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Charles L. Humphrey



Master of Science In Edu r.n t-.i on










The cultural development of a community Le dependent, in part, on the development of Its school system. The purpose of this study was to traoe the historical development of the school systems of Edgar County, from the date of the first sohool In the county, 1820, through 1968. Brief histories of the political boundaries of gdgar County, and the publlo school systems of Illinois were also Included as background materi

This study was oonoerned with the growth of the schools of Edgar County, and with the development of eaoh of the present sohool districts. This study tracer, the formation of the sohool districts from the early village and olty schools, through the formation of the township schools, and to the organization of the present Unit Districts whlvih are in operation in the oounty.

Information concerning the history of the schools was collected from histories of 3dgar County; histories of Illinois;; histories of the townships and villages of Edgar County, which were written by early residents of the county; newspaper files; official records, such as. Laws of Illinois. Annual statistical ■jeporta of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Annual for the id ,; :.- County Public reboots lJO/^1,^67; looal school board minutes; and from personal interviews of present and past board members, teachers, oounty superintendents and


local historians. The Information gained from these sources

was used to trace the establishment, use, termination, or present

status of the school districts in Edgar County.

The one room oountry school is no longer a reality in Edgar County. A few such buildings still remain. Host, however, have been torn down, or are in a bad state of repair. Some have been remodeled into homes. Others have been oonverted into community centers and still serve their communities In this capacity.

The cultural heritage of the citizens of Edgar County is rich In the traditions of our schools. This heritage which we have inherited from our forefathers should not be forgotten. However, many of the records of the schools have been lost or destroyed; most of the people associated with the early school systems have died; and all that remains of the early schools are the memories.

It is hoped that this study will somehow stimulate, and revive, some of these memories and restore the Interest and respect which is due these early schools.

The author would like to thank all of these people who helped find information, or who took the time to be of service in the writing of this paper. Their help 1? greatly appre- ciated.




LIST OP TABLES o . . . . iti







IV. < JtflON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 95. . 1**



711. . i UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 4. .... 33



x. summary, .....••


BIBLIOGRAPHY. . . . ....... * 52

1,1 ^P OF TI&L& Table Pago

1. ddgar Count/ school Statlatloo, 190 3-1 90«*. ... 11

2. Publlo . ohool JtatUtloa, 1877-1878 18

3. Sttgar County Public .^ohoolo at Time of

Reorganization In 19**8 ^7

k, iSdgar County Sohool Cotamlsslonera 1829-1865, . . 50

5. adgar County Superintendents 1865-1968 . . . . 30

6. 5dgar County Mohool "tatletlce, 1966-67. 51



Paga 1* Map of Illinois and 3d gar County. 8 e , . . . . . 2 2. Hap of 3dgar County School Districts 13




The history of Edgar County dates back to the early part of the eighteenth oentury. From 1673 to 1765, the Illinois Territory was claimed by the French. In 1717* Illinois became a part of the Frenoh colony of Louisiana. In 1765. France relinquished her claims to the Illinois Territory and it became a province of England until 1773. After the surrender of Kaskaskla to George Rogers Clark on July 4, 1778, the Illinois Territory was a county of Virginia. "The new county vaguely defined as to boundaries was attached to that commonwealth. This act was passed In October, 1778, and proclamation of the act made June 17 » 1779. m1

In 1787, Virginia gave up her claim to the territory and It became a territory of the United States of America. In 1790, Edgar County was Included In the Northwest Territory and was at that time a part of Knox County. (See Map page 2)

With the arrival of settlers from Kentucky and Tenneraee, the population of Illinois Increased rapidly and the territory was granted statehood in 1818.

From 1819 until 1823, Edgar County was a part of Clark County. On January 3, 1823, Edgar County was formed. The

F. 5.

1 Ed ward J. Hughes, Counties of Illinois*. Tholr Orl^lon Evolution. (Springfield:" State of Illinois, March 21, 193*)








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oounty was named In honor of General John Edgar. He was born In Ireland and later beoame an offloer In the British Navy during the American Revolution. He married an American woman, who helped three British soldiers to desert from the British Army during the Revolutionary War. Because of this, General Edgar fled to Kaskaskla and later joined the Colonial Army. Sdgar County was named by the wife of General Bdgar. "It Is told. . . Mrs. Sdgar was at the capital and was given per- mission to name It / Sdgar County / and she bestowed upon It her own name saying, 'My husband gave this name to me; It Is min-e, and I give It to this new oounty— I name It Edgar.'"2

"From 1824 until I856 Edgar County was divided Into five precincts— PI Ice, Wayne, Carroll, Fairfield and Ripley. "3 When Sdgar County was first formed. Its northern boundary was north of the present olty of Chicago. This was the bound- ary line until 1826 when Vermillion County was formed. With the formation of Vermillion County, Sdgar County's boundary was reduced to the area that it presently contains. By the year 1356, most of the settlers of the county were In favor of having township organization, and on November k of I856 an election was held to decide this question.

"There were a total of 2,320 votes oast and of this number 1,3^9 were In favor of organization and 971 oppossed . "^

**w*nm^ ii ■!■ m ■■ ■■ wj»*wh'— ■■him— urn- i n i i. 11 pi i i i ■■ i ,i .1 .11 1 ■■ 1. 1 11 . . 1 1 11 .

2Hl3torlcal Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Edgar County. ( Chicago? Munsell Publishing Co., 1905), p. 624.

-*The History of Edgar County. Illinois. (Chicago: Wm. Leaaron, and Co., 186 Dearborne Street, 1879) , p. 5^3.

4 bid., p. 5*9.

The townships duly formed were "Grandview, Young America, anbarrass, Kansas, Ross, Sims or Symmes, Stratton, Prarle, 3roullletts Creek, 31 bridge. Buck, Edgar, and Paris. "^

These 13 townships which were originally formed in I856 are still In existence today. Hunter and Shllo were added In 1866.

5The Hlrtory of Sdfi-ar County. Illinois. 1879. pp. 249- 250.



The development of the public schools of Illinois has been connected with the public land policy of the national government. The nucleus for the public school system of Illinois had its beginning on July 13, 1778, when the Congress of the American Confederacy passed the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The following words were contained in this Ordinance. "Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, sohools and the means of education shall be forever encouraged. "^ Section 6, Article 1 of the Enabling Act provided that section sixteen of each tovmshlp, or one of equal value, would be granted to the State for the use of the sohool of that township. Article k of this Act gave three per-cent of the net proceeds 0* the sale of Public lands in Illinois as a general fund for the encourage- ment of learning of which one-aixth part was to be devoted to the support of a college or university, with the remainder going to the benefit of the Public sohool. Prior to this Act, the Ordinance of 178< set aside the sixteenth section of each township to be reserved as a bounty to public schools. *

^-Illinois Blue Book 1955-1956. State of Illinois, Springfield, p. fOO.

2John D. Hlckc, The Pederal Union— -A History of the United States to 1865. (Houghton Mifflin Company, Cambridge, MSse., 193?). P. 178.

The State of Illinois did not pass any legislation oreatlng autnorlty for organizing sohools and for maintaining then by publio support until 1325. In that year Senator Duncan secured the passage of such a law. This law provided for the levying of taxes on property within the school district to provide funds for the operation of the schools. 3 it also provided for a board of directors which had charge of the school, was required to examine teachers, and was to have gen- eral oversight of the subjects taught. This law gave two per-cent of the net revenue of the State to the public schools. This act also provided for the establishment of a school or schools In each county open to all white citizens of the state between five and twenty-one years of age. This part of the law was repealed in 1829,

In 1833, the legislature passed a bill whloh required the teacher to keep a record of dally attendance. The teachers depended upon this attendance reoord for their share of the township school fund. This share was based, upon the pro- portionate part of the total attendance for the township.

Prom 1829 to 1855 there was no free public school system In the state. The schools were maintained mostly by subscription, but were supplemented in part by the distribution of the small township fund to the sohools in proportion to the dally attendance of the children of that district.

3George W. Smith, A, Student's History of Illinois. (Chicago: Kail, McCreary Co., 1930), p. 115.

^Lai.-g of Illinois. 1825. First Session, Fourth General Assembly, p. 121f.

In 1855, the legislature of the State of Illinois passed the School Law of 1855 which levied an annual school tax of two mills on the dollar on all taxable property in the state.* This school system, whereby oommon aohools could be had wherever the people chose to organize and establish them, was free to residents from five to twenty-one years of age. Until thir. time educational opportunities were limited to those who were willing and able to pay the expense which the law required the publio to pay.J Before 1855, Illinois did not require that its prospective teachers should meet any standard requirements to become qualified to teach in the publio schools.

The school tax of two mills on the dollar had been repealed by 1905, and in lieu of this tax, one million dollars was appropriated annually for support of the schools of the State of Illinois. The largest part of all school funds in 1905 was obtained from two direot taxes on property which was within the school district. This tax was levied by the aohool district. This tax was levied by the school direotors. The limit was 2^ mills on the dollar for building purposes.

^Lawc; of the State of Illinois, 1,355* Nineteenth General Assembly, p. ??.

Bdffar County

Historical Sncyolopedla of Illinois and History of nty. p. 666.


The first settlement In Edgar County was established In the spring; of 1817. In that year, Remember Blaotanan, John strattou, Anthony Sanders, William Whitley, and Aloyslus Brown settled on the North Arm of the Grand Fralrle, which at that time was part of the old Wayne Precinct, In the fall. Colonel Jonathan Mayo arrived in the newly established settlement. During the winter of 1817-1818, Barna B. Reynolds also located In the North Arm area.*

With the arrival of each new family, the desire of the settlers to provide an education for the children of the settlement inoreased. By 1820, it was deoided that there were enough ohlldren to warrant the erection of a school building. At this time, a little log house was erected on the land of William Whitley. This was the first school house In Edgar County. Amos Williams was the first teacher of this school. The courses taught consisted of a little spelling, reading, and writing. As were most of the early schools of this period, this was a subscription school. Sach parent paid in proportion to the number of children he sent to the sohool. The teacher1 s pay usually consisted of peltries, coonskins, beeswax, or any article which could be used in

Vrhe History of Bdp;ar County. Illinois. 1379. p. 225.


The following description of this school was taken from the Annual for Sdxar County Publlo Schools. 1910-1911. It was originally written for the Ual^y Gazette by the Honorable A.J. Hunter who attended the sohool in 1B39. At that time Augustus E. Bowlin was the school master.

The eohoolhouse was Ik x 16 feet, made of hewn logs, clapboard roof, a door In one end and a fireplace in the other. It had a stick and day chimney and the house was warmed by a log flrej the andirons were large stones weighing about thirty pounds. Frequently they beoame overheated so that they would burst, throwing the frag- ments all about the room.

The crude cracks between the logs of the house were filled with clay. There was only one window made in the side of the house and that was made by leaving out one log and the space was filled by a row of 8 x 10 glass. Under this window, a writing desk was plaoed k% feet above the floor. This desk was a rough board. Just as it came from the sawmill, about two feet wide. A high bench was made so that those learning penmanship could be seated as a higher grade, being higher up In the air. There was usually a string of girls and boys on this bench; their heads reached close to the celling, and their bare feet swung in the air. They enjoyed the privilege of studying nature through the window.

The other seats were made of oak slabs; fresh from the sawmill and the only finish they had was from the scrabbling of the girl 3 » llnsey and the boys1 Jeans pantaloons. The moot interesting pleoe of furniture in the house was two large wooden hooks over the fire- place that held in reserve about a dozen well selected hickory sticks. They were always used for the purpose of dusting the boys clothes as well as an admonition for future thought.

Regular school books were unknown. The school book trust had not been discovered. Any and all kinds of books were used without references to the contents. There was one book called the English Header that was used by one class that could read without spelling out the words. The head one in the class would read a few sentences, then pass the book to the next and so on to the end. Some testaments were also used for this purpose.

2Mrs. J, Odgen 0»Hair, "History of Symmes Township", 1925, unpublished document, p. 1.


School hours were from 8 a. a. to 6 p.m. tn the summer and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the winter. One hour was allowed for recess from 12 noon to 1 p.m. 3

The first sohools in the county which were really public sohools were organized March 7, 1862, by the County Commissioner1 a Court. This first school district embraced the village of Paris and some of the adjacent farms. This district contained three schools, one southeast and cornering the village, one east of the village, and the third school inoluded the village. This distrlot oonforras to the present-day bound- ary of Paris Union School Distrlot No. 95.^

After the passage of the School Law of 1825, John M. Kelly was appointed as the first school commissioner of the county and was given powers of keeping the funds from the sale of school lands. The county officer had no authority to examine teachers and to superintend the school until 1855»*

Schools were established at a very early date In 31brldge, Stratton, Grandview, Sims, Paris, Broulllett, and Hunter townships. Prairie, Edgar, and Embarrass township schools were established before I855. The rest of the county was hardly settled when the School Law of I855 went Into effect, The schools which were organized In riosa, Buok, Kansas, Shiloh,

honorable A. J. Hunter, "First Schoolhouse In Edgar County", written for Dally Gazette. Annual for , Edgar County

. j.^o Sohools. L 910-1911 . George if/ fro m7c3 Sly uperi at en- dent, p. 101-102.

^"Parls School System Keeps Paoe with Modern Trends in Field of Education", Paris, Illinois Pally Beacon News. October 2k% 1936, p. 19.

^The History of iiti^ar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 297 .


and Young America townships profited and were established under the School Law of 1865.

3etween 18 55 and I879 the number of schools Increased sharply. There were seventy public schools In the county In 1355. Three years later In I858, this number had Increased to 97— by I879 to 137. This Increase In the number of schools Is attributed to the School Law of I865, which provided for free public schools."

The total expenditures for maintaining the Edgar County school In 1903-1904 school year was )110, 467.84. Of this amount $71.^82.91 was for instruction. At this time, the average monthly salary for male teachers was $50.4? and the monthly salary for female teachers was $40.41. This informa- tion was obtained from the following statistical report for iSdgar County Schools.

Statistics for Edgar County Schools for the Fiscal

Year ending July 1, 1904j

number of persons under 21 ————————— 12020

number of persons between 6 and 21 —————— 8623

number of school districts ——————————— 143

number of school buildings ————————— 145

whole number of pupils enrolled —————————

male teachers ——————————————— 6*1

female teachers ——————————————— l4p

schools of one room —————————— —————— 124

schools of two or more rooms ———————— 21

private schools ————————————————

whole amount paid teachers ————————— $71,482.91

total expended for support of schools ————— $110,467.00

estimated value of school property —————— ^260,630.00

principal of township fund ;'*7,132.03

6Ibld.. p. 297.


statistical report of Paris Hl^h School 19C+ H.W. Moaloal Superintendent

total enrollment for past year ————————— 212

total enrollment In other grades —————— 1200

grand total enrollment 1412

salaries of lnstruotlon for year 1903-190*1 jpl3#900.00 other expenditures for the year ——————— 313t*K)0.00


of Superintendent H. W. Monlcal— $1,500.00

of principal of High School Miss Tlllle Hoss J900.00

of principal of 1st tfard School or Tanner School - 0.00

James Tanner ——————————————— ji450.00'

^Historical 5ncyclor>edla of Illinois and History of 3d gar County, p. 070.



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The first school In Paris township was built by Amos Will lass in 1824 on a lot owned by General Alexander. This lot was located on the south end of the alley which divides the two blocks on the south side of the publlo square. For some reason this log cabin was surrounded by a wooden stock- ade. Isaac Alexander taught in this school in 1828.

Paris High School has in its possession the original

copy of the first contract made between a teacher and the

people of the community for the establishment of a school.

The class of 1917 had the document reproduced in bron: e

and it now adorns the walls of the High School Assembly Hoom.

The contraot reads as follows »

An artiole of agreement, made and entered Into thi? 21st day of August 1824, between Amos Williams of the First Part, and the undersigned subscribers of the second part,

WIIM33SSTHI That the said Williams engages to teaoh a school in the town of Paris, Bdgar County, Illinois, for the term of six months, (Saturdays exepted) at the rate of Five Dollars per scholar, one half of said sum to be paid in trade, at cash prlceaj the other half to be paid In money, the school to commence on or before the first Mondays of October next, if a sufficient number of scholars can be had-»the subscribers, on their part, engage to furnish a sufficient quantity of fire wood and keep the sohoolhouse in good repair during the above term,

Ijbld., p. 333.


All lost time, on the part of the teaoher, to be made up at the expiration of said term.

Subscribers Names

William Means -— 2 Jon. A. tfayn .— 0 1/6

Smith Shaw 3 William Ilearn 0 1/6

John Fugett 0 1/2 John Lycan ••••••- 1 1/2

Samuel Vance ■■— 2 Robert Brown 4 paid

3bon Center —— 2 Wm. '.Whitley 0 1/4

Thomas Jonea - 1 1/2 John Wells 0 1/3 Thomas Tennery 4

In lB35t one room In a building on the front of lot sixteen was used as a sohoolhouse.

The -iev. Henry I. Venable founded The Edgar Academy in December of 1841. "It was located on six aores where the Catholic ohuroh and school now stands."2 At first, Bdgar Academy was a school for girls, later on, boys were admitted to the school. Her. Venable was assisted by his wife, Martha Martin Venable. This school became famous as a pioneer Institution of learning In the Eastern Illinois area. It was the only school in all of eastern Illinois where the classics were taught.-' 3ecause of ill health, ilev. Venable sold the Academy to the people of Paris. It became a publlo school In 1849. Professor James Nelson was the first prlnolpal of this school. A department of musio was added to the curricu- lum by Professor Nelson.

A Methodist Seminary was ereoted In 1848. Colonel Johnathen Mayo gare the Seminary a block of ground between

^Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois and History of

Edgar County, p. 670.

>The History of Edgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 300.


East Court Street and East Wood Street for the site of this building. A two story brick building was ereoted on this site. The Temperanoe Soolety added a third story on the building for a meeting hall. This school was under the direction of L'.ev. Jesse H. Moore. In 1869, this building became a public school, although the land was not purchased from the trustees of the Methodist Eplsoopal Church of Paris by the Paris Union Sohool Dlstriot until 1875. This building was located on the present Mayo school slte.^

There is a reoord of a school which was conducted In a one story frame building on Washington Street by a Mr. Bastion, a Methodist Minister. Mr. Bastion left Paris around 184-8, and a Mr. Neville then taught for a while In the same building. It was reported that Mr. Neville always had a long whip in his hand and that he was able to use It with a great amount of aoouraoy.5

Twenty years after the village of Paris had been organized and Incorporated, the trustees of Edgar Academy secured a charter from the legislature. P«rls Union School District was organized in accordance with an act of the legislature on April 15, I869. This sohool dlstriot was Independent of the city government. The charter members were Samuel Graham, George C. Levlngs, Levi C. Mann, H. J. Miller, Henry Van Sellar and Obed Poote. "The charter was liberal,

^Hlstorloal Snoyolopedja of Illinois and History of Edgar County, p. 670.

^Dr. Ployd M. Davis, "Davis Plolcs up Thread in Series of Articles," Paris Dally News. February 7. 1923.


and specially provided for instruction In the branches of a common sohool eduoatlon, science, higher mathematics, and languages.

The first county Institute was held In Paris In 1886, when Captain George Hunt, the county superintendent, called the teachers together.

Professor Jealah Hurty came to Paris In 1866 and took oharge of the schools. When Paris Union School District was formed In 1869, he became the first superintendent of the Paris School District. He served in this oapaolty until 1871 » when he retired and founded the Hurty Academy. This school occupied the second and third floors of the Old Mulllns build- ing. In I876, the Hurty Academy merged with the Sdgar Collegiate Institute which had been established by 3ev. Venable, The old academy was abandoned in 1880, and Professor Hurty established a private school in the Methodist Church which he operated until 1865. Altogether his schools had four different locations in Paris. 7

The First Ward School, which later was named the Sanford Grade School, was erected on West Washington Street In 1869 . This building was torn down in 1930 and the lot remained vacant for over twenty years. The site is now ocoupled by the Carolyn Wen2 School.

Paris High School was organized in 1^71. The purpose of this school was to provide a liberal and practical course

%ie History of 3d gar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 33**. ^Thurman B. Hice, "The Hoosier Health Officer", pp. 10-11.


of study for high sohool students. It was not Intended to be a college preparatory school. In 1875, the Old Method irt Seminary .School was purohased by the school district and was used as a high sohool.

It Is Interesting to note that In 1379, Paris High Sohool offered courses in Ueading, U.S. History, General History. English Analysis, English Literature, Hhetoric and Composi- tion, Latin, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Botany, Natural History, Physical Geography, Geology, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Mental Science, and the Con- stitution of the United States. 9

By 1879, school was held in Paris in four large public school buildings. The Superintendent of the Paris Schools at this time was one Professor Alfred Harvey. Professor Harvey after leaving Parle, became president of the State Teacher's Association. The following record of the public school statistics for I877-I878 was given in the History of Ed,a;ar County, Illinois, I879.

PUBLIC SCHOOL STATISTICS POH 1877-78 Professor Alfred Harvey— Superintendent of Paris Schools

whole number of persons in dlstriot under 21 2007

number between 6 and 21 (school age) ————— 13^5

whole number of pupils enrolled —————— 1019

greatest number enrolled in any month———— 819

least number enrolled in any month—————— 690

average monthly enrollment - - 778. 4

average dally attendance ———————-. 650.4

number of teachers employed———————

*Parla Sohool System Keeps Pace with Modern Trend in Pi eld of 3ducation", Paris. Illinois. Dally Beacon News. October 2'+, 1936, p. 19.


superintendent 1

salary of teachers and superintendent —-—■— ^8265.29

The Cost of Tutlon for the year per pupil, inoludin High School j

on the whole number enrolled ••————--- $8.10 on the average nurabe2* belonging - 7IO.62 on the average daily attendance ————— 1 '.71

The attendance and expenses of the High School are as follows:

whole number of different pupils enrolled greatest number of pupils enrolled In any month 76 least number of pupils enrolled in any month average enrollment for the year

average daily attendance •—«—«.——— 61.3

Tutlon, including salaries: of teachers and the High School's proportion of the Superintendent1 s salary t

on the whole number of sohedules -—--—— $15.62 on the average number enrolled .— 18. 76 on the average dally attendance -.«———-. 20.90

Statlstioa furnished by William Roth, I879 County Superintendent

Public Schools of Sdgar County, 18 79

number of persons under 21 —————— 12^29

number of persons between 6 and 21 —— 8618

number of dlstrlots ^— 137

districts having school five months or more » 135

whole number of months school ———————

whole number of pupils -----———— 6786

male teachers ■■■■■■■■ Ill

female teachers ~— -—

upgraded schools ———————— —-.——— 132

graded schools •---*———•————-

private schools -»»------•-————— 1

whole amount paid teachers —————— $114,192.97

total expended for support of schools 365,665.52 estimated value of school property l96.989.OO

principal of township fund ————— ^56,010.729

The first record of education for Kegro children in the

publlo schools occured at this time. "In I879, twenty colored

children attended the publlo schools and shared the advantages

that the white students had, although they occupied a room to

The History of Edgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 299.



By 1331, a new building had been ereoted on the old Methodist Seminary School site at a oost of $50,000. This building- had eleven rooms and was considered to be large and convenient for the times. This building was used by both the grade school and the high school from 1881 to 1908. However, the rapid growth of the high school made neoessary the erection of a separate building. The present high aohool building was erected on South Main Street In 1908. This building contained twenty-five class rooms and laboratories for chemistry, biology, and the domestlo sciences. In 1921, a new wing was built on each end of the old building. One wing was a gymnasium, the other was the auditorium. In 193&, another addition was made for the library. A large new gymnasium was built in 19^2,

The Junior High School was organized In 1921 in the Old Mayo School building. This building was destroyed by fire In 192?. The present Mayo building was dedloated on September 1>, 1938. At that time It had a capacity for 725 students. The building was built at a cost of $146, ^3.

Cf the Paris schools which are in use today. Tanner School on West Chestnut Street Is the oldest. It was built in 1892. Itedmon School is located on South Central Avenue and was built in 1911 » Vance School Is on North Main Street and was erected in 1912; Carolyn Wenze Sohool was built In 1953«

10Ibld.. p. 33*+.

"Paris Schools Keeps Pace with Modern Trends in Field of Sducatlon", Paris. Illinois Dally Beacon News. October Zk , 1936. p. 19."


Paris Memorial School was dedicated on April 27. 195*5. It was built at a cost of $297. 335.71. All of the sohools mentioned above have enrolled grades one through six. School, enroll?? all eight grades and has the only Junior high school consisting of the seventh and eighth grades in the oity. Paris also has one Catholic grade school, it. lary's Parochical School, which was constructed in 1899.

On February 20, 1968, a position paper was presented by the special building committee of the Paris Board of 3ducation to the school board. The plan which was advanced by the committee would eventually replace the antiquated Tanner, Vance, and Redmon elementary schools. At the present time, the plan consists of two parts. The first part includes the closing of Tanner School and the addition of enough class- rooms to enlarge Carolyn tfenz School from 2^0 students to *100 students. This addition would serve the educational needn of the western area of Paris* The new addition would have twelve clauarooms made out of a stran-steel structure.

The second part of the plan is to add onto the present Mayo School to improve the Junior High School curriculum. The addition would consist of a band room, a vocal music room, an art room, an Industrial arts shop, and a home economics classroom laboratory.

A referendum to authorize the project is already In the planning stage. The tentative target -date for the first new addition la 1970.

12Ibid.. p. 19.


The unit two sohool system was formed in 19^8 when Brooton, Hume, and Metcalf sohools consolidated. The unit had two school centers at that time. One center was at Brocton, and consisted of grades one through twelve. The other center was made up of the combined schools of Hume and Metoalf. This school was named Young America. Grades one through eight attended school at Hume, Young America High School was established at Metoalf. In 1952, the unit gained nore territory when Redmon withdrew from Unit 3 and combined with Brocton. The high school was located at Brocton, and grades one through eight were sent to aedmon.

Construction on a new consolidated school for Unit 2 began on August 19. 1967. The Unit 2 school board announced on December 8, 1967, that the new sohool will be known as Shlloh High School and Grade School. The name for the new school was taken from the township In whloh It will be located. The naming of this sohool follows the precedent set by Young America township. Shlloh will replaoe Young America High Sohool, Brocton High Sohool, liedmon Grade School and the grade school at Hume. Construction site for the school is between Hume and Metcalf Juat off of 3oute 36 and is at the north edge of Shiloh township. The building is to be ready for the 1968-1969 school term. Unit 2 sohool district is located in all or parts


of the following townships : Young Amerlcai Shllohj Bnbarrass, and Buok.

Young America township was organized on the 9th day of March In I85J+. The first settlers came to Hlokory Grove In 1820 In searoh of ooonsklns and honey. In 1822, Daniel lieed built a cabin at Hickory Grove and registered his land at the land office located In Palestine, Illinois.1

The first school house In the township was the "Old Green Sohoolhousew which was built around 185^. Sarah Henthorn was supposed to be the first teacher of this sohool. In I879, this building was being used as a carriage house. 2

The town of Hume was laid out for E.W.S. Hume in November of I873 by George tf. Foreman, the oounty surveyor. The first school in Hume was built In 1875.3 The present school in Hume was built in 1900 and had eight rooms attached in 1939.

The town of Hetoalf was surveyed for John A. Metoalf in 187^; a school was built soon after the establishment of the town. A two story brick school building was erected in 1908. The present Young America High Sohool building was constructed in 1921.

Buck township was organized in 1857 and was oalled Pilot Grove. However, the name was changed to Buok because

1 ilstory of Sdgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 159. 2Ibld.. p. 522. 3Ibld.. p. 523. \bld.. p. 524.


there was already a township In Illinois named Pilot Grove, The township was organized in the Buckler Schoolhouse, This township was originally part of the old Fairfield and Carrol


Bull's Head Township was formed on March 3. 1866, but was changed to 3hiloh Township by a petition on April 27. 1866. Ths first school was built in the winter of 1855 near the tfllllara Kiles farm. The first teaoher was a man by the name of Edmonson. ^ The first settlers oame to Embarrass Township around 1826. However, no attempt was made by the settlers to conduct a school until 183*+. Edward Brown was employed by fifteen families to teach their children. Sohool was held in an unoccupied cabin. Mr. Brown taught from 15 to 20 students, /round I836, Samuel Wood erected a temporary log oabln which served as a school. The schools were taught by subscription. The tuition for a three month term for one pupil was from one dollar to one and one half dollars. If a family had several students attending the school, their tuition was lowered. The teaohers also were given their board by the families of the students. This was part of the tuition and was obtained by the teaoher living with each family for one week at a time.^

The town of Hedmon was surveyed on January 9# 1872 for J. 3. Warnlck and Joseph Hedmon by the oounty surveyor, George V, Foreman. ? In I879, the only sohool in Hedmon was

5i**d.. P. 505. 6Ibid.„ p. 508. 7Ibid., p. 503.


held In a hall, and building facilities were considered

inadequate. P In 1928, a history of the development of the

Hedmon Sohool System was prepared and edited In the high school

annual. The Hedmonlan. The following account was given:

The first grade school in Hedmon wan a hall in an old warehouse building which stood on the lot where the Klrohner and 31ggs store now stands. The children who attended school were the children of Hedmon who found it lnoonvlenent to attend the Old Arbogast Sohool of which Hedmon was a part. The first teacher was Miss Tillie Hoth.

This hall continued to be the sohool building until, in the early eighties, a one room school house was built on the site of the present grade building. In 1891 the school was made a two-room grade school by the addition of another rooi to the old structure. The first teachers were Camllle fiioe Henn and Dr. rf. S. Jones. These two rooms served the purpose of a grade building until the present building was erected.

In 1910 the old school house was torn down and the present grade building was built in Its place. . . . the members of the School Board during the time of the building were Dr. W. S, Jones, Mr. 3. S, Meyers, and Mr. Francis G. Blair, state superintendent. ... delivered the main address. The first teachers to enter upon duties In the new building were Mr. A, L. Shellenberger and Ethel loser Kennen.9

The following Is an account of the High Sohool:

Do you remember way back when. . we oocupled the room in the southwest corner of the second floor of the trade school building. . . In our cramped quarters we had two teaoherr, Mr. Gunn and Mr. Bennett. The former taught English and history; the latter had charge of Latin, rlathematios and solence. Our laboratory was one corner of the big room; our olass was the pigeon hole off to the right. . . A community high school became a near reality, when the bonds were issued. But to minds which can grasp conorete ideas better than the abstract ones, the foundation, the long piles of oriole, and great heaps of sand meant something. During the summer and fall of 1925, we watched the


?The Hedmonlan. Hedmon Comm. H.S., Class of 1928, p. 36,


workmen going about their tasks. . . There were four classrooms and a library. . During our first basket- ball season, 1925-26, many interesting and amusing incidents took place. , . At that time we had four teachers. There was Mias Hioks, the Latin instructor; and Mr. Dunn our coach. Mr. Gunn was our principal and Hiss Noakes, the English teacher. The 3oard of Direotors in 1925-26 was composed of d. ^tandly, president; I. J. Brlnkerhoff, A. T. Wood, J. P. Carter, and Bert North.10

In 19^8, Hedmon consolidated with Kansas to form Community Unit No. 3# Both a grade school and a high sohool were maintained in Hedmon by Unit 3 until Hedmon pulled out of the unit in the summer of 1952. Prom that time, the high school students were sent to Brocton, and the grade school students were transported to Hedmon. One reason which was given for the split between Hedmon and Kansas was "lntersehool and community jealousy."11

The town of Brocton was incorporated in 1890. Around i860, a two story brick building was constructed in Brocton. This building, in addition to serving as a grade school building, also housed a two year high sohool. The building was used as a grade school until 1952 when Brocton and Redmon consolidated. The old building Is still in use today, serving as a oafeteria for the high school. A new high school building was built in 192^. This building is already outdated and does not serve the needs of the community effectively. Unit 2 should be looated in its new home by September, 1968. This new building will cost olose to $1.3 million.

10Ibld. . p. 12.

11Robert Decker, private interview, Kansas, Illinois, December, I967. He was a teaoher at Hedmon, Illinois vhen the split occurred.


Community Unit Sohool District Number 3 was formed In 19^8. Moat of the dlstrlot is located In southwestern Edgar County, although parts of northwestern Clark County and southeastern Colas County are also Included In the district. The sohool district takes in all of Kansas Township, most of Grandvlew Township and small amounts of both Embarrass and Buck Townships in Edgar County, The territory whloh makes up Grand view Township was purchased from the Indians by the federal government. It was surveyed and offered for sale by 1822. Arlo Sutherland came to the township in June In 1822 and made the first land entry which was recorded In 1825. ^ Joseph McCracfeln was the first teacher to teaoh In what is now Grandvlew Township. He began a school in 1826. Mr. McCraokln was also a tavern keeper.2

The iiev. J. A. Steele taught the first school In the

village of Grandvlew in 1837. LeBaron, In his History of 3d gar

County. Illinois. 1879. reported the following about the

Steele1 a school t

The school established by the Steeles was designed for, and proved to be of, a higher character than the common pioneer schools of the country; and, had

1The History of Edgar County. Illinois. 1870. p. 339, 2lbld.. p. 33*+.


Mr. Steele1 s health been spared, there is every reason to believe that here had been laid the foundation for an institution of learning that would now rank among the most influential in the West. This is almost the identical history of the foundation of many of the noblest colleges and seminaries in the State. 3

The Grand view schoolhouse is now serving the community as a community center. This building was built in 1906. It was a two room building and nerved as a grade school until 1924. In that year, a third room was added. Prom 1924 until 1933 » a two year aooredited high school served the small community. Grades one through six were housed in two of the rooms. In the third room of the building, olasses were held for the seventh, eighth, and tenth grades the next year.^ The high school was closed at the end of the 1932-1933 sohool year and then served as a grade school until 1943, when Unit Three was formed. At that time, all students were transported to Kansas, Illinois, to attend school.

The small oommunHty of Dudley is located two miles north of Grandview. The first teacher in Dudley was William Ramsey. He taught school here In a small frame building in 1855.-' This building was replaced by a two story frame building, and was at that time, known as the Dudley Academy, Thomas J. Hughes was the head of this sohool. From 1886 to the school year 1894-1895. Dudley sohool was a one room sohool. A second room was added to the one room school in 1894, and high sohool work was offered. The ninth and tenth grades alternated each year. The name of this two year high school was

3Ibjd.. p. 335.

^Jerry White, Private Interview, Paris, Illinois, February, 1968, Teacher at Grandview, taught high sohool and grade sohool from 1923-1933.

^The History of Qdgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 368.


Dudley Township High School District No. 156.6

In 1902 the number of the grade sohool distriot was

changed from No. 2 to No. 100.

The tenth year olass of 190^ was the first olass to hold commencement exercises. Commencement exercises were held every two years through 193^» Sometimes Dudley would Join with Grand view for commencement exercises. High sohool worlc was taught until the fall of 1935 when all of the high sohool students attended liedmon Community High School. 7

Prom 1935 to 194**, school was held in both rooms of the building. Two teachers were employed to teach grades one through eight. In 19^4, only one room was used with the fifth and sixth, and the seventh and eighth grades alternated.

Dudley District No. 100 became part of Unit 3 in 19^8. Grades one through six were taught in 19^8. For the next three years, only five grades were taught in the school. By the 1952-53 sohool year, only four grades, one through four, were being taught. In 1952, Redmon withdrew from Unit 3 and the Dudley school closed. The students of the oommunity were sent to Kansas to attend school. "On June 22, 195&, the Dudley school house was sold at public auction.118 This building is now serving as the "Dudley Community Center."

"The first sohoolhouse in Kansas Township was located

south of the state road and Just south of Clay Longs. It was

soon moved onto the MoDavitt land, one half of a mile south of

where the present Walnut Grove sohool now stands,"*

^Calendar and Directory of ffdgar County Public Schools 1; . '-; -.'I "•"." .Bloc Tone T';r>^ v luperlnten .: 61 Schools, ] ," ;-c.

?Mary M. Young, "History of Dudley, Illinois", p. 10. Life lonr resident and area teacher. Attended two story frame building.

Slbid., p. 11. o James Bull, "History of Kansas Township", p. 1. Early



In 1852, a sohoolhouse was built at Warrington, whioh la three miles north of Kansas. School was held in a snail one room log building. The seats used by the students were benohes with no backs. The desks were shelves built onto the wall. One log had been left out the full length of the room for a window. Neither geography nor grammar were taught In this sohool. Spelling and history were given some attention. The students sang the oapltals of the states and also the multiplication tables.10

The village of Midway was founded In I850. The name was changed from Midway to Kansas shortley after the town was founded. The plat was recorded on the 16th of July, I853.

Education began soon after the town was founded. An acre of sround was donated by William Brown. This school was located where the First Methodist 3plsoopal Church was later built. Halloctc's tire shop Is now located on this site. The first teacher was John MoDavltt, a wealthy farmer. The school soon became too small; it was moved to another location, and then was used as a harness shop.11

During the Civil War, a four room, two story frame building was erected. This building was destroyed by a fire In 1888. At that time the population of Kansas was 2,000 and

still growing. The present grade building was built in 1839. This building is two stories high and was used for both the grade school and the high sohool until 1936.


Tii. . Sarlf Hfstory of Kansas", The Kansas Journal . Kansas,

Illinois, August 2k, 1922. *

July l6.11953.Tr?1k 0ur FlrRt Hundred Years, Kansas, Illinois,


In 1889, The Village of Kansas made and published, piano to open the Eastern Illinois formal Sohool In Kansas. However, the sohool was located in Charleston when Senator Pemberton swung the vote to Charleston.

The Eton Academy was opened Kay 1, 189**. in Kansas. Edward Wlllasey and his wife operated the school until 1904. The school enrolled students from age eight through high school.12

The present high school building was built with federal funds in 1936. An addition was made to both the grade school and the high school buildings in 195°. Sight class rooms were added at the grade sohool. Proa 195^-1956. all first grade students of Unit 3 attended Inclose, a two room country school. At the high school an agricultural and industrial arts building was constructed. This was in addition to six classrooms, a cafeteria, and central offioes for the Superintendent and the high school prlnoipal.

On Saturday, April 13, 1968, a bond issue was passed by the people of Community Unit Sohool District Ho. 3. The purpose of the election was to authorize the school district to build an addition onto the high school. The building program includes the demolition of the old section of the grade school. The newer part of the building will be retained for use of kindergarten through fourth grades. Eight new olaserooms will be constructed at the high sohool to house grades five through eight. Also, a large gymnasium with dressing rooms

12Ibld.. p. 26.


and a lobby will be built at the high sohool. The old gymnasium 19 to be converted into a junior high sohool gymnasium. The estimated ooat of construction for the proposed building program is $<*50, 000. *3 Construction is to begin in the summer of 1968, and the building should be ready for use by 1969.

^Notice of Proposed Building Program for Community Unit Sohool District No. 3, Kansas, Illinois, issued by the Board of Sduoation.


Community Unit School District No. Pour Is located In southeastern Edgar County. It is the largest sohool district in the oounty. The townships which lie in the Unit ^ district are: abridge, Symmes, Stratton, Hunter, and Paris. The school district boundary line also extends into parts of Broullletts Creek, 3dgar, Shlloh, Buck, and Grandview town- ships.

The first sohool In the oounty was built in what lu now Hunter township. In 1R?9. LeBaron noted In his History of adgar Count:/. Illinois. 1879. that five sohool houses were operating in the township.1

Daniel Lane made the first settlemtnt in Stratton township in the spring of 1313. 2 The first school In the town- ship was taught by Richard Kimbrough in the winter of 1825-1826, on Samuel Trogdo^s farm.^ William Denlng taught school In the sohool house near Col. J.M. Blackburn1 s farm. This building served as a school for over forty years. It was torn down In

xrhe History of aflprar County. Illinois. 1379. p. 387.

2;bid.. p. W*

-'•Irs. W. 0. Wright, "History of Stratton Township", 1927. p. 10.


the fall of 1878.^

The village of Vermillion was Incorporated April 1, 1872. It was surveyed and laid out by Sdward Wolcott, the county surveyor, In 1856. The village was named for Jaies S. Vermillion. The first school In the village was taught by Edward Eldrldge. A two story brick building, containing three rooms, waa erected In 13?0 at a cost of $5000. The first floor was divided into two large rooms. Here, on the first floor, grades one through six were taught. The second floor was Independent of the first floor and was reached by an outside stairway on the southwest oomer of the building. The seventh and eighth grade students had classes on the second floor. This old building was torn down in 1910. The present Vermillion school was built in 1911 At that time, only three teachers were employed, although there were four rooms. In the Edgar County Public Schools Annual for 1912-1913. there la a picture of the Ver- million sohool with these words, "Vermillion Public Sohool,

One of the best buildings in the middle west. Modern in 9very

7 detail. The pride of the entire community."

Vermillion HJ.gh Sohool Dlstrlot No. 116 graduated thirty

one students from a four year high school between 1918 and

1923. ?roa 1923 until 1947, the school dlstrlot offered only

^The History of Edgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 481. 5Ibld.. p. 482.

"Gertrude 3. Karknes, "Golden Memories— Reunion Class of 191 2-1913 «H Furnished by Leonard Prye.

7Annual for Sd^ar County Public Schools. 191 2-1 91% George irf. Brown, County Superintendent of Schools, p. 116.



two years of high sohool won. In 19^9. Vermillion was oonverted into an eight classroom sohool. Grades one through eight were taught until 1955. when Crestwood. the main attendance center for the district, was: oorapleted. Slnoe 1955. Vermillion Elementary Jchool has served only part of the district. Grades one through four are taught to the students residing la the southeastern part of the district. °

James McNufct taught the first sohool in abridge township in 1823. Ihla school was built of unhewn logs and had a large fireplace In one end. Greased paper was used for windows. Benches were made out slabs of rough wood. These had no backs but served as seats for the students. Writing was practiced on large slabs of wood fastened onto the wall by wooden pegs. ''Goose quills were used, one of the require- ments of the teacher being that he knew how to make them into pens. The shree •ii«s» were the chief acquirements of the day, and to be proficient in these was considered enough by the aspiring scholars."10

Dr. I-eter Yeargin taught the first sohool in the village of El bridge on February 21, 1837. This sohool was conducted in a private home. Dr. Yeargin taught about fifty students in this r, . year. Later, the district erected a small frame house In 1350. rhls building was used until 1876. At that

'Annual statistical deport of the Superintendent of

vouax statistical report; or tie dupei,. Public Instruction. State of Illinois. 12^7. /arno; . - le«r.el , perl niend en t of Public Instruction, p. 302.

9 Annual

oohool Jlreotory Algar County aohools. 1966-1967k Carl Jonea, County Superintendent of Schools, p. 12.

IQThe ^lrtory of Bdgar County. Illinois. 1879. P. ^05.


time, It vac replaoed by an old church bulldlnr.

The village of Nevlns first held school In a log cabin. In 1379. sohool was held In a frame building which was originally built for a ohuroh.12 This building was torn down and replaoed In 1926. Sohool was then held In the new building until 195^. In 1955. Nevlns sohool was olosed, sold, and oonverted Into a home. * 3

Symmes township was originally part of the old Fair- field Precinct. The township was formed In 1823. The first teaoher In this township was Nelson tf. Nunnally. Mr. Nunnally was very active In olvlc affairs and served as a member of the state legislature for three terms. The first schoolhouse was built of unhewn logs, and had a olapboard roof and a puncheon floor. School was held during the three summer months and the three winter months. This was a total of only sir months per year that the students attended school.

Mr. Nunnally used an elementary spelling book. The student1 s lessons were heard onoe or twloe a day. Lessons consisted of, at first, attempting the recital of the alphabet "on" and "off" the book. After a term or two, spelling of simple simple words began. When he got as far as "balcer", he was allowed a first reader followed by a second and third.

H-MIS8 Olive Brown, "The Story of Slbrldge Township", p. 1. Presented to the Sdgar County Historical Society.

12The History of Sdgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 407.

13 ^Stella Lamb, Personal Interview, Nevlns, Illinois,

November, 1967. A Granddaughter of Daniel Boll, one of the early

settlers of the township. She attended Nevlns sohool In 1890.

Llfelonrr resident of Nevlns.

Mrs. J. Odgen 0*Halr, "History of Symmes Township", p. 1.


After a while, the arithmetic oame In, writing with a quill pen began, and, laving safely passed these stages, the common school was complete. Pupils learned to read, write, and cipher to the Rule of Three, and that was considered enough to fit them for the ordinary pursuits of life. ^

Unit four was formed in 1948, The present main attendance center is at Crestwood Grade School, It is located about one mile east of Paris on United States Route 150, Grades one through eight are taught at Crestwood, A kindergarten class is also conducted by the school at Crestwood. Vermillion also has grades one through four,

Crestwood was oompleted In 1955* While Crestwood was being built, school for the unit was conducted at Vermillion, Oliver, Nevins, and 51 bridge. This was between the years 1948-1955. The district does not have a high sohool. The school board pays tuition to Paris Union School District lio. 95 for their students to attend Paris High Sohool.

15-fhe History of gd--;ar Jounty. Illlnels. 1879. p. 469.


Community Unit Sohool Distriot No. 5 lies mostly in the twonshlp of Hose. The reet of the District is in the north half of Edgar Township and the far western portion of Prairie Township.

The first sohool in what is now Edgar Township was built at Steam Point, Rev. G. W. Riley taught the first term of school here in I830. Edgar Township was not formed until April ?. 185?.1

Bloomfield was laid out in 1831. In that year a com- bination sehoolhouse and Baptist Church was constructed. The building was slmillar to other early day school buildings. It was made of unhewn logs, had greased paper for windows, split log benches for seats and was eighteen feet square. ^ John McKee was the first teaoher to teaoh school in Bloomfield. The following description of the contract between John McKee and the citizens of Bloomfield was given by Mrs. Winfield Scott In her "History of Sdgar Township" t

Article of agreement entered into the 6th day of July, 1840, between John McKee of the one part and the undernamed subscribers of the other part,

^he History of Sdgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 535. 2Krs. ^infield H. Soott, "History of Sdgar Township", p. 1.


WITNESSETH i That John McKee on his part agrees to teach the art of Heading, Writing, and Arithmetlo to the best of his abilities, for five days in each wee*, at the Bloorafield sohoolhouse for the terra of six months, commencing on Tuesday the lUth day of this month, provided a sufficient No. of scholars oan be subscribed. And the under named subscribers on their part agrees to pay the above named McKee at the expiration of the school four dollars for each scholar annexed to their names, and repair and keep in repair the above named schoolhouse, and each subscriber is to furnish a portion of firewood equal to the portion of scholars they send at the season of the year that it Is necessary and the subscribers are to meet at the schoolhouse at twelve o'olook on the first Friday after the school coraraenoes to elect Trustees and a majority of the subscribers by their Trustees are to have a right to discontinue the school by allowing pay in proportion to the time he has taught. And McKee on his part is to have a right to at any time to discontinue the school by only charging for the number of scholars or days aotually sent and he is to keep an open book for subscribers till the number of scholars subscribed exceeds thirty.

(Signed) Jesse Moore lj Samuel P. Clark lj Henry Drake 2j William Batter shell t; George W. Stephenson 1; Abram Connery li Ensign Mitchell 1; James Payne li Elizabeth Gorden 1| Ambrose Field 2j William Still well It Wm. Gordon 2j William Hawkins £» Wells Morgan lj Alexander Sommerville £.3

In lo5^-l855 Andrew I. Trogdon taught at 31oomfleld. His salary was )2.50 per scholar for the quarter. John C. Wooley also taught a terra of school in 31oomfleld. Mr. Wooley was the candidate for President on the Prohibition ticket in 1900.^

The first sohool in Hobs Township was kept in a log house about two miles oast of Chrlsman in I836. The pioneer teacher was a man named Haines.

The city of Chrlsman was surveyed August 5, 1872 for

3lbld.. p. 2.

rhoraas Hoult, "History of Bloomfleld, Edgar County, Illinois, 1927," p. 1.



Mathias Chrlsman. It was Incorporated on March 2**th, 187^. Miss Ada Gibba taught an early school in Chrlsraan on the south side of the square in 187^. Prom 1875 to 1877, a Professor Heed taught a subscription school over the J. S. Seusley building in Kenton's Hall. A four room brick school was built in I877 at a cost of $8,000. Professor F. B. Green was the principal of this school. This building was enlarged to eight rooms in 1900. The first class to graduate from the old high school building contained only four members Eva Crawford, Nettle Hartley, riaohel Hoult, and W. ?. Hoult.^

Both high school and grade school were conduoted in the old brick building until 191^. In that year, the Chrlsman Township High School District Mo. 1^9 vas ready to move into their new high school. After Unit Five was formed In 19^8, construction on a new gymnasium was begun. This building was finished in 19**9. The old briok building whloh was built In 1377. served as the grade school from 191*+ until it was torn down in 1966. The present grade school building was constructed in 1965.

*"Th« City of Chrlsman*1, Unpublished Document, Written for the Carnegie Publio Library In 1927.



Scottland Elementary 3ohool District No. 23 and Scottland Community rilgh School District No. 162 have the same politioal boundary. Almost all of the two districts lie in Prairie and Broulllette Creek townships. Prairie Preolnot was formed in March, 185^. by order of the County Commissioner's Court. It later beoame Iralrle township in I856 when the county adopted township organization.

Sylvester Barker was the first settler in the area. He came to the township In the spring of 1826. The first school was taught by Mrs. Nanoy Jones In her home In I830. Her house was located in what is now part of the village of Scottland.1

The town of Scottland was laid out for William Scott on September 17. I872. A two story building was erected In I879. This building served as a school for the village until 1906. 2 The first consolidated school In Edgar County was built In Scottland at a cost of $5000.3 proal 1906 until the present time, this building has served the community aa both a grade school and a high school.

1The History of Sdgar County. Illinois. 1879. p. 516.

2Ibla.. p. 517.

3Annual for Sdc;ar County Public Schools. 1907-1908. George V. Brown, County Superintendent of -.ohools, p. 11.


Broullletts Create Township wafi named for Pierre Broulllette, an old Indian trader. Robert J. Scott made the first settlement In 1826. Later In that year, Samuel Little- field moved to the township. Llttlefleld and Scott hired a man by the month to teach their children. School was held in the Llttlefleld cabin. Christopher Ward was the first teacher in the first schoolhouse built In the township in 1333.^

**The History of Jdc;ar County. Illinois. 1879. p. ^95.


The school a of adgar County have gone through many complex changes sinoe the time of the first school taught by Amos Williams in 1820. The early schools were mostly subscrip- tion schools, and were built and paid for by the parents of the students. The teachers were paid in coonskina, beeswax and other articles whloh could be used in trading for supplies. As part of their salary the early teachers boarded with a different family each week. Host of the early schools were made of logs. The furnishings were rather crude, consisting of rough board desks and seats. Wood for the fireplaoe was usually contributed by the parents of the students.

The ourrloulum of the early schools consisted of reading, writing, and arithmetic. There was no standard text- book used in the classroom. The 3ible and other kinds of books were used to teach the students how to read.

iidgar County has had a county school officer since 1825. when John M. Kelly was appointed as the first school commissioner. It was his duty to keep the funds from the sale of school lands. This office was maintained from 1825 until 1865. In 1865. the State of Illinois abolished the Office of School Commissioner and provided for the eleotion of a County


Superintendent of Schools. George Hunt was elected as the first county superintendent. The present superintendent of aohools la Carl Jones.

There were no public schools In Edgar County until I865. In that year, the School Law of 1855 went Into effect. Thlf" law levied an annual sohool tax of two mills on the dollar on all taxable property, and required the public to pay the expense of educating the children of the state.

In I855t there were seventy schools in the oounty. This number had increased to 1J? in 1379. Most of these schools were rural, one-room schools. By 19^8, there were 1U6 school distrlots in Sdgar County; of these, 133 were one- room country schools. In 19^8, school district reorganization occured on a county wide basis. At this time. Community Unit Sohool Districts Numbers One, Two, Three, and Four were established. Paris Union Sohool Dlstriot which had been formed by an act of the state legislature in I869 did not reorganise. The Soottland school systems voted to maintain a dual district system instead of forming a community unit district.

?rom the one room school with only a few students, the enrollment of the elementary and secondary schools has greatly changed. By 190^, there were 6326 students enrolled In the public schools of Sdgar County. However, the number of students enrolled had deoreaaed to 527^ by 19&7.

Although many of the school baildlngs are very old and can no longer be operated efficiently, steps have been taken by many of the districts to initiate building programs which


will update the schools and help to improve the educational opportunities of the children of Sdgar County.




District - School 1. Quaker Hill 2.. Soott 3. Prairie Union

k . tfoodyard

5. Ross

6. Dickson

7. Gal way

8. Hildreth

9. Patterson

10. Palermo

11. Maple Grove

12. 3aura

13. Bodd li*. Kendall

15. Maple Grove

16. Boone

17. Mitchell

18. Legate

19. Manley

20. Victor

21. Excel a lor

District - School

23. Soot tl and

2k. Chrlaraan

25. Cherry Point

26. Watson

27. Metoalf

28 . Hume

29. Gil key

30. Bane

31 . Wyatt

32. Mel wood

33. Van Siokle

34. Sliver Grove

35. Bogera

36. Manning

37. Mt. Carmel

38. Water town

39 . Legg 10. Kidley '41 . Logan 42. Scott

JJ3. Bloomfield


District - School

44* 3d gar

1*5. iarks

46, Gosseit

47. Garland ^8. Bentwood

49. Dole

50 . Payne

51. Brocton

52. .land Ridge 53 Kanner

54. Merkle

55. Golden aula

56. Patrick

57. Shlloh

58. Willow Grove

59. Horaoe

60. Larkln

61. Pleasant Kill

62. Banner

63. Jones

64. Pan Handle

65. Sugar Grove

66. Clay»s Prairie

67. Forest

District - School

68. BaldKinevllle

69. Steaa Point

70. Pine Grove

71. Blue Mound

72. Stewart

73. Pilot Grove 7k, Barnett

75. Baltimore

76. Catfish

78. Independent

79. "cCollum

80. Redaion

81 . Henn

82. Buckler

83. Valnut Grove

34. Maple Grove

35. Sugar Greek Point 86. Buckeye

37. Kimble

38. Morehouse

89. North Am

90. MoGee

91. Kunter

92. Hedgln


Dlrtriot - School

9 j. Lane a Branca

94. Sulphur Springs

95. Paris Union

96. Plum Grove

97. Union

98. Barnhill

99. Cross ,-ioade

100. Dudley

101. Hickory Grove

102. Harmony

103. Baber

104. Kansas

105. Simpson

106. Grand view

107. Brinkerhoff

108. Conlogue

109. Asher

110. New Hope

111. Turner

112. Camp Chapel

113. Little Brick

115. Grand Center

116. Vermillion

117. Pleasant Grove

District - Sohool

118. icCori

119. Ft. ter

120. 3ucianan

121. Walnut Grove

122. Willow Grove

123. Inclo^

124. Pleasant Hill

125. Pairvler

126. New Goshen

127. Bell Ridge

128. Unoin

129. Providence

130. Walls

131. rthoads

132. Nevlns

133. 3tipp

134. Success

135. Kirkpatriok

138. HcCown

139. Grand Suooess

140. New Providence 111. Fatton

142. Slbrldga

143. Salem

144. Jefferson

145. Oliver 154. Isabel


3dgar County oohool Commissioners I825-I865

1. John H. Kelly 1825-1829

2. Jonathon Mayo 1829-1830

3. Garland 3. Shelledy I83O-I831 f. John ::. Kelly 1831-18^1

5. Jonathan *layo 181H-1849

6. John V. Blackburn I8I9-I85? ?. Sheridan P. Read I857-I859

8. James A. iiads 1359-1861

9. V. 3. Burnett I86I-I863 10. a. N. Elsnop 1863-1365

Bdgar County School Superintendents I865-I968

1. George Hunt I865-I869

2. A. J. .iapes I869-I873

3. a. S. Cuslck I873-I877 k. W. V. Roth 1377-1882

5. Dr. . -\ Stewart 1882-1886

6. James A. Kerrlok 1386-139^

7. George H. Gordon 189^-1902 3. George W. 3rown 1902-1913 9. 0. Rloe Jones 191^-1923

10. D. H. Hamilton 1923-1927

11. 0. .Uce Jones 1927-1931

12. Arthur C. Foster 1931-19^3

13. Russell Stephens 1935-19^3

14. Sam W. Arbuckel 19^3-1963

15. Carl Jones 1963-


1 Pupil Enrollment and Teacher Statistics Illinois Publlo Sohoole

1966-1967 school Year

3d gar








SI 911.



21 em.











4l 4






















e ' am .





















8 1

11 Pupil Enrollment and Teacher »tatlatloa. Il^lnoj.'.- Public Schools. 1966-1967. Circular Series A, Number 194, Bay Page, Superintendent of Publio Instruction.



Articles and Pamphlets

Board of education. Notice of Proposed Building Program for

c immunity Unit School Dlstrlot ;»o. 3. (Kansas, Illinois 1968).

Hughes, Sdward J., "Counties of Illinois, Their Origlon and

Evolution," State of Illinois, Springfield , March 21, 193<+.

Rloe, Thurman 3,, "The Koosler Health Officer," autobiography of Dr. J, N. Eurty.

Looal. £tate. and National Histories

Hicks, John I. , The Federal Union— A History of the United States to 1865. Cambridge, Massi., Houghton Mifflin Company, 1937.

The History of £dgar County. Illinois. 1879. Chicago i William

* LeSaron gr. and Company, 193?.

Historical 3noy capped la of Illinois and History of Ijdj^ar County. Chioagoi Munsell Publishing Company, 1905.

Smith, George tf«, A Student's History of Illinois. Chicago: Hall, ;:oCreary Company, 1930.

Troll, Con. Our First Hundred Years. Charleston, Illlnoisi Prather the Printer, 1953.


Davis, Dr. Floyd M., "Davis Picks Up Thread in Verier, of Articles." Paris Dally I-Jews. February 7, 1923.

"Sarly Ml story of Kansas", The Kansas Journal. Kansas, Illinois, u^ust 2^, 1922.

"Paris School System Keeps Paoe with Modern Trends In Field of

3ducatlon." Parle. Illinois. Dally Ucaco;; ;.'ewa. October 24, 1936. p. 19.






Off \c\ \\ fteoords

IfSkvs pi Illinois. 1325. First Session, Fourth General Assembly Springfield, >tate of Illinois.

Lans of the State of Illinois. 1955. Nineteenth General Assembly, Springfield, State of IlllnV la.

Annual for Mkslt County Public Schools. 1907-1 ' . George W. * 3rown, County Superintendent of Schools,

Annual for Cdgar County Public Schools. 1910-1911. George V. Brown, County Superintendent of Schools.

Annua^ for iSdaar County Public Schools. 1912-1,913. George tf. orowa, County Superintendent of Schools.

Annual, S^hooi, directory for odfflar County Schools. 19L66-o7ft Jones, County Superintendent of Schools.

Annual Statlgtloa^. Report of the Superintendent of Public

Instruction. 19^7. State of Illinois.* Vernon L. Nioicell, m; , erintendent of Publio Instruction.

Calendar and Dlreotory of l^prar County Public Schools 1916-

1917. D. Hice Jones, "County Superintendent; of Sohools.

Fall Pupil Enrollment and 1'eacher Statistics. Illinois Public School 3n 1966-67. Circular -.erles '., Number 19^ » ^«y ""a", Superintendent of Publio Instruction.

Illinois Blue Poo*. 19 55-56. Springfield, State of Illinois.

Illinois School Directory. 19^7-^8. Vernon L. Ulokell, Superintendent of Publio Instruction.

Personal Interviews

Arbuokle, Sam. tf, , ^dgar County Superintendent for twenty years, 19^3-1963.

L-eclcer, Sober t, Former teacher at iledmon, presently teaohin- in Kansas.

Frye, iccnard. Graduate of the four year high school at Vermillion.

Jones, Carl. County Superintendent of Jchools since 1964.

Joneson, Nelle, Early teacher in county, first taught school in 1902.




Laoib, Forrest, Director three man school evlna.

Lamb, Stella, attended the first grade at Nevins 90.

Her grandfather, David a oil, one of early settlers, .as Lived in Kevins all o: fe.

Sexton, Ki a, taught in 'Jrandvlew system at time of two year high school,

Webster, ..illiam, his Mother taught school In the Slbrl vicinity in 1903 for £20 a mont-..

White, Clifford "Jerry", Principal at 'lew in 1925

later became Assistant County .Superintendent In 193^.

Yargua, Jharle.: , School Board Director at MoCord Sohool, served on n three man school board, 192^. rhree year terra.

Spec Lai, Works and Articles

Brown, 1 Olive, ;,The Story of Slbridge Township", unpublished manuacript, presented to the 3d gar Coun torloal . 1927.

Bull, James, "History of Kansas Township", unpublished manu- script 1927. Written for Carnegie Public Library, •Is, Illinois,

xiarknf;' , ertrude . "Golden Memories— 1 \asa of 1912-1913", unpublished manuscript, 1962.

loult, Thomas, "History of Bloorafleld, Bdgar County, Illinois" 1827, unpublished manuscript. Written at the request of Carnegie Public Library.

Q»Halr, . J. Odgen, "History of fiymmes Township" written

p the Carnegie Public Library, Paris, Illinois, 1925,

is City of Chrisman" unpublished manuacript, no author given, bten for the Carnegie Public Library in 1927.

The, AOdmonlan. non Lgh School Annual, 1928.

Scott, . . Lnfield . ., "History of Bo* ear Township", 1927 ssented to Carnegie Public Libra:- .

Wright, Mrs, W*. 0., "History of ~tratton Township", unpublished . Lpt, 1927, written for Carnegie Library— Par . La.

Young, ., "History of Dudley, Illinois" unpublished

., 7. Written for the Carnegie Public Library, Par , Illinois.













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