■y//^JJ (V a.^ <^ /^^//£ I^£LiL r/'^f t^'j;. //."^ /'i'''*^^-^ Y*^* y/ *k^ r V >-»^ ^^ /-^^-^^ IV ffpraml» — |m f . Jü. '^.t^ /^^^ jA^^^'^/^^^ ;rv ,►*■' >r:;^?- «*> r^ I»i> '.'»>* 7 Z *iT.» •, • M-j* «>• « « • 1 r. ■'• ■«, ^ T '.•» ^.* >^ 'lA.'. V T \^n^^%^9^^^^^^^^^ V«^ ^'^ ^^/y^ lA4:^!^^1l>KJ€/40^,^ <^^ ^ >^9f^^^/>l44/iP¥S^$m^ yO^m^cAf^ye^i ^^f ^ jS^^Ji'^^*^*^^^ . ftcMlM 10 !■ i 97. y J-f- 3a<»I bcr @ruiibfiucb«dnla ^ "> ftatafltaf acmritibc : N * «4.,M4 '«rtrnw y 7g^/^ ®crl*Mbcilrf: FuFaCTI (Ktd)iiuttg ürr IJancUc (^auinutnmfr, Oulhirgattuiig) /^^. ^ Yr^A *^ /^cAm t^ ltiU|lral|a4l DcfeiqnuttQ ber Parielle (|>Qulnummec, (Su(turgattung) ' g 4 p i. (Eintragung f / R ^ ♦^Vi»- -•-.»»• r5r*^'*^^5r^ -*• i; •^ iM. iii.*(BMwiut -!^ !■ I. ».) - iiyitti. ■ <•• ' .• • .»i %« >i ^^w-^f." I I i. 1 i. k ^. Z & p 1 ■ V^^..x>^-^4^;^^. ^7^ K^€X^>^^^€K/^tt, '4tr. -V2f7^ ^^^"p^- :,Ä U{€^Ua ''Ci't.*X^^->^ o/ ^^/a *< f ■'r f^^rtirt fitA^ '^ ^ ^-r» -I . I I ra IX. 1992 . "Vv, « •■'•Kl " 1^ f cy//// ^/i/i •^/l Ut (ftrmibt>iid)Ocinlonc ; ,/^V HtttdflraTflcmciitbc ; Cj^V/^Z//. '/y^^Y /»■«•r^Yii/rfZ/r^mn . ;./) ^1 i ' (/ *'' i>^ s/ ^^ ■-. ß '. #//•• •-*'/* f f ^ ' » * M' l ^y / t' ..' V. .*y. •* ••!» IV "^Är^: / ^ ^ V i § .(f'i II t r 0 0 II II 9 , ) / ^y -^"01^ J 5^ (^ ^ 1 f* IT 7^ — ■ -■ j /.<-. ^no r /y^ru*t^ , ^e^ /£^ W^ ^»^ *t^€^ 'AiVJ:^^At-e^#^^^^/««/>'*J^>^'*^ r*J^. /^ c> . '^^HiZ P^Z^::y'^' ""■ "vy*- - ^9^^ r '^z-. />i', -^: / / A^^^v^ / / ^ '--y -^'. -V!^. ^^^ j^^te^; 0 ;; ^•y:^t.4Q,. •l' I -3 }Y I ¥• CiB/o v/o/k^ *nihOfn( 3abl bcr (SriiiiMiiicbociiiraac: ..__..^? A. gcricfetöbejirt; \'/,a^/^ N( r iloflialjl «1^ Cis kat. lata|lral|nl|l / 7 V "/bs^; rozna'eii 1)1^ Lf (^aui»iiiimiHfr, .Miilturgottung) obdAI^Tao . \ yoUiadl I — 4h '(HOk'^ Uh/:^ «2. l'^orN ir ^* ^/;^ Jtotaflraliatl .» r . <> '} 11 1. -y.T ois.ioma ZB'isoi 9eKttl|iiuii9 öcr viaruil (.f>au^iiiimmrr. .Uulturuartiiiii^i Kii^ iiüfl|Ulji 2 A |; J S (S t n t r a 9 11 n 9 \ [ L. I i vj *■ — r — * ' ! i I .>vu». ;Mi. i (i»iuiU>bu.l) / ih 7 & P 1 « (K i n t r a 9 u n 9 .''>f -M / ' l. 7 jr«»,5är Vi.^y^^ Mh C./t4,,r^/H : "l. Vv*M«^*^ /**' ^^•*«»*'v^ Ä s. 6 10^ » ■ ^ '/^ ;i^e/^ ^^ f tf/^«y-^^iÄ, ^ *' -** '^?''< / t/%/p'^^ ii ?. AM ^ ,1 "3 Wu^ »^^ . ■-> j^^ ^>-tA % .c O f"^ «»■<-r>^vjf<. »* C«-V-' • t STÄTNl MOTÄftSTVr 741 11 V NOVIlM JICiN^ l^a iX. 1992 iiiibbiic^ociiila(|c : ^/^/ A. ti.Kn*\fiM ob«c --.'«*//'///-/ ^^ iloHinlii Os kat. (^autfiiunimcT, MulturgaUung) b .&Utao1 %m\ / 2 • y^/r^7/3 \W^^\1^ z^^^-^^-^^/V ^^ j 2, Öls.kttt Ucfridituiiio Der iUufclIc ((lauftnumnifT. i(hilturMntttiii(\l U^Mi^y i^^i^'y^^^^\^\i\^ 4^ .t>,u, U^c . M iiü(i)()i)i / 2 A F > • (f t n t r a 9 u n 9 c^^ ^^<^ I/uYaaoj' ^AÄ,*^ ^^r^jri ;l'li^._. V ^^-rt:'. -^ - l i- ÜJlui 9{(. 1 miaadUutt^ I I 2 i Piß B .f.i / TT ~*4 -v i _ P, .V.\ Ti — r ^ t . t Mo^ Ui'iüuu. iiio\.>-fe.^ ."J,, '^-^^ 1^ V»^aA/c/.njuoi -^ oje Je.' «-i ^♦'t-JULA, ' Ojf^^x;^ A '5,^ W1 11 V NOVEM JIÖfN^ .J 6. IX 1992 o *>■ "J *• • • • « / - ^ . /.alil der Orundbuchseinlage: j y,/ Jh ^'m- //V2: Katastralgemeinde; ^^^^ /*;^^, Soudni okres: Qerichtsbezirk: 1 iJi lil'tt LUi yj u /u Ja CInIo CisSc kaiiHiralni KalasiraUahl Pozna^eni parcely (ti%\o domu. zpüsub obdiUvaci) I Si^\ Bezeichnung der Parzelle (Hausnumrorr, Kuliurgaliung) I posiiahl Cislo kalaüträlni KaUsIrali«}.: Pozna£cn{ parcely (eitlo domu. zpusob oijtKlÄv i< Bezeichnung der Parzclk (HausnuMimri. Kuiiui^.u.«. / p *. J ; i M 'I / ' • ^ ////// IlSl . litjtli fUi^^lf \ ( ^ », (< 4 ! '> D / et * »«V (#1. (.. »^ 1'' ( • U t ft IM J t li —■ ♦ 'uM/ahl Z ä p i s Eintragung . . / , l „ . / / ' / / . ! , I ' ä I -^ titLit Itfk^* ••*" '»»ftl It^ft^. fttffil i f*i lltß 14%* il%4 »^ . ^t t' (••». k^ t. /C( ^(t**^^p /»ttt»%^ i-K* i > ^l*-» a *'ith**^**' h^i^^'^^'n Ä*^'/*.'^^/f' tjffi^,,,-»,, / • .y •. . ,r.,.f ..% i r j fv '* * *"- y,f ( * tt t /«. y^ .'/»♦. * 41 ;• i'y t « ,4 . _« ^ ■■ «■ ■ « ■ . ■ -. — rr 1 w. 1« M : ( lyV /■ iifil^ u /*/i»< i't < /uirc ^11. 1 pu<. Iiji li. Cislu l'osi/alil V 1 VT .3 ( I Zäpis — Eintragung ^♦/^' ^ » I /*' .•«^' ^ ^X ^zr^i^T'*^ I STÄTNI NOTÄRSTVr 741 11 V NOVEiV] JlÖli &a IX. B92 e Viorrc t\* 9 P) ^ p .tili rt \\\ y — Eintragung ■'^At /f. /i-^A - ..../.;J / A-^. I^ilif. ^ '—i-i ^ < ^ j: j,i / ■ . . ■ / ,.-,. © I !•<•/ Lii )i. I I '•»üahl / n^J'./f.Llf.^J.J tf}! .'J. //•/^. 7 i 1^ Zäpis — Eintragung T"^ — ;;; / "^^ '^~p — ^ '^ — T":^ — ' ^ *' i".« / '7 AjUuAlJjJi ■ S..,J'LeK*u'X€LLJ'i.^Ä^>^>-^ .{.'^^. /'',/^L^ci„cJ: ^iiL^iA^ Jf^ .2^^V"- knihovni iit^(iii((|dciii(adc: A. i>i>ii r. •; Ka t . oböc Üataftraigemeiiide: t^cüdnl okre«; Pust6jc>v Bilovec Kat. P z I -iH parceiy (^audiiuiiimcr, SiultuTgattung) 'TT //./f//; ß. ö/'s Pjzna^eni' parcöly f. >l|l Zäpis (£ i u t r a g u 11 g .' # ^, -« . - .' ^' ^ *-. „^ /*/ * v#u; /p'. 4 .... r- o ^ B. (£ i ti t r a () it H n / i l tf't ^' ^ ^' t^l^^CfA, f^ M^^^ >>6* tl >*<-►■»- r '. :i-^"^ >i-(/ o ^S ^uaL^ 4QSU ,6dl . A>c^ I SM Z3: ■c^P i- ..^...1.«^^ ^yulJüO,U. cW^-iCU f^-^^j^ tf c»^ J0.Q«A^;qti .^•^^^;^^- H^ \^...^^^ 0 r^V, 1« /jy^fiÄ. lU^OcC StSjSg / IvcUb \jfU^x-Uu, toui-^Crrs.Cfi ■2-\z^ \ -^t^-rt-tuTxoK p^vi^uKT-iJoti' '^^efoefm>r'i.y^ w'ft'/'?£^,n^ Hozhodhutft •1 Pan Dr# Oskar Czocsowicska V zaot-. Dr» Arthura a Inay Cs3czo\vic3kov;ych» Ministorptvo' zömödjlQtvl provddSjfc rovisi prvnf pozemkov^ refor- ny podle z#konaö# 142/1947 Sb» na pozoialcoveo majetku ])r« Arthura a Ixmy Czeoiov.'icskovych, rozhodlo na s£kladä souhlasn^ho usnesenl revisni komipo ze dno 8t dubna i948 / § 2, odstt 2 cit# zrfkona/ takto: !• II. 1/ 2/ öt 648 a 651 ktU# Bartosc I « r __ . ^ —N'-» i Pozenkovy majetQk, zapsany^v knih.vl* $• 648 a vloea kniht vi. c* 5/9 k»Ut PustSjov, uvedeny v soupisov^ pri- hldäce ze dne 1'' "-"-- "'^'^ ^^^^^^^ ry byli povinni soupxQU, tvofdC kona 2. 142/194' pl3in# b/ ör 1 citt zjf.koha. Souöaane se upoaomujctc, 'le ai do prevzoti sbytkov^ho atatku, k n§inuz bude prikroceno podlo prislu^nyoh ustanovenl n^lhrado^ v^ho Zc^.kona ö. 329/1920 Sb» , ve znoni zc5.kona ö# 220/1922 Sb* o prevzeti zabraö^ho na^etlru /§ 6, odat#l rev.zdk^/, jsou vlasl nlci zbytkoveho statku povinni zajistiti na n^n rddn^ hospoda- fehl podle ustanovoni a pod ndslcdky zdkona 6. 118/1920 Sb^^ o hoopodareni na sabranda najotku pozemkov^n /§ 17 rev.s.A Jak^- koliv nakl£ddnl o timto majotkom a jeho pHolugenstvia jest^a- dobu revise bez aouhlacu niniotorstva zemedSlstvl neplatn^ /§ 15, odst* 1 rov*Zc'^k#A D ü V o d y I. Pozonkovy najotok uvodeny v sou7)iGOvd prihlt^.üce tvoH zemädSl'* 3k;y' pödnik,^ vytvoreny ze zabranSho ma^otlai pozemkov^ho, pre- Gahujlol vynüru 50 ha, ktor:^ byl vlastniky zlskdn podle pre-^ ddvacl smlouvy a so aeuhlaccm byval^ho stdtnlho pozeukovehb u- fadu /ministerstva zemSdölatvl/ ze dne l6t z^fi 1930, Ö.j« 126.159/30-II/2, udSlonym vg anyolu § 7 zcf.borov^ho z^kona 5t. 215/1919 Sb. /§ 1, odot. 1, pisa^ d/ revtZ.A Podle uda^ uvGdenych v aoupiaovd prilildaoe nemSli vlaotaloi vyäe uveden^ho st>ytkov^ho statuta dno 8« öervence 1946 y aldle tohoto poduiloi ov^ stdl^ bydliStS a na toiato podniku osobnS nehoapoda?ili,...aniz prolcs^zali, ze jin bylo v osobnln hoatioda- ^eül aabrdnSao okolnostsai na jejich vAli nezfvisl;^ /§ odat« 2 pisEi» b/ ö» 1 rev. a«A \ V /. > • 2 - 'r^9 vnroäaDJ>0 f oto rossbodmi* Mtü. -4 V. »43 EMtUU^M - / '^W^ !J^P55;^^ Vj'VOiti V :i£C.«to:><77lc4äEi,»0.c,i'00 lli^T/ Jllife^ 0mu3u fl^.^ cd l/0dd81önl I3/R-2- revianö pHdäXoy^, 2/ O.'däleal IX/R-Jl-pr-e^lmacl referÄt, 5/ Oddilenl IVS-42-;statiBtick^- refei^t 4/ Stdtui obvodov^ ufadovnS pro pozomkovou roformu • V 0 1 o m o u 0 1 , .1 »«i n» vSdoal a k tomuto dalSfmu zaHzeni» * Ad li K zahdjjeul prldölov/ho Hzenl vj-hl^äkou podlo § 9 vl^na?-*'^ Ct 1/1948' S^,A pr^hdzejlclmu telefonick^mu sdllenl/. Ad 2i K zahäjenl pfejlmaclho HzonI n^vrhera na po2aiäinku zan^ile«« iiÄho pfovzeti podle § 2 a n^al. ruShr, z« a aouöasnS bzhÄ- ^ laenim vyppvödl QsobS /osobdm/ hospodsü^lola podlo § 12 a n6sl, nöbr« z# - y dohodä 8 oddälenla XV^-« - pokud bude pfodem pflkroöeno k jednü^nl 8 vlastnikMi' a pfevi •. be9 vypoySdi podle § 14, <$♦ 2 ndhr.s. . • Prl.poJuji 8© q?l87 e I poz»r«f. spiaovd djCly I B# • • * • • • A4 4i K prpvedeni ilkonü spojenj^ch se zahdjenlm pftCd«Xo7'-v:-<^t-^'.'* » 'T*'i,r:\*' A 4 • W oapttm^oi»^ ^:^='-,' \ ^ 4 , f MtNiSTERSTVO ZEMePgLSTVl CR Tato kople t>y>a 2hotovert8-xi^&.|g spisu üloiendno V üstreot»! spisovnft. Potetstranv Datum: 1 P^^»- 2 1 VtÄ t \ t. ^r :»'. .*» = >. / ■< . • i \ 1. ^ * • • , ; . !..■..,> "V, .f..'«. . • k* ^■.. '-%:) ., :«f .* •• ».:■ I » • / - t -^ .; > \ A / I i »^ I X . /' -i .r. / ■» .' ^ . * * k r -s .1 .• : »' ^ \ •> > >f. • » . •- .• « ■...>■ r. .^ .,. ,• • V^^vv"^'../ j-v; «^- •'- ■' / ' * • * » : • ,» '•-.»•*• ' • ■ • » .'» > » •. «■ • • ':.■•' •» • ' ' .• ■ I ' t •<■♦.♦•»•»■ \ « t 4 f / 4<,- ISTERSTVO ZEMEoeLsWl i ^••V Vellcoatatok! Sairt0üovico,vlaa tnilc: 3r* Arthur OsQoaowioalMk.Iina CsQcao wlosdcavÄ^ Bx-lka ginondv:{S , roa» Caocz y/icalMviä a Hana 2uäizov^,ros»Csecsow* V PRAZE Jm ilana 194 eu' ^ V c^lTT Dr» Oslrsr Czjocsovvicaira ^^ ~ ^^ ^^ " ^" *• *• ^* *• *■• • «•• *• •»• «» ■«• «> «^ «h 4» ^_ ^^ i ^ M « #•. 130l« 11* cQj.vöno0 1947 c, 142 üb* rovioi oi-/ni posonkov^- rofoi-^ na dö- t^to: ^^ "^'^ ^* ^"^"^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ odst.2, cl\,z^^7^: I. .■ rosliodnuti 'o.Tvaldrio a-cätniüo poaonlrov^ho .u:?adu ad öae !|^-5An ,A so dno ^•-..ilJiäaäS^J, « 0^ Iioclo § 11 ad borovcho s^Söna 2» 28. 42G724-I1 pOi£U( XH boru pocllo^ll, v5ty prvnl adü, ^"o i^oaicolTpo ruco 5aouc:Lcli,po Tia otfJVaäl 00 noao'.-itooti,^ jichH 3c Vhanl vyilo uvod^n^ roaliodcu- tj,. oput aabrp^ a px^Qäaa1;on rochodovc-^ni poülo srlrona ö. 142A94* • • • • ' II. V.'2' vlGotnu;)! C30 ^aio •» • :¥• preactoi^-cif toiato uavolcu v .ao Ue> ^ctor^ 30 vlastni-liovi ponocli^viS« 0 J:ovo plat:C p^aorono ustaaovcn^ § llj-w^ty i P-.jf-,Y 0 /^ , y 8 ? ^^®^^;L^^^^^°^?°^', a'ay^jla byla.a^ «ibraa^Ud ma;|o^ po^SS! f ) obocsniUo blaJicu \ I / . -.">*. I • • « S»DW »sonkovi ufsd opfxxl jv^ ros^odiratl s^ dzie 6« S«mHi 1924* (26/24*11/3 o pxoyuätSojC so euboxu podXo S U« T^tar dvohl . JedinS o tu skutoSnost» £o pi*opuSx3n^ posöau^ leSf s tu V Inunda&i^ tore«m a joou toay a.^njhoönotn^« Tatö akulwdnosli ' xMOifUlo vSak ocoa o aobi odCivoOnitl propu^t^i Z9 «sdlMra naA rjmirvi uvttdonou 7 $ 3 ffdb» e£k,, jei:to no^odnd ca o pi&äa d&vod podX» n^ lu>£ nomo b^ pxopuSt2tii podlo $ U. r' v3ty druh^ s&'b. z£k* taratlvnj vj'jmeqovaii^ jaou po-» n^ /»lies nso z 20»1^1926^ Söh, A 5337 a ul^d, rpishodu^e ao a aiai pi-odea vypoi?udatl • To vyplyvd s«r*ad«Äd ofld- pro koaeSnjr prdvnl auvir /oix>v, anai»Doli*A 411 V^V* pt^>>1lf^4 ^ rovlal yly uplnony sd]roim<5 podauCiiky pro toto propuStSol« ' ' ■ . ' ■ :...'. Hedos-tatok d«a&£cli düvodil, saJaudd ToaüTni doaiaku, S« ss^dnotf podaix^ propugtäaC co edljoru nobyly ädxr^, nebo alospon nol)yly l^dftnS iQrie-» ».^^ - -, ^- - - ^'^°* **"* pmvnl aituaoo« ktdxou sa£fconoddxo« * catSl roviai a zsuSonin takov^Iio rosäiodziutf poattliaouti* Jak 7X91^ ' vjj t« a dÄvodovÄ apxiavy k § 4, odot« 2 aök* o xvvlal, pobm-xii vloo jocrt odCtvodnina vSeobocQ^^ po£2m-i;koQa !Lq Jak v dob^ ^^nrddUii tvkJhto roziiodnutl t£k 1 podlo ooutmsn^io stavu iiolayly a soioott d^bxy pTodpoklady, alqr aaljirand pdda byla ppopuStjna to vS-ßka xosaalmr^ V9S»e-ll so ddlo v uyaixu» £e v cdaaddoh, ktor^ alkoztodäzva yyiddilia V uotmaovenf §§1, 2 a 4 sab. cdk, 2fcjia3 dal na^e^ro, ^ sl nepfejo aoy po platnostl sdborov^bo zukooa ^oadn^ existovaly naddila valkl «a^owcy pozeakovc, öouat?od5a^ v müioa ;3 oduo-tlivcü uebo t^oh£ spolu» vlßstoika, a il© sa vclk'< aajotJcy pov-iLajc oouboxy pü!^sabii^foi v^l^ ru 25p lia p&d^ vÄbeo /a-rov. Boli.A 5337/?6/, leat plnS odÄvodaän * vir, k Dgaaii ufad doäül pi*i revlai tolioto orioadu- Pon^vadS xoahodnu-ti byv, «tdtailuo T>oEocikoveIio ^3^adu samo noxozliSoia »oBovitootl» kterö bi'li' pi'opuätjny so iäubom podle § 11, väty prvoi ssib« cök. a OGdovitoüiti, is:. "uyiy pix)!«:tit3rjy podle v3ty divhl dt« uatacovani g aiiora uVodonc davod^i' ko rruSoni proT>ufit3rat neoovitoaü nad .y^ära §u 2 lalb, i;ak. ;Joou dBjiy t ^lo rosshodäuto, jak Tivodo» pod 1 vjrToku tolioto v^ti^Tu. Ad Hl m Zo «dSlenf xajCatnfho v3/boru V Pust:5;Jovä ee daa 14,2onrin>- CO 194t> aiöTaii roiQlckö Jcomio© v ?uataior3 so do« 6« dubna *^»** • Blstsx Tolziloke koalao v Baxiio^vio^bii zo dne 7, dulma X34Q vyiü^si najovo« ^ V obcjcsh, v uiGhS, lei^ i^caovltootl, Je2 byly propujt*» oo aiboru podlo 5 11, v3ty prvui adb, zäk., iakoS 1 qlioloh aouflad* nicH /^BovjohA- $ 16, odst. 4 vl*nai-. 2. I/48 Sb,/ i«at xiadoat». tok po^ k itspokojani ucbasa^ o pHdol» Uj^odnf ad^lanl oiatnüio nöjpodaiho yyboiu « oatatoi vj^ga uvodea^ adSlani twlA dotWMaa iadk I» ol^^oolA s^atupoft xDlJ3ldc< ko«la« v Pustltevi a ▼ Bnet^ioviS^ jÄ a^ftsl rwianj koalae /| tt odat.i, vl.aS« 5, I/48 8b^ a p*«^ ddvaj£ so d£L9 a u^adufob atatiatlokioh äatfonf 0 skuplnoT& xoS^ I >. «. . . _ «.. ^ ■>■— ;' V 4 / / / 4 ^ t t I • • * Vit > 1 ^3^ 1 * \ * > •> •. •». • • ' • ». "^ I t P9^ iBdCsto^ ; pHdSL 3ooa dUuo dovodos pi^ovssotaC poäadmvlqr pWanJIn ^tt» t9»t>a paay poCCltf f ^tJ^ ^ pxolcdaiSpft t»l^litt«& mtfsbd voitSM» pdäy poCOtf t li odsW " *" ' podUsrsai ssotaC po doVS iodl9 m^aim sjlj3t4QX cmtoo poCitati » poCt«i «fldL ' ifo asl 500 4o9Ud nGoeidI«n^^oh todin sosdiliSloa "Tö; *^ ■« je koae^^n^ M «t N\»ä^ -^^^t .•> pv» 1 •> ' * V l'uat^cfvd^ oiczwi SD^QVQ^ ^' t%H* « <^» odX i^H|K^«^pinmiHH|i wm^mmfm nx% >;«r i 9edla d 9 vl«^ m&^ •\>V<'I .' «d» 2k zdMfiitMi^ -WT« itfad ■ I n 1 1 iiibügwWiBaiii . ! 4 1-*. \ \ \ - 4- » > I I 'z^ia poaie 92a nasx« nuJax* e« a aou$«umS Li osodS /osoMffl/ hoapoda?lo:DB pödle } 12t « do3iod$ a oddSLenlm IV^2 •* poxud xiehanBLB jff^dim pfi«» ftd 4t krolJeno k jedntini 9 vlaatxuCk«iri a plltyzetü bes yypoyMl 90CL*^| I 14» $♦ 2 ndtir* e« Pflpojujl se splsy s I« pos« r^orBigr#> apiAov« dHy IB. X pifoYedenf i^oiiA spojen^oli ae zahdjenla pHdälo7(ßu> f^Modt , podlo Ysrlilää]^ pixidLsterstva zaa3d9l8lnr£« Fokud Jda o pfttdilQ*# V^ ffzoni yyJÄe^te polcynÄ oddSlenl IV^2# a Bude-li. zji^tluo» 2.Q ylaatnflt Mdxi3 nelioapodaflj» ^dliE u8i2i8*p sa opatfanü podle zdkoaa $• ll§/1920 Sb« / naMmi tmil^ho I dozoru» y krajuln pSrfpadS pak u^dni spxävy podlt { 13 olt«e«> ». Za spxi^oati Za nlnlatzat MINISTERSTVO ZEMeoeLSTVf CR Tato kopie byia znotovena ze spisu uloien^ho V östfednf spisovnö. Poöet sUan: ^ .*•. Datum: 121 Vt92 Poopis: / .1 I .ice Ylä3tn£k: Dr^^ AJrAliuiLC^eozowiczka a Irma -.•HB^rise'"'pö2ne zäkona ö, 142/1947 3b. Rozhodnutl o pAdg ponechane ' vlöatndcu. VymÖr. .7. •■'• * Vi .V ?.än Dr# G8k8r Czec2öviczka ■ • •• M a i z 1 0 V a' 7 ' * ▼ » P r 8 z e V« « i ^ I v^ •• ; * t ^ .1 1 'V. v • > 4 H ■f. ^»^ :; »t ;T za3t. pp« Dr. Arthura Czeczojpd^oskyt Irmy^ Erlkyt a Hany -» ♦ j- \ * 4 * » ^ i MlQisterstvo zemgdSlstvi rozhodlo 6 7aSf 2ädostl^o>sa2eei^ va ^ VySem .vyjädreni na soudni vyzvu pf i doruianlv ußnaeaal b po^hÄm^ o'e zaoySlen^ho pf eyzeti za .pQn^qkäar.Ya/yVfi^Ml^^^^ podI# ustanövenl § 11 z«2» urSltyoh neoiövltoBti Taae^ip majeitkov^ho soubora podle astanoyenf % 1, odst« 3» § 4t säkona sse dne 11. öervenoe 1947, ö.rl42 3b^ ,▼#; ^iiö|^i^j4koj^#k*»A #Äf^|^ äa 1946, 5« 44 Sb. liledic k ustanoTani | .^t odst« 1^. säköna 5«;^^ 329/1920 Sb. ve zaSni zäkoaa ö. ^20/1922 31># 4€jpl?k^ k rerls nfmu vym^ru ze dne 15. 4.1948; ö^J^. $309/4&-li/ÄT|2'*ak;io: ^'^ V. A. ■^ -^ , * *>. '^ *> ?'•'* • •.? .;: •• t^ry • vi * ^ -t ». v: • Podle ustanoveal prvn£ vgty % II s^koj^ii^.o« 2lS/l9l9 Sb. • po vyvlastnSnl pikd msze:§,2 «äbör^yöhjo 44^*4*- Pv- 21^/1919 M Sb. podle ustanoveni § 1/ ödst,, 3 ■i*(i5oa«(^.^;i42/XHL3>>- e-C#;' Jl04&ö&.6vftji äe pp. Sr. Artiiara ZzltQzoiiiM a HauS Czeczowiozkovym, . jako vläätnlkafli äovioe, tyto nemo vi tos tl:... - •. . ..y =,'-.«..wt->. v.' v^' -^ ^IxmiiuSrlo.a ^t ■*";r^':-JJ f . :.) '•<.-* v: 5i8. ▼loSky 652 653 kat. 5l8. /.i , uaemf •. -paro; • v .^ * ."^'^J^, \.;,,.ftk ft«;^ ..;;.|:-^ • • • » V« 652 362 652 fl •- . . ^. 653 BartoSovica'^a(t,^.55 (^ #Bt.p«117 . . t^o Bt.p,ll8/1 ^«t»t.P»*ll8/2 #^ 'at,p, 118/3., t^ -»8t.pai8/4.- «►8t.p.334..u <-^o 8t.p«335 ". 235 e 236 239/1 » 240 ' « 529/2 o • w J- A^' '"/ 'V' \;iim • •.., y > -» d4m 5p »17 3 ^ '•^•':-.„ S93;-Ä*?*' i/pk«v .... •^'•-*' ^'V wn.^- dum öp.€ •■■^;-:*^'"l^$6S'-:^'^, 4iUl ?PJiJ12;.^i ;: \ 6&,. -'^j^ pastT« . '- •. ■,..;,;•. oesta '^^ •iahrw- :' •^ ■ V L 'X- ,., - 2 - j^y\^ K 374 zahr. 375 M 379 H • 2049 |)astva 2050 M 2051 role 2051 irole 2034 louka* 20 55 role 2062 öäat role role .109/1 diiai öp.5 .109/2 dÄm öp.338 366 role * 367 role 366 les 369/1 zahrada 369/2 n 370 ,. les ' 371 zahrada 372 n • celkom 50,0000 ha. »• Tim je Vää närok na ponechani püdy podle vyflzen. /. 9 S^f 802 o 133§ - 1.976^v ^ 957.^ 399 > 5,58781*- 2.7938]'- 1791 *" 7.0908- 14.4904" 9.8088*- 4.5933^ • 319 166 1748- 10 32 »■ 363 - 1734- 3611- 1917- 798- 309 §u 11 z.z. tSplnS po- dodateO' B/ Miniaterstvo zemödglatvl si vyhrazaje prävo tento seznam nechgnych yarcel event. doplniti nebo zmSniti, zjiatl-li* ng nov^ okolaosti odilvodnuj£ci takovou zogna. Pokud se poneoha- ■ vajl Jen öästl parcel-, je mozno- öejich knihovÄi dSleni pro- v^3ti Jen podle plänknl sohvälen^ch tainiaterstvem zemgdSlatvi • /ve siiodS s provedenym pfidgleoa/. Miniateratvo zemgdglstvf pfi- 9la§f tak^ pr;4vo zffditi na poneciienyoh parceläch sluäebnosti nebo jlneopxävnSni pro pfidSlenou pÄdyi, zjisti-li ae dodateönö potfeba V tomto smSru. C/ Miniateratvo zemädSlstvi 3V0laje,^by u shora" aveden^ch parcel poneohanyoh Väm podle uatanoveni §u 11 z.z. byla vymazäna poznämka zäboru"a poznämko reviae podle zäkona 8, 142/1947 Sb. a ö. 44./1948 Sb. a odvolävä ohlednS tSchto nemoviljoati da- nou vypovsd . z hospodareni. .: y-. ^* Ad A: r * « Revianlcn rozhodnutfin ze dne- 15 •^4.1948 ö.J.^ 6 50 9/48 -IV^'*^ 2 byla drlvS^äl rozhodnatü st-, pozetnkov^ho a?3du p propaStSai püdy ze zäbora die §ü 11 z.z. öästeöag potvrzenä, pokud ae työe propuätgnl podle ustaaoveni prvn£ vÖty'§u 11 z.z. / a tato pÄda soaöaane vyvlaatnäna a2 na vytnöru 50 ha, - kterä byla vlastaiku poriechäna, v ostatnim byla zrugena. Zaroven si oiinisterstvo zetnSdölstvl vyhradilo dodateönS podle zäkonnych predpisÄ uröit /jmenovltS/ jednotliv^ par- cely do oelkovä vymöry pAdy takto rlaatnljfu ponechani 'i-'. f'* y - "^ - Ad B/ Podle u9tanovenü prvni väty §a 11 zäkona zäborov^ho ö. 215/1S19 Sb. mä vlastnik zabran^ho v^elkoatatku n^rok, aby mu byla propu§t5na ze zäboru majetnost nepfesahujfof v^- m§ry uvedene v § n 2 tohoto zäkona zäb. /v dan^m pfipadg nynü 50 ha/, pokud moino die jaho volby. Toto prävo volby ie obmezeno uöelem, ktery aledujl zäkony o prvni pozemkovä re- form§ a Jaenovitö i revisni zäkon 0,142/1947 Sb» Volba ▼lastnikova nestal tedy znemo^niti nebo aeumörnS ztiäiti ?ädn^ provedenf p?£dglu v Intemoloh zäkona pfldfilov^ho X ^V1920 Sb. a zäkonü a naffzenl o revisi prvni pozemko- vä reformy a byti v rozporu a üöelem, pro kter^ se nemovi- to*ti pfenmaji a s po2adavky vefejn^ho zä^Jmu a mistnl potfeby piidy pro pf JidSl oprävnenj^ak uohazeö^lm a düvodüm ^5fPO>00 ha. icn,vl.',-7 p.c. l'J2D V kat. uzenX oädlnlc«, ' X'J34 li35 t' \ • 2 - Im. rl, T tet« vmmmt 8#dlAlo« r 97 p.». 133Ä 1937 X940A 1955A 1956 205a/j? 2054/2 2073/2 ?063/l 2065A 2066 2087 2036 2089 2091 2092 2a33 2094 2095 2096 2097 2093 210Xa 2101/3 ilOl,'6 2103 2104/1 2236 2249 2253/1 2253/2 22J3 1877 322 2040 2011 2042 , 1354/2 1761 « 1940A o celkOT4 ffmh^ S1065^ Im. 0 aüir«4i sa TTkoopcnsa p&da bade roshodmxto MnoatatnS. SooSaasül m Tolf m fMUtt vmtanavmd $ 73 rLnaf • 5. £/26 >>• a poukascea na oitoran^ umMmni rady OST Aoaud ry^^xx^ v/afir «uClO/^ 2}/4-liH. ea dne 13.5.1343. 0(ICivo -^'^':.:" ,.'< K 4 f* tz Zlilt^JiJii^J^i^sPM^ 4^ ^ - ) ^n© oplse exh . / ""^edltelstvf stntnjfch strja^ e rvtanfW nr v-r'onri' s tfm, «by pfevzeti' prove-^lo trnin< reditelstv-r ve stnyalu 'ryse- UTe-^en-ho rozKo-^nut^' o üfid^lu za uörsti e v doVod« se zmocn^ncem ustrei- ni-ho fedltelstv-r stUnfch les^'- e stPtlr*, Vter.v se eoucosn? uvedotnaje. 1^ detu -fevzet-«' dohoan^te se se <5*atn< obvT'ovoTi urpfiovnou pro T^ozenikovou refoi^-u a T)rove?1te Je co mo?.no nejdf -(ve . /ti£^ o-nise exh,£ exp.I./ Pen • • v^* *-*^* nr vo^'ornf a k ucasti. t.:/, ^•*- TC/ V^ ^ ,.^ ^#. V ^ / ^ / h*LjUt^ " Praze dne '. . . ./:<<. . l^Ue. Zaloziti do T.Jf.^!^.^^*U) ->*frtf« «v-«M ^•«•«««»«■«fWA^ia» «■> « I —^ t * i 0 © 5 j 0 • -A^^^^«— ..-c^ •^q" -■< :.'. . T^ . ^< I . »»^^^»•i%%, .V.« M ■ *"^« o ■■«.•■ ^ ♦ » » r ' - ■ * 26. X.1948 •^ •••« ^«9V*<1* .^— *Wi*.^ «b «-«MiV^^M^iqMto.«««^ ■^la — Wipi^gtiK". A^if , ■M^i MUMMifiM» r MINISTERSTVO ZEMeDfeLSTVI Uf. j.: V«C! 100O41/48-I/:/B 22. Velkostatek Bartosovice. Pridül rodle zakona 0.142/194? Sb, 0 revisi prvru pozeiukov^J refb rriy * 5....10. V PRAZE «in« X.T.....f:.Y.* 194 8. I- ' -. . )(•>*• llef^: Zahradjiiöek ö. tel. 602-41, kl047i 42890 '^'^ I Ösl* statu, sprave statr-^oh lesü a statlcCi .•jastoupeny ministerstvem zemeiielstvi, ustfedniin reditelstvirn Gtdtnich lesü a st::.tkü » ■«« »- f • .. .-»^ .1 i^^iy d 0 m 3 • Ivlinisterstvo zeniüdelstvi ^'-^i^^'^'^^j^ podle §u 2#cdst.» 1 zcikona 2e dne 11. cerver-ce 1947 c. 142 SL. o revisi prvni pczornkcve reforiny d2) spravy a uzivlni podnir.u St^.tni Ifesy a "statlcy nasledujici ne- inovitosti. '«ctere Ösl. Gtat T)odle citovan^ho zlkoiia aiskal a loodr- ^^el a to nemovitosti od velkrstatku Barto2ovice v k^t. uzgidi Bai'toSovice, Pustüiov, p"iV/odni majitel Dx. Artur Csaczowiczka a spol* V okresu ^^ovy Jicin ve vyi:iore 470,0000 ha# Podrobny soupis neiriOvitoGti bude vyznaÖen pfi odevzdani tohoto Objekt u V prislui'^nim pi^otokolu. t5hrada za takto pridclejvy 3:1a:'' etek, kterou je poviiina zaplatiti stutni snrLiva do :)risrasneho fcndu oczenkcv^ rcforciy, bilde stanove- na dodatecne. /lesni^ plochy jscu z tohoto vylouceny a bude o jich pridelu zvlaäte rozhodnuto/ IvOtnisterstvo zemedelstvi si vyhrazuje provedeni dodatecnych zmen ve vyreseni nemcvitosti a dodateönt^ho zrizeni sl^zebnosti na pride- lenych nernovitostech a vrclceni takto pridelenych nemovitosti na po- zadani, bude-li v budoucnu verejny zajem toho pozadavati, aby techto pozemk"*^ by3io pouzito jinjrm zp'tisobein pro uöele pozemkovyGh reforeia. Doslo-li by k vrclceni nemovitosti, takto pridelenj'^'ch x Wk f > I 4 - 2 - t podniku Stätni lesy a statky pro jiny zi)i\sob pouzivdni pro uöele pozemkovych reforem bude poniku SLS nahrazen podil investic a jinych. uziteönych nakladü, pokud by nebyly vyuzity» II. 0 pfidelu zusob, inventafe a jinych zarizeni bude rozhod- nuto pri odevzdani pf£delu do drzby. III» Do drzby pfidelenych eneLaovitosti uvede Vas stätni obvo- dova uradovna pro pozemkovou reforinu v Cloinouci po pfevzeti pridelenych nemovitosti stäiem podle ustanoveni zdkcna nahrado- v^ho a zilkona c. 142/1947 So. Pfidelen^ nemovitosti buou VÄrn pdev:^idany do drzby ku dni 1 •10.1946. Pri odevzdani pridelenych nemovitosti do dr.^by budou uväze- na a ücdle okolnosti ihned lorovedena vrieclma 0)atreni,jez vyplyvaix 2 pripadndho skoriöeni ndrodni spravy saveden^ podle dekretu c. 5/1945 Sb. iiebo lu-edni spnlvy zfizen^ podle r.akcna 5^ II8/I92O Sb. Sejf.ena budou provedena opatfeni j ez se tykaji px-evodu zaniestiianc:' z pridelGnych nemovitosti s dosavadnirio sluy.ebniiio -^oroeru do novJiio pr;.:öru u oi-idelce nebo pi-ipadneho skonuGni tcj.oto slu'iecnilio oi-iürii. r» ,a ministra: Dr. Ilacliaöka v.r* Za s-^n^-ivnost: ji H #"■> I C • ^ r •^'^'^ I l. oCklt^Uh^i^^Uy J-'/J^^ ^ / \ r i^ » t 1 ^ ';' ;e s-k o a 1 o v 'e n s li 6* s t ä t.*n*i s t a t k y , närodnirpodnik, - ustfednl feditelstvl .v P r a z e , '^'.' P?edch.5«3» ^ Na 'zÜcild« tökiiodnuti ddboru l£iB/22 ain.zem. bj3- >B*«v«a*^^^ne QJjp revidovan^ .*,;;he«Mgiolro'»o>«>^ polnoh^ po däf skj^ podniku ÖSSS do vlastnictvl v rämci reviae LpoeemkovÄ reforay^le äkona'«. 14^/47- m>#^^mttttt-» ^**^^ »km-ff '/^a/ i / Q -1 »1' »w. »flft*,... „i^». '■ i \^\ •<■';/ y«^ i II >' vi <^" ) o n c e p i \. >•. \ » Öeskoslcvenskö stdtnf statky n.p, üstfednl faditelstvf v ^raze« Öd- 7195A9. V Praze dne^^.bfezna 19^9. Öeskoslovenskö stätnl statky närodnl podnik - statek f _ / Bartogovice, / ^ .m • ^öc • Zaslänl protokolu* Sadäne o zaslä i pisem/i6ho protokolu o pfevzeti neme - vitostf ,/ha/ statku Bartoäovice. 1 * ' ;r •j ri 0: ri;. düiinnro koW . 55'<,9 • •: » • 4> fr 1 :...r.3.Mfi^-|p f. ::r;h/^ ' xh.J:ir...pfil. Za generälnlho feditele^ ^ ^ 1 I I £ß..i.A*;i on «^ vi -© ^-v, V Iv^' %\ ••«. » ■ ■■-•» /•• Z a p i s ^.' s^^/}^ sepsany dne ■50«9#l94a v kanceläfl pracoviii akuplny I v Opave# pfedmötem jedndixl je dohoda o pfevzetf pfodanl nemovitosti vellcostat- Icu Barto'^ovice !•. II» i III» majitel Dr« Artur Czeczowiczka a spol» närodni oprava 7älek Jan odevzddvä do rulcou zästupce miniaterstva zo- medelatrl podniku SL3» pfitonmi dole podepsänl» Tyfizenl: Tlastnik vellcost.tku a närodni sprava odevzdävaji do rukou zaatupce ininisterstva zenedelstvf nemovitosti urcene k pfevzetf a pfedänf podniku 3L3 reditalstvf v öeskim TS^ina se vslra pflslub-enatvlrn a vteoli mezlch i a hranicfch jak ja 3am drxel aeb drieti a uifvati byl oprävnän ministerstl VII zemedelctvf pro Csl^stät podnik SLS v rozsahu 50|^,j^l'jL53nei!iovltO3ti ^ ^ oolnoiiospodäl^skych mimo to pfedäTi vlastnik nemo vi tos tl^ ktere nu byly propuijteny podla zdkona 5» 142/47 3b ve vymefe 5^ ha^pa zäklade zäplsu ^fv sopsaneho dne 27 • zäfi 1943 v kancelifi St.obv^ufadovny pro poz.reforiau V Olcnouci, za podminek v tonto zapisu uvedanych. # >^ Zästupce ot^obv. uradovny si vyhra^^uje prävo schvaleni uiinisterstvam zemedel3tvi, ji.Tiz teprvo vejde zapis v platnost» 1 Skoncono, pfeoteno a pcdapsino» Za ninistorstvo zemedelstvl : In;3. 3uh« Ko:ri;tal v»r» Za 3t. obvoufadovnu v Clomouci: In^» Yeleba v.r. Za SL3 V Senken Tesine: Ino. Bohunil Ko^l-lal v.r. Za ZNV a-cposituria v Ostrava : Ing. Plcliot .{udolf v.r. Za üliY V Cpave: vz. ^ioziaar v.r. - '\ Za najitela: s vyhradou, ze riin.zeiiiedölstvi schvälf nüj nävrli' die zäpisiL ^ za dna 27*9*43. Za narodni spravu: A.II. TT ITcltf, Artur czeczowiczka r.r» 7älek Jan v.r. ^ i Z ä p 1 8 sepaaji^ tme 30« II. 1948 p* B«rt*d«vlcey 8«u4lai Pflt«ml 4«le p«Aep8äai« PfedaSt zäpls«: / 8 u appiyy rtlk^atatku Barttätvioe I.II.Ili •kreay: Ji%rf Jlölm,Pflb8r,Bil8Teo, Pulm«k 1 ^^«▼zeti p8ljtlh8 h#8pod6f8tTl Telk#8tatku p8l]i«h88p«d^8k^h« «d vlaatmik« re8p.888b htap^daflclch podle ziktaa ö,142/l947 Sb, a •derzdÄÄl d« vlaatJiictTi pHdSlci, ösl.stdtu - p8dmiku "Stdtil leay a statky" v daläim SLS. I. Zdstupce aiaiateratva zeaödölstTi zjlätuJej i±-££^I5i.£^££polcladypfevzetl a Jeh« razaah: 6.308/48-IX/B-12 „, ^ b.309/48-IVB-12 Q . .« ^ , Vyaörea ainisteratva zeaödölstvl öj. 6,306/48-IX/H-12 z 8,4,48 byl» r8zh8d»utt podle uatanoveal z4k«ma ö. 142/1947 Sb., t lalälm zakoaa reYiamlh», • öpöt8va6m zabrdal a vyTlastaöal al2e UTedea a^ch aea8vlt8sti: z UTedea^h« vlaatalck^h« aaubtru 8 tim, ie ae «ajl- teli poaechdTi yyaöra 50.- ha 2« aajetek p8dl6h4 zdb8PU celf . T:^8r • • Pf«^z«"bi leaalii» ha8pdoa?8tTl h8sp8d.p8lalh8 öal.atdte« byl dipuöea aajiteli - aplaaa^caöaäau ufedalku t zastoupeal adr«dal appÄTy. Ptz- ■T^*,^*"y^^**^^» Pfevzetla v^paySi z hosp«dafeal ku dal 1,10.1948 ix^tir^iau Jtli^^^^^ aeatvlt.atl byly dÄay y^aaae« ala.zaaSdölatyl ^|50^059A8-Il/R-12,50.695/48-lVR-12,49.536/48-IX/H-12 z« da« 5. + -^ -r - .^|P*^!**^ Ihiita yztahu;)lol ae k v^Se uyedea^ aea^yit^atej tyerlcla predaSt preyzetl, uplyae 30. z4fl 1948. S vlaetalkea y za8t«i^4 peal nir^dal spriyou byla ajedaiaa deh^da • pJevzetl pfed uplyautlM v|p8ySda£ IMty ku dal 30. IX. 48. PfedaStem pfeyzetl pedle tJhJt» zdpiau jeat aajetek lesal z püdy projedadyaaöhe yelk^atatku - zbyt. atatku aajetek ptlaeheapeddfak^, zahraujlcl dyery Barteä^ylce I, II, III 2._P?eyzetl_aea8vit83tlj[^ Y^äe uvedeay ylaataick^ aeuber ai celkeveu y^aSru 558.1759 ha Z töt8 vj^aöry pfipadd aa aeaevittati leaa^vö.pily/ 44.5642 " aa aeaevitoati pelaeheap, 511.3287 » i aa aeaevitoati rybniönl — pflpadaä Jiaä 2.2830 • . Z töcht« y^är prepeuätl ae deaayadala ylaatalkAa ze zäb«4 ru leaaihe/rybnlöalh«,pela«h«8poddf8k^h8/ aajetku 0 ha, takSe pfedadt«! pfeyzetl jaeu zea§d. a leaal aeaeyittatl • celkey^ y^öfe 558.1759 ha.l Z p?eyzetl urötaö aeaovit88ti leäl ye aprdvala «kreae Blleyec y k.d. Pu8t§j«y ve spr.ekrese -— a jeou zapaday ve-yltäce desek zeaak^cli ö. a ye yltäkich pezeakekalialch. , kalh.vle2ka:563,579,586 jaou zapaiay epr.ekrea N#v^ Jiöla k.a.BarteSey^ kai]i.vle2ek:362, 363, 364, 366, 432, 442, 478, 483, 563, 567, 648, 649,650,611, 652i653, 654,666 f » r . . k.u.Buteylce:kn.vl. 677,434,k.u. ])edlaioe:ka.yl.836 k.u.Ziyiäice:kn.yl.512. Jl 0 Pvzaiilky: ffejlaaA^ aajetek Auta* zakreslitl v mSJ^itku 1:73*000 mej- ▼h«tm§Ji pfln« t« aapy speolilBl a •s&aöeKl ölalicealf aauhlaam^nl , Uy^stl t4i P^ipv ZTliätal d^Lraly pferzetl a^kter^ch pfldSlov^ch celkA a poiabal« ] Nemovlt^stl pfeTzat^ p^use d« spräyy, odeTzAdTi p^tulk SLS, p^kud au A<^bud9U t6i odavzdsutv d« vlastAictvlt p« skanöeiil pflddlav^h« Meeml podle pekyaiä. adbtru IX« mlAlsterstTa zeaÖdSlstTl a pflp«za Jeht uöaotl JiÄym pfldölcÄm* P^zndakai P^kud by pfdtamjil z^atupcl lldaT^ch argiAU uplatMvali märak aa. pflddl nSkter^ha lesAlha kanplexu a zdstupce tdbaru IX« j resp.SOÜ ^±m toAta pa^adarek pratokalu uyedl, Ja natjtat aby ziitupoa SLS uvadl k tonu rpatakalu 1 svaja 8tamavlska# Väecluiy uvadam^ ciQeln.6 lidaja bvly vzaty z lasalch haepadäfsk^ch pldii4 z apiail pazaonaatBlch arcn4 a päd« a budou aprayamy podla ataru kataatralnich apardtiä ka dml pfavzati# Nemavltastl pfajlnam^ da vlaat&lctTl Cal#8titu- padmlku SLS jsau uTadamy podla kat« us« parc.ölaal, kultury a rynSr a uvadamlM pflalui^ m^ch knlhoYiilch vlo^ak ▼ pi^llaza ö«l« tahata zdplau /adddlaaä pra haspadärsk^ pilyi haapaddfstvl lasml, rybÄiönl a palal, pflpadmS pfidrti 2aÄ6 z4vady pniayslavl/« 1 Namavltastl pfajlnaA^ padmlkam SLS da spr^yy jsau uradamy t pfllaza PfednSteii pi^evzetl a odavzdäml da vlaatAlctyl Csl.atitu« padniku | SLS jsou i budovy pravoznl^ sprdvml a abytaö, tvaflcl aaucist pfajl- i iian^ha haapodärstvl a potfaonö k jaha pravazu, Tyta budavy Jsau uvadaay V pfllozeö*34 PfedaÖtea pfavzetl a odavzdänl da vlastÄictTl Sei. stdtu padniku j SLS jsou & veäkerö toky vadnl, patflcl k vyäa uvadaÄÖau ralkaatatku, i sa väeai vadnlai prdry 1 prdvaa rybalavau. SauöasÄÖ jsau pfadaötaa pfa4 vzetf a odavzddnl tata vadal /prava rybalavu/ ma Tadach refe^ikfoh/ i ^A^Pfavzetl^neDMjvitfötii Predaätea pfavzetl a adavzddftl da vlastnlctvl SLS jaat ravaäS vaSkar^ ZBiflzeni pfejlaaÄ^ch budaT a jin^ch abjaktii, vaäkar^ zlvf a artvf Inyantdf slouölal haspodafanl ma pfevzat^ch neaavltaatach^ 1 zdaaby pravazjilch haat,ddla apiayiaapyyhasp^pläay^ haap^zäziiaayf raglstrati^« ry a pod, PfasA^ zamaay k pfevzatia adavzdiuii uröamöha zafizaml laTant; afa a zÄaab padle stavu ka dal pfavzatl jsau uvadaay v pfllaza Ö«5/ptkuc sazmaa aalza vyhataTiti pfi flzanl, autna pfllahy vyhatavlti dadataömö/ Ocaaäal v aazaaau uradaaj^ch aaaavltaatf Duda pravadana ku dni 30#9«48 podle sakrale ala«zea» +• PraiiötavÄnl vza^aaa^ch^adrak&^dasavadnlh^ ZiSi5*5lJE§-5-£?i*-i2£i Dnea pfavzetl a souöasaö odavzdänl da vlastnictrl aeb sprdvy padaik]^ SLS jest dea 30.II.1948« Tfmi dnea pfdjlaaal sa da vlaatalctvl aab sprdvy podniku SLS aeaavitasti a aaritaati rpfadu a r pfllahdch uvade- a^. Haspadafeal aa väach daa 30.IX.1948 pfavzatycli aaaavitaatl dSja sa . ai da 30. z^fl 1948 aa uöat dasavadnlha vlastalka« ^ Pra adiiötavaal yzjajaaa.ych aärakä aazl podnlkaa SLS a dasavadala vlaat^ alkaa Jeat razhodn;^ daaa 30. zdfl 1948. 5i.P£ii3tk^i. VÄSkarö pajistky t^kajlcl ae abjaktA adavzdan;fch da vlastaiotvl 5al# statu - padaiku SLS. pakud aa t]^aji vScm^ha saukraaapraTaiha pajlStSai budau zruäaay va Ihutd jadnaha aäaloa ada dma pfarzatl a tltulu zmSay . vlastalka va sayslu zdkaaa ö. 145/1934 • pajistad salauT». HaraSi sau-i kroaaprivnl aaabal pajiätöal urazav6/aadpajiätöml/ buda re v;^Sa uradaml f IhiltS zruäeno« ZruSenl ürovede fedltelstvl v öesk^m T6Sln4« Seznam pojistek tvAfl prlloha ö.6» ^^ ^ , ji^« üveden^ zruäenl se netykä pojiätänl aotorov^ch vozidel protl nAaledlctx« zäkonnd odpoY^diKkstl« 6f, Sluäebnoati^.. Sluiebnosti aktivnl a pasivni vztahujl se k pfejlmanömu majetku jsou uvedeny v pflloze ö,7. 7, Zao£atfenl_zam8BtancTl^ K"dneinimü'pfejimaclmu"fizenl byli do kanceldf« sprävy velkostatku V^^A vani zästupci zamSstnanci pf e J Iman^ch nemovitoatl a bylo Jim 3döleno,2e ösl.stät.zaatoupen^ min.zem.pfe jlmä dnem 30.IX.1948 lesnl a /polni/ 1 ho3podäfatvl,pflp. pfidru2en6 prümyslovö zävody velkostatku /zbyt. statku/ Bartolovice I, II, III. a od«vzdÄvä je ▼ rozaahu vymezenöm do vlastnictvl neb sprävy pHdälce Csl. atdtu - podniku SIS. Prl töto pflleältoati bylo zdatupoTim na objektech pfejlmanych podnikem SLS do vlastnictvl adäleno, 2e ziistävajl na dosavadnlchm aluäebnlch mlatech a dosavadnluA sluäebnlmi poütky ai do doby, kdy bude rozhodnu- to o jejich dafinitivnlm pfevzetl, 2e vSak z toho nevznikä zamöatnacüm närok na uatanovenl zamöstancem statu v pomöru, regulovanem öi amluv- nlm/. 3yli upozornönl, 2e o Jejich zabezpeöenl platl uatanovenl ^^^ha 16/1947 3b. ve znönl vyhläSky 5.191/47 Sb. a 2e präva, jeä Jim zmlnön4 zäkonnö uatanovenl zajiäl^udl, mual uplatnitl do 60ti dnÄ ode dne pfevzj tl majetku, na aem2 jaou zamöatnäni, do vlastnictvl podniku SLS.DÄle Jl bylo adöleno, 2e zamöatanncto na majetku leanlm /polnla/ bude podle moznoati zajiäten na majetku podniku SIS tent^i obor zamöatnänl v Ja- kem doaud puaobili. V ka2d6m pflpadS Jeat oväem pfedpokladem dalölüo zamöatnänl närodnl a politickä apolehlivoat zamöatnancu. Organum podniku SLS ae uklädä, aby poskytovaly zamSatnancüm na pfejlaa- n^m majetku potfebnö informace a opatfily tiakopiay pf* pfihlääky POliJj zäkona ö. 16/1947 Sb. Orgäny podniku SL3 vyhotovl sf^'^am vSech zaaSatnj* cl,ktefl pMchäzejl v uvahu pro pfevzetl stätem a udänlm bydli8td,za8tai^ n^ho 3lu2enlho mlsta a pflaluän^ch oaobnlch dat. | Tento seznam ae pfipojuje jako pi-lloha Ö.7. Ma.1itel- närodnl apräva- pfejlman^ho majetku odevzdivä Ice dnl 30.11.48 ntiovitoati uvedeni v oddllu I.oat.2 jakoi i zaflzenl » Ji?^«'^«;?:};^«;*^ V oddllu I., od8t.3 a vyjmenovan^ch pHlohäoh ae välm PjJ^llJ^«^«^^^» J^ t§ch mezlch a hraniclch jak je aäm dräel neb dr2eti a uÄlvatl byl opräv- nen min.zem. pro öal.atät a zäatupci min.zem.nemovitosti k t6mu2 dnl pfldölci Öal.atätu - podniku SLS. < III. Väechna daläl opatfenl vypl^vajlci z Pf«^^«*^ ^ odevzdänl v pfedu uveden^ch nemovitoatl a jejich^pflaluäenatvl budou proyedena dodateönö coi platl zejm^na o flzenl ocenovaolm, stanovenl pfldölov^ch cen a o zaknihovdnl pfevzat^cli nemovitoatl na pfldSloe. ^-.^ * Ocenovacl flzenl i atanovenl pfldälov^ch cen bude provedeno podle , 3?a?u pfevzatäho majetku ku dni 30. zäfl 1948. Z toho «i^^J^u ae pfldäl- ce polnohoapoddfaköho majetku zavazuje» U vä^chny hoapodäfaW ukony,«e, m^na te^bu dfeva a zaleanönl/upol.hoap.aklizen a aetbu/ povede Pj;»J« ▼ patrnoati podle mlat, v nichi budou po pfevzetl provedeny « ^«J^^JJ^N provÄdSilclm ocenovacl präce da k dispoaioi pfeanÄ v^kazy t8chto präol za tlm uölea, aby pM taxaönl pochAzce mohl b^ti atar pfevzat^oh leall /atatkA/ ke dni pfevzetl pfeanö uröea. a 1 i spräva Dnem pfevzetl, t3# dnem 30#IX#1948 zanlkä närodnl x^luz na pfevzat^oh nexnovitos ech# Tato skuteönost bude o^nämena orgdnu, ktary närodnl spra^ ▼u zavedl /ZNV,ONV/ Stätnl obyodovou ufadovnau pro pozemkovou reformu ^ V 01o2iiouci# Podnlkem pfevzatö nemovitoatl zaölenujl se zatimnö k redltelstvl stätnlch statkÄ a rybnlkÄ v Seak^m TS§ln8* Poukazovacl prävo pfeohä- zl na ••• /pokyny o postupu pfl fe^eni finanönlch a tiöetnl 8lu2by na majetclch pfevzat^ch p?ed !!• Mjnem 1948 obsahuje YfnoB ustfednfho feditelstvl Sls öj.32118/48z z 13.8.1948. -j PonSvad^ hospodärsk^ vi^aledky na väeoh pfej {mansch nh^ükAünh nemoyltos«2| tech nutno a2 do 30« 9*48 v^atl v zäjmu odpoötu aamoatatnä a oddSlen^ o| ostatnlho hoapodafenl podniku SLS ziatävd^ az na daläl pfidälena rovnöä ' k feditelstyl v Cesköm T§älnö# \ fteditelstvl se uklädä, aby porldilo veSkerö pfllohy pokud nebyly ^ vyhotoveny pfi pfejlmaclm fizeni/ a pfedlo2ilo zdpia ae väeai prlloha- i mi urychlene ve dvou vyhotovenlch uatfednlmu feditelatvl SLS v Ppaze# \ Ve väci rozmnoäovänl protokolu budou vydäny zvläStnl pokyny • 0 provede^^ denöm pfevzetl vyrozuml feditelstvl v uvahu pfichäzejlcl ufady a orgän ^y , pokud 86 jejich zäatupci neziiöastnlli fizeni. J Pflgomlnky zuSas tnen^ch : MUDr« Oakar Czeczowiczka v zaatoupenl apoluvlasti nlki velkoatatku Bartoäovice I.II^III öinl tuto pfipomlnku# Do revlae \ lozemkovö reformy apadä pouze 554 ha pÄdy zabranö v prvnl pozemkovÄ J ►eformö a patrlcl ötyfem vlaatnlk&m« Do reviae ale neapadä 97 ha svobodl n6 pÄdy v kat#uzeml Sedlice nalöäe^lcl Dr. Artu^ Czeczowlozkovl, kteri nikdy nebyla v zäboru* Tato püda ma2e pfijlt v uvahuai podle zäkona 46/ 48 Sb* Ve sv^m zäpisu ze dne 27#9#1948 aep8€Ui6ho St#obT.ufadovnou v j Olomoucit jaem nabldl v^hradnä Jen 50 ha pAdy ponechan^^ch apoluvlaatnW Irfüdi V revisnlm pi^ldälovÄm flzenl za podmlnek tehdy atanoven^ch* i Zädäme proto, aby nemovitoatl le^lcl v k^ii* Sedline a patflcl Dr.Artaral Czeczowiczkovi samotnömu pfejlman^ ani pfedävan^ aaiyly a flzenl o tSchto bylo odaunuto a2 do projednävanl podle zäkona ö. 46/48 Sb# Yym^Th nemovitoatl vyäe uveden;^ch /avobodnych öinl 93.0809/ ha# Zästupoe podniku SLS zmocnenec min«zem«-uatf «fed.SLS uvädli Majitell bylo propuätSnöho 50 ha pozemku u zameck6ho dvora ae väeml hoap.i obytn;^ml budovaml, jakoä 1 aprävnl budovou naprotl zämku poölta; V to 1 liatfednl 3:^pky pro cel^ hoapodäfak^ Objekt» Tlmto zäaahem zträci podnlk SLS ne^lepäl a nejvybavenö jsl dvür a kter^ bylo poöltä- nopro zl^izeni älechtitelskö atanice na platovänl trav« Oatatnl tfl popw 2ni dvory/budovy/ jaou proatorovS k vymlfe pozemkA, ktery podnlk pfe- jlmä nedoataöujlcl a pro zflzenl §lechtltelak6 atanioe muaell byohoa t bezpodmlneönS postavitl novou aypku a 1 nov6 hoap«budovy,co2 za dneä- j nlch pomär^L by bylo apojeno s velk^mi obtlSesl« Proto zäatupce mln.zem.doporuöuje, aby byl pfijat nävrh b^alöho majl-« telea pozemky ve vymäfe 50 ha, kterö byly bjrvalömu majlteli propuStSnyj ae väeml pflaluän^l budovaml to Je cel^ zämec.dvorem ae 21v^ a mrt-*' v;^ Inventäfem 1 zäaobaal Jako2 1 ae aprävnl budovou naprotl z^oaku byl od byT.maJitele odkoupen pro podnlk SLS* Opla zäplau 8epa#27*9«48 v kanc«SOÜ pro poz#ref»v Olomoucl ae^pflklädä« Närodnl apräva velkoatatku ae vymlnuje: veSker^ pohledävky,k|6r#f Jas wall pfianaaioi^MUtai Jaa fttak ' '»>. i i ♦* ■ *. I 1 £ / »fa«Aita4fia«» ?r«Taati i^XaalMmaAAfali^a aa^|•tini ai ▼laataifcaiya»»aaa» hoayoAafiaiob pa4la adkoa» S»4lÄ9«« 8^*a a«avsiM pfUilaiii »» • . I a^tafaa xif taM«aai/4« t oalrav« siiiial«« l»ivdivai yfaAtaiOaAy yfavaati a ;^aiw faaaalit - - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma^^ vy»iry ciV V Un4m Jidia« d»J*ai«>l4«^«1^49 m iaa <{l*4«Ji94f s «•^•ill»c8-4:»«4«1949 •• 4m I9«»a949 ^jfla gnalwiaits • «• iukyi» v^ia WTttdaa/ah vlaataialt/aH aau»o>4 po41a aAmMi 4*w«* f/pev«l t haapadai'aai Im 4al Itfi^an 1SI49 atraa yta^iaM^aH «aaoviioati bjflj^ aiai» vyiiiakam &•¥#«*** XV 4a t oa^mv« M r/povMfVaalMiJial a« H v#ia iiva4aai|« Ba«irttaaf%|»f»Hali| A«l^«X$4'i« / • -.i ' a*3atia»li%««# «< «iU pa«Xa a^fia» iä 4m X4««9ai«i lf4f imut» aun aasaalotfA« • ▼ w* ^Pw^i^^iPB^ ^B^^^^wVaJ H^WIF^Hfc J^[Pl^^^BPWaWi^j^^^W4Wp^Wi^^^B^4i-v *t-. >«. • «>. • tmmmttßtlt Ht»i5f t#99t« 144* ^ rfi* d^laa« .Poldval' ■ m mammttim roSdral pojiatiqr » «gatlm Or« v«oaaa«aAiaaiigr VI; piPaddiv ▼ roko 1j46 CsSa* d« SaapatJTaai aaMiatnaaad« lawü tf fariOlMi o^raif aattfatnaDaft aatel«*» Mr*.%«3a«a«anaal« ^1 v»» ^lairaa aaiMMi aattSaUaaad a pMloSaa a aaMjtiaX pfadajaiatdha Fitaai dla adaaaa u^iu/i? 9k*»Stdtai «tovodord dfadatai i>«« Cttmakofom rfrmm v viaMWi v raaa X940«filatuid saniataanü U prabrdai da«t 1.10»Xj4« da aladfb a䣫* U. <'^j. flaataiaitiafcdi i aaabf >oa|adailal! pra^inM^fai ^atiid mmmm addTaii ka dal l,lO«Z94a a I*&0*I94I9 aawntavU ufaddad ir ad«« edat«Wff|Mai^l a^fiaaal a aiiid aaaafilaaU.vfadMd v add*l*« a«ii d»i«U a a«lYaU«aalia Mali a addi^U lyU apvilMMBI aiaiaHratvi aMdddiat«<.aif pr« d»#«tit da JSrüt s atetod« i«T>add*2V4a V catravi t^i# aaaavitaaU laantSaU li SS3 dal pfajiad« !•» JS i TT '« . ^ ^> if !•/ M».r > « •. .s. m. iak ^wt w«4«Ä V wiviftit »H««l«i « •iitt» l«.«««%«i«/ 4* Alte iH>« , 4*i t« osio»44t^i A« «^^vf jS^AiZ !5air^ '1 > 2f< •r ;^f«r^^? ^.* «H-^UH^Rfitf »fw«^ «aaovlt^ 2^^lS? ..'.:>■.■,. ;1 • ■...■•.-.. -• .-. .■■•-. ■■■■•.■ ■- .. '."j«' ^iü a .«■f. ' ' »^l ■-^ T .1 •/•*^*: ■» « 1 .»•!.» V * ^<' ■'<* ■<■. ^- . '■ I.'. • 4 ■;• .• I.W, ■*<'-» 4 '#i « i^l*« %«ii •««(»«>«•• • f*tf«|«tfAO» I i 4 I 1 / 4 iVi^ z-r f f - \f ,••••■■^1^^ . (t> \ Vrchni spräva stätnich statkü v Ceskem Tesine Telefon 2(slo 46» Titl. '/; ICCTTTäStovnf 8 STVl Üetrednlmu Mdltelst a statkü o 1 ;j (j 1 ■■^ ll ^i?:;/ Jr.Artur Ceöovidka - iädost amöstnancü o pfevzetl tä.teni. särna /dfiv$Jä£ porodnice/. HHbärna sousedl s konlrnou pro 6 päru koni# Mlstnost je klenuti do travers s litinov^i podpörami# Boxy jsou vidy pro 2 konS. Za konlrnou v jedne linii je veprlnec provisornö adaptovan^ z byvale konlrny* Strop je rovnöi klenuty do travers •üvnitf vepfince je umistgna pfipravna krmiv^* Na vepfinec navazuje prostornä kulna na stroje a näradi ohrazenä latovanim. Asi uprostfed dvora je velkä külna na stroje. Na poöätku je umlstöna kovärna se skladiätöm potfebneho materiälu. Spodni öäst külny je zakonöena akladistöm ume- lych hnojiv. V jedn^ rovinß s kovärnju je dfevönä budova, drive NÖmci pouilvanä jako teletnik. StSny mä jednoduche a dobytek v nl by se dal ustäjiti Jen V letni dobu. i'onSkud stranou dvora je sypka se tfemi podlahami. Od teletniku sroörem dolii nachäzi se krai^ln asi pro 70 kusü hovezlho dobytka« Stäj pro kravy je dvoufada, prost orni s krmnjrmi chod- bami po stranäch« Strop klenuty do travera, konstrukce nesenä litinov^- mi sloupy* Na poöätku kravlna, v jedne budovö, je pfipravna pice a Äa konci vejky teletlnifc Pred kravinem je povrchove hnojiätö s jimkou na mo- öuvku. Hnojiätg i jimka jsou äpatne. Na kravin navazuje dlouhä a prostorii nä stodola a öästi podsMepenä. Za kravinem se rozprostiri velkä zahrada se sklenikem. Väechny budovy dvjra jsou z tvrdeho materiälu /cihel/velmi zachovale* Krytina je taäkovä. Dvur mä mirn^^ späd smörem k vjezdu^VSude do budov je zaveden gravitaöni vodovod a elektrika jak pro osvStleni, tak i pro pohon potfebnych motorü* Ke dvoru patfi 70 ha ornö pudy.Piida ^e hlinitä, hlubokä.i^ozdinky jsou zcelene a tähnou se ode dvora Amörem k jihozäpadu« -/- (/ / < ^ ,« > •«•»• ^t»wum',»». '.ta>~«. '*'^«««i^ — I »iw^ »i^-Mfc^. t^. m 3/3. FERNRUF 1607 • BANKVERBINDUNGEN: KREIS. SPARKASSE TESCHEN-WEST •PROVINZIAL. GENOSSENSCHAFTSBANK E.G. M.B.H. OPPELN «- »^ . - - — — -^ - . _ _ t ^^■»mm^mmf^* m «•«• ^■mß^^ "*■ — ■ ri--MiirTii» PRISCHMILCH-i^ERSORGUNGSBETRIEli BUTTER. UND KÄSE. ERZEUGUNG" GROSSVERTEILUNG FÜR BUTTER UND MOLKEREIPRODUKTE ]ablunliauer(!c. 28 Stf|lie0fadi 50 3l|i 3ritf|»n Jhtt nad|rlit|l oom Unfrt jtitfien Betr.: X Bolinfcndungcn bitten nie nuc nodi Trftfien fjbf. su cidjfen. Ei«rnr filioltn in Ic)ynirt| un6 Jablunliou. SdioBcincmaponftalt. ■ i: Vrchni spräva statnfch stafkü v Ceskcm Tesi'ne Telefon ifslo Ü£et poilovnf spofitelny Ccsky Tiäin dne Vgc: « 2/ Sttedni pvür mä 68/ ha ornö püdy a je obhospodafoväLn spoleönft se ZäinecIc3FE"^vorem. Nema hospodarski^ch budov, Jen budovy obytn* a sice l>y*y pro 4 dep.rodiny, velkovoj^ bytovou jednotku pro sezonni dfelnictvo o 5tl mlstnostech a kuchyni* Nemci za valky postavili jeätS 4 mali jed- noduch^ domky* Domky dsou postaveni z kvirnic /äkväiy* Je v nich velikä zlaa a proto Jsou neobydlen^* Snad by ae po upravö daly pouiltl pro Lsez^d&lnictvo, a budova,kberä -slouzl aK dosud pro sezonnf dSlnlky by se dala upraviti na bjrty pro deputätniky. Pozemky patflci k tomuto dvo- ru Jsou arondovanö a prostirajl se snrörem vfchodnlii ode dvora« Püda je hlinitä* • V Velk^ Dyür je vzdälen od Zämeckeho dvora- asi 1 1/2 km. Hospodäf ske a o^tne budovy tvofl obdelnlk# Po prave stranö za prüjezdem jsou byty pro 6 dep.rtodin. Za byty pro deputätniky je hned kravin pro 72 kusü hov*ziho dobytka. Stäj je dvoufadova bez krmnych cbodeb# Strop je kle- nuty do travers« S kravinem souvlsi mlekärna a pak däle skladlötö na umöla hnojiva. Naproti kravinu se nachazl staj pro mlady dobytek,kterä ^yla prestav^na za^välky* Stäj je jednotadi, na ISirku pfedimensovani. Sirokeho prost oru za stinim se nedä vhodn6 pouilt# Strop je klenuty do travers« Ke stäjl pfilehajl byty pro deputätniky, ktere jsou zatim neo- bydlene. Ponökud stranou a öelnl zdi je byt äafäre* Vsechny budovy jsou z tvrdeho materialu rovngi i krjrtina je tvrdä z taSek# Stranou dvora jsou 2 stodoly* K toauto dvoru patfl däle 2 polnl külny vzdälenö asi 300 m Ode dvora» V tSsne bllzkosti dvora se nachäzl prümyslovj^ lihovar a modemft teybavonä lihoöistna# Tyto prümyslove podniky patfily drlve ke statkUi nyni jsou znärodnöny* Hned za dvorem jsou rozlozeny smSrem zäpadnlm zcelene pozemky a sice 140 ha orne püdy, 48 ha luk, a 44 ha lesa. Puda je z poloviny f f ii«i>i#tiiiithä hlinitb-plsöitä a z poloviny jllovito-hlinitä /b^.rybnlky/. V rJ^-yf^-^^r« ^^ rovnöi jak obytne tak i hosp.budoVy. V celku tvorl ODdelnlk. Po*prave stranö je na kraji külna , na nii navazuje menäi stäj pro kon*. Vedle stäje jsou byty pro 2 dep.rodiny a pak däle jsou stodoly. NaprotSjsl stranö dvora se nachäzl velkä stäj zakonöena pH- pravnou plce. Stäj je klenutä bez zlabü na krmenl a byla za okupace pouilväna jako ovöln# Ke statku patf-i 28 ha orni püdy a 72 ha luk, z nich öäst / 34 ha / leil za fekou Odrou. Pozemky velkoatatku BartoSovice se nachazejl na kat.uzeml obce Bartoäo- vice, Fustöjova a Butovice, lesy na uzeml obce Sedlnice a Ziriäice« Na statku se nachäzi 3 traktory; Hanomag 50 HP , Lanz Buldog 40 HP a Deutz 50 HP /rozbit^ blök, neschopen dlzdy/, däle 2 mlitiöky ceMcovo- vi konatrukce Lanz /öisteönö poäkozen^ zäsahy/, Jedna mlätlöka Cleyton Schutlewort schopnÄ provozu, tti samovazaöe, dva obilnl a ötyü. travnl iaci stroje, zäv^äsne nätadi za traktory a drobneho näfadl dostatek. I -/- l ®tiif ral-ltolftem t. ® . m. fr. % €tiiim ]©/S. ' •- • * . -V i«< • FERNRUF 1607 • BANKVERBINDUNGEN : KREIS* SPARKASSE TESCHEN-WEST •PROVINZIAL. GENOSSENSCHAFTSBANK E,G, M.B.H. OPPELN I FRlSCHMILCH'VERSORGUNGSBETfilEB BUTTER* UND KASE*E RZEUGUNG GROSSVERTEILUNG FÜR BUTTER UND MOLKEREIPRODUKTE f tfffitn 0/6«, Den I ]oblunliouec|tc. 28 3ht 3'lihtn 3l|t> Tlatficlcht 9om Unfrt 3'l^'(t Bttc: t, Dohnfrnfeuiigrn blltcii nir nui nod) Ttfdirii f)bf. )u rltf)ttn. figrnt ftllalen In Ic)giiirl| unb ]abluiiiiau. StfiGDcIncmaflonflolt. spräva stätnich statkü y Ceskem Tesine elefon (fslo Ü^et poSfovnf sporitelny Ccsky TiSfn dne , Inventar ilvt /vöetnS väech dvorü/ lö konl,l. hfib«, 129 krav, 58 ^alovic, 2 bj^ci, 7 volü, 10 telat a 48 böhounü« K velkostatku patff zämek o 44 mlstnostech yybavenj^ ustfednlm topeja£m# I Budovy zämku byly ßisteöoö poskozeny bghem vileön^h udilostl* Y zimku Lmä byti zflzena zemSdil.stroJnl stanide a zem$dfeifikdjjiäLUliJzi^j;SÖZ* Miffio vlastnl buÄovy zämku jsou na nädvofl -^ßodne objekty /ssj^iÄ^ / pro zfizenl strojnf stanice* Na garäie navazujic zämecke byty pro 5 deputät- nlkü* Nedaleko zämku^pfea silnici/je sprävnl Jednopatrova budova# V pfizemi jsou kanceläte a ▼ prvnim poschodl byt pro sprävce 8tatka# Vedoucfm velkostatku je Jaa V i 1 e k , absl.stfednl hosp. äkoly. • Jako kancelirskä slla je veden Jan K o z d k ,minio to je zamöstnän na statku adjunkt a 2 öafäri. Deputätnich rodin je celkem 26. Lidl je zatim dostatek, pfi äpiökov^ch pracich vypomähajl brigädy. . Väechjoy 4 dvory, vlastn« jen 5 nebot Stredni dvur Je obhospodafovia spoleönß se Zämeckj^a dvorem, se daji snadno pro svou bllzkost a aron- daci pozemkü obhospod^fovati Jednou osöbou« Budovy v zämeckem dvoi^ a ve velkem dvore Jsou upln6 zachovale /ai na vnöjäi omltky/ a nepotfBbujl zvläLstö velk^ch oprav* Vötsiho stavebn£ho näkladu vyäaduje dvür t^zv* Lucnl. Je zde sice prostornä stij pro 70 • 80 kusu hovözi^o dobytka, ale vnitrek stäje /to je ilaby/ byl odstranSn N&mci, nebot stäj byla pf-edöläna na ov6in. V pflpädö umist*nl krav musela by se zde prov^sti vnitfnl adaptace* Jak Jiä vylq vyäe feöeno stij ^e prostornä ^svötlä, stavSnä z cihel a po vnitfni upravö a zaHzenl by velmi dobfe vyhovo- vala svemu uöelu a take z toho diivodu ie v bezprostfedni blizkosti dvora jsou rozsähle louky* ' «r Ve Stfednim dvofe isou pouze obytne budovy, ktere s menälm näkladem by se daly upräviti tak, ±e by vyhovovaly dneänlm bytovym podmlnkäm* Z hQfip,?tf^,novl8ka doporagujemg^.aby podnlk SLS zatalal>J?_cel^ hosp^objekt tnimo zämku a k nömu pfilefilych hosp.budov#JPQdy jsou velice urodne a taktet klimaticke pomöry Jsou pfiznive pro pöstovänl repy cukrovö, psenice a jeömene# Dostateöne mnoistvl luk umoinuje intensivnl mlika- feni a odchov mladeho dobytka. Pfiznivi jsou odbytove podminky^pro v§echny 'ruhy hospodäfskych vyrobkü, hlavnö mleka a masa, nebot Barto- äovice It^ii uprostfed prumysloveho kraje* Pole, Jak jsme je vidSli, Jsou dobfe zpracoväna , öistä, vyhnojenä animalnim hnojem J uroda velice pöknä« 0 celj^ Objekt se tak^ zajlmä JSÖZ /ufadovna v 0pav6/, kter:^ mln£ ▼ , Lupnim dvofe zflditi ze stäje hflbärnu pro Slezsko. Pro informa'ci za^fi llme maly öläneöek otiskautj^ v deniku"Präce* ostravske vydänl. - Mlstni obyvatelstvo mä take zäjem o parcelaci,ale na zäklacK informacl na pfisl.mistech jsme zjlstili, ±e oprävnön^ch uchazeöü je mizirö pro- cent±, nebot obec byla dfive nömeckä a väea osldlencüm byla pfidölena n^jvyääl zäkonnä v^öra tj*l> ha pildy. Snad mensl öäst piidy pfichäzela by V uvahu jako stavebni parcely. ^ ^ 5 pfil. PfednostV/^' <:: I I i"- / 1/ ®ntfraI-Momcrd e. nrnmuar- .,. .«nM«i«a«.«HM*»«*»-aBi«>.« m_^/S. ^i -ff 6 FERNRUF 1607 • BANKVERBINDUNGEN: KREIS. SPARKASSE TESCHEN-WEST • PROVINZIAL. GENOSSENSCHAFTSBANK F.. G.M.B.H. OPPEI.N m^i W^^ / O^ Y^ f^/ -« i* ^£1^ • * ji? ^■■1 i»i ■< üi— < U ^ PRISCHMILCH'VHRSORGUNGSBETRIED ^ \ BUTTER^ UND KASE^E RZEUGUNG GROSSVERTEILVNG EÜR BUTTER ' ^V' '. UND MOLKEREIPRODUKTE I Joblunkauecllc. 28 3l|c 3r1d|tii Bete: 3I|K( T1atf|cld|t tarn Pro domo: VSSS C^TgSln navrhuje velko^tatek BartoSovlc pfevzltl do reSie podnlku SLS. ■.:■*< »...Ata. velm bjekt ■*.» ■VSC:Velkoetatek Berto§ovlce,okr,Nov:^ Jlöln, majltel Dr.Artur Ceöovlcka - pfevzeti. Exp, ♦ * Mln.zem.IX odbor-R 21 v dom§. M^z.ufcls V pfiloze pfedklädä pflhlääkij6ö^pf ld61 velkostatku Barto- Bovlce okr.Novy Jlcln, majltel Dr.Artur (Jeöovlöka se dvorj^: ZäiDecky',Strednl, Velky a Lucnl vcetng llhovaru v celkov(S vymgfr 6l^ ha. Zmlneny obJekt bude slouSltl üöelum mnoSltelsk^m a ohovatelekym^ [ Vypravno , pf Ipo^ pflhldSku, j 1 exp. Pfed sdnväl,; 1/ odd.I f- 2/ odd.ii :,^ ^ 3/ odd.III ' v1. 4/ L-les-konf/l/ Oeeva t/'i. na vgdoml V Praze dne "^^f 5ervna 19^6. < ' » -^ vypravenl; odd. V/1 Ti^ / Dohnfcnbungcn bitttn vir nur nodi Ttfdtrn fibf. )u (id|lrn. Clgrnr ftlioltn in TcsynItD unb joblunkou. Od;Dcincmo(tonflolt. Snitmt s nianij ■f-**» / *, fy Bu<0V»€4 ^^^K4/ O fk^)tV (!) / 1.x. I • l ■,( / Objekt, od nJhoi jcst pHdÜ poSadovcin (vclko- Stalok, zbyt. statck, dvflr, polesf): ^ Vlastni'Ic: Soudnf oVvts: ...Wilfff§,,.M%JtXt^ PrihiäSka*) o pHdSl pAdy z pozenikov6ho majetku podie zäkona ze dne 21.£ervetice 1947,5. 142 Sb. o revisi prvnf *• pozetnkovö ref ormy. ^. Prcsnö ozna2enf uchaze2e: ._k iä«^ 7 Otznafeni nemovitosti, o jejichz gridJl se zäda (kat. üzemi, 2i5la parcelni, po ipF. jine mistni ozna^eni, vym^ra v ha, podle potfdby dolotziti si^ua^nim nä^rtem): "s >«, « 1 ÜJfel, k n^miiJ se o pFidfl zädä: .' f •• • 6 X% Ika i Jei-li zädano o pfidfl lesni pudy, udejte vymeru vltistniho lesniho majetku, jeho polohu, pfipad- nou souvislost s lesy, o jejichiS pridel se zäda (doloiiti situafnim näJ^rtem) a sd?lte jakym zpü- sobem provädite sprävu a ochranu vlastniho les- niho majetku (poi^et a druh lesniho personälu), jakoz i jakym zpüsabem zamyslite organisovati spravu a ochranu pridileneho lesa: Vyplni pouze lesni druistva, slozenä z obci (nehodici se budiz Skrtnuto!): ProhlaSujeme. ie pfistupujeme na vzorne stanovy a jednaci fädy lesnich druzstev, vypracovan^ mi- nisterstvem zemödSlstvf. ^rohlaSujeme, ie jsme — nejsme ochotni vstoupiti do lesniho druistva s naSfm dosavadnfm lesnim majetkem. V Rraae. dne Cf. a/ lÄ^. \ *) Tohoto tiskopisu poUüji pouze vefejnopravni korporace svazky "uzemni samospravy (obce a pod.),organy vefejne spr^vy a lesni druistva, sloienä z obci. ^y Upozorn^ni: '?Adä'\i jeden uchaze^ (obec a pod.) o pf-id^l k rüznym ücelöm (k üdelüm vefejnym a o pfidM lesni pödy), podä o kaid^ pfiddl samostatnou pfihlä5ku. \ Vzor R-6c: SOTf «5144/48 / , -TT ij kct '. / » \ v^ \ä » MINISTERSTVO ZEMeDELSTVi ^ fl^? /kiw-fc-.«^-«.^, Cr., j : 1049/80 - IX/B 32 ^ 7a ]]co6t4|^6k Barte äovice^ i;u . v .z i?) as./i. 9 V PRAZE ^* r ~ ♦ 1* ) ^ »^i>/ v/ >.•: / . >j . w X / 4 « J. V-. •.; vC ^'J :tt y ; j ^esücoslovexislc^ etätnf stablqr^ n^odlif podnlk, ustfediif foditelstvf ix.**" 0. f /^ 1 ▼ Jt* r a z e .) :--:.• J : afl 0 0 -' j t'f '' # / Uinlsteretvp zemSd^etyi pfldSIuJe V^po^e § Rt ocLrtt !# z^ila)na ze dne 11« cervenpe 1947» ii# 142 Sb^ o revisl prvni pozttdcov^ refonngr a po- die § 12 vlädniho narfzenf ^« ISTb« do vla^tnlctvf .8 vyhradiOQl a za podin£«- nek däle uvedeiych zebec±y objekt v Bartosovicf cli, pÖLvodnü majltel Dr« Artur CzeczoYTiczka a spol«, okres Hovy Jicln» po2i!Lst ff »f ff 123. 122 119/1 119/2 123 334 M »t 0,0099 ba.. 0.0739 ha 0,C871 ha 0.0302 ha 0.0629 ha 0.0313 ha , 331 332 333 M M >0 0.8065 0.3190 0.5438 ./ Presny soupls jaeraovitosti, Irtere tvori soucäst zaj.iai, hude stanö- ven pfi odevzddni pfidSlenych nanovitostf , Ministerstvo zemedelstvi si vyiurazuje provedeni dodateönych zmSn ve vymezeni neioovitoetü a dodatecnöiio zfizeni sliizehnosti na pridelei^'ch nemo- vito stech. Shora uvedene neMOVitosti ce Vain pridSluji za techto podminek j a/ Budovy i padc hudete udrzovati v dobr^m ßtavu. ./. t l • .-. 1\ c /* ^* - 2 - Tjrovddfitl j*n PO pfadcho». • > .-, ♦ • %U t ^ ^ Ohrada za takAo pHdaeii^ xnajet«k bude etanovana dodateönS. Do « driE-by pfidolexvch nenjovitostl uvede Väe krojslcy narodni'vy^or, reforat IX/4 c pozemlawk refonoa v Ostravg po prevzetf pfidSLenirch nemovitoetf etätem podle ustiaiioveni zälcona naliradovÄio a z&aorwi c. 143/47 Sb^*^ < • . « » ■ ■ > "> ■ ^ - ^ .c krajslcy xidrodul vybor» . • . •- ■» Pfi odevzdani pfldelenych nemovitoeti do drSby budou. uväzena a podle o&ol;io«t£ ihned provedena vSeöhm opatfenf,- JeS vyplyvaji z pffpadn^- 5;''5/46 ßbV nebo uredni ■ hö- äkonÖeirC ndrodni tfprÄvy «aweden^ podle - epravy zHzene' podle zätona 5',' 118/1920 SbV, ■ • ~^ • -"• ' Zejmem l)ucü6u provede^na opatrenf, ^el se tylcßjf pfcrtrodu zaxnost« nancör z^ pf id^leaych neiaovltostfz dosayednihD* sluSobniho poittSra do noveho « poraera u pridelce nebo pffpadnilio skx)nceiijC tohoto sluzebnjCho i)'Omera. ' ".i tc V • v ■• • Uinistr: 15 ni r i' 5 • v.^' Za spravnoft vynotovenji : t < << IT ff I ^■i 1 .%^ Ostrava« n i ■, l Xj i. V -> % r :j- ■ h X6090«&99(V 22«Xi;;i990« ^Z&&!:l;m OpMi* ÄÄ^tidoniiaiAa »d^i TA ^^r ,5 ;,crix(>,s oXExiq »tu Z.-'r fihc .'/ i I o:^iaX.t'} petiittt« ste». I Ing» Santa I 5 ^^;0f.>..;^^' .••' f '.a?.' X. « i e ■* * A ■-• V u • ßVQicfeO •— • i •0-QI»II,SS I f « • -O^X-OCOöX »9* TMflKlt t*i «Pill ^p^^m ainlstarstvft tM8481«tri «J« 3049»90>»ZX^ isa M dM 26;i; 1990, VUit$WL. •• 5»0ko«lov«iuil^ «tAtaik «tiitlcte pftldldiM« podl« s^Obnui 6, 142/47 Sl>; stei^oMilalDl Ibl^ MiJiUl« X^» AHm CMeaoviadQr / ▼ BaptofioirlQitoliy M8ttfv»Jf«i ■ butor o . atienrttfani ^oS« oU412 h« a 4 sahrttdnioli pfu Im« nSno^ noBOvltOBtit od sdstupea Wt a |>i^edIoSt« e Jaäatei adpi« a pftCaluto^ piNlohmi« fttneU «T^nl V:,fr')e(il Fittllatc« sdar I Roseel^ 3he* ämta V^suja t Sag» Santa f tal 240-44. © i X \ MINISTERSTVO ZEMEdELSTTvI? ' ^ 4« Cis. j.: 44, ;^6 /1949-IX/B-22. V lv V 1> K/ f . ;:.ri jna V Praze dne ■■ '.::. -^ 1949 Vöc: Prid^l podle zäkona c. 46/48 Sb. B^?.rto''ovice Zemfd^lsky objekt: Okres: Byv. majitel: •»T ^ -1- • V /■ 1./ Artur (Jzec::o\vicii;kp. ^ spol.. Z.l Farni oferoüi v 3arto.''ovicich Zi hr^ cI ^^ 1 '^* ^"- '*'' Referent: : ..: ......r».... .:..:.:.. , telefon öislo 226-57. linka. Ceskoslovenskym stätnim statküm — närodni podnik, P r a ha. sTiHTMi sinTKLJ»- y / 2 2. %:m Ministerstvo zemed^lstvi pfid^luje Väm podlc § 16, odst. 1 zäkona ze dne 21. bfezna 1948 c. 46 Sb. o nove pgzemkove^ reforme do vlastnictvi näsledujici nemovitosti ziskane vyku- pem od shorauvedenehor vlastmkä v katasträlnim üzemi: 3:rtc'cvlcu 1 / r. .• -: 1^ -J"'^ .A£tur: Czec::o\7icz:."v c> opol.v v/hiSJe ü^. vXw. hu -M_ y^ i'cTcn.^iO ooroci v l.vv V^ X r GoJuvic i'uh -t •- '» tcdy nemovitosti v celkovo vymefe • • ha. Podrobny soupLs nemovitosti budc vyznacen pri odevzdani tohoto objektu v pfislus- nem protokolu. e • - • .• • ■■ Ühiada za takto pfidölovany majetok bude stanovena podle ustanoveni § 9, odst. 1 shora uvedcneho zakona dodatecne a Ccskoslovenske statni statky, närodni podnik se zavazuji stanovenou ühradu zaplatiti do pfislusneho fondu reformy. ^■^'^^M. f I ■^J**-**. "^V-y W» 1*141 -«■**.. Pvlinistorstvo zemedelstvi si vyhrai^uje provedeni dodateönych zmön ve vymezenl ne- mavitosti a event. dodatecne zfizeni nutnych sluiebnosti na pfidfelovan^ch n'eino\cil(x?tech/ jakoz i vräceni vy5e pfidelovanych nemovitosti na pozädäni, bude-li v budoucnu vyiadovati vefejny zäjem jejich pouziti jinym zpüsobem pro üöely pozemkovych reforem. Dojde-li k vrä- ceni nemovitosti takto pfidölcnych Csl. stätnim statküm, närodni podnik pro ücely pozem- kovych reforem, bude podniku nahrazen podil investic a jinych uzitccnych näkladü, pokud nebudou vyuzity. IDznaceni^ kupce na inventäf, zäsoby a zafizeni provede kraisky närodni vybor V ~ podle vyhlääky 6. 1447/48 Ü. 1. I. (vlädni nafizeni c. 116/1949 Sb., pfiloha A, polozka 5). Odevzdäni pfidelenych nemovitosti a zafizeni provede — provedt — zästupce kraj- skeho närodniho vyboru, ref. IX/4c v ?• t!:rJ.,z. ke dni l-^-i-i-iri,.., 1949. c * Pfi odevzdäni pfidelovanych nemovitosti budou tez provedena potfebnä opatfeni vyplyvajici z pfipadneho zruseni närodni sprävy zavedene podle dekretu c. 5/45 Sb. Zejmena nutno provesti opatfeni tykajici se pfevodu zamestnancü na pfidelovanych nemovito&tech z dosavadniho sluzebniho pom^ru do noveho pomeru u pfidelce nebo pfipadneho skonceni to- hoto sluzebniho pomeru. '<; 1! 0 . Za ministra: Ing. Vyleta v. r. Za sprävnost/vyhotoveni © I • I ! „. I 1 fi Soddlvtlnf velkootatku byval4ho majitele Dr. Arth\ira CeooBOwioaljy a «pol, otÄtnim leoüm a otatkftm za pfftonmootii Za Si.31 i-odit«! Jakuboo a eprtfvoa Jan VÄlak Za majitelei Dr» üalcar CBecßOwlozloa Pfodn3t<3ia leHndrd bylo zjl»tönl ßdeob a dl« ooontol byl pfereat* Z d B 0 h j t 'i !* jojich hodnot a nrtvj' Inventrfl^ »•■Mi FÖ«nloe 2lto Je6men I tf • 394,4 q a 403 n ttm 98,6 q ft 200 pJhCpl«na 100 q uen*08lva I If. 170,- q a II tf. 16,— q a 200 I tf. 648,— q a 410 II tf. 162,- q a 870 na vi2n«OBivo I IÖSb 158.943,20/^ 19.780,— / ,600 — / 200,- q 0,40q 3,60q pHpl Ovos Len (eameno) Hräob drobnozxnn:^ l,30q Travnü seiaeno 0,40q Sntöska 4,40q Brambory rann^ 24, — q Brainbory pozdnl 586, 50q S&no luW sladSlOO, — q Jetel aemen* 70,— q SliSma stol«a knu«6«500q Pokrutiny bavl. 115, — q VÄpno amon. 25,50q Draaelnä s&l 21,— q Tiiom.xouSliB. 165, 25q ChlAymtsirm. JiQö tSsr a ilpmpost ^ 200 ttx a Uhli kamerm^ 5er«150,9Öq a Dfevo palivov^ 35, — plm al58 Mairta 400,— It a 6 PetroleJ 700,— It a 6 Benzin U^» — ^^ * Vaselina 10,— kg a Dffvl koHf .u^it. 4 plm a 3.150, 186. 883. gO 61j600^ 358.668. 58 .460 , 704,— /f 786 ,70 // 760,— /^ 1.848, 50.040. 55.ÖÖÖ 11.900, 4ja»T6ee7-- 17 .250 , — v/^ 7.996,80-/" 18.342,70^ " g. ^ a 1.800,-3^ a 0,50^" a ^,— v" a 300 , — - '' -7.; TT :5 m 1 l/2m5 5 m 5Ü ks :jO k3 4 ka W 4.410, — / ^^ /"^ 374«—/ 12.600, — v/ 1,000, — / 1.500, — / 9.300,— 5.520, — /' 5.040,— 3.C00, — 0.000, — 750,— i.20Ü. — A-i.s:.o / pfenos l,ö61.«öV,^0-o^ \ ■f *T •»i ^ ^a^ ^^ 0 i I I «ai fer4 1 8 6. J 6 5. 2 ü 6 7. 6 'J J. U J -'j 5 8. 6 6 - / O )/ 5 6. 'O vj ; ) 7 -»4 u 'J / .-5. 5 O d.Q ' J / 7 2 a. 7 o/ 7 6 vJ. O J/ 1. 8 4 a O J /' 5 ■-». 04 O. ü 0/ 4 6 5. 0 ■} / 4 6 5. Ü 'J /- 4 6 5. O O O. O Jv 1 1. y 6 ü, O J^ 4 2 x.\ 5 U o. O ,)/. 1 7. 2 5 a O ;/ 7. Q 9 ö. 8 )/ 3. 7 5 1.7 >/ 1 8. :-5 4 ^. 7 V 8. O U J. Q ..)-• ^ £, U \^ ^. u 1 6. 1 5 ) '.) O. O > j } ^j 1 1 /. o. ) 8 -^. o J 4 j > 'j. j 4 9. I ^ /. o > H- I. '^ 8. --^ ^ O. U 1 I v^ 5. 7 1 .6. 1 o a >/ > Q 'S, O .^-^ a 5 (5 5. 6 :> • 4 9. -3 5 5. O )/ 11.52 O. O ) / 9 5. 2 •>> J. O )^ y ' 11.^.^ i-> O, U ^ / 6 R 6. 4 J o. '^ '/ >/ » V t / / / V> / "> ( -) 5 8 O © I Vi I ! 9 m - 2 • r « • • • Len s« ««Btnaa i^OO q a 4769-» Kö« ••••••«••• i^ 150*000t— >/* Hepa )anmii noaklt&and HmbOö q a Köa 45t--..^«* ••••• t, ll':;«5G0,— / • l(9pa oukrovka neakllftend dohodou eflohov^ma 250 q na ha sby%alc liude ir^dotovdn po «ikjü/ml t*j« 45^76 ha a Z50 q /« / t.J* ll*440vq a Kfi« 60«-^w^»^*«**«****«*«***** •• "686*400,— /* Ki3iin 100 leg a 2£,— Ipta •*,«x;«***.>*«****« •*•* / ä*r:oo»— /• Jetal ö«nr«n^ 440 ks a XSs oa,— »^**»*»**,****«^^*******^>iY.oftf.-^,ooci>— . ^ » / napka OKija^ t^ebiSokzl kxai«r>i 5 q a K5a 9e0y~^*******«,» 2«940| — ^^^ »^ Neaklla«!^ a^oby v wtfijwi4§ •••••^•••»,r«***';\*****»«**«*« .li6«000««-» * fodoltka |>&ay 136,66 ha a K68 360,~» %i*«*.*.*** »*V .»^. *•••••• . 8*000, —>^* Hnojeni k aeti (ui&6K hnojlva) ••••• ••*•* . 11«005,70 ß Hnojenf clrat^v.isrvou k seti •••••^••U***/^:* ••• • ^M^aftO,«« ^* ^ ^irtr-V r-v Jlrtv"/ inventdf prevaat dlo prlLoi&Gn^o aoupiou v conö Köa ' )523*45<», lisdatapca laajiteln :ir*OBkar CsQozowloi&ka podotykti, £0 t^wiebnf p^adpis na hosp.xok 1948/4«. Jäa,jiolüLÄ<\ni ho-fcovOHt k 1*10 ♦1048 ßlnlla dl© pokladnl knlhy ^a ^d*o/>0;30 Z ^ >? t^"? 31con5eno proSteno a podepo^not ^^ ^^^ j^A^> ^ ^^ Ss :.I>:jj rcdltol Jakaboo Jakubec v*r* i,- ^.,. H öprtivce Jan ViüLck Jan Vitlek v#r« 1:1a xaajltelet L^r« ^Jekar »^seocowioalast o v:/hn"idoii J^)7 V Oloraoucl iia i^'ocjif eprXvui Jan ^^^lok v.r* I MMMMH 1.' * V \ Pf jiloha z^pisu o pfevzetf pftdy# ^ j *•< * * \ ■\ t ■ I •■ S o u p i s pfevzatÄio ziv^ho inventdfe ke dni l.fijna 1948 Velkostatek: Bartoäovice . Vlastnik: Dr.Arthur Czeczowiczka Oaoba hoapodsuc-lcl: Jan V^lek njir.spr Objekt; Z^ecky dv&r Vell */ 4». / I i I - 1 - ölslo PoSet Druh. Bli&äf oana6enl rokCi Tflda ocen Celkovd cena KSs Z d m e c k ^ d V fi r i 9 IV a 17^000,-^ 1 1 köh valach,ryz^ Z 1 »• vsLLach , hn§d^ 15 III b ISoOOO,— 3 1 • valax^yryzäQc 7 V a 12^000,~ 4 1 ff kliRna>ryr.ka 14 V a 7.000,—^ 5 1 • n kllsna y bSlouä 4 n c 82.000,— 6 - 1 n kllsna»'bäloaä 5 III c 20.000, — y • 7 1 n • vBlach>rysMÜc 7 III b 22.000, -r^ 8 1 f» valachyxyzäQc 7 III b aä.ooo,— ^ 9 1 n valach., bnSd^ 6 IV b 16.000, — • 10 1 ff valach»ryz^ 7 V ou 12.000,-^'^'' XL 1 1» valach. »ryz^ 7 HI a 22.000,-^ 12 1 » valach yPyz^k 7 III b 22.000,-^ 13 1 n kliBna,hnßdka 4 in c 20.000,--/ 14 1 ff klisna , hn&dka 5 III c 20.000, — ;/ 15 1 hl^fbS kllBna,hnöclka 1- 1/2 III c 8.000, — V e 1 k :? d V ü r : vaJLa ch , hned^ S5 V c 3.000,»-^. 16 1 kfin 17 1 n ' klisna, hnSdka 10 IV c 18.000,— 18 1 n kl i Bna , ryzka 12 V • b 12.000, — 290.000, — / TT-i , r-r- r , ^ _ I ^: / *■ c / / / .:■' / ; i ^ / // ^wA« / '/ ./ f ^ - E - B5ä* Poöet Druh BliäSl oznagenl St^f Tflda VÄia irokCl acdri» v kg Cena Celkov)^ cena za £Ss iÄ Z^mecky dvflrt 1 Z 3 4 5 .6 7 8 9 10 •11 .12 13 . U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 kr^VB. väAX n n n n n n n n n n n n uzit n n n n n n n n n 10 5 6 8 6 8 10 8 1/48 bf ♦ 111/ 3 br. IV/ 7 br* V/16 bf . VI/55 pf . VII/102 pf . VIII/116 IX/ 4 X/ 22 otel. 6 XI/ 17 pf. 10 XII/148 pf . 6 XIII/ 59 otel.lO XIV/ 23 XV/ 43 otel. 8 XVI/ 63nepfip.8 XVII/ 21 bf . XVIII/25 bf. XXX/ 50 pf . XX/ 10 otel. 7 XXI/ 88 pf . XXII/126 bf . XXIII/ 8 bf . XXIV/138 bf . XXV/ 14 bf . XXVI/125 bf . XXVn/ 46 pf . XXVIII/15 bf. XXIX/ 53 bf . XXX/127 pf . XXXI/ 12 bf o III/20 6E0 1/20 665 11/10 480 III/20 475 I/IO 640 11/10 540 III/20 540 11/20 530 1/20 580 I 530 11/10 550 11/10 570 IV 550 11/20 500 I 680 9 1/20 630 7 1/20 650 9 III/IO 530 7 11/20 540 8 11/20 600 6 1/20 500 5 1/20 510 5 1/20 570 6 1/20 510 7 III/IO 490 6 i/io 590 8 1/20 550 5 11/20 520 6 Vio 570 6 11/10 570 402.172, « I - 3 - Bi^.PoSet Druh cla. Bli2äl ozna5eni St^l Tflda V^ha rokCl ocen. v kg I 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 40 41 42 * 43 '.44 45 '46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 «.* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cena Celkovi^ cena za. KÖs m m jat. mit. n krdva uÄlt. XXXII/ 28 bf • • » XXXIII/ 51 bf . XX)CIV/103 XXXV/ 64 bf . XXXVI/ 30 pf . XXXYII/ 54 bf . XXXVIII/ 40 bf . XXXIX/ 29 bf . XV 31 bf . XLI/ 61 pf . XLIl/65 XLIII/ 33 pf. XLTV/ 19 pf . XLV/ 5 pf . XLVI/ 32 pf. XLVIII/ 6 otel, 1/ 94 pfip. LI/ 38 pfip. LII/ 13 LIII/ 60 LTV/ 18 pfip. LV/ 11 bf . LVI/ 39 bf . LVII/ 42 otel LVIII/ 58 bf . UX/ 2 bf . IX/ 56 otel 1X1/ 41 bf . 1X11/ 52 IXIII/ 45 I» jat iizit. jat 8 6 8 7 5 8 6 7 7 6 9 6 6 8 8 7 7 6 10 7 6 9 6 6 6 11/10 1/20 III 11/10 11/10 1/20 I 1/20 1/20 I/IO I/IO 11/10 III/20 I/IO 11/10 11/20 II II II HI III/IO 11/20 1/20 11/20 II/IO 1/20 1/20 1/20 II III 580 510 560 580 550 580 610 530 550 650 590 650 570 630 500 570 550 500 550 630 510 500 660 570 570 590 520 600 570 540 22,80, 27,—/ 18,—/ 22,80, 22,80 27,—. 23, — 27 ,— 27 y — 25 , — 25 ,— T 22,80. 21,— 25,— 22,80y 24,60 21,— 21, — 21,— 18,— 19 ,5a 24,60 27,— 24,60 22,80 f 27,—, 27,— 27 , — 21rW 18 r— 13.224 13.770 10.080 13.224 12.540 15.660 14.030 14.310 14.850 16.250 14.750 14.820 11.970 15.750 U.400' 14.022 11.550 10.500 11.550 11.340 9.945 12.300 17 .820 14.022 12.996 15.930 14.040 16.200 11.970 9.720 400.533, acaE r ^ f iKM\{ ^fii \^Nj; v^ m^- . . / / / / / / / / / / I I - 4 - Po^et Druh Bll&Sl oznaSenf QX4±± Tffda Vdlia Oena Celkovä cena i Öls. rokft ocen. V kg za K58 • 1 kK V e 1 k 3f d V (t r t kr^va \2z±t. • 1/ 81 prip. 8 • 11/10 515 22 »80 11.742,- 1 1 /' 2 3 1 1 n n/iso 111/ 80 bf . 6 n III/20 410 485 21,~ 21,-r 8.610,- 10.185,- 4 4 1 n m 1 V/206 br. 6 III/20 420 21,~ 8.820,- 5 1 n m V/ 70 br. 5 I/IO 475 25,—*^ 11.875,- 6 1 n m VI/149 otel. 8 III/20 390 21,- 8.190,- 7 1 ff m VII/106 bf. 9 11/20 490, 24,60 12.0^4,- 8 1 ff m VIII/117 bf . 7 IV/10 440 18,40^ 8.096,- 9 1 ff • jat^ ' IX / 99 IV 400 14,~ 5.600,- J «i 10 1 H uzit^ . X/ 86 bf . 9 11/10 480 22,80 10.ft44,- 4 •11 1 19 dat^ XI/ 81 III 480 18,— 8.640,- 0 12 * 1 m uzit* XII/134 pfip. 9 III 400 18,— 7.200,- ./ 13 1 m jat» XIII/ 71 III 440 18,— 7.920,- 14 • 1 » VLZlt. XIV/105 pfip. 8 11/10 490 22,80 11.172,- 15 16 1 1 m n jat^ uzit* XV/112 XV 1/143 pfip. 8 in III 420 380 16,— 18, -r- 7.560,- 6.840,- 17 1 m ff XVII/ 88 bf . 6 II/IO 510 22,80 11.628,- 18 1 m ff XV 111/ 77 bf . 10 in/io 450 19,50 8.775,- ./ 19 1 m ff XTV135 8 11/10 490 22,80 11.172,- 20 1 m jÄt* XX/202 . 11 380- 21,-^ 7.980,- J 21 1 m \2Z±t. XXi/ 87 7 II/IO ' 400 22,80 • 9.120,- f 22 1 m ff XXII/133 pfip. 7 II/IO 450 22,80 10.260,- 23 1 ff ff XXin/ 66 bf . 8 III/IO 400 19,50 7.800,- ^ / 24 1 ff ff XXIV/126 pfip. 7 . i/io 470 25,— 11.750,- /^ 25 1 ff ff XXV/ 97 pfip. 6 II 530 21,—. 11.130,- 26- 1 ff ff XXVi/ 92 bf . 7 . iii/io 465 19,50 9.06^.50 / 27 1 ff ff xxvii/n8 bf. • 10 11/10 520 22,80 ■^ 28 29 1 1 ff ff \xz±t. XXVIII/ 72 XXlX/139 bf . 7 n II/IO 490 400 21,— 22,80 10.290,— 9.120,— 30 1 ff XXX/ 67 8 III/IO • 470 19,50 s 9.165,— 9 '/ 1 m 284.291, 5C 1 ) »V • I I Öls Poöet Druh - 5 - B112S1 oznaSen:£ rokfi. ocen VdOia Gena Celkov^ c«ia V kg za Kös 1 1« 31 38 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ■42 43 44 45 46 '47- 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jxy€ X jetu» » ui^it n 1» n m n m n w n jat* n uzit n jato n Tizit n jat* n uzit n m ff $9 ff n ff Jat* ff uzit ff m ff jat* ff uzit n m ff w ff w ff 9 f» m ff m ff m ff ff jat XXXI/ 91 XXXII/104 XXXIII/ 79 XXXIV/204 XXXV/ 26 XXXVl/129 XXXVIl/205 XXX7III/ 34 XXXIX/207 LX/ 89 XLI/ 90 XLIl/145 XLIII/144 XLIV/ 37 XLV/ 76 XLVl/208 XLVII/ 95 XLVIII /203 XLIX/201 1/ 57 LI/100 LH/ 75 LIII/ 69 LIV/ 74 LV/110 LVI/ 49 LVII/ 20 LVIII/ 96 Lix/ns LX/147 IV pfip. 7 II bf. 8 II/IO bf. 4 II/IO 8 III bf. 9 III/IO II bf. 8 1/20 III 6 III/IO * III pfip. 9 III/20 7 IV/10 bf. 5 11/20 bf. 8 III/IO III 7 11/20 bf. 4 III/IO III pfip. 8 III/20 pfip. 8 11/20 pfip. 7 II pfip. 6 II bf. 6 III/20 pfip. 5 III/IO 5 III bf. 7 11/20 bf. 5 III/IO : 5 III/IO III 330 520 380 460 400 440 440 515 410. 360. 470 430 370. 430 470 380 470 460 460 400 560 430 550 410 510 430 590 450 470 410 14 21 22 22 18 19 21 27 18 19 18 21 18 24 19 18 24 19 18 21 24 21 21 21 19 18 24 19 19 18 80 80 50 50 40 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 50 4.620 10.920 8.664 10.488 7.200 8.5§p 9.240 13.905 7.380 7.020 8.460 9.030 6.808 10.578 9.165 6.840 11.562 8.970 8.280 8.400 13.776 9.030 11.550 8.610 9.945 7.740 14.514 8.775 9.165 7.380 276.595, CS / I vW\iC) ajU\ W\t wJ' \\K \ '.0 I I - 6 - BöS. Poöet Druh 51b. Bll^äf oznaöeni St^f rokCL Tf£da ocen* Välba Cena Celkovt^ cena V kg za K&s 1 LuSnl dv-Cirt 1 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 •13 U '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,29 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jal*uzlt rt 1/ pfip II prip III prip IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX X)C XXI XXII xjaii xnv XXV XXVI XXVII xxvni XXDC XXX prip pfip pfip pfip 2 2 2 3/4 1 1/2 2 2 1 3/4 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3/4 1 Z 3/4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1/2 1 1/2 2 III/IO III/IO III/IO VJ/ III/IO III/IO III/IO III/IO IV IV III/IO III/IO rv II II III IV III II IV II III/IO III/IO n/io III/IO 11/10 III . III III/IO II 390 430 350 190 330 350 340 280 180 220 320 240 220. 330 430 310 180 280 380 380 360 290 300 380 280 400 300 320 310 300 20 20 20 16 20 20 20 20 16 16 20 20 16 22 22 19 16 19 22 16 22 20 20 23 20 23 19 19 20 22 60 y 60 60/ 60 60, 60 60 60 60 60 90 60 90 60 8.034 8.858 7.210 3.040 6.798 7.210 7.004 5.768 2.880 3.520 6.592 4.944 3.520 7.260 9.460 5.890 2.880 5.320 8.360 6.080 7.920 5.974 6.180 9.082 5i768 9.560 5.700 6.080 6.386 6.600 / / / / 7 / ff / ff" / J /. 1 / / / / / / ./ ./ / m 189.968, I I • p - 7 - B62. Poöet Druh 61s. Bliääl oznaöenl Stäff THda V^Öia rokft. ocen* v kg 31 sa 33 34 35 36 ;37 '38 39 40 "41 .42 ■43 • 44 .45 46 47 48 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 jal.uäit w XXXI XXXII xxxin XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII prip XXXIX XL XLI XLII XLIII pfip XLIV . XLV XLVI XLVII XLVIII 3/4 1 1 1 1 1/2 2 2 2 13/2 3/4 1 2 2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 IV III III III/IO III/IO III III/IO III rv III II III/IO III III III III III/IO 170 220 230 190 270 320 280 350 250 300 230 400 430 300 250 230 240 350 Geam Celkov^ cena za K5s 16 19 19 19 20 20 19 20 19 16 19 22 20 19 19 19 19 20 f. V 60/ 60/ 60 / 60 60 2.720 4.180 4.370 3.610 5.662 6.592 5.320 7.210 4.750 4.800 4.370 8.800 8.858 5.700 4.750 4.370 4.560,- 97.642, y /' / y / y y \ 's \\ - '; ^^ ■ ^ t i I i p ' - 8 - B§i&. PoÖet Druh Hb* Bll^äi oznaSenf Z d m e o la f dv-Cir: 1 1 hfisi chovtiof Velkj^ dv-CiPt XLIX/1 1 1 b^k jateSnj^ V el k :f d V ü r : / LXl/8 1 1 vftl y 2 1 •^fil taänj^ ' lÄii/ 3 1 .» n ixiii 4 1 n n / I4XIV 5 1 » n IXV 6 1 » n um: • 7 1 » n , IXVII Z ä •z d m e c ^f d V (1 r : / •1 1 tele ssav^ 1 1 1» n 1 1 • » • I 1 ff « » 1 1 m » 6 1 m >f V e 1 k 2^ d V • •& r : / 1 1 w n 2 1 n >f 3 1 , » f» 4 1 • n » 5 1 ; » » 1 6 1 w 19 7 1 m n Zdmeck^ dvflrt St^f Trfda V^öia iroku ocen* v kg l«M^M^ Cena Celkov;^ cena za EÖ8 ,■1. 1*^X1 I ■ ■ ■ 4 III/30 800 21,60y 17.280, / II 700 400 5 III/IO 590 6 11/10 540 4 II/lö 660 3 III 400 9 IV/IO 630 8 III/IO 680 I 90 II 60 II 80 II 80 II 60 III 40 II 70 II 60 I 87 II 53 I 100 I 100 III 50 r _ '" " ^^ ,-^-i/.i ^ f / 21,50, 15.050, ,-y 32.330, .— jf/ 7.376, / 20,60/ 12.154, * 23,90. 12.906, 23,90 15.774, 19,— 7.600j " /' 17,30, 10.899, / 20,60 > 14.008, 80.717, j—— *\^' .QBr^^f''MA^-^P^ r-'./? Icc j2*r5^-:^^' 1*889-, —^-^^^ :j 0 o.^fc 11 telat odstavöat V IV/10 2010 *7,30 , 34.773,— y I I I - 9 - •Sfs. ■ Poöet Druh BT 1 i^iSf oznaSenjC StdiH Tffda rokA ocen* • Vj£ha V kg Z ä m e c k 2^ d V & r t III l 1 Vepi^ • 172 t 1 m * III 127 s 1 n III 117 4 1 w ^ n 95 5 1 n # III 120 6 1 m • 1 II 105 7 1 m in 115 e 1 f» • * III 115 9 1 m • III 125 1Ö 1 w • II 105 .11 1 m II 90 12 1 f» •• II 104 •13 1 f» I 62 U 1 w . II 107 15 X w II 85 16 1 n II 75 17 1 m I 64 18 1 f» « III 127 19 1 n • III 115 30 1 n I 55 31 1 m I 56 32 1 n I 40 33 1 f • I 40 34 • 1 m II 80 25 • 1 w • II 80 36 • 1 n II 74 37 1 w • 1 II 83 38 1 m f 1 II 83 ^ 1 m II 93 50 • 1 n II 81 I Cena Celkcyv^ za E60 1 kg 32 32 32 29 32 29 32 32 32 29 29 29 26 29 29 29 26 32 32 26 26 26 26 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 50 50 •/ 50 50 50 50/- 50 ^ / 50. / 50 50. 50 50/ 5a 50 5a / 5.504 4.064 3.744 2.802 3.840 3.097 3.680 3.680 4.000 3.097 2.655 3.068 1.612 3.156 2.507 2.212 1.664 4.064 3.680 1.430 1.456 1.040 1.040 2.360 2.360 2.183 2.448 2.448 2.743 _/ SO / ,- / 50 r / 50/ / 50^^, / 50 50 50 50 ST) ./ ./ ,/ / y ./ / 84.ft38, - \ 1 I I H*^ • ß' \ v -lÖ - Sestavenf Strana 1 Strana 2 Strana 3 Strana 4 Strana 5 Strana 6 Strana 7 Strana 8 Strana 9 17 konf 1 hflbö 3o krav 30 Icrav 30 kxa:/ 30 krav 120 krav 30 jalovic 18 jalovic 48 jalovic 3=ae 2 byky 7 volü xa 6 telat ssavych 7 telat ssavj^ch 33=3^ 13 telat ssavy ^-y + 11 telat odslfevöat KSa 34.773 30 vepfü / ar^s •/ K5s 84.128 r^ririT, aac s Rekapitulac tf-yac 17 konf a 1 hffb$ K5s 290 .000 120 krav KSs 1,363.591,50 48 jalovic Kös 2 b^ci Kös 7 volft KSs 13 telat ssavych KSs 11 telat odstavöat .•••..••••... Kös 30 vepf^ Kös Öh 287.610 32.330 80.717 "' 21.585 34.773 84.128 r n e m t Kös 2,194.734,50 7 I I ( Pfiloha zdpisu o pfevzetf pfidy» S o u p i s pfevzat^o mrtv^ho inventäfe a jin^ho zaflzeni'ke dni l#fijna 1948 i . Velkoatatek: Bartoöovice na Morave Vlastnik: Dr. Arthiir Uzeczov/iczka Osoba hospodaficf : Jan Valek n^r.spr Objekt: Zamecky dvCir Velky dv&r Lucni dv&r \ I > \ I I - 1 - I Blin6 PoSet Diruh . cialo Veliko3t,v^- konnost a pod» Celkovjf stav 1 7 2 6 3 7 4 20 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 2 9 2 10 1 11 1 12 4 13 5 14 4 15 1 16 1 17 3 18 1 19 2 20 2 21 1 22 1 23 2 24 8 25 1 26 2 27 1 28 3 29 2 30 3 3 St^l Cena rokft zsl kus 2 radl.obracäky 1 radl* s koleSky 2 radliSn(5 zelBzn6 jednotliv^ 4 dfln^ Jsele2#zavlaöovac£ 4 dfln^ zelez.tSzaf 4 diln^ zelez#,nov^ 4 dJiln^ äelez#tez3J[ 3 diln^ zelez* 4 diln^ zelez#leh6f ,nov^ draten^ , obilnü 3 dfln^ zelez#hladkd,nov^ krouzkov^ , äelez • j ezkov^ , zelez • m 7 hroty 9 hroty rozmetadla hnojiv o s£ff Sm väerob 3 radlicny^zelez» seci stro;je zn •Unikum Melichar 24 f^d secf stirooky jetel£ky,nov^ seci strojek na zahrad^semena plecka jednoparovd , zelezna plecky 3 fddkov^ , j ednokonsk^ oborävaSe braiiibor,zelez» samovaza5 zn^Lanz za traktor,? samovazy zn^Oormick za traktor Q samovaz zn • Lanz > konsky , 5 zaci stroje obilnf zn^Deering äacl stroje travnl zn^Khotek zacl stroje travnf zn#Deering pluhÄ pluhft. pliih-Ci bran brdny bräny bräny bräny brdny bräny brany välce välcjü. välce kultivdtor kultivdtor 750 200 300 50 250 300 900 300 250 900 100 2.600 340 200 250 250 500 600 2.000 960 180 2.000 2.400 150 11.000 10.000 6.500 3.000 2.500 2.800 A Celkovä cena Kös i«Mi*> y* 5.250 1.200 2.100 1.000 250 600 2.700 600 500 900 100 10.400 1.700 800 250 250 1.500 600 4.000 1.920 180 2.000 4.800 1.200 11.000 20.000 6.500 9. 000 5.000 8.40b y / y y j J y y y 104.700,-/ 3S=S I I % % - 1 - cislo Poöet Druh Velilco3t,v3^- konnost a pod Celkovy stav St^f Cena rokCi za kus Celkovä cena Kös f 1 7 8 6 3 7 4 20 5 1 6 d 7 3 8 8 9 Z 10 1 U I 12 4 13 5 14 4 15 1 16 1 17 3 18 I 19 2 20 2 21 1 22 1 23 2 24 8 25 1 26 2 27 1 28 3 29 2 30 3 3 2 radl#obracäky 1 radl# s koleSky 2 radliön^ zelezn6 jednotliv^ 4 dlln^ Äelez#zavla5ovacf 4 dfln^ zelez*t§z3f 4 diln^ zelez*,nov^ 4 dfln^ ^6lez»tezdj[ 3 diln^ zelez« 4 diln^ zelez#leh6d[,nov^ draten^ , obilnf 3 dfln^ zelez»hladkd,nov^ krouzkov^ f äelez # j ezkov^ y zelez # 7 hroty 9 hroty rozmetadla hnojiv o slfi 3ni väerob 3 radlicny, zelez* secJL stroje zn •Unikum Melichar 24 fäd secf strojky jeteMky,novd secf strojek na zahrad.semena plecka jednoparovd, zelezna plecky 3 fddkov^ , j ednokonsk^ oboräva5e brambor, zelez • samovazaS zn^Ianz za traktor,? samovazy zn^Oormlck za traktor 3 aamovaz zn • Lanz ^ konskjf , 5 zacdC stroje obilnf zn^Öeering ^cl stiroje travnJC zn#Knotek zacl stroje travnf zn^Deering pluhü plxihü pliohii bran brdny brdny bräny bräny brdny brdny valce vdlce kultivtltor kultivdtor 750 200 300 50 250 300 900 300 250 900 100 2.600 340 200 250 250 500 600 2.000 960 180 2.000 2.400 150 11 .000 10.000 6.500 3.000 2.500 3.800 *^ 5.250 1.200 2.100 1.000 250 600 2.700 600 500 900 100 10.400 1.700 800 250 250 1.500 600 4.000 1.920 180 2.000 4.800 1.200 11.000 20 .000 .6.500 9.000 5.000 8.40b / y y y 104.700, 3ssr: - 2 - B&fcn^ Po6et Druh .öüslo Velikost v^konnost a podobne Celkov^ 3tav TCkÜ. Cena Celkovi^ cer za K$s kos 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 • 42 . 43 44 ■ 45 •- 46 47 .48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ÖO 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 a 1 z z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 mldticka mldticka ml^tiSka mläticka pohrabäS sena,kon3ky,novy pobrabäiö sdna^konsk^ pohrabäc Bena,konsky obraceSe sena^konak^ vyord[vaSe brambof,zn.Zellia,kon3k^ vyorävaöe brainbor,I»K 20 konak^ ' mläticka zn.Schindlerworth 42 's lisem zn.IOLin^er bez lisu 48' zn.Lanz s lisem 48' zn.»Lariz 28' na len cisticl stanice s elektroinotoran vykulovac Icrouhaclcy na f epu traktor zn*Hanomaß eis • 19259 50 HP traktor zn^Buldog 45 HP traktor zn^Deutz 50 HP plvihy trak* 3 radlicn^ pltih trak* 6 radlicny brdny trak» 6 diln^,zelezn^ brany talf fov^ , traktorov^ vyoriivac brambor,traktorovy vleöka vlecka vleöky vleöka vleöka gunäcek vozJÜk voznice (gumak) (gumäky) (gumclk) bez obruSl (gumäk) bez diskCi a obruöji lehöl pSrovf do 5q zelezn^ 3.617 1.000 800 1.000 2.500 2.200 19 .200 22.000 20.000 12.000 500 5.000 300 250 10.000 40.000 35.000 2 .500 4.000 600 1.200 2.600 18.000 12.000 8.000 1.500 1.500 2.000 400 750 3.617 1.000 800 3.000 5.000 4.400 19.200 22.000 20.000 12.000 500 5.000 300 75.0 10.000 40.000 35.000 5.000 4.000 1.200 2.400 2.600 18 .000 12.000 24.000 1.500 1.500 2.000 400 1.500 258.667, *'. 4 -I ^1 n BSin4 PoSet Druh Sfslo - 3 - Velikost v^^konnost a po- dobnS Oelkovj^ stav Stä[fl Cena rokü ssa kUB Celkov^ cena Kös 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 •73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 2 13 2 1 2 2 1 11 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 10 1 vozy , f ebf iruQjy vo zd y kas t l^kü vozy,bednäky bryöka vozy za traktor sane koSärov^.lehöl sane koc^ov^|äviD&£ tezsf trakaM na hnüj kolecka voziky na vozenl krmiva voziky na pytle (pro sy^iky) vyvijec pdry,pojj[zdriy(bez roätu) elelctromotory 4 HP elektromotory 3 HP • elektromotor 28 HP elektromotor "Slcrat" 40 HP- cerpadlo na mocüvku,rriotorov^ vyJLUk Klinger a rourami vyfuk Mellensis s rourami srotovnlk kladivkoyy parak na brambory s prackou brus na rucni pohon cirkulärka s reservnlm kotou6em vaha na väzeni dobytka do 5q decimalndC v^üiy decimalnl väha decimalnl väha obchodiil vi^ha kusü r&z*clxob*z^vazjC okleätövaS f epy 850 800 1.500 1.200 1.800 750 1.000 50 70 150 200 500 1.000 1.600 16 .000 19.000 1.450 800 700 7.500 700 300 600 1.600 300 800 250 80 50 500 X s 1.700 10.400 3.000 1.200 3.600 1.500 1.000 550 70 300 400 500 2.000 3.200 16 .000 19.000 1.450 800 700 7.500 700 300 600 1.600 900 800 250 30 50 500, — ' 80.600,— / / / / 0 y /■ / y / / / / / - 4 - Bd&i^ PoSet Druh .ölslo Velikost vj^konnost a podob» Celkov^ stav Stäfl Cena rokCi za kus Celkov^ cena Kös 91 92 93 94 98 99 100 101 102 •103 104 105 106 107 l08 109 110 112 113 114 •115 116 117 118 119 120 16 12 1 1 95 8 96 45 97 16 2 5 1 217 85 70 70 65 41 45 12 21 27 5 25 132 7 2 4 8 5 22 2 m konakych postrojü kopletnich volskych postroj"R kompletn:£ch postro j e chomoutkov^ » ko6^rov4 postroje pr3ni,koö^ov^ chomoutu mChradnich fetezft,ruznych provazü pav^zakft pokryvky na kone| (hoxme) vozovych plachet vozova plachta impregnovanä dloub^lrfi na f epu motycek na okop^vku f epy motycek k jednocendC repy dloubäka na ostl vidll ctyfhrotych vidli podävkovych lopat (rCizn^) krumpäcft. videl bramborovych vidll na f epu hrabi zeleznych . hirabi dfevenych no^iü a srp-Ci na f epu koa naberacky na moSüvku df even^ lopaty na obilf kroplcich konev • . motj^öek na len , ryce dren^znl % 650 300 1.500 21000 250 10 10 250 100 600 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Z Z' '/^ y 10.400 3.600 1.500 2.000 2.000 450 160 500 500 • 600 1.085 425 350 350 0 325 205 225 60 105 135 25 125 660 35 10 20 40 25 HO 10 26.035,- y y y y / / / / y y. / y / y I II - 5 - h^zn4 PoSet Druh ..Sislo Vellkost vykonnost a podob. Celko-vy St^i Gen& stav rok& za kus Celkovä cena K68 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 1 1 1 203 4 25 7 12 9 2 2 1 1 18 2 5 5 128 6 1 mftökadlo na brambory ruönl ptimpa na vodu strikaöka na postf ik ovocnj^ch stromCi retezüjUvazovdücCi mlxy na ml^ko kbelikti na ml^ko kbellkü na krmenf ml.dobytka stoliöek na dojenl * akf Inf na krmivo cednlky na ml^ko chladiöe na ml^ko klec na praaata psaci stojan kosü proutenych zebriky koäCi zelezai^ch mfrek na obili pytlft jutov^ch laSdänsfch kotllkü pär zebfin 5 200 150 5 5 10 5 5 50 3 100 150 20 5 10 10 10 20 100 400 / y y / 6 .335 , l fi ff / . ♦/ - 6 - Böfai^ Pocet Druh 619I0 Velikost Gelkovy Stäfl Gena vykonnost stav rokft za a podob» Icos Dilensk^ n^üraidi a zaffzenl kovämy: 1 1 elektomotor zn.Müler (rnnfr^k 2 1 elektromotor ( amfr»kotouö) 3 1 Ventilator s elektromotorem 4 1 kopresor s elektromotorem 5 1 stroj na ohybänl räfu 6 1 kovadlina 7 1 vrta5ka ruSnx elektrickä 8 . 1 brousek ndhradnf 9 1 rohatina 10 1 vypalovaci cisla 1-10 11 2 zvedflky 12 1 . brus na ruSni pohon 13 28 kladivek r&z*velikostf ^ 14 16 rCiznych klxSü j 15 1 nfizky na plech 1 16 1 kleät§ konbinacky \ 17 1 pilka • 1 18 15 .prCibojnfkü 1 19 17 kiest l,rCiznych \ 20 1 kovilrska stolicka / 21 rCizn^ drobn^ n^fadi J 1.500, 750, 600, 1.500, 300, 150, 3.200, 70, 80, 10, 730, 300, Gelkovd cena KSs N /^ V 1.500, 750, 600, 1.500, 300, 150, 3.200, 70, 80, 100, 1.460, 300, 1.200, / 11.210, \SJ fX. ! ^'\>/A^ ^%^■^^ • .- »i I - 7 - BSzn^ Pocet Druh öfslo Velikost vykonnost a podob» Gelkov3^ stav St^f Cena rolcfi. za kus Gelkovä cena KSs Dilenske n^adl a zarizenf koldmy: 1 1 elektrcanotor z 1 pila pdaövd 3 1 soTiatruh na df evo 4 1 pila clrkul^rka 5 1 tesaf ald[ pila 6 13 r&zn^ch dMt 7 4 sokery 8 4 kolÄr.porlzy 9 1 svlakovnflf 10 Z klopkare 11- 2 rfmaovniky 12 1 uberak 13 11 diät k soustruh&m 14 1 15 1 . kolovrtCtek s f ehtackou 16 1 xucni vrlacka se sklfSidlem 17 1 amer.pat.spiilfr posuvnjf 18 Z dflensksJ. kladiva 19 1 sroubov^ klfö dvojit;^ 20 1 n&zky na plech a ocel 21 1 rovnobSz • sver^ 23 1 diamant k rez-^ni skia 23 1 dusnlk posuvn^ pila obloukovä BESKYD 24 1 25 rüiani^ dxobn^ näradl 1.600, 2.600, 200, 600, 1.600, 2.600, 200, 600, 3.800., ,x' / / 8 .800 , ^""-^"^^^ ^l kv^.^ ^2 1-9 - 8 - B^zn6 Poöet Druh • Sislo * Velikost vykonnost a podob» Sprdvni zaffzenft Celkov;^ stav Stdrl Cena 2^o^di za Icus Gelkov:^ cena K6s -- 1 8 z 8 3 8 4 1 5 8 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 3 16 1 17 1 18 1 19 1 20 8 81 Psaci stoly Psaci stoly Kanceldrske skfin§ Kanceläfskä skffn Xidli potazen^ kCizi Stolek na radio '3tolek tfinohy ^idle kuchynslol Öbchodni skr fn s psaci plochou Vesdkykovovy Pohovka Obraz Iviajolika Obraz Dr»E*Benese StalozÄm^ kanma s uhlakem a lopatkou Stolni kanceldfske lampy PsacJL stroj zn. Remington s podloz*a Nedobytn^ pokladna ^ tfSetnicka souprava ^ARv/il*^ 3 Pf iincni poldadna Svetelnd tSlesa KanceMf sk^ potf eby rCizn^ «• • 500,- 200," 400,- 300,- 650,- 60,- 15,. 30,. 150,- 30,- •150,- 200,' 50, .300 , 80, .168, .000, .000, 850, 60, I» 1.000 400 800 300 5.20(|) 60 15 30 150 30 150 800 50 1.300 840 9.168 4.000 3.000 25*0 180 650 / / / / / / 87.107, vMs^ !/^ (Mut. 'ig.V^- • • \ß - Rekapitulace Strana 1 K6a » .2 K53 ' » 3 Kcs » .4 KSs « » 5 "" K5s »• 6 Kcs « » 7 1 Kcs » 8 .7:.. Kcs * ■ ' ' ' Ü h r n e m : Kcs 104.700, 258.667, 8Ü . 600 , 26.035, 6.335, 11.210, 8.800, 27.107, 523.454, v( V Tonto opi>^ fotokopit- so- Mjsf doslovai C— : s l rj^:i I;o vy m. STÄTNI NOTÄiiSTVl V OPAVfi ■-.-<<■...... e V^jiis u uötu ke dni I I I 18. bfezna 1949* lörodni sprdva volkoctatku Dr. Arthure Czeczowiczky, BartoSovice, m dätl 3.10.48 5.10.48 9.10.48' 16.12.48 16.12.48 15.12.48 18.12.48 18,12.48 18.12.48 18.12.48 20.12.48 20.12.48 21.12.48 22.12.48 22.12.48 23.12.48 27.12.48 30.12.48 31.12.48 31.12.48 31.12.48 31.12.48 31.12.48 31,12.48 28. 2,49 28. 2.49 18. 3.49 18. 3.49 ^.V „/if^j I Dal: Saläb Ant» mzdy dd 30 SkläboT^ Ant» relutum dovolene do 30»9*1948 Albrecht Elek a Albfna mzdy do 30#9*4Ö Ralincirovä, vanocnf pffspevek do 30*9-48 Sloväci, Tyuctoraal mezd a Träceni kauce Pfepraya slovenkych zam^stnancü na Slovensko Cukrovar Vävrovice za pytle fepneho Gemetie Cukrovar VäTrovice za xaelasu Cxikrovar VävTovice .za pytle od cukru Cukrovar YäTTovico liroky Zäloha na dodanou fepu Zaloha na dodanych 550 kg fep» semene CSD Stiid^nka, dopravne Sloväkü Vanocnf prfspevek delnfkü do 50*.9.4Ö Yänocni pffspevek zamöstnancü ve vyissich sluzbäch Cära Josef, Kunin, kominickö prace do 30*9*48 Kujava Vlad» cestovne do Prahy Svaz chov, hospod* zvffectva, Brno, pfispevek 1948 Hospod, druzstvo Novy Ji6£n, za pohonne lätky do 30»9*4a Cukrovar Yävrovice, rozdfl vyuctovani fepy Novorocne delnfkün Relutua za branbory 1947-48 Srtt Frant, zastfelne do 30» 9» 1948 Hospod. druzstvo Novy Jißfn, cenovy rozdil u zimniho oleje Relutura dovolene d§lnlkü do 30»9»48 Relutum zam. ve vyssfch sluzbäch za dovolenou do 30»9»48 Saldo za zivy a mrtvy Inventar do soudniho deposita nirodnf sprrfvy velkostatku Dr» A* Czeczowlcky, Bart» 2 Saldo za zasoby a polnl investice k poukazu närodnf ^ sprave velkostatku Dr*A»Czeczowicky, Bartosovice I I 1*825#50 ; 300* — 1»656^20 549.— 68^584.~ 2*721*— 430.— 5*912.— 210*— 262.80 150.000^— 18.270.—- 5.092.50 41.513.!50 7.686.-— 1.058.7p 827.™ 1.600*-.)r 15.803.— 72.144*— 45.165*— 5.139.— 1.480.— 5.220.— 40.609.80 23.292.— ,718*188*50 i ( 5,775.810.10 7 / ^J^^s ^ f<>»kopie souUasI doslovnfe s pfedloien^m prvopiieo'ovfrtetjya-opise'i' __ZSll^^ strdnkov^m. STÄTNI NOTÄRSTVl 7^ OPAV£ J ^ I -^ • I » 1.10.48 1.10.48 5. 1.49 9. 1.49 7. 2.49 15. 2.49 Zivy a mrtry inventäf podle soupisu Zisoby a polni inveatico podle soupisu Hospod, dnizstvo Nov^ Jißiir' 100 podflü k 50 K5s OTOcnäfsk^ druistro Nov^ Ji6£n, 5 podflA a 50 Kcs Pfeplatek pozärniho pojiätenf Pfeplatek pozemkor^ dane za IV 5tvijtletf 1948 2»718»188.50 2,976.355.60 5.000. — 500.— 17.943.— 57.843.— / / / / / / 5,775.810.10 I '■/äuliL .. .. « ' '• t , , l'\ 'o. ..(j / ■I V Haduni dno 18. bfezna 1949* e tatek V Raduni, «; f 4 jSSk S A » i • *!• 2i*]Eritm 1990 • y/ftOMik» iQT ▼ BMt>icfiei»toi» JU^m likmOmBai V9wim 551/CB/9/5/5CH/VIII t» dtaMh XB«*2i»9«1990 ^•^•*w79i X • » 1 B • k OMtaTcOM? • Umi ^»^fffltirf ll£«Uk, P o I • a a VA 1 • S tf r A 2U« •B V Bu«0fiovlelali*P»idtpna^ aUb alMll m ZIIV-«iv«t oätniri •pivtal vyBirtM 2M7 - «9.T Qvtrav« tiOrto t 84*T2ZZ/39 «» ar/Mi IvO* te» 2102.1940 • «• I - 2Ul/ia->2CVl2 JOitoi BiMdBi i - 2 • atoiSnf pUt ▼ hatmromtX m 6.000 Um w% 40 mAmitt • 240.000 Kft Mtux^ilni pOitigr m r»k 1949<6 ■to.p« 1.109.20 O») $••« (*659*20 natavtflwC poütl^r sa rak 1946/12 ato*9» 1.109.20 a«/. 1%>10«40 MtnrtfljvC peiltlqr m xok 1947/12 Bfo«p» 1.217«20 Ite •• 14.606.40 MitiaAljil poütlgr «• r»]c 1948/9 ■fo.p« 1.217.20 18« 10*9$4.«0 M 49v«l«Mii T ne« 1945 P» 2«000 O« •••••• 2*000.>- AtTtlaioa T r»e« 1946 - 1946 p» 4«000 IS« ••••• 12.000.- r^mttd fiHcp«T«k t reo« 1946 • 1948 p« 1.200 tt« ••• 5»60a«-» M I Um 914*800 «Ml» ^^S*# f ^^P#WV i i . 5- ▼Iwrtzkloi • %• 1998 •pnatili pttrwäai llikj«t«k v«UcMt«tkB t «» iMO«tttk T«lk««tatlB& fcyl pf«d «IbismI voadüm a» 4 kiühavBi «palmtost Jak 1^^ uPKdM» • «is« t öfB«vli^Ugr Sis.TlAllqr C«llM. Bfttfvie* k e«lkB. ZhrUham ptl*vuit •• k i«dbi Mlvvtai« FiMtf3«r k >^ puMTlal •bs* Bat«rlo» k J«iB< po •teM BwUMnrlM k httylO «vA • 98*79 aZ« öc b) A41«t«fi t «^••VlAflQr • • * I - 1^- kataatvtflaiah 6a«Bl t Bu« i - r - Avtlgr «MB* ataoämt tpK^ tyi AMMto 4te 4^»fiCL« tvl dOB tp.29 8l«^%iiiikT ümUMmXßJM 9At9r mäOm ep»? «stHii p«lte** ▼ aOMBMf ttn^ • Jieüni» V9Ut9eai pod0t■t^^Qll I I - 6 - Zanit^stnanei zitfr»apx8tnanc^poleud napä^afili po sruäenl nLroöni. aprdvy do fy» by-pi^evsall CSSS* SLvoC1&b& v^jhroba s iäSrodnl spräva po^ala hoepodaflti bos Jak^hotaollT u21tkov^jO dob^tka, mimo *; konl.PJ^lJem daläfho dobytk« naatal «veden^ hov£siho dobytka a ran^ opuSt-^n^ch uaedlostl v DartoSonrlcidn. ▼ po2tu 66 la<«7,12 JaloTlCfl^ telat 4 byk&,? voia«2 oaaivs^h telat a 3 knan^di v«p(M*2; uiredenAiO pfevaatdho dotntk feyly :.i3tidn nörodnfm v^bocram pi^d&lenl 3 ▼epoM oieXxdBi obcanCai,2 aaovA tali ta byla odporaäana .:>M pflleSltoati oslor osvobozmä. a pohoätßni pMwluftnfW r:A V .jartodovici<ät9-vi2 potvrsani 6* 7 (pMloha)* c^tatxil dobytok byl posti^nß r.iI{V.OC}:,}T: pfldnto zöoobnik otjeahuje aiznö»;.y o obilninöch.olejnlrwich a aamenach.lale Iwlo pou^ito K^aoLnlku kiuJLv«veden(5bo ▼ 8e§ltC— inkouatam e dannirJ. aaanairor koneciw dla zdcobniku okopanln^kterj^ byl raden podobnö jako pf«dadlj^*\^^B^ jednotllvj'Ch kultfir vypeÄny « osamlch plteA aouhlaal a vj^mferou vypaanou s pozerrJcoväho arefaa«Tato vydctovAni aa p^tkUäA^i. Jako pfilohy ft*?^4t$ a o tohoto protokolu« Sklisan 1949 < Prömgmö haktarov^ ^rfnomy obilnln v toazto roce Jaou velsd dobrs.DSi- aledky vs51e€r^ch udÄloatl projcvlly »• pronikav«Jl u okopanlAtPOnSvadl tyt( plodlny px^« ▼ dobö oaroboaujldch bo^ft - tor^tan 1945 -ryftadovaly afcapinl, plenf «Jednocani: a pod.Nlzlqr^ vynoa wäJax byla sovl&te roTnSft touto pnSlnao - OMtohl 1^1 vyjadnooan a aakmul.Fokud ae t^Öe aana a zalairf piea nxtaa pa- dotknoutl.So Wl# s ▼»tfii S^ati bua skn»iia nebo zaiSena piochasajicui an daDd.Vodenf sdaolnlku v tooto roca -vykazujo u «ita a 1 q ▼^tii vydtol nai pi^* bylo dla v^pov§dl ndr.aprövca zpCiaobeno oin>lain prl ▼azanX Tynla' II •T- flttiDnft ▼ 194« t IMT #«lvi^ 8MUJM&' « PKItte i< 1948 t»4«nf»d pdMklidA pc«4«vil M vMfc ▼ «dMUtitite BiMttaitMDr M 1 s4ütlBi poteUia^üi aiv«l • uUb- MLUa$lmmp»6^tmtwi, t 0 d«41vosti Tvdl n^bradni apr^tre« alMn^ sAsouai od 1«6«1949 «fl d» 91. 12^946 ▼ MilU.T nBai tvljr Cialqor dMBi sdnMqr m to Cditifiai lBke>u«t«B a $Afit«&i« tiiikotuV nScUarfA aiaieidi OMii «radan padat da^ala • ta ad I«(«- 5X*8a949«OA X.7« - 3I*8«1949 Ja ■»■ninniiH pauaa daddrloa lOdka da abSnv* Od 1.9.1949 «vddaC aa jii padat da4Bia»aaUDavd iMiatW Mda^aaUw aüMm m 4«haj^ddBi«iaBta aldW sdaiiM kMitt 5ia2.1946 • 1.1.1947 4« WBloim m^ i^ddflBf f^^nn ^ vdsaod lBiiiia,T aWI ja wniiifda podat kswafah a dajlv^ «aAJ%tvl • irsM'« ^30 Im Um • t« trau T7a«kAM»pf«vAiai ^hllSiniUlM • U ▼ katastr.üMai •be« säsBttBft • iie*tB:C«h dBkUtttpeNL «Mi togrl« s^litia» Ut« t afatbwfVy tftfVBiafa faMt Mlqrljr Ttdraj «d psC^tka nixvdai «pvivar •< ^ Mku I948loÄ«U8ai «d s«Ibi 1948 a ▼ vm« 1949 bgdjr 4ii Urnfmilty ▼•dMqr*? d& •ladka t«Ji» «MsU m nrridnJi«! ImbI «xdlB ^ßm m ütetai dikMjr • p«kl«te dMOKOoTyktari ■& tqrly adraduM «pz^vMB diiqr Im apiamb« Bataritttt terl fyliatäfi v^ ktar^ 4aat amaBämti ttiMta sij^aa a tv«H pMlaln " A «»Y taata aanpiaii jsau u J«dBatliT]Mi palalak Tpaan»« uradanr pflnafwliy» Cdla biyljT paranyflj 9»adi»iagr UM por» vak 1944-1945 ai 1949 • lilifta- aia • tfiSbdoh ▼ Jadaatlivt» Uta^ — akotaCaS vv^Uwma dfavai taaatau t ticlita latach adlqrta« a ealkaidi atoaa 9m iavi iwcta t^.« Fadl« v^tA tSSab aiail pfadpia tÜ^ ▼ plja k diipaaial*xa.a tabata piadlaia Bpiaifiim maXwUia. tefl ^yhatätaa xM-* dfvmiw baat sa Jadaatlitd valgr» Jahl liata.4«lil Jahl Jafal pallva oi«dfitf J«hl»llata. oalkaa plja. 1944/45 200 50 «» 500 500 • • • 830 plB 1945/46 40 — • • • ■• 20 • 60 tum 1946/47 100 8 — 50 50 •• 50 40 296 pUm 1947/48 178 12 10 54 40 •• 25 79 569 plB 1949 105 - 15 80 30 5 10 • 400 pl» CalkttB 623 50 25 464 420 9 105 uo U802 plJB HL« ^daac^ch hlAtaii bylo Tyt£i«M 1944/45 700 • «. • 70 • 770 pla 1945/46 40 « — — • tm 10 • 50 pla 1946/17 HC 10 — 50 50 10 50 95 375 VÜM 1947/48 178 12 10 34 40 «» 25 73 ^22 pla 1949 194 • 10 92 92 • 14 - 553 pla C«lkaB 1*122 42 20 176 182 10 169 118 1.939 pla Pasnaaendvd sa^la dl« pr»hlAö«nl adr«8pxthrea a aTddkü(pf£L*B)ii»pfaTaala XM&r« spi^va s hldjl^«a< USb^ 1944/45 s laaa B»xaTea U^4 dfiTi.PM»« t laaa Qarta- Saylca t^la niTmspr^ewmx VTXabana 128*12 pla 4«ML«kBenarl)aQr b«k*|20*61 pla lii kBuncrrJüay b*k*a 23 psa Jahl.pallva.eai Jaat BiSStOT^na.Oatatiil Edfitavaatf dJMT3 hylo nalasano na piläeh Hama Stnrttnki a Mda PMbar*^b«^ici dHri sa rok 1944/45 t*J •172*98 pla kBwa*a 43 pza ^«hl^paliTa tayla <□.• odaJA ii4r*aprtfvea o ^ !^*'* ^ K tiat» tediki udhni tdx^ümi. dmvMt'^ J«viei m alBtts hxvotol • t« ▼ d«lorlai»vl«teiai • MMitln>p4« lirMi« 4ftwi «MtaU tfa^l« rar nni4 olitWrtf dWrl tgrU apHwri— m lni1ji«1r»y ptJWbiiv pslsCa bMp«dtf- Btwi^rUkMdati pok pr» ipfttaM JiüDMt tflOÄ Ubt«8ai p«i(?*d«M m P^l^ • W»- tttäii p«n«cMM ▼ cil^M^ 6£lMßh m iytf«linrtM t p«la^ h»sp«ddir«t¥< M hrap» s«ni pMtTln.l«b»r4Mi pf mmäfmiOmAUi laCWji ^1b pHiv^dM aa teMwW sST IvV i^iuitkov« ptHskDuioQr otMvi aikUxi lUKar • W» ikUdäbM 2« eany dNv« m^fwtmäkm ▼ rwa 1949-4949 aMbgrly mtmmmtv F^« oi— tjgh pfadpiaA a Jasu ▼ a|ktax^ jlaramdi^id. atAtaikü. laar»auatei paArt Ir,fa41 ttlatyj WtmtHäit tt/Badh«,t«4* velffll konaarvatlTiiß a pfadal taata laaa:£ abjakt ra Taamda ataiu* PMtoon^ i^b^vdiil apri^Tea Jan Y 4 1 a k aand k taauta ba.- k podatimuti • baz dalii^ pfj^cainak mm säplaaa aoohlaai« © - 9- Sluiw p9d»tkBMiU,l« s tiftqr ▼ r»om 1944/49 bQfU paMOtfM ValafisU ltesli*i6i mi «j^rava ■••ta awnd, hsdMta ■• 7*2aL«40 tts K t«Mt« badfln udi^ atottei «vAvw»!» J«?kMt tagOA tfakMi p«tf«ln gjattgal ahm» tff¥l aMUl« tiB«it r««» ▼ JTTwff tlMMdAIS" pdNmidMMi ■* pallVB « M** pcnectaAi» ▼ c«2;^ dAUL^ • «p^tfabiiAM t palaia ta»ap»d4nt¥i wm haem^ soni pMtTlB*]3»l»vliMi pr» ■— apifyfdaJfif ia ' dfiTi • aiktoz« iSfitar Sil« l^ly B^jdikoirft pfaskDutenr 2« rdvoa Jaa V d 1 a k tayl haapdddfal^ adbamiktTS] Tal •• yIc« hMfdAfntvi, palaiau a ▼ dflal adkn nadaatatka adBiaiatratlraich praeaTziich all oyla haotndnu a dSatnlni vadcal laanlha haapadafanjC aixadnl ^prtfry r&wtäam nm&i pasamaat nai JaU by byla bohrala sapatfabi a prata i ^eri rAsnd nadaatatlgryjak Jaat Jlf Tpfadu wradwaa* Pokud 8« t^a pravasaiha haapadal^enl t laae yhaapadafil B^radal mprA^ velml konaanratlTxiß a pfadal taata laaal abjakt Ta Tsaxvdn atavu* PMtonn;^ närad]]i mr^Toa Jaa ? d 1 a k naad k taauta badu sAplau j: k podatloiuti « baz daliick pfipaBjtaak — adplaan aouhlaai« e -ft- Ijw«^^,^ rmfiam mär BHrtoivrlo», iTvA 5« MkladttC taaSte -nfJTini -n-*— * 9A U7*X946 4» ^•U.l^iT* b) " «topMda Wiw^ «d 10«9«49->50»! o) « knrtv vttM# T<<««« I«6#4i 4) • wktei41r vis«Tt • t«4*4o]lli47 p«>ft,^pUiiii li«Uiqr»torMp«Bd«Ke«,stvnwkar, fSaty «td*<-s o«I4 dotgr tsviai ■äxvdni mpHH%* B. Protekol • pf«d4ni BiO«ilB& nkfäid «PMiy CS88 ▼ «piM« 7 covj3ika bylo po cmlmi äaitn txyräai. n4ro4al «lyrtfwar T«d«B» dtetalotvl lisuSTpo&uSi^id ho«pod4fal;tei mAMoam^ «4 l«6a945 4t 5ia2.I949«OA 1*1«. do 3L«12«1948 TMten OpW V^tm pttpimw^lm il£«taletrl a» wIa/cIi lUtach ^^"^™^?.«torÄ üC«tai pMpufly J«k ipfiJßOw4fUk ^t^m^ 1* «^?* 4»j» tgf4n£ pedL« 4«SouWdi Ut.pMpadB« 4wtaftUWcla4y W.5?^?f»» •**S!!^«f*,o wi^«V • »«atawv s4vteaea4 d«y LJ.ü^t Bi0«ttot4 Ttwwty • h>ap»dtf«fc4- too iMadlauuliSetn^ abdobla > x«k laOaBdäfai^IOi dal px«v«dMii kaSdd usdvtelgr 1« Mat«r«M inrentttx« B4aob»Ilv4te loPsnUfa^ctkaW bodnay^aOTtv^ '— ^Mkt4l^ • prvredtQ;^ ch «dpiaaeh a aaJatkaW badnoty aawTltaatl a pf iaiai atrl.Z&aat^ oemy^ vidy poMjEa>vaelai hodnataai.PraSlTanA adpiaavd piraoaaU Jaa«! Ta Tfiaoh Ictach ate^ a ta a) u budoT •••••••• 1% saanleh atarab 9% laktr*Tedani »10$^ d) tt Blütiö^ a latiitUn ^ a) u alektriclQ^ aataxiV a DOBatorlaoraiv^ palaicb atra^ü 10% f) a traktoxii »lOK g) u poatxvJA •••• 20% b) tt drab*nafadi*« 30% 1) u kvdtkodobc^cb intaatie 90% PontirmA odpoalTd poraeaasa jaau dnSznd« , , ^ ^ ^_ ^ ^t ^ »bchodaich kniob Ja ttfabladad.saebyooja Jak pabytqr aajatkov«^ tak boepoddfaktf Waladky ▼ Jednotltr^^eb hoapod^JMQ^eb obdableb.Hvrlal natajr: sJlStöm sdrad tAkx aataralBjQia.vyaladak po atrdaea adbomdba baapadaiML Jaka T^raba roatlimd^ftlTaditedtlaigr atd«Ja «badtoaaaa ▼ aaaaatata;^eh pi^ili h4^ tohato ixTatoJcalu« K baapod41«a^a WaladkAa m paaaa— a4?4»g# niirodiii aprAvaa pfavsal baapoddfatrl po Tdlea y ataw Tdladä/aA uddlaatad valai paikntawda a ta Jak bodm.tak artW inrant4f a anaba s udriaraeiob adkladü aejatoa ▼ raca X949 1 1946 Jaou Tlaatnd i^klady Inveatidnifktar« kor r^r^cimaaS boapodäfaU T^^aladJQr ( zlaky ) svyäevaXy • F l: -/f/f- lilaa«* t ^ j«bi fcorl* ■ pdKlalnr 9U2 OMteC dn spflpivy tgrl 4id l««a945 4^ T pifi2«lMlflli d«l>-17 iMtt pMptJtiir vsNMMI wm Ute IM9 • 1949« / I«6U949 < AlimU Jimd \ SLa2«1949 Midi* 4lm O» XO,80t*48B«90 KB« U»9}9«00C«80 J«fvi M te4r pMHmUk n d*ln tn^ini air*8p>tff7 Um X»lM»5i»«90 Fintffni dS^tiiletrl s»oli7e«fV«l* p» tete tnpiat ■ii«4iii «pWivar pMü.«4- aft T»ikBr4 pobgrtQr t h«n»tfif«nf näroönüm aurtfv««* t Jak jil uteten» TiMfanor tiStavan« palaügr ^aaa Mftt^ daOda^ telataw yaOcm ^i&U/wwaä yyMnl bjrla patfabaA pva pcavM palaiha a 1a»if>^ hawiioiliifat^f a ti^la «anBaUima UealJM« Jak nradaoa Jli |ifi paplao poe^ta&ut rasvalv k X«6«1949 Platl 1 p« \anagn^ rwpraaa k 5I«12«1949»m obaeaA cana paMBULtedav a laaA 4« ja paus« adhadflM«ta47 aaaacfayauja apx^imao taadhatdyijftla fcMM&a^ atsf Slat4* ba JaCnl bgrXo Iqt aprarasia a«i aaBarltaati ravaäi aprarltl (smiti)« e I -U" 7«IkMit«Uk lOall mtnf Mini mtiaaOmttMk «InfotaMat iMt « Iüwtme« t Bntoi«ri«M l>»Jii««ii< t « (m r NMTte JiCiai 2S«hr«Jls< ■B4«t«k ptd air. Ki tei vy pf«vnt9 ptM-tetelivBi steUhr* T nir. i»Ss >klB» daaud kUri domA atlgrl» C$S8.t« iMk*s{Hr4> ci l«10.194e ▼ ttilWbif CS8B. 1948 z&ctala T atfr*«prinrt Ctet l««ö •• SttdlAiet.Ti^ S4it ImC • pOdar ftvnütft« p/}l,dBm 1.1.1950. aivxti « pOflQtek likV^JCMBiM ▼ Alka ianpM prcftvstt. jte^ ii^.ap3n«v«« J« odp«vM«i n Ti^lugr ilw4y»ktertf 1^1^ tk^iHaTaa "**^.öi Py1«"*»tr«gaaabaiqr a te tgr ^yilor naja** iSara pwrfijl Likvidiijxax aavilaajlfatgr airodtoiau ^li'ävei torla adilaoa abaalat Likvidajiai aavilBaJlyatgr lal aprivy. Ulnaniwia »pfadtana^afirtlf n^a uanina a podapaöna a pa spro tkor^aifSaba paail4 abaalatarli» I BKcUi^riMUb^dm 26.kr6taa 29a JOff Za XNV I 2Sa ONV N.Jiein l )^/m4< 2a QNV>laa.odd»U£ata -^ •Oatravat i^ //''//■/../! Za l«V ^rtafiovlea -J^Ot * »t ^^ iovna ^-Ä pozomkövcicrroformu V Olomoucl D O d a t • Ic pracovDi skuiilDa t f Opal i i HnAd romrahtt byla pr«praooYdna, protoS« ▼ pÄvodoi a» ' A •, Tyflkjrtla * • ^i Protol« n«48ou s« oplou patrny souDo^y däliof T581ha' r« Dartoöwlce a l.liha ▼ luü* Bot^vlü« a .^•öSha y k.u. Puatjorv, . V^oegU ooioyltosti v k.d» BartofioylcÄ Jo yycerpuna ota?«Ätr*a nidVa t^ poraiabor, aiotfof ata_ öivt^ ; f UiraSuiiB aafftenia a yodoyodom, "älkoi i otor. rasorroti ooa ■'■•.• ~ ' ■ . • •• ^ i 0»»ba pro yybudoyuni admlnlatratlynfch a obytnyoh budor« ^^ «an.;ot^ JI&. M»c#»pa^atii£ yifa:ru naytiStnou do pHdilu llhoyaru 3l yySadala ii»ko^ kolaJqÄ drdha y k.d» Bartosoylce, Puatjjoy a Hutovice. ;•«* '^ *-V f:)*'. i'ov W^ Ppnoohdny po» y k»ü«,Bart( ■'.•"•.•..' dorjpH^ai» aUtnfia atatkßa a rybnikum, pro.p.atoydni uaiecHtil^oh ^^''t^ "*' obJektu.SjBwna byla proVedona aoal ylaatnikon ä MP? pH ool ^^ • .«■. V J ■ VMo Iny y Oparwt I ...... . v:,v ^v'^ / « ^*^. ' »it »OTT Oäa! i ' t ,i ^ «• -k l 4 % ) i > • "r \ t t T/'\* .s >.'•• ; SA&^p«^ (!■ 1 •. • K ^ /■ >•« * * • • ■ '\ ■••»•. ■.■•>;f •Jv ♦ -' »f •■*''''»•♦■■• ^^^. #"•• «»(*.rV*»i*»». ».^v«».***^««-^-^ •'^ -»'V ^ •-•■ .' "^ . " • . ■ , » . . . ^ -■: :::'^^f^^*9i9^^ «yaliitet :po4«4k SXmmIc4 sivod^ Uh« a pol» «<«*L »«»•i 3ail5/X A dJu l«2>r 9*mA* p.p, 32,UiX, ?lK)S/a m9^ pt» ««öcm; »^Äi«t «M«±( 4««t j*p» xt«i/x w •• •( *i 1§liil^^^,9.mM,^^^ Xrö/l»lTS«/X,X7S«/4 4 "c: / -^ C"' f- 'v ■ V."" V /' >'-^. >^ -.^S-^. V •♦• ■^ /- .; 4 * •' I' 'X i * i V. ^1 ^ \ "■ '(■*■:: f » • t- •■'. r |fitlB*>'* X4CM/3» ^ rfaM% OM 400 m^» ja» te»«iii9f^ ^Mkap aa »t titebfiaoi iamani aa mM» saaite torlo stfati^ol SCO ;|it fMl9^ aoite 9Hami mniynU9mi}m a akladl«t&X]&e phwtova .^■.•^' dft#Q4A awm4ftfaieli &«FHoh : jatoi i pj4vo ipa iliadai dölMI roüaX ataataalai pfaloiaai -vodöfVi^BOM potrubl a jalq^ikoliT 4in^Qh praoi T«t*iho rozaahu. PoI(bA aa t^fia ^ä^batl aCr* poda« a pfid»laa£ daUiob. ava* ; to;^ aapQffitosti Je äfialtla r^iauvadaa;^, vamM^ aa obouatSBani ^iith dftliHtoat a nawhuja am jrota p^p. öjk. Il91/> v k.ii. JPwrti4*f ^ p,p^d.k* 5»/5t 580/2, UT7/5» jakai 1 p.p.^*k.l40^/i #:^afiBC a t3«IMB4 aa p^p^öJc. 1825/2 iMida aatsta yyt^ltly pxotaia hm* aJd* T 3B**»4 « aaiaott patBQr, tQr«i» daaamdaia mi^Xtala« aM<<^ Mi<|gF;^^^J^^ dvonk i litaQfvartt a ps«ta saadoe^. H^m0k^^'^m^ p^ipadÄ tmda lait« vioa, kda aa obja^ airtaost 2« po4|l^, 3I& 4^ aa ialn« sau» d8^«jMnui»Xftba Otakar T«r«J,i)iibor ■ *-v* '-V v"». '^ I I ZäplS. Vlastnikem po2acLovaxj6 paxcely y Bartoäovlce, ' » V' I • IK r • « •( »< t ^•.■• h \ iL I. Stp. 118/4 o^ 118/3 -- 118/2 - 118/1 - 117 >/, , 55 Fpö* 368 371 367 369/1 369/2 366 370 329/2 374 w- , , ,375 »^ 379 IX 235 240 239/1 236 fi049 ^ - 2Ü5Ü i^ 2062öäst y 2051 ^^ 2054 ^ 2055 y^ 0.3044ha ^ 0.0401ha a, 0.0342ha >^ 1.0669ha ^ 0.0647ha ^ 0.0595ha V 0.0086ha oc 0.0313ha J^ J ¥0 3'fUy 1. 2000ha skiäoo 'nUrixoc W C61k3Q 0.1617ha <^ 0.0802tB sj. 0.l33dha ^ 1.9766ha V 0.0625ha «^ c . 0.0083ha ^' 0.0327ha o^ 0.0552ha j< , 0.0957ha ^ 0.0399ha ^ 28.89221aa ^^(^"^'•l^'^'l 8.3816ha >/ 0.1791ha 0^ 7.Ü908ha o( öO.OOüOha K -l c. »^ 1 -• * / \ i\ \ ■ ■ / I . t .< »• , V-. .1 %■ ,» '■ I fe: Y - ■/■ . r \ i ,1 ( OpiB. ^/' ''^ >' ' Kc ir 550/50 Ne ir 550/50 IT flsnese ni • • Okresnf soud v Nov^m JiclnS odd.II,, ustiesl se ve veci navrhovatele Dra ^rthura Czeczowiczkv zaat. Drem. Oskarera Czeczo-» »iczkou , pravne Drem Kar lern Beckem. advok. v Nov^m JiöinS» proti Josefu PeSkovi nar. spravci y Bartosovicich a dalsim ucastnikum FMO, zast. finanSni prokuraturou v Ostravg a Slezskym zavodum libovarskym a potravinärskym ndr. podnik v Opavg o restituci libovaru a rafinerie linn 'T Bar toSovi eich takto: Rizeni^se zastavuje, Nakladv fizeni se fzajerane »rusuji, Oduvodn enl • Navrhovatel Dr» Arthur Czeczowiczka uplatnil jako vlastnlk protokolovane üvm * Lihovar a rafinerie lihu v Bartosovicich ** a, neraovitostf t6to firme patficleh je5 brlv rwni zaclenim^ znarodn|nim do narodnlko podniku Slezeke ziTod^^ libovai»i«k6 a pctravinarake v • Opave narck na restituci tohoto majetku, ien? rau h-'l ' vymgretD Oestapa ▼ OpavMe dne 26,9, 1939 v dusledku narcdni a rasove persekuce konfis- Podle csvedöeni generälnihc konsulatu CSH v Londyne t 26.8.1948 iakoz i fotokopie osvedSeni o natural isaci z roku 1948 zaloT'enych ve spisech Nc II 551/50 zdeiaiho scudu, jest navrbovatel jiz od roku 1948 britskym statnim pfislusnfkem. ' . Vzhledem k tomu pak, Je-rest4tQcni ndrob' Britskycb poraclanl narokö na nähradtr» brlo ve enrrslu Slanku II, zraii^ne dobod^ rozhodncuti, jak jest sbora uvedeno. 0 nakladecb bdo rozhodnuto podle § 43 odst. 1 c»r.8. a % 11 odst, 3, rea/^zäk.» jezto uspokojeni z globalnibo odskodneni neznamena plne brazeni väecb uplatnenycb naroku, nybrz uspokojeni jen kvotou. taK ze 8o;ad ma za to, ze navrbovatel v rizeni z casti zvitezu a z Sasti poSlehl, • , • — '*"^roti tomuto usnesenl Ize podati ^tiznoat do 15 dnu od jebo dorucenf, Stiznost jest podati pisemne neb ustne do protokolu u podepsanehc scudu. r Okresni scud v Novem Jiölne odd. II., ^ f dne 24. fljna 1950. to «ottMasf dottomi • kolkcx za '^^ Dr. Frantiäek ^ficka . Za spravnost v""b9toveni veauuci kancelafe JCö. kanceläi ukresoiho wodo v Novin jittii. podpis necitelny T.r, Vv T* \ r OßfdtJS/f^vt. nA/ufxmA^ ^«ff&(^ y*ij'^ien^ ii^n/ti«^;^ 3iäs/^ rt fJÜt. Sr S&7ii^iae£. i MI \ >- y^ VTT. I iJini/ffie^vt >-^;acv::. i raha I, Ovocn^ tri,/ e da \«^/4^ ^^ t- ■rnJIlriicM' l^/ ■ il»ii^»i■■>«■> 1# //^ AJ&nA. i.-*— — ^ IS. Ii. ip^ f\(i zsz^z. Hahn/^ Kwin/Z: fmrui CoLLec-rtoAf Izo I \Lo-^o^^^ hJ^ timmm ENTWURF. Kaufvertrag 1 I. abgeschlossen zwischen Herrn ivr.^irthur Frau Irma Czeczowlczka, cX.^ ^^^^©An^v i'r^u ^np^ ^>unz geb.Czeczov/lczka ^\/7 -? als Wt He r r« jj^^m^^^ ^^äk' als Käufer wie folgt Cze czowl czka , <^ 2^?^w4\^ ^^ iL i I 2 II. Gegenstand : Die Im Absatz I. angeführten Verkäufer sind Eigentümer der Herrschaft Partschenaoff ,die insbesondere aus nachste- henden Realitäten bezlehugnswelse Realitätenanteilen besteht: 1./ Dr. .irthur Gze.czowlczka ; a/ ganze Reallt^^ten : Einlage Zahl ü7 der Landtafeln für Lahren/ :Krelsgerlcht BrUnn: /»Einlage Zahl 478,483,563 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /:Bezlrksgericht iJ'relberg: /, Einlage Zahl b3;j Kat. Gemeinde Sedlnltz/:3edlenlce:/,/ :Bezlrks- gerlcht Frelberg:/, Einlage Zahl 519,5^1 Kat. 'Gemeinde Botenwald/ :Butovlce :/ /Bezirksgericht lulnek;/; b/ zu Ideellen ISlften: Einlage Zahl 362,365,564,366 und 43:^ Kat. 'Gemeinde Partschendorf; ;3artosovice :/, /Bezirksgericht I-relberg/ , Einlage Zahl 648,649,650,651 iNat. Gemeinde PattLChendorf /Bezirksgericht Prelberg/, . Einlage Zahl 654,666 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirks- gericht Freiberg/, Einlage Zahl 512 ICat.Gemeinae Sawersdorf / :Zävislce : /, /'Bezirksgericht Freiberg/, Einlage Zahl 836, 839, Kat. Gemeinde Sedlnitz/iSedlenlce ; /, /Bezirksgericht Freiberg/, - 1 - mmm ••iMi^MiUM l i Einlage Zahl 579 ICat. Gemeinde Petrowltz/:Pust(-3ov: /, /Bezirksgericht V.'agstadt-.jilovec/ , Einlage Zahl 586 ICat. Gemeinde Petrov;ltz/:Pustt Jov:/, /Bezirksgericht './agstadt-Bllovec/, Einlage Zahl 4o4,677 ICat. Gemeinde Botemvald, :Butovlce:/ /Bezirksgericht Fulnel./, c/ zu ideellen Vierteln: Einlage Zahl 6^Z und 653 Kat. Gemeinde PartschendorX, /Bezirksgericht FrellDerg/, S./ Frau Irriia Czeczowlczka: a/ zu Ideellen lialften: Einlage Zahl 646,651 I•'■'■" >"^^--- ■"'*' ^XJ^^U^u\aj^s^ "^ Ji^.^^ ^^ wUft-«*^ 74e« Rio Ihrer . / Dqü pcrcjüi41chc lilgon T' und alrl« len: y^ / / und sind Käufers Die liahrrilp^^l . /bis 3./ werdei^JvtJffT Herrn Käufer die von den V^«xilc]:ilieferun^:;en sict?^ ergebende :ung geht zu Laoten , des Herrn i<;^uferSy^ gegen werden dik I>ffballaßen fUif Spirftusexpedi- 'ch wenn sie sich ai/s^rhalb PartscMndorf befinden, esslich der lü Zistpnen mitverlpäöf^ .^' D./ Lie Spiritusvorräte sind ni^M Ge^nstand de Kaufvertrages/Eigentum der -pir^*tasvenvertung-ües. /^^n^o nicht der Vorrat an Fusel, Win,DenaturisierungÄ^tel ^ und ähnliches. K./ Bezüglich d'pothekargläublger In die Entlassung der Verkäufer aus der persönlichen Haftung für diese übernom- mene Hypothekar schuld zu erv/irken c/ Die Verkäufer Dr.-rtr:ti«rf^Ozeczo\;iczka una '^f^l^^'^^.Cze czo sind verpJ^Kftitet.dle auf Ihren kaul'gec^en- J^Lff/n^ ständlichen Heallt^^teh 2tsf^^l^ samt Nebepg^Uhren längstens inner ha>b' eines Jahres vom ) u^/) Tage def^ertragsunterfertlgungjip-döschen zu 1^^ CJ^r^^ ^4/ i^sonsten über maiifi*-'ö5?" Herr x^äulßjf^-trle Pflichten ^1^^^ und Lasten an den U j>^tande am Taße-'I^November 1 7aUoMW\ e/ iUif den ResJ> d^ KJäuf^lJCelses nach Berücksichtigu] flZU^ der vorerwähnten.iuTgth^lirB^anlH bezahlt der Herr Kauf er 'J^^^ ^ an Herrn Dr. Arthur Czeczo\;icz8a auf ten Reall entsprechend dem . Frau IriiH Czeczowlczka ^ Frau Janri^ lüinz geb.Czeczowiczka ^^ ^L^-*/«*' zusammen daher K i '! ^^ ■IMH mm Besltzvertelltmg Partachendorf : Laut telefonischer Mitteilung Dr^H« Dr. Arthur 28923 Irma Hanna Erika 5613 12610 8141 552o8 i I ^'^iimmmemvmKni'nfamBmimmm. ^^T^mmr mm Abschrift T.Z. lÜOü/38 I- B e s c h 1 u s s • \ ! Das Gericht bewilligt die nachstehenden Eintragungen und zwar: Im Grundbuche Tür die ICat. Gemeinden Partschendorf, Sa- v/ersdorf und üedlnitz wird aul' Gr\ind der Kautionsuricunde vom 21/10 1938 / ^eila{:e A in Ur- und Abschrift /, angemeldet zur Gebührenbemessung beim Steueramte in Keutitschein am 22/10 1938 zur ZI./ 3062, geneluiiigt auf Grund der Anordnung über den Gruiid- stüclcverkehr in der sudetendeutschen G-ebieten vom 13/10 1938 durclr^ den -^ezirkshauptmann von Ileutitschein, weiters auf Grund der no- tariell beglaubigten Vollmacht de dato Prag am 14/lÜ 1938 /Beilage B in Urschrift / ob den dem Dr, Arthur Gzeczowiczkia zur Gänze gehörigen Liegenschaften vertragen in den E,Z1. 478, 483, 563, 567 des Grundbuches für die gemeinde Partschendorf : ob den dem Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczica gehörigen Hälft e n der Liegenschal^ten vertragen in den E.Zl. 362, 363, 364, 366, 432, 649 650, 654, 666 des Grundbuches für die Kat* Gemeinde Parts chendorf: ob den dem Dr. Arthur Czeczov/iczka und Irma Czeczowiczica gehörigen Hälft e n der Liegenschaften vertragen in den E.Zl. 648 und « • 651 des Grundbuches für die Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf : ob den dem Dr. Arthur Czeczo\7icz::a und Irma Czeczov/iozlca gehörigen je z v/ e i Viertel der Liegenschai'ten vertragen in den E. \ ZI. 652 und 653 des Grundbuches Plir die Gemeinde rartschendorf : ob der dem Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczica gehörigen Hälft e der Lie-. gensohaft vertragen in der E.Zl. 512 des UrundbugJches für das i^at . Gebiet Sav/ersdorf : ob der dem Dr. Arthur Czeczov/iczlca zur Gänze gehörigen Liegen- schaft vertragen in der E.Zl. 932 des Grundbuches für das Kat. Ge- biet Sedlnitz : ob den dem Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczica gehörigen Hälft e n der Lie- eenschai'ten vertragen in den Ü. ZI. 836 mid 839 des l^rtmdbuches für die Kat, Gemeinde Sedlnitz, V 'i 1 j - 1 - - > und zv/ar o"b der Lieeensohaft E.Zl. 567 des des Kat . Gebietes Partschendort als Haupt einlage und ob ^den sämtlichen abriefen Liegenschaften bzv/. E.Zl. als i^ebeneinlaßen i/ das Sinmltanpfandrecht für die Kaut ionsf orderung der Bölimischen Union-Bank, Fil. in ITeUtitschein bis suni Höchstbetrage von Kö 1,5ÜC.ÜÜU.-- \ind iiebenLcbührcn bis 2um Betrage von Kc 15Ü.ÜÜÜ.- ein verleibt. b/ die Verpflichtung der Bölimischen Union-BatHc Filiale Keutit- schein zu einer teilweisen Abtrr.tung der sichergestellten For- derung nur für den Fall angemerkt , wenn das Pfandrecht für den verbleibenden Restbetras ihrer Forderung samt Kgb . den bücherlichen Voi-rang vor dem Pfandrecht für den gezahlten und abzutretenden 13etrag erhält. * * * '* c/ wird angemerkt , das s die in den vorgenannten Liegen- schaften befindlichen Laschinen und Einrichtungen ein Zubehör dieser Liegenschaften, bilden. Die ilintragungsgebühr von 1 5'^ wurde nicht . entrichtet und möge dieselbe vorgeschrieben v;erden. • Amtsgericht Freiberg, Abt.l^ • den ^5.0'ctobfer 1958. Dr. Alb in ICrömer Für die Richtigkeit der Ausiertigung .der Kanzleileiter, Unterschrift L.S. Amtsgericht Freiberg. \ i i /_ «■la^iBaMttui^^ J r ENTWURF . Kaufvertrag. S 1 m Q_n gelD. AlDge schlössen zv/l sehen Frau Crlka Czeczov.lczka als Verkäuferin und Herrn als I^äufer wie folgt: II. Frau -rlka Simon ist Eigentümerin nachstehender R^ll täten "bzv;. Realitätenanteilen: /Zu Ideellen imiften; Klnlat^ie ^^a 36^, ;36 3, 364,^366 und AoZ Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bartosovlce /, /Bezirksgericht Freiherg/ , — Einlage Zahl 654,656 Ivat.uemeinde Partschendnrf /Bezirksgericht i-reiherg/, Einlage Zahl 51;^ lat.^melnde Sav/ersdorf i^ävisice/, /Bezirksgericht Frel"berg/, Einlage Zahl 83S Isat. Gemeinde Sedlnitz/Sedlenice/ , /Bezirksgericht Freitierg/, Einlage Zahl 586 I<:at. Gemeinde Petrov/itz/ :I-iistSjov: /, /Bezirksgericht V/agstadt-3ilovec/ , Einlage Zahl 434 und 677 Kat. Gemeinde Botenwald /Butovice/, /Bezirksgericht Fulnek/ ; 13. zu Idellen Vierteln: Zlnla^^e Zahl 552 und 653 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht ireiherg/.* IIlT Lle Verkäuferin verkauft und Uherglbt die angeführten Realitäten dem Iierrn m denjenigen Grenzen und mit denjenigen Rechten, \;i-e sie dieselben besessen und benutzt hat bzw. zu besitzen und zu benutzen berechtigt - 1 - V. ■ ■»«■*■'■ / r war, mit dem Zugehör nacii dem Stande am Tage der Ueter^lDe. * IV. Der Kaufpresl beträgt und wird zu Händen des Treuhänders der Verkäuferin des l^rrn in Zürich in der Schweiz ausge- zahlt. a/ Der Herr i\äufer übernahm in dem l<£i\itve i'lragQ . • mit Herrn Dr. Arthur Czeczov.lczl'ca zur Selhsthezahlung, Ver- zinsung und Vertretung die auf den verkauften Realitäten zum Teile haftende Forderung der Pensionsanstalt in Prag /^'^i'Vri'ybzw. ^''^s i^orrp^snondlerenden Institutes jißX^l±Tr,>ft^e.lon§ zv/ar ^^mit K /•Zweimiilionen K: / intahuliert ist,aT3er hlos in der Höhe /\^ . . . . K 1,800.000.— von cirka ■' ■^» / ;Einemillionachthunderttausend K: / ^f ?^^J.^„f ^^^^^her^" steht mit dem, dass eine allfällige Diflerenz ge^Uher diesem stände nach ohen oder unten geht zu Lasten oder zu liunsten der Verkäuferin, und infolgedessen ist. der nerr Mufer verpflichtet sich innerhalt) eines Jahres Dei der I^pothekargläuhigerin die Entlassung, Verkauf er in aus der persönlichen Haftung für diese übernommene i^pothekar- schUld zu en'v'irken. ^ ,'«„-pov. r^ip Pflichten h/ Ansonsten übernimmt der Herr Kaufe r die kCllcntcn und Lasten an den verkauften Realitäten entsprechena aem Stande aro 29.Kovei.itier lü58. V. Uebergabe und uebernahn« der verkaurten Realitäten «r-f olsenTm I^ge der Ueterga-oe des ii^urvetrages seitens erfolgen am la^c v^ ■v,,,-raY' vjPicher letzterer mit d.r Verlcäuferln an den ^f^^'^^'^'^^^X^^^^^^^n^^nm ^^-- ',-SZ elntr ft und 1 Sesen. Ta.e an aucn aUe ^tLrrrsuSnlr^ntUcnen ,ede Gefahr, zu tragen hat. 1 - 2 - «« r I I VI. Die Verkäuferin haftet weder für ein bestinuates Ausmass noch für eine TDestiinmte '::^alität der Realitäten. Beide Partelen verzichten auf alle Einv/endungen gegen die alltigkelt des Vetrages intt)esondere auf die Einwenüung der Verkürzung über die ililf te des wahren Wertes. VII. Der Herr Käufer ist verpflichtet sich allein auf seine i\Osten alle amtliciEn Bewilligungen wo lmi.ier,dle zur Durchführung und -^ntaUilierung des Kaufvertrages, nötig sind zu "beschaffen, sodass die Verkäuferin in dieser Richtung keinerlei Iiaftung trifft. VIII. iviit der Ueberga'oe d,es Kaufvertrafies ist die Verküu^ ferin von jeder Verpflichtung iDezügllch des gegenständlichen Kaufgeschäftes und seiner Durchführung "befreit, IX. Die Kosten dieses Vertrages, seiner grundbüc her liehen Durchführung, die üebertragungsgehühren,die eventaelle V/ertzuv;ac lisabgahe , sowie überhaupt alle eventuellen v/eiteren Gebühr en,iibgaT:en und steuern, welche mit dem Kaufvertrage und dessen Durchführung wo inmier verbunden sind oder vorge- schrieben werden, hat der herr Käufer aus Eigenem zu tragen föl'fÜJ\]fl^!^!liS^iJikSfös^l2 Mk^'^ lnanspn:.cimahme X. Die Verkäuferin erteilt ihre ausdrüci-aiche dass auf ihren Realitätenhäift.Pn ♦ p^ ^ ^miage Bahl ;562,Ö6 0,36-^,56 6 und 432 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht irelberg/ , »^'^i^-Lnue Einlage Zahl 654.656 Kat.G^Loeinde Partschendorf y -Be- zirksgericht Preiberg/, r-7 usti;.jnung, I - Ü - i Einlage Zahl 512 Kat. Gemeinde Sav/ercdorf / :Zävlölce;/, /Bezirksgericht BVeiberg/, Einlage Zahl 839 Kat. Gemeinde Sedlnitz/i^edlenice :/^ /Bezirksgericht Freiberg/, Einlage ZaJril 586 I/ und Ideellen Vierteln; Einlage Zaöl 65:3 und 6 53Kat. Gemeinde Partschendori" /Bezirksger iciit l'Veiberg/ , das Eigentum für Herrn einverleibt werde. IM ■■ ■■>■*■■>< <««A» -j^ r y -■* / /x / es Kauf- deren Dlsposlt. In det ÖecliOBTovakel. V Der ganze I\aurprß^r^wlrd bei Uebergi Vertrages allen Voj?^<^rirten entppre^iterfid an den Herrn Käufer der Ver^^ätiTern bar ausbez^^^tt werden. Der Gß^^and des Jaufpre^r^ wird vai den Verldiurem per con>i:*act'um quittiert». . Bezüglich der Forderungen und Verblndl^emi mit der Führung der GesBl hängen, wird folgendes 'bestimmt: a/ V/enn der 5chuldner\lia rel^ii^deutschen Gebiete v/ohnt, fer. re Ichsdeutschen Gebiete wohnt, it zu erfüllen. I.Gebiete wohnt, gehört die •n 1- gehört die Forderung dem üer b/ iienn der Gläubiger hat der Käufer die VerblndHch^e 0/ V/enn der b;chul Forderung dem Verkäu d/ Wenn der Kauf er die Verb er Im äublger Im csl\ Gebiete wohnt, hat der dllchl<:elt zu erfilxen. e/ Ford&l^ngen und Verbindlichkeiten, die sich auf Splrltushandel, "Erzeugung, Ilafflnat Ion et;c. beziehen, gehören den Verkämern resp, haben die Verkauf er\ zu erfUl].enT V. Der^rr I\äufer verpflichtet sich dle^^sv-else und ivllttellungen,>^lclie flr die das Abmachungen notwfeijdlg sind oder ihrön \/ünschen zur v^fügung zu gewünschten angaben an relchsdeutschen Gesetze.* Bücher und Schrlfte betreffenden werde;i^den Verkäufern nach len una Ihnen mit allen u gehen Im Rahmen der üplrltusfcibrlk, sowie der tz^>^i abg Gutsverwaltung sind füjrdle letzt^ abgelaufenen fünf Jahre sogleich und für das ab ge laufte Kalenderjahr bis Ende Jänner 1959 ^en Verkäufern auszurblgen. Der Herr mufer übernimiit alle Verpflichtungen der Verkäufer g^enüber den angestellten der Verkäufer, die am 50.oepteml2fer 1938 in deren Diensten standen und \Hrd aucl:i die bisher gewährten Gna de na us Zahlungen im bisherigen aus- I .k^^ - D - ■ ■ I II i läßmmBiesm mass welter bezahlen lmyf(ahmen der reichsdeutschen üesetze. / m Kbnt »el der B.U.B, GelülnsJ^^ tuten laufende tut^iy!i5eflndllchen Guthabung Gutsverwaltung oder Spirlt nlchtXGeöenstand des vorlieger. nicht ule KassaToe stände, V/er tp gungen u\d die wo Iniiner t)eri öle ^utsvfermaltung oder iipl erliegen. Diese Kautionen frei zu maclien und den Verkä deren Gegea^jert den Verkauf ',^.3^ i "bei anderen bei Ge]itinstl- Verkäu;rer oder der tschendorf ,slnd Geschäftes, ebenso teile bzv^.Betelll- le der verkaufgeggn- ständUclBH Llegenschkten.gLn aUe dlngllonen -onte an diesen "-^^f «tSrS :^ "s o^d^er «^^ I^ufer über und die /erkaui^r Deg«u ^ such zu Gunsten des H. Kaisers dieser ..echte. .. ^ V, ^4-ov^ v'oripv' -für ein bestlniintes Ausmass Die Verkäufer haften v.edex lui exn - 6 1. I I »« i noch für eine bestli..mte qiiialltät der Realitäten. Beide Parteien verzichten auf alle Lilnv/endungen gegen die ailtlgkeit des Vetrages Inshesondere auf die Einwendung der Verkürzung über die Hälfte des wahren Wertes. X. * Der Herr Käufer ist verpflichtet sich allein auf seine I^bsten alle aratllphen Bewilligungen wo immer, die zur Durctiführung und. Inta^bulierung des Kaufvertrages nötig sind zu be schaff eji^odass die Verkäufer in dieser Kichtung keinerlei Haftung trifft. Ea als Ort der Z^jälting l-lrag vereinMpir^ der Herr Kaufer verpfl^tftet dafür zu sor^^ön^ass die Behörden des deutscheii^Relches der UeherfüJ;fi:rrig eines allfälligen Guthabens j^cfrVerkäuf er nach der ÖbK zustimmen. U ^S xr. Die lösten dieses Vertra^-es^-^einer grundlDÜcher liehen DurchfUhrungBBm,dle bebertragungögehühren.uie eventuelle V.ertzuwachsabgabe, sowie üherfiaupt alle event. weiteren Ge- iDÜhren.ATDgaben und iiteueirh, welche mit dem Kauf vertrage und dessen Durchführung wo immer verMnden sind oder vor- geschrieben werde^^ hat aer Herr Käufer aus Eigenem zu tragen bzw. die^Yerkäufer für den Fall ihrer Inanspruch- nähme hiefür, klag-undschadloslf zu halten. XII. Die Verkäufer erteilen die Sinwllli£iung,dass ob den nachstehenden Liegenschaften bzv;. Liegenschaftsanteilen das Eigentumsrecht für Herrn einver-bleibt werde, 1./ Auf den Realitäten des xisrrn Dr. Arthur Czeczowi c zka. a/ iiHf den ganzen Realitäten: bilnlage ^ahl ^7 der Landtafeln für I^ahren/ Kreisgericht Brunn/, Einlage Zahl 478,483,565 Kat. gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht Preiberg/ , ' ] - 7 - i. riw iMM>^Maaifc«na MOMWai** ■1 ' ■•Tfsr .■. nX'iJTH ■ Einlage Zahl 932 Kat. Gemeinde Sedlnltz/Sedlenlce/, /Bezlrksgerlclit Freiberg/ Einlage Zahl 519,521 Kat. Gemeinde 3oten\«ld/Butovlce/ /Bezirksgericht Fulnek/, t)/ Auf den Ideellen Hälften; Einlage Zahl 362, 063,364-, 36 6 und 43?^ Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht Freiberg/, Einlage Zahl 648,649,650,651 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht Frelberg/, Einlage Zahl 654,666 Kat. Gemeinde Parts che ndorf /Bezirksgericht i-reiberg/, Einlage Zahl 512 Kat. Gemeinde Savversdorf /:Zävlblce :/ /Bezirksgericht Ij'rel'berg/, Einlage Zahl 836,839 Kat. Gemeinde üedlnltz/:Sedlenlce:/ , /Bezirksgericht Frcltierg/, '• Einlage Zahl 579 Kat. Gemeinde Petrov/ltz/ ; Puste Jov: / '4 liDiezlrksge rieht .-agstadt-i^ilovec :/, Einlage Zahl 586 Kat. Gemeinde Petrov/ltz/ tPustcJov: /^, /Bezirksgericht wagstadt-Bllovec/, Einlage Zahl 434,677 kat. Gemeinde Botev;ald/:Butovlce:/ ; /Bezirksgericht Fulnek/; Bi Auf den ideelen Vierteln: Einlage Zahl 652 und 653 Kat.^meinde Partschendorf /; Bezirksger loht Freiberg/. 4 2.1 Auf den Realitäten der Frau Irim C z e c z o \ ; i c z k \ a/ Aiif den ideellen Rllften: Einlage Zahl 648,651 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirks gerlcht Frelberg/^ Einlage Zahl 579 Kat. Gemeinde PetFOWitz/;Pust.'.'jov:/, /Bezirksgericht V.'agstadt-Bllovec/, b/ Auf den ideelen Vierteln: Einlage Zahl 652 und 653 Kat. Gemeinde Partsche ndorf /Bezirksgericht Frelherg/. * f^ - 8 - MM«*i«VW^>«a» 1 «V % l 3./ Auf den Realitäten der Frau Ifenna K u n z. a/ Auf den Ideellen iiälften: Einlage ^ahl 649,650 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht Frelberg/, Einlage Zahl 836 Kat. Gemeinde Eedlnltz/Sedlenlce/, /Bezirksgericht Freiberg/; 13/ aufl den Ideellen Vlert€ln: Einlage Zahl 65;^ una 653 Kat. Gemeinde Partschendorf /Bezirksgericht Frelberg/, Pl l ^ i/iW^ V\A/sy\AAy\^ ^ AO^J xy / . ,/- 9-1- ^^ - 9 - V \ -^ *if \ 't i H« / H.PE FIMM^ J 0 H IT 38,Gresham House. old broad street, London. Kr. 2 7EL£f>H0NB LONDON WALL 2906 f2 LiNt%!. »Jf^ Ö^ W( Wf x/' pr M' 1^1 Nohiriesl'uölics^ kraft königlicher irmachtieung ordnungsmassig zugelassener S'ÄÄZT "^^ vereidigter Notar In der «tadt London, Bi^XJLAUBIGi UT© BiSTiTIGi. HIStüMIT: DAöü das hiv^rangeheftete Verkaufs ang^bot heute vor mir von den darin Genannten, Heärn ür* ARiHUB CiiiOZOyiC^iKjL, ffrau Ihi!LV CziCi^OWICii^KA. und Frau hantta kuNZ, sämtlioli wohnhaft iu London, i,nglaud, durch Helsepasa ausgewiesen, eigenhändig unterschrieben worden ist. ZUM 2JBUGNI£> afüänas^ setze ich, der ge- nannte Notar, laeine Untersclirirt und mein Aintssiegel hierunter/ in der send n V E N N, tt orrentlioher 5tadt London, am zwo Juni elntau- dreisslg. ilDOÜ HO VorBtebarKia ünterjchritt de» hiosigon ofiöntlichen Notars .ßfc GJ^^^p^^n^^ 1 3 m 1932 uiirnehraung kon- hat'ce boauftragte Botschafter / \ Seiner Hochwohlgeboren Herrn 10,6.1939, I Freiherr Burghardt von Gadenstedt Volkerah e i m . JBer Boc^enem-Harz, Wir Endfisgefert igten und zwar ich Dr.Arthur Czeczowiczka im eigenen Namen und als Generalbevoll- möchtigter meiner Tochter Frau Erika Simon, weiters ich Frau^Irma Czeczowiczka und ich Frau Hanna Kunz , offerieren Ihnen hiem^T^iS]^ uns g meinsam gehörige^ Herrschaft Partschendorf sov;ie (^dortselbst befindlichehSplrltusfabrik, all dies um den Preis von neunhundert- undfünf zigtausend Reich3mark,(^fall3 der Kaufpreis entsprechead den in den auszufertigenden Kaufverträgen zu bezeichnenden Anteilen fttr uns mit behördlicher Genehmigung bei dem Bankhause Merk Fink und Co. in Berlin auf ein Vorzugs sperrmarkkonto der Amsterdamschen Effekten und Bankierkontor erlegt wird , V Der Kaufpreis versteht iich für das Objekt wie es liegt und steht, einschliesslich der im Schlosse befindlichen Möbel, jedoch ohne deren Inhalt und ohne die Sachen des persönlichen Bedarfes der Verkäufer sowie ohne andere Fahrnisse, ^ ..CiJ. rf^f i. oli'j ;:. ozO üiii.' .Il£! It iL r ' n r - t. r on;/ '^^ * i p,ij 9ir' j ^"^^^^-.p^cjn 10.6,1939. lüte^grl-ffmi in dem Kaufprei#Ä^^4st die TW^tt eheste Hypothek der Allgemeinen PensionsanStaTtr-^JEtag^ ' des korrespondierenden Institutes in Deutschland,) weiters ein an jetzige und frühere Angestellte und an die Gemeinde Partschendorf auszuzahlender Betrag von flinf tausend Reichsm.'::rk, dessen Verteilung die Verkäufer verfügen vverden. Von dem Kaufpreise geht weUers die an die Vermittler auszuzahlende Provision von drei Procent ab. j/^^ q^ ^/c// >er Preis versteht sich für das Kaufobjekt ^it allen Rechten und Lasten, Aussenständen und Schuldigkeiten." Die Vep^käufer stellen ^ jedoch dem Herrn Käufer frd , in Abänderung des vorhergehenden l^unktes vom Kaufpreise die mit dem Besitze in Be^ziehung stehenden Schulden abzurechnen undzugleiA die mit dem Besitze in Verbindung stehenden Aussenstände dem Kaufpreise zuzuschlagen. , //?//► r 7^ // N^^ Alle Steuern und Gebühren^soWie Abgaben jedweder e- Art, welche mit dem Kaufvertrage wo immer verbunden sind, insb sondere , die Kosten ^eUr Ausfertigung ^es Vertrages'i seiner grund- bücherlichen Durchführung, die Uebertragungsgebühren und die Wertzuwachsabgabe, hat der Herr Käufer aus Eigenem zu tragen. ^(^ \ \ l^ ir^' ■^ ^f(r^ri rl nrrvT^ ■:Q'1 :0 ^b ifii; e'Qu^icl^f'. .i- Jiv*l/ i\CJhi l> nßvi'f oJb ■^ H *> r. a . ■■■i-i ''"i "> 0 , 7'r efpf rfoe '>JJU 10.6.1939. • 5 - Mit diesem Verkaufaanbote, auf dessen Grundlage die KaufvertrSge auszufertigen sein werden, stehen vjir Ihnen durch zehn " ochen ab heute in Worte. / OtA.*^t^ ^Mf'VC^ f f: '=Sy^A4Jt,a'-{'\^s4<^ \ 4 ? ä mtmm \ i PoStovni üfad > Postamt BARTOSOVICEUA MORAVf Cislo y/yi^ Nr. "^ V in Koncese«Konzession na zfizeni, udriovani a provozoväni pfijimaci radiofonni stanice zur Errichtung, Erhaltung u. zum Betriebe einer radio- phonischen Empfangstation ™SOVICE NA MQßAVf • Gasse Nr. I en Plati za podminek, uvcdcnych na druh^ Strand, pokud budc placen rozhiasovy poplatck Kozhldsovy poplatek sc miisi plätiti nefm^n^ po 3 m^sice. ^ p k • Gültig "'\*''' "^^nr^"/ '^'^' '^,?^^i^;^^ am^eführten Bedin^ui.K^cn, solange die Rtmdfunküchühr trichtet wird. Die [Pflicht zur hnt/^hturi^dieser Gebühr dauert mindestens 3 Monate. X^iit Gebühr für ^^" Monat "^ ........ ...y ^ "^^ f^ ,^(?J^^ die Monate iest zaplacen. ist entrichtet. DalSi mesieni poplatky bude vybirati a stvrzenky vydavati dodävaci poätovni üfad, jemu^ nutno ihned oznämiti kaidou zmenu bytu. Die weiteren Monatsbcträg^ hebt ein und bestätigt das Zustellpostamt, dem jede Woh- nungsandcrung sofort anzuzeigen ist. ; v ^n Stvrzenky dIu2no peCliv^ uschovati. Die Quittungen sind sorgsam aufzubewahren. BARTOSOVICE NA MCRAVt 23,J'ijna 133? 193 dm am Im^nem miufsterstva po^t a telegrafüi des Ministeriums für Post- u, Telegraplien' Wesen i podpis üfednfka, vyhotoydffcfho konccsl Unterschrift des die Konzesslim ausfertigenden Beamten Mistnl a denni razitko Orts» u. Tagesstempel liskopis 773 t, n. (II-1Q30) < f Podminkyt Bedingungen : 1. Tato koncese je nepfevoditelni a Ize ji kdykoli bez udini dtüvodu odvolati. 2. Stanice musi b^ti zfizena a provozovina tak, aby vlastnimi kmity neruSila provozo- vdni stanic okolntch. 3 Nenj dovoleno veieini ikUM (akov^ pofadv a prolevy cizovinen umoiniti konirolnimu orginu poitovni a telegrafni sprivy, kter^ se nileiiti legitimuje, pfistup k pfijimaci staniri a jeji prohlidku. 1. Dieie Konzession darf nicht übertragen werden und kann jederzeit ohne Angabc des Grundes widerrufen werden. 2. Die Station muss so errichtet und betrieben werden, dass sie durch ihre ausstrahlen- den Schwingungen Stationen der Umgebung nicht stört. 3 Die VerbreKunft soldier Senducficn fremder RuodfunkstatfoDen. weU che die öffentliche Ordnantf gefährden, oder öffenfUches Artfcrnit er« regen könnten, Ist nicht gestattet. Werden derartige Sendungen zu' fällig aufgeoommen. muss deren Empfang sofort eingestellt werden. Die Vernachlässigung dieser Pflicht hat die Entziehung der Konzes« slon zur Folge. 4. Die Rundfunkgebühr ist im vorhinein zu entrichten u. zw. von dem, dem Tage der Datierung der Konzessionsurkunde folgenden Monate an, ohne Rücksicht darauf, ob der Konzessionär die Station errichtet hat oder nicht. 5. lalls der Konzessionär die Rundfunkgebühr nicht bis zum Ende des achten Tages jedes Monates, in dem sie fällig ist, beim Postamte entrichtet, hebt sie der Zusteller mit dem entfallenden Einhebungszuschlag ein. Die Bestätigungen über die Entrichtung der Rundfunkgebühr sind für den l'all der Kontrolle aufzubewahren. Die schuldige Rund- funkgebühr wird nach vorhergehender Mahnung exekutiv eingehoben. 6. Übersiedelt der Konzessionär dauernd in den Abgabebezirk eines anderen Postamtes, so hat er dies dem Postamte, bei dem er die Rundfunkgebühr bisher entrichtet hat, zu melden. Eine zeitweilige Übertragung der Empfangstation (Sommerwohnung, Ausflug u. dgl.) muss nirgends gemeldet werden. Es ist jedoch notwendig, die Kon- zessionsurkunde samt der Bestätigung über die Entrichtung der Rundfunkgebühr als Legitimation mitzunehmen. 7. Die Verpflichtung zur Zahlung der Rundfunkgebühr besteht solange, als der Konzes- sionär nicht auf die Konzession verzichtet oder alt sie ihm nicht von Amts wegen entzogen wird. Beabsichtigt er auf die Konzession zu verzichten so hat er dies dem Postamte, bei dem er zuletzt die Rundfunkgebühr entrichtet hat, unter Rückstellung der Konzessionsurkunde schriftlich anzuzeigen und ihm gleichzeitig bekanntzugeben, wie er mit der radiotclephonischen Einrichtung (Station, Antenne) verfahren hat. Der weitere Betrieb der radiotelephonischen Einrichtungen ohne die gehörige Berechtigung ist strafbar. 8. Der Konzessionär ist zur Wahrung des Telegraphengeheimnisses verpflichtet (§§ 15 — 17 d. Po6et pfiloh Number of vouchers annexed »^ 4J^<^ »*i»^^^\ ^ Xylo ilInA or&moTant mbrlky ryplni flnan£ni Af ad. Th« ipaetB withln thli border are for offlclal ose only. Beml obec: Eviden^nl 5islo: J ivi ^ M *•• W «to %S^' I. >* Pi^ihlääka majetku. ^> (Pfiznänf k dävce z majetkoveho pfirüstku podle § 19 a näsL, § 39 a pfiznäni k dävce z majetku podle § 63 zäkona o majetkovych dävkach ö. 134/1946 A^^ DeclarattoiT^of (Statement of assefs for tne purpose of the Property Increase Tax in accordance with § 19 Qt söfl., S-39 and Statement of Ä^^tS^or fhe ^UH^se of ttie ^Capital Levy insaccöiajÄiKiö^Vitk^eSvof the Law "• No. 134 of the year 1946). Jm6no a ph'jmeni (u prävnickych osob oznaöeni a prävnl forma) Christian name and surname (in the case of juristic persons füll designation Änd legal form , * » Ai Rodinn^ «tav (■vobodn^, 2enat^, vdovec a pod.) Family itatus (Single, married, widow etc.) Povoläni (zairt€^tndnf),'^pWvrtic«^>r^ osob pfedmSt öinnosti (podz^k^xii^ ^. Occupadon (emplmmient), in the of jtirifetit? t)lrdons\h^ objöct 'of ' Operations •(undertaking) \»» A4. C^ Bydlist« nebo misto pobytu (u prävnfck!^chb*ob sldlo pMpadne mlsto vedenl) Residence or address wher^ stayhtg ' (in the casQ q4 Juristic ^ t)6PBdini 'i^eät ot head Office) J\ J 4* ^ \*>^ V den .^^ TJatum narozenl' D*te of birth St&tni pfisIuSnost: ': Nationality (subject of what State)! v»^%>\4 ^\\ ^\%^ *^ «^fc^ iNirofiliost Druh povolAnl . Uwnöstnänl nebo öinnosti. skiSeboj titul a pod.) Nature of occupation (callingr or activities, rank in public or other Service or the like.) obec — mSstskÄ 5tvrt Community — town-quarter 1. I. 1939 .■t5-X1.194^ ./j^^^A^/^ /2^JU&d*^ p<)d&nf Bfihl44k^^, date when date when decla- ited.ijr Jm6no a pfesnä adreaa zniocoi&;iQiB (str. 7) Nam« tnd fall ftddrtM of anthoriEed i^;nit (m« ptg« 7) ha/^c yir>^. ... Bliiil «naCenl Poatavenr v povcl^nj Vsaiqo«tfitli;^A| lAtodVi (»ftdni näjemce. ve bIuS. pomeru, pensista, poüvatel rasty k p#d.) «v v Stttw in oeeapatioo (ind«p«ndent, tenant farnar, enployee, ratired on penaion, anoaitaDt dr t^a Mii.) y ^Nationality t*notlier tongue) Cfadu), kde %9^ ^pÖT«l&or rykonävü Title aod a4dnia of aooeern (ondartaSdA^ offiea) in whieh tha taxpayar ia «agagad ulice (nÄmSsti) Street (squaifey N y ^ CIslo domu IVB. yte«iW^^ A^4.^cc^*« /^ ^^ ^«P /^ / Or/. st£t — Dq}. oki;e8 Gocmtt7^-«^*di8trict ^•i^/r. r^ Majetek k «. Assets owned Hodaota majetku Value of assets V cizf m^nö in foreign currency Blizsi ozTiaöeni majetku Details of the Assets ? K2s in K^g 5^ > f 6 ^^K ^^tff^ ^^^«^ >#««^ *0 I »!■ Mii'i i'> 11-^»- ;>.X.>*.>. 4 \ -^ Ühm . Total • • \ •-rf-»"^ I «■■« ■%•<« \ i^^W< / Ührn . . . Total — 2 — H> I 15. listopadu 1945. on 15"» November 1945. Mmjtikmi pfirtetigr ^ übytky 8 I Hodnota majetku j Value of assets V cizl mgnS in forei^Ti currency Majetkov^ pHrüstl^ Increases in assets 9 yyu^,^^ Mmietkov« übytky Decreases in atseti 10 11 V K5s in Kjfs Odüvodn&il majetkoveho im'rüstku — übytku ReasoBs of ttie increase — decrease Ofslo dokUdu Nufflber of TODcher v> SSv \ yii ► * V 'i ^\% s«4l«^>r>^ w ■ »11» »II—, , »■ , \ A /^Ki. V^ M* — 3 — I 1 I Dluhy a bfemena k 1. lednu 1939. Debts^md Encumbrances as on 1»* January 1939. Pof. dfs. No. ^ X Blizsi oznaöenl dluhu (bfemene) Details of debt (encumbrance) 8 Hodnota dluhu (bfemene) Value of debt (encumbrance) ml Dluhy a bfemena k Debts and Encumbrances V cizi mSnö in foreign currency li ' Bli2äl oznaöenf dluhu (bfemene) Details of debt (encumbrance) vKiB in KiB r>t£~^^ • 6 3^^ \ T xN y*CL^'»^*^*^l\7Vt^ y<t^ j^cA" ^>*>V,,Wj\V\' i .r \ 1. Kter^ z majetkovych pfedm^tü a priv (uvedenych v odd. A-II. sloupec 5—7) jste po 1. lednu 1939 pfenesl z ciziny do Ceacoslovenska? ! Which of the«as3^ti^an i< ' ' Tl I I ■< liirig Ml ■ -lig ■!■ — 6 — i Il t E f ] Vfpoitt divky z majetkoveho pHrfistku. Cakulation of the Property Increase Tax« 1. 2 2. 5. Celkovä hodnota majetkovych pfirüstkü (ühm z odd. A-IH-S a B-III-8) Total value of increase« (Total of Section A-UI-S and B-III-8) Od toho: Less: [-9 a B.III-9) (to!kloYsS:^ion A-III-9 and B-III-9) b) Celkcfv^ fiödiiöfe majetJcov/öH ^bv& (ührn z odd. C) Total .Ai^ue «o£ assetg« ^qwiracl IbX iilkeritance etc. -*k\^^^S .(Total of Section C) c) Dävky proste öästky podle § 3^odst. 2 Duty-free amounts under § 37, sec. 2 d) Dävky pu^te öastky podl^§ 37, odst. 3 Duty-free amounts under § 37, sec. 3 Zbyvä Balance . -t^^ » Zaokrouhleno na cely tisic Kös dolü Reduced to nearest round sum in thousands Kös Dävka z majetkoveho pfirüstku Amount of Property Increase Tax il <^ F I! Yfpoiei d4vky z majetku. Calcubtion of O^it^ fievy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. T Majetek (ühm z oddilu A-II-7) Assets (Total of Section A-n-7 - y Od toho: Less: a) Dluhy a bfemena (ühm z oddflu B-II-7 Debts and encumbrances (Total of Section B-II-7) b) Dävka z majetkoveho pfirüstku Property Increase Tax c) Dävky proste ^tky podle § 61, odst. S Duty-free amounts under § 61, sec. 3 d) Dävky proste öästky podle § 61, odst. 4 Duty-free amounts under § 61, sec 4 Ecs 1 Küs Zbyvä Balance /i^dQ-y<:^ 'i^ia^^^ Zaokrouhleno na cely tisic Kcs dolü Reduced to nearest round sum in Kcs \ I Dävka z majetku Capital Levy <*/ ^ c. — 6 — '^ Jmenovänf zmocnence. ^fi' Jmenuji pana (panl, sleJnu)' ••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••• bytem •••••• •••••—•••*••—<♦•••♦•••—•••—••—•••—»•••••••>•—— ulice (nÄmößtf) äs aprävni okres svym zmocnöncem, ktery jest tfmto oprävnön ke väem jednÄnim s finan^nl sprävou republiky Ceskoslovensk^ ve vöcech majetkovych ddvek podle zäkona ze dne 15. kvätna 1946, öis. 134/1946 Sb. .« dne 1947. PodpU. Appointment of authorized Agent I appoint Mr. (Mrs., Miss) residinir at as my agent who is hereby given authority to act on my behalf in all dealings with the Revenue Author- ities of the Czechoslovak Republic in the matter of Property Increase Tax and Capital Levy in accordance with the Law of lö^h May 1946 (No. 134 in the Official Collection of Czechoslovak Laws and Ordinances of the year 1946). Given at on this day of 1947. .(Signed.) I Vysvitlivky. — Explanatiimflu I^Hji'z^X^C^Cc^^^^ ^|^^«****««*»««*«***«**««*«»«^^H»« •••«•••••••••••• ••••••< A^iy^^«"^ '^^^'^^ijjL *m^•^•^•^mm9mmwm^mm^^%—m—^mmm^^%w^^•^—•wm—mm^mm•^mm^m—^•^%—m••m^^^^^m ••••••*••••••••••• ••••••«•• ■•■■•■••• •«•«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»««•••••»•««•«•»•••c >•••———•——♦»■>«»>»■»«> ^^^^^•^^^^^^^^^^^%m^9m^m^%%^%%%^%%%%^m^^^^—m»^^mmm%•%%^%^^%mmm^%%%^m^^^—m^^m——— Ujisfuji, ie vesker6 tyto üdaje i üdaje na vSech ostatnich pfilohÄch k „Pfihlaäce" uöinil jsem podle nejlepsiho vödomi a svedomi a jsem si vMom trestnosti nesprävnych üdajü. 1947. * Podpis. y I declare that all ttie above Statements, and the Statements on au the other vouchers annexed to the Declaration have been made to the best of my judgment and belief, and that I am well aware that the submitting of untrue Statements is a punishable offence. (Place and Date). xiiiW»»«» !■ KHf^Wtt« -7- / i^W I I .t> i'^oms ?**•' HO ,v\u 'J Czechoslovakia Is Invifing You, 'U c ^|1 ^V>4\^. Pay a visit to Czechoslovakia, pay a Visit to the Heart of Europel Although small in size, our country is rieh in natural beauty, in cultural treasures and highly developed industryl Are you fond of mountaineering and winter sports? Visit the Tatras, the Krkonose (Giant Mountains), the Bezkydy or the Sumaval Every^ where you will find beautiful forests offering you recreation and resti Are you in need of a eure? Pay a visit to our world:!famous spas Karlovy Vary, Mariänsk^ Läznf , Jäehymov, Luhacoviee, Piesfany, Tren^ iianske Tepliee. They will restore your health! Are you a sportsman, an angler? Our forests abound in game, our rivers in fish! Do you eherish historieal treasures? In our eountry you will see old towns, eastles, palaees and ehurches! Do you wish to view one of the world's most beautiful eities? Pay a Visit to Prague with its hundred towers! In its old part your fancy will be eaught by the royal Castle HradCany, Vysehrad, the aneient Charles' Bridg;e, the Charles' University, one of the oldest in Europe, by imppsrtw> * pa^ab«'oMhe ari^6?täey, atielcWl^^s.The liew ^rt of Fi2tj^üc'*4ifihäi you everything that you demand of a modern eapital. Are you interested in industry ? Visit our foundries and eoalmines, our industrial enterprises, see our products of glass, poreelain, leather arid wood, our machines, textiles and stationery. Will you eat and drink well? Try our harn, our Pilsen beer, our 1 ßurope? Do eome to Czeehoslovakia! You will meet brave, hardworking people who in all walks of life are speedily repairing the enormous damage whieh the Ger^ mans inflieted on them during six years of oeeupation; a stauneh people devotedly and enthusiastieally upbuilding its demoeratie and soeial state. Do pay a visit to Czeehoslovakia onee and you are eertain to eome againl cheese, fruit and the Czeeh euisinel > X Have you not yet been to the heart of Central v^^ .( > N The Gresham Prtu J ^^"^ K fxJi -^^X^^K^^A-y* ^ ^/("^^^^.^^^»i^^J: ^^j^ /^/^^^ ,^^.^99 ^vT/^^^b^^ ^ ,^,^^^4.,,^^^,^ > % • y^ ^^^^. ^PiP^ 3 ,fxj?'^ii^ •2 f. A^> 'f?^^ ^ a-Ä f3 r. ■^'^-^9.n4Z..€C-ü,^>>h:h^d'rU^^.^^^ „ f. /IT 3^ 7a S OL // /< c?7^^c.tA'A!bL // 9^ SZS'^S' ■■Ml ■■ I ^cZ'^/9'Sbl-^S' I« •♦ 1 -•'»■ ! 1 ♦ . 1 t } 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 4 , ■ t 4 1 1 1 » * « 1 i 1 • ; 1 11 II il pr(^ ZSZ^T» f|Ar/^/A KM^i^ -f/^hJUJ^ CoLUSc^X-X-Cf^ Zl3l i V \^\^\ T^^ri^"^^ f^p(>uttf\ri^i^ lEITZ Trennblatt 520 zum Selbstausschneiden von Registertasten }iS P/uW j^v^-^ ^1^ r^o^ tl^^^'^'^^^^ \f\C^\ f 8 MR. CRAVER I I May 12th 1995. Dear Narlella, it wou thank you very much for going to so much trouble to help me. Lets hope it will be somewhat successful. Here is copy Aide-Memoire.I wish now I had followed your adviee and sent in another ckaim though it would have been rejected. As you can see both Mr Zacharias and Dr Braun thought Id be useless. In addition you and Hanns visited another lawyer, a Dr. Reichl in Wigmore Street who said the same thing. Erica can not recall signing a paper for the Cominission that she will forgoe any further Claims but thinks that when she r received the last payaent she was advised that that was it. Erica wants me to thank you for sending her the doctors address. S She has not yet acted upon it beeing busy with Walter and a friend who is in the hospita. I much appreciate your cleverness and experience in these di difficult legal matters and your finesseSn dealing with people. I am going for a general check up later this month. Hope YOU are well. May lOth 1995 Mariella interview at Foreign Compensation Commission Admiralty Bldg. (Foreign Office) 3rd floor The Mall^ London S.W.1 with Mr (A ?) Grant , Tel 210-6166 ext, Office Hrs.Tuesd. Wednd, Tuesd f Wend , Thur sd , best reachable 1 2 noon March Ist 1983 additional application forms given to Hanns Lowe (and me ?) to be returned at once according to NEW ORDER "Foreign Compensation Order Czechoslo- vakia 1982. 8th July 1983 letter from Commission to Hanna in Philadelphia about deadline 31 st Aug 1983 Hanna ^ ^ . » 0 L March 3rd 1983 Aid Memoir from r\^O^ouT Visit Mr Evans at Commission 438-7045 (Tel) Marcj^ Ist 1983 cA^'v^ fo t^A^, Required proof of Brit. Citizenship on 2nd Feb. 1982 Exclusion of those of those who had received payment under "The Czechoslovak-British Compensation Agreement of 19^|43|and the subsequent Distribution Order of 1950 22nd March 1983 letter Dr Braunthat he searched the file and found Compensation received according to Order 1950 and that an additional Compensation is not possible if there was was Compensation granted in 1950 Erica^sp^ösented by Mr Zacharias American Condition for receiving further Compensation that the property had to be confiscated between 8th Aug 1958 and 2nd Feb. 1 982. Letter Mr Zacherias 7th Oct. 1983 there is little point to claim as the record both in the English claim proceedings and in the proceedings brought by your sister before the Foreign Claims settlement Commission in Washington is solidly against us. HENRY J. 2ACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COTINSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N . Y. 10022 (212) 759-94^78 CABLE: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL October 7, 1983 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: to be As was yfexpected, has now seen fit any longer. the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission not to defer its decision on your Claim The Commission has issued its "Proposed Decision dated September 22, 1983 and communicated said Decision to me with its letter of October 4, 1983, all as per enclosed copy. Needless to say , in view of our inability to prove that the taking of any of the properties claimed by you occurred after August 8, 1958, the Commission had no choice but to deny your Claim. The letter of the Commission was received yesterday, October 6th and the fifteen day period for filing objections would therefore expire on October fist- ln view of what you told and wrote me , there seems to be little point in filing objections. The only ground for objections which I might State would be to say that you are still engaged in an effort to ascertain evidence showing that one or the other of the properties claimed were taken away by the Czech authorities after August 8, 1958 and that the Commission should allow US a little more time so that you can continue these efforts. I doubt , however, that the Commission would do so and even if it did for a little while, it would probably not help us since you made it quite clear to me that you do not expect to locate any useful evidence, be it in England or elsewhere. Moreover, the record both in the English claim proceeding and in the proceed- ing brought by your sister before the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission in Washington is solidly against us . In particular, the Page 2 decision in your sister's case includes a clear cut holding that expropriation occurred on April 15, 1948. For all these reasons, I am afraid there is little choice but , in conformity with your own recent Suggestion, to abandon this Claim. It goes without saying that I would have been very happy had there been a possibility to please you (and also your sister, Mrs. Mftriella Wolf) with a successful effort on your behalf, but circumstances were unf ortuantely adverse to a chance for success. With all good wishes, Sinc^ lely yoürs HJZ : rs Encl. I I I I FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMEMT COMMISSIOM Wothington, D.C. 20579 The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission entered a Proposed decision on Claim No. CZ-2-0301 &epfeembür 7, ISfia.^ ^^ ^^ (date), Copy of dec\sion forwarded to your attorney. r Clerk of the Commission GPO SQS-SS» 65-7 I I FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20579 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OFFICIAL BUSINESS Mrs . Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby^ PA 19802 I I U.S. Department of Justice Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States \^a%hmgton,D,C. 20519 OCT 4 1983 Henry J. Zacharias, Esquire Fischer, Zacharias & Cohen 598 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Claim No. CZ-2-0301 Hanna Kunz Dear Mr. Zacharias: Enclosed is a copy of the Proposed Decision on the above claim. Commission regulations provide that where the Proposed Decision denies a claim, in whole or in part, the claimant may file objections within 15 days of receipt of the decision. In addition, the claimant may request an oral hearing before the Commission. Objections must be clearly stated and each instance of alleged error in the Proposed Decision, v/hether of law or fact, should be set forth. The Statement of objections must also clearly indicate whether an oral hearing is requested. Such hearings are conducted by one or more Commissioners at the Office of the Commission, 1111 - 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC. Ordinarily, no verbatim record of an oral hearing will be made except upon prior request and at the claimant's expense. If an oral hearing is requested, the claimant or his counsel will be notified as to the time when the hearing will be held. If objections are filed but no oral hearing is requested, the objectioHjs, including any brief or evidence submitted in support thereof, -will be thoroughly considered by the Commission before the issuance of a Final Decision. Submissions of documents not previously provided to the Commission should include the original and three copies, with verified translations "into English of any matter in a foreign language. The purpose of an oral hearing is to permit the presentation of oral argument and the Submission of additional evidence. If documentary evidence, a v/ritten Statement, or a brief is to be submitted, it must be forwarded so that it is received by the Commission at least 20 days prior to the date of the hearing. Very truly yours. —■ 10^ jl<« "Z Dcivid H. Rogers General Counsel Enclosure I I •»I FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20579 Ik THB MaTTBR OF THB ClAIH OF HANNA KUNZ Counsel for Claimant: Claim No. CZ-2-0301 DeciaionNo. CZ-2-0583 Henry J. Zacharias^ Esquire Fischer, Zacharias & Cohen PROPOSED DECISION This Claim in an unstated amount against the Government of Czechoslovakia under subsection 5(a) of the Czechoslovakian Claims Settlement Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-127, 95 Stat. 1675) is based upon the loss of a 1605 hectare estate known as Bartosovice, an apartment house, houses and land, factories and personal property in Czechoslovakia. Claimant states that she acquired United States nationality by naturalization on February 4, 1957. Under subsection 5(a) of the Czechoslovakian Claims Settlement Act of 1981, the Commission is given the following Jurisdiction: "The Commission shall receive and determine, in accordance with applicable Substantive law, including international law, the validity and amount of Claims by nationals of the United States against the Govern- ment of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic for losses resulting from the nationalization or other taking of property owned at the time by nationals of the United States, which nationalization or other taking occurred between August 8, 1958, and [February 2, 1982]." Accordingly, under the law the Commission can grant awards only for property which was taken after August 8, 1958. At the time of filing this claim, claimant stated that the property which is the subject of this claim was nationalized by the Government of Czechoslovakia at the end of World War II. By letter dated September 2, 1982, claimant was advised that the Commission 's authority was limited to Claims for losses which occurred after August 8, 1958 and that based upon the Commission 's i* -2- the property on which her claim is based would have been taken prior to August 8, 1958. Claimant was invited^ however^ to subrait any evidence or Information she wished considered by the Commission in reaching a determination on her claim. By letter dated January 25^ 1983^ counsel advised the Commission that he had been reatined in this matter. In response to counsel 's reqviest^ he was advised that no further action would be taken on the Claim until after May 1, 1983^ pending the receipt of docu- mentation to establish a compensable loss. To date, however^ no documentation or further communication regarding the claim has been received. Based upon the record in this claim, the Commission has no alternative but to conclude that the property involved was taken by the Government of Czechoslovakia prior to August 8, 1958. Since under subsection 5(a) of the Act, above, an award can only be granted for losses which occurred after August 8, 195 8, the Commission finds that this claim must be and it is hereby denied. The Commission finds it unnecessary to make determinations with respect to other aspects of this claim. Dated at Washington, D.C. and entered as the Proposed Decision of the Commission, •^..' SEP22iS83 7r* " ' " :. - --.l"!! . / / NOTICE: Pursuant to the Regulations of the Commission, if no objections are filed within 15 days after service or receipt of notice of this Proposed Decision, the decision will be entered as the Final Decision of the Commission upon the expiration of 30 days after such service or receipt of notice, unless the Commission otherwise Orders. (FCSC Reg., 45 C.F.R. 531.5 (e) and (g) , as amended.) CZ-2-0301 Mr Henry Zacharinn Flffeher^ Zechariae ftCOhen Attomeya 59 B Madtlflon Are New Yoric,«UT. 100??» Oct* ?3ra 1983 Bear Mxw Zechnrl^Sf thank you for .your lettcr of October 7tiu I eppreciate so much your Interect In mj cace and the tlffie rnd effort you spent aud also clarifylng ecch point for me« Fy cousln Marielift Wolf In london la cloiily T^rofreasing efter her accddent and cBn Y^alk a little idth the help of a cana* Ve both thank you for your peraonel concerru Tour^i very slncerely Q Fischer, Zacharias & Cohen 598 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 USA Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upp-r Darby, Pa. 19082 «■ ? (yy Vv^ -Q^C t 0/v/V T ov V/ V?. gL\/\. -^ \ ^^ \\X\\A X ^^^^ iT h ^ Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN, DR. JUR. PRAGUK TELEPHONE: 01-794 7758 OVERSEAS TELEORAM8 : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 665 FINCHLEY ROAD LONDON NW2 2HN 22.Maerz 1983. PLEASE QUOTE OUR REF NO 1 100XLAG_ 2*0/101 )-RB/IJi! o Frau Hanna Kunz 550 Cobley Road Upper Darby, Pennsylvania 19082. "' "^^^^^ ^950 z-ugesprochene Ent- schaedigung bloss zu einem geringen Teil bezahlt wurde. Ich verbleibe licher Hochachtung •»•"•ilw"*^ .V 50 SHELDON AVENUE, H16HGATE, LONDON, N.6 / /^' /•/ j^A^^tf^ ///^^^ ^-^ f'^'^ ^y^^^ x^^^ ^ 68 Oreencpoft Oardens,London,H.W.6, 'i .v ^^vV-- ir'-w''?^? '^^®' Mra.iraa Czoozowlczka, same address, ' ■ ' -^ -y .•■:.':"'.:.r .■•■•■ •.'->.■• Brltlshi , -■ ■ . (3) thelr daughter Mrs •Hanna Kunz n6e Czeczo?rlczka, at present: c/o Dl Sebastian, 7252 Bradford Road, Upper Darby, Pa.,U.S*A*j British; ik) thelr daughter Mrs. Erica Simon n6e Ozeczowlczka, 170 West 8lst Street, New York 2lj., N.T., Ü.S.A. U.3.A. Citizen« The Es täte Bartosovlce, Includlng the area upon whlch the Alcohol Pactorv (property of Arthur Czeczonlczka) was erected, conslsted of 6I4.9.I1.7 lia, equalllng 1605 acres (1 ha - 2.Ü711 acrea), and was reglstered In the Land Register as gollows:- Part A - In the name of Arthur Czeczowlczka. ha.l09.6J4J02 Part B - In the names of Arthur Czeczowlczka and Irma Czeczowlczka Jolntly, each an I. "Ideal" half ha 103.lj.593 Part C - In the names of Arthur Czeczowlczka and Hanna Kunz /as trustee for Arthur Czeczowlczka/ Jolntly, each an "Ideal" half ha I72.511I1 Part D - In the names of Arthur Czeczowlczka and Erica Simon /as trustee for Arthur Czeczowlczka/ Jolntly, each an "Ideal" half ha I06. 1^627 Part E - In the names of Arthur and Irma Czeczowlczka, Hanna Kunz and Erica Simon /the latter two as trustees for Arthur Czeczowlczka/jolntly, each an ' "ideal" quarter ,, ,ha 159>la99 , Total area of the Estate - ha 651.I4.935 Share Arthur Czeczowlczka Reglstered In hls own name: A - ha IO9.6I4D2 B - 1/2 51-7296,5 c - 1/^ 86.2557 I> - 1/J 53-2313,5 E - lA 39>8Skq.7 Total In own name: 52,305^ or ha 5l|J0.71l8,7 Reglstered In the name of Hanna Kunz /as trustee/ C - 1/2 ha 86.2557 E - lA 59>8qli9/ 19.56^ or ha 126.1107,' Reglstered In the name of Erica Slmon/as trustee/ D - 1/^ , ha 53.2313, E - lA 59>8sli9. lU>50^ or ha 9?.0865i Total share of Arthur Czeczowlczka 85.96?^ or ha 559.9088,N \ l t r.' . r i >■ 't l i i f I I; P»t 1*T- *«■>..«. » • •• .. . ■ ■ . . . • Share Irma^ Ozee zowl c zka •».- 1 -> ;• ■ 1 1 1 • — ^— — ^— — — ^— ^■^_^,«^ ■"•^ ^* Total share of Irma Czeozowlozka B - 1/2 B - 1 A ■* • ■. >;■■■ »• / / / ll^,.Ok^ or Ha 51 •7996, 5 59>8Sk9.7S ha 91. 581^.6,25 Total of Estatesaccordlng to Land Register lOOjg - ha 651>U.935# The Land Register shows an area of ha 65i.l4.955 whereas the expert Tomasek mentlons ha 6^9 •kl only. I belleve the computatlon of the expert to be correot and that some small changes have been omltted from entering Into the Land Register. (Por particulars regarding the Expert Opinion and registBation, distribution and dates of title contained in the Schedule of Distribution see Encs. and .) Concerning the Manner in which the Interest arose; Mr.Salomon Ozeczowiczka and hls son Arthur purchased in 1900 the Estate Bartosovlce consisting of three adjoining propertles: (1) Bartosovlce, in the centre ) both registered in the name of (2) Puste jov ) Salomon Czeczowiczka; (5) Sedlnice, registered in the name of Arthur Czeczowlczka. Under the Land Reform Acts I919-I922 the property of Salomon Czeczowlczka was subjected to expropriatlon, whilst Arthur Czeczowlczka' 3 property was exempt but wanted for colonisation by the Czech authorities. After negotiations with the Land Office an agreement was reached, under which Salomon Czeczowlczka (at that tlme over 70 years old and of 111 health) assigned hls share - less a small area required by the Land Office for distribution to small f armers - to Arthur Czeczowlczka and hls wife Irma Czeczowlczka with the consent of the Land Office, whereas Arthiir Czeczowlczka agreed that the Land Office should tcüce over the largest part of hls own property, which was not llable to exproprlation under the Land Reform Acts. 5phe slze of land to be owned by indlvidual owners being limited by the Land Reform, the distribution dividing the whole area into five Parts A to E, as descrlbed above, was chosen with the consent of the Land Office. The daughters of Arthur euid Irma Czeczowlczka, Hanna Kunz sind Erica Simon, were trustees for Arthur Czeczowlczka. To safe- guard hls rights, special agreements were made between Arthur Czecaowiczkä and hls then minor daughters, with the approval of the Dlstrict Court Novy Jlcin, acting as Guardian for llinors. c >^.. )^^'. V *•.• ^'I. * V 1 — r g5-tJL_6ß«Svi Aifl8-«epoiye ^91» f[mW ilfflan Krs. Raxma ZXJSZ (A) (daußhter of Dr* Arthur and Utb. Irma Ozeozowlozka)» ^ [ Olalmiag in aooordanoe wlth Minute* of Adjudication dated May 1945 signed by the Chairman of the Foreign Compenaat Oommisalon, of vdiich a oopy ia enclosed i i (B) (1) aa part (1/2) heir of Dr. Arthur Czeozowiczka (father) teee enclosed oopy of probated atatement). (2) aa part (l/2) heir of Irma Czeozowiczka (mother) (686 ««^ (3) ao part oymer. looation of property clairaed i Bartosovice Es täte, (eee Schedule I, signed by Arthur), I (tfO Propertiea clalmed t (1) Contenta of Castle, (See Schodulo ly,), The Castle waa purchased by the claioant'a crandfather 1«' libSai?^%*?r :J? «?*J'l"«/"«!it«^?^M«gSf oSa?aSing adSiti^As Je^e mdo rt^^dl^f^i? ^^^^''^ ^^ ^^^«^ ^*yl«l and modern''hoLShold''I|Späftf ttS; SS^.f r^'H^^"' to large entertalni«/» nii^i^^Ji «»« deaigned to cater huntini Parties eto'r^nio^^i ** ^^^^ ^^ elegant df.+Q?io^ lic,! I^ iHanns t Hanna hopea to finfl » (2) Bncloaures i Copy of Adjucation dated 16 Peb, 1954, X25y °t Probated atatement fron Someroet House of Br. Arthur dr £?£L2^ whatever paper Hanna can find rogarSng 1^^ he^ * rights as Irma'a part (1/2) heir, <>«"«-"i6 txmmxm ner Copy of British Maturali zation certificatea vx . ilS^ ÖrStlSM^«''?,^ 5J"ilSlöAÄ^ttS„ (ozechciova. Copy of marriage Certicate of paronts. XC CM^ 9^1.^JV^ - Cl<^,r\J..^^ 4= ^^-iL Vi Cs) u 4^ Q-^ci. r.T.o. w« m ^ '. -^ u V: kB Büon as Hanna gets home^ she will try to find out the followlng and PLEASE toll her now what elae she should look for i— ( ii t -.1 Whether the tastenausglelchsajat has paid anythlng and, if ao, for what» -1 4—1 — 4- .i-» (2| Arthur* 8 llBke of contents of caßtle (more oompl^te than Schedule 4) and perhapa an Insurance ^olloy» ■i ■ 1 ^ r 1 t \ \ i i i i I i i ^i ' ' ' i. i • ^ ''^ ■ m (3; Tou will eee froxn Schedule T, that the eetate owned Bhares In tho valuc of KO 215,510 at the date of conflsoatlon on OctAber 1, 1948af (Jf). Hanna will check chack whether the shares have evor been It would appear that they 4id HOT compenoated _ Included In the compensation paymontSt They were applied for in Artcur*8 original Re-istration of hio Claim, of which we give you a (^py herewlth«, . 4-_ ._i ■-) (4) Proof of oomo ]fclnd of bein^^ heir after Irma, will hopefully not be difficult» to< i^c^ >l>D^u.S^^A^e>'}h^<^^^ e^^^^te^ ZO. M /9±ff '3rjiwt"us of Signatory Witness to above signature: Address: ^i/^^RL^J^^ .'. (owner, sol icitor, etc. ) Füll name of ow ner: /Tl^^ ^X^e<>^C<^/^t^^^ Add r^s^.6i^^Su^e^^i^<>U^^^^ c^iS^^^ui^^^Ti^^/^^ Country of domicile (if other than the above): Nat i ona I i ty : Grounds upon which British national ity is claimed: ress of any pcrson C^' Name and Add I n who is now authorised by the owncr to act as his/her representat ive \ 61199-'\ i-3n j?. mm \ ( I ) CLASS I FICATION (See Note 8) (2) FÜLL DESCRIPT ION Öf PROPERTY (as classified In Note 8) (n) (tyj 0 ivi; Immovab le property (3) S ITUATION OF PRQPERTY {See Note 9) ^<^y^^%-. Movab le property Rights and Interests in ^2^LiLSA.,,.,^Aauc,^,^ ^« f X\H) I Monetary obligations (8) STATE NATURE QF BUSINESS (IF ANY) CARRIED PN IN THE ABOVE PROPERTY OR TQ WH ICH THE GQODS OR RIGHTS APPERTAIN (9) STATE (a) NAME AND LAST KNgVN ADDRESS OF ANY NQMINEE, TRUSTEE CR PERSON APPO I NTEDTO fcONTRQL THE PROPERTY BY THE OvVNER. ( b ) NAME, ADDRESS AND , STATUT OF ANY QTHER PERSON OR AGENCY KNOWN TO HAVE OR HAVE HAD :ONTROL OF THE PROPERTY #» (4) PARTICULARS OF LQSS C (See Note I '^ I (a ) Nat iona I isat r ( b ) War I oss or I // // /, NATURE AND EX (See 'l •<^o ^ /O'^ve. D 61199'-\ 10,000 7/46. P R P ,R DAMAGE ion '•- ■ damage V r f (5) VALUE (See Notes I I and 12) (a) at date of nat Jona I Isat ion ( b ) at outbreak of war 43LjJuSf /^ 96^, ip/^a /iC^>fe5'w^^//?i>/^/>:- (6) EVIDENCE OF VALUE STATED IN COLUMn'5 (See Note 13) (7) AMQUNT of CLAIM (See Notes I I and 12) ^^:Aiuii€£^^i^ ^^^,s/g.s^s*^ For Off icial üse # ^ y^ß/^^/^'.- ^ 3, i7P ^p^u ypp {ppü.^ ^//r^/^'^ (10) tent of gwnership ' Note 14) \ ^>^KJ6^£i>^S^<^^^ ^ 2So. PPi>i^ ,^u4.^<:A^lt24 S9.^SP /o ZS^p.cp^P*^ /x /^!hl J^3 /p >^ <:i^7vxtf^ (II) EVIDENCE 0^ OWNERSHIP (See Note 15) ^,^.4 ^, < 9 "*^, -^ ^^^. i^>^*u« ^l^^^fe^_ I "■^ / C'^i4<3L A £-Ct^L/ho ^^ i--c>yxc&^ t' i\<:A.e^ci Ct ^'^^l^X'Ctyh^Cy^^'^y/t^-^?^ v^2:^vwpe^/yKx<:2^iV c^ ytcoij^^'l^eAjk^l/.^^^^^^^ y^Äe ^-t^xx^'^i^,^ .A>y /^ ^^% •/^ ^te ^V-t^-o ^<^^ ■/. ^ ^o^ <^><2>>^^ / ^e., y4^^ /^^^^c^vi^V c:/^^/? .^a^i^>e^ ^^^^^^^ CZ.txL. ^^^^^ihi^^d^H^X '^ ^t3k>t ^ ^v^t <:^V^7i^ ^<^e -<:^ <<>^->-L jt ife c/. -^i^ Oie^ ti^^fi t^ /4w^ X c^ o^ aJ^.>^u^ A^r':^ ^/^9 ^^^^, _ .^le ..^^^i^ .czAo^^^^ ^^^ y^'t^ C^^r-^-rf ^u/cO ->tAJi^ ^ e^^yi^^ixJ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^-t-^^^^^^-^H. ^^i^t> »t^ /i^<:::^^>^ /^ ^ J'^tA.^^O^^)^^ . s /P :xA^ct^<^i^ ^ y^y^i'iy^ a^t^-t O-^- c*-t-Ä-^. .-*A2.y ZuAfi y(^^^^,y4, ^-^^ ^^^Mjv ^-i^^&Z /^If. — * - ^ / X^? % -<^> c^-cH O-^-^y^crK f^^kt/ y<^tca ^^/^ j^/a^A^ ?/. /^X" /^./^?% <2>t^ ^a,A 6S/. /Jf>9M^ '^fx.-0(- ^i-j:£jOL Jjt^ ^x>c/. ^y^t^ f^ A.CL J AoL » Z^l.i^KAt' JAjlA-t/i:. vn^ 1H.CL tt^ju^ AXte.'CL ^k>^^£o^ty^LyH^ ^,/aM AX^ .^h^0/-S^4'^/^S^A OL Jciiy}^ /\iz>Q,^L4'''^.eA. *'^ y^icC'iAU^^ ^a^-T^ J^aJ^h Ccxyi^^ii^p^Sa^ .cJ^-i^y^-'i'i^^/- ^J<)L'(y^^ ^<:l^^4^'^U.<>/ .3i>^c^^ y^.^. 36 Z -36 ^^ 36b, 93 Z^ 69 ^-^ Ä/7 6^9^66 i<^z^i "£y^«:jt V Ony- ^/ s/z 93^^ S^9 ^ ^/^ ^. /99-?. La4iU>Vi.^^ y(aLcA ScAajüUc^^ TT o £^t ^^ v, <^^^J^ ^^M,a^(^^\^ ^ ::x^^v ^^-^ ^-^^x^-ci^^^y^e^ .y-t^ MX- yl e^/ €C--fX c/. o//ui-^ t £ ec<>/' t z-<^ /Vce ^^t'c/^'A' .'^-^<^;^ / t::. c:^ t;^ x2^ ^ ue^ v^cc^ ^^ j^^^cx-a iiz.^ 1^ . <:/ ^ <^f -^ ..^/^< iX^-J-T-X^^ ^ ^^ f-frxe^tx// / J / O, ^ (i>i? , _ JC<^ ^^i(yt^A^ /C^p-Ti^J .^L^T'V-j JZ>^-tz£ .-»XÄ-^tc»^ jß -<€v^.^^^ <2^.T^ <2^ x^^^ 3^/P. i)0^- . :^2 P .^^o-^^Z gÄU^e>^>^ Z (!P^4>^t<^^ ' " ^^ SSO. 000- ^ ^cP, ^ /P^e .'^. ^^^^e^ti^UT'iy-txi^Jt/X^i^^ v>/C^^2:^<.^ // . Mta «UM* ■'—'•'- UMK>da 3^>-^^^ , SAcL/L£A'i>-^aU^^ yUP/^^cxJ^jy-f^^T^eA ^^ ^^^'^^ ^.^^i^-cx.^ /j /^^Oc^^^OA^e^ {t4 t^ ^^^c6f.H^j:zA.c^ ;^ ^o ^?^^, ^/t^ -<:C cc^x. /C>£). - ^J^ .oCoU^ /O. ^PO^?. _ yj .^^Ax/Lg^ -i}^^1^ ^:x^y^cu.<.^t^,A^Ct^ ..-a^it^^f^^^,^^ ^ cT p/0. _ ^ ' '^J .^ A^CXh^ vo// ;^^ ^;^^^t^e<:^ .,^2>^ 1^.^^ €tLZ:i.yA'i:yn //^ A /r^ y^Ax/ yp^aA^ c-^--^^ y S'PO. - '- i^ :^/S■S/o* — >i^ /^.^^ y'^?X.<^ ^;V^Q>^ .^^C^^ -^ .^-TAC/'ce^ -^^^e^e. ^-^^t ^e-^t-<^ /^^ ^7>-t ^ ■MMMH«MhMi*tMAM«4i > .«i Q^h:v^ J^-aAAx>L. f y-c^^fx^e^ n^ (Ai/^Liß^ i2 ^<^ ^^^^^-^te^i^^ , ScJo>^dt4./(L // /9^Sy^ly9^ci',^ ^^ ^^X-C-i^^e^ua^ A^t-tyOL V x2»L -^^^^ --^- ^PC^ ^,T<>^^^ce., O^-f-^n^CxJ^ ^p'-ctJcc cl£^. ^A ///. ^l U^ // ^M^ ^-) /s^/i 39o-'/a> ^^/ .^ix^iJbU^^U^ /■# / Jly^ ,4i^i^.aAi^X — " / O ^. OOP. - .^cxt^uT't.«;:^*^?^^ /y4> ^7-M^ .-t.^^ ''•' .v2^ y 2 0. Oi/£>, /^^ S^^^O.PdP' _ .Ali^CtCL y^/.o<^ /' / , 6oO.O(9ü- ^ "' ^ 'J-OVXCQ^ Xvte^^cii^ ^y/i-^^^n^ctj^ ^-^u <^ az. ^£^ //• c:2^£::<:^V'U:i/ y^o 'f^i.v:-.^. X uy/ >v A:ctAt.6J' '^ -t^cju^c^ fe ^^ ^-r-<^ . tX^ %^:?« ir.x^V:.<2>tj^ ^^-TiX^y /^.^z^e^/y^i^e^ u^ n^^ayA^ ^^^ X^<^ rx^'^^c.^^ A ^^^^^^p^ -^ S^^' l^ ^^. ^ ^^. ^. //'^ 9. ^^43-iaA>^^ tXL4^ .-i.<:£c^f^^^ •x A^t/ml, 3^ ^c^/u^x^^A^^Y^^^' -^' ^^^^^^ .'<^-Ä'<^>^^ ^ 9./9i^J' xOa. xC>ZXS<2x;^<-«>'Ä, ^ ^ ^ / yeS.X./9^9'Afi^.^ .-«='^ yC^J y>y\H.->y,<,'4^1^ ^^^ s:/^ \ p 5. ^%L^ni4/fe^c^^^ «■i I i I (kt,^fi4U^irz^^/<^^^7^//^^jZ^ tA^x^Ai^zz. z. f999: \ \ \' ' ^ A>^ ■— -*_,,-X ■♦>'Ä.W<^''^^t^^i^CL. it«o»iyAotl^ V yrU^p>y.oc .^-^-yyr^J>U<^ iU .-ct^*K> J^ << /^^k£>^(,^ti<:y!i'^:^v^^^ t •, .AI . '• : cU.A/^S>i^ /fc//e<— > — i—-. ^ A_ "^7 -i — 1 »> S'^J' ZP3^ "^ I l t »« ■ ■ t • ■ ^ ■* * ^ < .fr-A ■"^"^ * M^X. tm ^ J-ii^ »A /u?€^ £c^-i^4^^^£Ci A4>^ -^/ Z^6zw ^5^. ^J

3^ yCt^y^ V^^^u^:? ^^^^?^Aa^. p,^,^v,aaHMi^vB-^ ■ — — — Vi\> ^VJ"^"-.^'. ^^_j i^tA4^<^^ IkJL ^yyi/<^-4//- ^ .—.-*- --,.-. f - yto y v-^ • * .^^\/jU>-:^ i. ^Vlii.j— -^ — "• — <»-♦ ^v _ ,^^^^ J^ ' '* ' ' > .vy£,oA^^.^^^ -^. . V >^ ^ - ±_ ♦ ^ f * ■« »1 . j w*^ "\ ^oc^^^i%.e^^yv<^ l y S^' £>^£>> - K^ ^£>^/ulHi,..Ucxd^'Z. ic^g ^M.^ * ^ 6f. C'Ct?.^ f/cT, £>{?c> , - " ««M'^^^H^.^t,. Äf?. ^fP.^ // f ^^' - M 9^i>' - ^/ibuM^ V-Ä^ f^s, -^ -ä'/^^. .. ♦ _ fl^. z so. - />^. ^ ■<^' - " Ih.eL^ti^^uCLy^'l^ J^o^. .n^wt^^^t i^y.Z^i^Li^t^ .^*_//, 3f^Z.U f^.S^-t' ^^ OA£e:^ -<>^wt*^ -^ ^,^J^ ^^ i' ^ ^ ,?;^>^/> _i _ ^ -?-^ xft 3£'A^ •sr,^ 9. ^ifP - Ä>^>^*^^^ixrf^t^W ^l'^H xz't?. '/^4 _ ♦ 9> SPP. ^ ''>hc£/^C/(^ :-^)t*<^u>»^ < »^> .u^hjttK Z OOß « ^^(^. - i > V > i — X. ' V'^. _N v^ ^fJl. ^£f(P. -. > 1 s -j. -^\, . A •* 4 ^^^^- A^LfA/cxe^ ±cc^i'€^-* Fro.^ .- ^^ -^« A^ -4^ ;?. -2^^. .-__>. -I — *»^ sT^a.^ HX^. • A ,. * — .J^ £^C^ /f.<«^ -■ — r— •■ ^&%^ -.1» ■* w ■« u •ltV^ /^^»'t'^^^y^'^ ^^^ y^Jt^JL ^3. ^Z*^, - "f^. C^C (P. ^ * ^a -:-' ' 1 — ; -V! Z99'^^'33S^9A^% S'^ 9. 0-^9' \ ♦ ■ . %J \%^ f ^Jj r Jl » ■ J V üJM/JaH In any further communication on this subjca^ plfiase ^^^^^ , No :. ;...! and address, not to any psrson by name, but to: the secretary, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, WC2B 6TT Telephone: 43ö o^2^ - 8 JUL 1985 Dear iviadain, I refer to previous correspondence in connection with the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 and would inform you that if the Commission is to consider an application for compensation one completed copy each of the f orms should be returned to the Commission without further delay. In this connexion I would again draw youi^ attention to Article 6(l) of the above mentioned Order which reads as follows:- An application shall not be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before August 31, 1983. The Commission has no discretion to extend the time for receipt of applications and therefore applications received by the Commission after August 31 j 1983» even if posted before that date, cannot be entertained despite any reason for delay. Yours faithfully, 'T.^ - ' - ■' D.H. WRIGHT, Secretary and Chief Examiner. kro. Hanna i..un2, 330, Copley Äoad, Upper -Jarby, 'f.^. I9O02, f -i:^ DJM/MPJS • • • Ift any further communication on this subject, please quote: No. B/C ZECH 772 and address, not to any person by namey but to: the sbcretary, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, WC2B 6TT Telephone: 01-458 6575 f 2 H0\/ 1982 Dear Madam, With reference to your letter of 1st October 1982 about property in Czechoslovakia I would draw your -attention to:- The Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order I982 (S.I. I982 No. IO73) which is available from Her Majesty's Stationery Office and which enables the Commission to accept from persons who on the dato on which the Order came into Operation were United Kingdora Nationais (as defined in the Order) an applicatinn in respect of certain Debts, Bank Balanccs, Shares, Immovable Property (Land er Buildings), Businesses, Movables, Bonds (including the Czechoslovak euaranteed portion of the Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 193^/59 ^^ Guaranteed Sterling Bonds), Pensions and other Property in Czechoslovakia • Relevant extracts from the Order are enclosed together with explanatory notes and if you believe that you are qualified to make application you should complete both copies of the enelosed Application Forme and return ono copy to the Commission without delay« The duplioate copy should be retained by you. If you have not subnitted prcof cf your nationality under a previous Order you should enclose photoßtats in duplicate of the appropriate nationality documents (see notes 10 and 11 of the explanatory notes), together with photostats In duplicate of documents in support of your Claim. Youy porticular attention is drawn to Article 6(1) of the Order which reada as f ollows : • "6. (1) AN APPLICATION SHALL NOT BS ENTERTAINED BY THE COMMISSION POR THE PURPOSES OF THIS ORDER UNLESS IT HAS REACHED THE COMMISSION ON OR BETORE 31 st AUGUST 1983." Proof of posting will NOT be accepted as proof of delivery. All correspondence must be sent by prepaid post or delivered by hand. The issue of the forms to you does not imply that you can necessarily establish a Claim against the Czechoslovakia Compensation Fund. Yours faithfully. CrmrVright, "^ Secretary and Chief Bxaminer« Mrs. Hanna Kunz, 530 Copley Road, Upper Darby, PA 19082, U.S.A. L \ B/CZECH )P^ FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, WC2B GTT FOREIGN COMPENSATION ACTS 1950 and 1969 and THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 2. Permanent address (in BLOCK CAPITALS). 3. Füll name(s) of beneficial owner(s) (in BLOCK CAPITALS) at:- (a) November 1, 1945 (or later date of deprivation if applicable). (b) February2, 1982 if different from (a). (use a separate sheet if necessary) APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION IMMOVABLE PROPERTY (Land and Buildings) 1. Füll name of Applicant(s) (Surname first, in BLOCK CAPITALS)(Mr./Mrs./Miss etc.). 1. 3. (a) (b) APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS OVERLEAF AND RETURN ONE COPY OF THE FORM WITH APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS TO PROVE: (unless previously supplied to the Commission) OWNERSHIP BY THE APPLICANT OR, IF A TRUSTEE OR EXECUTOR, OWNERSHIP BY THE BENEFICIARIES, ON THE DATE OF MAKING APPLICATION. UNITED KINGDOM NATIONALITY OF BENEFICIAL OWNER OR OWNERS ON NOVEMBER 1 1945 (OR LATER DATE OF DEPRIVATION IF APPLICABLE) AND ON FEBRUARY 2, 1982. - 2 - Qualification of beneficial owners on February 2, 1982 (picase read explanatory notcs 7—11 carefully before proceeding and use a separate sheet if necessary). Answers (ili) What was the national ity of the beneficial owner(s) on November 1, 1945 (or later date of deprivation if applicable)? Companies (i) (ii) If a Corporation give date and place of incorporation and whether in existence on September 1, 1982. If a firm or association State date, name and place and country under whose law it was constituted and whether in existence on September 1, 1982. 5. (a) (b) Are you claiming as an executor or trustee in respect of a person who died before February 2, 1982? If so, State the füll names and addresses of all beneficiaries who claim to be qualified, and answer Question 4 in respect of each such beneficiary (using a separate sheet if necessary). Individuais (including beneficial owners on whose behalf trustees etc. are claiming): (i) State if a U.K. Citizen on February 2, 1982 and if so, how such citizenship was acquired. (i) (ii) If you Claim to be a British subject without citizenship or a British protected person give particulars. (ii) ^ (iii) (0 (ii) 5. (a) (b) - 3 - Did you bccome the owner of the whole or a part of the property after February 2, 1982? 7. (a) (b) (c) Did you or your predecessor submit an application under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1950? If so, quote the Commission's reference number. Have you submitted evidence of your national ity to the Commission in support of this or any other application? If so, give particulars. Have you received or have you any claim for, or any expectation of receiving any compensation from any source, other than by reason of this application, in respect of any item included in this application? If so, give particulars. QUESTIONS AS TO TITLE (a) Füll address of property: 6. 7. (a) (b) (c) (b) Place and particulars of registration in the Land Register in Czechoslovakia: (c) Nature of the interest In respect of which you claim: (d) In whose name or names is the property registered? - 4 - 9. Did you own it: (a) for your own benefit? If not, glve the name, address and proportionale interest of each qualified person for whom you Claim it. (b) in your own name? If not, give the name and address of the person in whose name it was registered, and State why you Claim that it was for your benefit. 10. Do you Claim the whole, or what proportion of the property? 11. llf acquired by inheritance: (a) was your title admitted by a court? If so, State In which country and date: (b) if not, give on a separate sheet a family tree showing from whom and when you acquired the property or your share in it: 12. If you were not the owner on November 1 , 1 945, or at the date of deprivation or ownership or enjoyment: (a) give the name, address and national ity of the owner at those dates and his address and national ity or if a Corporation or association where incorporated or constituted: (b) State when and how you acquired the title to the property: 13. If it was purchased by yourscif or your predecessor, give date and price, stating whether of the whole or of what part: QUESTIONS AS TO DEPRIVATION 14. (a) Do you claim in respect of the deprivation of title or simply that you have been unable to obtain possession or enjoyment of the property? (b) Identify the Czechoslovak measure of deprivation which you say affected your property, or, if unknown, say why you think it has been so affected: i •< - 5 - 15. Actual date on which deprivation took place: QUESTIONS AS TO VALUE 16. Glve a detalied dcscription of the property, and purpose for which each part was used, stating which parts (if any) were occupied by owner and which were let: 17. Give a short dcscription of neighbourhood with reference to centre of town, railway stations, etc. 18. Date and cost of erection, and late alterations up to 1 945 (if any) describing them: 19. (a) Total area of land: (b) Area covered by buildings: 20. (a) If whole or part let State: (i) annual gross rents: (ii) annual outgoings, stating tax separetely; (iii) date of last known letting: (b) If you were the tenant, what rent did you pay, and when last fixed? 21. Value placed upon the property for any and what purpose (e.g. Insurance, tax or mortgage) and when? 22. Was it damaged during the war? If so, how much and how far had the damage been made good at date of deprivation, and at whose expense? 23. Were any alterations made after 1945? If so, what alterations were made and by whom, when and at whose expense? 24. What in your opinion was the value of the whole (in Czechoslovak Crowns, if possible) before deduction of charges, if any, on November 1, 1945? (or later date of deprivation if applicable). 9 - 6 - 2.5 Give particulars of any mortgage or other charges, stating: (a) the crcditor, original amount and date: (b) the amount outstanding on November 1, 1945: (c) the amount outstanding at date of deprivation: If the Charge was only secured on a share, say which:- I/We hereby declare that my/our answers to the questions contained in the form returned herewith, signed by me/us are true to the best of my/our knowicdge, Information and belief. Date Slgnature(s) In the case of a Corporation or association the form must be signed by one director and the secretary or persons holding simllar offIces by whatever name, describing the office held. In the case of a firm by a partner, who must sign both the firm's name and his own. Joint Appllcants (other than a firm) must all sign. In the case of a minor it must be signed by the "next friend". All cxistingcxecutors/trustees must sign. Attach to this sheet the original or a photostat, and TWO COPIES in English, of any documents you have relevant to any of your answers to those questions, together with a list of such documents, and any available photographs of the property. If you know where any other relevant document is, which you have not got, give particulars. JSI b/c:egh 772 ^" CODE No. 27-23. '3'»« -/■.TT''-'' l$.-(M To «lablUh > cUtm under thit Part of ihe Ofder in rt%pcci of any 'Id o . ." .. «.«»ionid in Articic .9 of ,h., Order), .«y P«»-" ^Z^«;!;;* rrJÜcaium »o tl.< C«mmui.on «hiU bc re^ W .««Muh lo ihc fainfat.wn )f thc Commiuiüa: — (,) tkai hc u • p««on qu.Ufted «ndcr Articie 14 oC ihi» Order lo makc such ipplicjtloii. (b) ih.» th« ptopcity lo which hii .pplictüoi» reUus wa» Drüish .1 «he iclevjfit daic, and (. . iKai bv or ur>der »ny Cxechoslovtk mc.sure he or hi» predecesw-r in i.ile • ' «; 7 hl U . iruLe. Ihe,n f«r whom he .. a «'"*'« or. he oredccesL i« tiiU of i«ch perwn) hai before 2nd February l**« be«" Slprived^f lal. lo or enjoymen. of th. properiy. .r.d has »uffered »o« ihcrcby. ,J, l'roperty ih.ll be d.emed lo be Briü»h property .« the exicn. .ha. i. w» beneficully owned by t Ui>iied IC.n|dom national. i • Share\ 17. To establish a claim undcr ihis Pari of che Order in rcspcci of a sharc any pcrson making application lo ihc Commission shall bc rcquircd lo csiablish lo ihc salisfaction of ihc Commission:— (a) thai hc is a pcrson qualificd undcr Anicic 14 of ihis Order lo makc such application; (b) ihai hc. or if hc is i iruslcc ihc pcrson for whom hc is a irustcc. is or would havc bccn bui for any Czechoslovak mcasurc. ihc bcncficial owncr of ihe sharc; (c) ihal Ihc sharc was. or would bui for a Czechoslovak mcasurc havc bccn bencficiaUy owncd on ihc relevant dalc by a Uniicd Kingdom national; (d) ihai Ihc Corporation lo which ihc sharc related was incorporatcd or consiituicd undcr ihe laws in force in Czcchoslovakia; and (e) ihat hc or his predccessor in title (or. if he is a irusice. ihc pcrson for whom hc IS trusicc or ihc predccessor in title of such pcrson) has suffered loss in rcspcci of thc sharc as a rcsult of ihc application of a Czcchoslpyak mcasurc to thc sharc or to thc Corporation or any of its asseis. Inierna! Bonds 18. To csiablish a claim undcr ihis Part of thc Order in rcspcct of an internal bond. any pcrson maktng application lo the Commission shall bc requircd to establish to thc satisfaciion of the Commission:— (a) that he is a pcrson qualified undcr Articlc 14 of the Order lo raake such apphcatton; (b) that he. or if he is a truslce. thc pcrson for whom he is a irustec is. or would bui for any Czechoslovak measure have bcen. the bcncficial owncr of the bond; (c) thai iiic ovind was. or would bul for* Czechoslovak measure have bcen. bcncrtcially owncd by a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; ' (d) ihal thc wholc or part of the loan or obhgation to which the bond relatcs has not bcen repaid or discharged. Austrian Government Guaranteed Con^crsion Loan 1934/39, 4i% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds 19. To establish a claim undcr this Part of the Order in rcspcct of thc unrcdecmed portion of any bond of the issue known as the "Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59. 4}% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds" (also known as the "Ausirian Govemmenl 44% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds 1 934/59"). any pcrson making application to thc Commission shall bc requircd to establish to the satisfaction of thc Commission:— (a) that he is a pcrson quaüficd undcr Articlc 14 of thc Order to make such application; (b) that hc, or if he is a trustec. the pcrson for whom hc is a truslce. is. or would bul for a Czechoslovak measure have bcen, th: ^'- itial owncr of thc bond; (c) thai thc bond was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have bcen. bcneficially owncd by a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1 Vo2. Part IV TiAiMS IN RtsftCT or DtiTs. Bank Balances. ShARti, Bonds and oTHt» PROrCRTY ippiicaiionj Exciuätd front ihis Fort of the Order 13. No apntiration may bc maJc unJcr (bis Pan oflhe Order in rc&peci ofa )CAiion Ol v«*Mirioutions lowarUs a pension. '^ualjficatiofu to Kiakt Application 14. — (I) The followint pn for whom hc is a irustce or thc predccessor in tiiU of such pcrson) has been dcprivcd of ihc legal righl lo rjcovci ihe dcbl by or undcr a Czechoslovak nieasurc and was a UniieJ Kingdom nalional al thc rclevanl dalc; or (iii) to a balancc in a bank in Czcchoslovakia which is still outstanding and which was hcld on Ist November 1945 by: — (A) a United Kingdom nalional. or (B) a pcrson. corporation. firm or associalion (oihcr ihan a Uniled Kingdom nalional) who or which ai any timc bctwccn 3rd Sepicmber 1939 and Ist November 1945 was resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom, or (iv) to a balancc al a bank in Czcchoslovakia which is still outstanding and which was hcld on Ist June 1953 by a United Kingdom nalional and was afl'ccied by the Czechoslovak Moneiary Reform Law, No. 41. of thai datc; and (c) that he or his trusice is thc pcrson to whom ihe dcbl or thc outstanding balancc is owing. (2) For the purposes of Aniclc 10 of ihis Order, ihe Commission shall assumc that dcbts falling within paragraph (l)(b)(i) above and balanccs falling within paragraph (l)(b)(iii) abovc wcre irrecoverablc on and afier Ist November 1945. (3) Whcre an applicaiion could fall within more than one of the sub- paragraphs of paragraph (l)(b) above. thc pcrson making applicaiion to the Commission shall bc rcquircd to choose undcr which sub-paragraph his application shall bc ircated as falling. STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 1982 No. 1073 FOREIGN COMPENSATION The Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 Made Laiä before Parliament Coming into Operation 30th July 1982 9th August 1982 \st September 1982 At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 30th day of July 1982 Present, The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council Whereas Her Majesty is authorised to make provision by Order in Council under section 3 of the Foreign Compensation Act 1950(a) for the determination by the Foreign Compensation Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") of Claims to participate in compensation received under an agreement with the government of any other country, and for the distribution by the Commission of such compensation: And Whereas an Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement'*) entered into between Her Majesty's Government and the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Repubüc on 29th January 1982 (b) provides that the Czechoslovak Government shall pay to the United Kingdom Government the net sum of £24,266,619 in füll and final settlement of the Claims mentioned in Articles 2 and 3 of the Agreement, and Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom intends to pay part of the said sum to the Commission for distribution: Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by virtue and in exercise of the powers in that behalf vested in Her Majesty by section 3, as well as by sections 4(1) and 7(1), of the Foreign Compensation Act 1950, is pleased, by and with the advice of Her Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, as follows: — (a) 1950 C.12; section 3 was amcndcd by ihc Foreign Compensation Act 1969 (c.20), section 2. (b) Cmnd.8557. Parti / CiTATION, COMMENCEMENT AND INTERPRETATION 1. This Order may be cited as the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 and shall come into Operation on Ist September 1982. 2. In this Order: — "Bond" means a bond or other document of title in respect of a loan or Obligation issued or guaranteed before Ist June 1953 by the Czechoslovak Government or by any other public authority in Czechoslovakia. "Czechoslovak measure" means any measure of nationalisation, expropria- tion confiscation, dispossession, liquidation, State administration or other restrictive measure affecting property taken by the Czechoslovak Government, or any measure taken by the Czechoslovak Government under which a person was deprived of the legal right to recover a debt; and for this purpose any such measure promulgated in the form of a Slovak Decree or law shall be treated as having been taken by the Czechoslovak Government. "Debt" means a sum due or owing, or a claim for unliquidated damages, or a sum deposited in a bank in Czechoslovakia but not transferred, m respect of:— (a) a contract for the sale of goods whether executed or not or a bill of exchange given for the discharge of obligations under any such contract, (b) the servicing, preservation, transport, insuring or advertising of goods, whether or not the goods are the subject of any such contract as aforesaid, (c) an agency contract, other than one relating to a contract of insurance or to a treaty or contract of reinsurance, (d) a contract for the payment of royalties or for the manufacture of goods under licence, (e) training, professional or agency charges or disbursements, (0 a contract of insurance (including life and endowment assurance but not including a treaty or contract of reinsurance) concluded with an insurance Company incorporated or constituted in Czechoslovakia, (g) shipping or transport Services, (h) an advance, loan, acceptance credit, or other similar facility, or (i) a judgement debt. "Internal Bond" means a bond denominated in Czechoslovak currency. "Material time" means any time or date at which it is material for the purposes of this Order to determine whether or not a person is a United Kingdom national. "Predecessor in title" means any person from whom, whether directly or indirectly, a person making application under this Order (including a trustee) has succeeded, whether by assignment or otherwise, to the property or claim to which the appücation relates. I I 4 "Property" includes all rights or interests of any kind in property, and, exccpt where the context otherwise requires, a balance in a bank, a pension (including contributions towards a pension) and (but only as defined in this Article of the Order) a bond, a share and a debt. "Relevant date" means the date of publication of the Czechoslovak measure by or under which the property or the debt to which the claim relates was affected, or, if such measure was first applied to the property or the debt on a date other than the date of publication of the measure, the date on which the applicant, or his predecessor in title, was deprived of title to or enjoyment of the property, or of the legal right to recover the debt. "Rules of the Commission" means rules made by the Commission with the approval of the Lord Chancellor under section 4(2) of the Foreign Compensa- tion Act 1950 regulating the procedure of the Commission in determining applications made under this Order. "Share" includes stock, a debenture, debenture stock and any funded Obligation of a Corporation. "Trustee" includes a personal representative of a deceased person or a nominee; and "beneficiary" shall have a corresponding meaning. "United Kingdom national" means: — (a) any individual who was at the material time, or who as regards any material time prior to Ist January 1949 would have been had the British NationaUty Act 1948(a)and the British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected Persons Order in Council 1949(b) been in force at that time, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, a British subject by virtue of section 2, 13 or 16 of that Act or the British Nationality Act 1965(c), or a British protected person within the meaning of the said Act of 1948; provided that:- (i) as regards any material time prior to 16th May 1948, the expression "British protected person" shall be deemed to include a person who was at that time a Palestinian Citizen under the Palestinian Citizenship Orders 1925 to I942(d); and (ii) any individual who was a British subject at any time before the date of the commencement of the said Act of 1948 only by virtue of the provisions of the Act of 1705(e), intituled "An Act for the Naturalization of the Most Excellent Princess Sophia Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover and the Issue of Her Body", shall be deemed not to be a United Kingdom national; (b) any corporation, firm or association incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in the United Kingdom or in any territory for whose international relations Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible; (c) any individual who as regards any material time after 3 Ist December 1949 and prior to ISth April 1980 was a Citizen of Southern Rhodesia or (a) 1948 C.56. (b) S.l. 1949/140. (c) 1965 C.34. (d) S.R. & O. 1925/777, 1931/671, 1939/863, 1941/1121, 1942/1177. (e) 1705 c. 14. a Citizen of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and any individual who as regards any material time after 31st October 1957 and prior to 17th September 1963 was a Citizen of Singapore; (d) Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of any territory for the international relations of which Her Majesty*s Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible. Part II The Fund 3. The Commission shall pay into a fund to be called the Czechoslovakia Compensation Fund (hereinafter referred to as "the Fund") all such sums as may be paid to them by Her Majesty's Government, being sums received under the Agreement and any income arising therefrom. 4. (1) Any sums standing to the credit of the Fund may be temporarily invested by the Commission in such manner as the Treasury may authorise. (2) All interest, dividends and other sums received by the Commission as a resuh of any investment made by them of any sum standing to the credit of the Fund shall be paid into the Fund. 5. When it appears to the Secretary of State that all payments to be made into the Fund have been made and that all payments which it is practicable to make out of the Fund have been made, he may direct that the Fund shall be wound up and that any sum remaining therein shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund. Part III General Provisions Concerning the Establishment of Claims 6.— (1) An application shall not be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before 3 Ist August 1983. (2) An application shall not be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it is made in accordance with the Rules of the Commission. 7.__^1) The Commission shall not entertain an appUcation for the purposes of tkis Order if that application is in respect of:— (a) any claim in respect of which a payment was made by the Commission under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council 1950(a) as amended (b); or (b) except as provided in Article 19 of this Order, any claim in respect of a (b) SX 19M/I166; 1952/348, 1413. 1953/1209, 1902 and 1956/831 bond denominated in any currency other than Czechoslovak currency; or (c) any claim in respect of the six per cent First Mortgage Debentures of the SKODA WORKS (ümited Company formerly the Skoda Works, Flzen). (2^ For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 17 of this Order, the Commission shall iiot entertam an aoDlication for the purposes of this Order, if that appUcation is m respect of aSv c?aiS ^re^^^^^ property beneficially owned by a corporation incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in a country or territory other than the United Kingdom or any territory for whose mtemational relations Her Maiesty's Government in the United Kmgdom were, at the SeriSl time, Ye?ponsible, whether or not any of the shareholders m that corporation, or a majority of them, are United Kingdom nf onals and whether or not that corporation is controUed, directly or mdirectly, by Umted Kingdom nationals. 8. Fach application made under this Order shall be determined by not less than two members of the Commission, provided that:— (a) if the aggregate of aU amounts claimed by an appUcant under this Order does not exceed £10,000, the provisional determination of the appUcation may be made by one member of the Commission; (b) notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this Article, no claim shaU be dismissed except upon determination by not less than two members ot the Commission. 9 Subiect to the provisions of this Order, the Commission shaU assess the amount of loss with respect to each claim estabUshed under this Order as may seem just and equitable to them having regard to all the circumstances, and shaU dismiss each claim which is not so estabUshed. 10 In assessing the amount of loss with respect to any claim estabUshed under this Order the Commission shaU have regard to any compensation, recoupment or payment in respect of that loss from any source other than the Fund that the person making the application or his predecessor m title or any trustee for such person or predecessor in title or, if the person makmg the appUcation is a trustee, any beneficiary or any predecessor in title ot any beneficiary (i) has received or (ü) may, if he exercises diUgence, be reasonably expected to receive or (iii) might, if he had exercised düigence, reasonably have been expected to receive. 11 —(1) Where any amount which is material to the determination of an application under this Order is expressed m a unit of foreign currency, the value m Sterling of that amount shaU be determined: — (a) in the case of a debt or obUgation expressed m a foreign currency where the sum is due or payable under a contract m which provision is niade for a specified rate of exchange, at the rate of exchange so specified; (b) subject to subparagraph (a), (i) in case of loss assessed under subparagraph (a) or (c) of Article 20, at the rate of exchange oblaining on Ist November 1945; (ii) in case of loss assessed under subparagraph (f) of Article 20, at the rate of exchange obtaining on I9th October 1945; (iii) in case of loss assessed with respect to a debt or Obligation created on or after Ist June 1953, at the rate of exchange obtaining on the relevant date; (iv) in case of loss assessed with respect to any other claim established under this Order (other than under subparagraph (d) of Article 20), at the rate of exchange obtaining on the relevant date or 31st May 1953, whichever is the earlier. (2) For the purposes of this Article the rate of exchange between foreign currency and Sterling on any of the said dates shall be deemed to be the middle rate for telegraphic transfers ruling in the London market on that date or, if there was no such rate, such rate as the Treasury may determine. 12. If any transfer of property to which a claim relates was effected in a part of Czechoslavakia under Hungarian occupation between 6th November 1938 and 9th May 1945, or under German occupation between Ist October 1938 and 9th May 1945, that transfer shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Order, to have been null and void if it was effected under fraud or duress or without the consent of the person to whom the property belonged at the date of such transfer. Part IV Claims in Respect of Debts, Bank Balances, Shares, Bonds and other Property Applications Excludedfrom this Part of the Order 13. No application may be made under this Part of the Order in respect of a pension or contributions towards a pension. Qualifications to Make Application 14. — (1) The following persons shall be qualified to make application to the Commission for the purpose of estabUshing Claims under this Part of the Order: — (a) Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of any territory for the international relations of which Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, on 2nd February 1982, responsible; I (b) any person who was a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; (c) any person who on or after 2nd February 1982 has succeeded to the Claim of any person qualified under sub-paragraph (b) above; and (d) a trustee for any person qualified under sub-paragraph (b) or (c) above. (2) An application under this Part of the Order may be made by a trustee qualified under paragraph (1) of this Article or by a beneficiary so quahfied. An appücation by a trustee shaU, however, be entertained by the Commission only in so far as the beneficial interest in the property or m the Claim to which the appücation relates was, at the matenal times, owned by a United Kingdom national. (3) If application under this Part of the Order is made by a trustee and by a beneficiary in relation to the same claim, and both the trustee and the beneficiary are quahfied under paragraph (1) of this Article, the Commission mav entertain the appUcation made by the trustee in preference to that made bv the beneficiary, or entertain the appücation made by the beneficiary in preference to that made by the trustee. The Commission shaU dismiss the appücation by the trustee or by the beneficiary, as the case may be, which it has decided not to entertain. Property 15 __( 1) To estabüsh a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of any property (other than a debt, a balance in a bank, a share, an mtemal bond or a bond of the issue mentioned in Article 19 of this Order), any person makmg application to the Commission shaU be required to estabüsh to the satisfaction of the Commission: — (a) that he is a person quaüfied under Article 14 of this Order to make such application; (b) that the property to which his appücation relates was British at the relevant date; and (c) that by or under any Czechoslovak measure he or his predecessor in title (or if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee or the predecessor in title of such person) has before 2nd February 1982 been deprived of title to or enjoyment of the property, and has suffered loss thereby. (2) Property shall be deemed to be British property to the extent that it was beneficiaUy owned by a United Kingdom national. Debts and Bank Balances 16 —(1) To estabüsh a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of a debt or a balance in a bank, any person making application to the Commission shaü be required to estabüsh to the satisfaction of the Commission: — (a) that he is a person quaüfied under Article 14 of this Order to make such appücation; (b) that his appücation relates, either (i) to a debt which is unpaid and which on Ist November 1945 was outstanding from the Czechoslovak Government, a pubüc authonty in Czechoslovakia or a person, corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) resident m Czechoslovakia to:— (A) a United Kingdom national, or I (B) a person, corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) who or which at any time between 3rd September 1939 and Ist November 1945 was resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom; or (ii) to a debt which is unpaid, where he or his predecessor in title (or, if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee or the predecessor in title of such person) has been deprived of the legal right to recover the debt by or under a Czechoslovak measure and was a United Kingdom national at the relevant date; or (iii) to a balance in a bank in Czechoslovakia which is still outstanding and which was held on Ist November 1945 by:— (A) a United Kingdom national, or (B) a person, corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) who or which at any time between 3rd September 1939 and Ist November 1945 was resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom; or (iv) to a balance at a bank in Czechoslovakia which is still outstanding and which was held on Ist June 1953 by a United Kingdom national and was affected by the Czechoslovak Monetary Reform Law, No. 41, ofthat date; and (c) that he or his trustee is the person to whom the debt or the outstanding balance is owing. (2) For the purposes of Article 10 of this Order, the Commission shall assume that debts falling within paragraph (l)(b)(i) above and balances falling within Paragraph (l)(b)(iii) above were irrecoverable on and after Ist November 1945. (3) Where an application could fall within more than one of the sub- paragraphs of paragraph (l)(b) above, the person making application to the Commission shall be required to choose under which sub-paragraph his application shall be treated as falling. Shares 17. To establish a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of a share, any person making application to the Commission shall be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Commission:— (a) that he is a person quaUfied under Article 14 of this Order to make such application; (b) that he, or if he is a trustee the person for whom he is a trustee, is, or would have been but for any Czechoslovak measure, the beneficial owner of the share; (c) that the share was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, beneficiaUy owned on the relevant date by a United Kmgdom national; (d) that the corporation to which the share related was incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in Czechoslovakia; and (e) that he or his predecessor in title (or, if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is trustee or the predecessor in title of such person) has suffered loss in respect of the share as a result of the appUcation of a ! ff I Czechoslovak measure to the share or to the corporation or any of its assets. Internal Bonds 18. To establish a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of an iiitemal bond, any person making application to the Commission shall be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Commission:— (a) that he is a person qualified under Article 14 of the Order to make such application; (b) that he, or if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee is, or would but for any Czechoslovak measure have been, the beneficial owner of the bond; (c) that the bond was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, beneficiaUy owned by a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; (d) that the whole or part of the loan or Obligation to which the bond relates has not been repaid or discharged. Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59, 4j% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds 19. To establish a claim under this Part of the Order m respect of the unredeemed portion of any bond of the issue known as the "Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59, 4^% Guaranteed SterUng Bonds" (also known as the "Austrian Government 4\% Guaranteed Sterlmg Bonds 1934/59"), any person making appUcation to the Commission shaU be required to estabUsh to the satisfaction of the Commission: — (a) that he is a person quaUfied under Article 14 of the Order to make such appUcation; (b) that he, or if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee, is, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, the beneficial owner of the bond; (c) that the bond was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, beneficiaUy owned by a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982. Assessment of Loss 20. The Commission shaU assess the amount of loss with respect to each Claim estabUshed under this Part of the Order and, for this purpose, (a) the value of a debt of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(i) shaU be taken to be the principal amount outstanding on Ist November 1945; (b) the value of a debt of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(ü) shaU be taken to be the principal amount outstanding on the relevant date; (c) the value of a balance in a bank of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(iü) shaU be taken to be the amount outstanding on Ist November 1945, but account shaU be taken of any withdrawals by or on the Order of the holder from the bank account after that date; (d) the amount of the loss with respect to a balance in a bank of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(iv) shaU be taken to be the amount by 8 which the value in terms of the pound Sterling of the balance was reduced by virtue of the Czechoslovak Monetary Reform Law, No. 41, ot Ist June 1953: provided that the Commission shall take into account as reducing the loss any amount by which the value in terms of the pound Sterling of any other balance held by the person makmg application to the Commission, or if he is a trustee the person for whom he is a trustee, or the predecessor in title of any such person, was mcreased by virtue ot the Said Monetary Reform Law; (e) if in the case of a claim falling within Article 16 or Article 17 of this Order, the contract expressly provided for the payment of interest, the amount of loss with respect to that claim shall be deemed to be the principal amount outstanding on the relevant date or on the date specified in one of the preceding subparagraphs of this Article, as the case may be, multiplied by such factor as the Secretary of State may, after consultation with the Treasury, determine; (0 the value of an internal bond (in respect of both capital and interest) shall be deemed to be the nominal capital value of the bond muhiplied by the factor of 2; (g) the amount of loss with respect to a claim established under Article 19 of this Order shall be the value of that part of the capital of or interest on the bond, which has not been discharged or repaid, and whose discharge or repayment was guaranteed by the Czechoslovak Government. Part V Claims in Respect of Pensions 21 To estabhsh a claim under this Part of the Order, any person making application to the Commission shall be required to estabhsh to the satisfaction of the Commission: — (a) that he was a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; (b) that his application relates to a pension, or to the contributions made by him towards a pension, which is or would be payable to him by the Czechoslovak Government or any other public authonty m Czechoslo- vakia, or by a person, corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) resident in Czechoslovakia; (c) that, at a time when he was a United Kingdom national, or as a result of his becoming a United Kingdom national, the payment to him of the Pension was stopped, or his future rights to receive payment of the Pension were taken away, otherwise than in accordance with the ruies ßovemine the payment of the pension (disregarding for this purpose any chanee m those rules effected by a Czechoslovak measure or as a consequence, whether direct or indirect, of the application to any other property of a Czechoslovak measure); and (d) that he is the person to whom the pension is or would be payable. 10 Part VI Payments Out of the Fund 22— (1) The Commission shall make payments out of the Fund to every person who has estabhshed a claim under this Order and who applics to the Commission for payment. (2) If any person who has established a claim under this Order shall have died before the amounts payable to him under Articles 23 and 24 of the Order have been paid to him, such payments or the balance thereof shall be made to his personal representatives if they apply to the Commission for payment, provided that, if the Commission are satisfied that no grant of admmistration of his estate has been made in the United Kingdom and that the assets of his cstate (including the amount payable under this Order) do not excced £1,500 m value, the Commission may, at their discretion and subject to such conditions as the Commission think proper, make such payment either to any person who has taken out administration in any other part of the Commonwealth, or to the person who shall appear to the Commission to be the person who, bemg a widower, widow, child, father, mother, brother or sister of the deceased person, would, under the law of England, have the prior right to a grant of administration of the estate of the deceased person if such deceased person had died intestate domiciled in England. (3) If any person whose claim has been estabhshed under this Order is a minor at the date when the amounts payable to him under Articles 23 and 24 of this Order are due to be paid, the Commission may make payment thereof into the Supreme Court, or, if the amount thereof does not exceed £5,000, into the County Court for the district in which the minor resides, under the provisions of the Trustee Act I925(a), or, if the amount does not exceed £50, may place the same on deposit in the name of the Commission in any bank for such time as the person remains a minor. (4) The reference in paragraph (1) of this Article to a person who has established a claim under this Order includcs a reference to any person who has become entitled to the amounts payable, or any part of them, in consequence of any assignment or transfer of the benefit thereof and who produces such evidence of his title as may be reasonably required by the Commission. 23._(l) The payment in respect of each claim estabhshed under this Order shall be a fraction of the distributable amount of the Fund equal to the Proportion which the assessed amount of the claim bears to the total of the amounts assessed with respect to all Claims estabhshed under this Order: provided that no such payment in respect of any claim shall exceed the amount of the loss with respect to that claim as assessed by the Commission under this Order. (2) The distributable amount shall be the total of all sums paid into the Fund, after the deduction of any payments made therefrom into the Consolidated Fund in accordance with any Order in Council made under section 7(2) of the Foreign Compensation Act 1950 as originally enacted and as apphed by section 3(3) of the Foreign Compensation Act 1962(b). (a) 1925 c. 19. (b) 1962 C.4. (11 & 12 Eliz, 2) 11 24— (1) Whether or not all claims under this Order against the Fund have been finally determined, the Commission may, at such time or times as they may decide, make from the Fund interim payments to any of the persons who have estabUshed claims under the Order. (2) Interim payments made under the provisions of this Article shall be made: — (a) on account of payments to be made in accordance with Article 23 of this Order, and (b) at a uniform rate upon the assessed amount of the claini. The uniform rate of payment shall be determined by the Commission; for this purpose the Commission shall estimate the total Uability likely to fall upon the Fund. (3) For the purposes of the present Article:— (a) a Claim shall be deemed to be established under this Order even though the determination thereof may be provisional and subject to review under the Rules of the Commission; (b) the assessed amount of the claim shall be deemed to be the amount so provisionally determined subject to review unless before the date et payment the Commission shall have made a final determination on review. 25— (1) Subject lo the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Article, the Commission shall, as a condition of the making of any payment to any person under this Order, require him to surrender to the Commission all available documents of title, if any, relating exclusively to the claim to which the navment relates and shaU require him to sign and dehver to the Commission a document in such form as the Commission may determine dcclanng that he renounces all those claims which he has established under the Order. (2) If the person for whose bencfit a payment is to be made is a minor, the Commission shall, as a condition of the making of any payment »nt« Court or placing the same on deposit under paragraph (3) of Article 22 of this Order, require the person who, in accordance with the Rules of the Commission, has made an application for payment on the minor's behalf to surrender to the Commission the documents of title, if any, under his control relatmg exclusively to the claim and to sign and dehver to the Commission a document in such form as the Commission may determine declanng that the minor renounces all claims to which the payment relates,^and the document so signed shall operate as a valid surrender by the minor of all such Claims. m All documents which are delivered to the Commission under paragraphs ( 1 i and (2) of this Article shall remain in their custody until the Fund is wound up and the Commission shaU then deliver them to Her Majcsty s Pnncipal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. N. E. Leigh, Clerk of the Privy Council. 12 EXPLANATORY NOTE (This Note is not part of the Order.) This Order provides: — (i) for the determination by the Foreign Compensation Commission of Claims to participate in the compensation received by Her Majesty's Govern- ment from the Czechoslovak Government under the Agreement between the two Governments signed at Prague on 29th January 1982 on the Settlement of Certain Outstanding Claims and Financial Issues (Cmnd.8557); and (ii) for the distribution of that part of the aforesaid compensation which has been paid to the Commission to applicants who have established claims under the Order. 13 STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 1982 No. 1073 FOREIGN COMPENSATION The Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 Pnnied in England by Burgess & Son (Abingdon) Ltd and pubhshed by Her Majestys Staiiooery Office 810/82I5O4P M35 C8 8/82 £2.10 net ISBN 0 1 1 027073 8 r AnM^cA J^ fi^ CI I I 4 THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 S.L 1982 No. 1073 In the above mentioned Order: "United Kingdom national" means:- (a) any individual who was at the material time, or who as regards any material time prior to Ist January 1949 would have been had the British Nationality Act 1948 (a) and the British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected Persons Order in Council 1949 (b) been in force at that time, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, a British subject by virtue of section 2, 13 or 16 of that Act or the British Nationality Act 1965 (c) or a British protected person within the meaningof the said Act of 1948; provided that:- (i) as regards any material time prior to 16th May 1948, the expression "British protected person" shall be deemed to include a person who was at that time a Palestinian Citizen under the Palestinian Citizenship Orders 1925 to 1942 (d);and (ii) any individual who was a British subject at any time before the date of the commencement of the said Act of 1948 only by virtue of the provisions of the Act of 1 705 (e), intituled "An Act for the Naturalization of the Most Excellent Princess Sophia Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover and the Issue of Her Body", shall be deemed not to be a United Kingdom national; (b) any Corporation, firm or association incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in the United Kingdom or in any territory for whose international relations Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible; (c) any individual who as regards any material time after 3 Ist December 1949 and prior to 1 8th April 1 980 was a Citizen of Southern Rhodesia or a Citizen of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and any individual who as regards any material time after 3 Ist October 1957 and prior to 17th September 1963 was a ci tizen of Singapore ; (d) Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of any territory for the international relations of which Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible. (a) 1948 C.56 (b) S.L 1949/140 (c) 1965 C.34 (d) S.R. &0. 1925/777, 1931/671, 1939/863, 1941/1121, 1942/1177 (e) 1705 C.14 Tim, H f ^ PLEASE READ THESE NOTES BEFORE COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION FORM THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORMS Applicants are advised to peruse the Order (obtainable from H.M.S.O.) before completing the Forms. 1. 2. 3. 4. Answers should preferably be typed. If not they must be clearly written. If there is not enough space a separate sheet of paper may be used: in that case insert in the appropriate space on the Form "See sheet marked A", mark the sheet accordingly, and attach it to the Form. All questions must be answered. If they are not applicable to your case write "N.A.". If you do not know the answer write "N.K.". If you have any difficulty in answering any of the questions you can write to the Commission stating your difficulty and asking for an explanation or an appointment to interview a member of the staff at this Office. You should complete the Forms (and any additional sheets required) in duplicate and return one copy to the Commission as soon as possible together (if necessary) with the relevant documents mentioned in Note 10 below. The second copy you should retain for reference. 5. In the case of a corporation or association the Form must be signed by one director and the Secretary of persons holding similar Offices by whatever name, describing the Office held: in the case of a firm by a partner, who must sign both the firm's name and his own. Joint Applicants (other than a firm) must all sign. In the case of a minor it must be signed by the "next friend"; his address must be given - (see Note 9). 6. If it is necessary to give particulars under Question 4 of more than one person (see Question 5), you may divide the space for answers against Question 4 into columns, putting the name of the person to whom the answers relate at the head of each column. Notes to Questions 4 and 5. (Qualification). 7. This part of the Application Form only deals with your qualification to submit a Claim. 8. An Application may be made by (1) any person who (a) was a United Kingdom national (i.e. a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, a British subject without citizenship or a British protected person) on 2nd February 1982; or (b) has since that date suceeded to such a person's claim; or ( X^ ^ -'^>* 9. (c) is a trustee for any person qualified ander sub-paragraph (a) or (b) above; (the tenii *'United Kingdom national" may also include certain fomier Citizens of Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Nyasaland or Singapore); (2) a Corporation, fimi or association incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in the United Kingdom or in any territory for whose international relations Her Majesty's Government were on 2nd Febniary 1982 responsible, is, for the purposes of sub-paragraph (1) above, a United Kingdom national. A minor (under 18 years of age) may claim through his "next friend", i.e. parent, guardian or other person considered by the Commission to be entitled to represent him. The questions must be answered in relation to the minor only, but the "next friend" must state his relationship or other reason for representing the minor. 10. Unless your nationality qualification has already been considered by the Commission (see Question 7) you should produce two photocopies of all the appropriate certificates necessary to prove it. In normal cases the appropriate certificaes required are the following:- Qualified by birth Qualified by descent Qualified by naturalisation Qualified by registration Qualified by marriage prior to January 1, 1949 Birth certificate, and (if a married woman), a copy of the marriage certificate to show change of name. Evidence of father's U.K. nationality. Naturalisation certificate. Registration certificate. Marriage certificate and husband's British birth certificate or naturalisation certificate. Qualified by marriage on or aftcr January 1 , 1 949 Registration certificate. 11 (a) (b) Where the Applicant is a corporation, two photocopies or certified copies of the certificate of incorporation should be forwarded. In the case of a firm or association such evidence as is available of its Status should be sent. This may take the form of the deed or other constituent document, or a photostat or certified copy thereof, or extract therefrom, or a certified copy of an entry in the Business Names Register. 12 No application can be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before 3 Ist August 1983. 13. It should be noted that the Order provides that the Commission shall not consider ^v (1) any application in respect of which a payment was niade by the Commission under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council 1950 ([}) as amended (b). (2) any claini arising out of a bond dcnominated in any currency other than Czcchoslovak currency, issued or guaranteed by the Czechoslovak Government or by any pubhc authority in Czechoslovakia (other than the Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59 4^2% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds). (3) any claim in respect of the six per cent. First Mortgage Debentures of the Skoda Works (limited Company formerly the Skoda Works, Pizen). 14. Where more than one category is being claimed paragraphs 1 - 7 need only be completed on one Application Form if the answers are the same in each case. (a) S.I. 1950/1 101 (b)S.I. 1951/1166, 1952/348,1952/864, 1952/1413, 1953/1209, 1953/1902 and 1956/831. 1 m \ K b(Mv.^ ^Z^-loU\ PLEASE READ THESE NOTES BEFORE COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION FORM THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORMS Applicaiits are advised to pcruse the Order (obtainable from H.M.S.O.) before completing Ihe Fornis. I. 2. Answers should preterabiy be typed. If not they must be clearly written. If thereis not cnougl) spacc a separate sheet of paper may be used: in that case insert in the appropnate space on the Form '"See :Jieet marked A**, mark the tiheet accordingiy, and attuch it to the Fonn. All questions must be answered. If they are not applicable to your case write **NA.". If you do not know the answcr write **N.K.". • .r.v L;i*..'-.. 1-- r.'.;.- . »;;■.' I..V.. IV..' f..r.- t'.V r iV. '-.'..'- . t.- . . .'V.'*"*«^ t. '. "'.VA * ". l": w .'•.•■.'. «•.•• .' ■;..•*• t. ■ • «1 • - ' f : .. f.v.v.- Wä Q 3. 4. 5. If you have any difficulty in answering any of the questions you can write to the Comniission stating your difficulty and asking for an explanation or an appointment to interview a member of the staff at this Office. You should complete tiie Forms (and any additional sheets required) in duplicate and return one copy to the Commission as soon as possible together (if necessary) wiih the relevant documents mentioned in Note 10 below. The second copy you sJiould retain for refcrence. In the case of a Corporation or association the Fonn must be signed by one director and the Secretary of pcrsons holding similar Offices by whatever name, de^chbing tlie Office hcld: in the case of a finn by a partner. wlio must sign both the firm's namc and liis own. Joint Applicants (other than a firm) nmsi all sign, in the case of a minor it must be signed by the '*next fnend"; his address must be given - (see Note 9). c. .•• f.-. • I.-.-.---, . m •.■■..•. KV. f- i. V..V..VV. ci •;:■'■•■• :.r. .. t.~- :& •• • t ■• ■■ f-- i;.. •• I?.. I"' T. .•*•■■••■ .•'••• o 6. If it is necessary to give particulars under Question 4 of niore than one person (see Qucstion 5), you may divide the space for answers against Question 4 into columns, puliing ihe name of the person to whom the answers relate at the head of each column. Notes to Questions 4 and 5. (Quahfication). 7. 8« This part of the Application Form only deals with your qualification to submit a claun. An Application may be made by t. h t.-: t. (..'- f.. i-.'. fr rS JV" •A ■•■»..■. ■ tv.. .. U.. ;■!■: :t- ■•■ ■.•;. ■ ■t". ■i: .r.-. ■:r. .■*..". ■•■r . •r.y.' :.v:. •r.v (1) any person who (a) wasa United Kingdom national (i.e. a cili/cn of the United Kingdom and Cofonics, a Bhlisii subject without citizenship or a British proteclcd person) on 2nd Fchruary l<)82;or (b) has since llial dale sucecdcd to such a person*s Claim ; or V.-. t ■ t*. tv t: „•v.t r i • • t ■ &••- ■'» ti I c r \ 9. 10. (,) .s a iruslce for any person quaUned ander sub-pa.agraph (a) or (b) above; Singapoiv); »:...» inrnrnoraied or constilutcd uniJcr Ihe iiucrnaiional rclalions Her M^jei^iy s oüvi,u n\ above a United b)8: rcsponsiblc, i.. for Ihc purpo^^s ot sub-paragraph (l) above, a un.ieo Kingdom national. A or (unUcr .« yea. of age) ^l^^^^^ ^:X IZ^^^^J^ or person l^^'^^''^'^ ^\')2Z^^^^^ only. bul the "ncxl ,...., The must ^^^"^^^^«''JJ ^; 7,^^ ,o \cpresenting «he minor, friend" nmst State his relalion&hip or oincr rca^uii iwi k Unk» you. «..o^alily ,uaJir,«.o» has already b.en co»ifcr.d by "« appropriaie ccrliticaies necesjiary to prove ii. m nu» ccrtilicutfs required are the foUowing:- Qualificd by birth Oualificd by descent Oualificd by naiuralisation Oualillcd by rcgislration Oualilled by marriage prior to January 1, 1949 Qualified by marriage on oraftcr January l, 1949 Birth certificate, and (if a marricd woman), a copy of the marriage certificate to show change ot name. Evidence of father's U.K. nationality. Naturahsation certificate. Regislration certificate. Marriage certificate and husband's British birth certificate or naturahsation certificate. Registration certificate. H Wr^ I», • 4- ■;■•• f.V.V. u. ■■'■ i.-.v r.v.-: ;..•.".--•■ f.' *'■.". •' r'.v ■ t."--7 ■.•Trr.-r-r. .- * -'S« :• :d r..- f.-... .■.•■■■■ 7 -n- ••:■•. :.■■•.-..• •.--.•- K-rr. •■ — II (a) (b) Wherc the AppUcant is a Corporation, two pholocopies or certified copies of the certificate of incorporation should be forwarded. In the case of a fim. or association such evidence as is available of its Status shuuld be sent. This inay take the form of the deed or othcr constituent documeat. ur a photostat or certified copy thereol. or exlract therefroni. or a certified copy of an entry in the Business Names Register. \ ^ No appiication can be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has rcached the Commission on or bcfore 3 Ist August 1983. 13. It should I — be noted that the Order provides that the Commission shall not consider f. .'v I «.v. vrfjv..--* t • \ ■«■i ( i ) aiiy applicalion in respect of which a payment was niade by ihc Commission uiulcr ihe Foreign Compensalion (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council 1950 (i) .isanienJcd (h), (2) any claini arising out of a bond denominated in any currency other than C/echoslovak currency, issued or guaranteed by the Czechoblovak (iov^^inment or by any public authority in Czechoslovakia (other than the Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59 4V4% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds). {^) any claini in respect of the six per cent. First Mortgage Debentures of tlie Sktxla Works (limited Company fomierly the Skoda Works, Pizen). 14. Whcre more than one catcgory is being claimed paragraphs 1 - 7 need only be conipleied on one Application Form if the answers are the same in each case. C (a) S.l. 1950/1 10| I (b)S.l. 1951/1166. 1952/348.1952/864. 1952/1413, 1953/1209. 1953/1902 and 1956/831. O i. !. t. M I.; u ■ ■': n '• IV t-.t » l V. I i tv. «. i i.M i.' '" r .* t. f: f.; ^ • IV L. i • c i.V.- _ 13 '.V.V-' //v. 4" •;•••■ 1. ■ .- ; . tv : CT.*- .' ■„.*._ . , • ••- < l- ■■• •• ,-.'.*.' .... - % sr. :.• r*. ^ ^: v.r.- f.i - •• t t 1 • 1^ f. ' fl • ■ i: £• • r [■" i 1 t f 1 • ' l ■ • • .1 ■ 1 i •'•. ^ PLEASE READ THESE NOTES BEFORE COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION FORM THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKI A) ORDER 1 982 EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORMS Applicants are advised to peruse the Order (obtainable from H.M.S.O.) before completing the Forms. 1. Answers should preferably be typed. If not they must be clearly written. If there is not enough space a separate sheet of paper may be used: in that case insert in the appropriate space on the Form "See sheet marked A", mark the sheet accordingly, and attach it to the Form. c All questions must be answered. If they are not applicable to your case write "N.A.". If you do not know the answer write **N.K.". If you have any difficulty in answering any of the questions you can write to the Commission stating your difficulty and asking for an explanation or an appointment to interview a member of the staff at this Office. You should complete the Forms (and any additional sheets required) in duplicate and return one copy to the Commission as soon as possible together (if necessary) with the relevant documents mentioned in Note 10 below. The second copy you should retain for reference. 5. In the case of a Corporation or association the Form must be signed by one director and the Secretary of persons holding similar Offices by whatever name, describing the Office held: in the case of a firm by a partner, who must sign both the firm's name and his own. Joint Applicants (other than a firm) must all sign. In the case of a minor it must be signed by the "next friend"; his address must be given - (see Note 9). 6. () If it is necessary to give particulars under Question 4 of more than one person (see Question 5), you may divide the space for answers against Question 4 into columns, putting the name of the person to whom the answers relate at the head of each column. Notes to Questions 4 and 5. (QuaHfication). 7. This part of the Application Form only deals with your qualification to submit a Claim. 8. An Application may be made by (1) any person who (a) was a United Kingdom national (i.e. a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, a British subject without citizenship or a British protected person) on 2nd February 1982; or (b) has since that date suceeded to such a person's claim ; or te »T f o (c) is a trustee for any person qualified ander sub-paragraph (a) or (b) above; (the tenn **United Kingdom national" may also include certain fomier Citizens of Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Nyasaland or Singapore); (2) a Corporation, fimi or association incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in the United Kingdom or in any territory for whose international relations Her Majesty's Government were on 2nd February 1982 responsible, is, for the purposes of sub-paragraph (1) above, a United Kingdom national. 9. A minor (under 18 years of age) may claim through his "next friend", i.e. parent, guardian or other person considered by the Commission to be entitled to represent him. The questions must be answered in relation to the minor only, but the "next friend" must State his relationship or other reason for representing the minor. 10. Unless your nationality qualification has already been considered by the Commission (see Question 7) you should produce two photocopies of all the appropriate certificates necessary to prove it. In normal cases the appropriate certificaes required are the following:- Qualified by birth Qualified by descent Qualified by naturalisation Qualified by registration Qualified by marriage prior to January 1, 1949 Birth certificate, and (if a married woman), a copy of the marriage certificate to show change of name. Evidence of father's U.K. nationality. Naturalisation certificate. Registration certificate. Marriage certificate and husband's British birth certificate or naturalisation certificate. C Qualified by marriage on or aftcr January 1 , 1 949 Registration certificate. 11 12 (a) Where the AppHcant is a corporation, two photocopies or certified copies of the certificate of incorporation should be forwarded. (b) In the case of a firm or association such evidence as is available of its Status should be sent. This may take the form of the deed or other constituent document, or a photostat or certified copy thereof, or extract therefrom, or a certified copy of an entry in the Business Names Register. No application can be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before 3 Ist August 1983. 13. It should be noted that the Order provides that the Commission shall not consider I » •» 1# ( 1 ) any application in respect of which a payment was made by the Commission under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council 1950 (a) as amended (b). (2) any claim arising out of a bond denominated in any currency other than Czcchoslovak currency, issued or guaranteed by the Czechoslovak Government or by any public authority in Czechoslovakia (other than the Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59 4V2% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds). (3) any claim in respect of the six per cent. First Mortgage Debentures of the Skoda Works (limited Company formerly the Skoda Works, Pizen). 14. Where more than one category is being claimed paragraphs 1 — 7 need only be completed on one Application Form if the answers are the same in each case. 0 (a) S.l. 1950/1191 (b)S.I. 1951/1166, 1952/348,1952/864, 1952/1413, 1953/1209, 1953/1902 and 1956/831. O if ) mt. c Fropffly 15.— <0 To csiablish a cUim undcr ihis Part of ihc Order in rcspcci ofany propcrty (othcr than a dcbl. a baUncc in a bank. a sharc. an iniernal bvind or a bond of Ihc issue mcnlioncd in Aniclc 19 of ihis Order), any pcrson making applicjiion 10 ihe Commission shall be re^uiied lo ejiabliih lo ihc saiisfatiion Ol ihe Commission: — (a) that he i$ a pcrson qualified undcr Articie 14 of ihis Order lo make such application; (b) ihai Ihe propcny lo which hii application rclatcs was British at thc rctcvani daic; and (c) ihai bv or undcr «ny Czechostovak measurc he or his prcdccc$si>r in title (or, if he is a irustee. ihe pcrson for whom he is a trustce or ihe prcdcccssor in title of such pcrson) has before 2nd February IV82 bccn deprived of title lo or cnjoymeni of the propcrty. and has sufiercd loss thcrcby. (2) Propcrty shall bc dcemcd to bc British propcrty lo ihc CÄicni (hat ii was bcncficially owncd by a United Kingdom national. Jf^.Waunnj ExcliiJeJ frcm tMis fürt v/ thr OrJef 13. No «pp!ici;u>n may S< maJc unJcf thii r«rt of ihe OfiJcr in icspcc: cf i pcntion of contnbuiu^ni lo«» ai J\ j pcn^ion. /i 14.-H I ) The foUowinf p€rv)ni shjll bc qualificd lo makc «pplicacioo lo thc Commiuioo {%^t ihc purposc of ciublishin£ cUim» yndcr thi» Pan of ih« OfJtr:— .) Her Majcsiy'i Government »a ihe United K modern ÄT\ii ihe Covernmeni öf any iemior> fof ihc international rclations of ♦hich Her .Majctiv'i Covemmeni in ihe Uaiied KinjJom were. on 2nd h'ebruary l^il. responsible; (b) any peooo who waa a United Kingdom national oo 2nd February 19S2: (c) any pcrsoo who oa ox afler Ind Fcbmary 1982 hai »ucceeded lo the Claim of any peru>o qualified undcr sub-para^raph (b) above; and (d) a iru&tee for any persoa qualiftcd undcr lub-para^raph (b) ox (c) above. (2) Ab appLicatioo uodcr ihis Part of tht Order may be made by a trustee qualified undcr paxa^rapb (1) of thi» ArticU or by a bcneftciary so qualiAed. An appLcaiioQ by a trxistee shall. howcver, b« cotcrtaincd by the Cotnmt&sion only io %o far it the bcnctkial interest in tbc ptoptxxy or ta the claim IO which the applicatioa reUtes w&i, at tbc roaicrial timcs. owncd by a United Ktn^doro naiionaL ()) \( apptication under this Part of the Order is made by i trxistcc and by a ^ kcficiary in relation lo the same claim. ^tid both the imstee and thc V/ncticiary are qualificd under paragrapb (1) of ihit Articie. the Commission may cntenain ihe appticaiion made by the truatee in prcfctence to that made by the bcnrdciary. i?r enteriain thc appUcation made by the bcneficiary in prefcrence to ihat made by the trustee. Thc Commiiiion »hall dismisi the apphcaiion by ihe ir^istee or by ihe bcncüctAry. aa the caac may bc, i^hich u hat dccided not to eoicnain. I THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 S.I. 1982 No. 1073 In the above mentioned Order: ( "United Kingdom national" means:- (a) any individual who was at the material time, or who as regards any material time prior to Ist January 1949 would have been had the British Nationality Act 1948 (a) and the British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected Persons Order in Council 1949 (b) been in force at that time, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, a British subject by virtue of section 2, 13 or 16 of that Act or the British NationaUty Act 1965 (c), or a British protected person within the meaning of the said Act of 1948; provided that:- (i) as regards any material time prior to 16th May 1948, the expression "British protected person" shall be deemed to include a person who was at that time a Palestinian Citizen under the Palestinian Citizenship Orders 1925 to 1942 (d);and (ii) any individual who was a British subject at any time before the date of the commencement of the said Act of 1 948 only by virtue of the provisions of the Act of 1705 (e), intituled "An Act for the Naturalization of the Most Excellent Princess Sophia Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover and the Issue of Her Body", shall be deemed not to be a United Kingdom national; (b) any corporation, firm or association incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in the United Kingdom or in any territory for whose international relations Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible; (c) any individual who as regards any material time after 3 Ist December 1949 and prior to 1 8th April 1 980 was a Citizen of Southern Rhodesia or a Citizen of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and any individual who as regards any material time after 3 Ist October 1957 and prior to 17th September 1963 was a Citizen of Singapore; (d) Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of any territory for the international relations of which Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible. (a) 1948 C.56 (b) S.I. 1949/140 (c) 1965 C.34 (d) S.R.&O. 1925/777,1931/671,1939/863,1941/1121, 1942/1177 (e) 1705 C.14 ^ik.. •l LTV tVA(Xnc^ V ^ l <\ S b ^ B/CZECH VV FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, WC2B 6TT ,77.v FOREIGN COMPENSATION ACTS 1950 and 1969 and THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 APPLICATION FOR COMPENSATION IMMOVABLE PROPERTY (Land and Buildings) 1. Füll nameof Applicant(s) (Surname first, in BLOCK CAPITALS)(Mr./Mrs./Miss etc.). 1. \\-^- 2. Permanent address (in BLOCK CAPITALS). 2. 3. Füll name(s) of beneficial owner(s) (in BLOCK CAPITALS) at:- (a) November 1, 1945 (or later dato of deprivation if applicable). ( (b) February 2, 1982 If different from (a). (use a separate sheet if necessary) (b) APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS OVERLEAF AND RETURN ONE COPY OF THE FORM WITH APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS TO PROVE: (unless previously supplied to the Commission) OWNERSHIP BY THE APPLICANT OR, IF A TRUSTEE OR EXECUTOR, OWNFRSHIP BY THE BENEFICIARIES, ON THE DATE OF MAKING APPLICATION. UNITED KINGDOM NATIONALITY OF BENEFICIAL OWNER OR OWNERS ON NOVEMBER 1, 1945 (OR LATER DATE OF DEPRIVATION IF APPLICABLE) AND ON FEBRUARY 2, 1982. 1 • - 2 - Qualification of beneficial owners on February 2, 1982 (please read explanatory notcs 7-11 carefully before proceetfing and usea separate sheet ifnecessary), ^ j ._^!»^^ 1 JLÄ^ A^f^^^^^^^^fJ^^s 4,^^ ^.w7w^*-'>7 J^ Answers "^^^^Y^rr Individuais (including beneficial owners on whose behalf trustees etc. are claiming): (i) State if a U.K. Citizen on February 2, 1982 and if so, how such citizenship was acquired. (ii) If you Claim to be a British subject without citizenship er a British protected person give particulars. O f^^T' f^fl^i^ (iii) What was the nationality of the beneficial owner(s) on November 1, 1945 (or later date of deprivation if applicable)? Companies ( (i) (ii) If a Corporation give date and place of incorporation and whether in existence on September 1, 1982. If a firm or association State date, name and place and country under whose law it was constituted and whether in existence on September 1, 1982. (a) (b) Are you claiming as an executor or trustee in respect of a person who died before February 2, 1982? If so, State the füll names and addresses of all beneficiaries who claim to be qualified, and answer Question 4 in respect of each such beneficiary (using a separate sheet if necessary). 5. (a) (b) & Did you become the owner of the whole or a part of the property after February 2, 1982? 7. (a) o (b) (c) Did you or your predecessor submit an application under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1950? If so, quote the Commission's reference number. Have you submitted evidence of your nationality to the Commission in support of this or any other application? If so, give particulars. Have you received or have you any claim for, or any expectation of receiving any compensation from any source, other than by reason of this application, in respect of any item included in this application? If so, give particulars. O QUESTIONS AS TO TfTLE «. W (b) Füll address of property: \,^ 0 ■^' ''■^ /V V (U^^T ^ ^' ^ \ J V (U »-^'^ ,' /^•^/HX/^4^«I:P Place and particulars of registration in the Land Register in Czechoslovakia: (c) (d) Nature of the interest in respect of which you claim: In whose name or names is the property registered? <2^ \ OU c State when and how you acquired the title to the property: 13. If it was purchased by yourself or your predecessor, give date and price, stating whether of the whole or of what part: (b) ^■K QUESTIONS AS TO DEPRIVATION 14. (a) Do you claim in respect of the deprivation of title or simply that you have been unable to obtain possession or enjoyment of the property? (b) Identify the Czechoslovak measure of deprivation which you say affected your property, or, if unknown, say why you think it has been so affected: C / I * I - 5 - 15. Actual date on which deprivation took place: QUESTIONS AS TO VALUE OA \^^ ^'l^f 16. Give a detaiied dcscription of the property, and purpose for which each part was used, sUting which parts (if any) were occupied by owner and which were let: 17. Give a short dcscription of neighbourhood with reference to centre of town, railway stations, etc. )(>c y^^ 18. Date and cost of erection, and late alterations up to 1945 (if any) describing them: C 19. (a) Total area of land: (b) Area covered by buildings: 20. (a) jfwholeor part let State: (i) annual gross rents: A''/? ^ ^ tß cf M K (ii) annual outgoings, stating tax separetely: (lii) date of last known lettim V (b) If you were the tenant, what rent did you pay, and when last fixed? 21. Value placed upon the property for any and what purpose (e.g. Insurance, tax or mortgage) and when? 22. Was it damaged during the war? If so, how much and how far had the damage been made good at date of deprivation, and at whose expense? i^i ^^ . 23. Were any alterations made after 1945? If so, what alterations were made and by whom, when and at whose expense? /(/• K V 24. What in your opinion was the value of the whole (in Czechoslovak Crowns, if possible) before deduction of charges, if any, on November 1, 1945? (or later date of deprivation if applicable). ^/ ^>^^ 4^ f - 6 2.5 Give particulars of any mortgage or other charges, stating: (a) the creditor, original amount and date: (b) the amount outstanding on November 1, 1945: (c) the amount outstanding at date of deprivation: If the Charge was only secured on a share, say which:- '^^ I/We hereby declare that my/our answers to the questions contained in the form returned herewith, signed by me/us are true to the best of my/our knowiedge, Information and belief. Date Signature(s) t In the case of a Corporation or association the form must be signed by one director and the secretary or person$ holding slmilar Offices by whatever name, describing the office held. In the case of a firm by a partner, who must sign both the firm's name and his own. Joint Applicants (other than a firm) must all sign. In the C45^ of a minor it must be signed by the "next friend". All existing executors/trustees must sign. Attach to this sheet the original or a photostat, and TWO COPIES in English, of any documents you have relevant to any of your answers to those questions, together with a llst of such documents, and any available photographs of the property. If you know where any other relevant document is, which you have not got, give particulars. 1« l B/CZECH . . . FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE. KINGSWAY. LONDON, WC2B 6TT 7.72. o FOREIGN COMPENSATION ACTS 1950 and 1969 and THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 APPLICATION FÜR COMPENSATION MOVABLES (including Furniture, Personal effects Jewellery, Literary and Artistlc Property) 1 . Füll name of Applicant(s) (Surname first, in BLOCK CAPITALS)(Mr./Mrs./Miss etc.). 2. Permanent address (in BLOCK CAPITALS). 3. Füll name(s) of beneficial owner(s) (in BLOCK CAPITALS) at:- (a) November 1,1945 Q\ (or later date of deprivation if applicable). (b) February 2, 1982 if different from (a). (use a separate sheet if necessary) 1. 3. ^1 (a) (b) i APPLICANTS MUST COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS OVERLEAF AND RETURN ONE COPY OF THE FORM WITH APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTS TO PROVE: (unless previously supplied to the Commission) OWNERSHIP BY THE APPLICANT OR, IF A TRUSTEE OR EXECUTOR, OWNERSHIP BY THE BENEFICIARIES,ON THE DATE OF MAKING APPLICATION. UNITED KINGDOM NATIONALITY OF BENEFICIAL OWNER OR OWNERS ON NOVEMBER 1, 1945 (OR LATER DATE OF DEPRIVATION IF APPLICABLE) AND ON FEBRUARY 2, 1982. r - 2 - 4. Qualification of beneficial owners on February 2, 1982 (please read explanatory notes7— 11 carefully before proceeding and use a separate sheet if necessary). Answers Individuais (including beneficial owners on whose behalf trustees etc. are claimlng) : (i) State if a U.K. Citizen on February 2, 1982 and if so, how such citizenship was acquired. (ii) If you Claim to be a British subject without citizenship or a British protected person give particulars. O (i) (ii) (iii) What was the national ity of the beneficial owner(s) on November 1, 1945 (or iater date of deprivation if applicable)? (iii) Companies (i) o (ii) If a Corporation give date and place of incorporation and whether in existence on September 1, 1982. If a firm or association State date, name and place and country under whose law it was constituted and whether in existence on September 1, 1982. (0 (ii) 5. (a) (b) Are you claiming as an executor or trustee in respect of a person who died before February 2, 1982? If so, State the füll names and addresses of all beneficiaries who claim to be qualified, and answer Question 4 in respect of each such beneficiary (using a separate sheet if necessary). (a) (b) r' f. "^9^ o - 3 - 6. DId you become the owner of the whole or a part of the property after February 2, 1982? 7. (a) Did you or your predecessor submit an application under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 6. 7. (a) 1950? If so, quote the Commission 's reference number. (b) Have you submitted evidence of your (b) nationality to the Commission in support of this or any other application? If so, give particulars. / (c) Have you received or have you any claim (c) for, or any expectation of receiving any compensation from any source, other than by reason of this application, in respect of any iterr 1 included in this application? If so, give particulars. QUESTIONS AS TO TITLE 8. Describe the items claimed stating where situated (if necessary on a separate sheet): If the answer to any of the following questions is different for different items show it on the list. 9. Did you own the items claimed: (a) for your own benefit? If not, give the name, address and proportionale interest of each qualified person for whom you Claim it: O (b) in your own name? If not, give the name and address of the person who nominally owned it and State why you Claim that it was for your benefit: 10. Do you Claim the whole or what interest in the listed items? 11. If acquired by inherltance: (a) was your title admitted by a court? If so, State in which country and date: (b) if not, give on a separate sheet a family tree showing from whom and when you acquired the listed items or your share in them: 4 i 4 - 4 - 12. If you were not the owner on November 1 , 1 945, or at the date of deprivation of ownership or enjoyment: (a) give the name, address and nationality of the owner at those dates, and his address and nationality or if a Corporation or association where incorporated or constituted: (b) State when and how you acquired the title to the property: 13. If items were purchased by yourself or your predecessor give date and price, stating whether of the whole or part: QUESTIONS AS TO DEPRIVATION 14. (a) j (b) Do you Claim in respect of deprivation of title or simply that you have been u nable to obtain possesslon or enjoyment of the property? Identify the Czechoslovak measure of deprivation which you say affected the items and which of them: or, if unknown, say why you think any or all of the items were so affected: 15. Actual date on which deprivation took place: QUESTIONS AS TO VALUE 16. State any values placed upon any or all of the items, giving purpose of such valuations (e.g. insurance or Probate) and ^ date: 17. Were any and what items damaged during the war? If so, State to what exten t. If made good by date of deprivation, at whose expense? 18. What in your opinion was the value of the whole (in Czechoslovak Crowns, if possible) before deduction of charges, if any, on November 1, 1945: (or later date of deprivation if applicable): N.B.— If you can put values on any separate items do so. * "r - '^ i *» - 5 - 19. Glve particulars of any liens or other charges ot the property stating: (a) the original amount and date: (b) the amount outstanding at November 1, 1945: (c) the amount outstanding at the date of deprivation: (d) if the Charge was only secured on a share or part of this property, say which: < I/We hereby declare that my/our answers to the questions conUined in this form returned herewith, signed by me/us are true to the best of my/our knowledge, Information and belief. Date Signature(s) « In the case of a corporation or association the form must be signed by one director and the secretary or persons holding similar Offices by whatever names describing the office held. In the case of a firm by a partner, who must sign both the firm's name and his own. Joint Applicants (other than a firm) must all sign. In the case of a minor it must be signed by the "next friend". All existing executors/trustees must sign. Attach to this sheet the original or a photostat, and TWO COPIES in English, of any documents you have relevant to any of your answers to these questions, together with a list of such documents, and any available photographsof the property. If you know where any other relevant document is, which you have not got, give particulars. MMHaaMfaMMtoHrfi - 6 - DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLE < I I • Approximate date of purchase Approximate purchase price in local currency Value in local currency at date of deprivation Oct. lat 19B2. Secretary and Chief Kxaminer Forelßn Compensatlon CofamlsBion Ale^candra Uou3<^ Kiagawayi London """* llng^and« ' i> \ V \xowr refti E/C»©ch 'A; Kf^T/iÄPJS \\ S 1^ '^'' / \ thank you for your letter of Cl \ pt. iBt 1982i ^ / I have good reason to apply for oorapensatlon uttder the Compenaatlon Ciechoslovak Order of 1932.; /* Plaase let m« know how to pro- oeed In thla ^tm&ttw aa it ooncema an estate and touches the oategories mentioned in your lettor excep» penaions. M 1 Youra falthfullyt c rXrs. flanna iVunz 330 (jopley Koacl Upper DarLy, Pa. 19082 May 6th 1982. Foreign Claims Department Charles House 5/11 Lower Regent Street London , Engl and» Re Check Claim-Foreign Compensation Cornmission ^^^ Dear Sirs, at my last visit to London I called at your Office a;cid Mr. Jones courtesly gave me infonuation that new regulations pertaining to Claims of British subjects against the Chechoslovak Government would be made public early this sumraer» In the past I have received compensation from the Foreign Compensation Cornmission in my name: • Hanna XUNZ # BC/1999 as widow of : Dr Walter E. KUNZ as heir and daughter of : as heir and daughter of : as heir and granddaughter oft Dr Arthur CZECZO^ncZKA Irma CZECZO^VICZKA -.Hortense AHLER # BC/1994 # BC/1992 c As Dr Bobasch, who was my representing at- tomey, aW Dr Otto Kurt PollaJc,the administrator of my parents estate, have both died,I would appreciate if you would get in touch with me directly at the above mentioned address and inform of new developements and re- gulations. a nd will then of course,also get in touch with you. Thanking you in advance for your courtesy, yours faithfully, I am planning to be in London sometime i j I I 20» Juni 1982. Llnbor Hanst Marlella hat mir kux*« telephonisoh von dem Beeui^ bei dar Foreign Oontp.Ootm. bfirichtet dar • offenbar sehr informativ und int^reenant war. Jadeafalla fflr mich aahr intaraaaant und ich liabe bedauert daas die Ukaatinde so aind daas ich nicht aolbst beiwotoen konnte» Marie? la liesa mich auch rrißwen dass ea gflnetic x&ro weni-i . Du Kenntnia meines let!5ten Briefes an die Koaniaaion hSttoflt und 30 schliease ich ein^^ ^opic bei» Vielen -^ank fflr -^eine B^mÖhunüen und ich sohfltze es sehr,daaa Du mit Deiner liinitierten ZeltjWLch ao sehr um meine Angel e^jenlieiten kOasrnDrst» Hoffentlich geht es "ir und Stepliie put und Ihr verbring einen sehr angenehm«! Sorko-jr» V Allea Hebe ^oh beiden o O Foreign Glalafi DepartBient Charles House 5Al Lower Roeant Street Loadon^ England« May 6th 1982. ReiForeign CcNipen»atioa Comaiaeion-* Chech Claiaa I # Dear Slrs^ at ay last Tlsit to Londto I called at your Of- fice and Ur Jones courtesly gave me infomation that nev regulations pertainlng to Claims of British subjects agalnst the CDiechoslovak GoTem- nuuoLt would be made public early thls suamer« In the past I haTe received ccapensation f rem the Foreign Coispensation Conmission in my namet as widow of t as heir and dau^ter oft as heir and dau^ter oft as heir and granddaughterof t #BC/1399 #BQ/1334 #BC/1992 Hanna Kuns Dr« ^l^ter E* Kuns Sr Arthur Cxeczowicska Irma Cseosowiczka Hortense Adler As Dr Bobaschyvho was the representing attomay aA v/e v^ould confirai that you e stabil shed a claim under the jj^oreii«-^ Conpensation (Czechor.lovakia) Order in Council, 1950 (as amended) in the sum of ^30,955 in respect of:- ^) 19»36/'c in the Bartosovice estate less Arthur Czeczow^czka' s usufruct Kc3. 11 ,673>18^ plus 2-^-/u for 6;; years* b) One quarter in land at r.enov and house at Novy Jicin less value of Irma Czeozovdczka' s usufruct Kcs. 2,/i-34,9l4 plus 2-^7'o for 6:; ycars, and raceived the sum of £7,269. 1. 8. frcn: the Czochoslovak Fand i.e. 1s 9.55 . Yaurs faithfully. o ■ t Chief ii)xaminer. Mrs. H. Kunz, •330 Copley iload, Upper Darby PA, United States of America i ^ i.:. HV7/SM BC1 999:3257 lUteM uitJätlhiiu i'0:^IGN Cüi.ii-lii:N SATION C0:aMI3SI0N ALh.>LftL^iJitA H0ÜS3, KINaS.VAY, LONDON -.7.0.2. o Dear Madam, 1^9 A.-^ V7ith refercnce to your letter of I/iarch 24-, "' 9o9> v.-e v;ould confirji that you e stabil shed a claim under the ;B*orel,^:n Com-oensatlon Czechoslova>J.a) Order in Council, 1950 (as amended) in the sum of 30,955 in respect of:- ö.) 19.36/'^ in the BartOHOvice esta^e les3 Arthur Czeczo?4c2ka* 3 usufruct Kc3. 11 ,673,180 plus 2^-/- for 6:i: year O O s b) Cne quarter share in land at :,enov and house at Novy Jicin less value of Irjia Gzeo^iGwiczka' usufract Kos. 2,;,34,914- plus 2^yC for 6^ years, and received the sun of £7,269. 1.8. fron: the Czechoslovak Fand i.e. 1s 9.55^ in the O me rate of exchange uscd by the CorrMdsoinn was Kcs. 201 .50 to the £. lYe would add that as far as it anoears froiu the Commission's records you did not subnit a claim under the above-nientioned Order or the Foreign Conipensation (Czechoslovakia) '(^^^Sistration) Order, 1960 in respect of real estate at Karlsbad-i;'i.?chem, liauptstrasse 92. j\ YckVtz faithfully, \ Chief i^xaminer. "."tiÄ /^ Ivirs. H. Kunz, 3^0 Copley xlöad, Upper Darby PA, United States of /ijaerica.. h^ 26^^3 HkNni\ KMl f^MtL^ touitcfioti 2./ 31 \ z hl \ 0«t. 4th IMS. I m imUrmtmi la mj «•Ifam.lWuik you wry M«h for ymtr l«tt«r aad I ^fw t* it f«U^ b7 poiatt 1) Ü^Mltty Oa TM aajr «• vl«Ml7,Z m Mt «liglU» miT ihm USO OrdM> Ga.dlM k«f« bMA te« Z «lU wtiU «o Mr. lkl<^t «f %1m «v— fttf^m a« ncM««d kj JIM /«r «laii^-fanM «ad pwtepa ft«B th« iMim a UtU« t)Clttiiartiif t»rltiali GLtiMmäkip graaUd tapt. a4th 1948 w Vtb. 4th 19S7 atatiac «hat prior Oatlsaaahip «a« Britlak Z hava aavar riainioia «rltlah eititoaahlp aad bdlaiv« «aa haa «hat for llt;himi9mr Aaarlaaa elUaauhIp U aoro tn^lLlm a&d «Ml eitiMartilp ia allevaad. ia. ClUsMahip oaa ba «Itb* If «M ia aotlToly iavolvad la aatWm ttat daal politlcally •r UcOy «Itk oaaa protloua alUiwuhlyaauatry. Z aaald aovar da auA a ttdng I falaa aar loarif CtUsaaahlp t)Ia Qf aooraa jMt ara rlfht a«kla,«ha7 aay bava partlotdar aa ttaay aoM «o qpoalallao la «hoao eaaoa aad I tkou^tii aa appala|a«it 4lth ^^ for «ha «iaa Z ahall be in 4)Vrl«aa GUla «Aa paa «Hl aaa haUe af «ha Irloas Clala «aa awardad la 19«2,1« «&d juat tha« aaa «l«hhald ub«11 ziov «od «h« ^rl«lah Forali^ Ooapaaaatloa Comaiaal« $1 Kr Haddaz lU aaawar «aa tha daalal af mj Aaarlaaa 6) Javiah Organlaatlaaai A «oadarf^ Idwt of joura «o «•« la ha«a ao oan«ao«a «hara «U «ould do«h« «ha« Mar af fa«hMra oonnooUoaa ar« a«lll avaUableo 7)lloÖr««»r Thaak poa ^VTJMoh for kaoplng «ha oon«ae« up.ha aaama iü« b< aoarao of lafona«l«a ao far.naaao la« aa ra-laburae you for •ny aap«aah8 yaa hara la «hla mXXw. 8) S«n4y ^ Caaa il hava fUaa aad filaa af t» n«««^^.^^ <«-.. * 0t f 0 of Orundbuch«i.xttg«i,of ow»er«hlp KrrucwMats.of li«t«, of aplieatioaa «ad of oours« of corrMpondeaos.I aammm It »oxad b« rery eottly to hav« a lawyer go ovar it to find aomathlng that haa not b««n olaiMd or partiallj ntiafiad in ttaa oid Claim. I aa rntr« fathar «a» rwy oarefull and very knowiedg«- abla aad in eontraat l would not b« of muoh halp.HowaTor Mr. MeOraggor or tha lavyar« «ay know off iiand what «lalaa tha CoMiasioa origiaaly aad in prinoipla rafüaad that «ight b< aeeaptabla aow though I hera Tery littl« hope of this. I ean not afford high lavyors fees Uth a nagatire result or a amall ratun and tharafora I hara to atap rmrj carofully and «ai^ avary daoiaion aith graat concera. Thank you a^aia for all tha tiM aad troubla you are tnking aad forglra tha langth of thia lattar.I waatad you to undarataad ay thinldn« aad not aaaoaa that «y.parhapa.aagati^ atUtuda ia bom out of latinaas or faar of iaTolTaaaat or plaia duabnaaa. ■y lora to Staphia aad you C M' Oet. 4th 1982. C -^^^^ I 9m r^ally blessad wlth haTing fuoh a frlMd aa jou ar#9 so lnt«rs«t#d in ^ w#lfare#Thaiik you very much for your Isttar aad I likm to «navar it poia) by polatf 1) üaglbllity tla you My ao rlghtly,! aa not ollgiblo uadar ihm 19S0 Ordar afaaro Caalaa haro baon but I vlll vrita to Hr. IHi^t of tho Coaaiaaion aa au^atad by you for olalaa-foraa axid paziiapa Aroa thaa ona oan laan a littla aora* 2)Citii«iahip iBritlah Cltlsaaahlp grantad Sapt. 24tb 1948 iaarleaa • • Fab* 4th 1957 ateting that prior Cutisaaahip waa British Z haTa naTar raaounoad Britiah Citisanahip and balalra ona baa that for lifayhoaaTar Aaarioan Citlaanahlp ia aora fragila and no dual Citisanahip ia allowaed« im. Citisanahip oan ba vith- draan if ona is aotiraly inTolrad in aattara that daal politioally or lagaly with onaa prarioua oitisanship-oountry« I would narar do auoh a thing aa I Talua ay iaarioan Citisanahip graatly. 3) La «offioaa RKECHL 4 FKRBS Qf oouraa you ara right a£ain,thay aay hava partieular knowladga aa thay aaaa to apaoialiaa in thaaa oaaaa and I thoug^t of aaking an appointaant with thaa for tha tiaa I ahall ba in London nart» tAa you will aaa Xrieaa Claia waa awardad in 19629it waa juat tha bulk of tha Coqpanaation that was withhald until now aad tha baaad on tha Britiah Foraign Coapanaation Coaaiaaiona aTaluation« Eia anawar waa tha danial of ay iaariean Claia« 6) Jawiah Organiaationai A wondarful Idaa of youra to gat in toueh with htM but I hawa no contaota thara and would not know whara to atart.I doubt that any of fathara eonnaotiona ara atill aTailabla. 7)Mo0raggor Thank you wary auch for kaaplag tha oonUet up.ha aaaaa tha baat aouroa of inforaation ao far.Plaaaa lat aa ra-iaburaa you for any aiqpanaaa you hare in thia aattar« 8) Study of Caaa tl hara fUaa and filaa of tax payaanta.of inauranca payaanta, 4)Srioaa Claia c Si Hr Madduc I I ♦ » ( of CrunJbuchaus»ttt:on,or oim^reMp arrangeraents.of llata, of apllcationa aad of coura« o£ correspondenc«. I assuffle it would be very costly to hftve a lawyer ßo oyer It to find eomethinc that haa not been claiaad or partially aatisfled in th» old Claim. I am aure fath«r mis yery carefull and very knowlodee- able and in coatraat i would not bo of imicJi help.Höwever Mr. lIcGragßor or the lawyer. may know of f haiid ,hat claima the Concnlasion originaly and in principle refüsed that mi^ht b« acceptable now though I hav« very littlo hope of thia. - .!, I can not afford high lai^e« fö« with a nagative raault or a scall retum and tharafore I have to atap vary careftüly and waigh every decioion with groat concem. Thank you again for all tha time and troubla you are tnking and forgiva the length of Uxis lettor.I wantod you to undaratand n^ thinking and not e33un.e tl«tt «y.parhapa. negativa attitude ia bom out of lazinaas or fear of involvament or piain dumbnaas. My lova to Stephie and you ( \> IP^ ^ ^' Vr*^' O/ > C CLAIMS PACT SCOPE WIDER ("Jewish Chronlcle", 17.9.82, p.8) I '^ 0 ? (. . . Further to the report in the "Jewish Chronicle" (September 3) conceming the Claims agreement between the Brxtish and Czechoslovak Governments, the legal adviaer of tIf^^:AoradJ^deration_o^ ^^^^ any person, not onl> Czech na^^^onals ,who was a United Kxngdo. national on F.bruary 2. 1982. is qualified to make a Claim* The proviso is that the propertj to which the Claim relates was beneficially owx.ed b> a British subject at the '»relevant date»'. He Said that ths date of publication of the C«choslovak ..„e.sure" „hich prop„t j . debt,. ha„„ b.lane«, share,, bond. and pe„,l„„s were affected (that i. nat ionalised ) IS interpreted to be the relevant date, „hlch i, certainlv rn cn, iv^o, c»fi.] nm> well exleiid to 1951 ^r thereaf^er. He added that in many cases nationalisation or other restrictive meao «2. i/'i^dJHJ^ Docember 8, 1982. arid ypu. are generali^ We have been quite busy ok your accoimt*- - This af:$;ernoon Hanna'and I 'wönt ^to soe the Peil'&ö law Office (sp-o1t:e -fco a Mr. Winter) wlio do not seera to very much on the "ball. Parther, I had a lengthy' ' telephone conversatipn with a Dr. Karetema, ' whose kx name was given to 'melby Mro. Mahler of the URO Office ■^.^^^lioxiis marvellous and remembers both our r)arents ."nosf lovingly. Dr. Karsten"-seemed ver-':' oonbetent, helpfiil aiKl. well informed. Matter- of fact to talk to. .V. As Hanns has written to you before, it all boils donw to findinf; sometbinf--; to ciain v/hich has not been claimed before. Both Hanns ;md I feel very strongly that you should lose ITO tine and write to the man from Dr. Bobasch» s office (l forf^ot his name) who had written to you, refer to his letter, and naively ask hirn how he proposeö to hpjidle e Claim ander the present legislation. Make it vague and naive and see v/hat he comes up with. 3ometines findet ein blindes Huhn ein Korn, and Hanns seeras to think that he will be very notivated in helping. Dr. Karsten Said that most people are now endetivouring to find something for which corapensatior had not >een paid before and, if you can find sorne- 't^i^x one will obviously need : (1) documentation to prove Eigentumsrecht (2) infornation about all ciiech Massnalimen since May 1945, (3) The date when you were made a British E±*i s üb 3 e c t , I think that when you corae here you should -Derhaps iuSt to^naß Srp ^;S^-^^-Dr. Karsten,±jix3m3txsÄXHx±^ Tn ->,! ul +-^^® °^-^ -'^^^ ^^o" overlook anytbinp-. S ^S\'*^'^^ime, ]2o.J0t_Lose Time in YIv^t^UTJ^^ D£:_Bobasch's assistant. Tf.o, at your leisure, ''V\f --•' ^'•'^^^MBiA ,^Qk\A '" p f^»^,-* riH" read tlie letfer from^Ipaiin'^ to, you of • SepteLibör 23f 1982, ' again, v/here he gives yoa a few ideas which may lead yoa tp;'-oth6r. things. . What about V/alter^'s hiäiase In . . Kfi^rlsbad,: for inötance ? At tiie tim.e , you- told- rne th,-at ^it. we^ ;not worth. wi-dle incluuing -~ ±n the mean- ti^e tiie vaiue rnay ^ave 5:one] iip cuite a bit. Andy ;;;^ otixer 'tLiiigSj-: in tlie line- of * what ,IIai-'ns su- ^^stß , ^\^ pr what' you* can .pbesibly thiOral^.. of >-•- \-. • Ow 4- I'll now .try-to ring' you and giye: you. the- gitst bf tlvi-s i^tter' in Short bat wan^W to- mail it in a hurry t-w.ij^ Yv f^j m 1 -'- - Much loye rjr^*^^ od" rioi*:t-X'. • ' V — ae ever • r 1 ' . ' • ■-'^'^0 -• ^oaBcfo':" • 1 ni • » ( • • Hariella. • ^ ^ . ni'^ f- • •/"•^^ ■ Ilx^v iiox:' r^rx I o V-^ ^^;- ti -t. rT.r'' : .;S'^'^ no' T .->t-r T • • • /-% fV/-\ *ir- nr .^ -wu J ./<1 > > /r ^ r r ^ I t «i' - 50 SHELDON AVENUE, HIGHGATE, LONDON, N.6 19th Dec.82 o o Dear Hanna, Mariella and I went to see the Lawfirm Reichl and Peres. Not veiy impressive,one partner died the other was on holiday and we spoke to a Mr Winter, the man who actually wrote the letter to you. Well,according to him the "Faxt III"of the oider rules out the possibility of further payments in respect of Claims for which a payment was received.-The only remote chance would be if the house in Karlsbad was still the property of your late husban§.If that would be the case ,and 'that might be con^^ratively easy to find out from the "grundbuecherliche " registration in GS H, that would be an asset for which a claim could be made. Mariella mentioned a man who assisted with yor fathers Claims, who mi^t^ ^ ' ^nt have some more infoimation. Marieil said she might see if ^^g^can contact him.She also spoke to another lawyer-with the same result, When you come here,and I see that will be early next year,we can talk about it some more. Mariella, busy as usual,but apart from little ailments lively and" rushing", will be soon with you. Have a very nice Ghristmas,! am looking forward to see you and have a good chat with you, about friends,life and whatever problems there may be. Love from Stephie and myself Yours as ever J^ i(^^ >f^pi /i^r^ ^ I Nov. ??nf\ 10 P?, C3 ( it rao eo food ±o rpork t^? ,yoa to-dey ^ncl I 1 opo *?5iEt i Jid not cllf?1rur1; your f^tepliler^ lixnch or The cop^'' of pcpoiv o:. clor cd Inclufle t! o ^lucr.tian^^ Ir ori prcpoity "b'at I rcceivoö eixrdlrr Ciuertio- nrirn on i€ialc-rccoi;ntr,I^ndc,3hf x^^£,}^cbti^,I>aBln cnd I have iiicludea here cüLucddfttionß I rocoivccW A IfiO endo red iß rricne äcci'jion on hör dnin v/hich appearn to bc bruoö on t^.e finriingn of the Clrln ConjTiißöiön in Lonoon vnä I vx)naor ii* it rdrht "^)c of nonc A B 1 mcj:atioricc! I bröXe the lx>R^ l««iUnp: to to the littlc tO€ on lay ri£>At fooi by rtcppinr on f* r1;one while cit)r>riiiß tl:e ntrcet^I rn irucS^ bcttcr pticI crn ^Gt nrocoio; on a ctne^It v:5 c difriciil^ In 11 o Icfi^ninr teilen I \ tr\ on ciottalior brtt tl in ovcr fnd I cee rn In- provcnent every dr^y« Tho coctor tolcl xnc? liowcvor to b^ off my feet tor tiiree wcel^r!* iiii; hcjai'tfelt thanlrn for your Bui^trineö frtendnhip nnü help over no nrny yoriT* nnd r>y t':^rt vlrlon i'or you nnCx Litephie 1 rm t Yourr> rffectionrtelj'' 1\S^ Ropc I £:ct a nelgiibour roon to pont thin* ■" ■>• »^^■»fc- . September 21, 1982, t 2 Dear Hanna , Thank yoii for your letter of Sei^tember 6 v/hich only arriv^d yesterday« You are quite right to siif^gest that I koep put of your reatitution affair as I may really not te öiifficiently qi?.alified to handle it and you have reproached me so many times of jegpardizinß yoiir char!.ceö that the respönsihility now weighs too heavily on me and If^-handicaped. Needlesö tö. 3ay, clearly and loudly, that there is ncr ill feelin^s in any way and IM_l continue to be at your disposal if you need anytliing. äaüried out* , . . • » I think I Ghould r^ive you a resum* of the Situation the way it Stands at this mornent. First of all - unless there is an unexpected change in the regulations - it v/ould appear nost unlikely for thihßs to work out automaticallyj to the contrary, there may he quite a bit of work involved and your phobia of "pushing too hard" is most mis- guiäed, in fact it is more than ciuestionable v/hether you would even have received an invitation to subrait a claiin if we had not been in touch with the Ooimnissioni The crux of the pDr'oblem is formulated in the fourth Paragraph of the letter from Reichl and Peres and v/as included in some of the papers I sent you, aiid I also mentioned it to you on the telephone and in a letter, nanelyjthat anyone who has received compensation in the 1950s is excluded^in this present program. Francis asked me to point out to you tFät there is a possibility that you may have mioread it and do not realize that it excludes you from a Claim unless you find a way of getting around it. You may have . some ideas there yourself, and in addition I think it may perhaps need the advise .of wise and experienced heads to find a Solution — unless the Commissioh should come up with an amendment (which is not likely), The only thing that I coji think of at the moment is to go through the papers. until one finds some assöts which have not been included in the previous claim. This may also bo the reason whyK Hanns - who may intuitively have expected something of the kind - wanted to see Erika's papers. However, if Erika is not well enough to provide them, perhaps you could find papers in your files which give a clue as^^tho assets which were included in the forner restitution. Hopefully, more experienced and professional peoüle than I will find yet another Solution to this clause - possibly the fact that the compensation previously received was not in line with the actual value of the assets (??) - or something totally unexpected which I am not qualif ied to think of . *^ ■ / ■ Secondly : I got a copy of the" Foreign Comnensation Orrier 1982 - No.1073" from the H.I.I. Stationary Office and gave it to Haiins who is now studying it. I ordered another copy for you a few days ago but it routinely takes about ten days to arrive - I'll forward it to you immediately it coraes in. I^y plan - which may need a great deal of revision - was that as soon as Hanns gets all the papers -to fßrri a tentaX;ive stnategy, you should then go totadvise to UROrCoi^^atever the ej*qivalent up-to-date Office is) as there may be many more people in 4he same position ao you and they may have a policy, then to pick the brains of llr. McGregor who did the preparatory work for the Commission and with whom we got friendly, then - in viow of the letter you sent me - have a talk with Reichl and Perez on a nin-cominital basis so a^s to get their ideas, and, finally, after consolidating all opinions, hand things over to a competent ajid specialised and reliable attorneyx in this country, However, you may be able to improve on this plan and have fresh ideas. Thirdly : Citisenship - I think it is a marvellous idea for you to find out whether you have still got your U.K. citizenship. In case there should be a disappointraent, I would believe that the inheritance after your parents should ZEiiai fulfill this demand. Poosibly you P^J+^^J?"! t'^"''®.?'^^ question by juot *ivins copy of your Naturalisation oertilicate or its date and number — you have to get smart advise'on tnat« Next : as to your reply to the letter you received from the OonunxGSion. I would, after a little v/hile , thank them for their letter and raoot uncommitingly say that you are in the proceös of preparim' ^^ 5^-ff Ä^Äiä^^4^T °^ yowy^ Claim in due coursc. ^ujf t^ '^•'• One more tliinc In ray liumblc opinion, öur Visit to vYashington was not f utile and Mr. Maddex's reply I find interestin^-;. If I were you I would- not lose time in writing back to thank him and ask him to please keep your case on tho files in case.the present authority 01 the Cormission should in any v/ay he araended or expanded. • -^ I am sorry that tliis reouine is so long but- I v.-anted to make sure not to gorget any hin t that raay be aseful to you in the future, Please let r^e Imov; if there is any point wliich is not olear, /, Naturally, my wärmest wishes for success go with it. A^-^ tx^^. kJL^ _ Many.thanko for the lovely photographs öf cur wvening with Rita. They came out beautifully and I an very haiDoy to have then. Thank you also for layinf^out the memberahiü fee for Iladassali for me. Please' let ae koiow whether it is all right if I pay yibu back when I next see vou a nd, if so, please rei-nembor the aniouht (/l6 ?). I hope that Erika« s shingles are improving, I am told that it is a very painful thing to have fand am yerv sorry for her. Please rive her m.y bestest wishes. " .-■ #fÄnxS±nifiKr xi" ±liKx ¥iEi:i ±13 k£ r The publisher.I represen', in the U.E. is arrivinp; frora llew York in a fow days'time and I have been f rantically busy settin."-. ur) his appointraents for his entire European stay. Will join hiin at the ') Frankfurt Book Pair around the 4th October. Then Theo is due to come for a week, arriving on I6th ^c tober, unless there is a change which is unliltely. Please let Icnow what plans you are making for Coming over. I an looking forward very much to soeing you and love vou as ever ■. ' vours fh ^\. ^^X> cx Ol O-sa. V.cJ2c.£^Cl^-v-c \ «iß_Q_S. U->^->^-o^. (Jk-yOt Ck f9 ^ Ljua 'hA mmmmm •^^m» Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBASCH. Dr. JuR. PRAOUC R. Braun. Dr. Jur. Prague TELEPHONE : 01-248 1609 OVERSEAS Telegrams : BOBBACO LONDON EC4 IN REPL.Y PLEASE QUOTE LAG 101 AB/LF 86/88 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4BQ 16. April 1975 Mrs Hanna Kunz^ 330 Copley Road Up-er Darby, Pa, USA Sehr geehrte Damen« Mrs Erica Simon 170 West 81th Street New York 24* USA Es gibt uns eine grosse Genugtuung, das s wir endlich nach jatirelangen Bemuehungen, mitteilen koennen,dass wir vom Ausgleichsamte in Berlin einen Feststellungsbescheid ueber den Grundbesitz in Partendorf und das Schloss erhalten haben • Dieser Bescheid bezieht sich nicht auf das -^etriebss vermoegen der S]^iritusf abrik^fuer welches wir noch einen separaten Bescheid erwarten* Wir uebersenden Ihnen anliegend eine Potokopie des Bescheides sowie der Seilage die, die Aufteilung der festgestellten Entschaedigung zeigt. Die Schadensf est= Stellung in Reichsmark ist nicht die Entschaedigung selbst sondern bildet nur die Grundlage fuer eine Berechnung« Die Schadensfeststellung betraegt RM 961 .095. 98 fuer Partschendorf und RM 47 •850.- fuer das Schloss. Diese Summe verteilt sich auf die Anteile der verstorbenen Eltern und auf den Anteil von Prau Hanna Kunz.^er Antrag von Prau Erika Simon im eigenen Namen wurde der oesterreichischen Staatsbuergerschaft wegen, abgewiesen, was wir vorausgesehen haben. Es ist uns Jedoch gelungen durchzusetzen, dass Prau Simon fuer ihren Anteil an dem Vermoegen der Eltern entschaedigt wird. Portsetzung /. wm 4 » Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. Q. KU3H. LAG 101 LP 16. 4. 73 PAGE. .2... Die Berechnung der Entschaedigung ist sehr kompliziert, weil der gesamte Schaden auf 4 Teile aufgeteilt wird und auch die gezahlten Foreign Compensition Commission Entschaedigungsbetraege beruecksichtigt werden« Nachdeiii wir wissen, dass Sie hauptsaehlich und begreif = licherweise daran intressiert sind, wieviel Sie als Entschae digung erhalten koennen, geben wir Ihne unsere eigene»^ Schaetzung, welche wie wir hoffen sich als richtig erweisen wird. Bei einer so komplizierten Verrechnung wollen wir jedoch nicht dafuer garantieren. Frau Öanna Kunz rechnung nach circa DM 25.000.- DM 19*000. • DM 44.000. • tt erhaelt unserer beilaeuf igen Aus= fuer den Anteil nach dem Vater fuer den Anteil nach der Mutter fuer den Anteil in eigenem Na:i:en V circa DM 88.000.- insgesamt. Yv. Dagegen erhaelt Frau Simon leider nur circa DM 25.000.- fuer den Anteil nach de^ Vater „1 DM ISiOOg.- fuer den Anteil nach der Mutter _ circa DM 44.000.- insgesamt Wir sehen keine Moeglichkeit gegen den Bescheid ein Rechtsmittel einzulegen. Die Bewertungen sind nicht hoch aber nach den bestehenden Vorschriften vorgenommen und vor allem sollen Sie nicht vergessen, dass Sie grosse Entschaedigungsbetraege von der FCC in London erhalten haben, die abgezogen wurden so dass sich die Entschaedigung dadurch wesentlich verringert. Etwaige Rechtsmittel wuerden nur die Auszahlung verzoegern ohne einen Erfolg zu ver= sprechen. Wir bitten Sie um Ihre umgehende Zustimmung auf die Einlegung von ^Rechtsmittel zu verzichten danit wir die Auszahlung beschleunigen koennen. Wenn Sie noch weitere Auf= klaerungen brauchen, wollen wir sie Ihnen gerne erteilen. Ho chachtungs vol 1 Dr. A. Bobasch & Dr. G.Kui Anlage . ^ dcc^-^, I I * m wi—— ^., < • jamtarnttm^makäüi^i I I* i: «i' G -Durchschrift für die Vertretene Hanna Kunz - Bezirksamt ..^^^^^^^9}^A von Berlin Abteilung' Finanzen - Berlin ....33.. , den ...22. . Mörz .1 973 »ac Femruf 332 6O6I App 31 Zimmer _ 31 . Aktenzeichen: Agl . 232 - A 10/ EF 3531 USA "^ < ) - (nur Im Innenbetrieb) 4 U X HASt Nr. schadenaort: PartschendorfKreis: ..Neutitschein ') Ausfertigung für — Herrn — Frau — Fräulein Besclieid — ^^eife^eli^^ici' 2) über die einheitliche Schadensfeslstellung nach dem Festslellungsgesetz bei Beteiligung mehrerer unmittelbar Geschädigter I Unmlttelbap Geschädigte'): Name, Vorname: wohnhaft - zuletzt - in: i.Dr. Czeczowiczka, Arthur. 21 , April 1.95.7 in. London 2. Czeczowiczka, Irma verst. 22.Nov.1934. in London 4. Simon . Erika ^ 70 West öl.tii Str e.e t., New York 24/.USA 3C ~ ^ ' ^ II. Antragrsberechtigte am L4. 1952 (soweit nicht personenglelcli mit I): Name, Vorname: wohnhaft 1 2 3. 4. 5. .. wohnhaft — zuleU^' in: Erbe zu I Nr. « Nr. ^ Nr Nr. Nr. ^ Nr.. III. Antragsteuer (soweit nicht personenglclch mit I oder II): Name, Vorname: wohnhaft in: 1. Kunz, Hanna wie 1/3 2. Simon, Erika wie 1/4 » X Erbe zu I zu II Nr. .1 »2 i^j. - Nr. .1 , 2.. Nr ^ , Nr Nr Nr Nr.. Nr. Nr. Nr Nr Bei Abwesenden (Kriegsgefangenen, Vermißten usw.) : Antrag»h?Ilt für den unter - •-:^7 - \ Genannten von r-rr':"!!^^ wohnhaft in (Ziff.) (Nr.) ^-•-*** -- -- Z.r<^r — ^^^SLTen von , wohnhaft in Schadensfeststellung Auf die Anträge der Beteiligten, - alle ~X)CX5Öac:f?föCXXXXXKXXXXXM^^ ^ ver- treten*) durchDr . Bobasch & Dr- KUSjl- auf Schadensfeststellung nach dem Feststellungsgesetz (FG) ergeht ^ auf Grund des Beschlusses des Ausgleichsausschusses (Feststellungsausschusses) vom 22 • J* 1 973 »CXXi^ — folgender Bescheid — XKÄXiXaSöliatK— : • -< '-v. ^vv.VWVr^) •) Angaben dienen der Statistik, 1) Nichtzutreffendes streichen. *' Ämra"s^';o;ccmU.,fr;«^"v"Vi?e"g"""'"''''" Ccachädicten oufeerUhrt. fUr die in eigene.- Person oder In der Person eines Erben am 1. April 1962 «) 2. B. Vater. Vormund. Bevolimächtiffler; nur auszufüllen, soweit nicht peraonengleich mit dem Vertreter des Abwesenden (III). Formblatt LA ISa/ßO Mat. 1158. A 3/4. 15 000. 2. 69 % •^I^^^MMh***' "■* . i 1. Die Antragsberechtigung naclxLcxx>cxxljiKir^^ "'•/'' ^^^ ^/^ Genannten liegt vo r 2. Folgende Schäden der unmittelbar Geschädigten werden mit den in Spalte 2 und 2 a der nachstehenden Zusammenstellune aufgeführten Beträsren einheitlich wie fol^t f(>st^P«tAnt. ucxicuuca ^ubammensieuung ■0--^**-^^ i-.cciigen einheitlich wie folgt festgestellt: a) Vertreibun2:sschäden €.t»^* ') — an: Lfd. Nr. des un- mittelbar Geschä- digten An- teile 1 a Neu festgestellter Betrag Schäden RM Verbindlich- keiten RM 2a Bereits früher festgestellter Betrag Verbindllch- Schäden RM keiten RM 3a Schäden (2 4-3) RM Insgesamt Verbindlich- keiten (2 a -1-3 a) RM Angaben . für die Statistik 4 a aaj land- und forstwirtschaftlichem Vermögen — Feststellung insgesamt: 1/1 |392292,17|ib47p5,: ■> 6 1) 2) S) 4) Sf. Davon entfallen auf die unmittelbar Geschädigten: 1 99980,29 ,392292 ,17 1647^^,3AJ 3 I 4 73214,13 1 1 9097, 75 100525, 391 27021,60 37208,35 bb) Grundvermögen — Feststellung insgesamt: .199980,29 100525,39 73214,1^ 27021,60 119097,75 37208, 3: > 1/1 .19530,95. 8202,63 Davon entfallen auf die unmittelbar Geschädigten: 9956,37 .19530,95 8202,63 4 3645,09 5929,49 1) 2) 3) 4) cc) EcIneBsvefmoFen' 5004,83 1345,32 1852,48 9956,37 ■•• ....,.,1 3645,09 5004,83 1345,32 5929,49 1852,48 Lfd. Nr. I des un- mittelbar; Geschä- j digten ' An- teile Neu festgestellter Betrag RM la Bereits früher fest- gestellter Betrag RM 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1/1 Insgesamt (Sp.2-f 3) RM dd) Gegenständen der Berufsausübung Angaben für die Statistik 6 Neu festgestellter Betrag RM Feststellung insgesanvff 2^ Bereits ^' früher f^f- ^^etrag RM Insgesamt (Sp.2 -i-3) RM y xT Davon entfallen auf die^^mmittelbar Geschädigten: ,y Die in Spalte 2^ der unter Buchst genannten Vermögensart neu festgestellten Beträge sind der Schadensberech^ nung entnorp,irten, die das Finanzamt bei der Veranla^ng der Vermögensabgabe getroffen hat und die für die Schadens- feststellii;>^ nach dem Feststellungsgesctz bindend ist (§ 33 Abs. 4 FG). J 1) NichtzutrefTende» streichen. ■STS Anlagfi zun Besclifcid vom 22. 3 > 1973 A 10/ EF 3531 USA Begründung Die Antragsteilerinnen Frau Hanna Kunz und Frau Erika Simon machen als unmittelbar Geschädigte und als Erbinnen nach ihren Eltern Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka und Irma Czeczowiczka geb. Adler die Feststellung der nachstehend aufgeführten verfolgungsbedingten Vertreibungsschäden geltend: I . land- und forstwirtschaftliches Vermögen Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Partschendorf II • GruDdverinöß:en Schloß Partschendorfy^ Kreis Keutitschein Kach den Erbscheinen des Amtsgerichts Zehlendorf 6o VI 253/71 und des Amtsgerichts München VI 7414/59 werden die unmittelbar Geschä- digten -^rma Czeczowiczka geb. Adler verst. am 22. Nov. 195^ und Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka verst. am 21. April 1957 je zur Hälfte von ihren beiden Töchtern Frika Simon und Hanna Kunz beerbt. Zu I. und II : Gemäß § 12 Abs. 1 des Feststeilungsgesetzes (PG) sind Vertreibungs- schäden an land- und forstwirtschaftlichem sowie Grundvermögen mit dem zuletzt festgesetzten Einheitbwert festzustellen. Die Einheits- werte konnten Jedoch nicht nachgewiesen werden, so daß nach den Bestimmungen der 3*> 5* und 1o. FDV und den hierzu ergangenen Durch- führungsbestimmungen Ersatzeinheitswerte zu ermitteln sind. Aufgrund der von der ^eimatauskunf tstelle bestätigten Bewertungs- merkmale wurden die Ers.atzeinheitswerte wie folgt ermittelt: 1. Landwirtschaft i'artschendorf 2. Forstwirtschaft Partschendorf aufgerunciet : 5. Grundvermögen Schloß Partschendorf 9o5.92o,38/PM 55.175,6o/rM 961.o95,98/Ri1 961.1 00, -v^BM 47-850,— v/rm Die Berechnung der Ersatzeinheitswerte ist aus den beigefügten Berechnungsbogen BAA 11/8, BAA 11/24 und BAA 11/14, die Bestandteil dieses Bescheides sind, zu ersehen. Im Zeitpunkt des Schadenseintritts waren die Eigentumsanteile an dem land- und forstv;irtschaftlichen Vermögen und Grundvermögen in Partschendorf wie folgt: Arthur C. Irma C. Hanna K. r-nka b. = 14, 2881 V% land- u.f.Vcrm, 5Ö2Tb26795^RM 135.1o7,98/rM 186.o41,76/RM I37.32^i31v/RM 961.100,— ^RM Grund vermögen 25.024, 14 /Hi; 6 . 726 , 58/^-M 9.262,41 ,/!Üi 6. 8 36, 8 7, AM 47.850,-- /RM - 2 - A 1o/EF 5331 USA - 2 - Von dem land- auf Arthur Czeczowiczka auf Irma ^ auf Hanna Kunz (^ ^. auf Erika Simon und forstwirtschaftlichen Vermögen entfallen 91. 58^6 ^a 126.11o7^a 93. 0865/ ha Die ermittelten Ersatzeinheitswerte werden gem. § 21 a Abs. 1 FG um die ausländischen Entschädigungsleistungen gekürzt. Die FCC in London zahlte für das land- und forstwirtschaftliche sowie Grundvermögen in Partschendorf umgerechnet in Deutsche Mark an Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka ' 517.714,45/6m Irma Czeczowiczka 64.975, $4/I)M Hanna Kunz 7o.276,95/t)M 95,2574,f/^ der Zahlungen der FCC London sind beim land- und forst- >^ wirtschaftlichen Vermögen anzurechnen und ^♦74255/% beim Grundvermögen Schloß Partschendorf FCC-Zahlungen an [Anteil land- und f o rs t Wirt seh. Verm. Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka! 5o~2T646~,6^ Irma Czeczowiczka Hanna Kunz DM 61.895,85^M 66 . 944 , o 1 ^/i)M j Anteil Grundvermögen Schloß Partschendorf 15.067,77 DM 3.o81,49j^I 5.552,92^/^M per Anspruch von Frau Erika Simon als unmittelbar Geschädigte .vurde bereits mit Bescheid vom 11. Okt. 1968 in A I0/V 1952 USA für das land- und forstwirtschaftliche Vermögen in Partschendorf abgelehnt da Frau Erika Simon im Zeitpunkt der Schädigune die österreichische Staatsangehörigkeit hatte. Aus den im Bescheid vom 11. Okt. 1968 in A I0/V 1952 USA genannten Gründen wird auch der Antrag wegen des 2_ Grundvermögens Schloß -^artschendorf abgelehnt, soweit Frau Erika , Simon unmittelbar Geschädigte war. / iner Erklärung von Frau Hanna Kunz vom 9. 5. 1971 kann sie Angaben über Verbindlichkeiten im Zeitpunkt des Schadensein- machen. werden die Verbindlichkeiten gem. § 12 Abs. 5 FG und § 6 Abs.1 . LDV gesondert festgestellt und zwar unter Anwendung der Nr. 53 abe f Abs. 4 des FG-Sammelrun.dschreibens mit dem aus Anlage 9 chtlichen Fauschsatz von 2o % der ermittelten Ersatzeinheits- Nach e / keine r tritts Daher der 11 Buchst ere-?si > 1 werte. Beglaubigt: Kzl.-Vorst. i^m^-mi^mimmmm^ ■PMÜ^ '«•lai»'. ««VW- » '<4 Agl 252 A I0/EF 35.51 USA: ^^- Arthur Cz. Irma Czeczowiczka Hanna Kunz l^nd- und forütw- Vermögen Fartschen- dorf g£^ ./. FCC-Zahlg. Schaden sbe trag 2o % VerbindlkT Grundvermögen Schloß Partschen dorf EEW ,/. FCC-Zahlg. Schadensbetrag 2o % Verbindlk ^a T 502 626,95/ 5o2 646,6^ 199.98o,i«?y 1oo.525,59y 1:55 1o7,98/ 186. 0^1, 76^^ .^f.- 61.09^,85/ 7^.214,13/ 27.021,60^ \ 25.024, 14 / : i... 15.o67,7^y 9.956, 5f/ 6.726,58/ 5.081,49^ 5.645,o9y 5oo4,85^ 1.^545, $2y 66.9^^,oiy 119.097,75/ 37.208, 55y 9.262,41 / 3.552,92^ 5. 929, 49 y 1.852, 48 y^ Erika Simon 1 57. 323,. 5 V ■ ■^^ !■ iiiif I Ablehnung 6.8^6,87/ Ablehnung r • i • msges. I -— • 961 I00,--/ 431.484,5^^ 392.292,15^/ |j 164.755, 3^^^ I 47.850,—/ 21.482,-^^y 19.550,95"^ 8.2o2,63 /■ aMkiMOMuai^taiMttA. Dr A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIC \L LAW A. BOBASCH. Dr. JuR. PffACUK R. Braun. Dr. Jur. Pragu« TELEPHONE : 01-248 1609 OVERSEAS Telegrams : BOBBACO LONDON EC4 IN REPLV PLFASE QUOTE LAG 101 AB/LP 86/88 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4BQ 16. April 1973 rirs Hanna Kunz, 330 Copley Road Up: er Darby, Pa. USA Hrs Erica Simon 170 West 81th Street New York 24. USA Sehr geehrte Damen« Es gibt uns eine grosse Genugtuung, das s wir endlich nach jahrelangen Bemuehungen, mitteilen koennen,daGS wir vom Ausgleichsamte in Berlin einen Feststellungsbescheid ueber den Grundbesitz in Partendorf und das Schloss erhalten haben. Dieser Bescheid bezieht sich nicht auf das ■ßetriebs= vermoegen der S]&iritusfabrik,fuer welches wir noch einen separaten Bescheid erwarten. Wir uebersenden Ihnen anliegend eine Fotokopie des Bescheides sowie der Beilage die, die Aufteilung der festgestellten Entschaedigung zeigt. Die Schadencf est= Stellung in Reichsmark ist nicht die Entschaedigung selbst sondern bildet nur die Grundlage fuer eine Berechnung. Die Schadensfeststellung betraegt RM 961.095.98 fuer Part s che ndorf und rm 47.850.- fuer das Schloss. * . Diese Sunme verteilt sich auf die Anteile der verstorbenen Eltern und auf den Anteil von Frau Hanna Kunz.-L>er Antrag von Frau Erika Simon im eigenen Naiaen wurde der oesterreichischen Staatsbuergerschaf t -.'egen, abgewiesen, was v;ir vorausgesehen haben. Es ist uns jedoch gelungen durchzusetzen, dass Frau Simon fuer ihren Anteil an dem Vermoegen der Eltern entschaedisrt wird. ° Fortsetzung ..,,./, Dm. A. BOBASCH ft Dr G KUSH. LAG 101 LP 16. 4. 75 PAGE 2. Die Berechnung der Entschaedigung ist sehr kompliziert, weil der gesamte Schaden auf 4 Teile aufgeteilt wird und auch die gezahlten Foreign Compensition Commission Entschaedigungsbetraege beruecksichtigt werden. NachdeiL wir wissen, dass Sie hauptsaehlich und begreif = licherweise daran intressiert sind, wieviel Sie als Entschae digung erhalten koennen, geben v/ir Ihne- unsere eigene»* Schaetzung, welche wie wir hoffen sich als richtig erweisen wird* Bei einer so komplizierten Verrechnung wollen wir jedoch nicht dafuer garantieren« Frau Öanna Kunz rechnung nach circa DM 25.000. DM 19*000. DM 44.000. tt erhaelt unserer beilaeuf igen Aus= fuer ren Anteil nach dem Vater fuer cen Anteil nach cer Kutter fuer den Anteil in eigenem Na.'.en / circa DM 88.000.- insgesamt. *^ Dagegen erhaelt Frau Simon leider nur circa DM 25*000.- fuer den Anteil nach de^ Vater ff circa DM^ DM 19.000.- fuer den Anteil nach der Mutter 44.000.- ins .gesamt Wir sehen keine Koeglichkeit gegen c^en Bescheid ein Rechtsmittel einzulegen. Die Bewertungen sind nicht hoch aber nach den bestehenden Vorschriften vorgenommen und vor allem sollen Sie nicht vergessen, dass Sie grosse Entschaedigungsbetraege von der FCC in London erhalten haben, die aogezogen wurden so dass sich die Entschaedigung dadui^ch wesentlich verringert. Etwaige Rechtsmittel wuerden nur die Auszahlung verzoegern ohne einen Erfolg zu ver= sprechen. Wir bitten Sie um Ihre ur^gehende Zustimmung auf die Einlegung von "Rechtsmittel zu verzichten damit wir die Auszahlung beschleunigen koennen. '^ienn Sie noch weitere Auf^ klaerungen brauchen, wollen wir sie Ihnen gerne erteilen. Hochachtungsvoll Dr. A. Bobasch & Dp. G.Ku^ Anläse . ili^'^ ^ / f ;• Bezirksamt . ^ehlendorf von Berlin -Amsmtx '^Äppm^»^ Berlin ... 33,., den ...22 .MÖrZ, 1 973... MJC Königin-Luise- straße/rJUfe .. 92 Abteiluni; Finanzen — AHElklifdhU LJL - -i. ■- .'».. P'^O AOAl Ti i>i Fernruf. ö.^^ PVPl App 31 Zimmer .. 31 Aktenzeichen: Agl . 232 -A 10/ EF 3^31 USA ( ) _ (^^r ha Innenbetrieb) U Jft HASt Nr. .. schadeniort: PartschendorfKreis: ..Neutitschein *) Bescheid — ^eiJfefc^clwji^^' 2) über die einheitliche Sohadenäfeststellung nach dem Feslslellung.'sgeselz bei Beteiligung mehrerer unmittelbar Geschädigter I Unmittelbar Geschädigte'): Name, Vorname: wohnhaft — zuletzt — in: 1. Dr. Czeczowiczka, Arthur. verst. 21 , April 1957... in. London 2. Czeczowiczka» Irma verst. 22.Nov.1954 in London 3. Kunz, Kajina 330 Copley Road, Upper Darby, Pa./USA 4. Sision. Erika _ 17P West 81 th Street, New York 24 /USA 3C - ^ ^ -•«•••••• II. Antra^sberechtigte am 1.4.1952 (soweit nicht personengleich mit I): Najr.e, Vorname: 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. wohnhaft — zulcU^^ in: in. Antraijsiellcr (soweit nicht pcrsoncnglclch mit I oder II): Name, Vorname: wohnhaft in: 1. Kunz , Kanna 2. Simon, Erika ^ wie 1/3 wie 1/4 Erbe zu I Nr.. , Nr.. ^r. .^ Nr Nr. Nr. Erbe zu I zu II Nr ' » 2 xr "" Nr. .1,2 Nr Nr Nr • ■ • ■ ••• Nr . Nr. ... Nr., Nr.... Nr Nr. .. Bei Abwesenden (Kriegsgefangenen, Vermißten usw.) : Antrag xJ^^i^'^VX für den unter - Genannten von . ^-»— "*'"* , wohnhaft in (Ziff.) (Nr.) ^ ^ ^ ^^— öcSSnnten von , wohnhaft in Schadeiiäfeslslellung Auf die Anträge der Beteiligten, — alle -->Öo:xXXJ?ÄXJCXXXXXXXXJODr:cx:^ — ver- treten*) durchDr. EobaSCh & Dr . Kushr- auf Schadensfeststcllung nach dem FeststellungsgeseU (FG) ergeht ^ aui Grund des Beschlusses des Ausgleichsausschusses (Festsiellungsausschusses) vom 22 . J, 1973 JÖCXX^) — folgender Bescheid —XJliJIXXXXXX—: •) AnKi*l>cn die.icn d..-r :S:atidUk. 1) NichtzuT.-f :Tt-'.iU'.ä 2-:rejcr...ri. 2) I:n »vr.he::!.c!-or. K.s!.vrilun.''Jvcrf:.hren cr-cht ein Bescheid, wnnn d.-r Schaden soplcich oder nach vorhonrohcnden 1.-..I..OC... .....'. an.-,cf..*o^.-.vj :c.,'K'cst....t wird. T ..s im alU-en^.c.noii 7.ii.,-;i:.dife'o Aus.jlcich.^amt erlaßt später c-mcn i;.:jvimibcsc^c.d üter alle u. m f jr.u.; - . n G.-sc;;ud;tTen fntüt^.-.dor.en fv stste:iii:..,; ScJ.uJin. wt-nn nicht in diesem li. 4<.h. :d al ,• ^-e- 1. Die Antragsberechtigung nac^K^XXX>^ ^^^ ^^^ ^/^ Genannten liegt •2. Folgende Schäden der unmittelbar Geschädigten werden mit den in Spalte 2 und 2 a der nachstehenden Zusammons^eHu^*^ . aufgeführten Betragen einheitlich wie folgt festgestellt: v* -^ a uer nacnsrenenacn Zusammenstellung a) VertreibuDgsschüden --X!GCXX7db€kiÖQCX:){kk!>^ --an: Lfd. Nr. des un- mittelbar Geschä- digten An- teile Neu festgestellter Betrag Schäden RM 1 a Verbindlich- keiten RM 2a Bereits früher festgestellter Betrag: Schäden RM Verbindlich- keiten RM 3a Schäden (2-h3) RM Insgesamt Verbindlich- keiten (2 a -h 3 a) RM aa; land- und forstwirtschaftlichem Vermögen — Feststellung insgesamt: - |i/i 1^.52212 f17[Tü^^ « I ^ ^ Angaben für die Statistik 4a 6 1) 2) 3) 4) ^ K) Davon intfancn auf die unmittelbar Geschädigten: |1 99930,29 392292 ,17(1 6 475>5.3^ 73214,13 1 1 9097, 75 100525,391 27021,60 37208,35 bb) GrjndvermSgea — Feststellung insgesamt: 199980,29 100525,39 73214,13 11 9097, Z? 27021,66- 37208, 35 1/1 119530,95 8202,63 Davon enifailen auf die unir.itieibar Geschädigten: .19530,95 8202,63 4 5956,37 3645,09 5929,49 1) 2) 3) 4) cc) EetnelBsv^rriioi^en' 5004,83 1 345 , 32 1852,48 9956,37 3645,0 5004,83 1345,32 5929,49 1852,48 Lfd. Nr. des un- ! mittelbar' Geschä- i ! Neu An- i festgestellter Bereits früher fest- gestellter Betrag RM Angaben /c o ox für die Cbp. 2 -^3) Statistik Insgesamt dd) Gegenständen der Beruisausii^ng Neu festgestellter Betrag Bereits y früher t^f- ges^,#ilter ^Betrag Insgesamt (Sp. 2 -f 3) Die in Sralie Z^j^.\ ;i r -ntcr Buch.^t nu fc ing en r:c;;«:Cc;e d;rKrr'4ftT.oi dc-^^^^^^^^;;ostoUton Hoträ^^e sind der Schadonsbcrcch- ^ Anlag;^ Lum Bescheid vom 22. 3> 1973 A 10/ EF 3^31 USA Begründung Die Antragsteilerinnen Frau Hanna Kunz und Frau Erika Simon machen als unmittelbar Geschädigte und als Erbinnen nach ih'^en Eltern Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka und Irma Czeczowiczka geb. Adler die Feststellung der nachstehend aufgeführten verfolgungsbedingten Vertreibungsschäden geltend: ^* land- und forstwirtschaftliches Vermöfz;en II Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Partschendorf Kreis Neutitschein Grundvermöeren *^^— ^■^' ■ ■ ^ ■ — — ^ — 2 _^ ^ Schloß Partschendorf y Kach den Erbscheinen des Amtsgerichts Zehlendorf 6o VI 25>3/71 und des Amtsgerichts München VI 741/1/59 werden die unmittelbar Geschä- digten -^rma Czeczowiczka geb. Adler verst. am 22* Kov, 195^ und x Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka verst. am 21. April 1957 je zur Häifte^/ . von ihren beiden Töchtern Erika Simon und Hanna Kunz beerbt. ^ Zu I. und II: Gemäß § 12 Abs. 1 des Feststeiiungsgesetzes (FG) sind Vertreibungs- schäden an land- und forstwirtschaftlichem sowie Grundvermögen mit dem zuletzt fes:;gesetzten Einheitbwert festzustellen. Die Einheits- werte konnten jedoch nicht nachgewiesen werden, so daß nach den Bestimmungen der $., 5. urd I0. PDV und den hierzu ergangenen Durch- führungsbestimmungen Ersa ozeinheitswerte zu ermitteln sind. Aufgrund der von der ^eimatauskunf tstelle bestätigten Eewertungs- merkmale wurden die Ersatzeinheitswerte wie folgt ermittelt: 1. Landwirtschaft -^artschendorf 2. Forstwirtschaft Partschendorf 905.920, 38 /?M ^^.17i^o/RM / auf gerun'det 5. Grundvermögen Schloß Partschendorf 961 .095 961 .I00 47.S50 Die Ber die Im an in Berechnung der Ersatzeinheitswerte ist aus den beigefügten echnungsbogen BAA 11/8, BAA 11/2^ und BAA 11/14, die Bestandteil ses Bescheides sind, zu ersehen. -^eitpunkt des Schadenseintritts waren die ^^igentumsanteile dem land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Vermögen und Grundvermögen Partschendorf wie folgt: Art Irm Han hur C a G. na r. . Zrika S. = 52, 2970^4 _ ■^ land- u.f.Vcrta» 5o2.b26,95^Ri/i 135.1o7,98/rm 186.041,76/ HM 96l.1oo,--y/R?;: Grundve rmöpcen 25.024, 1^/SI 6.726, 58/?K 9.262,41 ^^Ji 47. 8 50, --/r:^ » « * z Von dem land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Vermögen entfallen ^'iVlV^'4^ ^"^^ Arthur Czeczowiczka . 91.58-^6^13 auf Irma •• 126,11o7v4ia auf Hanna Kunz Ol 95.0865/ ha auf Erika Simon Die ermittelten ürsatzeinheitswerte werden cem ^ P1 . Av>e ^ ^,r sowie GriSdv:?m§Lr?n? '^ ^^^l^^^- und forftwirtschaftliche e Grundvermögen m Partschendorf umgerechnet in Deutsche Mark an Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka ' 517.714 45,/3m Lianna Kunz 7o.276,95v^M 95,2574:^^ der Zahlangen der FCC London' sind beim land- und forst- wirtscftöioiichen Vermögen anzurechnen und 4,74255/% beim Grundvermögen Schloß Partschendorf FCC-Zahlungen an Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka ■'■rma Czeczowiczka Hanna Kunz Anteil land- und Iforst Wirt seh. Verm. 5o2.646,6^ DM 61 . 895 , 85^M 66.944,01^ Anteil Grundvermögen Schloß Partschendorf 15.067,77 DM 5.o81,49j^i 5.552,92^M s Der An bereits land- u da Pra'j Staatsa A I0/V Grundve Simon u ^n?t^'i/°\^^f'' ^""^^^ ^^^°° ^Is unmittelbar Geschädi,-te -urde mit Bescheid vom 11. Okt. 1968 in A ^o/V 10^0 tiSa r- '^ nd ^o^stwi -^i-Qr.Viart-T -i^v. u " . \^ ' ° "^ ^ ^V52 üüA für das •--ri^; qTi;^ ? J ^''^''/'''^^^^'^^ i° Partschendorf abgelehnt ngehS?igkeU hatt^ ?nf .' ^'' Schädigung die csterreiciisch; 1952";sf ^:Lnnt n-Gründen" It rTlTol^TA'l: '''* '^f '° ^•ach einer Erklärung von Frau Hanna Kunz vom 9 5 1071 v«r>n «s tri??s'm^f?L^" ''^^ Verbindlichkeiten im ZeitV^ikt^'d^rLh^SenL^L- de'r%^:^rDrg^^:j:;r?^^jäst%'xf? fr ^ '' '^'' ' '' -^ § ^ ^^-^ Buchstabe f Abs 4 dL pr l!^! I und zwar unter Anwendung der Nr.55 erö^^irhMinSfJ*- u ^^-Sanmelrundschreibens mit dem aus Anlage 9 er^sichtlichen rausch.atz von 2o %>er ermittelten- ErsatzeiSieiL: I i Beglaubigt: Kzl.-Vorst •^rnfmammmm^^m ^mm^ m^^ ^^ % ^ r r>^ Y ^t\>v^ \ ^,LUk^ A VK ^t^r V ^ ^ 4 ♦ *«««W«flW*^MN^«IWi^^«,« I I I Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBAtCH. On. JUR. PMAOUK O. KUSH DM. JUR. BRKSLAU TELIPHONK: CITY 1609 66/88. QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON. E.C.4. 29. September 1961 IN QUOTE G-60 AB/NI . KF-101 Mrs. Hanna Kunz, 350 Copley Hoad, Upper Darby, Fa. U. S. A. Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, Besten Dank fuer Ihr Schreiben vom 20. d. Mts. Ich kann mich noch erinnern, dass Ihr verstorbener Vater mit mir einige male ueber die Ansprueche gegen die -Bundesmonopolverwaltung gesprochen hat. Ich kann mich an die Einzelheiten nicht mehr erinnern, ich T«iss aber, dass wir beide sehr skeptisch waren. Deshalb hat Ihr Vater auch den Antrag selber eingebracht, \eil wir Kosten sparen woltten. Es handelt sich sicher um Lieferungen der Spirituosen-Brennerei waehrend des Krie- ges und schon aus diesem Grunde zweifelhaft, ob Ihr Vater ueberhaupt entschaedigungsberechtigt war. Wie Sie wissen, hat Ihr Vater alle Ange- legenheiten mit bewunderungswerter Energie vertreten, auch wenn sie kei- ne Aussichten auf Erfolg hatten; in vielen Faellen war er damit erfolg- reich. Die Angelegenheit der Moebel ist in Muenchen noch nicht erledigt worden, Dr. Hruby hat einige ihm bekannte Moebel- haendler als Sachverstaendige vorgeschlagen und die Behoerde hat sich im Prinzip damit einverstanden erklaert, die Schaetzung durch diese zuzulassen. Es steht ziemlich fest, dass ein Anspruch besteht, zweifel- haft ist aber der Umfang des Anspruchs, da wir immer noch nicht einwand- frei nachweisen konnten, dass alle Moebel nach Westdeutschland gegangen sind. Dr. Hruby will einen Vergleich erzielen, bisher hatte er jedoch noch kein befriedigendes Angebot. V/ir empfehlen uns mit besten Gruessen, Hochachtungsvoll ! DR. A. BOBASCH '8 DR. G. KUSH. \ I I O^ A BOBA6CH ft Du. O. KU8H •" '^OAtULTANT« OH INTKRNATIONAL LAW A. BOSASCM. Da. Ju«. P«A«u« ^ «. Ku«N. D«. Jum. •nssLAtf TKLCFHONIi CITY l«0« 86-^9. QUEEN ViCTüi^iÄ STREH. •ONOON, E.C.4. ICK uia 101 AB/B 3*7*1959^ y^ Frau Anna Kun« . Sehr gaeiirte Frau Kunz, . _. Nach Rueckspraohe mit Ihrem Onkel schreien wir Ihnen heute, ausfuehrli oh, ueber die Moegllchkelten.Ansprueohe unter dem Lastenausgleiohsgeaetz (LAG) geltend zu maohen. Unter diesem Gesetz koennen Ansprueche fuep alle Yetti06geh3werte,dle In der Tscheohoelowakol Infolge nationale sozialistischer Verfolgung Terloren gingen, geltend gemaoht werden. Berechtigt sind Personen. die zur Zelt der Verfolgung ihren Wohnsitz in einem Vertreibungsgebiet hatten, und einen Yertriebeneiaüauawels erhielten. Ulese Voraussetzungen treffen fuer Ihren Teratorbenem Vater zu, und Sie koennen als Erbin fuer ihn diese Ansprueche geltend machen« Die Kutscha edigung besteht in ein<»m abgestuften Prozentsatz, von dem festgestellten Werte.Bei der Groesse ies verloren gegangenen ermoegens duerfte es sich um recht betraeehtllohe Sunmem handeln, auch wenn die Entschaedigung weniger als 10 % des festgestelltem Wertes betragen seilte. V/lr haben bei unserem Besuche beim Ausgleiche Amt in Aachen ausfuehrlich uebe'^* die Frage gesprochen .ob und «It welchem Betrage Sntschäedigungszöhlungen,dle von der Torel^ Coßi- pensation Corniission geleistet wurden, in Abrechnung zu bringen ?lnd. E? iiandelt sich i^ru^^dsaetzlich um zwei verschiedene Sn^sci. jedlc^ngen. Die FCC hat Entschaedigung fuer die Nationalisierung durcn die tschechische "eglerur^ ::eleistet,v/aehrend unter Jen LAG Entschaedigung fuar Schaden, 3er -iarch den Hationalsozialismus Termrsmelit wmrde, leistet wird. . In Jedem /alle wird nur ein Teil des wirklichsm Schadens Terguetet und wir haben daher den Standpunkt rertretem^tess die Ton der FCC geleiststen Sntschaedigungen TollkosMMn unberuscksiehtift l^lelben sollen, wir haben den lindruck^dass der Leiter des Amtes unsere Ansicht teilt »hauptsaech lieh deshalb »weil eime Anrechmomc mit grossen technischen Schwierigkeitem und kompliftiertem Terreokmmngem verbunden waere. Jedenfalls haben wir festgestellt,4mss mmea der Amsieht der Ausgleichsaemter die 2^ahluB« einer IntsehasdisuA« dureh die YCC trundsaetslich keine Zahlung nach dem lAa musschiiesstt - 1 - ^, N ."^ *^ •^» •» «►^'^ >^fc« S ^i «.*«» . . •• Dl A. BOBASCH • Du O KUtH. PAac ruer die Slnrelohung dieser Antraege besteht derzeit keine Frist; Is wird auf die Veroeffentlichung ron Hiohtlinien gewartet. Derzeit werden nur Antraege fuer Hausrat erledigt, fuer welche eine Maximal« Intsohaedigung von m 1#800 festgelegt wurde. Die Zahlung der Hauptentsohaedlgung fuer andere Ancprueohe soll in aösehbarer Zeit vorgenommen werden, weil bereits genwegend Mittel zur Bezahlung der Haus rat schae den vorhanden sind und alljaehrlich sehr grosse Betraege aus der Kapitalabgabe und Hypothekengewinnsteuer von allen Inmobilien in Deutschland in den Tond einfliessen. Da es sich um eine sehr langwierige Irbeit handelt, die einer sorg-> faeltigen Bearbeitung bedarf «koennen wir die Vertretung nicht auf der Basis eines reinen Xrfolgshonorars uebemehmen« Wir verlangen daher ein Arbeitshonorar «welches ohne Ruecksioht auf den Brfolg zu zahlen waere; wir wollen Ihnen, entgegenkommenderweise, den Betrag von 100 Guineas fuer Sie und Ihre Schwester vorschlagen, von denen die Haelfte, also Gns 50«, bei der Binbringung des Antrages, und die zweite Haelfte nach einem JTahr zu zahlen waeren* Im Falle eines Xrfolges betraegt unser Honorar: 15 % von den ersten Ihnen ausgezahlten m 10« 000* — « 10 % von weiteren HC 50«000* — ,und 5 % von allen HC 60.000* — ueber schreitendem Intsehae« digungsbetraegeni und Srsatz der Barauslagen. Wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind, lassen Sie uns bitte die unter« // schriebenen Vollmachten zukommen* - Wir haben genuegend Material, um die Antraege vorzubereiten. Wir zeichnen, 9 Hoohaoht ungs voll , DR.A.B0BASCif'4( DR.G.ICUS^.. ■< *?•; »V >*i»- On. A. BOBA8CH » Du. Q. KUSH eONtULTANT« OH IMTKMHATIONAL LAW A. »osAscM. Da. jum. riiA«uB •• KusM. Dn. Ju«. ansaLAtf TKLaf»HONIi CITY l«0« 86-8. QUEEN V '^TCR-A STREH, •ONOON, E.C.4. ICK uia 101 AB/B 3,7. 1959. m^ Frau Anna Kuxi«. Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, ««^ TK t. * - ^®°^ Rueok«praohe «it Ihre« Onkel schreiben «nf.i^!'' ?«^J«.a^^««tirlioH. ueber die MoeglichJcelten.Anaprueoh» unter dem Lastenausgleiohagesetz (UG) geltend zu maohin. ^-. _ ^ ^ Unter diesem Gesetz koexinen Anspruech© fuer «ir?«T?f??!?HT!j'?^* ^"^ ^*^ Tschechoslowakei Infolge nationale 5«ä^iifli ^^I Verfolgung rerloren gingen. geltend genaoht werden. Berechtigt Ind Personen. die zur Zeit der Verfolgung ihren Wohnsitz :^?i?J'^ ^-relbungsgebiet hatten, und einen Yertrlebeneaauswels erhielten, ^lese Voraussetzungen treffen fuer Ihren Teratorbene« Vater zu, und Sie koennen als Erbin fuer ihn diese Ansprueohe geltend _, . ^ Di© Kntschaedigung besteht in eineca abgestuften Prozentsatx. /on dem festgestellt«! Werte. Bei der Groesse ies verloren gegangen« .amoegens duerfte es sich um recht betraeehtllche Suimea handeln auch wenn die Entschaedigung weniger als 10 % de» festgestellten wertes betragen seilte. ... . '*^ir haben bei unseren Besuehe beim Aus^leiolij Amt in Aachen ausfuehrlich uebe^* die Frage gesoroohen.ob uni mi"»- welchem Betrage Bntschaedigungszahlungen.dle von der Jor«l<5n Ccm- pensation Co-xTiission geleistet wurden, in Abrechnung zu bringen pind. nf "^H^o u^.'^'i^^ ^ru-dsaetzlich um zwei verschiedene Sn'.s«. jedlß«n«en. Die FCC hat Entschaedigung fuer die Nationalisierung durcn die tscnechische r^e^ierur'^ -elelstet.waehrend unter Jen UG En tac^aeilgung fuar Schaden.. 'er iirc'T den Hationaleozlallaaus Termraaeät wurde, leistet wird. - In Jedem /alle wird nur ein Teil de« «irkliehe« Sohaden» rerguetet und wir haben daher den Standpunkt rertretei.Uss die Ton der FCC geleisteten Intsohaedlgungen TollkoMMn onberMekelehtict bleiben sollen, wir haben den llndruok.dass der Leiter des Aates unsere Ansieht teilt.hauptsaeohlloh deshalb .weil eiae Anreoh«««« mit grossen teohniaohen Sohwierigkeitea und koaplisierte« TerT«ok««agi verbunden waere. Jedenfalls haben wir f estgestellt. 4««s ««ea der Aaaieht der Ausgleiohsasster die Zahlung einer Intseka«diguag dar( FCC crundeaetslioh keine Zahlung naoh de« IaA aus«ohll««st. - 1 - >4*ii>)a- ■VÜ: •^**»V m* V.f ' t. .^-^i r -^ i «»•»• On A. BOBAtCH • Dm O KUtH. PAaE fuar dlo Älnrslohung dlesar Antraege besteht derzeit keine Frlstj Hb wird auf die Veroeffentlichung Ton Hiohtlixiien gewartet. Derzeit werden nur Antraege fuer Hauerat erledigt^fuar welche eine Maximal- Xnteohaedlgung von Ol 1*800 festgelegt wurde« Die Zahlung der Uauptentsohaedigung fuer andere Aneprueohe soll in aDsehbarer Zeit vorgenommen werden, well bereits genwegend Mittel zur Bezahlung der Haus rat sohae den rorhanden sind und alljaehrlich sehr grosse Betraege aus der Kapitalabgabe und Hypothekengewinnsteuer von allen Immobilien In Deutschland in den fond einfliessen. Da 08 8loh uit eine sehr lan^lerlge lrl>«lt handelt, die einer sorg- faeltigen Bearbeitung bedarf .koennen wir die Vortretung nicht auf der Baals eines reinen Srfolgshonorara uebemehmen. Wir rerlangen daher ein Arbeitshonorar «velohes ohne Rueclcsioht auf den Srfolg su zahlen waere; wir wollen Ihnen, an tgafenkommenderweiae, den Betrag Tott 100 Guineas fuer Sie und Ihre Schwester Torsohlagen,Ton danan die Haelfte, also Go8 50. »bei der linbrtngung des Antrages, und die zweite Haelfta nach einem Jahr zu zahlen waaren. I« Falle eines Irfolges betraegt unser Honorar: 15 % Ton den ersten Ihnen ausgezahlten m 10» 000. — , 10 % Ton weiteren EM 50«000* — ,und 5 % Ton allen HC 60.000. — oeberschraitendem Intaahaa- digungsbatraagan, und Xrsatz der Barauslagan. Wann Sie dajiit einverstanden sind, lassen Sie uns bitte die untar- // schriebenan Volliuachte zukooman. - Wir haben genuegend Material, ua die Antraege Torzub« reiten. Wir zeichnen, Hochachtungs-voll, DR.A.BOBASCl/:* DR.O.KÜ»^. ,/:^-Äe >^ >.^ r >• On. A BOBASCH B Dr. Q. KU8H COMtULTANT« OH IMTKÜNATIOMAk. LAW A. BosAscH. D«. Ju*. ^m/kmum •. KutH. Da. Jua. ••■•LAW TILK^HONIi CITY !•<>• 86-.-'S. QUEEN UVC^ik STREET. lONOON. E.C.4. m^ ICB uia 101 AB/B 3.7. 1959» Frau Axuui Euns, Sehr gB ehrte Frau Kunz, Naoh Rueokapraohe mit liireM Onkel schreiben wir Ihnen heute, ausfuehrli oh, ueber die Moeglichkeiten.Aneprueche xinter den Lastenausgleiohsgesetz (lAGr) geltend zu machen. Unter diesem Gesetz koennen Ansprueche fuer alle Vei5iioegeh3werte,die in der Tschechoslowakei infolge national- sozialistischer Verfolgung rerloren gingen, geltend gemacht werden. Berechtigt sind Personen, die zur Zeit der Verfolgung ihren Wohnsitz in einem Vertreibungsgebiet hatten, und einen Vertriebenenausweis erhielten. Diese Voraussetzungen treffen fuer Ihren verstorbenem Yater zU|Und Sie koennen als Erbin fuer ihn diese Anspruecha geltend machen« Die Bntschaedlgung besteht in einem abgestuften Prozentsatz, von dem festgestellten Werte.Bei der Groesae ies verloren gegangenac ennoegens duerfte es sich um recht betraeeütllchd Summen handeln, auch wenn die Entschaedigung weniger als 10 % des festgast«! Itea Wertes betragen seilte. Wir haben bei unserem Besuohe beim AusgleioH; Amt in Aachen ausfuehrlich uebe^ die Frage gesprochen .ob un3 »1^ welchem Betrage Bntschaedigungszahlungen.die von der Toreietn Com- pensation Cormission geleistet wurden, in Abrechnung zu bringen plnd* Ee handelt sich i^rundsaetzlich ^on zwei verschiedene Ei:^>3ci.:iedl(5ungen* Die FCC hat Entschaedigung fuer die Nationalisierung durcn die tschechische Tiegierur^ r;elei3tet,v/aehrend unter ier. LAG En tachaedigunp, fuar Schaden, 3er -iirch den Hationalaozialiamus vermrmaelit wmjrde^ leistet wird. . In Jedem Falle wird nur ein Teil des wirkllchmm Schadana rerguetet und wir haben daher den Standpunkt Vertretern» 4aa8 die von der FCC geleiateten Sntachaedigungen vollkomaien unberuaekaiehtict bleiben sollen, wir haben den Eindruck^ daaa der Leiter dea Amte« unaere Ansicht teilt^hauptaaechlioh deshalb, weil eine Anrechnuag mit groaaen technischen Schwierigkeiten und koftpliftiertem Terreeluim&geA verbunden waere. Jedenfalla haben wir featgeatellt.dmaa maea der Amaieht der Auagleichaaeaiter die Zahlung einer Snt ae^edisum« durah die FCC grundmaetzlich keine Stählung nach dem lAG auaachlieaat« - 1 - ■^*-^x Du A. BOBA8CH * On G KUSH. PAaC // Fuer die Sinrelohxmg dieser Antraege besteht derzeit keine Frist; Is wird auf die Veroeffentllchung Ton Hichtlinien gewartet. Derzeit werden nur Antraege fuer Hausrat erledlgt^fuar welche eine Maximal- Xntsohaedigung von HA 1«800 festgelegt wurde« Die Zahlung der Uauptentsohaedigung fuer andere Aneprueehe soll in aDsahbarer Zeit Torgenommen werden »weil bereits genwegend Mittel zur Bezahlung der Haus rat schae den Torhanden sind und alljaehrlich sehr grosse Betraege aus der Kapitalabgabe und Hypothekengewinnsteuer Ton allen Ixnmobilien in Deutschland in den Fond e Inf Hessen. Da es sich ua eine sehr langwierige Irbeit handelt »die einer sorg« faeltigen Bearbeitung bedarf »koennen wir die Vertretung nicht auf der Basis eines reinen Srfolgshonorars uebemehmen« Wir rerlangen daher ein Arbeitahonorar »welches ohne Buecksioht auf den Brfolg zu zahlen waere; wir wollen Ihnen »entgegenkomnenderweise, den Betrag toä lOO Ouineas fuer Sie und Ihre Schwester Torschlagen^Ton denen die Haelfte» also Qns 50* »bei der linbringung des Antrages»und die zweite Haelfte nach einem Jahr zu zahlen waeren# Im Falle eines Srf olges betraegt unser Honorar: 15 % Ton den ersten Ihnen ausgezahlten m 10#000. — » 10 % Ton weiteren IM 50*000# — »und 5 % Ton allen HC 60. 000« — ueber schreitendem Intsehae« digungsbe traegen t und Ersatz der Barauslagen« Wenn Sie damit einverstanden sind» lassen Sie uns bitte die unter« schriebenen Vollmachten zukommen* - Wir haben genuegend Material» um die Antraege Tor zubereiten. ^^ Wir zeichnen» 9 Hoohaohtunsa^roll , DR.A.BOBASCifiat DR.G.iOJäh.. ^f 2?V^f ?iV^ ■< ■ ^ :4/"t£'''' Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBASCH. Dr. JuR. PNAGUC R. BRAUN. Dr. JuR. PRAOUE TELEPHONE : 01-248 1609 OVERSCAS TelEORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON EC4 IN REPUV PLEASE QUOl E LAG 101- AB/LP 86/88 Queen Victoria Street LONCX>N EC4V 4BQ 2. Juli 1975 Mrs Hanna Kunz, 550 Copley Road Upper Darby Pa. U.S.A. 19082 Betr: Landwirtschaft lind Schloss in Parts che ndorf Eigener Anteil LAG Sehr geehrte Frau Kuuz. Wir freuen u.iS Ihnen mitteilen zu koennen,dass wir den Betrag von DM 64.012*2o laut anliegender Mitteilung fuer die obigen Ansprueche erhalten haben* Unser Honorar betraegt laut Vereinbarung DM 9 •601. 80 Barauslagen, Beitrag zut Intervention, Erbscheine DM l*800*4o DM ll*402*2o DM 52.610.- Wir erwarten Ihre Mitteilung darueber wohin wir den -^^etrag ueberweisen sollen» Anlage* Hochachtungsvj Dr.A.Bobasc Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTAF^TS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBASCH. Dr. Jur. Prague R. BRAUN, DR. JuR. Prague TELEPHONE : 01-248 1609 OVERSEAS TELEORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON EC4 86/88 Queen Victoria Street London EC4\/ 4BQ IN REPL.Y PLEASE QUOTE LAG 101- AB/Li" 2. Juli 1975 Mrs Hanna Kunz, 330 Ccpley Road Upper Darby Pa. 19082 U.S.A. Betr: Landwirtschaft und Schloss in Partschendorf Eigener Anteil LAG Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz. Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu koennen.dass wir den Setrag von DM 64.012.2o laut anliegender Mitteilung fuer die obigen Ansprueche erhalten haben. Unser Honorar betraegt laut Vereinbarung DM 9.601.8o Baraus lagen, Beitrag zui? Intervention, Erbscheine DM l.BOO.^o DM 11. 402.20 DM 52.610.- / Wir erwarten Hire Mitteilung darueber wohin wir den -^etrag ueberweisen sollen. N Anlage • Hochachtungsvj Dr*A#Bobasc L(v\M^<>^^A ( ; f ^ Ou\.\/, V « i f \j^ iM/ \ ^ dA-Cvv ^ 1 0 ^ "L l^ i [^ i^ Uh Olv^ p./(^^ (Xy . N^>-^^OCC^ <-M. N O^^^^-^C^ CoV\otvvi.^''^^ '^'^*' r ß V "\j\^. r>^ (^ U ikA tAA. rii:^ iWi A-A-''^-'^ ^ A, ö^-w W 'A ^ p ^ Ca/ l/lv 6(N va-, ^ V*M. V V>AJ \V.^v<-Vv^^*^Y- • R. Braun. Dr. Jur. Prague TELEPHONE : 01-248 1609 OVERSEAS TCLEGRAMS : BOQBACO LONDON EC4 86/88 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4BQ IN REPLY PLEASE QUOTE LAG 101 AB/LP 11. Juni 1975 Mrs Hanna Kunz 550 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. USA Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz. In der Beilage uebersenden wir Ihnen eine Aus= fertigung des Teilbescheides vom 22. Mai 1975 der die Schadensfeststellung fuer Ihren eigenen Anteil an Der Landwirtschaft ' Das Schloss Das Haus in Karlsb^id • enthaelt. Wie Sie aus diesem ersehen konnten wir noch eine Erhoehung fuer die Landwirtschaft durchsetzen. ^^er Schadensbetrag ist DM 56.110.- und zu diesem -t^e trage kommen noch circa 80% an Zuschlaegen hinzu. Wir nehmen daher an,dass die Zahlung an die DM 60.000.- betragen wird. Nicht erledigt ist noch die Schadensberechnung fuer die Anteile die Sie nach Ihrem verstorbenen Vater und Mutter geerbt haben, die ebenfalls einen bedeutenden Betrag ergeben sollten. Wir urgieren auch diese Berechnung dringend. Hochachtungsvoll !\ Anlage . l>r.A. Bobasch & Dr.; G.Kush I ti i * .1 «ai^ ^"fraamifmmm Durchschrift für den Vertretenen ^^^^WfiD tf Jl^n-T Bezirksamt Zehlendorf Berlin 33 . den 22. M a i 19 73 ' .k/.?°^!"" Königin^Luise^ . str /pi Nr 94 Abteilung Finanzen ° «ww.«» otr. / t-i. xnf :»^t... -Ausgleichsamt- Fernruf :832606l App.: 49 Zimmer: 49 GeschZ.: Agl >262 ^ A lO/V 1931 USA ( ) („„^ im innenbetrieb) r Herren RA. Dr. A. Bobasch Dr. G. Kush L o n d o n E.G. 4 öb-88 Queen Victoria Street England n Bosduddc - Teilbescheid — iSeutlQttwsdKkl - Über die Zuerkennung von Hauptentsdiädigung nadi dem Lastenausgleidisgesetz *) L J ( ( I. Unmittelbar Geschädigter: K U. n.,.Z. gSb. CzeCZOVfi.CZka, HaHUa (Name, Vorname, bei Frauen auch Geburtsname) wohnhaft -xsism - in: 33o. Gopley....Road,....Uppe.r ..Darb.y.,....PA/USA. (PostreitzahC Wohnort, Straße unÄ Hausnummer) II. Ansprudisbereditlgter am I. April 1952 (wenn nidit personengleich mit I) «) , ^ü..^".'""''^'^"'^"'^""*'''' ^'"^ '^"'' '*""' '"-'*-- -^— """'ijtTr- —^ itnm 31 } Indira loc; wie I (Name, Vorname, bei Frauen auch Geburtsname) wohnhaft — zuletzt — in: (Postleitzahl, Wohnort, Straße und Hauinümmer) III. Antragsteller (wenn nidit personengleidi mit I oder II) : (Name, Vorname, bei Frauen audi Geburtsname) (Postleitzahl. Wohnort. Straße und Hausnummer) (ggf. Todestag) (ggf. Todestag) Bei Abwesenden (Kriegsgefangenen, Vermißten usw. in den Fällen des Antrag ist gestellt für den unter Genannte , wohnhaft in über die beantragte Zuerkennung von Hauptentschädigung nach dem Lastenausgleichsgesetz (LAG) ergeht i_f a._„J J„ R»irtilnmrr1nfft..rr,lairtf,nrrrtnrrnr,rnnii _ folgender - BM*,ii Teilbescheid - 0..uuilbu..J.ulJ. A, Allgemeine Voraussetzungen '■ SÄ'ÄJsS i'^rSSTÄ'". i'SaT' ™" -■-"-«- <=»"-«» ~" »"<■• (« 234 Ata. 4, 334. Vordruck LA 16 — 71 Mat. 4301. A 4. 10000. 3. 73. (Blatt 1) |i I IP'.iU». T" '«-- ^■"— ».»». Jk . ♦ f ^^ 3. Erbverhältnisse des ansprudisbereditigten Erben (II) nach dem unmittelbar Gesdiädlgteii: — a) Der Ansprudisbereditigte ist — alleiniger — Erbe (Erbeserbe) «) — zu Anteil (Br Gesdiädigten, der vor dem h April 1952 verstorben ist. — ^ — b) Der Ansprudisbereditigte ist — alleiniger — Erbe - zu der nadi dem 31. März 1952 verstorben i§ ^ — in einem,-^^|^^^^. , i I f^^^^^^^^ ^on Sdidden im Sinne des Feststellungsgesetzes (FG). — tsdiland nadi Eintritt vor. Sdiäden im Sinne des Beweissicherungs- und Feststellungsgesetzes (BFG). — unmittelbar 'elHBruditeil) — des unmittelbar Gesdiädigten, B. Zuerkennung des Anspruchs auf Hauptentsdiädigung 4. Der unmittelbar Gesdiädigte wird nadi dem für seine festgestellten Sdiäden im Sinne des — FG und Jlj PFC Absdinitt B der Anlage (nj — 1 —la— — aus Q/^ RM«) — sidi ergebenden — Qagimtnn — Sdiadensbetrag«) von IQQ . 396 • Q7 RM rifnifiitiniinri rinn inniinitn »nrh rin«. r>nj.n,n4; t,«^^..j^^^^^ (P-^r^) fontgo in die Sdiadensgruppe 3.0 (Sdiaden bis2.,.0.Q.0.t Q.QQf RM) eingestuft — Die beim Sdiadensbetrag nidit berüdcsiditigten Sdiäden an Sparanlagen betragen .A08.,26 RM_ 5. Aus -- dem -- gaiamtnn — Sdiadensbetrag ~ und — den Sdiäden an Sparanlagen (§ 249a LAG) erredinet sidi für den unmittelbar Gesdiädigten (I) bzw. für den am 1. April 1952 Ansprudisbereditigten (II) nadi Absdinitt C der Anlage(n) — 1 — und — 1 a — — in Verbindung mit Anlage(n) 2 — und -— 2 a ~ — a) ein Endgrundbetrag der Hauptentsdiädigung von (2 Hiervon wurden bereits mit Besdieid(en) vom Durdi diesen Besdieid werden zuerkannt ... eile 1) zuerkannt {Zeiie2) (Zeile 3) 3.6 .• llOj-.... DM^ DM DM b) Von dem Endgrundbetrag entfallen auf den ipiing narb dam gnpr, Hinriibfiir wird gcfrondert a. insgesamt früher zuerkannt durdi diesen Besdieid zuerkannt Endgrundbetrag bzw. Alt- grundbetrag für FG-Schäden Mehrgrundbetrag für FG-Schäden DM 33.0.6Q,.- 33.Q6Q^f. DM 3.D50.r 3.050. Zonensdiaden-Endgrundbötrag bzw. -Teilgrundbetrag 4iWr*Y9II*iilrA j-' ---TnK^^^^'^■ — dei»-Bef»dtei-dg-vo»-r ist nuniiielii — c) ^^Tmirhflir^ ^^^ t/^pf^fofh^rn ••f»»l»t*4,-M« in AnUq«(n) 1 — \uuL2 QQBotat. der sidi für dio ontschädiqunS^ rrtT^TS a ifa rr» r« s nur der antert^e-ABsprudi auf Hauptcntodiädiguna ein ^" ?"eSah"r:''*^"'"'""""^" ~ E"'^9^""^''«t"9 »"" ein ZinszusAlag von 1 vom Hundert für jedes angefangene Kalender- a) Der Zinszusdilag wird gewährt®) zum Endgrundbetrag bzw. Altgrundbetrag (für FG-Sdiäden) — ab 1. Januar 1953 --J^.. — zum Mehrgrundbetrag (für FG-Sdiäden) —- ab 1. Januar 1967 — jK^ _ Bei Zusammentreffen von Früh- und Spätsdiäden: Da — Schäden jm Sinne des FG vor dem 1. Januar 1953 und nadi dem 31. Dezember 1952 - und - Zonensdiädei ^^p'^i/r ,^TV^^^f '^''h''^* ^"."^ ^^' ?^^^^ber 1969 - entstanden sind, wird der Endgrundbetrag bzlSSaden- (Teil)Grundbetragfur die Gewahrung des Zinszusdilags aufgeteilt. Hierzu wird jeweils auf deiij.i«rlffm^ bei Früh- und Spätsdiäden" der beigefügten Einlagebogen verwiesen. ciui^aeii,>»*TOinitt „Aufteilung b) Auf den Zinszuschlag werden bei der Erfüllung angerechnet •) — bei Sdiäden im Sinne des FG: die in Mitteldeutsdiland auf GmaiHT^Umwertuna der früherpn RM <;n^rpiT,i;,r,«« i« eine Altguthaben-Ablösungs-Anleihe in die freieVsOiÄ^^un^ittelblr SsAM^^^^^^^^ semer Erben gelangten ZmsbeträgefüriBi^rtfBSfab 1. Januar 1953, soweit nicht bereits der ™ndXgendI Tilgungsbetrag vom riiiliji iimiIImJjiij; iillTjii l l wurde. — ^ uuueiiegenae — w- ?*5f 'If " '? Sinnejis»*flSfdirnadi dem 31. Dezember 1969 erzielten Betrage aus der Nutzunq weqaenommener W.rtsAaftsaui«pp«5?rdre der unmittelbar Geschädigte, seine Angehörigen oder seine Erben verfügt hlbfn (vgl luA [es Feststellungsbesdieids nach dem BFG vom ). i ) r Gesdiädigten fl) -^ Ansuiuaibbuiyüillulyii diu 1. Apill 1932 fll) — Ist ^ 2 •:••• ^,~.^,rr^^,.r^^- - nur dar .anffkiHrfo .Artcnr-^^j^ ^.»f tj *^..»»^a^ x jj ^i_ — / Vordrude LA 16 — 71 K \- Blatt: GeschZ.:Agl.262 - A lO/V 195J^ Bescheid vom 22 • 5 • 75 C. Umfang der Entscheidung 7. — Dpr — Rpcrti^iH _ r:og^mthocr-ho;.^ i7rt OL ifhftr fliii hiirnitrrtfjtn Hrtiiptnntrrlririiniinq igt in weHom Umfoniy 8»tiiiliiLdiiii muiülii. wiid hioHwil mm TcilbeBdieid Liklüit. — Bei Zuerkennung von Hauptentschädigung aut Grund vo Sofern Zonensdiäden mit Schäden im Sinne des FG bzw. des Anspruchs auf Hauptentschädigung für Schäden im RepG noch nicht oder erst teilweise entschieden ist, kann die Zonenschäden (Abschnitt B) iinli m njHliI ' i'irat aufschiebende Wirkung. betondeTen le^^tid fle'^Z^^^ ^^"'' ^'^^ '^^^^ Zuerkennung des Anspruchs auf Entschädigung in einem Wird gegen den Bescheid^r die Zuerkennung des Anspruchs auf Entschädigung nach dem RepG ein Rechtsbehelf einqeleqt Grund von 7'^^^^^^^^ ^'^ ^^"''^'j '"^ Unanfechtbarkeit des vorliegenden Bescheids, sofern Hauptentsc^ädfS au Grund von Zonensd^den zuerkannt worden ist; als Folge einer etwaigen Änderung des RepG-Bescheids muß qqf auch die Zuerkennung von>6uptentschädigung auf Grund von Zonenschäden geändert werden ^^ 1 H. Erfüllung des Anspruchs auf Hauptentschädigung 3. Die Zuerkennung des Anspruchs auf Hauptentschädigung enthält nicht zugleich eine Entscheidung über die Erfüllung dieses Anspruchs. Über jede Erfüllung wird gesondert entschieden. Aus diesem Bescheid kann noch nicht entnommen werden, daß der zuerkannte Betrag auch in dieser Höhe erfüllt wird. Die wichtigsten Besonderheiten, die die Höhe der Erfüllung beein- n^^fp'f^'? ""^ n^^"n ^^^Q^^^';^^^- I^^her können Vermögensdispositionen in Erwartung der Erfüllung in aller Regel erst nach Erteilung des ErfuUungsbesdieids bzw. der Erfüllungsmitteilung getroffen werden. ^ ^ ^ 2. Reihenfolge und Umfang der Erfüllung richten sich (vorbehaltlich der nachfolgenden Nr. 3 bis 7) nach der ..Weisung über die Erfüllung des Anspruchs auf Hauptentschädigung (HE- Weisung)" des Präsidenten des Bundesausgleichsamtes. Wenn einer der unter I, II oder III aufgeführten Personen oder einem sonstigen Rechtsvorgänger ein Aufbaudarlehen ge- wahrt worden ist, wird dieses auf den Anspruch auf Hauptentschädigung nach Unanfechtbarkeit oder Rechtskraft dieses Besdieids mit besonderem Umwandlungsbescheid gemäß § 258 LAG angerechnet (Aufbaudarlehen nach § 254 Abs. 3 LAG für den Bau einer Miet- oder Genossenschaftswohnung werden nur auf Antrag angerechnet). Vor anderweitiger Erfüllung ist der Umwandlungsbescheid zu erteilen. ^ ^ , ^ ny lou Zahlungen an Kriegsschadenrente (Unterhaltshilfe, Entschädigungsrente) sowie laufende Beihilfen, die dem unmittelbar beschädigten (I) oder seinen Reditsnachfolgern wegen Vermögensschäden oder Existenzverlustes gewährt werden oder ^"ioQo' ^J^l>^^^ ^^^ ^^" Anspruch auf Hauptentschädigung mit besonderem Anrechnungsbescheid angeredinet (§§ 278 a. 283 und 28Ja LAG). Bei laufenden Leistungen kommt eine Erfüllung von Hauptentschädigung nur besdiränkt nadi Maßgabe der Ib. LeistungsDV-LA in Betradit. Wenn in der Vergangenheit (inzwischen eingestellte) kriegssdiadenrente oder eine ver- gleichbare Leistung gewahrt wurde, ist zunächst die Erteilung eines Anrechnung^bescheids erforderlidi Nflfh dem ITnterlan^an f\t,f,.J^,uÜ4^i^^i^^ wird — wnrH. %^*(«l«t>V\«f(*(«lM«9tSI«t% lilfWfilirt rin -^ zuUUt — -^^rghnhaft.4ft. 11.11. 5. Bestehen oder entstehen Rückforderungsansprüche, werden sie kraft gesetzlicher Regelung vorab im allgemeinen mit dem Anspruch auf Hauptentschädigung durch Erteilung eines Verredinungsbescheids verrechnet (z. B. nach § 350a LAG). 6. Die in Nr. 3 und 4 erwähnten Aufbaudarlehen und laufenden Leistungen werden auf den Anspruch auf Hauptentschädigung ohne Rucksicht darauf angerechnet, nach welchen Rechtsvorschriften sie gewährt wurden. Sie werden also auch dann ange- rechnet, wenn sie z. B. aus dem Härtefonds, nach dem Flüchtlingshilfegesetz, nach § 10 des 14. ÄndG LAG oder nach dem Soforthilfegesetz gewährt worden sind. Erst dann entscheidet sich, ob und in welcher Höhe eine etwaiqe weitere Erfülluna möglich ist. ^ 7. Die Erfüllung des Anspruchs auf Hauptentschädigung kann von demjenigen, der für einen Abwesenden die Zuerkennung der Hauptentschädigung nach § 234 Abs. 2 LAG beantragt hat, nicht verlangt werden (§ 251 Abs. 3 LAG). 8. Eine diesem Bescheid vorangegangene Abrechnung von Erfüllungsbeträgen (insbesondere die Aufteilung des Erfüllungs- betrags auf Zinszuschläge und Grundbetrag) wird durch diesen Bescheid nicht berührt. Je eine Ausfertigung erhalten: Im Auftrage (Dienstsiegel) Beglaubigt: Kpchendürfer (Unterschrift) ) 3 Kanzleivorsteherin Nichtzutreffendes streichen ») Der Vordrucic ist zu verwenden, wenn auf der Grundlage von Regelbescheiden über die Zuerkennung von Hauptentschädiqunq für Schäden im Sinne des FG und/oder des BFG (Zonrnsdiaden nacb § 15 a LAG) zu entscheiden ist. Int Personenspiegel dürfen nur solche Personen aufgeführt werden für die das Antragsrocht bzw. das Verfahren nicht ruht. ^ «c»v*c«, •) Bei Erbeserben sind die eingetretenen Erbtalle in der Begründung des Bescheids ggf, stufenweise dargestellt ') Ist der unmittelbar Geschädigte nach dem 31 März 1952 in einem Aussie dl ungsgebiet (FG-Schäden nadi § 12 Abs 7 Nr 1 LAG) bzw in M i 1 1 e 1 - Q ^» "o ? A^^ " (BFG-Sdiäden nach § 15 a Abs. 4 Nr. 1 LAG) verstorben, ist hier nur sein anspruchsberochtigter erster Erbe eingetragen (§ 229 Abs. 1 *) Unter Mitteldeutschland sind hier das Gebiet der sowjetisciien Besatzungszone Deutschlands und der Sowjetsektor von Berlin bzw die daraus entstan- dene Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) und Ost-Berlin zusammengefaßt. aaraus entstan- ») Schadensbetrag ist der Betrag der sich in Anwendung der §§ 242, 243. 245 und 249a Abs. 4 LAG entweder für Schäden im Sinne des FG allein oder für iSenimSinnpX";?''n!\7''''"J'/ Sdiadensbetrag ist der Betrag, der sich in Anwendung dieser Vorschriften TusZ Z^sammenfa^^^^^ bcnaden im binne des FG mit Zonenschaden ergibt. »*^^u»*y »wu •) Ist nur auszufüllen, wenn Schäden im Sinne des RepG mit Zonenschäden zusammentrefffen '^ in'nf T*"?"""!?^ *'^ *" ?T ^o'f"' *u ^''"^" späte Erben infolge Ruhens des Antragsrechts bzw. des Verfahrens ausfallen, nach Maßgabe der Berechnuna ergib" ^'"'^^^''^S"" ^"^ ^^" ^^^^^9 b e g r e n z t . der sich für die nicht aus fallenden Erben und ggf. deren entschädigung^berechtigte Erben (Erbeserbe^ "^ k^nuTch^rmaäen^"^" ^^' Antragsrecht bzw. das Verfahren geruht hat. fallen Zinszuschläge nicht an. Ausfallende Zinszeiträume sind hier entsprechend '^ ff hpf qi'iHon"!'^?" AnspruAs auf Hauptentsdiädigung sind bis zi diesem Zeitpunkt zu ermitteln und auf den Zinszuschlag anzurechnen a) bei Schaden im Sinne des FG: die auf Grund der Umwertung der früheren RM-Spareinlagen in eine Altguthaben-Ablösungs-Anleihe ab 1 Januar 1953 geleisteten Zinsbetrage, die auf nicht gewährte Tilgungsbeträge entfallen uiusumjb /vnieine an i.januariaw io, c^ f^^' Zcjncnsdiädon: die nach dem 31. Dezember 1969 er-ielten Beträge aus der Nutzung weggenommener Wirtschaftsgüter. ) Sofern Name oder Anschrift der nicht entschädigung<.oerechtigten Erben nicht bekannt ist. bedarf es hierüber keiner besonderen Erhebuna Es aenünt insoweit eine je nach den bekannten Umständen abgefaßte allgemeine Erklärung vor allem hinsichtlich der insgesamrausfaUenderAn^^^^^^ ^ "* Vordruck LA 16 EEJ ^ ■ jBinm ^P" i«ii«a »mmm ■i»-""^"" ■^— «^ Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBASCH. Dr. JuR. PRAGUe R. BRAUN. Dr. Jur. Praoue TELEPHONE : 01-248 1609 OVERSEAS TELEORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON EC4 86/88 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4BQ IN REPL.Y PLEASE QUOTE LAG 101- AB/LP 2. Juli 1973 Urs Hanna Kuaz, 330 Copley Eoad Upper Darby Pa. 19082 U.S.A, Betr: Landwirtschaft und Schloss in Partschendorf Eigener Anteil LAG Sehr geehrte Prau Kunz. Wir freuen uns Ihnen mitteilen zu koennen.dass wir den Betrag von DM 64.012.2o laut anliegender Mitteilung fuer die obigen Ansprueche erhalten haben. Unser Honorar betraegt laut Vereinbarung DM 9.601.8o Barauslagen, Beitrag zut Intervention, Erbscheine DM 1.800.4o DM 11 .402.20 DM 52.610.- Wir erwarten Ihre Mitteilung darueber wohin wir den -oetrag ueberweisen sollen. V Anlage. Hochachtung Dr.A.Bobasc -TT" mr- r ■<■ von Berlin Abteilung Finanzen — Ausgleichsamt — GeschZ.: ..Z..:/C ..<..r.Z.....Lfß/ ^*-Juni)973 1 Berlin S^.. , den 19 '....\ö.f.^..ji..»i?..^*,.fc...r. »itT..i^%rr.g,....4f..€. Str. / Pl. ..^dT/^.ß^ Fernruf: ^....■^.2....i...ß...ä.:^.. App .TCJT (..j4*^ ) --.«r (nur im Innenbetrieb) n ""^A fj • ^^ ^^*) Z^ /^ ^^^r i^./^...<:^^...:^ :...f?...<>r..>>:.<2'.. wohnhaft in : ... s . / (Name, Vorname) . •• • •^•••••.•»••••••»^»•...•^•<...«^w«*.p«... 4|*^..»«^ ••...«^..•.•••ta»..)*.«Aff •••••A •• >ffi... •«•«••.... •....•■ •...•• •••.«. • ■••••• ,,,, (Postleitzahl. Ort Straße. Hausnummer) IL Empfangsberechtigter (soweit nicht personengleich mit I) : .....^.j? ur.../^^ . ^^./i^cf (Postleitzahl. Ort. Straße. Hausnummer) < 1. Nach § /. der „Weisung über die Erfüllung des Anspruchs auf Hauptentschädigung (HE- Weisimg)" wu-d die durch — Teübescheid — Besch^d — Gesamtbescheid — über die — einheitliche — Zuerkennung von Hauptentschädigung vom J2..'...4Z.ä .f.S-^.S ( .«^r:nr5f?5!^.:f.f..^^ ^^Sr...4^./^fJjf..'^^ ^ Ausgleichsamt ^ Aktenzeichen zuerkannte Hauptentschädigung w§gexi ^ .^.^.^...jr:.i^.4:M.. DM I erfüllt. ^.ff....:f£is..'. DM in Höhe von 2. Der für die Auszahlung verfügbare Betrag berechnet sich wie folgt: a) Im Falle der Ersterfüllung und bei vorausgegangener Barverzmsung: Zuerkannter — anteiliger — Endgrundbetrag ^ j^^^.y^x^^* dazu 1 V. H. Zinszuschlag nach § 250 LAG für jedes angefangene Kalenderviertel jähr j "7 ^^c > ßj ab — 1. Januar 1953 — — bis ...,^..P..,.L. ^1^ = J^Z v. H. +^ f/J. -. r. .. DM 7 ^ -^- "^ zusammen .... /.5C /^j^ . W^^.. DM davon ab die für die Zeit vom iTT bis r?. erfüllten Barzinsen — r: DM Für die Erfüllung verfügbarer Betrag b) Im Anschluß an vorausgegangene Teilerfüllung'): Nach dem Erfüllungsbescheid vom verbliebener — restlicher — anteiliger — Endgrundbetrag — restlicher — Zinszuschlag dazu 1 V. H. Zmszuschlag nach §250 LAG für jedes angefangene Kalenderviertel jähr a^ bis = V. H. + itJ'/J,^^ DM DM DM DM zusammen .... / DM davon ab die für die Zeit vom bis erfüllten Barzinsen — / DM Für die Erfüllung verfügbarer Betrag DM Vordruck BAA 14/24 — 64 Mat. 5093. A 4. |f 'V 3. Nach dieser Auszahlung verbleibt keine restliche Hauptentschädigung. Der Anspruch auf Hauptentschädi- gung ist somit voll erfüllt. 4. rUmOi tVim AiiwwitMiiwp mni^A Ann A«np»iinli nnf Hn^,p|^ntfff,y|f;^||£ping. HUF tollwoloo orfü] spätere Erfüllung steht auf Grund nachfolgender Abrechnung zur Verfügung: i a) Nach Nr. 2 — a — b — verfügbarer Betrag b) Davon ab der Erfüllungsbetrag nach Nr. 1 c) ergibt einen — restlichen — Auszahlungsbetrag — Endgrundbetrag — derjääupt- entschädigung von DM d) Der vorstehende Betrag setzt sich zusammen aus einem grundbetrag von restlichen — End- — restlichen — Zinszuschlag von Hierin ist ein noch nicht erfüllter restliph^ Zinszuschlag aus Zeiträumen vor dem 1. Januar 1963 in Höhe von ....^^y^.. DM enthalten. e) Der restliche Endgrun^b^ag wird nach § 250 LAG ab .. mit 1 V. H. für je^ (Dienstsiegel) I y^.-A :-£t«z4:& >. l/^h^ 4 1 - / (Unterschrift) / Je eine Ausfertigxmg erhalten: 1. der ErfüUvmgBboroohtigto- 2. der Empfangsberechtigte*) 3. der Vertretef der Intepeooen doo Ausglciehofends 4. das Ausgleichsamt 5. 3 Nichtzatreffende« streichen. •) Angaben dienen der Statistik. '^ ^11 ^''^^Ki^'^''^ '""^ ^'^'' ^iJ^^ac ho Fälle der Erfülluno:, insbesondere für solche nach § 7 Abs. 1 und 2. § 7 b sowie nach 55 8 und 10 2) Bei zwlschenzelUichen Änderungen im Grund betragsraum Ist der Vordruck BAA 14/60 zu verwenden. ^^ Prmiinn/Si^^^A'^f ^^^ "" ^ ^ u V? »P^" Dezember 19C2 entstandene bzw. entstehende Zinszuschlag wird vorbehalüich anderweiüeer Erfüllung von Amts wegen jährlich ausgezahlt, sofern keine sonstigen Hinderungsgründe entgegenstehen ^"«^oenaiuicn anaerweiuger 4) Empfangsberechtigte erhalten in aller Regel Ausferügungen nur. wenn ihre RechtsposiUon — wie im Falle der Abtretunß-^PmnfUncr^^r über die eines gesetzlichen oder bevoilmachügten Vertreters hinausgent. AOtretungsempfänger — Vordruck BAA 14/24 — 64 tmmmm V Durchschlag fuer Herrn E. Czeczowiczka LAG 101 AB/LF 30« Okt. 1968 yrm Kriea Sinont 170 W«st 8l8t Strebt Apt. 9B N8 YORK 2\ .n.r. 9«hr ge^Iirte i rau SImoü* Wir haben fuer Sie einen Antrag nach dem Laetenaue* gleiohügesets Kecken Ihren Anteile an Partechendorf « den Sie in eigenem Namen hatten^eingebraoht« Dieser Antrag wurde leider Jetzt abgewie oeeterrelchische Staatsbuericerin waren« Diese entspricht der Jet:cxgon Itechtasprochung« sen|Weil Sie Abwei23ung Dagegon koonnen Antrnoge fuer die Anteile , die Ihre verstorbenen Eltern in Parttfchendorf hatten und die 66*34% betrageu haben^ eingeroicht werden^weil es bei diesen Antraegen nicht auf die Staatsbuergerschaf t des Antragstellers sondern auf die der unmittelbar GeHChaediirten^das sind Ihre £ltern ankommt« Ihre Eltern haben Jedoch fuer die Anteile eine Lntschaedigung von der Foreign Compensation Commission erhalten« Nach der bisherigen Praxis wird diese Entachaedigung Von der Lastenousgleichsentschaedigung abgexogen^so da»s Sie keine Aussic ton a if oino Ivntsciiaedigung haetten« Gluockliciierweise« soll diese Praxis durch ein neues Gesetz dahin geaendert virerdenfdass die Ent^iChaedlgung der FCC von der Hoehe des Schadens und nicht von der Entschaedigung selbst abgesetzt wird« Dieses Gesets duerfte anfangs I969 veroei fantlicht werden und wir werden dann auf diese Sache zur ueckkommen « Wir haben durch Ihre Frau Schwestar gebeert tdaaa Herr Thien Konpensation»anspraHche bdl der Wiener Finanzlaadea« direktion eingereicht hat« wir nehmen an,dass es sich hier um Ansprueche auf ^rund des geplanten ^e ^ereinkommensswischen Oeterroiche und Tschechoslovakei handelt« Wir waeren fuer Ihre I|iJE]ornation darjgeher d ^'luTThipera eixansn Namen ÜanS ^ ar« Sliqelt es sich Tis Ansprueche genen nanien nandelt,koeunen Sie dies auch weiter geltf^nd macheuiauch wenn Sie als Erbin Antraege unter dem LAG einbringen« Hochachtungsvoll Dr«A.DOBASCH & Dr. G«KUSH / ; ?yv^\^ t aaJ "^ft r> r^^. U IC cU # « • -. % J i n t J ^ — — < Mi »■■ -'• ^ o i . 4 ' 1 >± •1 J :^ J i mmt^r i j tj •d I Cov^ • • «■■Wl mmm Liebste Hanna ^ I May 4th^l968 loh hebe Dolnoa Bricht mit beiliegend retournl^^rton Bollep.en mit Bdvrfln becproohea^ In Deinem Brief an Bobaaoh v .IQ .T^.^^.o. berufst Du Dloh auf ein frahor«» Schreiben^ In dorn Ihr t^lnv ?r «tcndon vi^rt 4'nen Soesoaboltrrg bis zv 8/1000 nus :len Ertrgpnlason zu tragen/ Dies ist nicht Im Abkomrtif;a vermerket, aber in diaaem Zuscimiierumng lat ea kein Widerspruch, ICosten fUi Beschaffung von^ ISrbrchelnon und Vor t?.*l ebenen Aue^^oln extra JJ'i halten, «tia einen neuen AiD^Mt betrifft I sehe Ich nicht, vic Ihr Ihn genügend in formier an kBnnt . Ea lat j^chon nicht gar so einfach die Berechtigung euüi Lri^tenausgleich durchzucetzenj der Vertriebenen Aua.iela allein ßontict noch ninht ^ Für die Ari£i:rU«he xriiiii aolbst rucf vlenn vo.lters für allen BoYtoine erbrticht vie: den, Bob^ac^ keant <'en gunznn Cortplex lua a^lner langen Arbelt mit Deinen Vdter und kann t^eine Kenutnle Fuoh ftir Laateni:uagleich vorv.ordcn, Die.?e Kenjutnlr r^'/J ^bt \%€lt Jjb libor ('i€ Akten lil-ntuß^ c^lo nicl t Rtlckflcht evS f\r,e Lsateh- iiuöf?leich entstünden sind. Und vcnn llii' rilp c Akt^m let^.t auob ÄurüWc verlangt, kfinntct Iln- dt^üdt nicht vlol imfi So ein Vcr langen, ^o Ihr Jetzt schor mit l'^tr be^-onnen habt, ißt otiiic tilftigo TJratohe, aeren wir, ance\^oV\nlloh, Und vtarJBxn imoh? JSr hat für Buch mit der Part^ohon^orrer Blnrlohtunß ^Inen selu* rchvi^rl^^on und guten iö^fclg c^ohubt, fiich aber euch ßolir beutiht und wiederholte^ Rideeri nsch Df;at nchl&nci gemaoht \"fio cü bei dm df^utfrchen cIcSjtiö oft erforderlich tnoid VorteilLrl! lat. Ee:: ,Ver trlcboncn Auaveis: Bonr&ch rnol^?^ ^/vio dr-a bei Papa steht. Er nimmt Jcdenfallß an, dr?f des^ v»r=;s er dartiber vrelsa genügt, aonat \#Urde er cen Fall rSdit ttberr.9hir.en, Jat^t ohAe Arthur öen Ler^tonsuagloich zu föhren 3 .?t .j ' ' mib • ^j. L 1^ .> \ «^ ^-x^ i C^^^i CM< i » '"^ ».; iii i i it^O ' '*' • • «v 7 *x-..x »1% ^C> fA^.\' •t • . I • • V 'f.. ^^ ii t X^ j • ; V J a ^y ' -* j I 8 M tElTZ Trennblatt 520 zum Selbstausschneiden von Regjstertasten 0 CÜLLINS 1^ K Herrn Dr« 'Em Brenn 665 JPlndiley Rd London NW2 2HN l8.Ä"a TZ 19S3» S^r geehrter Herr Doktor, es hat nir sehr leid getan, Sie, bei meincE! Londener Besuch nicht Rehen «u ktenen und tmeere BekanntDOiiai't zu czTLeuem,aber ich \«)llte ee^ies niciit meine cdivvere ErkfiLtung an Sie weiter gehen. Da ich nach neiner Rftckk^r euf Reinen Brief en Sie vom 31, Jänner 53 keine Antwort vdi»- gefunden hrbe und f3ie telephoniech nichts er«rÖh»- ten,oo nelixife ich an dess Sie in den A ktcn Czeczo- wiczka nie- ts gefunden haben des?. Aussicht cuf einen vreiteren erfolgreichcaiatea daim öarstellt, was fflr mich np.ttlrlich besonders bedeuerlicfc ist. Ich nehme dfiher an dsee dieres Kapitel gecchlosrcn iet. Mit besten ?:'tlnBdien und freundlichen Gröscen bin ich Ihre r o I i f,65 Flnchlcy Hd lon<3or. N'^? ^''^ Söir geehrter H««? Doktor» er hnt «ir p«J^r ^^^^^ f:etsntnetT5oi Bclnco Lonaon-^r Ber;«* nlcbt ceb.eai «u k- t«llte rowlpo niöit ncine rdh^er« TifcCltim« en ?!• weiter ireberu «B Idri nrdh meiner Pücklcefcr nur i2.el««i Brief sn ^l€ vom 31. 'Tftmer 83 Jcrine Antwort wi- rcfunaen hebe rmi Rle tö-ephonlr^dh r^lc^t« erwÄhtn tcn,f«> neYine ich .^ di^.« ^>le In ^cn A ktcn C^ect^- vlcalcc. nicits geituxäeii heben ^t^f /upßlcJ-.t nuf einen T,>«lteren rrfol^reic^wiidM« Clnin darstellt, ,ee fttr 'alc»^ n^ttLrlict. besoneers bedBUcAlch l»t. I<ä. nttoe arti«r .n drs. üL^bb Kapitel g«ichl05.r«n Itjt» »t besten iNteöChen una rreunaiic!-.«« GrttEcen biri Ich Ihre • r • 7. 1/ If. Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN, DR. JUR. PRAGUB TELEPHONE: 01-794 7758 OVKR8CAS TCLEORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 665 FlNCHLEY ROAD LX>NDON NW2 2HN 22*Maerz 1985 • PLEASE QUOTE OUR REF NO. FCC (LAG 2^0/101 )-RB/LK|. C> Frau ^ Hanna Kunz 530 Cobley Road Upper Darby^ Pennsylvania! 19082 • Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, V \ Ich erhielt heute Ihr Schreiben vom 18.ds.M. Es tut mir leid| dass es Ihnen nicht moeglich war, mich in der Kanzlei zu besuchen« Wie ich Ihnen in meinem Brief vom 20 .Januar d.J* ge- schrieben habe, konnte ich in den alten Aufzeichnungen bloss feststellen^ dass fuer Verraoegen der Familie Czeczowiczka eine Kompensation nach der Order 1950 bezahlt wurde • Nach der neuen Order 1982 ist es nicht moeglich, eine neuerliche Kompensation zu erhalten, ob- zwar die urspruenglich im Jahre 1950 zfugesprochene Ent- schaedigung bloss zu einem geringen Teil bezahlt wurde« Ich verbleibe mit vor^ueg^l icher Hochachtung Dr.IU^fraun i > v VI^«U 665 Finchley Hd London, 1IW2 2 HH Aigland» 3EU Jiimerl98l 44 Ihr« Hoff KHJ(LAO 240/101 )-HVLI ) ( c 1) 2) SAr «eÄrter Berr Ibktor, ^ ,^ ^^„ ^** ^*'^« ^^^«ö ^•«* Ihr ScApeiben vom 20./I./1983 und beantworte e» u»«r«id«nd d« lA voraus«! cfetlldi e« 26, Feber In London aeln irerdew 2ä Ihren Punktent Ich hebe meine Äöle<*e Staatebtirgerechaft nie anfgegehea ne»me daher an daae i<* eie welter besitze, let vlellel<*t in den Antrt«en die Dr Böbasdi gestellt hatte etwas abgewiesen worden das Jetst «1« Claim aüÄSslg wtre oder etwa. aiAt beantragt worden das man ^etst na<*- holen kifnnte T Au. wÄ6h«n Akten k4tente man da» ereöiea. die iefa mitbringen kannte ? Haöidem nur S% Kompensation befahlt wurde ist Hoffnung auf eine weitere Ha^eahlung t Icfc werde mir ezlaubea Sie gleich neäi meiner Ankunft in fiigland an su rufen. Inewisdi«! mit freundliöien Grttseen Terbleibe idi Ihre 3) C\- ]^M- 7/r^ X t 1 330 Oopl€x B»ad tl^per Derby^Pa. 19082 fMfV* H erxti Dt« X» Bri'un 665 ünchley Hd London, WW2 2 EH England» 3U Jtrmer 19 83 Ihre.Bef» KKJ(LA(J ?40A01)-HViK O o Sehr geöirter Berr Doktor, ich danke Urnen f*tir Ihr Sdirelben -voa 20,/I,/l983 und beantw>rte ea uamendend da 1^ ^rausslchtlich ejtt 26» Peber in London eeln werde, 2u Ihren Punkteni 1) Ich hebe meine Bnglieche Steatsbttrgerechaft nie aufgegeben nehme daher i daes ich sie weiter besitzew 2) Ist vielleicht in den Anträgen die I>r Eobasch gestellt hatte etwas abgewiesen worden das ^etgt als Claim 2;nl*g3lg wfre oder etwas nicht beantragt worden das man Jetzt nach- hol ^i Mnnte ? Aus welchen Akten kannte man das erB^ien^ die ich mitbringen kannte ? 3) Nachdem nur 9^ Konq? ensation berahlt wurde ist Hoffnung auf eine weitere Ha dh Zahlung ? I Ihre / H, ICimz 330 Copley Road Ihner Derby,?©. 19082 ü,S,A . Herrn Er, 8. Bn'itp. 665 Pinchley Rd London, F.'i'2 2 TIN England. 31. Jflnner 19 83 Ihre Refr yCC(LAG ?40/l Ol )- HE/IE O o Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor, ich danko Ihnen f^r Ihr Schrelhcn vom PO./I./1983 und beant^'orte ee iimwenc^end 6t ich voraUßf?ichtlich pjti ?6*Feb«^r in London pein T^eröe« Zvi I^r<^n Punkten: 1) Ich hebe meine Snelische Staetshtlrrcr^^chaft nie Biifgefrebcn nehjue daher an daer ich pie weiter beritr:e» ?) Ist vielleicht in den Anträgen die Dr Ix)brrch gestellt hatte etwas abgewiesen T?orden das jetzt rle Clpim r.ulj^'g'^ig wfire oder etwas nicht beantragt worden das man jetzt nach- holen könnte 7 Aus welchen Akten k(Jnnte man dr^s erre^ien, die ich mitbringen könnte ? 3) Nachdem nur 9^ Kompensation bezahlt vAirde ist Fofiliuiig auf eine weitere Nach zahl xing ? Ich werde mir erlauben Sie gleich nach meiner Ankunft in BngJ.and an zu rufen^ Inzwischen mit freundlichen Grflsren verbleibe ich Ihre Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN. DR. JUR. PRAQUB TELEPHONE: 01-7»4 77S« OVERSEAS TklegRAMS : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 PLEASE QUOTE OUR REFJÜCL ^ ^« ^_ ^ FCC (LAG 240/101 ) -RB/ljiK . 665 FiNCHLEY ROAD London NW2 2HN 20th Januar 1985 • o o Frau Hanna Kunz, 550 Copley Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 19082, / Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, Ich bestaetige Ihr Schreiben vom 14 •12.1982, dessen Beant- wortung sich durch die Weihnachtsfeiertage aufgehalten hat« Die neue Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 ist bereits erschienen und hat eine Reihe von Diskussionen hervorgerufen. Die allgemeine Meinur , der Juristen ist, dass die Order aeusserst unguenstig ist und die meisten Interessen- ten sehen keine besonderen Aussichten auf eine neue Kompen- sation. 1. Antragsberechtigt sind bloss Personen, die am 2.Februai 1982 U.K. Staatsbuerger waren. 2. Weiters wird in der Order festgelegt, dass keine Antraege auf Kompensation zugelassen werden, in welchen Kompensation nach der alten Order 1950 bewilligt wurde. Es ist Ihnen sicher bekannt, dass die alten awards 1950 bloss in einigen Teilzahlungen bezahlt wurden, in der Gesamt- hoehe von ungefaehr 9%. Ich bitte um Ihre gef I.Stellungnahme zu den oben angefuehrten Punkten» Ich danke fuer Ihre guten Wuensche und wuensche auch Ihnen ein Gutes Neues Jahr» Ich verbleibe hochachtungsvoll Dr.R-r^fauÄ. Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN. DR. JUR. PRAGUK TELEPHONE: 01-794 7758 OVER8EAS TELEGRAMS : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 665 FINCHLEY ROAD LONDON NW2 2HN 20th Januar 1985 • FCcTLAG''^°^0/101)-RB/]tK . c Frau Hanna Kunz, 550 Copley Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 19082. sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, ich bestaetige Ihr Schreiben vom 1^.12.1982, Jessen Beant- wortung sich durch die Weihnachtsfeiertage aufgehalten hat. Die neue Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 ist bereits erlchienen und hat eine Reihe von Diskussionen hervorgerufen. Die allgemeine Meinung der J^^"^«%^f '^^|!^. die Order aeusserst unguenstig ist und die meisten Interessen ten sehen keine besonderen Aussichten auf eine neue Kompen- sation. 1. Antragsberechtigt sind bloss Personen, die am 2. Februar 1982 U.K. Staatsbuerger waren. 2. weiters wird in der Order festgelegt, dass keine Antraege aif Kompensation zugelassen werden, in welchen Kompensation nach der alten Order 1950 bewilligt wurde. Es ist Ihnen sicher bekannt, dass die alten awards 1950 bloss in einigen Teilzahlungen bezahlt wurden, in der Gesamt- hoehe von ungefaehr 9%» Ich bitte um Ihre gef I.Stellungnahme zu den oben angefuehrten Punkten. ich danke fuer Ihre guten Wuensche und wuensche auch Ihnen ein Gutes Neues Jahr. Ich verbleibe hochachtungsvoll Dr.R*«^auÄ. i' .^ »t - . . J .^ *..W^t^. . .JiMMUMM •'^kjkimMn»*'läimät,mm'^*^^-*m.-i" »4rt»-^-£^4>. -„^^g'a. , t^ll Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN. DR. JUR. PRAQUK TELEPHONE: 01-794 7758 OVCRSEAB TKLEORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 66S FlNCHLETY ROAD LONDON NW2 2HN 20th Januar 1983 • PUEASE QUqiE OUR REF NO. ^ ^ « ^ « », J FCC (LAG ^40/101 ) -RB/]|iK . O Prau Hanna Kunz^ 530 Copley Road, Upper Darby^ Pa. 19082 c Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz ^ Ich bestaetige Ihr Schreiben vom 14.12. 1982^ dessen Beant- wortung sich durch die Weihnachtsfeiertage aufgehalten hat. Die neue Foreign Compensation (C^echoslovakia) Order 1982 ist bereits erschienen und hat e ae Reihe von Diskussionen hervorgerufen. Die allgemeine 1 inung der Juristen ist ^ dass die Order aeusserst unguenstig ist und die meisten Interessen- ten sehen keine besonderen Aussichten a\if eine neue Kompen- sation. 1. Antragsberechtigt sind bloss Personen^ die am 2. Februar 1982 U.K. Staatsbuerger waren. 2# Weiters wird in der Order festgelegt, dass keine Antraege auf Kompensation zugelassen werden , in welchen Kompensation nach der alten Order 1950 bewilligt wurde • Es ist Ihnen sicher bekannt 1 dass die alten awards 1950 bloss in einigen Teilzahlungen bezahlt wurden, in der Gesamt- hoehe von ungefaehr 9%. Ich bitte um Ihre gef I.Stellungnahme zu den oben angefuehrten Punkten. Ich danke fuer Ihre guten Wuensche und wuensche auch Ihnen ein Gutes Neues Jahr. Ich verbleibe hochachtungsvoll Dr . ItrBfauni. Dr. A. BOBASCH ft Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN. DR. JUR. PRAOUB TELEPHONE: 01-794 7758 « OVCRSKAS TKLCORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 \o -¥ 665 FINCHLEY ROAD LONDON NW2 2HN 20th Januar 1985. PCcTLAG''22f 0/101 ) -RB/]Z . ( (v ( ( ^ Frau Hanna Eunz, 530 Copley Road, Upper Darby^ Pa* 19082. Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, Ich bestaetige Ihr Schreiben vom 14. 12 .1982^ dessen Beant- wortung sich durch die Weihnachtsfeiertage aufgehalten hat. Die neue Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 ist bereits erschienen und hat eine Reihe von Diskussionen hervorgerufen. Die allgemeine Meinung der Juristen ist» dass die Order aeusserst unguenstig ist und die meisten Interessen- ten sehen keine besonderen Aussichten auf eine neue Kompen- sation. 1. Antragsberechtigt sind bloss Personen^ die am 2. Februar 1982 U.K. Staatsbuerger waren. 2. Weiters wird in der Order festgelegt , dass keine Antraege a\if Kompensation zugelassen werden ^ in welchen Kompensation nach der alten Order 1950 bewilligt wurde. Es ist Ihnen sicher bekannt ^ dass die alten awards 1950 bloss in einigen Teilzahlungen bezahlt wiirden^ in der Gesamt- hoehe von ungefaehr 9%* Ich bitte um Ihre gef 1 .Stellungnahme zu den oben angefuehrten Punkten. Ich danke fuer Ihre guten Wuensche und wuensche auch Ihnen ein Gutes Neues Jahr. Ich verbleibe hochachtungs vo 1 1 Dr.R^ifauÄ. \ \ "Dr. B» Dr,A « BobsöCh ft Dr G« Kush confüul tente on intematlonel law 665 Flnchley Rd L01?TX)N mP 2fiN ENGLAI^Dl 17» Jftiner 15 ( ) Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor, ßffi 14» l>ezemb€T 19^? hsbe ich Ihn per Luftport, einen Brief g'eschriebcni dessen Kopi ich hiermit heilere. Nachdem ich die Ahsicht habe in zm Itochen nech ISn^pnä zn fliegeniintföite Ich Sie ep* suchen mir denselben umgehend zir beantr/orten. Mit besten Grftf=i«ien verbleibe ic Ihre ( ^ o ( Dt» A«Bobf>ech & Dr. ß, Eueh conpTjltanto on Intemr. tionel law 14« Dez, 198?, Ihre Ref. ilAG ?40/101 RyLK(PCC) Sehr Eerr Doktor, Ich nehme Bezug auf unsere Korres»- pondenze Tom A prll-Kai 198?, Gegen mein Erwarten war ich letzten Sonaner nicht In England,hoffe eher auyerei oh tl 1 ch dienen Be- such A nfBne 1983 nach zu tragen. Daher bitte,lp,8Pen Sie nlch wirren wfis för Anf:pra-. menden Feiertage und Ihrer baldigen Antwort entgegen sehend bin i^ Ihre % 6. Dez, 1982. Liebste Stella, ich hoffe Du hast Mch in Deine ^e\xe Ungehun^ gewohnt und findest sie angenehmer als das Heim in Swiss Cottageir O o conrTzltpntci on Intemr tionf 1 14, üez. 198?, Ipw Ihre Hef, cL^G 240/101 RI/LK(PCC) O n O O Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor, Ich nehne 'Beznc t»uf un^ücre K:orree- ponaer.7e von A prll-!:ai I96?. Gecen mein Frrr-.rtcn rar ich letzten Sorj er nicl.t In Hntlend, hoffe p-bor ?;uverRichtlich dienen Be- eucj-: A 19^3 n?^cl; zu trrfcn, Deher bltte,lf-gren Sie nlch rlrren VTrS fttr Anrprflche ich nuStlichervvelee nf ch dem f-ernverti^en Gecetz pn die ForpifH Conpcnsetion Commirsion-Csech CIpIqs h^ttctln eigenem Nfixien \ind bIb Erbin nc^ch neinen Veter Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczke tuld meiner Wuttcr Freu Irre Czeczowicekn imd vdche Unterlegen imd Akten, Sie dr-.fflr ben(3tlren,E0 drs ich sie mitbringen kenn, Jfit bepten wflnrchen für die Ror»- raenden Peiertf^ge und Ihrer bRldifen AntTort entfegen Gehend bin ich Ihre 6. Ual 1332* ( Dr*R« Braun Dr. A« Bobasch i Dr*G#Ku8h 535 Finohley M. jüoadon NW2 2HN. Engl and« Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor, loh war eehr erfreut Ihren Brief zu erhalten und daraus su ersehen dasa Sie wet#9r tfltlc sind und das BOro DrA«Bobaech nooh beetiht« Besten ^ank dass Sie mich auf weltez^ Entwloklun^en In den Cheok Claias auABerksam ma^en aber Ich war mir dessen bevusst und habe Im verginngenem ScKomer bei d^B Foreign Claims Department selbst vorgesprochen« Ich werde Im kommenden Sommer wieder In London sein und die Gelegenheit erfsissen mich mit Ihnen ^n Verbindung i* setsen« Mit freundlichen Grflaaen Ihre ( sJonaultants oa Continantal La« 33/40 WlßjBor« Str. LoadOQ*WlH 93P, "Gianda ßtp't« 6tb KP?/n/m I tbank fou for your fonti-lettei re ardlne the Foroiga Conpenoiitioa (Cs«choolovakla) Or "«dilch la of Internat to ma and Z ahould ba glad to rac fürthar Information« Touraainoaralyi o Dr. Jüit. O. REICHL Dr. Jur. A. P. PERES I.TAMTS ON COMTIMCMTAL LAW S8/40. WIGMORE STREET. LONDON. W1H 90F VATHCO NO mm? 71 APP/WI/ÜD Date of Postmark Dear Mrs. Kunz, Re: Agreement between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia of the 29.1.1982 • o < Pursuant to the afore mentioned Agreement the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order, 1982, has now been promulgated and published, and will come into Operation on the 1.9.1982. The Order Covers United Kingdom nationals, but also allows Claims of certain groups of persons who were Citizens of formerly mandated territories of the United Kingdom (Palestine, Rhodesia, Singapore). Applicants will be put to prove that the item in respect of which compensation is claimed, was owned by a United Kingdom national at the time it was affected by a Czechoslovak restrictive measure; furthermore claimant must bc able to show that he was a Citizen of the United Kingdom on the 2nd February, 1982 (with the exception as outlincd in the foregoing paragraph). The Order provides that Claims to be settled exclude those in respect of which payment had been made under the Czechoslovak-British Compensation Agreement of 1949, and the subsequent Distribution Order of 1950. of n^!"''^!'!'' ^^^^^}^ regarding the qualif ication of claimants, the kind ^«H^^K^^ K^""' rights, debts etc. which are covered by the Agreement and the subsequent Order, will have to be discussed or dealt withSv way of corrcspondence in due course. The time limit for Submission of applications at the Foreign Compensation Commission ends on the 31st August, 1983; consequently there is no particular urgency in this matter. We are in touch with the Commission but so far ne-^apiO^eatiott-forres^ hav^- been^ i^su^4^ We should like to say that it might be advisable to consider the question of evidence in support of Claims to be lodged, which may have to be obtained from Czechoslovakia, as well as possible witnesses. Ä Yours sincerely, Dr. 0. Reichl 'tr. A.P. Peres Mi's. H. Kurj7 330 Copley Road Upper Darby PA,19082 USA Dr. Juit. O. REICHL Dr. Jur. A. P. PERES CON9U1.TAMT« ON CONTINCMTAC LAW 38/40. WIGMORE STREET. LONDON. W1H 9DF TU., nt lOM VAT nCO NO m tM7 7S APP/WI/UD Date of Postmark Dear Madam, I v_ ■( > Re: Agreement between the United Kingdom and Czechoslovakia of the 29.1.1982 • Pursuant to the aforc mentioned Agreement the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order, 1982, has now been promulgated and published, and will come into Operation on the 1.9.1982. The Order Covers United Kingdom nationals, but also allows Claims of certain groups of persons who were Citizens of formerly mandated territories of the United Kingdom (Palestine, Rhodesia, Singapore). Applicants will be put to prove that the item in respect of which compensation is claimed, was owned by a United Kingdom national at the time it was affected by a Czechoslovak restrictive measure; furthermore claimant must be able to show that he was a Citizen of the United Kingdom on the 2nd February, 1982 (with the exception as outlined in the foregoing paragraph). The Order provides that Claims to be settled exclude those in respect of which payment had been made under the Czechoslovak-British Compensation Agreement of 1949, and the subsequent Distribution Order of 1950. Further details regarding the qualif ication of claimants, the kind ^iH^yK^^^'^w^''' rights, debts etc. which are covered by the Agreement and the subsequent Order, will have to be discussed or dealt with bv way of correspondence in due course. The time limit for Submission of applications at the Foreign Compensation Commission ends on the 31st August, 1983; consequently there is no particular urgency in this matter. We are in touch with the Commission but so far no application forms have been issued. We should like to say that it might be advisable to consider the question of evidence in support of Claims to be lodged, which may have to be obtained from Czechoslovakia, as well as possible witnesses. Yours sincerely. /U Dr. 0. Reichl Dr. A.P. Peres / Mrs. H. Kunz 330 Coploy Road Uppor Darby PA 19082 USA i ( . . Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW R. BRAUN. Dr. JUR. PRAGUK TELEPHONE: 0l-7«4 77S8 OVCRSEA« TCLCORAMS : BOBBACO LONDON NW2 665 FINCHLEY ROAD LONDON NW2 2HN S.April 1982. iAd-^WrÖT- RB/LK.(FX) o 1 Frau Planna Kunz, 350 Copley Road, Upper Darby, Pa. 19082. Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, Ich wende mich heute an Sie in folgender Angelegenheit: Herr Dr •Bobasch hat in den 70er Jahren -die Familie Czeczo- wiczka in der Angelegenheit der Entschaedigung der Vermoe- gen in der Tschechoslowakei vertreten und verschiedene Ent- schaedigungen vom deutschen Government durchgesetzt. Herr Dr. Bobasch ist im Jahre 1977 gestorben, ich war sein Sozius und habe nach seinem Tode die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei uebernommen. Ausser der Compensation, die die Familie Czeczowiczka aus Deutschland erhalten hat, wurden im Jahre 1950 auch Compen- sationsantraege bei der Foreign Compensation Commission in England geltend gemacht. Ich habe festgestellt, dass alle Akten im Jahre 1974- nach Erfuellung der Ansprueche returniert wurden. Nun ist aber eine neue Situation entstanden. Die englische Hegierung hat nach Jahrelangen Verhandlungen ein neues Abkommen mit der Tschechoslowakei abgeschlossen. Nach diesem besteht eine Moeglichkeit , die bereits im Jahre 1950 registrierten Schadensansprueche wieder geltend zu ma- chen. Ich habe in dem alten Archiv der Kanzlei festgestellt, dass eine Reihe von solchen Anspruechen rechtzeitig und gesetz- maessig eingebracht wurden* Ihre Adresse habe ich in den Akten gefunden, aber ich konnte die Existenz und den Aufenthalt von Personen, die fuer An- sprueche auf Kompensation erfuellungsberechtigt waeren, nicht feststellen. Ansprueche wurden rer/;istriert fuer Herrn Sr. Ar- thur Czeczowiczka, Edwin Czeczowiczka und Caroline Czeczo- wiczka. B.V7. \ Seither ist eine lange Zeit verflossen und ich hoffe die notwendigen Informationen ausfindig machen zu koennen, denn es wird sich um bedeutende Entschaedigungsbetraege handeln. Ich sehe Ihrer Antwort entgegen und verbleibe mit dem Ausdrueck vorzue glicher Hochachtung Dr . R . O ( ■ O o i On Her Maiesty's Seryic Mv >U. U DEPARTMENT PRINCIPAL REGISTRY OF [HE FAMILY DIVISION SOMERSET HOUSE STRAND '0NDQNWC2R1LP ^ K V TT QN WC2P T^ n s Ol Ol XL o 0 1 2 's HF31'. I<» 1 O % m > ö Open carefully — Re-use with labeL CODE No. 27-11 r K i^Jl « # ( » BRITISH CONSULATE TWENTIETH FlOOR THREE PARKWAY PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19102 I > Lü-^- KW> i«iii m , Oll I Hobert i/ontgomery Scott pEsq. British Conoulate Twontieth Floor 3 Parlcway Philadelphla,Pa.l3102^ Oct. 4th 1382# Dear Sir, thank you for obtalning for me The Toraign Compensation ( Czechoslovalc Order ) 1982. j I hnve followed your advlcs and writtea to the Conunlsaion In London for applicatlon forma. / Youre faitiifully, fi \ 4 .■ / / I / / / / ovN- ^^1| ^ *A^ ^o^\v^ r^ M "j^r \ ^K^tvA f^^Jo. U/(UxVW ^u (Pion 0 Vl^ ö^ h SEAIS I.S. nVEmMENT HIHEY HUKET TUST HANNA KUNZ 330 COPLEY UPPER DARBY PA 19082 Soc. See. or Tax I.D. No. 075-26-8582 ACCOUNT NO. 108015-5 ALPHA KUNZ-HANN' IDENT. o LU * TG MAKE A CHANCE * If the above informatlon is incorrect or missing. please type or print the correct informatlon here. DC SE 52 NUMBER ADD TO YOUR ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME NAME « TO MAKE AN INVESTMENT BY MAIL » Please return this stub and make your check payable to: Sears U.S. Government Money Market Trust P.O. Box 408, Kansas City, Mo. 64141 AMOUNT OF CHECK e «37 O0OO0DDM37 37 ooooioaüiss SB o NOTICE THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER 1982 (S.I. 1982 No. 1073) Attention is drawn to the above mentioned Order, a copy of which may be obtained from Her Majesty's Stationery Office and which enables the Foreign Compensation Commission to receive and determine Claims in respect of certain Debts, Bank Balances, Shares, Immovable Property (Land and Buildings), Businesses, Movables, Bonds, (including the Czechoslovak guaranteed portion of the Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59, 4V2% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds), Pensions and other Property in Czechoslovakia from persons who can show qualification as United Kingdom nationals on 2nd February 1982 and estabUsh the necessary requirements for beneficial ownership under the Order. Persons who wish to apply for compensation should write as soon as possible for application forms to the Secretary, Foreign Compensation Commission, Alexandra House, Kingsway, London, WC2B 6TT. It will considerably expedite the work of dealing with Claims if an indication can be given in the letter as to which of the above categories of property will be included in the application when made. The Order provides that an application shall not be entertained unless it has reached the Foreign Compensation Commission on or before 3 Ist August 1983. • STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 1982 No. 1073 FOREIGN COMPENSATION ,P« Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 Made Laid before Parliament Coming into Operation iOth July 1982 9rA August 1982 Ist September 1982 At the Court at Buckingham Palace. thc 30th day of July 1982 Present, The Quecn's Most Excellent Majcsty in CouncU rdl'ict^'n^'^JiS'For^^^^^^ «^^ O'der in Council by thc Foreign Com^nSnr.'^ ?'"''" ^.^' 1950(a)forthedctcrmination cLmissionTof S^to partkZTeT". ^^"^^^^" ^<^f"red to as "the agrecment with thc »rcrnment o?fn! Jk '^'"P«"''»''»" ^^^eived under an by thc CommissSSS rsuXom^'nTaK!*" '°""'^' ''"' '°' '''' ^'^^"»'"^-° Czechoslovak Sociafist RcpuSn 59t;Tanua^'?982*'?h?r"'r "1°^ 'l'' Czcchoslovak Government shall pay to thc Un"te^ Kin.doÄ'"^" "^'^ '^' net sum of £24 266 ftio in r..ii ,„ii « i .^""ea K.mgdom Government the AnkleTS and 3 i,L A««ml^»„fH'"M°^'^"J?™^ S C?„d.8557"""" ' "'" """•*"* by the Foreign Compensation Ac, 1969 (c.20). section 2. Part I CiTATION, COMMENCEMENT AND INTERPRETATION 1. This Order may be cited as the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 and shall come into Operation on Ist September 1982. 2. In this Order: — "Bond" means a bond or other document of title in respect of a loan or Obligation issued or guaranteed before Ist June 1953 by the Czechoslovak Government or by any other public authority in Czechoslovakia. "Czechoslovak measure" means any measure of nationalisation, expropria- tion, confiscation, dispossession, liquidation, State administration or other restnctive measure affecting property taken by the Czechoslovak Government, or any measure taken by the Czechoslovak Government under which a person was depnved of the legal right to recover a debt; and for this purpose any such measure promulgated in the form of a Slovak Decree or law shall be treatcd as having been taken by the Czechoslovak Government. "Debt" means a sum due or owing, or a claim for unliquidated damages, or a sum deposited in a bank in Czechoslovakia but not transferred, in respect of: (a) a contract for the sale of goods whether executed or not or a bill of exchange given for the discharge of obligations under any such contract, (b) the servicing, preservation, transport, insuring or advertising of goods, whether or not the goods are the subject of any such contract as aforesaid, (c) an agency contract, other than one relating to a contract of insurance or to a treaty or contract of reinsurance, (d) a contract for the payment of royahics or for the manufacture of goods under licence, (e) training, professional or agency charges or disbursements, (0 a contract of insurance (including life and endowment assurance but not including a treaty or contract of reinsurance) concluded with an insurance Company incorporated or constituted in Czechoslovakia, (g) shipping or transport Services, (h) an advance, loan, acceptance credit, or other similar facility, or (i) a judgement debt. "Internal Bond" means a bond denominated in Czechoslovak currency. "Material time" means any time or date at which it is material for the purposes of this Order to determine whether or not a person is a United Ringdom national. "Predecessor in title" means any person from whom, whether directly or indirectly, a person making application under this Order (including a trustee) has succeeded, whether by assignment or otherwise, to the property or claim to which the appUcation relates. "Property" includes all rights or interests of any kind in oroocrtv and. cxcent where the context otherwise requires, a balance i a^ÄKÄcS hv"or'*,?nHp; wV^i.T''' ^^^ ^^^' of pubUcation of the Czechoslovak measure affec e^or if suct 1 ' ^'"'^'''^ ^ '^' ^"*^^ ^^ ^^''^ '^' '^^^ ^^^^^es was Hott ItK ""['u ^t^ ?^easure was first appUed to the property or the debt on a tZ^^iXi.^^^^^^^ "^ publication of the measufe, the date on wffch thJ nrnnl^v nr^^ t^^^^^^^ ^'^^^' ^""^ dcprived of title to or enjoyment of the property, or of the legal nght to recover the debt. aoom'tal of^t^ "''^'!f '^^^^ ."^^^^ ^y the Commission with the Hnn Aot 10^^ ^ ChanceUor under section 4(2) of the Foreign Compensa- tion Act 1950 regulatmg the procedure of the Commission ii deteriining apphcations made under this Order. ucicrmmmg "Share" includes stock, a debenture, debenture stock and any funded Obligation of a Corporation. ^ luuucu "Trustee" includes a personal representative of a deceased person or a nommee; and "beneficiary" shall have a conesponding meaning. ^ "^^ ''' * "United Kingdom national" means: — (a) any individual who was at the material time, or who as regards any matenaltime prior to Ist January 1949 would have been had the British Nationahty Act 1948(a)and the British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected Persons Order in Councü 1949(b) been in force at that time, a Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies, a British subject by rjj3"f f section 2 13 or 16 of that Act or the British Nationahty Act 1965(c), or a British protected person within the meaning of the said Act of 1948; provided that:- (^) f ' '^?\'^' ^'^y material time prior to 16th May 1948, the expression Bntish protected person" shaU be dcemed to include a person who was at that time a Palestinian Citizen under the Palestinian Citizenship Orders 1925 to 1942(d); and (ii) any individual who was a British subject at any time before the date of the commencement of the said Act of 1948 only by virtue of the provisions of the Act of 1705(e), intituled "An Act for the Naturalization of the Most Excellent Princess Sophia Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover and the Issue of Her Body" shall be deemed not to be a United Kingdom national; (b) any Corporation, firm or association incorporated or constituted under the laws in force m the United Kingdom or in any territory for whose international relations Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible; ^^^ ^^V^^^7^^^^^ ^'^^ ^^ ^^ß^^^^ ^^y material time after 3 Ist December 1949 and pnor to 1 8th April 1980 was a Citizen of Southern Rhodesia or (a) 1948 C.56. (b) S.l. 1949/140. (c) 1965 C.34. (d) SR. & O. 1925/777, 1931/671, 1939/863, 1941/1121. 1942/1177 (e) 1705 C.14. a Citizen of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and any individual who as regards any matcrial timc aftcr 3 Ist October 1957 and prior to 17th September 1963 was a Citizen of Singapore; (d) Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of any territory for the international relations of which Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, at the material time, responsible. Part II The Fund 3. The Commission shall pay into a fund to be called the Czechoslovakia Compensation Fund (hereinafter referred to as *the Fund") all such sums as may be paid to them by Her Majesty's Government, being sums received under the Agreement and any income arising therefrom. 4. — ( 1 ) Any sums Standing to the credit of the Fund may be temporarily invested by the Commission in such manner as the Treasury may authorise. (2) All interest, dividends and other sums received by the Commission as a resuh of any investment made by them of any sum Standing to the credit of the Fund shall be paid into the Fund. 5. When it appears to the Secretary of State that all payments to be made into the Fund have been made and that all payments which it is practicable to make out of the Fund have bcen made, he may dircct that the Fund shall be wound up and that any sum remaining therein shall be paid into the ConsoUdated Fund. Part III General Provisions Concerning the Establishment of Claims 6. — (1) An application shall not be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before 3 Ist August 1983. (2) An application shall not be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it is made in accordancc with the Rules of the Commission. 7.— -{1) The Commission shall not entertain an application for the purposes of this Order if that appUcation is in respect of: — (a) any claim in respect of which a payment was made by the Commission under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council 19S0(a) as amended (b); or (b) except as provided in Articlc 19 of this Order, any claim in respect of a (t) S.L 1950/1191. (fc) S.L 1951/1166. 1952/348, 1413, 1953/1209, 1902 and 1956/831. bond denominated in any currency other than Czcchoslovak currency; ^'^ SKo'^i^^i^^^^^ ^' ^'^i^^^^ Mortgage Debentures of the :>KUUA WORKS (hmited Company formerly the Skoda Works, Plzen). (2) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 17 of this Order, the Commission shall not emen^ anv Sm r/r '^^ ^ r^^^^' ''^'^' °^^^^' '^'^^' appUcation is in respect S any claim m respect of any property beneficially owned by a corpoVation orr^han'lh^/ uTT^^ "ü^^^ '^' '^^^ ^ ^^^'^ i'^ ^ '^^^'^ orTerriS^ other than the Umted Kmgdom or any territory for whose international relations Her Majestys Government in the United Kingdom wer^ at ?he materia time, responsible, whether or not any of the shareholders iS tha! Corporation, or a majority of them, are United Kingdom nationals, and KÄ^na"^^^^^^^^^^ "^^""^'^ '' ^^'^^^""^^^ ^*^^^'y or'indirectly, by fcnS th?; P""^ application made under this Order shall be determined by not less than two members of the Commission, provided that:— (a) if the aggregate of aUamounts claimed by an appUcant under this Order does not exo^ed £10,000, the provisional determination of the appUcation may be made by one membcr of the Commission; (b) notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this Article, no claim shall be dismissed except upon determination by not less than two members of the Commission. 9. Subjcct to the provisions of this Order, the Commission shaU assess the amount of loss with respect to each claim estabUshed under this Order as mav Thlu^ZV T'?^^' V^^"^ •'^^^^ '^ß^^^ ^^ ^" '^^ circumstances, and shall dismiss each claim which is not so estabUshed. 10. In assessing the amount of loss with respect to any claim estabUshed under this Order the Commission shaU have l^gard to any Sm^^^^^^^ Fund that the person makmg the appUcation or his predecessor in title or any trus ee for such person or predecessor in title or, if the person making the K"c?;?,STf.S£'» -"'^ '"" ■"" '"'"^ ^■"^'""- "-iS^ Ä II.— (1) Wherc any amount which is matcrial to the determination of an under this Order is expressed in a unit of forei^S.rTcncy th^ value in sterlmg of that amount shaU be determined:— "'"^''^y. mc (a) in the case of a debt or obUgation expressed in a foreign currency where the sum .s due or payablc under a contract in which provision is made »or a specified rate of exchange, at the rate of exchange so specified; (b) subject to subparagraph (a), (i) in case of loss assessed under subparagraph (a) o: ic) of Article 20, at the rate of exchange obtaining on Ist NovemU. ;945; (ii) in case of loss assessed under subparagraph (0 of Ariicle 20, at the rate of exchange obtaining on 19th October 1945; (iii) in case of loss assessed with respect to a debt or Obligation created on or after Ist June 1953, at the rate of exchange obtaining on the relevant date; (iv) in case of loss assessed with respect to any other claim established under this Order (other than under subparagraph (d) of Article 20), at the rate of exchange obtaining on the relevant date or 31st May 1953, whichever is the earlier. (2) For the purposes of this Article the rate of exchange between foreign currency and Sterling on any of the said daies shall be deemed to be the middle rate for telegraphic iransfers ruiing in the London market on that date or, if there was no such rate, such rate as the Treasury may determine. 12. If any transfer of property to which a claim relates was efTected in a part of Czechoslavakia under Hungarian occupation between 6th November 1938 and 9th May 1945, or under German occupation between Ist October 1938 and 9th May 1945. that transfer shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Order, to have been null and void if it was effected under fraud or duress or without the consent of the person to whom the property belonged at the date of such transfer. Part IV Claims in Respect of Debts, Bank Balances, Shares, Bonds and other Property Applications Excludedfrom this Part of the Order 13. No applicalion may be made under this Part of the Order in respect of a Pension or contributions towards a pension. Qualifications to Make Application 14.— <1) The following persons shall be quahfied to make application tothe Commission for the purpose of establishing claims under this Part of the Order: — (a) Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of any terriior> for the international relations of which Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom were, on 2nd February 1982, responsible; (b) any person who was a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; (c) any person who on or after 2nd February 1982 has succeeded to the Claim of any person qualified under sub-paragraph (b) above; and (d) a trustee for any person qualified under sub-paragraph (b) or (c) above. ^^)/'^ ^PP'^^^^^ö'^ ^'^dcr this Part of the Order may bc made by a trustcc quahfied under paragraph (1) of this Article or by a bcneficiary so qualified. An appücation by a trustee shaU, however, be cntcrtained by the Commission only in so far as the beneficial interest in the property or in the Claim to which the application relates was, at the material times, owned by a United Kingdom national. (3) If application under this Part of the Order is made by a trustee and by a beneficiary m relation to the same claim, and both the trustee and the benehciary are quahfied under paragraph (1) of this Article, the Commission may entertam the application made by the trustee in preference to that made by the beneficiary, or entertain the application made by the beneficiary in preterence to that made by the trustee. The Commission shall dismiss the application by the trustee or by the beneficiary, as the case may be, which it has decided not to entertain. Property 15.— (1) To establish a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of any property (other than a debt, a balance in a bank, a sharc, an internal bond or a bond of the issue mentioned in Article 19 of this Order), any person making application to the Commission shaU be required to estabhsh to the satisfaction Ol the Commission: — (a) that he is a person quahfied ander Article 14 of this Order to make such appücation; (b) that the property to which his application relates was British at the relevant date; and (c) that by or under any Czechoslovak measure he or his predecessor in title (or, if he IS a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee or the predecessor in title of such person) has before 2nd February 1982 been depnved of title to or enjoyment of the property, and has sufTered loss thereby. f (2) Property shall be deemed to be British property to the extent that it was beneficially owned by a United Kingdom national. Debts and Bank Balances 16.— <1) To establish a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of a debt or a balance in a barik, any person making appücation to the Commission shaü be required to estabhsh to the satisfaction of the Commission:— (a) that he is a person quahfied under Article 14 of this Order to make such appücation; (b) that his appücation relates, either (i) to a debt which is unpaid and which on Ist November 1945 was outstanding from the Czechoslovak Government, a public authority m Czechoslovakia or a person, Corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) resident in Czechoslovakia to: — (A) a United Kingdom national, or (B) a person, Corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) who or which at any time between 3rd September 1939 and Ist November 1945 was resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom; or (ii) to a debt which is unpaid, where he or his predecessor in title (or, if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee or the predecessor in title of such person) has been deprived of the legal right to recover the debt by or under a Czechoslovak measure and was a United Kingdom national at the relevant date; or (iii) to a balance in a bank in Czechoslovakia which is still outstanding and which was held on Ist November 1945 by: — (A) a United Kingdom national, or (B) a person, Corporation, firm or association (other than a United Kingdom national) who or which at any time between 3rd September 1939 and Ist November 1945 was resident or carrying on business in the United Kingdom; or (iv) to a balance at a bank in Czechoslovakia which is still outstanding and which was held on Ist June 1953 by a United Kingdom national and was affected by the Czechoslovak Monetary Reform Law, No. 41, ofthat date; and (c) that he or his trustee is the person to whom the debt or the outstanding balance is owing. (2) For the purposes of Anicle 10 of this Order, the Commission shall assume that debts falling within paragraph (l)(b)(i) above and balances falling within Paragraph (l)(b)(iii) above were irrecoverable on and after Ist November 1945. (3) Where an application could fall within more than one of the sub- paragraphs of paragraph (l)(b) above, the person making application to the Commission shall be required to choose under which sub-paragraph his application shall be treated as faUing. Shares 17. To establish a claim under this Part of the Order in respecl of a share, any person making application to the Commission shall be required to establish to the satisfaclion of the Commission: — (a) that he is a person qualified under Article 14 of this Order to make such application; (b) that he, or if he is a trustee the person for whom he is a trustee, is, or would have been but for any Czechoslovak measure, the beneficial owner of the share; (c) that the share was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, beneficially owned on the relevant date by a United Kingdom national; (d) that the corporation to which the share related was incorporated or constituted under the laws in force in Czechoslovakia; and (e) that he or his predecessor in title (or, if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is trustee or the predecessor in title of such person) has suffered loss in respect of the share as a result of the application of a Czechoslovak measure to the share or to the corporation or any of its assets. Internal Bonds 18. To establish a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of an internal bond, any person making application to the Commission shall be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Commission: — (a) that he is a person qualified under Article 14 of the Order to make such application; (b) that he, or if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee is, or would but for any Czechoslovak measure have been, the beneficial owner of the bond; (c) that the bond was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, beneficially owned by a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; (d) that the whole or part of the loan or obUgation to which the bond relates has not been repaid or discharged. Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59, 4j% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds 19. To estabUsh a claim under this Part of the Order in respect of the unredeemed portion of any bond of the issue known as the "Austrian Government Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934/59, 4\% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds" (also known as the "Austrian Government 4\% Guaranteed Sterling Bonds 1934/59"), any person making apphcation to the Commission shall be required to establish to the satisfaction of the Commission: — (a) that he is a person qualified under Article 14 of the Order to make such apphcation; (b) that he, or if he is a trustee, the person for whom he is a trustee, is, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, the beneficial owner of the bond; (c) that the bond was, or would but for a Czechoslovak measure have been, beneficially owned by a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982. Assessment of Loss 20. The Commission shall assess the amount of loss with respect to each claim established under this Part of the Order and, for this purpose, (a) the value of a debt of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(i) shall be taken to be the principal amount outstanding on Ist November 1945; (b) the value of a debt of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(ii) shall be taken to be the principal amount outstanding on the relevant date; (c) the value of ^ balance in a bank of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(iii) suall be taken to be the amount outstanding on Ist November 1945, but account shall be taken of any withdrawals by or on the Order of the holder from the bank account after that date; (d) the amount of the loss with respect to a balance in a bank of the kind mentioned in Article 16(l)(b)(iv) shall be taken to be the amount by 8 o which the value in terms of the pound Sterling of the balance wa« Tsf Junl^l'g^'f "' «f the Czechoslovak Monetary Reform UwNo 41 of Ist June 953 provided that the Commission shall take into account as reducmg the loss any amount b> which the value in terms oftheDound Sterling of any other balance held by tne person making apo itS to the, or if he is a trustee the person for whöm he i aSee amoun. ol loss respcct to that cla.m shall be deemed to be he specitd .11 one of the preceding subparagraphs of this Ariicle as the case may bc. n-.u.-plied by such factor as the Secreta^ of Semav after consultat.on w.u. the Treasury, determine; ^' ^^ liÜn^K "^ °'^ ^'i ""f"^.' *'°"^ <■" ^"I^" of both capital and interest) by the facto^of 2? "°'"'"'' '""""^ ^"'"^ °*" '^' ^'«"^ "^"^S (g) the amount of loss with respect to a claim established under Anide 19 of tlS!.^r t^K t' ''^^ ^e'"^ °^'^^' P^" °f the cap.tal of or t on the bond. which has not been discharged or repaid. and whose d scharge or repayment was guaranteed by the Czechoslovak Government PartV Claims in Respect of Pensions 21. To establish a claim under this Part of the Order, any Dcrson makin» :? t'co.JS'.Son';-"""""''" "^" ^ '""■""' "' '"^^ " KÄI^S (a) that he was a United Kingdom national on 2nd February 1982; ^^^ IH^ ^!^ application relates to a pension, or to the contributions made by h,m towardsa Pension, is or would be payablc to him bv the Czechoslovak Government or any other pubüc authority in Oechoslo- vakia or by a person, Corporation, firm or association other thana United Kmgdom national) resident in Czechoslovakia; ^'^ hif'beiomino 7\ZtiT "h^""''' ^^^f°^ °^''°"^'- °^'»=' « «^"h of ms Decoming a United Kmgdom nationa . the pavment to him of th«. Pension was stopped, or his future rights to rSceTe paymem of the Pension werc taken away, otherwise than in accordanc? wUh the ules governing the paymcnt of the pension (disregarding for thisDurDose anv change m those mies effected by a CzecLslovIk measfreT as a consequence, whether direct or mdirect, of the application "o any other property of a Czechoslovak measure); and ^ (d) that he is the person to whom the pension is or would be payable. 10 Part VI Payments Out of the Fund 22.-" »p-"«" '"'^ A^VJi'^^^^"^^ '*'^° häs estabUshed a claim under this Order shall have died before the amounts payable to him under Articles 23 and 24 of the Order have been pa.d to him, such payments or the balance thereof shaU be made to SrovMÄ.TfTr'"''^" '^ '^'^ "PP'y '° '^' Commission for pTymem, provided that if the Commission are satisfied that no grant of administration of his estate has been made in the United Kingdom and that the assS of his es?a?e including the amount payable under this Order) do not exceed TS k. va lul the Commission may, at their discretion and subject to such condiüoS Is the Commission think proper, make such payment either to any person who ha! taken out administration in any other pari of the CommonwSth oT to The person who shall appear to the Commission to be the person whobeüiia widower, widow chüd, father, mother, brother or sister of the deceased person would, under the law of England, have the prior righttoa grant of administration of the estate of the deceased person if such deceased oef son had died intestate domiciled in England. ucteasea person nad (3) If any person whose claim has been established under this Order is a mmor at the date when the amounts payable to him under Articles 23 and 24 of his Order are due to be paid, the Commission may make payment thereof in?o the Supreme Court orif the amount thereof does not exceed fS.OOo! 5ito Se ofThe Tr^?t"e; Act Ifestl"'' *?.ir'^''*' '^' "i*"°^ ^"'^^^' ""<»" 'he provisiins ot the 1 rustee Act 1925(a), or, if the amount does not exceed £50, may place the same on deposit in the name of the Commission in any bank för such tiSe as the person remains a minor. ^'^IJuV^^V^''''^ T Pf^ägraph (1) of this Article to a person who has established a Claim under this Order includes a reference to any person who has become entitled to the amounts payable. or any pari of them, in consequence of any assignment or transfer of the benefit thereof and who produces sSch evidence of his title as may be reasonably required by the Commission. K^'T^'^ V^^ payment in respect of each claim established under this Order shall be a fraction of the distributable amount of the Fund equal to the Proportion which the assessed amount of the claim bears to the total of the amounts assessed with respect to all Claims estabUshed under this Order: provided that no such payment in respect of any claim shall exceed the amount of the loss with respect to that claim as assessed by the Commission under this Order. (2) The distributable amount shall be the total of all sums paid into the hund, after the deduction of any payments made therefrom into the Consolidated Fund in accordance with any Order in Council made under section 7(2) of the Fc-eign Compensation Act 1950 as originally enacted and as applied by section 3(3) of the Foreign Compensation Act 1962(1)) (a) 1925 C.19. (b) 1962 C.4. (II & 12 Eliz, 2) 11 o ^'T^^) Whether or not all Claims undcr this Order against the Fund havc been finally determined, the Commission may, at such timc or times as thcy may decide, make from the Fund interim payments to any of the persons who have established Claims under the Order. (2) Interim payments made under the provisions of this Article shall be made: — (a) on account of payments to be made in accordano with Article 23 of this Order, and (b) at a uniform rate upon the assessed amount of the claim. The uniform rate of payment shall be determined by the Commission; for this purpose the Commission shall estimate the total üability likely to fall upon the Fund. (3) For the purposes of the present Article: — (a) a Claim shall be deemed to be established under this Order even though the determination thereof may be provisional and subject to review under the Rules of the Commission; (b) the assessed amount of the claim shall be deemed to be the amount so provisionally determined subject to review unless bcfore the date of payment the Commission shall have made a final determination on review. 25.— <1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Article, the Commission shall, as a condition of the making of any payment to any person under this Order, require him to surrender to the Commission all available documents of title, if any, relating exclusively to the claim to which the payment relates and shall require him to sign and deliver to the Commission a document in such form as the Commission may determine declaring that he renounces all those Claims which he has established under the Order. (2) If the person for whose benefit a payment is to bc made is a minor, the Commission shall, as a condition of the making of any payment into Court or placing the same on deposit under paragraph (3) of Article 22 of this Order, require the person who, in accordance with the Rules of the Commission, has made an application for payment on the minor's behalf to surrender to the Commission the documents of title, if any, under his control relating exclusively to the claim and to sign and deüver to the Commission a document in such form as the Commission may determine declaring that the minor renounces all Claims to which the payment relates; and the document so signed shall operate as a valid surrender by the minor of all such Claims. (3) All documents which are delivered to the Commission under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article shall remain in their custody until the Fund is wound up and the Commission shall then deliver them to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. N. E. Leigh, Clerk of the Privy Council. 12 EXPLANATORY NOTE (This Note is not part of the Order.) This Order provides: — (i) for the determination by the Foreign Compensation Commission of Claims to participate in the compensation received by Her Majesty's Govern- ment from the Czechoslovak Government under the Agreement between the two Govemments signed at Prague on 29th January 1982 on the Settlement of Certain Outstanding Claims and Financial Issues (Cmnd.8557); and (ii) for the distribution of that part of the aforesaid compensation which has been paid to the Commission to applicants who have estabUshed Claims under the Order. iwV..' >,. 13 f STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 1982 No. 1073 FOREIGN COMPENSATIO^ The Foreign Compensation (Crechoslovakia) Order 1982 Pnnted in England by Burge&s & Son (Abingdon) Lid ind published by Her Majestys Staiionery Office 810/82I504P M35 C8 8/82 £2 10ncl ISBN 0 1 1 027073 8 I« I iihi "> rAtOf*» I titttt MM i«Mlh MMMII m a Citizen of Rhodcsia and Nyasalvaki> Compensaüon Fund (hereinafter rcferred to as "the FSd") ÄJhmwS S^^mei*; ?„T^ "" ^'^y> Government, bein« suiTr^J^dS tue Agreement and any tncome ansinc therefmin i»""»! investJ h^h. rr '**°**^ ^ ^ """* **^** ''"°<' °»*y b« temporarily mvested by the Commission m such manner as the Treasuiy may auiJtorisfe (2) >yi interest, dividends and other sums received by the Commission ai • *• ,^^ '» appears to the Secreuiy of Sute that aU paymenU to be made mSe^ufÄTuiThT^tr** '"^^ ^ P-y""" '^•"^•^ " i» pra«.^S?S make out of the Fund have been made. he may direct that the Fund shaU be Part III General Provisions Concernino the Establishment of Claims «.—(1) An appUcation ^shaU not be enteruined by the Commission for the Z!^im ^ '*•'•'*** "*** Coiimission onTSfo« 3lS J^l^ X^^^Ji"} ^^^ "*?* •** enteruined by the Commission for the cSmS *" " ** °** "* «ccordance with the Ruks of the fl'^}^ The Coounission shaU not entertain an appUcation for tbe purpoaes of this Order if that appUcation is in lespect of:— P««pw«a («) any daim in respect of which a payment was made by the Commission ?S2t' r** J^oreign Compensation (Czecho«k)vakia) Order in Coundl 1930(a) «s amended (b); or ^^ (b) except as provided in Articie 19 of this Order, any daim in lespect of a »T ^ -. 4 ^'- . T • i-:! 0 (•) S.L 1950/1191. (k) S,L 1951/1166, 1952/34«, 1413. 1953/1209, 1902 «od 1956/831. • 4 I ■'W7^W /- O.S. ö?a^- 'tA)UÄ> 8 ... \ I ^ ^ Lo b c[.,/»-— 3 r> fe (j «^ C5>T %^ t- •L r> U. c V^ C> M -O-A u ^ i3. ^ r '"-V. \ G—ö-^ 'i a a JÖL 0.. 4e>^^wJLji.«^ V- -^ I ^>*|ji>;i !tp»*»>^"im^mfmmm^ K_ tt: —X.^ ^ 5ia--t^^--^.^ ef.r Mr. Zcct'rrl^s, I vß?? pcrry to hear that ,70 u lieve nodicel you r^re .<^ln^ to rocrlr^ v.lll be vc:- i:ooä Ins-oxar thet your condltion CPU be 002T-cte.iin^- lA-onirtion re.c-etw i o\vf5Vor,es you probBUy knor. I rn v.-oifeing fall nne fJid t: e eeerch rill l)e tirueconi*uninf pnc^ r>or-i:?ly elEO eoiae nore tn^vcaiinc^I do not vant to jeoüGraiU iny Job cmd my reecarch ^iii therefore bc drf»wn out end I only hope thrt the Counni-sion mcy be pereuGded not to caor^e ny file in the nerjitiire, /.s to pn^e 3 oryour lettor ooncrming my siEter I encloße copj of her Propogeu Declr^ior. so thct you should hBve this in your fUe in «y cane my rcsearch ..hould eventuelly prove fruitfta. S Inccrely your-a. ( t o l"^ - ♦. 598 ndi»on <'»rei»,H«« Xoric,K,?;i(K)r;>. Ifrll mth X<>«3. oanftltlon cpn b« oorrccted *ni3 tl.-t :?ou rnd your fr^^lly wUl I h»^r« tri cd to rstufly your letter of April 6th vei7 wrtfülly sj-»d if I unae^r. fs-x.d it corr*>ütly T »J5oa^ ilri't of eil «onoontrrtf. oii fln.Un^- infonaation rtemu^ «lti£ t- ^ plots £*ltuj t«?a ? m«nö tii'L' i>irir.}'^ füll tir.e r>r.(; tj^e rr-rcl. 'rill be^nn-xMr-? rre r^rfdbly elso nn-^rll por^e mcrr *.rt rcTlln^M d- rot v-TUt to j«>pßrr.& I only liope ti r.t «.e CoKTlrrion sirj' be ppzrurdr^ not to dlotp. ray Hl« m -tee rcantiritw «y clntcr : cndonc or>v:r of J^«rj:jrv-p«rj3^j^g^^ ^ th«t you flliould -evc t'cle in your fU© In pv cfv<.<. -v^ rcrcerch «hoiild «vcn tueliy prove fnd.tfiü. <'4 "i/*^ liiccrtaiy 9oinr% i^ »♦ HENRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 (212) 759-94-78 GABLE: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL r April 6, 1983 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: Thank you very much for your letter of March 24th with enclosures. c The eligibility for making a Claim under the current Czechoslovakian Claims program conducted by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission in Washington, D.C. does not depend on whether or not compensation for the identical property was received from the English Foreign Compensation Office. Instead, the basic and currently inescapable test for Claims under the aforesaid Czechoslovakian Claims program is whether or not a specific item of property was ''taken" (or was to be considered as having been ''taken") by the Czech government before or after August 8, 1958. If any item of property was taken before August 8, 1958, no claim can be made under the current program. If it can be shown that such property was taken subsequent to August 8, 1958, and the claimant was a U.S. Citizen at the time of such ''taking", then a claim for the loss of such property, if proven to the satisfaction of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, might be allowed. Applying the foregoing test, it seems to me that a claim for the five items listed in your letter of March 24th cannot be considered promising,. except perhaps for the plots around the parish With respect to the contents of the Castle (Schedule IV) it appears from your late father^s handwritten Statement that the major part of the furniture and other contents was removed during the Nazi occupation, apparently by the Germans . Since this occupa- tion ended in 1945, the loss did not only occur long before 1958 but also did not occur as a result of "taking'' by the Czech govern- ment. To that extent, the claim would fail on both these grounds. Page 2 1 t According to your father's Statement, the remain- ing Contents of the Castle were held by the State (obviously referr- ing to the Czech government) with no Intention on the part of the State to return the same. Your father's Statement was dated April 20, 1949 and his signed Statement under the said date must thus be taken as an admission that confiscation by the Czech authorities had occurred not later than some time before April 20, 1949. I cannot See any possibility, therefore, for now trying to prove that the remaining contents of the castle remained in your family's possession and control through August 1958. Regarding the contents of the dwelling houses and Service flats, it seems clear that these houses and flats themselves were taken by the Czech government at some time prior to February 16, 1954. Is there any basis for contending and proving that when the houses and flats were confiscated, the contents of the same were left in the possession and control of your family, be it of family members or of local persons in possession and control on their behalf? Only if we could make and prove such a contention and could also show that such family control and possession of the contents lasted at least through August 8, 1958, would we have a Chance to make a claim for these items. With respect to shareholdings and working capital, your father's handwritten Statements made under date of April 20, 1949 would seem to make it clear that **taking" by the Czech government occurred before that. This will preclude a claim under the program now pending in Washington. Regarding the plots situated around the parish, we would have to be able to show that they were not "taken" by the Czech authori- ties at the time when the other property then claimed in England was taken. Do you have any idea, or can you find out^ why these plots were not included in the valuation prepared for the English Claims Office? Perhaps the appraisers may have had something in their files based on which they found that this particular property had not been taken by the Czech government prior to February 1954. If some such material should be available and we could then further show that there was still no "taking" by the Czech government for some additional time through August 1958, there might be a Chance for claiming these properties , as- sumin^ they can be deemed included among the property items listed by you on the claim form filed in Washington. On this Claim form you seem to have claimer» one item which was not inherited from your father or from Hortense Adler (who was she?), but from Walter Kunz, namely the "Linde" property. I assume that this latter property was not a subject of the British claim proceeding. Is this correct? Would it be possible to show with respect to the "Linde" property that it was not yet taken by the Czech ■■» M mm4tMmM Page 3 9 government as early as at the end of the second World War, but remained in the possesslon and control of Walter Kunz or your- self through August 1958? Did the "Linde" property figure in any other proceeding, be it in England, Germany or the United States? Lastly, it seems that most of the properties claimed by you figured in the Claim proceeding instituted by Mrs. Erica Simon under the earlier Czechoslovakian Claims program administered by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. I would like to take a look at the decisions rendered on Mrs. Simon 's Claims. Do you happen to know the file numbers of Mrs. Simon 's Claims? If not, I could probably, although not with certainty, obtain copies of'the decisions from the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission directly. I do not want to impose on you by making you give me your answers and comments in writing. It will probably be simpler for you to do so on the telephone. At any rate, at least for the moment, your verbal response would be sufficient for present purposes. Ö Sincerelyjyours, HJZ : rs Vsrc* ^4th 19 ^^?i 598 &i^^ifH>Tt AY€^^Ke^ X6jrkt»tY^ 100 MW 0 c <* I found ««Itlngr for ae on ay retuiTi ixoK. London, th« dÄtftilr, E« diod in 1357 and I *> not Änow v)mt occrarred fifter -ttiet with our pix>pcrty« Uniortunfitely I Iir'vp not kept up ccntftot td^ enyoae In Csechoflovfjct«. 1) C^atentc of e»'+1# («cö-ftdule IV) yorvi^-:! fn»;.ir?' 6jurdr.-if,n Zor^ti^n di*tcd Fe^, in*» 1954) 3) Ploti^ ritiißtcd In s »td rToiir>fi '>rTl«a^ enr^rinc pn rrr;:* nr^pA-ix. 6^0*0 ir/r,tpe»r (ine***- >f of ^^-snr^i^ <^ Tpltirtion rtr<1r fcr Porti rn ClitiEr Coiszi ■ r l^n Tw>ndon rjf tr^ l.o y*l:ol -UnfTs in czccharloTßV' oofflpc rJL«« {rc*.e(»iilo T) 5) ^OTiilrc crpltrl (ftf -.^vl© I) the •«glfltretlon of Brltlrf: 0«i«« r iXip^rty d«i.:d Apjil yitt, 1949, and I «neCLoffe ftchear^os IT,V^3i^ A I0O cnclored Pre pfee« 4,1?,! 3 of Riport en& ▼•luf'ton isade for the ?or«lcil Cleia.n •osircl r«nion London ©ad «tepy öf Adjuacrtion dfct«d ?«l» ICtfc 1054 whlch the Britinh Amthorlcicü eent to the Forci«» Cliine ßettlÄWitn Couanicßlon In '^:ovhinstoa. In oonnectioii wltti ssy e^irtem caRln», (Mr«» Brlcc' nioon). I te not matt to you ulth deti^ll «orte 4) before it is known wether there cre nny posmlbllltles, Ple€.s»e let rae know yoxir evaluatioi* and thexxk ycu very much for ycur effort, Sincearely youre O o ZSU'SLS - CI3 1^X61 VINVATASNNad VlHd73aVlIHd ariNHAV 3Nn axd ^m •3MI '03 OMiHsnand :»)ivk March ?4tJi 19 Ö2; Henry J» S^ cheriact'Söq^ Wecker, ZöCherlF?n * Cohen Attoxneyc enä CotmeellorB at law 59S llt^^Bon Ävcs^^l^ew Yoi*:t^^T. 100??^ v> € O Dmop Sr Z&ch&riaa, thank you vejy mucäi for your letter of Teb, ?Oth f*ich I found i^&iting for me on oy return fron london. My faiaier took c«re of sdl the buelne?«? end legal mettere for the fenily,ae tie ,of courB©,T>-es femiliar wlth the detellß. He dled in 1957 end I do not know wlißt occurrcd after that idth our property. ünfortunctely I have not kept up oontact iflth enyonc In Czechoalovskia. It apperm tliat eeveral items were not corapen • eatedt 1) Contents of «estlG (sdicdrlc IV) 2) Contents of dweiiin^ hourer end rcnlce flets (pe^c 12 * 13 of Report of Vrlnetlon mede for ItoreifB CleisiR eonid.$3rion Ionr?on datcd Feb, Ifth 1954) 3) 3?lotfi plturted in e nd cround pprish covering an bt^b ppprox» 60.000 m/evcpeT (pe^c 4 of Heport «■ Valur^tion nräf. for Foreign Claims Conmisrion London dnted Fob. Ißth 1954) 4) Sht rcliol din^s in cze<*iO!?lovpk conqpanieß (achedule V) 5) Forklng CRpittl (scbedule X) The fcchedulec pigned by my fpiJier rre t>p.rt of the Begißtration of British Owned Property dated April ?Oth 1949, and I cncloee echedulec I?,V,x» A l«o endored ai-e ppcreo 4,1?,13 of Report and Valuaton luadc for tte fbrei^n Clf.ins Ooisnlcj^ion London end eopy of ild^udicrtlon Jcted Feb l6tJi 1954 which tJie British Atxthorltieo eent to the Foreign Cletes SettL oaenta Coranißsion in Washington In oonnectlon witai ny elaters »ir »ff ort, Siacerfily yours o o ZSLL-8LS ' <^\Z KI6I VIiS[VATASNM3d VlRdTHOVlIHd aoNHAV ausn axd ^m HENRY J. 2ACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADtSON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 (212) 759-94^76 CABLE: 2ACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL February 22, 1983 c Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa, 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: o In Order to inform myself a bit more clearly as to what exactly was claimed by you in the pending proceeding before the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the U.S. , I asked the Commission to send me a copy of your claim. I have now received the desired copy and was somewhat upset to learn that in your very claim dated May 10, 1982 you answered with respect to all properties claimed the question about the ^'date the property was taken^' with ^'end of World War T\ This very answer, unless it can be shown to have been given in error, would constitute an admission on your part that the proper- ties involved were not taken by Czech authorities as late as sub- sequent to August 8, 1958. This means that, unless an error is shown, your claim would fall on the basis of this very admission. I note that the claim involves properties situated in five differ- ent locations: Bartosovice; Karlsbad; Novy Jicin; Senov and Nachod. Coulo it be that at least one or the other of these properties was not taken *'at the end of World War 2" but was taken only much later such as some time after August 8, 1958? Please make an effort to think hard and search hard. I would very much like to be able to teil the Commission that we will pursue the Claim at least with respect to one or the other property if not all of them. But I would not be able to wait too long. If you, or your friends or attorneys in England or Czechoslovakia are un- able to help me soon, I would probably have no choice but to teil the Commission eventually that we are unable to pursue the matter further. For the moment, I hope for a little luck. With best wishes. HJZ : rs '7 Sincerely yours^ Henr^-jL Zacharias i HENRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 (212) 759-9478 GABLE: 2ACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL February 22, 1983 j o Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. Dear Mrs. Kunz: 19082 In Order to inform myself a bit more clearly as to what exactly was claimed by you in the pending proceeding before the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the U.S., I asked the Commission to send me a copy of your claim. I have now received the desired copy and was somewhat upset to learn that in your very claim dated May 10, 1982 you answered with respect to all properties claimed the question about the date the property was taken" with "end of World War 2". This very answer, unless it can be shown to have been given in error, would constitute an admission on your part that the proper- ties involved were not taken by Czech authorities as late as sub- sequent to August 8, 1958. This means that, unless an error is shown, your claim would fail on the basis of this very admission. I note that the '^laim involves properties situated in five differ- ent locations: Bartosovice; Karlsbad; Novy Jicin: Senov and Nachod. Coula it be that at least one or the other of these properties was not taken "at the end of World War 2" but was taken oniy much later such as some time after August 8, 1958? Please make an effort to think hard and search hard. I would very much like to be able to teil the Commission that we will pursue the Claim at least with respect to one or the other property if not all of them. But I would not be able to wait too long. If you °J/°1''' friends or attorneys in England or Czechoslovakia are un- ' able to help me soon, I would probably have no choice but to teil fS^tSr^^^"""" eventually that we are unable to pursue the matter For the moment, I hope for a little luck. With best wishes. Sincerely youps^ HJZ : rs HenrjL-JL Zaittarias HENRY J. 2ACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTOHNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N . Y. 10022 (212) 759-9-4-78 CABLE: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL February 4, 1983 • c Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: I am encloslng for your Information copy of the letter just received from Robert L. Maddex, Esq. , attorney at the ?T i^! 2 *^^ Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States. <• +^1 u "^ ^^^^^ "^^ letter of January 14th and our subsequent telephone conversation what we would have to prove in order to have any chance for some, however limited, success. I hope ' tn^? Jv''^ forthcoming trip to England will give you an opportunity to look for suitable evidence. ^^> ^u ^^ y°^ ^"?y' ^ would be very interested in seeing copies of the Claims filed in England so that I can form an idea as to the properties, the loss of which had been claimed. If the English ?;jv ?H '7^^" making awards , should have specified the reasons for the awards involved (i.e.. if the decisions should have speci- fically mentioned the properties for which compensation was paid and the properties for which no compensation was paid), I would also be helped by being able to see such decisions. +h^ M ^ ?°?®^^^^^-^ ^^^^ ^^^^ something further from you before the May Ist deadline now granted will have lapsed. With best wishes. Sincerely ypurs, HJZ : rs ENGL. ry .J.y Zacharias f U.S. Department of Justice Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States Washington, D.C, 20579 February 1^ 19 83 »' c t I Henry Zacharias, Esquire Fischer^ Zacharias & Cohen 59 8 Madison Avenue New York^ NY 10022 Re: Claim No, CZ- 2-0301 Hanna Kunz Dear Mr. Zacharias: This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 19 83^ and the letter from Mrs. Hanna Kunz authorizing you to represent her in the above matter before the Commission. Your name has been entered as counsel of record with respect to this Claim. 25, / ( \ While I can understand the need for additional time in order for you to undertake research on this Claim, it must be noted that the Commission contacted Mrs. Kunz in September of 1982 concerning the need to document her claim. Then, at the end of December after speaking with you about the matter, we agreed to delay action until after February 1, 19 83. However, we will grant another extention of time, until May 1, 19 83, in order to provide ample time to obtain some basis for considering this claim eligible for compensation under Public Law 9 7-127. As you are familiär with the Commission* s procedures, you know that even if an unfavorable determination is reached initially on a claim, there is an opportunity to object to the decision or petition to reopen a claim which has become final, providing that the objection or petition is made in a timely manner. Very truly yours. Robert L. Maddex, Attorney Office of the General Counsel HCNRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORN£YS AND COUKSÄLLORS AT LAW 59a MAOISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. I0022 (t12) 7B9-0<47a CABLC: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUet PISCHCR COUNSCL January 23, 1983 n I /7^ y Foreign Claims Settftftnieat Coinmlsaloa of the United States \Cashlngton, D.C. 20379 Re: Claim «STo. C2-2~0301 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 4 Atta: Robert L. Maddex, Eaq. Hent lernen: before your Coramission with ro.spect to the same. cern Kunz I consider It a8 roy primary task in renresenting this Client to undertaJce a search ol pertinent records and to seek such other Information as may be obtainable, all in an oflort to determlne ^hether any of the property items claimed herein, or any part of the «ame, was talcea by the Csech Government subsequent to August 8, 1958, so as to raake my dient eliglble to ciako a Claim under the prograra currently adrainistered by you. ™4Ti i^®w^^®f? *° ^*^' "y foregolng effort will take tinve and I will only be able to try to undertake it if your COmmission can see fit to allow me a very liberal araount of time, enabling me to engage in the conteraplated search. My primary reauest is therefore to ask your Commlssion to allow rae the maximura aipount of time tbat it may see fit to graut roe. I sincerely hope that the foregoing request will receive your favorable consideration. Tho papers thus far made available to me by my Client do not include a complete copy of the Claim form filed herein. Could r< / ä Page 2 € V V., V. I Impose on you by asklng you to send me a xerox copy of the Claim? I would be very grate ful to you for doing so, A letter of authorlzatlon duly signed by the clalmant is enclosed herewith as evldence of my authority to communicate with your Coranission on her behalf • v:;--v >ir • ^ Very truly yotirs. Henry J. Zacharias HJZ: Encl \ / Q ) /' > ^:y>;v -j •■^>;».rK'»e- • :.*■ ^' ^^.t#^A*i.%' ^^ir* .^ ' H . ^••.!r ■ ►*" 4 - « -^ • • • *^ • .* ... • • . ..' • ^ *- . •*". ■; •.. * ' ' • " ;-^ * • • ••• • •• * - V. ., .. ' • %- «f i: • • N \ MRS. hanna:. kunz • 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, PA. 19082 United States of America January N^ 1983 j J if • I-*' 1 Foreign Claims Settlement Consnission of the United States Waaliington, D.C/ 20579 Re: My Claim No. CZ-2-0301 Gent lernen: .« V Kindly be advised that I have retained the Services of Henry J. Zacharias, Esq. to represent rae before your Commiösion -in connection with my above captioned Claim. <. will, therefore, constitute my authorization of Mr. Henry J. Zacharias to commiinicate with your Commission .hereafter on my behalf and to receive from you any Information and copies of anyrecords pertaining to my case as he may seek to obtain in furtherance of his Services herein. V Very truly yours, Hanna' i Kunz ^ « » I / u I'>"r, Zacharias, Uä^^^ r . o J just returnod from a Short trip to the U.K. and am glai to say that lAjeiiui« !.o have come acrof?a flve positlons for wMch t compensation has not teen paid by the British Porei,o-n ComT^ensation Corainission in the 1950s, ' ^ T _ I shall need some time-to-f^et to the bottom of those opeiji clairas, which I describe below, and we shall therefore rather despesately need an fextfenfeion from the May dead-line as I an working in a störe aifi my tirae for research, which may be connected with more travelllns, is limited if I do not v/ant to' .jeoDardi^e my 30b. You wiWtffnoed much more Information than I can five yoa at t:iis moment for handling those Claims. It appears that no compensation has been paid for :- ^^ (1) 1» # (2) 1 f (5) ?^/ /. X c Content;: of the Castle (see enclosiires : Schedule IV, aM list oompiled by my Mother and Father shortlv after their , . >, escape). [ cU^Iäa^ a. '^ ' o..^^ », ^^eiz. ^.^<9. y,^ %>j2..ji.JLx.JU TXT,- H^ Contents of Dwellinf; Houses and oervice Fiats " '^' (see pages 12 and 13 of Report niid Valuation raade for the , British Coramission on 16 Pebruary 1954), '•' Plots situated in and around parish, covering an area of ' approx, 60,000 ra/super which, for some reason or other were not xncladed in the very large acrage of the estate. I (See page 4 of XxiiixtiHH Report and Valuation made for the Brxtish GonTuiission dated February 16 1954, and also Schedule I signed by my fathor). (4) Shareholdings in csl. companies (soe ochedule V, o-i >'ned by my Pather^as all Schedules are), (5) Wörking capital (See Schedule t) ^-irtTno^ hy „Tr-Pp+h^r) , .r :^} ^"^^"^ enclcse f^r ynnr Inf nrmatiiim» copy of the adjacati(t)n dated 16 iehruary 1954 which the British authorities sent to the Poi-eign Claims Settlenent Commission in V^ashing-^on in connection witte^mY^ sister's Claims (T.Irs. Erica Simon). X Further I enclose copy of the clain filed in Britain on April 20, 1949, together with 1t% attacheqi Schedules, althoug]|i T >int^ to bother vou '.v-itii nii thjj^^Jirv^'^T'i .^nß. -^m^^" ^ e p? IBaä£ of the relevant ■ '^ '"^XljZZ"^!^'^^^^ "^ ° "^^ "^1?^."^^^: the iQtx before v/e laiow'f&^t is. worth while. ^ '^ cC^o K:::'::::±Dx?:±yE:cxHiC'ÄHxitRKxiafx±kÄXXxtKR±xHfxikKXHri|?±Hai:-EiaiK^ k^ Just to give an idea of the general sise of things, • •tffar-np rlP.Qnir^.p+j n^ nf f,\^i^ nny^fr^y^fp^ p-^ tbeTTn^ wfeieii X :> was purchased by my ^;randfather in 1900 together with antiques of every kind to w ich ma:^'3'- additions were m^ade by the follov/inr;! .J^s:^^-^ generations so that the 4Q room Castle was comfortably adjusted to cater to rather grond entertaining, elegant himting p'artios, 2tc. I do not HfiB^xibH want to repeat myself — bat before golig to any offioial trouble, I must have time to check v;ii*Bii^^dfcke_^ | II . \ ,"-^\'- into the above imjixiä/uncompensated positions and will need tinle for it. \ C> HAITNA : The relevant papers please staple on to this=letter fdr easier working bat do not fordet to mark Schedale IV on the Gic.e v/here it says that *Jo::k^ contents have been removed daring Gern^an occupation "am not at all sure that, this v/as the cas,e and am trying to iBHkx±H±H check* i-fe4Wi:^ *L^? a o \ V Jt. V?lien talkini^g : O 'S Mention that yoii intend to file for x3shxx the imoompensated clkimi in Britain - provided that they prove to be 'v/ell founded, bat ksh hK they may not acccpt yoar claim becaase yoa wre a US citiae^ Yon. also i'eel ■]jo\x may get more in the US ! EXPLAIIT YOIIH PLIGIIT PAPERS PROI.i PAREITTS OP PIAVING TO LOOK THROUGH ÜUITCA.-JT^S Oi^ t t *> y i Hessischer Rundfunk Anstalt dfs öffentlichen Rechts 6 Frankfurt/M. . Bertramstr. 8 Abt.. r Frankfurt o. M., den . . 1 3.a.1 ? . 1 968 1 Archivwesen/Pilmarchiv \j Lieferschein Nr. z 2276/68 Encyclopaedia B^ltaiijhica Herrn DroWoWolf Prankfurt/Main Zell 113 € Sie erhalten heute durch Boten J c E Ul 1 Karton Filme (s einliegenden Lieferschein) Dieser Karton kam irrtümlich vom Bayerischen Rundfunk zu uns Mit freundlichen Grüßen 1 Die Sendung besteht ous Paket (en) / Kiste (n) / Päckchen Fornn 59020 300 Bio 6x25 Bl. 8/68 A/? ^5^52> //AA//V/) K\At^Z fAMIL^ CoLL^iaArjo»^ - ?t^% (%>m 6/«^«.- o^&SHt\L ctAXM^ 'i^o- /c)Lv Vö CS '/ ^ en p ova t^evAo -n l VvvvtLV" ^/ .«■ w.* ■ ■■ 'S J 0~\A K" V %^\r Ov^ CL^^ (?V^ M -K , fU*— AAVö-^ Vi t-u'. l\.C\e.:., /r^ yivu M Lcu. , / I I i <. ^ ^ON^^^ Gn^j^^^^ cru ?V>R ,eA'^^ a .£> t/.' t^. u CiuctM^ vT^i. V^^ t^^"^^ ^^^^^ Bü ^ Organisation < CC>i-r lEITZ ^^-»-^••••Ä mmmmmri mm ftmi^mtmmrmmm rmmm^^i^ i' «■■VaMHmMMNI«! / Dr^Oskar CEaesowlczka Prah» V#- Maieelova ?• o Prat^tSO.unora 1950« Tltl. Krajolsy nirodni vybor fl,1f vec praviieti leaiuho objektu Dr*Ä»Cs:ec2;owlczkjt podla z^k.ct 46/48 ob« 0 8 t r u. Y S ri I \i%r Dyiq IS^t.ra« obd3''Xel Jaen Va5e horojäi adelenl za dne^t#r# dne 16.1*19r>0a V zaatouponi pana Dr •^Vrthura Czacaowiczky jsdra nuo^sm podati proti Vaäerai ßdSleni vcetne uvedenr:5ho vyitieru tento p / roskladtpripadno odrolrni : MaleJhitosti cit.T-jmSni joou naspr ivne a to : !•/ VlastnikeTi pudy neni Jak Tyrnev uvadi •• Dr#iirtur Czeczowic^ka a spol. ßartosovice •• nybrz je^jiE xnajitelem ryhradne Je i)r« Arthur Czeczowiczka t#c.v Londyne,brltßky obcan • 2« / Citovartj^ vymer Okresnfho narodnfho vyboru v Tovem Jicine 5j. 611-1 V3-iy49 ze dne i31*IV.1949 majiteli nikdy doruceny nebyl^ Dorucen byl vymer OkresniMu nirodnima vyboru v i;ovexn Jicine 0,611/09 -fc5 Ü9/4 -1949 ze dno l'j.V.1949,l:teri räak Okrebnlm naroanLn vyborom byl zrusen vyruerem Ü IC V t Nov. Jicine C.J •61l/08-^9/4-194V-lX ze dne 5Ü.9. 1949pdorucenyin dne 13#>:*1949 a tanto vymtr pak doplnen byl daläim vyme- rem zn. i 611/0Ü-29/4-1949-IX ze dne 4.XI.1949* Toto doplneni doru- ceno bylo az 9#XI#1949 • • 8 - 5. / Plocha ryra?r«m c.J. 611/08-29/4-1949-IX B« dne .^0.IX.1949 * ' vymcreju zn. 61l/08-:a9/4-1949-lx zn dn© 4.11.1949 rtotcena n«5lnf y^. «^ ■Iru celkovS uTeden^'ch 84 ha , Tiy"br2 Tyroeru 50 ha r ka,tAz9mi Barto- SoTlce a k tomu 91,. 0652 a 0.2282 » 91.i®34 v kat.uaorji öodlnlce , • tedy dohromadj»- 141.2934 ha.. 4./ Dotycny pozemkovy naj«tek l«sni asi 84 ha neleSi y kat.iiatmf BArto'ovice a 8«dlnic«,nybrz Jen täedlnic« • 5./ Senf spxavni4 2e Krajeky narodni vj^bor dal vlaatri£ku reap.aÄjite- « ■ 1 11 ku dni 1.X.1949 dno 29. IV. 1949 pod cj. 611/08 vy'povcd* z hoO|>odarö- nf ,coz tak^ vyevfta z toho,?e vymery Okreanlm narodn/m vyfcorcm t ^OT.Jicane vydany hyly a5 30. IX. ^4. 7.1. 1949. 5./ Je zfcJm'^jSe nedoruceny ▼yraer Okresnfho Karodn£ho Vyhoru v Kot. J- ema» Jicxn^ cj.eil-14/ä -1949 « riz ^./-nemüÄe byti vykomitelny,n«bot* oiolnoBtize mejitel se protl nadorucaneiaui vymeru neodvolalfOainossr »S nemujfe oddüvoc^niti jeho vykonatelnost» ?•/ DoTolu.U sl r.nova upozorriittzle se v dan^m pfipade Jedna o z delskv a lesni majetektktttry majlteli doi^oaurt r«atituoTrin nebyl^ . *. j3?ui>oz tudi?; V jeho drzbe nan£ a zakon c#46/48 3b# onovö po«#rafor-*v iipe podle j 1 od8t.9 se vztalmjö Jan na drüitejlö j^ady , i&däim na tomto to 2aklad*^aby tento majetek anl die z-ik.c.HöAs ob. pravzat nabyli aTaak majitall uhrazan byl podle akutecn^ hodnoty ku dni 28#9*1949, kdy t .zT.nahradovi doVioda podepsana byla ziaocnenc^ Ceskosloyeneke republlky a Völk4 Iritanie. /» ^ # V dokonale uctf; : ▼ plne inoci. i \^^ hU h »■■» P ^^-^^^c, MüQ. ai. kof i?r^ a^ a t>?jyt i iMl' <. 17X7 ■^n» ,^,_.. !jfe^ • i » /' OFFICE CÖPY 1 I* In tiM High Court oT Justice •f IT K^IOWN dNt nATHu«. CxcciowiczKA n.(»S^iAJu^yjsfi^ N.U.C «t- t Oft Ihm flow r§tMM oiit Ol Engisfid AND SE IT FURTHER KNOWN thtt it tht dttt htrtunder wiitttn Lttttr« of Adminittntlon of •II tho otcat« whkh hf law dcvoivtt to tnd vtm In tht ptftonal f^prttcntatlv« of thc stid Intesute wcre frtncod ^ tht High Court of Justkt et tht Prindptl Probttt Rtf Istty thtrtof to dj^jj^ jo.c.^ -Lcc^^ frtntod hjr tht High Court of Justkt it tht Prindptl Probtt< tht Itwffui ittomtjf of tht tald j4^U%4%it ^Cm^vv ^ä4*^ U'^'^C^ 4Ji*^ ^ ^i\iH*i ust »nd btntfH tnd untll otaln Utttrf of Afdfninistrttloft of tht tstatt of tht sald Inttststt. MSv K tm tVi9|r X^MAf thall appl/ fbr and * Ulf f I - iw- 1 <«r«icMWt»ti« THIS IS TO CERTIFrTHAT THIS IS A COPY OF THE ORIGINAL PRINCIPAL PROBATE REGISTRY. OCTOBER 27TH, 1992 ^^^p^M^yC^^U /T^ ^ J Ua NOTARIAL SEAL LOUISE K NEWBY. Notarv Public Newrown Sauare. Delaware Co *^^^^^^^-^^-ii^£12ILSiE:[iS Jan 27 ioq3 u 4 K ^^K^ ^^U U,^ ^Ofij(^^i^Wo WÜf-^^ ^uM- ^-^H i^^^ S\ ^""T ß.^ tA o: ö-i^ W ^ö«fl/' Ots 'pc'-^/^^^^^"^^f- , ; ^jo^ß^ V u c Wv ^^ £4uv/.w^^^^^r f S Cav^^^v^ c.^<:, io^o^o^^^^ ^ M VW.V+-; ^>hh"-^ v^ .? /^ / ( ^ V > » ( li J^ai noV ):^'r^>LL ;^XiidW '^9m M9 •jj 'xx/ii »rf*iJ4.'JiJ clot^. rfoJt tor^^' H'^Tfti nnirnJ-e - ^iffT tocTBrc^ß smon ^^ftiRr-^ ^ol ? itollnc' entrchllcrne.ob Ich otwp. im.. , '-eht .ehr weni, .„. .^It a., i ! 1";^ ^r""^ .-i^un.en. ^. '7"* keine ;.on.o.,«> „,^.r .«henv 1 ":" ^^"^ ""^' '"^1 «be^ Sie h.t <,e„.^,^. elfen.oln.„^T/" , ™ ''"^*'-'^-'-" " l^t. "^ letzten .„n^en ,,,,, ^^'^^ ;"";-* <'- .ein V.ter i„ .^ . ''«'-.V.Ol*. f«^.r nie de v.^I-T f " "" ''™ ^"* ^-"'• v,er... .lel^eriaom^rtdickuna \ '- XXjtv.'rnrlf wpr. Kr, irt rehr tirvric ärf; Urirb^ndorliche plötr-lich vor ''tif-fn CT pehcn und den könnenden ^orltirt rv rmtfren^ Vorige Vvocihe ist plötrlic!' 'rcM-' ' t Ihil 'velrs r<^rtor- bcn, in N.Y, ,(lGr neine Pprt-ci^.enciorfrr rinri ch tr nc cntvo rf on hrt wie ich heirrtetc,Er hpt rieh hier dncnriiten Tmen pln Bitcl ilur- tr^>tor reriFclit,tmtcr pnclcrm hrt er drr T^ch von President Kennedy illurtttert "Profil er in Cov.vrcT» tmd hrt ricli eine ^i-mr.e Rerlrruai Twirrr>v>.rv.^±o>mmc€'n P3n'.'or^!cn,rov;o'-J. 1 irr rlr pvich von der ©rteiw reichirchen 5ef-i<^runr,rpilrr nit reinen lil crr: von 9, dän Frert- denverl-ehr - fdfTäert hrt. Ich vemirre Jede?^ rchr,prr,2ich^ Tv^it benton Tttnrcl^cn An Sie imd Ihre PrmiliG ." 'i v^ I . M i ,,t \ / ( Octt 30th 1983^ Dear Hanne f »y beßt wiöhes were send ecross the ocejiint in thought onlyton your birthday as I was prevented from writlng to you by the severe illness of n friend ^»ho is much improved now# There le not much new this aidefthank Godf I work Gvery dey cxcept week-endSf^o to the thef^tretmu?eums| take my execlse clasnee and time ±b elways too short» I see a little more of Erica who iß now retired but (Jilao ilrsys terribly buBy» Are you in touch with Bvy? Please giVB her my best wishea for her bitthday ae I,unfortuni?tely, do not heve her prepent addreee and I am oui'e both of you v;ere in contact v^dth Paul the third Geburt et agßkind» I hear that Mariella iß improving and con- templnting a visit^I think it is phantestic what progreao she is making ae broken bonea usuelly take a good year to heal# I hope that you and Stefie are keeping vrell and occupied with plensurable persuits and I am aednig my love to both of you « 1. .^.M. *jS . mtam Eva Novotnl Krocincva 3 liO üü Pr:ugufc PAR AVION 1 06.00 L. .J >Mrs kaiiiio. K u n z uanwcody vüla^e Apt C^'üg M^vrtn S(n]HrF: Pa 1097S USA III üfc. -fc< II II ♦. i geb. Adlor Schoenau 20,2«l893 Irma London 22. II, 195^ siehe eigenen Fragebogen KUNZ geh. Czeczcwiczka 25. !• 1917 Wien Hanna 1923 1927 1932 1927 1932 1936 Wien I, Hei^elgasse Deut.sch Wien VII ReaTf^yinn. Albertgasse Wien !• Frauenober schule i)eut:ich l>eut«ch SIMON geb. Czeczowiczka 20.8.1918 Wien l^rica 1925 1929 1930 1929 1930 1935 Dc»it-jch Wien I« Hegelgasse Wien VII ^^ealgymn Albertgasse Wien VI, Frauenverein Margare tenguertel Deutsch Deutsch I I I Kunz, Hanna Upper Darby, la,^ USA (Name u. Anschrift des Erklärenden) Verfolgter: P.S^.^A. v Cz e C ZO Wl C zka Ik iwKw^ Berlin 5.5., den...24 .. . Janu^^^ (Ort, Datum) An Herren Rechtsanwälte Dr . . A . Boba s c h u Dr • G ij^u sh London E.G. 4 Fragebogen zur Volkszugehörigkeif ) Ich habe — a^=VeffalpBr — als Erbe des Verfolgten .J)X.nA.ti.Qz.^.Q.Z.QMX.Q.ZK^ — Entschädigung nach dem Lastenausgleichsgesetz in Verbindung nnit der 11. LeistungsDV-LA (11. LDV) beantragt. Mir ist bekannt, daß eine Entschä- digung im Rahmen dieser Vorschriften nur in Betracht kommt, wenn der Verfolgte zu Beginn des Verfolgungszeitraumes deutscher Staatsangehöriger oder deutscher Volkszugehöriger war. Meine bisherigen Angaben im Hauptantrag LA 2 ergänze ich wie folgt: I. Zur Person des Verfolgten 1. Staatsangehörigkeit ab Geburt: ^ i o) von Geburt bis : .V.'O...'. c) von bis ^^A»>jw«w..i...^..'?..: b) von 1!\J1 bis il.':^.!.: H X,!.:-..., d) von bis : t 2. Stöndige Aufentlialte (Woiinorte) a) von Geburt ^'^ "^ bis b) von .^...^ bis c) von , bis d) von :....i bis e) von bis f) von .' bis \ ^ M ^ g) von bis .... h) von .?..... bis i..>?:..T;.T>.. n n in in in n n m Tc-^, u- oy^A.:^ w, \ \J-^\^\ % ' • ' '^ ■■'■ ><.v "K^U :,'U\ 'Tl ;• r"} •'" ■V r ^•^— > > Bitte genaue Daten eintragen! i t W 3. Sprachen o) Muttersprache: b) Bevorzugte Sprache (Umgangssprache) innerhalb der Familie^): c) Umgangssprache außerhalb der Familie 2): d) Welche Sprachen beherrschte der Verfolgte außerdem ')? ^....^...r.^*^.l*.t.?r.>..i X ^^<^^^:Jv, ^idxS..d .<-* 4« Schuibesuch a) Volksschule b) Höhere Schule c) Hochschule (Universität usw.) d) von bis l^ ...!f:.t!:->.A:*:.V r...;-......-...-.. :... ;s>S:?....{..A.'b-.i.^: f-^^^ < "- ^ nVv /^o-o>^ 0^1 Ö^. .V. ' \ « « '■■'"-' V-. - % .(Wyv. t A \ Jv 6. Zugehörigiceit zu Vereinen (Zeitraunn, Vereinsname, Zielsetzung, Ort des Vereinssitzes) '): fLXj^-^^^ W'\ („^ \ ^ 7. Mit welchem Volkstum bzw. welcher Muttersprache hat sich der Verfolgte ggf. bei einer Volitszählung eingetragen? 8. Zugehörigkeit zu politischen Parteien (Zeitraum, Partei, Ort)^): 9. Besuch kultureller Veranstaitungen, z.B. Theater, Vorträge, (Veranstalter, Ort der Veranstaltung, Vortragssprache) 2): 10. Welche Zeitungen und Zeitschriften wurden regelmäßig gelesen (Name der Zeitung und Sprache, in der sie erschien) 2)? 11. Welche Bücher und in welcher Sprache waren im Hause des Verfolgten vorhanden oder wurden sonst gelesen (ggf. auch Leihbücherei, Lesezirkel usw., ongeben) ^j? •V. ■C-iArk-' \ V- t. J c\. II. Zur Perton der Angehörigen des Verfolgten Zuname Vorname 5): 12. Vater . ...»......«...»•ii.. ■•••..•••.I..........) Geburtstag und -ort: Z..^....'!zl!f..}..r .\..l^'. Schulbesuch: von bis Name und Ort der Schule Unterrichts- Schul- sprache träger a) Volksschule b) Höhere Schule c) Hochschule (Universität usw.) d) Beruf 2): Wohnort bis zum 18. Lebensjahr: l»l 14. Ehegatte ! Zuname (^.^.!... LI...... Vorname»): .»...r. ......^.^-r... : ..S.c.k.ö..':%.V-.....l: -. ..: 1 Todestag und -ort: U^^.r*.. ;?:::... l>.af...'..l..!..^l.'+. Geburtstag und -orti Schulbesuch: von bis Name und Ort der Schule Unterrichts- sprache Schul- träger a) Volksschule b) Höhere Schule c) Hochschule (Universität usw.) d) Beruft): Wohnort bis zum 18. Lebensjahr: 15. Kinder « r a) Name: :.-............., Vorname»): M (p^^,^. Geburtstag und -ort: .l^t'.!.!..!..!.?;.!.?. \d.>.!:^:. ggf. Todestag und -ort: Schulbesuch: von bis Name und Ort der Schule ao) Volksschule bb) Höhere Schule cc) Hochschule (Universität usw.) dd) Unterrichts- _ Sprache Schul- träger ^^ \o»\^ \'-» 'o kL^.:. •^^ ' ' St "^""^^ \'^\^. \^\\L .y.:..S..)r.:.....ZY..;.->.r..!^^^ ?^ ^*^*- \ i b) Name: \:..^.^) y Vorname »): Geburtstag und -ort: ...■ ggf. Todestag und -ort: Schulbesuch: von bis Name und Ort der Schule ^ Unterrichts- sprache Schül- träger ca) Volksschule bb) Höhere Schule i.'^.l { cc) Hochschule (Universität usw.) dd) \ Vv^i V. ......A..... •..•.•..«..... ^"^ Q\i\: *^V :.,.,.,, \ V:»t.vAi^i, c) Name: Vorname»): Geburtstag und -ort: ggf- Todestag und -ort: Schulbesuch: von bis Name und Ort der Schule Unterrichts- Schul- sprache träger aa) Volksschule bb) Höhere Schule cc) Hochschule (Universität usw.) dd) I l i I I - ^ V (Unterschrift) y^ ') Soweit der Raum bei den einzelnen Fragen nicht ausreicht, bitte Freiraum oder besonderes Blatt benutzen. ') Angaben bitte nach den Verhaltnissen im Vertreibungsgebiet vor Beginn der Verfolgungszeit machen. ') Ggf. den früheren Vornamen angeben. 1^ I I ,fl . tCl .'D'tflS j*T"sX> i< Landwirtschaftlicher Leiter eines Teilbeeitzer und Leiter des Gutes St« Johann an der March Gutes in Prerau in Partschendorf und de ! s Gutes Deutscher landwirtschaftlicher Verein in Troppau entfaellt Deut cier l.a.idwirtschaf tlJicher Verein Wiener Burgtheater Neue i^reie Pr( Klassiker Czec:&owickskci . «• ' +i->a 1 Salomon ^Vi Witui !!• 3. 1937 Czeczowiczka geb. V/einer 11. 5. 105^ Pohrlitz Maehren Jenny \ V \ \ v^ion 25.0. 1930 I f I tro •1«02\ «A X J iij: (IX i ^ * ^ /Diktiert -^Kmmmmiim^mmm' durch Dr. B. %K 1? lif^v'l ] » rt fr f r* LAG 101 ».^ t -. i 1918 1901 1933 1939 1 0 1918 Oosterr, 19'48 19'tü Tschochosl, 1900 ülmuetz und PBernu 1917 Par tschendorf ' i'933 Wi'Wft 'öÄd St. Johann 1938 Partschendorf Tod London Deutsch Tode Britisch und v»ien an d. March JeatJch Deutsch Deutsch und Englisch XJL Privat durch Breslauer Lehrerinnen 1885-1893 Deutsches Gymnasium in Olmuetz Pran? Josephs Gymnasium in V^ien 1893-1898 üniversitaet in Aialle /Saal Deutsch deutsch Deutsch \ PUBLIC LAW 97-127-DEC- 29, 1981 22 USC 1642 (b) The Commission shall certify to the Secretary the amount of any award determined pursuant to subsection (a). DETERMINATION OF OTHER CLAIMS Sec. 6.(a)(l) The Congress finds that — (A) in the case of certain persons holding Claims against the Czechoslovakian Government who became nationals of the United States by February 26, 1948, the date on which the current Communist Government of Czechoslovakia assumed power; and (B) while the Commission had the authority to deny those Claims described in subparagraph (A) on the basis that the properties involved had been taken by the Benes Government while the claimants were not yet nationals of the United States, the effect ofthat denial is to withhold compensation to persons who have been United States Citizens for many years and whose expropriated property has benefited the Communist Government of Czechoslovakia no less than properties expropriated more directly and clearly by the Com- munist Government. (2)(A) It is therefore the purpose of this section, in accordance with the intent of the Congress in enacting title IV of the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949 and in the interests of equity, to make ex gratia payments to the claimants described in paragraph (1) of this subsection. (B) The Congress reaffirms the principle and practice of the United States to seek compensation from foreign governments on behalf only of persons who were nationals of the United States at the time they sustained losses by the nationalization or other taking of their property by those foreign governments. In making payments under this sec- tion, the Congress does not establish any precedent for future Claims payments. PUBLIC LAW 97-127-DEC. 29, 1981 95 Stat. 1677 (b) The Commission shall reopen and redetermine the validity and amount of any claim against the Government of Czechoslovakia which was filed with the Commission in accordance with the provisions of title IV of the Interna- tional Claims Settlement Act of 1949, which was based on property found by the Commission to have been national- ized or taken by the Government of Czechoslovakia on or after January 1, 1945, and before February 26, 1948, and which was denied by the Commission because such prop- erty was not owned by a person who was a national of the United States on the date of such nationalization or takmg. The provisions of section 405 of the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949 requiring that the property upon which a claim is based must have been owned by a national of the United States on the date of nationalization or other taking by the Government of Czechoslovakia shall be deemed to be met if such property was owned on such date by a person who became a national of the United States on or before February 26, 1948. The Commission shall certify to the Secretary the amount of any award determined pur- suant to this subsection. PROCEDURES Sec. 7. (a) The provisions of sections 401, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 414, 415, and 416 of the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, to the extent that such provisions are not inconsistent with this Act, together with such regulations as the Commission may prescribe, shall apply with respect to any claim determined pursuant to section 5(a) of this Act or redetermined pursuant to section 6(b) of this Act. (b) Not later than sixty days after the date of the enact- ment of this Act, the Commission shall establish and pub- lish in the Federal Register a period of time within which Claims described in section 5 of the Act must be filed with 22 USC I642d. 22USC note prec. 1642. 22 USC 1642, lM2b. I642d. I642e- 1642h. l642m-1642o. Publicalion in Federal Register. xV .♦ -f /' - j ^^// / y^ \a.. ._ !~3 . ^^^lyA^exCc^LU^ ^ /■J jß^VO^O^ZH^^'VJ^ ^ yOCy^ ^'^^S^/^^i^C^ ^ C^?^>t^ -C^y^y^/u LtA^ ^^-Ct<^y^^ .^^C^'t.^^^^ i/^ .xX2>^l^2>t- ^'O'^'iA, .<51/^^152>^ •*>*^f ,^.«av.--5v w V 39. (/^^'/^^^ \ *2^ . ^^Pi^y^x^ ^t:J;^z,^/^^^?u y'^Ci^'P^^ -^ i/^^^/ ^^^^, — /4^ ^^ 4< z^^-^. .— • I I «11 • 8 . Dp •Arthur Czsosonloska^ Qß, Ortflnoroft Oardens, London» n,W»6« V^/'^^ '/ (11) Ralarant dtt« l S^'^^^'/'^'^^i Duo \t$ Mlnlatry of Afrlcultur« slno« 1938 - 5fl Jgg QQQ /«rs'vA Th« Mlnlstrjr of Aprlculture «xperltnantod ^^'' ' ' irlth • noi» kind of yaoolne to bo Inooulated* Bgalnat foüt-and-raouth dlaoaao on war oatate. / I had bflon pronlaod oonponaatlon fop noHalblo loa» of oattlo, -whloh In faot atnounted to about Ko 22,000, (11) Mlnlatpy of Ag^-lcultup«, ?raguo, Czoohoalovakla, | (ill)UnaoP Uns 142A947, 44/1948, 46/1940, aa th« olaln oonoopna the natlonaliaod Batate, (!▼) y«B, Tho d«bt la poduood to Ko 20,000. Xf/f 0)1. 2. / 3. \ V ^ Ca«h tak^n over Tihon th« Estat« iiaa natlonallöoa («ooJino-K--^ Expert mrldenoeO XJ^ i^U Bank aooount ulth Urornl Ustar Plague nationallsad aa psrt of the Eatata • aea Kno* j^r. Sharoa taken aa asaota of the nationaliaad Kfltate (piirohaaad 1945 to 1948) !• 4a) 1,000 aharea at Ko 200 of tha Suf;ar Faotory Vavrovloo Ko 200,000 (b) 100 aharoa at Ko 100 of tho Dalpy Kunvaia Ko 10,000 (o) aharea of tho Hoapodarakf Dru28tTo(A|jrioultural Aaaooiötion) Koyy Jlolii Ko (d) aharea of the Druzatro pro ovooe • Beleninu v HoTe» JiolnoCDollvery of Tego# tablea and fruit) Ko Ko 89,050 K« U8,424 5,010 500 Nominal Capital oatlroated value Ko 215,510 Total Ko ßJÖ4,004 1 ^Mte \ Cadfifitral nron O A follo 1 :^ ■'v.ou^ir» 71nOü97 ovy Jl ein ) « (■'"■Ä ) n U% ) ti . 56% ):.7u, u^r>. n . • (^lü'; r>5i it • (>''ß, 655 . ;i Sodlnlco i'lntrict Coux^t Ilovy Jicln . o).!9» ("»SO r)«'>7 656 n Zoylnlco Olntrlct Coviv^t iiovy Jicin l.'lntrict Court Bllovoo u n ., < t» Sllovoo it . n ( ( c'9 932 formoi'ly Z,D.97 512 519 ) ) ) 5?1 ) l.?-U ) 677 ) 5f^3 . 570 0.619:) 52,5612 / l6{ioDJ;6 15.0915 . U.iliSb 0 l.T'.oH 9l.29?'i. 5,2coü 0,1293 2.5c26 0.962U I 15.5^79 70«L9bl 2)1,9512 / / Joint O'.vnovn r.OrlL.lVi^tlon ÜAtO Ol u .. o j. u • Ar« ' 0 1 r» i:7/10/1951 9/3 A. :;i JV ^Avl6 ^:l/ 6, 19^:1 UuVt9if'.Um^.^9 ' ;>7A^:A9.vl 1)./ )[A9':3i A.C.(friCtox'y)25/ ;!/1915 A.C., U.X. 17/ 5/1931 (v? /1901 l6/iüA9?l ■ A.c. A0G9 ß A.O • f *u • O « ai/lcA9i6 1 / 5/1952 5 /ia/1951 A .C . ( fQctory )25 A2/I927 A .C . { f .notoi'y )11/1 7l>.^7 A.C,, J.C. 25/ 5/1951 A.C., :;.::, 19/11 A931 r, , ^''^'^ '1-2I-5-. ' '^irpo Ol' ov-n-)»-»'/. T?*^ r^^. #•» *.% V^^ ■*9^ *% *«•«»« <-^«^ ■»'««i^MMto-vaatr«^« «^ -«•'•*, «^ y*^ r» ,-. • .» «4 Art! IUI* i'» iM'.n » \V « « '•• '>/^ r»»■^t•» ■ >■> 1. 4 I :*i3>na yr vjn •■^ •?•» loa (i> c ^ .-^ ror ;:o .»►^ / ruw Mnon 1.1.h(5v:\i*:!' ?; sJ'i^ ry-.f 1« . A:/VjhS;o:;:*ca 'y^liooUH'jO 16 • '■ !.■•.«'.> » * • *-''"1 13.091=5 0,iJ592 9?'; :? 06 J|-975 39.':^5'!.975. 59.05it975 W|.,lu'!.5 2,07lU 0,D59- 6( >o n«l .^/..> • a. vv »; 5<57 1.2195 15.0915 91.293.'; 1.6 CO.'. l.6col{. / \ Ü.129B 519 # j n~. o*l29ü ; ■:);>i -r • <-':' J Q c 'o •J <-'•*. v,^ 1.2915 6??)p.iiiöV^ 0.0568 602 0.9628 >^ -aiBi (f) Soviet Union The Commission administered a Soviet Claims Program pursuant to the provisions of Title III. During this program the Commission was authorized to consider claims of nationals of the United States arising prior to November 16, 1933, against the Soviet Government and Claims of nationals of the United States against Russian na- tionals based on liens acquired with respect to property in the United States which was assigned to the Government of the United States by the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Repub- lics under the Litvinov Assignment of November 16, 1933. Pay- ments on awards in these claims derived from the funds assigned to the United States under the Litvinov Assignment. These funds totaled $8,658,722.43. This program was completed on August 9, 1959, as required by the Statute. Statistics and a cite to the report of this program appear in Section V of this report. I II 4. Title IV Czechoslovakia Upon enactment of Title IV [Public Law 85-604, approved Au- gust 8, 1958, 72 Stat. 527, 22 U.S.C. 1642] the Commission com- menced a program to consider claims of nationals of the United States against the Government of Czechoslovakia based upon losses resulting from the nationalization or other taking of prop- erty. The funds for payment on awards granted by the Commission in these claims resulted from the proceeds of the sale of certain Czechoslovakian assets in the United States which had been blocked, amounting to $8,504,768.41. The Czechoslovakian Claims Program was completed on September 15, 1962, as required by the Statute. Statistics and a cite to the report of this program appear in Section V of this report. 5. Tide V (a) China — First Program The first China Claims Program was administered pursuant to an amendment to Title V [Public Law 89-780, approved November 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 1365, 22 U.S.C. 1643]. The Commission was au- thorized to consider claims of nationals of the United States against the Chinese Communist regime (the Government of the People's Republic of China) based on: (1) losses resulting from the national- ization, expropriation, Intervention, or other takings of, or special measures directed against property by that govemment; and (2) dis- ability or death of nationals of the United States resulting from actions taken by or under the authority of that govemment. The 52 9 lo/t;B" 5551 USA; i- und forütw- 1 nötjcn lartbchenj- l-'CC-Zahig. Dr. Arthur Gz. Irma Czeczowiczka Hanna Kunz Erika Simon aadensbetrag % Verbindlk. jndvermögen \ nloß l'artschen-i rf EEW I ,/. PCC-Zahlg. ladensbetrag % Verbindlk. a 5o2 626,95/ 30 2 646 »6^ 100.525,59^ i 135 1 07,90/ 61.895,05/ 75.214,1:5^ 27.021,60/^ 186.041,76/' 66.944,01/ 119.097,75/ 57.208, 55y 157.525,51/ Ablehnung 25.024,14/ 15.067,7^/ 9.956,5?/ 5oo4,85^ 6.726,58/ 5.081,49^ 5.645,09/ 1.5^5,52y 9.262,41/ 5.552,92^ 5.929,49^ 1.852,48/' 6.856,87/ Ablehnung 4 1 insges 961 I00J 451.484 592 . 292 ,1 164.755 ^7.850, 21.482,- 19.550, 8.2o2, 'IIO*^ I Anlage 1 — l a- zum — Bescheid — Teilbesdieid — Gosamibesdieid — über die Zuerkennung von lldiiptent>(,hü von b) bei K: icfissafTsctiöden nech § 245 Nr. 3 LAG: Die Ki'^ilfte des Minderungsbotracs der Mypothekengewinnabgabc von RM - -_ bleiben .... / . DM - — bleiben . DM 5 i i: .aRN 2. \>ftrt'ib?!fKjsr.rh;jdcn und Ost^chüd^'n an Ansprüc-hen (/ . f y (, / ^ nc'h Nr. Ih BudiSt. aa u:.d bb d^'s r'-ststcliungsbesdicids " '. ^ / ^ X RM Hiervon ob Rficturiicirkspareialogen. für die nn?s^h:\digung nach WAG — - gcv. ;iJ.rt — beantrag? — ist |§ 243 Nr. 2 LAG) Sparanlagen (§ 249a Abs. l LAG)*), für die nach läge 2 e;p. Spär'jrzcschlug zu q-v. ähri^n ist RM ' -^^ >K-?^ i/i -- ^^'^^- bleiben . . Von diescir' Bo'.r.5g sind anzusetzen i[; 245 Nr. 4 L.-\G^^): a) Ci:k-(-^inlaqpn bc: Krcditmstiiuten er.isdilicüiich Postspa.-guthabcn RM mit 6.5 v. H. b) Bausparyuthabcn. Pf-nndbricfo. Rent'jn- briefe. Schiff«^pfar:dbricfe, Kummunal- s±u!cversdireibuigcn, Industriccbli- gationen und Leoensversidierungen RN^ rnit 10 v.M. c) sonstige privatrechtlidie Ansprüche RM mit 10 v. H. RM mit 100 v.H. — C RM RM RM RM RM d) Ar^prüche in €) Ansprüdic in (V^'dhrung) RM mit 100 v.H.*) RM mit v.H. 5) ra RM RM = o- (\V«ih:iinf;) 3. Vertreibungssdi!->.'-'Oc*nf»' 4. N'i'Jh dem Schadensbetrag (vgl B) wird der unmittelbar Geschädigte in die S±adensgrupp3 i eir.gestu Ausgangsgrundbetrag räch § 245 LAG mithin Nich'.2u!rt:ierdes streichen ^) E€>i Zus^'reflen von Früh- t:rd Srätsfr.äden Is» der Insoweit erfor- de.-i;cher. Berech.-.'jng dc-s e-.' cen Frü!" sdiau'en enrf'tl)''.-ider. ^rundbc!r?gs (Anl'-'^:- 1 a) <»ls Eer-t'^t-nung 7uzuscl/pn .li: Frühsrh -.den allein" ') t".\ Anw?riCl':r.g de» § 249a .Abs. < LAG ist die Summe der {esfc;cstrnt?n Sci;.lder. eo Sn'j.'ön'.acea hier nicht abgezogen, sondern nachstehend auf« Cf. '.•!.»:-»; »:' enthalten. ») l^c& \ 245 Nr. 4 LAC sird Scb5den an privatrechtlicher. ooldwertcn An- srrüc-hrn mit dcm-c.-üqen Betrag ür.7*jsetzen, mit dem sie bei der NVttrungsreforin ;m Bur.deEyobiet umzustellen gewesen wärerj. das gilt vc^ ^..>r i^Ti nicht für .^rsp'richsver'ius^e in Währur.gca. d;e in dea Aniagen 1 und 2 zur 19. LeistunqsDV-LA a'.foeführt sir.d. *) Ar.l.ire 1 zur 19. Lei^-turirjsDV-LA. *1 Spalte 3 de: .A.nidne 2 zu: 10. LoistumsDV-L.^. •j In Erbfalien zw;schen dem 20 6 l^^a und dem 1.4. 1S52 ist un!«r a b und c jewe'ls nur der auf den Arsp'uchsbcrechlrglin enilailende Ante:! emqesetrt (5 3 de: 19. Leistun^sDV-LAI ') Paus Vermögen sowohl in Berlin (West) a'.s auch in übricen Sunde«- gebiet belegen war, ist der Zeitwert io der Segründ-.^'ig gesonderl be.'cdinet.' 3' i^ n Mat. 4:.C8. A 4. 50 COO. 6. GS ü I I f l 5. Kürzungen des Crundbetrags: a) nadi § 249 Abs. 1 LAG Vermögen am 21. G. 1948 — S.'^v ^■{,", Übertrag ic>,.. Davon ab 40 v. 11. Endvcrmögcn Ausfjdngsgrundbotrdg V(.'r,mör;cn am 21. 6. lOIB — DM DM DM DM s-a DM Seh ade nsbc trag . . Anfang>vermögen K ü n u n g s b e trag . . DM DNt p\1 . O ,-. DM DM DM -- liödistcns jcdod) .50 v. 11. fi'.s Vt;ir»:'jgfjn'i am 21. 0. 1948 - bleiben . . . . DN! T b) nar-i § 249 Abs. 2 LAG t^A ^J^J^J- Entsdiddigungszahlungen für fcstgostellte Sdiddcn Wiederbosnieffungsk Osten für \Virl.-,r;hoflsgü{cr, die durdi Kricgscrcignisse erneut verlorengegan- gen sind Höchstbc^rög dnr Kürzung: Ausgannsgrundbetrag (Nr. 4) A'-isgangsgrjndletrr-i chno Berücksichtigung der leilrnt-'d-iddigter. Sdiuden bleiben .... DM DM DM . DM .. DM ... DM DM verbleibender Grundbetrag l:*: 6. Teilung des G r u n d b e l r a g s bei Erbfallen vor dem l. April 1952 (§ 247 LAG) : Der irr Bc'.cheid /u II angegebene AnsprudisbciediUqte ist Erbe dos vor dem I.April 1952 ver- storbc^nen unmitteibor'üiidigten (Xr. 5 des reslstellungsbesd^cids) xu Anteil; von dorn verbleibenden Grundbclrag (Nr. 5) entfallen demnach auf ihn 7. Zaschlan zum Grundbetreg (§246 LAG) ~ Ent'.vurzelungszuschlag für am I.April 1932 an^ragsbereditirTte Heim Jtvert rieben?. Suw)f:tzononfUK:htUnge-{§^ 3-,-4 SVrG^-dH* bi!r••zu?^y-3^.-t>^-• zcmb^l^ 1969 stunrLqer".fh.iU im Dt'n'>s«^'-bif*l ei ns<;nließiieh Berlin 'VVV^^^ ge^rn-rircn hr^e^. und für bis 1. April 1952 evakuierte Kriegssad:gebchadjgle ohne neue L'^bensgrundlace — 10 v. H. -f DM '■:'..-L SuniXe . . . 8 Verminderung des Grundbetrags m ch 5 219 Abs. 3 LAC') a) um den Zeitwert der Ennanigung der Verniögensabgauo nadi §§39 bis 47 LAC: v.M. von DM')- b) um das 33fache de-^ Hcrübsctzungsbetrags d'.r Vermögensabgabe nadi § 47a LAG: 33 y DM -= -^- c) um das 171ache des Minderungsbetrags der Vermögensabgabe nadh § 47 b LAG: 17 X DM = -^ t- DM DM DM — DM bleiben . . . . -ti J . V...-e...>.... 'ÖM 9. Sparcrzuschlag nadi §249a LAG nada der Beredinung in Anlage 2 (bei Erbfällen vor dem 1. April 1052: Anteil \vie in Nr. 6) — t, __ D> —1 ., ,.-»- • • Summe y..D ....Vr...):...^..,. DM A u f g e r u n d e t auf volle 10 DM [^ 250 Abs. 2 LAG) 10. a) Abzüge nach — I 0 Abo. 4 der 11. Leistung.? DV-LA — Nr.-16-^uch^t-.-t^-HE-Str^r^T-!* • —rund schreiben ftlr » bleiben. b; Abzu^ nach §7-Abfj.2 di?r-ll.Lreistung^DV-LfA-<25 V. H.) - tndgrunrtbetnigr -=*- Altgnindbctrag — der Haupt entschitdigrun^j f .?.^.-DN/ ... dm/ -/ , ." DM ■^ •> ». u ...C..pfe;..x)M D. Aiif!cIIi!ng des — Endgrundbolrags — Al.'cirvmdbefrags -^boi Früh- und SpäLschäden 11. a) Endgrur.dbetiag -- Allgrundbctiag — der Hauptcntschüdigung flij^rüb- und Spdtsd-.äden 'Summe nad-i Nr. 10] DM yf. b) Für Sdiadcn. die nadi d-^m Ergebnis der Scbadensfeststellu;K7 bis zum 31. Dezember 1952 ent- standen sind {Frühschödrri, ergibt sich nach Anlage 1 a^-^ und 2 — - ein rechnerischer — End- grundbetrag — Altgrundbetrag — von ..-.'^ c) als Unterschiedsbetrag, der auf den Spätschaderi entfallt, verbleiben DM DM 12. De- Zinszusdilag ist nach §250 Abs. 4 LAG z.u''gcv.'ähren ö.) ab I.Januar 1953: für einen Teil des —-^Ehdgrundbetrags — AUgrundbetrags — (Nr. 11 Buchst. b) von DM b) ab für einen Teiles — Endgrundbetrags — Altgrundbctrags — (Nr. 11 Buchst, c) von DM i iigw'.y Anlage 2 — 2 a — zum — Besch<*id — Tellbcscheld — GesaTtitbeschoid — über die Zuerkennung von Haup{enlscti.-Kii^»ung '..^-^^.! t Einlagebogcn Berechnung des Sparerzusd^lags^) zu fAk*r'r.?f irfier.) • /"» Für ^\Q im Fesisti»lIungsbf;sdioid festgestellten Vi-rtreibtirvgsschdden — Ostsrhäden — des unmittelbar Ges±ädictcn an Rcidismerkspaiejnlagca und anderen privatrectitlichon geldwerten Ansprüchen, die Sparanlagen im Sinne des A]tspi:*er- geselz»:s sind, wird auf Grund des § 249 a LAG nö'± Maßgabe der fclaender Berechnung ein zusätzlicher Grundhetrag (Sparer- zuschlag) gowc'ihrt: 1. Der Sparerzusdilag betragt ' n. Lristuna^.DV-LA nach Art und Wahrung: i) Spar anlegen in Wahrun- j gen der Anlace 2 zur i 13. LeistuncrsDV-LA nach i Art und V/ahrung: | zusammen zuzüglich Betrag aus Spalte 4 zusammen .... •W ..f...V...Vr. » : u r I V^::liuck£AA K 66—67 Mal. \'.\Z1. A '1 ij WH I ■ I > «n» ■~'i 2. Kürzung des SparerzuschUgs (§ 249a Abs. 3 Salz 2 LAC): ri) Ausgancjbrjrundbf trarj n-idi — AnIngo ! (C Nr. 4) -"■ A f.Ht<|*- 1 ö -.-rr-iC Nr. 2) — Übertrag , . . . Cpctierzusdil'iy (Nr. 1) zusammen .... 4- ; b) Vvcnn die Sparanlayen boim Sdiödcnsbclrag nadi § 2X3 LAG ir. voller HObc berüdcsichligt werden, ergibt sich folgender Ausgangsgruüdbetrag: Sdi^densbetrcig nadi Teil B der Anlage — l — \^. . . — -...^r..0.':3..^^..T.. RN Nach FG festgesteliter Betrag für Sdiäden an Spar- '^On j ^x anlagen (SuiTiine der Sp. 2 in Nr. 1) + ••^••-' ^^ Sdiadensbetreg \.lks.J....n.,.'s.j k.m AuogangsgrundbcU'ig hierfür (§ 24G LAG) in Sdiadensgruppe — ''^^^.!^>'. :' Dy(= — -' a verbkibender Sparerzusdilag . 3 Du di- F-r--.-urq nad^ § 249a Abs. 4 LAG zu keineir. höheren Lnd9rundbetrag (§ 250 Abs. 2 LAG) führt, wrd d-r sidi Nr. 2 ergeberde Sparerzu-schlag der Berectmung des Endgrunubetrag.s der Kauptentsdiaüigung zugrunde ge.egt. Slchtrutj-cüendes strHei^n ... .r-, i. • r Frq.M <::t, rnch rjoll'^nder l?r*»^!«rc eine andere Bercd^nung d-, f;parrr2;;-.A'öT. als sie auf Grurd d.^vor dem t. Januar 15-j7 gelt cpu-a .«s. 5 24f ' Xg voixun-hmcn wäre oder bereili vonicno.-nmea wurae. ist als Bf/oichnun^ tuzu^e'-zrn .xJerect.aung des Mehrg.ur.cb€...i;» . Nlchtruti-cüendes iUt^.^tfn «) Ei »; Sofo/n «ndor« Botriige eis der r:< r.nT.elrag n-^Ogebend sind, beziehen sich Sp<4:to 5 und 6 auf d:esea Betrag. ») Vor dem ♦. Janv-sr 194D entrichteter Kaufpreis. *) Bei 1.1 Wl'-.ricqen d*r 15. LcjstunQsDV-LA enlrid-tttem Kaufpreis, ») Hur.derts&U nüch Spalie 3 cer Ailage 2 zur 19. Leistur.gsDV-LA.. dciif> r I ■ ■ ■ ■ .. 11. ■ "«>►♦ • ".»•««»«. |i '^1 I ""■■' ■!>■■> l<—MiawliB«H—M MMÜtr ^ 23*XII.1965, Lieber tterr Thlen^ Ich MUBH mich rehr "bei Ihnen entrchuldiffen Ihre Briefe vom iB, uj'jol r^^op^t \mcli Ihre Karte vom 22 Sept "bis jetzt nicht Lermtwortet zu h'len^Ioh hoffe ^->eltr dnBs Ihre Operatiom gut verlaufen irt und Sie he- rcitr von ?^llen^nnehiiliOikeiten der ^^echheiliin« befreit sind^i^rpr. »echte ruch eine solche Opert^tion rait una hct pich lPne:e -^eit nicht so ffut ft^f^hlt ijtriS war rehr pohlecrter Lr^une nber mit aar Zeit kl fürten Bich nlle Folfen nncl rller wf^r wie^Jcr norm'^l^ Sie dörftcm webrncheinlich rchon virBen^clBPs meine .ichwer^tpr die'nveltkunf^t»' ir Orr'mi^^:: ex^hnlten )iet unrl Thnc^n ^^uch denkh'-r fttr Tbren 8t und Ihre Filfe lr.t in den Wiener /^n^ele^enheiton. T^^^ine Schv;er.-ter arbeitet v/eiter i.^ :3pitrl vmö Ic^bt jetzt f ni-: nliein, da rieh ihr Sohn eine v/ohnun.r nit oin?» l^reund ^enoiwien hnt unn pupf pj^oiren i i^t und :2ur ziemlich ei-i<^hc^ Zeit int ^''er Vawö :oinrr 3o>i\vo?tor ^•e<-tor\)On ^n deia ßie rehr ffehrn^en hptte, ßine Zei a.rnf: VTir r±e deprimiert un^- so h^-beii v/ir die Y.'ochCTrie niteinmd^^r vorbrr c-)t^ nher .iot^t hr-t ^de Bich r^n dT Alleinnein few5hnt»Icli berbr/ichti^^e inn b< t ^f deii ^ri^^f vo:t! ?3 '^>ept vom l\indenkrinin^^lf^Tat r^i re^P^lnren «=»ber die ntillpb^n von l^ein h'^ben oriontrliFche iir^otive f-eh^bt v±e einen Pj^cher^cine Porsell^^nfi^zr einer chinoripchen ^Bf»e imd ^iüc? ^f^ r, e, )?3tXT5XyjLi:y 1B^^ -i>er üilbro h«" t eine -^ V u en free vonrestcllt ^it rchv;pr5?:^r 'V^oft^n und einen Scrreb.^us ir öor ITitte der otiine. Alle 3 v;r^rc-n rnittel^-trjr 3, vicl- leic?it v5cn hoch und A5ou^ breit* Ich hPbe die Abriebt Ende Juni|/nfrnß Juli wieder in Iii£j.rnd ru roin um Onkel unr! Tpnte *u besuchen und Vw&lltG vdssen ob es Ihrer .Tocli t^r .;*elimfen i'^t eine -'^nnilic in Enclrnd zu finden f«r einen f^orixiorrtu'- ent' 'lt. Ich VTiLirchte ich kcJnnto Ihnen behilflich rein^rber leicer kenn^ ich '^der'^nnöen pnncenden« Aber ich v.tlrdc rdch rehr freuen Ihr^ 'loclt-r "»»••••^^^"■"^"^ I 17 N /f^^Hß^e^ ^ *r// kr '^ ^Ti^jr^^^ ^i^^-TTf^ '^l^^^-?'^ ^^i ^l^ih'^ T Jt^ ^ "ff^/^ y^jU-f^/ £y^ . T^ y /—^ /i//^ r a./£:LLJ^ ^^ ^^. ///f r/^^4'^l^ ^y /^^f^/^ /l ^^" 17oI.1965 Lieber ^err 'T'hien ich drnk^ Ihnen bofitenr fT Jlrr Leiden -^riofo vnd die 3ev;eillj^^<^n Nf>c}iric}^ten^ die P>ic rir irr?er reten irnö die fffr nich von Intereene nind^Ic^-^ vlll Ihnen schnell ntenr -Antvrorten^ dr ich v;eirr,dPBr. Ihnen xmö Ihrer Tpru der J!^-^lenr\if enthalt Thr^r "^och- ter PI iier?;en liefen nurr. '^'ch hnhc r^n 3 Stellrr>n in Kn-^rnd /^o- schrieben tinr^ vot1Pv1l±c keine Antwort, r her bin nieht rehr oi^ti- ni'-tirch^^pchdeni r?ich GleiC'- imd Gleich p-cme f ereil t,v;pren rpeine r^n^en Enflircl en Kontrkte Kincierlore Leiste imd icIrSi^r 1 off en, drrr *^ r • nd rieder Jekriinte hrtin eincr^ Trur in dem ^nnfe Leiste leben und ro Plrtr fy^r ein en norm er^rnnt irt^Ich hrbe eher r\jch r.nrofrrrt ob nicht in einer ZeitiT.: /annonciert v/erden krian^ ro d^rr Sie dr dvrah rv e±n^ Reriatrt kor n kiJnnten^ r>obrld ich r>tv;rr erfrhrr^, verde ich r id' rloich nit Ilinon in Verbindung rotfren^ Ihr "unrc' hrt rieh lebhaft rn : einen errten enrli:"'cJ'^en " m-db ^rinn^^rt (ich v;rr m) vr.C bin -^it der: Airtrurchkorirltee hinp^w f-hren,vrr in einer m'^^r rchleehten Penrion ff?r jvnr^ jieii.te in Erntbovmc eher er hrt rir nich.t verehr det. Die Peritr.erin d.PT Penrion wpr eine rite Dr:^e rchon drmrlr \mr die Penrion br^telht nicht neh.r^ '^nkel vnd ^rnte in London f^ben riir Nrchilcht, d^f^in nie \7ohlrvf rind xind den •^enid^ i^ rer Tochter I'^rriellP mit ihr^^ ^ rnn z\A \?ei]mrchten cr\'^rten^ Von Onkel Orcrr hrtte ich Brief ev PTPf' er ' clireibt, dPBB Evy rieh fi;t erholt hrt rniC bepbBichtiip't ir ^^ciien Jphr rit ihrer Arbeit wieder mzw frnr^n, Jch hr-be ihn ^vch pncofTff't ob eine I-flrlichJceit bertehen könnte d' r Portrrit reiner ""utter von John <"uincy Adrrr ߀imrlt|2;u finden^Ich veirp. nieht ob Sie rieh derren erinnern werden^ d- er in 'Vicn ß-ehrnf^en h^^t^ "r vmrdc Tn^r 50ton ^hxirtrtr/ - riner Vrterr r^'i'^lt iind rtellt reine Kiittr^r in einer f:r^'^''.^3i er^nd rit Pelr^, rit-^end drrirnine Schv/erter, bei i-^rer I^ie und ich hinter ihrer Stulil« I>^ \vr»r etv/rr kleiner rir I^ebenrcrorr und der Kfbirtler irt • e-ir bekrnnt^Onlrel Orc^r hnttc ric!' l^AG berf?- t er in Prrc in der Villr in DeyYice^ Zrhrrdjii 44 rüi finden^ eher er mpt rit ^11 en rnderen imrer<^r r>rchen verrdiva^nden imr er i'^t der *^einnnr drrr er 1939 nrdii -'^evtrchlmd verrrndt viirde.(^iht er vielleicht in '^ei^trdilrnd eine Srnr^eirtelle wo vrrrc lonpter Cvt rvf hewphrt rxirde ? Oder rl-r^hen Sie drrr ^r oin hofftiunrrlorer ^erlnnen irt.m rir. t^i -. .,.- ... ^. . .^ kennen zu lernen. Von OnkoL une. Trnte htfre ich sehr v-pnif:,Icn hrl^e rlcn Eindruck, af= PF' Ünkel Edwin drn Schreiben sehr Ijerchwerlich irt nnc^ Tpnto CprT' ef: l^Rtif int,Wrhrr.cheinlich ist es eine An^trenirung im hohen ^1- ter, r>on"t rlf^uhe ich ,reht es ihner. ^\t xxnä rlp. freuen sich i«mer pchon F?hr 'Mif acn %aaer,v/exm Kinäer und Rnkerln zv. Besuch koinnen, Ihnen und Ihrer Ffnilie w9nrchen3CKXXiO;jCXaCnCia0Slflai »eine pchv."?P!ter imd ich Arp Allerhepte in Nfjuen Jrhr und wir hoffen Pie werden vof |;ei£:plef ten ^uten ^ehrpuch xpclien kÄrjmru Wit l;e'->t.en Grlesren "bin ich Ihre P«S. Ich retcumiere •'^rief vom ?3./l"^J9ß5 '."rnndeBkriiEinf aer.t. jv/vlo*^ Va/v\, IoVk I • L.()^ v*^ U WV ^0^ >« C^ • o /' c^ / y 4..-s*>« c^y* >-f -c^ ^^ •. V? vTc •*. >^t / / c^i.^\j. Zl '^f 'A:^ <{> /-V ^i^-^ ^^ /w^V^ ^-4 ^^>^ ^^ /i /, ' c ^/l/V^i^-^^^i U ^«^./'"^ /A li^\ J y t/ -^ -^ x->f f -< ^S>» - >^ cwt,-^. .-c^ / '^ n ^ €.-^ Vi C-:>^ /t y-r *. '/^ i CC^tC. j r t ' / i ■c.-*^\ / .j wr:^ -■c i^ /< >-*i i > ,< •"■-, / f^; y; / V x^.^- w t^ i/-^ ^f cor .xC .' /,^ e /- H-\^ t.-->r * ■< ^--C-^ Cr 6' >*^ 0«r -* '^^XJ^ ^/t^V-^^ /'».-t:/ A- * « V t ^ > / •o^ /^-t,^v ^^/i //t4: 4< V^ CL^ -/'l w^V^ / i^ V yt-:/ -/ A. > v^ ^ /' XiT ^ -f C/^'^ > y < v-/ t,V^ /. r ^ /l^ ->7 -c^ ^^C / ft c ^ -c^^-rt-^ / ^l^'XJdi^X^O LA<ß ^ C^^ / (-i^ /^tt CVt t^-^'t^' z' cJ? Ct, r t -^ t< 'f ^ /- > v^ ^ /. /; / i/x^-CtCJ"^ c-^-'A -n if'^ A <1^ c-Q' i-'^-l <^ ^ - -^->-T »^^ rut't y1 y ^ € / /. ^ /r /y c. et y / >*t->^ I L^\.t << -/t V \ LMMbl Q ' • Ob«rfinanzdirektion Münch«n 0 5608 - N I 96 - BV 44/2 ~ Et wird gebeten, dieses Geschöftszeichen und den Gegenstand bei weiteren Schreiben anzugeben. An die Erbengemeinschaft nach Dr. Arthur Czeszowiozka 8000 l. cViED 2/',DEC196A •v 1 MÖNCHEN 2. 10. Oez.1964 S" , '.> SophienstraBe 6 Fernsprecher: 55 83 71 Nebenstelle! ^ac 0 .■^ -O ..... ^ vertreten durch: Dr. Am Bobasch u* Dr. G. Kush, Queen Yictoria Street 86/88, London E.Co 4> Unterbevollmächtigters Dr. Carl Hruby, München 54, Leipziger Str^S? V ^Q^J^«' Riä-Verfahren Erben nach Dr. Arthur Czeszowiozka ./. BtkxxKstiöfÄ - NSDAP Bezug; Bescheid(?) vom2o.7.1962 Bescheid ' ' t * Aufgrund von Artikel II Ziffer 5 des 3. Änderungsgesetzes zum Bundesrückerstattungsgesetz (BRüG) vom 2« lo« 64 (Bundes- gesetzblatt I SßoSfJ^ erteile ich Ihnen hiermit folgenden Bescheid,: ' ÖFDMü T92T .. ^ . ..> . s.v. . « ' 1 ^i-, ■' .:., ^ —' #«.*.•_'.-< . t • ' 1 r- ^1 1 , ' : ■• J . , < t 4 1. ' l •• • i • ' m. ,'.wV* I Festgestellt mit Bescheid " tl M - 2 - vom 20.7.62 nach § 15 vom (insges, ) DM 200.000.— DM ""•"" Gesamtanspruch 1) Zu zahlen gem. § 52 Abs. 2 Ziff.1 t und 75 ?i aus DM 1 60. 000.— DM 40.000,- I^M 160.000.- Hierauf sind gezahlt an dusn/di^ Berechtigten DM das Land DM den (die) aedjexKben DM 100.000. _- DM 100.000.— mitbin ab sofort >zu zahlen" davon an djfioc (/lie/ Berechtigten DM 60.000.- das Land DM den (die) dxaäaexsixxx DM DM 60.000.— DM 60.000. — DM 200.000,— / • ^M 160 .000 o~ 2.) Der Restbetrag (25 fo aus DM . ist gem. § 32 Abs. 2 Ziff. 2 ab 1»1.1967 zu zahlen, davon an den (die) Berechtigten das Land den (die) :!2?g¥§Jff%3g3^ 160,000.— ) (a,b,c) r* A DM DM DM DM 40.000.— DM f trag /^ s ) ♦ >.. ■^.^■>!- . ,^ I ■ r V \ . ^ r \ y X. Rech tsmittel Gegen diesen Bescheid. kann der Berechtigte innerhalb einer Frist von ^a^igi/sechs. Monaten, beginnend mit .dem Tage der Zustellung „dieses Bescheids, .gerichtliche Entscheidung bei der Wiedergut- machungskammer des zuständigen Landgerichts beantragen. Der An- . trag 'kann insbesondere darauf gestützt werden, daß in diesem Be- scheid die Aufteilung des Geldbetrages gemäß § 32 Abs. 2 bis 4 und -.Abs.. 6 Satz 1 unzutreffend vorgenommen oder, falls vor In- krafttreten des Bundesrückerstattungsgese.tzes_eine gerichtliche Entscheidung rechtskräftig oder eine gütliche Einigung rechts- gültig geworden ist, die Höhe des geschuldeten Geldbetrages im Bescheid unzutreffend festgesetzt ist. // r X. Rechtsmitt e 1 : t Gegen diesen Bescheid kann der Berechtigte innerhalb einer Frist von ;!^!¥^ ^-^ vft^ (y^g^- ^ 6-^Mwot^ '^ J^ -\ Ajw 'W (L «Y vs-^ ^-'^ > T vä-^-> ^ o^A^o-^ "■ ö'V^v^^-^ Jm»^ /fwvi - Ca/" V \ ^- Ou^o-^^^^aJcA^ -hl ^ KLomA JA/ i!> \ Af «V^ Ma ^;Um«^ VoJ^^-^a. - OV^ «-V. -VoJ /y H) VJ \A-^ ^A^ 4 - (A^ih^A-ß^ Ca^ AH^Q/Vm! VoA*^ ^ (X-^/Y^ ü — \ yCvJ"^(- Owiw Vc^Y"! l\ Q. /y <-^ Yn Ajj*-» W 6-0 *^^ "l- S-©\A*M3^^ S>w'Xl W ^.«^-A- £ WeoUA ö i/^\ cXv lA/vO-a^ oA jjXaCa/ c t^ i^^^^tp l \ \JV\ «M. V^ji t^ U; ttodt f^^ >~^ t\ '»-». L^KJL ^ Cx ^/^ (q^ -\\- 't. . ^yg k; ^^u^ '^^^'^y^v'U VeJ\, , /vcA U-^-^ ^ X ^ ^^S :^jLa yyUöV l^o^vVo^^ /Uv ^^a^v^^Aw u>ä^;vX. ^^|V> | JaJov^^ e.cA^» 1 i ^ . V, . U "^ ^u P T <^^M b (o 1 *-^ rvv X 4a UiL' l/i T^JxTöX^ i^v^AUfi/vvK)^^-V [\kü-a K)Co os'e I^VUäA^ € ov ^ 7 f 0 ^ ^"^"^ ^ I.C:^ Ar ^"iYo\fzM.j.rf CU ÜV v>C^ 0 ^ A ^ M^ iH^ »iW «-••<« > • «•• .•*-•'<••>' ■W |l>lt«IW^^» lll>tl • • ♦f^-« BC 199if B 257 Dear übdam. ,-,^»J^^ is . AXJQCiNDBA HOU^Z |«ir öi*«56 0701 ««*i:;^Wi •'^ U2IIOV19%t \7ith reference to our lettar of iyril 10, 196 9« About^ihii '»te Arthur C::eo2owiozlca*d eetablished claim und«r tlte Voreign CcmpeAaatJi^n XCs^choslOTakin) Order in Council, 1950, we would inform you that tbe properby rofsrred to therein was assessed by the Caianiaiiioii s,ß followat«^ ' *j^^ a) c) Kca. 40,222,533 plu« 2-^ intarest for 6^ yearii Kc3, 3 f 216, 078 plua 2^ iateMst for 6^ yeora Kos. 2,575,914 plua 2-^ interest for-öj yeara Kos* 7f021,500 plua 2-^^ interest for 6^ yeara Kos. 30,301,460 plua 2^;intereat for 6^ yeara The convBrsion rate uaed by the Commisalon was Koao 2OI95O to the £ aad the p^'^-»^*V-^.Ä '.t •*» • I ! .' » Dlotrlot Oourt .i-.'X'.''" • • I *; ?. .♦ r. .>■• r SodlaiM. Dlstrlot Coor^ ROTJ Mittut . Zavlsio« Oistrlot Oourt lloty Jloln • BatoTie« notrlet Court strlot Court BllovM • «» • • 5^# l»52 ^ 7U«oo97 V-«- IS: ^§' "^ 652, 6» g9# 650 65I X59.UI99 168.9^ -*• • • • • r kl» ( fonMTly Z«0»97 512 519 ) I ) 521 ) 677 ) 563 5 1.7X8U 9l^93U 9.2008 0*1298 2.5826 0.9628 I.5I179 70.8981 2lu95lB '.» A.Cf B.8. A.C»« S.8« A.Ott -■'.:•:■■•• A.C.» J.O. XJ A.C.fJ.Ottf A.C.» B.K« •» • ■ ^ • 1V2A932 27AoA95i i A931 21/ 6A951 27ApA93i lk/k/19n j*-* ► A.C.(f«otory)23/ UA915 A.C., B.X« 17/ 5A931 A.C.f IC.S. 16A0A99I A.C. A.C«, s.s< 0/3 A901 16A0A931 A.C« 21A0A916 1 / 3A932 5 A2A951 A.c. (f «otor7)23A2 A927 A.C.(faotory)UA A927 A.C.f J.C. A.C.» E.S« 25/ 5A951 15A1A951 «•! « ■ i. •^-: .'•» 0.6150 16.2606^ ►0913 0.8592 ■ < . ^ 9l•293I^ i.6ooU 0.1298 • - 1.2913 i.9626 3.5I|.79 35.Uil9050 12*U75^ l6.28o6 39.85U975 \ 35»W*905O .••1' ■'. Vr>\ •<»■ «nsf or I Do)b A9U9«»«i .^ .■*^: »^ .^ ' '-3^?^ '•■.;• 1^93 "-^■^ . t: • . »i 071II' 13.0915 \ >6ooU ^ 1*2915 /f 519# 521 k3h) 677 )p •11+06/2 602 563 12«U756 Ä, 0.1296 0.0568 0.9628 3.51^79 5.51^79 126^110675 q ■*'♦• ■^ .» >* -w \ < • «i •f ^s. -^^ • Cacln.Mfcral nron Ov;r:ovo Ol %-»-oJ,U^ ) - i*ovy Jlcin n f I n fi ilntrlct Court Ilovy Jicln . ( ( Zoy!n2co Dlntrlct Cövu^t liovy Jicin 9 ■ *. ;s'' 6 t56 (')50 , ) ) 7Ju00p7 ) ) ) cv9 foiTnorly Z.D.97 15*091 u.ll 5 l2ü l«75.Gli. 91 .?-9iJU 5.200B / / A« • # A ««G • n.K. A • C • A.c. «^ »ü ,J.Ö • * iV ^/l';y- 9/3 /1-. ;;1 .',•/ ^=Avi6- ;^.l/ 6. 1931 ;.7/lt:/19vi Ih/ .'!/19':31 (fr.ctoi^y);^'.^/ /!/1915 , H.K. 17/ 5/1951 A.C., ü.s. i6/io/i9ra A.c. A.C.j lii.S< ;>/3 /19Ü1 Hutov! 00 >1 ntri et Coiirt lilloVQO u 17 519 ) ) ) 521 ) h% ) 677 ) -rjr^a 0.129i^ 2.5i:26 AftC«» A • C # ^ ^l/ioA9i79 0.9^)28 15.5^79 '•^'•1 70 2)1.951^ ^^ ^/ v.» i!^MZ-l.. ' A.c.(ractory):i';,a:i/i9.^-7 A.c. ( f siotory )11/1 /l->.-^7 A«C/«^ K<#l>ti 25/ 5/1951 19/11 /19>1 ♦> • .' I I riü '^"•' T *> p:-% 0 oi' O'-n •')».'» I"» t t »"> 1 "» •^ •> ** *•» •% •% •••%#•« » • SM ^ »•• 4 » Art! IUI» •»•m TT - \^ k < A '% f •# • «. X, r» , nr ,•*. I »-f ,^ r»' ^i«» »r » S. ' • ^. \f d ' . ' » » i\n :^. f T r-» * * ir.on ■19 *• ^^ •■• W^ MM ^A iV^ 1* W "'^ •^W Vi9 V# ^n#4HM *•* ^9 •^ •• A^'^B9 *^* ^^* ^^ ^^9 ^^ «^P •»• ^^ ^^^ j^ j -. _ ^^^ r ^» ♦ 1^ r-^ <* v^ '*♦ 'er o uu* /•« ♦ ' « ,»►-. 7 nn- 4.J.V ' rrivT/ni -^ t . '- 'j, ' sy . < /: /19l;S'0.rop. 57,Oüi;w'>0 '-• "M-^ •* *■* r* 7* *'* * 0 . Ci )v^ >v: •>••»/ 1 Ol'i' \.,VJ\ 0 0 C) "7 "J' 071'!. «... ; . ^« rro VV^O';) ?!.975 -/ r> :>v*-- V r!,07!^ -. V l-.l /> 9.8511.975 <-• 071U 0.8592 6( yo ru3 567 1.2195 13.091:5 91 1.6 r..'> 9 0v-'V> i.6colj. > r\ Mfstnfmii narodnirau vyboru V BArtoSoTinfffh poSta JäartoaoTlo# Priloliy: X» seznamü B. t^ Misto pro üfedni zäznain: 0 p 1 • ^nJj>^ . Pred vyplnovdnfm ftSte ndvod! A. Soupis pudy podlc zakona ze dne 21. brezna 1948 o novo pozeinkove reformü (trvalo üprave vlastnictvi k zcmedelske a lesni pude)« Vlastnik (spoluvlastnici):*) Prijmoni a krestni jmeno (latum iiarozeiii 2 zamostnani «polu- V la St- il ick y podil postavenl V iloiiiai'iiosti ]>r«Artur Czaczorlozki^ Inaa CB«c2ovlozkoTÄ — Hane KunzoTd 23 ^ j Erika SimonoTi !ö?5. 20.2, S93, bypr«dno .L manzelka TdoT«— manzelka öS.araencroft London ÜTtV.ö« Gar iens 74«DarthBi0uth Head London N«W«2« 170 urest 81 straar gaw York 24 U^S.A. Pütvrzeni miätuiho narodniho vyboru o spravnosti osobnich a rodinnyeh üdajü (pouze v pripadeeh, lozi-li püda saupisu podleliajici v jine obci iicz je bydliste prililasovatcle) : V Barto80Tlc£ch ^°' 2o.dubna 1918 1949 pfodseda M N V. Cclkova vymera uvnitr uvcdenych nemovitosti: roli, luk . (sloupec 6) zahrad, vinic, chmelnie . . ( . 7) pnÄtvin .... . , ( . 8) rybnikü . . ( „9) lesü a pudy urcene k zalesneui . . . . ( „ 10) zastavene plocliy a nadvofi . . . . . ( „ 11) jine pudy . . ( „ 12) Celkcm . 51 •• • • • *^^p** Q 84 041 ha ha 11 19 ^'"Sl ha ^l6 He a 53 a 16 a ^1 a41.. !4^ ^&» m' m' m ') Zde nutno uv6sti i rodinnö pfisluSniky (samostatnö vlastuiky püdy), kteri s pfihlaäavatelem iiji trval© ve spoleön6 do- macnosti. jestli/o vymöra pudy prihlaÄovatele a techto jeho rodinnyeh pfislusnikö prowahuje dohromady 50 ha V takovem p'ipade prilo/i ka/dy rodinny p/isiuSnik saniostatny seznam B. (Bliisi v nävodu.) I JL i ■««■■■■■ii 1. Ct'lkovy prclilctl podle Spravni okics Süudni okres v #, NoTy Jlcin! Pribor Henry Jtcin Pffbor- V y m ö Kataslralni üzcmi roll, Ulk ziilinul, vinic, chmelnic pastvin rybniku lia a in" }ia a m- lia a in- ha a in- n 7 1 8 1 0 Sedlnic« Barte 807ice 44 2fi_33 82 20 1 2L 06 78 00 28 22 1 81 35 >, % 1 Colkcm 51 11 53 3 19 78 5]] 161 . V 2. Osoby na prililasovano püdc Irvalc praciijici> Jmeno b^lli.slü Öe8«8tät«8ta«| Bartp30Yl09_ Bartasaylce . } TT vla^tri'k? prilju/cnsk^ pL'in'r k vl;j t- ,^ U.liu |)ruiy*> •1 /• kat. uze Uli ;> vyniera ha a m- n '. pozuamKa 3artOÄOTic# 00 i so J Sedlxiice' 91 06 52 '> Jdo-li o ro nobo prarotli&o nynSjsiho vlaätnika. uvotTte Wz v iwznAmeo. 7xla liyli diive vlastniky K'to pfidy. katastralnicli üzcmi (prcnos zc seznamu B) r a I Icsii ;i piiily urcenö k za- losriTMii ha in- 10 83 93 41 22 BÖ zrislavL'jie plo- cliy u nudvori Im a m- 11 1 ^S $2 8 4 16 21 f . 68 41 jine püdy ha a 12 39 43 püdy celküiu ha in Obecna cena 1 1 6 52 0 00 t 141 0 ff Poznamka .1 3. Na priMnsnvanc püde vlastm'k: a) iu;pr;u'iije z icciito uuvodiiilCajit«!^ byll rasoTe toaboz^nsky a polltlok/ NJbici par»9kvoTan£fa proto nuoani po okupaoi pohranlci t roca 1938 uprohnoutl#Do teto dtby rolcu 1938 Talkostatak obhospodafoTali^Od teto doby aa »drauj£ T ci^lni^ a za rli xnooi aa anazi^aby jfm byl majatak b) pracnvnf od raatltuay4n#0kra4[iii n&rodnf vybar ▼ ISorim Jicini yydal oaredcani o toaitza naapadaji o okruhu oaob naapolahll» c) k präci aa pudü se hodiä vrytcdiiyaTsak xQaJatak raatituoyany doaud aani • 4. a) Vlasluik podlelia tumto danim (zc mzdy, zivnostenske, domovni atd.): ^ / ^ präci na püde aa hodla Tratlt az mu pomery dovoli • h) Vyse rocijiho düehodu vlasluika a jclio lüdinuych prislii.saikü (jcxlnotlive) Snad nama • 1900 a po£d?Jl# 5. Prihlasovane püdy vlastnik nabyl — kdy?: jakym zpüsubemi? ('koupi, d5dictvim, v dra/.be a pod.j:'^^^* • od kohol Koupano ad otoatpripadnS tohina a t iäalamouna CzaozoTlczky • pribuzensky poincr k prcdcsleniu vlastniku a zda teuto byl zemedelceui Viz TySa • \ «*N«»w»,, I C. Prdva spojeiia t» vlastniclvim prihla^ovane püdy (siu^ebuasti, prävo rybolovu, myÄÜvosti atd) K«j80U • 7. Bfemena vaznonei na prihlasovane pude (kiiihovni dluhy. nedoplatky dani a verejnych a majetkovych davek, vymcnek, sluzebuosti a pod.); V'.' ÜTa ctlim byral^m Telkostatku hypoteka 2»000«000«* kH. S. Prümyslove zävü*ftfc\'apifia vdAj 0 P i 8 •Aoa« ■• PFed vypIRovdnfm 2tete ndvodi ^^-^: ILa Soudni okre»: PfibOT - »prAirnf «fcrwi: . Ko^y^ J4^»^-^^ o. Seznam parcei v kat ü uzemi B Jt-Xt-A O T. l-C-S— ^. Jm6uo a bydli^te vlastnlkxi (spoluvlastiuku): Dr.Artur Tiozkora^HanaJCunzaT^-ji^-ErllcÄ SlmonoT^ Druh objekta a >eho nAzevV6lk08tat#k BartOSOVlOt / CztCZOVlCZka / GelkovA vyrn^ra uviiilf uvcdenych nemovllostl: / rolt iuk Oaloupec 6) 44. , «ahrad, vinic. cbmelnJc (slcrupec T) pÄÄtvin («Joupec 8) rybaikij (öloupec 9) . . . . . .......... 0._- laaü a piuly ujcenö k zalesneni (sloupec 10) • • • • • • • 9 • C>i»lkein • • zAataveii6 plachy a nAdvori (sloupec II) ...... jinÄ piSdy (sloupec 12) . • • . . 1 • • • • SO iftii io iQfi Qa \id2 85- haQ ai 412 - 80 ^5 ea ha. jm m ID m m m ra a/x.. - m 4> Upnxom^ni: I^o B&nisunn nutno ov6k^t5 v&du, kt«rA p«ifiU Tbuitdcil^ dn« 4. datm« 1^7. jakod i pt^du, ktoroo vlactnik IMi E. »»«ai«Ml (pirmtal H>«4v«t Pf«h« U. ► / I t 1 ^mm^m CIhIo knih. vloi- ky 1 Ciwlo poz. archu 2 Cislo parcolni Druh vxdölÄv&nl (Ulli turn) por/om- kü - skulocny stav Ja- ko»ltii tiida 5 \ : ifi i» r ;j roli, luk % zahrad, vinic, chmelnic pastvin » rybnikii lesft a püiiy urötMi«^ k zale**- t ha a IIJ- ha a m- ha a m- ha a rn- ha a -\ 3 4 1 7 1 « 1 9 1 10 652 - j - . ' ■ - t 1 6^3 - 1 15 - Sypk» ■ • ■ . ' ' ' ■ - — . - __— _ . 118/1 DÖLÄ 5^.5 ■ . • 1L8/2 iSni "cp.S.-^i > . » i: L8/3 ^'^ ^i L8/4~I»tiin Sil • 34] > , i: 3; 14 Skl«p ...... M^^ w • 335 Lum 6p,51x « ■■■ - ■ "IC >9/l Dum op|.5. • — — — IC VS^DÖDB 5p t33a TT«! 6S2 2 35 Zahrad Bi 6 25 362 < 3ö" PastTa s 52 «52 ^m tf rm 2 SVl^aetra ■ ■ — ^ e-^ } —3 -87- — / — * 0 T, 40 C«3t»~ 099 3 ^9/2 ^ahradn JL t « . / 3 ^ • 1 — ^ 3-äe 1 : . - - 74 _ »^ t -3- '049 Pa«trtt yvtr j^ ^ .... - «•«^L^.*— -9 ^66 i ^«i 9 57 2< 050 J^ ^ f 99 o /\<>V T<^#%^ A- ' — ö .. c f» «»€ IS »UOX aOx« Od f c 2|i051 " 2 79 36 — * ft — rv^ i 2b054 Louxa jL7 91 ■ 1 -2.055 Role- -■^.jMa»«»*« ' 1 — T — 0^^ 4rw . • - „ , , 1 ..-^ t 2 " kOöiS^ ^^ 1 ^ — 5|> 33 . - - _> 366^- _ -^ ^ " -1 1 7 46 \ . . .— — • . - . - — — • — — — — - • 367 •" « ■ 1 ) 32 "\i 1 . . — -.^ 1 1 1 < * 5§8._ L«ß 3öV/>: Aanraqa 369/1 ^^ahr ad» mMNNMHN 0\J 4LA 17 34 1 1 ' i ( 372 J . i 3 09 44 82 20^ 3 ^^^ 00 22 35 228 ( )I)1''"m:i c -nj \'la>liiik iiiiiä o pone- chdni parcL'ly celö — f- US ti Ho«p : A .• : \ • » * -;> k j ] • 19 6( \ •', ' - « / • • s -■ • - — ■ » • w» — — — • ■" • •^^ \ • ^ • &3l • \ 82 — ' >*• - *- •* • l ■, '\ • i • *. t 1 99 , ^ i — 1..1KJH 1 i • 1 k\ -r-t. > .- -r"^^- ■ i^X >-X / i Dr« Oskar. Cseeso leslcm r r a h • V«» MriselOTa 7* V PraMt dne 22«IX«194Q< Titl. Okroanl Bdrodni V^bor V llovöiB JifilnS Zn.i 611/09-29/4-1949* PodAnim Okrafjnlrmi NÄrodnlmu Vjrboru ▼ Novftm JlSlnS se dne l.Servna 1049 vi. H^na IftinzovÄ^ t«8» v Lond^*, protl v^i?5ra okresniho nfirodnlho v^'boru ▼ Koirem JlCin^ »n* 611/20/ 4-1940 xa dne 1S«V» 1949 se odvolala ko KrajskÄiwA WÄrodnlmu V^oru v Cstrav?» jMkotto zmoenönee Jm6novBnö hoi^ajfil odvol6nl t^kajlel se v^kupu pMy podla zÄk^ 8^ 46/48 Sb* dne« pravoplatn? tlnto odvol6vAm a «Ärovon zdvoMle iÄdfimt nby Km^ak^ WArocijil V:^bor v üstravi byl oft tom Tovn&i Ihnod vyrozumSn« V-dokonal6 uct5 V pln4 mocl doporuSenf^ e 1 • K q n • f^ Ä)U. tJHMHDMKl OOOlLIMl PRO PROMTSL KVAtllt Pf%^% \%. Wathlngtofipv« 11 •rii«, U tolnlc« •f«tUUv«, ltttro¥« 1« i^^tc^C »tANA ii, IT. osaiuNii poiir kr* TtKAtK poj. 5 .938.861 J>C. Dr. Oskar CseotowloEka, Kaiselova 7 P r a h a V. *- < _l ^ ") 0 oflrolänf« na pfedoho»! oeobnf JednAnl naSeho taJenmlkG p.Iroveköho 8 Viml »dÄlaJeme Väa, *e se nöm podafllo tJlsUtl - ov§em bes JaMkollv UvatnoÄtl. 1© V roce 19U bylo poJlStSno *a raflnerll 11^ a prftmyelov^ llhoTär ▼ feartoSovlcloh ßp. 217, okr. Pfibor; u bf«r.pojafitovny DunoJ- Conoordla v Liberol: .* Sa budovy.... HM 348.470.—, ■ etrojnl , Laf Izenf... HM 661.603.— , täsoby neznäioy* Anl V poJlÄtgnl budov, anl v poJlStgnl etrojnlho taffzenl nemohll Jeme Tiak naleztl, Se by bjvaln byla pojlßtgna vleCka. Podot^kajlce zdvoflle,2e to Je vSe, oo näo bylo moino v t^to v§ol Kjistltl, trvdme s pozdravea < Tato :?ü to.^.op'i'-; soualaai plno s •) diii orf oi3 Min ze -Ine Y.I.i'Jiy. Pl"i,aa, IU.Ta. 191:9. CiskoslovenskA n P O J ' "^^ T O V NA NÄKOOM PODKIK y /) X ' 7 ' '^ Pgtlletce zdar I 6'lff%t> rt^ Y t N 8 K A P&fi^OVN> P. Tte • A MM • M. I I •-2«2.i«£«ijJ.2i ^'^nn xmKp .nim : Imon, fco bo h'xmlo'^ to tha rrn»».>r> tnt'tiv:» ^oj In Novy Jlrjln^ l'^*'^#19/;9# • ^r'-n No.;/,/igi,b ^lot r;o, ^ In b\xy\r\r, «nror Mn,- Arb!clo i pnrnc* • - h ^ of Iho rrom ycur lon-nv-^ ro- .-rty b j Ibll >v'nf', Im^ov blo:»: nrt "inrt Mnr^ of Lon», 4 — ••«««•.«•••.•« iJnuno ]'0.17T 117 'Tronory IIGA ii'^'U.^? ^•Ot^'^ IIG/.^ Hca ro i.o.^^'9 UcA ifoiano ;'o.--'i ii'VJ üoiino •'o^'^'i ;. =->-/l Oollnr 5^«; -m Ro ^o♦^l' io9xa .'fOUBO ho%^) 109/^ iloune :»'o»^'c« ^35 Hr.rrlon 256 rarture 239/1 • nr.turo aljo .^oth 329/2 57.'» Onrdon Onrrton 375 Orrdcn 379 OnrOon ^'•oli9 '^nsturo 2 «050 ''nrtur»o 2.0SI riol'l '-.051 /•'^ ^ild - .05lj •Of^ClOT^ 2.055 Plol^l 2,062 FJolO 36C) /^eld 367 ri»id 570 3«) I'OPOflt fbrest 369/2 Gnrden 369/> Onrr?on 371 Ofirclen 572 Onp^en To e totfll nron of 5o ' <• • ' 1 /. '.19 625 i.a? .';0^: l.T-'Ü 19.7^-6 957 599 55.Ü70 -7.9^0 I 1.791 7O.90Ü l.'!.'!.90ll pO.oGü ii.5.935 1.7/ic 1.05^J 1.917 563 3.611 1.73U 79b 309 uooha. •/•^ Pft«o ''f JIO« No# • Plot no. Kind of i/:^nror)t r'orj^t .:,ür.';^ *;on<1o'»»' 2,ü75/2 ^\nr\r^o'^ 'i.üüT>/l •lonrlo^T :.',üü5 Monriov; .''•O!. (> /:o'\clo'>f P,0/1'jS Uu,t.> \B buy!nft -.-rlth-iit rv-; r<3 to th-: ocr r-r-i oT tlvD Inr.j] . '^ '•! Ivv: to b-; Ch.'^*r'VJn: ,'!j::a/ :.ovolr# / ■' L O 1 4 i :3 0377cSl CmrwiED COi^^i ;.f P:: 1 N'o. (.<-■• I. r.t»M«nSgEui n 'hin Ihe r {b dhlrkt of , ^e-'-lÄiT' '/«» - - :,- "„^4 :5 V '1* *> ^ died. Name and siirnaine. 3 Sex. n Age. Rank or profession. ^*. I /.'- . t / ••r^<-'i /.- ^ / i { i /^ 1 ] '6/ I^C'C'-:.'N:<>-'CX/U. f'/^f o *^.. ^ r » ( f*^ f !'«.tf'9X »4ftjM.i.. 'iJNTRY OF DsSATU. ' " "Rii"»» iBiif «w •• -■«?•, - .rav n Ac^s IC3G to 1947. D. f ert. " R.B.Dr ip. the Cause of death. Signature, description and rc^ideiice of Informant. / « /" .7 •^ ' I / ■^1*? -' . . / c^ / tO^ 0- •/ 8 \Vhen registercd. /^ 9 Signature of R^^gistrar. ■ I I - *. ^r'^'i. -r' t. \<'^ «.^r jO r*< i^>.^ '1 -1 .A ' k *^^ •.^^. . Rcghlrar. -f'irsar'1-E': '•=■» CAUTIQM.- -Ai»': rcroon v/ho (I) r-^:iticG -ny ot «he jinllciih.: i\\ thh Cciiiiicalc, ur (2) ir^»is it r,s trun kMOV/iiig it tu h»' ' '.h'fit'^ i^, llabl« to Pr«j?ftcuf'on. '-v ""*<--•. -»vttji«» fC •r," i> ' v:*.' iTwK« •'^ ir»-«n * V •Im- 'Uy N ^ / in « . ai Ihe liy Ol ' ( . U) -"'•V Margl'i f \ Kotes «T « « ^4 .. nppc^f In the liÜW » • x' i«.^L Re^isfnif of Biytns and fhtfo'is, \ j >/ / / \ 4/2 2$2S3 H/^HHf\ \^^. -^^^^ ^:^ yA,i^^^ ^^Xt ^w/^/^^ /^,,^ /:/*^'v'v ^ /^j-^-o^v^. Vt^ /t €^vi.v-^ <- /OC*^ ^^C-^^^ ^ /^ lL/'<^rC 5" Ol-^^ ^ ^^^^^^'^t^^j/G^ ,^ Ict ^^ ^•v-OVv -«c^^ ^ Vtv^ ^/^.:^'t-«^*-S:, ^/fc/ ^> tC '-'^^ ft^>nJ^^ :{>c. ^^L\J^y.^^ /^^ZiJU^^y vAX^xTac -O^; Lä- *-. ^ ;^A,v/D^/-^'V .-.^^^ X"^^/-. €>^-Ok>*-{:;V //. CA-i^-i^* A: It/'^^ "C^^A /-O AuA ^i *v^, (v,^ V/-t>^>'''^ X i7 v ^j>ci^' L^X^^u^ic^ci J 7x!y^s>>^/:^< >/ y^/n <^1^^^^^ f^\^7Ö^ Ä ^-^4^ ^ /r A bs>-^> 0 AL's^i ^y-vir^ ^:^ c?- M ^yci^^ C4f^<:i liL U <^(^ jrfir^Sx iX-üJx^jiz i^K-e -i?- ^c* i^-tyJy / g (,. Hö» Oroonoroft Oardons» ) Olalfflt Aloohol Motory and Hmti,i\asj In Ilnrtoaov5o«. iilno» (b) (o) (d) (o) i^C8» (f) Sncs« C«) tueation 10 ( • ) (?) l|.th Fabruaary 1914.9 (II) Hatlonal AcJnlnlstratlon undor D«or«i 5/l9l|5 and Nationall aat'on \sj Order ■o.l36.l09AA-19iß Of tho ■inlatry of Pbod of 29th D«««nbor 19[tß under La« ll5A9lti). (III) I mmm tha aola otmer of tho Aloohol Pnotory and Fafinory in aartoaovloo whon tho Paotory was connseatod b^' tha ßestaoo and Lobonsboro e.V.",Munloh, roglatorotJ m ounor on th© 27th Septombor 1959, On tha ll^th Daconber 19fo tha pioporty «m plaead undar national Admlnlatratlon mdor Dacrao 5A9U5» and It was aatlonallaad by prdar of tho Klnlntry of Pood dated d-^Xito. Doooinbor V)\i^ under Law 115/191^8. On lith Pobruary T9J+9 "siazaky llhomrsky a na.ojovy pitmyA" Nfttional Corporation, was ontarad in tha Land Rorlatar aa ownar, Äno, ßxtraot fr«a tha Land Roslster f?!?5 ßoofnh^r 19li.8,.(3ato of publloatlon of National! aation Ordari anfl/or !|th Fabruary 19U9, dato whan tha National CorporatJon w«a rjßlatorai «s ownar as tho data whan I was dapplvad of ttia wtio (Art .15b) j and/or 28th Saptomba» l9i|.9 (Art,i5o). yaa, , Llhovar a raflnorio Uhu dr.Arthur Croozowicska \n Bartoaovlca noor Hovy Jlcln,',!oravia,Ozooh08lovakla. •r>io fnctory, roiriutorod und.>r 1:ho namo "Llhovar a raflnorio 111« ?^'*It''';S^^*:^';^'*J^''^ CBooaowioKka" waa bullt on land bolbnßlnßl to tha hatafce Bartoaovlco, In rospoot of f?hlch l am mäkln - a a .parate olal« that also Includaa tha land on wMcli tho factory has bean crAoted, «v«w*/ J^'^J'^f «'*'^'^,*^^'^"*'^8 ^^*^ **^8 «1*^ only oomponsatlon for H ™p'^'^o (a^^ movablo3) and not for tho land. Dataila about th«* bxUl.IlriAs ara avlciont fro-i tho Inaui'anco Pollcy.whlot- la oncloaod as B^nc. ;aoo alao OonorRl Doscrlntloc iino. I bullt the fQctory In 19I''; on the land of -tha i^staty itertoao«!»^^ Raglatorad nama In 191?:Splrltu8fftbrik und Raffln&rla Pari80hondorf,i»r,ArtjHur Gzoncowlcekaj in 1926iLlhovar a raflnarlo llhu Bartcaovleo, Dr.Arthur Ozoczcwlczku. h^rom tho 5rd May 1915 to th«» lat Auguat I919 i havo boon tho aole ownor of th-; factory; from tho latter dato to tho 12th Maroh 1930 my father, Salonon Ozocr-OTloska, waa Joint owner, Thoroaftor I havo agaln bo(*n tho aolo ownor, On the Uth Pobruary I9i^9 «siazalcy lihovaraky ä napojor/ pru.Tty8l,n.p. Opava.t 0. Ostrava l" was roglatorod as ownor of tho factory, Soo oxtracta frora tho Land Rairlstor - gnc. - and Coimiorclal flofjlator - ßne. , .j k \ \ i I •^ (h) He. I arn unabla to itafca th« anounts pald for tho oractlon of tha Duudinga. Ab far aa I re.'^tambor i pald about Kc 2,500.000 botwaon ^915 and lat January I958 for the oroetlon cf tho 0^1 Inßs. I do not reraombör wh*t I nald for tho a1to, but «MB ia Includod In my clalm for land of tho Katato Bartoaovilwr- / ) *-(,. \ Eno« Arthur Ozeozowioska, Ö8 Oroanoroft Oardena, London, M.KV.ö. Olalm: Aloohol Factory and Reflnory in Dartoaoyioe. « (J) (1) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (t) (x) page 2 Queation 10 ptd. (I) There was no mortgaga or other oharge on tho Item (II) I have no knowledga of any arreara In taxea and almilar ohargea on the lat January 1938 or on tho relevant date. (k) No. (y) *«^f* 4. ^ ^*'™ on the lat January 1938 untll the end Ol Soptoiptoar 1938 ( Oerman oooupatlon) for my own bualnesa of manufaoturlng and roflnlng alcohol vinder the atyle of Llhovar a raflnerie llhu Dr. Arthur Oeeozowlozka" ) ) No. ) ^"^•p 1^^ factory was oonflaoated by the Oeatapo in 1939. and Lebenaborn e.W.", Jlunioh, was roglatered aa owner in the Land Register on the 27th September 1939. (aee I röoelved no paymont. äno. No. I Inatituted restltution prooeedinga The Dlstrlot Court in Novy Jicin held that my claim ia falling withln the Provialona of the Anglo-Czochoalovak Compenaation Agreement and declded to dlacontinue the prooaedlngs, ' (r) (1) Ji^^o^fi^®^ ^^^^ ^^^ Czeohoslovak Plnanolal Claims f'uad £19^.17.1. as equlvalent of Kc 27,000 relatlng to my Claim No.3225. See answer to (iuestlon li^» , (3) Ko* Yes. See ßno. Insured wlth: DunaJ-Conoordla Llbereo, Bohemla. Number of Polloy: 922.861 DO Date of Propoaal: 13th July 1944. Inmured amount for bulldlngs (but exoluding Contents, foundation of walls, foiindatlon of maohlnery * eq\ilpment,»asonry imder surface) rh 243,600 or Kc 2,823,320, ( The approprlate value of f oundatlons and masonry under surface aocording to Information reoelved la 12^ l.e- Ko 338,800 In relatlon to the above flgure of Kc 2,823,; glvlng a total value In 1944 of Ko 3, 162, 120. ) (I) 1 estlmate the Iralue of the bulldlnga In 1938 at Kc 1,7' (II) I based my valuatlon on the relevant date on the Insurance value on 13th July 1944 whlch I Increased by tha valorlsatlon coefflclent 1.98 glven to me by the offlclal Surveyor Oldrlch Lostlak ( Enc ) Value of Biilldlngs: Insvirance value 1944 Kc 3,162.120 Value 1949 Ipss 5% Dopreclatlon for 1944-1949 Water Rights - estlmated - My clalin for thls Item Is Included In my olalm under Queatlon 13. Ko 6,'J61,OüO ^0 515.060 Kc 6,947,'J50 Kc 100.000 Kc 6,047,950, t t Arthur Oseororatlon wat: röylsterec as owner as the dato wjien I «as deprlved of the title (Art.l^b); and/or 2öth September 19k9 (Art.l5o). ^ Yos. The ItejTB wore located in the "Llliovar a raflnorle Uhu, Dr. Arthur Czeczowlczlra", Bartos >vlce, near Novy Jlcln, Moravla, Czeohoslovakla, 1 (e) (1) On lat Januarv 17^6 the Itoms conslsted of: !• Machlnery and Kqulpment aa llsted In the InauiaijLce policy of I9I4J4. (Enc. ). To my knowledge there were no subsbantlal cliangea betwejn 1936 and 19l4J4.e 2. Very large Stocks of aloohol (raw, reflned, dehydratod, a/id denatijired) j of by-produota (fuael oll, concentratod refuae and oattle food)j of raw materlala (molasses, sugar beet, sugar,coal,oll8 of several klnds, Iron, copper^brasfl^choTiloals - for Inatance: eulphurlo acld, ammonlum aulphate, ßuperphoaphate ) • In nry oplnlon the value of these Itema far Gxceeded Kc 2,ü0u,000* (11) On the relevant date the Itema conslsted of: !• ?AQg*'^1nery and Bc^ulpment as llsted In the Ins rance Policy of 19J4l|-* I an not nware of any chAnges between 19'4'4. and tha relevant date. 2. I have no knowledgo about the Stocka on the ^©levant date, but l knov; that the National Administration took over from the Gormans;- 250 Tons of Molaases 15. Tons of Superphosohate ^^/2 Tons of Goal 200 Tons of Conoontrated Refuse. Machlnery and Kquirunent have becn purchased by and by between I913 and 1958# Stocks of raw materlala were acquired in the normal course of businesse Alcoliol and by-products wero manufaotured in the factory. All Items were assets of the factory. 1 / I am unable to state the «movmts pald for maihlnery, equlpment, and atocirs. As far as I remembör I pald for: Maohinory and Bqul pmant abt. Stooks of ran materlala to I/IA958 raore than Stocks manufactured l>^ tho factory tar cxceoAnA Ko 7# 500,000 Kc 1,000,000 f Ko l,0O0,O$p,_ ^' Arthur Osaozowlozka^ 68 Oreanoroft 0 rdens^ London^ N •i,861 DC. Dta of Pro )Oaal: 13th July 1944, Inaurad amount for: Maohinery,ooal, and Chemical RM 648,630 or Ko 7,517,62^ Aloohol RM 60,000 or Kc 695,400. Itama not endangarad by fira aa machinary undar aurf oa or foundatlons ato. wara not inaared#also not Stocks of beet,pulp, refuse etc* (x) Valua in my oplnion: i/ On lat January lJ38 Maohinery ^ aquipment ooat prloa Ko 7,800,000 laas 20JJ dapreolation Ko 1> 600 ^000 api-roxlrataly Ko 6,(;00,0ü0 Stooko of varlous kind aa desoribad under (a)( i)2«iiioro thari 2. 000.000 abt. Ko 8, o 0,000 1 ^ / On th Relevant data: Maohlnary öc wquip .^.aX, vuluad by axpart (aaa taio. ) Ko 10,200,000 The axpart, Kngin er Karal Zeman la in a laadltig position at the Skoda ^ 474 f 9^ ÖS the Ist Jt^naary 1938 thare vrara only snall ourrent 11 billtloa inevitably coriiOotad with the management of the buölries55. In 5"L^^^ **^*^ '®^® manlfold covared^by bank aoccunta ond trari^ debta dua to the enterprisa as per Tax Aaaaaaaant of 2/8/lü3V. O^^l^tha relevant data the factory vaa ander National Ad^lnlsti i tion and X havö no krioifledge of any llabllltloa at that tinjo. Whan the OeroiAna occupled the faotor in the autumn ol 1938, there viere only larga asneta and no ilabllitioa. I am olölmlng aa Ooodwi 11 the value of the m^miifaoturing rl^^its llatad \mder ^ueation 12 (o) aiaountlng to Ko 7^600^000. I have only a oopy of the Profit and Lcas Aooou t of 14th April 1945, proparad by the ^^Deutacha Verauohsanstalt r^r «tti^hrunr und Verpflegung O.m.b.H., Abteilung Spiritusfabrik & Raffinerie Partsohandorr', ahowing a profit of RM 110,691.77 (Ko 1,282,918) • The flßurea ahown for bulldlngo - RM 664.96 (Ko 6,412) and for maohinery and aquipment ^ RM 1,047.67 (Kc 1^,146) prove that the entarpriaa waa obtained wlthout paywant, as at tha aame time and by the aasie Adjninistration the Insurance fipxire for bulldlnga waa RM 24S,470 (Kc 2,879,767) and for maohlnory and. aquipment RM 648,630 (Ko 7,517,622). Durlnp tha Oenaan Ocoupation •'Labensborn e.V.", i«unioh,was owna:»,l>eut80he Versuchsanstalt f ir öimflhrunp, und Verpflopjr.r; G.m.b.H," had the manc^gemont of the enterprisa. reglsta^ed Answers to Qaastlon lo. (1) 4th Pabnaary 1949 National Administration under Decree 5/19IJ.5 and Natlonallsatlon under Law 115/19ij.8 Plfioed urdar National Administration on I4th Decorabor 1M6 under Dooreo 5/1945; nationalisad by Order of the Minietry of Food 136.109/V/4- 1946 of 2^.fth Deoember 1948 iindar Law 115/1948; on 4th Pebruary 194i^ ":>l<=»ssky lihovaraky a napojovy prumyal ' National Corporation was entared in the Land Sa; Ister aa ownar* (11) (iil) s Arthur CzeQzöwxozKa, 8ö Oröenoroft dardeiis« London« N.A.6. Claim: (b) (d) (f) (g) (J) (1) (m) (n) (o) Aloohol Paotorj & Reflnary In Bartosovloa pag« 8 Queation 13 otd. otd. ^!Jh S*^<""^«^ 1948, data of publloatlon of Nation aHaatlon O-dor; and/or 4th Pebruary 1949. tha data when the Matloiml Corporation was ragtatarad aa ownarUrt .15b);and/6c 28th Sep«mber 19]+^ (Art.l5c) (o) Yea. Lihovar a raflnarie Uhu dr. Arthur Czeozowlozka In BHrtoaovloa naar Novy Jioln, Moravia, Czeohoslovakia. !^^^^^"rr "f^ ^oxmdeA by na and on tha 3rd May 1913 r^»!;f o ! ^" ^^'^ Oonunerolal Raglstar of the Dlstriot Court Ostrava undor the nama "Splrituafabrik und Rafflneria Partachondorf, Dr. Arthur Czeozowlozka" naiiineria On the 20th Ootober 1926 the Caeoh nana -Llhovar a raflnerle Uhu Bartoaovloa dr. Arthur Czeozowlozka waa alSJd! '^^^^'"'''^^^ n;?a ownaJIr ^*" "^"^ *^^ ^"* '^'*^'* ^""^^ ^ ^^^* ^««" ^^^ ?r?« *^%1«* August 1919 untll the 12th Maroh 1930 my father Salomon Czeozowlozka was Joint owneri iaiJner froi. the 12th Maroh 1930 I hav. agaln bean tha sola owner. ^^r.oSÜ3''S'*^r' «°*«Jll»had by ma In 191S. was anlarged and Improvod by degraes In all the followlng yaars untll 1938 Jh^n^f ^^ to State the axaot amounts S/lnvaaJSanL as tha neoosaary dooumanta are not In my possesslon. As already polnted out under Questlon 10 (e) I have made sltuSted °l*ln' for the land on whlch the faoto?y ia Aa far as I remembor I pald #or - the ereotlon of the bulldlngs more than maohlnery and oqulpment about Some flgures, which I romömber, are a staam boller abt.Kc 600,000 apparatus to reflne aloohol" Ko 700,000 do. to oonoen träte refuse " Ko 500,000. In Stocks und materials of varlous klnd* were investod more than r^ 2.000,000 (i) Tharo was no mortgage or other Charge. (11) I iiaye no knowledga of any arrears 1. taxea and slmllar charges on th© Ist January 1938 or on the relevant date, ^ w* on On Ist January 1938 my oradlt balanoe was verv substantial as Is evident frorn the Tncome Tax Asaessmont of the 2nd August 1937, I oarried on the buslneas on the Ist January 1938 untll the Gtorman Oftrtiir>at:irt« ^»^ -»-u« _„*. .i. ,,^™« Kc 2,000,000 Ko 7,500,000 Oarman Occupatlon In the autiunn of 1938, Mo. ^^^ "Leban^nr.n"^^V^«^^2.''f^°°"^^^°^*^^ ^^ ^^^ Osstapo and 27?hi:pra:;b:;^i9S9!^^^' reglstared as ownar on the I reoelvad no payment, (q) No. I Instltuted restltutlon procaedln/rs. The Dlstriot Court In Movy Jloln dlsoontlnued the QA?^**^^"?' ^y ßöoiaion No II 550/50-21 of the ^4th Ootober 1950 under Artlole II of the Anglo- CzQohoslovak Compensation Agreement, \ Arthur Cseosc^lotka^ 66 Ortcinoroft lardanst London p N • 'V « 6 • Ol I Aloohol möf^ory arid Reflrsry in aortoaoTtoe flafftl?*^ ^li ctdt a/ otd^ Ir) (1) I raoelvad fx^n tha Oaaohoalovak Financial Claims Pund jul»2.17.1# aa aiiulvalent of Ro 27,000, ralatlng to m^ Claim No#3335* 3aa my anawar to vxedtlon 12(b), (6) Wo. (x) (1) On tha Ist January 195Ö lo railabla inX^ormatlon Oi talnabla* My aatimat ad valua 1 s aboti^ (11) On the rolevaiit data Buildings iiiatar tlgiits MM^lnery and Bqaipmant Stocks of varicHia kind ($radit Balanoa Caaka Bank Union aoodwlll total : - Ko 5,y47,y60 Ko 100,000 Ko 10,200,000 KC 200,000 Ko 26,990 Ke 7.60- .^^' (y) I aa olftlmlng Ko 24.07U.9iiO. thls belng the rnJu« on the releyant dato» ^ /^.^ A V X > / / V A C.l. FOR OFFICIAL USB No. / / FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION 1 Princes Gate, London, S.W. 7 FOREIGN COMPENSATION ACT, 1950, AND THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) ORDER IN COUNCIL, 1950 (S.L 1950, N^. 1191) Application in respect of British Property Rights and Interests in Czechoslovakia ■ ■^«■fcifc«! iwn I» m, — i»>i PART I 1. Füll name of Applicant (Surname first, in Block Capitals): — CZECZOY/ICZKA Arthur 2. Address of Applicant (in Block Capitals): — 68, Greencroft Garde ns, London N.V/.6. 0 t 3. Profession, Business or Occupation of Applicant: — None 4. N^afne and address of solicitor if an^' * — .tj^ 5. If you desire to appoint some person other than a solicitor to negotiate on your behalf, give his name and address (see Note 5): — Dr. A. Bobasch, Revenue House, 7/8, Poultry, London E.C^2. 6. If an individual, please State: — iä) Place and date of birth (in Block Capitals): PRERüV Czechoslovakia 8th AUGUST 1875. {b) If not born in the United Kingdom how your claim to be qualified under Article 7 (b) of the Czechoslovak Order is made out (see Note 7): — Citizen of the Uniteä Klngdom hy natura lisation before the 28th September, 1949. } (c) If by naturalisation, give date, place of issue and number of certificate, noting, if possible, the reference number of any correspondence with the Home Office, or Governments granting the same. Naturalisation Certificate issued 18th March, 1948, Home Off ice, London Certificate No. AZ 40489 - Home Office Reference No. C. 7872 {d) Have you lost or renounced your British nationality? If so, when, and have you regained it, and, if so, how and when? No A ( 1 i i. * ._.i.. > r i I V V V i 7. If a Corporation, State date mid place of incorporation:— N.A. ' . 8. If the whole er any part of vour claim arises by succession after 28th September, 1949, under Article 7 W); also'answer Questions 1 to 3 inclusive and 6 and 7 in relation to each individual or body from whom you claim such succession and give particulars of the date and manner of succession in each case if there are different successions for different items of your claim (see Note 6). v- No. • 9. Have you registered or attempted to register your claim with the Administration of Enemy Property Department, or with any other Government Department . in the United Kingdom, or with any other Government? If so, give particulars, including date and any official reference number or other means of identification. If exact date is unknown, w^as it before or after 28th September, 1949? If you have not attempted to register before the last mentioned date, why not? Yes. Registered with the Administration of Eneiny Property DeT)artment on April 2(Dth, 1949 under No. DP/C/812 and on 20th,Aurust, 1949, NOTE.—// you have not room to answer any one^fthe qhiestuMs in the space provided, you may answer it here. X >ß' '* I ■ I »«««^.«»«iMmmmV »■■■ (n V «■»'****^««#^*^^kf^fcM J 7 » I hereby declare that my above answers are tnie to the best of my knowledge^ infonnation and belief. Da/e...22nd March,.l9.5X. /^^P^^^.^^^ Signatur e of Applicant (see Note 8) r" V., Do you desire a preliminary decision as to your qualification • to make a claim (which decision would only be provisional) before you answer Part II of this Form? Yes If so, do you desire an oral hearing on this point? (See Note 7.) No 16466-1 40266 ^ \ i /. Foreig:n Office. S.W.l. (NC 1151/33) 12th April, 1951. In Davies' absence I am replylng to your letter to him of 6th April enclosing one, whlch I return, from your constituent Dr.Czeczowiczka concerning the Czechoslovak Order in Council. It is hoped that an amending Order in Council will soon be made and while I cannot divulge which laws will be included in the rovieed schedulo I can eay that Dr,Czeczowiczka*s inability to präsent his claim beforo 31st March will not be prejudicial to his chances of establishing his claim. LJ^4rß Henry Book« , Esq. , Id. P. y> f r \ COPY Foreign Office, 2nd. June 1950, ^ear As i'irnf^sl Havlee 1s awajr at P^eneva, I am replying for hlm 10 your letier of lAe 2'!^^ . Hey a^iout Um Forei OoiapensaLion Bill. £n I can asaure yo\i ina^ vaf. ua-vf noi taicrn a r'eclolon l:> o.iilt ^z.eciioal'jvav ].av; 46 Jf 1948 (or Us irpr»eceb.-or LaiA, 14L jf 194'?) f n)iii^Scxipr!ulF o^ Ihf CzftchOBlove^' Orr'pr In ^ouncil. II ..a.-: "h^en oialUr-r^ iror. li.r^ulf atlacü'^i alrfCr-y -hrp-n <->l^ ^. £c:-lM.- \or cfVflullv. T.f shsl] .J UOUiSP- fXül * I I I u". ■,^' ..£.-;; 4^^ ox 194-F i.rr , li {■ p^.ropr^atf, , >i;,: 1 icluie lo 1.1 Lii«^ do-ie'i-al':, '-{•il T c^ i . r^ ■^■^1'- , rvt^- --T i.j £ r,f f r. o ' 1 . . r. er: r r. t< L J c. j. c- C ^ w "'^.^ Yijvr: ^:^r.rr re ' '^- •• > (cl^rf')- Kennfth K. Y Girier ^ \ I \ \\ -*\ C.2- Application in respect of British Property^ Rights and Interests in Czechoslovakia PART II (see Note 9) Question 10. In the case of land, houses, buildings, mines, water-rights or other similar property, please State with regard to the item or items (see Note 9> to which your answer relates : — (a) — (i) On what date, (ii) by what Czechoslovak measure (see Note 10), (iii) under what circumstances you have been deprived of the title to or the enjoyraent of the property. ib) Which do you select as " the relevant date " for the purposes of this item of your Claim (see Note 11)? (c) Were you on " the relevant date " the only person entitled to the item? If not, give the names, nationalities and last known addresses of any person or persons jointly entitled with you, and State what was your Proportion, with date and short particulars of the manner in which your interest arose, identifying any relevant documents. (d) The füll address, or best description of the location, of this item. Is it whoUy within Czechoslovakia? If not, give particulars. (e) General description of its nature, extent and condition (land and buildings separately) : — (i) on Ist January, 1938 (see Note 12); and (ii) on " the relevant date." If a substantial change in the condition or extent took place betweea these two dates, briefly explain the circumstances (see Note 13). (/) Date of acquisition and brief particulars of title under which it was acquired and any subsequent change in the title under which you held it, or any part thereof. ig) The price or prices (if any) paid by you on the acquisition of the whole or any part of the item, with dates. (h) Was the item rented by you (see Note 14)? If so (unless already answered under (/) ), give particulars, with date. (/) Particulars of — (i) any mortgage or other Charge on the item, stating date, amount, rate of interest and name and last known address of mortgagee or owner of Charge; (ii) general and local taxes and other similar charges payable in respect of the item on Ist January, 1938, and on " the relevant date." (k) Was this item let by you on Ist January, 1938, or later (see Note 14)? If so, give particulars. (/) Did you or any and what person on your behalf occupy or use this item on Ist January, 1938, or from what later date, and until what date? If so, State for what purpose and if for purposes of a business in respect of which you are making any other claim under this Order, name the business and identify the other items of such claim with which it is connected, whether under this Application, or not. (m) Are you, or were you, at any and what date on or after Ist January, 1938, a trustee of this item? If so, give particulars, including name and last known address of beneficiary. (n) Was any person trustee for you of this item on or after Ist January, 1938? If so, give particulars, including name and last known address of trustee. (o) Have you assigned the item or the right to receive compensation from the fund in respect thereof or have you acquired the said item or right by assignment? If so,^^ive name and last known address of 16466—2 39478—? <^^i •:# : V i^ r ( Qoestion 10. — continued assignor or assignee as the case may be, amount of consideration and any other general particulars, except in so far as you have already answered this under (/) and/or (g). (p) Was any transfer of this item eflfected under circumstances covered by Article 17 of the Order? If so, give requisite particulars. Did you receive any and, if so, what payment in respect of the item in consideration of such transfer? (q) Did you or any and what person on your behalf resume possession of the item at any time before '" the relevant date "? If so, give date and period of such possession, with particulars. If not, did you Institute restitution proceedings? If so, wi)Ü^ What^ result? If not, why not? ^ ^ JuM*^- ^^ ^- ^ (r) Have you received any compensation or recoupment in respect of any matter from — (i) the Czechoslovak Financial Claims Fund or the Czechoslovak Refugee Fund (see Note 15); or (ii) any fund provided by the Czechoslovak Government; or (iii) any other source relating to any property in Czechoslovakia. If so, State particulars and say whether in your view such compensa- tion or recoupment had any and what relation to this item. (s) Have you any claim for or any expectation of receiving any compensa- \ « tion or recoupment from any sources, other than by reason of this ' Application, in respect of this item? If so, give particulars. (/) Was the item at any time insured? If so, give name and last known address of insurer, number and date of policy, amount for which insured, and any other relevant particulars. {u) State briefly any other matters (if any) not covered by the above questions which you consider relevant to your Application. (x) What in your opinion was the value of the item, after allowing for all proper deductions (see Note 16): — (i) on Ist January, 1938; and (ii) at " the relevant date "? Add briefly any facts not already mentioned herein or reasons on which you base your opinion. (y) What do you claim as the amount of your loss? If the figure diflfers from answer to (x), give the reason. Qoestion 11. In the case of furniture, machinery (whether or not attached to iand, building, &c.), goods, live-stock and other property similar to any of the above, answer all the sub-paragraphs in Question 10, except that: — (d) should read : " The füll address or best description of the location of this item at ' the relevant date,' or last previous date when its location was known to you, specifying the date. If the item was in or on any ^ property in respect of which a claim is made under Question 10, identif y the same " ; and (e) should read : " General description of its nature and condition — (i) on Ist January, 1938 (see Note 12); (ii) on 'the relevant date.' ••^ If a substantial change in the condition took place between these two dates, briefly explain the circumstances." Question 12. Other assets or Claims not falling within Questions 10, 11 or 13: — {a) In the case of a mortgage, debenture or other Charge secured on any property : — (i) specify the date and amount thereof and the name, nationality and last known address of the debtor. (ii) identif y the document containing the Charge, (iii) was the debtor personally liable to you for the debt apart from the security of the property charged? (iv) is the debt still outstanding? If so, to what extent (if any) has the debt been redi^ced? (v) describe the property the subject of the Charge. f 4 «-i- >^ ( \ t i \ > / / „ h tmittf*")^* / Qoestion 12. — continueä (b) (vi) consider Questions 10, 11 or 13, whichever is appropriate to the property the subject of the Charge, and give such information as you can on the matters there dealt with in relation to that property and in so far as applicable in relation to your own Claim. In particular if possible answer Question 10 (a), (6), (r) and {s) in relation to yourself and/or your debtor; also answer Question 10 (x) as to the value of the property on which the Charge was secured, and Question 10 (y), Answer Question (b) (iii) below with regard to the personal üability of your debtor. In the case of an unsecured debt State: — (i) ■m. date, amount and manner in which the debt came into existence (identifying any relevant document). (ii) name, nationahty and last known address of debtor. (iii) by what Czechoslovak measure have you been deprived of the means of recovering the debt? (iv) same as {a) (iv). (c) In the case of any other asset or claim not covered by any question on this Form but which you allege to be covered by the Czechoslovak Order, give such particulars as you can, bearing in mind (a) (vi) hereof . Qoestion 13. In the case of an enterprise or business :— (d) Describe its general nature and purpose, including any changes therein between Ist January, 1938, and " the relevant date." (b) Identify any tangible assets thereof in respect of which you have answered Questions 10 and/or 11. Also any other assets in respect of which you answered Question 12 (see Note 17). (c) Give the totals of the values of the assets dealt with under each of the above questions separately, both at Ist January, 1938, and at " the relevant date." / (d) What were the liabilities of the business at each of the said dates, with y brief explanation of substantial changes? (e) What in your opinion was the value of the goodwill (apart from other assets) at each of the said dates, explaining briefly your basis of valuation? (/) Supply balance-sheets for all years from 1936 to the year of " the relevant date " inclusive, so far as available. Even if you have already answered them in relation to particular assets under Questions 10, 11 and 12, please answer the foUowing questions (with any necessary adaptations) in relation to the business as a whole: — 10 (a), (ft), (c), (d), (/), (g), (/), (1) Did you or any and what person on your behalf carry on this business on Ist January, 1938, or from what later date and until what later date? (m), (n\ (o\ (p\ {q\ (r), {s\ (w), {x) and (y). y 'i",^ Questlon 14. In the case of an " interest in property " (see Note 18) :— (a) U you were the owner of any shares, Stocks or " kuxen " (but not debentures which should be dealt with in Question 12 unless you Claim that they are " Stocks," in which case include them here, stating the grounds of your claim) in a Corporation incorporated under the laws in force in Czechoslovakia, State: — (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (V) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) the name and registered address of the Corporation; the number, class and identifying particulars of the shares, &c„ you held; have you any certificate or document of title? If so, identify the same; have you any balance-sheets available? If so. for what years? explain the financial structure of the Corporation and State what Proportion of the value you claim that your holding represents; if you know of any market quotations, or other dealings in the security of the kind you held from Ist January, 1936, onwards, give particulars. If quotations were numerous, give highest and lowest in each year ; consider Question 13, and give such information as you can on the matters there dealt with in relation to the business of the Corporation; answer Question 10 (a), (b), (/•) and (s) in relation to yourself and/or the Corporation. Also answer Question 10 (x) as to the corporation's business and as to your interest therein and Question 10 (y); ' answer all the sub-paragraphs of this question in relation to any interest in property " which you claim was held by the Corporation within Article 14 (b) of the Order, (b) If you are the owner of any shares or stock in any corporation comine within the definition of Article 14 (a) (ü) of the Order, State :— (i) in what country was the corporation incorporated? - (u) identify the agreement between the government of that country and Czechoslovakia on which you rely; (iii) answer all the sub-paragraphs in (a); (iv) give any further explanation as to how you substantiate vour Claim. ■' Question 15. If any item or items of your claim arise by succession under Article 7 {d) of the Order, identify such items with the particulars of such successions which you have given in answer to Question 8 in Part I- or if you have not already answered that question, give the required particulars'. Question 16. You niay if you wish, but need not, supply at this stage the names and addresses of any persons to whom you would be willing that the Commission should refer for confirmation of any of your answers, specifyine which answers if possible. f j & ^ « ^ •>- ^* ^^ .— •» — »»■' ,/ M ' V ( / wm ADMINISTRATION OF ENEMY PROPERTY DEPARTMENT (Treasury and Board of Trade) t Your Ref. Tthphane No. : Mayfair 7211 Ttlegraphic Address: J^xtcnsion. 240, Our Ref.: <« Tradsnbmy, London. ** (Any reply should be addressed to "The Controller-Generar' and our Reference quoted, please. Failure to quote References may cause delay. :ei. : / / 31/02/10, 32. WARWICK STREET, REGENT STREET. LONDON. W.l I I am va-iting wlth reference to your re/^iatration v;ith thls Department of interests in CzechoslovakicL and to infoim you that an Agreement conoerning compensa- tion for Brj.tish prcperty, rights and intcrest.'^i affected by various Czechoslovak measures of national! L^ation, oxr^ropriatiun, dispussesaion or other restrictive measurcs was signcd by reprocjentatives of rlis Kajenty's G-ovcrninent in the United KingdoTP and of the Government of Oseohoslövakia on 28th Sex^tember, 1%-9» The A£:;roeinent, copi-js of v/hich may bc bou^^ht from His Majosty* s Stationery Office or tla-ou^cr}! aay bool^sellur, ha3 bcon publishcd as Crnd, 7797, Tho proviGions of the Agrcemont are limited and do not, for example, refer to the reluase of bank accounts froi:en under the Gzcchoölovak monetaxy reform regulations, the pai^Tnont of pro-v/ar commeroial debts or oompensation for proporty damaged or doLitroycd by cnumy action. Thu posituon of claiiris falling into these tliree cate^jories i3 under stood to bc as .v.tated belov/;« ■> <7 / 7 P (a) Bank, account.: fror.en under t]ie Csochoslovak nonetary roform rc^gulatixuis^-^, — -^ -^ The C^iociio.^lovak Ministry of Finance is at proaent only pr epared to oonsidcr indivi.dual applications for early release in exccptional circumstancos, (b) pro-v/ar corjnercial debtn, The renun:ption of paymcnt of ccrtain ijvc'-'-^Nar ooTTtmercial debts due from C^ioohoslovakia is at present under discusslon v;ith the Czechoslovak authoritius as a matter sopai.''ate frcm tlie Gornj^ensation Agreement. Until furthcr information is available olaimants arc advised to try to get into touch v/ith their dcbtors, if tliey ha/e not already done so, v/ith a viev/ to obtaining paynent, Crcditors who have not recoived paymcnt of pre-v/ar dchts nhouid infom; this Departm.ent, stating the nejTie of the debtor, the ainount outstanding and the grounds upon ^/hich r^ayment hc^s been delayed, (o) Froperty dectroycd or da'^v.iged b^.'- i]nv:my aotion, Tho Gr.echoslovalc authorities have an yct inti'oduced no general le/^'islation x^^'^^^'^i^^^ing for comx'cnsation for v/ar daniage. J i} [ ] ♦ W üui's faitlifully. ANY EBPLY SHOULD BB ADDEBSSBD T' ! I 1 (r. a. jöily) i \~^^ I :*. »iüOTBD, PLBA8B — ^ / v: 1 / \k REPUBLIKY CESKOSLOVENSKE Redakce a administrace Praha III, Karmelitskö 6 Telef ony: 415-26 a 415-65, prodejny jednotlivych vylif^ku 414-41 a 415-15. — Vychäzi podle potreby. 6ästka 5. Vydäna dne 12. ledna 1946. Cena 2 Kös. / OBS AH: (26. — 28.) 2^. Vyhhiska nilnistra vyzivy o /na- 28. IVarizenl zeniskoho iiuro(tniho vyboru v Bnie rddn^ni pociniku prumy.slu polravindfskoho. — narizcni u olilaKovaci povinnosti a pronajimi 27. Vyhlaska nejvyssilio urPiiii conoveho o cendrh bytü. raäeliny. \ .26. V y h I ä s k a ministra vyzivy ze dne 9. ledna 1946 o' z n a r o d n e n i p o d n i k ü p r u m y s I u p o t r a V » n a r s k e li o. Fodle § 1, ( 4 dekretu-o znärodneni u^kloiych pcKÜiikü piüniy.slu potravinarskelio c. 101/1945 Sb., vy- hlaSuji .olkovä rolnickä tovfirna na cukr v Uhfinevei. 7. Spojene cukrovary dobrovicke rafinerie, a. s., — se z&vody v Dobrovicich, Doksariech, Postoloprtech, stöti n. L., Csti n. L. a Vlkave. 8. a) Spolek inoravskych cukrovarü — se zavoiiy V Bediho.sti, Hulirte ft Velke Bystrici, b) Cukrovar Velke Pavlovice, J, Latzel a spoi., s. s r. o. y. Cukrovar a rafinerie roliiicke akciove spole^nosti v Cerekvici. 10. Spole6ny cukrovar v Doiiu'ni Cetne. 11. Rudolfa Czemina cukrovar v.Dymokurech. 12. Spolkovy rolnicky cukrovar Horka. 13. Cukrovar Oldficha Ferdinanda Kinskeho — Hos- pozin. « • 14. Culaovar v Hrochov<^ Tynci, akc. spol. 15. Wagner a .spol., — Cholticj. 16. Cukrovar v (yhrudimi, spol. s r. o. • 17. Spolecny cukrovar v Klobukäch. 18. C/ukrovar Pirviiia Schllka v Kopidlne, 19. Herbf-rsteinsky cukrovar v Libochovicich. 20. Stfedocesky cukerni prüniysl, akc. spol. v Praze — .se zavodeni v Oe.skem Mezifici. 21. Spolkov^ cukrovarna v Nymbuice. 22. Akciovy cukrovar Pardubicko-Kouriinsky — i?e za- vodeni v Pardubicich. 23. Cukrovar v Ratbofi, ßernard Mandelik. 24. Spolecny cukrovar podfipsky v Roujlnici n. L. 25. Rolnicky akciovy cukrovar, Rosice u Chrasti. 26. Skfivanska rafinerie cukru, akc. spol. -— Skiivany. 27. (Kni?.ete) Ferdinanda (z) Auers|)erku cukrovar, Slatinany. 28. Rolnicky akciovy cukrovar v Drahanovicich. 29. RolnickA cukrovarni spolecnost akciova v Unicovo. 1^0. Hospodärska licastinna sj)olocno.'^t pre priemysel cu- korny v Nitre. 31. Pohroiisky cukrovar, ü<^astlnna spolocnost^Oroska. o2. Hospodarsky cukrovar, ü^ast. spolocnost, Sered. .'>3. suriansky cukrovar a rafineria, uc. spolo^nost — K^urany. 34. Cukrovar Trobisov, üc. spolocnost. # 35. Cukrovary Karola Stummera, üc. spolocnost — • Trnava. (K pfem^ne na podm'ky druzMtevni jsou urceny: Spolkovy rolnicky cukrovar Oejeticky, Rolnicky akciovy cukrovar v D a s i c i c h, Spolkovy rolnicky cu- krovar V N 0 v e m B y d z o v e, Rolnicky akciovy cu- krovar, pivovar a mlyn v Ov^ärech, Spolecny rol- nicky cuKiovar V P f' e d m ^ f' i c i c h nad I.abeni, Po- rolni<^eny cukrovar, akc. spol. v Pjrelouci, Rolnicke akcio\'c podniky cukrovar a mlyn v R o z d' a 1 o v i c i c h, Rolnick^ cukrovar v S y r o v ä t c e, akciova spolecnost. / Stiana S4. Üfednf list republiky Ceskoslovensk^ I ze dfte 12. ledna .1!)!^. ^astka 5. Rolnicky cukrovar a rafinerie, a. s. v B r o d k u, A k c i- ovä spolecnost pro prümysi cukrovar- n i c k ^ se zdvody v Bfecla vi, Bzenci, Ho- donin^, HruSovajiech nad Jev., Koje t in ^, Pohofelicich, Slavkov^u Brna, So k o 1 n i- cich, Tova^ov^. Uhersk^ni Hradisti a Äidlochovicich, Akciova spolecnost rolnickeho cukrovani v Gelechovicich na Hane, Rolnicky cix- krovar akciovy v Dfevohosticich, Hejdinsky cu- krovar, lihovar a droMärna df. Bratff A. & H.Mayü — H e j C 1 n, Rolnicky akciovy cukrovar a rafinarie v H o- 11 c i u Olomouce, Rolnicky cukrovar akciovy v H u 1 i- n e, Prvni moravsky akciovy cukrovar rolnicky — K r o- m 6 f i z, Rolnick;^ akciovj cukrovar v L i t o v 1 i, Rol- nicky cukrovar a rafinerie, akc. spol. — M a 1 6 P r o- senice, Rolnicky cukrovar a rafinerie v Nemci- c i c h jiad Hanou, Rolnicky akciovy cukrovar a rafi- nerie — V r b ä t k y, Diosekskä hospodarska, cukrovarnickä a liehovarnickä ü^astinärska spolocnost, Slovensky rol'nlcky cukrovar, ücastinna spolocnost* — FarkaSin, Povazsky cukro- var, ücast. spoloenost — Tren6ianslj:a Tepla, Cykrovar Maxa Löw-Beera v Uhorskej Vsi.) II. Lihuvary a rafinerie lilui: 1. Lihovar a rafinerie lihu, Bartosovice, Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka. 2.^ Cukrovar, lihovar a drozrfäma v Hejcine, akciova spolecnost — dr. Bratff A. & H. Mayü, akc. spol., Olomouc-HejCfn. 8. Spolek moravskych cukrovarü, Olomouc — zavod v HodolaneeJi. 4. Lihovar v Chrudimi, spol. s r. o. 5'. Akciovd spolecnost pro prumysl cukrovarnick:C^ Ho- (lonin — zavod v Kojetine. 6. Kolinske akciove tovarny na vyrab^ni a cisteni lihu a drasla — zavod v Koline 140, 7. Akciova spolecnost pro lihovy prümysi — zavody V Kralupech n Vit. a ve Svinove. 8. Tdvarna na iih, lisovane drozdi a liker'y (df. Bratfi Eckelmannove) — zavod v Krnsnem Bfezn^. 9. Lähskokosteleckä rafinerie cukru, akc. spol. — za- vod v Libani. 10. Frantisek Xav. Brosche syn, akciova spolecnost — zavody v Praze-Libni a v Rajci nad Svitavou. 11. M. P'ischla synove — zavody v Mezimosti n. Nez. a V Praze XVL-Zlichov. 12. Akciova spolecnost mlailoboleslavskeho lihovaiii a lucebni tovämy — Mlada Boleslav. 13. Mosteckä tovärna na vyrobu lihu a drasla K. Wolf- rum, kom. spol. — zavod v Moste. 14. Akciova drpzd'ama a lihovar v Olomouci-Pavlovi- cich. 16. Opavskä akciova spolecnost pro rafinoväni cukru, tovärna na lih a draslo. 16. Fardubicky lihovar, rafinerie lihu a octäma, akc. spol. 17. Josef Hanäk, tovama na lih a lisov. drozdi, Plzen. 18. IMzenskä rafinerie lihu a tovärna na ocet, akc. spol.. Plzen. ^ ' 19. Ptadvanickä rafinerie lihu, vyroba octa a likerü, akc. spol. — zavod v Mor. Ostravd-Radvanicich. ^0. Roudnicky lihovar a rafinerie v Dobfini, Pick a .^pol. 21. p:d. Ad. Mnlbur^'a syn, a. s. — Smifice. 22. Tovärna na lih a lisovane drozdi. "P. Wolfrum, kom. spol. — Teplice-Öanov. 23. Rolnickä cukrovami spolecnost akciova v Unicove. in. Pivovary: 1. Akcionäfsky pivovar na Smichov?. 2. Mest'ansk;^ pivo/ar v Plzni. B, Plzenskd akciova pivovary v Plzni. 4. Pivovar ve Velkych Popovicich (firma F. Ringhof- fer, vef. obch. spolec^nost, pivovar ve. Velkych Po- povicich). 5. Prvnf bm^nsky akciovy pivovar (firma Prvni bm^n- sky akciovy pivovar a sladovna v Brn^). , 6. cesky akciovy pivovar v Ceflcych Bud^jovicich. IV. MIyiiy: 1. Akciova spolecnost mlynü v Praze VII., U Uranie ^p. 1037. 2. Firma Richard Mückusch, parni mlyn a pekärna v Kmove a Nemeckem Jeseniku — se zavody v N^- meckem Jeseniku cp. 116 a v Krnov^. 3. Firma Frantisek Jiräsek, prvni umelecke a parjii mlyny v Lounech — .se zavody v Lounecb cp. 266 a cp. 267. - % 4. Firma Smificke mlyny, akciova spolecnost, Smifice. 5. Fiima Nove Mlyny M. jdzefy v Kutne Höre. 6. Firma Jo.sef Vozenilek, automaticke valcove mlyny v Pfedmeficicli n. Lab., zejmena se zavody v Pfed- niericich n. Lab. cp. 107 a cp. 1. 7. Firma J. F. Daubek, parni mlyny, spolecnost s r. ö., Bir.enec (Cechy). . Podniky iia vyrobu unielych jedlych tuku: 1. Jiri Schicht, akc. spol., Üsti nad Labern s veskerym svym majetkem, jakoz i podniky koncorpovymi (§ 4, odst. 4 dekretu c. 101/1945 Sb.). 2. Sana, akc. spol., tovärna na mar^arin a pozivatiny, Praha, s veskerym svym majetkem, jakoz i podniky koncernovymi (§ 4, odst. 4 dekretu c. 101/194.') Sb.). 3. Zavody Kosmos, Cäslav. 4. Frantisek Otta, tovärna na niydlo a jedle tuky, Ra- kovnik, v^etne zävodu v Äidovicfch. 6. Zavody MILO, spolecnost s r. o., Olomouc. Vi. Podniky na vyrobu cokolady a cukrovinek: 1. Orion, tovärny na cokolädu, a. s., Praha, s veskei*ym svym majetkem, jakoz i podniky konceniovymi (§ 4, odst. 4 dekretu c. 101/1945 Sb.). 2. Rupa, tovärna na cokolädu a cukrovinky, Rudolf Pachl, Praha-Nusle, vcetne zävodu v Moiäzna- my, z nichi by mohly byt prokäzäny v.sechny iiu-xupy a prodeje raseliny, jakoz i vypocfet prodejni teny. (*-) Na kazdou dodävku raseliny v mnö^c tvf nej- nien^ 500 kg musi byt kupujicimu vystaven ücet. Piü- pis je nutno uschovat. Ücet musi obsahovat vr^ker^ udaje nutne k pfezkousoni pozadovan<5 ceny. §4. Nejvyssi üfad cenovy nebo mista jim povefenä niohou povolit anebo nafidit v^jimky z ustanoveni t^to* vyhläsky nebo z pfedpisü vydanycb k jpjiniu pruv.ieni. §-5. Pfestupky teto vyhläsky se trestaji poille cästl c^.tvrte vlädin'ho nafizeni o zfizeni nejvyssiho üfadu ce- nove a podle pfedpisü toto naff7.^ni me^iicich h('\)o do- plnujfcfch. § C. Tato vyhläska nabyvä ücinnosti dnem 1. ledna 1946. Od tohoto dne nelze pouzivat ustanoveni vyhläsky nejvyssiho üfadu cenoveho ze dne 2. cervna 1942, b^i. c. 513, o cenäch raSeliny domäciho i ciziho püvodu (Ü. 1. c. 131/1942), ve zn(5ni vyhläSky ze dne 27. listopadu 1942, b^i. c. .1081 (Ü. 1. c. 283/1942), jakoz i vyjimek povolenych podle t^chtö predpisü. Za pfedsedu nejvyssiho üfadu cenoveho; , Dr. Maur v. r. 28. Nafizeni zemsk^ho närodniho vyboru v Brne ze dne 31. prosince 1945. ^emsky närodni vybor v Brno nafizuje podle cl. % odst. 1 zäk. ze dne 14. (fervence 1927, 6. 125 Sb., o organisaci politicke sprävy: ()hla.sovaci povinnost a prcnäjem bytü. §1. (^) Vlastnici domü jsou povinni hläsiti ve stanove- nych Ihütäch mfstnimu närodnimu vyboru (mistnf , sprävni komisi) byty, 1. jichz se vübec neuzivä neb uzivä jen obcas a to bez ohledu, zda jsou pronajaty nebo jinak däny v uif- väni 6i nikoliv; 2. u nichz näjemni pom^r nebö jine prävo na jejich uzivänl zanikne nebo ktere se jinak uvolnf, jakoz i byty jejichz näjemnik zemfel, vyjimajic ty, u nichz po nä- jemnfkovS smrti vstoupili v näjemni smlouvu pfisluä- nici jeho rodiny, ktefi bydleli v jeho byte v dob^ jeho smrti aspon jiz tfi mösice nemajice vlastniho bytu, a neodmitli pokra^ovati v näjemnim pom^ru. (2) Byty uvedenä v odstavci 1, c. 1 musi byti ohlä- §eny do 15. ledna 1946; nastanou-li vsak skutecnosti. zaklädajicf ohlasovaci povinnost teprve po 31. prosincl ^ 1945, do 15 dnü po t^, l^dy vlastnik domu o nich zveddl. (') Byty uvedene v odst. 1, L 2 musi vlastnici domü hläsiti do 15 dnü po te, kdy zruseni näjemni nebo jine smlouvy o uziväni nabylo prävni moci nebo kdy byt se jinak uvolnil; byty^^ichi näjomnik zemfel, nutno hläsiti do 15 dnü po te, kdy vlastnik domu zvedel o nä- jemnikovS smrti nebo kdy pfislusnici näjemnikovy ro- diny odmftli pokra^ovati v näjemnim pom^ru. § 2. (*) Näjemnici a jini uzivatele, kteri niaji dva nebo vice bytü jsou povinni ohläsiti to dö stanovene Ihüty niistnfm närodnim vyborüm (mistnim srprävnim komi- sim) obci, v nirhz jsou tyto byty, a sou^asn^ jim sdÄ- liti, ktery z bytü si ponechajL p -r » Strara ^(\. (") Byty inuöi byti ohläsony do 10. ledna 1946; nastaiiou-li v5ak skuteönosti, zaklddajici ohla.^ovaci po- vinnost, lepive jk» 81. pio.und IJUö, do 15 dnü po je- jich vziilku. § 3. (0 r»yty, podleliajici ohlaKOvaci povinnosti podle § 1, jsou vlastm'ci domü poviniii pionajmouti osobam, ktere jim piikaze mfstni luirodm' vybor (iriistni spravni komi.e). (•-*) Nobu(ie-li vldstnika domu dorucen do 30 dnü po U', 1:dy l>yt ohlasil, prikaz k jeho pronäjmu, müze jej sao^ pronajmouti nebo jinak dati v uzivani nebo jej sdm uzivati, avsak je povinen ohlasitl to do 15 dnü mistriinii närodnimu vyboru (mistni spravni komisi). Nadinerne byty. ' . ' § 4. (^) Najeninici a jini uzivatcle bytu jsou poviniu hlasiti ve stanoVenych Ihütach mislnimu narjodnimu vy- boru (inisini spravni komisi) nadnieriie byty. (-) ßyt se i)Ovazujp za nadniemy, presahuje-li po- tei cbytnych mistnoati pocet pfislusnikü domäcnosli najemnika neb jineho uzivateie. Pri zjisCovani po^tu prislusnikü domäcnosti pocitaji fjc dv^ döti pod 10 let a pri licheni po^tu zbyvajici dile za jednu osobu. l'ii pocttani obytnych mistno^ti se neprihlizi 1. ke kuchymm, 2. k nilstnostem, jichz najemnik nebo jiny uzivatel bytu nelxi pfislusnici jeho rodiny nezbytne potüebuji k vykonu sveho zamSstnäni nebo povoläni (na pi'. domaci dilny renieslnL ü, ordina^ni mfstnosti lekaiü, kancelate advokfitü, notarü a stavitelii, Ftiidovny vedeckych pra- covnikti a pod.). ^ :\. K inistnosteni, ktere jsou däny do podnäjmu (näjinu) nebo jinak v uzivani a jez podnajemnik (na- jemnik) nel>o jiny uzivatel trvale obyvti. ('*) Byty musi byti ohlaseny do 15. ledna 104(); nastaiiou-li vsak skute^nosti zaklädajici ohlasovaci po- vinnoat tepr\e po .31. prosinci li)45, do 15 dnü po je- jlch vzin'ku. / (') Näjemnici a jini uzivateie nadmernych bytu jsou povinni nadpo^etn^ mistnosti dati do Ihüty stano- ven4 mistnim ndrodniin vyborem (mi.'^tni spravni ko- misi) do podnajmu (najmu) nebo jinak v u/.ivani oso- bäni; ktere vykonavaji v obci sve zam^stnäni nein» i)o- volÄni nebo jejichz pobyt je v obci ve verejneni zäjinu nutny, a to vzdy kazdou nadpocetnou mistnost nejmeno 1 osoW; V Praze, v Bm^,, v Mor. Ostrava, v Hradci Krilove a v Plzni musi (lati pfednost posluchacüm mtstni vysoke skoly. (*) Nesplni-I' najemnici nebo jipi uzivateie nad- ni^rnych bytu tuto povinuost do stanovene Ihüty, bu- dou povinni dati nadpocetnc niistnosti do podnajmu (najmu) osobam, kteie jiin ])rikaze nijstiii näiodni vy- lK>r (nnstni spTavni komise). . Promena a zpiisolj uzi\^ini bytu. § 6. (') t»ez svoleiii mistniho naiodniho vyboru (nu'.stni spravni komise) neni dovoleno 1. zrusiti byt jeho pi'ipojenim k jinunu bytu nebo pi^ipojem'm jednotlivych casti k jinyni bytüm; 2. uzfvati bytu nebo jednotlivych casti k jinym ü^e- lüm nez k bydioni; Üfednf Hat republiky öeskoslovensk^ T ze dne 12. lelna 101(J. 3. miti dva nebo vice bytu v obcich, na ncz se vztahuje toto' nai'izeni (§ 10). .('-*) Svoleni podle odst. 1, 6. 2 neni potrebi 1. pro byty a jednotlive jejich ^ästi, jich2 se uzi- valo pfed 1. ledneni 1946 k jinym ü^elüm nez k bydleni; 2. pro jednotlive casti bytü, jichz najenmik nebo jiny uzivatel nebo pHsluSnici jeho rodiny nezbytne po- tfebuji k vj'konu sv6ho zamdstnani nebo povoläni (na pi*. domäcf dilny femeslnikü, ordinacni mistnosti lekafü, kancelaie advokatü, notarü, stavitelü, studovny vedec- kych pracovnikü'a pod.). Spolocna ustanoveni. §7. Piestupky tohoto naiizeni trestaji okresni narodni vybory podle cl. 3, odst. 1 zäk. c. 125/1927 Sb., i>o- kutou do 5000 Kds nebo vf^zenim do 14 dnü. (') Vlastnikeni (lo)nü podle tohoto naiizeni se ro- zumi, pokud z povahy veci nevyplyva ncco jineho, tez jeho zakonny nebo smluvni zastupce nebo pozivatel domu. (■-) Kde se V narizeni niluvi o uzivateli bytu, lo- zumi se jim tei vlastnfk nobo pozivatel domu, pokud uzivaji bytu ve svem dorne. (^) K pfislusniküm lodiny podle tohoto iiai'izeni .tvo vnitra v Praze. — Tisku«; Statni, li-skama v l'razc 111., KarmclJtska ul. c. (». Pj^edplatne spole^ne pro I. a IT. dil, na mes'w R5 Kcs, na ctvit rok'u 195 K^s, na pul roku 300 Kcs. licet postovni spofitelny c. 42.7f>9X2. — Noii'iova -azi.a povolena feditel^tvlm po.H a teleprafü c. 128.500 \' II- JOGG. — Dohledaci postovjii üfad Piaha 25. \ l y I\(L 2£2ii hMnf\ K^'ii ^^'^ii''i Ccu^crxinA Z/3G> \ •r ••• 1^ FOREIGN CLAIMS SLTTLEMENT COMM1S510N OF TUE U.NITED STATES Washington 25. D. C. In tue Matter of the Claim of ErvICA SriON c/o Coudcrt Brothers 4ßi> Wadtson Avenue Kcw York 22, Kcw York \ Under the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as amended G*»0 917845 Counsel for Clalaant: COUpHRT BROTHERS 488 lladison Avenue New York 22, New York Claim No. Decision No. C2-2I89 VSQ PltOPOSED DSC IS io;i ERICA SEIOIJ. claLnant herein, a national of the Onlted States by naturalt^atlon on December 13, 1945, eeeks coapcnsatlon In the a:.ount of $359.087.71 pursuant to Title IV of the International Clalas Scttleaent ' Act of 1949, ae aziended, for losses allcßcdly resulting froa the national- Isation or other taking by the Covcrn=.ent of CzechoslovaUia of ccrtaln property in which che had an Interest. Tne propcrty upon «hich the clala Ic baced Ib as follows: (1) (2) The agricultural cstate knoua as the "Estate Bartosovlce" consistlng of an area of approximtely 651.4935 hectares of land with laprovenento recorded in the real estate rccords of "Eartosovia", Puste jov" and "Sedlnice", in vhich clalxjant asserts an ownershlp interest of 14.301' and ' Real property in Kovj^ Jlcin concieting of a houae, Va. 675. and a butldlng eite and real property located in Senov con- sistlng of 302.716 Equare neters of buildlng land, in whlch clairaant had a 25% interest. Section 404 of the Act provl<1es, inter alla, for the detcruination by the Cozmission, in accordcnce with applicable Substantive law, including international law, of the validlty und anount of claias by natlonals of - 2 - thc United States a^J-inzt tlic Govcrar.eiit of Cseclioslovakta for locsea rcciulting froia tlie iwtionalizutlon or otlier taUtng on and aftcr Janu^ry l, 1945, of pxroperty, including any rlg^tc or intcrests tlieretn, o\,-ned at m the tl:rLe by nattoaals o£ the ünlted Gtates. T^tc C;>=inls3ioa finds it cstablished tlut claijiant owned interests ( in the real propcrty, itcns (1) and (2), cc allc£;ed; that her latcrc3t \\ in iteza (1) vas cacit-ibered by c lifc ectatc in favor of her fatber, Arthur C::ec20'.?ic2ha, vlio vas bcni oa August 6, 1C75; and tbat her intcrest In itca (2) vslq cnciabcred by a life cstate in favor or her Dother, Iroa C^ecsovlcrTca, vho \f£is born ou February 20, 1890. thus, clair^ant'e intcrcGt in both iteas of the cubject property was that of a re:::a tnceroian . It öppears fro:i the rccord that all of thc catd property was placed under national adainictration in 1945 by the Covemnent of Czechoslovakia pürsuant to the pi^vislons of Caechoölovak Decrce Uo. 5/4j Sb., cffcctivc Kay 19, 1945. Äcresftcr, on April 15, 1548 the liinistry of Agriculture iccued a dccision ^^-herelu it uas found that the Bubject property was Eübjcct to expropriation in accordance vlth thc provislons of the Cseck- oslovak Asrarion Reforji laws. \?hile sevcral clcerccs vere thereaftcr iesued with recpeet to certain parcels of thc said property, the property vnG apparently cons Idered as one econoaic Tiio Co:^"2lcoion finds, thcreforo, that the aforccaid actlon of the liinistry of Agriculture ou April 15, 1943 constltuted a taking of the eatlre property. Clainant asscrto that the total valuc of the *'Bartosovice" estate vas $1,837,570.14 and that the total value of thc property at Kovy Jicin aad Ccaov uas $385,2G4»74; arid tliat the values of her respcctive interests thercin v.^ere $262,772.53 :ind $96,315.18. Gho ctatec that thesc \-aluc5 are baccd upan findingc by the Foreign Co:ipenGation Ccrmißsion, London, in th^ claltis of her fathcr, nother and ßißter for their interests in the canie property. ClaL:i2nt Ijis furnishcd a copy of the appraieal of the "Barto- covlce'^ cstate eub^itted to the Britich Co^nisslon vhich givcs thc value - 3 - of tue propcrty ac of Janiiary l, 193!>. T.xsc a'wX>uut3 wcre thea nultl- plltd by three (3) to projcct tlie valuea to tho po^t World Var II pcrlod* api^arcntly oa the theoxry tlut value of thta type of proper ty IncroaDcd tliat aiuch during tlitß pertod. Tiio eazic ncthod Ic applied to the lK>uGe önd stto In Novy Jicin. v;ith respcct to tlie bullditvg parcels at Senov, claluant lias furnlched au appratcal whicli indtcates ttat tlic post\^ar value of such propcrty was 40 crowns per cquare ncter» Thic Co^^iuisBion lias coaclotcntly rejected the fornula of nultl- plyluß the pre-war valuea by 3, and clainaat haa not ßubniltted evideace to Warrant ite appllcatlon in this c laiin» Based on the January 1^ 1938 appraical of the cubjcct proper ty, the value of the "Bartosovice" es täte in Which claioant had a 14»30S interest, \:as 32^507,519 crowns, or $1,123,010»91, convc'rted at the rate of cschance of $0,0347 per crowa prcvailing at that ticje. Ulis property \tb.b ' cncxso^ bcred bj* a oortgagc of cpprosiziately l,€05,159»OO crownu. Dcducting this nortgage at the rate of exchange prcvailing at the tine the property vaß takea, the net cquity value was $1,091,907 »TS» The value of the houce aud ßite at Kovy Jicin, according to the January 1, 1938 appraisal, xfas 1,561,290.00 cro;7ns or C5^»176.76 con- vcrtcd at the aforecaid 1933 rate of cxchangc« On the basfo of the poctwar appraised value of 40 crowns per cquare mcter for the land at SCiiov, the area of 302,716 Square ii;eter3 v-c vorth 12,108,640.00 crowas or $242, 172 »öO convcrted at the prevailing rate of cxchange of $1.00 per 50 crowns, Viua the total value for the property nt Kovy Jicin and Senov, according to the appraisals, was $296, 349. 56. The Coaaisßion is of the öpinion tliat the forcgoing values rcprescnt tue fair and reasonablc value of the property at the tine of takiag and thcrefore finda tliat the value of a 14.307. intercst in the net cquity value of the •'Bartosovicc'» es täte, iten (1), was $156,142.81 and tliat the value of a 257. intcrect In the property at Kovy Jicin and Senov, itcni (2), wao $74,007.39. • 4 - Ao etateü previoucly, claL-sant'e Intcrests In both o£ theoe prop- crttes vare encitabered by Ufc estatoa. and clalaant vas thuo the rcaalnderfian. The record dtacloses that the llfe tenants of "Bartosovlce" and the property at fJovy Jicln and Seuov wcre 72 aod 53 yeare of age, ve«pectively, on the da tG tliat the property was taken. valuc of clal-iant'e reaalnder intcrests In the eubjcct property cuat, thcreforc, be aaccrtalned. Tue Coualoslon has adopted as a basis for valuatloa of Itfe estates and reaainder Intereats the Hakehaatzed Mortallty Table, appearinß as Xable 33 of tha United States Life Tablcs and Actujsrial labUe 1939-41, and a 3 1/2 taterest rate, coispounded aanually, as prescrlbed by the • « ITnitod States Treasury Department Eogulations of Jane 3 and 4, 1952, for the collectlon of gift and estate tasea, reapectlvely. (See 17 F.R. 4980, 26 C.F.n. C6.19 (f); 17 P.R. 5016, 26 C.F.R. 81.10 (1). < Accordtng to that lacthod of väluation, rcaalnder Intereat« in property cncuBbered by llfe estatec vested In persons a-cd 72 and 58, the a-es of the llfe tcnants In tac prcBent case, arc valucd at 74.S41Z and 57.809Z, • rcspectlvely, of the cr.tira es täte. Accordlngly, the Coa-iiecion hcreby finde that the values of claiaant's lutcrestB In the property referrcd to In itcris (1) and (2) at the tiae of the taklng thcrcof wcre $116.966.58 and ?42>829.18, rcspectlvely; and conoludes that clalnant Is entltled to an erärd tinder Title IV of the Act, Pureuaat to the provislons of Title IV of the International ClaU» Eettlfcaent Act of 1S49^ es aiiCaäed, an award ia hereby nado to EIUCA SE^H In the prlnelpal ajouat of Otie Cundred Fifty-ulnc Tnouaand Scvea Kundred 1,'lucty-flve D-jllarr. and Soveaty-eix Cents ($159,795.76) plus Interest thcr^on Sit the r^te of CZ per ennui fron April 15, 194S to Au^^ist 8, -*. -V _r.:ir-3Lr •.f>- • .*"» .-'^- *• --<»4«% »»«•«- •^»•■••■1 **.■»<■ »^».»«».i ÜldL • *s*^^*^^^*«< - 3 - 1S58, tlie cffe=tlve dstc of Tltlo r^ of tho Act. In the a=.ount of Klnetyelght Tl.oueand Eight llundred Elchty-alx Dollars and Forty-ona Cent» ($98,886.«!) for a total award of IVo IMndred Fif ty-elght ttiousand Slx Ilundred Elchty-tvo Dollare and Scventecn Cents (0258,652.17) Dated öt W>:oalnj;ton, D. C. BY DL^^ECTION OF TXIE CarilSSIOH ^%J^ Francis T» Mastcrson Clerk of the Cois^lssioa Oü^RTIFICATION 3Ms is a truo or?? r'»^~«'ct copy of ths declsloa of tbe Conn-ission •. ich #«13 e:":tor3d as the fin£il dw:islon on MAFLZi4$§5 / Clerk of th9 Obwriftr! on The Foreign Claims Settlement Commisslon is in receipt of your application which has been assigned Claim No. CZ-2-Q3Q1 Unnecessary correspondence will delay the processing of Claims. However. if you move, notify this Office of your new address. a All correspondence relative to your case should bear the^above claim number andbeaddressedto: Vp •• CO FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION WASHINGTON, p.C. 20579 10-«2804p-l FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20579 OFFICIAL BUSINESS POSTAGE AND FEES PAID FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, PA 19082 j Claim No. CZ-2-0301 (Date) 10/18/82 (l)_Receipt is acknowledged of yourcommunication nf 9/30/82 (2) — and enclosures >- (3) — If further information or evidence Is desirable, you will be advised. (4) — More detaiied reply may be made when the submlned material has been analyzed (5) — Please comply with suggestlons contalned in Commission letter of FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES FL-68-1 ai>0 288-(N»4i FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20579 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID FOREIGN CLAIMS SEHLEMENT COMMISSION OFFICIAL BUSINESS Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, PA 19082 I I FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20579 September 2, 198 2 Mrs, Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, PA 1908 2 RE: Claim No- CZ-2-0301 Dear Mrs. Kunz: The Claim form and material submitted in support of the above numbered claim against Czechoslovakia under Public Law 97- 127 have been reviewed. As indicated in the Instructions for filing, the law expressly limits the Commission's authority to grant awards only for those property losses which occurred after August 8, 1958. The Commission already granted awards to eligible claimants for losses in Czecho- slovakia which occurred between January 1, 1945 and August 8, 1958. The Commission's authority to consider those losses expired, by law, on September 15, 1962. No Information or evidence has been submitted to indicate that the property was taken after August 8, 1958, and from the Commission's general knowledge of circumstances in Czechoslovakia, it appears clear that the losses asser ted would have occurred prior to August 8, 19 58. Therefore, it appears the Commission, under its present limited author ity, will have no alternative but to deny your claim. If there are any additional Claims, evidence or comment you wish considered by the Commissioners, please submit them within 30 days. Very truly yours, ^-^^ 1^ Robert L. Maddex, Attorney Office of the General Counsel f-' [? Tr»rKVWTI^rK^MTM^liB-^gia^yA.^M^BCM)#B^K»^;iAllg»gl»j;g7.m-1^ ORIGINAL TO BE GIVEN TO THE PERSON NATURALIZED ^:Ä^^>fe^. 208591 No. 7 757184 jä*/M^ßui^U!ttH^r^^^H/j/^^ J anuan 23 1 1$17 ^j^e? f emal e l^/lurtüd/!^^^^ Dlvorced ^ ^ ;/t^rjj^j^yAfi/fjl/4^ßiJi^Jff ^ Br 1 1 1 sh > ^ / \K/\J\j>s/< \ y\-/V^/\A^ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA \ \ SS: EASTERN DIST. OF PENNSYLVANIA - Thfe United States District- ^^^Mij^ February 4, 1957 HANNA KUN2 Philadelphia '€H^i{Jß^/€>U/i *u4^na/ u/ul fclghty-flrRt . GIia^T W, LUDWIG U. S. District 6ourt. lij f ^■,., — ^iyjuiii/ Qe^i:. I'ty -^i K^ -^ \ i-. »«■«» ■» t n>iiwM m» wii— .m— . .:i i»v«^f .»•#,», <•»->— '— • .. «, »..^i,»»-. Ur. Maddez, Chief Counsel Foreign Claims Settleaent Comniisaioa of tne United States Hbahington^D.C» 20579* Maor lOth 13a2* Dear Mr Maddex» I want to thank you a^ain for the time you gave me on ayrecent vieit to ycur Office. In Order not to miee any possible chaace in the future,! an aending you encloeed Statement of Claim ae arranged and am available for further Inforxiation if requirod. Yors aincerely, -1^». II..' ' .ui.r. "'i?.«" :;M FCSC-13 Omb jJo. 1103-0017 Expires: Feb. 28, 1984 'reoue;st for confirmation of natural izatiok -'-• DATE OF THIS APPLICATION ^ USE ONLY OF NATURALIZED AMERICAN CITIZENS IN CONNECTION WITH INTERESTS ABROAD JTRUCTION - Fill out and transmit the information requested below to the Foreign iims Sectlement Commission. Do not send to any other A^'ency. :AME OF PERSON TO WHOM NATURALI ZAT ION äECORDS RELATE Hanna KUNZ I 2. PLACE OF BIRTH Vienna,Austria >THER NAHES USED ^- DATE OF BIRTH January 23rd 1917 3. PRESENT ADDRESS OF PERSON 330 Copley Rd, Upper Darby,^a. 19082 jDRESS OF PERSON AT THE TIME RECORD AS MADE 7252 Bradford Rd., Upper -^arby, a. 19082 7. ALIEN REGISTRATION NO (if any) - 8. DATE OF NATURALIZATION iFeb,4th 1957 AME OF COURT HStern Distirct of Pennsylvania 10. ADDRESS OF COURT Philadelphia ■ CERTIFICATE NUMBER OF NATURALIZATION 7757184 PORT OF ENTRY ITew York NAM£ OF SHIP 12. COUNTRY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED Czechoolovakia 14. DATE OF ARRIVAL Jan. 31 st 1950 Veendara ACCOMPANYING PERSONS Mr S: Mrs Sigmund Schotz ÜFFICIAL TITLE OF PERSON OR AGENCY DESIRING INFORMATION Foreign Claims Settleraent Coramission of the United States REMARKS Please verify date of naturalization ■ » ■ :AME of PERSON REQUESTING INFORMATION 20. PROFESSION OF OCCUPATION !■ " '^ iM FCSC-13 UMß NO. 1103-0017 Explres: Feb. 28, 198A • REQUEST FÜR CONTI RMATION OF NATURALIZATION DATE OF THIS APPLICATION JÜSEONLYOF NATURALI Z ED AMERICAN CITIZENS IN CONNECTION WITH INTERESTS ABROAD TRUCTION - Flll out and transmit the Information requested below Co the Foreign ims Secdement Commission. Do not send to any other Agency. ^ (i ,AME OF PERSON TO WHOM NATURALIZATION .ECORDS RELATE Hanna KUNZ •THER NAHES USED ÜDRESS OF PERSON AT THE TIME RECORD AS MADE 7252 Bradford Rd., Upper ^arby, a. 19082 1^ /\ME OF COURT '-istern Distirct of Pennsylvania CERTIFICATE NUMBER OF NATURALIZATION 7757184 PORT OF ENTRY I^ew York NAME OF SHIP Veendara ACCOMPANYING PERSONS 2. PLACE OF BIRTH Vienna, Austria 1 ä- DATE OF BIRTH January 23rd 1917 3. PRESENT ADDRESS OF PERSON 330 "opley Rd, Upper Darby,^a. 19082 "T^ ALIEN REGISTRATION NO. T ALIEN REGISTRATION NO (if any) . 8. DATE OF NATURALIZATION Feb,4th 1957 10. ADDRESS OF COURT Philadelphia 12. COUNTRY IN V^HICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED Czechoolovakia 14. DATE OF ARRIVAL Jan. 3lst 1350 Mr 5: Mrs Sigmund Schotz OFFICIAL TITLE OF PERSON OR AGENCY DESIRING INFORMATION Foreign Claims Settlenient Commission of the United States REM^^KS Please verify date of naturalization 20. PROFESSION OF OCCUPATION FCSC FORM 127 FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES Waahington. D.C. 20679 0MB 1105-0018 Expiration Dat« 3-1-84 Claim No. CZ-2- (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) STATEMENT OF CLAIM NOTE: In order to assist the Foreign Claims Settlenient Commission in fairly deciding your claim as quickly as uT^n V'''' """'^ CARFFULLY AND THOROUGULY complete this form. BFFORF starting this form, PLEASE KtAÜ the accompanymg Instructions. Additional pages may be attached, if necessary. Send one copy of the completed form to the Commission; retain the other copy for your files. ■ To avoid mistakes by the Commission in understanding your answers, please TYPE or PRINT clearly! Name of 1. Claimant: Mailing 2. Address; KUNZ Hanna (Last) (First) (Middle) 330 Copley Rd., Upper Darby,Pa. 19032. Phone(215) 352-2102 (For additional claimants and other details see Instructions.) 3. Name, mailing address and phone number of attorney (if any ) representing you in this claim. Phone ( ) 4a. If claimant is an individual, indicate below whether United States citizenship was acquired by birth naturaliza- tion. through parents or by marriage. Also give the date United States citizenship was acquired. (See Instruc tions for the type of proof required.) Naturalizeci Citizen alnce Feb, 4th 1957 b. If claimant was not the owner of a particular property interest when such interest was lost, give name of prede- cessor in interest, date and manner by which predecessor acquired United States citizenship and date claimant acquired his interest in the property. Pß.rt internst as owner - U, tj y.pp part interegt as heir after parent3,huabaiid.MrandmothR: c. If claimant is not an individual, see Instructions for Information and evidence of United States nationality quired. re- 5. U Vnitcd States citizenship or nationality has been lost by the claimant, give date and circumstances: Summary of Losses Qaimed ^ ^ndicate the type of losses for which this claim is being füed: a. Land Ol b. Buildings. E c. Individual Personal Property [13 d. Interest in Business Ownership □ e. Debt Interest D f. Other □ (Describe) 7, Indicate total asserted amount of losses in United States Dollars: $mil aubmit when ftFitqb1lM}.oH FCSC FORM 127 (1-82J - '• i- A FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES Wathington, o.e. 20679 OMB 1105-0018 Expiration Oat« 3-1-84 Claim No. CZ-2- (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) STATEMENT OF CLAIM NOTE: In orcJer to assist the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission in fairly deciding your claim as quickly as Tp An V""" """'^ CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY complete this form. BEFORE starting this form, PLEASE READ the ^ccomp-dnymg Instructions, Additional pages may be attached, if necessary. Send one copy of the completed form to the Commission; retain the other copy for your files. To avoid mistakes by the Commission in understanding your answers, please TYPE or PRINT clearly! Name of 1 . Claimant: ^™^2 Hanna (Last) (First) (Middle) Mailing 2. Address: 330 Copley Rd>, Upper Darby,Pa, 19082. Phone(215) 352-2102 (For additional ciaimants and other detaiJs see Instructions,) 3. Name, mailing address and phone number of attorney (if any) representing you in this claim. Phone ( ) 4a. If claimant is an individual, indicate below whether United States citizenship was acquired by birth, naturaliza- lon, through parents or by marriage. Also give the date United States citizenship was acquired. (See Instruc- tions tor the type of proof required.) Naturalizei^ Citizen alnce Feb. 4th 1957 b. If claimant was not the owner of a particular property interest when such interest was lost, give name of prede- cessor in mterest. date and manner by which predecessor acquired United States citizenship and date claimant acquired his interest in the property. part internst as omir-r - ll.;^.ri t.i .pp part interest as heir after parenta. husbaüd, grandmo ther c. If claimant is not an individual, see Instructions for Information and evidence of United States nationality quired. re- 5. If United States citizenship or nationality has been lost by the claimant, give date and circumstances: Summary of Losses Oaimed 6. Indicate the type of losses for which this claim is being filed: a. Land C2 b. Buüdings E c. Individual Personal Property C^ d. Interest in Business Ownership □ e. Debt Interest □ f. Other D (Describe) 7. Indicate total asserted amount of losses in United States Dollars: $mil aubmit wh»n fist«hn«)mrl Land & Buildings In the Spaces indicated below. give a description and the exact location of each iten, of real estate claimed property was acquired by the owner; (ej how the present claimant acquVed the r^ht o cTa^ ?or' he \Z ( name address and nat.onality of anyone other than claimant who may have an interesSthi chii (&) the value of the property at the time it was taken and explain how you arrived a^that v^nWl. Tv' ih- tional Information which wouid hclp the Commission decide this claL '^ ^ ^'^^'' Description of Property: Batate of I6O5 ha wlth 40 room manor houae.alcohol factory. dairy farming ,cnttle breedlnp: Exact Location of Property (street. number, town. district. etc.): Estate RartoBovice near Wovy Jicjn Answers to questions (a)-(h) above; a) enJ of World jfar 2 b) Nationalized by Czech government c) Hanna Kunz, Arthur Czeczowiczka.Irma Czeczowiczka d) in puBUBaBluii uf ftunlly aiucH 1900 e) part owner and heir f) Erica Simon, 170 West Bist Street. ^^YC. N.Y. -U,S, Citizen e) "f thiJ'"tif "^ M? 130.000.000 exact figures not availabl. at iater date. • t Description of Property:^ ^ ,p„,,„„,, ^^^. ^« !^) HniiBQ^Trtinr^ ^T^aetory Exact Location of Property (street, number, town, district, etc.): D -Linde-.HauDtstrasae 92.Fi3ch.m 2)Hou3e in ^ovy Jicin,Land in Senov,Factory in NachoH ''•^'' Karlsbad Answers to questions (aHh) above: a) end or Torld ^or ? . b) Nationalized by Czech Government cj i) Walter Kunz 2) Hortense Adler d) 1) inhoriteJ 3) not Imumi e) 1) heir 2) heir f) 2) Erica Simon, 170 West 81 st Street, NYC. U.S.Citizen-T,F. Lederer address & Citizenship not known at thia timgt ^^ nt^nfl^Ür^^''^^^^^^^ ^' approx. Kcs 14,000.000 exact figures not available at thia time will aubuiit avaluation — with documantation at Iater data A* Honal pieceona separate sheet ofpaper.) j i ^ Land & Buildings In the Spaces indicated below. give a description and the exact location of euch item of real estate claimed. On the lines following the description and location give the infomiation requested (oreach piece of proDcrtv (a) date he property was taken; ^6^ circumstances under which the property was taken JncEg theTaw decree. ,f known; rd name and nationality of the owner of the property at ihe time itV^s^^fd^hZ ihe property was acquired by the owner; (e) how the present claimant a'cqu'ired the r^t o cTaSf Sr' h £• (f) name address and nat.onaUty of anyone other than claimant who may have an interest ™thi cUim (g) the value of the property at the time it was taken and explain how you arrived at that vÄJaTy'addi- tional mformation which would help the Commission decide this claim. Description of Property: Testate of 1605 hg with 40 room manor hou3e,alcohol f ac tory, dairy farming ,CRttle breedin/? Exact Location of Property (street, number, town, district, etc.): Rstate Dartoeovice near Novy Ji^in Answers to questions faMh) above: a) end of World jTar 2 b) Nationalized by Czech government c) Hanna Kunz, Arthur Czeczowiczk:a,Irma Czeczowiczka d) in puaflcjBluu uf fauill^ aiucH 1900 ■ e) part ovmer and helr f) Krica Simon, 170 West Biet Street, NYC. N.Y. -U,S, Citizen g) approximately Kcs 130,000.000 exact figures not available at thig timo will flubmit flvaluRtion with Hn.nm.n-^.nti nn at later data« • Description of Property :^p,,,,,,, ^^^,^^ 1>) Hnn,.,T.nni .Fa.tory Exact Location of Property (street, number. town, district, etc.): D ''Linde ^ Hauptstrasse 92,Fi8chem 2)Hou8e in fTovy Jicin,Leiid in Senov,Factory in Nachod ''''^'^ Karlsbad Answers to questions (a)-{h) above: a) end of Torld ^or 2 v b) Nationalized by Czech Government c) i; Walter Kunz 2} Hortense Adler d) 1) inhoritod 5) net \n\emi e) 1) heir 2) heir f) 2) Erica Simon, 170 West 81st Street, JVYC. U.S.Citizen-T,F, Lederer address i Citizenship not known at this timq> g)nofigures available 2) approx. Kcs 14,000.000 exact a T' pi*eflen u figures not available at this time will submi^ araluation with documantation at later date -^ (If Claim is made for more than two pieces ofreal property, provide the identical information for each addi- tional piece on a separate sheet ofpaper.) Additional remarks (See Instructions). If Claims have been previously filed with the Commission by the claimant or predecessor in interest, üidicate the Claim numbers and names of prior claimants: Apart from this claim, has claimant or any predecessor in interest received or any reason to expect to receive '7,^^r v'' P""""'^'^ ^' otherwise, on account of the loss resulting from the action for which this claim IS tiled. — les (YesorNo). If answer is Yes. explain on a separate sheet. Through Foreign Claims Release Commission, London. The Information contained on th.s claim form, on attachments hereto and any material and information sub- m med heretofore or hereafter in regard to or in support of your claim is considered by the Commission to be pubhc infomation which may be disclosed to interested persons who make inquiries about the Claims program admmistered by the Commission and individuai ciaims filed therein. Your signature on this claim form acknowl- edges that you are aware and agree that such disclosures will be made and further authorizes the Commission and its staff to conduct such investigations as may be required to adjudicate your claim. (For useby individuai claimant.) Jht undersigned states that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim knows the contents thereof and the same is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Dated May lOth 198 2 (Signature of C Jimänt) (Signa fures of Additional Claimants) (For use in the case ofa corporate or other entity claimant.) The undersigned states that he is the _^^of the claimant herein ; that he is duly authorized to sign and file this claim on behalf of the claim- ant; that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim and each Statement and exhibit attached thereto and knows the Contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged on mformation and belief, and that as to those matters, he believes them to be true Dated , 198 (Signature) L (Ifany; ifnone, so State.) BE SURE TO ATTACH ANY DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF YOUR CLAIM! IE: Each document in a foreign language must be accompanied by a verified English translation. 6PO 886-042 i^' ■•< Additipnal remarks (See Instructions), If Claims have been previously filed with the Commission by the claimant or predecessor in interest, indicate tne Claim numbers and names of prior claimants: Apart from this clami, has claimant or any predecessor in intercst received or any reason to expect to receive ^"^,^^r^ v"' P^''""''''^ ""' otherwise, on account of the loss resulting from the action for which this claim IS tiled/__Ye3 (YesorNo). If answer is Yes, explain on a separate sheet. through Foreign Claims Release Commission, London, The mformation contamed on this claim form, on attachments hereto and any material and information sub- mitted heretofore or hereafter in regard to or in support of your claim is considered by the Commission to be public mfonmation which may be disclosed to interested persons who make in(iuiries about the claims program administered by the Commission and individual claims filed therein. Your signature on this claim form acknowl- edges that you are aware and agree that such disclosures will be made and further authorizes the Commission and its staif to conduct such investigations as may be required to adjudicate your claim (Foruseby individual claimant.) Jht undersigned states that he has read the foregoing Statement of Gaim knows the Contents thereof and the same is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. ofCjin Dated ^^V IQ^h \9^^ (Signatare umant) • (Signa tures of Additional Claimants) (For use in the case ofa corporate or other entity claimant.) The undersigned states that he is the Ol the claimant herein ; that he is duly authorized to sign and file this claim on behalf of the claim- ant; that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim and each Statement and exhibit attached thereto and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged on mformation and belief, and that as to those matters, he believes them to be true. Dated , 198 (Signature) L (Ifany; ifnone, so State.) BE SURE TO ATTACH ANY DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF YOUR CLAIM! E: Each document in a foreign language must be accompanied by a verified English translation. i GPO 8te*042 \ IGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20579 NOTICE May this acknowledge receipt of your recent reguest for forms to file Claims against Czechoslovakia. These forms are presently being printed and will be forwarded to you when they are received. If you do not receive them within two months^ you should again contact the Commission. \ Forolgn Clala« S^ttleaont CoaMloslon of tho United State« Washington^ D.C« 80573. ■ :\ l D«ar 8ir«9 | ' I ! I an in reoslpt of jrour aotlc« tbat olaim« omn now bo filed by national s of the T]nlt«d States u^S&iast the Governaant of tho vEecliOüloTsic Soclallftt Republlc« X would Ltf appri(ci&tivQ If you for^ «ardad to mm tue pt^rtiaaut 6lali«a toipk >— «rt»«> ^ y FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSIO ^a^'' OF THE UNITED STATES -x- ^»..JV-* \ ^\ / Ks \ ^ ^\ \c^ WASHINGTON. D.C. 20579 0 'V «j. s '.^ v>> •>^ N 0 T I C E •-* o-«-' V The Foreign Claims Settlement Commlsslon has beeVgranted new authorlty ^^ C to recelve and determlne the valldlty and amounts of claTms by natlonals of • ^ the United States agalnst the Government of the Czechoslovak Social Ist Republlc for losses resulting from the national Izatlon or other taking of C property which occurred after August 8. 1958. A Claims fund in excess of 1.5 mlllion dollars will be available to make payment to those clalmants granted awards by the Commlsslon In this program. To establish a compcnsable clalm, among other things, 1t must be establlshed that; \ 1. The property was natlonallzed or otherwise taken after August 8, 1958. 2. That the property was owned In whole or in part by a United States national on the date of loss and that the Claim has been conti nuously owned by one or more United States natlonals until the date of flling with the Commlsslon. If you belleve that you may have a clalm compensable under the provislons of this program, you should Immedlately contact the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. 1111 20th Street, N.W.. Washington. D.C. 20579. to obtaln further detail s and appropriate clalm forms. ^ To be ellgible you must flle a new clalm on an officlal clalm form even 1f you have had prevlous correspondence with the Commlsslon or If you have previously flled a clalm with the Commlsslon In another program. This notice 1s being forwarded to you because your name has appeared in vanous flies, records, or correspondence as one who might possibly have a Claim covered by this program. Forwarding of this notice does not mean that the Commlsslon has determined that you do have a compensable clalm. If you are not sure whether your clalm 1s compensable In this program, it IS advisable to obtaln and flle a clalm form so that the Commlsslon will have an opportunity to consider your clalm. In the Commlsslon 's attempt to notify all those who may have compensable Claims, 1t 1s possible that your name has been recorded on more than one Mst in which case you may recelve more than one notice of this program. A deadllne by which all Claims must be flled with the Coimiisslon will be hereinafter establlshed. Therefore, If you belleve you may have a compensable clalm you should contact the Commlsslon to obtaln appropriate Claim forms at the earliest possible time. oX U ü^ VIA f ^ 1 C'-f 'J^s CcTKJujZ^ J«^ lyt U. l Oa^^S^ (' 'ta X ) c 32 -3 f /^ ;e/^/ ^C-J^'^-«*^ //«*/ :.;;d/U1 .0 1-82 ' B^ /l ö-ATU^ "^i^ ^^^JIk^ f LIST OF AMERICAN ATTORNEYS London, England January 1982 This list of American attorneys and law firms with Offices in London is provided by the American Embassy as a convenience to United States Citizens. It is not meant to be a complete list of American attorneys here and the absence of an attorney from the list is in no way a reflection on his competence. Inclusion on the list is based primarily on the attorney having provided the Embassy with detailed Information on his background and practice. The American Embassy at London assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or facilities listed. Fees and the legal Services to be provided are a matter for agreement solely between the indivldual and his attorney« **«***********i^********i^*** - 2 - AMERICAN JURIDICAL SERVICES, INC, (A professional Corporation) 23 Albemarle St., London W1X 3HA, Tel. 01-491-2924. Telex: 22193. General practice. Oil and gas law. International commercial and financial transactions. Languages: French, German, Italian^ Portuguese and Spanish. ^ ROBERT L. NORGREN, Born 1930, J.D. Northwestern Univ. 1958, M.Comp.L. Univ. of Chicago 1960, 111. and N.Y. Bars. CATHERINE E. BLAKE, born 1955, J.D. UCLA 1980, Calif. Bar. ARNOLD, GILBERT & KARSBERG; Arcade House, 27 Old Bond Street, London W1X 3AA, Tel. 01-491-8844. Telex: 262284. (Associated with Muse and Muse, 44 Bromfield Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02167, Tel. (617) 542-6081). General practice including tax, trusts, estates, immigration, commercial, divorce, criminal, probate and Corporation law. WALTER JOHN GREENAN, born 1946, J.D. Suffolk 1977, Mass. and D.C. Bars. NORMA J. BEEDLE: 59 South Audley St., Mayfair, London W1 . Tel. 01- 408-0569. General practice including wills and trusts; estate and financial planning; English and American insurance; English and American Investments; employee counseling; and domestic relations. J.D. Univ. of Missouri 1977; M.A. Univ. of Arkansas 1971; B.S. Univ. of Missouri 1970. Missouri and Iowa Bars. BINGHAM DANA & GOULD: 5 Cheapside, London EC2V 6AA, Tel. 01-236-2182, Telex: 888179. (Office at 100 Federal Street, Boston, Mass. 02110;' and 1724 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington D.C. 20036). Corporate and international, finance, banking, tax, estates and anti-trust and trade disputes. No divorce. WILMOT R. HASTINGS, born 1935, LL.B. Harvard 1961, Mass. Bar; JAMES C. STOKES, born 1944, J.D. Boston College 1975, Mass. Bar; BRION A. BICKERTON, born 1951, J.D. Suffolk 1976, Mass. Bar. BRIGER & ASSOCIATES: Standbrook House, 2/5, Old Bond Street, London W1X 3TB, Tel. 01-499-4000, Telex: 269280. (Offices at 299, Park Ave., New York, NY 10171, Tel. (212) 758-4000 and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). United States and international corporate, anti-trust tax law. International financing, Joint ventures, licensing and distribution arrangements. Transactions with Eastern Europa. PETER L. BRIGER, born 1934, LL.B. Columbia 1959, NY Bar; AYDIN S. CAGINALP, born 1950, J.D. Tulane Univ. 1974, LL.M. Taxation, NY Univ. 1975, NY Bar. BOODLE & KING: 22 Grosvenor Square, London WlX ODY, Tel: 01-491-4805, Telex: 23459. (Associated with Bracewell & Patterson, 2900 South Tower^ Pennzoil Place, Houston, Texas 77002, 1850 K. Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20006 and American Bank Tower, Austin, Texas 78701; and Boodle Hatfield & Co., 53 Davies Street, London W1 & Southampton) . Corporate, tax, oil and gas acquisition and financing, and general commercial matters. JOHN S. STRICKLAND, BORN 1945, J.D. St. Mary's Univ. 1974, Texas Bar - 3 - ELIZABETH BUCHANAN; 11 Kidderpore Gardens, London NW3, Tel: 01-435- 5067 (by appointment only). American and international law with main fields of practice in corporate shipping, insurance, and coramercial law. No divorce. Born 1946^ J.D. Chicago 1971, 111. Bar. CASEY, LANE & MITTENDQRF; 23 Albemarle Street, London WlX 3HA, Tel. 01-499-3112, Telex: 22193. (Office at 26 Broadway, NY, NY 10004). American corporation law and international law. ROGER HALL LLOYD, born 1934, LL.B. Harvard 1958, NY Bar; CLEARY, GOTTLIEB, STEEN & HAMILTON; Winchester House, 77 London Wall, London EC2N IDA, Tel. 01-638-5291 , Telex: 887659. (Offices at One State Street Plaza, NY, NY 10004 and 1250 Connecticut Ave. , NW, Wash.D.C. 20036. Also Paris, Brüssels and Hong Kong) . American and international law with main fields of practice in corporate, f inancial and tax law. No divorce. ALBERT S. PERGAM, born 1938, LL.B. Harvard, NY Bar; J. WEBB MONIZ, born 1941, J.D. Columbia Law School, NY Bar; LEE C. BUCHHEIT, born 1950, J.D. U. of Pennsylvania, Penna. & DC Bars; GAIL S. BERNEY, born 1953, J.D. Columbia Law School, NY Bar; THOMAS A. DUVALL III, born 1947, J.D. Univ. of Virginia, NY Bar. COLE & CORETTE: 31 Curzon Street, London, WIY 7AE, Tel. 01-409-1093, Telex: 8955511. (Offices at 1200 Seventeenth Street N.W., Washington D.C. 20036). U.S. and international practice in corporate, f inancial, tax, trade and U.S. legislative matters. No divorce. J. STERLING STOVER, born 1950, J.D. George Washington 1975, NY Bar; A. NICHOLAS SIMON, born 1954, J.D. Boston 1980, Massachusetts Bar. COLOMBOTTI & ASSOCIATES: 28-29 Dover Street, London WlX 4RH. Tel. 01- 408-2133. Telex: 28171. General civil practice. Main fields of practice: Construction oil industry and marine contract negotlation and review, corporate and tax planning, product liability and personal in Jury law. (Office in Aberdeen at 1 Albyn Terrace, ABl lYP. Tel. (0224) 53651. Telex: 739446.) THOMAS E. GRIFFIN, born 1941, J.D. Univ. of Notre Dame, Michigan Bar; CLARK C. SIEWERT, born 1954, J.D. Vanderbilt Univ. NY Bar. COUDERT BROTHERS: 49/51 Bow Lane, London, EC4M 9DL, Tel. 01-248-6576, Telex: 887071. (Offices at 200 Park Ave., NY, NY 10166; One Farragut Square South, Wash.D.C. 20006; and 4 Embarcardero Center, Suite 3550, San Francisco, CA. 94111 and branches in Paris, Brüssels, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Riyadh and Bahrain). General practice in U.S. and international law with emphasis on corporate law, banking and financial matters, taxation and securities law. LAWRENCE B. BRODY, born 1921, LL.B. Yale, Conn. Bar 1947; JOHN J.A. HOSSENLOPP, born 1939, J.D. Vanderbilt Univ. 1967, NY Bar; JAMES FLANNAN BROWNE, born 1948, J.D. New York Univ. 1978, Calif. and NY Bars; TERESA L. BULMAN, born 1951, J.D. Georgetown Univ. 1978, NY Bar; LYNN RAISOR KELLEY, born 1949, J.D. Boston Univ. 1975, Mass. and Texas Bars; STUART RUBIN, Born 1947, J.D. Columbia Univ. 1975, NY Bar. - 4 - CRANE & HAWKINS: (Solicitors) 50/ 5 1 Russell Square, London WC1B 4JW, Tel. 01-637-0651, Telex: 22179 CRANES G. General practice including tax, trusts, estates, general litigation and commercial law. WILSON CHURCHILL McLEOD, Consultant, born 1938, LL.B. Harvard 1963, Mass. Bar, Solicitor in England; ROBERT T. JONES, born 1938, LL.B. Harvard 1963, Calif . & DC Bars; PAUL E. HAUSER, born 1954, J.D. Harvard 1980, NY Bar. JOHN R. SNYDER, born 1954, J.D. Harvard 1980, Mass. Bar; DAVID G. PIERCE, born 1955, J.D. Harvard 1980, Oregon Bar. CRAVATH, SWAINE & MOORE; 33 Throgmorton Street, London EC2N 2BR, Tel. 01-606-1421, Telex: 8814901. (Offices at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, NY, NY 10005). General practice in corporate, financial, antitrust, tax and general commercial matters. MARTIN L. SENZEL, born 1944, LL.B., Yale 1969, NY Bar; ROBERT M. CHILSTROM, born 1945, J.D. Yale 1973, NY Bar. CROTTI & GURLAND: 5 Deanery Street, London WlY 5LH, Tel. 01-409-1903, Telex: 261488. General corporate and personal matters. Main fields of practice, international taxation, mergers and acquisitions, wills and estates, anti-trust, patents, trade marks, matrimonial matters and Immigration. ALFRED F. CROTTI, born 1926, B.A. B.Sc, LL.B., Georgetown 1955, N.Y. and U.S. Patent Bars; ROBERT GURLAND, born 1931, J.D. B.A. Univ. of N.Y. 1956, N.Y. Bar; DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL: 11 Copthall Avenue, London EC2R 7LU, Tel. 01-638-9116 Telex: 888238. (Offices at 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza, NY, NY 10005 and 9 W. 57th Street, NY, NY 10019, and in Washington D.C. and Paris) General practice in corporate, financial, tax and commercial matters. No divorce. FRANCIS J. MORISON, born 1941, Fordham A.B. 1962, Columbia M.A. 1965, New York Univ. LL.B. 1967, N.Y. Bar; MARTIN C. McWILLIAMS, Jr. , born 1947, Virginia B.A., 1969, Mississippi, J.D. 1975, Harvard LL.M. 1976, NY Bar; DAVID M. WELLS, born 1946, Harvard A.B. 1968, Georgetown J.D. 1974, NY Bar. DECHERT, PRICE & RHOADS: 52 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3EX, Tel. 01-631-3383, Telex: 262658. (Offices at 3400 Center Square West, Philadelphia, Pa. 19102; One Denver Place, Suite 1601, 999 18th St., Denver, Co. 80202; 888 17th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006; 800 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17102; 11 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 and Brüssels, Belgium) . General practice with emphasis in London Office on international corporations, antitrust, taxation, banking and financial legal transactions . DONALD BECKMAN, born 1932, LL.B., U. of Penn. 1959, Penna. Bar; EDWARD LEWIS ICLING, born 1947, B.A. Honours and M.A. (Oxon) Oxford, Calif. Bar; GEORGE PUTNAM, Born 1951, J.D. Harvard and MBA Penna Bar, t 9 - 5 - POPP, CONEY & BISHOP, P.S.: Premier House, 150 Southampton Row, Russell Square, London WC1B 5AL, Tel. 01-837-5513. (Office at 1411 Fourth Avenue Building, Seattle, WA. 98101). Main fields of practlce: conveyancing, mortgage finance, corporate acquisitions. BYRON P. CONEY, born 1929, LLB Harvard, Wash. Bar. PONOVAN, NEWTON, LEISURE & IRVlNEr 2 Honey Lane, Cheapside, London EC2V 8BT, Tel: 01-726-2611, Telex: 8956901. (Offices at 30 Rockefeiler Plaza, N.Y. 10112, and branch offices at 1850 K Street NW, Wash. DC. 20006, 555 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, Calif. 90071 and 130 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honore, 75008 Paris). General practice of U.S. and international law, coporate, anti-trust, licensing and tax. No divorce. GORDON C. OSMOND, born 1934, J.D. Columbia 1959, N.Y. Bar; W. STUART SYMINGTON III, born 1952, J.D. Columbia 1978, N.Y. Bar. CHAMBERS OF KEITH EVANS: 1 Gray« s Inn Square, London WC1, Tel. 01-404- 5416 and 01-405-1683. Telex: 21879 CALBAR. American, English and EEC law generally, banking, Insurance, Immigration, criminal, matrimonial, and personal injury law. KEITH EVANS, born 1936, M.A. (Cantab), Calif. Bar; RANDOLPH M. FIELDS, born 1933, BA London, Calif. Bar; BRIAN WROBEL, Born 1949, LL.M. London, Calif. Bar. EDWARD F. FARRELL; c/o 48 Bedford Square, London WCIB 3DS, Tel. 01-636- 8010, Telex: 268003. Partner in Abberley, Kooiman, Marcellino, Clay & Farrell. General international practice, with emphasis on American and Common Market law, with emphasis on corporate, tax, commercial matters and Petroleum matters, Including anti-trust licensing mergers, acquisition and wills. International divorces and estates. EDWARD F. FARRELL, born 1930, LL.B., and J.D. Georgetown, Member of P.C., N.J. and N.Y. Bars. LAW OFFICE OF GARY M. FERMAN: 12-13 Bishops Court, Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EL, Tel. 01-236-6186 and 01-236-0897, Telex: 885688. General practice - corporate and personal. American and international taxation, corporate commercial and trade matters, real estate, shipping, representation of American businesses in U.K. and Europe, investing and doing business in U.S., wills, trusts and estates, divorce and family matters and U.S. Immigration. Born 1947, M.A. Univ. of Sussex J.D. Harvard, NY Bar. .LAW OFFICE OF RICHARD D. FRAADE: Premier House, 150 Southampton Row, london WC1, Tel: 01-278-8291, Telex: 381-2809 EJETCO G. (Associate of Berg, Spire, Miller, and Fraade, West Ttower, 9100 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 360, Beverly Hills, Ca. 90212). Main fields of practice include ' U.S. Immigration and nationality law, visa matters, work permits, Immigrant and non-immigrant visas and consular law. RICHARD D. FRAADE, born 1943, J.D. Brooklyn Law School, NY and Calif. Bars- ROBERT D. FRAADE, born 1949, J.D. Western State Univ. Ca. 1978, Calif. Bar! - 6 - FULBRIGHT & JAWORSKI ; 2, St. James 's Place, London SWiA 1NP, Tel. 01-629-1207, Telex: 28310. (Offices at Bank of the Southwest Building, Houston, Texas 77002; 1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington D.C. 20036; American Bank Tower, Suite 1740, 221 West Sixth Street, Austin, Texas 78701, and Landmark Building, Suite 200, 705 East Houston Ave., San Antonio, Texas 78205). General U.S. and international practice CHRISTOPHER E.H. DACK, born 1942, J.D. U. of Texas, Tex. Bar; STEVEN B. PFEIFFER, born 1947, J.D. Yale, N.J. and D.C. Bars; GREGG H. JONES, Born 1950, J.D. Univ. of Michigan, Tex. Bar. GIBSON, DÜNN & CRUTCHER; 73 South Audley Street, London WlY 5FF, Tel. 01-499-6010, Telex: 27731. (Offices at 515 South Flower Street, Los Angeles, California 90071, 1776 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006. Additional Offices in Newport Beach, San Diego, San Jose, Ca.; Denver, Colorado; Paris, France, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) . General practice of U.S. international law, main fields of practice are corporate, financial, antitrust, tax, construction, entertainment and general commercial matters. THOMAS E. GALLAGHER, born 1944, J.D. Harvard 1969, Calif. Bar; BRUCE D. MEYER, born 1945, J.D. Univ. of Illinois 1970, Calif. Bar (also resident in Riyadh) ; ANTHONY BONNANO, Born 1946, J.D. George Washington Univ. 1974, D.C. Bar; H. RICHARD DALLAS, born 1952, J.D. Univ. of Southern California 1977, Calif. Bar (also resident in Riyadh); TERRANCE L. CARLSON, born 1953, J.D. Univ. of Michigan 1978, Calif. Bar; RICHARD C. ASCARELLI, Born 1947, J.D. George Washington Univ. 1974, D.C. Bar; MARJORIE RAWLS ROBERTS, born 1955, J.D. Harvard 1980, Calif. Bar. CANTWELL FAULKNER MUCKENFUSS III RICHARD S. GOLDSTEIN; 7 New Square, Lincoln' s Inn, London WC2A 3RA, Tel. 01-405-5225, Telex: 22327 AMBROS G. (Offices at 63 Wall Street, 27th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10005, Tel. (212) 925-8580, Telex 661199). Associated in London with Edward Wilde (British Solicitor) of Ambrose Appelbe Partners). All matters involving United States Immigration and Nationality laws (immigrant and non-iminigrant visas). N.Y. Bar. Chairman, Committee on Immigration law; International Bar Association and Federal Bar Association; President, New Yor)c Chapter of 7\jT\erican Immigration Lawyers Association (1981-82). GOTTESMAN, JONES & PARTNERS; Aldwych House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4HN, Tel. 01-242-8953, Telex: 262969. General U.S. and international practice with special emphasis on Company and Corporation law, taxation and financial transactions. No domestic relations. A. EDWARD GOTTESMAN, born 1937, LL.B. Yale, N.Y. Bar; GRANT L. JONES, born 1942, J.D. U. of Florida, Fla. Bar; GORDON G. KAPLAN, born 1938, LL.B.^ U. of Illinois, 111. Bar; PATRICIA KENYON, born 1945, J.D. U. of Chicago, 111. Bar; JOSEPH A. CONSOLO, Born 1951, J.D. Univ. of Columbia, NY Bar. - 7 - GRAHAM & JAMES: Trafalgar House, 11 Water loo Place, London SWIY 4AU, Tel. 01-839-3226/7, Telex: 917881. (Offices at San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Newport Beach, Calif, New York, Wash. D.C., and Anchorage, Alaska, Kuwait, Singapore and Italy) . General international commercial practice, including banking, corporate, engineering and construction, Immigration and taxation. GORDON L. JAYNES, born 1929, LL.B., U. of Wash., Wash. and Calif. Bars; MAHIR JALILI, born 1944, J.D. Loyola, 111. Bar. (Arabic language); JOHN C. HOPPE, born 1947, J.D. Harvard, Mass. Bar; MICHAEL R. MEYERS, Born 1954, J.D. Stanford, Calif. Bar. LAW OFFICE EDWARD S. GUDEON : 62 Pall Mall, London SWIY 5HZ, Tel. 01-930-6451, Telex: 266555. U.S. law and all matters regarding United States Immigration and Nationality laws, including Immigrant and non-immigrant visas and citizenship, general U.S. and international practice« EDWARD S. GUDEON, born 1940, LL.B. Fordham Law School 1965, N.Y. Bar« ISAAC ELLIS JACOB: 3 Paper Buildings, Temple, London EC4Y 7EU, Tel. 01-353-1182. General practice including trademark, Copyright and designs. Commercial and EEC matters. Calif. Bar. (Resident London counsel to the firm of Grossman, Graven, Perry and Liebman, One Wilshire Building, Suite 2420, Los Angeles^ California 90017). LL.B. (Hons) Manchester. LAW OFFICE OF BRUCE LELAND JAFFE: 38 Queen Anne Street, London W1, Tel. 01-404-0456. Telex: 8954619 ASTON G, BLJ. General U.S and international law practice with special emphasis on U.S. Immigration and nationality laws, visa matters and consular practice, international and federal taxation (including income tax preparation for Americans living abroad), wills, estates and trusts, divorce and Florida land sales transactions. (Associated with Wolf and Shane, P.A., 19 W. Flagler Street, Miami, Florida 33130). BRUCE LELAND JAFFE, born 1955; J.D. Cumberland School of Law, Samford Univ. 1981; B.A. Univ. of Alabama 1978; Member of the Ala. State Bar. SCOTT M. JAMES: 5 John Street, London WCl, Tel. 01-404-0456. General practice in U.S. and international law, including tax matters, commercial^ corporate, Immigration, family matters, litigation and personal legal problems of U.S. Citizens abroad. Born 1950, J.D. Catholic University of America 1976, Md. and D.C. Bars. MICHAEL KATZ: First Floor North, 11 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2, Tel. 01-404-5055. (Resident London Counsel to Weeramantny and Katz, 15th Floor, 21 East 40th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016). General practice, tax matters, estate planning and domestic relations regarding American Citizens abroad. Commercial and international practice including licencing and franchise agreements and negotiations in the United States and the EEC, film financing and entertainment law. Litigation and criminal law. Born 1946, BA Univ« of Minnesota 1969« Inns of Court School of Law 1975, NY and Calif. Bars. - 8 - KILPATRICK & CODY; 154 Fleet Street, London EC4, Tel. 01-583-1022, Telex: 263189. (Offices at 100 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. 30043 and 2501 M Street, NW Washington D.C. 20037). General U.S. and international practice (Spanish, French and Italian languages). JAMES A. LOUGHRAN, Born 1931, LL.B. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1958, NY and Conn. Bars. LADAS & PARRY; 52-54 High Holborn, London WClV 6RR, Tel. 01-242-5566, Telex 264255, LAWLAN G. (Offices at 104 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. 60603, 10 Columbus Circle, NY, NY 10019and 3600 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, Ca. 90010, also Paris and Munich)« Comi:"™r''^ ^^"'^ ''°"^''' "^ '"' "^^^^ °' ^^^ Americas, Dallas, Texas 75201). Business and corporate law (national and international, federal and State tax practice and tax planning for foreign Investors, real estate acquisition, financing and management; off shore trusts and corporations; anti-trust and trade regulation, governmental contracts, labor and environmental law; estates, litigation. JOHN M. GATES, born 1912, J.D. Yale 1939, Calif., D.C, & N.Y. Bars. - 10 - FREDERICK POSSES; c/o Malkin^ Cullis & Sumption^ Grand Buildings^ Trafalgar Square^ London WC2N 5HJ, Tel. 01-930-1031, Telex: 8954159. (Offices at 233 Broadway, New York, NY. 10279, Tel. (212) 964-4600). International representation in commercial, estate, family and bankruptcy proceedings also industrial, union-management negotiations. By appointment« Born 1911, Meraber of N.Y. Bar, US Supreme Court, Board of Immigration Appeals Bar, Bars of Federal Circuit and District Courts» PROSKAUER ROSE GOETZ & MENDELSOHN ; 4 St. James' s Place, London SWiA 1NP, Tel. 01-493-8913 and 01-493-4941, Telex: 88-13357 ROPUT G. (Head Office at 300 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Other Offices in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Boca Raton, Fla. and Garden City, N.Y.) General U.S. and international law practice with emphasis on corporate, commercial, financial, tax, real estate, litigation and estate matters. ROBERT I. STARR, born 1937, J.D. Univ. of Chicago 1962, and M. Comp. L. 1964, D.C. and 111. Bars; JERROLD B. KATZMAN, born 1948, J.D. Yale 1973, NY Bar. ELWOOD A. RICKLESS: Trafalgar House 11/12 Waterloo Place, London SW1Y 4AU, Tel. 01-839-3226, Telex: 917881. Main fields of practice: corporate law and motion picture industry, U.S. and international taxation, wills and estate planning, international leasing, investjnents in EEC countries, EEC law, and Computer technology and Software matters. ELWOOD A. RICKLESS, born 1929, B.A., M.A. , J.D., Harvard 1957, N.Y. Bar; MICHAEL McNULTY, Born 1932, LL.B. Harvard 1956, NY Bar. ROGERS & WELLS: 58 Coleman Street, London EC2R 5BE, Tel. 01-628-0101^ Telex: 884964. (Offices at New York, Washington D.C, Los Angeles, San Diego, Greenwich, Conn. and Paris, France). International corporate, banking, finance and shipping matters. JONI LYSETT NELSON, born 1938, Harvard 1962, N.Y. Bar; ROBERT A. LINDGREN, born 1938, Yale 1960 and U. of Chicago 1963, NY. Bar. ANN E. WEIGEL, born 1944, J.D. Boston College, D.C. Bar; THOMAS J. BENZ, born 1948, J.D. Cornell, NY Bar; THOMAS P. McMENAMIN, born 1954, J.D. Georgetown Univ., Law Center, D.C. Bar; JOANNE T. MARREN, born 1952, St. John's Univ. 1977, NY Bar; JOHN K. KEITT, Born 1954, LL.B. Cambridge 1981, J.D. Univ. of South Carolina 1979, S.C. Bar. RUBINSTEIN CALLINGHAM: (Solicitors) 6 Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, London WCIR 5BZ, Tel. 01-242-8404, Telex 894100 RUBCAL G. General practice, including litigation, commercial law, licencing, EEC law, defamation, Copyright and intellectual property, U.K. matrimonial, family, real property and trust law. (No process serving) . JOHN S.Y. RUBINSTEIN, born 1952 (British subject) M.A. Oxon, 1978, N.Y. Bar and English Solicitor. - 11 - SHEARMAN & STERLING: 40 Basinghall Street^ London EC2V 5DE, Tel. 01-638 -1821, Telex: 884274. (Offices at 53 Wall Street, NY, NY 10005 and Citicorp Center, 153 East 53rd St., New York, N.Y. 10022). U.S. and international practice. Main fields of practice are commercial and banking law. THOMAS R. NANGLE, bom 1928, LL.B. U. of Virginia, NY Bar; JONATHAN M. WELD, Born 1941, J.D. Cornell Law School 1967, NY Bar; JOHN N. KRAMER, Jr. , bom 1943, J.D. Univ. of Wisconsin, Wis. Bar; THOMAS E. WINSLADE, born 1952, J.D. Columbia Univ. 1976, NY Bar; MARSHA E. SIMMS, Born 1952, J.D. Stanford Univ. Law School, 1977, NY Bar. lAN SHERIDAN: 22 Beechcroft Ave., New Maiden, Surrey, Tel. 01-942-8583. Main fields of practice include commercial and corporate law, litigation. International trademarks and Copyright, and EEC Law. Born 1946, (British subject) LL.B. Univ. of Hüll 1968, NY Bar and English Solicitor. SIDLEY & AUSTIN; 9 Holland Park, London Wl 1 3TH, Tel. 01-727-0132, Telex: 21781. (Offices at One First National Plaza, Chicago, 111. 60603; 1730 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20006; 1880 Century Park East, Los Angeles, Ca. 90067; Muscat and Dubai, U.A.E.). U.S. and international practice, with emphasis on corporate, commercial, finance, tax, trusts and estates and trade disputes. ROBERT A. ALBERT, born 1933, LL.B. Columbia, N.Y. Bar; JOHN H. McFADDEN, born 1947, J.D. Fordham, N.Y. Bar. (Handies divorce) ROBERT L. SIGMON: 2 Plowden Buildings, Middle Ifemple, London EC4Y 9AS, Tel. 01-583-4851, Cables: INTERJURIS LONDON. (Associated with D.H. Fromkin, 950 Third Avenue, NY, NY 10022 and R.E. Brown, 104 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. 60603). General practice in American and international law, the main fields of practice being Company law, probate ^ wills and trusts, and divorce. Born 1929, LL.B. U. of Virginia 1954. Va. and DC Bars. SIMPSON THACHER & BARTLETT: 7th Floor, 99 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3XD, Tel. 01-638-3851, Telex: 886077. (Offices at One Battery Park Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004, 350 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022, 1666 K Street NW, Washington D.C. 20006, and in Hong Kong and Singapore). General U.S. and international practice in corporate, banking and finance, tax, general commercial, estates, anti-trust and product liability matters. THOMAS W. CASHEL, born 1930, LL.B. Cornell, NY Bar 1957; JOHN M. DASHER, born 1949, J.D. Columbia, NY Bar 1977. SPEISER, KRAUSES MADOLE: 19-23 Praed St., London W2 IPT, Tel. 0 1-402-8962. Telex: 21969. (Offices at 200 Park Avenue, NY, NY 10019 and 1216 16th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036). General litigation, main fields of practice in aviation, negligence and product liability, also government agency work. ANDREW L. GREYSTOKE, (Counsel), M.A. Cambridge 1965, LL.M Harvard, 1965, NY Bar. - 12 - LAWRENCE H, STEIN; Suite 2, 5 Cteanery Street, London W1, Tel. 01-409-1903 and 01-624-8262, Telex: 26 1488« General corporate and personal matters with emphasis on Florida real property transactions, U.S. inunigration matters, corporate and commercial law, trade mark and licencing matters and matrimonial matters. Born 1954, J.D. Univ. of Miami 1980, Fla. Bar. STEVENSON & SCHULMAN ; 5 John Street, London WC1, Tel. 01-404-0456. Copyright, trade marks, industrial property law, franchising and related EEC law, litigation and general practice. LOUIS STEVENSON, born 1936, J.D. Loyola Univ. Chicago 1968, Solicitor LL.B. Edinburgh 1959, 111. Bar; KAREN SCHULMAN, born 1950, J.D. Northeastern Univ. Boston 1974, and LL.M., London 1978, Mass. Bar. JOHN C. STOTSENBURG: Whittington House, 5 Whittington Ave., London EC3V ILE, Tel. 01-283-6339. (Office at Suite 507, 545 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10017). American and international law. Main fields of practice: commercial, corporate, financial and banking matters, trade financing, licensing investments, acquisitions, taxation and Copyright. Born 1940, J.D. Univ. of California (Berkeley), Calif. and NY Bar. SURREY & MORSE: Claridge House, 32 Davies Street, London WlY 1LG, Tel. 01-493-9361, Telex: 298116. (Offices at 1156, 15th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005 and 485 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10036, and at Paris and Riyadh) . U.S. and international commercial matters, corporate law and financing, tax, real estate and corporate, investments and acquisitions, Joint ventures, securities, licensing and arbitration. WARREN G. WICKERSHAM, born 1938, J.D. Yale 1963, D.C. and Fla. Bars; GEORGE P. MACDONALD, born 1945, J.D. U. of Michigan 1970, D.C. and Mich. Bars; HUGH W. CHAPMAN, born 1945, M.A. (Juris) Oxford 1967, LL.M. George Washington Univ. 1978, D.C. Bar and English Solicitor; R. SEBASTIAN GIBSON, born 1950, J.D. Univ. of San Diego 1976, LL.D. Univ. College Cardiff, Calif. Bar. RICHARD N. TOUB: 8A , Motcomb Street, London SWIX 8JU, Tel. 01-235-0374/5, Telex: 295565 MELAW G. International law, taxation, financial transactions, entertainment and music, Company and commercial law, tax and estate planning, employment and business contracts, also individual matters. No divorce. Born 1943, LL.B. U. of Pennsylvania 1968, Penna. Bar. CAROL GARNES TUCKER: 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, London WC.1, Tel. 01-242-7646. General practice in matrimonial law, products liability, and personal injury. Born 1940. Council of Legal Education, London 1973, La. Bar, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana), U.S. Court of Appeal (Fifth Circuit). - 13 - JAMES SHELBY TUCKER; 7 West Street, Osney, Oxford, Tel. 0865-723061. Main fields of practice Admiralty law and Bar admissions for candidates educated outside the United States. Born 1935, Oxford üniversity, M.A. (Jurisprudence) 1958, Tulane Law School, LL.B., J.D. 1959. La. and N.Y. Bars, U.S. Dist. Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana^ U.S. Court of Appeal (Fifth Circuit). VINSON & ELKINS: 47 Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London WIX 7PB, Tel. 01-491-7236, Telex: 24140. (Offices at Houston, Texas and Washington, D.C.). Advisor in American and international law, handling general, corporate petroleum and financial legal matters. H. DON TEAGUE, born 1942, LL.M. Harvard, Tex. and NY Bars; JOHN C. BRANNAN, Jr., born 1940, J.D. U. of Oklahoma, Okla. and Tex. Bars; PAUL C. DEEMER, born 1947, B.A. and J.D. Vanderbilt Univ., Tex. Bar; ERIC G. ANDERSEN, born 1950, BA & J.D. Brigham Young Univ. Ca. Calif. and D.C. Bars. WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN, DIXON, MASINTER & JOHNSON; Bartlett House, 9 Basinghall Street, London EC2V 5BQ, Tel. 01-606-5531, Telex: 8811084. (Offices in Chicago, Illinois; Memphis, Tennessee; and Atlanta, Georgia). General U.S. and international law with special emphasis on Company and corporate law, taxation and financial transactions. No domestic relations. THOMAS E. JOHNSON, born 1936, J.D. Harvard, NY and Minn. Bars. JEREMY MATHIS, born 1950, BA Harvard, J.D. Villanova Univ., Md. Bar, English solicitor; KATHRYN M. FORGIE, born 1954, Lewis & Clark College, Wash. Bar. WILMER CUTLER & PICKERING: 1 College Hill, London EC4R 2RA, Tel. 01-236-2401, Telex: 883242. (Office at 1666 K Street, NW, Wash. D.C. 20006). American and international law, tax, corporate, financial, anti-trust, Investment and trade cases. Probate matters (D.C. only). No divorce. SAMUEL J. LANAHAN, born 1918, LL.B. Columbia, D.C. Bar. WINTHROP, STIMSON, PUTNAM & ROBERTS; 1/4 College Hill, London EC4R 2RA, Tel. 01-236-2401, Telex: 883242 WINCUT. (Offices at 40 Wall Street, NY, NY 10005; 460 Summer Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06901; 125 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida 33480). American and international law, main fields of practice: corporate, tax, banking, securities, financial law, anti-trust, estates and litigation. No divorce cases. ROBERT W. GRAY, born 1940, J.D. Univ., of Chicago 1965, NY Bar; WILLIAM C.F. KURZ, born 1942, LL.B. Harvard 1967, N.Y. Bar; CORY N. STRUPP, Born 1950, J.D. Boston Univ. 1977, NY Bar. - 14 - YOUNGSTEIN & GOULD; 62 Fall Mall, London SW1Y 5HZ, Tel. 01-839-6461 Telex: 266555. General international business and tax practice. Main fields of practice are: U.S., U.K. and international tax and corporate planning for individuals and companies doing er wishing to do business or wishing to invest in the United States^ the United Kingdom, Europe, Middle East, and the Far East, with an emphasis on high technology Industries and licensing and distribution agreements and international tax planning for international entertainers, agents, companies, etc., engaged in the entertainment business. Languages: English, Italian and French. HOWARD G. YOUNGSTEIN, Born 1944, LL.B. Columbia 1968, NY Bar; JEFFREY L. GOULD, born 1948, J.D. Harvard 1974, Calif. Bar. *'k*'kifk1t1fk'k LIST OF SOLICITORS AND LAW FIRMS London, England January 1982 This list of Solicitors and Law firms is provided by the American Embassy as a convenience to United States Citizens. It is not a complete list of solicitors practicing here and absence of a firm from the list is in no way a reflection on its competence. Inclusion on the list is based primarily on the firm having provided the Embassy with detail^d information« The American Embassy at London assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or facilities listed. Fees and the legal Services to be provided are a matter for agreement solely between the individual and his solicitor. In English and Welsh practice the legal profession is divided into two quite separate categories: "Barristers** and "Solicitors". The primary function of the former is to argue cases before the higher courts. All other legal work is handled by solicitors and only a solicitor can retain a barrister. As barristers do not deal directly with the general public, only solicitors are named in the attached list. The Solicitors Act ( 1974) permits all Solicitors to act as Commissioners for Oaths. r Lists of solicitors practicing in Scotland and Northern Ireland are available from the American Consulates General at Edinburgh and Belfast respectively • The postage from the United States to the United Kingdom is: First Class letter rate: First ounce 2 ounces 3 ounces 4 ounces Airmail rate for each half ounce Postal card rate Airmail rate for small packets: Up to 2 ounces 2 1/2 ounces 3 ounces 4 ounces Surface rate for packets: 2 Ibs. 3 Ibs. 4 Ibs. 5 Ibs. 20 Cents 37 Cents 54 Cents 71 Cents 17 Cents 13 Cents $2.54 t $2.78 $3.01 $3.49 • « • $1.52 • . • $1.58 • . . . $1.65 • • • $1.72 "«^v ^^^••" ■ *<■■ « m ■><».« - 2 - ADLERS ; 9 St. Cläre Street , Minories, London EC3N 1QH, Tel. 01-481-9100, Telex: 883831 ADLERS G. General practice, banking, industrial and commercial property, Company, commercial and tax laws, administration of foreign estates, arbitration, real estate, with emphasis on f ranchising, anti-trust and Insurance law. 12 Partners. ALLEN & OVERY; 9 CHEAPSIDE, LONDON EC2V 6AD, Tel. 01-248-9898, TELEX: 8812801. General practice with emphasis on Company and commercial work and banking transactions. Real estate, estate matters, trade marks and taxation. No divorce. Offices in Brüssels and Dubai, 42 Partners. AMBROSE APPELBE ASSOCIATES: 7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3RA, Tel. 01-242-7289, Telex: 22327, General commercial practice. (Associated with Hayt, Hayt and Landau, 55 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021, and at Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Woburn, Mass., Tinton Falls, New Jersey, Philadelphia and Houston, whose main fields of practice are debt collections, health and hospital law, labor relations, litigation, real estate, pension and prof it sharing, probate and estate planning. ) 2 Partners. BAKER & MCKENZIE: Aldwych House, Aldwych, London WC2B 4 JP, Tel: 01-242-6531. General commercial practice with emphasis on International matters and inward Investment; principal areas of law include commercial, corporate, taxation financial, real estate and commercial litigation. Associated with Baker & McKenzie, Prudential Plaza, Chicago, Illinois, 60601. 14 Partners. JACK BERNSTEIN & CO: 203 Kilburn High Road, London NW6 4JD, Tel.01-328-4355. Handies estate and probate matters, trade disputes, criminal cases, general practice. » BLAKENEY ' S : 33 St. James's Street, London SW1 , Tel. 01-930-8118. General practice in taxation, corporate matters, town and country planning, collection cases on a time basis, estate and criminal cases. 3 Partners. CAMERON MARKBY; Moor House, London Wall, London EC2Y 5HE, Tel. 01-638-4090, Telex: 884525 & 886703. General commercial practice the main fields being banking law and practice, corporate law, taxation, real estate, shipping, acquisitions and insolvency, estate planning, trust and probate. Wide commercial law associations in United States, Africa, Middle East, European Economic Community, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia. Associated offices in Paris, Amsterdam and the Middle East. 32 Partners. CLINTON DAVIS & CO: 343a - 345a, Mare Street, London E8, Tel. 0 1-986-9321/7, General practice. 5 Partners. - 3 - CLINTONS; Wellington House, 6/9 Upper St . Martin' s Lane , London WC2H 9DF, Tel. 01-379-6080, Telex: 22698. General and commercial practice, including matters concerning the entertainment industry, Copyright, divorce, and matrimonial affairs generally, private and international law, banking, Corporation, Company and revenue law matters, litigation, probate, trusts, real estate and criminal cases. Home Office af f i l iat ions . (Languages: Hebrew, Spanish, French, German, and Italian). 8 Partners. CRANE & HAWKINS; 50/51 Russell Square, London WC1H 4JW, Tel. 01-637 -0651, Telex: 227 19 GRANES G. General practice including individual and corporate tax, estate planning, commercial law, litigation and matrimonial. 3 Partners. DAVIES ARNOLD & COOPER: 12 Bridewell Place, London EC4V 6AD, Tel. 01-353-6555, Telex: 262894. General practice dealing with all aspects of English law including Commercial and Insurance litigation and involving aviation, products liability, marine and private international law. Commercial department dealing with commercial real estate and Company commercial matters. 9 Partners. DRESDENS: 32 Tavistock Street, Strand, London WC2E 7PD, Tel. 01-240- 1436. General practice, main fields of practice include all aspects of real estate and corporate property development, divorce, probate, Immigration, litigation and criminal law. 4 Partners. ELFORDS: 9 Great James Street, London WClN 3DA, Tel. 01-404-4422, Telex: 28605 EL LAWDN. General practice handling Company and commercial work,tax planning, probate, wills, conveyancing, Copyright, divorce, litigation, criminal cases, industrial tribunal, Home Off ice applications and debt collections. 9 Partners. FAIRCHILD GREIG & WELLS: 5 Stone Buildings, Lincoln* s Inn, London WC2A 3YF^ Tel. 01-242-340 1, CABLES : ICHTHUS LONDON WC2 . General practice . Main fields of practice: civil litigation, charities, property law, probate and financial planning. 3 Partners. FRERE CHOLMELEY: 28 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3HH, Tel. 01-405-7878, Telex: 27623. (Off ice at 450 Park Avenue, NY, NY 10022) General Practice. 23 Partners. HARTWIG: 15 William Mews , Knightsbridge, London SW1X9HF, Tel. 01-235- 1504, Telex: 946702. (Office at 120 Cedar Street, NY, NY, licensed by NY Supreme Court). International corporate and commercial practice, and all usual branches of practice in England. HAYMON & WALTERS : 1, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2 3AU, Tel. 01-242 3751. Real estate, including commercial and residential conveyancing, mortgaging, leaseholds and tenancies, all types of litigation and divorce, Company and tax law, film and theatre contracts, restrictive covenants, Copyright and patent law, probate and estate matters. 4 Partners. - 4 - HEALD & NICKINSON: 48 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DS, Tel. 01-636- 8010, Telex: 268003. Banking law and practice, corporate law, labor law and employment matters, taxation, real estate, shipping, insolvency, immigration law, estate planning, trust and probate, divorce, matrimonial affairs, international law, litigation, international contracts, EEG law, matters concerning the entertainment industry, Copyright, trade marks, patents. 11 Partners. HILLMAN, John Arthur; 23 Bruton Street, London W1X 7DA, Tel . 0 1-629-9366, Telex: 263610 LAWHILL G. Main fields of practice are corporate law, conveyancing, international contracts, intellectual property matters, and criminal law, domestic and international arbitration particularly in marine and scientific matters. Fluent French, practices at French Bar, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. JOYNSON-HICKS & CO; St. Martins House, 140 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 9LN, Tel. 01-387-0909, Telex; 268014. General practice, including, international, corporation, commercial, tax, real estate, entertainment field and Copyright, patents, probate, trust, litigation and divorce. 18 Partners. KINGSLEY, NAPLEY & CO; 107-115 Long Acre, London WC2E 9PT, Tel. 01-240- 2411, Telex: 28756. Criminal and civil litigation, conveyancing, probate and commercial. 10 Partners. KNAPP-FISHERS: 35 Great Peter Street, Westminster, London SWIP 3LR, Tel. 01-222-7811, Telex; 919313. General commercial including civil aviation and travel trade, and private law practice including estate and probate matters, trade (iisputes, tax planning and town planning and real property work. All forms of civil litigation. 10 Partners. LICKFOLDS, WILEY & PO\^ES; 7 Upper Brook Street, London WIY 2BX, Tel. 01-493-5444, Cables: PHRASING LONDON W1. General practice including commercial, probate and property matters and matrimonial cases, debt collection cases ( f ees according to work done) , estate cases, trade disputes, liquor licensing and criminal cases and immigration work. 7 Partners. LISSACK, VICTOR, J; 8 Bow Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7AJ, Tel. 01-240-2010, Cables: LISSLAW RAND LONDON. General practice including criminal, divorce and property conveyancing. Considerable experience in criminal cases in London Magistrates' Courts. Recorder of the Crown Courts. 3 Partners. VICTOR MISHCON & CO: 125 High Holborn, London WC1V 6QP, Tel. 01-405 3711, Telex; 21455 MISLEX G. General practice , main fields of practice are corporation work, banking and credit law, civil litigation, transfers and letting of property, inheritance, divorce and trade dispute cases. 7 Partners. » n - 5 - NABARRO NATHANSQN; 76, Jermyn Street, SW1Y 6NR, Tel. 01-930-8444, Telex: 8813144. General commercial legal practice wlth main fields in real estate, corporate and commercial work, patents and licencing matters, corporate and personal taxation and estate cases, litlgation, pensions and employee matters, labor law and trade disputes. Experienced in taking instructions from overseas clients in USA, Far East, Middie East and Europe. 33 Partners. OFFENBACH & CO: 29 Old Bond Street, London Wl . Tel. 01-491-1343. Entertainment field, criminal, divorce, and litigation, commercial. Conveyancing, contracts, property and probate. 4 Partners. HERBERT OPPENHEIMER, NATHAN & VANDYK; 20 Copthall Avenue, London EC2R 7JH, Tel. 01-628-9611, Telex: 885240 CLIENT. General and inter- national practice including Corporation, Company, tax, entertainment law and litigation. 26 Partners. PHILIPPSOHNS: 222-225 Strand, London WC2R IBA, Tel. 01-353-4821. General practice, main fields of practice are litigation work, estate cases, including probate matters, immigration work, trade disputes, criminal cases and matrimonial matters. M. PHILLIPS & CO; 27 Great James Street, London WC1N 3ES, Tel. 01-242- 8661/3, Telex: 25209. Main fields of practice in property, employee relocation and commercial matters. 2 Partners. REA, GRUNDBERG & CO: 5 Mansfield Street, London WIM 9FH, Tel. 01-637-7983. Telex: 23405« Conveyancing, Company and commercial, especially with Scandinavian involvement. 2 Partners. ROSCOE-PHILLIPS : 4th Floor, Morny House, 201 Regent Street, London WIR 7WA, Tel. 01-439-9106, Telex: 25509. General law practice but specializing in International Law, commercial, corporate and tax law and real estate, but also including general criminal, litigation and matrimonial law. 2 Partners. ROWE & MAW: 15 Devereux Court, Essex Street, London WC2R 3JX^ Tel. 01-353-4282, Telex: 262787. General practice. 24 Partners. RUBINSTEIN CALLINGHAM: 6 Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, London WCIR 5BZ, Tel. 01-242-8404, Telex: 894100 RUBCAL G. General practice, including litigation, Company and commercial law, defamation, Copyright and licencing, EEC law, matrimonial and fcunily law and all matters concerning literature and the arts, property and trust law. (No process serving) . 11 Partners. SIMONS, MUIRHEAD & ALLAN; 40 Bedford Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9EN, Tel. 01-836-7023. Cables: SIMURAL, Telex: 368312 WESCOM G. General and commercial practice, civil and criminal litigation, including legal aid, music and entertainment, family immigration and conveyancing work. 4 Partners - 6 - lAN SHERIDAN; 22, Beechcroft Ave., New Maiden, Surrey, Tel. 01-942-8583. Main fields of practice include conunercial and corporate law, litigation, international trademarks and Copyright , and EEG Law. Also real estate. NY Bar and English solicitor. STEPHENSON HARWOOD; Saddlers Hall, Gutter Lane, London EC2V 6BS, Tel. 01-606-7733, Telex: 886789. General practice. 34 Partners. STONEHAM LANGTON & PASSMORE; 8 Bolton Street, Piccadilly, London WIY BAU, Tel. 01-499-8000, Telex: 21640 INTLAW. General Practice. 21 Partners. TAYLOR & HUMBERT: 2 Raymond Buildings, Gray* s Inn , London WC1R 5BN, Tel. 01-242-0291, Telex: 25516. General practice, including Company, commercial and private international law. Also family, trust, property and litigation. 13 Partners. WALKERS : 48 Portland Place, London WIN 3DG, Tel. 01-636-8273, Telex: 817061 WALKER. Also at Cambridge and Royston, Herts. Evenings/Weekends: Leatherhead 73880, or Tunbridge Wells 863136. (Associated with Lemmon and Lemmon, The Merchants National Bank Buildings, 705 Merchant Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Represented in New York City, Boston, Mass., Belgium and Italy). Main fields of practice: personal law, matrimonial, divorce, children, immigration, work permits, housing and conveyancing, music and entertainment industry, shipping and restaurant work. 5 Partners. WILLEY, HARGRAVE: Chancery House, Chancery Lane, London WC2, Tel. 01- 405-0945, Telex: 28835. Main fields of practice: civil litigation, Company, commercial and insurance law. 10 Partners. FREDERICK WEIL AND ANNELIESE ADELE MOSS ; 37 Gloucester Place, London WIH 3PD, Tel. 01-935-8035. International commercial and family law practice. 2 partners. • m 1 Frederic M. Alberti^ Esquire 118 0 Avenue of the Americas Nev; York, NY 10036 John Lewinsky 6 Rue Adolphe Yvon Paris (16E) FRANCE Harry L. Bassett, Esquire 806 Forte Plaza Bldg. 14 01 Brickell Avenue Miami, FL 33131 Jerome Linet, Esquire 1899 NE 164th Street North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Erda & Leichter 515 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 John W. Marcuse, Esquire 222 E. Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Helmut Erlanger, Esquire 4 444 Geary Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94118 Harry D. Salinger, Esquire 9201 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 303 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Peter Heidenberger, Esquire Lambert, Furlow, Elmore & Heiden 200 Davis Bldg., 1629 K St. NW Washington, DC 2 0006 Ludwik Seidenman, Esquire 50 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 Samuel Herman, Esquire 1027 30th Street, NW Washington, DC 2 0007 Charles E. Soffar, Esquire 2024 Bank of the Southwest Bldg Houston, TX 77 002 Robert Salomon, Esquire Herzefeld & Rubin 4 0 Wall Street New York, NY 10005 H. Sondheim, Esquire 920 Riverside Drive New York, NY 1004 0 Eric G. Kaufman, Esquire 802 West 190th Street New York, NY 10040 Paul L. Weiden, Esquire 200 Park Avenue, Suite 4401 New York, NY 10017 Henry J. Zacharias, Esquire 420 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017 Andrew Freeman, Esquire Wachten, Manheim & Grou^ 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10020 Gloria Miccioli Library Davis, Polk & Wardwell 1 Chase Manhatten Plaza New York, NY 10005 Nicholas R. Doman, Esquire Choat, Doman, Moore & Hahn 420 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 Stephen R. Magyar, Esquire 192 Brewer Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Benjamin Ferencz, Esquire Taylor, Ferencz & Simon Lincoln Building 60 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 David G. Gill, Esquire Exxon Corporation 1251 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 William Mueller, Esquire Patterson, Belknap, Webb & 30 Rockefeiler Plaza New York, NY 10020 Tyler Horace Borchardt, Esquire Zucker, Krauss & Borchardt 30 0 Martiri^venue White Plams, NY 10601 Henry H. Muller, Esquire 217 Broadway New York, NY 10007 Edith Dosmar-Kosterlitz United Restitution Organization 570 7th Avenue, 16th Floor New York, NY 10018 Milton Kestenberg, Esquire 500 5th Avenue, Suite 1602 New York, NY 10036 Miss Barbara Key Powell Shell Oil Company One Shell Plaza P.O. Box 2463 Houston, TX 77001 Brice M. Clagett, Esquire Covington & Burling 888 Sixteenth Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 t> Enclosed is Information and appropriate Claim forms to file a Claim for the loss of property taken by the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic after August 8, 1958. The Commission previously adjudicated Claims for losses which arose between January 1^ 1945 and August 8^ 1958. If an award was made in that previous program^ you do not have to file with the Commission to receive further payment on that award. Previous awards made by the Commission have been certified to the Department of the Treasury which is responsible for distri- buting any further funds to the award holders. If you have an interest in such an award, you need do nothing further unless the Department of the Treasury does not have your present address or the original award holder has died. In either such case, you should write to: Bureau of Government Financial Operations Claims Review and Settlement Branch Department of the Treasury Room 340, Treasury Annex No. 1 Washington, DC 20226 If an award was previously made by the Commission, you must still file a new claim with the Commission, if, but only if / you have an additional claim for the loss of property which occurred after August 8, 1958. The filing for additional losses occurring after August 8, 1958 will not cause any delay in the payment of any additional payments to which you may be entitled under a previous award made by the Commission. FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION INSTRUCTIONS FQR FILING CLAIMS UNDER PUBLIC LAW 97-127 (SECOND CZECHOSLOVAKIAN CLAIMS PROGRAM) On December 29, 1981, Public Law 97-127 provided Congressional approval for an agreement between the United States and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic for the payment of $81.5 million dollars for the property losses of United States nationals resulting from the nationalization or other taking of such property by the Government of Czechoslovakia. The law also authorizes the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission to receive and determine the value of certain Claims based upon property which was nationalized or otherwise taken by the Government of Czechoslovakia between August 8, 1958 and the date of the Agreement. The Commission conducted a program for losses in Czechoslovakia which arose between January 1, 1945 and August 9, 1958 under Public Law 85-604. Even if a claim for losses after August 8, 1958 was previously filed and denied, a new claim on the official claim form (FSCS Form 127) must now be refiled. Evidence previously submitted will be available to the Commission for consideration in the current Claims program. The following Information is to help you file a claim. Please read this Information carefully. It will help you proper ly fill out the claim form and will inform you of additional documents or other evidence you should obtain to successfully pursue your claim. WHEN AND WHERE TO FILE YOUR CLAIM Claims must be filed not later than October 31, 1982. The accompanying claim form should be filed as soon as possible. The sooner it is filed, the sooner the Commission can start action on your claim. Additional material may be submitted at a later date if it is not presently available to you. In any event the claim must be filed no later than October 31 19a2. CLAIMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON FCSC FORM 127 IN ORDER TO BE VALID. CLAIMS — ^ FILED WITH OTHER U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OR ON ANY OTHER FORM CANNOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMISSION. If you do not have sufficient Information to complete all the questions on the claim form, sign and submit the incomplete form before October 31, 1982. You will be provided additional time to Supplement your claim f;^?^oi^ ^^ filed. Send your claim to the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. 1111 20th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20579. WHO IS AN ELIGIBLE CLAIMANT To be eligible to file a claim, if you are an individual, you must be a United States Citizen. For a corporation or other entity to be eligible to file a Claim it must be organized under the laws of the United States, any State or Territory thereof, or the District of Columbia, and natural persons who are Citizens of the United States must directly or indirectly own 50% or more of the outstanding stock or other beneficial interest of such corporation or legal entity. ^ ADDITIONAL CLAIMANTS If there is more than one claimant who has an interest in any of the property claimed, each claimant may file on a separate claim form for his or her own interest in the loss, or an additional page may be attached to the completed Claim form providing the name and address of each additional claimant. The Information requested in items No. 4 and 5 on the claim form should be provided for each additional claimant. The percentage of each claimant 's interest in the losses claimed should be indicated. Evidence of each claimant 's United States nationality should be submitted and each claimant should sign either the claim torm or the page on which his or her name and address appear. WHAT LOSSES MAY BE CLAIMED Public Law 97-127 provides for any Claims by nationals of the United States against Czechoslovakia arising after August 8, 1958, for losses incurred as a result of the nationalization or other taking of property which, at the time of such taking, was owned wholly or partially, directly or indirectly, by nationals ot the United States to whom no restoration or adequate compensation for such property has been made. It will be for the Commlfislon to determlne in each claim whether a compensable loas under Public Law 97-127 has been established. « If you are not sure whether your claim may be compensable under the law, it is advisable to file a claim giving all details so that the Commission can decide if your loss is covered. ESTABLISMING THE ELEMENTS OF A COMPENSABLE CLAIM In general, in order to establish a compensable claim it will be the claimant's responsibility to submit evidence to prove: 1. That the owner of the proper ty was a United States national on the date the proper ty was taken; 2. That the claim arising from the taking was continuously owned by a United States national from the date of loss until the date of filing the claim with the Commission; 3. That the property, in fact, was lost as the result of a nationalization or other taking and the date of such taking; 4. That the claimant was the owner of the property on the date of loss or the legal successor in interest to the owner; and, 5. The value for the property taken. NOTE: It is often difficult at the outset of a Claims program for the Commission to be able to provide a strict definition of the types of Claims which ultimately might be compensable or the extent of proof required to establish the above elements. Therefore, it is suggested that before making costly attempts to obtain documentation in support of your claim you should find out from the Commission whether such evidence is necessary. HOW TO PROVE UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP There are several ways to establish the fact of United States citizenship of yourself or of another person whose citizenship is important, such as the owner of the property at the time it was taken. If you or such other person has previously filed a claim in another program with this Commission, the fact of citizenship may already have been established. The Commission will check this for you if you will furnish in the space provided at line 12 on the claim form the Claim number of the previous claim and the füll name of the claimant in that Claim. If such citizenship has not previously been established with the Commission, and you or the person whose citizenship you must establish were born in the United States, forward a copy of the appropriate birth certificate. If a birth certificate is not available, forward a baptismal certificate for consideration by the Commission. If you or the person whose citizenship you must provide was naturalized as a United States Citizen, you should provide the Commission on the appropriate form enclosed the date, place, and certificate number of such naturalization. If United States citizenship is claimed through marriage to a United States Citizen, or through parents who were United States Citizens, forward füll details in Support of your claim. OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY AND CLAIMS BY UNITED STATES NATIONALS To be compensable, the property interest which has been taken must have been directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, owned by a United States national at the time the property interest was taken and the claim for the loss must have been continuously held by one or more United States nationals from the date the property interest was taken until the date of filing the claim with the Commission, Therefore, to establish your claim you must show who the owner of the property interest was at the time the property was taken and show that at that time the property was owned directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by a United States national. You must also provide the names of everyone eise who had aa interest in this claim from the time the property was taken until the Claim was filed and you must prove the nationality of any such people. HOW TO PROVE OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY The best evldence of ovmership is offlclal government records or recorded deeds showing such reglstered ownership. If these are not available, submit any secondary evidence such as contracts of aale, wills, leases, receipts for rents, taxes paid, tax bills or affidavits of persons who were in a position to know the facta of ownership, HOW TO PROVE THAT PROPERTY HAS BEEN TAKEN The best evidence to establish the fact and date of taking of the property would be official decrees and notices issued by the government. If these are not available» affidavits or contemporaneous Communications ref erring to the taking of the property should be submitted. In any event, provide in detail any and all Information you have concerning the taking of the property. HOW TO ESTABLISH THE VALUE OF PROPERTY To finally determine your claim, the Commission must be able to establish the value of the property at the time it was taken. In many cases this may be less than the value of such property now. The following suggestions indicate the type of evidence which will assist the Commission in arriving at the value of your property: assessment or tax records; the purchase price, if the property was purchased, and the date such price was paid; appraisals of the property or of similar property located nearby; affidavits of persons who were familiär with your property; in the case of business property, inventories, corporate books, proof of rental income; photographs, if available; and in all cases, a detailed description of your property. including size of any parcel of land, and age, condition and type of building or other improvements, if any. PREP ARING THE CLAIM FORM In addition to the directions contained on the enclosed Statement of Claim, PLEASE READ the following explanation BEFORE attempting to fill out the form. ITEMS 1-3; This Information will allow the Commission to communicate with you or your attorney and will assist the Commission in investigating your claim. Please note the following: Give not only your present füll name, but also indicate other names you may have used in the past, for any reason, such as having legally changed your name or having taken a married name. Be sure to include your ZIP code in your address. As indicated on page one of the Instructions, additional claimants may file separate forms or may be indicated on a separate page. NOTE: IF YOU SHOULD CHANCE YOUR ADDRESS, BE SURE TO NOTIFY THE COMMISSION. The Commission does not require that claimants have legal representation. The retaining of legal counsel is a matter for the claimant to decide. However, if you decide to retain legal counsel, the attorney representing you must be licensed to practice in a State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia. Attorneys' fees (not expenses) are limited to 10% of the total amount paid on any award certified by the Commission. ITEMS 4-5: This Information is necessary to determine whether your claim meets the requirements set forth in elements one and two under Establishing the Elements of a Compensable Claim, ahove. Claimants should provide complete and accurate Information, giving exact dates where required. If you are filing on behalf of a Corporation, partnership or other such entity, prepare and attach a Statement giving Information as to the ownership, date and place of incorporation, and history of any reorganizations or changes in ownership between the time the property was taken and the date of filing the Claim. A corporation or other entity must submit a Statement by an officer of the Organization certifying that the percentage of ownership by United States nationals is 50% or more. ITEMS 6-7; The purpose of this Summary of Losses Claimed is to provlde the Comiaission with Information as to the type of property losses involved in your Claim and your best estimate of the amount of these losses, Give an accurate estimate of the value as of the time the property was taken, If , after review of your claim, the Commission should determine that you are entitled to more than you have estimated, it will not reduce an award because you understated your estimate. On the other hand, a review of all the evidence may convince the Conunission that an award should be less than the amount you have estimated. ITEM 8; Provide for each item of land and buildings the complete Information requested. The Commission must have a complete history of ownership and complete Information as to the circumstances of the loss, along with a detailed description of the property and Information as to value. If there is additional property, use additional sheets of paper giving all the Information called for on the form. ITEMS 9-10; Give füll Information concerning any other property which was taken including any personal property, securities or any other property of any type for which you claim. List and describe such property in detail and give complete Information concerning ownership, circumstances and date of the loss. ITEM 11; This space is provided for any additional Information or explanations which might facilitate the Commission 's handling of your claim. ITEMS 12-13; This Information may reduce the need for claimants to submit duplicate evidence where it is available in a prior claim filed with the Commission or in another proceeding for compensation. HOW YOUR CLAIM WILL BE HANDLED After the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission receives your claim form and the documents submitted, they will be reviewed. If additional Information is required, the Commission will so inform you. After the Commission completes its review of your materials and conducts whatever investigation may be necessary, the Commission will issue a Proposed Decision which will be forwarded to you or your attorney. If you do not object to the Proposed Decision, after thirty days it will become final. If you are not satisfied with the Proposed Decision, you will be given an opportunity to file object ions and submit any further evidence you wish to be reviewed by the Commission. You may request an oral hearing before the Commission and furnish, in person or through an attorney, additional documents, testimony or argument. After consideration of such evidence the Commission will issue a Final Decision. Even though the decision is final, if you thereafter secure new evidence which you feel would cause the Commission to change its Final Decision, you may file a Petition to reopen the claim and submit such evidence for consideration by the Commission within a reasonable time prior to the statutory deadline for the completion of the claims program, which is October 31, 1984. PAYMENTS OF AWARDS Public Law 97-127 directs that as soon as practicable after the Commission has certified awards to the Secretary of the Treasury on Claims for losses arising after August 8, 1958, the Secretary shall make payments on account of each award. An account of $1,500,000 is to be established from funds received from the Government of Czechoslovakia under the claims settlement agreement for payment of these claims. A copy of Public Law 97-127 and the applicable regulations of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission will be forwarded to you upon request. If you have any questions concerning the completion of the claim form you may write or call the Commission at (202) 653-5883 weekdays between 8; 30 a.m. and 5;00 p.m. DOJ-1982-01 FCSC FORM 127 (1-82) FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES Washington, o.e. 20579 0MB 1105-0018 Expiration Data 3-1-84 Claim No. CZ-2- (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) STATEMENT OF CLAIM NOTE: In order to assist the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission in fairly deciding your claim as quickly as possible, you must CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY complete this form. BEFORE starting this form, PLEASE READ the accompanying Instructions. Additional pages may be attached, if necessary. Send one copy of the completed form to the Commission; retain the other copy for your files. To avoid mistakes by the Commission in understanding your answers, please TYPE or PRINT clearly! Name of l.Claimant: (Last) (First) (Middle) Mailing 2. Address: Phone ( ) (For additional claimants and other details see Instructions.) 3. Name, mailing address and phone number of attorney (if any) representing you in this claim. Phone ( ) 4a. If claimant is an individual, indicate below whether United States citizenship was acquired by birth, naturaliza- tion, through parents or by marriage. Also give the date United States citizenship was acquired. (See Instruc- tions for the type of proof required.) b. If claimant was not the owner of a particular property interest when such interest was lost, give name of prede- cessor in interest, date and manner by which predecessor acquired United States citizenship and date claimant acquired his interest in the property. z' c. If claimant is not an individual, see Instructions for information and evidence of United States nationality re- quired. 5. If United States citizenship or nationality has been lost by the claimant, give date and circumstances: Summary of Losses Qaimed 6. Indicate the type of losses for which this claim is being filed: a. Land □ b. Buildings □ c. Individual Personal Property □ d. Interest in Business Ownership □ e. Debt Interest □ f. Other □(Describe) 7. Indicate total asserted amount of losses in United States Dollars: $ Land & Buildings 8. In the Spaces indicated below, give a description and the exact location of each item of real estate claimed. On the lines foUowing the description and location give the information requested for each piece of property: (a) date the property was iSLken;(b) circumstances under which the property was taken, including the law or decree, if known; Cc> name and nationality of the owner of the property at the time it was taken; W how the property was acquired by the owner; (e) how the present claimant acquired the right to claim for the loss; (f) name, address and nationality of anyone other than claimant who may have an interest in this claim; (g) the value of the property at the time it was taken and explain how you arrived at that value;C/i> any addi- tional information which would help the Commission decide this claim. Description of Property: Exact Location of Property (street, number, town, district, etc.): Answers to questionsra>-r/i>^ above: Description of Property: Exact Location of Property (street, number, town, district, etc.): Answers to questions (aUh) above: (If Claim is made for more than two pieces ofreal property, provide the identical information for each addi- tional piece on a separate sheet ofpaper.) I »- 1 Individual Personal Property Losses List below all items of personal property ciaimed, the date and manner by which the property was taken, by whom it was taken, where it was located on the date of loss, the value of each item, when acquired, the date acquired and the value on the date of loss. Describe the condition of the property on the date of loss. Business Interests, Debts and Other Losses 10a. With respect to losses based upon an ownership interest in a partnership, corporation or other group form of ownership, provide: ( 1 ) the name of the Company or group; (2) the percentage of claimant's ownership in- terest therein; (3) a description of the assets taken; (4) the date of loss; and (5) the value of the assets taken on the date of loss. 10b. With respect to debt Claims, describe the nature of the debt (e.g., mortgage, securities, debt owed by nation- aiized enterprise, etc.) ; indicate the date and manner by which the debt Obligation was taken; and give the value of the Obligation on the date of loss. 10c. Describe the nature of any other property interest lost, the date and manner by which the interest was taken and the value of the interest on the date of loss. 1 1 . Additional remarks (See Instructions): 1 2. If Claims have been previously füed with the Commission by the claimant or predecessor in interest, indicate the Claim numbers and names of prior claimants: 13. Apart from this claim, has claimant or any predecessor in interest received or any reason to expect to receive any benefits, pecuniary or otherwise, on account of the loss resulting from the action for which this claim is filed? (Yes or No). If answer is Yes, explain on a separate sheet. Release The information contained on this claim form, on attachments hereto and any material and information sub- mitted heretofore or hereafter in regard to or in support of your claim is considered by the Commission to be public mformation which may be disclosed to interested persons who make inquiries about the Claims program admmistered by the Commission and individual Claims filed therein. Your signature on this claim form acknowl- edges that you are aware and agree that such disclosures will be made and further authorizes the Commission and its staff to conduct such investigations as may be required to adjudicate your claim. (For use by individual claimant.) The undersigned states that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim, knows the Contents thereof and the same is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Dated 198 (Signature of Oaimant) (Signa tures of Additional Claimants) (For use in the case ofa corporate or other entity claimant.) The undersigned states that he is the of the claimant herein; that he is duly authorized to sign and file this claim on behalf of the claim- ant; that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim and each Statement and exhibit attached thereto and knows the Contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters, he believes them to be true. Dated 198. (Signature) SEAL (Ifany; ifnone, so State.) BE SURE TO ATTACH ANY DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF YOUR CLAIM! NOTE: Each document in a foreign language must be accompanied by a verified English translation. GPO 88e-042 7£ at- s A H oßqüoj) (f, THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20520 Overseas Citizens Services FCSC FORM 127 (1-82) FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES Washington, D.C. 20579 0MB 1105-0018 Expiration Date 3-1-84 Claim No. CZ-2- (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) STATEMENT OF CLAIM NOTE: In order to assist the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission in fairly deciding your claim as quickly as possible, you must CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY complete this form. BEFORE starting this form, PLEASE READ the accompanying Instructions. Additional pages may be attached, if necessary. Send one copy of the completed form to the Commission ;jetain the other copy for your files. To avoid mistakes by the Commission in understanding your answers, please TYPE or PRINT clearly! Name of l.Claimant: ___^ (Last) (First) (Middle) Mailing 2. Address: Phone ( ) (For additional claimants and other details see Instructions.) 3. Name, mailing address and phone number of attorney (if any) representing you in this claim. Phone ( ) 4a. If claimant is an individual, indicate below whether United States citizenship was acquired by birth, naturaliza- tion, through parents or by marriage. Also give the date United States citizenship was acquired. (See Instruc- tions for the type of proof required.) b. If claimant was not the owner of a particular property interest when such interest was lost, give name of prede- cessor in interest, date and manner by which predecessor acquired United States citizenship and date claimant acquired his interest in the property. c. If claimant is not an individual, see Instructions for information and evidence of United States nationality re- quired. 5. If United States citizenship or nationality has been lost by the claimant, give date and circumstances: Summary of Losses Qaimed 6. Indicate the type of losses for which this claim is being filed: a. Land □ b. Buildings □ d. Interest in Business Ownership □ c. Individual Personal Property □ e. Debt Interest □ f. Other □(Describe) 7. Indicate total asserted amount of losses in United States Dollars: $ Land & Buildings 8. In the Spaces indicated below, give a description and the exact location ofeach item of real estate claimed. On the lines following the description and location give the information requested for each piece of property : (a) date the property was Vakcn-Jb) circumstances under which the property was taken, including the law or decree, if known; fc> name and nationality of the owner of the property at the time it was taken; W> how the property was acquired by the owner; (e) how the present claimant acquired the right to claim for the loss; (f) name, address and nationaüty of anyone other than claimant who may have an interest in this claim; (g) the value of the property at the time it was taken and explain how you arrived at that \SL\uQjh) any addi- tional information which would help the Commission decide this claim. Description of Property: Exact Lxjcation of Property (street, number, town, district, etc.): Answers to questions (a)-(h) above: Description of Property: Exact Location of Property (street, number, town, district, etc.): Answers to questions (aMh) above: fif Claim is made for more than tw^o pieces ofreal property, provide the identical information for each addi- tional piece on a separate sheet ofpaper.) Individual Personal Property Losses List below all items of personal property claimed, the date and manner by which the property was taken, by whom it was taken, where it was located on the date of loss, the value of each item, when acquired, the date acquired and the value on the date of loss. Describe the condition of the property on the date of loss. Business Interests, Debts and Other Losses 10a. With respect to losses based upon an ownership interest in a partnership, Corporation or other group form of ownership, provide: ( 1 ) the name of the Company or group; (2) the percentage of claimant's ownership in- terest therein; (3) a description of the assets taken; (4) the date of loss; and (5) the value of the assets taken on the date of loss. 10b. With respect to debt Claims, describe the nature of the debt (e.g., mortgage, securities, debt owed by nation- aüzed enterprise, etc.); indicate the date and manner by which the debt Obligation was taken; and give the value of the Obligation on the date of loss. 10c. Describe the nature of any other property interest lost, the date and manner by which the interest was taken and the value of the interest on the date of loss. 1 1. Additional remarks (See Instructions): 1 2. If Claims have been previously filed with the Commission by the claimant or predecessor in interest, indicate the Claim numbers and names of prior claimants: 13. Apart from this claim, has claimant or any predecessor in interest received or any reason to expect to receive any benefits, pecuniary or otherwise, on account of the loss resulting from the action for which this claim is filed? (Yes or No). If answer is Yes, explain on a separate sheet. Release The information contained on this claim form, on attachments hereto and any material and Information sub- mitted heretofore or hereafter in regard to or in support of your claim is considered by the Commission to be public information which may be disclosed to interested persons who make inquiries about the Claims program administered by the Commission and individual Claims filed therein. Your signature on this claim form acknowl- edges that you are aware and agree that such disclosures will be made and further authorizes the Commission and its staff to conduct such investigations as may be required to adjudicate your claim. (For use by individual claimant.) The undersigned states that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim, knows the contents thereof and the same is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. Dated , 198. (Signatare of Gaimant) (Signatures of Additional Claimants) (For use in the case ofa corporate or other entity claimant.) The undersigned states that he is the of the claimant herein; that he is duly authorized to sign and file this claim on behalf of the claim- ant; that he has read the foregoing Statement of Claim and each Statement and exhibit attached thereto and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to his own knowledge, except as to matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters, he believes them to be true. Dated 198 (Signature) SEAL (Ifany; ifnone, so State.) BE SURE TO ATTACH ANY DOCUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF YOUR CLAIM! NOTE: Each document in a foreign language must be accompanied by a verified English translation. GPO 886-042 FORM FCSC-13 OHB ^io. nos^OOi; Explres: Feb. 28, 1984 REQÜEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF NATURALI ZAT ION DATE OF THIS APPLICATION FOR USE ONLY OF NATURALIZED AMERICAN CITIZENS IN CONNECTION WITH INTERESTS ABROAD INSTRUCTION - Pill out and transmtt the Information requested below to the Foreign Claims Sectlement Commission. Do not send to any other Agency. 1. NAME OF PERSON TO WHOM NATURAL IZATION RECORDS RELATE 4. OTHER NAHES USED 6. ADDRESS OF PERSON AT THE TIME RECORD WAS MADE 9. NAME OF COURT 2. PLACE OF BIRTH 3- DATE OF BIRTH 3. PRESENT ADDRESS OF PERSON 7. ALIEN REGISTRATION NO. (if any) 10. ADDRESS OF COURT 8. DATE OF NATURALIZATION 11. CERTIFICATE NUMBER OF NATURALIZATION 13. PORT OF ENTRY 15. NAME OF SHIP 12. COUNTRY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED 14. DATE OF ARRIVAL 16. ACCOMPANYING PERSONS 17. OFFICIAL TITLE OF PERSON OR AGENCY DESIRING INFORMATION Foreign Claiins Settlenient Commission of the United States 18. REMARKS Please verify date of naturalization 19. NAME OF PERSON REQUESTING INFORMATION David H. Rogers COMPLETE ADDRESS 1 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 1111 20th Street Washington, D.C. 20579 20. PROFESSION OF OCCUPATION General Counsel The infonnation contained in this form is subject to disclosure to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Commissi oners and staff of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. and to the public if requested pursuant to a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act, ^.^^ ^^^^^13 0MB !io. I105-OOI7 ~Explres: Feb. 28, 1984 REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION OF NATURAL IZAT ION DATE OF THIS APPLICATION FOR USE ONLY OF NATURALIZED AMERICAN CITIZENS IN CONNECTION WITH INTERESTS ABROAD INSTkUCTION - Fill out and transmit the Information requested below to the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. Do not send to any other Agency> 1. NAME OF PERSON TO WHOM NATURALI ZATION RECORDS RELATE 4. OTHER NAHES USED 6. ADDRESS OF PERSON AT THE TIME RECORD WAS MADE 9. NAME OF COURT 11. CERTIFICATE NUMBER OF NATURAL IZAT ION 13. PORT OF ENTRY 15. NAME OF SHIP 3. PRESENT ADDRESS OF PERSON — 2. PLACE OF BIRTH 3- DATE OF BIRTH ALIEN REGISTRATION NO. TT" (if any) DATE OF NATURALIZATION 10. ADDRESS OF COURT 12. COUNTRY IN WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED 14. DATE OF ARRIVAL 16. ACCOMPANYING PERSONS 17. OFFICIAL TITLE OF PERSON OR AGENCY DESIRING INFORMATION Foreign Claims Settlement Coremission of the United States 18. REMARKS Please verify date of naturalization 19. NAME OF PERSON REQUESTING INF0R2-IATI0N David H. Rogers COMPLETE ADDRESS Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 1111 20th Street Washington, D.C. 20579 20. PROFESSION OF OCCUPATION General Counsel 2, ^"f^'^f ^°" «^«"^^ined m this form is subject to disclosure to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Commiss ioners and staff of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, and to the public if requested pursuant to a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act. WASHINGTON 1627ISlftelNW LOS ANGELES 707 Wllshir« Boultvard SAN FRANCISCO Four Embarcadoro Cnnlar, Suilt 3550 SAN JOSE 150 Almadan Ooulavard. Sulla 1000 COUDERT BROTHERS ATTORNEVS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 200 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10166 TEL (212) S60 4400 TLK 666/64 COUOEMr FAX (2ir) 557-8137 July 27, 1990 Mrs. Erica Simon 170 West 81st Street - Apt. 9-B New York, N. Y. 10024 Dear Mrs. Simon: PARIS 52. Avanua dat ChampiEiyaaat LONDON 4 Daan« Court BRÜSSELS 1 49 Avanua Louiia. Boi • MOSCOW 15 Pairovka TOKYO M-1. Mtnamt-Aoyama. Minaioku MONO KONQ Alanandra Houaa. 20 Chalar Road SINGAPORE 20 CoMyar Quay SYDNEY Staia Bank Building, Sutia 2202 52 Martin Piaca BEIJINO Nobia Tnwar. Sulta 602 SHANGHAI Union Building. Sult« 1ft04 8AO PAULO a/c Machado. Mayar. Sandaex, Opica • Albino Rua da Conaolacao. 247 I have finally got around to figuring out what you have received, and what remains unpaid of your Czech award, and the following is what I have come up with: FCSC Award (2/21/62) Initial payment (1962) $258,682.17 1.000.00 Balance due 5.3038419% of balance (19??) $257,682.17 13.667.04 ^ Balance due 70.92945% of balance (1982) $244,015.13 173.978.58 ♦ Balance due 2.67263% of balance (1987) Unpaid balance $ 70,936.55 1.701.35 $ 69,235.20 ♦ The actual amount you received at that time was $180,356.76 which included interest earned by the U.S. Treasury of $7,178.18. Hoping this might be of some help to you, I remain with best wishes, Sincerely, AM Anne Martin, Sec'y I i . 30th 1982. Hobert J^. Uadd6x,Attomoy Office of the General Counsel Forel0i Claims Settlement Coomlsslon of th3 Uaited States Washington , D» C« 20579 Claim HOf CZ->2«0301 Dear Mr. Uaddez» tkai^k ypu for your letter of Sept 2nd« At the moment I do not know of any addltional olaims but am researohingy Yours truly, II FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. 20579 May 9, 1978 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, PA Dear Mrs. Kunz : 19083 This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated April 27, 1978, concerning Claims against the Government of Czechoslovakia. The Commission does not currently have Jurisdiction to consider Claims for loss of property in Czechoslovakia. Enclosed is a Statement prepared by the Department of State that summarizes the Situation reqarding these Claims. Your interest in this matter has been recorded and you will be notified if a new proqram is authorized. Very truly yours. ^]dy^^f• In of in of general, the agreeraent provided for (1) the payment • the Governraent of Czechoslovakia to the Goverrment the United States of $29.5 million, in inGtallments, seculenent of all legally valid Claims of nationals the United States against the Government o^ Czechoslovakia for the nationalization or othor taking" Oi. property between January 1, 1945, and the date the agreemcnt enters into force, and (2) the withdrawal by the Government of the United States of its objection to the relcase of 18,400 kilcgrams of gold to the Govern- nent er Cx.cchoslovak5.a V;hich is being held in th-^ cuötqdy of the Tripartite Coinmi?;;.si.on for the Restitution Ox Monetary Gold. • • • • • • . • Claims of nationals of the United States against the - Government of Czechoslovakia for the national i^ation • or other taking of property from January r, 1945, to August 8, 1958, have bcen adjudicated by the Foreign Claim.s Settlement Coimnission of the United States and paid in part by the Department of the Treasury under' Title IV of the International Claims SettDement Act of 1'.'49, as amended (22 U.S.C. 1642-1642p) . Claims of persons who v/ere not nationals of the United States on the date the property v/as nationalized or taken are cxcluded under the Act and the agreement. The time for filing Claims under the Act expircd on September 15, 1959. • • \ thci Foreign Claim:-, of luitiojialr. of hlio United ariyir.a afl ex- Augur; h n, 19r.8, have not boen c-idjucliceviccl by Clciinis ßcttlenient Corra\ist>ion. In thc. circura.stcznccrj, porsons owniny proper- ty v.iiich v/c^jj takbn fiftor Avuruül- 1958, and who v:ore national s of the United States on date Qf losG v/ould have unadjndicatod Claims aya.inst Govcrnnient oi: CzochocloVakia. the t)ie The Doparfcment is: precludo.d fr cm takincj any action to - for,iialize the ad referenclim clairas settleinent aqreement With the Government of C":-iechosl.ovakia. It cannöt do so becauso the Congress added an cuiiendraent to the Trade Act of 1974 requiring tho. Departnent to reneqotiate the agreeisent and obtain r.iore favorable vewmov.t Provision.';/ The arcendment provides as follov/s: •. "(a) The arrangcnent initialed on July !;, ' ' 1974, with respoct to the settlemont' öf the Claims of Citizens and nationals of: the United States against the Government • of Czechoslovakia shall be ronegotiated . ■ ; and shall be subr.U.ted to the cöngroy':: . .'*. as part of any agrecraent entered inlo : " •: under this title v/ith Czechoslovakia. • ..•■' ' " (b) The United vStc\tes shall not relcaso any gold bolongincj to Czcchoslov.ilriri .5^t 8, 195S, At such tiirio, it is suggcsted that persons v;ho balieve they have valid Claims communicato vrith the Foreign Clüiirs Settlcment CoTLaiissio^j of tho United States^ 1111 20th Street, N.V7. , V7ashington^ D^C. 20579/ rcquescing appropri£itc Claims forms» Popartment of 'State April 1976 Porifrn Cleims Settlement Coirnnisslon of the United Stetes 1111 ?Oth Ftreet N. V. Washington, Tl C. 20579. April ?7th 197p. Deer Sire, from your lepflet I grther that it is still poßflible to register a cleim of e Tinite« State Citizen who hee been dispoesepped of property in Czechoslovekie^ I would therefore ppprecipte if you pend me the relevent Claim forme. Thenking you in advpnce for your Court eay Yours truly • f" ■ «»» H ■■»■' w ■■ ■ « "♦■i* to August 8, 1,958^ have been adjudicated by the Foreign Claims Settlement Com.mission of the United States and paid in part by the Department of the Treasury under Title IV of the International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as amended (22 U.S.C. 1642-1642p) . Claims of persons who v/ere not nationals of the United States on the date the property v/as nationalized or taken cire excluded under the Act and the agreement. The time for filing claim.s under the Act expired on September 15, 1959. I ;, lairas of nationale of tlie United States arisiny af ter .ugust 8, 1958, havc not bcen adjudicatcd by tho Foreign Claims Settlement Cor^juission. In the. circura.stances, * persons ovming proper ty V7hich v;aü taken af ter August iL 1958^ and v/ho v;ero nationals of the United States on the date of loss v/ould have unadjudicated elciims against the Government of CzechosloVakia. The Department is precludod from taking any action to formalize the ad referendum. clairas settlement agree^ment with the Government of Czechoslovakia. It ca))not do so because the Congress added an amendment to tho Trade Act of 1974 requiring the Department to renegotiate the agreement and obtain more favorable r)avmr>nt provisions. The amendment provides as follows: * . • . . . . . ■ . ■ - > • - . . " (a) The arrangenent initialed on July ii r 1974, with respect to the settlement of the Claims of Citizens and nationals of the United States against the Governm.ent of Czechoslovakia shall be renegotiated and shall be submi tted to the Congress ' ** as part of any agreement entered into under this title v/ith Czechoslovakia. •' " (b) The United States shall not release any gold belonging to Czechoslovakia and controlled directly or indirectly by the ^ ' United States pursuant to the provisions of the Paris Reparations Agreement of January 24, 1946, or otherv/ise, until such agreement has been approved by the '^' Congress." Subsequent to the enactment of the above--mentioned legis- lation, a lav/suit v/as filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia tho Court, among other things, to compel the sale of the gold and distribute the proceeds to persons V7ho have received av/ards rendered by the Foreign Claims Settlement Commis- sion of the United States under Title IV of the Inter- national Claims Settlement Act of 194 9, as amended. The case v/as dismissed by the Court and is nov; on appeal. Until these legal and legislative m.atters arc^. cle^lred up • i i and a formal agreeinent is concludcd betv/ecn the Covern- • ments of the United States and Czechoslovakia, no action can bs taken in connection v/ith the adjudication or pai^.ent of any claim against the Government of Czechoslovakia . At the appropriate time, the Foreign Claims öettlement Coninission of the United States v/ill be given jurisdic-- tion to adjudicate claiins of nationals of the Unitod States against the Government of Czechoslovakia for the nationali'zation or otlier taking of property jifte.r Auguste, 1958».. At such time, it is suggested that p8rsons''*who believe they have valid Claims communicate Viith the Foreign Claim.s Settlement Commission of tlie United States, 1111 20th Street, N.V7. , Washington, D.C, 20579, reguesting appropriate Claims forms» I Department of State April 1976 t ! •:^\. tu f^i/^cL ^ /l 0. |-^ ^ H o-j( ^"V^ i-Uv S-^'V «^ö.K.ueX,^Vt !^- fe Or «k. M IV '^S \r^ V vCvev/^ ^Xe öf f 4. ^^,v \ .c':%, < ^.'^'^^s"^ t £"x :'*t"^ ^ ■/ > //l r V/ <^ ^ '-T o^re^^v V^A^ ^ 10 ^ :l-^ M' ^^W- -»-1 ? A fl (k? I Ci>VAa<^ . MtflnAi^ t "^ <^ V Un' Ott v»^' ■11 55 mmm mmm i ■I ■.•*>«< U.S., Czech accord on gold dispute P By Richard Moman WütHingtoH Pou Servil« I WASHINGTON - Czechoslovakia agreed yesterday to accept U.S. terms for compcnsation Claims for Ameri- can property seized by Communis! authoriiies. apparently Clearing ihe way for the return to f'rague of 18 Ions of gold held by the Ailies since the cnd of World War II and now wort h $250 million. Negotiators for the two govern- mcnts initialed an agreement in Prague providing for an $81.5 million Czechoslovak settlement of the U.S. Claims, four times the araount Czech- oslovakia offered to pay in a 1974 agreement that was rejectcd by Congress. according to sources here. The agreement. which would end a decades-old dispute between the two countries. is contingent on U.S. con- gressional approval and also on the succes.sful outcome of similar British negotiations with Czechoslovakia. VS. officials, however. were opti- mistic about getting congressional approval and said Britain, which is to begin new negotiations with Praguc next week. has "made a lot of prog- ress" toward its agreement. Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan (D.. N.Y.), a leader of congressional efforts to rcach a favorable settlement, said he was "very pleased" with the agree- ment and hoped that *'we will soon be able to implement it and provide meaningful compcnsation to those thousands of Americans whose prop- erty wasexpropriated so long ago." He is the Chief Sponsor of a biU that would allow the United States lo seil the Czechoslovak gold and usc inter- cst from the procceds to compensate the claimant.s. The bill, which has been accepted by the Senate Finance Committee, "will still be pushed if the agreement falls through.*' a Sen- ate sourcc said. but he addcd that yesterday's agreement appeared to meet the demands of the bill's sup- porters. The gold was port of a vast störe seized by the Nazis from Czechoslo- vakia and oiher countries in the late 19.?0s and carly 1940s. After World War II the Ailies captured it and a tripartite commission of the United States, Britain and France was formed to handle its return. But the return was complicated. and ultimately halted, when Commu- nis! governments gained control in the countries that formerly owned the gold and confiscated property, including homes and factories, owned by U.S. Citizens. Over the years. agreements were reached with Hungary, Romania and other coun- tries, allowing return of the gold for Settlements in the ränge of 40 cents on the doUar. The $81.5 million settlement agreed to yesterday by Czechoslovak- ia amounts to about 77 cents on the dollar for the $105 million in out- standing Claims and interest. In the meantime, the value of the Czechoslovak gold has appreciated significantly. The 8.2 tons held in the United Siates and the 10 tons held in Britain are now worth $250 million. about three times the value in 1974. After rejecting the 1974 agreement. Congress attached an amendment to the Foreign Trade Act of that year denying Czechoslovakia the gold as well as most-favored-nation trade Status and Export-Import Bank cred- its unless it agreed to fully pay the U.5. Claims. s. ^f^i.*'-*' >iyt'X»^,*,*^tt>,> N« n,i 4h i THE STARS AND STRIPES S RESTON ♦I HEAR trs LETriNS ÜP A LiTTLE eagan foreign policy o joke, unfortunately c\^sV>^'"'''''/'^ ARE TIMES In Washington can fecl ihe icmpcralure rising l avuid Hearing the thunder over ac, and Ihis is onc of ihem. The lion's misconducl of foreign poli- y blüwing up a storm. ast few days it has announced a iry arms agrecmenl with China; thal it is opcrating an electronic r in ihal country on the Soviet )poscd a $3 biilion weapons deal in; prcdiclcd the beginning of the .'ici power; condcmncd Israel for he nuclcar facilitics in iraq, and ild probably not be able to begin goliations with Moscow on the nuclcar weapons until March has bcen sald in ihe most lighl- anncr. usually by officials strol- d in the far corncrs of the world. Icnt has evcn joked about it. He cpublican National Committee a ago that sure, he had a foreign le othcr day," hc said. "AI Haig ^sage to Brc/hnev: *Roses are red, bluc. stay out of El Salvador and 00.'" The Rcpublican National c loved it. but the nations are not V. Rostow, former dean of ihe School and President Reagan's 0 head the Arms Control and Dis- i Agency . gave the Foreign Rela- uniticc a considcrcd and in soinc 1 a brini.ini apnraisai of the na- eign policy problcm. But on ihc jucstion of Controlling nuclear \c wem on to say: "It may be that light will strikc our officials. Biit low anyone who knows what it is e want to negotiate about." when Rosiow thou^hl that ihis cd ihe f oreign Rclations Commit- ut his confirmation injeopardy, he try to hurry up the arms control he was righl the firsl time. No- his administration scems to know d of arms agreement it wants to with Moscow, and no "brilliant s yct appeared to show ihem the hc administration's most important ■.^, beginning wiih its Icader in the 4oward Baker of Tennessee, know is staggering into trouble and, icy are t^x) polite to say so in pub- the trouble begins with the prcsi- )ody likcs him personally» includ- ker O'Ncill, but few bclieve he has • view of the nation's problems in a ', World or has done enough home- be in charge of his principal aides, he abscnce of any clear guidancc cenlcr keep speaking out on their in Is still repealing the argumcnts mpaign against Jimmy Carter, as if ( know hc had won. He had a clear he mcssafic he wanted to send the ;: Things had changed in Washlng- tough guys had taken over; billions • guns, and no morc nonsense about ights. roubling ihing about all ihis is that rcally knows what it mcans. Haig ed a ncw policy of selling military China, but nobody in Peking or cton has the slightesi idca of what any, we will seil thcm. Why the iration confirms that it has an intel- deal with China to monitor Soviet jpcrations, which is a provocation to . and what Washington got from in return, is a mystery. the Opposition to Reagan's casual policy IS building up in the Congrcss wherc. ' opinions expressed In the columns and DOS on thls paoe repres«nl »hose of Ihe rs and are in no wav to be consldcred presenting me views of ihe Stars and !S or Ihe Uniled States sovernnnent. John J. McCIoy, former head ol* the World Bank and former U.S. hi^h commis- sioner in Berlin, was in Washington last weck saying what he thought, as usual, about the conduct of American foreign poli- cy. McCIoy ihinks that an administration whose success he favors has ßone off the track. One hears the same thmg not from the president's opponents alone but from his allies, even from many of his dosest friends and as.sociates. This is the first real foreign policy lest of the Reagan administration, ana of the Pres- ident personally. His secretary of State has been in Asia, his undersecretary in Africa and his assislant secretary of State, Larry Eagleburgcr, off in Europe. Haig has bcen talking about guns, and the secretary of defense, Cappy Weinberg- er, has bcen talking about foreign policy — they don't always agree — and Ed Mecse, the prcsidcnt's buddy and the nice ^uy in the White House, whose expcrience in for- eign policy is not exccssive, has been on tcTevision explaining what they all mean. So, to be blunt about it, this Is beconiing a danger to the administration, and if it keeps on goading the Soviel bear, even a threat to the pcace. With Haig, William Clark and Eagle- burgcr back from their travels, Reagan Is probably going to have to have what he calls a little powwow, including his own Icaders in Congress, and talk about the storm that is obviously Coming. (c) New York Times GEORGE F. WILL <©'»«! •M-^f=^-B^cPC<, We should get tough on Czech go/cl NOW COM ES what surcly will bc the final installment in the long-running but little-noticed story of the Czechoslovakian gold, a drama that asks the question: Is even Pal Moynihan a bit soft on Czcchoslo- vakia? In 1948 the communists seized power in Prague and expropriated all property owned in Czcchoslovakia by U.S. Citizens. Com- munism always is theft. but this thefl in- volved a peculiar problem. There was In the United States ncarly 9 tons of gold belong- ing to Czcchoslovakia. It was pari of the gold captured by the U.S. Army when the Third Reich collapsed, and was awardcd lo Czcchoslovakia by an international com- mission. In response to Czechoslovakia's cx- propriations, President Truman blocked the gold. In 1958 a U.S. government agcncy placed a $1 13.64 million value on U.S. Citi- zens' Claims against Czechoslovakia. The U.S. seized and sold steel miil cauipmcnl bclonging to Czechoslovakians and distrib- uted the procccds ($8 5 miliion) to claim- BüREAUCRATIC BSAIH SdAK ants, leaving a balance owed of $105 mil- lion. Today, many claimants are elderly and in need; others have died without receiving justice. In 1974, Czechoslovakia had the effron- tery to offer $20.5 million to settle the $105 million debt — plus any unadjudicated Claims by any other U.S. Citizens — the $20.5 million was to be paid over 12 years, and without interest. The State Depart- ment, füll of the spirit of detcnte, thought that offer was dandy. Congrcss objected and stipulated by Stat- ute Ihat the gold musl be held until a sei- tiement is approved by Congress. The Sen- ate Finance Committee said: "The United States simply cannot afford to prociaim . . . that expropriations of U.S. properties will quickly be forgotten if the taking nalion ultimately offers a relative pittance in re- turn." Patience is a virtue but not as practiced by the State Department. It has been nego- tiating, intermittcntly, since the year the Boston Braves won the pennant. For 33 years Czechoslovakia has had the constant and cost-free usc of American as- sets. Evidcntly the State Department did not negotiate al all between 1974 and 1980. But in 1980 Sen. Moynihan bccame, as he is wont to do. aroused. He proposed legislation to give Czecho- slovakia 60 days lo reach a settlement agreeable to Congress. After the deadline, the gold would be sold, the procceds would be investcd, and the yield distributed until all Claims had been paid. Then the invesled principal would be given to Czechoslovakia. Twice last year the State Department urged Congress not to pass Moynihan's bill because serious negotiations were supposed- ly al hand. A year laier we are, of course, no closer lo an acccptable settlement than we were 33 years ago. Czechoslovakia's in- transigencc persists, in spile of the deler- mined diplomacy of the State Departmcnt's most reccnt negotiator, Ambassador Ro- zannc Ridgcway. The Senate Finance Committee has unanimously approved an idcntical Moyni- han bill. The House Version seems lo be sailing toward passagc. The State Depart- ment says it will decidc this summer whcth- er to Support it. Surely only a sinister force could cause AI Haig to oppose it. It should, however, be improved. Homer nods and even Moynihan errs. He has been cxemplary on this issue, but he should loughen the terms. Our relalions with Czechoslovakia can hardly get worsc whilc Czechoslovakia is serving as the Soviel Union's Surrogate bully rcgarding Poland. So let's try a little linkage. The bill should stipulate thal the sum owed is not $105 million. The value of the f)roperty should be caiculated in 1948 dol- ars, then recaiculated allowing for 33 years of compoundcd Inflation, with 33 years of compounded interest added on. Then a fee should bc added to rcimbursc the U.S. gov- ernment for Its limc and labor. Furthermore. the bill should stipulate that the investcd funds from the sale of the gold musl remain investcd until they have gcnerated enough interest to rcimburse all Ihose who left property in Czechoslovakia when they fled to freedom in 1968. And even when all such Claims have been paid, the Investcd funds should remain in- vestcd until the President certifies that Czcchoslovakia is in cc.npictc compliance with the Helsinki Agreements, of which it is Signa tory. Thal mcans freedom to travel, free access to Communications and general freedom from repression, for the Charter 77 dissidents, and all other Czechs. Given this requiremcnt, the investcd funds would remain investcd here for a while. So the Moynihan bill should stipulate that the yield from the Investment shall bc divided between the Czech-Ianguage divl- sion of Radio Free Europe, and endowing a chair al Georgetown University. It shall be the Jeane Kirkpatrick Chair for the Study of the Distinction between Tolalitarian (such as the Czech) and the Authoritarian Regimes. (c) Washington Post Residents of Stockholm listen to spc^xbes denouncing thc prescnce of a Sovlct submarine in Swedish waten. U.S. and Pragiie In Pact on War Gold SpfdtJ to TT» Nn» York Tim« WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 — The United States and Czcchoslovakia completed negotiations today on an agreemenl that would allow Pragiie to recover 18.4 tons ' of gold seized by the Nazis in retum for Ättlcment of financial Claims hcld by nwre than 2^J0 Amerlcan«i. The accord. which was reached In Prague, must be approved by Congress. The State IXpartment declined to prov- Ice details in ad\'ance of the formal pre- sentation. but Congressional aldes «md lawycn reprcsenting claimants have al- rcady been briefed. Tbey sald that the accord provided that the clalmanLs would get $81.5 million, which is four times the Amount they would have reccived in 1974 when an earlier agrecment was rejccted as Insuf f icienl by Congrcss. Dccadcs of Negotiations If Congress approves the new agree- rbent. it will mark the end of decades of on-again, off-ag.iin negotiations with East European cwmtrics for settlemc*nt of Claims for property seired when ihoy became Communistiominated in the IWO's. Exccpt for Albania, whi( h has no dip- lomatic relatiors with the Uniteil States, agrocmcnts have becn negotiated with all other Enst European natioas. The Czec.*-cT,!ovrk arcor:! will techni- . cally cpen the wiy for Praßue to n')r- inalize econojnic rclations with tho Unitcil Stal'-^. inclviding bring grantnl normal Uxnit tr« itment. the so-called most-favorcd-nation statas. But State Department officials sald that because of Crcchosloyakia's rigid brand of Communism and the overall politlcal atmosphere in which Prague has becn in the forefront in criticizing the Poles, there was no particular desire in Washington to build upon the clEiims scttlement now. Tnunan Stopped Retum of Gold At the end of World War II. the United States Army discovered a cache of gold that had bcen seized by the Nazis from othor European countries, incliiding Czechoslovakia. A commission of Amcrlcans, British and French decldcd that 24 tojw of it bclonged to Prague. Aboüt six toTLS were retumod before Czechoslovakia 's Government was seized in 19^t8by thcCommunists. Presi- dent Harry S. Truman then f mze the re- malning 18.4 tons. About 10 toas are storcd in Britain and thc rcmaindcr in the United States. « The Prague Government, meanwbüo, nationalized and seized property, in- cluding that held by Americcn Citizens aridcorporations. Thc Unitod States FnrcifTi Claims Set- tlernent Cornniission decid'^J Ihal th(? amount of American pmp'rly soizcd was valunn|^>rt it." Ho said that for Iho Unil'»^l Slatrs to "gct morclhan 100 p« rcont of thoprinci- pil back is practicaüy unhe.ud of jn suchr.'^f^otiatioMS." A Washington lauycr who h ^.s repn> sentod rcvcral claimants sa'l he also th'^ Ihty would N! hap-y to supp<»rt tho d al. "ll IS a murh N itor accord," he said, thin tho 1974 aßiixnirnt. El Salvado/s Junta Is Geiiing Strenger, U.S. Say By BARBARA CROSSETTE Spr« «lloThr N#» York Tin»r-» WASHINGTON, Nov. 6 — The State Department said tcxlay that the military abilitles of El Salvador were impruvlng and that the Go^emment of Jo«;A Napoleon Duarte was strunger now than at the lx»ginning of the yoar. _ In, an interview onj*^;^.^.^'^,^»^^^ military equipment from abroad to guemllas there. Admir.ii.tration offi- cials wh<)«;ec the warasdoadliM ktd fear that such a Situation couM eventually lead to tho fall ralh?r than tho continua- tion of the Duarte GovernoK hl. Senator Christophcr J. Du«ld, Dema Wilhout COfV- s According to State Department offi- cials vsho were in Man»j;ua rivontly to di-'CUss the voting witli Salvadoran offi- ci.ils, the junli Sf»rs rca';')nahly fne eleitiofjs i¥ M ^pnot; as its N'si hojx* for international le;;itirnacy It h is invitod for^^ign ob' orver^ to w alch tho process. The Junta has aho calNxl on the guor- nllas to lay down th^Mr anns and take Part in the eli^cilons. Thc guemllas vessel's violatlon of S* ^ aters and about the d' tlon cmanatlng from i leading to thc Swedish r had nuclear weapOa-s n* The Government sal ' it was releaslng the vi its offlcers and their .- cow had never satlsfni what it was doing In n near a naval base. The ' tain maintained throu^; wandered off course b< navlgatlon equipment Protest In StCK As the submarine k' protests over the incl(* Protest rally announc drcw a noontime crowd town Stockholm. *'It is inconceivablc,' Minister Olof Palme, t! Opposition Social Den- crowd. "why the Sov: thorities could Jeop neighboring relatiors h was sure to outrage th' pcople." He went on. "The . llkely nuclear-armed y ing reminder of how ci- precipice, how great th' clearwar." Mr. Palme dcmand^^ Union withdraw all nu' from the BalticSea.w^' Russians like tocall "t^ ••If the Sovlet l strengthen its credib: "there is no other way Foreign Minister Ul' In an interview, also f" < conccpt of a **sca of lorgercredible. Boycottof Mose WhilcMr. Ullstcnsr no furthcr protests th; Channels, Sweden is n its displeasure over t^' row In Moscow by wl» bassador from the an- parade. Norway, Den.* sald today that the; would Joln the boycott The Nordlc countr!' larly ani^ry over th? y materials abanr ' n^arinc, and there w tions during thc day ■ pmpo^^al for a nuclnr ' forwhlrhLoonld I. Br Icndor, has agaln bei; ' no longer recelvc con'^ Denmark's Prim'' Jorgcnson, sald In a * that if the submar' armed with nuclcar ^ a blow to the So'vict 1- In the European dc^' of nucleararms." H' son. the Icader of ^ Liberal Pnrty, prc« marine incidont ^'^^ callcd p»?ace m^' againstNATO." U.S. AMalis S^" In Madrid. M^^ Chief United State* pean security ^'J the Soviel Unto^ «»■ i-^Ci-Oru Vün IX, i\\\ ao'^sn . N-V^ ^c A/\\, ht.Aciüc \z ^AA, u Oü H cx V ^^ a^r (joXu. U.S. Department of Justice Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States Washington, D.C. 20579 February 1, 19 83 Henry Zacharias, Esquire Fischer, Zacharias & Cohen 59 8 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Re: Claim No. CZ-2-0301 Hanna Kunz ' Dear Mr. Zacharias: This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of January 25, 1983, and the letter from Mrs. Hanna Kunz authorizing you to represent her in the above matter before the Commission. Your name has been entered as counsel of record with respect to this Claim. While I can understand the need for additional time in order for you to undertake research on this claim, it must be noted that the Commission contacted Mrs. Kunz in September of 19 82 concerning the need to document her claim. Then, at the end of December after speaking with you about the matter, we agreed to delay action until after February 1, 19 83. However, we will grant another extention of time, until May 1, 19 83, in order to provide ample time to obtain some basis for considering this claim eligible for compensation under Public Law 9 7-127. As you are familiär with the Commission' s procedures, you know that even if an unfavorable determination is reached initially on a claim, there is an opportunity to object to the decision or petition to reopen a claim which has become final, providing that the objection or petition is made in a timely manner. Very truly yours. Robert L. Maddex, Attorney Office of the General Counsel FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 5^e MAOISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N . Y. 10022 HENRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN (212) 750*9-#7a CABLE: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL February 4, 1983 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: I am enclosing for your Information copy of the letter just received from Robert L. Maddex, Esq. , attorney at the Office of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States. You know from my letter of January 14th and our subsequent telephone conversation what we would have to prove in order to have any Chance for some, however limited, success. I hope that your forthcoming trip to England will give you an opportunity to look for suitable evidence. As you know, I would be very interested in seeing copies of the Claims filed in England so that I can form an idea as to the properties, the loss of which had been claimed. If the English authorities , , when making awards, should have specified the reasons for the awards involved (i.e., if the decisions should have speci- fically mentioned the properties for which compensation was paid and the properties for which no compensation was paid), I would also be helped by being able to see such decisions. I hope that I will hear something further from you before the May Ist deadline now granted will have lapsed. With best wishes, Sincerely yäurs , HJZ:rs ENGL. Zacharias Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Fischer, Zacharias & Cohen 598 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022 S?f£--o *'*^««— -.« *i _\ *n Henry J^ Zecharlß» Piechert ZcchBilriB & CohKi Attorncyt: rrA Counsellor? ^t Lrw 59^^ f^ßdiron Ave New TorktN^T. 10022, JöiU 19th 19^3* Dear Mr. Zachariast thßjik you for your letter of Jan* 14th wlth cncloBuro to the Foreign Clalme Settlement CoxnriiePlon In rephinpton,yrhlch I r^ tum herowith^nignedL It wBö a pleesure to make your ecquaintpnce even tf only by teLephone and 8 älp^pr)olntP)ent that you held not mndh hope 0T:rt for a succespful cleim by me. Tours sincerely, HENRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTOHNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10O22 (212) 759-9<47e CABLE: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL January 14, 1983 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: , ^ ^^ , yo^^ cousm, Mrs. Mariella Wolf, has spoken to me about the Claim filed by you with the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States. She has provided me with copies of your most recent correspondence with the Commission (letter of Mr. Robert L. Maddex dated September 2, 1982 and your brief reply to him of September 30, 1982) and with some copies pertaining to a previous English claim proceeding. The most pressing problem seems to be to avoid if possible, the premature rendering of an unfavorable decisioA by the Commission based on the absence to date of evidence in r^^';''L°* material facts. At Mrs. Wolfs Suggestion, I spoke to Mr. Maddex on the telephone two weeks ago, asking him whether the Commission was currently under any time pressure. From his response I got the Impression that they would be able to defer their decision lor a little while if they are provided with grounds for believing that a serious search for vital evidence is being undertaken by the claimant and that there is some reasonable chance that such evidence might be obtained and submitted in the not too distant future. Mr. Maddex suggested that if I was going to be authorized to represent you, I might write a letter to him asking for a reas- onable extension and that he would then consider granting an ex- tension for a few months (but not indefinitely) . ^ . Accordingly, if you believe there is a chance to ob- tam some suitable evidence within the reasonably near future and i± you should want me to represent you in the claim proceeding I would suggest that you sign and return to me the enclosed letter of authorization so I will have authority to communicate with the Commission on your behalf. I spoke before of "vital evidence". I am sure vou know what we would have to show. "TSÖ nöl knövf at this time the individual property items covered by your claim as I have not yet seen Page 2 a copy of the claim itself (if you do not have an exact copy of the completed claim form as filed, I would seek to obtain it from the Commission). At any rate, as to whatever properties that may be involved, we would have to show that they were not nationalized or otherwise confiscated by the Czech government before August 8, 1958. It would be my hope that if not with respect to all properties claimed by you, you might be able to obtain - or to assist me in trying to obtain - evidence tending to Show that at least one or the other property item remained iiLXo^r, ownership and control until at least August, 8^ 1958. Ob- taining such proof would become very dif f icuin.f not" altoFether ^!J^P??.?A*^^^ i^ ^iLi of the properties, fTie~löss"'of which you' are claiming in Washington, should also have been claimed in England. From the copies of letters written to you by the Foreign Compensa- tion Commission in London, it appears that payments were made on these English Claims beginning as early as 1954. This would seem to mean that the Claims resulting in these payments must have contained the Statement that the properties for which compensation was paid in England, had already been confiscated as early as 1954 or even earlier. I would probably have to analyze the exact language of the Claims filed in England in order to determine whether and to what extent the Statements made in the English proceeding as to the time of confiscation are inconsistent with an assertion in the present proceeding that confiscation had not yet occurred by August 8, 1958. I understand from Mrs. Wolf that you will probably not come to New York within the next few weeks. However, if you should want me to undertake any effort in this matter, I would certainly need an opportunity to talk to you, and if this cannot be accom- plished in a personal meeting, the next best Solution would seem to be an extensive telephone conversation. May I suggest , there- fore, that you telephone me at your convenience after having looked at this letter. If I should not be available or should be tied up at the time of your call, we could then agree on a time when I can telephone you at leisure. SiAcerely^qurs , 7 / ■ ~ nvyyj. Zacharias HJZ:rs '•*^ m um .^ .it» , an ' Fischer, Zacharias & Cohen 598 MADISON AVENUE NEW YORK. N. Y. 10022 HA..-- Zo l- lo (:.• .^...,. VJ. /w-A-?.'-^^ V '^ - > '^■w ^i 4. ■ lii 'B ■ ■ I .// 4UlphBuüchl _ „ ^ _ Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 ># ^\ P35 3226144 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENTTO STREET TREETANßNeL/si . • P 0 STATE AI POSTAGE I CERTIFIED FEE £ (O •:;' j. V ^' „ ^ -. c: 3 IXTUT^O ^' o :• -« ^ 4:-' « -A^ &c c , I f "^ . S • • ■■ I» ^ c ^ ^^ äM r-^c '^^A*«' 4. sc 1992 I ( ( ^l Coi>y to:- Dr. k. Bobasch, llf Queen Street, London, B«C#4# ^t Sir, f^5JUNl956 I am directed by the Foreign Gompensation Conmi33ion to pefer to their letter of May, 10, 1951*, in which trie late ]fvs. 1. Ozaozowiczlca was infomned that the Gonmisaion had provislonally determined that 3he had established a Claim a^ainst the Czechosloveüc Pund for .071, OÖÖ* Os. Od. I am to say that the Commißsion have roviewed their provisional dotermination in this case and have finally determined that a Claim has been established for C82,196. Os* Od. The Commisßion have now decided that an amount of one 3hillin;; and a oexmj (is. Id.) in the £ on eaoh established claira, to incl^ide the Interim part payroent already made, shall be distributed. In this case the amount is thereiore £4fU52* 5b. 8d., of which £1,777* h^. Od. has already been paid by cheque dated July 1, 1931+, leavlng -ß2,675. l8. 8d. nor payablo, a clieque for \7hich is enclosed. It v;ill be necessary for you to äff ix a twopenny stanp to the form of receipt on the reverse side of the cheque before endorsement. Mr. Otto K. Pollak, f I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, ^ (Attorney-Aiministrator of the estate iof \ /äiüä^": ♦-. • • .'yi,<> aq -:o:t "^' f* r o '4- j/i^n^ ^.^ /Vr -/^/ o •lA • V- • -■hiMMfl » ßC./99v :^^^ Q^^^2^ s .A -ex '^^^ 4.>x^,v,W< 4 €^^h^ ^UKL./"K. I^-C*-- i/^^l/ji^ /c- ^ oLy /^tc'C^.^Ac ^y^$v^/ 4: ex ^i<:>/ ')L^t,c>7vc'tC, u.^uxA^- /u ^^ C^/^^j^U-^ud .^uxJ- yocL /u.^,^ .M^d-^i^d^c c^ZLHu /^-^PM^i^^c JXl 6: ^-^i^^^i c^.<^^^^ Äct.4^.^^^ L .dccc dd^^ct/^. -«^ /4t ^-^iU/u^ '{ .<<£l ci>^ y^v- ^^ uc^^L ^i y/A XX, ^n/iti. X- CC <^ c->C r^ ?, , oLcl^^ .j./uX ^l . /f . CT^l U /tcAx 4td. Jit. /t.j c£v^. >^ / c'^. /Äcu/^tc */ Vv^r J>/i //-. / i/« 7 u.e du/£.. A CC, ^ OL i^ t^c^U-^i:^'//,,^/-^^ /,C ■-^vi c:-^ j ^. CC /. ^ yj /OC >>i. X y ^vJÄ / C'i. />^ >/ ./,> t -tf. J>Ck /r y/' A t< c.< >^ to' /. ^. c/^> ^C X 2 .de- '^C »•.<* / OVc ^/c :> ^v^. 't^ Ul .iL r*>^ iT ^ .CiL, VA ^y^t^ LJL .^x d C^ -//u- a >>^ s ^ t C/x:-^- ^ ^'<^^Cc> /c ;^ t/^ > * sCiT a/ Si-u'W A^. CC "Zyf- O tl/c 'J^.»u. /"/<:'. ^ ^ ^. >?^ ^:x:r-^x<:-^>^4f ^. /cJ tC 'Jt / ^ ti /, li, >4.<^ l. C^-^^i^i^^l' >*/ ■io-r. i- K ■U-/. a!/>^ BO« 199U r// ^,JZ^^C PCC .8JUN195G f sir. 1 c € l i I am dlrected by the Foreign Compensatlon Cotanisslon to refer to their letter of Iftj 11, 195U In whicth you v;ere Infomed that the Coranlssion had provlslonally detemined that you had establiehed a olalm agalnst the Czechoslovak Fund for £4129593« Oa.Od, I am fco say that the Conmission have rerlewed their provisional determination In your case and have finally determlned that you havo established a dato for £U77»06l. Ob* Od« The Coxrxnir.yion have now decided that an anount of one shilline and a ponny (ls 1d,) in the Z on each established Claim, tq include the Interim part payment already made, shall be distributed. In your case the amount ia therefore fi25iöU0. l6s* 1d* of y/hich you have already received ßlO,3l4« l6i, 6d by cheque dated July 1, 1954 leaving S 15.525. I'J«. 7d enclosed. novv payable, a cheque for which is It will be neceesary for you to äff ix a twopennj stamp to the form of receipt on the reverse aide of the cheque before endorsementt I am, LondMi ff« :^t 6« y Your obedient Servant, Copjr to Dr« Bobasoh 11 Queeo Street« \ \ A f a/u r-p r /A ^ ' o ( ■) Uf ji: £. a ^t 4- f c?/t^ "i ' « ^cc c- s vt -^'-^ ^. t^._/^^ ^^-Ar-^/-/^ -I S^-i^-^^^i^itL ^^-^^-J^-x^ / J.Jj9-/^-9 i ^^^^^^-e^ ^->>^ j..^c^^H£>^ ^ ^\yi^ ^^-^-^ y-^>U>^ ->7-L ^>^ r r-it I Hn) .^^ /^/^-/^ZS-^ .e^tA^o^ .JXdL y^h^<,(y>\, y'aZ-t^J'layu .^-iL<.l^^ly/k \ XX^L^ IJ^ ..^-{^CQ^-i^^^ -^Oi^ ^'>(-^cJ^iy^ .O ^^^--v^^ ^^0^:n.LAyt .^^-^^ l,4iAjiA^ CUi^^t^ ^^>A. <^L^-c ^^^i^^< //^^c^Ä.. cz.,...c^iy:/ 1^^^-^ ^^/^c:2e^A^ o/Z- N V/iedergutmachungsämter von Berlin Berlin-Schöneberg, den 50. Mai 1952 Martin-Luther-Strasse 61/66 Hz 1 WGA 4498. 50 Herrn Dr. Arthur r Czeczowiczka London NW 6 b8 Greencroft, Cxardens I In Ihrer Rückerstattimgssache betr. Konto b.d. Dt .Versuchsanstalt f .Ernährung und Verpflegung GmbH, wird in Ergänzung des Schrei- bens vom 2. November 1951 mitgeteilt, dass die Ermittelungen nach dem Rechtsnachfolger der Versuchsanstalt für Ernährung und Ver- pflegung in Peldberg (Meck:lenburg) (sovietische Zone) negativ verlaufen sind. Auch die Stiche nach den Auslieferungsakten, die von der Dresdner Bank in ihrem Sc^.reiben vom 3* März 1951 er - wähnt sind, hat nach Auskunft des Office of the United States High Commissars for Germany in Bad Godesberg ein negatives Re- sultat gehabt. Aus dem von Ihnen eingereichten Auszuge aus dem Grundstäckska- taster geht nur hervor, dass das Grundstück nebst Spritfabrik am 26.9.1939 von dem Lebensborn, ein/^etra /Serien Verein in München einverleibt ist. Dass die Entziehiing von der Gestapo, also einer Behörde des Reichs, erfolgt ist, ist aus dem Auszug nicht er - sichtlich. Ebenso ist aus dem Handelsregisterauszug eine Ent - Ziehung der Firma durch die Gestapo nicht ersichtlich. Die Entziehung wäre also noch glaubhaft zu machen. Eine Überweisung; von 50.000 RH von dem Konto der Spritfabrik und Raffinerie Partschendorf von der Deutschen Bank in Neu - titschein auf das Konto 2234 bei der Dresdner Bank in Berlin - Steglitz ist im Februar 1942 zwar erfolgt; diese Uberweisimg allein ist aber noch keine rechtswidrige Entziehung. Akten des Oberfinanzpräsidenten Berlin - Brandenburg sind leider nicht vorhanden. Eine Entziehung durch die Dresdner Bank in Berlin hat nicht statt gefunden, ein Anspruch gegen diese besteht nicht. Da die Ver - Suchtsanstalt für Ernährung und Verpflegung nicht mehr existiert, könnte sich ein Rückerstattungsanspruch nur noch gegen das ehe- malige Deutsche Reich richten, v;enn man annimmt, dass eine Ent- ziehung des überwiesenen Betrages durch das ehemalige Reich er- folgt ist. Aus diesem Grunde ist Ihr Antrag dem Deutschen Reich, .vi. .♦. vertreten durch den Regierenden Bürgermeister in Berlin, zur " S l&f llritai;nahme zugestellt. Die Stellungnahme ist abzuwarten. WicdcrgulmacliungsaMtci von Berlin 1 WGA 4498/30 Berlin-Schöneberg, den 3.^uli 1952 Tel.: 71.^?61 - App.: 3362 Gr. Herrn Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka 68, Creencroft G-ardens, London N. W. 6 / England In Ihrem Rückerstattungsverfahren ./. Deutsches Reich wird Ihnen mitge teilt, dass die Rechte des früheren Deutschen Reiches durch den Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin, dieser ver- treten durch den Senator für Finanzen - Sondervermögensver- waltung - Berlin W. 30, i^ürnberger Str. 53-55 wahrgenommen wer- den.- Das Aktenzeichen ist hier das gleiche wie beim '..'iedergut- machungsamt: 1 WGA 4498/50. gez. Mendrzyk Beglaubigt: 7 Der Senator für Finanzen Sonawrvanaößenüvorwaltung yiu III - üVtimJ3c.Il/D 3 Berlin W 3ü, den 6,Aairuet 52, fiUrnbtirgär Str. 55/55 Tel. 240Ü11 Avp. ^'51 2414 S - 1 A'GA 4493/50 An die Wieder^jUtmachttniSämter von Berlin ■Berlin- iiichönübcrg Betrirft; Bückoretaltungßvcrfahren Dr. Arthur C«eceowio«ka " ,/ , ^eutechfet» Röioh. V - Zonto der Dt.VerBuohtanstalt f. Ernährung u, ▼erpflegunfc G.m.b.ti. .ieldbere (Mecklbg.) V 5reäänor Baiik - Anlagen ; liurchöchlat, aowie Akten. lie mir übersandten Akt«n dee *iedergutiaachunf«»ffitB gebe ich in der Anluve zurück. Aus dem hlert»ei bei'ineiichen Schreiben der Dresdner Bank Yom 3.3.51 (1)1.4 d.A.) geht hervor, daeü dac Konto der Dcut- ecnei. Versuchsanstalt für Ernährant, u.Vcrpfle^june G.iL.b.H., ^cldbcre (Meckl.) mit einorr Gulhaben von KM 1.6^3,— buch- raäs3i£ noch geführt wird. Die genannte Ifirnia gehört jedoch nicht zu den von ndr :::u vertrettnden Hechteträgem, bo aass meine Sachlegitimation nicht geceben ist. In gleicher Weise iüt auch üie Aktivlegitimation des Anspruchstellers nicht gegeben. Ein Hückertätattimtsanepruch wäre auch, telbat *o.ja eine | migercchtfertii^tc Entciohur^ iu :.inne der R£AO vorliegen I sollte, nicht begründet, denn die tberwcicun.^ von RM 50.000,- von dem Konto der Spritfabrii und Raffinerie Partschcndorf b«i der Doutecher. -öank in Neutitschein auf das Konto der obengenannten Gesellschaft bei der Dresdner Bank würde einen Bntzichun. 8vur£ane darstellen, der ausserhalb ües auf West- berlin beschrJirJcten Gel tun^sbe reiche der Hückerstattun, san- ordnuni; crfolfct ist, so dase aeren Anwendbarkeit verneint «erden müsste (B1.43 d.A.). •^ch sehe «ich daher tenöti^^t, des Anspruch üu wider- tprechen« Im Aul trage geze Unterschrift V rA V Ton Berlin 'VGA 449b/50 Der Senat von Berlin EinscareibengMen Rückschein! Herrn \ Dr. Artlv,ar Czeczo^siczka 8 Greenicroft Garde ns, L 0 n d I n N, W. 6 / England I l //L^e^ ^tt^ d. AW; /^// .Q.AxJi Si.y \ \ CREDITANSTALT- BANKVEREIN Ihr Schreiben vom: - (Jenehmigung der Devisenstelle vom 28.10. Sachg.2ol/Ka 19465/4o. Auswandererguthaben. Wien, den 1, November 194o. 28 Frau Irma Czeczowiczka, c/o Des Cognets, 55 Rue de Chabrol, P a r i 3 10. Wir buchen in Ihr Soll Betrifft Oegen- konto Mr für Anschaffung an die Bank der Deutschen Arbeit, München, zu Gunsten Lebensborn e.V., v/egen der Polizeistelle Trippauder geheimen Staatspolizei Speser Mi'nohon Reichsmark Q 0696 Wert M 16.500.- 16 I I Koatrofle RM 16.516.50 4.11, yj CREDITANSTALJ-BAj^ > •w* (Central Flllng Agency) Bad Fauheim^ Germany Herrn -^r. Arthur Czeczowlczka 68, Gre©ncroft Oardens London, N>W>6 Datum, 2 1 6 SO N. Akten-Nr. I A 205172 B e tr . i ES vdrd Bezug genommen auf Ihre an <^a3 Zcntralanmclciearnt gerich- tete Flngabe vom 16. Juni 1950. Hierzu wircl Ihnen unter Hlnwl»' auf das nachstehende Gesetz ^r. 3 des Hoi^n Kolmisirs der Vereinigten Staaten fuer ^^^t-^^^f '/"?^r sondere auf die darin enthaltenen Bestimmungen des Artikel 58 A, -d safz 2b des Gesetzes Nr. 59 der amerikanischen Militaerregierung, mit- llfl^^l diss der Inhalt Ihrer Zuschrift nicht eindeutig erkennen llesst'dass Sie si^auf eine formgerrcht eingereichte Anni.iaung_nach_ iassgabe des "SiiUea Nr. 59 und der dazu erlassenen Ausfuchrungsver- orc^nungen bezieht» Ihre Zuschrift ^ird daher In Uebereinstimmung mit den vorervraehn- ten BestiilLgen in den Akten des Zentralanmeadeamtes aufbewal^ und fiiif Verlaneen an Sie zurueckgesandt vrerden. Bemerkt wird, dass ai« Ssotzli?S ^rlst fuer die Anmeldung von Rueckerstattungsan- apruechen nach iviassgabe der ßeatlmmungen des C-esotzes i^r. 5« der amerikanischen Militaerregierung bereits am ol.LezemDer 1948 endete. 2Wl'Rf. (3^) E.^:'T \ Gesetz Nr. Vierte Abaenderung des Gesetzes Nr. 59 der Miutaerregirrung Rueckerstattung feststellbarer Vermoegensgegenstaende IN ANBi^P/.GHT DESSEN, dass das ^«"^^^1^!;:'"^^:;^^^ J^^^^^J^!!* schriftliche "Ittcilungen erhaelt, die dazu ^^^ii"?^.!^?^',,^^^^;^^. recht eingereichte Anmeldungen zu ergaenzen, schriftliche ? itteliun genf/ie offensichtlich auslerhalb des Rahmens des nilitaerregierungs- Gesetzes Nr. 59 liegen und andere schriftliche Mtteilungen; UND roi die endgueltige Abi.icklung des ^^^ZT^tf J^±^^ tung feststellbarer Vermoegensgegenstaende an Opfer des Nazismus zu einem tunlichst frueheren Zeitpunkt zu ermoeglichen, erlaesst der Hohe Kommissar der Vereinigten Staaten folgendes Gesetz: Artikel 1 Hinter dem Artikel 58 des Mllitacrregicrungs-Gesetzes Nr. 59 wird der folgende Artikel dngefuegtj bltt£_2ienden I Artikel 58 A !• ITach dem 2?. Februar 1950 muessen Ansrruchsberechtigte und alle sonstigen Personen eile Schreiben in Form von Anmrl('ungen or'er anc^eren Schriftstuecken, mit Ausnahme der in Para^rraph 3 f^es Artikel 5? Ttforc'er- ten Schriftstuecke, en f^ie Rueckerstattungsbehoerc^en richten, die in der vom 7entralanmcWeamt nach Massgabe r^es Paragraphen 5 c'es Artikel 58 er- teilten Bescheinigung genannt sinr^, wenn r'iese Schreiben sich auf r'iese Be- hoerclen beziehen, unr^ duerfen keine Schreiben, sei es in r^er Form von An- melc^ungen oder anr'eren Schrift 'ituccken, an das Zentralanmeldcamt richten« Jedes an eine Rueckerstattungsbehocrde nach Massgabc dieses Artikels ge- richtete Schreiben muss eindeutig zum Ausdruck bringen, dass es sich .^uf eine nach Massgpbe dieses Gesetzes und der hierzu erlassenen Durchfuehrungs- Verordnungen formgerecht eingereichte Anmeldung bezieht, ""enn ungeacMet de-* Bestimmungen r'ieses Artikels das Zentra>nmelc!eemt Schreiben, sei es in drr Form von Anmeldunren oder anderen Schriftstuecken, erhrelt, c^ie rindeutig zum Ausdruck bringen, dass sie sjch ^.uf rine formgerecht eingereichte An- meldung bezichen, so soll dp.s Zrntrn.lanne Ideamt derartige Schreiben an die in der oben nr.eher bezeichne-^en Bescheinigung genannte Rueckerstattungsbe- hoerde Tveiterleiten; das Zentralanpeldeant soll solche Schreiben nicht be- arbeiten oder auslegen« 2. Falls nach dem 28. Februr.r 1950 das Zentralnnmeldeamt Schreiben, sei es in der Form von Inmeldungen oder anderen Schriftstuecken crhaelt, die eindeutig zum Ausdruck bringen, dads sie sich nicht auf eine formge- recht eingereichte Anme Irrung beziehen, so soll das ?entralanmeldeamt die- jenigen der unten angefuehrten Massnahm^?n treffen, c^ie dem je'-eiligen Fall entsprechen« a) Falls nach Ansicht des Zentralanmeldeamtes das betreffende Schrei- ben sich auf eines der '^iedergutmachungsgesetze (Gesetz zur '"ie- derputmachung national-sozialistischen Unrechts (Kntschaedlffungs- gesetz)) der einzelnen Laendef bezieht^ so soll es das Schreiben an das Bayerische Lan^esentschredigungsant, Muenchen, '-eiterlei- ten; b) Falls nach Ansicht des Zentralanne Ideant es das Schreiben nicht der in Abschnitt a) bezeichneten Gruppe anerhoert, so soll das Zcntralanmeldeamt dieses Schreiben in c'en behoerdlichen Akten aufberahren, ^'elchc von den Akten gesondert ^»erden, '^ie vor dem 28^ Februar 1950 eingegangene Anmelr'ungen un^ sonstige Schrift- stuecke enthalten, ferner ^rd das Zentralanmeldeamt don Sender des betreffenden Schreibens verstaendigen, dass äv.s Schreiben aufbev/ahrt und auf Verlangen zurueckgesanc't rird; es vdrd nach Frhalt eines solchen Verlangens dieses Schreiben zurueckscnden. Artikel 2 Der erste Satz des Paragraphen 1 des Artikel 59 T^ird mit Tirkung von 28. Februar 1950 aufgehoben. Artikel 3 Dieses Gesetz findet in den Laendem Bayern, Hessen, ^ucrttemberg- Baden und Bremen Anv^endung. Ausgefertigt in FRiVraFURTAAIN, am 25. Januar 1950 JOHN J. McCLOY, Hoher Kommissar der Vereinigten Staaten fuer Deutschland 24#Aue,uct 1951 ♦ Rachtsabtellung An :3ie Wledergutaaachungftimter von Berlini Berli ^--'^ch (^' n ob err^ Hört"! n- U: t her- s t r • 6 1 /66 • Ifcr Zoichen; 1 WGA ^98/30r Ifs 'ftrfErt-llcrB-C-^'^J.e'-siS'eCnt .„Lucm rilt;e«3e. erwidert. Allf»i. -as der ..ntranst'»! er vorträgrt, ist nicht =,e?.ipet. Nach 3^iuHii eigenen VorbriiiGen hat ?v bf-zv;. 'i%^hm ^^^^^«J^f^^^ Firma ein B;,ak,:;i'i^-h.ben boi der J-^tr.chen 2"^^;.,^^^J^ J^iJ^^ha- von ueu der streitif- B.-tr;.6 .uf ^.in Lonto der ^^f -^^^^ ^^Ser anstalt für iJrnJinruii.-: und Verpflegung ^,v';^^-"* ^^^ .^^^^);^J:,Xner Bank ^«--lin überwiesen worden i^^t. Die Unterla-en der i^re..dner Bank '^-^^^ita'-jt^n bedauerlicherwfiioe K-lne .^achprufunr^. ot) ..le RM 5C%üot:!'.elncrzoit auf dem Konto der Deutschen Ver^chsanst alt LlnSi-anren sind. Selbr.t .vonr, dies der FhII v^ve , -«are daa ^eld nichMef flaä f^^ndern der Aoahoinhaborin zupe flössen, una en nxu^a dihJr dabei wrbuiben werden, dusr, die .boror^cung des r-.ontos nich? von der ßSnk ..oSn;?n von der Kontoinhaberin zu fordern ^are. Abschrift anbei« K 3 D N E R BANK "^ Anlage • \ \ J.März 1951. Br.L/Fr» i lechtsabteilung An den Senat von Berlin Herrn Senator für Jur^tiz ■A'le derfTutmacliungsömter » Berlin»- Schöneb erg ■ärtlri-iJuther-ytr . 61/66, Ihr Zeichen: l.*B««'*^':>ö/i)Ü a.g.Nr.C/371/C ) Treuhand Journal»iily«-iI' 51 851/50 J «r öegen den mit Verfügung voa 15.1.51, eingesangen 27,v.Mts., mitgeteilten Bück erst attungsanspructi des Herrn Dt .Art hur Czeczovilczka erheben -wir an Deut Widerspruch. Der Antragsteller ist hier ^«bekannt. Ein lonto der chen VpT^mir.hiianstalt für grnährung und ?erp fiepung G.m.bta 2r^ i.tteckibg!" wird unter der 1^.12-2^3 nitjelnea üaben^ gi^l3^^^«'^^M^y''^'>y- P^ilhrtTDas^Kontö ist gemäß Geset» Kr. 52 «eiferJt^ ^^ Unat; ifS^c ist n?cht erfolgt. Die Originalunter. faSn^es gStos sind'^a.^2.9.19^7 an das .Sffije Chief Couns^ f or War Crimes (Herbert Steinitz) ausgehandigt «o^^e;»:. »<>. ^".^ ;S Seres nicht festzustellen vermögen. Dagegen ciirfte klar sein dass die Dresdner Bank weder dem Antragsteller noch der i:n?Si^Iberin irgendwelche Ter^ögensgegenständeent^^^^ belegen* Abschrift anbei* DÄ^ESDNEH BANK 1 Anlag:ec_ Dr. A. BOBASCH & Dr. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBASCH. Dr. JUN. PRAOUK O. KUSH. Dr. JUR. BRBSLAU TKLIPHONE i CITY ISO» t1, QUEEN STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. RKFKRCNCK AB/EG 30th October, 1956* Dear Sir/Madam, Ee: Czeohoslovak Claims. / ' We assume that you will be interested to be informed about the possibility of future payrnents by the Foreign Compensation Coininission* Under the Compensation Agreement of September 19^9 the Czeohoslovak Government under took to pay the amount of £8,000,000 as compensation for nationalised property. £5,000,000 was paid by the Czeckoslovak Government until 195^» and the Foreign Compensation Commission have distributed this amount. The total of final awards made by the Commission amounted to £89,786,176. l/ld in the £ was paid by the Commission in tv/o instalments to the claimants. An Agreement has now been reached between the two Governments about payment of the still outstanding £3|000,000. An amount of £^30,000 paid by the Czeohoslovak Government in 195^ will be deemed to be paid on account of compensation. The remaining balance of £2,570,000 will be paid in half-yearly instalments beginning 31st March 1957 equal to 7 per cent. of the Sterling proceeds of Imports from Czechoslovakia, subject to a minimum of £^-00,000 per annum. This Agreement will enable the Foreign Compensation Commission to make further distributions over a period of several years. Of the £3,000,000 remaining for distribution a total dividend of about 8d in the £ or 3 1/3 per oent. could be paid in instalments on all final awards made by the Foreign Compensation Commission totalling £89,786,176. At this stage it is impossible to foresee the dates of future payments by the Foreign Compensation Commission, as it will depend on the sums available under the near Agreement. The publication of a White Paper is intended, which will probably contain additional Information. Yours faithfully, DR. A. BOBASCH & DR. G. KUSH. BC 1293 1998 1994 1999 C 0 p y.. 511 Foreign Conrpensatioti Coramission IN THhi MATTER OF THhi FORüIGN COMPSKüATION VCZECHUSDOVAKIA; 0RDEK5 1950 - 1952 and IN THE MaTTEK OF AN APPLICATION OF THOMAX FRANZ LED EHER IRMA CZüCZuWlCZM ARffHUItt CZECZOWICZjsA HANNä kunz To: T^UMho mm/, LEDERER IRMA CZeCZüWICZaA ARTHUK CZüCZOWICZaA HawNa KUNz, YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN KOT ICE that on ORAL HüARINCr ADJUDIGATION üHALL TAKJi rUiCE ori Tuesday, the 16th day of February, l954, at 10. i5 in the foronoon cut the Court Room of th« Foreign Conroenöation CommiöSion, No. 1 Princeö Gate, London, S.W. 7. You may aDpear heroto pBöonaiiy or be ief^aüy repreöented at tne time and place a bove mentioned, If you do not apr)ear and are not legaily reT)resenl"ed the Commibsion wiix proceed to maice such an Order as they may thmtc just and expedient, You shouid bring with you an docuniünta and corpesnondence iiyhich will aasist in tue determmation of your case. Dore thia 3rd day of February 1954 sgd, L.H.Brown Regiatrar I I #- bb/es f In any further communlcatlon on this subject, please quote : No WA9%r and address, not to any Person by namcy hut to : THE secretary> FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W.7 I Sir, , 8 M 1957 I am directed by the Porelijn « Compensation Commission to inform you tYiat '=^ ^^^^»^^ it has been decided to make a further ^^/yj^ Interim part payment under Article 5 of the Forei^-n Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950, of three half-pence (l^ä.) in the '^ The amount for payment in respect of your established Claim for £lf77,06l. 0. 0 is £2,981. 12. 7d* , a chegue'for vvhich is enclosed herewith. It v/ill be necessary for you to äff ix a twopenny stamp to the form of receipt on the reverse side of the cheque before endorsement^ Sir, Your obedient Servant, I am S A. C£eozowic£ka, Esq., 68, Graenoroft Gaardens, London. N.W, 6 Secretary. f I I ^ » «» «. vUD o N (D ü 25 o o .^ > //T/fjy */ // ^^./9fi I ^ rj( /.?{;^^y^ liK .7 6 7S- ^/-e s-, t N >e x> X / ' ^. 3S'S'~^~ I I In any further conununicaticffi on this subject, please quote : No BC. 199it and address, not to any Person name, but to : the secretary, IGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION I Sir, 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W.7 11 5 MAY 1956 I am directed \>y the Foreign Gompensation Cormnission to refer to your letter of May k, 1936 regarding further Interim payments due to yourself and the es täte of your late wife under the Czechoslovak Order in Council, and to say that it is hoped to forward all such cheques within the next six weeks. I am to add, however, that the payment due to the es täte of your late wife will be paid to Mr^ Otto K. Pollak as Attorney Ätoinistrator. I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka, 68 Greencroft Gardens, London N^.V. 6. ^ji(jja^(^ 1 1 A /. \y ' ^ ^ V, , /^ V \y >». t / C 1/511,51?,514 re, ITffrz 195n, Dr^Arthur Czeczo^^iczka, 68, Greencroft Gardniis, London, l-i.V;\3, Sehr geehrtör Herr 1/oktor, Wunschgemäss habe ich die Einzelheiten der von der KoLL^ssion ieGt;:€srtzten ^nt^chJ-dinr-'^en '^rhoLen. 1. Der r9ine Wert äcr loimebilion äes ^rutss Bertc^ovice, nnoh AbrGOiinung dor Lasten, olme opiritucfe brik und oime Vorräte, wurde i^it -:4Lr,0L;'. fGi;'... icelit, \.rvoii n ile-', /.rund- tUoberlicJ-ten EintraiTunf,en öüjiJO/ auf oie, 14, G4, aux Ihre i'^f-u Gemalilin und 19, oG, auf Ihre Tochter i'rau Kunz •ntfcllen. Der iJispruch Ihrer Tociiter trau Krika ^iüion ruf 14, SC^ wurde nicht ancrlrcnnt, \:cil Ihre Tochtor kGine Ic itisci.c l-tLatsb"r'2C* rin ist, 2. Die Immobilien in Senov-Novy Jioin wurden mit ''-95,837 betörtet* Nach dnm .tr.nd dee Grundbuchs f:e-t cir.en /jii:pruch: Herr loiua^ Leuerer auf 50/ und Ihre Tochter Fmu Hanna Kuns auf ii5'/ ^ Diese An^pr'iche wurden von der Kommissior anerkannt« Dagecen vmrde der xinsprucL Ihrer Tochter Frau I^rika Simon aui 2^5/' der Immobilien abj^ewiesen, weil sie keine britische Staatsb^^rgerin ist« Die Bewertung der KomLiission orfol;;te rv'f C-inind von Nechkriecrs- werten, welche in ""er V eise ermittelt ^/Turden, dass die von der Kommission akzeptierten Vorkric ;D\7crte nit drei multipliziert warden loh bin gern bereit, Ihnen alle vieitere Erklärungen zu geben, die Sie ben: tigen sollter., und eiüpfehle aich Ihnen, Ihr sehr orsebener \ T^, I I le al in 'k id )n )n as ad on ht. psf CZECH TRADE TO BE INCREASED BRITISH EXPORTS By A Diplomatie Correspondent New opportunities for increased British exports to Czechoslovakia are opened by a trade arrangement signed in Prague yesterday. Two exchange5 of Notes on financial matters. also signed. will be pub- lished later as a White Paper, The trade arrangement provides lor Czech purchases to December next year of £5i million worth of British goods. including industrial and agricultural machinery, cars, f^^^^io^ ^M?- P'^'^fics. Import licences ror £8 million worth of Czech goods will Cover machine tools. Imitation jewellery, giass. confectionery, tex- tiles and carpets. Britain will also remain open with- out restriction to Czech Imports of timber, wood-puip and paper. The Czech Government undenakes not to discriminate against British ship- pmg. Czechoslovakia will resume payment of the remaining balance of £2.570.000 compensation due under the Nationalisation Compensation Agreement of September. 1949. Trade negotiations with Czecho- •^loval^ia were suspended in June, 1954. because of the Czech attitude to repaymenr of their debt commit- ment.s. Czechoslovakia accepted a British invitation earlier this year to resume trade and finance talks in London. City Common ( — P2 V* xx\j >c*iuc. I ). 5 la CZECH DEBT PAYMENTS A PTER many montlis of negotia- ' fino., ^^^"'J*» Anglo-Czechoslovak nnancial and trading agreement has ^^J'^'h ^^^'^ ^^^"^^^- O" ^he financial nrnxnHif i^^^ aiTangcment at least proyides for a resumption of some ^aie P^^"^®"^s, even if on a modest Czechoslovakia Is to pay off the Nahnn«!?/ ,f ^'STO.OOO due under the Natlonalisatlon Compensation Agree- ment in instalments of not less than £400.000 a year. Payments of inter- Governmental debts are being sus- pended, but discussions for repay- ment are to be resumed not later than Sept. 30. 1958. Czechoslovakian debts in 1949 amounted to £36 million, of which £8 million was on nationallsation account. £20 million Inter-Govern- mental debts and the balance a mix- ture of long-outstanding debts. In the period of the five-year agree- ment which expired in 1954 £15 million were paid off. I I In any furthcr cx>mmunication on this subject, please quote : No....Bfj 1..9.9U and aadress, not to any person by name, but to: thb secretary, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION Ist July 195^4- Sir, Z^2%,^^ 9i^,j~fMt, I am directed by the Foreign Compensation Comrnission to refer to the receipt of your completed Porms of Application for x^aynient and Renunciation of Claims, and to inform you that, under the provisions of the Poreipjn Compensation :^3K?«»35ÄxxaLa/Czechoslovakia) (Amendment) Order in Council 1953, an interim part payment is nov; to be mado to you of 5o103l4-l6-.6 and a cheque for that amount is enclosed herev/ith. It will be necessary for you to affix a twopenny stamp to the form of receipt on the reverse side of the cheque before endorsement. I am, Sir, Your obodient Servant, ^w:^]^iii^l^^^^ A* CzeozowiozksL, Bsq, 68^ Qreencroft öardans, London, N.W.6» The Secretary, Foreign Compensation Commission, 1, Princes Gate, London, S.W. 7, 14th 1%, 1954. Dear Sir, Your Referenoe BC ',/,,.< ^ I enclose the Form of Application for I^ynent and the Form of Renunciation duly sipned by me. remit the at I would much appreciate it 'if yon could first part payment to my Bank Thankinpj you in advance, I remain. Yars faithfully. / REFERENCE NO. BC FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION 1992 (1) See overleaf (^ See overleaf l/W e . F pR M O F RE NU NC I AT ION O FC LA IMS of ^. ..) K-^W' y ,-....y:^.l:. ....::.....:..4...K:...^':::^:....:.;;r^/'./.,../><../^x, / / •y (the Executor/Trustee of the late of ) in consideration of receiving a payment by the Foreign Compensation Commission from the distributable anaount of the Czechoslovak Fund hereby renounce and surrender all claims by me/us arising out of the various Czechoslovak measures of nationalisation, expropriation, dispossession, liquidation or any restrictive measures of a similar kind (referred to in the Agreement dated 28th September 1949 and made between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic) so far as they have affected any of my/our interests in the property set out in Schedule A hereto. (^) 2. l/We declare that l/we have under my/our order, disposition or control, no documients of title, shares, receipts for shares or kuxen relating exclusively to the property rights or interests in respect of which an award has been made by the Foreign Compensation Commiission under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Orders in Council, 1950-1952, other than those listed in Schedule B hereto, p) for surrender and delivery to the Comim.ission as provided in Articles 21 and 22 of the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950 (S. I. 1950, No. 1191), which are enclosed herewith so far as available. 3. l/V/e declare that the above Statements are true to the best of my/our knowledge, informiation and belief. In witness whereof l/we hereunto set my/our hand(s) (and seal) this .../£<:y4f..,. day of ^irq^ /fcT^ Signature(s) .V.A^C^r/^A>./'r.^.->.,r <. •.. _ • ^ ' ^y (^ Applicants in person neeä only sign in tne presence of a witness ana post tnis foiiii. Corpora- tions must sign ana seal in accoraance witn t.ieir Articles of Association before aespatch Du 1. "^297/1 Signed (sealed) (^) and delivered by the above named in the presence of Signature f^if.. . -r.?.. /!-/'. ft i,.... ,^:.,.\^ ': A^ Address ,.. \.^.^^C^Z^-'/i^::.<.i. Description ...;...*...C..... .•?:..«. ',:... <^v.,y/.yV.^. 1 / SCHEDULE A See para,';;raph 2 of the letter with which thia form IS enclosed. 1. 2. ]4«01^ Intareat In estate Bartosovloe. Uauf ruct In i ahare of land at SenoT and house at Novy Jloin. SCHEDULE B C^) Please do not leave blank, If no relevant aocw.ents are unaer your Oraer, disposi- tion or control, say "None". ( '") In tne case of snares or an:/- otner item in respect of 'vnich tnere is a aocurnent of titla nela for your benefit by a Bank or Af.ent wno is preciuaea by locc».! regul itions from nanain^ tnem to you, /QU snould make out -ina attacn herpto an Autnority instnict- ing tnat oank or Agent to nana tnese aocuments to 3EARi:H, hji^- Note, Attention is invitea to Article 22 of tne Foreign Compensation (CzecJioslovaxJa) Order in Coimci 1,1950. Ihe Foreign Coinpensation Corrmission y/ill retain custoa:/ of all aoaiments "litn respect to any clairriS, surrenoerea or daliverea to tne ConnTiission unaer Article 21 of tnat Oraer, until tne final pa>nnent with respect to tnat clairn nas been maae out of the Czecncslovak Puna or until tne CzecxioslovcK Fund nas been r/ouna up vvnicnever is tne earlier, ana tne Cormission will tnen f.eliver tnose aocuj.ents to tne Secretary of State for Foroign Af fairs, oubsec;uently, they will be aeliverea to tne Czeaioslovak Governiiient by Her Majesty's Government in tne Unitea Kingaora. Ds ^3^97/^/n^3 2m 2/5/4 dl 2 ( &, 6''®/^'J^cr communication on ^ this subjcct, please quote : No. BC* 1992 and address, not to any person by name, but to : thb secretary, FOREIGN COMPBNSATION COMMISSION Madam 9 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W. 7 lOth May, 1954. the I am directed by the Foreign Goriipensation Commiasion to inform you that the Commission have prpviöionalljr detormined that you have established a claim against Czechoslovak Fund for.the sum of £ 71,088. 0.0. ( Seventy-one Thousand and eighty-eight i^ounds) that is to say Kcs Il4.,32l4..2l6 co^verted at the rate of Kos 201.5 to the Pound, It should he noted that this figure is provisional and may be varied up or down upon reviev/» 2. Subject to the conditions referred to in paragraphj belov/, the Commission have novv decided to exercise their discretion in your case to make an interim part payment under the Foreign Gompensation (^zechoslovakia) (Amendment) Order, 1953, (sTl. 1953 No* 1209) in respect of the proporty or int^rest in property described overleaf. They have further resolved to do so at the uniform rate of 6d (sixpence) in every pound of the provisional award of £71,088. 0.0. . This interim part payment vvhioh is on account of future payments to be male under Article k of the Foreign Gompensation (Czechoslovalcia) Order, 1950, will therefore amount to £1777. k^ 0. 3. Before any payments can be made you mus t apply in accordance with Article 3 of the Foreign Gompensation (Czuchoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950, and surrender docaments referred to or give an undertaking in accordance with Article 21^ of the Order. the U. It is certain that the value of Claims as finally assessed will far exceed the amount received or to be received from the Czechoslovak Gover^iment. It is unlikely, therefore, that the interim and final payments will together amount to a large proportion of the award in any case. 5. For your convcnience, the following forms, two copies of each of which are attached, have been prepared to enable you to comply with the requirements stipulated above. (1) A Form of Application for payment. (2) A Form as required by Article 21 of the Foreign Gompensation (Gzechoslovaiiia) Order in Council, 1950. Both copies of each of the two Forms should be com- pleted. One should be returned to the Commission with the documents of title for surrender, if any. The other (marked "duplicate) should be kept by you for your ov/n records. ^ I am, Madam, Your Hrs. I. Cseozowlczka, 68, Oreencpoft ^ardena, LONDON. N.W. 6. ob ed ien t ^ ervan t ,^ r ' Description of property or interest in property referred to in paracraph 2 1f lk^O^^ Inttreat In ottate Bartosovloe« 2# • ■ Uvofruot in | ahare ot lanA at Senor anfl . houaa at Hovy Jloln« ^ « • J^'i 'iOf » r^ n > iJ \ U-ik. .- \^ ■n 1 C REFEP.ENCE NO. BC 1992 FOR E IGN &0 MPENS Aj: lO N^^ FORM,. pF... APPL FOR PAYMENT of ^C./r. C- ^:r.a.MA j? :/i^.i:^/v/^'^ hereby apply for payment of any sums which nriay be payable to me/us in respect of my/our Application No. BG. 1992 day of Maroht 1951f and dated the 22nd for coinpensation pursuant to the Foreign Con-ipensation Act, 1950 (14 Geo. 6. cl2), and the Orders in Council made thereunder. Signed Date DS 03296/1/5 2in 7/53 DL . » BC 1992 o "MAif dl nT» 1954 I Mrs . -m^Czeczcwlozka , 66, ^*re eher oft (>ardene, ^// ^^^^^ IßNDON. N.W. 6. O B. Marsden-Smedley -^ ^/ Ä^ / 71 1< AP<^ ( Bv «ri9/Tßt)ier cx)mmunication on this subject, please quote : No. BC, ISSk - and address, not to any person by name, but to : the secretary, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ■X'/^i^AC /AiaU^ 1 ^ ■i I I 1 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W. 7 llth May, 195if. Sir, I am directed by the Foreign Compensation Conmiasioa to inform you that the Commission have ^rovislonaTJLjf . detormined that you h,ave established a claim against the Czechoslovak Fund for the sum of £ W2593» 0»0» ^SSS^nlfne^S^^hre«^®'''^® thousand five hund3?ed pounds) that is "o My Res ftl -jTy Lfic converted at the rate of Kos 201.5 to tn^'P«üM?-^ It should be noted that this figure is provisional and may be varied up or down upon — — .»1» II ■ ■ »■» 2. Subject to the conditions referred to in paragraph.3 belov;, the Commission have nov; decided to exercise their discretion in your case to make an interim part payment under the Foreign Compensation (tiJzechoslovakia) (Amendment) Order, 1953, (S^I. 1953 No* 1209) in respect of the property or int-^rest in property described overleaf, They have further resolved to do so at the uniform rate of od (sixpence) in every pound of the provisional avvard of £ i4-12593« 0»0. • This interim part payment which is on account of future payinents to be ma ie under Article k of the Foreign Compensation (Czechosloval<:ia) Order, 1950, v/ill therofore amount to £ IO3II4., I6. öd. 3. Before any payments can be made you must apply in accordance with Article 3 of the Foreign Compensation (Czuchoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950, and surrender the documents referred to or give an under taking in accordance with Article 2{ of the Order. U. It is certain that the value of Claims a.s finally assessed will far exceed the amount received or to be received from the Czechoslovak Government. It is unlikely, thereforo, that the interim and final payments will together eimount to a large proportion of the av/ard in any case. 5. For your convenience, the following forms, tv/o copies of oach of which are attached, have been prepared to enable you to comply with the requirements stipulated above. (1 ) A Form of Application for payment. (2) A Form as required by Article 21 of the Foreign Compensation (Gzechoslovai.ia) Order in Council, 1950. ple Both copies of each of the two Forms should be com- ted* One should be returned to the Commission with the docuiaents of title for surrender, if any. The othex» (marked "duplicate) should be kept by you for your ov/n records. I am, Sir, A« Czeozowlczka, Esq«, 68, Oreencroft Oardens, LONDON. N.W* 6. Your obedietVt S :^ljhyi Description of property or interest in £I122£Ilt^referrea_to_in_£a_ra£ra2h_2^ 4a^ ^^«4 2^*^A^<^ 52,3^ u»ufpuct In th« property of Hanna Kui and Erika Simon (^tate Baptoaorloä^ Dlatlllery at ^artoaorlo«* • • <: * BC 199^4- A //. ,j:j> . I _ ^ ^^< LONDON. N.W. 6. /«x^/ ^^TA^- ^;f % /^. jV/.^ B. Marsden-Sraedley In any further communication on this subject, pleasc quote : No .BC..,. 1,992 and address, not to any person by name, but to: the secretary, FOREIGN CX)MPENSATION COMMISSION 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W. 7 Ist July 195ij- Madam, I am directed by the Poreira Compensation Comrnission to refer to the receipt of your completed Forms of Application for x^ayment and Renunciation of Claims, and to inform you that, under the provisions of the ^oreip-n Compensation öftaaaackxaoca/Czechoslovakia) (Amendjnent) Order in Council 1953, an interim part payment is now to be mado to you of ^1777-Ju.o and a cheque for that amount is enclosed herev/ith. It will be necessary for you to affix a twopenny stamp to tho form of receipt on the reverse side of the cheque before endorscment. I am, Madam, Your obodient Servantc OÄ i///ai^^ Mrs I. Czeczowiczlpa, 68^ Qreencrogt Oardens^ London, K.W^6» « BC 1992 Mrs I. Czeczowlozka, ^/ /^ .//^ 68, Greencroft Gardens, London, N. W. 6« OaEiGN COMPENSATION COMM ISSION l PWNCtS GATE. S.WJ In any further communication on this subject, ptease quote: No. -( i-- e ( ^Hu and address, not to any person by name, but to: the secretary. FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION Telephone: KENsington 2444 THE FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION I PRINCES GATE LONDON ,S.W.7 1 5 FE5 1956 Dear vfuU V/lth reference to your claim under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Orders 1950-1953, the Gommission have had under consideration the arrangements for making a second Interim part payment for all Claims established under the above- mentioned Order« All but a very few Claims have now been so established and it would therefore be appreciated if you v/ould confirm that the address given at the bottom of this letter is the one to v/hioh the cheque should be sentt Yours faithfully, / A / /- / Uh , S^ Xxx/V / ^« ^ ^ B. 1 5/7. WiTH THE MaNAGER'S COMPLIMENTS f^ •/ / -o / Barclays Bank Limited AVENUE MANSIONS. 503. FINCHLEY ROAD. Hampstead. London. N.W. 3 »•-•^iMi^MBaak^i^a ) i ^ Dr. Arthur Czeczowlczka 68,Greencroft Gardens, London, N»*.6, 4th May 1956, fe:^ / \ The •'ecretary, J'orelgn Compensatlon CoiEirlsslon, 1, Prlnces Gate, S.W. 7. Dear Sir, Re; BC 1994 and bC 1992 the llber- t„ * Hef erring to ny call of to-day l take ty to apply to you In the foHowlng matter: e «nd my deceaBed vife Irma Czeczowiozka In the near future. «ithtv nf : ^''^*',fe°^ « brother Dr. üaknr Czeczowlczlca. PrLu^ r «p and one ye«r younger tn.n n.y.elf,iiTinfe at ^Iir/:: '^^««1°^« 7.who juat got the pentla^lon to meet T .n..i^ /^-^ ^^'^** "°* "^®" ^^"' fo*" »«""« tnan b yrars hirnir»? fi^ ""* ^^^" Probably la.t opportunlty to ae. nxni personally, ' i,rn«^*o ^V" ""'^"^^ ÄOlng to Aualrla It *ould oe of great laportance to ae if i could aake arranfcementa regardlSt the expected chequea mentloned abore. fearaing tne ♦„ ^ Therefore I hope you will excuse if X beg of you to forward theae two chequea na soon aa posFlble. I thnnk you In advance and remaln, Dear dir, Yourp falthfully ■\ / Dr. A. BOBASCH ft DR. G. KUSH CONSULTANTS ON INTERNATIONAL LAW A. BOBASCH. DR. JUR. FRAOUK G. KUSH. DR. JUR. BRISLAU TELtPHONC I CITY ISOS RKFCflKNCe G 60 K/""F 11, QUEEN STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. 23. Ajuril 1956 Dr. Arthur Czeczov/iczka, 68, üretricroft Gardens, LLi«iDCN > i»«\/«6» Sehr p.eehrter Herr Dr. Czeczowiczka, v/ir icoermen Ihnen heute die erfreu- liche L.itteilung me^chen, dass aer .Anspruch Ihrer Jrau Tochter in Neustadt re^-istriert ist. Hochachturyrsvoll , DR. A. BOBASCII *y H • G # K vJ3 ii ^■^rn^e^nd^ c^/, / ^7 ü, S *r. REFEP.ENCE NO. BC 199i4- FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION FORM OF APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT l/W / ^ of hereby apply for payment of any sums which may be payable to me/us in respect of my/our Application No. BC. 199U and dated the 22nd day of March^ 1951 f for conapensation pursuant to the Foreign Connpensation Act, 1950 (14 Geo. 6. cl2), and the Orders in Council made thereunder. Signed Date / DS 05296/1/5 2m 7/53 DL Ji n Lö ' \J of Alt i/w. REFERENCE NO. BC FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION FORM OF ilENUNCIATION OF CLAIMS 199U (the Executor/Trustee of the late (1) See overleaf (^ See overleaf of ) in consideration of receiving a payment by the Foreign Compensation Commission frotn the distributable amount of the Czechoslovak Fund hereby renounce and surrender all claims by me/us arising out of the various Czechoslovak nneasures of nationalisation, expropriation, dispossession, liquidation or any restrictive naeasures of a similar kind (referred to in the Agreennent dated 28th September 1949 and made betv/een the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic) so far as they have affected any of my/our interests in the property set out in Schedule A hereto. (') 2. l/We declare that l/we have under my/our order, disposition or control, no documents of title, shares, receipts for shares or kuxen relating exclusively to the property rights or interests in respect of which an award has been made by the Foreign Compensation Commission ander the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Orders in Council, 1950-1952, other than those listed in Schedule B hereto, (2) for surrender and delivery to the Comm.ission as provided in Articles 21 and 22 of the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950 (S. I. 1950, No, 1191), which are enclosed herewith so far as available. 3. l/\Ve declare that the above statennents are true to the best of nny/our knowledge, information and belief. , In witness whereof l/we hereunto set my/our hand(s) (and seal) this /J' day ot, X' /^f/ Signature(s) (^ Applicants in person need only sign m tne presence of a witness ana post tnis form. Corpora- tions must sign ana seal in accoraance vvitn t.ieir Articles of Association before aespatch Signed (sealed) (^) and delivered by the above named in the presence of Signature Address i Description r;] 13297/1 SCHEDULE A See para.'^raph 2 of the letter with which this Torm IS eiiclosed. C V ./ 1. 52.35^ uBufruct in the property of Hanna Kunz ^xA Erika Simon (^etata üartosovioe^ 2« Dlstlllery at ^artosovice« t* SCKEDUI.E B ( ^) Pleese do not leave blank. If no relevant aocur:ents are unaer your Oraer, disposi- tion or control, say "None", ( ") In tne case of snares or any otner item in res pect of 'vnich tnere is a aocurnent of titla nela for your benefit by a Bank or Aßent v/no is precluüea by local reg ul'^t 10ns frora nanaing cnem to you, you snould make out ana attacn hereto an Autnority instruct- Ing tnat Bank or Agent to nana tnese aocuments to be;ar£R. t?U^ Hpte. Attention is invitea to Article Z'. of tne Foreign Compensation (CzeaioslovaKia) Order in Counci].1950. TYie Foreign Compensation Cornmission will retain custoay of all aoaiments v/itn respect to any Claims, surrenoerea or delivered to tne Commission unaer Article 21 of tnat Oraer, until tne final payinent witn respect to tnat Claim nas been raaae out of the Czechoslovak Funa or until tne Csecnoslovdk Fund nas been 'vouna up vvnicnever is tne earlier, ana tne Cormission will tnen cieliver tnose aocui.ents to tne Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 3ubsec;uently, tney will be aeliverea to tne Czeaioslovak Governiaent by Her Majesty*s Government in the United Kingdom. DG 13297/^'^:15 2m 2/5/4 DL 2 / A. BOBASCH. Dr. Jur. CONSULTANT ON CONTINENTAL LAW TELEPHONE: CITY 2334 REFERENCE AS/C- 1/514 Dr .Arthur Czeczowiczka, 68, Gpeencroft Gardens, London, N.W. 6. 7-8, POULTRY, % V' REVENUE HOUSE. LONDON. E.C.2. . ^. '1 2 Ist ITovember, 1951. ■•' mi' Dear Dp. Czeczowiczka, I enclose a photostat copy of the Certificate of Naturalization of ibs .Hanna Kunz, which has been returned to me by the Foreign Compensation Coramission. i enc. Yours s innere ly. ?. ^ // t 3 IWiV MWJ . -• !^^C/^t-iV.JÖ l^th Novemberi ly51- / 608 The Secretjry, Foreig Coi.:pensat:on ComrdFeion, 1, Princec Gate, London, S.W.?, Dear Sir, Yoxix Reference: BC l46Ö. Thanic you for your lütter of th« 2nd November in the matter oi" the Cxech Claim made by Mrs.Krica di»on. Mrs.Krlca Simon was a United States Citizen on the 28th September 1948, and still is. Urs. Simon and her sister, yxe . Hanna Kunz, a British subject, are both Trustees and their parerts Arthur and Irma Cseczowiczka are the benefi Ciaries. llrs.Kuns has r^ gistered a Claim as Truatee under your Reterence fCo.BC 1999* Clsiiiis are also being aade by the beneficiaries Dr.Arth\ir and Mrs .Irma Czeczowiczka. The application sade by Iftrs .Erica Simon was sab- mltted to clarify the position of trustees cind beneficiariea in accoraance ^ith Article 1> b of the Order. 1 believe it would facilitate the decision of the Couimission if al3 theee interconnected claime of the Czeczowiczka fanlly, namely of Urs .Hanna Kunz, Hrs.igrica Simon, Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka /your Reference B 55bA/ll^/, and iHrs.Irma Czechowiczka, coiild be dealt with at the same time. Documentary evidence will be subuitted with the Application of Dr .Czeczowiczka, and the other claixnants will refer to his ki ^lication as to evidence and those facts which aro in comi-ion to ali Claims. Tours faithfully. / 1 A. BOBASCH. Dr. Jur. CONSULTANT ON CONTINENTAL LAW TELEPHONE : MONARCH 1t«6 11. TOKENHOU8C YARd. LONDON. E.C.2. Dr. A, Czeczovviczka, 68, Grreencroft Grardens, London, N.W. 6. lÄ. Anril 1954. Sfthr geehrter Herr Doktor, In der Bpilc^e sende ich Ihnen eine" Konie des Bescheides, mit welchem der Sn^schR- di^unpsantrag Ihrer Tochter Erica abc^elehnt wurde* Ich verbleibe mit besten Grr^^ssen 1 Anlapre Ihr e/crobe>ner Copy for DP .czeczov'iczka 608 lOth January, 1952 i Th# Secretary, Foreign Compeneation Commissiont li Princes Gate, London, S.W.?. Dear Sir, Yoxir Reference: BC/1968/A. I thanK you for your letter of the 5th January with the Answer of the Legal Of licer to Part I of the Application made by ay dient, MTe. Erica Simon. Hy Client ugree« with the Analer filed by the Legal Officer, and Claims will be eubmitted by Mr. Arthur and Mrß.Irma Czeczowiczlcj ae beneficiaries • It ie therefore not intended to deliver a Reply or submit a written argximent. Yours faithfully, mr^^anmam' ^^ u^i^/^ni Q ^c (^Ot. L)p. A. Czeczovjiczka, 68, Greencroit (^ardens, London, N.W. 6. ^Aiu^,S>. ^jiA^ t l \ 4 f^ii^ Q -3!^*^^ ^>^, :/ PyJ >'rA. -^^V. ^^^ZrtJ z ^^J'/'S-J ^r^ 'A Z^Z'f / i/J^.S^ 19 ^^^i>,9^

MPENSA- TION CX)MMISSION 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W. 7 17 th June, 1954 The Foreign Compensation Act, 1950. The Foreign Compensation (Yugoslavia) Order in Council, 1950. The Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Orders, 1950-1952. The Foreign Compensation Commission Rules Approval Instrument, 1950. EXPLANATORY NOTICE to Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia Applicants ABOUT PROCEDURE ON REVIEW The Foreign Compensation Commission wish it to be made known that they are nearing the end of their task of making provisional determinations and the time for review is approaching. Preparations must therefore be begun soon in order that review may be started and concluded as speedily as possible. The procedure on review is governed by Rule 37 of the Foreign Compensation Commission Rules, 1950, which reads as f ollows : — (1) All determinations of the Commission including those mentioned in Rule 10 but not in Rule 21 shall be provisional and subject to review at the discretion of the Commission : Provided that there shall be not more than one review of any Application, the decision on which shall be final. (2) The Commission may invite the Applicant and the Legal Officer to submit written arguments or to attend an oral hearing for the purpose of review, but shall not be bound to do so unles^ they propose to disallow or reduce the amount of a claim provisionally allowed. 2. The attention of Applicants is drawn to the fact that — (a) no Applicant can require a provisional determination in bis case to be reviewed as a matter of right; (b) whether a particular case is to be reviewed is a matter entirely within the discretion of the Commission: (c) neither written arguments nor an oral hearing are essential to review, which will normally consist of a consideration of the existing papers by the Com- mission; the Commission may, however, direct, in a particular case, that there are to be written arguments or an oral hearing and are bound to do so if they propose to disallow or reduce the amount of a claim provisionally allowed; (d) as a conseauence of the foregoing it follows that the primary purpose of review is not to allow an opportunity of appeal but to enable the Commission to con- sider whether the provisional awards should be confirmed or whether there are any inequalities in such awards which need to be adjusted. 3. Review does not therefore, in itself, call for any action by Applicants except in those cases in which Applicants have been informed that the provisional determination made in their cases will be reviewed and that, for the purpose of such review, some further action by the Applicant (e.g., the Submission of further evidence) will be necessary. Where an Applicant has been so informed, it is requested that such further action by the Applicant be taken as soon as possible and, in any event, not later than the 30th September next. If such action is not taken by that date, it will be assumed that the Applicant does not intend to take such action. C9-9Z oN naoD C. 1992 '■ ca^i a Mrs. I. Czoczowiczka, 68, ßreencroft Oardens, N. W. 6. -^ \ d ic-\ y FOr.LIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION I. PRINCES GATfc. S.WJ r '-^f 1^ I tn* \ SARENA^aV ^ li^ELCIAN m miRLINES 422 AAADISON AVENUE NEW YORK 17, N. Y. ^7f To.: Arthur CZSCZOWICZKA, Ssqu .. CS- Greengrofti.G&rg-eng, LONDON, K.;V. 6... ENGLAIID. E u >/• .«J.'JUli ■" .Pi«"'- -•"••r*" ••r^""»*«!»*» ^■^!^*l i VIA AIR MAIL if-^IV't^MJ^ty.» i,*^ UNITCD STATES 25 c NTS?*^ i. *l ■ ■ ■ ^ a II 1 ■ ■ ^k ^M- ^ h^BflMM^lA*«^»« V^mmmmUfm^"-' i i t> ^- { II ■■>' »**^>^*r<- ■^.y^ ^ * «ä«* *JM> ■*«B*>^- i w In any further communication on this subject, please quote : No BC..4.99fc^ and address, not to any person by name, but to: the sbcretary, FOREIGN COAIPENSATION COMMISSION 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W.7 27thMay, 1954. Sir, I am direotad by tha Foreign Compensation Coamiission to rafer to your application for interim part payment of your award against tha Czcchoslovak fund and to return harewith your Pom of ^enunciation for amendment. I am to aak you to write tha iword "none" against Paragraph (1) of Sohadula B on tha rererse of tha form. I am, Sir, Tour obe dient Sarrant, ^cu ^^(jiax^ Am Czaosowiozka, Eaq«, 68, Greanoroft Gardana, i :0' In any fiirthcr communication on this subject, please quote : NO BC 1992 and address^ not to any person by name, but to: the secretary, FOREIGN COAIPBNSATION COMMISSION 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W.7 27th lUy, 1 954. I am direotad ty the Foreign Conpensatlon Conmission to refer to your application for Interim pert payment of your award against the C*echoalovak fund and to retum herewith your Form of Renunciation for amendment* I am to aak you to write the word "none'^ against paragraph (l) of Schedule B on the rererse of the form. I am, Madam, Your obedient ^errant. Mrs« I» CzeczcßwiczkAp 68^ Oreencroft &ardena, N«W« o* f ^ !>'■■»■ Certif irat» nf PAcftinir ^^' undennentioned postal packet has been registered and posted vcruiicaie or rOHing herathisday. (Ordlnarx pomg« d. 11 Rtgn. No. /.±.,Z..^..l R«9ii. f«tt ■^■^ fyt' ceptlnf ) icer's f J'- tials ) ;..,.. Acceptinf Officer Ini / /^vv--« BC 1994 1992 Mr. /. and Mra. I. C»#o»öwic«ka, E»q, 68, Gr^tncroft Gard«no. N.W« 6t B • Mar sdan^^nedle j 3y/. ^<^^'^^ xzr^ f.xi^j:> • ■ ■ TJ^ s y^ ij(z>^ / ^ ^, ^JJl^H 4 /4 / J/^"^. ^^^ IJ/^^^l- l^^ 93^ S9 9. J^ J/^ -^/^A r -l /i^/r£lFJ^ »•m // 4 <^(^^- "^ «^/ I i I 'i A. BOBASCH, Dr. Jur. CONSULTANT ON CONTINENTAL LAW TELEPHONE : MONARCH 1866 11. TOKENHOUSE YARD. LONDON. E.C.2. REFERENCE C 1 / 5ll,5l3jEl4 2, Maerz 1954 • 2/ ^.jt^ ^ Dr. Arthur Czeozowiczka, 68, Greencroft Gardens, London, N.W. 5* Sehr 'geehrter Herr Doktor, In der Beilage sende Icli Ihnen zwei Abschrifter des Briefes vom 37. Februar, den ich von den lep'.al Officer erhalten habe. Ich bitte, diese Aufstellung genau zu ueberpruefen , weil ich dem Legal Officer mitzuteilen habe, ob wir seine Berechrung akzeptieren. Wenn die Aufstellung des Legal Officer korrekt ist, wuerden folgende^ Betraege anerkannt: 1. Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka jr^^y^Bart OSO vice Kc 43.894. 7':^8 ^^Tcufn:ctu£ Hanna Kunz '» 3.509.702 Usufruotus Erica Simon....'» 2.592.393 Spirltusfabrik .'[ 30.301.460 Ge s am t summe Kc 80.298.333 - Kc 80.298.333 \% vo ^ 2. Mrs.Irma Cseczowiczka /^tfi^Bsrtopnvioe Kc 11.783.608 1 iy A y Usufpüctus Novy Jicin " 3.526.428 / , / 00 /'4 Ge Part summe , . . .T/'^rs.Hnnna Kunz Kc 15.310.03S' - Kc 15.310.036 M^-*««*"**"^ ^rf' ^ ^.Bartosovice Kc 12. 738.919 _J^^ "Novy Jicin .." 2.434.91A ^^ ,,^ Gesamt suitme Kc lö.i73.833 - Ko 15.173.833 ^S^^/'^o I y^sv Gre samt summe aller Ansprueche : - Kc 110.782.202 Nach dem offiziellen Umreohnungr?^^/»*« von 201,5 sind das £549,787, von welchem Betrag Sie, wie Ich hoffe, in Kuerze die erste Teilzahlung von 2^ erhalten werden. c ^ ) A. BOBASCH. DR. JUR. PAGE Ich benerke, dass ich den Brief schreibe, bevor ich Gelegenheit habe, die einzelnen Ziffern ^enau nachzurechnen Mit besten Gruessen Ihr er«M«Mto>- — MWW»i>»«W»M**MW »*«ww>wii»<»"äHMWw<^(^^tiüai Artbur Irxiia fl.Kunz lecf. Liabllltlea BßLrtosoTloe !?otaI :• /loohol r'aotory : • mmmKmmmmtmmtm ■■%-i-.. ■ .> Wim i^ i» i «dCt^lli» SunoY ^Qvy Jicia Simon jäs trustee ..,,.«,,«, ^ , 6a,742.7Zü 8 Ol- ,000 3,407,267 5,231,917 MkäO. 74,uu7,üie ^>E71.t»^8 71,7»6,49ö 41,6E1,467 14,04». 3,163,4ÖJ G:iÄWi) TöCiL J - Votae: l««s XX) Ko 97,5aa.5ö7 l.GU,^u^l Kc 9ö,711,?06. Imcov&bläS 3»rto8ovio« "öuronage MaSS^ 12,437.867 IB, 629,709 MV«»«-^WiM«pMMBMI^'«««**^*V» 13,427,867 18,öä9,7ü9 3,163,406 'da 113,356,907 16,601,3^^ tl,«93,165 — 1^ » »1 II« »«»«— tw-»»« Llabilitl9a of i^stute dbrt sovloe: jaoitGag» an.wWM» 6,3&i,911 - -w« •««i^*-' i«%«MaMit«»AM««»»«cn«iM»« 7otal niwi«» w »»i- * II« m inii» I m« 95,711,306 10,;i6?.2^b 105,974,594 2.';71.5?:e 103,703,066 41,6ßl,467 1£,653,8£:£ ■■■«■WMMW» «■«■«■•««••«•»«■M Ko 157,978,350 ( V ■^ MimMi mH>, -«Mnai-' .*«MtMatNi«MMM ( r* \ I ai.ox?>w P4BfX0(IU'.a Of XH- «k:.'^wijj JL.iB. ■MMMM •«■MM EI •068, 500 2.041, 7;>0 a,975,üiiO lÖ2,v)0- 291,440 T9ö,6aiä JOO tot ■■*■ L m Iroir.ovuble©! JPor- «try liiunor House^etOt Service Fiats ßuildin:: -lote .>-tor ili^hts k Instö^llation Hunting & Fishin^? Right» Contents of .-.ä nor Hou^e • • » • . •#».•••..•♦.♦,.• Llveetook: mi» was rnlueü by the Comml^ Ion at thc taice-over in 1948 ^t fß^&.l9A^ni^ a n.?ur« rar b^low thf^ re^il vulue; tipplioation Ox üiUltiplier 3 on tue prc-wur vaiuc Ol uc 1,540^000 would glve e poet-war flguro of i&> l^«80^:iyilt It is au ostod to take as pont-war Vulue thc uvex^Jige of tliese two fi^^res, i«e,.,, ••,..•..••.«♦ Other Stookii}w«r« est ijaated by the Coinn:leflon ?At tho take-over txt j^ £^962.B?.^, This fi,i.;are was not «coepted by the ülai.x-^nte^ end It doe« not inoluäe the Harvest for the year, ao licet iori of 2 as rulti lier on tho pre*war vaiue of Ku Z.öO^^Q W-:uld re-^ «^It in £. post-.;j?ar v^luc of Ko 7.50 .';üC-, xt 1» eusiTostea to tsjktt the i;vor .,/,« of thoa« two fij3;ui«» as post-war v^»luo, i.o, ,«.,.., Othar Aisete, enftcified In xUcstion i2 >^uc Multln «Vi« Ko 3C,5C'7,i)l» 400,000 300.000 S leas 'A M,aü5,&oo 9.ie5,iJöO ll,y£ü,ÜßO 466, :00 1,174, »20 »•286, b75 270,000 total: Ko 97.»8«,89f 80ü,COO 1,407,367 P08t-««r Tulue 5,231,917 eS4.004 107,780,845 ,4^pe£.77t Ko 103,703,066 I« I ■■ii»iii> / I i P^y^|Ou;.^rs 91^ .t^JL^üWÜH 9l^1mß ÜP« VT nag« & Building«, •• Taluad by fer.All» .....Ko E, 296. 469 Itaoliinery, do ,. 6,6l6,ü30 Stoclc«, •stimated ftt •.•,,.,,.,.. .,.., 8,000,00o öoo dw i 1 1 7 , 6 00 , L' ü 3anoT NoYy Jio^n L**'* Ko 4,50C,00ü •ttiläing , Eüü.Jüü imitiPlier Z z 7,lö9,4w7 13,83S,060 6,0CX)»000 Poiit-wor vt^lue : - Ko 41,6;il,4ö7 --••w«w«IM«^BM«MMi^M««v«i«|»««ft«M«M*««a«MkllgMl MtfllwMMW« Poßt-war'Tttlu« : - ILO iS.cOC.GÜO Kc lS,653,e«P. S %• V 'Jim 9r m u JM * * A i*> .. • ' >iHrtosovtoe '.ot t« ** «laiMMHMaWMMNMMi *.*> *»iiMMMn>«k.«M«< "»w »i<0w—P»»<■«» niii*'«*—»X»^w«i|MM>!W»1>** >«K%^«»M«ir> rwiaawMMMWiM«« M|M>«M«MMMMI«a»> heidtt» trUE tcc , . . LlTMtoole stock Oth-.r Ä.tt«t« «irr 1^I>M« tlAbllltiea BartoeaTiu« Ü^otal :• Arthur 0«,742,7ao i*i«id«ror •ou, 2,407,267 5,231,917 >^4»0'0;|^ 74,007,018 71,73ö,4>0 4i,6ai,4ö7 S, 163,45.. '^>mmmm»imimmmi OM|W«i«—i— II I ■ w OiiÄNü TOT..]. ; - M«IHM«k< 19»H XX I Ka 97,ft8fi,557 Ko 95,711 ,24>6, mmm» 12,437,867 lQ,^ZO,fQO 12,4S7,8«7 18,589,709 9,183, Jto U3,:;^,9i>7 16,6C1,S8S 21,89?, 165 Xlnov^lns Biurtoaovio« Ll&bilitl«e ot ästete Bart ßovloe: »^rtsttg» and J'ütronaRo iio 1,811,?". Öl Othor LI bilitU« total i Jr'.MJü. '- ho 4,08?-., 7 9, >.\«p.. «»«MHM 0,2^:8,911 lt!^,ft, l,.yi. /V^ / • ^'^WMRPMVtlMMVM 6,2:6,911 • ^«» »1 itmmß» '4 «will Total MiH'W^iMW»»M«MtHi^ *'ni «i« i— m—— ■«> 95,711,^06 IC . : 68 , g80 wBKm>i »üM >■ iin»,iiwWfci nilNtW» 10&.974,594 www» Jl ^^aft>t >fflf -it iVi w1*>8ai 103,708,066 41,,467 1£, 653, 822 «MPlxiMM»««*«»» «MiiMU4ffs«i ■m I»»«— ■>«w»«^ '^ lairoTftbl«it Lunä ft Building« f*r««try itilwa; kfcnor Uous«,tto« Sarri.« FI«tt Bltildini;^ 'lois El»0€9,9ü0 3*975, u^ 8n,440 Wftter .iip;litB Ik InatÄllatlon T9ö,62ö fluntin^ k fishln« Rl«htR yc Contents of jeAnor iBousd. •»•. ♦»..,...,«»,, Livttstooics Tliia «•• Tulu«t! by th« Cocr^lc Ion ikt tii« t(«ice-oTer in far bttlow thr^ r«»l Ymlu«; up,iilo«tion or onltiplier 2 on the pro*w«r T'^lu« Ol Ko 1,540,0 j w.wid givo ai pott^war ligujff of Jfe Ia«a0.a2i2it« It Ifl »u.-. eated to tak« aa ?o«t-war Tfcluo th- -v j« oX tfa«aa two fißurea, i,«,.^. Oth«t StooT&Miwro «st ioatad by th« Coiasilci ftt thc tuka-oT«! fet ite &,9ga.B?5. »Iiis I rig:urc *a» not aoo#pto<3 by thaclal.s»*»r,to, ftnd it dooa not incluc« li;- iwrvaat for tha yöÄT.. Aj) llctttipn of 2 üa jiulti ai^r on tiM pr«*»ar value ot Ku 2,5 , 0 w uld ra- »ult ia a iBoat-war Talue of Ko 7.B0 . . . It i» auggaated to tbka the t vrtr .,'i;a of thaaa two flgurM US po.*t-w&r Yaluij, l.e. 3£*fi07,519 iOO,uwO Ion • t • • • Othor «.aaatß, apacifled In ucatlon 12,...,,, MaSiJ^SL 3 a 8 2 8 !••» <*»i*'^ 6Z,gu5,dgO 8,979,55^ 9,lEÖ,^i50 ll,9£ft.O0O 4de, jü 1,174,220 2,28G»b75 ä7o , ;üo total: Ko t9««^«» «t«t*«»«t««««40 97,dSii,557 600 , V 00 f,4Ö7,267 {,::> r fP^ / in»tt*war ▼f.loa a ö»£31,917 „ 8r;4, ■04 lö7,7eü,e4Ö Ko 103,702,066 > * X*— I— o 1 1 — ä* 11 I « ■■»■«^»«•«MaAMI»*»«*«».«»^^ i i } • i J . i ( i i • w »«•« r i^nhy^hai tX ^AtABPt- yi.ttJM lEa^JX JlSiffiil Bttlldingt,«« TaÜüd by ^r.AllB ,Kq :i,396.4ö» • itt 7,Xö9,4gT l&achin«rj, do, ... ..•.....,,. ,,,, 6,616,020 g X3,ß«E,060 3tool£S, ••tim&U« at E.OUO.C^Üv} 1 6,000,000 ■^•^ TosUnftr Vttlu« : - Ko 4l,«ni,467 «»BOT Igpyy Jioii| ^'»»<* ^0 4.000,000 - Ko lU.üOO.OCO Building 800,;}00 . 65a.B££ Post*M«r Tulue J - Kc lii,öfl8,62; 4 '■•^■••■•■■•»^•■•■••».«.'»"■••^.•»^•«■••»■«■■«»•■»»•■•«»»iWik^.fc^PBi^W.^.i^BiiB»«**»*!^ — M^»--»«.. I «^«■M« I 3-^^. Ä i V / -->v I \ Ae 25^C3 H(\^iNf\ Kui^i Ff\KW^ CouLe.crxori 2/sS W t^lHl Vb tw wcHitAjj^ -^(K Vüw, L ^^ro]fL( öü \-i\o -Jr^ ^ imc^g £^ M: 0 u -^ t - l- lU i3 0 |)A.ox.t: oil-^J-i^-l ^1 ^^ S"^^ hMAv\<~ T^ ou-m-l-^^- IW-üüi^ i>A^u>v-(, 0 U^ 1,1- 1-16 V V t 0^^ U ü-| U1 - 1^ g ö \i - u 2 -1 -1^ 1 - 0 ü r^ »■»> M» MONMOr IH PLACE, LONDON, \V.2. ni i t r ^tev'A Coinra, Pilo No: 3C 1994 .\S/C - V511 wVrt/p 333 Docenfcor, 1953. ^: Suivoyor'a I^qp,orL&J^luation,„ basod on pricos of L^terials and .vagea/ provailing on or about Ist January, I93C. Vj-*^f. /. -T Jarno of AppHoant Dr, 4»rth\ir Czeczcwiczlca Address of AppHn»n4- 68 Grooncroft Gardoiis, London, N.".u6, - 1 - ni I"^ 4 V » . AGKICUUUIL-iL BST;^E - B.->RT0SCVIC3 Area 520.21 ha. _(tonoral i"J03cription Tho Agricultural -atate "Bartosovice" is situated in the part of iioravia v.hich runs into thc "Hana- the most fortile land in tho 1.1 \r'^Z?r'.^ '^' ^^'^^ 3ca-lovel. Tho wholo eatato ia aafo rrom tho North Vands. The fiolda and pastur^s aro finst clLa thro^Ä. Tho Urpr part of thia cstato ^vaa iniproved even uoxx) by special dramago -fiorks carriod out bctnoon 1920 - 1930. f" ^ a \^ 4. ?u^ ^*}'' ^^ pctstiiroa, and not fortilo land, which fact provos that che ostate ia ono of tlic boat in this jaxt, The raain crop was -jugar bcot tiiroughout the whole ostate. but \Jhoat, bai'loy, com, oats and potatoos wero plantod aa well. Tho area of 520,21 ha ia talrcn frora the Enolosvo^ V, subnittod to tho Coramiaaioa by the Claii-iant, »' : '.rj -3 - - J ' • - ni Valvation The valuc of the Agricultural Es täte taken on the \'holo - consisting of 4 Faria Yajrda. - Zaine cl:y I>vur, VeLky Dvur, Lucni Dvxir, Strcuni Dvur, The valuo of the builoings atiä niachines neccssary for the proper mr.naGing of tlie cstate are not taken iüto consideration separately, as these are moro or less appropriate to the size and yield of • such an cstate» It is notable that nearly all the buildings \;ero hard covor^d, oithor v;ith tilos or slatcs,, Ample Space (lofts) wcix) provldod for stora^-^o purposes for com, v/hcat, hay, etc» The bams "woro fitted for eloctrical thrashing niachinos» * Stablos v/ero (provided for 570 covvs and horses) fitted with concreto cribs and xnonning v;ator; fl«2d rail- v;ay for transport of fodder and manuro; olvwtrical li^t Installation; refri-pration for 65C Gallons of milk daily, The valuation does not talce into consideration the plus valuo of plots i.hich aro situatod in and aroixnd the parish, arid \7hiGh covor an ajxa of approx* 60.00C n/super« t 'li -4- '4 . sA .•\ • »," . 'v ■« ■ « >rf rTf I I Tho cvora^^o yiold in this [>art oT Iloravia vjas 5C0 cv«t. of su^rar boct (this i.iformation is talcen froia thvi t'ü:inc ovur protocol jf tho 15th Octobor, 1943 - Claihiarita Snclosuro IJo. T/II^ Althougji this protocol spoaks of a largor yioLd por ha, tlio lOTcr fi^iiro has been tai:en "^^ö an averago)» lo allcTjance is uiade in tliis valuation for thc livo. stock, but t':i3 itooi '»-ill bc accountod l'or soparatoly» ?or tlic total aroa ha 320 • 21 Per ha Thoref oro total yield 520*21 X 500 cwt JOO cr.vt 260a05 Per c;7t Total Incomo 260.105 x 9 iCc 9 •c 2,340.945. Dcduct 62fja for üaintenrjico, Wa£03, Insurance, Teacs, otc 64 X 2.3;.0.945 IOC Met Income Yoarly iiL't2ß..20^ Ire 342.740 Yoars Purchas« Thorofore 842,740 x 25 1^ Kc 21.066.500 CiiEHIED TD GEAi-: TCT^X 27 ■ ». - 5- ni B) ?OKasT:rr Area Extcndinp; ovcr 131 > 28 ha> Tho forosts conaiatocl of C2$i conifors, 37J^> leafy ;vocx3 and 1/i of nixod Woods, Of the 62^ conifers Of tho 37>« leafy wood 4?^^ 'vvere spruco 14/|bW3re fir 6>i vrerö yellow pine, etc^ 7^ wero oak 22^c)Wor6 8U3h trees 9>«vyerö white laroh All tlio abovo informatijn ia taten fron Ing« Jan Tomasok's doscription. Those forests were usually managod on an 60 yoars rotation^ Tho land \itxa vory sui table for theae kind of troes - clayoy and rioh of huraus^ Tiie yearly availablo yiold within a cutting cycle vaa dopcndont on the nuober oI' trooa abovo the diamctor choaen to indicatq uiaturity* A valuaxion proper on agc groups cannot bo prcparod as thoro aro noither infonaation nor documenta availablo o I am thoroforo baaing Doy eatimato on exporienco and on claima alroady a^provod by tho Coraraiaaion, Tho oward should contaln tho payiaont for land and tirabor grown on tho land. The valuoa of Rangers liouac, No» 189 - Sodlnico aro inclxxdod in tho avorago price, ojid will not bo aocovmtod for scparatoly» r, thoro foix), estimato tho land and tirhbor groi^n on it Por ha Area •- ha 22.600 Thoroforo 22,800 x 131.2S CARRI3D TO CEAHD TOTAL PAGE Z^, -6- Ko 2,??^fl%. • if *\.. '♦ ; ^ » • * - • ni C) EilVATE RAm7AY LINE 3*000 yd 3^ in lon^th» Connocting tho oxtonsivQ oatato and tho distillory *.^ith thc i.iain Hailway to Station Studonka; having j points, 1 tum table, 5 largo bridgea and 2 small bridgos, etc. Tho abovo abovo Normal Gaugo RailAvay holpod tho managownt iraraonaoly, not only ^ith tho transporting of harvost, to tho liarkot Placo but St^ocially tho sugar boot into tho distillory and rcfinory# Ey utilising this rail'ivay tlio oanageciBnta sardd on horso dra\7n carts and nKJchanically driven traotors (by transporting at Icast 380 'ivaggonga por 10 ton - yoarly) of it 200 wagj-ons of coal, artificial manuro, cattlo food, otc, (llc« 360 v/oro saved per ».agon). Valuation of Private Railiway baaed On Savinga Por Waggon 380 Waggons Thorofore 360 x 3^0 Kc 3'SO 136.800 Theroforo 136.800 X 25 25 Ko 3>420>000 -7- ■ ' X -■■■■ ■ ■■;> - , ,* ■V .■,./'. V- fll o) On actual crcction cosls of lino (.'ilRSCTED 1917). 4,5CX) m lino por Kc 7000 10^0 for sub-structuro and bank 3 Points 1 Tumtable 3 "Bridge 3 Various (Simll bridgos, otc,) Total Dcduct 30^ Doprociation ^0 X 3, 605^00 100 Thoroforc Valuo Ko 3,150.000 315.000 90.000 30.000 150.000 50.000 Kc 3,605.000 1.XU.500 Kc 2,663.500 I The Qcans of both givos tho averaßo valuo of tho Privat© Railway Lino, thus - 4 (3,420.000 plus 2,663.500) Kc. 3.041,750. CASRIED TG GEAIO TOTAL PAGE 27« . r 1 1. #.'".' o I - 8 - / o / u --• " , ..ff - m>.> I > '*V 1 " -* ., -IS •• Itt .^ 21 « •fr^ -1**; I*- D) M/LDRH0U3E ETC. The Ivlanor Kouse , (Soe attached photo).<, i^-^toroy brick building with Basemont, Ground^ Pirat, Socond, Third and Attic Ploor. TiLiber Ploor Joists, Asbostos Eternit Hoof Covoring "with Timbor Roof Tnisses, Panolled Walls, Central Keating, incliiding all out- buildins3;erocteä in tho 13 th Century, bumod dov.n and ro-erocted in I87O, but complotcly rcbuilt and modernised around 1937» 2790® 3510 @ 3510 0 2970 @ 1320 O Ploor i\roa 78O n/ super« Basemont Ground Ploor First Ploor Second Ploor Third Ploor Attic« Thorofore Total Less 3PJ5 De pro c iat ion 30 X 3 > 796. 600 lOü The reason f or doducting only 3^^^ Deprcciatlon (ajthou^ tho manor hjuse v?as a very old building) is tho information - rccoived t*rom tho claiuiant - thc.t tho ontiro building 'was rebuilt and modemisod Miti^ öonsiderablo costs about 1937« Thorofcjpo toted valuo of builäing Kc 334.800 982.800 982,300 772,200 528.000 X98.tfX) Kc3,798. 600 KCl. 139. 580 Kc2.659.020 - 9 - ■ m .'.« vt ni i t ■ • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^w ■ 1 1 2) Coach Hjuso • 1 1 Poraior Riding School - briclc building 1 1 with tiiiibor roof trusaoa, tilcd roof • 1 Carriod to SuniTiiory Pag.. 12 • Kc ^.000 1 3) D«' ^llinß Hou30_» / , • 1 Servico Fiats and Cot Shod - brick 1 building vitti tiaiber roof trussos and 1 tilod roof. 1 Carriod to Sunmiary Pago jj Kc 320,000. I U) Coach Houso 1 1 1 Pv^rago, 'ifaah Kouso and mvcUing. 1 1 Brick built '.Uth tiniber roof trussus 1 and tilod roof. 1 ' Carriod to Sumiary Pago ^2 Kc 236.000 ■ 1. 5^ lX7üllinF, House • ^1 ■ Servico Plat - brick building, two-stoxxjy 1 with tilod roof. ■ • . Carriod to Sumi.iary Pago ^ Kc. _ U4.000 • # • / ^^1 ^^K ^^^1 ^^^B . • a „ . ^ ni 6) ]>7Qlling HousQ Sorvico Fiats - brick building, one-storcy with tilcd roof • Carriod to Suminary Pago 12 Ko ^6^000 7) VariouG Outbuildings Lavatorica, Baxn, Pig Housos, Hon Roosts, otc Carriod to Suraiacoy Page 12 70,000 6) Offico Building No. }\2 Bi'lük biiilding viith tilcd roor*. 22tjO.QOO Carriod to Summary Page 12 [9) Vorics to Yard, Pcncing, otc, Carriod to Summary Pago 12 1*0 75.000 Gecrdon V/orks, otc. Carriod to Surarjary Fw.£;o 12 - 11 - AO 35 «000 ••Y ni f"Tf ni I I ^) BUILDING PLOTS Tho distillcry Bartosovico is oroctod on tho land valucd undor A« Apart froia thia fact thc clistillory r*o^ fenccd in. All thc so plots ccr/oririG an aroa of 19 «572 m2, aro valuod as building plots, and tho additional amount of Kc 20 per n/supor is in roy opinion tho fair value. Thcixiforo Por n/s^po^:' 4Vroa - n/supor Ko 20 IL^m Thcroforo 20 x 19 .572. Kc 391. W) %■:■.,. •:«?■■■ ■■'•■■-. .- V--:. 'l*^ > Carried to Grand Total Page 27 -14- m C) W;JBR RIGHTS Al'P IIgTikLL.\TION COSTS , Tho iwator supply for tho Agrioultural Eatato (i^Ot for tho omployDrs and workera and their familiea - aoTeral hundrod peoplo) 370 piecos of cattlo, roftrigeration atation, tho privato mansion and scrvico flata, tho distillory and i\)finory) "weis obtainod from tho following sourcea - l) Soizing of natural apringa in pump ^rolla. and drawing wator into olovatod atorage tanka and diatributing it. Deep wella Puraping 3 tat Ion fod with wator froia the Rivor "Oder*, by a 12'* diametor glazod pipo line of approocimatolj' 2,000 yda longth. A apooially conatruotod river aluice ^aa looked after by tho nill owncr for a yoarly nominal paymont of Ko 5#000. Tho puraping atation i»as couplod to a high lovol atorage teink from whioh the diatributlon pipea yore led. On tho baaia of the above infornation, I esüraato •• The Pumping Station, Pipo Line, Elevat Storoge Tank, Diatribution Pipea, etc« Carried to Summary Page 16 Kc 385.000 b) The Dadly average quantity of vraterrequired is estimeted at about 300 m3 or 109.500 uO of viater per annum. The prioe per o\3 naa Ko 1.10 - 0.60 if taicen ' from the Vator Worka. Aaauming therefore that the claimant aaved Ko 0.15 per n^ only, the yearly savings ivere as followa - 109.500 X 0,15 1000 - Ko 16,425 Tho estlmated valuc of tho ri^ts to take «ater fr« the sourcea la therefore - 16.425 x 25 CazTied to Summary Page l6 U0.625 -15- ii ni i i I) DISmiJRY & REFIKBRr - BARTCSOVICB The raeastireraents and descriptiona are taken from Insioranoe Polioy 13 th July, 19A4. Tho main buildinga uero ortjctod around 1913 - 1914» 25^ ia deduoted for Dopreciation- throu^out, The Diatilleiy was actually designed for a production capacity of a daily Output of approx. 3000 gallon of spirita and 5.400 gallons rofinomont. f %. Boiler Hoiiao l-storey brick building with tinier roof trusscs on stoel conatruction, feltod roof, Glaas 1^3/6. Area 171 a/supor, Alloüing for Dcprociation I ©atioBLto per n/auper Ko Area - o/stipor Thersforo i»ß8 x I7I 'Foundation and Lonerod Baseoiont Containing Pump Station Total Value 468 83,V»ß 75.000 Ko 158 .ÜB Carrlod to Suraraary Pago 2L, .\ - 18 - •fijpwnr^- O 3 O " »^ 2) V/orkahop 1-storoy brick buiiaing ^vith feltod roof. Area 35 n/super* Class l?/3/B Allowing for Doprociation • I ostimato this Building at Carricd to Sumraary Page 24> Kc lif^OOO 5) Enpjino Shcd l-3toroy brick building, tinibcr roof trussos, foltod roof. Aroa 202 n/super# Class 13/3/B# Allowing for Doprociation I ostimato per n/supor Aroa -* ny^supor« Thoroforo AB8 x 202 202 Carrioä to Summary Page 22,. ni i t 4) Engine Shed Inoludinp; Addition < V I 2^storey brick building, timbor roof tniasos, felted roof • Area 152 ti/super« Alloviing f or Deercx^latlon I estiraate per n/auper# Area - n/super Therofore 838 x 152 Ceorried to Summary Pa^o 2i^ Kc Class 13/3/B 838 152 Kc 127>376> 5) Apparatua & Engine Shop Containing Ground, First, Socond and Third Ploor. Brick building, tinber floor joists, feltod roof. Area 12|X) n/ super« Allowing for Doprociation I estimate per n/supcr* Claas 1^3/A, U960 1 O 1 I ■ I Formen tinj?» Malt Floor, otc« 2-atoroy brick building, fcltod roof, officos, laboratory, servico flats, granary, otc. Claos 7/3. Ko / Aroa 635 n/super, Allcwing for Doprceiation I oatimato per n/aupor Area - n/supor Thcroforo 1,425 x 635 Carriocl to Sutnaary Pago 24 7) Factory Chimney Briok building, 130 ft. high, including vory hcavy foundations, etc. Carried to 80013. ry Pago 24. 8) Lavatori 03 Briok building, Aroa 21 n/aupor Carried to Suianary Pago 24 1.425 Xc 904.875. Kc 60.000 Kc 8.000 - a - ni .^ ) Dopoaitory for Spirits 2-atoroy brick building, tinibor roof trussos, feit od roof. i Aroa 514 n/super» Allowing for Deprooiation I ostimato per n/ super Area - n/super* Thoroforo 845 x 534. Carried to Sunimary Pa^o 24 D) Cpen Shed Brick building, Aroa 62 n/aupor* Carried to Sa^imary Pago 24 l) T/eifih Bridge > oto^ 1-atoroy brick building, foltcd roof^ Aroa 116 n/aupor» i Ko Class 12/li/B. 845 514 Allcwing for Deprooiation I ostimato por i^supor Aroa - n/aupcr Thcrofoorc 116 x 504. Carried to Su.xiary Page 24 Ko Clasa 7/2. 504 116 - 22 . Ko äiitu^ Ko SESX 25.000 Ko 58.464, ni 12) Varloua Shoda Foltoä Roofs, Kc 10.000 r Carried to Surnmary Pago 24 13) Piro Brip:adQ ^ 3hod> 1-storoy briok building, Aroa 30 o/supor« Carriod to Sa.i'aiary pa^o 2k,. 14) Denaturlsinj^ Shop l-3toroy brick buildin/?, feltod roof , concreto floor paving» Aroa 125«50 n/süpor, Carriod to SuixTLiay Pago 24. 15) Spirlts Store > Brick building, feit roof oavoring. Area 125 x:/3\xper. Carried to Summary Page 2f|. Kc Kc Kc i;5^ooo 75.000 7S0Q0 I 16) Pencinß, Drainage and Worics to Yard^ Plvuahing etc. Carried to SuLtnary Page 24 ♦ Kc 60.000 - ^ - ■■•■•'•. •- ■•■•«-- • ■}- '%.. . ■ -, v:,"* ni I t ö- I. Ifk V" 1) Boiler House* 2) '..'orlcshop 3) angine Shed 4) Engine Shed 5) Apparatua Shed 6) Perr»»nting, etc. 7) Pactory Chiraney 8) Lavatoriea 9) Depoaitoiy for Spirita 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S U M M A R Y Page 18 n 19 tt 19 n 20 II 20 N 21 N 21 n 21 N 22 Open Shed. TTeißh Bridge, etc. Various Sheds Piro Brigade Denaturising Shop Spirits Store Pencing, Drainage, etc 22 22 25 23 23 25 23 Kc 158.41.3 14.000 98.576. 127.376. 274^00 904.875. 60.000, 8.000 454.330. 25.000. 58.4Öf. 10.000. 13.000. 75.000, 75.000, 60.000 9\ 4 ( i Total Value of Building Kc 2.396.469 <-* aiERriD TO GJRAIiD TOTAL PAGE -22,.- Ip jwwnfwii.ii iiiiw">iiiii,i.i> ntw>wip»BHBWwi^wwrWf|iil. , l iW.i l~5f K) M&CHL^'I3S ^IID LlBCH/iNIG/Ji FLAMT AND Offico oquipraent, etc. as per Insurance Policy Docuoont; ^ including eroction, instaillatiGn and foundationa* Kc 6t6l6»030# •^fmm* aiRRIED TO GRAND TOTAL PAGE 2? A With regard to thc prices of some individual items in tiie Insurance Policy tho cLairaant has obtained osUiiiafco froiu Marufkoturers Ytkxo axe actually sup^jüers of machines of the same type and cven make» I aal roforrinß hero to the folla^ing letters - a) Dogusa, Frankfurt an Ilain, lotter of tho I6th Juno, 1952, in German Language - translation of iiVhich reads - - . Dr. Af Czecsowicska, ^^ 61 Groenoroft Gordens, :^ Londons» li.\l.6. 4 Re: Dehydration Apparatua Processing etc. ••We thank you very nuch for your letter of the 3rd June, and are .leaaed to read that you still reuiember vrell the dehydration Apparatus \ie delivered to you to Bartoscvice» A Dehydration Apparatua of a capacity of 120 hl cösts P.03. Hanfcurg including packing cxpenaes Dm l6if 000 today. Etc I «•Tho abov^o apparatua ia Identical vith Item 87 of the Insurance Policy and tho aiuount insurod ia RM 1^.500^. ••note by thc Yiriter of tnia report*# r''f ' 1 'i yf' ii Letter from T.P* Lederer, 77 Beokwith Road, S.E.24^ dated the 29tli June, 1952 and reads as follows - Dear Unclo Arthur, As roquosted I havo mado sorae onquirios rogarding tho value of some of tho aiacliinoiy you montioned, and havo ascertained tho following:- !• Cornish Stoam Boiler of tho hoating aroa you raentioned dolivorod and oroctcd, with brick Surround, etc» Approx. valuo» (Acoordlng to Heaars. Cox and Danks) » £k,OQO 2. Babcock Steaui Boiler dolivorod and croctod as abovo« (Acoording to Llossrs, Babcock and '.."iloox) 2CX) Ib/sq^in. Approx. value £17#000 - £16.000. 3. 100 Hp Stoam Engine (500 r.p.m. 200 Ib/sq. in.) (Acoording to llossrs. Poter Brotherhood Ltd^ Peterboroug^) Approx. value £ 2100 I hope tliat theso values \;ill bo of somo assistanco to you, ttioug^ naturally thcy aro only very approximato. " Etc...,...»«»« IDTES BY THE WRITKR OP THIS K2.X)Rr:- Itom No. 1 Itom No. 2 Itea No. 3 In this lottor is identioal with Itom No. 1 of the Insurance Policy insurod Rm. 10.350. as against £ i^JOOO of the ostimate. In this lottor is identioal Tiith Itom No. 6 of tho Insurance Policy insurod Rm 70 .400 os against. £ 17.000 - £ 18.000 of the estimate. In this letter is identioal iiith Itom No« 10 of the Insurance Policy insiu^od Rm 8.300 aa against £ 2100 of tho estimate. I ahould say thersforot that the prioes montionod in the Insurance ty are roasoablo pre-nar values. (Already Depreoiatod)." • 26 - ..* '. . i. f'' , .'3-.'v.-. ?.'i *?^i i. ' "'• • • * ,;,•,. '.GHMKIKH. L- •■■ ~ . : ^ ;*■ r^i » .• .X I oertify that I have propared this Report & Valuation on hand af Information recived frora the Clairaant, taken from the Land Rogistries, IIr# Toaiasok's, and photo and insuranoe pölloles available» I furthor cortify that tho particulars and infoimation givon in xa^ Report & Valuation ajno corroct to tho best of my kno\7lodge and bolief , and that in my opinion tho fair valuo of the propcrty for Compensation Purposos in 1533 v^as Kc U,520^018, I further cortify that I havo no dircct or indirect interest in tho property or tiio claimant» .^^ Baysvjater, Döcembors 1953# Architoctiiral Siiryoyor^ •"ii ■. '?. ■■,i ■ \. V X 28 -^ M- U vV■-.♦^■^v: .... V . . ^.4 ■■ -v ' ■ , » ■ * ■ - •■. ■ * • '* '-•. *■ n iipiiiiiiiii iii.ii II ,- ni i^ r •> 1 1 (SL'iND TOT^ li Esxc'^to Bartosovico 3) Por':)stry C) ?.ailv;ay D) üanor Houso, otc, E) Sorvico Fiats Building Plots ■Jator Hir^ta c" Installction H\intint « Pishing Rights Diatillery Buildin^-s Diatillcry Kaohines, Pago 8 12 13 17 2ir Ko 21.066.500. 2.993.184 3.0a.750 3.975.020 152.000 795.625 90.000 n Total Valiio Xo iw.. 520 ,018. ^^a-^i: '^'^^^ptu:.cCH '^t^A^^/^ / 4 ^■"^^.U^ •{^^■>s . -> /•■.^'' *v ' »^^ ;J ■ ^■./i .' c 1 , ■ '*.■'■'' *:'■:. r.^V--'' :,' >■ ';/i,'. »••■ ■> -27- ':•' i«. 1 ■i*'' ■y,.' .'■■ V \ filf^f^fi^lß^llif^ligp^m^..m.-.^-'^.^ ■•— — -^ m m* immm*y''^'mmmmmf9tl'**''>**'* *'*^.."*^'"m' ni rnr ^■7 — - • ~ r.T - r^ nncu :'e'.: ircr::/ri. Ion? '^a^.i^)t> ii)y , ta 2n: or J5? • ^ ^3 r-aspoise co the fact? c. As tc r.Ja!i-»k*r cc icipsioi» cIipl tiy^ro is ^^ chanctr of re iti cytj v:)n I ruic ' i cf^ to up vrvvr -"'Mooesrion anr hav^ "oii »; IV casr^ in evin.3ac;/ i'cr =ipv )ii'"* Ko .^se*" of 1-^w prDvi.:,Gd no -aa-^Tc 13 corir?ccod v;icn thio. r"*^u?'' 70U alro tor v'our liii.^ie i\:scc.:ü anö I c/- OicloslrQ .T.y check ior ?2e.7j in settle.nent o i iKv ' r i" 1 ' > Vor» r s >. r #'/ 144 EAST 44TH STREET, 6TH FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10017 IRENE TANNEN TELEPHONE: (212) 6614469 FAX: (212) 808-9808 January 8, 1998 Mrs. Hanna KUNZ # C 209 3500 W, ehester Pike Newton Square, PA 19073-4101 RE: Hanna KUNZ, nee Czecowiczka Claims in the Czech Repiiblic Dear Mrs. Kunz: First my best wishes for the New Year 1998 - to maintain good health and peace of mind. As far the judgments from the Chech Courts, enclosed please find the fax from Dr. Janak, from December 18, 1997. The Contents of the fax is self-explanatory. Hower based upon my expierence, there maybe some changes of law in the future, since your Gase is probably not the only one in the matter. Should you authorize me, then I will ask Dr. Janak to keep your case in evidence and in the event that the law will be changed^ to get directly in touch with you. Enclosed please find my time-sheet and the bin for professional Services rendered. Sincerely yours, ,__ Irene Tannen 'X^'vec31 56 70 Ms. Irene Tannen 144 EAST 44** Street, ö*" floor New York, NY 10017 Prague, Decembcr 17, 1997 Dcar Ms. Tannen, thanks for your letter of November 19, 1997 which was delivered to me together witb a copy of the letter firom Ms. Hana Kunz. HowevcT 1 tried to explain most precisely thc real Situation in her case I am afraid that some unsubstantiated hopes for a positive Solution has becn raised. I am afraid we bave to conclude that if the legal representatives of Ms. Kimz did not repeal thc decision of the Magistrate Couit by the application to the Snpremc Court oi by a constitutional complaint there is not a least chance today to seck any remedy to change die already issued decision in the case. We were not informed precisely about the instruction which was given by Ms. Kunz to her legal representativc but we have to stress that the application to the Suprcme Court or to the Constitutional Court is not considered to be an Option automatically adopted by a lawyer without a special request of the chcnt. For this kind of an apphcation a special füll powers must be granted. Nevertheless^ thc client should have been advised about this possibility by h^ legal representativc. Having said that wc can conclude that today there is absolutely no chance to achieve the restitution decision if the above said applications were not duly filed. What concems your fax of December 5, 1997 about the Claims of Ifl^^kn, we are, of course, prepared to send you the required aflidavit containing the legal opinion provided in our previous correspondcncc. We think that the most effectivc way how to deliver the opinion to you, is if you draft it in English, fax it to us and after possible ametidments agreed with you, we shall send a hard print back signed by DHL. Kind regards JUDr. AntoiiLn J ^> W\.k20-2-2ii-5-fc2') Page I CASE TIME RECOHD DATE OPENED ^ TYPE OP CASE NAME OP MATTER Ugwyc^ V(m t. NAME OP CLIENT ^ Date Code Remarks Disbur ments j carry over Hrs lOthsl As SOG Hrs, Tim lOth! O^^oq^ vWi;^^ _ i ,^f:^(}^_y) ^-^K/i, VOuv? 1/ £1 .. _PS;\o-jf\-> fi^:^ Ji'Jb • '\-y^^ So jMO-<^'> ^5- I lU^.tK \^^yjt^l2,h:.l9y^^^ so J^ll^i^JL tt?:iiii-^_'_vA'^'i. ; 5ö 3. ^5.w^ [J[ Ürdr: II ,L.J. 1 carry over I I Wednesday ■f'/ 9^. Dear Haniia, I was surprised not to have heard from you last night and wonder what the result of your conversation with the prospective new lawyer was. I enclose several copies of the letter ,from the Por. Comp. Commission with translationfwhich is now acceptableV ^ Perhaps you will want to call me to discuss accompanvine letter to Evy. ^ j' & Bestest - Por Hanna' B files - Letters (original) fron For. Comp. Oomm, , London^ April, 1995, with translation into Czecla. f f ■■>^-, "W ^ mm m I Room 3 / 59 Old Admiralty Building Whitehall London SWl A 2AF Telephone: 071-210 6158 Cur Ref :B 355 51 May 1995 Dear Mrs. Weif, AS promised v/hen we spcke cn the telephone today I have prepared a certificate for Mrs. Kuns which omits any reference to the amounts cf compensation received by the Czecsowiczka family in respect of the Estate Bartosovice, ander the Foreign Compensation (Gzechoslovakia) Order in Council 1950 (as amended). I hope this will meet the requirements of the lawyers in Prague. Yours sincerely, (A N GRANT^) Secretary to the Commission I I X MB ^M3Bi « ifc M ■■■n« ^^a iM-«iri<- -nir- set't' 6se 912 80:18 NOH 96-Nnf-( Room 3 / 59 Old Admiralty Building WhitehaU London SWl A 2AF Telephone: 071-210 6158 Our Ref :B353 51 May 1995 TG VHOM IT MAY OOMOERK PROPERTY: ESTATE BARTOSCVICE AND ALCtHCL FACTCRY AND REPINERY IN BATOSÜVICE. ^^mmm 1**^^ 1^ ■••■ i#^— •*^^"— •* This is to certify that the family Czecaowiczka including Ära, Hanna Kunz (nee Czecsowiczka) received a amall percetagc of the true value of the ahove property in coDipenaation,in line with the funds available for distrihution under the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ircland and the Government of the Ozechoslovak Republic dated 28th September 19^9- (A N GRANT) Scretary to the Commission Room 3 / 59 Old Admiralty Building Whitehall London SWIA 2AF Telephone: 071-210 6158 Our Ref :B353 51 May 1995 TO WHOM IT I^iüY GLNGERN PRCPii-RTY: ESTaTE BARTCSCVIGE AND ALCCHLL FAGTtRY AND REFINERY IN HATGiöüVICE. This is to certify that the family Czecsowiczka including Mrs. Hanna Kunz (nee Gzecsowiczka) received a small percetage of the true value of the above property in compensation,in line with the funds available for distribution under the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslcvak Republic dated 28th September 1949. (A N GRANT) Scretary to the Gommission I I »armt 1^ ä i Preklad Razitko: Komise pro kompensaci V zahranici . Room 3/59 Old Admiralty Building Whitehall London SWIA 2AP Telephone: 071-2106158 Nase reference: B 333 31.kvetna 1995 K RÜKAM POVERENO MAJETEK : POZEMEK BARTOSOVTCE A LIHOVAR A RAPINERIE V BARTOSOVICICH. Timto dopisen» potvr.uji, ze rodina ^""J«^;"^^^^;, "Jj^'J^^^'^^ «-«i Hannu Kunzovou (narosena Ciecsowiczka) obdrzela maie ^rocento z re^lnrhodnoty vyse uvedeneho majetku jako Jornpenzacx ktera se podrizovala fondum uvolnenym pro rozdeleni podle dohody !:e:rv!:d^u Spojeneho Kralovstvi Velke Britanie a Severn.ho Irska a vladou Ceskoslovenske republiky datovane 28. zari 1949. ( A N GRANT ) Tajemnik Komise ~N/^ CeskA republika 7 ROZSUDEK JMENEM REPUBLIKY 33 Ca 62/94-4 Kestsky soud v Praze rczhodl v Senate siozenem z pfcdsedicvi 0 xc JULt. Hanj Douskove a soudcu JUDr. Nadezd^.- 5ehai:ove a I/.gr. Ale Krylove v pravni veci navrhovatellcy liany K u n z o v e, "bytein Ira- ha 10, U Vesny 3, zast. JuDr. Oldficheir. Hor'al.ei:, advckaten:, A[{: Pra- ha 2, Jecna 29 proti odpiirci: OliresniEu v.f cdu-pozerkovemu üfadu v NoveE: Jicme a !„•; c a V Agroprurycloveho Icontinatu a*s* Sedlni- ce, 2/ Otce Eartosovice, 3/ Pozeickoveho fcndu ÖR, :.o. tocka i« cvy ^ T- U -;-" ein, Kuso-a 13, 4/VgV? Brno, äkolni zecedelsky podnik Kovy Jicin, 5/ Statni rytafstvi Ostrevc, Ortravs 2, Tfsinska 54, 6/Lesy Ölt, les- ni sprava Prenstat pod Radliostem, 7/i.'-s-avsL:osl8Zska va^orilca StuderJ-a, 8/ Otec Sedlnice, 9/ZD Studenka, Fuctejov, 10/ Benzina, gvalinskeho IS Octrr.v.s, 11/ FR3ITA, st.p. Pferov, Tovacovska 1342, 12/Ulielne sklady Novy Jicin, 13/Fovodi Odry, Ostrava 1, Varenska 49, U/rUI'^"? Fora via O • .u • inka, 15/Ceske dr^Iiy, otl. fed.,Cloroc, ITerudcva 1, 16/ Kinisterstvo zem. fe, Novy Jicin, Hucova 13, 17/rL-tsl:y üfad Studenk 18/ Otecni ufad Zavisice, o opra\Tieir. prostredku navrhovatGlky prcti rozhodnuti odpürce ze dne 2.2.1994, c*:. PÜ/1 1 134/92-3y-202-3 t a k t 0 3czhodn^lti pozerkcveho v.rr?.du s e p o t v r z u ^ e Navrhovatelka nena prävo na nahradii nairiadu rizeni. Oduvodn ^ni : SEVT ■ 1700 1 0 1/91 OTK 3 - 2221/91 1 — <1 — 1 *. ITapcclenyiii rozhodnutiin poz3inl:ovy ufad ro2:hodl podle ust. § 9 cdct. 4 zücona o püde, ze navrhovatelka neni vlr.stnici pfesne vyjrnenovanyc} ner.ovitosti v k.ü« Bartosovice, Eutovice, Sedlnice, Puste jov, Zavisic^, t. j. ina;jetku tvoficiho velkoctatek Bartosovice. Pozeiri:ov7 üfad vysel ze zjisteni , ze navrhovatelka je osotou op- rävnenou die ust. § 4 zaicona o pude, a ze se dcvoldva restitucniho ":'- tulu uvedeneho v ust. § 6 odst. 1 pisr.. t/ zJuiona o püde, t.;i- tvrdi , ze püvcdni vlcstnici nerovitosti pozTyli pos-^upem die zäk. c. 142/4'* Sl:», a zal:. c. 46/ -^c Sl'., a to odnetin tez nahrady. Die stairoviska Sp- ravy pro veci majetkove ze dne 4* 10. 1993 tyli püvcdni vla^tnici od- skodncni za poztyti predmetneho majetku jako tritsti, resp. americti, st. olccane mezistatnin-i dohcdajni. Eritsti spoluvlif:.stnici talito otdrze- li nejii;ene 34 678 1 /GBl/, americke spoluvlastnice paic castku 258 682, 17 ^ /USD/. Navrhovatelka ;je ociiotna takto vyplacer. u cactku v pfipad',. vydrini predmetnych nenovitosti statu vratit. Dohody o vydani casti predmetneho r.ajetku uzavfeli s navrhcvatelkou ,ir osoty povinne pouze Agropi"uumysl ovy komtinat, a.s. Sedliiice a Cbec Bar- tosoTice, avsak tyto dohody pozericovy ürad svym rozhcdnutim ze dne 25*1 »1994 , neschvälil. Ostatni povinne osoty se s navrhovatelkou necic hodl na vydani ztyvajicich casti velkostatku Eartosovice. Z tcchto zjisteni pozeickovy üfad dovodil, ze neni den restitucni titul uvedeny v ust. § 6 odst. 1 pism. "b/ zakcna o püde, protoze k od- neti majetku sice doslo die zälconü o poze^ikovycn reformach, avsak za nähradu, pficemz nopripada v üvahu navräceni nahrady die ust. § 6 odst 3 zäkona o püde, ktere dopada na jine pripadv odntti r.a;jctku, takze i:: müze "byt rozhodnuto o vlastnictvi navrhovatelky k pfedmetnym nenovitcr: tem. Iroti tcr.uto rozhcdnuti podala navrhovatelka opravny prostfedek a tiin, ze sice püvcdni vlastnici otdrzeli za pfedrietne nenovitosti od-- skodneni na zäkladS mezirtatnich dohod, s.VK^ak tote odskodneni neodpov:' dalo jejich podilüm na toEto najetku ani jehc celkove hodnote. Takto ziskanou castku je ochotna navratit, ma za to, zelze na dany pfipad aplikovat ust. § 6 odst. 3 zäl-iona o püde. Trvala na toir, ze je dan restitucni tit^al podle ust. § 6 odst. 1 pism. t/ zäkona o püde, a navi* hovcJLa , aty tylo napadene rozhodiiuti zruseno a vec vracena pozerko- vemu üfadu k dalsinu postupu. Odpürce nxivrhoval, ahy "Lylo napadene rozhcdnuti jalco «pravne potvrzenp z düvodü v nem uvedenych/viz jeho vyj adf eni zalozene v sou- visici veci vedene pod sp. zn. }3 Ca 61/94/* l';est3ky soud v Praze pfezicoumal napadene rozhcdnuti pozemkovc^. ho üradu vcetne fizeni, ktere mu predchazelo, aniz narizovcl jednani § 2501 a nasl* o.s.f*, \: 9 odst. 6 zäii.c. 229/91 St. ve zneni pozdej- sich pfedpisü / a dospel k zaveru, ze pozeiikov:^ üfad zaujal spravny pfavni näzor a spravne rozhcdl. Opravriy prostfedek navrhovatelky neni düvcdny. - 3 - V teto prävni vcci je nepcch3."tne, 2e o v-däni nemovito-ti die :-;- kons 0 i-Cide £ada osote opravntnä die ust. § 4 cit. zdk. , kterä se dc- vclava restitucniho titulu uvedeneho v ust. § 6 odst. 1 pisE. t/ cit. zaicona. Däle je nesporne, ze pfdiretne iiencvitocti tyly püvodniir: vlast- nikuE odiiatjr postupem die säilc. c. 142/47 St. o revizi rirvni pozerkove reforEjr a die zakona c. 46/48 St. 0 nove po£eirkove refcrme, a ze pü- vodni ylastnici otdrzeli za ta.cto poz yte nemovitosti odskodneni die ir.ezist3tnich dchod. Spornou otazkou zustäva, zda na dany DfiiDad do^c- da ust. § 6 odst. 1 pisE. t/ cit. zalc. zda totiz k odneti'doilo die zakonu 0 pozeMcovych refornach toz nJC-oO- ci ::öc iicxhrada tyla roskyt- nuta, talcze cit. zäJ-:. ustanoveni na tento pfipad nedopada. Navrhova'to" ka Eia za to, ze je dan uvedeny restituvni titül, ze sice tyla odskocn: dle^Eiezistatni dohody, avsak toto odskcdntni tylo v rife, kterä necd- povidala hodnote majeüLu, a ze je ociiotna cästku, ktera ji talcto t-n .■ poskytnuta, navratit die ust. § 6 odst. 3 zdicona 0 vddl , Odpurc- md za^to, ze uvedeny restitucni titul neni dan, ze totiz v tonto -Koac.- aoslo kodncti maoetku za nähradu, a zetaicto natytcu caitku neize^di- ustan. ^- ^ odst. 3 navratit, toto zäk. ust. dopadä na jine pfipady. Soud cospel na zeklade dokladü, ktare otsaiiuje sT^ravni scis, ke shodr-eEu zaveru jalco pozeirkovy üfad. Pfedevsin zdüraznuje, ze'je nutr.c vyjit ze^Zapisu sepsanelio dne 21. 10. 1949 v kajicelafe statniho lios- podäistvi V Bartosovicich, kde zastupoveO. pc^vodni vlas-uniky Dr. C. Czeczoviczka, a kdy tylo pfedneteir. jednani -crevzeti \'elkostatku Bartc- sovice urceneiio pro ücely pozeDicove rsforny die vynosu min. zengdel--- VI ze dne 15.4.1949, ö. J.63C9/48-IVR-12, resr.- vykouT)eneho die zäl:. 46/48 St. v^anerec OITV ITovy Jicin ze dne 3O.9.1949 zn. 61 1/48-29/ 4-4o_- Z otsahu zapisu jednoznacne v:^-rlyva, ze k odncti majetku doslo ze n£':". radu, ze zästupce püvodnich vlastniku si vyhradil podcinlcu, se Einis- ter-tvo zecedelstvi cely stätek uhradi v hotovosti, pricecg uvedeny'' Zäpic Dr. Czeczowiczka podepsal c vyhradou nezinarcdnich jednäni stät: CSR,Anglii a USA. Z dcpisu LIinisterstva financi ze dne 17.6.1993 psk vypl-'^ä, ze naxoky H. Kunzove ol-aedne zni-t'r.eho :xaje-cku tyly pod c. 2C 19999 vypoiadäny na z ädkl -.dl^^e^rro^^e zi Öe skosl ovensker: 's. VelkouEri- tanii a Sev. Irsken ze Qne(^8.9. 1949j> ^ odncti ±a.ietku zce 'ed- clösl^ podle zfc.^r. lA^/^/ at . a >afe^-er-g5/A8st . za nahradu. z uvedenych listinnych dükazü vj^pl.-'-va, ze r.i isterstvo :-ei!:€df:istvi ce zavazalo ui:- radit hodnotu etatku, coz pak tylo realizovano faktickv na zälilade zminine cezistatni cchody, 0 cenz od sareho pocatku jednani nezi zas- tupcer. püvodnich vlastniku a nasiDi s:. organy netylo pochyt, jak je ziejEe z otssiiu zapisu ze dne 21.10.1949, jalc lylo popsano' zkora. Z uvedeneho je patrno, ze na dany pfipad nedopada resitucni ti- tul uvedeny v ust. § 6 odst. 1 pisir,. t/ zaicona o v.üde, ktereho ce dc- volava navrhovstelka, kdyz k odn--! zrinenych ner.ovitosti dloslo za nal:iradu, a ne::ovitos-ci nc-lze v.,-dat ciii z :ineho düvcdu uvedeneho v uc" ^^ 6 cit. zak. 3 ohledec na tu skutecno V f. :e V teto pravni veci neni - 4 - » « nai:lnen ?adny z restitucnich titilü uvedenych v cit. UGtancveni sdlccnc'^, nepochytil ^ozeickovy üiad, kdyz rozhodl, ze na^vrhovateliia nein, vlactnici pfedr. tnych nenovitosti. , K odvolacin vyhradäm navrhovatelliy so ad podotyka, £e otanka vr/se nahradTr za odnate nenovitosti nem. rozhodna v to mto pripade navrhovatel- ka /resj. jeji pravni predchudci/ mela r.oLnost se v pfipade nesouhlasu svyoh prav doirähat na zäklade zminenych nezistatnich dohod. JTavrhovatelkc:-, rovnes neinuze event# pcukazovat na restitucni titul uveder-y. v ust« § 6 odst. 1 piGE:. r/ zälcona o pude, kdyz na ^e^i pfipad zcela ;jasne dopada GpeciaZ_ni ust. § 6 odst. 1 pism. Td/ zalcona o pude, a tau uvedene predpck- lady pro navraceni predn^etneho najetku nejsou dany. Otaska aplikace ust. § 6 odst. 3 cit. zäk. je s oiiledem na shora vysloveny prävniho zeela rriro posouzeni teto pravni veci. Na zaklade shora naznaceneho ::cud potvrdil napadene rozhodnuti p zenücoveho ufadu jalio vc cne spravne /§ 250f o.s.f. a § 250q odst. 2 o*s,i,/ Vyrok o nahrade näicladü rizeni se opira o ust* § 25Ck odst* 1 es. a § 2501 o:;st# 2 o.s.f., protoze navrhovatelka netyla v tomto fizeni üs- pc snä. _ • Froti tomuto s odst. 1 o.s#f#/. rozsudku n e n i opravny prost redek pripustny /§25C V Fraze dne 29 •9*1994 Za spravnost? JULr. Hana Douskova pfedsedkyne senatu '^ '■>' ' 'f ^v^ CeskA republika rozsudek jmSnem republiky 33 Ca 61/94-7 KeDtsky soud v Fraze rochodl v Senate clozeneK z rfedsedlcvne J^r. Hany Douskovä a soudcü JUDr. Nadezdy ßehakove a L^gr/Aleny Kr-lov- V rravni veci navrhovatalky : Plany Zxmzove, tyten Fraiia IC, U V^^n^r ■< zast. JUDr. OldrichsiD Horäkem, advokätem AI-: Fraha 2, Jecna 29 proti" od- purci: Okresnimu üfadu-pozemzovemu Ofadu V Novem Jicine, za ücasti 1' AgroprÜF-ysloveho koirtir.ätu a.s. Slusovice, 2/ Obce Eartoöovice, 3/ To- zeirkoveEu -ndu ^Jln, pccocka Nctv Jioin, Husc^^a 13, o opravnec prcstfed ku navrhovatelky proti rozhodnuti odpürce ze dna 25. 1. 1994 ctj. FÜ/ 1 t a k t o : 3 oh- Soud neschvaluje dohody o vydäni nenovitosti ze dne 28. 4. 1^9 lednc k.ü. Sedlnice a ze dne 24.5-1993 oiaedne k.ü. Bartosovice." rTavrhovr.telä:a nena prävo na naia-adu näiaadu rfzeni. Odüvodneni: Napaden/^D rozhodnutic pozeFk. üfad podle § 9 odst. 2 zälcona o y:üa' neschv&lil dchody o vydani neirovitocti uzavrene dne 28.4. 1993 niezl^ m.vv~ hovst?lkou a Agroprumyslovyin koirtinatein a.s. Sedlnice oJiledne neciovitcs- ti V k.ü. Sedlnice a dne 24-5.1993 mezi n-vrhcvatelkou a Olrci Bartoäovi-. oliledne nsEovitosti k.ü. v Bartosovice. Pfi sven; rozhodoväni vysel ze zjisteni, ze navrhovatelka uplathu^e narok na vydani zir.inenych nemovitosti j^ko osota opravnenä podle ust. § 4 odot. 1 pisE. c/ a e/ zälcona 0 rüde, a ze ss dovolava restitucnihc titulu uvedeneho v ust. § 6 odst. 1 pisic. t/ cit. zak, , t.j. tvrd< :- puvodni vlastnici nerrovitosti pozlyli dla zälc. c. 142/47 St. a zak"'cr SEVT - 1 7 001 0 1/91 OTK 3 - 2221/91 I I I '^-» - 2 ^ 46/48 St. a to odnGtim tez nahrady. Ze stanoviska Spravy pro vtci r.ajet- kove ze dne 4. 10* 1993 poseri. üfad zji' til, ze piedmctne ner^ovltoati st::t nalyl v roce 1948, rer?:p. 1949 postupem shora uvedenym, pricemz püvodm vlastnici tyli v ddte odneti ir.ajetku britskymi, resp. arerickymi, statni:: otcany, a ze Vyli odSliodneni na zal:lade riezistatnich dchod. TaI:to tritsT;:; spoluvlastnici oldrzeli nejDiene 34 678 L /G-PP/, airericka spoluvlastnice pale castku 258 682,17 ^ /USD/. Navrhovatelka je ochotna takto vyplrcencu castku V pfipa^e vydani pfedmetnych ner ovitosti sfat ;vratit# Z techto zjist?ni dovodil, ze neni dan resiri-'rj.C i tituL, 0 ktery - navrhovatelka opira protoze k odneti zminfneho majetku doslo za nähradix a ze nepripada v üvahu nr-vracenä takto poskytnute nährady podle ust. § 6 odst. 3 zakona o püde, protoze toto zäkonne ustanoveni setyka jinych rcrr- titucnicii titulü a pfedneüne dohody z uv3denycii düvodü neschvälil. Froti touiuto rozhodnuti podala navrhovatelka opravny prostredek s tim, ze sice püvod-.i vlactnici otdrzeli za pfedmetne nenjovitosti ods- kodnCni na zalilade lüeziGtatnich dohod, avsak toto odskodneni neodpovida- lo jejich podilüiD na tcLito F.a.jetku ani jehc celkcve hodnote. Takto zis- kanoii castku je ochotna navrdtit, ma za to, ze Ize na dany pH päd apliko- vat Ußt. § 6 odst. 3 zälcona 0 püde. Tr^^ala n ton, ze je dän restitucni t tul podle ufA* ^ 6 odst. 1 pinm. t/ zakona o püde a navrhovala, aty tylc napadene rozhodnuti zruseno a vec vracena pozeirk. üradu k dalsimu postupL. Odpürce navrhoval, aty tylo napadene rozhodnuti Jaleo spravne potvr zeno z düvodü v nem uvedenych. Mestsky soud v Fraze pfezkoumcl napadene rozhodnuti pozerk. üradu vcetne fizeni, ktere ru predchazelo, aniz nafizoval jednani § 2501 a ndi-l 0.3. r., § 9 odct. 3 ?.älc. c. 229/91 St. ve zneni pozdfgsich pfedpirü a dospel k zaveru, ze pozenliovy üfad postupoval spravne, kdyz pfedmetne do- hody o vydpjii zemedclskeho Ea.jetku neschvälil. Opravny prostredek navrhc- vatelky neni düvodny. Ffedir.eteiii T)fez}coimani ie die cit. zälv. rozhodnuti pozerJv* üradu, kterym neschvälil dohody 0 vyd^ni neiovitosti. Soud v ramci tohoto prez- koTJuräni rozlioduje zaeadnf tak, ze tuet dohodu saui schväli / ccz Ize pouze tehdy, .Je-li dohcda plnf": v souladu ee zälzoner/ neto tak, ze dohodu nes- chväli a vcc vrati pozei.-. üradu k rozhodnuti o vlastnictvi/ viz § 9 oci:::. 3 zak. o püde/. Zruseni a navraceni veci pozemk. üiadu k noveinu rozhodnu.'. o schvaleni ci neschvaleni dohody, res f. dohod, pfichazi v üvahu pouze tajT, kde ty event. nov(. fizerii inohlo pf inest talcove poznatkjr, v jejic:\z - 3 - svetle 1:7 dohcda olßtala a tylo Iv mozne ji GChvdlit* To ovüeir. nepri- chäzi V üveJiu toi:, kde dchoda je v rozporu se zakonem. / § 39 etc. zsiv • V teto iDrdvni veci je nepochytne, ze 0 vydani nemovitosti die za- kona 0 püdF. zdda oscta oprdvntna die uet. § 4 cit. zaic* 0 püde, kterd :".:; dovoläva restitucniho titulu uvedeneho v ust. § 6 odst. 1 pisE. V cit. zäkona. Däle je nesporne, ze pfedmctne neF-ovitoP"^! lyly puvodniin vlast- nikum odnaty postupen die zaJ:. c. 142/47 ^"b* o rerizi prvni pozeinkove reformy a die zäkona c. 46/48 St. o nove pozemk. reforme, a ze puvodni vla'^tnici otdrzeli za takto poztyte nenovitosti odökofineni die rezist- atnich dohod. Spornou otazkou züstäva, zda na dany pripad dopada ust. c 6 o:L?t, 1 liei . 1/ cj..':. "v'k. zda totiz k odneti doslo die zäkonü o pozeirJcovych reformach tez naiirady, ci zda nährsda tyla poskytnuta, t8i> ze sice tyla odskodnena die mezistätni dohody, avsak toto odskodneni tylo V mire, ktera neodpovidala hodncte r.ajetku, a ze je ocliotna cast- ku, ktera takto tyla poskytnuta, ncvrf.tit die ur t. 5 6 odi:t. 3 zäkona 0 pv:'.?. Odpürce mä za to, ze uvedeny restitucni titiü. neni dan, ze to- tiz V tomto pfipadt doslo k odneti mcjetku za nahradu, a ze takto na- tytou castku nelze die ust. f 6 odst. 3 navratit, toto zäk. ust. dn- pada n-r jine pfipady. "^oud dospel na zälclade dokladu, ktere otsaiiuje sprävni spis, ke shodneF.u zaveru jako pozenücovy üfad. rfedevsini zdüraznuje, ze je nut- no vyjit ze Zapisu sepsaneho die 21. 10.1949 v kancelafi stätniho hos- podafstvi V rartosovicich, kde zastupoväl puvcdni vlp.stniky Dr. C. Czeczov/iczka, a kdy tylopredHietem jednani prevzeti velkostatku Parto- sovice urceneho pro vcely pozeml:. reforcy die vynosu min. zemedclstvi ze dne 15.4.1949 , c.j. 6 309/48.1 VR-1 2, resp. vykoupeneho die zälc. 46/48 St. vyEerem CNV Novy Jicin ze äine 30.9.1949 zn. 611/48-29/4-49-1::. Z otsahu zapisu jednoznacne vyplyva, ze k odneti ma.ietku doslo za nali- radu, ze zastupce puvodnich vlastniki si vyhradil podirinicu, z^? rr.nis- terstvo zeredelstvi cely statek ühradi v hcdtovosti, pficecz uvedeny Zapis Dr. Czeczowiczka podepsal s vyhi^adou mGZista'jnxch ujedn.ii:! sta- tu ciSR, Anglii a USA. Z dopisu L^inisterstva financi ze dne 1?. 6.1993 a ze stanoviska '^'^6^ry prc Tee:- ^njetkove ze dne 4. 10. I983 pak vyply- va, ze naroky H. Kunzove oriledne zmineneho Fajetku tyly pod c. BC 1999 vyporadäny na zälclade Donody i]:ezi Ceskoslovenskem a Velkou Iritänii a Sov. Irsker. ze dne 28. 9* 1949- K odneti n:a.1:rt:ku zde fYdv -^.oälo Dod- le zaJ:> cl 142/47 St. a zik. c. 46/48 St. za nahradu z uveden:-ch lis- tinnych dükazü vypl.yva, ze Einisterstvo zeEedQstvi se zavazalo uhra- dit hodnotu statku, coz pak lylo realizovano falct-icky na z&lade ZF.i- n(ine reziintätni dohody, 0 cer-Z od saneho pocätku jenani mezi zastup- cem püVodn?'ch vlastnikü a nasimi st. organy netylo pochyt, jak je zrej- ire z otsahu zapisu ze dne 21.10.1949, jak "tylo popsäno shora. I "'^ - 4 - P t V Z uvedeneho je patrno, ze na dany pfipad ludopadd rectitucni ti- tuL uvedeny v uct. § 6 odst. 1 picm. V zälcona o j:udt, ktereho se dovo- lava navrhovatellia, kdyz k odneti zininenych nenovitosti doslo za nälira- du a neinovitos"ti nslze vvdat ani z jineho äüvcc.i -AveJeneho v ust. v 6 cit. zak. Dohoda ze dne 28.4.1993 se opira o resitucni titul uvedeny V uct* § 6 odst. 3 pisE. V J'äicona o püdc, ktery na tento pfipad nedopa- da a ani sama navrhovatelka se o tento restitucni titul neopird, vdo- hode ze dne 24* 5. 1993 nani zadny restitucni titul uveden, otsahuje :ouze neurcity odkaz na zälion o pud£. S oM.odeir. na tu skutecnost, ze v :eto ^^rayiii veci neni naplnen zadny z restitucni ch titulü uvedenych v cit* ustanoveni zakona, nepochytil pozenkovy üfad, kdyz Jeir.u pfedloze- ne dohody neschvalil protoze, odporuji zolconu /§ 39 otc. zäk.,zak. o pii- de § 9 odst. 2./. K 'odvolaciir. vyhradsin navrhovatelky soud pcdotyiia, ze otäzka vyse naiirr.dv za odnate ner:ovitosti nem. v tomto pfipadc rozncdna, navr- hovatslka rerrp. je 31 pravni predchudci ntla iroznost se v pfirade nesou- hlasu E-vych rrav doniäliat nc zakls.öl zuincr/fch Eezistatnich aohod. Navr- hovc.telka rcvneL neirüSe event. poulcasovat na restitucni titul uvedeny V ust. { 6 c^Ict. 1 ::isr.. r/ zälcona o püdl, kdyz na jeji pripad zcela ja- snl dopada epecialni u:?t. § 6 odst. 1 pisn:» 1/ zakona o pCidc, a tsT: uve- dene pfedpoklaoy pro navraceni pfedmetneho E-ajetku nejsou dany. Pro po- souzeni v^ci je rovnez nerozhodne, zda na tento pripad dopada ust. § 6 odst. -> zalcona o püde ci nikoli, kdyz neni dan zadny z restitucni ch ti- tulü uvedenych v zakone o püdf?. Na zäldade shora nazanceneho soud rcvnez neschvälil dohody o vyda- ni prsdmttnehc ir.a,,etku, a to tez dalsiho, kdyz jiz pozeial':ovy üiad rozho- dl sv.'/m rozhodnutiri ze dne 2.2.1994 tez o otazce vlastriictvi k prednet- nym nenovitostein ve smyslu ust. ^ 9 odst. 3, 4 zalcona o püde. Vyrok o nährade nal:ladü rizeni se opira o ust* § 250 k odst. 1 es. r. a C 2501 odst. 2 o.s.f., protoze navrhovatelka iictyla v tomto rizeni üspcsna. Froti tor.uto rozsu.dku neni odct. 1 o.s.r./. opravny prostfedek pfipustny /§ 250s V Fraie dne 3* fijna 1994 Zc spravncst: • JUDr. Hana Douskova pfe dsedk yne senatu I I m/tJi B 997 A%Mt ; •. ♦ » ivrauvM wmi AttUnSM KZHOBRIftr xoBor w«o* t. fMi 01^83$ 0701 ftH* 9tfl j 12N0V19(i9 I Os«w Sa OMAoAl» 1990* «• «»Xd inftn y«i thM tte m9«rty « 1 t) «) t) XM. ^0828,935 fSat 2]^ Ssfttntt for H yfw» Km* 3tSlfit078 9^* W iBkMrtit fer ^ ywurt Kit* 9»379»91i^ 9^i tk( tatMvtl ftov $| n^n Ut* 7f081»90O yltti 8bC iii»t»>t« fdv (| 7«<^ Xffi. 30#301*4<0 yliit a|0C IsImiH fbr 61^ |Mrs Vm oMfünion t«it vmA Igr th« 0«ndttini «m Xu« 80l«90 to tto A Mid tli* y^Mü iMUBlvd ^ !• 9«99A ia tte 4« Xrf* RuBAftattf 330» Oofliv SmI| 9« 1. A« • tto OiMhstlonk Ati nl VW« ata« M ,4 t I : I ■ '» : ' .*r •« • A ► Mrs* Irene Tannen 144 East 64th Street NY. 10017. 8/31/1997. Dear Mrs. Tannen^ I have now extracted and cppled the documents I conslder im- portant to the understandlng of my fanillies Czech Coaipensation c case« My father Dr Arthur Czeczowiczka «y mother Iraia Czeczowicska ^nd I Hanna Kunz nee Czeczowiczka have all claiiaed in England uriaer the Foreign Compensation Order 1950 as Czecn and British subjacts. The British Claim was approximately sttled at 7% of the eskablias tal^lished value of our estate as of 1945. My sister Erica Siinon nee Czeczowiczka was at tne ti^-ae of the Claim an Ainerican subject :ind hsr Claim went to tne Foreign Settlement Coimnission of tue U.S. Please find enclosed Foreign Corapensation S3ion papersopies : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) Dr A. Cz.percentuell ownarship Dr A. Cz. payments öy the Com^iiission letter referring to Adjudication Adjudication 3pages DecroG Novy Jicin translation Judgement f^33 Ca 52/94-4 pages Judge.Tiont #33 Ca 61/94-7 pages letter to Dr Horak rnentioning my fatiiers protest co the Foreign Compensation Co^ziraission^ letter from Mr Miroslav Vodrazka 1-7 translation Ö-14 translation Foreign Clai^ns Settlement Conimission U.S.A. Erica Simon nee Czeczowiczka 1) Dacision & Award Foreign Claiixis Settlement Commission Spages 2) Dept. of Treasury 2pages 3) Coudert Srotners »ayments I hope that from the enclosed papers you will be able to gather the State of the Claim and can give me your opinion. I thank you in advance for your interest and frort! you. anxious to hear Yours sinceraly Irtione 610-353 — 0422 '-1 ?_2 D o o r o o« / ^vLl > Tho Dlatrlct Court In Hovy Jloln Doparteiont II •# hfttf C£ocr;owloek&^ it Jon Vfilekt National ArMLnlstrator of tho xi^atato Oartooovlo« and PKO fk^ ftu^thc»» '>arty ronroßontod by tho Financial .^roovavitor at Oatrrtva In roenoot of tho Reotltution of tho ;atnto nt Bartoaovloat an followß : Tho nroo9r>ain;;8 oonovmlng clalnp of tho /i'^'^lloanto Ji%Artliui* CBccr:ov.^Joakft^ Irina C«onr^ '5nakfi m:! Hannn ^'imn aro dlaoontlmioO« Tho ox^onsoa of the ^ rooa#dlngo aro ooimtcrbalnnoatf* Ho9kBon&9 Tha Ap llcrmtd Or# Arthur Caocno^lofska, Trrtm C»acr;0TJcrkft^ and ilannn Kxmz hfivu oloinod aa Joint ov^nora of the ;;.f3tQto Dartooovloo tho rsatltution of thln nmpopty, nMoh hno bein oorflooatad by i>aot6lon of th w 0 »iitnpo at )nnva of tho '^6/^,^039 aa a oonoequunoo of national anrl raolal poraooutlon« Acoor '?nR to tho atladhofl Cartua ontoo of tho Ooiv ral Conmjilato of Caoohorlovakla In London of tho 26/U/10^ib ancl photontat- cOf^loÄ of ^orttfloatea of NnturnHantton all laaued In 19hü» all thö sald Aopltconta haTa boon flrltloh mibjtxjtö 'ulroady alnoa 19lxbm Tttklnf; Into oonnl^oret!nn thnt tho rootltutlonclolnn of lii'ltlnh Ol t1 Bonn, ff Juntlflod, hnvo alroa ly boon oonnonaatori by tho Ol >bal OowH>nnat1on ronOorod hy tho GBoohorilovak litato aacordlng to tha Tntomat^onal A/^e anont '^Ith Oroat Brltan of tho 28/9A9'i9 In ronnoot of tho . ottlorwnt of Con enoatlon Clfilmö the Doolalon aa nortlon^d abovo haa bov^^n nrvlo aooa* Inß to rtlolo II of tho nald /X^donont« ' Tho ojcnonaea hnvo boon daeldsd aocorr^lng to /vrtJ_olo lj.5^ 1 o«r«3» fmA /vrtlole 11 para«^ of tha Reatltutlon Law, booauno Jbho Global CoPD^onacitlon Agro nait 1« not a nonnonn^^itlon In fiill nottlomont of all clalmo anport' Inod, but only a iiota# Thoroforo tho Coiirt lo of tho onlnlon that tho Aprlloanta In tho procuodlnga dld partly v!n and ' nrtly lone« ^ Againat thla r>odlrlon an Apnoal may bo* lo igod vdthln 15 daya flnm m0rv\(ii}. The Apnoal >xao to bo nado In wrltlnß or orally by protoool beforo tho unidralgnad Court« tJlntrlct c:oJirt Tlovy Jlcln, Kr^t.TI, lotod '^U^ti jctobor 195^^« nPfPrnntlaok Krloka« Fter oorrootnooG of thlü copy Tho Offloo Ghiof i nlßnaturo llloclblo» ( \ \ \ \ a. "^^^^ v^>t^--;tC'-^..WL, \ m \ \ \ \ \\ \ ] '^•^/''rr-j'^ ::cv''.'^-^ -i^'- <^xx!^vi-^iJ o-i^r-^^-cÄ '/o'.A'i4o~. /■* •'- C->x.. /v-^tit i -»• L^'^^-^rxO'^c ^*-i->>tc^''? Q>^<:^^^>'>^-^ >-^'^<'^'^-»^"^''*^-' -^ '^• --c ^>v' "^S^ / •<:: — • 6 ' x^w, -e- i "-' ». -<" ^'^,f^/v ^- 1 \ / m^ ^*<^ \,AyC<^ ^-^t^-^^^yzJPil^-A"^ >t^t.^^A c^^yy^;^ rM 4^ /'' / ^j \L>K.rft /■i\'^^:c-^^>.'^eJi 'CVvvVJ/ti^i.*. > ^, f .fOL'^c ry> *-^ *>• -^vVi-A'*^/,;:^. V' -CA--^*.-«-. ? . i-- ^ --^* ^>f / ,/^ ^^^^<^Mu:e. xy-^<^ ^> ^'C/ -\^^^^r ^■■. • •1 X. r'' r x^/^^ -<- /- L.^ y t^/ {/ '/C-, ir^ j^^^i^' j^y-at, y-:''^^^ <^7^ A. y-ti *-. • // ./x-'^c-c^i: <,<.><^- ^*^-i^. i;^>^i-t£tr/c>M /f ^/ ''/'-'^>-y^K<^ '/ t^j^'-^\ k <• V Xjy?^^ /^<>4^ .^^-z. ^i^Oi:>^^/? /'> /V .r ^ >;^^T^ r« /-*.--.> ^ 6.., '^ ^t-^ /.^-^ ^- ->■ '>:-r^- i< -<. ^'-w^ Mjki' >\^C^^p^^ ^ //^/>t^uVX:^^^> x^ >- ^^ >t>/ / y '/ ^Lr>o^^> ->^-x.^Ö^V ^ ^^^^c:^tri^-i^. ^ti^-A^-n/^:;^ . t-^ /^^"^.A^c^ -^ t, A'-i^ y^a><«^^^ 4? -c'rP /^ v^'/'^^' f -r /•/ .-r1!-<'^ rCf,/ 'V. /. ly^-'li ^^^-^'U? -'l^cc -v^ ^'•'V r^i>!d?.^\.c>: ^ i'-'^ ?^i-ov ?'ir- yO-iX'J^ ^ •C . ^:, ^ C> X" i3 / y-/ ^ » K > ^ * f^ K^ >.ytOLi i^f^ / '.^U^/c>^ -;^iU>^- ,^/7; .. ./ 7 '•/./C > / J^ *- y i-^'^ /Ji>^/i^ ^Ol ^^o^ ^ytuu ^ ^€^t <^ 7 -^ ^r::t:.i:^ 4.^ JiyyL<^ r-xX^ z^iy^of^'i^hi rv^^^cin: f o yC^yt /^^''Pt^ J i>}x / 4'^/t7/ t:>«< /^ c:^/« -' C^-cC^ -r-.L-a, ^:ir -'- .4>- -^ -<^-t^ö^tA^>l?^'<. ^^r^ a:: x:j ^^0<:Z''^% 'S -^^^*--f ' '^ >f ■^ '•y --^* ^ ».^i^ #* *•• i» .^>r >Ä6>- VS^^-CH^ypi^ ^xrOf /X'v^V^ 'C^'y>^y^\JL ^^/-L^y€^^ -/-v: ^'/t^ - t-/-iA / ^ir ./ •/ /• ^c<'>f^SZ7S f /^.^y^n^r'/^/: ::^ ^ yv^./^^.C>^lfC'/.r ^Ji^/.^ c '/f,:y- -a.^ -u^. /) /^A •r >^'/-t^^x^(^ Ac^ ^z^ ^'*'t;>^^7-t. CcU.. /^-^ \,^C\ ^<^^j;/H.^t^ y^ä'X^f^^^ y/te(^^r .^/^ ,>V U / -••* i.4^wwi»*wi' III II IUI f II mwan riwriiMMifiar /^c.£ sjy/ri) 9 r M ä. ^"^lc je^^i. ■C>i. ^'^>x > C < -T^i^ .OL /^//. d^J^X^CifC^^^ '^. // u&^u. A M^ Cx <^^^ CXe-CyX^fi'^LC-k. k \ vA Oc '^. ^/ i/^ ncy C^itO -K^C^ {? l ^ /t o^ Axo:{^6?>^ V rt^ y ^^ ^-M/Au^^ih^-O'i^-.'ijP^Jt. Cic^ifi^^^/r/^c^^^^ P" s» **^ ^/ CA^/ty J -c^^yxO '^ o -f^^ Ajc> X . C^€ liJcC t^ cJk Ah i^ 'to Ai^ ty^ /- -zx-^yu<^ J -C^^^^^e^-iyZ^^ ^^^Z-C^ixJ:. i^i/tU^l/a^t /€c ^it^-'^n -"^^^^-^-ae €^ ^>1. /io z^>v £? *<. <^^;AC^t^t?c<. ..4X A'^^T^^rtX^ '<^ ^ t^-o t^o --<^€ ^^^>^:;Hje A'X i ^Ä y^ix-i^^^' s.-a.y^ i't J&\ . y4^ /A^^ ^ ^^-^^i^-^^^^^^x ; ^^ <;^>ixz C^^^^'e^r>-^^t^^^ /t^ n^C .^tK. Ai X->v^>i^^ /iLc^>i-^i> ^^«^ ^.^-t/^\ >Z.>€>1 .^CJ^^ AA ^OL ^v/^o/c>- -^^yyx^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ t^-^^l. ^^ .^'^^^>>l^AjQy^'%X. ^^ /^^^ ^^c^x^ <> ^^. / Le z j ^k c t C< Ä o? ■9 ^c/(fe y<^ M P. xd yi^ X A /^t^^OXe^^n^<^cJv . Ojl^-ul^<'^^t>C ^^.^ht^A^C^ ^^ — 1^ ^'^^PUkL ^^6.S^. /P'i^cP .^'czA^ ^ ^ A. ^'^iZ c-o . ^^ ^^-t^^^yc^'^ru^ x?' ^^>T,^^i c t.ccC ^ < >/ et -r^> ^'/^'^i/ >^iW / VC »1^ < /^1-Cy. 4" •<^-e' ^^-^^ V^*-* <^;^*^ ^>>-/^ t>^ 0^ j/^ <: ^/ >%^ A ^* y yc': -^ «^ < -^. ^^y i>^^^^^ ^^^"^^^ ^^^'^'^^^ ,Q^^ ^'M^^n^^^K ,ot/jA"nc/^ ^<^t^-"^l^^-^>^ ^ LC^yJ Alp /jv 1 4 A V' y ^^^ r^ <^. u^y^ ^:^v ,/^*oC^e -^1^-^J^^ . .^O*- '-t^ 2.ÖI r^^ ^^^ , -7'r-CX>^]^4> ^ y^ /r.-^-^^t -^-T-T^OtJiyt/X^O!!^^ . /^^^ ---r^v ^O^O tl^ ^ r-^^XS^-e ^ CC y^^^^^Z^^Ui^ §93 c^ y i<>v^:ea/^.^^^^^ ^. L^^ ^i^t X? .gC^c^K^i^^icuty-, (P^ c^^/i o H^' — ■ ff ^^■ri^ ; :;^^*"-^ i^^T,.^ <^^c^><^c:^. ^yi^^te /i^u^^e^tc ir^ru'^A. -<^^^/^/ <<^^'^eiX^Äc:>^ zx w / yc^ct i; y-c A MoA^A, /^O ^^^L c O^O ^^iJ^^^U^^j^^y^U^ 6z. / t^ ^j j ,^Ot^.CL^^, ^ c^t^Ca^^ / '^ Tt^ J-ii Cci/..^^ A^ -ijt^hjt. ^ ^ t tt^-T-L 1> - X,^'*^^ ^^ // '^/"J-^. z / (PC^ A^^<^2^<^^ A/^^ytc^ OL ^^y-u^^^ V ^<^^^^^t^^/^<^;^ t^--^t^ ^ H*. .^ rr5 nach ganz ähnliche Situation wie bei Dir) und da haben wir mit dem Tonda gemeint ob Du dieser Rechtsanwalt in nicht schreiben willst» (in deutsch) - si hat auch ein Nebenbmzo in V/ien aber bisher habe ich nicht Bi'i Adresse» Hiesige Adresse ist - üdr» Jarmila Kolarova, JanaSkovo näbf ezi 39 VkQ XJCr^SrSgr^ \renn Du die Geduld hat wur ich ihr schreiben, Situation schildern - aber ''^^y^t^ Verrechnung' nur gegen Brfolgshonorar ( Prozentsatz musste sie angeben/ aber mit Rücksicht auf e^w»» #^fe» doch bischen Verwandschaft wird sie sicherlich anständig sein» - Sollte ich weiteres erfahren werde ist Dich informieren Lass Dir da« dxirch den ICopf geben» Mit Bubi also Theo haben vdr uns sehr gefreut unö die Prau von ihm hat mir so ganz besonders gefallen - scnrecklich lieb und lebendig» Bitte grusse die ganze Familie "besonders 2rik3 und Marianne und Theo von uns Alles Liebe und Gute i ADVOKÄTNfKANCElÄft JUDr. CWfich HOf-JÄK ADVOKAT 121Q1P(aha2,J«£n&29 ^ ^iats^if soud V Praze 4 I SpÄlenä 2 120 00 P r a h a 2 — • 1 N^vrhovatelka t Haraca K u n z o v äf , Praha 10, Ü Veany 1866/5 1 zaatoupenä : I 'Odpilrc et I JÜDr«01d?i«5hem Horäkem, advokätem, AdTokitnl k«inoeldf Praha 2,Jeönä 29 Pozeo^kov^ ufa4 Okresnfho ufadu v Wov^m Jiöin«, Wo 7^ Jiöin, Livadclnl ö. 3 j Ü ^ v^ • opravny prost ?ed«k proti rozhodnutl odpÄrce «e dne 25.1.1994 ö,j. t Pl5 11134/92.2ST-202-A a ze dne 2»2.1994 «•3. : PW11134/92-SX-202-B _ D V 0 j m o plnä moc -V Podäväm tlato opfavny prostfedek proti rozhodnutf Pozemkov^ho u?adu Okreertdf lö fifadu v I^^ov^m Jiölng ze dne 25.1« 1994 a ze dne 2«2,1994, kterymi bylo rozhodnuto jednak tak, ie se neschvalujl dohody o vydänl nemovitoatl uzavfen^ mezi nmou na Strang jedn^ a Agropi imyslovym kombinätem a«s« Sedlnice dne 28»4»1993 na sträng / -Iruh^ a mezi mnou na stranö jedng a Obci BartoSovice dne 24 •'5»1993 na sträng -druhg, jednak tak, ie nejsem vlastnikem n em-ivitostf uvedenych ve v^roku rozhodnu- tl ze dne 2,2«1994» i OdAvodnini obou rozhodnutl je stejn^» üvädl se V ngm, 2e v prübgiiu fjifni bylo na zäkladg provedenych dükazü zjiätgno, ie jsem obd/rlela odSkodng za svüj podll na zbytkovim atatku BartoSovice, 'Kterj^ mi byl odnat z vlastnictvi podle zäk,5# 142/47 Sb., rpopHpadg vykoupen podle zäk.ö» 46/48 Sb., a ie -^-^ - - -^ - ''■' *-- " — , ^ , ^ , . , ...... tulA jc.c» i4i;/4^ SD., rpopfipadg vykoupen podle zäk.ö» 46/48 Sb., ie tedy nebyl sp^/lehlivg prokäzän 2ädn^ z restituönlch ti- li uvedenych v cistanovenl § 6 odst. 1 zäk.ö« 129/1991 Sb. ve / l ■ I t I •'■MR-««v«r'v< ■1^ «maß \ znSni pozd§j§lch pfedpiaü • Opravni^ prost?edek odiJ^odnuji takto x Kärok na vydänl zemgdSlsk^iio majetku jsem v zäkonnych Ihütäch aplatnila u po^inn^ch osob jakoä i u Po* zemkov^ho ufadu. Vydänl zemödölsK^ho majetku je v m^m pfl- padS oddvodnöno a3tanovenlffi§ 6 ^d3t#l / pism^b/ zäkona ö* 229/1991 Sb^ ve zngnl pozdS.iölch pfedpisü* ZemSdSlsk^ majetek byl mng jakoi i mjm ro^iC^ jako p4vodnlm vlastnf- kiiin odnat z vlastnictTl postupö»^jpodle zäkona ö# 142/1947 Sb#, 0 revizl prvnl pozemkov^ reforißyta podle zäkona Ö# 46/1948 Sb«^ o nov^ pozemkovi reformS« Tento restituönl dÄvod byl mnou spolehlivg prokäzän# ITenl pro-^o sprävn^ zjiätgnl v napade- nj^ch rozhodnutloh , 2e jsem s»polehliv$ neprokäzala Äädn;^ z reatituönleh titalÄ uveden^^^fa v listanovenl § 6 odst#l/ zäkona 2» 229/1991 Sb# Je pravda , ie jsem obdrXela od|kodnör^£ jako nähradu za «emSdSlsk^^ majetek , kter;^ byl odnat z möho vlastnictvl^ T^to nährada mi byla poskytnuta Jen V omezen^m rozsahu ^ nilcoli za cely miij podll na ze- mödSlsk^m majetkUt ktery aplatnuji k vydäni# V^^äe nährady neodpovldala'ani tehdejä^l dkuteönö cenS m^iio majetku • Proto isem prohläsila 1 Äe vrätlm nähradu , kterä mi byla stätem za odnSt£ vlastnictvf m^ho zemSdölsk^ho majetku a za jeho p^eoJiod do t^lastnictvl atätu^ vyplacena© Tento poatap je V aoulada s astanovenJQP§ 6 odst« 3/ zäkona ö# 229/1991 Sb^t po^i«^ »ftiioi je oprävnönä oaoba povinna vrä- tit atätü nähradu , kter^ä jl byla stätem vyrlacena, po t^ 00 Jl -bade yydän zemSd^iak^ majetek podle | 9 zäkona ö« 229/1991 Sb* Opräynänoa-^ avö oaoby podle § 4 zäkona 6# 229/19^ SlT^ Jaem romgi näleäitS prokäzala^ Pozemkovy uf a^ , jak jaem vyäe zd&vodnila>zalo- 2il av^ rozhodnuti na neuplnS zjiätSn^m skuteönöm staru vSci, na vadnöm hodnocenl provedenych ddkatA jako2; i na neaprämäm prävnlm poaouzetnl cel^ho pHpadu# ~\ '^ ^ ' _-..-_ Z uvedenych d&vodil riayrhaji^ aby mämu oprävn^mu proatfedku bylo vyhoySno ä ab^ obg vyäe u'^edenä rozüodnutl odpÄrce byla zruäena # I o± Konzovä V Praze dne 11 ♦3^19 94 f ♦ ^ • ■ • ♦ ^ \ h 9 VI pSstsk/ soud ▼ Präee I IhAlenä 2 r « h • 2 Ne^Trhovatelka i zastoüpen^ t ;0 d p Ä r c • I fe«ii|m K U n z 0 ▼ i , Praha 10» 0 Vesny 1866/3 l ♦ »vi . I . .iSiÜSi??^*»*^*» H o r Ä k e m ♦ ädrok^ti ?^»'*li^ "^J** Okr#8nfhd 5fadu v For^m Ji8fal#^ot^ tflSln, DiTadilnf 84 3 1 ■« >> I -i, D ▼ o 3 m o pln4 moo ^JaVn^ froatfadtk protl rozhodnutf f?l?r*/*-*2 ^^* 2$«1.1994 «O« » Pü W34/92t«t-202-^A a ^e dna 2.2.1994 5fl. t P'u/11134/92-Sx-202-B 1 r :i t mnou i^oddvÄm tlAtf "ÄpfAfn^ prostfedÄk protl rozhodnutf PozeöikoT^hb Sfadtt Okjtftii«^ äfadS ? iTov^m Jlölrtl fce dne 2?a. 1994 a ze dne 2.2.19^4. klftr^mi byl* rozhodnuto JiJdnAk tak* ie se neschTaluJl dohoi, •Wyddnl Semovltoati viz^lfenl mlll 3S/JS*I i^oi'^* * Agr#*'r«l,5l0T^ kombinätem a.s. Sedlnlce ok!^ I*^t x^'/* strari» dri^^ a mezi mnou na sträng Jedn4 a Obcl BartoSovice dne 24 ♦5«i993 na «trani -druM, jednak tak. tl ze dne 2!2!l994r ^^*^*''"*^ uveden^ch ve r^roku rozhodiu- ir r,sn. »«. „ ?2xr*^'Kl?^J'* rozhodnutl je stejn^. ÜTädl se I^ra^i I P!^*'^^'';.!lClK ^'^^^ "* zäkladg providen^ch d^kazft I !^ «• !* ^'*®" ^***^r!*^* odfikodn« za svAi podll na zbytkorim l^^l^V' ffS^J^^ll^**» '*jh^ "^ ^yl «"'"** '^ vlastnictTl podle zäk.ö. 142/47 Sb.i r^«*f^pad6 rykoupen podle zAk.5* 46/48 »b., a 2e tedy nebyl rfpcJimiT« prok4zdn SÄdni 2 restituönlch ti- tulü uvedenych j^^Astanövenl § 6 odst. 1 zÄk.ö. 129/1991 Sb. ve znSnf pozaSjSlch pfedplaft • Opram:^ prostfedek odiVTodnuji takto i NÄrok na rydänl Bem»d8l8k4ho majetku jsem ▼ «Äkonnych Ihfttich uplatnila u poVinn^ch osob Jako2 i u Po- zemkov^ho ufadu. Vyd4nl zemödSlaK^ho majetku Je ▼ m^ni pM- padö odAvodnSno ugtanoTendD^J 6 ödst^l / plsm^b/ zäkona e. 229/1991 Sb^ ve zn6n£ pozdSlSlch pfadpisA^ Zem5d61sk^ majetek byl mne JakoS 1 mfm rödlRAii jäko pAvodnlm vlastnl- kAm odnat z Tlastnlotrl po8tup.fil» podle zAkona e# 142/1947 Sb^^ ^ o rerizl prvnl pozemkoY^ refonBy^a podle z^kona 8# 46/1948 Sb#| o noT^ pozemkov^ reformg« TentO reatltußnf ddrod byl nmou spolehlivg prok4z4r!# Wenl pro*o sprdvn^ zJiStgnl v napade- nych rozhodnatloh , ie jaem i^polehllvi neprok^zala 8ädn^ z reatttuörtleh tltalft üvÄd«h^»h ▼ dötanoVenl § 6 odöt*l/ zäkona 5# 229/1991 Sb^ Je pravda p Se Jaem obdrSela od8kodn»T^l Jako nÄhradu ea «enÄdälaky majetek f kter/ byl odnat z m^ho vlaatnlctrlt T^io nÄhrada mi byla poakytnuta Jen T omezen^m rozsahu , nikoli za ceiy mAJ podll na ze- mSdSlak^m majetkut kter^ aplatnujl k ▼ydinl^ T^Se nährady neodpoTf dala^ani tehdejl^i tkutaSn^ eenS . m^lio majetku # Proto isem prohldella f *• TrAti^m n^hradd , kter* ml byla atAtem za odnStl Ylasinletrl m^ho zemSdÄlsk^ho majetku a za jeho pfeohod do t^laatnlctrl atätu, Typlacena» Tento postup je ▼ aoaladu s uatanoTeniJDj 6 odet« 3/ zAkona 6# 229/1991 Sb.p podl^ nShöS le opräTninä oaoba poTinna vrä- ilt atÄtel MhrAlu , kteit»* jl byl* atdtem Typlaoenat po t< 00 ii 'bude ryddn z*i4»d#l*k^ aAjetek podle I 9 zäkona 5* ^29/1991 Sbi Oprämenöt^ av4 oiioby podle § 4 zAkona 6# 229/1991 Sbb Jaert rbmgS nÄlaSitS prokAzala# Pozemkovy ufa^ . jak jeem vj^Se zdAvodnilA,zalo- Sil mri rozhodnutl na neupXnS zJiStSn^m akuteSn^m 8t«Tu ▼Sol, na vigidn^m hodnocenl pi^oredenfch dAka*Ä 3*ko8 i na nespräTn^m prAmlm poaouzetnl cel4ho pMpadu# Z uTedenych dftvodA riaTrhujif aby m^mu opr^Tn^mu proetfedku bylo vyhoT^no Ä abj ob5 r^Se utedenä rozhodnutl odpftroe byla zruSena • ^ ^ ? Praze dne 11»3»1994 \ _ w. « - • znSn^ pozdSjSlch pfedpisA • / ... ■ r • • • Opravn:^ prost?edek od^Vcdnaji takto t y ' KÄrok na vydänl zemSd,8l8k^ho majetka jaem v zdkonn^ch Ih&tich uplatnila u poVinn:^ch osob Jakoä i a Po- zemkovöho u?adu. Vydäni zemSdSlsK^lio majetku ^e v m^m pfl- padS odAvodnSno u3tanoveaÖft§ 6 odst^l / pism.b/ zäkona 5. 229/1991 Sb. ve zngnl pozdSjSlch pfedpiaÄ. ZemSdSlsk^ majetek byl rnng jako2 -i m;^ rodiöüm jako P^^o^nlm vlastnl- kAm odnat z vlaatalQ^trC RCiatunelUPodle zäkona «'•^J-*fA?J7 ^b,, o revizi prvnl pozexnkovö reforoyt» podle zakona c. 4b/ig4S öd., o nov^ pozemkovö reforaS. Tentd restituönl diivod byl mnou spolehlivg prokäzän. TXeni pro-co sprävn^ zjiätgnl v »apade- nfch rozhodnutich , 2e jsem iipolehlivS neprokäzala äsädn^ "z reatituönleh titulA uvedCn^'ch v^vtstanoVenl § 6^odöt»l/ zäkona S. 229/1991 Sb. Je pravda , 2e jaem obdriela odSkodnSnl jako nährada zajsemgdSlak:^ majetek , lc*er^ 5^1 odnat z m^ho vla3tnietvl.Tsitohah.rada mi byla poakytnuta Jen V omezen^m ro"z3ahtt%' nikoli za cel^ a^ podll na ze- mSdglak^m majetka, kter:^ aplatnuji k vydänl. Y^Se nährady neodpovldala>ani- .tehdej§l ökuteön^ cenS . m6%o. majetku • Proto isem-prohldaiia , ^9 vrätlm ^ähradu , kterä mi byla stätem za odnStl yiaatnictvl m^ho zemSdSlakeho majetka a za jeho pfechod do flaatnictvl stäta, vyplacena» Tento postup je v sooladu 8 u9tanoveniSi§ 6 odat« 3/ zakona. ß* 229/1991 Sb.# podx« »«ixii je oprävnSnä osoba povinna vrä- tit atätii nähradu , kteirä jf byla atätem vyplacena, po t^ CO ji -bude -yydän zemSdÄlak^ majetek podle | 9 zäkona 5* 21^29/1991 Sb* Oprävn&npa-b av^ %aoby podle § ♦ zdkona 6. 229/199^1 Sb-i' Jaem rövn€2 näloiitS prokäzala» Pozemkovy uf ad ., jak jsem vyäe zd&vodnila'i zalo- 2il ari rozhodnutl na neuplnS zjiStSn^m skateön^m stavu vgci, na vadn^m hodnocenf provedenych dikatii jakoä 1 na nesprävn^m prävnlxn posouz^nl celöho pHpadtt# Z uvedenych dÄvodiifriavrhuiii aby m^mu oprävn^mu prostfedku bylo vyhoTSnö ä abv obS v^äe u'Tedenä rozhodnutl - \ « - * . • Hai^a KunzoTä odp^Lrce byla zruSena • 7 Praze dne 11*3»1994 1 \ j \ V. 0 -. « City Court Praha * Spalena 2 120 00 Praha 2 Claimant : Hana Kunzova/ Praha 10, U Vesny 1866/3 Represented by: JUDr. Oldrich Horak, atterney. Law Office, Praha 2, Jecna 29 Opponent: Land and Property Dept. of County Court in Novy Jicin, Divadelni 3 ^ JiCin : - vlntiB. 97 zemskych desk moravskych -• vl.e:ls.362, 363, 364, 366, 432, 648, 649, 650, 654, 567, 563, 478 a 483 PK k.ilu Bart.o^ovice '- vi .(I^ls- 836, 839 a 932 PK k.6.Sedlnice - vl-(!^ls.512 PK k- LI. Zciviäice - vi .(!tis.434, 519, 521, 677 a 602 PK k.Q.Butovice - vl.Cils.579, 586 a 563 PK k . ä- Pustö jov. 6vJ1, 6tj^7 6o-^>, Uvedenö vypisy ze zemskych desk moravskych a pozemikovych knih tvoP'l pi^llohu tohoto rozhodnutl. OdAvodnön 1 ) Dne 29.12.1992 by l u PU OkU v Nov^m Jitinä uplatnön pani Hannou Kunzovou pravnö zastoupenou advokätem JUDr . OldP'ichem HorÄkem nÄrok na zemödälsk^'' majetek v kat.äzemi Barto^ovice, Butovice, Pust^jov, Sedlnice a ZÄvx^ice patricl k velkostatku Barto^ovice, jehoS PÜvodn imi vi£istn i ky by 1 i Dr. Arthur Czeczowxczka, Irma Czeczowiczkov^^, Hanna Kunzov^ a Erika SimonovA. Pövodn im vlastn i k5m by 1 zemöd^lsk:^*' majetek tvoi^lc i velkostatek Barto^ovice o vymö»^e 614 ha zeme^d^lske a lesni püdy odilat postupem podle zÄkona Cislo 142/47 Sb. o revizi prvnl pozemkov^ reformy a podle zäkona Cls. 46/48 3b. o nov^ pozemkov^ ref ormö. V Liplatn^nl ze dne 18.12.1992, kter^ pozemkovy urad obdrSel dne 29.12.1992 je uvedeno, 5e odnötl bylo provedeno ü^z nahradv. Pr^edm^tn^' majetek velkostatku Barto^ovice pr^e^el na stÄt na zäkladö t^chto cDpati^enl : I I t rozhodnutlm MZ CSR C.j. 6308/48 rozhodnutlm MZ CSR C.j. 6309/48 CSR tu j. 6306/ 48- rozhodnutlm MZ w vb'mörem MZ CSR IX/R IX/R IX/R 12 12 12 t. j.43. 146/50-1 XA~21 vymärem ÜNV NovV' Jitin C . j . 61 1 /08-29/4-~1949-I X 15.4. 1948 15.4. 1948 15.4. 1948 28.8. 1950 30.9. 1949 vyhlä^^k.QU ÜNV Hov9 Jitin C . j . 61 1 /08-29/4-1949-I X z 12.12.1949 Navrhovatelka panl Hanna KunzovÄ, roz. Czeczowiczkovck je dcerou zemP^el^'ch Dr. Arthura a Irmy Czeczowiczkov:y'ch a sestrou Eriky Simonov^, roz . Czeczowiczkov^, uplatnila nÄrok ve smyslu List. § 4 odst.l, odst.2 plsm.c), pP'ipadn^ odst. 2 plsm-e) Zcikona a sprÄvnlmu orgc^nu pi^edloSila tyto doklady : v^pi'sy ze zemskb''ch desk moravskb'-'ch a pozemkovych knih potvrzenl Gener^lnlho konzulÄtu CSR v LondVai^ o ^s.stätnlm ob(!^anstvl domovskou pp'lslu^nostl do obce Podboi^'ice okr.Milevsko ze dne 24.6.1948 osvödCenl Okresnlho nc^rodniho vü'boru v Malackcich o Cs.stcitnlm obCanstvl s domovskou pp'lslu^nostl do obce Moravsky Svät;)'' J^n ze dne 2.2. 1946 vb^pis z rejsti^'lku pro pozif^stalostn 1 v^ci Nejvy^^lho soudu ze dne 14. 2. 1955 o sprciv^ pozöstalosti PO zemi^el^ Czeczowiczkov^, ( 22. 11. 1954 ) podle nöho5 I rmö zdöd i 1 i pozöstalost Hanna KunzovÄ a Erika Simonovci v^'pis z rejsti^'lku pro pozöstalostn 1 vöci Nejvy^^lho soudu ze dne ll.Cervence 1957 o sprävö pozöstalosti po zemi^el^m Arthuru Czeczowiczkovi ( + 24.dubna 1957), podle näho5 zdädili pozöstalost Hanna KunzovÄ a Erika Simonovä prohl<Ä^enl Eriky Simonov^ ze dne 5.1istopadu 1992, kterym se zP'lk^ sv^ho d^dick^ho podllu po rodiClch Dr. Arthuru a I rm^ Czeczowiczkovych ve prosp^ch sv^ sestry Hanny Kunzov^. StÄtnl ob majetek podle? nai^lzeni o kontiskacl jm^nl nÄrodu a statu nepP"äitelske?ho v sudeton^mec kych t'urc^ml a vynosem ri^sk^^ho mmistra vnitra ve prosp(^ch Lebensbornu v Mnichov© a pq dobu okupace byl vel kostatek veden dosazenym TREUHANDREM. V^ichni spoluvlastnici museli pro poiitickou a rasovoLi persekuci ( v roce 1939 pf- 1 '' kombinät a ■ s Sedlnice ( dSlve Zü Sedlnice ) a de 24.5. 1993 Übec tjtarto^ovice. Pozemkovy ui^ad zdej^lho okresniho aradu v^ak dohody neschvÄlil viz. rozhodntl d^ . j . PÜ/ 1 1 134/92--Sv~-202-A ze dne 25. 1. 1994. Zbyvajlci prcwnick^ osoby, jlm5 byla zasläna vyzva k vydanl zemädölskä?ho majetku dohodu neuzavf^ely s tlm 5e o näiroku rozhodne podle ust. § 9 odst. 4 zakona pozemkovy Cii^ad. V jf^izeni podle ust. i 9 odst- 4 zc^kona si pozemkov:)'' Cy^aö mimo jind? vy^cidal. od SprÄvy pro v^ci majetkov^ v Praze vyjÄdP'eni, zda majetek ve^lkostatku Barto^ovice nebyl vypoi^ckdän s pi^vodnlmi spoluvlastnl ky m^ Zckklad^ Dohody mezi Ceskoslovenskem a Velkou E]> Cit^'ad v Nov^m JiCln^ k zÄv^ru, 5e v dan^m pP'lpad^ nenl spolehliv^ prokÄZc^n S^dny z restitueinlch titum tak jak stanovl ust. § 6 odst. 1 zikona a proto rozhodl o vlastnictvl k zem^d^lsk^mu majetku pati^lclm k velkostatku Barto^ovice v neprosp^ch pan 1 Hanny Kunzov^. 1 I 1 fl-Ji.....u_j:L.e__D..-.i a. .Q_..E_..c-,xL. Y n 6 ja e-X-jo-ä , t...JL.. e d k„ „u _l Proti tomuto rozhodnutl je mo2no podat opravni' prosti>'edek ke krajskä^mu soudu v PrazB (§ 246 zÄkona C. 519/91 Sb. , kter^'m se mäni a doplrtuje obd^ansk^'' soudni f-Ad a notÄi^ski'' f'&d) ve Ihötä 30 dnO od dorue^enf roshodnuti:. NAvrh je podän vCas i tehdy, byl-li pod&n V uveden^ Ihötä orgÄnu, kter^^ vydal rozhodnutl, t.j. okresnlmu pozemkov^mu Cii^adu (§ 250 m, zÄkona £.519/91 Sb. ) . Ing. Svatopluk V A^Z D A, / PGv^P'-en P'lzenlm pozemkovt^ho uP'adu £' fand CR, Husova 13, Nov:;' Ji^in 4.VSVF Brno, Skolni zemödölskS^ podnik Novb' Ji4 V. N,\ ^\ ^v\ A Besides the court also the following authorities had been notified, regarding this request. Photocopies had been send to VSVF Brno, SZP Novy jcin, agriculture Dept Studenk, agriculture dept. Sedlnice, Forestry dept CR- forestry dept. Frenstat at Radhost and township Batrosovice; dated Decx. 11, 1992. also to Dept. of fishery s.p. Ostrava, Benzin s.p. Praha. Furniture I wareho-ruse VII in Ostrava 12, SleziaN DISTILERY AND WINERY DEPT IN Opava (Seiliko Olomouc), dated Dec. 18, 1992. Besides the above mentioned authorities a request regarding comp[ensation for the property had been filed, during 1993, to Czech fishery association MO Pribor, Povodi Odr Ostrava, (^oad and Highway dept. in Novy Jicin, Czech railroads, in Olomouc, Multip Morasvia s.r.o. in Sudenc and Moravia-Slezian authorities s.p. Studenka. Agreement of returning the property according to edict par. 9, lawlhas been reached between the claimant and Agroindustry a.s. Sednice (former ZD Sedlnice) a de 5.24.1993, township Bartosovice returning of the property. However, the land administration of the local county court didn't sanction this agreement. See # PU/11134/92-SV-202-A dated Jan 25 1994. The remaining authorities to whom the request to relinguish the property was petitioned didn't sign the agreement, clairaing that the request has to be ratified by courts according to par. 9, edicit number A^wi^ -H- I t iA^ u^^% \ ij VV ^J^ :\ 4 < < v^V tX According to edict par 9, law 4, the land administratiori; among others,requested from "Sprava" regarding question of this property, whether under the agreement between Great BritalN AND North Ireland and CSR, as of 9.28.1949 the estate had been properly compendsated to its original owners. On October 4, 1993 the land administrat ion received Sprava's Position from which the following conclusion had been reached. 1. The estate, resp. the remaining far Bartosovice was included in the tirst land revision according to law # 142/47Sb. It was taken over by the State according to decision MZ # 6309/48-IX/R--12 # 6308/48-IX/R-12 dated April 4 1948 and # 6306/48-IX/R-12 dated the same/ has been bought out according to Par 1 edict 3, law # ^ 46/48 Sb. according to the new land reform/ according to records j in Novy Jicin dated May 13, 1949 # 611/09-29/4-1949 2. Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczk, Irma Czeczowiczk/ nee Adler and Hanna Kunz, nee Czeczowiczk were at that time when the agreement between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia , British Citizens and 1. Erika Simon nee Czeczowiiczk was at that time when an agreement between USA has been reached on 2.2.1982 , American States Citizen. The ' above mentioned British Citizens (coowners) had received compj^nsat lon of 34,678.00 British Pound Sterling and the Ame Eri'lcB Simon rican Citizen received a compensation of 258,682.127 USDolla rs vc^ j^.V^'-v. 'As mentionede above it^is evident that the matter regarding estate Batosovice is closed and is the property of the Czech republic. \t^-^' l^^ I M and cannot be retitled On 9.15.1993 Mr. Fridolin Pokorny, substituting for JUDr. Horak submitted the following document regarding the estate Bartosovice. This was done on behalf of the claimant Hanna Kunz. The documents included proof of Czech citizenship, and proof of permanent address of Hanna Kunz. Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczk and Irma Czeczowiczk and a receipt from Foreign Compensation Commission in London, dated 4.10.1969, regarding apraisal of the estate Bart re-vceived ^^ by the Czeeczowiczk fanily in the amountof 42T836 British Pound Sterlingln conclusion of his request , he cfaims that he is authorized by Hanna Kunz that she wishes to take advantage osovice , -^ I I CA V lA t** 0^ 41,^ r. of the amendment # 229/91 stating that properties can be returned if the compensation has been repaid, The sum stated 42,836 Pound Sterling at the course 201.50 Kcs in the year 1948 amounting to 8,631,46 Kcs (The correct amount should have been 8,631,145 Kcs at the terms determined by the land Office. The fact t for the CO # 142/47 S State, the according give^n to Return of (according that provi Obligation out by the deposited, poersons. hat the claimant nfiscation of the b and # 46/48 Sb, application for to law #6, par. 1 those who had nev the compensatated to law 6, Par 3) sion applievrfs to of returning the State or(other le according to thi admits having received compensation estate Bartosovice according to edict which she calls assistance from Cs restitution is being rejected b which States that restitution be er received any compensation. monies which Mrs. Hanna Kunz requests does not come into consideration , as different restitution matters. restitutional amount, which was paid gal organizations, can only be s Provision by court appointed In regard to that the orlaimant in Septemebr 1993 disputed the original decision and at the same time stated /ifetVING HAD RECEIVED COMPENSATION, THE Land court hade reached in March 1993 a temporary Standpoint in which it recommended VSVF SZP Novy Jicin, Forest CR, LS Frenstat p.R. Agroindustry association a.s. Sedinice and township Sedlnice agreement according to law # PU/2193/93-Sv-203 , dated March 22, 1993. According proceding June 17, administr # 14/3359 Pokorny , compensat given ins Theref ore Bartosovi to all the informations received during these s, mainly the ruling of the Finance Ministerium CR dateeL 1993, # 215/37446/93 and the dept of property ation dated Sept. 28, 1993 /93 and claimant's announcement , represented by Fridolin on Sept. 10, 1993 regarding receivership of ion, the Land court inNovy Jicin concluded that in this tance par 6 re restitution law is not applicable. it was decided that the ownership of the estate ce is not in favor of Mrs. Hanna Kunz. -6- Ädditional Information f^ r<^ w^' X. ^^ y^^ disagree this ruling you can appeal the court's decision ^^^ in Federal court in Praha (par. 246, edict # 519/91 Sb) which ^ is being administered by the law and notary department/ The appeal has to be submitted 30 days after receiving this ruling The decison was reached by the county land court (par. 250 law # 519/91 Sb. ) m Signed Ing. Svatopluk V A Z D A Copies sent to the following , on 2.2.1994 # PU/11134/92-Sv- 202-B (twenty different places are listed, which I didn't translate {JjA^ /^ Kaa/21. ^ ß^ (y^iU^i 7-7 »-^ty^^^ ^^ J/. / ^ yi.^ K f U4 ■^•? ^c^^ aJ-o»^^ ^ /HtA-^ m ^ RULING in the name of the Republic (In the first paragraph on the first page, iriffimn of the plaintif and representati ves and names of adversary and representatives are stated. ) On the bottom of page it states RULING: The plaintif doesn't have the right for compensation for the following REASONS \ ■ / ntioned sovice is decision person r 6 to the rticle 6 ordinq to rties/ tTRe he above ens/ accordinq ived a sum n coowners to ditterent cases of property confiscatio compensation es. nd Administration / presentati ves the restitution ce. that there he Land n the basis is no dispute compensayliion oes apply n irs ^___^^_^ cision concerning the ownership of the plaintif's property can thus be taken/ that by receiving compensation thus forfeitting further rights to the property. It remains uncertain whether the case falls under Article 6. The plaintif insisted that there is a right of restituti on according to Paragraph 1 letter B ot the Law or. the Land and proposed the appealed decision be voided and the matter be retürned to th"e~ Land Authorities for further processing. Hhe adversary proposed that the appealed decision be confirmed as rightful for reasons stated therein. This Statement based on the decision of the Municipal Court in Prague was examined by the appealed decision of the Land Authorities including the preceding procedures# according to Article 6 B/ and reached the conclusion that the Land Authorities had arrived to the proper and correct decision and interperted the matter justly The appeal of the plaintif is without basis. Furthermore there is no doubt that the plaintif had been remains uncertain whether this case falls under Article6, that means that the confiscation >si^s affected according to laws concerning Land Refor/m without compensation or whether compensation was accorded. In this case as mentioned the legal Claim is not applicable. The plaintif assumes that she has the right of restitution. She was compensated according to the International agreement. She Claims that the compensation was such that it did • not correspond to the values ofJ:he property and that she is willing to return the amount which was accorded her. The adversary assumes that there is no right of restitution to the property in question. The conditions stated for restitution of the property in question are not given. On the basis of the procedings the Court confirmed that the appealed decision of the Land Authorities is factually correct. This case does not fall under Restitution Laws as mentioned in Paragraph 6 B b/ to which the plaintif refers, as the confiscation of the property was compensated and the compensation accepted. Against th^is final sentensing there is no further legal recourse t'N J. I V O Ceskä republika i I ROZSUDEK JMENEM REPUBLIKY • 33 Ca 62/9^-4 l'cFtrrk,/ Foud v Fra^.o rorhndl v r3eiir;t;r 5-1 oi'onem :i pfr dsedl-ync' JUDr. llany J)onrA:ove a Boudcu JUDr. Iladcrdy TJehr^rove a I'.gr. Äleny Krylove v prnvni vrcl navr}iovat(?lk7 Hariy K u ri z o v e, \vtom Ira- ha iC, U^Vsnn.y 3, za^fc. JUDr.'iclieni JFcfier, advckaten?, AK Ira- ha 2, JGc/iä 29 proti odparci: Olrrecniinu rh du-nozeir.lioveir.u üixdu v Noverc Jicint, za i-corti: 1/ AßropnH.-yrlovdho koEVinatu a.s. Sedlni- ca, 2/ Olce BrrtoGovice, 3/ FoceirJcovelio fondu ÖR, lo- Vooks ITüv/ Ji- cin, Plvjro-a 13, 4/V?5VP Er::o, gkolni zer.edf.loky podnik Ilovy Jicin, ?/ Stcitni ryl-:li'r7tvi: Ontrrvr, Or^tr?ivn 2, T' ririrka 54, 6/Leica, iVCenke drpiiy, oll. iod . , C] oroc, Nerudov;- 1 16/ ' r.'inlster^tvo f'I?, ITovy Jicin, Hurova 13, 17/I'f rtsky v.iad Studenkr: Iß/ OVecni urad ZaviJÜce, o opi-i-vnt'ir. rroriti 9dku navrhovotelky proti roshodnuti odpVrce ze dne 2.2.1994, c.j. FÜ/ 1 1 134/92-Sv-2C2-B t a k b 0 I Rozhodiiuti ro2er:kcvc'ho vfrdu s e r o t v r z u j e. Navrhovetolka nawA pr'H'o na nahrndii p-rlilndu fizeni. 0 d i'i V o d n ." » 1 r C. nr3.Frden.y1r1 roi:liO(inutir; ror:(}ii.:;ov7 t ir^d ro: hodl podle U3I:. j 9 cdr: i 7:'i]:ona o riuiJ, 1:0 ncvr'»:ov;. t-ll:;: jioni vi. i; i; presn^ vy jireüov. ir'c nonovitoj^ti V k.ü. Eartoi:ovice, Eutovice, S'edlnice, Fustejov, Zavi:3ir t. j. majetku tvoficiho vonizor^; täte!: I3?rtoöovice. Pozemlcov; nfr.d vysel ze lijiätrni , se nnvrliovatelka je osol:ou or- rfivncnou die ur:t. ^> 4 zr.kona o püdf, a £e r-i dcvolava restitucniho •^- tulu uvedeneho v unt. ? 6 odst. 1 tisr.. V/ z-LcorK.^ o püdf,. t.j. tvrdi , ze ruvodni vlrntnici nen ovitofrti pozl yli poii-cupem die zälc. £• 142/ ST., a zal:. c. 4f>/ C Sl., a to odn^tiir. Vez n'-hrr-dy. Dl^ f- taiio^'irka S;- ravy pro vrci inc\iotkov6 ze dne i\ . 10. 1993 1 '^li püvodni vlantnici od- ::hodnini za ]o:iyti predii ^ l;nc?:o iiirjotlru jc^Uo Vritati, rof^r. nirerirt:i', rt. olcone niGZiotatnini doi-odf.'ini . Pritüti npoluv.h s Lnici taLto ol ii:/r. - li nejii;ene 34 678 1 /GI3J/, auericke g; oluvlrr: tnicc prJc castku 258 6Sl , 17 /^ /USD/. IlavrPiovatellra ;je ochotnr. takto vy^lacer. u cäütku v pii] a^. vyd.'ini pf edmetnycli neirovitooti r.tafcu vratit. Dohody 0 vydani casti piediQC tiieho rr.ajetku uz- vieli s navrliovatelkou : osoty povinne povize Agroprumyslovy kontinät, a*s. Sedliice a Otec Eci'- tosoTice, avsak tyto dohody poLerliovy ursd f^vym rozhodnutiin ze dne 25.1.1994 , nesclivnlil. On^atni povinne onol y se s navrhovatelkou no/c hodl na vydani zlyvajicich cdsti velkoGtatku Eartosovice. Z tcchto zjisteni poz6?ml:oy7 luid dovodil, ze neni daii res ti tuen;', titiü. uvedeny v ust. v 6 odst. 1 pir^ir:. ly Z'/4rona o piuH, protoze k 0 •- nc ti majetkLi oice doslo ctle^ zakonu o pozeiikov/c:i reformacli, avs^l: za nnhradu, pficemz nopfipadä v üvahu navraceni nalirady die uct. § 6 od.. * 3 zaicona o pudc, kfcere dopada na j.i ne piip.-d,. odnfti r.ajctku, takze n:'":ze l)yt rozhodnuto o vl'-stnictvi navrhovate.l]:y k piedmetnym nenovitr terr. Froti toiiuto roi'hodnuti podala navrhovntolka opravny prostfedek a tim, Z8 sice püvodni vla.^tnici ol drzeli zr, pfedinetne neiiiovitcsti o^' r.kodneni na zaiaadc nieüiftatnich dohod, av:ak tote odskodneni neodpc- drlo jejich podilüm na tomto rajetkii ani jeho celkov^ hodnote. Tckto z vi o nrijndene rorliodnuti jalro -pravne potv.r.'zenü z duvc^dLi v Wiw uvrjdenyoly v.l z Jeho vy J?i.\ i eni zaloi-ene v v.^y- visici Vf!ci vedene pod s;;. zn. J3 ^'i^ 61/94/. I.estnky so\:d v Irazo pferJcournl napader c ro"-hodnuti pozeIrkovc^ lio r.radu vcetnr fizeni, ktere inu predchazelo, o.nlz naiizovrl jednarii f^ "SOI a na£3l. o.rj.r., ;, 9 orlnt. 6 z^il.c. ?r^\/91 Sl • ve zneni pozru ,]-• in'oa i.u'ediJnu / a do:;p<' .1 k :.;iv-h uvTBd^ny re^titu-nl titur, ze'sice l-vi.^ od^co. die lüezistä tili dol.ody, a-Cgr;k toto odgkofhun'i V/lo v'iri'fe, ' ktera iie,od lovidalit^ hodnbt^ Ea.jeLl.u, a ze ,je ochotna castku, ktera ii taJcto t-T poßkytnuta, navr^tlt die u^t. § 6 odst. 3 zckona o md? . Odpurce ma' za^ o ze uvedeny re^^titucni titul neni dnn, ze totiz v pripe^., aoslo k^odncti ir.ajetku zr. ndliradu, a zecfJcto natytou cäftku nelze di usüan. V odst. 3 navratit, toto zäk. ust. dopadä na jin^ pripr-dy. t- ;oud dospel na z&lade dokladü, kterd otsahuje spravni i^pis, ke j^hodn^mu zaveru .j?vo rozenücoy/ viad. rfedeviHin zdüraznuje, ze je nut:j vyjit ze^Zapinu sepsandho dna 21. 10. 1949 v k?iicelare statnlho hos- podaintvi v Bartor.ovicich, kde zastupovpl pv.vodni vlastrxiky Dr. 0. Czeczoviczka, a kdy tylo pfedmeteir. jednani rfevzeti velkos'tatku Esrtc- sovice urceneäo pro ücely poseralcov^ reforov die v/nosu min. z^iredol-' - vi ze dne 15.4.1949, c. J.63C9/48-IVR-12, resr. vykoupeneho die z.^:. 46/40 St. yym^'rem OITV Iloyy Jicin ze dne 30.9.1949 zn. 61 1/48-.29/4-4o_T Z olrsaJiu zapisu jednov.nacnG vyrl.'rva, i^e k odnc-ti majetku doslo ze n^l: radu, ze zar^tupce rnvodnich vlostnlku si yyhradil podmirücu, ze nlnir- ter-tvo Eern?'d':ir=tvi cely stntek uliradi v hotovosti, pricecz uvedeny" Zgpin Dr. Czecr.ovviczka codepsal g vyhradou rr.ezinarodnich Jednani statv CSn^Anßlil a Ur?A. Z dopisu Trinisterstva finvnci ze dne 17.6. 1993 psk vypl./va, i'e n.?xok7 H. K'inzove ohjedne zmiiitneho ir.ajetku tyly pod c. EC 19999 vypoiadäny no r.adkl-db Dohody iresi Cer^koslovenskeiTi a Velkou Prl- t-mii a f^?v. Irr^keip ze dn- 28.9.1949. K odne bi K-.a.ietku zde •;fidy_dn£x^ jjodle zai:._.c. 142/47 SU a zalc. c. 46/4SSt. za nah.radu, z uveden.ych lintinn./ch duknr.ü vypl./va, Zr- rri icterntvo r-eir.edQotvi ce zavuzclo uli- r-dit ho^nobu rtatku, coz pak lylo realizovano fakticky nr zakladt rmin'rne mezir ;;n bnx cchody, o cerz od sareho jocrdfcku jednani ir.ezi zac- tui-cen: pävcdnich vlastniku a nasimi sn. organy 'nebylo pochyb, ,jak je r.ipjme z ohFrhu isu ::e dne 21.10.1949, .1nk 1 ylo popsano z'.ora. Z uvedeneho je pabrno, L:e nn dtny piipad nedopada resitucni ti- bul uvedeny v ur^t. C 6 oJct. 1 pinm. V zakona o \Ml, ktereho ce dc- volava navrJiovbollcr, kdy? k odn :i zn.inlixjch nerr.ovitosti dloslo za ndhradu, a ner ovitc;- i:i ii-l-e y/dat ;m± z .iMÖho düvcdu uvedeneho v u. ,: .. ^' cj. b. -■I.!:. '• oh.i .,irMr tiM bu rkii l,?(inon b, i'. < v b(? bo pr'ivnf. v?.c1 neni - 4 - M-^^.lrK'n •' ;3(ln7 - r -irrti tncnich ' l tilii viVGdenych v cifc. iintmcveni r.-:]ccnrj, n^M'^^chylil por.enhovy riad, k(iyz rorhocll, ^e nnvrhovatelka neni vlarrtnicf. pf'irir.: tnych nemovi bor f;i . K odvolacin v.yhradajr. mwrhovatolky soud r/cdotyka, 2-.e otaLka v/se nahrad;/ za odnate neirovitontl neni rozhodna v to mto pfipade navrhovatel- ka /reßr. joji pravnf piedchudci/ ir.ela coLnost; se v pfipade negoiüilrou nvych prav dorraliat na zalcladT omin^^nych ueziötafcnich dohod* ITavrhovatelkc. rovngz nennüze evonb. poulcazovat na restitucnl titul uveder^" v usf. § 6 odrb. 1 pinm. r/ zpJ:ona o i:udc, kdy2 na jej£ pf.ipad zcela jarne dopada cpeciÄTnl ugfc. 5 6 odr^b. 1 pinir. b// z Ticona o pude^ a tsjn uveden^ pi'edpck- Infly pro navi^aceni prednu.' bnc'^ho irajebku nejsou d^iny. Otazlca arlikace ust. ^ odßt. 3 cib.^zak. je n oiiledein na shora vyrloveny pravniho zcela rirr porouc:eni teto pr'ivni V'Tci. ' - Na zalclade ?hora naznaceneho ::cud potvrdll napadene rozhodnMti pc— zemkoveho Ofadu jaJio v' cnr s vravne /§ 250f o.p.f* a § 250q_ odst. 2 o.s.i., Vyrok o nr'üirpdr iiä]:] adu Hzeni pe oiira o ust* § 25Ck odst. 1 o.s.:'. a ^ 2501 o'rb. 2 o.n.f., proto£e navrhovatelka netyla v tomto fizeni vs- pT^-na. Iroti tomui:o rozsTuciku neni s odrb. 1 o.s.f#/# oprr.vny prortiedek pfipuctny /§2':C V Fraze dne 29 •9*1994 Za ppravnos JIJDr. Hana Douskova pfedsedkyne senatu V H' . CeskA repubtjka '4 ROZSUDEK JMENEM REPUBLIKY 33 Ca 61/94-7 Kectslcy sond v Ir&ze rorhodl v r.endtfi r!lo?.cnem z jifedeodkynf JULr. Hany Douekove a noudcu JIJDr. Ifadt üdy liehv-kovC a I^gr. Aleny Krylovs ; privril veci navrhovn talky : Hany .uiiEove, lyten iraiia IC. U Vesm- j. 7.nnb. JTJDr. O.ldfiryi^m Hornken., n(tvo):nf:pir A' Iff.lir. 2, Jerinn 29 pT'ot:i od- purci: Okre£?nimu üiT:du-nozerJ:ovei::U Orridu v flovern Jicine, za ücasti 1/ Agroprümysloveho koirli'dtu a.s. Slusovice, 2/ Obce Bartosovice, 3/ 1 o~ zeinkovemu i^v^üu JH, p:>:-c::a Ncry Jioin, IKxs^ive. 13, o oprr.vner: prcstf-d ku navrhovatelky iroti rozhoclniiti odpürce ze dne 25* 1. 1994 c.j. FÜ/ 1 /92-SV-2C2-A t a k t o : Soud neschvaluje doiiody o v;/d:mi nGr.ovitonti ze dne 28. 4. 1993 ch- lednr k.u. Sedlnico n ze dne 24.5*1993 oliledn? k.i;. Bartosovice. Navrhovr.telia neird pravo na ilII'.XcK'U n:ll:ladu rlzeni. Odiivodneni Napadenyrn ro::hGdnutir: pozeirk.^d }:^od] a \, 9 odst. 2 zalconi^. o i-üd' n^GclivrlJl dchody o v^^öeni nerrovi bor: fci uzavi ene dne 28.4.1993 ir.ezl ivavr- hovn'j'Okou :\ A.^^ot nirr.yrl ov/m IconVi nateTn a.n. Cedlnice oJdednc nei::ovi tc^-- fn' V k.u. Sedlnior? a dne 24.5-1993 nier.i n.-^ vr-c. vr to3kou a Ol ci Partosovi olilednc neriovl tos t.i k.ü. v Bartoi:ovlce . rfi rrven: rorhodovaiu' vyäel ze c.jiätGni, ze navrhovatelka ndrok na vydani' zninfnych nercovltocti j^-ko oi-ota oprdvncna podle ucv. ^ 4 odrt. 1 rirr. c/ a e/ znkonn o rüde, n Te n? dovolava restit\;cnir ;. tittüu uvedonelio v urit. ^ C odub. 1 pisn:. V/ ci t. zal. • , t.j. tvrdi, : ruvodri vlrirtnici nei nv.i l;or tl T.r>'.1 yli d]^ '. ?^k. c. 142/47 Sl • a zi^c. .. srvT t ' )0 1 0 l/'H OIK J - 22;i'!)1 I I - 2 - /lCy48 St. a ho o piedirctn^ nc-rovi ';onti r •" ' oc.cany, a ze l.vli odHiiodiicni nr. zaizlauc nezint atmen cionoa« Taicto crits nro.l uvlnntnici oVrirroli. nojrpene 34 678 L /GPT/ ^ nirericka spoluvlaatiiice prJ: castku 256 682,17 ^ /Ur:D/. Ilavrhovatelkr. je ochotn? takto v.yplrcen cnntkii V pfipc?/ t v.ydani pledixi^. tnych aeiovitoGti sf dt ivrätit. Z trchto zjint'ni dovodil, '/e neni din ren^i r.r" I titu]., o kterv : navrhovptelkrr o] ir?>. protoze k odiioti! smin^.rK'ho irnjetku doslo za nähradu r :-'.n nepriradd v i.Wnhii nrvracena tpJ:to porkytnute nährady podle ust« § 6 odr?t. 3 zakona o |:udf , proto£^ toto zakoiinö urtanoveni setyka Jinych rcr- t:i hucnich titvilu n preur?üiie dohody z uv3denycli düvodü neschvälil. Froti toKuto rozhodnuti pod«ala navrhovatelka opravny prostredek ? tim^ ze gice püvod 1 vlr'ütnici otdrzeli za pfedmetne nenovitosti odS- kodntni na zaklndc n'ezintatnlch doliod, avsak toto odskodnenf neodpovid?.- lo jejich podiluDi viy rra.jetku aai jeho celkcve hodnote. Talcto zic- ^^rnoti cantliu .1? oohoftnr n-vr-'^ti t, ira r.a to, r,f^ Ize na daiv/ pripad avlikj::,- valj Uf?t. § 6 odf^t;. 3 z:'vl:on?\ o jMd' . TrvaJ.a n l;or., ?e je dnn ronl;ifcuriif ■' tvl podle u.^t. ^ 6 odst'» 1 pinm. 1/ isäJcona o a navrhovf^la, al:y tylc nrradene rczliodnuti zru^nno a vlc vracena pozeirk. üiadu k dalsip.u postu^L Odpürce n^ivrhovsl, al'^y Irvlo napadene rozliodnuti jalco spriivne rot\r z?no z dO.vodü v nem uvedf?n/ch# Mcntcky poud v Fraze pf^zkonjnal napadep.e rozhodnuti pozerk. üfadii vcetne fizeni, kter»^. ru piedchazelo, aniz naiizovEil jednani § 2501 a nar] o.n.r*, § 9 odrt. 3 ^al:. c. 229/91 Sl • ve znrni pozdPjslch piedpiru a dor^rel k zaverir, ze pozerkovy ürnd postuiovpl spravne, kdyz pfedmetne dc- hody o vydriii zenifdriskeho r.aj^tku neschvälil* Opravny prostredek navrhc- v?^fcelky neni duvodny. Ffedrrteir. nrezlromrrini Je dla cit. zak. ro2hcdnati pozerk. ufadu, l:f:'^r7n' nnrchvnlil doliody o vydrnii r)'?T o\'l tos^ti . Soud v ramci tohoto pfez- kourani roz:iod'.;,je zaradn^" tnlr, re V.vA dohodii n^?!?! nchvalf / ccz Ize poiiZ3 t^fu^/t • je-11 dohcd?« O.n? v Roulr-dvi i=e zalconer/ noto tak, ze dohodu nes- chvali a vtc vr-iti porav-. \' f adu k rozhodnuti o vli-ptnictvi/ viz \ 9 odr ' ^ zak. o rud"/. Zrnri^ni "» nr5v>'-5ceni veci poznrrk. üiadu k novemu rozhodnu. ^> rCfivalen.1 vi ri^rc'livW '\ do'iody, rr?«!» . dort^d., riichazi v üvtnhu pouze I"'", l-cde Vy av^n';» rv>v' ''zar-i r-'hJ 0 prine^f; balcove poznatky, v jojicy.i: - J - pvi »Mo Yy r\ol,c;\r. oYr.iyMr.. ri Irvlo t ,- fiiW,i' V rvrhu trvlr, kdf? 'Ifhoilc je v r;oi:n('- ji rchv^Üit. To ovtierr. neori- V teto pr-'-vm' vf^ci .jo nepoch.vtne, ?.e o vyihim neiJiovitosti die za- konp. o püdr zadn. or.oVr. o;-.rivnuia die urt. C: 4 clt. z^k. o pu--?, kterä dox'olava roptitucni. c titiUu uvedennho v up.t. § 6 odst. 1 pisr.. t/ cit. r.akona. Däle je ncr.porne, so predmrfcne neirovitop+i lyly püvodriim vl.^st- nlkum odnaty rortiirnr dls c. 1/12/47 ''"b. o rerlzl prvni poceirkove r^forrcy a die zalroim. c. 46/48 SV. o nove ro::enk. reform?, a ze pjvodr.i vif-fcnici oldrKoij zp t.-^kko poztyte nenovltortl odiMco^Jitni die rezint- atnlch dohod. S]ornou otä'/.kou züatava, zda na dajiy pHpad dopada ust. :. 6 odrt. 1 11m . 1/ C7 !t. •-. k. zda fcotig k odnRt£ do§lo die z^onü o rozeirkov/ch reforrach tez nnJirady, ci zda n-^Jirr.da tyla poskytnuta, tr]> zo pice lyla odgkodi:("nr: dJe Er.ezistdfcni dohody, avnak toto odskodneni V-Oo V mife, ktera nsodpovidsla hodncte r.ajetku, a ze je ocliotna cast- kn., ktera tnkto Vyln porkytirita, r-vr-^.tit dZo ':-/ »;. § 6 odtt. 3 zaJconr o p-;:^. Odpürce na za to, ze uvodeny restitticni titul neni doji, 2° to- tiz V toir;to pfippd<. doSlo k odiif ti rrjetku za nnhradu, a £e talrto na- V-.-tou cactku nolzG die urt. t 6 odr!;. 3 na\'ratit, toto zeJc. ust. d->- pi'.du n-r jine pfipady. "^oud dopppl na :',.'^kladr doklsdu, kterc o"b?ahuje npravni spis, ke shodneinu zavpru jako pozenkovy ufad. rrede^'sin zdüraznuje, ze je nut- no vyjit ze Zaplru reprnn^'ho die 21.10.1949 v kancelafi statniho hon- pnd-u'rl;v( v P nr toüov m.m'oI!, kde, Iwiovp.l pi'ivcdni vlvstnik;/ Dr. C Czeczoväczk.a, a krly Vylopi eciirtC- tein .iednäni pi'ovr.eti velkostatku Farto- ßcvice urceneho pro vcely pczerJ:. reforiry die vynosu irdn. zeücdclstvi ze dne 15.4.1949 , c-j. 63C9/48_IVR-12, resp. rykoupeneho die zak. 46/48 St. vyrrerem CUV ITov.y Jicin ze dne 30. 9. 1949 zn. 611/46-29/4-49-1::. Z oVr?ahti zapinu jednoznacnt vyrlyvä, ze k odnr^ti na.ietku doslo za nali- rndu, ze -äotupce süvcdnich vla.-tni!ü ci vyhrr. dil podirinlcu, z; ) r.nis- terntvo zercd^lF:tvi cely rtatek ühndi v hodtovonti, pficen.2 uvedeny ^ Zapir; Dr. Czeczowiczkr poderj^nl s v/hradoü jr.ozistf'.ijnich ujedni^.i sta- * tu ("SR, An/^lii a USA. Z rlopinu I/inin terotva fjnanci ze dne 1?. 6.1993 a r« ptanovif^ka "'^l-^v:; pr- .-Ic." -aje tkove ze dne 4. 10. I983 pale vyply- v6, ze naroky 11. F:i.mzove oliledn? zciincneho irajotku tyly pod c. BC 1999 vyrorid^A7 na z.?kladt Dcicd-.- nesi Ccrrlioslovenakein a Velkou E ritanii""" a Scv. Iraker, ze dne 28. 9. 1949- K odneti r.:a.1 !:ku zde t->dv ■-"'.oglo pod- le zaJ:. cl 142/47 St. a zal:. c. 46/48 St. ze. nsJiradu z uveden.'.ch lis- tinnych dOkazn vyrj.yv'r, ?:» ri ninterr^tvo zec e d - 1 n tvf se Z£-vazslo lüira- dit hodnotu f?tatku, coz pr.k >ylo reclizovano fnkt-icky na zalclade zmi- n- i)6 rezirtatni dohody, o cerrz od r;>r.eho poc^tku jenani cezi zastur^- cor rüVod-ich vl^rtnik-j r. iirpArrl ct. orgdny nelylo pochyt, jak je zfej- ne z oVrthu zapiru ve dne 21.10.1949, jak ly^o ropp^ano rhora. .V Z uv^deii^iio jf? pritrno, 5e r;i draiy iiii:?.-d xi.dorada reirbitucni ti- ';'Vl uvod^ny v virt. ^ 6 orlGt. 1 i^irD. t/ zalcciia o /üdf^, ktereho ro dovo- ''7'\ navr:iovn t:o]l:r- l:(J7i: k odr.f- ti zmini-nycli iiGrovitor^ti doslo sd näJirr^- 'Im a noTiOvi tor^ vi :i?l:'e v:.dr.t rrnl z jinoho duv(:.i vivoJenehc v ust. r'; 6 r?i t. Z'ilc. Doliodr r.n / zykona o pudc, a tan: uve- dene pi°dpoklauy pro navraceni pfednttneho irajetlcu nejcou dany. Fro po- rou^eni vfci je rovivz n rozhodn^, zda na tonto piipad dopada ust. § 6 oOrt. -^ zakonr o liid^ ci nikoli, kdyz neni d-^n zadny z rentitufnlch ti- tnlu uvodenych v zninw o pud'^'. Na zaJdad!" rl:or^ nar::"nceneho roud rcvn??. neschvalil dohody o v\-d:'- ni predinrtnehc rr.a.j'^tku, a to bez dnlsiho, kdyz jiz pozeinl^:ovy v.iad rozho- dl Gvyir. rozhodrutiri ze dne 2.2.1994 t^z o ob '.reo vlastnictvi k prednrt- nyin nenovitoGtem ve cmyslu ust. "^ 9 odzt. 3, 4 Zciliona o pud£. Vyrok o nährad? nsJ:ladu fizeni f. a [. 2501 odst. 2 o.n.f., protoze Troti tor.uto rozGud]:u ii e n i odrt. 1 o.s.r./. ze opira o ust# ;^ 250 k odst. 1 cg navrhovatelka ncbyla v tccto fizeni opravny prostfedek pfipur^tny /§ 250g V Fraie dne 3» rijna 1994 i' r ■ f"pr-'vn Rt: / / / • JUDr. Hana Douckova pfed^edliyn? senatu - H - .. . \ Z iiv^d'^tr'lio j*^^ i:.'it:rno, £e r;i drai/ i^f:vi:?^.d ii.dorada rertitucni oi- \'\1 uv«?d?n7 V urt. ^ 6 odrit. 1 i-irn. b/ zdJcciia o iCidt^, ktGr'iho ro dovo- ''7''' navrhovn f:o] l:r, l^Jv^: k 0(\vXt\ zinirK-nycli iiorovitor^ti doslo zn naJir-.- 'i'i a noiriOvitor??:! M-^lr.e v:.dr.t niii z jiricho :. i ivodenehc v iint. >; 6 r^il;. zrilsi. Bohodr :n dne 28.4.1993 ne opir-i o reritucni titul uvodeny V urfc. § 6 odnt. 3 r^'-Si^- V ^'^^-ona o tüdf,, ktor;/ na tento pri^ad nedopr d:i r. aJii caira navrliov^te] kn ne o toiifco restifcvxcni titul neopirä, vdo- liode ze dne 24. 5. 1993 nani zadn;/ rentitucrii titul uveden, otssiiuje ponze neurcity odkrz na za!:on o püdr-. G oki-derr na tu skutecnost,^ ze v t^'to pr'Wili veci r^.oni nailnfn Ziidj'y z restitucnich titulu uvedenych v oit. untanovnni snkotir., n^^i.ochyVil pozerJ^ovy \;rad, l:dyz jerr.u pfedlor.e-^ no dofiody „r^^-chv^^lil protoz'^, odf)oruji Z2.i!conu /§ 39 otc. za)c.,zak. o pü dr § 9 od-t. 2./- o «. K 'odvülcciTT V7}ircd'/-u: nr.vrhovatelky r.oud pcdotyka, äe ctäzka vyse nähr* d:- za o-ln^tci nr^rovi tonti x^.^TlL v toirto pfipadc rozncdna, navr » hoV'?telka r«r^r. joji pravni pr?dchudci n ?la ji:oznor>t se v pripad? nenou- hl::::u rv 'ch rrav dcn.aJiat nc z;jJ':la / Troti tor.uto rozGudl'.u ii e n i odrt. 1 o.s.r./» Ge opira o ust# 5 250 k cdst. 1 cg navrhovat.3lka iictyla v toi^to fizeni orravny prostfedek pfipuntny /§ 250g V rra:e dne 3* vi.jnn 1994 Sr f'pr^'vn R t: ♦« . i / ». - / ^H SOOoN • JUDr# HaJia Douckova pf edsedk.yne senatu ■y V.v.*,*-.'. ^ .«^4**.v<« ,■ H'iir/sM -»«»»■,■» -'W r ■*! V^ . . . r^^'-aö^i '^vf 1 '*'.r* *.' .'^ • ■-^^^'^ 4'' Dear Madam, , vath reference to your letter ot MarcK 2k, 1969, we^would Jorifli?^ that you estabUshed a claim under tho Foreign Conpensa>xon ^ , . _ •:^ (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950 (as amended) in the;^sum of £80,955 i^ respect of:- . ."?» 'i'f .> P V *: %.. V- :•• ". .-••1, >► .-L-; b * a) 19.36/S in the Bartosovice estate less Arthur Czeczovr^czka' s usufruct : ,v-^s-;i v'-".i:'>'%f>''e^^v Kcs. 11 ,673 ,180 -plus 2ivÜ for ö^yearsi^^^^^^'^^': •-••■.:;K?K^.^?- • *■*■*!' i „ ' « ' - r.»- »«• *^.' - ^ ■ • ' ■•> .'.;'::^ r „ ' b) Cne quarter share in land at ^enov and house \ at Now Jicin less value of Irma. Czecsovaczka.' s usufruct . • :--*V^:^;." . Kcs.' 2,434,91^ plus 2^ for 64 years,- ' - ' ' -• * ' and received the sun of £7,269. 1. 8. frcm the Czechoslovak Fund i.e. 1 s 9.55d in the £• . • The rate of exchange used by the Corrrrds sich* was Kcs. 201.50 to the £. . ■• . ■ . * ■■ ■ We v/ould add that as faf as it appears from the Commission' s records you did not submit a claim under xho above-mentioned Order- ;he Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) "(l^ögistration) Order, VW» , .s -^ , ;..t. .1 ■( ■■* -r">V., or 1960 in respect pf .real estate at Karlsbad-Fischern, Hauptstrasse 92 • ::.:^:'^.^ . :.. . Yaurs faithfully . ■>- • • 7r • .■< '•>''•'/ _;^;. •^•' ;«i» »f» -r:-'-^-- "Chief Examiner. •*,-* ~--,»'>» Hrs. H. Kunz, " .•• * ^330 Copley xlöad, Upper Darby PA, United States of America.. » «•. -•« • •• ( kf try*^ .< —(/•«•« <«•#••%••• • Okresnf narodrlf vyBor T iJot^e» Jlclti^ Znacka j 5ff2/08-28/7- 1949-VIII4 ^ t ^ Okreenimu narodnimu rybora ^ N a c li o* d 4 *., <^W Vv ' vV*. fcft«»»if>>'miii>t».' -* V NoT^m JlSine dll« iÖ*2ÄH 1940* tri l l I K zu. 5ff0wia/7- 1949 3 26*7*1949» ' • • ... . . Petr Lederer »konflskac» majetku dld dekr»S«108/45 Sb* .V ^ Prilaha t 1 K' >■' ^-^ / .// ./T K tamnimu dotazu ee 8dSluJ»»ze v^^rtm zdtONV se dn« 4»9il946 c»36tf4/2ij*( lyl konflBko-rän dlft dekr«c*108/45 3lj*düia cp*fiTS ▼ Notila Jl6ffag Jakö mäjdtek ^ nem.prÄT.OBO^ t»aT* •• Ltbenshortt * -t MnichoT§»Proti konfiskaöi töhdto domu podal ▼ taetoupenl HÄn^_iiitaft»4jajLlkaL-aimoiiOTi A-Ton» Ledererorych adTol4n£ Jtmr«JiHdt*iadTokit t pjra&BiB« Sddostl 0 staSfthi - ! z dü-rodU)Ztt se t danim pripadc^ Jedhi 0 neplatng^ pferod TlasttprÄYa a 0 I majetek)ktery JmenoTanf pozbyli pod tlakem okupao^ a 2e u t^ohto nejsöu- J dany dÜTody konflftkaca majetku dltt dektic «106/45 Sbi V daiiia pffpadS Jedi mze byti tozhodhüto az po projednAttf 2/doeti 0 reetituei plijiuln^" Mü^* Okireanf Ndrodni Vj^bot t »ot^m Jlcfn«en)lltuj» pak dU pffdlö*! t^U pS$^S2Jl!?iJ|^*^i.!t"!!l"!'2^^?y"^^-^-?^i«»^ ^?^**^^ nArodno.U^i»^ proto nejaott n nlaVi rf^ cLekr»c«] ma j etku kac Fan> JTJDr* B • ft k •f 1 AdTokit Pfednosta i H0T4k t«J*i HÄ ▼«domf ae SÄdoBil 0 sdllenf tj^eledkü re»tituSn£ho l^lzenf. 20kz4f£ 1949 r Kolek 3 Kg« it R ir;;, . , Ragjtko t OkreBni söüd Soudni kahcelÄ? okr»BOUdti t KoT^m Jicin8»dnB 20*rljna 1949 pjödM« nee* B»k*V*r» PrddnoBta t Podpli hScÜBli^^ t«f Opit tenio 8ouhlaB£ doBlotnS • pTTopieeoS OTSf enjhn oplaem cv 1/2 arohu^opätretig^ kolkem z& KS » •» %. District National Court in Novy nJ i c i n Novy Jicin Sept. 12/ 1949 Reference tf 562/08-28/7- 1949-VIII District National Court ^achod N RegARDING REFERENCC # 560-12/7-1949 dateci 26.7.1949 PETR LEDERER/ CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY ACCORDING TO DECREE # 106/45 SR. Enclosure : Regarding the a that according according to #1 C&% IN Novy Jic law so called " representing Ha contested this that the transf owners lost the there are no gr #108/45 Sb. In according to ac confiscation ca application reg i n Novy Jicin c been submitted NEVER German na due to racial 1 is no reason to # 106/45 Sb. bove mentioned to ONY dated 4. 08/45 SB HOUSE in / as German Lebenshorn" pas na Kunz, Erika ruling/ on the er of the prope ir property dur ounds for confi this g i ven cas t #128/45 Sb an n only be decid arding restitut an rule after t and reviewed. T t i onali ty and s aws (Jewish nat confiscate the 1 nqui rer 9.1946 # AND PRO? property s e d in M Simon, T grounds rty is i ing the sca t i on e we are d thus t ed after ion. The he requi he perso uf f ered ionali ty ir prope y we are informing you 3664/zaj was confiscated ERTY REGISTERED NUMBER according to German uni ch . Dr . J . Hora . omas and Petr Lederer that in this case llägal, as above mentioned occupation and thus according to decree dealinjwg with restitution he va^lidity regarding negotiating and reviewint n the District Court red documentat ions have ns ABOVE MENTIONED WERE under Nazi terorism ) and therefore there rty according to decree JUDr. Beck , lawyer Novy Jicin Stamp and seal äpftAVA PRO VECI MAJETKOVfi , V^ÖÖÖ PRÄHA 7, NÄBft. KPT. 3ARÖ5E 1000 Polt. pMhr. 68 - TiUfon '389 1111 %'.r \ ' t .' •*«•««*«•• Okr.esni üfad pozemkovy üfad 741 11 Novy Jlcift VPRAZE dne 28.0^.1993 C). 14/3359/93-Kr/k Referent:dr.Kratky JÖt? 3892775 V« dopis « 31 . 08. 1993 «•»■ck»: PlJ-5950/ 93-SV-203 I v8c: Hana K u n z o v a roz. Czeczowiczkova, V.Britanie - velkostatek . BartoSovlce Odvolavame se na Vae dopis ehora uvedenehb oznacenl a na zakladje provedeneho eetfeni edelujeme! Velkostatek v BartoBovicfch, okres Novy Jicin, kat.üzeml Barto- Sovlce, Sedlnice, Pustejov, Butovlce a Zavlslce, jehoz spoluvlastnf- ky byli brltsti statni obcan^ dr. Arthur Czeczowlczka, Irma Czeczowicz- kova roz. Adlerova a Hana Kunzova roz* Czeczowiczkovd a americkd stat- ni obcanka Erika Simonova roz* Czeczowiczkova, byl vypofödan Dohodou mezi Ceskoslovenskem a Velkou Britanii a Sev.Irskem ze dne 28.9.1949, o nahrade za britsky majetek,prÄva a opravnenl, dotcen^ es. opatfeni- ml plynouclml ze znarodneni, vyvlastnenl nebo odneti drzby, resp. po- kud jde o Eriku Simonovou, Dohodou mezi CSSR a USA ze dne 29.01.1982 , o vyporaddnf urcltych otevfeniych närokü a f inancnich otazek. Jmenovani brltsti spoluvlastnici obdrzeli odskodne v uhrnn6 vy- sl nejm^ne 34#678,00 Ji (GBP) , americka obcanka Erika Simonova obdr- zela nähradu ve vysi 2(58.682,17 9i (USD). Cit.dohoda s Velkou Brltanix vypofadala veskery majetek britskyct statnich pfislusnikü dotceny do dne jejiho podpisu, t.j. do 28.9.1949, nejen es. .opatfenfmi odniraajicimi vlastnlcke pravo, ale take opatfeni- ml odnfmaoicimi drzbu resp.opatf enimi, jlmiz bylo vlastnlcke prdvo britskych fyzickych nebo pravnickych osob pouze omezeno* Obdobne byly podle vyse uvedene dohody s USA vypofadany veskere naroky amerlckych statnich obcanü, tykajici se majetku dotceneho nekterym es. opatfenim odnimajicim nebo omezujicim vlastnlcke prävo# Z podkladü, kter^ ma Sprava pro vecl majetkov^ k dlspozici, ply- ne; 1) ze velkostatek resp. zbytkovy statek Bartosovice byl v ram- ci revise prvni pozemkove reformy podle zak.c. 142/1947 Sb. vyvlastnen resp. pfevzat statem na zaklade rozhodnuti ministerstva zemedelstvi cj. 6309/48- IX/R- 1 2, .cj. 6308/48-IX/R-12 ze dne 15.4-1948 a cj . 6306/ 48-IX/R-12 z tehoz dne, popf. vykoupen podle §1,odst.3 zak. c. 46/1948 •»•^ 1 h o e l»r :a :o IC I) IIa IC V |1€ re Ld Ih C c: oc • - 2 „ Sb., o nove pozemkov^ reformg, na zaklade vym§ru Okresn£ho närodniho vyboru V Nov^m Ji6ine ze dne 13.5.1949 5J. 611/09-29/4-1949, 2) ze dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka, Irma Czeczowiczkovä roz.Adlerovä^ a Hana Kunzovä roz. Czeczowiczkovd byli v rozhodn^ dobe, t.j. v dobe dotceni tnajetku a ke dni podplsu amlouvy s Velkou Britänii. britsky- mi statniml obcany a ze Krika öimonovÄ roz. Czeczowiczkova byla v roz- hodne dobe, t j . ke dni dotceni majetku a ke dni 2.2.1982, kdy nabyla dohoda 0 USA ücinnosti, americkou stötnf obcankou. Z uveden^ho je patrno , ze velkoatatek Bartosovice je vypofadän cit. dohodami o majetkopravnfm vyporadani s Velkou Britänii a USA , a je tedy majetkem Cesk^ republiky, ktery nelze restituovat. Na vedonii: ^ - V§VF V Brne - §kolni zemedelsky podnik, El.Krasnohorske 178, 742 4^ Novy Jicin II, - Advokätni kancelÄr JUDr...0.1drich H„Q...r.^ .k_*_.lÄfina_2a._.l2Q-QCl_-Pxa= ha 2, - p. Fridolin P o k o r n y , 747 69 Pustd Polom cp. 218 . / Jarmilä^^^PfelinRdva ved*odd# 14 e •1 DePSii^tment of Properties District court Dept . of properties 741 11 Novy Jicin Praha 28,09.1993 Reference #14/3359/93-Kr/k Referent Dr.Kratky tel 3892775 Your letter 31.08.1993 Reference # PU-5950/ 93-SV-203 Item: Hana Kunzova/ nee Czeczowiczkova, Grq|: Britain -estate Bartosovice Referring to your above mentioned letter and its assignerd number we are informing you of the following. Estate Bartosov Pustejov/ Butov Dr/ Arthur Czec Czeczowiczkova compensated acc and North Irela or nationalizat is concerneed / Czechoslovakia ice, district Novy JiciJ0n, including Bartosovice, Sedlnice, ice and Zavisice, whose coowners were British Citizens zowiczka/ Irma Czeczowiczkova/ nee Adler and Hana Kunzova, n and US Citizen Erika Simonova, nee Czeczowiczkova, has been ording to agreement between Czechoslovakia and Great Britain nd, on Sept. 28.1^49 regarding compensation of properties ion of properties of British Citizens. As far as EüCika Simo she was compensated according to agreement between USA and dated Jan 29, 1982 . he 5^ove mentioned British Citizens received the sum of 34,678 (British terling) and the A^merican Citizen Erika Simon received a restitution in T S amount of 258,682.17 USDollars. P t r According to the agreement with Great Britain all the properties have been compensated to the then British Citizens as mentioned above and proven by their signatures on Sept. 9, 1949, The signatories relinquished any further claim on this property. Also according to the Above mentioned agreement with the USA all Claims by the American Citizen have been satisfieed. Documentations supplied to the Department of Propert ie^ho^ws evidence that 1) the estate Bartosovice has been includfed in land reform according to law # 142/1947 Sb and taken over by State as per proclamation by the Department of Agriculture # 6309/48-IX/R-12, and # 6308/48-IX7R-12 on 15 May 1948 and # 6306/48-IX/R-12 the same day , bought out according to Paragraph 1 , #3., law 46/1948Sb under the new land reform and registered in Novy Jicin May 5, 1949 # 611/09-29/4-1949 the the 2) That Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka, Irma Czeczowiczkova, nee Adler and Hana Kunzova, nee Czeczowiczkova were at the time of the signed agreement British Citizens and that Erika Simonova, nee Czeczowiczkova was at the deciding time regarding the mentioned property 2.2.1982 US Citizen. -2- In view of thes documentations it is evident that the estate Bartosovice is bought out according to agreemerx^^ds with Great Britain and the USA and therefor^ remains the property of the Czech Republic and cannot be restituted. Copies sent to: VSVF in Brno- Agriculture School Deartment/ El. Krasnohorska 1278, 742 42, Novy Jicin II. Law firm JUDr. Oldrich Horak, Jevcna 29, 120 00 Praha 2 Mr. Fridolin Pokorny 747 69, Pudstas Polom # 218 Department of Property Jarmila Pelinkovas Department 14 (2) (3) (k) Joint ownmrai^ aa rogl a^ vC^ in the Land Ragi star s - Irtbur Czaosovlezka« 68 Oreoncroft Oardan8,London,H.W.6, Brltlahi t bis ivlfe^ Mrsairma Czeczowlczka^ same address^ Brlti sh| thelr daughter MrsaHanna Kunz n6e CzeczoTrlczka, at present: c/o Dl Sebastian, 7252 Bradford Road, Upper Darby, Fbl., V.3.A., British; thelr daughter MrsaBrlca Simon n6e Czeczonlczka, 170 West 8lst Street, üeii York 2^$ »•!•# UaS.A* UaSaAa OltlZOn« The Estate Bartosovlce, Includlng the area upon ?rhlch the Alcohol Pactorv (property of Arthur Czeczowlczka) was erected, conslsted of Sk$*k7 ba, equalllng 1605 aores (1 ha - 2al|.711 acres), and was reglstered In the Land Register as Jollows:- Part A - In the name of Arthur Czeczowlczka ha.l09.6l4J02 Part B - In the names of Arthur Czeczowlczka and Irma Czeczowlczka Jolntly, each an L_ "Ideal'' half ha 103 •1^.593 Part C - In the namesof Arthur Czeczowlczka and Hanna Kunz /as trustee for Arthur Czeczowlczka/ jolntly, each an "Ideal" half ha I72.511I4. Part D - In the names of Arthur Czeczowlczka and Erica Simon /as trustee for Arthur Czeczowlczka/ jolntly, each an "ideal" half ha I06.I4.627 Part E - In the names of Arthur and Irma Czeczowlczka, Hanna Kunz and Erica Simon /the latter two as trustees for Arthur Czeczowlczka/jolntly, each an "ideal" quarter >..ha 159>la99 Total area of the Estate - ha 65i.l4.935 Share Arthur Czeczovilczka Reglstered in his own name: A - ha 109.61|O2 B - 1/2 51.7296,5 0-1/2. 86.2557 D - 1/? 53.2513,5 E - lA 39.8sk9.7 Total In own name: 52.50J^ or ha 3l40.71l8,7 Reglstered In the name of Hanna Kxinz /as trustee/ C - 1/2 ha 86.25R7 E - lA 59.8sil9/ 19.36?^ er ha 126.1107/ Reglstered In the name of Erica Simon/as trustee/ D - 1/2 ha 55.2513» E - lA 59.85119. ih.'^oi or ha 95.0863. Total share of Arthur Czeczowlczka 85.965^ or ha 559.9088, P»t> h Share Irma OzeezQWiozlrft ^^yW / I B - 1/2 B - 1 A Total ahare of Irma Czeczowlozka lli,.Ol\^ or ha 91 •58^6,25 Total of Eatate^aocording to Land Regiater lOOj^ ^ ha 651>k955^ The Land Regiater ahowa an area of ha 65I.I4.935 whereaa the expert Tomaaek mentlona ha 61|.9*i|.7 only* I belleve the computatlon of the expert to be correot and that aome amall changea have heen omltted from entering Into the Land Regiater. (Por partlculara regardlng the Expert Oplnlon and reglatcatlon, dlatrlbutlon and datea of title contalned In the Schedule of Dlatrlbution aee Enca. and •) Concernlnp; tba Manner in whlch the Intereat aroae; Mr.Salomon Czeczowlczka and hia aon Arthur purchaaed In 1900 the Batate Bartoaovice conalatlng of three adjoining propertlea: (1) Bartoaovice, in the centre ) both reglstered in the name of (2) Puatejov ) Salomon Ozeczoiwlczka; (3) Sedlnlce, regiatered in the name of Arthiir Czeczowiczka. Under the Land Reform Acta I919-I922 the property of Salomon Czeczowlczka waa aubjected to exproprlation, whllat Arthur Czeczowiczka' 3 property waa exempt but wanted for colonlaatlon by the Czech authorltiea» After negotlatlona v?lth the Land Office an agreement waa reached, under whlch Salomon Czeczowlozka (at that tlme over 70 yeara old and of 111 health) aasigned hia ahare - leas a amall area requlred by the Land Office for dlatrlbutlon to small f armer a - to Arthur Gzeczowlczka and hia wlfe Irma Czeczowlczka wlth the conaent of the Land Office, whereaa Arthur Czeczowlczka agreed that the Land Office ahould take over the largeat part of hia own property, whlch was not llable to exproprlatlon under the Land Reform Acta. !ghe alze of land to be owned by Indlvldual owners belng limited by the Land Reform, the dlatrlbutlon dlvldlng the whole area into flve Farts A to E, aa deacrlbed above, waa choaen wlth the conaent of the Land Office. The daughtera of Arthur and Irma Czeczowlczka, Hanna Kunz and Erica Simon, were truateea for Arthur Czeczowlczka. To aafe- guard hia rlghta, special agreeraenta were raade between Arthur Czeccowiczka and hia then minor daughtera, wlth the approval of the Diatrict Court Novy Jlcln, actlng as Guardian for Minora. LII/3J BC 19S9 t6jUL1962 'l # • ♦ C»i^or m Counoll, ip^jo, is aoff t© b« ii«&«« ' Tte tot«l prtywofit unAer Artiol© Ij of tbe •bovo-Rientloneci Orßor aaiounto to 1p. 9.55<1. in KonK't eetabli«h«a •lalm fop £60.935. 0. ol payiwint bü oo^^n o» poealblc. X am, Bi90 Your obf)ai«nt ßerront. ^ ■^ 4 Otto K. Poiiiik^ roa,, Ö8-90, Chnncopy onc. A. CLARK foy Seoretors'« CoploD to: Dr. A. Bobaoch, 86-88, Queen Vlctorl« , . Street, London. E.C.h, f Mre» Anna Kuna, 330, Coploy Road. upper Darby, Pennoylvanla. U.3.A. ' ■I BC 1994 B 257 70HEI&11 CO^!Hi)ITa(JION C01.2.;I33 lOII AlSXj'JIDRA H0U3E KINGt-.AY wmm v/.c. 2. Tel: ül-33b 07OI iixt, 3411 Dear V-cAtn, U 2 NOV 19^9 Vfith i'oforönce to our lettor of April lü, I969, about the late Ai^thiu- CaecKov.'ic2k&'3 established claiia un<3er tho Foroifyi Co.,ipensiit5.on (!ioslova!cia) Ordei^ iii Council, 19^0, we v/ould ij.fona you that the iropeHy referred to the:.'3in was assessed by the Cocmisaion as follovrs;- t a) c) a) 0) Kcs. 4C-, 222 ,533 plus 2^^. intereot for ^-^ yoars Kcs. 3, 21.^, 07c plus Zlf. intcrost for G^ yeara Kcs. 2,375,91J|- i'lus 2-^^^ iiitsrost for -64 years Kcs. 7,021,500 plus 2■^" intereat for 6-^ ye:irs Kcü. 30,301,450 plus 2^5 intercst for i-^- ycars The convorsion rate uaoö by the Coi.i'iisaion v/as Kcs. 201»50 to the £ and the pajiaent aniountod to is 5»55 ( 1 1 ■ü i ) i ^i.. HW/SM BC1992:B257 Dear Madam, FUREiaN CüKPEN£>ATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KIIWSWAY» LONDON W.C.2. Telephnrift OI-856 0701 Ex, 5'i11 ^ ^ W 1969 With reference our lotter of April 10, 1969^ about the late Irma Gzeczowiczr s establiehed claim under the Foreign Cornpensation (Czeohoßlovakia) Order in Council, 19.50, we would inform you that the Commission assesß tVie propertiefi refcrred to therein as follows: a) Kcs. 10,797,788 plus 2-1% interecjt for 6^ yearß, b) Kce. 5,526,^28 plus 2^-9' interef^t for 6} years. The total pa/ment of £7,580. 10, ^d, was niade as followc: July 1, 195^ Julie 1, ^9% April 8, 1957 January 1, 1958 Februar y 6, 1959 February 3, I96O February 6, I96I June 28, 1962 £1,777r ^. 0. £2,675* "l- 8. £ 513* '»^* 6. £ 3^?. 9- 8. £ 4f?8. Z. \. £ 428. Z. 1. £ 599. 6. 11. £ 616. 9. 5. We would ad<3 the conversion rate used by the Commission was Kcs. 20''. 50 to the £ and the p; yment amounted to Is 9»55d. in the £. Yours falüaXully, ChißX.^bcamin Mrs. H, Kunz, 330 Copley Road, Upper Darby S.A. United -States of ^^merica. I I ■ ■i i 1 1 I 1 1 .^■A ä. V^/V^ « ■;: * ( •. .- V ; •^■i .* i" ( ^■'. K)tiBiaN CQWJiWSATION OOM*1JSS|OM •/>: ,:,K. ? « LONDON W.p,r2,..> • r;.''',:,^-:^-' \ ,N X 'S •N, rs,..*y 'S- Kre. H. Kunz, ^ 330 Copley Road^ Upper Darby, P.A •19082^ United States of America« Youra faitnfully. Chief Examiuert . ■■t:-; • ■'•■•.• . 1 ■■ > - — ^:. ii ''4v' y ..■ir%^>*. *■■--« ..^•" ^ •rf \ V ^^ V HW/SM PüRElGN COMPi'JNaATKiN COMMI: XON ATJ;X4NDR/i. HüUSR KINÜF-WAY LONDON W.C.2. BC 1999 : B297 Telephoii" 01-856 O7OI Ex. 3-»11 Dear Kiadam, 1 1 NDV 1969 We hnve becn requested by Dr. Bobaßch to give you th© dates on which the payment o^ £7i269. 1s. 8d. wae n;«de to you from the Caechosloval. Fund, this infoi-mations Ib es follows: July 9, 195't April 27, 1956 April 8, 1957 January 1, 1958 February 6, 1959 February 5, I96O February 8, 1961 July 16, 1962 £1>75C). 7. 60 £2,63^. 13. 9. « 505. 19. ^. C 337. 6, 3» £ 1»21. 12e 9o £ 't21c '2, 9. £ 590. 5. 11. £ 607. 3. 5. Yours faithfully, Chief Exarainer» 1 1 \ ■4 Mrs. H* Kunz^ 530 Gopley Rosd, Upper Darby, P.A.19082^ United States of America« 4 REGISTERED NO. ^1 öS Reg. Fee i eeu \^£^vif>ua PS Form 3806. RECEII^T FÜR REGISTERED MAlL^rC^sro;.e;Co^^^ April 1991 r :^ Ifimo . . T^ufuuooct^ Date To From r.. fmm 3 ^~ 5 - 3o?^^ S TO i^ i 0 l >l v_ \cvv/ JM — IWIi IMI'T^"' 1 Okresni urad pozemkovy üfad vpRAZE dne 28.0^.1993 c.,. 14/3359/93-Kr/k uvedte f Jdy v odpovfldi Re!erent:dr.Kratky Sli? 3892775 VAS dopis z 31 .08. 1993 2n««»'a: PÜ-5950/ 93-SV-203 741 11 Novy Jicift I V8c: Hana K u n z o v a roz. Czeczowiczkova, V.Britanie ~ velkostatek Bartosovice prn.: Odvolävame se na Vas dopis shora uvedenehb oznaceni a na zäklade provedeneho setfeni sdelujeme: Velkostatek v Bartosovicich, okres Novy Jicxn, kat.üzemi Barto- sovice, Sedlnice, Pustejov, Butovice a Zavisice, jehoz spoluvlastni- ky byli britsti stätni obcane dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka, Irma Czeczowicz- kova roz. Adlerova a Hana Kunzovä roz. Czeczovt^iczkovä a americkä stät- ni ob canka Erika Siraonovä roz. Czeczowiczkova, byl vypofädan Dohodou mezi Öeskosloiaenskem a Velkou Britanii a Sev.Irskem ze dne 28.9.1949, o nährade za britsky majetek,präva a oprävneni, dotcene es. opatfeni- mi plynoucimi ze znärodneni, vyvlastneni nebo odneti drzby, resp. po- kud jde o Eriku Simonovou, Dohodou mezi CSSR a USA ze dne 29.01.1982 , o vyporädäni urcitych otevfen;ych narokü a financnich otazek. Jmenovani britsti spoluvlastnici obdrzeli odskodne v ührnne vy- si nejmene 34.678,00 % (GBP) , americkä obcanka Erika Simonova obdr- zela nahradu ve vysi 258.682,17 ^ (USD). Cit.dohoda s Velkou Britanii vyporadala veskery majetek britskycl statnich prislusnikü dotceny do dne jejiho podpisu, t.j. do 28.9.1949, nejen es. opatrenimi odnimajicimi vlastnicke pravo , ale take opatreni- mi odnxmajicimi drzbu resp. opatrenimi, jimiz bylo vlastnicke prävo britskych fyzickych nebo pravnickych osob pouze omezeno. Obdobne byly podle vyse uvedene dohody s USA vyporädäny veskere naroky americkych statnich obcanü, 'tykaöici se majetku dotceneho nekteryra es. opatfenim odnimajicim nebo omezujicim vlastnicke pravo. Z podkladü, ktere ma Sprava pro veci majetkove k dispozici, ply- nej 1) ze velkostatek resp. zbytkovy statek Bartosovice byl v räm- ci'revise prvni pozemkove reformy podle zak.c. 142/1947 Sb. vyvlastnen resp. pfevzat statem na zaklade rozhodnuti ministerstva zemedelstvi cj. 6309/48- IX/R-1 2,. cd . 6308/48- DC/R- 12 ze dne 15.4.1948 a cj. 6306/ 48-IX/R-12 z tehoz dne, popf. vykoupen podle §1,odst.3 zäk.c. 46/1948 lOm 12/88 Stc 9635 I I ,l-:_ Lj.^r^ ■11 ■■■■ » • - 2 « Sb. o nove pozemkove reforme, na zaklade vymeru Okresniho narodniho vyboru V Novem JiSine ze dne 13.5.1949 öj. 611/09-29/4-1949. 2) ze dr.Arthur Czeczowiczka, Irma Czeczowiczkovä roz.Adlerova^ a Hana Kunzovä roz. Czeczowiczkovä byli v rozhodne dobe, t.j. v dobe dotceni madetku a ke dai podpisu smlouvy s Velkou Britänix, britsky- mi statnimi obcany a ze Erika Simonova roz. Czeczowiczkova byla v roz- hodne dobe, tj. ke dni dotceni majetku a ke dni 2.2.1982. kdy nabyla dohoda s USA ücinnosti, americkou stätni obcankou. Z uvedeneho je patrno , ze velkostatek Bartosovice Je vyporadan cit. dohodami o maöetkopravnim vypofadani s Velkou Brttanix a USA , a je tedy majetkem Ceske republiky, ktery.nelze restituovat. Na vedomi: , ^ ^no hao ao - VSVP V Brne - Skolni zemedelsky podnik, El.Krasnohorske 178, 742 42 Novy Jicin II, on nn p - 4dvokatni.kanceläivJUDr.01df.icii H_o..r^-_k_W-ÄSlia^2a.-J^-Qa_-£x^ - ri^idolin P o k o r n y . 747 69 Pusta Polom öp. 218 . Jarmil^^llafeva ved.odd. 14 SPitÄVA PRO VECI MAIETKOyß _ ^7000 PRÄHA 7. NÄBft. KPT. 3AR05B 1000 . « » • '• «•»*. • • -l Okresni üfad pozemkovy üfad VPRAZE dne 28.0^.1993 c«. 14/3359/93-Kr/k uvtdf f idy f odpovidt RefereDt:dr .Kratky 5Si? 3892775 V« dopl. z 31 .08. 1993 «naCka: PlJ-5950/ 93-SV-203 L 741 11 Novy Jicin J v8c:Hana K u n z o v äl roz. Czeczowiczkovä, V.Britänie - velkostatek Bart OSO vice Odvolavame se na Väs dopis shora uvedenehö oznacenf a na zaklad§ provedeneho setf eni sdelujeme: Velkostatek v Bartosovicich, okres Novy JiSin. kat.üzemi Barto- sovice, Sedlnice. Pustejov, Butovice a Zävisiöe, dehoz spoluvlastnx- ky byli britstl stätni obcan^ dr.Arthur Czeczowiczka. Irma Czeczowicz- kova roz. Adlerova a Hana Kunzovä roz. Czeczowiczkovä a americka stät- ni ob canka Erika Simonovä roz. Czeczowiczkovä, byl vypofädan Dohodou mezi öeskosloiienskem a Velkou Britanii a Sev.Irskem ze dne 28.9.1949, o nährade za britsky maöetek,präva a opravneni, dotoen^ es. opatrenx- mi plynoucimi ze znärodneni, vyvlastneni nebo odneti drzby, resp. po- kud Dde o Eriku Simonovou, Dohodou mezi ÖSSR a USA ze dne 29.01.1982 , o vyporadäni urcitych otevfeniych ndroku a f inancnich otazek. Jmenovani britsti spoluvlastnici obdrzeli odskodne v lilirnne vy- si nejmene 34.678,00 % (GBP) , americka obcanka Erika Simonovä obdr- zela nähradu ve vysi ä58.68i2,17 ^ (USD). Cit.dohoda s Velkou Britanii vypo'fädala veäkery majetek britskyclr ^ statnich pfislusnikü dotceny do dne jeoiho podpisu, t.j. do 28.9.1949, neöen es. opatfenimi odnimadieimi vlastnieke pravo, ale take opatrenx- mi odnimaoicimi drzbu resp. opatfenimi, jimi^ bylo vlastnieke pravo britskyeh fyzickyeh nebo pravniekyeh osob pouze omezeno. Obdobne byly podle vyse uvedene dohody s USA vypofädany veskere naroky amerxekyeh statnieh obeanü, ^^ykajici se majetku doteeneho nekterym es. opatrenxm odnimajieim nebo omezujieim vlastnieke pravo. Z podkladü, ktere mä Spräva pro veei majetkove k dispoziei, ply- ne. 1) ze velkostatek resp. zbytkovy statek Bartosoviee byl v ram- :rre ise prvni pozenücove reforn^ podle zak. 6. 142/1947 Sb. vyvlas ne„ risp. pfevzat stätem na zäklade rozhodnuti --^^-^^^^/Z"^^!^'^*!^,,/ e 309/48.IX/R-12,..6o. 6308/48.3X/R-12 ze dne ^5.4.1948 a eo. 630^^^ It^Zl z tehoz dne, popf . vykoupen podle §1 ,odst.3 zak.e.46/1948 M ■ lOm 12/68 Stc 9S3S • • ■ • - 2 « ,^.oru .V NOV.™ .16inl .e ^-;^:5-^ « <= ;/J flf„ ^ r IdXerovä 2) 2e dr.Arthur Ozeozowiozka, Irma Oaeozcwioz dotcenn. majetku a ke ^^^^ P? P czeczowiczkova byla v roz mi 3tdtn£mi obcany a ze Erika Simonoya roz. oz dohoda s USA ücinnosti, americkou statnx obcankou. . • - «^TirnQ+fltek Bartosovice je vyporadan Z uvedeneho je patrno .e -^^!^^"*f /^^^^^^ j^.itanif a USA , cit. dohodami o majetkopravnim vyporadanx s VeiKou cxTi. uuxiw vn-;wr" ktprv nelze restituovat. a je tedy majetkem Ceske. republiky, ktery nexz Ka vedomf: .^.-.„w^ nodnik Bl.Kräsnohorske 178, 742 42 - VSVP V Brne - §kolni zeraedelsky podniic, i^±.^ No"vy Jicin II, , -- - - 4d.vokätni,..KancejLtu.. . u v.x,a...m.*äs-.--^-= — ^^ ^' , ^ , ^ r. V 7d7 69 Pustä Polom cp. 218 . - p. Fridolin P o k o r n y , Kf ö^ r Jarmila .\ xnj ved^odd« 14 ^^ OKRESNf ÜftAD • 74111 NOVYJIÖfN t C.j.: PÜ/11134/92-SV-202-B Vyi^izLije: Svoboda Nov^> Jitin, 2.2.1994 JUDr. OldP^ich HorÄk advokÄt ÜBtnä 29 121 Ol Praha 2 V zastoLipenl Hanny Kunzov^ U Vesny 3/1866 Praha 10 - Stra^nice 3 r-i r-fc ui "ti i Pozemkov^'' iliP'ad Okresnlho QP'adu v Nov^m 3±tin^, Divadelnl e.3 jako v^cnö a mlstnö p^i^lu^n^ sprÄvnl orgÄn podle ust. §11 Plsm.a/ a ust-i 12 plsm.a/ zÄk. CNR £-284/91 Sb. , o pozemkov^^ch QpravÄch a pozemkov:i''ch ilii^'adech, v platn^m znönl, a List-§ 5 zäk. £. 71/67 Sb. , o sprÄvnlm i^'lzenl (sprÄvnl P'Äd ) , r o z h o d 1 ^ podle ust. § 9 odst.4 z^k.C. 229/91 Sb. o Qpravö vlastnick:i''ch vztahö k pQdö a jin^mu zemödölsk^mu majetku, ve zn^nl zÄk. e. 42/92 Sb., zäikona £.93/92 Sb. , zÄkona CNR £.39/93 Sb. a zAkona £.183/93 Sb. - ilipln^ znfenl z^kona vyhlä^^eno zÄkonem £.195/93 Sb. (dä^le Jen zÄkona), takto : r^ Navrhovatelka panl Hanna KunzovA, narozena 23.1.1917, rodn^ Cislo 17 51 23/966, bytem Praha 10 - StraSnice, U Vesny 3/1866 n e n < vlastnlkem netnovitostl zapsan^^ch v dÄle uveden^vch v^vpisech ze zemski^ch desk ravski^ch a pozemkovb^ch knih pro katastrÄlnl Czeml Barto^ovice, Butovice. SedlTiice, Pustöjov a ZÄviäice v okrese NovS> JiCln : mo 651, 652, 6o-::', - vi. eis. 97 zemskS^ch desk moravsk>'>ch - vi. eis. 362, 363, 364, 366, 432, 648, 649, 650, 654, 567, 563, 478 a 483 PK k.ü. Bar to^o vice - vi. eis. 836, 839 a 932 PK k.ü.Sedlnice - vi. eis. 512 PK k.a.ZÄviSice - vi. eis. 434, 519, 521, 677 a 602 PK k. 6. Butovice - vi. eis. 579, 586 a 563 PK k. a. Pustö jov. Uveden^ vi^pisy ze zemsk^^ch desk moravsk^^ch a pozemkov^^ch knih tvoP'l pi^llohu tohoto rozhodnutl. Odövodnön 1 Dne 29.12.1992 by 1 u PÜ OkL) v Nov^m Jieinö uplatnön panl Hannou Kunzovou prÄvnö zastoupenou advok^tem JUDr. Oldi-ichem HorÄkem nÄrok na zem6d61ski> majetek v kat.azeml BartoSovice, Butovice, Pust#jov, Sedlnice a ZÄviSice pati-lcl k velkostatku BartoSovice, JehoS pövodnlmi vlastnlky byli Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka,Irma CzeczowiczkovÄ, Hanna Kunzovä a Erika SimonovÄ. Pövodnlm vlastnlköm byl zemödölskb^ majetek tvoi-lcl velkostatek BartoSovice o v.vmö.-'e 614 ha zemödölskö a lesnl pödy odrtat postupem podle zÄkona Clslo 142/47 Sb. o revizi prvnl ^ -. r^rnHiö -yÄUonA ^i^ 46/48 Sb- o novo pozemkovö ref ormö. V uplatnönl ze dne 18.12.1992, kter^ pozemkov^> Qt^ad obdrSel dne 29.12.1992 je uvedeno, äe odnötl bylo provedeno t^z nAhrgvdY- Pr-edmötnb^ majetek velkostatku Barto^ovice pi'^e^el na stä^t na z^kladö töchto opatP'enl : B l rozhodnutlm MZ CSR C. j . 6308/48-IX/R-12 rozhodnutlm MZ CSR C . j . 6309/48-1 X/R- 12 rozhodnutim MZ CSR C. j . 6306/48-IX/R-12 v^mörem MZ CSR d. j . 43. 146/50-IXA-21 vi^m#rem ONV Nov:^ JiCln e. j . 61 1/08-29/4-1949-IX vyhlÄSkou ONV NoviV JiCln e. j . 61 1/08-29/4-1949-IX 2 15.4.1948 z 15.4.1948 z 15.4.1948 z 28.8.1950 z 30.9.1949 z 12.12.1949 Navrhovatelka panl Hanna KunzovÄ, roz . CzeczowiczkovÄ je dcerou zemP'eU^ch Dr.Arthura a Irmy Czeczowiczkov,^ch a sestrou Eriky Simonov^, roz. Czeczowiczkov^, uplatnila n^rok ve smyslu t. i 4 odst.l, odst.2 Plsm.c), pP'lpadnö odst. 2 plsm.e) zÄkona a spräivnlmu orgÄnu pi^edloSila tyto doklady : US — vS^pisy ze — potvrzenl obCanstvl zemskb^ch desk moravski^ch a pozemkovb^ch knih ^GenerAlnlho konzulÄtu CSR v Lond^^nö o Cs.stAtnlm « domovskou pP'lsluSnosti do obce Podbo.''ice okr.Milevsko ze dne 24.6.1948 - osvödeenl Okresnlho nÄrodniho v^'boru v MalackÄch o Cs.stätnlm obCanstvl s domovskou pi-lsluSnostl do obce Moravsk^v Svät^v JAn ze dne 2.2. 1946 - v,vpis z rejsf-lku pro pozöstalostnl v6ci NejvySälho soudu ze dne 14.2.1955 o sprä^vö pozüstalosti PO zemi^el^ Irmö / . '->-» 11 1 osa ) , podle n$ho5 zd^dili Czeczowiczkov^, < + ^^.11-19^4 ) , po'J pozöstalost Hanna KunzovÄ a Erika SimonovÄ - vi^pis z rejst.-lku pro pozöstalostnl vöci Nejvy^^lho soudu ze dne ll.eervence 1957 o sprÄvö pozöstalosti PO zemP-el^m Arthuru Czeczowiczkovi ( + 24.dubna 1957), Podle n^hoS zd^dxl. po'östalost Hanna KunzovÄ a Erika SimonovÄ - prohli^^eni Eriky Simonov^ ze dne S.listopadu 1992, kter>>m se zP'ikÄ sv^ho dödick^ho podilu PO rodiClch Dr. Arthuru a Irmö Czeczowiczkovb^ch ve prospöch sv6 sestry Hanny Kunzov^. StÄtni obCanstvl Ceskö a Slovensk^ Federativni Republiky resp.Cesk^ republiky a trvaU> Pobyt na jejlm üzemi prokazuje navrhovatelka fotokopil obCansk^ho pru^kazu tis. AB 12 62 21 vyda- n^ho Policil CR Okr.P-editelstvl Praha 10 dne 29. ledna 1993, kdyä k trval^mu pobytu byla pP'ihli.^ena dne 28. ledna 1993 naadrese Praha lO, StraSnice 1866, U Vesny 3. Soueasnö byla pP'edloSena fotokopie cestovniho pasu CSFR £.42 63 002 vydan^ho Hanno Kunzov6 V Nov^m Jitinä dne 16.11.1992. li :^ vi^nosem DÄle byly pi^edloSeny fotokopie nÄvrhö na v^^maz zabranöho majetku velkostatku BartoSovice a lihovaru Barto^ovice podle zÄkona C. 128/46 Sb. Z techto nÄvrhö vypUWÄ, Se PO obsazenl pohraniCl N6mci v roce 1939 byl velkostatek BartoSovice i lihovar BartoSovice konfiskovÄn jako äidovski^ majetek podle nai-lzenl o konfiskaci jmönl nÄrodu a stÄtu nepP-Ätelsk^ho v sudeton6meckb''ch üzeml a .»-ISsk^ho ministra vnitra ve prospöch Lebensbornu v Mnichovä a Po dobu okupace byl velkostatek veden dosazen.>m • TREUHANDREM. V^ichni spoluvlastnlci museli pro politickou a rasovou persekuci ( v roce 1939 P^i sCitÄnl lidu se p.^ihlÄsili k äidovskö nArodnosti ) uprchnout do zahraniCl. Po vÄlce byla na velkostatku Barto^ovice zavedena podle dekretu presidenta e.5/45 Sb. nÄrodnl sprÄva. SoutA^ti uplatn^nl jsou tak6 fotokopie vb^zev k vydÄnl zemödälsk^ho majetku podle ust. i 9 odst. 1 zÄkona adresovan^ VSVF Brno SZP Nov^v jiCln, Zemödölsk^a^u druSstvu Stud^nka, Z^mödölsk^n^u druästvu Sedlnice, Lesöm CR - Lesnl sprä^va Fren^tÄt pod Radho^töm a Obci Barto^ovxce s datem 1 1 . 12. 1992 aStä^tnlmu rybÄP'stvl S.P.Ostrava, Benzin* s.P.Praha, Odbytov*a,u skladu VII Ostrava 1, Slezsk^mu lihovarnick^mu a nÄpojov6mu prömyslu Opava (Seliko Olomouc) s datem 18.12.1992. Krome vi^^e uveden^ch prÄvnicki''ch osob byly v pröb^hu r.l993 zaslAny v^^zvy k vydä.nl zemödölsk^ho majetku, tak* Cesk^mu rybÄ^sk^mu svazu MO P^lbor, Povodl Odry Ostrava, SprÄvö a Qdrib* silnic Novi^ JiCm, Cesk:,>m drahÄm, oblastnlmu .^editelstvl Olomouc, ^ Multipu Moravia s.r.o. se sldlem ve Stud^nce a Moravskoslezsk* vagönce s. p- Stud^nka. Dohodu o vydÄnl nemovitostl podle ust. i 9 odst. 1 zÄkona uzavf-el s navrhovatelkou dne 28.4.1993 Agroprömyslov^v kombinÄt ) a de 24.5.1993 Obec Sedlnice ( dSive ZD Sedlnice ßlrtoSovice. Pozemkov,^ C^ad zdej^lho okresniho ü.-adu vSak dohody neschvÄlil viz. rozhodnti C. j . PÜ/1 1 134/92-Sv-202-A ze dne 25. 1. 1994. Zb^^vajlcl prAvnickö osoby, JimS byla zaslÄna v^zva k zem6dölsk6ho majetku dohodu neuzavi^ely s tlm, 2e o rozhodne podle ust. § 9 odst. 4 zÄkona pozemkovb^ üi-ad. vydÄnl nciroku GM V i^lzenl podle ust. § 9 odst. 4 zÄkona si pozemkovi? üi^ad mimo jin6 vySÄdal od SprÄvy pro v6ci majetkov6 v Praze vyjÄde-enl, zda majetek velkostatku BartoSovice nebyl vypoP-ÄdÄn s pövodnlmi spoluvlastnlky na zÄkladö Dohody mezi Ceskoslovenskem a Velkou BritÄnii a Severnlm Irskem ze dne 28.9.1949, pi-ipadnö na zÄkladö jin^i'ch mezinÄrodnlch dohod. Dne-4. 10.'l993 obdräel pozemkovi^- ai''ad stanovisko SprÄvy pro v6ci majetkov6 Praha, z nöhoä vypl^vA tento zÄv6r : 1. Velkostatek, resp. zbytkovb^ statek BartoSovice by 1 v rÄmci revize prvnl pozemkov* reförmy podle zÄk. e. 142/47 Sb. vyvlastn^n resp. pi^evzat stäitem na zÄkladö rozhodnutl MZ C.j. 6309/48-IX/R-12, C. j . 6308/48-1 X/R-12 ze dne 15.4.1948 a e.j. 6306/48-IX/R-12 z t^hoä dne, popi". vykoupen podle § 1 odst. 3 zÄk.e. 46/48 Sb. o nov6 pozemkov^ reformä, na zÄkladö vi>märu ONV V Nov^m JiClnö ze dne 13.5.1949 e . j . 61 1 /09-29/4-1949. Dr. Arthur Czeczowiczka, Irma CzeczowiczkovÄ, roz.AdlerovÄ a Hanna Kunzovä», roz. CzeczowiczkovÄ byli v rozhodn^ dobö t.j. V dobö dotCeni majetku a ke dni podpisu smlouvy s Velkou BritAnil britskb^mi stÄtnlmi obdany a äe Erika SimonovÄ, roz.CzeczowiczkovÄ byla v rozhodn^ dobö t.j. ke dni dotCeni majetku a ke dni 2.2.1982, kdy nabyla dohoda s USA CCinnosti americkou stÄtnl obCankou. Jmenovanl britStl spoluvlastnlci obdräeli odSkodnö v 6hrn6 vb^Si nejm^nö 34.678,00 L ( GBF ) , americkÄ obCanka Erika Simonoväi obdr^ela nÄhradu ve Vi^^i 258.682,17 * ( USD). r? o- Z uveden6ho je patrno, äe velkostatek Barto^ovice je YMPoi-ÄdAn citovani^mi dohodami a je tedy majetkem Ceskö republiky, kteri^ nelze restituovat. Dne 15.9.1993 pi^edloäil pan Fridolln Pokornb^ kterj^byl V substituci zplnomocnön JUDr.HorÄkem vyP'izovÄnlm veSkeri^ch zÄleSitostl tiH;ajlclch se vydÄnl zemödölsköho majetku velkostatku BartoSovice navrhovatelce panf Hanno Kunzov^ pozemkov^mu ai>'adu dalSl doklady stran obCanstvi a trval^ho pobytu Hanny Kunzovö, Dr.Arthura Czeczowiczky « Irmy Czeczowiczkov^ a potvrzenl ZahraniCnl kompenzaCnl komise Lond^^n z 10.4.1969 o ocenönl statku Barto^ovice a o obdräenö CÄstce rodiny Czeczowiczkovy ve v^^^i 42. 836, -L. V zÄvöru sv^ho podÄnl uvÄdl, äe je pani Hannou Kunzovou zplnomocnen prohlÄsit, Se tato uplatftuje prÄvo dan6 ib r zÄkonem C. 229/91 Sb. v platn^m znäni novel vrÄtit poskytnutou v^pomoc ffeskoslovenskömu stÄtu ve v^'^i 42.836,- L t.j. Pi^i kursu 201,50 KCs V roce 1948 8,631,46 Käs ( sprÄvn6 by mölo b>^t 8.631.145,- KCs > ve Ihätö, kterou stanovl pozemkovbf' Cii^ad. SkuteCnost, 2e navrhovatelka pt^iznÄvÄ poskytnutl nÄhrady za odnetl velkostatku Barto$ovice postupem podle zAkona £.142/47 Sb. a e. 46/48 Sb., byt' ji nazbWÄ v^'patnoci od Cs.stÄtu vyluCuje aplikaci restituCnlho titulu podle ust. § 6 odst. 1 plsm.b) zÄkona, kteri> pP'edpoklÄdÄ odnötl nemovitosti vi^Se uveden:;'m postupem bez nÄhrady. VrÄcenl nÄhrady < Poskytnut6 v^^pomoci Cs.stÄtu) jak je navrhovÄno navrhovatelkou < z^ejmö podle ust. §6 odst. 3 zÄkona) nepi-'ichÄzi V üvahu, ponövadä toto ustanovenl se tiH;Ä jin^^ch restituCnlch titulü. Povinnost vrÄtit nÄhradu, kterÄ byla stÄtem nebo jinou prÄvnickou osobou vyplacena Ize podle tohoto ustanovenf uloäit pouze oprÄvn6n6 osobö. Vzhledem k tomu, äe navrhovatelka aä v zÄ."! 1993 v rozporu s Pövodnlm tvrzenlm uveden^m v uplatnöni pi-iznala poskytnuti nÄhrad, vydal zdejSl pozemkqy^ üi-ad na zÄkladö nepravdiv^^ch üdajö V bi-'eznu 1993 pi^edböänö stanovisko v nömS doporuCil VSVF SZP Novb^ JiCin, Lesöm CR, LS FrenÄtÄt p.R., Agropräm. kombinÄtu a.s.Sedlnice a Obci Sedlnice uzavi^enl dohody podle zÄkona viz. da lenl e. J.PÜ/2193/93-SV-203 ze dne 22.3.1993. Na zÄklade dökazö zji^töni^ch v pröböhu i-lzenl, zejmöna v^ak stanoviska Ministerstva financl CR z 17.6.1993 C. j . 215/37446/93, vyjÄdfeni SprÄvy pro v^ci majetkov6 Praha ze dne 28.9.1993 e.j.l4/3359/93-Kr/k a oznÄmenf navrhovatelky uCinönö zplnomocnöncem panem Fridollnem Pokorn^^m ze dne 10.9.1993 o pe'iznÄnl poskytnutl nÄhrady dospöl Pozemkov^^ üi-ad v Nov6m JiClnö k zÄvöru, äe V dan^m pP'lpad^ nenl spolehlivö prokÄzÄn SÄdn^^ z restituCnlch titulö tak jak stanovl ust. § 6 odst. 1 zÄkona a proto rozhodl o vlastnictvl k zem#d61sk^mu majetku pati>'lclm k velkostatku Barto^ovice v neprospöch panl Hanny Kunzovö. Po(^ p „..,■- ^ n Y Q nprr^vn^a rf^^tt^prlkui Proti tomato rozhodnuti je moäno podat opravn^v prosti-edek ke kraisk^mu soudu V Praze (S 246 z^kona ^.519/91 Sb. , kter^m se .fenl a doplrtuje obCansk.^ soudnl ^Äd a notA.>'sk.v P'Äd ) ve Ihötö 30 dnö od doruCenl rozhodnutl. NÄvrh je podAn vCas i tehdy, byl-li podÄn v-uveden6 Ihötö orgÄnu, kteo^ vydal rozhodnutl , t. j . okresnimu pozemkov6mu ü^adu (§ 250 m, zÄkona £.519/91 Sb. ) . Ing. Svatopluk V A^Z D A, povöi^en i^lzenim pozemkov^ho CiP'adu p;P7ri'^lt->vnik : Rozhodnutl, ze dne 2.2.1994, t.j. doruCenku obdrSl: PÜ/11134/92-SV-202-B na •/l.JUDr.OldP-ich HorÄk, advokä^t, JeCnÄ 29, Praha 2, PSC 121 Ol 2. Hanna KunzovÄ, U Vesny 3/1866, Praha 10 - Stra^nice 3.Pozemkovi^ fond CR, Husova 13, Novb^ JiCln 4.VSVF Brno, Skolnl zemödälski-^ podnik Novi> JiCln S.StÄtni rybÄi-'stvl Ostrava, Tö^inskÄ 54, Ostrava 2 6.Lesy CR, Lesnl spräiva Fren^tÄt p.R. y.Obec BartoSovice S.Agroprömyslovb^ kombinÄt a.s.Sedlnice 9.MoravskoslezskÄ vagönka Stud^nka lO.Obec Sedlnice ll.Zem6deisk6 druästvo Stud^nka v Pustöjovö 12. Benzina, oblastni sklad VII, Svabinsk6ho 19, Ostrava 13.SELIK0, a.s. Olomouc 14.Uheln6 sklady s.p.Novb^ Jiitin 15.Povodl Odry, VarenskÄ 49, Ostrava 1 701 26 16.MLJLTIP Moravia s.r.o., Stud^nka ly'.Cesk^ dr^hy, obl . ^editelstvl , Nerudova 1, Olomouc PSC 772 58 IS.Ministerstvo zem&döl.CR, üzemnl odbor, Husova 13, Nov.'' Jiitin 19.M6stskb^ ai^ad Stud^nka 20.0becnl Qi^ad ZÄviSice 61 < ADVOKÄTNf KANCELÄft JUDr. OWriGh HORAK ADVOKAT 12101Piaha2.Jo6n&29 f. « *. V X • .-.-I . •^ ;.äi)älenä 2 120 OO-^ V a h ä 2 —I «•».*. • »- — • X"' -r f V I IfjBivriapvatelka % — « zastoupenä i L^X 0 Hanra - Z ;u,n ,= o yi , JPrah« 10, U Vesny 1866/3 + t A'v • > -• » • •••■'■ ' , * " J1JDr«Ölclfl«jheni H o r d k e m ," ädvok4tem,i AdTokäti[ij[ k«^noolälf Praha 2 , J eönä 29 ; ¥ ^ .• 4 H) d p ü r c e i Pa'zeiÖLOv;^ 5faÄ Okresnliö'ufadu v üTov^m .- V j o / 0 Vw f • ' y ötj opravni prostf edek jpröti rozhodnutf ^pÄfce »e dne 25.1^1994 «#3. J JPö 11134/925Sy-.2Ö2-A a ze dne 2»2.1994 1^/11134/9 2.-SX-202-B i _ D y 0 im o plnd ffloc V \ -i ^ 1 o \ - . * - ' Podäväm tlmto'opravn^ prostfedek proti rozhodnatl -Pozemkov^ho ufadu Okre^nlno uf adti v Kov^m^JiölnS ze dne 25.1. 1994 a ze dne 2.2.1994,- kterymi bylö rozhodnato Jednak tak, S se nllch?ala3i dShody o vyddnl nemovitoatl uzavfen^ mezi mnou na Strang jednd a Agr'opr'Äiiiyslov^N komDinätem a^s. Sedlnioe dne 28.4,1993 na atranö druh^ a mezi mnou ^J/^^^^^J^^f * Obcl BartoSoYice dne 24 .5.1993 na «*^an6-druh6, je^ak tak, 2e nejsem vlaetnlkem n emovitostf uvedenych ve v^roku rozhodnu- tl ze dne 2.2.1994. / Od&vodn.«nl oboa rozhodnutl je »"teo»^» ^^7^?^ 8®. ngm, 2e v priibgha flzeni bylo na zäkladS proyeden^^ch diJkazÄ jiätino, 2e jsem obd.r£ela odSkodng^za sv&j podll na zbytkovim V statkrBirtosSvicer'i^terrmi byl odnat ^ vlaätnictvl podle zäk.ö. 142/47 Sb., jpopflpadg vykoupen podle zdk.6. 46/48 Bb., a 2e tedv nebyl spoylchlivg prokdzän iädn^ z restituönlch ti- ?alS uvedeSIchvLtanovenl § 6 odst. 1 zäk.ö. 129/1991 Sb. ve C I Dr. A. Czeczoniozka, 68, flroenoroft frardens, London N.V/.ö. H. Brocke usq . H.P., I'ouse of ConnoTis, . V/estminster« 2nd June, 1950. Dear Sir, I am a British subject by naturalisation and have been for more than 10 years a resident of i4ainp8tead. I owned conslderable landed proporty in Czechoslovakla lÄiioh was nationalised after my naturalisation. On 2Rth Septeaber 1949 a ooiTOGTiBation ajrreeiaent was concludod with Czeohoslovakia in 'vhich general disciarge was given to Czeohoslovak'a on behalf of all British Claims includinp ^ claim and I therefore lost by this a^eenent ny right cgainst Czechoslo^v^akia. I naturally exTWctel tliat I would rank undor the Foreipjn Coci^nsation Bill, but was torribly disappointod #*en the draft for the Czechoslovak Ordor in Council was pUblished. The Draft requires the claimant to ürove tlat he lost his •oroDorty by a "Czechoslovak meaaaro listed in the sc .edule. Ünfortunately the schedule does not include the Czechoslovak Land liGform Act 46/194B ander which I and all other landowners were deprlved of their proT»erty. The Draft mentions that the list is not complete but if the Czechoslovak Land Ref orin Act should not be inoluded in the final wording I will not be entitled to a share in the compensstion paid by the Czechoslovak (xovorninont • /I am 74 -rears old and have no other assets than ny es täte in Czeclioslovakia whioh was valued with about Kcfl27,000«000 and I am now very worried t'at I should forfeit all chances to get coiapensation by a more technicality, as I do not suppose that it was intended to include landowners in the general disoharge of the Compensation Agreernont and to exclude them from the conpensction payable undor tl.e now Bill. I V ^ I was much rellovod rrhen I read that the Attorney ^y General promlsed oti the 25th *%y 19öQL.^i& all sugrestlons made In writing by Members of ParTlaiaent for the amendment of the Orders in Council, I am therefore takinf^ the liberty to ask for your support of ny cage, I am convincod that it was never Intended to exclude any claimant for vÄiom discharg^e has been pjiyen undor the Gönnen sation Affreoment from the benef ita promised by the Forei(:^n Conmenaotion Bill and would be moat prateful if you oould dran the attention to the faot that the Czeohoslovak Land Reform ^ot has not been included in the Hat of Czechoslovak measures for which compensation will be paid and that this Omission would cause peat hardship to the owners of agricultural property in Czeonoslovakia. I iflsh to apolop-lse for the lenf^th of nty lett*er and thank you in advance for the attention given to iry case and for your kind support. r '^*' •*- Yours faithfully «•«"NoJ'.a., Certificate of Post- See .1.0 OVERLEAF. ^ ^""^ Parceis oniy / ^'^ ^'^^ registered andno^.^?u^^'^ f'^'^' •'" ^°''^^*^here this dav. / I Accepfing Officer's Ini- ' I i . « ^*'"""^* II-, ^x.- ., i ' J' — ^*^'"- ^ ; ...^ Certificate nf P^ • «•• .!.• OVERLEAF. ^ ^«^ Parceis oniy 'j ^^^ ^^^n registerod nnd'^'^iM^"^" P^'^' '" ^.. ^J y^V^nef&^this day I I e»^ -^^ö -yL A/. U\ 6. Z^. X^K"^^^' A^ ^cCct^ ^'tA^'n0'^^>x.o4A.x('i^^^->L /^<-'i ^oixx-'y'^e^-h^ yrt.^ A^>i;y .K. ^-«/^ -/;2 4 J A^eyvcc «^./^^«--»o^ '/^.A.^Ul y-?^^ c- ** *— ^S^t^-^V^-^ x-i^Ci,A^y f^^^fy^ 7^ ^^ t:/. / A/- .^-t'^jixP^iiUU^M Ü^it^ , ^'-t?^ tp^i.^. j.'hci-^ß^'^ A^ * u- ^%^^ ^H-i^-y^-i J ^t /' (^ ^^^if ^^^^^i-^-^ jU^yyUA. /4^^^^^^t<^ "^ ß <:XA^'/0T^P^'<^'^^ ^ /^J -^^n^^^.Ä^ ^..^W, ::3^^^^^^/^^ ^^jiaL ..-^^«..^c-^ra^ ,-^1^ c^aüi^Pi?'^ ^^^^^X^' U2^ yS^A^y^-^^^, .KV^^v//^<>^/--^ ^x^-Y^ ^-^US^ ^-^>^hi^-^\A^ JJ^-f^ü^n^cn^ XCX->^^^ A-CXi^yi^ /f^^fui^Jl. Xifo> %^ ^ -nz-^ /^C^A ^& ^u. ^i^t^^U^^ ^ <^^^^lexi(^^' y^yrU/^y^ f 'Aid fu2 /t^ed-ejt^^ // /* ^.-r»n / -i::^t^ A^^ /^. ^^X^ ^ -^-^^ ^^^ c:t€^iU<.. / ^^' i>e^ c^^ rU j/H^iCc^/ ^^^^^ ^ >f ^ ß^V^ v^'^^'-^ ^ ^tZM^lM' tc?t-^ //Cm ^Ui^ ^^. 6^?/^* '.iA^-ft^ t^^KJU>i\J>'^^t^^ - /' -^ ' -^'^ Jfo-rxX^ylyu /M^'^//i K '^^^ ß^^^^\ /^^ ^'^^ J^, .^/cj^-f^ t . y U'p>u>^•'*^>^^ yC^p^ -/ vh.. C^-Zl^cc^, -J i-1r<^ ' h^t ^^^c. ,^^?nß^HX?^^iX. H cA^O- a ^^V^-Pi /i/W' 7rt^,'f' ^^ /.r^/t. V -CT-J^^H ^4t^c^A^< ^ <:.^. .-i^-cJ^-^^^r v^ -^ '^ -A^x-^^ -^l^yi^üL / ^ / ^^<^ //'tiyv '-^/t^ /. /'< -^T 'C^/^tA.-*Zi^"tt ,^.vey :iy/r.<^!^ .j(2^ J ^ c;> ^9fy^^ ^4^A ^^9 G^t:^Vt^ --t^^^ ^<^ ^^.^y A/A^r A ^y^ /x^i^ ^M ^^ ^ o- Ju>^^^HX> /-c^. oL^c /ix::iU'tocf/'V^^t^ (<. A^ s üh- ^ y^Z^ /■Liy^ €jey>t.'t<^ OL ^ o^3y"z-cP p^^i^>^ '>/- y/f-(Xc£>H^ /^^<::AJo-/^ Ai>^ ^x>U^ Hoi- ^^^^lA. ,-<-:f-r^<'^ ^^c^/^^eJ'^^^^.^'^^A/e^^^^^ A'-<7^^a^ y x^-^' t y) A 7 i ^ <<, y ^ n r r / ^ /"■ ; '? * ( y ^'* ^ -> /n/ "0 1 y / y Ay r / V •/-' / / /l ^ y ' s^ 4\ /} u / 7^ 'd ^ / ^ P x< /■ "Y ^ i i i • I ^ Y\ \ ' \\ rvTr ^ V > • « ? . y \ \ X '• ' \ ' \ \ \ i< ^^iiUw^c^^ /ryy^'. 3i^ /^ > Jspsany u HUV^t Kuuvalde dne 23« lo« 19469 F^seda MNT.LudTik ^likan Edund l^en »urednik alekamy v POinvalde #- ■«•»• B i^ahy V.,IilaizelnvB -Vit, Judp.Knrel Beck,advokat v M«Jicine,v zaatoupeni Juclra Jiriho Ilory^adynkata v Praze ^JI.Francouzska 29-31» 0 0 0' f ^ ^ V pravnim . aötou^,)u]ii o iii .rik:; -^iiannove. mzcue Czeuzoviczlove, obc luiky UuA, brtc.. v K^ve« Yorku 170 est 'M Jtreet, New Ynrk 24, N.Y. Kdarund lliien prohlasuje.ze jffed okupaoi prevzal od ^i.?jci\qf Si.onoTB d«Tet knbercu perskych,z niohz tri na doattd y svea uschoTanl.DalsI dra koberce Tebris a Afgan dal do viscliovy p.wditeli Ant.Drap^ilori ▼ l^boTicIoh u STinoTa ti« zpusoben.ze pri avea odstehoWnl zanechnl v do«; CP.162.T 'iJeboTiclch n aian to jeste jeden persky ■U3tek a jedtn persky i^hnz.Tyto ctj^i kusy nejsou vlast- ni'ctTlm :.d.Thiena nybri vlaatolctvl« r.iJi«onove ze shora ZMinenych deviti fcuau. pri narsteve . T^ J'^'^r'^^ Ibti.leta' Inne Thienn,« pj, ^,,, robri« a iioaul ^nikoliv Af/ran)i««.. ^«„„^ ,. A. * Ant^Jrafala, (nikoliv Aföan)jaou doaud v drienl p. Tebris Jest knbere. b£ly o roz^erech 3V4 .4 |/4 .. «osul jest i-inolio barövny 2x4 :'/4ii. übytek dTou kobercu Jparta «odry 3 1/2 x 4 1/2 - üeschet cervei.y.2 1/2 x 3 I/Sa od.vzdrl d F Tbi.n Jiz ou«u«ute«. M«oi y BartiäoTicioh -op.l45. '^ ^ i i Mimo to E.Thien udavnjze dva koberce Tezfine-jw'etllozky 9 jeden^aatnlctvl m ■anz.K.ThienoTe zanechnl v tuaizfc dorne •.162 V Trebovioioh. Pbkud se t^ smlnenych deviti kuau kobercu.potvrauje p. Ä pl.E.Siaonf^va z obavy pred rasnvnu persekuoi a v Uualedku sv^ho vlastnlho uUku pirod naoistiok^ reai«e«,MU tyto dala do usohovy ▼e Vidni IV.Taubatuaawigflse 15.,nacez on Je ulniil u fy:Zacherl ve Vidttl AlX.ltti8adorf ergasse. ,a odtud pn predohozfia vomvani je pred Mciaty je odvezl na Mora-m. ,, xi / --- Z tohoto duTodu vznikly hot'^ve vr^nhy ve vysi oan tißic i^.cs., jejiohz nahraclu pozaduje. ^ * • ^i u Uudr.'>skar CzoooTiozka z prikazu K.3iÄ)nove uznftva dluh^ pr^T^ uved«ny per oam tisic KBb.z duvodu hotnvych tyloh za iDrovny a .plotny.uviidl yä z duvodu devisovych li'edpisu.nelze toho cnou castku tuto z oiziny do C^.preveiti.Jak mila nebude «akoniiych p^kaiek.Sastka ta bude zaplacc.n«,pS^{padne pnnem Phdre« ^^rturau Czocoviczkou t/c.v I^adyue 4.Hcath C»»nJ t-e,Mo ü .Obere« »d. ^^f J^f^Sl »t.u- Deni p{.S.l3ia«w>Te prevzal do «Te uacnnvy j^ rar.Lel Be,k «hlod«. Yäir U^-X^t^ tri .oberes Ua Mklode teto dohody byiy preveAcwjr <>;> '*♦/:; 9i . ,„ar« Kai bI^L.! aaW,tu . No.« Heini «...ryKnvo n.»est{ c.21. . "* iconceuo a podepanno: /) ^y / // \ / itt^L^- /)^ Z'j^i WaJna Hm^ /-A-MXi.y (Loix-t^rieü 2/3-? * ) I I > j^3^ FCC V / * II I r"iiM^gM BK- . . .-^-J-, -..;»*» 11' . ' LV.. «,ilik. .' rA .M..' . ..■>*.■ ;]' V Falls uMZUstellbar. zurück an: ENC\CLOP^DIA BRITANNICA IGERMANY) LTD. 6 FRANKFURT AM MAIN • ZEIL 113 DEUTSCHLAND Cüvi.(-^^^^^^^^^ 7> Ca''' ^^ VO..0' '«*f: \_ ^ j: ■""isg' TT^-rr .:,, .'^ ->..U»4t!,'tJ.r - .^]"»r>»».-»— • PWW'^* ^, •' '»^^" ■.;/' ^^^ ■ '■,(«»■ Claimant ; Mrs, Hanna IüJjT2 "f^^aZcir^ii-x", 1 I (dau{:;hter of Dr. Arthuj* cuid^p^« Irma C2jec sowie zlca) J \ I ] .U-4 (A) . Clairains in accordmice v/ith Kinute .of Adjadication dated! [ MajT- 1945 signed tj^»- tho ChEirman of the Foreign Conpensation '• — |-Coffij.iis8ion, of \7hich a copy is enolcced : > ' j i i (1)1 as part (1/2) lieir of Dr. /Irtimr Czccaov.'iozka (father) — 1"","^! (se® enoloüed copy of probated statement). i j i i (2) ae part (l/2) heir of Irma ^Ee'czbvvicJlca' (aotbcr) (see ... : ]__ (B) (3) as part ov;ner. Location of property clainiGd ': 'Bartosovice 'Estate, (öee Schedule I.'signed l\y Arthur)'. ' ((^) Propcrties' claimed : (1) Contento of Castle. (3ee Scliedule IV. ) . ' ' , ?5on'''K'^itv'''''^ ?I^^''^'''!?'^ ^'^ ^^ clai^ant'a^Grandfatlier 'in' ^^^t^ ri^^ ^tirue farnitureY^faiV^i outstanding ! iJJT+^^' ®^°* ®^°* ^^-^"^ fpartly antique r_nd ^rone stvlet aaditionsv/ere made re/:ardin''- chino. -1-ss ohnrtrioinpJ'c ^ ' ?S'l^?^o""nt?rr^"'' ecuipnent, \^ desi^A^f ?f S^ r^' ' to iar:,o 9ntertainin£^, mcludin/^ ta Icr.'-p and 610--:,^+ i , 'i'-?!^^-.^?J^^i^s etc. (Hanns j Hanna hoiDes ■■:o -Pind a ■ lir-t.nuidr. bv Arthur- v-^^e" ->>- --^-^ i--„:t ^ (2) ContontG of ])^vellinr Ilouses and 3oA.Hce ^i-^t- the (3) Plots situated in and pronm^ -■■^'>•r^ ^i-, ^^,.^ • of a-v,ro.x. 6G.C0O m/nv^lS f-r^si^» covorm-- pji area 16 T^'eT Snclooures : ■T»- Gz. Copy of Adjucation dated 16 Peb. 1S54. Copy of probated statement fron iJoneroet House of ]Dr.4rtliiu Copv ox v/hatever paper Hanna cjm find rcx;ardin- irsia^H her rights as Irma's part ( 1/2) heir. \ , ; Comr of .British Naturalisation certificate s £a) oiAgrdat^M^i^SJl^^g^?: ^°^-^^^ öonpens.tion (C.echoslova- Copy of marria-je Certicate of parents. t eq) SU^ ~ O^o, ^ SrX*^'^ v.r^*, J/ ^ VT— < 1 -» %c_c- cr*PvjL--i)ij^ttoX , SsTW^-^-M ' V I^.T.O, ! I ÄS so anci PL? -- - - -^ - . 1 • \ on as Hanna' ßets home , she v/ill try to find out thc foLlowing L3A3E teil her now wliat eise she ohould. loök for : : IJ^^. I I, i I -i i ; J 1 I ' ' ' ' ' M ' ' ' ' ' ' ;(l) HTliether tlie Lastenausgleichsarat has paid anythmg and, if so, i .| for Vv'hat, i 1 (2) (3) rrA*i*( Arthur 's Ifets of contents of Castle (nore completo than Schodule 4) and perhaps an Insurance folicy. i , , i . . . ■ ,-^ — f ■ : : You will see from Scliedule Y, that tlie cstate owned ' ishares in the valuo of KC 215,510 at the date of confiscatmcuo;:! Octöber 1, 1948x ^BF ..UüjiPJ -.'i..^ 1 check whether the. shares have evcr "been comwensated lor. It would appear that they ijß}9r WS inciuded in the conpensation payments. They were applied for in Art(i:ur'B original Registration of his clair., ! of v/hich v/c ;-ive you a copy herev/ith. , (4) Proof not "b ? of v.omc l^ind of Ijeiiir heir after Irma, :e difficultJ^v l^< ♦*- ^ cT , 1 , 1 <=( M e . qif? -70^^ . <5^N-v r '^^V . ^fc^C Kr +^>-M j ^ 4 »ßmm u. Q- "^O^ CX_JLA CX^ t< ^=;:^-tc^.-jL n(>Lö_d ;>\ IjCp-N^CU^-a^ i ^p mmmm mm MW I et Manna Ixunz 330 CoUcy Poad UpptT iJarby, Pennsylvania 19083 lÄ^June 1983 Dear Mari eil a, thank you very much for being so active on my "behalf and I am sorry that I strain your tolerance so extensivaLy but I think you may not see the dlfficulties on this slde* I hope my ooalng and yotir Visit to America vdll woik out all ri^t and I am very much looking forvmrd to be ydth you however much or little time you have# Love lO^^L^ immt mm in" 12 th Jtme 83 . JJ'Wi' • iP t T^'o. Tcry mich for yotir v«ry nie« I rhtuxX hc ia ' cäi with 13ftzi«3.1a h^toTc 1 ? DIIAFT of accompanying letter to Gommisnion Lear Sirs^ In submitting this application I am working I am working ander eome considerable handycap,becaase ,as yoa- laiov; my father is no longer alive and I mifls his Imowledge and guidance.I have done my very best bat can not help feeling that I mav have omitted some important points. I would therefore greatly appreciate if yoa would kinflly permit me to writc to me in case you have any more Information about my fathers affairs which has escaped my researches o you la-ter in case anything eise should Tje brought to my knov/Q ledge and I am also taking thda liberty to ask you to advise I I l FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COtrNSEI-I.ORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N . Y. 10022 HENRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN (212) 759-9<*7a GABLE: ZACH LAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL October 7, 1983 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. Dear Mrs. Kunz: to be As was i4xpected, has now seen fit any longer. 19082 the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission not to defer its decision on your claim The Commission has issued its 'Troposed Decision dated September 22, 1983 and communicated said Decision to me with its letter of October 4, 1983, all as per enclosed copy. Needless to say, in view of our inability to prove that the taking of any of the properties claimed by you occurred after August 8, 1958, the Commission had no choice but to deny your Claim. The letter of the Commission was received yesterday, October 6th and the fifteen day period for filing objections would therefore expire on October 2'Ist'.. In view of what you told and wrote me , there seems to be little point in filing objections. The only ground for objections which I might State would be to say that you are still engaged in an effort to ascertain evidence showing that one or the other of the properties claimed were taken away by the Czech authorities after August 8, 1958 and that the Commission should allow US a little more time so that you can continue these efforts. I doubt, however, that the Commission would do so and even if it did for a little while, it would probably not help us since you made it quite clear to me that you do not expect to locate any useful evidence, be it in England or elsewhere. Moreover, the record both in the English Claim proceeding and in the proceed- ing brought by your sister before the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission in Washington is solidly against us. In particular, the Page 2 decision in your sister's case includes a clear cut holding that expropriation occurred on April 15, 1948. For all these reasons, I am afraid there is little choice but , in conformity with your own recent Suggestion, to abandon this Claim. It goes without saying that I would have been very happy had there been a possibility to please you (and also your sister, Mrs. Mariella Wolf) with a successful effort on your behalf, but circumstances were unf ortuantely adverse to a chance for success. With all good wishes. Sine HJZ : rs Encl. Vßf Zacharias I thought you might like to tead the very nlve letter Mr Zachari es wrote# and my answer i \ Oet. ^-^v^ l^^-^ jtforr\cyr r.#%t* »vir **! V 1 ^ ^^<^^ t' --•■ you for 70«5* lottrr - 7 intcrc^t in ny c ' ^ lä thc tiirc: f rio of fort you fTp»t f.. riro rlrrll:-inr crch ;>oint for irx« ;"j' c.o'^i'^Xv. rrtcilr 'olT in eo ?H:)t''- '^--rj:: iWi for : t nrrronrl c^n^ -•% Yourr v rlncrr-r^l. • K. Aug. Ist 1983. Dear Mari eil a. the enoLosed bank-statement came for you," Tharik you for your note end check, I "was &Lad to hear from Hanns and Walter that you are getting on all right and hope to receive the same message through Ritai As there Is nothing more to be done in the Czech Claims I have written to Hanns, Mr Alis and Dr Karsten and endose cpies of my letters.1 have called Mr. Zacharias,who is back to work (still under doctors care and part-time) and thanked him for his help and told him about your accident. My disappointment in the negative outcome of the Claims is not great,as you remember I gave it a 10^ chance and this is exact- ly how it woiked out. I v/ant to thank you for your effort and your very active role,your disappointment is probably greater then mine.^ At present I have no opportunity to relieve you of my files and hope that storing them vdll not be too imch of a nuisance for yo\i, Take good care of yourself so that you have a speedy recovery and I am sending my sincere best wishes t>^Wvv ''.-r :'2«« 1!*P ItüMlfM*« l«ft'~tr t?v^t wt Cferöls ISlrltn «©cn«? t9 for 2^«T effört to höin a© rn« tt»« rwipcct you hol« gBr: r^ rr«*t h«it well iltfLeh r<^«ar to «ftrct«*^ »w t* f> 1983. 40t;»'«i'61acr Strcot XonberrG8c2Rmßi Inliegende Kopien ednd toä mdnsa Briefen Drw Karsten und J5p Alis, sti Ddnor IndToiaation, ' Haff entlieh vortrlngst Da tnad Steffi© ein« angcnehao Zelt mit Patxl tmd Euth imd Ihr k«nnt BmA All« fdnl-. ßcnaaeren -top der gross en Hltse ochfltzen» Ich rar aehp froh vnn Dir sn hdrea dfisa Tte* rLeOla zu Heune gut enfgchoben mid veroorgt Ist imd Pbrtschpl'^- te ms cht» Ich srÄsse Sich alle In elter Freundschaft "nnd liehe \ \ ^ - 1 -^ FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D.C. 20579 N 0 T I C E fc\ The Foreign Claims Settlement Commission has been granted new authority to receive and determine the validity and amounts of Claims by national s of the United States against the Government of the Czechoslovak Social ist Republic for losses resulting from the national ization or other taking of property which occurred after August 8, 1958. A Claims fund in excess of 1.5 million dollars will be available to make payment to those claimants granted awards by the Commission in this program. To establish a compcnsable claim, among other things, it must be established that: l 1. The property was nationalized or otherwise taken after August 8, 1958. 2. That the property was owned in whole or in part by a United States national on the date of loss and that the Claim has been continuously owned by one or more United States nationals until the date of filing with the Commission. If you believe that you may have a claim compensable under the provisions of this program, you should immediately contact the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 1111 20th Street, N.W., Washington, P.C. 20579, to obtain further detail s and appropriate claim forms. To be eligible you must file a new claim on an official claim form even if you have had previous correspondence with the Commission or if you have previously filed a claim with the Commission in another program. This notice is being forwarded to you because your name has appeared in various files, records, or correspondence as one who might possibly have a Claim covered by this program. Forwarding of this notice does not mean that the Commission has determined that you do have a compensable claim. If you are not sure whether your claim is compensable in this program, it is advisable to obtain and file a claim form so that the Commission will have an opportunity to consider your claim. In the Commission's attempt to notify all those who may have compensable Claims, it is possible that your name has been recorded on more than one list in which case you may receive more than one notice of this program. A deadline by which all Claims must be filed with the Commission will be hereinafter established. Therefore, if you believe you may have a compensable claim you should contact the Commission to obtain appropriate Claim forms at the earliest possible time. FISCHER, ZACHARIAS & COHEN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 598 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 HENRY J. ZACHARIAS RACHEL FRYE COHEN (212) 759- 9-478 GABLE: ZACHLAW NEW YORK SAMUEL FISCHER COUNSEL February 22, 1983 Mrs. Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, Pa. 19082 Dear Mrs. Kunz: In Order to inform myself a bit more clearly as to what exactly was claimed by you in the pending proceeding before the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the U.S. , I asked the Commission to send me a copy of your claim. I have now received the desired copy and was somewhat upset to learn that in your very claim dated May 10, 1982 you answered with respect to all properties claimed the question about the ''date the property was taken^^ with ^^end of World War 2'\ This very answer, unless it can be shown to have been given in error, would constitute an admission on your part that the proper- ties involved were not taken by Czech authorities as late as sub- sequent to August 8, 1958. This means that, unless an error is shown, your claim would fail on the basis of this very admission. I note that the ^.laim involves properties situated in five differ- ent locations: Bartosovice; Karlsbad; Novy Jicin; Senov and Nachod. Coula it be that at least one or the other of these properties was not taken ^^at the end of World War 2'' but was taken only much later such as some time after August 8, 1958? Please make an effort to think hard and search hard. I would very much like to be able to teil the Commission that we will pursue the Claim at least with respect to one or the other property if not all of them. But I would not be able to wait too long. If you, or your friends or attorneys in England or Czechoslovakia are un- able to help me soon, I would probably have no choice but to teil the Commission eventually that we are unable to pursue the matter further. For the moment, I hope for a little luck. With best wishes, "7 Sincerely yours.r HJZ:rs Henry _il_s Za6harias '-X. \ ^ '? DRAPT for letter to Mr. Zacharlas Dear Mr» Zacharlas» thaiüc you very much for your letter of Peb. 20 th 19 83 which I foimd waiting for me on my retum from londonu My father took care of all the busi- ness and legal matters for the family as he, of course was familiär with the detail s. He died in 1957 and I do not know what occurred after that.Uhfortunately I have not kept up contact with anyone in Czechoslovakia. Please accept my apologies if you were misled.1 take it that there are no other grounds on which to Claim except eipropriation after Ang 1958. It appears that several items were not daimed originally and unless there is a way to claim these now.I think, my luck has run out. Thank you very muchfor your effort and please hiH me accordingLy Sincerely yours ( Dear Hanna, Your letter arrived today and I v/ant to give you my vieiw on an answer to Mr. Zacharias - for all it is worth, Yoar and myi attitade differ so mach that yoa may not want to take my advice. Toj me, It is obvioas from Mr. Z.'s letter that he just wants to have some sort of an excuse to drop a line to the Coramission in order to keep the file open for as long as possible (and I do not really lelieve that they will close it definitely in the fall). If you read his letter carefully, you v/ill come to the Game conclusion — however, you may he sick and tired of it by now or have some other reasons to let it be closed and it is qtiite possible that I am v;rong# Here is v;hat I would do - which does not lean that it ijs the ri^ht thing. I v/oald v/rite him a letter on the lines which jwe drafted here in London, i.e. telling him that you came acroqs several items, durin;:; your 4tay here, wliich seem not to have been cqmpensated and that you are now investigating when those have been takejn over by the authorities as it appears that they were not ssii£iHS3;±sil included in the general mass of things confiscated and paid ifor inxÄStS originally.4^3C±xxxÄx±K$:x You must of course itemize it, the v;ay \ve did An our draft, rnore or less. I think it is a good idea of yours to theji add a few lines about your father having taken care of it etc. etc. and that you find it hard and very timeconsuning to investi/^ate nov/. (V/e '""rafted that part too, bat without referin^ to uncle Arthur:^ which is a goo^yidea). , / / //- 1 hurry to mail this letter as I feel that you shöuld your le'ter off to Mr. Zacharias as soon as possible. ''r Ky present 1983, probably long at all. together, the f convenient to y will then know Mrs. Pe ssler), that Llr. Z. sho et intention is to leave here on Saturday, Marqh 26, in the afternoon for Ilew York, and not to staly very Therefore, IP you want to go to^ee Mr. Z. wijth me irst week when I am there would *be safest if j ou and to him. I shall call Peter tomorrow a^nd where I shall stay (his friends* apartment oi| 410-2014. I think Peter* s telephone number is uld have your letter when we go to see him. 1^ In any case, I an very much looking forward toseeing yc hope there will be a little time left apart from business. In the neantime — all my love and good thoughts — u and To suj-imarize my 'thmtshts—rTIrT Z. wants to he that you have explored new pcsibilities and iblXXM now need time to investigate them as you are not as acquainted with the v/hole thing as vour father was. It is just a matter of ^aining time and lying low in the meantime. r?f I ^ /-> J> Sc- (^ C w i«i>^ Hope you fouiid everything in good order when you came home. r^, K er < ^ . r^ o tB/BS i »1)99 t6j!JLM2 m% m iir, ncranl00lrn to Infolpn ydu that the flnrl payiu^nt «Rder th« Forclyv» CoripenafstJlon (Oec^ohoslovakia) Oixier in Comioll, 1950, lo utfii to !>• «iie« The total pGymout uaCer Arllolo l| ©r tb« »bovö-riontlono« Ord.91» ««ourita tö l9, 9.55d, Iq tho S. Thl& painannt In f«»pect of l.i*f>. Br't>tia Xunt8*0 o0taVll«h«4 «lalsi fov £dO«95$* 0. 0* aownt» to Srff«i$, 1, e# o" iihl«ü ijr>,66l« 16. 3. •^ou»t 10 eneloaed. Mtutstad X an« 8ir« v Otto K, ollfdi^ ioq., 8Ö-.90, Chancery T.ane, A. CLARK Oopleo to: Ör. A. Bobasoh, 86-88, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C,4« > / Mr»» Anna Run», 330, Copley Koad, üppop Darby, Pcnnaylvaüla. 4 1 / I I Valir^tion The valuc of thc .'^gricultural 2:- täte t?.k:cn on tho \.hoic - coiisistiiif; oT 4 Fcjl^.; lorda.* - Za/xc!,v Dvur, Vcitcy i-A;ur, Lucni Dvur, Strci^ni Dvur, Thc vaLuc of' thc biiilCiii/'S arid r.iachincc; ncccssary for thc urci^or'inv of tiio cstato aix) not ta[:on iüto c nGidcratiori soparatcly, ac thcso are r.orc or 1o3L5 appro^)ri:itc to thc sizc and yicLd oT such an o statu. It is not^Oulo that ncarly all thc • tuilr". in^vs \.c2?c lu^.rd covcrv-.d, eitii'^r v;ith tilcb or slatcs. A'.iole soacc (loTts) v;crc »roviclcvi for stora;c purposcü l'or com, v^hcat, hay, etc^ Thc bams "»icrc Tittcc: for oLcctrical thrashiing r.xichinos. otablcG v;erc (proviocJ for 370 cows and horscs) fittcd witli concrote cribs and running v;ater; fl«2d " rail- vjay for transport of foddcr and raanurc; clv^-trical Light inotailation; rcfri^cration for 65C Gallons of inilk daily. Thc valuation docs not tcJcc into considoration the plus valuc of plots '..hicri aj?c situ:itoG in and around thc parish, csi-2 Mhich covor an arca of approx. 60.00C i:/3upor. n I 1 / Intentional Second Exposure '•■4 i Jl :. ••^•- Valun.tion i .« I . 1 l I The valuc of thc Agricultural S^tatc taken on thc \'holc - consisting of 4 Faru Yards.* - Zamcc!:;/- Dviir, VcLky Dvur, Lucni D\Air, Strcuni Dvur, Thc valuc of thc buildiuf'S aiid rnachincs noccssary for the proper mr.r-agin^ of tlio cstato are not taken iiito c.. nsidcration separatcly, as thoso are morc or less appropriatc to thc aizo and yield of such an cstate» It is notable that ncarly all the buildings \;crc hard covercd, eitlicr v;ith tilcs or slates. Aiaple Space (lofts) v;cre ^»rovlded for stora^-jc purposca for corn, v/hcat, hay, etc. The bams Morc fittcc for elcctrical thrashing n'iachinos. Stables v;ere (proviocd for 570 cows and horscs) fittcd Yiith concrote cribs and running v;ator; flcild rail- Y;ay for transport of fodder and nianurc; clw^trical lif^t Installation; rcfricpration for 65C Gallons The valuation docs not taicc into COTisideration the plus valuc of plots i.hich aro situatod in and 1 around the parish, an? ^7hich covcr an arca of approx. 60.00c n/super. % •..f.. ^'^V ' /i-r«.*-!*" •»s-»'j* r a»» -4- •*.•./ •»^»» <►;•••! -?!•«;*'•.. , «. f .*« - • Vi r? •' •f.',Ä->i' •> • v»- >■««.•,«* ■'» - '■«hif im I I I \ '•—■■»■ nwimlt iXA Vv^N^ Ovis . t'V< t ^ v. Gene ime Staatspolizei Staatsp^lizeisteiie Tr-ppau i L - ü ^ #« Troppau, 26. September 39. '' -iB5i2!ii3Bi:£- ""? Sinvorieibunpöbef scniuss ^ie S,n3xehun;^'?.sl und !taats?ein."r t'' 'l ''' Ver.rdn.n, 'über ten.deutschen>.ebieten"'.'l2 >m' glgVlS^^^^^ mt dem iilriass des Reiohsmini^f... ^:: t_.^^.^- "^ ^•?.^l/.in Verbindu mt dem ^>iass des des Wn»; " pl^^'" Verbind un Pol. t>-Vi iN'r .2290/39 - 21ij - -Innern vom 2l. August 1939 - ung Irma C lrA,VZ'''cjT P'^=^"'t%Vern,,i;,en der Jude« ! des »inder j.hni,en Pa e He" •L:de;eru°nTd:r:wf'^5.'^P^^' Thnmas Franz Lederer -^^-rer und des niir3er j^hrifren P"Sohin^9rst?äf'ver'r"eten dt^h^Mn '^ " T J ^•^- i" "»"^hen 27, raten f.ihrer '^uötraSl-Mlal^eSendls^lSs^r"''"''"^"-' '^^^'t^"*- minister dos'i"ne?n'^i" ™> np™'»l' ^''" ^jnverxeibt. da der Reicns- hat. dass die Bestrebungen^en^^nf^r""!^!^^" festgestellt d-rf staatsfeindlich ge«esen1lnd! f^™""*«" J"^^" i" Partschen- r . :, rP^^ ßeichsminister des Innpm haf ir,. u -iaas der Einziehung zu «unsten des"E:L"ns'b!rre:v!"zr,e":ril:,t". dritter Personen l^TulZl^n'iy^.Tr '''''' ""'''" ™^ ^-»'*- In Vertretung': 2;ez. Ä t U b e r L.b. Bsdaubift: Unters ch'-ift ^nzieiancr. *. t ■*sw*^(^ ^ 'imint <■■»■ A«»' •■•.'•»■♦>•■ ■ j. , 0 ff anti; 1 ohe Bekf miatraa cl rting». 4 Dr» Arthur 0?>GOüO\.iczlm Ist ÄlSöntttior der in den GrundbucuD* elnl -n Zj^hlöii 478,433 und 563 deo KaftAstr li^eblotes Partuoliöndorr, 519, ui»r der in don Gru» Ibuchsoinl- n &xh].en 5 »C den K?^! »tr? ' e- blotoo ?Qtrox/it», 36?,363,364,3G6,4yc?,G54, und 666 des Katastrl^ Is^Jtos ; .vf,339 do« Sr.t atrliioMüto:: '}dliiit», 512 doo Krt.t^,«trF;ls0bietGß 3nww*.idovf, 434 utvd 077 d j Kataetrtajobletes Boten. -^Id eiii;^tP f^anen Qruud; • ])r, Artuur Caeozowlosacrv und In». C»oc;:owl< ' ßlui ils^ «? dr '1 dü i 1 V s^ ,w« ^hondorf,d96 dv^« w t-T-au* x^>..)i<3t.-w .>jdlnlta o'.-^^tr ^. Dr. rtlmr OzeczowlczkPjlrrw». Oaeoaov/lo Slwou doB K ü -^.. ,?i;"in4. '.Uli» uud *>i - - Ind Jl , , ler der Indt don Grundbucliotjit ' n Zeüilon 652 und 653 otrr:;! Wbletea rart&olwtulorf Älnö9t*^til*3«eu Grundertucke. Bor g io GrundbefiitÄ iet g 635 ba gro«s,llör,t iia itögierun '-. b«zirk Tr- u und bildet dR9 (jOJiamito .v » artoohatidorf »• 1) ,tohend© Out soll unter loaUahnter Boruc^ uicVitlgang der Intorosaeu J.or !!oubildUiij{ deutschen mtuiao in rrlocijo ! ando uborfUhrt vrden.iv^ii vor/stehend ani^^fuhn-ten iSl^^tjutu ni,die oaitttlicb ubvironend sind, wird doshrab hi -ralt aBB»»a §■ 6 der Vorordnuiit,- über den Einsatz de» j 43 von 3.1/>.1933/ f.d. oudatendeutnohon Oobieto S.c36/ nuf«30seben,blo zu« 10. Juli 1939 don vorstehe » unbor jbc n f *■•-- und landwlrtüCliiftlichen aotriob ©in ohlicsi^ ..iv,.. dos darfvaf befindlicnen Innd- und foret.;i.i-t3CV»ft3.ioh3n VoniogenB,^ ilodlungi vc;-7ortr swert nn die für den oudctonjsm aXs joi-ioinnutzi^ot oiodluni^a- r! •''>.jalr'8S'3ne Jout^?cVl9 A ' :)di" , •?ell'ctv>rt ,:-:'./ .-i illy 'n.v- iu Vlr;b'-d~.L'icctioru,jrrüa!.U!5jr'Bi.-^ 513,, äu vor ucöOi\.. iis r It -r biß nua lo. Juli 1939 ein ootf^roc leudor K-ufverorv: ;\Td,^otzo icU tiicn.iit nit irkunj ob lo. Juli 193.) ... ■ G i;r ._ -u'irton V:.i:')ru. ^ it -Ir; Trw'- »er -lit der •r 7jr'-u;::sornns doa vciX!r'.;;u:riton GnuKiw Itiiua von ctisR 635 bP » r ■.■♦■'■> v^ dc^ OV 1-: .^.» ▼ I ,'i. 1 olnociillasolit:!! doo des d uf boriv; ;licj j 1 leben Vemojons don Re'jjiovtui^srit :)r« iii:i -■< v 1 * 1«. ctvi^^rk 4, )o r 11 to Tr ^ndc^r Ist '.U \ "V« ' ,* '• ?.'"' »'.''•, « ^ fllen serlchtlichen und aussor-erichtllchen Goschnften und Rochtahan*- lunpcn emnchtigt.dlo die Abwicklung und Verausoorur.g erforderlich fordf>rlicho Voll-n cht. ^^^«^^t in dlesoni Ftehnan Jedo gosctzlicU or- Gegon dioso Verfusuns stöht den Betroffenen binnen ?.r-l tq- : ; H.r- .V^'V."?^T:'^ T: ^^T'^-^ ^^^ '-^^^^ ^^^^ "iu.ubrin^:nd: B^ech;« nn den ..arm Iveioasuinister für iärnahi-ung und Landwirt scteft zu. Rnlchenborg, den 13. Mai 1939. Der Roichsstattteltor i i Sudütengtiu alo Obere Siodlungsbehord j. In Auftrage» Dr. Holüc. \ / 511 • 6 • <:i VVXAI ^'^ 08^ Oreenoroft Oardens« London, H.W.Ö. nratlTo niannor, and th« iil\olo popmlttod quontlty of tlmbop was noror takon for falllnp:« Tho Inoon» Tax P.eturna of tho Hstate showd a yaarly nat proflt of batTfoan Ko 500,000 and Ko 1,000,000. I know of no aubstantlal changea 7»ith rof^ard to tho relarant data, axo«pt that tho national Adnlnla trat Ion purchesad 1,000 aharas of tho naareat altuataa sugar faotory. B) All asseta mentloned In Auanera to 'iuostlona 10, 11 and 1^ are aaaota of the ontarpriao* C) Aoaota on ]£t JanuarjJ93ß^i '^^aatloD 10 (iuoatlon 11 c^estlon 12 Total Ko 25.870-20? 5.565^000 Ko 31,743 207 #••• ••■••• Jb 4W •aia* ÄMW •••■ < As 8 fl ta on jha _R«lovon t jäataj^ (luoatlon 10 ^^oatlon 11 testlon IS aus DM ist gem. § 32 Abs. 2 Ziff. 2 ab 1.1.1967 zu zahlen, • davon an den (die) Berechtigten das Land den (die) «^e^gpeS^tJ^^ 160,000. (a,b,c) -) DM DM DM DM 40.000.— ) ■ I DM /^ Im ( Dr 3 ) r. '-/ « ' r X. Rechtsmittel # Gegen diesen Bescheid kann der Berechtigte innerhalb einer Frist von ^^^ä5?^/sechs^ Monaten, beginnend mit .dem Tage der Zustellung .dieses Bescheids, gerichtliche Entscheidung bei der Wiedergut- machungskammer des zuständigen Landgerichts beantragen. Der An- trag 'kann insbesondere darauf gestützt werden, daß in diesem Be- scheid die Aufteilung des Geldbetrages gemäß § 32 Abs. 2 bis 4 und -.Abs. ,6 Satz 1 unzutreffend vorgenommen oder, falls vor In- krafttreten des Bundesrückerstattungsgesetzes _ eine gerichtliche Entscheidung rechtskräftig oder eine gütliche Einigung rechts- gültig geworden ist, die Höhe des geschuldeten Geldbetrages im Bescheid unzutreffend festgesetzt ist. \ / / Dear Mari eil a, * • I am sending you all the papers that are going to Hanns except for my birth certificate and mothers probate» Please talk over with Hanns the surveyoir saiggestion and a possible letter to Mr Alis# Thank you very much for your help« Love ""^ Let me know your future plans» ^ O^ M^ c^ rf^r-".» -^•<— *♦♦• .. •— »•».►'^ «x%iu ••- »T,!"- ■•■">» j* ^ — h^J'■^ . ' tr ,4f " 1 ~ ■ i.r i,' *£ - j^T . ■ A I. • ■Ao; ^' r\ V ■■ _' _ , ■ ••- - "•' I • ••* Hey I8th 1983« De&r 'fiamiB^ X >^ it hee teken xnc e Ion« time to look throu0i the files a nd I em afraid I am not very effldont as I do not really know what I am looking fcr. lO PLDTS AK)ÜND THE PABISH It appears to mc that the most likely dlaln to be accepteULe troiiLä bc the^plote around the parieh* and I wnder If I should ifrite a letter to Mr Allß.the 8urveyor,to ßtir bis Fienory, Somethlng llke • «lat It la pooslble now to opply for not prevlously aatlsficd (fl-aims and can he give me supportive eetlmateB or documwitatlon about -Öie plota around the parlsh. (Pertinant pai?:« of survey endoaed) 2 ) Schloso BIJNDESIW CKERSTATTÜNO I have found a ijhole file on the Schlose ?jhich "Särdn kept whidh contained the d«te,the number of rallway cars and the the addreases In Geimeny where the fumiture went^Also the airerd of W 200, 000.- through the PundesrftcacerBtattungs Gesetz. I an cndosing copy(the calculetion« I cp.n not undei*. stand), It iß s recent es 1964 and I am eure b<>cauee it went to Germany under the Geiman occt5>ttlon it codd not be dpimed in England then or now. 3) Haus Linde, Karlsbad LASTEIfAÜSGLEICH I am endo Bing correepondence Dr Bobasch(r.ß wdl as celcu- lationp which I con not follow)«! hardly think that it cen be deimed egain» 4) SHARES In the Brltieh «leim Application are pages 8*9 ( copy endoscd) conccming ahares. 5) Ab requected by you on my lest Visit I am endoeing my birth certificate,mothers probete a nd schedules of payments made t to the fsjnily. K^ My father^i am oonidnced^wRf! Tery thorought ft nd occi^^ied himcdf ^Ith this tor so meny yeerB e nd therefore enyirhlni? poöelKle nnift h^Te been dl^laied^There are probably Itttüf? the Cotanlfff^ion rejecir^d ( hiit hoii to find thcm or the neece»*!in»ry docanwitüjtion I *> not Tcnow) and ^y öhoild the conmlselon ndtelt thcn now 7 PI euere let m^ have your thoixir^ts on the^e varlous polnte e nd I rai öure ?%rlella TfOP*t pdnd to act Pc yor»r se- cretnry* Thank you for your oontlnued interest anä hoLp and «y best T/ichea and lovc to J^tephie and you Iffmmmm fm ^JiS. H. KUNZ 330 COPLEY ROAD / A < lWlli»ll«l IIWIBI*W»WMI»«*»IW>WW ■MM mm,' iiiwwi II II ■ wmmr^nf j ^ ^ V ^-^^^^^"^5^4 0^ p^l . (ofoc^ -vs. m\ .dJU V 1 Vi 3 3b : WOLF c ^-\ Ci u if\ M \::i .- --— «— ^'.Av-w— -a.r- - -. »^. 4 ■ -.TT* i \ < 1^. „m. »•«'^.«A» 6 ^ jC M-a-Tn 4^ ( c--cy\JL-^Q^ Scsi-K-ß-^ ^^-*~M 4 n t^^i**^ \S) M — « t'- ^ *» "^ r? V ' 0 (/) 44 Kl Kf) \ ^H,JL^KJk I (^^^ /\^ vT^-^ fc^-^-^-^-c ^ Cx^ -- j;;» /V <3-N ^ 6-A t4*--*-*-V- l/^ut^ V Ca ^^ z' ^4 ^M*««!, i \ Dec. 9th 1984. \i / Dear Steffie and Hanns, what a surprise to rfn^ a package from TexPS^ on my doorsterp a nd after thorough investigetion find a little line with bent wishes from you. I love frultcake for the holidays and ^^all enjoy it greatly once T Btart it. I have teen very busy a nd very tired .Business iF flouriPhmp' and there is not enough help.I oftenhave e long line of curtoinerP imp ati ent- ly waiting for me which makes me very nervous and puts a lot of pressure on me which in tum is exhausting.However customers or I complain,it does not seem to make any difference to the Company and they are D^ist phuffling the money in. I v;onder if it ir> the same in London ?The reason,! think ir,,that buoinesB expects a dovmtum in the Mew Year and they don't v;ant the expense f training new people whom they may heve let to go shortly, At home I am aLr-^o busy with X-mar. preppretlons end T ree Ericr more often not», ei th er she comeP here or I go. to ?TY. Ericas son got ma rried to a very nice girl and he seems to adore her.Fis free rhines like the ^-un ?nd I sincerely hope that happinesB vdll continue.He ip 4^ end she ir 4? and it in the firrt marripge for both of them. Erica and her drughter in-l8v/^-et on very well togetherv/hich maker for fixrther hapr^inenr. Have 3rou heard from Evy ? Has she nov/ Fettled down in 1^- gland pnd ir ratirfied"' and is Gordon hap^y in retiEment or har he foimd rome other occui^rtion ? Hör is Paul and family ? Eir daughter w^om he adores ? Was ro surprisod that T."ariellr deeided on fn Operation Äov worder what mede her ? T knoi^ she will heve to be here »round April Tid thr-.t i. not too far .way.Is she making good progress and is in less psln ? She seems to find the effort toogrest to drop me a line.I certrin- ly wish her R speedy recovery. How are both of You ?T v.onder if you rre still pl?i;iied with pain Steffie or have found something to help you ? And hope you Hanns are yo^^r ol d active seifslways in good spirits and sharp as a whip.' That brings me to something eise on which I would like your advir.e,Hanns.Do you think that there is any further purpose in hanging on to the Partschendorf files ?Fy diningroom sideboard is filled with them ond I could do things with that space .1 also want to thank you for storing the Partschendorf papers you have for me you w ere and are such a great help to me. To l3oth of you a Kappy Noliday Season and the Best in the New yesr OfO^d (^yAimd ■i^ '>T5- ^^; -^^^^f f % ^ 0f^ r? *r 40B 57-9 (ß l«l>UJ««H CAIM MC Lieber Hanns, •Ite Freundschaften sind unverges lieh und ich wänsche Dir nur das Allerbeste im kommendem Jahr. Wie Du west reiste ich vergangenen Sommer der Jugoslavi sehen K-öste entlang und es hat mich lebhaft an unsere Jugendzeit erinnert und wa s fttr erfreuliche Erinnerungen J Hoffentlieh hast ]Xi und Stefie einen angenehmen Sommer verbracht und der kommende Winter ?rird gut \ind schnell vorttber gehen. Noch einmal herzliche Wttnsche in alter Freundschaft und liebe ^0 U-"^^ w"^ '0^ tA&nic& tiimiuMo d&, > tm. i >t;'JL-Q_ O'^'^-vCi/^ Blitebcrry Pte ^stry, dough for a double- 3 CUPS fresh bluebtrnes or 2 ^ Sns. drained. or 2 boxes. fro- zen and defrosted 'l 3SS>ns all-purpose Hour 2 tablesjoons fresh lemon ju.ce 1 tablespoon butter, melted 1/4 teaspoon salt Generous dash cinnamon Line Pie Shell with one piece of dough. 'eavlng a half-inch flap of douKh for folding onto top crust Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Com- bine remaining ingredlents and mi Jastry shell. Moisten edge of shell Lv*.r with top pastry and seai iw edßS The pastry should be only one- Ser-inch thick. Make several SS top crust and bake in prehe^- S oven for 20 «ninutes then de- rrease oven temperature to 350 de- grfef and continue to bake another 25 minutes. Makes six to eight serv- *"fRectpe from Miss Grimble Prc- senfs Delicious Desserts by Sylvia Baiser Hirsch.) iMrs. rlanna IVunz 330 Copley Road Upper DarLjr, Pa. 19082 !• August 1983; lieber Hanns, ich danke Dir vielmals ftlr all Deine Be- nrtüiungen bezüglich der Czech CoiDpensation ftlr mich und es ist sehr schade dass das Resultat nicht gönstiger ist, aber wie Du weis st war es keine ITberraschung; Inliegende Kopien sind von meinen Briefen an Dr. Karsten und Mr Ali s* zu Deiner Infoimationt Hoffentlich verbringst Du xmd Steffi e eine angenehme Zeit mit Paul und Ruth und Ihr kdtant Euch Alle eini- geimassen vor der grossen Hitze schfltzen*' Ich war sehr froh von Dir zu hören dass Mar- riella zu Hause gut aufgehoben und versorgt ist und Portschrit- te macht» Ich grftsse Euch alle in alter Freundschaft d Liebe I V Ist KUß, 19 B3. MAi % ilie« V« 6* V» /• , T» m d«Jj «Lsle -«»•(Ät» +-o for your «ff«rt to halp ric ;Jid the rciip cct t'ow holß dlof!C to 90° i'or tiic leet 6 feo^kß but altiont «»«13?- boay höre h»H p;tJy<»-'<^'Ciorilr»ß which ttekec llle eo nuch e«eyier» \ \ V Dr. r, Tif.Tfiit(m Ovnsultßnt on jaiterrx&tiunal iwr 40 , llo rtiüor ütrcot LoiKton, ..IN Sill t Be!ir GcÄrtcr Herr Doktor, Ich ärj&e Ilinen ftlr Ihr rertes Schreiben von 2? Ouli I9B3 ^'^-ä icli bin nstrttrlic*. (Sitt^uscht «Rss r.ciro AUf-ele-csnJicit nicht beprcr ptcht. Bitte behalten Lle meinen teXl in Ai^ge fcllr aic Sula'PJ't eich e«nGti.eoi' f?n\(»lrt, l€f;o ich neinen check vor. $ 95» -0 hri tmr«. vcr'Mci'bG rit berten Gyflrrcn l a /f^e// //fi (Oon$/^/c^^/^^ o/ ^^^/^/^, ß\ Consultant on Continental AND international LAW 40. MORTIMER STREET LONDON. WIN 8HY TELEPHONE: 01 -636 7036 Kopie BY AIR MAIL Mrs. Hanna Kunz. 330, Copley Road, Upper Darby, P.A. 19082, U.S.A. 22. Juli 1983 I I I Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, Herr William Alis hat mir bereits Anfang Juli ««wisse Belege Ihren Fall betreffend ueber geben und Herr Dr. Low hat sich ebenfalls bezueglich Ihrer Angelegenheit an mich gewandt. Ich habe die Sache studiert und moechte vor allem sagen, dass mir nicht klar ist, ob Sie als amerikanische Staatsbuergerin ueberhaupt noch als britische Staatsbuergerin angesehen werden kSeSSen, da die USA doch im allgemeinen ßoppelstaatsbuergerschaft nicht anerkennt. Als Amerikanerin koennten Sie keinen Claim irgendwelcher Art geltend machen. Aber abgesehen davon bin ich der Meinung, dass auf Grund des neuen tschechoslowakisch-britischen Vertrages keine sinnvollen Ansprueche gestellt werden koennen. Das Guthaben bei der Postsparkasse in Bratislawa wurde bereits nach dem Kriege gestrichen. Es ist nicht f«»t*"Ji«JJ«;? S^ «* Ihrem verstorbenen Onkel damals gelungen ist, die Streichung rueckgaengig zu machen oder nicht, und der Betrag ist ausserdem nicht gross genug, um ein Verfahren zu begruenden. Was das Grundstueck in Fischern bei Karlsbad anlangt, so war dieses nur 356 qm gross und der Nationalausschuss Karlsbad hat 1948 deS Wert eines qm auf Kc. 182 bis 200 geschaetzt. Da dies Betrag in Pfunde umgerechnet werden wird und wahrscheinlich nur ein pforentsatz gezShlt werden wird, steht es bestimmt nicht dafuer. Der Umrechnungskurs wird aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach 200 Kc fuer ein £-Sterling betragen. Wegen der Schlosseinrichtung kann man nichts tun, denn diese wurde ja waehrend des Krieges nach Deutschland verbracht. -2- er - 2 - l Da die Kosten diese» Verfahrens »ehr betraechtlich sind, rate ich absolut davon ab. etwas anzufangen, selbst wenn 5ie nicht Amerikanerin sondern Englaenderin sind. Fuer das Studium der Angelegenheit und diesen Bericht erlaube ich mir, £60.00 in Rechnung zu »teilen. Ich sende eine Kopie dieses Schreibens an Herrn Alis und eine Kopie an Herrn Dr. Low. Es tut mir leid, dass ich Ihnen n^ichts besseres berichten konnte. Mit besten Gruessen Pr. F. Karsten 1 V t • « 'i • V UV VA, ^^ 1 UA^ 'V^ Ü^AA-v^C. Mrs. Hanna lYunz 330 Copley RoaJ Upper DarU, Pa. 19082 Phone, :a5-352-2L02 JuLy 14th 1983. Dear Hanns, I received to-day enaLosed letter froia. the Commlssion and have a t once written to Mr Alis and Mr Karsten as you Ydll see from the tw) further endoeures. If you feel it advisable,please,call me- collect and I then in tum can call Mr Alis or/and Mr Karaten. The "best time to call would be hetween Ip.m. atidBp.m. which would reach me between andlOa^m. My numher is« a 5-352- a02 Many thanks to you and Stefi for a most enjoy- able luncheon and aftemoon, I appreciate your looking after Mariella who espedLally now needs care and waimth, The value of the wonderful friendship you have shown me over the years and on which I have come to rely has enhanced my life and I hope is not too heavy a hurden for you. Once more my love to Stefi and you OaAI/v^, Tei. : a5-352-a02 Dr» A , Karsten counceLlor at law 40 Mortimer Street London, W»l» EheLend, July 14th 198.3. Dear Mr Karoton, MTm V .KLlc of 23 Oaldlngtoa Avo, WeolxL ey, mrho suggeßted your nsmct wes i*y fethert? special ad* Ylsor in bis Cech Claiiiu He will oontact you on my hetiBlf ix> aecertsin if I have a j?arthcr YEüLid daim ageinst 13ie Foreign Clains OoisndBoion* Z IMVÜd tpprcciate your eerliert conBide^nation in face of tho fect of the s5:iortne8e of time (as you ydll see from the eacloßed cx)py of the OosnrdsBions letter) anÄ the dlntance to here. Yours very sincerely TdL. t2L^35^2102 23 Oökington Ave, WoalxLey Pßik aäddLesex HA9 6HAX Btl4Sl82ld» July 14th 19 B3» Dear lEr Allsi to-day I recdvcä ©letter from thc PorelsQ Cleinn Ooianisnion,the copy of wliidi I eaidLoce. You ^11 se from it thßt it is necce- snery not to deley applicetion to -the ?,C.C, if Mr Karsten evaLiiateo my ca€5e as positive» Pleßce let me knovr a nd eleo contect Ar« G*H.I.07re,Tcl. t34O-5804 who is lay frien between the hourc of lp«a,-3 P»«. vblch rrlll roach me betrreen 8 e»vxt - 10 «»n* Thank you for yovLT intcrept Yours Tciy sincercly» JJJtl/jM In any further communication on No ' and address, not to any person hy name, but to: THE secretary, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, WC2B 6TT Telephone: 438 6227 "- 8 JUL 1983 Dear Madam, I refer to previoua correspondence in connection 'fi*^ ^^J* Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order 1982 and wouldxnform you that if the Commission is to consider a"/PPl^°?;\^?" f^f compensation one completed oo^y each oft he forma should be retuxned to the Commission without further delay. In this connexion I would again draw youj ***f ^^rfnnnwa- Article 6(l) of the above mentioned Order which reads as follows. An application shall not be entertained by the Commission for the purposes of this Order unless it has reached the Commission on or before August 31, 1983. The Commission ha^ nn discretir^» -»--n »vtpnd the time for receipt of applications and theref ore applications received hy the Co^ssion Xr August 31, 1983, even if ^oBteä^eforeJ^^t date, cannot be entertained despite any reason for delay. Yours faithfulXy, ji.->^^ Ar^M "^.f ,.-•'" D.H. WRIGHT, Secretary and Chief Examiner. Lire. Hanna üunz, 330, Copley Itoad, Upper Darby, P.A. 190Ü2, U.S.A. A. r / *-A C/N ^ r b /^^kV^vwA^x ' ;> O' /l y z' 0 6 ^ 4 • ^^C^--ri^^ / /. / ^ L i^j£a ^h')vj'i^ 1f / M A^afi4i-. ScA/^^ i7 '3" ORDER NO. '\'-''.'Aa -y^' ^Cr BRANCH NO. -^^f CHARGE 673 1 i Zwei seltene Jubiläen ! Eine seltene Feier begeht am 16. Juli die Gemeinde Partsclien- dorf in der Fremde. Zwei Männer, die sich um die Gemeinde gro- ße Verdienste Erworben haben, Msgr. Dr. Alois Bönisch feiern an diesem Tage das 60 jährige und Msgr. J^^Jtlugö Jjosa sein 50 jäh- riges Priesterjubiläum. Msgr. Bönisch, der als Heimatvertriebener in Weißenborn-Wettbach 19 Kr. Neu-Ulm lebt, ist in Partschdf. Nr. 3G0 geboren, studierte am deutschen Gymnasium Freiberg, wur- de 188Q in Olmiitz zum Priester geweiht, erwarb sich das Doktorat in Rom, und war lange Zeit Religionsprof. in Olmütz. Gar vielci? hat er durch die freundschaftl. Audienzen beim Erzbischof für sei- ne Heimatgemeinde erreicht, zu deren Wohl er immer tätig war. Oft konnte man ihn auch in den Nachbargemeinden begrüßen, beson- ders oft im Schlosse Eichendorff Sedlnitz wenn er bei der verw. Rektorsfamilie Waidosch zu Besuch weilte. Msgr. Hosa wurde am 10. Juli ISQQ zum Priester geweiht, war seit diesem Tage ununterbrochen Seelenhirt der Gemeuide l^artsc^endorf. Es wird selten einen Priester geben, der so volks- verbunden ist. Wir gedenken noch seiner Worte am 16. Juli 193^J bei der Feier des vierzigjährigen Priesterjubiläums, Ich habe die meisten von Euch getauft — ich habe für Euch durch 40 Jahre da^; hl. Meßopfer dargebracht ich habe Euch ebensolange das Wort Gottes verkündet - ich habe Euere Ehen gesegnet — ich habe Euere Kinder erziehen geholfen - habe Euere Sterbenden für die 1 Partschendorf — Kirche und Pfarrhaus 10 .-N » y. A WVE.7.V (\ > CuLUkUA ) ^^a/i /^ < x \ / \ . r :t ^^AA. ^ Ml«*«»i^ •d^am^m^a^ * ^ III* |i ■■iimi g|ig|gBpaw>v«aw«M -^ ■^^•<— il^'*»* .-Ol ^ y\ U;v.W^^^^ C^ivie<^oa..Q. ^««1 • -«k« MfaM«*» ( ck VsJ^Jf i .-^- st h ?\vU.'\<:j-^va.v I ■» ■■■■■■« '- ^.^•«iaaiH I^WB«*««»«««*"'*'*'" ^J^^ ^ X ^ ^"^ ^^ ^ *^^ VA-'^^^t^ ,N C MuudL '^<-u5 ULclmT 4 »€_ po.r, d OviOU-pU^ X Ol^ «^^J^ ^ ^Ux^ uoc^Ae. (X^ Ö>oJC^Ou,^ t*-»^ II. . ^ vov^'/^f- r V l-'^'AA/^^Xi^ ö " A .^v^:-^ / ^^ iii^ 'ov V j L v^ i" ^XC'A-^^'O VvC^ f ^;L0 V Ö"^ 1 V — b' ^^^ I \ l (^ iv^ m) Belege fuer SENOV ■**- Je. i »*■ V -«*. f1 i^"" r- ^ r-1 O o V o ^ -n m i . ' ^, "^ > i i\A BY AIR MAIL cd Mrs. Hanna Kunz, 330, Copley Road, Upper Darby, P.A. 19082, U.S.A. -*t F, KARSTEN, dr jur Consultant on Continental AND international LAW 40. MORTIMER STREET. LONDON. WIN 8HY Telephone 01-636 7036 BY AIR MAIL Mrs. Hanna Kunz, 330, Copley Road, Upper Darby, P.A. 19082, U.S.A. 22. Juli 1983 Sehr geehrte Frau Kunz, Herr William Alis hat mir bereits Anfang Juli gewisse Belege Ihren Fall betreffend uebergeben und Herr Dr. Low hat sich ebenfalls bezueglich Ihrer Angelegenheit an mich gewandt. Ich habe die Sache studiert und moechte vor allem sagen, dass mir nicht klar ist, ob Sie als amerikanische Staatsbuergerin ueberhaupt noch als britische Staatsbuergerin angesehen werden koennen, da die USA doch im allgemeinen Doppelstaatsbuergerschaft nicht anerkennt. Als Amerikanerin koennten Sie keinen Claim irgendwelcher Art geltend machen. Aber abgesehen davon bin ich der Meinung, dass auf Grund des neuen tschechoslowakisch-britischen Vertrages keine sinnvollen Ansprueche gestellt werden koennen. Das Guthaben bei der Postsparkasse in Bratislava wurde bereits nach dem Kriege gestrichen. Es ist nicht festzustellen, ob es Ihrem verstorbenen Onkel damals gelungen ist, die Streichung rueckgaengig zu machen oder nicht, und der Betrag ist ausserdem nicht gross genug, um ein Verfahren zu begruenden. Was das Grundstueck in Fischern bei Karlsbad anlangt, so war dieses nur 356 qm gross und der Nationalausschuss Karlsbad hat 1948 den Wert eines qm auf Kc. 182 bis 200 geschaetzt. Da dieser Betrag in Pfunde umgerechnet werden wird und wahrscheinlich nur ein Prozentsatz gezahlt werden wird, steht es bestimmt nicht dafuer. Der Umrechnungskurs wird aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach 200 Kc fuer ein £-Sterling betragen. Wegen der Schlosseinrichtung kann man nichts tun, denn diese wurde ja waehrend des Krieges nach Deutschland verbracht. -2- VAT REGISTRATION NO: 233 2765 73 - 2 - Da die Kosten dieses Verfahrens sehr betraechtlich sind, rate ich absolut davon ab, etwas anzufangen, selbst wenn bie nicht Amerikanerin sondern Englaenderin sind. Fuer das Studium der Angelegenheit und diesen Bericht erlaube ich mir, £60.00 in Rechnung zu stellen. Ich sende eine Kopie dieses Schreibens an Herrn Alis und eine Kopie an Herrn Dr. Low. Es tut mir leid, dass ich Ihnen n..ichts besseres berichten konnte. Mit besten Gruess Dr. F. Karsten \ ii LETADLEM PAR AVION / ^ij(C>^ Pustä Polom 52 CESKOSLOVENSKO C^RSKOSLOVENSKO Mrs. Hanna K u n z 3500 W ehester Pike // 209 Newtown Square Pennsylvania 19073 !OSI0VfNSKO USA r. Fi«idolln Pokorny,Pust6 Polom 218, okr. Opava 747 69 Tschechoslowakei i ä »«iüVMWMaikA ,— I ■ ^a^tmm^amm^ PAR AVION 7 r^SKOSLO Mrs Hanna KU N Z, 3.500 W ehester Pike 2C9 Newton Square Pennsylvan! a 19073 U S A ■^ätm *.^^kMmm* .ypmtmßii'^ffi*^^ '^'mamm Fridolin Pokorny,747 69 R^stä Polom 218, Bez. Opava Tschech Republik TeZ. No, : Whüehall 1234 Your R^erence CZECHO-SLOVAK FINANCIAL CLAIMS OFFICE, OV i'AU.u^ji^ TREASURY CHAMBERS, / ^-^^Si^iL» GREAT GEORGE STREET, LONDON, S.W.l. Treaawry Reference 5th October, 1945« Dear Sir, We refer to your letter of September 24th* You are correct in stating that the only payment made by this Office to you was for £192. 17* 1d in March 1941* A« Czeczowiczka, Esq. , 4, Heath Court, 12, Prognal, N.W. 3* Yours faithfully. ^Jo^y^^^\^^^ \J01^' CZECHp^SLOVAK FINANCIAL CLAIMS OFFICE. Capital Account f i Republic Eastern Promise The Czech Republic is working to create adequate conditions for the entry offoreign capttal and expertise. Stacy Miller reports on the current poUttcal and commercial environment n 1 January 1993, the Czech Republic emerged onto the World arena as an indepen- dent State. The current coal- ition government, led by Vaclav Maus and his Civic Democratic Party, is com- mitted to continuing the radical series of reforms aimed at transforming the Soviet style centralism into a successful market economy. Reforms included the development of a free-market legislative framework (involving a chain of law- making to include laws on securities and bankruptcy) ; liberalisation of prices and foreign trade (95 percent of all prices have been deregulated); privat- isation; macroeconomic austerity; move- ment towards füll convertibility of the crown; and tax reform (an EC-type tax April 1993 regime was enacted on 1 January 1993). The new Czech State is organised as a republic with a President (Vaclav Havel) and a parliamentary democracy with the authority balanced between the exec- utive and legislative branches and an independent judiciary and treasury. In addition to the continuity with the poli- cies from the CSFR, the Czech Repubüc has inherited the international assoc- iation agreements with assurances that the transfer of membership in inter- national organisations to the new states will proceed smoothly. Additionally, the EC has suggested that trade agree- ments could be easily transferred to the Czech and Slovak Republics. In Order to prepare itself for füll mem- bership of the EC (a medium-term goal of the administration), major fiscal reforms including a new tax structure (most notably, VAT) and requirements for firms to use Western accounting methods were introduced on 1 January 1993. In Order to minimize losses in trade, the Czech and Slovak govern- ments have negotiated a customs union to ensure the duty-free transfer of goods and Services as well as a common cust- oms policy. In addition, agreements have been signed providing for future Cooperation in the areas of economic, civic, foreign policy and defence affairs, as well as arrangements for the division of the current army. Dif ficulties in main- taining the Exchange Rate Mechanism have recently arisen stemming from the divergent monetary policies of the Czech and Slovak Governments, eg restrictive Czech and relatively loose Slovak moretary p<)licies. Due to diver- gent econc nie policies, separate Czech and Slovak currencies were introduced earlier in the year. The historical tradition of democracy, fiscal conservatism and hard work have combined with the recent strict econ- omic reforms to produce positive results which have laid the ground work for growth and expansion. Additional fact- ors which bade well for the Czech Republic's successful economic transformation are its ideal geographic location (it is situated closer to Brüssels than Vienna), an extensive industrial base and a well-trained and inexpensive workforce. Despite the significant disruptive effects of economic reform, Czech Infla- tion was maintained at the budgeted level of twelve percent in 1992. Forecasts for 1993 peg the Inflation rate between 15 and 17 percent (due mainly to the introduction of the VAT). The low level of unemployment should continue in 1993 although it will rise from the 1992 level of 2.7 percent (probably to between five and eight percent). Internal and external currency stability was maintained during this period. Further key macroeconomic indicators include a low per capita debt (under $600) , a nearly balanced budget and a positive balance of payments. Consumer prices have remained stable. Indeed, for the last eight to nine months of 1992 prices nearly stagnated. Whilst the introduction of VAT caused prices to Capital Account 113 j i Czech Republic f (y^ rise in early 1993, the prices of some goods are already evening out. In 1992 real output feil dramatically. The difficult Situation was exacerbated by the loss of former Comecon markets. Fortunately, there are signs that the recession has bottomed out and tbe Czech economy is well on the way to recovery. The construction sector recorded 24 percent real growth in the first months of 1992, while overall GDP decline was halted in the third quarter and grew by nine percent in the fourth. The basic corporate tax was changed to a stairdar3]45per£Enr(d[own from 55 percent inT992).Tbreign Investment in the Czech Republic totalled US$1.2bn in 1992. The repatriation of profits and capital abroad is guaranteed by law and legis- lation States that foreign entrepreneurs are entitled to conduct business activi- ties under identical conditions as Czech entrepreneurs. A foreign entrepreneur may become the sole or co-founder of a Company, join an existing Czech legal entity or become the sole partner of such legal entity in the Czech Republic. Prices have been liberalised since January 1991 and currently only five per- cent of transactions are subject to regu- lation, eg housing, solid fuels and water health-service equipment As one of the founding members of GATT, the Czech Republic applies Import duties based on the valid and internationally negotiated customs tariffs. Labour relations are based on an employment contract in which wages and salaries are stipulated. Alternatively, conditions can be agreed in a collective agreement negotiated between the employer and the trade Union. Minimum wage is 2,200 Czech crowns (US$77) per month or twelve Czech crowns (US$0.42) per hour. The Czech economy performed well in over 100,000 units have been returnei (or financiaTcompensation provid^d^-to the oHguialcrwners. The second category of privatisation is called small-scale privatisation. A law passed in November 1990 permits the privatisation of the remaining small assets such as hoteis, local Services, Shops and restaurants. Over 80,000 Units are specified by legislation for sale or lease. Small-scale ^ijaLisatJQnuwiU 1992. The most dramatic progres&i .tf^ntinue in 1993 and is expected toend tnwards a market economv is the trans-^ m Maywljep^the major porüon of trade Services will have been pnvatised. towards a market economy is the trans- formation of companies through privat- isation, and the re-orientation of trade away from the former Soviet bloc towards the EC. Currentiy 50 percent of Czech exports go to EC markets with an additional 22.8 percent exported to other market economies. Furthermore, capital markets are developing quickly and the stock market is scheduled to open within a few weeks. The Czech National Bank has also been created as a strong and independent bank. The three part strategy to privatising State owned enterprises and property was launched on 1 January 1991 under the auspices of the larger progranmie of economic reform. The first component is restitution, whereby property expro- priated by the communist regime^ter 25TeBru^£;RSiIL * TnaTownersand their heirs^To date, April 1993 Legislation for large privatisation Cov- ers the privatisation of some 4,000 of the Czech Republic*s largest State owned enterprises, including fmancial instit- utions, Insurance companies, State farms and industrial and foreign trade organisations. In late 1991 the participants in the 'first wave' submitted their privatisation pro- jects and are currently completing the transformation. Participants in the second wave filed their privatisation pro- jectTby 16 June 1992 and the processof transformällon wilfbegin inl993rÄ third"gfoup ot ehterpnses, paf ticuISly those of a Strategie nature, will not be privatised for at least five years. A variety of methods are being used to transfer ownership from State to private hands. A Company may be auctioned. (under conditions established by the Law on Small-scale privatisation) , or offered for public tender. Direct sale, which requires government approval and that the project be listed and pub- lished by the Ministry for two months, is relatively more difficult to execute. In addition to the unpaid transfer of property, which is valid only for banks and municipalities, there is the much acclaimed voucher method. The vouch- er method enabled Czech (and Slovak) Citizens to purchase vouchers for 1,000 Kcs (US$35) which would later be exchanged for enterprise shares, and was enacted because the low level of personal savings would have excluded Czech Citizens ft-om purchasing State property (total domestic savings repre- sents ten percent of the book value of national property). The first round of voucher privatisa- tion has taken place and the second round is scheduled to take place in 1993. The 434 Investment Privatisation Funds are important actors in the Czech economy, having gained the right to control the Investment points of over two-thirds of the voucher participants. Foreign Investors are encouraged to \ take advantage of the stable political and economic e.ivironment endowed with a ( highly productive cost effective labour force. In addition, an entrepreneur may \ request certain Import duty reliefs as \ well as a tax waiver for up to two years, j and may participate as 100 percent own- 1 ers in enterprises. The opening of the Stock Exchange, including demateri- alised shares (the RM method), pro- vides the foreign entrepreneur with exciting opportunities for Investment which is regulated by the recently passed legislation. 1993 will test the ingenuity and integ- rity of companies and individuals as the process of transformation into a truly free market economy accelerates. Those Investors who join the Czech pro- cess of transformation now, will not only be participating in a rapidly growing economy but will also realise short as well as long term gains. ■ Stacy Miller, Bohemian Foundation (Nadace Bohemiae), Prague In Order to assist Ote/breigh Investor with the distribution of inßrmation, contacts and advice during the investment process, the Ministry of Industry and Trade established Czechinvest, (the Czech Agency for Foreign Investment), After 15 March they may be contacted at Politkkyck veznu 20, 112 49 Prague 1 Tel: (422) 235 98 56 Fax: (422) 236 02 65 i Capital Account 115 i Czech Republlc f The people factors • Have a Western manager with exper- ience in multi-cultural environments. Diplomacy is required to find the right balance between corporate objectives and flexibility towards local customs. • Select local management staf f careful- ly. In the recruiting process, partic- ular attention should be paid to un- realistic expectations (especially with regard to salaries). • Establish effective training prog- rammes. The financial factors • Adopt a long-term Investment strat- egy, because the füll potential of the countries will not be reached for sev- eral years. • Develop contingency plans and flex- ible development strategies. • Maintain a low-key Investment strat- egy. Slow and progressive inputs of money are reconmiended. • Do not rely on or expect local financ- ing. Western Investors should know that local partners can bring plant and equipment, contacts and local knowledge but not much cash. Market factors % Adapt products and Services to the local market • Consider the purchasing power of the Population in pricing products and Services. • Plan sales activities carefully to min- imise practical difficulties, such as deficient distribution networks. Following is A Short Guide to Foreign Investors to provide a brief introduction to some of the legal, accounting and tax matters concern- ing foreign Investments into the Czech Republic. (Note: Currentiy there are no princi- pal differences in tax legislation between the Czech and Slovak Republics; however, this may change in the near future.) EstaMlshing a busiMSS Q: What are the principle fortns of busi- ness entity in the CR? A: Principle forms of business entity in the CR include branches of foreign com- panies and various local legal entities, such as Joint stock companies (compar- able to public limited companies in the UK), limited liability companies (similar to private limited companies in the UK) and various types of partnership. Foreign Investors have the same rights as local Investors and can set up a local Company without any special authoris- ation or approval from the State (how- ever, all business entities must be regisr tered). Q: Is it easier to set up a branch than a Company and how much do I need to invest? A Setting up a branch is easier because registration documentation is less demanding and there is no minimum capital requirement. An additional ben- efit of starting a branch is the ability to maintain foreign currency bank accounts - no other form of business entity has this right. Setting up a limited liabiüty Company requires an initial min- imum capital of Czech Krowns (CK) 100,000, and for Joint stock companies the minimum capital requirement is CK one million (approximately Stg £25,000 at current rates of exchange) . Accounting and auditing Q: What is the basis for the accounting procedures to be applied? A: Beginning 1 January 1993, new tax and accounting laws were taken into effect. All business entities are required to maintain either single entry or double entry bookkeeping records in accord- ance with the Act on Accounting and the Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance on the Chart of Accounts and Accounting Procedures for Business Entities (The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance*). Q: Which entities are required to prepare financial Statements? A: All businesses registered in the Commercial Register must prepare annual financial Statements. Joint stock companies are also required to publish financial Statements for distribution to their shareholders. The format of the financial Statements for 1993 was pub- lished by the Federal Ministry of Finance on 29 December 1992. Q: Which entities must have their finan- cial Statements audited by independent professionally qualified auditors? A: Joint stock companies, banks, and Insurance companies must have their financial Statements audited. Limited liability companies and co-operatives must have their financial Statements audited only if, in the year prior to the year subject to audit, their net turnover exceeded CK 40m or their equity exceeded CK 20m. All audited entities are required to make their füll financial Statements available to the general pub- lic. Q: What audit Standards exist in the CR? A Under new audit law, the Chamber of Auditors has been established. Among other things, the Chamber of Auditors is responsible for the establishment and regulation of audit Standards. This Chamber elected a Board of 17 mem- bers to supervise its affairs. Only two of the Big Six firms are represented on the Board: Arthur Andersen and Deloitte & Touche. Q: How dose are local accounting regu- lations in the CR to International Acc- ounting Standards (lAS)? A: Since 1 January 1993 local business entities are required to prepare financial Statements in accordance with the Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (referred to above). This attempts to provide accounting regula- tions which are generally compatible with LAS, enabling businesses to pre- pare financial Statements which present fairly their financial condition. April 1993 Capital Account 117 Czech Republic \ Corporate laxes Q: What distinguishes a resident Comp- any front a non-resident one for corporate income taxpurposes? A: A Company which has its registered Office in the CR is regarded as resident for tax purposes. Resident companies are subject to corporate income tax on income generated in the CR as well as abroad. A non-resident Company is one which has its registered office abroad even if it has a permanent establishment in the CR. These non-resident entities are subject to income tax only on income generated in the CR Q: What are the CR requirements relat- ing to tax registrations? A: New businesses must register with their local tax office for corporate income tax, value added tax and payroU taxes. Q: What dividend withholding taxes are payahle in the CR? A Dividends are subject to 25 percent withholding tax provided a double tax treaty does not stipulate a esser rate. The tax treaty between the UK and the CR stipulates a tax rate of five percent on dividends if the foreign recipient con- trols at least 25 percent of the business and 15 percent if it controls less than 25 percent Q: What is the current corporate income tax rate and how is it applied? A: The corporate income tax rate is 45 percent for jtUjeMdenfandjK^^^^ companies. Tax is payable on a comp- any^s accounting profit adjusted for var- ious items treated differently for accounting and tax purposes and excluding income subject to withhold- ing tax. For a non-resident Company, income subject to withholding tax includes dividends, lease income, and royalties. Q: What are some of the main expense items which are not deductihle for tax purposes? A: Taxable entities may deduct almost all expenses incurred in conducting their activities plus allowances on depreciable assets. Non-deductible expenses include entertainment expens- es, charitable donations exceeding two percent of taxable profits, fines and penalties, and dividends. Q: Can tax losses he offset against past or future Profits? \\d> Capital Account A Losses incurred from 1993 onwards may be carried forward for up to five years only There are no provisions to carry back losses. Q: How and when does a Company make corporate income tax payments? A: From 1993 onwards, corporate inc5me^ musTgelxaMlö the local tax autEoriSes^V 31 March of the foUowing year. If yourtaSTdecläräÖöins prepared nSyTan adviser, you have the ability to extend your payments until 30 June. In _ your first year of business_^ou dojiQt fiave to malcel3vänce income taxjpay- ments. Based on your income tax from your first year, you may Jfiave to make advance payments of inconie tax ejther monthly or quarterly. Personal taxes Q: What are the personal income tax rates? A: Personal income tax rates are prog- ressive. The rates depend on the level of income less allowances. The minimum rate is 15 percent for income under CK 60,000 and the maximum rate is 47 per- cent for income over CK 1,080,000. Q: What factors determine whether I shall be liablefor CR income tax? A A residentJQL tax JuipQaesjs subject to income tax on worldwide income. A non-resident for tax purposes is subject to income tax on income generated from sources in the CR only. Q: When do I become resident in the CR for tax purposes? r A An individual who stays in the CR for at least 183 days in a calendar year on a cumulative basis is regarded as resident for tax purposes. In addition, you can formally apply for residency with the appropriate local authorities. Q: How and when do I pay income tax and social security payments? A From 1993 onwards, personal income tax payments must be paid to the local tax authorities by 31 March following the calendar year. Income tax for resi- dents will be paid on income earned from employment and income from other source(s). All social security pay- ments will be handled by your employer in the CR. If you are seif employed, you must negotiate social security payments with the appropriate authorities. Value added tax Q: How does the value added tax System work in the CR? A: Value added tax (VAT) is levied on domestic supplies of goods and Services and the importation of goods and Ser- vices. The VAT base is generally the consideration for the goods sold or Ser- vices rendered including customs duties, clearance costs and excise duty (if applicable). Only registered VAT pay- ers are obliged to Charge and collect VAT If there is trading between the Czech and Slovak Republics, VAT will be levied on imported products as the Czech and Slovak Republics are two separate countries. Q: At what rates is VAT charged, and are all sales subject to VAT? A: The Standard rate of 23 percent is applied to most goods and some Ser- vices Some goods, mainly food items, and most Services are charged at five percent. A zero rate is applied to exports of goods and Services as well as financial Services. Sufficient document- ation for VAT records must be kept in accordance with the Law on Value Added Tax. ■ Trevor Wallinger is Managing Partner, Deloitte & Touche in C&SR, and Karel Hampl is Partner-in-Charge ofAudit, Deloitte & Touche in the CR, and a Member ofthe Board of Chamber of Auditors. April 1993 s ( Czech Republic .i :-i| Doing business Czech style Richard Temple navigates the legal mazefor private sector Investment in the Czech Republic f he rapid transformation of the Czech RepubHc following the *Velvet Revolution* in November 1989 from State controlled to- wards a dynamic market-orientated economy has opened wide ranging opportunities for both domestic and for- eign Investors and entrepreneurs. Numerous laws and regulations have been formulated to effect this transition and to facilitate, encourage and regulate business activity. Western lawyers and other Professionals have reacted quickly to the needs of Investors for guidance through the mass of expanding and changing legislation. A variety of vehicles are now available to entrepreneurs seeking to exploit new opportunities in the Czech Republic. liie main corporate forms are the Joint stock Company or limited liability Comp- any under law 513/1991 ('the Commercial Code*), which came into force on 1 January 1992. The Joint stock Company has a minimum share capital of Czech Crowns (Kc) 1,000,000 (approximately Stg £25,000) with freely transferable shares and a management structure which involves the creation of a Board of Directors together with a Supervisory Board to oversee their activities. The limited liability Company has a lower minimum share capital of Kc 100,000 (approximately Stg £2,500) where members have quotas in the Company and the management struc- ture is more simple with the Option of a Supervisory Board. Czech commercial law has its origins in German and Austrian law with the Joint stock Company being similar in nature to a German AG and the limited liability Company equivalent to a German GmbH. While both structures enable participants to benefit from limit- ed liability, Joint stock companies are suitable for large scale Joint ventures where shareholdings need to be freely transferable and a substantial capital base is required with dif ferent classes of equity and debt participation. Alter natively, Jinuted liability^ provide a more informal management structure and a lower capital more suit- a 120 Capital Account April 1993 Czech Republic I f able to less complex structures. Although significant investment in the private sector has taken place, the pri- vatisation process continues to provide the main focus for much foreign invest- ment in the Czech Republic as the State sells off its largest industries to the pri- vate sector. While the foreign investor needs guidance and patience to find his way through the complex maze of Czech bureaucracy and procedure, the outcome is often worth the wait. In brief, the privatisation procedure involves submitting a privatisation pro- ject for the scrutiny and approval of vari- ous Government Ministries. In the first instance the project is submitted to the Founding Ministry of the enterprise, usually the Ministry of Industry, and all projects, including competing projects, are then passed for further considera- tion to the Ministry of Privatisation. The successful project is passed to the Government for approval and finally to the National Property Fund (the NPF), the administrative body which enters into the Contract of Säle with the pur- chaser. Legal advisers have a valuable role in advising on the privatisation project, liaising with ministries and negotiating the Share Purchase Agreement and related legal formalities. In particular, approval of the Ministry of Economic Competition of the Czech Republic is required for acquisitions by foreign Investors in the privatisation process and early contact with the competition authorities is advisable. As with all deal- ings with Czech administrative bodies, it is important to liaise closely with the officials involved and establish personal contacts. Legal advice is particularly important in relation to the negotiation of the pur- chase contract and especially certain sensitive provisions such as the commit- ment to continuing employment in the enterprise and environmental indem- nification. In many cases environmental indemnification has proved a difficult issue with Western Investors, only too well aware of the potential environmen- tal liabilities, who have been unable to agree upon satisfactory wording with the NPF. In these circumstances, lawyers have an important role in draft- ing and negotiating appropriate wording to overcome such difficulties. The privatisation process enables for- eign investors to acquire an early foothold in an expanding market place which is quickly adapting to the new expectations of consumers and in many cases enables the investor to acquire a monopoly position on the market in the Short term. Whilst such an early and significant presence in the market has April 1993 obvious advantages, many investors are waiting for the opportunity to enter into post-privatisation Joint ventures. The main advantage is that instead of much of the initial investment being used to purchase shares in the enterprise from the NPF, the investment is made direct- ly into the Joint venture. The flexibility of Joint ventures has proved populär with many Western investors who, in response to the urgent need for Western technology, make a non-mone- tary contribution to the capital of the Company in the form of know-how and expertise, based upon favourable expert valuations. Much attention has been focused on the rapid pace of the privatisation pro- cess in the Czech Republic, but accom- panying legislative changes have been equally significant. Some of the most notable legislature developments have taken place in the field of taxation and wide-ranging tax reform came into effect from 1 January 1993. The new legislation introduced value added tax and brought into line taxation of domes- tic companies and companies with for- eign participation. Although this new legislation increased taxation of comp- anies with foreign participation, the use of double-tax treaties, including the treaty with the UK, and especially the h particularly favourable double-tax treaty j with the Netherlands, enables investors j to mitigate the 45 percent Corporation 1 tax on Profit. In particular, as with all foreign ventures, tax planning is import- ant and foreign companies should seek to ensure that their activities in the Czech Republic do not amount to an unplanned 'permanent establishment* so as to give rise to a requirement to pay Czech tax. The introduction of the Commercial Code and a new Civil Code from 1 January 1992, set out a solid and com- prehensive framework for business activity and has led to increasing sophis- tication and certainty in business trans- actions. Methods of financing and sec- urity have been developed in response to the needs of investors with local banks offering a variety of loan Instru- ments including bond finance. The lat- est legislative developments include a Securities Act to lead to the establish- ment of a Stock Exchange, as well as a Consumer Protection Act. While many investors feared the uncertainties associated with the split of the Czech and the Slovak Republics, the transition has been surprisingly smooth. This was highlighted by the recent introduction of separate currencies in the two Republics, a potenUally prob- lematic Operation, which occurred in an orderly and organised manner. Although such upheavals create uncer- tainties in the short term, the Czech Republic is likely to benefit from the split as it will no longer have to support its less wealthy Slovak neighbour, and can press on with its drive towards a market economy without the constraints of a less enthusiastic partner. Perhaps more than any other Eastern European nation, the prospects for the Czech Republic are extremely encour- aging as it seeks to become once again a leading force in Europe. The need for clear and familiär professional advice and the rapid pace of legislative develop- ments within the Republic means that Western lawyers will continue to have an active and valuable role in this pro- cess of change. ■ Richard M Temple, Solicitor, Lovell White Durrant, Prague Capital Account 121 i Czech Republic - Fact File From 1 January 1993 two independent states replaced the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. The official titles of the two new countries are now the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Politics President: Vaclav Havel Prime Minister: Vaclav Klaus Ruiing Party Coalition: Civic Dennocratic Party (ODS) Christian Democratic Party (KDS) Civic Democratic Alliance (ODA) Christian and Denfiocratic Union - Czechoslovak People's Party (KDLWiSL) General Location: The Republic is bordered by Germany, Poland, Austria and Slovakia Capital: Prague (Praha) Population: 10,300,000 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^Lü ^^^^^^l^lft 1j Area: 78,864 sq km Language: Czech (Polish and German speaking minorities) Spoken English: Fair Religion: Predominantly Roman Catholic Climate: Warm summers, very cold winters. Average temp 9°C National days: 8 May - Victory Day 28 Oct - Foundation of the Republic (1918) Time: GMT+lhour Business hours: 8.30am - 5.15pm (Mon-Fri) Visas: Not required for füll British passport holders. Embassy visa section: 28 Kensington Gardens London, W8 Tel: 071-727 3966 Commercial Local currency: Koruna or Crown (Kc) Exchange rate: UKf=43Kcs; US$=27Kcs Labour Force: 5.2m (1992) Unemployment: 2.7% (1992) GDP: 941bnKcs(1992) Origins of GDP (1992): Services: 22% Industry: 68% Agriculture: 10% Principal exports: Machinery, transport equip- ment, consumer goods and foodstuffs Principal Imports: Machinery, energy and raw materials Interest rate: 14-17% (1992) Corporate tax rate: 45% (down from 55% in 1992) Inflation: 6% (Jan-Dec 1992) Minimum wage: 2,200 Kc per month Media: The main English language weekly newspapers: The Prague Post; Prognosis and the Central European Business Weekly, Czechoslovak News Agency (CTK) Op letalova 5-7 110 00 Prague 1 Tel: 010 42 202 2147 UsefuI Addresses Chamber of Commerce: Offers business advice and information: Argentinska 38 1 70 05 Prague 7 Tel: 010 42 287 5461 British Embassy: Thunovska 14 118 00 Praha 1 Tel: 010 42 253 3340 Commercial Section: Jungmannova 30 110 00 Praha 1 Tel: 010 42 222 4501 British Council: Narodni 10, 1 25 Ol Praha 1 Tel: 010 42 220 3751 Slovak Embassy: 25 Kensington Palace Gdns London, W8 4QY Tel: 071-243 0803 Czech Embassy: 26 Kensington Palace Gdns London W8 4QY Tel: 071-727 4918 \ April 1993 Capital Account 123 Out Lady Queen of Heaven TELEPHO^fE: 071-229^8153 THE PRESB YTERY 4A INVERNESS PLACE LONDON W2 3JF 7.6.1993 Dear Hannai Many thaiiks für yuur letter» i was so sorry to hear about your accident and hope you are already vell on the mend. Deloitte and Touche are two of the largest accountancy firms in this couiitry, especially as a result of aualgamations, The addresses and phone nos. are: Coopers & Lybrand Deloitte Plumtree Court (• head office) London tlCk 071 583 5000 Touche lloss 8l Co Peterborough Court (• head office) Fleet Street London EC4 071 936 3000 Thahks for the form about clairaing from the Kultuägemeinde in Vienna, From vhat I hear, individual Claims won't increase the total paid out by the Austriaa governiuent; which means that if I make a (successful) Claim, the amount received by those who really need it will be reduced; so 1 don't intend to apply. But thaiilv you for thinking of me. I'll be meeting Anne in July und togethei we'll be at the family reunion in Kienberg» your health Good luck with yonr claim but above all with <- dO^KL.^^ i W. ALIS. F.S.V.A., F.F.S. INCORPORATED SURVEYOR 23 OAKINGTON AVE WEMBLEY PARK MIDDLESEX HA9 8HX 01-904 8163 Your Ref. Our Ref. WA/ JA/ 11»+^ 26. th July 1983. Mrs »Hanna Kunz 330 Copley Road Upper Darby, P.A.19o82 U.S.A. Dear Mrs.Kunz, Re: F. C. O.e. (1982). Further to our discussion over the telephone I received only today your letter dated the iH-th.inst. On the 25th inst.I received a copy of the letter Dr.Karsted wrote to you,in which he informs you thwt It would be a waste of money to subtnit a Claim in your case. My Charge for having had two tneetings with Dr.Lowe,Mrs.M. Wolf and yourself and also two meetings with Dr.F. Karsten will be £ 90.00. I am very sorry of not having had a Chance in this case to assist you, and I am returning alü/the docuraents handed to me with a copy of this letter to Mrs. Mariella Wolf. Copy to Mrs. M.Wolf Yours very sincerely !♦ Aw-Hfit ig83» fMlirt' Miredl>cr. ^- ?^ ♦Ttill 1903 «i« iO- Mn nrlÄi51c>i In Bef3. «l<5>>w^^ Ädncr l^edc^rmg lese lat t:eii«« obodc Toa t 9% 00 t,rd «n« (1) See overleaf (^ See overleaf F OR EIGN C 0 MPENS A T ION C O MM ISS ION FORM OF RENU NCIAT ION 0¥i_CJLAliJ^ REFERENCE NO. BC 1999 (the Executor/Trustee of the late • ■ of * ). in consideration of receiving a payment by the Foreign Conr.pensation Commissionfrom the distributable amount of the Czechoslovak Fund hereby renounce and surrender all claims by me/tr? arising out of the various Czechoslovak measures of nationalisation, expropriation, dispossession, liquidation or any restrictive measures of a similar kind (referred to in the Agreement dated 28th September 1949 and made between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Br itain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic) so fai as they have affected any of my/our interests in the property set out in Schedule A hereto. ( ) 2. l/V^ declare that l/^e^ave under my/oLrf order, disposition or control, no documents of title, shares, receipts for shares or kuxen relating exclusively to the property rights or interests in respect of which an award has been made by the Foreign Compensation Commission under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Orders in Council, 1950-1952, other than those listed in Schedule B hereto, (2) for surrender and delivery to the Commission as provided in Articles 21 and 22 of the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950 (S. 1. 1950, No. 1191), which are enclosed herewith so far as available. 3. l/W^declare that the above statements are true to the best of my/aiu>- knowledge, informiation and belief. • In witness whereof l/we hereunto set myZ-öw^«. hand(s) (and seal) this n or»n *■ r\ H n Autnority instruct- ing tnat rjank or \gent to nana tnese ao'cuments to NONE. .; i I 1 » /«•N t ■ 1 K \ \ '■ [ •■ TYie Note, Attention is invitea to Article 2?. of tne Foreisn ConpensPX i on (CaecnoslovaKia) Order in Connc.i].1950. Fore Pn Compensation Conimission v-iXl retain custoa;. of all aocments -.'itn respect to an/ c^siit.s. surr naerea^? dauverea to tne ConuMSsion unaer Article 21 of tnat Oraer. untii tne inal t«*''^«^^ witn resoectto tnat Claim nas oeen maoe out of the Czecncslovak Funa or untU tne Caecnoslov.K Fund nas been S up wniSever s tne aarlier. anQ tne Comission will tnen celiver taose aoou3.ents ^^^"«^ -«f-^^,-^»' oTüLte for Foreign 3ubse?uently. tne/ will be aeliverea to tne CzeaioslovaK Gove. ,v.ient bj Her Majesty's Government in tne United Kingaom, dl; 13297/^'H15 ^rti 2/5h DL 2 V\ /" k v.^T'V HW/ai f*-' fi BC 1992:B257 . '»•**'4 ^* ,;■. <•' »-H ^ %■ •r -». -« «.• ' '.*^'»^*^ *'i -'■-? _i— : - W '*. <• ALEXANDRA IIOJßR KiNOSWAY,' • , •LONDON W.C .-2. Telephone:' bl «^56 Om ^.^^/l , •^^^»U«^^r/- M>*. i<, .^ V p 0 APR 1^6* i^'^ v Dear Madam, With ref erence to your letter of Maroh 2k, 1969 we would infom you that the late .Erma Czeozowiozka established a claim undet^ the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in^^Coancil^ 1950 {^s^^en&eä^^ ;^^.^ v. In the sum of £82,196 in respect.of:- a) M^.Ok% in the estate Barto^ovice b) usufruot in half share of land 'at Sonov and house at Novy Jioin and received the '^m of £7,380. 10. V. from the Czechoslovak Fund^ ^ •*»•.- .♦>♦ 'j. ii^ 9' ^ ^w- ■j^ .«t*^ J..' .n»-;* *><[ J «f Yours i^aithfally. .ift» z^ ^ Chief Examiner.. /k Mrs. H* Kiinz, 330 Copley Read, ^ Upper Darby^ P#A. .^'^ f "United States of *Ame^öa<> ' t.**-.-^ •. :j' •*..'* !t r »^ / HkJ'* ' V -%. <". c o. , >■ (^ ♦s '^ ,i^:.-' >«k -"» f. [y,..:.>.* :i.^> ^; ,f^ ^4-*j i* -^^ . • itefv,. ^WF •To open cut bcre 71, ■ , w ■ ■ . ') i * f i » 1 ■ I .q Hü <^ h o i '. •z i v) O L J, i" ;' Sender*8 name and address: V- •••••••••••■•*•*• •••••• fl iL .^ .M..«~ X;;."-;....'.l.Äv«.l\*A.fc». ~. ~.».~..... ALnx..;i::.A i-iousE, K:N-.. L.Y. „ .. ^ t ^ vjt L, A^ i 'ü , J , I ...........M • .«^...«....^.»•-•••••••* AN AIR LETTER, SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY ENCLOSURE; IF IT^I^pES IT WILL BE SURCHARGED OR SENT BY O^IDINARY MAIL. ■ - ; The 'APSLEY' Air Letter — - A John Dickjnson Product Form opproved 6y Poitnjofter Gtntrul No. — 71995/ 1Z ■Seuond fold here ■ -> f AIR LETTER iEBOGlAMJa r BC1992:B257 '. ^ ^^l? ^.^ m ^ j^;47^? •••••••••«>•■•••«•■ 5.3.Q.>C.Qpley...fiQa.d.^.- Upper Darby P.A. United States of America» ■ — ■■ .■■■■■■■ IM ■■■!■■ ■■■■■*•• «* 1 I '4 « I ,. 1.- Jl ■■V '. ,.4 r ; nw« ^ ■ i ?, AM r«*' >» ^ i 40 7l 5» ;^f -«t,*, \y ♦/ >*f * ^A»^ FAT/SM ,rT^ ■»y itf v<. BC1 99i4-:B257 C0MR5W.^VnöifeÖÖMl i »t:;« /' ■» ^ s <• • «, l'- ; ^ • I**- «' '^ -'. -«•*«, Dear Madam, I ■ i ^ LONDON VX #2 •} '4 •s „. ■^^'**' With reference to your letter of March 2Zf., 1969, we wouia infoim you that the la'te Arthur Czaözo^ofelca.^ eatabllshed a Claim under the Foreign Compensation (Czecho slovakial Or^e^^ , in Cöuntfll, :1 950^ (as.amehdeäT in tbe Ä cjf^ £477,061 , in respedt of :- N, ♦ a) 52,3?S interest in the Bartosov^ce eatät» . b) usufruot on2y pf 19.36?5 of thöjBartoGOvice estftte c) usufnxct only of 1l^.3^^ of the Bartosovice estate d) movablea belönging to the Bartosovice estate e) Distillery at Bartosovice i ' • . . .- 1 ' * ^- ' ' ' and he andg/or hiß estate receiyed^the sumlof £if2^836. 2^J_d^^^^ the Czechoslovak Ij'und» *!* .- J • - .' * t^Sf fl' ' Yours* faithfully. V * , ?^ -^ y f >i ••*. ^ "Mrßw H.Jtuilap, Ä^-^Wa WVv^-*. Ä^.ViSid^M 330 Copley Hoad, Upper Darby P.A. United States of America/ '\t .%. ^X r$'rJ^i»-^4t#^^^'€^ '^' ;^* ^ 4^' * ^ 1 '■' ■ * >• ■i!»- 4' .^ ■.« «„< ■^ T' - 4. 1 /K )# W-. «< ■%,-« V X'tl- ko »f- .**-«. *>--«- 14 • f. ♦ l"»" .r.- i >To open cut here /! -;> u- t j fj u t •"* v> v Sender's name and addresst FC,t£-: % r y-*^ '•••••••■•••••»•««••• !•.> 1 t I • ••■•• ■••••»••••»*•*••••••■•»•••«•••••• ■ ~~tIH— ■■lllllllllllgrr T-'^^\ fl ff-TTTTTTTt AN AIR LETTER SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY ENCLOSURE; IF IT DOES IT WILL BE SURCHARGED OR SENT BY ORDINARY MAIL. The 'APSLEY' Air'Utter A John Dicldnton Product form approved bf Postmuster General No. — 71995/ 1Z ■Sccor.d fo!d hcrc« ••••*••«••••••■«•«*•• T^D ^ PAB AVIOII AIR LETTER AEXOGBAMMB f ^^ >K i0 4 63 3C1994:B257 0.0 ii^'.^ciiS^*i^^;''^ ^ J4.47«« .^ 1 i 1 1 1 r Mrs. H, Kunz, ••••••••••••••••••••• •^••••» •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••»#«,»«»^, 33P CoDley Road. üpp^r Darby P,A> •«■••4»«^»- . •»*—■■■■■■■■■■■ — ■•*^pU^—*»«»^<^——ifc—ya UNITÜD ^TATE S OP AMÜRICA . ••• w« •• • «•••« •••••••*••• **«•••« •• -*"-"-~~-— -~"^- l«»ii»l»»«« •••••••••«• J ' . / .->' / t I I LB/3J \ .! In tny further cömmunication od thii lubject, please quote : NO .??..19?> and addrcw, noi /o oa^ ^rjon by namtt but to : TBB SEOtBTAKY, rOUlQN COMFBNSATION OOMMISSION 8lr, Z'- 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON. S.W.7 • \ ^ 6 JÜL 196? i' • • • ««J^ !J*V® J"'«"» yo« th«t the final pay^nt Ordar I9 Counoll, 1950, is 00« to ba mada. tha £. Thla paymant la reapaot of fca 2««. Xani'a aatabllahed oial« forllofss? 6 o «Bouata to £7,269. 1. 8» rf wSlch £6 661 la ^ ha. alraady baaa pald, laaring tS! Si of' * ^' MTi««?*-!'! '•«"•■*«* *o" preaant tha ohagua for payaant aa aoon aa poaalbla. ' ;.'/ • », Im«, 81r, Tour obadiant Sarraot, ■j for Saoratarjr. < y Otto r. Pollak, lag., 00-90, Chanoery Lana, London, W.O. 2, t. L'^ i, I \ . ) ' 1 ■.?. M- ! ■ 1 ,. 1/!- • ■!:■■ Te] ^ i 1 ' ■■ i / BC/1999 »1 », ,ife««^U'ä1CX^.4^^Ui^ i^ * iftoit'iii I iiilifftiitf--.^ U SiTt KENsington 2^+2+4 Ext. / ,e ^^ •>• Ci t. i [ / r •1 ^ •> ■^ '4 .r , V . V V i T am dircctod by the Foreign Compensation Cornmission to inform you that it has bcen decided to nake a further interim part 'payment under /'irticle 5 of t:hc Foreign Compensaticn (Czechoslcvakia) Order in Counoil, 1950, ^f a penny thrce farthings (lfd.), in the /G* ■ Vxz% £ The amount for payment. in respect of \ Eanna Kuiiz, established Claim for £^^ ^-- n rv is — - a oheque for ; pnclosed herevdth. . • »■ Your Client is requestod* to present the cheque for payment ' 590. 5. 11. as soon as possible. .1 Your obedient Servant, Secretary. »• t. •j^ i' y / / Otto Kr. Pollak, Esq*, 88-90 Chancery Lane, #. 'Co]')^iis— ^o: i)r.A,?>urasch, 86/88 Cueen S't., London, Z.O.K. . Krs. II. Kunz, 330 Coplej'- l^oad, UpperJ' Darby, Philadelphiß., U.S.A. ■ • <•. I \ ■ «r-:, 'T.> V-l. .-^ , ,1 »» *'. ■ N»^'- --^ ' '»^••»v ».'J.-»,;^ 4;'j , y^'"iVM^»^;> .-J?!jfc'. '•>^'-'; -:rt^ttt::^.^.>,-..t..i. , ^,.., . •>< • "••*r*t"-'i->^;f,-.i; «^-'•..M'> *» 1 /i ',;f-^'.n^>:'^->r*.v- >■ '•*<«««. . - i ■■}■ ■ U I V •i ;•*/ • # .J f> '••r rt. # • ' t SG .,., I . -•• . » Jl^i'. d f ^>^ . UMlit. • ^ In any furthcr communicatioTi on * . this subiect, plcasc quote: No •••••••••• and address, ttot to any.person oy name, but to: THE SECRETARY, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION , /Madam, 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W,7 > Pebruary 3, i960. :l / / •; i 'i ■ ,i (i ' ' I am directed by the i'oreign Compensation Cornraiasion to inform you that it has been decided to malce a further Interim loart payment under Article 5 of the Poi'eip;n Comoensation (Czechoaloyakia) Order in Council, 1950, of*a penny farthing (1?) in the £. The amount for oaynjent in respect of your established claim for £80,955. 0. Od. is £U21. 12. 9d. a cheque for v^hich has toeen sent to the Chemical Com Exchange Bank,. Colonial Office, 81st Street and Cplumbus Avenue, Ney/ York City 2h, New York, U. S.A. Any permanent 'öhanp:e of address should be liotified to the Secretary of the "'oreign Compensation Commission immediately. I am, Madam, Your otiedient Servai^t. .' *;: Secretary. ■ • Iv:rs!-. Hanna *Kunz. 7252, Bradford Ro?d, Upper Darry, * Pennsylvania, ) / u.s,A. : I i - * 'i « I J .kr 1— — •♦• «-••», \> , - '-- r •• ♦ • ^ ) ■■»^»f^^-jk.:^;^ ■ Im /^ ^ ( '-'■ '.; 2. i^ ■-:::<. -i * i ' i 9 f , i^ iiL^ Ji^.. „ # HPTP/ES; I In any further comii)unlcation on this subject, please quote: ^ NO. ......:' BC. 1999. and address, 7iot to any person by name, but to: the secretary, FOREIGN COMPENSATION CÖMMISSION b Wfi, mA ^ ' I -.->ji> tai >«■!>■'■ m* ^ir 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W. 7 , r ^6 FE B 1959 ■■l^- ; • / Madam, / I am directed by the Foreign Compensation Commission to inform you that it has been decided to make a further interim part payraent underArticle 5 of the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Orde;!? in Council, 1950, of a penny farthing (l^d) In the £• > A The amount f'or payment in respect of your established' claim for £80,955. 0. 0. is £^4.21. 12. 9d. , .a cheque for which has been sent to the Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, Colonial Office, 8lst Street and Columbus Avenue, Nev/ York City 2hj New York, U.S.A. , for the credit of your account as requested. ■ . • * i -^ '* . I am, Madam, Your obedient Servant, /• . Secrexary. ff i o Mrs, Hanna Kunz, 7252 Bradf ord Road, Upper Darry, Pennsylvania, U.3.A. '} 14' > .t^' --•'- ) 1 • — — -— ■ • N .. J ':% *i"'"* ri M •v*if*.»t.-w'>..f;^ uj, Vh^p' '■' ■'?B"-''* *¥, I. 1 r»"*»^ mk • •K"»y • I ' ^^ M la r ' ^' i ..Ja Ümiu .^^^ ■ '■'\ \ 1/ ' /.' *♦ ■\;' ?' i - ^ * • > \ > V bh/wr. / ' i / THE FOREIGN COMraNSATION C0MMIS3I0N, 1. PRINCES GATE, ' , . LONDON S.W. 7. . W BC. 1999. .1 JAN'M •,,i f^^' Madam, .' . /^ , ;. . ' I am directed by the Foreign Compensation Commisslon to inform you that it has been decided to make a further interim part payment , undor Article 5 of the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950 of one penny (ld) in the'£* The amount for payment in respect of your established claim for £80,955. O.O, is £337. 6s. 3d a cheque for which has been forwarded to the Com Exchange Bank Trust Company New York, as instructed. I an, . ' , Liiadam, *• • . Your obedient Sörvant, _ xi.:^ '. i Mrs Hanna Kunz, ' '' 7252 Bradf ord^ Road, Upper Parby. Pennsylvania.' U.. 's. A. Y^ Secretary. • I > 'I ^ i .■ i o -• M\ •f.'t. " I* -ii . ■■<3r-.^i «■■ •■ ^ .i4 "»-• ■ -j I . ir ■ »4' ^nM"^.!-^ ••»^•1:;.>>^4|)V;^ ^ • I» i. J y ^ ! ,-i i ' \ ■■«' . .< ; « ^ BH/ES . i BC.1999 y ' 1 ; Uadam, •Ä'A / , ^«^ THE FOREIGN COLIPENSATION COMMISSION 1, PRINCES GATE LONDON. S.W. 7 8 ?iPR 1957 . I I am directed by the Foreign Corapensation Commission to inform you that it has been decide^ •to make a further Interim part payment und er Artile 5 of the Foreign Corapensation (Czechoslovakia) OxSer in Council, 1950, of three halfpence (I^D) in the Z. ♦ ■ . ' The amount for payment in respect of your established Claim for £80,955. 0. 0 iö '£505* 19. 4d. a cheque for which has "^een sent to the Com Exchange Bank Trust Company of 51 ^est 81 st Street, New York in accordance with your letter of March 6th, 1956. ^ ' ♦« hl:. t t i > » K" J ( Krs. Hanna Kunz, 7252'Bradforä Road; Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, Ü. 8. A. /•v I am,' Madam, Your obedient Servant. •u <^ /, Secretary Ä^»^ *. -i' I , I. / } % >j* :-*.?)•• f^ •.I* *-;J.W. . ■•;-^*-^%^^^>%^^w^f:.^,. ■ '■■.'. ■' < ; ■» • «• v » • •;: .^. ■. , ■ ;• . • • i ■ . ■ 1 ■ ; ■ ' •.s • * ■t • •)'' DB / I '^ 'i iV »^ . ♦ .*'l'1|t» »V' ' f \ f.. » u • f V Foreign Compensation Gommlssion BC. 1999 Madam^ 1, Prlnces Gate, LONDON. S.W. 7. r iz <' ''i'^^rme I am directed by the Foreign Compensation Commission to refer to their letter of May 11, 195'w in which you were informed that the Commission had .provisionally determined that you had established a Claim against the Czechoslovak Fund for £70,015. 0. 0» * * I ■ * % I am to say that the Commission have reviewed their provisional deteri^ination in your case and have finally determined "^hat you have> established a claim for iS80,955. 0.0. i ,■ ■ / • ■ The Commission^ have. now decided that an amount of one Shilling and a penny (Is.ld) in the £ on each established Claim, to include the interira part payraent already made, shall be distributed. , In your. case the amount is therefore £i4.3ö5. 1» 3* of which you have already received £1750. 7* 6. by cheque dated July 19,. 195U, leaving £2634. 13. 9. i^ow payable, a cheque for "which has been sent to the Corn Exchange Bai^k Trust Company of 51 West 81st Street, New Yorkjk in accordance with your letter of March 6, 1956, . . ^ , ■ . ' ■ I am, Madam, •', j Your obedient* Servant , ^ ' i - Mrs. Hanna Kunz, 7252 Bradf ord Road, Upj5er Darby, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A. H. ' 't i> » O >• i« ' c . < 1 ' •»!. ^\ u u.\ Yf\ oA^^^-^ r V ^1^ W-^:r'^ V StUto^?. Ttv^}, \^v ^üA-eA G-) l\ ^^J^l^ V ^AjJ^O-^ ' ' J r\ t t./o \/ ö ^' ^-^ -\[ 0^^ 0 KC£ ,Jj^o*u\- "piox^NO"^^» 7ot^U^_ CA tk ,Y^f' ^W^a^ Ift. My^f L«i.v;.w_<^^ ^ c A/ 1 0^ 1^ CV tl^ o^ ^ ^ k^H tM^ {o id^i^l^^ VK ö--^v_A^_^.-^^;^ KA^ Z \-^J>i^^e_\ E,7 We^/^M (^u^uw^w^ B vWK - 1^ AA^u^^V-^ ^ '^^LopJhöU ^. J ( 1 i ^i^Ay 3 1 V>- "V-o ^T^^yv-^-i j\, \ Ißt AVLg, 1983, ÄÄ 1» Alis, P, S, V» A. , F. ?, S, 23 OaklnfTton Avcw Wenblej P'-t!c 2)car Mp Alle, ,-^ ,. Jon -ill hfve rcen fron Dt iCsrrt.en»s letter thet mt Ohecfe «Laim ceems to have so little Chance tliat there Is no point to pereue it cny rurther. I T.snt to tlv rJa you verj;- mudi for your effort to help cie ejid the respect you hold for my rather, PI ease let ne laiow if I ov/e ftnythin,rs crnat heat wä.1 vyhich eee!.ic to ctretcii i>- croos fäirope and Aiaericc^Our tcr.iperp.tureG have becn «loee to 90° for the leßt 6 recke bat eltnort c^'-orv- body here hac :2jjj?co:ulitionlng whicli nfatee lifc so ctuch casyler« Mth ny vcry best rdchcr I am yours oa u \^ t \ VjV yM>.»d(A^ O ( :% iMo^v/ V7lV\p •i ^y\\ ^-V^ -H V CW VO^ 6. "^•sT 0 r. üL^Le/M^ U^< 9v^V^ iM\9^^ AUc* ?ß"th 19 83« DeBT HazinSf thani: 2?t)U for your lettor. I em so ö-ßä you siiä Ctepliie had an intcrecting tmä ßritertalning sunner.the sü- aulntioTi ?Jia. rainth of filends iß neeee<3. Kope 7CU eiid Gtcpliie ^*ill Ü-^c the endoneö phoios»! enjoy then a nfi it v.lll 'oe a lacaacnto of suaacr 83« t;&s c^tft to lerm tl^at 'icridlac CS Et v,t..r rer.ovGd,tliRt '-netJiG vc^^ oulck hcrlir^ end it Tdll prt>DRmy be orly G inonthr Lerorc nl c cen rfa]c nonaßlly oi^ ^ IöCm. Tliciüs: you vcry imich for hov.rf.Er ny filoB for the tiiae io rru-ch ri.prcciated. TIopc Stcpliic and yo« vlll li^ve BP cood en auttüTin as you liaTc lir.d b soianier and I an S3nt2ing nty lo"^® 4 • ?.. 0^' ^,t;^^ J^4^^^^^/ 50 SHELDON AVENUE, HIGHGATE, LONDON, N.6. .^^ ^ >s - • . — . ¥ hL • ■ < ,M »-■ V c.i. /\0(lViOJ /^ V'^/ ^V>>^ A/f^^''**^^^ ^' ^ /JV^ ^'^ i V A-uß. 8th 1983. Kr. V?. /li n, P. ^>. ^- A- ♦ ''• ^« ^« - Dcf'X' "r* Mi Bf tlxenk you for your Ictter of Jiily 2Cth rhicV. crorreä of Aug. Ict. rieenc find f^nclcr^-cl ry dieck ror * 135.00 in r.ßttLer^ent nf youi- chri^e m rerocct of r^ efforte to dirdn fi^n the F.rci£n Best wlnhoB yo'Tß nlncercLy I ?. I>hono. : 215-35^ 2102 JvUr 14th 19 S3« Doar Hannf?, I receiTeä to-<5ay endoeeÄ lett'-r xrom the Coincdßslon and havc a t once wrttten to Mr Alle and ?'r Karsten ttfl you T?lll »ee frcan thc t«» farther endo pur eo. If you fed it advinable^pleaeejcsll nc collect and I then in tum can <»11 Kr Alis or/anö Hr Karaten« The ■bcf5t time to call -rould be betri-een 8nd3p»w. vrhich would reeich mc between 8c« m. andLOp^rw Hjr nanber ist 215-352-210? thankp to you end Stefl for a nort fm^oj^ e lunchcon end €iftemooiu I RppreciEte yoTir loo!d.nß aftor Mprlcllf^ who ccielly nom nco*« oare and r'« The velue of thc n«n(^crraL friendrh-ip yon have sho^m lae otct the yecrr ond on -»rtdcJ^ I have co-^e to rcly ha» enhenced n:^ life end I hopc is not too heefvy a bürden for yo^^ CO noro iiy liy*f« to Stefi imd you «t«9 as^a^i^aoa Ää.y 14^ X^B% Ueor iß hiß C«cto Cl-i3s% H« %ill «ointr^ ywx im agr iDeltrlf to (ft« ?o« ieill »e« «pon «i« mttHLorct capj of tte« ^s-S« vwigr ciaeorcfly Sc^ai^^ , )^,'7//'?^-3>, l 4 *'i r. X t- A ^ o • CL, ^^jucJbXi Cj^yl/i cy-i/i /^ cu^ c f2^ j CX>«i UjlStJl •S I AO V jL» a W-o / Ä ^ * ®/ /Z~a^ *»^»^V^ a ii-^7 , ^ r -^ lf\^ V v-4v A 2 i; Auß» 22nd 1§83, retuming from a efeort -vacation | found m lot of your mail wnlting hoxe,which I encloße, ^ "^ Thank you for you|r letter,! am relJUining ' - C^ your chccli ac luckily,,tho •3cpctißea for |he C%ecli\ClGln were not heavy f=uid I can ßbooria thaa while yo\i,^iaer ■oreeeht drcwjaßtanceßt mey havo neod of Uie mon^y» , "^"' " I undei'ßfMid your X-rny» Bhc);w«d li4)rover- mcnt enö your doctore move picaood a nd I am happy ^ ebotJt thin and wieh you llirther crpecej rccovcrjfw / X \ V o^ ^o Vy love '-•'- ♦ >5> \ x*^.- • \ ::cr-r >\ \ K_ r-o -O.' \ O .] CN t: -^ i~>i •^'^ 1*5 \ - i 3< ^ -A . \ 1/ •^ -^ >, .-> ^ ..':2->J \ vN • ^ r\. •1 >^ N >,^ \ ^- 4 \ 1» \ \ 1 > -<:A \ cy-r ., r ..P ci ^. Aug. If5t 1983. Beer MnrieLla| the endoced bpjib-stateflüient cane for yoiu Tlieiik you for your note cmd checkt I WOB &lBd to hear from Keiino and V/eltor thet you petting on eil right and hope to receive the same neoGtige through Rltr^ Ab there iE nothing more to be donc in the Czech Claime I have v/ritten to Hannß|Ivir KIIb and Dr Karsten and endooe q>ieD of my letterts^I have called lirw Zr.chariaS|Ttho ic back to v/orlc. (ntill under dootors care end part-tii.e) and thanked him for hls help end told him about your accident^ Kiy öiBappointment in the negative outcone of the Claima is not -f^reat^np you remcmber I gave it a 10^ chc^nce and thif.^ is exact- ly hov; it worked outtl T;ant to thank you for your offort ^nd your vcry actlvo role,your di nappointraent in probabljr f:reeter then !nine# At präsent I hrive no opnortimity to rolirve you of ny files and hope that ntorlng them t/111 not be too Tnuxh of a nuicfince for ^''ou^ Take good care of yourpelf r>o that you hrve a speody recovery f'^d I ein ceJiding ray Dincere hpst vdsheB li^Ati^aBt 1983^ Lieber J^Minfjf Ich danke Dir ideliajßlB ftlr all Dcdrte Be- «Ähnngeon bestl^iöi der Czech Cor^ensrrition fflr mich und en Ißt oehr ß drsr des Resultat nicht gütostigcr iet,eber Tsde Ita weisot v,'€Lr ee keine IfberrajDchiinß» Inlicfrende Kopiön fdnd von mdnsn BrlfjjTen im Diw Kßrfi^ten und T^.r Alis^ rru Dcinor Infoinr.tion^ HoffentlicJi vcrbrln^rst Da tmd Steffi e eine «ncenehne 2eit mit Paul tmd Ruth xmd Ihr kÄrmt Each Alle eini-* geitaaeren vor öer gawocen Hlt^e nchtltcen* Ich vrv.T cchr froh von TJlr sn hflrrn drefl Me^. ricile SU Heitre {mt rtif£:chohen und v<^rnorgt int und Fortschrit- te nncht« Ich {rrösse IrXich ölle in cOLter Fr citn ds chaf t xmd. Liehe \ ^j \ \ \ Tca.« f ?:15-35JV?5L02 Äö.y 14th ID^B. T(wi will »• from It Uiet It 5.ß nroee- sßfiT7 not to adey ipplicrtion to tlie l'.C.C, If 1^ X»2Ttc«n th« oomftttsloa ywx t^nd '% Kp^wt(2i !ipr Price to your ei de and that you were ablc to mclce cati factoi^' arranf^oT'.GntB tor yoixr homeooming, I left iny files on your dinlngrooia table as Henni reqtiepted ( he thought he waild need then shortly) and hope that it is not en inconvenienco for yoii, Wiank you for antmein^ the meoting betv/een Hann8,Mr Alis and me at your flat, I hope your leg vdll ir^rove steadlly vdthout too mucli pain end iny heartfelt best vdshes go v/ith youi \ «■gr lath 19^3. OMtr "SaiBiBt It hre t«»ken me m lon^ tiise to look thxx>ufti ttie fll«« a nd I esfB efralö I ««i not veiy «ffldent rü I *> not reiaiy lai»v whet I nia lookln^ forw Ift PIÄTS ASOUND TKB PABIßH It ftppwm to »e thßt the oostt likcdy öledn to b© ecccptctle t>ouia b« th«**plot« around th« parlch* und I v»ondcr if I pbould «rit« a lettcr to Mr Alip^the «urvcorort to ntlr fci» ^«aory. Swaethlnf llke * ti^at It In poofdUc now to npply for not pr«vlout«ly pfitlfjfiea ca-ßitts and owi he clve m« ceopportlv© •stlnntee or documwitptlon nbotrt the plota ßromid tli© perirlw (Pertinpnt pr#:« of »lurvcy eaiclored) T hrvo found e f*ole nie on the Sohlors utii«* 1?at^in k«ot iihir of rBllw»y crm »nd the th« «döremeo« In Ge«E«ny i?*i©r<^ th« fumltur^ i»«nt*Alf»o the ew^TÄ of nf 200,000,-. tbrou^ the Ptmr^efnrtlcIcGrptfittrmeß Oe«?eta,I «a endoeing «»pyCth« celculttlonc I cm not tm.^riv etend)«It in r rocent a» 19^4 «nd I tm wuw» b<«cfiure it nant to Gerrawiy undcr th« Gcirrn occt^rtion it ootald not bc clrlmed In Fn^nnd t^en or nori» 3) Hau© Linda^XarlRba« LASTKJ^AÜCGLEICH I ttm cndoein^^ oorrecpondence Dr SobrsohCwi «dl ae c»la»- lj>tion»< which I orsn not follow)#I hp.rdly tbink tlict It cßn b« ci»lm<»d Ff:«in» 4) SHARKS In the British «Irim Application arc pagcc 8&9 (copy endoped) a>ncemin^ aharc«, 5) Ae re*iUOßtcd by you on ny lopt vidt I mn cndo&ing my birth oertificeteynQtbere probet« r nd cchedulea of paymaitn lard« t to the f&jsdly« oecupled himisolf vlth thi» for ©o oeny yceiw tt nd thcrefor© ensrthin^ poreilkle außt hnr« been cd idjRedb kliere fre probftWLy lt«itt8 the Coiasiisnioo rejccted ( but how to find th«B or the n«ee««f)Ct7y docuacaatfetioA 1 da not «oiot?) &nd why ßhould th© cosuBission odolt thos no« t ?le»i?« let Bie have youi* thcociite cm. theec varlou© polnt« e nd 1 tm mtrti K«rl«iH» *o»'t rdnd to »et fp yoar »•• Thank yoti for your contlntt«d Interest soad heLp «nd ■y be«t vrichee fsfid lovc to .:>tcphie and ytiu i\ O^K^ :^- '^^^(LvlX 4 'vC iXnU^^'^^'' 1 uf\(; \c\ (A 117^ (^ew£r^ €r -H-r VAv. _IV^>^'V^A>^ l 0\~ 0 t: xc ^ t^hx^.M^ ^ LHlv\ (D grOu- fe^>^"| cC^ S.DY;>UCt^V\VoA;<.^(g? v?gv t}g<^i-Ui!A>\ ^x to C^e.Lt'^^^ a t>^ ^u. / :Jvo^v^*i /Y^-'V^i / *? V i I kim: A ^ WV^ "^x A-O-V^'-v t„>«-vA 0> tt> ^vj>Vv 'V^'V U ^ ^ -•«^ i: o ^i o \ VKm • N L{^{ Im (i--x , V.j . ^^3 '^i '.-1 ' ^ <*- ( ■Xr ^ I u. ■ •4a.', — ■ o-" ^ C ^ "^■^ nJL ^. ^' «-o -1^ M "^ ^ k C — ^\ M W ^ '7 V^ cu ^ V V Vc ^ >^ tttv H h ' X C L. V ^- V^ vWy »L /^ \ x vu u/ C\ li A")V c W i^ Y ^-\ A ^, j \ ^ y^Vi ^, . "rW . \ ^' , ^ ^ -m ^ >i * ^ , \ c o^\ { vX v^^ -^ r t^ 0 A*- *- w^ \ i? IK V V > t X, V "Sr"^ •,7^0^ C-\J ^^x-v/v^ö^ T^^ f-XW^'V^v '. \ ^ "C e i^ C( i 0 ÜH '^'-<_ f ^:)vUvv\^ vi' iLc \^ ^ «> \ Hü. \ <" ^W* l V\ (t) u *^ ö \. ,>J-^'K J^.9^' r VAa vv ■» ■ • ^ \ 4. -l f\ vr , i\.^ A v^A.^ 4 V C-C' r T <.* S A ^ •/.-a; Vv-v 0^ Va. W\ lo 'L^Af -C 'Vm. ^r t;?" f^Vv V ^-A^ v-/ X7~ 9 tv>^--rr.A-cl ^V '^t^ >»^ Wv-t «^ ■■> 0 i_k Vil-^ U~u :^ r \ -^ ^ t:; 3 ^ (Tj^ IS xjl. \J ^^'^^ o^^^A CvL^ ev^ V^ Vv L "Q UV^'v^.v^ ro-^.ou (4^^ coA - ^^ T \y^ \.K>^ « '^ \ 4 Cv.>^v Vxv»'V z^-^-KC ^' ^ ^ ; V 0.%. f^ e^<^ \ D^ \ -"-^ t>Cf e—- t l r i \\ H ^^h: ^ xv^ M öU^ ^ r ^ A: L»- \.^v<^ "♦ -^^.' A^ ^- f ^ «s*^ -« t ^ iu. OV ^v u ^ ^ J-\A>N, T ^c \ ^ A C e^ I v>v_. 4L^ R|7 «K..^^ T^ "^ E^ r c Q[/^i}^-\^ ha^ii^ 0J\ \ üb ^— ■ ■■ ■fi— W. ALIS, F.S.V.A., F.F.S. INCORPORATED SURVEYOR 23 OAKINGTON AVE, weMbley park MIDDLESEXHA9 8HX 01-904 8163 < < I HANNA KUNZ 330 COPLEY RD. UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 PAY TO THE ORDER OF 5\v_v^^fc-vsU>A^-— ^l-\'^Ai 1074 ^ J $ vML- ■•i> ■xra- GIRAROBANK PHILAQUPHIA, PA. i ;-^ DOLORS 00 3 7i: 7...0 5^20 7ii" T 10 7 1. /OOOOOÖq 500/ fe HANNA KUNZ 330 COPLEY RD. UPPER DARBY, PA 19082 Cl 1076 i^oT Mv. U- RUs.- 245248 ^^l^ ,.^^ PAY ORDER OF rXV -C ^^Ä^^^%^ $_1M^ 0 W tU^^c\A, WVq^,\^U-^%^>''"<^' ^«^^^ o GIRAROBANK PHILADELPHIA. PA. FOR f- — i — . i IT^O DOLLARS '-'1 ■i:0 3 10000371: 7".0 5q20 7ii' qi0 7& /OOOOO 1^500/ *• • • « •■ •• ^" *• • • . .* •-' M>. ••• • . _ ■ . 1. •• • in?iiinii i SE 'M' 06 1 MY ANY BANK PJB4L * TM ffVWT NAHOMAL BANK OF SOSTOH, «A. «i Xi ••«• "••• *•• ■ • 2 •— • • •• •••• IV ,,i.;niö t^ V 07j . « ^ vyvj'jf) aX «-V A'^-'->.^\ 0 > ^ \ \ c^ \iA^ ({VaT 5^ ^A^-x W »^ -V ^4 IsMJs-^ p ö Cv. Im . \ A <^ p^ - t X 1 i - «V . • •* ^b 1- 5!-: '•'■■*>•• '■ -■•:-*iVv— :--■.".• Tho valuc of thc Agricultural Es täte taken on the vholc - coasistinp: of 4 Pari.iVarda. - Zamcc!:;/' Dvur, VcLky Dvur, Lucni Dvur, Strcuni Dvur, Thc valuo of thc builCings arid rnachincs neccssary for the proper CiT-na^ins of tlie cstatc are not takon iuto cinsidcratiün separate ly, as thoso are Qore or less appropriate to thc size and yield of such an cstate# It is notable that nearly all the builäings \Jere hard Govercd, eitlicr v;ith tiles or slates* Auple Space (lofts) v;cre provlded for stora^^p purposcü for com, v/hcat, hay, etc. The bams 'vierc fittoc for electrical thrashing Hiachines. Stables v;ere (provided for 570 cows and horses) fitted Y/ith concrote cribs and running v;ater; fltfld rail- v;ay for transport of fodder and ruanurc; clv^-trical lif^t Installation; rcfri^jcration for 65C Gallons ': ;.' : of rnillc daily. The valuation docs not talce into consideration the plus valuc of plots i.hicli axx) situated in and # around thc parish, anc! \7hich covcr an arca of approx« 60.00C n/super. ■f..'-y ■ ■>',■ -4- i 3f.- V ^v:';t.Ä-:v:"^-! ■.> , -♦>%~- •■^. ;^*--'r*' * •" n ••• i i\ -'y I m 1 1 ^ ^^A a ^ Ca) oJr^|(d^n \ v> q (V^ (^ Kj^ /3f. 'A ^ A / /- /^/K^'^ \t>d^?^t /^-^^C>'tc-ft.c fy -0 7 yt A \A.\ ; \ <^ t -^^^ ^:^M<^ ^^' /^. /y':^ ^ yZcrA x^^Oi X l ZX €-^<^ /. '/ ^^^ T^'^e? ^ '^'^ 7 7^ iP^e (f'^A4 >-<'/^' "f-*^ h.y .- A-e c-^ ^/j^ *t-f y./^--'t^/ -L C ^ ^^ ^ /^ CZ 'IXjf iTf^^e J'T ^^. / i^ ^' i^ ^ C V /^ Y*^-^^ /* ä/ }yi i^i^^^^u ^ f ^ r^^-^hJif t. ^-7\x (^"1 ^t'yir^u /^Sc^, /\^cij:^^'^ A-a '^^ i/^\^ / J^^^ Ct-i/^CX »-Uä'C ^ ^U^^^ ^-^i^ - -^ c/x/^^^Ct -ri-^ /^cl^^OcdiX ;^^^ /i^L-rt^ /^ f>-i^^^ /::7 -xy n^rxyoL^JL -t , <-:; //PS/^r .:f ^ >ß.^a.^^U^^^^ ^^<\ ;^^^ ^■O^^,'^'^'^ .,-W^(^^^*^i-* -^^^«^ r^ ^«r ^'^t^^^- -ti^^-f *^i^^<^ ^^/1^i^^?^^-e^-*^ »- /" 1^-^-utY A^-Vi^>r^ .^O^^^^ 7 ^/-^t z:^ t ^7t ( y ^r X ..-r' /- « ^^7-u^ ^ t>^j/ <^. ^^^'^^ ^=-^ «^>^ •/^ To-^at Vtiyne^ N >»* J^'J^JL i3.X^p'9 yi^rruL i^iecAP^Ha-^iJ^&M^^ i ^^nnrh^^nM^V^ '^V ' ' ,.__. T^^J»-. (l^ili\^M/rU' 't'<>Jn4. y le^yrl ^U^lj^grri^ // / •^>^ / i/^ / /^f'

c^t<^ ^c^»-^ /^Vi5^^ *♦ « t '/T — y- ^9 OS Hi lit4j^ ^lAyrrtllCy ,u^. ^ / Z /(?// . Zjdj • 4.

< <^i/cc^im4/c^c^ m ^f ?^ ^3 •v / \ / / %■ W... jf iii< I I ■'»^ ^ifev/v/ i » I ^S Äm^ nmn(M&--MiC '^.^«^Wn^' rne/ -njui^^t^ 'U^/tC yrv^^t.^CtJ ^-I^TWiöfc Ifcnym V^Vin^-ctS 1^./^ ai^, !l \ C At^^^ic / 1' H t -» t/^i i. i-^ t . 4^' 4} k.. v/; ^^ >^4^ /i>V ^LttnZ^ ■-•'^^* V. ^ ••« •• %»^» ^.-•-» V***' tri I /* •* •<• # « y ty / V y Jj^Vü KÄCd^r^ vkc, i3,^\ * i y 7 ' / vi-f ^ ^. 'X ) i^ |^//i C^t c/-.- -- ^-:» •-v i .i/i CKt-d^Lt i^ V t^c i^v LCL t/lU ^ ^^^^ ^^* v^»»>^ Ä z^.^:^ ^i^ ii/ i^ /ri.^m^i/ /. LC d^^ y ^>t •/ /. ; y V. ^'z i/ ^/ lä t/^»^^ Uu-^t^/ld- ^*^l ti^^nL /i(f- / JtcJfO, eSyJ^.t ^wi^i^vA^ e<^ v/ /■ / ue ^ üc i / / >> i^^ ^L 7, . /fo / v i ^- ^Vt ^yxKj" / /. *' *v/- J 4 -i^ ^c:^ >» /• •H^' » *c> '^ t^ rnhv- **e /** *>' * l ^ ^c /iic^iH^ /) u/c ^i^/^^J■^Hyü>^ ic \ 9y !/. ^ / iC. % •'Z Ji . *- ^.vt »^«>, /^^ t4 J? / *^<./ / *c/» i:U ^ ^i^^nu ^^^^io^^^i^^^ *" t--^ \ •'' # .^^ •' ^ ♦• > ^.. ^. -- ri ^/;5 'V • — /.'i / K t i y • • /V«.| y? // '//#• »# i, lm iy\ I / 7 ,U^ J vt / ?» ^ >/ k/ • |.>C i>vi. Ä'' t i ^2 #• • * cu ^/ i^-i- /v i.<>ie / ^ £^^^ ^c^tir ceA y \ t -/V v^ öV ? TV? 3i 03 3(ß ^1 ?o ^^ 1 i \ i 4' \ f I % 'mf —■i^M i^' / / 'le^,-^: m I ZZ33 SU n\ ^ budov kreÄ ».«» tWilrfh« » l-r««. I I i i i L^Ht44/n^ M J^'J^Z. i3.s:^j'^f r ii^^Ki^Wt^ fXUAO'hM'eJU^^ ^h'^rnO' i*('€C/iUH,^C£.4ky^&lHi/ t^^Ac I \ Ä . m/hUkJüL ^feetAv^^vi^ ^9^^€/Ctj^ '[ -y ^w=Ttf^ (l^ili\44/iVV ^x '/2Ut ^ty-rr^fUM/ TU TVit^ lAy-Tnjß^^CySP n.^ ^ /«' -y^^^^'Au.yhi fi^ii^^ XC/Ü^ '>fV^^>i^^C^ ^-VTwöfe W "^rv^V^ t^^'/^<^^ 1 : ö ^: c U(( I Sis rvy /-/ M vQ ^ /^/^- ^'^^^' ^ ' '^ y^^/ ^i c ^'^ache Antra^r fertig, Schreibe nach /^elileridor f Ordne Pl4n Dokumenten Akt. und FCC Seile nacli und Kotokopiero die Kopien der ^rundbchauszuege , Auszug Nr \^\ fehlt. FCC gibt an dass Gr undbucliauszuege Landregister ^l8l 373 307- Haus ^^eut itsche in *652 ^ vorhanden waren. In (\^\\ Akten befinden sich keine Originale der G.D.Auszuege nur die englischen Iv'opien von 373f 50? und Schaetzung 652 'i8l ist nicht zu finden, -^ehlendorf - vorgelegt nur 652 LB/SJ i In any further communication on th» subject, please quote : No. .BC.. .1.994 and address, not to any person by name, but to : THE SBCRETARY, FOREIGN COMPENSATION COMMISSION 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON, S.W.7 I Sir, -9JUL1962 I am directed by the Poreicn Cornpenaation ComnisBion to inform you, as Attorney Administrator of Arthur Czeczoniczka, deceased, that the final payment under the Foreign Cornpenaation (Czechoalovakia) Order in Council, 1950, ie now to be made. The total payment under Article k of the above- inentioned Order amounts to la. 9*55d. in the £. This payment in respect of the late Arthur Czeczowiczka^a establiahed claim for £477, 06l. 0. 0, amounta to £42,836, 2. l. of which £39,258. 2. 9. hae already been paid, leaving the aum of £3,577. 19. h. now payable, and a cheq.ue for thiß amount is encloaed, You are requested to present the cheque for payment as soon aa poasible, I am, Sir, Your obedient Servant, / for Secretary. Otto K. Pollak, Esq. , 8Ö-90, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. llfiCBIVBD 10JUL196Z 4 i 1 i naim, but to: "^ THE SECRTTAty, ronaCN OOMTO^TÄJW CX>MMiaSION »fi)£:ifa 2 3 FES ) 1 PRINCES GATE LONDON. S.W.7 Fabruary 22, 19€0* Äl«phoa«, ESNaingto« 2M*4 Ext.2W. Tour roference: Cz 1270/A3/LD. 1« oomplianc« with your raau«.*t t .« * * -ttjuaaoatiOÄ to what extsnt Kr. Ali*» »^«^-* «**uii» and taodified. * ^* report w%» aooapted Your obediaÄt aat 86/88 QuMa 71otoria 3tr««t. Loadoa, S.C.4. *«*/. (BC 1S^, 1992, V}y3 JB& 1283) iry.i! •,*)!< ?., Vi Arthur Ciaosowioika Ima CjMosowloika ThcNMLA Frus MUrwr l6th Fabruary 195^^ Th« aAin clalmaat im thi» oas« waa Dr. Arthur CE^oxowioika, wbo olftiJD^ iB reapeot of a »har« ia an eatate at BartoflOTlo«, a»d a di»till«»ry whloh waa aituatad om tha aatata. Ära* Irma Caaoaoirioika waa olalÄiM« Ui reapeot of a aharo of the above aatate and a ahar« ia a houaa at JNovy Jioin and ö-uie fields at S©nov. Mra. Hanna Kunz olaiaiad a ahar« ia tha Bartoaovioe eatate, and a aharo ixx the' proporty at Novy Jioin aad SaoY. Mr* Laderar alao claiaiöd a ahare in thia lattar proparty, and in additioa, a ahare in a weaving mill at Nochod. BartoaoTioe Katate, Thia eatate had an araa of about 520 heotarea and w*ia aituatad in the part of Moravia whloh runa into the Hana, aaid to be about tha B»at fertile land in Caeohoölovakia, Only tbout 2.8 per oent of the area oonaiated of paature land, the remainder all being oultivated, chiefly with augar baet, but alao carryia^ oropa of wheat, barlaj, com and o^ta» Tha area of the eatate held by yaricua membara of the family were ahown in the Land Re^^iatry aa followa:- Dr# Arthur C«ecf»ofricaka Ura« Irma Czeo sowie &ka Ura« Hanna Kune Ura« SiJZkon (another daughter of Arthur C»ec sowie tka but not a British national) 52.3 per oent 1if.0(v per oent 19.J0 )^^T oent 14#3 P«r oo*'t Dr. :zec*owiC2Lka elaimed to be entitled aot on3or to the area appearin^ in hia name, but alao to thoae regia tored in the »aaea of Mra. Kua* aiid Mrs. Simon* He baaed thia elain on an agreemeat dated 6th Deoefiiber 1930 under which he traneferred to hia dnughter Hanna (then a ndnor) the area ahown in her nama in tlie Land Regia tiy in order to defaat thü Land l.wfor» Um under which tne aacunt permitted to be held by an iadiTidual owner waa 3ti*lotly limited. Clauae I of the aaid agreecient conferred oa l>r. CÄoczowiezka the unreatriöted uaufruct and managt i.ont of thö property during hia life-time, and alao gave him power to Cöil or morti.; tn« whole or aiiy part of it. On the otiier hand, .uader Clauae 3, hia dau^üttsr w*:^ forbidden to aell or moi »^e the property witlri/fjut hia oonaeat. In vlew of theae proviaioaa it waa contended on behfJLf of Dr. Caeoaowioaka that he fttill retained füll title to tha estate and waa not reetrioted H»re?^ to jk ikli^ ll^. There waa e aimilar agroeoen:^ in reapeot of the area regiatered under ihe name of Mra. SijQon. .Vfter hearing argum^nt, the Commiasion decid^;id ttiat Dr> Cteozowicyl f. waa c to a life interest ia thia part of tha jg>rc2erty, tt-.d thaTkia claim to thoae ai-eaa uiu.Jt bo limited acooixiingly. In thö oaae of lira. Xun«, ahe would be «utitlei to Claim for loaa of title to tha aruu hüT aaae, but ao awaid could, of courae, be nade ia re&pect of M.'^. :i... a ar -•^' e wa« not qualified. in the rt»ault, ao far aa Bartoaovioü w*a conoemed, the AppTlofc^tö' ' : titieo^^ v#a3 aa followat- i. -4 ■ H >yi>»Mia4*» .:u. Dr. Arthur C»o«>wlo«k» 52.3 P-r c«t. tteum-it i» th« prop-rt, of Osufruftt lÄ Umi prop^rty of Ir*. Hmuui Ba» 19,36 p«r ©«Ät '. «ftgOTiot. 1» the Ml« Mr. Alt»'» Valuatlo» w« ••••pt.d, but was SSoxd 2d lo p.r o«t for th. tanant «d " ^T.'^ll^i't* ^^ otM» wl»r« • «iBllar proportioa ha» to be applied • »^* »«»/ oT »rrlwin« at a figur« for po.t-war purpoaes ia to fj^j^ ^^ purooaa. aa agai«»t 25 yoar» purchaa« normally put fonrard by Mr. Ali. uVriTiÄg at tha pre-*ar »alua. Thi« n-thod, howayr oould «ot bT ^iS i« thia caae a» a mora atrict apportionaaat had to be mada il rl^ot tha faet that all the a>ovablea, atc. on tha eatate balou^.d ezcluslTaly to Dr. Arthur Cseotowiczka. a^ead, and 76,907,330 Mr. Alia'fl figures B to H incluaiv© on page 27 wer« a multiplier of 3 applied* IPBPvables (aa adjuated on linea mentioned above and aftor deduotion of the proportion of liabilitiea properly applicable to auoh aaaeta MoTablea (aa adjuated on linea mentioned above and after deduction of the proportioa of liabilitiea properly applicable to auoh aaaatj Dr. C«ae«owiotka was entitled to tha iralua of tha movabla., but the iLsY^laa wara apportionad in acconianoa with tha p«rce«tage» ^ready Bat out, and the values agreed with Dr. Bobaach wer«:- 7,021,502 Stoolc Kb*' 52.595 Es täte Bartosovioa Usufruot Hanna Küm Usufruct Erica Sino« ___ 7,021,500 MD, 222, 533 3,216,078 2-375.91V Kos. 52,836,025 Irma CzaogQwiozloi - 1^.01^^ Estata Bartosovioa Koi.^^ _^^ Harma Kubb - 19.36^ 11,673,180 (from whioh Arthur Cieozowlcfica's usufruot ha» bem deduotad. ) \V^':Vk:::l\.i^ n.n.e at Now Jlda. Th. valuatlon of thi. property 3 1^,506,750 waü Building 8 Site 1,502,250 59,0.0 Building laad 302,716 aq, metrea at Koa, ifO per aq* matr« 177,12c 12.1c ■ ü 16.792,510 . '■k ik»^ M ^ Ml. —I mik „mt iii. of the hartosovice <^ c) usufrnact only of M^^y^- of ihe Bartosovice estate d) movables bclonsrni; to i:he) Bartosovice er. täte e) Dißtillery at Bartosovioe and he and/or his estate roceivod the zun of £1.2,836. 2. Id. froni the Czechoslovalc Fund. Yourü faithfully, N Chii;;f üJxaniner. Mriu H. Kunz, 330 Copley Koad, Upper Darby P.A. Unixed States of /iiaerica. »•4>M1M^4 ui-rfviu •. •tHitttim mi/m BC 1992:3257 ALbX\IiDR/i liüUSE, KIi\G-S.'AY, LONDON './.C.2. Telephone: 0 -33o 0701 2x.3411 Dear Ivladam, Q APR I^Sä Y/ith reference to your letter ot? March 2/+, 1969 v;e would infom you that the late Irma Czec2;ov.dcsk.a e stabil shed a clai.ii under the joreign Conpencation (Czechoslovalda) Order in Gomcil, 1950 (as amendcd) in the sum of £82,196 in respect of:- a ) My^Oi^^^ in the cstate Bartosovice b) UGurruct in half share of land at Senov and house at l'lovy Jicin and rcceived the sum of ,l::7p320. 10. 4. froiii the üzechoslovak i^'und» Yours faithfally. Chief Ijxaniiner. ;.Irs. H, Kunz, 330 Copley Road, , Upper Darby, P.A. United States of America 4 • In 'i, tttttUt*"^^* k;!/^ BC1999:B257 Bear Madam, FOlffilG-N CC:.1PENSA.TI0N COMMISSION KINOS.'/AY, LOI-jDON ■.7.C.2. V;ith refercnce to your letter of Llarch 24, 19o9, v;e v/culd conflnn that you e stabil shed a claim under tho l^^orcifai Coiai^ensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Coianoil, 1950 (as anended) in the sum of .S80,955 in respect of:- a) 19.36)0 in the Barto-ovice eatate lezz Arthur Czecso7ric::ka* s usufi*uct Kcs. 11, 673, "^80 plus 2^7^ for 6-; y^ara« . 0) One quarter share in land at f.enov and house at Novy Jicin less value of Irj:a CzeG.30vyicalca* s usufract Kcs. 2^/1-34,914- plus 2>;-/w for 6:. years, and receivcd the sun of £7,269. 'i . G. froni the G2;echoslovak ]?und ioc. 1s 9.55d in the So ?he rat:e of exchange uscd oy the Con:::issi'^n was Kcs. 201.50 to wn vä i>;4 # V/e vvould add that as far as it appears from the Co-mission* s records you did not £?jbrnit a claix under thcj abovü-L:entioned Order or the ij'oreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) "(Registration) Order, 1960 in respect of real estate at Karlobad-l^'ischem, Hauotstrasse 92. * Yo;jr3 faithfully, \ Chief jJxaininer. Mrs. h. Kunz, 330 Copley Road, Upper Darby PA, United States of ilmerica.. l::! X il^(y^ V f ^j^ Bi I ^ \^,^:io{,i-v m/m. BC 1994 B 257 POEEI&N COlIEENatlTION COlttHSS lOlT . AlSUimilk liCUSE KINGS.VAY wmm w.c. 2. Tel: 01-336 0701 Exto 3411 Doar Hadarn, l\ 2 NOV 1969 With reforence to our letter of April 10, 1969, about the late Arthur C zec sowie 2ka's established claim under the Foroign Compensation (Caochoslovakia) Order iii Council, 1950, v/e \7ould iiiform you that the properby roforred to therein was assessed hy the Comniission as follows:- Kcs^ 40^222,535 plus 2-^.^ interest for 6^ years Kos. 5,216,078 plus 2-j"' interest for G^ years lies, 2,575,91^*. plus 2^ interost for- 6^ years Kcso 7,021,500 plus 2^ interest for 6^ years a) c) e) KcG. 30,301,460 plus 2-^1 interest for 6^ years The conversion rate used by the Coainission was Kcso 201o50 to the £ and the payment amountod to is 9o55^ in the £. Payments from the C zeche slovak Pund v/ere made as follov;s:- Ist Ju3^, 1954 7th June, 1956 8th April, 1957 Ist January, 1958 6t h February, 1959 3rd February, I96O 6t h Februar^, I96I 9t h July, 1962 Urs« Hanna Kunz, 330, Copley Pwoad, Upper Darby, PA 19082, U« S« A* £iü,314a6o 6 £15,525ol9. 7 £ 2,9Slol2. 7 £ 1,937.15. 1 £ 2, 484. 13. 10 £ 2,484,13*10 £ 3,476oll. 4 £ 3,577.19. 4 Yours faithfully. Chief Exarainer \ •To open cut hcrc Scnder's namc and address i FOREIGN COMPENSATION ccvw\.>.t/.: ■ j AN AIR LETTER SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY ENCLOSURE; IF IT DOES IT WILL BE SURCHARGED OR SENT BY ORDINARY MAIL. The 'APSLEY* Air Letter A John Dickinson Product Form approvd by Postmaster General No. — 71995/ 1Z •Sccond > fold hcre- BC 1954 f PAI AVION AIR LETTER * AESOOKAMAtl f. V Urs. riariTia Kuns ••••W »■■■•— — »«iM •••• • IW»*«»«— «—•■•■■•■— ■■■■■■■■ iM>« Miifi«! ^■■— ««Miite^t^MH^ »•^»■■Vw^in^.-.»* \; 1 / >»■■■■«<■— — ■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■»■■■■ — — »••»■■•■♦• Upper Dc'Tby^ PA. 190G2 •—■■■••»•«<■■—••»■■>—■■■#»— 1 HW/SM BC1992:B257 Dear Madam, FOREIGN CüMPENSATION CCWMISSION ALEXANDRA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON W.C.2. Telephone OI-836 07OI Ex. 3^11 '^ ^ MOV 1969 With reference to our letter of April 10, 1969i about the late Irma Gzeczowiczka's established claim under the Foreign Compensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950^ we would inform you that the Commission assess the properties referred to therein as follows:- a) Kcs. 10,797^788 plus 2-J% interest for 6^ years. b) Kcs. 3,526,^28 plus 2^% interest for 6^ years. The total payment of £7,380. 10. kd. was made as follows: July 1, 195^ June 1, 1956 April 8, 1957 Januar y 1, 1958 February 6, 1959 February 3^ ^1960 February 6, I96I June 28, 1962 £1,777. ^. 0. £2,675. 1. 8. £ 513. 1^. 6. £ 3^2. 9. 8. £ ^28. 2. ^. £ 428. 2. 1. £ 599* 6. 11. £ 616. 9. 5# We would add the conversion rate used by the Commission was Kcs. 201.50 to the £ and the payment amounted to 1s 9*55d. in the £. Yours fai Mrs. H, Kunz, 330 Copley Road, Upper Darby S.A. United States of America. i i •To open cut here / Sender*! name and address : .'..>...: i ^ aL(::•»>•••••••••• I ' v;. ';■',•' ' . / Ei^4CLA?4D. AN AIR LETTER SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY ENCLOSURE ; IF IT DOES IT WILL BE SURCHARGED OR SENT BY ORDINARY MAIL. The *APSLEY' Air Letter . , A John Dickinson Product Form approved ty Postmaster General No. — 71995/1Z •Sccond fold herc- V ^^^ • FAX AVION „^^ \ AIR LETTER ^ ^ ^ AEKOGl^MMB BCI999 : B 257 11 1168 ,i .< ... *-• S - W . :4i47 ^ Mrs« H, Kunz« 330 Copley Road, Upper Darby P.A. I9082, United States of America, ■*••■•«••«■•• ^»«•.«•«••«•^^ I V L13/3J Bß 1999 16JUL1962 • * • t am airoctad by the Foreign CoBjp«nsatlon oowRloolon to Infom you thot tha final paynent wwop the FoPolßB Corrjpcn8«tlon (Czochoolovokla) OvaeT In Council, 1950, Is utm to b© Ciöde. The total payrnont undsr Artlcle 1|. of the Bbövo-roentioneÄ Ox^or amounto to lo, 9.53ä, in the J, ThlB poynwnt In reopeot of Uro, Ühnna Kuna o eotabllohed olnlin for ß80,955. 0, 0. araounto to ß7,269. 1, 8. o whlch S6,66l. 18. 3. hüo olre-dy bc€n pnld, lecvis^g tha aun of C«^07. 3» 5. now payablc, anä a cheoue fop this mneunt 10 enclooed. You are i'equestcd to t>wJ»ent the oheaue f op paya»nt «• oo' n na nooaible. I OB, SlPy Youi* obedient 8*rvnnty A. CLARK fop SeorotQpy, Otto K. Pollak, Eeq., 8Ä-9O, Chnnoepy ^ ono, London, V..C.2. Coples to: Dr. A. Bobasoh, Ö6-88, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.U, f' ■PO, Anna Kunz, 330, Oopley Road, * Upper Dnpby, Pennsylvania, Ü.S.A, V . r- »Jaq jna uado ox !►• *^ Sender's name and address: FOREIGN COKPENSATVON COT^HtSStCi)! 1 »RlN'^f^S GATi. S.W.7. (: AN AIR LETTER SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY ENCLQSURE ; IF IT DOES IT WILL BE SURCHARGEL OR SENT BY ORDINARY MAIL. Ä •Second fold hcre- i I BC 1999 AtKOGRA^ME. canoecaüseci bypeoplelikeyou? Mrs.^Anna Kunz, 330, Copley Road, .y.ppi?..?....?.?-.?!??i.y.i. ..??.?..?..?.y.^..y.s.p..^.?f.Ä. U.S.A. ^ BH/WB BC 1999 THE FOREIGN CÜMPENS'^TIuW COMMISSIüN 1 PRIWCES GATE LONDON, S.V/,7 Madem, . I am directed by the Foreign Compensatiun Commission to refer to the Form of Renunciation completeä by you on June 7 I95I4., pursuant to the Foreign Gompensation (Czechoslovakia) Order in Council, 1950. (S.I. 1950 No. 1191). It has been observed that the description of the property uiider Schedule A of the Rununciation Form is inadequate, and subject to your approv«! it is proposed to amend it as follows :- 1) 19.36^ share in the estate known as Velkostatek BartosoviceiDistrict Novy Jicin, Moravia^less Usufruct of Father, Arthur Czeczowiczka, 2) ^ share (less ^ of the value of firs. Irma Czeczowiczka's usufruct) in land at Senov, near Novy Jicin, r/foravia entered in the land registered under folios No. U81 , 373 <^nd 507 and house at Trida Rüde Armady No. 56, Novy Jicin, Moravie. I am, Madam, Your obedient Servant, \ for Secretoryt Mrs. Hanna Kunz, 7252, Pradford Road, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, U.S.A* \ { ^ Sü BC 1999 Mr S.Hanna Kunz , 7252, Bradford Road, 1 Upper Darby, *Pennsylvan: La, U.S.A. Sccond fold hcre Sender's name and addre« : THS . FOREIGN COMPSNS AT ION ^ O OMMISSION 1 PlililCSS GATE LONDON, S.W. 7 ENGLAND. AN AIR LETTER SHOULD NOT CONTAIN ANY ENCLOSURE ; IF IT DOES IT WILL BE SURCHARGED OR SENT BY ORDINARY MAIL. . I \ 3J3q ino aado ox CLAIM No ßC 199.4 REPORT and VALUATION FOR FOREIGN COMPENSATION ( C Z E C H O S L O V A K I A) CLAIM CLAIMANT'S NAME J?J!....Ar.thur. .GzÄCZüwicizka. CONSULTANT'S NAME Dr.,.. A.,...B.ob.asdi. DATE OF HEARING,.. 195.4 / /. W. ALIS, F.A.B.S.S. Architectural Surveyors, 5 MONMOUTH PLACE, LONDON, W.2. c" Corna, Pilo ITo: BC 1994 i\S/C - 1/511 wVkt/P 333 Dccoiribor, 1953« Survoyor^a Report & Valuatiorij bascä on prices of i.iaterials and wages, prevailing on or about Ist January, 193^^ Name of Applicant Dr. Arthur Caeczo\vicslca Address of Applicant t 68 Gixjoncroft Gardens, London, N,"w,6, - 1 - : ;j)DHESS 0? HIOPSRTISS : •IM arto The main crop ^Tfas sugar boet throughout the v^hole estate, but vjheat, barley, com, oats and potatoes \7ero plantod as v/oll • Tho area of 520 o 21 ha is tahon from the Enclosure V, subndtted to the Comniission by the ClaiLiant, -3 - Valuation Tho valuc of tho Agricultural Es täte taken on the wholo - consisting of 4 Paru Yards. - Zainocky Dvur, VeLky Dvur, Lucni Dvur, Strcdni Dvur, The valuo of thc builcliiics arid Liachincs necossary for the proper managing of tlio cstate are not taken iiito c: nsidcration separately, as thoso are moro or less appropriato to thc size and yiold of such an cstate» It is notable that nearly all the buildings mqvq hard covercd, eitlier with tiles or slates. Aüiple Space (lofts) v^ero [.»rovided for storagc purposes for com, v^hcat, hay, etc. The bams yiero fitted for eLectrical thrashing niachines« Stables v;ere (proviöcd for 370 covvs and horses) fitted v/ith concreto cribs and running v;ater; fl«ld rail- ;vay for transport of fodder and nianure; elv,:.trical light Installation; rofri^jcration for 65C Gallons of niilk daily. / The valuation does not take into consideration the plus valuo of plots \.'hich aro situa.ted in and around thc parish, an^^: \7hiah covor an area of approx. 60tOOC ii/super. -4- Tho avoragc yiold in this part of lloravia was 5C0 cv.t, or su^ar boct (this i.iforniation is taken froui thö t;ü:ing ovor protocol of tho 15th October, I92+.8 - Claiinaiits Enclosuro Wo. r/U, Althoi^x this protocol speaks of a larger yioia oor ha, tlio lovjcr figurc has been taken as an avoragc) , * :-o allonance is Jiade in this valuation for tho livo stock, but f:ii3 itom vdll bo accountod for soparatcLy For tlio total arca Per ha ha cnit 520.21 500 Thoref ore total yielci 520,21 X 500 cvt 260,105 Per cwt Tot:.l Income 260,105 x 9 Ivc irc 2,340. 91t.5o Deduct 62fjri for Kaintenanco, 'Jages, Insurance, Taxos, otc 64 X 2,3'\0,Sh5__ IOC Net Income Ycai'ly Yoars Purchase Thcrofore 82^2,740 x 25 X,;,98.205 i:c 82^2,740 2i Kc 21.068.500 C^vRRISD TG GEi'J^I TOT;!. 27 - 5 - B) F0R3STHI Aroa Extonding ovcr 131 > 28 Jia • The forosts consisted of 62^i conifors, 37J.^ leafy viood and IJ;^ of mixod woods* Of the G'2^ conifers Of the 37/0 leafy ^vood 42^;* v/ere spruce lif^^ö vifere fir 6^0 "^lero yellovi/ pine, etCo 7^ vere oak 22^0 -»»ore ash troes 9^a were vjhite larch All tlio above information is takon from Inßo Jan Tomasok^s descriptioria These forests "»^ere usually managod on an 80 years rotation. The land v/as vory suitable for these kind of trees - clayey and ridi of huuius^ The yearly available yiold Y; a cutting cyclo ^/as depcndent on the number of troos abovo the diamotor chosen to indicate inatiirity# A valuation proper on agc grot^ps cannot be prcpared as thoro arc rsöither information nor docurnents available© I am theroforc basing my estimate on exporience and on Claims already aoprovod by the Commission, The a^-Jard should contain the paymont for land and tir±)er grain on the land* The valuos of Rangers lioiisc, No. 189 - Sedlnicc aro included in the avoragc price, and väll not be accounted for scparately* I, tlicroi^ore, estimate the land and tintier gro\7n on it Per ha Area - ha Kc 22^800 l^jU2B_ Thcroforo 22,800 x 131a2So Xc 2,993.104. CARRIZD TO (SAT© TOTAL PAGE 27* ^ 6 - C) EilVATB BAILWAY liim 5»00p yds. in longth , Connoctiiig tho Gxtonaivo ostato and tho distillory \iith tl:io Hain Railv^ay to Station Studonka; having 3 point., 1 turntablc, 5 largo bridges and 2 small bridgos, etc. Tho abovo abovo Normal C:iaugG Rail^^ay hclpod tho managor.Tont immonsely, not only T;vith tho transporting of harvost, to tho liarkot Placo but Sjjocially tho sugar boot into tlio distillory and rofinory# Ey utilising this rail^ay tlio managorjontö savoä on horso dra\7n carts and nicchanically driven tractors (by transporting at loast 360 v/aggongs per 10 ton - yoarly) of it 200 Waggons of coal, artificial raanuro, cattlo food, otc» (llc, 3^0 v/oro savcd per v:agon) . Valuation of Private Rail^fjav based^ a) On Savinga Per \7aggon 3SC Waggons iCc Thoroforo 360 x 3^0 Xc 380 136.800 25 Thoroforo 136 „800 X 25 Kc 3,420.000, ■ -i«00 100 Thoroforc Valuo Kc 3,150.000 315.000 90,000 50.000 150,000 50.000 Kc 3,805.000 1,141.500 Kc 2,663.500 The incans of both givcs the averago value of tho Private Railvjay Line, thus - ^ (3,2^20 oOOO plus 2,663.500) Kc. 3.041.750. \ CAHRIED TG G3l/U\!D TOTAL PAGE 27. w - 8 - 1 D) miW. H0U3B STC . l) The l.iarxor Kouso , (See attached photo); If-s-^-.orey brick building \7ith Basement, Ground^ First, Second, Third and Attic Ploor. Tii^ber Ploor Joists, Asbostos Eternit Hoof Ccfvoring i7ith Timbcr Roof Trusses, Panelled Walls, Central Heating, including all out- buildings|erected in tho 13 th Century, bumod dovm and rc-erccted in 1870, but complotoly rcbuilt and modernisod around 193 7 ♦ 2790 @ 3510 @ 3510 © 2970 © 262^£) © 1320 & 120 2Ö0 280 26C 200 150 Ploor Area 780 n/ super« Basemont ■• ^ Ground Ploor - m3 First Ploor - n\3 Second Ploor - m3 Third Ploor - m3 Attic. - n^ Thorcforc Total Less 30^ Depreciation ^0 X 3>798o600 100 The rcason for deducting only 30/v Deprcciation (although tho manor hjuso \ias a very old building) is tho inforination - i>Dceived Trom tho claiinant - that the ontire building v^as robuilt and inodemised \rjfh considerable costs about 1937t Thorefore total value of building Kc 334.800 982.800 982.800 772.200 528.000 _198.U:^0 Kc5,798. 600 KCl, 13 9, 580 Kc2.659,020 ; « \ ■ - 9 - 2) Coach Kquso Pornxjr Riding School - briclc building Y;ith tiinber rcof trussos, tilcd roof • Carriecl to Suniniory PagL. 12, Kc L8,000 3) mvolling Houso. Servico Fiats and Cow Shod - brick building v;ith ti.abor roof trussos and tilod roof# Carriod to Suuimary Pago 12 Kc 320^000 n^aaaavaa» 4) Coach Houso Garage, 17ash Kouso and Dwolling, Brick built ;i?ith tiniber roof trussos and tilod roof. Kc 238.000 Carriod to Suniinary Pago 12 5) 1)^70 llinQ Houso ScrvicG Fiat - brick building, tv;o-storc7 wit'i tilod roof« Kc 12A.000 Carriod to Sunü.iaiy Pago 12 - 10 - 6) D\VQ 11 ing^ HousQ Sor/ice Fiats - brick building, one-storcy v;:th tilcd roof, Carriod to Suminary Pago 12 Ko 96,000 - -■ 1 1 w 1 m 7) Variou3 Outbuildings Lavatorios, Barn, Pig Eousos, Hon Roosts, ctc. Carricd to Suroiiiary Pago 12 Kc 70,000 m^w^sx^w^^m-^-^ni 8) Offico Building No, 312 Brick building v^ith tilod roof. ::c 240,000 ^»»m^rmt^ßm^^^m mih f mm -^m^-m Carriod to Sioinrnrury Page 12 9) Vorics to Yard, Pcncing, ctc, Carriod to Sumnia-ry Page 12 l*C 75^000 10) Gardon V^orlcs, otc. Carriod to SuroLiary P*ago \2 ivc ,_ 35^000 - 11 - S IJ M Ivl A R Y 1) Th.^ rnanor Houso 2) HousG 3) IKvolling Houso 4) Coach HousG 5) DvvGLling Houso 6) Dvvolling Houso 7) Various Outbuildings 6) Offico Building 9) Yard, Pocning, cto, 10) Gardon "i/orksp PagG 9 »' 10 " 10 ti II II H M 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 Kc 2, 659 .020 48.000 320,000 288^000 1 Vf. 000 96,000 70,000 2i,jO,000 73.000 3^.000 Total Valuc of Buildings. Kc 3.975.020 C;J21IED TO (SUiMD TOTJiL P^GE 27. - 12 - E) SBRyiCB gL.'J?S l) Dvvollinp; Houso No. 5 - Bartoscfvice Bride built including additions Kc 100 ,000 Outhouscs and Outbuildings 52,000 Total Valuc of Buildings Kc 152.000 CIRRISD TG CRAI© TOT.Ji P.1G3S 22 - 13 - P) BUILDING PLOTS Thu distillery Bartosovico is crcctod on tho land valuod undor il« Apart froin this fact thc distillery was fencod in. r^ll thcso plots ccr/oririG an aroa of 19 «572 m2, aro vaiucd as building plots, and tho additional amount of Kc 20 per n/ super is in rny opinion tho fair value« Therofore Por n/supor ^Vroa - n/supor Kc 20 19.572 Thoroforo 20 x 19.572, Ko ^2L:IM Carried to Grand Total Pa^e 2^ - 12^.. C) W;>IER RlggS AI1D DSTALL\TION COSTS . The water supply for the Agricnaltural Eatato (i.o, for tho omplojrers and workers and their familiea - aeveral hundrod pooplo) 570 pieces of oattlo, i^afrigeration Station, liio privat© raansion and scrvicc flats, thc distilloiy and rofinory) maa obtainod from tho follovving sources - 1) Soizing of natural Springs in pump •wolls. and drawing wator into elevated storage tanks and distributing it. 2) Deep wells 5) Pumping Station fed vjitii wator from the River "Oder*, by a 12" diameter glazod pipo line of approximately 2,000 yda length, A spooially constructod river sluico was looked after by tho nill onncr for a yöarly nominal payraont of Ko 5,000. The pumping Station was coupled to a high lovel storage tank from which tho distribution pipes wore led. On the basis of the above Information, I eotljaato «• a) The Pumping Station, Pipe Lino, Elevated Storage Tank, Distribution Pipes, etc. Carried to Svunmary Page l6 Kc 585 .000 b) The Daily average quantity of water required is estiraeted at about 500 m5 or 109.500 n\5 of water per annum, The price per tn5 was Kc 1.10 - 0.60 if talcen from the Wator Works. Asaiiming therefore that the claimant saved Kc 0.15 per m5 only, the yearly savings wcre aa follovvs - 109.500 X 0.15 ^ ^ lOdO - Ko 16 .425 The estimated value of tho ri^ts to take water from the sources is therefore - l6.2{25 x 25 K£. U0.625 Carried to Summary Page l6 - 15 - 3 U M M A R Y a) The Installation Costa Kc 385. 000 b) The Wator Rights 2^.10.625 CiiRRISD TG GEAl© TOTAL PAGE 2? Ko 795o623. - 16 - H) HUIglNG & PISHirJ& RlgJTS: Tho araount of Kc 90,000 claimed f or an es täte extorriinß over 1,560 acres of land and forests is, in nor opinion^ > not over-ostimatod • Ko 90 »000 IJ I I 1 t I lUI I T "1 GARRIED TO C31AND TOTAL PAGE 27, \ < - 17 - I) DISTILLERY & REPTNERT - BARTCSCfVICB The nftDasuröraents and descriptions are taken from Insurance Policy 13 th July, 191^% The main buildings T^ero erocted around 19X3 - 1914# 23^0 is deductod for Depreciation« throughout^ The Distillery T7as actually designed for a production capocity of a daily Output of approx* 3000 gallon of spirits and 5>400 gallons ixjfinainont* l) Boilor HouSQ 1-storey brick building with timber xx)of trusses on stcel construction, feltod roof. Class 12/^/3^ Area 171 n/ super» Allowing for Deprociation I estinjatc per n/ super Area - n/supor Therefore 488 x 171 (Foundation and (Loivorod Basoaicnt (Containing Pump Station Total Value Ko Ko 171 &3*hliB 7^.000 Ko 158 »1A8 Carricd to Suraraary Pago 24 - 18 - 2) V^orkshop 1-storoy brick building with felted roof . Area 55 n/super* Class 1^3/B Allowing for Doprociation • I ostimato this Building at Carricd to Sumraary Page 24* Kc JA^OOO 3) Enpjine Shod l-storey brick building, tiiribcr roof trussos, foltod roof • Area 202 n/ super ♦ Class 13/3/B# Allowing for Depreciation I estimate per n/supor Area - n/supcr* Thercfore 2*B8 x 202 Kc UßQ 202 Kc 98^576 CaxriccI to Sunmary Page 2U - 19 - k) Enjp;ine Shed includinfi AjaU^JigH 2-^3torey brick building, tiniber roof tnisses, felted roof • felted roof • Area 152 n/super* Allovving f or D6E3X>clatlon I estimate per n>^ super # Area - n/ super Thorefore 838 x 152 Carried to Sunimary Pa^e 22}. Kc Class 13/3/B 838 152 Kc 127, 5) Apparatua & Enp:ine Shop Containing Ground, First, Sccond and Third Ploor. Brick building, tiniber floor joists, feltod roof. Area IIjjO n/aupor, Alloning f or Depreciation . I estimate per n/s^pc^« Area - n/supor Thercfore 1,960 x UO Carried to STimraary Page 21j. Ko Class 1?/3/A. 1.960 1^ Kc 21U.,hD0 - 20 - . I 6) Formen tiriR, Malt Floor^ otc^ 2-storey brick building, feltcd roof, off icos, laboratory, soxvico flats, granary, etc. Aroa 635 n/supö^» Allovving for Doprociation I ostimato per n/supor Area - tr/supor Thcroforo 1,425 x 635 Class 7/3% Ko 1.425 904-81^. Carriod to Suminary Pago 24 7) Factory Chimney * r tMi ^m ■ ■ ■■■■ — f ' — Brick: builäing, 130 ft. high, including vory heavy foundations, etc. Kc 60 »000 Carrieä to Sumr3.ry Pago 24« 8) Lavatorios Bride builäing, Area 21 n/super Carriecl to Suramary Pago 24 Kc 8,000 - 21 - 9) Depository for Splrlts 2-3toroy brick building, timbor roof trusscs, foltod roof. Area 514 n/supor* Allovving for Dopreciation I ostimato per n/ super Aroa - n/ super. Therofore 845 x 514. Carried to Sunimary Pa^^o 24 Ko Class l^i/B. 845 514 Ko A34-330 10) Opon ghed Brick building, Aroa 82 ii/supor^ Carried to Su.iimary Page 24 U) Vcigh Bridj^Q, etc. 1-storoy brick building, fcltcd roof • Area 116 n/supcr^ Class 7/2# Allo^ving for Deprociation I estimate per u/supor Area - n/super Thcreforo 116 x 504« ivC 504 116 Kc Xo 25.000 5?A^^ Carried to Su.xiary Page 24 - 22 - 12) VarJoua Shoda Polted Roofa. - Carriod to Summary Pago 24 13) Fire Bri;yado -* Shod» 1-storey brick building, Area 30 ri/supcr Carried to Suiaraary Face 21^. Kc lOoOOO Kc 13^000 14) Denaturisinp; Shop 1-storoy brick building, feltcd roof, conc3?eto floor paving* Area 125 «50 n/super • Carried to Suunioay Page 24 « Kc 75eOOO 15) Spirits Store • Brick building, feit roof covcring. Area 125 k/ super» Carried to Suniinary Page 24 Kc 75>000 16) Pencing, Drainage and Worfcs to Yard, Flushing etc. Carried to Suuraary Page 2if, Kc 60 ,000 - 23 - S U M M A R Y 1) Boiler House. 2) '„'oricshop 3) Eng ine Shed 4) Sngine Shed 5) Apparatus Shed 6) Perrtienting, etc. 7) Factory Chimney 8) Lavatories 9) Depoaitory for Spirits 10) Open Shed, U) vVeigh Bridge, etc, 12) Various Sheds 13) Pire Brigade 14) Denaturiaing Shop 15) Spirit3 Store 16) Pencing, Drainage, etc. Total Value of Building Page 18 Kc 158 .VfB 19 M 15 • 20 H n n tt n n 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 14,000 98.576. 127.376. 274.400 904.875. 60.000, 8.000 434.330. 25.000. 58.464. 10.000, 13.00c. 75.000. 75.000. 60,000 Kc2^96sit6i C^IRRID TG GEAID TOTAL PAO -24- K) WiCHIrBS liim I/iSCHi'iKIG/iL FL/Jg AND Office eq.uipment, etc. aa per Insurance Policy Docutuontj including erection, installation and foundations* Ko 6^6l6>030# C.\PvRIED TO GRAND TOT/Jj PAGE 2? Y/ith regard to thc prices of sonae individual items in the Insurance Policy the claimant has obtained ostliiate f rom Manufacturers vihx> are actually sup[jliers of machines of the same type and even raatce* I au ref erring hcro to the follaiing letters - a) Dogusa, Frankfurt am I,, letter of the l6th Juno, 1952, in Gterman Language - translation of v^/hich reads - Dr. A^ CzeC20wicaka, 61 &reencroft Gardens, L ond ons> N,V/'>6» Ret Dehydration Apparatus Processing etc. *^7e thank you very lauch for your letter of the 3rd J\ine, and are leased to read that you still remernber ^ell the dehydration Apparatur vae delivcred to you to Bartosovice» A Dehydration Apparatus of a capacity of 120 hl costs P,03. Hamburg including packing cxpenaes Dm I64.OOO today. Etc Tl '*The above apparatus is Identical \äth Itetn 87 of the Insurance Policy and the aiaount insured is Elvi 46. 500" • *^note by the v/riter of this report" • - 25 - Letter from T.P. Lederor, 77 Beolcwith Road, S.E,24^ dated tho 29th June, 1952 and reads as follows - Dear Uncle Arthur, As requosted I havo niade some onquiries regarding the value of soiuo of tho niachinory you montioned, and have ascertaiaod tho following:- !• Cornish Stoam Boiler of the hcating aroa you mentioned delivered and erocted, \jith brick Surround, etc» Approx, valuo» £4,000 (Acoording to iiessrs. Cox and Danks)» 2. Babcock Steaui Boiler delivered and creoted as abovo, (Acoording to Messrs, Babcock and './ilcox) 200 Ib/ Approx, value £17#000 - £18.000. 3. 100 IIp Stoam Engine (500 r.p.m. 200 Ib/sq. in.) (Acoording to Ilessrs. Peter Brotherhood Ltd, Peterborough) Approx. value £ 2100. I hope that these values v;ill be of somc assistance to you, though nrwturalLy thcy aro only very approximato, " Etc. ITGTES BY THS V/RITSR OP THIS Kl!.X)ET : - Item No. 1 In this letter is idcntical v;ith Item No. 1 of the Insurance Policy insurod Rm. 10.350. as against £ 4000 of the estimate* Item No. 2 m^mmm^m Item No. 3 In this lotter is identical v/ith Item No. 6 of the Insurance Policy insured Rm 70.4JOO as against. £ 17*000 - £ 18.000 of the estimate. In tliis letter is identical \7ith Item No. 10 of tho Insurance Policy insured Rm 8.300 as against £ 2100 of tho estiLiate. I should say thorefore, that the pricos mentioned in the Insurance Policy are rcasoable pre-v?ar values. (Alxxjady Depreciatcd)." - 26 - (3LIND TOT.\L A) Estato Bartosovico 3) Forcstry C) RaiLvjay D) ilanor IJ.OUSC, etc. E) Service Plats P) Building Plots G) ;.^atcr Rights c- Inatallation :i) Huntinr: cc Pishing Rights l) Uistillery Buildinrjs IC) Diatillcry Kachines, Total Valuc Paco 5.0 Ko 21.068.500. 8 12 13 1^ 16 17 2h 23 2.993.184 3.041.750 3.973.020 152.000 39 1.4lt-0 795.625 90,000 2,396.469. 6.616.030. ^ Ol vif 9$ Kc 43.. 520, 018. pjiHil - 27 - I certify that I have prepared this Report & Valuation on hand of Information recived from the Claimant, taken from the Land Rogistries, Ilr« Toniasok's, and photo and insuranco policies available, I further certify that tlio particulars and information givon in my Report Evaluation are con^oct to tho best of my kncf^vlcdge and bclief, and that in cqy opinion the fair valuo of the property for Compensation Purposes in 1933 v;as Kc Ux 520.018. I further certify that I have no dircct or indirect interest in the property or the claimant. Baysviater, Decemberj 1953 o Architectural Surveyor. - 28 t l CZECZOWICZKA.. Information received by Dr. B 20. L2. 1961. „/Li'" Dr.A. GZ. war der Alleine Igenteumer »•if '^/b'der Splritusfabrik In Neutitschein a,».«4-.i<)bV jj^ gehoerte auch 52 - 3/10% imU>»J>pm^qq Groosgrundbesitzes Partsche. \ ,^cTf ^ Gattin Irma 14-04^ hatte seine ^<^ ^. /^7o 19-36?^ hatte die Tochetr Hanna Kunz — 14 -3/10^ hatte f Tochter .Erica Simon^ Gattin Irma starb zuerst ihr folgte Dr A. die Alleinerben in beiden ' Verlassenschaften sind die Toechter KUNZ Hanna und SIMON Erica, beide In USA . Der Antrag ist daher ^n Bremen ei nzurb Ingen „ ^^ „v, Auuserdem hatten die Toechter noch -Anteile an dem Haus 675 In Neutitschein vind Felder in weutitschein. Bei der P.C.C. vmrde Entschaedigung fuer die Anteile an der Splr. Fabrik und Grossgrundbesitz sowie fuer die Haeuser in "eutitscheln eingebracht. Praü E.S^ hat als Amer. Staat sbuer gerin ledoch keine Entschaedigung erhalten, vfelleicht in Amerika. Das Gut wurde von der F. CG. mit 76.907.330 Kc bewert. I I t ?iri. /cJ,/iS Väeobecn^ knlhoTnl Y^pia s knihovai -rloiky Sialo 886,639,93- kat.uBeml 3edleaic«« Vloäka »l3lo 836 A./ J 1,/ 30^0 rol« i-,,/ rdvo vlaatnick* i- ^ 1 a*/ T/Pa. /rtharu Ctieczov'iczkovl k id^polovlci ^ , "b./ nezl, Hanno OzeqzoTyiczkov^ k id.poiovioi^Kuxi^p'« « ■< 3 •^ ■* ozaaron^vd 3e fiknz «ci.8©nl »zatiÄeui.äe nösmi nezl.Hanua jeji #ol-i -d !,'■),/ ani iJciziti, «t I*2£i££.'_'il£iQ-§il'Si 3./ 5 :i05-i/l i05-/^ 30 ft;^/! 3101/ Z aoi/4 V i^./ 'j:*a lea leg les rolQ 163 li2$j.ii5Si!)il'25Sl2Bi22± 7. ^101/7. P./ ^0^ /\ 9j ^ira/v% les loaka le8# I 1 - Z^ni.ny t^'^ri^loi sc Bt-^-tkov^ nodstaty. I 'T,3 ^ B./ __- rödIno'"ljTr-iJn"'l"H"ö7dTi-*7Ö7 Fo3[l8"Icäcnr"'35Iöüv^*Ke"aü«~57bfezna 1931 rkiädä se pri^.vo vlastniek ^•/ Dr^ilrthur üzeczovyicika ic id.polovicl "bt/ atal.Sriky C^zeczowiczkoy* k idt^polovicl. Simono'' Jeho2 naöyii* 2 Vvtnaz*1no» 3 l£^£^ö2^äB£^5LiLBE2äiB£S ii^i^^i^zi'''^ i ad Ib./ f-oinamenavd'^ae obmezenI*^zciEenr,iaIIuL2enl a zaataTeni id.polOTioc nezl.i-rlKy Czeozowiczkov^ »apsanÄ pod pol.C-2a./b./ V^az« i # I I ^lalo 932, A,/ Kat.UBemi Sedlnloo. ] l !•/ aOB3/3 role/ Z'm/ 1881/26 rol9 3,/ -dZZ'i/z rol«/ 4,/ üaa9/a ceata^' 1 - 'ö Zdpiay t^icajici se atatkov6 podeoaty« Jodle kufci £?nQcuvy ze dne 1 .^I^erverce 1900 pre:iaGi ae gom 2 vi. iS.i'? niOr.iäsi'ia.Vych deak px*ä.vo vla-otaickd oro doaav'idniho viai4tnika I I r»Yloz}:;/ 0./ _ >}^1 62.6 ej5 fJ. I i\»Lolovice n07l.K"Tin:/ 37r.cj50v?icz>ov6 r.esirS r i 1 tai ji fctnotuou.fciii Jejimi ir^vniirl n^atupci byfcl ro (ictu SlvotÄ ^.m kTtY.iu:% Cr.-scr.ov^icKl-y ^-ej; Jeho Evolftri arJL prodiina ani r.adlu2ena sni jinPi ea- dluican. •«••••• l-'^ Vr^.rnf5nc r. T^Trrrry. rosv-^irku poz.urrc» Z'd'591?* pro kaÄd^ho majitelt neirovltofliti vl#b*7?6 v 3o?« • • 9t.m * # • • ^05.4no öno liv^^lc-dna lOi'.O c#I..35ö* ' 1 odlc cmloavy £2ttÄebnoötl ze due e#/l~;#lv-9 vlclid: ?e ?lai'ebf.08t ^err^nl vonv % -ootolca kat»^.".C^'^3/y pro Aaftueho majitelG noxacvitob ti st^tka ö.iCß V bedlnioi oi^lo vi.V9ü^ pociid ajediiriui i^e dne ^ . oreanc 1^31: • # • • « 1 « • • • • t » » sv^ataiic UV ;llva.23 id.i^^o!'. ovieo nozl, -ri-wy aeaitii .. Äivotfc 2a.i]!.uäcua,i-rod!^Tia,üaatävenri ucl)o ]fJ--lcoliT • ••••« i satlicna« ^ r I I 4^ c./ Bö»,5.Tlo41cy 836 839 932 Z i p 1 t }% . l^J- . 3 5-7 Vym&säao a T^asy. ad r. #• ♦ •«/ *. Töaie^iluinlErupTau a pröBnieni ae dno 10., 12. a lö.Xervna 1932 TklAdÄ aa »roleÖTi* ^ft^?v^ »AataTTii pro poKLed^Tku Vöeobecü^ho pensiinino ufadu V Praa» palr dva miliOTjy kojrün öoI.a f 3/4; äroky 7 1 Sroky e prodleni a 1/^/ oprÄvTiiho pfi- tiaic korun bil.a poEnamcn&Tä^se apoleöny «avaiek ■ vl.^.^OS knihy kat.useir.i Bfartoäovlc« jako Tloikou hlaTtii'* Poznaiütn^vt ae lÄYaeek vlastrlkt^e Jenem st^- hrbdou knihornl pfeänosti pro abi'Yaiici ö6^t t6to Blpta^Vip buCoa dleporiovf ti prävem zfcütJ^T- uim.itter« ufoinöao bade Öuitauj^n. tplt^ceiuit tcto pohlcdiiTky.Jakoi i du-wäti i?voioiu k v^oma, aby oüttu uö;,ü ..oiiltdiYky tyla placena oeooou ti-^ti. ... 2,oeo.oo' 200.000.' 4-5 6-8 5-7 Vymci.x^no a Tymazy. I 8 Poddno 31,k7v:txioi 193:! 5.3.760. I ka2dycii di-ii-üoli. posiv^aik. Z£.p6^i;i'ch j»^ I^'^*^'''^*. • r59,830.föl,r02,E33,8y.,f35,n3G.P67 a 8Ö8 vcame« Lüdie 3;uoiii smloavy ä« daa lUB^r^^l^ ^o vkx^4a sluüctacat volu<'ho piiatupu t z». ucelcc. opif^;^ tak^ prÄvo voln^ho pohytu na roli kat.ö. -üf../! V oVruhu jcdcohc rcetru koltD' vLcclv l:at.o.3ö4 die odst.S./ 8« • 7 9-lC Vyr.acdno a v^mcEy. / • t » • « *— X- — f \ •• ^l ■* «»l» ■**••<• ^ •*• ^ ••♦• d* m Dopln«ni_ knilioTnltxo y^pisu ohledni Tloiky ölalo 856 listu B,/ a Tloiky öislo 8i)9 listu. B./ FodAno dne 31 ^bf'« 7.11« 1958 d.d>3ö0y Podle usnesenl okresniho ao udu ▼ PMbofe ze dne 5l.t)fezna 1938 C.j«P 16/31-Ü7 Tymazuje se poznämk« nezletilostl-lfanny Czoczo- wlczkoT6 a poznamcnäTä s©,äe tato Jest proYdän/vÄizoTä, PodAno dne 23.srpna 193| 6 yd. ?7V^ Par C.Öls* 533/3 cesta 1918/3 role B) Doälo 1.1)f>ezna 1932 öd. 156» Podla dodateönäho prohlääeni za dne l.ünora 1932 vklädi se vlastnlck^ i a) Dru. Artfiura Czeczowiczkovt k polovlct , b> nezl. Erlce Czeczowlczkov6 k polovlct . Vfma.z poznämky nezl* Erlky Czeczowlczkov^^ b«,Ö» B/8» a poznämkai ie tato je provdana SlmAnovä* 10 V^.IS. 11 12 13 Sing. 27. September 1939 öd. 389/39. Auf Grund des § 1 Abs. 2 und 3 der Verordnung vom 12.Mal 1939 « ( RGBl. 1 S 911 ) und des Erlasses des Reichsministers des Innern \ vom 21.August 1939 Pol. S Y 1 Nr 2290/39-212 wird das Eigentumsrecht ZU Guaaten des Ijebenaborn e» V» In München einverleibt» } m^ t*m Doälo 4.srpna 1946 Öd. 1084. Podla § 7 dekretu pres.republiky z 19.V.194S Ö.5 Sb närodni spräva t4to nemovltosti. 4 poznamenävä se Doälo ll.Öervence 1947 ö.d. 612. - ♦ * Podle § 12 zdk.ö. 128/46 Sb. pozneuaendvÄ se podänl restituönlho nävrhu dra. Arthura Czeczowicsky a Erlky Slmpnov^. MM D06I0 4. ünora 1949 Öd. 137. Podle vymiru mln.v^älvy ze dne 29,12.1948 Öj. 136. 108/Y/4-1948 vklädi se vlastnickö prävo pro Slezsk^ lihovarsky a näpojov;^ prümysl n.p. Opava, t.Ö. Ostrava, Velkä 18. f* \ t 1-3 / C) Vymazäno, V Doölo 16.ünora 1928 Öd. 57. Podle kupnl soaouvy ze dne 22.z4M 1926 vklddÄ 86 sluäebnost dozpv^ cesty , stezky a honöni dobytka po cestö p.Ö. 1917/1 Jako atatku slu- iebn^ pro ka2däi) driltele p.Ö* 1407/1 role vi. ö. 614 V Butoviclch. Vymazy. itn tili tut litt ^1. OX .-tu*. I Vlo2ka öislo tovice A) Parc.öis. 1477/5 role I« ' B) Pr. la.Oktober 1916 TZ. 184. Auf Grund des Kaufvertrages vom 25. August 1916 , der Prei- lassungserklArung vom vom 25.Augu8t 1916 und des Zeugnisses vom 25. August 1916 wird das lülgentumsrucht zu gunsten des Dr. Arthur Czeczowlczka. Bing, am 27. September 1939 TZ. 289/39. Auf Grund des § 1 Abs. 2 u.3 der VO. vom 12.Mai 1939 ( BGBl. I S 911 I und des Eriases der Reichsministers* des Innern vom 21.August 1939 Pol. S V 1 Ib*. 2290/39-212 •i wird das üligentumsrecht zu Gunsten des Lebensborn e.V. in München einverleibt. Dofilo 4.8rpna 1946 öd. 10841 Podle § 7 dekretu presidenta republiky z 19.V.1945 Ö. 5 Sb. poznamenävä se närodnl sprdva t6to nemovitosti. Dofilo ll»öervence 1947 öd. 612. Podle § 12 zäkona ö« 128/46 Sb» poznamenavä se podäni resti- tuöniho nävrhu dra* Arthura Czeczowiczky • ..* '11^ 9WL'"* y^ B) DoSlo 4.ünoca 1949 ö,d. 137» Podle v^öru ministerstva v^iivy ze dne 29.12,1948 ÖJ. um 136.108A/4-1948 vkl4d4 sa vlastnlck^ prävo Slezsk^ho lihovarsk^ho a näpojovöho priSflQrslu n.p* Opsva, t.ö« Ostrava I., Velkä 18, C) 1 • Bez z4plsu ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^M , ____ ^^— - _^ ■^■^^ ^.» ^^M ^^^.^^^.^^^ ^^m^^^ ^^m ^^^ ^^M Ü^* ^B^ tf^M^B MB^Hp AHK ■'V •■••^■••i^ ■■■• ^^K ' Vlojücft gjslo 521 Butovlce A) Parc.Öis. 580/2 zahrada B) v.a. Pr, ai.Oktober 1916 TZ.189. Auf Grund des Kaufvertrages vom 26.August 1916 und des Amtszeugnisses vom S.Oktober 1916 TZ.177A6 wird das Eigentümer ecbt zu Gunsten des Dr. Arthur C z e c zowiczka )tmmmtm*amm^mm»* einverleibt. 2-6 Tyt62 zdpisy jako ve vloice Öislo 519, list B) 2-5. C) Bez zäpisu. I yioSka ölsjirQ 602 Butovice. A) Parc.Öis. 1407/3 role 1407/6 role, parif. 1407/7 role • \ vleönäL driha I I I <. /, 1.0 ,r< Doölo 23, proslnce 1927 öd. 961» Podle kupni smlouvy ze dne 29.1edna 1920 vklädä se prävo vlastnickö pro . ^ . Llhovar a rafinarii dr.Artur Czeczowiczka v Bartoäoviclch •"-■^^ — -^■•-" ^ — ■ ■--■ — vmmmmti 2-4 Tyt62 ziplsy jako ve vloäce Öfslo b.ö. 2^3 a 5» 519 , llst Bi «ÜMH« immmmmmmmmmm DoSlo 20.dubna 1928 Öd. 150. \ 1 Podle smlouvy sluäebnostl ze dne 19.1edna 1927 vklädi se sluäebnost chozenl, jezdönl, a honönl dobytka po cestö zi^izenl na pozemku p.Ö. 1407/3 pro kaädäho majitele pozemkü p.ö. 1409A, vl.ö. 603, 1409/3 vl.Ö. 604, p.ö. 1409/4 vl.ö. 606, 1409/6 vl.ö. 606, 1409/6 vl.ö. 607, 1409/7 vl.ö. 608, 1409/8 vl.Ö. 612, ' pö. 1409/9 vl.ö. 609, 1409/10 vl.Ö. 610, pö. 1409/11 vl.ö. 611, pö. 1409/12 vl^ö. 613 co statkd Oanujicich. 2-3 Vymazäno,v:^maz. / / V \l.25. Vlp2ka Ö£elo 677 Butov^ce^ A) Parc.Öis. 1406/1 louka 1406/2 louka 1408 pastva 1407/2 role 3917A cesta B) « r Doälo 5. proslnce 1931 öd* 807# ^'odle kupnl smlouvy a ujednänl ze dne 9. bfezna 1931 vklädä se prävo vlastnickä a) Dtü» Arthiiru Cgeczowicgkovi k polovicsl^ b) neal» Erlce Czec20¥rlc2kovä k polovlci# ♦ » 2 . B> Doälo 24.8rpna 1938 öd. 576/38. Pedle usnesenl okr.soudu v Pribofe z 23.III.1938 vymazuje ee poznämka nezletllosti Eriky Czec20wiczkov6 a poznamendvä se, 2e Erika Czeczowlczkövä je provdanä SlmonovÄ. lyUi zÄpisy jako ve vlo.ö. 519 , liet Bl b.a.2,3,4 a5 . C) Vymazäno . mm Doälo IS.ünora 1928 öd. 57. ' Podle kupnl smlouvy ze dne 22.zä?i 1926 vklädä se v sluSebnoßt vozovö cesty, stezky a honSnl dobytka "^^"^ po cestö p.Ö. 1917A CO statku aluäebndm pro dofias- n6 vlastniky p.ö. 1407/1 zahrada ve vl.ö. 614 Butovice, - , Doälo S.pröslnce 1931 öd. 807. Podle ujednäni ze dne 9. bfezna 1931 poznamenävÄ se ve sfliyslu öl.YII clt. ujednäni, ie ideälni ,p61o vina parcel v ,t^to vloäce zapsanych > nälefejlci nezl. Erlce Czeczowiczkov^ nesmi ani ji samotnou, ani je- jimi prävnlmi nästupci bytl po dobu 2ivota Dra« Arthura Czeczowiczky bez jeho svolenl proddny, zadlu2eny, zastavejiyani jakkoliv jinak zatläenv. ve sffiyslu Öl.VII cit.ujednänl , ie pro prlpad ,2e po smrtl Dra#Arthura Czeczowiczky zdädi Irma Czeczowiczkovd epoluvlastnicky podil sv^ho manäela Dra.Arthura Czeczowiczky nebo Ö4st jeho spolu- vlastnickäho podilu, 2e idedlnl polovina parcel zde zapsanych näleäejlci nezl.EIrice Czeczowiczkov^ nesmi byti po dobu 2ivota jejf matkjr Jraty Czeczo- wiczkov6 bez jejlho svolenl ani jl ani jejixai präivnlmi nästupci prodäna^ zadluiena f zastavena nebo jinak jakkoliv zatiiena,. Doälo ai^öervna 1932 öd* 523« Vedl^vlozka« Podle dluzniho üpisu a prohläSenl ze dne 10« ^ 12« a IS.Öervna 1932 vklädÄ se pravo zästavnl pro \ 200.000.- VSeobecn^ pansijni ,ußtav v Pra±e za zÄpdjöku 2,000.000. dva mlliony korun ösl. za 5.25 % üroky, 7 % üroky z prodlenl , za 1/4 % pf ispövek sprävni a za oötatnl vedl*zdvazky do vy'Öe dvSstStislc korun ösl* Hlavnl vlo2ka 363 Bartoäo vice* poznamenävd se zavazek vlaatnlkd tSchto nemovi- tostl, 2e jenom s v^hradou knlh.pfednostl pro zb;^vajicl Öäst t^to zÄpdjöky budou disponovati prävem zdstavnfm , kterö uvolnöno bude ÖdsteÖnj^m splacenim t6to pohleddvky, jako2 i d£vatl svoleni k tomu, aby öäst t6to pohleddvky placejoa byla osobou tf etl* 7-15 ^^mazdno , v^mazy . > V Bflovcl dne ll.öervence 1950, listovnl* —•^ifc^iwr— * 511 BJCPRACT TRAieUTIOII J2°i???!l l^o.V9'A9 Stanp Kcs 28 S X t r • c t from the Land Register oad^area ^enoT Folio Ko,373, •a C«a,IIo.l738A path, fielä ^ .i 1 2 4- 5 ad 1 ■ n« B' Provinus Öffners Reoeivod 26A0/1925 No.llO* 8 Under Deed dated 27/iA925 registered as owner: a) Uorterai« Adlsrora as to ono-feurth b) Irn« Czeczowiczka as to one-fourth 8 PecelTed 24/IA9S4 Ho.437 ünder Deed "iated 9th and 19/2A934 registered as owner Hana Czeczofficzk* «iBried Kunznra as to one-ßourth I>ika Czeozofficzka narried Slnon as to one-fourth • Entries taken into cons iderat ion ui^er Ho.S. ReceiTed 27/9A939 No.661 ,3,5 Und^r Confisoation Ordnr of the Gestapo in TroT>nau of 2-/9/19^9 repistered as o^i^or Lebonsbnrn e.V, in München. 's I t • n« Land Register of the District Coirt in Novy Jicin datei Ißth October 1949 L.S. District Court in Novy Jicin /signature iller:ible^ i TRINSUiTION. Revenue Stamps Kos 24, L.S. Districl Court of Kovy Jicin, \ Eno.XXXV, Extrcot No. 1796/49. B X t r a c t from the Lanä Register of the territorial district "Senov". Intabulation Ho. 507. «/L V 'A ( - 7 8 l Revenue Stamt)« Kos 4.- L.S. District Court of Novy Jicin , Allotment No.217 Building Plot,Barn 70 Public Path,meadoif 279 Pasture 297/1 Pasture 298/1 Pasture 298/3 Pasture 297/3 Pasture 1175/1 Fie Id 1553 Field 1554 /IField, nart thereof over way 1555 Pasture 1560 Field 1561 Pasture 1562 Pasture 1563 Fielrl 1564 Meadorr 1868 Field Path 1882 Public Path 1554 A Path 1554/3 Field Entry : I Entries taken into considnration 8 Received 15.1.1917, Journal No.36 The easeinent entered under No,96 is hereby intabulated for the dominant tenemett. Entries taken into consideration. Received 4.4.1940, Jo'jrnal No.293 According to Purch«ise Cortract of allotments 1^0.297/1, 297/3, 298/1 and re-intabulated under No.782. 9 Received 22.1.1941 Journal No.68 According to Purchase Contract of 17/1/1940 the allotments Nos 1175/1 and 1808 are here doleted and re-intabulated under No.784.- 10 Received 16.9.1941 Journal No.716 ■ According to Purchase Contract of 1.7.1941 allotment No, 1554/2 is here dcleted free of encumbrance and intabulated on Index No.l of the public proT)erty of the Co'mcil of f^'chanau, and allotment No,279 is here deleted free^of encumbrance and re-intabulated under Ko.784 Schönau. Rec«ived 20.10.1941, Journal No.823 • II According to Purchase Contract of 28.6.1941 and Certificate- of 9.7.1941 the allotments Nos 70, 1553, 1554/1, 1560, 1563, 1564, 1554/3, 1555, 1561 and 1562 are here deleted and re-intabulated undor No,788 Sohiinau, 15. and 23.11.1939 the and 298/3 are here deleted n '< / i 1-2 T 6 4 V 0 6 r7 7-8 9 aa 5-8 2 . "B" EncXXXV. oontinued (Extra et No. 1796/49) Preceding owners, » • Reoeived 7,7.1925 Journal No. 895 • • Aocopding to Letters of Administration of 4.12,1924 the groprietory right is intabulated as to 1/2 in fairoDur of rete Lederer, i*reoeding ov^ners, Receired 24.2.1934, Journal No. 437 Aocording to Transfer Agrernieiit of 19.2.1934 the proprietär y right is intabulated in favour of a/ Hanna Czeozowiozka, married Kunzvova, as to 1/4 b/ Erika Czeczowiozka, married Simonova, as to 1^4. Received 10.3.1937 Journal No.547 ^ - Accordlng to Lettera of Administration of 23.1.1936 the proprietory rights is entered in favour of a/ Peter Heinz Lederer as to 1/4 b/ Tom6S Frantisek Lederer as to l/4 Sntries cons iderat ion under curr^ent No*5 Received 27.9.1939 Journal No.661 Aocording to Confiscation and Incorpätration Order of the Gecret State Police Troppau of 26.9.1939 No.Br.Nr.L^ the iroprietory right is ir.corporated in favour of the Lehensborn Association in Munich. tInIT Transferred fron Intabulation Ko.395, Journal Wo. 302/18 Received 3.12.1892 Mo. 15131 • • According to the Declaration of 30.11.1892 of the brothers Leopold and (xustav Adl^r, the easeirient rerarding the Obligation on the House No.l. Intab.No.395 Schaaau to dra^ iFiater supr^ly from the Municipal "/ater Board of Neutitschein i^ intabulated iwith the right of l/2-yearly notice to terminat« the iwater supply for the Municipal Council of Neutitschein, which right shail after termination of 5 yoars devolve to the oT^ners of the House No.l. According to the Declaration of 17.6.1895 of the brothers Leopold and Gustav Adler the easement regardinp the Obligation to arai/9 the ivater supply frorr. the ^'/ater Board of the Municipal Council of Neutitschein is intabulated in favour of their Destillery No.108 whereby the o?rners of the Destillery as ^ell as the Municipal Council of Neutitschein shall have at any time the right to give half-yearly notice in accordance ^ith the provisions of the Declaration of 17.6.1896. Received 27.2.1896 Journal No.23l5. Aocording to Deed of 24.1.1896 No.766 on the Agreement concluded bet^/een Gustav and Leopold Adler and Johann Tille- mann the easement in respect of the right of riding and driving cattle across Path Allotment No. 1772/2 intabulated for the serrient tenemant is here intabulated in favour of allotment No.2666 Schgnau as the dominant tenement belonging to Johann Tillemann in accordance ^ith the said Deed. 4-7 Cancelled and cancellations. m 8 t11,12 - 3 • Eno.XXX\\ continued (ExtMot Noa796/49) RecelTed 24.2^934 Journal No.437; Regardlng Joint oYmership of Hanna and Erika Czeczowiozkovai Aocording to Transfer Agreement of 9. and 19.2.1934 Intabulated a/ tiie Indiviiible and exclusive right of usufruct for Hortensie Adler and Irma Czeczowiozkova until their death aocording to para.III, b/ Prohibition of encumbrance, indebtness and sale for the life time of Hortensie Adler and Irma Czeczovficzkova, or only one of them aocording to para.III, 9-10 Cancelled and cancellation* Receivea 27.9,1939, Journal Nq. 661 11-12 Aocording to Conf isc^ition and Incorporation Order of the Seoret State Police in Troppau of 26.9.1939 No.Br.Nr.L the cancellation of the rights ander Ho .8a and restrictions under 8 b is intabulated. 13 Receivecl 6.4,1943 Journal Ho. 189 Aocording to notifioation of the Bistriot öounoil in Neutitschein of 9.5.19Ü8 rio.9060/28 it is noted that the Field Path, AUotment No.l882 and the Paths leading across Allotments No,1554 and 70 are Public Paths. Entries maäe during the occupation are couijrised in this extract. Land Register of the District Court Novy Jicin. iCth October 1949. / L.S. District Court of Nory Jicin. ( sed. Registrar /illegiblo signature./ ^ '^^C^^ -c^^j^u/^*^ Aüyt^ ^c)»- *^t-i^;»i^ / ,>.:/ '«' c iZ-. ->^ .^ ^^'^^4;^ /ru^.j A ßt ^ > <-^ — ^ / /■J >^ /" > ■f-rcca <-^. '^~^/i- ^^.^^^JX. /^.6SJßo- ^ %Ä, Erika SimonovÄ, Irma Gzcezowizckovä,Petr Hans Lederer, Tomää Frant L*i€r«r I »o oevobozenl cel^repAbliky jako konfiekäty tjyly Dfldöleny ,pfi cem4 V^ontlmt 4 Kace qyla vyelovena s ohleaem na vlastnlky ,kxeri tento majetek nffcbyli ne- | platnj^ zpÜBobem za okupace a nikoliv e ohledem na püvodnl pereekvovan^ *^^) Jitele,kteri tento majetek za okupace pozbyli* h I okresni närodni v^bor potvrzuje dale ,ze za eprävce tohoto mujetku jeet povüäovati oeoby,kterym byl majetek oeidlovticl komisi min, zemSdfeletvl pfl ^ ÜNV V Novöm Jiöln6 dän do uäivänl a konecnd pridfelen. Z/ Na velkoetatek BartoSovice byla zavedena n^odnl eprrfva dnem 2l#cerv€aice 194Ö zemakj^m ndrodnfm v^borem ,expoBiturou v üetravö* ' "^ 4/ K Vaei podunö iädosti ze dne 27.7.1950 o doruöeni likvidaöni zpr^vy \jf^. velkoBtatku BartoßAvice k jaahlödnuti poxakazuji na uet* vläd. naf# &• 8/192 I Zemddglakj^ referent: / ■ > 3 L 1 ^v«.J*W»/ t..^ -v^ '7 ÖKRESNi NÄRODNl VVBOR V NOV^M JICINE V Zntftkt: fill/Q8-ü6.9*19i>ü-IX^ (V «dp^Ml wmJ^ vMy »Mllni, datyin • ¥«cO ^1.1/ V Nav ■^^ / .ZCK12.^950^// * K Vaöi podanö gädoeti ze dne 17,5,17. 7,, 27, 7, ,24. 9.1950 podävdm tato ; potvr&eul : »^^ ükresnl närodnl vj^bor v Nov&n JlölnS potvrzuje ,ie pozemky z knih, vi, ö.57ö,481,ö07 kat, usemi Senov u Noväho Jiölna /buh^. majitclö Hana Km>Bo*#^ 'rf,Brlka SimonovÄ, Irma Czcezowlzckovä,Petr üana Lederep,Tomää Frant L^etüJ OBVObozenl c al • repAbliky jako kpnfiskäty byly^pfidöleny .pfi öemä konfllip ^^„_je byla vyalovena a ohieclem na vlaetniky ,kteri tento mtijexek npDyli ne- *| ^lutnj^ zpÜBObem za okupace a nlkollv 8 ohledem na püvodn^ peraekvovuii^ >&*') Jltele.ktefi tento najetek za okupace pozbyll. , . \.. 1 f okresni narodni v;^bor potvrzuje dale ,ze za epravce tohoto mttjetku jeet >) ^ poy&i^ovbtl OBoby,ktex^m byl majvtek osldlovbcü komlsl min. zemSdöletyl pfl ^ ONV V Novöm JiölnÖ dän do uilvänf a koneöni pf Idfelen. | yS/ Ma velkostatek fiartogovlce b/la zavedena närodni epräva dnem 2l.6erveinc4l '^ 1945 zemalq^m närodnüm v^j^borem ,expo8iturou v üstravö. 4/ K Vael podanö 2ddosti ze dne 27.7.1950 o doruöeni likvidaöni zprtfvy IjfVi velkoBtatku BartogAvlce k nahlödiiutil poukazujl na uat. vläd. naf. 6.8/1921 r/*' .> u y V y. ^ . :#» /— »5. .-..^^ ,v^ ~^. H »>»• '# ''v*.. ■^■.. *h' ■^« jf^:.-' '/ '«. ■^,^:i.: 1 , *•• . J ;. ::iii? •1,.-. ' ^ V ; < /^ * ^f. s^. 'I I I / »WWi mm^m i h.t»by crtio tii t i m thoroufhly fa«lUar ^«Ufttttf»! tht Ättttch«* «ocuft^flt *rltun in om or both of ^^id •M ttMd Ic th« proc#«dlng. before th« Fortign ClalM pMMAtlon to the ü6»t of «y kno^ledR« «Ad btli«f . n tru« «ad •eeurtit« transl&tlon. Juat 26 th, 1959. t / /. / A^^^B»^» I 7 I I ' I I I ♦ * » A. Budovy a zaNieni Objekt c V n c /. 1* o p I t S0 o C > i ^ T ^f^ /o» 7^ Vimera 9 i 8 / << , f.r%'^ ^ i^/i ^'^ : ;^A i ili:^ j. ^< 3d»/*^^ /;2>/v^ Jt>dnotkof4 f^ena BoT1- '^ A. Ilodiiot« Kta?. neinoTit B. Pozemky WA, Tis. pari' kiiltiini ^ viiicra m"- Otia 1 in' y. U .-^^Av-. /^,_ >•• /. M_z_ ]i. (Viia pozemkü eelkeiti IkH A. Ilodiiota buoz(>iiikii /f. />y^. - /^^^> - /yy. / ■ 0 (li doup€k A 8) ./, / V ,■» Objekt Zikitdy Sklepy Pfizemi 1 patro II. pttro III. patro IV patro Podkrovi J^f'^^l ^'O^ JL'rd <^- ov y.^ V'At, Pöda Arkyfc a pod. balkuny, pavlaic Jine V-^ X 2 .^ZZlÄ /f£:i^? /f.JL^f'/o ^.:L^.f^ ><^'^f^fo ^Jf'^^ Objekt J.. Obj< ckt >/ m' I f.J^S* -^ Zaklady Sklepy l^fizenu' I. patro II. patro III. patro IV patro Podkiovi Piida Arkyfc a pod. haikony, paviace ine ^/jP' - x/-^ V' ^tz> •2> i_4i£^1 ^>^. .....>^/^_:i Objekt -^ in -^.J//^ - i'oziiiimk»: V'ypocet /astavciieho prostorii provesti podle norem CSN 1170—1940. U piidy je v sloiipci 2 uvedeiia srovnana (prumern«i) vyska stfechy. 27018 «> lb02 lU ploeba n' IkMMtnUillf«! prent or ■' PtfXBiiaika 1 2 3 4 Objrkt sA *■ ■ \ Zaklady Sklepy r x>^i y/f ^-» y^iy^A ■ — . Pfi/emi 3-r9 y//'/fl I. patro II. pitro tu. patro IV. patro ^ j/> iffj-6o * Poitkrovi Piula Arkyfe a pod. IVilkotiy, paviace Z^OV' 2 y^^-fr * "- — - ' - — * - X 2 f Jine • ' Objekt . v/.. m' 1 y-^ii-'^ •