Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY— BULLETIN NO. 243. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND IN PLANT BREEDING. E. M. EAST, Assistant Professsor of Experimental Plant Morphology, Harvard University, and Collaborator of the Bureau of Plant Industry, ASSISTED BY H. K. HAYES, Plant Breeder of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. [In Cooperation with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station and Harvard University.] Issued June 5, 1912. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1912. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. Chief of Bureau, Beverly T. Galloway. Assistant Chief of Bureau, William A. Taylor. Editor, J. E. Rockwell. Chief Cleric, James E. Jones. Tobacco Investigations. scientific staff. W. W. Garner, Physiologist in Charge. E. H. Mathewson and G. W. Harris, Crop Technologists. H. A. Allard,.C. W. Bacon, E. G. Beinhart, JJ. E. Brown, C. L. Foubert, W. M. Lunn, E. G. Moss, and Otto Olson, Assistants. J. S. Cuningham and B. F. Seherffius, Experts. J. E= Blohm, Special Agent B. G. Anderson, R P. Cocke, EL M. East, W. W. Green, E. K. Hibshman, and True Houser, Collaborators. 243 2 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Office of the Chief, Washington, D. C, January 20, 1912. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith and to recommend for publication as Bulletin No. 243 of the series of this Bureau a manu- script entitled " Heterozygosis in Evolution and in Plant Breeding," by Dr. E. M. East, Assistant Professor of Experimental Plant Mor- phology, Harvard University, and Collaborator of this Bureau, and Mr. H. K. Hayes, Plant Breeder of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. This paper reports results from experiments that have at different times received aid from this Bureau, the Con- necticut Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Bussey Institu- tion of Harvard University and should be considered the product of their joint collaboration. Respectfully, B. T. Galloway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. 243 CONTENTS Page. Introduction . 7 The problem 8 Early investigations 8 The work of Darwin 13 Recent investigations 17 Experiments on a normally cross-fertilized species, Zea mays 19 Effects of inbreeding 19 Crossing inbred types 24 Experiments on species generally self-fertilized 26 The characters affected by heterozygosis 31 Theoretical interpretation of results. 32 Extension of the conclusions to the animal kingdom 39 Value of heterozygosis in evolution 43 Value of heterozygosis in plant breeding 46 Maize. 46 Truck crops 47 Plants reproduced asexually 48 Forestry 48 Bibliography 49 Index 53 243 5 LLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Tassels and ears of an almost sterile strain of corn isolated by inbreed- ing 24 II. Watson's flint and Longfellow flint corn inbred two years with Fj hybrid 24 III. Learning dent strains of corn, Xo. 9 and Xo. 12, after four years' in- breeding, compared with Fx hybrid 26 IV. Inbred strains of Learning dent corn compared with F: and F2 genera- tions 26 V. Strains 6 and 7 of Learning pure lines of corn and Fx generation of crosses 26 VI. Fig. 1. — Xicotiana tabacum variety. Fig. 2. — Xicotiana tabacum variety X X. silvestris, F1 generation. Fig. 3. — Xicotiana sil- vestris 26 VII. Fig. 1. — Xicotiana rustica texana.- Fig. 2. — Xicotiana rustica tex- ana X X. tabacum variety, Fx generation. Fig. 3. — Xicotiana tabacum variety 28 VIII. Fig. 1. — Xicotiana alata grandiflora. Fig. 2. — Xicotiana tabacum variety. Fig. 3. — Xicotiana alata grandiflora X X. tabacum 28 243 6 B. P. I.— 724. HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND IN PLANT BREEDING.' INTRODUCTION. When a biologist begins any line of genetic work with either plants or animals he generally has occasion to differentiate his stock into more or less pure types by in-and-in breeding. Frequently in the case of animals, and nearly always in the case of plants that are naturally cross-fertilized, he finds there is a loss of vigor, usuaUy unaccompanied by pathological symptoms. This loss of vigor is generally expressed by a decrease in the size of the individual, but it may be shown by a slight decrease in fertility. The phenomenon, although it probably occurs in all great groups reproducing sexually, is not general, however, for in many animals and in plants that are normally self-fertilized it is unnoticeable. If after obtaining his "pure" stocks the experimenter has occasion to cross strains that differ in character, he often finds that the reverse phenomenon occurs. The vigor of the hybrid is greater than that of either parent. These manifestations have been noticed for over a century by plant breeders and for probably two thousand years or more by animal hybridizers. Until the end of the nineteenth century the interpretation of the phenomena, if, indeed, that which is only a paraphrased statement of the facts can be called an interpreta- tion, was that deterioration both morphological and physiological is the direct result of inbreeding, and therefore occasional crossing of genetically distinct blood lines is a necessary requisite to vigor in every sexually propagated species. Seven years ago an extended series of investigations was started at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station having as their primary object an interpretation of these facts in keeping with the more extended knowledge comprised in modern biology. This paper presents a full account of the views that the writers have come to hold through the data gathered in these experiments, although it has not been thought necessary or advisable to confuse the arguments by overloading it with all of the data in their posses- 1 Published also as a contribution from the Laboratory of Genetics, Bussey Institution of Harvard Uni- versity. 28748°— BuL 243—12 2 7 8 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. sion. It is hoped that an adequate number of facts are cited to sup- port the thesis, and it is sufficient on this occasion to say that not a single fact has been discovered that is irreconcilable with it. THE PROBLEM. The experimental data upon which the defense of our thesis is based have been obtained entirely from plants, but observations of animal hybrids and published records lead us to believe that the facts are the same among animals. We believe, therefore, that our conclusions apply alike to the animal and the vegetable kingdoms, for we believe the propositions upon which the arguments are based are applicable to all organisms reproducing sexually. These propo- sitions are: (1) Mendel's law — that is, the segregation of character factors in the germ cells of hybrids and their chance recombination in sexual fusions— is a general law. (2) Stimulus to development is greater when certain, or possibly all, characters are in the heterozygous condition than when they are in a homozygous condition. (3) This stimulus to development is cumulative up to a limiting point and varies directly with the number of heterozygous factors in the organism, although it is recognized that some of the factors may have a more powerful action than others. We later in this bulletin take up briefly some of the specific reasons for extending these theories to the animal kingdom, but at present we shall confine ourselves to developing the botanical proof. EARLY INVESTIGATIONS. The number of cases in which hybridizers have noticed an increase in vigor in crosses between subvarieties, between varieties, and between species is so great that an extended citation of the facts is superfluous. Without exception the horticultural writers of the nineteenth century noted the phenomenon and many of them described it at great length. We have taken some trouble to find out its generality, and have found records of its occurrence in the gymnosperms (Darwin,1 1876; Focke, 1881) and pteridophytes (Focke, 1881) as well as throughout the angiosperms. In fact, out of 85 families of angio- sperms in which artificial hybrids have been made, instances of hybrid vigor exceeding that of the parent species have been noted in 59. Kolreuter (1763), the earliest botanist to study artificial plant hybrids — as Darwin notes — gives many exact measurements of his hybrids and speaks with astonishment of their "statura portentosa" 1 Citations to literature throughout this bulletin refer to the " Bibliography " on pages 49-51. 243 EAELY INVESTIGATIONS. 9 and " ambitus vastissimus ac altitudo valde conspicua." Later, after having been struck with certain natural adaptations for cross- fertilization, he made a passing remark which plainly showed that he thought nature had intended plants to be cross-fertilized and that benefit resulted therefrom. The hybridists that followed Kolreuter were all interested in the phenomenon, but up to the time of Darwin only Knight and Gartner attempted to generalize from their observations. Perhaps this was because each one noted the fact that some species hybrids were small and weak. Knight (1799), however, made the somewhat generalized statement that nature had something more in view than self-fertilization and in- tended that sexual intercourse should take place between neigh- boring plants of the same species. On the whole, however, Gartner has given the best expression of the views of the botanical experi- menters down to 1849, and for this reason we have translated in full his section on "Wachstum, Luxuriation und Sprossungsver- mogen der Bastarde" (Gartner, 1849, p. 526). He writes as follows: One of the most conspicuous and common characteristics of plant hybrids is the luxuriance of all their parts, a luxuriance that is shown in the rankness of their growth and a prodigal development of root shoots, branches, leaves, and blossoms that could not be induced in the parent stocks by the most careful cultivation. The hybrids usually reach the full development of their parts only when planted in the open, as Kolreuter (1763) has already remarked; when grown in pots and thus limited in food supply their tendency is toward fruit development and seed production. Concerning the great vigor of hybrids all observers are agreed; on this point may be cited Kolreuter (1763), Sageret (1826), Sabine Berthollet (1827), W. Herbert (1837), Mauz (1825), and Lecoq (1845). The vigor of a plant can even serve to indicate its hybrid nature in a doubtful case, as Kolreuter has done with Mirabilis jalapo- dichotoma. Besides possessing general vegetative vigor, hybrids are often noticeable for the extraordinary length of their stems. In various hybrids of the genus Verbascum, for example lychnitis-thapsus, the stem shoots up 12 to 15 feet high, with a panicle 7 to 9 feet, the six highest side branches 2 to 3 feet, and the stem 1£ inches in diameter at the base; in Althaea cannabino-officinalis the stem is 10 to 12 feet; in Malva mauritano- sylvestris 9 to 11 feet; in Digitalis purpureo-ochroleuca 8 to 10 feet, with panicles 4 to 5 feet; and in Petunia nyctaginifloro-phoenicea and Lobelia cardinali-syphilitica 3 to 4 feet each. Prof. Wiegmann also corroborates these observations. Hybrids in the genera Mirabilis and Datura are especially conspicuous for their enormous size, as Kolreuter has already stated. The different hybrids of Datura — Stramonio-tatula, quercifolia-ferox, laevi-tatula, and laevi-ferox — grew so large as to be almost treelike, with branches and leaves that nearly weighed down the stems, evejn before the time for developing their numerous blossoms. Likewise such species hybrids as Nicotiana suavolenti-macrophylla, Nicotiana rustica-marylandica, and Trop- aeolum majus-minus reach a noteworthy height and circumference. The root system and the power of germination of hybrids are highly correlated with their great vegetative vigor. Many hybrids, therefore, which are not so luxuriant in growth as those just described, for example, Dianthus, Lavatera, Lycium, Lych- nis, Lobelia, Geum, and Pentstemon hybrids, put forth stalks easily and therefore are readily propagated by layers, stolons, or cuttings. The observations of Kolreuter 243 10 HETEKOZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. {1763), Sageret (1826), and Wlegmann (1828) agree with ours in this respect. This extraordinary side branching and tillering, as well as the growth of the main stem, in most hybrids continues until late in the fall and in many until frost, as we have ob- served in Lobelia syphilitico-cardinalis, Petunia nyctaginifloro-phoenicea, Nicotiana suaveolenti-macrophylla, Pentstemon gentianoideo-angustifolius, Digitalis purpureo- ochroleuca, Malva mauritiano-sylvestris, Althaea cannabino-officinalis, etc. Sageret (1826) makes the same statement about Nicotiana tabaco-undulata. There are other hybrids, however, that are without this ability to form sprouts, such as Matthiola annuo-glabra and those between several Nicotiana species. Luxuriation expresses itself at times as proliferation; for instance, in Lychnis diurno- flos cuculi the receptaculum is changed to a bud that puts forth branches and leaves. If, moreover, the vigor of the hybrids especially affects the stem and the branches, particularly their length, nevertheless the leaves take part in it by becoming larger. Hybrids in the genera Datura, Nicotiana, Tropaeolum, Yerbascum, and Pentstemon are examples. Kolreuter (1763) expresses the opinion that the strength and luxuriance of hybrids continued long after blooming rests upon the fact that the plants are not exhausted and worn out by the production of seed. Similarly, Edw. Blyth (1837) sees in the impotence or sterility of animal hybrids the explanation of their great muscular devel- opment, while the considerable size which these hybrids reach in comparison with their parents may be interpreted in the same manner, since capons are able to make a like growth. But if we take into consideration that: (1) Such a sex condition may exist in dioecious plants without resulting in the luxuriance shown by hybrids, then the reason given above may be no adequate explanation of that phenomenon. (2) The luxu- riance of the hybrid plants is already present and visible before the development of the flowers, although one may not doubt that the derangement of the sexual activities and of the development of those organs is not without consequences to the inner life of these plants and that there may obtain essential difference between the weakening or the entire suppression of one or the other of the sexual activities of the hybrids and of the normal separation of the sexes. (3) Not all partially fertile and sterile hybrids are gifted with an increased vegetative power, since we have observed several abso- lutely sterile hybrids with weakened and limited vegetative vigor; for example, Nicotiana grandifloro-glutinosa, N. glutinosa-quadrivalvis, N. rustico-suavolens, N. suaveolenti-quadrivalvis, Dianthus barbato-deltoides, D. caucasico-arenarius, Verbascum blattaria-lychnitis, etc.; at the same time many other hybrids keep the growth rela- tionships of the parent plants unchanged. (4) Among all the hybrids that we have observed, those which show the greatest luxuriance in all their parts are precisely those which show the greatest fertility, for example, Datura stramonio-tatula, Datura ' quercifolio-ferox, Tropaeolum majus-minus, Lavatera pseudolbio-thuringwca, Lycium barbaro-afrum, and Mirahilis jalapo-dichotoma. (5) Planting partially fertile hybrids, such as Nicotiana rustico-paniculata and Dianthus barbato-chinensis, etc., in pots makes the production of fruit and seed easier through limiting the vegetative growth, but a sterile plant is never made fertile by this method. Luxuriance is therefore a peculiar quality of several hybrids, although it is not possessed by all in the same degree. Although the early hybridizers paid more attention to crosses between distinct species than they did to crosses between races that differed by only a few relatively unimportant characters, there is no question but that the}" noted a very great number of cases where crosses of the latter character gave plants that were remarkable for their vigor. In fact, we have found no record of intervarietal crosses 243 EAKLY INVESTIGATIONS. 11 where delicate or weak hybrids resulted. On the other hand, species crosses sometimes result in hybrids constitutionally feeble. It is obvious, therefore, that a reasonable interpretation of the facts must include an explanation of each category. This matter must be left until later, however, for the work of the early investigators is cited only to show the prevalence of the phenomena under discussion. Gartner's researches were followed by but little systematic study of cross and self fertilization in plants until the time of Darwin, and even Darwin's earlier work was confined to the natural means of plant pollination. This early work, mainly a study of pollination in orchids, was summed up in 1862 by the saying " Nature abhors per- petual self-fertilization," a dictum that has become known as the Knight-Darwin law. This important conclusion gave a great impetus to the study of the means of flower pollination throughout the angiosperms. A huge literature of several thousand titles was built up, from which at times important compilations, such as those of Muller (1873) and Knuth (1898), have been made. Every possible variation in flowering habit was argued into an adaptation for cross- fertilization with an ingenuity and zeal similar to that shown by zoologists in their work upon protective coloration and mimicry, and often with as enthusiastic prodigality of extravagant logic. The earnestness of these observers extended our knowledge of the me- chanics of pollination in the angiosperms beyond that of any one phase of general botany, yet in the last half of the nineteenth cen- tury Darwin was the only scientist who made a systematic experi- mental inquiry into the physiological effect of cross-pollination com- pared with self-pollination. The net result of the work of the other observers was simply to show the widespread occurrence of means by which cross-pollination might take place. This fact may be taken to indicate that cross-fertilization is an advantage to a species, but it certainly does not prove that cross-fertilization is indispensable. The many plants naturally self-fertilized preclude it. Darwin's later experimental work on this subject was so important, both from the standpoint of completeness and brilliancy of analysis, that it must be considered by itself. For this reason we will dis- regard chronology and conclude this part of our historical summary with the observations of the greatest hybridizer contemporary with Darwin, W. O. Focke. In Focke's fine work "Die Pflanzen- Mischlinge" he gives a chapter on the properties of hybrids, from which the following extract is taken: Crosses between different races and different varieties are distinguished from individ- uals of the pure type, as a rule, by their vegetative vigor. Hybrids between mark- edly different species are frequently quite delicate, especially when young, so that the seedlings are difficult to raise. Hybrids between species or between races that 243 12 HETEROZYGOSIS IX EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. are more nearly related are, as a rule, uncorrrmonly tall and robust, as is shown by their size, rapidity of growth, earliness of flowering, abundance of blossoms, long duration of life, ease of asexual propagation, increased size of individual organs, and similar characters. To undertake a closer examination of the above propositions, it will be necessary to cite a few examples. The following hybrids are abnormally weak: Nymphaea alba when crossed with foreign species, Hibiscus, Rhododendron rhodora with other species, R. sinense with Eurhododendron, Convolvulus, the polyhybrids of Salix, Crinum, and Narcissus. Moreover, it has often been noticed that other hybrid seedlings are somewhat delicate and are brought to maturity with difficulty. Really dwarf growths have been but seldom observed in hybrids; compare, however, certain hybrids of Nicotiana. (Page 2S5 above, and especially N. quadrivalvis X tabacum macro- phylla. p. 292.) Giant growths are more frequent; note for example Lycium, Datura, Isoloma, and Mirabilis. In size the hybrids generally surpass both the parental species, or at the least they surpass the average height of the two; compare many hybrids of Nicotiana, Verbascum, and Digitalis. Development often goes on with great rapidity, as Klotzsch has emphasized in his hybrids of Tllmus, Alnus, Quercus, and Pinus. Further, the blossoms of hybrids often appear earlier than do those of the parent species, for example, Papaver dubium X somniferum, many Dianthus hybrids, Rhododendron arboreum X cataicbiense, Lycium, Nicotiana rustica X panicu- lata, Digitalis, Wichura's six-fold Salix hybrids, Gladiolus, Hippeastrum vittatum X reginae, etc., and especially many hybrids of Verbascum. On the contrary, it must be admitted, there are several hybrids that blossom only after a long growth period or not at all, examples of which may be found in the genera Cereus and Rhododen- dron. Of earlier ripening of the seed independent of earlier blossoming only one example has come down to me, namely Xuphar. Very frequently, one might say very generally, an extraordinary numerical production of flowers has been observed, for example, Capsella, Helianthemum, Tropaeolum, Passiflora, Begonia, Rhododen- dron, Nicotiana (rustica X paniculata, glutinosa X tabacum, and others), Verbascum, Digitalis, many of the Gesneracese, Mirabilis, and Cypripedium. The size of the blossoms is often increased in hybrids. By crossing two species with flowers of dif- ferent size, those of the hybrids very nearly reach (not seldom entirely reach) the size of the larger variety. Examples of hybrids with unusually large blossoms are Dian- thus arenarius X superbus, Rubus caesius X bellardii, and hybrids of Rosa gallica, Be- gonia boliviensis, and Isoloma tydaeum. A great capacity for vegetative propagation is very general in hybrids; among the good examples of such a phenomenon may be mentioned Nymphaea, hybrids of Rubus caesius, Nicotiana suaveolens X latissima, Linaria striata X vulgaris, and Pota- mogeton. Great longevity may be mentioned as a characteristic of a few hybrids of Nicotiana and Digitalis, ability to withstand cold is especially noticeable in Nico- tiana suaveolens X tabacum latissima, while Salix viminalis X purpurea is more sensitive to frost than either of the parent species. These facts point in part to a certain weakness of constitution which is a peculiarity of the hybrid as a result of its abnormal origin and in part to an extraordinary vegeta- tive vigor. An explanation of the last phenomenon, which has been observed much more frequently than the weakness, has only recently been found. The noteworthy experiments of Knight, Lecoq, and others have been familiar for some time, but only through the painstaking experiments of Charles Darwin has the benefit of a cross between individuals and races of one and the same species been clearly demon- strated. The intensification of vegetative vigor in species hybrids is obviously a cor- responding experience which requires no especial explanation on the basis of peculiar conditions in hybrids. It was formerly believed that the decreased sexual fertility of 243 THE WORK OF DAE WIN. 13 hybrids was compensated by a greater vegetative luxuriance, a conception the untena- bility of which, as Gartner showed, is refuted in the simplest manner by the experience that many of the most fertile crosses (Datura, Mirabilis) are at the same time character- ized by the most excessive stature. THE WORK OF DARWIN. Through Darwin's work we get a very different insight into the meaning of cross and self fertilization. At the beginning of his work the knowledge on the subject gained from the experiments and observations of the older hybridists might be summed up in one sentence: Crosses between varieties or between species often give hybrids with a greater vegetative vigor than is possessed by either parent. To be sure there was also a belief that ill effects result from inbreeding, but this belief was generally confined to the animal kingdom. At the end of Darwin's brilliant experiments, or, rather, brilliant analyses of simple but great experiments, not a single point of the many ramifications into which the problem may be divided but had been fully covered. Unfortunately Mendel's experiments were unknown, and the master key of the situation was not available to him. Had it been we can not doubt that he would have made good use of it. Darwin's interest in the subject arose of course from its connection with the problem of evolution. If the offspring from a cross-fertiliza- tion has an advantage over the offspring of a self-fertilization in the struggle for existence, one can hardly doubt the power of natural selection in fixing the structures of flowers. And this being granted, it is obvious that in many flowers mechanical devices to procure cross-fertilization would have been developed. Having found this to be the case in several plants, he bent all his energies to interpreting all flower structures in the same manner. As stated before, the fascination of the work thus initiated has brought us a huge litera- ture on the subject, some of the arguments of which are fantastic to say the least. Darwin himself never allowed his conclusions to get ahead of his facts, a trait that his followers did not always copy. He firmly believed that self-fertilization was so injurious that plants dependent upon it must ultimately perish, but he frankly admitted the obstacles which self-fertilized families like Leguminosse placed in the way of his conclusions. If he had known of the vigorous plants that reproduce apogamously no doubt he would have regarded the obstacles more seriously than he did. Nevertheless one must admit that at that time, considering the importance of placing evolution on an impregnable foundation, Darwin did not overstate his conclusions. He proved conclusively the advantage of cross-fertilization and the numerous means by which it is obtained. 243 14 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. If he did not distinguish between the advantage a process may hold forth and the necessity of that process, it was because he was not in possession of all the facts. One does not criticize Darwin, there- fore, if in a careful examination of his data in the light of modern knowledge many facts are found that may reasonably have some- what different interpretations than those originally given. The first point we will consider is the benefit arising from cross- fertilization. It must be granted from the data already presented that an increase in vigor generally results when different species or markedly different varieties are crossed. It is also perfectly obvious that many plants are naturally designed for cross-fertili- zation. It can hardly be argued, however, that specific crosses could have had a widespread value in the course of evolution. It must be shown, therefore, that in plants not widely different in character cross-fertilization shows an advantage over self-fertilization. In Table A ("Cross and Self Fertilisation," p. 240) Darwin's results on this subject are given. To be fair, 15 of these experiments should be discarded, because the number of plants measured in the comparison between those crossed and those selfed is less than five. There are 37 experiments left. Of these, the crossed plants were higher in 24 cases, provided an error of 5 per cent is allowed. In 13 cases, then, cross-fertilization showed no definite advantage. In Table B, where the weights of entire plants are considered, cross-fertilization showed to advantage in 5 experiments out of 8. From these data it seems logical to argue that cross-fertilization between nearly related plants is often a benefit, yet since types that are self-pollinated in nature — legumes, wheat, tobacco, etc. — are among the most vigorous of living plants, it can not be said to be indispensable. Furthermore, about 25 of our most vigorous species of angiosperms have given up sexual reproduction either partially or entirely and have become apogamous. Did the simple act of crossing produce these beneficial results? If so, why was the advantage due to cross-fertilization not general and without exception? Darwin himself answered these questions. He says (loc. cit., p. 269): A cross between plants that have been self -fertilized during several successive gen- erations and kept all the time under nearly uniform conditions does not benefit the offspring in the least, or only in a very slight degree. Mimulus and the descendants of Ipomoea named Hero offer instances of this rule. Again, plants self -fertilized during several generations profit only to a small extent by a cross with intercrossed plants of the same stock (as in* the case of Dianthus) in comparison with the effects of a cross by a fresh stock. Plants of the same stock intercrossed during several gen- erations (as with Petunia) were inferior in a marked manner in fertility to those derived from the corresponding self-fertilized plants crossed by a fresh stock. Lastly, certain plants which are regularly intercrossed by insects in a state of nature and which were artificially crossed in each succeeding generation in the course of my experiments, so 243 THE WORK OF DARWIN. 15 that they can never or most rarely have suffered any evil from self-fertilization (as with Eschscholtzia and Ipomoea), nevertheless profited greatly by a cross with a fresh stock. These several cases taken together show us in the clearest manner that it is not the mere crossing of any two individuals which is beneficial to the offspring. The benefit thus derived depends on the plants which are united differing in some manner, and there can hardly be a doubt that it is in the constitution or nature of the sexual elements. Anyhow, it is certain that the differences are not of an external nature, for two plants which resemble each other as closely as individuals of the same species ever do profit in the plainest manner when intercrossed if their progenitors have been exposed during several generations to different conditions. In other experiments that Darwin performed it was shown conclu- sively that crosses between individual flowers borne on the same plant conferred no benefit whatever on the progeny. It is evident, therefore, since plants may differ in nonvisible transmissible charac- ters, that differences in transmissible factors alone account for the benefit produced by crossing and are indispensable to its occurrence. This is clearly shown by the fact that even types naturally self- fertilized, such as the garden pea (Pisum sativum), showed a remark- able increase in vigor when entirely different strains were crossed. We may well believe, then, that if Darwin's plants used in his Table A had all been heterozygous at the start they would all have showed a considerable difference in favor of the progeny of those continually cross-fertilized. Furthermore, leaving out of consideration our own beliefs, a study of his own experiments (Ipomoea) shows that if his comparisons had been kept up for a considerable number of genera- tions the cross-fertilized stocks would have become so nearly like the self-fertilized stocks in constitution that the advantage due to cross- fertilization would have been small. But to this point we shall again recur. Let us now consider whether the known effects of inbreeding and crossbreeding are manifestations of the same phenomenon. In " Animals and Plants Under Domestication" he says (vol. 2, p. 89): The gain in constitutional vigor derived from an occasional cross between indi- viduals of the same variety but belonging to different families, or between distinct varieties, has not been so largely or so frequently discussed as have the evil effects of too close interbreeding. But the former point is the more important of the two, inasmuch as the evidence is more decisive. The evil results from close interbreeding are difficult to detect, for they accumulate slowly and differ much in degree with different species, whilst the good effects which almost invariably follow a cross are from the first manifest. It should, however, be clearly understood that the advantage of close interbreeding, as far as the retention of character is concerned, is indisputable and often outweighs the evil of a slight loss of constitutional vigor. It is obvious that Darwin believed in a definite accumulation of evil effects from self-fertilization, but his experiments do not justify this view. He is perfectly correct in saying that the good effects of crossing are immediately evident. This is clear when it is remem- bered that if two plants differ in several transmissible allelomorphs 28748°— Bui. 243—12 3 16 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. the first hybrid generation is heterozygous in all these characters, while future generations as a whole are heterozygous in only part of these characters. Furthermore, one may cross two plants differing but slightly and obtain only a small increase in size; he may then recross with a third plant of widely different nature and obtain a great increase. When one inbreeds, however, he relies on chance combinations to eliminate heterozygosis. This occurs through the action of the laws governing probabilities. Many heterozygous combinations are eliminated at once. This lowers the number of such combinations, and, while the percentage of elimination is the same, the effect of the inbreeding decreases. Complete homozygosis is approached as a variable approaching a limit. It may be illus- trated by the old story of the dog decreasing the distance from the hare by half at each jump. The effects of inbreeding, therefore, appear to accumulate, while the effects of crossbreeding are imme- diately manifest. But is the apparent accumulation of evil effects real? And are the effects evil? Our interpretation is that the effects of inbreeding are not to accumulate ill effects, but to isolate homozygous strains. One does away with a stimulus due to hetero- zygosis, and one sometimes isolates strains with poor transmissible qualities. But one also isolates good strains; strains that remain good in spite of continued self-fertilization. In other words, the apparent evil effects of self-fertilization decrease directly with the number of' generations it is practiced, due to the increase in homo- zygosis. On the theory entertained by us it should come to an end with complete homozygosis; practically, complete homozygosis is difficult to obtain. Did such a decrease in deterioration actually occur in Darwin's experiments as they were increased in duration? They did. Dar- win himself noted the point. He says ("Cross and Self Fertilisa- tion," p. 55): As the plants which were self-fertilized in each succeeding generation necessarily became much more closely interbred in the later than in the earlier generations, it might have been expected that the difference in height between them and the crossed plants would have gone on increasing; but so far was this from being the case that the difference between the two sets of plants in the seventh, eighth, and ninth genera- tions taken together is less than the first and second (and third) taken together. This statement was made concerning his experiments with Ipo- moea purpurea, which were continued for 10 generations. The ratio of heights of crossed to heights of selfed plants varied from 100 to 68 in the third generation to 100 to 86 in the fourth generation, but in the ninth generation the ratio was 100 to 79, which is higher than that of the first generation. The tenth generation was indeed. low, but it may with all fairness be rejected, for Darwin states that the plants were diseased. 243 RECENT INVESTIGATIONS. 17 We know, further, that Darwin was not dealing with the same strain at the end of his experiments that he was at the beginning. This change was due, as we now know, to the elimination of Mende- lian segregates. The plants in the beginning varied greatly in the color of their flowers. Indeed, they varied during the whole time of experimentation; but the color of the later generations was much more uniform than that of the earlier generations. The selfed gen- erations were so uniform, in fact, that his gardener said "they did not need to be labeled." In this experiment as well as in those with other species, such as Mimulus luteus and Nicotiana tdbacum, remarkably vigorous self- fertilized types appeared. It may be that new transmissible varia- tions arose, but it is unnecessary to assume it. One may account for every result obtained by Darwin by granting the isolation of homozygous Mendelian segregates, accompanied by loss of the vigor due to heterozygosis through self-fertilization. RECENT INVESTIGATIONS. Since the time of Darwin, several writers, whose results will be discussed later, have investigated the effect of inbreeding on animals. Botanists, however, have in general been interested only in the super- ficial results of inbreeding and crossbreeding and have made no attempts until recently to bring together and to correlate our knowl- edge regarding them. In 1905, Shull and the senior writer each started independent inves- tigations concerning the effects of inbreeding in maize, which may be regarded as an ideal cross-fertilized species. To supplement these experiments we have made a large series of crosses with species of the genus Nicotiana which are generally self-fertilized, as well as minor observations on other plants. We will not discuss our previ- ous papers (East, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910; Hayes and East, 1911) as the present paper gives a resume of those experiments. Concerning Shull's work (1908, 1909, 1910, 1911), we wish to quote his own con- clusions for they are stated very concisely. Furthermore, Shull's data and our own, independently obtained, are corroborative in every detail and therefore have greater weight than either alone. Even the additional conclusions drawn from the data presented in this paper are largely an application of the earlier analysis to the broader problems that are legitimately concerned. Shull's conclusions up to the year 1910 are summarized by him as follows (Shull, 1910): (1) The progeny of every self-fertilized corn plant is of inferior size, vigor, and pro- ductiveness as compared with the progeny of a normally crossbred plant derived from 243 18 HETEROZYGOSIS IX EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. the same source. This is true when the chosen parent is above the average condi- tion as well as when below it. (2) The decrease in size and vigor which accompanies self-fertilization is the great- est in the first generation and becomes less and less in each succeeding generation until a condition is reached in which there is (presumably) no more loss of vigor. (3) Self-fertilized families from a common origin differ from one another in definite hereditary morphological characters. (4) Regression of fluctuating characters has been observed to take place away from the common mean or average of the several families instead of toward it. (5) A cross between sibs (sister and brother) within a self-fertilized family shows little or no improvement over self-fertilization in the same family. (6) A cross between plants belonging to two self-fertilized families results in a progeny of as great vigor, size, and productiveness as are possessed by families which had never been self-fertilized. (7) The reciprocal crosses between two distinct self -fertilized families are equal and possess1 the characters of the original corn with which the experiments were started. (8) The Fx generation from a combination of plants belonging to certain self-fertilized families produces a yield superior to that of the original crossbred stock. (9) The yield and quality of the crop produced are functions of the particular com- bination of self-fertilized parental types and these qualities remain the same whenever the cross is repeated. (10) The Fj hybrids are no more variable than the pure strains which enter into them. (11) The F2 shows much greater variability than the Fv (12) The yield per acre of the F2 is less than that of the F:. TVe should also like to quote Shull (1911) upon one important point upon which we have but few data: Necessary corollaries of the view that the degree of vigor is dependent on the degree of hybridity or, in other words, that it is dependent roughly upon the number, of heterozygous elements present and not upon any injurious effect of inbreeding per se are (a) that when two plants in the same self-fertilized family, or within the same genotype, however distantly the chosen individuals may be related, are bred together there shall be no increase of vigor over that shown by self-fertilized plants in the same genotype, since no new hereditary element is introduced by such a cross; (b) that first- generation hybrids produced by crossing individuals belonging to two self-fertilized lines or pure genotypes will show the highest degree of vigor possible in progenies representing combinations of those two genotypes, because in the first generation every individual will be heterozygous with respect to all of the characters which dif- ferentiate the two genotypes to which the chosen parents belong, while in subsequent generations recombinations of these characters will increase the average number of heterozygous genes present in each individual; (c) that crosses between sibs (sister and brother) among the first-generation hybrids between two genotypes will yield progenies having the same characteristics, the same vigor, and the same degree of heterogeneity as will be shown by the progenies of self-fertilized plants belonging to the same first-generation family. All of these propositions have now been tested in a limited way. In 1910, nine different self-fertilized families were compared with nine crosses between sibs within the same self-fertilized family; ten crosses between sibs in F1 families were compared i They are usually as vigorous or more vigorous than the original strains, but may or may not have the original characters. Some characters may have been entirely eliminated. — E. M. E. 243 EXPERIMENTS ON ZEA MAYS. 19 with ten self-fertilizations in the same Fx families; seven families were raised as first- generation hybrids between individuals belonging to different self-fertilized families; and ten families were grown in which self-fertilization had been entirely precluded during the past five years. The average height of plants in decimeters, the average number of rows per ear, and the average yield in bushels per acre in these 55 families are given in the following table: Average height Average rows. . Average yield.. Selfed X self. 19.28 12.28 29.04 Selfed X sibs. 20.00 13. 26 30.17 Pi. 25.00 14.41 08. 07 F2. 23.42 13. 07 44.62 Fi X self. 23.55 13. 62 41.77 FiX sibs. 23.30 13.73 47.77 Cross- breds. 22.95 15.13 61.52 An examination of this table indicates to me that on the whole my self -fertilized families are not yet quite pure bred ; for the sib crosses give on the average a slightly greater height, number of rows per ear, and yield per acre than the corresponding self -fertilized families as shown by a comparison of the first two columns of the table. The same fact is apparent from a comparison of the UF1X self" and UF1 X sibs" columns, except that in this case the heights and number of rows per ear are essentially equal while the yield per acre is significantly higher in the sib crosses than in the self -fertilized families. These statements should be sufficient to indicate Shull's work and point of view. Other writers have proposed methods designed to utilize commercially the increase in vigor shown by first-generation hybrids, and at least two other theoretical interpretations of this increase have been submitted (Jost, 1907; and Keeble and Pellew, 1910). These papers will be considered later. We will now take up the data obtained in our own experiments. EXPERIMENTS ON A NORMALLY CROSS-FERTILIZED SPECIES, ZEA MAYS. EFFECTS OF INBEEEDING. In these experiments over 30 varieties of maize, including all the varieties widely differentiated from each other, have been artificially self -fertilized for from one to seven generations. In every case a loss of vegetative vigor has followed. At least, following the earlier usage, one may say the result is a loss of vigor if it is kept clearly in mind that pathological degeneration is not what is meant. The universal decline in vigor consists simply in a somewhat less rapid cell division or slower growth and a smaller total amount of cell division resulting in smaller plants and plant organs. Besides this phenomenon, to which there has been no exception, the progeny always become more or less differentiated in normal morphological characters, although this is less marked in some varie- ties than in others. For example, from the yellow dent variety known 243 20 HETEROZYGOSIS IK EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. as Learning various strains differing in the following characters have been isolated during the several generations that they have been inbred : Red pericarp and colorless pericarp Red cob and colorless cob. Red silks and colorless silks. Red glumes and colorless glumes. Profusely branched tassels and scantily branched tassels. Long ears and short ears. Ears with various numbers of rows. Ears with large seeds and ears with small seeds. Ears with straight rows and ears with crooked rows Ears high on the stalk and ears low on the stalk. Stalks with many tillers and stalks with few tillers. Other minor differences have been observed, but these will serve to show just what is meant by "normal differences." There were also differences in yield of seed — described later in this bulletin — some of which may not seem to be normal in character at first thought, but which we hope to show are not less normal than those given above. Besides tnese variations, aberrant individuals appeared in a few strains with characters which might well be called abnormal; that is, they are monstrous characters. But this does not mean that they might not have originated in the same manner as normal characters, for they are transmitted as such. Two of these characters, fasciated ears and bifurcated cobs, show a simple Mendelian segregation with incomplete dominance; two others, striped leaves and dwarf plants, are probably recessives. It is possible, however, that one form of striped leaf is the heterozygote between pure white and normal green. It may be that the first two of these abnormalities are not simply isolated as Mendelian segregates. They have also appeared in commercial varieties grown on very fertile soil, a fact that suggests their origin through interference with normal processes of cell divi- sion, acceleration in one case and retardation in the other. The variability of the strains in the above characters decreased as inbreeding was continued, until after four generations they were practically constant for all grosser characters. This does not mean that physiological fluctuation was not as great as in the original strain. It was not reduced in the least degree. Nor can it be said that no new heritable variations arose. Certain variations did appear which may have been new to the strain — witness the fasciated ears — but of this one could not be certain. Furthermore, it is not meant that after four or five generations of inbreeding a type is homozygous in all of its characters. Such a gametic condition is theoretical and could never be recognized in a pedigree culture. But near homozygotes or 243 Experiments on zea mays. 21 near homozygous genotypes are obtained without selection simply by inbreeding. The reason for this is simple. Mendel in his original paper showed that if equal fertility of all plants in all generations is assumed and, furthermore, if every plant is always self-fertilized then in the nth generation the ratio of any par- ticular allelomorphic pair (A, a) would be 2n- 1 AA: 2 Aa:2n-laa. If we consider only homozygotes and heterozygotes, the ratio is 2n— 1:1. Of course the matter is not quite so simple when several allelomorphs are concerned, but in the end the result is similar. Heterozygotes are eliminated and homozygotes remain. The prob- able number of homozygotes and any particular class of hetero- zygotes in any generation r is found by expanding the binomial [l + (2r— l)]n where n represents the number of character pairs involved. The exponent of the first term gives the number of hetero- zygous and the exponent of the second term the number of homo- zygous characters. As an example, suppose we desire to know the probable character of the fifth segregating generation (Fe) when inbred, if three character pairs are concerned. Expanded we get 13 + 3[12(31)] + 3[1(31)^] + (31)3. Reducing, we have a probable fifth-generation population consisting of 1 heterozygous for three pairs; 93 heterozygous for two pairs; 2,883 heterozygous for one pair; 29,791 homozygous in all three character combinations. From this illustration we think it is fairly easy to see that no matter in how many characters a plant is heterozygous, continued inbreeding will sooner or later eliminate them. Close selection, of course, tends toward the same eud, but not with the rapidity or cer- tainty of self-fertilization. Inbreeding a naturally crossbred plant, then, has these results: (1) There is partial loss of power of development, causing a reduction in the rapidity and amount of cell division. This phe- nomenon is universal and therefore can not be related to inheritance. Further, it continues only to a certain point and is in no sense an actual degeneration. (2) There is an isolation of subvarieties differing in morphological characters accompanying the loss of vigor. (3) There is often regression away from instead of toward the mean of the general population. (4) As these subvarieties become more constant in their characters the loss of vigor ceases to be noticeable. (5) Normal strains with such hereditary characters that they may be called degenerate strains are sometimes, though rarely, isolated. 243 22 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. (6) It is possible that pure strains may be isolated that are so lacking in vigor that the mechanism of cell division does not properly perform its function, and abnormalities are thereby produced. The maize families shown hi Table I illustrate some of these facts, if the yield of shelled corn per acre is taken as a basis of comparison of vigor. These families are not selected to fit a theory, but include representatives of four of the great subdivisions of the species out of those grown in sufficient quantity to give considerable confidence in the determination of yield. Many other types have been inbred for from one to four years, but neither land nor time was available to grow them in large quantities. Their behavior, however, was the same. Inbreeding always reduced the yield of seed and the height and delayed the time of flowering. In general, the decrease in vigor lessened with the inbreeding. Further, both good and bad strains were isolated. Table I. — Effect of inbreeding on the yield of maize. Variety. Year grown. Num- ber of years inbred. Yield in bushels per acre. Variety. Year grown. Num- ber of years inbred. Yield in bushels per acre. Watson's flint No. 5 No. 5-8 No. 5-8-3 Starchy No. 10 l No. 10-3 No. 10-3-7 No. 10-3-7-3 No. 10-4 No. 10-4-8 1908 1909 1910 1908 1909 1910 1911 1909 1910 i' 2 r 2 3 1 2 75.7 47.5 36.1 70.5 56.0 67.0 39.1 43.0 48.7 29.3 93.2 58.7 51.2 53.6 42.1 88.0 59.1 95.2 57.9 80.0 27.7 88.0 60.9 59.3 Learning dent— Contd. No. 1-7-1-1 No. 1-7-1-1-1 No. 1-7-1-1-1-4 No. 1-7-1-2 No. 1-7-1-2-2 No. 1-7-1-2-2-9 Learning dent No. 1 No. 1-9 1908 1910 1911 1909 1910 1911 1905 1906 1908 1909 1910 1911 1905 1906 3 4 5 3 4 5 i" 2 3 4 5 ..... 46.0 63.2 25.4 59.7 68.1 41.3 88.0 42.3 No. 10-4-8-3 1911 No. 1-9-1 51.7 Stowell's sweet No. 19. . i 1909 No. 19-4 | 1910 No. 19-4-7 2 j 1911 No. 19-8 ! 1910 No. 19-8-2 2 < i9ii 1 2 1 2 i" 2 3 4 0 1 No. 1-9-1-2 No. 1-9-1-2-4 No. 1-9-1-2-4-6 Learning dent No. 1 No. 1-12 35.4 47.7 26.0 88.0 38.1 Learning dent No. 1 1905 No. 1-12-1 1907 2 32.8 No. 1-6 No. 1-6-1 No. 1-6-1-3 No. 1-6-1-3-4 No. 1-6-1-3-4-4 Learning dent No. 1 No. 1-7 1906 1908 1909 1910 1911 1905 1906 No. 1-12-1-1 1 No. 1-12-1-1-2 No. 1-12-1-1-2-4.... No. 1-12-1-1-2-4-11. No. 1-12-1-1-4 No. 1-12-1-1-4-14... No. 1-12-1-1-4-14-3. 1908 1909 1910 1911 1909 1910 1911 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 46.2 23.3 16.5 2.0 28.7 9.5 2.0 No. l-7-li 1907 2 Two selections from the progeny of this ear grown. Probably a normal yield. Grown on a more fertile soil than the rest in 1911. The different families were all planted on the same plat under uni- form conditions each season, but, unfortunately, circumstances made it necessary to grow them upon different fields each season. It is therefore necessary to take into consideration the differences in soil fertility and meteorological conditions each year to see the truth of our conclusions, namely, that continued inbreeding caused only isolation of strains of varying potency. The greatest differences in the environmental conditions were in the years 1908, 1909, and 1911. 243 EXPERIMENTS ON ZEA MAYS. 23 In 1908 the land used was highly fertile and the general environmental conditions much above the normal. Four stalks per hill were grown this season, but as only three were grown in other years the actual yields have been reduced one-fourth. Even at this disadvantage the yields in 1908 are probably somewhat high. For opposite rea- sons, poor soil and badly distributed rainfall, the yields of 1909 are somewhat too low and the yields of 1911 are very much too low. This will be appreciated if the low yields for 1911 are examined in Table III. Since the data on the Learning dent variety are the most interesting they are repeated in a somewhat different form in Table II. There they are shown in a regular line of descent. Table II. — Effect of inbreeding on a variety of Learning dent maize. (Yield, in bushels, of shelled corn per acre.) Parent variety. Generations inbred and years in which grown. 1 2 3 4 5 6 88.0(1905).... f 59.1 (1906) 95.2 (1908) 57.9 (1909) 80.0 (1910) 27.7 (1911) 60.9 (1906) 59.3 (1907) f 46.0 1 (1908) 63.2 (1910) 25.4 (1911) 59. 7 I (1909) 68.1 (1910) 41.3 (1911) 42.3 (1906) 51.7 (1908) 35.4 (1909) 47.7 (1910) 26.0 (1911) 38.1 1 (1906) 32.8 (1907) 46.2 (1908) f 23.3 (1909) 16.5 (1910) 2.0 (1911) 28. 7 I (1909) 9.5 (1910) 2.0 (1911) The Learning, a well-known commercial dent variety, yielded 88 bushels per acre the year before it was first inbred. The season was normal, and this yield may be considered fairly typical of what the variety will do on a moderately good soil. Four ears were inbred and were grown in 1906. This was again an average year. The four strains showed marked decreases in yield and notable differences in their characters. The year 1907 was again an average year, and the second inbred generations are normal. Two strains were not grown as second inbred generations until 1908, however, and they are there- fore too high. In 1909 the yields are too low; in 1910 normal, and in 1911 much too low. With these facts in mind, an examination of the tables shows how the strains became more and more differentiated. The first strain, No. 6, is a remarkably good variety of corn even after five generations of inbreeding. It yielded 80 bushels per acre in 1910. The yield was low in 1911, but since all yields were low that year it can 28748°— Bui. 243—12 4 24 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. hardly be doubted that this strain will continue to produce good nor- mal yields of grain. In the field, even in 1911, the plants were uniformly vigorous and healthy and were especially remarkable for their low variability. The poorest strain, No. 12, is partially sterile, never fills out at the tip of the ear and can hardly exist alone. In 1911 it yielded scarcely any corn but will no doubt continue its exist- ence as a partly sterile variety. Plate I shows ears and tassels of an almost sterile stiain isolated by inbreeding. CROSSING INBRED TYPES. When two of these inbred strains are again crossed, the ¥t generation shows an immediate return to normal vigor. The plants are earlier and taller, and there is a greater total amount of dry matter per plant. For example, in 1911 the average height of all the strains of inbred Learning dent was 84 inches while the average height of the 16 hybrid combinations was 111 inches and the height of the shortest hybrid combination was 1 foot greater than that of the tallest inbred strain. Table III gives the yields of shelled corn per acre of several inbred types, together with the yields of many first-generation crosses. Many interesting points may be learned from this table, provided it is remembered that maize is greatly influenced by environmental con- ditions and therefore only populations grown in the same season should be compared with each other. For this reason the compari- sons between first-generation hybrids and the unselected commercial types from which the inbred strains came are not to be given too great weight. On the other hand, there is such an enormous difference between many of the first-generation hybrids and the normal com- mercial varieties that the conclusion that the former are often better is perfectly just. Table III. — Comparative yields of inbred types of maize and their first-generation crosses. Variety. Year grown. Num- ber of years inbred. Yield in bushels per acre. Comparison between Fi and unselected , commercial strains. White dent No. 8 Learning dent No. 1-7 No. (8X1-7), Fi Flint No. 5 Flint No. 11 No. (5X11), Fi Flint No. 5 Learning dent No. 1-6 No. (5X1-6), F! No. (5X1-6), Fi No. (5Xl-6)-l, F2.... No. (5Xl-6)-2, F2.... Starchy No. 10 Learning dent No. 1-6 No. (10X1-6), Fi 243 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 121.0 62.0 142.0 47.5 44.2 76.3 47.5 57.9 88.9 105.5 54.1 48.9 48.7 80.4 139.0 121.0 88.0 142.0 48.' 0 76.3 75.7 88.0 88.9 105.5 54.1 48.9 70.5 88.0 139.0 Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate I. Tassels and Ears of an Almost Sterile Strain of Corn Isolated by Inbreeding. (Photographed by Emerson.) Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate II. Watson's Flint and Longfellow Flint Corn Inbred Two Years With Fi Hybrid. (All ears hand-pollinated.) EXPERIMENTS ON ZEA MAYS. 25 Table III. — Comparative yields of inbred types of maize and their first-generation crosses — Continued . Variety. Learning dent IN o. 1-7 Sweet No. 19 ' No. ( 1-7X 19) , Fi Learning dent No. 1-9 Learning dent No. 1-12 No. (1-12X1-9), Fi No. (1-12X 1-9), Fi No. (l-12Xl-9)-l, F2 No. (1-12X l-9)-4, F2 No. (1-12X l-9)-12, F2 Learning dent 1-6 Learning dent 1-7-1 Learning dent 1-7-2 Learning dent 1-9-2 Learning dent 1-12-2 Learning dent 1-12-4 No. (1-6X1-7-1), Fi No. ( 1-8X1-7-2) , Fi | No. (1-6X1-9-2), Fi No. (1-6X 1-12-2), Fi No. (1-7-1X1-6), Fi No. (1-7-1X1-7-2), Fi No. (1-7-1X1-9-2), Fi No. (1-7-1X1-12-2), Fi No. (1-7-1X1-12-4), F, No. (1-7-2X1-6) , Fi No. (1-7-2X1-12-2), Fi No. (1-9-2X1-6), Fi No. (1-9-2X1-7-1), Fi No. ( 1-9-2 X 1-12-2) , Fi No. (1-12-2X1-7-2), Fi No. (1-12-2X1-12-4), Fi Year grown. 1910 1910 1910 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 Num- ber of years inbred. Yield in bushels per acre. 65.5 53.6 142.7 23.3 35.4 110.2 117.5 102.2 91.5 91.5 27.7 25.4 41.3 26.0 2.0 2.0 75.6 58.3 31.6 10.2 58.8 41.3 51.5 16.9 60.2 57.7 63.5 37.3 46.2 3.6 76.9 24.5 Comparison between Fi and unselected commercial strains. 88.0 93.2 142.7 88.0 88.0 110.2 117.5 102.2 91.5 91.5 Attention is called first to the fact that in combinations (5 X 1-6) and (1-12 X 1-9) both the first and second hybrid generations are grown in the same year. The first hybrid generation gives an enor- mous increase over the inbred types. The second hybrid generation is also much greater than the inbred strains, but recombination with the production of homozygotes has taken place, and this generation gives much lower yields than when the greatest possible heterozygosity existed as in the first hybrid generation. Attention should next be directed to the results of 1911, when nearly all the possible combinations of the inbred Learning strains were made. The yields of the inbred types given are those with one more year of inbreeding than the real parents of the first-generation hybrids. But considering the amount of previous inbreeding to which they had been subjected this probably makes but little differ- ence. As stated before, the yields in 1911 were very much reduced by the unfavorable season, and this too must be given due weight in studying the yields. As a whole the combinations into which No. 1-7 was introduced were the best while those into which the poor type No. 12 was introduced are the poorest. The combination (1-7-1 X 1-12-4) was, however, a very good cross. 243 26 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. Possibly a question may arise as to whether the fine yields of the combination (1-12x1-9) in 1909 and 1910 and the poor yields of combination (1-9-2x1-12-2) in 1911 are not due to a difference in the behavior of a reciprocal cross. This is probably not the correct reason, for in general there is no difference in reciprocals. No. 1-12 was further inbred when the combinations grown in 1911 were made and this is probably the cause of their poor showing. In the earlier combination, No. 1-12 undoubtedly had a somewhat different gametic constitution than when the later crosses were made. Some essential factor may have been eliminated, therefore, during the further inbreeding. On the other hand, the whole explanation may lie in the poor season of 1911. The marked increase in productiveness of the Ft hybrid over the parent inbred types of maize is well shown in Plates II and III, while Plate IV illustrates the falling off in productiveness of the F2 genera-- tion as compared with the Fj generation from inbred types. Plate V serves to show the striking increase in vigor of the ¥t generation from a cross of pure lines. The logical conclusion from the facts brought out above is appar- ently that good inbred strains are better than poor ones in combina- tion, but that good and poor strains crossed together may give very strong plants. EXPERIMENTS ON SPECIES GENERALLY SELF-FERTILIZED. As experimental material that contrasts well with maize, the genus Nicotiana was selected. This genus contains a large number of species and varieties, most of which have flowers adapted to self- fertilization. No doubt cross-fertilization sometimes occurs in most of them, but it is not the rule. Seeds of several species and many varieties were obtained from various parts of the world through the kindness of a number of friends. The same species did not always arrive with the same name, and we have not been fortunate enough to have the aid of a Nicotiana specialist in their identification. "We have, however, studied them in pure-line cultures during the past four years and have compared them with specimens in the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. This gives us some confidence that the names used are in accord with the species as accepted and described by Comes in his "Monographic du Genre Nicotiana," Naples, 1899. Many crosses have been made between different varieties within the two species Nicotiana tabacum, L., and N. rustica, L. Some of the varieties of N. tabacum have been practically identical as far as external appearance is concerned, although received under different names. When this has been the case, the results have been varied. 243 Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agncultur Plate III. Leaming Dent Strains of Corn, No. 9 (at Left) and No. 12 (at Right), after Four Years' Inbreeding, Compared with Fi Hybrid (in Center). (All ears hand-pollinated.) Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate IV. CD Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate V. "- — d Z7 rx K Sx U. CD O co LU z _l LU 0C => a. Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VI. 2 — EXPERIMENTS ON SPECIES GENERALLY SELF-FERTILIZED. 27 For example, two exceedingly similar varieties may give hybrids with no greater luxuriance of growth than the pure parent strains; other varieties as similar in appearance may give hybrids with as much as 25 per cent greater vigor than the average of the two par- ents. In this case the criterion of greater vigor is height of plant. If one accepts the old view that nonrelationship between the indi- viduals used as parents is the reason for the increased vigor of the hybrids, there would be no logical reason why all such crosses should not show the same condition. If, on the other hand, the correct explanation is to be sought in the similarity or dissimilarity of the gametic constitution of the parents, it is quite evident that different crosses among varieties similar in external characters may behave in a different manner. Plants having a close genetic relationship with each other — that is, descendants of a previous cross — may be quite different in gametic constitution and therefore show an increased vigor in the ¥1 hybrid; but genetically unrelated plants of practi- cally the same gametic constitution may be obtained from different parts of the world under different names and not be expected to show an increased vigor in the hybrid. An example of the amount of increase in height in crosses between Nicotiana rustica brazilia Comes and N. rustica scabra Comes, both obtained from Italy, is shown in Table IV. Table IV .—Height of crosses between Nicotiana hrazilia (349) rustica scabra (352) and N. rustica Variety or cross. Class centers in inches. 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 349 4 10 22 14 7 352 2 1 5 n l 16 3 17 0 3 6 5 5 352 X 349 Fi 5 2 5 4 6 6 1 5 1 1 349 X 352 Fi The reciprocal crosses both showed a marked tendency to advance the mode until in each case it is higher than the highest plant of the taller parent. Different strains of N. tabacum var. "Sumatra/' of N. tabacum var. "Havana," and of N. rustica var. brazilia, identical in external appearance, obtained both from the same locality and from opposite parts of the world, have also shown increased height when crossed. On the other hand, strains of N. tabacum varieties "Sumatra" and "Havana," from seed of plants grown in Connecti- cut, when crossed with like varieties from seed of plants grown in Italy have shown no increase in vigor. Accounts of other similar crosses could be given, but it seems unnecessary to multiply exam- ples. We will therefore pass to a consideration of the specific crosses shown in Table V. 243 28 HETEROZYGOSIS IN EVOLUTION AND PLANT BREEDING. Table V. — Condition of hybrids in crosses between species of Nicotiana. Cross. Germina- tion. Fertility. Condition of hybrid. N. alata Lk. and Otto, yar. grandi- flora Comes : X N. forgetiana Hort. (Sand.). X N. langsdorffii Weinm X N. longiflora Cav Per cent . 100 100 100 2 3 0 0 100 0 100 100 100 0 60 (?) 100 100 100 0 100 25 - 5 0 100 100 100 5 80 100 5 0 100 2 100 60 5 10 0 1 0 100 Fertile.. ...do Sterile... Slightly fertile . SterileC?) 25 per cent in height; very vigorous and pro- fuse in flowers. 105 per cent in height; vigorous and profuse in flowers. 100 per cent in height; 100 per cent in vigor. 80 per cent in height; 80 per cent in general vigor. Very weak; seedlings died. X N. tabacum L N. bigelovii Wats. : X N. alata grandiflora Comes. . X N. longiflora Cay X N. quadriyalyis Pursh X X.silyestrisSpeg. and Comes Fertile.. 125 per cent in height; 100 per cent in general vigor. Sterile... Fertile.. ...do Sterile/.! 120 per cent in height; 120 per cent in vigor; pro- fuse in flowers. 125 per cent in height; 130 per cent in general vigor; profuse in flowers. 160 per cent in height; 125 per cent in general vigor; profuse in flowers. N. forgetiana Hort. (Sand.): X N. alata grandiflora Comes. . X N. langsdorffii Weinm X N.tabacumL , N. glauca Gran, x N. tabacum L. . N. glutinosa L. x N. tabacum L. . . N. langsdorffii Weinm. : X N. alata Lk. Otto, yar. grandiflora Comes. X N. bigeloyii Wats 80 per cent in height; less vigorous. Gartner obtained plants higher and more vigor- Fertile.. Sterile... Fertile . . ous than parents. 105 per. cent in height; 100 per cent in vigor. 110 per cent in height; very vigorous. X N. forgetiana Hort. (Sand.) . X N. paniculata L 110 per cent in height; 100 per cent in vigor; pro- fuse in flowers. N. longiflora Cay. X N. alata Lk. and Otto, yar. grandiflora Comes. N. paniculata L.: X alata Lk. and Otto, yar. grandiflora Comes. X N. bigeloyii Wats Sterile... Slightly fertile. SterUe... ...do 100 per cent in height and general vigor. 95 per cent in height; rather weak. 100 per cent in height; 95 per cent in vigor. X N. langsdorffii Weinm 15 per cent in height; very weak and stunted. Partially fertile. SterileC?) Fertile . . ...do..... 125 per cent in height; very vigorous and pro- X N. tabacum L fuse in flowers. Plants very weak and small. N.plumbaginifolia Viy. X N. longiflora Cay. N. quadriyalyis Pursh. X N. bige- loyii Wats. N. rustica L.: X N. alata Lk. and Otto, yar. 125 per cent in height; 110 per cent in general vigor. 110 per cent in height; 100 per cent in general vigor; profuse in flowers. So weak that plants lived only about two weeks. grandiflora Comes. X N. langsdorffii Weinm Sterile(?) Partially feitile. Sterile... 110 per cent in height; 110 per cent in vigor; very profuse in flowers. 125 per cent in height; very vigorous; profuse in flowers. 180 per cent in height; extremely vigorous; pro- fuse in flowers. N. silvestris Speg. and Comes: X N. tabacum L Sterile... ...do Almost sterile. Sterile . . 140 per cent in height; 120 per cent in vigor; pro- N. tabacum L.: X N. alata Lk. and Otto, var. grandiflora Comes. fuse in flowers. 10 per cent of average of parents in height and in general vigor. 120 per cent of average of parents in height and in general vigor. 85 per cent of average of parents in height and 80 per cent in general vigor. 25 per cent of average of parents in height: Gart- ner obtained plants more vigorous than parents. 60 per cent of average of parents in height; 75 per cent in general vigor. X N. langsdorffii Weinm X N. longiflora Cay ...do.... Very small and weak; died before flowering. X N. plumbaginifolia Viy X N. silyestris Speg. and Comes Sterile... 135 per cent of average of parents in height; 120 per cent in vigor*, profuse in flowers. 243 Bui. 243, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VII. il. 243, Bureau of Piant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Plate VI *"- -#-* ir ...iUBL— *►,; '."*"•. ' • , W^ j \ r it 1H» < UJ ^£ . or d XI 'it. p^-ll? #>^g ™ 1 #8P ! \ . in? z w I EXPERIMENTS ON SPECIES GENERALLY SELF-FERTILIZED. 29 The voluminous data that have been collected on these hybrids have been condensed and approximated so that they include only facts germane to the matter in hand. Those crosses designated as not having germinated are crosses in which seed was obtained, but from which no plant was obtained from a planting of at least one hundred seeds. In some of these crosses the seed was poorly formed (without embryo) and one may say conclusively that they would never produce plants. Other crosses gave fully mature, perfect seed which did not germinate. Possibly the proper conditions for their germination were not obtained. At least it would be rash to conclude that all of the crosses of which the seed did not germinate would never produce plants under any conditions. But it is proper to say that some crosses are possible in which the hybrid plant reaches no further than the seed stage. A few hybrids, viz, Nicotiana tabacum, X N. paniculata, N. rusticaX N. alata grandiflora, etc., germinated and produced a few weak plants that died before flowering. There were still others that produced mature plants, but plants shorter than either parent and weak in character. By far the majority of the hybrids, however, were taller than the average of the parents and many were taller than either parent. The luxuriance of their growth was also such that they may be said to be more vigorous than either parent. Plate VI shows the result of a cross between Nicotiana tabacum, var., and Nicotiana silvestris. One gets the idea from a survey of the crosses in this genus that there are (a) plants so different that they will not cross; (b) crosses that produce seed that contain no proper embryo; (c) crosses that produce seed with embryo, but which go no further than the resting stage of the seed; id) crosses less vigorous than either parent; (