Iillipi||piiil0.,:;:l^;!% c( Short f)istonj of Company ''CI" 30tl| ivllinois C3nfantr,i| ^^ Cl, v£. Sample, €yoii5, Kansa: u l7i5tonj of Company "u", oOtl] Illinois C^nfantry ilbo luimef- of all who bolouacb to the Company anb, as iar as knou'-u, what became of them. cTl=-o a list of letter^ from fonie of tbof-e ftill liptna. KoII of dompanij "CT 30tb ^llinoi^ Z^nf., The followine: is the roll of Company "A" :30th Illinois Infantry, as organized at Carap Buttler, Aug-ust 29th, 1861. Also a list of the recruits, drafted men and substitutes; also telling-, as far as known what became of them. Where the letter L follows a name, it refers to the list of lettei's. Wan-en Sherld, ('apt., Died in Dakota, about 1895. N. R. Kirkpatrick, 1st Lieut, killed at Fort Donaldson, Feb. 15, 1862. F. G. Burnett 2nd f^iout.. Died in Ouray, Colorado. SERGKANTS. E B. David, Present address, Aledo, III. D. W. Poak, Died in Missouri, in 1875. D. M. Candor, L. W. O. Dunoan. I.. Atner L. Titus. Died of wounds, Feb. 27. 1862. COIiPORAI.S. .lames M. Carne^, Dead. R. M. Dihel. Letter from Mrs. Dibel. Isaac M Close, L. M. L. Detwiler. Letter from Mrs. Detwiler. R. S. Finlev, Died in Mercer county in the ■70's. Samuel McCreioht, Died in Aledo, May 5, 19i»2. James Moore, L. PRIVATES. Ai'nett, Henry,' Died at Fort Donaldson, Feb. 27. 1S(12. Ashbauffh, Wm. H. Alexander, Robei't, Adams, Wm.. Died at Vicksburg. Nov. 8, 1863. Beaty, Jei-emiah, Died in Kansas Bartlett, flarion. Brown, Emanuel Brownlee, David, Letter From M?'S. Brovvnlee. Bartlett, Stephen A Bay, Joseph, Died in Nebraska. Bell, Benjamin, Died at Monterey, Tenn., June 6, 1862. Bistline, Henry, Killed at Belmont. Mo., Nov. 7, 1861. Brown,"James E. Died in the '70's, Cavin, John, Died near Fresno, Cal., 1890. Curry, John W. Cook, Samuel, Died at Fort Donaldson. April 4, 1862. Cannum, Mark, L Cooper, John, L Clapper, Abraham. Clark, John C, L Crist or Croish, Robert R., Killed at Fort Don. Feb. 15, '62. Clifford, Hamuel, Dead. Cummins, James, A , L Durston, James F., L Davis, Robert M., Died at Cairo, Feb. 2nd, 1862. * Dihel, J. J., L Dihel, R. M., Letter from Mrs. Dihel. Dihel, Samuel D., Killed by lig-htning, at Paola, Kan. Dennis, Charles S., Died at Fort Donaldson, Feb. 25, 1862. Edgrar, Richard S., Died near Joy, 111., Forrester, Robert. Flora, Moses, Died in Cafifornia. Gilmore, John, Died in hospital, at Chattanooga. Gardener, Archibald, Died at Clifton, Kan., Oct. 1, 1904, Graham, Wm., L Gardner, Wm., Killed by guerrillas in Tenn. Gibson. John O., Dead. Goodnough, Edward, Living in Chicago. Grow, Edward, L Gemrael, Thomas, Gross. Theobold. Home, Thomas, Died at Cairo, 111., Dec. 17, 1861. Humbert. James O., Dead. Heath. John S. Hanson. L. D. Hamilton, Robert M. L Havertield, Wm. Hughes. Joseph, Died near Joy, 111. Hill, Geo., Killed at Atlanta, Ga., July 22nd, 1864. Kimel, Wm. P., Killed at Fort Donaldson Feb. 15. 1862. Laft'arty, Samuel H.. Dead. McCune, John A.. Living in California. McPherren. James, Died at Aledo, in the '70's. Mercer. 'Edward, L McGraw. Wm. G. Mitchell, John P., Killed at Fort Donaldson. Feb. 15. 1862. Martin. John. Noonan, Edward. L Noland, James, Drowned in Edwards Creek, in 187;"). Peters, Henry, Killed at Fort Donaldson. Feb. 15, 1862. Page, James W., Dead. Paxton. Samuel D., L Pfifer. John W.. Dead. Phillip^% Thomas. Dead. Pherson, Joseph, Dead. Rogers, Albert. Riddle, James L., Died at David City, Neb. Rube»-t, John, Present address Aledo. Illinois. Smith, Chauncy S., Living- in Riverside, Cal. Snider, Phineas S., Died at Fort Don., April 15, 1862. Smith, John. Died on steamboat. Feb. 3. 1862. Sample, Alvan E.. L Volentine. John, Died in Kansas, some time in the '80. 's. Willett, Edward A., Present address, Lawrence, Kan. White, W. H.. L Walter. Henry J., Died at Aledo, HI. RECRUITS. Alexander, P. R., Killed at Atlanta. Ga., July 22, 1864. Bradford, John H., L Brown, George, Address, Clearfield, Iowa. Brown, Wm. P.. Living somewhere in Iowa. Brown, Emanuel. Burke, Michael. Soldiei-'s Home, Tennessee. Barber, James B. Bolton, Samuel J.. L Bitts, Wm. H.. L Cannula, John. Killed at Atlanta, Ga.. July 22nd. 1864. Craig, Hiram, Grant Nebraska. Cool. R. W.. L Croson. Thomas H., L Dihel. Wm. II.. L Dihel. J. J., L Duffie, Francis, Living in Keithsburg. 111. Forsytne, John A.. Living in Ohio. Grow. David J. Goodnougb. Wm. S. Home. Isaac M., Died of wounds. Aug., 8. 1864. Henderson, R. S , L Hanson. Samuel. Living in New Boston, III. Joseph, Leonadis W. Lonee. Wm. Lytle, Lemuel S., L Millet-, Robert. L McCreig-ht, Ephaim P., Died in Aledo. Mayhug'h, John A. Mclntire, Sylvester MoQuillino-. Adam K., L Paxton, Johnathan P., L Rush. Wm. C, Living- at Prairie City. 111. Reynolds, W. I).. L Ruth. John L., L Reed. Andrew J. Reed, Wm. H., L Sprealier, John, Dead. Snider. George X., L Sehull, Charles N. Taylor, Thomas, Living in Keitbsburg, 111. Wilson, Hugh. Welliver, A. C. Living at Newkirk. Oklahoma. Wells, James J. Whitham. Samuel. Died, Jan. ]8H3. Worden. Russell F. Wneatley, John W. DRAFTED MEN AND SUBSTITUTES. Benjamin, Francis. Bohannon, Thomas. Bar-is, George. Beard. Frederick. Dudley, Joseph L. Dean, James H. Farquer, Theolilus S Gray, .Tohn. (iluxien. Andrew. John, William. Hu)'r. Henry H. Mason. John. TTardin, Amasa. Johnty, George. Knowitry. Charles. Lander. Alexander. Ijancey, B'redriek. Murray. Wm II., Soldier's Home, Quiucy. Illinois. Miller. Wm. M.. Monmoutli, Illinois. Moore, John. Moore, Samuel B., Soldier's Home, Danville, Illinois. McGilton, Henry R. Nevius, Henry W., Address, Aledo, lUinoia. Odom, John. Parkinson, William, L Pickens, Newton. Perlcins, George W. Quinlan, Michael. Reynard, John. Roe, Silas J. Simmons. Albert. Spoints, Conrad. Steel, John. Soper, Wm. Thomas, John. Welsh, Edward. White, Charles, Died at Raleigh, >?. U. April 23rd, 1865. Waggenbracht, Wal. Wiggins, Charles. Died at Beaufort, S. C, Dei-. 26th, 1866 CI Brief f7i5tory of Company "Ct/' 50tt] 3IIinoi5 infantry (£ompilo5 Imi a. (f . Sample, €yon5, Kansaf.. HE following- history is partly taken from the Adjutant General's Report, of Illinois, with some additional incidents that Company "A" was par- ticularly interested in: The company, originally, was entirely made up of citizens of Mercer county, 111. On the 4th of August, 1861, those who had volunteered, uiet, with friends, and a great -jrowd of people, at Henderson's Grove. Mercer county, and had a grand picnic din- ner, aftei- which we bade good bye to friends, some for the last time, then we were taken to Monmouth, Til., where we remained all night. Next day took the train for Springfield, where we arrived same day, and were taken to Camp Buttler. Here the company was organized and assigned to the 30th HI. Infantry, Col. P. B. Fouke. commanding. Sept. 1st.. 1861. moved to Cairo. 111., and was assigned to Jirigadier Gen. .John A. McClernand's Brigade, Brigadier Gen. U. S. Grant commanding District of Cairo Oct. 22nd.. went on scout into Kentucky, near Cobimbus. This was a hard march through the mud. One feature which was complained of, was the extra amount of countermarching-. OUR FIRST BATTLE. Our first battle was the battle of Bellmont. "Gen. Grant made a spirited attack on the little steamboat landing known as Bellmont, on the Mississippi, opposite Columbus, Ky. On Nov. 6th, 2850 men, mainly Illinoisans, embarked on four steamboats, convoyed by the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, and dropped down the river to Island No. 1, eleven miles above Columbus, where they remained until 7am of the 7th, when they proceed- ed to Hunter's Point, some two or three miles above the ferry, connecting Columbus and Bellmont, where the whole array was detarked on the Missouri shore, formed into line cf battle and pushed forward as rapidly as possible, to overwhelm the some- what inferior force of rebels iucamped at Bellmont. Though stoutly resisted by the rebels the Union force reached the camp, capturing the cam^ and driving the enemy completely over the bank of the river. But by this time Major Gen. Polk command, ing at Columbus, had been thoroughly waked up and perceiving his camp in possession of our forces, sent over three regiments under Gen Pillow, to the immediate relief of his sorely pressed fugitives, while three others, under Gen, Cheatham, had been landed between our soldiers and their boats, with the intent to cut of their retreat: and finally, as his fears of an attack on Col- umbus were dispelled, Polk himself crossed over with two addi- tional regiments, making eight in all, or not less than 5000 men, who were sent as re-inforcements to the three regiments under Col. Tappan, who originally held the place. Of course our ex- hausted and largely outnumbered soldiers could do nothing better than-cut their way through the fresh troops, obstructing their way to the boats, which they did with gallanory.'" We have quoted this lengthy account of this battle from ' '•(ireeley's American Conflict,"' so that we may be able to relate something that has never appeared in histoi'y. Some twenty-five years ago, comrade, .1. C. Clark, told the writer that while we were surrounded by those re-inforcements, from Columbus, that Grant, McClernand, Logan and others held a conncll of war, and he heai-d (ieii. Grant declare that he "would not risk his reputation on getting his men out," and that Gen. Logan said "I will," and immediately took the lead in cutting the way to the boats. We wrote to Gen. Logan and received the following reply: "Your comrade is only partially correct. It was Gen. Mc- Clernand who had command of the expedition and it was he who made that declaration. It is well known by the comrades, who were engaged in that battle, as to the part I took." Notwithstanding Gen. Logan's statement, Comrade Clark claims that it was Grant. Had it not been for Logan, Grant's military career might have been quite different. Feb. 4th, moved up Tennessee River, and on the 6th was in the attack and taking of Fort Henry, in Col. Oglesby's brig- ade. Was engaged in the seige and taking of Fort Donaldson, 13th, 14th and loth of Feb., 1862. It is our recollection that companv "A" went into this battle on the loth, with 44 men, and came out with only 22 unhurt, 5 being killed, 15 wounded and 2 taken prisoners. Arrived at Pittsburg Landing. April 2.3th. Took part in the seige of Corinth, in Col. Logan's brigade. June 4th and 5th, marched from Corinth to Bethel. 8th occupied Jackson, Ten- nesse, 13th and 14t;h of August, marched to Estanaula, and on 3Ist to Denmark, Sept. 1st, 1862 marched toward Medan Station, -on the Miss, Central R. R., and about four miles from that place, met the ene- mies' cavali-y, 6000 strong, under Gen. Armstrong, and after four hour's hard fighting, drove the enemy from the field, gaining a brilliant victory. The 'Wth was commanded by Major Warren Shedd, Col. Dennis commanding brigade of 20th and .30th 111. in- fantry, one section Swart'/."s III. battery, Capt. Foster's company of independent, Ohio cavalry, and 34 men of 4th 111. cavalry. The enemy left 2O0 dead on the field, while we had none killed, but several were mortally wounded Two members of the company, Wm. O. Dungan and Chauncy Smith were shot clear through the body, and are still living. This battle was known as the battle of Br itton's Lane. On 2nd Sept., marched to Medan. 3rd to Jacsson. .Second Nov.. marched to Lagrange. On llth marched toward Water Valley, Mississippi, arrivirjo- Dec. 19th. This was one of the hardest and most disheartening marches we had during the service. After Holy Springs was so disgrace- fully surrendered, with all of our supplies, wa were obliged to take the back track, and were short of rations, part of time lived on parched corn. In this way we celebrated the holidays, and when we thought of the fine turkey roasts they were having^ at home, we were, to say the least, blue if not homesick. Arrived in Memphis Tenn., on Jan. lUth, 1863. Some of the boys being entirely destitue of shoes, and in that condition having to wade through snow. Were stationed at Memphis, in Col. Leggett's Brigade, Maj. Gen. Logan's Dividion, Maj. Gen. McPherson's Corps. Feb. 22nd, 1863, moved to Lake Providence. This was one of the most beautiful places to camp, we had during the service, and we had a fine time boat riding, but only enjoyed it a few days, when we moved to Vista's Plantation. April ITth, moved to Miliken's Bend, Louisiana, joined Giant's army and moved to Bruinsburg, Miss. —Crossed Missis- sippi river. May 1st moved to Thompson's Hill. Moved to Hankinson's Ferry, on Black River, skirmishing with the enemy en route. Moved to Raymond, Miss. lingaged in the battle of Raymond, May 12. Moved via. Clinton, to Jackson, pursued the retreating enemy, after their defeat of May 14. May 16 engaged in the battle of Champion's Hill. This was one of the hardest fought battles the coaipany was engaged in during the war, but were fortunate in having none killed. The 30th 111. and the 30th Alabama contended against each other. Crossed Black River with the array, and arrived in the rear of Vicksburg on the 19tb of May, 1863. May 25th. moved with expedition to Meohaniosburg, under Gen. Blair lleturning, actively participated in the seige of Vicksburg, until June 23rd. and then moved tc Black River, under Gen. Sherman, to watch the rebel Gen. Johnson. Moved with Gen. Sherman's army to Jackson, and assisted in the investment of that place, after which, moved to Vicksburg. arriving' July 25th. Remained in camp until Aujj-. 20, then moved to Monroe, Louisiana, returning, 28th. This march was throug'h a low, flat country, heavily timbered with pine trees, on which could be feeen the marks of where the water had been fifteen feet hig-h. Oct. 14th moved, under Gen, McPherson, towards Canton, Miss. Was in the engagement at Bogachitta Creek. Returned same month. Jan. 1st. 1864, mustered in as veteran orginization. On the 10th moved with expedition up the Mississippi River against guerrillas, and returned on the 15th. Feb. 3rd, left Vicksburg, on Maridian campaign, under Gen. Sherman. Participated in the several skirmishes with the enemy, and arrived at Maridian, B"'ob, 15th. Returned, March 3rd., distance three hundred miles. March 5th, left Vicksburg on veteran furlough to the state, arriving at camp Butler, March 12th. Company ''A" returned to Mercer county, and the writer finds it beyond his descriptive powers to tell of the enjoyments of that thirty days, and will leave it to the immagination of the readei- After the thirty days furlough, returned to Camp Butler, and on the 18th left for Cairo. On the 28th, left Cairo with the •'Tennessee River Expedition," under Gen. W. Q. Gresham. Arrived at Clinton, Tenn., 30ih. March 5th marched via Pulaski, Tenn. and Athens, Alabama, to Huntsviile, Alabama. May 25th, moved to Decatur, crossing the Tennessee river 27th. Thence via VVarrentown, Ala., to Rome, Ga., thence via Kingston, joining Gen. Sherman's "Grand Army" at Ackworth, June 8th. On the 10th moved to Big Shanty, and commenced skirmishing with the enemy. On 27th moved out to make a demonstration in front, loosing from the regiment about20 killed, none being from company A. On the night of July 2nd, movei with 17th Army Corps, to the right of (lon. Sherman's army. On the 5th moved to Nick- ajack creek. On 9th the regiment was sent to guard Department Headquarters. On 12th moved to Sweet Water creek. July 17ih, moved toward Decatur, via Merietta, crossing the Chattahoochio at Rosjvvell's and arriving at Decatur on 20th. Was in the battle of .July 21st, and 22nd near Atlanta, on the latter date the company lost 3 men killed. This battle was itnown as the battle of Peach Tree Creek, and lasted from about noon until nig-ht, when darkness put a stop to the conflict. Was activelj' engaged until the fall of Atlanta and Jonesburg. Camp- ed at East Point, Sept. 6. Oct. 4th., 1864. moved northward, in the pursuit of Gen. Hood, via Kenesaw Mountatn, to Reaaca, and returned to Smyrna Camp Ground, via Galesville, Alabama, arrivino- Nov., 5th. Nov, 13, moved to Atlanta. Here the company presented the compiler of this book a beautiful, pure silver fife costing $46, which he still possesses and on which he is still able to play the old familiar tunes that the company kept step to for so many miles. On loth, started with Gan. Sherman's Army in the "Marjh to the Sea,'" and the company always g'ot its full share of those "Svpeet Potatoes which Sprouted from the Ground."' Participated in the capture of Savannah, Jan. 4th, 186."), and during the seige, which lasted some two weeks, subsisted almost entirely on rice and fresh beef. Some of the comrades becoming so turned against rice that they have never been able to eat it since. Moved, by water, to IJeaufort, South Carolina. On this trip many of us had our first experience with 'seasickness. Left Beaufort Jan. 13th, and i)articipated in the capture of Ptu'ataligo. on the 15th. Remained at Pocataligo until the 30th Marched with Sherman's Army to Goldsboro, North Caro- lina, where we arrived March 25th 1865. Was engaged, during the march, in the capture of Orangeburg, Columbia and Cheraw, South Carolina and Fayettville, North Carolina, besides destroy- inu- railroad tracks etc. On this march through South Carolina, there was not as much i-estraint enforced over the men as was exercised in other states, pei'haps on account of the state being the first to secede and afterwards taking so prominent a part in the rebellion, coi," sequently some things were done which were not a ci-edit to the army. Poi-aging was indulged in to the limit. One incident that caused a good deal of merriment was the following: Comrade Will Bitts came into camp at Orangeburg, in a grand carriao'e, drawn by a span or mules, himself dressed in a Confederate officers uniform, a silk hat and smoking a cigar, the carriage being driven by a finely dressed darkey. The carriage was loaded down with chicken?, hams and other eatables. He afterwards drove through the streets of the city while houses were burning on each side. One of the saddest incidents that it has ever been the mis- fortune of soldiers to be engaged in, took place while on this march, and would illustrate the truthfulness of the declaration of Gen. Sherman, that -'War is Hell." On this march the killing of our men by citizens or "bush- whackers,"" became so common that the general in command, issued an order, that if we found any more of our men killed, we ■should take a prisoner and shoot him in retaliation. In a few days after this order was issued a man by the name of Woodruff, of company H of our regiment, was found with his brains beat out. At that time we had, with us, about 300 prisoners. They were allowed to cast lots to decide who should be taken. The lot fell on a man by the name of Small and about 45 years of age. He was brought to our regiment and given in charge of our chap- lain. A squad of twelve men were detailed to do the shooting. Thev were furnished with guns, six of which were loaded with blank cartridge and six with ball. The squad was in charge of Major Rhodes. Campany A under command of Capt. Candor, was detailed as guards and to see that the execution was duly performed. The company was formed in line, facing a swamp, a few rods distant. The chaplain brought the prisoner into the intervening space, then asked him if he had anything to say. He said, ''I was forced into the army, never was in a battle, never wished the yankees any harm, have a large family, all girls, who live about 40 miles from here, I have been a local Methodist minister."" It was the general opinion that he told the truth. The ihaplain tnen blindfolded him and led him to a tree, against which the prisoner leaned. The Major commanded his squad to make ready— take aim— FIRE. The man stood for a mouient, his muscles contracted, then fell and died without a stuggle. Five balls entered his breast and one his thigh. He was hurried and a board put to the head of his grave on which was written a statemant of the cause of his death. This was a desperate remedy, but it had the desired effect, as we did not have another man killed. April 10th moved to Raleigh, arrivino- there on the 14th. Remained in camp until the surrender of the rebel army under Gen. Johnson. April 29th, marched northward via of Richmond, to Alex- dria, Virginia, arriving- May 19th. On May 24th, i865, marched tJ Washiuiiton and took part ill the (rraud Review, an account of which we quote fi-om Head- ley's History of the Civil War of tne United States: '•As a fitting close to this long- and terrible struggle which the country had passed through, a grand review of the two armies of Gr-ant and Sherman took place in the National Capital on the 2.]rd, and 24th of May, in the presence of the President and Cab- inet, and foreign Ministers. As the bronzed and proud veterans marched up Pennsylvania Avenue, the heavens resounded with the acclamations of the multitude, and the air was filled with boquets of flowers that were rained on the noble leaders. The Duke of Wellington said, when 50,000 troops were reviewed in the Champs Elysees, after the occupation of Paris by the Allies, that it was 'a sight of a life time;' but here nearly two hundred thousand marched in an apparently endless stream past the Pres- idential mansion, not conscrips forced into the ranks, but citi- zens, who had volnntai-ily taken up arms to defend, not a mon- arch's rights, but their own. Yet, sublime as was this spectacle, it sunk into insignificance before the grandure of the one presented a few days after, when this army, strong enough to conquer a hemisphere, melted sud- denly away into the mass of the people and was seeri no more. Its deeds of renown had filled the civilized world, and European statesmen looked on and wondei'ed |what disposition could be made of it, and where it would go. or what it would do. It was one of the grandest armies that ever bore on its beyonet points the destinies of a king or a nation —a consolidation and embodi- ir.ent of powei" seldom witnessed: and yet, while the gaze of the world was fixed upon it, it disappeared like a vision, and when one looked for it he saw only peac^jful citizens engag'ed in their usual occupations. The General whose martial achievements had been repeat- ed in almost every lan^uaofe under the sun, was seen amid his papers in his old law office, which he had left at the call of his country — the brave Colonel, who had led many a gallant charge, was in his counting house, acting- as though he had been absent only a few days on business, while the veterans of the rank and file, whose battle shout had rung over many bloody fields, could only be found by name as one bent over his saw and plane, and another swung his sythe in the harvest field, or plied his humble toil along the streets, ft was a marvelous sight, the grandest the world ever saw. ft had been the people's war — the people had carried it on, and having finished their own work, quietly laid aside the instruments with which they had accomplished it, and again took up those of peaceful industry. Never on earth did a government exhibit such stability and assert its superiority over all other forms, as did this republican government of ours, in the way its armies disappeared when the struggles was over." A few days was spent in Washington during which we visited the Capital building, the White House, the Patent office, the Smithsonian Institute and other places of interest. Left Washingten June 7th via the Baltimore and Ohio R. R.. arriving in Parkersburg, Va., on the 9th, One interesting feature of this trip was our passing through 29 tunnels between Washington and Parkersburg, one said to be a mile long. Con- tinued our jouney by steamboat to Louisville, Ky., where we remained in camp several days, during which time we were paid off, those of us who had veteraned receiving in addition to the regular monthly wages, the four hundred dollars bounty, and having plenty of money, circuses, theaters and other amusements, were well patronized. Mustered out of the United States service, July ITth, 1865. by First Lieutenant Aug. P. Noyes, A. C. M., Third Division, Seventeenth Army Corps. Arrived at Camp Butler, Illinois, July 20. Received final payment and discharo-e, July 27th, 1865, and next day was taken 10 to Rock Island, where we were met by friends and taken home Of the 91 men who composed the company when first or- ganized, six were killed, one died of wounds, seven discharg-ed on account of wounds, twelve were discharged on account of disa- bility, nine died of disease and nineteen veteraned. Of the recruits, three were killed, two died of wounds, three died of disease, and five veteraned. Of the drafted and substitutes, three died of disease, threo desei'ted and eight never reported to company. S^55-^ letters from .,(£omrabcs.. The following letters have been received in reply to a cir- cular letter sent out about the 1st of Jan., 1907, to all the old comrades that we could g-et the address of. The letter requested them to give a brief account of themselves §ince the war. Out of about 50 sent out, 6 came back uncalled for, 38 answered and the remainder failed to make any reply. J. H. Bradford, Monmouth, Illinois. In i-egard to my experience since the war, I hardly know what to say. My plans were spoiled by ill health. I started to school in Monmouth, Sept., 1865, but took typhoid fever, and had to give up school. Have had very good health for the last 20 years. Am just as straight as when in the army and have chang- ed very little in form. Weigh about 152 lbs. Don't know what a rheumatic pain is, but the wound in my right thigh lets me know when a change of weather is coming. Have not made a great success financially. Was comfortably fixed at one time, in Kan. but went into the Imported Stallion business in 1890, and the bot- tom falling out of that business, left me stranded. I went into the oil business at Beaumont, Texas, in 1902 and made $15,000 in nine months, but have most of it tied up there yet. Have a lot of oil leases in Kansas, but they are not likely to make me much money, although I consider Kansas one of the greatest oil fields In the United States at the present time. I was married in 1876, to Miss Carrie Holt, of Monmouth, have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. The oldest boy was in the Spanish war in the 6th 111. Reg., and when volunteers were being 12 raised for the Philipoines he was commissioned a 2nd Lieut, and served in the 30th U. S., org-anized at Ft. Sheridan near Chicago. Tnere is one incident of the Atlanta campaign I would like to call your attention to. On that campaig-n there were two medals offered for conspicuous bravery and both came to our company, Lieut. D. W, Poak getting' one and James Brown the other. W. H Bitts, Melvern. Kansas. Am tolerable poor, but live well. Have 160 acres of land. Handle pure bred short horn oattle, have 40 head. Am married. I married Miss E. A. McBride, have two children, one daughter and one son. S. J. Bolton, Alpha, Illinois One year after the war I married and embarked in the occupation of farming- which I followed until about 14 years ag'O, when I and mv family, consisting- of wife and 4 sons and 3 daugh- ters, moved to this place, and since have been eng-aged in the manufacturing and raising of sorghum on a large scale; sold the syrup and seed by the car load. Have also exercised my invent- ive genious. Have patented a device for saving the sap from sugar trees, called the "Funnel Shaped Sap Bucket." Also a device for the manufacture of ice, using the natural temperture for freezing. T am now engaged in the manufacture of these in- ventions. Mrs. D. A. Brownlee, Adair, Iowa. My husband died Jan. 25, 1906, of apoplexy. Was married Nov. 8, 1864, to Miss Emily McAtee. There were six cnildren born to this union. Stephen A. Bartlett, 510— 20th St., Moiine, 111. First discharged at Jackson, Tenn., re-inlisted in Co. C, 102 111., Vol. 1864, transfered to Co. H 16th 111. Vol., in 1865, discharg- ed July 28, 1865. Married in Henry county. 111. 1866. Came to Moline in 1870 and have been employed in the Deere & Co. fac- tories as paioter since 1880. Capt. D. M. Candor, Aledo, Til. After the war I farmed for one year and then opened a general store at Hamlet, 111., and carried on that business there for about 15 years. Was married in 1868 to Miss Emma J. Giston. In 1883, we moved to Aledo, and continued in the dry goods busi- ness until 1898, vrhen I sold out. We have three children, two sons and one daughter. Our youngest son, married, is cashier of theCcl. Packing Co., Denver. Our oldest son is in A. M. Byers' Bank, Aledo, and with my daughter, still live with us. Have lived in Mercer county ever since the war, with the exception of six months spent in Colorado, where we went for the improve- ment of my wife's health, and to visit our son. We expect to spend the remainder of our days in Aledo. J. A. Cummins, Aledo, Illinois. Was discharged from the army May, 18, 1862, on account of wound received at Ft. Donaldson. Lived on farm, in Mercer and Warren counties until the spring of 1868, moved to Aledo, 111., have lived there ever since, with the exception of two years on a farm near Aledo. Was appointed deputy sheriff, March 1875 served in that capacity until March, 1879, In Nov. 1880, was elected to the ofHce of Sheriff of Mercer county. Served six year. After term of Sheriff's office expired, studdied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1889. Practiced law in Aledo until 1898, when was appointed postmaster of Aledo, by president Mc- Kinley. Served in that capacity until April, 190t>. Never mar- ried. Have a good home, presided over by two maiden sisters. John C Clark, 1742, Kana^ St., Los Angeles, Cal. I went to Iowa, in the fall of 18(54. married Miss E. E. Williams, in 1865. Farmed in Iowa until the fall of 1872, when we moved to Johnson county, Mo., and in the spring of 1873 moved "out yondei-" in Kansas, and opened a dry goods store in Atlanta, Rice county. When Atlanta was abandoned and the county seat moved to Lyons, I went with it, where T continued in the mercantile business until 1882, when we moved back to Missouri, and in 1883 went back to Kansas. Never went into business aj^-ain, g-ot "busted." Served several terms as assessor in Lyons, Kan., and in 1903 moved to Los Angeles, where we still live. Have a comfortable home. Have raised a lamily of five cblldreD, three daug-hters are still living, two in this city and One in Rice county. Kansas. Mark Cannum, Aledo. Illinois. After returning home from the war in 1864, I resuined my former occupation, of farming- and stockraising. Was married in 1866 to Miss S. J. Smith, and settled on a farm of our own, five miles southeast of Aledo, where we remained for 33 years, with the exception of two years spent in the west, traveling for health. In 1899 we retired from the farm and moved to Aledo, where we reside at the present time. The publisher is tempted to add a few words to this very modest letter of Mark's. While visiting in old Mercer county, a few years ago we were royally entertained by Mark and his family, consisting of himself, wife and daughter. He has been quite successful in accumulating property. He owns a fine farm which is taken good care of by his son and family. He also owns a fine residence in Aledo with all the modern equipments for comfort and convenience. Rus Cool, Aledo, Illinois. T have lived in Mercer county since the war. I married in 1806. Have four living children, two sons and two daughters. All married and have homes of their own. Since the war I have followed the profession of auctioneer. 1 did not sever my con- nection with firearms when the war ended, but have been an enthusiastic hunter all my life, and considerable of a trap shooter. In the Great American Handicap contest at Kansas City in 1903, I was one of the 33 out of 456 contestants, who killed their 25 birds, and was in the final shoot off. 15 John Cooper, Findlay, Ohio. Since the war I have tried several branches of business. First, I tried U. S. mail line, from Monmouth to Millersburgr, 111., did pretty well; then solicited insurance for T. Johnson & Son, of Monmouth; then got married and tried farming, which was not very remunerative; sold out in 1868 and moved to Kansas, Jackson county, bought a farm and tried to make a raise, bat it would not raise, so I worked in a hardware store, drug store and dry goods store, and finally sold my farm and started a store of my own in Netawaka, which I run successfully for ten years, but when the oil boom broke out here in my old native county, I got homesick and disposed of my stock of goods and made a break for the oil territory and succeeded in getting 126 acres within two miles of Findlay, on which I now have 14 producing oil wells. I also purchased 80 acres one and a half miles from my home place on which I have 12 pi'odueing wells. I am also a breeder of short horn cattle. At Atlanta, Ga., July 22nd, 1864, I received four shots, first in left fore finger, second on left hip joint, third, right elbow, fourth ball struck cheek bone and knocked out two of my teeth and lodged a portion of it in one of my lower teeth where it re- mained until the 13th day of last Oct., making forty-two years and almost three months that I carried it. T. H. Croson, Winterset. Iowa. Since the war I have followed the occupation of farming. In 1880, moved to Obrion county, Iowa, where we remained 13 years, then returned to Illinois where we remained 7 years, then moved to Madison county, Iowa, wherp> 1 have been farming till one year ago, since have been in the grocery business in Win- terset. Am married, and have 4 children, all doing for them- selves. Isaac H. Close, Salineville, Ohio. I have lived in Salineville, Ohio, for thirty-five years. For the first 12 years of that time, was in the employ of the C. & P. railroad, and for the last 20 years have been in the employ of the O. &: P. Coal company, building cars foi' their mines at this place. 1 was married in 1875. We have had 8 children. 1 arc 71 years old, have a pleasant home, located on five acres of lane within the corporation of Salineville. Wm. O. Dungan, Windon, Nebraska. In the battle of Britton's Lane I was wounded three times, one ball passing throuph my left lunjf, on account of which I was discharged in 1863. I then returned to Mercer county and pur- chased a farm in Millersburg township. Married in 1864, raised three children, one daughter and two sons; both sons went through the State University of Nebraska. The oldest served in the 1st Nebraska, in the Philippine Islands, was wounded and promoted to 1st Lieut, of Co. C. The second son is in Denver, Col., in commercial business. I was elected sheriff of Mercer county, 111., in 1868 and served four years. Moved to Nebraska in 1873, located on tbe old Fort Kearney site— the old historical place of the state, and engaged in farming and raising fine stock. Served two terms in the legislature of Xebraska as sergeant-at- arras. My health has become badly impaired. My right lung has become solid and has crowded my heart to one side, which affects heart action. Have retired from the farm and will try to take it easy. J. W. Durston. New Windsor, III. After being discharged from the service, on account of wound. I returned to Rivola township, where I was. born and raised, and have been engaged in farming, and still live on the farm and enjoy reasonably good nealth. Was married in 1865 to Miss Mary Smith, who died, June 2nd, 1900. W. L. Dihel, Aledo, Illinois. Since the war I have followed farming, and am still trying to make a living at that business Expect to retire next spring and move to Aledo. My health at the present writing is very good. Mrs. M. L. Uetwiler, Findlay, Ohio. My husband was wounded at Clinton, Mississippi, in 1864, His right ankle was shattered and for some reason it was not amputated for six weeks, by that time the bone was so diseased it would not heal; so after three months, it was amputated the second time. After returning- home from the army, he took a course in a business college in Chicago, then came to Findlay, Ohio, where his brother, William, lived and accepted a possi- tion as bookeeper, for W. L. Davis & Co., in the retail and whole sale grocery business. In 1868 he was compelled to undergo the third amputation, which left only three inches below the knee. In 1871 he bought an interest in the firm he worked for and in same year was married to Miss Anna B. Horn, to this union were born two sons and one daughter. For about six years before his death, which occurred in 1904, he was not able to do much busi- ness. Mrs. R. M. Dihel, West Chester, Iowa. After ray husband came home from the army, we lived on a farm in Illinois, until 1868, when we moved to Washington county, Iowa, where we lived until 1893, then we sold our farm and moved to the town of Washington, Iowa, thinking rest would do him good, but his health did not improve, so in the same year we moved to Chetopa, Kansas, where, in July, 1905, he died. J. J. Dihel, Aledo, 111. After the war came home and went on a farm. Married "the girl I left behind me," in 1867. Moved to Iowa in 1872, to Chicago in l892 and back to Aledo in 1894, where I still live. Wm. M. Graham. Vinton, Iowa. After coming home from the war, I settled near Vinton, and engaged in farming. I was married in 1869, to Miss Mary Saintclair. We haye a family of three boys and four girls. I resided on the farm until 1900, when my health failing 1 moved to Walker. Linn county, Iowa, and remained there six years, not engaged in any business, then returned to Vinton, where I have since lived a retired life. Ed. Grow, Tacoma, Washington. I was a prisoner in Andersonville, during the latter part of the war, and it was a year after I got home before T was good foi' much. I went to my father in Michigan, where I stayed two years, then I went to Illinois where I stayed about two years. Was married there, then went back to Michig-an and went into the fruit growing- business, near Benton Harbor; stayed there seven years; here my two boys were born, that being- all the chil- dreo I have. Then T moved to Iowa, where I was engaged one year in farming and one year in carpentering at Davenport, then moved back to Michigan, where my wife died. After two years I went back to Fairbury, Illinois, where I again married. After three years went to Morris county, Kan, In 1888 I came out here to the Pacific coast. Stopped three years in Portland, Oregon, tbree years in Anaconda, Montana and have now been four year in Tacoma. Ever since I left Michigan I have been in the build- ing business. I have a good home and with ray pension can live comfortably. R. M. Hamilton, Keota. Iowa. After the war, lived near Sunbeam, 111., following the oc- cupation of farming. In 1870, married Miss Josephine Cabeen. In same year moved to Washington county, Iowa, where I had previously bought 40 acres of land, and put up a house, and have baen living in the same neighborhood ever since. R. S. Henderson, Lenox, Iowa. Am Living on a farm of UJO acres, near Lenox. Have it well stocked and improved, and am able to live quite comfortably. Am married and have two children. Lem Lytle, Surrett, Missouri. My life has been rather uneventfull. I have worked at sign painting since the war. Have roved around some. For a while I was in Pittsburgh, Pa., my native place, also for a while in Kansas City. Three or four years in San Jose, Cal. I am an old batch, ()0 years of age. A shert time ago I received a letter from W. H. Wbite, asking me te settle a dispute between him and Mark Cannum, the former claiming I was dead, and that he had decorated a grave in the cemetary of the Soldier's Home at Leavenworth, Kan. On the tombstone was inscribed "L. S. Lytle, Co. A 30th 111. Inft.'" I had sent my discharge paper through the mail and some one swiped it. I suppose he is the one who is hurried there. I would give a quarter for that tomb- stone. James Moore, Thayer, Labette Co . Kan.. I cannot tell anything about the "old boys.'" I thought the most of them were dead. I am still living and have a wife and two children, one son and one daughter, and twelve grand- childi'en. I am too old to amount to much any more. RoDert Miller, Garnett. Kansas. I came to Kansas in 1866, and settled on a farm, six miles southeast of Garnett, where we have lived ever since We have rural free delivery, telephone and expect natural gas soon. Our farm consists of 1.30 acres, mostly bottom land, plenty of timber. I rent the land, for which I get the two- fifths of the corn in the crib. Keep enough stock to consume the crop. We are out of debt, and have a little bank account. If I live until next May I will be 74 years of age. It would hai'dly be necessary to sign a name to the two fol- lowing letters, as almost any old company A comrade would rec- ognize the writer by the honest, straight forward frankness. The first was in answer to the printed letter sent him. We replied to him that he could use his own judgment about buying one of the books, but we were of the opinion that he would be able to get a dollar's worth of satisfaction out of it. Also that we were not expecting to make money out of the enterprise, and would be fortunate if we came out whole financially. The second letter was in answer to this: Ed Mercer, Mound Valley, Kansas. In reply to your letter, would say that your book will not be worth a dollar to me, and you can govern yourself accordingly, I am so shaky I can hardly write. I am 73 year old and realize that I am pretty well over the road. Second Letter — Dear Comrade: — I received your letter and when I read it I changed my mind, and will take one of your books, not at a dollar, but at whatever it costs to g-et it up, as I see you are going- to the trouble and expense yourself, and when you get it ready, send me one and I will send you the money. Or still better — put one in your pocket and come and make us a visit, and we will do our best to make it pleasant for you. . I came to the Osage ceded land in 1866. The Indians were still here. The same year my wife died and left me a four- teen months old girl baby to care for; she is now married. In 1874 I married the widow of an ex-soldier, she had a boy seven years old, who is now married. We have a son. who lives on the farm, while we live in Mound Valley. Adam McQuilling, Pasadena, California. After serving my term of enlistment, I was engaged in farming for a few years; then with J. W. Page, for a partner, kept a general store at Suez, 111., for a couple of years; then sold my interest and returned to the farm. While at Suez, was mar- ried to Miss Margaret J. Sedgwick. In 1875. sold the farm and moved to Pasadena, Cal Pasadena, at that time, was a little colony of about 30 families, who had settled there within the pre- vious year. I purchased 10 acres, built a small house, planted an orchard of oranges, lemons and a veriety of decidious fruits, and to keei> the pot boiling, I secared the position of zanjero, or man- ager of the irrigating system of the colony, a position I held for ten years. When it was re-organized in 1882, as the Pasadena Land & Water Co., I was elected a director, and a few years later, president of the company, a position I have held ever since. During the years 1884 and 1886, inclusive, I sold my land in town lots and bought a large lot in another tract, built a comfortable house on it, where we have lived up to the present time. Our family consists of wife and daughter, son and son's wife. Pas- adena has 25,000 population. I have served on school and library boards, as city councilman, and am vice president of the 1st Na- tional Bank, and director of the Pasadena Savings & Trust Co. Ed Noonan, Cumming, Iowa. From the close of the war until 1900, I lived on a farm in Madison county. In 18G5 was married. Since 1900 I have lived a retired life in Gumming. 21 Sam D. Paxton, Ukiah, California. I am truly glad you are doing- something; to revive and per- patuate the memory of old Co. A, the record of which none of us need ever be ashamed. It does my heart good to read over the names of the survivors in your list. Now. as to my wanderings since those memorable days, I will be as brief as possible. Wounded at Fort Donaldson, Feb. 15. 1862. Discharged at Jackson, Tenn.. Aug. 15, 1862, on account of wounds. Attended college at Monmouth, 111., followed mer- chandising for about eight years at Sunbeam, III , came to Cal. for my health in 1874, bought a sheep ranch, following ranching for about ten years, when I was elected county clerk, against a Democratic majorify of nearly 800 in the county; was re-elected and served two terms, when my health again broke down, since which time I have aimed to do nothing, and think f have succed- ed in the latter calling admirably. Am not married, as yet, but tne widows are after me. Have a summer resort in the moan- tains, where I spend most of my time in the summer, hunting deer, grouse etc and catching trout which are plentiful. Gen- erally take a trip of a month oi- so in the rougher mountains, hunting and rusuicating. The last trip I climbed to the summit of a mountain 10,500 feet, over five miles of snow, some of it of a depth of 40 feet.. July 25th, so you see I am pretty tough yet, but I let my mule do the climbing, where possible. William Parkinson, Aledo, Illinois. I went to Henderson county at the close of the war. Was married in 1808. Followed farming Moved to Mercer county in 1884, where I have lived ever since, the last 12 years in Aledo. Am a member of Warren Shedd Post. I am almost disabled, at times, cannot get around at all. Was 77 years old on my last birthday. W. D. Reynolds, Villiisca, Iowa. After the war I returned to Mercer county and engaged in farming, near Keithsburg. Was married in 1809, to Miss Sarah E. Sponsler. In 1884 moved to Montgomery county, Iowa. Our family consists of 4 daughtei-s and seven sons, living and one daughter and one son dead. I have made lots of money but it has taken a small fortune to raise such a larg-e family, but g-uess I could rake up $30,000. W. H. Heed. New Boston, Illinois. For two years after the war, I lived with my father near Keithsburg, not being able to work. In 1868 was able to work some. In 1870 moved to Osborn county Kansas. Not making a success at farming, went on the buffalo range for two years and was kaown there as "Happy Bill.'" Then returned to my claim. In 1874 was married to Miss Keldy F. Sumpter, and to us has been born fifteen children, nine are still living, four boys and five girls. I think I was the youngest member of the company, am not quite (50 years old. John L. Ruth. Pleasanton. Kan. Since the war, hav) followed the occupation of farming. 1 am now nearly 76 years of age. My wife, whom I nrarried be- fore the war, died. We had one son and ad opted another. I remarried in 190G, and am now living as a retired farmer. George M. Snyder. Galesburg, Illinois. In giving an account of myself, will say, I never married. 1 have been doing almost everything. After I returned from the war, I worked for H. Bigelow. on the Aledo Record, until 1873, then I went west. Was in the Navada mountains. I worked on a paper there called the Eureka Daily Sentinel. I served an in- listment in the regular army, in which I had charge of a depart- ment of the government printing. Am now working for the Farmers & Mechanict." Bank, of Galesburg. A. E. Sample, Lyons, Kansas. Soon after the war, I went to the oil regions of Pennsyl- vania, where 1 remained one year, working in a hardware and general oil supply store, owned by an uncle; then went to Brock- yjort, New fork, where 1 was mai'ried to Miss Letitia Toaz, and after a short honey moon, during which we visited Niagra Falls and other places of interest, we moved to Aledo. 111., and engaged 23 in farming until 1873, when we came to Kansas; making the trip in a wagon, and located in Rice county. Homesteaded a quarter of land, where we remained until the fall of 1903, when we rented the farm and moved to Lyons. Raised a family of seven chil- dren, five daughters and two sons. Pour daughters and one son are still living, and all married except youngest daughter. W. H. White. Aledo, Illinois. For eight or ten years after the war, followed the printing trade, in St. Louis, Mo.; then tried farming in Kansas; not mak- ing a success in that, I started out to see the sights. Traveled through the following states, part of the time as a printer, and part of the time in various occupations: New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Washington, California, Oregon, Idaho, Nebraska and Missouri. Finally landed in the National Military Home, Leavanworth, Kansas. In 1899 was transfered to eastern branch National Soldiers Home, Togus, Me., where I was put in as foreman of the printing office in connection with the Home, where I remained until 1904 when I took a discharge and came back to Aledo, where I have since remained. The wound I received in my ankle, on the 27th of June 186-1 was 13 or 14 years in healing, and during tnat time I removed from the wound two hundred and fifty pieces of bone. As the comrades peruse the contents of this book and read the list of names, I immagine they will picture in their mind's eye each individual comrade; then when they read the list of battles, marches and camps, many incidents of these exciting times will come into their minds, a good many of which would be worthy of being related in this book. It will, no doubt, oring to mind the part they took, how on first going into battle we felt like running, but manly honor and pride held us in place. The marches mentioned will bring to mind the blistered feet and worn out body. In camp, the "hard tack,"' the boxes in which they were packed were said to be marked, B, C, and the piles of side meat which made us wonder what in the world became of the hams and shoulders. Also that pestiferous little animal, though small in stature, was misfhty in deed and caused us on first making its acquaintance, to throw away our underclothes and make remarks that were not always of a religeous nature. The list of letters are both instructive and interesting, in that they show that the boys fell out of the army life and took up their places in the greater array of home builders. Instructive in that it shows the true American spirit, that the soldiei's had not lost in their four years of hard warfare. That there was fear of reverse conditions is not to be de- nied. It was currently reported that one of our famous generals feared to disband his regiments lest a spirit of outlawry would show up, but he was mistaken in his estimate of the men under him. All returned to their plows, their trades, their homes, their loved ones and scarcely a complaint was heard all through the land. I hope the comrades of old Company A, will enjoy reading these letters, as I have enjoyed getting them and setting them in type. Although it has taken a good deal of time and work, it has been a pleasant employment. I am sorry that more of the comrades did not write and tell of their life since the war. It would have added to the interest of the book if the comrades had related more incidents in which the company was particularly concerned. There is one feature of the book which I think will be useful. It furnishes in a condensed form, information no son of a company A veteran should fail to possess. I have met sons of veterans that, while they might be able to tell what state their fathers went from, could not tell what regiment, or what particu- lar part of the service they were in. klfp® ILLINOIS STATE l^lSIORiCAi. L1BRAR>