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•-- -----■■"- [fistory -

-OF THE- ..

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LiilE OF Si';Kl[!G Y!iL!.i:y, i\m CGUiriY, PE[;:;ii, V/ilO DI[D Jiiiiij.;^Y 90, 1867.


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' 929.2 Patton,








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History of the Descendants of Peter 3ur/'< copy -■ -, author: 1 397 Donor: ."rs. Alfred 'iiller j-

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Soinotinif since, at a f;iiiiily re union, lield at tlic home of Col. Epbraini Burkel, on the old lionic.lcavl farm, in Sinking Valle}-, Blair county, Penusyjvani.i, llie subject of the liistorj- of the lUirket family, and tlic deseeudant> of Peter Burkct, deceased, was di-cussed.

It appeareii that no history of the Burkot family was known to exist, and that no complete record of the descendants of Peter Burket was in the possession of any of the members of bis family. It was thought best to endeavor to complete a record of the latter, and stc|)s wvn- taken to that end.

The work has jiroven much more diiTicult than was antici- pated, and has, theref<ne, taken a much longer lime than it was thought ]iossible.

It is believed the iiifoimation given is concct, and is like- •wise as complete as it was pn.-silik- to obtain it. Should there be an^ erior? or omibsions, ihcy have been uniutcntion.al, and 1 will be glad to be ndvist^d of tliem in order that the propta- corrections may be made.

The blank pages are intcanletl to bo used in completing the further family history as it may become necessary.

T. B. PATTON. Huntingdon, Pennsyhania, December 22, ]S97.


On April ICth, 1703, John [Vnn the younger, and John Fciin the elder, by tlieir ntlurney Aiiihony Hutler, fcld to Janie? Stuart "75 acres and 30 ])eiehe; of land located in Ty- rone to\vn-I]i|i. < ounty of Huntingdon (afterwards ]')lair conul;-) State of ]\-nn>ylvania (being jiarl of the late projirielai ics njanor of Sinking Valleyj for 370 jKiuud^, ]2 shilling.-, and 1 penny euvunl iiionc}' of Pennsyhania in ppecie, in addition to whieh. -aid danie- Sluart -sv as to pay a quit lent of one (]) pepprre.uii on the liist day of Maielj of each and Ciery ye-ar tlieiealter, forever if demanded.

The deed of c..n\ iv an.e for ihif lai.d is reconied in llunt- iugdun county, in deed buok D, jiago 117, June ]c,ih, 17ii3.

Ou March lluli, 1S02, the said Jamc^ Stuart, of Ml. Joy town-liip, county of Adams, Slate of }'ciui-ylvaina, and Eliza- beih his wife, sold to Teler Hurgarl of .Manhime lowu-hip, in Yolk county, I'eniisylvania, the above leferieJ to 376 acres and 39 perches of land, for 2000 jiountU, lawful money of Pennsylvauia ; the deed of conveyance to Peter P)Uigart is recorded in Huntingdon county, deed book H, page 63;i, July 31st, lb02 ; .\. lIeiider>on being the Kecorder.

The tract of laiid aliove referred to includes the Hurkcl farm, which has now been in tlie possession of the Hurkct family for almost a century and is located in Sinking \'allcy, Tyrone township, Plair county, Penn^yh aiiia. The title f<ir the land of the Burkct farm, included in the above tract, ])as~ed from I'eter Burkct, Sr. , to his sen I'cter I'url.e!, and fi,.m hi- c-lalo into the hands of the kilter's son Kploaim iinikri. m!,u -till resides on the old homestead.


Tlirrc Fcenis tn he uo ici.-oiil? in llic possession of any of tljc liiuket family giving any liiston- as lo tlic anlccedcnls of Peter l^urizart, Sr. ""

Peter liurgarl, Sr., was born June 25tl), KHG, and a\ as a farmer resitling in Manliinie tow-n.-liip, York c(uinl\-, I'onnsyl- vania. He niaii'ied Eli/.alietli ILirnisli of the sanic county, ^vlJO was born al.iout 17G7; the dale of their marriage is un- known. T)icy rcnio\'cd to Sinking Valley about ]S02. I'eter Burgart died July 19tli, 1823, aged 57 years, and his wife Elizabeth died May (jth, 1S41, aged 74 years. They are both now buried in the Lutheran cemetery in Sinking Valley, al- though they were at fast Ijuried in the cemetery on the home- stead farm.

To them M-eie born the following children, although the inehil.ers of thi^ family air not nu-ntioneil in ihe order of their biilli, and .-.ome corrections may be necessary in oiiler to make this jiarl of the lecord comiiletc. Their children were :

Jacob liurket, of Brookville, Pa., the father of Dr. G. W. Euiket, of Tyrone, born July I'tth, ]7Mt, and died July 2Cth, ISS'u.

Peggie, wife of Abraham Good, of Smii'k^burg, Indiana county, Pcnus\ 1\ ania.

Sallic, wife of David or George Mong, of ClariiSb, I'enn- sylvania, died November, 1881.

- '■ Peter Burket, liorn January 17th, 1793, and lived for many years on tlie homestead farm in Sinking Valley, where he died January '20tli, 3SC7.

Samuel ISuikct, of Tuckahoe \'allcy, v.ho lived near Fos- torin, ]'en7isylvania.

Barhaia, wife of (ieorge Crane, of I^Iissouri.

Kancy, wife of John Spannnrle, AN'arriorsmark. Penn- sylvania.

J<jlm Bnrkct, of Wari-iorsmark, Pennsylvania. '

Davi<l P,urkct, of .Shirleysburg, I'ciinsylvania.


Tukiii;^ u]. tljc ]ii.-,tory of Tc-ler IJurkct, tlic Eon of VcXcv Burgail, Sr., who ^vus horn iicitr Hinovcr, in Yoil: coui.iy, rennsylvaoia, Jamiury ITlh, 1703, and \:hv, a:, far as is knuwu, came lo Sinking Valley about tLe year ]602. He was married January llili, 18]C, to Mary Fleck the diu-'iler of George Fleck, and a tister of Da\ i J and Henry lick, of Sinking Valley, ^vbo was born in the year IT'JT. One il/ild, Geoige Fleck P.urket, \va- born to then, on May Ttii, ]>1T. Mary Fleck Hurket, the first witc of IVter Bnrkct, die! one week afler the birtL of lier bon Georg.. <-.i May l^lL, 1S17, in the SOili year of her age, and is bur.e-i in the Sinking Valley Ijutheran ccmclor}'.


Peter Burket was manicd the ^ee^.nd lime on ^\i)ril 23rd,- 1M8, to ]5aibara Nefl, of near IVurshurg, Jluiilingdon county, Penns} hania, who was born November ll'lh, .]T!<5, and died March 19lh, 1833, aged 37 yc; s. and i'-- buried in the Sinking Valley Fiilheian cemetir_\. ' P...rbara Nefi wa_-. a dauglitcr of Jac:ob and liarbara Ncf: ilir.r'' a:a ICauflmau before marriage), /jaeob Ned died Julyl3tL. K^31; his ancestore came to Peuns^dvania from Switzerland ii; thf days of '\^"illianl J'enii. He^cainc from Lancaster coiii.;y abjiut 178o". His \\ife Piarbara Ncft died September 2 1st, ]^i■2_J

The following children were b,.i -i to J'etcr Buiket and wife by his Bccund marriage :

John Nefl' Burket, December 8ih. 181?.

Peter Burket, December 5lh, Im'".

Jacob Nefl Burket, October I'.Mh. '-^Z. . " '

Mary Burket, November 1st, ]>2;>.

■Henry Fleck liurket, September l.'th, 1827....

Ephraim Burket, Feliruary Ttli, l>3(i.

Benjamin Bui kct, June IfUli, 1832. who died May Hh, 1840, and is buried in the Sinkintr \"all-v Lutheran cometerv.

THIRD MARRIAGE, rclcr Bnrkct wa^ niairiod tLc third time 2sovcmhcr 28th, 1S33, to Catljariuc Keller, of Ciiuoo Valley, Huntingdon count}-, Pennsylvania, \vlio wai born April lOlli, 1701 ; she ^vas a daughter of Mieliael and M-.ny Keller (Mary Cuninier before marriage) who came froDl near Reading, Penns^iviinia, in 1S07. One son was born to this marriage, David Keller P.urket, October I8th, ISSi, who died at the old homestead September 2:-th, 18o3, and i.s buried in the Sinking Valley Lutheran cemetery.

DEATH OF PETER BURKET AND Vv'IFE. Peter Burket died January iiitli, ISCT, aged li years and 3 days. His third wife, Catharine Keller Puil.et, died April ITlh, 1S72, aged SI years and 7 days; both ai-e now buried in the Sinking Valley Lutheran cemetery, allhough both wc)-c. at the time of tlieir death buried in the family burying ground on the farm. In August, 1S!I3, tlicir remains together with those of all other persons buried (here were removed and buried in the cemetery named.


liy Fii:sT .M.u;kiagi;.

(1) George Fleck Burket, born -May 7th, 1S17, died at Tipton, Iowa, at 2 o'clock p. m., December 23rd, 1S91, aged 74 years ; he married Catharine Sjiitlcr, of AVarriorsmark, born Oelol)er ICth, 1813, and died at 10 o'clock a. in., December 2:iid, IS'Jl, four hours jirevious to the death of her husband, aged 78 years. Five children ^vcrc born to them, information relative to which will be found under the head of "Family Histories of Cliildren of George and Catharine Bnrkct."

Bv Skcokd MAi:niAQE.

(2) John Nefl' 15urket, born December 8th, 1818, died near Di.xon, Illinois, January 3rd, 18C5. He married Mary,

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a dauuliler of IIcui}' Fluck, of Sinking Valley, aud no locoid liat licen funiislieJ as lu tlic tiuic of hvv death. Thcj icnio\cJ lo Illinois. J'li'ven eliildiLii were born to them.

(3) Peter liuihet, born Decenibci' 5Ih, 1S20, died at Tip- ton, Iowa, September l^lh, 167-1, ajred 53 years, and ■was bellied in Inland eenieter}-, Cedar county, Iowa. He Avas married lo Elizabeth Eberlc, at Shavers' Creek, IIuntingdoD county, J'ennsylvaiiia, January loth, 1S52. She was born March 22iid, 1S23, in Petersb\irg, Huntingdon county, aud died at her hi'niie in Tipton, Jo^va, after a year's illness, .7u)ic 9th, ISSl, aged 5S years, and i- buried in Iidand ceincter}', Cedar county, Iowa. Six children weie born to this ujarriagc.

(4) Jacob Nefl Burket, born October ]9th, 1.^23, died at Washington, D. C, February 28lh, ]SS3, and is buried at (utt3,sljurg, I'enusylvania. "Was married in Carlisle, Cumbcr- knui'connty, i'ennsyh ania, .May 27tli, Ib^o, by IJev. John N. llulTniau, to .Mary A. Chrilzman, of Gettysburg, \vho was born .April 2oih, IM.'!^ and ^vh« re-ides at AvJ- hingUm, D. C. Ten childreu were born lo this marriage.

(6) Mary Jiurket, born N.acnd.ei 1st, 1825, died at Altoona, i'enusylvania, March -.'Mh, ls:,G, aged 30 years, and is buried in the Sinking \'alley Lutheian ceuiclcr}- ; she was married June lOlh, 1S45, lo George W. I'atton, of Sinking Valley, who was boin in Woodcock Valley, Walker township, Huntingdon county, renn.-yl\ ania, September Cth, IMT, and who died in Philadelphia, .March 7tli, lss2, aged C2 years, and is buried in Fair\iew cemetery, .Mloona, I'ennsyJvania. Three children were burn to this marriage. After the deiitli of iMary 15urket, Gee^rge W. I'.ition was married a second time, December HUh, l^Gl, lo Fnumj J. Ilawkesworth, daughter of George and Su>an Hawk. ■-worth, of Altoona, Pennsyhania, who wa- born at Lebanon, I'ennsylxania, .Au- gust 2-lth, 1S34. Two children were boii, to this luaniage. :\Irs. Emma J. J'aUon resides at i'li.ladelpbla. I'enn^yh ania.' '■ (0) Henry Fleck liurket, born Sepleud.cr lAth" ISl'T,'


Etill resides in Illinois; on July ISlli, 1S4S, he wis married to Mury Jane Crav.furd, a dauL'lilcr of Aiinstroi,;; Crawford, of Sinking Valley, who was born Juno ImIj, ls30. Ten children were born to this marriage.

(7) Colonel Ephraim Burket, born February 7th, 1S30, is still living on the homestead farm ; he was married October 27th, 1S57, to iMary Haruish, a daughter of Samuel and Susanna Harnish, of Canoe Valley, Huntingdon county, who was born March 2Sth, 1S35. Six cliildi en w ere boi'n to this marriage. He served during the war as a l^ieutenant in the 110th rieginient, Pennsyhania Volunteers.

(S) Benjamin J'.uiket, born June llUh, 1832, died on May 4th, 1S40, and i.- buried in the Sinking Valley Lullieran cemetery.

Bv TinuD Maiuuagi;.

(9) David Keller BHirket, born Oetnbcr IStli, 1S34, died on September 25th, ISoS, and is buried in the Sinking Valley Lutheran cemetery.



(1) Johu M. I'.uilat, born St-ptiiuljer SOIL, 1S12, uiar- maiicd Louise W. Can-}- ; Ikivu two children : George C. Uur- kct, age 23 j'cars, and ^h.rie E. liuikct, age ] 7 vcais. Tl,c family reside at Tiplou, ]Li\va.

(2) George W. lUirket, died December IT'lh, 1ST3, age 2ft years.

(3) Susanna Burkct, died December 25tL, 187r., age 28 years ; was married to L. F. Whii'.iey, of Nel>ra-l;a, aud had two children : George and Addit 'sVliitnc}'.

(J) Mary Amanda Burket, died DeceUibcr 2ord, 1ST2, aged 23 years ; was ujarried lu N. C. Foy ; had no children.

(5) Alice C. Burkct, died Jvmc li'lh, 1^S1, aged 27 3'ears ; was married to J. M. Downing, had one daughter : >Alinme Downing, married to a Mr. .Miller.


(]j Mary ]"aunie ]Uuket, born Ma^ 2^th, iJ^iO, and died; 1897 ; married James Stewart, formerly of Di.xou, Jllinois. The family reside at Bealiody, Kansas. They have one bou, Charles Edward.

(2) Lewi^ Henry liurket, born November tfitli, 1&4], married to Emma Meade, now residing in Galifi^nia.

(3) J\Ialil..n 1'. I'.nrk.t, liorn in'sinking Vabey, October 31st, IS-ia, manied Mary E. Woy, of Somerset, ]'..iu,-:ylvnm"a, March 2-Jlh, ]S78, and hax e the f„Uowing children ;

dohii Willi., iiurket, b.Mii DeconlK'r 21th, ]s7S, at Dixon, lUinuis.


Edward Roscoe llurkct, born August L'nd, ISSO, ul Dixon, Illinois.

IlazLl Elizubcth ]5uikct, born August Stb, 1SS3, at Dixon, Illinois.

I\lary I'carlc F.urkct, Born September lotb, 188S, at Somerset, Pennsylvania.

Laura Crystal Hurket, born November L'Tth, 1S90, at Somerset, Pennsylvania.

{■i) Kliza Fleek P.urket, ^vbo is dead.

(5) Eyster Fleek Purket wbo is dead.

(G) Elizabeth Jane Purket, inanicd to Joseph Courf- riglit, rcsidinf: at Shenandoah, Iowa, and have the follo-wing ehildren :

Mollie Joseiiliinc, Fannie Ferrun, Kate Grace, Maud Purket, Josic ]llaneh, and Luther Ju^ei.h, who is dead.

(7) Calbariiie A. P.urket, bdrii October Cth, LS51, n)ar- ried to Nathan A. Courtiighl of Dixon, Illinois. Their ehil- dren arc: John Weber, Charles Nathan, Shelley .Miller, Nellie Piurket, (_!lyde Clifford, and Jennie.

(8) John Howard Purket, born March 2Slh, 1853, mar- ried to Annie Courtright ; their ehildren arc Mary Olive Pur- ket^, Annie Nettie Purket, and Andrew Luther liurket.

(9) Calvin Miller Purket, born May 1st, 1S56, married Lila Code, reside at Crete, Nebraska. Their children are : Harry Purket, Mary Frances Purket, and Margaret Purket.

(10) David Edward Purket, born August 16th, 1S5S, manied to Alice Lindeinan, of Dixon, Illinois. They have one son, Glen Gilbert Purket.

(11) Luther Ellsworth Purket, married to Ida Linde- man, of Dixoji, Pliuois. They have one son whose name has not been furni.vhed.


In the-Si.i-i)ig of 1S52, Petrr and Elizabeth Burktl uiovc-d to Lee county, Illinois, and located on a farm four miles southeast of Dixon. In the Spring of 1ST3, they moved to Tijitoii, Cedar county, Iowa. Their children were as follows :

(1) Warren Hewitt Burkct, born April 19th, 1S53, died October Olh, 1S:.4, is buried in Fleck graveyard, Lee county,- Illinois.

(2) Winfield Worth Burket, born March Sth, 1S-.5, died September 7th, ISCJ, aged [i } ears, S njonths and 29 days, is buried in Fleek graveyard, Lcc cuunty, Illinois.

(3) John Eberle Burket, born August 23rd, ISoC, in Lee county, Illinois, married Julia Eseher, daughter of John and Freidreka Eseher, of near Tipton, Iowa, May 27th, 1SS4. At present be is located at Paso Kobles, California, and is engaged in the furniture and undertaking bupiness. The}' have t\\-o (Iiildren, the elder a son, Harold Eseher Burket, born November ]lth, 1S91, at Pierce, Nebraska; the second a daughter, Emma Elizabeth liurket, born Oetolier 12th, 1895, in Paso Koblcs, California.

(4) Homer Kauflniau Burket, boru May 19th, 165S, in Lee county, Illinois, married to Ella Viva Gibson, daughter of Kcv. Josiah Gibson, D. D., and El\i\a Gibson, on May 19tL, 1SS5, at Crestou, Iowa. At pie.-ent they arc located at Lincoln, Nebraslia. where he holds the position of Trcfl.'Turer in the Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association. They have two children, the elder a son, John Giiiscjn Burkct, born Feliruary ICth, ISsG, at Creslon, Iowa. The daughter, Ethel Burket, born March 4th, isSS, at Creslon, lowu.

(5) Anna Amelia Buikct, born Fcbiuary 5th, IRCl, in Lee county, Ijlinoi.q, ninriied Benjamin Lindsay, at Pierce, Nebraska, May 4th, 1880, where 1 hey still live, her husband being engaged in the piactice of law. 1'hey have one child,

Bcninniiii John Lindsay, bcirn March 2Sll), 1889, al ]^icrce, Xelii-aska.

(6) Theodore ^;cfl' Ikiiket, boni Marcli I'Ttli, 1SC3, iu Lee county, Illinui.-, ua- uiaiiicJ to Fannie Kose Slre<:kT, dau-hler uf A. J., and Susan Sueefor, of New AVind^-or, Jlli- niiis. They lesiJe at Lincoln, Nebraska, ^vllcrc he hoKls the p.isition of Yice-Pre>)dejit in the Nebra^ka Ce-ntral ];uilding and Loan Association.



(1) J.iUhcr Excelsior Burket, born Supltiuber 2:.tb, lS-!7, at Ihiiitingiioii, ] V-uinisylvauiii, now residing at Wash- ington, I). C.

(2) Alice May Burkcl, married at "Wasliington, D. C, Dcccml)cr ISth, IbT^ to Joseph M. Garvin, of Williaujsburg, Pennsylvania, at whicii jihiec they now reside. Tljeir children are 'Willian) M. Garxin, J^uthcr B. Gar\in, and Mary Kate Garvin, the latter deceased.

(3) Keandcr Keller Piurkct, married Lizzie Herbert, of Washington, D. C. Their children are Herbert Burkct, deceased, lilay Burkct, married to .Mr. De Young, they have. CDC child, Josepti De Young, Katharine Burkct, deceased, Lulu Burkcl, deceased, Clara Burkct, Bessie Burkct, and Keller lUirket, Jr. The family reside at St. Louis, Missouri.

(4) Sarah Catharine ISurket, died July 14th, 1855.

(5) Sallie May Burkct, married to jMorlimcr Clarke, of "Washington, D. C. Their children arc -Mortimer Clarke, Jr., and Augusta Clarke.

(C) Joseph Ulrich P^urkct, married at Wa-^hington, D. C, to Franci^ liliccs, they have one daughter, Fiance.- Pihecs Burkct.

(7) ]\Iary Lulu Burkct.

(S) Lincoln W. Burkct, married to Emma Rodier, of Washington, D. C. Their children are Kay Burkct, Everett Burkcl, "LuIu lUirkel, Lillian P.urkct, and Eddie Burkct, de- ceased.

(9) Lizzie Burket.

(10) Edv.ardP. l^urkct, married Eltanore F. Baden, of Washington, D. C.

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(1) Theodore 151aii- Tatton, bom at lilair Furnace, Blair count}-, ]'eiui-:\ivaiiia, May Olli, 1^47, nianied March 9lh, 1S71, to Sue L. IJaiuey, daughter of David K. aud Catharine Ramoy, of Ailooiia, rcnnsylvania, furmcrly of Sinking Valley, ^ho was born October IGth, 1S4S. lie is now General Su- perintendent of ]'enn?y]'vania Industrial l^ufoniiatory, at Hunt- ingdon, Pcnnsylvauia. Ciiildren by this marriage : David Kauiey Patton, l)orn November lOlh, 1S72, and Frank Illair Patton, born ,hily 31st, 1S79.

(2) "Wilbani Angn>tii> Patton, born at Union Furnace, Huntingdon county , Peun?y!\ ania, Octubci' LOst, ISJ'J, mar- ried December IStli, ]87(i, to ]':alharine .1. Finn, of Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania, daughter of John A. l>inn, formerly of Landisburg I'crry county, I'ennsylvania, who was born February ]Otb, ]S53. He i.- now A^^iilant to the ]'rcsidcnt of the Pennsylvania Pailroad Company, and Vice-President of the New York, Philadelphia &. Norfolk Paili-oad Company and resides at Radnor, Pennsylvania. They have one son, John Linn Patton, born October 13th, 18S3.

(3) John Howard Patton, born at Union Furnace, I'eim- sylvania, July 29th, 1851, married April ICth, 1880, at Hollidayshurg, Pennsylvania, to Louise Cunningham, who died at Altoona, November 21th, 1882, and is buried at Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. One son was born, }loward Cunningham Patton, February 11th, 1881. John Howard Patton was married a second time. May 17tli, 1888, to Jessio P. Gcigcr, daughter of Hon. Levi and Posalinda Gcigcr, of Urbana, Ohio. He resides at Greensburg, l^cnnsyjvauia, and is Superintendent of the Claridge Coal Comjjan}', and Piesideut of the Atlantic Coal and Coke Company, of the same place.

As jiroviously stated, after the death of Mary Purkot, which occurred March 2Slh, ]8;.G, George W. I'ulton was

i>XC!"X "*v.

njarriecl a second tiiui;, December 19lli, 18G1, to Eiuiiin J. Jlawkcswoi-lh, duuglitcr of Gccirj:e and Susan llawkesv.uilh, of Altoona, PcnDsylvauia, who was born at Lebanon, I'ennt}!- vania, AuL'Ust '24lh, lSI:i4. To this marriage there \W}v LuMj two children :

(1) Mary Virginia Patton, born at Altoona, Tcnnsyl- \ania, Novcilibcr 3rd, 1SC5, and wa^narried to Harold A. Freeman, of Pliiladoljihia, January 2;jli, ] SOO, and who have one Bon, Clarcijce ration Freeman, born .luly '29lh, ISHi'.

(•2) Margaret ]\hirray I'atton, burn at Alluona, .luly 3rd, ISTU, and who died' in I'hihideli-hia, December ] :.th, ]SS9, and is liuried in Fairviev, Cemetery, at Allouiia, Fenn- t;ylvania.

George W. I'atton, after being engaged in business at IMair and I'liion Furnace.^, removed to Altoona, in I6>iy, and was chosen the first Chief Burge-s of that borough, in ISlii. In ISCl he was appointed Po.-l :^Iaster of Altoona and served eight years in that position. In ]ST1 he was elected Associate .ludgefor iJlair county, for a ternj of fne years. Subscijueutly he removed to Philadelphia, where he died March 7th, ]SS2.



(1) Blair Crawford Buikut, born October 5lli, ],^:.0, married to Cinda Suiotburs, and icsiding at J^incolii, Nebraska. Their cbildrcn are: Grace Burkcl, Nellie liurket, "Wilbur Burket, Hay liurket, and ]\Iary Rurkct.

(2) Ma^'gie Catliarine Burkct, borii February ir,lh, 1852, nianied to O^ear Siiiilb, and residing at Nacbusa, Illi- nois. Their ':hildreu are: Mablc, AValter Lcc, and Herald Smith.

(3) Ephraiui Lee Burkot, born Augu.-.l SOlh, 1853, mar- ried to Lida AVilliamiOn, and residing: at Goehner, Neliiaslia. Their children arc; Warren Henry' Bui ket, Mable I'.urkct, deeeascd, and Alice P.urket.

(4) Mary Ellen Burkcl, born November 21ilh, 18oG, married to. lames Gitt ; their children ai e : William, Orr, Frederick, Floyd, .Mary, Lee, Halle, John, and Miimic G;;,

(5) .Maik Herbert I'.urket, born -May 2nd, 1869, re. iding at Franklin Grove, Illinois.

(G) Sarah Frances Burkct, born November Kith, ISGl, married to George Faxton, iciiding at Lanham, Nebiaska, their children are: Mary, John deceased, and a fon whose Dame Las not been furnished.

(7) Armstrong Orr Burkct, born December 2;uh, 1803, married to Ora Felterman, residing at Lanham, Nebraska. 'J'hcir children are : George Crawford liurket, Hazel Burket, and a daughter whose name has not been furnished.

(8) Ida May Burkct, born November 8th, IROG, mar- ried to George Calhoun. They have one dauiditcr, lihmche C;dhoun. ., v>/.', ,,/ ; ./.■.'. '/"'''.■ > . . ■-■;^" A /.•

('Jet 10) llnrry A\'inii liurket, and l-i//.le NeH liurket (IwinM born Apiil 2;ilh, IST^i. Liz/.e Nell Bmkd, dail S(ptemlier ;!rd. ],s73. Harry "Winn lluiket le.-ides at Fiank- hn Grove, lllinui..

1 ""







(1) Lee Keller ]5uil;ct, born in SinlJng Yallcj-, Septem- ber 1-llh, 1859, ruarried November 2lBt, ISSS, to Ella Irwin Siiiilb, of Pbihidelpliia, dauf;bter of lloberi and I^larlba Irwin Sniilb, wbo was born Jul}' ITtli, 18CG. U'hree cbildrcn were born to Ibis marriage :

Kobert Smith Burkol, born December 2nd, 1SS9.

Katharine Ilarnish Burket, born March 3rd, 1891.

John Warren Burket, born October 24th, 1894.

lie is connected with the oflico of the General Bagrrage Agent of the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company at Philadeljihia, and is likewise interested in the coal and grain business at Wayne, Pennsylvania, at wliicb ].lace he resides.

(2) Elmer lUirket, born in Canoe Valley, Huntingdon county, I'enn^ylvania, October 2Sth, ISGl, he icsidcs at AVayue, Penn^-ylvaiiia, at which i)lace he is interested in the coal and grain business with his brother.

(3j Harry Clay Burket, born in Sinking Talley, Maieh "■ 2Clh, 18C3, married December l;.t!i, 18ti2, to J^mma Zinimer- mau, daughter of John and Sarah llugus Zimmerman, of Grcensburg l^ennsylvania. A daughter was born to this mar- riage : Julia llugus Burket, Se^jtember 3rd, 1891, and a sou, John Zimmerman Burket, was born Scjitember loth, 189C. He is Supei'intendcnt of the Atlantic Coal Company, and re- sides at Grcensburg, Pennsylvania.

(4) Grace Ilarnish Burket, born in Sinking Valley, March 5th, 180C, is a teacher by profession, and when not thus engaged, makes her home at the old homestead, in Sink- ing Vallev\

(5) John "Wnrrcn Burket, born in Sinking ^'alley, March 20th, 1670, is managing the homestead farm. . .

(G) Anna Kate Burket, born in Sinking V.alley, March ■■ 17th, 1878, and died April 14th, 1879, and is biuied m the Sinking ^'alle} Lutheran cemetery.