615.321 M575h f I | ANb MEbiurtE Man A COLLECTION af VALUABLE MEDICINAL FORMULAE md GUIDE ta the MANUFACTURE of 50TAMICAL MC&IQNES HOW TO ORDER Send all orders direct to Joseph E. Meyer, Indiana Botanic Gar- dens, P. O. Box 5, Hammond, Ind. You can then be sure to receive strictly pure, fresh herbs. Make money order payable to Indiana Botanic Gardens or to Joseph E. Meyer. Send P. O. Money Order whenever pos- sible. Stamps accepted for small amounts. We are not responsible for money sent in open mail. C. O. D. orders require $1.00 deposit. No C. O. D. order filled without $1.00 deposit. Herbs of All Hinds — We have over 1,000 dr ~ :: • stock barks, and ca: part of does list, send f< get it Requt University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign Bookstacks i any Space lplete want r can A not be answered as we have no free sam- ples. No orders for less than 25c ac- cepted. Orders west of the Mississippi River must be for $1.00 or over, unless 10c extra is included for postage, as parcel post rate is very high west of the river, and the postage on an order for less than $1.00 would consume all of the profit of the sale. POSTAGE EXTRA On dry roots and herbs, plain or mixed, include 5c for each $1.00 worth ordered. On liquids, creams and ointments send 10c extra for each $1.00 worth ordered. On orders for less than $1.00 for goods of any kind include 5c extra for postage. In most cases the postage will amount to considerable more — but we will stand the difference. Why Use Poisonous Bruges when na- ture in her wisdom and beneficence has provided, in her great vegetable labora- tories— the fields and forest — relief for most of the ills of mankind? Author and Compiler. See that the above signature is on every package of botanicals you pur- chase. It is a guarantee of the purity and quality of all preparations. We do not answer correspondents neg- lecting the courtesy of enclosing a ' stamp. 1 All of our herb teas are harmless. We sell no poisonous or harmful drugs. How to Make Medicine From Our Mined Formulae Directions— -Steep a heaping teaspoon- ful of our mixed herbs into a cup of boiling water, let stand until cool. Drink cold one cupful during the day, a large mouthful at a time. Use double or treble the quantity if no results are apparent after a few days’ use. If an herb tea mixture is composed mostly of roots and barks the tea may be boiled for one or two minutes so as to extract all of the medicinal value. But if composed mostly of herbs and leaves and flowers the tea should not be boiled as boiling would evaporate the aromatic principles of the tea. If an herb tea is to be taken for a long time it is best to take it alter- nately for 3 days; omit for 3 days and continue again for 3 days and so on until desired results are obtained. How to Make Medicine From Plain Unmixed Herbs. Just place a heaping teaspoonful of any herb or herb mixture into a cup of boiling water; let stand until cold. That’s all. Drink one or two cupsful a day; a large mouthful at a time. Nature, in her wisdom, has provided us with aromatics which improve the taste and efficacy of all herbal prepara- tions. Among the most valuable of these are Fennel, Anise, Cloves, Cinnamon, Sassafras, Wintergreen, Celery, etc. One teaspoonful of any of these aromatics may be steeped with one teaspoonful of any other herb in a cup of boiling water for thirty minutes. Two or more of these aromatics may be mixed together to produce any special flavor desired. If an herb tea is very bitter or disagree- able it should be diluted with water. It is better to take a large dose of a weak tea than a small dose of a strong tea. In all herb teas you can safely follow your own taste. An overdose or too strong a tea will IN NO CASE prove fatal nor seriously injurious 2 The Herb Doctor or Medi- cine Man’s Method of Treating the Sick IN all ages there has been as much disagreement among doctors as be- tween members of opposite political parties or the adherents of various reli- gious creeds. Even today four different physicians will treat the same patient with differ- ent medicines. As a matter of fact, an honest doctor will admit that the latest medical sci- ence is not more uniformly successful in the treatment of many ills and maladies than the remedies discovered and used for centuries past by numerous tribes of Indians and other savage races. Again and again, in highly civilized nations we have seen whole communities extermi- nated— thousands of people slain by epi- demics and plagues in spite of all that physicians could do. It is not easy to think of the Indians of North and South America, the black people of Africa and the islands of the sea and the yellow races of Asia as possessing scientific knowledge. Yet if these people had not found a cure for hundreds of their ailments, they must long since have disappeared from the earth. The answer is quite simple — Na- ture does the curing. They do not run to a doctor to have their systems filled up or weakened by poisonous or inorganic drugs — they as- sist Nature either by cleaning out the stomach and intestinal tract with a cathartic or by taking a hot infusion of some botanical, as a diaphoretic or by drinking copious quantities of a botani- cal demulcent, expectorant or refriger- ant or emmenagogue, as the case may indicate — and Nature does the curing. The simple botanical infusions that in- variably form part Of their treatments are mostly laxative, cathartic, diapho- retic or merely demulcent in their action and contain no actual curative force — they act merely as a gentle aid to Na- ture. Fasting for a few days or longer also formed a part of their treatments. Nausea and vomiting following a meal is not a plea for a tonic or digestant, but a plea for rest and fasting. It is a sign that your digestive system has been overtaxed and is out of order and wants rest. Natural forces of repair and re- cuperation will take care of your stora- 3 ach and digestive system when you cease to abuse it. The same is true of almost every other ailment. Lack of vitamines and organic minerals often are the cause of many of our chronic ail- ments, many of which can be arrested or cured by simply partaking of foods or botanicals rich in these elements. The treatments given in this book call attention to foods rich in vitamines. The botanical teas mentioned could rightly be called vegetable soups rich in vita- mines and mineral salts — for they are a product of Nature’s great laboratories, “The Fields and the Forests.” Growing in the sunshine absorbing the life-giving ultra-violet rays, or growing in the forest, absorbing the vital mineral salts from the earth — they present a form of medicine that human ingenuity cannot equal. Verily, our finest chemical labora- tory cannot compare with the chemical laboratory of the simplest herb growing. If you desire to learn more on this fas- cinating subject, send for our free Al- manic and watch for my lectures over radio station KWKH at Shreveport, La., from October to May. THE MEDICINE MAN. FEVERS In these ailments as in most others, Nature does the curing. Medicines, whether of organic or inorganic origin, can merely aid in the process by build- ing up resistance. The botanicals listed are mostly diaphoretic in their action if used as hot infusions; if used cold they act as mild tonics and aromatics. TYPHOID FEVER This disease affects principally the bowels, causing diarrhoea in many cases, fever, loss of appetite and flesh, some- times delirium, hemorrhage from the bowels, and other serious symptoms. For two or three weeks prior to the attack the patient complains of feeling tired and wretched. The appetite fails and the tongue is coated. Then follow headache, backache, fever, restlessness, looseness of the bowels and a tenderness over the lower portion of the abdomen. Treatment — The first thing to do is to call a doctor. Give plenty of lemon juice diluted with water if desired. Give no food of any kind. Alcoholic stimulants may be taken in moderation, but always with the addition of lemon juice. A good hurse can do more than a doctor. One grain Bismuth tablets may be taken 4 every hour. Bismuth is not a medicine — merely a protective coating for the membrane of the intestines. Only liquid foods should be given and only as the nurse or doctor may advise. After disease has run its course mucilaginous or demulcent drinks with lemon juice are excellent. Still later a good astrin- gent is good. Among the most popular botanical de- mulcents are: Benne leaves, Marshmal- low Root, Elm Bark. The most popular astringents are: Blackberry Root, Wild Alum Root, Mormon Valley Herb, Wal- nut Leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Sweet Fern, Huckleberry Leaves. MALARIAL FEVER There are two kinds of malarial fever, the intermittent and remittent. In the intermittent form there is a severe chill followed by fever and profuse sweating, after which the fever entirely disap- pears. These attacks may come on only every other day, or they may appear every third day. In remittent fever, the fever does not entirely disappear, but rises and falls within well-defined limits. The parasites which cause malarial fevers feed upon and destroy the red- blood cells, and this accounts for the pale, sallow complexions of people who live in malarial districts and have had the disease, which is known as “ague.” It is known that these parasites are transmitted to human beings by mos- quitoes which breed in stagnant water. A person suffering from malaria should always sleep in a screened room, as mos- quitoes biting him and sucking his blood may then transmit the disease to others. Treatment—-In the chronic type of this disease, generally known as “malaria,” “ague,” etc., the patient should have regular daily action of the bowels, wholesome food, fresh air and exercise; these are better than medicine. A Feb- rifuge with Antiperiodic and tonic prop- erties is often useful. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Febrifuges and Tonics are: Ague Weed or Boneset, Cinchona, Sweet Flag, Galan- gal, Elecampane, Agrimony, Elder Ber- ries, Five Finger Grass, Sage, Blue Ver- vain, Wood Sorrel, Yarrow, Hops, Juni- per Berries, Lovage, Sweet Marjoram, Blessed Thistle, Cloves, Jamaica Ginger and Wild Ginger. Any selection of two or three of the above may be mixed in equal parts and a heaping teaspoon ful of the mixture taken to a cup of boiling water. For those who prefer a formula 5 already mixed ready for use, we refer to our Formula No. 7 Florida Tea, No. 22 Jesuits Fever Bark Compound and No. 700 Ague Weed Compound described in the last pages of this 'book. MEASLES Is generally a mild, although under certain conditions, it may become a dan- gerous disease. It begins like many fevers, with headache, backache and chills, a redness of the eyes and soon a hoarse, loose cough, which is character- istic of the disease. The rash appears first on the face in clusters with a red- dish blush, deepening and increasing as it comes out. There is generally fever. Treatment — Patient must be kept quiet and in a darkened and well-ventilated room. Great care must be taken to pre- vent the patient from catching cold. A hot Botanic Tea is excellent as a diaphoretic to bring out the rash. Hot lemonade is also good. . The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Elder Berries, Elder Flowers, Lov- age, Sage, Tormentil, Birch Bark, Yar- row, Tansy, Holy Herb, Marigold, Saf- fron and Bistort. To those who prefer a tea, all prepared and ready for use, we refer to our Formula No. 700, No. 7 and No. 22. SCARLET FEVER An acute, eruptive and infectious fever. The first symptom is usually vomiting, soon succeeded by violent heat, very rapid pulse and sore throat, which may be known by the pain on swallowing. Then a rash or reddish blush spreads over the body, commencing on the arms, neck, breast and face until the disease has reached its height, when later it becomes faintly yellowish and the outer skin flakes off in patches or in small, bran-like scales. Such is the course of a mild case, but it may ^e- come complicated with ulcerated throat or other symptoms. Treatment — In suspected cases the patient should be immediately put to bed and kept warm and quiet. Call a doctor and give plenty of lemon juice m water. The Herb Doctor’s choice of diaphoret- ics and aromatics are: Lady Slipper, Borage, Chamomile, Elder Berries, Elder Flowers, Frostwort, Dandelion and Sweet Balm. To those who prefer a tea, ail prepared and ready for use, we refer to Formulas No. 137, No. 700 and No. 223. DIPHTHERIA AND CROUP These diseases were formerly consid- ered distinct from each other, but are now known to be the same, the only dif- ference being in the location of the false membrane. There is, however, a form of croup called “spasmodic croup” which is common in children who are exposed to cold. In diphtheria the membrane forms in the nose or throat, where it can be seen. In croup it forms far down in the larynx or vocal box, where it can- not be seen without the aid of special instruments. Croup is more fatal than diphtheria because the windpipe often becomes stopped up by the membrane, thus choking the little patient to death. Diphtheria begins with soreness of the throat, and the glands of the neck be- come enlarged. There is also chilliness, followed by some fever and pain on at- tempting to swallow. The throat is cov- ered with a grayish yellow membrane which sometimes extends upward into the nose, or downward into the larynx, causing croup. The heart is generally weakened and the disease is sometimes followed by paralysis of the palate and throat muscles, and even the muscles of the lower extremities. Even during convalescence the heart may be suddenly paralyzed and thus follows a tragic end- ing to what appeared to be a favorable case. For this reason diphtheria patients should be kept very quiet in bed until all danger is past. Of course, everyone knows that diphtheria is a contagious disease, and a competent local physician should be called immediately. The diet should be under the instructions of the physician in charge of the case. Treatment — Call a specialist. Give fresh pineapple juice undiluted, % to 1 teaspoonful every half hour.* Lemonade with pineapple juice is excellent as a drink. Some old botanists gave half a teaspoonful of coal oil or kerosene, some y2 teaspoonful of turpentine. Give No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea as a laxative. Use oil only with doctor’s consent. The Herb Doctor’s choice of diapho- retics are; Elder Berries, Elder Flowers. As a gargle, lemon or pineapple juice are preferred or a water made from No. 5003 Natural Mineral Spring Ore. The following are excellent for use as a gargle: No. 311 Eucamint Liquid, No. 905 Mucous Solvent, No. 2036 Iron- ite. As a local treatment bandaged around the neck any of the following may be used: No. 43 Eucamint Pain Re- lief, No. 142 Mustorine, No. 159 Goose Grease Ointment. See Price list in back. 1 No. 812 — Price, 50c. Honey-Cherry-Balsam Compound — The finest cough syrup our famous Herbalist has been able to produce. Contains no sugar. Compounded of Honey, Wild Cherry, White Pine, other herbs and bal- sams. Children love it. Wonderful for singers and speakers. Try it for your throat — you will never be without it. No. 61 — 50c per jar. Juniperole — This is a preparation of Juniper and other Vegetable Oils that we can recommend as an expectorant in stubborn cases of Coughs, Croup, Bron- chitis, etc., where an expectorant is indi- cated. It is a handy household remedy that should be in every home. We have never heard or seen a remedy that so quickly relieves that heavy feeling in the chest caused by phlegm that stub- bornly refuses to be expelled. No. 142- — Price, 50c. Mustorin e — Medium and Triple Strength. A very efficacious application for the throat and breast in colds, coughs, sore throat, pleurisy, pneumonia and as a rub in rheumatic pains. It is very powerful and takes the place of the old fashioned mustard plaster. In addi- tion to the mustard, it contains other oils and gums that add greatly to its efficacy. Medium strength is for chil- dren, triple strength for adults. No. 97 — Price, 25c and $1.00 per box. Pig Candy Laxative- — This ideal Lax- ative contains no Drugs — no medicinal roots or herbs of any kind. It is some- thing entirely new. It acts as a me- chanical lubricant — similar to the min- eral oils so widely advertised — but far superior to these as it is not oily — is not made from oils. Contains only Pigs and Seeds. Absolutely harmless, regardless of the quantity taken. It is made of Pigs and tastes like figs and has no medicinal flavor or taste nor any medic- inal value. It is a laxative and nothing else. Children love it. Old folks enjoy it. 8 SMALLPOX Smallpox comes on with a severe pain in the back, chills occur with intense headache, followed by fever. The rash comes on about the third day and at first looks very much like measles or scarlet fever. About the eighth day the postules appear on the fact and arms and these are gradually covered with thick crusts which drop off, leaving well-known “pits” or scars. Various in- ternal organs may become affected and the patient may have bronchitis, pneu- monia or inflammation of the kidneys. Treatment — Give at once No. 99 as a laxative. Call a doctor. Give lemon juice diluted a little with water. No. 3003 Natural Mineral Spring Water is also very good to allay the thirst. CHICKENPOX Is a mild but very contagious disease, usually lasting about four or five days. It consists of the appearance of vesicles, smooth and transparent, filled with a watery fluid, mostly located on the cov- ered parts of the body, and -which ma- ture rapidly, frequently becoming as large as peas within a day’s time. These thin, watery vesicles often come out in clusters, burst and dry up, leaving a small puckered scab. The attack is at- tended with slight fever. Treatment — Give at once: No. 99, as a laxative. Apply No. 43 Eucamint Pain Relief to allay the itching and do not allow patient to scratch. Keep patient in bed. The Herb Doctor’s choice of diapho- retics are: Elder Berries, Elder Flow- ers, Nettle Leaves, Sweet Balm, Bone- MUMPS Is known by the sensitive swelling of a gland in front of and below the ear, on one or both sides. It is attended with fever and pain when chewing. It usu- ally passes off in three or four days, but is sometimes dangerous if the pa- tient is chilled. Complications may arise that may be more or less serious. Treatment — Put patient to bed. Give at once No. 99 Laxative Tea. Apply No. 43 Eucamint Pain Relief or No. 159 Goose Grease Ointment to reduce pain and swelling, and give plenty of lemon juice in water. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botan- icals are: Sweet Balm, Chamomile Flow- ers, Elder Flowers. Use chiefly with the addition of lemon juice as refriger- ant teas; if taken hot they act as dia- phoretics. 9 LA GRIPPE OR INFLUENZA The first symptoms are a chill, sneez- ing and cold in the head, followed by a cough which may be the beginning of pneumonia. Sometimes the throat is sore and ulcers may appear on the ton- sils. Acting pains in the back and other parts of the body are often com- plained of. There is apt to be consid- erable fever and much weakness, and the patient is low-spirited. Treatment — Patient should be put to bed and kept warm. Give whiskey di- luted with lemon juice. Should pneu- monia develop it will require the usual supportive and stimulating measures that are employed in ordinary cases of that disease. The after-effects of this disease are frequently more to be dreaded than the disease itself. The system is frequently left weakened and debilitated, in which condition it is open to attacks from other diseases and even to recurrence of this trouble. Whiskey will keep up the strength — Diaphoretics and Tonics are often useful. Call only an experienced doctor. The Herb Doctor's choice of Febri- fuges and Diaphoretics and Tonics are: Boneset, Jesuits Bark, Chamomile, Sweet Flag, Goose Grass. The already mixed formulas are No. 700 Ague Weed Com- pound, No. 22 Jesuits Fever Bark Com- gound, No. 7 Florida Tea, No. 12 Hop :itter, No. 182 Birch Mountain Tea and No. 221 German Breast Tea. Also see coughs and colds. ERYSIPELAS This is a general or constitutional disease, due to an infection by a germ. It differs from other fevers in the fact that it begins as a local inflammation of the skin, often on the face, and may spread to other parts of the body. The inflamed spot is red, smooth and shines like a piece of polished furniture. There is generally a chill with fever, loss of appetite, dry furred tongue and a les- sened amount of urine. Sometimes ab- scesses occur with the local inflamma- tion and other symptoms of blood poi- soning may appear. Meningitis is also a complication of serious importance. Treatment — Call a specialist. Give at once No. 99 Laxative Tea. Use No. 43 Eucamint Pain Relief or Sulphur-Tar Salve to afflicted parts. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botani- cals are: Strawberry Leaves, Sweet Balm, Elder Flowers, used mainly as re- frigerant drinks. 10 TONSILLITIS AND QUINSY Begins with redness, swelling of the throat and tonsils, difficult and painful swallowing, there is a fever and great prostration, and the disease may ter- minate in ulceration of the tonsils. Treatment — First give No. 99 as a laxative. Spray the throat frequently by means of an atomizer with Ironite or Eucamint Liquid. Apply No. 159 Goose Grease around the throat, cover- ing with a flannel bandage, renewing as often as necessary. The diet should be easily digestible and nourishing food: farina or other gruel, milk and beef tea. Lemon juice is also good. See Fevers. LARYNGITIS Or inflammation of the Larynx and vocal cords is characterized by hoarse- ness, or a whispering voice; a sensation of constriction in the throat and inabil- ity to breathe freely, accompanied by pressure on the throat or along the larnyx. There is usually a hoarse cough, with expectoration of tough, ad- hesive mucous and a sensation as if there were a lump in the throat. Treatment — Same as for Tonsillitis. Any of the following are useful as a gargle: No. 311 Eucamint Liquid, No. 3003 Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water, No. 2036 Ironite and No. 135 Catarrh Mouth Wash. The following are also useful: No. 812 Honey Cherry Balsam Compound, No. 175 Elm Mint Lozenges, No. 173 Bronchial Candy Lozenges, No. 709 Vocalla Mint Lozenges and No. 233 Pinol Spray. CATARRH Is a chronic inflammation of the mu- cous membrane lining the nasal cavities. Its principal symptoms are, profuse dis- charge of thick mucous, nose is stopped up, difficulty in breathing. There is sometimes pain across the forehead. Treatment — Any combination of the following form an excellent local treat- ment: No. 903 Cedar Forest Aireol, No. 136 Golden Seal Catarrh Snuff, No. 310 Catarrh Smoke, No. 511 Catarrh Jell and No. 233 Pinol Spray. HEADACHES Headache is a symptom of some dis- ease or derangement of the system. The cause should be determined before any treatment is taken. Eye strain is also a very common cause. Other causes are diseases of the womb and ovaries in women, piles and malaria, anemia, the 11 excessive use of tobacco, exposure to cold, errors in diet, a plug- of wax in the internal ear, catarrh of the nose and upper part of the frontal sinus, the in- halation of gas in houses where the fix- tures are leaky, sleeping in closely and illy-ventillated rooms, etc., etc. Treatment — Take one or two Annistan Tablets to relieve the pain. Then deter- mine the cause and take the proper ac- tion to remove same. If of a nervous nature, take Calmative Tea; if due to constipation or disturbance of the diges- tive organism, take a large dose of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. EARACHE Earache is generally due to a slight cold; it can also result from catarrh or sinus trouble. ,If due to a cold the fol- lowing is useful: Treatment — Pour a few drops of our No. 47 Ear Lotion on cotton and place into the ear. Apply warm water bottle and rest in bed. SORE EYES Inflamed and sore eyes, may be due to a slight cold, eye strain, catarrh, hay fever, etc. Treatment — Determine the cause and take the proper treatment. Apply No. 73 Eye Salve. Bathe the eyes frequently with a warm tea of Fennel Seed. Our No. 72 Eye Tonic is also very good. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals for bathing the eyes are: Eye Bright, Chamomile, Fennel Seed, Cheese Plant, Yarrow. NEURALGIA In this ailment the pain generally af- fects one side of the face. Exposure to cold is a common cause of Neuralgia. Often decayed teeth or teeth in which the nerve has been taken out are the cause. Malaria is also a cause. Treatment — Determine the cause and use the proper treatment. Apply Euca- mint Pain Relief and take one or two Annistan Tablets. Keep the bowels open with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxa- tive Tea. The Herb Doctor’s choice of Stimu- lants and Antiperiodics are: Canada Snake Root, Rocky Mountain Grape Root, Jamaica Ginger, Galangal, Chamo- mile Flowers, Celandine, Juniper Berries and Black Cohosh. The prepared formulas are: Formula No. 16 Cohosh Wild Root Compound, No. 7 Florida Tea. Also see No. 965 Fairy Wax. Our big book, “The Herbalist and Medicine Man Almanac,” containing hun- dreds of simple recipes, is free^- 12 A most valuable application for all ailments wherever a cooling, soothing liniment can be applied. It banishes pain quicker than any liniment modern science has yet produced, to our knowl- edge. It affords relief in Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Earache, Stiff Neck and Joints, Aching Feet, Headache, Sores, Cramps, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Eruptions, Wounds, Eczema, Skin Diseases, Insect Bites, Piles, Itch, CORNS, Bunions, Boils, and all inflammation where a soothing, cooling agent is indicated. directions — Apply as a liniment by placing a small quantity into the palm of the hand and rubbing on afflicted part. The longer the rubbing is continued the better the effects. Unlike liniments, which have a strong obnoxious odor, this delightful article is delicately perfumed, pleasant to apply. For Corns, Bunions, Insect Bites, Boils, apply directly or bandage with soft cot- ton. Euca-Mint is a preparation that should be kept on hand for emergency cases. It may be used freely withouh causing harmful effects. Many serious ailments can be prevented if it is used promptly. It is better to be on the safe side and keep a tube of Euca-Mint on hand all the time for quick use. FOR ANIMALS. For domestic animals and fowls, Euca- Mint has been found effective in certain diseases. Distemper In Horses Or Dogs, Rub Euca-Mint on throat and between jawbones and apply freely up the nos- trils. Colds Or Roup In Fowls. Rub a little Euca-Mint over nose holes in beak and make the fowl swallow a piece the size of a bean. Pneumonia Or Pleurisy In Horses. Keep in a warm, dry, well ventilated, roomy box stall, and give plenty of water and laxative feed. Rub Euca-Mint well over chest and push handfuls up each nostril. Rub the salve over region of the lungs, back of forelegs and cover. 13 THE OLD-FASHION PLASTER. Judging1 from the great number of in- quiries we get for Kidney Plasters and Lung Plasters, it appears that these will again become as popular as they were 40 years ago. Like Roots and Herbs, they have been succeeded by more powerful drugs, but gradually people are coming back to these good old standbys — and their values in certain ailments are being rediscovered. When you get tired drug- ging yourself try one of these plasters — they are great and harmless. We offer in the following the highest grade plas- ter that can be made: Kidney Plaster — Help- ful in Lumbago, Tired and Lame Back, etc 65c Lung Plaster — Useful in Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Whooping Cough, etc 40c Belladonna Plasters — The good old fashion kind, used for the same purpose as all of the above. . . .15c 3STO. 770 — 50c each. Medicine Bag — To prevent contagion of the Flu and other epidemics. This is a small bag to be carried or hung around the neck in times of epidemics to prevent contagion. It contains various powerful gums and balsams. We con- sider this of doubtful value. K”o. 703- — Box, 50c. Oriental Incense — When burned or placed on the back of stove it purifies and perfumes the air. Very valuable during epidemics and contagious dis- eases. Should be burned in every home where there is one afflicted with catarrh, consumption, and similar diseases, to sweeten the air. 14 NEURASTHENIA OR NERVOUS PROSTRATION Too much worry and care commonly due to too much excitement, too many parties, and excesses of all kinds. The symptoms are: Irritability, despondency, fear, sleeplessness, physical exhaustion, poor appetite, spells of dizziness, trem- bling, palpitation of the heart, backache and headache in the back of the head. Treatment — Absolute rest is essential. Plenty of fresh air and deep breathing is beneficial. Avoid flesh foods. Drink milk or copious quantities of Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water No. 3003. A good Nervine is often useful. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Nervines are: Fragrant Valerian Root, Blue Vervain, Chamomile, Scullcap, Wood Betony, Lady Slipper, Catnip, Comfrey Root, Sage Leaves, the latter very mild. The prepared formulas are: No. 21 Dr. Brown’s Nerve Root Compound, No. 24 Old Style Nerve Root Compound, No. 20 German Celery Compound, No. 29 Blue Vervain and Scullcap Compound, No. 227 Celery Compound and No. 16 Cohosh Wild Root Compound. NEURITIS Is an inflammation of a nerve. It may affect the entire nerve and its branches or only a single branch. Exposure to a severe cold wind is the most common cause. Other causes are injury, strain, or severe pressure, and the aftermath of severe illness. The most important symptom is a peculiar shooting pain. Treatment — D etermine the cause. Avoid exposure to cold and dampness. Rest the part involved. If the pain is severe take 1 or 2 Annistan Tablets. Some get relief by applying ice packs, others by applying a hot water bottle. No. 43 Eucamint Pain Relief is very beneficial. No. 18 Triple or Medium Geranium Liniment is preferred by some. No. 115 Circus Oil, No. 141 Foamola Rub and No. 965 Fairy Wax are good local applications. The Herb Doctor’s choice of Anti- periodics and Nervines are: Black Snake Root, Fragrant Valerian, Chamomile Flowers, Mormon Valley Herbs, and Wild Lettuce; the latter very mild. The prepared formulas are: No. 16 Co^ hosh Wild Root Compound, No. 24 Old Style Nerve Root Compound, No. 120 Snake Root Compound, No. 123 Queen of the Meadow Compound, No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound and Sonora Flat Leaf Tea. 15 No. 18 — M edium or Triple Strength, $2.00 12-oz. bottle; 2-oz., 50c. “Geranium” Liniment — A most valuable ap- plication for all ail- ments where a liniment can be applied. It ban- ishes pain quicker than any liniment modern science has yet pro- duced, to our knowl- edge. It affords quick relief in Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Earache, Stiff Neck and Joints, Aching Feet, Headache, Cramps, Toothache, Sprains, Bruises, Sores, Burns, Eruptions, Wounds, Eczema, etc. For open, bruised or tender skin, use medium strength. No. 115 — Price, 50c. Circus Oil- — This is an old tried lini- ment extensively used by acrobats and circus people. It is excellent as a rub for Stiff Joints, Sprains, Bruises and wherever a mild, bland, soothing liniment is indicated. No. 143— Price, $1.00. Luca Leaves Compound — This is a combination of leaves from California that have given such good results in some forms of rheumatism that we were urged to add it to our list. These leaves are placed in a vessel containing two gallons of water and the feet are bathed in this every evening' for seven nights as hot as it can be borne. The same herb liquid is used over and over again. In most cases the rheumatic pains, or lumbago, have flown before the seventh day. If not, the treatment is repeated with a fresh package of herbs. No. 145 — Price, 25c. Medicated Insoles— These insoles are especially valuable to those suffering from cold, clammy feet and rheumatism. In summer they keep the feet sweet and cool. State size and number and whether for ladies or men. No. 141 — Price, 50c. Poamola Rub — This is a powerful sap- onaceous rubbing cream for stiff and aching joints. It is a very hot, penetrat- ing cream and should not be used where the skin is raw or inflamed. 16 SCIATICA Sciatica is a form of Neuritis. The leading symptom is a pain along the track of nerve. The pain is felt behind the thigh, from the hip down, towards the knee and sometimes down to the heel. Treatment — Most cases are very obsti- nate and require long treatment; the same as for Neuritis. Hot applications and hot liniments such as No. 18 Triple Geranium Liniment and No. 141 Poamola Rub are the best. LUMBAGO Lumbago is characterized by a crick in the back or painful rheumatic stiff- ness across the loins and back. Treatment — Same as for Rheumatism. RHEUMATISM Rheumatism is an ailment that is fre- quently complicated by other affections. Lumbago and Sciatica are forms of this disease, and should be treated according to its location. MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM Muscular Rheumatism is mostly due to exposure to damp, cold weather. There is usually fever, painful tenderness, sore- ness, lameness and swelling of the af- fected part and the disease may shift from one part to another. It is gen- erally confined to the joints and extremi- ties of the arms and legs, but may in- volve any part of the body. Treatment — Take 1 or 2 Annistan Tab- lets to relieve the pain if too severe. Rest, in bed or easy chair, is essential. Eat only plain food, avoiding acids, sweets, meats and pastries and other rich foods. Drink plenty of lemon juice and water and take a good alterative or anti-rheumatic remedy, and keep bowels open with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. The Herb Doctor's choice of mild al- teratives are: Virginia Snake Root, Black Snake Root, Rheumatism Root, Seven Barks, Rocky Mountain Grape Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Burdock Root and Seed, Yellow Dock Root, Angelica, Celery Seed, Horse Radish, Yarrow, White Bry- ony, Asparagus, Juniper Berries, Bay- berry Bark, Bogbean, Centaury, Winter- green Leaves, Sweetfern and Bull Nettle Root. The prepared formulas are: No. 120 Snake Root Compound, No. 16 Cohosh Wild Root Compound, No. 123 Queen of the Meadow Compound, No. 600 Yellow 17 Dock Clover Compound and No. 131 Mor- mon Valley Herb Compound. The prepared local applications are: No. 18 Medium and Triple Strength Geranium Liniment, No. 141 Foamola Rub, No. 43 Eucamint Pain Relief, No. 115 Circus Oil and No. 965 Fairy Wax. See also No. 143 Euca Leaves Compound. The Natural Mineral Spring Ore VVater is excellent as a drink in this ailment. GOUT The symptoms are a severe sharp shooting pain in the joint of the big toe preceded by various disturbances such as headache, neuralgic pains, drowsiness, tender sore throat, etc. Treatment — See Rheumatism. BRONCHIAL TROUBLES In affections of the pulmonary organs, diet, sunlight, and proper nursing can do more than medicine. Local remedies are often useful. The botanical demul- cents, diaphoretics and refrigerants and expectorants listed here can merely aid Nature and do not constitute a panacea. BRONCHITIS Is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the air passages of the throat and chest, shown by hoarseness, cough, fever and soreness in the chest. Treatment — Give No. 99 Tea as a laxa- tive. Inhale vapors of No. 903 Cedar Forest Aireol or Eucamint Pain Relief by placing a small quantity in boiling hot water. Use No. 61 Juniperole, or any of our Cough medicines, for their expecto- rant properties. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild expectorants are: Mullein, Coughwort, Hoarhound, Sundew, Yarrow, Linden Flowers, Honey, Marshmallow, Figwort and Flax Seed. The prepared formulas already mixed ready for use are: No. 8 Wild Cherry Pectoral, No. 203 Bavarian Herb Tea, No. 221 German Breast Tea, and No. 223 Floral Breast Tea. PLEURISY This comes on suddenly, with a chill, fever, and sharp, stabbing pains, called stitches in the side. The pains are made worse by coughing, pressure, or deep in- spiration. There is also a frequent, dry cough, parched tongue. The patient lies on the back or affected side. If the lung is involved, the sputa or expectoration will be adhesive and streaked with blood. Note — This disease is of a serious nature and should be treated by a 18 physician. Under conditions where no physician can be obtained, give at once a good botanic tea. Apply hot, wet cloths to affected side and give a hot footbath. Great care must be taken to avoid exposure and not to go out too soon. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Expectorants and Diaphoretics are: Pleu- risy Root, Wahoo Bark or Root, Hoar- hound, Coltsfoot, Blessed Thistle, Net- tle Leaves, Holy Herb, Angelica, Bryony, Holly Leaves, White Pine, Lungwort, Wild Cherry Bark. The prepared formu- las are: No. 134 Wahoo Pleurisy Root Compound, No. 7 Florida Tea, No. 8 Wild Cherry Pectoral, No. 22 Jesuits Fever Bark Compound, No. 182 Birch Mountain Tea, No. 203 Bavarian Herb Tea, No. 221 German Breast Tea, No. 223 Floral Breast Tea and No. 903 Cedar Forest Aireol taken internally in % teaspoonful doses. HAY FEVER Hay Fever and Rose Catarrh are the names by which a peculiar yearly recur- ring catarrhal affection is known. The access is sudden, often attended with violent sneezing; also running from the eyes and nose of thin, irritating water; redness and itching of the nose and eyes; general irritability and lassitude. The disease is less in high, mountainous regions, or at the sea. It is aggravated by dust, and by pollen of hay and flow- ers. Sea bathing is often beneficial, and a sea-voyage often affords entire relief. Treatment — See treatment for Catarrh. Also look carefully through our Almanac. Several remedies have been submitted by readers. ASTHMA Asthma is known by occasional par- oxysms of difficult breathing, lasting from a few hours to several days, com- ing on at intervals, to be followed by remissions, during which the patient breathes with comparative ease. The at- tack returns again, either at regular in- tervals, or is provoked by exposure to cold, damp air, severe effort or even mental emotions; during the attack, the respiration is labored, wheezing, sighing, loud; accompanied with anxiety and fre- quent cough. Sometimes the lips and face become bluish, and toward its close, or even during its entire continuance, free expectoration of mucous. Treatment — It is doubtful if the same botanicals will affect every person in the same degree, therefore, we can only list such as have been found useful as Anti- 19 spasmodics and Carminatives. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Wild Plum Bark, Skunk Cabbage, Wild Cherry Bark, Elder Flowers, Elder Berries, Hoar- hound, Mullein, Nettle, Speedwell, Ele- campane, Celandine, Grindelia; the ready mixed formulas are: No. 137 Juni- per Berry Compound, No. 203 Bavarian Herb Tea, No. 182 Birch Mountain Tea, No. 221 German Breast Tea and No. 223 Floral Breast Tea. There are also a large number of common household remedies such as: Eating raw onions, red cabbage, raw linseed oil. See our Almanac. If you have none, send for one; they are free. As a local treatment the following will be found useful: No. 903 Cedar Forest Aireol, No. 310 Catarrh Smoke, No. 133 Medicated Cotton, No. 233 Pinol Spray (this is often also taken internally, 1 teaspoonful 2 or 3 times a day). Also see treatment for catarrh. CONGESTION OF THE CHEST This is usually attended with a feel- ing of oppression and tightness; some- times there is a short, irritating cough. This congestion is often brought on by exposure. Treatment — Any of the following bo- tanicals are useful as expectorants if taken cold. Formula No. 221 German Breast Tea, 203 Bavarian Herb Tea, and No. 182 Birch Mountain Tea. WEAK LUNGS— CONSUMPTION In these ailments, fresh air, sunlight and the proper nourishing food can do more than medicine. Keep bowels open with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. Drink plenty of Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. Eat plenty of vegetables and food rich in vitamines and mineral salts. Take Coltsfoot Tea as an expec- torant to relieve the coughing spells. There are a number of ailments for which no recognized cure has been found yet the patient lives his full span of life by arresting the ailment with common sense living methods. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals for relieving coughing spells and to aid expectoration are: Coltsfoot, Mullein Leaves, Hoarhound, Holy Herb, German Cheese Plant, Marshmallow Root, Elm Bark, Linden Flowers, Nettle Leaves, Wild Cherry Bark, White Pine Bark, Sundew, Thyme. The prepared formulas are: No. 221 German Breast Tea, No. 134 Wahoo Pleurisy Root Compound, No. 203 Bavarian Herb Tea, No. 223 Floral 20 Breast Tea, No. 77 Buffalo Herb Tea and No. 8 Wild Cherry Pectoral. PNEUMONIA This is a disease of dangerous char- acter. It may affect one or both sides of the chest, the double form being the more serious. It comes on often unno- ticed at first after a cold, with rest- lessness, a chill, and fever, and occa- sionally is well seated before its irue character is known. There is a deep- seated dull pain or oppression under the shoulder blades, side, or breast; fre- quent short coughs and expectoration of sticky, adhesive matter of a green, yel- low or rust color, usually tinged or mixed with blood. The breathing is op- pressed, short and hurried. The skin is hot over the ribs and armpits; the nose is dry, eyes are tearless. There is great thirst. The speech is interrupted and hurried in bad cases. The pulse varies — sometimes rapid and full, at others hard and wiry, or quick and weak. The urine is reddish, scanty and sometimes burns and the patient lies on the affected side or on the back. Note — This disease is of a serious na- ture and should be treated when possible by a physician. Put the patient to bed and give a good botanic tea. Rub the chest with Triple Strength Mustor- ine No. 142 and apply a hot water bag. or cloths wrung out of hot water to the chest, cover with dry flannel if the op- pression is severe. Also sprinkle No. 903 Cedar Forest Aireol on patient’s pil- low. The patient must be kept in a well ventilated room, very quiet, and have only a very light diet. These means will gradually relieve the oppression, al- lay the fever, induce free perspiration. The patient must avoid exposure until quite recovered. Plenty of fresh air is most important. Add lemon juice to all drinking water. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical expectorants are: Pleurisy Root, Lung- wort, Coughfort, Honey, Wild Cherry. The prepared formulas ready for use are: No. 22 Jesuits Fever Bark Com- pound, No. 7 Florida Tea, No. 8 Wild Cherry Pectoral, No. 134 Wahoo Pleu- risy Root, No. 221 German Breast Tea and No. 223 Floral Breast Tea. STOMACH AND BOWEL DISORDERS These are almost entirely due to im- proper diet. The botanicals mentioned are not held out as specifics for these disorders. They are recommended mere- I 21 ly for their bitter tonic effect, improv- ing and increasing the gastric juice, or, as is the case with demulcents, to soothe or lubricate the organs or passage. They are in the main mild tonics, laxatives and demulcents. DYSPEPSIA — WEAK STOMACH Thousands of persons suffer from oc- casional stomach disorders. With some it is but a temporary indisposition, caused by fatigue, or some error in diet, symptoms being loss of appetite, coated tongue, bad taste in the mouth, espe- cially in the morning. With others, it is a permanent affec- tion, with constant weakness of the di- gestion so that even the mildest food causes heaviness or uneasiness. There is also constipation and lowness of spir- its which mark the confirmed dyspeptic. Sometimes, even the slightest food causes a sensation of fullness of the stomach and a feeling of weight and heaviness, as if a stone lay in tb ; stomach; tight clothes are insupportab t and there is tenderness of the part or pressure. Often the food will rise again to the mouth with a taste of sourness. Piles and flatulency are often symptoms. Treatment — People who suffer from dyspepsia should be careful of their diet. They should eat very moderately, chew the food well, taking plenty of time for meals, and drink no fluid while eating. An hour before each meal take a good stomach tonic, and on retiring at night, take one Vitamol Wafer as a mild laxative. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Carminatives and Tonics are: Gentian Root, Wormwood, Angelica, Juniper Ber- ries, Elecampane, Black Alder, Rhu- barb, Wild Cherry, Strawberry Reaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Balmony. The prepared formulas are: No. 10 Father John’s Stomach Tea, No. 11 Father Ber- nard’s Stomach Tea, No. 12 Hop Bitters, No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea and No. 999 Body Tonic Tea. ACUTE INDIGESTION Is caused by over-eating or eating food which “disagrees” with the stomach or it sometimes appears at intervals of a few weeks for no apparent cause. It usually is a fixed, violent pain at the pit of the stomach. Sometimes there is nausea and vomiting, the pain is not steady but comes and goes and the re- gion of the stomach is often bloated and tender to the touch. Acute indigestion is sometimes very 22 serious. Treatment should be started immediately and continued until the pa- tient is entirely recovered. Treatment — For a sudden attack of acute indigestion take four to six tablets of No. 99 as a carminative cathartic. Repeat this treatment in an hour if nec- essary. The patient should remain quiet until completely relieved. A hot water bag at the pit of the stomach will often help. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Cathartics are: Sacred Bark, Turtle- bloom, Wormwood, Senna Leaves, But- ternut Bark. The prepared formulas are: No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea and No. 11 Father Bernard’s Stomach CONSTIPATION Constipation is usually caused by overlooking matters of hygiene, such as want of sufficient exercise, drinking too little water, too concentrated a diet, ir- regularities in the time of eating and of going to the toilet; also eating foods that do not contain the necesary amount of roughage, such as bran and coarse vegetables. The symptoms of constipation are sluggishness, drowsiness, dizziness, no appetite, bad taste in the mouth, Dad breath, a full feeling on the abdomen, which is hard upon pressure, and is sometimes distended; there may also be headache and muddy or sallow complex- ion. Treatment — Take two or four tabiets of No. 99 as a laxative before retiring, then gradually decrease the dose until you reach the least amount that will give you one or two good movements daily. Go to the toilet regularly at fixed times; take plenty of exercise; drink at least six glasses of water daily; and avoid eating too much meat; replace it with plenty of fruit and green vege- tables. Vitamol Wafers are the very best thing we have for chronic constipation, especially effective if dissolved in slight- ly soured milk or buttermilk. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Laxatives are: Sacred Bark, Senna, Psyllium Seed, Figs, Prunes, Bran, Sea Weed or Agar, Butternut Bark, Turtle- bloom, Mandrake Root, Culvers Root, Virginia Snake Root and Boneset. The prepared formulas are. For chil- dren— Fig Candy Laxative, No. 2033 Vi- tamol Wafers and No. 99 Medium Tab- lets. For Adults — No. 99 Tea or Tablets, No. 555 Double Quick Tablets and above all No. 2033 Vitamol Wafers. 23 VITAMOL WAFERS are composed- entirely of Roots, Moss, Sea Weed and certain parts of Milk, Grain and Yeast. They contain no The dark spots in the above illustration show decayed refuse lying in pockets in the folds of the in- testines — often these pockets become en- larged and the refuse •matter is held there for weeks — polluting the system with poi- sonous gases and congesting and irri- tating the surround- ing organs — causing adhesions and all sorts of ailments. mineral drugs of any kind. Their objective is threefold. 1. To add vitamin B and other organic salts to the diet. 2. To promote the bacteria Acidophilus and Bifidus. 3. To add bulk and roughage to the bowel contents. Note also how re- fuse matter passes through intestines in small concentrated lumps. EatVITAMOL WAFERS as a pre- ventative of conges- tion and crowding of the vital organs by a distended stomach and bowels Riled with gas and fecal matter that should be dis- charged daily. The shaded portions in above illustration show how Vitamol Wafers add bulk to the refuse in the in- testines filling the folds and pockets evenly, thus prevent- ing their distortion and enlargement — and producing full and complete evacuations. No. 2033— Price, 50c per box. Family size, $2.00. DYSENTERY This is a disease which is frequently fatal in summer and autumn. The first symptom is usually a sensation of heaviness and weight about the anus, soon followed by a desire for a stool. Or, there may be diarrhoea for a day or two, then the evacuations become more tedious, scanty and attended with strain- ing and a desire to continue the effort, as if the evacuation could not be com- pleted. The evacuations consist of mu- cous, mixed more or less with blood. Before and during evacuations there are violent cutting pains, pressing pains in the bowels, often very severe. In some cases there is violent fever; in others there is little or none. Treatment — First wash out the bowels with Citrate of Magnesia, Salts or Castor Oil. Take Bismuth subnitrate tablets, 2 every half hour. This is not a medicine — merely a protective coating for the bowels. After the disease has run its course a weak tea of Blackberry Root as an astringent may be taken — this tea can gradually be taken stronger. The patient should keep quiet, avoid exercise or labor of any kind, lie down, and con- fine himself strictly, during the whole course of the disease, to a porridge made of milk and flour, well cooked, or to farina gruel, rice-water and boiled rice. No vegetables or fruit can be allowed; nor meat nor meat broths. Absolutely no sugar should be taken; even a small amount will cause an aggravation of the condition. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild Astringents and Demulcents are: Black- berry Root, Wild Alum Root, Yarrow, Bilberry Leaves, Iceland Moss, Marsh- mallow, Wild Strawberry Leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Bayberry Bark, Benne Leaves, Butternut Bark, Columbo, Cheese plant, Matico, Persimmon Bark, Rhubarb, St. Johnswort, Sumbul, Water Pepper, Water Avens Root. The already mixed formulas are: No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea, No. 33 Demulcent Tea, and No. 34 Prairie Plant Compound. COLIC, INFANTS Treatment — Give warm Fennel Tea made by placing a heaping teaspoonful of the fresh seed in saucer of boiling water, allow to cool until quite warm. Give a teaspoonful or more. Relief is almost instant. Our No. 49 Baby Fennel Tea is especially valuable for this ail- ment. These teas may be sweetened. 25 No. 739 — M. I. E., box 50c, large $2.00. Marvel Internal Emollient — This is a purely vegetable combination of seeds and plants that act admirably on the stomach and intestinal tract. It absorbs moisture and acids that may be present and passes them out of the system by way of the rectum. It contains natural oils in the seeds that have a soothing and allaying effect on inflamed and mucous membrane. It contains a mucilaginous substance that is an excellent demulcent and sooth- ing emollient. This effect is such that it acts as a mechanical lubricant to the bowels — and is scientifically classed as a mild laxative — far superior to mineral oils so much advertised these days. It contains a fibrous matter — that aids the bowel movement and adds bulk and roughage to the bowel contents. It contains a slightly bitter principle in several of the plants that acts as a very mild tonic. This preparation is entirely harmless and may be used with any other medica- tion except where no food of any kind is permitted. The average dose is 1 to 3 teaspoon- fuls of the ground material 3 times a day — preferably y2 hour before meals or y2 hour after meals, or whenever there is bloating or indication of an acid condition of the stomach. Give it to the children if they can take it — it is harmless and beneficial. These herbs may also be made into a tea but will probably be not nearly as effective as when swallowed dry. Diet — It is advisable to abstain from meat, pastries and sweets. Eat vege- tables— cooked or raw. Drink at least one cupful of milk each day. Note — -If this article is used as an adjunct in the treatment of Catarrh of the Stomach, Mucous Colitis and similar complaints, this preparation can be im- proved by adding contents of a 25c box of Golden Seal Powder to each 50c box of the Emollient; or a $1.00 size box to a $2.00 box of the Emollient. No. 88 — Price, $1.00. “B” Vitamol Tonic Bitters — This is a mixture of powdered yeast and herbs to be spread on bread and eaten 2 to 6 spoonfuls a day. It supplies the vita- mines B to the diet, the lack of which so often are the cause of pimples, boils, etc. It is gently laxative and also has a pleasant bitter taste. 26 STOMACH ULCERS This ailment is commonly due to acid- ity, indiscretion in food, alcohol, etc. The symptoms are: Indigestion and loss of weight; hyperacidity; constant pain in the pit of the stomach, which is in- creased by taking food; vomiting soon after eating; the vomited matter is mixed with red blood. The disease is liable to terminate in perforation of the stomach and death. Treatment — Diet of milk, eggs, and light foods, excluding meats, sweets, etc.; perfect rest in bed; give Bismuth Sub- nitrate, two grains every 3 hours, and y2 teaspoonful of Soda Bicarbonate in half a glass of water 1 hour after meals; regulate the bowels; for severe pain take one or two Annistan Tablets. Soothing Emollients or Demulcents are excellent in this ailment. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents and Emollients are: Golden Seal, Marshmallow Root, Strawberry Leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Elm Bark, Flax Seed, Wallwort, German Cheese Plant, Linden Flowers. The pre- pared formulas are: No. 739 Marvel In- ternal Emollient and No. 138 Golden Seal Marigold Clover Compound. See also Yitamol Wafers. BOWEL ULCERS Treatment — Same as for Ulcers of the Stomach. CRAMPS OR COLIC Is generally due to constipation, undi- gestible food, abnormal quantity of bile in the intestinal tract, etc. Symptoms are: Often intense cutting, twisting, pinching pains. Treatment — Apply No. 18 Triple Lini- ment over the abdomen. Take a good, hot Carminative tea. Flush out the bow- els with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Fennel Seed, Anise Seed, Cardamon Seed, Chamomile Flowers, Wormwood, Sage, Cramp Bark. The prepared formu- las are: No. 11 Father Bernard’s Stomach Tea, No. 7 Florida Tea, No. 10 Father John’s Stomach Tea, No. 19 Wildwood Tea, No. 410 Mother’s Antispasmodic Compound. APPENDICITIS Treatment — If the case is severe and an abscess has formed, consult a spe- cialist at once. Rest in bed. Give only liquid foods and sparingly, and keep bowels open with a weak tea of No. 99 27 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. In incip- ient cases and as a preventative use No. 2033 Vitamol Wafers. See also Consti- pation. GALL STONES Or Biliary Colic consists of concre- tions in the gall bladder or biliary ducts, derived from the bile. Causes are: ex- cessive eating and drinking, obesity, tight lacing, as an aftermath of fevers, diseases of the liver and stomach. Treatment — If pain is severe take one or two Annistan Tablets. Give Olive Oil freely. Keep bowels open with a hot tea of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. Eat sparingly and more often. Abstain from meats and sweets. Consult a spe- cialist. Demulcents are often useful. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents are: Celandine, Calamint Herb, Flax Seed, Boldo Leaves, Radishes. The prepared formulas are: No. 33 De- mulcent Tea, No. 739 Marvel Internal Emollient and No. 2033 Vitamol Wafers. WORMS, ROUND Symptoms — Itching of the nose, foul breath, colicky pains, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. They can be seen in the stools. Treatment — Abstain from all food for 12 to 16 hours. Then take 1 to 2 tea- spoonfuls of No. 156 Vermifuge every half hour for 1 or 2 hours, followed with a good dose of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea as a cathartic. Repeat the treatment if necessary. Apply No. 103 Pile Ointment to the rectum if there is irritation. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Jerusalem Oak, Pomegranate, Male Fern, Pumpkin Seed, Chamomile, Mul- berry Root, Nettle Leaves, Peach Leaves, Southernwood, Wormwood, Wood Betony, Gentian, Hops, Motherwort, Tansy, Cala- mus, Goatsrue, Worm Grass Root, St. Johnswort, Groundsel, Walnuts and Raw Carrots. The already mixed formula is our No. 156 Vermifuge. WORMS, SEAT These inhabit the large intestines and especially the region of the rectum and may migrate to the sexual organs. They resemble a piece of white thread % to y2 inch long. Treatment — Same as for Round Worms. Apply Sulphur Tar Salve to the anus or bathe the external and private organs with warm water in which dis- solve % teaspoonful of No. 25 Geranium Antiseptic Lotion. 8 ANTHELMINTICS. These are drugs which destroy or ex- pel worms from the stomach and in- testines. Those in the first column are the best — Male Pern, Pomegranate, Pumpkin seeds are the ones usually used for tape worms. The formula No. 156 is, in our opin- ion the very best and least harmless worm remedy that can be made. Price per box, 25c Jerusalem Oak Am. Worm Seed Wormwood Elm Bark Flax Seed Pomegranate Bark Male Fern Root Worm Grass Root Pink Root Devil’s Shoe String Any of the above drugs may be pow- dered and mixed with honey or with syrup in equal parts or made into candy. The dose should be one teaspoonful of the syrup or one dram of the candy. Three times during the day upon an empty stomach. No food whatever, ex- cept water should be taken during this treatment. After the last dose at night a good dose of a cathartic should be taken. No. 156 — Price, 50c. S. S. Vermifuge — This is a safe and sane Vermifuge. Useful in any treat- ment for worms of children or adults, also tape worms. The main ingredients are Pumpkin Seed and Jerusalem Oak. Harmless and not unpleasant to take. CATHARTICS OR PURGATIVES These are drugs that produce copious evacuations of the bowels. Those marked X are very powerful and become irritant poisons if taken in over-dose. Price per box, 25c Mandrake Rhizome Buckthorn Bark May Apple Root X— Wild Jalap X — Scammony Root X — Man Rt. Culvers Root X — Bearsfoot Black Root Bryonia Senna Leaves X — Turpeth Root Boneset Herb Directions — Add one box of Aromatics and one box of Demulcents to any selec- tion of the above Purgatives to modify their action and prevent griping. All of the teas in this book should be taken cold, except when otherwise stated. 29 TAPE WORM Symptoms — Segments of the Tape Worm in the stools, voracious appetite which does not put on flesh, digestive disturbances. Treatment — Follow same directions as for Round Worms but take larger doses of the Vermifuge. Watch for the head of the worm in the stools. When it ap- pears a cure is effected. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Vermifuges are: Jerusalem, Male Fern, Pomegranate, Ailanthus, Wormgrass Root, Walnut Leaves, Pumpkin Seed, Mulberry Root. Our already mixed formula is No. 156 Vermifuge. One tablespoonful Epsom Salts in water or in the No. 99 Tea is very good to flush the bowels. RICKETS Rickets is a nutritional disease of childhood. Symptoms are changes in the structure of the bones, with consequent deformity, musculaf* weakness and nerv- ous disorders, changes in shape of head, chest, restlessness, nausea, abdominal distension and often delayed teething and deformity of teeth. Treatment — Call a specialist. Give plenty of bone building food, rich in minerals, especially calcium. Milk is very good for this purpose. Here is one case where No. 3003 Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water will be found of great service as a drink. Orange and Lemon juice are good. Cod Liver Oil is also recommended. Avoid sugar, sweets and starchy food. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals containing organic minerals are: Horse- tail Grass, Coltsfoot, Yellow Dock, As- paragus, Spinach, Celery, Buffalo Herb. JAUNDICE — LIVER TROUBLE A condition arising from derangement of the liver, with yellow hue of the skin and eyes. One cup of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea will be beneficial. Those subject to jaundice should avoid rich foods, fats, pastries, sweets, and red meats, and should take a moderate dose of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea every two weeks as a preventive meas- ure. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Sacred Bark, May Apple, Dandelion, Parsley Herb, Peach Tree Leaves, Plan- tain Leaves, Black Root, Butternut Bark, Bayberry, Rocky Mountain Grape Root, Eye Bright, St. Johnswort, Toadflax. The prepared formulas are: No. 99 Calumet 30 Herb Laxative Tea, No. 30 Fringe Tree Compound Tea, No. 719 Liver Tonic, No. 789 Black Jack Liver Powder and No. 790 Old Settlers Liver Tea. PILES This disease is well known. The piles may swell, burst and bleed profusely, forming what are known as bleeding piles. The loss of blood rarely weakens the patient. In some cases there is little discharge of blood, but frequent dis- charge of mucous attended with much irritation and violent itching. When there is only a slight attack, there is only itching of the parts. Treatment — Apply Pile Ointment after each stool and at night before retiring. This ointment is soothing to the inflamed parts. To receive permanent benefit and to relieve the congestion which caused the piles, take a good demulcent tea such as our No. 33 and Vitamol Wafers. Piles or hemorrhoids are usually the result of constipation. It is essential to keep the bowels open by means of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Compound or Vitamol Wafers. See Constitpation. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents are: Sweet Weed, Flax Seed, Wallwort, Mullein, Cheese Plant, Agar Agar, Pilewort, Sweet Marjoram, Dwarf Elder, Chickory. The prepared formulas are: No. 33 Demulcent Tea, No. 99 Calu- met Herb Laxative Compound, No. 34 Prairie Plant Compound and Vitamol Wafers. SKIN DISEASES The botanicals listed are mostly of a mild alterative nature. Here again proper diet, fresh air and sunlight build up resistance to disease, and medicine and drugs, except for local application are quite useless. The skin is an index to health. It is like a barometer, indicating the state of our body and certain organs. It de- mands scrupulous cleanliness. The pores should be kept open. There is no better tonic for the whole system than bathing in cold water followed by a vig- orous rubbing. It is common practise to treat erup- tions of the skin by means of external applications, but eruptions rarely form upon the surface of the skin unless there is something wrong with the sys- tem. Therefore, there is the necessity of treating all such eruptions with in- ternal remedies in addition to the ex- ternal applications. 31 IRONITE No. 2036— Price, $2.00 a bottle. The Household Giant Iron Liquid FOR MAN OR BEAST — This universal rem- edy has hundreds of uses. It may be used freely, and with good results as an external ap- plication on any sore, ulcer, boil or rash, irri- tation, inflammation or eruptions on man or beast. It cannot do harm. Better than Iodine for home use, and not painful. May be used in hundreds of ways— where Iodine cannot. It is non-poisonous — containing none of the powerful chemicals so universally used in other antiseptics — which in time are absorbed — and affect the heart. Many deaths are due to the use of antiseptic douches and mouth washes, containing Bichloride of Mercury and other powerful poisons, although these are seldom suspected. Remember this — it is important to keep Ironite in contact with the diseased tissue as long as possible — as the more Iron is ab- sorbed, the better the results. If used as a mouth wash, keep it in the imouth and around the teeth for 5 to 10 minutes. If used on sores, ulcers, and boils — renew as often as it becomes dry. If snuffed up into the nose — hold it there as long as possible — a few min- utes, at least — or repeat the operation fre- quently. FOR CATARRH OF THE NOSE— Here is one place where Ironite does marvelous work. You will be surprised and delighted with the change for better in your condition after just a few days* use of Ironite. Pour a small quantity of Ironite into the palm of the hand and snuff it up into the nose, until it can be tasted in the mouth, and expectorate. Do this two times in succession and note the amount of diseased mucous Ironite loosens and is expectorated. AS A DOUCHE FOR WOMEN— Here again Ironite will perform such marvels that we are confident no woman once using Ironite will ever be without it. 32 FOR SKIN AFFECTIONS— Rathe the af- fected parts with warm water, and dry thor~ oughly. Apply Ironite with a small brush or cloth and allow to dry without wiping. This may be done at night before retiring. FOR CUTS AND BRUISES— Bathe afflicted parts with warm water and soap, dry and ap- ply a clean cloth soaked with Ironite and bandage. FOR BOILS, SORES, AND ULCERS— Bathe the afflicted parts with warm water and apply Ironite and allow to dry on — or apply cotton soaked with Ironite and bandage. Sores and ulcers will heal quickly and boils will not spread with the frequent use of this marvel- ous household remedy. FOR PILES — After sponging the anus with warm water, apply Ironite with a soft cloth, and allow to dry. Best results, however, are obtained by making an ointment by melting *4 lb. lard and adding one or two ounces of Ironite, stirring constantly until the lard cools. FOR CHAPS — Follow same directions as for skin diseases. Or it may be used as an ointment as for piles. FOR TONSILITIS AND THROAT TROU- BLES— Gargle with Ironite — keeping it in con- tact with the affected parts as long as pos- sible, but do not swallow. Ironite is not an internal remedy. Do this two or three times a day. 33 PRICKLY HEAT Is very anonying. It consists of small vesicles filled with a watery fluid and producing- a continuous redness or inflammatory blush of the skin. These vesicles break, forming small, thin scales. They are attended with itching, burning and often with fever. Prickly heat is the result of excessive heat, or living in unwholesome air and eating improper food. Treatment — Bathe the affected parts with Medicated Witch Hazel. Keep the bowels open by a dose of No. 99 Calu- met Herb Laxative Tea. Drink plenty of lemonade. The Herb Doctor's choice of mild bo- tanical Alteratives are: Yellow Dock, Blue Flag, Queen’s Delight, Prickly Ash Bark, Sweet Fern, Red Clover Flowers. The prepared formulas are: No. 600 Yellow Dock Clover Compound, No. 1000 Clover Blue Flag Compound and No. 131 Morman Valley Herb Com- pound. Also see No. 2036 Ironite, No. 39 Medicated Dusting Powder and No. 43 Eucamint Pain Relief. ECZEMA Is an inflammation of the skin and may be acute or chronic. It may ap- pear on the face, around the mouth, or on the ears, cheeks or forehead, or any part of the body, with rough, scaly chapped skin, attended with itching and burning; the crusts fall off, leaving an angry, sore surface, upon which the crusts form anew. Treatment — During the first course of this disease, it is most important to keep the bowels open by the occasional use of No. 99. Diet is of extreme importance. All salty, greasy and fried food, also pastry and cheese, should be avoided. The affected parts should be cleansed with Medicated Witch Hazel, avoiding the use of water, and powdered with No. 39 Medicated Dusting Powder. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild bo- tanical Alteratives and Astringents are: Sweet Fern Leaves and Twigs, Goose Grass, Huckleberry Leaves, Yellow Dock, Red Clover Flowers, Seven Barks, Queen’s Delight, Rocky Mountain Grape, Bittersweet Twigs. The prepared for- mulas are No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound, No. 600 Yellow Dock Clover Compound, No. 1000 Clover Blue Flag Compound. See also No. 2036 Ironite, No. 25 Geranium Antiseptic Lotion, No. 311 Eucamint Liquid, No. 515 Ringworm Paint, No. 514 Medicated Witch Hazel, No. 67 Menthone, No. 1 Tar Salve, No. 3 Sulphur Tar Salve. 34 No. 146 — Price, 25c. Poison Ivy Lotion ■— This preparation is an old formula that has been effective where all others fail. It contains no Iodine or anything else that would stain the clothing*. It is also ef- fective in some cases of eczema and rash. No. 147 — Price, 15c, two for 25c. Liquid Court Plaster — This is a medi- cated collodion. It forms a skin over any surface to which it is applied and is very useful in cases of cuts, sores and bruises. It is superior to any court plaster. No. 416 — Bottle, 50c. Vanishing* Balm — This preparation dis- solves or softens the hardened cuticle or corns, warts, etc., and with continued use they disappear. No. 154 — Price, 25 c. Cootie Oil — A powerful yet harmless application for destroying- lice, cooties and other insects. No. 515 — Price, 50c. Ring-worm Paint — A dark powerful ap- plication for ringworm. An unpleasant and mussy application, but very effec- tive in this stubborn ailment. No. 510 — Price, 10c. Tonail — Wax for ingrowing toe nails. This article will be found very useful to persons suffering- with ingrowing toe nails. No. 503 — Price, 50c. Comedo Sulphur Cream — For black- heads. This cream is designed especially for dissolving- and removing- blackheads, and for no other purpose. Directions for use: — Rub a liberal quantity into the af- fected parts, upon retiring, and allow to remain until morning-. Bathe with luke- warm water (not hot), and gently squeeze out the blackheads — they will come out with but little effort. Next bathe the parts in hot water, and follow in a few minutes with cold water. No. 755— 25c per bottle. Blisterine— This remarkable prepara- tion drys up fever and cold blisters and prevents them from forming. Invisible and non-poisonous. 35 HIVES OR NETTLE RASH Are reddish spots, which resemble mosquito stings, with burning and itch- ing. Treatment — Keep bowels open by use of No. 99. Bathe the affected parts with Medicated Witch Hazel. Use same treatment as for Prickly Heat. SHINGLES Is a form of eruption composed of small sac-like bodies, which come out in blisters on the breast or sides, extend- ing partly around the body like a belt. Treatment — Same as for Prickly Heat. BOILS Boils are too common to require a de- scription. Treatment — Cover the boil with a piece of gauze kept saturated with No. 187 Bacterioleum. After pus or matter has formed the boil should be opened with a needle that has been passed through a flame and carefully wiped. The pus can be very gently pressed out and a fresh dressing of Bacterioleum applied. Persons subject to boils should take No. 99 at least every two weeks, and should build up a resistance by tak- ing a good Alterative tonic. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild bo- tanical Alteratives and Tonics are: Inner bark of Birch, Yellow Dock, Seven Barks, Queen’s Delight, Prickly Ash Bark, Strawberry Leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Blue Flag, Rocky Mountain Grape Root, Elder Berries, Elder Flow- ers, Chickweed, Tetterwort and Violet Leaves. The prepared formulas are: No. 600 Yellow Dock Clover Compound, No. 1000 Clover Blue Flag Compound, No. 999 Body Tonic Tea, No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound. Also see No. 44 Old Tamarack Poultice, No. 2036 Iron- ite, and above all. No. 187 Bacterioleum for Boils. Ironite is excellent for wash- ing out wounds left by boils. FEVER BLISTERS OR COLD SORES Too well known to require a descrip- tion. Treatment — At the first sight of swell- ing apply No. 755 Blisterine or No. 67 Menthone or No. 2036 Ironite. If ap- plied in time, any of them will prevent the sores from breaking out. If the sores already appear, use Ironite. Iron- ite will aid to heal them quickly. Apply with a tooth-pick and allow to dry. Ap- ply several times. Take a good Body Tonic Tea to build up resistance. 36 POISON IVY Apply Poison Ivy Absorbent Powder to the afflicted parts as thick as pos- sible— 14 inch if possible — and bandage. This absorbs the poison and in most cases relief is obtained over night. Where the poison has had a chance to spread apply Ironite or Poison Ivy Lo- tion. These are seldom necessary if the Poison Ivy Absorbent is used in time. See Price List in last pages of this book. RINGWORM Bathe the afflicted parts with Medi- cated Witch Hazel. If of long standing, apply Ringworm Paint or Sulphur Tar Salve after bathing. ITCH OR SCABIES This is a contagious parasitic skin dis- ease. It is difficult to treat because the mite burrows under the skin. Treatment — Bathe frequently with hot water and our Vegetable Oil Soap and apply No. 3 Sulphur Tar Salve. SCALDS, BURNS AND CHAPPED HANDS Use our celebrated Burn Ointment. URINARY DISEASES There are no certain specifics for these ailments. Nature, and not the doctor, does the curing. The botanicals listed are mostly mild diuretics and de- mulcents. Botanical demulcents are by their nature not curative — but soothing emollients to the urinary pasages. The kidneys and the channels which discharge the urine are parts of the same system; and whatever disease af- fects the one is apt to involve the other. These important organs of elimination are subject to the helpful influence of botanic demulcent teas. Chronic disease of the kidneys is shown by pain and weakness in the small of the back. Discharges of scanty, muddy, thick urine, variously colored — sometimes depositing a pus-like or brick-dust sediment. These are serious conditions which call for immediate and persistent treatment. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER Often inflammation of the bladder re- sults in a chronic thickening of the mu- cous membrane of the bladder, urethra 37 and prostate gland. There is unusual desire to urinate; the fluid is spasmod- ically ejected in small quantities, and the passage is attended with burning or pain. The pain may be confined to the bladder, around the pelvis or down the thighs, or extend to the end of the penis. When the disease has became chronic, mucous or pus is passed with the urine, thus constituting what is called catarrh of the bladder. Treatment — Take No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to open the bowels and drink demulcent botanical teas and con- sult a specialist. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents are: Cheese Plant, Wallwort, Marshmallow Root, Cubeb Berries, Horsetail Grass, Sweet Pern. The pre- pared formulas are: No. 112 U. U. Tea and No. 132 Wild Swamp Root Com- pound. GONORRHEA AND GLEET A purulent inflammation of the mu- cous membrane of the genitals of both sexes. It may be acute, subacute or chronic. Treatment — Consult only a specialist of high repute. Much harm can be done by quacks and inexperienced doctors. Take No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to keep the bowels open. Use soothing Demulcent herb teas. Keep the organs clean by frequent bathing; and douches for females. Destroy or thor- oughly sterilize all bandages and cloth- ing. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents are: Sweet Pern, Golden Seal, Sandalwood, Cubeb Berries, Marsh- mallow Root, German Cheese Plant, Juniper Berries. The prepared formulas are: No. 112 U. U. Tea, No. 220 Viburnum Palmetto Compound, and No. 138 Golden Seal Marigold Clover Compound. BRIGHT'S DISEASE The symptoms sometimes are so ob- scure as to escape attention until an incurable condition is presented. Usually there is pain in the back, too frequent, thick, muddy, or clear frothy urine; gen- eral weakness; drowsiness and debility, or continual headache, dizziness and rheumatic pains in the back or limbs, all pointing to defective action of the kidneys. If this disease has become well established or chronic it is considered in- curable, but if the symptoms are recog- nized early it will respond to treatment. 38 Treatment — Consult a doctor. Take No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to open the bowels and Demulcent botanic teas and consult a specialist. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents and Diuretics are: Horsetail Grass, Marshmallow Root, Cheese Plant, Bear- berry Leaves, Sassafras, Globe Flower Bark or Root, Huckleberry Leaves, Bugle Weed. The prepared formulas are: No. 116 Bugle Weed Compound, No. 112 U. U. Tea, No. 132 Wild Swamp Root Com- pound. GRAVEL The symptoms are scanty and painful discharge of variously-colored urine, and as the stones pass from the kidneys to the bladder, violent colic pains from the region of the kidneys along the course of the ureter — the tube which conveys the urine from the kidneys to the blad- der. The pain is usually very severe, coming on in paroxysms and returning from time to time until the stones are discharged. Treatment — Consult a specialist. Take 1 or 2 Annistan Tablets to relieve the pain. Hot foot and seat baths often help to relieve the pain. A change of drink- ing water and diet are often of value. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Diuretics and Demulcents are: Horsetail Grass, Barberry, Dog Grass, Carrots, Gooseberry Leaves, Sweet Flag, Buchu, Horsemint, St. Johnswort, Water Pepper, Corn Silk, Plantain Leaves. The pre- pared formulas are: No. 112 U. U. Tea, No. 132 Wild Swamp Root Compound, No. 15 Rocky Mountain Tea, No. 116 Bugle Weed Compound, and No. 129 Venetian Herb Tea for the Aged. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER The symptoms are pain in the region of the bladder with severe burning and irritation, difficulty or inability of pass- ing water, and almost constant desire to urinate. Treatment — Take 1 or 2 Annistan Tab- lets if necessary to relieve the pain. Hot water bag applied to the region of pain is often beneficial. Take a soothing and cooling Demulcent botanic tea, and con- sult a specialist. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Demulcents are: Cubeb Berries, Marsh- mallow Root, Cheese Plant, Dog Grass, Corn Silk. The prepared formulas are: No. 112 U. U. Tea, and No. 132 Wild Swamp Root Compound. 39 INFLAMMATION OF THE URETHRA The symptoms are irritation and con- stant desire for urination, and inability to retain it, and subsequently, a dis- charge of white or yellow mucous from the part. Treatment — Same as for Inflammation of the Bladder. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS The symptoms are pain in one or both sides above the hip, and toward the spine, in the region of the kidneys and thence usually extending forward and downward with frequent desire to urinate and scanty hot discharge and numbness along the inner side of the thigh on the affected side. There is fever and some- times vomiting. Treatment — Rest in bed and applica- tion of hot water bag to seat of pain often give relief. Keep bowels open with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea and give soothing Demulcent drinks. The diet must be light. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Cheese Plant, Marshmallow Root, Corn Silk, Dog Grass, Cubeb Berries, Wallwort, Horsetail Grass, Sassafras, Speedwell, Bearberry Leaves. The pre- pared formulas are: Formula No. 112 U. U. Tea, No. 132 Wild Swamp Root Com- pound, and No. 15 Rocky Mountain Tea. DIABETES INSIPIDUS Diabetes Insipidus is characterized by an excessive flow of urine. It is due to various causes, such as tumors, nervous diseases, malaria, cold and dampness and injury. The immediate cause is dilation of the renal vessels. Other symptoms are* constipation, headaches, voracious appetite, skin dry and harsh, loss of memory and nervousness. Treatment — Consult a specialist. Keep bowels open with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea and take No. 2033 Vitamol Wafers until the bowels move regularly and no more Cathartics are necessary. Drink natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. Oranges and grape fruit are excellent to combat acidosis. Abstain from sweets, pastries and eat plenty of fresh and cooked vegetables rich in minerals and chew them into liquid before swallowing. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals containing organic minerals are: Horse- tail Grass, Mormon Valley Herbs, As- 40 paragus, Spinach, Globeflower Bark or Root, Huckleberry Leaves and Walnut Leaves. The prepared formulas are: No. 116 Bugle Weed Compound, No. 129 Venetian Herb Tea for the Aged and No. 127 Pal- metto Damiana Compound. DIABETES MELLITUS Diabetes Mellitus, or Sugar Diabetes, is characterized by a constant presence of glucose in the urine, excessive urinary discharge, loss of flesh and strength, pain in the region of the kidneys, burning or itching of the urethra, excessive thirst, dry mouth, tongue ir- ritable and beely red, often cracked, con- stipation, pale dry stools, occasionally there is diarrhea. Differs from Bright’s Disease by the absence of dropsy. Treatment — Consult a specialist. Fol- low same instructions as for Diabetes Insipidus. Abstain from starchy foods. Drink freely of Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. Eat vegetables rich in min- erals such as lettuce, cucumbers, spin- ach, endive, celery, asparagus, sauer- kraut, string beans, tomatoes and rad- ishes. OBESITY Obesity, or overfatness, is generally due to overfeeding, especially foods rich in carbohydrates and lack of exercise. Treatment — Eat less of foods rich in carbohydrates such as bread, cereals, sweet potatoes, nuts, milk, cream and all sweets. Drink only Mineral Spring Ore Water and take long walks. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals containing organic minerals are: Horse- tail Grass, Mormon Valley Herbs, Sas- safras Bark and Bladderwrack. This lat- ter is probably the most effective and worst tasting of the lot. See last pages for price list. The prepared formulas of botanical containing minerals are: No. 28 Saline Herb Tea and No. 27 Sassafras Com- pound. INCONTINENCE OF THE URINE AND BEDWETTING Often occurs in persons of advanced age and in childhood. It consists of fre- quent desire to pass water, and often an inability to retain it beyond a short period. It may arise from irritability of the organs, due to renal calculi (gravel stones) or to an acid condition of the urine and through a puncture with a 41 catheter; the latter cases cannot be cured or relieved with medicine. Treatment — Drink soothing Demulcent drinks with slight Astringent properties. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: St. Johnswort, Water Plantain, Buchu, Kava Kava, Sumach Bark and Berries. The prepared formulas are: No. 132 Wild Swamp Root Compound, No. 128 Venetian Herb Tea for the Children, No.129 Venetian Herb Tea for the Aged, No. 127 Palmetto Damiana Compound and No. 112 U. U. Tea. DROPSY This ailment is characterized by a swelling of the lower limbs, the abdomen and sometimes of the entire' body. The swelling is caused by the presence in the tissues of serum or the watery portion of the blood. In certain diseases the blood-vessels “leak,” as it were, so that the watery portion of the blood escapes therefrom through the walls of the ves- sels into the tissues, where it remains. In very mild dropsy the only symptom noticeable is a swelling of the feet. In some cases there is a puffiness of the lower eyelids. In other cases the swell- ing is so great that the feet ache and the shoes have to be removed to afford relief. In still more advanced cases the legs puff out above the edge of the shoes, forming a distinct ridge, which is notice- able when the patient is undressed. Slight dropsy of the feet and legs can be recognized by pressing the finger into the flesh over the shin bone and keeping up the pressure for a moment or two; upon withdrawing the finger suddenly it will be found that a pit or depression has formed as if the finger had been pressed into putty or soft dough. In cases of longer standing the dropsical swelling may extend to the knees or even to the body. The legs feel heavy and the patient drags them about with difficulty, becoming easily fatigued. Dropsy affecting the abdomen only is recognized by a gradual increase in the size of the stomach. The clothing is found to' be too tight, especially after eating — in other words, the patient com- plains of being “bloated.” Treatment — The treatment of dropsy may be directed toward restoring the kidney or the heart, as the case may be, to a healthy state. If the kidneys are unable to perform their work, that is, to filter out the usual quantity of water from the blood, that fluid will collect in the tissues. Hence, the necessity of directing treatment toward the source 42 from which the malady originates, and correct the action of the kidneys. If the heart is the organ at fault, it too must have careful and studied attention. It is well to consult a specialist. See in- structions for Heart Dropsy and Inflam- mation of the Kidneys. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild bo- tanical Diuretics are: Dwarf Elder Root, Juniper Berries, Kidney Liver Leaf, Cramp Bark, Sweet Fern, Kidney Wort, German Rue, Rosemary Leaves, Dog Grass, Corn Silk. The prepared formulas are: No. 14 Dwarf Elder-Kidney Wort Compound, No. 17 Father John’s Kidney-Liver Leaf Compound, No. 117 Lavender Flowers Compound, No. 777 Heart Tonic Tea. FEMALE DISORDERS The healthy performance of the func- tions of the female system is essential to the health and comfort of women. No derangement in these functions can exist for any length of time without drawing the entire life into sympathetic suffer- ing, yet their nature is such as to ex- clude them, to a great extent, from observation, and often the sufferer groans on for years, the victim of pain and weakness known only to herself. MENSTRUATION In the temperate zone the first menses usually appears at about the fourteenth year — in warm climates earlier — and in colder climates later. Menstruation is also subject to variation, depending upon the general health, vigor and develop- ment of the person. For a year or two it may be scanty, and not infrequently subject to some irregularities. In healthy women it should appear every twenty- eight days and flow four or five days, varying again according to the constitu- tion and general health of the person. About the forty-fifth year of life it gen- erally ceases, accompanied often with various disturbances of the system. This cessation of the period is termed “change of life.” DELAYED MENSES When menstruation in young girls is delayed, it is not wise to give medicine to promote this secretion, beyond atten- tion to sufficient clothing, exercise and diet. The clothing should be warm enough to suit the temperature and sea- son, and a wholesome, generous diet should be adopted, avoiding spices, cof- fee and highly seasoned food. This will generally be sufficient to produce a nor- mal flow. 43 Treatment — If there are symptoms of its approach, such as flushes of heat, frequent giddiness of the head, heaviness in the abdomen, a hot aromatic Dia- phoretic tea should be taken. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Aromatic Diaphoretics are: Sweet Flag, Canada Snake Root, Squaw Weed, Squaw Vine, Yarrow, Elecampagne, Mugwort, Mullein, Penny Royal, Ragwort, Rue, Shepherds Purse, Tansy, Thyme, Val- erian, Wormwood, Dill Seed, Chamomile and Cotton Root. The prepared formulas are: No. XX Cotton Root Compound, No. 226 Prairie Mint Compound and No. 7 Florida Tea. SCANTY MENSES Sometimes the menses barely show or are pale in color, or are late in appearing each month. Give the following: Treatment — Same as for delayed menses. SUPPRESSED MENSES Sometimes, during the flow or just as it is about to commence, the discharge stops or becomes suppressed from ex- posure to cold, especially to damp cold. The flow may either cease suddenly or it may come on attended with scanty, ir- regular discharge, or with severe pain and distress. Treatment — Same as for delayed menses. PAINFUL MENSES Many young girls suffer much pain at every return of the menstrual period. Not only bearing down pains, but cut- tings, gripings, cramps, and in some cases even convulsions attend the period and cause them to dread every men- struation. Treatment — During the interval be- tween the periods, take a good botanic Tonic-tea every night before retiring. For attack of Cramps, Pains, Spasms or Hysteria, take 1 or 2 Annistan Tablets every hour until relieved. A hot sitz- bath will be found helpful. In the in- terval between periods take a hot douche every night of No. 41 Floral Herb Douche. It should be taken lying flat on the back if possible, which can be done best in a bath-tub. For itching or irri- tation of parts, apply No. 2 Golden Seal Salve or No. 103 Pile Ointment. Also use the’ No. 41 Floral Herb Douche as prescribed above. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals are: Same as for delayed menses. 44 No. 41 — 50c box. Floral-Herb Douche — A boon to wom- en. A powerful, yet perfectly harmless douche for women. Contains not a par- ticle of those powerful poisonous drugs so freely used by manufacturers of anti- septics. Excellent as a vaginal douche or as a gargle for the throat or as a wash for sores, ulcers. Made from herbs, flowers, seeds and harmless salts. No. 152 — Price, 50c 2-oz. bottle. Oriental Balsam Lotion — This is the most soothing lotion for sores of all kinds that we have been able to com- ' pound. No expense has been spared to make this preparation the very best money and science can produce — it con- tains the soothing and healing powers of the best Peruvian Balsam and the anti- septic properties of Thymol — and other gums and balsams. No. 514— Price, 50c. Medicated Witch Hazel — Made from fresh, green young twigs of the witch hazel shrub. About twenty pounds are used to make one gallon — d o u b 1 e strength. Best money can buy. Useful after shaving, for sunburn, ringworm, toothache, neuralgia, headaches, muscu- lar pains, and hundreds of minor ail- ments. No. 191 — Price, 25c. Perfumed Fumigating Pastilles' — For purifying the air of a sick room, and for destroying unpleasant odors caused by cooking, etc. Furnished in the fol- lowing odors: Mint, Violet, Oriental Spice, Temple Odor, and Wild Flowers. No. 192 — Price, 25c. Musketo Chaser — A pleasant aromatic oil, not greasy and very effective. Mos- quitoes, gnats and flies cannot stand the odor of this preparation. Absolutely harmless. No. 193 — Price, 25c. Moth Chaser — This is a scientific prod- uct, the fumes of which are heavier than air and destroy moths and their larvae. Hang it in a bag among clothes or place on the top of clothes in cedar chests. Nothing better can be made. No. 144 — Price, 50c. Foot Balsam— Traveling men, clerks and all who are on their feet for many hours will find in this the relief they have been looking for. It is astringent, antiseptic and soothing. An ideal appli- cation for sore, inflamed, tired and sweaty feet. 45 PROFUSE MENSES In those subject to “whites'* and de- pendent upon a similar relaxed condition of the system, the flow may be too pro- fuse, returning* again after a cessation of only ten, fourteen or sixten days, and flowing from five to ten days. Sometimes the secretions are scanty for some days and then come on very profusely, caus- ing great prostration, faintness and de- bility from which the patient has scarcely time to recover before a new attack. Treatment — During the interval be- tween the periods, take a good Viburnum- Palmetto Tonic. After the menstrual dis- charge has continued a day or two, take No. 126 Rosemary Compound morning and night until the flow ceases. If the discharge is very profuse from the first the treatment may be commenced with the first day. Abstain from coffee and other stimulants. LEUCORRHEA OR WHITES The symptoms are a discharge of mu- cous from the genital organs, variously colored and of different degrees of con- sistency. It is usually white or yellow- ish; sometimes reddish; mostly mild, yet sometimes burning; causing soreness of the parts. It is usually most profuse immediately before and after the men- strual period and may continue during the entire menstruating life of the female, and is known even in young girls. Sometimes the discharge is slight and only trifling, while at other times it is copious. Women subject to these ailments should carefully guard their feet and ab- domen from sudden changes or extreme cold; take moderate exercise in the open air; avoid coffee, exciting drinks, spices or highly seasoned foods. Treatment — Take a hot douche every night of No. 41 Floral Herb Douche. The douche should be taken very slowly (20 minutes) to give the heat and medicinal virtues time to act; and should be taken while lying flat upon the back if possi- ble. In severe cases the douche should be taken twice daily. The Herb Doctor’s: choice of botanical Astringents and Tonics are: Wild Alum, Horsetail Grass, Thyme, Mormon Valley Herbs, Mistletoe, Blessed Thistle, Golden Seal, Rue, Bearberry Leaves, Peach Tree Leaves, Water Pepper and Helionas Root, Black Haw, Beth Root, Palmetto Berries, Swamp Lily Root, Cramp Bark. The prepared formulas are: No. 126 Rosemary Compound, No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound, No. 409 Mother's 46 Herb Tea. See also No. 220 Viburnum Palmetto Compound, No. 41 Herbal Douche, Ironite, No. 171 Mother’s Vag- inetts. VOMITING AND MORNING SICKNESS In pregnant women is often relieved by taking No. 11 Father Bernard’s Stom- ach Tea morning, noon and night. See also No. 71 “V” Balm for Ladies; and No. 171 Mother’s Vaginetts. CHANGE OF LIFE Cessation of the menses usually occurs between the ages of 40 to 50 years, and is frequently attended with disturbance of the system, such as hot flushes, in- tense nervousness, paleness, debility, and irregular monthly flow — either too little or too profuse, or colorless discharge. Palpitations and throbbings of the heart are also common. Few women pass this crisis without some of these annoying symptoms. Treatment — If there is weakness of the heart and fatigue, take a good Heart Tonic. Keep bowels open with No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea. An occa- sional douche of No. 41 Floral Herbal Douche is beneficial. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Tonics are: Aletris Root, Cramp Bark, Palmetto Berries, Swamp Lily Root, Beth Root, Black Haw. The prepared formulas are: No. 4 09 Mother’s Herb Tea, No. 220 Viburnum Palmetto Compound, No. 777 Heart Tonic Tea, No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Com- pound, and No. 16 Cohosh Wild Root Compound. TUMORS ON THE WOMB During the many tribulations occur- ring during the Change of Life period there are often symptoms of tumors on the womb. Whether these exist or not an operation is very seldom necessary, as the womb contracts after this period and steadily becomes smaller and with it the tumor. Many women are scared into an operation at this time that is ab- solutely unnecessary. ULCERATION OF THE WOMB The symptoms are aching pains in the back and groin and the patient becomes tired and easily fatigued. There is also some discharge from the womb. Treatment — Take No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to keep the bowels open. 47 Frequent luke-warm douches of No. 41 Floral Herb Douche are of great bene- fit; so are douches of warm water to which a few tablespoons of Ironite have been added. No. 171 Mother’s Vaginetts and No. 71 “V” Balm for Ladies are also of service. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical douches are: Chamomile Flower, Fennel Seed, Golden Seal Hoot, Yarrow, and Sweet Fern. The prepared botanic Ton- ics are No. 409 Mother’s Herb Tea, No. 220 Viburnum Palmetto Berries, and No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound, and No. 3003 Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. FALLING OF THE WOMB The symptoms are: Falling or descent of the womb down into the vagina. There is much suffering. The ailment is gen- erally due to too hard labor, and heavy lifting and too much walking and espe- cially to getting out of bed too early after child-birth. Treatment — The simplest treatment is to have it sewed back to its normal posi- tion. Mild cases sometimes yield to astringent douches and a general strength building diet and tonic and ab- solute rest. The Herb Doctor’s choice of astringent douches are: Wild Alum Root, Mormon Valley Herb, Yarrow, Horsetail Grass, and No. 41 Floral Herb Douche. The pre- pared Tonics are: No. 409 Mother’s Herb Tea, No. 220 Viburnum Palmetto Com- pound and No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound. INFLAMMATION OF THE WOMB The symptoms are: Pain in the back and groin, tired feeling and ropy and thick mucous discharge. The treatment is the same as for Ulceration of the Womb. ANEMIA Anemia is a condition of the blood in which there is a deficiency of red blood corpuscles. It may be present in many diseases and conditions. Symptoms — Unnatural pallor of the skin (yellowish green), loss of strength, shortness of breath, headache, nervous- ness, coldness of the extremities, heart palpitation. Treatment — Fresh air; good, nourish- ing food rich in minerals, especially iron; keep bowels open. Drink No. 3003 Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. Take a good herb tonic tea, and consult a specialist. 48 The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Tonics are: Walnut Leaves, Gentian, Angelica Root' Wild Strawberry Leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, Asparagus, Spin- ach. The prepared formulas are: No. 999 Body Tonic Tea, No. 2033 Vitamol Wafers, No. 77 Buffalo Herb Tea. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS OR HARDEN- ING OF THE ARTERIES This is a serious condition. Consult a specialist. Deep breathing is of wonder- ful aid in the treatment. Low breathing is one of the chief causes of this ail- ment. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Tonics are: Mistletoe, Yellow Dock Root, Life Everlasting, Mormon Valley Herbs. The prepared formulas are No. 331 Mis- tletoe Compound, No. 131 Mormon Valley Herb Compound. HEART DISEASE Symptoms — Shortness of breath and weakness upon the slightest exertion, swelling of the feet. Treatment — Consult a specialist. Keep bowels open. Get plenty of rest. Eat lightly — drink Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. Breathe a little deeper than usual. Walking is one of the best exer- cises for this ailment. Avoid smoking and strong alcoholic drinks. Take no liquids during meals. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Tonics are: Foxglove Leaves, Mistletoe, Sweet Balm, Cleavers, Lily of the Valley, Corn Silk, Valerian, Lavender Flowers. The prepared formulas are No. 777 Heart Tonic Tea, No. 331 Mistletoe Compound. PALPITATION OF THE HEART Palpitation (or fluttering action) of the heart may be due to mental excite- ment, fright, excessive use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, or tea; frequently to gas or acid in the stomach. Treatment — Place the patient in bed and assure him that there is no danger. This will do much to restore cheerful- ness and shorten the attack. Apply cold compresses or icebag over the heart. The administration of Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia, 1 teaspoonful in water, is useful. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild botani- cal Sedatives and Tonics are: Blue Ver- vain, Wild Cherry Bark, Lavender Flow- ers, Foxglove, Valerian. The prepared formulas are No. 604 Lamative Tea, No. 26 German Celery Compound, No. 17 49 Father John’s Kidney-Liver Leaf Com- pound, No. 777 Heart Tonic Tea and No. 331 Mistletoe Compound. NEURALGIA OF THE HEART Or Angina Pectoris is a very serious ailment. It is attended by an intense pain beneath the breast bone, which usually extends down the left arm and up into the neck. The breath is short, there is a feeling of pressure upon the chest. Treatment — Call a specialist at once. Avoid all excitement and worry. Give a generous dose of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to open the bowels. Drink Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water and follow advice under Heart Disease. FATTY HEART DISEASE Or fatty degeneration of the heart. Due to an excessive amount of fat around the heart. Teatment — Consult a specialist. See instruction under Heart Disease. HEART DROPSY Is a symptom or heart disease, ne- phritis, liver disease or of a complication of ailments. Treatment — Consult a specialist. Rest in bed. Take only milk or liquid diet, beef juice, soft boiled eggs, fruits and vegetables. Take a generous dose of No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to open bowels. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanical Diuretics are: Dwarf Elder Root, Fox Glove, Juniper Berries, Cleavers, Birch Leaves, Barberries. The prepared for- mulas are No. 14 Dwarf Elder-Kidney Wort Compound, No. 117 Lavender Flowers Compound, No. 777 Heart Tonic Tea. See also instructions under Heart Disease. HYSTERIA Is due to various causes. Determine the cause and take the proper treatment. See instructions under palpitation of the Heart. EPILEPSY FITS OR FALLING DISEASE Epilepsy occurs in more or less severe forms. It is a serious ailment and should not be treated with so-called patent or secret medicines containing bromides and other powerful drugs, which often do more harm than good. 50 Treatment — Consult a specialist. Take no medicine of which the ingredients are a secret. Country life, plenty of fresh air and nourishing food and sunshine will do more than any medicine. The Herb Doctor’s choice of mild bo- tanical nervines are: Nerve Root, Va- lerian, Blue Vervain, Blue Scullcap, Gen- tian, Angelica, Swamp Cabbage Root. The prepared formulas are: No. 29 Blue Vervain and Scullcap Compound, No. 21 Dr. Brown’s Nerve Root Com- pound, No. 24 Old Style Nerve Root Compound, and No. 19 Wildwood Tea. BLEEDERS DISEASE Bleeders Disease or Hemiophilia. Symptoms are abnormal tendency to hemorrhage due to deficiency in the coagulability of the blood. Treatment: — Consult a specialist. Use ice compresses if necessary. Give foods and liquids rich in iron and minerals. Oranges, lemons and grapefruit and blue grapes are good if eaten with the peel. Egg yolk, wheat bran, hazel nuts, and almonds are also good. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals containing minerals are: Horsetail Grass, Mormon Valley Herbs, Sonora Plat Leaf Tea, Buffalo Herb Leaves, Asparagus, Carrots and Cabbage. See also No. 3003 Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. GOITRE OR BIG NECK There are a number of different forms of goitre. Each form requires specific treatment. Consult a specialist. Opera- tion should only be resorted to if all other means have proved futile and the system becomes filled up with poison. Use No. 99 Calumet Herb Laxative Tea to keep the bowels open. Drink freely of Natural Mineral Spring Ore Water. Walking, deep breathing and sunshine are essential. Eat vegetables rich in mineral salts, especially Iodine. The Herb Doctor’s choice of botanicals containing minerals are. Bladder Wrack, Irish Moss, Red Clover Flowers, Spin- ach, Peach Tree Leaves, Walnut Leaves. The prepared formulas are No. 150 Red Clover Flowers Compound. See also No. 151 Madragora Ointment, No. 2036 Iron- ite and Vitamol Wafers. Almanac Free— We publish a new Al- manac in November each year. Send us an order, if only for 25c so as to get your name on our customers’ list and you will get one of these Almanacs free whenever a new one is published. 51 TREATING THE BABY. The less medicine you give the baby the better for it. Don’t run to the medi- cine chest every time baby cries. Keep it clean, dry and warm and nature will do the rest. In cases of colic or consti- pation use medicines below, writes Mrs. J. M., of Milwaukee, mother of eight healthy children. For Constipation — For children over one year give one-half spoonful castor oil. If child is much troubled with constipation give one-half teaspoonful pure olive oil every evening before re- tiring, for a month or more, until every sign of the diseases has vanished. For Colic- — If the child is restless and continually crying it is most likely suf- fering from colic. Give one-half tea- spoonful Fennel Tea made as follows, every half hour if necessary. 2 teaspoonsful Pure Fennel Seed. 2 teaspoonsful White Sugar. 2 ounces boiling water. Do not allow the water to boil after the seed has been added. If the child has spasms apply warm flannels to the abdomen. Be careful not to scorch child. When troubled with colic it is well to hold the child in an upright position and to tap gently on the back. This allows the gas to escape. No. 49 — Price, 50c. Baby Fennel Tea — This is the only mixed tea that we can recommend for babies for their little ailments for the reason that it is so mild and pleasant. The main ingredients are Fennel, Sweet Weed and Sweet Balm. It contains abso- lutely nothing that would be of the least injury to babies. Mothers should beware of the secret preparations that flood the market. Try this if baby cries and you do not know what ails it. It is fine for Colic, Scalding urine, etc. No. 159 — Price, $1.00. Goose Grease Ointment — This superior article contains a genuine goose grease base in which is incorporated various balsams and oils used so extensively generations ago for throat and lung trou- bles. It is excellent wherever a hot penetrating liniment is indicated. No. 73 — Price, 25c. “Salvaleen” Eye Salve— -A very mild bland and soothing salve for sore and inflamed eyes. May be used freely in the most sensitive afflictions, wounds, ulcers and inflammation and irritation. 52 No. 522 — Price, 25c. Buckling* Baby Salve — A very soothing* and healing salve especially recom- mended for babies’ tender skin, contain- ing only the most soothing and healing elements known. Sooths and heals irri- tations on any part of the body. No, 79 — Price, 50c. Buckling Baby Powder — Sheds water like a duck, therefore, very valuable for babies that wet the bed — to prevent irri- tation from the urine. Contains no rice powder and only *4 part talcum. Far better than talcum powder. No. 523-— Price, 50c. Baby’s Whooping Cough Syrup — This is a very mild syrup of Wild Cherry and fra- grant balsams of trees and honey. It is espe- cially mild for the use of babies. Absolutely free of narcotics of any kind or any other harmful ingredients. No. 39— Box, 25c. Medicated Busting Powder' — This is an ideal absorbent powder. It may be used with great benefit in weeping eczema, sores, chaffs and wherever a healing and cooling absorbent powder is indicated. No. 47— Bottle, 50c. Ear Lotion — This preparation is espe- cially valuable in catarrhal inflamma- tions of the ear passages and deafness due to these conditions. It will relieve earaches in a few minutes in most cases. No. 42-— 50c per jar. Hospital Burn Ointment— This was brought to our attention through the wonderful result obtained by its use by the Sisters of St. Mary’s Hospital in the numerous cases of burns and scalds from the steel mills of this district. 53 No. 131 — Herbs, 50c. Mormon Valley Herbs Compound — This is a scientific compound of Indian and modern botanicals. It is -a scientific blend of herb samples that we offer with the greatest confidence for its powerful astringent and mild tonic properties. The main ingredients of this remark- able preparation is a plant known and highly prized among one tribe of Indians as “The herb of the Sun” and Skookum Plant by another tribe. In Utah, it is called Mormon Plant. It grows in the valleys of Utah and as far south as Mexico. It is one of the main ingredients of several widely advertised remedies and tonics. This preparation has proven of such value that we can sincerely recommend it. When a certain preparation is widely advertised, it is usually over-rated, how- ever, this particular formula surely is worthy of attention for ailments in which these agents are indicated. It has the further advantage of being abso- lutely harmless. Besides the Mormon Plant, this for- mula has other ingredients of proven quality, making it one of the very best preparations we have. It may be used externally as a cleanser for old and running sores as well as internally. No. 25 — Two-oz. Bottle, $2.00. 12-oz., $10.00. Geranium Antiseptic Lotion — This is a very fine, antiseptic lotion. It will dry up small pimples and eruptions in almost a few hours. It is nearly invis- ible and delicately perfumed and may be applied at any time without discomfort. It is of great value wherever a soothing and disinfecting lotion can be applied, such as Pimples, Eczema, Piles, running sores, etc. Directions — Spread on afflicted part with a clean feather or toothpick and allow to dry. Dilute with water if it appears too strong. It may be used as a douche in leucorrhoea and inflammation or irritation of the vagina by dissolving one teaspoonful of the lotion in a gallon of warm water. To make pimples disap- pear quickly apply with toothpick and allow to dry. At the same time take some strenuous exercise such as running or skipping the rope, for three to nve minutes. This brings the blood into circulation and hastens the cure. A good gargle and mouth wash can be made by dissolving V2 teaspoonful in 1 pint of water, bottle. 54 No. 2002 — $1.00 per box. Mexican Mate— This is the finest sub- stitute for ordinary tea or coffee that we have been able to discover in the entire herbal kingdom. Mexican Mat& is a real household tea. Superior to ordinary tea in aroma and flavor, and far more healthful. It has a more decided flavor than the Central American Mate. Sold at 25c and $1 a box. Many people love it more. This, how- ever, appears to be a matter of taste. It is beneficial in many ailments where ordinary tea is prohibited. It is often used externally as a wash for sores and ulcers. The reports of the wonderful benefits derived from the use of this tea read like fairy tales. We are certain that eventually this tea will become a household necessity — more popular than ordinary tea. * We have imported thousands of pounds of this delicious tea and are confident that every user above 40 years of age will never be without it. It appears to be the health tea of the aged and middle aged. If you are not feeling right, try this tea, and if not satisfied, tell us and we will promptly return your money. This proposition is made only for this tea and this tea alone. It simply is so good that it must please you — not alone in aroma and flavor, but in results. You cannot expect results from medicine made from old stale herbs — that probably have been on the shelves of your drug store for years and years. 55 BEAUTIFUL LUSTROUS HAIR. can be obtained by discontinuing- the use of all soap, shampoo or any liquid or paste containing- soap or saponaceous materials, and substitut- ing the marvelous new discovery for cleansing the hair and scalp. ORIENTAL HAIR LUSTRE. Removes Dandruff. Cleanses the hair and scalp. Aids the growth of hair and refreshes dead faded hair to a rich youthful lustre. Directions — Pour an ounce or less of Oriental Hair Lustre into the palm of the hand and rub well into hair and scalp, rub with a cloth until hair is dry, then bathe entire head with warm or hot water — using no soap of any kind, then dry hair and it will be soft, lustrous and silky. Caution! Never use soap, borax or any- thing else but plain water while treat- ing your scalp with Oriental Hair Lustre. The article does not foam, it is not a shampoo, but it cleanses the hair just as well. ORIENTAL HAIR LUSTRE. Leaves the hair soft, silky and lus- trous. It is not sticky or greasy. It promotes the growth of hair. It removes dandruff and prevents its return. Warning* — All pomades and sticky liquids to keep the hair slick are in- jurious, and soon cause falling out of hair and dandruff. They are absolutely useless and unnecessary when Oriental Hair Lustre is used for cleaning the hair and scalp. Price, 50c per bottle. Please state whether this article is intended for ladies or gents. No. 302— Box, 35c. Lilac Dry Shampoo — Useful for cleans- ing the hair without wetting. Stops falling out of hair and dandruff. Pro- motes the growth of hair. Box, 35c. No. 119 — Price, 75c for % lb. bar. Old English Castile Soap — A genuine Castile Soap made from Olive Oil. It is mild and bland. Not perfumed. No. 121 — Price, 50c per 6-oz. bottle. Castile Shampoo — A delightful fra- grant Shampoo made from genuine Cas- tile Soap. Mild and bland. Entirely dif- ferent from the harsh common soap preparations so extensively advertised. 56 No, 118 — 1-oz. bottle, $2.00. Pint, $25.00. “Great Marvel” is an oleagenous com- pound of costly ingredients, possessing a very decided penetrating power. Its invigorating influence causes a luxurious growth of hair. An ounce will last six months. No. 505 — Price, 50c. Lilac Bouquet Bair Dressing — A pom- ade for stiff, straight and kinky hair. Makes it lay as it is combed. Gives the hair a rich lustrous appearance so much desired by fastidious dressers. No. 153 — Price, 50c. Bay Rum Hair Oil — This is an olive oil and bay rum mixture for dry, coarse hair and dandruff. Directions — Apply freely at night by rubbing well into the scalp; next morn- ing wash hair thoroughly. No. 406— -Pox, 50c. Yucca Hair Grower — This preparation has long been used by the natives of Mexico and the Indians for cleansing and preserving the hair, but has been introduced to the public only recently. No. 122 — Price, 50c. Shampoo P o w d e r — A highly perfumed powder that will instantly make a thick creamy lather when dissolved in a little warm water. Full direc- tions accompany each package. The aroma of this article is so strong and delightful that many use it for sachet powder and as a per- fume. No. 501— Price, 20c. Wild Wood Shampoo Soap- — An excep- tionally fine white soap made expressly for thick, sticky and greasy hair. It is as light as a feather and leaves the scalp in a clean, healthy condition, and makes the hair light and wavy. It has a de- lightful aroma, reminding one of the Wild Woods, the pines and cedars, and the other fragrant trees. A bar of this soap will dissolve readily in a pint of water and makes a fine liquid shampoo. No. 154 — Price, 25c. Cootie Oil — A powerful yet harmless application for destroying lice, cooties and other insects. 57 CATARRH. Almost every person is troubled with catarrhal * inflammation of some kind which is slowly but surely devitating the blood and poisoning the system. The majority of the laity are of the opinion that the prime symptom of catarrh is a clogged condition of the nostrils, and as long as breathing through the nose is not difficult they are free of the disease. This is a serious mistake. Foul breath is a sure indication of catarrh. The seat of catarrh is the larynx and pharynx and inner channels of the nose and throat. To treat chronic ca- tarrh successfully it is indispensable to apply a healing agent to the diseased membrane and to take a blood purifying and tonic remedy; also to keep the mouth and teeth clean by the use of antiseptic mouth washes and tooth powder. As a local soothing agent, one or more of the following may be used: (1) Ca- tarrh Powder for snuffing up into the nostrils, (2) Catarrh Smoke, (3) Catarrh Salve, (4) Medicated Cotton. Descrip- tions of these preparations follow: No. 136 — Box, 25c. Golden Seal Catarrh Powder — This powder is snuffed up into the nostrils. It cools and soothes the inflamed and irritated membranes. The most active ingredients are. Eucalyptus, Camphor, Golden Seal. It is absolutely free from all habit-forming drugs, so often used in catarrh powders. Use as a snuff six to ten times daily. May also be used as a lotion or spraying fluid by steeping y2 teaspoonful of this mixture in a cup of warm water. N"o. 310 — Box, 50c. Catarrh Smoke — -The herbs comprising this formula contain certain antiseptic and soothing agents which are vaporized when smoked, and when inhaled reach the mucous membrane of the channels of the head, nose and throat that cannot be reached in any more simple way. Directions — Smoke a pipeful of these mixed herbs upon retiring at night, dis- charging the smoke through the nose. If the hearing is impaired through catar- rhal inflammation, the vapors can be 58 forced up into the ear passages in the following- manner: Take a vigorous puff, hold the smoke in the mouth and force it out through the nose, at the same time closing the nostrils with your finger so that only a small portion of the smoke can escape through them. No. 511— Price, 50c Eucamint Catarrh Jell — A very sooth- ing and healing jelly to be snuffed up into the nostrils for the relief of catar- rhal inflammation of nose. No. 2 — Box, 50c. Golden Seal Salve — A mild and cooling, yet remarkably effective salve. It is especially valuable for inflammation and disease of the private parts and all mu- cous surfaces, such as the vagina, rec- tum, nostril, mouth, piles, burns, scratches, sores and ulcers, chapped hands, catarrh of the nose and throat, Wherever a mild, soothing antiseptic salve is indicated. No. 133 — Box, 25c. Medicated Cotton — This is absorbent cotton of the finest quality saturated with the Oil of Eucalyptus, Camphor, Menthol, etc. It is very handy for treat- ing Catarrh, for the reason that a small wad can be placed in each nostril and allowed to remain there unnoticed while the patient attends to his duties. It is very beneficial in certain cases of head- aches, earaches when rubbed on the forehead or placed in the ear. No. 135— Box, $1.00. Catarrh Mouth Wash — The main in- gredients of this remarkable formula are Cassia, Witch Hazel and Silver Mullein Leaves. It is very important that the Mullein is the low or Silver Mullein Leaves of the first year’s growth. Directions — Take the entire package of these herbs, place in 2 quarts of boiling water; boil down to 1 quart. Add y2 pint pure glycerine. Gargle the throat and mouth every morning and evening. This is an article of the daily toilet that should be in every household. It should form a part of every treatment for Catarrh, as a gargle for the throat and mouth. No. 233 — 2 oz. bottle, 50c. Pinol Spray — a very fine combination of antiseptic and aromatic vegetable oils, very soothing to inflamed mucous sur- faces, as in catarrhal affections of the nose and throat. 59 CONSTIPATION TREATMENT. It has been proven by medical author- ities that undigested food had been known to remain in the intestines from two weeks to three months, and even a year. This foul matter forms a coating in the intestines and stomach and even deposits what is commonly known as tartar as on the back of the teeth. The delicate passages through which the bile, juices, etc., pass from the liver and other organs are choked up. Absorption and secretion are sus- pended, or partly so. The stomach and intestines are unable to digest the food properly. The liver is clogged and overloaded with bile. The kidneys are filled with decayed tissue and dead corpuscles. And the blood, which should be fil- tered and purified, becomes contaminated and poisoned and is pumped through the heart to every conceivable portion of the body from the brain to the toes. It is not hard to see that such blood, instead of building and repairing the tissues of the body, can only poison the entire system. It is of prime importance, therefore, that the bowels are put in good condi- tion before attempting to cure any dis- ease of any kind. The formula below is a scientific combination of natural herbs which will prove a revelation to those afflicted with habitual constipation. No. 99— Herbs, 50c box; Tablets, 60c box; Liquid, $1.00; Gallon, $10.00. Calumet Herb Laxative Tea — This tea is a mild and soothing laxative. It re- moves the superfluous bile from the liver, it flushes out and cleans the kid- neys. It is advisable to use this tea two or three days in succession upon retiring at night. The tea should be discontinued as soon as the bowels move properly. Directions^— Steep a heaping teaspoon- ful of these mixed herbs into a cup of boiling water. Drink a half cupful upon retiring at night, warm or cold. If very constipated 1 or 2 cupsful may be taken. It is unwise to force the bowels in this manner, however. The proper way to treat constipation is to take only a swal- low or two of the tea upon retiring every night until the stool is proper. The smaller the dose, the less forceful the action of the tea, the better results will be obtained. The Herb Laxative Tea taken in this manner does not produce a quick action of the bowels. In fact, it will be necessary to take the tea for 60 three or four days before any change is noticeable. Little by little you will notice the stool to become more and more loose and regular and to remain that way after the use of the tea has been stopped. Other so-called Herb Laxatives force the bowels to a quick action, and when their use is stopped leave them in worse condition than ever. No. 170— Large box, 50c. Cascara Candy Lozenges — A mild laxa- tive, pleasant to take and very effective. Ideal for children. Two or three of these dissolved in a cup of fennel tea and sweetened is equal to the best cas- toria made. The Fennel Tea is made by placing two or three teaspoonfuls of fen- nel seed in a cupful of boiling water and allowed to remain until cool. Strain and add two or three lozenges. Dose — A teaspoonful as often as necessary. This is excellent for constipation, and colic of infants. Dose — Adults eat one or two at bedtime; children one-half to one tablet. No. 176— Price, 25c. Laxative Sugar Wafers; — A very mild and pleasant candy laxative, especially valuable for children and persons with weak stomachs. Contains no bitter sub- stance of any kind. Tastes like a sugar wafer. No. 157— $1.00 per bottle. Celery Pet role— A very fine lubricant for the bowels. Has a pleasant slightly bitter celery flavor. This oil actually lubricates the intestines. No, 158 — $1.00 per jar. Fruited Jell — A fruit flavored oleagen- ous jelly, that acts as a lubricant for the bowels. It is similar in action to Celery Petrole but more palatable to some people. No. 555 — Herbs, 50c; Tablets, 50c. “Double Quick” Cathartic — This is a remarkable compound of herbs and salts to be used for a quick evacuation of the bowels. No. 277: — Price, 25c per box. Sugar Liver Wafers — For children. These are small, sweet and easy to take, and children like them. May also be taken by adults. Dose — One small wafer every hour until five are taken. If neces- sary to repeat the treatment, wait until the next day. Adults, two or three tab- lets a day, every hour. n LAXATIVES. These are drugs that stimulate secre- tions of the intestinal glands or excite moderate peristalsis producing mild evacuation and soft stools. Price per box, 25c Licorice Root Sacred Bark Cascara Black Butternut Balmony Turtle Bloom Snakehead Sweet Weed Damiana Yellow Poplar Tulip Tree Golden Seal Senna Pods St. John’s Bread Dandelion Root Yellow Root Blue Gentian Rhubarb Flax Seed Wild Licorice Avena Sativa Am. Senna Leaves Dry Raspberries Way Wort Directions — Add one box of Aromatics and one box of Demulcents to any selec- tion of Laxative. CHOLAGOGUES. Drugs acting upon the liver. To in- crease the flow of bile and promote its ejection. Used in billiousness, jaundice, hepatic dyspepsia. Price per box, 25c Mandrake Rhizome Fringe Tree Bark Culvers Root Black Root Dandelion Root Queen’s Root Yellow Root Yellow Dock Root Barberry Bark Horehound Herb Wahoo Blessed Thistle Hb. Blue Flag Rhizome Bogbean Herb Chicory Root Climbing Fumitory False Bittersweet Toadflax Directions — Take a 25c box of any 2 or . 3 of the above and mix with one box of any desired Aromatic and one box of any desired Demulcent and one box of a Cathartic. 62 No. 789 — Herbs, 50c per box. Black Jack Liver Powder — This prepa- ration is of excellent service in condi- tions arising from inactivity of the liver. It is primarily a liver medicine — but also has some action on the bowels. It is composed of the roots of May Apple, Sacred Bark, Culvers Boot, Spanish Licorice Root, Rocky Mountain Grape, Directions — Dose V2 to 1 teaspoonful upon retiring at night. This powder may be taken dry or dissolved in water or milk, tea, coffee or anything desired to make it more palatable. No. 790 — Herbs, $1.00 per box. Old Settlers Liver Tea — If you will judge this preparation by its ingredients, no more need be said of its value in inactive liver. It has but little action on the bowels and many persons use our No. 555 Cathartic tablets or Epsom Salts to clean out the bowels after this tea has done its work. It is comprised of the following roots and herbs: Wahoo, Tur- tlebloom, Licorice Root, Althea, Cheese Plant, Rocky Mountain Grape, Liver- wort, Bitter Sweet, Hops, and Fennel Seed. No. 556— -Price, 50c. Double Quick Liver Tablets — These tablets are as strong as is necessary to act upon a sluggish liver. Dose — One tablet at bedtime. No. 804— Price, $1.00. G-all Powders — This is a combination of botanicals finely powdered. It is pleas- ant to take and has a tendency to in- crease and improve the gall fluid, which in itself is often sufficient to dissolve gall stones. Directions! — Dose 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day, preferably % hour before meals. The powder may be moistened with any liquid if desired. OUR GUARANTEE. We guarantee every box of botaricals purchased from us to be strictly fresh last season’s crop and full strength, and will cheerfully refund purchase price if the goods are not satisfactory. In no case do we guarantee remedial values, for the reason that we do not treat peo- ple, employ no doctors, and are not sell- ing botanicals for remedial values alone. We act merely as a supply house and aim to handle every root, herb, bark, seed and flower grown, regardless of their remedial value and use. The main points we emphasize are purity, full strength and non-poisonous botanicals. 63 No. 103 — Box, 50c. File Ointment— -This is a very pleasant, soothing- and absorbing- antiseptic oint- ment. It is valuable for wounds of all kinds. We can highly recommend this ointment for Protruding- Piles, Fissure and Blind Piles. It will give instant relief. No. 104— Box, 50c. File Cones- — For Internal Piles, also Blind and Bleeding Piles. By inserting one of these cones into the rectum upon retiring at night this remedy is given an opportunity to exert its antiseptic, cooling and healing influence all through the night direct to the afflicted part. It may be used every evening with good results. No. 1 — 50c per jar. Tar Salve — This is a combination of Pine Tar and Antiseptic Oils and Gums which are very soothing to inflamed Old Sores, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula, Ring- worms, Piles, etc. It is recommended wherever a salve can be used. No. 3 — $1.00 per jar. Sulphur-Tar Salve — Our one best salve for Eczema, Itch, Ringworm, etc., and if' this fails we have no salve to offer that can do better. No. 151— $1.00 per jar. Man dr agora Ointment — Counter irri- tant, Germicide and Disinfectant. Use- ful as an external application for en- larged glands, swollen joints, sprains. Useful for man or beast. No. 35 — Price, 50c. Winter green Embrocation — Made by us for an old physician for many years who has used it in his practice so suc- cessfully that we urged him to allow us to put the formula on the market. An exceptionally fine and efficacious article. Physicians will be more than pleased with it. No. 163-Box, $1.00. Oriental Balsam Ointment — A very fine ointment for Piles, Goitre, also for wounds, Bruises, Sprains and inflamed glands. No. 73 — Price, 25 c. “Salvaleen” Eye Salvo — A very mild bland and soothing salve for sore and inflamed eyes. May be used freely in the most sensitive afflictions, wounds, ulcers and inflammation and irritation. 64 No. 187 — Price, 50c. Bacterioleum — This is an application for boils after they have been opened and cleaned. It aids the healing- opera- tion and destroys the bacteria that cause a recurrence or enlargement of boils. Also valuable for old sores of all kinds. No. 2000 — Price, 25c. Large Can, $1.00. Black Jack Salve — A universal salve for sores, ulcers, boils, etc. Equally effective for man or beast. Here is a salve composed of Tar, Sulphur, and healing- or soothing balsams and oils that will prove a revelation to our customers. It is dark, unsightly salve and will soil clothing — but it sure is effective. It should be in the home of every farmer and stockman, No. 66 — Price, $1.00 6-oz. bottle. Mentholine — The marvelous wash for old sores, gangrene, ulcers in the flesh or in the bone — for catarrh of the nose and throat — for ulcerations in the ear — for ulceration and inflammation of the tonsils, etc. This truly marvelous prod- uct should be in every house. It aids in the quick healing of cuts and sores of all kinds. Does not sting or burn like Iodine and so many other similar products. No, 67— Price, 25c a vial; 2-oz. bottle, $2.00. Menthone — Stops a fever blister almost immediately. For sores on private parts of male or female its action is mar- velous. For eczema, ringworm and kin- dred skin affections it has no superior. It is similar to Mentholine tout much stronger, and is intended only for severe cases where prompt and quick action are necessary. If you never purchase any- thing from us, get at least a vial of Menthone — the time will come when it will be worth more than its weight in gold to you. No. 71 — $1.00 jar. “V” Balm For Ladies— A soothing and mild astringent. No. 59 — $1.00 per jar. “V” Balm For Men. — A soothing appli- cation for inflammation and irritation of the private parts. No. 44 — Price, 50c a box. Old Tamraek’s Poultic e — For boils and wounds that indicate blood poison we urgently request the application of Old Tamrack’s Poultice. It is almost miraculous in results. Cases that have been given up as hopeless by doctors have been entirely cured by Old Tarn- rack. 65 No. 181-Large box 50c. ORIENTAL BATH SALTS These salts have been advertised under various names as a treatment for obesity. It is claimed they pro- duce an electro-chem- ical action on coming1 in contact with per- spiration of the body. However, this may be, we doubt their value in this respect and recommend them only for their delightful and re- freshing cooling effect and the delicate fragrancy they impart to the body. These salts are ideal for summer bathing, they have a tendency to neutral- ize strong, unpleasant body odors. We can furnish Oriental Bath Salts in the following odors: Orange, Pine, Helio- trope, Lilac and Oriental Bouquet. No. 810— Price, 50c. Southern Beauty Bath Tablets — These tablets are highly perfumed and give a delightful odor to the bath water. They have a tendency to destroy body odors and impart a fresh delicate wild flower scent to the body. They are absolutely harmless and may be used freely by young and old. No. 803*— Price, 50c. Orange Restorative Bath Salts — For the middle aged and aged. These salts are entirely different than the numerous bath salts on the market. They are especially adapted for older persons — and should not be used by children or young girls with delicate skin — except in very small quantities. They clear the skin and leave it smooth and soft. For anyone above 20 years they are not only an ideal cleanser, but they have a marked tendency to dissolve oils and im- purities in the pores of the skin — leav- ing it soft clean and healthy. Delicately perfumed. They soften hard water. No. 148 — Price, 50c. Wrinkle Lotion — This preparation is merely astringent. It draws the skin tight. It closes the pores and small cuts, and aids them to heal quickly. A delightfully perfumed toilet requisite that should be on every dresser. No. 140 — Price, 50c. Mint Hand Lotion — An ideal lotion for chapped and rough hands. Makes them soft, smooth and white almost over night. Try it once and you will never be without it. 66 No. 172 — Price, 50c. Velvetine Pace Lotion^— An invisible bland and soothing* lotion for the face. Greaseless and not sticky. Delicately perfumed. Useful for ladies or gents, especially fine after shaving and for chapped hands. No. 801 — 6 oz., 50c. Toilet Water' — Soothing and healing, applied after shaving and as a base for face powder. Can be furnished in the following delightful odors: Rose Bouquet, Sandal Wood Bouquet, Lilac Bouquet, Arabian Bouquet, Orange Bouquet, Helio- trope Bouquet, Lemon Bouquet, Oriental Bouquet, Reseda Bouquet, American Co- logne, Mint, Bay. No. 506 — Price, 50c. Superfine Bolling Massage Cream — A dainty preparation for the massage of wrinkles, double chin, and to refreshen relaxed muscles of the face and neck. No. 60-— Price, 50c. Bleaching Lotion — An ideal lotion for freckles and dark skin. No. 504 — Price, 50c. Superfine Bouquet Greaseless Cream — Guaranteed to contain nothing that would induce the growth of hair. No. 50 — Price, 50c per jar. Superfine Cold Cream — This like every other of our preparations is made of the very highest grade materials money can buy. If the public only knew of the ran- cid animal fats used by so many manu- facturers they would steer clear of all low-priced cold creams, which naturally promote the growth of hair on the face. We guarantee that this article contains no animal fats of any kind and is com- posed of the purest saponified vegetable and mineral oils. No. 40 — 50c bottle. Hair Curling Lotion — An ideal prepara- tion for keeping the hair in curls and for straightening kinky hair. It is not a grease and is not sticky. Delightfully perfumed. No. 76 — 50c jar. Superfine Developing or Massage Cream — This superior article contains the best ingredients known for the purpose. Be- ware of the cheap creams containing rancid animal fats that promote the growth of hair on the face. 67 No. 75 — Price, 50c. Lilac Bouq.net Pace Powder — This powder should retail for $1.50 to $2.00 if judged by the cost of the ingredients and compared to other powders of this class. No more costly ingredients could be incorporated in ?i face powder. This powder absolutely contains the highest grade materials to be had. Furnished in Pink, Flesh and Brunette only. No. 508 — Price, 50c per tube. Oriental Balsam Tooth Paste — This is our celebrated tooth powder made into paste form. You will find it even su- perior to the powder. It contains the same healing and disinfecting Oriental Balsams as the powder. No. 509— Price, 50c. Menthomint Tooth Paste — This is very mild and soothing, and especially appre- ciated by those who cannot stand the strong and irritating pastes so widely advertised. Ideal to cleanse the teeth after using Ironite. Wow Pyorrhea Exposes the Roots Of tho Teeth and Leaves "Pooksts” Between Them. Howi the Ironitd New Treatment H»ali the Gums and Beturns Them to Place. Pormula No. 707 — 1 oz. can, 50c. Pyorrhea Gum; — This is a medicated gum of absolute necessity in any treat- ment for pyorrhea. Its service is to fill the pus pockets to prevent the bacteria laden saliva to come in contact with the diseased tissue — thus giving the gums an opportunity to heal and grow around the teeth again. You cannot use anything better than Ironite in your treatment for pyorrhea. , No- 177 — Price, 25c. Oriental Balsam Tartar Remover — Removes tartar, tobacco and vegetable discolorations from the teeth. Perfectly harmless. Does not take the place of tooth paste or powder. 68 SUPER HIGH GRADE PERF No. 802 — $1.00 per ounce. . .>* You will be surprised and delighted with the quality of these Superfine Per- fumes— You will pay $5.00 an ourjce for perfumes, and get nothing better — in most cases nothing nearly as gdod as these superfine perfumes. We carry them only in the following odors, price, $1.00 per ounce. No discount for larger quantities. Rose Bouquet — A very fine odor, re- minding one instantly of a bouquet of fresh roses. A perfume that retails for several times the price we charge. Sandal Wood Bouquet — Very much dif- ferent from other perfumes in that it possesses a decided sandalwood odor — blended with a delightful pleasing flower odor. This perfume has been sold for as high as $6.00 an ounce. Our price, $1.00 Oriental Bouquet — This exquisite per- fume like the Sandalwood is distinctly of an oriental type — blended with an ordor that is both sweet and lasting. This is an odor you will not find else- where. It’s different. Lilac Bouquet — A truly superfine lilac bouquet, very sweet and lasting. American Cologne Bouquet — Not as sweet as the more heavy floral odors — • yet sweet enough to satisfy a connois- seur. A distinctly clean fresh odor. Arabia Bouquet — Here is a truly sweet oriental odor. It is our best seller. Very strong and lasting. Sold under various fancy names at very fancy prices. Some- times called Black Night, Silent Night, Mystery Drops, Borgia’s Lure, Love Drops and what not — a very charming sweet odor — but no more magic than some of our other odors. Ylang Ylang Bouquet — Heavier than Arabia and to some more sweet. But that is a matter of taste. It truly is a very fine perfume. Reseda Bouquet — This exquisite per- fume is entirely different than any of the preceding odors — while it is sweet it has a decidedly fresh odor — it reminds one of stepping into a flower garden after a shower. Lily of the Valley Bouquet — Not as sweet as Reseda but just as fresh and pleasing. A perfume that commands far more than we charge for it. Heliotrope Bouque t — S weet, sweet, sweet, delightfully sweet, that’s about the best description of this exquisite odor. You don’t know what a sweet odor is until you get this. One of the rare high priced perfumes on the market. 69 Orange Plower Bouquet — Have you promenaded down a path through orange groves in California or Florida — with a bouquet of Roses, Lilacs, and Violets on your breast, then you will be reminded of that walk by this delightful perfume. Very lasting. Violet Bouquet — Different than other violet odors, more sweet, more lasting, more delightful. Every one loves the vio- let. You will love it more when you get this superfine perfume. If there ever was a “Love Perfume” this should be it. No. 507 — 'Price, 50c. Superfine Complexion Clay — This ar- ticle is the invention of an Englishman, and has found favor with the public on account of its peculiar drawing power which seems to renew the vitality of the muscles and skin of the face. We have long known the secret of its manufac- ture and by using the highest grade ma- terials, we are in a position to furnish you an article that you will readily agree is far superior to the crude article first offered the public and so extensively advertised. No. 625 — Price, 25c. Wild Plower Sachet Perfume — A com- bination of wild flowers of delicate and lasting fragrance, suitable to place in bags to perfume clothing, etc. These flowers are not ground up into powder. They are dried whole, just as they came from the fields and prairie. No. 626 — Price, 50c. Rose Jar Buds and Petals — These are dried Rose Petals and Buds of selected very fragrant varieties. They are espe- cially adapted for making Rose Jars. They are placed in fancy jars or vases in alternate layers with common salt. First sprinkle 2 teaspoonfuls of salt in the bottom of jar then a layer of Rose Petals and Buds — then a thin layer (14 inch) of salt — and so on. The last layer should be rose buds and petals, no salt. Such a jar will perfume the room for months. No. 627 — Price, 25c. Pragrant Roots — These consist of a number of fragrant roots cut up small. They may be placed in bags and hung up in clothes closets or laid in drawers. Their refreshing fragrance will be im- parted to everything in the closet. Very delicate and delightful, but of not much value to keep away moths, for this pur- pose see our Moth Chaser in the index. Violet is the predominating odor of these fragrant roots, due primarily to the pres- ence of Florentine Orris Roots. 70 WILD WOOD TOILET SOAP No. 502 — Price, 25c per bar, 6 bars for $1. The superfine toilet soap. Is for those who value their com- plexion. It is the aristocrat of soaps. It is intended for those who consMer quality above price. It is made of the finest materials, this is apparent to any connoisseur upon .the first use of this soap. FINE FOR BATHING. FINE FOR THE HAIR. FINE FOR SHAVING. FINE FOR CHILDREN. FINE FOR CLEANING WOUNDS. WILD WOOD TOILET SOAP. A beautiful complexion — the bloom of youth, that fresh delicate peachy bloom, the desire of every lady of refinement, can only be maintained by the use of a superfine toilet soap. Soaps made from cheap grease, the rancid grease rendered from every con- ceivable filthy source, cannot be good for the complexion. No amount of perfume can make such soaps good. Our Wild Wood Toilet Soap is made of selected materials — edible fats — scientifi- cally blended with East India Sandal Wood oils and balsams. Sandal wood oil is one of the most expensive of essential oils, costing from $9.00 to $12.00 per pound. No. 520 — Price, 15c, 8 for $1.00. Wild Wood Vegetable Oil Soap — This is a pure vegetable oil soap — a most ex- cellent cleanser for the bath. It dis- solves the oils in the pores — and prevents blackheads and other skin impurities. A book could be written on the virtues of this remarkable soap. Try a bar — you will never be without it. The Ideal Hard Water Soap — It im- parts to the body a delightful clean fresh odor and has a tendency to com- bat disagreeable and strong body odors. It is cheap enough, to be used by farm hands and mechanics for the quick cleansing of grease and grime, yet it is good enough to be used by physicians and surgeons for any purpose where a good clean soap is required. 71 COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR BALDNESS FOR MEN Gray Hair First Sign of Old Age — The coloring matter of the hair which exists in the cells of the outer two layers of the hair is eaten by cells from the innermost layer which have been kept in check by vitality of the outer layer cells. As the body grows weaker these outer cells become weakened, and the inner cells growing in activity. After devouring the outer cells, causing gray hair, they attack the vital cells of the scalp and continue their destruction. These destructive cells are called “Machrophags.” They are found in all parts of the body, and as the general health declines they become especially active in the walls of the arteries, caus- ing old age and death. The process is, of course, very slow and hardly notice- able. As the body is kept young, these cells are kept in check, therefore to ward oft old age and gray hair, a good tonic appears to be the rational treatment. Another theory of the cause of old age and gray hair and their prevention is the following: In youth the heart ac- tion is strong and the blood is pumped to every cell in the body; as we grow older — our heart becomes weaker and the circulation of the blood to the head and scalp becomes less. This action may be compared with an engine pumping water up a hill — as the engine becomes weaker, the flow of water to the top of the hill decreases. Disciples of this theory rec- ommend— to lie at least one hour a day with the head resting lower than the rest of the body, thus allowing more blood to flow to the head and invigorate the scalp. Some of these theorists sleep without a pillow, others simply raise the foot of their bed a few inches. Still another theory is that baldness is due to a diseased condition of the scalp. The treatment we recommend takes in consideration of all these theories — and while there are undoubtedly cases that 72 cannot be helped — we know from past ex- perience that if the treatment is per- sistently taken the majority will be de- lighted with the results obtained. Treatment. 1st. Take Formula No. 999 Body Tonic Tea, as a general tonic. One cup- ful of this tea to be taken during the day, or use the tablets if more conven- ient. Upon retiring at night drink a cupful of milk. 2nd. Upon retiring, apply one or two tablespoonfuls of Oriental Hair Lustre to the scalp and massage thoroughly be- fore it dries on the hair, put on a rubber bathing cap and go to bed. 3rd. The next night apply one-half teaspoonful Great Marvel to the scalp, rubbing it in thoroughly and put on the rubber- bathing cap and retire. Do not wash the head next morning, but if de- sired, the hair and scalp may be moist- ened with water thoroughly. Use no sipap. 4th. Upon retiring the following night bathe the hair and scalp with cold water but do not dry the scalp; while still wet put on the bathing cap and retire. The above is one week’s treatment; continue the same the next week. Sleep without a pillow at least one night a week. Be sure to wear the Rubber Bathing Cap during the three nights a week, when the different preparations are ap- plied, as the cap prevents the liquids from evaporating. And always rub up- ward from the ears toward the top of the head when massaging the scalp. Never rub downward. We can furnish this treatment at the following prices: 1 No. 999 Body Tonic Tea $1.50 or Tablets 1.00 1 No. 118 Great Marvel 2.00 1 6-oz. Ironite 2.00 1 Rubber Bathing Cap 50 1 Oriental Hair Lustre 50 Special offer of the above for $5.00 Note — The Great Marvel is very pow- erful and penetrating and must not be applied to a scalp that is afflicted with eczema, mange, or any other sores or inflammation. Great Marvel is non-poi- sonous but irritating to sore spots. When the scalp is inflamed or diseased, Ironite should be used in place of Great Marvel and Oriental Hair Lustre until the scalp is well healed. Ironite will do more for a diseased scalp than any article we know of. 73 FRAGRANT BOTANICALS. Price 25c per box Lavender Flors Wild Ginger Master of the Wood Wintergreen Tonka Beans Deer’s Tongue Cloves Sandalwood Cassia Bark Rose Petals Penny Royal Orris Root Gum Myrrh Peppermint Wild Vanilla Tansy Herb The roots, herbs and barks listed here are used in Sachet Perfumes, Incense Mixtures and in the manufacture of cer- tain Perfumes and Flavors. COLORING AGENTS. Price 25c per box Madder (Red) Red Saunders (Red) Sage (Green) Sumach Lvs. (Brown) Saffron (Red) Blue Malva (Blue B.) Walnut Hulls Alkanet (Red) (Brown) Henna Lvs. (Yellow) Golden Seal Black Malva (Black) (Yellowish) Blood Rt. (Red) These coloring agents of the Herbal Kingdom were largely used by the In- dians but are now only occasionally used in toilet preparations and hair tonics. RARE AND CURIOUS BOTANICS. Price 25c per box Bourbon Bark Dragon Blood Smellage Root Oriental Gum Sacred Bark Adam and Eve R. Tonka Beans Queens Root Orris Root Grains of Paradise Cummin Seed Crab Eye Seed Alkanet Root Sumbul Root Jezabel Root Devil Shoe String Sea Spirit Five Finger Grass Master of the Wood Southern John The Conqueror Root High John the Conqueror Root European John The Conqueror Root Queen Elizabeth R. Wahoo Bark Life Everlasting Holy Herb Star of Bethlehem Bethel Nuts Lesser Periwinkle Holy Sandal Wood Lovage Root Buckeye Egyptian Manna No. 518 — Price, 10c per bottle. Glass Glue — A liquid, waterproof glue that will stick to glass, tin, paper, wood, or in fact anything. Very useful for fruit cans, etc. Herbs lose much of their medicinal value after they are a year old. A drug- gist will carry a stock of herbs from year to year, until sold; varieties for which there is but little demand are often kept on the shelf from ten to twenty years. 74 No. 1 — Devil Shoe String, 25c box. No. 2 — Adam and Eve Root, 25c box. No. 3 — Bethel Nuts, 25c box. No. 4 — High John the Conqueror Rt. No. 5 — Sang Root, 25c box. No. 6 — Jezabel Root, 25c box. Nos. 7, 8, 9 — Queen Elizabeth Root, half female shape, $2 each. No. 10 — Illustrates four Queen Eliza- beth Roots having, the whole female form. Price $10 each. 75 ALTERATIVES These are drug's which gradually al- ter and correct a bad condition of the blood without necessarily producing evacuations of the bowels. ANTISFASMODICS Medicines which allay or prevent the recurrence of spasms, relieving muscu- lar irritability and excessive contrac- tion. ASTRINGENTS Drugs which contract the tissues and thus tend to arrest discharges. DEMULCENTS These are drugs suited to modify the action of acrid and stimulating matters upon the mucous membranes of the throat, lungs, stomach intestines, kid- neys and bladder and the entire urinary passages. They are soothing to the irri- tated, or inflamed mucous membrane and therefore, of great service in colds, coughs, diarrhoea, kidney and bladder troubles, burning or scalding urine, gon- orrhoea, brights disease, diabetes, dis- entery, cholera infantum, gall stones, piles, catarrhal affections of the throat and stomach and also as emolients when applied externally. DIAPHORETICS— SUDORIFICS Diaphoretics are drugs which secure an increased perspiration that usually is not great or visible. Those which in- duce a very abundant and visible per- spiration are called Sudorifics. DIURETICS Medicines which promote the secre- tion of urine. Useful when the kidneys are not sufficiently active. In the ma- jority of fevers some specific influence requires to be made upon the kidneys. Useful also in those achings of the back and general nervous uneasiness which so often proceed from deficient renal action; in scalding of the urine and aching through the bladder; in prostatic affec- tions of a chronic character, and in gonorrhoeal poisoning. EXPECTORANTS Expectorants are drugs which modify quality and quantity of mucous secre- tions and favor its expulsion. They are the chief components of medicines for coughs, colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, and coryza. ^ 76 OLD TAMARACK'S FORMULAE. We have had so many calls for the Old Tamarack formulae listed below that we have decided to add them to our regular stock, mixed ready for use. These teas are ground fine — and con- tain all of the ingredients in the same proportions recommended by Old Tama- rack. Purchasing these formulas all ready mixed saves you nothing, merely tire mixing. We can furnish these only in the herb form, all finely ground and ready for use. No. 711 — Great Spirit Tea $1.00 No. 712 — Archangel Root — Select. . . 1.00 No. 713 — Pale Face Lungwort Comp 1.00 No. 714 — Pale Face Kidney wort Comp 1.00 No. 715 — Palmetto-Mistletoe Comp.. 1.00 No. 716 — Squaw Tea 1.00 No. 717 — Old Chieftain Tonic 1.00 No. 718 — Dwarf Elder Comp 1.00 No. 719 — Liver Leaf Compound.... 1.00 No. 710 — Canada Snake Root Comp. 1.00 No. 721— Red Skin Tea 1.00 No. 731 — Old Chieftain Bitters 1.00 No. 723' — Old Chieftain Powders... 1.00 No. 171 — Price, $1.00. Mothers Vaginettes— A valuable ad- junct in the treatment of irritation and inflammation of the generative organism. Properties — sedative and astringent. Directions — After using a warm douche place one suppository in the vagina up to the neck of the womb. Repeat every third night. 77 HERB TEAS For liquids see page 91, for tablets see page 92. All of the following preparations can be furnished in the herb tea form. The different herbs, roots, barks and flowers comprising these formulae are com- pounded in the right proportions, mixed and ready for use. They are nicely cut into small pieces so that with careful investigation one can distinguish all of the different ingredients. To make a medicinal tea simply take one or two heaping teaspoonfuls of the mixture and place in a cupful of boil- ing hot water — cover up the vessel and allow to cool, drink one or two cupfuls a day, a large mouthful at a time. Some people prefer to boil the tea for 1 min- ute only, so as to extract more of the medicinal virtues of the ingredients. Some require 3 or 4 or more teaspoon- fuls of the herb mixtures for the tea to get results. We are not all built alike, some are strong, some are weak. Each individual should, therefore, start with one or two teaspoonfuls of the mixtures and gradually increase the quantity until the desired results are obtained. All of our herb mixtures may be taken freely, they are harmless. No. 7 — Florida Tea. .... .$1.00 per box Sweet Flag Root Jamaica Ginger Root Juniper Berries Clove Buds Cubeb Berries Sassafras Bark of Root Senna Alexandria Leaves Oregon Grape Root Cassia Bark 8 — Wild Cherry Pectoral $1.00 per box Wild Cherry Bark Gum Plant White Pine Bark Coughwort Leaves Hoarhound Leaves 78 No. 10 — Father John’s Stomach Tea. . . .$1.00 per box Thousand Seal Juniper Berries MilkWeed Blue Gentian Wormwood Leaves German Cheese Plant Hose Pink No. 11 — Father Bernard’s Stomach Tea. . . .$1.50 per box Italian Sage Leaves Stone Root Colic Root Fennel Seed Wormwood Leaves Gentian Root Juniper Berries Wild Strawberry Leaves German Cheese Plant No. 12 — Hop Bitters $1.00 per box Hop Flowers Buchu Leaves Prickly Ash Bark May apple Root Rosemary Leaves Swamp Sassafras German Cheese Plant No. 14 — Dwarf Elder- Kidney Wort Compound $1.00 per box Kidney Wort Cheese Plant German Rue Dog Grass Juniper Berries Rosemary Leaves Sassafras, Bark Bluet’s Flowers Dwarf Elder No. 15 — Rocky Mountain Tea $1.00 per box Rocky Mountain Grape Root Kidney Wort Yellow Dock Root Button Snake Root Rosemary Leaves Skunk Cabbage Juniper Berries German Cheese Plant Black Mallow Fennel Seed 79 No. 16— Cohosh Wild Root Compound $1.00 per box Black Cohosh Root Sweet Fern Twigs and Leaves German Cheese Plant Juniper Berries Lesser Periwinkle Leaves Fennel Seed Mayapple Root Rosemary Leaves Marshmallow Root JpsSp' No. 17 — Father John’s Kid- ney-Liver Leaf Compound $1.00 per box Kidney-Liver Leaf Seven Barks Blue Chicory Root Senna Alexandria Red Clover Flowers Boneset Leaves and Flowers German Cheese Plant Sassafras, bark of root No. 19 — Wildwood Tea. . . .$1.00 per box Gen. Cramp Bark Alex. Senna Leaves Eastern Scullcap German Cheese Plant Colic Root Horsetail Grass Chicory Root No. 21 — Dr. Brown’s Nerve Root Compound . $1.00 per box Nerve Root Eastern Scullcap Mex. Damiana Gentian Root Hop Flowers German Cheese Plant No. 22 — Jesuits Fever Bark Compound .$1.00 per box Jesuits Fever Bark, Powdered Jamaica Ginger, Powdered Clove Buds, Powdered Cascara, Powdered Licorice Root, Powdered 80 No. 24 — Old Style Nerve Root Compound . $1.50 per box Nerve Root Fragrant Valerian Chocolate Root Nepeta Wild Strawberry Leaves Sassafras*, bark of root German Cheese Plant Bluets No. 26 — German Celery Compound $1.00 per box Celery Seed Nepeta Flowers and Leaves Hungarian Cham- omile Flowers Blue Mallow No. 27 — Sassafras Compound $1.00 per box Sassafras Root Elder Flowers Rosemary Leaves Rocky Mountain Grape Root Chickweed Poke Root Horsetail Grass No. 28 — Saline Herb Tea. .$1.00 per box Gulf Wrack Celery Seed Angelia Nerve Root Horsetail Grass No. 29 — Blue Vervain and Scullcap Compound $1.00 p*er box Blue Vervain Flowers and Leaves Indian Sage Hungarian Cham- omile Flowers Gen. Cramp Bark Marshmallow Root East. Blue Scullcap Skunk Cabbage Fennel Seed Rosemary Leaves No. 30 — Fringe Tree Compound Tea. .$1.00 per box Fringe Tree Master of the Woods Blue Vervain Flow- ers and Leaves Elecampane Wormwood Leaves Water Plantain 81 No. 33 — Demulcent Tea * . .$1.00 per bos Buckthorn Bark Sweet Weed Boneset Lvs. and Flors. Cheese Plant Flax-Seed Mayapple Root Fennel Seed Wallwort No. 34 — Prairie Plant Compound $1.00 per box Wild Alum Root Prairie Plant Buckthorn Indian Sage Fennel Seed Flax Seed Cheese Plant Marshmallow Root No. 37 — American Sarsaparilla Compound $1.00 per box Am. Sarsaparilla Mex. Sarsaparilla Hon. Sarsaparilla Sassafras, bark No. 49 — Baby Fennel Tea. . .60c per bos Fennel Seed Sweet Weed Licorice Root Chamomile No. 57 — Sage-Mullen Clover Compound 50c and $1.50 boxes Italian Sage Leaves Low Mullein Leaves Red Clover Flowers Bearberry Leaves Palmetto Berries Bluets Gentain Root No. 77 — Buffalo Herb Tea 50o and $1.00 boxes Buffalo Herb Gentain Juniper Berries Corn Silk Wild Yam Boneset Rocky Mountain Grape Mullein Leaves German Cheese Plant Hop Flowers Foenugreek Seed Chicory Blue M&lva 82 No. 99 — Calumet Laxative Compound ....... 50o per box Senna Alexandria Senna Tin. Turtleboom Leaves German Cheese Plant Fennel Seed May apple Jamaica Ginger \ Colic Root Bluets Sweet Weed Buckthorn Bark Licorice Root Sacred Bark fo. a ro. o. 112 — U. U. Tea.. $1.50 per box Palmetto Berries Bearberry Leaves Acacia Cubeb Berries Juniper Berries Althea Root Sweet Fern Cheese Plant Fennel Seed Bluets 116 — Bugle Weed Compound $1.00 per box Bugle Weed Couch Grass Mistletoe Star Root Althea Root Cheese Plant 117 — Lavender Flowers Compound $1.00 per box Lavender Flowers Rosemary Leaves and Flowers Cheese Plant Leaves and Flowers Althea Root Thyme Leaves Virginia Snake Root 2S No. 120 — Snake Root Comp. . .50o and $1.50 boxes Snake Root Sweet Fern Kidney Liver Leaf Juniper Berries Mayapple Wintergreen Leaves Wild Yam Fennel Seed Bitter Root Wahoo, bark of root German Cheese Plant No. 123 — Queen of the Meadow Compound 50c per box Queen of the Meadow Black Cohosh Lesser Periwinkle Corn Silk Juniper Berries Gentain Cheese Plant Sassafras, bark of root and Leaves Swamp Lily Root Bearberry Leaves Horsetail Grass Squaw Vine German Cheese Plant No. 127 — Palmetto Damiana Compound $1.50 per box Palmetto Berries Mexican Damiana Sandalwood Juniper Berries Blue Mallow Bearberry German Cheese Plant Corn Silk Althea 84 No. 128 — Venetian Herb Tea for Children $1.00 per box Bearberry Leaves Cheese Plant Corn Silk Sassafras, bark of root St. Johnswort Horsetail Grass No. 129 — Venetian Herb Tea for the Aged $1.00 per box Bearberry Leaves St. Johnswort Catnip Leaves and Flowers Horsetail Grass Cheese Plant Angelica Boot No. 131 — Mormon, Valley Herb Compound. .50c per box Mormon Valley Plant Black Cohosh Spanish Licorice Gentain Fennel Seed Bluets Wild Cherry Bark No. 132 — Wild Swamp Root Compound $1.00 per box Swamp Lily Root Marshmallow Root Bearberry Leaves Cheese Plant Sassafras, bark of root Buchu Leaves Horsetail Grass Bluets Corn Silk No. 134 — Wahoo Pleurisy Root Compound $1.50 per box Pleurisy Root Coughwort German Cheese Plant } Wahoo Bark Wild Cherry Bark Bluets No. 137 — Juniper Berry Compound $1.00 per box Juniper Berries Sassafras Bark Gentain Wild Clover Tops Bluets Hoarhound Leaves Fennel Seed Wormwood Leaves Rosemary Leaves German Cheese Plant 85 Wo. 138— Golden Seal Marigold Clover Compound $3.00 per box Golden Seal Root Acacia Marigold Flowers Red Clover Flowers Strawberry Leaves Linden Flowers Colic Root Marshmallow Root Solomon Seal Root Fennel Seed Bluets Wild Cherry Bark No. 150 — Red Clover Flowers Compound $1.00 per box Red Clover Flowers Buckthorn Bark Blue Vervain Leaves and Flowers Nerve Root Sassafras, bark of root Anise Seed No. 182 — Birch Mountain tea $1.00perbox This is a secret formula which we have no authority to divulge. It is comprised entirely of herbs and flowers. No. 201 — Spring Tonic $1,00 per box Sassafras, bark of root Red Clover Flowers Turtlebloom Leaves Tinn. Senna Leaves Fennel Seed Anise Seed No. 203 — Bavarian Herb Tea $1.00 per box Elder Flowers Rocky Mountain Grape Root Juniper Berries Anise Seed Black Mallow Flowers Fennel Seed German Cheese Plant Mullein Coughwort Turtlebloom Leaves Marshmallow Root 86 No. 220 — Viburnum Palmetto Compound $1.50 per Box Viburnum Squaw Bush Palmetto Berries Swamp Lily Root Beth Root Mex. Damiana Leaves German Cheese Plant Blue Mallow Bearberry Leaves Althea Black Haw Wild Cherry No. 221 — German Breast Tea $1.00 per box Coughwort Leaves Nettle Leaves Fennel Seed Juniper Berries Blue Mallow Black Mallow German Cheese Plant Yerba Santa No. 223 — Floral Breast Tea $1.50 por b«s Linden Flowers Blue Mallow Flowers Black Mallow Flowers Mullein Flowers Saffron Flowers Calendula Flowers Red Clover Flowers 87 No. 226 — Prairie Mint Compound $1.00 per box German Rue Swamp Lily Bearberry Leaves Squaw Weed Sweet Balm Sweet Flag Jamaica Ginger Prairie Plant Black Cohosh No. 227 — Celery Compound. $1.50 per box Celery Seed Angelica Root Gentian Root Sacred Bark Marshmallow Root Bearberry Leaves Juniper Berries German Cheese Plant No. 300 — Ladies Floral Beauty Tea $1.50 per box German Cheese Plant Bluets Sassafras Pith Sassafras Bark Juniper Berries Althea Root American Sarsaparilla Marigold Flowers Rosemary Leaves Fennel Seed Yellow Root Bearberry Leaves No. 331 — Mistletoe Com- pound $1.00 per box Mistletoe Twigs Sassafras, bark of root Marshmallow Root Licorice No. 409 — Mother’s Herb Tea $1.00 per box Gen. Cramp Bark Squaw Vine Yellow Poplar Bark Star Root Alex. Senna Tinn. Senna Leaves Beth Root Blue Mallow Black Haw Bark German Cheese Plant No. 410 — Mother’s Antispasmodic Compound $1.00 per box Gen. Cramp Bark Blue Cohosh Spignet Squaw Vine Fennel Seed Sassafras, bark of root 88 No. 411 — Cramp Bark Compound $1.00 per box Gen. Cramp Bark Swamp Cabbage Blue Scullcap Jamaica Ginger Black Cohosh No. 555 — Double Quick Cathartic 50c per box Mandrake Elm And Aromatics No. 600 — Yellow Dock Clover Compound $1.50 per box Yellow Dock Root Red Clover Flowers Stillingia Root Poke Root Prickly Ash Bark Rocky Mountain Grape Root Elder Flowers Marshmallow Root German Cheese Plant Tinn. Senna Leaves Sassafras, bark of root American Sarsaparilla Root No. 601— Golden Seal Comp $1.00 per box Anise Seed Fennel Seed Golden Seal Root Gum Myrrh Jamaica Ginger No. 604 — Calmative Tea 50c per box Eastern Blue Scullcap Mint Blossoms Nerve Root No. 666 — Kansas Sun Flower Compound $2.00 per box Kansas Sunflower Prickly Ash Bark Poke Root Bluets Rocky Mountain Grape Root Marshmallow 89 No. 700 — Agueweed Comp. . .$1.00 per box Ague Weed Sweet Flag Sassafrass Root Juniper Berries Goose Grass Snake Root Thyme Leaves No. 719 — Liver Tonic $1.00 per box Liver Leaf Hoarhound Mayapple Sacred Bark Cheese Plant No. 731 — Old Chieftain Bitfters ....... .$1.00 per box Gentain Root Waahoo Bark Prickly Ash Bark Wild Cherry Bark No. 777 — Heart Tonic Tea. .$2.00 per box Fox Gl6ve Valerian Wild Cherry Gentain Wild Strawberry Mistletoe No. 789 — Black Jack Liver Powder . . . ., 50c per box Mayapple Vegetable Char. C. Sacred Bark Culvers Root Spanish Licorice Root Rocky Mountain Grape Root Sulphur No. 790 — Old Settlers Liver Tea $1.00 per box Liverwort Kidney Liver Leaf T.urtlebloom Waahoo Spanish Licorice Marshmallow German Cheese Plant Rocky Mountain Grape Root Bittersweet Twigs Hop Flowers Fennel Seed No. 804?— Gall Powders . . . .$LQ0 per box Goose Grass Elm Bark Sassafras Bark Boldo Leaves Russian Licorice Capsicum Berries 90 KO. 999 — Body Tonic Tea. .$1.50 per box Rocky Mountain Grape Corn Silk Gentain Marshmallow Sacred Bark Turtlebloom Yellow Root German Cheese Plant Fennel Seed Jamaica Ginger Anise Seed Thyme Juniper Berries Colic Root Bearberry Leaves No. 1000 — Clover Blue Flag Compound $1.50 per box Red Clover Flowers Blue Flag Root Juniper Berries Rocky Mountain Grape Tinn. Senna Leaves Alex. Senna Leaves German Cheese Plant Blue Gentain Lesser Periwinkle Leaves LIQUIDS The following preparations can be fur- nished in the liquid form. Liquids require 10c extra for each $1.00 bottle for postage and extra packing. We can also furnish these liquids in bulk at $10.00 per gallon by express f. o. b. Hammond with the exception of No. 138 which is $15.00 per gallon. A Gallon of any of these liquids would fill twenty one dollar size bottles and is shipped only by express. Be sure to give nearest express office when ordering liquids in gallon quantities as they posi- tively cannot be shipped by parcel post. No. 7 — Florida Tea $1.00 No. 8 — Wild Cherry Pectoral.... 1.00 No. 10 — Father Johns Stomach Drops 1.00 No. 11 — Father Bernards Stomach Tonic . . . . 1.00 No. 16 — Cohosh Wild Root Com- pound 1.00 No. 17 — Father Johns Kidney Liver Leaf Compound . 1.00 No. 21 — Dr. Brown’s Nerve Root Compound 1.00 No. 24 — Old Style Nerve Root Com- pound Tea 1.00 No. 26 — German Celery Comp 1.00 91 LIQUIDS — Continued No. 27 — Sassafrass Compound.... 1.00 No. 29 — Blue Vervain and Scull- cap Comp 1.00 No. 57 — Sage Mullein Clover Comp. 1.00 No. 77 — Buffalo Herb Tea 1.00 No. 99 — Calumet Laxative Comp.. . 1.00 No. 112< — U. U. Tea 1.00 No. 120 — Snake Root Compound. . . . 1.00 No. 127 — Palmetto Damiana Comp.. 1.00 No. 132 — Wild Swamp Root Comp.. . 1.00 No. 134 — Waahoo Pleurisy Root Compound 1.00 No. 137 — Juniper Berry Compound. 1.00 No. 138 — G-olden Seal, Marigold Clover Compound 1.50 No. 201 — Spring Tonic 1.00 No. 203 — Bavarian Herb Tea 1.00 No. 220 — Viburnum Palmetto Com- pound 1.00 No. 221 — German Breast Tea 1.00 No. 227 — Celery Compound 1.00 No. 300 — Ladies Floral Beauty Tea. 1.00 No. 409 — Mothers Herb Tea 1.00 No. 410 — M others Antispasmodic Compound 1.00 No. 523 — Baby’s Whooping Cough Syrup .50 No. 600 — Yellow Dock Clover Com- pound 1.00 No. 812 — Honey-Cherry Balsam Compound 50 No. 999 — Body Tonic Tea 1.00 No. 1000 — Clover Blue Flag Comp.. 1.00 TABLETS All of the following formulae can be furnished in tablet form. Most of these are also put up in the herb and liquid form, see page 91 for liquids, and page 78 for herbs. Formulae not listed here are not put up in tablet form. However, we can make tablets of all kinds to order in quantities of not less than 10,000. The prices vary $2.00 to $4.00 per 1000 according to the value of the ingredients. It does not pay us to make less than 10,000 of an order. Kindly refrain from asking prices on any smaller quantity. No. 11 — Father Bernards Stomach Tonic $1.00 No. 16 — Cohosh Wild Root Comp.. . 1.00 No. 17 — Father Johns Kidney and Liver Leaf Comp 1.00 No. 19 — Wild Wood Tablets 1.00 No. 21 — Dr. Brown’s Nerve Root Compound 1.00 No. 24 — Old Style Nerve Root Com- pound 1.00 No. 27 — Sassafrass Compound .... 1.00 No. 28 — Saline Herb Compound. ... 1.00 92 TABLETS— Continued 29 — Blue Vervain and Scullcap Compound 57 — sage Mullein Clover Comp. 77 — Buffalo Herb Compound. . 99 — Calumet Laxative Com- pound, Medium 99 — Calumet Laxative Com- pound, Triple 112— U. U. Tab 120 — Snake Root Compound 127 — Palmetto Damiana Comp.. 132 — Wild Swamp Root Comp.. 138 — Golden Seal Marigold Clover Comp. 170 — Cascara Candy Lozenges . . 173 — Bronchial Candy Lozenges 174 — Magnesia Stomach Wafers 175 — Elm Mint Lozenges 176 — Laxative Sugar Wafers for Children 177 — Sugar Liver Wafers for Children 220 — Viburnum Palmetto Comp. 221 — German Breast Tab 226 — Prairie Mint Comp 227 — Celery Compound 272; — Oriental Breath Wafers.. 300 — Ladies Floral Beauty Tab. 409 — Mothers Herb Tab . 556 — Double Quick Liver Tab. . . 555 — Dbl. Quick Cathartic Tab. 557 — Double Quick Cold Tablets 558 — Double Quick Kidney and Bladder Tablets 600 — Yellow Dock Clover Comp. 601 — Golden Seal Comp. . . . 702 — Oriental Balsam Tablets 999 — Body Tonic Tablets 1000 — Clover Blue Flag Comp 1001 — Neutralizing Tablets . . 1002 — Juniperettes 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 .25 .75 OILS We put up the following essential oils mly in the size bottles for which the Drice is given. We positively will not sell less than the quantity listed. 10c extra for postage and packing on 8 oz. bottles or over. No discounts to dealers. Almonds, Sweet 2 oz. ^.mber 2 oz. Inise, Star 1 oz. \m. Cologne Compound 1 oz. Arabia 1 oz. Angelica „..loz. Bergamot 1 oz. Birch Tar 2 oz. Bay 1 oz. Bajeput 1 oz. Bastor 6 oz. .50 .50 .50 2.00 5.00 7.00 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 .50 93 Cedarwood .50 Cedar Leaves 1.00 Cade .50 Camphor .50 Caraway 1.00 Cassia .50 Cinnamon .50 Cloves .50 Cubebs 1.00 Cumin 2.00 Cypress 1.00 Camphor .50 Coriander 5.00 Cyclamen Comp 4.00 Citronella .50 Capsicum Comp 1.00 Eucalyptus 1.00 Elemi 1.00 Flax Seed .25 Geranium Compound 1.00 Ginger 1.00 Heliotrope Compound 3.00 Juniper Berries 1.00 Lavender 1.00 Lemon 1.00 Lilac Compound 4.00 Lilly of the Valley Compound. . . 1 oz. 4.00 Lemon Grass 1.00 Mace .50 Mullein .50 Myrtle 1.00 Muguet 1.00 Narcissus 4.00 Origanum .50 Olive . 16 oz. 1.00 Orange 1.00 Pennyroyal .50 Peppermint 1.00 Petrolatum .50 Palma Rose .50 Pimento 1.00 Poppy Seed .50 Patchouly 5.00 Rosemary .50 Rose Compound 5.00 Reseda Compound . . . . 5.00 Rose Geranium 1.00 Rhodium 2.00 Rosewood , 2.00 Sassafras .50 Spearmint 1.00 Spike .50 Sandalwood 2.00 Tar .50 Thyme .50 Turpentine .50 Tansy 4.00 Thuja 1.00 Violet Compound 4.00 Verbena Compound 3.00 Violet 4.00 Wintergreen 1.00 Ylang Ylang 4.00 94 PRICE LIST OF SALVES AND OINTMENTS. !To. 2000 — Black Jack Salve $0.25 *o. 1 — Tar Salve 50 To. 3 — Sulphur Tar Salve 1.00 To. 2 — Golden Seal Valve 50 To. 103 — Pile Ointment 50 To. 42 — Hospital Burn Ointment.. .50 To. 73 — Salvaleen Eye Salve 25 To. 59 — V. Balm for Men 1.00 To. 71— V. Balm for Ladies 1.00 To. 187 — Bacterioleum 50 To. 163 — Oriental Balsam Ointment 1.00 To. 35 — Wintergreen Embrocation. .50 To. 151 — Mandragora Ointment .... 1.00 To. 159 — Goose Grease Ointment. . . 1.00 To. 43 — Eucamint Pain Relief 50 To. 511 — Eucamint Catarrh Jell 50 To. 707 — Pyorrhea Gum 50 To. 104 — Pile Cones 50 To. 305 — Red Wing Wax 25 To. 510 — Tonail Wax 10 PRICE LISTS OF CREAMS, PASTES, SOAPS AND POWDERS. To. 50 — Superfine Cold Cream 50 To. 506 — Superfne Rolling Massage Cream 50 To. 504 — Superfine Greaseless Cream .50 To. 76 — Superfine Developing Mas- J sage Cream 50 To. 521 — Superfine Shaving Cream. .50 To. 507 — Complexion Clay 50 To. 503 — Comedo Sulphur Cream... .50 To. 505 — Lilac Bouquet Hair Dress- ing 50 To. 119 — Old English Castile Soap. .75 To. 502 — Wild Wood Toilet Soap. 1 6 for 1.00 To. 520— Wild Wood Vegetable Oil Soap 8 for 1.00 To. 75 — Lilac Bouquet Face Pow- der, Pink, Flesh or Brunette... .50 To. 39 — Medicated Dusting Powder .25 To. 122 — Shampoo Powder 50 To. 701 — Oriental Balsam Tooth Powder 50 To. 136 — Golden Seal Catarrh Snuff. .25 To. 508 — Oriental Tooth Paste 50 To. 509 — Menthomint Tooth Paste.. .50 To. 177 — Oriental Balsam Tartar Remover .25 MISCELLANEOUS PRICE LIST. To. 305 — Lilac Dry Shampoo 35 To. 704 — Temple Incense 50 To. 703 — Oriental Incense 50 To. 770 — Medicine Bag 50 To. 415 — Foot Ease Herbs 50 To. 193— Moth Chaser 25 To. 44 — Old Tamarack Poultice 50 95 No. 803 — Orange Restorative Bath Salts $0.50 No. 181 — Oriental Bath Salts 50 No. 310 — Southern Beauty Bath Tab. .50 No. 61 — Juniperole 50 No. 157 — Celery Petrole 1.00 No. 158— Fruited Jell 1.00 No. 1097 — Laxa-Lorain 2.00 No. 2033 — Vitamol Wafers 50 No. 97 — Fig Candy Laxative 25 No. 739 — -Marvel Internal Emollient 2.00 No. 133 — Medicated Cotton 25 No. 2130 — Fish Bait 50 No. 171 — Mothers Vaginettes 1.00 No. 145 — Medicated Insoles 25 No. 190 — Spot Solvent 50 No. 139 — Nutrinola 1.50 PRICE LIST OF LOTIONS, LINI- MENTS, TONICS AND BALMS No. 172 — Velveteen Face Lotion .... No. 60 — Velveteen Bleaching Lotion No. 148 — Velveteen Wrinkle Lotion. . No. 155 — Oriental Hair Lustre No. 309 — Herbal Hair Tonic Liquid, Concentrated No. 40 — Hair Curling Lotion No. 118 — Great Marvel Hair Food.. No. 514 — Medicated Witch Hazel. . . . No. 153 — Bay Rum Hair Oil No. 140 — Mint Hand Lotion No. 144 — Foot Balsam No. 2036 — Ironite No. 25 — Geranium Lotion No. 311 — Eucamint Liquid No. 903 — Cedar Forest Aireol No. 233 — Pinol Spray No. 515 — Ringworm Paint No. 146 — Poison Ivy Lotion NO. 154— Cootie Oil . No. 192 — Musketo Chaser No. 416 — Vanishing Balm No. 18 — Geranium Liniment, Triple strength No. 18 — Geranium Liniment, Me- dium strength NO. 812 — Honey-Cherry B a 1 s a m Cough Syrup No. 523 — B a b y Whooping Cough No. 152 — Oriental Balsam Lotion . . . No. 185 — Nail Polish No. 147 — Liquid Court Plaster, 2 for No. 149 — Menthomint No. 66 — Mentholine No. 67 — Menthone No. 755— -Blisterine No. 142— Mustorine, medium or triple No. 522— Baby Duckling Salve .50 .50 .50 .50 1.00 .50 2.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50. .50 .50 .25 .25 .50 1.00 2.00 .25 .50 .25 96 EUCAMINT LIQUID. $1.00. This is a powerful and penetrating Liquid — yet non-poisonous and soothing. It may be used freely in colds, croup, rheumatic pains, sore joints and muscles, stiff neck, sprains, neuralgia, neuritis and lumbago. Its uses are unlimited. Use it wherever pain, inflammation, con- gestion or itching exists. Equally valu- able for man or beast. Whooping Cough — Consult a physician. Apply the Liquid Eucamint liberally over the throat, chest and back and cover with warm flannels. Gargle the Liquid Antiseptic several times daily. Give the child plenty of fresh air but keep away from draughts. Sore Throat, Mild — Apply Eucamint Liquid to throat and rub lightly, then cover with warm flannels. If white or gray spots appear on throat, gargle the Li- quid Eucamint. Also place a few drops on sugar and swallow. Pyorrhea — Eucamint Liquid is also of great service in Pyorrhea — far better than most advertised preparations. Colds in Chest — Rub Eucamint well into the chest, over the throat and back, then cover with warm, dry flannels. Re- peat about twice each day. Also heat a little in a spoon over a candle or match and inhale the vapors. Keep pa- tient in bed in a well ventilated and warm (not hot) room. A laxative is also advisable. Rheumatic Pain — In< these cases it is advisable, when convenient, to bathe the part for several minutes with water as hot as can be borne, before applying. This opens the pores, increases the power of absorption of the skin. Cuts — Prevent infection and relieve the soreness by simply applying into the cuts after cleansing with warm water. Tired, Aching Peet — Apply Eucamint Liquid to the feet and rub well. No. 415— Box, 50c. Poot Rase — This is a combination of roots, herbs, flowers, borax and alum that gives almost instant relief to ach- ing and sweaty feet, and if used con- stantly for a short time will toughen the soles and prevent foot troubles. It is not a cure for cofns, however. Trav- eling men, try this. UNIVER9ITY OF ILLINOI9-URBANA BEAUTIFUL ASTERS. Asters — We have such large beautiful beds of asters in our garden from which we have been selling seed to neighbors for years. These are Giant Branching and Royal Asters in all colors and have been in such demand that we have decided to add them to our stock. Do not fail to add a few packages of our beautiful flower seeds to your order. No order to c* small. Price, 10c per packet. 15 packets for $1.00. TOBACCO AND TREE SEED. 10c a packet, postpaid. 15 packets for $1.00. 716 — Tobacco, Big Havana 725 — Tobacco. Sweet Oronoko 726 — Tobacco, The Primus 727 — Tobacco, Improved White Burley 866 — Tree Seeds, Arbor Vitae, American 872 — Tree Seeds, Norway Spruce 878 — Tree Seeds, Fir, Douglass 879 — Tree Seeds, White Pine 880 — Tree Seeds, Yellow Locust 881 — Tree Seeds, Yellow Pine 871 — Tree Seeds, Honey Locust OLD FASHIONED FLOWERS Our beds of old fashioned flowers have been the talk of the town — we have a large stock of theese seeds for sale at 10c per packet, or 15 for $1.00, postpaid. Be . sure and send for a few packages if only to help this good work along. Re- member we appreciate every order re- gardless how small. Stamps accepted.