|| HILL-SIDE DITCHING. BY NICHOLAS T. SORSBY, M_D., OF ALABAMA, — ” “ a 2) >» a » r a > > >} 4 S > a 3 ai > Iie 5 >i - pe ? + | > ai . > 3 > > > >» i >i B > > : Mobile: ae tee OO BT BoE & C.O. i 1860. ner ee ee ee : a Pol Glass Sa | er = Book ‘ SMITHSONIAN DEPOSIT. , ae pe oF wt oJ * al 2 mal Ml ey a he a oe ook? Mss me ‘=e i - as, F ¥ i, su .! as : 7 an o ae me ys, 7 _ Biv “ as | See a a > a i wt oe ae 7 i . ‘eee wi _ oo a _ Te sf od my : : 6 a Cee P ar) o ; o “3 ay a \ : uae eur i si m+ A sr et ae = ht a ee ee a ‘ 4 Geel i ae > Ae Pste” ) “WI Ty ae) ee i at eee eee Py ae FC : . _ : “~ ay os at ae ee eee. st a iy a ar Se oe, nn Ln eat Pa ‘fam or Pat aa © 7 : 7S lie | Sis a . > Ait Sears y tO i ek D 7 . J) 2 > a ee : Ears i Ve ~~ ay aa eee eee Ee) on HORIZONTAL PLOWING HILL-SIDE DITCHING. A BY NICHOLAS T. SORSBY, M.D., OF ALABAMA, ca Mobile: iS. Eben @ io TZ Tick CO. 1860. Ea) Divas a IP ea © i. This Essay was published in pamphlet form, and in the Transactions oF THE Nortru Carouina State AGricuLturaL Society, and in the Nortu CaroLina Puianter, in 1858; and in the SourHerN Puanrter, Va., and in the American Corton PLANTER AND SoIL OF THE SouTH, in 1859. In order to correct the errors of those issues, and extend its usefulness further, the author has consented to publish a cheap edition of it. It has been pronounced the “best Essay ever written on the subject,” but as we are all liable to err, the author will be thankful to have any error or ambi- guity of language pointed out to him, so that in a future edition they may be corrected or explained. THE PUBLISHERS. » 7 a ths ane, ary a’ SS wh — 1a" ie » ota §@s oy , ial tr — Seis i y bin sa Pa fim ge tah lise valy ‘ae W The of aed 7 2 : ns ol : ¥ a aah ie pi ngile, ee ’ oy . ue 1 34. ‘i et : ‘Y's i Acad ithe sit . a ot ae ae : eo : » a: _ 7 .: . We 7 a uf af wii ee at Ny: <4 oh Pye it > & ii iad out in a e om 7 a _ a ee 4a fs ee i a Us ‘baih.gl’ ene iu - 4 ye ut, a f Fi Pies? -sei vn “— a. 2 a hy a ae of, gpk ®t omeinast ea, stil ob }: tes ae Ge -r ‘ine, Pla lui i & ~ - - No. 1. 2. “ am = a = - Coro 3. Grading Method, - ag Paue aE 4. « « = ie a = soo: 5 « “4 Bs 7 a a aS 8 6 6 - “ 4. Not illustrated. Ny 1 3969 AD ON HORIZONTAL PLOWING AND HILL-SIDE DITCHING. Fic. 2—BRICK-YARD FIELD, 10 ACRES. HIKNN EXPLANATION OF THE FIGURE. 1. Level Method, - - - - - - No. 1. 2. Grading Method, - - - - - =" eg, 3. ce cc Ps 7 ia = _ 7 “ BY The gully was stopped in two years. Norr.—Since the foregoing was published, I have seen the following, which settles the introduction of the horizontal culture in the United States on Mr. Jefferson : “The practice of horizontal cultivation, or ‘circling’ the rows, so as to keep them ona level on billy and rolling land, was introduced by the late Mr. William Dunbar, of the Forest, in Adams County, Mississippi, (as Mr. Dun- bar is known to have stated in conversation in the town of Washington, in 1810,) at the suggestion of Mr. Jefferson, of whom Mr. Dunbar was a corre- spondent for many years, when the former was President of the United States. Having observed when in France, this economical manner of cultivating the mountain sides, Mr. Jefferson recommended it as well adapted to our broken lands. The practice was tardily adopted, and, like all similar innovations on established usages, met at first with its share of ridicule.”—From Waile’s Report on the Geology and Agriculiure of Mississippi. _ (See the reference in the “‘ History or Horizontat Cuuturg,” page 9.) Ne Ess. lane oc, oe WME are hs. ar ae $ q Lia TT Oe TATRA ee TEE TT! S20 Se rs , = ig = j : a Aww ran | i ( i ae : : aa ye hy Hard anny wv Ca ‘Tiina q 00009367317 > LNG © : a : if ae bat ; =" vi i e ; a