(0 3 } (f jSJ From Whom .... Place Date SUBJECT. <•» \ y^t y^UAsk t&CLj-~~%A $" iU4 , ‘ O’ts-tsLtJi <* *•'•<-&- ficwxi-d P* ,•<■**—• $83 Connected Papers . MINUTES, a 1^ *0/0 $J (j) 6* $ 'fttd' dju £ U» 2/M °~7 / + / / / J/( eA '"o M-nAt£& A * A>»- »J1 V /T\ / » i ( (JtiA fy&>ps. CLa /1 'C *2A ^ TT*i»Cus£t4 cdLnM, Mind!* A* A Tyb&* ^ - jjtfr At p* //&'■ m , / v*4j ptfJl /fcc # V / 9 ^£m*c**v zsrtsl * y /C^04 ' ~il4 ' fit '^4 'K^l 7$ / C&cd r ' rf* ' JU?sf * @*9t. 'fyvCiAf' p! p 4*~l- Wu4^t J A~~U6C 3- l^ -zl Q^ fAt* ^ f'rV ^(asi/MLa-S yt^C, A^AaI^IA-.#*^- A^ijjr+A i ^jAZst-eb*** jrw l fcl (o * 4 IrO I py &K- 4 -s o QcVLd&LLj £ X s 2 j j 'Xfc From Whom .... Place Date SUBJECT. .■■■ L <--^,,^t^L r - 'i-'- £/C-^—* w. <■-* * *rC* O h O , ' i. r /*^J ft N ^\ \ V • >: \ Vs »*’ . ‘ " C ' '.' >o - ’• « •"'■ t /,_. - Connected Papers. MINUTES. ■ ■ i f /S.J- Mi . rie I AsC Cl^^cUsr^ 'slyrsCj, l ‘{J)j. t/yrX/rsi- & $ frjl 1/ 0 iLt* Co H ‘ fyv4 . XLsijLlfi "iJct GLsl *T ’Tfa'CvisW^Sbuistl ' >*/l. jf _ e/wX ■fU V ‘MSI . ms vCt/C' 4} ? 61^1 > * . _ 1 1 ' u,. 4 ■ h Vh ? * /$4*v&bn^ 'U, t J*Xs H 1 !' r> ' «*■'' Ji,,... / !?■ l(t/f iJu* ^{E^v '^y^' " v * ‘■tLcrd' % i^j&tSKA, 4* OmA^ J l a,iM, 4 ^£e*^ th&dr t&ts }y&4t ****'» Uufflr?''e/Q , / 1 /Sd , 4 ? • m . DRAFT (G 17) (S.) Fair Copy signed by To w * A 4 - 4 .- 4 j.« « ’ •*• ■ ■ "i *•• i ■ f m - - / - ‘ • - " A • - , - ; 1 F ''*•*•* 81 M 7 . W/^ 'Vr I! iWtc-* • Oj f ,. ) . ! bf / T -"' - 1 ! -4 * 4 Al •;'* vv%^'—*-* f «» *• F"i I 1 A f 1 - i «ji X A.A '\/w>v-' •— f'^ i ' ! ‘ ji / i * - \ -■ * " f v> ^ j 1 i . y J . -. • -■-ti- ■' ■ • v * f i il '—rf ' j v.' -7^ j l j " ’ « ji * ^ i • >’ ^ . ' jA» “A iA '£. / yjfv "*?.* / . zdi'i i " 1 " 7 7 .«r / w_ - ■* - , j ■••' i \ ,4-\ ft. < - *T w I !i ■ i ytfV J 5 ' <■ i ^ Mil Ajs <«u. i# A- ^ ■*■ •‘■*■*7 f ’ > - / ,' " . V ti jx~+- 4l£'» t < ; '> • T . l - •*<-' .■ S W*A !i ]} |i u i! ?; i if ii T— *• i • v** A-v ■^T. /i* OC--*- • tf 7 r - j . 'i W' Vi V \ . / - •* ..* ~ ? IM ■ <* / - t l — -- . _ _ I No Minutes should be written on this page. A separate half-sheet to be used if required. \ i Minute paper N©.. Sheet No With reference to your letter No.6329/1925 dated the 15th October, 1925, forwarding a letter from the Acting Director of Gardens, Straits Settlements, regarding the He Herbarium of the Federated Malay States Museum, I am direeted to inform you that the Director of Museums, Federated Malay * / States, is at present away on tour and id expected back about the 15th November, 1925• On his return the matter will be considered and a reply will be sent to you. I have the honour to be Sir, Your obedient servant Ag; Under Secretary to Government Federated Malay States. The Under Secretary, Straits Settlements, Singapore. % - 01 ufa Colonisi Secrtary* s Office No.6329/25. Singapore, 5th October 1925. Enel:(1) S*y With reference to this office correspondence No.9036/I921, I am directed to transmit to you, for consideration of the Federated Malay States Government a copy of the Document noted below. I have the honour to be Sir, your obedient Servant Sd. G.Hemment for Under Secretary Straits Settlements To the Under Secretary Federated Malay States fia&la Lumpur 15 th Septetobr 1 925 * Letter/ from the Ag: Director of Gardens Straits Settlements. gi Botanic Gardens, Singapore. 15 th September 1 925• Asks that a request be made for the transferor 8 .M.S.Museums Herbarium to SingaporeT" . Sir, I have the honour to request that you will communicate with the F.M.S. Government with regard to the Herbarium of the F.M.S. Museums. 2 . This Herbarium contains very valuable collections made by Mr.L.Wray, some of which are unrepresented in the Gardens Herbarium, more recent collections made by Mr.Ridley of which we have no duplicates, all Mr.Henderson*s Collections, and some other material. 5. Mr. Henderson is now working in the Garden's Herbarium, and it would greatly assist and add to the accuracy of hid work, as well as adding to the usefulness of the herbarium, if the collections from Kuala Lumpur could be incorporated with ours. The Results of Mr.Henderson's work and any other work done in this Herbarium are not purely matters of local interest but will be of benefit generally, as additions to our knowledge of the Malayan Flora. 4. When Mr.Henderson left Kuala Lumpur it was decided to ler the appointment of a botanist there lapse; the Museums Herbarium is therefore now unused, and has no prospect of being used, whereas in Singapore it would be of considerable value. 5. It was part of the recommendations of the Committee which reported on botanical work in the Malay Peninsula that the two herbaria should be united. (Malayan 9036/21) Though there may be no prospect of an early adoption of the other recommendations of that Committee, there is surely no reason why the present proposal should not be approved. / No.583/25. ( 2 ) i >' £>. If the Government of the F,M.S. will notbconsent to the gift of these collections, there may be no objestion to an indefinite loan, each sheet to bear a distinctive label. . In this way the Herbarium would be available for reference and for comparison with other material here, pending a decision on the larger issues discussed by the Committee above mentioned The Hon’ble The Colonial Secretary. * I have the honour to be Sir, your obedient servant Sd: R.E.Holttum Ag: Director of Gardens. r- ' ■ ♦ sr' No Minutes should be written on this page. A separate half-sheet to be used if required.