LIBRARY OF I885_IQ56 HOMOPTERA INDICA. E. T. ATKINSON, B.A. : B.C.S. CA.3LCTJTT^. 1884—86. In compliance with current copyright law, the Etherington Conservation Center produced this replacement volume on paper that meets ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992R (1997) to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. H 2002 The papers inchided in this volume have appeared in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The first in Part II for 1884, the Becond, third and fourth in the Volume for 1885, and the remainder iu the Volume for 1886. In 1865 I was present at a meeting, the object of which was to place the study of our Indian fauna on a better footing. and to enlist the aid of all who cared for the subject in some organised scheme. After some discussion, it was resolved to divide the work amongst those who were tlien able to render assistance, so as to arrive at some definitive result within a reasonable time. Dr. Jerdon's works on the Mammals and Birds of India were near completion, and I undertook the Lepidoptera, and subsequently the compilation of a list of the Insecta which should roughly indicate the state of our knowledge and at least give references to books which would enable the student to know where he should go to when taking up an order. This proved to be a long and troublesome labour, for woi*king in the country, I had either to buy or borrow the works of reference and often had to wait a year for one that was essential. The list was completed in 1880 and published in 1882. Lepidoptera in the meantime had fallen into good hands, Messrs. Moore, Distant, Marshall and De Niceville ; there were specialists available for Coleoptera and Hymenoptera, Mr. Wood-Mason was engaged on Orthoptera and I took up the Bhynchota. The present volume is the result of an attempt to lay the foundation of an * Homoptera Indica' and to clear up the really forbidding synonymy of this group and make its study easier to those who care to undertake it. I soon found that to offer references only to works which are practically unprocurable in India could be of no possible use to the class for whom these papers are intended, and could not reasonably be expected to subserve in the slightest degree the objecfc in view, that is to enlist the labours of intelligent and competent observers iu thia exceedingly interesting investigation. I have therefore given so far as I can the original descriptious, however vague, leaving to a second edition when a sufficient number of each species is before me, the correct and full description which is so desirable. It would only lead to confusion were I to attempt to redescribe most of the species now enumerated without seeing the types. Our first work now is to collect and note carefully time and place of appearance and anything regarding the life- history that can be procured, and I have lifctle doubt that in a few years we sliall have some tangible results. Mr. Distant has kindly consented to work up our Cicadidoe, and in time I hope that others will take up other sections. The Homoptera make a very poor shovv in the Indian Museum, and require early and earnest attention. The Hemiptera are much better worked and are better represented whilst the Phytopl.thires have not a single specimen to represent them. Some effort is now being made to collect the scale-insects (Goccidcs) which are of great economic importance. The Lecanium coffece and nigrum that attack the coffee-trees and the white mealy scale (Dactylopius adonidum) which is such a pest in Ceylon belong to this group ; algo the Carteria lacca frora which is produced the lac and lac-dye of commerce. E. T. ATKINSON. 43 Park Street, Calcdtta. ISth May 1886. NOTES IIVDIAIV RIIYI\CIIOTA, No. 1. E. T. ATKINSON, B. A. \_llfpriided fniin the Jinvniiil of the Asiutic Societij, Beugal, Vol. LUI, Part II, No. 3, 1884.] CALCUTTA : rKlNTED (!V J. W. THOMAS, fJAl'TIST MISSION PRE.SS. 1885. NOTES ON INDIAN HHYNCnOTA. Unless where ex])rcssly stated to be descriptions, tlic iif)l,es jittaclied to eacli siiecies are mcrely intended as aids to identification ; and tlie measuremcnts of specimens not in tlie Indian Museum liave beeii coii- verted into millimetres from tlio measuremcnts of tlie sevcral authors. HOMOPTERA. FarailApCiCADiD^, Westwood, Introd. Mod. Class. lus. ii, 420 (1840). 0 Stndulanfia, Sfcal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 1 (1SG6). Ocelli three, placed ou the disc of tlie vertcx. Pronofum aiid mcsoiKjtum very lai'ge. Antenor coxjb prisinatic, oblong, inscrted in tlio anterior angles of the prostethiiim : intermediate aiid posterior coxae briefly subconical, somewhat contigiious, remote from the sidcs of the body. Anterior femora incrassated, vcry often spinose, tibire smooth. Tarsi 2 — 3 jointed. Abdomen in the males with an organ of sound on each sie scgmeuts marginally kiteous-pubesceut ; below, ceutral portion tawny, thickly pubesccnt. Opercula small, somewhat i-ouuded, wide apart. Lcgs con- eolorouK with body : posterior tibia? spiuosc, tarsi aud claws piceous. Tegmina, markiugs as iu $ , but basal half suffused with deep fulvous. Wiugs as iu ^ , but apical third aloue brown, hiubus hyaliuc, flaps fnlvous. Length body, 22^ ; exp. tegm. 75 ; of ouc tcgmcu Si ; breadth of pronotum 13 milHms. Hab. Sikkim, oue specimen ouly iu the Indian Muscum. 0 4. Plattpleura assamensis, n. sp. Sordid greeu, face very slightly convex, transvcrsely sulcatcd, witli a lougitudinal groove : a fascia extending from eye to eye through the base of the antenntC, black. Rostrum extends to third abdominal scg- ment, tip piceous. Markings above as in^lP. plialoinoides, Walker. Ab- doirucn piceous, each abdominal segmeut with a slight margiual fulvous pubescence. Opercula very small, wide aparfc piceous iu the j ; close too-ether, piceous and margined with slight tawny in the S . Basal half of tegmina, brown, witli irregular pale markings : a hyaline spofc in the third quarter of the radial area, a pale spot afc the base of the radial area and the 4 — 5 uluar areas. Apical half of the tegmina pale hj^aline ; a brown patch extcnding through the apical anastonioscs of the 1 — 3 ulnar areas : an iuner apical row of six broAvn spots, first two and last broadest, firsfc two confluenfc, middle sagifctate, last couttuent with fche dofc on the limbus : apical veins ending in six small obloug brown spots, beyond which in the limbus are six minute dots. Wings marked as in "' P. phalcenoides with which it is closely allied, bufc fchc body is mucli less robusfc, and smaller ; and fchere is a difference in the markings and colour of the tegmina. Lengfch body, 23| ; exp. fccgm., 09 ; of siugle fccgmcn, 30 ; breadth of fche pronotum 12, millims. 4 213 $ is sliglitly Kinaller, tegmen, 27 millims. Hau. Sibsagar uud Niiga Hills : S and V in Indian Museum. 05. Platypleura nicobarica, n. sp. Liglit (icliraceous, sliiuing. Face moderately couvex, transversely sulcatcd, witli a niediau longitudiual groove, au interrupted fascia ex- tendiug ivom eyo to eye, and a patch on eacli side of the base of the rostruni and aloug the first joint thereof, black. The rostrum exteuds Avell beyoud the posterior coxae, tip black. Eyes dull castaneous, pilose beliind. Vertex deeply grooved, the hollows, a small triangular patch below the ocelli, a narrow fascia from eye to eye through the ocelH,* aud a narrow short longitudiual line between the ocelli aud eyes, black. Pronotum furrowed, with a single, longitudinal, narrow, sliort, black line in the middle of the anterior margin, latei-al processes subtriangular and their external margins brown. The mesonotum with two triangular black spots, their bases resting on the anterior margin, and on each side a large distinct V- shaped mark, slightly interrupted on the iuner side, and two small round spots near the posterior margin. Segments of abdomen Wack, margined witli 3'ellow, above and below, sliglitly pubescent. Leo-s ochracoous, extremities of tibi® and claws brown-black, posterior tibiae spiuose. Opercuhx ochraceous, small, rounded, contiguous, having a black patch near the base of posterior coxae. Tegmina, basal half tawny with irregular brown markings iu the radial and 1 — 4 uhiar areas aud one in the costal membrane. The upper tliird of the third uhaar area and the apical areas hyahue, witli an ahnost obsolete series of minute dots at the end of each vein : wiugs ochraceous, apical third brown, Avith veius och- i-aceous, a discal streak to anal angle and two Hnes coufluent at tlie inner angle, brown. Length body, 24 : exp. tegmina, 75| of single tegmen 33 : breadth of the prouotum, 14| millims. Hab. Nicobar Islands : in Indian Museum. Q 6. Platypleura sphinx. Platyplcura spldnx, Walker, List. Hom. B. M. i, p. 13 (1850): Butler, Cist. Ent. p. 1S8 (1874.). Tegmiua whitisli, brownish-tawny towards the base and haviug else- where some irregukir pale-brown marks which here aud there include white spots. Body long 18 ; exp. teg. 43 millims. Reported from N. Bengal, N. India. ^ 7. PlATYPLEURA CffiLEBS. Plafypleura ca>lehii, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. 3rd Ser. i, p. 573 (18G3) : Butler, Cist. Ent. p. 188 (187-i). 5 214 AlHed id^rcpcilopsaltria capitata, Olivier, (Enc. Metli. v, p. 754) in regard to size, broadness of apical limbus, tegmina and wings. Body long 23 : exp. teg. 68 millims. Reported from N. India. , Ds. Plattpleura andamana. Platypleura andamana, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. 174 (1878). This species was described from a specimen procured from tlie An- daman islands. Body loug 22 : exp. teg. 84 millims. O 9. Plattpleura roepstorffii, n. sp. S . 9 . Brownisli tawny. Face gamboge colour, moderately convex, transversely sulcated, witb a brown longitudinal groove. Rostrum ex- tending almost to the posterior margin of the first abdominal segment, tip brown.Lcgs brown above, tawny below ; iihm sotoso, posterior pair spinose. Eyes bright castaneous, moderately promincnt, pilose bchind. Sccond Joint of antennro pale tawny. A fascia from eyc to cye, through the base of the antennce and frons, and anothcr through the ocelli, black. Pronotum grooved, witb an obtuse-angled black mark on middle of pos- terior border ; lateral processes subtriangular, anterior margin sHghtly brown. Mesonotum with two obconical spots extending backwards from anterior border and having between them a variable sagittate mark, two dots wide apart, near posterior border, and a very obscure mark situate on the outer side of each of the obconical spots, black. Abdominal Butures black, margined with luteous, pubescent ; anal segment below, luteous. Opercula very small, subelliptical, wride apart in the d* ; conti- guous, semi-roundcd, in the $ . Tegmina brown, opaque : basal third tinged vvith tawny, very apparent when stretchcd out ; two spots in the radial area (the basal extending into the costal membrane) and one in the fourth ulnar area, black, A patch in the middle of thc first uhiar area, extcndiug into the third, and one near the base of the third ulnar area, extending iuto the fourth, pale brown. Apical area pale brown ; veins adorned with oval marks, brown, with a centre of pale brown. External margin with a row of six subquadrangular brown spots, divided by oval pale brown spots. Wings fulvous tawny, disc and a band along the fore and external borders brown. Length of body, 24<| ; exp. tegm. 76| ; of one tegmen, 34 ; breadth of pronotura, 12 millims. Closely allied t(5)P. andamana, Distant. Hab. Andaman Islands. Several specimens are in the Indian Mu- Beum. (h.) With blacJc and lohite wings. ^IO. Plattpleura basialba. ^Oxiipleura hai^ialha, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 2G, (1850). Flatypleura hadalha, Butler, Cist. Ent. i, p. 191 (1874). Bndy long \9, exp. teg. 61 millims. Reportcd frora N. Bengal. 6 2U Oll. Platypleura nobilis. ^ Cicada nnlilis, Germar iii Thoii'8 Arcliiv, ii, fasc. 2, p. 9 (1830) ; in Silber- inann's Rev. Ent. ii, pt. 2, p. 82, (183-t). Q Cicada hemiptem, Guurin, Voyago Belanger Ind. Orient. p. 500 (1834). O Platijpleura semilucida, Walkcr, List Ilom. B. M. i. p. 20 (1850). Platijpleum nohiiis, Butlor, Cist. Eut. i, p. li^l (1874) ; Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii, (2), p. 38 (187t>)- ^ Reported from Java, Singapore, and Tenasserim : tliere is a specimen in tlie Iiidiau ]\IuseLim froni Tenasserim. As tliis is a typical species of tlie smaller mombers of tbis genus, I re-describe it, tbo original de- scrii)tion being practically unobtainable. Tawny. Faco tawuy, modeiutely convex, transversely sulcated with tbe furrows browu and a longitudiual groovo broadly black. Rostrum extendiug to tbe fourtb abdominal segment, tip piceous. Eyes dull castaueous, witb a narrow bhick fascia, extendiug from anterior margin around tbe base of tbe autennas. Vertex witb a brigbt tawny fascia ou anterior margin aud two minuto obcouical black marks, exteuding from posterior margin on eacb side of the ocelli, obsolete in some. Prono- tum tawny, furrowed, furrows black ; a line from the middle of tlie auterior border to the posterior border, black and quadrangularly expanded on the disc. Mesonotum fulvous brown, with two moderate obcouical black spots, extendiug backward from the fore border, midway between Avhich there is a discal line connected Avith a fascia on the hinder border also black. On the outer side of both the moderate obconical spots is a large obconical patch, black, and extending f rom the fore border almost to the hind border. The metanotum is bright tawny. The abdominal sutures are black, edged with fulvous, slightly pubesceut. Below, the fulvous margins of the abdominal segments alone appear. Opercula tawny, brown at tbe base, rounded, small, wide a])art. Legs tawuy, anterior and middle femora spotted browu, posterior tibii» spinose. Teg- mina, basal third tawny, with some irregular lighter markings : a hyaliue spot, at tbe apex of the radial area, just above a dark brown spot which extends into the costal membrane : a black spot in the ubiar space. Apical two-thirds of tegmina hyaline, with three minute brown spots on tbe apical anastomoses of the first and second ubrar areas, also a very minute brown spot on eacb side of the middle of tbe vein separating the second from tbe tbird apical area and the third from the fourtli ; six minute browu spots on the limbus. Basal two-thirds of the wings brown, with a discal streak extendiug to tbe anal angle, tawny ; apical third, h3'abne ; flaps tawuy Avith a brown line on tbe suture. Length body 16 ; uxj). teg. 40 ; length of one tegmen 24 ; breadth of prouotum 8 milbms. 7 21G OVariety, a. — Mavkings on face and pronotum morc clistinctly black. Tbe markings on tbe basal tbird of tbe tegmina arc morc distinctly pale forming a band of five spots extending from tbe costal mcmbrane tbrougb tlic ubiar areas. Tbe brown spots in tbe byalinc apical portion broader, tbe intcrnal apical row produced tbrougb tbe apical areas and tbe ex- ternal apical roAV of dots dupbcated. Tbe tawny discal sti^eak of tbe wings Avanting, flaps grey liyabne. From ]\Iunipur, ia Indian Muscum. Allied t(XFlaty2)leura insujnia, Distant. 012. Platypleura insignis. Platypleura insignis, Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii (2), p. 39, t. 2, f., 2 (1879). AlHed to tbe preccding, but tegmina and wings very distinct, tbe opaque portion being niucli less tban in tliat species. 13ody long 15 ; exp. teg. 45 milbms. Reported from Tenasserim and llindustan : a specimon from tbc formor locality is in tbo Indian Museum. (c.) With hJaclt, tvhite, and rcd xoings. ^ 13. PLATYrLEURA OCTOGUTTATA. QTettigonia octoguftata, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Suppl. p. 515 (1798) ; Syst. Rliyng. p. 39 (1803) ; Coqucbcrt, 111. Ins. i, p. 34, t. 9, f., 1 (1790). 0 Oxyinlcura sanguijiua, Walker, List Uom. B. M. i., p. 24 (1850) ; Ins. Sannd. Hom. p. 2 (1858). 'O Pwcilo-psaltria octoguttata, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitsclir. x, p. 1G8 (18GG) (re-doscribcd). Platypleura octoguttata, Butler, Cist. Ent. i, p. 192 (1874). Body long 27 : exp, teg. 80 millims. Reportcd from tbe Panjab, W. India, N. Bengal, S. India. Tbe Indian Musenm ]iossesses specimcns from Bcugal, Calcutta, and Sambbalpui* iu tbe Central Provinces. 014. Platypleura subrufa. ^Oxypleura suhrufa, Walker, List. Hom. B. M. i, p. 25 (1850). 0 Pwcilopsaltria capitata, Stal, Bcrl. Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 1G9 (1860), who joins togctlier ' suhrufa' and ' capitata' Olivier (Enc. Meth. v, p. 754, t. 112, f. 10), the former an Indian and the latter a Ceylon species. Thoy havo bocn separatcd again by Butler (Cist. Ent. i, p. 192) and should rcmain scparatc. Plntypleura suhrufa, Butler, Cist. Ent. i, p. 192 (1874). Body long 27 : exp. teg, 75 milUms, Reportcd from Coromandel aud ludia. (cZ.) With hlach, white, and hro^m wings. Ol5. Platypleura bufo. '^xypUura lufo, Walker, List Uom. B. M. i. p. 27 (1850). Platypleura hufo, Butler, Cist. Ent. i, p. 195 (1874). Body long 26 : exp. teg. 81 millims. Rcportcd from India. 8 217 QlG. PlATYPLEDUA CETIVINA. riatiipleura cervina, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. IG (1850) ? 3 Butler, C 3t • Eut. i, p. 108 (1871). (^Platijpletu-a strainiiica, Walker, 1. c. p. 17, ^. Body long 17 : cxp. teg. 50 millims. Roported from N. Bengal. ^cnus Tacua, Amyot & Sorvillo. Am. & Scrv., Uist. Nat. lua. Hem., p. 461 (1813) : Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 3. (18G6). o 17. Tacua speciosa, ^Tettiijonia speciosa, IUiger in Wied. Zool. Arcli. ii, 145, t. 2 ; Fabricias, Syst. IlUyn. p. 33 (1803). 0 Cicada indica, Donovan, Ins. Ind. Hem., t. 2, f. 3, (1800). O Cicada speciosa, Blanchard, Uist. Nat. Ina. iii, 165 ; Jlcm. t. 9 (1840-41). Tacua speciosa, Am. ct Serv., Uist. Nat. Ins. Uem. p. 4G2 (1843) ; Walker, Liat. Ilom. B. M. i, p. 46 (1850). J. A. S. Zool. i. p. 141 (1857). Eody long 55 millims. Reported from Java, Bengal (Donovan). C^Genus TosENA, Amj^ot & Serville. Am. & Scrv., Uist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 462 (1843) : Stal, Uem. Afric. iv. p. 3. (1866). OlS. -TOSENA MELANOPTERA. {y' Tosena 7)idanoptera, Wliite, A. & M. N. H.xvii,-p. 331 (1846) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 46 (1850). Body long GO : exp. teg. 142 millims. Reported fi'Om Sllliat, N. India. The Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sibsagar and Sikkim. 19. TOSENA MEARESIANA. '^Cicada mcaresiana, Wcstwood, Arc. Ent. i, p. 98, t. 25, f. 1 (1842). Tosena mrarcsiana, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. lus. Uom. p. 463 (1843) ; Walkcr, List llom. B. M. i, p. 46 (1850). Body long 44 : exp. teg. 130 millims. Reported from N. India. The Indian Maseum possesses specimens from Sikkim. 0 20. TOSENA ALBATA. Tosena alhata, Distant, Traus. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1878, p. 175. Body long 59 : exp. teg. 132 millims. Reported from N. India. ^ 21. TOSENA SPLENDIDA. Tosena splendida, Distant, Ent. Month. Mag. xv, p. 76 (1878). t Body long 47 : exp. teg. 124 millims. 9- Body long 49 ; exp. teg. 127. Rcportcd from Assam, Naga Hills, Khasiya Hills. The ludian Museum possesses d" and ? from the Lushai country. 218 Ocnus IIuEcnTS, Amyot & Scrvillc. Am. & Scrv., Ilisfc. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 4G4 (1843) : St,al, Uom. Afric. iv, p. 4 (ISGG). 022. HUECHTS PHILiEMATA. OTetfignnia pUlmmata, Fabricias, Syst. Eliyn. p. 42 (1803); Stoll, Cig. p. 53, t. 13, f. 62 (1788). ^Cicada philcrAnata, Germar in Thon's Arcliiv. ii, fasc. 2, p. 2G (1830) ; in Silbcr- mann's Eev. Ent. ii, p. 75, n. 52 (1834) ; Burmeistcr, Handb. Ent. ii, (i) p. 180 (1835). (JCicada sanguinea, Guerin, Voyage La Favorite, v, p. 155 (1839) ; Mag. Zool. p. 75 (1839). Huechys 'philcemata, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hcm. p. 4G5 (1843) ; Walkor, List Hom. B. M. i. p. 251 (1850). Gncrin (1. c.) iinitcs tliis species with tlio following and kccps OH. sampdnolenta, Fabr., wliich ho had not sccn, distinct, but hc is not followcd in this arrangcnicnt by later writers. Body above black with thc frons, two qnadrato patchcs on mcsothorax, and abdomen sangnineous : tegmina brown, wings cindcry-gi'ey and Bubh^-alinc. Body long 22 milliras. Reported from Philippine Islands, N. Bcngal, and Silhat. Tho Indian Museum possesses specimens from the Niiga Hills, N. India, and Tcnasserira. ^ 23. HUECHTS SANGUINEA. O Cicada sanguinea, De Geer, Ins. iii, 221, t. 33, f. 17 (1773) ; Gmclin Ed. Syst. Nat. i, 3, 2098 (1782) ; Wcstwood in Donovan's Ins. China, t. IG, f. 1 (1842). 0 Tcttigonia savgninolcnta, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. G81 (1775) ; Spcc. Ins. ii, p. 321 (1781) ; Mant. Ins. ii, p. 267 (1787) ; Ent. Syst. iv, p. 25 (1794) ; Syst. Rhyn, p. 42 (1803). (OCicada sanguinolcnta, OHvier, Enc. Meth. v, p. 756 (1790) ; Gcrmar in Thon's Archiv, ii, fasc. 2, p. 3 (1830), in Silbermann's Rcv. Ent. ii, p. 75 (1834) ; Blanchard, llist. Nat. Ins. iii, p. 1G5 (1840-41) ; Gucrin, Voyago La Favorito, v, p, 155, t. 45, f. 1 (1839) ; Mag. Zool. p. 76, t. 237, f. 1 (1839). -' Iluechys sanguinea, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 465 (1843) ;■ Walkcr, List Ilom. B. M. i, p. 251 (1850) ; J. L. S. Zool. i, p. 84 (1856) ; ibid., x, p. 95 (1867) : Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii, (2) p. 38 (1879). Guerin separates ^ sanguinolenta, Fabricius ' and unitcs ' jihilcemata' with ' sanguinea'.'^!. incarnata, Germar, Silb. Eev. Ent. ii, p. 75, (1834), and Brulld Hist. Nat. Ins'. Hem. ii, t! 3. f. 2, is probably only a variety ot II. sanguinca. Head, thorax, and feet black : frons, two grcat spots on the mcso- ihorax, and abdomen sanguineous : tegmina black : wings fuscous. Body long 18 ; exp. teg. 41| milliras. Reported frora India, Singapore, China, and the Eastcrn Arcliipc- lago. Speciraens exist in the Indian Muscuni from Sikkim, Sibsagar, Calcutta, and Tcnasserim. 10 219 ^24. IIUECIIYS TESTACEA. OTctfujonia testacea, Fabriciiis, Mant. Ins. ii p. 2G7 (1787) ; Ent. Byst. iv, p. 2-1 (179^) ; Syst. Kl.yn. p. 42 (1803) : Stoll, Cig. p. 41, t. 8, f. 41 (1788). ^Cicada testacea, Gmolin Ed. Syst. Nat. i, pt. 4, p. 2098 (1782); Olivior, Enc. M('th. V, p. 7oG, t. 113, f. 5 (1790) ; Germar in Thon's Archiv. ii, fasc. 2, p. 3^ (1830) ; (Jiuain, Voyago La Favorite, v, p. 155 (1839) ; Mag. Zool. p. 78 (1839). Uucchijs tcatacea, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. i, p, 252 (1850). The upper surface of tlie body witliout red marks : tegmina brown, only partly transparent : wings concolorous, veius black : abdomen san- guineous. Rej^orted from Coromandel. Q 25. HUECHTS PH^NICURA. ^ Cicada phwnicura, Gcrmar in Silbermaun'8 Rev. Eut. ii, p. 7G (1834) ; Guorin, Icon. du Rogno Animal, j). 78 (1830-34). Huechijs ■phmnicura, Walkcr, List Uom. B. M. i, p. 252 (1850). Black, entiro frons, mesothorax, and abdomen sanguineous ; tegmina and wings black ; sometimes frons black in the middle and thorax witli a black basal spot or band running thi-ough it, sides and small median spot red. Reported from India, Sikkim. 0 26. HuEcnYS transversa. Hnechys transversa, Walker, List Hom. B. M, Snppt. p. 40 (1858). Black : tegmina with costa and transverse veius red and a testa- ceous band. Body long 23 : exp, teg, 62 millims. lleported from Hindustan, 0 27, HUECHYS TnORACICA. Huechys thoracia, Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii, (2), p. 39, t. II, f, 3 (1879), Known by the red hour-glass-shaped fascia ou pronotum, Body lono- 19 : cxp. teg. 43 millims. Iveported from Tenasserim and Hindustan. (j 28. HUECHTS TRABEATA. OCicada traheata, Germar in Thon's Archiv, ii, fasc. 2, p. 3 (1830) : Gumn M'.cr Zool. p. 78 (1839). ' ■ °" Huechys traheata, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. i, p. 252 (1850). Body ferruginous, tegmina and wings fuscous with ferruginous veins. Body long, 20| millims ; tegmina broken at the ends. lleportcd from Java. There is a specimcn in the Indian Museum, locality unknown. 11 220 Ogchus SciEROrTERA, Stal. ncm. Afrio. iv, p. 4 (18GG). AlHccl i(f)Gwana : ulnar veins contigunns at thc basc or unitcd for a sliort distance ; hcad scarcely narrower tlian tlic basc of tlic tliorax ; auterior femora incrassated, spinose beneath. ^29. SCIEROPTERA CROCEA. €Cicada crocea, Gnerin in Voyage La Favoritc, v, p. 159, t. 45, f. 3 (1829) ; Jlaj?. Zonl. p. 79, cl. ix, t, 237, f. 3 (1839) ; in Voyago La Cociuillo, ZooL ii (2), p. 182 (1830). Qlluccliys crocea, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 252 (1850). Scieroptera crocea, Stal, BerL Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 1G9 (18GG). Yellow : thorax above with four rcddish brnwn spots : ab(hinicn saffron-red, morc obsolctc below. Fect ycUow, tibiiD and tarsi black. Tegmina and wings hyalino with yellow veins. llcported from Bcngal. ^ 30. SCIEROPTERA SPLENDIDULA. OTctHfjonia Fplendidula, Fabricius, Syst. Enfc. p. G81 (1774) ; Spcr. Tns. ii, )i. 321 (1781) ; Mant. Ins. ii, p. 2G7 (1787) ; Ent. Sysfc. iv, p. 25 (1794) ; Syst. llhyn. p. 42 (1803). CCicada splendidula, Gmelin Ed. Sysfc. Nat. i, pt. 4, p. 2098 (1782) : OHvior, Enc. Meth., V, p. 75G (1790) : Gcrmar in Thon's Archiv, ii, fasc. 2, p. 45 (1830) : Gu('rin, in Voyage La Favorifce, v, p. 159 (1839) ; Mag. ZooL p. 79 (1839) : Westwood in Dono- van's Insects China, t. IG, f. 4 (1842). 'OILicchys splendidnln, Walkcr, List Ilom. B. M. i, p. 252 (1850). Scieroptera splcndidida, Stal, BerL Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 1C9 (18CG) : Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii (2), p. 38 (1879). Yellow ; thorax above with four large blackish roundcd spots. Te.o-mina golden brown : anterior tibia; red, femora black : postcrior fcmnra rcd : abdomcn sanguineous. Body long 17 : lcngth of one teg. 19| millims, Reported from N. India, Silhat, Tenasserim. The Indian Museum possesses specimens from Tenasserim, Arakan, and tho Khasiya ilills. 031. SCIEROPTERA FUMIGATA. ^lluechysfumigata, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Akad. Forh. p. 244 (1854) ; Walker, List Uom. B. M. Suppt. p. 314 (1858). Scieroptera fumigata, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zoitschr. x, p. 1G9 (18CG). Head thorax, and scutellum black ; their latcral margins, a median patch on the thorax, and spot on the scutelhim ycUow : tegmina f usco- vinaceous, costa and veins weakly yellow testaceous ; wings weakly vinaceous hyaline, abdomen and femora testaccous, the formcr above blackish. Body loug 12 : exp. teg. 28 millims. Reported from ludia. 12 221 t?Conus Graptotettix, Stal. Hom. Afric. i\r, p. 4 (18GG). Allicd toOGwana : tegmina vrith ton apical colls : vertox twice as wide as tlie eyes : auterior femora spinoso beneath ; tibia) longer than femora. 0)32. GRArTOTETTIX GUTTATUS. GraiUotettLv guttatus, SLal, Bcrl. Ent. Zeitsclir. x, p. 170 (18GG). Blackish with the frons, four oval spots on the tliorax, two \nrge spots on tlie scutenum, aud the abdomen sordidly yellow : tegmina and wings fuscous. Body long 25 : exp. teg. 67 millims. Rcported from the Himalaya. The Indian Museum has a spccimen from iSikkim. O Genus G^ANA, Amyot & Serville. nist. Nat. Ins. Ilcni. p. 4G3 (18-13). 33. G^ANA OCTONOTATA. O Cicada octonotafa, Westwood, Arc. Ent. ii, p. 34, t. 57, f . 2, J (1843) Olluechys uctonotuta, AVulker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 253 (1850). Easily recognised by the togmina brown with fouryellowish spots and the wings roseate. Body long 37 : exp. teg. 01 milHms. Rcported from Assam. The Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim. C84. G^ANA DIVES. O Tosena dives, Westwood, Arc. Eut. i, p. 98, t. 25, f. 2 (1842) : Am. et Serv Hist Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 4G4 (1843) : Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 46 (1850). Black : tegmina with reddish veins and a median transverse, nar- row Avliitisli band : winga testaceous, apical part black. Body loiif^ ^5 • exp. teg. 75 milUms. ° " Reported from Silhat. The Indian Museum possesses specimens irom feikkim. 0 35. G^ANA CONSORS, Ga-ana consors, Wliite, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850 ; Walker, List Hom B M i n 253 (1850). ■ ■ ■ ' P* Closeto^^./es^iva, butdiffering in the markings on the tet^mina Body long 29 : exp. teg. 84 millims. ° The Indian Museum possesses specimens from the ^ga Hills and Samaguting in Assam. One specimen has the body above and below bhick without a single spot or mark except a testaceous tinge on the lower part of the face ; and the markings on the tegmina are dtxrk green. 13 *^3G. G^ANA FESTIVA. '^ Tetfign7iia fesfira, Pabricius, Syst. llhyn. p. 41 (1803). Q Clcada thalassina, Perclieron, Gon. Ins. (Uem.), t. 2 (1834) : Gaorin, Voyago La Coqmllc, Ins. p. 183 (1838). Q Cicada percheronii, Guerin, Icon. Regne Animal, p. 355 (1838). \j Gwana consobrina, White, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850 ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 254 (1850). Gtnana festiva, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 170 (18G6) ; Ilcm. Fabr. ii, p. 5 (18G9). Black : a testaceous band across tlie face from eye to eje and around each eye : four narrow Jougitudinal yellow lineson the thorax. Tcg-mina bluish green or greenish yellow, the radial area with a small and larger spot below, a median band, three conflucnt ajncal patches, and a broad aj)ical limbus, black : wings white or bluisli, apical part black with a white or bluish spot on the disc. Body long 33 : exjj. tcg. 80 niillims. Reported from Assam, Bengal. The Indian Museum possesses specimens from Darjiling and Sikkim. Some of theso have the tegmina green, others greenish yellow, and, in some, the wings liave the basal portion and a discal spot bright testa- ceous not white or pale, the size and arrangement of tho markings on the body and tegmina remaining exactly the same. ^37. G^ANA MACULATA. ^Teltirjonia maculata, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. App. p. 831 (1775) ; Spoc. Ins. ii, p. 319 (1781) ; Mant. Ins. ii, p. 266 (1787) ; Eut. Syst. iv, p. 20 (1794) ; Syst. Eliyu. p. 37 (1803). QGicada macidata, Drnry, 111. Nat. Uist. ii, p. G9, t. 37, f. 1 (1773) ; Gmclin, cd. Syst. Nat. i, pt. 4, p. 2100 (1782) : Olivier, Enc. Mt'th. v, p. 750, t. 112, f. 4 (1790) : Gormar in Thon'a Archiv. ii, fasc. 2, p. 12 (1830) ; in Silbermanu's Rov. Ent. ii, p. 74 (1834). Givana maculata, Am. et Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Ilem. p. 464 (1843) ; AValker, List Uom. B. M. i, p. 253 (1850). ? . Black shining : two yellow spots on vertex between the eyes, one below each eye : six on mesonotum, four in front, two behind. Tegmina black, with five spots, two basal (of which one Avithin radial area is minute) and three larger subequal median spots, whitish yellow : a wliite dot in 1 — 3 uluar and in all the apical areas exccpt the last. Wings black, basal part sordidly white and a sub-apical row of five white dots. A form of the - 102 millims. Reported from Tenasserim. ° ' o- - i Genus Melampsalta, Kol. Melet. Ent. vii. p. 27 (1857). 17 22G 0 53. Melampsalta vartans. Q Cicaila vai-ians, Gormar in Silbermn,nn'8 Rov. Ent. ii, p. 59 (183-4). ^ Dunduhia varians, Walkor, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 48 (1850) ; iv, p. 1120 (1852) : Sappt. p. G (1858). O Dunduhia chlorogaster, Walker (nec Boisdnval), 1. c. p. 47, 5 • Mela^npsalta varians, Stal, A. S. E. F. (4 S^r.) i. p. G19 (18G2). Reported from Silliat. ^Genus Cosmopsaltria, Stal. Hem. Afric. iv, p. 5 (18GG). In Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Foi^i. p. 708 (1870), StaUHstri])utes tliis genus amonffst three subgenera : — Platylomia to wliicli C. Jlavida, Guerin, belongs y Cosmnpsaltria to wbich C. spinosa, Fabr., belongs ; and Diccrojfi/fjia to wliich (7. obfccta, Fabr., belongs. , Cosmoj)saltria^is closoly allicd U^Dunduhia ; checks without a tubcrclc ; rostrum rcacliing tho base or most often the apex of the posterior coxo9 ; opercula long, ex- teuding beyond the middle of the venter. t)54. COSMOPSALTRIA OnTECTA. 0 Tettigonia ohtecta, Pabricins, Syst. Rhyn. p. 35 (1803). O Cicada ohtecta, Gcrmar, in Thon's Archiv, ii, fasc. 2,,p. 5 (1830). O Dwiiduhia ohtecta, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 47 (1850). Cosmopsaltria ohtecta, Stal, Hem. Fabr. 2, p. 4 (18G9). Reported from N. India, N. Bengal, Nepdl and Assam. Body h^ng 25 : cxp. teg. 85 millims. Si)ccimons in thc Indian Museum are from Sikkim and Assam. ^ 55. COSMOPSALTRIA SITA. Cosmopsaltria sifa, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. G3G (1881). It is difficult to separate this and the two following specics from tlie genus Dunduhia cxcept by the length of thc rostrum. Thcy also resemblc the 'vibrans' group of that genus. Body long 24 : exp. teg. 73 millims. Reported froni S. India or Bombay. [Distant). *^56. COSMOPSALTRIA DUKGA. Cosmopsaltria dunja, Distaiit, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. G37 (1881). 'Jliis spccics in size and markings (excUiding the spotted tcgniina) much resembles -DH7iJ»fcta tripurasura, Distaut ; the less produccd fronlal portion of the head and the length of the rostrum, however, place it in iliis genus {Distant). Body long 33: exp. teg. 98 millims. Rcported from Assam. '^ti7. COSMOPSALTRIA ABDULLA. Cnsiiwpsaltria ahdulla, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. G39 (ISSl). This is a large and distinct species, near^^7. doryca, Boisd., froni 18 227 wliich it difFers by its large size, more spotted tegmina, and different size and structnre of tlie opercula. Body long 4G : exp. teg. IIG— 122 millims. lleported from Penang and Singapore. QbS. COSMOPSALTRIA OOPAGA. Cnsmopsaltria oopaija, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. G-ll (1881). Tliis .specics is also allied toOO. ilonjca, Boisd., but tho body is mucli broader, tho tcginina are nnspotted, and tho shaj)e of the opcrcula more like those o^G. ahdidla, Distant. Body long 39 : exp. teg. OG millims. Reported from Burma. e?59. COSMOPSALTRIA SPINOSA. '^Tettignnia spinosa, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. ii, p. 26G (1787) ; Ent. Syst iv p 17 (1794) ; Syst. Rl.yn. p. 34 (1803). Gicada spinosa, Olivier, Enc. Meth. v, p. 748 (1790). CbiindHhia spinosa, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 47 (1850). Cosmnpsaltria spinnsa, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitsch. x, p. 171 (1866) ; Ofvers. Kong ' Yet. Aka. Eorh. p. 708 (1870). Varies mucli in size and coloration. Tegmina towards the apex of thc vcins sonictimes immaculate and somctimcs with fuscous spots. Reported from India. 0 60. COSMOPSALTRIA FLAVIDA. "^Cicadaflaridii, Guoiin, Vo3'a<,'o Behmger in Ind. Orient. p. 498, t. 3, f. 1, (1834) ; Walkcr, List lloni. B. M. i, p. 118 (1850). O Diindnbia sidtnrata, Walkcr, List Uom. B. M. Suppt. p. 6 (1858). Cosmoix^altriajlarida, Stal, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 171 (1866). Body loug 45 : exp. teg. 140 millims. Reported from Java and Sikkim. DGcnus Leptopsaltria, Stal. Hcm. Afric. iv, p. 5 (1866). AUicd tSBundnhia, Ara. et Serv. ; cheeks witli a tubercle ncar the apex ; rostrum cxtending a little beyond the posterior coxa) ; opercula short : second and third segments of the abdomen in the S with a hitei-al tubercle. ^ Gl. Leptopsaltria guttdlaris. OCicada guttularis, AValker, List Uom. B. M. Suppt. p. 29 (1858), $. Leptopsaltria (juttidaris, Stal, Uem. Ins. Philip. in Of vers. Kong Vet Akak Forh p. 710 (1870), Cryptotympana recta, Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii (2), p. 40, t. ii, f. 4 (1879), $ . Body long 32 : exp. teg. 95 millims. Reported from Silhat and Tenasserira. The Indian Museum possesses a specimen from Tenasserim. 0 78. Crtptottmpana vicina. 0 Cicada vicina, Signoret, Rev. Mag. Zool., p. 410, t. 10, f. 4 (1849). Fidicina vicina, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 90 (1850). ^ Cryptotympana vicina, Stal, A. S. E. F. (4 Ser.) i. p. 613 (1862). Reported from Silhat. Tlie Indian Muscum possesses specimens from the Bhutan Duars. 22 231 0 79. Cryptotympana immacdlata. <.')Cicada immacAilata, Olivicr, Enc. Meth. v, p. 7-i9, t. 112, f. 7 (1790) : Stoll, Ci" p. 40, t. viii, f. 39 (1788): Sirrnorot, ]{ov. Map. Zool. p. 410 (1849). ' '^" X) Fidicina immaciiJnfa, Walker, List llom. B. M. i, p. 90 (1850) ; iv, p. 1121 (1852). Crijptotijmpaiia iiniiuiculata, Stal, A. S. E. F. 4 Ser. i. p. G13 (18G2). Rejiorted froni N. Bengal. 0 80. CiiyptotyMpana intermedia. {Cicaih, iiitcniu-.Vu,, Siunorot, Mac^. Rev. Zool. p. 406, t. 10, f. 2 (1849). ^, Fidiciiui iiitrnucdia, AVafkor, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 90 (1850). Cnjptntt/mpaiu, iiitei-media,^ Stal, A. S. E. F. 4 Ser. i. p. 613 (1862). Abdoiueii reddisir yellow with a blackish band on eaeli secrment allied uOG. atrata, Fabr. Reported from Tenasserim. D Genus Fidicina, Amj^ot & Serville. Amyot et Serville, Ilist. Nat. Ins. H^m. p. 472 (1843) : Stal, Rio. Jan. Hem. ii p. 18 (1862); Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4 ser) i, p. 614 (1861); Hera. Afric. iv p 7 (18G6) ; Distant, Biol. Cen. Amer. p. 16 (1881). <^ 81. Fidicina OPERCULATA. CCicada opeindnfa, Carrcno. - Fidicina opercidafa, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 90 (1850). Reported froni N. India. The Indian Museum possesses a specimen. 0 82. FlDICINA CORVUS. Fidicina corvus, Walkor, List Ilom. B. M. i, p. 86 (1850). Reported from Silhat. Body long 29 : exp. teg. 113 millims. The ludian ]\Iuseum possesses a speeimen of the V from Silhat O Genus TiciCEN, Latreille. Latreille, Fam. Nat. p. 426 (1825) : Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 25 (18G6). ^ 83. TlBICEN AURENGZEBE. Tihicen aurengzehe, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc, p. 646 (1881). Body long 18: exp.' teg. 48 millims. Reported from Bombay Presidency. 0 84. TlBlCEN APICALIS. 0 Cicada apicalis, Germar in Thon's Arohiv, ii, fasc. 2, p. 8 (1830^ • in ^iU iaann'8 Rev. Ent. ii, p. 63 (1834) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 161 ('l850) Tihicen apicalis, Stal, A. S. E. F. 4 Ser., i, p. 618 (1862) Body long 18 : exp. teg. 48 millims., ?. Reported from N". India. The Indian Museum possesses a speeimen from Calcutta. 23 232 ^ Genns Mogannia, Amyot & Scrvillc. Amyot ct Scrvillc, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem, p. 4G7 (1843) : Stal, Hcm. Afric. iv. p. 5 (18GG). 085. MOGANNIA ILLUSTRATA. Mogannia illmtrata, Am. et Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 467, t. 9. f. 4 (184.*5) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 248 (1850). Body uniform ferruginous brown : basal lialf of tegmina and a smiill semicircular patch on the tips, transparent yellow, a brown transverse band across the middle. Body long, 12 millims. Reported from N. India. 086. MOGANNIA RKCTA. Mogamiia recfa, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Sn])pt. p. ,39 (l^-GS). Abdomcn witli a red band on the posterior bordcr of cach segmciit. Body h)ng, 12 millims. Reported from Hindustan. D87. MOGANNIA OBLIQUA. Mor,a7urin nhliqna, Walkcr, List Uom. B. M. Snppt. p. 39 (18r,8). ? . green mostly reddish beneath : abdomen reddish with a spot on cach side ncar the base. Pronotum and mesonotum with some tcstaceoua niarks. Body long, 14 : exp. teg. 41 millims. Reported from Hindustan. 088. MOGANNIA VENURTISSnTA. IToriavnia vrnnsfisxima, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vct. Aica. Forli. p. ir,l. (ISCr)). Ca^rulean or metallic black. Tegmina witli tlio vcius at the bnsc pale sanguineous, before the middle black, thence sordid strn.w-colonr : wino-s with the vcins at the base sanguineous and thence piceous. Body long, 10 : cxp. tcg. 37 — 41 millims. Rcported from E. India. t) 89. MOGANNIA FUNEBRIS. Morinnniafiivehri.'^, Stal, Ofvers. Kong, Vet. Aka. Forli. p. 155 (lS(*>.j). Aeneous black. Tegmina, before the mid^le, black with thc basnl areola and a band towards the apex of the black part sordid hitcsccMif.. $ Body long, 19 : exp. teg. 46 millims. Reported from Silhat. ^)90. MOGANNIA INPICANS. Mogannia indicanfi, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i p. 249 (1850). l. ]\rOGANNIA LOCUSTA. Q'rphulor,js lorasta, Walk.-r, List Honi. B. M. i, p. 23G (1850). Hody forrnoinons honoatli and abdomen pale tawny. Eody long 50 : p.\'p. to<>\ 85 niillinis. Hoixn-tod IV.nn K. India. ()\^-. IMOGANNIA LACTEIPENNIS. Orr,,hal„r;is lar/ei prn >i ,s, Walki-r, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 237 (1850). Hody lutoous : abdinaen black witli the hiud borders of the segments tawny : to-iiniua auil ilaps white, opaque, luteous at the base. Body long 3(i: oxp. tog. i>7 niillinis (?). Hoportod froin N. India. 0 \K\. MOOANNIA QUADRIMACULA. 0 Crphdlo.v,/.'^ quaih-uuaruh,, Walker, List Hom. B. M. p. 238 (1850). Body briglit tawuy : hind margins of abdomen having the bordoi-s of the scgmonts witli slondcr intcrrupted reddish bands, a broad pale tawny band noar tho tip and beneath, piceous. Body long 30: exp. teg. 58 niiUims. Ko[)ortod from N. Tndia. j^^^ 6^94. M. TERPSICHOEE. l:)CophaIax^ys< terpsichoyn, Walker, List Hom. B. M. p. 239 (1850). Body apple-grecu : al)domen with two last segments pitcliy above : tegmina colourless, tiuged Avith brown towards the tips, costa green. Body long 25 : exp. teg. 74 milUms. Ile[)orted from V]. India. CORRECTION AND AdDITION. ]'iigo 213, 4- linos from top of page, /or " nicobarica," read! " di.stincta," tlic fonner of thcse naines being praeoccupied ; and, betweon the lOth and lltli liiies from bottom of page, insert n"5* PLATyPLEURA NICOBARICA. - Vlntypleura nlroharira, Bntlcr, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. April, 1877. Rcported froiu thc Nicobars." . 25 Nofes on Iiulutn Rliyncliota, ISTo. 2.—By E. T. Atkinson, B. A, [Tlie notes are takeu so far as possible from tlie original descriptions or from Stal, Signoret, Biitler, or Distant, &c. where tliese writers liave redescribed a speeies. The measurements of specimens not in the Indian ]\Iuseiim have beeu couverted iuto millimetres from the recorded measure- meuts of the several authors.] [Receivcd Feb. I7th ;— Reacl Marcli Uh, 1885.] HOMOPTERA. ^ Family Cercopidje. ^ Ceixopida, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv. p. 54 (1866) : Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 11 (18G9). Fieber, Rov. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii. p. 328 (1875)R Cercopina Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forli. p. 718 (1870). Frous couvex or compressly produced : ocelli two ou the vertex near the base : thorax, lai*ge, sexaugular or trapezoidal : scutelhim small or moderate, triauguhxr ; tegmina usually coriaceous : feet remote from the sides of the body with the coxae (especially tlie posterior pair) short : tibia? rounded, posterior furnished with one or two spines aud with a circlet of spinules at the apex. 0 Subfamily Cercopina, Stah "^ Cen-opida, Stal, Hom. Afric. iv. p. 55 (1866) : Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 11 (1869) : Cer- copina, Stal, Ofvers, Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 718 (1870). Anterior margin of thorax straiglit, eyes equally long aud broad. iW- In 187-i, Mr. Butler of the British Museum (Cist. Ent. i. p. 245) recorded the species of the genera Gosmoscarta aud Phymatostetha, formcd by Stal from the ge uus C^ercopis of Walker {nec Fabricius). He enumerated 104 species of the ^eiwi^Gosmoscarta aud 22 species of the genus Pliij matostetha. Siuce theu, the number of^species of the genus Gosinoscarta has beeu iucreased by eight cf which five, described by Mr. Uistaut, come from India aud the Easteru ArchijDelago, and three, de- scribed by Mr. Butler, come from Penang and Sumatra. The number 3 of species of the genus Phymatostetlia has becn incrcaRcd by two, of Avhich one comes from Cejlon and one from Assam ; both havo been describcd by Mr. Distant. The Indian Muscum possesscs about ten, apparently undcscribcd, species which may be referred to tlicse genera, and whiclx will form the subject of a separate paper hereafter. ^ Genus Cosmoscarta, Stal. Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 11 (1869) : Ofvers. Kong. Vct. Aka. Forli. p. 718 (1870). Frons very large, very tumid, obtusc, extcnded on the facial side almost to the eyes, devoid of any longjtudinal furrow or keel. ^ 1. CosMOSCAUTA TRICOLOR, St. Farg. and Serv. 0 Ccrcopis tricolov, St. Fargcau aiul Servillc, Enc. l^reth. x. p. G05 (182.5) : liiirTti. Handb. Ent. ii. (i) p. 121. (1835) : Walker, J. L. S. Zool. i. p. 95 (185G) ; ibid., p. 1G5 (1857). Cofnnoscnrta tricolor, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 245 (1874.) : Distant, J. A. S. B. xlviii (2) p. 38 (1879). Black, shining : head, thorax, scntenum towards the tip, liind borders of the abdominal segments, the tip of thc abdomen and the legs, fcd : femora black, the four anterior red towards the tips : six red spots on each tegmen at the base. A Tenasserim variety in the Indian Muscnm differs from the type in liaving the subbasal fascia represented by a transversc series of four sanguineous spots ; thcrc is also a spot of tlie same colour at the base. It is thus intermediatc bctw^ccn^C. tricolor an(f 0. basinofata, Butlcr (Cist. Ent. i. p. 245), which differs also in the coloration of the abdomen (Distant). Body long 22: exp. teg. 51 millims. Repoi-ted f rom Borneo, Java, Singapore, and 'TenaSscrim ; a speci- tnen from the last locality is in the Indian Museum. ^ 2. COSMOSCARTA BASINOTATA, Butter. Cosmoscarta hasiiiotata, Butler, Cist. Ent. p. 245, t. viii, f. 2, (1874) : Distant, J. A. S. B. xlvii (2) p. 194 (1878). o Form of G. tricolor : differs chiefly in having the tegmina crossed at tlie base by a patch of six red spots (that on the clavus being more or less bifid) instead of the pale testaceous band, and in the narrowcr and inteiTupted red bands margining the scgmcnts on the dorsum of tho abdomen (Butlcr). Long. 21 : exp. teg. 47 millims. Reported from Sarawak, Tenasserim. 4 ^ 3. COSMOSCARTA MOOREI, Distant. Co.-imnitcartn jHooret, Distiuit, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 321 (1878.) Black, shining : tegmina with the base botli above and below car- mine. This coloration consists of a narrow straight subcostal streak of abont 3 niillinis. in lcngtli and a broader claval streak of about the sanie length, gi-adnally rounded and narrowed at its termination : wings fus- (unis; costal edgo, for about half the lengtli, narrowly tinged witli carmine : eyes luteous : posterior border of scutellum, metanotum, and abdominal segments, apex and lateral borders of abdonien, carmine : anterior legs dull reddish, femora furnished witli a strong spine ; inter- mediate lcgs pitchy : mesosternum with two very large conical,' tliick teeth. Body long 13 : exp. teg. 35 millims. Reported from Sikkim. ^ 4. COSMOSCARTA FUSCIPENNIS, St. Fargeau. Cercnpis fuscipenniti, St. Farg. & Serv., Enc. Meth. x. p. 605 (1825.) ^ Cercopis plana, AValker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 653 (1851) : J. L. S. Zool i n 95 (185G) : ihid. X. p. 276 (1867). Cn,nwscartafuscipennis,Stkl,-iIem.Fabr.2p.ll (1869): Butler, Cist. Ent i p. 216 (187-1). Black : head, chest, rostrum except its black tip, and tbe fore-border of tlie tegmina from one to two-thirds of its lengtli, red : wings dark grey. Thorax sometimes with two black points. Bodv lona- 12- exr. teg. 27 millims. ^ ' ^' Reported from Java, Penang, Mount OiMr, Malabar (WaRer). 5. COSMOSCARTA MEGAMERA, Butler. o Cercopis nigripennis, Walker (nec Fabricins), List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 653 (1851) Cos,noscarta megamera, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 246, t. viii. f. 3 (1874) • Distant' J. A. S. B. xlviii. (2), p. 38, (1879). Form and general coloration of G. fuscipennis (St. Fargeau), but at once distinguislied by its much greater size, black legs, the narrower reddish costal edge and less pronounced basal reddish diffusion on tegmiua. The colour of the thorax and head also varies from piceous to castaneous and bright testaceous {Butler). Body long 16—19- exp ieg. 39—47 millims. " Reported from Hong-Kong, Laos, Java, Penang, Tenasserim, Silhat - the Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim, Sibsaoar Nac^a Hills, and Tenasserim. '^ ' * ^ 6. COSMOSCARTA FUNERALIS, Butler. Cosmoscartafuneralis, Batler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 247, t. viii, f. 4 (1874). Form of G.fuscipemns, St. Far. & Serv., but thorax with a distinct central ridge : head aud thorax dark castaneous j scutellum piceous, 5 dui suiu of abdomcn reddisli-orange ; tegmina piccmiB, almost black ; wiiigs fuscous ; pcctus black ; ventcr and lcga rcd ; scgments traiis- versely banded and latcrallj spotted witli black ; proxinial extremities of femora blackisli {Butler). Body long 20 : exp. teg. 41 millims. Reported from India, ^ 7. CosMOSCARTA MASONi, Distant. Co^moscarta masoni, Distant, J. A. S. B. xlvii (2) ; p. 194 (1878) : xlviii. (2), p. 40, t. ii, f. 6, (1879). Pronotum stramineous witli a qnadrate black spot on tlie anterior margin : liead (except basal portion), and eyes Inteous : tegmina, pectus, legs, and abdomen sbining black : prosternum witli lateral borders stra- mineous : wings dark fuscons witli the veins black 2. Body loug (cxcl. teg.) 17 : exp. tcg. 45 millims, Rcportcd from Burma, Tenasscrim : typc from thc lattcr locality iu tbc Indian Museum. O 8. COSMOSCARTA VIRIDANS, Gucrin. •^ Cercopis viridans, Gncrin, Voy. Bcl. Ind. Oriont. p. 501 ; Atlas, t. 3, f. 7, 7« (1834) : Walker, List Ilom. B. M. iii. p. 654, (1851) ; J. L. S. Zool. x. p. 279, (18G7). O Cercopis latissima, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. G55, (1851). Cosmoscarta viridans, Bntler, Cist. Bnt. i. p. 249, (1874). Black, shining : tegmina shiiiing metallic blackish-green, convex along the fore-margin which is dilated towards thc base ; wings fuscoua, veins black, rostram, fcet, and anus coccineous. Body long 15 : exp. tcg. 46 millims. Reported from Coromandel, Java, Sumatra, ]\Iysol, New Guinea. ^ 9. COSMOSCARTA EGENS, Walkcr. 6 Ccrcopis egens, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 171, (1858). Cosmoscarta egcns, Butlcr, Cist. Ent. i, p. 255, (1874). Thorax and head black, shining : scutellum, metanotum, abdomen at the base and along the posterior margin of each segmcnt, and the legs red : tegmina very red at the base and with a roscate band before tlie reticulated apical third, this band is somctimes narrow or indistinct or even obsolete : wings brown, rosy red at thc base and along the adjoining part of the costa. Body long 11 : exp. teg. 31 milHms. Reported from India, Penang : the Indian Museum possesses speci- niens from the Naga and Khasiya hills. O 10. COSMOSCARTA DUCENS, Walker. ^ Cercopis ducens, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. G55, (1851) : Stal, A. S, E. F. (4ser.) V. p."l88, (18G5). Cosmoscarta ducens, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 255, (1874). 0 Black, rostruiu aiul logrs piceous ; abdoinon sliinlng violaconus ; fo-i.m,a l),-l>iowii with two uarrow, sliohHy undulutino-, sordid «nuou,ne,m.s haiKls ; ouo, nuar tho baso ; tho othor, at two-thirils of tlio Ien.-( h : wiiig.s dark brown, veina black. Body long, IG : exp. tog. 40 nulliius. J b' l n lUporlod froin Silhat : the Indian Museum possesses a specimon from tho ]S\iou hills. ^ 11. COSMOSCAKTA LYDIA, Stai. C- Cercopis lydia, Stal, Ofrcrs. Kong. Vefc. Aka. Porh. p. 149. (18G5). Co^tmuaciirtu lijdia, Biitler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 257, (1874,). Brick rod or saffron-yellow : liead, anterior part of tliorax, scutellum (excopt tlio frena), togmina, antorior lateral part of iirostothium, auu.sandtarsi, Uack: base of tho togmina brick-rod or si.nn.u-yollow: wiugs .sordidly hyaline, apex veiy sliglitly infuscato, base palely salfron. Body loug- 8—10 : exp. tog. 20—23 millims. Sometimos tegmina liave no saffron bands aud sometimes have two, one before and the otlior behind the middle. Reported from E. India. ^ 12. CosMoscARTA TRiGONA, Walkor. ■' Cerc-qns tri.jnna, Walkor, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 660, (1851). (-■ Vcrcoijis umplicollis, Walkor, I. c. Suppt. p. 175, (1858). Coamoscarta trujona, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 257, (1874). Thorax motallic bluish-black, shining : borders of scutellum, poste- rior margiu of segments of abdomen, the anus, coxie and femora, and the tarsi at the base, red : togmina bluish-bLack, tips brown, with a bifurcated basal streak aud two bands, red ; the basal stroak with the median band coutain botwoon thom an abnost trianguhar patch, blui.sli black : (ho limb of (ho ba.sal liifurcaliou on tho liind bordor is niuch broador than that on tho ooslal luargiu, neithur quito roach the mediau band. Body long 10—12 : exp. teg. 23—29 millims. Beportod from N. India. Tho ludian ]\Iuseum possesses Bpecimens from the Khasiya and Nao-a liills, the Dhansiri valley, and Sibsagar. ^ 13. CosMOSCARTA DECiSA, Walker. <^ Gercnpii decisa, Wulker, List Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 175, (1858). Cosmoscarta decisa, Butler, Cist. Eut. i. p. 258, (1874). A second spccies described under this name by Walker (in J. L. S Zool. X. p. 278, No. 29G, 18G7) has beeu renamed O. zonata by Butler (iu Cist. Ent. i. p. 253, 1874). Walker describes G. decisa thus: " Bluck : head above aud prothoiax seueous-green, shining : prothorax 7 10 Tvifch a very indistinct Iveel : tegmina Avliitisli testaceous at tlie base aml with two wliitisli testaceous bands ; niiddle band abnosfc equal in brcadfch and iiamllel to tho basal ono ; exterior band confcracted lundward : nvings grejish-vitreous." Body long 7| : cxp. tcg. 17 niillitns. Reported from Darjiling. The Indian Muscum possesses a specimeu from Sikkim. ^ 14. CoSMOaOARTA UNDATA, Walker. ^ Cercopis undata, Wnlker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. G59, (1851) : Stal, Ofvera. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh., p. 148, (1865). Cosmoscarta undata, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 258, (1874). Black : abdomen shining violaceous : thorax and tho spotg or bands on tegroiua croceous or rufous-testaceous ; an Jintcrior transverse spot on the thorax and tho posterior pai't, black : wing.s slightly infuscatc, veins rufescenfc towards the baso. 0 Var. a. Posterior half of thorax black : tegniina with ahnost tlio fifth basal part, posteriorly sinuated, a waved band a little bcforc tho middle, somewhat interinipted towards the claval sutnre, also a band beyond the middle, produced posteriorly in its middlc, sometimcs divided into thrce spots, rufous-fcestaceous. Body long 13 : cxp. tcg. 30 milUms. This variefcy is reported from the Himalaya and the Indian Museum posscsses specimens from Sibsagar, Assam, and Arakan 0 Var. 6. aboufc fcho fourfch basal parfc of fclie fchorax, black : tcgmina wifch a waved band before the middle, twice subintcrrnpted, cmitiing afc the costal and scutellary margins a stripc, sinnatcd witliin, also with thi-Be spots disposed in a curved row bcyond the niiddle, the fcwo extci ior often confluenfc, rufous-fcesfcaceous. Body long 9 — 10 : exp. teg. 24 millims. Reported from Penaug. 15. COSMOSCARTA BISPECDLARIf!, Wllito. ^ Cercopis bispccularis, White, A. & M. N. H. xiv. p. 420, (1814) : Wnlkcr, List Honi. B. M. iii. p. G5G, (1851) : Stal, Stefctiu Ent. Zcit. xxii. p. 153, (18GG). Costnoscarta hispecularis, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 250, (1874). Cinnabar, shining : thorax Avith two very largc,nearly oval,black si^ots in front of which are two small, nearly round, black spots ; pcctus black ; underside of abdomen with two black bands : fcegmina wifch a shorfc black Btripc at the base, near ■which fchi'ee unifced black sputs form a curvcd band across the wing ; anofcher band is formed iu fche middlo by thrco eeparate black spots ; reticulafced parfc afc fche tips brown ; wings grey, red afc fche base, brownish along fche hind borders and at fche (i})S. Body loug 11 — 12 exp. fceg. 26 — 29 millims. Reporfcedfrom India, Almora, N. W. P., Penang : fche Indian i\[uscum possesses specimens from Assam. 8 11 '^ 16. COSMOSCARTA DORSIMACULA, Walker. ^ Cercopis dorsimacula, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 658, (1851) : J. L. S. Zool. i. p. 05, (185G) : ibid. p. 1G5, (1857). 0 Cercopis quadriinaculaia, Walker, 1. c. p. 661, (1851). y Cosnioscarta dorsimacula, Butlor, Cist. Eut. i. p. 259, (1874.). 0 Walker's Cercopis dorsimacula in List Hom. 1. c. p. G63, No. 41, is differont aiid was reiiamed by him Cercopis tomeniosa iu J. L. S. Zool. X. p. 281, (1867) : itnowstands SipPhymatostetha stellata, Guerin (q. v). Briii^lifc red sliining : liead with a short transverse streak along each side of the liind border ; thorax with two very large black spots on each side of tlie disc and two smaller .spots in front ; pectus and al)donien to- wards the base, black : arow of black spots on each side of the abdomen, of which the underside, except the hind bordei-s of the segments, is black ; tegniina red with seven black spots, six large and more or less confluenfc form two curved bands ; reticulated part lurid : wings lurid, red at the base; veins brown, red towards the base {Walker). Body long 12—14 : exp. teg. 36—39 millims. fi Var. a. abdominal segments with black bands. 0 Var. h. Body and tegmiua testaceous with the usual spots. Reported froni N. Bengal. ^ 17. CosMOSCARTA FiCTiLis, Butler. Cosmoscarta fictilis, Butler, Cist. Enfc. i. p, 259, (1874). Allied to preceding but differs in its usually smaller size, naiTovver thorax, duller and more uniform colouring and much smaller and more regularly uniform black spots (Butler). Body long 12 : exp. teg. 32 millims. Heported from Penang, India, Silhat. '^ 18. CosMOSCARTA DORSALis, Walker. dJ Cercopis dorsalis, W.-ilker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 658, (1851). <:> Cercopis connexa, Walker, List 1. c. p. 663, (1851). O Cercopis ramosu, Walker, Ins. Saunds. Hom. p. 85, (1858). [,, Cosmoscarta dorsalis, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 260, (1874). Walker describes C. clo^salis, thus : — " Piceous shining ; shield very minutely punctured, impressed on each side iu front ; tibiiB and feefc ferruginous ; tegmina red, black on the reticulated park; eio-ht laro-e parfcly confluent, black spots on membranous part : wings brown, veins black." Body long 9 : exp. teg. 25 millims. Reported from N. India. 9 12 ^ 19. CosMOSOARTA PAI.LIDA, Walker. Cercopis pallida, Walker, List Hora. B. M. iii. p. 657, (1851). 0 ■^ Cercopis femtginea, Walker, List 1. c. p. 660, (1851). \/ Cos7noscnrta paUicla, BiUler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 265, (1874). Walker describes G. pallida, thus : — " Testaccous, hcacl black, transversely striated, very convex in front : rostrnm testaceoiis : abdo- men brown, testaceous at the base, and at the tip : tijDs of the feet brown : tegmina hirid, brown towards the tips : wings grcj, veins brown." Body long 11-13 : exp. teg. 29-33 millims. Reported from India. ^ 20. COSMOSCARTA ELEGANTULA, Butlcr, Cosmoscarta elegantula, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 265, (1874). Allied to preceding : head and thorax metaHic greenish black : abdomen purpHsh black, castaneous at the tip : tegmina piceous, veins of basal half testacoons : base and a transverse band at end of second third reddish-orange : wings slightly fuscescent ; base rufescent (Butler) . Body long 8 : exp. teg. 20 millims. Reported from Iudia. , ' 21. COSMOSCARTA PICTILIS, Stal. 0 Cercopis pictiUs, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 249, (1854). Cosmoscarta pictilis, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 266, (1874). Obscurely green chalybcous ; scutcnum on both sidcs at tho base and at the apex weakly spotted with cinnabar : tegmiua sordidly white, basal maro-in and two bands weakly cinnabar ; two spots, one smaller before the first band and the other between the bands and the apex nio-ro-fuscous : femora red ; tibije blackish. Long, 16 ; breadth of prono- tum 6 millims. Butler writes that it seems aUied to P. su/nifera, Walker from the description and in that case woukl be a^--Phymatostetha, Reported from E. India. O 22. COSMOSCARTA BOREALIS, Distant. Cosmoscarta horealis, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. 321, (1878). Head and pronotum luteous, antennfe black : abdomen and tegmina roseate ocelli black, eyes lutcous thickly covercd with blackish markings : wino-s pale fuscous : pectus, coxjb, and femora hiteous, fore and median tibijB black, hind tibife luteous with the apex black : the tip of the rostrum, tarsi, and a strong spine near the apex of tlie hind tibite, black. Body long 6 : exp. teg. 17 millims. Reported from the Khasiya hills. 10 13 ^ 23. COSMOSCARTA ANDAMANA, Distant. Cosmoscartd andtuiiana, Distunt, Trans. Ent. Soc. p. 175, (1878) : Watorhouso, Aids Iilent. Ina. i. t. 58 (1880-82). Sanguineous, finely and closely punctured : tegmina witli a broad band across the middle and tho' apex broadly black : theso bands are united at the inner maigin, sometimes very broadly : wings sordidly hyaline with veins niuch darker, base slightly sanguineous : feniora, tibioa and tarsi piceous, hind tibioe with an acute spine (Distaut). 13ody long 0 : exp. teg. 2-1- millims. lleported froni the Andaman Islands. ^ Genus Phymatostetha, Stal. Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 721, (1870). Frons tumid, seldom forming an angle below tlio middle, witliout a keel or longitudinal impression, Obelli nearer each other thau the eyes. Tliorax with the posterior margin before the scutellum slightly sinuatecl posterior lateral margiiis straight or sinuated. Mesosternum furnished posteriorly Avith two conical tubercles. Feet moderate, posterior tibi» armed with one or two spines. 24. Phymatostetha stalii, Butler. Tomaspis circumducta, Stal (nec Walker), Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 150, <1865). • Phymafostetha circumdncfa, Stal 1. c. p. 721, (1870). v/ Phxjmatostetha stklii, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 267, (1874). Blackish : frons, apices of the lobes of the vertex, apical and lateral margins of anterior part of the thorax, scutellum before the middle, two bands on the tegmina, equally removed from each other and from the base and the apex, tlie anterior small stripe on the corium, and the scutellary limbus of the clavus beyond the middle, sordidly lutescent : apical limbus of corium pellucid fuscous : wings fuscous, subsanguineous at the base : scutelhim subequilateral ; mesostethium Avith two distinct obtuse tubercles. Body long 14 : exp. teg. 34 millims. Reported from E. India. *■' 25. Phymatostetha circdmducta, Walker. ^ Cercopis circumducta, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 175, (1858). ^ Cercopis costalis, Walkcr, List, 1. c. iii. p. 664, (1851)- i--'' Phymatostetha circumducta, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 268, (1874). The name C. costalis (l. c. iii. p. 664), had already been given to a, local form of 'C. theora, White, by Walker (l. c. iii. 651) and was subse- quently changed by him to G. circumducta for this species. 11 14 Black : head sliining : frons with a seraicircular luteous bancl which is prolonged iu a conical form to ihe face which on each side is yellow : rostruni yellow, tip pitchy : pi'othorax with a hiteous band along the fore border extending on each side to the base of the tegmiiia, scutelhim lurid on each side ; pectus with lai'ge yellow marks on each side : abdo- men purplish black with yellow bands at the tip, ventral surface yellow with three rows of transverse black spots, the side rows on the edge : lega tawny, femora and fore tibige brown, femora yellow beneath : tegmina dark brown with two narroAv pale red bands, one at one-third, tlie other at tAvo-thirds of the length, a yellow stripe extending along the fore- border f rom the base to the first band where it acquires a tawny hue, a pale red stripe extending along the hind-border from the base nearly to the first band : wings pale brown, ahnost cohiurless in part of the disc, luteous at the base, veins black (WalJcer). Body h;)ng 12: wings long 15 millims. A variety has two subapical spots oii tho tegmiua red. Reported from Malabar, Singapore. ^ 26. Phymatostetha hilaris, Walker. ^ Crrcnpis hilaris, Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. iii. p. G(55, (1851). 0 PhymatoMetha cnstalix, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Furh. p. 721, (1870). >/ Phymatostetha hilaris, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 268, (1874). Black : head shining ; frons with a semicircular luteous band which is prolono-ed in a very broad conical form and occupies the disc of the face : the latter is pitchy, sides and epistoma yellow, rostrum yellow witli a black tip : prothorax with a luteous band along the fore-border, extending on each side to the base of the tegmen : pectus yellow, disc black : with 2 — 3 black spots on each side : abdomen purple, under-side vellow with three rows of transverse black spots, the side rows on the edge which is very broad : tegmina dark brown with two narrow yellow bands : the first at one-third of the length, interrupted on the disc and marked by some dots thence to the hind border ; the second, at two-thirds of the length, slightly waved : a yellow spot on the disc between it and the tip ; a yellow stripe extending along the fore border f rom the base to the first band : wings greyish, tinged with brown at the tips and along the hind borders, luteous at the base. Body long 10 : exp. teg. 25 mil- lims (Walker). Stal, h c. makes this a synonym of G..costaUs, Walker. Reported from Malabar. ^ 27. Phymatostetha stellata, Guerin. ® Cercnpis stellata, Guerin, Icon. Regne Anim. Texte. p. 3G8, (1829-44) : Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 150, (1865). O Cercopis dorsimacula, Walker, List. Hom. B. M. iii. p. 663, (1851) : J. L. S. Zool. p. 95, (1856). 12 15 C> CercopU toinculijsa, Walkor, J. L. S, Zool. x. p. 284, (1867). V Phymatostetha stullata, Ktal, Ofvera. Koug. Vet. Aka. F5rh. p. 721, (1870) : But- lor, Cist. Eiit. i. p. 2139, (1871). Black, (lull : heail witli a band in front of tho eyes, two siJots on the dise o£ Ihe thomx, the lateral margins of the thorax, a spot on eacli side of tho scuteHuni at the base, eight spota on each tegmen of wliich one is at the babo, three are costal or subcostal, tliree near tho hind-broader and one near tlic tip, bitcous : narrow apical limbus, bxrid : wiugs brown, rufescentat the base, veius black. Body long 17 : exp. teg. 37 millims. Reported from Llalabar, Malacca, Sumatra : the Indian Museum possesses a spccimen froni Johore. ^ 28. Phymatostetha dorsivitta, Walker. '-* Cercopis dorsivitta, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. iii. p. 6G2, (1851). O Var. Cercopis hnmvralis, Walkor, List 1. o. p. 662, (1851). P/njmatostctha dorsicitta, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 269, (1874). Black slightly shiniug : head red, black on each side in front and along the hind border : thorax with three red stripes, the side pair ob- lique and exteudiug on each side from the fore border to the base of tbe tegmina; abdomen purple above, red at the tip and ou each side : tegmi- na bluish brown with seven red spots, three costal or subcostal, three on biud border, and oue on tlie disc near the tip which is lurid and occupiea the apical fourth of the tegmen : wiuga pale brown, red at the base. Body long 18 : exp. ieg. 42 millims. itepoited froui N. India, Almora N. W. P., Silhat. 29. PiiYMATOSTETHA PDDiCA, Walker. O Ccrcopi., pudira, Walkor, Ina. Sanndcra. Hom. p. 84, (1858). Phijmatoslcl/,a pudica, HuLlor, Ciat. Ent. i. p. 269, (1874). Allied to 1'. tiiijnifcta. lleportcd from Silhat. 30. PnTMATOSTETHA SIGNIFERA, Walker. Cercopis sijnifcra, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 655, (1851). ^ Tomu.spis si.jnifcra, Stal, Ofvers. Kong, Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 151, (1865). P/iymatostctha siynifera, Stal, 1. c. p. 721, (1870) : Butler, Cist. Eut. i. p. 270, (1874). Blackish : frons before tlie middle, lobea of the vertex, a median stripe ou the thorax and auterior lateral margins, scutellum, abnost third basal pait of the tegmiua, pectus, ventei', and feet stramineous : the stramineous portion of tlie tegmina with three irregular brown spots ; beyond these, two arched patchea and a trausvcrse patch and the apical 13 16 Umbus rnfosccnt-testaccous, tlic transvcisc pp.tcli pomclimcs connucnt >vith one of the arched iiatches situate near the poslcriur margiu : Avings fusccsccnt, base itself sordidly stramineous : narrow bands ou ventcr, base and apcx of tibioB, black : abdomen above black-violaceous Aviih eniall marginal spots and apex sordidly stramincous : fcmora -with an obsolete fusco-tcstaceous stripe. Body long 19 : cxp. tcg. 40 milh'mfl. Rcportcd from E. India : the Indian Muscum i)o.sscsscs spccimcnB froin the Khasiya hills. 0 31. PHTMATOSTETnA DUDITAmLIP, AYalkcr. '^ Cercopis duhitahiUs, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Suppf.. p. 17.1. (1858). Phymatostctha duhitahilis, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 270, (1871). Rcddish tcstaccous, black bencath : hoad ))alo (oHtncoous, vcrlo.K black posfcriorly : prothorax black with a slripo ou llio disc aiid Iho postcrior and antcro-lateral margins, tcstaccous : soulolium bhick witli a tcstaceous mark on the disc : abdomen abovc tcstaceous, posterior margins of the scgmcnts, red : tegmina rcd, tcstaccouH towards the tips, with a black stripc which extends obliqucly from thc basc to thc middio of thc interior border, is notched on the hiud bordcr, bchind which thcro is a black streak, is coimectv,-d in front with ati oblique black strcak, and is nearly connected with a more exterior oblique black sticak which is dilated and angnlated exteriorly and has there a black strcak in front and is connected with a black spot hindward, winga grcy with brown borders. Legs reddish, anterior femora and' tibiro stripcd with black {Walker). Body long 14 : exp. teg. 33 millims. Rcported from Hiudustan. ^ 32. PlITMATOSTETIIA PUDI.NS, Walkor. ^ Ccrcoins pndcns, AValkor, List Hom. B. M. Snppt. p. 17 4, "(1858). <^ Tomospis pndens, Stal, Ofvers. Koug. Vet. Aka. Foili. p. 151, (18(35). rhymatostetha pudens, Sih,\, l. c. p. 721, (1870): Butlcr, Cist. Knt. i. p. 270 (1874.). Weakly sanguiueous, black beneath ; apical part of frous, band on vertex from eye to eye, clypeus, rostruin, two snuill spots on antciior margin of thorax, scutcllum, base itself of tcgmina, and iive spots forming two rows, on ihe middle of each tegmen, disc above of ihc abdoincn, pectus, venter, and feet, black : lateral limbi oE prostcthium and vcry narrow margins of vcnier, red : Avings before thc midtlle pale sanguineous, beyond the middle slightly infuscate : lateral margius of thc antcrior part of thorax slightly reflexed. Body long 20 : exp. tog. 45 millims 9 . Reported from Hindustan, Silhat : the ludian IMuseum posscsscs a specimen from Sikkim. 14 17 33. PlIYMATOSTETHA BASICLAVA, Walker, ^ Cercopis hasiclava, Walkor, Lisfc Ilom. B. M. Suppfc. p. 172, (1858). ^ Tomaspis larinia, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vefc. Aka. Forh. p. 152, (18G5). ^. Phijmatostetha lasiclava, Sfcal, 1. c. p. 721, (1870) : Butler, Cisfc. Enfc. i. p. 270, (1874). Red or flavescent-testaceous : rostrum, two spots on vertex, two spots near anterior margin of tliorax, apex of scutellum, a narrow, sometimes obsolete, sti-ipe on tegmina frora tlie base to one-third of lengtli tlirougli the middle, abdomeu above (except marginal spots and tip), pectns, and bands on the venter and feet, black : lateral limbi of prostethium, apices of coxa) and femora, yellow-testaceous : wings fuscescent, red at the base. Closely allied to preceding. Body long, 22 : exp. teg. 52 millims. ? . Reported frora India : the Indian Museum possesses a specinien. ^ 34. PnYMATOSTETHA BINOTATA, Distant. Phi/matostetha hi)iotata, Disfcanfc, Trans. Enfc. Soc. p. 323, (1878). Piceous : head, face, lateral raargins of prothorax, borders of tegmina and two rounded spots on the same (one placed a little above the claval suture, about one-third from the base, and the otlier midway, about one- third from tlio apex), pale sanguineous : scutelhxm black, narrowly bordered with red : abdomen, above, shiiaing purplisli black : eja^a, legs, and body below black : wings fuscescent, narrowly sanguineous at the base (Disfant) . Long body 14 : exp. teg. 35 millims. E-eported from Sadiya (Assam). ^ Genus Callitettix, StSl. OfTers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 152, (1865): Hem. Afric. iv. p. 55, (18G6). Body elongate : frons variable in forra : lateral margins of tlie anterior portion of the thorax straight, longer than those of tlie posterior portion : scutellum somewhat longer than broad : tegmina oblono- or elongate, gradually somewhat amplified towards tlie apex : feet long, pos- terior tibiae unispinose. ^ 35. Callitettix melanochra, Stal. Callitettix melanochra, Sfcal, Ofvers. Kong. Vefc. Aka. Forh. p. 152, (1865). Lutescent, finely punctured : apical third of tegmina, apices of feraora, anterior tibia) (except the base), apical half of postoi-ior tibitB and tarsi, black : wings sordidly vinaceous : fi'ons seen from the side pro- duced downwards in a right angle furnished with a ridge continued frora the base to the raiddle : wings sordidly vinaceous. Body long 8 : exp. teg. 24 milliras. 6 . Reported from E. India. 15 18 ^ 36. Callitettix producta, Stal. CalUtetiix prodxida, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 153, (18G5). Black, veiy finely punctured ; apex of scutellum, the tegmina, abdomeu, and feet, reddish testaceous : frons turaid, forming a nearly straight angle, rouuded at apex, without a keel : thorax hardly broader than long, lateral margins of fore part a little shorter than the anterior margin : tegmina narrow, slightly amplified towards the apex. Body long 7 : exp. teg. 16 millims. 2 . Reported from E. ludia. 37. Callitettix versicolotj, Fabr. O CicaJa versicolor, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iv. p. 50, (I79i) : Syst. Rhyn. p. 69, (1803). Cullitcttix versicolor, Stal, Ilom. Fabr. ii. p. 11, (18G9). Black shining, fuscous-pubescent ; tegmina with a spot before the middle of the clavus and a subtransverse spot on the corium placed be- tween the middle of the corium and the base, white ; two sjiots behind the middle of the corium, the external large, transverse ; the internal small, obsolete, placed at the apex of the clavus, sauguineous : wings un- coloured, apical margiu slightly infuscate. Body loug with the tegmina 1]| — 12^: breadth of pronotum 3 — 3^ millims. $. Reported from Tranquebar. ^ Subfamily ApiiRoriiORiNA, SiM. OAphrop/wrida, Stnl, Hem. Afric. iv. p. 55, G6 (18G6) : AjyhropJioriiia, Stal, Ofvcrs. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 722, (1870) : Scott. E. M. M. vii. p. 241, (1871). Anterior margin of thorax round or angular, eyes usually transverse ; scutcllum flat, triangular, C> Genus Pttelus, St. Fargeau & Serville. Body very large : head somewhat narrower than the thorax or of the same breadth, short, anteriorly obtusely and roundly subangulated, eutire anterior margin obtuse ; frons slightly convex, transversely obso- letely sulcated, clypeus not extending beyond the apex of the anterior coxfe : ocelli almost equally distant from each other aud from the eyes or a little more distant : tliorax finely rugose, quadrangular, anterior mar- gin broadly rouuded : sciitellum longer than broad : tegmina subcultri- form, nan-owed towards the apex, very densely punctured : apical area of wing behind the second anastomosis posteriorly acumiuate, not reach- ing the intramargiual vein : posterior tibise bispinose. 16 19 I liavo iint transcribed the descriptions of tlie following species attributetl to Pfijelus by Mr. Walker as it is very doubtful whether thcy woukl bc considercd as belongiug to it now and no representatives appa- reutly exist iu the collectiou of tlie Indian Museum, 38. Ptyelus conifeb, Walker. Pt>jelns conife); Walkcr, List. Iloni. B. M. iii. p. 711, (1851). Body long G : exp. teg. 17 millims. Reported from N. India. 39. Ptyelds quadridens, Walker. Ptiielus qnadridens, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 711, (1851). Body long 8 : exp. teg. 17 millims. Reported from N. India, N. Bengal. ^ 40. Ptyelus sexvittatus, Walker. Ptyelus sexvittatus, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 715, (1851). Body long 5| : exp. teg. 12| millims. Reported from N. ludia. 41. Ptyelus PUNCTU.M, Walkcr. Ptyelus punctum, Walker, Liat. llom. B. M. iii. p. 718, (1851). Body long 5| : exp. teg. 12 millims. Reported from N. Bengal. ^ 42. Ptyelus subeasciatus, Walker. Ptyelus siihfasciatus, Walker, List. Hom. B. M. iii. p. 72l!, (1851). Body long 4 : exp. teg. 8 millims. Reported from N. India. d Genus Aphrophora, Germar. Mag. Ent. iv. p. 50, (1821) : Amyot aiicl Serville, Hist. Nat. Ina. Hem. p. 563, (1843) : Scutt, E. M. M. vii. p. 271, (1870) : Fieber, Kov. Mag. ZooL (3 Ser.) iii. p. 382, (1875). Hcad ahnost as broad as the prothorax : vertex ahnost horizonlal and soniewhat flattencd ; antcrior margin sometimes rounded, generally very obtusely angulated : clypeus of variable length, reaching to or bcyond the first jmir of coxte : rostrum long, 2 — 3 jointed ; ocelli two or sonietimes absent ; when present placed uear the posterior margin of the vertex and more or less remote from the eyes. Pronotum hexagonal or trapezoidal with a longitudinal keel contiuued through the vertex ; ante- rior mavgin rouuded or obtusely augulated, posterior margin frequently deeply augulate-eniavginate, scutellum triangular, shorter than the thorax. Tegmina slightly coriaceous, ovally elongate, acuminate : win-^-s ■with the inferior nerve furcate from the base or bcfore the midille. Posterior tibioe armed with 1 — 2 spines and a circlet of spiuules at the tip. 17 20 ^ 43. ApnROPHORA SIGILLIFTIRA, AValkcr. Aphrophora eigillifera, Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. iii. p. VOO, (1851), Tcstaceous sliining : head and thorax flat, with a slight ycllow "keel rndely punctured, thinly covered with tawny down : head above shorfc mostly pitchy, sh"ghtly concave on the posterior margin, rathcr niore convex in front ; its length less than one-fourth of its breadth ; face ferruginous, partly pitchy, slightly convex, with a very narrow yellow stripe which is most distinct towards the epistoma and is there traversed by two slightly curved yellow bands, one large, the other shorter and naiTowcr ; on eacli side, are about ten obhque, slightly curved transverse ridges : rostrum ferruginous with a pitchy tip : pectvis with a short, broad, black band bctAveen the fore and middlc lcgs : abdomen lutcous, reddish on each side and beneath : legs ferruginous, spottcd with yellow,. hiud femoi-a yellow : tegmina Inrid, thickly punctured, narrow and conical towards the tips which are almost acuminate, brownish along parfc of the fore-border, on each side of a largc subquadrate whitish spofc which is in the middle : wings almost colourless, veins black, tawny at tho basc (Walkn}-). Body long 7: wings long 15 millims. Ro2)ortod from N. India. ^ Genus Clovia, Stal. Hoiii. Afric. iv. p. 68, 75 (18G6) : Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 723, (1870). Head as broad as tlie thorax, rounded or roundly subangulated,. varying in length, above flat, anterior margin of the lobcs of thc vcrtcx acute, not furrowed ; frons somewhat couvex, cljq^cus moderately pro- duced at the apex, nofc extending beyond tlie apex of the anterior coxos : position of ocelli variable : thorax sexangular with the anterior lateial margins usually very short, parallel or ver}^ slighfcly diverging backwards, sculellum longer than broad : tegmina with the commissural margin beyond the apex of the clavus subangulated or a little rounded : postcrior tibia? bispinose (Stal). ^ 44. Clovia guttifer, Walker. O Ftnrlns gnttifer, Walkor, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 712, (1851). Cloi-ia guttifer, Stal, Ilem. Afric. iv. p. 75, (1866). Lurid : head and thorax flat, finely punctured, fchickly tawny pubes- eent • head with a short yellow band aiid two bla?k dots on fore-border ; face ycllow, with a flat, middle stripe, on each sidc of Avhich arc niiie oblique very shallow ridges, spaces between thetn fcawny ; rosfcrum tawny witha black tip ; abdomen luteous, pectus and Icgs yellow : fcips of the spiues and feefc pitchy : tcgmina ferrugiuous, thickly covered with tawny 18 21 down, with two oblique wliitish stripes on the fore-border near tlie tip Avbcrc therc is a bhick dot ; first stripe broad, secoud very sniall, a bhxck dot ou thc hiud-border near the tip and a few wliitisli streaks aloug tho vcius : wiugs colourless, veins black, tawny towards tho baso. Body loug G| : exp. teg. 15 millims. licportcd from N. BcngaL '' 45. Cloyia nebulosa, Fabricius. Cercopis nelulosa, Fabr., Syst. Ent. iv. p. 50, no. 14, (1794) : Syst. Rhyn p 94 (1803). Clovia nebidosa, Stal, Ilem. Fabr. ii. p. 16, (1860). Vcry pale yellowish-grey : two small median black spots on the head : tegmina obscurely fuscous, a very oblique auterior baud, a some- what Large median spot varied with fuscous at the commissure, an obliqucly trausverse spot behiud the middle of the costal margin and a. minute costal spot towards the apex, yellowish gi-ey : two narrow mcdian stripcs abbreviated before the middle and a lateral subtriaugular spot on thc tliorax also lateral liuibus of scutellum, fuscescent. Long with teg- miua, 10 ; brcadth of prouotum 3 millims. licportcd from E. ludia. y ^ GenTis Cartstus, StaL Berlin Ent. Zeitschr., vi. p. 303 (1862) : Hem. Afric. iv. p. 69, 81 (1866). Head as broad or almost as broad as the thorax, obtusely angulated ; lobes of the vertex trausversely impressed at the apex or f uruished with a transvcrse ridge near the apex ; frons slightly convex : rostrum short : thorax quadrangular or sexangular, iii the ktter ease auterior lateral margins short : scutellum long, much longer than broad : teo-mina mcmbrauous, pcllucid, margiued at the apex, obliquely rouudly subtrun- cate at thc apcx : posterior tibiaa bispiuose, upper spine sometimes very miuute. y '^ '^^ 4G. Carystus viridicans, Stal. ^*^ Ptyelus viridicans, Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p, 251 (1854) : Freg, EuS- resa, llcni. p. 28G (1850). ' Canjstus viridicans, Spangberg, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. No 0 p 13 (1877). ■ Weakly olive-greeu, below with the feet still weaker : vertex and thorax auteriorly weakly rufous-testaceous : tegmina olive-yellow, hya- line : spines of the posterior feet black at the apex. Body loug 5 : brcadth of pronotum 2 millims. Rcported from Java Malacca, Singapore, Tenasserim (?) 19 22 / *~^Subfamilj Machjirotina, Stal. ^ Machcerotida, Stal, Hcm. Afric. iv. p, 55 (18G6) •yMaclKvrotina, Stal, Ofrera» Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 727 (1870). Anterior margin of tliorax round or angular, ejes usually transverse : Bcutellum mucli elevated, compressed posteriorly, furuislied with a long apical sjjine. >/ 0 Genus Machjirota, Burmeister. Handb. Ent. ii. (i) p. 128 (1835). Head sraall, frons tumid, confluent witli tlie vertex, furrowcd in tlio middle, elcvated at tlie posterior margin, bearing tlxe two ocelli whicli are approximate : basal joints of antennaa large, terminal seta3 long, finc, curved : pronotum scptangular, arcuate : scutcUum largcr, produced backwards with a median longitudinal groove which is continucd into a long, pointed, acute upwardlj, curved downwardly, sabrc-like process : tegmina hyaline, witli sevcn cells at the apex and a large middlc ccU surrounded by a forked vein : legs simple, hinder tibife and two first joints of tW tarsi with a circlet of spinules. 47. Mach^rota ensifera, Burmeister. Mach(P.rota ensifera, Bnrm. Handb. ii. i. p. 128 (1835) : Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii, p. 729 (1851) : Stal, Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 727 (1870) : Signoret, A. S. E. F. (5 Ser.), ix, p. xlviii. (1879). Light yellow with the second and third segments above, the median part of the frons, a space on each side of the metanotum and thc origin of the process, black : tegmina and wings liyaline, the base of the tegmina and the claval portion of the wings, fuscous : tegmina Avith five apical cclls of wliich three lie towards the margin ; ubove these, which gradually diminish in size, is a row of hyaliue dots, on the margin itself : there are five brownish streaks on the prothorax of which the two median lateral ones are continued on the metanotum. Loug -i millims. cT, Reported from Philippines, Silhat. lo 48. Machj;rota spangbergi, Signoret. Machmrota spanghergi,S\gnoret, A. S. E. F. (5 S('r.), ix, p. xlviii. (1879). Yellowish brown ; the median part of thc frons, the tip of the ab- domen above and the genital organs, black: fect brownisli, posterior tilua; yellow with the tips black. Differs from M. ensifcra in having the frontal grooves bh^ck and the tegmina longer and less rounded at the tij). Long 4 millims. $ . Reported from Silhat. 20 23 / 49. MAcnj;ROTA punctulata, Signorct, Machcerota punctulata, Signoret, A. S. E. F. (5 Ser.), ix. p. xlix. (1879). Brownisli yellow, Avitli the middle of the frons, the abdomen abovo (except the base), the feet (except the posterior tibioe), and the frontal gi'ooves, black ; sevei-al transverse black spots on the thorax which is very finely punctnred : metanotum browuish with two yellow, lateral, basal siJots, the tip and the jjrocess blackish : tegmina elongate, five-celled and above the marginal two to three others smaller, very distinct : the hyaline nervures are spotted with several browu dots. Long 4 millims. $. Reported from Silhat, NoTE. ^Cosinopsaltria ahdulla, Distant, noticed as No. 57 at pago 226 of tlio Jonrnal for 188-i ia the same aa'' Oosmopsaltria spinosa, Fabricius, No. 59. Tho Indian Museum posscsses a specimen oi Cosmoscarta siainensis, Butler, bat the locality bcing uncertain, it has not been entered here. 21 7G Nolcs on Indian Rliyncliota, No. 3. — By E. T. Atkinson, B. A. [Reccivcd Jano 15th ;— Read July Ist, 1885,] [The iiotes are taken as far as possible from tlie original descrip- tions, most of wliich are practically unprocurable by observers in India, or froni Stal, Signoret, Butler, or Distant &c. where these authors havo redescribetl a species : the measurements of speciniens not in tho ludian lluscum have been convcrted into millimetres from the recorded mea- surements of the several authors.] The insects belonging to this section have been so little worked in India that the collector may feel sure of a rich harvest of new species. At the same time, we may take warning from the conf usion in the results of the investigations into the European fornis how very necessary it is, from the similarity in appearance and small size of the great majority of the species, to use the microscope more freely than has apparently liitherto been the practice in ascertainiug the generic charac- ters. We must wait some time before we can usefully attempt to do more than collect, compare, and fix the locality for the new forms of Menihnieidui and Jassidce which exist in such profusion iu tliis country. In the meantime, tliese notes summarising what has bcen done in, as near as possible, the Avords of the authoi^s, is a contributiou to the work. Family Membracid^, Stal. Snbfam. Memhrncida, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv. p. 83 (1866) : Fiebor, Rev. Maf. , Zool. (3 ser.) iii. p. 332 (1S75). ''^ Subfamily Centrotina, Stal. Ccntrotida, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv. p. 83 : Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 280 (1869) : ' Ccutrotina, ibid. p. 727 (1870). Scutellum distinct, produced backwards behind the metauotum, very often sinuated at the apex and furnislied with acute apical angles. Tlie scutellum is wanting in Oxyrhachis, which in Hem. Afric. iv. p. 84 (18GG) is placed by Stal in his subfamily Memhracida (Memhracina), and in Ofvers. Kong. Vet. Aka. Forh. p. 280 (]8G9) in his subfamily Centrotida (Centrotina) : in Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 47 (I8G9), it is again trausferred to Memhraoina. 0 Genus OxYRnACHls, Germar. Silbcrmann's Rev. Ent. iii. p. 232 (1835) : Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 267 (1816) ; Stal, Uom. Afric. iv. p. 81. (1866) ; Ofvors. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 280 (1869) ; Fieber, Rov. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii. p. 333 (1875). Head perpcndicular, frons a little elevated : thorax cornuted abovo the lateral angles, horns tlircc-cornered ; postorior process long, 3 77 narrow, bi*oad at the base, gradually narrowcd, thrce-cornered, reaching the interior margin of the tegmina ; beneath, posteriorly comprcssly- amplified, furnished witli a ridge continued throiigliout thc cntirc thorax : tcginina with five oblong, apical areas ; wings with thi-ce apical arcas : sides of the pro- and meso-stetliium armcd with a small lobc or tooth : tibia3 dilatcd (Stal). 1. OxYRlIACiiis TARANDUS, Fabricius. • ^ Mcnihracis tamndus, Fabr., Ent. Syst. Suppt. p. 514 (1798). t-1 Centrotus tarandus, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 19 (180.3). Oxyrhacliis tarandt(s, Germar, in Silbermann's llev. Ent. iii. p. 232 (1835) : Bnrmeister, Haudb. Ent. ii. (i.) p. 133 (1835) : Amyot and Servillc, Uist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 536 (1843) : Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 2G8 (1S4G), t. 4. f. 13 : Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 503 (1851) : Stal, Ilcm.- Afric. iv. p. 81 (18GG) : Hcm. Fabr. ii. p. 47 (18G9) : Fieber, Rov. Mag. Zool. (3 adr.) iv. j). 12 (187(5). Body obscure, dorsum fuscous ; pronotum with two comprcsscd horns, arched, obtuse, posteriorly subulate, longer than the abdomen ; tcgmina hyaline, veins fuscous : wings white ; feet ferruginous (Fabr.). Long 7-8 ; breadth of pronotum, 3 millims. ffnchenia halUsta of Gcrmar (Silb. Rov. Ent. iii, p. 231. 1835) nec Am. & Scrv. (Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 535, t. 0, f. 5, 1843) is referrcd to II. Jianhoic7cii hy Fairmaire (l. c. p. 520) and Am. & Scrv.'s specics II. balista is referred to the genns Splwnrjophorus from Mexico (l. c. p. 2C1). 8. halista, Am. and Serv., difCcrs from I/. hallista, GeiTnar, in the posterior proccss ending in an erect cnsiform prolongatiou, which is wanting in hanhvickii from India. ^ Genus Leptobelus, Stal. Hem. Afric. iv. p. 86 (186G) : Ofvers. K. V.-A., Furli. p. 280 (18G9). Frons without a basal lateral lobe, gradually narrowcd : sidcs of tho pectus unarmed : thorax with the disc elcvated, thc clcvatcd part f urnishcd on both sidcs Avith a slcuder horn, and postcriorlj with a slcnder pi-occss, wcll apart from the body : scutcllum clongatc, longcr than broad, gra- dually acumiuatcd or mucli narrowcd towards thc apcx, and with tlio npex slightly and narrowly obtusely or subsinuately truncatcd : cxtcrior discoidal area of tcgmina petiolated : wings with four apical areas : tibia3 vcry rarcly dilatcd (Stal). ^ 8. LEPTOnELUS DAMA, Gcrmar. Centrotus dama, Germar, Silbormann's Rev. Ent. iii. p. 258 (1835) : Fairmairo, A. S. B. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 510 (184G), fc. 3, f. 14 : Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. ii. p. G02 (1851). Leptohelus dama, Sfcal, Berlin Enfc. Zeitscli. p. 38G (18GG) : Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 281 (18G9). Black : tliorax, posteriorly, with Avliitc scalcs ; furnislicd with a Bliort slendcr proccss on tlie dorsum anteriorly, turning upwards, armed at the apcx on botli sides with a spine whicli is produccd outwards, and inflexed at the apex : scutellum elongatcd, spinosc, white at the baso : cxtcrior discoidal area of corium petiolated (Fairm.). Body long, 9 millims. Reportcd from India : tlie Indian Museum possesses a specimeu from the Khasiya hills. ^ 9. Leptobelus gazella, Fairmaire. CT Centrotus gazella, Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 510 (181G) : Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 602 (1851). Leptohelus gazella, Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. x. p. 38G (18G6) : Ofvcrs, K. V.-A. Forh. p. 284 (18G9). Coerulean black, thorax elevated in the middle, the elevatcd part trispinosCj spines not inflexcd, posteriorly not scaly with white. Closcly allied to L. dama, from which it diffcrs by its smaller size, thc lateral spiues shortei' proportionately aud slightly turned up : the prothorax is of 82 a bluisli black wifcliout a vvhifce patch posteriorly : the scutelhim is olou- gated, whifce at tho base : tlie tegmiua are transpareut, more yellow, black at fche baso ; cxterior diacoidal area of corium, petiolatcd. liody long 8 millims. lloported from India. 10. LEPTOnELUS TALLIl-ES, Sfal. Lcptohdus imlUpes, Stil, OfVors. K. V.-A.F6rh. p. 284 (18G0). Black, di.stinctly punctulate : thorax auteriorly withouta dorsal pro- cess : sidcs of thorax aud pectus, also base of scutellum, denscly oclirc- ous-sericeous : tegmina sordidly vinaceous, base of clavus and entirc costal area and nxdial area at tlie base and outwards beyond the middle, black, puucturcd: lateral hornsof pronotum, slender, moderate, gradually acummated, straight, turning outwards, above unicarinate, beneath bica- rinate; posterior process slightly curved towards the base,theuce straight, distant from the scutellum : exterior discoidal area of corium petiolated ; feet yellow-ferruginous. ? body long 5-5| r breadth, 2 millims. Koported from India. Very likc'L. curvispums, Stal, (Ceylon), lafccral liorns of fchoi-ax shortcr, niorc slendcr, fcurning oufcwards ; very lifctle upwards ; posterior proccss nofc rcaching thc apex of the scutellum and tlio frons narrrower at tho apex (Stal). 11. Leptobelus varius, Walker. Centrotus varius, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 1G2 (1858). Leptolclus varius, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 285 (18G9). Black, minutely punctured : head somewhat excavated between the cyos ; pronotum kcclcd, unarmed on each side, with a smooth shiuing spot on each side in frojit, shoulders somewhat acute : posterior process slcnder, acute, undulating, testaceous in the middle, not extciuling bcyond the tip of the abdomen : legs piceous : knees, tarsi and tips of the tibia3 tawny : tegmina punctured towards the base, with various vitreous marks hindward, and with a large vitreous patch near thc tip of the costa (WalJcer.) Body long 4^ : exp. teg. 8^ millims. Heported from Burma. The species of this genus appear to be distributed as follows :— A. Thorax furnished on fche dorsum anteriorly with a short, slender process turning upwards and armed at tlie apex on both sides with a spinc produccd outwards, extcrior discoidal area of corium petiolate fL. danta, L. (jazella. B. Thorax anteriorly without the dorsal process, either cornuted or vidged above the lateral angles. 9 83 B. a. Posterior process of tliorax distinctly c^rved towards tlie base : exterior discoidal area of corium petiolate : L. curvisinnus,L • 2)allipes. 13. h. Posterior process of tliorax straiglit, subundate, reacliing tlie apical part of tlic scntelliim, di^oidal corium scssile, gradually mucli narrowed towards the base : L. varius, L. auriculatus, (Stal). '^ 12. Leptobelus scutellaris, Fabricius. ^ Centrotus scutellaris, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 19 (1803) : Germar, Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. p. 257 (1835): Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 510 (1815) : Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii. p, 602 (1851). Stal, in index to Hem. Fabr. (ii. p. 115), places a qucry aftcr this siiccies ; and all that seems to be known is that it is reported froni India. •^ 13. Leptobelus paria, Fairmaire. *~*' Ceyifrotus paria, Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 513 : (184G) : Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 609 (1851). Ferruginous : eyes projecting : horns a bttle divaricatc, slcnder, acute, compressed : posterior process very slcnder, bordered on each side by the scutcHum Avhich is broad and white, as long as the abdomen : sides of the pectus white : f eet yellowish : tcgmina transparent {Fairm.) Long G milliras. Reported from India. <^ Genus XiPHOPiEus, Stal. Hcm. Afric. iv. p. 87, 91 (186G) ; Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 281 (18G9). Frons prominulous below in the shape of a tubercle ; thorax cornuted above tlie lateral angles ; posterior process much distant from the scutellum aud abdomen, much curved from the basc or geniculated ucar the base ; beneath, armed with small sj)ines, at least towards the base, not dilated in the middle beneath ; tegmina with five apical and two discoidal areas, none of which are petiolated : wings with four apical areas: tibise simple or very slightly dilated (Stal). ^ 14. XiPHOP^us PiLOSus, Walker. *^ Centrotus pilosus, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 606 (1851). XiphopTxis pilosus, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 285 (18G9). Ferruginous, very thickly clothed with sordid wldte down : head punctured, short, transversely subfusifoim, a little iiarrower than the thorax, with a metallic lustre in front, nearly twice as broad as lono- : face small : thorax puncturcd, deep in front, partly black, rising ahuost vertically froni thc head, sbghtly ridged, shoulders obtusely angular, 10 8i soincwliat promincnt : liorns above ratlicr long, broad, irrcgularly pris- iiiatic, slii>litly diverginfr and inclined forwards ; tips moro diverging, ahuost trifarcate, sliglitly amplified ; inner sido and outer side much bioadcr than the hinder side, angles slightly serrated ; of the three forks or angles at the tip, the fore one is slightly obtusc, the mid- dle oue acute, and tlio hind one rectangular ; liind horn stout and vertical for a short space from the base, then forming a right anglo and. extending backward mucli beyoud the tip of the abdomen ; hind part tawny, slcnder, tapcring, very slightly undulating, Avith an acute black tip : pectus and abdomcn piceous : legs tawny : a brown spot on the hiud angle of each tegmen : veius tawny, here and there, brown (Walker). Body long 4} : exp. tcg. 9| millims. lleported from N. India. <-^ Genus ACANTHOPHYES, Stal. nom. Afric. iv. p. 87, 89 (18GG) ; Ofvers. K. V.-A. p. 281 (18G9). Thorax much elevated between the latei-al angles, very often eornuted above the same augles ; posterior process distant from the scutellum, bisinuate bcncath, more or less amplified or lobed in the middle, between tlio sinus, with thc auiplilicd part reaching the dorsum of tjio abdo- men or tho apex of the scutellum : tegmina with five apical, two discoi- dal areas : wiugs with four apical areas : tibiie simple (Stal). C^ 15. AcANTnopnTES capra, Fabricius. ""■ Memhracis capra, Fabr., Ent. Syst. Sappt. p. 514 (1798). '■* Centrotus capra, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 20 (1803). Acanthophyes capra, Stal, Uem. Fabr. ii. p. 50 (18G9). Body altogethor fuscous, iramaculate : horns of thorax, large, thick, obtusc ; thorax ])Osterinr]y short, emarginate : tcgmina fuscous (Fahr.). Ferruginous black or ferruginous, remotely flavescent-grey-scriceous, two small basal spots on scutcllum and sides of pectus very dcnscly scriceous : lateral horns of thorax depressed, truncated, bicarinate above. ? : louf with tcgmina 6^ ; thorax broad, 3 ; exp. tlioracic horns, 4^ millims. Head betwcen tlie eyes a little shortcr than broad, beneath the eyes abruptly very much narrowed ; frons gradually slightly narrowed, sub- truncatc, frcely produced downwards for a distance : thoraxpunctured, armed on both sides anteriorly above the lateral angles with a depressed liorn, very slightly narrowed towards the apex, truncated at the apex, bicarinate above aud below ; anterior apical angle of the horns round postcrior somewhat acute ; posterior process distinctly carinate, very broadly sinuated in the middle above, a little amplified beneath in the middle, rcaching the apex of the scutellum, very slightly decurved ' 11 towards tlic apcx : tcginina fuscous-feiTuginous or fcrrugiuous-grcy, punctured at tlie base (Stal). Reported from Tranquebar, India. ^ Genus Leptocentrus, Stal. Hcm. Afric. iv. p. 87, 90 (18G6) : Ofrers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 281 (18G9). Frons more or less prominulous downwards : tliorax cornuted abovc tlie lateral angles ; posterior process, slender, tliree-cornered, acute, emit- ted a littlc bcfore the posterior margin of the thorax, altogether distant from scutellum and abdoraen, not unless posteriorly touchiug the inte- rior margin of the tegmina, not sinuated beneath nor ara])li(icd in tho middle : scutcllum emarginate at the apex, modoratc : tegraina with livc apical, tAvo discoidal areas, none of them pctiolatcd: wings with four apical areas : tibia) simple. ^ IG. LlcPTOCRNTUtrs TAURUS, Fabricius. '^' Memhraci^ farina^, F.ibr., Sysf.. Ent. p. 676 (1775) : Spec. Ins. ii. p. 317 (1781) : Mant. Ins. ii. p. 2-ti (1787) : Fut. Syst. iv. p. 14 (1791) ; Olivior, Euc. M6tb. vii. p. GG5 (1792). ^^ Meiixbracis rupicapra, Fabr., Ent. Syst. Snppt. p. 514 (1798). t°i Centrotus rupicapra, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 18 (1803). (./ Centrotus taurtis, Fabr., Syst. Rhyiig. p. 20 (1803) ; GoriTiar, Mag. iv. p. 33 (1821) ; Silb. Rev. Ent. iii. p. 257 (1835) : Fairmairo, A. S. E. F. (2 scr.) iv. p. 510 (184.6) ; Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 602 (1851) ; ibid. Suppt. p. 158 (1858) ; J. Linn. S. Zool. i. p. 93 (1856) ; ibid. p. 163 (1857). * ]\[i]inbracis tricornis,, Uardwicke, ZooL Jonrn. iv. p. 111, t. Sapjit. 30, fig. c. d. f. (1828). ^ Centrotus terminalis, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 604 (1851). ^^ Centrotus vicarins, Walker, 1. c. p. 605 (1851). Leptocentrus taurns, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 491 (1862) ; Bcrlin Ent, Zeitsch, X. p. 386 (1866) : Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 50 (1869). ►^ . . . ^ Fairmaire makcs M. tricornis, HardwiclvC, a synonyTU for L. taurus, Fabr., to which Walker adds his own C. vicarius anci G. terminalis, and Stal adds G. riqncajyra, Fabr, Head fuscous, eyes castaneous, a white siiot bcforc thc eycs : thorax fuscous witb two stout horns, a little arched, produced posteriorly, fili- form : sides of pectus white : wings obscu^re : body fuscous (M. faitrics, Fabr.). Body sraall, fuscous ; thorax with three horns, the latoral thicker, obtuse or rather truncate, subdentate ; the intermcdiate, poste- rior, recurved : tcgmina fuscoug hyaline ; wings wliitisli (j\L riipienpra, Fabr.). Fairmaire remarks that G. taurus is black with the scutcUnra and sides of the pectus white and the tegmina with tlie costa fuscous. Hardwickc describes his M. tricornis as liead, thorax, and body black ; 12 ■\vings asli-gvey, Imigcrand broailor tlian the body, and incnnibcnt : tborax tlireu-lioniud, two oi' wliich are plauod in front boliind tho eycs, about as long- as tbe tliorax, strong, ercct and curved outwards ; the third horn rises f loiu the posterior margin of the thorax, extendlng in a gentlo arch the wholo lcngth of tlie body and tapcring to the apex. Stal notes thafc tho type has tho lateral margins and apical spine of the scutellum sordid ■whitish. Walker's 0. tenninalis is thus described : " Black, clothcd with tawny hairs ; head and pronotum roughly punctured : head convex very short, trausversely subfusiform, a little narrower than the pronotum, undulating along tho hind border, retuse in front, on each side o£ tho face whose hind border is somicircular and occupies much less than half the length of the face ; clypeus prominent, retuse : pronotum thick in front rising vertically above the head, indistinctly ridged ; shouhku-a vcry obtusoly angular, not prorainent ; above them are two long, stout, prismatic, diverging, acute liorns which are curved backwards, especially towards the tips ; their sidos are slightly concave, their inner and outer sides are of equal breadth, their hinder side is narrower ; behind them the pronotnm is armed with a long, slender, smooth, acute triangular horn which is slightly curved downwards and extends to the tip of the abdomen : abdomen above with hoary refloctions : tibiiB pitchy ; hind tarsi tawny : wings veiy pale lurid ; a narrow pale brown stroak on the foro-bordor near the tip of each tegmen ; two discoidal areolas ; veins tawuy : wings colourlcss, veins black." Body long 6-8 millims. Fairmaire notes that he cannot separate from this species smaller onos of which the horns are very acuminate and hardly recurved, and othors in wliich the horns are rolieved and oblique. M. vicarius, Wal- kor, is one of those in which the horns are short. Reportod from India : the Indian Museum possesses specimcns frora Calcutta, Sikkim. 17. LiOPTOCENTRUS REPONENS, Walker. ^-' Ccnlrntns rcponens, Walker, List Hora. B. M. ii. p. 604 (1851) : J. L. S. Zool x p. 183, (18()7). ■ '■ Ccnh-otH^ antilope, Stal, Frog. Eug. Resa, Ins. p. 281, (1859). Leptocentnts antllope, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Porh. p. 727 (1870). Fuscous ferruginous : rudely punctured, sparingly covered with whitish down, head and thorax anteriorly niore densely chjtlied ; tliorax anteriorly subreclinately slopod, armed on both sidos with a horn, strong, long, producod soraewhat upwards, recurved towards tlie apex, tliree-cornered ; posterior process from its base distant from tlie abdo' nien, somewhat curved at the base, thence straight, equally thick, extending somewhat beyond the apex of the abdomen, three cornered 13 87 ■\viMi a liigli median ridge : tegmina Tvcakly fusccscent-lij^^alinc, vcins fuscous. Size almost tlie same as that oiL. tanru.;, but diffcrs iu being longer, proportionately narrower, anterior liorns longer, raore pro- duced upwards, scutellum concolorous (Stal). Body long 9: bi'oad 6 millims. Rcported from New Guinea, Timor, Philippines, Ceylon, India : the Indian Museum possesses specimens from Calcutta. 18. Leptocentrus substitutus, Walkcr. <-* Centrotus suhstitutus, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 605 (1881). In structure like the preceding : horns of thorax short as in var. vica- rius, Walker, oiL. taurus ; pectus with a thickpatch of pale yellow down on each side in front ; legs black ; tarsi pitcliy ; hiivd tarsi tawny ; wings black ; tips colourlcss ; vcins tawny. Body long Gj : wings long 12| millims. {Walkcr). Reported from N. Bengal. Gcnus Centrotypus, Stal. nem. Afric. iv. p. 88 (18GG) : Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 281 (18G0). Frons gradually narrowed from the base, without a lobe on both sides at the base : posterior pi'ocess of thorax not sinuated on each side from the base to the scutellum, never distant from the scutellum, gra- dually narrowed, covering the whole or almost the whole of the scutel- lum ; dorsum of thorax distinctly keeled, thc keel not (or very obsolctely) continued forward through the thorax, wliich iustcad of a kecl has a somc- what smooth line : sides of scutellum not prominulous, scuteUum not or only a littlc, seldom twice, as broad as the base of the postcrior process of the thorax : tegmina with five eiitire, oblong, apical arcas ; costal area puuctured at thc basc, costal and radial arcas abbrcviated at the same distance or abnost so from the basc (Stal). O 19. Centrottpus flexuosus, Fabricius. ^ Memhracis flexuosa, Fabr., Ent. Syst. iv. p. 12 (1704). ^^ Centrotus jlexuosus, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 18 (1803) : Fairniairc, A. S. E. F. (2 scr.) iv. p. 516 (184G) : Walker List Hom. B. M. ii. p. 611 (1851). ^ Centrotus anchorago, Guerin, Icon. Regno Anim. t. 50, f. 4 (1820-43). Centrottjpus flexuosus, Stal, Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 51 (1860) : Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Foi-h. p. 286 (1860). Thorax punctured, coerulean ; with a stout honi on both sidcs, flat, acntc, black, a httle flcxuose, posteriorl}' produced in a sjjinc, longer than thc abdomen : wings black, a spot on the slender margin whitish : body black^^U. flexuosa, Fabr.). 14 88 Cooi-ulcan black : lateral liorns of thorax long, somewliat recurved, scarcely turning upwiu-cls, above unicarinate, liardly broader than the niedian j^art of the posterior process, acute : tegmina subvinaceous, fcrruginous towards the apex, with the base and the broad costal limbus beyond tho middlo, bhickish (Stal) ? . Body long 10 : breadth of prono- tum 3| : exp. horns of thorax 8| millims. Roported from India : the Indiau Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim. '^ 20. Centrottpus assamensis, Fairmaire, ^ Cenfrotiis assamensis, Fairmaire, A. S E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 517 (1816). ^ Centrotus costalis, Walker, Ins. Saunders. Hom. p. 27 (1858). Centrotypus assametisis, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 280 (18G9) : Distant J. A. S. B. xlviii. (2), p. 38 (1879. Greenish black, blue on the horns : allied to G. flexuosus, Fabr. thoracic horns less dilated, ridged before and behind, more relieved : tegmina yellow, pellucid, with the external margiu blackish brown, a brown patch at the internal angle {Fairm.). Long 11 miilims. Reported from Assam and Tenasserim ; the Indian Museum pos- sesses specimens froni tlie kutter locality. ^ 21. Centrottpds obesus, Fairmaire. Centrotus ohesus, Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 518 (1810) : Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. ii. p. 612 (1851) : Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitsch. x. p. 380 (1800). Centrotus malleator, Walker, List L c. p. 612 (1851), Java. - Centrotus malleolus, AValker, List L c. p. 013 (1851), Java. U Centrotus malleus, Walker, List L c. p. 613 (1851), Ceylon. Centrotypus ohesus, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 280 (1809). Cocrulean-black, shining : prothorax tumid and rounded anteriorly and bctweenthe shoulders (especially in ?), deeply punctured : horns conical, slightly projecting, abnost horizontal : posterior process, sinuat- ed, slender, slightly curved below at the tip, longer than the abdomen : scutellum white, short ; basal half of tegmina of a transparent yellow, rest brown, external border bkickish (Fairm.). Long 8-10 millinis. Reported from Java, Ceylon, India. Genus CoccosTERPHUS, Stal. Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 51 (1809). Body small, obovate : head with the eyes equal in breadth to the anterior part of the thorax, with the eyes, deflexed, somewhat transverse, slightly inflexed beneath the eyes, frons a little eleva- ted, uot freely prominent, with the apical margin a little prominu- 15 89 lous : ocelli twice as distant from cach othei* as from thc cycs : thorax moderately coiivex, unarmed on both sides anteriorly, gra- diially narrowcd behind the slightly prominulous lateral angles and gradiially j^fissiug into the posterior proccss ; the posterior process entire on both sides at the base, not sinuated, gradually acuminated, straight, slightly deflexed at the apex, equalling the apcx of clavus, somewhat highly ridged, much depressed in thc middle. No complctc scutellum : mesonotum f arnished on both sides at the apex with a spinulc turning backwards. Tegmina short, not extending bcyond the apex of the abdonieu, gradually somewhat amplified towards thc apcx which is obhquely rouuded, opaque and coriaccous at the base ; extcrior vein of clavus unitcd with the commissure at some distance beyond the middlc ; corium emitting tlic uhiar aud radial vcins from tho base, uhiar vcin Bomcwhat forkcd bcfoie tlie middlo of thc corium, two discoidal arcolas or, if tlic arcola bchind tlio fork of tho uhiar vcin bo includcd, tlirc^e ; the cxterior discoidal arcola stylated, styhis scparating the intcrior (6r intermediate) discoidal areola f rom the first apical area, five apical arcas. Wiugs, with three apical areolas. Fcct modcrate, tibire prisma- tic, anterior a httlc dcpressed : anterior trochantcrs unarmed within. A curious gcuus alhed to Gargara, Stal ; but vcry distiuct iu haviug the thorax behiud the lateral angles gradually passing into thc postcrior process which has no sinus at the base ; there is no i^roduced complctc scutellum, but the mesonotum is armed at the apcx Avith two very distaut spines (Stal). ^ 22. CoccosTEKPnus minutus, Fabricius. (^ Mcnihracis niinuta, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Snppt. p. Gll (1708). ^' Cenfrotus mimitus, Fabricins, Syst. Rhyng. p. 22 (1803). '■> Scaphula (?) minnta, Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 scr.) iv. p. 495 (184G) ; Walkcr, List nom. B. M ii. p. 589 (1851). Coccosterplms minutus, Stal, Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 51 (1SG9). Minute : head and thorax black, scabi'ous with clevated dots : tlio- rax subunarmed, produced posteriorly, attenuated, a Httlc elevated before the apex, as long as the abdomen : tegmina obscurely whitish, somewhat spotted fuscous, black at the base ; wings shorter, hyaline : body black (^Fahr.). Black, flavescent-greyish-sericeous : head, thorax and tegmiua remotely sprinkled witli somewhat large granules : thorax furnishcd with a ridge or keel, obsolete auteriorly, very elevated in thc posterior pro- cess, in its medium depressed part interrupted : tegmina palcly grcyish- flavescent, subpelkicid, obsoletely dotted with white, veins hcre aud tlicre infuscate, granules and almost third basal i^art, black ; black part puuc- tured ; uhiar vcin running through this part greyish-flavesccut (Stal). c? . Body long 3} : broad 2 miUims. Rcportcd from E. India, Tranquebar. IG f 00 ►Subfamily Darnina, Stal. 213. K. V.-A. p. 55G (18G7) ; p. 250 (18G9). Gemis IIkmiptyciia, Germar (in part). Fair.nairo, A. S. E. V. (2 ser.) iv. p. 312 (18-lG) : Stal, Ofvcra. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 557 ((18G7), p. 250 (18G'J). Thorax witliout an impression above tho lateral angles, much eleva- led anteriorly, furnished on both sides with a long liorn, strong, curved, acute, turning upwards, reaching with tho lateral margins of the poste- rior process the longitudiual vein of the clavus, covering part of the apex of che chxvus and narrow interior posterior part of the coriura, apical half or more very slightly deflexed ; entire dorsum tectiform or compressly acuto, sinuated above beyond the middle, behind tho sinus gradually dccreasing in hcight, equal to or extending a littlo beyond tlic apex of the tcgmina ; head obtusely triangular : ocelli a little more distaut from the eyes than from each other. "^^ 23. Hemiptyciia crux, Linnajus. ^ Cicada crux, Linn., Syst. Nat. (ecL 10) i. p. 435 (1758) : Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 151 (17G4). Ilemiptycha crux, Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitsch. x, p. 389 (18GG). Fuscous-testaceous : thorax black, anteriorly obsoletely spinkled testaceous, behind the lateral liorns broadly mai*gined with yellow, this yellow margin uarrowed backwai^ds, extended beyond the middle o£ the posterior produced part : tegmina fuscous. Thoi-ax distinctly punc- tulate, furnished with a very strong and long horn above the lateral anglos, compressed, turning outwards and moderately upwards, at the apex oblicpiely truncated, anteriorly rounded, at tbe apex posteriorly acumi- nate, slightly amplified towards ^oi^^ip ; posterior produced part gradu- ally acuminated, extending a little beyond the tip of the tegmina ; apex itself very slightly recurved : dorsum seen from the side somewhat straiglit aud with a distinct ridge, lateral margins straight (Stal). ? body long 18 ; exp. horns of thorax 17 millims. Reported from India (Linn.). ^^ Genus Scaphdla, Fairmaire. A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) iv. p. 494 (184G). Head triangular, rounded at the tip : eyes very broad, prominent, ocelli contiguous : prothorax smooth, sometimes elevatcd, slightly rounded posteriorly : tegmina free, Avith posterior veins waved, one small discoidal ; tlic intemal extremity sometimes slightly covcred by the prothorax : postcrior tarsi lougcr thau the anterior (Fairiu.). 17 91 ^ 24. ScAPnULA SEMIATRA, Fairmairc. Scaphula eemiatra, Fairmaire, A. S. E. F. (2 sor.) iv. p. 494, t. iii. f. 18, 19 ; t. vii, f. 20 (184G) ; Walkcr, List nom. B. M. ii. p. 589 (1851). Brownisli black, sliining ; protliorax somcwliat elevated in the mid- dle, terminated postei'iorly by a defined, ronnded border; tegmina frec, dull black, posterior third transparent : abdomcn bencath, antcrior fcct, knecs, and tarsi yellowish ; posterior feet blackish {Fairm.) Body loug G millims. Reported from Coromandel ? OFamily Jassid;e, Stal. VJmiRida, St^l, Tlom. Afric. iv. p. 82 (18GG) ; Fichcr, Kat. p. 8 (1872) ; Rcv. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii., pp. 337, 38G, (1875). u-^ Subfamily Paropina, Ficbcr. / ^Paropida, Fiebcr, Kat. p. 7 (1872) ; Rev. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii, p. 384 (1875) : \/^ Paropides, Sign. A. S. E. F. (5 ser.) ix, p. 47 (1879). V^OGenus Signoretia, Stal. '^ '" Fi-Pg. Eng. Resa, p. 289 (1859). Body elongate, subparallel : head with the cycs broadcr than the tliorax, round in front, semihinated on the vertex, subconcavc, furnishcd posteriorly with a high transverse ridgc ; frons large, convex, Avith a much elevated longitudinal ridge ; ocelli placed in a sniall cxcavation in thc margin of thc basc of the frons at the cyes : tliorax shortcr thau broad, parallel, anteriorly seraicircularly roundcd and prodnced bctwccn the eycs, rounded behind, posteriorly convex, antcviorly scmicircularly depresscd, wherc it is furnished with two ridgcs bcfore the apex, lying closc to each other : scutellura small, triangular : tcgmina longer than the abdomen with the longitudiual veins towards the ajDex, once joined by the transverse nervures, the intracostal longitudiual vein forked behind the middle : feet mojierate, posterior tibia? three-cornercd, angles remotely spinose. Allied tfeoParopja .- ocelli nearer tlie cyes, frons convex, ridged, thorax differing in shape, thc suctcllura vcry small (Stai). '^025. SlGNORETIA malata, Stal. tyrhamnotettix malaya, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 192 (1855). Signoretia malaya, Stal, Freg. Eag. Resa, p. 290, t. 4, f. 9, a. h. (1859). Virescent-whitish, densely and rougldy puncturcd ; tcgmina vires- cent whitish hyaliuc ; cutire clavus, space bctwccn thc costa aud tho 18 92 second longitiidlnal vcin, also otlier vclns on botli sidcs, fairly rouglily punctiircd (Stal). Long 7; broad, 1| raillims. Reported froni IMalacca, Tenasscrini (?). \/ O Subfamily Leduina, StaL y Ledrina, Stal, Ofvors. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 731 (1870) ■.^carkhi, Fiobor, Kat. p. 7, (1872) ; llev. Mag. Zool. (3 scr.), iii, p. 380, (1875). \/Q2G. Ledra serrulata, Fabricius. V Ledra serrnlata, Fabr., Syst. IlUyng. p. 24 (1803) : Stal, Hoiu. Fabr. ii, p. 58, (1800). Greyisb or flavescent-greyisb : body beneath and feet weakly testace- ous flavescent or testaceoiTS whitisli : tegmina grcyish peHucid behind the niiddle, near the base with a pallescent, broad, obsolete band ; winga sordidly hyaline : the dorsum of the abdomen flavescent-sanguineoiTS : thorax elevated posteriorly and furnished on both sides with a lobe, erect, produced forwards, crenulated posteriorly on the margin. Some- times with two interruptcd bands on the inferior part of the head and certain median marks on the thorax, black (Stal). 2 Body long, 18»* broad 5 millims. Stature otQL. aurita, Linn. (Britain) head more roundly i:)roduccd, lobes of tliorax longer. Head somewhat shorter thau the thorax, gradually distinctly amplified throiigh a short space before the eyes, thence abruptly angulated and anteriorly much rounded, the ocellar tract impressed, the impi-essed part amplified forwards and gradually merging in the anterior disc, anteocular part remotely sprinkled with distinct grauules. Lateral margins of thorax parallel at the apex, thence somewhat divergent backwards, two parallel ridges behind the middlo antcriorly slightly divergent, obtuse, minutely tubei-culate, and towards the sidcs a lobiform crest, very high, slightly bending forwards, rcmotely granulate, posteriorly crenulate. ScuteUum gradually trans- vcrsely deprcsscd towards the middle, before the middle sprinkled with granules towards the sides, posteriorly much elevated, tlie elevated part posteriorly black and granulate. Tegmina gradually slightly amplified bcyond tlic middle, thence rounded outwards : ahnost entire clavns and corium towards the base punctured and sprinkled witli granules at intcrvals, veins here and there infuscate. Tibice above sparingly gra- nulate. Reported from ]\lalacca, Tranquebar. 0 27. Ledra mutica, Fabricius. Ledra mutica, Fabricius, Syst. llhyng. p. 25, (1803) : Stal, Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 59, (1860). y- 0 Ledrafornicata, Walker, List lloni. B. M. iii, p. 815, (1851). 0 Ledra carinatu, Walker, List L c, p. 815, (1851). ^' 19 93 Grcyisli minglcd witli fuscous or wcak fciTuginons and granulatccl, l)cncatli jialcly sordid flavcscent : head and thorax cqual iu lcngth, tho licad ohtuscly angulatcd at the apex, the thorax postcriorly quadricari- nate : dorsum of ahdomcn weakly sanguincous : clavus sometimcs markcd anteriorly with a largc pale spot : wings sordid hyahnc, sauguincous at Ihe basc. 9,j6ody long, 18 ; broad 4j millims. Allied toQZy. dilatata, Walker, but narrower, hcad longcr. Hcad vcry obtuscly tectiform, much pi-oduced, furnished with a median wrin- klc, ruuning through it, and posteriorly with four longitudinal wrinklcs, the cxterior a little obhque ; somewhat roundly amplified bcforc the eycs, thence gradually obtusely angulatcd towards the apcx, gradually vcry obtusely roundly-narrowcd, sprinklcd with granulcs and small tubcrclcs. Thorax hardly narrowcd forwards, subsinuate bcforc tlic middlc on both Bidcs, bchind thc middlo gradually elevatcd backwards, rcmotcly sj)rin- kkxl with granulcs, postcriorly furnishcd with four paranel ridgcs. ScutcUum with the apical part much elcvatcd and longitudinally birugosc, the wrinkles {rurjoi) granulated. Tegmina gradually a little amphfied beyond the middle, thenco roundcd extei-nally, behind the middlc more peUucid, towards tho base spi"inkled at intervals with granules, greyish, vcins more obscure, here and there infuscate or palcly fcrrugiuous. Tibia; above sprinklcd with some granulcs (Stal). lleported from Tranquebar, N. India, N. Bengal. v^28. Lkdka dilatata, Walker. Ledra dilafafa, AValkcr, List Ilom. B. M. iii, p. 811, (1851) : Stal, Ofvcrs, K. V.. A. Forh. p. 495, (18G2) ; Ilom. F.abr. ii, p. 50, (1869). /0 Lcdra scutellata, Walker, 1. c. p. 812, (1851). , 0 Ledra pla7ia, Walkcr, 1. c. p. 812, (1851). ^O Closely allied to L. mntica, Fabr. Tcstaccous, pnlcr bcncath : hcad and prothorax, with fcrruginous tubercles : hcad broader than the thorax, very slightly arcuated, anterior margin rounded, cach sidc somcwliat angulated, hinder margin very slightly sinuate, weakly tricarinatc, tho lateral ridges short aud oblique ; its length hardly half its brcadth : thorax convex on the disc, furrowed across, very slightly convcx along thc antc- rior margin, with a pale band on the disc, which has fivc shght ridgcs, the middle one short : posterior margin concavc in the middlc, convex on each side : scutellum gibbous with two slight ci'csts towards tlic tips : abdomen red above : tegmina ■vvhitish, vcry convex along the fore- borders towards the tips ; veins palc ferruginous Avith a few piccous tuberclcs towards the base : wings colourless : tibia! with piccous tubcr- cles, slightly widcned and fringed {WalJcer). Body long 10| : tcg. 25 millims. Reported from E. India. 20 y 94 U 21). Ledra dorsalis, Walkor. LcAh-a (lorsalis, Walker, List Iloin. B. M. iii, p. 810, (1851) ; Stal, Ofvers, K. V,- A. Fcirli. p. 495, (18G2). rcrrugiuou.s, tostaceous boneath, head a little broader than tho tliorax: vory slightly archcil, rounded iu frout, obtuscly augular ou each side, slightly siuuate ou the posterior niargiu ; its lcugth hardly half its breadth ; tlirce broad, low, roundod ridges on the vertex, tho side pair oblique ; face with three black stripes corrcspoudiug to tho ridges above : shickl roughly punctured, shghtly convox in frout, very coucavo on the hiud bordor, armod with six crests, outor pair irregular, horizontal, and obliquo ; noxt pair vortical, very high, markod witli black, couvox abovo, pcrpcudicukxr aud formiug right augles bohind ; inner pair slight, iuterrupted with two black dots on cach towards the liiud border, scutcnum couvcx : abdominal appendagos short : logs tostacoous : tcguiiua fcrruginous, tuberculate, ospecially towards the base, ahnost colourless towards the tips : wings almost colourless (Walker). Body loug 21 ; teg. 37| millims. Ilcported from Silhat. The foUowing threo species are of doubtful position : ^O 30. Ledra punctata, Walker. Ledra punctata, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. iii, p. 82-i, (1851). Testacoous, paler benoath : hoad and thorax broad, roughly punc- tured ; head vory short-conical, narrower than tlie thorax, not archod, hardly ridgod, very shghtly concave along the hiud border, with irregu- lar whitish reticulatious ; its length less than half its breadth ; faco with a furrow along cach side : shield groon on tlio disc, with irregular Avhitisli reticulations iu front and on each side, where it is sliohtly widenod and angular : legs pale testaceous : tegmina almost colourlcss puuctured from the base to the tips, tinged with pale green and alonc^ the borders with pale brown ; tips darker broAvn ; veins very f ew • wings ywhito (Walker). Body long, 7^ ; tog. ISf milHms. lloportod from Mak^bar. / 0 31. Ledra lineata, Walkor. Ledra lineata, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii, p. 830 (1851). Stramineous, fusiform : hoad and thorax flat ; head almost smooth conical, ahnost as broad as the thorax, not archod nor ridgod, with L slight rim, hardly sinuate along the hind bordor ; its longth'' less than its broadth ; face flat on the disc, with vory oblique and indistiuct stria) on cach sidc : shield minutely striated across ; scutellum with a 21 95 sliglitlj .irclicd transvcrsc suture iicar tlio tip : tcgmina wliilisb, scmi- transparcnt ; veins borclercd with a darkcr colour ; wiugs colourlcss (Wallc)-). Bodj long, 7} : tcg. 10| millims. Rcported from N. India. O 32. Ledua punctifera, Walker. Lcdra pnnctifera. Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 219 (1858). Greenisli-testaceous (pale green ? wlien alive) ; veiy minutcly punc- tured, wliitish testaceous beneatli : hcad flat, short, conical, very sliglitly impressed on each side above, and with a very slight kecl bencath : thorax with a very slight impression on each side : tegmina w'ith ramosc veins and with a black point in each disc towards the hind border : wings vitrcous (WaUier). Body long, 14| : teg. 25 millims. Rcported from Darjeeling. ^OGenus Ledropsis, Whito. A. M. N. H. xiv, p. 425 (1844). Uead with its prolongation longcr than wide, parallcl in front of tho oycs, as wido as the thorax, then gradnally curvcd to tho tip, which is somewhat obtusc ; ocelli on the same line with the front of the cycs and rather more distant from each other than from tho eyes : eyes large but not very prominent ; prolongation hollowed out beneath, with a spear- shaped elevated ridge running down tho middle, tho baso of Avhich, on the facc betwecn the eyes, is hoUowed out : antennro spring f rom a dcprcs- sion in fi-ont of the eyos boneath, 3-jointed, tho terminal joint ending in a longish bristle : thorax roundod in front, very dceply notched bchind, tho postorior anglcs truncatoly rounded : tegmina with many incloscd ccUs at tho cnd, the vcins robust : body elongatc, margincd bcueath : tibia; of posterior feet not dilated, serrated bchiud {WhUe). ^ O 33. Ledropsis obligens, Walker. J cyLedra ohligcm^, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Snppt. p. 251 (1858). ^' Lcdropsis oUirjens, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 495 (18G2). Reddish, vcry elongate-subfusiforra, testaccoiis beneath: hcad convcx, elongate-conical, niuch longer than broad ; under sidc coucavc, with a very broad bordor, the middle compartmont lanceolate, black towards the tip of the vertex : thorax convcx : abdoraen compresscd, witli a dorsal ridge : tegmina tawny, reticulated ; veins vcry numerous with some whitish marks : wiugs greyish-vitreous (Walher). Body long 12| ; teg. 1(5^ millims. Reportod from India ? 22 96 l/^Gcnus TiTUiUA, Sia\. Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 158 (1865) ; nom. Afric. iv. p. 102 (18GG). Body large, oblong : headfoliaceous,clypeatccl, tiiangulai-, rounded at tlie ajiex, produced forwards and a little downwards, vertex flat ; frons narrow, flat : face beneatli tlie eyes, abruptly mucli narrowed, thence gradually narrowed, margins very slightly amplified : eyes small : ocelli 2)laced behind the niiddle of the vertex between the eyes, niore distant from the eyes than froni eacli other : thorax and vertex in the same plane, somewhat sloped, the former sexangular, angulately araplified on both sides, lateral margins acute, anterior margiu straight, posterior margin slightly sinuated : scutellum triangular : tegmina coriaceous, dcnsely punctured, tectiform, reaching the apex of the abdomen, clavus very broad in the middle, corium triangular, obliquely or roundly trun- cated behind the clavus ; veius irregularly anastomosed towards tho apex, less elevated : feet somewhat sjiort : auterior coxto free ; last tibiaj remotcly dentated above. AUied toQ^etalocephala, (Stal). *" 034. TiTURiA PLANATA, Fabricius. ' 'Memlracis planata, Fabr., Ent. Syst. iv. p. 11 (1794). / r.Leilra planata, Fabr., Syst. llhyng. p. 25 (1803). ,'■ > Epiclines 'planata, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. lus. Ilem. p. 578 (1813) ; Walkor List nom. B. M. iii. p. 831 (1851). ■^ ^Epiclines heles, Walker, lus. Saund. Hom. p. 100 (1858), V vj Petalocephala planata, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 501 (1862). V O Petalocephala expansa, Stal, Ofvers. 1. c. p. 158 (1865). Tituria planata, Stal, Hem. Fabr. ii. p. 59 (1869). Clypeus flat, triangular, entii-ely virescent, eyes oblong, fuscous : pro- notum smooth, flat, virescent, produced on both sides in a flat point, strong, acute : tegmina virescent, immaculate ; body virescent (Fahr.). Olivaceous flavcscent turning into virescent ; abovo witli the proste- thium densely and distinctly punctured ; head above finely and si^ar- ingly punctured : costa sordidly flavescent : apex of the spines of the last tibia3 fuscous ; head obtusely triangular, more than twice as broad as long ; thorax much dilated. on both sides, ano-les acute the anterior margin of the dilated part about one tliird longer than the pos- terior margin, thc latter infuscate ; the last ventral segment in the ? deeply sinuated at the apex (Stal). ?, body 18 : breadth of pronotum 10 millims. Reported from Malacca, India, Tenasserim. ^ Subfamily Proconiina, Stal. Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Furh. p. 733 (1870), 23 97 Gcmis Tettigonia, H. Gcoffroy (in p.irfc). Hist. Ins. p. 429 (17G4) : Signoret, A. S. E. F. (2 scr.) i. p. 13 (1852). Signoret (in l. supra c.) reviews the history o£ tlie group, first esta- blislied by Gcoffroy, in his work describing the insccts found in the neigh- bourhood of Paris, under the name Tettigonia. In 1794, Fabricius sepa- rated the same group in his Ent. Syst. (iv. p. 27) under thc namc Cictula, and in his Syst. Rhyn. (1803) formed from it thc gcncra Jassu^jJ^lata, and (Jixitis. In 1811, Latreille re-established Tettiijonia, and, in 1821, (]\Iag. Ent. iv.) Gcrmar reduced it by creating thc genera Gypona, Civlidea, and others. In 1825, Lepelletier de St. Fargeau and Audinet- Scrville (Enc. Meth. x. p. GOO) formed two divisions, Tettigonia ior ihosG in wliich thc head is rounded beyond the cyes sxndj^roconia for thosc in •wliich thc hcacL is conical. Iij 1829, Latreille (Regnc Anim. 2nd cd., ii, 221) scparatecr(7i'cc7t.s from Proconia, and, in 1832, Dc Laportc do Castelneau (A. S. E. F. i, p. 222) fornicd Ocrmaria and lihaplddorhinus. lu 1835, Burmeister (Handb. ii, (i) p. 117) restorcd i\\o~Tcttigonia o£ Latrcille and Gcrmar witli four subdivisions, and, again in 1840, Blan- chard (Hist. Nat. Ins. iii) admits divisions only. In 1813, Amyot and Servillc (Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 5G9) admitTettigonia^^Gennaria, tTiccus, Bhaphidorhinus, and Proconia, and addAulacizes, Diestostemvia, and ' Acopsis. In 1850, Spinola (Tav. Sin. Modena) created Diedrocephala ^uS^WolfeUa, and, in the same year, Signorct crcatcd BiJohopterus (Rcv. Zool. (2 scr.) ii, p. 284), In 1851, Fitch formed Ilelochara for an American species, and, in the same year, Walker crc^iico^ProjJctes. In 1852-54, Signorct (A. S. E. F. (3 ser.) i-iii.) kccps one gcnus aiid five groups, and notices some 39G spccies tlien recordcd from all parts of thc Avorld. Stal, in 18G9 (Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 59, notc), includes the group in his subfamily Jassida and division Proconiida, prcserving Ger- maria^Giccus, ^Biestostemma, uhaphidorhintis, Proconia, n,naTettigonia and adding a number of his own genera. In 1870, Stal (Ofvcrs. K. V.- A. Forh. p. 733) raises the group to the dignity of a subfamily under the name Proconiina. In 1884, Taschcnberg (Zeitsch. Kat. Wiss. Halle, p. 431) sinks the gcncra and reviews the Avholc as one genus with sub- divisions runuing so closely the one into the othcr as not to afford good generic characters. After examining the figurcs givcn by Signoret, this appears to me to be the most reasonable solution of tlie difficulties cou- nected with the arrangement of the insects bclonging to this group, which now numbcr nearly five hundrcd. ^35. Tettigonia semicircularis, Siguoret, Teftigo7iia semicircularis, Signoret, A. S.E. F. (3 ser.) i, p. 348, 1. 10, f, 5 (1853) Walkcr, List B, M. Suppt, p. 219 (1858). 24 98 Head ronndotl antcriorly, yellow, with two frontal bands united on tlic clypcus, wliitc : clypcna and rostrum black : two half mo(ms unitcd on thc vcrtcx, a mcdian band and on each side two spots, black : prono- tum transversc with two bands, anterior one narroAV and sinuated, poste- rior broad, uniting with tho first, and on each side bctwecn them a transvcrse patch, black : scutcUum with a semicircular band procecdiug f 1 oui tlie basc, black : tegmina fuscous, with a farinose, powdery sub- staiKic ; lateral margins trausparent : abdomen black with the sides and l)order of thc segnients, )'cllow ; exterior margin pale, bordcred with black, auus wliitc : fcct ycllow. Long 5-6 millims. Ilcportcd from Poudiclierry. ^ 3G. Tettigonia pavo, Signoret, Tetti.jonin parn, Si^uornt, A. S. E. F. (3 ser.) i, p. 675, t. 22, f. 4 (1853) : Wal- ker, List 15. M. .Suppt. p. 218 (1858). Bluisli-black : head rounded, above bluish-black, beneath yellow with the frons and vertex between the eyes depressed : prothorax ante- riorly somewhat narrow, yellow, with five spots or patches, black, of which thrce aro on thc anterior margin and two, corresponding to two on the base of the scutcllum, avo on the posterior margin : tcgmina red, brown at tlio tips and cxhibiting two bluish circles formed of an easily romoveable farinose powder, one of these circles is on the cubital disc ■near the scutcllary anglc and the other is at the tip, half in the red part of the tegmen and half in the brown tip : wings brownish : abdomen bluish-black with the margins of the segments beneath, yellow : anal appondage as in T. ffrriujinea : feet yellow. Long 15 millims. Reported from Bcngal. G 37. Tettigonia ferruginea, Fabr icius. ^ CiciHU ferriujinea, Fiibricius, Ent. Syst. iv. p. 32 (1794) ; Suppt. p. 218 (1798) ; Syst. Kliyny. p. G2 (1803). JProconiafernicjinea, Walker, List B. M. iii, p. 783 (1851). ^" Tettifjonia apicalis, Walker, List 1. c. p. 736, Cliina. ^ Tettiijonia conjinis, Walker, 1. c. p. 736, China. '^*Tetti(jonia addita, Walker, 1. c. p. 737, Java. '^ Tettiijonia cjemina, Walkcr, 1. c. p. 737, Java. c-' Tettiijoniaohscura, Walkcr, 1. c. p. 738, E. India. -* Tettiijonia dnplex, Walker, 1. c. p. 738, — ? ^ Tettiijonia reducta, Walker, 1. c. p. 739, Hong Kong. OTettigonia longa, Walkcr, L c. p. 740, Philippinos. c)Tetti(jonia immaculata, Walker, 1. .c. p. 740, Quito P ' — Tettiijonia co/i_/inis,Walkcr, 1. c. p. 745, — ? ^ Tettiijonia ferruginea, Germar, Mag. Ent. iv. p. 69 (1821) : Signoret, Rcv. Zool. p. 176 (1853) ; A. S. E. F. (3 ser.) i, p. 676, t. 22, f. 5 (1853) : Walker, List B. M. Suppt. p. 218 (1858). 25 rabriciiif» ilo.scribcs fliis spccies ilius :— " ITcad, . 2G (1854) : Stil, Of- vers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 734 (1870). <3' Tettigonia kinhergi, Stal, Freg. Eng. Resa, Ins. p. 288 (1859). Whitish with yellow veins : head triangnlarly rounded in front with a black spot between the ocelli and on both sides, above tlie antennal margin, near the eyes : ocelli blackish and placed in a decp groove : basal band on thorax produced subtriangularly in the middle and two basal spots on the scutellum, black : pronotum very convex in front, Btr{\ight bchind above the scutellum, anteriorly transversly furrowed : tccfmina fuscous or yellow-white with tlie streaks a little brown, costal lialf, whitish hyaline : abdoraen and feet yellowish white ; vertex im- pressed on both sides. Allied to T. alhida, Walker, frora which it differs in its sraallcr size, narrower head, anteriorly more or less obtusely roundly- subangulated, iu wanting the median black spot, in the thorax being raore narrowed forwards, posteriorly a little broadcr tlian thc hcad, and especially by the cavities on each side iu front of tho cycs in Avhich are inserted the ocelli (Sign., Stalj ? Body long, 5 : broad, 1| milliras. Reported from Philippiues, Malacca, ludia. "^ 39. Tettigonia bella, Walker. Tettigonia hella, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. iii, p. 778 (1851) : Signorct, A. S. E F. (3 ser.) ii. p. 10, t. 1, f. 8 (1854). 2G U)i) iMack, sdiiiltul iiml siiotlcd yellow ; lieiul aa broad as tlu) tliorax, ujif^iilaily ioiiiuIihI iii lioiit, somowlint coneavo postoiioily ; voilux witli a slrijic, a l.aiul t>n tlio poslorior uiurgin and u curvotl Htripo on caeli biilo, l"r(»ns ainl laco willi .spols on caeh eiclo autl aonio largor niarka in tlio niiildlc, ^tlldw ; llircc pair of largo contiguous luteous spots on tlio licatl hcncalli, niu! of llicsc (lu llio clypous : thorax hlack, with a curvctl yciluw liiiiul on c;uli sidc : sculelhwn hlack : tcgniina hlack, with cighfc yclluw ii;,(( lu .( oi- sjiol.s ; two olihtiuo, haBal ; two sutiiral ftirniing a jialcli couiiiiou (o llic (w(i tcgnuna antl four niarginal ; tif tlic lattor thtiso (III cat;li sidc ncaicr (lic h:isc, ftnir times lojjg-orthau the othei-s, iipsluriil: aluKiiiicn hlattk or iiurplc, tawny afc tho tii) heneath ; legs testaccous, Jintciior lcjiKiia niajkcd with bluck : wings brown, irritloficent, palo gniy tdwajds (lic hiisc. In soiuo casea tho marks on tljo teguiina aro ohloji{^ au^iiliir, iiuiii! liKt! loiiyidKlinal hanils thjiu spots (Sitji:., Wulk.). LoniC-i:) i, p. G03, t. lil, f. 4. (1853) : Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 41)5 (m\-2). [^ O L'uiicaiithii6 c.iticiiiHs, Dialaiit, Soiont. llos. 2nd Yarkand iliBbion, p. 15 (1870), 27 101 Pnlo 3'ollow : licad Intoong ; vovtox RoniiciiTnlnr in fidnt, Iinrdly concavc on ilic postorioi" niargin, witli a sliglit ridt^^o on llio ilisc wliioh in nio.sMy occnpiod by a black mnshroom-Blmpod palch of whicli tho stalk rcsts on thc postcrior margin betwccn the ocolli ; faco sniooth, shining, with a plight ridgc and on cacli sido witli indistinct obli(pic strio! : (ho- rax with a median obconical patcli and a roundcd spot on c;i(h si. 218 (1858). Above docp black : licad with an irregular angular black mark on tlie vertex, including a eubquadmte black mark which procceds from tho hind border : faco flat with two black stripoa which nnito on tlio clypcua, sides tawny ; rostrum piceou8 : thoi-ax with a transvorso band and lateral bands, rcd : scutellum rcd with two triangular spots, thoir bases resting on thc anterior margin and a Bagittato mark noar thcaiticos of thoso spots, black : tegmina black with a mnnbor of nnintcrrnplcd longitndinal rcd etreaks, the ends of most of which on cach tognuMi nicot tho ends of the corrcsponding etreaks on thc othor tcgmcn : wings with a metallic tinge : tip of abdomen red ; lcgs rcd, fcct tawny (Siijn.). Long Avith tcg. 12-14 millims. Rcportod from Nepal : tho Indiau Muscum posscsscs spccimcns from Sikkim and Sibsagar (Assam). 2^ 102 Q 44. Tettigonia opponens, Walkor. Tettiiimiia npponenn, Walkcr, List Uom. B. M. iii, p. 757 (1851) ; Signorct, A. S. E. F. (;$ .s.'r.) i, p. (;07, t. 21, f. 10 (1853). Dliiclc : liead and tliorax slighily convox, licad briglit orangc, coii- cave aloiig thc ])ostcrior mai'gin, morc convex in frout, witli two clavato slripos auil a sjjot bctwccn thc tips of the stripcs, black ; bcncath palc ycllow, twicc broadei" than long ; face oval with a flat pale orangc disc, a bhick stripe akmg two-thirds ef each side is united to a black stripe on the clypcus, Avhich is ridged and slightly compresscd ; rostrum pale ycllow : ihorax with a broad orangc band which is sometimes half inter- riiptcd on thc hind border aud is waved along thc fore border near each sidc of which it inchidcs a littlc black cross strcak, also a large subqua- drate orange spot whosc liind border is notched ou each side near the tip of tlie scutcHnui which is tawny ; legs pale yellow : tegmina dark grey with thicc orange stripcs, costal and median united at the basc, iuterior hardly cxtcndiiig bcyond the middlc, veins brown (Walk., Sl(jn.). Loug 12 milliius. licpoitcd froni N. ludia. . :x^ , , X- 0 'Siiblauiily AOOCEPIIALINA, Siguorct. --^ " ' ^- C?[rorri,l,al„hr, Ki..|,..i-, Kat. p. 10 (1872) ^Acocrplndidrs, Putou, Signurot, A. S. E. h\ (5 «.-r.) ix, p. 17 (1N7;)). 045. AOOCEI-UALUS STRAMINEUS, Walkcr. Acoccpludnti nlnuninens, Walkcr, List llom. B. M. iii, p. 817 (1851) ; Stal, Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forli. p. ItU. (1802) : Sio.aoret, A. S. E. ¥. (5 ser.) ix, p. 88 (1879). oBijtlwscopua atrdinineuti, DistiUit, Scicnt. Rcs. 2iicl Yarkaiul Miss. p. 18 (1879). Qllillhoscopus indicctlus, Walkcr, List l. c. Suppt. p. 2GG (1858). l'alc tc8iaci'()u.s ; liead slightly rugose, a Httlc narrowcr than tho thorax, roundcd and almost scmicircular in frout, lcss sinuate bchiud • about four tiiucs broadcr thau long ; vertex longer in the middle than on thc sidcs ; two bhick dots on the anterior border which forms a sli^ht lim ; facc flat, bi"oad, punctured : thoi*ax trausverscly striatcd : scutcl- luiu very slightly puucturcd : tegraina ahuost colourless, punctured ncarly to thc tips, pale testaceous towards the base : wings colourless (^Walkcr). JJody loug, iH ; teg. 21 millims. l{ci){)rtcd froiu Cclcbcs, Java, N. Chiua, Sind valley. 0 Gcuus Hecalus, Stah A. S. E. P. (4 ser.) iv, p. 65 (18G4) : H^. Afric. iv, p. 113 (186G) : Signorct, A. S. E. F. (5 ser.) ix, p. 266 (1879) : iucludcs Gloasucraius, Ficbcr (llev. Mag. ZooL (3s6r.) ii, p. -103, 1875). 29 103 Body oljlono' or elongatc, depi'essed : head somcwliat largc ov soniO' what so produced, aiiical margin acute, morc or lcss broadly foliaceous : face dilated, somcwhat decply siuuated below the eyes ; frons a littlo couvex : eycs small or modcrate : ocelli placed on the ajncal margin of the head or at or ucar thc eycs : thorax transvcrsc, very obtusely rouud- ed at thc ajicx : scutcllum triangular, a little broader thau long : tcgmi- na alniost as long as the abdomen, margincd at thc ai^ex, valvate bchind the clavTis, with fivc apical areas : fcct moderate, postcrior tibiaj vcry spinose. Allied tc^iva, Stal, but differs iu the hcad larger, morc pro- duced, margiu foliaceous (Stal). 04G. Hecalus sulcatus, Ficbcr. '^ Glo!<. Petalocephala paykulli, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 2.52 (1854). Hccah>simuhdli,Sth.\,A.B. E. F. (4 Bcr.), iv, p. Gi (1804): Signoret, ibiJ. (5 ser.) ix, p. 270 (1879), t. 7, f. 26. Sordid whitish-yeliow, smooth, shiniug, cloudcd with browu ou tho vertex, the leugth of the median liue, aud transverscly ou the prothorax, the tegmina aud the veins of the same colour but with a browu liue ou each side. Head defined on the margin only, one and half times lougcr than the prothorax, as long as broad betwecn thc eyes, angularly round- ed, the sides almost parallel above the eyes, then formiug an auglo at the tip ; two cxcavations ou the vcrtex ou cach sidc. Frons couvex with a foliaccous bordcr antcriorly, groovcd on the sidcs, border con- cave abovc thc clypeus which is itself broadcr at the base thau at the • tips but showiug its greatest breadth iu the middle, carijiatc in its mediau part. Rostrum vcry short. Gcua! with tlic tip obbquc from tho 30 104 clypcus to ilie oyc forming a voiy acuto angle, concave, sinuous towards tlic clypeus tlicn emarginatc, concave near tlie eyo. Tho prothorax a little more thau twice broader than long, finely striated transversely in the posterior half and witli several less marked imprcssions anteriorly. Tegmina o])aque with four discoidal areas of which two aro anteapical, five a])ical areas and throe in the marginal space ; a black dot occurs at tho tip of tho claval angle. Wings hyaline with the third sector re- uiiited at fche internal brancli of the bifurcation of the second sector, then bifurcatc and forming a long angular cell. Pectus and abdomcn yellow : the latter a little deepor towards the base of the dorsal segments. S has last segment of the abdomon hardly longer than the precedino-, a])ical margin straight ; a vory smali genital appendago ; gonital plates very narrow at the ti]) almost as long as the hypopygium and pubescent on the sides ; tlie hypo])ygium a littlo broader and pubescent, tho anal tubo is surrounded by it and oxtends beyond it by very little. The 9 lias the last segmont twico as long as the preceding, convex at the supe- rior margin, angalar in the middle and weakly sinuated on each side ; tho genital appendages or valvules are more than twice as long as the preceding and the oviduct extends beyond them by about one-third (Sirjno)-ct). Stal Avrites :— Shining, sordid whitish-yellow ; head (eyos cxccptcd) almost cqually long and broad, longor by half than the thorax, anteriorly slightly narrowed, smoothisli : togmina opaque ; oyes fuscous. S Body long 5 ; broad, liardly 2 millims : $ , body long G ; broad, 2 milJims : Stsl gives ? long 8| ; breadth thorax 2 millims. Reported from China, Sonegal, (Australia ?), Silhat. O Genus TiiOMSONiELLA, Signoret. A. S. E. F. (5 ser.) x, p. 52 (1880). Separated ivoni^Iccala.s, Stal, by tho presenco of six discoidal areo- las. Budy dcpressed : licad prolongcd in front, foliaceous on tho ante- rior margin of tlie vertex, with a groovo throughout its ontire lenoth, vertex dejjressed, also the frous, the latter wifch the groovos and lateral Butures extcnding to the anterior border of the head : gonte sinuated rouudud in tho middle : the lores occuj^^ying the entire sjjace between the margin of the gente and tho frontal suture : sides of clypeus almost parallel, rounded afc the tip, one and half times longer than broad : ])ro- thorax transverse, almost broader than tho hoad with the eyes : iegmina transparent hyaline with a narrow raarginal linibus : rest as in^ Ilecalus (S ignoret) . t) 48. TlIOMSONIELLA KIRSCHBAUMII, Stal. \}Hecalus lirschhanmii, Stal, Otvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 737 (1870). {^homsoniella kirsclihuumii, Siguorefc, A. S. E. F. (5 ser.) x, p. 52, t. 1, f 44 (18S0). 31 105 Palc ycllow, sliiinng-, with a dot at tlic tip of thc clavus and on tlio middle of tlie first apical arca, black : anterior margin of vcrtex blackisli. Head a little sbortcr tban broad bctween tbe eycs, the anterior niargin weakly angularly rounded and reflexed, vertcx concave, occlli in tho groove very closc to the eycs. Frons convcx, almost as long as broad, thc sides much rounded : gen^e broad with the anglc very obtuscly roundcd. Prothorax convex anteriorly, concave behind, the lateral margins very slightly convex, almost parallel ; finely, transvcrscly striatcd. Clypcus with thc sidcs parallel, rounded at the tip. Tcgmina roundcd at the tips with four broad apical and six discoidal cells, thc sixth comprising a small hexagonal ccllulc with cqual sides bcf ore the third apical ccll ; thcrc is also a supplcmentary ccllule ; limbus very narrow, a transvcrsc vcin bctw#cn thc two vcins of the clavus. Abdomen long, the last scgmcnt (?) twice as long as the iicnultimate with thc margin sinuous, cmarginatc in thc middlc and furnishcd with a roundcd mcdian lobc ; valvulcs onc half longcr and thc oviduct extcuding bcyond thcm by a third. 2, body long, G ; broad, 2 millims. Roportcd from Philippines, Ceylon, India. Kcscmblc^^. wallcngrenii, Stal, but dilfcrs in thc moro rounded hcad, in thc numbcr of discoidal cellulcs, and in thc groovc ou thc bordcr of thc hcad (Si(jn.). ^ Genus SelenoCEPHALus, Germar. Snbcrmann's Eev. Ent. i, p. 180 (1833) : Bnrmcistcr, H.indb. ii, (i), p. 111 (1835) : Amyot and Scrville, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 583 (1843) : Stal, Ucm. Afric. iv, p. 108 (18GG) : Fiobor, Ilcv. Mag. Zool. (3 scr.) iii, p. 309 (1875). Body oblong : hcad short, broadly roundcd at thc ajicx, apical mai'- gin with a furrow : vcrtcx flat, horizontal : facc dilated, dcprcsscd at thc basc, lateral margins slightly sinuatcd bcncath thc cycs : ocelli placed in thc furrow of thc apical margin of thc head at or ncar thc cycs : thorax transversc, roundcd antcriorly : scutellum a littlc broadcr than long, triangular : tcgmina extending beyond the apex of the abdomen, mem- branous, margined at the apcx, valvate behind the clavus, with 4-5 apical arcas : feet moderate, jjosterior tibio^, a little comprcssed, very si>inosc (Stal). Oi9. Selenocephalus egregius, Stal. Selenocephalus egregius, Sta.], A. S. E.F. (4 eer.) iv, p. GG (18G4) : Signorct, ibid. (5 ser.) X, p. G2, t. 2, f. 52 (1880). Light olive grcen, smooth ; vcrmillion spots on thc head, protho- rax and scutellum, glossy. Head very littlc broadcr than the protliorax, roundcd in front ; vcrtcx uot longcr in tlic middlc tban towards tlic 32 106 cyes, witli a biavcuatcd band of veruiillion, margin witli a sliglit groove, ocelli a littlc distant from tho eyes ; frons witb the suturea concave, then convex at the tip, weakly impi^esscd in front. Clypeua one and half times longer than broad, spatuliform ; lores much round- ed ; gena) broad, tip convex, a little sinuate in front of the sub- ocuLar piece. Prothorax two and half time broader than long, thrico longer than the vertex and with a vermillion band in front which starting from the niiddle of the anterior margin proceeds obliquely towards tlie niiddle of the lateral bordcrs where it ends in a round spot. Scutelhim broader than long with four round dots at the base, two latcral towarda the transverse stria and the tip, vex"million. Tegmiua hyaline golden-yel- low with the side strong and vermillion up to beyond the middle, veins blackish, tho transverse blacker and with two latei-al spots along the border, tliroo at the suture and the extremity, black. Wings slightly infuscate with a lighter space in the supplementary cellule : body and fect yellow olive with dccper shades at the base of the abdominal seg- ments : last ventral segment in ? scarcely longer than the prcceding, emarginate in tlie middle with a median lobe, the sides very oblique, trilobate : valvulcs thick, round, pubescent at the extremity ; hairs yellow at the base, black at tlie tij) : oviduct blackish just extending beyond the valvulcs (Stgn.). $, body long, 8 millims. Reported from Burma. o 60. Selenocephalus cultratus, Walker. ^Ledra culohata, Walker, List Honi. B. M. iii, p. 827 (1851). OLedra cultrata, Walker, 1. c. iv, p. 1159 (1851). 8ele7iocephalus cultratus, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 494 (1862). Testaceous, almost f usiform ; head conical, as broad as the thorax, shagreened, very slightly arched, very slightly concave along the hind border, with a very indistinct middle ridgc, on each side of which thero is a vcry slight furrow ; its length a little less than its breadth ; sides slightly augular ; fore-part of the underside with slight diverging ridges which are at right angles to the slight oblique ridges on each side of the face ; a piceous spot in front of each eye : ocelli near the hind border : thorax very slightly convex, hardly striated transversely, indistinctly im- pressed on each sidc ; scutcllum with a slight arched transverse suture near the tip : abdomen as broad as the thorax with seven slight black stripes : legs marked with black : tegmina pale testaceous, not puuctur- ed : wings colourlcss (Walker). Body long 10 ; teg. 14| millims. Reportcd from India. . • f ■ ' J y VjGcnus Petalocephala, Stal. 7^t ..' '^'^ Stal, Ofm-s. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 2GG (1856) ; Hein. Afric. iv, p. 103 (1866). 33 107 Body very oblorg or n. Httlo elongatc, dcprcssed : hcad clypcated, foliaceous, produced anteriorly ; vertex somewliat flattisli ; face beneath tbc eyes abruptly very rauch narrowed, thcnce gr.adiially, margins very sHghtly dcfined ; frons small, narrow, flattish : cyes small : ocelli situatc towards the base of the vertex, morc distant fi-om the cycs than from each other : thorax transverse, sexangular, not or only very slightly narrowed forwards, lateral margins acute, anterior-lateral much longer than posterior-lateral, anterior margin slightly rounded : scutelhim triangular, subequilateral : tegmina subcoriaceous, pellucid, densely punctured, tectiform anteriorly conjointly convcx, clavus vcry broad before the middle, corium obliquely rounded at the apex, vcins irregulai'- ly anastomoscd towards the apex, less distinct : ffcet somewhat short ; first coxa? free ; last tibia3 above remotely dcntated. CTType Petalocc^^hala hohemani (Stal). v^V)51. Petalocephala ciiLOROCErnALA, Walkcr. y/O Ledra cUorocephalni^, Walkor, List Hom. B. M. iii, p. 825 (1851). /Petalocephala chlorocephala, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. F(3rh. p. 494 (18G2). Tcstaccous, palcr bcncath, almost fusiform ; head and thorax thickly punctured ; head flat, conical, as broad as thc thorax, vcry slightly arch- ed, very slightly concave ^long the hind border, green in front with a mcdian ridge ; its length a Httle more than half its breadth ; three ridges beneath, the middle one tapering to the fore bordcr, the side pair curvcd oiitward : thorax almost flat, shield tinged with grecn on each side of the hind border : legs pale testaceous : tegmina almost colourless, tcstaceous towards the base, brown at the tips, with a smaH black spot in each disc : wings colourless {Wallcer). ^^ 60. Penthimia castanea, Walker, Penthimia castanea, Walker, J. L. S. Zool. i. p. 98 (185G). Ferruo-inous, smooth, shining : head black in front and beneath : pectus black in front and with a black spot on each side behind : legs black ; tibia) vcry spinose : tcgmina lurid and with black spots towards the tips (Wallcer). Body long, 5 ; teg. lOi millims. Reported from Malacca, Tenasserim. Additions and Corrections. O 61. MoNECPHORA TRIMACULA, Walker. Moneci:)hora trimacula, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 682 (1851), Body long, 7j : exp, teg, 18| millims : reported from ludia. 40 114 O C2. SpriENORiiiNA CONTIQDA, Walker. Sphenorhina contigun, Walkor, 1. c. p. 695 (1851). Body long, 8-^ ; teg. 18| millims : reported from K Iiidia. *^' 03. 8i'iii.:nouiiina intermedia, Walker. Sphenorhina intermedia, Walkcr, List 1. c. p. GJ)5 (1851). Body long, 7^ : teg. 1G| niillims : reported from N. India. 0 04. SpnENORiiiNA PROxiMA, Walker. Sphenorhlna pro.vima, Walker, Lisfc L c. p. 695 (1851). Body long, 71 : teg. 14^ millims : reported from N. India. 0 05. Sphenorhina braconoides, Walker. Sphenorhina hruconoides, Walker, 1. c. Suppt. p. 185 (1858). Body long, 6i: teg. 16| millims : reported from Burma. 06. Spiienoriiina approximans, Walker. Sphenorhina appronmans, Walker, L c. Suppt. p. 185 (1858). Body long, Gh-S\ ■ teg. 16|-19 raillims : reported from N. India. ^ 67. PoopiiiLUs cosTALis, Walker. O Ptyehis costali,, Walker, Lisfc Uom. B. M. iii. p. 707 (1851) : Stal, Ofvers K V - A. rcirh. p. 493 (1862). 0 Ptyeius concolor, Walker, List L c. p. 715 (1851). 0 Ptyelus dolosus, Walker, List L c. Suppt. p. 189 (1858). ■-' Ptyelus rotundatus, Signoret, in Thoma. Arch. Ent. ii. p. ;i32 (1858). O Ptyelus natulensis, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 97 (1858). t> Poophilus natalensis, Stal, Hem. Afrio. iv. p. 74 (1866). More or less weakly or obscurely ivory-grey, pubescent ; tegmina varied with fuscous ; frontal part of anterior margin of the head, pallid, with five black spots : wings colourless, slightly infuscate at the apex \ ventral disc black : tegmina nearly thrice longer tlian broad, apical lialf narrowed : frons and anterior feet, fuscous ; apex of femora paJlid (P, natalensis, Stal). ?, long 9-10 ; broad, 3-3^ millims. Reportcd from S. and W. Africa, Ceylon, N. India. Stal uotes that his Ceylon example differs from the S. African in the head being a httk^ more obtuse and more rounded. 68. Clovia conifeb, Walker. O Ptyelus conifer, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 711 (1851) : J A S B Hv (2) p. 19 no. 38 (1885). /••..>. y^j, ^ Ptyelus simulans, Walker List L c. p. 7l7 (1851). O Ptyelus frcnuiatus, Sti\, Olvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 250 (1854): L c. p. 493 (1862). 41 115 Head and tliorax feiTuginous, flat, very tliickly and minutely punc- tured, covered with tawny down : head short, indistinctly striped with brown, sinuate along the hind border, more roundcd in front, its lcngth not more than one-fourth of its breadth ; face piceous, roughly punctur- ed, with ten slight oblique ridges on each side of the disc which is flat ; two yellow stripes along the sides unite near the front and form a cone and are produced along the pectus : the clypeus shining, convex, fer- ruginous, with an oblique furrow on each side ; rostrum ferruginous, tip piceous ; pectus with a broad black band between tlie anterior and intermediate iegs : abdomen ferruginoua, testaceous at the base : legs testaceous : tegmiua ferruginous, conical towards the tips which are almost pointed, nearly colourless f or half the breadth beneath the fore- border from the middle to the tips ; some forked brown streaks in the disc, a few of them communicating with an irregular curvcd brown stripc Avhich extends from three-fifths of the length of the fore-bordcr to tlio tipand is darkest at each end : wings colourless ; veins black, tawny at the base (Walker). Body long, 6j ; teg. 16 3- millims. Reported from India, Java. *^ 69. Clovia punctum, Walkcr. ^ rtijelus pimctum, Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. iii. p. 718 (1851) ; Sfcal. Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 493 (1862) : J. A. S. B. liv. (2), p. 19 (1885). g Pfrjelivs hipunctipennis, Stal, 1. c. p. 250 (1854) : Java. Pale tawny, covered with pale down : head and thorax almost flat : head very convcx in front, with two furrows wliich divcrgc frora the fore bordcr and communicate with two morc obliquo imprcssions near the hind border ; face very convex, with a blackish disc, which has about eiglit oblique ridges on each side ; disc of the breast, blackish : tegmina with a dark brown dot on the hind border near the tip ; wings colourless ; veins pale stramineous (WaUcer). Body long, 5 : teg. 11| millims. Reported from N. Bengal, Java. 70. Pttelus sexvittatus, Walker. Ptyelus sexvittatus, Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. iii. p. 715 (1851) ; J. A. S. B. liv. (2), p. 19 (1885). Yellow, shining : head and chest flat, minutely puncturcd, adorncd with six black stripes : head concave along the hind border, almost coni- cal in front ; its length less than half its breadtli ; face very convex with indistinct ridges on each side, black towards the clypeus which is also black : disc of the pectus mostly black : abdomen piceous : a short dorsal stripe, hind borders of the segments, and oviduct, tawny : lcgs 42 116 3'ellow ; tips of tlic Innd tibite and of tlie hind fcet, piceous : tegmina brown, narrow, Avith two very large white spots on tho fore bor- der, with two indistinct Avhitish marks near the base, and with two more along the liind bordcr : wings colourless ; veins tawny, pale yellow to- wards the basc (WaUcer). Body long, 5 ; teg. 12 ^- millims. Rcported froni N. India. ^ 71. Ptyelus subfasciatus, Walkei-. Pt>jelus ^uhfasciatus, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 724 (1851) ; J. A. S. Ben. liv. (2), p. 19 (1885). Paie tawny, shining, very finely punctured : head above luteous, slightly concave ah>ng the hind border, very convex in front ; face very convcx, piceous towards the clypeus which is also piceous ; ridges on eacli side very slight : thorax witli six brovvn stripes ; a brown spot on each side by the base of the tegmina : disc of the pectus, black : abdomen piceous, pale tawny at the base : tips of the hind tibite, black : teg- mina brown with a tawny spot on each side at the base and with two white bands, the flrst not reaching the hind border, tlie second inter- rupted in the middle : Avings colourless, veins tawny {Walker). Body long, 3^- : teg. 8^ millims. Reported from N. India. 72. lJropiiora hardwiceii, Gi-ay. Urophora hardwicJcii, Gray, GrifSth's ed. Animal kingdom, Ins. ii. p. 261, t. 90, f. 3 ; t. 138, f. 5 a-d. (1832) : Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii. p. 645 (1851). The characters of the genus and species are given thus by Giuy : — " the thorax produced over the head ; the posterier legs simple and with the ovipositor forming a long tube ; fulvous with the tegmina spotted l)ctween tlie veins with brown ; the legs and ovipositor obscure" : near QLjtlLalion, Latr. Body long, 18 ; ovipositor long, 13 millims. Reported from Nepal : the Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim, Assam. Journal, liii. (2) No. 3 for 1884, p. 219 No. 26, H. transversa, Wal- ker is the same as Goiana clives, West L c. p. 221, No. 34. 1. c. p. 224, D. lateralis, Walker, No. 41 is the same as D. vibrans, Walker, No. 43. 1. c. p. 225, B. immacida, Walker, No. 52 is the same as D. manni- fera, Linn, No. 39. 1. c. p. 229, omit G. snbtincta, Walker, No. 70 : Walker's locality is incorrect. 1. c. p. 229. G. ancca, Walker, No. 71 is included in G. striata, Walker, List i. p. 206. 43 117 o ' o 1. c. p. 230. Cicada suhvttta, Walker, ^o. 73 is a Tibicen. 1. c. p. 230. ^ Cicada xantes, Walker, No. 75 is a Cicadatra. 1. c. p. 231, jJ^idieina operculata, No. 81 istbe s?imc as Fidicina Buhn, Walker, List, p. 82 and is a Crtptotympana. 1. c. p. 231. ^Fidicina corvus, Walker, No. 82 is a Cryptotympana. 1. c. p. 232. T. apicalis, Germar, No. 14 inchxdes also Cicada semi- cincta, Walker, List, i. p. 142. 1. c. p. 232. '^M. illustrata, Am. & Serv. No. 85 and M. recta, Walker, No. 86 are the same as M. conica, Germar. 1. c. 233. M. quadrimacula, Walker, No. 93 is a Cicadatra. 1. c. p. 233. M. terpsiclwre, Walker, No. 94 is a Dunduria. Journal liv. (2) No. 1 for 1885, p. 19. P. qnadridens, Walkcr, No. 39 iuclutles as a variety Clovia guttifer, Walkcr, 1. c. p. 20, No. 44 and is a Clovia. 44 From thc Jonrnal, Asiutk Socicty o/ Bengal, Vol LIV, Part I, 1885, Notcs 0)1 TniJiiin Rli^-ucliota. No. 4. — Tjy E. T. Atkinson, ]3. A.^, [Rocoivcd Jiily 7th ;— Road August 5th, 1885.] ^ ■• \ , ,i- ' \i «■' ' ■■'"' Famil}^ Fulgorid^, Leacli. *- a ' Edin. Enc}'. ix (1817) ; Westwood, Mod. Class. Ins. ii, p. 427 (181-0) ; Fieber, Verh. Zool.-Bot. Gcss. Wien, xvi, p. 497 (186G) ■.—Fuhjorellce, Latr. Gen. iii, p. 163 (1807) ; Spinola, A. S. E. F. (1 ser.) viii, p. 133, 202 (1839) :—Fulgorina, Burm., Haudb. Ent. ii (i) p. 102, 114 (1835) ■.—Fulgorida, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 128 (1866). Two ocelli, raroly tliree or none, one on each gena ; tliird, when pre- scnt, placed on tlie apex of the frons : genoe reflexed, very often separated from the frons by a ridge : tegmina at the base with a tegula, which is seldom wantiug, hidden : anterior coxa) inserted near the sides of the body, very often elougate ; last pair, transverse, contiguous, estended to the lateral margins of the body (Stdl). ^ Subfamily FuLGOEiNA, StaL "^'■■^ FuJgorides, Am. & Sorv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 488 (1843). "^ Fulgorida, Sthl, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 129 (18GG), Stettin Ent. Zeit. xxxi, p. 255, 282 (1870) ; Fulgorina, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A., Forh. p. 740 (1870). Anal area of wings reticulated ; the ridge separatiug the frons froui the genas is continued in the sides of the clypeus (Stdl). '^ A Genus FuLGORA, LimiEeus, Stal. Fulgora, Stal, Tlom. Afric. iv, p. 133 (lSm)f Hotiuus, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hcm. p. 490 (1843) : Wulkor, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 264 (1851). ■^■ft\ 128 Vertcx much broadci' tlian tlie eyes : licaJ farnislictl witli a long process, rounded or eubtetragonal : gena? truncated beforc tlic eyes : frons sliglitly sinuated at tlie apex, furnisbcd witli 2 — 3 longitudinal ridges : feet slendcr : scutellum slightly carinatcd ; ccphalic proccss morc or lcss curved (Stdl). A. Section with (when dead) orancje wings. V^ "^ 1. PULGORA CANDELARIA, LinnoSUS. x/ '^ Cicada candelaria, Linn., Acta Holm. p. G3, t. 1, f. 5, 6 (1746) : Rocscl von Rosenhof, Ins. Belnst. 2, Gryll. p. 189, t. 30 (1749) ; Sulzer, Ins. t. 10, f. 62 (17G1). * ■ Laternaria candelaria, Linn. Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 153 (17G1). ■^ FitJgora candelaria, Liun. Syst. Nat. i (2) p. 70 (17GG) ; Do Gror, Clnnlc r/ii- noife iiortc-lantcruc, Ins. iii, p. 107 (1773) ; Fabricins, Syst. Ent., p. G73 {Vll^)) ; Spoc. Ins. ii, p. 313 (17«!) ; Gniclin, cd. Syst. Nat. i (4) p. 20«) (1782) ; Fiibr. ]\I:in(. Iiis. ii, p. 2G0 (1787) ; EiiL. Syst. iv, p. 2 (1708) ; Syst. Uliyn.t,', i». 2 (1803) ; Olivior, Enc. ]\l('tli. vi, pp. r)GS, r>D3, t. lOO, f. 3 (1790) : Stoll, Cigulo.'?, (C/ojnlc Chinni>^o.), ]). 44, t. 10, f. 4G A. (1788) : Unrmeistor, ILamlb. Ent. ii (i) p. 1G8 (1835) : Wcstwood in Donova)i'3 In.gccts Cliina, t. 14, (1842) ; Trans. Linn. Soc. XVIII, p. 138 (1841) : Blanchard, Uist. Nat. Tns. nem. 1. 12, f. 1 (1840-41) ; Butlcr, P. Z. S. p. 97 (1874), V >' Flata candelaria, Germar, Mag. iii, p. 189 (1818). V '^ Pijrops candelaria, Spinola, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 238 (1839). ^ -' Ilotimis candelarius, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Ilem. p. 490 (1843) ; Walkcr, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 2G5 (1851). Head produced iu a horn, as long as the body, sul)ulatc, asccnding, obtuse, somewhat compressed, subangulate, red, sprinklcd with milk- Avhitc spots : eycs subglobose, a globoso pcllucid dot beneath the eyes : antcnnre bcneath the eye, very short, two-jointod, lower joint cylindrical, uppcr subglci)jose, fuscous, cnding in a vcry small scta : thorax tcstaccous, like the thrce-cornered scutcllum ; abdomen, abovc fulvous, bcncath black, witli luteous margins : tegmina fuscous, rcticulatcd grccn and adorned Avith various luteous spots margined witli whitish of Avhich the first band is transverse and the sccond cruciforra, thc rest round : Avings luteous, broadly black towards the apex : feet flavescent, first and second tibia) black, third denticulate (Linn. M. L. U.). Long 40 — 45 ; cephalic proccss 15 — 20 millims. Rcportcd from China, Cambodia, India. The Indian Muscujn pos- scsses specimens from Sikkim, Assam. The next tliice appear to be littlo morc than local varieties ot F. candelaria. ^ ^2,. FULGORA BREVIIIOSTRIS, Butlcr. ^ Fuhjora hrevirostris, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. p. 97, 1 t. xv, f. 1, (1874), Closely allicd to F. candelaria ; tegmina black, with thc veins and spots bi-ight ochraceous, disposed as in F. candcJaria ; wings orangc- ochrcoTis, thc apical third bhick ; ccphalic process short, curved, asccud- 129 ino-, tcstaceons wiLli piilcr spota : prothorax mucli comprcssed iu front, witli a ecntral lon<^itnilinal ridgo aud two strougly impresscd Ijlaclc punetures, testaceous, witli a hlack latoi-al patch ; tho rest of tho boily, Inlcous alH)vo, mesolhorax maculated with black ; abdomeu bclow black, the maro-ins of thc segments testaceous ; legs pilchy ; tho coxio aud tho fcinora of thc last pair, dirty testaceous (BulUr). Body long with cc- phalic proeess 21)— :}0 ; cephalic process 13 and exp. tcg. 03 millims. Jlepoi-tcd froni India, Pciuiug : tho ludiau Museuiu posscssca a spc- cimcu from Sikkim (?). ^ 3. FuLGORA viRiDiROSTUis, Westwood. ^ Fidjora (llotinaj vtridlr3stris, Woatwood, Cab. Or. Ent. p. 8, t. 3, f. 4, (1818). V- llnlinus viridiro.stris, Wiilkcr, Cat. Uora. B. M. ii, p, 265 (1851). : Fuljora viridirostris, Butler, V. Z. S. p. 98 (187-1). Ccphalic proccss about half as loug again as tho thorax with tlio apcx tnriicd up aud acnminato, of a dark greeu colour with white irro- ralions; body fulvous, the thoiux spotted with black; fect black with tho four anterior femora i)itchy aud tho two hind femora, fulvons : teginina aml wings markcd as m'i''. candeJana (Westw.). Body with cephalic process long, 32—38 ; cxp. teg. G3— 76 millims. Keportcd from Assam : tho Indian Muscum possesses specimeus fiom .Sibsiigar (Assam) aud Sikkim, the latter,a3 a rule, smaller with tlio ce])halic procesa of a lighter green and the whito irroratious thereon hardiy visiblc. I 4. FuLGORA spiNOLiB, Westwood. ' Fiilijoru (Pijrops) spiiiolw, Westwood, A. M. N. H., ix, p. 118 (1842). "-'^' Ftiljora (llotinaj ^pinola;, Weatwood, Cab. Or. Ent. p. 73, t. 3G, f. 1 (1848). ^ ^MIotinna spinohr, Walkor, Cat. llom. B. M. ii, p. 2GG (1851). Fnl.joru .^pinola; BuLler, P. Z. S. p. 98 (1874). Cephalic proccss as long as tho body with tho apcx turniug up, above black, beneath lutcous : body fulvous : anterior margin aud tho middlo of thc pronotum, a bioad mcdian stripe on tho mesonotum, two dots aud two obliiiue, latcral streaks, all black : tegmina brown, voius fulvous ; threc straight, transvcrsc, bands befoi-e the middle aud six or sevcn sub- apical circular spots (of which some form an interrupted maculato band) palcly fuscous; wings, fulvous, black afc tho apex (Westiv.). Body with ccphalic i)roccss long 14 ; exp. tog. 82 millims. Reported from ]\[ysore, Assam, Silhat : the Indiau Museum possess- es specimeus from Shilloug, Nagahills, Silhat, Sibsiigar, aud Sikkim. 5. FULGORA LATnBURII, Kirby. Ful.jora lalhlurii, Kirhy, Trans. Linn. Soc. xii, p. 450 (1818) ; Wcstwood, ibid., xviii, 1». 139 (1811) ; White, A. M. N. U. xiv, p. 425 (1811) ; Gucriu, lcou. lloguo Au. Iu.s. t. 58, f. 2 (1S30-34) ; IJutler, V. Z. S. p. 08 (1874). 5 130 ^ '^ Flat.i hifhlHrii, Gorniar, Tlion's Arcliiv. ii, (2), p. \C, (1830). l/ '' Jlotinns lathhurii, Walkcr, Cat. Uom. B. M. ii, p. 200 (1831). Allicd to JP. canddaria, Linn., ceplialic proccss n,scoiiilin!T, ubovc l)l;ick, npcx rcd : dorsnni of tliorax black : lognuna blackish-grccn, pprinkled wifch many occllafco spofcs liaving a hifccons pnjiil and a whifco iris ; somo whifce dofcs on fche infcerior margin : al)domcn jinllid, spofcfccd black : Avings lutcons, black at the apex {Kirhy). Long, 38 millinis. Reporfced from China, Silhat. To this section also belong : — v^ O F. njanirosfris, Gncrin, A. S. E. P. (2 Ser.) iii, Bnll. Enfc. p. xcvi, (181o). Java, ^ F. 7iigrirostris, Walkcr, Ins. Sannd. p. 29 (1858). Siam. v/ ^ F. ))/ii7ii'j)i)ia, Stal, Ofvcrs. K. V.-A., Forh. p. 740 (1870). Philippincs. v^ F. (vru(iitiosa, Stal, l. c. p. 741 (1870). rjiilipi)iiiC3. v/' F. lauta, Stal, l. c. p. 711 (1870). Philippinca, Scc. 2. Sjyecics witli whitish or whiic anJ rcd 7cinijs. V "^ G. FULaOUA CONNECTENS, n. sp. Tho coloration of tho tegmina connects fchis finc spccics wifch fcho firsfc scction and that of tho wings placcs it in this scction. Ccphalic pro- ccss mnch longcr than tho body, ascending, mnch rccnrved, somcwhnfc Babrcshnpcd, mnch comprcssed, mnch flattened afc thc npex, blnck abovc, grccnish-fnlvons beneath, signs of fainfc white irrorations above : thorax black, with a broad, transverse, fulvons band concolorons with thc inter- mediate coxro and the clypeus : abdomcn above sordid fulvesccnt, be- neath blnck with cach scgmcnt bi-oadly bordcred postcriorly Avith sordid f ulvcsccnt ; anus black : feet black, coxfc, intcrmcdinte fcniora abovc, nnd cntire posterior fcmoi-a, brown : tegmina blnck, vcins ; thc bnsal half with thrcc transverse fulvous bands, of which tho tliird froin the basc becomcS a confluent row of four round fnlvons spots, occllatcd palcr, beyond this in the apical half comes a transversc row formed of two Inrge fulvous ocellated confluenfc spots near the costal niargin aud a Bmaller spot nofc occllated near the interior margin, thcn anothcr intcr- ruptcd transverso row coramencing with fonr occllatcd conflncnt spols at the costal margin and ending with two confluenfc ocellatcd spots at tho internal margin ; two large and two smnll fulvons spots not ocellatcd in the apical fou.rth : wings white, apex black, with threc conflncnt whi(c spots and two smaller within the black part. Body long to thc eycs, 22 ; ccphnlic proccss long from eyes to tip, 30 : exp. tcg. 80 millims. Thc Indian Museum possesses a specimcn from Tenasscrim, V^ '^ 7. FULGORA CLAVATA, Westwood. Fidgora clavata, Wcstwootl, Trnns. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. Ud, t. 12, f. 1 (18U) ; Cab. Or.Ent. p. 7, t. 3, f. 1 (1848) ; Bntlor, P. Z. S. p. 98 (1874). ., ^ Jlotinus clavatm, Walkcr, Cafc. Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 207 (1851). G 131 Ccplialic pvoccss ancl lioacl piccous, covorcd witli a wliitc-fariuoso substaiice, as loiig as luilf the body, gradually attcnuated from tlic baso, its dorsum tricarinate and apex turning upwards and ending in a knob or ball sub-rounded, sub-pellucid, and broadly testaceous : thorax kiteous, l^ronotum with two miuute discoidal, black, dots ; mesonotum with four basal and two other oblique lateral spots : abdomen beneath fulvous, above obscure, dotted with a white farinoso substance, apices of seg- nients kxteous, anus black : basal half of tegmina somewhat whitish with numerous, irregular fuscous spots ; apical half fuscous with numerous wliitish circuhxr spots, varying very much in size and most of them ocellated : wings somewhat whitish, apex broadly fuscous : feet and rostrum black ; clypeus lutcous (Weskv.). Body with cephaUc process long 33| ; exp. teg. 7G milHms. Iveported from Assam : the Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim, Khasiya Hills, Sibsagar, Shillong. In fresh specimens the whole of the tegmina and abdomen above and below is thickly covered with a white powdery substance : the abdomen, too, is of a rich red colour, which fades to fulvous, and the wings at the base are a light bkie, which fades to grey. The Indian Museum possesses a remarkable local variety from Mussooree in Avhich the entire cephakc process is dull red and tho ground of the tegmina is much kghter. ^ '8. FULGORA PONDEROSA, StaL Uotinus 'ponderosus, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. xi, p. 244, (1854) : Walker, Cat. Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 315 (1858). Fidijora iwnderosa, Butler, P. Z. S. p. 98 (1874). Cephakc process half the length of the body, cykndrical, black- piceous, asccnding at the apex, which is testaceous : thorax and scutel- kim yekow-testaceous, the latter with four basal spots and two behind the middle, black : tegmina sordid white, sparingly covered with a whito farmose substance ; a median band spotted Avith white ; and two spots at the anterior margin before the middle and one at the sutural mar- gin, black ; several fuscous spots on the disc and apex, which is spotted white : wings sordidly whitish subhyakne, weakly fuscous at the apex : abdomen yekow testaceous, segments margined testaceous : feet and rostrum bhick ; posterior femora yekow-testaceous beyond the middle (Stdl). Body long, 38 : exp. teg. 88 mikims. Reu(ged from India, There is kttle doubt that this is merely a variety of"^'^. davata, Westw. Sec. 3. Species ^vith redand ivMtish ■wings. U-'' "^^ 9. FULGORA OCULATA, Wostwood. Fidfjora oculata, Wostwoocl, Trans. Linn. Soc. xyiii, p. 142, t. 12, f. 5 (1841) • Butler, r. Z. S. p. 99 (1874). 7 132 : , V' Yar. a. Fuhjom (riotina) oculata, Wcstwooa, Cah. Ov. Ent. p. 73, t. 3G, f. 2 (1848). ^" "^" Var. b. Fuhjora suhocoUata, Gnerin, Rev. Zool. p. 183, (1839) ; Dolcsscrt, Souv. Voy. Indc, p. G6, t. 16, f. 1 (184,2) ; Bntlcr, P. Z. S., p. 99, (1874). v/ r^ Ilotinm oculatm, Walkcr, Cat. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 2G7, (1851). ' y O Hotinus suhocellatus, Walker, l. c. p. 267, (1851) ; J. L. S. Zool. i, p. 84, (185G). Coplialic process as long as tlie body, ascencling, slcudcr : palc grcyish-fulvous, abdomen and wings clothed with a fine Avhifce powdcry substance, mesothorax more fulvescent : tegmina greyish f ulvous, pale, with about twenty-four ocellated spots, fulvous rings girdled whitish : wings white-farinose, palely viresceut at the baso wifch the anterior mar- gin having a large roseate patch in the middle ending in a fuscous spot and anothcr smaller towards thc middlc : fcct palcly grcyish-lutcous ; four anterior tibiro and tarsi and thc last tarsi, black (irc6-/w.) Long with cephalic process 35 ; exp. teg. G3 millinis. Rci)ortcd from ludia. v' '1 Var. a. Cephalic process as long as the body, ascending at the apex, brvmneous ; body greyish luteous, powdered with a white farinose sub- stance : tegmina grcyish fulvous, each with 2i-.30 fulvousoccllated spofcs, encircled with buff ; Avings clothed with a whito powdery substanco, the base pale green, middic of the costa marked with a large rosy patch and followed by a brown streak which is sometimes extcndcd over the whole aijcx of the wing which is, in siich case, marked with sevcral paler spots ; legs hitcous, the four anterior tibia) and tarsi and tho two hind tarsi, black (Wcshv.) Exp. teg. G5-87 millims. Reported from Malabar, Penang. ^ ^ Var. b. Cephalic process as long as the body, ascending at the apex, obscurely ferruginous above, greenbeneath : body and feet green, anfccrior and intermcdiate tibioo black ; tegmina fulvesccnt grcen, subocellatcd yellow : wings white somewhat green at the base, clothed witli a wJiite powdery substance and spotted on the anterior margin with black and fcri'uginous (Giierin). Long, 48 ; exp. teg., 93 millims. Reported from Nepal, Penang, Malacca. Gucrin kecps this separatc as he considers that^. oculata, West. is smaller, the spots on its tegmi- na are tawny, very restricted and surrounded by whifcish on grey- tawny ground and its wings are also adorned with a great rosy patcb, tipped with brown ; chai^acters wanting in his .F. snhocelJafa. Sfcill coni- pariug the wide differences in the extreme varietics of F. clavata tliis variety cannot at present receive spccific rank. V' O Var. c. Spots on the tegmina confhient and of a colour : fche green at the base of the wings absent. Var. verhuclli. This section inchidcs also the following : — l' 0 F. sultana, Adams, P. Z. S. p. 83 (1847). Bornco. ,y' Q F. gigantea, Bntler, P. Z. S. p. 99 (1874). Borneo. 133 C. Sj^ccies wlth hlue-green wings. ^ 10. FULGORA AMPLECTENS, n. Sp. Tlua spccics fonns tlic connecting link betwcen the precetllng scction and tliis ; thc coloration of the tegmina strongly rescmbles tliat of tho ^ F. uculata gronp and the coloration of the wings places it in this section. Ccphalic process as long as the body, somewhat horizontal, gradually as- ccnding somcwhat towards the ti]), subrotundate above and subequal iu sizc thvoughout, black-brown throughout, above and bcneath, except the tip which is reddish-testaceous and subpellucid, apical half below tho tip irroratcd with Avhito dots : thorax deep brown, blacker on the disc : ab- domen above and beneath, black ; posterior margins of the dorsal segments narrowly fulvous : feet brown tlu'ougliout : tegmiua brown, veins ful- vous, basal two-thirds finely covered with a white powdery substance above and bright falvous beneath, this white powdery substance intensi- fied across the base of the apical third so as to form a white band which bears a row of four fulvous spots, a small one and the largest towards the costal margin and two small ones towards the internal margin, four or five vcry faint similar fulvous spots and very nuraerous light brown spots are sprinklcd over tlie basal two-thirds : wings blue, apex broadly and external margin less broadly, black, rayed black alcng the veins towards the base somewhat as in' F. pyrhorhyncha, Don., to which this species is VQYY closely allietl, diifering chiefly in the coloration of the abdomen and tlie size, arrangement, and nuraber of the spots on the tegraina. Body long to eyes, 24 ; cephalic process from eyes, 23 ; exp. teg. 93 milliras. The Indian Museum possesses a specimen from Pei-ak. '■'" 11. FULGOKA PYRORHYNCHA, DouOVau. Fulfjora iiyrorhynchus, Donovan, Ins. Ind. Ilem. t. 7, f. 1 (1800) : Regue Auimal cd. Masson, t. 96, f. 2 (n. d.). V O Flotiims pyrorhyncMis, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 267 (1851) ; J. L. S. Zool. X, p. 96 (1867). ^ ." ^)«Zi/om f>j/ror7a"rta, Westwood, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 139 (1811) ; in Dono- van's Ins. lud. (2ud cd.) p. 13 (1812). t' Fulgora rajah, Gacriu, Kov. Zool. p. 183 (1839). Fuljorapyrorhyncha, Butlor, P. Z. S. p. 100 (187-1). Ccphalic proccss large, of a dark purple, thickly sprinkled with a white powdery substance, ascending, tip scarlet aud somewliat pellucid : tcgmina brown, palc across the middle ; wings black, green at the base {Donovan). Cephalic process about 25 milliras ; long, purple, spotted white, asccnding ; apex incrassated, red ; dorsum of abdomen greenish witli thrcc black spots on the antorior margia of each segraent ; lateral mar- 9 134 gins of thoras and basal margin of scutcllum somewhat tcstaccous : tegmina brown, spottcd palo glaucous, and with a paler band, basal half with cleven irrcgularlj placed, round, yelloAv spots, a palc band with a transversc row of four round spots of a decpcr colour approaching fuscous and slightly margined inwardly with yellow and the apical fourth has eight smaller round yellow spots. Guerin describes his'i''. rajah as haviug thc cephalic process as long as the body, ascending, bi-unueous, apex somewhat dilated, red : body and feet brunneous ; tegmina blackish fulvous, spotted with yellow, a broad pallid baud at the apex : wings black, bluc at the base. Long, 44 millims. Reportedfrom Nepal {Don.) ; Malacca (Gner.). 12. FULGORA MACULATA, OHvun'. Fnlgora mnculafa, Olivicr, Etic. Mcth. vi, p. 5fi8 (17;11) ; St,i)ll, ("hi Ci,jalc. vrrl.; pnrtc-lantcrnej Cigalcs, p. 98, t. 2G, f . 143 (178S) ; Riii-m. Hamlb. lOnt. ii, (i) p. 10'.) (1835) ; Wcstwooil, Tr.ans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 140 (1841) ; Dnncan's Nats. Lib. 1, p. 284, t. 23, f. 2 (1840) ; Bntler, P. Z. S. p. 100 (1874). ^ O Flata waculata, Germar, Thon's Archiv. ii, fasc. 2, p. 4G (1830). yr 0 Uotinus macidatus, Walker, Cat. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 2GG (1851). Cephalic process abnost as long as the body, asccnding, recurvcd ; head black ; eyes and antenna? grey ; thorax brown, shaded with black : abdomen light brown, banded with black, same above and beneath ; tegmina aboye black with interrupted bands or coutimTous rows of glaucous spots, apical portion irrorated yellowish-green : wings witli the basal portion towards the anterior margin and a patcli near the aual margin, grccnish-blue ending in fine rays, apical portions black : feet deep brown, posterior pair spinose. Body long to thc eyes, 21 : cephalic process from the eyes 19 ; exp. teg. 71 millims. The Indian Museum possesses a specimen from Ccylon. ' - 13. FULGORA FULVIROSTEIS, Walkcr, >/ O Hotinus fulvirnstris, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Sappt. p. 41 (185^), Butler (P. Z. S. p. 100, 1874) unites this species with F. maailafa, Olivier, as a variety, but it is as much entitled to specificraiik as hreviros- tris, viridirostris, and spinoloe, which are similar varicties of F. candelaria, Linn. It clearly differs from F. maculata in having the ccplialic proccss subpellucid, sordid fulvous-testaceous or taAvny instcad of oparpio deep green ; the markings on the tegmina follow tlie arrangcmcut of the markings on the tegmina in jP. maculata, but are sordid whitish instead of bluish-white, and the wings are sordid greenish-wdn'to rayed with bhack-fuscous ncarly up to the basc, thc apex bcing broadly and tlio external margiu lcss broadly black. 10 135 Black : lioad tawny, ccplialic procesa abniptly curved aucl asccniliiig, a littlc shortcr thau thc body, blackisU on eacli side, at the baao : prouotnm with sonie dingy whitiah or tcstaceous marks ou each sido : mesouotum niorc or lcss tcstaccous or whitish on the disc ; hiud border aud abdomcu whitish or tcslaccous.thc hiitcv with some irrogular and iucomplete blackisli bauda : tcgniina with about 20 wliitish or straw-coloured spots and dots, Home of tliem conncctcd, formiug four very irregular bands : winga whitc ordingy wliitish towards the base (Walker). Body long, 27; ccplialic i)i-occss from the cycs, 20 ; exp. teg. 59 millims. Rcported from Ccyh)u : the ludian Museum possesscs two spoci- mens from Ccylon.^ It is possible that we should place this aud the two ucxt as variotics of F. viacidata. ' 14. FULGOUA DELE3SERTII, Gu^riu. Fuhjoru dclc.fscrtii, (Jneiiii, llov. Zool. p. 183 (1839); Uelossort, Souv. Voy. Iiido, i)t. ii, 1). Gll, t. 10, f. 2 (1843) : Butler, 1\ Z. S. p. 100 (1874). I, O llotiuui ddcssortii, Wallioi-, Cat. Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 2GG (1851). Ccphalic process half the leugth of the body, asceudiug, greeu : pro- tliorax fcrruginous : tcgmiua greeuisb black, spotted witli ycllow : wiugs oairulcau, black at thc apcx (Guerin). Loug 34; exp. teg, 75 millims. ]{cporlcd fi-om thc Nilgix-is, Malabar. This spccics is near to ^F. maculata, Olivier, but diffprs from it iu tlie coloration of thc spots ou the tegmiua. It differs from^^J*. canddarin, Liun. " par les dcux faccttcs laterales de la faco froutalo qui out a leur cxti-ijmitc uiic carcuc longitudinale allaut du sommet des faccs latcrales au somiuct dc hi tctc." The ceijhalic process is short aud comprcssed. ^ 15. FULGORA ANDAMANENSIS, Distaut. Fuljora undamanensis, Dibtaiit, Trans. Eut. Soo. p. 152, t. 5, f. 7, 7 a (1880). CcpliaHc proccss long, slcndei', ascendiug, as loug aa tho body ; l)ciu;atli giccuish lutcous with the apex black, abovo black, apical two- thirds irroiated with small wliite spots aud a lutcous streak ou each side williiii thc cycs, Avhich are also luteous ; thorax above black, with dull liilcous inarkiiigs ; abdomcn above pale greeuisli-lutcous, bcncath black ; coxa), trochanturs, and fcmora fuscous, tlie last darkest, tibia3 aud tarsi, black. 'lV'gniina black, ' with the veius palo grceu aud a uumbcr of bi'o\vii sputs oiiciiclcd with pale greenisli, arrauged tlius : — a transverse i'o\v uf fuur ncar tlic basc, the upper three fuscd togcther ; two iiTugular traiis\'(;rsc rows oii thc disc, a little nearer togethcr than from the basal row, followcd by a straightor trausverse row of three smaller oues ; rcniainiug apieal portion occui)icd by about twelve spots of wliich tlie lai-jcst iwo two fused togcther on tlio costa and ouc with a vcry fimall 11 13G bvnwn cciitrc about ilic npcx of tlio inncr margin : cxircnic a]»if!il sjxHfJ vcry smnll and somcwliat indistinct. Wings bluc Avith ilic apcx broadly, and outcr margiu somcwliat narrowly, black. Thc vcins on tbc bbio portion of (bc wings arc grccn, with thc cxccption of two which arc nar- rowly black at thc base (Distant.) Long, ccphalic pioccss 20 ; body 20 ; cxp. tcg. G8 milHms. Eeported from the Andaman Islands. AlUcd to F. dclcssertii, Guerin, and J^. inaculata, Olivicr. It somc- Avhat rcscmblcs thc former in thc patteri^JE^ thc tcgmina, but diffcrs iu the length of the cephalic process, which iui''. dclcsscrtii is but aboui lialf thc length of ihe body. Injength and structure of ilic ccphaHc i^voccss, it is morc closclj' a]b"cd to*^jP. viacnJata ; thc ccpbaHc proccss, bowrvtM-, is huigcr ilinii in ihat s])ccics, bcing about ctpial io ibc U'ngi,li of \\\v Ixicly ; and, bcsidcs ibe (HITcrcnt [)attcrn of tho icgmina, ilic wings art; imirli nioic nnrrowly blnckalong ibc postcrior margin, Tbo liidinn jMuscmn posscsscs a s[)ccimcn from ihc Nicobar islands which ap])cavs to dilTcr fvom tlic typo figurcd by Distant in ilic ccphalic proccss bcing longcr, movc disiinclly asccnding and rccurvcd, aiul in ihe abscncc of wbiic spots on ilic n[>pcr two-ibirds. Tbc markings on ilic tegmina arc ibo smnc niul do not dilTcr morc ihau individuals of allicd spccics dilTcr fvom cadi oilicv. Tho wings arc markcd much as in F. dclcsscrtii Ciucviii, ilic oulcv ninv- gin is morc broadly suffuscd with blackish than in ilic iypc and iho blackish cxtends furthcr toAvards thc basc in rays. ^ ^ IG. FULGOUA CUllTirROKA, ]3utlcv. Fiil.iom curtiprnra, IJutlcr, A. M. N. 11. (1. aer.) xiv, p. 131, (1871). V o Closcly allicd to F. gemmata, Wcst., l)ut wiih ihc ccpbnlic pvoccss one-ihivd sliorter and the colouring different : tcgmina wiih ibc covimii brighi gvccn sjiccklcd Aviili black, area bcyond black ; tlie vcins grecn, bccoming ochraccous ncar thc apex ; eniire suvfnce covercd Aviih smnll orangc spots : wings shiuing Ijlack, varied with [^nlc trnns[)aicnt grceu as iuT. i/cnimata : cephalic process, hcad, and ibornx tcsinccous, thovax siioitcd Avith black ; abdomcn black, segmcnts edgcd with grccn above, with ochrcous bcloAV ; legs and anus rcd (]}nHcr). IJody loiig wiih cc[)hnHc proccss, 23 ; cc[ihalic proccss, long 8i ; cxp. tcg. 50 millims. llcporied from Sikkim. V '> 17. FULQOUA GUTTULATA, Wcstwood. V 0 Fuhjorn (Pyrop!^) rjuttplafa, Wcstwood, A. M. N. II. ix, p. 1 11» JSr2). <- o Fuljora (Ilotina) guttulata, Wcstwood, Cab. Or. Kiit. p. H, t. 3, f. 3 (ISlS). V-' r Piirops guttnlafa, Wnlkcr, List Llom. B. M. ii, p. 2G;j (1851). Ful.jora guttxtlata, IJutlcr, P. Z. S., p. 101 (1871). 12 137 Ccplialic procoss about lialf as long as the tliorax, iis apex slig-litly bcnt npwai-ds and acuto ; liead aud tliorax above of a fulvous clay-colour dotted witli black : scgmeuts of the abdonaen brown at the base : tcg- miua iialo fulvous clay-coloured, gradually assuming- a redder tingc beyoud tho middle Avith a great numbcr of sniall pale buff dots cdged with a black riug, the wiiigs very pale yellowish, with a few blaok dots and a broad dark browu margiu (Wedio.) Body loug with cophalic pro- cess, 25 ; exp. teg. 50 millims. Reported from N. India. The rostrum is very loug and slender aud extends to the end of the body, separated from the gence by a transverse raised liue, betweeii which aud the cyes is a black dot. Tho four anterior legs have a black ring at the base of the tibia), tho apex of which aud tho tarsi are also black, tho underside of the body and the hind legs are entirely fulvous with two small black spots at the base of the coxa3 and two long black spots at thc sulcs of tlie peuultimate abdominal scgment. <^ 18. FCLGORA GEMMATA, Wcstwood. V , ' ' Fnhjora {U,,tinn) ijemmdta, Wcstwood, Cab. Or Ent. p. 7, t. 3, f. 2 (1818). ^ lIotiuHs jejinnatHs, Wallcer, Cat. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 2G7 (1851). Fuljoni " F. guttifera, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A., Forh. p. 448 (1859). Ccylon, Shanghai ? y/^ F. pyrrhochlora, Walker, Bntler, P. Z. S. p. 101 (1874). Borueo. Sec. E. Bpecies xvith pale greenish 7vings (siihJiyalinc). ' ' ' 20. Fdlgora virescens, Westwood. ' Fulgora (Pyrops) virescens, Westwood, A. M. N. 11. ix, p. 119 (1812). *''' ^^ Fulgora (Hotina) virescens, Westwood, Cab. Or. Ent. p. 8, t. 3, f. 5 (1818). 'V 6 Pyrops virescens, Walker, Cat. Hora. B. M. ii, p. 209 (1851). ^ * Uotiniis seniianmilus, Walker, 1. c. Suppt. p. 42 (1858). Fulgora virescens, Butler, P. Z. S. p. 102 (1874). Cephalic process short, conical, scarccly bent upwards : entirely palo grcen with a minute black spot on each side of the prothorax and scutellum ; the tegmina broad with the antcrior margin much arched, gi'een -with numerous small rounded orange-coloured spots, outwardly edged with black ; wings very pale green and semitransparent (West^v.). Body long with the cephalic process 19 — 20 : exp. teg. 50 — 58 millims. Reportcd from India, Silhat : the Indian Musoum posscsses a speci- men from Silhat. To this section also belongs the following species : — / ' ) F. cultellata, Walkor, J. L. S. Zool. i, p. 143 (1857). Bornoo. 14 ^ '^ Gcniis ALCATnous, Stal. Traus. Ent. Soc. (3 Sor.) i, p. 577 (1SG3). Hcad miich narrowcr than the thorax, protuberant, frons somewhat roundly-amplificcl ncar tlic apex, thence distinctly narrowcd upwards, tricarinatc ; clypeus carinate in the middlo : rostrum almost reaching tlic apex of the abdomcn : antennoQ short, second joint very bricfly sub- cylindrical, obliquely truncated at the apex, Thorax unicarinate iu tho middle, somewhat produced anteriorly in the middle, produced part truncated, posterior margin, straight : scuteHum tricarinate, twice as long as the thorax. Tegmina somewhat amplified towards the apex which is obtuscly obliquely roundcd, longitudinal veins rarely furcate, interior simple, only third aj^^ical part furnished with remoto, transversc, small veins, irrcgularly anastomosed : wings witli more than the basal half without transverse veinlets. Feet moderate, anterior femom beneath sliglitly dilated, posterior tibife, 5 — 6 spinose (Stdl). Allied io Fuhjora. ^' 21. Aloatuous fecialis, Stal. Alcathons fecialis, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3 ser.) i, p. 577 (1863). Livid, dorsum of abdomen and codcineous wings excepted, minutely sprinkled fuscous, here and there infuscate : tegmina cloudcd fuscous with small costal spots, apex of wings, broad posterior Hmbus and some spots near the anal area, two rows of spots on the dorsum of the abdo- men and riugs on the tibiae blackish ; femora fuscesceut, obscurely irrorated, banded palely. ? , long, 15 ; exp. teg. 32 millims. Head a little shorter than the thorax and scutellum together, pro- duced part somewhat subabruptly narrowed and compressed before the eycs, before the middle transversely impressed and somewhat reflexed ; vertex at the base more than twice as broad as the transverse eye, basal half triaugular, apical part very narrow ; frons flat beneath thc middle, furnished with three parallel ridges, the median ridge interrupted in the middle ; transverse veinlets on the tegmina are subrufescent (Stdl). Reported from N. India. O Genus Ptrops, Spinola. A. S. E. F. viii, p. 231 (1839) ; Ani. & Sorv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 491 (18-13) ; Stal, Hom. Afric. iv, p. 133, 139 (186G). Head produced forwards, in a long i^rocess, somewhat rounded, gradually very sliglitly somewhat slender, straight, obliquely truncated at the apcx ; the lateral jiart behind the ejxs f urnished with a subconical or triangular caHus or knob ; vertex transversely convex, continued up to the apex of the process ; genro rounded anteriorly : eyes small ; 15 140 sccond joint of antcnno3 sliort, tliick. Pronotum and scutcllum fairly convex transversely, witliout ridges, tlie former gradually narrowed forwards, barely or very sliglitly sinuated at tlie base. Entire tcgraina or tlie largest portion reticulated, valvate beliind tbe clavns. Feet somewbat tbick and sbort ; first tibia?, femoi'a, and trocbanters togotbor equal in lengtb, last armed witb 5 — 7 spiues (Stdl). ^ 22. Ptrops punctata, Olivier. ^ Fulftora imnctata, Olivicr, Enc. Metli. vi, p. 5G9 (1791) ; StoU, Cigalcs, p. 34, t. 6, f. 28 (1788) ; Gray, Grimth's An. King. t 138, f. 2 a-c (1S32). <' Flnta punctata, Gcrmar, Thon's Archiv. ii (2), p. 47 (1S30). 0 Fulgova afiuin, AVcstwood, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 11 4, t. 12, f. 0 (18 H). Pijrops iiunctata, Spinola, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 237 (1839) ; Walkcr Lisfc Iloni. B. M. ii, p. 2G8 (1851). Ccpbalic proccss almost as long as tbc body, truncatcd at tbo apex ; Inteous-greyisb ; tborax, feet, and tcgmiua sprinklcd witb black dots : abdomcn above black : wings wbite, veins palUd. Head, cepbab'c proccss, pro- and mcso-notum and tegmina pale lutoous, sprinkled witb black dots, varying in sizc : cei>baHc proccss abnost as long as ibc body, almost straigbt, subcylindrical, obliquely truncated at tbo apex, fuscous- luteous, rougb witb dots, paler at tbe apex : tbe black dots on tbe tegmina disposed longitudinally on tbe veins : wings wbite, sui:)opaque, a little infuscate towards tbe apex, veins paler, cxcept at tbe base : abdomcn black, witb tbe narrow margin of tbc scgments, luteous ; feet sbort, luteous ; femora witb a subapical ring ; tibias witb tbi'ee black rings (-F. ajjiuis, Westw.). Body long witb cepbaUc procoss, 33| ; exp. teg. 55 millims. Roported from Cbina, Ncpal, Silbat, Ceylon, Java, Guinea (?) : tbo Indian Muscuni posscsses specimens fi-om Sikkim. ^ 23. Ptrops pebpusilla, Walkcr. Pijroiis x>crpusilla, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 2G9 (1851). Body stramineous ; bead witb its proccss as long as tbc rcst of tbe body ; abdomen luteous above : legs yellow ; tegmina vcry palc stra- mineous ; a few brown dots on tbe veins ncar tbe tip and along tbo bind border wbicb is somewbat dai-ker tban tbe rcst of tbc wing ; a ratber large dot in tbe disc on tbe fork of one of tbe longitudiual veins : wings colourless, vcins pale yellow (Walhcr.) Body long 8| ; wings, long 9 milHms. Reportcd froni N. Bengal. IG u\ - '^ Genus UoMALOCEPnALA, Amyot & Seville. '^ Omalocc^-^hula, Spiuola, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 261 (1839) : Homalocaphala, Am. & Scrv., Hist. Niit. Iiia. lloiii. p. 102 (1813) ; Stal, Ilem. Afric. iv, pp. 133, 115 (18GG). Hcad broiul, somewhat naiTower than tlie tborax, produced beforo the eyes, round or triangular ; beliind the eyes prominulous backwards in a slioi't, tliick spine : vertcx at least four times broader tlian tlie eycs, flat or soinewliat so : frons flat somewliat broadcr tlian tlie clypeus, sides parallcl, vcry sliglitly amplificd towards tlie apcx ; clypeus witliout a median ridge : rostrum reaching the last coxtc. Thorax broadly rounded antcriorly, furnishcd with a fine longitudinal ridge : scutellum more thau twice as long as the thorax. Tegmina -with thc sides parallcl, obliqucly obtusely roundcd at thc apcx, very denseiy rcticulatcd, reticulation iii the costal arca obsolete, claval vein unitcd with the commissure at the apex of the chxvus : wings entire. Feet somewhat short, simple ; first tibia; as long as tho feniora, last armed with 3 — 4 spines {Stdl). ^' 2-i. IIOJIALOCEPIIALA FESTIVA, FabriciuS. Fnhjofu festiva, FaLricius, Spcc. Ina. ii,' p. 315 (1781) ; Mant. Ins. ii, p. 2G1 (1787) ; Olivicr, Enc. Metli. vi, p. 572 (1791) ; Fabr., Ent. Syst. iv. p. 5 (1791) ; Syst. llhyng. p. -1 (1803) ; Donovan, Ins. India, Hem. t. 7, f. 2 (1800). . O Oinalucei^halafcstloa, Spinola, A. S. E. F, viii, p. 2G1 (1839) ; Walker, List Hom. 13. M. ii, p. 283 (1851). Uomulocejjhalafestiva, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 493 (1813). Hcad abovc flat, fuscous ; beueath flavescent, with a black margin : thorax fuscous, immacuhite : tegmina fuscous, exterior margiu virescent, which colour, howevcr, does not reach the apex of the wing : there are five black dots along this margin of which the four posterior end in- wards iu a fulvous dot : wiugs £anguineous, fuscous at the apcx (^Fubri- ciiis). Ilead abovG ilat, ol)scure ; beneath, yellowish, border black : thorax ol)scurc iminticulatc : tcgmina obscure with the costal margin gTCcnish whicli does not cxtend to thc apex, on this part are iive black spots of wliieli thc four postcrior arc boundcd intcrnally by a tawny spot : wings sanguincous with thu apex obscure (OHvier). Donovan states that the teginina have a grccn margiu on which thcre arc a f ew black spots semicirclcd with orangc. Long, 17 millims. Thc Indian ]\Iuscum i^osscsscs a very mutilatcd spccinien. t ') Genus LiMOis, Stal. Stottiii Eiit. Zcit. xxiv, p. 230 (18G3) : Ilem. Afric. iv, p. 131 (18GG). llcad narrowcr than the thorax, slightly protuberaut upwards ; frons longituJinally coii\cx, abru])tly dilated on both sides at thc apex, 17 142 much naiTowed upwards, bicarinate lengtliways, latcral margins roflexed beneath tlic middle ; vertex transverse ; clypcus carinate in the middle, lateral margins obtusc, obtusely carinate ; thorax twice as broad as the liead, somcwhat slopcd forwards, broadly truncatc postcriorly, obso- letely carinatc in thc middlo : tegmina somewhat amplificd towards thc apex, which is obliqucly obtusely roundcd, furnishcd bcliind the middlo with remote small transverse veins : wings sinuatc in thc middlc, pos- teriorly, much shorter than the tegmina : fcct moderale, simplc ; postc- rior tibioa S-spinose (Stdl). Differs from Ajihana in the structm^e of the head and thc short wings. / ^ 25. LiMOis WESTwooDii, Hope. Lystra iccsfwoocln, r.irry, IIopo, Trang. Linn. Soc. .xix, p. 133, t. 12, f. 3 (1845) ; Walkcr, Lisfc Hom. B. M. ii, p. 28G (1851). Limois westwoodii, Stal, Stotfcia Ent. Zoit. xxiv, p. 231 (18G3). Fuscous ycllow, cephalic process concoh:)rous, recurvcd betwceu the eycs ; frons almost triangular, elongatc : basal lialf of tcgmina fuscoua ycUow, sprinkled with fuscous spots, varying in size : Avings at the baao sanguincous and margined by a narrow black line and with thixe black sjjots, rcmainder immaculate, hyaline : body beneath black. (Ifojje.) Body long, 12|^ ; exp. teg. 48 millims. Reported from Silhat : the Indian museum posscsscs a spccimcn from Calcutta, expanse of tegmina under 40 millims. ^ '^ Genus Aphana, Guerin, Stah '"^ O Aphcpna, Gwerin, Voy. Belanger, Ind. Orien. p. 451 (1834); Spin., A. S. E. F. viii, p. 240 (1839) : Aiihana, Burm., Handb. Enfc. ii (i) p. IGG (1835) ; Amyofc & Servillo, Hist. Nafc. Ins. Uem. p. 49G (1843) ; Stal, Stcttin, Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 231 (18G3) ; Hcm. Afric. iv, p. 134 (18GG). Head not protuberant ; frons slightly narrowcd upwards or with the sides parallel, latcral margins more or less distinctly broadly bisi- nuate with two ridges running through them, divcrging upwards from the apex, tcrminating on both sides the median arca : thorax with a ridge very often nmch elevated : first femora not amplified abovc at the apex ; last tibia) usually 5-spinose, unarmcd above at the base (Stal). 2G. Aphana FARINOSA, Fabricius. '" f> Lysfra fariiio^a, Fabricins, Syst. Rhyng. p. 57 (1803) : Gpvmar, Tlion's Arcliiv, ii (fasc. 2) p. 52 (1830). V ''' Aphxena farinosa, Spinola, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 24i (1839) ; Walkcr, Lisfc Uom. B. M. ii, p. 274 (1851). V 0 Aphana scufellaris, Wliito, A. M. N. II. xvii, i>. 330 (184G). 18 U3 ^' ' Aphrrna sruli'll,i,i:<. Wcshvoo.l, Cab. Or. Ent., p. 73, t. 30, f. 3 (1818) ; Walker, List Jluiii. J{. ai. ii, p. 277 (1851)) ; J. L. S. Zool. i, p. 113 (1857) ; var. 1. c. x, p t)G (i>si;7). " Aphnna .'^,tHiidc,:sii, W-.AUn; List Uom. B. M. ii p. 277 (1851) ; J. L. 8. Zool. i. p. 81. (1,S5(;) ; I. (•. p. 1 i:{ (1857). U' Aj,l„i,„ii;,ri,ins,i, r.uvui., iliindl). Eiit. ii (2), p. IfiG (1835) ; Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Fovh., ]). 185 (1S(;2) ; Kl.Uiii Kiit. Zoit., xxiv, p. 232 (18U3). Kiisfious ; luLjiuina ycllow afc tlio npox ; baso of tlio wiug-s aiul tho alxloinoii, 10(1, tlio fonnor spottccl liyalino (Fahr.). Iloacl, pronotnin, ancl l)onlor of tlio tcgniina, rocldisli-brown, the undor half of tho samo black, apox goldon ycllow, powdorccl whito : wings witli a red ground ^v,'h\i Kiiiall wliito spots ; tip browu : feot, black (liuria.). Largor thau ^l. uttniiiiria, Fal)r. grconish-browu ; occiimt excavatod and markod with two Avhitish powdcry sjiots botwoou tho oycs ; tho pronotum with au elovated ridgo down tlic iniddlo, the scutollum powdcrcd with whitc, the mciathorax blackish ; tho margins of the abdominal segmcnts lutcous- grccii, tho baso powdcicd with white ; tho basal lialf of the tcgmina fer- ruginous, the disc powdcrcd with wliite, and with an irrcgular black fascia iii tho middle and somo blackish spots uear tlio liind maroin, tlie apical porlion lioru-coloured, varied Avifch bnff, hind-wiugs orango red, spotted with wliite, tlie baso blaek, the apical portion liorn-colourcd, and iho anal anglo bulV ; body beucath, aud legs, pitcliy (Westivood). IJody ioiig, 22 ; cx[). ieg. U'l\, — 00 millims. licportcd from IJoruco, Java, Sumatra, India {Spin.) : tho Indiau ]\[useum has a much abradcd specimeu from Siiikip Islaud. Tlie type dcsciibcd by Whitc was from Borueo and varies in the grcen colour of tlio basiil porliou of thc costa and the base of the tcgmina. AVestwood'3 sjiecimcu was from Java and the Indiau specimeu agrees best with his dcscrijilion. \/ , "^ 27. AriiANA ATOMARiA, Wcbor. ■ Cicuh, atnmmin, Wobci-, Oba. Ent. p. 113 (1801). ■ L\ist,-a atn),ia)-in, l-^aljricins, Sysfc. llhyng., p. 57 (1803) ; Gormar in Tlion's Ai-cl.iv. ii (nisc. 2), p. 5li (1830). ■^ Apli,r,ia niii,n-pnnclata, Guerin, Voy. la Coqnillc, Zool. ii, (2), p. 185 (1830) ; Si)in., A. S. ]■]. F. (l ti.'i-.) viii, p. 21S (1839) ; Ain. & Scrv., llist. Nat. lua. Uoni. p. 1117, (1813) ; Walkcr, Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 274, (1851). f> Aphvna atoi„a,ia, Spin., 1. c. p. 218 (1839) j Walker, 1. c. p. 277 (1851) ; J. L. S. Zool. X, ]). 9G (18G7). k Apltana alninaria, Bnrm., Ilaiulb. Ent. ii (i) p. 1G7 (1835) ; Stal, Stottin Eiit. Zoit. xxiv, p. 232 (1803) ; Ilom. Fabr. ii, p. 87 (18G9). Fuscous, vcrtcx and prouotum brick-colour : tegraina fcun-ugiuous, spnttcd black, abdomcn above aud wings sauguiueous, the latter black Jit llic apcx aud spottcd black-hyaline (Fahr.). Head and pronotiim VJ Itl. oclncous ; inesonotnin rcdtHali-brown : tegniin;; of a rcd 1)rown In tlic basal two-tliirds "with two large black spots on the cxtcrnal margin, anothcr towards tho end of the second third, in thc middle ; two otlicr smallcr black dots, one at the base and tho otlicr towards thc cnd of tho first third near tho internal margin, and othcr smnllcr Ijlack dots spriTik- lcd hcre and thero : the apical third of thc tcgmina sordid ycllowish or dull brown : wings bright red -with the apex black, sprinkicd witli spots or patches, tlie red disc also has four white patchcs, of which one is vcry small, with some dozen round black dots strcwn about bchind them : abdomen red above : body and feet, bcueath, reddish-brown (Am. ^' Serv.) Long, 17 ; exp. tcg. 46 millims. Rcportcd from Sumatra, Java, N. India : tho Indian ]\ruscuni posscsscs one abradcd specimen exactly agrccing -with thc abovc dos- Bcription, locality unknown, andanother from !Mani (Panjab). Thcrc is a scrics from Sikkim agrccing in most rcspccts cxccpt that thc busc of thu ■wings is ochrcous not sanguincous. ^ ^ 28. Aphana PDLCiiELLA, Gucrin. ^•'' ^ Aph,v»a imlchelln, Gu6rin, Voy. la Coqnille, Zool. ii (2), p. 180 (18.W) ; Spii.oln, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 291 (1835) ; Walkor, List Hom. 13. M., ii, p. 274 (1851) ; StaJ, Ofvcrs. K. V.-A., Forh. p. 485 (1862) ; Java. \' «^ Aphana confuciuit, White, A. M. N. H. xviii, p. 24 (184G) : China. v/ O Aphona confucius, Walker, 1. c. p. 280 (1851) : China. V c Aphwna io, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 279 (1851) : N. India. V l' Aphana nigro-irrorata, Stal, Ofvcra. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 24 1 (1854) : China. " ' Aphivnaniriro-irrorata, Stal, Frcg. Eng. Kcsa, Iiis., p. 270 (1859) : Hoiig-Kong. V Aphana pulchclla, Stal, Stettin Ent. Zeit., xxiv, p. 232 (18G3). Smaller than A. atomarta, Fabr., from which it diCfcrs in not having thc hcad and tliorax yellow, by the tegmina spotted with irrcgular black dots and the feet yellowish, annulalcd blackish. Ilcad pro- and meso-notum yellowish punctured grey ; mctanotum and abdomen vermillion, two small black spots on the former and wcak black bands on the three first segments of the abdomen, which also show traccs of being covered with a white cottony substancc : head and thorax bcncath of a fairly deep yellowish-brown Avith a white patch bctwccn tlic intcr- mediate and posterior coxoe : abdomen beneath oclircous ycHow, puncturcd black, the lateral margin of each segment with a black cxcavation, filled with a white powdery substance ; fect brown, annulatcd yellow. Tegmina of a somcwhat faded saffron-yellow, scmitransparcnt, morc yellow towards the apex, covered with numerous small black dots, a fcw larger ; towards the tip and the interior margin a whitish quadrato spot, folloAved at the posterior and external anglc by a brown palch con- fluent with tbe Bmall black dots of the apex : wings verinillion, carniino 145 iowanls tlie base an:l a little orange in the middle and on the side of the antcnor border : tip .vith a large black pateh, adorned vvith small blue spots ; postenor nmrgin slightly infuscate and disc with IG— 17 small, ncarly eqnal, black spots and four small white spots placed in the orangeportion (^'«c-rm). Long, 15 : exp. teg. 37 miUims. The Indian form (^l. {„, Walker) is thus described :- _ Body yellowish-brown ; hcad and mesonotum punctured black cannate ; rostrum brown, as long as the body ; metanotum, red ; abdo- men bnght red ; bcneath, spotted black with a black stripe along each side and a brown postcrior margin on each segment : legs bhxck, femora and tibia3 fiavo-annulate, posterior tibi«e spinose : tegmina yellowisli- brown with numerons black marks which are confluent and form a black spot at the tip of the hind border ; this spot has a yellowish-white spot adjmmng; wings hiteous, red at the base and along the inner border, with about 12 bhick and 4 white spots, brown along the hind border, tcnninating m a very hxrge black spot which has a blue disc (TFa?yL-er) Body long, IG^ ; exp. teg. 46 millims. Reportedfrom China, Java, India : the Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim and the Andamans. ' '^ 29. AriiANA VARiEGAiiA, Guerin. ^ 0 AiyJuvna variegata, Gucrin, Voy. Belanger Ind. Orien. Zool. p. 455 (1834) • Icon Ri>gno Anim., t. 58, f. 3 (1830-34) ; Spiu., A. S. E. F. viii, p. 247 (1839) ; Walker List Hoiu. B. M. ii, p. 278 (1851). "^ O Penthicus variegatus, Blanchard, Hist. Nat. Ins. iii, p l7l Hem t l"» f 4. (1840-41). ' ••-.•-* V O Apha-im hasirufa, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 278 (1851) : J. L S Zool i p. 143 (1857). ' V Aphana variegata, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 497, t. 9 f 1 (1843) , Stal, Stettin Ent. Zeit, xxiv, p. 232 (1863). ' Head flat in front, with two slightly elevated ridges : pronotum transverse, anterior border lobed and a little advanced, carinate in the middle, with a hollow on each side behind the median lobe, and a little emarginate posteriorly : mesonotum triangular, sides almost equal pomted behind, tricarinate in the middle, one ridge longitudinal and two Lateral, curved : metanotum and abdomen bright red, separated'by a white, farinose, transverse band ; the head, pro-, and meso-notum brown touchmg on deep olive-green. Tegmina brunneous, a little reddish afc the base, more greenish at tlie tip with black patches and round black dots which increase in size towards the apex ; two square yellowish patclies at the middle third, one on the anterior, the other on the inte- rior margin: wings much broader, a little sinuated on the posterior margin ; tlio liase up to one-tliird of their length bright red with three 21 146 black spots aiid an obscurc patch ; mitlcUe tliird orange yelloAv gronnded with red, abovc 2-3 small wliite dots and below a sraall black spot : tlie apex is black with morc or less numerous or conflucnt small bluc dots ; postorior margin from this black portion to the internal angle is broadly bordered browu. Body bencath concolorous with the thorax, feet morc blackisb (GHerm). Long, 20 ; exp. teg. 55 millims, lleported from Cochiu-China, Philippincs, Silhat : thc Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sikkim. ^ 30. Aphana caja, Walker, / 0 AjJhana caja, Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 278 (1851). Aphana caja, Stal, Stcttiu Eut. Zcit. xxiv, p. 235 (1803). Fuscous-ochraccous ; tliorax palely granulatc towards thc sidcs ; tcgmina fawn-colour or palcly olivaceous, cloudcd witli black-fuscons and s}n'inklcd with minuto black-fuscous spots, further, bchind thc middle, adorned with a pallid subquadrate spot at the costal and com- missural margins : wings croceous, sanguineous at the base, a small oblique, basal streak and 5-7 spots in anal half, black-fnscous ; 3-4 small wdiite discoidal spots in the anterior area ; posterior limbus nar- rowly fuscous ; apical part black-fuscous, sprinklcd with glaucous- mouldy spots ; abdomen sanguineous, dorsum with a double row of black spots, beneath fuscous-sanguineous : feet si^otted olivaceous, $ , long 21 ; exp. te^. G2 millims. Ncarly allicd lo A. varicfjata, Gudrin, but largcr, spots on thc tcg- mina largcr, wings sanguineous only at thcbase, posterior fuscous limbus narrowcr and cspccially with tho vertex shortcr, nearly thricc broadcr than long, more obtusely rounded, transverse basal keel straight, ante- rior margin less deeply sinuate in the middle : frons subequal at tho base and the apex, not distinctly narrower at the base, anterior produced part of thorax more obtusely rounded, Frons somcwhat longer than broad, kateral margins slightly broadly bisinuate, with two obtuse ridges diverging upwards and with an obsolete longitudinal ridgo to- wards the base, the median area at thc basc very broadly rounded : thorax marked before the middle Avith two obsolcto palHd spots {8tdl). Keported from Silhat. "^ ^ 31. Aphana dimidiata, lIopG. O Lystra dimidiata, Ilope, Tran^. Linn. Soc. xix, p. 133, t. 12, f. 1 (1815) ; Walkcr, List nom. B. M. ii, p. 286 (1851). Aiihana dimidintn, Stal, Stettin Eut. Zcit. xxir, p. 232 (1863). 22 147 Fnscous ; licad, ihorax, and feet eoncolorous : basal lialf of tegmina viresccnt, sprinkled witli nunierous minate duU black spota, apices sub- oranoe-hyiiliue niarked with cretaceous spots : basal half of wings green- ish with the posturior part whitish, spotted black, apices fuscous, irro- rated with virescent spots {lIo})e) . Long 14^1 : exp. teg. 40 millims. lleported from Silhat. '^' <3 32. AniANA NICOBAEICA, StaL Aphana nicoharica, Stal, Berlia Ent. Zeitschr. xiii, p. 241 (1869). Sordid olivaceous-green : scutellum, pectus, abdomen, and feet black-f uscous : tegmina before the middle aeruginous, sprinkled with bkxck ; behind the middle, ochraceous, marked with a band and moukly spots ; apical limbus, black ; wings, bhack, a very large basal spot cooru- lean-viresce^it. Long 19 ; exp. teg. 55 raillims, ? . Size M A. farinosa, Burm., from which it differs in the head pro- duced auteriorly, seen from above equal in length and breadth between tlie eyes, roundly-angulated ; frons longer, furnished with a recurved process. Frons rugulose, tumescent at the base and with a median process short, compresscd, recurved, obsoletely tricarinate, the ridges diverging upwards, the median ridge disappearing below the middle : vertex narrowed forwards, obsoletely carinate in the middle ; lateral margins dihited, elevated : thorax furnished with a raised, acute ridge, running through it, strongly bi-impressed on the disc, scutelkim tricari- Bate. The a^ruginous half of the tegmina covered with minute and often confluent black dots, closer at the apex ; apical half ochraceous with the apical limbus black ; the spots and an auterior band clothed with a white powdery substance : wings black with a karge basal patch ex- tended a little beyond the middle, cajrulean-virescent. Apical margins of the dorsal segments of the abdomen, green {Stdl). Reported from the Nicobars, ' ^ 33. Aphana (?) DiVES, Walker. V'' C Ajihwna diuos, Walkor, Liat Hom. B. M. ii, p. 280 (1851). Body dark ferruginous ; disc of tho vertex rather concavo, borders slightly ridged, fore margiu slightly inclined upwards : rostrum ex- teuding far beyond the posterior coxa^, dark brown : mesonotum with a shght longitudinal furrow, fore-border very undukating ; a black band along the fore-border of the scutellum ; metanotum bkack : abdomen obconical, karger than the thorax, black above, thickly covered with white down, red beneath : legs black, sulcated, femora brown, posterior tibiie spinose : tegmina green, adorned between the veins with orange strcaks whicli are interrupted by very numerous brown dots, the latter are 23 148 somctimes confluent ; a tawny sHghtly curved band soparates tliis part fi-om tlie reticnlated tips wliich are brown witli tawny veins : wings gi-een, with numerous bi-own spots, gray mingled with white towards thc tips, whitc along thc inner border {Walker). Loug, 14^ : exp. teg. 42 niiUims. Reported from Malabar. '■^ 0 34. Aphana (?) ALBiFLOS, Walkcr. 0 Aphwna albiflos, Walkor, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 280 (1851). Body abovc, grecn ; beneath, bright-red ; vcrtex tawny, indistinctly carinate along the border ; face slightly carinate ; rostrum nearly as long as the body, tip lilack ; a concavity corrcsponding to the eye on each side of the fore-border of the pronotum of which the anterior por- tion of the latcral margins is black, postcriin* margin, tawny ; longitu- dinal ridge almost obsolete : abdomen obconical, much louger than tlie thorax, thickly covered with white down : legs ferruginous, sulcated ; fcmora, red ; posterior tibia3 slightly spinose : tegmina black, adorned . with numerous Httle green marks ; reticulatcd part, fcrruginous ; Avings brown, adorned Avith bluish-green spots, white at the tips and along thc postcrior margin (Wal/icr). Body long, IG^ ; exp. teg. 55 millims. Reported from Malabar, /o " Genus Ltcorma, Stal. Stcttin, Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 232 (18G3) : part Jpftcc/in, Gnf-rin. Ilcad somcwhat pi"otuberant, protuberance very short, rcflexcd : frons, distinctly upwards and at the base more narrosvly, furnished with two parallel obtuse ridgcs, sometimes obliterated beneath the middlc ; vertex truncated at the base, last angles not produced : thorax finely carinate in the middle : first femora not amplified at the apex above : last tibiae armed with 4-5 spines ; unarmed at the base, above {Stdl). ^ 35. LrCORMA IMPERIALIS, Wllitc. V O Aphana imperiaUs, White, A. M. N. H. xvii, p. 330 (184G). "^ ^' Aphana imperialis, Westwood, Cab. Or. Eut. p. 74, t. 3G, f. 4 (18 18) ; Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 282 (1851). 0 Aphwna placabilis, Walker, 1. c. Suppt. p. 46 (1858). Lycorma imperialis, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 485 (18G2) ; Stettin Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 232 (18G3). Tegmina olive-green, the basal portion with numerous black spots, most of which are traversed by green veins ; the tip black, beautif uUy reticulated with olive-green : wings, at the base, purpHsh madder with 24 :: i,;x'r^ « i.iui»h-B.oo„ ba„d.,iu ,„„,.k ac..os. t.,o „,ia: airo,t' ',,,:,, ■''•/''='"'"'' ""'' '"'"«•' '''""'■■'"' ''l'»ostsa„,oa» ^t,.ato.l, a ,,„0, ,,..w„ tl,o ,„i.,,l,o, 8,,i„ing : abdo,„o„ b,„ok, „,a,.Ki„s vo,^ Wv:,Tl'"'''%1-°'','',' "°"''-"' ^""' ^''""- v..lva,.se;,„s..S ,o:, Sik,-h,:'""Ko','''°'"f '"";'' *,''," '.""■^"Mnsoum possesses spoei,„o„s f,.o,„ b,,>,.,„,. Ked: „ota„„t„,„ b,aok: abdome„ with a,.od t,.a„svorso li„o at Hw> lv,o« +-11 , ""v.v^uic.i YviLuareu tranaverse line at a,''::,, 0 '•:„': "t ' .'r '"" ""•■ '=''"=^ =■""' ^'°"e ">= <=-'» "-'' ort •:„'"■ " ,■"""■'•"■"<"' ""'' ''■'■og"!».- bl„ck ba„ds ; ,„o,.o tl, ., o„„,.d of tl,o a,„oal pa,.t blaek witl, ve,.y „„„,o,.o„s a„d ,.;.„,a,. black vo,„s a„d ve„,l„ts : ,vi„gs blaek, basa, ha,f red wit,, Ihl .„^»M:.., ^Va,ke,.). Body ,o„g IGJ ; teg. 64^ ™i„in,s. This s he recldish-bro^vn variety. ^., --• Lycorma punicea, Hojoe '^ 30. o 7>!/s/m p,<,n««, IIopo Trans. Linn. Soc. xir, p. 133 t 12 f -5 nfi-t-i^ w n List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 280 (1851). ^ ^^^ ' ^^^ter, ^ ^ ^i>;«i-na delcctubiUs, Walker, I. o. Sappt. p. 44 (1858). Lyconna punicea, Stal, Stettin Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 232(1803). Recldisli purple. l>ead and thorax paler ; basal half of tec^mina mted rosy and sprinlclod with numerous black spots ; apex .3X0 fuseous.pnn,eeons with a pellueid mark in the n.iddle of the c isc : in" pun.coons at (ho base. n.arked by black spots. whitish in the nuddlo and w,h s„„,e stro„,.s sa„,„ ,,„e „earit, voi„s%,.ee^ : wi„gs b" w,thbaoks,,ots,ap,calpart blackish brow„, divided from tho r^d pa, hy a b,.^h g,.eo„ish bl„o ba„d whieh does „„t exte„d to t ,e Id„d Rcpcted t,.o,„ N. C,,i„a, Shangbai, I„dia, Siihat. The I„dia„ Museu,„possessesamutilatedspecime„ from the Dik.^„g valloy, As" 25 150 37. Ltcouma lOLK, StSl. Lycorma iolc, Stal, Stcttin Ent. Zoit. xxiv, j). 231 (18C3). Blnckish : tlio latcval postcrior blotch oii ilic vcrtc.K, thora:^, latcral margins of sciitcUum, and the tegmina more or lcss imrcly grccn-oh'va- ccous, the tegmiua with 23-28 largish black spots, barcly third apical j^art black, grccn-veined : wings coccineous with 8-10 black spots, black- fuscous bchind the middle and there -\vith a shortcned band, vircsccnt or crorulcsccnt ; anal valvules iu 2 sanguincous (Sldl). ? long, 17 ; exp. teg. 52 niillims. y j Rcported from India ; closely alHed to L. (leJicaftdn, "Wliito, largcr, ceplialic proccss lcss jn-ominulous, aud thc R])ots ou tlic tcgniina aud •\vings largcr. '^ '^ 38. LyCORMA DEMCATUr.A, Wliitc. ^ ^ Aphnna ilcUcntnJa, Wliitc, A. M. N. II. xv, p. 37 (18 ir,). • .s Apluvna dclicntuln, AVnlkcr, LiBfc. Tlcm. B. M. ii, p. 2S3 (IS.jl). Aphrcva oi^croaa, Wnlkor, 1. c. Snppfc. p. 4G (18')«). Lycnrma om ovcr thcm : body and legs blackish brown with a shght bloom (TI7(/7r^. Exp. tcg. 4-1 millims. llcportcd from Nankin, Canton, China : vcry donbtfuUy from Sib- sao-ar (Assam). The ccphalio process in this spccics is a littlc moro clevated thaniu L. t?i?peria?i.s,White, to which it otlicrwisc bears a strong i-csembhance : tho black spots on the wings and tcgmina also are smallcr, the tco-mina are palcly olivaceous or whitish fawn-colour : thc mcdian band on the wings varies, as in all the others of this group, from wliitish to cocrulescent or vircsccnt (Stdl). ^ ^ Genns Euphria, Stal. ^ i> Stcttin Ent. Zcit. xxiv, p. 232 (18G3) ; parfc of /Iphfrtia, Gii('iin. Hcad furnished with a cephalic protubcrancc, vcry slcndcr, acuto, rcflexcd or erect ; frons distinctly narrowed upwai-ds, alu-uptly uarrowcr at thc basc furnishcd with 2-3 ridges, a littlc elevated, parallcl : vcrtcx 20 151 vcry broadly siiiuate(l at ilie basc : tliorax barely cariiiate in tlie luiacllc : lirat lcuujra bliyhtly auiplilied at tlic apcx abovc ; last tibia) 4-ai.iaosc ; uuarmcd abovo at tlic basc (tHdl). '"' 3[). EurjiuiA AURAKTiA, Hoi)e. U Aphana aumntia, llopo, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 413, t. 31, f. 2 (1811). Ein)hriu aurantia, Stal, Stottiu Eut. Zeit. xxiv, p. 232 (18G3). Entire body abovo oraugo ; tegmina spriuklcd Avith barcly visiblo ycllow spots, posteriorly spottcd black ; a fcw minute spots on the iuterual niargin and a vcry uarrow border on the posterior margin, black : hcad excavated above, margius elevated ; frous produced abovo the pronotuni iu a suiall, tapcring, recurved horn : abdomen, at the base, covercd Avith a -svhite powdcry substanco ; body beueath concolorous, a littlc moro obscurc (Jlope). Loug 11) ; exp. teg. 63 millims. Ilcportcd from Assam ; tho Indian Museum possesses a spccimou from Sikkim. Eresh specimcus have the tegmina green instead of orange, sprinkled with whitish powdcry spots or patches, moro distincfc beueath : winga oraugc, body and abdomeu orauge yellow, in one specimen incliued to brown ; feet (except ijosterior femora) in some greenish, in others cou- colorous with tho abdomou, recurved horn in some greeu, in others orauge. Also the apiccs of thc tegmiua are sometimes faded yellow more or less. A loug scrics shoukl supply tho links. The Indiau Museum has several specimens from Darjiliug. ^ - 40, EUPURIA SUBMACULATA, "WcstAVOOd. ^- Aphcena suhnaculata, Westwood, Daucan's Nat. Lib. i. p. 28 i t. 2-A, f. 1 (ISiO) ; Walker, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 275 (1851). ■^- Aphana resiina, Stal, Ofvors. K. V.-A., Forh. p. 190 (1855). Euphria suhniaculata, Stal, Stottiu Ent. Zoit. xxiv, p. 232) (1863). Sordid ycllow-testaceous; frons with a cephalic protuberance or horu, twice as long as tlie vertex, chanuelled above, recurved : lateral margius of thorax narrowly bkack : scutellum obsoletely tricarinate : tegaiiua rufous-testaceous above densely spotted whitish-moukly, costal spots sub- glaucesceut : wiugs nigro-fuscous, yellow-cinnamon beyond the middle, especially before the middle spotted whitish moukly : abdomen above whitish-moukly (E. resima, Stal). Body loug 21 ; exp, teg. 71 millims. Reported from India : the Indian Museum possesses specimeus from Sikkim. "41. EupnRiA LECTissiMA, Walkcr. '' Aphwna lectissinia, Walkor, List. Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. 45 (1858). Grass-grcen : head with a shorfc, acute, almosfc vertical horn ; sidcs of the vertcx cariuate ; frons and face ilat, the latter with a slight ridge : 27 ° 152 abclomea above testacGous : tegmina livid, red beneatli, cxccpt toAvavdrt tlie apex, adorned witli many green, wliite-dotted, spots ; border grccn, adorncd witli dots of wliite tomcntum along the costa, and witb black dots elsewbere, except towards the base of the inferior border whero tlic dots are luteous : wiugs cinmson for more than half the lcugth from thc base (Wallcei-). Body long, 21 : exp. teg. 33 millims. Rcported from N. Indify" the Indian Museum posscsses a spccimeu from Sikkim. Closely allied to^E. aw^a&i/ts, Hopc, from which ifc diffcrs iu the absence of the three fulvous sj^ots on the pronotum and of the blackish lines on the mesonotum and posterior margins of the abdominal dorsal segments, and iu thc spots on the tegmina, which are small and circular, nowhere lincar and transversc. Stal (Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 486, 18G2) unites tho two spccics. ^ X) 42. EuriiRiA AMAniLis, IIopc. V 6 Apha7m amabilL^, Uopo, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix, p. 132, t. 12, f. 1 (1815) ; Walkcr, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 274 (1851). Eiiphria ajnahilis, Stal, Stottin Ent. Zeit. xsiv, p. 232 (1SG3). I3ody above orango ; head green, furnishcd with an erect, acutc, slcndcr liorn : prothorax grcen, marked by thrce fulvous spots : tegmina cretaceous spriukled Avith numerous oval sjjots ; wings coccincous, palely virescent at the apex : body beneath green ; fcet coucolorous ; pectus spriukled over with a whitish down. Tho spots wliich abovo appear to be white and gi^een intermixed are beneath entirely green (Ifo^Je). Long 25 : exp. teg. 69 millims. Rcported from Silhat. ^ c' 43. EUPHRIA AURORA, Hopc. ^ Aphana axirora, Ilope, Trans. Linn. Soc. xix, p. 133, t. 12, f. 2 (1815) : Walkor, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 275 (1851). Euphria aurora, Stal, Stottin Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 232 (18G3). Allied toJ?. atirantia, but smaller ; almost thc wholc body orangc : tegmina externally barely virescent, internally orange and sprinkled with very miuute whitish spots : body beneath coucolorous : Avings with cre- taceous spots ; last tibise externally spinose {Ilope). Body long, 19; exp. tcg. 61 millims. Rcported from Silhat, Philippines. ^ 0 44. EUPHRIA (?) WALKERI, n. sp. '^ 0 dives, var. (?) , Walker, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 281 (1851). Body yellowish brown, red beneath : vertex slightly ridged and fui'- rowed : frons rathor promiuent, furnished with a slcndcr, black, liucar furrowed hovn which is iuclined backward nearly to the posterior margia 28 153 of tlio Kl)icl). Body loug 14| ; exp. teg. 42 millims. ReiJorted from India. '^ Geuus PnoRONis, Stal. . KLottiii Kut. Zoit. xxiv, p. 233 (18G3). llead not protuberant but emittiug from tho baso of tlie frons a veiy long, very slcndcr, mobile, reflexed process [which iu dried speci- uiens is very easily detachod] ; frous a little narrowor above the middle than bcncath thc middlo, abruptly narrowed at the base, furnished with two ol)tnse, parallol ridges (ofton oblitei-ated), latoral margins sliglitly sinnalo bencath tho middle ; vertex truncated at tho base : thorax liard- ly ciirinatc iu tho middlo, first pair of femora distiuctiy amplified above atthoapcx: last pair of tibiai 4-spinose, furnishod abovo at tho baso with a tnbcrclo (Sfdl). ^ '^ 45. PlIORONIS NIGRO-MACDLATA, Gucrin. Aph,p,ui vi,jro;nacHlatu, Guerii», Icon. Riigno Au. t. 90, f. 6 (1830-3i) • Voy ll.-hn.gcT Lul. Oriout. '/ool. p. 457 (1834); Spinola, A. S. E. F. (1 Bor.) viii p 043 (183!)); Wnlk-cr, List. Do.n. U. M. ii, p. 273 (1851). Futi,o,-u (Ai,hw„uJ uijio.macdata, G. R. Gray, Grimth'a eJ. Aii. Kiuo- lua ii p. 200 t. yo, f. (5 ; t. 138, f . 1 a-c. (1832). °' ' ^ Apha,ta ni.j>-o-»Hiculutu, AVeatwood, Trans. Liuu. Soc. xviii, p. 149 (1841). PhoyoHis nijro-maculata, Stal, Stetfcin Ent. Zoit. x.xiv, p. 233 (18G3). Ilcad and thorax In-own ; horn black, short, flexible ; tegmiua brown with sonio small scattered black spots, oxterior margin with a broad black bordor : wings with basal half silvery grey, spotted with black ; otlier lialf, black, witli thc intcrior margiu brownish black ; body silvery grcy, with transverse narrow bands of black (Gmy). Hoad subferru- giuous, brown ; frons with a cylindrical horn recurved backwaids ; tho- rax somewhat groenish brown : togmina obscurely blue, apox fiuely reticulatod with black, puuctured with black on the anterior margiu with fivc dots obliquoly arranged at the base : wings blue, spotted with black, postcriorly brown, black at the apex : abdomen black, streaked 29 15 1 ■Nvilli wliitc : l)Otly Itolow uiid fcinora ruddy : coxfc brown ((Incriii). Long 20 ; broad 55 niillinis. Rcported from China, Cochin-China : iho Tndian Mnscum posscsscs a spccimcn from the Andaman islands with thc ccphalic proccss abscnt. ^ ^ 4G. PllORONIS PADLINIA, Siguorot. '■' Aph(r?na paxdinin, Signorefc, A. S. E, F. (4 Ber.) ii, p. 123 ; t. 1, f. G, (18G2). Brick-red witli the dorsnm, femora, tips of tcgmina, tip of thc Avings nud several spots on thcm of a blackish-brown ; on tlie anterior mnrgiu of ihe tcgmina scveral black spots and a slight filiform, rccurved ccphab'c process. Hcad broadcr than long, vertex squarc, a littlc transversc, Avith a transvcrsc ridgo and a fovca on cach sidc of thc 03-cs : frons convcx, wilhout a ridgc on tho anterior margin, a black filiforni JippondMgo, willi a h)ngitndinal groovc, reaching almost tlio cud c)f llu' nu\soiu)(uTn : ros- irum of a rcddiah-broAvn, renching tho cnd of tlic nbdouKMi, Iho lliiid joint, (ho longcst : pronotum almost fivo timcs brondcr ilinu loug, jios- torior mnrgui concave, antcrior convex with a mcdiau cmargiuation ■v\hich givcs it a bilobcd appcarancc, prcsculiug on cnch sidc, beucnth thc cycs, a strong cmargination : latcral mnrgius convcx and blnck, a slight ridgc on thc disc : mesonotum wcakly tricarinntc, nnd cxhibiting towards its cxtrcmity two small brown dots. Tcgmiua with a broad apical band formed of a nctwork of yellow vcinlcts on a brown ground ; on the antcrior margin are numbers of black dots, thc clavial vcin near the fold of the tcgmen with 3-5 black dots : v\-ings transparcnt in tlio middlo, plightly bluish nnd cxhibiting tlierc nbout a dozcn morc or lcss rogulnr brownish spots ; tip brownish ; thc bordcr, nlso thc foldcd pnrt ncnr thc abdomcn, slightly infuscate : abdomcn rcd bcncnlh, blnck abovc, wiih thc cnd of thc scgmcnts and tho latcrnl mni-gius, rcd ; cnch scgmcnt, CPpccially those of the cxtremity, covered with a thick fariuosc subs(nucc : fcct Avidi thc tibiro rcd nnd thc femora black, the postcrior with thrcc strong spincs on the extcrnal sido (Si(jn.) Body long, IG ; cxp. tcg. 50 millims. Rcporicd from Cochin-China ; tlic Indinn ]\[uscum lins a specinien (Avidi thc filiform ccphalic prooess wantiug) fi-om Tenasscrim. Stnl nnilcs (his witli P. nujro-maculata, Guerin, but though structurnlly thc samc, the coloration of thc togmina leaves no doubt as to spccific idcntity. \ ^' Gcnus Gehenna, Stal. Trans. Ent..Soc. (3 scr.) i, p. 582 (18G3) ; ncm. Afric. ir, p. 135 (l.SCG). Hcad broadish, narrower than the thorax, not protubcraut ; vcvtcx transvcrsc, antcrior margin straight, postcrior margiu broadly sinuatc ; frons subquadratc, somewhat amplified on botli pidcs at tho clypcus, medinn arca amplificd upwards, broadly subtruncato at thc apcx, pro- minnlons bcforc tho aj^ical niargin of tho vcrtcx, not rcflcxcd ; clypcnt; 30 155 ccariiiate : sccond jdint of antennoo tmnavcrso, producod upwarde from thc insertion. Thorax nuicarinato in the middlo, roundly produced at the apex behiud the vcrtex : scuteUuni about half louger than tho tho- rax. Tegmina barely amplified towards the apex, rounded at tho apex, co.stal niargiu straight, h)ngitudinal voius rarely furcate, small trausverso veins remotely scattered throughout tho cntiro tegmina : wings remotely transversely vciued behiud the middle. Feet simplo, last tibia) 4j-spinosc ■\vitli tlieir neither spiuoso nor tuberculated (Stdl). AUied to AjlJidlKl. ^ 47. Gebenna Sylvia, Stal. Gehenna Sijh-ia, Stal, Traiis. Eut. Soc. (3 ser.) i, p. 582 (1863). Palcly gro3'-[lavcsceut ; frons, vertex and disc of thorax and scutel- lum miuutely irrorated black ; thorax and scutellum on botli sides sprin- kled with smjiU black spots : tcgmina weakly rufescent-ferruginous froni the basc bcyond thc middle, remotely sprinkled black, costal linibus palely olivaceous-virescent ; apical part vitreous, sprinkled and spotted fuscous ; wiugs vitreous, palely virescent towards the base, adorned witli tlircc irregular, large, subconfluent, black-fuscous spots, befoi*e the mid- dle : dorsum of abdomcn, black ; segments margined olivaceous at the apex ; abdomeu adorned witli four longitudinal rows of irregular grey- flavcsceut spots ; veutral Begments on both sides, spotted black, inter- ruptedly banded black at tho base : feet with numerous black bands iStdl). 9, long, 13 ; exp. teg. 39 mUlims. Reported from India. Vertex almost thrice as broad as the transverse cye, margins somewhat elevated : frons remotely and finely rugulose, slightly narrowed upwards : thorax less distinctly rugulose : scutellum fincly rugulose on the disc. Genus POLYDICTYA, Gucrin. Icon. RiSguo Auim. Toxto Ina. p. 359 (1830-31) ; Stal, Ilcm. Afrio. iv. p. 135 (ISGD). Vertcx about four times as broad as the eyes : entire tegmina densc- ly or vcry denscly reticulated : anterior tibi» sometimes somewhat dila- ted : frous obtusely rouuded at the base, amplified at the apex aud distincly broadcr than the clypcus, tegmina thrice or more than thrice longer tlian broad {Stdl). \' "^ 48. PoLYDiCTYA BASALls, Guerin. '' Polydictija hasalis, Guerin, Icon. Regne Anim. Texte, Ins. p. 359 (1830-31) ; Walker, Liat. Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 289 (1851) ; J. L. S. Zool. x, p. 98 (18G7). '^ A^^lucna uniformis, Walkcr, J. L. S. Zool. i, p. 144 (1857). ■■' Enryhyachijs hasuUs, llopo, Tiraus. Linn. Soc. xix, p. 134, t. 12, f. G (1845) ; Stal, Ofvcrs. K. \.-A. Forh. p. 500 (18G2). 31 156 Fuscons yellow : head flavescent : thorax brunncous ; abtlonicn duU red ; tegmina fuscous, reticulated yellow ; wings at the basc with a coprulean incurved line forwards, posteriorly subroseous ; reniaindcr blackish (Ilope). Body long, 21 ; exp. teg. 56 millims. Reported frora Sumatra, Silhat. There arc at least two apparently undescribed spccies of this gcnus in the ludian IMuseura : onc with a double incurved ca^rulean line at the basc of thc wings, abdoracn ver- million with the dorsal segment more or less bandcd black, (body long, 16 : exp. teg. 46 millims), from the Andamans ; and one Avith thc base of the wings red and base of the tegmina above and below with a bbiish tinge, (body long, 19 : exp. teg. 53 millims), from Sikkim : but a scries is desirablc beforc describing them furthcr. "^ ^ 49. POLTDICTTA (?) TRICOLOR, Wcstwood. -i ^, Ly^tra tricolor, Wostwood, Arc. Ent. ii, p. 35, t. 37, f. 4 (ISiS). •^ Polydictya tricolor, Walkor, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 290 (1851). Sanguineous, very glabrous ; anterior lobo oE pronotum and meso- notum anteriorly black, basal half of tegmina (the livid base itsclf cxcep- ted) stramineous, spotted black ; apical half brunncous ; costal spot straraineous : wings red, apical half fuscous : feet chcstnut sanguincous (West.) Body long, 16| : exp. teg. 56-57 raillims. Reported frora Assam. 0 Genus Anctra, White. A. M. N. II. XV, p. 34 (1815). Allied to^ E itryviela, Hoff. ; but distinguishcd frora it by thc shapc of thc hcad which has not the dilatcd gcna?, no stcraniata, antennai closo under the eyes : tegmina fincly veined, with a notch on thc posterior raargin and rounded at the apex, whence (in i ) procceds a longish narrow appendage, widest at the end : legs rauch dihitcd and compressed throughout : hind legs very long with four spines on tho outer edgc of the tibiiB : the end of the body covered with a waxy down-likc sccrction {White). ^ 50. Anctra appendiculata, Wlnfco. Ancyra appendiculata, Whitc, A. M. N. H. xv, p. 34 (1845) ; Westwood, Cab. Or. Ent. p. 74, t. 31, f. 5 (1848) ; Walker, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 395 (1851) ; Dist- ant, J. A. S. xlviii (2), p. 38 (1879). Rich deep brown : tegmina, above brown, spottcd at basc with white and with two widish powdery bands of white ; beneath, mahogany red: wings decp brown abnost black on the edge and betvvcen a rcd- colourcd spacc : body bencath yellow : lcgs black : wings morc powdcry 32 157 iu ilie ? than iu the tdc]ira, VValker, List Hoin. B. M, ii, p. 278 (1851). ^ O Aphcvna veris-amor, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 113 (1857), Frutis piUchra, Stal, Ofyors. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 488, 500 (1862). S . Greenisli-browu with tlie abdomen bright red, thetip clothed with a wliitish cottony substance : tegmiua green at the base, spotted with white opaque colour, with a transverse arched band of fulvous yellow ; tip i)ale yellowish-brown : wings covered with a white rosy matter with brown spots near tlie base and pale yellowish-brown at the apex : veina delicate (Gray). Black, face and legs ferruginous : abdomen red : tegmiua narrow, intensely grass-green, with the costa, a basal spot, a few dots on the disc and an exterior curved ti-ansverse liue, yellow ; tips tawny : underside with various marks of white tomentum wliich also appear on the costa above, at the base : wings snow-white vvith tawny tipsV(^. verls-amor, Walker). Body long, 23; exp. teg., 65 millims. Reported froni Borneo, India : the type of the genus, see Stal. 20. Sjoecies of uncertain position. ^ Euryhrachis reversa, Hopo, Trans. Ent. Soc. xix, p. 13-1, t. 12, f, 8 (1845) ; Eury. Irachys id., Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 382 (1851). Fuscous-yellow, head and thorax concolorous, abdomen whitish in the middlo, adorned posteriorly with a yellow cottony substance ; apex shining white : tegmina fuscous-yellow, tinted subsanguineous at the base; a round white spot at anterior margin, a second smaller abnost on tho middle of the disc and other very minute spots sprinkled about : basal half of mngs wliitish, apex irregularly irroi-ated fuscous : four anterior feet yellow-fuscous ; tibiae more obscure ; last femora pale testaceous ; tibiffi blackish (Hojpe). Body long, 14| ; exp. teg., 34 millims. lleported from Silhat, Subfam. Dictyopharina, St§l. ^. Ofvers. K^V.-A. Forh. p. 741 (1870) : Dictyopharida, Stal, Hem. Afrlc. iV, p. 129,149^(1806): Pseuduphandes i>t., Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 502 {IS-kSyPDyctiophoroides pt., Spiuola, A. S. E. F. (1 ser.) viii, p. 283 (1839). Last tibia) without a mobile sjmr at the apex : sides of frons not augulatcd ; fcct vcry oftou simplc ; aual area uf wiugs nevcr reticulato. 13 23 Cliiviis veiy rarely grauulate, acumiuate at apex, rarely somewliat obtu- sisli, distiuctly closed, two veius distant or very distant from tlie apex, sometimes, liowevcr, beliiud tlie middle o£ tlie clavus uuited iu oue; costa very rarely dilated : tegmina sometimes abbreviated or connate witli clavus aud corium. Claval vein uot reacliing tbe apex, uuited with tlic commissui-al margin near tlie apex: tegmiua couuate witli clavus aud corium, the lateral margius of the clypeus always cariuatc or acumiuate : f rous without au apical ocellus (Stdl) . y o Genus Dichoptera, Spinola. A. S. E. F. (1 ser.) viii, p. 28G (1839) ; Stal, Ilcm. Afric. iv, p. 119 (ISCG). Tegmina uot or barely abbreviated, reaching at lcast the apex of tho abdomeu, very oftcu cxtendiug beyond it : clavns distinct, fuvni.shcd with oue transverse veiii bctween tho iutcrior vcin and tlioclaval sutiire : head narrower thau thc thorax : costa a Httle dilated, iiitrauuirgiual : tegmiua furnished with very numerous transverse veius towards the npex; fect longish : last pair of tibia) multispinose, first pair longcr thau thc femora (Stdl). 21. DiCHOPTERA HYALINATA, Fabricius. v/ 0 Fulgora hyalinatn, Fabr., Spcc. Ing. ii, p. 315 (1781) ; Ins. ii, p. 2G1 (1787) ; Olivier, Enc., p. 572 (1791) : Fabr., Ent. Sjst. iv, p. 5 (1791) ; Sysfc. llhyng. p. 4 (1803) ; Donovan, Ins. India, fc. 7, f. 3 (1800). •/ ^Fuliiora hyalina, Gmelin, ed. Syst. Nat. i (4), p. 2091 (1782). v/ ^Flata hyalinata, Germar, Mag. Ent. iii, p. 190 (1818) ; Thoii's Archiv. ii, (fasc. 2\ p. 47 (1830). t/ O Dycttophora hyalinata, Germar, Silb. Rcv. Enfc. i, p. 175 (1831). {r O Pse}(dophana hyalinnia, Burm., Tlandb. Ent. ii, (i), p, IGO (1835) ; Westwood, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 150 (1841). Dichoptcra hyalinafa, Spinola, A. S. E. F. (1 si'r.) viii, p. 289, t. 13, f. 3 (1839) ; Am. & Scrv., Hist. Nafc. Ins. Hera. p. 504 (1843) ; Walkcr, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 303 (1851). Frons produced, short, conical, above iuequal, bcneath furrowcd, pallid, with black dots and streaks : eyes large, globose, white : thorax pallid, irroratnd black : scuteUum more obscure : tcgmina liyaliue, veins punctured white aud black aud with a black streak iu the middlc : wings hyaliue with a duU black spot ou the apcx (Fahricius). Body long, VJk ; exp. teg., 50 millims. Rcported from Bougal : thc Indiau Musoum posscsses specimens from Baugalore, Calcutta, India. 14 ^ Gcnns Metaurds, Stal. IIoiii. Afiic. iv, p. ir.l (1800). Uoad iiot oi- vcM-v slifrhtly callous boluiul tlic cycs, tliis callons j^arfc scon fi-oni tho sido fonniuy- a narrow margin bohind tlio oyes, tho oopha- lio proeoss short and slondor; vortex, tlie discof tho tliorax, an'd scutolhun lyi.M^Mn tho sanio j^lanc; fronsand clypeus long, tho forn.or tricarinato, tlio laKor nnioarinato in tho middlo ; second joint of tho antennaj shorfc, Kuhgloboso ; i-ostrum oxtcuding beyond the apex of the lasfc coxaj : tho- rax onrinato in tho middle : apical two-thirds of the tegmina very deuse- ly rol.culatod, cosia very slightly dilated ; the two claval veins unit- ed bohnul tho middlo : fect loug, slender ; first pair of coxib, oblon- scNUcoly roaohing tho apex of the clypeus ; firsfc femora scarcely dilated bonoath, arn.od with a s.nall miimte tooth near tho apex ; tibia) simi.lo, lo.igcr tha.i tho first fomora, last pair G-spined {Htal). 2-2. ]\Ietaurus reticulatus, Stal. Mctaurus rcHculatus, Stal, Borlin Ent. Zeifcschr. x, p. 391 (186G). S. Pale yellow-vi.escent : tegmina pale yellow-greenish-hyalino vcns ; somcwhafc colourless : the small tuborcle placed on the go..a3 boforc tho uppor part of fche eyea and a small anterior spofc on tho s.dos of tl.o tl.orax behind fche eyes, black aud shininr. . copl.alic procoss sl.ort, slondor, twice as long as the fchorax, fcur..i...^ upwards • t.-ons obIo..g, vcry slightly roundly amplified towards tl.e ape°x, .larrowed abovo the nnddle : thorax with a somewhat indistincfc ridoe • scutel lum shghtly tricarinato : tegmina gradually somewhat amplified towards tho apox ; stigma with eight veins iStdl). Long, 11 ; exp. te<. 32 mil " ' llcportod from Cambodia. benus Anagnia, Stal. Stctli.i Ent. Zcit. xxii, p. 119 (18G1) ; Hem. Afric. IV, p. 151 (18GG). Head bofore the eyes ; frons elongate, tricarinato ; cly- pous marginato, carinate in the middle : pronotum carinate iu the' mid- dlo, posteriorly angulai-ly-omarginate, anteriorly behind the head obtusoly a..guIarly-prominent : tegmina extending much buyond tho' abdoiuen, longitudinal veins on corium forked and united with some fow transverse veinlcts towards the apex : feefc rather long, slender " lirst pair of fomora dilated beneafch, last pair of tibia) muUispinose ' all.od loW ictyojihura (Stal^. 15 25 ^ 23. Anaonia splendens, Gcrmav. ^ ^ Flnfa srlcvilcnif, Gcrniar in Thon'8 Arcliiv. ii, fasc. 2, p. 48 (1830) : Walkcr, List Ilom. «. M. ii, p. 310 (1851). ^ O rscntlopliana sptcfidens, Wcstwood, Trana. ]Au\\. Soc. xviii, j). 151 (1811). -v' O Dichjophora huliana, W.alkcr, I. c. p. 310 (1851). Anajnia splendcns, Stal, Stettin Ent. Zeit. xxii, p. 149 (18G1.) ^,2. Greyisli-flavescent, sprinkled fuscous ; a stigmatic spot on the tegmina and interior streak beliind the middle, a small subapical streak ou the Avings, fuscous ; auterior tibia) ringcd black, last pair "vvith Bjnne black (Sfdl). Long, 7 — 9.j ; exp. tcg., 20 — 25 raillims. Reported from Manilla, Java, Bombaj, Itidia. Genus Centromeuia, Stal. Ofvcra. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 745 (1870). Body somcAvhat elongate : head produccd, asccTiding moro or lcss before the cycs, gradually narrowed : vertcx somcwhat equal iu brcadth to thc eycs, gradually acumiuated bcfore the cycs ; frons tiicarinatc, tho nicdian ridgc running tlirough it very distinct, latcral ridgcs extcndcd through half of thc up]>er frons, less clevatcd ; a di.stinct ridgc luii- ning through the clypcus : thorax unicarinatc, poslciiorly broadly an- gularly sinuatcd : scutellum tricarinate : tcgmina gradually amplificd towards the apex, apical part furnished with numcrous transvcrse veius ; the veins of the clavus united behind the middle ; interior ulnar vein forked at almost the same distance from tlic baso and from thc nnitcd claval veins ; radial vein forked a little bchind tho middle of tho tegmen ; stigma elongate or oblong, -with sorae veins : fcet long, slcndcr ; first pair of feraora bene.ath near the apcx with a very ininutc, acuto Bpinule. 'Nen.rto^ictijophara, Germar, the fcet aro longcr and moro elender and tho first pair of femora spiued (iStdl). ^ 24. Centromekia speilinea, Walker. ^ O Dictyophom spcilinea, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 81 (18uG). Grccn : head, three ridges on the pronotum (the lateral pair mar- ginal) and three on the mesonotum also its sidcs in part, emcrald-grecn : head with three ridges above and one bcncath and two ridgcs on pro- notum ncar the lateral emerald-green ridgcs, lutcous: cephalic protu- bcrance lanceolatc, ascending, as long as the hind part of the head : fore tibire and tarsi, tawny : tegmina and wings linipid, vcins and stigma 'grccn, the latler occupying three areolas (Wnlker). Ijody long, lO^ : exp. teg., 29| millims. Reported from Singapore. 10 26 Oenu3 DiCTYOPUARA, Germar. V' ^ Dictynphora, Germar, Silb. Rov. Ent. i, p. 1G5 (1833) : Walker, List Hom, B M i),p. 307 (1851). y> ° Dyctiophoni Spinola, A. S. E. F. (1 ser.) viii, p. 290 (1839) FPsendophana, Burm Uaiiilb. Ent. ii (i) p. 159 (1835) ; Am. & Sorv., Ui«t. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 506 (1813): C/ia/iif/ius, Ain/ot, A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) v, p. IGO (1847); Kolonati, Mol. Ent. vii, p: 29 (1857) :V«ma, Stal, Ilio Jan. Hem. ii, p. 62 (18G1) : Dictyophara, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 15J. (18GG) : Fieber, Eev. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii. p 357 (1875). Body oblong or oval,a little depressed : liead not or only very sliglitly callous behind tbe eyes, varyiug very mucb in form, abruptly truncated before tbe eyes or more or less to a distance protubemnt, tbe protuber- ance straigbt or recurved : vertcx and frons very often carinated : cly- peus long, carinated in tbe middle : second joint of antenna) small, sub- globose : rostrum long : tborax very often broadly emarginated at tbe base, sligbtly sinuated anteriorly beliind tbe eyes, toucbing tbe entire posterior margin of tbc bead, furnisbed witb 1 — 3 ridges : scutelluni very often tricarinated. Tegmina very often extending beyond tbe apex of tlie abdomen, tbird part or barely apical balf furni.sbed witb trans- verse veins ; clavus witbout a transverse vein : feet moderate or Ion<'isb, slender, simple ; first pair of femora unarmed, sborter tban the tibia?, last pair of tibia) 4— 6-spinose : exterior radial aud ulnar veins conti- guous at the base (Stdl). ^ ^ 25. DiCTTOPnARA LiNEATA, Douovan. \/ O Fulgora lineata, Donovan, Ins. India, t. 8, f. 1 (1800) ; Westvvood, Trans. Linn Soc. xviii, p. 1-47 (1841). v^ '^ Fuhjora pallida, G. Gray, Griffith, An. King., Ins. ii, p. 2G0, t. 90, f. 2 (1832). V'' ^ Dictyophora lineata, Walker, Cat. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 310 (1851). Ceiibalic process linear, ascending ; tegmina pale witb two brown lines {Donovan). Pale testaceous or fulvous-wbitisb : ceijbalic process as long as balf tbe body, ascending, pale greyisb-Iuteous; slender, a little tbiclcened at tbe apcx : tegmina narrow, elongate, wbitish, with black- isb dots arranged in lincs towards tbe internal and external margin of tbe posterior part of the tegmina, also a narrovv black line towards tbe base of the costa : cepbalic process and feet, punctured black : last femora at the apex and the tarsi broad {Westw.) Body lono- with cephalic process (wings closed), 12 J millims. lleported from Bengal. In Donovau's figure, tlie black spots on tbe tegmina appear to be confluent forming two lines and extending throuo-b- out tbe entire length of tbe tegmiua : tbe Indian Museum pnssesses a specimen from Sibsagar (Assam). 27 ^ 26. DiCTYOPiiARA PALLIDA, Doiiovan. ° Fuhjnra pallida, Donovan, Ins. India, t. 8 f. 2 (1800). '^ ^ Pseudnphana paUida, Wcstwood, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 150 (1841). ■/ ^ Dictyophorn pallida, Walker, Cat. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 310 (1851) : nec D. panida Walker, 1. c. p. 320. Ccplialic process linear, ascending : tliorax pale green, -witli red liueations ; tegmina hyaline {Bonovan). Size of preceding, bnt easily recognized by tlie longitudinal red lines on pronotnm and prostetliinm. Body long witli cepbalic process, 12^ ; to end of closed tegmiua, 19^ millims. Reported from Bengal : tbe Indian Museum possesses specimeus from Rauiganj (Lower Bengal). ^ ^ 27. DiCTYOPnARA GRAMiNEA, Fabricius. ^ * Fuhjora graminea, Frabriciug, Syst. Rhyng. p. 4 (1803). V' a Flata graminca, Gcrmar in Tlion'g Arcliiv. ii. faso. 2, p. t7 (IS.SO). . <5 rneudophana graniinca, Burm., Kandb. Eut. ii (2) p. IGO (18;J5) ; Wcstwood Trans. Liun. Soc. xviii, p. 150 (1811). v' ^ Dictyophora graminea, Walker, List. Ilom. B. ISl. ii, p. 309 (1851). Ceplialic process porrect, bicarinate broadly above : tegmina and body green, immaculate {Fahr.). Reported from India. V ° 28. DlCTYOPHARA DESPECTA, Walkcr. v^ 0 Dictyophora despecta, Walker, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 311 (1851). 6 . Body tawny : liead quite four times longer tban tbe pronotum ; tbe cepbalic protuberance continued in a line witb tbe pronotura, almost prismatic, sbgbtly tapering from tbe base to tbe tip wbicb is ratlier obtuse : angles green : prouotum sligbtly conical in front, mucb sinuated on tbe bind border, adorned witb five brigbt green stripes ; a sligbt oblique ridge on eacb side : mesonotum witb tbree brigbt greeu stripes and a green spot on eacb side : abdomen obconical, a little longer tbau tbe tborax : legs pale tawny, slender, sligbtly grooved ; bind tibi^ armed -witb four black-tipped spines : wings colourless, a sligbt tawny tinge on tbe tegmina ; stigma tawny, occupyiug parts of 2 — 3 areolas : veins brown, tawny towards tbe base (WalJcer). Body long, 10| ; teg., 1G| milHms. Reported from Malabar coast. ^ 29. DiCTTOPHARA siNiCA, Walker. ^ O Dictyophora sinica, Walker, List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. 321 (1851) ; Stal, Ofvers. K. V. A. Forh. p. 487 (1862). China. >/ Q Dictyophnra inscripta, Walker, 1. c, p. 322 (1851). Hong Kong. ^ 0 Dictyophora insculpta, Walker, 1. c, Suppt. p. 07 (1858). N. Chiua. 18 28 Y\oi\y palo lutoouH, almoat fusiform : liead nhovo Avitli a slioit groou stri|»o whioli iloos iiot oxtoml bcyond tho vertox.tho latcral odgca of which ari! ;il.s(> ^rt;('ii ; hiMioath hrij^ht lutcoua with a palo groou borilor, tho modiau ii Ihc disc, palc lawuy at tho tip : logs j^alo tawuy, partly stripod wilhbrowii; hiiid (ibiio with four blaok-tii^pod spiucs : togudua aud wiiigs ooh)urlcss, tho tips of tho fonucr palo yollowish-browu ; stiguui browu oocupyiug throo arcolas ; veins greou, broNvu towarda tho tips ( \Val/:cr). JJody loug, Di ; tog., IGf miUims. llcpor(.ed fruui Chimi : Assam (?). ^ <^ 30. DicTvoriiARA (?) NiGuiMACOLA, AValkor. ^ ' Diclijophoni uijyiinnculii, Wulkor, Liat. Uom. 11. M. ii, p. 318 (1851). d. IJody fusiform: hcad aa long as the thorax taporiug aligldly to ilio tij) whioh is obtusc, slightly elevated ; cephalic protuberauco tiuus- vcrscly slriatod abovo aud ou cach sido ; upper sido forrugiuous ; vertcx with a iModiaii sdipo, yollow, and lateittl stripes, greon, which last aro ooiiliiiiiud aioiig ui':ir half tho length to tlietip; a black modiau stripo cxloMds rroii» tlio vorlcx to tho tipa towarda whicli it occu])io3 tho wholo diso; sidcs bhudc witli tawny bordera : uuder-sido bright oraugo rod, liaviug oii oaoh sido a tawuy brown-spotted strijio which iu ita couiso be(M)iuc.s bright grcou aud ia continued aloug tlio clypcus ; tlio bright grccn uiiddlc-ridgo also extenda along tho whole lougth and ia jialo yollow ai cach cud ; tlio uuder side slightly widens aloug tho wliolo loiiglh fiom (ho tip (o tho clypeus, with tho excoptiou of a slight ooii- traclioii bi!(\voi!ii Iho cyes : clypous reddish at ita baso, browii with )'(!llow slri|i('.s (owaids ils tip : rostrum tawuy with a blaok tip, rcaohiu"- Ihc hiiid co.xiu : prouotum fcrrugiuous, slightly widoiiod andalmost augu- lar iii rroiil, .sligldly .siuiiiitod aloiig the postorior mnrgiii, witli livo bri'>-ht grccii ridgcs : tho iuucr jiair a little oblique, tlie outor pair moro obli(uio aud parallcl to Ihc sidos which aro greeu ; the spaco boueath on each sidc of (hc cycs is iiyrirorm, red, with a groen bordor aud a bright grocu mcdiiiu K(iii»c : lucsouotum black aloug tho auterior margiu, with thrce bright grccu sligldly iuterrupted stripes ; ou each sido uear tho base of thc ((\gim!u is a bright grccu spot ; beneatli black with a fow yoUow Htripcs aud a fcrrugiuous border : abdomon blaok, obcouical, a little loiigor thau thc tliorax with fivo i-ows of greonisl»-ta,wny spots, those of llio middlo row aro slcudor and form a slightly iutorruptcd stripe, tho olhcrs aro irrogular aud much emargiuated : legs tawny, slightly groov(!d, stripcd bliudc, fcct blaok towards the tips, posterior tibia3 armed 19 20 ■K-iMi fivo hlack-iippcd ppincs ; liiiicl-fcot mucli HidcH i« giccn : disc witb livo bright grcon fltripcs, iniuM- pair ciirvcd, sli^^MiMy uh- liquo.oufcr [inir moro obliipic, parallol to tlio Ridcs ; plalca, pyii- form, bordcrcd witli grcon and with a grcon stripo : incsonotum with tlirco grccn stripca and agiccn ppot on cach nido : abdomon giaps-grccn, ob- couical, motUcd ycllow, iawny at tho tip witli llircc ]>.'na!lcl iiiilisliiict whilisli stripca : lcgs palo tawny, partly grcrn, RligliHj- gioovcd ; nMiiora and antcrior tibin3 fltripcd brown, postcrior tibinc arnicd witli livc biack- tippcd spines ; posterior fect much dilatcd : tcgmiiia and wiiigs colour- less, the former Blightly tawny at the tip; stigma tawny nrcupyiug two arcoletg nnd part of a third ; veins palc grecnisli-lawny, darkcr towards tbo tii)s (Wnlkcr). Bndy Inng, lO^ ; tcg., 21 milliius. Ucportcd from N. Ijongal. ^ ^ 32. DlCTTOPIIARA WALKERI, n. Rp. Dlctiioj^hora imllida, Walkor, List B. M. ii, p. 320 (ISi")!) j iirn S . Body fusiform, pnlo lutcous : tip of vcrtcx, bla(;k : bcad abovo wlth a bright green stripo along cach cdge and with a short grcen luedian Btripo which does not cxtend beyond thc eyca ; sidcs grccn ; bcnenth brio-ht bitcous with threc bright grecn ridgcs wliicli nrc cnntinucd aloiig part of the clypcus : rostrum tawny, tip black, rcacbing ncarly to (lio last coxro : pronotum hardly conical in front, sliglitly sinualo poRlciinrly, bordercd with grecn, with fivo bright green stripcs, sido plalcs pyiifnriu with grecn margins and a bright green median stiipc : mcsnnntuin witli threc and the sides with two green stripes : abdomen obcouical, a littlc louger tban the thorax, yellow with whitish stripcs, luteous tnwanls tlio Viase, tawny at tbe tip : posterior margins nf tho scgiucnls ginss-giccn : legs plcnder, slighlly grooved, dull palo ycllow, tiiigcd with grceii ; (iiis 20 of tho fect and of tho foro tibiro, brown ; bind tibiro armed witb four black-tipped spinca ; bind feet moderately broad : tegmina and wings colourless, a sligbt tawny tinge on tbe tips of tbe tegraina, stigma pale brown, occupying two arcolets and part of a tbird ; veins green, brown towards tbc (ips (WaJlcr). Cody long, 7^ ; tog., 14-| millims. Reportcd from N. India. '"'' ^ 33. DiCTTOPiiARA LEPTOEniNA, Walker. -^ (^ DicUjophora leptorhina, Walker, List Iloin. B. M. ii, p. 321 (1851). S . Body tawny, fusiform : cepbalic px'olongation witb tbe four sidea of equal breadtb witb grecn edges, a green stripe above, distinct only on tlie vertex, tbat bcneatb appearing along tbe wbole lcngtb to tho clyiJcus whicb is brown : rostrum tawny, tip black, reaching the bind coxro : pro- notum roundcd in front, more sHghtly sinuate bchind, with grcen ridgea which al&o appcar oix the raesonotum : abdomen grcen, obconical, slight- ly biteous towards the base, longer than the tborax : legs palo tawny, sbghtly grooved ; feraora striped black ; bind tibise armed with five bhack-tipped spines ; hind feet rauch dilatcd : tegraina and wings colour- less ; stigma brown, colouring tho borders but not the disca of tbi'ee arcolas ; veins of tho tegmina brown, grcen towards tho baso ; veins of wings, bhack (WalJier). Body long, 9^ ; teg., 19 millims. Reported from Java : witb the thorax luteous, from India. ^ ^ 34. DiCTYOPnAiiA SAUROPSis, Walker. ^ Dictyophora sauropsis, Walker, Jour. Ent. i, p. 306 (1862). S . Tawny : head forming a long, quadrilateral, sligbtly tapering cone, which has a rim on both sides, above and beneath ; underside reddish ochraceous, with three other pale ridges : pronotum arcbed, morc than four times as broad as long, with a median ridge : raesonotum bicarinate : tegmina and wings cinereous byaline ; veins black, pale tawny towards the base ; transverse veinlets incrassated : tegmina with an elongatcd black stigma (Walker). Body long, lO^ ; teg., 21 millims. Reiwrted from Dacca (Bengal). ^35. DlCTYOPHARA PATRUELIS, Stal. ^ ^ Pseudophana patruelis, Stal, Freg. Eng. Res. Ins. p. 271 (1859). Dictijophara patruelis, Stal, Eio Jan. Hem. ii, p. 63 (1862). S . Weakly miuiaceous : vertex, abdomen, and feet sordid weak fla- vescent : frons, clypeus, thorax, scutellum, and pectus with grass-green ridges : tcgmina vitreous, veins and stigma f uscpus : bead as long as tho thorax and scutellum taken togetber. Closo to D. sohrina, Stal, but 21 31 Rinaller and liead Bhovter :hcad tcst aceoiTS-flavcsccnt ; vcrtcx witli a long- itiidinal ridge bctwccn the eycs ; frons, clypcus, and thorax miniaceoiis, the two formcr with ridgcs, the last with a median ridgc, an oblique line on both sides and a latcral ridge and the lateral margins, grass-green : scu- tellura wcaklj miniaccous, with three parallcl ridgcs and a posterior spot on each sidc, grass-grcen : tcgmina almost twice as long as the abdomcn, Bordid vitreous, the third. apical part transverscly vcined ; vcins and stigma fuscous : pectus weakly miniaceous with a grass-green ridge on both sides : abdomcn and feet weak sordid vircscent-flavcsccnt, thc disc of the abdomcn and the apices and lines on the feet, black-fuscous {Stdl). Body long, 8 ; broad, 2j millims. Reported from Malacca. ^ Subfam. ClxilNA, Stal. '^ Cixilda, Stal, Ilcm. Afric. IV, p. 129, 1G4 (18GG) ! Cixiiiia, Ofvors. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 710 (1870). / . . ^ . . Similar to Dictyopharma except that therc are usually three ocelH, one of which is placed on the apex of the frons : this frontal ocelkis is vcry rarely wanting and if wanting the sidcs of tho clypeus arc convcx and. ccaiouate (Stdl). Genus Cixius, Latreille, Stal. Gen. Ins. iii, p. 166 (1807) ; Gnerin, Voy. Bclangcr Ind. Oricnt. Zool. p. 463 (1834) ; Burm., Handb. ii (i) p. 156 (1835) : Stal, Hcm. Afric. iv, p. 164, 169 (1866) : Ficbcr, Rov. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii, p. 355 (1875). Head somcwhat narrower than the thorax, short, roundly sinuatcd at the base ; vertcx somcwhat concavish ; frons and clypcus togcther clliptical, f urnished with a mcdian ridge running through thcm ; frons with an occllus on the apex, sides of clypeus carinated : eycs slightly or only vcry slightly sinuated beneath : antcnnre inscrtcd bcneath the eyes, vcry short, first joint concealed, second small, subglobose : thorax very short, postcriorly, deeply, angularly emarginated : scuteUum tricarinato lateral margins of tegmina parallel, interior ulnar vcin and thc radial vein forkcd at a distance f rom the base : feet moderate, simple, last tibiaj armcd with 2 — 3 spines (Stdl). ^ 36. Cixius (?) ALI3ISTRIGA, Walkcr. Cixius alhistriga, "Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 87 (1856). Blackish, testaceous beneath : head much sraallcr and fi'ons nar- rower than in European spccies ; frons dark brown : posterior raargins of abdominal scgmcnts reddish above, whitish beneath : tegmina brown 22 witli threc whitish traiisverse streaks towards tho tip of the costa : wiugs grey (WaUccr). Botly loiig, iy ; tcg., 10| millims. Reportcd from Singapore : a specimen doubtfully assigncd to this species hasbeeu rcccived f»'om Burma, but is probably a Brixia. ° 37. Cixius (?) CADDATUS, Walkcr. Cixius caiulatus, Walker, Ins. Sauiid. Ilom. p. 43 (1858). Tawny : vertox dcpresscd, longcr thau broad, its bordcrs elevatcd frons and facc forming a fusiform compartment with a mediau ridge : pronotum archcd, very narrow in the middle ; mesonotum 5-carinate, the extcrnal pair of ridges angulate, a brown stripe interlined with tawny on each sidc : oviduct cxtending far beyond the abdomen, sheaths brown : legs testaceous : tegmina with a browu stigma, veins testaceous with black dots, some bhxck streaks also on the disc before the middle and the transverse vcinlets and some parts of the exterior veins clouded with brown : wings with black veins (Walke^-). Body long, 4f j teg., 12| millims. Reported from India, s 38. CixiDS (?) EFFERATDS, Walkcr. Cixiiis effemtus, Walkor, J. Linu. S. Zool. i, p. 87 (185G). Tcstaceoiis : frons subfusiform, attenuated in front : eyes largo ncarly contiguous on thc vertex : abdomen tawny : tegmina aud wings limpid ; veins tawny ; stigraa tcstaceous, with a brown spot closc to its tip and opposite a smaller and paler brown spot on the interior border : wings with a browu streak at the tip of the costa (Walker). Body lou"-, 5j ; exp. teg., 12 1 millims. Reported from Sixigapore. ^ Genus Oliards, Stal. Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. vi, p. 300 (1862) ; Hem. Afric. iv, p. 164^, IGG (ISGG) ; Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 92 (18G8) : Fiobor, Rev. Mag. Zool. (3 ser.) iii, p. 35G (1875). Head somewhat narrowcr than the thorax, angularly emaro-inate at the basc ; vcrtex vaiying iu leugth and breadth, coucavc ; frous and clypcus togethcr clliptical, furnished with a distinct, median, lonrritudinal ridge ruuning through them, lateral margins rounded, slightly dilated ; frons with an occllus on the apex ; sides of clypeus ridged : eyes scarcely or but slightly siuuated bcueath : antenna3 vcry short, iuserted beneath the eycs, first joint hidden, second somewhat globosc, small : thorax very short, posteriorly decply augularly sinuatcd : scutellum with five rido-cs : tegmiua roundcd at the apcx ; radial and cxtei-ior uluar vein contiguous at the base itsclf, radial and interior ulnar vciu forkcd at a morc or lcss 23 33 distance boforo tho miJJic of the tcgmiua : foct modcrate, single ; last pair of tibiaj, 2 — 3-spinosc (Stdl). '^ 39. Oliaeus walkeri, Stal. ^ walkeri, Stal, Frcg. Eng. Rosa. Ilem., p. 272 (1850). Oliarus walkcri, Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. vi, p. 30G (18G2). 's tnennLler, Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. ii, p. 349 (1851). Bn.via meander, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 487 (1862). Body tawny : frona long and narrow with a row of brown spota along eacli side of tho diso Avliich is also brown : rostrum tawny : eyea large : pronotum on both sides obliquely tricarinate : disc of tlie mesono- tum brown : legs tawny, shghtly sulcated : each femur with two brown rings : tegmiua abnost colourless, adorned with several waved brown bands wliich are partly confluent or interrupted, di^cs of the spaces between them occupied by paler brown bands : a large yellow spot on tho anterior margin : veina pale stramineous, tliickly dotted wjth black knots {Walher). Body long, 4^ ; teg., 10| millims. Reported from India. Genus Benna, Walker. J. Linn. Soo. Zoo!. f, p. 90 (1856) ; Btal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 166 (1866). Body rather slender, head a little narrower than the thorax with a ridge which extends from the back of the vertex to the rostrum • eides also ridged ; frons compressed, elongate-subfusiform : 1 — 2 iointa antennaa a little shorter together than the breadth of the front ; filament not long : thorax tricarinate, pronotura very short : abdoraen at the base witb two lateral capitate appendages like the halteres of Diptera, tip terrainating in a long, curved oviduct : legs rather long and slender : tegraina and wings broad, rounded at the tips, the former with about twenty areolets, the discal generally shorter than the basal and marginal. (Walker.) Frons with a longitudinal ridge narrowed upwards, scarcely distin- guishable frora the vertex : first joint of the antennse prominulous, second longer than broad : abdoraen furnished on both sides at the base with a long, filiforra, clavate process : tegmina gradually araplified frora the base towards tlie apex ; the costal raargin slightly sinuated towards the base ; the radial and ulnar veins separately eraitted from the ulnar trunk or flcmewhat contiguous at the base itself (Stdl). 25 35 42. Benna capitclata, Walker. Benna capitulata, Walker, J. Linn. Soo. Zool. i, p. 90, t. 3, f. 3, (1856). $ , Testaceous : abdomen with long cottony secretiona ; capitate ap- pendages with white tips : tegmina and wings hyaline, the former with a very slight testaceous tinge ; veins brown, testaceons towards the base and in the front, with a black basal dot and two smaller brown dots near the base : the transverse veinlets partly clouded brown, a brown Btreak along the exterior border ; etigraa testaceoua ( Walker) . Body long, 6f ; teg. 16| millims. Reported from Singapore. ^ Subfam. Delphacina, Stal. ^ Delphacida, Stal, Hem. Afrio. iv, pp. 131, 175 (186G) i Delphacina, Ofvere. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 747 (1870). Distinguished by having the lasfc pair of tibite furnished with a mobile spur {Stdl). <^Genu3 HTQT0P3, Guerin. ^ Ugyops, Gn6rin, Voy. Bel. Ind. Orient. p. 477 (1843) ; Spinola, A. B. E. F. viii, p, 321 (1839) ; Walkor, List Henu B. M. ii, p. 338 (1851) : Hygyops, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 175 (1866) ; inclndes Bidis, Walker, J. Linn., Soc. Zool. i, p. 88 (1856) i ^Hygiops, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p, 611 (1843). Antennse inserted below the eyes, almost as long as the body ; two first joints equal, cylindrical, with the filament insorted at the tip of the Becond joint, which is granulate ; eyes very slightly emarginate beneath ; apparently no ocelli : frona narrow, a little ascending, anteriorly much longer than broad, a little dilated in the middle, longitudinally grooved : rostrum as long as the head, covered at its baso by a pointed, oblong la- brura : pronotura narrower than the mesonotum, a little emarginate pos- teriorly : mesonotum triangular, apex pointing beliind : tegmina narrower than the wings, oblong : abdomen flattered, f eet long, spinose (Guerin) . ^ 43. Htgyops percheronii, Guerin. ^ Ugyops percheronii, GuMn, Voy. Bel. Ind. Orient. p. 478 (1834) j Icon. R&gne Anim., t. 58, f. 16 (1830-34) ; Burm., Handb. Ent. ii (i), p. 152, (1835) ; Spinola, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 323 (1839) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 338 (1851). ^ Hygiops percheronii, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 512 (1843), Ferruginous red, antennae of the same colour, brown at the tip : tegmina and wings transparent, veins reddish : beneath and feet ferru- ginous (Guerin). Body long, 5 ; exp. teg., 16 millims. Reported from Cochin Ohina. 26 30 ^ 44. Hyoyops NOTiVENA, Walker. ^Bidis notivena, Walker, J. Linn. Soo. Zool. i, p. 88 (1856). Hygyops notivena, Stal, Ilom. Afric. iv, p. 175 (18GG). ^ , 9 . Testaceous, partly green : tegmina and winga transparent, tlie former with a very sliglit testaceous tinge ; veins testaceous, laereand there blackish : tlie S partly red (Walker). Body long, 4f ; teg., 12^ millims. Reported from Siugapore, Malacca. Subfara. Achilina, Stal. ^ Achilida, Stal, Ilem. Afric. iv, pp. 130,181 (1866) ; ^cTii^ma, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 748 (1870). Head narrower than the thorax ; sides of the clypeus carinate : last joint of rostrum elongate : thorax angularly emarginate at the base : tegmina amplitied inwards behind the clavus which is very rarely grauu- lated, acute at the apex, distinctly closed ; the claval vein continued to the apex itself or united with the claval suture near the apex : last pair of tarsi with the first joiut elongate. ^ ' Genus Faventia, Stal. Hem. Afric. iv, p. 181 (1866) ; Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 748(1870). Head narrower than the thorax ; frons with a long and clypeus with a distinct ridge running through it, the lateral ridges on the ciypeus not united at the apex : tliorax very short, angularly emarginate at the base : scutellum tricarinate ; tegmina roundly truncated at the apex ; the iutei'ior ulnar and the radial vein forked before the middle : first tibiaa longer than the femora and trochanters taken together, the last pair unispiuose (Stdl). '^Tyipe, G. pustulatus, Walker. ' 45. Faventia pustulata, Walker. • Cixius 2mstulatus, Walker, J. Linn. Soo. ZooL i, p. 87 (1856). Faventia pustulata, Stal, Berliu Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 392 (1866). Tawny, testaceous beneath : head greenish, with a black dot on each side, ridges ferruginous : tegmina with some paler marks and with many minute blackish dots wliich are accompanied by 2 — 3 larger and darker dots : wiugs brown (Walker). Body long, 6| ; teg., 14| millims. Reported from Singapore. *^"' Genus Helicoptera, Amyot & Serville. nist. Nat. Ina. Hem. p. 526 (1843) ; Stal, Hem. Afric, iv, pp. 181, 184 (1866) : incladoa 'Elidiptera, Spiu., A. S. E. F. viii, p. 504 (1839); Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 328 (1851). 27 37 Body depressed : head much narrower than the thorax, produced before the eyes ; vertex posteriorly about twice as' broad as the eyes, somewhat concave, not ridged ; frons much longer than broad, distinctly narrowed upwards, more or less distinctly ridged in the middle ; sidcs of clypeus ridged : eyes rounded, obsoletely sinuated beneath : second joint of the antennge somewhat globose : thora? tricarinate, lateral ridges not reaching the base : scutellum tricarinate : tegmina rounded at the apex ; the radial and exterior ulnar veins united at the base ; radial and exterior uluar vein forked rather far from the base : feet modorate, first tibife subequal in length to the femora and trochanters taken together ; last tibias unispinose (Stdl). 46. Helicoptera ? smaraodilinea, Walkcr. ^^ Elidiptera smaragdilinea, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 80 (185G). Ferruginous : head about the eyes and on each side of the frons, a Bpot in the middle of the pronotum and one on each side and a stripe on the mesonotum, emerald-green : cephalic protuberance, slender, cylin- drical ascending, black above, green beneath, about twice the length of the head above ; frons long and narrow ; face and pectus black and white : ab- domen with a green stripe on each side and a black stripe on each side beneath : legs tawny, femora black at the base ; tibise and tai-si partly green ; fore tibiae white towards the tips : tegmina and wings limpid, the former with a narrow brown streak along the terminal part of the costa, and with a broad brown streak along the corresponding part of the hind border, the two streaks connected by a brown streak along the transverse veinlets (Walker). Body long, 9^ : teg., 23 milliins. Reported from Mouut Ophir, Singapore. ^^ Subfam. Tropiduchina, Stal. t Tropiduchida, Sfcal, Hem. Afrio. iv, p. 130, 186 (1866) : Tropiduchina, Ofrers. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 748 (1870). Head narrower than the thorax ; sides of clypeus without a ridge or with. an obtuse ridge : thorax very often angularly emarginate at the base, very rarely roundly sinuate, tricarinate ; lateral ridges diverging, very often reaching the base ; commisural margin/of tegmina straight or rounded behind the clavus which is generally as in Acliilina ; costa some- times dilated, costal membrane transversely veined ; first joint of last tarsi elongate (Stdl). 38 /\, Genus Daradax, Walker. J. Linn. Soc. Zoo!. i, p. 85 (1856) ; Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 188 (186G). Heail lauceolate, ascendiiig, cariuate on both sides ; frous lanceolate, witli a median and lateral ridges : anteuntB globose, vory minute, seti- form filament moderately loug, verj slender : pronotum much arched with a slight modian ridge, each side formiug a fusiform compartment : mesonotum quadricarinate : tegmina fusiform, with numerous parallel equidislant veinlets along the costa ; ulnar areas loug ; apical areas fihort, like those of the costa {Wallcer). 47. Daradax fusipennis, Walker. Daradax fusipennis, Walker, J. Linn. Soo. Zool. i, p. 86 (1856). Greeu, partly lutesceut : tegmina with browu dots aloug the exterior margin : wings wliite (WalJcer.) Body long, 65- ; teg., 14.| millima. lieported from ]\Ialacca. - Genus Tropiddchus, Stal. . Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 248 (1854) ; Hem. Afric. iv, p. 188 (1866) : includea Euria, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. ZooL i, p. 87 (1856). Body oblong : liead somewhat narrower than tlie thorax, slightly prominulous before the eyes, obtuse : vertex arcuate, transverse, much broader than the eyes, deeply sinuated at tlie base, rounded at tho apex ; frons much longer than broad, somewhat narrowed upwards, with 1 or 3 ridges ; clypeus with a median ridge, sides convex or obtusely ridged : rostrum somewhat short : secoud joint of the antennse small, subglobose : thorax short, augularly emargiuate at the base, tricarinate on the disc : Bcutellum tricarinate : tegmiua not or but slightly narrowed towards the apex ; costa remote from the margiu, emitting outwards numerous trans- verse veins, radial and uhiar veius forked rather distant before the middle and at an equal leugtli from the base ; apical part with two rows of trans- verse veins : feet moderate ; first tibise somewhat longer than the femora and troclianters taken together, last tibiae trispinose (Stdl). "^^ 48. Tropiduchus luridus, Walker. ^ "^ Euria hirida, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 88 (1856), Brownish, paler beneath : head green with tawny ridges : teo-mina and wings lurid, tlie former with four brown bands of which the first and secoud are dilated iu front, the third is slender, curved, joined at each end to the second, the fourth is marginal : wings with three brown bands (WaUcer.) Body long, 5} ; teg., 14| millims. Reported from Singapore. 29 39 Genus Elica, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 86 (l856j. Head conical, sHglitly ascending, tricarinate above : frons lanceo- late, teti-agonal, tricarinate, the lateral ridges curved, margins also ridged : antennas conical, setiform filament twice as long as the preceding part ; pronotum very short : mesonotum tricarinate : tegmina broad with numerous transverse veinlets along the costa ; ulnar areas elongate towards the base of the tegmina ; apical areas more numerous, short, and generally 5 — 6 angled (Wancer). 49. Elica latipennis, Walker. EUca latipennis, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 86 (1856). Testaceous, partly tawny : head above and disc of the thorax, brown : tegmina hj^aline with a sh*ght testaceous tinge ; veins tawny, some of them black, forming an irregular, incomplete band {Wallcer). Body ong, 7j ; teg., 19 millims. Reported from Malacca. '^ ^ Genus MONOPSIS, Spinola. A. S. E. F. viii, p. 302 (1839) ; Amyofc & Serville, Hisfc. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 507 (1843) ; Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. ii, p. 325 (1851). Cephalic prolongation flattened above, ovally rounded anteriorly ; the flat portion of the vertex has a median ridge dividing into two lines posteriorly which form a very pointed arch placed above another arch on the pronotum ; frons broad with a median and two lateral ridges : eyes large, oblong : pronotum very narrow, emai'ginate posteriorly in an arch ; mesonotum with three elevated Unes : tegmina slightly crystalline and transparent almost as in the genn^Bichoptera ; the great basal half with long cells, then comes a small elevated transverse line and then a great number of small and more or less quadrate cells : abdo- men rather flat and oblong : feet moderate {Am. Sf Serv.). ^ ^ 50. MONOPSIS VIRIDICANS, Stal. Monopsis viridicans, Stal, Freg. Eng. Resa. Ins., p. 281 (1859). 9 , Weakly virescent : vertex nearly semicircularly produced before the eycs ; frons one and half time longer than the breadth, carinated ; thorax somewhat longer than the vertex, roundly produced anteriorly, tricarinate, the lateral ridges oblique : scutellum tricarinate, the lateral ridfes somewhat divergent towards the base, parallel. nearly three and half time longer than the bi'6adth (Stdl). Long with teg,, 7 millims. Reportedfvom' Hong-Kong, Sikkim (?). 30 51. MoNOPsrs (?) siNioA, Walker. Monopsia sinica, Wulkor, List Hom. B. M. ii, p, 827 (1851). ? . Boily f UMiform, yellowish-green : head aud thorax tawny above, the formor surroundod by a bright green ridge on eaoh side and in front and with three others of which the lateral pair do not extend be- yond the disc f rom tlie hiud border : pronotum with three bright green ridges, the side pair oblique, longer than the median one : rostrum and lega pale yellowish-green : feet tawny ; hind tibice between the middle and the tips, with three spines having black tips : tegmiua and wiugs colourless, the basal part of the former pale green, occupying two-thirds of the surface, covered with little tawny tubercles, very distiuct from the reticulated part ; veius green. Body long 3^ ; exp. teg., IQi millims. Reported from Hong-Kong. '^ Genus HiRACiA, Walker. J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 154 (1857). Body elliptical couvex : head with the borders hardly elevated ; ver- tex couical, distiuctly tricarinate ; frons and face indistinctly tricarinate, the former obconical, excavated next the face which is lauceolate : pro- notum f ull twice broader than long, narrower in front, 5-carinate ; meso- notura triangular, acuminate, tricarinate : tegmina acuminate with nume- rous rugulose veins and transverse veinlets (Walker). 52. HiRACiA WALKERi, Signoret. Hiracia walheri, Signoret, A. S. E. P. (4 ser.) i, p. 57, t. 2, f. 3 (1861). Yellowish-grey with two black patches on the tegmina : head weak- ly angular in front with a raedian keel on the frons : vertex grooved with the margius strougly cariuated, posterior margin coucave : prouo- tum augular, rounded in front, furnished with a great number of small tubercles aloug the anterior margin and on its disc and a median traus- verse impressiou : scutellum weakly tricarinate : tegraina with veina without auastomoses but faintly reticulated in the iutervals, a median triangular black spot towards costal margin and an oblong spot behind towards the internal margin ; abdomen yellowish, shorter thau the tegmina; feet yellow, very long ; posterior tibi» f urnished on the external si^es with seveu spiues, a character which serves to separate this speciea frora fl-. i>uam, Walker, from Borneo (Sign.). Body long, 7; broad, 3 milliras. Reported from ludia. 31 41 Subfam. Derbina, Stal. "^ Derhida, Hem. Afrio. iv, pp. 130, 192 (1866) ; Derhina, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh p. 750 (1870). Head very often narrower tlian the thorax : sidc3 of clypeus some- times carinated : last joint of rostrum short or very short ; thorax pos- teriorly angularly-emarginate, ecarinate or fjarnished -with an obsolete ridge : costa simple ; clavus generally as iii Acliilina : last tibias very often unarmed, rarely spinose ; first joint of last tarsi, elongate (Stdl). ^ Genus Phenice, Westwood. Trans. Linn. Soc. xix, p. 10 (1845) ; Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 1G3 (1856) ; Hcm. Afric. iv, pp. 192, 195 (1866). Amyot & ServiUo [Ilist. Nat. Ins. Hem. p. 615 (18 13) ] nnito Phenice witli Derhe, Fabr. for roasons given ; tho remainder of the Bpociea doscribed aro chiofly African. Body oval : head much narrower than the thorax, seen from the side, more or less rounded anteriorly, slightly compressly prominulous before the eyes ; vertex and frons very narrovv, the latter linear witli the lateral margins sometimes contiguous ; clypeus long, tricarinato : eyes posteriorly sinuate beneath, extended to a distance downwards : no ocelli : second joint of the antennse varying in length, oval or a little elongate» without a sinus at the apex above : last joint of rostrum very minute : thorax short, posteriorly deeply angularly-emarginate : scutellum obso- letely tricarinate : tegmina elongate, gradually amplified from the base to the middle, thence somewhat narrowed or furnished witli parallel sides, much longer than the wings ; clavus short ; radial vein forked, uluar vein emitting inwards obliquely longitudinal branches towards the commissural margin, these branches united by a transverse vein : feet slender, last tibisa Bometimea spinose (Stdl). ^ 53. Phenice M(ESta, Westwood. O Derhe (Phenice) mcssfa, Westwood, A. M. N. H. (2 ser.) vii, p. 209 (1851). ■-" Derhe mmsta, "Walker. List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 397 (1851). Phenice mcesta, Stal, Ofvers, K. V.-A. Forh. p. 750 (1870). Black, variegated white : a narrow frontal ridge on the head and the penultimate joint of the rostrum, whitish : three very fino ridges on the mesonotum and the posterior margin broader in the middle, white : feet white : tegmina black, costa and lasfc half spotted white : wings gmoky : lateral anal appendages in S , straight, incurved at the apex and acuminato {Westwood). Exp. teg., 13^ raillims. Reported from India. 32 42 ^ 54. PlIKNlCE CABNOSA, WestwooJ. Derle (Phenice ?) carnosa, Westwood, A. M. N. n. (2 sor.) vii, p. 209 (1851). Entirely lutcous flcsli-coloured ; four anterior tibite, fuscous • teo-. imna and wings ycllowisl. liyaline, costal margin bcliind tho midcllo of tho tegniina and external margin of the wings, fuscous, the latter witli a black dot : apioal joint of rostrura, black : anal appe.ula<>-es i.i ^ elongate, curved, forcipato : abdomen in ? terminated by two i^orrect horna (Westwood), Exp. teg., 14^ millims. Koported from India. ^Subfam. LoPHOPiNA, Stal. V '^Lophopida, Stal, nem. Afric. iv, pp. 130, 199 (1866). Head nan-ower than thorax, sides of clypeua carinate ; rostrum short, stout, last very short ; thorax truncate at the base, cai-inated or tuberculatc^^on the disc ; first joint of last tarsi robust, less long IJdlei-s from the Tropiduchina in having the thorax truncated at the base thc last of the tarsi very short a^he basal joint of last tarsi stoutish Bhortorsomewhatshortish: fromthe Jmnain having the thorax dis ti.ictly tricarinated or tuberculated on the disc, the tegmina ratlier amplo ^. flat, and extending much beyond the apex of the abdoraen and frora the Uwanuna m havmg the thorax truncated at the base, disc distinctly cannated or tuberculated and last joint of rostrum very short (Stdl). Genus Lacusa, Stal. Borlin Eut. Zeitschr. yi, p. 309 (1862) ; Hem. Afrio. iv, p. 199 (1866). Head somewhat narrower than the thorax ; vertex not produced Bomowhat ti-ansverse, lateral margins not dilated ; frons elono-ate furnish' ed with two ridges convergi.ig upwards ; clypeus cariiaate ?n th'e middle and on both sides : thorax truncated at the base, rounded anteriorly be hind the vertex, tricarinate : scutellura tricarinate : tec^raina rather ample, costal and com.nissural margins parallel, broadly rounded at the apex, costal hnibus obliquely, transversely veined : ante.-ior feet rauch ddated fohaceous : last tibi^B trispinose, gradually slightly dilated to- wards the apex (Stdl). Amed^o^^masmoscelis, but distinct iu tho struc- ture of the head. , ^S- Lacusa fuscofasciata, StaL ^ Elasmoscelis (?) fusco.fasciata, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 248 (1854) l^ O Ci.viiis eniinens, Walkor, lus. Saund. Uoni. p. 42 (1858). Lacusnfvsco.fasciata, Stil, Borlin Eut. Zeitschr. vi, p, 309 (1862). 33 43 S JMack-rii.scoub : licud, tliuiux, .scuLulIuui, rustruni, aud larHi (csUi- ceous-whitisli, frons and scutellum infuscate : tegmina and wings vitre- ous ; tlirce bauds on tlie tegniiua, the posterior two opiiositely oblique aud unitcd at tlic coniuiissurc, confluont spots on tlic npcx, sniall ti-aus- vcrsc lincs on tho costal limbuH and dots si^rinklcd over thc disc, black- fuscous ; wings intcrnally aud afc the apcx broadly fuscesccut ; fcot Bparingly sj^rinkled pallid (Sldl). Body long, 5| ; exp. teg., 1G| milliuis. Reported from India. V ^ Genus Coretiirura, Hope. Traug. Linn. Soc. xix, p. 135 (1845) ; Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 200 (18GG). llody short, stout : the apcx of the abdomen furnished with a vor-y largc and wcll-maikcd lloccosc ajijjendagc : hcad carinatc iu fiout : liuo 8ceu iu front narrow : rostrum of mcdiau lcngfeh : clypcus largc, iii- llated : antcnna3 inscrtcd beucath the eycs, vcry short, setosc to soiiio length at the apcx : ocelli minute placed a litfcle beforc fche cyes : firsfc pair of fcet Avith depressed tibias, last tibias extcrnally tridcutatc (Ilujie) . '^ 5G. CoRETnRURA FUSCOVARIA, IIopo. Corcthynm. fu.sco-varia, llopo, Trans. Linn. Soc. xi.\, p. 135, t. 12, f. GO (1815) ; Walker, Liat llom. B. M. ii, p. 395 (1851). Body above somewhat fuscous ; head with a whitish transverse line, three rows of white spots ou the thoi^ax : abdomeu fuscous-green, extro- mity provided with a subochraceous cottouy appendage longer thau tho entire body : tegmina varied Avith fuscous, haviug numerous interru])ted bauds of a more saturated colour and patches of a farinose powdcry sub- Btance : wings paler browuish, hyaliue, immaculafce (Zloi^e). Body loug, 19 ; exp. tcg., 58-59 millims. lleported from Silhat. y ^ Subfam. Issina, Stal. Issida, Sfcal, Honi. Afrio. iv, pp. 130, 202 ■.''Is.nna, Ufvors. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 754 (1870). Head not or ouly a littlo narrowor thau the fchorax ; clypeus very oEteu convex, lateral margius very rarely furnislicd with a ridgo ; thorax truucafced at the base, rarely broadly rouudly-sinuated, Avithout a median ridge or ouly au obsolefce one ; scutellum shorfc, rarely twice longer thau thc thorax : tegmina coriaceous or snbcorneous, rarely vitreous, very rarely fiat, more or less conv^^sometimcs very much abbrcviatcd : clavus and claval veiu generally as in Achilina : firsfc joint of lasfc tarsi shorfc or nxoilorate very rarcly elongafce. Differs from Ulcaniina iu the thorax beiug 3i u truncated or slif^ditly sinuatecl at the base, scutellum sliort iievcr luorG tliau tvvico as loug as the thorax ; tegmina very ample, very often con- voxish, not or but littlo extonding beyoud the abdomeu (Sldl). Gcnus IlEMispnaiRius, Schaum. Allg. Eiic. Wisscnsch. Kunst. i, p. 51, (1850) : Btal, Ilom. Afi-ic. iv p 203 (ISOG). Last joiut of rostrum louger than btout, oval, oblong oi- elono-ate : tegmina entirely couvex, very obsoletely veined or without veins, chxvua aud corium connate, no chxval suture : body depressed ; vertex narrower than the cyos or subequal in brcadth ; thorax truncated at the base, Binuated belund tho eycs, sides behind the eyes hardly visible from above ; hist tibia) bispiuose : antcrior femora simple (Sldl). This beautiful gciuis has tlio cntirc tegmiua quito coriaceous like thoso of the lady-bird buetlcs. ■ 57. IlEMispiiiERius RUFOVARius, Walkor. - Ifonisplurrid.i rufovarius, Wiilkcr, Lisfc Ilom. B. M. Suppt. p. 95 (1858); Butlov, A. M. N. 11. (5 ser.) xvi, p. liG (1875). Testaccous : vertex trausverse with a red mark on the disc, frona and faco flat ; frons with a red disc, face bhack, lanceolate : pronotum with three miuutc red marks : mesonotum with a rcd stripe ou each sido : abdomeu with a black baud beneath : tegmina rather narrower and more obk)ug than in the other species of the genus (Walker). Body loug, 3| ; teg., Sh millims. llcportod froni Burma. Genus Tlavina, StSl. OlVora. K. V.-A. Forh. xviii, p. 209 (18G1) ; Ilem. Afrio. iv, p. 20G (18GG). Wings cleft, fairly ample, irreguLarly reticulated ; head distiuctly narrowcr than tho thorax, vertex subquadrate ; frous slightly rouudcd a littlo abovo the clypcus on both sides, longer than broad ; clypcus ecari- nate ; thorax truncatcd at the base, angulated autcriorly bchind tho vertex ; scutellum somewhat longer than the thorax, tegniina cxteudino- somewhat bcyond the abdomen, the costa and the commissure subparallel, gradually roundly-uarrowed at the apex ; the principal exterior veiu near the basc, the median vein towards the apex aud iuterior vein before tlio middlc, forked, tlie two last uuitcd before the middle by a more distiuct trausvcrsG veinlct, the iuterior branch of the fork of that vein also forkcd : hist tibicc 5-spiuuse {Stdl). 35 45 / i8. Flavina grandlata, StSl. ^ Flnvina gramUata, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. xviii, p. 212 (18G1). ? . Weakly yellow-testaceous ; tegmina sparingly sprinklcd f iiscous, extreme part of augles of vertex and basal angles of frons, fuscous ; frons Bcarcely twice as long as its median breadfch, furnished wifch a median vidge obliterated near the clypeus and a sniall subbasal, transverse, an- gulated ridge ; thorax granulate ; scuteUura unicarinate ; auterior tibifo with two broadly, Aveakly fuscous rings {Sidl). Long with teg., 8 mil- lims. Eeported from Ii>dia. ^ GenuB EuPiLis, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 93 (185G) ; Stal, nom. Afric. iv, p. 207 (18GG) ( Bevlin Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 393 (18GG) j Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 160 (1870). Body very oblong : clypeus ti"ansverscly convex beforo tho middle, not compressly elevated : tegraina membranous, vifcieous, very oblong, Bcarcely gradually amplified towards the apex, obtusely rounded at tho apex ; exterior branch of the radial vein running out at iho costa or seuding out a short branch to tho costa ; claval veins united almost ia the middle of the clavus ; wings emarginate at the apex, with t\vo veins running towards tho apical incisure united towards the apex : last tibiea bispinose behind the middle {Stdl). V^O 69. EuPiLis ALBiLiNBOLA, Walker. Supilis allilineola, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, j). 93 (1856) ; p. 1G2 (1857). ? . Testaceous, partly pale-green : f rons black, shining, with a tawny central spot and with a testaceous border : face with two black bands, the anterior one macular : thoi'ax and pectus with black spots : abdomen with black bands : tegmina and wings transparent, veins black ; tho tegmina slightly lurid with five brown streaks ; transverse veiulets, white (Walker). Body long 8f ; teg., 25 millims. Reported from Singapore. ^ Genus Tempsa, StAl. Hem. Afric. iv, p. 208 (186G) ; Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 761 (1870). Body oblong, somewhat cylindrical : head and thorax somewhafc equal in breadth, the former obtuse : vertex subequal iu breadth to the eyes, truncated, transverse, not produced before tho eyes ; clypeus trans- versely convex before the middle, not compressly elovated, sides without a ridgo : frons somewhat longer than broad, narrowed upwards, with a longitudinal ridge : thorax anteriorly angulated, truncatod at the baso ; 3G 4G scutellum longer by more than half than the thorax : tegmina oblong somewhat narrowed towards the apex, obliquely truncated at tho apex ; coriaceous, somewliat opaque or slightly pellucid ; interior ulnar vein simple or forkcd at a greater distance from tho base than tlio exterior uhiar vein ; cxterior branch of the radial vein continued towards tlio apex of the corium, cmitting no branch to the costa ; claval veins united behind tho middle of tlio clavus ; winga broad, witli two veins running towards tho apical incisure united towards the apex : last tibio9 bispinoso behind tho middle (Stdl). ^^ CO. Tempsa malata, Stah ^ ^ Issiis malaiins, Stal, Ofvora, K. V.-A. Forh., p. 216 (185-i). l^ 0 Eapilis malaya, Stal, Frcg. Eng. Resa Ins., p. 277 (1858). Tempsa malaya, Stal, Berlin Eut. Zeitsclir. x, p. 393 (1866). ^. Elongate, sordid flavescent, obscurely spotted : frons tricarinato tho median ridgo distinct, coutinued through, the lateral ridges obsolete, two spots in the middle aud four spots on the scutellum, black-fuscoua : tegmina elongate, subparallel, longer than the abdomen, somewhat ferruginous, costal margin of a weaker colour. Head sordid flavescent, obscurely spotted, at the apex before the eyes a littlo truncately produced, vertex quadi-ate, with a transverse somewhat arched ridge at tho ajjex ; frons onc-third narrower than ita length, very broad towards the apex, gradually somewhat narrowed towards the base, tricarinate, the median ridge continucd througli, distinct, the lateral ridge obsolete, converging much towards the base, confluent at the base, in the middle on both sides at the median ridge, fuscous : thorax as long as the vertex, tri- angularly produced, fuscous-flavescent, somewhat impressed lengthwise : scutelhxm scarcely twice as long as the thorax, obsoletely tricarinate, sordid flavescent, with four small f uscous spots : tegmina extending beyond the abdomen, thrice as loug aa tho median breadth, gradually a little amplified from the base, thence scarcely gradually amplified, obliquely subtruncate at the apex, with longitudinal veins, veins robust, remotely united by other less distinct transverse veins ; with a ferruginoua tinge, costal margin weak testaceous-flavescent, subhyaline : winga sordid hyaline with fuscous veins, as long as the tegmina : beneath with feet, weak sordid flavescent {Stdl). Long with teg., 9; broad, 3^ mil- lims. Reported from Malacca, Singapore. "" ° Geuus Tetrica, Stal. nom. Afric. iv, p. 208 (18GG). Body oval or suboblong : frons subtruncate at the apcx, narrowed upwards, unicai-iuate ; last joint of rostrum oblong or subelongate ; thorax 37 47 a,nd scutcllum togctlicr, transverso, the former truncatcd at the basc, anteriorly obtusely angulated, the latter about twicc longcr than the thorax : tegmina slightly narrowed behind the middle, at the apex very obtusely roundcd ; corium a little longer than the clavus ; radial vein of tegmina forkcd at thc basc, ulnar veins forked in the middle or a little bcfore the middlc : Avings very broad, dceply emarginatc at tho apex : last tibire bispinose : first joint of last tarsi rather short. Hcad and thorax equally broad, the former not prominulous before the eyes, vertcx trans- verse, subequal in brcadth to the eyes ; frons cqually long and broad, amplified ncar thc apex : sides of clypeus f urnished with a ridgo : body a littlc compressed (Sldl). Type? T. fiisca, Stal. ^^ 61. Tktrica fusca, Stal. Tcfrica fusca, Stal, Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 757, notc, (1870). ecies which was evidently based on an error both of description and in the locality (3. America) assigned to the species. The rectification of the author should be accepted, especially as he gives tho na,me^^ fenestrata * subsequently (Syst. Rhyug. p. 51) to a different species. This is Germar'8 type of the genus. Long, 5f ; teg., 16j millims ? Reported from Ceylon, India ; the Indian Museum possess a speci- men from Calcutta (?). ^ ^ 67. RiCANiA FENESTRATA, Fabricius. ^P Flata fenestrata, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 51 (1803). V ■O' Flatoides fenestrata, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 404 (1851). •"^ Ricania Fahricii, Sthl, Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 104 (1868). ^ 42 52 \/ Stature entirely of U. hyalina, Fnbr., bufc smallor : body black : tegnnua fuscous, hyaline at the base, spot on the anterior margin aud punctures, f uscous ; in fche middle a broad oblique hyaliue band and nu- merous spots, hyuliuo : ontiro wings obscmVhyaline {Fabr.}. Alliod to '^ li. mellerborgi, Stal. Reported from Java. 68. RlCANIA MELLEBBORQI, St&l. Ricania mellerlorgi, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. xi, p. 24,7 (1854,). n/' <5 Flatoides discalis, Walker, J. Linn. Soo. Zool. i, p. 89 (1856) ; p. 15G (1857). Testaceous : tegmina fuscous with a lai'ge transverse patch and spots on the margin, whitish-hyalino. Allied to B. fenestrata, Fabr. Long., 5 ; exp. teg., IG millims. Reported from Java, Borneo, Singapore, Burma. Walker'8^i^. discalis, is black : frons much bi-oader than long, with a slightly elevated mai-gin and slightly tricarinato : posterior mai-gins of segmonts of abdomen and the legs duU testaceous : tegmina blackish, with a testaceous dot on the tip of each vein ; disc limpid ; two limpid dots on tho costa and two towards the tip of the exterior border : winga limpid with brown borders. Body long, 6^ ; teg., 16| millims. ^' 69. RiCANiA 0D3CURA, Fabricius. \/ ^^ Flata ohsciira, Fabriciua, Syat. Rhyng. p. 49 (1803) ; Germar in Thon'a Archiv. ii (2) p. 4,9 (1830) : Walker, J. Linn. Soc. ZooL i, p. 92 (1856) ; p. 161 (1857). V ■ " Pochazia ohscura (?) Walkor, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 4,26 (1851). Ricania ohscura, Stal, Uem. Fabr. ii, p. 104 (1869). $. Pale testaceous-flavescent, vertex and thorax fuscous-testace- ous, scutellum black : tegmina ferruginous-fuscous, spriukled pale before the middle and in the niiddle, and with small pale transverse lines, an unequal narrow band placed behind the middle and the costal membrane obscurely fuscous, the extrerae part of ifcs margin pallid, a small oblique transverse line, behind the middle of the costal margin, whitish : wings fuscescent, apical margin of the two last ventral segments black towards the sides. Frons about one-third shorter than broad, gradually roundly narrowed towards the apex, distinctly tricarinate : scutellum 5-carinate, lateral ridges oblique : tegmina triangular ; claval suture and apical margin equally long, the latter very slighfcly subrofcundafce ; cosfcal mar- gin, gradually slightly rouuded ; apical coramissural angle somewhat obtusish, distiucfc ; apical cosfcal angle somewhat rounded ; longitudinal veins rrither nuuierous, transverse discoidal veins rare ; the posterior transverse voins arrauged in two rows, the anterior irrogular, the pos- 43 53 terior regular and contiiiued ; the interior ulnar vein emitting many branches outwarda (Sldl). Body long, 5^ ; exp. teg., 15 millimg, Reported from Amboina, Borneo, Singapore, India. ^ ^ 70. RiCANiA FDSCATA, Fabricius. '^ Cicada fuscata, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iv, p. 28 (1794). ^ ^ Flata fuscata, Fabr., Ent. Syat. Suppt., p. 518 (1798) ; Syst. Rhyng., p. 47 (1803). y "1 Ricania ohscura, Guerin, Voy. Belanger Ind. Orient. Zool., p. 466 (1834). ^ ^* Euryptera ohscura, Gnerin, 1. c. Atlas, t. 3, f. 6 (1834). "^ O Pochazia ohscu-ra, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 160 (1865) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 426 (1851). / ^ Pcecilopfera antica, Westwood, Griffith'8 An. King. Ina. ii, p. 260, t. 90, f . 4 ; t. 138, f. 4(1832). V 0 Poc;iazia./!t?nafa (?) pt., Walker, 1. c. p. 426 (1851). Ricania fiiscata, Stal, Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 104 (1879). Head fuscous, frons flat, margin and median line clevated : thorai duU black, a dorsal and smaller incurved lateral line, elevated : abdomen fuscous : tegmina and winga deflexed, truncated, hyaline-black, imma- culate : feet fuscous {Fahr.). Dark brown with a emall Bpot near the middle of the anterior margin ; the lower wings are covered with a bluish powder at the base : apparently belonga to Euryptera, Guerin (Gray in Griffith, l. c). Obscure, somewhat coerulean, covered with a powdery substance ; thorax tricarinate : tegmina triangular, anterior margin somewhat Bti'aight, wings concolorous ; feet abbreviated, briinneous-ferruginous {G^cerin). Long 9 : exp. teg. 30 millims. Stal identified this from the type with his own P. obsoura which in Hem. Fabr. (Z. c.) he makes one with B. fuscata, Fabr. (f . Blackish ; abdomen and feet pale fuscous-testaceous : tegmina, and wings obscurely fuscous, the former mai'ked behind the middle of the costal margin with a small, more or less distiuct, flavescent greyish spot ; costal and apical margins not sinuated towards the apical costal angle : wdnga behind the middle with the veinlets irregularly arranged and furnished towards the apex with a row of veinlets ; frons very trans- verse, very roundly narrowed towards the apex, furnished with a mediau longitudinal ridge {Stdl). Body long, 7 — 8 ; exp. teg., 29 — 32 millims. Reported from Tranquebar, Java, Cambodia, Burma : the Indian Museum possesses a specimen from N. India. ^ ^ 71. RiCANiA FUMATA, Am. & Serv. V/ '^ Pochazia fumata, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Uem. p. 529 (1843) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 426 (1851), excl. syn. ; J. Linn. Soo. Zool. i, }.. 91 (1856) p 160 (1857) and x, p. 163 (1867) : Stal, Berlin Knt. Zeitachr. vi, p. 314 (1862). 44 s/ 54 . . 0 In all respects similar to E. fasciata, Fabr., but without a hyaliue band or spot. Black-fuscous, beneath with feet and vertex sordid ycllow-livid ; tegmiua aud wiugs fuscous-pellucid, in certain positions sliining subvioliiccous ; suiall margiual space on the tegmina at the costal siuus obsoletely })allescent. Frons almost half broader than the length, lateral margius slightly converging at the base, gradually rounded be- neath the middle towards the apex, tricarinate, the median ridge some- what continued through, the two lateral more obsolete, continued from the base scarcely to the middle : the apical margin of the tegmina Komewhat longer than the commissural margin, very slightly sinuate between the middle and the apical angle, costal margin broadly distinctly sinuate a little behind the middle : wings furnished posteriorly with transverse veiulets arranged in two rows, the posterior row more regu- lar : last tibioe armed with two distinct spines behind the middle and before the middle (always ?) with a small spiuule ( rochazici simulans, Walker, List Iloin. B. M. ii, p. 431 (1851). Hicania aimuluns, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 491 (1862). 47 57 ?. Botlj ferriiginons : liead as broad as tlic tliorax ; vcrtcx vcry sliort, posteriorly sinuatc, vcry slightly roundcd in front, shortcr in the middle than on each side ; frons flat, roundcd on cach sidc, narrower towards the clypcus, bordered by a rim, concavc Avlicrc it joins the clypeus, not ridged, its breadth nearly twice its lcngth : clypcus trian- gular : pronotum vcry short, ftrched, bordcrcd by a rim : mcsonotnm black, not ridged : mctanotura tawny : abdomen obconical, tawny at tho baso, hardly longer than the thorax : lcgs tawny : tcgmina brown, amplc, a tawny triangular spot on the anterior margin bcyond the middle ; two broad, oblique, very irregular, colourlcss bands on tlic disc, first short, sccond iutemipted ; veins tawny, longitudinal vcins numcrous, transverso veins few ; anterior margin slightly coTivex, along it a row of parallel transvcrsc vcins which aro contorted and moro oblifpio towards tho tip : Avings palo grcyish-brown (Walker). Body long, 5| ; tcg., lO^ niiliims. llcported from N. ludia. / ^ 79. RlCANIA PR0MINEN3, Walkcr. Eirantn promincnn, Walker, Ins. Saund. llom. p. i8 (1858). DuII tcstaccous : hcad witli eye and antenna) forming a largo vcrti- cal compartmcnt ; vertcx transverse, very short, mostly covercd by tho pronotum ; frons witli transverse blackish marks, vcry much longcr than broad, with clcvatcd borders and three slight ridgcs, tho middlo one abbrcviatcd, tho pair converging towards the facc, wherc thcy aro conncctcd ; face lanccolate, ridged : pronotum bicarinatc, very convcx along the fore bordcr ; mesonotum with a brown intcrlincd disc and two blackish dots on cach side ; raetanotum and abdomcn daik brown, tho Latter with a palo tcstaceous stripe on each side : Icgs tcstaccous, fcmora slightly strcakcd with black : tegmina with brown marks along the costa and with a few brown raarks elsewhere and with an irrcgular whitish subapical baud ; stigma whitish; veinlets rcgular along the cosla aud along the exterior border where they are mostly forkcd, the discal vcins and veinlcts irregular, the latter numerous ; wings with vcry fcw vciu- lets ; both vitrcous grayish, veins black and tho extcrior bordcrs brown {Walkcr). Body long, 8| ; teg., 25 millims. lleported from Silhat. , ^ 80. RlCANIA GDTTIFERA, "Walkcr. 0 Pochazia gHttifcrn, Walker, List nom. B. M. ii, p. 427 (1851). Ricania (juttijr.ra, Sfcal, OfFera. K. V.-A.. Forh. p. 491 (1802) ; Distaiit, J. A. S. B. xlviii (2), p. 38 (1879). 48 58 }e, dark brown, blackish ak)ug the fore-border, wifch three colourless spofcs, one ou the forc-border beyond the middle, one near the tip and one which is smaller ucar the hiud bordcr : a white dot on the disc and befcween ifc and the tip a small indisfcinct, tawny spot ; veins bhxckish, tawny ou the colour- lcss spots, longitudinal veins very numerous towards the tiijs, trausverse veins free ; fore-border sfcraight, along it a row of oblique, mostly ])arallel, tiansverse veius which aro shorfcer towards the tip : wings dark browu, little more than half the length of the tegmina (Walhery Body loug, 7—81 ; tcg., 29— 3G millims. IJeporfccd from Silhafc (Assam). Sj^ccies doxihtfulhj Indian. y- ^ 81. RiCANiA GUTTATA, "VValker. Flatoides guttatus, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 408 (185G) : J. L. S. Zool. i p. 15G (1857). . " ' Ilicania guttata, Stal, Ofrers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 491 (1802). ^. Black : verfcex piceous, frons dark ferrugiuous : pronotum fer- ruginous : lcgs tawny, femora piceous : tegmina blackish-browu, with three whitish-hyaliue spots, oue on the disc rouud, secoud larger and almost triangular placed on the costal margin near the tip, third as large as the first placed on the tip near the costal margiu ; a row of colourless dofcs along the tips of the tegmina ; veius blackish, palo on the spots. Body long, GJ; teg., 21 millims. Reported from Hong Kong, Borneo. ^ 82. RicANiA EPiscoPUs, Walker. ^^ * Flatoides episcopus, Wallcer, Lisfc Hom. B. M. Suppl. p. 100 (1858). Ricania episcopus, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 4'jl (18G2). Tawny, testaceous beueafcli : abdomen luteons : tegmiua and winrra ; fche fcegmina with fchree broad blackish bands which are con- 49 69 nected iii front, the first and second connected in tlie middle ; the three more or less connected with, or interrupted by three chalybeons black bands, of which the first is costal, the second is curved and containcd in the fore-part of the second blackish band, aiid the third is marginal : a deej") black spot half enclosed in the second chalybeous band : tlie wings Tvith a broad median lurid band and a blackish marginal band. Body long, 8|-9i ; teg., 21-23 millims. Reported frora N. China. ^ O 83. RiCANiA OBLIQUA, Walker. ^ ^ Pochazia ohliqna, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 429 (1851). Rica7iia ohliqua, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. F6rh., 591 (1862). ^ . Body black : frons dark ferruginous : lcgs ferrugiuous : tegmina brown, forruginous towards tlie base (the costal margiu excopted), with two slightly tawny bands, thoouter one of irregular breadth, the inner ono ehorter and broader, and between them ou the costal margin is a sb'ghtly tawny nearly triangular s{)ot ; veins concolorous : tho wings are very elightly tinged witli tawny, brown along the fore-borders. Body long, 6—7^ j teg., 19—21 millimB. V O 84. RlCANIA MAROINALIS, Walkcr. > ^ Flatoides warginalis, Walkor, Lisfc nom. B. M. ii, p. 409 (1851) : J. Linn. Soc Zool. i. p. 89 (1856). Bicania marginalis, Sfcal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 491 (18G2). $ , Body black ; abdomen fvnd legs ferruginous : femora piceous : tegmina and wings blacklsh-brown, the formcr with five colourless spots of which one is a dot on the disc, second very large, triangular, on the costal margin near the tip, third rauch sraaller on the tip, wifch 2 — 3 colourless dots, fourth and fifth small irregular, on the tip near the hind border ; a row of colom-less dots along the tips of the tegmina ; vcius blackish, pale on the spots. Body long, 7j ; teg., 25 milliras. Reported from Singapore, Africa (?;. ^ O 85. RlCANIA WALKERI. C> Pochazia interrupta (n. b. 1.), Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 91 (185G). Testaceous : tegmina and wings brown, the former partly hirid to- wards the hind border, an interrupted band beyond the raiddlc, tipa byaline, slightly testaceous. Vertex much broader than long ; frons elongate subquadrate, with a slight groove in the raiddle : pronotura arched, extending over part of the vertex : mesonotura slightly tricari- nate {WaUcer). Body long, 6j ; teg., 14| millims. Reported from Siugapore. 50 60 8G. [llCANU COSTIMACULA, Walkor. ^ '^ Pochazia costimacula, Walker, J. Linn. Soo. Zool. i, p. 91 (1856).- Black : head aiul legs tawny ; vertex brown with a tawny border : tegmina and winga blackish, the former moatly lurid along the borders and about the transvcrse vcinleta and witli a whitiah hyaline spot on tlio costa beyond the middle. Frons broader tban long with a median ridge and an elevated margin (Wallcer). Body long, 5 ; teg., U^ millima. lleportcd from Malacca. ^ 87. RicANiA GRADIEN3, Walker. rochazia gradiens, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. ZooL i, p. 91 (185G). Tawny, testaceous beneath : tegmina arid winga bhackish, tlie former tawny along tho costa. Head with a median ridge and with the maroi.ia elevated : frons hardly broader than long, the sidea rouuded (TFaZyl-e/). Body long, 5 ; teg., 12^ millims. Reported from Singapore. 88. RlCANIA PLEBEIA, Stal. Ricania iileheia, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 162 (1865). 5 . Fuscous-greyish ; beneath with frons and feet, paler ; tegmina fnscous, sprinkled with miuute pale dots before the middle ; a °smaU oblitpiely transverse median line.on the costal limbus whitish, and a very miuute punctiform spot on the apical costal angle, bhack : wings infus- cate. Trons tricarinate : commissui-al apical' angle of the ''tegmina Btraight, apical margin ahuost eutirely straight (^Stdl). Long, 7 * exp. teg., 22 millims. Reportcd from Siam. ^ 89. RlCANIA LIMITARIS, Stnl. Ricania limitaris, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 161 (18G5). Fuscous-testaceous, frons and feet paler : tegmina fuscous, clavus and indeterminate interior part of the corium, paler ; a largish costal spot pkced ahnost behind the middle, sordid wliitish ; a smtu shining Bpot in the costal apical angle, blackish, and a smaU obsolete discoida°l spot, fuscous : wings very sUghtly infuscate. Frons obsoletely tricari- nate,.costal limbus of tegmina remotely transversely veined (Stdl). Long, 8 ; exp. teg., 22 miUinis. Reportod from Cambodia. 51 61 ^ 90. RlCANIA rULVEI^.OfSA, StSl. Rirania puli-erosa, SUl, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 1G2 (18U5). ff, 9. FuHCoiis-tcstnceons ; vertox, tliornx, nnd scntcHum, Mnck : tlie basal part of tlio teginina powdery-flavcsccnt and tlie disc cloiulcd fuscous ; tiie transverse discoidal veinlets and tlie costal mai-giu l)cforo tlie middle, pale ; tlie latter niinutely spotted fnscous ; three costal spots, tlie median somewhat large, a small one near the apex, and a very minute apical one, jellow-whitish ; the median costal spot with black transverse liues ; a minute spot in the apical costal angle, black : wings weak fuscescent. Frons distinctly tricariuato : tegmina densely veined, the transverse veinlets on the costal limbus remote (Stdl). Long, 4 — 7 ; exp. tog., 14—20 millims. lloported from Cambodia. \/ 0" 01. RiCANiA EnscorAT.ig, St°d. Ricania episcopalis, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 1(J2 (18^.5). ^ . Wenk fnscous-testaceous : tegmina moro obscurc, costal spot behiiid the middlc also two bands, one placed bcfoio the nuihlle and abbreviated outwards, the other placed behind tlie micklle and abbreviated near the costal margin, somewhat interrupted in the middle and pi'oducod a little forwards anteriorlj, whitish hjaline ; a spot near the costal niargin behind the middle and an arch phiced botween the spot and tho margin, black ; wings veiy slightly infuscate, thc bnse and a transverse spot behind the middle, whitish. Frons with a median obsfdete ridge, lateral ridges very obsolete : tegmina densoly voined, very numerons transverse veinlets 011 the costal b'mbns, sevoial of which are forkod (Stdl). Long, 7; exp. tog., 21 millims. Roportod fi-om N. Chinn, Formosa. V 6- Couus MlNDUKA, Stal. Rio Jan. Ilom. ii, p. 69 (18G2). In Hera. Afric. iv, p. 220 (1866), Stal unites the genera Mindnra aud Miriza vfiW-^Nogodina, but subseqnently [Ofvei-s^ K. V.-A. Fijrli., p. 7G9 (1870)] keeBS theni separato and crcates h-om^Alirizd- tlio sub- genera^Farcia ana Sassula, to the latter of which 3/. sorurcida, S(al, belongs. Frons with two distiuct ridgos, slightly convorging towards the apex, much longer than broad ; vertex distinctly prominulous before the eyes ; lateral margins of the clypcus carinate at least at the base : togmina equally broad, broadly rounded at the apex, furnished between the apox of the chivus and the trausvcrsely veined costal area with a continucd 52 62 row of (lisiinnt Vansvorso veiulets, tlie costi.l aroa of tlie usnal breadtli ; iuluiior vuiii of coriuni forked hefore tlie micUUe. A. To^niina vitrcous ; tlie first and second !on 93. ]\riNDURA nEMEROBii, Walker. '^ O Ricania hr.merohii, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 425 (1851) ; J. Linn. Soc Zool i, p. 89 (1850). /Mindura hemerolli, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 491 (1862). cT, ? . Body tawny : frons dotted with brown, bordered by a black- cdgod rim ; clyi)eus with a median ridge and border, blaclc : mesonotum ferruginous with a tawny median stripe and two oblique black and slightly undulating lidges : abdomen with a black stripe above : legs tawny, striped black : tegmiua and wings nearly colourless, the former with the tips and five spots, brown ; of the latter two are placed near the tips towards the hind border, one near the tip on the fore-border and two are by the stigma which is tawuy ; veius black : wiugs edged with brown, Body long, 8| ; teg., 27 millims. Ilcported from Ceylon, Malacca. 63 ^ ^ Genus PuClKA, Stal. Hem. Afrio. iv, p. 221 (1866), Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 393 (1806). Clavus without transverse veinlets : head not promiueut before tbe eyes ; vertex transverse ; clypeus convex, witbout lateral ridgcs : tegmina gradually sligbtly amplified towards tbe apex, furnisbcd to- wards tbe apex witb oblong areolas arranged in two rows and witb mauy areolas less regulai-ly arrangcd on tbe disc ; ulnar veins and radial forked somewbat before tbe middle of tbe corium ; first tibifo bardly longer tban tbe femora and trocbanters, last tibia3 bi-spinose (Stdl). "^ ^ 94. PUCINA PELLUCIDA, Guerin. "^ ^ Cixius pellucidus, Guerin, Voy. La Coquillo, Zool. ii, (2), p. 180 (1830) : Icon. Rtgne Aniuial, t. 58, f. 4 (1830-34). O Ricania pelhicida, Spin., A. S. E. F. (1 ser.) viii, p. 401 (1839) ; Walker, Liafc Hom. B. M. ii, p. 423 (1851). Pucina pellucida, Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitsclir. x, p. 393 (1860). Head yellowisb witb tbree ridges : frons tbrice longer tban broad, strongly margiued and witb a median ridge ; vertex broader tban long, disc flat and borizontal, margins elevated, fine ; anterior margin obtusoly angular, its tip extended a little beyond tbe eyes ; posterior margin antrularly emarginate : tborax varied witb green and brown, also tbe abdomen, wbicb is less bigb tban broad : tegmina and wings transparent, veins brown, witb a brown triangular dot on tbe anterior mat-giu of eacb tegraen and near its tip ; radial vein weakly arcuate, suli-radial straigbt, rejoining tbe radial towards tbe second tbird ou tbo anterior margin, tlie intermediate space witb eigbt transverse, sub-parallel veius and divided into nine fairly large ceUules, of wbicb tbe seveu intermediate are as broad as long, tbe two extreme longer tban broad ; tbe adjoining space between tbe radial and ciibital veins divided into two barge, narrow, elongate cellules by a complete, transverse vein : feet yellowisb, tarai brown; posterior tibia) witb two lateral spines. Long, 6; exp. teg., IG millims. Reported from Java, Bengal. Subfam. Flatina, Stab ^ ^ Flatida, Hem. Afric. iv, pp. 131, 235 (1866) ; Flatina, Ofvcrs. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 771 (1870). Clavus granulate, apex sometimes subacute and closcd, sometimes very obtuse and broadly open ; witb two veins scparated tbrougb tbe entire lengtb or near tbe apex united ; costa dllated, costal mem- brane trauBversely veiued ; claval suturo distinct ; aual area of wings not reticulated : last tibia; witbout a mobile spur (Stdl). 54 64 Gemis Cerynia, Stal. Eio Jan. ncm. ii, p. G8 (1SG2) ; Uem. Afric, p. 235 (18GG). First joint of antennoe oblong or elongate, liai'dly shorter tlian the sccond ; genaj anteriorly rounded ; frons longitudinally convex : thorax produced in the middle and covering the short vertex ; tegmina very gi'oatly decunil)ent, very ample ; posterior tibia) very often bi-spinoso : cobtal membrano narrowed at the base (Stdl). 95. Certnia maria, White. "^ O PwciloiJfcra maria, Whito, A. M. N. H. xviii, p. 25, 1. 1, f. 3 (181G). U OFlata maria, Walkor, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 436 (1851). Cenjnia maria, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (1862) ; Distant, J. A. 8 Ben. xlviii (2), p. 38 (1879) ; A. M. N. H. (5 ser.) xi, p. 172 (1883). ' Of a very delicato Avhite colour with a reddish wax-like spot not far from the base of the tegmina, an interrupted somev/hat curved narrow black line running across the wing not reaching the fore-margin : behind it, and not far from the end of tlie inner margin there is a short narrow black line : the tegmiiia more or less powdered with a waxy secretion ; tho wings white, somewhat hyaline : head, thorax, body and femora very pale j^ellow ; antennoe and tibiis blackisli : a large tuft of white, waxy, spongeous matter at the end of the body. In some speci- mens tlie red mark on the tegmina is nearly obsolete and the transverse black line is nuite obsolete anteriorly {White). Exp, teg., 33 — 34 millims. "^ ° Var. aY^Flata tenella, Walker, l. c. supra, -p. 4^S7 (1851), has the tcgmina of a very delicate pale-green, abdomen in ^ concolorous and in 2 pale yellow. ^ o Var. h. Cerynia ,rosen, mihi, has the tegmina of a delicate pale rose colour and comes from Sikkim. Reported from India, Assam, Tenasserim. The Indian Musenra possesses specimens from Sikkim, Assam, Tenasserim. " Genus Phkomnia, Stal. ,/ Eio Jan. Hem. ii, p. 68 (18G2) ; Hem. Afric. iv, pp. 235, 239 (1866) : Flata, pt., Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Uem. p. 521 (1843), Body oblong, compressed : head much narrower tlian the thoi-ax ; vertex short, thorax concealed ; frons longitudinally convex, seen froni tlie side roundly-prominulous ; genge anteriorly rounded ; clypeus long : no ocelli : antennce elongate, rounded, second joint twice or Iialf longer than first : disc of thorax elevated behind the vertex, the elevated part Bomewhat sloped forwards, produced, covering the vertex : scutellum 55 65 convex : tegmina very ample, verj greatlj dccumbont, longer by half tlian broacl, rounded at the apex, very dcnscly longitudinally vcincd, fcw transveree veinlcts on the disc, furnisiied ncar tho apcx Avith a regnlar row of transverse veinlcts, costal membrane evcrj^wlicre cqually broad ; costalarea furnishcd Avith obliquely transverse, forkcd, veins : fcet modei'- ate, simplc ; last tibire very often bispinoso {Stdl). '■' 96. PnROMNIA MARGINELLA, Olivier. 0 Fulciora marginella, Olivier, Enc. Meth. vi, pp. 5G6, 575 (1791) : Stoll, p. 50, t. 11, f. 54 (1788). V 0 Flata marginella, "Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 431 (1851) ; rxcl. syn. Phromnia marginella, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Furli. p. 490 (18G2) ; Distant, A. M. N. H. (5 Bor.) xi, p. 171 (1883). Body and feet greenish : apical joints of antennro brown : tcgmiiia bright green ; at tlic base itsclf with an orangc-patcli (at lenst iii old . spccimcns) costal margin up to apical fifth narrowl}' sanguiiicous, bor- dercd intcriorly with verdigris green, loiigitudiual vcins slightly orango towards the baso : wings white, transparcnt. Body long, 13 ; tcg. long, 2-i niillims. Rcportcd from Coylou, Mergui ; tho Indian ]\Iuscum has a sevies from Sikkim, Assam. ^ 97. Phromnia tricolor, White. ^ J Pcpciloptera (Flatida) tricolor, White, A. M. N. H. xviii, p. 26 (184C). V a Flata tricolor, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 435 (1851). Phromnia tricolor, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (1802): Distant, A. M. N. n. (5 s^r.) xi, p. 172 (1883). Tegmina pale-green, anterior margin (espccially at tho base) reddish, tlio colour gradually verging into green ; a fcw whito powdcry dots ou tlie basal part, tho underside washed whito : wings -white, Romewhat powdered ; veins, especially at the baso, greenish : body and' legs palc- grcen. The front edge of the -wings near the base has a prominent aun-le, followed by a sinuation (White). Exp. teg. about 48 millims. Reported from Silhat : tlie Indian Muscum posscsscs specimens from Siam, Samaguting and Naga hills in ono of which thc grcen of tlie tcgmina has faded to orange-yellovy and in otlicrs tho red is far advancod towards the middle and in otliers wantiug. '^ 98. Phromnia rubicunda, Distant. Phromnia ruhiciinda, Distant, A. M. N. H. (5 scr.) xi, p. 171 (1S83). Tegmina dull reddish, becoming slightly paler towards the apex ; the basal, marginal and apical areas above somewhat irregularly tinged 56 66 and spotted witli clialky white ; beneath moro evenly and palely tinged with the same colour : wings white : body pale ochraceous, the pronotuni somewhat darker in hue : legs pale ochraceous, first and intermediato tibia^ and tarsi, Uack ; last tarsi with the apical joint, black : tibiaj stz^ongly sulcated, last tarsi armed with three prominent spines. AUicd to P. tricolor, AVhite, but diifei*s in the longer tegniina and different colour of tlie same, diilereut colour of tibioe, &c. (Distant). Exp. teg., G2 millims. Reported from ^lergui, y '^ 99, PiiROMNiA INTACTA, Walker. "^ ''-^ Flata xntacfa, Wallcor, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 435 (1851). Phromnia intacta, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (1862). $ . Body pale stramineous : antennoD long, stramineous, third joint black, much longer than the second : pronotum ahnost truncate-conical on the disc, somewhat impressed in front, tricarinate, ridges produced tlirough the mesonotum : abdomen obconical, not longer than the tho- rax : legs tawny ; anteiior tarai and tips of the anterior tibia) and of the Lind tarsi, black : tegmina diugy white, veins white : wiugs milk-white. Body long, 9s ; teg., 40 millims. Heported from Silhat. *^ 100. PnROMNiA INORNATA, Walker. 0 Flata inornatn, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 438 (1851). Pltromnia inurnata, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (1862)'. Body tawny : antenntie black, very long, tawny towards the base : pronotum straight behind, conical in front, its length about one-fonrth its breadth ; mesonotum indistinctly tricarinate, disc flat : abdomen ob- conical, a little k>nger than tlie thorax : legs tawn}'^, feet and tips of the anterior tibia), black : tegmina dull pale tavvny, veins yellow : wings colourless. Body long, 12| ; teg., 42 millims. lieported froni Tenasserim. ' ^ Genus Lech^a, Stal. nom. Afric. iv, p. 236 (1866). Tegmina furnished towards the apex with one or two rows of transverse veinlets pr with veinlets irregularly scattered throughout, and with very many or several longitudinal veins forked at the apex, the longitudinal veins at the apex rarely simple, if so, the tegmina are fur- nished with a single i*ow of veinlets near the apex. Body cylindrical or compressed ; tegniina very greatly decumbent. Frons seen from the 67 67 sido ancl genve prodaccd iu tlie middlc ; fccgmina vciy amplr, gvadually Bomewhat amplified towards tlie apex, furnislied ncar tho apcx with a regnlar archcd row of transverse veinlets wliich begins behind the apex of the xjlavns, costal area tiunsverselj veined, some veius auastomosed (Sidly. ^ Type, L. dcnfifrons, Guerin. ° 101. Lechj;a dentifrons, Guorin. V rj . Pacxloptera denfifrons, Gucriti, Icon. Regne Animal, Tcxto, p. 3G0 (ISGQ-G-A). Walker, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 415 (1851). Lecluva dcntifrons, Stal, Berliu Eut. Zeitschr. x, p. 393 (18GG). ■ Genus SCARPANTA, Stal. Ilom. Afric iv, pp. 230, 210 (18GG).' Body oblong, compressed : head mucli narrower than tho thorax, vertex very short, concealed by the thorax : antenna^ vcry short, firsfc joiiifc hardly visiblc : ocelli distincfc : thorax comprcssly-elcvated on thc disc, elevated part flat, a litfcle sloped forwards, anteriorly truncatcd, pro- duced, covering the vertex, on botli sides acutely margined or terminated by a ridge reaching the base : scutellum tricarinate : tegmina veiy ample ; very greatly decumbent ; gradoally amplified bcyond fchc mid- dlc ; truncatcd at thc apex, remotely veined ; furnished throughout witli transverse veinlets irregularly scattered, remote ; costal arca broad, re- motely reticulate : the elevated dorsal parfc of the abdomen emitting a slender, erect, process : feefc moderate, simple : last tibite bispinoso (Stdl). ^ 102. ScARPANTA COMMA, Walkor. ^ ^ Paciloptera comma, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 417 (1851). Scarpauta commo, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (1802). g. Body buff : abdomen powdered with white, valves aud othor ai^pendages at the tip large : legs tawny : anterior feet and tips of the anterior tibife and of the hind feet, black : tegmina buff, a very short and slondci', slightly oblique, black streak on the disc, an oblong black dot noar thc hind bordor at one-third of the length from the base ; veins bulf : wings milk white. Body long, 9\ ; teg., 37./ millims. Rcported from Silhat. ^ '^ Genus Flata, Fabricius, Stnl. Ent. Syst. Suppt. pp. 511, 517 (1798) ; Stal, Berliu Eiit. Zcitschr. vi, p. 313 (1802) ; Hem. Afric. iv, pp. 236, 241 (1800). It inchxdia^ Colohesthes, Am. & Servr., Hist. Nr^^ Ins. Hcm., p. 522(181:3); ■^ Cromna, Walker, J. Liuu. Soc. Zool. i, p. 85 (1850) ; aud Phylbjphantu, Aui. & Scrr.' I. c, p. 523 (18i3). 58 68 Body oblong, comprcssecl : lieacl narrower tlian tlie thorax, varjing- in sliape ; vertex sliort, concealed ; frons sometinics tumid or conically produced at tlio base : occlli distinct : autenna) very sliort : tliorax auteriorly somewliat produced, covering the vertex : scutellum more or less distinctly tricarinate : tegmina very ample, very gi-eatly decumbent, gradually amplified towards the apex, truncated at the apex, moderately densely veincd, most, often all, the transverse veinlets irregularly scat- tered, veinlets rarely arranged in one or two iri-egular rows towards tlio apex, cpstal area irregularly reticuiated : feet simple, last tibia) bispinoso (Stdl):^ Type, Flafa ocellata, Fabr. V '" 103. Flata ocellata, Fabricius. V (1 Cicada ocellata, Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. G82 (1775) ; Speo. Ins. ii, p. 322 (1781) ; Manfc. Ins. ii, p. 2G8 (1787) ; Eiifc. Syst. iv, p. 27 (1791), excl. syn. do Geer.- Flata ocellata, Fabr., Enfc. Sysfc. Snppfc., p. 517 (1708) ; Sysfc. RhynK., p. 19 (1803), Sfcal, Ofvora. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 489 (18G2) ; Hem. Fabr. ii, p. 107 (18G9). ^ O Eicania ocellata, Gerinar, Mag. Ent. iii, p. 224, (1818). U O Pwciloptera ocellata, Bnrm., Ilandb. Enfc. ii (i), p. 1G2 (1835) ; Spiu., A. S. E. F. Tiii, p. 4-11 (1839) ; Walkor, Lisfc Iloin. B. M. ii, pp. 414, 454 (1851). l, O Pa-ciloptei-a stellaris, Walkor, Lisfc 1. c. ii, p. 453 (1851). ^O Pivciloptera anjiolus, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 191 (1855). Green : tegmiua much compressed, posteriorly acutely augulated, green, spriukled with numerous oceUar ferruginous dots : feet palUd (Fabr.). In faded spocimens the colour is a dirty white or yoUow aud the ferruginous spots become an obscure brown. StaTs KT. arcjiolits is thus described : — ' Weakly whitish-virescent ; frons, thorax, and scutenum tricarinate, the last, however, less so : ieg- mina sparingly sprinkled with small duU black-sauguineous spots, ob- eoletely circled whitish ; ckavus granulate.' Body long, G ; exp. teg,, 20 miUims. Reported from Tranquebar. ^O 104. Flata perrugata, Fabricius. Flata ferrufjata, Fabr., Sysfc. Rhyng. p. 50 (1803) ; Germar in Thon's Archiv. ii, fasc. 2, p. 19 (1830) ; Sfcal, Uom. Fabr. ii, p. 108 (18G9). 2 . Very palely subtestaceous-ilavescent, here and there covered with a whitish powdery substance ; wings whitish : apical margins of the two kast segmentsyof the abdomen in 9 at least, black towards the sides. Very close to F. oeellata, Fabr., hardly differs except in colora- tion unless in having the apical, commissural angle of the tegmina a Httle less produced, somcAvhat straight, not distinctly acute and thorax with a siugle less distinct mediau ridge. Head truncate, vertex very obtusely angukated anteriorly, concealed by tlie thorax ; frous a Uttlo 59 G9 longer tlian it is broad beneatli tbe middle, gradually sliglitly amplified from the base beyond the middle, tlience on both sides obtusely rounded fiu-nisbed Avitli au obtuse mediau ridge runuing through it, sliglitly im- presscd on both sidcs within the lateral margins, not tumescent at tho base : thorax with a median ridge (Stdl). Body long, 8 ; with teg., 10 i- ; exp. teg., 24< millims. Reported from Tranquebar. n/ ^ 105. Flata maroinella, Guerin. ^ Ricania marginella, Guerin, Voy. La Coquille Zool. ii (2), p. 192 (1830) ; Icon, Efegne Animal Ins., t. 58, f. 6 (1830-34) ; Voy. Belanger Ind. Orient. p. 4G7 (1831.) v/^" Pceciloptera margineUa, Spin., A. S. E. F. (1 ser.) viii, p. 433 (1839) ; Walker, Lisl Hom. B. M. ii, p. 413 (1851). •/ O Nephesa margincUa, Walkor, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 101 (1857). v/ O Pfnciloptera fimhriolnta, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forli. p 247 (1854). ^ n PhyUyphanta fimhrioUita, Stal, Frog. Eug. Rcsa, p. 283 (1859) ; Ofvors. 1. c, p. 159 (18G5). Head gi-eenish-yellow : frons elevated in a small, conical, somo- what projecting process : pro- aud meso-notum, fresh green with four lonoitudinal lines converging towards the head, the two iuternal a little broader and more visible, also some patches on the sides, bright orango or miniaceous red : metanotum aml abdomen yellowish-whito mingled with somc green tints : head beneath, four auterior tibiee, and anus pale brown : entire body beneath, four anterior femora, and posterior feet very pale green : tegmina falciform, very fresh green, reticulated orange, outlina bordered russet and dentate within, very slender at the side and external margin, broader on the posterior margiu ; towards the end of this margin, at the second third from the base, there is a small roundcd russet patch touching the border and placed near the exterior dilated ano-le : Avincrs milky-Avhite with slightly greenish aud bluish reflections : abdomen and feet greenish-white {Guerin). Loug, 6; exp. teg., 19 millims. / Stars description of his P. fimhriolafa, wliich was clcarly made from a faded specimen, is : — " Yellow, streak on vertex and thorax and entire limbus of tegmina, fuscous-sanguineous, disc of thorax with two luteous streaks ; frons reflexly-margined, furnished on both sides with a very obsolete ridge towards the base, but towards the apex entirely evanescent ; disc of thorax bicarinate ; scutelhim 4-carinate, with the lateral ridges abrupt behind the middle, somewhat flat between tho median ridges ; colour of tegmina changing into subvirescent, cenulcs margined lutescent, clavus granulate inwards ; wings milk-whitc. 5 long, 7 ; exp. teg., 20 millims." Reported from Cochin-China, Malacca, Borneo ; the ludiau Museum possesses a specimen from Siam, ^ GO 70 106. Flata intracta, Walkor, ^ 0 Pccciloptera intracta, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Suppt. p. IIG (1858), Bright palc grass-green : frons hardly longcr than broad, slightly tricarinatc, niargins not elevatcd, slightly widencd towards thc facc : pro- and nicso-notum slightly tricarinate, the former arched : abdomcn pale tcstaccous: lcgs iiartly reddish : tegmina with a pale testaceous marginal line ; costa rounded ; tip and intcrior angle somewhat roundcd, especially the former ; the exterior border hardly rounded, iuterior border* tubcrculate; veins and transverse veinlets numerous : wings whito. Body long, G^ ; teg., 19 millims. Rpported from the Punjab, 107. Flata FLAcciDA, Wallccr, Flatajlaccida, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hora., p. 50 (1858), Pale testaceous : vertex elongated, narrower towards the front with elevated borders : antennse black : thorax tricarinate : abdomen some- what paler than the tliorax : anterior tibia) and anterior tarsi mostly piceous : tcgmina with a few minute pustules, veins very numerous espccially along the margin : wings white (Walker). Bodv lono- 12^ •' teg., 50 milhms, Rcported from India. V o 108. Flata indocilis, Walker, ^ PLVciloj^tera indocilis, Walker, Ins, Saund. Hom. p. 55 (1858). $ . Testaceous : vertex covered by the pronotum ; frons not longcr than broad, widening a little towards the face, with a slightly elevated border, tricariuate ; face lanceolate, ecarinate : pronotum transvcrse, dis- tinctly carinate, conical in front, slightly concave behind : mesonotum ecarinate : abdomen and legs whitish testaceous : tegmiua with numerous discal veins and transverse veinlets, slightly convex along the costa rectangular, and hardly rounded at the tips, straight along the exterior border, interior angle acutely rectangular, marginal veinlots rather short, mostly forkcd along the exterior border : wings white (Walker) Body long, 6i ; teg., 10| millims. ^' Reported from India, ^ 109. Flata angulifera, Walker, Cromna angulifera, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 57 (1858), $ . Testaceous varied with green : head elongate, acutely conical ; frona with elevated borders, ecarinate ; face lanceolate : disc of thorax 61 / 71 flat, sliglitlj carinate on eacli side ; pronotnm transvcrse, sliglitly arcliccl : tegmina green, sliglitly testaceous along the interior boi-der, -with few veius and very few transverse veinlets on the disc, the marginal veiulets numerous, modcrately long, costa convex for two-thirds of the lcngth from the basc, very slightly concave from thcncc to tlic tip which is rectangular likc the interior angle, exterior bordcr straight : wiugs white (TFa/7ier). Body long, 4j ; teg., 10 ^ millims. RciDorted from India. ^ 110. Flata marginalis, Signorct. <) PhyUiphanta marginalis, Signoret, A. S. E. F. (4 scr.) ii, p. 125 (18G2). Green-ycUow, a little lighter beneath : tip of thc head aud outh'no of tho tcgmina ycllowish-brown : wings whitish : hcad acuminatc iu frout aud covcrcd abnost cntirely by thc pronotum wliich is cxtcndod wcll beyond thc cycs aud allows ouly the ccphabc prolongation of tho hcad to bc seen, then directed doAvnwards it changcs its contour or outlino beyond thc eyes by procceding abruptly forwards iu forming a right angle ; anterior margin rouuded very convex, posterior margin coucave : mcso- notum veiy broad, convex, rounded in front, extremity roundcd, mcdian part flat, bounded by two complete ridges, on each side of Avhich aro two incomplcte lidgcs which proceed from the antorior bordcr. Lowcr angle of tegmiua very acute, upper margin rouiuled, exterual augle rouud- ed, external mai-gin almost straight, sutural margin siuuate and rugose ; external cubital veiu much elevated aud furnishcd on cach sidc with a number of small tubcrclcs which as well as thc vcin arc of a ycllow brown : wings whitish : abdomen yellowish, gcnitalia brownish : fcct yellow, auterior tibiae, brownish {Sign.). Long, tcg. cxtcudcd, 18 millims. Reported from Cochin-China. ^ ^ 111. Flata falcata, Guerin. ^ PcvcUojJ^era falcata, Gaerin, Voy. Belanger Ind. Oricnt. Zool., p. 4G9, t, 3, f. 5 (1834) ; Spin., A. S. E. F. viii, p. 430 (1839). «/ O Colohesthes falcata, Am. & Serv., Hist. Nat, Ins. Ilom., p. 523 (lSt3) ; Walkcr, List Ilora. B. M. ii, p. 439 (1851) ; ^ M Colohei^thes alhiplana, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 92 (185G), p. IGl (1857) ; X, p. 180 (1807). Entire body and feet pale golden-yellow ; hcad carinate on the sidcs, eyes black : thorax subcarinate : tegmina subtriangular, anterior margin rouuded, very narrow at the base, extcrual niargin as largc as thc an- terior margiu, of a yellowish-white with an immcnse numbcr of pnlo goklen-yellow veiidets : wings milky whitc, scmi-trausparcnt, postcriorly G2 72 tlilatecT : alKlomeu compressetl, yellowish ; feet rather sliort, tarsi a littlo brunueous (Cneriu). Long, 14; exp. 57 millims. Rei)ortcd from Bornco, Sumatra, Java, Singapore, Malacca, Burma. AValker describes liis C. alhiplana thus : — " Wliite : tegmina con- vex in front, reetangular at tlie tips, straiglit and quadrate from tlience to the interior angle which is attenuated and very acute : posterior margiu etraight : wings hardly acuniinate at the tips." ^ <^ 112. Flata consi'ersa, Walker. O Colohesthcs conspersa, Walker, List Ilom. B. M. ii, p. 4-iO (1851) ; Stal, Ofvors. K. V.-A. Foi-h. p. 490 (1SG2). $ , ^ ■ Body tawny : head narrower tlian the thorax ; vertex very short ; f rons conical above, fore-part paler : abdomen obconical, longer than the thorax, powdered with white : legs pale tawny : tegmina pale fawn-colour, sprinkled Avith black which is chiefiy on the transverse vcins, rounded on the anterior margin, truncate at a right angle along the tip, sinuate on the posterior margin at the tip of which they are produced into an acute angle or hook ; veins pale tawny : wings milk- Avhite. Body long, 11—15^; teg., 38—46 millims. Reported from Indijj^ Assam, Silhat : the Indian Museum possesses specimens from Sibsagar, Sikkim, Calcutta. , ^ o 113. Flata acutipennis, Walker. Cromna acutipennis, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 85 (185G). Green, paler beneath : head aud thorax with testaceous stripes ; tegmina with a brown line extending from near the tip of the costa to one-third of tljc length of the hind border from the interior angle : wings Avhite (WaUccr). Body long, 7j ; teg., 21 millims. Reported from Malacca, Burma. o 114. Flata ldtescens, Walker. ° TKCxloptera Intesceiis, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Suppt., p. 117 (1858). Flata lutescens, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (18G2). S . TesJaccous : vertex a little broader than long, indistinctly tricarinate, borders slightly elevated : pronotum arched, sHghtly uni- carinate : mesonotum indistinctly tricarinate : dorsal aj^ical appendage of abdomen long, slender, curved, sulcate : tegmina very slightly rounded along the costa ; tip rounded ; exterior border straight forming a well- defined right angle with the interior border Avhich is tuberculate : veius and transvcrse veinlets rather numerous ; marginal veinlets rather long : vvings white (WaJl-er). Body long, 6f ; teg., 19 millims. Re[)orted from N. India. 63 73 V Q 115. Flata albata, Stal. Flata alhata, Stal, Ofvera. K. V.-A. Forh. xi, p. 247 (1854) : Frog. Eug. Rcsa, p. 283 (1859). Whitish : tegmina within two fuscescent bands at the apcx, behind the mitldle with three, sniall, oblique, abbrcviatcd, black bands ; gcni- culje, tibifB, and anterior tarsi, black-fuscous {Stdl). Body long, 10; exp. teg., 33 millims. Reported from Malacca. y ^ 116. Flata marginata, Walker. ^ Colobesthes marginata, Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 92 (1S5G). Greenisli-whito : frons not broader than long, with a slightly elo- vatcd bordcr and a slight ridge : sides slightly rounded : mesonotum on each side with a testaceous stripe which inchidcs a hiteous linc : teg- mina minutely tuberculate towards the base, rounded in front, rectangu- lar at the tips, straiglit and quadrate from thence to the hind angle which is attcnuatcd and acute : hind border straight, a pale hitcous niarginal band extending from three-fourths of the length of the costa ncarly to the middle of the hind'border {WaUcer). Body loug, BJ ; teg., 37^ millims. Reported from Malacca, Burma. ^o 117, Flata prteri, Distant. V^ (7 Flata (Colohesthes) pryeri, Distant, Trans. Ent. Soc, p. 153 (1880). Body above and tegmina pale greenish ; wiugs pale grcenish white : tegmina with the costal, inner, and outer margins (the last only half the lcngth from the apex) nai'roAvly and obscurely hiteous, and with an angular black hne on the disc, about half way from the base and about two-thirds the distance from the costal margin : body beneatli aud legs somewhat luteous. Face bi'oad, convex, carinate in the middle, sides amphfied : posterior angle of tegmina attenuated and acute, expanse at outer margin twice that of width near base : two well developed trans- verse, somewhat irregular, series of veinlets preceding outer margin and a third one situated midway between these and the reticulated area {Dis- tant). Body long, 10 ; exp. i/eg., 36 milHms. Reported from Borneo, Penang. s/ o 118. Flata antica, , Walker. ' t^ Pa;cilopfera antica, Walkor (nec Westw.), List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 450 (1851). Flata antica, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (18G2). 04 n 9- Body yellowish-green : head very short ; vertex extremely short, appai-ently ahnosfc concealed by the pronotura ; frons flat, a littlo broader towards the clypeus, pale luteous and slightly rounded on eaeh fiide, margins reflexed, very slightly sinuate where it joins the clypous with a median ridge extending three-fourths of its length : clypeus Blightly rounded, obliquely streaked on both sides : mesonotum witli three green stripes of which the median follows a ridge : pectus luteous ; abdomen obconical, crested, pale green and tinged with white above : legs pale luteous : tegmina whitish green, dilated and tuberculated along more than half the lengfch of the hind border, truncated at the tipa which form right angles with the hind borders ; veins briglit luteous especially along tlie fore-border towards the base where the whole wing has that Inie unless closely inspected : wings whifce. Body long, y^- ; teg., 25 millims. Reported from India. Species of uncertain posit lon. . "■ 119. Flata coromandelica, Spinola, Pceciloptera coromandelica, Spin., A. S. E. F. (1 Ber.) viii, p. 440 (1839) ; Walker List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 440 (1851). ' ' S , 9 . Head, dorsum of thorax, tegmina, grass-green, the rest inclu- ding wings of a lighter green, veins deeper : second joint of the antenme, exterior border of the external flap, and of the entire discoidal space of tlie tegmina orange : third joint of tlie antennaa and its filament, spines ou tibiiB and tarsi, black. Reported from Coromandel. \/ ^ '■ 120. Flata truncata, Linnaeus. 0 CicaAa tnmcata, Linn., Syefc. Nat. ii, p. 704 (1758) ; Am^o. Acad vi n 399 ^ (17G3). (1 Fidgora tnuicata, Olivier, Eno. M^th. vi, p. 571 (1791) ; Fabriciua, Syet. Ent. p. 674 (1775) ; Spec. Ins. ii, p. 315 (1781) ; Mant. Ins. ii, p. 261 (1787) ; Eut. Syat ^ iv, p. 4 (1794) ; Syst. Khyng., p. 4 (1803). <> Pieciloptera tnuicata, Westwood, Trana. Linn. Boo. xviii, p. 151 (1841); Walker List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 446 (1851). ' ' Whitish-green, wings deflexed, compressed, posteriorly truucated, frous a*litfcle advanced, obfcuse. (Linn.) Reporfcod from India, Java. ^' 121. Flata addita, Walker. I, '^ PcBcilopfera addita, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 448 (1851). '5 Pceciloptera plana, Walker, List 1. c, p. 463 (1851). Fluta addita, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 489 (1862). 65 75 Walkor makes liis species the same as Stoirs ' La Cigale cliappe verte (Cigales, p. 76, t. 19, f. 103), wliicli comes from Madras. Stoll describes it as liaving head and eyes white, body and feet pale yelloAvish green, tegmina green, powdered with white farinose, wings white. Walker*s P. addita has body pale green ; antennce yellow ; abdomen greenish yellow powdered with white : legs pale green : feet taAvny : tegmina pale green powdered with white ; veins e;reen : wings milk-white. Walker'^P. plana is only a faded specimen of P. addita. S . Body long, 6—7 ; teg., 25—29 millims. ^ o 122. Flata lactifera, Walker. / C> Paciloptera lactifera, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 450 (1851). Body, legs and veins on tegmina pale stramineous ; the two former powdered with white : mesonotum with two luteous stripes ; tegniina and wings white, tegmina with numerous longitudinal and few transverse veins, anterior margin slightly rounded and along it a row of oblique, parallel, here and there forked, transverse veins. Body long, G^ j tog., 21 millims. Reported from N. India. ^ 123. Flata DIST1NCTI8SIMA, Walker, ^-^ P(fciloptera distinctissima, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Snppt., p. 114(1858). Fhita distinctissima, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 490 (1862). Pale green or whitish or testaceous : mesonotum with four more or less distinct luteous or testaceous stripes : abdomen and legs pale testa- ceous : tegmina with a reddish marginal line extending froui the aj)ical part of the costa to the base of the interior border wliich is slightly tuberculate ; veins and transverse veinlets, testaceous : wings white. Loug, 7i ; teg., 21 millims. Reported from N. China. 124. Flata guttclaris, Walker. «3 Pceciloptera guttularis, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Snppt., p. 111 (1858). Flata guitidaris, Btal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forli. p. 490 (1862). Testaceous, whitish pubescent, rarely pale green : abdomen gene- rally white : tegmina rarely tinged with green towards the base and along the costa, with about 18 minute black dota : wings white. Loug, 9— lOi ; teg., 31—33 raillims. Reported from N. China. 66 76 ^ 125. Flata (?) TRiscRiPTA, Walker. Flata triscripta, Walkcr, Ins. Saund., p. 50 (1858.) Green, ihickly covered with white tomentum : antennas, tarsi, and fore-tibiie, black : wings white, iridescent : vertex and frons elongated, their borders elevated, parallel : pronotum much arched : tegmina with a slight green tinge, sHghtly testaceous along the borders and with two grayish, curved, parallel bands, the one marginal the other su))margiual ; three black discal Hnes of which the fore one forms a very obtuse angle, much longer than the other two, between which and the interior border the veins are black ; costa and exteriorborder rounded ; veins numerous ; veinlets rather numeroua (^Walker). Body long, 85; exp. teg., 25 miUims. Reported from Penang. / "^ ^' 12G. Flata (?) RECTiMARQO, Walker. Pceciloptera rectimargo, Walker, Ins. Sannd., p. 51 (1858). Testaceous with a very slight rosy tinge : abdomen whitish testa- ceous : tegmina very pale rosy ; wings white. Phyllyphanta cereris, Stal, Freg. Eug. Kesa, Hem., p. 282 (1859) ; Ofvera. I. c, p. 489 (18G2). more or less prominulous before the eyes : occlli prcsent : autennro short : disc of thorax elevated and flat ; thorax broadly siuuated at tho baso : clavus granulated at the base : last segment of the abdomen in j produced in a large plate which is rounded at the apox : feet simple, last tibios uuispinose {Stdl). '^ 136. Atracis pruinosa, Walker. "^ Elidiptera pruinosa, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Suppt., p. 75 (1858). > O Flatoides pruinosa, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 439 (1862). Atracis pruinosa, Stal, Hem. Afric. iv, p. 250 (1866). Sordid testaceous : head and pronotum slightly marked with black s disc of the mesonotum mostly black : tegraina with a slight greyish bloom and slight, small, irregular and variable, brown or black marks ; costal margiu much dilated : wings greyish with darker veins. Vertex much broader than long, slightly angular in front, with a slight ridge and with elevated borders ; frons a little longer than broad, with two nearly obsolete ridges and with slightly elevated borders ; pronotum somewhat truncated anteriorly and with a very slight ridge (Walker) Body long, 7i ; teg., 21 millims. Reported from N. China. ^ Genus Copstrna, Stnl. Rio Jan. Hem. ii, p. 69 (1862) ; Hem. Afric. iv, p. 237 (1866). Body somewhat cylindrical or compressed : head much narrower than the thorax : antenni» standing up a little beyond the anterior margin of the gense, second joint short or very short : ocelli not visible : tegmina rounded at the apex : last pair of tibiea unispinose. 72 82 6 137. CopsYRNA MACULATA, Guerin. 6 Paciloptera viacidata, Guerin, Icon. RJigne An. t. 58, f. 7 (1830-34) ; Voy. Bel. lud. Oriout., p. 170 (1831) : Spin., A. S. E. F. viii, p. 423 (1839) : Walker, List Houi. B. M. ii, p. 413 (1851) ; J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 92 (185G), p. 161 (1857). Copsijrna maculata, Stal, Rio Jan. Hem. ii, p. 69 (1862). Hcad, tliorax, aiid wings yellowish-white, a little orange on tlie sides of tlie mesonotum and at the base of tegmina : head with an oblong patch in the middle of the frons, two approxunated dots in the middle of the pronotum, two longitudinal parallel lines in the middle of tlie mesonotum, and four sniall dots on the posterior lateral margins, black : tegmina oblong, rounded at the tip, with several brown spots, almost black towaids tlie anterior margin, quadrate, in several places confluent, leaving small white spaces in their midst and forming, towards the tip, three arched parallel bands on the external margin : wings white : beneath aud feet pale yellow (Guerin). Long, 12 ; exp. teg., SOmillims. Reioorted from Java, Malacca, Singapore. ° Genus Nephesa, Amyot & Serville. Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem., p. 527 (1843) : Walker. List. Hom. B. M. ii, p. (1851) : Stal, Ucui. Afric. iv, p. 237 (1866) ; Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forli., p. 773 (1870). Head broad, straight or scarcely arched beyond the eyes ; vertex in the form of a very short margin beyond the pronotum, with a slight transverse ridge which separates it from the frons which is broad and has neither a distinct lougitudinal ridge nor a transverse groove : ocelli apparently absent : pi-onotum without a longitudinal median ridge ; mesonotum with three almost parallel elevated lines : tegmina with longitudinal and forked veina ; of a very fine substance, although slightly opaque ; truncated at tho tip ; margins straight, a little broader at tho tip than at the base ; external border with very distinct transverse veins ; wings almost as long as the tegmina and much broader at the tip than at the base : vulvar plates in $ broad, in form of an elongated cone, extending beyond the tip of the abdomen, with a sabre-shaped oviduct, divided into two equal plates, very robust and usually hidden by tho ^ vulvar plates : last pair of tibiae unispinose (-4. Sf S.) Differs from Copsyrna in having the tegmina truncated at the apex and the head only a little narrower than the thorax. 138. Nephesa eosea, Spinola. <^ Ricania rosea, Spinola, A. S. E. F. viii, p. 400 (1839), Nephesa rosea, Am. & Scrv., Hist. Nat. Ins. Hem., p. 528 (1843) ; Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 433 (1851) ; J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 91 (1856) : Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A Forh., p. 489 (1862) ; p. 773 (1870) ; Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 393 (1866). ^' ^ Pceciloptera completa, Walker, 1. c, p. 241 (1851). V^ Flata matutina, Walker, 1. c, p. 437 (1851). 73 83 d" , ? . Head, thorax, and tegmina of a sliglit rosy colour : wingg white : body beneath and feet of a pale yellowish colour (A. S^ S.). Loiig, 22 roillims. Reported from Philippines, Java, Singapore. Species of douhtful occurrence. ^ ^ 138. Poeciloptera luteimargoy Walker, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 92 (185G). Green, witli a slight testaceous tinge : frons a little longer than broad with the border slightly elevated and with a slight ridge ; sides rounded : thorax ecarinate : pronotum nearly seniicircular, extending over the vertex : mesonotum broader than long : tegmina subquadrate at the tips, about which there is a luteous brown-bordered band : wings limpid {Walker). Body long, 6^- ; teg., 14| millims. Reported from Singapoi^e. ^ <:> 139. Pccciloptcra nivcina, Walkor, J. Linn. Soc. Zool. i, p. 92 (185G). White : in structure like the preceding : tegmina with a testacoous marginal band which extends from two-thirds of the length of the costa to the base of the liind border {Walker). Body long, 5^ ; teg., 14^ millims. Reported from Mount Ophir (Singapore). ' 140. Flata lyncea, Fabricias, Ent. Syst. iv, p. 42 (1794) ; Syst Rliyng., p. 55 (1803). Small : face flavescent, markings black : frons glaucous with a dull black dot on botli sides cinctured flavescent and a small line in the middle : tliorax glaucous with two rounded dull black spots anteriorly : tegmina and wings hyaline, exterior margin flavescent (Fabr.). Reported from India. 74 Nofes on Lulian Rliynchota. No. 6. — Addenda and Index. By E. T. Atkinson, B. A., President of the Society. [Read November 4th, 1885.] 6 Genus Pcecilopsalteia, Stal. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 211. Basal cell of tegmina irregularly four or somewhat five-angled, very often broad ; ulnar veins altogether distant at the base : head broad, obtuse, Avith the gjcs broader than the scutelhim ; vertex more thau twice broader than the eyes ; ocelli twice and often thrice more distant from the eyes tlian from each other ; f rons slightly or moderately convex, at the base before the vertex scarcely or but a little prominent : thoi\ax anguhxted on both sides : first femora without distinct spines ; metas- ternum elevated, the elevated part fmTOwed, and somewhat sinuately truncated (^Stal, Hem. Afr. iv, p. 2). Q 1. PffiCiLOPSALTRiA AFFiNis, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 211, no. 2. Body of a moderate size, spotted black : margin of thorax dilated : teo-mina obscurely grepsh, posterior margin broadly hyaline with several fuscous spots : wings much shorter, fulvous, black before tlie margin, striated fulvous, margin itself not hyaline but fulvous (Fabr.). S 9 . Pale olivaceous-flavescent or virescent : lores (margin ex- cepted), clypeus (ridge excepted), two small apical spots on, and two 3 lU transrerso lincs towards, tlic Lase of the frons, a band on tlio gcna-", a spot inclnding the ocelli, two spots at tlie eyes and a transverse line (somefinics obliteratcd) on tlie vertcx, a broadisli latcral intramarglnal line on tlie thorax, four basal spots (tlie mcdian pair somewhat largc), a narrow oblique latcral line (posteriorly abbrcviatcd), and threc small posterior spots on the scuteUnm, basal limbus of the dorsal segments of the abdomeu and a lateral sjiot on the ionr last ventral segracnts, black. Tegmina opaque whitish ycllow, clouded fuscons, a modian spot in tho radial area and a spot occupying the middle of thc 1-2 palcr ubiar arcas, the apical areas (the entiic eighth area and basal and apical parts of tho first area excepted) vitreous, colouidess ; ulnar vcins markcd at tlic apcx aud near the apex on botli sides with a small fuscous spot : wings lutcscent ; a narrow strcak and the apical part, oiitwards broadl}', and inwards naiTowly, obscurcly fuscous ; this apical jiart at the veins and the vciidcss liinbus and aual area, wcakly bitcsccnt. Hcad obtusc, frons sHghlly convex : hiteral apical part of thc vcrtex lying between the frons and thc ej-es subcqual in brcadth to the snbbasal part of the frons ; clypens sinuatoly truncated at the apex : ocelH niore than twice as distant from each other as from the eyes : sides of thorax much angularly dilatcd, anglcs somewhat straight, ronnded at the cxtreme apex: sides of the interior ulnar area somcwhat parallel behind the middle: metasternnm elevated, longitudinally imprcssed in the middle, Binuated anteriorly : the veinless limbus of both tegmina and wings of equal breadth (Stdl). oGenus Plattpleura, Amyot & Serville, Stal. J. A. .S. B. liii, (2), p. 211. I3ody stoiTt, largc : head not or scarcely broadcr than thc scutclhini, rarely narrower : ocelli rarely a little more than twicc as distant from the cyes as from each other : the sides of the thorax much flatteucd out, foliaceous, horizontal, anterior angles turning towards the middle of the eyes, antei'ior margin sinuated behind the eyes; posterior Hmbus broad : basal ccll of tegmina broad ; ulnar veins emitted from it, distant at tho base, interior ulnar area gradually broader towards the apcx : cntire tympana or the greater part concealed ; opercula moderate, trausverse, rounded at the apex, sHghtly valvate {Stdl). O 2. PLATYrLEURA CILIARIS, Liunajus. O Cicada ciliaris, Linn., Syst. Nat. (lOth ed.) i, p. 43(3 (1758) ; Mns. Lnd. Uh-. p. 155 (17G4) ; Olivicr, Euc. Meth. v, p. 757 (1790) ; Gcrmar iu Thou's Aich. ii, (2), p. 2 (1830) ; Silb., llev. Ent. ii, p. 78 (1831) : Stoll, Cig., p. 102, t. 20, f. 147 (1788), 4 a Cicu,la omllata, Dc Cn-ci; IMem. iu, p. 220, t. 33, f. 2-3 (1V73) : Olivicr, Euo. Meth. V, p. 751. t. 112, f. 3 (1790) : Capo. ti'Tvtti(jonia inar)tiorata, Fiibr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 38 (1803), Aiuboina. QCicada mannorata, Gonuur,' Tiiou's Archiv. ii (2), p. 17 (1830); Sill)., ilov. Eut. ii, )). 7!» (lS:il) : natiiplcnraid. Sign., B. S. E. F. (G ser.) i, p. xlii (1881), Cliiua. OOsijplcvra (!•) mannorata, Walker, 1. c. p. 2.i (1850). PUdijploura cUiaris Stal, Uom. Fabr. ii, p. 3 (ISlJO) ; Ofvors. K. V-A. Forli. p. 500 (18G2) ; id. p. 707 (1870) : Butlcr, Cist. Ent. i, p. 185 (1871). Stal (in Hem. Afi-ic. iv, p. IG, 18GG) makes P. ocellata, De Geer of "Walker, (excl. syn.) aiia P. capensis, Am. & Serv., oiie witli^P. hirti- pennis, Germar, and also Cicada plumosa, Gerraar, a variety of tlie same species ; aguin (in Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh., p. 500, 1862) lie uniios^^^G icacla ocellata, De Geer, Oicada varia, Olivier, from tlie Cape, andLplatijplettra arciuita, Walker (Tns. Saund. p. 1), from Ceram, witirP. ciliaris, Linn,, bvit Butler (1. c.) keeps tlie last two separate. Olivier is tlie only one iliat gives ludia as tlie localitj ; and I include tliespecies in our Indiau list as it is also recorded from Java and tlie Pliilippines, the fauna of wkicli liavc a marked atlinity witli that of India. Thorax witli a rini : tcg-mina pale with white patchos : wings blackish fcirnginous, with a yellowish band bent back towards the disc and sometimes triple : abdomeu bhickish with pale and ciliated rings (Olivier). Head and thorax green, spotted black : tegmiua fuscous and variegated cinereous, with two whitish spots before the costa, which is virfycent at the base : wings duU black with two small lines at the base^ and a spot towards themargin, rufous; body cinereous (Fabr.). 0 3. Platypleura sphinx, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 213, no. 6. S 2 . Body pale tawny, tinged witli white, briefly whitish pilose : vertex with two browu bands : rostrum tawny, tip brown reachino* tlio liind coxce : antennoe dark tawny : mesonotum with four obconical dark brown marks, outor pair long, inner pair short and pointing to two dots of the same colour : legs pale tawny ; tips of the tibia? darker ; claws pice- ous, tawny at tlie base ; fix-st femora with tawny teeth which hardly rise above the surface ; hind tibite with tawny spines which ai*e piceous at the tips r tegmina whitish, brownish tawny towards the base and hav- ing elsewhere sonie irregular pale brown marks wliich, here aud there, inchide white spots ; veins yellow : wings brown, raostly yellowish white towards the Ijasc and having a large spot of the same colour in the disc, white at the tips with a white spot on the hind border which eisewhere is brown ; flaps yellowish-white, with broad brown borders. 5 146 Oi. PlATYPLEURA CJILEBS, Stal. J. A. S. B. liii, f2), p. 213, no. 7. ^. Sericeous, above testaceous; beneatli witb fcet greyisb : hcad above aud wiugs sordid flavescent, middle of tbc vertex and apical lateral baud, frons (basal spot cxcepted), two miuute spots bcbiud tbe middlo of tbc tborax, two median basal spots on tbe scuteUum, au obloug discoi- dal spot, and anotber very large, oblong-obtriaugular, lateral spot on botb sides, extended from tbe base beyoud tbe middle, also tbe dorsum of tbe abdomeu, black : venter fuscous : tegraina clouded palc fuscous and greyisb-sericeous from tbe base beyond tbe middle, vitreous towards tbe apex ; anastomoscs and tbe apical and subapical spots on tbe longitudi- nal veing, fuscous : wiugs very sligbtly iufuscatc towards tbo apcx, limbns sordid wbitisb, very sbgbtly infuscate in tbc middlc. AlHcd t(fi*. suhrufa, Walkcr, iu stature, breadtb of apical limbus of tbc tcgmina aiid wings, and tbe form of tbe tborax, but tbe frous is more oljtuso, mncb less promiuent aud tbe coloi'ation aud marking very distiuct. Vertex more tban twice as broad as tbe transverse eye ; ocelli almost tbrice as distant from eacb otlier as from tbe eyes : frons occupying a littlc more tban one-tbird of tbe face : tliorax gradually dilated froui tbo base to a distance beyond tbe middle, tbence rounded and abruptly nar- rowed : costa moderately dilated, subcostal vein and costa contiguous tbrouo-bout tbeir entire lengtb : seventb apical area of tbe tegmiua sbor- ter tban tbe eigbtb : apical limbus of tegraina aud wings of equal breadtb, tbat of tbe tcgmina colourless : opercula soraewliat longer tbau tbeir greatest breadtb, yellow-greyisb, infuscate at tbe base {tStdl). X>b. Plattpleura andamana, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 214, no. 8. ? . Tawny pnbescent : face moderately convcx, transversely fm-row- ed, witb a deep central longitudinal furrow ; luteoug witb two sborfc black basal lines on eacb side of tbe vertex : a narrow black fascia, ex- tendiuo- from eye to eye imraediately in front of the ocelli : eyes brilliant, castaneous, broadly pilose bebind : pronotum deeply f ui'rowed with fron- tal edo-c and two small fovea?, placed close together near the middlo of the hind border, piceous : raesonotum witb two large obconical spots exteudino" backwards from tbe fore border midway betwcon whicb thcre is a discal dart-shaped mark and two dots wide apart near tbe hind border black : tbere are also two otber somewbat obscure black mai*ks situate on tbe fore border on tbe onter sides of the large obconical sjiots : raetatboracic cross with its fore borders piceous: abdomeu above witb the segmeiital sutures black, clothcd with a luteous puljescence ; aual appcnd- U7 age piceous, casfaneous. Uudersifle with legs ocliraceous : rostrum ex- tending to tlie sccond abdominal segment ; its tip, two spots on tlie sixtb abdominal segment, knees, and tarsi piceous : tegmina dark brown with pale semi-opaque markings, especially on tho apical half. Basal third thickly coverod with pale pubescence and contaiaing five dark-browu spots, of which the most prominent are two which are subcostal, situato beyond the middle of this space, and a third one below the basal of tliose two spots. Reniainder of tegmina less pubescent vvith a number of whi- tish spots, of which the most promiuent are a transverse row stretching across from near the costa to the inner border, immediately beyond the basal third pubescent space ; another more waved row beyond the mid- dle, confluent near the costa, whei-e tliey are very visible below : a subapi- cal marginal row of five whitish oblong spots, arranged on the veins of which the apical ends are dull bx'0wn ; and an outer marginal row of six dark-brown spots, also arranged on the veins and of which the lowest is the largest ; a dull whitish fusiform spot on the inner angle which is very distinct on the underside : wings castaneous with a dark brown margiual border and some suffused dark-brown discal streaks extending across the wings {Bistant). (7G. Platypleura nicobarica, Batler. J. A. S. B liii, (2), p. 233. Allied to P. fidvigera, Walker, f rom the Philippines, but larger, with tegmina longer ; tlie whole of the spots crossing the coriaceous area, testaceous ; those crossing its apex, smaller : the bhxckish transverse spots considerably smaller : the wings louger, tlie subapical, transverse, fasciolte replacod by 3-i decreasing longitudinal fulvous streaks : prono- tum considerably broader, its lateral angles more oblique and therefore more prominent (Biotler). Body long, 21 : exp. teg. 77 millims. 07. Platypleuba basialba, "Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 21-i, no. 10. S. Body yellow, whitish pubescent, whitish pulverulous beneath : baud in front and behind on the frons, also a stripe of short bands on each side, slender bands on the gense, bands on the antennaj and their tips, seven small marks on the proaotum, three stripes on the mesono- tum of which the side pair are oblique and the middle one strai'>-ht, widened on each side by the fore border, and a small spot ou eauh side near the hind border, black : eyes and antennae tawny ; ocelli red : abdomeii black ; drums, tip and hind borders of the segments yellow : legs ycllow, bricfly whitish pubescent ; tips of claws black : hind tibiae 7 148 Avith tawny spines ; first femora witli two small tcctli bcncatli : tcgmi- na colourless, wliite at tlie base above, broAvn at the bnsc beucath ; from this brown hue a short tawny stripe proceecls aloug tho hind border antl communicates with an oblique brown band. which crosses the tcgiucu near its base : Aviugs colourless, dark browu with a whitish outliuo for near half the surface from the base which is tawuy ; flaps dark browu ; veius tawny ; piceous at the tips of the tegmiua. C7 8. Plattpleura octoguttata, Fabriciua. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 21G, no. 13. Head pallid. with two dull-black pai'allel bands, three occlli in the middle of the upper dilated band, two dots and a pale spot iu tho middle of the lower : thorax anteriorly rufous, a broad pallid band in the middle, posteriorly duU black Avith a great trifurcate spot, tcstaccous : abdomen black : tcgmina at the base black ; at the middlc with four, Inrge white spots 3-1 ; at the apex, hyaline : wings short, black, posterior tnargiu, white (Fahr.). d, ?. Testaceous-flavescent, whitish sericcous : disc of thorax, testaceous : two bands on the hcad aud spots on the scutellum, black : anterior baud on tlie hcad in f ront spotted yellow : tcgmina vitreous, Bcarcely basal half fuscous ; spot near the apex of the radial area and anterior band, whitish, opaque ; anastomoses margined fuscous ; small Bpots (sometimes wanting) arranged in two subapical rows, fuscous : wings black-fuscous, veins sanguiucous towards thc basc ; broad vcin- less limbus colourless, vitreous ; head very broad (Sldl). "^. Platypleura subruea, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 21G, no. 14. $ . Body tawny : two stripes on the head of which the fore one forms a circlet on the face, a row of bands on cach side of the faco, tip of rostrum, the autenntB, two marks on each side of the scutellum, black : rostrum tawny rcaching the hind coxa3 : posterior lobe of the prouotura pale tawuy, piceous ; mcsonotum with four black marks, side pair large and obcouical, iuner pair smaller and nearly round, a black dot bcliind each of the latter : posterior margins of the abdomiual segmeuts and the tip mostly black : legs tawny, claws paler with black tips ; tegmina colourless with a broad white band oue-third of the lcngth from the base ; the colourless part iucludes a browu band, its cross-veius are clouded with brown aud tliere ai'e two impcrfcct rows of brown dots on the tips of the longitudinal veius of the marginal arcolets ; 8 149 wings browii, tawny at tlie base witli a broad, interrnpted white band and a wliite S})ot at tlie tips ; veins dark tawny, flaps brown. Specinion froni Nayar (Sind). Q 10. Platypleura bdfo, Walker. J A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 21G, no. 15. S . Body tawny : two irregular bands on tlie lioad of wliicli tlio liinder one passes over tlie region of tlie ocelli, tip of rostrum, tlie anteunte, and modian mark on pronotum, black : rostrum tawny reacliino" the posterior margiu of the drums : posterior lobe of pronotum pale tawny, ferruginous : mesonotum and abdomen ferruginous, the latter tawny at tlie tip and bqneath : legs tawny, tips of claws, black ; first femora armed with two very short and blunt tawny teeth : wings very slightly tinged taAvny, but tawny towai'ds the base and bright tawny along the costal niargiu ; veins tawny, darker towards the tips ; transverse veins darker. 0 11. PLATYPLEgRA CERViNA, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217, no. 16. ? . Body and rostrum pale buff ; tip of the latter bkack, reachinw the hind coxa) : autennos piceous, buif at the base : legs pale buff ; claws black, tawny towards the base ; first femora with small teeth ; hind tibife with buft" spines having black tips : tegmina and wings whitish, veins yellow, the former buff along the costal margin ; transverse veins clouded brown and a row of brown dots on the tips of the longitudinal veius of the apical areas. O 12. Plattpleura hilpa, Walker. Flntiiplcura hilpa, Walker, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 6 (1850) ; Bntlor, Cist. Ent. i p. 185 (1874.). ' ■ ' 0 Pcecilopsaltria hilpa, Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 168 (18G6). Q Plutijpleura fenedtrata, Uhler, Pi-oc. Acad. N. S. Phil., p. 282 (1861). Body in S , tawny and in ? , dark tawny : a broad irregular band across tlie vertex, bands on the face, the rostrum, the anteuuas, sides of the posterior lobe of the pronotura, four broad obcouical stripes on tho mesonotum of which the inner pair are not more than half the leno-th of the outer pair and between these latter a conical sti^ipe and behind them five spots of which two on each side of the middle one which is angular and joins the conical stripe above mentioned, parts of the pectus and the abdomen, black : abdomen at the tip beneath and opercula and drums iu the i , tawny ; the opercula rather large : legs very dark tawny, claws black towards the tips, first femora not spinose : tegmina and wings in d 9 150 paler tlian in 9 , tlie fonner neai'ly colourless, tlark taAvny towar Js the bnse with four broad irregular brown bands and along the liind border two connected rows of brown spots : wings duU tawny with two brown bands, tho inner one broader than the other but not extending more than half across the wing ; flaps tawny (WalJc.) Long, 21 ; teg., G7 millims. Reported from China. t)13. Plattpleura hyalinolimbata, Signoret. Platypleura hyalinolimbata, Sign., Btdl. S. E. F. (G scr.), i, p. xlii (1881). Close ioyP. repanda, Linn., from which it diiiers in haviug tho wings entirely of a velvety blackish brown, bordered by a broad hyaHne limbus, reins of a distinct yellow : tegmina with tho flattened marginal space bctween the sido and tho veins broader than in''P. repanda ; tlie cxpansion of tho pronotum is concave and sinuated below, whilst in^. nimnda it is convex (Sign.). Reported from China. 014. Plattpleura repanda, Linnoeus. O Cicoda repanda, Linn., Syst. Nat. i (2) p. 707 (17GG) : Mns. Lurl. Ulr. p. 159 (l7Gt) : Gmclin ed. Syst. Nat. i (3) p. 2097(1782) : Do Gccr, Mcni. iii, p. 209, t. 33, f. 1 (1773) : Olivicr, Enc. Metli., V, p. 754 (1790) : Germar, Thon's Arcli. ii, fasc. 2, p. 220 (1830); SiJb., Rev. Ent. ii, p. 78 (1834) : Guerin in Tigny Hist. Ins. vi, p. 189 (1830). O Teftigonia repanda, Fabricing, Spec. Ins. ii, p. 321 (1781); Mant. Ins. ii, p. 267 (1787) ; Ent. Syst. iv, p. 23 (1798); Syst. Rhyng. p. 41 (1803). ^ Fidicina ? rcpanda, Walker, List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 90 (1851). Platypleura ? repanda, Walker, 1. c. Suppt. p. 13 (1858). Tawny or yellowish brown ; a black line and several small black patches on the thorax : opercula very large : abdomen black above : tegmina and wings tawny, transparent along the posterior margin ncar which is a series of transparent oval patches ; tegmina have a Hke patch ou the exterior border and a waved transverse line, brown in the middle. Body long, 27 millims. Reported frora India. QGenus Tacua, Amyot & Serville. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217. Head broad, as broad as the thorax, triangular, with a longitudinal groove in the middle of the frons : eyes stout, prominulous : entire lateral margins of thorax somewhat flattened out, anterior angles rounded, tegmina and wings entirely opaque : abdomen stout, tumid ; opercula in S very large, reaching at least the middle of the abdomeu {A. Sf S.). 10 151 (? 15. Tacua speciosa, Illiger. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217, no. 17. Black : prouotum witli a narrow border anteriorly and a broad poa- terior band 3'ellow witli a greenisli tinge, posterior niargiu of mcsouotal cruciform elevatiou aud two spots conflueut with tlie margiu orange- yellow: abdomen blaclc, 5-7 segments yellow above Avitli a greeuisli tinge and witli a rouuded black spot on the fiftli segmeut : tegmina black or browuisli olivc witli a dark green tinge, veins sauguiuGous : win"-s black witb a broad sordid whitisli limbus : feet black. oGeuus TosENA, Amyot & Serville. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217. Head broad, triaugular; frous very tumid witliout a lougitndinal groove iu the middle : eyes stout, promiuulous : lateral margius of thorax very uarrowly somewhat dilated, formiug a tooth before the middle : the tegmina aud wings entirely opaque with a Aveak, elevated, trauaverse liue iu the middle of eacli tegmen : abdomen stout, inllated ; opercula as inQl'ucHa (A. ^' S.). Ij IG. TOSENA MELANOPTERA, White. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217, uo. 18. In size and colour resemble»>T. fasciata, Fabr. (reported from Java) but in the latter, the veius of both tegraina and wings are of a very clear ferrugiuous coloiir, tho baud is obscure yellow, there is a ferragiuous liue (sometimcs iuterruptcd) 011 tlie frout of the clypeus, the auterior maro-in of tlie prouotum has four small ferruginous spots and the tips of the femora are yellow. lix^T. melanoptera, Wliite, the veius of the teo-niiua aud wiugs are uearly eutirely black, the band on the tegmina is whiter and generally broader thau iu*!r. fasciata, the clypeus is eutirely black there are uo spots on the anterior margin of the prouotum, the yellow marks above the autcuuoj are smaller and the legs are of au uuiform bkck (Whllc)- OI7. TOSENA MEARESIANA, WestAVOod. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217, 110. 19. Bhick: posterior margiu of prouotum, yellow: mesonotum postoriorly ou both sides Avith an oblong, ferrugiuous spot: metauotum maroiued f ulvous : tegmiua black f uscous, veius bhxck : wings broadly testaceous : anal aroa aud slendcr apical margiu, fuscous> voius bhick (Wcsl toooi/) . 11 152 O 18. TOSENA ALBATA, Distaut. J. A. S. B. liii, (2J, p. 217, no. 20. General coloiir and markings of T. mrlanopfera, Wliite, but tegmina with fivc longituclinal wliitisli fascia) situatc bctwccn thc vcins commcnc- ing noar thc basc, two of which amalgamatc Avith the broad mcdian iransversc band, and a subapical row of fivc irrcgular lougitudinal fascife of the same colour, the first of which is placed at about one-third the length of the outcr bordcr from the apical poiut of the tegmina, and the last is fused into the median band near the inner margin. Wings as in T. inelano2)tera, but with a submarginal row of nine whitish fascitc commcnciug near the costa, of which the seventh and ninth arc largcst, the last vcry much so ; two-thirds of tho outcr bordcr nairowly cdgcd with thc same colour (Distant). 0 19. TOSENA SPLENDIDA, Disfaut. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 217, no. 21. cf Body black : faco with the lateral bordcrs dull rcddish, with a wcll-pronouuced, central, longitudinal imprcssiou ; transvcrsely costatc, with thc int^rsticcs widc and irrcgularly puuctatc : cycs promincnt, lutcous and fringcd bchiud with long hairs, pronotum dccply furrowcdj much as in 2'. melanoptera, White, with four largc kitcous spots ; two on the disc, sub-oval, convcrging f rom immediately behiud the eyes towards each other, through two-thirds of the Avidth of the pronotum, their bases widencd and separated by a space of about two millimctres ; the other two somewhat larger and much more irregular, occupying the posterior latcral angles; mcsonotum very sparingly pilosc (except near the lateral borders, where the hairs are much longcr aud more regularly abuudant) aud with two subcordate luteous spots ou the disc, parallel Avith the pronotal central spots, and, like thcm, converging towards cach othcr at base : metauotum with two small kitcous spots at the base, very in- distinct in $, but clearly exhibited in ?: abdomcu abovc pilose : rostrum black, with a small luteous spot ncar tlic base, iu length jusfc rcacliing the postcrior coxoe. Body beueath and legs pilose"; fcmora with a Avidc central, rufous band, fore-femoral spines apparcutly well dcvelop- ed : drums of the usual generic size, but situated closc togcthcr, aud dividcd by a very slight emargination bchind : abdomcn with a longitu- diual discal i-ow of sub-triangular reddish markiugs, tho bascs of which are situate on the posterior borders of abdoniinal segment. Tegmina and wings, where not obscured by darker markiugs, transparent, exhibiting varied opaline lustre, whicli in somc liglits is found to bo varicd with a closc and regular scrica of transvcrsc darkcr strioo : 12 153 tegmina at baso nai-rowly dark fuscous : costal area fuscous for rather more tlian lialf its lenoth, veins and veinlets briglit luteous, and for two-thirds thc length of the tegmina, bordered on oach sido with fus- cous : the apical bordcr is also fuscous, very broadly so at the apex, and narrowing towards the inner margin, containing a sub-mai^ginal row of pale luteous spots, which aro the outer terminations of an equal numbei' of narrow transverse linear, pale luteous striao : claval area greenish : wings pale greenish for nearly two-thirds their area from the base, re- maining portion shiuing fuscous, enclosing a sub-marginal row of pale opaline spots, of which the largest is sub-costal and irregular in shape, being somewhat sub-quadrate, hollowed out externally, and produced afc the base towards the outer edge : veius and veiulets pale hiteous, ia some places tinged v/ith green. ? . Differs principaliy from the $ in baving all the colour mark- ings iutensified, the tegminal row of sub-marginal spots, which are luteous in the $ being pale opaline in the ? : the abdomen is moro tliickly clothed with pilosity and the rostrum is somewhat shorter iu length than in the d. (Dlstant). (? . Diifers froiu the others in its paler coloration and more trans- pareut appearance but the last peculiarity is shadowed iiPT. alhata, Dist. whilst the pronotal and mesouotal spots which ally it ic(yGceana may be seen iudicated on the pronotum of^. inelanoptera, White in which tho two discal spots are jointly recognizable whilst the broad pronotal lute^^ ous band of that species appears ouly as two augular spots \n T. s^lendida. 0 Geuus HuECHTS, Amyot & Serville. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 218. Body slender : head small, triangular, as broad as the pronotum ; frons angular, slightly compressed on each side, furnished Avith a distiucfc abbrcviated lougitudinal groove : eyes stout, slightly prominulous : the lateral margins of the thorax nofc dilated unless anteriorly aud nofc dentated : tegmiua entirely opaque, ulnar veius distaufc at the base : abdomen elougate (A. ^' S., Stdl). ^ 20. HuECHYS PHiL.a;MATA, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 218, no. 22. Black : frons, scutellum on both sides and the abdomen, sanguine- ous : wiugs fuscous-diaphanous. Differs from^/. sangainolenta, Fabr. (sarae as II. sanfjninea, De Geer) in its larger size, and iu haviug the red frous imiuaculate ; scutcllum red ; aud dorsal streak, black : tegmina dull 13 154 black not piceous aud tlie wings smoky-diaphanous (Fahr.) Head tliorax and feet, black ; entire frons, two largo patclies ou tlic mcsonotttm and tlie alxlomen, red : tegmina black, tip sordid white : wings smoky (A. cy s.) O2I. HUECHTS SANGUiNEA, Dc Geer. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 218, no. 23. Head, tborax, pectns and feet, black, sbining : frons, roundcd, rcd : cntirc abdomen red : thorax with two largc patches in thc shapc of - elevated plates, red, of the colour of sealing-wax : eyes and oviduct in the 2,brown: tegmina, elongate, somewhat broad, of a very obscuro brown approaching black ; longitudinal veins black, distinct : winga transparent of a brownish tint, vcius black : ocelli thi'cc, palo rcd : antcnna) short, setiform, situato on a much stouter cylindrical part : tcgniina longcr than thc abdomen, wings a little shortcr (De Gccr). Hcad black : frons rufous, a longifcudinal lino and the rostrum, black : thorax glabrous, black ; a rounded spot on both sides, red : abdonicn red : tegmina and wings obscurcly fuscous iramaculate : feet black^(^7ir. sangninolcnfa, Fabr.). Black, frons sanguineons, antcriorly black : two spots on the mcsonotum and thc abdomcn : tcgmina and wlngs, whitc ; veins black^JT., Gcrmar), This spccies is rc- ported from India and Germar remarks that it may be a variety of ^ G. sancjmnolenta, Fabr. from which, howevci', it diffcrs in the whitc, black veined, tegmina, having the apical vcins narrowly cincturcd fus- cons, and the white, black-vcined wings broadly margincd fuscous. QH. Germari, Gueriu, is pi'obably also only a varicty of tliis (jMag. Zool. p. 78 ; t. 237, f. 2, 1839) : — Black, frons sanguineous, anfceriorly black : two spots in the mesonotum and the abdomen, red : tcgmina white, veincd black, apical veins narrowly cincfcurcd fnscous : wings black- fuscous, posterior lobe subhyaline (Gutirin). Reported from Java. ^ 22. HuECHTS STELLATA, Walkcr. Hnechys i^tellafa, Walker, Ins. Satind. Hom. p. 27 (1858). Black : head with two testaceous spots bctwcen the oycs : mcsono- tum with six testacous spots, four in the middle and two behind : teg- mina with two broad, irregular, fawn-coloured bands which are connec- ted on the costa, a middle interrupted white band consisting of three large spots which are partly enclosed by the second broad band ; ten exterior white dots on as many areolets : wings witli five whitc dots (Wall-er). Body long, 31-2 : teg. 92 millims. Rcported from ludia. 14 155 (923. HuEcnYS picta, Walkcr. Iluechys im-Ja, Walkcr, Ina. Saund. Hom. p. 28 (1858). ^,? Black : hoacl witli two testaceous bands : pronotum wlth a tcstaccous baucl ou tlic hiud border which is broad iu the ? aud exteuds iu the middle to the fore border : mesouotura with a testaceous border aud with two testaceous stripes whicli are broader iu tlie 2 : abdomeu red with a bhick dorsal stripe": tegmiua blackisli, with a testaceous discal spot uear the base, au iuterrupted testaceous band aud two exterior sub- costal dots : iu the ? tho discal spot is almost obsolete aud there is only ouo dot: wiugs crimsou, with black borders (Walker). Body loug, 19—21 ; teg. 50—52 millims. Reported from Assam, Java. O GeuuS SCIEROPTERA, Stal. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 220. Hcad scarcely narrower than the base of the thorax ; frons slightly tumid occupying a littlc moro than oue-tliird of the breadth of the^face, without a longitudiual furrow ; vertex more than twice broador thau tho eyes : the occlli as far from the eyes as from each other or a little far- ther : rostrum uot extended behind the iutermediate coxae : first femora stout, spiuose beueath ; first tibi^e somewhat equal in length to tho femora : six apical areas, uluar veius coutiguous at the baso or united f or a short space (StdJ) . (24. SCIEROPTERA CROCEA, Gucriu. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 220, no. 29. Yellow : head obscure bruuneous ; spots red : thorax yellow ; pro- aud raeso-uotum each with two very krge reddish-brown spots : abdo- men croceous, more obsolete beueath ; feet yellow ; tibifB and tarsi, black : tegmiua and Aviugs liyaliue, veins yellow, auterior veins with the membraue close to the veins, pale yellow (Giterin). ' ■ 25. SciEROPTERA SPLENDiDULA, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 220, no. 30. Small : head black ; eyes pale : thorax pale, with two large roimded black spots : scutelhim black, margin pale : abdomen red : tegmiua fus- cous with a very vivid golden reflectiou : first femora black, tibiae very stout, deutated, red : last pair of feet black, femora red (Fabr.). 16 156 ^Gcnus Graptotettix, Stal. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 221. Vertex twice aa broacl as the eyes ; frons tixmid, prominulous, somo- Tvhat coniprcsscd ; occlli as far from eacU other as from thc eycs : thorax narrowed forwards, at the apex a littlo broader than thc head : rostrum extended scarcely beyond the intermediate coxfe : first fcmora spinose beneath ; first tibioo longer than the fcmora : tegmina with tou apical cclls, ulnar veins distant at the base {Stdl). ^ Genus G^ANA, Amyot & Servillc. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 221. Body clongatc : hcad triangular, narrowcr than thc baso of tho thorax ; frons tumid, prominulous, rounded, not coniprcsscd at thc sidcs, nor grooTcd : prouotum not dilatod : tegmina and wings cntircly opaqnc, the former furnishcd with eight apical areas, tho ulnar veiti,3 distaut at thebase (A. & S., Stdl). q2G. Gjsana sidtlla, Stal. G(Bana sihylla, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3 ser.) i. p. 57G(18G3), ^ Black : tcgmina somewhat olivaceous yellow from the baso scarcely to the middle : wings beyond the middlc, lutescent. Stature of Q G. inaculata, Fabr. : frons very tumid : thorax anteriorly somcwhat nar- rowcr than the hcad, sidcs parallcl from the apex to the middlo, thence abruptly ampb'fied : the costa of the tegmina and the subcostal veia rather distant from each other throughout their entire length, ulnar veins rather distant at the base ; apical areas very long, the first, fourth and sixth of equal lcngth : opercula somewhat triangular, rounded at the apex (Stdl). Long 42 ; exp. teg., 112 millims. Reported from Tringany, ^27, G^ana octonotata, "Westwood, J, A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 221, No. 33. Black : frontal and posterior band on the head and a posterior band on the pronotum and the mesonotum yellowish, the last with two irre- gular yellowish lines : abdomen sanguineous, basal scgments spotted above with black in the middle : tegmina fuscous-bUickish, each Avith four whitish spots and very fine red veins : wiugs sanguineous with black lines {Westw.). 16 157 028. G-^EANA FESTivA, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 222, no. 36. Antcuna) testaccous : liead duU black, a spot ou both sides in tlio ocular area, ferruginous : thorax duU black, anterior margin and broader posterior margiu of tho anterior lobe yellow and the posterior lobe stria- ted yellow : abdomeu dull black, immaculate : tegmina fulvous, veins wliirish, a median band and the apex on both sides emitting a tooth like mark, dull bh\ck : wiugs white, dull black at the apex, with a large white spot : feet duU bkck (Fahr.). V:j 29. GiEANA SDLPHUREA, Hope. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 223, no. 38. Black : head aud thorax spotted sulphureous : basal half of wino-a Bulphureous (tegmiua divided by an oblique blackish baud), apicea yellowish-fuscous, veius iu the obscure parts Wack (Ilope). The teg- niina are broadly wrinkled aud the drum covers iu the £ are small, leaving tlie striatcd interual membraue broadly exposed. The f ollowing sclieme attempts to provide a rough differentiation of some of the genera of clear-wiuged Cicadce found in ludia based on StaFs aualysis : — A. Anterior margin of posterior part of the first dorsal segmeut of the abdomen in 3 emitting a foliaceous lobe Avhich covers the Avhole or part of tlie tympana or is dilated forwards more or less towards the sides. Body obloug or somewhat elongate : first femora spinose or acutely dentate beneath : frons nsually more or less convex. B. (1) Thorax narrowed forwards, lateral margins very often armed Tvith a small tooth before the middle : (2) basal cell of tegmiua more thau twice longer than broad: (3) interior uhiar area not or but veiy sHghtly ampUfied towards the apex : (4) the ulnar veins very close at the base or contiguous. *5l. DuNDUBiA group. A and B above. t7l. Leptopsaltria : gena) internany near the apex at the base of the lores f urnisiied with a tubercle or tumescence : rostrum reaching a httlo behind the last pair of coxoe : interior uluar area of the tegmiua not or ouly very sUghtly uarrowed towards the apex : first pair of tibiaa longer than the femora : tympaua above covered by a very large lobe : opercula short : secoud aud third ventral segmeuts in $ witli a Lateral tubercle. The head is narrower thau the thorax aud the frous is moderately convex. O 2. Bundahia: gena) without a tubercle : rostrum not or scarcely rcachiug thc base of the last pair of coxce : the opercula are loug and 17 158 extended beyond the middle of tlie ventcr. Tlie frons is largc, vcry convex and uear tlie base is almost twico as broad as tlie anterior margiu of tlie lobes of the vertex. O 3. Gosmopsaltria : gcnoe witbout a tubcrcle : rostriim cxtcndiug bc- yond tbe base at lcast and very ofteu beyoud thc apcx of tlic last pair of coxse : tbe opercula are loug and extendcd bcbind tbo middle of tbe venter. Tbe frons near tbe base is not or ouly somewbat broadcr tban tb.e apical margiu of tbe lobes of tbe vertex. t) 4. Fomponia : geuoe witbout a tubercle : rostrum aud frons as in Cosmopsaltria : opercula sbort, somewbat transvcrsc. Oll. CiCADA group. A as above. B. (1) Tbe lateral margius of tbe tborax always witbout a distinct tootb : (2) basal ccll of tcgmina rarely (Cicadatra) twicc lougcr tbau broad, vcry oftcn broad : (3) tbc interior ubiar arca gradually distiiictly amplificd towards tbc apcx, scldom (Emathia) cqually broad towards apex and base : (4) tbe uluar veins distiuctly (ofteu very) distant at tbo base. q1. CnjjyfotijmjJana : first apical area cxtcudcd more forAvards tban tbe second : tbe trausverse vein closing tbe basc of tbc secoud apical area, vcry obHquc : tbc space lyiug betwecn tbc ijostcostal margiual vciu and tbe postcostal uluar ramus Hnear and not broadcr towards tbo apex : tbe basal ccll of the tegmina somewhat (but rarely twico) longer tban broad : tympana entirely bidden : metastcruum elevatcd in the middle aud farnished with a posterior process turning backwards. O 2. Cicada : as in Cnjptotymjyana, but thc mctastcruiim is not or is ouly a little elcvated iu the middle and thcre is no postcrior proccss. The clypeus is truncatcd at the apex or somewhat siuuatcly truncatcd. O 3. Cicadafra : as in Cicada, but the basal ccU of thc tegmiua is twice longer than broad and the tympana are partly visiblc. Tbe cly- peus too is somewbat acuminated or a little rounded at the apex. A:54. Ematliia : the first and second apical areas are extended to au equal distance forwards, tbe second is, however, lougcr thau tbe first, tbe interior basal augle of the first ai-ea and the exterior basal angle of the second area are both obtuse : the interior uhiar area is uot ampHficd towards tbe apex of the tegmiua aud is equally broad at basc aud apcx : tbc tborax anteriorly is scarcely narrower thau tbc bcad aud is amplificd at the base : the tympana are for a grcat part visible : opcrcula short : rostruni scarcely reaching the last pair of coxoe : fii-st j^air of fcmora spinosc. 0 III. TlBlCEN group. Tympana entirely visible ; the anterior margiu of tbe sides of tho posterior part of the first dorsal segment of thc abdomcn is not produced and docs not scntl out forwards a lobe. 18 159 O 1, Tibicen : ulnar veins distant towards the base, diverging frora the base : first apical area of the tegmina produced further forwarda than the second : costa and radial vein contiguous towards the apex ; veinless limbus of tegmina and wings modei\ate. O 2. Melampsalta : ulnar veins contiguous at the base itself or united towards tlie base : eight apical areas : first and second apical areas of the tegmina equally long and equally extended forwards : space between the postcostal marginal vein and postcostal ulnar ramus, linear. O30. DUNDUBIA MANNIFERA, Linn. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 223, no. 39 : liv, (2), p. 116.^1». nigrimacula, Walker (Lisfc Hom. B. M. i, p. 63) reported fx-om Java and^. sohria, Walkor (1. o. p. 63) reported from Hongkong are local forms of thia speciea. Pale subolivaceous-virescent or flavescent : frons very tumid : the dorsum of the abdomen marked by fuscous lateral spots : opercula in $■ elongate, contracted near the base, very broad behind the middle, round- ed at the apex (Stdl). Body large, testaceous, imraaculate : tegmina obscurely whitish^ immaculate, costa black : opercula elongate, almosfc as long as the body, arched, testaceous, armed at the base with a robust, acute, incumbent spine (Fabr.). Head, eyes, and part of thorax, also the abdomen, of a light brown above ; the rest of the body greenish : tegmina and wings transparent, greenish, spotless : opercula very large, almost as loug as the abdomen (Olivier). 031. DuNDUBiA MiCRODON, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 22-1, no. 40. S Body black : head with a tawny and green stripe in front and with an ii'regular green circlet on each side of the ocelli : face above with a short yellow stripe and with yellow bands in front : rostrum tawny, tip black, reaching the hind coxse : antennse black : pronotum green, with four slightly waved black stripes, outer pair very short, furrows black ; posterior lobe green widened and slightly ang-ular on each side in front of which is a very small tooth : mesonotum with four green stripes, the outer pair much longer than the inner pair, a green dot near each side which like the hind border is green : pectus tawny : abdomen black, brown beneath, posterior margins of the segments green : [drums black ; opercula dull green, blackish towards the tips, tapering, very long, not far apart, more than half the length of the abdomen ?] : legs tawny ; femora striated black : fore-tibias, feet, and the tips of the other tibia3, black ; fore-femora with three black teeth of which two are long and one very small ; a tawny band on the intermediate feet : wings 19 160 colourloss, green at tlie basc ; the first and sccond transversc veins clond- ed brown ; a row of pale brown spots on tho tips o£ the longitudinal Teins of the apical areas ; veins black ; flaps with an opaline lustre. 032. DuNDUBiA viBRANS, Walkcr. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 224 : Hv, (2), p. 116. i Body pale tawny, rather long : head a little narrower than the pro- notum, with an irregular and interrupted black band ; face with black bands on each side ; rostrum tawny, tip black reaching the hind coxoo : eyes prominulous : antennge black : pronotum broadest near the base of the tegmen, with four crooked black streaks., the outer pair short, the Butures also blackish, posterior lobe widened with two largo black spots above the baso of each tegmen, slightly notched and with a moderato sized tooth on each side : mesonotum with fivo black stripcs, a slight black strcak in frontbetween the two side pairs which are slightly oblique, the inner pair much shorter than the outer pair which are almost inter- rupted : abdomen nearly linear, rather long, with a short black stripo at the base and on each sido of the tip, disc of the segments, piccous : drums tawny, close ; opercula, bright tawny, bordered with black, about half the leugth of tho abdomen, narrow towards tho base, widcned to- wards the tips : legs pale tawny, clothed with paler hairs : tips of tho tibifB and of the feet, piceous ; tips of the claws, black ; fore femora ■with three teeth, two large and one small ; posterior tibire with black spines : tegmina and wings colourless, pale tawny at the base ; the teg- mina slightly clouded "with brown at the tips, the first and second trans- verse veius clouded with brown, an alraost imperceptible brown streak on each apical ai-ea ; veins partly black, partly tawny, tho latter colour prevailing most towards the base ; flaps pale tawny at the base. O 33. DUNDTJBIA NICOMACHE, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 224, no. 44. ^ Body black, nearly linear, tawny beneath : head with two zigzag marks behind the ocelli, a long angular stripe on each sidc between tlie eyes, a short stripe on the face, and on each side bands along tho wholo length, rostrum (tip excepted), lateral stripe, and four largo oblique spots on anterior lobe of pronotum, the posterior lobe, and 3-4 irregular streaks on the mesonotum which vary in length and breadth, tawny : tip of rosfcrum "which reaches beyond the hind coxse, antennee, sickle-shaped spots on the tawny spots of the anterior lobe of the pronotum, and three largo spots near the base of each tegmen, and the abdomen, piccous : drums tawny, close ; opercula tawny obconical, very large, a little apart, 20 161 more than two-thirds the length of the abdomon : posterior margins of the abdoiiiiual segmeiits and the underside, tawny, tip piceous : lcgs tawny ; feet ferruginous, claws black, ferruginous towards tho baso first femora with three tawuy teeth, one very small : tegmina colourlcss, long, narrow, costal margin tawny ; veins tawny with two black bands across the disc beneath the stigma, black towards the tips, marked with bhxck at the baso ; fore-flaps and hind flaps at the base and for a space along the hind border, pale tawny with a brownish tinge. p34. Ddnddbia TiGRiNA, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 22t, iio. 45. S Body tawny, nearly linear, pale sericeous : head with a slight ferruginous tinge above : vertex with four bLack stripes, the middle pair contiguous, partly united between the ocelli, side pair nearly rouud on proceeding froni the base of the antennae, thence narrower and slio-htly curved : a black band on each side of the face ; rostrum tawny, tip black, extending a little behind the hind coxse : antennae black : four black stripes on the anterior lobe of the pronotum of which the median pair sHghtly converge from the fore to the hind border, the outer pair are more oblique, postcrior lobo very narrow in the middle Avith a black spot : mcsonotum with five slcnder black stripes, the median entire, inner pair much aud outer pair slightly interrupted : abdomen ferru- ginous above ; posterior margins of the segments, piceous ; benoath tawny, piceous at the base and tip : drums tawny, close ; opercula black, small, far apart, outer margin tawny : legs tawny ; femora striped black ; tips of the tibise, piceous ; claws black, ferruginous at the base ; fore and middle feet black, last pair ferruginous, first femora with three black tccth, ono small : tegmina colourless, long, narrow ; costal margia bright ferruginous as far as the stigma, thence to the tip, piceous ; veina bkck, ferruginous towards the base, the first and second transverse veins clouded brown, a row of brown spots along the tips of the veins of the apical areas, all iudistinct except first and second ; fore fla^JS grey, hind flaps grey at the base and for a distance along the hind border. 0 35. DuNDDBiA (?) MACDLIPES, Walker, J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 224, no. 46. S Body tawny, whitish jjubescent : two interrupted black bands across the vertex ; furrows on face, black : rostrum pale tawny, tijj black, reachiug far beyon.d the hind coxjb : two black stripes on the anterior lobe of the pronutum, its sidcs aud the furrows also blackish : mesonotum 21 162 with two U-shaped marks and behind each a dot and on each side an oblique stripe, all black : abdomen Tvith four rows of black spots, Iwo in the middle and one on each side ; posterior margins^of the segnients and the tip, partly black : drums small, blackish, tymbals white ; opercula large, pale tawny, slightly overlapping, rather less than half the length of the abdomen : legs pale tawny, with a piceous band near the tip of each femur and tibia, the latter has a similar band near the base : feet tawny, piceous at the base, black towards the tips ; femora streaked. with black and with one black and one tawny tooth : tegmina coloi^rless, pale tawny and marked black at the base, costal margin green ; veins green, black towards the tip ; transverse veins black, strongly marked and 1-4 clouded brown ; a row of small brown spots near the tips of the longitudinal veins of tho apical areas : hind flaps palo brownish, tawuy towards the base and for a distance along tho hind border. ^ 36. Ddndubia (?) SAMiA, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 225, no. 47. S Body green, tinged here and there with tawny : occllar area piceous and a piceous streak on each side along the eye : rostrum tawny, ti}} black, reaching bcyond the hind coxto : autennfo tawny : a pale streak slightly widened in front and behind on the anterior lobo of the prono- tum and a piceous spot on each side : mesonotum ferruginous with some green marks, of which there is a large angular spot in the middle, on each side a forked mark, behind which there is a curved mark, and nearer each side, a slight strcak : abdomen tawny, darker at the tip, paler be- neath : drums tawny, small ; opercula pale-green, small, far apart : legs tawny ; tips of the claws, black ; femora with three teeth, one very small : tegmina colourless, costal margin green, tawny beyond the stig- ma ; veins green, with a few black bands, tawny towards the tips ; trans- verse veins clouded pale brown ; a row of pale brown spots near the tips of the longitudinal veins of the apical areas : fore-flaps and the hind flaps between the middle-veins and the fore-border, brown. 0 37. DuNDUBiA (?) siNGULARis, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 225, no. 48. S Testaceous, slender, partly green, very pale beneath : interocellar space and a dot on each side of the head in front and two dots near tlie border of the pronotum, black : mesonotum with an obliqu^e green stripe on each side : abdomen with four rows of triangular, brown, spots : oper- cula small : tegmina and wings vitreous, with testaceous streaks between the apical anastomoses and the border, veins green or testaceous : tcg- 22 163 mina narrow witli tho transverse veins and the forks of the longitudinal veins, clouded testaceous ; a testaceous spot at the tip of each mai'ginal vein communicating Avith a slight testaceous streak on each apical area a testaceous dot on the hind side of the third ulnar area with distinct in- dications of two transverse veins one joining tho fifth anastomosis and the other ending on the front areola near the base of the second ulnar area ; a few minute testaceous dots on some of the marginal and discoidal veins. (938. Ddndubia. ochracea, Walker. Fidicina ochracea, Walker, Liat Hom. B. M. i, p. 99 (1850). Cicada ferrifera, Walker, 1. c. p. 115 (1850). Dundubia fasciceps, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 242 (1854) ; p. 481 (1862). ^ Sordid yellow ; intraocular apical band on the head, blackish : tegmina more than half longer than the abdomen, whitish-hyaline, veins flavescent : below with feet yellowish-white : opercula one-half shorter than the abdomeu, subparallel, rounded at the apex {Stdl). Body loug, 26 millims. Reported from China : the Indian Museum possesses a specimen. 0 39. DuNDUBiA RADHA, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 225, no. 49. ^ Body above pale castaneous : head with the area of the ocelli black ; pronotum with the lateral and posterior margins and a very narrow anterior margin, ochraceous, the last is inwardly margined by two small, transverse, linear, black spots and the posterior margin has also a very narrow discal inner border of the same colour : mesonotum with a large median, obconical spot on the anterior margin, with a very indistinct median line and with the lateral margins black, outwardly marked with ochraceous ; five indistinct basal spots, three within the anterior angle of the cruciform elevation and one on each side of the same : abdomen rather darker in colour with the segmental sutures piceous. Underside of the body concolorous, opercula dull ochraceous : tegmina with the costal membrane and claval area dull ochraceous : wings with the base narrowly of the same colour. The body is much elongated, the head inckiding the eyes, a little nan^ower than the base of the pronotum ; the face is prominently convex, faintly longitudinally furrowed and transversely striated : the rostrum reaches the middle of the posterior cosae : the opercula are very long, reaching the penulti- mate abdominal segment, they are abruptly nai-rowed on the first ab- dominal segment, then gradually amplified and rounded on each side, maximum width being at the junction of the second and third abdomi- 23 1C4 nal segmcnts froni wliencc they are graclually narrowed to thc apcx which is obtusely rounded (Distant) . t) 40. DUNDDBIA TRIPDBASURA, Distaut. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 225, no. 50. d Head, pronotum, and mesonotum ochraceous: frons with a triangular black spot near the base, and transverse black strioe which do not meet in the middle, vertex with two large oblique and irregular black fascise on the disc, and a large irregular black spot on the inner margin of the ejes : pronotum with two median longitudinal black fas. ciae, and three oblique black strijB on each side, the outer one submar- ginal and somewhat rounded : mesonotum with a large median clavate spot, of which the apex terminates on thc antcrior margin, bordercd ou each side by a subconical spot, followcd by a small triangular onc, and a widc submarginal fascia, black : abdomen dull sanguineous, with a series of discal segmental black fascias Cthese are much larger in some specimens and subconfluent^ and a lateral scgmental row of irregular black spots. Body bcneath with the sternum ochraccous, covered with greyish pubesccnce : abdomen dull sanguineous ; opercula pale sangui- ncous ; lcgs ochraceous : tcgmina and wings palc liyaline. Frons vcry promincnt and convex ; head, including eyes, narrower than the baso of the pi-onotum, subequal to the mesonotum in Avidth : opercula sub- triangular, well separated at the base, gradually becoming more diver- gent, and narrowing to the apex, which is obtuse, and almost i-eaches tho apex of the fourth abdominal segment : anterior femora armed with three spines ; two moderately large and ochraceous ; apical one small aud black ; posterior tibiae with three black spines on the inner side near the apex, and two smaller and wider apart on the margin (Distant). Q 41. DUNDUBIA NAGARASINGNA, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 225, no. 51. S Body above castaneous : head with the middle of the f rons and an oblique fascia on each side of the ocelli, ochraceous : pronotum with a median band and lateral and posterior margins, ochraceous : mesono- tum with two anterior median obconical spots denotcd by black mar- gins ; margins of basal cruciform elevation, ochraccous : abdomen with the basal half sparingly clothed with greyish pile, the apical half much more densely so, and with a broad lateral fascia of greyish pile on each side : body beneath, with the sternum, legs, and opercula, pale ochra- ceous ; abdomen pale castaneous. Tegmina and wings pale hj^aline ; costal niembrane of tegmina ochraceous : head broad, including tho 24 ir.5 eyes subequal in width to tlie baso of the pronotum, antl wider than tho mesonotum ; the faee is very tumid, tho middle longitudinally sulcated for half the length, and the sides transversely striated ; rostrum reach- ing tlie a])ex of tho j^osterior eoxro ; opercula long, reaching the baso of tho Last abdominal segment, narrowest and witli tho edges concave from baso to tho commcncement of the second abdominal segment, from which they aro somcwhat abruptly widened with the edges convex and the apex somewhat narrower and rounded : anterior femora with two long ochraccous spines ; posterior tibiiB with two long black spines, somewhat close together on the inner margin near the apex and two much wider apart on the outer margin (Distant). Ci 42. DuNDDDiA TERPSiCHORE, Walker. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 233, no. 94 : liv, (2), p. 117. 2 Body pale green, slightly tinged with tawny, slightly clothed with white shining down : a black dot on each side of tho ocelli : ros- trum pale taAvny, tip piceous, reaching a little beyond the intermediato COX09 : antennas tawny : mesonotum with a piceous dot on each sido above tlie cross-ridgo : two last segments of the abdomen above and tho oviduct, piceous : legs pale tawny tinged with green ; claws black to- wards the tips ; first femora with two tawny teeth of which one is small : tegmina and wings colourless, tinged with broivn towards the tips, costal margin of tegmina green, slightly spinose, middle part black ; veins black, gTeen towards the base, black along the hind border of the tegmina, ; flaps buff and tinged witli red at the base and for some dis- tance along the hind border. ^J 43. DuKDUBiA (?) EVANESCENS, Walker. Dunduhia evanescens, Walkor, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 6 (1858). 3 Pale testaceous, slender : head with a black band, and with the usual black marks in front: pronotum with two approximate black stripea and with two black spots on each side : mesonotum with nine black stripes which aro more or less abbreviated hindward where there are two black dots : abdomen with six stripes of black spots ; the second pair of stripes incomplete : opercula nearly half the length of the abdo- men : tegmina and wings vitreous, veins pale testaceous ; tegmina with the marginal veins clouded by brown stripes which successively decrease m length, first and second transverse veins clouded with brown veiy obHque, third and fourth oppositely oblique, slightly curved or undulat- mg : wmgs very slightly clouded with brown along the transverse mar- gmal vemlets (WaUcer). Body long, 21-23 ; teg., 51-55 millims. Reported from India. 25 166 044. DuNDUBiA (?) GUTTiGERA, Walkcr. Dunduhia guttigcra, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 83 (1856). Testaceous : head with three angular stripes and an elliptical ring- let in front and on each side of it transverse lines, two dorsal nearly parallel stripes on pronotura, five stripes on the mesonotura of which the inner pair are abbreviated and the outer pair are inten-upted, black : opercula sraall, rounded : abdomen ferruginous : tcgmina and wings vitreous, the former with a brown spot on each transverse veinlet and on the tip of each mai'ginal vein CTFa^A^er) • Body along, 23; exp. teg. 71 millims. Reported from Malacca, Singapore. O Genus Melampsalta, Kolenati, Stal. J. A. S. B. Uii, (2), p. 225. Head somewhat as broad as the anterior breadth of the thorax ; vertex about twice as broad as the eyes : frons slightly or moderately convex, furnished with a more or less distinct, mcdian, longitudinal groove : thorax broader posteiioi-ly than anteriorly, the lateral margins obtuse, rarely a little dilated : ulnar veins of the tegmina contiguous at the base or united towards the base : eight apical areas, basal cell quadrangular : last ventral segment in ? very deeply and broadly emar- ginate at the apex : tyrapana entirely visible above : opercula sraall or moderate : first pair of feraora beneath 3 — 4 spinose (Stdl). O Genus Cosmopsaltria, Stal. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 226. The subgenera founded by Stal (1. c.) are thus distinguishcd : — a. Frons very turaid, seen fi-om above distinctly produced before the juga : clypeus rounded at the apex or narx'owly roundly subtrun- cated. b. Thoi-ax broad anteriorly, entire lateral margins distinctly am- plified, ramus of the interior ulnar vein distinctly curved towards the base : — Platylomia, Stal (G. jlavida, Guerin). h b. Thorax rauch narrowed anteriorly, lateral margins not or only very slightly araplified : raraus of the interior ulnar vein straight or slightly curved : Gosmopsaltria, Stal ^G. spinosa, Fabr.) a a. Frons- slightly convex, not or but very slightly prominulous befoi*e the juga : last dorsal segment in ^ acutely dentated on both sides at the apex : clypeus narrowly ti'uncated or siuuately truncatcd at the apex '.-^sDioeropyija, StSr^C obtecta, Fabr,). 26 167 ^'45. CosMOPSALTEiA OBTECTA, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 226, no. 5-i. Head virescent with a black vertical cross and on tliis the usual ocelli : the thorax green, the anterior lobe with small impressed lines, the posterior lobe with five more distinct abbreviated lines : abdomen vircscent, furnished beneath with opercula whicli are arched, elongated, cmereous and armed at tho base with a robust, acute spine : feefc virescent witli black lines (Fabr.). S Weak olivaceous-virescent : an interior mai-ginal spot beneath the middle of the lores ; the extreme interior margin of the gensa at the frons; four transverse, lateral, subbasal lines on the frons termmated inwards by a longitudinal line and united. interior apical angle and median subapical spot on the juga ; a narrow median band shghtly verging forwards on both sides and spots on the vertex including the ocelli, two narrow median streaks very slightly diverging before tha muldle posteriorly slightly arcuated not extended behind the posterior transverse impression, a small median, lateral discoidal streak on both sides, a small oblong obliquely longitudinal spot behind the lateral ob- hque median impression, also a streak near the lateral margins of the thorax, three median longitudinal Hnes (the middle one near Uie apex of the scutellum the lateral ones abbreviated in the middle of the scutellum) all reaching the base, the lateral ones slightly converging backwards four small basal spots situate towards the sides, an obliquely lono-itudinal line abbreviated on both sides, situate behind the exterior basal spot and two small spots placed behind the middle of the scutellum, an irreo-ular spot on the first dorsal segment of the abdomen, two lines (one interior the other exterior) also two spines on the first pair of femora, an abbreviated upper anterior line on the posterior femora and an indistinct band near the apex of the posterior tibiiB, blackish. A median band and lateral spot rsometimes very obsolete) on the dorsal segments of the abdomen, fuscous-testaceous : tegmina and wings somewhafc sordidly vitreous • veins fuscous, olivaceous-virescent towards the base ; the apex of the exterior ulnar vein flavescent at the costa ; the two exterior anastomoses with a f uscous limbus. S Apical angles of the lasfc dorsal anal segmenfc produced in a long lobe, gradually acuminafced, fche lobes below and fcowards the apex ixvt cous, inferior anal segment obtuscly emarginate at the apex .- opercula about one-third shorter than the abdomen, beyond the middle towarda the apex gradnally, thence more abruptly narrowed, inwardly behind the middle rounded, outwardly straight, rounded at the apex, olivaceous- flavescent : second ventral segment armed at the apex in the middle of the sides with a much elevated tubercle. Head equal iu breadtli to tho 27 168 posterior part of the thorax, anteriorly very obtusely rounded : frons seen from above truncated, scarcely prominulous before the juga, slightly convex, sides distinctly furrowed : thorax somewhat narrowed forwards beyond the middle, tlience forming an angle prominulous in a minuto tooth, anteriorly more narrowed : tegraina extending beyond the abdomen by half their length ; the first anastomosis rather oblique, interior ubiar area gradually very slightly narrowed towards the apex, much obli(|uely truncated at the apex, interior apical angle obtuse, somewhat rounded : first pair of femora bi-spinose beneath {Stdl). O 46. CosMOPSALTRiA siTA, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 226, no. 55. S Ilead, frous with a central fascia furcate anteriorly and an ob- liquc spot on each side at the base ; vertex with a large triangular spot inclosing the ocelli and an irregular longitudinal fascia near the inner margin of the eyes, black : pronotum with two central longitudinal fascifB ioiued and rounded near posterior margin, Avidcned and angulated near auterior margin, on each side of these is a small discal waved lino and two oblique fascia) near the lateral margins ftlie outer one submarginal and rounded) black : mesonotum with a central longitudinal fascia, on eack side of which is a clavate, smaller and suboblique fascia, followed by two linear spots on the anterior margin and a discal waved irregular fascia on each side. Abdomen with the segments (excluding first) more or less piceous at the base and with a lateral segmental row of piceoug spots : body beneath ochraceous and unicolorous. Tegmina and wino-s pale hyaline, the former with the venation of the basal half, ochra- ceous, and of the apical half, f uscous ; transverse veins at the base of the 2-3 apical areas, fuscous-ochraceous at the junction. Tlie head, includ- ino- the eyes, is considei-ably narrower than the base of the pronotum, the face is only moderately convex, furrowed from beyond the middle, tlie sides distinctly striated (the face has also an oblong spot bordered with black at the base and the upper stria) are also of that colour). Opercula reach the third abdominal segraent, tliey are raoderately trun- cate outwardly, widened and angulated inwardly (but not meeting) on the first abdominal segment and then divevging and narrowing to the apex which is obtuse and rounded ; the inner margin is slightly convex : rostrura roaching a little beyond the last coxa? : anterior femora with two strong spines (JDistant). 0 47. COSMOPSALTKIA DDRGA, Distant, J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 22G, no. 56. S Head, pronotum, and mesonotum dull ochraceons : hcad with tho foUowing black markings ; an irregular spot on the frons, a largo central 28 169 fascia on the vertex, reaching from the anterior to the posterior mar^rins produced on each side in front, enclosing the ocelli ; a curved fascia a ifctle before the inner margin of the eyes, and a subtriangalar spot on the apex of the lateral margin : pronotum with the anterior maroi„ Cnarrow), a central longitudinal fascia, bordered with black on each side, and a triangular fascia on each lateral margin, pale ocliraceous ; Uvo narrow oblique fasciiB on each side, a narrow longitudinal fascia on each Bide of the disc, inner posterior, and iuner and outer lateml margins, black : mesonotum with a clavate central longitudinal fascia, bounded on each side by a shorter, broader, and much angulated one, foUowed by an elongated spot and by a sublateral broad fascia, broken near the anterior margm, two roanded spots near the base, and two smaller ones on the anterior branches of the cruciform elevation at the base • abdo- men pale castaneous, disc piceous, gradually widening from the base to the apex, where it is wlxolly black. Underside of the body ochraceous and unspotted ; a black spot on the inner margin of the eyes, anterior tibi^ and tarsi, apices of intermediate tibia^ and tarsi, and apex of the rostrum piceous. Opercula pale greenish : tegmina and wings pale hyaline trans- verse veins at the bases of the second and third apical areas, infu'scated Faco broadly sulcatcd in the centre, and transversely striated (many of the stria3 black) ; rostrum passing the posterior coxje, and reachin^ the inner angles of the opercula. Opercula reaching the second abdominal segment, the outer margins subparallel with the lateral abdominal margins, hipped and widest (but not meeting) near the bases of the femora, from thence divergnig and gradually narrowing to the apex, which is obtusely ano-a- lated : anterior femora witli two long and prominent teeth, and a sho °ter one near the apex. Posterior tibisa with three inner and two outer long marginal spines (Dis/a»0- o 48. CosMOPSALTRiA OOPAGA, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 227, no. 58. Head dull ochraceous : posterior lateral maro-ins of the fmr.. Ki t the two basal ocelli surrounded with black, whichlx endf f T "^ ' rior margin: pro- and mesonotum pale oWeou? '^^^^^^^ ^Z''' cent.aUongitudinaIochraceous fascia! bordereT^^b Tc ~\: widest anteriorly, and rounded, with the black linp« ... r ante„„r margin, folI„wecl by asmall black sp„t, and a„ a„teri„r l^ t faseia ; a oai-ved basal fascia and a small sn„t L . ,. * ., "''*' c™cif„.,n e,evati„„, „f tbe ..J^oT2l7l''lT ^^ °' '''' .„c,i„i„gt„ Civacecus, .itb tbe iatera, sidc .^ZjyJ^^^ pubesce„ce, a„d witb a„ i„disti„et latcJseg^e^lta, "J „f fu, 29 170 cous spots. Un lerside of tlie b ody, pale ochraceous or olivaceous : tegmina and Aviiigs pale hyaline : the body is broad and somewhat deprossed, the abdomen narrowing at the apex : the head, ineluding the eyes, is nar- rower than the base of thc pronotum, and but little wider than the meso- notum : the rostrum about reaches the apex of tho first abdominal seg- ment : the opercula, Avhich ahnost reach the apex of the fourth abdorai- nal segment, are situate on the lateral side of the abdomen, much wider apart at the base than at the apex ; they are concavely narrowed on each side near the base, and are there widened and convex on each side to the apex, which is broad and rounded ; the extreme apex beng on the outer mai'gin. The face is tumid with a curved black fascia at the base, and a central longitudinal furrow ; it is profoundly transversel}' stviatcd, tho interstices bcing very broad (^Distant). 0 49. COSMOPSALTRIA FLAVIDA, Guerin. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 227, no. GO. Yellow-vii"escent : head yellowish-green with a brown spot on each Bide of the labrum and in front and another blackish spot in tlie middlo between the eyes which are red : the pronotum is broader behind, of tho same colour as tho head, with a transverse groove rounded at the ends and two oblique grooves in f ront ; the posterior margin af ter the groove is flat, wrinkled transversely, bordered brovvn, also two triaugular spots placed in its midst and two lines on the anterior margiu but not reaching the middle : mesouotum tumid, smooth, with two deep hollows on the posterior and lateral margins, emarginate behind ; above and at its juuc- tion with the pronotum are four angular brown spots, a lougitudinal lino and two arcuate spots on the dorsum and four rounded spots behind, brown : abdomen yellowish-green, the middle slightly red and the pos- terior mai'gin of the segments finely edged with black, covered with a silvery white pubescence. Tegmina and wings transpareut, veins yellow and in some places, brown ; a row of seven small round brown spots oa the external margin of the tegmina (and four on the anastomoses) larger and deeper posteriorly : body beneath more yellowish than above with portions greenish : tip of rostrum black, reaching tlie posterior coxse : opercula small, bordered outside with black : femora yellow (an- terior pair excepted which have beneath two small spines and tlie tips, black) ; tibifo yellow with base and tip blackish ; tarsi browu : oviduct ? orange yellow (Giierin). O50. Leptopsaltria guttularis, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 227, no. 61. ? Testaceous varied with green, beneath mostly pale grcen : head with a 4-forked mark about the ocelli, two trausverse streaks on each 30 171 side, sutures ou tlie face and tliree streaks on each side, black : a band iu fi'ont on the pronotum also two stripes which approximate in the middle and three streaks on each side where there is an acute anglo in front, a median stripe and five streaks on each side on the mesonotum, four spots on the pcctus, and abdomen partly beneath towards the tip, black : tegmina and wiiigs vitreous, veins testaceous, black towards the tips ; tegmina with a whitish stigma, tips and ti-ansverse veins and tips of the margiual veins clouded with browu. O ^l- Leptopsaltria albigutta, Walker. Diuiduhia alhijutta, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool, i, p. 83 (1856). G recu, partly testaceous : two lines forming an angle, in f ront of the ocelli, borders of ocelli, a Hne on each side of tlie fore maroiu of tho head, transverse lines along most of the ridges on each side of the frons, and two tubercles on each side of the abdomen beneath, black : opercula suiall rounded : tegmina and wiugs vitreous ; the former slightly clouded brown at the tips ; a whitish spot on the costa at the tip of the first apical area ; first and second transverse veins with brown spots (Wallcer). Body long, 18 — 19 ; exp. teg. 67 millims. Reported from Malacca, Singapore, O 52. Cosmopsaltria andersoni, Distant. Cosmopsaltria andersoni, A. M. N. H. (5 ser.) p. 170 (1883). oT . Head olivaceous ; lateral margins of the frons, area of tlie ocelli aud a small spot on each side of the same, black : pro- aud mesouo- tum olivaceous, tlie former with a central, lougitudinal, ochraceous baud bordered with black, Avidest anteriorly and compressed about the centre and with a small curved bhxck line behind the eyes : mesouotum with two obcouical spots bordered with black on the auterior maro-in, on each side of which is a small discal black streak and a curved black spot on each side of the base near the anterior angles of the cruciform elevation which are also black : abdomen dull, dark ochraceous : underside of body pale ochraceous ; auuulation on the anterior femora near their apices, upper surfaces aud apices of anterior tibijie, bases aud apices of iutermediate aud posterior tibiae and tarsi, apex of rostrum, aud apical portion of last abdomiual segment, black : tegmina aud wings pale hya- line, the first with the costal membrane and the basal portion of the veua- tiou, ochraceous ; the remaiuiug portion of the venation more or less shaded and marked with the veins black or olivaceous, and with a black claval streak : wings with the veins black or olivaceous, outer claval margin and an inuer claval streak fuscous. The body is broad and 31 172 somewhat depressed, tlie abdomen above moderately pilose : tlie liead, including tlie outer margins of the eyes, is subequal in widtb or a very little narrower tban the base of the pronotum : the rostrum about reaches the middle of the first abdominal segment : the opercula are long, strongly compressed and sinuate near the base, and then -widencd and couvex on each side, but narrowing at their apices which reach the base of the last abdominal segment : face swoUen and tumid with a narrow median longitudinal groove and strong transverse striationg, the interstices of •which are very broad. Allied to G. oopaga, Distaiat, from w^hich its smaller size and the greater length of the opercula at once distinguish it (Bistant). Long, 32 ; exp. teg. 88millims. Reported from Mergui. GenuB POMPONIA, Stal. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 228. StSl distinguishes the subgenera Pomponia and Oncoiymjmna thus :- Pomjyonia — Abdomen in S longer than the head, thorax and scutel- lum taken together, the first segment occupying thc fifth or sixth part of the abdomen, posterior margin straight or somcwhat rounded, the anterior lateral lobes moderate, not or very slightly convex, coveriug only a part of the tympana, space between these lobes broad or some- what so : last ventral segment acutely dentate on both sides at the apex. ^(P.ftisca, Olivier). ^ Oncotijmpana Abdomen in ^ short, shorter or only as long as the head, thorax and scutellum taken together ; first dorsal segment occu})y- ing about one-third of the abdomen, posterior margin more or less dis- tinctly sinuated ; anterior lateral lobes very large, covering the entiro tympana, convex, broader than the space lying between them : last dorsal segment in ^ obtusely rounded on both sides at the apex'(P. pal- lidiventris, Stal). 0 53. PoMPONiA URANiA, Walker. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), 228, no. 62. $ Body somewhat fusiform, ferruginous, partly whitish pubescent : head and pronotum tinged with green : rostruni tawny, tip black, reach- ino- beyond the posterior margins of the opercula : antennae tawny : pos- terior lobe of the pronotum bright green, partly ferruginous along the fore border no tooth : mesonotum green on each side and at the tip, cross- ridge pale tawny : abdomen green, powdered white beneath, and at the base a short snow white band which forms two triangles : drums palo tawny, close ; opercula of moderate size slightly overlapping, f ull one- 32 173 fourth of the length of the abdomen : legs tawny, tinged green ; femora with tlu-ee tawny teeth, two large, one very small, claws black tawny at the base : tegmina colourless, slightly tinged with tawny towards the tips, a row of pale brown spots along the tips of the lon^- itudmal vems of the apical areas ; first and second transverse veina clouded brown with traces of it on the others ; costal margin green to tlie stigma, dark tawny thence to the tip ; veins green, with black bands across the breadth beneath the brand, wholly bJack towards the tips : basal cellule, flaps at the base and for a space along the hind border tawny, ' 054. PoMPONiA BiNDUSAEA, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 228, no. 63. .T. / ^ody above pale ochraceous ; head with the lateral margins of the front bordered black stri^, and with two contiguous black spots on the disc; two oblique stri^ on the lateral margins of the vertex and theareaoftheocelh black : pronotum with two central longitudinal fascia,, narrowed, joined and rounded on the posterior margin widely divergent and termmating on the anterior margin, a small curved fascia on each side of the disc and oblique strije also, black : mesonotum with a central fascia, a shorter and more obhque one on each side, followed by an elongate spot on the anterior margin, and a long, somewhat broken, Bubmarginalfascia,black; two rounded spots in front of the cruciform e evation, and two smaller ones on the anterior branches of the same also black: abdomen somewhat thickly covered with pale pubescence,' with a senes of discal segmental markings, two large spots near the lateral margms of the third and fourth segments, and a lateral seo- -^-^ntal row of small spots, black. Underside of the body pale ochraceous : men apical disc of the abdomen, black : tegmina and wings pale hyaline • transverse veins, at the bases of the second and third apical areas,! y mfuscate : face convex : apical two-thirds with a narrow central fuxTow transversely stnated, the stri^ black near the middle. Rostrum sli<.htly passmg the posterior coxa^, its apex black : opercula small, posterior maroing obtusely angulated, and reaching the base of the first abdominal seo-.nent widenedandobtusely angulated, but not meeting inwardly : po^sterio^ tibieewiththreeinnerandtwo outer marg-inal spines : anterior femora with two long and prominent spines (Distant). O55. PoMPONiA KAMA, Distant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 228, No. 65. 2 Head, pronotum and mesonotum greenish : head with the lateral Bides of the frons, black : vertex with two transverse lines on the lateral 33 174 margitis , somewliat connected inwai'dly by a sliort oblique fascia and tlie area of the ocelli, from wliicli proceed two narrow fascioD to the posterior margin, black : pronotum "with a median, black, clavate fascia, of which the middle is ochraceous, widest and rauch angulated at the anterior mar- gin, narrowest and somewhat acutely pointcd on the posterior margin ; an arcuated narroAV fascia on each side of the disc ; obliqne strifo pale fuscous ; lateral submarginal striae black, and an obliquc fuscous spot on the lateral margins ; posterior margin narrowly edged wibh black : meso- notum with two large obconical spots margined with black, and a large K fascia in front of the anterior angles of the basal cruciform elevation : tympana pale greenish, fuscous anteriorly, and briglit cretaceous-white near the lateral margins : abdomen castaneous, lateral margins of tlie basal segment briglit cretaceous-whitc. I3ody beneath with the hcad, sternum, and oj^ercula greenish ; abdomen castancous : Icgs gi-ccni,sh ; apices of tibias and tarsi and tarsal claws, black : tegmina jialo f uscous byalinc ; anatomoses and apices of the lateral veins at the margin broadly infuscate, and a blackish spot near the termination of tho radial, vein : Avings pale hyaline : face broad, convcx, the middle blackish, and witli a central longitudinal impression, and transvcrse striations : ros- truni with the apex black, and just passing the posterior coxae : opercula very short, not reaching the base of tlie first abdominal segment : abdo- men beneath deeply furrowed at the lateral margins, the disc somewhat gibbous : liead, including the eyes, narrower than the base of the prono- tuni, about equal to the base of the mesonotum {Distant). 0 56. POMPONIA MADHAVA, Dislant. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 229, no. 6G. cf Body pale grcenish : abdomen with a lateral row of three large, oblong, spots, only denoted by their darker greeu margins, occujjyiug the lateral sides of the first three segments ; segmental incisures narrow- ly dark greenish : ocelli red ; eyes f uscous : mesonotum with two veiy faint obconical spots. Body beneath pale greenish : legs and rostrum pale ochraceous : tegmina and wings pale hyaline ; the first with the costal membrane and the veins pale greenish : the licad, including tho eyes, is narrower tlian the base of the pronotutn ; the face is broad and convex, with a broad central longitudinal impression and strong trans- verse striations ; the opercula are small, not reaching the apex of the metasternum ; the second and third abdominal segments beneath are rouuderl, produced, aud poiutcd anteriorly ; the rostrum reachcs the poste- rior coxfB {Distant). 34 175 O 57. POMPONIA LINEARIS, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 228, no. 64. cf. Body tawny beneath : head and pronotum piceous, with indis- tincttavvnymarks,chioflyalong the sutures ; face piceous towards the rostrum, which is tawny with a black tip that extends to the posterior margius of the opercula : antennje black : pronotum with six pale tawnv str,pes which proceed from the fore border to the disc : pectus green • abdomen ferrugmous, segmental incisures black : the tympaua dark ferrugmous; opercuha green, rather large, hardly apart : legs tawny • fore femora with Uvo sharp tawny tceth ; tips of feet and of the claws black • tegmma with an indistinct tawny tinge, slightly coloured with green pale brown and marked with black at the base, costal margin greenish' transverseveinscloudedbrown; a row of small brown spots on the tips of the longitudinal veins of the apical areas ; veins with alternate black and pale yeliow bands ; veins of the wiugs tawny, transverse veins darker ; flaps pale browu at the base. 0 58. POMPONIA IMPERATORIA, Westwood. J. A. S. B. liii, '2) 229, iio. 67. Luteous-fulvous : head and dorsum of thorax with very many black spots in size and form ; mesonotum with a trifid mark • sides of pronotum emarginate and angulat^ in the middle : abdomen brunneous sides paler, a spot on both sides on each segment, black : wings yellowish hyahne, vems fulvous : su])apical transverse veins on the tegmina, cloud- ed fuscous, and seven spots towards the margin, fuscous (Westw.) "0 59. PoMPONiA TiGROiDES, Walker. ^ Dundubia tigroides, Walker, Ins. Sannd. p 5 (1858) (lS8!rn7.t. '''"■'"'"' ""'''''*' '• ^- '• ^- ^^^"'' ^'^' P- '' (^«^^) ■■ ^'"' (2), p. 229 9 . Green, partly testaceous : head with minute black marks in front andoneachsKleandwithalargeblackspot on the vertex : pronotum withs.xblackstripes; the inner pair dilated at each end, the middle ' pair obl.que, tl.e third pair marginal ; a curved brown discal streak on each szde between the and socond pairs : mesonotum with five blnck strjpes which are slightly dilated posterio.-ly, outer pair curved poster- lorly, two black dots on the posterior margin : abdomen witli a black lanceolate mark on each of the first and second segmenta, with black dota aIo.ig each side and with a black subapical band : costa of teo-mina gree.i, luteaus beyoud the middle, stigma black with a pale band"vcins 3b 17<3 grcon, partly black, first and sccond transvcrsc vcins very Bliglitly cloud- ed with brown (WalJter). Bodj long, 23 ; teg. 54 millims. Differs fromPD. tigrina, Walker, by tlie outward curve of the extc- rior stripes ou thc mesonotum, by the spots and band of the abdomcn and by the first transverse ivein of the tegmina, which is slightly obIi(iuo outwards, Avhereas that of^D. tigrina is very oblique inwards. Reported from India, Tenasserim. rTGO. POMPONIA EXPANSA, Walker. O Carineta e.rpnnsa, Walker, Ins. Saand. Hom. p. 20 (1858) ; Signorct, B. 8. E. F. (6 ser.) i, p. xli (1881). romponia cxpansa, Stal, Berlin Enfc. Zeifcschr. x, p. 171 (1866). (? . Black, short, pilosc, vcry broad : hcad with two grccn spots on tlio vertcx ; frons with a green stripc and with latcral transvcrso tcstaccous strcaks : pronotum with two angular grccn stripes in tho niiddlo and with a curvcd stripe on each side ; bordcrs testaccons-grccn with two black spots on each side : mesono tum with various dorsal tcstaceous marks ; borders green : abdomen blackish-brown ; dorsal and ventral operculas testaceous, with dusky bordcrs, the latter very broad, about half the length of the abdomen : lcgs testaccous, striped with black : wings vitreous, veins tawny here and there green, partly bright pale green at the base : tegmina with a pale green stigma, a brown spot near the tip of each marginal vein ; transverse veins clouded with brown, first and second slightly oblique and curved, first parted from the second by a little more than twice its lengtli, tho tliird and fourth nearly straight (Walker). Body long, 27 ; teg., 90 raillims. Reported from India, China. 0 61. Emathia .eorota, Stal. J. A. S. B. Hii, (2), p. 229, no. 69. i . Very pale olivaceous, sparingly greyish-sericeous : a median Btreak amplified forwards and posterior limbus of thorax, four triangular spots reaching the base of the scutellum (the median small, tho lateral spots large), also the dorsum of the abdomen, subtestaceous : tcgmina and wings, vitreous ; veins pale oHvaceous-virescent, fuscous towards the apex ; a spot on the two exterior anastomoses and a subapical spofc at the exterior margin of the tegmina, fuscous ; tho first anastomosis of the wings margined Avith fuscous, the veinless margin inwards at tho anal area and the anal area at the base, fuscous : streaks on the fcmora and apex of tibia? fusccscent. In the d", the opercula are small, oblique, oblong and the first ventral segment is triangularly elcvatcd bctwcon tlie SC 177 opercuia. The licad is scavcoly broader tlian fche apex of the thorax ; the vertex scarcely more tlian twice as broad as the eyes ; frous promi. nulous. Ocelli somewhat more distant from each other tlian from tho eyes. Thorax either somewhat amplified forwards or with the sides parallel, abruptly ampb"fied at the base. Firsfc pair of femora trispiaose O Genus RusTiA, StSl. Ilom. Afric. iv, j). 8 (18GGJ. Heud as broad as the anterior lobe of tlie tliorax, anterior maro-in deeply incised between the frons and the freely prominulous lobes of the vertex, lateral part Avhicli bears the semiglobose eyes turning somewhat upwards : rostrum short : ocelli twice as distant from each otlier as f rom the eyes ; eyes remote from the base of the head : the part of the thorax lyiug before the transverse impression more than twice as long aa the posterior part : tympana entirely visible ; antei-ior margin of tho sidos of the firsfc dorsal segment of the abdomen neither produced nor sending forvvards a lobe ; ulnar veins of the tegmina distaut at the base ; wings with five apical areas : first pair of tibite nofc prodnced in a spine beyond the inscrtion of tlie tartii (Sldl). 062. IIUSTIA PEDUNCULATA, Stal. Biistia 'pedancidata, Stal, Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. x, p. 383 (18G6). 9, Testaceous-flavescent : clypeus, lores, genaa (except the ocular part), ocellar area, six streaks on the thorax (median pair and tlie intra- marginal lateral pair narrow), five streaks on the scuteHum (the median streak and hiteral pair elougate), black-fuscous : the dorsum of the abdo- men with obsolete fuscous sfcreaks : tegmina and wings vitreous, veins fascous, costa and tlie radial vein yellow-olivaceous, interrupted sub- apical band (wluch is dentated posteriorly) on the tegmina, fuscous : Last dorsal segment of the abdomen, fuscons ; an obsolete median streak and the sides, testaceous-fiavescenfc, fche sides with a fuscous spofc : lasfc venfcral segmeut very slightly and very broadly sinuated afc the apex. Vertex thi-ice as broad as the eyes : ocelli tvvice as distanfc from fche eyes as f rom each other : lateral margins of tlie thorax ijarallel, abruptly ampli- fied afc the base : interior uhiar area of the tegmina slightly narrowed towards the apex, first apical area longer thau the second, seventh and eighth apical areas of equal leugth, somewhafc siuall : firsfc femora 3-spi- nose, fchc subapieal spiue miuufce (Stdl). Loug, 13; exp. teg. 31 mil- linis. Reported froui Cambodiu. 37 178 l^enus CiCADA, Limifeug, Stnl. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 229. This is one of the oldest names in the oi"der and has suffcred so many changes by the creation of new genera that it woukl be uuprofit- able to trace back its history, Taking tho changes of the hasfc quarfcer of acenfcury, we fiiid that in 18GG Stal addeLMjepfo2>sallria^ijosini>ps(iltria,and fjFomjwiiia to th^^inuhibia group. TheUicada group inchiding^'7J(ci«(t was increased in 18Gi (A. S. E. F. (4 ser.) i, p. Gi.3) hfFsaltofJa^^^tu-i/p- toti/mpana, '^Tijmpanoterpi^s, a,nd ^elijmbria, and, in i8Gi, by' jProarua. In i8G2, Stal (Rio. Jan. Hem. p. i9) distributed the species oi^ Gicada proper aniongst the subgenera Gicada,^^aphura, Farnisa, Galyria, and '^runasis. AU of those were raised to the rank of genera in i8GG (Hem. Afric. iv, p. 8) and, excciitin^XHcada, were thrown into thc Ti7;j(;e« group. To the Cicada group were a,ddedjIenicopsalfria, Nosola, and iJlmathiq, in 18GG ; and to thd Tibicen gvonp^ilenicotettix in 1858;Pj/'?/ia, Stagira, Gal- lipsalfria, and' Tijmpanistria, in 1861; ^nd Ftustia aiid BivAuria, in i8GG. In 1870, Stal sfcill furfcher divided the species of his restrictod 'Cicada in establishing the snhgeneiti^^hremistica, < Macrotristia, Gicada, and ^^Dicerojirocfa. I doubt much whether any of those Indian species which stiil bear tho genoric name Cicada really belong to thafc genus : if they do, they belong to tlie subgenus Cicada, which has the sides of the thorax anteriorly without a lobe ; the sides of the last dorsal segment in cf posteriorly unarmed, very often produced in an acute toofch in fclie middle ; the sixth ventral segment in j broadly, angularly sinuatod at the apex ; and thc iiiterior uhiar vein sfcraiglifc or bufc sHghfcly curvcd. Tlus question cau only be sefcfcled by an examinafciou of tlio types. 0 63. ClCADA (?) FEBRUGINEA, OHvicr. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 230, No. 74. Entirely ferruginous, clouded brown : tegmina and wings of a deep colour, the posterior margins light and transparent (Olivier). 0 64. TiBiCEN (?) AURATUS, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 230, no. 72. d. Body black, densely tawny pubescent, pale tawny beneath : a band in frout of the head, three spots in the ocellar area, face and rostrum, tawny : disc of face, tip of rostrum wliich reaches the in- termediate coxte and the antennEe, black : anterior lobe of pronofcum with the borders and a short stripe, behind which are two triangular spots restiug on the liind border ; posfcerior lobe and two stripos ou the mesonotum amplified in the middle aud ifcs posterior mai'gin, 38 m tawny : abclomen vclvoty black with patches of goklen hairs : [tym- l)ana uucoveved, tawny, ratlier large ; opercula pale tawny, small, wide apart ?] : tip of abdonieu tawny, wijth a horn of the same colour : lefs yellow ; fcmora striatcd black ; tips of the tibite and of the foet, black ; claws black, tawny at the base ; fore-femora with three robust bluck teeth ; fox-e-tibia) mostly black : tegmina coloui-less, pale buff and raarked with buff at the base ; costal margin bright rosy red, darker towards the tips, black ou the stignla ; veins tawny, black towards the tips ; first and second transverse veins and the longitudinal vein between them, clouded black : veins of the wings pale tawny with black tips and the tips of the fiaps clouded brown. In the $ the abdomen is a little longer and moro poiutcd than in the d . Spccies of douhtful position, OCicada rugipennis, AValker, Ins. Saund., p. 17 (1858). d . Luteous-testaceous, stout : pronotum much broader behind tlian iu front, sides straight, sutures strongly marked : abdomen with a black- ish band on the fore border of each segment : wings white, rather broad, very stout and rugulose : tegmina sb'ghtly rounded in front, costa and veins reddish, the latter black at the tips ; 1-3 transverse veins and most part of the intermediate veins, clouded black : wino-s with a short angular band in front at two-thirds of the length, Body long, 29 j; teg. 84 millims. Reported from India. OCicada delineata, Walker, Ins. Saund., p. 17 (1858). ? . Black, testaceous beneath : ocellar space and two irregular stripes on the head, tho frons, margin of pronotum, six irregular stripes on the mesonotum and a spot and dot on each side in f ront between the inter- mediate and exterior pair of stripes, a band on the posterior margin of each abdominal segment and the abdomen for the most part beneath, lews, and veins on the tegmina towards the base, testaceous : transverse streaks on the frons, six various stripes on the pronotum aud the sutures in part, also three spots on each side, stripes on the femora and tibisB and veins of the tegmina above the base, black : tegmina and wings vitreous. Body long, 21 ; teg., G3 millims. Reported from India. ^Cicada subvenosa, Walker, Ins. Sannd., p. 18 (1858). d . Pale testaceous : greatest part of the vertex, 2-4 stripes on the pronotum, also a dilated spot by the border, four stripos on the meso- notum of which the middle pair are short and two dots behind these 39 180 and a spot at tlie base of the abdoraen, black : pronotum a Httlo broader thau the head with a browu spot on each side hindward ; the outer ])air of black spots ou the mesonotum contaiu between thcm some forlced testaceous lines : tegmina aud wings vitreous, veius pale testaceous, the first and second veins of the tegmina slightly clouded browu. Body long, 14 1 ; teg. 38 millims. Reported from India. Q Cicada strigosa, Walker, Ins. Sannd., p. 19 (1858). cf, 9. Black.: transverse lines on each side of the face, a stripe on the pronotum, the abdomen beneath more or less, greatest part of tho femora, a band near tho base on the tibiaj, testaceous : tegmina aud wings vitreous, with a very obliquo interrupted brown J)and which extends aloug the transverso veins ; veins testaceous, black towards thc tips : tlio basal area and the base of the sixth ulnar area, clouded browu aiul with a short brown baud which oxteuds across thc tip of iho froiit arca ; a brown mark at the tip of the first apical area : abdomen iu cf with three stout spiues at the tip. Body long, 14| ; teg., 38 milliiHS. Reported from India. "Q Cicada virguncula, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 84 (1856). Green : bead small : drums very small : abdomon luteous above at tlie base, hind borders of tbe segments, luteous : wings vitreous ; costa and veins greeu. Body long, 13| ; teg. 35 — 36 millims. Reported from Singapore, Malacca. Q Genua Cicadatra, Amyot. A. S. E. F. (2 ser.) v, p. 152 (1847) : Fieber, Rev. Mag. Zool. (3 ecr.) ii, p. 338, t. 3, (1875). In A. S. B. F. (4 ser.) i, p. 617 (1861), Stll uuites ''Tettujia aud Gicadatra and makes them subgenera of the united genus. Fieber (I. c.) keeps them separate and describes Gicadatra as having the auterior femora trispinose : pronotum trapezoidal : covering of the drums semi- oval or broadly triaugular, coucealiug more or less the drums, aud more- over a subulate projection or point: the geuital sheath {porte-i^cnis) in the cf is corneous, elongate or linear aud has at tlie tip a buudle of rib- bon-shaped white or brownish appendages witli numerous poiuts : tho two sectors spring each from one of the angles of the short basal cellule of the tegmina, the angles separated by a short, oblique, veiu : rostruni reachiug only the middle or the usually convex end of the mesosternum. In' Tcttigia, tho anterior femora are bispinose : pronotum trapozoidally broadened backwards : the drums almost covered by a broad scmioval plate : the gonital sheath iu d" is corneous aud ends iii two horns, iu- 40 181 curvcrl towards tlic bnse : the two sectors spi-iiig from tlie elongated basal cellule at a riglit angle, the exterior sector riaing at tho internal inferior angle, the other a little higher at the tip of the short, oblique, intermediate vein : the rostrum long, reaching tho first veutral segment, basal joint promiuulous, third joint about 3^ times longer than the second, clypeus long, triangular, acute, four-fifths of the length of the frons : space between the scrobe and the eye almost twice as large as the scrobe : mesostornum broadly triangular, convex with a short and weak apical groove : metasternum in the (f , ohtuso, quadrangular, freo. ' G5. CiCADATRA STRiATA, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), 229 no. 71 : liv, (2), 116. ? . Body tawny : head with a broad, sHghtly interrupted black band ; face convex, with a row of black bands on each side : rostrum tawny, picoous towards the tip, reaching the hind coxfe : pronotum part- ly black above, with a short, broad, yellow stripe in the middle : meso- uotum mostly occupied by four very broad black stripes, the lateral much longer than the median pair and with two ta^vny streaks : abdo- men mosfcly piceous above : legs tawny : first femora with three rathor long teeth : tegmina and wings colourless, veins tawny, black towards tlie tips ; the first aud second transverse veins clouded Avith brown : fore- flaps tawny, tips of hind-flaps, brown. Body long, 16f : exp. teg. 44. millims. <-' 66. CiCADATRA XANTES, Walkor. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 230, no. 75 ; liv, (2), p. 117. d . Body tawny : vertex with two very large black spots ; face red above with a piceous stripe in front : rostrum tawny, tip black, reachiug the intermediate coxte : autenna9 tawny, piceous at the bases and tips : prouotum with a yellow stripe on each side of which there is a short, slighfcly curved sfcripe aud a small spot on the hind border, piceous : mesonotum with four black obconical stripes, the middle pair rather less than half tho length of the outer pair and so close together that they almost appear unifced ; behind them are two piceous spots which join the cross-ridge wliicli is ferrugiuous and small : abdomen ferruginous with a piceous stripe which tapers from the base to a little beyond fche middle and then disappears : drum-covers pale tawny, very small, nofc half cover- ing the tympana Avhich are ferruginous ; the opercula bright tawny, rather narrow, of moderate size, about one-third the length of the abdomen : legs tawny ; femora striated ferruginous ; tips of claws black fore tibia) and feet ferrugiuous ; fore femora wifch two rafcher long ferrugi- 41 182 nous teeth : tegmina colourlcss, veins yellow, on tlie costal niargin a black vein is enclosed between two yellow veins and extends to tlie pale yellow stigma : flaps witli a tawny tinge at tho base and along part of the middle vein. 0 67. ClCADATEA QUADRIMACULA, Walkcr. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 233, no. 93 ; lir, (2), p. 117. i . Body bright tawny, scarcely pubescent : head, rostruni (base excepted), antennsc, black : pronotum with a slightly curved stripe on each side, two triangular spots on fore border, three small spots on hind border, and some indistinct marks on the disc, black : mesonotum with four very large black spots of which the outer pair are obconical, sliglitly oblique, widened to cach other at the base, on the iuner sidc sHghtly emarginate by a very slender short oblique tawny stripe, the third spot much shorter and apparently divided into two U-shaped spots, tho fourth behind the third, quadrate, with a slender cone on its fore bordcr : a large spot on each side at the base of the antennne, a small one in front of the head and three along the hind bordei", and tho base of the rostrum, tawny : abdomen black above, posterior dorsal margins of tho sograents "with an interurrupted reddish band, a broad pale tawny band near the tip, horn pale tawny ; beneath piceous, posterior margins of the ventral segments, ferrnginous, tip pale tawny : drum-covers very small, pale tawny, with blackish discs partly covering the tympana, which are greyish ; opercula bright tawny, small, far apart : legs tawny : coxce, posterior femora and last tibiae striped bhick ; claws ferrugi- nous ; first femora black with a tawny spot near tlie tip and with three robust black teeth ; first tibioe black with a slender tawny band near the base, middle pair black ; first and middle feet, piceous ferrugi- nous at the base, last pair tawny with piceous tips : tegmina Tvhitish, pale tawny and marked with black at the base, costal margin bright tawny, stigma pale brown, veins pale tawny, black towards the tips first and second transverse veins and the space between them and ths costal margin clouded very dark brown ; fore-flaps pale tawny : wings with the first and second transverse veins and the space betwoen them clouded very dark bx'Own, flap* white at the base and along sonie part of the hind border. OOenus Cryptotympana, Stal. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 230. Head very broad, about as broad as the thorax ; fro)is occupying about a third part of the breadth of the face : thorax veiy slightly am- 42 183 plified backwartls fioiu tbe apex ; tbe lateral margiuB dilated, straight or sligbtly siiiuated ; autorior angles distinct ; posterior limbus broad : scutellum postoriorly dojiressed, sligbtly sinuate at tlie apex : teo-mina witb eigbt aj)ical areas, busal cell sending out two veins wbicb aro ratber broadly distant : wings witb six ajiical ai"eas ; abdomen obconical, tym- ])ana entirely liidden above by tbe very large kjbe of tlie dorsal segmeut wbicb is jDroducod forwards : opercula large, flattisb, coutiguous inwards or sbgbtly valvate : metastornum furnisbed witb a stout jirocess wbich is curvedly jjroduced from tbe base backwards : first pair of femora beneatb witb two birge spines and near tbe apex witb an obsoletc, obtuse, small tootb iStdl) (^C)8. Ckyptotympana recta, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 230, uo. 77. ? . Body black, sbort, bi"bad, tawny pubescent iu jjarts : rostra-u black, tawny at tbe base, reacbing tbe last coxoa : antenncB black : jDosterior lobe of tbe j)ronotum witb two large tawny spots ; tbe mesonotum witb two small tawny sj^iots near tbe middle of its posterior mar- gin : opercula tawny, very small, wide apavfc : legs dark tawny ; fe- mora, osjiecially tlie first and intermediate pairs, strijjed black ; tips of tlie tibite, feet, and fore-tibia3, black ; first femora witb tbree black teetb of wbicb two are long aud oue is very small : tegmina colourless, green along tbe costal margin for balf its length, dark brown tbence to tbe tips, Wack towai'ds tbe base, to tbis colour succeeds a small space havino- an ojiaHne lustre ; veins tawny, black towards tbe tijDs ; the first aud second transverse veins and tbe adjoining longitudiual veius are clouded dark brown ; flajDS black towards tbe base. ^G9. Cryptotympana vicina, Siguoret. J. A. S. B. liii (2), p. 23l), no. 78 : inclade3Ti(itci/i.a bicolor, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iv, p. 1121 (1858), from Java. Much smaller tbair (7. acuta, Signoret, from wbich it differs only in the absence of patcbes on tbe pronotum aud in the complete transpa- rency of the wings in tbe external portion : the opercula are j^roportion- ately less elongate, but of the same form (d"). '"'70. Cryptotympana immaculata, Olivier. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 231, no. 79. Black : wings, byaline, spafcless : abdomen black : opercula reddish : two spines ou the first j^air of femora, acute, larger tban usual (Oliuier). Uead aud thorax blaokish brown, abdomen black ; three red oceUi oa 4.3 1^4 tlio hoad : opercula oraiige red : first pair of femora witli two robust Bjnnes : tegmina and wings liyaline, immaculate, margin of the browu colour of tbe body beneath. Differs from OD. intermedia, Signoret, iu liaving the tegmina and wings entirely trausparent, tiio opercula smaller though of the same colour, and the femoral spines appareutly uiore robust. Body loug, 50 : exp. teg. 112 millims. ^ 71. CUTPTOTTMPANA INTERMEDIA, Signoret. J. A. S. B. liii (2), p. 231, no. 80. Differs fromVv. atrata, Fabr., in the absencc of patches ou tho pro- notum and scutellum, whilst those on the head are larger : the brown basal patch on the tegmiua is uot so large and does not extend beyond tho basal coll : oporcula are altogethcr ycllow aud are larger, clongato, flattouod, aud with a rim : abdomeu reddish yellow with a blackish baiid ou each segmeut ; sides browu. From Teuasserim ( Walker) ; China {Signoret, B. S. E. F. (6 ser.) i, p. xli, 1881) ; Java {Shjn.). D72. Crtptottmpana atrata, Fabricius. ^ Tettigonia atrata, Fabr., Syst. Ent. p. 681 (1775) ; Spec. Ins. ii, p. 321 (17«1) ; Manfc. Ins. ii, p. 267 (1787)-. Ent. Syst. iv, p. 24 (17i»i) ; Sysfc. llhyng. p. 42 (1803). (^Tettigoniapustulata,Fiihr.,'Ent.SyBt. iv, p. 20 (1794); Sysfc. Rliyng., p. 37 (1803). ^Cicada nigra, OHvior, Enc. Mefcli. v, p. 750, t. iii, f. 5 (1790) : Sfcoll, Cig., p. 84 ; t. 22, f., 118 (1788), La Cigale Chinoise noire. Cicada atrata, Germar, Thon's Archiv. ii (2), p. 65 (1830) ; Silb., llov. Enfc. ii, p. 68 (1834). CCicada atra, Signoret, Rev. Mag. Zool., p. 40G, t. 10, f. 1. 'OFidicina atrata, Walker, pfc., Lisfc'lIom. B. M. p. 89 (1850). /} Crypfoti/mpana nigra, Sfc\l, Ilem. Fabr. ii, p. G (18G8) ; Ofvers. K. V.-A. Fiirh., p. 714 (1870). Cryptotympana atrata, Sfcal, A. S. E. F. (4 ser.) i, p. 613 (1861). Entirely dull black ; the margin of the abdomen, especially of the last segment, testaceous : tegmina and wings Avhitish, black at the base, veins testaceous (Fahr.). This descriptiou is copied through all Fabri- cius' works and the reasou for Stal giviug iu his later writiugs prece- deuce to 01ivier's name is not understood. Black, varied with reddish yellow ; tegmiua and wiugs hyaline va- ried with brown : hoad with a reddish longitu3 tawny ; claws black ; femora with three tawuy teeth : tegmiua and wiugs colourless ; veius tawuy, black along the hiud borders of the tegmiua. Long, 12| ; exp. teg. 29 — 30 millims, Reported from China. ^ Genus AIoGANNiA, Amyot & Serville. J. A. S. B. liii, p. 232. Body elougate : head small ; frons conically produced : eyes small scarcely promiuulous : tegmina large aud broad, their basal half coria- ceous, more or less trausparent, up to a transverse elevated liue beyoud which, aud the wiugs, hyaliue ; costal margiu of the tegmina somewhat straight before the middle, the second apical area exteuded forwards to 49 190 a less distance tlmn thc first : abdomen stout, iuflated, broader thau the thorax, a little compressed on its upper surface ou both sides, so as to form a kind of ridge (A. Sj' S., 810,1). O 84. MoaANNlA CONICA, Germar. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 232, noa. 85 (M. ilhistrata), 86 (M. rcctnj ; Hr, (2), p. 117 : includes also Ccphaloxijs hcmelijtra, Signoret, A. S. E. F. (2 sdr.) v, p, 295 ^^lojannia iynifera, Walkor, List Hom. B. M. i, p. 249 (1850), from Java, and^Iogannia avicnla, Walker, 1. c. p. 249 (1850), from Java and the Philippines. d. Ferruginous : abdomen -with a red band ou the posterior mar- gin of each scgment : tegmina and w^ings vitreous, red at the base, veins tawnj^ ; the tcgmina tawny for more thau one-third of tho length from the base and having a brown upright baiul dividing thc tawuy from the vitreous part ; the wing3 browu aloug tho basal part of the hiud borde£?(iH. recta, Walker). °85. MOOANNIA OBLIQUA, Wallicr. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 232, no. 87. ? . Green, mostly reddish beueath : head black aloug thc hiud border : prouotum witli some testaceous marks and a black stripe dilatcd backwards : mesonotum with some testaceous marks aud a black stripe dilated before and behind : abdomen reddish with a spot on each side near the base aud a short band hindward of pale sericeous pile, two green bauds near the tip : legs piceous ; posterior tibiro aud tarsi pale green : tegmina aud wings vitreous, red at the base, veins green black towards the tips ; the tegmina have a red costa, a browu band extend- incr from the tip of the frout ai-eolet obliquely to the hiud border, wheuce it is contiuued oblifpiely towards the base of the wiug {Walkcr). Oq(j, Mogannia venustissima, Stal. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 232, no. 88. c? ?. Ca^rulean or brassy black, sordid flavcscont-sericeous : teg- mina before the middle and the wings sordid hyaline ; the tegmiua veiued sordid straw-cohnir, bcfore the middle black, at the base pale sangui- ncDus ; the wings veined fuscous, sauguincous ab the base. Var. a. I3asal spot on frons and oblong mediau spot on the thorax, sanguineous. f-jVar. h. Bntire frons, median streak on the thorax coutracted in the middle, also veins and baud on the black part of the tegmina, weak Banguineous-flavescent ; abdomen varyiug iuto ferrugiuous (Slal). 50 191 ^"^87. MOGANNIA FDNEBRIS, Sfc^l. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 232, no. 89. ¥. Aciiesccnfc-black, fuscous, pilosulous : tcgmina and wlnr^s vJti-c- ous ihc tonnci- bl.ack l,cforc thc middlc, ba.sal arca and a baud afc tbc apcx ot the black pai-t, sordid lutescent {Stdl). ^ 88. MoGANNiA INDICANS, Walkcr. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 232, no. 90. * . Body bright or very dark red : rostrura bhick reachinc^ tlie intermediatc coxc-b : antenna^ yellow, black at the base : a very°Lar..e dark ferruginous spofc on each side of the fore-chest : mesonofcum witlx"a broad, obconical, oblique, black stripe on each side, thc maro-ins of which are also black : pectus black : abdomcn blackish towards the base, tio with a black horn : legs black, pilose : coxa3 and posterior femora mark- ed with red : tegmina and wings colourless, tawny at the base ; the tegmina with a broad brown band which includes a very irregular yellow band; vems yellow, tawny afc the base. ?. Body ncarly all black • a colourless spot on the base of the brown band of the tegmina (Walker). ^ 81). MoGANNiA (?) LOcusTA, Walker. J. A. S. B. liii, (2), p. 233, no. 91. ?. Body ferruginous, pale tawny beneath : two small black spots betwcen the ocelli : rosfcrum pale tawny, tip piccous, reachino- t|,e inter- mediate coxtB : antenm» tawny : anterior lobe of the pronotum with two slender black stripcs which slightly converge from the fore border and hen shghtly diverging include a nearly circnlar space and are united on the hind border, a small black spot on each side in front ; posfcerior lobe tawny : mesonotum wifcli fchree slender black sfcripes, the side pair ly converging towards the tip of the middle one, sides and hind border tawny, pale yellow sericeous : abdomen pale tawny, wifch a very broad dorsal fcrrugmous stripe extending from the base to the narrow part a row of sraall piceous spots along each side ; last .segraent piceous above at the base, horn tawny, rather long ; sheaths pale tawny, piceous and pilose towai^ls the tips, and extending some distance beyond the tip of the abdomen ; oviduct ferruginous, black and serrated at the tip • leo-s pale tawny; first femora with three tawny teeth, of which one is very sraall: tegraina colourless, basal cell, costal margin, and veins pale tawny ; wmgs colourless, in both fore raembranes pale buff, flaps pale buff afc thc basc aud for a space along tho hiud border. 51 l'J2 0 90. M(HiAN'XIA (?) LACTEIl-ENNIS, WulktT. J. A. S. R. liii, (2), p. 2;W, no. 92., (f . Body lutoous, palely pilose : head black, a small tawny spot at tlie base of eacli antenna ; a large tawny spot on each side o£ the face : rostrum black, tawny at the base ; antenna) black : a black band along the fore border of the posterior lobe of tlie pronotum : mesonotum with four black obconical marks, raedian pair not raore than half the length of the lateral pair, between the former there is a black stripe increasing in breadth from the fore border to the middle wherc it ceases : abdomen black, posterior dorsal margins of segments tawny, a tawny spot on each eido near tho tip wln'ch is tawny : drums tawny, small, open, furrows hoarj^ ; ojiercula very small : legs lutoous, a piceous spot at thc tip of eacli tibia ; tipg of claws, black ; first femora with two stout teeth wliich aro partly black at thc baso : tegmina and wings whito, opaque, luteous at the baso ; veins black, tawny towards the basc and near the stigma. ^91. MOGANNIA HERES, AValkcr. f^ephnlofvys hehen, Walker, List Hom. B. M. Siippt. p. 38 (1858). d . Testaceous : pronotum blackish with a stripe and tlie border, tostaceous ; mesonotum with four blackish obconical stripes, the inner pair very short : two black spots on each of the second and third seg- ments of the abdomen : opercula oblique, elongatc-conical : tegmina ancl "wings vitreous, veins pale green, black at the tips. Body long, iGf : exp. teg. 42 millims. Roporied frora N. China. '^2. MOQANNIA NASALIS, White. Morjannia nasalis, Whito, A. M. N. H. xiv, p. 42G (184,1) ; Walkcr, List Honi, B. M. i, p. 248 (1850). Head, thorax, and body finely yellowish-brown scriceous, especially above: near the base of the tegmina is a broad. transverse band (widest interiorly) of a glossy yellowish hue, darker on the borders, veins green- ish, base and tip quite clear : wings witli the veins obscure, inner edge reddish : pronotum with two large rounded spots, one on each side ; the niargin and a line through each spot, deeply imprcssed : hind tibifo hairy behind with threo longish spines on the apical half (TF/ii7e). Long, 22 millims. Ropurted from Iloiig-kong. 62 103 O 93. MoC.ANNIA CllINENSIS, Stal. 0 Mo.jannia chincnsis, Stal, Ufvors. K. V.-A. Porli., p. 155 (18G5). d . Black, rcinotcly goldcn-yellow sericeous : a streak aucl tlie aj)!- cal part of tlio dorsuni of thc abdoraen, denscly scriceous : the tegmina and wings vitreous ; veins fuscous ; a broad, obliquc, sordid stramineous band on the tcgmina before tlie middle, anteriorly and posteriorly the baud oftcn intcrruptcd and with a fuscons end : tibioi and thc postcrior tarsi yellow-whitish ; intermediate tibia3 at the base and apex aud the hxst paiv at the base, bhxck : veuter ferruginous. Very like^i/. nasaJis, White, differs in the larger size, the colour of the posterior tibiae, and in the lateral processes of the upper aual segniont iu cT being longer (Stdl). Long, 18 ; exp. teg. 40 millinis. Rcportcd from N. Cliina. ^ \)L CuSMOSOAHTA SIAMENSIS, Butler. Cosinoscartasiamcnsis, Butlor, Cist. Eut. i, p. 2J,5, t. viii, f. 1 (187-1) ; J. A. S. B. iv (2), i>. 23 (1S«5). O Allied to C trlculor, St. Farg., but in tho form of the thorax mora likc U. divisa, VValker. Hcad and thorax, basi-costal third of corium, and basal part of the clavus rcddish-testaceous : wings pale fuscous, the basi-costal vcins aud thc basc, reddish : abdomeu above and beneath blue-black : pcctus aud legs, piccous ; hind tibiae with a strong spine. A variety has the basal third of the tegmiua reddish-testaceous {Biitlfr). Long, 18 ; cxp. teg. -42 millims. iieportcd from Cambodia. 95. CosMusOAiiTA iiuuULOSA, Walker. ^ Gercopis rugulosa, Walker, J. Limi. S. Zool. i, p. 95 (1850), p. 105 (1857). Cosmoscarta ru.jalosa, iJutlur, Cist. Eut. i, p. 219 (187 4,). Black, shining ; ferruginous beucath : abdomiual margins and tho legs red : a blackisli baud ou cach fcmur : tcgmiua rugulose ( lFaZA;ey). Long, lO^ ; tcg. 2[){ millims. Reported from Singaijoi-e, Borne6. ^ 'JG. CoSilUSOARTA MALAYA, Stal. Cercoins mahuja, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. l<'drli., p. 147 (18G5). d. Black-violaccous, spariugly puberuious, tegniina and fcct bkick- ish : two smallish spots on the corium behind the middle, one phaccd at the costa, tlic otiicr obli([uely behiud it, also two vcry minutc obsolete spots of which ouc is ut tlic apcx of tlic cUivus aud tho bthcr behind tlie 53 194, niiddle of tlie costal margiii, red. Tliorax fairly deiisely aud fiuely puiiotured, truucated at the base before tlie scutellum, margius (autcrior exceijted) reflcxed, lateral augles obtusely rouudcd : scutellum im- prcssed befnre tlie middle : tegmina very deusely puuctulatc, scarcely narrowcd towards tlio apcx : mesostethium ratlicr distinctly bitubercu- late, posterior margiu not clevated before the coxa3 {Stdl). Long, 8; exp. tef!;., 23 millims. Reported from Malacca. ^ 97. COSMOSCARTA HKROS, Fabricius. 0 Cercnpis heros, Fabr., Syst. Rhyng. p. 89 (1S03) : Stoll, Cig. p. 104, t. 27, f. 140. (1788): Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 492 (ISG2) : Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii, p. 051. (ISol). O Cfccopi.s- ah(lomii)alh, Wcstwood in Dono7,nn's Ins. China, p. 39, t. IG, f. 5 (1813) : Walker, 1. c. p. 054 (1851) : J. Linn. S. Zool. x, p. 28G (1SG7). Cosmoscarta heros, Stal, Hom. Fabr. ii, p. 11 (18G'J) ; Biitlcr, Cist. Ent.,i, p.2 54 (1S74). cf, 9. Black, shiuing : hcad very obtuso aud ahnost gk)bosc : thorax gibbous, duU black, spotless : tegmiua dull black, thc basc aud a median band, orangc-fulvous : abdomen rcd (Fahr.). Long with tcg., IG ; brcadth of tliorax, Gf milHms. Reported from Hong-Kong. o ^" 98. COSMOSCARTA DISCREPANS, Walkcr. ^ Cercopis discrepans, Walkcr, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 95 (IS.-,G). Blackish-purple, black beueath : tcguiiua l>lack witli au elougated red spot which is coutractcd in the middle aud oceasioually interrupted (Walker). Loug, 6— 7^ ; teg. 17—19 miUims. Rcported from Siugapore. ° 99. COSMOSCARTA DNIFASCIA, Walkcr. Cercopis unifascia, Walker, J. Linu. S. Zool. i, p. 95 (1850). Red : thorax dilated on each side : disc of the pcctus black : tegmi- na with a black baud across the middle : wiugs hyaliuc ( Wallccr). Loug, 12|; teg. 25 miHims. Reported from Siugapore. 100. COSMOSCARTA FULVICEPS, Dilllas. ^ Cercopis fidviceps, Dallas, Traus. Ent. Soo. (n. s.) i, p. lO (18.50). . Head and thorax bright oiimge, shiuiug : togiuina reddish black, somewhat obscure, outer margius pitchy rod : wiugs biowiiish ; 54 195 abdomon beiicath lilack, sliiuing ; pectus, legs, and rostrum pitchy. Long, 22 millims. Reported from Sikkim. 101. C0SMO.SCAETA DIMIDIATA, Dallas. Cercojns dimidicdd, Dallas, Trana. Ent. Soc. (n. s.) i, p. 11 (1850). $ . Head black ; ejes pale brown, ocelli yellowish-white : thorax very thickly and finely punctured, with its posterior half and a tvans- verse quadranguhir patcli on the anterior margin black ; the remainder bright red ; scutellum black : tegmina bright red, with three broad irre- gukar bkick transverse bands, the first of which rises at the apex of the Bcutellum, the second a little behind the middle, and the third forma a broad black margin arouud the apex : body beneath black, shining ; legs and rostrum pitchy (Dallas). Long 15 millims. Reported from Sikkim. To tlie above may be added : — - C. pulcheUa, Butler, Cist. Ent. i, p. 254 (1874). Laos. ^ o G, exuUatis, Walkor, List Uoni. B. M. Sappt. p. 171 (1858). N. China. O C. himucida, Walker, L o. iii, p. 656 (1851). Cliiua. 0 C. rotunduta, Walker, L c.,' Sappt. p. 174 (1858). Laos. o C. peUucida, Butlcr, Cist. Ent. i, p. 262 (1874). Laos. O C. Distauti, Butlcr, P. Z. S. p. 672 (1874). Peuang. ^ 102. PriYMATOSTETHA PDDICA, Walker. J. A. S. B. liv (2), p. 15, (1885). Tawny, bhick ))encatli : pronotum with a black mark in front, divid- ed by a testaceous stripo and liaving on each side of it a testaceous spot ; scutellum bh^ck with a testaceous str ipe abdomen cupreous-bhick, tes- taceous at the base and witli a row of testaceous spots on each side be- neath : legs testaceous, ti^is of femora, black ; tibiae black with a testa- ceous band near the tip : tegmina brown with a testaceous undulating basal subcostal streak and Avith two testaceous bands which have black borders in front ; the first band at one-third of the length, composed of tln-ee spots, the second band at two-thirds of the length, entire, attenua- ted before the middle ; tips testaceous : wings pale brown, rosy at the base {Walker). Body long, 15—16; teg. 35—36 millims. Reported from Silhat. To this add the followi ng : — ■;'' P. semele, Stal, Ofvers. K. V.-A. Forh. p. 151 (1865). Malacca, Lans. 0 l\ triseriata, Butler, Cist. Ent. i, p. 267 (1874). Laos. O r.disloruta, Walkcr, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 95 (1856). Malacca. 55 m ^ P. borneeHsis, Butlcr, 1. c. p. 2G8 (1874). Malacca, Ligor, Bornco. 0 P. nympha, Stal, 1. c. p. 150 (1865). Malacca. 0 Colsa costwstriiia, Walkcr, 1. c. p. 96, t. iv, f. i (1856). Malacca. ^ 103. Ptyelus (?) iNTKGRATUrf, Walkcr. rtyelus integratus, Walker, Ins. Saand. Hom. p. 94 (1858). Dark testaceous : head with a broad stripe beucath, abdomcn in ihe middle, coxoe, streaks on femora and hind tibire, blackish : tegniina tcsla- ceous slightly darker towards the base ; wings vitreous {WalJccr). Budy loug, 7f ; teg. 16 — 17 milliras. Reported from India. To this add the foHowing : — ° ? P. bipars, Walkcr, J. Linn. S. ZooL i, p. 96 (1856). Singaporc. ^ ? P. immutatus, Walkcr, 1. c, p. 96 (1856). Singapore. I Add the following to the genus Clovia, ° C.multilineatafptyelusid.,Sta.\,OtvcrB. K. V.-A. Forli., p. 15-i (18G5). N. Cliina. 0 C. malaya^Ptiielus id., Stal, L c. p. 153 (1865). Ligor, Malacca, Cbina.^ 0 C. jiinJcVitJH, Walkcr, J. A. S. B. liv (2), p. 115 includes apparently Ptyelas cricntalis, Stal, Freg. Eug. Resa, Hem., p. 287 (1859). Add to the genus Mach^rota. V <5 M. x>unctato-nervosa, Signoret, A. S. E.F. (5 ser.) ix, p. xlix (1879). Ghiua. ^ 104. Memrracis fuscata, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liv, (2), p. 79, no. 5. Thorax foliaceous, rounded, fuscous ; with a slcndcr strcak bcforo the antcrior margin and a broader band beforc the apex, white : apcx acute, black : tegmina fuscous (^Fahr.). O 105. Leptobelus scutellaris, Fabricius. J. A. S. B. liv, (2), p. 83, no. 12. Head black : thorax with two, flat, robust, acute horns, produccd posteriorly, subulate, entirely black with a broad snow-whitc, postcrior band : wings deflexcd, fuscous : costa a little white at the basc : body fuscous (Fabr.). Q 106. Centrotypus oneratus, Walker. O Centrotus oneratus, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 78 (1858). Tavvny : pronotum pubesccut, modcratcly higli, minutcly puncturcd ; latcral horns lanccohxtc, vcry broad, rathcr flat, dirccHy divcrgiiif,'-, 56 197 obliiiuely ascencling-, witli a .sliglit ritlge, near tlie liind side ot' each ; posterior iiorn ridged, straiglit, very slender, acuto at the tip, extcnding a Httle beyond the abdomen : abdomen grcyish ferruginous witli black points, except along thc hind bordors of thc scgments : legs tawny : tegmina tinged siightly tcstaceous, veins testaceous ; wings vitrcuus, veins black (]Va(ker). Body long 4f ; teg. 10 1 millims. llepoi'ted from India. To this add :— Centrotirpus lomjicorni^, Vnillefroy, A. S. E. F. (4 scr.) iv, p. 142, t. 1, f. 8 (ISGi). ilulaccii. ^-^ 107. Centkotus (?) FLEXicoRNE, Walker. Centrotus jUxicorne, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 78 (1858). Black : pronotum pubescent, moderately high, very slightly ridged : lateral horns long, acute, diverging, obliquely ascending, slightly inclin- ed backward, much curved, w^ith a ridge near the hind border ; posterior horn slender, ridged : femora black : tegmina tinged slightly hirid, taw- ny at the base, costa black towards tlie tip, veins testaceous ; wings vitreous {Walker). Body long, Gj j teg. 12| millims. lleportcd from N. India. ^ 108. Centrotus (?) OBLiQuus, Walker. Centrotus obliquus, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 79 (1858). Ferruginous very pubesceut : prouotum rather high, somewhat sca- brous, shghtly ridged : lateral horns horizontal, modei-ately long, divero-- ing, very shglitly curved backward ; posterior horn ridged, very slender, black except towards the base which is much above fche abdomen, conti- guous to the abdomen and hardly extending beyond it at the tip : leo-s tawny, femora black : tegmiua ta,vf ny {Walker). Body long, 2j ; teo-. lO^ millims. Reported from India. 109. Centrotus (?) CONGESTUS, Walker, Centrotus comjestus, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 79 (1858). Black, stout, short : pronotum pubescent,- i^ather high, flat above : lateral horns stoitt, elongate-conical, directly diverging, obUquely ascend- ing ; posterior horn ridged, lanceolate, reacbing ahnost to two-thirds the lcngth of the asbdomen : legs tawny ; femora black : tegmina tinged sliglit- ly grey, a brown mark at the tip of the costa, yeins tavvny (Walker). Body long, 3| : tcg., 7^ millims. 57 lt)8 lluportcd froni riulia. Tliis is cnf.irely diffcrciit froni tlic Hpeeics dcRcribcd by Walker under the same uanic iu J. L. S. Zool. x, p. 187 (18G7) from Sula. ^ 110. Centrotus (?) GiBBOSULUS, Walker. Cenfrofus gibhosnlus, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. 80 (1858). Ferruginous, stout, sliort : head and pronotum pubescent, tlie latter obliquc above the head : lateral horns conical, divcrging, extrcmcly short, hardly ascending and curved backwards ; posterior horn ridged, lanceolate, black towards the tip, reaching to thrce-fourths of the length of the abdomen which is black : legs tawny, femora black, tcgmina hardly tinged, brown at the base, veins tawny (WaUcer). Body, long 3i- ; tcg., G^ millims. Reported from ludia. This species is cntiroly distinct from tlic spccics dcscribed under the samc name by Walkcr in J. L. S. Zool. x, p. 187 (1867) and which should be renamed G. walkeri. To these add : — P Centrotus laniinifer, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 93 (185G). Singapore. O ? 0. caliginosus, Walker, 1, c. p. 93. Malacca. O ? C. semivifrcus, Walker, 1. c. p. 91. Singaporo. O f C. semifnscia, Walker, 1. c. p. 94. Malacca. '') ? Micreune formidanda, Walker, 1. c. p. 94. Singapore. . ^SiiJylus crassulus, Centrofus id., Stal. Freg. Eag. Rosa, p. 285 (1859). Malacca. ' Tricenfrus fairmairei, Centrotus id., Sfcal, 1. c, p. 281 (1859). Jlalacca. {j Gargara malaya, Centrotus id., Sfcal, 1. c, p. 285 (1859). Malacca. To Genus liEDRA, and following add : — v^ Ledra auditura, Walker, Lisfc Hom. B. M. Snppfc. p. 219 (1858). Uong-kong, v/ ' ^L. quadricarina, Walker, 1. c, p. 249 (1858). Hong-kong. ./"'. 'Tifuria nigromarginatapPetaloce-phala id., Stal, Ofvora. K. V.-A., Forh., p. 158 (ISGo). Malacca. / ? Ledra cultellifera, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 98 (185G). Singapore. y I ? Ledra conifera, Walker, 1. c, p. 98 (185G). Singaporo. y ? Lcdra nigrilinea, Walker, \. c, p. 98 (1856). Singapore. ? Acocephalus olivaceus, Walker, List Hom. B. M. iii, p. 81G (1851). Malacca, riiilippineg. ? Ci.vlidia gutfiveyia and punctivena, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 99 (185G). Malacca. "^ 111. Tettigonia albidicans, Walker. Tettigonia alhidicans, Walker, Ins. Sannd. Hom. p. 9G. (1858). Whitish tcstaceous : a dot on the vertex, stripe on frons, triangular spot on face, two spots on posterior margiu of tlic pronotum and one on the anterior margin, a spot onthe scutellum, disc of the pectas, abdomeu, 58 199 tip of femoia, tibia3 aiid tai-Hi and dots on the veins of tlie tegniina near tlie tips, black : posterior margins of the abdominal segments and tho tip, testaceous : wiiigs blackish lurid towards tho tips and along tlie interior border (Walker). Body long, lO^ : teg. 21 millims. Reported from Silhat. 112. Bythoscopus (?) PCNCTiFER, Walker. ^- Bythoscopus punctifer, Walker, Ins. Saund. Hom. p. lOi (1858). Dull testaceous, stout, very minutely speckled black : a dot on each side beneath at the base of the antennae, the abdomen above and tips of hind femora, black : tegmiua testaceous, veins pale, punctured black ; wings vitreous dark brownish grey (WalJcer). Body long, 4| ; teg., 10.^ milliras. Reported from India. To these add : — a Tettigonia tripars, Walker, J. Linn. S. Zool. i, p. 97 (1856). Malacca. T. suavissiina, Walker, 1. c, p. 97 (1856). Singapore, Borueo. "^ T.jocosa, Walker, 1. c. p. 97 (1856). Mounfc Ophir. '^ T. suturella, Stal, 1. c, p. 288 (1859). Malacca. C^Jassus (Thamnotettix) sinw, Stal, 1. c, p. 293 (1859). Hong-kong, O J- (Thamn) alacer, Stal, 1. c, p. 293 (1859). Hong-koug. ^ 113. Fdlgora nigrirostris, Walker. Hotmus nigrirostris, Walker, Ina. Sannd. Hom. p. 28 (1858). Fulgora iiigrirostris, Butler, P. Z. S. p. 98 (1874). Orange : head black, ascendiug, as long as the body, green beneath, with orange streaks on each side by the eyes : thorai with a broad stripe, pronotura with a band on each side, mesonotum with a streak-and tln-ee dots on each side and the anterior tibiee, black : tegmina black, very closely reticulated orange and with six oi-ange bands, the first and third bands regular, second slightly dislocated hindward where it sometiraes joins the third, fourth formed of three sraall widely separate dota, fifth of 4-5 large spots usually confluent, sixth very irregular of 3-5 spots aud dots of various size : wings with the apical third black (Walker). Body long, 36—44 ; teg. 63—75 millims. Reported from India ?, Pachebon (Siam). Distinguished from '' F. viridirosiris by its brighter orange colour, by its longer head, and by its tegmina, which are more regular and not bordered white. 114. FULGORA DUCALia, Stal. ' o Hotinus ducalis, Stal, Trans. Ent. Soc. (3 ser.) i, p. 576 (1863). cf, 2. Testaceous : feet more obscure ; tibiae, tarsi, antenuse, and veuter blackish : tegmina sordid viresceut-whitish, black-fuscous to- 59 200 wards llie apex, veins virescent ; tliree trnnsverse rows of Bpots before the middle ; a broad band behind the middle ; some small spots, girdlod white, placed behind the band, the veins green ; apical parfc spariiigly sprinkled with small whitish dots : wings whitish-green, apical part, black : cephalic process very long, gradually comm-6ssly narrowed to the apex, moderately curved. In stature similar to F. candelaria, Linn., cephalic process longer and, seen from the side, broader, froutal ridges more distinct (Stdl). Long, 42—46 ; exp. teg. 80 — 94 millims. Reported from Cambodia. ^ ^ 115. Fdlgora c^lestina, Stal. ^ Hotinus ccelestinus, Stal, Trana. Ent. 6oc. (3 eer.) i, p. 576 (18G3). ? . Weak green-olivaceous, venter and fect black-fuscous : head obscurely fuscous-testaceous : tcgraina pale sordid alliaccous with threo vircscent-veincd, blnckish bands, the first broad near tho bnse, hardly visible except on the clavus, the second narrow, placed a little before the middle and very narrow in the middle, the third broad and with three pale virescent olivaceous spots, the apical part behind this band greyish-whitish sprinkled with pale-cinctured olivaceous spots ; tho disc of the apical areas fuscous : wings of a beautiful azure, apical part black. Allied to F. ducalis, Stal, but the cephalic process is longer, fus- cous-testaceous, much curved. Head gradually compressly narrowed f rom the base towards the apex, a little longer than the body, not impressed above before the middle {Stdl). Long, 41 : exp. teg. 90 mjllima. Reported from Cambodia. This species is very close to F. connec- tens, mihi, described from Tenasserim at p. 130 (1885). 116. Ptrops nobilis, Westwood. ^ C» Fulgora nohilis, Westwood, Trans. Linn. Soc. xviii, p. 146, t. 12, f. 10 (1841). Pyrops nohilis, Walker (exol, syn.), List Hom. B. M. ii, p. 268 (1851) ; J. Linn. S. Zool. p. 96 (1856). Head with a process which is straight, gradually attenuated, oblique- ly truncated at the apex, furnished with acute black tubercles arranged longitudinally in six rows, of which two are above, two beneath, and two lateral : eyes pale fuscous, a pale acute tubercle behind the eyes : anten- nse pale : rostrum scarcely reaching the lateral pair of feet ; head pro- and meso-notum and tegmina luteous greyish, slightly tingcd virescent, sprinkled with minute black spots : metanotum and abdomen fulvous- fuscous, the latter with transverse black spots : tegmina with numerous larger fulvous dots : wings white, somewhat opaque ; veins pale, tinctur- ed virescent : feet concolorous, with black bands ; last pair of tibioB in- wards immaculate, externally punctured black ; tarsi luteous ; claws 60 201 black (Westw.). Body vvitli cephalic process, long, 63 ; cephalic process, long, 25 ; exp. teg. 115^ millims. / Repyrted from Iklalacca, Sumatra. P. javaneyisis, Distaut, is closely allied to P. nobilis, West., from which it differs thus : — the prolongation of the head is not prominently and dentately spined as in^P. nobilis, but only obtusely spined, thus giving the head a much more slender appear- ance, the spines in both species being arranged in six iongitudiual rows, two above, two beneath, and one on each side : the bhick spotting in also much more minute and the colour of the dorsal surface of the abdo- men is different. ^ P. mustelinus, Distant, also from Java, is allied ''to'" P. punctatus, Olivier, from which it diifers by the much more prolonged head, the apex of whicli is not distinctly curved upwards, and which is also more spotted witli black than in 01ivier*s species : the abdomen above is ochraceous and not black, &c. ^ ^ Gonus Cynthila, Stal. Stettin Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 230 (1863). Head narrower than the thorax ; protuberance slender, porrect : frons much narrowed tovvards the base witli two obsolete parallel ridges ; vertex sinuated at tlie base, a little broader than the eyes, ridged longitu- dinaliy in tlie middle : second joint of the antennas subglobose : rostrum exteuding almost to the apex of the abdomen : tliorax in the middle produced anteriorly in an angle, longitudinally ridged in tlie middle, very broadly sinuated at the base : scutellum tricarinate : tegmina some- what naiTow, scarcely amplified towards the apex, rounded at the apex with iongitudinal veins rarely furcated, almost entirely transversely venulose : wings less ample, tegmina much shorter, posterior margiu not sinuated, transverse veinlets remote : feet slender, last tibii» 5-spi- nose. AWied to Ulasia {Stdl). ^ 117. Cynthila febocula, Stal. Cynthila ferocula, Stal, Stettin Ent. Zeit. xxiv, p. 230 (1863). . dentifrons, 67. Ledra, liv, 92. auditura, Iv, 198. carinata, liv, 92. clilorocephala, 107. ? conifera, Iv, 198. culohata, liv, lOG. ? cultcllifcra, Iv, 198. cultrata, liv, 106. dilatata, 93. dorsalis, 94. fornicata, 92. lineata, 94. mutica, 92. nigrilinea, Iv, 198. ohligens, liv, 95. punctata, 94. punctifera, 95. plana, 93. planata, 96. quadricarina, Iv, 198. scutellata, liv, 93. serrulata, 92. Ledrina, liv, 92. Ledropsis, liv, 95. obligens, 95. Leptobelus, liv, 81. auriculatus, liv, 82. curvispiuus, 82. dama, 81. gazella, 81. pallipes, 82. paria, 83. Bcutellaris, 83. varius, 82. 217 Lei'tocentuus, liv, 85. antilope, 80. repouuns, 80. Bubstituius, 87. taurus, 85. Leptopsaltkia, liii, 227 ; \v, 157, 178. albigutta, Iv, 171. guttularis, liii, 227: Iv, 170. tuberosa, 227. LiMOis, liv, 141. westwoodii, 141. LopuoriNA, Iv, 42. LOXOCEPIIALA, Iv, 12, 20. terug-iuosa, 20. tlecora, 20. LvcORMA, liv, 148. dolicatula, liv, 150. imperialis, 148. iolc, 150. IJunicea, 149. Lystra, liv, 142. cerucjinosa, Iv, 20. atotnaria, liv, 143. 'bimaculata, Iv, 14. cormtfa, 205. dimidiata, liv, 140. pulcJira, Iv, 22. punicea, liv, 149. s]3inosa, Iv, 15. tornentosa, 14. tricolor, liv, 150. ^vcstwoodii, 142. 2-tnaculatu, Iv, 14. M. MACII.EROTA, liv, 22. ensifera, liv, 22. pmictato-nervosa, Iv, 190. punrtulata, liv, 23. s[)angbergi, 22. MAciiii;i;oTiNA, liv, 22. Melampsalta, liii, 225; Iv, 159, 1G6. varians, 220. MEMDRACIDiE, liv, 70. Mkmbuacis, liv, 77. caj^ra, liv, 84. jlexuosa, 87. fuscata, 79. minuta, 89. planata, 96. ruiyicapra, 85. tarandus, 77. ta^irus, 85. tricornis, 85. Messena, Iv, 12, 17. nebulosa, 18. pulverosa, 17. Metaurus, Iv, 24. reticulatus, 24. MlCREUNE, Iv, 198. formidanda, 198. MlNDURA, Iv, 61. hemerobii, 62. MlRIZA, Iv, 01. sorurcula, 02. MoGANNiA, liii, 232 ; Iv, 189. avic2ila, Iv, 190. cLinensis, 193. conica, liv, 117 ; Iv, 190. funebris, liii, 232; Iv, 191. hebes, Iv, 192. ignifera, Iv, 190, illustrata, liii, 232; liv, 117; Iv, 190. indicans, 232 ; Iv, 191. lacteipennis, 233; Iv, 192. locusta, 233 ; Iv, 191. nasalis, Iv, 192. obliqua, liii, 232 ; Iv, 190. quadrittiacula,2Z^; liv, 117. recta, 232 ; liv, 117 ; Iv, 190. teiysicliore,2?)'6; liv, 117. 77 218 veuustissima, 232 ; Iv, 190. MONECPIIORA, liv, 113. trimacula, 113. MoNorsis, Iv, 39. eiuica, 40. viridicans, 39. Mulvia, Iv, 51. Fephesa, Iv, 82. marginella, 82» rosea, 82. Ncrsia, Iv, 2G. Nesis, Iv, 12, 21. sanguiuipes, 21. tricolor, 21. Nogodina, Iv, 61. NosoLA, Iv, 178. Oliarus, Iv, 32. boliemaui, 33. walkeri, 33. Olonia, Iv, 13. Omaloce;phala, liv, 141. festiva, 141. Oncotympana, Iv, 172. Oxuiileura, liii, 214. hasialha, liii, 214. lufo, 210. marmorata, Iv, 145. sanguiflua, liii, 216. suhrufa, 216. OXYEHACHIS, liv, 76. rudis, 78. Bubjecta, 79. tarandus, 77. nnicolor, 78. P. Paknisa, Iv, 178. Paropina, liv, 91. 78 Penthicus, liv, 145. variegatus, 145. Penthimia, liv, 112. castanea, 113. compacta, 113. orientalis, 113. Petalocephala, liv, lOG. chlorocephala, 107. expansa, 96. paykulli, 103. plajiata, 96. xvallengrenii, 105. PhalcenoDwrjiha , Iv, 79. PUENICE, Iv, 41. caruosa, 42. ma3sta, 41. PUORONIS, Iv, 153. nigro-maculata, 153. pauliuia, 154. Phuomnia, Iv, 64. iuoruata, 66. intacta, 60. marginella, 65. rubicuuda, 65. tricolor, 65. Phylli/jjhanta, Iv, 67. cereris, 76. Jinihriolafa, 69. marginalis, 71. Phymatostetha, liv, 13. hasiclava, 17. hinotata, 17. borueeusis, Iv, 196. circumducta, liv, 13. tostalis, 14. dislocata, Iv, 195. dorsivitta, liv, 15. dubitabilis, 16. hilaris, 14. nymplia, Iv, 196. pudens, liv, 16. pudica, liv, 15 : Iv, 195, 219 semele, Iv, 195. signifera, liv, 15. stalii, 13. stellata, 11, 14. triseriata, \v, 195. Platybkaciiys, Iv, 13. Platylomia, liii, 226 : Iv, 166. Platypl-edra, liii, 211 : Iv, 144 andamana, liii, 214; Iv, 146. arcuata, Iv, 145. assamensis, liii, 212. basialba, 214 ; Iv, 146. bufo, 216 ; Iv, 149. ca)lebs, 213 ; Iv, 146. capensis, Iv, 145. cajiitata, liii, 214, 216. cervina, 217; Iv, 149. ciliaris, Iv, 144. congrex, liii, 211. distincta, 213, 233. fenestrata, Iv, 149. fulvigera, 147. Lilpa, 149. Lirtipenuis, 145. hyalinolimbata, 150. insignis, liii, 216. interna, 211. marmorata, Iv, 145. nicobarica, 233 ; Iv, 147. iiobiHs, 215. ocellata, Iv, 145. octoguttata, liii, 216 ; Iv, 148. lobala3uoides, liii, 211. rejoauda, Iv, 150. i'a3pstorffii, liii, 214. semilucida, 215. sphinx, 213 ; Iv, 145. straminea, 217. subrufa, 216 ; Iv, 148. Pocharica, Iv, 51. PocJiazoides, Iv, 51. Pochazia, Iv, 50. apicalis, Iv, 65. costimacula, 60. fasciata, 53. fumata, 53, gradiens, 60. guttifera, 57. interrupta, 56, 59. obliqua, 59. obscura, 52, 53 (?). ocellus, 55. simulans, 56. sinuata, 53. POECILOPSALTRIA, liii, 211 ; Iv, 143. affinis, liii, 211 ; Iv, 143. capitata, 216. Ulpa, Iv, 149. octogtottata, liii, 216, subrufa, 216. PCECILOPTERA. addita, Iv, 74. antica, 53, 73. argiolus, 68. cereris, 76. comma, 67. completa, 82. coromandelica, 74. dentifrons, 67. distinctlssima, 75. falcata, 71. fimbriolata, 69. guttularis, 75. indocilis, 70. intracta, 70. lactifera, 75. ? luteimargo, 83. lutescens, 72. maculata, 82. marginella, 69. maria, 64. ? niveina, 83. ocellata, 68. plana, 74. 79 220 jyunctifrons, 78. rectimargo, 76. sincn.fis, 76. efellaris, 68. tricolor, 65. triscrij^ta, 76. truncata, 74. vidua, 77. POLTDICTTA, liv, 155. aplieenoides, Iv, 205. basalis, liv, 155. tricolor, 156. POLTNEURA, liii, 211. ducalis, 211. PoJiroNiA, liii, 228; Iv, 158, 172, 178. bindusara, liii, 228 ; Iv, 173. expansa, Iv, 176. fusca, 172. impcratoria, liii, 229; Iv, 175. kama, 228 ; Iv, 173. linearis, 228 ; Iv, 175. madliava, 229 ; Iv, 174. pallidiventris, Iv, 172. tigroides, liii, 229 ; Iv, 175. urania, 228 ; Iv, 172. PoorniLUS, liv, 114. costalis, 114. natalensis, 114. Privesa, Iv, 51. Proarna, Iv, 178. Proconiina, liv, 96, 97. Proconia, liv, 97. ferrugiuea, 97. Prunasis, Iv, 178. PSALTODA, Iv, 178. Pseudojjhana, Iv, 26. graminea, 27. hyalinata, 23. pallida, 27. 'patruelis, 30. sidendcns, 25. 80 Pttelus, liv, 18. ? bipars, Iv, 196. hipunctipennis, liv, 115. concolor, 114. conifer, 19, 114. costalis, 114. dolosus, 114. fremdatus, 114. guttifer, 20, 117. ? immutatus, Iv, 196. ? integratus, 196. natalensis, liv, 114. orientalis, Iv, 196. punctum, liv, 19, 115 : Iv, 196. qnadridcns, 19, 117. rotundaius, 114. sexvittatus, 19, 115. simulans, 114. subfasciatus, 19, 116. viridicans, 21. PUCINA, Iv, 63. pellucida, 63. Ptdna, Iv, 178. Ptrops, liv, 139. candelaria, 128. guttulata, 136. nobilis, Iv, 200. perpusilla, liv, 140. punctata, 140. sjnnohv, 129. virescens, 138. R. RlCANIA, Iv, 50. apicalis, 55. costimacula, 60. episcopalis, 61. episcopus, 58. ' fahricii, 51. fencstrata, 51. fenestrata, 51. fumaia, 53. 221 fumosa, 55. fuscatn, 58. gradicns, GO. guttuta, 58. guttifcra, 57. hcrnerohii, G2. liyalina, 50, 51. iutemijjta, 5G. laevifrons, 51. limitaris, GO. maculata, 51. malaya, 55. marginalis, 59. marginella, G9. mellerborgi, 52. obliqua, 59. ohscitra, 53. obscura, 62. ocellata, 51, 68. ocellus, 55. pellucida, G3. plebeia, 60. prominens, 57. pulverosa, 61. quinquefasciata, 51, rosea, 82. simulans, 56. sinuata, 64. speculum, 5i<. versicolor, 51. walkeri, 59. ElCANIlNA, Iv, 49. RusTiA, Iv, 177, 178. pedunculata, 177. semiatra, 91. Scarida, liv, 92. " SCARPANTA, Iv, 67. comma, 67. SCIEROPTERA, liii, 220 ; Iv, 155. croccca, 220 ; Iv, 155, fumigata, liii, 220. splendidula, liii, 220 ; Iv, 155. ScoJypopa, Iv, 50. Selenocepualus, liv, 105. costalis, 108. cultratus, 106. egregius, 105. Seliza, Iv, 77. ferruginea, 78. lignaria, 78. truncata, 77. vidua, 77. Selymbria, Iv, 178. SlGNORETIA, liv, 91. malaya, 91. Sipylus, Iv, 198. crassulus, 198. SiVA, liv, 107. costalis, 108. strigicollis, 108. Sphenorhina, liv, 114. approximans, 114. braconoides, 114. contigua, 114. intei'media, 114. proxima, 114. Sphongophorus, liv, 81. balista, 81. Stagira, Iv, 178. SCAMANDRA, Iv, 202. hecuba, 202. rosea, 203. semele, 203. SCAPHULA, liv, 90. ? minuta, 89. T. Tacua, liii, 217; Iv, 150. speciosa, 217; Iv, 151. Taphura, Iv, 178. Tarundia, Iv, 50. 81 22-: Temtsa, Iv, 45. malaya, 46. Tetrica, Iv, 46. • fusca, 47. Tettigonia, Hv, 97. aMita, liv, 98. affinis, liii, 211. atrata, Iv, 184. albidicang, 198. apicalis, liv, 98. assaraensis, 100. bella, 99. hrunnea, 157. cardinalis, 101. covfinis, 98. duple.r, 98. extrenia, 100. fciTuginca, 98. festiva, liii, 222. gemina, liv, 98. immaculata, 98, 99. jactans, 111. jocosa, Iv, 199. hinhergi, liv, 99. longa, 98. onaculata, liii, 222. marmorata, Iv, 145. ohscura, liv, 98. o&^ec/a, liii, 226. octoguttata, 216. opponens, liv, 102. pavo, 98. lohilmmata, liii, 218. imsilla, Iv, 189. pustulata, 184. quadi-ilineata, liv, 101. reducta, 98. repanda, Iv, 150. rubroraaculata, liv, 101. sangninolenta, liii, 218. semicircularis, Hv, 97. speciosa, liii, 217. 82 spinosa, 227. splendidula, 220. suavissima, Iv, 199. Buturella, 199. testacca, liii, 219. tripars, Iv, 199. unimaculata, liv, 99. vaginata, liii, 223. Thamnotettix, liv, 111. alacer, Iv, 199. bipunctata, liv, 111. malaya, 91. SMiCP, Iv, 199. Thessitds, Iv, 12, 18. insignis, 19. mortuifolia, 19. nigro-notatus, 19. TnOMSONIELLA, liv, 104. kirschbauniii, 104. Tibicen, liii, 231 : Iv, 158, 178, 187. apicalis, 231; liv, 117; Iv, 188. auratus, Iv, 178. aurengzebe, 230 ; Iv, 187. nana, Iv, 189. brunneus, liv, 157. pusillus, Iv, 189. subvitta, liii, 230 ; liv, 217 ; Iv, 188. Titdria, liv, 96. nigromarginata, Iv, 198. planata, liv, 96. TOMASPIS, liv, 13. circumdncta, 13. larinia, 17. pudcns, 16. signifera, 15. TOSENA, liii, 217 ; Iv, 151. albata, 217; Iv, 152. dives, 221. mearesiana, 217; Iv, 151. melanoptera, 217 ; Iv, 151. splendida, 217; Iv, 152. Tkicentkus, Iv, 108. U. fainnairei, 198. Urjyops, Iv, 35. Triopsis, Iv, 33. percheronii, 35. Tnoi'ii.uciiiN'A, Iv, 37. Ukophora, Hv, 11(3. Tuopiuuciius, Iv, 38. hardwickii, 110. laridiTS, 38. 'J'Y.Ml'ANlSTliIA, Iv, 178. "^- TYMl>ANOTEia'KS, Iv, 178. XlPHOPJSUS, liv, 83. pilosus, 83. 83