HARLEQUIN BUG % MARY F. BE N SON J. Adult; b, eggs; c to g, young, or nymphs; h, damaged cabbage leaf" with nymphs, adult bug, and eggs, (a and c to g about 3 times natural size: h about 4 times natural size, h about natural size.) (See other side for life history and control) ) irantine Department of A^-r Picture Sheet No. 5 BARLEQUIN BUG (M urgarUia histrionica Hahn) Life History The harlequin bug is a southern plant pest and lives through the winter in the adult stage near fields where its food plants are grown. The bugs leave their winter quarters early in the spring and seek their favorite food plains, which are cabbage, collar d, turnip, horseradish, kale, and related crops. The increase in population is started by the eggs, which are Laid on the under side of the leaves. These eggs hatch in from 4 to 1 "> days, and the young, or nymphs, (vvd and develop on the Leaves of the plants, sucking the sap from the leaves and stems. Shortly afterward white areas or blotches appear about the spots where the feeding has occurred, and the injury often causes the plants to wither and die. The insect becomes full-grown in from 40 to 50 days after hatching from the egg. The adult, or winged stage, is reached after the nymphs have passed through five immature stages, or instars. Within 2 or 3 weeks after becoming full-grown the female is ready to deposit eggs for another brood. Control Practice clean cultural methods throughout the season. Disk and plow under all stalks and other refuse as soon as the crop has been harvested. The growing of trap crops, hand picking, and the use of the blow torch are also effective methods of keeping down the number of bugs. Control by insecticides is recommended only after preventive measures to reduce the numbers of the insect have been followed. Spray or dust with derris or cube. Use Iji pounds of derris or cube root powder (containing 4 percent of rotenone) with a spreader and wetting agent in 50 gallons of water; or, in smaller quantities, 1% ounces (10 level tablespoont'uls) with a spreader and wetting agent in 3 gallons of water. For dusting, use a derris or cube dust containing 0.7"> percent of rotenone. To prepare this dust, use 15 ounces of finely ground root (having a 4-percent rotenone content) to 4 pounds and 1 ounce of the diluent (finely ground talc, clay, sulfur, tobacco, or other powder except lime), or 18% pounds of the root to 81% pounds of the diluent. If the rotenone content of the derris or cube is greater or less than 4 percent, then the proportions of the inert diluent must be varied accordingly. Begin spraying or dusting when the bugs first appear and repeat the treatments as often as necessary. 10— isssa March 1940 U.S. Government Printing Office i e by the Superintendent <>f Documents, Washington, D. ('. Price 5 cents UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 09082 4805