I 7 C ^'t3d>l- t Date V - f 3 - ifr /^4srrinr ~Htb% Cs / r _ bhore /^tcc r 'Pi^uasq , jL*' Jo J e~*-J ■ ■ , 1 Flow A" 1 o^ei'cle. J« Temp rtv' jL /e*. Weather Capture Se*'-n^ / V< ^C-, 7 Air Temp._ T ime S 3 // g v > ? // 09! "T™ tfl tfll 9 cfj 9e i i t>> Of A , -*— „ - -/ L , f, / / /' 1 1 &" 1 fro^ & 1 fro Sc.(?\L&lP- G 4 i\«! ' * £la^ L fioe*' &X io* 4-/4(>U - i Date 4- /V- 6t r Co.& State y^ /V-ry^cf &>. iOC» /• V />>' a/ czs /^t./ & ,n or 7g? ■/<£ j^cf /%3+5~ m / 'ittt *5A /l^ 2 a sb ,'dC tf/r+ajA C /(?# s- Flow • 7 ?/ .icth /Q'/^ / Depth /*? _pH_ Temp._ 1 o tt c m Sa w _ 7e ge ta t i on //g ^ ^ _ Shore ^L< ^ ru J kJ t* ** 9? /SifJ, An r /'o cf< 2 ~*c( __Mr Temp*_ Weather C/ea^. &&&/ _Time c ~ />7. Capture ^VV-^c. __ ^ Det>_Coll. —tf. • < 1 YZ- ^ /y* ' U{3.i s< / / J/ A?/" T\ Jo, 4*- *4-61- X Date V- / V - £ Co.& State ^ £/irg * 5 ^ c >oc a y*r/ ^5". /^y' X?7^c / S^ ■' a t e:o £/e<^r. I idth /o' Depth <5 " 3 otto n ^?-n^A /egetation^ J . ■ -* • -- --/?C Af&sai Shore v3^g // * zf^’r £e A >< e a the r do of Capture_ ^Sg/'-yA, • Dot a Flow ^ Jft Temp Air Temp Time__ j 1,1/off C,8SfS r £S'f3. / f8s~ ytg'jT' ~i-t C?II $ 70// /7?(/s'yte ezJroocJ' / Zr S~ sjsff Af e?-/ s:/<& ■g>?/ *S ryQcz da i'ater •; idth C/a 'a r Floy; >f jit L /-2 Depth, >-v"' pH Temp Rett o m S#? 7 1 Capture SB* KjL . ^> w<^y c£^p Arom /^y ’ - T ” ■"" Dot» Coll • Air Temp._ /S? “9- / ? 0<3?c- //V^7 dT dll 9 £ i* + u $e sy I C #/W7 lr(UvLX~4 d&2U5\ iS*UU) ^MJLO\ • i : v^aTAAjJL y*d*4ifr‘ l // /7 L'CtJwAttAUA JIq '~LL*f\ - i/yUIA> 2- ^ < 3 > ! c/. / J-f- t G8f3- / ^ ^4 &83?-8 7 -i / /.; / $lripel 4 *''*«/* kd fro* Lj e reel (/&-/* ' , /V "Jeep) k&i /f6M snta// Ml. ?f h/j ceee/c t &] cl - id?/// /72^ ,3V-/ 0. Q A f 6 f• ~tt ^ £ (lj pj~c>/i7Uti h * 5 ; oJr°ra'iu ‘. id to /V Depth 3 ^ pH Temp Bctto m *5a-HcL . hetfrocL . e - 7,3 tat:-, on ■noi^ Shor e ^ /, ✓/ cJ Coll. ///*?? rfl C?II $ CJJ 8 J $e sy tisijdLcrMl* &uJy^b , 5 ” ~ - < 3 > yvz • y Date 4 - /*- 6z. Jo, 4-/4&2.-£ Kt? C /~<^e /£. C0o& State t^Coriee C&>.^ S.o, _jOC % &' & /y/ / <&zz^^n Cre^/: f f£/ A/tfJef/r*» 0~i{ ttrS. huif •____ / r a t. -?.:o Sf. / /7f / A/ t / l/' (^^9 ~ • (- • \S"fzL 7^ // ~>f '*y {X* X . / ?t-u n /t z/ fj# r-» Air Temp._ ‘Time J? 3 / / f > Capture 1 r/y?^ Dal. Coll. | iLjlOt <51 tfll $ 2 i + u $e £ v Cct'iJihahJJA X CtxXj^uL (paX) / / ) / _ Date d-L±£kL _ Co.& State G*- <^9. Jo, d. dJelL % &JL/1 /To a/ ^oc» ^7 ?ns A/ft/ <$-/?*' 'S.c. /s'^ra. t/j* 7& 2l 3X* 1 c/eg r Flow Al 0 de r ^ .idth 3# / Depth. a Temp ?»otto m , 'S’ghJL, 7e ge tati on n £>*& chore /?/yuuf _Air Temp._ V J eather k//?s-r». Time. j£\±w_ Capture /^-nd. __ %>//#/ /-‘ST #'#?' 1 7 f & 7 V- /4 6Z- <3 ********— v»w Date £Z_ nr s j?_ e+ ^ ^ Z/n /? SJ/i-tv-n jOC. /& , £ A?'- //• /V. (2 /&L/-/V-K, ^V) fy, S'r ** Wat 3 x\ 1 • * "t *"• JLv.* Flow Cct^vc-* c/y xt? A s Depth_ PH Temp 3 0 11 o m /Th r /. At? /. T J e ge ta 11 on /i^^e ;hore //rs's? JeA A& /v*'*- _i\ir Temp._ Weather >^y l£>o/. _ Time aaA? Capture _ 5£.7 ^. / / 6- (o t r\ . Date '4-tz, Co.& State /qujaSj /?o-, <£/?• ,oc • 0- C> /v?j AJ. IA/. /0c/r ^ ^ 7“. tati o n .r4r7' ft/ &J_ \-?t &a . ^¥e S. Wat -tlC* f'g&r' ' t idth 8 _Depths ~\ c11 on ^Sh^td. , ^yifu/Q^ 2& r* _Flov; /Wo t/er^ /e jpH_Temp*_ Vegetation bhor0 ^SolI i £ . A/'vu*, 4 , /Jeer Air Temp., Veathe: cS r./ ~h y^j Coo ! Capture _xShyjc£ mm Time y^ 7 3 9/?w■ \ ■t>, V-zv/vz Date /V " £ Co.& State .0G /t^. .'ate:o. ..idth (Mg Depth. // _Flow /?7j*(p/fl4tr pH Temp« Botto m ^ npd^-, G-rat/e. /. xr, egetation Shore Que^^ l P\c^^. // r/ ^ Je^uiro V? Air Temp*, Weather 7?/*^/ , U , Time Capture vfc'W . Det !/?/*? //Wf a t __j2Jj?£faL Flow '7~& P'fa . iidth / 4^ / Depth, -7 x/ PH Temp 3 o tt o n LP^r.P, / 7e ge tati on ^ 7 : hore _ /V? ^ hh Scather rT '<**><#or, /2&&/> / Air Temp c jL -, Qd/' Time <-? .//>/& Capture .V v ;<-.■ De‘ (SI (STL $ *1 •i $e 2y / ^a/^/bz/i/PP) fa iiJ&n.'L'*-^ z / / / 3- faJa/r/pfaiLA**^ ^jst fatfaylu^ /Q^cfax^^ . 7 t . \ S ,7 7, i 1 _ —- - y. — C7 to **\\ u) Mo's Co*& State eE^ £ 0 , , ✓ A-'ff ^C? * 4 ” *“ f'"%/*- Det» itijt/5 ) t «/// ^ Coll. 61 dll $ <*3 «3 9e Sy } ynhmubo * & / / 1 | V-^CCinciu /Z-*lU-+4* * / * / 4' ifjl.' h MvHP/iY 4- /f- AiiUv Date Co.& State g-ifetoiff co., as-c. .oc. /•/ m) S. ^ U 5. a* M-C- SWe Kfc- 60 : at=r_ ae?r '< id th 2-' Depth A** 0 11 f 7e ge tat i o n Gra.*>$ Shore ^■Vug Weather y//t CYNfiy weuL / -°C -» /Tv^ '*1' vf" IAJ /^>// ^ - 4~*/>nef* A, &yie 7&< 7s-' 6 / f , /t//+1 ' P> , /? dd. t ’ m at d;o Flow /H ndefacte-s • idth /'T' Depth /^ " _pH Temp o HOttOni ' tfrtLAJQ.} y /eeetation AJ^e Shore r/ 'JC&J yt Air Temp* Weather Time x Capture &/! #3 fin*** * Zfd Sx exinzaec/s ^m/*e ** 4* £ QondS&ujA^s'S? M o v <2 — ZL- ^r Date ^£ Co.& State <^/c (?&., &?9. 1 ." ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w .. L j< ■■■ .-iOC HLJL JZZjL. /V *4/ /?///,'a*, * / a,? //. ,r. 7/, 'atax\ ‘ iidth cu a s’ Flow A? 0 y/ss& /c. /£> Depth, , ' f /o m Temp Hotto m Vegetation /C4 Shore A/C/S } >45255J^y-^Scgr ^ 0 &/ Time 3 /^/v Capture Det. //*/*/ /WW JstoAb A// AA J / .9 ia.ii ** -> 'ff(tsyi ■* I .J Is y ra^' Date :'o, V "T" Co.& State - ;C 3 ^ ^3 0^7 ^ S. 76 £o styOtsn -/&;r> 7c?t(j/r P/- ••'at ji- (^/4r^ _ F low Me Ze rate _ '•idth ^ / _Depth_£_pH_ Temp*_ Botto m ^A^oc^, £?ftii/c c X Vegetation____ 6hore \J&/t 'x 72'?7C4 s , J?u t/s y ' - - . .. . _Air Temp._ Weather *&**tnu , ^_ _Time // • Capture y/Wng No» ^ ~ ^^ ^ P Date. Co.& State / ' \K £ z bWk. &MS. T o„ /*&~ Otf/i rsajoer^ Date V- / 4-4 2 - Co.& State ****#/*¥ Q°-, tJ 0C e <5* si/*4/ Ur/’etLf ~ (^O. O* £/'*.f< *76, 'at 3X\ •. id til CJxa-z Flow c*#'- &£- J' Dept h o’ •• * a %/f #3 . y ^ b ox cH Temp Air Temp*, Tim dl cvtLAae/i%i^> / / / 2 • mo* ..OCo Date Co«& State Mc/xtfiY (?*■ &9. Jatsr (3/&z^ ‘■i idth ' Flow s cc^&(. £>t«.-/- Depth z " 6 _pH Temp Botto m 7^>cA < 7 six^/& 6 Weather Air Temp._ Time Capture Det. ; w/z f Vegetatio n /l/c-**' _ Shore _ /^^e/t 3L I IO » */- /£ 62- Y £//J7Tsw£>#T# Date ^ A ^ £ Z- _ Co.& State Mo r tf*:'9-y ., &#-. jOC.. Mj dreet , txJOS At. dst. ™ . . - . " ~ ~ . ^ • a t -ys? ^Zc7?‘/f Flow Ju^y ■££ . idth ^ Depth _pH Temp. bottom 'A^ocA, /y) * /v , \£^r cr^> Shore \P// ^5 Fra/nM Pra^d /0o rl-*f fcas# ? fa tffc***** ' i ' rs - \^> v'X r no * y~/£f Date Co.& State U31-4 1 TF>e^J> (2o. . _ .iOCa ?• / /*?' s ^ ;/ ,WN' rU-j L- • gcL-. ft"y ■ ) T • ''' v :« 3 l. TtirV)id . •. idth L D ep th 3o " f bottom iSsy?*// tzr/'tr H. Temp Air Temp.. Time vT Coll. iW/i^ 1/^/3 (f (SI cJII 2 9j $e £v ! w i cZA A.M 0 ^tiZXyy^i /'/dL& CfyL. / & , V r r * 1 ff Ls>Ml+StAAA l/rX&ultLJ K&*4l/i^*tuQ / / 1 i i. - „ j fl. 7 3 , ^ /*Zt.lcLtu^o //^ / i i tfLtt*4\jld A?^z- / ¥3 / *JV^ &4> ?-o r <=> t/ J~/ t ^4e y ; :.t t. ex*_ (! /fas .- idth 7 / Depth, AT ✓/* _Flov/ A?ps'/ e jpH_ Temp. _ bottom .ftiJL 7ege tat A on sia^e ^ tf&L Sh ore S*,l>')£ (3 /^i> Ite/wcr jL /L&J . V e a the r .sjs'/J • Capture \fc?*sre. _ Air Temp._ Time ^ Det • \Hti% I/V 31 Coll. 61 <*II x » $ $e 9y ir?i y , 7 J&- &ys>rJtr*A*jjQ Mai ’tiumamu/l, / / i r . F-zA 62 - // Date L _ Co.& State h//> *■*'■?* C’q. , , Faff rr£ -jOC a S,f s>7/ yP sC# fx/?/ £]4? /Vd 1 / A/.s. 4 f s, ^ .■'at er _ _Floy; J 1 c^j ' -ftf, • icth ^ ^ _Depth *2 ^ _pH_ Temp. 7\ 0 tt om_ s*7F Date_ ^~ /7~ Co.& State y4cQ. ■: 0o V- nu-) /-//}-/yj/jA/J) f f - ,fi • ZJL £Ll. i^L jcJ. ^'••r. // / ^/e gb Jy /694 -gfr . ; at-3X'*_ . lath /7 tpHerscu j ^/r .'o Air Temp., V ea the r &£/ / "7 ✓>? * *J~ Cfc.c.Jzso„ - /f#/d ■ /*^ce £>si <& ! q tsr ^ /ot s _ . idth Jo ' _ Dept h ^ Flow J"4yg/f4 */ ja. Temp Hottom *SV/^. &r**/eL. /egetation_ Shore fO/sP/'r.sz^ X.t'rS&Jevrafsa £L *■ 1 e a the r C?f&s"c*jf. ^ Capture Det Air Temp* ^/vr Time /'Tf >==^^^, Coll. ctf tfll $ 9e 9y U&MnA*-4AMt0 JkUm / V ’ ✓ Date tjZzlA Co.& Sta-te ^r/cjov /9£fl. Z/fA/f£*>*■. _ joc» /.0. // M J&e. So f JF& 7/ o~ M PA 7 a / V'a t $? J7 Titf^rd _Flow QXgyS~/. Pit 7/ ^ 0* vT^ _ 6k a /-" > idth ^' _Depths D ot/Om fioc^L, . /*'&£ 1 / 7ege tati on (Sr'a^^ sn i bhor e ^ y ^ Weathe r /O^/iras/. sn/^/ Capture dk/'/iz. Det • Flow ^ pH_Temp*_ Air Temp., Time /& ■ „'o« V-/762- ^ _ Date _ ^co7s/s€>eo Co*& State ? J AS /c7. c? \f~ cL u J Flow ‘v/idt h Ar / Depth V V- pH Temp B ottom Grnx*j. Alu * J°C « /??/ 7^ /<c/L S' j '. Jcr^ cgy r<3ajjC . sn / ^ O'! S&a Vw- <• ‘ .• idth J 7 / cz ■ -■'■—■■' i ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■-. ■ '/V ge tati on c M**a>4 • / 7 & _ - — . -- ., — — -^- Cf) C> c A#*k*AMA & Clttu* (&A*\f J i / ■■■“■ ■-■ V ^// ^ [f Ra^e-i 1f8 O. s^M‘< s? Mdjr ri Ho, y-/7J?- S> Date r £/< J. 7&. ,-;, 1 31 C*_ vT/ 72<,r <^( F low -£Ytc<2?Af4 - .. idth_ ^ 7 Dept h 3Z)'* _t H Temp*. "■ OttOfll (^Tac/e ^ ) ^ f/c- Vege tati on s?as?te Air Temp._ Time ^ Det. Coll. dfl rfll j. • $ «?j Se $y ■\ / / z „ 7 y*^* f XjtASi. cTAltal** i 2. < * _ T' / 3 b V- /■&£-/ Date V - rfr//£*/* Co*& State jOC ^ ? />//' -/^erts £r* £/. s. 72 .•'at e:c\ ..idth dT/f / ]&( . FlOVJ /)r 6 /o ' Depth_ ✓ t pH Temp Bottom Jr?e^/sas?si r.-z? fqs&ss- //’/^ 5h or e /,/^u,sW <2 ST7a £- W e a the r . ^gy/^Tt Air Temp._ Time ^ 3 ^ L ^r Capture Det • /s 57vV 61 rfll x • $ IfaJUdi^o ( : %LlCfrl t) .22. ■ /Z " ¥ / &L*vU>rtteLsO $ 1 ^) V / 6 d2dst*1U&to!/s k at" pH. Temp Vegetation_ Shore i/*//x jt/f <£*'04! 0*1 d&s*. ~r T Air Temp., Weather T Capture Det '/&<£<. Z^Cf bJzc r/v Time SI <311 JL • $ *3 aj $e sy / Jb - ^"v 11 1 / Jo* Y-/s <£z- -3 Date 3 VS - 6z r o&S/est// jl£ e Co.& State iOC. /-5 / // ,'ef7 c . A/a. Pa 7 f' 3. S. 7X. 5 ■Z. o J^/. Apy^e 7- S7?/' id 3\ 31 Si CA ST* & // 7" 7 ? E > Y i -V '* ' / idth_ / T _Depth, Ae/jr o/ Acttom /3 ro cl r&c A (Z // _Flov; e f /ot &

Cs Sh or e O e ?'< 07 er* s-uj m *✓ /te/^ 7^ 7^ -T I 1 ^/y * r f-ra.one tf- fJ. ^T~ F'ra rH£ <& ? e^ 7 jy> ( fc Otfufu,! - k Xi4^) 0 O-&4ly c*Jo/fy ~ -£r j)‘faljujl ' ( ‘ c 'fcc.vuilo ro sols CTv. zJ+eelc J } ui/ecc; Us A ^ ^ Mo 4 -f8cz- 4 Date 4-/8-6Z r v 'Lce Co.& State ^ Co. /}iA -*°g•_ Fuesr Ceec*. £-8 _ Y. i^ii ,K/ YVk .-?r>7 / /-/■•"■. 7Z “ 7 “ & Air Temp., Weather tP< 6t/7/7C1, fuJ & r S*f Time / °/&* r Capture c\>//? g . Yv Date & Co*& State D^z-e .<$*-<9. ,00 j 7 ' S ST?/ A^- ; *l ^^ /R/^r. /o /• lzL <>P X ' s? . ;*?/<%. Q/j^v PlS/n/pr. 1 ■ "" v f r / } at-y.C m idth S'- 'Tcs'P'cj. / 2 ' Depth 3C " A _F1ow_^22 <^ Lu^hL j?H_Temp*_ Bottom S^c^U Vegetation Me roc-L Shore Wea the r , c OTinUkw, O & jjJSLz-£. xJo Date ^ /S62 ^/AJ . iQC> /& s»* % a//T 7^ypy7. -s^/Z? *S~7^ /e idt h / 2' Depth 6 " p H_ Temp*_ Bottom / Sr<* A&reA. ror/c, Vege tati o n ■ Iiore &/S>e*si /J re _ Air Temp*_ Weather , /^/a Time ^ Capture. J&/ *tc , >, V-7 Date V*~ Co.& State Tt/zl^s Qg. Tk^L -iOC . 2-4 />?/ E 1 A4*' /lor 7j o*> ^ 2 ?^ s&^jl^£/k ;''at 3X\ ■lidth /"■ Flow /Ua A7 Capture }\q*cLs Det i dl <*XI X * $ *3 93 $e 8y (Da AjjAlAl&uA) /YUftU/Qs V 2 z 4^ •/- /s ujar™ Air Temp._ Time ^ . Capture t Z •■ " / ( *7irF) ' ^ •*■»> *** . ftfsdctcj s>? t'ruj a/6'/)0 /si Se^ara^e 6&££/£, fyeX* 5 Frawe- F / — r. ywrusl I t/ ■ L/ lS J o, ^ ? Date - Sz. Co*& State ^vx^ir , /^/u jOCj /* Capture tlg^/ftz, Det. mas li‘lftL <* I . d&tt+O /Ja^As X, ¥ 5 /QbC&Mch As*uictuQ l SjJLy^C) s / , z. / * r 0 o -y- 2-/0 Date V- /S ' £ z M- /3 orjt Co*& State jLfsscoA/j Co ~&ajs' /• A7 /' /V^ A.* /} €o/-yt ~ &//?& Oo 04 *'l* i /'WGL o^i It- a. 6 4 _ : _ Wat ar. '..•idth / LA,/ h' A 6 ' Depth, £ t' _Flov; f)? o jpH_ Temp._ Bottom, ^ocJr, srn^Jf ( •M L 7e ge ta t i on_ a _ Tyft Sh or* e 0?^ /^-c ^ t ,r n ,n si > vi7 . .Air Temp Time ^ °/ / / ? 't /f Capture ftknj, S c r up. _ m dm re/? Date */-/?&%, C o. & Sta te 2os/ r f£_ (7o . . 7trAjw oc jut « 7 & />7j' M&sy1 Z^UZj/zf (277. JV; /{B4 v5~ci" - U. S. y / yS g 7 ^ rk.rrsi t^-sri &<2S&aC kS' ci C-t. /l ocx/i £ / /‘ctfirct (2see 7 2 cJ)/ r aifi£Z?C l/ _ a 1 2 i\ idth 2'22/, / a r- 2 >/cA. FlOV; v-T Tzc 's>- e-£m / /f/rt s^S~ bhor e (P^e^r/t ^ a ^ j^ <=> ^nesus We a the r u am Air Temp._ 0 ifyry* Time o /v9/w Capture Mc-W, &■* ) / i —i r .,’o„ y-/7£S- Z Date , A/ U)d rrer) Co.& State 7t jOC. /^ft/i> 7-7 ^' /V ^ SW? Atf* Tt/siZ/e on £/*J. 7 Q cA jt^ ^^6 - 7 --—r- 7ege tati on ^^6 _ Sh or e ^ ' t (d7 / 0 *7 /) u •£>? V Q- & ^ V~<^' /£, (/ /"~

H__Temp._ ‘ :idth /o-/J~ Depth < 9 -/o „ _ -—- * -- -—;- ' ---^c/ c B c tt o m 1/<2 / - 5 //if /* ~>oaU, pfo? Vegetation / 9&+&-e - S'o^e

^ 4 -*^'i'iA 3 1 v~rft 5 T / - -- ., ----- ! £ /cs 'ftofl FT^r^e. 5 fYa-O^e. JO do^f* /£?/- - ( r?a *" d'-'i-f-ost) E w ft iAaJ d Co. Te*/ a> jOC» C .<5 ryi ; /r dukHe. - berl 4 fij. g g, 6 >\e H'S^IOS. &/)/ i/c^3 C/ccaj) /T 7 .'M Time 2 . Capture Det. Coll. w. * t//' <2 *tJ/>zc2 / >y/^/^cD <£^ Jo. Date Co.& State CuwAe/eL/ifijD do- . 7^/u/o jOCo s>7'’ W~ /g,^ &-S. 7 f S’ s>7 0 +i tf * £ / 2.7 —/ 7~cuf r &*d. * v >. v. ^ -A. ' * .idth Depth ^ ^ dH Temp« bottom ^ q/' £,'*rJ^ Air Temo. Weather <&as?/?u J Cd# rw ■ Time ^ 5^*?. , 7^- Capture Det dll $ Sj $e $y i 1 i A- Cj)^L Cj ya^L^x cL^a_ /l^tx.^AA' r r* i - Date Y- /?- 6 z (?£&££ c// < /- F Co .& State Cs/r/ez. ^d O *.. ,oc • 'Scorr /jr x^. ^ . -t ,. (?^s^^///e c ->t 4^ j: /;2 7' . 7 ^' S to &£*?& '/P/isS/e r .•at ar J/ /cor 6 /'*t- ‘. idth_£$._Depth, // _Flow z 4 ^ j?H_ Temp*_ B o 11o m /Gp^/t, i/g / /" Vegeta ti on Sl^P/fe Shore f ^s’tf&i *?, A. 7?., & / ?* 1 * Air Temp*. Ve a the r Fy s? sus . t^'stth, /&, /zt 'Time, ~ 7 * Capture SeSne Det. Coll* tfl tfll $ 43 aj $e £y 1 ^ < 3 sW ? Yos y^-OfsQ /: ■ >■*:* / / / !Ai^A *-■ <1 .. x 2 5 3 / y -7- 1e 0 w F~ra.ro fi. U - Fra^voL IX 1 ?o\\ F t F* c clv sa j&. V <^X C?^r r £>s + ram V xlr\oniy £j«-0 Sta>wA teoc-Vo*^ LA°<^ 5 Uo rt~ rOS’Vn^ro Date _ Co.& State dp, TZW */ no. 't'-/962-7_ />ms "/£/.£_ -.pc. 7/ ZZ smS /y d^/ST^ &'S, ?g jf S. S3-7 gv> /2-7, 7 Ze _Depth. a s dorsad. 0 . 3 *>. (usar ^/a^s ?T« v 2 - _8 A f £.£ Date_ ». . Co*& State ^7 £y Mfla'fiSA/fi-FEMrxp j T c „ joc• Co*nftE/e±/9*7/? ^^ Date */- _ i Co.& State / er fA/ 71 f > £'S'S Co. Te*Aj V/ //--S. / J*/. PU *5f.A?/e & 2 - .._ Un si & />, A <* rrJ. a red. ro7€L*iy /<# m/? /** c£*. c ? _ Vegetatio n A/a^j^ __ Shore _ZT/€~*~ P/’-vutt, Q/t^/do-t Ju+cj'ioera-t < pf<^r ~b-t s t 7~s<*•?&- /f^/Wa. Air Temp._ Weather c*j;*uL*. s»>‘fa Capture /-/a«<£, _ Time So &Z~ 3 Date. //VA/rS ts/^JL & Co«& State Sco-r-r <* (?A. f \5oc Watar^ / 4 , 4 /- . idth ^ * Depth '' _FlCW (2qfC.<2j( * '*<; p H Temp*_ Bottom /egetation AJ/O^e, Shore A • rSo je+tJr** _-. Cm /-.a, trfc7 .., ff ^—■' « '> Air Temp., Weather ^>y/fc/ Time/jf^^2L Capture A/p. C?x ^ fOOJ Voter c(es Ho. V- 2-062 - ^ Date .2 0* <9- ? -<£"* 7^ry r /fe <5 /C7^ £ b? / • (9 /c> 6 ~A~ /~qs£* C V-Tcd c* /zX /-bs~£ J>«) 5" yj 5 Ca*rx bt^40t CaA,6£vrM4 A'U-c/^r*-' l (2^ £<2 nc>/r 'Mc^ 5 r Oo/os- £/c//s A r s '% '<e• *? s>7 ' 2?. 2/ii.rr/l (S,//e J /' SlYr. jt &e// (3? _ cm U*=£, 3/. ^~Ve. 63 . 7^6 h. Ccn/a Ck . (+}-£^\yKJLM*4-£jLs 7?r . -V.** . iath M Z^JsAi + £ r Flow >^/u ■?-i/.f 4. Depth a Temp 0ttcm c/£ . or. <7 r'Vsr ^/. - ;* - > - - Vegetation bh or e /3/Vtjs/zw /.//■/<;) */&**<*/s'# *7 leather »P ufas*** £ir Temp Time *' / 7/ > sts. Capture Det«_Coll. / 7 t- y 7e fetation A/e/te Shore '*7 oc jT Sco t*i be// ^o. Lint* £>* iv ^ «r Depth. Jft Temp. Botto m ^gc&o, bed/bck ; #,r<* 4 TT£ Co.& State do /Fvd jQCi -^as /<*? /^gxxg rr/g . f* *£ /»?/ A/. F. ;<■ < &■ r. *S(V / J/. Pu £>3 6*f S/. £ 3 Tr* 6. 7^9 (?o*re £&/(:& at 2:0 _ /ccs~£>'e(L- idt h Flow vT/fct 5 " •T Qt&^rk4-UAsJ^--' &ZUJ?lX(A<> ' / ---=7*” (^r7v^W<^a' <2 cdr^iF • / / -/ ()- k 6c uxdtr r°c/£^ £b rei (So/i & £ F r*n*e p £ &" rusP&ui -facets (?) O (t^y-r C-C\yy~^, /Uy^Vi^/yy\_ ) 'JlsPt >.c^4 G't^n^y'ryl /y, /F _s (..f^vJcL#U ;Tdj Date V- 20 - 6 *- _ Co.& State . Tf/j/u 2 - j? P'oxAe rr& j°C• /k'/9>'MaoX> &£/)Ai€tS' & J? sr?t rn/-jz^t4sc /Tn^yi^T^o JL / / <^ 0 U ■$(* xyarKA # 7 3, /ortgujul /oy/rajAr/s c/ 0< ^ " " Ui. t/ /v ?/*?✓.// & ^4 S* <2 ^ 0,^3/*?/* »S~ £>*? u *? si« nt £>p r& <£> J / 1 > 4«2£*/ 7 ? ^>, ftft6tftyUL4A& / 3 . & 1 _!- 1 1 Q2?4- — cvT^ftto) 3* 3 // ft CrA r ^ Q.-'I C. ft^Zl <^L/6^C r ;o. jOC c -**/■ • ' 2 £>£>''' a at •?x‘ ~7~6/ / l> / ^?C. _ Da~te_>_ Co.& State. S&A. , -- £/ , v7 _ ' 1 __ cj£, S rf£. ' :: ttcin_ Vegetation bhor e ^ ^ c/ _ _ - ■7- pH_Temp. bf/cb* _Mr Temp. Weather Capture X 2— /-m t'A. ■ f • ■ ■• ' ■ ■ ■ 'Time_i r Det. __ _ _Coll. dT C?II $ _ jOC> //* & s>7' / c7^' &. S 4% \f~ xjr >T ^* vf // ^ £/Vv>^ ^ 7~— __Air Temp*. Veather *SC**'? & v FlOV/ /'*&:/< V / -v Depth .pH Temp Bottom ^. gy/^ &r / Vegetation *Jf>/ v _ Shore ^ ■ ~ - _ ■ ■ ■ ! • V'eathe: S" t — isuO r s> / Mr Temp._ i o Time Ci lapture. 'w: . ^ Det Coll. dl tfll $ 2 3 ^ u $e 9 y j /< f? /'C*. ~ /<9 1 i i .,1 l ] ! IC^cto Ilo /%A*j lb J ^ 'j£*=> CLf^£. > r no . nez-'S' Date V-2/- tz. r i ■ %!' Co.& State Cl/os &t>, r A^M^ K r* _.oc • *?- 3 ^ 1 /o r 0 h £ t 0,2. _ Y// 'a a d. i LLlA ~ :t ’tZa JJ’.lL . A^V- __ r - - k. “J ^ /' ~Tt<- r !?• . idth__2I_Depth 36 " _Flow rff±djt£gjb j?H_ Temp*_ Bottom n Be/ rp c £ P-jk r k «r rapt ( .' £9'tat:, on /-4r _ JC Shore i'^uPiPu* Acer. vS<* ■ o. \ J eathe: A QAl'f Sly 4±/a r~s>t Caoture JW Air Temp._ Time, £ZZu //VH _ r Det*_Coll. . ^ - £ Date r 2 0 £ e ci u ,* | (e Co.& State ^JL1i£a- lOC pxzjle. /±n\o££ C&/LEJ& — u nn, 7 XL ,eA„ (U> JLa ui-- _ ■■ . Weather vB C< r) ** Cj .Air Temp._ Time Capture_ ${*/?)& r ^ <**+ - V.- *J * Coll. //%_ 11 LjoLi ^ liXtiniA, rcuJaPfcjx? /.W/ I /^33 0<2^> /PP-AjrJuoTrAAt'ltikv) ! IU Pi 1 / /Q)u^-f-Cctu fu^PhuM bunpv -pH P1L cJI & I rfll PL s 3 <*j 9.1 A i $e iL / / / _? bo ~l/ &i > /CaIL Hf= C* £\(XAJ) (7) @ 2 d+Xr 53 T^ZWOttit-p& O.r. /or* H « ;o 4-ZI61-7 Date 4' Skier* Co.& State IrlArttotL to. "lend iOC. £.*/ /Hi' A/£ C/c/t On- l^JL Q'T vK ^ b’, h. ... r. + .'»•!■• - • v- - **• '.idth c>h 'Turk, AL Flow t/faodp f Depth pH. Temp Dottorn_ , Q f&'O & Vegetation _ Shore_ £Lt4c^ _ Air Temp.. Weather u ^ Capture^. Det Ia\ A /v*\ Time , -fahtfcL‘ifc ^ Q 6-Ost, ^yyutjL Jo, 4 ■ 7-/^ % - 8 Date 3aJE^I) \!) L L f' Co.& State £4 c/< (Zo ,. ^ /u/0 .oc /. / /^y sl/? ^ &e 39 'at yc Sf• "ITurbidL . idth_ /<3 S Depth, Flow vJ /cttffc?/ S' t{ 3& rs pH. Temp B c tto m 'S&^t csC <2 / £L) fat Vegetation e££L hare <3f?£^c 2 ? 4 Jfb n£ Air Temp v Veather S*u *1 sto &)<& ^y*Xf Capture, <$£//&/ Time yr&Zf/tf Det Coll. j J ij ). $ 7 3i5C^lJ-iL4J+ / 2^ f ) LI }$f - I f ^Ho Q^^Ltc£c ^ts*4wJoO H G 2- JL KVce-s <0 . (o K>7 / v5~ . /£» J ,oc 7 ^ u S// /C A- #3, / n L Vat ay SV. ~ (Po//« A>J?) _Flow_ \/idth _Depth_ <9 pH Temp TVettom__ 1-9 e. ro c £ cu^<-A , f ^ I Vegetation Afg ^ju ok r Shore_ ■’ '/ ' _ , 1 ■ • * 1 ■ •-' -■ ■ _ /' ' • <■'' e a the r vV : .V ' /, Osl i > . apture_ kQJ ^ _ _ Air Temp._ Time ^P W n y'. 2 - / z. Date _ Co.& State Ca T e*j „0C <3 S>? /' >5*. ^ a < ■£ - /Ytl-cd iLf'* S d* / < L-tC. OtA SV. % /*' 6 C /* ><* ^ / * a t tclth OV ^ a S o t tt Flow /d Depths ZjL *r pH Temp I > 0 11 Om Og2^<-^C j i Ye ta t i on • ; a »cc _ Shore.. /)/Z^Z J. r , jt'r/Q Q.( v — Veathe Capture. er vt C4. *1 + _ Air Temp -p . > , T ime 6> Det o Coll* dl <*II L 9 L c?j / 9j 2e z *y 1 O Hr^ df^/juuo ^Aj7->u.i tuuzrfoj Z Mileage 6166.2 6770.6 6849U 68501*5 6853.1 6859.5 6901.0 6902.4 6908.2 6913.3 6926.8 6y27.4 . 6931.4 6932.0 6937.3 6940.1 6956.7 6957.2 6957.8 6962.0 6968.2 69 87 *’3 6999.0 7007.4 7014.3 7016.9 MILEA : E UF FIELD TRIP 13 April, 1962 - 22 April, 1962. jLOcr tion 4-1362-1, Grover, Cleveland Co., N. C. So. Carolina - No. Carolina State line Easley, S. C., go N on St. Rte. 135. 4-1462-1, Easley, Pickens Co., S. C. Jet. St. Rte. 135 - St. Rte. 183, go S on Rte. 183 4-1462-3 , Easley, iEick 9 .nsi. C 0 .,' f SleC. Go N on unnumbered surfaced road. 4-1462-3, Falls Bridge, Greenville Co., S. C. 4-1462-4, Seneca, Oconee Co., S. C. Seneca, S. C. Richlands, S. C. Westminster, jet. U. S. 123 and U. S. 76, go NW on 76. Long Creek, ^>. C. 4-1462-5, Long Creek, Oconee Co., S. C. Ga.- S. C. State line, enter Ga. 4-1462-6, Clayton, Rabun Co., Ga 4-1462-7, Clayton, Rabun Co. , Ga Cl 'yton, Ga. 4-1462-8, Habersham Co.(?), Ga. Tox-ms Co., line 4-1462-9, Towns Co., Ga. 4-1462-10 Hiwessee, Ga. Blairsville, Ga. Union-F a nnin Co. line, enter Fannin Co. 3 organton, Ga. Blue Ridge Ga., go NW on St. Rte. 5. 4-1562-1, Buie Ridge, Fannin Co. Ga. 4 Page 2. 7040.0 9646.9 7061.2 7070.5 7078.1 7131.4 7134.7 7142.0 7147.2 7147.8 7153*5 7156.9 7160.7 7166.5 7170.4 7171.9 7174.5 7188.4 7193.0 7193.6 7200.7 7202.0 a 7205.3 7209.1 7218.2 7224*1 K. Simonds joins here 4-1562-2, Epworth, Fannin Go., Ga<>, in town. Tenn.-EF. G. State line, enter EF. G. E on U. S. 64. 4-1562-3, Murphy, Cherokee ^o., S'. G. Murphy, HT. G. at jet. U.S* 129-64-19, go NE on 19. Marble, N. C., going SW. 4-1562-4, Marble, Cherokee Co., ET. G. Return to Blue ^idge, Ga., leave Simonds at Epwoitth Blue Ridge Ga., ga SW on U^. S. 76. Gilmer r Fannin Go. line, enter Gilmer Go. 4-1662-1, Maxwell, Gilmer Go., Ga. Ellijay, Ga. 4-1662-2 4-1662-3, Ellijay, Gilmer Go., Ga. 4-1662-4, Ellijay, Gilmer Go., Gz . Murray-Gilmer Go. line, enter Murray Co. 4G1662-5, Murray Go. Ga. 4-1662-6, Chattsworth, Murray Go., Ga. 4-1662-7, Chattsworth, Murray Go., Ga. Chattsworth, Ga. Dalton, Whitfield Co., Ga. at jet. U. S. 41, go NW on US 76. 4-1662-8, Dalton Whitfield Go., Ga. Jet. U.S.. 76 and St. R£e 201, go SW on R£e. 201, Rocky Face, Ga 4-1662-9, Rocky Face, Whitfield Go., Ga. Whitfield-Walker Go. line, enter Walker Go. Jet. St. RTe 201-St. Rt§. 143, go W on Rte. 143. 4-1662-10, Villanow, Walker Go. Ga. Jet. St. R^e. 143-U.S. 27, go S on U.S. 27. 4-&662-11* Walker Go., Ga. Page 3. 7226*8 Ghatooga-Walker Go. line, enter Ghatooga Co. 7260*5 Jet. St. Rte. 40-U.S:. ll, go W on 40j Hammondville. Ala 7266-.3 4-1762-1, Hammondville, De Kalb,Go., Ala. 7269*8 Jet S^. RTe. 75-St. Rte. 40, go W on 40. 7271*3 Jackson-De Kallib Go. line, enter SW into Jackson Go. rs $ 7276*0 4-1761-2, Henagar, Jackson Co.,-Ala. 7278*0 Jet. St. Rte. 71-St. Rte. 40, go NE St. Rte 71. 7286*0 4-1762-3 (the only valid milage is to next point.) 7287*0 Jet. St. Rte. 71- St. RTE. 40, go Sw on 40. 7289*5 4-1762-4, - 7294*7 Tennessee River on St. Rte. 35* go Nw, Ri’e 40 ends .. 7298*4 Jet.- St. Rte.. 35-U.S.72, go W on 72. 7300*4 4-1762.5, Scofcsboro, Jackson Go., Ala. 7308 o fl 7 Jet.- U.3. 72-Go. Rd. *11, go N Go. 11. 7309.'3 4-1762-6, Scotfesboro, Jackson Go., Ala. on E fork of Rd 7309;4 Return to W fork of Rd., go W Co. 11 (Old U.S.72) ■ 7312;9 4-1762-7,- Scottsboro, Jackson Go., Ala. 7317.1 Jet. US 72-Go. Rd. 11, Woodville, Ala. 7322.-6 Paint Rock, Ala.. - 7327.-0 Gurley, Ala. . . 7328.2 Jet* unnumbered, surfaced road, go S on Rd. 7328.4 4-1762-8, Gurley, Madison Go., Ala* 7329;4 Return to US 72 at point of departure, go W. 7342.9 Jet. US 72-US 431-231, H u ntsville , Ala. 7355;8 Hadison-Limestone Go. line, entdr Himestone Go. 7366.'2 Jet; US 31- US 72 7368;8 Athens, Ala.. 7372.4 4-1762-9, Athens, Limestone Go., Ala. 7373;7 4-1762-10, Athens, Limestone Go., Ala. 7391'©0 Asthens, Ala. (4-18-62) pa^e 4. 3P395.9 4-1862-1, same creek a s 4-1762-10; on US 72- 7396.3 Return to US-72 from-side road, go W. 7406.8 i»auderdale- Limestone Co. line, enter Lauderdale Co* 7407.4 fc 4-1 862-r2 ... 7410.8 Rogersville, Ala.,.go N on St. RTE 207. 741263 Go W on unnumbered, surfaced Rd. 7414.3 Go N on dirt.rfif. ... 7414.3 4-1862-3 7414.9 4-1862-4 7416.0 Reenter St- Rte. 207, go S R^e 207. 7418.8 Jet. St. Rte. 207- US-72, go W. US 72. 7424.7 Jet. US-72- St. R'4. 101, go N Rte 101. 7432.5 4-l862r?5 , Lexington, Luaderdale Co.,-Ala. 7433§.6 Jet. St. -Rte. 101-S‘i. Rte 64, go E R'-fe 64. 7441,9 Jet. St.RTe 64-St. Rte 207, go Non 207. 7443.6 Tenn.-Ala. State line, -enter Tenn. on Tenn. Rte 11. 7444.6 4-1862.6, M^nor Hill, Giles Go., -Tenn. - 7449.7 Minor Hill f Tenn..- 7452.1 4-1862-7, Giles-Go., Tenn. 7457„2 4-1862-^8, Goodspring, Giles Go., Tenn. 7462.3 Jet. St. Rte. 11- US 64,. go E on 64, Pulaski, Tenn. 7467.2 4-1862-9, Pulaski, Giles Go., T e nn. 7476.2 Giles-Lincoln Go. line, enter Lincoln Go. 7477.9 4-1862-10, McBurg, Lincoln Go., Tenn. * 7493.7 F^ye t tevil1e, Tenn. 7536.2 Jet- St. RTe. 55-US 41, go NE on 55, Manchester, Tehn. 7543.8 Go S on unnumbered, surfaced road. 7544 .0 4-J.962-1 7544 .4 Return to Rte. 55, go NE on 55. * pmm//// . Page 5. ■»- 7555o6 Smartt, Tenn . . 7560.1 Jet. St. Rte. 55-US 702T, go .NE on 70S, McMinnville , Tenn 7561.2 Jet. U& 70S- St. Rte» 56, go NE 70S 7568.9 4-1962-2, McMinnville, Coffee Co., Tenn* 7575.6 Caney Fork, Coffee-White Co. line, enter White Co. 7589«8 Calfkiller Riv., Sparta, Tgnn,,go E on US 70S. 7605.5 White-Cumberland Co. line, enter Cumberland Co. 7607.4 Go s on unnumbered, gravel road. 7607.5 4-1962-3, Pleasant Hill., Cumberland Co., T G nn. 7607.6 Return to US70S, go-E. 7610.2 4-1962-4, 7617.3 Jet. US70S-US 7ON, Crossville , Tenn., go E US 70. 7618.8 Jet. US 70-US 127, go S. US 127. 7627.0 4-1962-5, Crossville. Cumberland Co., Tenn,. go N\> on US2?27 7637.6 Jet.' US 127-US-' 70, go N 127. 7644.6 4-1962-6, Crossville, Cumberland Co., Tenn. 7648.8- 4-1962-7, Crossville,.Cumberland Co., Tenn. 7654.9 4-1962-8, Crossvilee, Cumberland Co., Tenn. 7654.9 Clear Creek f Cumberland-Fentress.Co. line, enter Fentress Co 7674 a 9 Jamestown, Fentress Co., Tenn. 7693;3 Jet. US 127-St. R A e 52, go W ©n 52. 7699 ;0 Go N unnumbered, surfaced road. 7699 i3 4-2062-1, Crab Creek, Jamestown, Fentress Co., Tenn. 7706.0 Jet. US 127- St. R-'-e 53, go E on 52. 7718.0 4-20/62-/2, Armathwaithe, Fentress Co., Tenn. 7721.3 Clear Fork, Fentress-Morgan Co. line. 7721-.6 Morgan-Scott Co. line, enter Morgan Co. 7730.8 Jet. St Rte. 52-US 27, go N on 27. \ 7733.0 Robbins, Scott Co. Tenn. 7737.7 New River, Tenn. ;/ 7 ? * Page 6. 7740.3 Jet. US 27-St. Rte 63, go E on Rte 63. 7743.1 Huntsville, Scott Go., Tenn. 7745.7 4-2062-3, Huntsville, Scott Go., Tenn. 7752.0 4-2062-4, 7755 Scott-Garapbeii. Go. line, enter Campbell Go. 7756.6 4-2062-5, Buckeye, Campbell Go., Tenn. 7760.2 4-2062-6, Buckeye, Campbell Go., Tenn. 7760.8 4-2062-7 7768.5 Jet- St. Rte. 63-US 25W, Ca^nrille, Tenn, go NE Rte. 6 7776.7 Jet. US 25W-S£o Rte. 63, uaFollette, Tenu., go NE Rte. 7778.1 4-2062-8, uaFollette, Claiborne Go., Tenn. 7789.1 Campbell-Claiborne Go. line, enter Claiborne Go. 7792.3 4-2062-9, uaFollette, Claiborne Go., T^un. 7809.0 Jet. St* Rfe • 63-US 25E, go N 25E. Enter side road W from US25E 7830.3 4-216211, Pineville, Bell Go., Ky. 7830.6 Return to US25E, go S. 7833.0 Pineville, Ky. 7834.1 Jet. US 25E- US 119,(go NE US 119. 7842.5 4-2162-2 7845.1 4-2162-3 7845.1 Return SW on US 119. 7846.4 Enter dirt road going E. 7847.6 Gross Cumberland River. 7B49.9 4-2162-4 Return to US 119, go SW. 7863,0 Jet. US 25E-US 119, go S on 25E. 7873.9, 1/ Middlesboro, Ky. 4 P?>ge 7. f 7882.4 7884.5 7884.7 7884.8 7 890..3 7895.7 7900.7 7905.7 7909.1 7917.8 7921.9 7929.-6 7931.2 7931.5 7932.3 7941.3 Powell River Go NW on unnumbered surfaced ro~d. 4-2162-5, Tazwell, Claiborne Co., Tenn. Return to US 25E, go SE. Tazwell, Tenn. Jet. US 25E- St. Rte 33, go NE Rte. 33. 4-2162-6 Claiborne-Hancock Co.^ine, enter Hancock Co. 4-2162-7, Sneedville, Hancock Co., Tenn. Sneedville, Tenn. 4-2162-8, Kyle f s Ford, jet. Sir. Rte. 33- St. Rte. 70, go SE Rte. 70. 4-2162-9 Hancock-Hawkins Co. line, enter Hawkins Co. 4-2162-10 Jet.. St. Ste. 70-St• Rte. 94, go S. Rte. 93 End of entries in journal foe trip 12 April, 1962 - 22 April, 1962. 7882.4 7884.5 7884.7 7884.8 7 890..3 7895.7 7900.7 7905.7 7909.1 7917.8 7921.9 7929.-6 7931.2 7931.5 7932.3 7941.3