Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. fg ebay ® re ne Nigts Paciric INIoRTH Wiest FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION E JSDA FOREST SERVICE RESEARCH NOTE]|| PNW-284 December 1976 ‘4 HERBICIDES FOR CONTROL OF WESTERN SWORDFERN | AND WESTERN BRACKEN by R. E. Stewart, Research Forester - ABSTRACT ce. Dicamba at 3 pounds acid equivalent per 100 gallons of carrier a will control individual western swordfern plants when applied between ey mid-May and late July. A mid-July foliage spray containing 1 to 3 | iy pounds active ingredient per acre of asulam will produce good long- a term control of western bracken without significantly affecting Douglas- be firs or ponderosa pines. a KEYWORDS: Herbicides, brush control, swordfern, Polystichwn munttum, bracken fern, Pteridiwn aquilinum var. pubescens, Douglas- fir, ponderosa pine, dicamba, asulam. 1 INTRODUCTION abundance of swordfern may affect if mountain beaver populations. Recent Western swordfern (Polystichun evidence shows that reclamation of red A munitum) and western bracken (Ptertdiun alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) stands with aquilinum var. pubescens) are common swordfern understories can be difficult ‘a herbaceous species on forest lands in (Dimock et al. 1976). Reduction or western Oregon and Washington. The elimination of swordfern and bracken : effect of competition from bracken on from conifer plantations may reduce a conifer seedling establishment is well their desirability as habitat for tree- h documented (Dimock 1964, McCulloch 1942, damaging animals and competition for § Staebler et al. 1954, Stewart 1975, light and soil moisture. F Worthington 1955) but is unknown for | swordfern. Swordfern is known to be a Western swordfern is found on forest 4 major winter food for a tree-damaging lands in limited geographic areas and W mammal, mountain beaver (Aplodontia has not been considered a serious iJ rufa) (Voth 1968). This suggests that competitor to seedlings. Nothing was ey ik OREST SERVICE -US. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - PORTLAND, OREGON | known about its control. In contrast, - Comparisons of herbicide effectiveness varieties of bracken are a serious were based on analysis of percentage of problem in pastures and on forest plants killed for western swordfern and lands throughout the world. Although percentage of ground cover for western information on response of western bracken. bracken to herbicides was available (Fechtig 1968, Fechtig and Furtick - 1965, Homesley and Furtick 1968, AISI) SUA Robocker 1971), satisfactory treatments During the 1970 growing season, four for controlling this species had not been herbicides were tested as foliage 3 been developed. sprays on western swordfern near Sitkum, — re i ; . é Oregon. Each treatment was applied in Beginning in 1970, a series of studies a water carrier by knapsack sprayer to were installed to develop herbicidal drip point on 10 individual plants. 4 treatments to control western swordfern Herbicides were applied as early foliar and western bracken. Since swordfern sprays on May 26, when fronds were at is likely to require control only in a mid- to late-hook stage, or as mid- localized areas, efforts were directed ‘summer sprays on July 28, when fronds toward developing individual plant were mature and sori were yellow to treatments. Bracken is a more widespread rust colored. Results observed in problem requiring treatments suitable September 1971, 13 to 15 months after for broadcast application. : treatment, are shown in table 1. All studies were installed as com- Swordfern was equally susceptible to pletely randomized experiments and the sprays applied in late spring and mid- results analyzed by analysis of variance. summer, but there was a significant Table 1--Effects of herbicides as early foltar or midsummer sprays on western swordfern, 13 to 15 months after treatment Early foliar spray Midsummer spray No. of fronds Average Average a ats Concen- Plants Herbicide ; : per frond . frond tration| killed eters Reaene killed heiehe plant 1b asin! Percent Inches Percent Inches Untreated 0 0 47 26 0 47 26 Picloram 1 0 24 18 0 Soe US) 2 40 24 17 20 29 21 Dicamba 4 80 20 25 30 ZA 17 8 80. 36 20 90 6 11 Dichlobenil 4 20 15 23 30 16 23 8 60 10 18 50 18 23 Bromacil 12 100 0 0 90 IL7/ 119 1/ — Pounds of active ingredient per 100 gallons of water. difference in plant kill obtained with the four herbicides. Of the herbicides and rates tested, dicamba at a maximum of 4 pounds active ingredient per 100 gallons (lb aihg) (fig. 1) and bromacil at 12 1b applied as early foliar sprays were the most effective. The most effective concentration of picloram or approximately 3 1b aihg. However, dichlobenil was not attained in this dicamba is somewhat more effective study. than bromacil at this concentration. The results also suggest that the oil-soluble formulation of dicamba applied in diesel oil is better than the water-soluble formulation applied in water at equal concentrations-- 1 pound acid equivalent per 100 gallons (1b aehg). All treatments reduced the vigor of surviving plants compared with untreated swordfern. Averaged over all dosages, bromacil produced better plant kill than dicamba. As shown in figure 2, the minimum effective con- centration of both herbicides is Both the water-soluble and oil- soluble formulations of dicamba are registered for use as high volume ground-applied sprays on forest land; bromacil is not. Therefore, dicamba is preferred to bromacil as an early foliar application for control of western swordfern. Dicamba and bromacil are soil- and foliage-active and may severely damage conifers, so sprays should be carefully applied on individual swordfern plants to avoid drift onto adjacent conifers. For site preparation, dicamba should be applied the year before planting. Figure 1.--Western swordfern plant killed by an early foliar spray of 3 pounds acid equivalent of dicamba per 100 gallons of water. A second study was installed to find the minimum effective concentration of dicamba and bromacil. During May 1972, 10 individual western swordfern plants were sprayed to drip point with each treatment when new fronds were at the early- to late-hook stage. Most sprays were applied in water carriers. How- ever, old fronds are also present at this stage, and these seem more resist- ant than new fronds to herbicides applied in water carriers. Therefore, an 0il-soluble dicamba formulation applied in a diesel oil carrier was also tested. Results observed in July 1973, 14 months after treatment, are shown in table 2. WESTERN BRACKEN During the 1970 growing season, the four herbicides tested on western swordfern were also applied as foliage sprays on western bracken near Blodgett, Oregon. Each treatment was applied by knapsack sprayer in a water carrier at a volume equivalent to 200 gallons per acre to ten 1/1,000-acre circular plots. Herbicides were tested as early foliar sprays on June 15, when fronds were almost fully expanded, and as midsummer sprays on August 10, when fronds were mature and sori were green. 100 40 PLANTS KILLED (Percent) 20 Table 2--Effects of vartous concentrations of dteamba and bromactl as early foliar sprays on western swordfern, 14 months after treatment Herbicide and Concen- Plants Moe oe enonds AvcL age carrier tration killed Ble ane prong live plant height 1b aihg?/ Percent Inches Untreated 0 0) 50 36 Dicamba (oil) 1 10 16 20 (water) 1 0 34 29 (water) 2 40 14 21 (water) 3 90 6 22 Bromacil (water) 1 20 29 25 (water) 2 50 12 17 (water) 3 70 22 20 (water) 6 70 8 18 £ Pounds of active ingredient per 100 gallons of carrier. During September 1971, 13 to 15 months after treatment, percent bracken cover and frond height and density were estimated on each plot. Height and density were obtained by measuring the average height and number of fronds in four systematically located 1-foot- square subsamples in each plot. The results of treatment are shown in table 3. Dicamba was by far the most effective herbicide tested for reducing bracken cover, and 4 1b ai per acre was as effec- tive as 8 lb. Early foliar sprays were less effective than midsummer sprays. This finding agrees with other studies, although Fechtig (1968) and Homesley and Furtick (1968) indicate that both picloram and dichlobenil can produce somewhat better control. Tests in Great Britain show that 4 1b ai per acre of dicamba can control bracken for up to four growing seasons on infertile sites but only for two seasons on fertile, 2 3 4 5 Herbicide concentration (1b aihg) Figure 2.--Response of western sword- moist sites (Forestry Commission 1969). fern to different concentrations of In the present study, none of the dicamba and bromacil. Table 3--Effects of herbicides as early foliar or midsummer sprays on western bracken, 13 to 15 months after treatment Herbicide 1b ai/Al/ Percent No./ft2 Untreated 0 87 1.8 Picloram 1 70 10 2 48 9 Dicamba 4 4 5h) 8 2 a Dichlobenil 4 74 1.3 8 86 1.6 Bromacil 12 76 1.6 Pounds of active ingredient per acre. herbicides adequately controlled western bracken beyond the second season. Dicamba is somewhat persistent, soil active, and can severely damage conifers (Ryker 1970, Stewart 1974). Asulam, a herbicide developed in Great Britain, has produced excellent control of other varieties of bracken fern at 4 to 8 lb ai per acre without damaging certain | Early foliar spray | Early foliar spray spray species of conifers (Holroyd et al. 1970, Martin et al. 1972, Soper 1972, Wasmuth 1973). Its effects on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menztesit) and western bracken were unknown; therefore, a test was installed near Harlan, Oregon, to compare effectiveness of asulam and dicamba for control of western bracken. Each treatment was applied to three 1/100-acre-square plots of western bracken in mid-July of 1972 after com- plete frond elongation. All sprays were applied with 0.2 percent surfactant Midsummer spray Average Average stem stem height height Inches Percent No./ft% Inches 43 87 1.8 43 50 30 9 43 49 16 S7 34 43 24 8 38 2 2 0 0 43 83 Me U7 48 48 90 USS 47 46 60 iL S74 53 in water at a volume equivalent to 200 gallons per acre. Bracken cover and stem density and height were observed in July--12, 24, and 36 months after treatment. Stem density and height were measured in five 1-foot-square sub- samples systematically located along the diagonals in each plot. Results of the first and last examinations are shown in table 4. Change in bracken cover during the 3 years after treat- ment is shown in figure 3. Asulam was more effective than dicamba in reducing bracken cover dur- ing the 3-year study. Effects of dicamba were evident by the end of the first growing season, 2 months after treatment. In contrast, asulam did not affect existing fronds but prevented emergence of new fronds the next year. Sprays containing 1 1b ai per acre of Table 4--Effect of dicanba and asulam as midsummer foltage sprays on western bracken 12 | 12 months after treatment | after | 12 months after treatment | Average Dosage Cover Stems stem height 36 months after treatment Average stem height Herbicide 1b nee Percent No./ft2 Feet Percent No./ft2 Feet Untreated 0 90 1.33 5.1 88 1.07 bbe 7 Dicamba 4 57 1.20 2.4 73 1.20 4.0 Asulam 1 WW 5 Ales 236 7b tf -40 3.8 2 8 .10 BASS 12 .08 2.1 3 5 03 2.0 v 120 25 1/ — Pounds of active ingredient per acre. asulam were almost as effective as sprays containing 2 or 3 1b. Bracken treated with dicamba recovered sub- stantially by the 3d year after spraying (fig. 4). In contrast, recovery was very slow after treatment with asulan, even at the lowest dosage (fig. 5). As expected, Douglas-firs present on the 4 |b of dicamba plots at the time of treatments were per acre severely damaged by dicamba (fig. 6); asulam did not damage trees at dosages up €o! 5" 1b) ale persacrem (tage, Untreated Effectiveness of asulam for control- ling western bracken was confirmed in 2» a small test installed during June 1973 Pcie on the Entiat Ranger District of the _e 1 Ib of asulam Wenatchee National Forest in the ie per acre Wenatchee Mountains of central Washington. Three 1/100-acre plots each were sprayed “2 z with 1 or 3 1b ai per acre of asulam lb of, asulam ,per acre WESTERN BRACKEN COVER (Percent) with 0.2-percent surfactant in water 0 12 24 36 48 : : at a carrier volume equivalent to 200 TIME AFTER TREATMENT (Months) gallons per acre. Results obtained 12 months after treatment are shown in Figure 3.--Western bracken cover on table 5. untreated plots and on plots treated with dicamba or asulam. As in tests in western Oregon, asulam produced good control of western bracken in central Washington. However, a higher _ nat ease Figure 4.--Bracken fern recovered Figure 5.--Bracken fern recovered very substantially by the 3d year after slowly after treatment with asulam. spraying with 4 lb aehg of dicamba. Figure 7.--Asulam did not damage Douglas-firs such as these two 3-foot-tall trees. Figure 6.--Dicamba severely damaged Douglas-firs such as this 3-foot-tall tree. Table 5--Effect of asulam applted as an early foliar spray on western bracken tn the Wenatchee Mountatns, 12 months after treatment. Treatment 1b ai/al/ Percent No./ft2 Feet Untreated 0 53 53 1.8 Asulam 1 37 -60 eA 3 10 07 1.8 1/ — Pounds of active ingredient per acre. dosage was required to control the shorter, more open bracken on these sites than to control the taller, more dense bracken in western Oregon. Perhaps western bracken growing on drier sites is more resistant to asulam or may have a thicker waxy cuticle that reduces uptake of herbicides applied in water carriers. To better determine the suitability of asulam for conifer release, 10 seed- lings each of Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) were sprayed to drip point with 1/2 1b aihg of asulam in a water carrier. Treatments were applied on June 19 at the beginning of active growth, on July 13 as terminal growth stopped but while new growth was succulent, and on August 14 after buds were set and new growth was woody. The concentration approximated a 2-1b-ai- per-acre application rate based on experience with phenoxy herbicides (Gratkowski 1961). Defoliation and topkill 2 years after spraying and average annual height growth before and after spraying are shown in table 6. The data show that asulam did not affect height growth of either Douglas-fir or ponderosa pine after adjusting for differences in individual tree growth before treatment using covariance analy- sis. However, variation was considerable, and some small growth reduction may be possible. Douglas-firs seemed more sensitive to asulam than ponderosa pines. Visible damage was slight in both species, but susceptibility was highest on June 19 during the period of active growth. This suggests that Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine seedlings can be safely released if sprays are applied after new growth ceases and terminal buds have set. This conclusion has been verified in a series of aerial spray tests.! CONCLUSIONS Western swordfern can be adequately controlled with sprays containing 3 1b aehg of dicamba applied in water to drip point on individual plants. Sprays can be applied anytime between the midhook and fully elongated frond stages, approximately mid-May to late July. Damage to conifers can be prevented if sprays are applied the year before planting or carefully directed away from young conifers on the site. Western bracken can be controlled for at least 3 years with 1 to 3 1b ai per 1Unpublished data on file at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Corvallis, Oreg. Table 6--Effect of asulan on Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine seedlings 2 years after treatment Species and Initial application height ee Before treatment— -- freee Meters Douglas-fir: Untreated 1.68 0.55 June 19 1.64 44 July 13 1.78 58 August 14 15 TAs) 56 Ponderosa pine: Untreated 1G 7/5) .59 June 19 2.03 58 July 13 WA? .64 August 14 1.96 74 1/ Average annual height growth treatment— Defoliation | Topkill After 2/ ----- Percent 0.73 0 0 59 12 3 73 2 0 60 10 0 98 5 0 86 14 0 87 5 0 eOiti 5 0 =, Total growth during the 2 years before treatment. 2/ acre of asulam applied after frond emergence, but some recovery of bracken may occur after treatment with 1 1b of asulam. Sprays applied in mid-July or August produced good bracken control without damaging Douglas-firs or ponder- osa pines. Asulam is registered for use on Christmas tree plantations, and registration for use in site preparation and conifer release on forest lands is expected soon. Experience suggests that results from small plot tests such as those reported here often closely agree with results from operational use under similar conditions. However, as with any new technology, it is wise to begin use of new herbicides on a small scale to establish local experience. This pre- liminary step can save time and money Total growth during the 2 years after treatment. later. Further, sharing your experience with others can prevent adoption of faulty technology and hasten adoption of useful technology. METRIC CONVERSIONS 1 pound = 0.45 kilogram 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters 1 gallon = 3.78 liters 1 acre = 0.40 hectare 1 foot = 0.30 meter LITERATURE CITED Dimock, Edward J., II. 1964. Supplemental treatments to aid planted Douglas-fir in dense bracken fern. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note PNW-11, 10 p. Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Portland, Oreg. Dimock, Edward J., II, Enoch Bell, and. Robert M. Randall. 1976. Converting brush and hardwoods to conifers on high sites in western Washington and Oregon. USDA For. Serv. Res.) Pap. .PNW=213))) di6i pe il lus). Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Portland, Oreg. Fechtiis, A.) D). 1968. Chemical control of bracken fern (Ptertdtum aquilinum L.) in western Oregon. Res. Prog. Rep. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 1968:5-6. Fechtig, A. D., and W. R. Furtick. 1965. Chemical control of bracken fern (Pterts aquilina L.) in western Oregon. Res. Prog. Rep. West. Weed Control Conf. 1965:17-18. Forestry Commission. 1969. Bracken control with dicamba. Rep. For. Res. For. Comm., London 1968/69. 1969:76-77. Gratkowski, H. 1961. Toxicity of herbicides on three northwestern conifers. USDA For. Serv. Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. stn. Res. Pap... 4238 24% pn fast ibust. Portland, Oreg. Holroyd, J., C. Parker, and A. Rowlands. 1970. Asulam for the control of bracken (Ptertdtum aqutlinum (L.) Kuhn). Proc. 10th Br. Weed Control Conf. 1970:371-376 Homesley, W. B., and W. R. Furtick. 1968. Bracken fern date of applica- tion experiment. Res. Prog. Rep. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 1968:7-9. McCulloch, W. F. 1942. The role of bracken fern in Douglas-fir regeneration. Ecology 23:484-485. Martin, D. J., G. H. Williams, and J. C. Raymond. 1972. The effect of asulam on bracken frond number, rhizome viability, and frond carbohydrate ratios. Proc. 11th Br. Weed Control Conf. 1972:331-334. 10 Robocker, W. C. 1971. Herbicidal suppression of bracken and effects on forage production. Weed Sci. 19:538-541. Ryker, R. A. 1970. Effects of dicamba and picloram on some northern Idaho shrubs and trees. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note ' INT-114, 6 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Soper D. 1972. Review of bracken control experi- ments with asulam. Proc. llth. Br. Weed Control Conf. 1972:24-31. Staebler, G. R., P. Lauterbach, and A. W. Moore. 1954. Effect of animal damage on a young coniferous plantation in southwest Washington. J. For. 52: 730-733. Stewart, R. E: 1974. Foliage sprays for site prepara- tion and release from six coastal brush species. USDA For. Serv. Res. Paps "PNWo 72) Ss pe lus em bacr Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Portland, Oreg. Stewart, R. E. 1975. Allelopathic potential of western bracken. J. Chem. Ecol. 1(2):161-169, illus. Voth, pr .gH. 1968. Food habits of the Pacific mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa pactfitca Merriam. Ph. D. thesis. Oreg. State Univ., Corvallis. 263 p. Wasmuth, A. G. 1973. The release of Pinus radtata from bracken with asulam. N.Z. J. For. 18:279-284. Worthington, N. P. 1955. A comparison of conifers planted on the Hemlock Experimental Forest. USDA For. Serv. Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn. Res. Note 111, 5 p. Portland, Oreg. PESTICIDE PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENT Pesticides used improperly can be injurious to man, animals, and plants. Follow the directions and heed all precautions on the labels. Store pesticides in original containers under lock and key--out of the reach of children and animals--and away from food and feed. Apply pesticides so that they do not endanger humans, livestock, crops, beneficial insects, fish, and wildlife. Do not apply pesticides when there is danger of drift, when honey bees or other pollinating insects are visiting plants, or in ways that may contaminate water or leave illegal residues. Avoid prolonged inhalation of pesticide sprays or dusts; wear protective clothing and equipment if specified on the container. If your hands become contaminated with a pesticide, do not eat or drink until you have washed. In case a pesticide is swallowed or gets in the eyes, follow the first-aid treatment given on the label, and get prompt medical attention. If a pesticide is spilled on your skin or clothing, remove clothing immediately and wash skin thoroughly. Do not clean spray equipment or dump excess spray material near ponds, streams, or wells. Because it is difficult to remove all traces of herbicides from equipment, do not use the same equipment for insecticides or fungicides that you use for herbicides. Dispose of empty pesticide containers promptly. Have them buried at a sanitary land-fill dump, or crush and bury them in a level, isolated place. NOTE: Some States have restrictions on the use of certain pesticides. Check your State and local regulations. Also, because registrations of pesticides are under constant review by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, consult your county agricultural agent or State extension specialist to be sure the intended use is still registered. FOLLOW THE LAGEL @S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE iit The mission of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION is to provide the knowledge, technology, and alternatives for present and future protection, management, and use of forest, range, and related environments. Within this overall mission, the Station conducts and stimulates research to facilitate and to accelerate progress toward the following goals: 1. Providing safe and efficient technology for inventory, protection, and use of resources. 2. Developing and evaluating alternative methods and levels of resource management. 3. Achieving optimum sustained resource productivity consistent with maintaining a high quality forest — environment. The area of research encompasses Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and, in some cases, California, Hawaii, the Western States, and the Nation. Results of the research are made available promptly. Project headquarters are at: Fairbanks, Alaska Portland, Oregon Juneau, Alaska Olympia, Washington Bend, Oregon Seattle, Washington Corvallis, Oregon Wenatchee, Washington La Grande, Oregon Mailing address: Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station P.O. Box 3141 Portland, Oregon 97208 GPO 997-606 e4 a Fc A rete che a3 ; : Ae aes = ite rie Pode ae ee + ‘7 a a ac ire Tae naa Po wh Ae eae a ante a Te ein el mee = ee 3 is Sel noes Soe pels se a