rii k- .,x-- 7~ 'yr^ 9 .^ '^ \7 /* ri r\ y feet. Measurements of other hills give the fol- _ a 10 o lowmg results : — Baker's, 141 feet; Squirrel, 133 feet; Great Hill, 120 feet; Planter's, 118 feet; Old Colony, 70 feet; Liberty Pole, 107 feet; the highest of the World's End hills, 92, the lowest, 66 ; Crow Point Hill, 81 ; Pleasant, near Crow Point, 93 ; Bradley's, 87 ; Tucker's, between Crow Point and Pleasant, 65. Much of the remaining territory presents itself in rounded hil- locks of various elevations, and in the west part of the town these prevail over a great area. Unfortunately they have to a great extent been denuded of trees. Barren wastes are found, unsightly to the eye where beauty might abound, and where profit might be realized if the surface could be devoted to forest culture. Nothing could be done that would be more advantageous to this almost destitute portion of the town than to cover it with the white pine, as there can be no doubt but that it would be a wise investment of money to do this if proper precautions were taken to protect the growth from destruction by fires. Independently of the interesting features of the landscape men- tioned, there is such variety of surface over the town as to make all parts attractive. In some portions are miles of rich and rocky woodlands, in other portions swamps impenetrable from forest growth. In places, high cliffs of rock rise from above the general level ; in others, green meadows of peaceful beauty stretch far before the m of Colors. ranite J^elsite,. tvd Diorite . ela-phyr. Conglomerate 7idstoTie.&, SlcUe. ^MJtt and. ShaZe. iicLts. ttriUns ^ o "^i C 4 History of Hingham. One of the most prominent of the elevations of the lowest plateau is Otis Hill, which rises quite near the harbor on its western side. The views from this are very fine, and should be seen by all who keenly enjoy an extended prospect. It is said that Daniel Webster ascended the hill whenever opportunity presented itself, feeling amply repaid for the necessary exertion in reaching its summit. On the east, beyond Nantasket Beach and the rocky shore of Co- hasset, the open sea spreads itself to the vision until lost in the distant horizon ; north, the coast of the opposite side of Massa- chusetts Bay may be traced until it, too, fades from sight towards Cape Ann ; and northwest, the domes and spires of the great city, with the expanse of water gemmed with islands and dotted over with vessels gliding among them, afford an enchanting scene. The height of Otis Hill is about 129 feet. The still higher ele- vation of the second plateau, Turkey Hill, before mentioned^ affords yet grander views. No one who has not been here can appreciate the transcendent beauty of such as may be enjoyed from its summit, in looking towards the west and northwest just as the sun is sinking beneath the horizon, especially when hover- ing clouds are lit up by its rays and the intervening water is tinted by their reflections. The highest elevation of all is that of Prospect Hill, and it is worthy the name. This is in the south part of the town, and has a height of 218j*q feet. Measurements of other hills give the fol- lowing results : — Baker's, 141 feet ; Squirrel, 133 feet ; Great Hill, 120 feet ; Planter's, 118 feet ; Old Colony, 70 feet ; Liberty Pole, 107 feet ; the highest of the World's End hills, 92, the lowest, QQ ; Crow Point Hill, 81 ; Pleasant, near Crow Point, 93 ; Bradley's, 87 ; Tucker's, between Crow Point and Pleasant, 65. Much of the remaining territory presents itself in rounded hil- locks of various elevations, and in the west part of the town these prevail over a great area. Unfortunately they have to a great extent been denuded of trees. Barren wastes are found, unsightly to the eye where beauty might abound, and where profit might be realized if the surface could be devoted to forest culture. Nothing could be done that would be more advantageous to this almost destitute portion of the town than to cover it w^ith the white pine, as there can be no doubt but that it would be a wise investment of money to do this if proper precautions were taken to protect the growth from destruction by fires. Independently of the interesting features of the landscape men- tioned, there is such variety of surface over the town as to make all parts attractive. In some portions are miles of rich and rocky woodlands, in other portions swamps impenetrable from forest growth. In places, high cliffs of rock rise from above the general level ; in others, green meadows of peaceful beauty stretch far before the ^ The Geology of Hingham. 5 vision. Here may be seen from some elevation tree-clad hills and dales ; there, water checkered with islands, and the ocean itself receding in the far distance from sight. Here one may wander along a rock-bound coast, with objects of interest everywhere in view; or he may seek and find, in deep dark woods, sequestered glens as far remote seemingly from all human surroundings and associations as would be to him the recesses in the distant moun- tains. Few towns, indeed, can present more diversified features. Swamps. There are numerous swamps in the town, some of which are quite extensive, as Bare Swamp, which extends over a considera- ble tract of country, from the neighborhood of the West End depot to French Street, near Weymouth ; Hemlock Swamp, which lies between Hobart and High streets ; and several others southwest of these. ElVERS. Excepting Weymouth Back River, which borders a part of the town on the west, and Weir River, there are none worthy the name. Many streams contribute to the latter, the most important of which has its origin in Accord Pond. Others of its tributaries flow from the swamps of the town, which, as before stated, are numerous, especially in its western portions. Ponds. Of the ponds of the town delineated on the map, Cushing's, Trip-Hummer, Fulling-Mill, and Thomas', are all artificial. The only natural one of any considerable area, of which any portion is within the borders of Hingham, is Accord Pond. This seems sin- gular, considering the many natural fine sheets of water which are found in the surrounding territory. What Nature has, however, denied, has been in part provided through the enterprise of the inhabitants, who for manufacturing purposes have dammed the streams, spread their waters over surfaces bounded by hills, and thus greatly enhanced the beauty of the scenery in many locali- ties, Cushing's Pond resulted from the damming of one of the tributary streams of Weir River, known as Plymouth River ; Trip- hammer Pond, from the damming of another tributary known as Beechwood, or Mill River ; Thomas' Pond from the damming of the main stream ; and Fulling-Mill Pond from a small stream, sometimes called Cold Spring. PRELIMINARY REMARKS ON GENERAL GEOLO€^Y. Any account of the Geology of Hingham would iiecessarilf-kis but of little service to the unscieiitiiic reader, unless pi'eceded by some remarks upon the several rock formations of the earth and the periods of tlieir deposition. The advance of knowledge respecting these has been so rapid that the very terms but re- cently used to designate their relative age are not only obsolete to a considerable degree, but often misleading. For instance, it is not long since the word " primitive " conveyed to all students the idea that the rocks so designated, the granites, were the earliest formed of all the earth's strata ; but now it is a well-recognized fact that these have been produced in nearly all periods of geo- logic time. All ideas based upon views taught in the books of a past generation respecting Primitive, Transition, and Secondary rocks should be dismissed from thought as being now but of little or no significance. In order that the mind may be receptive of the grand ideas which a knowledge of geological phenomena cannot fail to im- part, it is necessary first of all to disabuse it of the narrow con- ceptions of creation which have too long prevailed among men. It must recognize the sublime truth that the great Power whicli permeates and controls all matter has been for inconceivable ages evolving from the chaos of things the innumerable worlds that compose the universe ; and in fine must look upon the earth we inhabit, with all its multitude of living and ever-changing forms, as the result of the constant and never-ceasing action of creative energy for not only thousands, but for very many millions of years. The calculations relative to the age of the earth have been, based upon several grounds, — one astronomical, by estimates of the time which would be required to reduce the sun from the dimen- sions embraced within the orbit of the earth to its present size. This Professor Newcomb makes 18,000,000 years. Add to this the time whicli he concludes might have passed before the tem- perature of the globe itself would have been reduced so as to allow of the existence of water upon it, 3,845,000 years, and the time estimated by him for the development of the several forma- tions composing the earth's strata, which he embraces within The Geology of Hingham. 7 a period of 10,000,000 years, and we have a total of 31,845,000 years since the globe was separated from the sun in a gaseous condition, and of but 13,845,000 years since the first incrusta- tion of its surface. Another method of determining the age has been to base esti- mates upon the internal heat of the globe and the rate of cooling. Sir William Thomson thus concluded that about 80,000,000 years must have elapsed for the globe to cool to its present con- dition, dating from the first incrustation upon its surface. Another method has been to base calculations upon the geo- logical changes that have been going on during comparatively recent times, by which sedimentary deposits have been formed at a known rate of thickness within certain periods. Dr. Croll estimates in this way that not less than 60,000,000 years must have elapsed, and probably much more since sedimentation began. Another investigator. Dr. Haughton, on the same basis extends the time to more than 200,000,000 years. It is unnecessary to add more on this point. It is sufficient to state that no man capable of forming a judgment, and who has duly investigated the question, has been able to come to any other conclusion than that our good mother the earth has been revolv- ing in her orbit, since incrustation and the commencement of sedimentation, for millions of years, and whether these be num- bered by tens or hundreds can be but of little moment, when the least mentioned is more than long enough to appall the mind in its contemplation. It is however desirable, in view of a better understanding of what may follow relative to different periods in the earth's history, to give a table showing the estimated duration of each, assuming the whole length of time since incrustation to be 80,000,000 years, as calculated by Sir William Thomson. Of course, if it should be assumed that the whole period since incrustation was more or less than 80,000,000 years, the time estimated for each period would be proportionately lengthened or shortened. The time ratios of the several periods have been determined by Pro- fessor Dana from the relative thickness of the rocky sediments, and of the probable time required for their deposit, and though estimates thus based must necessarily be imperfect, yet by them we can approximate somewhat nearer to the truth than in any other way. The presentation will be useful in impressing on the mind of the reader the remote antiquity of the rocks of Hingham ; for if, as generally claimed, the greater portion of them had their origin in Archgean Time, basing their age on Sir William's esti- mate of the age of the world, Ihey must have been formed more than 30,000,000 years ago. The table is abbreviated from one presented in the very valuable work of Alexander Winchell, LL. D., Professor of Geology and Palseontology in the University of Michigan, called " World Life, or Comparative Geology." History of Hingham. Estimated Length of Geological Periods. Formations. Rock Measure. Feet. Percentage. Thomson's Basis. Tears. PYROLITHIC TIME .... 123,200 27.77 22,216,000 ARCHiEAN TIME. Azoic Age . 61,600 13.88 11,104,000 Eozoic Age. Laurentian Period ..... 41,200 9.26 7,408,000 Huronian Period 20,400 4,62 3,696,000 PALiEOZOIC TIME. Silurian Age. Primordial Period 16,400 3.70 2,960,000 Canadian Period ..... 45,400 10.23 8,184,000 Trenton Period 14,700 3.32 2,656,000 Niagara Period 7,100 1.60 1,280,000 Salina Period 2,050 .46 368,000 Lower Helderberg Period . . 7,500 1.69 1,352.000 Devonian Age. Oriskany Period 720 .17 136,000 Corniferous Period .... 2,800 .63 504,000 Hamilton Period ..... 6,000 1.35 1,080,000 Cliemung Period 4,900 1.11 888,000 Catskill Period ...... 7,544 1 70 1,360,000 Carboniferous Age. Lower Carboniferous Period . 7,560 1.70 1,360,000 Ul)per Carboniferous Period . 14,570 3.28 2,624,000 MESOZOIC TIME. Triassic Period 31,540 7.11 5,688,000 Jurassic Period 8,200 1.85 1,480,000 Cretaceous Period 5,620 1.'26 1,008,000 CtEnozoic time. Tertiary Age 11,735 2.65 2,120,000 Post Tertiary Age. Glacial Period 1,956 .44 352,000 Post Glacial Period .... 978 .22 176,000 Total Crust 443,673 100.00 80,000,000 It is proper to state here that investigations within a few years past by Dr. G. Frederick Wright, the author of the " Ice Age in North America," Warren Upham, and other geologists who have made special study of .the phenomena of the Glacial Period, have satisfactorily determined that all that has happened on the surface since that period may not have required more than from ten to fifteen thousand years. When the above table was prepared, much less was known of glacial action than now. The Geology of Hingham. 9 A second table is presented, giving a list of the formations ; the forms of life that appeared in the several periods ; and some general remarks upon the land surfaces, the climatic conditions, and the mountain elevations. Periods not recognized in the first table are presented in this. PYROLITHIC TIME. ARCHAEAN TIME. Azoic Age. Eozoic Age. Laurentian Period. Huronian Period. PALEOZOIC TIME. Silurian Age. ' Primordial Period. CO i o a Canadian Period. Trenton Period. Note. From lack of definite knowledge of the particular pe- riods in which insect forms first appeared, mention of them is only made after the close of remarks upon other life in the several periods of each Age. Indications of Marine Plants and of Protozoa, the lowest of the forms of animal life. Age of Invertebrates. Marine only : Plants, sea-weeds. Ani- mals, all invertebrates, Protozoa, Had lata, Mol- lusca, and Articulata. Trilobites in immense numbers and of many species are found. The largest of these became extinct before the close of this period. Crinoids - and Sponges appear. Marine only : Plants all sea-weeds. Animals, invertebrates. Among Cephalopods Or- thoceras first appear. Marine almost entirely. Some late discoveries of land plants have been made in Ohio and Ken- tucky. Animals all in- vertebrates. Physical condition making life im- possible. The continent in the Eozoic Age was limited to a region mostly within limits of British North America, but embracing, outside, the Adirondack region of N. Y., a region in Mich, south of Lake Superior, a long belt, including the Highlands of N. Y., and the Blue Ridge of Penu, and Va., also areas along the Atlantic Coast in Nova Scotia, Newfound- land, and Eastern Mass. A long but narrow ridge existed along the line where afterwards were raised the Rocky Mountains. Four-fifths at least of the present surface of the continent were under water. A mild climate certainly prevailed in the Arctic regions during these periods, as proved by the forms of life found in high north- ern latitudes. The Appalachian region, embrac- ing that of the Green Mountains, was one of shallow waters, whilst areas of the rocks of Archa;an Time formed islands and reefs. A barrier was thus partially formed, which led the interior continental sea to be compara- tively quiet, where flourished crinoids, mollusks, and corals, the detritus of which made up the growing limestone. This period of physical quiet, Dana remarks, was probably as long continued as " all the time that has since elapsed," a remark cal- culated to impress the mind very forcibly of its duration. 10 History of Hingham. { Niagara Period Salina Period. Lower Helder- berg Period. Oriskany { Period. Devonian Age. Corniferous Period. Marine only : Plants, .sea-weeds. Animals, invertebrates. No evidence yet of fishes or of fresh-water life. Almost destitute of fossils. Fossils of the same generic character generally as in preceding periods, the species distinct. Trilobites common, but with them a new Crus- tacean appears for the first time, the Eiiri/p- terus rem /pes, a foot or more in length. Plants generally marine. One species of Lijcopo- dium (ground pine) has, however, been found . No fishes yet noticed in American beds of this period, but in Europe their remains are met with in the Ludlow rocks, which are equiv- alent to the Lower Hel- derberg and Oriskany of America, and are the first vertebrates yet dis- covered in formations earlier than the De- Of the Class Arachnida: articulated animals having the body generally divided in two parts, as Scorpions, Spiders, Ticks, etc., — the first represented in the earth's formations were found in the Upper Silurian. Three species, all Scorpions. Of the true Insects, one specimen has been found in the Upper Silurian, l)ut the character of this has not been clearly made out. It belongs to one of the orders of the Hexapoda. Age of Fishes. Marine Plants include a new form, the Spiropky- ton Cauda galli. The Niagara Period was one of subsidence of the land over ex- tensive regions. The rocks of the Salina Period yield salt from brines contained in them. The subsidence men- tioned as occurring during the NiagaraPeriod continued through, this. The extinction of species during the progress of the Silurian Age was great. Dana says, " There is no evidence that a species existed in the later half of the Upper Silurian that was alive in the later half of the Lower Silurian." The greater part of the continent yet remained under water at the close of the Silurian Age. There is no evidence that the cli- mate, even in high latitudes, had become otherwise than warm and temperate as in the Lower Si- lurian Periods. During the Corniferous Period, a, large part of the continent was covered with shallow seas, in The Geology of Hingham. 11 Hamilton Period. Chemung Period. Catskill Period. Land Plants : Lycopods, Ferns, and Conifers. Corals in great numbers, Echinoderms, Trilo- bites. Fishes, first appearance of in American rocks: Sharks, Ganoids, Placo- dernis ; but no osseous species. Land Plants : Lycopods, Perns, Equiseta ; but as yet no Mosses. The Vertebrates are rep- resented only by Fishes. Goniatites, a group of Ce- phalopods first appear. Land Plants of like gen- era as in the preceding period. Trilobites, so abundant in former periods, have be- come rare. Remains of life rare. The plants are similar to those of the Chemung Period. The change in life during the Devonian Age was marked by the introduc- tion of many new forms and the extinction of many old ones, as in pre- vious ages. Articulates of the Myrio- poda, a class allied to In- sects, worm-like but having many segments and nu- merous feet, first appear in the Devonian Age. True Insects, of the class Hexapoda, appear in several species. which corals of great variety flourished. The climate was warm, and proba- bly so over the Arctic regions. In the Hamilton Period, extensive forests of Lycopods, some similar to modern spruces and pines and others widely different from any known family, undoubtedly ex- isted, as shown by the Lepido- dendra and Sigillaria found in the strata. At the close of the Devonian Age the area of the continent had much increased, and embraced a large part of East Canada and New England, but the greater part of North America yet re- mained beneath the waters. Neither the Rocky Mountains nor the Appalachians yet existed. The Green Mountains were low hills compared with their present height. Great disturbance seems to have followed the close of the age over the eastern part of the continen- tal area leading to elevation of a great portion of Maine, etc. The occurrence of Devonian species in the Arctics shows, as Dana remarks, that there was but little diversity of climate between the regions now called Temperate and Arctic Zones. 12 History of Hingham. Formations. General Remarfes. Carboniferous Age. Sub-Carbonifer- ous Period. Carboniferous Period. Permian Period. Sea-weeds similar to those of the Devonian. Land Plants : Lycopods, Ferns, Coni- fers and Calamites. The animal life was abun- dant, as shown by the profusion of the remains of Criuoids. Of Kadiates : Polyp Corals. Of Brachiopods : Spi- rifer Productus. Of Cephalopods : Go- niatites. Nautilus. Of Articulates : Trilo- bites, Orthoceratites, Scorpions, etc. Of Fishes : as in De- vonian Age. Of Amphibians : Foot- prints. Immense development of the coal-forming plants, the Tree-ferns, the Ly- copods, Sigillarids, the Equiseta, Conifers, and Cycads. The latter first appeared in this period. No Angiosperms, no Palms, no Mosses yet discovered. Plants similar to those of the Coal Period. Of animal life, Goniatites, which first appeared in the Hamilton Period, and Trilobites, which appeared in the Primor- dial Period, both had become extinct. Several genera of the Mol- lusca, as Productus, Orthis,and Murchisonia, are not found later than this period. As might have been ex- pected from the immense development of vegetable life under tropical tempera- ture, the remains of great numbers of insects are f ouud in the deposits of the Car- boniferous Age, during which they first appeared. Species of the extinct Order Palreodictyoptera are espe- cially abundant, embracing During the Sub-Carboniferous Pe- riod a great mediterranean sea, as previously, covered a large area of the interior of the continent, and the temperature being fa- vorable, there was a great devel- opment of crinoids, corals, and the many forms of life now found in the strata. Forests and marsh areas were ex- tensive. The period was one of subsidence. The condition of the Arctic regions was yet undoubt- edly similar to the more southern portions of the continent, the air being warm and moist. This Period, differing from that of the Sub-Carboniferous, was one of extensive emergence instead of subsidence. As yet the Alleghanies did not ex- ist, but over their area were great marshes, where flourished the coal-making plants of the period. The beds of the Permian are marine. Palasozoic Time has now come to an end. Great disturbances fol- lowed, leading to the elevation of the Alleghany Mountains and The Geology of Hingham. 13 MESOZOIC TIME. Reptilian Age. Triassic Period. Jurassic Period. Cretaceous Period. ancient types of cockroach- es, walking-sticks, May-flies, etc. Other extinct Orders are also represented. Plants : Cycads and new forms of Ferns, Equiseta, Conifers. No species yet met with of Grass or Moss. No Palms. No Angiosperms, the class which includes all our New-England plants having a bark, excepting Conifers, as maples, wil- lows, birches, oaks, etc. Animals : Vertebrates in great numbers and of great size. Fishes, Reptiles, perhaps Birds. First appearance of Mammals. Plants : Similar to those of the Triassic Period. Animals : Gigantic Reptiles, among them flying lizards. JIarsupial mammals. First appearance of os- seous fishes. Birds. Plants : First appearance of the Angiosperms. Of the Angiosperms, oaks, beeches, poplars, willows, hickories, and others existed. First appearance _ of Palms. Animals : Reptiles were very nu- merous and of great size, one genus of which, Mosasaurus, had species varying from forty-five to eighty feet in length, and having been snake- like in form, may well be termed, as by Dana, sea-serpents of the era. In the deposits of the Pe- riods of the Reptilian Age, first appear insects of the to great changes along the coast of New England, in New Bruns- wick, Nova Scotia, and generally over all the surface east of the Mississippi. The forests of this period differed much from those of the Carbon- iferous in having neither Sigil- larids nor Lepidodendrids. Tree- ferns, Conifers, and Cycads were the prevailing forms. There were great disturbances of the surface during the Triassic Period, as shown by the vast ridges of trap rocks which were forced up through the, strata in a molten condition, and now form some of the prominent elevations of the eastern part of the conti- nent, as Mounts Tom and Holy- oke of Mass., the high hills near New Haven, Conn., the Palisades of the Hudson, etc. The Jurassic Beds of Europe em- brace those of three epochs, — the Liassic, Oolitic, and Weilden. The first of these have yielded some of the best preserved and finest fossils that are to be found in our collections. Cretaceous rocks are common over a considerable portion of Europe, in the southeastern and southern parts of the United States, and in the Rocky Mountains. The well-known chalk composes great beds in England, and is found in France and other parts of Europe. Great changes of level seem to have taken place towards the close of this period, leading to increased height of the land in the northern regions, causing much change in 14 History of Hingham. Formations. Life General Remarks. Orders Ortlioptera, Neurop- the climates and a general de- tera, Heraiptera, Hymeuop- struction of the life then existing tera, Coleoptera, Diptera, upon or near the surface in both and Lepidoptera. hemispheres. CiENOZOIC TIME. Tertiary Age. Laramie Pe- Plants: Estuary deposits in Mississippi, in riod (or Lig- U'he deposits of this pe- the region of the Upper Missouri, niticP.). riod yield great uum- in the Eocky Mountain region. Note. — This period ijers of the leaves of and at Brandon, Vt. is included by some Angiosperms, — species Called the Lignitic Period because geologists in the Cre- taceous of Mesozoic of oak, poplar, maple. of the prevalence of Lignitic beds lime. hickory, fig, magnolia, and others ; also of Con- ifers and palms. Kuts of some species are common. in the deposits. Animals : Great disturbance of the surface in Freshwater shells and North America at the close of some marine species. this period, that led to the eleva- No mammals. Fishes tion of mountains in California, and Reptiles have been which, increased undoubtedly by found in the Laramie subsequent movements, are now beds. 4,000 feet high. Alabama Period Plants : ^same as Eocene). Trees mostly of the same genera as those of the present period. The infusorial deposits near I^ichmond, Va , yield a large number of species of Diatoms. Animals : The remains, vertebra, and teeth, in great num- bers, of a large animal allied to a whale, called the Zeuglodou Cetoides, are found in the de- posits of this period in the States of Georgia, South Carolina, Mis- sissippi, and j\labama. The animal was at least seventy feet in length. In beds of this period in the west are found remains of species similar to those of the present, as the rhinoceros, Mexican wild boar, horse, mon- key, and others, among them the earliest of the Further disturbances at the close squirrels. Of the liirds. of this period, raising the bor- one species from the ders of the Gulf of Mexico, and Eocene of New Mexico probably elevating above the pre- was larger than the vious height the Rocky Mountain ostrich. region. The Geology of Hingham. 15 Life. Yorktown Period (Miocene.) Sumter Period. (Pliocene.) Quaternary Age. Glacial Period. Champlain Period. Animals : Whales, dolphins, seals, walruses, bones of ta- pir-like animals, and of new species of horses and of hogs, rhinoce- roses of several genera, wolves, lions, beavers, etc. Animals : Of Birds : eagles, cranes, and cormorants. Of Mammals • elephants, camels, rhinoceroses, deer, tigers, horses, and the Jirst of the mastodons found in American deposits. All the Orders of Insects the remains of which are found in the Mesozoic de- posits are also represented in the Ccenozoic. Great numbers of species have been preserved to us in amber, a fossil gum of the Tertiary Age. Entire destruction of life over the glaciated North which extended in the eastern part of the United States as far south as Pennsylvania. Animal life : read under next period. The animal life of the two earlier periods of the Quaternary Age was of remarkable character, especially as shown by the remains of the Mam- mals found both in Europe and America. These show that the species were of enor- mous size compared with G«neral Remarks. During this period, and culminating at its close, there is evidence of great disturbances over a large portion of the continent. By great volcanic action, extensive regions of the Pacific slope were overflowed by igneous rocks to the depth of thousands of feet, and the Rocky Mountains raised to their present elevation. Their uprise during the Tertiary Age, according to Dana, could not have been less than 11,000 feet. The height at which the deposits of the Miocene Period are found on the southeast and southern coast, being several hundred feet, shows the extent of the move- ments. The phosphatic beds of South Caro- lina are of this period. A period generally regarded as one of extreme cold, but there is rea- son to think the degree of this has been exaggerated. Ice cov- ered Eastern North America to the height of from 2,000 to 6,000 feet. The period of the passing away of the ice, and of great floods ; a period, too, of considerable de- pression of the surface and of extensive alluvial deposits. 16 History of Hingham. Formations. Recent Period. those of more ancient or of more recent times. In North America, roaming over the sur- face, were elephants, mastodons, liorses mucli larger than the present, bison, tapirs, beavers of huge size, lions, bears, and others. In South America, massive sloth forms, as the megatheri- um, mylodon, and mega- lonyx, were numerous, as were many species of other geuera. In Eng- land and other countries of Europe, bears, lions, hyenas, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, deer, were common. Man undoubtedly existed in this period, and proba- bly in the early portion, as his remains and tlie implements of his hands have been found with the bones of the Cham- plain animals, as tlie mastodon and reindeer There is evidence of man having appeared at a still earlier period, — possibly in tlie Tertiary Age. The animals of the Cham- plain Period largely passed away in the early part of this, destroyed undoubtedly by the colder temperature, and species of less size took the places of the huge forms that preceded them. Althougli man, as previously stated, was in existence, it was not until the modern era of this period that he attained the domin- ion over all other races since possessed by him. General Remarks. The deposits of this period are alluvial beds along rivers, drift- sands, deposits of rivers in the ocean, or from the washing and wearing away of the shores, coral-reef formations, shell lime- stone growth in the ocean or inland waters, bog-iron ore in marshes, stalactitic and stalag- mitic formation in caves, deposits from springs, lavas from volcanic action, etc. There was an elevation of the land in the high latitudes in the early portion of this period, which re- stored its height to about the de- pression of the Champlain. Tlie temperature of the North, par- ticularly over Asia and Europe, became again extremely cold. The terraces so common around lakes and along river-courses in parts of New England owe their origin to the rise of laud after the Champlain Period, and the action of waters. The Geology of Hlngham. 17 EXPLAJTATION OF NaMES OF FORMATIONS, ETC., MENTIONED IN THE TaBLES ABOVE. Pyrolitkic. From the Greek, fire-stone. Archcean. Ancient ; the beginning. Azoic. "Without life. Eozoic. Dawn of life. Palceozoic. Ancient life. Mesozoic. Middle life. CcETiozoic. Recent life. Primordial. First in order. Silurian. Geographical, first applied to rocks of Siluria. Devonian. Geographical, first applied to rocks of Devonshire. Carboniferous. Having the great coal fields. Cretaceous. Latin, for chalky. Triassic. Named from a series of three kinds of rocks. Jurassic. Geographical, from rocks of Mt. Jura. Permian. Geographical, from rocks of Permia, an ancient kingdom of Russia. Tertiary. Adopted from old classifica- tion, when the terms Primary, Second- ary, and Tertiary embraced all the rock formations. Corniferous. From Latin cornu, horn, and fero, I bear, the rocks bearing seams of hornstone. Quaternary. From Latin quatuor, four, applied to strata following Tertiary (third). Salina. From its salt-bearing brines ; salina, in Latin, being a place where salt is made. Other names geographical of known localities will not need explanation. Pyrolithic Time. — As the name denotes, the Pyrolithic for- mations were igneous only, for the condition of the molten, but gradually cooling globe admitted of none other. The immense period required for any approach to stability of the surface must have witnessed constant changes upon it, and over and over again must the earlier incrusted portions have been broken up and re- melted as they became from time to time, through the shrinking consequent upon refrigeration, submerged in the incandescent sea. At length when consolidation of the surface had increased, rocky masses undoubtedly appeared above the general level, but these were necessarily of a different character from any now known. They were the truly primitive rocks, and it is very doubtful if any trace of them can be found on the earth. Arch^an Time. — Previous to the formation of the rocks of Archaean Time, the cooling of the globe had proceeded to a de- gree allowing the existence of water in the atmosphere and its deposit upon the surface. Of its earlier rocks we can know as little as of those of Pyrolithic Time, for all now recognized appear to be the result of the wearing down of pre-existing formations, the deposit of their debris in the form of sands and clay as sedi- ments in water, and the subsequent crystallization of much of the material into gneisses, mica slates, etc. Other rocks of the time are conglomerates, sandstones, and clay slates. There is evidence that both vegetable and animal life existed in this early time, but only in its lowest forms. Paleozoic Time ; Silurian AcxE ; Primordial Period. — The rocks of this period were formed from the wearing away of those of Archgean Time, and the reconstruction of the material into new strata. Great interest is felt in these because, so far as clearly shown, they contain impressions of tlie remains of the first organ- VOL. I. — 2 18 History of Hingham. ized forms of life that have left impressions, the characters of which can be deciphered. All that can be known of the early species, therefore, vegetable or animal, must apparently be learned from what has been, or may yet be discovered in them. The estimated duration of this period, taking Thomson's basis as shown, by the table, is nearly 3,000,000 years. The forms of life preserved by the strata are all of course marine, and consist largely of impressions of Trilobites, — animals that lived in the shallow waters of the coasts, upon the muddy and sandy surfaces below, and finally became entombed in their substance. There were many species of these animals in these and later formations, but they all became extinct before the close of the Carboniferous Period. The fortunate discovery by Prof. Wm. B. Rogers of the remains of some of these in the slate rocks of Braintree, furnished proof that a part at least of the slate of the Boston Basin belongs to the Primordial Period. We will now pass over the immense time in the history of the earth, numbering many millions of years, during which other rocks of the Silurian and of the Devonian Ages were deposited beneath the sea to the enormous thickness of one hundred thousand feet, all abounding in forms of life, as scarcely more than a mention can be made of any period that has not left mementos of its pas- sage over or about this particular territory. Carboniferous Age. — Of the Carboniferous Age, it may be said that notwithstanding the contrary views hitherto held by geologists, it is yet by no means settled that the Conglomerates and Associated rocks of Hingham are not formations of this age rather than of the Primordial Period of the Silurian Age. However this may be, it is certain that a considerable portion of the rock formations near and south of Hingham, bordering Rhode Island and extend- ing into that State, is made up of the deposits of the Carboniferous Age, embracing not only Conglomerates of like character as those of the Boston Basin, but also large beds of Anthracite with the accompanying shales and fossil plants, demonstrating them to be contemporaneous with those of the great coal-fields of Pennsyl- vania and other regions of the continent. This fact suggests, what it is well to bear in mind, that the temperature of the region we inhaliit, as well as that of the whole North, was then very much warmer than in succeeding ages, sufficiently so to allow the growth of tropical plants of which coal itself is a product, not only in the Alleghany and the western coal regions, but in those of Massachusetts, of Cape Breton, and of the Arctic Circle. It js certainly a striking fact that upon the surface of this town, where in after ages rested for thousands of years ice of great thickness, flourished tree-ferns, and other plants of forms now found only in the torrid zone ; but there can be no question that this was the case. The rock formations of the Carbon- iferous Age measure in thickness about 22,000 feet, and the esti- mated time for their deposit on Thomson's basis is about 4,000,000 The Geology of Hingham. 19 years. It was not until after the close of this age that the Alleghany Mountains were elevated, bearing up with them the Carboniferous matter which now makes up the great body of the coal found in their strata. To the Carboniferous Age succeeded the Triassic, Jurassic, and the Cretaceous Periods of Mesozoic Time, and the several periods of the Tertiary Age in Caenozoic Time. It was during the Creta- ceous Period of the former, and the periods of the latter that deposits were made along the eastern and southern shores of North America, forming strata which by subsequent elevation now compose a considerable part of the middle coast States, and nearly the whole of those that border the Gulf of Mexico, and it was, too, during these periods that a large portion of the strata now composing the Rocky Mountains were formed beneath the waters. These mountains did not attain to their present elevation until near the latter part of the Tertiary Age. The Reptilian and Tertiary Ages passed without leaving any traces now recognizable on the territory of Hingham. We have now reached a period which has received the name of Glacial, and which calls for particular notice, because nowhere perhaps can results of the extraordinary phenomena attending it be more readily seen than in Hingham. The extent of the change made upon the whole surface of the land north of Pennsylvania can never be fully realized, and it was probably as great over this town as over a like area anywhere. What were the distinguish- ing characteristics of this period ? We have seen that in a pre- ceding age, when the coal of the great coal-fields of the continent was laid down, the climate everywhere north was tropical. We now find it to have changed to one of great cold, and that this continued, if we may rely on the estimate made by Thomson, more than 350,000 years. Life became extinct under its influ- ence, and over nearly the whole land north of Pennsylvania there came to be a covering of ice several thousand feet in thickness, which, governed by the same influences that affect the great bodies of ice in glacial regions at the present time, moved steadily and majestically towards the south, throwing off icebergs where it reached the sea, as is the case with the glaciers of Greenland now, and gradually melting and thinning out as it approached warmer latitudes on the land surface. Through the investigations of the Rev. G. Frederick Wright, Mr. Warren Upham, and others, we now have certain knowledge of a great part of the boundary line of the glacial sheet over the land, from as far west as Illinois to the Atlantic, this being well- marked by the morainic deposits of the ddbris brought from northern regions in and upon the ice, and deposited at its margin. Want of space will not permit the writer to dwell upon these, but the reader is assured that their character cannot be mistaken. The terminal moraine has a very irregular course east from Illi- nois, passing through the States of Indiana, Ohio, a part of Ken- 20 History of Hingham. tucky, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, reaching the ocean at Perth Amboy, where it is lost to sight. It is not difficult, however, to trace the Ihnit of the ice sheet east from the land. The evidence by morainic deposits shows its front at one period to have been over Long Island, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket, from which it unquestionably extended far out over the ocean in a northeast direction, the shallowness of the waters at the Great Fishing Banks being due to the immense deposits from the glacier. What brought about the great change that converted a large area of the earth from one teeming with life to one where the silence of death reigned supreme, we may never certainly know. If not due entirely to the elevation of the land in the northern regions of the earth, which occurred in the later Tertiary Age, there can be no doubt but that this was a potent factor, for the Glacial Period was one of high latitude elevation ; nor can we fully account for the great subsequent reconversion of the same area, or much of it, to become again the abode of life after long ages of desolation. It is only with the results of the action of the ice upon the surface of the land that we have now to concern our- selves, and it is absolutely necessary to understand these in order to have the slightest appreciation of observed phenomena in Hing- ham as well as elsewhere over the North, consequent upon the great ice movement during the long period of its domination. One certainly was the bearing forward of a great part of all the loose material beneath its mass formed by the disintegration of the rocks, and redistributing it on the line of its advance south. Hence, a considerable portion of the rocky masses, bowlders, and pebbles, as well as of the gravelly and sandy material in which they are imbedded, now forming the surface upon the hills and fields of New England, have been borne from the North ; and whenever such bowlders and pebbles are of marked character, they can generally be traced to the locality of their formation. A good instance of this is seen in the bowlders and pebbles of porphyritic iron ore, found everywhere between Cumberland Hill, R. I., and the shores of Rliode Island, south, all on the line of the ice movement, — the masses, as might be expected, being generally of smaller and smaller size as the distance increases from their source, where a great bed of this peculiar ore exists in situ. The quantity of earth-substance moved forward over the surface must have been enormous, as is shown by the fact that many of the hills of the glaciated territory are composed en- tirely of it, and in the southeast of this State, over a large area, the rocky strata are buried beneath a covering of it to the depth of three hundred feet. Another result of the movement was the wearing down, the planing, so to speak, of the rocky surfaces ex- posed to the great friction of the detrital material carried forward under the mass of the superincumbent ice. Whenever bowlders such as are seen everywhere in our New England soil, or even large pebbles, were torn off from the places of their origin, The Geology of Hingham. 21 and became imbedded in the substance of the glacier below, they must necessarily have exerted an immense gouging force as they were borne on ; and consequently we see everywhere upon the Tock-surfaces of New England deep traces of their passage, always showing the direction of the great glacial movement. These generally are found to be not far from south, 40° east, in this region. Many thousands of years have elapsed since these were traced, but still they are distinctly visible. The Glacial Period of intense cold, of the wearing away by the ice of the rocks over which it passed, of the excavation of valleys by its action, at length came to an end, and was followed by the Champlain Period. This period was of marked contrast with the preceding. It was one of great depression of the whole surface of the North in both hemispheres, and this was probably the cause, partly at least, of the great increase in the temperature which led to the melting away of the ice sheet that had for an immense period covered the earth. Land tliat now stands at considerable height was below the level of the sea, as shown by forms of marine life found at various elevations in northern New England, where it is evident they lived and died when submerged in the waters. Contrary to views that have been hitherto presented, "this depression did not affect the surface to any considerable degree south of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. The occurrence of shells and other marine remains in elevated posi- tions above the sea, often cited as proofs of depression, at Point Shirley near Boston, and at Sancati Head, Nantucket, has been satisfactorily demonstrated to have been the result of the scoop- ing up from the bottom of the adjacent waters by the ice-sheet the material forming the Till Hills, in which such remains have been found. In these hills the shells do not occur, as in Maine and elsewhere north, in beds, showing the places they occupied in life, but scattered indiscriminately throughout the mass of ma- terial, and generally in a fragmentary condition. The degree of subsidence north, as shown by the heights at which remains of marine life have been found, increased with the latitude. On the coast of Maine the highest stated is 217 feet above the sea ; at Lake Champlain near 400 feet ; on the St. Lawrence near Montreal, 500 feet ; about the Bay of Fundy, near 400 feet : on the Labrador coast, from 400 to 500 feet ; and at places in the Arctic regions, 1,000 feet. These figures are taken from Dana. As the glacier melted, great floods poured over and from it, ■and the stones, sand, and gravel in it were distributed over the land. It was a period of deposition of earthy matter from the ice, and of subsequent redistribution of portions of it by the waters. 'The direct deposits as now found are not stratified, or but very partially so, and are known as diluvium, while those which fol- lowed, the result of the action of the waters in redistributing the -material, are known as alluvium. It was in this period that 22 History of Hingham. were formed the terraces so common along the borders of some of the river valleys of New England, and of the kames, so-called, of which notice will be presented hereafter. Following the passing away of the ice-sheet came another great change over the area which it had so long occupied. The sun's rays again rested upon and warmed the surface of the land, ren- dering it a fit abode for the manifold forms of vegetables and animals that appeared upon its remodelled hills and plains. The green herb and the fruit-bearing tree sprang up, and adorned the landscape with beauty. Rivers again teemed with life, birds and insects hovered in the air, and beasts small and large trod the earth ; while among these last walked with majestic mien Mariy the crowning glory of all created forms. The remains of life of this period, and even of the Glacial pre- ceding it, demonstrate the existence of a great number of species of enormous size, such as were not found in either earlier or later eras. Of course, while the ice covered the surface but few forms could maintain life within its area, but it was otherwise south of its margin, and when it had passed away huge monsters roamed over the surface, spreading from more southern regions far to- wards the Arctic Circle in both hemispheres. In Europe, elephants of great size, gigantic deer, tigers surpassing the Bengal of the present day, horses and oxen proportionally large, and many other beasts occupied the land in vast numbers ; while in America there were elephants, mastodons, horses, beavers, and sloths, including the megatherium, the niylodon, and megalonyx, — all of colossal dimensions compared with the animals of like character now living. But of far greater importance than all else, Man as stated, undoubtedly appeared. With feeble frame he came among races of gigantic stature and strength ; but he came to wield do- minion over them, and to subdue and conquer by other power than that hitherto possessed on earth. It is not known precisely when Man first appeared, but the evidence is strong that it was in a pre-glacial period, as implements undoubtedly of human con- struction have been found in transported material from deposits of an anterior date. Again, a great change in the surface level of the North, and increased cold followed in Europe by a second glacial era, which by its sudden advance carried death to many of the animals that had found a home far north in the warmer Champlain Period. This is shown by the carcasses of elephants, and the perfect preservation of their flesh in Arctic ice. The change must have been not only sudden, but the cold extremely severe to account for these encased remains, and for other phenomena, such as the extension of the range of the reindeer and other Northern species to southern France where their bones have been found abund- antly. This, and the advance of ice again over parts of northern Europe gave the name of Reindeer, or Second Glacial Epoch to the early part of the Recent Period. There is no conclusive evidence The Geology of Hingham. 23 of a second advance of the glacier on the American continent, though there is abundant proof of great refrigeration in tempera- ture, wliich was probably the principal cause of the extinction of most of the large animals, the elephants, mastodons, horses, and otiier species before mentioned, that roamed over the northern plains. The modern era of the period, that of the reign of Man, shows that the same causes that have produced changes of level of the surface and of temperature are yet active. There is evidence of the gradual subsidence of Greenland, and tliat it has been sinking slowly for centuries, and that a like change has been going on along a great part of the eastern coast of the United States. On the other hand it is shown that in other regions there has been a gradual elevation. The formation of rocks still goes on as in former times ; the ocean depths receive as in past periods the remains of siliceous and calcareous shells from the multitudinous forms that live in its waters ; the coral animals yet build up their reefs to become part of the strata of the dry land of the future ; volcanic action continues as of old to add to the surface its lavas, and vegetable life as in earlier ages of the earth's history, by ac- cumulation of peat and other plant structure, contributes some- thing towards future formations. Having thus by a rather elaborate preliminary essay presented what the writer has deemed essential to an understanding of the Geology of Hingham, by those who have not made the earth's history a study, he proceeds to remark upon the phenomena observable within the town limits, referring to what is exterior only as far as may be necessary for a clearer idea of the subject. 24 History of Hingham. GEOLOGY OF HINGHAM. The geology of Hingham, particularly that of the northern part of the town, though interesting, is of too abstruse a character to be even partially understood except by those who have made the rock-formations of the vicinity of Boston a study ; and its elucida- tion will require on the part of the writer much reference to what is exterior to the limits of the town. That of the greater portion of its territory inland is moi'e simple, exhibiting Granite as the prevailing rock, but having some areas of Diorite, and occasion- ally dikes of Diabase, which cut through the others, and appear at the surface as black or dark-green rocks traceable often for considerable distances, having a width sometimes of but few inches, but frequently of several feet. Petrosilex is also found associated with the granite, but in very limited exposures. GRANITE. This has been mentioned as the prevailing rock of a large por- tion of the town. It seems necessary to fust define what is meant by the name before referring to its particular exposures on the surface and its variation in character. Until quite recently geolo- gists called all such rocks as were composed of quartz, feldspar, and mica, granite ; using the term " syenite " to distinguish those which had hornblende in the place of mica. When all four min- erals were found together, the rock was called hornblendic granite. The advance of the science of lithology has led to more strict defi- nition. Now the use of the name " syenite " is restricted to rocks composed of orthoclase (one of the group of feldspars), or ortho- clase and hornblende, or orthoclase and mica ; while the essential constituents of granite, as now defined, are quartz and orthoclase. If to these mica is added it is called micaceous granite, and if hornblende, hornblendic granite. Hence the rock of Hingham, as well as of Quincy, is granite, and not syenite, as it is often designated. Over the whole of South Hingham and the greater part of Hingham Centre, wherever there are exposures of rock above the surface it is granite, excepting only the material of the dikes which are frequently found within it, and which will be hereafter south diameter averaging about twelve miles. It is absolutely necessary to know much of the history of the formations of the Boston Basin in order to appreciate what may be said of that portion embraced within the limits of Hingham. There has been much discussion carried on over a long period respecting the age and the sequence of its formations. Recent investigations in all parts of it by Professor Crosby have thrown much light upon the subject, changing materially his own views and those of others, who have been informed of his important observations. One result of his work lias been to establish the fact, that in- stead of there being but one formation of slate, as advocated by himself, there is shown clearly to be two, as claimed by other ob- The Geology of Hingham. 39 servers ; and another is to demonstrate that instead of the sedi- mentary rocks of the basin being of one period, the Primordial, a large portion of them are the deposits of a later age. Before going further the reader should recognize that in a very- early period, probably in Archaean Time, there came to exist over the area of what is now known as the Boston Basin, a great de- pression of the whole surface, probably largely due to subterra- nean igneous action, aided perhaps by long continued erosion by the sea. The certainty that in subsequent ages, through perhaps millions of years, the whole area became as it were a great crater, with violent volcanic action at many periods and in many parts of it, during which vast flows of lava were poured into it, form- ing a considerable portion of its rocks, makes it probable that subterranean action was the chief cause. Appreciating highly the value of the recent investigations of Professor Crosby referred to above, and agreeing with him gen- erally in his conclusions, the writer believes that he can do no' better than to follow him in presenting a summary of the prin- cipal events in the history of the formations within the basin before giving a detailed statement of the sedimentary and asso- ciated rocks of Hingham. The formation recognized as the oldest in the basin is that of the primordial slates and accompanying Quartzite, known to be of primordial age by the discovery in the slates of Trilobites of that age. These slates occur at Braintree, where only such fos- sils have been found, at Weymouth near by, and in numerous places in the northern portion of the basin. As stated by Pro- fessor Crosby, they probably underlie a large part of the basin covered by the rocks of a later age. Subsequent to the deposition of the primordial strata a period of violent volcanic action followed, during which were torn asun- der the slates and the quartzite, and vast floods of basic lava, now known as Diorite, were poured in among them and over their surfaces. Following this, there appears to have come a long period of repose and erosion, which was terminated by another of prolonged violent igneous action, bringing to the surface and spreading over it the acid lavas which formed the granite and the petrosilex. As the diorite is found intrusive in the primor- dial strata, and the granite and petrosilex are alike intrusive in the diorite and the primordial strata, it is clear that the latter are the oldest of these, and that the granite and petrosilex are the most recent. If the granites and allied rocks of eastern Massachusetts are, as has been taught by Dr. T. Sterry Hunt and other geologists, Archasan, it may possibly be that these un- derlying the primordial and subjected to intense igneous action, became locally fluent, and thus were injected into and over the superincumbent strata. While, therefore, all thus injected and reformed above the primordial may be regarded as more recent, it mav not be true of those outside the basin. There is much, 40 History of Hingham. however, that can be said in favor of the view that all the gran- ites and other rocks of the region, hitherto considered Archaean, are more recent than the Primordial, including even those of the well-known Quincy Hills. Indeed, the evidence that this is the case is well-nigh conclusive. Certainly there can be no question but that considerable areas of the granite were fluent and erup- tive after the primordial slates were formed. A very valuable and instructive article was published in the Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History in 1881, by Professor M. E, Wads worth, on the relation of the Quincy granite to the primor- dial argillite of Braintree, in which he demonstrated that in dif- ferent localities the granite was eruptive through the slates, as shown by the close welding of both rocks, and by the effect of the contact in altering the character of both near the line of junction. After the events narrated, the area of the basin became one of slow subsidence that must have continued through a vast period of time, as during its ages the great body of the rocks that form the conglomerate series was formed, — the conglomerates and sand- stones near the margins of the coasts, and the slates, the material of which was deposited by the rivers, in the deeper portions. As subsidence continued, the sea encroached more and more upon its shores, the margins of the land became more remote, and the great body of the slate was gradually laid down in the deep waters to a thickness of more than a thousand feet. Before proceeding further in the history of the basin, the writer will express views long held by him relative to the origin of the pebbles that made up the great body of the conglomerate in- cluding the sandstone, which is only rock of the same character formed of finer material, and of the slates. Of the conglomerate it may be said tliat the formation of this rock wherever found has generally been regarded as mainly due to the action of water, and its existence in the Boston Basin has been ascribed to the force of the waves beating for countless gen- erations against, and making an inroad upon, the coast, resulting in tlie wearing down of the rocks, and the formation by attrition of the bowlders and pebbles which subsequently were cemented into compact strata. This view the writer does not concur in, as he judges it impossible that in any number of ages the action of the waves alone on the area of the basin could have led to the production of such a body of bowlders and pebbles as make up the conglomerate. He believes there was a far more potent cause for their origin silently at work moulding them into form long anterior to their submergence in the surging waters. This cause is to be found in the highly corrosive character of the atmosphere in the early ages of the earth's history, by which the hills, origi- nally of course but rock elevations, became under its action rap- idly disintegrated. Such elevations of early periods in southern regions yet exist as monuments of this corrosive action, for the The Geology of Hingham. 41 decayed material remains upon them, showing, though but par- tially, the extent of the corrosion, much of the substance having been washed off the surface by the denuding action of rains. There is certainly no reason to suppose the general condition of the surface of the land prior to the glacial period was different over the area of the early formations of New England from what prevailed over formations of a like age south of glacial action. We may therefore picture to ourselves, with good reason, the country everywhere in the neighborhood of Boston covered with hills of considerable altitude, composed of the decayed material of the rocky formations, and having disseminated through it bowlders and pebbles of every size, that had not yet yielded to the decomposing influence. It is well known that corrosive action tends to produce such forms, though of course it is not questioned but that subsequent action of water and attrition had much influence in working a large portion of the pebbles found in the conglomerate into the shapes which they now present. The subsidence of the area of the basin after the primordial period mentioned, extending the water surface to the base of hills filled with the material for the conglomerate, the igneous action that followed and was active at times during the formation of that rock, causing more or less of oscillation and change of level to the surface, and the subsequent action of the waves upon the ■cliffs and beaches of coast margin, together, will amply account for the production of the conglomerate, but it will be recognized that the main factor in such view is to be found in the disintegra- tion of the rocky hills long before the action of other forces. The presentation now made of the origin of the conglomerate of the Boston Basin is greatly strengthened by the fact lately •called to the notice of the writer by Professor Crosby, — that no pebbles of the basic rock diorite are found in the conglomerate with those of the acidic rocks. All will agree in the statement that pebbles of the granite, the quartzite, and the petrosilex rocks of the northern border of the basin, have contributed largely to make up the conglomerate ; but what became of those of the diorite, a rock quite as abundant in the ancient hills as any of them ? Its absence can only be accounted for by the view that it could not like the others withstand the corrosive action, as did partially the others, and therefore not even pebbles were left to help form the newer rock. Respecting the slates, their origin is clear. Simultaneously with the depression of the area of the basin below the sea level, there would commence a deposit of the finer sediment brought down by the rivers. This may well be thought to have been copious considering the char- acter of the country passed through, everywhere composed of the decayed remains of the earlier rocks. Indeed it cannot be doubted that the streams would be turbid with argillaceous mat- ter, and, as well known, this would be immediately precipitated upon coming in contact with salt water. Thus the material for 42 History of Hingham. the slates of the basin must have steadily accumulated through, long ages. The origin of another abundant rock of the basin, associated with the conglomerate, the melaphyr, long continued to be a ques- tion of much discussion, but there is now no doubt concerning it. During all the immense time that subsidence continued, and while sedimentary strata were gradually accumulating, the area of the basin remained a great centre of igneous action, and vol- canoes here and there within it belched forth from time to time floods of lava which spread itself over the surface. Professor Crosby has made out in the Nantasket region several flows of it, each of which alternates with deposits of conglomerate and sand- stone. In such cases the outpouring was probably beneath the- surface of the water, where the deposits followed each period of activity. In Hingham the melaphyr is found in very great bodies not separated by deposits of the sedimentary rocks. One more great event in the history of the basin is yet to be- mentioned. Long after the volcanic action that had produced the basic lava, melaphyr, had ceased, and after all the sediments were deposited that produced the rocks known to us as the conglomer- ates, the sandstones, and the slates, a great disturbance occurred over the whole area of the basin and of the crystalline rocks, surrounding it, caused by another manifestation of igneous en- ergy, which changed the whole character of the surface. With- in the basin, apparently from immense pressure exerted in north and south directions, the rocky strata were forced up in folds or in broken ridges. Through crystalline rocks and sedimentary strata alike, subterranean action brought to the surface, and probably poured over it, vast quantities of lava of highly basic properties, different from those of the previous eruptions, now known to lithologists as Diabase, an account of which has been given. The great erosion of after ages is undoubtedly the rea- son why the rock Diabase is not found spread over the surface,, as well as within the walls of dikes. At length the disturbing action ceased, and the earth, which had been shaken from its foundations to its surface, and rent asunder in a thousand localities, once more became quiescent. The effect upon the area of the basin was great, for where the waters had for an immense period spread themselves over the surface, and under which conglomerates and slates had been laid down, dry land appeared. How strange to reflect that in these three words is embraced a fact without which all the stupendous events that have been mentioned, occurring over millions of years, would have re- mained entirely unknown to mortal man ; for with the waters covering the basin, where could a trace of its long history have been found ? The rocks of the Boston Basin as they present themselves in Hingham will now be noticed. Unfortunately the non-occurrence 42 History of Hingham. the slates of the basin must have steadily accumulated through, long ages. The origin of another abundant rock of the basin, associated with the conglomerate, the melaphyr, long continued to be a ques- tion of much discussion, but there is now no doubt concerning it. During all the immense time that subsidence continued, and while sedimentary strata were gradually accumulating, the area of the basin remained a great centre of igneous action, and vol- canoes here and there within it belched forth from time to time floods of lava which spread itself over the surface. Professor Crosby has made out in the Nantasket region several flows of it, each of which alternates with deposits of conglomerate and sand- stone. In such cases the outpouring was probably beneath the surface of the water, where the deposits followed each period of activity. In Hingham the melaphyr is found in very great bodies not separated by deposits of the sedimentary rocks. One more great event in the history of the basin is yet to be mentioned. Long after the volcanic action that had produced the basic lava, melaphyr, had ceased, and after all the sediments were deposited that produced the rocks known to us as the conglomer- ates, the sandstones, and the slates, a great disturbance occurred over the whole area of the basin and of the crystalline rocks, surrounding it, caused by another manifestation of igneous en- ergy, which changed the whole character of the surface. With- in the basin, apparently from immense pressure exerted in north and south directions, the rocky strata were forced up in folds or in broken ridges. Through crystalline rocks and sedimentary strata alike, subterranean action brought to the surface, and probably poured over it, vast quantities of lava of highly basic properties, different from those of the previous eruptions, now known to lithologists as Diabase, an account of which has been given. The great erosion of after ages is undoubtedly the rea- son why the rock Diabase is not found spread over the surface,, as well as within the walls of dikes. At length the disturbing action ceased, and the earth, which had been shaken from its foundations to its surface, and rent asunder in a thousand localities, once more became quiescent. The effect upon the area of the basin was great, for where the waters had for an immense period spread themselves over the surface, and under which conglomerates and slates had been laid down, dry land appeared. How strange to reflect that in these three words is embraced a fact without which all the stupendous events that have been mentioned, occurring over millions of years, would have re- mained entirely unknown to mortal man ; for with the waters covering the basin, where could a trace of its long history have been found ? The rocks of the Boston Basin as they present themselves in Hingham will now be noticed. Unfortunately the non-occurrence y The Geology of Hingham. 43 of fossils in any of them makes it impossible to determine defi- nitely their age. The fact of slates within half a dozen miles of the town containing trilobites, thus showing them to be primor- dial, has led reasonably to the view that a part at least of those in Hingham might be found to be also primordial. The super- position of the strata, however, and their inclination, as far as these can be studied at their exposures, militate against this view. Nevertheless, considering how much is hidden from obser- vation where the great body of slate lies, towards Weymouth River, and the disturbances to which the formations have been subjected, it is by no means to be regarded as settled that slate of primordial age does not exist in Hingham as in other parts of the basin. It cannot, however, be shown that any is found resting beneath the rocks of the Conglomerate Series. That which occurs alternating with the conglomerate must be regarded as of the same age as the conglomerate itself. The great body of slate referred to above, towards Weymouth River, seems by its dip, as far as this has been determined, to be superior to the strata of the conglomerate series, and therefore a later rock. This slate, on the maps is designated separately from that of the conglomerate series, as belonging to the Slate Series. The Conglomerate Series comprises Conglomerates, Sandstones, Slates, and Melaphyr, which have together a thickness of nearly one thousand feet. The great disturbances alluded to, by which all these rocks were rent asunder by faults, and forced into ap- proximately vertical positions, will be more clearly apparent by a glance at the maps than by hours of reading. THE CONGLOMERATE SERIES. Conglomerate is formed of pebbles or angular fragments and gravel derived from pre-existing formations, these being cemented together into a compact rock. Sometimes the enclosed masses are of considerable dimensions, being several feet in diameter. When the enclosed stones are pebbles, that is, are rounded, the rock is called Pudding-Stone ; when they are angular it is called Breccia. The pebbles or fragments vary much in character, — those of Petrosilex, Quartzite, Granite, and other rocks being often found in close juxtaposition. Such is the case with the conglom- erate of Hingham, as may be seen at almost any exposure. When the rock is found made up exclusively of fine material, small gravel, and sand, it becomes a sandstone, and as such occurs in Hingham alternating with the coarser portions. Conglomerate is the predominant rock over considerable areas of the town. It presents itself prominently in the harbor, com- posing the strata of the islands known as Sarah's, Langlee's, and Ragged, and its walls face the water along the coast front of Melville Gardens. It crops out upon the surface in great abun- 44 History of Hingham. dance over the hilly region between South and Ehn streets, appear- ing near the former in cliffs of considerable altitude, and it forms, with the amygdaloidal melaphyr, a part of the shore rocks of Rocky Neck that border Weir River, east of Planter's Hill. It also occurs abundantly about and over the high lands contiguous to Huit's Cove. Away from the coast and the islands in the harbor the most imposing exhibition of this rock may be found in a narrow, pri- vate road that runs from Real Street towards Weymouth River, some distance north of the Hockley Lane. Soon after entering this road it turns towards the north, winding about the base of some exposures of the conglomerate which lie between it and Real Street. Following the passage through low ground and through forest growth for the distance of about a quarter of a mile, there suddenly appear high cliffs of the rock partially ob- scured by trees, rising to the height of forty to fifty feet, and pre- senting the appearance of having been torn asunder by some convulsion of nature, large masses being found in the foreground. The rocks extend along the road and near it six to seven hundred feet. The exposure here is well worth visiting. The conglomerate rocks of Hingham were originally deposited upon the more ancient rocks, perhaps much farther inland than is now apparent, and were worn away by the erosion of the sur- face in after ages. At some localities, however, a partial coating of the conglomerate may be seen upon the granite, occupying depressions in it, showing where it once rested probably in con- siderable beds. CLAY SLATE, OR ARGILLITE, OF THE CONGLOM- ERATE SERIES. The slate of the conglomerate series in Hingham occurs, as may be seen by the maps, quite abundantly in the northern parts of the town, alternating with the conglomerate. The color of these slates varies considerably, a portion being of the ordinary bluish shade, while other portions are red or reddish. Both these colors are found quite near each other in the same exposure, as in Hersey Street on the left side going from, and not far from, South Street, The slate of the slate series will be mentioned after notice of melaphyr, which is included in the conglomerate series. MELAPHYR. The name Amygdaloid commonly applied to this rock was given because of the frequent occurrence in it of cavities filled with other minerals than those constituting its mass, which are often approxi- The Geology of Hingham. 45 mately almond-shape in their outline. These cavities, how- ever, may be entirely wanting, when of course the name amyg- daloid loses its significance. Moreover, rocks of a different composition have sometimes the same amygdaloidal structure. The name now applied to the rock by geologists is Melaphyr, and nowhere does it present itself in its typical and varied char- acteristics more advantageously for observation and study than in Hingham. The composition is the same as that of Basalt, which has as its essential elements, augite, magnetite, and titaniferous iron, but often containing a triclinic feldspar and other minerals, — the only difference being apparently the result of a change of some of the constituents by decomposition. Here it is found beautifully amygdaloidal over extensive areas, the amygdules being filled with minerals of several species which are sometimes arranged in concentric bands, the most common being epidote, quartz, chlorite, and calcite. At one locality, on land bordering Huit's Cove, there is an exposure of melaphyr, forming an escarp- ment on the slope of a hill, which is quite dark in color and in portions free from amygdules, and where these occur they are of calcite. This is found in the immediate neighborhood of other melaphyr, full of amygdules containing the various minerals men- tioned as common in the rock. The best exposures for the study of melaphyr may be found at the northeast part of the town along the shore of Rocky Neck, on the northeasterly slope of Squirrel Hill, Lincoln Street, and at Huit's Cove. At all these places the amygdaloidal rock is abun- dant, and specimens of much beauty can be easily obtained. In the amygdaloidal melaphyrs of Rocky Neck fine red jasper and yellowish white epidote occur, both in nodules and in veins. CLAY SLATE OF THE SLATE SERIES. This slate, which forms a great body resting with apparent con- formity over the rocks of the conglomerate series, has a thick- ness of over one thousand feet, and undoubtedly is spread, as indi- cated on the maps, over a great area of the town toward Weymouth River. Its exposures are, however, not numerous, as the drift of the glacial period covers it from observation. It shows itself on the border of Weymouth River at Real's Cove, and also at Huit's Cove. At the south side of the latter it forms a point of land which extends into the water. Here it is well-jointed, and the lines of stratification are distinctly perceptible. The dip is west- erly, and the inclination about 60°. On the north shore of the cove it appears associated with conglomerate and melaphyr, and portions of it show clearly lines of cleavage which are not often manifest at the exposures of slate in Hingham. In a region where the rock formations have experienced great disturbance, as in Hingham, the dip of the strata varies very 46 History of Hingham. much at the several localities. In attempting to obtain this, it may be well to admonish the reader, if not a geologist, that in the case of slates and some other rocks, the true lines of deposition by no means correspond with the lines of cleavage. It is owing to the planes of the latter that the rock is serviceable for the uses to which it is put in the arts, as a roofing material, and for other purposes. This kind of cleavage is called Slat"X Cleavage, and it is unquestionably due to great lateral pressure of the material of which slates are composed, after its deposition. The fact of such pressure being exerted upon the strata beneath the surface is well-known, and experiments by Sedgwick, Tyndall, and Daubree, upon clay and other substances, demonstrated that the effect of pressure was to produce lamination. The writer has thought it well, before closing his remarks upon the rock exposures of the town, to suggest two excursions that may be made to advantage by students interested in them. One ■of these is through the northern portion of Hersey Street, from South Street to Elm Street. The rocks mentioned rest immedi- ately on or quite near the margin of the road, and may be seen without going any distance from it in the adjoining fields. Since the examination has been made there has been some change on the east side of the street by the erection of a building, and the covering over of a portion of the rocks near; but thus far none that will lessen interest in inspecting those yet undisturbed. The other excursion suggested is that of a visit to Rocky Neck and a walk along its shores, as promising more pleasure and instruction than can be found in any other locality. Hersey Street. This street, in its northern part, affords a good opportunity to observe a succession of the sedimentary rocks of Hingham with the intrusive trap which is found with them. In ascending the rising ground from South Street, there occurs, on the right side, about 240 feet from the commencement of the road and back from it, an exposure of Conglomerate. It shows itself quite near the house of Mr. Allen A. Lincoln. Its face is parallel with the side of the house and at right angles with the road. On the next estate, 60 feet beyond, there is rock exposure near and facing the street, the first part of which is composed of trap and constitutes a dike six or more feet in width. This is succeeded by conglom- ■ erate, with which it makes a close junction. This conglomerate extends about 15 feet and is followed by a reddish slate extend- ing 20 feet, in the centre of which is a second trap dike. Suc- ceeding the slate is more conglomerate, whicli shows itself 50 feet or more. There is no further exposure on the right side of "the road for 1090 feet, and then it is found that the limit of the The Geology of Hingham. 47 sedimentary rocks has been passed, as granite now appears. This extends 30 feet and is followed by an exposure of trap. Beyond this trap, which here crosses the street, the rocks are all granite. On the left side of the street, ascending the hill from South Street and about 310 feet from it, there is an exposure of rocks which present themselves in the following order : conglomerate nine feet, slate six feet, sandstone twenty feet, slate again twelve feet, this last being succeeded by a dike of trap about nine feet in width. Beyond this trap there is no exposure for about 60 feet, at which distance another ledge appears, the first part of which shows blue and red slate six feet, the rest of it being conglom- erate, which extends 36 feet. Another space, of 72 feet, without rock follows the conglomerate, when this rock reappears in another ledge, — composing the first part of it for six feet, the rest of it, 45 feet, being blue and red slate. Still another space of about 80 feet occurs without rock, when sandstone appears along the road for the very considerable distance of 110 feet. Trap, partially covered with soil, succeeds the sandstone for about 40 feet, then conglomerate with an exposure of six feet. Beyond this conglomerate, which is the last seen on the road of the sedi- mentary strata, no other rocks appear on the left side of it for 650 feet. Then appears a considerable elevation of trap rock, which extends along the street about 30 feet and back upon the adjoin- ing fields towards Elm Street. As stated above, when mention- ing the portion of this dike exposed on the right side of the road, there are no other rocks beyond it excepting granite. Rocky Neck. East of Planter's Hill, and partially separated from it by a depression of the surface, is an elevation of land forming a prom- ontory, which is bordered by Weir River on its north and east- erly shores. The rocks here, finely exposed as they are along the water's edge, and exhibiting well their relation to each other, afford one of the localities the best worth visiting of any within the town. The map of course shows the development over and beneath the surface of the land as made known by the rock expos- ures ; but a statement of what may be readily observed in a walk along the margin of the water will perhaps help visitors to understand what they pass, and thus make such a trip the more interesting. At low water on the river front of the meadow that lies south of Rocky Neck, may be seen close to the water's edge a small ridge of rocks which the student should especially notice, as they are composed of the basic rock Porphyrite, and no other exposure of this rock is known in Hingham. Following the shore north of the porphyrite and just where the land rises from low and marshy ground, the first rocks which appear above the surface and rest- 48 History of Hingham. ing somewhat back from the beach are conglomerates. Proceed- ing further a short distance, two dikes of diabase jut upon the beach, and not far inland may be seen to have cut through con- glomerate, the line of junction on a facing of one of them towards the water being distinctly perceptible The first of the dikes is about 450 feet from the porphyrite on the line of the beach, and the second about 40 feet further. The former of these will be more particularly mentioned before the close of these remarks upon Rocky Neck. Beyond the dikes, extending over the beach and along the shore for 350 feet or more, is a confused mixture of melaphyr with other rocks, petrosilex, porphyrite, granite, quartz- ite, etc. In portions the melaphyr forms with them a conglom- erate of which it is by far the larger part. Other portions can hardly be designated as conglomerate, being apparently the result of the intrusion of the melaphyr in a molten state among pebbles and masses unconsolidated, and absorbing them in its substance, each being now found surrounded entirely by the melaphyr. It is in this portion of the rock of the shore that there is found much good red jasper, affording cabinet specimens of some beauty. The formation of this was clearly due to the chemical action arising from the union of the molten melaphyr with the material invaded. There are some veins of quartz found in the rock and others of an impure, buff-colored epidote. Following this mixed melaphyr and conglomerate and less than 100 feet from it, is a very typical conglomerate containing peb- bles of granite, quartzite, and petrosilex. This extends about 90 feet. The jointing in this may be noticed as north and south. About 80 feet from the conglomerate, melaphyr appears and extends for the considerable distance of about 500 feet. In it may be seen veins of quartz and also of the yellowish, opaque epidote mentioned above as occurring in the mixed melaphyr and conglomerate, but in far greater abundance. This melaphyr at its termination abuts directly against conglomerate, the line of demarcation being distinct and nearly vertical, though in places this does not clearly appear. There is undoubtedly a fault here. The conglomerate from the junction of the two rocks extends along the coast line about 240 feet. In this conglomerate is an east and west dike four to five feet wide. Melaphyr follows for some 50 feet or more, of a character similar to that before de- scribed as mixed with other material. A bay in the land here occurs, and crossing it westerly on the beach at low tide the visitor finds cliffs of melaphyr which form a jutting point into the water. Crossing this a second bay is reached at a distance of about 1 00 feet. Here the rock displays the characteristic nodules that lead to its designation as amyg- daloid. Indeed a large portion of the melaphyr of Eocky Neck is finely amygdaloidal, and affords good specimens of this variety of the rock. On the beach here there is a protruding flat surface of rock, a yard or so in diameter, on which may be seen glacial The Geology of Hingham. 49 striae, though probably exposed there to the elements for centu- ries. These lines are northwest and southeast, and south 30° east. Other lines on a neighboring rock are northwest by west and southeast by east. On the westerly side of the bay granite appears in a high cliff towards and extending into the water. By ascending this cliff, passing over it to its western declivity and descending to the narrow beach at its base, which should be done at low tide, a dike exposure may be seen of much interest. It is what is called a double dike, the molten material having made its way to the surface within two contiguous joints in the granite. The larger portion has a width of about eight feet, the Figure No. 3. smaller one about one foot, and they are separated by about one foot of the invaded rock. See Figure No. 3. This double dike slopes to the south from the vertical at an angle of 45°. This is the extreme western end, on Rocky Neck, of the dike first mentioned as appearing on the eastern shore. It does not present there VOL. 1. — 4 50 History of Hingham, or generally over the surface of the neck its double character he- cause obscured by the soil. Across the water of the river, on Nantasket where it reappears, it shows itself double. THE GLACIAL PERIOD. A pretty full notice of the great glacier that rested over the North, and the phenomena attendant upon its advance and final melting away, has been given in the preliminary remarks. We have now only to treat particularly of the traces left upon the surface of the town by its passage. Those who have atten- tively read what has been expressed will understand that the decomposed material of early rock formations making up the soil of the territory of Hingham prior to the advent of the ice was largely borne away by its movement, the solid rock founda- tions being laid bare, whilst a large part of that which now forms the hills and covers the valleys was brought forward by the on- ward progress of the glacier from more northern localities. The whole of the earth thus disturbed and redistributed is known as Drift. Much of it was materially changed in the transportation. That directly beneath the glacier, and subjected to its enormous pressure and to great friction upon the rock surfaces below, was reduced to fragments, and even to the finest particles. The masses of rock, too, which were borne on beneath the glacier, that escaped destruction, were mostly smoothed, and often striated, like the rocky strata over which they passed. The part of the drift thus subjected to the crushing and grinding action of the glacier is known as Till. The definition of this term " Till," as given by James Geikie, the author of the exceedingly valuable work, " The Great Ice Period," is " a firm, tough, unstratified stony clay, with no very large bowlders, and having stones of a peculiar shape." The stones referred to are such as are oblong without being symmetrical in outline, and which exhibit striae most often in the direction of the longest axis. Till constitutes the lowest member of the drift deposits. It is the " 7noraine profonde,'"' or " ground moraine " of foreign geologists, the " bowlder clay " of most writers, the " hard pan " of our townsmen. It owes its compact and tough character undoubtedly to the immense pres- sure of the ice. A considerable portion of the drift which was borne in the body of the glacial sheet itself, and thus escaped its grinding action, upon the final- melting of the ice was spread loosely over the whole surface to a varying depth of from one to ten feet, and in some places to a much greater thickness. It is generally com- posed of gravel and sand with enclosed pebbles, and often contains an abundance of bowlders of large dimensions. Like the till, this upper drift is unstratified ; but neither the bowlders nor pebbles in it are striated, as is the case with part of those of the former. The Geology of Hingham. 51 This is often called the Upper Till. It rests upon the general surface of New England, overlying the true till where the latter exists. It is easily distinguished from it by its somewhat dif- ferent composition, containing comparatively but little clay, and being much less compact, from not having been subjected to such great pressure. Its color, too, is generally yellowish, arising from the oxidation of the iron contained in it. There is yet a third glacial deposit to be mentioned ; it is known as Modified Drift. This undoubtedly owed its origin generally to the action of rivers, which upon the melting of the ice-sheet swept over it and conveyed the rock masses, gravel, and sand, with which it was laden, to many localities where they are now found. Having thus given an account of the origin of the drift deposits and their dissemination over the surface of the land, it remains for us to present the views of those who have made a special study of glacial phenomena respecting the peculiar hills that prevail in many sections over which the ice-sheet rested, and which form a predominant feature in the topography of the town ; and also of the less elevated summits and ridges known by geologists as Kames, which likewise present themselves prominently over a large part of its territory. The first of these, the peculiar hills referred to, are what have been called by the Irish geologists " Drumlins," a name of Irish derivation, signifying a long, rounded hill, — and by Professor Charles H. Hitchcock they have been called " Lenticu- lar Hills," from their lenslike form. We will first dwell upon these hills, upon the grooving and striation of the rocks over which the glacier advanced, and upon what are known as " pot-holes," as phenomena of the period under consideration ; postponing re- marks upon the later drift deposits and much other matter con- nected with the passing away of the ice, which will be presented when treating of the Champlain Period. DRUMLINS, OR LENTICULAR HILLS. These remarkable elevations are found in many towns of east- ern Massachusetts, but nowhere are seen to form more interesting features of the landscape than in Hingham. Baker's Hill, Otis Hill, Prospect Hill, Great Hill, Turkey Hill, and Pleasant Hill at Crow Point are all elevations of this character. They are com- posed, wherever found, mainly of the lowest member of the drift, the till, or bowlder clay, having generally but a thin deposit on their surface of the gravel and bowlders of the upper drift. They vary much in size, sometimes presenting themselves as mere hil- locks, but often found half a mile or more in length, and not infrequently over a mile. In form they are generally oval, more or less elongated, having symmetrical, rounded summits, with gen- tle slopes in the direction of their longest axes and much steeper ones laterally. In height they sometimes exceed two hundred 52 History of Hingham. feet. These hills rest on rock surfaces which have been subjected to glacial action and show striation. Now when the fact is taken into consideration that all such hills are only to be found in countries which have been covered with the ice-sheet, that their longitudinal axes always coincide^ or very nearly coincide, with the direction of the strise upon the rocks of the regions where they occur, and that they are com- posed almost entirely of till, no one can reasonably doubt that thev were originally formed under and by the action of the ice- sheet itself. How the till could be raised into such hills has been a subject of much question, but there is now a general acquies cence in the view that they had their origin in the gradual and long-continued accumulation of the clay and its accompanying pebbles in certain places favorable for the aggregation of the ma- terial, in the same manner that sand-banks are formed in rivers. GROOVINGS AND STRIATION OF THE ROCKS. The rock exposures in different parts of the town show clearly the wearing away of the material, causing extensive grooves upon their surfaces, and often fine striae, which mark unmistakably the course of the glacier over them. The granite, while it exhibits the smooth, rounded outlines and the deep groovings on a grand scale, seldom shows the finer and more delicate markings as seen upon the slate and diabase. Among the localities where the striae mav be clearly discerned are the following : — Fort Hill. — The diorite on the side of the street next the cemetery very generally exhibits strise. An examination of these shows their direction to be as follows, — compass measurement (which measurement will be given in all cases) : — East of south 10° East of south 1 2° East of south 15^ Lasell Street. — On the left side of this street, going south, about 1000 feet from Free street, and extending from the carriage- way to the fence, is the flat surface of a dike of diabase, up'on which are very numerous stri^. Several of these examined were found to run east of south 10°. Beal's Cove, Weymouth Back River. — There is here a consid- erable exposure of slate, through which is a large dike of diabase. On both rocks striae are abundant. Examination showed them to vary in direction as follows : — East of south 10°, "i East of south 15°, Von slate. East of south 20°, ) East of south 25°, on dike rock. k xS '(? .A-^ 'iinquefolia, Mx. Virginia Creeper. Woodbine. 21. SAPINDACE^. (MaPLE FaMILY.) Trees, shrubs, and herbs. This order enriches our flora with the Sugar Maple and the Red Maple. Among those introduced for ornamental purposes are the Horse Chestnut, several species of the Buckeye, and the Negundo or Ash-leaved Maple. Narcotic and poisonous properties are found in some of the plants of the order ; yet bread is made from the seeds of one species. Tbe nuts of the common Horse Chestnut contain a large proportion of starch, which renders them a very valuable food for cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. They are thus used extensively abroad, while here they are allowed to rot upon the ground. This is a matter worthy the consideration of those who have these trees upon their premises. It is stated that the fruit and leaves of the Buckeye of Ohio, the ^sculus glabra, are quite poisonous. As this tree is found in cultivation with us, care should be taken not to confound the fruit with that of the common Horse Chestnut. The bark of several species is bitter and astringent, sometimes used for tanning and dyeing, and also in medicine, as a substi- tute for Peruvian bark. Acer, Tourn. saccharinura, Wang. Sugar Maple, rubrum, L. Red Maple. 22. ANACARDIACEiE. (SUMACH FAMILY.) Trees or shrubs, with alternate leaves and inconspicuous flowers, having a resinous juice, which is acrid and sometimes poisonous. Some bear wholesome fruits; others furnish valuable varnishes. We have in Hingham but one genus, — the Rhus. 100 History of Hingham. This includes the species best known to us as poisonous. One of them, Rhus venenata, or Poison Sumach, often called the Poison Dogwood, is found in nearly all our swamps. It is poi- sonous alike to the touch and taste, and at times imparts its noxious qualities to the atmosphere about it so as to cause per- sons inhaling it to be seriously affected. Common as this small tree is in Hingham, but few recognize it readily, and as it is particularly beautiful when colored by the tints of autumn, it is often collected, much to the suffering of those who handle it. It differs from the Rhus typhina and the Rhus glabra in having no serratures on the leaflets. Another species of the same genus common with us is the Rhus toxicodendron, known generally as the Poison Ivy. This is also a very pernicious plant to handle, though upon many per- sons it seems to have no effect. Undoubtedly both the species are more dangerous at times than at others, and something prob- ably depends on the condition of the individual. This is cer- tainly true, aud it should be a strong incentive for precaution that when a person has once been poisoned, the system is ever after more susceptible to the noxious influence than before. Rhus, L. typhina, L. Stag-horn Sumach, glabra, L. Smooth Sumach, copallina, L. Dwarf Sumach, venenata, D C. Poison Dogwood. Toxicodendron, L. Poison Ivy. 23. POLYGALACE^. (MILKWORT FAMILY.) Herbaceous plants, one genus of which only occurs in Hing- ham, — the Polygala. The name " milkwort " was given from the supposed influence of the plants in increasing the secretion of milk in the animal system. The roots of several species are used medicinally, and those of one, the P. Senega, are found very serviceable in many affections. These are known to us as the Senega root or Snake root. Polygala, Tourn. sanguiiiea, L. cruciata, L. verticillata, L. verticillata, var. ambigua. Nutt. polygama, Walt. 24. LEGUMINOS,ffi. (PULSE FAMILY.) A very large family, six or seven thousand species being known. It embraces trees, shrubs, and herbs. The most of the plants have papilionaceous flowers, so called from their fancied re- semblance to butterflies. All the native species found in Hing- The Botany of Hingham. 101 ham have such flowers, except those of the genus Cassia. The fruit is always a legume or true pod ; but it varies, — being sim- ple, as in the Pea, or lobed, as in Desmodium. Within our bor- ders this great family is represented only by herbs, except in one introduced species, which has become naturalized, — the Robinia Fseudacacia, common Locust-tree. Other trees and shrubs of the family occur that have been set out for ornamental purposes, as the Gleditchia or Three-thorned Acacia, the Red-bud or Judas-tree, the Laburnum, Wistaria, etc. The Leguminos^ stand high among the families of the vege- table kingdom in their usefulness to man, furnishing as they do much of the food used by him and his domestic animals, many of the resins, and a large portion of the dyes used in the arts. Among food products are Peas, Beans, and Clover ; among medi- cines, Liquorice, Senna, Balsams, and Gums ; among those used in the arts. Gums Senegal, Tragacanth, and Arabic ; Indigo, Brazil-wood, Logwood, and Red Sandal-wood. But few of the plants have injurious properties. The indigo of our households is very poisonous. This is mentioned because of the danger of its being handled by children. The leaves of our Cassia Marilandica can be used as a substi- tute for senna, having similar properties. Lupinus, Tourn. perennis, L. Lupine. Crotalaria, L. sagittalis, L. Rattle-box, Not common. Trifolium, Tourn. arvense, L. Rabbit-foot Clover. pratetise, L. Red Clover. hyhridum^ L. Dutch Clover. repens, L. White Clover. agrarium^ L. Yellow Clover. procumhens, L. Low Hop Clover. Melilotus, Tourn. offLcinalis, Willd. Yellow Melilot. alba, Lam. White Melilot. Medicago, Tourn. sativa, L. lupulina, L. Black Medick. Robinia, L, pseudacacia, L. Locust. Tephrosia, Pers. Virginiana, Pers. Goat's Rue. Desmodium, Desv. nudiflorum, D C. acuminatum, D C. Canadense, D C. Marilandicum. Boott. rigidum, DC. 102 History of Hingham. lespedeza, Mx. procumbens, Mx. reticulata, Pers. Bush Clover. Stuvei, Nutt., var. intermedia, Watson. polystachya, Mx. capitata, Mx. Vicia, Tourn, sativa, L. Vetch. tetrasjyerma, Loisel. hirsuta, Koch. Cracca, L. Lathyrus, Tourn. maritimus, Big. Beach-pea. palustris, L. Marsh-pea. Apios, Boerh. tuberosa, Mcench. Ground-nut. Strophostyles, Ell. angulosa, Ell. Kidney Bean. Amphicarpaea, Ell, monoica, Nutt. Hog Pea-nut. Baptisia, Vent. tinctoria, R. Br. Wild Indigo. Cassia, Tourn. Marilandica, L. Wild Senna. Chamascrista, L. Partridge Pea. nicitans, L. Wild Sensitive Plant. 25. ROSACEA. (Rose Family.) This family, comprising trees, shrubs, and herbs, is an exceed- ingly valuable one to man, supplying him as it does with deli- cious fruits, and with flowers that delight his eye with their beauty and enchant him with their fragrance. Who can think of the Rose, of the Meadow Sweet, and of the many other shrubs and herbs that open their petals and exhale their fragrance to the surrounding air ; of the gorgeous blossoming of the Apple and the Pear, the Cherry and the Plum, or of the fruits of these which follow, in due season, without having his heart warmed with gratitude towards the great Giver of all good ? These all belong to this family, as do most of the berries we use for food,, as the Strawberry, the Blackberry, and the Raspberry. But few plants of the order have injurious properties, though some, as the Almond and the Peach, contain Prussic Acid, which is a deadly poison. It is found mostly in the seeds, but not to. an injurious degree, as partaken of by us. Prunus, Tourn. maritima, Wang. Beach Plum. Pennsylvanica, L. f. Red Cherry. Virginiana, L. Choke Cherry, serotina, Ehrhart. Black Cherry. spinosa, L. var. insititia, sloe. Bullace Plum. The Botany of Hinghavn. 103 Spiraea, L. salicifolia, L. Meadow-sweet. tomentosa, L. Hardback. Agrimonia, Tourn. Eupatoria, L. Agrimony. Geum, L. album, Gmelin. Avens. Potentilla, L. Norvegica, L. Five-finger. Canadensis, L. Low Five-finger, argentea, L. Silvery Five-finger. Anserina, L. Marsh Five-finger. Fragaria, Tourn. Virginiana, Mill. Strawberry. vesca, L. Rubus, Tourn. strigosus, Mx. Raspberry. occidentalis, L. Thimbleberry. villosus, Ait. High Blackberry. Canadensis, L. Low Blackberry. hispidus, L. Swamp Blackberry. Rosa, Tourn. Carolina, L. Swamp Rose. lucida, Ehrh. rubiginosa, L. Sweet-brier. Crataegus, L. coccinea, L. Scarlet Thorn. Pynis, L. arbutifolia, L. f. Choke Berry. aucuparia, Gcert. European Mountain Ash. Amelanchier, Medic. Canadensis, Torr. &, Gr. Shad-bush. 26. SAXIPRAGACEiE. (SAXIFRAGE FAMILY.) This family is interesting to us as containing a considerable number of our cultivated plants rather than of indigenous ones, of which we have but few representatives. The most important one is the Gooseberry. None of them are harmful. The Hy- drangea, frequent in cultivation, and the Red Currant belong here. Ribes, L. oxyacanthoides, L. Gooseberry. Saxifraga, L. Virginiensis, Mx. Early Saxifrage. Pennsylvanica, L. Swamp Saxifrage. Chrysosplenium, Tourn. Americanum, Schwein. Golden Saxifrage. 104 History of Hingham. 27. CRASSULACEiE. (StONE-CROP FaMILY.) Herbs, represented in Hingham by two genera, — Penthorum and Sediun. The plants of the latter are very succulent. The Houseleek, Sempervivum tectorum, well known by its thick, fleshy leaves, belongs to this order. None of the species have noxious qualities. Penthorum, Gronov. sedoides, L. Stone-crop. Sedum, Tourn. acre, L. Mossy Stone-crop. Telephium, L. Live-forever. 28. DROSERACEiE. (SuNDEW FAMILY.) Delicate, small plants occurring in boggy grounds, and gener- ally covered with glandular hairs. One species of this family, the Dionsea muscipula, a native of North Carolina, is the cele- brated Venus's Flytrap, which has glands that exude a secretion of a character to attract flies. As soon as one alights upon the lobes of the leaf, which has projecting processes, they close upon the unfortunate insect. Excepting a slight bitterness, the plants of this family have no marked qualities. Drosera, L. rotundifolia, L. Round-leaved Sundew, intermedia, Hayne, var. Americana, D C. 29. HAMAMELIDEiE. (WiTCH-HaZEL FaMTLY.) Trees and shrubs. The well-known tree, the Witch Hazel, is common in our damp woods. It is peculiar in blossoming late in autumn, when the wintry winds betoken early death to the flowers, and in not maturing its fruit until the succeeding sum- mer. The divining rods of those who seek metals or water in the earth through their agency are formed from the small branches of this tree ; hence the common name. The plants of the family are harmless. An extract of one species is much used as a medicine externally, and sometimes internally, with reputed advantage. Hamamelis, L. Virginian a, L. Witch-Hazel. 30. HALORAGE.ai. (WaTER-MiLFOIL FaMILY.) Water and swamp plants, with inconspicuous flowers, having no noticeable properties. Myriophyllum, Vaill. ambiguura, Nutt. Water Milfoil, ambiguum, Nutt., var. limosum, Torr. The Botany of H'mgham. 105 Proserpinaca, L. palustris, L. Mermaid-weed. pectinacea, Lam. Callitriche, L. verna, L. Water Starwort. 31. MELASTOMACE-ai. (MeLASTOMA FaMILY.) A tropical family, one genus only being found in temperate regions, and of this genus one species is a native of Hingham. It is strikingly beautiful, and fully worthy of the name it bears, — the Meadow Beauty. Rhexia, L. Virginica, L. Meadow Beauty. 32. LYTHRACEiE. (LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY.; This family is represented in Hingham by two genera, the species of which are found in marshes or swamps. The plants are all astringent. Lythrum, L. Hyssopifolia L. Loosestrife. Salicaria, L. Spiked Loosestrife. Very rare. Decodon, Gmel. verticillatus, Ell. Swamp Loosestrife. 33. ONAGRACE-Sl. (EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY.) Herbs with perfect and symmetrical flowers. The most showy plants in Hingham belonging to this family are the Primroses, and the Willow Herb. The cultivated ornamental plants belonging here are the Fuchsias, natives of South America and southern North America. All are harmless. Circaea, Tourn. Lutetiana, L. Enchanter's Nightshade. Epilobium, L. angustifolium, L. Willow-herb. lineare, Muhl. ' coloratum, Muhl. (Enothera, L. biennis, L. Evening Primrose. fruticosa, L. Very rare. pumila, L, Ludwigia, L. alternifolia, L. Seed-box. Not common. palustris, Ell. Water Purslane. 34. CTJCURBITACEiE. (GoURD FAMILY.) Succulent herbs that creep or twine by tendrils. This family, which yields in cultivation several highly-valued vegetables, — 106 History of Hingham. the Cucumber, Squash, Watermelon and Muskmelon, — is known to the Hingham Hora only by two introduced weeds. Sicyos, L. angulatus, L. Star Cucumber. EcMnocystis, Torr. & Gr. lobata, Torr. & Gr. Wild Balsam-apple. 35. FICOIDEiE. An order separated from the Caryophyllaceae. Represented here by an insignificant weed having no important properties. MoUugo, L. verticillata, L. Carpet-weed. 36. UMBELLIFBR^. (PaRSLEY FaMILY.) Herbs. Flowers, except in very rare cases and these not of Hingham species, in umbels. The genera and the species of the order are very numerous, and vary much in their properties. They are generally aromatic, some being harmless, while many are very noxious. Of the latter, the Cicuta maculata (Water Hemlock), the Cicuta bulbifera (narrow-leaved Hemlock), the ^thusa cynapium (Fool's Parsley), and the Sium lineare (Water Parsnip) are all deadly poisons when taken into the system. The seeds are stated to be always harmless, and many of them are in common use, as Anise, Carraway, Dill, and Coriander. The roots and herbage of several yield wholesome food, as the Carrot and Parsnip. Hydrocotyle, Tourn. Americana, L. Pennywort. Sanicula, Tourn. Marylandica, L. Sanicle. Marylandica, var. Canadensis, Torr. Daucus, Tourn. Garota, L. Carrot. Heracleum, L. lanatum, Mx. Cow-parsnip. Pastinaca, L. sativa, L. Parsnip. Angelica, L. atropurpurea, L. Great Angelica. Ccelopleurum, Ledeb. Gmelini, Ledeb. Coast Angelica. iEthusa, L. Cynapium, L. Fool's Parsley. Ligusticum, L. Scoticura, L. Lovage, Thaspium, Nutt. aureum, Nutt. Meadow Parsnip. Rare. The Botany of Hingham. 107 Cicuta, L. maculata, L. Water Hemlock, bulbifera, L. Narrow-leaved Hemlock. Sium, Tourii. cicutsefolium, Gmel. Water Parsnip. Osmorrhiza, Raf. longistylis, D C. Sweet Cicely. 37. ARALIACEiE. (GiNSENG FAMILY.) The properties of the plants of this family are much the same generally as in those of the Umbelliferge. Some species furnish valuable medicines, as Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, and Spikenard. The order is represented in Hingham by one genus only. Aralia, Tourn. racemosa, L. Spikenard. hispida, Vent. Bristly Sarsaparilla. Rare. nudicaulis, L. Wild Sarsaparilla. trifolia, Decsne & Planch. Dwarf Ginseng. 38. CORNACE^. (DOGWOOD FAMILY.) Trees and shrubs, very rarely herbs. There are two genera in Hingham, — Cornus and Nyssa. Of the former a number of spe- cies are common in all parts of the town. The bark is very astringent and that of the C. florida is used sometimes medicinally as a tonic. The Nyssa is represented by the tree known as Tupelo, which in autumn adorns our forests with its bright crimson foliage. Cornus, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Bunch-berry. florida, L. Floweriog Dogwood. circinata, L'Her. Round-leaved Dogwood. sericea, L. Silky Dogwood. paniculata, L'Her. Panicled Dogwood. alternifolia, Lf. Alternate-leaved Dogwood. Nyssa, L. sylvatica, Marsh. Tupelo. GAMOPETALOUS EXOGENS. 39. CAPRIFOLIACE-aS. (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY.) Mostly shrubs, often twining, and rarely herbs. All have oppo- site leaves. The fine genus "Viburnum enriches our flora with several species of great beauty. Some of the plants are used medicinally, as emetic and cathartic properties prevail in many. Triosteum perfoliatum, Fever-wort, has much reputation foi effects similar to those of Ipecac. 108 . History of Hingham. Sambucus, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Elder. racemosa, L. Red-berried Elder. Viburnum, L. acerifolium, L. Maple-leaved Arrow-wood. deutatum, L. Toothed Arrow-wood. cassinoides, L. Withe-rod. Lentago, L. Sweet Arrow-wood. Triosteum, L. perfoliatum, L. Fever-wort. Lonicera, L. seinpervirens, Ait. Trumpet-Honeysuckle. Diervilla, Tourn. trifida, Mcench. Bush-Honeysuckle. Very rare. 40. RUBiACE^ai. (Madder Family.) Trees, shrubs, and herbs. Represented in Hingham but by a single shrub, the Button-bush, and by a few herbs, but among these last is one of rare beauty, far too little appreciated, the Mitchella repens, Partridge berry. This sweet little plant adorned with fragrant twin flowers, bright polished evergreen leaves, and showy scarlet berries is worthy of much more notice than is given it. Though our species do not furnish products of noticeable value, the family includes plants of great importance to man. Madder, so serviceable in the arts, is from the root of one of the species. Others furnish some of our most-highly prized medicines, as Peru- vian Bark, Quinine, Cinchona, Ipecacuana, etc. Coffee, the common luxury of our tables, is the product of a tree of this family. Houstonia, L. cajrulea, L. Bluets. purpurea, L., var. longifolia, Gray. Cephalanthus, L. occidentalis, L. Button-bush. Mitchella, L. repens, L. Partridge-berry. Galium, L. Aparine, L. Cleavers. circffizans, Mx. Wild Liquorice. trifidum, L. Small Bedstraw. asprellum, Mx. Rough Bedstraw. triflorum, Mx. Sweet-scented Bedstraw. 41. coMPOSiTiE. (Composite Family.) The compound flowers of early botanists. The plants of this order are readily recognized by their flowers being grouped in The Botany of Hlngham. 109 numbers upon a common receptacle, the enlarged head of the flower stalk, and by the anthers of the stamens cohering in a tube. The marginal flowers generally have strap-shaped corollas, which, extending as rays around the receptacle, are often very showy, while the interior ones of the disk having only tubular corollas are comparatively insignificant. This gives the impression to observers unfamiliar with botanical details that only a single flower is seen where many are aggregated. Take the Sunflower, so called, for an example ; the very name of whicli implies it is one flower. In this case each of the yellow rays surrounding the whole receptacle is the corolla of a single marginal flower, those of the disk having no such rays. The greater portion of the Compositse of our town are of this charac- ter. The flowers of some have the corollas all strap-shaped or ligulate, as this form is called, as may be seen in the Dandelion and many others. The Compositge, considering the vast number of species, do not furnish many useful products to man, A few supply food, as the Artichoke, Salsify, and Lettuce. The root of the Chickory is used extensively as a substitute for coffee. From the seeds of the Sun- flower and some others an oil is expressed which is valuable. A bitter principle, found in several species, combined with other properties, has led to the use of many of them medicinally, par- ticularly Wormwood, Camomile, Arnica, Artemisia, and Elecam- pane. Some are quite poisonous, as Arnica. As objects of beauty many of the cultivated species of the order surpass those of any other in the autumnal season. How greatly should we feel the loss of the Asters, the Chrysanthemums, the Dahlias, and the varieties of Coreopsis from our flower gardens when nearly all their earlier companions " are faded and gone." Vernonia, Schreb. noveboracensis, Willd. Iron Weed. Rare. Mikania, Willd. scandens, L. Hernia Weed. Eupatorium, Tourn, purpureum, L. Trumpet Weed, teucrifolium, Willd. sessilifolium, L. Boneset. perfoliatum, L. Thoroughwort. Solidago, L. c^esia, L. Golden Rod. latifolia, L. bicolor, L. sempervirens, L. puberula, Nutt. odora, Ait, speciosa, Nutt, rugosa, Mill. Elliottii, Terr. «fe Gr. 110 History of Hingham. neglecta, Torr. «fe Gr. neglecta, Torr. & Gr., var. linoides, Gray. juncea, Ait. serotina, Ait. serotina, var. gigantea, Gray. Canadensis, L. nemoralis, Ait. lanceolata, L. tenuifolia, Pursh. Sericocarpus, Nees. solidagiueus, Nees. White- topped Aster, conyzoides, Nees. Aster, L. corymbosus, Ait. macrophyllus, L. Novfe-Anglioe, L. patens, Ait. undulatus, L. cordifolius, L. l^vis, L. ericoides, L. multiflorus, Ait. dumosus, L. vimineus, Lam. diffusus, Ait. paniculatus, Lam. salicifolius, Ait. Novi-Belgii, L. Novi-Belgii, var. litoreus, Gray. puniceus, L. umbellatus, Mill. linariifolius, L. acuminatus, Mx. subulatus, Mx. Erigeron, L. bellidifolius, Muhl. Robin's Plantain. Philadelphicus, L. Fleabane. annuus, Pers. strigosus, Muhl. Daisy Fleabane. Canadensis, L. Horse-weed. Pluchea, Cass. camphorata, D C. Marsh Fleabane. Antennaria, Ga?rt. plantaginifolia, Hook. Plantain-leaved Everlasting. Anaphalis, D C. magaritacea, Benth. & Hook. Pearly Everlasting. Gnaphalium, L. polycephalum, Mx. Everlasting. uliginosum, L. Cudweed. Inula, L. Helenium, L. Elecampane. Rare. The Botany of Hingham. Ill Iva, L. frutescens, L. Marsh Elder. Ambrosia, Tourn. avtemisiagfolia, L. Roman Wormwood. Xanthium, Tourn. Canadense, Mill. var. echinatum, Gray. Cockle-bur. Rudbeckia, L. hirta, L. Cone-flower. Helianthus, L. annuits, L. Sunflower. divaricatus, L. strumosus, L. decapetalus, L. tubei'osus, L. Jerusalem Artichoke. Coreopsis, L. tinctoria, Nutt. Not common. Bidens, L. frondosa, L. Beggar-ticks. connata, Muhl. Swamp-ticks. cernua, L. Smaller Swamp-ticks. chrysanthemoides, Mx. Larger Swamp-ticks. Anthemis, L. Cotula, D C. May-weed. arvensis, L. Corn Chamomile. Rare. Achillea, L. Millefolium, L. Yarrow. Ptarmica, L. Sneeze- wort. Rare. Chrysanthemum, Tourn. Leucanthemum, L. Daisy. White-weed. Tanacetum, L. viilgare, L. Tansy. Artemisia, L. vulgaris, L. Mugwort. Senecio, Tourn. aureus, L. Golden Rag-wort. vulgaris, L. Groundsel. Erechtites, Raf. hieracifolia, Raf. Fire-weed. Arctium, L. Lappa, Z., var. minus, Gray. Burdock. Cnicus, Tourn. arvensis, Hoffm. Canada Thistle. lanceolatus., Hoffm. Common Thistle. pumilus, Torr. Pasture Thistle. altissimus, Willd., var. discolor, Gray. Tall Thistle. muticus, Pursh. Swamp Thistle. horridulus, Pursh. Yellow Tiiistle. Onopordon, Vaill. Acanthium, L. Cotton Thistle. 112 History of Hingham. Centaurea, L. nigra, L. Knapweed. Krigia, Schreb. Virginica, Willd; Dwarf Dandelion. Cichorium, Toum. Intybus, L. Chiccory. Leontodon, L. autmnnalis, L. Hawkbit. Fall Dandelion. Hieracium, Tourn. Canadense, Mx. Canada Hawkweed. paniculatum, L. Panicled Hawkweed. venosum, L. Rattle-snake Hawkweed. scabrum, Mx. Rough Hawkweed. Prenanthes, Vaill. altissima, L. serpentaria, Pursh. Taraxacum, Hall. officinale, Weber. Dandelion. Lactuca, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Wild Lettuce. integrifolia, Bigel. leucophjea, Gray. Blue Lettuce. Rare. Sonchus, L. oleraceus, L. Sow-Thistle. asper^ Vill. Spiny-leaved Thistle. 42. LOBELIACE.53. (LOBELIA FAMILY.) Herbs with a milky juice. All the species are poisonous. One of them, the Indian Tobacco, Lobelia infiata, a common plant of our town, is very much so, and has been used too freely in char- latan practice, — many deaths having resulted from such use. One of the most beautiful and showy plants of our wet meadows is tlie Lobelia Cardinalis, which exhibits its large and bright scarlet flowers in the summer and early autumn. Lobelia, L. cardinalis, L. Cardinal-flower. Dortmanna, L. Water Lobelia, spicata, Lam. inflata, L. Indian Tobacco. 43. CAMPANULACEiE. (BeLLWORT FaMILY.) Like the Lobeliaceaj, the plants of this family are herbs with a milky juice, but unlike them, they are harmless. Indeed, the roots and young leaves of some of them are eaten for food. The flowers are generally blue. They are so in our two species. The Botany of Hlngham. 113 Specularia, Heist. perfoliata, A. D C. Venus's Looking-glass. Campanula, Tourn. rapunculoides, L. Bell-flower. Escaped from gardens. 44 ERICACEiE. (HeATH FaMILY.) Shrubby and Herbaceous plants, — dear to us for the luxuries furnished in our rural walks and upon our tables ; for what would a season be to us without Huckleberries, Blueberries of many species, and Cranberries ! As objects of beauty and fragrance, how could we spare the Trailing Arbutus, the Cassandra, the Andromeda, the Clethra, the Rhododendron, and the Kalmia, in our wanderings. All these and many others of our flora make fragrant the air with the odors they exhale, or charm the eye by their beauty. With but few exceptions the plants of this family are entirely innocuous. The leaves of the Rhododendron and the Kalmia, however, con- tain a narcotic principle which sometimes renders them poisonous. Some of the species, as the Bearberry and the Chimaphila, are used medicinally, — infusions of the leaves being found serviceable. Gaylussacia, H. B, K. frondosa, Torr. & Gr. Dangleberry. resinosa, Torr. & Gr. Black Huckleberry. Vaccinium, L. Pennsylvanicum, Lam. Dwarf Blueberry. vacillans, Solander. Low Blueberry. corymbosum, L. Tall Blueberry. macrocarpon, Ait. Cranberry. Chiogenes, Sails. serpyllifolia, Sails. Creeping Snowberry. Very Rare. Arctostaphylos, Adan. Uva-ursi, Spreng. Bearberry. Epigsea, L. repens, L. Mayflower, Gaultheria, Kalm. procumbens, L. Checkerberry. Andromeda, L. ligustrina, Muhl. Leucothoe, Don. racemosa, Gray. Cassandra, Don. calyculata, Don. Leather-leaf. Kalmia, L. latifolia, L. Mountain Laurel. angustifolia, L. Sheep Laurel. Rhododendron, L. viscosum, Torr. Swamp Honeysuckle. Rhodora, Don. Rhodora. 114 History of Hingham. Clethra, Gronov. alnifolia, L. White Alder. Chimaphila, Pursh. uuibellata, Nutt. Prince's Pine, maculata, Pursh. Spotted Wintergreen. Pyrola, Tourn. secuuda, L. Wintergreen. chlorautha, Swartz. elliptica, Nutt. rotundifolia, L. Monotropa, L. uniflora, L. Indian Pipe. Hypopitys, L. Pine-sap. 45. PLUMBAGINACEiE. (LeaDWORT FaMILY.) Seaside plants. Our species, the Sea Lavender or Marsh Rose- mary, is very common along our shores. The root is very as- tringent, and is much used in medicine, especially in cases of inflammation and ulceration of the throat. Statice, Tourn. Limonium, L. Marsh Rosemary. 46. PRIMULACEiE. (PRIMROSE FAMILY.) None of the plants of this family serve important useful pur- poses, but all are harmless. The species are few in our flora, but they differ much in appearance and habits. The Trientalis is one of the most delicate of them and is often seen nestling in the thickets with its companions, the Anemones, bearing its beautiful star-shaped flowers ; while in contrast may be found in the wet swamps and stagnant waters, the Hottonia, a coarse plant with large inflated stems, interesting more from its peculiar character- istics than from its beauty. Hottonia, L. inflata, Ell. Featherfoil. Trientalis, L. Americana, Pursh. Star-flower. Lysimachia, Tourn. quadrifolia, L. Loosestrife. stricta, Ait. nnmmuluria^ L. Moneywort. Steironema, Raf. lanceolatum, Gray. Anagallis, Tourn. arvensis, L. Pimpernel. Samolus, Tourn. Valerandi, L. var. Americanus, Gray. Brookweed. The Botany of Hingham. 115 47. OLEACE-SL (OlIVE FaMILY.) Trees and shrubs. Though possessing bitter and astringent properties thej are harmless. The Olive tree is one of the best known of the family, as its fruit and the oil it produces are eaten throughout the civilized world. Among the cultivated plants are the Common and Persian Lilacs, the Virginia Fringe tree, and the Jessamine. The species native to our flora are the White, Red, and Black Ash, The Privet is extensively naturalized in all parts of the town. Ligustrum, Tourn. vitlgare, L. Privet. Fraxinus, Tourn. Americana, L. White Ash. pubescens, Lam. Red Ash. sambucifolia, Lam. Black Ash. 48. APOCYNACEiE. (DOGBANE FAMILY.) Apocynum, Tourn. audrossemifolium, L. Dogbane, cannabinum, L. Indian Hemp. 49. ASCLEPIADACEiE. (MiLKWEED FAMILY.) Herbs and shrubs ; but in Hingham, herbs only which belong to the genus Asclepias, and all bear umbels of flowers. Like the Apocynaceee, they have a milky juice, but the properties of this as well as the other parts of the plants are much less noxious. One of the most beautiful plants of New England is the A. tubcrosa, which is exceedingly rare, if indeed it is yet to be found wild within the town limits. Asclepias, L. tuberosa, L. Butterfly-weed, incarnata, L. Swamp Milkweed. Cornuti, Decaisne. Hedge Milkweed, obtusifolia, Mx. phytolaccoides, Pursh. Poke Milkweed, quadrifolia, L. Four-leaved Milkweed, verticillata, L. Whorled Milkweed. 50. GENTIANACEiE. (GeNTIAN FaMILY.) Herbs. This family has furnished us with one of the most beautiful and interesting of the plants of our flora, the Fringed Gentian, and care should be taken to prevent its extermination, now seriously threatened. The only way to prevent this is to leave at least a portion of the flowers to mature and drop their seeds, it being an annual and propagated only in this way. All 116 History of Hingham. the plants of the family have pervading them a very bitter princi- ple, which, affordino- a good tonic, has led to the extensive use of several of the species medicinally. Gentiana, Tourn. crinita, Froel. Fringed Gentian. Andrewsii, Griseb. Closed Gentian. Bartonia, Muhl. tenella, Muhl. Menyanthes, Tourn. trifoliata, L. Buckbean. Not common. 51. BORRAG-INACEiE. (BORAGE FAMILY.) Mostly herbs. All our species are such, and all bristly or hairy. They are mucilaginous and harmless. Myosotis, Dill. arvensis, Hoffna. verna, Nutt. laxa, Lehm. palustris, With. Forget-me-not. Symphytum, Tourn. ojficmale, L. Comfrey. Rare. Echium, Tourn. vnlgare., L. Blue-weed. Rare. Echinospermum, Lehm. Lappida., Lehm. Stick-seed. Rare. Lythospernum, Tourn. arvense, L. Corn Gromwell. 52. CONVOLVULACEiE. (CONVOLVULUS FaMILY). Mostly herbs, twining about other plants ; always so with those of our town. Two of these of the genus Cuscuta are parasitic upon the bark of the herbs or shrubs they climb upon. Some species are very ornamental in cultivation, as the Morning Glory and the Cypress vine. The roots of the plants have generally a milky juice which is used in medicine as a purgative. The Sweet Potato is a valuable product of a plant of this family, native to the East Indies, but now cultivated in all tropical and semi-tropical regions, and even to a considerable extent within the temperate zone. It will flourish well in Hingham and yield good-sized tubers, but they lack the sweetness of such as come from the Carolinas. Convolvulus, Tourn. sepium, L. Hedge Bindweed. arvensis, L. Smaller Bindweed. Cuscuta, Tourn. Gronovii, Willd. Dodder. compacta, Juss. Rare. The Botany of Hingham. 117 53. SOLANACEiE. (NIGHTSHADE FAMILY.) Herbs with us ; sometimes shrubs in other regions. This fam- ily furnishes that most vahiable tuber, the potato ; and also the nutritious and wholesome fruit of the Tomato and Egg plant. A narcotic alivaloid, however, pervades the species, rendering many noxious and some violently poisonous. Even the herbage of the potato and its raw fruit (not the tubers) contain too much of the alkaloid to be safe for food. Tobacco, one of the most potent of all the enemies that man puts into his mouth, is a product of the Nicotiana Tabacum, a native of Central America. Our wild species are all more or less poisonous, — the Datura tatula, or Thorn-apple, being the most so. As might be supposed from the active narcotic character of the plants of this family, many furnish useful medicines. Solanum, Tourn, Dulcamara, L. Nightshade. nigrum, L. Black Nightshade. Physalis, L. Virginiana, Mill. Ground Cherry. Rare. ITicandra, Adans. physaloides, Gcert. Apple of Peru. Rare. Datura, L. Tatula, L. Purple Thorn-apple. 54. SCROPHULARIACE^. (FiGWORT FAMILY.) Mostly herbs. A very large family of plants, inhabitants alike of cold and warm climates, and though properly classed together by natural affi.nities, yet exhibiting great diversity of character. One, a native of Japan, is a tree forty feet in height, and hav- ing a trunk two to three feet in diameter, yet bearing clusters of blossoms similar to those of the common Foxglove. We may contrast with this the Limosella, a plant from one to two inches in height, which grows in the tidal mud of the shores. The family is well represented in Hingham by the Gerardias, the Veronicas, and other well-known genera. The properties of the plants are not such as to inspire the lov- ing feelings towards them that are excited by the Rosacese, the LabiatsB, and some others, for they are acrimonious and dele- terious. One of them, a commonly cultivated species of the genus Digitalis, the Foxglove, is violently poisonous. This and several others of kindred nature afford to man some compensa- tion for their noxious qualities by furnishing medicines of great •value. Many of the species are highly ornamental. 118 History of Hingham. Verbascum, L. Thapsus^ L. Mullein. Blattaria, L. Moth Mullein. Linaria, L. Canadensis, Dumont. Toad-Flax. vulgaris^ Mill. Butter-aud-Eggs. Scrophularia, Tourn. nodosa, L. var. Marilandica, Gray. Figwort. Rare. Chelone, Tourn. glabra, L. Snake-head. Mimulus, L. ringens, L. Monkey-flower. Gratiola, L. aurea, Muhl. Hedge Hyssop. Ilysanthes, Raf. riparia, Raf. False Pimpernel. Veronica, L. Anagallis, L. Water Speedwell, scutellata, L. Marsh Speedwell, serpyllifolia, L. Thyme-leaved Speedwell, peregrina, L. Purslane Speedwell. arvensis^ L. Corn Speedwell. agrestis, L. Field Speedwell. Gerardia, L. pedicularia, L. Gerardia. flava, L. Downy Gerardia. quercifolia, Pursh. Oak-leaved Gerardia. purpurea, L. Purple Gerardia. maritima, Raf. Seaside Gerardia. tenuifolia, Vahl. Slender Gerardia. Pedicularis, Tourn. Canadensis, L. Louse-wort. Melampyrum, Tourn. Americanum, Mx. Cow-wheat. 55. OROBANCHACEiE. (BrOOM-RaPE FaMILY.) Plants without leaves ; low, fleshy, and of a reddish-brown or yellowish-brown color. All parasites upon the roots of other plants. There are in Hingham but two species, one of which exists upon the roots of the Beech and is consequently found only under the shade of this tree. The plants are astringent and bitter. Aphyllon, Mitch. uniflorum, Torr. & Gr. Cancer-root. Epiphegus, Nutt. Virginiana, Bart. Beech-drops. The Botany of Hlngham. 119 56. LENTIBULARIACE^. (BlaDDERWORT FaMILY.) Aquatic herbs. Represented in Hingliam by one genus, the Utricularia. The species are generally immersed, sometimes deeply, and have leaves much dissected, having upon them little bladders which being filled with air cause the plant to bear the flowers above the water. One species, the U. gibba has been found rooted in the marginal mud of a pond. The plants have no noxious properties. Utricularia, L. inflata, Walt. Inflated Bladderwort. vulgaris, L. Greater Bladderwort. gibba, L. Dwarf Bladderwort. intermedia, Hayne. 57. VERBENACEiE. (VeRVAIN FaMILY.) Trees, shrubs, and herbs ; with us, herbs only, and confined to two species. The plants of this family are harmless and differ but little from those of the next in general characteristics ; but they lack the aromatic fragrance that makes the Labiatse attractive. The Teak wood of India, so renowned for its durability, is the product of a tree of this order, of large dimensions, having a height of about one hundred feet. Verbena, Tourn. hastata, L. Blue Vervain, urticeefolia, L. White Vervain. 58. LABIATiB. (MiNT FAMILY.) A family of pleasing and useful herbs ; pleasing by the aroma they exhale and useful in many ways to man. No species is harmful or, as the botanist Wood states, even suspicious. To it belong the Peppermint, Spearmint, Pennyroyal, Sage, Thyme, Lavender, Hoarhound, Catnip, and other well-known herbs. The foliage has small glands which secrete a volatile oil that yields the fragrance so marked in most of the species. Trichostema, L. diehotomum, L. Blue Curls. Teucrinm, Tourn. Canadense, L. Germander. Mentha, Tourn. viridis, L. Spearmint. piperita, L. Peppermint. Canadensis, L. Wild Mint. 120 History of Hingham. Lycopus, Tourn. Virginicus, L. Bugle-weed. sinuatus. Ell. Cut-leaved Bugle-weed. Pycnanthemum, Mx. muticum, Pars. Mountain Mint. linifolium, Pursh. Narrow-leaved Mint. Origanum, Tourn. vulgare, L. Wild Marjoram. Rare. Hedeoma, Pers. pulegioides, Pers. Pennyroyal. Monarda, L. fistulosa, L. Wild Bergamot. Nepeta, L. Cataria^ L. Catnip. Glechoma, Benth. Ground Ivy. Scutellaria, L. lateriflora, L. Scull-cap. galericulata, L. Brunella, Tourn. vulgaris, L. Self-heal. Ballota, L. nigra, L. Black Horehound. Leonurus, L. Cardiaca, L. Motherwort. Galeopsis, L. Hemp-Nettle. Tetrahit, L. Stachys, Tourn. arvensis^ Z, Woundwort. Rare. Lamium, L. amplexicaule^ L. Dead- Nettle. intermedium, Fr. Rare. 59. PLANTAGINACEiE. (PLANTAIN FAMILY.) Stemless herbs without properties of any importance. The Plantago major, one of the species, is so common about our dwelling's as to have given rise to the saying that wherever the white man puts his feet the Plantain is sure to spring up. Plantago, Tourn. major, L. Plantain. Rugelii, Decaisne. decipiens, Barneoud. Marsh Plantain. lanceolata, L. Ribgrass. Patagonica, Jacq., var. aristata, Gray. Rare. 60. ILLECEBRACEiE. (WhITLOWWORT FaMILY.) There are but two plants in Hingham belonging to this new order, separated from the Caryophyllaceae. Their properties are unimportant. The Botany of Hingham. 121 Anychia, Mx. capillacea, Nutt. Forked Chickweed. Scleranthus, L. annuus, L. Knawel. APETALOUS EXOGENS. 61. AMARANTACE-ai. (AMARANTH FAMILY.) An order containing some shrubs, but mostly herbaceous plants, and found to some extent in temperate regions, although princi- pally natives of the tropics. Medicinal properties are ascribed to some species, and one at least produces edible seeds. The Cocks- comb, one of the Prince's Feathers, and other species, are com- mon annuals in our gardens. Amarantus, Tourn. paniculatus, L. Prince's Feather, Rare, albus, L. Amaranth, retroflexus, L. 62. CHENOPODIACE-ai. (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY.) A family of herbs or undershrubs, found all over the world, but chiefly natives of northern Europe and Asia. The Beet, Mangel-wurtzel, Spinach, and other edible plants, are of this or- der. Some species have medicinal value, and an oil is extracted from one. The ashes of several of them yield soda. Chenopodium, Tourn. alburn^ L. Pigweed. glaucum, L. Oak-leaved Goosefoot. ^ urbicum, L. hybridum, L. Maple-leaved Goosefoot. capitatum, Wats. Strawberry Elite. Rare. Atriplex, Tourn. patulum, L. Orache. arenarium, Nutt. Seaside Oracha. Salicornia, Tourn. herbacea, L. Samphire, mucronata, Big. ambigua, Mx. Suaeda, Forsk. linearis, Moq. Sea Elite. Salsola, L. Kali, L. Saltwort. 122 History of Hingham. 63. PHYTOLACCACE^. (POKEWEED FAMILY.) A small family of herbs or undershrubs, chiefly natives of the tropics. We have only one species, — the Garget or Pokeberry, the root of which is poisonous. Phytolacca, Tourn. decandra, L. Poke. 64. POLYGONACE.a3. (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY.) This order includes a few trees and shrubs, but is almost en- tirely composed of herbaceous plants, principally natives of the north temperate zones, but found in nearly all parts of the world. Some species are medicinal, some furnish dyes, and to the food supply of the earth the order contributes Buckwheat, Rhubarb (the stalks of which are edible, the leaves containing so much oxalic acid as to be poisonous), and the fruits of some East and West Indian species. Polygonum, Tourn. 07-ientale, L. Prince's Feather. Pennsylvanicum, L. lapathifolium, L., var. incarnatum, Watson. Persicaria, L. Lady's Thumb. Hydiopiper, L. Smartweed. acre, H. B. K. Water Smartweed. hydropiperoides, Mx. Mild Smartweed. Muhlenbergii, Watson. Water Persicaria. aviculare, L. Knotgrass. erectum, L. Rare. ramosissimum, Mx. tenue, Mx. arifolium, L. Halberd-leaved Tear-thumb. sagittatum, L. Arrow-leaved Tear-thumb. Convolvulus, L. Bindweed. dumetorura, L., var. scandens, Gray. cilinode, Mx. Fagopyrum, Tourn. esculentum, Mcench. Buckwheat. Rare. Rumex, L. salicifolius, Weinmann. White Dock. crispus, L. Curled Dock. ohtusifolixis, L. Bitter Dock. sanguineus, L. Bloody-veined Dock. Rare. Acetosella, L. Sorrel. 65. LAURACE^. (LaUREL FaMILY.) A very important order of trees and shrubs, natives of Amer- ica, Europe (one species), and Asia, but mostly tropical. The character pervading the order is a pleasant aroma, and The Botany of Hingham. 123 among the products are Cinnamon, Camphor, Cassia, and other medicinal barlvs, and a number of aromatic fruits and oils. The timber of some species is valuable. Sassafras, Nees. officinale, Nees. Lindera, Thunb. Benzoin, Blume. Spice Bush. 66. SANTALACEiE. (SaNDAL-WOOD FaMILY.) An order of trees, shrubs, and herbs, natives of Europe, Amer- ica, Australia, and the East Indies. The European and North American species are herbaceous, while the trees occur in the East Indies and South Sea Islands. The celebrated Sandal-wood is a product of several species of this order. The family has medicinal properties, and a tea is made from the leaves of one species, while another (the Buffalo-tree or Oil Nut) yields an oil. Represented in Hingham by one insignificant species. Comandra, Nutt. umbellata, Nutt. Toad-flax. 67. EUPHORBIACEiE. (SPUEGE FAMILY.) A family of about 2,500 species, comprising trees, shrubs, and herbs, natives chiefly of warm countries, especially tropical Amer- ica. The few Northern species are herbaceous. The plants of this order abound in an acrid juice, which, in nearly all of them, is poisonous. Many are valuable in medicine, furnishing Croton Oil, Castor Oil, Cascarilla Bark, etc. The fruits and seeds of some, and the starch of others (yielding Tapioca, etc.), are edible. The timber of some trees is valuable, — African Teak, for example. Caoutchouc is the product of several South American plants of this order. Some species yield various dyes and many are cultivated for their beauty. Euphorbia, L. maculata, L. Spurge. Preslii, Guss. Gyparissias, L. Acalypha, L. Virginica, L. Three-seeded Mercury. 68. URTICACEiE. (NeTTLE FaMILY.) A large and interesting order, embracing trees, shrubs, and herbs, principally natives of the tropics, although the temperate zones contain a considerable number. The trees and shrubs have generally a milky juice, the herbs a watery one. This juice in some of the sub-orders is acrid and poisonous. The celebrated Bohon Upas, one of the deadliest 124 History of Hingham. poisons known, is the concrete juice of one species found in the islands of the Indian Ocean. The hairs on the leaves of the nettles are proverbial for their stinging qualities. Notwithstand- ing the poisonous properties of the sap of some species, the cele- brated Cow-tree of South America supplies a milky juice which is wholesome and valuable as food or drink. This order also produces the Fig, Breadfruit, Mulberry, and other fruits, besides the Hop. Hemp, and Fustic, are also products of this family, as is Gum-lac. The famous Banyan-tree is one of the species. Ulmus, L. Americana, L. Elm. Celtis, Tourn. occidentalis, L. Hack-berry. Urtica, Tourn. gracilis, Ait. Nettle. dioica, L. urens, L. Pilea, Lindl. pumila, Gray. Richweed. Boehmeria, Jacq. cylindrica, Willd. False Nettle. Cannabis, Tourn. sativa, L. Parietaria, Tourn. Pennsylvanica, Muhl. Pellitory. Rare. 69. PLATANACEiE. (PlaNE-TEEE FaMILY.) An order of trees and shrubs, natives of the Levant, Barbary, and North America. The trees of this family are immense ; specimens of our only species having been found in the West, thirteen feet in diameter. A tree of the Oriental Plane (P. ori- entalis) standing on the bank of the Bosphorus, is 141 feet in circumference and believed to be 2,000 years old. The wood of the trees of this order is used in the arts. Platanus, L. occidentalis, L. Button wood. 70. JUGLANDACE.ai. (WaLNUT FaMILY.) An important family, of about thirty species, principally in- habiting North America. It comprises trees of large size and imposing appearance, which are very useful in the arts ; fur- nishing valuable timber, besides affording a dye-stuff made from the husks and roots. Sugar similar to maple sugar is obtained from the sap, and the leaves and bark of some species are used in medicine. The fruit of many trees of this order is highly esteemed. The Botany of Hingham, 125 Carya, Nutt. alba, Nutt. Shag-bark Hickory, tomentosa, Nutt. Mocker-nut Hickory, porcina, Nutt. Pig-nut Hickory, amara, Nutt. Bitter-nut Hickory. 71. MYRICACEiE. (SWEET GaLE FaMILY.) A small family, inhabiting the temperate parts of North Amer- ica, India, South Africa, and Europe." The fruit of the Bay berry affords a wax sometimes used in making candles. Myrica, L. cerifera, L. Bayberry. asplenifolia, Endl. Sweet Fern. 72. CUPULIFERiB. (OaK FaMILY.) This noble order comprises the Birch, Alder, Hornbeam, Hazel, Oak, Chestnut, and Beech. It inhabits principally the north temperate zone ; but species are common as far south as the mountainous districts of the tropics. It contains trees of magnificent size and grandeur, and low shrubs. Its importance to man, both in the arts and in medicine, and as furnishing food, is well known. Betula, Tourn. lenta, L. Black Birch, lutea, Mx. f. Yellow Birch, populifolia, Ait. White Birch, papyrifera. Marsh. Canoe Birch. Rare. Alnus, Tourn. incana, Willd. Alder. serrulata, Willd. Smooth Alder. Carpinus, L. Caroliniana, Walt. Hornbeam. Ostrya, Micheli. Virginica, Willd. Hop Hornbeam. Corylus, Tourn, Americana, Walt. Hazel, rostrata, Ait. Beaked Hazel. ftuercus, L. alba, L. White Oak. bicolor, Willd. Swamp Oak. Prinus, L. Chestnut Oak. Muhlenbergii, Engel. Yellow Chestnut Oak. prinoides, Willd. Chinquapin Oak, ilicifolia, Wang, Bear Oak. coccinea, Wang. Scarlet Oak. tinctoria, Bartram. Black Oak. rubra, L. Red Oak. 126 History of Hingham. Castanea, Tourn. sativa, Mill., var. Americana. Chestnut. Fagus, Tourn. ferruginea, Ait. Beech. 73. SALICACE.ai. (WiLLOW FAMILY.) This family, comprising the Willows and Poplars, is found almost entirely in the temperate and frigid zones. Two species are the most northern woody plants known. The order embraces trees and shrubs ; some trees reaching a height of eighty feet, and certain species of the shrubs, in alpine and arctic regions, rising scarcely more than an inch from the ground. The family is variously useful in the arts and valuable in medicine, and the leaves and young shoots furnish fodder for cattle in some countries. Salix, Touru. alba, L., var. vitellina, Koch. White Willow. tristis. Ait. Dwarf Gray Willow. humilis. Marsh. discolor, Muhl. Glaucous Willow. sericea, Marsh. Silky Willow. petiolaris, Smith. Petioled Willow. rostrata, Richard. Livid Willow. lucida, Muhl. Shining Willow. nigra, Marsh. Black Willow. myrtilloides, L. Myrtle Willow. Populus, Tourn. tremuloides, Mx. American Aspen. grandidentata, Mx. Large-toothed Poplar. balsamifera, L., var. candicans, Gray. Balm of Gilead. 74. CERATOPHYLLACEiB. (HORNWORT FAMILY.) Aquatic plants growing in slow streams and ponds. Ceratophyllum, L. demersum, L. Hornwort. 75. CONIFERiE. (PiNE FAMILY.) An order of evergreen trees and shrubs, common to the tem- perate and torrid zones, but more extensive in the former regions. The tropical species differ entirely from those existing in cold climates. The family embraces both low shrubs and some of the tallest trees in the world ; the gigantic Pines and Redwoods of Cali- fornia. It is of great importance to man, furnishing timber, tur- pentine, tar, pitch, and resin, besides certain oils. The seeds of some species are esculent, and the order is of value in medicine. The Botany of Hingham. 127 Chaniaecyparis, Spach. sphteroidea, Spach. White Cedar. Juniperus, L. communis, L. Juniper. Virgil) iana, L. Red Cedar. Pinus, Tourn, rigida, Miller. Pitch Pine. strobus, L. White Pine. Picea, Link. nigra, Link. Black Spruce. Tsuga, Carr. Canadensis, Carr. Hemlock. MONOCOTYLEDONOUS PLANTS: ENDOGENS. 76. ORCHIDACEiE. (OeCHIS FaMILY.) A vast family of mostly herbaceous plants, although some in the tropics are shrubs. Many of the orchids are epiphytes ; plants growing on living or dead trees, but drawing sustenance from the air. They are natives of all parts of the world, but most numerous in the tropical forests of America, and are re- markable for the extreme beauty and odd structure of their flowers, as well as for the grotesque character of the stems and roots of many species. The root tubercles of a few species fur- nish the ingredients of a nutritious article of food. Vanilla is a product of a climbing shrub belonging to the order. Only a few species grow in the United States. Corallorhiza, Haller. multiflora, Nutt. Coral-root. Spiranthes, Rich. cernua, Rich. Ladies' Tresses. gracilis, Big. Goodyera, R. Br. repens, R. Br. Rattlesnake Plantain. pubescens, R. Br. Arethusa, Gronov. bulbosa, L. Calopogon, R. Br. pulchellus, R. Br. Pogonia, Juss. ophioglossoides, Nutt. Habenaria, Willd. tridentata. Hook. blephariglottis, Torr. White Fringed Orchis. virescens, Spreng. lacera, R. Br. Ragged Orchis. psycodes. Gray. Fringed Orchis. fimbriata, R. Br. Large Fringed Orchis. Cypripedium, L. acaule, Ait. Ladies' slipper. 128 History of Hingham. 77. IRIDACEiE. (IrIS FaMILY.) Herbaceous plants, with tuberous roots, natives of the Cape of Good Hope, Central Europe, and North America. They are celebrated more for their beauty than for use, although some are medicinal and the root-stocks of a few are edible. Saffron is the product of one species. The Flower-de-Luce, Crocus, and Gladiolus are of this family. Iris, Tourn. versicolor, L. Blue Flag. prismatica, Pursh. Sleuder Flag. Sisyrinchium, L. anceps, Cav. Blue-eyed Grass. angustifolium, Mill. 78. AMARYLLIDACEiB. (AMARYLLIS FAMILY.) Generally bulbous herbs, mostly tropical, furnishing our gar- dens with some of their most splendid flowers. A few species have poisonous properties. The celebrated Mexican drink, pulque, is made from the Agave. Hypoxis, L. erecta, L. Star-grass. 79. LILIACE^ai. (LiLY FAMILY.) A large family of principally herbaceous plants, with generally bulbiferous roots, found mostly in the warmer portions of the temperate zones. A few tropical species are trees or shrubs. The order embraces many of our most beautiful wild and cultivated plants. Some species are useful in medicine, furnishing squills, aloes, etc. A few such as Onion, Garlic, Asparagus, are edible. Some are used in the arts. Smilax, Tourn. rotundifolia, L. Greenbrier. glauca, Walt. Rare. herbacea, L. Carrion-flower. Asparagus, Tourn. officinalis, L. Polygonatum, Tourn. biflorum, Ell. Solomon's Seal. Smilacina, Desf. racemosa, Desf. stellata, Desf. Maianthemum, Wigg. Canadense, Desf. Low Solomon's Seal. Hemerocallis, L. fulva, L. Day Lily. The Botany of Hingham. 129 Allium, L. vineale, L. Garlic. Canadense, Kalm. Muscari, Tourn. botryoides, Mill. Grape Hyacinth. Rare. Ornithogalum, Tourn. umhellatum, L. Star of Bethlehem. Lilium, L. Philadelphicum, L. Orange Lily. Canadense, L. Yellow Lily. Erythronium, L. Americanum, Ker. Dog-toothed Violet. Oakesia, Watson. sessilifolia, Watson. Bellwort. Clintonia, Raf. borealis, Raf. Rare. Medeola, Gronov. Virgin iana, L. Cucumber-root. Trillium, L. ceniuum, L. Nodding Trillium. Veratrum, Tourn. viride, Ait. Hellebore. 80. PONTEDERIACE-aJ. (PiCKEREL-WEED FAMILY.) Aquatic herbs, natives of America and tropical Asia and Africa, growing in shallow water. Pontederia, L. cordata, L. Pickerel-weed. 81. XYRIDACEiB. (YeLLOW-EYED GraSS FaMILY.) Sedge-like herbs, natives of the tropics, with few species in- digenous northward. Xyris, Gronov. flexuosa, Muhl. Yellow-eyed Grass. 82. JUNCACEiE. (RlTSH FAMILY.) Grassy or Sedgy herbs, generally natives of temperate zones, growing in dry or marshy grounds. Luzula, D C. campestris, D C. Wood Rush. Juncus, Tourn. effusus, L. Bulrush. Balticus, Dethard, var. littoralis, Engel. bufonius, L. VOL. T. — 9 130 History of Hinghmn. Gerardi, Loisel. Black Grass. tenuis, AVilld. Greenii, Oakes & Tuck. pelocarpus, E. Meyer. acumiuatus, Mx. scirpoides, Lam. Canadensis, J. Gay. Canadensis var. longicaudatus, Engel. 83. TYPHACEiE. (CaT-TAIL FaMILY.) An order of marsh herbs common to all portions of the earth. The young shoots of some species are edible. The pollen is inhammable, and used in fireworks. The flags, or leaves, are made into chair-seats. One of the species is the Cat-o'-nine-tails. Typha, Tourn. latifolia, L. Cat-tail. Sparganium, Toum. simplex, Hudson. Bur-reed. simplex, Huds., var. androcladum, Engel. 84. ARACE-ai. (Arum Family.) A large family, principally inhabiting the tropics. They are mostly herbaceous, though some tropical species are shrubby. Certain plants of the order are esculent, and others medicinal. Some species are very poisonous, if eaten. Arisaema, Mart. triphyllum, Torr. Indian Turnip. Peltandra, Raf. undulata, Raf. Arrow Arum. Calla, L. palustris, L. Water Arum. Symplocarpus, Salis. foetidus, Salis. Skunk Cabbage. Acorus, L. Calamus, L. Sweet Flag. 85. LEMNACEiE. (DuCK-WEED FAMILY.) These are the simplest, and some species are the smallest, of flowering plants. They float free on the top of the water, having no stems. Lemna, L. trisulca, L. Duck-weed. minor, L. Spirodela, Schleid. polyrrhiza, Schleid. The Botany of Hingham. 131 86. ALISMACE^. (WaTER PlaNTAIN FAMILY.) An order of marsh or water plants, chiefly natives of northern latitudes. The root-stock of one species is esculent ; otherwise the family is of no use to man. Sagittaria, L. variabilis, Englm. Arrow-head. 87. NAIADACE^. (PONDWEED FAMILY.) Aquatic plants found in both salt and fresh waters in all countries. Triglochin, L. maritima, L. Arrow-grasSo Potamogeton, Tourn. natans, L. Pond weed. Pennsylvanicus, Cham. hybridus, Mx. pulcher, Tuck. pauciflorus, Pursh. pucillus, L. Zostera, L. marina, L. Eel-grass. Ruppia, L. maritima. Ditch-grass. 88. ERIOCAULE.a!. (PiPEWORT FAMILY.) An order of plants growing in or contiguous to water, and mostly natives of South America. But one species has been found in Hingham. This grows on the borders of ponds, only a few inches high ; but in deep water the stem attains a length of several feet. Eriocaulon, L. septangulare, With. Pipewort. 89. CYPERACE-5I. (SeDGE FaMILY.) An order of plants akin to the Grasses, which occur in all zones. They are generally of low growth, although some species, as the Bulrush and Papyrus, reach a respectable size. The family is of little importance as compared with the Grasses, although the Egyptian Papyrus was of great value for a num- ber of purposes in ancient times, and the Bulrush and Cotton Grass are now used in the arts. A few species are esculent or medicinal. Cyperus, Tourn. diandrus, Terr. Nuttallii, Torr. 132 History of Hingham. dentatus, Torr. esculentus, L. strigosus, L. filiculmis, Vahl. Dulichium, Pers. spathaceum, Pers. Eleocharis, R. Br. ovata, R. Br. palustris, R. Br. tenuis, Schult. acicularis, R, Br. Fimbristylis, Vahl. autumnalis, Roem. & Schult. capillaris, Gray. Scirpus, Tourn. subterminalis, Torr. Club-Rnsh. pungens, Vahl. lacustris, L. maritimus, L. atrovirens, Muhl. Eriophorum, L. cyperinum, L. Virgiuicum, L. Cotton-grass, polystachyon, L. Rhynchospora, Vahl. alba, Vahl. Beak-Rush. glomerata, Vahl. Carex, L. folliculata, L. intumescens, Rudge. lupulina, Muhl. lurida, Wahl. Pseudo-Cyperus, L. var. Americana Hochst. scabrata, Schw. vestita, Willd. riparia, W. Curtis. filiformis, L. var. latifolia, Boeckl. stricta, Lam. var. angustata, Bailey. stricta, Lam. var. decora, Bailey. criuita, Lam. virescens, Muhl. debilis, Mx. var. Rudgei, Bailey. gracillima, Schw. flava, L. pallescens, L. oonoidea, Schk. laxiflora, Lam. laxifiora, Lam, var. patulifolia, Carey. laxiflora, Lam. var. striatula, Carey. platyphylla, Carey. The Botany of Hlngham. 133 panicea^ L. Pennsylvanica, Lam. varia, Muhl. stipata, Muhl. vulpinoidea, Mx. rosea, Schk. muricata, L. Muhlenbergii, Sckh. echinata, Murr. var. ce^jhalantha, Bailey. echinata, Murr. var. microstachys, Boeckl. canescens, L. trisperma, Dewey. broraoides, Schk. scoparia, Schk. silicea, Olney. straminea, Willd. var. aperta, Boott. straminea, Willd. var. foenea, Torr. 90. GRAMINE.53. (GraSS FaMILY.) An order of plants growing all over the world, but most preva- lent in the temperate zones, where they cover the ground with a low turf. In the tropics they rise to the stature of trees, as in the bamboos, and grow in an isolated manner, never forming a turf. This family, of about four thousand species, is of all the orders of plants the most useful to man. It comprehends all the grains, the farinaceous seeds of which form a chief part of human food, and the grasses furnish a very great proportion of the fodder upon which cattle live. Sugar is the product of a grass. The malt, and many spirituous liquors are made from fruit of some of the species. Many are used in the arts and a few yield oil. Only one species has been supposed to be poisonous, and the best authorities consider the supposition erroneous. Paspalum, L. setaceum, Mx. Panicum, L. filiforme, L. glabrum., Gaudin. sanguinale, L. Crab-grass. agrostoides, Muhl. proliferum. Lam. capillare, L. virgatum, L. latifolium, L. clandestinum, L. dichotoraum, L. numerous varieties. depauperatum, Muhl. Orus-galli, L. Barn-yard Grass. 134 History of Hingham. Setaria, Beauv. glauca, Beauv. Foxtail. viridis, Beauv. Bottle Grass. Cenchrus, L. tribuloides, L. Hedgehog- Grass. Spartina, Schreb. cynosuroides, Willd. Marsh Grass. juncea, Willd. stricta, Roth. var. glabra, Gray. Zizania, Gronov. aquatica, L. Wild Rice. Leersia, Swartz. oryzoides, Sw. White Grass. Andropogon, Royen. furcatus, Muhl. Beard Grass, scoparius, Mx. macrourus, Mx. Rare. Chrysopogon, Trin. nutans, Benth. Broom Corn. Anthoxanthum, L. odoratum, L. Sweet Vernal Grass. Hierochloe, Gmel. borealis, Roem. & Schult. Holy Grass. Alopecurus, L. pratensis, L. Meadow Foxtail. geniculatus, L. Floating Foxtail. geniculatus var. aristulatus, Mx. Aristida, L. Poverty Grass, dichotoma, Mx. gracilis, Ell. purpurascens, Poir. Rare. Oryzopsis, Mx. asperifolia, Mx. Mountain Rice. Muhlenbergia, Schreb. capillaris, Kunth. Hair Grass. Rare. Brachyelytrum, Beauv. aristatum, Beauv. Phleum, L. pratense, L. Herd's Grass. Sporobolus, R. Br. asper, Kunth. Rush Grass. vaginseflorus, Vasey. serotinus, Gray. Drop-seed Grass. Agrostis, L. perennans, Tuck. Thin Bent Grass. scabra, Willd. Hair Grass. alha, L. White Bent Grass. alha, L., var. vulgaris, Thurh. Red Top. The Botany of Hingham. 135 Calamagrostis, Adans. Canadensis, Beauv. Blue Joint Grass. Nuttalliana, Steud. AmmopMla, Host. arundinacea, Host. Sea Sand Reed. Cinna, L. arundinacea, L. Wood Reed Grass. Deschampsia, Beauv. flexuosa, Trin. Hair Grass. Holcus, L. lanatus, L. Velvet Grass. Danthonia, D C. spicata, Beauv. Oat Grass, compressa, Austin. Eragrostis, Beauv. minor. Host. pectinacea, Gr. var. spectabilis, Gray. Triodia, R. Br. purpurea, Hack. Sand Grass. Phragmites, Trin. communis, Trin. Reed. Briza, L. media, L. Dactylis, L. glomerata, L. Orchard Grass. Distichlis, Raf. maritima, Raf. Spike Grass. Poa, L. annua, L. Low Spear Grass. compressa, L. Wire Grass, serotina, Ebrhart. Fowl-meadow Grass, pratensis, L. Kentucky Blue Grass. trivialis, L. Rough Blue Grass. Glyceria, R. Br. Canadensis, Trin. Rattlesnake Grass. obtusa, Trin. nervata, Trin. pallida, Trin. fluitans, R. Br. acutiflora, Torr. Puccinellia, Pari. distans, Pari. ^ maritima. Pari. Festuca, L. tenella, Willd. Fescue Grass. ovina, L. Sheep's Grass. elatior, L. var. pratensis. Gray. Tall Grass. nutans, Willd. Nodding Grass. 136 History of Hingham, Bromus, L. secalinus, L. Chess. mollis, L. Soft Chess, ciliatus, L. tectorum, L. Rare. Agropyrum, Gjert. repens, Beauv. Quitch Grass. Elymus, L. Virginicus, L. Lyme Grass, striatus, Willd. Lolium, L. perenne^ Ray or Rye Grass. CRYPTOGAMOUS or FLOWERLESS PLANTS. 91. EQUlSETACE-aS. (HORSETAIL FAMILY.) A family of one genus, growing on wet or low grounds. The fossil remains found in coal deposits, show that these plants were once of enormous size, and formed a large part of the original plant life of the globe ; but the few species which exist now comprise low, simple, or in some cases branched plants, leafless, and hav- ing jointed hollow stems. They abound in silex, and are used somewhat in the arts. Equisetum, L. arvense, L. Horsetail, sylvaticum, L. 92. FiLiCES. (Ferns.) One of our most beautiful orders of plants which, in the early history of the globe, formed a very considerable part of its flora. They were of great size, and our vast coal-fields are largely com- posed of the fossil remains of ferns. With us they are low and slender, but in warmer regions they attain the size of small trees. Polypodium, L. vulgare, L. Polypody. Pteris, L. aquilina, L. Brake. Woodwardia, Smith. Virginica, Smith. Chain Fern, angustifolia, Smith. Asplenium, L. Trichomanes, L. Spleen-wort, ebeneum, Ait. Felix-foemina, Bernh. The Botany of Hingham. 137 Phegopteris, Fee. hexagonoptera, Fee. Beech Fern. Aspidium, Sw. Thelypteris, Swartz. Shield Fern. Noveboracense, Swartz. spinulosum, Swartz. cristatum, Swartz. marginale, Swartz. acrostichoides, Swartz. Cystopteris, Bernh. fragilis, Bernh. Bladder Fern. Onoclea, L. seusibilis, L. Sensitive Fex-n. Dicksonia, L'Her. pilosiuscula, Willd. Osmunda, L. regalis, L. Flowering Fern. Claytoniana, L. cinnamomea, L. Cinnamon Fern. 93. OPHIOGLOSSACEiB. (AdDER'S-ToNGUE FaMILY.) The plants of this order have the general characters of the Filices, but differ in some structural peculiarities, for which they have been placed in a separate order. The Botrichium ternatum is a beautiful species. Botrichium, Sw. ternatum, Sw. Moonwort. several varieties. Ophioglossum, L. vulgatum, L. Adder's Tongue. 94. LYCOPODIACEiE. (ClUB-MoSS FaMILY.) An order of low, creeping, moss-like, evergreen plants ; but in the early ages of the world this family contained many of gigan- tic size. Some species are emetic, but otherwise their properties are unimportant. The powder (spores) contained in the spore- cases is highly inflammable and is used in the manufacture of fireworks. Lycopodium, L. lucidulura, Mx. Club-moss. ' obscurum, L. Ground Pine, clavatum, L. Club-moss, complanatum, L. Spreading-moss. annotinum, L. 138 History of Hingham. 95. SELAGINELLACEiE. Low, leafy, moss-like or marsh plants, differing from the club- mosses in having two kinds of spores. Selaginella, Beauv. rupesti'is, Spring. THE TREES AND SHRUBS OF HINGHAM. BY EDWARD T. BOUVE. The beauty of the natural scenery of Hingham, extremely diver- sified as it is by hill and valley, pond and stream, and by its long and varied coast-line, is greatly enhanced by the extent and vari- ety of its woodlands. Standing on some of the highest hills, the picture spread out to the view in various directions is that of a sea of verdure, stretch- ing to the far horizon, as impenetrable to the vision as the virgin forest that covered the land like a shadow when the pilgrims first set foot on the darkly wooded shore of this county. These woodlands arc rich in the number of species, and add a corresponding variety to the landscape at all seasons. In winter and early spring the purplish-gray masses form a picturesque background to the snowy fields, except where these are fringed by dark evergreens. They vary in their summer dress from the black-green of the savins to the brilliancy of the oaks that reflect the flashes of sunbeams from their polished foliage. In autumn they light up the hillsides with colors of fire. But not alone do the continuous woods interest the observer. Individual trees remarkable for size and symmetry are not rare ; and the wild hedge-rows along fences or old stone-walls, as well as the clumps and thickets in the fields, are made up of shrubs and woody plants whose very existence, conspicuous as many of these are in their flower, fruit, or foliage, is no more recognized than is their beauty appreciated by the great majority of people who spend a lifetime side by side with them. A series of rambles over the hills, through the woods, by the meadow-bordered streams and along the seashores of Hingham, will always well repay "him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms." The woody plants of New England embrace nearly two hundred and fifty species. Of these, there are indigenous to Hingham about half that number. BERBERIDACEiE]. In all parts of the town grows that always beautiful shrub, the Barberry (_Berberis vulgaris, L.). 140 History of Hingham. It prefers tlie hillsides, although very fine specimens are found in rough, swamp}^ land. Its delicate racemes of fragrant yellow flowers in the spring-time, its rich foliage through the summer, and brilliant clusters of scarlet fruit in autumn, make it at all seasons one of the most ornamental wild shrubs. TILIACEiE. The American Linden QTilia Americana, L.) grows all along the water line of Hingham from Weymouth River and Huit's Cove, where there are many fine specimens, at intervals on the shores of the inner harbor, and plentifully on the borders of the pretty inlets and coves of Weir River Bay. Although also found inland, it much prefers the immediate neighborhood of the sea. ILICINEiE. The American Holly (^Ilex opaca, Ait.) grows most plenti- fully in the woods of the eastern part of Hingham. although it occurs also elsewhere occasionally, notably at Turkey Hill and near Old Colony Hill. This tree is always brilliant, its shining, polished leaves, armed with spines, being even more noticeable in the winter woods than they are when new and fresh in summer. The small, white flowers are not showy, but the scarlet berries form a striking contrast to the evergreen foliage in the winter. The Black Alder (^Ilex verticillata, Gray). This plant grows everywhere in Hingham, preferring low, wet lands. Its flowers, small and white, are in crowded clusters in the axils of leaves. The brilliant scarlet fruit is the cause of the beautiful display which this shrub makes, all along roadsides in low grounds, and in swamps, through the fall and early winter. The Single-berry Black Alder {Ilex laevigata, Gray) grows in Hingham in the deep swamps of the southern borders of the town. It differs from the I. verticillata in having more slender and delicate leaves, and larger, scarcer, and more orange-colored berries. The sterile flowers are on long peduncles. The Ink Berry (^llex glabra, Grray) is found on the high lands of Union Street, Third Division woods, and rarely in the south- ern woods of the town. It is one of the most elegant of shrubs : and is from two to six feet in height, having brightly polished, narrow, evergreen leaves, and shining, black berries. The flowers are white, small, and inconspicuous, as in the other species of Ilex. Mountain Holly (^Nemopanthes fascicularis, Raf.). An ele- gant shrub, with bluish-green leaves on purple or crimson leaf- stalks. The flowers are white, the fruit crimson-red berries on long red peduncles. It grows in the deeply wooded swamps of South Hingham, and at Turkey Hill and Lasell Street woods. The Trees and Shrubs of Sing ham. 141 CELASTRACE^. Nature's Waxwork QCelastrus scandens, L.) is common in many parts of the town, although it seems to prefer the approxi- mate neighborhood of the sea. It is a pretty cHniber, deriving its popular name from the brilliant and artificial character of its red and yellow fruit. RHAMNACEiE, The Buckthorn {Rhamnus cathartica, L.) grows sparingly in Hingham. It may be found at Turkey Hill and Third Division woods, possibly elsewhere growing wild, besides being cultivated somewhat for hedges. Jersey Tea (Ceanotkus Americaniis, L.). This pretty little shrub occurs in Lincoln Street woods, toward Huit's Cove, in the woods southeast of Old Colony Hill, at Peck's Pasture, Stoddard's Neck, and probably elsewhere. Tlie plant has a special interest, from having been used as tea during the Revolutionary war. VITACEiE. The Wild Grape is represented in Hingham by two species, the Common or Fox Grape ( Vitis labnisca, L.), and the more delicate Summer Grape ( Vitis oestivalis^ Michx.) with its compact bunches of very small berries. This is more rare than the labrusca^ occurring in the woods between Old Colony Hill and Weir River, as well as in Third Division, Union Street, and Lasell Street woods, and probably elsewhere in town. But the lahrusca is found everywhere, and with its rapid growth covers the swampy woods with a tropical luxuriance of rich foliage, while its small and inconspicuous flowers in the spring, and dark purple or amber clusters of fruit in autumn fill the air with delicious fragrance. The Woodbine (Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx.) grows in every part of the tow^nship. Finest among our climbing vines, in summer covering in careless profusion of foliage the gray rock, or hanging in delicate festoons from tall trees, its strongly individual leaves, resembling somewhat an irregular, five-pointed star, render it conspicuous. But in the fall, flung with Nature's inimitable grace like a scarlet mantle around the cone of a savin, its younger sprays fringing here and there the flame-colored masses, there is no more striking contrast in the woodlands than its brilliancy and the black-green of the cedar. The deep blue of its corymbed berries adds variety to the picture. SAPINDACEiE. The Maple family is represented in Hingham by the Red Maple (^Acer rubrum, L.), which grows everywhere in low and 142 History of Hingham. swampy lands, while it also flourishes on uplands. It is a hand- some tree, conspicuous in the tall through the bright uniform red of its leaves. The Sugar Maple (^Acer saecliarinum., Wang.) is also indigenous to this region, although the fact of its being so is not generally known. It grows, and specimens of large size are now standing, near the Cohasset line. This species, which is cultivated every- Avhcre in town as an ornamental tree, is always one of our most beautiful shade-trees. Bright and healthy in foliage all through the summer, in autumn nothing can exceed its beauty, the leaves turning red, scarlet, and yellow, these colors often mingling in patches with the bright green on individual leaves. The forests in the North, when made up mainly of the Sugar Maple, exhibit a splendor unparalleled elsewhere m the world. ANACARDIACE^. The plants of the Rhus family are very common all over the township, and on one or two of the islands. The Staghorn Sumac {Rhus typhina, L.), its leaves coarser, and like the branch- lets and deep crimson fruit, very velvety -hairy, and the Smooth Sumac {Mhus glabra, L.) with leaves, branches, and scarlet fruit smooth, are found everywhere. The smaller and more delicate Dwarf Sumac {Rhus copalUna, L.) grows east of the Old Colony Hill and in various other localities. It is a beautiful species, by no means so common as the preceding. The Poison Dogwood {Rhus venenata, D C ), a delicate low tree, is common in swamps everywhere ; and the Poison Ivy {Rhus Toxicodendroyi, L.) grows in great profusion. No family of woody plants presents a more showy beauty of foliage at all seasons than this. In the gorgeous apparel of autumn, the Rhus is particularly conspicuous, and of all the species, the most bril- liant is the dangerous Poison Dogwood. LEGUMINOSiB. This order has but one representative among our woody plants ; the Common Locust {Rohinia pseudacacia, L.). The Locust grows on Lincoln Street, Kilby Street, at Rocky Nook, and elsewhere. Its delicate foliage and long racemes of fragrant white flowers would make it one of the most desirable of our ornamental trees but for the i*avages of the worm which honeycombs its very hard and tough wood, and often destroys its beauty at an early age. ROSACE-ai. This large order in its subdivisions is very fully represented in Hingham. The Beach Plum {Prunus maritima, Wang.) still exists on The Trees and Shrubs of Hingham. 143 the westerly slope of Peck's Pasture, near the water, and prob- ably grew formerly all along our beaches and shores. It may possibly be found now in some such localities, although it has be- come very rare. The best specimen known to have been lately standing, was growing a few years since near the steamboat-land- ing on Summer Street. It has unfortunately been destroyed. The American Red Cherry {Prunus Pennsylvanica^ L.f.) grows in nearly every part of the town. It is a low tree, distinguished by its red bark, small, red, translucent fruit, and narrow leaves, the two semi-blades of which double toward one another, forming an angle with tlie midrib. The flowers of this species in favorable locations are very large and showy, and their beauty ought to lead to its cultivation as an ornamental tree. Bullace Plum {Prunus spinosa, L. var. insititia). This is a variety of the Sloe or Black Thorn, being a shrub with thorny branches, sharply serrate, ovate-lanceolate, somewhat pubescent leaves. It is very rare in Hingham, having been found on Weir River Lane. The Choke Cherry {Prunus Virginiana, L.) is also common. It is a shrub or low tree, distinguishable from the Black Cherry by the peculiar serratures of the leaf, which are fine, sharp, and bend forward toward the apex. Its flowers also, are larger and more showy, and the very astringent property of its conspicuous and handsome fruit is familiar to every one. The Black Cherry (^Prunus serotina, Ehrh.) is found every- where in Hingham as a low shrub, as well as among our largest and finest trees. It grows to an immense size, although the wholesale destruction of our forests and individual trees has unhappily left but very few specimens of even respectable dimen- sions in this region. Of the Spiraeas, the Meadow Sweet [Sijircea salicifolia, L.) and Hardhack or Steeple Bush QSjnrcea fomentosa, L.) are beautiful denizens of our meadows. The Meadow Sweet grows sometimes to the height of six feet, and its fragrant white or rose-tinted blossoms and pretty delicate foliage make it an ever welcome midsummer and fall flower. Its cousin, the Hardhack, is one of our most common plants in low grounds, its tapering spike, cov- ered with rose-colored bloom, showing all along fence-rows and on hummocks in the meadows. Wild Red Raspberry (Eubus strigosus, Michx.). Common at rocky roadsides and in clefts of rocks. A plant hard to distin- guish from the Thimbleberry, except when in fruit. Thimbleberry (^Ruhus oeeidentalis, L.). Common everywhere in fence-rows and thickets. The fruit purplish-black, while that of the Raspberry is red. The stems are covered with a heavier (bluish-white) bloom than those of the Raspberry. Common High Blackberry (Bubus villosus, Ait.). This plant is very common, the coarse, thorny stems reaching a height of 144 History of Hingham. eight or nine feet in favorable situations, such as damp ditclies by roadsides. The white blossoms are very conspicuous. The fruit is firm, close-grained, sometimes hardly edible. Low Blackberry (^Rubus Canadensis, L.). This is a trailing, thorny vine, growing in rough fields where the soil is sandy, and on hillsides in all parts of the town. The fruit is juicy and agreeable. Running Swamp Blackberry (Rubus hispidus, L,). A delicate, pretty species, with shining leaves, found in marshes and damp woods. The fruit is sour, and of a red or purple color. Quite common. The Swamp Rose {Rosa Caroliria, L.). This is the common wild rose of our swampy lands. It is often, in wet places, a very tall plant, rising sometimes to the height of seven or eight feet. The deeply pink flowers grow in corymbs, and the fruit, scarlet and bristly, is very brilliant in the fall. The leaflets are dull above and pale beneath. The Dwarf Wild Rose {Rosa lucida, Ehrhart) is common, but on higher grounds, or the border of meadows, growing usually about two feet in height. The leaves are shining above and sharply serrate. The "Sweet Brier" of song and story {Rosa rubiginosa^lj). This beautiful rose, its branches thickly set with hooked bristles and thorns, grows all through Hingham, mostly in neglected pas- tures or quiet woods. Its flowers, smaller and paler than those of the Carolina, and the sweetness of its foliage, which fills the air about it with fragrance, are its distinguishing characteristics. The Choke Berry {Pyrus arbutifolia, L.), which grows almost everywhere in the swamps and low lands, is a beautiful shrub. The bright, shining, finely serrate leaves, the white and pink fra- grant flowers, and the clusters of dark crimson fruit (tasting very much more astringent than the Choke Cherry) mark this plant at all seasons. The White or Scarlet-fruited Thorn (Crataegus coccinea, L.). This handsome shrub or small tree grows in the fields and woods bordering Lincoln Street, especially north of Thaxter Street, at Stoddard's Neck, at Peck's Pasture, and elsewhere. It is con- spicuous for its bright, shining leaves, rusty-spotted from a fungus which attacks them early in the season, its fragrant white flowers, brilliant, scarlet, pear-sliaped fruit, a little larger than a cranberry, and its sharp, rigid thorns. The Shad Bush {Amelaneliier Canademsis, Torrey & Gray), in its two varieties, the small tree and the low slirub, grows in all our woods and along walls and fences. Its showy white, fragrant flowers, appearing just as the leaves are starting, iu May, cover the branches so densely as to make it appear at a distance as if loaded with snow. A propensity of the tall variety is to grow close to larger trees, supported by them. It rarely appears standing alone and perfectly erect. The Trees and Shrubs of Hingham. 145 SAXIFRAGACE-aS. Gooseberry (^Ribes oxyacanthoides, L.). This species grows in moist places, along fences and by walls or rocks, everywhere. H AM AMELIDEiB . The Witch Hazel (^Hamamelis Virginiana, L.) is with us a shrub or low tree rarely exceeding twenty-live feet in height. Straggling and irregular as it generally is, it is unique among our woody plants from the fact of its blooming and ripening its fruit at the same time. The peculiar yellow blossoms are an agreeable surprise to the rambler in the woods in October and November, latest reminders as they are, with asters and golden rods, of the season of flowers. CORNACEiE. The Cornel family is well represented in Hingham, every spe- cies common to New England growing freely in town, excepting, probably, C stolon'ifera. The Dwarf Cornel (^Cornus Canadensis, L.), a little plant four to eight inches high, is not properly ranked among the woody plants, but having a woody root, although neither shrub nor tree, it is here included. It has its leaves in a whorl of four or six. At the apex is a cluster of small, greenish flowers surrounded by a large, four-leaved, showy, white involucre. The fruit is red. This species grows at Third Division woods and elsewhere. The Flowering Dogwood ( Comus florida, L.) occurs in the woods between the Old Colony Hill, Martin's Well Lane, and Weir River, in Third Division and Turkey Hill woods, and elsewhere. The showy beauty of this small tree when in bloom in June is well known to all who are familiar with woodcraft. The large white involucre, or floral envelope, which surrounds the true flow- ers, makes it conspicuous for a long distance. Further south, where this species fruits more fully, its brilliant scarlet berries have the appearance of coral beads hung from the twigs. The Round-leaved Cornel (Comus circinata, L^Heritier), a pretty shrub, occurs in the Martin's Well woods, and at Stoddard's Neck, and Hockley. The leaves are large and almost round in their general shape ; the flowers in white spreading cymes with no involucre. The fruit is light blue. The Silky Cornel {Comus sericea, L.), a large shrub, is found everywhere \i\ low grounds. The silky down upon the mider side of the leaves and young shoots, and their rusty color, as well as the purple tint of the branches, mark it plainly. The flowers and fruit are similar to those of the circinata. The Red OSIER Dogwood (Comus stolonifera, Michx.) has not been certainly identified in Hingham by the writer, although it may yet be found within the town limits. VOL. I. — 10 146 History of Hingham. The Panicled Cornel ( Comus paniculata, L'Heritier) grows at Hockley, Stoddard's Neck, and on Lincoln Street. Its leaves, finer and darker than in any other of our species, and its more delicate growth, plainly distinguish it. The white tlowers are somewhat panicled, and the fruit white. The leaves of the preceding species are all opposite. Those of the Alternate-leaved Cornel (^Comus alterni/oUa, L. f.) are mostly alternate, and crowded at the ends of the branches, which are also alternate, that is, not opposite each other on the trunk or limbs. This is a shrub or small tree, of a very elegant appearance, growing in all parts of Hingham. The white flowers are in broad cymes, the fruit deep blue. The Tupelo (^JVi/ssa si/lvatiea, Marsh.) is very common. It is in every way beautiful, its brilliant polished foliage, dark-green in summer and of a rich red in autumn, rendering it conspicuous. Either growing singly or in clumps, it is very noticeable, especially after the fall of the leaves, for its peculiarity in having the numei'- ous branches start from the main trunk or limbs at a right angle, and tend more or less downward. CAPRIFOLIACEiE. The Trumpet Honeysuckle {Lonicera sempervirens, Ait.), so much cultivated for its beauty, grows wild in the woods on the easterly slope of Old Colony Hill, and elsewhere, although it has probably been introduced from more southern localities. Common Elder (^S'ambucus Canadensis, L.). This plant grows everywhere in low grounds. Its large cymes of white fragrant flowers are conspicuous in early summer, and later in the season the blackish-purple fruit is no less showy in its way. The Red-berried Elder (^Samhueus racemosa, L,), a beautiful plant, is very rare in Hingham, The white flowers of this species are in ]mnicles, and are replaced by bright red berries. Sweet Viburnum {yilmrnum Lentago, L.), This plant has been found everywhere in damp situations and swampy woodlands. It is, like all the viburnums, a beautiful shrub, with its bright green finely serrate leaves, fragrant white flowers, and sweet edible fruit. A specimen growing east of Old Colony Hill has attained a diameter of trunk of five to six in«ches. Withe-rod ( Viburnum cassiyioides, L.). This shrub grows in the woody swamps of the south and west parts of Hingham, par- ticularly in Lasell and Gardner streets, and is found also more sparingly in other localities. This species is distinguished from the other viburnums by having entire leaves, with wavy or revolute edges, the others all having sharply serrate leaves. Arrow-wood (^Vihumum dentatum, L.). The Arrow-wood is common in low grounds everywhere. Its very deeply toothed leaves and long straight stalks distinguish it. The Indians were said to use its twigs for arrows ; hence the name. The Trees and Shrubs of Hmgham. 147 Maple-leaved Arrow- wood ( Viburnum acerifoUum, L.)» This pretty little shrub is the smallest of our viburnums, although it occasionally grows to a height of six feet and upwards. The white blossom is very delicate. Its leaves, excepting those at the apex of the stalks, are so like those of the red maple that close examination is often necessary to distinguish them. The maple leaves, however, are smooth, while these are somewhat woolly on the under side. All the viburnums turn in the fall to a very brilliant crimson color, BusH-HoNEYSUGKLE (DierviUa trifida, Moench). This low, elegant, but rather inconspicuous shrub is very rare in Hingham, occarring at Hop-Pole Hill, and possibly in the western part of the town. RUBIACEiE. Button-Bush {CeijJialanthus occideiitalis, L.). This shrub grows along water-courses and on the banks of ponds in all parts of the town. Its peculiar spherical heads of white flowers, very thickly set, render it conspicuous at time of blooming. The little trailing Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens, L.), with its fragrant white flowers, single or in pairs, and bright scarlet berries and evergreen leaves, grows in the Rockland Street and Cedar Street woods, as well as in a few other places Although but a little vine, running upon rocks or the ground, it belongs to the woody plants. ERICACEiE. Dangleberry {Craylussacia fro7idosa, T. & G.). This shrub is not very common, although observed in several localities, notably in the woods between Old Colony Hill and Weir River. It is two to five feet high with us, having long, oval leaves, greenish flowers, and dark-blue sweet berries in loose racemes. The Huckleberry ( G-aylussacia resinosa, T, & G.) grows everywhere, preferring rough pasture-lands and rocky hillsides. It may be distinguished by the resinous deposit on the under sur- face of the leaves, which is much greater in this species than in any other ; and by its jet-black, shining fruit. Very rarely the fruit is found white. The flower is reddish. Dwarf Blueberry ( Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum^ Lamarck). This pretty little blueberry grows in South Hingham, in the woods east of Old Colony Hill, and doubtless elsewhere. It is a very low shrub, with small, finely serrate leaves, and furnishes the earliest blueberries found in the city markets. Low Blueberry {Vaccinium vacz7/aw.s, Solander). This little straggling, low bush is one of our blueberries. It may be dis- tinguished by the color of the twigs and branches, which is green, instead of dark, like that of the other species. It is rather com- mon, existing at South Hingham, Weir River woods east of Old Colony Hill, and elsewhere. 148 History of Hingham. Common or Swamp Blueberry (^Vaccinium corymhosum, L.). This, a high-bush whortleberry, has a number of varieties for- merly considered as separate species. It varies greatly in our woods and swamps, where it grows freely. Its bell-like white blossom is, in some varieties and in certain favorable locations, quite large, and in other cases very small. The foliage also differs, according to locality. Large or American Cranberry ( Vaccinium macrocarjjon, Al- ton ) . The Cranberry grows quite commonly in our swamps and bogs, its delicate sprays being quite easily found when loaded witli its white flowers or crimson fruit. Mountain Partridge Berry {Chiogeyies serpyllifolia, Salis.). A pretty, evergreen, creeping plant, very rare, but existing ia swamps in the extreme southerly part of the town. The bell- shaped white flowers are like those of the checkerberry, and a resemblance to this shrub is also found in the flavor of its white berries. Bearberry (Aretostaphylos uva-ursi, Sprengel). This pretty and rare little shrub, which grows in beds in the woods, has been, found by the writer between Old Colony Hill and Weir River, at Martin's Lane, and at Liberty Plain. Its stem trails under the dead leaves and leaf mould, sending up shoots some six inches, high, clothed with bright, polished, thick evergreen leaves. The flowers are white, at the ends of the branches. The fruit is a red berry. TRAihmG Arbutus, Mayflower (Upigcea repens,h.). The well- known Mayflower grows in the woods near the Weymouth line and in the extreme south part of the town. Efforts made ta domesticate it nearer the seashore have been unsuccessful, as it is a very wild plant and does not take well to cultivation. Creeping Wintergreen, Checkerberry (G-aultheria procum- hens^ L.). The Checkerberry is very common in our woods. Its bright evergreen leaves, sweet white flowers, and scarlet aromatic berries are well known to all. Andromeda {Andromeda lir/ustrina, Muhl.). This shrub is common everywhere in low grounds. Its very full panicles of small, globular, white flowers in July are replaced later by cor- responding clusters of the seed-vessels, which hang on for a year or more. This plant can be distinguished at all seasons by its thin outer layer of light, cinnamon-colored bark, which seems always just ready to peel off. Leucothoe {Leucothoe raceynosa. Gray). This beautiful shrub IS rare in Hingham and but little known. It is found in the woods east of Old Colony Hill, in Cushing Street, in Leavitt Street woods, and probably grows elsewhere in the south part of the town. It is from six to ten feet in height, has rather strag- gling branches, and elliptical leaves, and long one-sided racemes of white, bell-like flowers, exquisite in beauty and fragrance. This raceme is generally branched once, and the flowers all hang The Trees and Shrubs of Hingham. 149 'downward in a regular row. Their peculiar honey-like sweetness is unequalled by the perfume of any other of our plants. Leather-Leaf (^Cassandra calyeidata^Don). The Cassandra or Leather-leaf grows in the swamps near Weir River west of Union Street and at South Hingham. It is a bright, pretty shrub, two to five feet high, and has racemes of white sweet flowers much like those of the Leucothoe, but smaller. The fruit, as in many jjlants of the Heath family, is very persistent. Mountain Laurel {Kalmia latifolia, L.). The Mountain Laurel, exquisite in its beauty, is found in great quantities just over the borders of Hingham, but within the limits of the township it is rare. It grows in one locality at least in the woods near Gardner Street, in Gushing Street woods, and perhaps may be found elsewhere. Sheep Laurel {Kalmia angustifoUa, L.). This plant, the blossom of which is not less beautiful, if less conspicuous, than the preceding species, is common all through Hingham. The Clammy Azalea or White Swamp Honeysuckle {Rhodo- dendron viscosum, Torr.) grows in the wet woods of Summer Street, Martin's Lane, Lasell Street, and Turkey Hill, and is found also in other localities. Its pretty, white, very fragrant, and somewhat sticky flowers appear in conspicuous clusters and are of that trumpet-like shape common to the azalea tribe. Rhodora {Rhododendron Rhodora^ Dow). This beautiful plant is very rare in this region, being found only in a peaty bog at the west end, and possibly occurring in the swamps of the south part of Hingham. Its delicate, rose-colored blossoms, appearing very early, are among the most exquisite of our wild flowers. White Alder QQlethra alnifolia, L.). The Glethra inhabits all our swampy woods, and is well known from its upright racemes of white fragrant flowers, which are conspicuous from the latter part of July even into October. OLEACEiE. Privet or Prim (^Ligustrum vidgare, L.). This shrub, much used for hedges, grows wild at Martin's Lane, Lincoln Street woods, Huit's Cove, Turkey Hill, and Stoddard's Neck. Its fine, fresh-looking foliage, white flowers, and black berries are familiar to all observers. White Ash (Fraxinus Americana, L.). This noble tree is common in the swampy woods, and as an ornamental tree all over town. One of the noblest specimens in this State was standing until 1869 in the field on the corner of Summer and East streets, opposite the residence of the late Deacon Gorham Lincoln. This tree was mentioned by Emerson in the " Report on the Trees and •Shrubs of Massachusetts." It measured when he described it, in 1839, four feet two inches in diameter at four and a half feet from the ground. A tornado, ni September, 1869, destroyed it. 150 History of Hingham. Red Ash {Fraxinus ptibescens, Lam.). The Red Ash, more rare than the white, is found in swamps on Rockland Street and probably grows elsewhere in town. It may be distinguished from the other species by its pubescence and its narrower leaves and sharper keys or seed-vessels. Black Ash QFraxinus samhicifolia, Lam.). This tree, rare in Hingham, occurs in swamps in Gushing Street and south of the Old Colony Hill. It grows very tall and slender, and the buds are conspicuously black. LAURACEiE. Sassafras (^Sassafras officinale, /Nees.). The pleasant aromatic Sassafras is very common. It is a fine tree, with peculiar leaves, some being regularly lobed, others formed like a mitten, with a sort of extra lobe on one side. Its green blossoms are not showy. The leaves, bark, and especially the root, are highly spicy. Spice-Bush (^Li^idera benzoin, Meisner). This plant grows near water-courses and in low lands in various parts of the town. It is a beautiful shrub, with, a handsome bark, and brilliant shining leaves wliich exhale a pungent, spicy odor on being crushed. The small yellow blossom is followed by the bright scarlet fruit, some- thing like a small cranberry in shape. URTICACEiE. The White Elm (^Ulmus Americana, L.) is one of our noblest trees, and grows in all kinds of soil, everywhere, but prefers swamps. Among the finest specimens in town are the elm at Rocky Nook, a magnificent and very symmetrical tree, the noble Gushing elm on Main Street a few rods south of Broad Bridge,, and the tree in fi'ont of the Gay estate at West Hingham. The variety of growth in trees standing alone on wet meadows, leading to their being called " wine-glass elms," is extremely beautiful and graceful. Some of these may be seen on the river banks at Rocky Nook. The Nettle Tree (Celtis occidentalis, L.) grows on the turn- pike on the westerly slope of Baker's Hill and at Stoddard's Neck ; also near New Bridge and Gross streets. It is rare. The \QYj singular twisted and gnarled habit of growth which some specimens exhibit is peculiar to the species. Its flower is very inconspicuous ; the fruit a small olive-green berry on a long stem. PLATANACEiE. BuTTONWOOD or Sycamore {Platauus occidentalis, L.). This tree grows sparingly in all parts of the town. Its ragged, flaky bark, its large leaves, and the rigid character of its growth strongly mark it. Some very imposing specimens of this species. OLD ELM, EAST STKEET. The Trees and Shrubs of Hingham. 151 stand in various localities, although the injury sustained by the Buttonwoods some forty years ago, generally ascribed to the severity of a winter, has caused an apparent feebleness in these trees. For many years they bore no fruit, but of late they have matured the carious spherical balls of seed vessels, which, some inch and a half in diameter, hang from the twigs on stems three to six inches long. One of the finest trees in town stands at the junction of Main and Leavitt streets on the Lower Plain. JUGLANDACEiE. The Hickories are well represented in Hingham. The Shagbark {Carya alba^ Nutt.) is quite common, being met with in nearly all our woods. Its ragged, shaggy bark gives the species its name, while its rich, meaty nuts have been sought by the schoolboy from time immemorial. The Mockernut {Carya tomentosa, Nutt.) is a fine tree, found everywhere in the woods, as is also the Pignut (Carya porcina, Nutt.), the outline of the husk of the nut of which has a not inapt resemblance to a pig's head. The BiTTERNUT ( Carya amara, Nutt.) is more rare. It grows at Crow Point, Planter's Hill, and Union Street, possibly elsewhere. Its yellow buds and finer foliage, as well as the thinness of the husk of the nut, distinguish it from the other hickories. MYRICACEiE. Bayberry, Wax Myrtle (Myrlca cerifera, L,). This beautiful shrub, from two to ten feet high, is very common. The delicious aromatic odor of its crushed leaves, and in the fall the crowded masses of round, small, waxy fruit, clinging to the twigs, are its peculiarities. Sweet Fern (Myrica asplenifolia, Endl.), This pretty, low shrub is very common on dry hillsides and in oak woods. It has long, narrow, regularly and deeply cut leaves, resembling the fronds of a fern. These are very aromatic when crushed. CUPULIFERiE. The Black or Sweet Birch (Betula lenta, L.) grows in all our Hingham woods, being rarely met with in open fields. The bark of its twigs is very aromatic. The leaves are thin and ovate, and sharply serrate. The bark is dark and ragged. The Yellow Birch (Betula lutea, Michx. f.) is rare in Hingham. It grows on the border near Cohasset and in Third Division woods. Its leaves are hardly to be distinguished from those of the black birch. The bark of the young shoots is slightly aromatic. The outer bark of the trunk is greenish-yellow, shining, and always peeling off in thin layers. The catkins, or male blossoms of all the birches are extremely showy and grace- 152 History of Hingham. ful, loaded as they are when ripe with golden pollen. Those of this species are especially conspicuous. American White Birch (^Betula populifoUa, Ait.). This, the common White or Little Gray birch of our woods and fields, is a slender, sometimes rather tall tree, with thin, white, peeling, outer bark and very small branches, merely twigs in fact, covering the tree with their growth. It generally grows in clumps, from old roots, and the trunk is short lived for this reason ; but upon its being cut or blown down new shoots at once succeed it. The leaves are small, shining, and triangular. Canoe Birch (^Befula papyrif era, Mavsh.^. This tree is rare now, growing only along the shores of the bay near Crow Point, at Huit's Cove, and at Broad Cove. Its leaves are thicker and coarser than those of the other species. The outer bark peels off in large sheets, is chalky white on the outside layel's, the inner ones pinkish. It was used by the Indians for their canoes. This is a large and strongly branched tree. The Speckled Alder (^Alnus incana, Willd.) grows in clumps along Weir River near Turkey Hill, at South Hingham, and else- where in wet places. It is a tall shrub with speckled bark, and serrate and deeply cut dark-green leaves. The Common Alder {AInus serrulafa, Ait.) is present every- where on wet lands. It is a high shrub, growing in clumps. The leaves are shining, roundish, and finely serrate. The male flow- ers of the Alders are graceful catkins, generally several together, and appear very early in spring. The scales open and show at maturity beautiful golden flowers. American Hornbeam {Cai-pinus Caroliniana, Walt.). This tree, the leaves of which are almost exactly like those of the pre- ceding species, is common in town, preferring low, wet grounds. It is found at Rocky Nook, Turkey Hill, Lasell Street, and elsewhere. The Hop Hornbeam {Ostrya Virginica, Willd.) grows at Old Colony Hill, Cushing Street, Huit's Cove, and at many other points. Its fruit resembles that of the Hop Vine. The wood is very hard and the trunk often twisted in appearance. Common Hazel {Cori/lus Ame^ncana, Walt.). This plant, gen- erally growing in shrubby bunches, is found everywhere. It is one of the first of our shrubs to blossom, putting forth its delicate catkins in early spring, together with the very small and beauti- ful female flowers, scattered along the twigs like scarlet stars. Its nuts are much like those of the Filbert imported for the market. The Beaked Hazel {Corylus rostrata, Ait.) is occasionally met with in Hingham, growing in Third Division woods, on Kilby Street, and elsewhere. The leaves and manner of growth are hardly distinguishable from those of the Common Hazel. It derives its name from the curved beak or long point which pro- jects from the husk which encloses the nut. The Trees and Shrubs of Hingham. 153 The Oak tribe is very fully represented in all the woods and fields of the township. The White Oak (Quercus alba, L.) is a noble tree, very com- mon, some of the finest specimens being found on the easterly slopes of Old Colony Hill and thereabouts. Its light bark, the bluish-green of its round-lobed leaves, and the purplish crimson of their fall colors easily distinguish it. The Swamp White Oak (^Quercus bicolor, Willd.), scraggy branched, and with a deep rich green leaf with rounded lobes, grows everywhere in swamps and low lands. The Chestnut Oak {Quercus prinus, L.). This tree, with its variety the Rock Chestnut Oak (a separate species with some botanists), is very rare, growing only in Third Division woods. It is a fine tree, although not so large or imposing in appear- ance as others of the family. Its leaves resemble those of the Chestnut, hence its name. Chinquapin Oak (Quercus prinoides, Willd.). This little shrub, the smallest of the family, rarely reaches five feet in height. It grows on the bank at Broad Cove, and on the border of the salt meadow on Otis Street south of Broad Cove, and is also found on the sandy bank on the northerly border of that portion of the mill- pond which lies east of Water Street. Its leaves are round-lobed, very irregular, and its small acorns are beautifully striped with black. The Bear Oak (Quercus illicifolia, Wang.), a shrub usually five to ten feet high, rarely becomes a small tree of fifteen feet in height. It grows east of the Old Colony Hill, on Lasell Street, in the woods near Weymouth, in the south part of Hingham, and in some other localities. It has leaves with not very prominent sharply pointed lobes terminated with bristles. The acorns are quite small and symmeti'ical. The Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea, Wang.) grows in all parts of the town. This species probably crosses with the Black Oak, in many cases, the typical Black Oak leaf being often found upon the Scarlet, and that of the Scarlet (which is much more deeply cut and more highly polished) very often appears upon Black Oak trees. The only certain way of determining the species in many cases is to cut into the bark. The inner bark of the Scarlet is pinkish. That of the Black is bright orange or yellow. The »Scarlet is not one of our largest oaics, but is an elegant tree, its delicate, shining, sharply lobed leaves, often cut almost down to the midrib, turning brilliant red or scarlet in autumn. The Black or Yellow-barked Oak ( Quercus tinctoria, Bartram) is a noble, sturdy tree, growing everywhere in Hingham. The crevices in its bark are black, which gives it the name. The leaves, sharp-lobed and more or less deeply cut, turn red or crim- son m the fall. The Red Oak (Quercus rubra, L.) is quite common with us. Some of the noblest trees of this species growing in New England 154 History of Hingham. stand on East Street opposite Kilby Street. They are monuments to the owners of the estate upon which they stand, who have shown themselves capable of appreciating the magnificence of these superb raonarchs of the forest. It is to be devoutly hoped that the vandalism which has destroyed so many fine trees in Hingham may never appear near the locality where these trees stand in their sturdy grandeur. The Red Oak leaves are more regular and less deeply cut than those of the Black or Scarlet. They are sharp-lobed and turn dull- red in autumn. The acorn is very large. The inner bark is reddish. Chestnut QCastanea sativa, Mill. var. Americayia). This beau- tiful tree is rare in Hingham, growing in but two or three locali- ties, at Beechwoods and elsewhere. A noble specimen formerly standing on Hersey Street was ruthlessly destroyed a few years since. American Beech QFagus ferruginea^ Ait.). This fine tree grows in many localities in Hingham. Its light-colored bark,, sharp-pointed, rigid leaves, dense habit of growth, and delicately beautiful pendulous blossoms easily mark it. SALICACEiE. The Dwarf Gray "Willow {Salix tristis, Ait.) may be found in Third Division woods, on the roadside. It is a small shrub, hardly two feet in height. The Prairie Willow {Salix humilis, Marsh.) is a shrub about ten feet high, often much less. It grows in Hingham on Derby Street and Gushing Street, very likely elsewhere. Glaucous Willow {Salix discolor, Muhl.). This shrub or small tree grows everywhere in low grounds. It is our most common willow. Its blossoms expand from the bud in early spring, first into what the children call " pussy willows," little gray furry bunches ; then as the season advances, they become long, graceful catkins, covered with fragrant fiow^ers golden with pollen. There often are cones at the end of the twigs, composed of leaves abor- tively developed, and crowded closely one upon another. Silky Willow (^Salix sericea, Marsh.). This is a beautiful shrub, growing on Lincoln Street and at many other localities. The leaves and young branches are covered with a silky down, which gives this species its distinctive name. Petioled Willow (Salix petiolaris, Smith). This shrub, strongly resembling the pi^evious species, grows on Lincoln Street, and has been found elsewhere. It is somewhat silky, but its specific name is derived from its long petioles, or leaf-stalks. Livid Willow (^Salix rostrafa, Richardson). A shrub or small tree growing on Old Colony Hill, Lincoln Street, on the bank of the pond at West Hingham, Lasell Street, and perhaps else- where. It has a rough, dark, thick leaf, whitish underneath. The Trees and 8hrubs of H'mgJiam. 155 Shining Willow {Salix lucida, Muhl.). The beautiful slirub grows on Lincoln Street and elsewhere in town. The leaf is large, pointed, bright, and shining. Black Willow (Salix nigra, Marsh.). This graceful tree, with its very narrow and delicate leaves, grows on Gardner Street. It is very rare in Hingham. The Myrtle Willow (^Salix mi/rtiUoides, L.) grows in Hing- ham, although very rare. It is a shrub, from one to three feet in height. The American Aspen (Populus tremuloides, Michx.) grows in all the woods of Hingham. It is not a large tree. The small, bright-green leaves, light underneath, keep up a continual tremu- lous motion in the wind. The trunk is light-ash colored, and smooth in young trees. The Large Poplar (^Popidus grandidentata, Michs.) is found in low lands in all parts of the town. Its lea.ves are deeply toothed, and the catkins are very large and coarse. Balm-of-Gilead (Populus balsamifera, L. var. candicans. Gray). This tree is quite common in Hingham. Its large, very rigid and sharp buds are covered with a sticky, highly aromatic balsam, which has been used in medicine. CONIFERJB. The White Cedar {Qhamaicyparis sphceroidea, Spach.) is a beautiful and very useful tree, growing thickly in swamps near the Weymouth line and at South Hingham, in several localities. It is distinguishable from the Red Cedar by the comparative smoothness of its trunk, smaller branches, the flatness of its scaly leaves, and the angular character of its fruit. The Juniper (Juniperus communis, L.) is a low, spreading shrub, growing in a dense mass, with foliage very similar to that of the Savin. It is found at West Hingham, Huit's Cove, and sparingly in a few other localities. The Red Cedar or Savin (Juniperus Virginiana, L.) occurs everywhere, by roadsides and in hilly pastures. When growing alone, and left to itself, its perfect conical form makes it a very beautiful tree, either in its dark-green foliage, or in the fruiting season, having the green intermingled with heavy masses of blue, from the great quantities of berries which it matures. The Pitch Pine (Pinus rigida, Miller). This rather stiff and ungraceful tree is quite common, growing at Hockley, South Hingham, and in many other places. It is a small species here, specimens not averaging thirty feet in height. Its leaves are in threes. The White Pine (Pinus strohus, L.) is very common, forming heavy forests in localities in Hingham. It is one of our noblest trees, — a specimen on Lasell Street, although now shattered by the storms of perhaps hundreds of winters, showing a majesty even in 156 History of Elngham. its decay which well befits a tree which unquestionably was ma- ture in aboriginal days. Would that the axe had spared more such ! The White Pine has its leaves in fives. Tlie Black Spruce {Picea nigra, Link.) This tree grows in a swamp east of High Street, and probably nowhere else wild in Hingham, although cultivated here as an ornamental tree. The Hemlock Spruce {Tsuga Canadetisis, Carri^re) grows in the woods in nearly every part of the town. It is a large, hand- some species, with feathery, delicate foliage, and is much culti- vated for ornamental purposes. LILIACEiE. The Greenbrier, Horsebrier (^Smilax rotimdifoUa, L.). Tliis vine is very common. There is considerable beauty to it, the bright-green leaves always fresh and shining, and the clusters of small greenish flowers and blue-black berries in autumn quite interesting. The plant is however a disagreeable one to meet with in summer rambles, the thick sharp thorns making it a barrier almost impassable. The Carrion Flower {Smilax lierhacea, L.). This is a hand- some plant, and although a vine, it often stands alone in a leaning position without support. The leaves are rounded-oblong, thinner than those of the Greenbrier, and the fruit is a very compact bunch of black berries. The greenish masses of flowers are carrion-scented. The Smilax Glauca (Walt.) strongly resembles the rotundifolia but is much more rare, being found only lately, and in the South Hino-ham woods. MEASUREMENTS OF SOME NOTABLE TREES. The Gay Elm on South Street, opposite the depot at the west end, measured in 1859 18 feet 6 inches, surpassing in circumference of trunk all other trees in town. Torn asunder some years since by a gale, the portion of the trunk remaining uninjured measured in 1889 a little over 20 feet. The beautiful Rocky Nook Elm on East Street measured in 1887 15 feet 4^ inches, with a spread of foliage of 90 feet. The Gushing Elm, corner of Main and South streets, measured in 1889 15 feet. The Sfa'mour Elm, on Main Street, had a girth, in 1889, of 16 feet 3 inches. The Elm on Prospect Street, in front of Mr. Bernard Cooney's house, measured in 1889 14 feet 6 inches. Of the noble Red Oaks on East, opposite Kilby, Street, one measured in 1887 13 feet 10 inches, and another 13 feet 9|- inches. The Buttoxwood on the corner of Main and Leavitt streets had a girth, in 1889, of 13 feet 4| inches, with a spread of 100 feet. A large Savin on land of Mr. Samuel Burr, at Martin's Lane, measured in 1890 9 feet 8 inches. The great White Pine on Lazell Street measured 14 feet in 1887. All the above measurements of circumference of trunk were taken at 4-i feet from the cjround. OLD ELM, PROSPECT STKEET. ANCIENT LANDMARKS. BY EDWARD T. BOUVE. In the following descriptiou of the ancient landmarks of Hingham and Cohasset, it will be understood that the term includes both natural objects which have been adopted as bounds from the earliest settlement of the country, such as hills, rocks, waters, etc., and those artificial creations which come in time to be recognized as landmarks, as roads, bridges, mill- dams, and certain buildings. The sources of the information from winch the facts in this chapter are derived are largely traditional, although old deeds have furnished much material. It would be improper and ungracious for the writer to omit the expres- sion of his acknowledgments to those who have aided in his researches ; and he takes great pleasure in owning his indebtedness to that interesting and valuable work, the '' History of Hingham," by the late Hon. Solomon Lincoln, as well as to the "Centennial Address" and unpublished his- torical notes of the same gentleman. At Hingham and Cohasset, on the south shore of Massachu- setts Bay, the most delightful month of the year is OctobeK. The heats and drought of summer are past, the blustering rain- storms of September have gone, leaving as their legacy a renewed greenness and freshness to the hillsides. The forests, spreading far and wide, glow with the exquisite brilliancy of the American autumn, and the ocean stretches in blue length along the shores and up into the little bays, its ripples plashing as lazily as if they would never rise into great green waves that in December will shatter themselves in foam and spray on the mighty ledges of Cohasset. The very winds seem to sleep, in their hammock of gauzy haze, that hangs, thin and graceful, over sea and shore. Nature is taking a siesta, in restful preparation for her grim struggle with winter's tempests, fierce and furious as they are on this coast. I invite you to spend a few of these bright October days in seekino; out the ancient landmarks of this old Puritan town of 158 History of Hingham. Hingham (including Cohasset, which until 1770 formed a part of it) ; and to do this most thoroughly and enjoyably a tramp will be necessary, although at times it will be agreeable to take to the saddle ; and a boat will twice or thrice be indispensable, especially at the outset. For we will start, if you please, at the extreme easterly point, and take some of the ledges which lie off shore. Many of these are nearer to Scituate Beach, but the rest, including the most noted of all, Minot's, are opposite Cohas- set harbor and beaches. Minot's Ledge is the outermost of those awful rocks, upon which many a ship has met her doom ; and unnumbered men, ay, and women and children too, have vanished in the foam of those breakers which lash the ledges unceasingly when the east wind vexes the sea. But on this hazy morning the ocean is calm enough. Only a ground swell, smooth as glass, rolls languidly in, and we can lie off" the grim Minot's Ledge and examine the proportions of the great granite tower at our ease. This tower was built by the government to take the place of the wooden lighthouse, elevated on iron posts, that was washed away, together with its keepers, in the terrible storm of April, 1851. Leaving Minot's outer and inner ledges, we come to an archi- pelago of rocks, many of which are submerged at high water. The principal ones between Minot's and the Cohasset shore are, the East and West Hogshead Rocks, the East and West Shag, the Grampuses, Enos Ledge, Brush Ledge, Barrel Rock, Shep- pard's Ledge, Gull Ledge, Sutton Rocks and Quamino Rock. At the westerly entrance to Cohasset harbor is a high, wooded, rocky promontory called Whitehead. During the last war with England earthworks were erected there and garrisoned. In June, 1814, a British man-of-war came to destroy the shipping at Co- hasset, but the commander, upon j-econnoitring these fortifica- tions, deemed them too strong to be attacked, and withdrew. On the west side of the harbor is Gulf Island, and south of it Supper, or Super, Island. We leave " the Glades " (in Scituate) on our left in entering Cohasset harbor. On the south side of the harbor, and close on the main land, is Doane's Island, now Government Island. Here for several years the work of cutting and shaping the rock sections to be used in building Minot's Lighthouse was carried on. Larson's Beach, northeast of Doane's Island, extends to Scitu- ate Beach. In the palmy days of the fisheries on this shore there were several acres of flakes there, and fishing-vessels were fitted out at this spot. Several Cohasset vessels, loaded with fish here, were captured in the Mediterranean during the Bonapartist wars, and many Cohasset people are to this day among those interested in the French spoliation claims. Let us land at the head of the harbor, and take the road, skirt- ing the shore, Border Street. A little stream called James's Ancient Landmarks. 159 River, which flows through the town, crossing South Main Street not far from the depot, empties into the cove. The Old Shipyard was on Border Street. This road passes between the water and high elevations on the inner side, called Deacon Kent's Rocks, from which is an extremely fine prospect. The body of water between Doane's Island and the main land is The Gulf or The Gulp Stream. The entrance from the har- bor is narrow and jagged, and the rushing tide, foaming and seething in resistless volume in its ebb and flow, is a picturesque and beautiful sight. A bridge crosses the stream, and just below, where there was formerly a rocky dam, stood the old Gulf Mill, which is now a thing of the past. A new mill, however, stands near the site of the old one. Conohasset River, or Bound Brook (Conohasset Rivulet of Hutchinson's History), flows into the harbor on the south side, emptying througli the Gulf. Anciently it formed the boundary line between Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Colonics. Retracing our way, we will take Elm Street (the Ship-Cove Lane of early days), pass around the head of Cohasset Harbor, which narrows into a pretty little landlocked bit of water at this point, and take the road which follows the shore as nearly as possible over the isthmus between the harbor and Little Harbor, the narrowest portion of which is known as Great Neck. After going a few score rods in a direction generally northeasterly, the road turns sharply to the north. At this point, extending down the harbor, and in fact forming its northerly shore for some dis- tance, is Deacon Bourne's Island, now the site of a fine private estate, the property of a distinguished actor. These " islands," in the nomenclature of our ancestors, were frequently pieces of land divided from the mainland only by a narrow creek or water- way but a foot or two in width, or even high lands in swamps or on beaches. Beyond the little inlet and marshes north of this island, is Hominy Point, a beautifully wooded locality extending out along the water. There were formerly wharves at Hominy Point. The road strikes across through thick woods and a very picturesque country, coming near the water again at Sandy Cove, a slight indentation north of the promontory previously mentioned, and finally turning west, pursues its winding way through thickets gorgeous with the red and yellow of sumacs and the scarlet of maples and woodbine, by rocky precipices dark with lichens, coming upon delightful vistas of wood-bordered meadows and lovely bits of water-views which break in here and there unexpectedly, until it suddenly enters Cohasset village at The Plain. The Punch Bowl, a singular depression about one hundred feet in diameter and twenty-five feet in depth, with apple trees now growing in it, is on the north side of Tower's Lane, a short dis- tance from the corner. The Devil's Armchair, composed of slight depressions in the granite, probably of glacial origin, is a 160 History of Hingham. few rods east of the highest point of the rocks on the south side of this lane near the Plain. Scattered here and there, in the thick natural shrubbery on the water side, are the pretty, quaint cottages of those who spend their summers by the sea. All along this shore formerly, from Whitehead to Pleasant Beach, were Saltworks, — among them Parson Flint's Saltworks. Beach Street, which we have been following, is the old Tower's Lane. We will retrace our course over it, to the private way which leads to Cuba Dam, where now is the bridge flung across the waterway which divides the territory over which we have been passing from Beach Island. Here one might well linger for hours to watch the rushing waters which foam and swirl through this narrow, rocky inlet, which lets the sea into the otherwise completely landlocked, most picturesque, and exquisitely beautiful sheet of water called in early days Littel Harbour (Lit- tle Harbor) or Old Harbour. Whale's Valley is near Cuba Dam, in Old Harbor. A whale is said to have once gone up the inlet into this harbor. This inland bay, with its greatly diversified shores, " The Ridge Road " along the precipitous bank at the west, wooded hills on points making out into it here and there, low sandy beaches and Beach Island dividing it from the sea ; and containing Cooper's Island, Rice's Island^ and Little Rock within its waters, is a fascinating locality for the admirers of fine scenery. On Cooper's Island are The Indian Pot and The Indian Well. The former is a curious excavation, round, smooth, and regular, having a capacity of about a dozen pails. The Indian Well is another excavation near the first one described. From the bot- tom it is elliptical to the height of about four feet. The re- mainder is semicircular, opening to the east. These excavations are glacial pot-holes, but may have been used by the Indians for various purposes ; and from the fact of hatchets and other aboriginal implements having been found in the ground near by, the early settlers supposed them to have been the work of the Indians. Cuba Dam derived its name from there having been a dam built by a company of Hingham and Cohasset people about the beginning of the century, across the inlet, to shut out the sea, and enable them to reclaim the Little Harbor, which it w^as thought would eventually become very profitable as hay fields. This was all very well until the great storm of April, 1851, which left nothing intact upon the shores which the sea could possibly destroy, tore this dam to pieces ; and it has never, hap- pily for the scenery, been rebuilt. In the old days vessels were built at Little Harbor. The bridge across the inlet at Cuba Dam leads to Beach Island, a partly wooded eminence rising from the beach sur- rounding it, and as romantic a spot for the fine seaside resi- dences situated on the easterly slope as could be desired. Ancient Landmarks. 161 Next beyond this is Sandy Beach, aptly so called, while off shore are Black Ledge, — ominous name, — and Brush Island. At the end of this beach arc higher lands, very rocky, and with great ledges extending out into the sea. Here is Kimball's, a pleasantly situated tavern, celebrated for its fish and game fare, somewhat as Taft's upon the north shore has been, for many years. From here extend the stony beaches, picturesquely varied with sea-worn ledges, known collectively as Pleasant Beach, which terminates at Walnut Angle, as the northwest corner of the Second Division was denominated, at the east end of Cohasset Rocks. Now let us turn about, and taking the road by which we have just come in reverse, return to Cohasset Harbor again. Thence going west over the old Ship-Cove Lane (now Elm Street) we before long reach South Main Street. South Main Street leads southeast to the Scituate line, at Bound Brook, which was the Conohasset Eivulet of Hutchin- son's History. Here, over the brook, was the old dam, a wide roadway now, whereon stood the Old Mill. About half-way over the dam, and presumably at the middle of the stream as it was at the time, the Patent Line was established. Bound Rock was at this point. It is now represented by a hewn granite stone, set up to mark the spot, by Captain Martin Lincoln, of Cohasset, more than half a century ago. When the Indian chiefs, Wompatuck and his brothers, gave a deed of the territory of Hingham to the English in 1665, there was also embraced in this instrument a tract of " threescore acres of salt marsh " which lay on the further side of the Conohasset Rivulet, in Scituate, in the Plymouth Colony. These lowlands were known as The Conohasset Meidows. The Patent Line at Bound Rock was the base line north of which the First, Second, Third, and Second Part of the Third Divisions were directly or remotely laid out. It will be necessary to explain the significance of the term " division," which often recurs in any description of the topog- raphy of Hingham and Cohasset. When the Rev. Peter Hobart first came with his little band of colonists to " Bare Cove," in 1635, he found several of his friends who had settled there as early as 1633. " Bare Cove " was as- sessed in 1634. The " plantation " was erected in July, 1635, and on September 2nd, following, the name of the town was changed to Hingham by authority of the General Court. There are but eleven towns in the State, and only one in the county of Ply- mouth, which are older than Hingham. On the 18th of September, 1635, Mr. Hobart and twenty-nine others drew for houselots, and received grants of pasture and tillage lands. This year specific grants of land were made to upwards of fifty persons, and this method was followed for many years ; but as the colony increased in size, and the people spread VOL, I. — 11 162 History of Hingham. along the shore, it was deemed advisable by the proprietors to survey and lay out the unappropriated portions of the township, to be divided among the settlers in proportion to the number of acres which they had in their houselots. This led to the establishment of numerous landmarks, many of which are recognized up to the present time, and their names, often very quaint, will be handed down to posterity long after their significance is forgotten. It may be of interest to state here that the houselots drawn for on the 18th of September, 1635, were upon Town, now North street. This year, also, the settlements extended to Broad Cove, now Lincoln Street. In 1636 houselots were granted upon the other part of Town Street, since re-named South Street, and on the northerly part of " Bachelor's Rowe," now Main Street. The first grants of land in Cohasset (variously called " Cono- hasset," " Conihast," " Comessett,") were mentioned in the Hing- ham town records in 1647. The first settlements are said to have been at Rocky Nook and on the Jerusalem Road. All these specific grants of land were for many years from ter- ritory yet belonging properly to the Indians ; but on the 4th of July, 1665, a deed of all the tract of land now comprising the towns of Hingham and Cohasset, together with " three score acres of salt marsh" on the Scituate side of the river, which divides Hingham from Scituate, was obtained from the chiefs Wompatuck, Squmuck, and Ahahden, sons of the great sachem Chickatabut, who lived on the banks of Neponset river, and who probably permitted the first settlers to locate at Hingham, which was in his realm. He ruled over the principal portion of the ter- ritory now comprised in Plymouth and Norfolk counties. The system of surveying and allotting certain districts led to their being designated by the general name of " divisions ; " as " First Division," " Second Division," etc. There were six of these divisions made. The first, second, and third were in 1670. The First Division, entirely in Cohasset, starts at the " Patent Line," which runs from Bound Rock, on the milldam, across Bound Brook in a straight line southwest by west, five miles eighty rods. The coast line of the First Division follows the course of Bound Brook northward to the harbor, then strikes into Meeting-House Road (now South Main Street), crosses Great Neck, extends along this road to Deer Hill Lane opposite the southwest side of Little Harbor, then runs along this lane south- westerly to King Street, thence follows a line through the centre of Scituate Pond southeasterly to the patent line. The base line of the easterly part of the Second Division is the northwest boundary of the First Division (Deer Hill Lane). On the southeast, the line starts at the corner of the First Division on Little Harbor, and follows the westerly side of the Ridge Road, skirts Peck's Meadow on the west, returns to the Ridge Road and runs to Walnut Angle (westerly end of Pleasant Beach) on the Ancient Landmarks. 163 shore, which it follows to Strait's Pond, thence in a general south- westerly direction to " Breadencheese Tree," and from there south- easterly over Lambert's Lane and King Street to the northwest corner of the First Division on King Street. Supper Island and Gulf Island in the harbor, the promontory east of Great Neck, and Beach Island, and the other so-called " islands " and high lands along the beaches east and north of Little Harbor, are also in this portion of the Second Division. The westerly part of the Second Division lies on the west side of Lambert's Lane and King Street. The easterly boundary stretches from " Breadencheese Tree " to Scituate Pond, along the west side of the east part of the Second Division, and of the First on King Street. The northwesterly boundary line runs from " Breadencheese Tree " irregularly southwest, passing around and excluding Smith's Island to a cart path running southeast- erly, which it follows to a point where it turns and runs easterly to the First Division line, north of Scituate Pond. The Second Division is entirely in Cohasset. The Third Division is partly in Cohasset, but mostly in Hing- ham, the northwesterly boundary starting at the northwest angle of the Second Division and running rather irregularly southwest till it strikes the patent line not far from Prospect Hill. The southwesterly boundary starts at the southwest corner of the Second Division and runs to the patent line in a direction gener- ally parallel to the northwesterly boundary line. The Second Part of the Third Division is partly in Hing- ham, mostly in Cohasset, and lies south of the Third Division and the westerly portion of the Second, between them and the patent line, and west of the First. It includes about half of Scituate Pond. The Fourth Division was made of the tract lying along the extreme southwest boundary of Hingham on the Weymouth border. The Fifth and Sixth Divisions were of detached portions of lands remaining from the former divisions (excluding specific grants). Nutty Hill was included in the Fifth, and certain of the westerly and northerly meadow lands in both the Fifth and Sixth. The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Divisions of lands were made a few years previous to the middle of the eighteenth century. We will return over South Main Street, passing, just before we reach the road leading to the depot, the long old house, once Christopher James's Tavern. A short distance further north, on THE Plain, stands the Old Church, erected in 1747, — the first Meeting-House having been built here in 1713, About an eighth of a mile further on, Winter Street runs south- west over Deer Hill. This street was the old Deer Hill Lane. Just beyond the corner of the lane with North Main Street, there begins, on the right, the renowned Jerusalem Road, also called 164 History of Hingham. the Ridge Road, or The Ridges, It runs north for some dis- tance along a high bank, or ridge, beneath which lies Little Har- bor, on the east side. The scenery in this direction is beautiful. The little inland bay exhibits all its variety of outline from this point, with its picturesque rocks, wooded headlands, and islands. In a field west of the road, and quite a distance from it, is a huge bowlder balanced, apparently, so delicately upon a point that it seems as if it could be easily dislodged from its position upon a ledge where it lies. This has long been known as Tittling. Rock. ...v.^l4 ^ --^J'^^fH^S^'^^-^''^ TITTLING ROCK. The road soon slopes downward on to a lower level and enters woods, but still skirts Little Harbor. Winding along the edge of a rocky descent, it crosses a salt marsh by a dike. On the left is a jagged precipice, clothed partly with trees. This is Steep Rocks. Around the marsh's edge and skirting the foot of the rocks is an old road, Bow Street, which was once the principal highway, and was used again after the great storm of April, 1851, which washed away the dike, until this latter was rebuilt. Ancient Landmarks. 165 Beyond the marsh the road rises rapidly, and winds along over abrupt rocky hills, well wooded, and having line private estates on each hand. A pretty meadow on the west side, at the foot of a steep descent, has been known from earliest times as Peck's Meadow ; " The Steppen Stones " used to be, in old days, the only thoroughfare across the water here. The road still winds on, reaching, before long, Pleasant Beach, and the east end of CoHASSET Rocks ; and here it bends abruptly westward and rises, turning on to the crest of the cliff above these celebrated rocks, along which it runs for their entire length, from Pleasant Beach to Greenhill Beach. As wild a stretch of iron-bound shore as could be wished for are these cliffs. Woe to the ship that, escaping the awful ledges to the eastward, drives on here before a northeast gale. The Jerusalem Road along their upper edge, but a few years since was a rough, picturesque way, bordered by stunted cedars " blown into " a peculiar shape of growth mvai/ from the storm winds, so to speak, that prevail from the north and northeast. Within the past twenty years wealth and fashion have taken possession of the lands on these hills, and the elegant villas of summer resi- dents are to be seen on every hand, while the roadway has been smoothed and " improved," fancy fences or elaborate stone-walls built, and the storm-shapen cedars cut down or trimmed into artificial forms, thus in a measure destroying the picturesque character of the surroundings. The town of Cohasset should never have permitted the sea side of this road to be owned by private individuals, but should have kept it as a public ocean park, accessible to the people. Near the point where the road takes up its course to the west, there is, not far above the level of the breakers, and down among the rocks, a little basin of clear, cool water which bubbles out from the precipitous, weather-beaten ledges, known as Cold Spring. Following the road along, a superb view presents itself. To the east are Minot's Light and The Ledges. Beyond them, and losing itself at the horizon, is the broad Atlantic. Here, in front, to the northward, is the blue expanse of Massachusetts Bay, the north shore in the dim distance hanging upon the verge of vision like a cloud ; to the northwest, the great stretch of sands known as Nantasket Long Beach, Point Allerton at its extreme end, and Boston Light beyond on the Outer Brewster. After descending a hill we come to the Black-Rock House, on a slight rise, close beside the sea, whose waves drench it with spray in great gales. The picture spread out before one along this road in wintry storms is magnificent, presenting as it does the wild grandeur of the conflict between the seas, driven before the gale, and the stub- born granite lines of these mighty ledges. Just off Greenhill Beach, which is at the end of Cohasset 166 History of Hlngham. Rocks, lies Black Rock, a long, jagged, wave-worn mass, a few hundred feet off shore. At the west end of this beach (a pebbly isthmus, joining Cohasset to Greenhill in the precincts of Hull) begins Strait's Pond, a beautiful sheet of salt water lying along the westerly part of Jerusalem Road, and between it and the beaches of Hull north of it. After passing through a rocky gorge bordered by misshapen savins, we come upon a low, long, an- cient, one-story house on the left of the road, which is one of the oldest buildings in Cohasset. It belonged to a branch of the Lin- coln family, and was built in 1709, having been originally con- structed on Greenhill, in Hull, and moved across the ice of Strait's Pond in winter. The roadway formerly lay on the south side of it. As the neighborhood is being rapidly overrun by fashion, which cares nothing for old landmarks, this house will probably disap- pear very soon, to make way for modern " improvements." In the next hollow Rattlesnake Run, on its way from Great Swamp, crosses under the road to empty into Strait's Pond. In the pretty canal, flowing among trees and shrubs in the private grounds on the south side of the road, one would fail to recognize the old run as it was before its metamorphosis. Beyond this point the road bends round a steep, rocky ledge on the south side. This is Joy's Rocks, and the bend was the old Joy's Corner, — an angle of the Second Division. Folsom's Island (originally Jones Island) is in Strait's Pond, near Nantasket Neck. The Jerusalem Road continues along the border of Strait's Pond until it ends at Hull Street, on the Hingham line. Turning to the left, Hull Street (which here divides Hingham from Cohasset ; the east side being Cohasset, the west Hingham) leads in a generally southerly direction, crossing Turkey-Hill Run at the foot of the first slight rise. Nearly half a mile fur- ther on, after going up a hill and winding somewhat to the left, Lambert's Lane, or Breadencheese Tree Lane, is found oppo- site Canterbury Street, in Hingham, and leading in an easterly direction into Cohasset woodlands. It soon crosses Turkey-Hill Run, and at the spot where it intersects the western boundary line of the Second Div^ision, stood, in 1670, the celebrated Bread- encheese Tree. The surveyors, who laid out the First, Second, and Third Divisions at that time, were evidently of a waggish turn of mind, and chose to name certain points or angles from which they " took their bearings " according to the composition of the lunch which they had for the day. Thus the northeasterly angle of the First Division they named Pie Corner. When they arrived under a certain large tree, they sat down and ate their bread and cheese ; and Bread-and-Cheese Tree, or Breadencheese Tree, became a landmark from that hour on, through these last two centuries and more. The Maypole was a tree at an ande a short distance southwest Ancient Landmarks. 167 of Breadencheese Tree, on the line of the Second Division. Smith's Island was on this line further to the southwest. A half-mile or so from Turkey-Hill Run, the lane crosses Rat- tlesnake Run, which, starting in Purgatory Swamp, we encoun- tered upon Jerusalem Road, where it empties into Strait's Pond. Lambert's Lane, running through thick woods almost all the way, passes over Breadencheese Tree Plain ; and here was Hum- phrey's, or, as commonly called in the old days, At Humphrey's. Lambert's Lane eventually emerges at the modern Forest Ave- nue, and at this point there was in the early part of the century a dairy farm belonging to General Lincoln. Nearly all of these tillage and pasture lands of earlier times are now overgrown by thick forest. Walnut Hill is in this vicinity. Purgatory Swamp is northwest of Walnut Hill. Passing south over Forest Avenue, we come soon to North Main Street, and turning into this, we almost immediately strike off diagonally to the right into Cedar Street, now a deserted way, but a beautifully winding and wooded one, formerly the Old Co- hasset Road, over which, in early times, people journeyed from Hingham to Cohasset. It leads over hill and dale, bisects a superb fancy farm at Turkey Meadows and passing by a quiet little graveyard at a turn to the northward, comes out on Hull Street. In order to reach most expeditiously the next locality which it is desirable to visit, it will be best to proceed through Hull Street to East Street, Hingham, and thence through this town by the way of the old Side-Hill road, over Turkey Hill (a most delight- ful ride, especially at this season), through Leavitt, Spring, Pleas- ant, and Union streets, until Bcechwood Street is reached, which leads from Union Street to Cohasset. This street at first winds through beautiful and wild woodlands, largely composed of beeches, with many holly-trees here and there, their exquisite foliage reflecting the sunbeams, and the bright scarlet berries forming a brilliant contrast to the rigid leaves' polished green. Here is the part of Cohasset called Beechwoods, or in old deeds The Beeches, deriving the name from the trees which form so large a part of the woods of this district. Stony Brook is the name of a little stream which crosses Beechwood Street, flowing through a pretty meadow bordered by trees and bright with wild flowers in their season, near the village called Pratt's Corner. Hard by is Barn Hill, made almost an island by this Stony Brook. The locality known as Kingo is comprised in this neigh- borhood, taking its name from a former inhabitant who lived near, in a stone house in the woods. A short distance further on, Doane Street enters Beechwood Street on the north side. Doane Street is a continuation in Co- hasset of Leavitt Street in Hingham, Avhich leads through Third Division woods. 168 History of Hingham. On the north side of Beechwood Street, and about a third of a mile east of Doane Street, is Rattlesnake Rock, or Rattlesnake Den, formerly a haunt of these reptiles, although they are un- doubtedly extinct there now. Souther's Hill is a short distance east of Doane Street, and Joy's Hill, or Captain Pratt's Hill, is on the south side of Beechwood Street. There is a fine view from this hill. About a mile east of Doane Street, on the north side of Beechwood Street is a great ledge, having a large bowlder on it, which is called Mount Pisgah. Turtle Island is near Beechwood Street where it crosses a branch of Bound Brook. The old Iron Works stood here. Pratt's Rocks form a ledge near the road, nearly two miles from Doane Street. On the south side of Beechwood Street, near King Street, is Widow's Rock, which is shaped like a hay- stack. The property about this rock was once sold for exactly one thousand dollars. When the deed came to be passed, and payment made, the buyer offered the seller a one-thousand-dollar bill, which was contemptuously refused. " What," cried the seller, " I sell my land for one little bit of paper like that ! No sir ! I will have a good pile of bills for it." And the buyer had to give him a sufficient quantity of small bills to the amount of $1000 to make the transaction look " big " to him. A short dis- tance east of Widow's Rock is Governor's Hill. The name has no special significance in this connection, however. We will turn northwest into King Street, and proceed along this ancient road, the original boundary of the First and Third Divisions, and the dividing line which separates the Second into two parts. It is a hilly and pleasantly wooded road in places, and borders Scituate Pond, also called 'Kiah Tower's Pond, of late years sometimes Lily Pond. It was named Scituate Pond by the first settlers because it was on the road to Scituate; and 'Kiah Tower's Pond afterwards because land about it was owned by a Mr. Hezekiah Tower. This land, or a portion of it is still held by his descendants. By the latter name the pond is known in the country adjacent. It is a very beautiful sheet of water, its banks being composed of both high and low lands, and heavy woods, always such an indispensable adjunct of fine scenery, covering a large proportion of its shores. How exquisite it is now, in the quiet afternoon sunlight, its unruffled waters reflecting a white feathery cloud lazily drifting across the deep blue sky, and the scarlet and yellow forests about it contrasting so brilliantly with those rich, deep-green, pine woodlands ! That great rounded gray ledge rising out of its bosom, Pond Rock, has looked the same to every race of men which has dwelt about these shores or fished in their waters, since the melting away of the great glacier first let in upon it, as it is now, the light of day. It echoed the war-whoop of the red man Ancient Landmarks. 169 when he first shrieked it in the forests of the hills around, and gave back its latest faint reverberation when it despairingly- died away for the last time on the western wind. Its lichen- clad granite slopes flung back a quick response to the sharp crack of the pale-faced pioneer's firelock, when it imperiously announced to those solitudes that the reign of the wolf and the Algonquin must give place to that of the Anglo-Saxon. The dawn will touch the old rock with its earliest rosy beam, and the last ray of sunset linger upon it in yellow light, when that Anglo-Saxon, with his mighty works, shall have vanished for- ever, and the history of his existence remain only as a myth. POND ROCK, SCITUATE POND. King Street runs along the eastern slope of Scituate Hill, which lies east of Turkey Hill. The name was applied to it by the early settlers because it was on the way to Scituate. After crossing the railroad, King Street ends at North Main Street. This road winds pleasantly through the beautiful Co- HASSET Woods and crosses the northern portion of Great Swamp, which extends far to the southward, covering a large tract of country. North Main Street enters Hingham as East Street, at the Homesteads. Now turning about, we will ride eastwards again, and strike into King Street. Upon reaching Winter Street, we will turn off to the east over this road, which is the old Deer Hill Lane. It crosses Deer Hill, a smooth, rather high hill, and comes out on North Main Street, nearly opposite the cemetery. Southeast of Deer Hill, is Bare Hill (Bear Hill), now called Joiner's Hill, where the water reservoir is. A huge and steep ledge lying opposite the westerly end of Summer Street is known as Sunset Rock. 170 History of Hingham. But the fair October sunset itself has faded into twilight, leav- ing a beautiful afterglow that promises another fine day for to- morrow. If the promise is fulfilled, we will start in the early morning to visit the Hingham landmarks. A morning like that of yesterday, " so cool, so calm, so bright,"' ushers in a second perfect autumn day, of all times in the year the finest for rambles in the saddle. Let us take up our subject this morning at the point where three townships meet. The Jerusalem Road ends at the Hingham line, where the towns of Cohasset, Hingham, and Hull form a junction. To the right, northerly, lies Nantasket Beach, about half a mile distant. A few rods to the north, the road to the beach crosses the old Mill Lane Beidge, which separates Strait's Pond from the little estuary called Lyford's Liking, or Weir River. This, however, is not the" river itself, but merely an extension of the bay into which Weir river empties. The origin of this quaint name, LyforcTs Liking, is buried in obscurity. In 1642, however, in Suffolk Deeds, Vol. I., the names of Ruth Leyford, John Leyford her father, and Mordecay Leyford her brother, appear ; and in 1649 an old deed speaks of " foure Acres meadow, more or less,. at LaiforcVs Likeing.''^ The road coming from the south, on the left hand, Hull Street, divides Hingham from Cohasset, and winds through the rocky village known as Tugmanug, an old Indian name of the locality. Until within thirty-odd years, this was the only road from Hing- ham to Nantasket Beach. Rockland Street runs west along the marshes for nearly a mile,, skirting a range of higher and rocky table land lying to the south, which is known as Canterbury. It was probably included in a grant to Cornelius Canterbury, who settled in Hingham be- fore 1649. In the ditch by the side of this street, where it runs through the salt marsh, are the stumps of gigantic trees, which were dug out of the roadway here when the street was made, about the year 1855. These trees were unquestionably members of a forest which lived and flourished here untold ages ago. The lands where it existed were probably low, and near the then coast line ; and through some gradual subsidence of the land, or sud- den convulsion of nature, there was a breaking in of the sea, with consequent destruction of the forest. All tli rough the period of submergence of this locality these stumps were preserved, being under salt water, and now, perhaps a thousand years after the catastrophe that ended their lives, the relics of the trunks of these old trees are mouldering to decay in the rays of the same sun- shine that caused their buds to break into leafy beauty in the last springtime of their existence. Ancient Landmarks. 171 North of Rockland Street, just before it reaches the rising- ground, and perhaps a quarter of a mile or so out over the marshes, upon Lyford's Liking, is Barnes's Island, formerly Sprague's Island. From the road it has the appearance of a slight rise, well wooded. A short distance further west the road crosses Weir River, here a pretty stream about to empty into Weir River Bay, a quarter of a mile northward. Tide water comes up beyond the bridge at this point, to the falls at the dam a few score rods south, where Thomas's Pond is, and where Thomas's Foundry stood until within a few years. Along the river bank on the east side, for some distance, is a range of high rocky cliffs, beautifully wooded, and very pictur- esque. Down from this savin-clothed height comes the little Woodcock's Run, or Lyford's Liking Run, a small brook hardly distinguishable in the dry months. There was in early times across Weir River, not far from the bridge now spanning it at Rockland street, a log, upon which people could cross the stream, and also a landing where timber and firewood were loaded upon vessels bound for Boston and elsewhere. This place was called The Log, or At the Log. Log Lane led to this spot, from Weir River Lane. Down the river about a quarter of a mile, and at the point where it broadens into a wide estuary, there was, nearly a cen- tury since, a woollen mill, owned by and carried on in the interest of General Benjamin Lincoln, who seems to have been interested in many enterprises. There was afterwards a flour mill here, and the place was subsequently occupied by the small-pox hospital. The Lime Kiln was near by, and the neck of land opposite, situated between the river and the cove which makes up on the west side of this neck, is terminated by Bass Point. Crossing Weir River by the Rockland Street bridge, we are upon higher ground, included in Plain Neck, which comprehends all the country south and west of this bridge (as well as north- ward as far as Cushing's Neck), which can be comprised in the territory bordered on the east and south by Weir River, and upon the west by the harbor, and probably extending as far as Cham- berlain's Run. The limits are indefinite, but old deeds show that they are about as described. A short distance west of the river Rockland Street passes through a thickly wooded swamp, which was for many years, until 1855, The Heronry. Here were the homes of the night herons, their nests being visible in the woods on every side. They were driven away when the road was laid out through their haunts. Neck Gate Hill, now Old Colony Hjll, at the junction of Rockland Street, Summer Street, and Martin's Lane, is a pleas- antly located hill, having fine woodlands and beautiful country about it. The view from the summit in every direction is charm- 172 History of Hingham. ing. For many years the Old Colony House, a favorite summer resort, stood here. It was built in 1832, and burned in 1872. But now before going on to Hingham harbor, let us turn down Martin's Lane, to the right, and northward. This is a narrow road, formerly having the Neck Gate across it, at the hill. It slopes gradually downward, and is bordered by trees, with masses of tangled woodlands u}3on the right, now exquisite in the glory of autumn. Wild hidden ravines, picturesque rocky precipices, clothed with vines, ferns, and savins, are upon the east side. The trouble jof searching them out will be well repaid in learning what scenery generally thought peculiar to mountain districts is here under our very eyes, but almost unknown. On the west, the land lies in beautifully rolling fields, dotted here and there with fine trees, down to the water. The road finally winds over a slight rise, between shrubby woods and through a noble private estate till it reaches, nearly a mile from Neck Gate Hill, Martin's Well, formerly Abraham's Well, the remains of which are still visible in the field to the right, near by where the lane ends. There is a pretty cove, or indentation, at this point. Abraham Martin was one of the early settlers who came with Rev. Peter Hobart in 1635. He owned land in this locality and built this well. This land is embraced in the strip between the harbor and Weir River to the eastward, called Cushing's Neck, — large tracts having been owned here early by a branch of that family, which has furnished, in peace and war, so many celebrated Americans. Hingham was the home of the family in America. Lands at Cush- ing's Neck are still in possession of one of the descendants. The road which crosses the head of this cove goes over the heavy stone dam (Martin's Well Dam) which shuts out the sea from the fertile meadows lying east of it. These formed one of the Damde Meddowes, so often referred to in old deeds. The east end of these meadows is also dammed at Weir River Bay. Passing through a gate, we come to Pine Hill, a little emi- nence overlooking the harbor, now a smooth, rounded hill, with a few trees upon its summit. North of this is the fine Planter's Hill, also smooth and oval in outline, like all the Hingham hills. There is a noble view from its top, extending all around the hori- zon, — • of the Blue Hills of Milton, in the far distance, the town lying close by, Third Division woods southward, the harbor to the west, and broad ocean to the north and east beyond Nantasket Beach. At the foot of the northerly slope of Planter's Hill is a short, low isthmus, a few rods in length, and very narrow at high tide, — World's End Bar. A generation ago the fox hunters used to beat the country at South Hingham and drive the game north- ward through the woods and fields of the township till it arrived at the peninsula bounded by Weir River and the harbor. After Ancient Landmarks. 173 reaching that point, there was no escape for the unhappy foxes, whose flight led them inevitably to World's End Bar, upon which, or on the next hill, they atoned with their lives for " crimes done in the flesh." There is a curiously stunted elm-tree growing on the very top of Planter's Hill. It is evidently dwarfed by having grown up wedged among large rocks. It is of great age, early records re- ferring to it soon after the settlement of the country, and appar- ently has not increased in size during the two past centuries. It is, indeed, an " ancient landmark." The doubly rounded eminence north of this bar is World's End, a peninsula surrounded by water on all sides excepting where this bar connects it with Planter's Hill. The harbor is on the west, Weir River Bay upon the east side. Following the shore of Weir River Bay, we come to a little cove upon the east side of Planter's Hill, and then an extremely picturesque locality, having high rocks and precipices along its water front, and great ledges cropping out all over it. This is known as Rocky Neck. Up the little bay, to the eastward, lies Nantasket Beach, and nortli of it, the point of land stretching out into the harbor, is White Head. These localities are in Hull. The rough and broken easterly shore line of Rocky Neck finally crosses a little meadow and beach, and beyond these is a narrow passage between great masses of craggy rocks, which are called Lincoln's Rocks. Through this passage comes the current of Weir River. Close here, too, is the great rock in the water which has been known from early times as The Ringbolt Rock, from the huge iron ring let into its surface for the accommo- dation of vessels hauling up the river. At " The Limekiln," in the upper part of Weir River Bay, there were, in old times, vessels built. The last one was the ship "Solferino," of about 800 tons, launched in the year 1859, the largest vessel ever built in Hingham. The water here is the westerly portion of the inlet which ex- tends easterly to the dam at Strait's Pond, and which we met with there under the ancient name of Lyford's Liking. Let us go down the river again to Rocky Neck and cross Old Planter's Fields, lying on the southeasterly slopes of Planter's and Pine hills, and on over the " Damde Meddowes " to Martin's Lane, which we will cross at the cove, and proceed along the shore skirting the beautiful tract of country between Martin's Lane and the harbor, called, anciently, Mansfield's, to Mans- field's Cove, a slight indentation at the head of the harbor, bounded on the west by a ledge making out into the water, called Barnes's Rocks, upon and over which the old steamboat pier and hanging wire bridge used to be. This ledge extends out under the channel, interfering with navigation at low water. The United States government has expended considerable sums of 174 History of Hingham. money in not entirely successful attempts to remove it by sub- marine blasting. There were formerly Salt Works east of Mansfield's Cove. A few rods farther on is Hersey's Wharf, at the present time as stanch a structure as it was when it was constructed. Upon this wharf, and on the beach west of it, were built several fine ships, besides numerous barks, brigs, and schooners ; for this was Hall's Shipyard. West of this wharf is the steamboat pier. Upon Summer Street, on the hill just above Hersey's wharf, is a large white house at the south side of the road, now the mansion of a private estate. This was, in former times, one of the old inns, and was known as the Wompatuck House. After crossing another stone wharf, now disused, we find this beach extending along toward a line of wharves at The Cove at the head of the harbor. The earliest settlers at the harbor called the place Bare Cove, from the fact that the receding tide leaves the flats bare ; and by this name the settlement was designated and assessed, until later it received the name of Hingham. Previous to the building of Summer Street, the only highway leading from the cove to the village lying between the disused wharf above referred to and Neck Gate Hill, was along the upper edge of this beach ; people and teams going down into the dock below the mill-dam at the Cove, at low tide, crossing the mill stream and passing along the beach on their way east. Summer Street here was constructed from material taken from Ward's Hill, a high knoll of sand and gravel rising south from the beach, now known as Cobb's Bank, which in early times extended sev- eral hundred feet to the eastward. It is fast disappearing under the demand for sand and gravel for filling purposes. Along the water side north of Ward's Hill there were also ves- sels built. The low land lying between Summer Street and the railroad track, and east of Ward's Hill, was formerly Wakely's Meadow, or Brigadier's Meadow. Within a very few years this meadow was salt, and the owner, wishing to reclaim it, caused it to be drained into the harbor, the pipes passing under Summer Street. In digging beneath this street at the old sea-level, the contractor unearthed old piles and the stone retaining walls of wharves, thus proving the early existence of landing places for vessels far within the limits where it is now possible for them to come. The meadow belonged early to Thomas Wakely. It afterwards was the property of Brigadier-General Theophilus Cushing, and received its later name in this connection. Thomas Wakely was an early settler with Rev. Mr. Hobart, in 1635. The high land south of Wakely's Meadow, beyond the railroad track, is Peck's Pasture. Robert and Joseph Peck came to this country in 1638. Following the ancient water line from the harbor up througii the mill-dam, we reach The Mill-Pond. Here stood the Corn Ancient Landmarks. 175 Mill, and also the Saw Mill, erected, probably, in 1643 or 1644. The present grist mill stands upon or near the same spot. The body of water connected with the mill-pond through the water-way which exists under the junction of the railroad with Water Street, affords, east of this street when the full tide is in, some of the finest scenery about Hingham, taken in connection with the beautifully wooded uplands on the marshes, called An- drews or Sassafras Island, and the high rocks and precipices jut- ting out from thick oak woods along the eastern bank. The brilliant colors of the foliage contrasting with the gray of the rocks, the blue of the water, and bright green of the meadows go to make up a picture worthy tlie brush of an artist. These salt marshes, extending south to Pear Tree Hill, are known as the Home Meadows. But to return to the mill-pond. This body of water lies be- tween North and Water Streets and the maple-bordered and beau- tiful shades of the cemetery lying to the south. The railroad skirts its southern bank. The mill-pond was anciently a little cove, and the Rev. Peter Hobart, with his band of settlers, landed near the head of this cove where now is the foot of Ship Street. Here the first religious services were held, near a magnificent «lm, which, standing in all its majesty up to a dozen or so years ago, an ornament to the street and town, was barbarously cut down by the authorities on the wretched pretext that it was in the way of pedestrians on the sidewalk. At the time of its destruction two cannon balls were found imbedded among its roots, which were undoubtedly left there by the early settlers. These are now in the possession of a zealous antiquarian and local historian. The Town Brook empties into the western extremity of the mill-pond. With the idea of following the harbor line from the mill-pond north, we will avail ourselves of the ancient private way which runs along by the heads of the old wharves, some of which are yet used for the reception from a few coasters of such lumber and <3oal as are required for use in the town ; some have fallen into decay, and with the old rotting warehouses upon the landward side of this little way, are sad reminders of the maritime glories of this once active locality. For Hingham formerly sent a large and well-appointed fishing fleet to sea. Along her shores we have visited some, and shall come across more of the shipyards where numerous ships and smaller craft were built and launched, and the sea captains, sons of her stanch old families, sailed to all quarters of the world. At the end of this old private way, and where it connects with Otis Street, was formerly Souther's, earlier Barker's, Shipyard. Here, where now are pretty seaside villas, the keel of many a fine vessel was laid, and the plunge of these into their destined ele- ment was made in a direction toward Goose Point, a small, low, 176 History of Hingham. marshy promontory, forming the northerly arm of the little cove here. On the west side of this cove was Keen's Shipyard. Following along Otis Street over a salt meadow, we come to a few summer residences scattered along by the bay, some being near the former edge of the sand cliff which was cut away when this road was laid out. Here were, a generation ago, extensive Salt Works, having their windmills upon the beach ; for, in ear- lier days large quantities of salt were required in packing mackerel taken by the fishing fleet, and much of it was of home production. A few score rods further to the north, and we are at Broad Cove, an estuary extending in westward as far as Lincoln Street, and then northward as much farther. As our plan is to follow the shore, we will proceed along the southerly bank of this cove. The first locality of interest is at the south side of the entrance from the harbor. Here stood Major's Wharf and the warehouse adjoining it on the edge of the sand cliff. The writer remembers the old well which was at the foot of the cliff near or under where the building stood. At this wharf were rigged the vessels which were built at the head of Broad Cove at Lincoln Street. The wharf and property in the vicinity belonged, in the latter part of the last century, to Major Thaxter, of the old Provincial army. This gentleman was an officer in the regiment raised in this vicinity which formed part of the garrison at Fort William Henry^ which surrendered to Montcalm and his French and Indian forces after a protracted siege in the old French war. He came very near being one of the victims of the subsequent massacre, being taken prisoner and tied to a tree by the Indians, who lighted a fire around him, A French officer rescued him, and he subse- quently escaped or was exchanged. The land lying south of this cove adjoining (and perhaps in- cluding) the present camp-grounds belonging to the First Corps of Cadets of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, was formerly known as John's Neck. LTpon the south bank of the cove were, in early days Salt Works. At the Lincoln Street end of Broad Cove was a Shipyard, where numerous vessels were built. An old lady in conversation with the writer a few years since, spoke of having seen four vessels at a time upon the stocks there in the early part of this century. Broad Cove divides into two creeks which extend northward and westward for about a quarter of a mile. Over these creeks, from Lincoln Street to Crow Point, ran Crow Point Lane, cross- ing the creeks by bridges. These were landmarks a century ago, the territory hereabouts being known as " At Y^ Bridges." Planter's Fields Lane led from Crow Point Lane to Planter's Fields. From " Y Bridges " northwestward toward Weymouth River for a considerable distance lay the Ship Lots. Ancient Landmarks. 177 Returning by the northerly shore of Broad Cove to the harbor again, we skirt the foot of Otis Hill, very steep upon its western slope, and from this cause known to the early settlers, in their quaintly expressive nomenclature, as Weary- all Hill. The southeastern extremity of this hill, stretching out into low land at the north side of the entrance to Broad Cove, is Paul's Point. The hill takes its name from John Otis, an early settler with Rev. Peter Hobart, in 1635, and who received a grant of land here. He was the ancestor of the celebrated Otis family in America. The view from Otis Hill, like that from all the high hills of Hingham and Cohasset, is exquisite. The waters of the bay, and of Hingham harbor, with its picturesque islands, lie at one's feet. To the northeast and east, is the deep blue expanse of ocean, be- yond the long, narrow neck of Nantasket Beach, which connects the peninsular town of Hull with the mainland. Beyond Wind- mill Point, Hull, the granite bastions of Fort Warren reflect the light in the afternoon sun. Ships and steamers on their course lend life to the ocean view. The north shore melts to haze in the distance. Islands dot the waters of Boston Bay, the white towers of lighthouses surmounting some of them. To the northwest looms the city, crowned with its golden dome. The Blue Hills of Milton, the Mas-sa-chu-setts, " rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun," rise against the western horizon. Fields and heavy woodlands lie from the southwest to the southeast, interspersed with towns and villages scattered here and there. Daniel Webster greatly admired Otis Hill with its view, and often visited it on his way to Marshfield. It is said that he had a great desire to buy it and make his home there, but feared that as it was so near the city he could not hope for the seclusion which a more distant spot would afford. At the north end of Otis Hill is Walton's Cove, or Wampum Cove, a slight indentation westward from the harbor, with very pretty scenery about it, having a high rocky shore on one side and fine trees all about it. An early settler of 1635, William Walton, owned land here, hence its name. Beyond Walton's Cove is Crow Point, a rounded hill extending like a cape into the harbor. It was the first ancient landmark sighted by the early explorers who sailed into Hingham Harbor, and probably the first spot landed upon. Before leaving this neighborhood, it will be well to take a look at the islands. The tide is high, and a row about the bay will be a fine thing this bright fall afternoon. Taking a boat, then, at Crow Point, we will pull over first to Ragged Island, the westernmost of the group lying next the shore. This island, well-named, is a very picturesque mass of VOL. I. — 12 178 History of Hingham. rock, and the scarlet and yellow of the sumacs, and other wild shrubs, form a fiery contrast to the deep olive green of the savins here and there among the ledges. At half-tide, the rusty under- water coloring of the rocks of these islands, supplemented by the dark, yellowish-russet tints of the rockweed, which only grows submerged on the ledges, is very interesting in an artistic point of view. East of this lies Sarah's (Sailor's, or Sayles's) Island. This is also the summit of a great rocky ledge rising up from the water, and clothed with sumacs and other shrubs. Towards the head of the harbor, hardly a mile south, lies Button Island. This little heap of rock and gravel, bearing no trees nor shrubs and but little grass, is not worth visiting. But one other remains to be noticed, Langlee's Island (in early days Ibrook's), which is a beautiful spot. Steep ledges surround it, except for small intervals, where there are gravelly beaches, upon one of which stands a fine linden. Shrubs abound upon the uplands. It will be, in a few years, yet more beautiful than now, thanks to the enlightened taste of the gentleman who owns it. He has planted many small trees, which will eventually cover it with forest growth, as was originally the case when the country was settled, and restore it to the condition in which all the islands of Boston harbor should be. Had they been kept so for the past two centuries, the forces of erosion would not have succeeded in practically sweeping some of them from the face of the earth, and destroying the contour of all. Richard Ibrook, who probably owned this island very early, came in 1635. As we row ashore again, those few light clouds in the west are taking upon themselves from the declining sunbeams colors yet more gorgeous than those of the fall foliage, and we have a fine opportunity of admiring one of those superb sunsets for which Hingham harbor is justly celebrated. Glowing, as it does, over the waters of the bay and across the western liills, it presents a splendor which no locality in the world can surpass. Although twilight is short at this season, there is yet time for a ride around the shore before the gloaming is upon us ; and as we left our horses here, let us mount at once and follow the road around the north side of Crow Point, and then the beach along the foot of the fine hill next west of it, the bank of which is bordered by a heavy growth of Lindens, Canoe Birches (very rare hereabouts), and other trees. This is Pleasant Hill. Be- yond it are Planter's Fields, or Planils, and another of those Damde Meddowes which our ancestors rescued from the inroads of the sea wherever they could do so to advantage. Between the southerly slopes of Crow Point and Pleasant Hill, and Walton's Cove on the south, is a slight eminence called Tucker's or Tuck- er's Hill. John Tucker was an early settler, coming in 1635. The beach west of Pleasant Hill is Gardner's or Garnett's (Garner's) Beach. Ancient Landmarks. 179 Beyond Pleasant Hill is the mouth of Weymouth Back I^iver, here an arm of the sea. At this point is Huet's (Hewitt's) Cove, which with the land in its vicinity, including the localities formerly known as The Wigwam and The Captain's Tent, is a beautiful and romantic spot. The cove itself is an indentation formed by a low rocky point making out to the westward, the opposite shore being a steep ledge or precipice, the upper part covered with canoe birches, oaks, and other forest trees in pro- fusion. The rolling contour of the country here, embracing pretty open fields, alternating with savin and linden thickets •extending to the verge of the beaches, gives a charming va- riety to the landscape, while the water view is all that could be desired. During the siege of Boston by Washington, tlie English found themselves in sore straits for forage. Learning of some barns well filled with hay upon Grape Island, which lies off Huet's Cove, the British commander ordered a foraging party to pro- ■ceed in boats to the island and secure the supplies. The expe- dition, however, was discovered, and the militia of Hingham and vicinity were soon on the march down Lincoln Street to Huet's Cove, it being feared that the enemy intended landing there. Finding, however, that their objective point was Grape Island, a detachment was sent off which set the barns on fire before the English could land. Being disappointed in their object, the enemy returned to Boston without attempting a landing. Among the fields at Huet's Cove is a small tract formerly known as Patience's Garden. Patience Pometick, the last Indian squaw living in Hingham, used to gather roots and herbs here, and sell them to the townspeople. In later days, and early in this cen- tury, an eccentric colored woman called " Black Patty " used to visit Patience's Garden, and haunt the territory adjoining Huet's Cove. Upon one occasion Patty was collecting herbs there, when, happening to glance seaward, attracted by a peculiar and unac- customed sound, the poor wretch's blood was frozen by what she saw. A dark, uncouth looking monster was rapidly approaching over the water, snorting black smoke with a spiteful sound, the waves of the bay foaming behind it, and sparks of fire mingling with the smoke which it belched forth. Patty waited to see no more, but rushed over the fields and into the first house that she ■ could reach, screaming that the Fiend himself was close behind her. The monster which poor Patty had taken for the Enemy ■ of Souls was the first Hingham steamboat coming into the harbor ! Farther up Weymouth River, and just before reaching the bridge over which the Hingham and Quincy turnpike ran, there is a high, partly wooded promontory, which until within a year or two belonged to the town, and is known as Stoddard's (Stod- dar's) Neck. The old building nearest the bridge, on the north side of the .road was, in the days of the turnpike, the Toll House. From 180 History of Hingham. here a sharp ride over Lincoln Street will take us into the village about dusk. Until within twenty years this street only extended west a short distance beyond Crow-Point Lane, and the first set- tlers who laid it out called it Broad-Cove Street. It runs along the northerly base of Squirrel Hill, near its junction with Crow- Point Lane. The view from this hill almost equals that from Otis Hill. At the foot of Squirrel Hill were formerly Clay Pits, where there were brick kilns. The name of Broad-Cove Street was changed to Lincoln Street in honor of Major-General Benjamin Lincoln, of the army of the Revolution. The General Lincoln Mansion, on the corner of this and North Streets, is still occupied by his descendants. A portion of it is upwards of two hundred and twenty years old. About a dozen years since it became necessary to construct a sewer on Main Street, to relieve the part of the road south of the Old Meeting-House of surplus surface water. The line of this sewer was laid out so as to run along in front of the hill upon which stands the Derby Academy ; a part of which hill, as else- where stated, was cut down, and the roadway lowered to the present level. The rising ground thus removed was originally part of the burial-hill, and Main Street here passes over where the edge of the slope originally was. Upon digging to build this sewer several skeletons were un- earthed, which were identified as those of the Acadian prisoners who died in Hingham ; for a number of those unhappy exiles were sent here after their expatriation. Some of them lived for a time in a small one-story house which stood on Broad-Cove Street, on land which is now the southeast corner of Lincoln Street and Burditt Avenue. In this house also were quartered, early in the Revolutionary War, Lieutenant Haswell and his young daughter, who was afterwards the celebrated Mrs. Rowson. Mr. Haswell was a British officer, and collector of the customs at Hull, for the King. He was for some time a prisoner-of-war in Hingham and elsewhere. On Lincoln Street, at the easterly side of the road, and at the summit of the hill north of Fountain Square, stands a large, old- fashioned house which was, sixty years since, Wilder's Tavern, and yet earlier. The Andrews Tavern. There used to be a post in front of the porch, on which was a large golden ball. Another crisp, bright October morning, — " when the quiet light Succeeds the keen and frosty night; " and what could be finer than this for further explorations among the landmarks ? Let us start, therefore, in the direction of the West End. The house next west of the General Lincoln man- sion was in old times Seth Cushing's Inn. Going up North HOME OF GEN. BENJAMIN LINCOLN. Ancient Landmarks. 181 Street, we are all the time moving parallel with the Town Brook, which rises in Bare Swamp and flows down, crossing South Street at the West Hingham depot, thence easterly through the centre of The Swamp, — a fresh meadow bounded by North, West, and South Streets, and probably extending originally to the cove which is now the mill pond, — to its outlet in the last-named local- ity. The bridge across the brook, connecting North and South Streets at the point near the Methodist church, is known as Goold's Bridge. That one where these two streets approach each other at the east end of The Swamp, is Marsh's Bridge. A short distance further west an old way called Burton's Lane runs north from North Street toward Squirrel Hill. At the last bend of North Street is a small hill, a spur of Baker's Hill, known as Mars Hill. One of the oldest houses in Hingham stands upon it. After turning into Beal Street, Baker's Hill rises on the right hand. It is one of the largest and highest hills in town, and there is a superb view from the top. It derived its name from the residence, at its foot, of Nicholas Baker, who with his brother Nathaniel came with Rev. Peter Hobart in 1635. Beal Street, formerly The Turnpike between Hingham and Quincy, and the direct road to Boston until Lincoln Street was cut through, was in early times Goold's (Gold's) Lane, and ran north until it reached the first hill. Then it divided into three blind lanes. One led westward to Great Lots ; one northwest- ward to the same locality ; and one was Squirrel-Hill Lane, which runs from Beal Street, north of Baker's Hill, to Squirrel Hill. Edward Gold, from whom this lane took its name, was an early settler. He was known as " the pailmaker." A few rods from the junction of Beal with North Street, Hook- ley Lane runs west from Beal Street to Hockley. Where this lane begins is Hockley Corner (another Hockley Corner is on Fort-Hill Street). Hockley is an extensive district, consisting of hundreds of acres of rolling country, embracing fine meadows, woodlands, and a beautiful water front on Weymouth Back River. It is one of the most attractive localities in Hingham. Tucker's Swamp is situated north of Hockley Lane. In former days the cutting and drying of peat for fuel was quite an industry at this place. There were about twenty-fiA'e buildings then standing in the vicinity, used for the storage of dried peat. Near the foot of the lane is Hockley Run, which empties into the river at Real's Cove, a pretty indentation here. Two other small runs flow into the river near by. The old crossing known in early days as London Bridge was not far distant. The territory north, about Lincoln and Beal streets, including the Almshouse and Town Farm, was formerly denominated Great Lots, Stowell's Hill is on Weymouth River, near the Alms House. Returning to Beal Street, and crossing the head of the Swamp, 182 History of Hingham. over West Street, we turn to the right into Fort-Hill Street, which passes over Fort Hill, about a quarter of a mile farther south- west. The old name was Nichols's Hill, until, in the time of King Philip's War, a fort was built upon it for protection against Indian attacks, and the name was changed to Fort Hill. When the top of the hill was cut off, the lines of the old fort were oblit- erated. Near the end of this street, and close to the Weymouth line, is Fresh River, a little stream rising in Bare Swamp and emptying into Weymouth Back River. A small branch of this, flows from the neighborhood of Nutty Hill across Hobart Street. The bridge across Fresh River at Fort-Hill Street is West Bridge. The one over it on French Street is French's Bridge. At the corner of Fort Hill and French streets is a small sheet of water through which this little stream flows, called RouND Pond. New Bridge Street, which runs in a southerly direction from Fort-Hill Street, crosses Fresh River, passes through Bare. Swamp, and skirts the easterly side of Great Hill, which lies- between it and Hobart Street, Bare Swamp was, like all mead- ows found already cleared of forest by the early settlers, very valuable to them, for the reason that such lands afforded for- age for their cattle. In their system of valuation meadow property was rated highest, corn lands next, and woodlands least. How the present estimate would reverse this if a portion of the magnificent primeval forest which they found were yet standing ! Bare Swamp, when they came, was found to have been cleared by the beavers, and received its name from its being bare of trees. Those animals, evidently plenty up to that time, had by their dams across the watercourses, overflowed the vicin- ity. This had, perhaps, been the case for centuries, at least for so long a period that the trees had died out and fallen, and meadow land was the natural consequence. Great Hill is rather a barren height, as are most of the small eminences about it ; but interspersed among these are various little green and fertile meadows. Some of them are under culti- vation, others growing up to woods, which it is to be hoped will advance up the slopes of the hills, thus increasing their value and enhancing their beauty. The neighborhood is of great in- terest to the geologist, exhibiting as it does, remarkable traces of the occupancy of this region by the great glacier. Pigeon Plain is a sandy tract of land between the Great Hill district and High Street. It was in early days a haunt of the wild pigeons. South of Hobart Street, and between it and High Street, lies Hemlock Swamp. At the corner of French and High streets is Nutty (or Nutter's) Hill, so called because the early settlers found walnuts there in great abundance. Beyond High Street is Ward Street. The portion of this road, Old Ward Street, which used to be a highway running nearly Ancient Landmarks. 183 due south to Queen Ann's Turnpike, is discontinued, although even now it is a delightful bridle path through the thick woods. Where it crosses a small branch of Plymouth River is a pecu- liarly shaped field always known as Ox-Bow Meadow. The present part of Ward Street between its junction with Old Ward Street and Gushing Street, used to be called Fox Lane. Root's Bridge and Root's Hill are near the junction referred to. Riding through the pleasant old deserted Ward Street, we reach Whiting Street, formerly Queen Ann's Turnpike (or " Quean " Ann's Turnpike). This name, sad to say, was not bestowed in honor of good Queen Anne, but Was derived from the sobriquet of a far less reputable individual, who kept a tavern of unsavory reputation upon it in former days. This street enters Hingham from Weymouth, and makes its exit at Queen Ann's Corner, just east of Accord Pond, at the point where it meets Main Street. On Whiting Street, near the Weymouth line, is a rocky ridge across the street, called The Devil's Back. It is said that whatever may be done in the way of covering this ridge, or lowering it by blasting, it always in time reappeai's. Whether the inhabitants of an earlier gene- ration considered this peculiarity as evincing undue activity on the part of Satan in making travel in that vicinity more labori- ous, or whether they surmised that the " Ward Witches " had a hand in the mischief, instigated thereto by the Evil One, they bestowed upon the ridge this unsanctified name. The territory certainly must have been within the jurisdiction of these " Ward Witches," who were lady members of a family which formerly dwelt in a part of the town not very far away, and who were popularly believed to practise the Black Art. Passing southeast over this old turnpike we come to a deep ravine through which flows, in a northerly direction, an active little stream called Plymouth River. Further on, a branch of the same crosses the road. This " river," now but a brook in size, received its name from the fact of its being on the way to Plymouth, as it crossed the Old Indian Path which was in this vicinity, and which was the only road which the early settlers had between Boston and Plymouth. It must be noted that the little streams called " rivers " in Hingham, were doubtless in aboriginal days much wider and deeper than now. The denudation of the country by the extir- pation of the heavy forests, with the consequent desiccation of lands which then held in their sponge-like soils, mulched by thou- sands of generations of fallen leaves, volumes of water vastly in excess of what falls upon or remains in them now, has resulted in the dwarfing of the once good-sized streams, and the diminu- tion of the annual rainfall ; and the dry and starveling wood- lands (as compared with the primeval forest), cannot retain the moisture necessary to the formation of rivers of any size. A short distance southeast of the easterly branch of Plymouth 184 History of Hingliam. River, on Whiting Street, we come upon Gushing Street, crossing the old turnpike. We will turn to the right and proceed a few rods until we strike Derby Street, which leads from the intersec- tion of Gardner with Whiting Street, westward into Weymouth, This country is all in the old Fourth Division. Ancient land- marks are plentiful in this corner of Hingham, although many of them can with difficulty be distinguished, owing to the country being now extensively covered with woods where formerly were farms. Consequently, in most cases their location merely can be pointed out. South of Derby, and immediately west of Gardner Street, lies Huckleberry Plain, famous for the abundance of the fruit from which it derives its name. West of this, and south of Derby Street are the Farm Hills. Between Derby and Abington Street and Rockland, is Mast Swamp, where formerly grew very large pines, suitable for masts of vessels. North of Derby Street, and between it and Whiting Street, are the Smooth Hills. To the south again are the Three Hundred Acres, a tract once be- longing to Madam Derby. Derby Street was named in honor of this lady. Just before this street enters Weymouth, it passes through MusQUiTO Plain, so called from the supposed super- abundance of these insects. Retracing our course over Derby Street, we will turn into Gushing Street and proceed almost due north. Between this street, Whiting Street, and Plymouth River, is Breakneck Hill, now not a specially perilous descent where it invades the high- way, however steep it may formerly have been. East of Gushing Street, at this point, is Hoop-Pole Hill, where great quantities of trees were cut in the days when the mackerel fishery was in its prime, to furnish hoops for the barrels made at the harbor for packing the fish. Woods now cover nearly all the hills in this romantic and almost deserted portion of the town. A branch of Plymouth River crosses and recrosses the road along the base of these hills six times. The next point of interest is Mullein Hill, a sharp ridge lying on the east side of the road. The extensive growth of mullein in this locality in past days gave this hill its name. The somewhat abrupt ranges next crossed, and extending west of the road, are those of the High Hills. The country all about here has a peculiarly broken surface, and the woods covering it are principally oak. White-Oak Neck lies between Plymouth River, just before it enters Gushing's Pond, and Eel River, a little stream which flows north, crossing Gushing Street, and also emptying into this pond. The road turns abruptly to the eastward here, and crosses the southerly extremity of Gushing's Pond, a pretty sheet of water lying among wooded hills, upon the banks of which have been carried on some of the most noted industries of the town. Here is the Bucket Factory, where for generations were made the celebrated " Hino;ham buckets" which were sold, far and Ancient Landmarks. 185 wide, all over the country. It is proper to state, however, that it was the manufacture of buckets by hand, at little shops else- where in town, earlier than the establishment of this factory, that had procured for Hinoiiam the sobriquet of " Bucket Town." Here also were made the " Jacobs Hatchets " esteemed for their excellence and exported all over the world in days gone by. Alas, alas ! how the mercantile, manufacturing, and maritime en- terprises of Hingham have faded away, never to reappear. The Thomas Iron Foundry at Thomas's Pond on Weir River, the Eagle Foundry at the harbor, the Bucket Factory and Hatchet Works at Cushing's Pond, the Cordage Factory, the Iron Works and Factory at Trip-Hammer Pond, — the productions of all these various industries were justly appreciated both in this country and abroad, and none more so than those of the Stephenson Scale Works. The shipyards of Hingham — Hall's, Souther's, and ■others — launched as noble vessels as sailed under the flag. The fishing interests of the town employed a large fleet of fine schoon- •ers, well commanded and manned by hundreds of her stalwart young men. These interests built up more than one fortune, large for those days. The house near Main Street was one of the old inns of earlier days. It was known as Brigadier Cushing's Tavern. Reaching Main Street, we will turn to the right. The first hill on the road, going south, was in early days called Mayse's or May's, now Liberty Pole Hill. The country south of this locality, to the town line, is called Liberty Plain. At the foot of the southerly slope of this hill, a blind lane leads west through the woods, towards Eel River. This is Eel- River Lane. The gradual rise on Main Street from this point, south, is called Dig- away Hill (in some old papers Didgeway). Further on, to the west of the road, at Gardner Street, is White- Oak Plain. Half-way between Gardner Street and the town line, at Gardner's Bridge, Main Street crosses Beechwoods River, sometimes called Mill River, the little stream flowing northeast from Accord Pond, which unites with others near the centre of the township to form Weir River. On the town line where Main Street meets " Queen Ann's Turn- pike," now Whiting Street, is Queen Ann's Corner, and a few rods to the west is Accord Pond, from which Hingham draws its water supply. It is a beautiful sheet of water, of about tliree- iourths of a mile in length, lying within the limits of three towns, — Hingham, Rockland, and Norwell (formerly South Scitu- ate). The easterly shore is bordered by open country, the west side generally heavily wooded. The forest in this vicinity is largely composed of the Scarlet Oak, and at this season is in a blaze of brilliant coloring. It is a singular fact that of all the ponds of any considerable size in Hingham, but one is a natural pond. All the rest, — Cushing's, Fulling-Mill, Trip-Hammer, Thomas's, and the Mill- 186 History of Hingham. pond, are artificial. According to one tradition Accord Pond received its name from the following circumstances. A treaty with the Indians was about to be concluded by the inhabitants of the adjacent country, and it was decided to as- semble for the purpose at the point where the three towns of Abington, Scituate, and Hingham at that time met, somewhere near the middle of the pond which lay within the limits of these three townships. The conference was held in winter, on the ice, and was entirely successful, the questions at issue being settled amicably. On account of the happy accord which manifested itself between the contracting parties, the sheet of water received from that time the name of Accord Pond. There are other traditions of similar import, but this one seems the most interesting. One other large natural pond was within the original limits of Hingham, — Scituate Pond ; but it lies in Cohasset, which town, as previously stated, was set off from Hingham in 1770. A small stream called Slough River flows from the Farm Hills across Gardner Street, and empties into the northern ex- tremity of Accord Pond. On Main Street, a long house, almost the last building in Hing- ham before reaching the town line, was in the early part of the century Sivret's Tavern. The old country taverns in those days were vastly more numerous than they are now, when the railroads covering the country have rendered them superfluous. And now that bright yellow sunset over there, beyond the Blue Hills, indicates a fine day for to-morrow. This bright morning follows appropriately in the wake of the past few perfect days ; and now let us start for a stroll at the old cove itself. From the Mill bridge, passing west through North Street (the old Town Street of the early settlers) we come within a few rods to where the road bends slightly to the right. Here, where the millpond contracts to lialf its previous width, there was in the early days of the town, a second mill, and mill-dam across to the cemetery hill. A short distance farther west is Ship Street on the right, in old times Fish Street. At this spot the early settlers with Rev. Peter Hobart landed from their boats. The old houses on either corner of Ship and North Streets were formerly the Waters Taverns. An old house next to the one of these two on the westerly corner, was tlie Nye Tavern. Here i& where certain British officers, quartered in town as prisoners of war during the Revolution, were brought for their meals. The old house next west of the Nye Tavern, standing on rising ground, with many trees about it, the Gay Mansion, was the home of the Ancient Landmarks. 18T Rev. Dr. Gay, long the celebrated pastor of the First Parish. Immediately west of this stands a building which, now enlarged and rebuilt, was in its original condition the home of the Rev. John Norton, the second pastor of the First Parish. Opposite this spot, South Street enters North Street diagonally. This road also was termed Town Street when laid out by the first settlers. At its very beginning it crosses the Town Brook by Magoon's Bridge. Passing on a few rods more, we come to Main Street, which runs south from the railroad depot. On the easterly corner of Cottage Street, which enters North Street opposite Main, stands the Gushing House, formerly the Union Hotel, and earlier yet. Little & Morey's Tavern. This was a noted old inn in its day. Next east of it is a very old house, which was one of the " Gar- rison-houses " of the time of King Philip's War. Main Street crosses the Town Brook by Broad Bridge. The old bridge, notwithstanding its name, was formerly hardly wide enough for two teams to pass abreast, and a watering place for horses and cattle existed by the roadside where it crossed the brook. It is related that a worthy citizen, hurrying in a violent thunder storm to fetch the doctor, was obliged to wait for a flash of lightning to show him the bridge, which in the darkness was quite invisible. There is no locality in Hingham of which the name has a more familiar sound than that of the " Broad Bridge." Very near it, on both sides of the road, stood many of the shops where the town wits and celebrities used in the old times to gather in the winter evenings to talk over news and politics,, crack jokes, and tell stories, some of which have come down to posterity with all tlieir pristine savor. Pertinent to this subject may be a little circumstance which took place at a fine colonial mansion hard by, where dwelt in former days a gentleman of the old Hingham school. Squire Blank. Some French officers who had served with General Lincoln under Washington, were travel- ling in this country, and came to Hingham to pay their respects to the old general. Squire Blank gave a soiree in tlieir honor, and considered himself in courtesy bound to converse in French instead of the vernacular. Consequently, after welcoming his foreign guests, he launched into a general conversation with the most prominent Frenchman, who stood gracefully bowing and smiling, and using the most agonized endeavors to comprehend the Squire's French. At last, in despair of coming at his enter- tainer's meaning, he broke out deprecatingly but vigorously, and in the Squire's mother tongue, "For Heaven's sake, Mr. Blank, speak English if you can ! " On North Street, facing Broad Bridge, where the Catholic Church now is, there stood until recently a fine old colonial mansion, having tapestried halls, and with some of the door- panels decorated by sketches painted by the celebrated Madam 188 History of Hingham. THE THAXTER HOUSE, Which stood on North Street opposite Broad Bridge. Derby, — the old Thaxter House. At the time of the Revolu- tion it was owned and occupied by a Mr. Elisha Leavitt, who was a bitter Tory. It was thought by the patriots that he suggested to the British commander, during the siege of Boston, the sending of the expedition to Grape Island for the purpose of securing for- age. To punish him for this, a mob assembled and started for his house, with the idea, perhaps, of destroying the mansion, or pos- sibly, even, of offering him personal violence. He got wind of their coming, however, and had a barrel of rum rolled out of his cellar in front of the house, with other refreshments, such as crackers and cheese, for the rank and file of the mob, while cake and wine were provided in the house for the gentlemen leading the populace. Upon the arrival of the crowd, they were invited to help themselves to the refreshments, while the gentlemen aforesaid w^ere received by Mrs. Leavitt in elegant dress, and urged to walk in and partake of the wine. This unexpected and politic courtesy disarmed the fury of the Whigs, and the threat- ened violence was drowned in good cheer. Just beyond South Street the road formerly divided. The prin- cipal roadway came over the low hill upon which the Derby .Academy stands, the westerly portion of which has since been cut down. The other road ran along the foot of this hill. Be- tween the two roads on the high land stood the post-office, and one or two other buildings. Several old gravestones also were Ancient Landmarks. 189 there, as the slope had been in the early days a part of the burial ground, and the First Meeting-House of the early settlers with Rev. Peter Hobart stood in front of the present site of the Derby Academy. It was probably a log house, and there was a belfry upon it, containing a bell. It was fortified by palisades. When the street was lowered to the present level by cutting- down the hill and removing the buildings upon it, many graves were found in and about the roadway, containing the bones of some of the first settlers. These were reverently gathered to- gether and reinterred within the breastworks of the Old Fort, which is a circular earthwork on the summit of the burial hill, back of the Academy. This fort was built to command the ap- proach by water, either of Indians in their canoes during King Philip's War, or in anticipation of a possible attack at the time of the troubles with the Dutch at New York. It is kept in a fine state of preservation, and a plain granite shaft in the centre was erected by the town to the memory of the first settlers. Around its outer slope are set many very quaint and ancient gravestones, unearthed here and there in the process of repairs or improve- ment of this beautiful cemetery In the arrangement and adorn- ment of this resting-place of the dead, the taste displayed and the great work done by Dr. R. T. P Fiske and Mr. John Todd, the gentlemen who have had it in charge during the past fifty years, have been in the highest degree creditable and honorable to them. In this cemetery are interred some of the most distinguished of Americans, as well as those men who came from over the sea to make Hingham their home. Here sleep the long line of eminent pastors of the First Parish, who preached in the Old Meeting- house yonder, — Hobart, Gay, Norton, Ware, Richardson, Lincoln. Many families whose members have attained to high position in the political, military, professional, or business circles of the re- public bring their dead here to the home of their ancestors, to slumber in the beautifully wooded hills or valleys of this lovely spot. Many a soldier, from the general commanding an army to the riflemen who stood shoulder to shoulder in the line of battle, awaits the last reveille here. Many a sailor, who fought under " Old Glory " behind the cannon on the high seas, is ready to start up from this ground when " All hands on deck ! " is piped for the last time. The tomb of Major-General Benjamin Lincoln, of the Rev- olutionary Army, is here. John Albion Andrew, the " great war governor" of Massachusetts during the Rebellion, rests here by his monument. The shaft to those who died by land or sea in the war for the Union crowns one of these beautiful heights. On Main Street, in front of the entrance to the cemetery and on a height above the road, the handsome retaining wall of which is draped with ampelopsis, now beautiful in autumn coloring, is The Old Meeting-House of the First Parish, now in the two hundred and eighth year of its existence. Standing far apart from and 190 History of Hingham. above all other buildings, and embowered in fine trees, it is too well known to need description here. In simple, homely grand- eur it towers there, a century older than the republic itself. If it could speak so as to be heard by mortal ears, what might it not reveal of the dead and of the living, of the story of the past ! But to those who love Hingham and her history, it has a thousand tongues which are never silent. Main Street, as far as Pear-Tree Hill, which is the steep bluff at the beginning of the Lower Plain, was, in the earliest times, known as Bachelor's Rowe, or Bachelor Street. The salt marshes east of the road, below Pear-Tree Hill, are the Home Meadows. Having surmounted Pear-Tree Hill, we are upon the Lower Plain, which is a tract of mainly level country extending south as far as Tower's Bridge, on Main Street. But we will leave this street and take Leavitt Street eastward. A large, low building on the corner, under a noble buttonwood-tree, was, in former days, Lewis's Inn. The large, old-fashioned building east of it was once the old Almshouse. Leaving the Agricultural Hall upon the left, we soon come to Weir River, here crossed by Leavitt's Bridge. A short distance further on, a way is reached winding off to the right and south, which is Pope's Lane, or Pope's Hole. At the first turn on this lane are the Clump Bars, known also to the boys of past genera- tions as Plumb Bars. This is evidently a corruption, as they de- rived the name from being, in former times, near a clump of trees w^hen there were but few trees in the vicinity. The country there- abouts had not then grown up to woodlands, but was devoted to tillage or pasturage. Between this lane and Weir River lies Rocky Meadow. Turning to the eastward, the way leads into thick woods, in a rocky, rolling country, and among these, on the right side of the lane, is the wild and romantic ledge known as Indian Rock. Nearly opposite this rock is Chubbuck's Well, and the cellar of Chubbuck's House, which house itself was demolished in 1759. This old well, now filled to the brim with leaves and dt^bris, yet shows the carefully built wall, as good now as when constructed by Thomas Chubbuck, who was an early settler in 1634. Further down the lane there is a rocky place in the woods called The Hogpen. The lane, turning westward, crosses Trip-Hammer Pond by a causeway. This pond is formed by Weir River, which flows through it. There were formerly iron works here, with a trip- hammer, and also a shingle factory. Returning to Leavitt Street (the part of which leading into Third Division Woods was the old Third Division Lane) we will stop to look into James Lane, now so overgrown with woods that it cannot be distinguished, except by its location, from other cartways into the forest. It leads to James Hill, in Cohasset. Ancient Landmarks. 191 Near its junction with Leavitt Street is Pine-Log Hill. The Ieon Mine (so called) is here at the corner of the lane, although indistinguishable in the undergrowth. It is hard to say now what gave this name to the locality. Near it is Black Snake Hill. Dismal Swamp is northeast of the Iron Mine, and ex- tends into Cohasset. Close by is, or rather was, the famous Forest Sanctuary. This was an open grove of noble pines, the growth of centuries, — the ground beneath them being carpeted with a thick layer of fragrant pine needles, with gray and mossy rocks here and there. The name was a fitting one, and well ex- pressed the quiet grandeur of the natural beauty of this remote spot. But it was deemed desirable to sweep away these superb trees in order to " coin their blood for drachmas," and Forest Sanctuary has accordingly long been a thing of the past. We are now in the Third Division Woods, which extend far and wide, over hill, dale, and swamp, and form probably the near- est approach to the primeval wilderness which can be found within fifteen miles of Boston. They spread over into Cohasset, and far southward. The deciduous part of these woodlands is largely composed of various species of the oak family ; the ever- green portion principally of the white pine, although many other species of both classes of trees abound. At the side of the old Third Division Road, on the line between Hingham and Cohasset, is a mark which was called the Stone Bounds. When the select- men of the two towns " make their rounds," they are popularly and mysteriously supposed to reach this mark at high noon, and according to the ancient custom " crack a bottle " against it. Other landmarks in Third Division Woods are Josh Leavitt's Bars, on the right side of the way near the road to Beechwoods. Near by is Thorph. Burr's Hill, so called from a Mr. Burr, who owned land at its foot. Glass Rock was on the line of the Third Division, far south. Now let us return again to Leavitt Street, and, retracing our former course, turn to the eastward into Turkey Hill Lane, which leads up over three quite elevated eminences, until we reach the principal height of Turkey Hill. It is nearly a mile to this summit. At the first bend, to the right of the lane, are the re- mains of what was once a ledge, or enormous bowlder, about twelve feet high, with a rounded top sloping off smoothly to the south. This was Great Rock. Upon this smooth surface an eccentric individual had chiselled in large letters this odd inscrip- tion : — "When wild in woods the naked savage ran, Lazell, Low, Loring, Lane, Lewis, Lincoln, Hersey, Leavitt, Jacobs, King, Jones and Sprague, Stemmed the wild torrent of a barbarous age, And were the first invaders of this country From the Island of Great Britain, in 1635." 192 History of Hingham. A few feet away from the above, was also cut the following : — " This Inscription WAS WROUGHT BY HOSEA SpRAGUE, A NATIVE OF HiNGHAM, WHO WAS A TRAVELLER HERE July 4th, 1828." It was regarded as a great curiosity, and would have been more and more interesting as time passed on. But, unhappily, in the year 1833 certain persons considered that the only value in the great rock was the handful of dollars which it would bring for building purposes, and it was blown to pieces and sold for a pittance. As one mounts higher and higher upon this hill, or rather upon this series of heights, the view in all directions grows more and more beautiful, until, when the top of Turkey Hill is reached, it may be called sublime. Look at it now in this red October sunset ! To the east on the horizon lies the deep blue line of the broad Atlantic, which sweeps round toward the north. North and northwest are the headlands and islands of the bay. In the extreme distance in this last di- rection the sun's rays flame upon the roofs and towers of the city. In the nearer space they are reflected in golden light from the placid waters of the harbor. Weir River shines between the green meadows, almost at our feet, like a silver thread. The Blue Hills are misty in the far west. Villages and houses speck the landscape here and there. That great hill to the southeast is SciTUATE Hill. Now turn southwards. There are brilliant woodlands in the other directions, but what a glory of scarlet, yellow, and green from the painted forests that stretch away to the southern hori- zon's edge here ! This surpasses any other Hingham view. In the War of 1812 people came to this hill on a sorrowful June day to see a famous naval duel. The British frigate " Shannon " had been cruising off Boston harbor, and the captain sent a chal- lenge in to Captain Lawrence, who commanded the frigate " Chesa- peake," then lying at the navy yard, her crew having been paid off. The American officer gathered as good a crew as could be ob- tained from the sailors in port, and hurriedly set sail to meet the enemy. The encounter was off Scituate, and was very sanguin- ary. In the midst of it the brave Lawrence fell, mortally wounded. As they carried him below he cried, " Don't give up the ship ! " But with his fall, the Americans lost heart, and after a hopeless struggle they were forced to surrender. A sad and wretched pageant for the spectators on Turkey Hill and along* the shore ! Turkey Hill lies mostly in Hingham, but a part is in Cohasset. Its name was bestowed on account of the early abundance of wild turkeys there. Ancient Landmarks. 193 In descending the hill at the easterly end, we leave the old way and pass over a private road, which has been laid out through the dark pine woods, winding beautifully down the slope till it reaches Side-Hill Road, following which, northward, we come out of these charming woods upon East Street, which we will turn into and proceed toward Cohasset. The Batteey Pasture, or The Battery, was near Side-Hill road. The origin of the name is obscure. There is a very singular tongue of Hingham territory which extends over half a mile into Cohasset, and is known as The Homesteads. It is only a few rods in w^idth, and tapers off to nothing at the railroad crossing at its east end. " The Home- steads " were the home lands of certain of the inhabitants, who, soon after Cohasset was laid off from Hingham, petitioned to be allowed to have their lands here re-annexed to Hingham. On the north side of East Street are the Turkey Meadows, and the little stream which crosses the road from the south and eventu- ally flows under Lambert's Lane, emptying finally into Lyford's Liking River, is Turkey-Hill Run. Retracing our course, we come back to where Side-Hill Road ends on East Street. Near this junction once stood the Black- Horse Tavern, a famous resort for gunners and persons on their way to or from Hull. Ebenezer Beal was the old-time host of this inn. Hull Street leads north from this point to Nantasket Beach. From the extreme northwesterly part of "The Homesteads" it forms the boundary line between Hingham and Cohasset. About half a mile from the railroad crossing, Canterbury Street leads away on the left, through the district called Canterbury. The village on Hull Street, extending from Canterbury Street to Jerusalem road, is known by the singular name of Tugmanug, and it used to be one of the most quaint and interesting localities along the shore. Its odd little houses, many of them having the front door painted in most gorgeous hues, the rough and rocky road, the queer little nooks and corners here and there, and the salty savor which pervaded the whole place, and the inhabitants, whose characteristics were in some respects peculiar to a village on the New England coast where wrecks were not uncommon, lent a picturesque glamour to the hamlet and its people. Alas ! all this is gone now, and the charm which once hung over this mysterious locality is fled forever. All is now " spick and span," tidy and humdrum. This day, which will be the last of our wanderings among the ancient landmarks, is far colder than the lovely Indian-summer days which have been granted us until this morning, and sharp riding will be necessary in order to keep comfortably warm. We will turn back again to East Street and make our way west- ward. That little road, crossing the railroad track and windins: 194 History of Hingham. through a rocky, slirubby country and over high lands toward Rockland Street, is Weir Street, once the old Weir-River Lane. It affords one of the beautiful and sequestered rides for which Hingham and Cohasset are famed. The tract of high land lying east of it, now largely overgrown by woods, used to be Great Pasture, A little further on, around a bend in the road, we come to Cushing's Bridge, across Weir River. Many fine " wine-glass elms " are scattered here and there in the meadow by the river's banks, and by the roadside, across the stream, is the magnificent Old Elm, which was transplanted to this spot in 1729, three years before the birth of Washington. It is justly celebrated for its size and symmetry. All the territory in this vicinity, from Hull Street to Summer Street, has always been known as Rocky Nook. The road, after passing a row of sturdy red oaks on the left, which must have been old trees when the Pilgrims landed, reaches a descent cut through a rough ledge and known as Rocky Hill. Just beyond the high lands to the right is Chamberlin's Swamp, and the little stream running through the meadow, parallel with the road and crossing it at last, to empty into Weir River at the foot of the Agricultural Society's grounds, is Chamberlin's Run. It is nearly dry in summer. The large white house between it and the Agricultural Hall, now a private residence, was, in the old days, a tavern. East Street ends at Leavitt Street, passing over which west to Main Street, we find ourselves in the middle of the village of " Hingham Centre," upon Lower Plain, which extends from Pear-Tree Hill to Tower's Bridge, as generally understood, al- though the town book giving the " names of streets, lanes, plains, and bridges, as established by the town May 7, 1827, and since," gives the boundaries of Lower Plain, " Pleasant Street to Pear- Tree Hill." Main Street runs through the village, passing The Common, lying east of the public library, and on the west side of the road at this point a fine old-fashioned residence, which was in earlier days a tavern. A short distance beyond, opposite the Grand Army Hall, is a deep depression on the north side of the road, containing a small sheet of water, now hardly more than a puddle, which was often referred to in old deeds as Bull's Pond. An Almshouse formerly stood on the site of the Grand Army Hall. After a turn to the westward, about a quarter of a mile further on, the street turns abruptly south at Cold Corner, and a few rods beyond is entered by Hobart Street, near the corner of which was the old Town Pound, where stray cattle were im- pounded. Half a mile or so beyond, the road crosses a little stream by Tower's Bridge. From this bridge to the south line of the town, the country bears the general title of Great Plain, Ancient Landmarks. 195 GLAD-TIDINGS ROCK. although particular portions are more specially designated. The road winds up a slight rise from Tower's Bridge, and High Street, a few rods beyond, runs west to Weymouth. Just off this street is White-Horse Pond. Free Street is opposite to High, on Main Street, and runs east to Lasell Street. Just north of Free Street is a small conical height called Crow Hill, formerly a famous resort for the birds of that feather. Near by is Crow- Hill Swamp. A short distance further south Main Street crosses the stream coming from Cushing's Pond by Wilder's Bridge. From this bridge to Mayse's (Liberty Pole) Hill, is Glad-Tidings Plain. After surmounting another rise in the road, we find on the west side the church of the Second Parish. This village is South Hingham, and the street is very wide and straight for a long distance, running between extensive bordering lawns and fine rows of trees. Back of the houses on the east side is a high granite ledge, known as Glad- Tidings Rock. In King Philip's War, a famous hunter, John Jacob by name, went out to shoot deer near where the church now stands. He is said to have frequently declared that he never would allow him- self to be taken alive by the Indians if he encountered them. They ambushed and shot him dead near this rock, and one tra- dition says that his friends, overjoyed to find that he had been killed outright and not captured to be tortured to death by the savages, called it Glad-Tidings Rock. Another tradition re- counts that a woman, lost by her friends, was discovered by them from the top of the rock, and that from this circumstance the ledji-e received its name. 196 History of Hingham. We will turn eastward into South Pleasant Street, on the cor- ner of which is a notable mansion, the home of the celebrated R,ev. Daniel Shute, D. D., the first pastor of the Second Parish. The house is inhabited at the present day by one of his lineal descendants. South Pleasant Street is shaded by noble elms, set out by a former member of tlie old Gushing family ; whose lands, for generations, have extended far and wide in this section, and do still, for hereabouts the population is largely composed of Cushings. ruLLiNG-MiLL Pond is on the right of the road, and at its out- let, which is a little stream called Fulling-Mill Brook, once stood the Fulling Mill. The bridge across this brook is Page's Bridge. Between Page's Bridge and Lasell Street, on the south side of the road, is Little Pond. This is a sluice-way of clear water which never freezes, and is on a piece of land of about three acres in extent, which was leased by the town to the Rev. Dr. Shute for nine hundred and ninety-nine years ! The hill be- yond Page's Bridge is rightly named Stony Hill. Now we will strike off into Lasell Street, a wild and pretty road, winding mostly through woods and between shrubby way- sides. On the easterly side of this street, about one eighth of a mile from Free Street, and just north of a rocky rise, there is in a thickly overgrown and woody field, the Old Lasell Pine. It seems probable that this ancient giant may be one of the few mighty trees yet remaining of the primeval forest. The shat- tered branches, rent by the storms of ages, would themselves form large trees, and the vast trunk, standing grimly amid its own ruins, presents but a picturesque suggestion of the old pine's earlier majesty. Rocky Run is a little stream flowing under the street. Entering Union Street, we find that Feaeing's Bridge crosses Weir River a short distance further northward, where it flows among willows. Now, turning about, we will keep to the south- ward over this street. At the first bend to the east, on rising ground, there is a gateway, through which a cart road leads to Trip-Hammer Pond. A short distance beyond this gateway Long- Bridge Lane runs eastward from Union Street, winding through woods to granite quarries, and then crosses Beechwoods River. Near the entrance to this lane is Coal-Pit Hill. A few rods further south the road crosses Beechwoods River at Sprague's Bridge, and then passing the place where South Pleasant Street enters it, rises on to high land, and over what is called The Mountain, or Mount Blue Road, Mount Blue being in Norwell across the line. The view west and south from this vicinity is very fine, and the drive over this road, thence over Beechwood Street into Cohasset, is a most delightful one. CO W <^ w oT w I— I o Q W cj !2! o CQ H Ancient Landmarks. 197 Beechwoods is a very sparsely settled district, mostly heavily wooded with beech and oak, and with much of the beautiful holly growing at intervals. That rare and delicate shrub, the ink-berry, is not uncommon on the open roadsides of Union Street. Retracing our way, and taking South Pleasant Street, we will turn south into Charles Street by Stony Hill. Here is Mast- Bridge Plain, where formerly fine masts were cut from the for- est to equip the vessels building at the harbor. Mast-Bridge Meadows lie along Beechwoods River. This little stream is crossed by Hersey's Bridge. The noble height to the east is Prospect Hill, the highest in Hingham. The view from the summit is very extensive. After crossing Hersey's Bridge the road turns southward. To the westward is The Wigwam, a most interesting locality. Here dwelt the Indians in considerable numbers, and tbe stone fire- places of their wigwams were standing within the remembrance of persons now living. Many of their implements of domestic use and of the chase have been found here. There remains but one part of Hingham which has not been explored for the landmarks. To cover that, we will start at Cold •Corner and take Central Street, a road laid out within a few years, which near the Rope walks runs over a marsh which was once known as Christmas Pond. No trace now remains, however, which would indicate that a pond had ever existed here. Turning west into Elm Street, we soon pass over rising ground, the portion of which on the right, between Elm and Hersey streets, was called Powder-House Hill. A red Powder House formerly stood upon it, in which was stored a supply of gunpowder. It was moved here from the hill just north of the New North Church, on Lincoln Street. Near the corner of Elm and Hersey streets, there stood until within a few years a beautiful wood, known as Tranquillity Grove. It was long made use of for picnics and various other sorts of gatherings, social, political, and religious. The early abolitionists used it for some of their stirring meetings. The lower part of Hersey Street, from Elm to South streets was in early times Austin's Lane, taking its name from Jonas Austin, one of the first settlers in 1636, who had his homestead granted on Town Street (now South) at the north end of this lane. South Street, which was, like North Street, first called Town Street, begins at North Street opposite the old Gay mansion, im- mediately crosses Magoon's Bridge, and runs west. After cross- ing Main Street, and just before Lafayette Avenue is reached, it until within three years passed by a homely old provincial build- ing, which was in the last century the Anchor Tavern. General Lafayette once lodged in it when he had occasion to pass the night in Hingham, during the Revolutionary War. It was the 198 History of Hingham. country home of John A. Andrew, the war governor of Massa- chusetts, for one summer during the great rebellion. The short street which connects South with North Street, immediately west of the railroad depot, crosses the town brook, and is known as Thaxter's Bridge. In the old days the Whipping Post was located here. About a quarter of a mile further on, and a few rods east of Austin's Lane (now Hersey 'Street), formerly stood the old Pine-Tree Tavern. On the site of it there now stands a large white house which was built by General Lincoln for his son-in-law and private secretary, Mr. Abner Lincoln. The road runs west and enters Fort-Hill Street after crossing the Town Brook at Derby's Bridge. On the south side of the street at this point formerly stood the mansion of Madam Derby, who applied the property left for the purpose by her first husband. Dr. Ezekiel Hersey, to founding Derby Academy. Many stories are told of this able but eccentric woman. Among others is this one, applicable to her home. She had a rustic seat arranged among the branches of one of the trees near her house, from which she could observe her la- borers in the fields. She was upon one occasion sitting there decidedly in dishabille, when she saw a carriage some distance off, containing visitors whom she had expected to arrive later in the day, but with whom she was not well acquainted. She jumped down from her perch, ran round to the back of the house,, caught a brace of chickens on the way, twisted their necks and flung them to the cook with orders to broil them for dinner at once, ran through the house, and (her house servants not being at home) received the guests, who did not know her in her r81e of servant, showed them to their rooms, and hastening to her own, dressed and descended to the parlor to welcome them as. Madam Derby ; and they did not recognize the servant who had ushered them to their apartments in the lady of the mansion who received them in state. When the money for the endowment of Derby Academy was brought from Salem to Hingham by Nathan Lincoln and his wife (he was a nephew of Dr. Ezekiel Hersey), it was concealed in a bucket which stood on the floor of a chaise, between Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. Madam Derby caused stones in the cellar wall of her house to be removed, and the money, enclosed in woollen bags, was built into the wall, for concealment and safety. When this old mansion was burned, in the early part of this century, there had been living in it people whose habits of life were far from being such as invited the approval of the neighbors. And certain old Avomen who were gathered together watching its destruction, averred that they saw fiends and witches ascending in the smoke and dancing in the flames. The nineteenth century would appear to be a little subsequent to the era of unseemly performances on the part of individuals Ancient Landmarks. 199 of that ilk ; but the old ladies who witnessed their antics at the fire aforementioned were wives of respectable citizens of the West End, and their statements are not to be lightly called in question by the incredulous. You have now been with me among the landmarks of these old towns, from the grim ledges off the eastern shore, where the surf beats itself incessantly to foam and spray on Cohasset rocks, to the singular rolling gravel mounds at the west end of Hing- ham, where the glacier of the last ice-period has left such in- disputable proofs of its former presence, — from the pretty landlocked harbor at the north, the ancient " Bare Cove," to the secluded woodlands which cover the greater part of the southern portion of these townships ; and where the ponds, those scarcely ruffled sheets of blue water, lie among green meadows and for- ests like sapphires among emeralds, — through old streets and lanes full of points of interest to the antiquarian, and over beau- tiful hills, whose graceful contour forms the background of every landscape. We maritime New Englanders breathe a double inspiration from our surroundings, for, dwelling by the ocean, upon which our people have proved themselves worthy descendants of the Northmen, we are at the same time practically mountaineers. Our rocky hills are the foot-hills of the mountain ranges a few miles west and north of us, which on the coast of Maine actually invade the realm of the sea. Even upon Boston Bay, look at those Blue Hills of Milton, whose tops are sometimes above the clouds. A short distance inland, and Wachusett and Monadnock show their heads, while Mount Washington itself is visible from the sea-coast. In the atmosphere of such surroundings, what wonder is it that upon rolls containing the Hingham and Cohasset names of Lincoln, Cushing, Hobart, Tower, Gay, Thaxter, Shute, Sprague, Pratt, Hersey, Stoddard, Fearing, and others, should be found many which have adorned the professions of the ministry, law, and medicine ; which have become eminent as those of poets, literati, artists ; of men who have achieved the fortune and prac- tised the liberality of merchant princes ; who in the battle line by land and sea have, from sailors at their guns and soldiers in the ranks to great generals, shed lustre upon the Colony and the Republic ; who have, as deputies, or congressmen, or governors, or ambassadors, reaped honorable laurels in this and in foreign lands ; or lastly, in the presidential chair itself, won a simple, homely, but illustrious fame which will through all our future history go hand in hand with that of Washington ! Even as the Ancient Landmarks of Hingham and Cohasset tell a story of the existence and physical progress of the race and community of which those families were the type, so have 200 History of Hingham. the lives and deeds of the leading spirits of those families served as landmarks in the annals of the Great Republic ; which is herself the brightest landmark in the present, as we devoutly hope she will be for the ages of the future, in the history of mankind. EARLY SETTLERS. BY JOHN D. LONG. HiNGHAM is one of the oldest towns in Massachusetts. There were settlers here as early as 1633. Its first name was Bearcove or Barecove, more likely the latter, in view of the exposure of al- most its entire harbor at low tide, and as appears also in the spelling of the name in the order of the General Court referred to below. So far as it had any legislative incorporation, it was in- corporated, and this has been the usual statement of writers, Sept. 2, 1635, only eleven towns having in that respect an earlier date. Perhaps, however, the term incorporation is not appropriate in this connection, the brief order which the General Court, consist- ing of the Governor, assistants, and deputies, adopted and entered on that day being as follows, — a form used before, and a,fterwards, in the case of several other towns: — "The name of Barecove is changed and hereafter to be called Hingham." Who was the first settler, or at what exact date he came, it is impossible to say. Mr. Solomon Lincoln, the historian of the town in 1827, gives the following interesting facts : — " The exact date at which any individual came here to reside cannot be ascertained. Among the papers of Mr. Gushing, there is a ' list of the names of such persons as came out of the town of Hingham, and towns ad- jacent, in the County of Norfolk, in the Kingdom of England, into New England, and settled in Hingham.' From this list we are led to believe there were inhabitants here as early as 1633, and among them Ralph Smith, Nicholas Jacob with his family, Thomas Lincoln, weaver, Edmund Hobart and his wife, from Hingham, and Thomas Hobart with his family, from Windham, in Norfolk, England. During the same year Theophilus Gushing, Edmund Hobart, senior, Joshua Hobart, and Henry Gibbs, all of Hingham, England, came to this country. Gushing lived some years at Mr. Haines's farm, and subsequently removed to Hingham. The others settled at Gharlestown, and in 1635 removed to this place. In 1634 there were other settlers here, and among them Thomas Chubbuck ; Bare Gove was assessed in that year. Tq 1635, at the May court, Joseph Andrews 202 History of Hingham. was sworn as constable of the place. There was a considerable increase of the number of settlers, and in that year grants of land were made to up- wards of fifty individuals, of which a record is preserved. It was in June of that year that Rev. Peter Hobart arrived at Charlestown, and soon after settled in this place. " I here subjoin the names of those who settled or received grants of land here, in the respective years mentioned. Possibly there may be some names omitted, which have escaped my observation, and those of others in- serted to whom lands were granted, but who never settled here. The list is as perfect, however, as long, careful, and patient examination of public and private records can make it. "In 1635, in addition to those before-mentioned (namely: Joseph An- drews, Thomas Chubbuck, Henry Gibbs, Edmund Hobart, Sen., Edmund Hobart, Jr., Joshua Hobart, Rev. Peter Hobart, Thomas Hobart, Nicholas Jacob, Thomas Lincoln, weaver, Ralph Smith), were Jonas Austin, Nicholas Baker, Clement Bates, Richard Betscome, Benjamin Bozworth, William Buckland, James Cade, Anthony Cooper, John Cutler, John Farrow, Daniel Fop, Jarvice Gould, Wm. Hersey, Nicholas Hodsdin, Thos. Johnson, An- drew Lane, Wm. Large, Thomas Loring, George Ludkin, Jeremy Morse, William Nolton, John Otis, David Phippeny, John Palmer, John Porter, Henry Rust, John Smart, Francis Smith (or Smyth), John Strong, Henry Tuttil, William Walton, Thomas Andrews, William Arnall, George Bacon, Nathaniel Baker, Thomas Collier, George Lane, George Marsh, Abraham Martin, Nathaniel Peck, Richard Osborn, Thomas Wakely, Thomas Gill, Richard Ibrook, William Cockerum, William Cockerill, John Fearing, John Tucker. "In 1636, John Beal, senior, Anthony Eames, Thomas Hammond, Joseph Hull, Richard Jones, Nicholas Lobdin, Richard Langer, John Leavitt, Thomas Lincoln, Jr., miller, Thomas Lincoln, cooper, Adam Mott, Thomas Minard, John Parker, George Russell, William Sprague, George Strange, Thomas Underwood, Samuel Ward, Ralph Woodward, John Winchester, William Walker. "In 1637, Thomas Barnes, Josiah Cobbit, Thomas Chaffe, Thomas Clapp, William Carlslye (or Carsly), Thomas Dimock, Vinton Dreuce,. Thomas Hett, Thomas Joshlin, Aaron Ludkin, John Morrick, Thomas Nichols, Thomas Paynter, Edmund Pitts, Joseph Phippeny, Thomas Shave, Ralph Smith, Thomas Turner, John Tower, Joseph Underwood, Williami Ludkin, Jonathan Bozworth. " In 1638 there was a considerable increase of the number of settlers. Among them were, Mr. Robert Peck, Joseph Peck, Edward Gilman, John Foulsham, Henry Chamberlain, Stephen Gates, George Knights, Thomas Cooper, Matthew Cushing, .John Beal, Jr., Francis James, Philip James,, James Buck, Stephen Payne, William Pitts, Edward Michell, John Sutton, Stephen Lincoln, Samuel Parker, Thomas Lincoln, Jeremiah Moore, Mr. Henry Smith, Bozoan Allen, Matthew Hawke, William Ripley. "All of those preceding, who came to this country in 1638, took passage in the ship ' Diligent,' of Ipswich, John Martin, master. In ad- dition to these, the following named persons received grants of land in the year 1638, viz. : John Buck, John Benson, Thomas Jones, Thomas Lawrence, John Stephens, John Stodder, Widow Martha Wilder, Thomas Thaxter. "In 1639 Anthony Hilliard and John Prince received grants of land. The name of Hewett (Huet) and Liford, are mentioned in Hobart's Diary,, Early Settlers. 20S in that year, and in the Diary the following names are first found in the respective years mentioned; in 164G, Burr, in 1647, James Whiton ; in 1649, John Lazell, Samuel Stowell ; in 1653, Garnett and Canterbury. " The number of persons who came over in the ship ' Diligent,' of Ips- wich, in the year 1638, and settled in Hingham, was one hundred and thirty- three. All that came before were forty-two, making in all one hundred and seventy-five. The whole number that came out of Norfolk (chiefly from Hingham, and its vicinity) from 1633 to 1639, and settled in this Hingham, was two hundred and six. This statement, on the authority of the third town clerk of Hingham, must be reconciled with the fact that there was a much larger number of settlers herein 1639 than would appear from his estimate. They undoubtedly came in from other places, and I am inclined to believe that there may be some omissions in Mr. Cushing's list. It may be remarked here, that many of the names mentioned in the previous pages are now scattered in various parts of the country. Many of the first settlers removed to other places during the militia difficulties which occurred within a few years after the settlement of the town ; and a considerable number had previously obtained lands at Rehoboth. " The earliest record to be found of the proceedings of the town in rela- tion to the disposition of the lands is in 1635. In June of that year grants were made to a considerable number of individuals, and on the 18th of September, as has been before stated, thirty of the inhabitants drew for house-lots, and received grants of other lands for the purposes of pasture, tillage, etc. "It was in July, 1635, that a plantation was erected here; and on the 2d of September following that, the town was incorporated by the name of Hingham, from which it appears that there are but eleven towns in this State, and but one in the county of Plymouth, older than Hingham. I can- not ascertain satisfactorily when the first meeting for civil purposes was held. It is stated by Mr. Flint in his century discourses, to have been on the 18th of September, 1635. There is as much evidence in our town re- cords, and in those of Cushing's MSS. which I have examined, that the first town-meeting was held in June of that year, as in September. The state- ments in the same discourses, that the inhabitants of Hingham arrived in 1635, and that they obtained deeds of land from the natives to form the town previously to holding the first town-meeting, are unquestionably erro- neous, being at variance with our town records, Cushing's MSS., and the Indian deed itself. " The house-lots drawn on the 18th of September, 1635, were situated on the ' Town street,' the same which is now called North Street. During that year the settlement was extended to ' Broad Cove Street,' recently named Lincoln Street. In the year following, house-lots were granted in the street now called South Street, and in the northerly part of ' Bachelor Street,' now Main Street. "Some idea of the relative wealth of several towns in 1635 may be estimated from the following apportionment of the public rate for that year. Newton and Dorchester were assessed each £26 5 ; Boston, £25 10 ; Salem, £16 ; Hingham, £6; "Weymouth, £4, etc. In 1637 the number of men furnished by this town to make up the number of one hundred and sixty to prosecute tbe war against the Pequods, were six ; Boston furnished twenty-six ; Salem, eighteen ; Weymouth, five ; Medford, three ; Marble- head, three. The assessment upon this town at the General Court in Au- ^04 History of Hingham. gust following, was £8 10 ; the least, except that of Weymouth, which was £6 16. Property and population appear to have been unequally distributed and often fluctuating. In 1637 we find the first record of the choice of a town clerk. Joseph Andrews was chosen, and in 1638 the first record of the choice of assessors." The following is a literal copy of the deed of the township of Hingham, given by the Indians in 1665 : — "Whereas divers Englishmen did formerly come (into the Massachusets now called by the Englishmen New England) to inhabit in the dayes of Chickatabut our father who was the Cheife Sachem of the sayd Massachusets on the Southward side of Charles River, and by the free Consent of our sayd father did set downe upon his land and in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirty and four divers Englishmen did set downe and inhabit upon part of the land that was formerly our sayd fathers land, which land the Englishmen call by the name of Hingham, which sayd Eng- lishmen they and their heires and assosiats have ever since had quiet and peaceable possession of their Towneshippe of Hingham by our likeing and •Consent which we desire they may still quietly possess and injoy and be- cause ther have not yet bin any legall conveyance in writing passed from us to them conserning their land which may in future time occasion differ- ence between them and us all which to prevent — Know all men by these presents that weWompatuck called by the English Josiah uowChiefe Sachem of the Massachusets aforesayd and sonue and heire to the aforesayd Chick- atabut ; and Squmuck all called by the English Daniel sonne of the afore- sayd Chickatabut and Ahahden — Indians : for a valueable consideration to us in hand payd by Captaine Joshua Hubberd and Ensigne John Thax- ter, of Hingham aforesayd wherewith wee doe acknowledge our selves fully satisfyed contented and payd and thereof and of every part and percell thereof doe exonerate acquitt and discharge the sayd Joshua Hubberd and John Thaxter their heires executors and Administrators and every of them forever by these presents • have given granted bargained sold enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doe give grant bargaine sell Enfeoffe and confirme unto the sayd Joshua Hubberd and John Thaxter on the behalfe and to the use of the inhabitants of the Towne of Hingham aforesayd that IS to say all such as are the present owners and proprietors of the present house lotts as they have bin from time to time granted and layd out by the Towne ; All That Tract of land which is the Towneshippe of Hingham aforesayd as it is now bounded with the sea northward and with the River called by the Englishmen weymoth River westward which River flow from the sea ; and the line that devide betwene the sayd Hingham and Wey- moth as it is now layd out and marked until it come to the line that devide betwene the colony of the Massachusetts and the colony of New Plimoth and from thence to the midle of accord pond and from the midle of accord pond to bound Brooke to the flowing of the salt water and so along by the same River that devide betwene Scittiate and the said Hingham untill it come to the sea northward ; And also threescore acres of salt marsh on the other side of the River that is to say on Scittiate side according as it was agreed upon by the commissioners of the Massachusets colony and the com- missioners of Plimoth colony Together with all the Harbours Rivers Creekes Coves Islands fresh water Brookes and ponds and all marshes unto Early Settlers. 205 the sayd Towneshippe of Hingham belonging or any wayes app'taineing- with all and singular thapp'tenences unto the p'misses or any part of them belonging or any wayes app'taineing ; And all our right title and interest of and into the sayd p'misses with their app'tenences and every part and p'cell thereof to have and to hold All the aforesayd Tract of land which is the Towneshippe of Hingham aforesayd and is bounded as aforesayd with all the Harbours Rivers Creekes Coves Islands fresh water brookes and ponds and all marshes ther unto belonging with the threescore acres of salt marsh on the other side of the River (viz.) on Scittiate side with all and sin- gular thapp'tenences to the sayd p'misses or any of them belonging unto the sayd Joshua Hubberd and John Thaxter on the behalfe and to the use of the sayd inhabitants who are the present owners and proprietors of the present house lotts in hingham their heires and assignes from the before- named time in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred thirty and four for ever And unto the only proper use and behoofe of the (the) sayd Joshua hubberd and John Thaxter and the inhabitants of the Towne of hingham who are the present owners and proprietors of the present house lotts in the Towne of Hiogham their heires and assignes for ever. And the said Wompatuck Squmuck and Ahahdeu doe hereby covenant promise and grant to and with the ^ayd Joshua hubberd and John Thaxter on the behalfe of the inhabitants of hingham as aforesayd that they the sayd Wompatuck Squmuck and Ahahdun — are the true and proper owners of the sayd bar- gained p'misses with their app'tenances at the time of the bargaine and sale thereof and that the said bargained p'misses are free and cleare and freely and clearely exonerated acquitted and discharged of and from all and all maner of former bargaines sales guifts grants titles mortgages suits attach- ments actions Judgements extents executions dowers title of dowers and all other incumberances whatsoever from the begining of the world untill the time of the bargaine and sale thereof and that the sayd Joshua hubberd and John Thaxter with the rest of the sayd inhabitants who are the present owners and proprietors of the present house lotts in hingham they their heires and Assignes the p'misses and every part and parcell thereof shall quietly have hold use occupy possese and injoy without the let suit trouble deniall or molestation of them the sayd Wompatuck : Squmuck and Ahad- dun their heires and assignes : and Lastly the sayd Wompatuck : Squmuck and Ahadun for themselves their heires executors administrators and as- signes doe hereby covenant promise and grant the p'misses above demised with all the libertys previledges and app'tenences thereto or in any wise be- longing or appertaineing unto the sayd Joshua Hubberd John Thaxter and the rest of the sayd inhabitants of Hingham who are the present own- ers and proprietors of the present house lotts their heires and assignes to warrant acquitt and defend forever against all and all maner of right title and Interrest claime or demand of all and every person or persons whatso- ever. And that it shall and may be lawfuU to and for the sayd Joshua Hubberd and John Thaxter their heires and assignes to record and enroll or cause to be I'ecorded and enrolled the title and tenour of these p'sents according to the usuall order and maner of recording and enrolling deeds and evedences in such case made and p'vided in witnes whereof we the aforesayd Wompatuck called by the English Josiah sachem ; and Squmuck called by the English Daniell and Ahahdun Indians : have heere unto set our hands and scales the fourth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and five and in the seaventeenth yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God 206 History of Hingham. ■of Great Brittanie France and Ireland King defender of the faith &c. 1665. Signed sealled and delivered In the presence of us : Job Noeshteans Indian ^ the marke XQ of (l. s.) Wompa- the marke of W william Man- ^^ck called by the English Josiah ANANiANUT Indian ^j^gj^ sachem the marke of 8 Robert Mamun- ^j^g ^^^^^ ^ '^f Squmuck (i.. s.) TAHGiN Indian \ ^^Hg^ ^y the English Daniell John Hues g^^^^g ^f Chickatabut. Mattias Q Briggs the marke Jm of Ahahden (l. s.) the marke of p Job Judkins J — ^ ^ ^ Josiah Wompatuck Squmuck Ahahden Indians apeared p'sonally the 19th of may 1668 and acknowledged this instrum't of writing to be theyr act and deed freely and voluntary without compulsion, acknowledged before Jno. Leverett, Ast. It needs but a glance at the names of the early settlers of Hing- ham, as given above by Mr. Lincoln, to recognize the founders of some of the most respectable and influential families of Massa- chusetts. Few names are more distinguished in the annals of the Commonwealth or nation than that of Gushing. There is reason to believe that Abraham Lincoln was one of the many descendants from Hingham stock who have made it illustrious in American history. Nearly all of the names in the foregoing lists are still familiar in this generation. These first settlers were men of character and force, of good English blood, whose enterprise and vigor were evident in the very spirit of adventure and push which prompted their outset from the fatherland and their settlement in the new country. They were of the Puritan order which followed Winthrop rather than of the Pilgrim element that settled at Ply- mouth a few years earlier. The distinction between the two is now well understood. The Pilgrims were Brownists or Separatists, later called Independents, opposed to the national church, insist- ing on separation from it, and reducing the religious system to the simplest form of independent church societies. Indeed it was natural that the spirit that led to reform and greater simplicity in church methods and organization, which was the aim of the Puritans, should go still further and demand entire separation and independence, which was Separatism, and of which the most illustrious type is found in the Pilgrims who sailed in the " Mayflower," and settled in Plymouth in 1620. It is to be noticed that those who thus went to the extreme of ecclesiastical independence were consistent in granting the same liberty to others which they claimed for themselves ; and it is true that the Pil- grims were more tolerant than the Puritans. Lying on the border-line between the jurisdictions of Plymouth and the Massa- chusetts Bay, the first settlers of Hingham are not to be too closely identified with either. They were within the outer limits of the Early Settlers. 207 Puritan colony, but from an early day they manifested a good deal of independence of the Boston magnates ; and Peter Hobart's de- fiant attitude towards Governor Winthrop is one of the picturesque features of that early time. There is sometimes, undoubtedly, an inclination to exaggerate the religious element in the early settle- ments of New England. It was a mixed purpose that animated our forefathers. There was in them the genius of adventure and enterprise which in later days has peopled our own West with their descendants ; there was the search for fortune in new coun- tries over the sea ; there was the spirit of trade and mercantile in- vestment ; there was the hope of new homes, and the ardor of new scenes, all clustering around what was unquestionably the central impulse to find a larger religious freedom than the restrictions, legal or traditional, of the old country afforded. This is evident from the fact that while the population of Massachusetts grew rapidly by accessions from England till the execution of Charles the First, yet, as soon as that event happened, the republic of Cromwell and the supremacy of Puritanism during his Protec- torate were accompanied by a practical suspension of immigration to New England. For the next two hundred years it had little other growth than that which sprung from its own loins. In these first settlements the ministers were the leaders. Their influence was supreme. They gave tone to the time, and color to history ; and the communities which they largely moulded seem, as we look back upon them, to be toned by the ecclesiastical atmos- phere which the clergy gave to them. But with all this there was still all the time an immense deal of human nature. The picture of the early time, if it could be reproduced, would present a body of men and women engaged in the ordinary activities of life, culti- vating the farms, ploughing the seas, trading with foreign lands and among themselves, engaged in near and remote fisheries, maintaining the school, the train-band, and the church, holding their town-meetings, — a people not without humor, not altogether innocent of a modicum of quarrel and greed and heart-burning, yet warm with the kind and neighborly spirit of a common and inter- dependent fellowship. The Massachusetts settlers indulged in no mere dream of founding a Utopia or a Saints' Rest. They were neither visionary philosophers nor religious fanatics. Their early records deal with every-day details of farm and lot, of domestic affairs, of straying cattle and swine, of runaway apprentices and scolding wives, of barter with the Indians, of whippings and stocks and fines for all sorts of naughtinesses, of boundaries and suits, of debt and legal process and probate, of elections and petty offices civil and military, and now and then the alarum of war • and the inevitable assessment of taxes. They smack very much more of the concerns, and the common concerns, of this world than of concern for the next. They are the memoranda of a hard, prac- tical life ; and if the name of Hingham now and then appears in 4;hem during the first half-dozen years of its existence, it is in 208 History of Hingham. connection with a fine for bad roads, or leave to make hay in Conihasset meadows, or permission to use its meeting-house for a watch-house, or the appointment of a committee to settle its difficulties with Nantasket, or something of equally homely import. There is in these records no cant nor sniffling, none of that pre- tentious sanctimoniousness which is so flippantly charged upon the Puritans. There is less reference to theology than to ways and means ; and the practical question, for instance, of restraining the liquor-traffic and evil, seems to have taxed the ingenuity and attention of their law-makers and magistrates very much as it does in the case of their descendants. There is no waste of words in the grim sentences, but a plain, wholesome dealing with the material needs of the colony. One cannot read them and not feel the sense of justice and righteousness that inspired the leaders of the settlement, and that sought, rigorously indeed but honestly, to institute and maintain a commonwealth which should be ani- mated by virtue, thrift, education, the sanctity and sweetness of home, fear of God, and fair dealing among men. They were de- veloping that sturdy, educating, self-reliant New England town life which till forty or fifty years ago was so unique, but which since then has gradually been disintegrated and changed by the tremendous influence of the transportations of the railroad, the wide scattering of the New England seed, the influx of foreign elements, the rapid growth of large cities, the drain on rural sources, and the general change from diffusion to consolidation, and from the simplest and most meagre to the most profuse and complex material resources. MILITAEY HISTORY. BY WALTER L. BOUVE. The story of the settlement of Hingham and of the struggles, employments, and daily life of her first inhabitants, is one differ- ing but little from that of many other of the older sea-coast towns of New England. Alike in their origin, their religion, and their opinions, similar in their pursuits and experiences, menaced by a common danger, and, with the exception of the Plymouth Colony communities, influenced by the same hopes and purposes and governed by the same laws, it was natural that in their growth and development the little hamlets forming a frequently broken thread from the Merrimac to Buzzard's Bay, should, for a con- • siderable period, bear a strong resemblance to one another. Yet each, from the first, possessed those peculiar characteristics which differences of wealth, the impress of particular families, and the influence of vigorous leaders inevitably create. This individualism was enhanced by the effects of time, of situation, and of interest, and in each grew up the legends, traditions, and local history peculiar to itself. If those of our own town are devoid of the dramatic and tragic incidents which light up the chronicles of Salem, of Deerfield, of Hadley, and of Merry Mount ; if no Myles Standish with his mar- tial figure, no Eliot with the gentle saintly spirit, and no Endicott with fiery speech and commanding will, grace our story, aijd if no battle-banner like that of a Lexington, a Concord, or a Bunker Hill, wreathes about us the halo of a patriotic struggle, there is nevertheless within the pages of our modest records not a little to awaken the absorbing interest which the tales of the grandfather always bear to those of the younger generations. And the local colorings, if not of unusual brilliancy, still glow for us with all the warmth of the home-hearth, and to the quaint pictures of the olden time the mellowing of change and of years only adds a hallowing light. The chapters, of which this is one, treating of the forefathers and their descendants, from the religious, indus- trial, social, educational, and public relations in which we find them, are mainly for ourselves and our children, for our and their use and pleasure, prepared with little ambition other than to preserve and transmit a fairly accurate account of the birth and growth of our native town, — one which even to this day'is typical VOL. I. — 14 210 History of Hingham. of those modern democracies which form the distinguishing char- acteristic of New England. We cannot however isolate ours from the other settlements which already, two hundred and fifty years ago, formed, like it, parts of a complete commonwealth, with established customs, diverse interests, and self-reliant spirit. It is interesting to observe these sturdy and half independent plantations, bound together as they were by the common laws and necessities, re-enacting, each within its own limits, much of the complex life of the province at large. They were truly miniature commonwealths, and the claims of the State and the claims of the Church recei\^ed as well the consideration of the people of the village as of the deputies at the capital ; and the various commer- cial, religious, and social interests made themselves felt alike in the town meetings and in the legislative and council chambers. In each town, too, was the military organization and establish- ment, demanding and receiving from nearly every citizen active participation in its exacting and stern requirements. Like the civil authority it was, it is true, regulated and controlled largely by the central government, but it nevertheless possessed, from very necessity, much local independence. To the story of its part in the life of Hingham this article is devoted. And here it may not be inopportune to consider briefly a phase in the history and policy of the colony, and indeed of the other colonies as well, which has perhaps not at all times been accorded its full value, and which is well illustrated in the record and experience of our own town. From their situation and sur- roundings the North American colonies were necessarih^ little less than military provinces, whose armed forces were their own citizens. Of them Massachusetts was the most prominent, and her usual condition was that of an armed peace, with many of the incidents of martial law, not infrequently broken by open hos- tilities with her Indian and French neighbors. For more than one hundred years succeeding the organization of the government, a large portion of the legislative enactments pertained to the arm- ing and disciplining of the inhabitants, to the erection of forts, the purchase of military stores, and to other measures of defence and offence ; and no inconsiderable part of her expenditure was for the raising and equipping of troops, and for expeditions against the Indians and against Canada. The laws on these subjects were frequent, minute in their details, and often severe in their require- ments ; and they affected not only the individual citizen, but reached the towns in their corporate capacity and prescribed their duties as well. These enactments, with frequent experience in actual service, produced not only a hardy, disciplined, trained citizen soldiery ready for the emergency of the hour, but, continued as they were through the legislation of a century, they created the military tra- dition, knowledge, and discipline which were of such inestimable Military History. 211 Talue in the opening days of the Revolution ; and into that struggle sprang, not alone the embattled farmer, but with a value far greater to the cause, the alert minute-man who had been at the taking of Louisburg, the trained-band men who, like their able officers, had threaded the forests around Fort William Henry and Frontenac, and the sturdy regiments whose leaders had climbed the heights of Quebec with Wolfe, and seen the fall of Montcalm. It is well for us not to forget that the troops of Great Britain were met in 1776, not by undisciplined levies, but by an Ameri- •can army, whose great commander was a soldier of many years' invaluable experience in that best of military schools, service in the field ; that the hard lessons learned by the young colonel ■of twenty-one at Fort Necessity and Braddock's defeat made ipossible the general of Yalley Forge, Trenton, and Yorktown ; that Putnam, with his English commission, attacking the Span- iards in 1762 was preparing for the sturdy old Continental com- mander of 1776 ; that Stark, the intrepid leader at Bennington, was but the Stark of 1756, grown a little older and more experi- •€nced ; or that old Seth Pomeroy, fighting in the ranks, and old Richard Gridley, pushing on with his artillerj^ at Bunker Hill, had •both heard the roar of French guns in the campaigns which made them veterans. These, with scores and hundreds of others, both officers and privates, now enlisted in the ranks of liberty, gave to a large force the true character and discipline of an army. One of the earlier of the settlements, situated upon the very border of the Colony and adjoining the frontier of that of Ply- mouth, Hingham was peculiarly liable to suffer from the differ- •ences which might at any time arise between the governments of either province and their Indian neighbors. A realization of this danger, and consequent thorough preparation, probably accounts for the remarkable immunity from attack and depredation which was so long the good fortune of the town, notwithstanding the fact that the Indian trail to Plymouth led directly through its southern part along the shores of Accord Pond. The Indians of Hingham formed a part of that great division among the red men known as the Algonquins. This mighty race comprised many powerful tribes, and occupied nearly the whole territory of the northeastern United States. The strength of the New England, and especially the Massachusetts nations had been greatly reduced by a great pestilence shortly before the set- tlement of Plymouth. For this the good King James was duly thankful, and he gratefully says in his charter — " that he had been given certainly to knowe that within these late years there bath by God's visitation reigned a wonderful plague together with many horrible slaughters and murthers committed amongst the savages and brutish people there heretofore inhabiting in a manner to the utter de- struction devastation and depopulation of that whole territorye so that there is not left for many leagues together in a manner any that doe claim or challenge any kind of interests therein." 212 History of Hingham. These disasters were probably in 1617 or thereabouts. Only a little earlier, in 1614, Smith says : " The sea-coast as you pass shows you all along large corn-fields and great troupes of well proportioned people." Others computed the number of warriors at from eight thousand to twenty -five thousand. They were divided into a number of nations, and these again into tribes. Of the former, some of the principal were the Wampanoags, ruled over by Massasoit, a life-long friend of the English, and whose domin- ion lay between Cape Cod and Narragansett Bay ; the Narragan- setts, who lived in Rhode Island upon the western coast of the bay of that name, and whose chiefs were Canonicus and Miantonomo ; the Pequods, under Sassacus, whose territory lay between the Mys- tic and the Thames, then the Pequod River, in Connecticut ; and the Massachusetts, under Chickatabut, who occupied the territory to the south of Boston and extending as far as Duxbury. In 1633 Chickatabut was succeeded by Josiah Wompatuck. In addition to the above there were the Pawtuckets north of the Charles River, and the Chur-Churs and Tarantines in Maine. All played a part more or less important in the history of the New England settle- ments. Hingham, it will have been noted, lay within the land ruled, until just about the time the first settlements were made here, by Chickatabut ; and it was his son and successor, Wompa- tuck, together with Squmuck and Ahahden, who joined in 1668 in conveying to the English the territory now comprised in the towns of Hingham and Cohasset. For many years the intercourse between our forefathers and their red neighbors seems to have been peaceable and agreeable. The earliest known settlement of Hingham was made sometime in the year 1633, and the first houses were probably located upon what is now North Street, and near the bay which the erection of tide gates has converted into the Mill Pond. This little arm of the sea although fordable at low tide was still of sufficient depth to float craft of a size considered respectable in those days ; and many a fishing smack has ridden out in safety the gales of Avinter under the lee of the protecting hills which surrounded it, and upon whose sunny southern slopes were perhaps the first cleared lands in the town. Up it, too, sailed one day in the summer or early autumn of 1635, the Rev. Peter Hobart and his company ; they landed, as we are told, on the northerly shore about opposite to where Ship and North streets intersect, and here in the open air, the first public religious services were held. Not far from this spot, and but a few rods in front of where Derby Academy now stands, and upon a part of the hill long since removed, was erected the first meeting-house. This was a plain square building, low and small as compared with modern churches, but constructed of hewn logs and undoubtedly very substantial. It was surmounted by a belfry containing a bell, and around w^as a palisade for defence against the Indians. Military History. 213 Here then our Military History commences, and the church erected for the worship of Ahuighty God was in truth a fortress of the Lord against tlie heathen enemies of the body, as well as against the beguilers of the soul. Nor was the worthy pastor apparently less fitted to command in a temporal than to lead in a spiritual capacity. Of its actual use as a defensive post we have no lack of evidence. In June, 1639, according to the " Records of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay in New Eng- land " (from which the authority for much here given is derived), " Hingham had liberty to use their meeting house for a watch house ; " and again, December 1640, " Hingham Meeting house for the present is allowed for their watch house." Already, in 1636, the delegates in General Court had ordered " that the military men in Hingham [with other towns] be formed into a regiment of which John Winthrop, Sen. Esq., be Colonel, and Thomas Dudley, Lieut.-Colonel." This indicates the existence here at a very early period of at least a part of a company, and our ances- tors certainly had eminent commanders in two such remarkable men as Governor Winthrop and Governor Dudley. Among the interesting orders from the central authority about this time was one providing that captains be maintained from the treasury, and not from their companies ; it was evidently passed for the purpose of giving greater independence to the officers, and was manifestly in the interest of the strict discipline towards which all legislation constantly tended. It was also enacted that musket-balls of full bore should pass current for a farthing apiece ; which, although pertaining to the finances and currency rather than to the mili- tary, is a fact of sufficient interest to justify its mention in this connection. In 1635 it was ordered that no dwelling-house be built above half a mile from the meeting-house, and in this order Hingham had the honor of being specially included by name ; in- dicating perhaps that she had already shown a tendency to exceed that limit and to stretch herself out along the main street, towards the neighboring colony with which her people had later so much in common. Acts passed in 1634, 1635, and 1636 required towns to provide at their own charge a place in which to keep such powder and ammunition as the military authorities should order them to take from Boston, and fixed a penalty for neglect ; commanded all persons to go armed with muskets, powder, and ball, to all public assemblies, and forbade any one going unarmed at any time above a mile from his dwelling-house ; and specifically directed " that the military officers in every town shall provide that the watches be duly kept in places most fit for common safety, and also a ward on the Lord's day, the same to begin before the end of the first month and to be continued until the end of September, and that every person above the age of eighteen years (except magis- trates and elders of the churches) shall be compellable to this 214 History of Hingham. service either in person or by some substitute to be allowed by him that hath the charge of the watch or warde for that time, with punishment for disobedience." The settlement of 1633, then called Bare Cove, was in July, 1635, erected into a plantation, which carried the right of sending deputies to the General Court ; and in September of the latter year the name was changed to Hingham. House lots were granted to some fifty individuals in June and September, and other lands for the purposes of pasturage and tillage. The former were situated mainly upon Town, now North Street, but during the year the settlement was extended to Broad Cove Lane, now Lincoln Street, and in 1636 the grants were upon what is now South Street and upon Batchelor's Row, now the northerly part of Main street. And these early beginnings of our modern streets comprised the whole of the little town, with its two hundred odd inhabitants, when in 1637 it first became a duty to furnish a quota of her sons for the public defence. It was the second year of the Pequod War, and Massachusetts — which had already been acting with Connecticut — was to raise an additional force of one hundred and twenty men, to be placed under the command of Capt. Israel Stoughton ; this number was subsequently increased to one hundred and seventy. Of these, six were men from our town. We unfortunately know the names of none of them, but we can follow in imagination the toilsome march of the little army of which our forefatliers formed a small part, as it slowly and painfully made its way through the virgin thickets, almost impenetrable with the stiff, unbending, knarled scrub oak, the matted masses of luxuriant-growing and lacerating - horse-brier, beautiful in its polished green, and the almost tropi- cally developed poison-sumac, seductive in its graceful form and rich coloring ; through the great forests, dark with the uncut forms of the towering pines ; and through the swamps of the coun- try around Narragansett Bay, with the rich, black soil of the bot- toms, and the majestic white cedars rising, like great sentries of the red man, far into the air ; and thence up towards the Mystic,, spreading widely over the country between. We need not re- hearse the details too minutely here; we know the story, — the Indians defeated, their tribe destroyed, and a day of thanksgiving appointed ; this time October 12, when it was also ordered that the various towns should " feast " their soldiers, — an injunction doubtless faithfully obeyed, here at least. From the time of the Pequod War, apprehensions of renewed trouble with the natives, and the necessary precautions against it, continually grew throughout the colony. Among the enactments was one passed March 13, 1638, directing " that Hingham have a barrel of powder, to be paid for by the town," and from 1640 to 1644 frequent orders regulated the time for training the train- bands, and prescribed punishments for neglect. In the former of Military History. 215 these years, an interesting town record informs us that the follow- ing vote was passed, " That from the date hereof thenceforth there shall be no tree or trees cut or felled upon the highway upon the pain of twenty shillings to be levied for the use of the town because all good trees are to be preserved for the shading of cattle in the summer time and for the exercising of the military." The desirability of preserving the trees " for the exercising of the military " arose from the benefit to be derived from training the latter in the practical methods of Indian warfare, wherein every savage placed the protecting trunk of a tree between himself and the enemy ; a situation giving him a distinct advantage over troops in regular order. It was ignorance or neglect of this fact that led to the destruction of the brave Capt. Pierce of Scituate and his company in 1676 and to the defeat of Braddock nearly eighty years later. " Garrison houses," so-called, which for the most part were probably private dwellings of unusual size and adaptability for defence, were constructed, and stringent laws passed for the enforcement of military discipline. The location and appearance of such of the former as were then or after- wards erected in Hingham, it is not possible to fully determine. Among them, however, was what is now known as the Perez Lincoln house standing on North, and a little east from Cot- tage Street. It was erected by Joseph Andrews, probably in 1640. He was the first constable and first town clerk of Hing- ham. From him it passed for a nominal consideration, in 1665, to his son Capt. Thomas Andrews, and was then known as the Andrews house. It is the best authenticated "■ garrison house " that we have. Doubtless during many an alarm its massive tim- bers and thick log walls gave a sense of security to the settlers who, with their wives and children, had gathered within. A pecu- liarity of this building, now perhaps the oldest in town, is that, excepting its first transfer, it has never been conveyed by deed, but has continuously passed by will or simple inheritance for some two hundred and twenty-five years from one owner to another. Although now clapboarded and plastered, it is still one of the most interesting of the old landmarks, and its sound old ribs as seen within seem capable of defying the inroads of another century. Another of these primitive defences stood near what is now the easterly corner of Hersey and South streets, and on the site of the Cazneau house, — formerly belonging to Matthew Lincoln. Another was the house of Capt. John Smith, on the Lower Plain, about where the store of Mr. Fearing Burr now is. John Tower's house near Tower's Bridge was also a garri- son house ; and yet another, at South Hingham, was Capt. John Jacob's house, situated in the pass between Massachusetts and Plymouth. There were doubtless others, of which the record is lost. In 1642 military officers were empowered to punish neglect 216 History of Ringham. and insubordination by fine, imprisonment, corporal punishment, the stocks, etc., and every town was obliged to provide a place for retreat for their wives and children, and in which to store ammu- nition. The meeting-house answered for this double purpose in Hingham, although the military stores were often distributed among the commissioned officers of the town, thus securing greater safety and availability in case of surprise. Every smith was directed to lay aside all other work, and " with all speed attend the repairing of the ammunition of the several towns, fitting them for any sudden occasion, and shall receive country pay for it." In every town there was a council of war, consisting doubtless of the military officers, the selectmen, — generally including in their number these same officers, — and perhaps other prominent citi- zens. This council seems to have had certain advisory powers, and perhaps even of direction in emergencies, but in the event of its failure to act, the commander of the company was specially authorized to use his own discretion both for defence and offence. The General Court directed, too, the manner in which alarms might be given in case of danger. Any inhabitant was empowered to distinctly discharge three muskets, to continually beat the drum in the night, or to fire the beacon, or to discharge a piece of ordnance, or to send messengers to adjoining towns ; and every soldier was to respond at once, under a penalty of five pounds. The captains of the three towns nearest that in which the enemy should be discovered were to proceed thither with their companies. The watches throughout the country were posted at sunset at the beat of the drum, and discharged at sunrise drumbeat. From this arose the custom of payments which we find made to many indi- viduals through a long series of years for " maintaining the drum." Thus among the " disbursements paid out of the Towne rate for the Towne's use " in 1662, are the following : — " To Joshua Beals for maintenance of ye drum, £01 00 00. "To Steven Lincoln for maintenance of ye drum, £00 10 00." And again, — besides many other similar disbursements, — " John Lincoln to be paid ten shillings a year for drumming, he to buy his own drum ; " this in 1690. Increasing rumors of Indian conspiracies induced greater vigi- lance and more careful preparation from year to year. In 1643 the military officers were placed in charge of the arms brought to public meetings, and the care of ammunition in the farmhouses was given to them ; and in 1644 all inhabitants were compelled to keep arms ready for service in their houses. At a town meeting, June 24, 1645, it was voted to erect a palisade around the meeting-house " to prevent any danger that may come into this town by any assault of the Indians." Previous to 1645 Hingham appears to have had no captain, and it is probable that for pur- poses of military organization and discipline the soldiers of Hull and Weymouth were joined with our own in forming a company, Military History. 217 and that they were commanded by a captain residing in the latter place. Winthrop says that in 1645 Hingham chose Lieutenant Eames, who had been the chief commander for the previous seven or eight years, to be captain, and presented him to the council for confirmation. For some reason not now known, the town be- came offended with Eames before his new commission could be issued, and a new election was held, or attempted to be held, at which Bozoan Allen was chosen captain ; whom, however, the council refused to confirm. A bitter controversy lasting several years ensued. The town became divided into partisans of the two officers, and the quarrel occupied much of the time of the deputies and magistrates until 1648. In it the Rev. Peter Hobart, together with many leading citizens, became deeply in- volved, and the issues soon came to relate to civil and reli- gious, rather than to military interests. The details of this most unfortunate affair, which cost the town many of its best families and much of its prosperity, would seem to be- long more properly to the chapter on ecclesiastical history, and there they may be found at length. Lieut. Anthony Eames, the first local commander of the town, was one of the first settlers, coming here in 1636, in which year a house lot was granted him on the lower plain. He seems to have been an able officer and a leading and trusted citizen, being a deputy in 1637, 1638, and 1643, and frequently holding positions of responsibility and honor in the town. Together with Allen, Joshua Hobart, and others, he was chosen to represent the town's interests in Nantasket lands, and in 1643 he with Allen and Samuel Ward had leave from the town to set up a corn mill near the cove. From Lieutenant Eames, through his three daughters, — Milicent who married William Sprague, Elizabeth who married Edward Wilder, and Marjory who married Capt. John Jacobs, — many of the people of Hingham are descended. Pending the settlement of the trouble in the company, the General Court ordered, August 12, 1645, that " Lieutenant Tory shall be chief military officer in Hingham, and act accord- ing as other military officers till the court shall take further orders." Lieutenant Tory was from Weymouth, and was un- doubtedly appointed as a disinterested party to the controversy. He was succeeded in the care of the company in May, 1646, by Maj. Edward Gibbons. The same day that Lieutenant Tory was assigned to the charge of the company an important order was passed by the General Court to the effect that the commander of every company should select thirty men out of every hundred in their command who should be ready for service at half an hour's notice ; and further provided for the thorough arming and equip- ping of every man, with penalties for neglect. Provision was also made at the May session of the General Court for the training of youth between the ages of ten and sixteen years of age, by experi- 218 History of Hingham. enced officers, in the use of arms " as small guns, pikes, bows and arrows " but excepting such as parents forbade. This order was renewed in nearly the same form in 1647. Another order pro- vided that any man not having arms might be excused from the usual penalty by bringing to the company clerk corn to one-fifth greater value than the cost of the articles in which he was defi- cient. " But if any person shall not be able to provide himself arms and ammunition tlirough mere poverty, if he be single and under thirty years of age, he shall be put to service by some ; if he be married or above thirty the constable shall provide him arms, and shall appoint him with whom to earn it out." How indicative are all these orders, both of the constant dangers which necessitated them, and of the efficient and untiring provisions against surprise and ruin. The distaste for temporary officers from other towns, and the danger from farther delay apparently led the people to seek a settlement of the military trouble, and we find in the State archives the following petition : — The Humble Petition of the Soldiers of Hingham to the Honorable Court now sitting in Boston, Sheweth That we acknowledge ourselves thankful to you for many favors ; especially considering how little we have deserved them, either from the Lord or you his instruments. Yet your bounty does encourage us and our own necessities forces us to crave help from you that so we may be provided for the defense of ourselves, wives, children, and liberties, against all oppressors. Therefore we crave this liberty, as the rest of our neighbors have which we take to be our due, to choose our own officers, which if granted it will be a great refreshment. But if we be not worthy of such a favor for present as your allowance herein, then that you would be pleased to set us in a way that we may be able to do you servis and provide for our own safety and not be in such an uncomfortable and unsafe condition as we do. So praying for the presence of our Lord witli you, we are yours as he enables us and you command us. In answer to this it was ordered that Bozoan Allen be lieutenant, and Joshua Hobart, ensign. Three years later at the request of the town both these officers were promoted, and Allen obtained at last the rank for which he had vainly striven six years before. He was a man of much force and considerable pugnacity. On at least one, and probably two occasions he was compelled to humbly beg pardon for disrespectful words spoken of Governor Dudley, and in 1647 he was dismissed from the General Court for the session. He held, however, many positions of honor in Hingham, being repeatedly elected a deputy, serving often with his friend Joshua Hobart. He came to Hingham in 1638, and as already mentioned was, with Lieutenant Eamcs, one of the owners of the mill. He removed to Boston hi 1652 and died the same year. Joshua Hobart, a brother of the Rev. Peter Hobart, succeeded to the command of the company in 1653. He was a man of great Military History. 219 strength of character and one of the most distinguished citizens the town has had. In 1641 he was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery company, — then a military organization, — was a deputy more than twenty-five times, serving with Allen, Lieutenant Houchin of Boston, — who, according to the custom of the time, on several occasions served on behalf of Hingham, — and with other prominent citizens. In 1670 he was on a committee to revise the laws, and in 1673 was chosen to audit the accounts of the treasurer of the colony. In 1672 Captain Hobart and Lieu- tenant Fisher presented their report upon the boundary line between the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth which they had been appointed commissioners to determine. In 1674 he was speaker of the House of Deputies. He was frequently a selectman and held other town offices. Besides holding the posi- tion of commander of the military of Hingham during many years when unwearied vigilance, strict discipline, and constant prepara- tion were of the first importance to the welfare and preservation of the town, — for it must be remembered that suspicion, fear, and at times open war succeeded the defeat of the Pequods, and that at no time was the danger of destruction absent from the minds of the colonists, — Captain Hobart is said to have com- manded a company in active service in Philip's War. His house lot was on Main Street and included the spot upon which stands the Old Meeting-house, and here, in 1682, after having been Hingham's chief officer for nearly thirty years, he died full of honors, at the age of sixty-seven years. Notwithstanding the uneasiness suc- ceeding the Pequod "War, peace generally prevailed between the colonists and the Indians for a quarter of a century thereafter ; settlements multiplied and the older towns not only grew in num- bers, but began to prosper with the development of agriculture, the pursuits of the fisheries, the birth of manufactures, the trade in lumber, and the commerce which was already springing up with the West India islands. In the general prosperity Hingham shared, although her growth was not rapid, and, as has been said, the military and ecclesiastical dissensions at one time led to a serious loss in population, and consequent injury to the material advance. The soil was however fair and in many places rich, and its suc- cessful cultivation led to the rapid increase m the number and area of the " planting fields " which were granted from time to time. Our almost circular harbor surrounded and protected on all sides by hills clothed with a noble growth of oak, pine, and cedar, and guarded at its entrance by the three beautiful islands which like faithful sentinels stood as bulwarks against the storms of the open ocean, early turned attention to Hingham as an advantageous point for the construction of craft of various de- scription and size, and the development of a prosperous foreign trade. 220 History of Hingham. Shipyards and wharves soon dotted the shore and multiplied with astonishing rapidity ; and many a stately vessel received her baptism and commenced her perilous life in the little bay which washes our coast. The commerce which subsequently was one of the chief sources of local wealth began, too, almost with the birth of the town, and in 1679 we read of the loss at sea of a vessel in which Joshua Hobart, oiTe of Hingham's stalwart mari- ners, was a part owner. Before this Winthrop mentions the over- turning off Paddock's Island of a small shallop of ten tons, in which was John Palmer, whose house lot was on Broad Cove, and two others. This was in 1639, and the shallop was perhaps one of the lishing smacks forming the advance guard of the fleet which lined our wharves and enriched many of our citizens, and which only finally disappeared within a very few years past. But while this town and her sisters grew and prospered and pursued their peaceful vocations, the shadow of a coming struggle lengthened, and the inevitable contest between the white race and the red race neared yearly and daily its culmination. In 1665 the town " Lyd out for powder, bullets, and match, £11," — a very considerable sum for the time, and indeed a very large proportion of the total expenditures for the year. The following quaint order passed July 20, 1668, is interesting because of the glimpse it affords of the customs and vigilance of the period : — It is ordered by the Selectmen of the town that all such p's's as are app' & warned to watch on the constables watch shall from time to time appear at the meeting house half an hour after sunset to receive their charge ; and the constable is hereby ordered to meet them there at the said time or soon after to give them their charge according to law ; and we do also order that after the new watch is come about as far as the meeting house that then the 2 constables shall take their watches to give the watch in charge, that is, one constable 1 watch & the other another & so by turns till the time is expired which the law sets for the keeping up the sd watch. A generation had reached manhood since the extermination of the Pequods ; the town and the colony alike had attained to strength and confidence born of prosperity, and a feeling of security re- sulting from unceasing vigilance and preparation pervaded the settlements. Nevertheless fear of the French, jealousy of the Dutch, and suspicion of the Indian kept the weapons of prepa- ration bright. A rumor now and again of some forest outrage, an actual barbarity, and possibly a self-consciousness of not being without wrong on their own part, kept the colonists alert and active. The military enactments of the General Court grew more specific, more frequent, and more stern ; the co-operation of the towns and their own watchfulness became more marked. A successful expedition against the French on the Penobscot in 1653, and another to Niantick to suppress a Narragansett conspir- Military History. 221 acy in 1654, afforded valuable experience, although accompanied by little or no bloodshed. Suddenly the long anticipated conflict opened. An Indian was found drowned in Assawanset Pond near Middleborough. He was a friend of the whites ; three Wam- panoags were arrested, tried, and executed for the murder. On the 20tli day of June, 1675, several houses were burned at Swansea, and the greatest of New England's native warriors opened the first of the two campaigns which only ended with the death of Philip at Mt. Hope August 12, 1676, sealing on that day the fate of a mighty race, and after the most extreme suffering and cruelty on both sides. Thirteen towns had been wholly destroyed, and many more sustained severe loss, while six hundred of the colonists lay dead upon the battle-field. On the other hand, the power of the red man was at an end in New England. Their wigwams had been burned, their wives and children sold into slavery, their warriors slain, and the tribes almost swept out of existence. The history is not a pleasant nor a wholly creditable one ; its detailed rela- tion fortunately belongs elsewhere. Into the struggle, however, the men of Hingham entered bravely, and within her borders at least one incident in the great tragedy was enacted. Before tell- ing the story of her contributions in men and money, the honor- able part she took, and the loss she sustained, let us make a sketch of the old town as it appeared in the summer of 1675, relocate and repeople at least some of the houses, remap the old roads, glance at the occupations and characteristics and^ appear- ance of the inhabitants, and catch as we may in the gloaming some tracery of the homes and the lives of our forefathers. Away back in 1645 a dam had narrowed the entrance to the inner bay, then a beautiful sheet of water, undivided by the street connecting Main Street and the harbor. Tide-gates had finally closed the passage, and the friends Eames and Allen had set in motion the busy wheels which now for two hundred and fifty odd years, in the self-same spot, have sung their music in the starry midnight and the merry sunlight alike, grinding tlie corn and the grain of the settlers and their descendants for eight generations. Here, then, in this opening year of King Philip's war the little mill stood as now, not far from the public landing-place at the Cove. Built of stout logs and hewn planks, with jolly John Langlee, the miller, in the doorway, the rush of a foaming stream beneath, a gleam of blue waters to the north, and in front the dancing ripples of the glassy pond reflecting in the morning light the giants of the forest which clothed the sur- rounding hills and crept down to the very water's edge, it was indeed a pleasant place ; and here the farmer with the heavy ox- cart or pack-laden horse, the sailor back from some West Indian port, the bright-eyed school-boy, the idler from the town, the squire, the captain, and now and again even Parson Hobart him- 222 History of Hingham. self, might have been seen watching the hot meal as it poured from the stones, Avhile hearing and telling what each might of news and rumor and gossip. Here the forebodings of the forest, the startling stories of Indian devastation and cruelty, the tales from over seas, the crop prospects, and the latest talk of the vil- lage whiled away many an idle hour, and doubtless, too, lost little in their later relation by the home firesides. To the eastward and westward of the mill stream, and sloping towards each other until meeting beneath its bubbling waters, rose two noble hills, their tops crowned with the oak and the pine, and their ocean- ward sides scantily protected by wind-twisted and stunted cedars. In Cobb's Bank, earlier known as Ward's Hill, we have, bare and unsightly, the little that remains of the first of these, which then, rounded and green, stretched away for several hun- dred feet along the harbor, and gradually descending, finally dis- appeared in Wakeley's meadows. Through these last coursed a tiny run, which emptied into the sea by the " landing-place " of a subsequent period, — now a grass-covered wharf, long since disused for commercial purposes. An easy ford at the town dock ena- bled those having occasion, to reach the beaches along the base of the eminence, and thence, after crossing the run, to ascend the hill near the steamboat landing, and through the fields and woods reach Neck Gate Hill, Martin's Lane, and the planting lots beyond. The hill west of the stream also skirted the harbor for some distance, and then, drifting inland, continued far towards the western extremity of the town ; it remains materially unal- tered to this day. Old Town Street, with its name changed to North, follows now as in the early days its graceful, curving course along the base of the hill at whose foot it lies. Here and there its lines have been moved a trifle, this way or that, but from the harbor to West Street it is the same old road, border- ing the pond, the brook, and the swamp, as in the days when the Lincolns, the Andrews, and the Hobarts built their one-storied, thatched huts along its grassy ruts. From the Cove, where the mill, the town dock, and the ford crowd in neighborly friendship together, to the further extremity of the " Swamp," this, the first of Hingham's highways, has few spots uncelebrated in her history. Yet almost the whole interest is confined to the northern or upper side ; for not only was its other boundary fixed so as to border upon the brook, but in fact the land on that side of the travelled way was generally too swampy to admit of its use for dwellings. Consequently we find that scarcely a building stood upon the southerly side of the street, and probably the only exception was the house of Samuel Lincoln and his son, occupying a site nearly opposite the pres- ent location of the New North Church. A very few years later, however, in 1683 or thereabouts, another mill was built upon the water side, and almost exactly where is now the little red Military History. 223 blacksmith-shop ; parts of the dam may still be seen projecting- from either shore of the pond. Starting at the Cove and going westward, we should have seen at this early period the charred remains of the houses of John Otis and Thomas Loring. But lit- tle was left, however ; for the fire that destroyed them was an old story many years back, and now had become little more than a tradition. Nevertheless, from a spot nearly opposite the smithy, their owners had looked out many a bright morning on the pretty scene before them. A few steps further, and near the corner of Ship Street, — or Fish Street, as formerly known, and which per- haps was a lane at even this early time, — was the home of Peter Barnes, the ancestor of the present family of that name ; and close by, for a neighbor, lived John Langlee, the miller, who was also a shipwright, and later an innkeeper on the same spot. Now, however, he must go a-soldiering, and a-soldiering he went, and not over willingly, we may presume ; for not only do we know that he left a wife and one or two babies to fare as the fates should will, but we learn that he was impressed into the service. However, he shared with many a fellow-townsman in the glory of the brave and unfortunate Captain Johnson and his company, and was one of the two men from Hingham who were wounded in the great battle. He was the owner of the island originally granted to Richard Ibrook, now known as Langley's Island, and from him descended Madam Derby. The house of Charles A. Lane stands on the spot where lived Joseph Church, brother of the famous Capt. Benjamin Church, the final conqueror of Philip ; and just beyond was the garrison house of Capt. Thomas Andrews, now occupied by the Misses Lincoln. With Captain Andrews lived his father, Joseph, the first town clerk, at this time one of the old men of the settlement. A hundred feet or so to the south, bubbling and rippling as it danced along, flowed the cool waters of the town brook, crossed a trifle higher up by a bridge, and broadened at that point into a drinking-pond for cattle and horses. Lincoln Building covers the spot from which the little pond long since disappeared. Captain Andrews' next neighbor to the westward was Capt. John Thaxter, who had served with distinction against the Dutch, and who was at this eventful period a selectman and one of the fore- most citizens. His family was a large one, and a son — later known as Capt. Thomas Thaxter — served at Martha's Vineyard under Captain Church. The old Thaxter house was known twenty-five years since, and for many years before, as the Leavitt house. The fine old mansion has given place to St. Paul's Ro- man Catholic Church. In the rear, "Ensign Thaxter's Hill" formed the northerly boundary of a wide training-field, which lay between it and the houses on the street. Next beyond, and just at the bend of the road, was the home of old Edmond Pitts, — Goodman Pitts, as he was called, — a weaver, sexton of the 224 History of Hingham, church, and a man of no little consequence. The house in its modernized form still remains, and is the first one west of St. Paul's Church. Directly in its front is Thaxter's Bridge, span- ning the brook, and diagonally across the street, as already men- tioned, was the abode of Samuel Lincoln, weaver and mariner, and of his son Samuel, who served in the war as a cornet of cavalry. Opposite the General Lincoln place, Broad Cove Lane, now Lincoln Street, branched off, passed a low, marshy thicket, which, cleared and filled, has become Fountain Square, climbed the gentle slope beyond, and then descended again until it reached the broad, and then deep arm of the sea from which the lane was named. Beyond this point it continued for perhaps half a mile, and terminated in pastures and planting fields beyond. From it another lane running nearly at right angles led, as does the wide avenue which has succeeded, to the deep water at Crow Point and to Weary-all-Hill, since called Otis Hill, where, through other lanes and by deep ruts and numerous bars the rich lands granted as planting lots were reached. Upon Lin- coln Street were located the homes of the Chubbucks, of John Tucker, and perhaps a few others ; and on the corner, and front- ing on Town Street, we should have found Benjamin Lincoln, great-grandfather of General Lincoln. He was a farmer, with a young family, and on his lot stood the malt-house given him by his father, Thomas Lincoln, the cooper ; here was carried on one of the primitive breweries of our ancestors, and here doubtless was enjoyed many a glass of flip. Mr. Lincoln's next neighbors to the westward were his brothers-in-law John and Israel Fearing, who occupied the family homestead nearly opposite to the site of the Universalist Church ; while just beyond, and extending for a long distance up towards the West End, were the domains of the Hobarts, a very prominent family at the time. Here was Edmund the younger, but now a venerable man of seventy-two years, a weaver by trade, prominent in town affairs, and a twin brother of the minister. His house was near Hobart's Bridge, where with him lived his son Daniel, who followed his father's occupation and succeeded to his influence. John and Samuel, elder sons, and both just married, had their homes with or near their father, while just beyond, and opposite Goold's Bridge, the Rev. Peter Hobart occupied the parsonage, which for forty years had been the centre of social and intellectual life in the town. It may be well to mention here that the brook, which in general occupies nearly its original bed for the greater part of its length, has had its course materially altered in recent years between the site of John and Israel Fearing's house and Hobart's Bridge. It formerly flowed quite up to, and in places even into the present location of North Street between these points ; and the line of the sweep of the marsh and old Town Street is clearly indicated by the segment of a circle upon whiclj the houses from Military History, 225 Mr. David Cushing's to the Andrews' are now built. Rev, Peter Hobart's neighbors to the westward were Thomas Gill and his sons, Lieut. Thomas, and Samuel, and his son-in-law, Josiah Lane ; and beyond them were Thomas and Ephraim Marsh, one or both of whom lived in the paternal homestead which came from George Marsh, their grandfather, and which bounded west- erly on Burton's Lane. On the further side of this passage-way the brothers Ephraim Lane, who served in Captain Johnson's company, and John Lane, the carpenter, occupied their father's place, while near them was George Lane, an uncle. On Mars Hill, Thomas Lincoln, the cooper, one of the old men of the vil- lage, and ancestor of the Benjamin Lincoln family, occupied the spot which has been the home of his descendants to the present time. Jacob Beale lived near by, but the exact spot is not easily located. Apparently Thomas Hobart was the sole inhabitant of West Street at this period, although Caleb Lincoln's house was on the corner, but probably facing Fort Hill Street. The latter's twin brother Joshua, and their father, Thomas Lincoln, the husband- man, were close by, as were Sergeant Daniel Lincoln and his son Daniel, Thomas and Ephraim Nicolls, Moses Collier, and Thomas Lincoln, the carpenter, Henry Ward, Robert Waterman, Samuel Stowell and his sons John and David, Joshua Beale, who main- tained the drum, and his brother Caleb, at this time a con- stable ; all were located on Fort Hill Street. Here also, and probably on tlie crown of the hill, and within a very few feet of the street to which it gave its name, was erected at this time one of the three forts which formed a part of the defences against the Indians. The location was admirable, the eminence over- looking and commanding the fertile fields on its several sides, as well as the village clustered around its base, while the road to Weymouth, much of the water supply, and a wide range of country were within the protecting fire of its guns ; while signals by day or a beacon light at night would carry an alarm to distant points. Leaving this locality and proceeding along what is now South Street, we should have found on the Gay estate of a later day William Hersey, and near him John and James and William Hersey the younger, and Widow Hewitt and her brother-in-law, Timothy Hewitt. On the westerly corner of Austin's Lane, now Hersey Street, were John Beale, and John his son, while on the easterly corner another garrison house formed the connecting defence between the fort at West Hingham and Captain An- drews' garrison house at Broad Bridge. The house belonged to Steven Lincoln, and the Cazneau cottage stands nearly upon its site. In the immediate vicinity were Simon Gross, Joshua Lin- coln, Richard Wood, and Samuel Bate, who had a daughter born April 12, 1676, " in the garrison," — not improbably the garrison house of Steven Lincoln, which was undoubtedly already occupied as a place of refuge in consequence of the alarm pre- VOL. I. — 15 226 History of Hingham. ceding the attack of a few days after in the south part of the town. Other neighbors were 'Dr. Cutler, known as " the Dutch- man," and Arthur Caine; while Joseph Bate's house stood where Mr. William 0. Lincoln, who is of the eighth generation occupying the same spot, now resides, — Clement Bate, the father of Joseph, being the first. Next east lived Nathaniel Beal, Senior, cordwainer and constable, and who had formerly been chosen by the selectmen to keep an ordinary to sell sack and strong waters, and who may still have been engaged in the same pursuits. His ordinary and home was about opposite Thaxter's bridge. Across the travelled way, and on the lot occupied by the building in which the District Court holds its sessions, were the stocks, — conveniently near the place where the strong waters, Avhich perhaps frequently led to their occupancy, were dispensed. The street now so beautiful in all its long course from Broad Bridge to Queen Anne's Corner, is the street of the old days "which we are picturing, and has undergone little change of location. Its northerly part was known however at that time as Bachelor's Row. We must recollect, however, that the hill upon which Derby Academy stands then extended over the pres- ent Main Street, sloping down nearly to the houses on the west, and that going south it fell away to about the present level of the street in front of Loring Hall, when the ascent again com- menced, terminating in quite a little eminence opposite the Bas- sett house, but which has largely disappeared through the cutting off of the crown and the filling of the swampy tract beyond,-— a process which, repeated a short distance south, in the vicinity of Water Street, has also modified the appearance of Main Street quite materially at that point. The old road was in fact a suc- cession of ascents and descents almost continuously, until after reaching the level above Pear-tree Hill. The first meeting-house stood upon the part of the hill near Broad Bridge, which has been removed, and probably not far from, and a few rods in front of, the site of Derby Academy. It has already been described. Over the hill, and probably to the eastward of the Meeting-house ran a road, and around the base was another, doubtless more easy to travel. These two commencing at the same point near the bridge, soon united into one again at or near where Loring Hall stands. On the slopes of the hill and around the meeting-house our fathers were buried, and there they doubtless thought to sleep undisturbed forever. Their remains now rest in the old fort in the cemetery, of which in life they were the garrison, — a most fitting sepulchre for the sturdy old soldiers. This fort, still in an admirable state of preservation, was probably erected in 1675 or early in 1676, and was the main defence of the inhabi- tants. It overlooked and commanded most of the village and the main approaches thereto, and in connection with the palisaded Meeting-house and the garrison house across the brook, provided Military History. 227 ample protection to the settlement. The two latter completely covered the stream for a long distance, making it impossible for the Indians to deprive the townspeople of its sweet waters. Nearly every house on the lower part of Main Street was within range, and under the protection of the guns of the fort, which also commanded an unobstructed view of the whole territory between Captain Andrews' and the harbor, whose blue waters, framed in their bright setting of green, then as now made a beautiful and peaceful picture, as seen from its ramparts. The present appearance of the fort is outwardly that of a circular, sodded embankment, two or three feet in height, upon which are planted several of the oldest of the gravestones; but from within, the earth walls appear to be considerably higher, and the excavation is rectangular, with sides about forty feet in length. In the centre, from the summit of a mound, there rises a plain granite shaft, inscribed upon the southwesterly and northeasterly sides respectively as follows : — To The Erectei First Settlers BY THE OF Town, H INGHAM, 1839. The late Hon. Solomon Lincoln, in his " History of Hingham,'* mentions in a foot-note a tradition related to him as coming from Dr. Gay, to the effect that " this fort was built from the fear of invasion by the sea, by the Dutch, etc." There can be no doubt that the tradition referred to another fortification, also in the cemetery, probably built for defence against the Dutch or the Spanish, the remains of which were discovered a few years since while constructing a road in that part of the burying-ground towards Water Street, by Mr. Todd, the superintendent. The location, as described by him, was on the northerly side of the hill formerly owned by Isaac Hinckley, whose family lot is upon its crown, the situation entirely commanding the harbor and its approaches, and affording a magnificent view, and a valuable out- look for military purposes. The defence was probably in the nature of a stone battery, upon which it was intended to mount a gun or guns, and the remains consisted of several tiers of large stones, placed regularly together and backed by earth. Unfortu- nately they have been removed. On Bachelor's Row, and near where Elm Street now intersects the main highway, Daniel and Samuel Stodder, brothers, and each with a numerous family, occupied neighboring houses. Daniel attained a greater age than has any other person in Hingham, finally dying at one hundred and four years. A few rods south. Ensign Joseph Joy, by occupation a carpenter, bore them company ; and on the opposite side of the street, and not far from where the Old Meet- ing-house now is, was the home of blacksmith and lieutenant Jeremiah Beale, with his family of seven children. Close by, for 228 History of Hingham. a neighbor, was the famous Captain of the Trainband, Joshua Hobart, the most prominent of the townspeople, excepting his brother, the minister. As ah'eady said, his lot included the land upon which the meeting-house of 1681 stands. Here too, then, or a little later, we should have found probably the only gathering-place outside the Meeting-house, for the ma- trons of these early times in our history ; for here Dame Ellen, the worthy wife of the Captain, kept a little shop, in which were sold the gloves and ribbons, the laces and pins and needles and thread, and possibly even, now and then a piece of dress goods of foreign make, and all the little knick-knacks as dear and as necessary to our great-great-grandmothers as to the wives and sisters of the present day. Upon the homestead of his father on the easterly side of the street, lived Samuel Thaxter, a cordwainer, and ancestor of Joseph B. Thaxter, who occupies the same spot ; while a little south, and about opposite the head of Water Street, Andrew Lane, a wheelwright, settled upon a lot of some four acres, with John Mayo near by. A little beyond, and very near to where Winter Street intersects Main, John Prince, a soldier of the war, made his home. At this point also we should have seen the tannery of the Cushings, stretching for a considerable distance along the street, as tanneries almost always do, with the sides of leather drying in the sun, the bits scattered here and there, the piles of red bark, and the inevitable tan entrance and driveway ; all making the air redolent with an odor by no means disagreeable. Upon the lot now occupied by Dr. Robbins at the foot of Pear-tree Hill, a few rods north of his residence, Matthew Cushing, who died in 1660 at seventy-one years of age, the progenitor, probably, of all the families of that name in the United States, had established the home which remained uninterruptedly in the family until 1887 ; and here still lived his wife, who died subsequently to the war, aged ninety-six, his son Daniel, then and until his death town clerk, and one of the wealthy men of the period, and Matthew a grandson, afterwards lieutenant and captain. Not far away Matthew Cushing senior's daughter Deborah lived with her husband, Matthias Briggs, while on the opposite side of the street, at what is now the Keeshan place, Daniel the younger, a weaver by trade, established a home and reared a numerous family. The Cushings were shopkeepers in addition to their other occupations, and probably the little end shop built onto the dwelling on either side of the street contained articles of sale and barter, — produce and pelts and West India goods and ammunition. We may suppose that these small centres of trade, together with the tannery in the immediate vicinity, gave quite a little air of business to the neighborhood, — forming indeed the primitive exchange of the period. Not far from where Mr. Fearing Burr's store now is, Lieut. John Smith, Captain Hobart's able second in rank, had a home and a fort combined, being one of the " garrison houses " whose wise Military History. 229 location probably saved the town from a general attack. Lieu- tenant Smith is stated to have been in active service during the war, and to have commanded a fort. He was a man of marked ability, holding many positions of public trust, representing the town in the General Court and succeeding to the command of the foot company in 1683, after the death of Captain Hobart. He was also one of the wealthiest of Hingham's inhabitants, leaving prop- erty valued at upwards of £1100, a considerable sum for -the time. Commencing at his house and thence extending south to the present location of Pleasant Street and east to that of Spring Street and bounded north by Leavitt, and west by Main Street, was a large common or training-field in which, probably not far from where is now the Public Library, was Hingham's third fort, doubtless under the immediate charge of Lieutenant Smith ; and which in connection with his garrison house, provided a fair means of defence to most of the houses on the plain. Around this field were the lots of many of the first settlers, and the homes of their descendants formed at this time quite a village. Among them on Main Street was that of Mattliew Hawke, afterwards the third town clerk. From him is descended Col. Hawkes Fear- ing, whose house is upon the same spot. Matthew, one of the first settlers, was by occupation a schoolmaster. His granddaughter married John Fearing, Colonel Fearing's paternal ancestor. James Hawke, son of Matthew, also resided at Hingham centre and probably with his father, — he too becoming town clerk in 1700, succeeding Daniel Gushing ; and was himself succeeded in the same office by his son James, also a resident of this part of the town, and with whom the name ceased. He left two daughters, one becoming the mother of John Hancock. Next them was Fran- cis James, and but a short distance further south, about where Mr. David Hersey's house now is, was the homestead of the Ripleys, and on or near it were located John Ripley and John junior and his brother Joshua. Their nearest neighbor, John Bull, " Goodman Bull," was the progenitor of many of the present inhabitants of the town. Bull's Pond, a small bit of water opposite Grand Army Hall, takes its name from the old settler, and marks the location of his property. On Leavitt Street Deacon John Leavitt, tailor, and the father of thirteen children, had the grant of a house lot. He appears, however, to have made his home as far from the centre as he well could, as his residence was in that part of the town known as " over the Delaware." He was not only one of the deacons of the church, but a trusted and leading citizen and officer, represent- ing the town for many years in the General Court. His two sons, Josiali the cooper and farmer, and Israel the husbandman, lived on the same street. Nathaniel Baker, a farmer, large landowner, and a selectman in 1676, and a soldier in the war, was conven- iently located at the junction of Leavitt and East streets. Never- theless we find under date of Dec. 18, 1676 the following : — 230 History of Hingham. To the Constable of Hingham. You are hereby required in his ma- jestys name forthwith at the sight hereof to destraine upon the goods or - chattels of Nathaniell Baker of this Town to the value of twenty shillings for his entertaining a Indian or Indians contrary to a Town order which fine is to be delivered to the selectmen for the use of the Town. Hereof you are not to fail. Benjamin Bate in the name of & by the order of the rest of the Selectmen of Hingham. This is a true copy of the warrant as attest Moses Collier Constable of Hingham. The fine imposed upon Mr. Baker was in consequence of liis disobedience of an order passed by the town forbidding tlie em- ployment or entertainment of an Indian by any person. It was almost immediately followed by petitions from Baker, John Jacobs, and others to the General Court asking that they be permitted to retain their Indian servants, and it appears from the State Ar- chives that the following similar request had already been granted. It is of added interest for its illustration of the conduct of the war and the standard of the times. John Thaxter petitions the Hon. Gov. and Council now sitting in Boston &c. that his son Thomas Thaxter was in service under the com- mand of Capt. Benj" Church at Martha's Vineyard and Islands adjoining where they made many captives and brought them to Plymouth; and Captain Church gave ye petitioner's son an Indian boy of abt nine years old and the selectmen having made an order that no Inhabitant shall keej^ any Indians in his family, «fec. — hence the petition — Granted Jan. 11, 1676. From the residence of Nathaniel Baker, going east, there were few, if any, houses until reaching the vicinity of Weir river on East Street, then a little travelled lane. Here, however, we should have come upon the farm of John Farrow with whom lived his sons John and Nathan, while beyond and near if not upon the very spot where the Misses Beale now live, was the last residence of Sergeant Jeremiah Beale ; and near him his friend and neigh- bor Purthee McFarlin, the Scotchman, found himself blessed with nine bonny lassies and three sturdy laddies. Beyond, in what is now Cohasset, then known as the Second Precinct, there were a few settlements whose story seems properly to belong to that of our sister town. On the farther side of the common before referred to, Simon Burr the farmer, and his son Simon, a cooper, located on a lane which has since become School Street ; and not far off, Cornelius Cantleberry, John Mansfield, and his son John, and perhaps a few others made homes for themselves. On the corner of Union Street Captain Fames had lived, and it was in that part of the town known then as now as " over the river," and where Israel Whitcomb grows his beautiful asters in such profusion, that Millicent Fames, daughter of Capt. Anthony, went to live with her husband William Sprague, the first of a long line of descendants Military History. 231 many of whom have become celebrated ; and here in this exciting period was a little settlement almost by itself, of which Antony and William Sprague, the younger, Robert Jones, then quite an old man, his son Joseph with his family, and the Lazells, John and his sons Joshua and Stephen, formed the greater part. From the Lazells the street bearing their name was called, and probably their homes were upon it. Leaving the common with its fort in easy reach of all the surrounding houses, and following the general direction of Main street as it now lies, we should have come at Cold Corner to the lot allotted John Tower. Upon it he built his house, which was admirably located for defence from Indian attack, and commanded not only a considerable portion of the highway, but also a long line of the river and no inconsiderable part of the country in its vicinity. Tower was a resolute man, who determined to take advantage of his position and defend his home untrammelled by the behests of the town authorities. To this end he petitioned as follows : — To the Honored Gov. & Council convened in Boston, March 10, 1675, John Tower Senior of Hiugham is bold to inform your Honors that he hath at his own proper charge fortified his house & to begg your ffavor that his four sonns & one or two persons more that he may hire at his own cost may be allowed to him for garrisoning his house ; and may not be called off by the Comittee of the Town for to come into any other garrison, my sonns having deserted their own dwellings and brought their goods into my fortification. I shall thankfully acknowledge your Honors ffavor herein & be thereby further obliged to pray for a blessing on your Counsels. Your humble Servant J. Tower, Senior. Ibrook Tower, one of his sons, probably lived near his father, and together with John Jr., Jeremiah, and Benjamin, constituted the "four sonns" of which his garrison was to mainly consist. John Tower was not only a brave man, but a diplomatic one also, and is said to have possessed no little influence with the red men. There is a tradition that even during the war, and while lurking in the vicinity, the Indians permitted him to get water from the river without molestation. Edward Wilder, Jr., ancestor of all the Hingham Wilders and husband of Elizabeth Eames, owned at one time all the land between Tower's and Wilder's bridges and resided between High and Friend streets, on Main. He was a soldier in the war against Philip. With him lived his son Jabez and in the immediate vicinity several more of his children, including Ephraim and John. The region about the meeting-house at South Hingham was occu- pied largely at this time by the Jacobs, a wealthy and influential family. Foremost among them was Capt. John Jacob, a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, probably one of its officers and perhaps at one time its commander, and an able 232 History of Hingham. and trusted officer in the war against Philip. Captain Jacob succeeded to the command of Captain Johnson's company after that officer's death, and directed the defences at Medfield when that town was attacked and partially destroyed Feb. 21, 1676. On this occasion there were with him Lieutenant Oakes and twenty troopers, besides his own foot company of about eighty men. The only Hingham name upon the roll at this time of which there is reasonable certainty, besides his own, is that of Nathaniel Beal. With Captain Wadsworth, Captain Jacob was engaged during the winter in guarding the frontiers from Milton to the Plymouth colony bounds, — Weymouth, Hingham, and Hull, being specially assigned to the latter. The service was an important and arduous one, and these towns were fortunate in having so able an officer assigned to their protection ; it may well be that to this is to be ascribed the small loss sustained from attack by any of them during the two eventful years. He was among the moneyed men of the town, his estate being appraised at X1298. He owned a saw- mill and a fulling mill, besides much land and considerable per- sonal property. He too was a son-in-law of Captain Eames, having married his daughter Marjery. Their son John, a young man of twenty-two years and who had served in the war, was perhaps the only inhabitant of Hingham ever killed in the course of military hostilities upon her own soil. Preceding the descent upon the southern part of the town, to be hereafter spoken of, he was slain near his father's house April 19, 1676. Joseph, a brother of Captain Jacob, was also a resident of this part of the town, and Samuel Bacon, who married Mary Jacob, and Peter Bacon were near neighbors. At Liberty Plain, Humphrey Johnson, who had been turned out of Scituate, set up the house which he removed from that town, but only on condition that he should remove it out of Hingham on short warning, as he was a troublesome man. Later he was admonished to accept a fence line quietly. He, however, in part atoned for his short-comings by serving his country in the conflict then going on. His son Benjamin, a black- smith and afterwards proprietor of Pine Tree Tavern, doubtless resided with his father at this time. Other residents of Liberty Plain were James Whiton, whose house was burned by the Indians, and his son James who lived near by, and William Hiliard. On Scotland Street a Scotchman, Robert Dunbar by name, made his home, and from him have descended the Dunbars of the present time. Nathaniel Chubbuck, also one of those whose houses were destroyed on the 20th of April, lived not far away, and probably near or upon Accord Pond. On the 25th of February, 1675, it was ordered, on request of Capt. John Jacob, " that his house standing in the pass between this colony and Plymouth be forthwith garrisoned, and such as are his nearest neighbors are to joyne therein." This was the last of the defences of the town of which we have any knowledge, Militanj History. 233 although it is more than probable that there were other garrison houses in the small hamlets, like that " over the idver " or the one in the vicinity of Weir River. The " pass " where Captain Jacob's gari'ison house was situated is somewhat uncertain. It may have meant simply the street leading toward Plymouth Colony, or possibly the Indian trail near Accord Pond was so denominated. This, then, was the Hingham of 1675, and these, with perhaps a few more whose names the kindly and gentle hand of time has shadowed into the great oblivion, were the heads of families in this olden time, — a little town consisting of perhaps one hundred and twenty homes, divided among several small villages and a few nearly isolated settlements ; a half-dozen or so streets, of which Town, or North, Fort Hill Street, South, Bachelor's Row, a part of Lea\itt, what is now School, and the part of Main from Bachelor's Row proper to the extreme southern boundary, were the principal. These streets, however, were mere grassy lanes, almost unimproved, whose deep-cut ruts were strangers to any other vehicles than the heavy, lumbering teams which served as farm wagons two centuries ago. Here and there it is probable that necessity or the public spirit of an individual, or perhaps the combination of several, had resulted in trifling attempts at road making, and in some of the swampy sections bits of corduroy were constructed. One such, at least, was upon the low approaches to the brook at Broad Bridge, and some of its remains were found several years since, and even yet lie in the bottom of its bed. Road surveyors and superintend- ents and working out of taxes, and even taxes themselves, were for the most part blessings of a later period. There were no sidewalks either, and along the little side paths leading from house to house and farm to farm, the blue violet blossomed in the early days of May as now, and the white violet scented the air with its delicate fragrance, while the wild rose and the golden rod in their season made the ways bright with their beauty. The chipmunk, his cheeks filled with the yellow Indian maize stolen from the adjoin- ing field, sat saucily upon the fresh-cut stump and chipped at the passer, while the golden-winged woodpecker tapped for insects in the tree overhead, the kingfisher flashed his steel-blue breast across the waters of the bay and uttered his shrill cry, and the robin and the cat-bird danced along with their familiar friendliness be- fore the settlers' feet. On either hand, and nestling near together for mutual protection, were the low log or hewn-board thatch- roofed homes of the people, in most of which glazed windows were unknown, the light entering through oiled-paper panes and the opened door. Heavy board shutters added something to the warmth and much to the safety of the interior after dark. The rooms were few in number, unplastered and not always sheathed inside, while a single chimney, with a great open fireplace and a crane, served as oven and furnace alike. Here and there, how- 234 History of Hingham. ever, more pretentious, and in one or two cases perhaps, even stately edifices had been erected. Some of these had a second story, overhanging slightly the first, and this added greatly to the power of resisting an attack. A few had glass windows, and here and there a little shop protruded from one end. Besides these the three forts, the garrison houses, and the meeting-house gave a certain divei'sity and rough picturesqueness to the landscape. Fine tracts of wood covered a large part of the territory, but nu- merous planting fields had been granted from time to time, and the axe of the settler during forty years had made no inconsider- able mark, and the clearings had been industriously cultivated from Otis, or Weary-all-Hill, to World's End. The soil was new and fairly good, and prosperity had lightened the lot of not a few, so that while certainly far from rich as wealth is measured in these days, the appraisal of some estates indicates the accumula- tion of the means of considerable comfort and influence. The people were for the most part sturdy, industrious, English farmers with a fair proportion of carpenters, blacksmiths, and coopers, more, probably, than the necessary number of inn-keepers with their free sale of strong-water and malt, a few mariners, several mill owners and millers, two or three brewers, not a larger number of shop-keepers, a tailor, a tanner perhaps, one or two " gentle- men," a schoolmaster, and last, and on many accounts most im- portant of all, the parson. As already said, the inhabitants were for the most part English, but a large proportion of the younger generation was native born, and there was also a small sprinkling of Scotch. In addition there remained a few Indians, whose wig- wams were pitched outside the settlement, besides a small number employed as servants in the houses of several of the whites ; and in the same capacity a negro might here and there have been found. From a people mainly composed at first of the British middle-class, impelled to emigrate and settle rather from an am- bition to improve their worldly lot than from any deep-seated dis- satisfaction, either with the government or institutions of home, or even from especially intense religious aspirations, there had developed a sober, industrious, earnest, self-sustaining community, whose energy was already laying the foundations for the com- merce with the West Indies which afterwards became extensive, and for the varied manufactures wliich for so many years gave employment to our people. A few small shallops too were owned here, and some of the inhabitants. had an interest in one or two vessels of larger size ; but fishing, which subsequently became a great industry, had scarcely begun at this period. The real business of the settlement as yet was farming. The families of the day were not small, and year by year added to their propor- tions ; Rev. Peter Hobart himself was father to no less than eighteen children while others were hardly less numerous. Men and women alike were commonly dressed in homespun, and un- Military History. 235 doubtedly the style of their garments was that so often seen in the pictures of the period. Can we not, for the moment, people our streets with them once more ? — the men in their tall-crowned, broad-brimmed hats, the short coat close-belted, with broad buckle in front, the knee breeches, long stockings and buckled shoes varied by the better protection of long boots worn by others, especially in winter, and in this latter season the long cape hanging gracefully from the shoulders ; the women in their be- coming hoods, faced it may be with fur, the straight, rather short skirts, and the long enveloping cloaks, with gloves or mittens in cold weather. The costumes were picturesque if the materials were not of the finest, but we have no reason to suppose an utter absence of more elegant fabrics when occasion demanded, and not a few are the traditions of silks which would stand alone, carefully treas- ured as their chief pride by our great-great-grandmothers, while doubtless velvet coats and knee-breeches, with famous paste or silver buckles, and perhaps even a bit of gold lace, about this time forbidden by the General Court to all but certain excepted classes, found proud and dignified wearers on days of importance among the town fathers and military commanders. We read, too, of the bequest of swords in some of the wills of the period, and it is not unlikely that they were at least occasionally worn by the grandees of the town, as well as by the trainband officers, on ceremonious occasions. Nor must it be forgotten that from necessity, as well as by mandate of law, the musket had become so constant a companion that, though strictly not an article of dress, it may at least be considered as a part of the costume of the men ; it was upon their shoulders in the street, it rested against the nearest tree when the farmer toiled, it went with him to meeting on the Sabbath, and leaned, ready loaded, in the corner at the house when he was at home. The heavy cloud which had so long threatened Plymouth, and which finally burst upon Swansea in June, was extending over Massachusetts also. The border towns were immediately upon the defensive. Hingham, with her boundary upon that of the Plymouth Colony, and peculiarly bound to it by neighborhood, by frequent marriages between her families and those of the Pilgrim settlements, and by the removal of some of their people to live among hers, may well have benefited by the kindly influ- ences of the sister colony, and imbibed a liberalism and imagi- nation not common among the Puritans. At all events, no persecution for conscience' sake mars the records of the old town, which a little later loyally followed for more than half a century the teachings of Dr. Gay, with his broad and embracing Chris- tianity, Now, with sympathy for her friends and apprehension for herself, the town quietly, soberly, grimly prepared for the contest, and awaited the call for duty. 236 History of Hingham. Under Captain Hobart's direction the three forts were erected, the garrison houses provisioned, and the careful watch and strict discipline maintained. The summer slipped away, the people pursuing their usual vocations. The drum-beat at sunrise relieved the weary sentinel, called to life the sleeping town, and put in motion the industries of the field, the shop, and the home. And while the men labored at their various vocations, the women were equally industrious ; for not only were the children and the homes and the dairies to be cared for, but the very clothes must be woven and made in the kitchen of every house. Probably the mill, the inns, and the malt-houses were favorite places of gathering for the men during their leisure moments, while Mrs. Hobart's shop formed the ladies' exchange of the period, and many a confidence and bit of gossip were here whispered, only to reach the goodman's ears a few hours later. On the Sabbath-day all attended meeting, and after the ser- vices— -probably several hours long — lingered around the porch to exchange greetings and make inquiries about friends and relations too scattered to visit during the week. An occasional sail whitened the placid bosom of the little cir- cular harbor, whose outlet was nearly hidden by the three islands with their dark cedar foliage. Grand old trees here mirrored themselves, and again in the waters of the inner bay and the beautiful pond, which belonged to Plymouth and Massachusetts alike, while fields of maize ripened and yellowed on the hillsides. The sharp stroke of the axe, the occasional report of a musket, the voice of the plowman talking to his cattle, the grinding of the mill wheels, the music of the anvil, the merry splash of the bounding stream, the whir of the partridge, the not distant howl of the wolf, the stamp of the startled deer, the crackling of dry boughs beneath the foot of an Indian, whose swarthy form flitted silently and ominously along the trail to the sister colony, — these were the every-day sights and sounds of the summer of 1675. The weeks following the attack on Swansea had seen the up- rising of tribe after tribe, allies of Philip, the destruction of town after town in various parts of the colony, and the ambuscade and defeat of various bodies of troops under brave and able officers. United action on the part of Plymouth, Massachusetts, and Con- necticut became necessary. Governor Winslow was appointed commander-in-chief, and additional companies were raised by the three colonies. Among these was one commanded by Captain Johnson, of Roxbury, already a distinguished officer, who had led a company of Praying Indians in the. earlier days of the con- flict. He was known as the brave Captain Johnson, and in his command it was the good fortune of a part of the men from our town to serve. The following quaint report marks Hing- ham's entry into the struggle, and indicates also the names of those who served her in the field : — Military History. 22>1 To THE HON°^° COUNSELL NoW SITTING IN BoSTON : In persuance of an order from the Hon. Major Thomas Clarke bearing date of the 29 of y'' 9 m 1675, we have accordingly by the constables given notice to our souldiers impressed for the countrys service to appear as expressed in the sayd order and find those that appear completely fur- nished for the service. Others we are informed [are] to be at Boston making provision for the sayd service. So as we [be able] they will be completely furnished according to sayd order. The names of these souldiers are as follows, Benj° Bates, John Jacob, John Langlee, Edward Wilder, Thomas Thaxter, Ebenezer Lane, Sam- merwell Lincoln Jun'', Ephraim Lane, John Lazell, John Bull, William AVoodcock, William Hersey JunS Francis Gardner, Nathaniel Beal Jun% Nathaniel Nicols, Humphrey Johnson. Joshua Hobart, Captain. John Smith, Sergt. HiNGHAM, Dec. 1, 1675. Upon inquiry 4 of the above souldiers are found to want coats which we hope will be taken at Boston to supply. J. H. William Woodcock was missing when the time came to march, but he subsequently appeared and served. In addition to the above, the New England Historical and Genealogical Register gives the names of the following as in service from Hingham : Henry Chamberlin, William Chamberlin^ Joseph Benson, Christ. Wheaton, Isaac Prince, Isaac Cole, Sam- uel Nicholson, John Dunbarr, Paul Gilford, Richard Francis, John Chamberlin, and Dr. John Cutler. Dr. Cutler, known as " the Dutchman," was one of the surgeons attached to the Massachu- setts regiment under Major Appleton at the great battle with the Narragansetts. In his professional capacity, the care of John Langlee and John Faxton, wounded fellow-townsmen, fell doubt- less to him. A note also says that Josiah the Sagamore went to fight against the Mohawks. A report of Capt. John Holbrooke,, of Weymouth, shows that he had upon his rolls six men and four horses, and two men from Hingham, but that among the " de- fects " were Jno. Feres and Arthur Sherman from our town. From the town records we get the names of many individuals paid for arms and coats lost in the war. Among them are Samuel Stodder, a sergeant, James Whiton, Andrew Lane, Ephraim Wil- der, and Simon Brown. By the same authority we learn that Nathaniel Baker helped fill the town's quota. The following petition from the State archives adds two soldiers to our list : — To the much hon^ Governeur and the rest of y^ Hon''' Magestrates now sitting in Councill, the petition of James Bate of Hingham, Humbly sheweth, that whereas your petitioner having now for the space of more than two months had two sons prest into the service against the Indians whereby many inconveniencyes and great Damages have been sustained By us for want of rpy Eldest Son who hath house and land and cattle of his own adjoining to mine being a mile from the Town and therefore nobody to look after them in his absence, and whereas there are many in 238 History of Hingham. ' our Town that have many sons that were never yet in this Service who have also declared their willingness to take their Turns and seing God hath been pleased hitherto to spare their Lives, If he should now take them away before I doe again see them (upon several considerations) I know not how I should beare it. My humble request therefore to your Honours is that you would be pleased to consider our Condition and grant them a Release from their Long service. So shall you as he is in duty bound for your Honours prosperity pray and remain yours to serve in what he is able. James Bate. These sons Avere probably Joseph and Benjamin. Besides these, Gushing tells us in his diary that on October 28, 1675, his son Theophilus was pressed for a soldier, and marched to Men- don, and that on December 11 he returned home. In 1725 seven townships were granted to the officers and soldiers living, and the heirs of those deceased, wdio were in the war of 1675 ; one of these townships was Bedford, and among the grantees were a number from Hingham. Besides including part of the names already given as in the service during this eventful period, we find those of Joseph Thorn and Samuel Gill, then still living. Cornelius Cantlebury's heirs, John Arnold's heirs, and Israel Vickery for his father. In this connection it may be interesting to add that on June 6, 1733, a meeting of the proprietors of Bedford was held on Boston Common, and that Col. Samuel Thaxter presided, and that subsequently he, with others, was appointed on a committee to lay out the toAvn. Including Capt. John Jacob, we are thus enabled to furnish the names of some forty-five men who served from Hingham in the war against the great Indian warrior. Besides these there were the six or eight in Captain Holbrooke's company, and doubtless A^ery many others whose names the imperfect lists have failed to preserve to us. Indeed, if the tradition that Captain Hobart commanded a company in active service is well founded, the probability is very strong that it Avas largely, if not entirely, composed of Hingham men. The day after the draft for Captain Johnson's company was observed as a " solemn day of prayer and humiliation, to suppli- cate the Lord's pardoning mercy and compassion towards his poor people, and for success in the endeavors for repelling the rage of the enemy." On the 20th of December, after a night spent in the open air without covering, and a toilsome march through deep snow, the combined troops of Massachusetts, Plymouth, and Connecti- cut arrived before the great fort of the Narragansetts, near Po- casset, in Rhode Island. At about one o'clock the little army moved to the attack, the advance led by Captain Johnson, who was killed at the first fire, as was Captain Davenport, who fol- lowed him. Before gaining the final victory, six captains were Military History. 239 lost, and over one hundred and ninety of the English were killed or wounded, of whom over one hundred belonged to Massachu- setts, out of a total of about five hundred and forty. In the " great Narragansett fight " the men of Hingham, under their unfortunate captain, led the way. We must regret having but little record of their individual experiences. We know, how- ever, that the retreat from the Narragansett country was one series of hardship and suffering, and that besides the death of many of the wounded on the way, that the unharmed nearly per- ished from exposure and hunger ; so that when General Winslow reached his headquarters four hundred of his little army, besides the wounded, were unfit for duty. On the 24th of February, Weymouth was attacked and seven houses destroyed, and by March the Indians had become so aggressive that Massachusetts ordered garrisons to be established in each town, and a select number of minute-meii were to spread the alarm upon the first approach of the savages. That the three forts, and perhaps all of the garrison houses were occupied permanently at this time there can be little doubt. Lieutenant Smith, as has been said, is known to have commanded a fort, — more than probably that near his residence upon the Lower Plain ; while Captain Hobart, though exercising general supervision of all the defences, took immediate personal charge of the one in the cemetery, directing, we may presume, the gar- rison of the fortification at Fort Hill to obey the orders of Ensign John Thaxter, then the third officer of the company. The Town Records have the following : — " At a meeting of the freemen of Hingham on the 18th day of October, 1675, on complaint made against Joseph the Indian and his family, who were in the town contrary to the views of most of the inhabitants, and on susjDicion that he will run away to the enemy to our prejudice, therefore the freemen at the said Town meeting passed a clear vote that the con- stable forthwith seize the said Indian and his family, and carry them up to Boston to be disposed of by the Governor and Council as they shall see cause." October 13, 1675, Hingham was ordered to pay £30 toward carrying on the war. Besides this tax, the selectmen's records show many allowances for arms lost, for money allowed the soldiers, and sums voted for transporting them to Boston, and various other military purposes, including an allowance for " lick- ars " for the committee having some duty connected with the war. In February, 1676, the selectmen forbade, under a penalty of twenty shillings for each offence, any person from harboring or entertaining any Indian within the limits of the town. Early in February the little army of Massachusetts returned to Boston, and the men were dismissed to their homes. But the vigorous prosecution of the campaign by Philip in the very first 240 History of Hingham. days of spring, his successful attack on one place after another, together with the destruction of Captain Pierce, of Scituate, and nearly all his command, while in pursuit of a body of Indians near Seekonk, the burning of Marlborough, and the murders at Long Meadow, all on March 26th, imperatively called for the speedy reassemblage of the troops, and for vigorous measures by the three colonies. It would not be easy to overestimate the anxiety and alarm at this time. Various plans were proposed, and among them was that of building a continuous stockade from Charles River to the Merrimac. This was only negatived because of its magnitude. In the various towns the forts and garrison houses were constantly occupied, and the utmost precaution taken against surprise. May we venture, for the sake of the better understanding of the time, to attempt one more sketch, outlined by the recorded facts and the bits of tradition, but shaded and filled in rather by the assistance of our general knowledge of the people, the times, and the situation, than by any particulars of the especial day ? It is the 16th of April, and the Sabbath-day ; a bright, crisp morning, but the sun is already softening the surface of the quiet pools thinly skimmed, perhaps for the last time in the earlier hours ; the frost coming out of the ground makes moist the paths ; the brook at the foot of the meeting-house hill is dancing with its swollen flood and sparkling in the sunlight, while over and along it the pussy-willows are already nodding, and the red maple's blossoms go sailing and tossing in the pools and eddies. A little further up the stream the ever-graceful elms are begin- ning to look fresh and feathery in their swelling and opening buds, while on the slopes rising up from the valley the blossoms of the wild cherry and the dogwood gleam white among the dark trunks and branches of the oaks and the sombre shadows of the evergreens. In the warm nooks the blue, and in the swampier meadow the white violet breathes out the same faint sweetness which in the same spots, two hundred years later, will delight the school-children of another age, while above them the red berries of the alder and the seed-vessels of last year's wild roses give brightness and color to the shrubbery not yet awakened to its new life ; the bluebird, the song sparrow, and the robin twitter in the branches, while a great black crow lazily flaps his way across to the horizon ; possibly here and there, in some shaded and protected places, the melting remnants of a late snow linger yet, but in the clearings elsewhere the young grass has already veiled the earth in fresh green. The furrows of the planting fields show that the farmer has already commenced his prepara- tion for the spring sowing, but some of the more distant lots tell of the universal apprehension, for last autumn's stubble in them still stands unmolested. The quiet of the Puritan Sabbath has no fears for his highness the barnyard cock, whose clarion and Military History. 241 cheery notes are heard far and near, while faint columns and blue wreaths of smoke rising here and there each mark the home of a settler. Hours since, with the rising sun, Steven Lincoln has beaten the drum, and the tired and half-frozen sentry has been relieved and replaced by the " warde for the Lord's day ; " the quaint, palisaded log building, with its belfry, which had served so long as a house of worship, of a meeting place for pub- lic conference, of refuge in alarm, of storage for ammunition, of defence from danger, and which is getting old and must soon be deserted, still stands overlooking the village, its doors wide open for the nine o'clock service, and the clanging of its little bell bidding the living to " remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy," while to them under the little green mounds on the slope between the two roads it tolls a requiem. Goodman Pitts, the venerable sexton, still restrains with his watchful eye the small boy and awes him into a temporary quiet, while the people move decorously into their allotted places, the men and the women each into their own parts of the house. See them as they come picking out the best and dryest places between the deep ruts and along the paths, now two or three abreast, and now in single file, stretching along the ways leading to the meeting-house. How sturdy the men look, with their belted coats and broad- brimmed hats, and the inevitable musket, which each places against the building or some neighboring tree before entering ! How cheery the goodwives seem, even in the midst of the gen- eral anxiety, as they greet each other and pause for a word of inquiry about the children — by no means few in number — who are trailing along after ; and how sweet the Puritan maidens seem to us as they glance shyly at the great rough lads, whom danger and responsibility have so quickly transformed into manly young soldiers. Here from the Plain comes John Bull, and his young wife, Goodman Pitts's daughter, bringing perhaps a message and report to Captain Hobart from Lieutenant Smith, whose watchful care for the fort keeps him away to-day. Indeed, many a one is forced by the threatening peril to an unusual absence, and the attendance will be strangely small. Still, most of the people from the lower part of the town are on their way, though with anxious hearts, and many a thought will wander from the long sermon of the day to the little home, and every sound from without will strain again the already weary ears. There, crossing the bridge by the corduroy road, is John Langlee, leading his little daughter Sarah, and talking by the way to young Peter Barnes ; while close behind come Sergeant Thomas Andrews, with his wife and six children ; and a few rods further back we see Mr. Samuel Lincoln and Mrs. Lincoln, with their straight young son Samuel, whose title of cornet is well deserved, and who is not only the pride of his parents, but one of the heroes of the town for his gallant part in the great Narragansett fight ; there, too, are his VOL. I. — 16 242 History of Hingham. brothers, and two or three of his little sisters, following as sol- emnly as youth and a bright day will permit. Just stepping out of his door is Benjamin Lincoln, whose wife, Sarah, with her little son John and six-years-old Margaret, are stopping to greet their uncles, John and Israel Fearing, who live next door. Rounding the corner of Bachelor's Row, with a brisk stride and erect carriage, we see Ensign John Thaxter, who has come down from the fort on Fort Hill, where all seems tranquil, leaving Ser- geant Daniel Lincoln in charge while he attends meeting and holds a council of war with Captain Hobart. On liis way we presume he stopped at the garrison house at Austin's Lane to speak a word of warning and make a kindly inquiry for Mrs. Bate and the four-days-old girl ; and only a moment ago we saw a sterner look as he sharply inquired of the luckless inmate of the stocks what folly had made him a victim on this Sabbath morning. Near a large tree upon the hill, and against whose broad trunk rest half a dozen muskets, quietly awaiting Ensign Thaxter, stands one of Hingham's two foremost citizens, the late speaker of the House of Deputies and captain of the town forces. Captain Hobart is sixty-two years of age, and among the darker locks the gray hairs are thickly scattered, yet in his well-knit figure there is little sign of age ; a strong, able, brave, wise man, loaded with all the honors in the gift of his townsmen, faithful for many years in their service, he is crowning his work by a care and watchfulness which will save those whose confidence is so well reposed in him from the horrors which have devastated so many sister communities. Even now he might have been seen coming along the path among the trees that runs between the meeting-house and the central fort, the garrison of which latter he has in part relieved for the services of the day. As the soldier in long boots, short-belted coat and sword, with his alert military air waits, we note the similarity and yet the, dissimilarity between him and the slightly bent and older figure which in long cloak and buckled shoes is rather slowly mounting the hill, though declining the proffered arm of Ensign Thaxter. It is Parson Hobart himself, ten years the senior of his distin- guished brother, and in disposition scarcely less a soldier. His long ministry is drawing near its close, but there is little diminu- tion in the sparkle of his eye or the vigor of his manner. We can almost see the grave salute with which the Captain greets the Elder, and the equal gravity with which it is returned ; we seem to hear the brief inquiry and reply, after which the one passes into the presence of his assembling congregation, while the other remains for a short interview with his subordinate. Within the house are the Hobarts, brothers and nephews of the old parson, the Beals, Dr. Cutler, Joseph Church, Daniel and Samuel Stodder, with numerous members of their large families, Joseph Joy, Samuel Thaxter, and many others. Even now we Military History. 243 €an almost feel the uneasy restlessness which pervades the wor- shippers. Many of the friends, usually so regular in their attend- ance, are away in the forts and garrison houses, and all through the sermon, probably several hours long, the thoughts of the listeners wander, and the strained ears catch with apprehension every unusual noise from without. We imagine, too, that when at last Captain Hobart and Ensign Thaxter enter to join in the service, neither will take their accustomed seats, but more likely will remain near the door, and where perhaps the keen eye of the commander can keep within view the muskets without, and oc- casionally catch a glimpse of the " warde," moving from one point of vantage to another. Meanwhile the latter, not perhaps sorry to be in the open air this April morning, keeps eye and ear alert for sign or sound of the wily foe. From the summit almost the •whole of the lower village can be seen. Across the glassy waters of the inner bay, which, stretching away from his very feet, are broken into several shady coves and dotted with islands, he is following with ill-pleased attention a canoe paddled by an Indian, who a moment later may be seen climbing the cliffs on the eastern .shore and losing himself in the forest paths which lead toward Neck Gate Hill, from behind which a faint blue smoke rises and fades slowly away. There on the southeastern slope, and nearly at the foot of the hill, are the wigwams of the little-trusted countrymen of Philip who yet remain in the vicinity. This spot, by tradition said to have been the last camping-place of the Indian in Hingham, is comprehended in the property now owned by Mr. T. T. Bouve, and called, from the fact and the configura- tion of the land, " Indian Hollow." The smooth lawn of the present day shows no sign, but the plow would reveal a long and broad line of disintegrating clam-shells, doubtless a shell-heap of the former inhabitants, and several implements have been picked up in the immediate vicinity which were formerly in use by them. However, beyond a mental growl of dissatisfac- tion at what he termed the folly of allowing the encampment to remain, our sentry of 1676 could do nothing ; so, turning towards the blue waters of the harbor, his eye falls upon the ship-yard of William Pitts, the first one established in Hingham. He watches, too, for a few moments the white sails of a West Indiaman as she passes between Nantasket and George's Island .and thence towards Boston. Then he walks slowly over to the new fort, and carefully scans the country in every direction as far as the eye can reach and the forests permit. And so the long hours pass away until the close of the service brings the uneasy officers out of the meeting, first of all for a conference with the watch, who, however, has little to report. And now the worshippers are wending their way homeward, singly and in groups, some discussing the weather, and others, it is probable, commenting, like their descendants of later generations, upon 244 History of Hingham. the sermon which they have just heard, while we may be sure all are thankful to return once more to undespoiled homes. Others^ who come from a great distance, meet together and eat the frugal luncheon between the morning and afternoon service, while a few, husband and wife, mount pillion fashion the horses which have been awaiting the close of the services under the trees, and ride to their homes. As the rich glow of the setting sun crimsons the glassy harbor and turns to gold the fleecy clouds of April, while the shadows creep up from the valleys, the tap-tap and rattle and roll of Steven Lincoln's drum sings the vespers of the Puritans, and the Sabbath is over. Then comes the new watch, who being properly instructed and posted begins his hours of vigil. The garrisons are carefully looked to ; the orders for the night issued. The poor victim of the stocks, if not before released, is now given liberty. The restraints upon the children are relaxed, and during the brief period of twilight secular pursuits are resumed ; the cattle are seen to, the wood brought in, and the wide old-fashioned fireplaces blaze and crackle with the long sticks, while above the kettle hisses and sings and its cover rises and falls and rattles. Here and there the tallow dip assists in its poor faint way " the busy housewife ply her evening care," and then an hour later, the low thatched-roof cottages are wrapped in darkness, and the stars shine out upon the town at rest. Only the half-chilled, weary soldier on guard watches for the beacon, or listens for the signal guns which shall call the men of Hingham to the aid of Nan- tasket or Scituate or Weymouth, or awaken them to the defence of their own wives and children and homes. What a dreary duty it is, too, this waiting and fearing for the dreaded warwhoop of the Indian in the still and lonesome hours of the night. How the eye grows strained peering into the dark- ness and the ear weary listening, and with what a nervous start each new sound, each before unnoticed shadow is noted by the young sentry moving among the aisles of the great trees on the height overlooking the village ! What a relief, though all too brief, is the visit of Captain Hobart, whose vigilance causes many a restless and wakeful hour in these trying days ; and how doubly appalling seems the solitude as the sound of the Captain's re- treating steps die away in the distance, leaving the long hours until dawn to be counted away alone, before whose coming the sentry's breath shall more than once stop, while he hears the beating of his own heart, at the imagined creeping form of an Indian. The defences of Hingham and the preparation for the protection of her inhabitants have already been described. Even in the absence of other evidence, the comparative immunity of the settle- ment from serious loss and the total failure on the part of the Indians, almost constantly lurking in the vicinity, to effect any- thing like a general surprise, would in themselves be strong Military History. 245 indications of the ability and watchfulness of those responsible for the safety of the town. The incidents attending the several attempts upon it, and the intelligent location of the forts and garrison houses, with their garrisons at this time made permanent, the mutual support which they afforded each other, and the fact that scarcely a house from Fort Hill to Broad Bridge, and thence to South Hingham, was beyond the range of fire of one or more of them, added to the vigilance which anticipated and forestalled panic when the hour of peril and trial at last came, furnish indu- bitable proof of the military instinct, knowledge, foresight, and faithfulness of Joshua Hobart, John Smith, and John Thaxter. Beyond question it is to this due that the two known attempts against the town met with comparative failure ; of others, con- templated but abandoned, owing to the thorough dispositions for meeting them, we of course know little. In this connection we recall the old tradition that Philip himself was at one time concealed within our borders and awaiting per- haps a favorable opportunity to make a descent. As the story runs, he lay somewhere in the region known as the swamp, which in those days extended with scarcely a break from Broad Bridge to near the Weymouth line, and included the location of Round Pond and the district known as Bear Swamp. The sagacious chief probably concluded that the chance of success was too small and the risk of severe loss too great to justify a movement against the lower part of the town, and therefore prudently withdrew. No amount of caution, however, could insure individual life or the safety of isolated farms against the silence and celerity of the Indian war parties. One of these, having perhaps eluded Captain Jacob, whose small force could hardly hope to cover the long frontier assigned to its care, was moderately successful at South Hingham in bringing the terror and horrors of the war home to our own firesides. On Wednesday, the 19th of April, young John Jacob, who, as it will be recalled, had served against Philip the previous autumn, and had seen his brave captain fall before the fort of the Narra- gansetts, took his gun and went out to shoot the deer that had been trespassing upon a field of buckwheat near his father's house and not far from the site of the present Great Plain Meeting-house. He was a famous hunter and of a fighting stock, and he had been heard to declare that he would never be taken alive by the Indians. Little did he dream that spring morning that his would be the only blood ever shed by a public enemy upon the soil of his native town. The simple and brief accounts, with a little assistance perhaps of the imagination, bring like a living panorama before us the events, the homes, and the actors of that and the following day in the far away time when our prosaic town was making a part of the history which has become one of the romantic chapters of New 246 History of Hingham. England's story. On this 19th of April, then, of the year 1676, and shortly after the disappearance of Jacob, the sound of a musket breaking the stillness and echoing against the great solitary rock that stands like a mighty monument in the field not far from the travelled way, momentarily attracts the attention of the neighbors whose habits of industry have overcome the general prudence, and who had been enticed to a little early planting on the home lot. Beyond the fleeting thouglit of their friend's success in his efforts to chastise the mischievous destroyers of the winter wheat, the incident attracts no attention, and soon passes from the minds of the workers. With the lapse of considerable time, however, and the continued absence of the hunter, there arises a feeling of strained uneasiness ; finally a search is made, and there beside his gun, which has been battered to pieces, the young soldier lies dead. The terrifying truth flashes across the searchers as they tenderly and hastily bear their neighbor to his father's home. The Indians are in Hingham and have been lying concealed during the night near the wheat-field, and almost close to the homes of the settlers ! And now in an instant and from every side, out of the calm and quiet of the village street there starts the life, the uncontrolled excitement, the panic and terror of the community,, above and about whom the threatening horror of the tomahawk and scalping-knife already seems to gleam, and before whose fevered imagination come all too readily pictures of cruelty and torture. The blanched faces of men and women alike, the cling- ing fear of the children, the hurrying to the nearest garrison houses of those not already therein, the exaggerated stories and rumors, the cry " The Indians ! the Indians ! " rising above all other sounds, repeated again and again, carrying consternation from the Great Plain to the harbor, and falling upon the startled ear of the farmer in the field and the wife in the kitchen, — how the sights and the sounds of that day thrill us through these passed centuries ! And soon we hear the sharp clanging of the little bell on the meeting-house, the beat and roll and rattle of the drum, the sharp reports of the three alarm muskets, and into the forts, the pali- saded church, and the garrison houses come the streaming, hurry- ing throng. We fancy we can see brave Joshua Hobart making, calmly and sternly, his dispositions for defence, and even person- ally visiting and instructing each sentry and urging to unceasing vigilance ; or brilliant John Thaxter ably seconding his chief, and inspiring with confidence the garrisons at Austin's Lane and Fort Hill ; or John Smith cheering the people as they flock into the protecting works on the common field. And there come be- fore us, too, sturdy John Tower and his sons and " one or two more persons," as his petition reads, holding his little fort and covering a long section of the river and the homes of his neigh- bors with his muskets, while he checks the panic with his plain, Military History. 247 strong words. Nor is it possible to overlook the figure in the long cloak, moving more slowly, it is true, than when speaking his mind to the magistrates, but still with considerable vigor and the natural grace of a man of superior mind and strong will ; every- one recognizes immediately the venerable minister, and many a word of hope and many an admonition to duty he speaks as he passes among his people exerting his quieting influence upon them. With our knowledge of his younger days, we cannot help thinking that he had moments of impatience in the reflection that his age and calling prevented a more active participation in the move- ments against the enemy ; nor would it surprise us to learn that Parson Hobart more than once thought, and even said, that if he were Captain Hobart the military operations would be conducted with more reference to an offensive policy. Be that as it may, the latter's dispositions saved the town and the lives of those whose safety was committed to his care. Succeeding the first alarm there followed many weary hours of anxiety and waiting. The day, with its exciting rumors and exaggerated stories, wore away, and a night of watchfulness, with a terror hanging over the people huddled together in their strange quarters difficult to picture, seemed interminable. Nor was the dawn much more reassuring, for soon the smoke from the burning homes of Joseph Jones and Anthony Sprague " over the river," and of Israel Hobart, Nathaniel Chubbuck, and James Whiton rose into view from widely separated points on the south- ern horizon, and added fresh consternation to the anxious watchers. These fires, however, were the last acts of the Indians, who abandoned the attack. The second visit was just one month later, being the 20th of May. It was even more fruitless, and the savages soon passed into Scituate, which they largely destroyed. Oct. 12, 1676, the General Court ordered " That Hingham be allowed and abated out of their last tax rates towards their losses by the enemy the sum of ten pounds." The soldiers from Hingham appear to have been engaged in some of the most arduous service of the war, for besides leading the van in the great Narragansett fight, as already stated, we find them serving under the immediate command of their old towns- man, the brave Captain Church, on Martha's Vineyard and the adjacent islands ; and it need not be said that service under that officer was of the most active kind. August the 12th Philip was killed at Mt. Hope and the war closed, but the military preparations of the colony rather in- creased than otherwise, and the towns as a necessary conse- quence participated in the general activity. In 1679 a petition for leave to form a small troop of horse in Hingham, Weymouth, and Hull, signed by Captain Hobart and others, was granted, and in June of the following year Ensign John Thaxter, whom «v^e have already seen as one of Captain Hobart's company officers, 248 History of Hingham. and who earlier, in 1664, had served with such distinction in the expedition against the Dutch in New York as to be " preferred for," as the phrase runs, under orders of Cromwell, was commis- sioned to its command, with Samuel White, probably of Wey- mouth, as lieutenant, and Matthew Gushing as cornet," so as the said Matthew Gushing take the oath of freedom," which he appears to have done. The same year Jacob Nash was appointed quartermaster, and the new troop together with the rest of the military in the town was attached to a new regiment under Maj. Wm. Stoughton. Sergt. Jeremiah Beale was appointed ensign of the foot com- pany May 11, 1681, which remained under command of Gaptain Hobart until his death in 1682, when the periodical trouble which this company seems to have given the government whenever new officers were to be chosen again called forth a sharp reproof, with a reminder that an acknowledgment of error was expected. This time the difficulty was over the desire of a part of the command that Thomas Andrews be commissioned ensign instead of James Hawke. The magistrates, however, disapproved of both, and appointed Lieutenant Smith to be captain. Ensign Beale as lieutenant, and Thomas Lincoln to be ensign. A reminder of " The late Indian Warr," as the old State paper terms it, is found in a grant dated June 4, 1685, as a re- ward for services, to " Samuel Lyncolne and three more of Hing- ham, and others of other towns, of land in the Nipmuck country." Among the many interesting entries in Daniel Gushing's diary, from which not a little of the town's history has become known, is this : " 1688, Nov. 5th, soldiers pressed 11 to go against the Indians." These men were perhaps a part of Sir Edmund Andros's small army of eight hundred with which he marched to the Penobscot, an expedition in which, it will be remembered, little was accomplished of value. April 18, 1689, Gov. Edmund Andros was arrested by the peo- ple of Boston, who had risen against the tyranny and corruption of his government. The next day the conduct of public affairs was assumed by the Gouncil of Safety, of which Bradstreet was chosen president. On May 8th, acting doubtless under the orders of this extraordinary body, the train band went to Boston where on the ninth were gathered the representatives of forty-three towns. Gushing's diary tells us that a town meeting was held on the 17th to choose a member of the Gouncil. The choice fell upon Gapt. Thomas Andrews, already distinguislied in town affairs, and who had been a representative in 1678. It was a distinction wisely bestowed, and doubtless while performing the delicate duties of his new office in a critical period, attention was called to that ability which soon after gave him the distinguished honor of being selected as one of the twenty-one captains ap- pointed for duty with Sir Wm. Phips in his attempt at the reduc- Military History. 249 tioii of Canada. This ofificer, recently appointed high-sheriff of New England, sailed from Boston early in the spring of 1690 for Port Royal. The fort surrendered with but little resistance, and three weeks later Sir William returned to Boston to prepare for the more ambitious attempt upon Quebec. August 9th, he sailed with upwards of thirty vessels and two thousand Massachusetts men, among whom were Captain Andrews, Lieutenant Chubbuck, and other Hingham men ; how many we do not know. October 5 the fleet dropped anchor beneath the castle which was commanded by Frontenac, an old and distinguished French officer. The attack commenced on the 8th, and was continued during the two following days, when the colonial troops retreated after suffering great loss. Sir William returned to Boston with the remnant of his army and fleet, arriving there November 19. At least one of our townsmen was killed in the attack upon Quebec, while another, Isaac Lasell, died a few days after, proba- bly of wounds, while Paul Gilford, Samuel Judkins, Jonathan Burr, Daniel Tower, and Jonathan May, and " two more of the town " were carried off by the small pox, which broke out in the fleet and added its misfortunes to the disasters of the expedition. On the 25th of the month Captain Andrews succumbed to the dreaded disease : a stone m the old Granary burying-ground marks his last resting-place. The succeeding day Lieutenant Chubbuck died also. This ill-fated attempt was followed by the long struggle between France in the New World and New England and the colonies south and west, which only terminated a few years preceding the American Revolution. The history of the period is that of exasperating and wasteful incapacity, oftentimes on the part of British commanders in this country, of disastrous defeats, of glorious victories, of cruelties on both sides which we would gladly forget, of bravery, persistence, and enterprise by Massachusetts men of which we may well be proud, and of final triumph, due in very large measure to the arms of New England and the training of a soldiery under the laws of our own and the neighboring colonies which only made success possible. It is the history of Louisburg, of Fort Necessity and its gallant young commander, of Crown Point, Fort William Henry, Acadia and its piteous story, Shirley and Winslow, Wolfe and Montcalm, and the Heights of Abraham. During its telling we learn of Braddock's defeat, of Ticonderoga, of Fort Frontenac ; we become acquainted with the Howes, with Gage, Eraser, and a score of other English officers who afterwards played a part in the contest with the mother country. We first meet Washington and soon come to know why none other could have been the future American commander ; we see Gates and Putnam and Stark in their earlier days, while Franklin and Otis already are shaping the legislation and destiny of their respective States. Durmg all this period, in all the wars, and in nearly every battle fought in the North we shall find, on 250 History of Ilingham. sea and on land, the sons of Hingham creditably participating. They are in the contest as soldiers, as officers, as councillors and advisers, and in numbers which seem at times almost incredible considering the probable population of the town. It is interest- ing too, to note the individual names of those concerned in the later French wars, and afterwards to observe the use to which so many put the invaluable experience and knowledge then gained, in the subsequent service of the Revolution. The extremely small scale, as compared with modern days, upon which financial matters were carried on by the town in connection with its military interests, will doubtless have been observed. An interesting illustration is afforded by an entry in the Selectmen's Records of 1691, as follows : — / The first day of July, 1691, then received by the Selectmen of Hing- ham tenn pounds in silver money of Mr. Daniell Gushing, Sen., of Hing- ham, which hee, the said Daniell Gushing, lend to the Country for the carying one the present expedition against the Gommon enemys of the Gountry and is to have it payd to him, his heirs, exexutors, administrators, or asigns, in silver money on or befor the last day of September next insuing the dat hearof. Cushing's diary, under date of July 14, 1694, says that " Edward Gilman was pressed to be a soldier to go out against the French army," and under date of October 29 of the same year we are informed " that Edward Gilman came home out of the country's service." This small draft from Hingham, if indeed it was all, was probably her proportion of the force raised to meet the harassing and incessant incursions of the Indians, incited by the French, which for the ten closing years of the century left no peace to the colony, and which had for its principal episode in that year the attack on Groton, July 27th. Captain John Smith, who died in 1695, was probably succeeded in the command of the company by Thomas Lincoln, who had long served as an officer, having been an ensign as early as 1681. At all events we find in the town records of 1697-98, the following : — The town stock of ammunition is in the hands of the 3 commanders of Divs. viz., Capt. Thomas Lincoln 1 bbl. of powder and 198 weight of bullets and 260 flints : to Lieut. David Hobart, 1 bbl. of powder and 200 and a half of bullets, gross weight, & 260 flints ; to Ensign James Hawks 1 bbl. powder & 190 weight of bullets, net, and 260 flints. In 1702 a second company was formed in that part of Hingham which is now Cohasset, and which became what was formerly known as the Second Precinct. In 1722 the colony declared war, owing to exasperating Indian depredations upon Ipswich and other places, and among the names of men serving under Captain Ward, of Scarboro', are Military History. 251 those of John Murphy, a corporal, and Edmund Moorey, or Mooney, both of Hingham. Murphy was again found serving against the French on behalf of Hingham in 1725, — this time upon a small vessel of which Lieut. Allason Brown was commander. Among the many conferences held with the Indians of Maine in the endeavor to secure the safety of the settlements, was one by Governor Belcher, at Falmouth, in Casco Bay, in 1732, at which he was accompanied, as would appear from an account found in the Thaxter papers, by Col. Samuel Thaxter, Rev. Nathaniel Eells, and Ebenezer Gay. Colonel Thaxter Avas a very prominent and trusted citizen, was colonel of the regiment in which Hingham's companies were included, and held many important offices. Among these was that of one of his Majesty's Council, in which capacity probably he acted as adviser to the Governor. On one occasion, while moderator of a meeting, he was grossly insulted by Cain, who dared him to fight. Colonel Thaxter quietly ordered the constable to remove Cain. The meeting being concluded, however, Cain obtained all the fight he wished, for Colonel Thaxter found him, and administered a severe thrashing. It is probably safe to assume that, although frequently moderator of the town meetings, Colonel Thaxter was never subsequently troubled by personal challenges. This inci- dent recalls to mind the fact, that with the occupation of the new meeting-house of 1681, there followed the uses to which the earlier building had been applied, and that not only were the town meetings held in the same place as the religious services, but that the military character of the old belonged, at least to a degree, to the new building also. We should find in searching the yellow and stained records of the selectmen for the year 1736, an account of an inquiry made by those officials into the amount and places of deposit of the town's ammunition, and the discovery that in Colonel Thaxter's hands was a barrel of powder weighing two hundred pounds, two hundred and sixty-three pounds of bullets, and a thousand flints, besides a large amount held by Capt. Thomas Loring, and considerable by Mr. Jacob Cushing, all of which, together with other purchased by the town, " we removed into the ammunition house made in the meeting-house of the first parish in Hingham." In the absence of other infor- mation, this record may justify the inference that Captain Loring then commanded one of the Hingham companies. Of this, how- ever, there is no certainty. Captain Loring represented the town at one time in the General Court, and from his son Benjamin are descended some of the present Hingham Lorings. During the colonial period there were two. expeditions, at least, by Great Britain against the Spanish possessions in the West Indies in which New England actively participated, and in which, almost as a matter of course, men from Hingham served. The 252 History of Hingham. first of these was in 1740, when Governor Belcher received orders to enlist a force to be sent to Cuba to the relief of Admiral Ver- non, who was in need of reinforcements. Among the five hundred soldiers recruited in Massachusetts, there is much reason to believe that quite a number were recruited in Hingham. The rolls are, however, not only very imperfect in other respects, but they fail entirely to name the towns from which men served. We know, however, that among the officers was Lieut. Joshua Barker, who had declined a captaincy, and who now went as second in the company commanded by Captain Winslow. Lieu- tenant Barker was one of the very few survivors of this ill-fated expedition, in which, it will be recollected, was Lawrence Wash- ington and a Virginia contingent. The forces of Massachusetts and Virginia together stormed the castle of Carthagena, the prin- cipal town of the Spanish Main in New Granada. The place was not taken, however, and the expedition was a dismal failure. It is said that only fifty of the men from Massachusetts returned. Lieutenant Barker afterwards, as Captain Barker, served in all the wars of his country from this time until 1762, when he was again engaged in the second and more successful attack upon the Spanish West Indies. He held a commission in the British service, and was a kind and able man. He resided upon the spot where now stands the Hingham Bank. There was also a Nathaniel Chubbuck in this service, who may have been a townsman. On the night of September 30, 1741, a number of the Spanish prisoners escaped from Boston with a large sail-boat. As they were armed, great fear was felt for the safety of the New Eng- land coasting vessels, and Capt- Adam Gushing, formerly one of Hingham's selectmen, and now an able officer, was ordered in pursuit, with special instructions to search the creeks of Hing- ham and Weymouth. There remains no account of his succes-s or otherwise. In 1740, a division of the town into the wards whose limits remain unchanged to this day took place, and it is interesting to note that this division was solely for military purposes, and that the ward boundaries were merely those of the several companies, which the town thereafter maintained. At this time Cohasset, which had been made the second precinct in 1702, continued to be so designated, while the third comprised what is now known as the middle ward, embracing that part of the town south of the town brook, as far as Cold Corner, the remainder lying in the former fourth, now the south ward. The first, or north ward, then as now, embraced the country north of the brook. The first powder-house in Hingham was built by the town in 1755. It stood a little north and nearly on the site of the New North Meet- ing-house. Afterwards it was removed to Powder-house Hill, near where Mr. Arthur Hersey's house now is, off Hersey street. Military History. 253 Frequently in the archives of the State and of the various towns there are references to the " Old French War," to the " Ex- pedition to the Eastward," to the " Expedition to Cape Breton," and to the " Capture of Louisburg." The expressions are all rather misleading, because they were, and unfortunately still occasionally are, indiscriminately used in referring to each of the Several attempts made at different times upon the French pos- sessions in the northeast provinces, or to either of the several wars between France and England in America subsequent to 1700. The mischief of the expressions becomes the greater when leading, as it sometimes does, to historical errors. Indeed, it is to this cause that the accurate placing of a number of our own citizens, as to the time and place of service, becomes impos- sible. The expression " Old French War " — and indeed the others mentioned also — more generally and more properly relate to the events in North America between the years 1744 and 1748, during which occurred that wonderful New England military expedition and crusade which resulted in the capture by some four thousand men, assisted by the English fleet, of the strongest fortified city in the New World, and which was considered capable of resisting an army of thirty thousand. In the limits of a local history it is impossible to give even the outlines of this romance of New England's arms. We can only tell the very little of which we have any record concerning our own townsmen's con- nection with the Ijrave Sir William Pepperell, and Commodore Warren, and the officers and men who sailed from Boston in March, 1745, and entered as victors the " Dunkirk of America " on the 17th of June following. It is most unfortunate that the rolls of these troops are lost from the State archives, and that such as exist in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society are not only very imperfect, but are comparatively value- less, from the fact that the places from which the men enlisted are not given. It is probably owing to this that we are enabled to give the names of only a few as serving from Hingham. These are Thomas Lewis, Ralph Smith, and Edward Ward. Among a number who signed a voluntary agreement to engage in a hazardous attempt to storm the Island battery in the harbor of Louisburg, we find the name of Ebenezer Beal, presumably a Hingham man. Israel Gilbert, who died later in the service, is said to have been a soldier in the " Old French War." Samuel Lincoln and John Stephenson were also at Louisburg in some capacity, and received pay for assisting in " wooding the garrison." The following were also soldiers at Louisburg, and there can be little doubt were Hingham men • John Lewis, Joshua Lasell, Thomas Jones, Samuel Gilbert, and John Wilder. By the terms of the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, concluded in 1748, Louisburg was suiTendered to the French, and the work of taking it had subsequently to be done again. 254 History of Hingham. The peace was, at least in America, more nominal than real, and the usual encroachments of each party upon the claimed possessions of the other, with all the attendant barbarities of border war, recommenced almost with the signing of the treaty. Nevertheless, the fifty years' conflict between the civilization and aims of the Saxon and the civilization and aims of the Latin was drawing to its close, and the year 1754 saw the beginning of the end. In the South its first notes were heard in the conflict between the Virginians under Washington and the French on the Ohio ; in the North the real signal was the marcli of an army of eight hundred Massachusetts men, under Gen. John Winslow, to secure by forts the passes from Quebec to New England, although negotiations were carried on between France and England even months later for an amicable settlement of all disputes between them. General Winslow fortified several places on or near the Kennebec. In his regiment, in Capt. John Lane's company, were Sergeant Elijah Gushing, Ephraim Hall, and Isaac Larrabee, of Hingham. Engaged in this same expedition probably, was the sloop " Mermaid," of eighty-five tons, of which Samuel Lincoln was master, Samuel Johnson mate, and Charles Clapp and James White were sailors. Clapp's residence is unknown. The others, as well as the sloop, undoubtedly belonged in Hingham. Samuel Lincoln was styled Captain in later life. In the spring of the following year, negotiations having been broken off in December, troops and transports began to arrive from England, and in April Shirley and the other colonial gov- ernors met Braddock in consultation. The events which fol- lowed can be scarcely more than named. Parkman, in his " Montcalm and Wolfe," has related them with a charm and grace which give to the hard facts of history the enchantment of romance. Yet with many, perhaps nearly all, of the occurrences in the North and East, Hingham was so closely and intimately connected, through the very large number of her sons who participated in them, that some brief explanations, expanding occasionally into narrative of what has elsewhere been better told, may be allowable here. If the rolls of participants in the first taking of Louisburg were incomplete, and the numbers serving from this town were apparently meagre, the fulness of the former and the length of names making up the latter, which are to be found in the Commonwealth's papers, at once sur- prise and gratify, although the task of eliminating repetitions in the different returns, and crediting the men properly to the places to which they belonged, is extremely difficult. After the death of General Braddock, Governor Shirley, of Massachusetts, became for the time the commander of the British forces in America, and among the several expeditions planned by him was Military History. 255 one having in view the capture of Crown Point on Lake Cham- plain. To this end a large number of men were recruited in New England, New York, and New Jersey, the burden, as usual, fall- ing principally upon Massachusetts, which voted both troops and money with a liberal hand. To William Johnson, afterwards knighted for his services, was given the command. On Sep- tember 8, Baron Dieskau, with a force of French and Indians, attacked Johnson near the head of Lake George, but was defeated. The attempt upon Crown Point was however aban- doned for the time, and the troops went into winter quarters at Fort William Henry. For this expedition there was enlisted in Hingham a company commanded by Capt. Samuel Thaxter, and attached to Col. Richard Gridley's regiment. A note in Hon. Solomon Lincoln's private copy of the " History of Hingham " says that this company marched September 23, 1755, with fifty- five men, and that they were at Fort Edward. Besides the Hingham men there were undoubtedly many from Weymouth and other towns in the neighborhood. Those from Hingham were — Samuel Thaxter, captain, Joseph Jones, private, Thomas Gill, Jr., sergeant, Joseph Lyon, " Samuel Joy, clerk, Silas Lovell, " Thomas Hollis, corporal, Geo. McLaughlin, " Lot Lincoln, corporal, William Magnor, " Hosea Dunbar, corporal, Richard Newcomb, " Nehemiah Blancher, private, John Sprague, " Thomas Chubbuck, " Stephen Saulsbury, " Joseph Carrel, " Benjamin Tirrell, " Joseph Dunbar, " Abel Wilder, " Seth French, " Jonathan Whitton, " Thomas Hearsey, " Samuel Trask, " Mathias Hartman, " In the mean time the expedition which finally resulted in the Acadian tragedy had been planned by Gov. Shirley, and sailed from Boston May 22, 1755. It consisted, in the main, of some two thousand men, under the immediate command of its lieu- tenant-colonel, John Winslow, Shirley himself being its nominal colonel. On the 1st of June the fleet and transports anchored off Beausejour, the French fort at the small isthmus connecting Nova Scotia with the main land, and on the 16th the fort and garrison surrendered to the English. Within a few days after, all of Acadia fell into British hands. Then followed the removal of the unhappy people of this province from their homes, and their dispersion among the English colonies from Massachusetts to Georgia. The sad story has been the subject of poetry and romance ; the best and most just account is to be found in Park- man's pages, but there are local associations with the events whose relation properly belongs here. One of the most inter- 256 History of Hingham. esting of these is that Joseph Blake, whose father had been a resident of Hingham, was, although but sixteen years of age, an officer under Colonel Winslow, and was sent with a detachment of the French Neutrals, as the Acadians were called, to this town. Lieutenant Blake, who afterwards came to live here, went to Crown Point the next year as an officer in Major Thaxter's com- pany. Little is known concerning the Acadians who came here ; even their names are for the most part unrecorded and forgotten. They were, however, generally very poor, and worked at almost any employment obtainable. Some of them were for a time lodged in the old Hersey house on Summer Street, now the prop- erty of A. H. Hersey and Mrs. Andrew, where within a few years a window was preserved upon whose small panes some of the exiles had scratched their names or initials with the stone in a ring belonging to one of them. In the field near this old house, so tradition says, these poor unfortunates were in the habit of meeting, to hold, in quiet and peace, religious services in the faith of their youth and their homes. Another family occupied a part of the old Cushing house at the foot of the Academy Hill ; and still another what is generally called the Welcome Lincoln residence at West Hingham. The few names that remain to us of these people are as follows : Joseph and Alexander Brow, Charles, Peter, and John Trawhaw, and Anthony Ferry. Beyond the inhumanity of their expatriation, the treatment of the Acadians by the people of New England was often kind, and even sympathetic. Without a country, separated from the neighbors and friends with whom they had spent all their happy days, in some cases members even of their own families lost to their knowledge, their sunny homes destroyed, their lands forfeited to the stranger, deprived of the ministrations of their religion, hearing always a foreign tongue, seeing always un- familiar faces, watched, suspected, trammelled, poor, their condi- tion, let us be thankful, was at least not aggravated by extreme bodily suffering, or by the coldness, neglect, and indifference of their conquerors. Indeed, many of those who reached Canada looked back with longing eyes towards the land of the Puritans, where a kinder welcome and more generous charity softened their hard lot than that given by their compatriots. The town records of Hingham contain many entries showing liberal disbursements for the benefit of such of these people as were in want ; and in the volumes devoted to the French Neutrals in the State archives, are several accounts allowed by the Province of Massachusetts Bay to the town for money expended in their behalf. Among these is the following in relation to a family which came here Nov. 29, 1755 ; — JOSEPH BLAKE. Military History. 257 Province of Massachusetts Bay. Suffolk ss. To the Hon''''' Josiah Willurd Esq. Secretary In pursuance of an act of the Great and Gen' Court of the Province afor'^'^, the following is the account of the Selectmen of the town of Hing- haui in the County afor^** of their expense in the support of the French called Neutrals late Inhabitants of Nova Scotia sent to said town by oi'der of the Committee appointed to dispose of the same, the family sent to sd town were Anthony Ferry & wife & five small children and one single woman in all Eight, this accompt is from the First day of June 1756 to the tenth day of Nov'' 1756 for tools & provisions &e is twelve pounds fourteen Stirling and four pence £12: 14: 4 Daniel Beal ^ Selectmen Enoch Lincoln V of The Town Joseph Thaxtek ) of Hingham. This family was subsequently increased by the arrival of an aged mother and by the birth of another child. The Ferrys were removed to Boston in 1760 by order of the committee. Some of* the old diaries contain references to the employment, from time to time, of one or another of the Acadians, about the farm-work then in hand. Here are a few extracts : — 1760 Aprd 18 Two French boys for husking corn May 23 Employed the Frenchmen. Charge them with 38 lbs. Salt Beef Joseph Brow, Alexander Brow, Charles Trawhaw, Peter Trawhaw, John Trawhaw. Oct 28 Employ"^ the old Frenchman Alexander Brow and Peter Trawhaw also the other Brows and Trawhaws at Husking for several days The fate of these families is lost in the obscurity of history. It is probable that they entirely died off or removed from Hing- ham, for no descendants of any of them are known to exist. Among the men impressed and enlisted by Colonel Lincoln out of his regiment for service in Canada in 1759, were, besides Lieutenant Blake, Capt. Jotham Gay and Gideon Hayward, of all of whom he speaks as having been in the Nova Scotia expedition of 1755. Whether there were others or not is not known, as the rolls of Winslow's troops are not to be found. After a year of open hostility, England on the 18th of May, and France on the 9th of June, 1756, at last declared war. The capture of Crown Point was by no means abandoned, but the French during the interval had constructed a powerful defence at Ticonderoga, and this too was included in the objects of a new expedition planned by Shirley, who chose John Winslow for its leader. Before the campaign commenced Shirley was removed and the command was first given to General Abercromby, who arrived in June, and then to the Earl of Loudon, who came in July. VOL. I. — 17 258 History of Hingham. In the mean time the raising of the new army went on. The method was to call for volunteers, but if the requisite number did not appear a draft was made, by the colonels of the militia regi- ments, of enough men to supply the deficiency. This will explain some facts to be hereafter related. A bounty of six dollars was offered to stimulate enlistments, and the pay of private soldiers was one pound and six shillings a month. If a man brought a gun his bounty was increased two dollars. If not, one was sup- plied, for which he was to account, as well as for powder-horn, knapsack, canteen, blanket, etc. Subsequently a coat of blue cloth, a soldier's hat, and breeches of red or blue were supplied. Probably this was the first American force of any considerable size wearing a uniform, although some regiments had done so previously ; it will be noted that the color was the same which has since become enshrined in the affections of the armies of the republic who have succeeded these troops. The regiments gen- erally were composed of ten companies of fifty men each. Besides their rations each man was promised and insisted upon having, a gill of rum daily. The troops mustered at Albany, and soon encamped a short distance up the Hudson. One of the regiments was commanded by Richard Gridley, afterwards conspicuous for his services at Bunker Hill ; its major was Samuel Thaxter, who, in accordance with the custom of the time, was also captain of a company. This latter was from Hmg- ham. There are several rolls in existence at different periods of its service. The first bears date of May 4, 1756, and contains the following names of men from this town : — Samuel Thaxter, major and captain, Robert Tower, ^ Joseph Blake, lieutenant, Wm. Hodge, Jeremiah Lincoln, ensign, James Fearing, Jonathan Smith, Knight Sprague, Jr., Caleb Leavitt. Daniel Stoddard, George McLaughlin, Abel Wilder, Elijah White, Joseph Loring, Joshua Dunbar, George Law, Israel Gilbert, Joshua French. Thomas Slander, A roll of about the same time added the names of Thomas Gushing, Zebulon Stodder, Another roll, bearing date Oct. 11, 1756, gives the following names of Hingham men, in addition to those previously mentioned : Noah Beals, George Lane, Isaac Gross, John Lincoln. We also learn from it that Ensign Lincoln was killed or taken ; an account of his capture and escape is given later ; that John Military History. 259 Canterbury, Joshua Dunbar, Israel Gilbert, Wm. Holbrook, George Randallwining, Thomas Slander, Josiah Tourill, Robert Tower, and Elijah White were already dead in the service, while Jona- than Smith, James Fearing, Wm. Hodge, and Wm. Jones were sick at Albany or elsewhere. The men might well be sick, if the accounts of regular British officers of the camps of the New England troops are not exagger- ated. Lieut.-Colonel Burton describes them as dirty beyond de- scription, especially that at Fort William Henry ; he speaks more favorably of the camp at Fort Edward, but says that, generally speaking, there were almost no sanitary arrangements, that kitchens, graves, and places for slaughtering cattle were all mixed, that the cannon and stores were in great confusion, the advance guard was small, and little care taken to provide against surprise. The several chaplains in the camp present a similar moral picture of the army. Meanwhile, on the 14th of August, Oswego surrendered to the French, and all thoughts of the capture of Ticonderoga or Crown Point were, for the time, abandoned. Of the miserable jealousies of the colonies, the dis- graceful failures of a campaign conducted by twelve hundred thousand people against eighty thousand, and the lessons it teaches of the superiority in military matters of an army over a mob, of the trained soldier over the political civilian, only the briefest mention can be made. The summer and autumn of 1756 fur- nishes a striking illustration, and perhaps an unusually pointed one ; for here were men, many of them, used to discipline, and experienced in more than one war, sacrificed to the lack of methods, discipline, and leadership, indispensable in the success- ful conduct of war. The opposite of all this was true in the French camps, and the results were equally different. Loudon had ten thousand men posted from Albany to Lake George. Of these about three thousand provincials w^ere at the- lake under Winslow, with whom was Gridley and his regiment. Montcalm was at Ticonderoga with an army of about five thou- sand regulars and Canadians. On the 19th September, Captain Hodges, of Gridley's command, and fifty men were ambushed a few miles from Fort William Henry by Canadians and Indians, and only six escaped. Bougainville, aide-de-camp to Montcalm, who was with the expedition says that out of fifty-three English, all but one were taken or killed ; he adds that a mere recital of the cruelties com- mitted on the battle-field by the Indians made him shudder. Among the dead was Captain Hodges, and undoubtedly also Israel Gilbert, Thomas Slander, EHjah White, and Robert Tower; Ensign Jeremiah Lincoln, then apparently a lieutenant, was, with others, captured. These men all belonged to Major Thaxter's company. Mr. Lincoln, in the history of the town, says that a man named Lathrop, who also belonged here, was killed at the same time. 260 History of Hingham. Lieutenant Lincoln was tal^en to Quebec, where, after spending the winter, he made his escape in the night with three others. TwO' of these became so exhausted that they went to surrender to the French at Crown Point, while Lincoln and his companion finally reached Fort Edward after great suffering, during which they were obliged to subsist upon the bark of trees. In November the army dispersed, leaving a sma,ll garrison at Lake George. The provincials returned to their homes, while the English regulars were billeted in different parts of the country ; those at Boston being sent to Castle William. To the lists already given as serving in the Crown Point army, there should be added the following taken from a note in Mr. Lincoln's private copy of his history : — Ralph Hassell, John Blancher, James Hay ward, Jonathan Taunt, Seth Stowers, Jedediah I^sewcomb. Elijah Lewis, Engaged also in this service was the Hingham sloop " Sea. Flower," commanded by John Cushing, a brother-in-law of Gen- eral Lincoln. Here is a copy of a paper at the State House : — A Portledge Bill of sloop Sea Flower, Jno Cushing master and sailors in His Majesty's Service in the Crown Point Expedition 1756 Jno Cushing master Sept 30 Jn° Burr mate Seth Davis pilot Samuel Tower sailor Timothy Covell " Isaiah Tower " Joseph Blake " To hire of Sloop Sea Flower 74 tons at "/g, per ton a month from Sept 30 1756 to Dec 15 On the back of this is an acknowledgment by Benjamin Lincoln for Capt. John Cushing of the receipt of 27 % £. Captain Cushing married Olive, daughter of Colonel Lincoln, and resided at South Hingham. John Burr, liis mate, at this time lived on Leavitt street. Samuel and Isaiah Tower were brothers. Besides all these, Isaac Joy served in Colonel Gridley's own com- pany, and Robert Townsend, Jr., in Captain Read's company, in Colonel Clapp's regiment. Mr. George Lincoln says that Nehemiah Joy was also in the service at Lake George. The next year Loudon with the best of the army sailed from New York for Halifax, leaving Lake George comparatively un- guarded, with the hope of taking Louisburg, — an expedition, by the way, that proved a total failure. Meanwhile Montcalm gath- ered an army at Ticonderoga, and by the end of July he had Military History. 261 isight thousand French, Canadians, and savages encamped there. Parkman gives a wonderful picture of this army and its march towards Fort William Henry. On the third of August it appeared before the fort, which was commanded by Lieut.-Colonel Monro, a Scotch veteran. With him were twenty-two hundred men in- cluding eight hundred from Massachusetts, under Colonel Frye, who arrived on the first of the month. The siege began on the fourth, while General Webb at Fort Edward did nothing but send to the colonies for militia which could by no possibility arrive in time. They however made the attempt, even as far as from east- ern Massachusetts. After a brave defence the garrison surren- dered, and the next day, the tenth, occurred the frightful massacre of the ])risoners, which has cast the only serious stain upon the character of Montcalm. In the intrenched camp wliere they had passed the night, and as they were about to march under escort for Fort Ed- ward, the English army with many women and children were startled by the warwhoop of the Indians. Immediately the hor- rible butchery commenced. Probably towards a hundred were slain, and some two hundred carried into captivity. Among the latter was Zebulon Stodder, whom Colonel Lincoln writes of under date of July 25, 1758, as being heard from in Canada. Knight Sprague escaped after being partially stripped. In an account afterwards he said that fifteen out of fifty of the company to which he belonged were killed that day. His captain was stripped naked, as were many soldiers and women he passed in his flight towards Fort Edward. Sprague's captain was probably still Major Thaxter, although we have no roll of the company at this time. Major Thaxter was stripped of his clothing, bound to a tree, and about to be roasted alive, when he was saved by a French officer. Seth Stowers, who subsequently became a captain in the Revolutionary service, at the commencement of the attack upon the prisoners stuffed his coat with articles of clothing taken from the military stores, and darted into the woods. He was immediately pursued by a number of the Indians. As the fore- most got dangerously near, he would throw some of his burden as far as possible to one side. The greed of his pursuers for plun- der was so great, that they would stop to recover the abandoned garment, thus enabling him to gain slightly upon them. Re- peating the ruse as long as the articles held out finally gave him sufficient advantage to elude pursuit. Other Hingham men who escaped death were Thomas Gill, Thomas Burr, and Elijah Lewis ; there were probably many more. Thomas Burr became a lieuten- ant in the company commanded by Capt. Peter Gushing in the Revolution, and Elijah Lewis was also a soldier in that war, as were Lot Lincoln and Thomas Hersey, both previously named as on Captain Thaxter's rolls, Hersey becoming a captain in the service of the patriot army. A list of the Hingham men not included in the surrender, be- 262 History of Hingham. longing to Major Thaxter's company, is as follows ; the men were probably on some detail away from the fort : — Johnson Anderson, Benjamin Joy, James Cannidy, Stephen Randall, Josejjh Dwelly, Freeman Smith, James Hay ward, Joshua Bates. Another account gives the name of Townsend Smith. To these lists there should be added a list of invalids, whom Lieutenant Blake reported as belonging to Hingham and able to march, and who were probably members of Thaxter's company. The date is June, 1757, and it is not unlikely that these men were at Fort William Henry and included in the surrender. It would appear from Knight Sprague's account that a large proportion of the company were murdered, and this may explain the fact that little more appears to be known concerning them. They were as follows : — George Phillips, Benjamin Sampson, Moses Bradbury, Reuben Donnells, James Bunker, Dennis Morrison, James Bray man, Samuel Winchester. Major Samuel Thaxter, scarcely less famous than his able grandfather Col. Samuel Thaxter, was a brave soldier as well as a prominent and trusted citizen in civil affairs. He was reported in Hingham as having lost his life in the massacre which followed the surrender, and a funeral sermon was preached by Dr. Gay. After the sermon Mr. Caleb Bates was engaged in driving his cows at Hockley, when whom should he meet but the Major him- self coming home on horseback. Throwing up both hands in astonishment, Mr. Bates exclaimed, " Good God, Major, is that you ? Why, we have just buried you I " Major Thaxter was a quick-tempered and kind-hearted man. On one occasion he got into considerable trouble by killing some of his neighbors' dogs, who were worrying deer driven into the town by a severe storm. He had a number of children, among them Dr. Gridley Thaxter, doubtless named after his old colonel, who served with credit in the Revolutionary army. The Thaxter home was on North Street ; and not far from him, after the war, came to live his old commander. Gen. John Winslow, and his lieu- tenant, Joseph Blake. General Winslow resided until his death on Main Street, where is now the house of Mr. John Siders. The church-bells tolled when his body was removed to Marshfield. Lieu- tenant Blake lived where the Bassett house is, opposite the Old Meeting-house on Main Street ; his son Joshua was a lieutenant in the United States navy. We can imagine that these three old veterans spent many an hour together in the after years, recalling the stirring events of the last French and Indian war. Military History. 263 To General Webb's request for militia to march to the relief of Fort William, there was immediate response from the colonies, and Massachusetts especially wasted no time in getting a large number of men into the field. We already know the uselessness of the effort ; indeed, Monro had already capitulated several days before the troops from eastern New England started ; although this was of course not known until later. Upon receipt of the necessary orders, Col. Benjamin Lincoln commanding the third Suffolk regiment, at once detached from his command the com- pany in Hingham commanded by Ebenezer Beal, and started it on the march the 15th of August. The roll of Hingham men in the company was as follows : — Ebenezer Beal, Capt., # Daniel Lincoln, Lieut., Benjamin Gushing, Ensign, Joseph Stowers, Sergt, John Fearing, " John Blancher, " Obadiah Lincoln, ^ David Farrow, Gorp., John Keen, " Elisha Tower, Jr., " Abijah Whiten, Drum., Peter Lincoln, Private, Obadiah Stowell, " Joshua Remington, Matthew Lincoln, Ezra French, Philip Nye, David Waterman, Bphraim Marsh, William Murch, Isaac Gross, Consider Jones, Jotham Loring, Isaac Burr, Ignatius Orcutt, Nath" Lincoln, Isaac Lincoln, Jun., Nath'i Stodder, Daniel Tower, Solo: Dunbar, Sam' Dunbar, David Wilder, Zach Loring, Sam' Gill, Jun., Joseph Sprague, Asa Burr, John Wilent, John Wheelwright, John Pratt, Calvin Gushing, Price Pritchart, Jacob Beal, Frederick Bate, Job Tower, Simeon Bate, Hosea Orcutt, Benjamin Beal, Japhet Hobart, Elisha Lincoln. Micah Nichols, Nehemiah Joy, There was also a company containing a number of Hingham men, under the command of ' Capt. Ebenezer Thayer of Braintree, in Colonel Lincoln's regiment, which marched at the same time. Their names were : — Stephen Gushing, Lieut., David Gushing, Cornet, Noah Nichols, Corporal, Joseph Cushino-, Private, Benjamin Thaxter, '* Thomas Barker, " 264 History of Hingham. David Lincoln, Private, Lot Lincoln, Private, Thomas Lotlirop, " Joseph Loring, " John Burr, " Caleb Joy, " Uriah Oakes, " Obadiah Beal, " Benjamin Garnet, " It will be recalled that soon after the termination of the war with Philip, permission was granted to Capt. Joshua Hobart, and others, to form a small troop of horse in Hingham, Wey- mouth, and Hull, and that John Thaxter became its first com- mander. With the foot companies of Hingham and other towns in the vicinity, this troop was attached in 1680 to a new regiment under Major Wm. Stoughton. It would seem that subsequently the troop came to be composed almost entirely of men belonging to Hingham and Braintree, and that was still the fact when, August 12th, 1757, it marched to the relief of the fort, wdiich had already surrendered. By the above roll it will be seen that a majority of its officers were from the former place. Its service ended the 23d of the same month. In July, 1757, Pitt, who shortly before had been dismissed from office, became the controlling force in foreign affairs and in the department of war. With him there came a new light to Eng- land and the colonies ; the tide of defeat and disaster was checked, hope was reawakened, and a vigor and wisdom instilled into the conduct of public affairs, which eventually led to the triumph of the British arms and the conquest of Canada. Early in June, 1758, Admiral Boscawen and General Amherst, with eighteen frigates and fire-ships, twenty -three ships of the line and a fleet of transports, on board of which were eleven thousand six hundred soldiers, all regulars except five hundred provincial rangers, appeared before Louisbourg. Amherst's briga- diers were Whitmore, Lawrence, and Wolfe. July 27th the fort surrendered after a determined resistance, and over five thousand men became prisoners in the hands of the English. In the siege Jotham Gay, who commanded a company from Hingham shortly after and perhaps at this time also, is said to have participated. Among the Massachusetts regiments raised for the prosecution of the war was one commanded by Col. Joseph Williams. It was recruited early in 1758, and contained a company of Hingham men, commanded by Capt. Edward Ward, who had already served at the capture of Louisbourg in 1745. The roll of this com- pany was as follows : — Edward Ward, Captain, Isaac Smith, Sergt., Nath" Bates, Private, Lott Lincoln, Corp., Joseph Beal, " James Howard, " Mordica Bates, " James Lincoln, " Joseph Battles, Jr.. " Military History. 265 Joseph Carrell, Private, Primus Cobb, negro, " Robert Dunbar, " Seth Dunbar, " Solomon Dunbar, Jr., " Jonathan Farrow, " Ezra French, " Nath^i Garnet, Jr., " Norman Garnett, " Isaac Gross, " Ezra Garnett, " Noah Humphrey, " Japhet Hobbart " Peter Jacob, Jr., " Nath' Joy, " Elisha Keen, " Elijah Lewis, " Thomas Lothrop, Private, John Neal, " Flanders, negro, " Micali Nichols, " Joshua Remington, " Obadiah Stowell, " Naty Stoddard, " Oliver Southward, " Jerome Stevenson, " Solon Stevenson, " Daniel Tower, Jr., " Joseph Tower, Jr., " Shadrich Towe/, " David Waterman, " Solomon Wliiton, " Jonathan Whiton, " Jonathan Ward, " Another roll of this company, probably one of a few months earlier, contains these names, not included above : • — Thomas Colsen, David Bate, Abner Bate, Beza Gushing, Calvin Gushing, Thomas Colson, James Lincoln. Thomas Burr also served in this regiment, but in Captain Parker's company, — probably with other Hingham men whose names are not preserved. A journal kept by him gives some par- ticulars of the experience of the command ; and from this and a return of Colonel Lincoln, in 1759, showing former service of cer- tain enlisted men from his regiment, we learn something of the part which Hingham had in the conquest of Canada. The fifth of July, 1758, Abercromby, with over six thousand regulars and nine thousand provincials, left his camp on the scene of Dieskau's defeat and Montcalm's victory, and embarked upon Lake George. The army was in nine hundred bateaux, a hun- dred and thirty-five whaleboats, and a number of flatboats carry- ing the artillery. The day was bright, and amid the romantic scenery the line, six miles in length, with gorgeous uniforms and waving banners, presented a superb spectacle. The life of the army, and its real commander, was Lord Howe, a brother of the brave general who led the English at Bunker Hill. In the even- ing, lying by the side of John Stark, then an ofificer of Rogers' rangers, he inquired about the situation and best manner of at- tacking Ticonderoga ; and tlie next day while at the head of the column with Major Israel Putnam and two hundred rangers, he fell dead under the fire of a small body of French commanded by Langy. The loss of Howe was the ruin of the army, and Aber- cromby preserved neither order nor discipline ; indeed, he was upon 266 History of Hingham. the point of abandoning the expedition. Colonel Bradstreet, how- ever, opened the way for the army and it reluctantly followed his lead. In the mean time Montcalm, on the seventh, threw up a wonderfully strong defence, and here with thirty-six hundred men he awaited the English. At one o'clock on the eighth the attack commenced. At half-past seven the French general had won his great victory, and the British army, after losing two thousand men, was in full retreat, covered by the provincials. In this disastrous attempt Captain Ward's company probably participated, as Colonel Lincoln mentions a number of men as engaged at Lake George whose names occur on the above roll. He speaks also of William Russ as a soldier of his regiment on the same service. After the defeat Abercromby reoccupied and refortified the camp which he had left but a few days previously. Colonel Brad- street obtained, after much persuasion, three thousand men, mostly provincials, and with these and a small number of Oneidas he embarked, August the twenty-second, in his fleet of whaleboats and pushed out onto Lake Ontario. His destination was Fort Frontenac, and as Thomas Burr, who was in this expedition, says in his diary, the troops came in sight of the French works on the twenty-fifth, and landed about dusk, and to quote the diary, " pitched against the fort " on the twenty-sixth. The next day the garrison surrendered, together with nine armed vessels and a large amount of stores and ammunition. Forming a part of Colonel Bradstreet's command, and partici- pating in his triumph was Captain Ward's company of Hingham men, — if indeed, the whole of Colonel Williams' regiment was not in the expedition. Subsequently many of them were at the Great Carrying Place. This latter was the name of a post upon the Mohawk, then being fortified by General Stanwix, with whom Bradstreet left a thousand men on his return from his victory. Among them were Eeza Gushing, Noah Humphrey, John Neal, Isaac Gross, Isaac Smith, James Hayward, David Tower, Jona- than Farrow, Townsend Smith, Joseph Carrel, Robert Dunbar, Solo. Whiten, William Garnett, and Thomas Lothrop. Not pre- viously named, but at Frontenac, in addition to others, were Ralph Hassell, and Jolm Sprague ; they would seem to have enlisted in other companies in Colonel Williams' regiment. May 4, 1759, Gov. Thomas Pownall sailed from Boston with a regiment commanded by himself, and constructed a fort upon the Penobscot. Among Colonel Pownall's captains was Jotham Gay, with a company from Hingham. Captain Gay's company seems however to have been sent to Halifax somewhat earlier, and a return sworn to by him indicates that it formed part of the garrison of that post from March until November of that year. Capt. Jotham Gay was born in Hingham, April 11, 1733, and as already seen, was in the king's service from 1755 until near the close of the last French war. Subsequently he was a colonel in the Continental army, and a representative from Military History. 267 Hingham in 1799 and 1800. His brother Calvin died at Quebec in 1765. They were sons of the Rev. Ebenezer Gay, who was minister of the Old Church in Hingham for sixty-nine years. Rev. John Brown, of that part of Hingham which is now Cohasset, was a chaplain in the army in 1759, and was stationed at Halifax. He was a friend of Dr. Gay, who corresponded with him, and in a characteristic letter, dated June 25, 1759, he writes to Mr. Brown, " 1 wish you may visit Jotham (captain) and minister good instruction to him and company, and furnish him with suit- able sermons in print, or in your own very legible, if not very in- telligible manuscripts, to read to his men, who are without a preacher ; in the room of one, constitute Jotham curate." Colonel Gay died October 16, 1802. The following is the list of the Hingham men in the company commanded by him in 1759 : — ■ Jotham Gay, Capt., George Lane, Lieut., Thomas Lothrop, '' Isaac Smith, Sergt., Caleb Leavitt, Private. Nathaniel Bangs, " Levi Lewis, " Samuel Joy, Corp., Elijah Lewis, " Joseph Blake, Private, Url3ane Lewis, " Benjamin Beal, •' Israel Lincoln, " Issachar Bate, " John Lasell, " Isaac Burr, " Joseph Lovis, " Beza Gushing, " Ephraim Marsh, " Calvin Gushing, " Micah Nichols, " Jacob Dunbar, " Jolni Neal, " Jonathan Farrow, " Charles Ripley, " Isaac Groce, " William Rust, " Noah Humphrey, " Luther Stephenson, " John Hobart, " Jusitanus Stephenson," Gedion Howard, " Jerome Stephenson, •' Micah Humphrey, " John Sprague, " Ralph Haswell, " Knight Sprague, " James Ha ward, " Daniel Stoddard, " Joseph Jones, " Daniel Tower, " John Lincoln, " Seth Wilder, " There is also a roll in the State archives giving the names of the following, and headed "A return of men Enlisted for his Majesty's Service for the Total Reduction of Canada, 1760 : " — John Stowel, John Nash, Naty Joy, Job Mansfield, Japhet Hobard, Levi Lincoln, Enoch Stoddard, Abijah Hersey, Joseph Sprague, Daniel Lincoln, Samuel Burr, Joseph Beal, Asa Burr, Joshua Remington. 268 History of Hingham. Zacheus Barber, John Garnet, William Lincoln, Stephen Frances, Richard Stodard, Seth Dunbar. Benj'' Stowel, Of the particular service of these men there appears to be no record. The following from the papers belonging to the Com- monwealth indicates, however, that a number of them were with the army in New York : — " Money owed John Faye, for money paid by him to invalids returning from Albany, &c., Selectmen of Hingham. Cha^ Gushing ) David Gushing, Colo." Military History. 317 The same officers make another return, showing that Nathan Thisining enlisted in Col. Henley's regiment in May, while in June, Jaspar Mason, Esriglolm Millery, Christian Rouschorn, Jonas Foughel, Conrad Workman, Peter Dushen, Frederick Gateman, Amada Bourdon, John Dager, Frederick Bower, Joseph Teot or Scot, John Rodsfell, John Wielele, Christopher Creigor, as Hingham men swore to uphold the Republic in Col. Crane's Artillery. It is difficult to avoid a slight suspicion that these men may have been a part of the deserting Hessians from Bur- goyne's army, whose enlistment by Massachusetts called forth vigorous remonstrance from Washington, and soon ceased. The town fathers appear to have been at least not deficient in shrewd- ness, however, for these recruits were engaged for three years and credited to Hingham for the long term although the period required under the call of Congress at that time was only nine months. Let us hope that these swiftly made citizens and eager patriots upheld the honor of the town while serving under their new colors. In July of this year, the French fleet under D'Estaing appeared off Newport, and the Admiral and Gen, Sullivan, who commanded in Rhode Island, prepared to drive the enemy from the State. Two Continental brigades from the main army was sent under Lafayette, and the Massachusetts militia marched under John Hancock as Major-General, at the same time. The whole force numbered ten thousand men, and great hopes were entertained of its success. They were doomed to be disappointed, however, and after nearly a month of fruitless delays, the Americans evacuated the island after having fought one unsatisfactory battle. The following Hingham men took part in the attempt : — Benj. Jacob, Thos. Joy, Elijah Lewis, Japath Hobart, Benj. Joy, Moses Whiton, Kent Simmonds, Jonathan Gardner. They were probably members of a company of which John Lincoln was a lieutenant, and were paid by the town £ 122. Hon. Solomon Lincoln says there were nineteen other Hingham men engaged six weeks in Rhode Island, and also twenty-two in a Capt. Baxter's company for the same length of time. The names of the latter are here given : — Zachariah Whiton, 2 Lieut., Able Whiton, Robert Gardner, Serg't, Jonathan Farrar, Ambross Bates, " Levit Lane, Jacob Joy, Thomas Willder, 318 History of Hingham. Robart Willder, Stephen Stodder, Isaiah Hearsey, Isaac (?) Whiton, Cashing Burr, Elishe Whiton, Ruben Hearsey, James Stodder, Charls Burr, Cornelus Bates, Canterbury Barns, Zebulon Willcutt, Daniel Wilder, Jacob Lincorn, Thomas Stodder, Captain Baxter was from Braintree, from which town also came a large part of his company. Lieut. Whiton subsequently appears to have become a captain, and is spoken of with distinction in Thacher's " Military Journal." Colonel Mcintosh commanded the regiment. The Dorchester Heights works were also garrisoned by a com- pany consisting of thirty -four men, under Capt. Elias Whiton for three months. Captain Whiton, who early in the war had also served as lieutenant in Capt. Pyam Cushing's company when stationed at Dorchester, was taken with the small-pox and died in the service, aged thirty-five years. Almost at the same time Captain Whiton's elder brother, Capt. Enoch Whiton, who also had commanded a company in the Revolution died, aged forty-five years. A third brother, Elijah, was a soldier in the same war. They were all residents of South Hingham, near Liberty Plain. The town re- cords show that the thirty-four men were paid out of the town trea- sury X402-2 for their services. The company belonged to Colonel Lyman's regiment of Guards ; its roll was — Elias Whiton, Capt. Jon^ Hobart, Zachariah Whiton, Lieut., Joshua Beals, Samuel Hobart, " WilF Hobart, John Gushing, Thomas Sprague, Thomas King, Samuel Leavitt, James Tower, Thomas Joy, Joshua Stowel, Abel Whiton, David Gardner, Jacob Dunbar, Ezekiel Hearsey, Peter Tower, John Hearsey, Jonathan Farrow, Thomas Chubbuck, Jeremiah Gardner, Jonathan Gardner, David Chubbuck, Caleb Leavitt, David Loring, David Lamman, Laban Tower, John Hobart, Seth Wilder, Benj'' Stowel, Esquir Hook. Nehemiah Hobart, After the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, Oct. 17, 1777, his army was conducted to Boston, and quartered at Cambridge, where it remained until November, 1779. During the intervening period the duty of furnishing guards devolved largely upon the militia of Massachusetts, and of this, Hingham had a full share. Military History. 319 It is not possible to give accurate lists of the men engaged in this and the similar service of caring for and protecting the Continen- tal stores at Boston and Watertown, so imperfect are the rolls. The town records contain items of payments to men recruited for these purposes. One, in 1778, would seem to indicate that there were seven of our townsmen with Capt. Benjamin Beal, but " a pay abstract of Capt. Benj. Beal company of militia and Col. Jacob Garish (regt) Drafted in July 1778, to Guard the Troops of Con- vention and the Stores In and About Boston " contains the following names of undoubted citizens. The regiment was Colonel Gerrish's. Benj. Beal, Capt., Moses Gardner, Peter Dunbar, Lieut., Joshua Stowell, Joshua Beal, Sergt., Jedediah Joy, Caleb Marsh, Corp., Seth Wilder, David Hearsey, Drum, Daniel Dunbar, Joseph Hobbard, Hosea Dunbar, Stephen Mansfield, Melzer Dunbar. Also " Capt Benj. Lapham Compy in Col. John Reeds Regt., in service of the United States, at Cambridge, taken from 2 April, 1778, to July 3, 1778," has upon its roll : — Jos. Tower, Sergt. James Lewes, Daniel Stodard, Corp., Rich* Tower. The town disbursements for the year contain items for the pay- ment of three men employed in guarding Continental stores, nearly three months, twenty men " for guarding Gen^ Burgoynes army, at Cambridge, 4 months & 26 days," " to 11 men for Guarding the Continental Stores in Boston 2 months 11 days." At the town meeting held in February, there was a tax laid of X2370 of which X495-7-2 was for the procuring of Continental soldiers, for three years ; X 1274-12-10 for paying the men em- ployed in the expedition against General Burgoyne ; X300 for guarding General Burgoyne's army at Cambridge, and £300 for defraying the usual expenses of the town. Subsequently we find Joshua Leavitt paid for a gun lent the town, and Jacob Leavitt for painting the carriage and wheels of the cannon ; also David Beal for assisting in transporting powder from Watertown to Hingham. There are, besides these, payments to Capts. Benj. Lapham, Elias Whiton, and Peter Gushing, for serving as committees to hire soldiers. There is a roll of Captain Stowers' company showing service from August to November of this year; the location of its employment is not indicated, but its roll contains, in addition to the names given as members of the same command, in August, 1776, the following : — Sam'l Stodder, Daniel Beal, Reuben Stodder, Thos. Lincoln, 320 History of Hingham. Job Mansfield, Stephen Wliiton, Benj. Barnes, Jr., Luke Orcutt, Jacob Whiton, Caleb Leavitt, Enoch Leavitt. October 1, 1778, General Lafayette was in Hingham and lodged, with his servant, at the Anchor Tavern, then standing upon the present location of Mr. William 0. Lincoln's house, on South Street, and a favorite resort of the French officers at Nantasket. It was a famous hostelry in its day, and was occupied as a private dwelling by Governor Andrew in the early part of the Civil War. Lafayette was on his way to Hull, where he was going to inspect the fortifi- cations at that place. He was dressed in a blue coat with buff trimmings, the regular uniform of an American officer, and at- tracted much attention. Upon the news of his death many years after, all the bells in town were rung. Among other curious documents in the State House are certain inventories showing the amouijt of clothing received from the several towns for the public service. One, dated Dec. 17th, 1778, shows that Hingham furnished 128 shirts, 69 pairs of shoes, and 102 pairs of stockings ; being much more than by any other town in the county with the exception of Boston. The great difficulty of ascertaining precisely the date of en- listment of many of those who entered the Continental service has been intimated. In addition to the names previously given, the following would seem to have entered the army in 1778 : — Alexander Atkins, Boston, Gershom Beal, Csesar Blake, Maxitinde Basasobel, Boston, Thomas Burke, Caleb Bates (killed), Simeon Butler, Wm. Booding, Ezekiel Bragdon, Braxton, Abel Gushing, Isaac Crosby, Waltham, John Carter, Boston, Ronald Cameron, " Wm. Clarke, Pownalboro, John Clark, James Dishet, Perez Gardner, Isaac Gardner, Jesse Humphrey, Joseph Hobart, Daniel Hearsey, Peter Husen, Boston, Captain Colonel Langdon, Jackson, Winship, Alden, Allen, Putnam, Bayley, Alden, Langdon, Jackson, Burbeck, Crane's Artil Langdon, Jackson, Lane, Nixon, Lane, Shepard, Alden, Langdon, Jackson, Bayley, 11 Vose, Williams, Greaton, Pilsbury, Wigglesworth, Light Horse, Langdon, Jackson, Military History. 321 Captain Colonel Luther Lincoln, B riant, Crane, John Mansfield (dead), Bayley, Ebenezer Ripley, Cc-esar Scott, Alden,, Moses Stoddar, Joseph Wilcott. Burbeck, Crane. In September of 1778 General Lincoln was placed in command of the department of the South. A brief account has already been given of his persistent efforts to raise an army, and of the long- struggle for supremacy which finally terminated at Charleston, in May, 1780, by the surrender of the town, with the garrison, to Sir Henry Clinton. The Committee of Safety in 1779 were Samuel Norton, Dr. Thomas Thaxter, Capt. Theophilus Wilder, Capt. Charles Cushing, and Joseph Thaxter. The military service performed by Hingham men during this year was very considerable, besides that rendered by the soldiers of the Continental regiments with Washington and elsewhere, but the records are so incomplete that but little detail can be given. The English evacuated Rhode Island in the autumn of 1779, but they had no intention of permanently abandoning the State, and the fear of their return necessitated the employment of a considerable American force for its defence until the close of the war. A pay roll for December, 1779, of Capt. Luke Howell's company in Col. Nathan Tyler's regiment, on duty in Rhode Island, contains the names of the following Hingham men : — - John Lincoln, Lieut., . Jonathan Farrow, Jr., Private, Ezekiel Hersey, Drum, Jacob Wbitton, " Elijah Lewis, Private, William Gardner, " Elisha Beals, " Nathaniel Bates, " Jonathan Farrow, " In the same State there were six men in Capt. Job Cushing's command, and seven men for five months in the company in which Jacobs was a lieutenant. There were also four men engaged upon guard duty at Boston, who were probably Robert Gardner, Jonathan Gardner, Elijah Whiton, Jr., and James Hayward. They certainly received pay from the town for service in Boston this year. Lieut. Elijah Beal, who resided at West Hingham and who at the time was about twenty-nine years of age, was stationed at Claverack, New York, with fifteen of his townsmen. Efforts to ascertain their names have not met with success. This year, too, saw Capt. Theophilus Wilder adding active military duty to the service he was giving his country in the support of the war as a civilian, and again we find him with VOL. I. 21 322 History of Hingham. his company, this time containing- eighteen Hingham patriots, in the fort at Hull. This roll, like several others of 1779, has not been found. Hon. Solomon Lincoln states that Lieut. John Lin- coln commanded a company at Rhode Island in Webb's regiment from Sept. 1, 1779, to Jan. 1, 1780, in which were several soldiers from Hingham. The records preserve the names of only the following as enlist- ing in the Continental service during 1779 ; they appear to be re-enlistments : — James Cook, Capt. Bradford, Col. Bayley, Joseph Stockbridge, " " Jacob Gardner, Col. Greaton. The town appropriation* for war purposes had by this time be- come very large, although it must not be forgotten that they were in a very much depreciated currency. In October it was voted to- " raise X6000 for the purpose of paying the soldiers that went to do duty in the State of New York." The following indicate services not otherwise recorded : To Zach'' Whitou for his service to Rhode Island in 1778 £41-17 To Jotham Loring for his service in Canada omitted £18. There were also payments for large amounts of beef and salt purchased for the soldiers, and as in every other year of the war, generous sums were voted for soldiers' families. We have these records also : — To Jon? Hearsey towards his service at Rhode Island £22- 0-0 To David Hearsey for D° 39- 2-G To Elisha Beal for D° 35-17-0 To Ezek' Hearsey for D° ■ 44-18-8. The names of four more of Hingham's soldiers are thus indi- cated, although no light is thrown on the particular expedition in which they served. Perhaps no better examples can be selected to illustrate the ex- traordinary depreciation of the paper currency than the following: To Capt. Seth Stowers for 7 Bush' Corn for the Soldiers who went to Rhode Island £63-0-0 To Bradford Hearsey for a pf shoes to Hosea Stodder £4-4-9. In July an expedition against the British post at Penobscot was fitted out by Massachusetts. Colonel Lovell, who sometime before had become a brigadier-general in the militia, was one of the com- manders, and, as already said, the brig " Hazard " which took part in the expedition, had a number of Hingham men in her crew. Upon the promotion of Colonel Lovell, which took place in 1777. David Gushing of Hingham became colonel ; Thomas Lothrop of Military History. 323 Oohasset, lieutenant-colonel ; Isaiah Gushing of , major ; Samuel Ward of Hingham, second major ; and the members and officers of the Hingham companies were : 2d, Benjamin Lapham, Capt., Herman Lincoln, 1st Lieut., Joseph Beal, 2d Lieut. ; 3d, Jabez Wilder, Capt., Zach. Whiting, 1st Lieut., Robt. Gardner, Jr., 2d Lieut. ; 6th, Peter Gushing, Gapt., Thos. Burr, 1st Lieut., Thos. Fearing, 2d Lieut. The following served seven months in Gazee's Rhode Island company of artillery ; the year is not certainly known, but it is probable that at least a portion of this time was included in the year 1779 : Enoch Dunbar, Amos Dunbar, Daniel Dunbar, Melzar Dunbar, Luther Gardner, and Peleg Whiton. In 1780 the Gommittee of Correspondence, Inspection, and Safety consisted of Israel Beal, Gapt. Charles Gushing, Ebenezer Gushing, Joshua Leavitt, and Isaac Wilder, Jr. In July of this year General Heath asked for reinforcements for his army in Rhode Island, an attack on Newport being threat- ened by Sir Henry Clinton. Under this call Capt. Theophilus Wilder marched with his company, belonging to Ebenezer Thayer's regiment, and served three months. The roll of Hingham men is given below : — Theophilus Wilder, Capt., Jerem'' Gardner, Thomas Venson, Lieut., Perez Gardner, Walter Hatch, 2d Lieut. , Elisha Whitten, Peter Wilder, Sergt.-Major, Con' Barns, Elijah Lewis, Sergt., Isra Whitten, Isaiah Hearsey, " Amos Dunbar, Uriah Beals, " Sher Gorthwell, Ezra Gardner, Corp., Abel Gushing, Israel Stowell, " Gushen Burr, Peter Hearsey, Drum, John Gushing, Bela Tower, Fife, Mola^ Tower, Jacob Canterbury, Laban Gushing, Be Gushing, Jerem'' Hersey, Eliph. Ripley, Ezekel Harsey, Stephen Stowell, Israel Hearsey, John Hearsey, John Dill, Zedeok Harsey, Nathaniel Dill, Dan' Harsey, Joseph Jones, Jon Gardner, Caleb Gushen. Stephen Gardner, The urgent need of soldiers frequently induced the States to authorize enlistments for short terms, much against the judgment of Washington, and greatly to the injury of the service and the country. The town of Hingham supplied few men by authority of these acts, and, as already stated, under a nine months call, in one 324 History of Hingham. instance at least, enlisted her quota for three years. Indeed, most of the men joining the Continental service and credited to Hing- ham were for the long term, and many have against their names the large letters " D. W.," which mean " During the War." The following, however, joined the army for six months, "agreeable to a resolve of the General Court of the fifth of June," 1780 : Lot Lincoln, Jesse Humphrey, James Bates, Daniel Woodward, Levi Gardner, Ezekiel Gushing, Leavitt Lane. They were sent to Springfield, and thence to the army under Captain Soaper, Cap- tain Burbank, and Lieutenant Gary, in July, August, and October. Mr. Lincoln says that there were also five men on duty as guards at Boston. At a town meeting held on the 13th of June it was voted to raise thirty thousand pounds toward paying the soldiers, and four thousand pounds to purchase clothing for the Continental army. The town records also show large sums of money paid for beef, blankets, wood, corn, etc., supplied the army upon requisition from the State. In one instance, however, the General Court threatened a fine of twenty per cent if a requisition was not promptly responded to ; and the town voted "• to comply, provided it be not brought as a precedent in future time;" this was in the year 1781. This latter year Samuel Norton, Capt. Charles Gushing, Heman Lincoln, Capt. Peter Gushing, and Elisha Gushing, Jr., were chosen as the Committee of Correspondence. Under a resolve of the General Court passed December 2, the following enlisted into the Continental service for three years, or the war ; the bounties paid are also given : — Henry Sheppcrd £57 Thomas Lightfoot £60 John Daniels 108 Eeuben Wright 55-10 Lewes Freeman 60 Amos Adams 51-12 Emmuel Busson 60 Francis Comer 63 James Cook 61-4 The following furnishes an illustration of the means by which some of these men were secured : — Hingham, Dec. 24, 1781. These may certifie that I the Subscriber Hired Emmuel Bussen for the class whereof I am Chairman & that He passed muster the 8"^ day of No- vemb'' past, and that He engaged to Serve three years in the Continental Army ; also that I gave Sixty pounds for his so engaging in Hard money. John Thaxter. Others enlisting tliis year and receiving a bounty were — Isaac Gardner, Jack Freeman, Juba or Tuba Freeman, Benj" Jacobs, Absolum Davis, Csesar Blake, Military History. 325 Thomas Newell, Daniel Dill, Jesse Humphrey, Abel Gushing, Lot Lincoln, James Hayward, Fortune Freeman, James Bates, Nath' Stoddard, Perez Gardner, John Dill, Benj" Ward. Perez Gardner was three years in Colonel Vose's regiment, and with him were John Tower, killed at Morrisania on a scout, James Bates, and James Hayward, both of whom died in the service at West Point, and John Daniels, Abel Gushing, and Solomon Lor- ing, — the latter not given in the above list, — and Jack , a colored man, doubtless Jack Freeman, killed at New York. Mr. Lincoln says there were also eleven men in Rhode Island four months under Capt. John Lincoln. The only roll discovered, however, gives in Colonel Webb's regi- ment in Rhode Island, Aug. 2, 1781, John Lincoln, captain ; Robert Corthell, sergeant ; Sherebiah Corthell, private, as be- longing to Hingham. The names of the others have not been ascertained. It was towards the close of the summer when the American and French armies, after remaining some six weeks near Dobbs' Ferry in New York, crossed the Hudson, and under the general com- mand of General Lincoln commenced the march across the Jer- seys, Maryland, and Virginia, which terminated in the great victory at Yorktown on the 19th of October following. The distinguished part performed by General Lincoln in the last great campaign of the Revolution has been already alluded to. The personal history of other Hingham soldiers has, with a few exceptions, been lost or obscured with the passing years. Of this we may be certain, that wherever the commands to which they belonged were, there they were too, serving faithfully to the end. Among those at Yorktown was Daniel Shute, a young surgeon who had graduated at Harvard College in the opening year of the contest, and immediately placed his talents at his country's service. He is said to have commanded a college com- pany during the siege of Boston, and soon after was commissioned a surgeon's mate and attached to the Hospital Department. At Yorktown he was the first surgeon to perform an amputation on a wounded soldier. At the close of the war he was surgeon of the 4th Massachusetts Continental Regiment, commanded by Colonel Shepperd. Dr. Shute resided a short time in Weymouth after the close of his military service, but soon removed to Hing- ham, where he died April 18, 1829. Upon the staff of General Lincoln was Major Hodijah Baylies, aide-de-camp, who subsequently married a daughter of the general. He became collector at Dighton, and held other offices. Several of his children were born durins; his residence in Hino;ham. 326 History of Hingham. The capitulation of Cornwallis was the last great military event of the Revolution. Nevertheless, mucli of the country was still occupied by the British army, and besides the necessity of gain- ing and holding possession of those portions, there remained the possibility of renewed hostilities, requiring the retention of a con- siderable force. On the second of November the army under General Lincoln embarked at Yorktown and proceeded to the head of the Elk, from whence it went into winter quarters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and upon the Hudson, in New York. The Committee of Correspondence and Safety elected in 1782 were Israel Beal, John Fearing, and Theophilus Gushing; they were re-elected in 1783. The probabilities of peace made the enlistment of soldiers ex- ceedingly difficult, and there were very few recruited after the close of the Virginia campaign. The only names of recruits known to have joined the Continental army in 1782 are Solomon Lavingin and Elijah Beals. Hon. Solomon Lincoln says that in 1783 there were twelve men in the service at Hull. Neither the date nor the organization to which they belonged have been preserved, and no list of these last soldiers in the Bevolution from old Hingham has been found. There remain to be added a few names not hitherto placed, known to have served in the army in some capacity, but whose company or regiment, place, or time, have not been ascertained. These are — Jedediah Beal, Bela Lincoln, served on the " Pro- Daniel Dill, tector," Lemuel Dill, Benjamin Lincoln, Daniel Egrey, Noah Nichols, Francis Gardner, died 1780 on Moses Sprague, Jersey prison-ship, Jacob Sprague, carried to Halifax Jared Joy, and died on guard-ship, 1778, Benjamin Leavitt, Ebed Stodder, Seth Thaxter. Serving upon the staff of General Lincoln during the earlier part of the war as an aid-de-camp, and probably with the rank of colonel, was Nathan Rice. Colonel Rice came early to Hing- ham, where he resided many years. At the close of the war he was major in Colonel Bailey's Continental regiment, and subse- quently commanded a body of troops at Oxford during the threat- ened difficulties with France. From the lists of names given, it appears that Hingham fur- nished over one hundred and fifty different persons to the regular Continental service, of whom, however, it is probable that only about eighty were actual residents of the town. The commis- sioned officers, so far as known, were, — Military History. 327 Major-Gen. Benjamin Lincoln. Col. Nathan Rice, aide-de-camp to General Lincoln. Lieut.-Col. Jotham Loring, 3d Mass., Colonel Greaton ; dismissed. Major Hodijah Baylies, aide-de-camp to General Lincoln. Daniel Shute, surgeon 4th Mass., Colonel Shepperd. Capt. -Lieut. Nath'l Coit Allen, paymaster 10th Mass., Colonel Tupper. Lieut. Hezekiah Ripley, Jr., 2d Mass., Colonel Bailey; Brigade Qr. in 1783. Lieut. Joseph Andrews, Crane's artillery ; mortally wounded at Brandywine. Lieut. John Lincoln, 2d Mass., Colonel Bailey. To these should perhaps be added — Capt. Amos Lincoln, formerly of Hingham ; moved to Weymouth. Dr. Gridley Thaxter who is stated to have been a surgeon in the army, but in what branch of the service is unknown. Dr. Peter Hobart, also a surgeon, the particular record of whose service is lost. John Woodman, a private in the 7th Mass., Colonel Brooks, and marked " promoted." Possibly, also, Chaplain Joseph Thaxter, formerly of Colonel Prescott's militia regiment, should have his name placed upon the Continental rolls ; he certainly was in the army later, but the command is not stated. Another brilliant officer, who was a citizen of Hingham pre- ceding the division, but who by that event became an inhabitant of the new town of Cohasset, was Capt. James Hall. It is possible to make an approximation only to the number of men who served their country from Hingham in other than the regular Continental regiments during the war of the Revolution. Many of the rolls are entirely lost, others are incomplete, and some are partially worn and illegible ; the selectmen's records furnish valuable but very meagre information, while from private sources almost nothing has been obtained. From available in- formation, — mainly the rolls heretofore given, and which are literal copies of originals in the State House, — it would appear to be certain that some six hundred different individuals per- formed military duty in the several branches of the service. There were doubtless many more whose names were recorded upon the lost rolls, or whose identity cannot be determined, owing to the fact that oftentimes lists still exist which are nearly value- less from a failure to make any mention of the town to which the soldier belonged. Tliere is reason to think that a number of men doing garrison duty at the Castle, — now Fort Lidepen- dence, — in Capt. the Hon. Thomas Cushing's company, were from Hingham ; but there is an uncertainty arising from the home 328 History of Hingham. or place of enlistment of the men composing it being in no case stated ; and the doubt in this instance is of sufficient importance to make it unsafe to credit the town with any of them. It is quite probable, too, that numbers of our citizens served in some of the various armed ships authorized by Congress or the Common- wealth, but of other than those given as upon the " Hazard " and " Protector," if such there were, no satisfactory records are known. Very many, if not most, of the soldiers from Hingham served on several different occasions during the war ; and not a few enlisted or were called out four, five, and six times, while the indisputable evidence furnished by existing rolls proves that several responded to no less than eight calls to duty in garri- son and camp. In a few instances the periods of service were short, being comprehended in a few days, but for the most part they extended over many months, embracing the year consumed in the siege of Boston, the time occupied in the campaigns in Canada, in the northern department against Burgoyne, in the operations near West Point, those around New York, the several Rhode Island expeditions, that to the Penobscot, a part of Wash- ington's first campaign in New Jersey, and the many months, aggregating several years, of garrison duty at Hull, besides that performed in Hingham itself while the town was a military post. It is impossible to reduce the whole to a standard of number of men serving for a stated time, but if every different service had been performed by different individuals, the aggregate outside of those in the regular three-years regiments would probably exceed one thousand. As observed previously, it seems reasonable to estimate the different individuals as about six hundred in number ; indeed, the preserved rolls name some five hundred and seventy. Of these, approximately, the Lincolns furnished forty-eight ; the Cushings, thirty-seven ; the Beals, thirty ; the Whitens, including all the variations of spelling the name, thirty ; the Stoddars, Stpdders, Stoddards, Stodars, twenty-five ; the Hearseys, Harseys, Herseys, twenty-four ; the Gardners, twenty-one ; the Hobarts, nineteen ; the Towers, sixteen ; the Lorings, fifteen ; the Bateses, fifteen ; the Burrs, thirteen ; the Spragues, thirteen ; the Wilders, thirteen ; the Dunbars, eleven ; the Leavitts, eleven ; the Lewises, eleven ; the Stowells, ten ; the Joys, ten ; the Fearings, eight ; the Lanes, eight ; the Thaxters, seven ; the Barneses, seven ; and the Marshes, seven. That is two dozen names of the soldiers from Hingham included four hundred and nine individuals. The Hingham officers of Continental regiments have already been named ; those in other branches of the service, as far as known, were — Major-Gen. Benjamin Lincoln (before his Continental commission), Capt. Benjamin Beal, Capt. Peter Gushing, " Charles Gushing, " Pyam Gushing, ^' Job Gushing, " Isaiah Gushing, Military History. 329 Capt. Thomas Hearsey, 2d Lieut, . Thomas Fearing, " Benjamin Lapham, u Walter Hatch, " James Lincoln, 2d (( Josiali Lane, " John Lincohi, u Jacob Leavitt, " Seth Stowers, u Heman Lincoln, " Job Tower, ii Levi Lincoln, " Theophilus Wilder, ii Isaac Lincoln, " Elias Whiton, 2d a Nathan Lincoln, " Stephen Whiton, a Peter Nichols, " Enoch Whiton, a Jerom Stephenson, Lieut. Levi Bates, a Knight Sprague, 2d " Elijah Beal, a Joshua Tower, 2d " Joseph Beal, a Thomas Vinson, Lieut. Thomas Burr, u Jabez Wilder, 3d " Isaac Gushing, 2d u Zach Whiting, prob- 4th " David Gushing, ably subsequently a " Peter Dunbar, captain. Prom official records still existing and other reliable sources of information, it may be safely stated that the town of Hingham contributed to the military service of the Revolution, including those in the Continental regiments and on armed vessels, nearly seven hundred and fifty men, of whom over fifty were commis- sioned officers. The number probably was really largely in excess of that here stated. It cannot but be regretted that these records of the old town's part in the Revolutionary contest are so largely composed of mere lists of names, and that there is so little of incident to brighten the too statistical narrative. In this connection, however, one little event may not be without interest. It will perhaps be recalled that during the last war between France and the Colonies, one of the chaplains was Rev. John Brown of Hingham. The years which had rolled by since 1759 had doubtless incapacitated the minister for further service in the field, but under the mag- nificent elm standing opposite to the old Gushing house at Rocky Nook, he preached to a company of our townsmen on their march to the post of danger, and sent them on the way with the blessings and approval of the Church ringing in their ears, and, let us trust, consoling their hearts. Almost from the surrender of Yorktown the armies of the new republic had been melting away, and when, on the 3d of Sep- tember, 1783, the treaty was signed at Paris which acknowledged the independence of the United States, there remained witli Washington at Newburg scarcely more than a skeleton of the vic- torious force which had taken a part in the grand drama enacted on Virginia's soil nearly two years before. November 25th the commander-in-chief entered New York with General Knox and the officers of the army eight abreast, and, at Fraunce's tavern on 330 History of Hingham. the 4th of December following, Washington bid farewell to the comrades who for eight years had with him patiently and bravely endured the dangers and privations of the field and the camp. At about the same time General Lincoln resigned his office of Secretary of War and retired to private life. From the opening hour of the Revolution to its closing moment, the roll of Bing- ham's drums and the inspiring music of her fifes had echoed through her streets and been heard on many a weary march, while the rattle of musketry and the dull roar of artillery served by her children had testified to her unfl^inching and unwearying patriotism on land and sea. Beneath the kindly enshrouding soil in secluded shady and forgotten places, from Canada to the Potomac, rest those who laid their young lives down in the heat of the conflict, while many an old moss-grown stone in the town cemeteries marks the burial spot of some soldier who in the early days of the nation " shouldered his crutch and told how fields were won," to his children and grandchildren long after the close of the War for Independence. While with the advent of peace there doubtless came that reaction from interest in military matters which is common to all human affairs where the undivided attention has been too long fixed in a single direction, there was still, fortunately, enough patriotism left in the wearied people to listen to the urgent sug- gestions of Washington, and in a small regular army and the West Point establishment, provide a nucleus at least, around which might be gathered the forces for the defence of the young nation. Many of the statutes under which the armies were gath- ered and the militia governed still remained in force, and these derived powerful support from the dangerous and threatening con- dition of a number of the Indian tribes, from the menace which the continued occupancy in the West and North of posts and forts by the British constantly offered, and from the ill-concealed contempt felt by the empires of the world for the small, weak, and exhausted State in the Western Hemisphere. More than all, there was the internal discontent and distrust experienced by a weary and debt-laden people entering upon the experiment of new forms of government towards which many were antagonistic, and in which a large number had little faith. To all this must be added the bitter disappointment of the discharged and half-paid soldiery, who, after giving eight of their best years to the service of the country, found themselves adrift, poverty-stricken, and for a time, at least, neglected. Fortunately, for the most part these men were Fed- eralists, and believers in and supporters of their old officers, more particularly of Washington, and were generally friends of a strong government and a national spirit. Fortunately, too, the militia organization for tlio most part remained intact, and many a fine regiment which had seen active service during the war was still under the command of its old officers, and in the ranks were Military History. 331 numbers of disciplined veterans. The continued efficiency of these troops enabled General Lincoln, who had been commissioned major-general April 3, 1786, to crush the armed mobs under Shays with a celerity and absence of unnecessary violence which reflected credit alike upon the men and the officers, and furnished an added illustration of the tact and ability of Lincoln. Colonel Rice was also engaged in the service at the time, with other citizens of Hingham. The old town might well feel satisfied with her part in the termination of this small rebellion. In 1781 Charles Cushing was colonel of the Second Regiment of militia ; Theophilus Cushing, captain, David Cushing, 1st lieutenant, and Edward Wilder, 2d lieutenant of the second company ; and Thomas Fearing, captain, Thomas Cushing, 1st lieutenant, and Elijah Whiting, 2d lieutenant of the third com- pany. Theophilus Cushing became colonel June 9, 1787, Thomas Vinson, lieutenant-colonel, and James Stodder, major, while Quincy Thaxter had already been commissioned adjutant on the 8th of January previously. Colonel Cushing became brigadier- general Sept. 12, 1793. If there are any records extant of the Hingham militia com- panies from the close of the Revolution until the commencement of the War of 1812, it is to be hoped that the meagre historical notes here given — ■ for they amount to no more — may incite production. In musty old volumes in a small, dark room in the basement of the State House, may be found the names of an enor- mous number of persons commissioned in the militia, which was for many years an organized army of no small dimensions — on paper. Beyond the dates which these commissions bear and the regiments to which their holders belonged, very little informa- tion is given. From the list have been selected the names of citizens of this town, but no attempt has been made to state the companies of which they were officers. As will be seen here- after, there were two companies formed later of which some details appear : — Daniel Wilder : Ensign . . . Lieutenant . . Thomas Thaxter: Quartermaster . Benjamin Andrews: Ensign . . . Lieutenant . . Jedediah Lincoln: Ensign Captain . . . Major .... John Feai'ing: Ensign Lieutenant . . Captain . Washington Cushing Ensign March 3, 1788. May 3, 1796. June 10, 1793 March 3, 1788. May -23, 1792. May -2, 1797. Sept. 3, 1800. March 26, 1806. Sept 3, 1800. April 10, 1806. April 1, 1809. April 12, 1804. Captain . . . Major .... Lieutenant-Col. Colonel . . . John Barker: Captain . . . Major .... Lieutenant- Col. Robert Thaxter: Surgeon's-Mate . John Cushing, 3d; Captain . . . David Cushing, Jr.: Captain Solomon Jones: Lieutenant . Captain . . March 28, 1807. May 3, 1813. June 20, 1816. March 28, 1818. Oct. 23, 1788. ]\Iay 18, 1797. May 25, 1801. Sept. 1, 1800. March 3, 1788. March 3, 1788. Sept. a, 1800. April 10,1806. 332 History of Hlngham. Levi Sprague: Ensign Lieutenant . Seth Hersey: Lieutenant . Nehemiah Gushing Lieutenant . Joseph Gushing: Ensign Lieutenant . Elijah Waters, Jr.: Ensign Lieutenant . Captain . Rufus Lane: Ensign Jonathan Gushing: Ensign Lieutenant . David Wliiton: Ensign Lieutenant . Joseph Hammond: Ensign Martin Fearing: Ensign . April 10, 1806 . May 13, 1809. . April 13, 1807. . March 28, 1807 . Sept 26, 1811. . April 15, 1812. . March 3, 1788. . May 2. 1797. . May 7, 1799. . May 23, 1792. . May 3, 1796. . Sept. 3, 1800. . Sept. 3, 1800. . April 12, 1804. . April 11, 1803. . Oct. 26, 1809. Lieutenant . Captain . . . Major . . . . Edward Wilder: Lieutenant . Captain . . Thomas Andrews: Lieutenant . Francis Thaxter: Quartermaster Ephraim Andrews: Quartermaster Thomas Loud: Quartermaster John Beale: Adjutant . . Laban Hersey: Captain Scarlet Hudson: Lieutenant . Edward Wilder, Jr. Ensign Moses Humphrey: Ensign . . Abner Hersey: Captain . . Sept. 26, 1811. April 15, 1812. June 13, 1814. . March 3, 1788. . May 3. 1796. . Oct. 23, 1788. . Sept. 16, 1799. . June 7, 1802. . Oct. 2, 1804. . June 7, 1802. . Sept. 28, 1800. . April 11, 1803. .' March 28, 1807. . April 23, 1807. . Feb. 12, 1807. In 1812 the Hingham Rifle Company received a charter from the State, and for many years it was one of the famous militia organizations in the Commonwealth. Its first captain was Dun- can McB. Thaxter, while the other officers were Jairus Sprague, lieutenant, and Daniel Bassett, ensign, all commissioned May 21, 1812. It was subsequently attached to the Light Infantry Battalion as Company D, although a part of the Second Regiment until that organization was disbanded. Early in October the company made its first public parade in a uniform described in the " Boston Patriot " as " perfectly neat," with " rifles lately procured from an American armory of domestic manufacture, with complete accoutrements." On this occasion a standard was presented on behalf of the ladies by Miss Mary Lincoln, daughter of Mr. Solomon Lincoln, and accepted by Ensign Daniel Bassett in a patriotic if somewhat grandiloquent speech. Besides this company there were at this time the three stand- ing militia companies belonging to the same regiment, and prob- ably officered respectively as follows : Moses L. Humphrey, captain, April 16, 1812; Samuel Hobart, lieutenant, April 16, 1812; Nathan- iel Wilder, ensign, April 16, 1816 ; Martin Fearing, captain, April 15, I8l2; Joseph Gushing, lieutenant, April 15, 1812; Adna Cushing, ensign, April 15, 1812 ; Washino-ton Cushing, captain, March 28, 1807; Joseph Wilder, ensign," May 11, 1812. The regiment was the Second Infantry, of which Nehemiah Ripley became quartermaster March 30, 1812 ; Thomas Loring, pay- master, March 25, 1812 ; Ned Cushing, adjutant, March 20, 1812 (he had previously been paymaster), and William Gordon, sur- Military History. 333 g;eon, Feb. 10, 1813, while Henry Colman had been chaplain since July 6, 1807. In addition to these the citizens exempted by law from military duty formed themselves into three companies of infantry and one of artillery, the whole constituting a local bat- talion commanded by Capt. Edward Wilder. The North Ward company had for its officers : captain, Gen. John Barker ; lieu- tenant. Major Jedediah Lincoln ; ensign, Solomon Lincoln. The Middle Ward : captain, Laban Hersey ; lieutenant, Capt. Solomon Jones ; ensign, Lieut. John Fearing. South Ward : captain, Jona- than Gushing ; lieutenant, Edward Wilder, Jr. ; ensign, Joseph Wilder. The Artillery Company was commanded by Captain Thomas Brown, and the lieutenants were Ezra Lincoln and John Hersey, Jr. Ned Gushing was adjutant, and Ebenezer Gay paymaster of the battalion, and Thomas Thaxter appears also to have been an officer. The Artillery had but one gun, which was kept in the engine- house then standing on the land now occupied by Ford's Building. There is little to record of local history and military service during the three years in which was fought the War of 1812. Even the Commonwealth possesses no rolls of the men who served their country during this period, and neither tradition nor private journals have contributed greatly to supply the omission. John Todd is known to have been killed at Sackett's Harbor in 1813 ; and Alexander Gardner, of the same company, was wounded at the time. The following also appear to have been soldiers in this war, and some of them received pensions : — Jesse Churchill, Bela Tower, Enoch Curtis, Walter Whiton, Allen Gushing, Cornelius Lincoln, David Stoddar, Josiah Gardner, Warren Stoddar, Matthew Stodder, Ebed Stoddar, Job S. Whiton, Arclielaus Whiton, Peleg Dunbar, Samuel Stoddar, Constant Gardner, Luther Stoddar, Anthony Gardner, Enoch Dunbar, Daniel Wilder. David Gardner, Joshua Blake, born in Hingham, Sept. 27, 1778, died in Boston, Dec. 23, 1843, was a lieutenant in the navy, and subsequently served with Decatur during the trouble with Tripoli. He was a son of Joseph Blake, who lived in the house on the corner of Main and Elm streets, and who served with Major Samuel Thaxter in the French War. Charles Blake, known as Capt. Charles Blake, served upon a privateei- during a part of the war. He was captured and con- 334 History of Hingham. fined in Dartmoor Prison. Moses L. Humphrey commanded a company composed, at least in part, of Hingham men, and stationed at the Castle, now Fort Independence, in Boston harbor. Samuel Stodder was in his command. Walter Whiton was born Nov. 28, 1783 ; he was a major in the United States army, and was killed at the battle of Bridgewater ; his home was at Liberty Plain. Archelaus Whiton, or Whiting, enlisted from the frigate " Con- stitution " to go to the Lakes, and probably died in the expedi- tion. Ebed Stoddar was taken prisoner and confined at Dartmoor Pi'ison, whence he escaped, but was never afterwards heard from. Alexander Anderson was also confined at the same place. During the War of 1812 most of the Hingham vessels were hauled up in the town dock or at Broad Cove, excepting, how- ever, a few of the packets ; and some of these, it is said, had their masts and spars removed, and after being towed up Weymouth River, were boarded over and concealed in order to prevent their being seized by the British. The sloop " Washington " was launched when she was partly planked up, sufficiently so to float her, the owners fearing that she would be burnt by excursion parties from English ships then lying off Boston Light. At this time numerous depredations were committed by parties of the British ; one of them landed on Hog Island, in barges, and burned a barn full of hay ; and other property in the vicinity was destroyed. There were several vessels belonging to Hingham captured and destroyed by the enemy during the war ; among them was the " Emily," commanded by Capt. Barnabas Lincoln, and in part owned by him. It was a sad sight for the old sailor, who at another time had his vessel taken by pirates, to see the fine ship, in which were the fruits of many years of toil, given to the flame and the sea. Captain Lincoln was well treated upon the English man-of-war, and was soon released and allowed to return home. The schooner " Sally," always called the " Old Bull " in Hingham, was also captured and burned by the English cruisers ; she was commanded by Capt. Samuel Stoddar. The crew were all married men excepting Martin Beal, and were released. Beal, being single, was taken to Dartmoor Prison, but through the influence of Dr. Gordon's wife, who came from the vicinity, was soon released. Ebed Stoddar was in a Hingham vessel that was captured and burnt. He was taken to Halifax and confined in Dartmoor Prison, but escaped with others and took a small vessel to come home in. It is said that he was never heard from afterwards, and that the vessel was supposed to have foundered. Mr. Leavitt Sprague, however, is authority for the statement that Ebed Stod- dar afterward shipped on a privateer from New York and was never heard from. June 11, 1814, the town was alarmed by messengers with the statement that the English ships lying off Cohasset were about to 3Iilitai-y History. 335 land a force and commit depredations on the town. The Hing- ham companies were hurried to tlie scene with the idea of repelling the intended invasion. Whether because of the preparations for defence or otherwise, the landing was not attempted, and the enem}^ soon withdrew. The companies, or at least a portion of them, were detained a number of days at Cohasset, however. Joseph J. Whiton was commissioned captain 16 August, 1813, and a roll of his companj' which marched to Cohasset and was on duty there the 11th and 12th of June. 1814, is now in posses- sion of Mr. Seth S. Hersey, and is as follows : — Joseph J. Whiton. Captain, Seth S. Hersey, Sergt. Isaiah Wilder, " Ezekiel Fearing, " Bela Hobart, ' " Jacob Sprague, Musician, Isaiah Tower, " Josiah Gardner, '' Hosea Dunbar, '• Charles Whiton, Private, ^Nathaniel Hersey, '• Stephen Gardner, Jr " Samuel Gardner, Jr. " Silvanus Whiton, " Joseph Whiton, " Theophilus Whiton, " Charles L. Smith, " Laban Wilder, , " Charles Gardner, " Luther Whiton, " Hosea Whiton, " Isaiah Whiton, " Daniel Whiton, Jr. " John Titterton, " Israel Sprague, " Henry Stoddard, " Lazarus Bowker, " Bela Thayer, " Robert D. Gardner, " Reuben Sprague, Jr., " Enoch Dunbar, Jr., Private, Samuel Dunbar, Hawkes Hobart, Jr., Joshua Tower, Quincy Gardner, Jesse Gardner, Warren Gardner, Hosea Gardner, Constant Gardner, Moses Tower, Reuben Simmons, Thomas Stockbridge, Isaac Whiton, Hosea Gushing, Jr., Benjamin Wilder, Hosea Stoddard, Leavitt Tower, Thomas Hum|)hrey, Jared Jernegan, Daniel Shute, Jr. Anthony Gardner, Ebed Hobart, Daniel Dill, Josiah Chubbuck, Silas Chipman, John Shute, Caleb Stoddard, Jr. Jeremiah Gardner, Jr. Warren Thayer, At the time of the alarm Ned Gushing was adjutant of the Second Regiment ; he went into the Meeting-house during divine service, and gave public notice of the news from Cohasset. Jairus Lincoln, probably a soldier at the battle of Bunker Hill, was generally known as " Old Rodney." He was impressed into the British navy, and was under the command of Admiral Rodney 336 History of Hingham. wlien the fleet under that officer was engaged with the French fleet under the Count De Grasse. When peace was at last declared the rejoicings in Hingham, as in New England generally, were most enthusiastic. Stephen Gushing came from Boston on horseback bringing the news. Mr. Royal Whiton used to tell of Mr. Samuel Simmons coming to his shop with a horse and sleigh, and of the two then riding through the town proclaiming the news. " We went to South Hingham, and all the way Mr. Simmons kept singing out at the top of his voice, ' Peace ! peace !'^ — he kept his voice going the Avhole dis- tance." There was a collation at Capt. Sarhuel Hobart's, the military paraded, the bells were rung, and in the evening boiiliics were lighted on the hills and private dwellings illuminated. At some of the public-houses the celebration was of quite as marked, if different, character. It is said that Captain Hobart's House, especially, was the scene of a gathering composed of many of the leading wits and political lights of the town, and that the rejoic- ings, which were carried far into the night, were quite worthy of the great occasion. For a time subsequent to the war little occurred of interest in local military circles. The Rifles maintained their existence as one of the crack companies of the day, and the standing companies continued for a considerable period the usual existence of militia organizations of the time. The officers commissioned since 1812, excepting those already mentioned, were — William Gordon: Sura;eon . Daniel Shute, 3d: Surgeon 's-Mate Joseph Gushing: Captain JMajor .... Lieutenant-Col, Perez Lincoln: Lieutenant . Captain Jacob Cushing, Jr.: Ensign Lieutenant . Captain . Seth S. Hersey: Lieutenant . . Captain . . Blossom Spi'ague: Lieutenant . John Thaxter: Ensign . . Lieutenant . Samuel Fearing: P^nsign Lieutenant . Captain . . . Feb. 10, 1813. Aprils], 1816. July 25, 1814. Feb. 16, 1818 March 28, 1818. June 25, 1717 May 31, 1819. July 25, 1814. March 5, 1818. March 22, 1820. May 16, 1814. March 5, 1818. March 21, 1816. Jixne 25, 1816. May 31, 1819. March 5, 1818. March 22, 1820. March 26, 1822. James W. Sivret: Lieutenant . Seth Cushing, Jr. : P^nsign Cushing Leavitt: P^nsign Joshua Tower: Ensign Joseph Richardson; Chaplain . Henry Thaxter, Jr. Paymaster . .Jairus Sprague: Captain Samuel Hobart: Captain . Seth S. Hersey: Captain Adna Cushing : Captain . Lazarus Bowker: Ensign . . Lieutenant . Captain Laban Heirsey, Jr. : Ensign Captain . . . June 29, 1820 . March 5, 1818. . May 2, 1820. . Sept. 25, 1820. . April 20, 1816. . Nov 7, 1817. . March 21, 1816. . June 2.5, 1817. . March 5, 1818. . March 5, 1818. . May 16, 1814. . March 5, 1818 . June 29, 1820. , March 21, 1816, . April 12, 1820. Military History. 337 Lieutenant-Col. Colonel . . Charles Lane: Lieutenant . Captain . . Major . . . John Kingman: Ensign . . Captain . . Marshall Lincoln: Ensign . . Lieutenant . Henry Gushing: Ensign . . Quartermaster Joshua Humphrey: Ensign . . Lieutenant . Captain . . Benjamin Wilder: Ensign . . Lieutenant . Lincoln Gould: Ensign . . Samuel W. Loring Ensign . . Lieutenant Benjamin Thomas Ensign . . Lieutenant . Joshua Hersey, Jr. : Ensign . . Captain . Caleb Gill, Jr. : Ensign Lieutenant . Captain . . Alfred C. Hersey: Lieutenant . Captain . Jacob A. Nichols: Captain . . Robert T. P. Fiske: Surgeon . . May 21, 1823. . Sept. 3, 1827. . May 2, 1820. . May 31, 1823. . Sept. 3, 1827. . May 31, 1819. . May 7, 1822. , May 2, 1820. . May 31, 1823. . Oct. 13, 1821. . April 12, 1822. . May 7, 1821. . Sept. 13, 1822. . May 3, 1825. . May 29, 1822. . Aug. 29, 1825. . May 3, 1825. ' . Aug. 29, 1825. . July 2, 1827. Jr.: . April 20, 1826. . Nov. 27, 1827. . July 2, 1827. . Oct. 18, 1830. . Nov. 27, 1827. . April 15, 1820. . June 19, 1832. . June 12, 1824. . May 21, 1827. . Aug. 1, 1825. . Oct 1, 1827. John K. Corbett: Ensign Lieutenant Captain . Charles Lincoln: Ensign Lieutenant April 15, 1830. June 19, 1832.. Sept. 2, 1833.. Sept. 13, 1822, May 3, 1825. James Stephenson, Jr. : Ensign . . . May 13, 1823. Lieutenant . Ca])tain . . Anson Nickerson: Ensign Lieutenant . Captain . . Leavitt Lane, Jr.: Ensign . . Lieutenant . Joshua D. Turner: Lieutenant . Captain . . Enoch Lake: Lieutenant . Captain . David Cushing: Lieutenant . Isaac Waters : Lieutenant . Charles Shute: Captain Luther J. Barnes : Paymaster . Samuel L Fearing: Ensign . . Lieutenant . April 20, 1826. Nov. 27, 1827. March 1, 1826. May 21, 1827. April 19, 1830. May 21, 1827. April 19, 1830. May 30, 1821. March 27, 1822. March 26, 1822. May 15, 1821. March 27, 1822. June 21, 1828. Aug. 1, 1825. March 12, 1824. Theophilus Cushing, 2d: April 19, 1830. March 18, 1834. Ensign Lieutenant Captain . Joseph Jacobs: Ensign Lieutenant Captain . Captain . Oct. 18, 1830. Feb. 7, 1831. March 13, 1834. May 3, 1831. Dec. 25, 1833. April 7, 1843. April 17, 1844. In 1833 the Washington Guards were formed and received a charter from the State. The Hingham " Gazette " of that and sub- sequent years contains numerous notices of meetings, some at Col. Laban Hersey's Hall, at West Hingham, and some at the Old Colony House, at which latter place they sometimes had dinners with speeches. Their first meeting with muskets appears to have been on Nov. 1, 1833. The meeting of December 13 was called at Wilder's Hall, situated in Wilder's Tavern, Lincoln Street. On December 25 the members were notified to meet at the Old Colony House to choose officers ; at this meeting Edward Cazneau was elected captain, Joseph Jacobs, lieutenant, and Charles W. Seymour, ensign. The uniform adopted was to consist of scarlet VOL. I. — 22 338 History of Hingham. coats and white trousers, similar to that worn by the Boston Fusileers. In June, 1834, the Quincy Light Infantry visited Hingham, and was received by the Guards at the town line and escorted to the Union Hotel, where the two companies dined. July 4, 1834, the ladies presented a flag to the company at Captain Cazneau's house, Miss Almira Seymour making the address. Afterwards there was a dinner at the Old Colony House, and it is recorded that twenty toasts were drunk. Oct. 9, 1834, the volunteer companies of the First Brigade First Division of the militia assembled at Milton, near the Roxbury House, for inspection and review. In addition to an artillery battalion, there were eight companies, including the Hingham Rifles and the Washington Guards, com- prising a regiment commanded by Colonel Spooner. At that time Captain Corbett commanded the Rifles and Captain Cazneau the Guards, between which organizations there was sharp rivalry. The account says they made a fine appearance. Both companies appear to have maintained their existence until the general dis- bandment in 1843, at which time they were attached to the Third Battalion of Light Infantry then or lately commanded by Colonel Seymour. Joseph Jacobs, however, received a second commission as Captain of the Guards, — then called Company G, — April 17, 1844, and he was not finally discharged until Feb. 12, 1846. The following are additional commissions issued, generally, after the formation of the Guards : — Charles Gordon : Surgeon's Mate William White: Paymaster . . Charles Lane: Colonel John Stephenson: Ensign Lieutenant . 1st Lieutenant Captain . Ivery B. Gerry: Captain . Isaac G. Sprague: Ensign Lieutenant John C. Webb: Ensign . . Solomon L. Damon: Ensign . . . Joshua Tower, Jr. : Lieutenant . Captain . . . Lincoln B. Sprague: Lieutenant . . Enoch Whiting: Ensign . . . Caleb Hersey: Lieutenant . . Captain . Sept. 27, 1830. Sept. 13, 1830. June 28, 1830. Sept. 2, 1833. June 9, 1837. May 18, 1840. March 31, 1841. May 3, 1838. June 19, 1832. Sept. 2, 1833. March 13, 1834. March 18, 1834. March 13, 1834. May 3, 1836. May 3, 1836. Sept. 14, 1836. May 3, 1836. Mav7. 1839. Benjamin S. Whiting: Lieutenant . . May 7, 1839. Thomas Corbett: Ensign . . . June 9, 1837. Lieutenant . . Feb. 28, 1839. Captain . . . Aug. 15, 1839. Elijah L. Whiton: Ensign . . . June 10, 1837. Lieutenant . . June 23, 1838. 1st Lieutenant . 18 May, 1840. Charles Churchill; Ensign . . . Feb. 28, 1839. Lieutenant . . Aug. 15, 1839. Edward Cazneau: Captain . . . April 23, 1842. John Todd: 3d Lieutenant . April 5, 1841. Quartermaster . July 13, 1841 . Rufus Lane, Jr. : 3d Lieutenant . May 18, 1840. Paymaster . . July 13, 1841. Joseph Sprague: 2d Lieutenant . May 18, 1840 Adjutant . . July 13, 1841, Joseph P. Batson: 3d Lieutenant . Aug. 6, 1841. 2d Lieutenant . April 23, 1842. John C. Eldridge: 2d Lieutenant May 27, 1840. Military History. 339 Joshua Hersey, Jr. : Major .... Ezra Stephenson: Surgeon . . . Joseph M. Whiting: Ensign . . Charles W. Seymour Ensign . . Lieutenant Captain . Captain . . . Colonel . . . Moses Humphrey: Ensign . . , Moses L. Whiton- 3d Lieutenant . 2d Lieutenant . Captain . . . May 2, 1838. July 13, 1841, May 1, 1838. Dec. 25, 1833. June 10, 1837. June 23, 1838. April 5, 1841. June 17, 1841. June 23, 1838. Aug. 22, 1840. April .5, 1841. Aug 6, 1841. Elijah B. Gill: 2d Lieutenant . May 18, 1840. 1st Lieutenant . March 31, 1840. Nehemiah Ripley, Jr. : 3d Lieutenant . May 18, 1840. 2d Lieutenant . March 3, 1841. Elihu Thayer, Jr. : 3d Lieutenant . May 26, 1841. 2d Lieutenant . Aug. 6, 1841. Bela S. Hersey: 2d Lieutenant . Aug. 22, 1840 1st Lieutenant . April 5, 1841. Lincoln B. Sprague: 3d Lieutenant . March 31, 1841. Henry Lincoln, 3d: 3d Lieutenant . April 23, 1842. Nelson Corthell: 1st Lieutenant . May 27, 1846. Christopher C. Eldridge: 4th Lieutenant . May 27, 1846. By a general order April 24, 1840, very many of the above officers who were then in office were discharged, but some of the number received new commissions to the same rank as those pre- viously held. As early as 1831 the company commanded by Captain Nichols was disbanded and annexed to Captain Nicker- son's company in the Middle Ward ; thus the two north military wards became one. After the historical Second Regiment was disbanded, there remained in Hingham only the volunteer com- panies, the Hingham Rifles and Washington Guards. These were attached to the Third Battalion of Light Infantry, and with its disbandment March 31, 1843, the Rifles ceased to exist. The Guards appear to have lingered somewhat longer, for on May 27, 1846, Nelson Corthell and Christopher C. Eldridge were commis- sioned lieutenants in the company. Little was heard of it there- after, however, and Hingham was soon without a company of organized militia, for the first time in some two hundred years. In a little one-story wooden building, slightly altered in appear- ance in these later days for its occupation as the intermediate school at Centre Hingham, and standing near Spring Street, on what was once a part of the Common lands, and not far from the site of the old fort of brave John Smith and his men, there was quartered in 1861 a company of the Fourth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, known in military circles as the Lincoln Light Infantry, composed of some of the best young men of the town, and having a wide reputation for its discipline and efficiency. It was organized on the 28th of October, 1854, and January 20 of the following year Hawkes Fearing, Jr., was elected its first commander. The other officers were : Joseph T. Sprague, 1st Lieut. ; Luther Stephenson, Jr., 2d Lieut. ; Edwin Fearing, 3d Lieut. ; E. Waters Burr, 4th Lieut. Edwin Fearing died, and E. Waters Burr became 3d 840 History of Hingham. Lieut., while William Fearing was chosen 4th Lieut. The two latter officers resigned subsequently. July 4, 1855, the company had its first parade ; and from that date to the day of its disbandment in 1862, this last of the many military organizations which had faithfully served the country, and kept bright the honor of the town, maintained the reputation of its predecessors. At the opening of the Rebellion its com- mander was Joseph T. Sprague ; but its high standing was largely due to its first captain, who had then recently become lieutenant- colonel of the regiment. To the little armory where were kept its arms, equipments, and colors, which had been the pleasant gathering-place of its members and the scene of its drills and instructions, came with sober faces, and probably heavy hearts, the soldiers of the company on the afternoon of the 17th of April, 1861. The booming of the cannon across the bay of Charleston, sounding the minute-guns of slavery's death-knell, left to the townsmen of Benjamin Lincoln no alternative ; and in the great march towards liberty which then commenced, the Hingham which nestled in her bosom the sleeping remains of the heroes of four wars knew no faltering. The voice of the great leader who had arisen was not strange in her ears ; and as it readied the home of his ancestors and bade the descendants of the Hobarts and Herseys and Cushings and Lincolns take up the old battle for freedom and give their lives that others might live, the response was as in the days of Church, of Wolfe, and of Washington ; and the town whose forebears had first settled down here at Bare Cove and given it the name of the English home they had left, whose firstborn had helped subdue ji|t Philip, whose sons " went out " against the French, and strove i' with the Redcoats at Bunker Hill, through all the weary and sad and disheartening days of the long contest gave freely and gen- erously of, her means, and honored many a southern battle-field with the graves of her children. The details of the story can be scarcely more than touched upon here ; the briefly related facts expand too greatly the limits of this chapter. In glancing back at the history of this exciting period, we cannot repress a little local pride in the recollection that the beloved President belonged, at least in a sense, to the old town, being a descendant of the Hingham Lincolns ; that the Governor of the Commonwealth was our own loved fellow-citizen ; that the company which upheld the town's honor and continued her noble record of devotion to duty was named after her great general, and its commander was descended from the old soldiers of the Revolution ; and that, moreover, many of its members bore the honored names of ancestors who had faced death at the cannon's mouth nearly a hundred years before, — while the second officer of the regiment to which it was attached was a grandson of the Hawkes Fearing who drew tlie Hingham cannon to Hull in 1776, and a relation of Capt. Thomas Fearing of the Revolutionary army. Military History. 341 On the 16th, after a meeting of the field officers of the regiments near Boston in the Governor's room at the State House, Lieut.- Colonel Fearing came to Hingham and called a meeting of the Lincoln Light Infantry at its armory. During the day, Lieut. Luther Stephenson, Jr., had received a despatch from the Governor announcing the discharge of Captain Sprague, and ordering him to report with the company by the first train in Boston. At one o'clock p. m. of Wednesday, the 17th, the members assembled at the armory, and at four o'clock marched out amid the ringing of bells and the cheering of the multitude. Taking the train, Boston was reached late in the afternoon ; and the com- pany soon joined the Fourth Regiment, to which it belonged, at the State House. After receiving equipments and listening to a brief address from Governor Andrew, the Fourth and Sixth Regi- ments together marched for the depots, — the former proceeding by the Old Colony, and the latter by the then Worcester road. April 20, the Fourth reached its destination, Fortress Monroe. The following is the roll of the Lincoln Light Infantry of April 19, 1861 : — Luther Stephenson, Jr., Capt., Charles Sprague, 1st Lieut., Nathaniel French, Jr. , 2d " Peter N. Sprague, Sergt., Joshua Morse, " Henry Stephenson, Corp., Lyman B. Whiton, " Samuel Bronsdon, Fifer, George W. Bibby, Private, Jacob G. Cushing, " Henry S. Ewer, Private, Levi Kenerson, " Josiah M. Lane, " George R. Reed, " Benjamin S. Souther, " James S. Sturtevant, " William S. Whiton, " Joseph N. Berry, Weymouth, Pr., Parker E. Lane, '' " Daniel W. Lincoln, " " The above were members of the company previously, but the following joined at the time of its 'departure : — George M. Adams, Private, Charles H. Bassett, Andrew J. Clark, " John Creswell, " Fergus A. Easton, " John W. Eldrcdge, " George A. Grover, " James M. Haskell, " George E. Humphrey, " John Q. Jacob, " Benjamin L. Jones, " George Miller, " William T. Nelson, Private, Ebenezer F. Roberts, John S. Souther, William J. Stockwell, Alvin Tower, Isaac G. Waters, George Wolfe, Elijah Prouty, Weymouth, Priv., Theodore Raymond, Weymouth, Private, Alfred W. Stoddard, Marshfield, Private. The company, which numbered forty-two at this time, was increased to seventy-nine on the 22d of May by the arrival of the following recruits : — 342 History of Hingham. Henry F. Binney, Jacob Ourish, James B. Bryant, Albert L. Peirce, John W. Burr, Charles H. F. Stodder, Thomas A. Carver, Demerick Stodder, Silas H. Cobb, William Taylor, Charles Corbett, Charles H. Damon, W. Scituate, Jerry J. Corcoran, George C. Dwelly, Hanover, Isaac M. Dow, Hosea Dwelly, " Levi H. Dow, Francis W. Everson, Weymouth, George Dunbar, Charles A. Gardner, W. Scituate, George W. Fearing, Henry C. Gardner, " Henry C. French, John D. Gardner, " Albert S. Haynes, Herbert Graves, " Edwin Hersey, William B. Harlow, Hanover, William H. Jacob, E. A. Jacob, West Scituate, William H. Jones, Jr. John H. Prouty, " " Alfred A.Lincoln, William Prouty, Jr., " " Daniel S. Lincoln, Alpheus Thomas, South " William H. Marston, Two days after the departure of Lieutenant Stephenson with his men, a meeting of the citizens was held at the Town Hall for the purpose of devising means for the relief of such families of mem- bers of the company as might need assistance during its absence. Caleb Gill presided, and eight hundred dollars for the purpose was subscribed by persons in the hall. It was the anniversary of the battle of Lexington. On Sunday, the 28th, a large number of ladies, under the general direction of Mrs. Solomon Lincoln, met in Masonic Hall, in Lincoln Building, for the purpose of making clothing to be sent to Hingham's company at Fortress Monroe. April 30, Charles W. Gushing presided over a town meeting, at which six thousand dollars were appropriated to furnish supplies to the families of those who had been, or thereafter should be, called into the country's service. The Fourth Massachusetts was stationed a portion of its time at Newport News, and a portion at Hampton, from which last place it returned to Fortress Monroe on the expiration of its term of enlistment. It reached Boston July 19, and went into camp at Long Island. On the 23d the Lincoln Light Infantry, having with the rest of the regiment been mustered out of service, proceeded to Hingham, where it was given a formal public reception. A procession consisting of a detach- ment of the Second Battalion of Infantry, a company of " Home Guards," the fire department, a cavalcade, and a large number of citizens, was formed upon the wharf. Subsequently Cobb's Light Battery headed the escort. In front of Lincoln's Building a service of thanksgiving was held, and addresses were made. At the close of the exercises the procession proceeded to the Town Hall amid the ringing of the church bells and the firing of cannon ; here a collation was served, and the men returned to the homes which they had left so suddenly three months before. mm¥^ -'yf^iry A.JtSztcrai:- Military History. 343 The subsequent history of this company was uneventful ; it may as well be briefly related here. Feb. 17, 1862, Joshua Morse was elected captain, vice Luther Stephenson, Jr., honorably dis- charged. May 26, 1862, the company, then numbering forty-two men, was ordered to report to Boston for active service, but was sent back to Hingham on the 28th. June 23, Captain Morse having resigned, Peter N. Sprague was elected captain. Sep- tember 29 of the same year, the company was disbanded. May 3, 1861, President Lincoln issued his first call for volun- teers to serve three years, Elijah B. Gill, then a resident of Boston, but a native of Hingham, enlisted in Company I of the First Mass. Volunteers, and was made lieutenant of the company. Lieutenant Gill was mortally wounded July 21, and buried at Centreville, Ya. He was the first Hingham man killed in the war. The following also enlisted in 1861 : — First Regiment. John William Gardner, Co. I ; also in Navy. Died in service. George P. Kilburn, Co. I. John W. Chessman, Co. H. Transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps. Seventh Regiment. William Dunbar, Jr., Co. K. Born Hingham, Nov. 2, 1828. While a member of the 35th Infantry he was mortally wounded at Weldon Railroad, and died April 19, 1864, in the 36th year of his age. Eleventh Regiment. James J. Healey, Co. E ; also Co. K, Sergt. ; twice wounded. Lemuel S. Blackman, Co. K. Quota Dorchester ; former resident Hingham. Born Dorchester Feb. 18, 1840. Died June 13, 1870, from disease contracted in service. Daniel H. Burr, Co. K. Born Hingham Feb. 19, 1838. Wounded at Williamsburg May 5, 1862. Killed at Gettysburg July 2^ 1863, aged 25 years. James S. Dustin, Co. K. Musician. Nathaniel Gill, Co. K. Musician. William T. Barnes, Co. K. Charles H. Marsh, Co. K. Born Hingham July 12, 1828. Mortally wounded at Williamsburg May 5, 1862, and died the next day, aged 34 years. Edwin Humphrey enlisted April 20, 1861. June 13 he became First Lieutenant Company G, and October 11 he was made Captain of Company A. Captain Humphrey was the son of Leavitt and Muriel Humphrey, and was born in Hingham Sept. 6, 1831. He was the first man to enlist for three years upon the town's quota. He was a brave officer, and was mor- tally wounded at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 ; he died the next day. The Grand Army Post in Hingham is named in his honor. 344 History of Hingham. Twelfth Regiment. Alexander Hitchborn, Co. F. Killed at Chancellorsville. Captain Hitchborn was born in Hingham in 1822, and removed to Brockton in 1854. After resigning from the Twelfth Massa- chusetts, he became Assistant Surgeon in the Seventh Regular Infantr}^, and was killed at the opening of the battle. George Gardner, Co. E, Corporal. John H. Blackman, Co. H. Quota Weymouth. Born Dorchester June 6, 1842. Killedat Fredericksburg Dec. 13,1862. Brother of Lemuel S. Laban F. Cushing, Co. K. Quota Manchester. James D. Dunbar, Co H. Quota Weymouth. John J. Edmonds, Co. G. Transferred to V. R. Corps. James Fitzgerald, Co. G. Born Nova Scotia, 1841. Mortally wounded at Antietam, and died Nov. 6, aged 21 years. Jacob Gardner, Jr., Co. H. Samuel Spencer, Co. E. Mortally wounded at City Point, and died June 25, 1864, aged 20 years. ^ Henry Swears, Co. H. Quota Weymouth. Killed at Fredericks- burg Dec. 13, 1862, aged 20 years. Francis Thomas, Co. H. Born Hingham, Feb. 1, 1844. Lieu- tenant Thomas was at the time of his enlistment but 17 years of age, and the first of live brothers to enter the service. Enter- ing the army as sergeant-major, he became in 1862 adjutant of the regiment, and in January, 1863, Inspector of the Second Brigade, Second Division, First Army Corps ; he was killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1862, aged 19 years. Thirteenth Regiment. William Wallace Sprague, Co. B. Quota Boston. Prisoner at Belle Isle. Fourteenth Regiment. William Carter. Transferred to 1st Heavy Artillery, 1862. Anton Tapp, Co. L. Transferred to 1st Heavy Artillery, 1862. Fifteenth Regiment. John E. Morse, Co. B. Quota Fitchburg. Captain in the Invalid Corps. Afterward in 20th Regiment. Sixteenth Regiment. Michael Fee, Co. E. Born Leitrim County, Ireland, December, 1820. Wounded at Gettysburg, and died in service Sept. 26, 1863, aged 43 years. Charles W. Blossom, Co. I, Corporal. Born Chicopee June 29, 1840, and died at Hingham from disease contracted in service Aug. 26, 1862, six days after reaching home. Dennis Meagher, Co. A. Died or killed in service. Military History. 345 Seventeenth Regiment. Owen Murphy, Co. C, Sergt. David Pettengill. Probably enlisted in 1861. Philip Sullivan. Probably enlisted in 1861. Eighteenth Regiment. Thomas Weston, Co. E, Middleborough, Capt. Colonel Weston entered the service as Captain of Company E., became Major Oct. 15, 1863, and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Sept. 2, 1864. He was a brave and efficient officer, and was wounded at the second Battle of Bull Run. Has been for many years a resident of Hineham, and represented the district in the legislature in 1892. "Was Commander of Post 104, G. A. R., in 1890 and 1891. Benjamin F. Meservey, Co. H, 4th M. V. M., Quincy, 2d Lieut. Major Meservey became Captain of Co. K, 18th Mass. and was wounded severely at second Bull Run. A brave officer. Brevet Major. Henry Jones, Co. E, Sergt. Quota Duxbury. Wounded at Bull Run, and again at Petersburg. William H. Jones, Jr., Co. K. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry. Became Sergeant in Captain Meservey's company, in which, also, his father served. A brave soldier. Born Wey- mouth Jan. 26, 1841. Died from disease while in service, Feb. 12, 1864, aged 23 years. Nelson F. Corthell, Co. A, Corp. Born Hingham April 1, 1838. Killed at second Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862, aged 24 years. Thomas Churchill, Co. A. Quota Boston. Born Hingham, Feb. 5, 1808. Died in service, Aug. 7, 1862, aged 54 years. James M. Downer. John Q. Jacob, Co. K. Transferred to V. R. Corps. First ser- vice in Lincoln Light Infantry. William H. Jones, Co. K. Afterward Co. C, 4th Cavalry. Born Boston, March 23, 1816, and died in service Sept. 19, 1864, aged 48 years. Mr. Jones was the father of Sergt. Wm. H. Jones, Jr., and of Gardner Jones, both of whom also laid down their lives for their country. Samuel T. Mears. Quota Duxbury. William W. Robinson, Co. K. First served in Co. H, 4th Infantry, M. V. M. Born Hingham, April 14, 1835. Died of disease contracted in service. Jeremiah Spencer, Co. K. George E. Smith, Co. G. Edward L. Tracv, Co. K. Robert Tufts, Co. K. 846 History of Hingham. Nineteenth Regiment. Samuel Bronsdon. Musician. Also served in Lincoln Light Infantry, M.V.M. James McKay, Co. I. Twentieth Regiment. Alvin Tower, Co. A. Born Cohasset, Sept. 13, 1832. Mortally wounded at Fair Oaks June 1, 1862, and died June 8, aged 30 years. First service in Lincoln Light Infantry. Edward 0. Graves, Co. K. Afterward in 59th and 57th, Twenty-first Regiment. George A. Grover, Co. E. Also in Lincoln Light Infantry; wounded. Andrew Jacob, Co. E. Twenty-second Regiment. Charles F. Alger, Co, K. Quota Boston. John B. Crease, Co. A. Quota Boston. Born Scotland, May 26, 1839. Died in service May 16, 1862, aged 23 years. William B. Cushing, Co. D. Twenty-third Regiment. George E. Humphrey, Co. H, Sergt. Wounded. Also in Lincoln Light Infantry. Edward C. Blossom, Co. A, Corp. Also in 29th Regt. of Infantry. Andrew J. Clark, Co. H. Also in Lincoln Lt. Infty. Samuel M. Lincoln, Co. H. Born Hingham Dec. 28, 1841 ; died in service Oct. 2, 1864, aged 23 years. Twenty-fourth Regiment. George L. Gardner, Co. E. John W. Lincoln, Co. C. Quota Northborough. Justin A. Carver, Co. C. Thomas Conway, Co. F. Twenty-eighth Regiment. Peter Ready, Co. F. Twenty-ninth Regiment. Joseph H. Barnes, Co. K, Capt. Boston. Captain Barnes became Lieutenant-Colonel in December, 1861. Brevet Brig.-Gen. Waldo F. Corbett, Co. H, Corp. 1st Lieut. 1st U. S. Heavy Artil- lery (Colored). George Thomas, Co. A. Thirtieth Regiment. Jacob Ourish, Co. I, Sergt. Wounded. Also in Lincoln Light Infantry. Joseph C. Burr, Co. C, Corp. Also in V. R. C. Military History. 347 John Brown, Co. E. William J. Stockwell, Co. I. Also in Lincoln Light Infantry. Born Hingham, Feb. 24, 1842. Died in service, Aug. 9, 1863. John Sullivan, Co. E. Thirty-second Regiment. The Thirty-second Regiment, of which the basis was a battalion originally raised to garrison Fort Warren, contained many more men from Hingham than did any other in the service. Indeed, three of the companies, A, E, and F, were so largely composed of recruits from this town as to be regarded almost as Hingham organizations ; and the movements of the regiment were prob- ably followed with greater interest by our citizens than any other in the army. Its magnificent record for bravery and faithful- ness more than fulfilled and repaid the expectations and pride felt in it. Capt. Luther Stephenson, Jr., recruited and commanded Company A, which eventually contained twenty-four from Hing- ham. Captain Bumpus, of Braintree, commanded Company E, in which thirty-two Hingham men enlisted, and in Company F there were twenty-two of our fellow-townsmen ; besides these, there were six others scattered through other companies, — making eighty -four Hingham soldiers in the regiment. The names of those enlisting in subsequent years will be found in their proper places. Luther Stephenson, Jr., who, it will be recalled, commanded the Lincoln Light Infantry on the departure of the Fourth Regiment, M. Y. M., was born in Hingham, April 25, 1830. He became Major of the Thirty-second Regiment Aug. 18, 1862, and December 29 was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. He was severely wounded at Gettysburg, and again on tlie 18th and 22d of June, 1864. Colonel Stephenson was a brave officer, and by order of General Grant was breveted colonel and brigadier- general March 16, 1865, for gallant services. He was chief of the State Detective Force from March, 1875, to July, 1878, and in 1883 was appointed Governor of the United States Soldiers' Home at Togus, in Maine, with the rank of a brigadier-general in the army, which ofifice he still holds. George R. Reed, Cos. A and I. Born Hingham, Dec. 17, 1839. First service in Lincoln Light Infantry. Sept. 1, 1862, became 2d Lieut. ; 1st Lieut. Dec. 30 ; July 20, 1864, commissioned Captain. George W. Bibby, Co. A. Member Lincoln Light Infty. Aug. 21, 1862, 2d Lieut., and 1st Lieut. Aug. 22, 1863. Killed May 20, 1864. Nathaniel French, Jr., Co. A. Born Hingham, Aug. 28, 1858. 2d Lieut. Lincoln Light Infty. April 20^, 1861, and of Co. A, 32d Regt. Nov. 16 ; 1st Lieut. March 7, 1862, and transferred to Co. D. Died in service, Aug. 9, 1862. 348 History of Hingham. Amos P. Holden, Co. A. 2d Lieut. March 26, 1862. Edward T. Bouv^, Co. G, 1st Lieut. See 4th Cavalry. Lyman B. Whiton, Co. I. Born Hingham, Jan. 17, 1834. Sergt. in Lincoln Light Infty ; 2d Lieut. Co. 1, 32d Regt. ; 1st Lieut. May 26, 1862; Capt. 3d Co. Heavy Artil., Dec 31, 1862; Major 3d Regt. Heavy Artil. Sept. 8, 1864 ; Commander Post 104, G. A. R., 1892. Thomas A. Carver, Co. E, Sergt. Wounded. Trans, to V. R. C. ; first served in Lincoln Light Infantry. Charles Corbett, Co. A, Sergt. Memb. Lincoln Lt. Infty. John W. Eldredge, Co. E, " Wounded. " " " Henry S. Ewer, Co. A, " " " " James M. Haskell, Co. A, " " " " Born in Augusta, Me. ; one of six brothers in the service. Mortally wounded at Gettysburg. James McCarty, Co. A, Sergt. A very brave soldier. Charles S. Meade, Co. A, " Born Walpole, N. H., March 1, 1844. Enlisted at 17 years of age, and died in service, March 7, 1864. Peter Ourish, Co. E., Sergt. Born Buffalo, N. Y., April 15, 1845. Enlisted at 16 years of age. Mort. wounded; died June 8, 1864, aged 19 years. John Parry, Co. A, Sergt. Nathaniel Wilder, 2d, Co. E, Sergt. Transferred to V. R. C. John C. Chadbourn, Co. A, Corp. Wounded. Silas H. Cobb, Co. E, Corp. Member Lincoln Light Infty. Jacob G. Cushing, Co. D, Corp. Member Lincoln Light Infantry. Born Oct. 8, 1886. Mort. wounded at Laurel Hill, May 12, 1864. John C. Eldredge, Co. E, Corp. Harvey M. Pratt, Co. A, " Wounded. Edgar P. Stodder, Co. E, " Sumner A. Trask, Co. A, " Edwin Hersey, Co. E, Musician. Also in Lincoln Light Infty. Charles H. F. Stodder, Co. E, Musician. Also in Lincoln Light Infantry. Otis L. Battles, Co. E. Wounded at Cold Harbor. William Breen, Co. A, Corp. Died a prisoner in the service. Henrv F. Binney, Co. E. Also in Lincoln Light Infantry, Ichabod W. Chandler, Co. B. Transferred to V. R. C. William Fardy, Co. E. George French, Jr., Co. A. Transferred to Y. R. C. Stephen P. Gould, Co. E. Warren Hatch, Jr., Co. A. Samuel J. Henderson, Co. A. John Q. Hersey, Co. E. Born Hingham, Sept. 23, 1829. Died in the service. William Hersey, Jr. Wallace Humphrey, Co. E. Born Hingham, Sept. 2, 1836. Killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Alfred A. Lincoln, Co. E. Member Lincoln Light Infty. Military History. 349 Meltiah Loring, Co. A. Frank H. Miller, Co. E. Wounded Feb. 6, 1865. Paul McNeil, Co. A. John M. Nolan, Co. A. Nathaniel B. Peare, Co. E. George M. Prouty, Co. F. James B. Prouty, Co. E. Thomas Rafferty, Jr., Co. E. Foster Remington, Co. E. William F. Riley, Co. E. Jqhn E. Snell, Co. E. Wounded at Gettysburg. Franklin A. Stodder. Transferred to V. R. C. Horace L. Studley, Co. E. Born Scituate, Sept. 24, 1837. Died in the service, April 1, 1863. William H. Thomas, Co. A. Ezra Wilder, Jr., Co. E. George Wilder, Co. A. Joshua Wilder, Co. A. Horatio P. Willard, Co. A. Born Ashburnham, Sept. 25, 1819. Died in service, Nov. 6, 1862. George A. Wolfe, Co. E. First Battery Light Artillery. James R. French. Third Battery Light Artillery. George F, Tower. First Cavalry. William A. Daggett, Co. K, Bugler. Transferred to Co. K, 4tb Cav. First served in Co. C, 4th Regt. M. V. M. Charles D. Kilburn, Co. B, Corp. Born Boston, June 22, 1839. Mortally wounded at Hope Church, Ya., November, 1863, and died Jan. 4, 1864. William 0. Lincoln, Jr., Co. A, Commissary Sergeant. Nov. 15, 1861, the town voted to raise three thousand dollars in aid of the families of volunteers. March 3, 1862, at a town meeting, a committee previously chosen reported that they had expended for uniforms, clothing, caps, shoes, etc., for the Lincoln Light Infantry, $1,331.27, and to volunteers in other companies, $18.50. July 5, 1862, the town voted $5,000 for the payment of State aid, and $1,000 as town aid, to volunteers and their families in the service of the United States. July 11, a meeting of citizens, held in reference to raising the town's quota of three hundred thousand men called for by the President on the 2d of the same month, voted to recommend the payment of $75 to each man volunteering on the town's quota ; at a meeting four days later, the amount recommended for this purpose was increased to $100, and this sum was voted by the town at a meeting on the 19th. 350 History of Hingham. Numerous meetings of citizens were held in aid of recruiting by the town during the summer, and on August 15, at a town meet- ing, it was voted to give one hundred dollars in addition to the sum previously voted to be paid to volunteers for three years on the first quota ; and at a meeting of the town on the 29th of the month the amount of bounty to be paid for each volunteer upon the second quota was increased fifty dollars. In the autumn of 1862, two companies of " Home Guards " were formed ; they paraded as a battalion on the 22d of October, and a second parade took place November 4. During the summer of 1862 the Government had called for three hundred thousand nine-months men, in addition to those already required for three years' service. On the quota for nine months, Hingham was required to furnish eighty-three men. Many of these were at the time borrowed from Plymouth, Middleborough, and Quincy, but were soon afterwards returned. The following were enlisted for nine months : — Fourth Regiment. Tilson Fuller, Co. K, Corp. Caleb B. Marsh, Co. A. Prisoner at Donaldsonville, Fifth Regiment. Jairus Lincoln, Jr., Co. E, Sergt. Sixth Regiment. George Smith, Co. F. Quota Newton. Wounded. Forty-second Regiment. Augustus Boiling, Co. C. Swan P. Colberg, Co. C. James Corcoran, Co. C. Patrick McCrane, Co. C. Michael Reardon, Co. C. Forty-third Regiment. John C. Whiton, Lieutenant-Colonel. Born Hingham, Aug. 22, 1828. First served as Captain of the Second Battalion M. V. M., in garrison duty at Fort Warren, then as Captain and Lieutenant- Colonel in the 43d Regiment of nine-months men. Was sub- sequently Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel of the 58th Regiment, and was wounded at Bethesda Church. Dexter Grose, Co. F, Sergt. Two brothers of Sergt. Grose were in the service. George W. Fearing, Co. K, Corp. Formerly in Lincoln Light Infantry. Loring H. Cushing, Co. K. Isaac F. Goodwin, Co. K. Military History. 351 Hollis Hersej, Co. K. Born Hingham, May 3, 1833. Died from disease contracted in service, Aug. 30, 1865, aged 31 years. Peter Loring, Co. K. Daniel McKenna, Co. K. Samuel C. Souther, Co. K. v Thomas Souther, Co. K. Charles Tower, Co. K. William Waters Sprague, Co. A. Robert M. Cummings, Co. B. From Braintree ; served in Hing- ham's quota. Frederick W. Cotton, Co. K. Forty-fourth Regiment. Alvin Blanchard, Jr., Co. D. Charles H. Bailey, Co, A. James L. Hunt, Co. H. William Jones, Co. D. Levi Kenerson, Co. D. First service in Lincoln Light Infantry. John H. Litchfield, Co. D. John A. Reed, Co. D. Ezra T. C. Stephenson, Co. D. William L. Stephenson, Co. D. Forty- FIFTH Regiment. Robert Burnside, Co. I. Of Boston. Ernest F. Eichborn, Co. G. Edwin G. Evans, Co. B. Of Dorchester, Jacob A. Ewell, Co. B, Of Dorchester, Francis Hersey, Co. G, Henry O. Little, Co. G, William Lowry, Jr., Co. G. Josiah L. Marsh, Co. G. John R. Mayhew, Co. G. Daniel W, Pendergast, Co. G, Died of disease contracted in service. James Souther, Co, G. Artemas Sprague, Co. G. Edward Trabbitts, Co. G, Of Boston, Hubert J. Tulley, Co. G. Daniel J. Wall, Co. G. Fiftieth Regiment. Charles H. Brown, Co. E. Eleventh Light Battery. Joseph M. Thomas. Lieut, in 42d Regt. 352 History of Hingham. The three-years men who enlisted in 1862 were : — First Regiment. William H. Beal, Co. K. Born Hingham, Oct. 9, 1841. Severely wounded at Gettysburg ; gradually failed, and died Dec. 20, 1865. Also in 24th Regt. Joseph M. Poole, Co. F. Thomas Tinsley, Co. K. Born England, Aug. 7, 1821 ; died May 11. 1863, from wounds received at Chancellorsville. Second Regiment. Isaac B. Damon, Co. I. Seventh Regiment. Ebenezer F. Roberts, Co. A. Wounded and transferred to V.R.C. First served in Lincoln Light Infty. Ninth Regiment. John J. Breen, Co. K, Corp. Wounded at Spottsylvania. Eleventh Regiment. William C. Miller, Co. B. Wounded at Williamsburg, May 3, 1862. Thirteenth Regiment. George W. Stodder, Co. H. Twentieth Regiment. Daniel Daley, Co. H. Wounded at Fredericksburg. Twenty-fourth Regiment. Albert F. Barnes, Co,. A. James Booth. Thirty-first Regiment. John G. Dawes, Co. K, Sergt. Transferred to 2d La. Volunteers, and commissioned 2d Lieut. Thirty-second Regiment. George M. Hudson, Co. F. 2d Lieut. Dec. 29, 1862; 1st Lieut. Sept. 29, 1863. Wounded at Laurel Hill, May 12, 1864. Thomas D. Blossom, Co. E, Sergt. Wounded at Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Leonard E. Buker, Co. F. Wounded at Gravelly Run. Isaac G. Waters, Co. F. Trans, to V. R. C. First served with Lincoln Light Infty. Theophilus Gushing, Jr., Co. F, Corp. Military History. 353 William L. Dawes, Co. F. Wounded Cold Harbor. Thomas L. French, Co. F, Corp. Washington I. Stodder, Co. F, Corp. Born at Hingham,Aug. 26, 1841. Mortally wounded Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864. Ephraim Anderson, Co. F. Daniel L. Beal, Co. F. Born Cohasset, June 23, 1832. Died in service, July 29, 1864. Laban O. Beal, Co. F. Patrick Callahan, Co. K. Rufus Churchill, Co. F. Gustavus T. Corthell, Co. F. Henry Gardner, Co. F. Transferred to Y. R. C. and made Sergt. William H. Hersey, Co. F. Sylvanus H. Higgins, Co. F. Joshua Jacob, Jr., Co. D. Frank Jermyn, Co. F. Gardner Jones, born Boston, Jan. 10, 1843. Died June 1, 1864, of wounds received at Laurel Hill, aged 21 years. Morallus Lane, Co. F. Henry G. Morse, Co. F. John S. Souther, Co. A. First service in Lincoln Light Infantrv. Demerick Stodder, Co. F. Born Hingham, Nov. 23, 1839. First served in Lincoln Light Infty. Killed at Gettvsburg, July 2, 1868. William Taylor, Co. F. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry. Thirty-fifth Regiment. Oliver Burrill, Co. H. 2d Lieut. Aug. 11, 1862; 1st Lieut. Dec. 15, 1862. George M. Adams, Co. H, Sergt. Wounded. Trans, to V. R. C. Served in Lincoln Light Infty. Jason Gardner, Co. H, Musician. Quota Weymouth. David W. Gushing, Co. H. Born Weymouth, Dec. 8, 1831, and served in quota of that town. Killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Perez F. Fearing, Co. L Born Hingham, Aug. 19, 1842. Mort. wounded at the Mine, July 30, 1864. Hiram Thomas, Co. D. Quota Waltham. Thirty-eighth Regiment. James H. Wade. Capt. Aug. 20, 1862. Louis T. Y. Cazaire, Co. I. 2d Lieut. June 16, 1864. Subse- quently in 89th Regt. U. S. Colored Troops, and later on staff of General Canby. Billings Merritt, Co. D, Sergt. Henry Brown, Co. D. Transferred to the navy. Cyrus H. Chase, Co. I. Thomas Hervey, Co. I. Of Charlestown. Killed Aug. 13, 1863, at Bisland, La., aged 37 years. VOL. I. — 23 354 History of Hingham. Joshua Roach, Co. H. Died in service, June 1, 1863, aged 38 yrs. Cushman Rounds, Co, H. Peter H. Royal, Co. H. William Rich, Co. I. Thirty-ninth Regiment. Thaddeus Churchill, Co. D, Sergt. 2d Lieut. 3d U. S. Col'd Infty. John H. Prouty, Co. G, Sergt. ; 2d Lieut. First served in Lincoln Light Infty. John W. Bailey, Co. G, Sergt. Henry C. French, Co. G, Sergt. Born Hingham, June 30, 1836. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry. Murdered while a prisoner at Belle Isle, Va., Aug. 26, 1864, aged 28. One of three brothers, all of whom gave their lives for their country and ours. William H. Jacob, Co. G, Sergt. Charles C. Bailey, Co. G, Corp. Benjamin C. Lincoln, Co. G. Capt. 2d U. S. Col'd Infty., 1863; Major, July 20, 1864. Born Hingham, Aug. 12, 1840. Mort. wounded at Natural Bridge, Fla., March 8, 1865. Henry F. Miller, Co. G, Corp. Born Salem, Jan. 30, 1845. Mort. wounded at Laurel Hill, May 8, 1864, aged 19 yrs. Charles C. Young, Co. G, Corp. Charles E. Bates, Co. G. Born Cohasset, Dec. 16, 1837. Wounded at Laurel Hill. Died in service, Nov. 2, 1864, aged 26 years. Timothy B. Chapman, Co. G. Eleazer Chubbuck, Jr., Co. G. James T. Churchill. Born Hingham, May 9, 1841. Died in Andersonville Prison, June 23, 1864, aged 23 years. John Cresswell, Co. G. First served in Lincoln Lt. Infantry. Andrew J. Damon, Co. G. Born Scituate, June 14, 1843. Died of disease contracted in service, Oct. 27, 1863, aged 20 years. Charles E. French, Co. G. Born Hingham, Aug. 2, 1842. Died a prisoner at Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 28, 1864, aged 22 years. George D. Gardner, Co. G. Born Boston, Aug. 27, 1828. Died in service, Aug. 4, 1864, aged 36 years. Alvin R. Glines, Co. G. Albert S. Haynes, Co. G. Born Hanover^ Sept., 1843. First served in Lincoln Light Infty. Mort. wounded at Laurel Hill, and died June 11, 1864, aged 21 years. Albert Hersey, Co. G. George L. Hersey, Co. G. Henry F. Hersey, Co. G. Prisoner at Libby Prison. Charles Leroy, Co. G. John S. Neal, Co. G. Born at Hebron, N. H., Nov., 1831. Died in prison at Salisbury, N. C, July 16, 1865, aged 33 years. Levi C. Newcomb, Co. G, Charles H. Poole, Co. G. Benjamin W. Prouty, Co. G. Elijah Prouty, Co. G. Died in service Dec. 9, 1863. Served in I^incoln Light Infantry. Military History. 355 Isaac Prouty, Co. G. Transferred to Y. R. C. William Prouty, Jr., Co. G. Served also in Lincoln Light Infty. Joseph Simmons, Co. G. Born Scituate, April 11, 1829. Died in service March 3, 1864, aged 35 years. Edward A. F. Spear, Co. G. Born Norwich, Vt., March 13, 1828. Died in Salisbury, N. C, prison Jan. 20, 1865, aged 37 years. Thomas Sprague, 2d, Co. G. Born Oct. 25, 1826. Died in service April 24, 1864, aged 37 years. Seth M. Sprague, Co. G. Alonzo G. Stockwell, Co. G. Wounded at Weldon Railroad. Charles H. Tisdale, Co. G. Frank J. Torrey, Co. G. Wounded at Laurel Hill. Albert Wilder, Co. G. Born Hingham, Feb. 28, 1842. Mortally wounded at Laurel Hill, May 8- 1864. Died June 1, 1864, aged 22 years. Fortieth Regiment. Jeremiah J. Corcoran, Co. A. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry. Mort. wounded June 3, and died June 10, aged 28 years. Ensign Lincoln, Co. I. At a town meeting held March 9, 1863, the sum of $9000 was placed at the disposal of the Selectmen for the payment of State aid to the families of volunteers ; it was also voted to raise $800 as town aid to the families of volunteers. Aug. 14 the town voted that $15000 be raised by the Town and appropriated for the aid of the wives, children, parents, brothers, and sisters of such as might be drafted into the service. During this year numerous war meetings were held by the citizens for the purpose of encouraging enlistments, and strenuous efforts were also made to procure recruits in order to avoid the necessity of a draft being enforced in the town. These proved unavailing, however, and on July 20 a number of names were drawn at Taunton for the purpose of supplying the only deficiency that ever occurred in any of Hingham's quotas. So far as is known, only William K. Gould, Sewall Pugsley, and Don Pedro Wilson ever joined the army under the requisition, while fifteen others obtained exemption by the pay- ment of the sum required by law for commutation. Sewall Pugsley and Don Pedro Wilson never returned to the homes which they loved, both laying down their lives in the country's service. The names of the men enlisting for three years in 1863 are — Eleventh Regiment. Wallace Thomas, Co. K, 356 History of Hingham. Sixteenth Regiment. Don Pedro Wilson, Co. A. Born at Dracat, Aug. 16, 1821. August, 1863, drafted into the service. Probably taken pris- oner Oct. 23, 1863, and never since heard from. Twenty-second Regiment. William K. Gould, Co. P. Also in 5th Battery and 32d Regt. Sewall Pugsley, Co. P. Born Hiram, Me., March 20, 1831. One of the three drafted men from Hingham ; died in service Nov. 12, 1863, aged 32 years. Thirty-second Regiment. William K. Gould, Co. L. One of the three drafted men from Hingham. Fifty-fourth Regiment. David H. Champlin, Co. B. Louis L. Simpson, Co. G. Fifty-fifth Regiment. Alphonso Marsh. Private 21st Mass. Infty. 2d Lieut. 55th Infty. Aug. 21, 1863. 1st Lieut. July 9, 1864. Tenth Light Battery. Hosea 0. Barnes. Born Scituate, June 13, 1842 ; killed at Jones's Farm, May 30, 1864, aged 22 years. First Regiment Heavy Artillery. Webster A. Gushing, Co. D, Corp. Third Regiment Heavy Artillery. Lyman B. Whiton, Major. See 32d Reg. Edwin Thomas, Co. K, Captain. Born Hingham. Private 1st Unattached Co. Heavy Artil. ; Jan. 1863, 2d Lieut. 3 Co. : May 25, 1863, 1st Lieut ; Sept. 8, 1864, Capt. Co. K., 3d Regt. Heavy Artil. Quota Weymouth. Francis K. Meade, Co. A. Qt. Sergt. Franz Burhenne, Co. A, Corporal. John B. Batchelder, Co. A, Artificer, Jonathan B. Ackerman, Co. A. Fielder Botting, Co. A. George A. Chubbuck, Co. A. Transferred to Navy. Daniel H. Miller, Co. A. Levi H. Dow, Co. E. Served in Lincoln Light Infty. and in Co. E, 17 Regt. U. S. A. (Regulars). Joseph H. Noyes, Co. A. Also in 1st Regt. Mounted Rifles U. S. A. (Regulars). Refused commission in rebel armv in 1861. Military History. 357 George E. Richardson, Co.' A. Transferred to Navy. Joseph Rollins. Charles E. Spurr, Co. A. Warren R. Spurr, Co. A. Henry Whitman, Co. A. Second Regiment Cavalry. Thomas T. Barnes, Co. B. Fourth Regiment Cavalry. Alfred Gardner, Co. C. George W. Farrar, Co. B. Samuel Newcomb, 2d, Co. D. Transferred to Navy. Edward Spellman, Co. A. Philo C. Winslow, Co. A. Veteran Reserve Corps. The following are in addition to the men transferred to this corps and noted in the general lists : — Michael Carr, Lawrence Hicks, Michael Casey, John Keefe, John Dolan, James McGregor, Patrick Donnelin, Edward McLaughlin, Moses Fairfield, James Tettler, Michael Flemming, Charles Timmons, Thomas Foley, Henry B. Livingston. Died in Peter Forrester, service May 21, 1864. Edward Galvin, Unknown. John Ryan. Under the call of the President of Oct. 27, 1863, for 300,000 additional volunteers, the quota of Hingham was fifty. Forty-two men were soon obtained, and the re-enlistment of twenty-two sol- diers of the 32d Regiment enabled the town to have credited to it a considerable surplus above all previous calls. March 7, 1864, the annual meeting of the town was held, and it was voted to appropriate §800 for town aid to the families of volunteers, and to borrow $8,000 for the purpose of paying State aid. It was also voted to raise $1,000 for the expenses of recruiting. At a town meeting held April 11 it was voted to raise 18000 for the purpose of refunding to individuals the money contributed by them towards filling the town's quotas under the calls of the President of Oct. 17, 1863, and Feb. 1, 1864. At this meeeting, too, the selectmen were requested to obtain authority from the 358 History of Hingham. Legislature to defray the expenses of obtaining and interring the bodies of such officers and soldiers belonging to the town as may die in the service during the rebellion. The enlistments into the three-year organizations in 1864 were — Seventeenth Regiment. Owen Murphy, Co. C. One year enlistment. David Pettingill, Co. C. One year enlistment. Philip Sullivan, Co. C. One year enlistment. Twentieth Regiment. George Gramburg. Twenty-sixth Regiment. Charles Bolster, Co. E. Corporal. Edwin Barr, Co. E. John O'Brien, Co. B. Nelson T. Wood, Co. E. Twenty-ninth Regiment. Caleb H. Beal, Sergt. Also served in Co. K, 35th Regt. John Manix, Co. I, Corporal. Edward C. Blossom. Also served in Co. A, 23d Regt. Robert Grace. Thirty-second Regiment. Hiram Newcomb, 2d, Co. E. Born Hingham, Jan., 1842. Died of disease contracted in army Oct. 15, 1867, aged 25 years. Charles E. Wilder, Co. E. Born Hingham, Aug., 1832. Wounded at Laurel Hill, May 12, 1864. Died of disease in the service, Dec. 23, 1864. Thirty-fifth Regiment. Charles H. Beal, Co. K. First served in 84th N. Y. Vols. After- ward, 2d Lieut. Co. E, 107th N. Y. Vols. Finally transferred to Co. I, 29th Mass., where he was a sergeant. Fifty-fifth Regiment. Peter N. Sprague, Co. A. Born Hingham, Dec. 16, 1826. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry. 2d Lieut. Co. A, 55th Regt. Aug. 20, 1864. 1st Lieut. May 15, 1865. John T. Talbot, Co. B. Fifty-sixth Regiment. George Bailey, Co. I, Corporal. Killed at Petersburg, June 17, 1864, aged about 30 years. George A. Clapp, Co. H. Military History. 359 Fifty-seventh Regiment. Edward 0. Graves, Co. C. Also served in Co. K, 20th Regt,, and Co. C, 59th Regt. A musician. John Welch, Co. G. Also served in 59th Regt. Fifty-eighth Regiment. John C. Whiton, Colonel. William M, Carter, Co. H, Sergt. Wounded ; one year enlistment. John McDonald, Co. A. James L. Litchfield, Co. D. Fifty-ninth Regiment. Alfred Tyler, Co. F, Corporal. Edward 0. Graves, Co. C, Musician. Transferred to 57th Regt. William C. Torrey, Co. G. Enlisted from Dedham. John Welch, Co. G. Transferred to 57th Regt. First Regiment Heavy Artillery. William Carter, Co. G. One-year enlistment. Transferred from 14th Infantry. Anton Tapp, Co. L. One-year enlistment. Transferred from 14th Infantry. Third Regiment Heavy Artillery. Edwin F. Tirrell, Co. B, 2d Lieut. Enlisted from Weymouth. Isaiah W. Loring, Co. A, Corporal. Joshua Crosby, Jr., Co. A. Francis Mayhew, Co. A. One-year enlistment. George Peacock, Co. A. One-year enlistment. Aaron D. Swan, Co. M. One-year enlistment. Second Regiment Cavalry. Eben Hart, Co. L. John McLaughlin. Fourth Regiment Cavalry. Edward T. Bouve, Co. G. Born Hingham, Aug. 14, 1841. 2d Lieut. 32d Infty. June 30, 1862 ; 1st Lieut. Sept. 1, 1862 ; Capt. 4th Cavalry Jan. 22, 1864 ; Major 26th N. Y. Cavalry, Feb. 28, 1865 ; Major 4th Mass. Cavalry. Commander of Post 104, G. A. R., in 1877, 1878, and 1879. Benjamin Thomas. 2d Lieut. Dec. 1863. 1st Lieut, and Quarter- master 4th Cavalry Jan. 1, 1864. A. A. Q. M. Tenth Army Corps. Thomas Hickey, Co. M. Born Hingham Jan. 14, 1841. First served from Waltham in Co. M. 1st Regt. Cavalry in 1861. 360 History of Hingham. Color-Sergt. 4th Cavalry ; 2d Lieut. Aug. 9, 1865. Prisoner at Hio'h Bridge Aug. 1865. Destroyed the colors to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. Frank H. Oilman, Co. B, Sergeant. Arvander Merrow, Co. B, Sergeant. James G. Raymond, Co. D, Corporal. From Weymouth. Died at Hilton Head May 24, 1864, aged 18 years. Thomas Cloney, Co. F, Musician. William A. Daggett, Musician. Also in 1st Reg. Cavalry. Orietes L. Bailey, Co. C. Charles Campbell, Co. D. Transferred to Navy. Cornelius Council, Co. D. Prisoner at Florence, Ala. Samuel N. Corthell, Co. D. Prisoner at Florence, Ala. Also served in Co. K, 7th Infantry. William L. Cummings, Co. D. Charles Gardner. Enlisted from Brighton. James Hickey, Co. C. WiUiam H. Jones, Co. C. Died of wounds Sept. 19, 1864, at Magnolia, Fla., aged 48 years. Served also in 18th Infantry. Lost two sons in the service. Joseph S. Miller, Co. F. Wounded at Deep Bottom, Va. Thomas Rafferty, Jr., Co. F. Dennis Scully, Co. D. Born County Cork, Ireland, Sept., 1834. Died in service, April 26, 1864, aged 29 years. Frank H. Tilton, Co. C. Died in service July 12, 1864, aged 18 yrs. Fifth Regiment Cavalry. Rufus Clark, Co. B. Thomas Davis, Co. I. George Jones, Co. G. Matthew H. Lucas, Co. B. Joseph Nathan, Co. B. In 1864 the President called for 85,000 men to serve for 100 days. Those enlisting for this service from Hingham were — Fifth Regiment. Robert Cushing, Co. F. Revere Lincoln, Co. F. Forty-second Regiment. Joseph M. Thomas, Co. A. Born Hanson, Aug. 24, 1841 ; 2d Lieut. July 14, 1864. Also served in 11th Battery. Fergus A. Easton, Co. E. Sergeant. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry ; then as Orderly-Sergt. in 6th N. Y. Cavalrv, in which he was 2d Lieut. June 27, 1862, and 1st Lieut. March 22, 1863. Military History. 361 George Dunbar, Co. D, Corporal. First served in Lincoln Light Infantry. 2d Lieut. Co. I, 4th Mass. Vol. Militia. John Henry Stoddar, Co. D. Arthur Beale, Co. A, Commander of Post 104 G. A. R., 1893. Sixtieth Regiment. Andrew W. Gardner, Co. B. The following members of the Thirty-second Infantry re-enlisted as veteran volunteers for three years from Jan. 5, 1864. Ephraim Anderson, Charles S. Meade, Otis L. Battles, James McCarty, William Breen, Frank H. Miller, John C. Chadbourn, Peter Ourish, Jacob G. Cushing, Harvey M. Pratt, William L. Dawes, William F. Riley, John W. Eldredge, Charles H. F. Stodder, Thomas L. French, Edgar P. Stodder, Edwin Hersey, Washington I. Stodder, Wallace Humphrey, Nathaniel Wilder, 2d, Gardner Jones, George A. Wolfe. Under the head of "Unassigned Recruits" the following names occur in " Hingham in the Civil War" : William Burtes, trans- ferred to Navy, and Charles Richardson. There were enlisted for one year the following-named men : — Sixty- first Regiment. John E. Wilson, Co. E, Corporal. William H. Allen, Co. F. Thomas S. Bria^ham, Co. G. Wakefield Carver, Co. F. John R. Donaven, Co. F. Michael Franey, Co. K. William Hilton, Co. F. Patrick J. Kelley, Co. C. James McNamara, Co. F. John A. Watson, Co. F. Fourth Regiment Heavy Artillery. James M. Cleverly, Co. G. John A. Farrington, Co. C. George J. Fearing, Co. G. William M. Gilman, Co. G. Henry Hart, Co. C. Charles Helms, Co. G. Michael Landers, Co. G. Michael Roach, Co. G. 362 History of Hingham. Charles Shute, Co. D. Probably enlisted from Worcester. Melzar Vinal, Co. C. Henry B. Vogell, Co. G. Joseph N. Wall, Co. G. Also served in 23d Regt. On the first of December the town had to its credit twenty-six men above all calls, having furnished two hundred and fifteen soldiers to the army during the year. On the 29th December a meeting of citizens liable to military duty was held at the town hall for the purpose of forming a company in accordance with the provisions of an act of the Legis- lature approved May 14. Henry Jones, who had served in the 18th Infantry Mass. Vols., was elected captain. The law was shortly after repealed, and this, the last of Hingham's militia companies, never met for parade or drill. March 6, 1865. At the annual town-meeting it was voted to hire 19000 for the payment of State aid, and to appropriate $800 for town aid to families of soldiers. There were enlisted for one year the following men in 1865 : — Sixty-first Regiment. James W. Gray, Co. K, Corporal. James Daley, Co. I. George C. Dunham, Co. I. John H. Hayes, Co. K. Joseph H. Hilton, Co. I. George W. R. Putnam, Co. H. George L. Rich, Co. H. Sixty-second Regiment. Andrew W. Gardner, Co. C. Regular Army. There enlisted in the regular army at various periods during the war, the following : — Richard J. Farrell, Co. G, 2d Regt. U. S. Artillery. Born in Dungarvan, Ireland, Jan. 10, 1841. Enlisted June 10, 1861. Wounded on the Peninsula, and died March 24, 1864, aged 23 years. Dennis Mullian, 19th Infantry. Enlisted May 10, 1864. Joseph H. Noyes, 1st Mounted Rifles. William Perkins, 19th Infantry, May 10, 1864. Michael F. Thompson, Co. D^ 5th Regt. U. S. Artil., Sergeant. Born Ireland, March 9, 1840. Died of disease contracted in service Jan. 6, 1867, aged 27 years. Joseph W. Welsh. Enlisted Sept. 24, 1864. James H. Williams, 19th Infantry, May 10, 1864. Military History. 363 Under the title " Enlistments in other States of Natives or Residents of Hiugham," we find in " Hingham in the Civil War " — Hawkes Fearing, Jr. Colonel Fearing was born in Hingham May 20, 1826, and became Captain of the Lincoln Light Infantry upon its organization in 1855. In 1860 he was Lieutenant- Colonel of the Fourth Regiment, M. V. M., in which capacity he first went into active service. September 24, 1861, he was com- missioned as Colonel of the Eighth New Hampshire Volunteers. April, 1863, Colonel Fearing was wounded at Bisland, in Louisiana. During the years 1871 and 1872 Colonel Fearing represented the district comprising Hingham and Hull in the General Court. He was one of the original members of Post 104 of the Grand Army, and Commander in 1869 and 1870. Colonel Fearing has been for some years Librarian of the Hingham Public Library. James Ballentine. Born in Roscommon County, Ireland, April, 1842. Enlisted May, 1860, in the Third Infantry, U.S.A., and was soon taken prisoner by the rebels. He subsequently enlisted in the Fifteenth Independent Volunteers, New York, and was killed at Weldon Railroad. William Barnes, Lieutenant in a New York Regiment. Prisoner at Andersonville. George Bicknell, 2d New York Infantry. Wounded at Bull Run. Martin Gushing, in a Pennsylvania Cavalry Regiment. Henry H. dishing. Captain in 88th Illinois Vols. Buried in Hingham Cemetery. David P. Eldredge, Orderly Sergt., Co. G, 7th Kansas Cavalry. John J. L. French, Co. E, 1st Regt., N. H. Heavy Artillery. Caleb B. Gill, Sergt., Co. I, 57th Indiana Foot Volunteers ; 2d Lieut. April 3, 1863. Died April 24, 1867, from disease con- tracted in the service. John Gorman, Sergt., 25th N. Y. Cavalry. Wounded at Malvern Hill July 1, 1862 ; prisoner at Libby Prison. Hosea Harden, Co. G, 40th N. Y. V. I. Elijah Hobart. Born Hingham Oct. 4, 1821 ; killed near Point of Rocks, Va., July 4, 1864. A grandson of Caleb Hobart of the Revolutionarv Army. Captain of Co. B, 93d Regt. N. Y. Vols. Allen G. Jennings, Co. H, 121st Regt. N. Y. Vols. Afterwards pastor of Second Unitarian Church in Hingham. Charles B. Leavitt. Oct. 20, 1863, 1st Lieut. Co. M, 6th U. S. Colored Heavy Artillery. March 13, 1864, Lieut.-Col. 70th U. S. Colored Infantry. Twice wounded. Beza H. Lincoln, Quartermaster-sergeant, Co. B, 1st N. H. Heavy Artillery. John Lincoln, Jr., Co. G, 13th Conn. Vol. Infantry; Sergeant. Leavitt Lincoln, Sergt., Co. I, 61st Illinois Vols. Born Hing- ham March 2, 1823. Died in service Dec. 7, 1864. 364 History of Hingham. Allyne C. Litchfield, Capt. 5th Michigan Cav. Lieut.-Col. 7th Michigan Cav. Prisoner at Libby Prison. Brevet Brigadier- General. In 1871 Consul-General at Calcutta. James Lowry, 3d District of Columbia Regt. Daniel Murphy. Born Boston Nov. 22, 1840. Died in Hospital at Washington prior to Nov. 24, 1862. Soldier in 15th N. Y. Vols. William h. Neal, 6th N. H. Infantry. Charles Remington, Lincoln Body Guard. John F. Rogers, Co. A, 74th Regt. Illinois Vols. Henry E. Spaulding, 13th N. H. Infantry. Now a physician in Hingham. Isaiah F. Tower, Captain Co. G, 93d Regt. Ohio Vol. Infantry. Wounded at Nashville Dec. 16, 1864. Benjamin S. Whiting, Lieut. 17th U. S. Infantry. Webster A. Whiting, Capt. 88th Illinois Vols. Conrad P. Yager. Born Mergantheim, Wiirtemberg. Enhsted in Co. F, 2d Regt., Lincoln Guard. Died in service Oct. 15, 1863, aged 20 years. The Navy. The natives or residents of Hingham serving in the Navy, so far as known, numbered thirty-seven, as follows : — Charles H. Loring, 3d Asst. Engineer, Feb. 26, 1851 ; 2d Asst. Engineer May 21, 1853 ; 1st Asst. Engineer May 9, 1857 ; Chief Engineer March 25, 1861. Served on the " Minnesota " and " Susquehanna." Thomas Andrews. Born Hingham June 9, 1816, and died in service Feb. 27, 1865, aged 48 years. Acting-Master U. S. Navy. Captain Andrews was a direct descendant of Capt. Thomas Andrews who died in Sir William Phips's expedition against Canada. Served on " Vermont," " Courier," " Crusa- der," and " Pensacola," Lemuel Pope, Acting Master's Mate, Sept. 10, 1862 ; Acting Ensign, Feb. 11, 1864; Acting Master, July 18, 1865. Andrew Tower, June 2, 1863, Acting-Assistant Pavmaster, U.S N, Served on " Norfolk Packet," " C. P. WilliamsV' " Para," and " Passaic." Franklin Nickerson, Acting-Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. Served on " Shokokon " and " Brittania," Edward W. Halcro. Born Hamburg Jan. 24, 1836. Acting Ensign Dec. 15, 1863. Died in Norfolk Hospital April 5, 1867. Buried in Hingham. Served on " Genesee," " Ovetta," " Sarah Bruen," " Idaho," and " New Hampshire." Charles M. Fuller, Acting Master's Mate. Served on " Mace- donian," " Essex," and " Ozark." Charles A. Stewart, March 16, 1865, Acting Ensign. Prisoner at Charleston, S. C. Served on '' Wachusett," " Southfield," "Underwriter," " Muscoota," and " Saco." Military History. 365 John M. Trussell, Acting 3d Assistant Engineer. Served on "Connecticut," " luka," and " Clyde." Augustus Barnes, Captain's Clerk. Served on " Marion " and " Pocahontas." Frederick C. Blair, Master-at-Arms. Served on " W. G. Ander- son," the prize "Arizona," "Potomac," "Metacomet," and " Selma." Alfred B. Whiting, Master-at-Arms. Served on " Colorado." Charles Campbell, Gunner's-mate. Served on " Vermont " and " Para ; " was also in U. S. Army. Henry W. Hersey, Paymaster's Steward. Prisoner. Served on " Sachem," " Diana," " Onondaga," and " Otsego." Elkanah Binney, Signal Quartermaster ; wounded in Mobile Bay. Served on " Oneida." Samuel New^comb, 2d Signal Quartermaster. Served on " Bra- ziliera," and " South Carolina." Alden Lincoln, First-class Fireman. Served on " Genesee." George A. Grover, First-class Fireman. Served on " Acacia " and prize " Julia." Daniel S. Lincoln, First-class Fireman. Served in Lincoln Light Infantry and on " Monadnock," " Connecticut," and " luka." William Eldredge, Seaman on "• Vincennes." John W. Gardner. Born Hingham, Aug. 17, 1820. Died in service June 24, 1863, aged 42 years. Served in Co. I, First Mass. Infantry, and in Co. I, 12th Maine Infantry, and on " Hartford." George E. Richardson. Served in 3d Mass. Heavy Artillery and on " Massasoit." George A. Chubbuck. Served in 3d Unattached Co. Heavy Artil- lery, and on " Glaucus " and " Mather Vassar." William G. Cushing. Served on " Gemsbok." Benjamin Hatchfield. Served on " Louisville." Daniel Stodder. Served on " Conewaugh." Thomas R. Murphy. Served on " Ethan Allen." Isaac M. Dow. Served on " Massasoit." Daniel Daley. Robert F. Fardy. Served on " Queen " and "Passaic." Edward Gottchell. Served on " Queen " and " Passaic." Benjamin L. Jones. Served on "Hetzel " and "Louisiana." George H. Merritt. Born Scituate Sept. 11, 1842. Died at Little Washington, N. C, Feb. 7, 1863, aged 20 years. Served on " Hetzel " and " Louisiana." Daniel J. Thompson. Served on " Ohio." Henry Trowbridge. Served on " Hetzel " and " Louisiana." William Burtes. Edwin Barnes. Under the heading of " Additional Enlistments in Hingham in the Civil War," the following names appear. Of most of them S66 History of Hingham. little else is known than the fact of their being recruited, and that they were either natives of Hingham or served upon its quota. Edwin Allen, three years, Louis Anderson, Calvin R. Baker, John Baker, three years, Joseph Barstow, served with Kit Carson, George W. Boen, three years, George H. Bonney, three years, Edwin Booth, John Brown, three years, Melzar W. Clark, John Collins, three years, Thomas Collins, three years, William Colman, Barney Conaley, Charles Cook, three years, Henry Daggett, three years, Horatio M. Dallas, one year, Cap- tain in frontier service, Thomas D. Dalton, three years, Albert Damon, James Dempsey, three years, Henry B. Downes, three years, Josiah Edson, West D. Eldredge, three years, Lendal Hanscom Ewell, Co. H, 4th Regt. Thomas M. Farrell, John G. Gorman, Timothy Gordon, Capt. Co. G, 4th Regt. James Gorman, 21st Regt. Thomas Griffin, three years, Edward Hackett, three years, Mark Hall, Otis C. Hardy, three years, James Hayes, William Hillarston, Edward Bourne Hinckley, Clergy- man, Henry A. Hitchcock, three years. Jeremiah Hurley, Edward Kelley, Joseph B. Kelsey, Kittredge, William H. Lane, three years, Jacob Lowe, 5th (U. S.) Artil. John C. Maguire, Co. G, 56th Mass. Patrick Mahoney, Michael McGrane, 9 months, Charles H. Muschatt, three years, George H. Osborn, Edwin Poiney, three years, Edward L. Preston, Co. A, 5t"h Cavalry, William Randall, Edward Roach, three years, David P. Robinson, Albert Sawyer, Franklin Simmons, William T. Sprague, three years, William Thompson. The roll of honor which Hingham cherishes with love and pride for its record of bravery and devotion contains the names of four hundred and seventy-three soldiers and sailors who served upon her quota, besides nineteen who marched with the Lincoln Light Infantry in the first days of the war and did not subsequently appear on the lists ; making four hundred and ninety-two different men furnished by the town for the defence of the country. To this number should be added twenty-eight Hingham men who joined regiments in other States, bringing the whole number up to five hundred and twenty. The number re-enlisting cannot perhaps be accurately ascertained, but the aggregate of enlist- ments from Hingham during the war, and not including the mem- bers of the Lincoln Light Infantry, is stated in " Hingham in the Military History. 367 Civil War " to have been seven hundred and five. There were mortally wounded or killed in battle thirty-one men and seven officers ; died in tlie service, twenty-seven men and three officers, besides one man murdered and six others who died while pris- oners ; nine men and one officer died from disease contracted in the service during or soon after the war. Thus there was a loss of eighty-two of our townsmen, most of whom were citizens at the time, as a direct result of the conflict. Many more have passed away since, in consequence of the months and years of privation and exposure. In addition to the casualties above, there were thirty men and seven officers wounded, and seven men and three officers taken prisoners. The names and rank of the officers from Hingham, as far as known, are : — IN THE ARMY. BVT. BKIGADIER-GENERALS. Luther Stephenson, Jr. ; wounded. Allyne C. Litchfield ; prisoner. Joseph H. Barnes. COLONELS. John C. Whiton, 58th Infty.; wounded. Hawkes Fearing, 8th N. H. Lifty. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL. Charles B. Leavitt, 70th U. S. Infty.; twice wounded. BVT. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL. Thomas Weston, 18th Infty.; wounded. Benjamin C. Lincoln, 2d U. S. Infty. ; killed in battle. Edward T. Bouve, 4th Cavalry. Lyman B. Whiton, 3d Heavy Artill'y. BVT. MAJOR. Benjamin F. Meservey, 18th Infantry; wounded. CAPTAINS. Edwin Humphrey, 11th Infty. ; killed. Alexander Hitchborn, 12th Infantry ; killed. Elijah Hobart, 93d N. Y. ; killed. John E. Morse, Invalid Corps. James H, Wade, 28th Infantry. Edwin Thomas, 3d Heavy Artillery. Henry H. Cushing, 88th Illinois, Webster A. Whiting, 88th Illinois, Isaiah F. Tower, 93d Ohio; wounded. Timothy Gordon, 4th Infantry. Horatio M. Dallas, Frontier Service. George R. Reed, o2d Infantry. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Peter N. Sprague, 55th Infantry. Benjamin Thomas, 4th Cavalry. Oliver Burrill, 35th Infantry. Alphonso Marsh, 55th Infantry, George M. Hudson, 22d Infantry; wounded. Nathaniel French, Jr., 32d Infantry; died in service. Charles Sprague, 4th Infantry. Elijah B. Gill, Jr., 1st Infty. ; killed. George W. Bibby, 32d Infty. ; killed. Fergus A. Easton, 6th N". Y. Cavalry. Waldo F. Corbett, 1st U. S, Heavy Art. Francis Thomas, 12th Infty. ; killed. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Amos P. Holden, 32d Infantry. John G. Dawes, 2d Louisiana. •Toseph M. Thomas, 42d Infantry Louis T. V. Cazaire, 89th U. S. Infty. Thaddeus Churchill, 3d U. S. Infty. John H. Prouty, 39th Infantry. Caleb H. Beal, 107th N. Y. Infty. Thomas Hickey, 4th Cavalry. Caleb B. Gill, 57th Indiana Infty. Edwin F. Tirrell, 3d Heavy Artillery. Benjamin S. Whiting, 17thU, S, Infty. William Barnes, — N. Y. ; prisoner. 368 History of Hingham. IN THE NAVY. CHIEF ENGINEER. ACTING ASSISTANT SURGEON. Charles H. Loring. Franklin Nickerson. ACTING ENSIGNS. ACTING MASTER, _ , . . Edward W. Halcro; died in service Thomas Andrews; died in service. Charles M. Fuller. Lemuel Pope. Charles A. Stewart. ACTING ASSISTANT PAYMASTER. ACTING THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER. Andrew Tower. John M. Trussell. Fifty-six Hingham men, who received commissions in the ser- vice of their country during those eventful years in which was fought the Civil War ; fifty-six men who, like their comrades in the ranks, served her faithfully and bravely, and in many instances even unto death. No account of the soldiers of Massachusetts, however brief, and especially of those belonging to Hingham, would be complete without at least a reference to the loved fellow-townsman who within the Commonwealth was commander-in-chief during the long- period of anxiety and sacrifice from 1861 to 1865. This is no place in which to eulogize John A. Andrew, and for the people of the town no eulogy is needed. Yet in this their book they would feel it amiss, if to his noble wreath no laurel leaf were to be added by them as a memorial to the kind words and warm-hearted deeds with which the great chief sped his comrades from Hingham on their way, cheered and sustained and cared for them in the field, and received and welcomed them again to the common home ; a leaf glistening and gleaming with the sunshine which his great heart carried to the waiting hearths, beside which sat the wearied and watching, — gold-lighted with its record of the hope his ten- derness brought to the sorrowing, while he gently helped lay in their mother earth the town's brave who had fallen asleep in her service. Proudly and lovingly we claim this man as one of the soldiers of Hingham. Near the close of the record of Revolutionary services the num- ber of the men bearing certain of the most numerous surnames which occurred among those representing Hingham, and belong- ing undoubtedly to the twenty-four largest families, was given. A similar statement, but with the same selection of names, and taken in the same order, may not be without interest to the dwell- ers in this old town, which, while maintaining with little change so many of the customs of the olden time, has preserved also no inconsiderable number of the names of the early settlers in the families of to-day. Serving in the Union army there were six- teen Lincolns, eleven Cushings, five Beals, three Whitons, nine STATUE OF GOVERNOR ANDREW. Military History. 369 Stodders, eleven Herseys, thirteen Gardners, one Hobart, five Towers, four Lorings, one Bates, three Burrs, eight Spragues, six Wilders, three Dimbars, one Leavitt, four Fearings, four Lanes, seven Barneses, four Marshes, while from our military lists the Lewises, Stowells, Joys, and Thaxters have entirely disappeared. This chapter, with all its length, yet all too short for a satisfac- tory memorial to the children of the town who have cared naught for suffering and death when duty beckoned along the dangerous path, is fast drawing to its close. A few words only remain, and those mainly for the living. To promote Loyalty, Fidelity, Char- ity, there was organized, August 5, 1869, Edwin Humphrey Post, No. 104, of the Grand Army of the Republic. Col. Hawkes Fear- ing was its first commander. Major Benjamin F. Meservey, senior vice-commander, Capt. Peter N. Sprague, junior vice-commander, Lieut. George R. Reed, quartermaster, Samuel J. Henderson, officer of the day, William H. Jacobs, oflicer of the guard, and Henry Jones was appointed adjutant. These, together with George Thomas, William H. Thomas, Isaac B. Damon, Edward T. Blossom, William Jones, Hubert J. Tulley, John A. Reed, and William S. Whiton were charter members. Colonel Fearing was again chosen commander in 1870, and the same office has been held since that date by Capt. Peter N. Sprague in 1871-1874, Lemuel Pope in 1875, Captain Sprague again in 1876, Major Edward T. Bouve in 1877-1879, — during which the Post became uniformed, and raised a considerable charity fund, — Lieut. George R. Reed in 1880, Isaac F. Goodwin in 1881 and for part of 1882, resigning April 8 of the latter year, William H. Thomas for the remainder of 1882 and in 1883, Charles H. Wakefield for 1884-1886, John H. Stoddar in 1887 and 1888, J. Henry Howe in 1889, CoL Thomas Weston in 1890 and 1891, Major Lyman B. Whiton in 1892, and Arthur Beale in 1893. Since its organization one hundred and forty names have been upon the rolls of its com- rades. The present number is seventy-seven. Eleven comrades have joined the greater army which responds only to Heaven's trumpets ; they are Samuel J. Henderson, Thomas Murphy, Edward W. Marston, Samuel Bronsdon, William Hersey, John W. Gault, Charles Sprague, Stephen A. Hall, Octavius R. Barry, George T. Kilburn, William Taylor. In 1888 the Post, with the aid of funds raised by fairs and contributions of citizens, built a hall well adapted for its purposes at Centre Hingham, and within a short distance of the old fort commanded by Capt. John Smith in the days of King Philip. Here the members meet for business, mutual assistance, encour- agement, and pleasure ; and here on each Memorial Day are held appropriate exercises in which the Woman's Relief Corps, the Sons of Veterans, visiting comrades, and the citizens of the town kindle anew the fires of patriotism, and lay upon the altar of the heroic dead the flowers of memory. VOL I — 24 370 History of Hmgham. To assist and encourage the Post of the Grand Army in its noble work, to aid its charities, and to inculcate and diffuse the spirit of patriotism among the children, a branch of the Woman's Relief Corps was organized here December 17, 1885. Its first president was Mrs. Mary Whiton, who held that office two years ; she was succeeded by Mrs. Martha C. Wakefield during the next three years, and by Mrs. Martha S. Litchfield, who was presi- dent in 1891. The next president was Mrs. Hattie M. Lowe, who was chosen in 1892, and again this year. There is a small relief fund for the benefit of the needy among soldiers' families. The present membership is seventy-six, and monthly meetings are held at Grand Army Hall, which is also the headquarters of the Corps. A camp of the Sons of Veterans, called the Charles S. Meade Camp, also meets at the hall of the Post. It was organized March 10, 1887, and its successive commanders have been Arthur L. Whiton, C. Sumner Henderson, Gustavus 0. Henderson, Hosea H. Batchelder, J. Arthur Batchelder, and Fred S. Wilder. The Camp numbers about forty-eight at this time, and the mem- bers materially assist in the ceremonies of Memorial Day. In the declining hours of the day, near the close of tlie beauti- ful spring month of May of each recurring year, when the fra- grance of a thousand flowers scents the air with its sweetness, and the bright green of the young grass and new leaves clothes New England in freshness, a little band of blue-coated men fast growing into years, and with ever feebler steps mai'ching under the folds of the flag which to them has been a shield by day and a star by night, to the music which was once an inspiration in battle, which sung poeans in victory, lulled to slumber in weariness and death, whispered ever of home, and to this day is never heard without sending a thrill to the heart, enters the old cemetery, — the village burial-place of the fathers, — and passing beneath the pines which shade moss-grown stones and tombs, through wind- ing paths leading by sunken graves, by the first settlers' monu- ment, down into a quiet valley and up again to the height beyond, ranges itself in line before the resting place and white statue of their friend and comrade, the great War Governor. Here, aided by comrades from a Post bearing his name in the city where his official life was mostly spent, with a few earnest words breathing his spirit, and with simple and brief exercises, the Grand Army lays upon the grave of Andrew its annual memorial. A few steps farther, and around the granite pillar inscribed with the names of the sons who so gallantly served her, the people of Hingham await the ceremonies which keep bright the memories of those who fell to sleep in the love of their country. Here are the rulers of the town, the selectmen, chosen each March to guide its affairs through the ensuing year, the constable with scarcely perceptible insignia of office and inspiring little Military History. 371 awe, the ministers of the several churches and of the Old Meeting- Hoiise ; here are others with even better right, — an old gray- headed man who leans upon the arm of no stalwart son ; a black-robed woman who, standing by a low flower-covered mound, will never again hear lier bright boy's " Mother ; " a younger woman, too, but also past the meridian of life, leaning against a stone bearing a soldier's name, and beside which flutters a little i! *4- r:^' i^^. '■^.■J- SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. Erected by tlie Town; Dedicated June 17, 1870. flag, a woman whose wearied face with its far-away look is full for a moment of the bright but never-to-be-fulfilled promise of the thirty years ago ; yes, and others still whose short happiness was almost effaced by the sorrow which time has hardly yet softened 372 History of Hingham. into a sweet memory, and whose sadness is only tempered by an unspoken hope. They are all here, — these and the young maiden, the coming men, and the happy children of to-day. And they all gather closer as the Grand Army forms in front around the large semi-circle of baskets overflowing with the blossoms brought to mingle their brightness with the green of earth. In front is the monument, and to the east, upon the side of the highest ground in the cemetery, was the fort erected to defend the harbor against the Spaniards ; on an adjoining elevation northwesterly still stand the defences of 1676, when Philip menaced the town ; between the monument and the valley, and beyond it by and near the old general's resting-place, lie the slumbering brave of the Revolution ; everywhere, among the fathers, beside the old sol- diers, and in the new ground alike, the flags which mark the sleep- ing heroes of the Civil War wave gently in the soft spring breeze. From the band stationed near floats a hymn, — an old one, dear and familiar ; the chaplain hushes the assembly in prayer ; a short, earnest plea for country, a tender tribute to the fallen, a word of pride in their sacrifice, of sympathy for the sorrowing, and the orator — local and uncelebrated perhaps, but reverent and full of the occasion — is through. A word or two from the commander of the Post, a signal, quietly given, and the violets and the lilies are blooming and nodding in new places, and saying, in language equalled by no other, that here sleeps a soldier whom his loved ones, his comrades, and the great Republic have not forgotten. Again the music sounds; the street, full of the homes and the history of other days, re-echoes with the martial strains; the sun- light fading away from the lowly mounds gilds still the Old Meeting-house steeple, touches with its rays the top of the monu- ment, and reflected from the masses of clouds in tlie western horizon paints the harbor with the color of the rose. From the distance the last notes of " retreat " borne from Grand Army Hall come floating on the evening breeze, "old glory" flutters to the ground from many a staff, and Memorial Day, fitly and faith- fully observed in this old town of the mingled Puritans and Pilgrims, has come to its close. With the exception of the company formed under the law of 1864, which elected Henry Jones captain, but in consequence of the repeal of the Act soon after, never met for drill or parade, there has been no strictly local military organization in Hingham since the disbanding of the Lincoln Light Infantry, September 29, 18^2. Upon rising ground stretching along Broad Cove, overlooking the early anchorage of many of the fleet which long years ago whitened Hingham's bay, — some undoubtedly built in the ship- yard then situated just below the bluff, but since disappeared and forgotten, — and directly opposite the southern slope of Otis Hill, Military History. 373 lies the beautifully located military post of the First Corps of Cadets, and the scene of its camp in each recurring July. In the rear and looking toward the setting sun as it crimsons the placid waters which finally shrink into a little winding brook, the view extends across the green meadows and far up the valley in the direction of Weymouth IJack River. On the opposite side and about a half-mile distant the church spires and roofs of the houses — themselves half hidden by the inter- vening hill — indicate the nearest village, while to the east the harbor of blue in its setting of green, with its steamers plying back and forth, is seen through a break in the land bordering Otis Street. Beyond its natural attractiveness there is no little historical interest attaching to the place as the training-field of the militia in the olden days, and still more, as being the probable location of the barracks, — certainly situated in the immediate vicinity, if not on the ground, — erected for the accommodation of Captain James Lincoln and his company when Hingham was a garrisoned town in the early part of the Revolution. In plain view, too, is the road, once called Broad Cove Lane, but now Lincoln Street, down which marched Captain Lincoln's command, and the other companies of the town, as well as those of Scituate and Weymouth, when hastening to drive the English from Grape Island May 21, 1775. Here, in the succeeding years, come large numbers of people interested in the regular order and beautiful ceremonies of a military camp, and the snow-white streets are thronged each evening with listeners to the concert of the fine band. While having no official connection with Hingham, the posses- sion by the corps of these increasingly attractive grounds with the bright green and well-kept parade and fine rows of growing- maples, together with the annual tour of duty performed here by it, the fact that no inconsiderable number of the town's young men have been from time to time enrolled in its ranks, as well as that among her citizens are three of the present officers, have gradually created a feeling of local ownership in the corps, which is now claimed and regarded, as in a sense at least belonging to the town, and as one of her institutions. The First Corps of Cadets was organized in 1741, and is the modern outgrowth of the famous " Governor's Company of Cadets," which composed a part of the militia, both before and since the Revolution. While commanded by Hancock, — whose mother, it will be recalled, was a Hingham lady, — the then company was disbanded by Governor Gage for its adherence to the patriotic cause, but was reorganized and served under General Sullivan in Rhode Island. At the opening of the rebellion the corps was sent to garrison Fort Warren, and later it furnished many officers to the army, and particularly for the Forty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, generally known as the Cadet Regiment. 374 History of Hingham. It is one of the two organizations forming a separate branch of the militia of the Commonwealth, and at the present time com- prises four companies armed as infantry, and having headquarters at the armory on Columbus Avenue, Boston. It is commanded by Lieut, -Col. Thomas F. Edmands, a distinguished officer in the Civil War, while Major George R. Rogers, Captains William H. AUine and Andrew Robeson, and Lieut. Edward E. Currier, are all veterans who were in active service in the Union's cause. Several of our present or former citizens have held commis- sions m the military service of the Commonwealth since 1865. The following is believed to be a correct list : — Solomon Lincoln, Jr., Colonel and Aide-de-camp to his Honor Lieut.-Governor Talbot, acting Governor, May 26, 1874 ; Colonel and Aide-de-camp to his Excellency Governor Talbot, January 14, 1879. Arthur Lincoln, Captain and Judge Advocate, 2d Brigade, July 30, 1877^ John D. Long, Governor and Commander-in-chief, 1880-1882. Edward T. Bouv^, Colonel and Aide-de-camp to his Excellency Governor Long ; Captain and Engineer on staff of Brig.-Gen, • Nat. Wales, 1st Brigade, M. V. M., Feb. 9, 1883 ; Captani and Provost Marshal, 1st Brigade, May 24, 1887 ; Captain and Aide-de-camp, 1st Brigade, April 10, 1888.' Elijah George, Captain and Judge Advocate, 2d Brigade, M.V.M., August 12, 1882. Charles E. Stevens, 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Feb. 26, 1868, Captain and Paymaster, Jan. 9, 1874, First Corps Cadets. Charles C. Melcher, 1st Lieutenant and Quartermaster, First Corps Cadets, Feb. 9, 1875. Walter L. Bouve, 1st Lieutenant, First Corps Cadets, Feb. 20, 1889. United States Regular Seevice. Not previously mentioned in these pages : — Charles H. B. Caldwell, son of Charles H. Caldwell and Susan Blake, born in Hingham, and died in Boston, Nov. 30, 1877, Commodore in U. S. Navy, June 14, 1874. Charles L. Corthell, graduated at West Point June 14, 1884, 2d Lieutenant, 4th Artillery, June 15, 1884 ; 1st Lieutenant, Apr. 24, 1889. No.^c?"^ Sect. / ' Shelf. CONTENTS Lincoln National Life Foundation Collateral Lincoln Library 7/ Ji003 OB^- 0^5Z3