n.jSftfllPLifli *S f\ JOHNA.SEAVERNS W** sSif TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES 9 sn 'j&4~ •. Sulph. ether 1 pint. Aromatic Spirits Ammonia 1 pint. Sweet Spirits Nitre 2 pints. Asafcetida (pure) £ ft. Camphor i ft. Bottle and let it stand fourteen days, with frequent shaking, and it will be fit for use. Dose— One ounce, more or less, according to severity of the case, once in from thirty minutes to an hour. Give in a little water. To enable its immediate use, substitute same proportion of tincture for the gum. Flatulent Colic. Same symptoms as spasmodic colic, except that the accumula- tion of gas in the stomach and intestines is such as to cause the belly to swell. This disease often proves fatal in two or three hours. Generally it attacks the horse very suddenly, often occurring while the animal is at work, particularly during warm, or change- 90 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. able weather, from cold to heat. Indigestion is a general cause, producing gas in the stomach and bowels. The two locations and causes for this disease are — the stomach, colon and coecum. When in the stomach it will be known by eructations or belch- ing of gas through the esophagus or gullet. If from the coecum or colon, the horse is violently swollen along the belly and sides. The pulse rarely is disturbed until the disease advances, when it will become quickened, running to its height quickly and receding as rapidly if fatal. First stage of Flatulent Colic. If to terminate fatally it will become weaker and slower until it is almost imperceptible. Should the animal suddenly fall down during great pressure of gas against the walls of the stomach, there is danger of rupturing the diaphragm, causing almost instant death from suffocation. Treatment — Keep up evaporation of the body as much as possible by sweating with blankets. A hot bath would be still better. If you have on hand the remedy recommended for spas- modic colic, give at once as directed. Should it not be available, give a drench of the following : Sulph. ether 2 oz. Peppermint 2 oz. Laudanum 1 oz. Soft Water 1 pint. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 91 If the horse is not too sick to get up during the intervals of administering the mixture,, keep him in motion. Eepeat the dose in half or three-quarters of an hour if not improved. There is great danger of the diaphragm being ruptured, through the distention of the intestines, in this disease. To keep the animal on his feet in the stall, and prevent those violent falls and rolling about, and to avoid irritation or action on the bowels, it would be advisable to walk the horse as slowly as Last stage of Colic. possible', led by the head to prevent falling or rolling, until such time as the treatment has had the desired effect. Catarrh or Cold. Colds, if neglected, may lead to serious consequences, and are of common occurrence. By a little rest and nursing, in time the system will soon resume its normal condition. Usually, the symptoms are a slight mere use of the pulse, followed by a slight discharge from the nose; loss of appetite; hair roughed; and a cough, which sometimes is quite severe. Give aconite as for a fever, and blanket warmly. Give bran mashes, etc. In serious cases, it may run into inflammation of the air passages, as bronchitis or laryngitis. Give fever medicine, and alternate with belladonna. Aim to keep up the strength. Put on a bag made of coarse, loose cloth, into which put some hot bran, on which throw an ounce or too of turpentine. Hang the sack on the horse's head, being careful to leave an opening to allow some "of the steam to escape, so it will not scald his nose. A repetition of this treatment a few times will 92 DISEASE OF THE HOESE. start the nose running freely. Complete this treatment with judi- cious1 rest and care. To relieve obstinate inflammation of the throat and air-passages, apply a good liniment to the throat and chest. This will stimulate the surface. Strangles, or Distemper. This form of sore throat has for its design the throwing off of some poisonous matter from the system. You should keep up the strength of the animal, and hasten suppuration. The horse's neck becomes sore and stiff, and there is an enlargement which is hard at first; the nose discharges matter. The horse generally becomes Strangles, or Distemper. worse, and, when very bad, causes suffocation ; he is able to eat very little, and he loses strength rapidly. A poultice of warm vinegar and bran, freely used and changed as often as it becomes dry, will do much good if applied until the enlargement becomes soft, and can be opened. Another treatment is to take spirits of camphor, one part ; spirits of turpentine, two parts; laudanum, one part. Apply to the neck with a brush three or four times a day until soreness is pro- duced. After each application, put three or four thick pieces of flannel over the parts, binding them on with a bandage. When the tumor comes to a bead or point, open it to allow the DISEASES OF THE HOESE. 93 matter to escape thoroughly. In case the swelling is very deep, and causes serious soreness and swelling of the throat, nurse the horse carefully by feeding with warm gruel, give warm drink, tempt his appetite with grass, &c. Rubbing the enlargement with fly blister, to bring it to a head, is often resorted to. No physic should be given. Poll-Evil and Fistula of the Withers. The treatment of these difficulties is the same for one as for the other — their characters being the same. Poll-Evil is oftentimes caused by the poll striking a beam or against the floor. Sometimes it may be the result of con- stitutional predisposition. When the enlargement and inflammation are first noticed, you may may be able to dispose of it by giving a dose of physic and applying cooling applications to the part. If the inflammation has not become reduced, clip the hair from the part and rub on some blistering ointment. Should the swelling enlarge, open and allow the pus to escape. In the treatment of all ulcers keep one point in mind, which is, to make an opening at the bottom if you can, to allow the matter to run out, as matter will always burrow toward the bottom. This is done by running a seaton through, bringing it out just below the bottom of the wound. Wash out the sore clean. It should be afterwards bathed with any of the healing preparations for ulcers given in another page. If pipes are formed requiring caustic medicine, use either chloride of zinc, corrosive sublimate, or any strong escorotic to destroy this growth, after which treat as before. 94 DISEASES OP HOEBE. These difficulties require proper dressing daily. Fistula of the Withers should be treated in the same manner. The principle of treating these difficulties is the same as that for deep-seated ulcers. Special directions for the treatment of them will be found under the head of Ulcers, &c. Sweeny. All reliable practitioners have discarded Sweeny as a fictitious disease. It is claimed that Sweeney is the effect of diseases of the feet, such as ossification of the lateral cartilage, contraction, corns, navicular diseases, etc., producing atrophy of the muscles of the shoulder, and their treatment would be to remove the cause, and the effect would disappear. To follow a local treatment of Sweeney, or filling-up of the shoulder, you do so by the application of most any stimulating treatment. The simplest and best, never-failing remedy is the application of soft-soap. Horsemen consider it invaluable. Add a little salt to soft-soap, and rub on the parts thoroughly four or five times during the week. Four or five applications will fill up the depression of a bad case. The regular treatment consists of seatoning and blistering, but the above will answer for local treatment. Spavins — two hinds. There are two kinds of Spavin, jack and occult or consolidated oint. The first is situated at the upper portion of the metatarsal bone at its juncture with cuboid bones. Spavins of both kinds have their origin from the same causes — DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 95 inflammation of the cartilage of the joint in the first instance and extending to ulceration of the bone, consequently bony matter is thrown out, uniting more or less of the hock and excess of matter and ulceration of the bones from the enlargement. The causes of Spavin, though numerous, are traceable principally to sprains, blows and hard work, or any cause exciting inflammation of this part. Bone Spavin. At the beginning the symptoms are treacherous. Horses are often treated for hip lameness before any enlargement makes its appearance. The horse, while laboring under acute inflammation of the hock joint, is at first very lame. Generally, the tumor makes its appearance from the fifth to the eighth week. At times, the lameness is gradual — hardly perceptible at first — becoming worse until there is a decided lameness at starting, which will in a short time wear off as the horse becomes warmed up. There are various remedies and applications. Some men pretend to remove spavins. The skillful practitioner knows better. It will 96 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. be seen that if such people can remove the external tumor, they cannot separate the bones that are united, and horses may be spa- vined without any visible enlargement. Blood Spavin. Natural Action. Spavined Leg. Take cantharides 2 oz., mercurial ointment 4 oz., tincture of iodine 3 oz., turpentine 4 oz., corrosive sublimate 3 drams ; mix well with lib lard. After well blistered, dress with calomel salve. Blood Spavin. This disease, when once well seated, is incurable; but if taken in its acute state, bandaging tight and kept wet with cold water is the best treatment. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 97 Heaves Are produced by driving the horse against a heavy current of air, and inhaling an excess of air; thus overcharging the lungs, they become ruptured, and when once ruptured, can never be cured The food should be well wet, so that he will inhale no dust while eating, as it is very injurious. The dust of a threshing machine for one' day is worse than to feed with clover-hay for a month. Glanders. Glanders is an affection of the glands of the head, and may be known by a flow of white matter from one or both nostrils, accom- panied by an offensive smell. It may be told from common dis- temper, as the secretions from distemper will float on water, while that from glanders will sink immediately. It cannot be cure'd, but may be relieved. Lockjaw, or Tetanus, Is produced from some injury received by the nervous system, injury to the spinal column, a rap on the top of the head, a nail driven into the quick by the smith, or one picked up on the road. Symptoms. He stretches himself at full length, hangs his head down, is stiff all over, his jaws immovably fixed. Treatment—Open his bowels with a drench of ten drams of aloes, three drams calomel, in one pint of linseed oil. Keep him in a com- fortable box, feed him on whatever he can eat— bran mashes, boiled oats, or, if he is very bad, give him a sloppy drink of oat-meal, rye- meal, or linseed-meal, whichever he can take. Bots. Bots are one of the natural appendages of the stomach of a horse —as much so as his lungs, arteries, nerves, or any other essential part of his vital organism. They never injure the horse. They have been placed in the stomach of all horses by nature, for a specific purpose, and no horse can live without them in the stomach a 98 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. They are in the stomach of all horses at the time of foaling, and number about the same — or no more or less — at any age of the horse. They never lose their hold of the lining of the stomach under any circumstances. The heart was given to propel the blood ; the lungs to breathe j the eye, to see ; the ear, to hear ; and the bots, to aid digestion. The life and health of the horse is dependent upon the bots. When the horse is sick the bots are sick ; any description of food good for the horse is good for the bots. They never injure a horse except when they become diseased — the same as any other vital part. If your horse is over-heated or exhausted from work, and is attacked with colic or any description of inflammation, the bots suffer equally with the horse ; anything given the horse that will kill the bots, is liable to kill the horse also. "When you keep your horse in good condition, well and regularly fed, there is no danger. Bots have been used heretofore to cover up the ignorance of the farrier. If your horse dies of inflammation of the brain they would say he died of bots ; if he dies of lung fever the same thing is said ; if he dies of colic or anything else, it is always attributed to the bots — when, in fact, no horse ever died directly from their effects. The quid has been given to the sheep and cow, so that they may belch up their food and ruminate or re-chew it, thereby preparing it for the digestive organs, while the bots have been given to the horse to perform the same work for him, without taxing him with the labor of re-chewing ; besides, his owner might require some hard or fast work of him, just at the time when he should be re-chewing his food. The gad-fly or nit-bee has nothing to do with the production of the bot, no more than the horse-fly, buffalo-gnat, or any other fly ; all the harm they do is the tickling and buzzing sensation that they pro- duce in the particularly ticklish portion of the horse that they visit ; the wasp, hornet, and other insects, torment horses, yet there are DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 99 no bots ever attributed to any of them ; you can punish a horse as much with a fine straw or a piece of paper twisted to a point, by tickling him under the throat, in the flank, or upon the legs, as much as the gad-fly does, or by catching a fly and holding close to his ear while it makes a buzzing noise, all of which he attempts to escape from, as much as from the presence of the gad-fly. It is impossible for him to lick or bite the nits from off his legs, belly or throat, without pulling the hair off, and as no horse ever swallows any hair, it is impossible for them to be carried into the stomach ; besides, there are thousands of horses in warm climates, and in stables, that never see any gad-flies, yet all horses have bots. All that has been written in connection with the gad-flies produc- ing bots, and all of the technical terms used to illustrate them and their effects, have been to fill works upon the horse. Bots, as a disease in horses, like that of the kmpas and many other old notions, will soon be obsolete. Lamp as. Lampas is a fullness and inflammation of the front portion of the roof of the mouth, near the teeth. I here have to combat with an old-established opinion, that lam- pas is a disease in horses ; but eighteen years' experience has taught me that there is no such disease. The gums of all young horses are swollen below the teeth, as nature intended they should be, and all of the discomforts of the horse attributed to lampas, is the effect of improper feed and bad care. You never find a horse of five years old with lampers ; at this age the gums recede above the teeth, and continue to do so as they grow older. The practice of burning colts for the lampas is a severe and savage practice, destroying the roof of the mouth, and the power of retain- ing the food until it can be well masticated. The hard gristly bars in the roof of all colts' mouths, have been 100 DISEASES OE THE HOESE. placed there by nature for specific purposes. 1st, it is quite insen- sible to the touch, and with this hard bar he picks grass and grinds his feed while his teeth are tender and being shed ; 2nd, a large artery terminates in the roof of the mouth, and those bars hare been placed there to protect it from rupture. To relieve him, give him plenty of oats and bran well wet up ; give him plenty of carrots, turnips or potatoes, plenty of nice clover hay, clean water, fresh air, a dry bed, and you will never be troubled with lampas. You might as well burn off one ear, or burn out one ere (then he w@uld have one ear to hear with, and one eye to see with) ; but when you burn out his mouth, he has nothing to suppl it with, and you disable and per- petually torture him. To Strengthen the Tendons After Hard Driving, and Reduce the Swelling of the Legs. Camphor Gum | oz. Grum Myrrh 1 oz. Oil of Spike 1 oz. Alcohol 1 pt. Organum 1 oz. Beef's Gall 1 ordinary size. Wash and rub dry, then apply the liniment ; after winch rub dry j again apply the liniment to the limb and bandage moderately tight. This remedy I consider the best ever used for the purpose recom- mended. Grease Reels. This is a greasy, white, offensive discharge from the heels of the horse. The skin becomes tender, hot and swollen. The acrid charac- ter of the discharge causes portion* of the skin to slough away, leaving an ugly sore. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 101 Treatment— with the following ball open the bowels :— Pulverised Gentian Boot 2 drams. Barbadoes Aloes 1 oz> Pulverised Ginger 1 dram. Water sufficient to make the ball. Poultice and wash the parts well for two or three days with the following :— Flaxseed meal, mixed with a solution of 2 drams sul- phate of zinc, to a pint of water, which— keep clean— bathe often with a solution of chloride of lime or of zinc. Glycerine can also be used. Scratches — Cure. Glycerine j. oz Tincture Arnica 4, oz_ In several cases, where heels are cracked, add : Tincture of Myrrh 2 oz. Iodine 1 oz. Gunpowder (powdered fine) i oz. Put in bottle and shake well. Apply two or three times a day. First, give the horse a few bran mashes. Quitter. This is a formation of pus between the hoof and the soft structure within. A sore at the coronet, or upper part of the foot, which at first is a hard, smooth tumor, soon becomes soft and breaks, dis- charging quantities of pus. Treatment.— Poultice the foot for several clays with flaxseed meal As soon as the hoof becomes soft, cut away the loose portions, but no more, and inject with a syringe the following once a day :— Nitrate of silver, 2 drams in a pint of water ; or Chloride of zinc, 2 drams dissolved in a pint of water ; or Sulphate of zinc, 1| drams in a pint of water. Glycerine is sometimes used advantageously. 102 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. Clean the foot well with castile soap and water before vising the wash. Mange. Place your horse in the sun and scrub him thoroughly with castile soap and water ; then wash him well with gas water, putting in the water 2 drams of white hellebore to the gallon. Then change- him from his old stable to another one. One washing generally cures permanently. Thoroughly scrub the harness and put it away for six or eight weeks, as a necessary precaution against the disease. Mange Treatment No. 2. Linseed Oil 6 oz. Oil Turpentine 4 oz. Oil Tar 4 oz. Mix. Fatal Disease of the Foot. The report of the Statistician of the Department of Agriculture, in the Commissioner's report of 1869, states that a number of horses hare died of a peculiar disease of the foot, and says that diagnosis shows a separation of the ligaments of the coffin-joint and the foot. It reads : " The foot turns up, causing the animal to walk on the- ankle. The flexor-tendons are literally severed from the laminae, and the foot will drop off by simply cutting through the skin with a knife. None have ever been cured and no one appears to know the cause of the difficulty. No cases so extreme as those described by the Statistician have come to our personal knowledge, but we have little doubt that it will prove on investigation, which we are making, that the cause of the terrible malady is in the use of shoes of improper con- struction, neglect of the form of the foot, a proper form of which is so essential to health, and the too liberal use of cold water on the feet and legs, when the animal was in a heated condition, or too much dampness of the stable or pastures in which the animals were kept, or, perhaps, all combined. DISEASES OF TIIE HOESE. 103 Nasal Gleet. The result of neglected catarrh is a chronic discharge, from one or both nostrils, of a whitish, muco-purulent matter. The animal looks, feeds and works well, though he has this dis- charge, which is caused by weakness in the secretory vessels of the lining membrane of the nose. A treatment on the tonic principle has been successfully used in this disorder. Purging and bleeding are decidedly hurtful. Give one of the following powders night and morning : Carbonate of Iron 1 oz. Gentian, pulverised 1 oz. Quassia, „ 1 oz. Divide into four powders. Or— Sequi-chloride of iron 2 oz. Cinnamon 1 oz. Divide into four powders. Or— JSux Vomica, pulverised \ oz. Linseed Meal 2 oz. Divide into eight powders. Or— Muriate of Barytes \ oz. Linseed Meal 1 oz. Divide into eight powders. The best known. One should be given night and morning. Cure of Farcy. Black Antimony 1 oz. Saltpetre § lb. Sulphur i lb. If acute : Dose — One tablespoonful twice a day. If sub-acute, once or twice a week. 104 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. I give for this formidable disease : Three drams powdered sulphate of copper, given every night in the food until the horse refuses to eat. Repeat in a few days, but if the case is bad, give the medicine in water as a drench, for ten days, if he will not take it in his food. Ringbone. Many have supposed and asserted that this unsoundness in the horse was inheritable. This is erroneous, as Ringbones are the result of injuries, and often occur when the colt is but a few days old, especially if it is compelled to follow the dam too far on a hard road, before the feet have acquired sufficient strength and solidity. Requiring the young foal to stand on a hard floor will also produce them. They are produced in the horse, after he has arrived at the age to be shod, by allowing the toes of the feet to get too long ; from slipping on the ice ; shoeing without support to the soles ; tramping on the feet by other horses, and various other causes. The Ringbone is a knot, or excrescence of ossified bone, usually forming in the region of the articulation of the coffin and lower pastern bones ; hence, they destroy, in a greater or less degree, the action of that very important joint, and generally produce permanent lameness. Prevention by care and good management is more simple than cure. In purchasing a horse it will be prudent to examine all the feet by the pressure of the finger on the skin all around the pastern, from the lower margin of the hair to the height of three inches, as Ringbone may sometimes be detected in this manner when it is not visible, especially in the incipient state. We have seen excrescences form on the bone near the foot from bruises, which never produced lameness, though they are suspicious blemishes. DISEASES OF THE HOESE. 105 Use a strong blister in its acute state ; if of old standing its cure is difficult and doubtful. Sprains in the Stifle. Symptoms. — The liorse holds up his foot, moans when moved, swells in stifle ; this is what is called stifling. There is no such thing as this joint getting out of place. It gets sprained the same as any other joint, and the patella may slip from its place, which acts as a stay to the joint. The tendons and ligaments become contracted, and lameness follows. To relieve it, foment the joint well, stimulate it with some strong linament or a slight blister. The Nerve Operation. A most barbarous operation called "nerving," or "neurotomy," was discovered in England, and was subsequently introduced into this country ; nothing more disgraceful was ever imported into any country claiming civilization. It consisted in laying bare, taking up and cutting out from an inch to one and a half inches of the metacarpal nerve, producing the most excruciating pain. We illustrate the operation for the purpose of exposing the cruelty of it, that no one will ever be guilty of such wanton torture again. By reference to the annexed plate (page 106), it will be sufficiently explained. We would suggest as a humane substitute for this operation, to shoot the horse in the brain, and thus put an end to the suffering of the pitiable animal as speedily as possible. If a proper shoe is applied when the horse is first shod, and its vise continued, all the organs of the foot will be maintained in their 106 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. natural, respective and relative positions, and health, vigor and pro- tracted usefulness will be secured, and there will be no necessity for the brutal operation of neurotomy. Eeferences— Tipper Section.— a, A prober passed under .the nerve; b, the nerve ; c, the artery ; d, the back sinews, or flexor tendons. Lower Section. — a, The nerve; b, the artery; c, the vein; d, a bran n- °f the nerve between the vein and artery, not divided in the low operation. Sow to Treat Contracted Feei. By reference to the foot in the plate illustrating the process of nerving, three grooves will be seen in the wall. These grooves we make in the hard crust of the foot of patients suffering from long standing, and severe contraction of the heels. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 107 The forward groove is placed directly over the points or wings of the coffin-bone, where the pressure of the contracted wall is most severe on the metacarpal nerve ; back of this we cut two others parallel. These grooves should be cut from one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch in depth and the same width, according to the strength of the wall and the extent of the contractions. We use a narrow gouge with which to cut the grooves, and cut them before the shoe is set, by placing the bottom of the foot on a block some twenty inches in height, and use a light mallet to drive the gouge. The operation of grooving, three on the outer and two on the inner side of the foot, does not require more than five or ten minutes, and may be done by any person of ordinary judgment, as it only requires- a little care not to cut the groove so deep as to disturb the sensitive portion of the foot, which will be indicated by blood showing in the bottom of the groove, a slight show of which need not alarm the operator, though it is preferable to take sufficient time and care in performing the operation, to do it in the best possible manner, as Shoe for Spreading the Heal. it doubles the value of the horse the instant the operation is com- pleted and our shoe for spreading the heel is properly set. The- above cut is a drawing of this shoe, with five nail-holes in front and none in the heels. 108 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. This shoe is generally understood by the skilled blacksmith, and requires great care in the fitting to make it perform its desired work, which is to spread the heel slowly. It will be seen by the cut that the portion of the shoe resting on the heel is about one-eighth of an inch higher on the inside than on the outside at the heel. In fact, the shoe is convexed from the last nail to the heel. The cut represents the surface of the shoe next to the hoof. The shoe should be a trifle wider at the heel than the hoof. Care must be taken that the shoe does not rest on the sole of the foot, but bear on the wall. The best way to fit this shoe is to fit it cold as well as you can. Then heat it and apply it to the hoof, and make an impression on the foot with the hot shoe. This will enable the smith to get a better fit than he could by fitting it cold. Aitec these grooves are made in the hoof, and the above shoe properly fitted, it will at once double the value of the horse. Founder. Founder is produced by the sudden transition from heat to cold* For instance, by driving a horse until he is hot, then allowing him to stand in a cold current of air, or giving him a heavy draught of cold water while warm, thereby checking the circulation of the blood to the extremities. It is frequently produced by driving fast on hard roads, which produce inflammation of the delicate plates called la- minae, by which the hoof is attached to the sensitive foot. It also occurs from overloading the stomach by too much wheat, oats, barley or peas, as h often seen when a horse gets loose during the night, getting to the grain-bin ; the food, taken into the stomach in such large quantities, and a portion of it dry, when wet by the stomach, swells to such an extent that it prevents the blood from circulating, and produces founder. No horse will be foundered from giving him his ordinary amount DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 109 of feed at any time. Symptoms : Shivering and uneasiness ; he refuses his food, moves about with the fore-feet, and seems restless ; the mouth is hot, the pulse full and quickened ; soon the pain in the feet becomes evident, he sometimes inclines to lie, points with the muzzle to the feet, which are hot and tender; he advances them in front, resting principally on the heels ; while the hind-feet are well drawn under him ; on backing him, he- backs with reluctance ; when forced back, he drags one foot after the other, evincing considerable pain in so doing. When moved forward he walks on his heels, his movements being slow and difficult. The bowels are costive and fever runs high. Treatment. — Give the horse a good bedding of straw, in a large well- ventilated stall, so as to encourage him to lie down, which, by removing the weight from the inflamed parts, will relieve his sufferings very much, and assist in hastening the cure. As soon as his bed is fixed, give him twenty drops of the tincture of aconite-root in a half-pint of cold water, poured into his mouth with a bottle < having a strong neck, and repeat this dose every four hours until six or eight doses have been given. Also apply 110 DISEASES OF THE HORSE. a cloth wet in ice water to the feet, and keep wet with the same for several hours until the severe pain has been relieved- Wet the cloths often, and continue for two or three days, or longer if necessary. Give plenty of cold water to drink. The above treatment should be adopted as soon as possible after the horse has been attacked with founder. Let the horse have rest until he has fully recovered. Give grass or mashes for two or three days, and then give a good and fair amount of food. This cut represents the seat of the ringbone. Fig. 1, the joint between the pastern-bones ; Fig. 2, the joint between the lower pastern (or small pastern) and the coffin-bone. Splints. This cut shows the location of the different splints on the fore leg. Fig. 1— A splint near the knee; Fig. 2, a low splint j DISEASES OF THE HOKSE. Ill Fig. 3, a small bony growth on the front of the leg, also called splint. Curb. This is one of the many diseases of the hock-joint, and consists of an enlargement or gradual bulging out at the posterior part of the hock. [See above cut.] Shoulder-joint Lameness. This difficulty, being located in the joint, is much more serious than the shoulder lameness just described, and it is more difficult to effect a perfect cure of it. Symptoms.— The animal drags the leg, with the toe on the ground, nd throws the leg out in attempting to move it. It is with great difficulty that he can raise his foot. Treatment.— If the treatment is not put off too long, a cure 112 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. may reasonably be expected, if the following directions are fol- lowed. This disease, being similar to a spavin in the hock- joint, should have similar treatment. If the part is very hot, reduce the temperature by cold cloths ; or perhaps hot fomentations may work well instead of the cold ; then apply a mild blister. To Kill Lice on Horses. Place your horse in a warm place and wash him thoroughly with 1 ounce of arsenic dissolved in a pail of water. Hen and human lice thrive well on horses, and the above recipe will always exterminate them. Condition Potvders. G-entian Root, pulverized 2 oz. Anise Seed, pulverized ••• 1 oz. Ginger 1 J*. Fenugreek Seed 1 oz- Seed of Sumach Berries, pulverized 1 oz. Antimony 1 oz- Mix with one pound of brown sugar. Nothing better for colds and coughs, and to improve a horse's appetite. Liniment of Extraordinary Merit for all Purposes. Turpentine 1 Pint- Apple Yinegar 1 pint. Eggs ! Pint- Chloroform 1 dram. Carbolic Acid 1 dram. Bottle tight and shake well before using. Condition Potvder. Ashes • 1 quart- Flax-seed Meal 1 quart. g!alt 2 tablespoonsf ul. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 113 Mustard 1 tablespoonful. SalfcPetre 1 tablespoonful. Cayenne Pepper l teaspoonful. Dose — Two tablespoonsful once a day. Diruetic Drops. These drops will be found good for the stoppage of water, foul water, or inflammation of the kidneys. Gum Camphor, pulverized ± oz Sweet Spirits of Nitre 4 oz Treatment for Cuts or Wounds. If the wound or cut is very bad, trim the hair off closely around the edges, and wash carefully with soap and warm water. The object next is to produce a granulating process. In aU cases of wounds, cuts or ulcers, of any kind, you should bear in mind the importance of washing the matter, or syringing it from the affected part, with castile soap and warm water daily, and a dependent opening must be made to allow the matter to escape from the wound. Matter, in every case, burrows or pockets, and the principle is the same in every case. Use caustics to cut out all fungus or diseased growths, and using proportionately, more stimulating medicine for indolent ulcers than for those in a fresh state. The following ointment is unsurpassed for curing cuts and fresh wounds on horses : Beeswax x Palm0iI- ZZZZ'.'.Vib* ^lA- 2 lbs. G-um Turpentine , ., Calamine i " H llb- 114 DISEASES OE THE HORSE. Simmer over a slow fire and stir well together until thoroughly mixed. Wash the wound well with warm water and castile soap, and apply the ointment once a day. A Simple Sealing Preparation. Water £ pint. Tincture Myrrh 1 oz. Tincture Aloes 2 oz. Mix, and apply once a day. Ointment for Healing Cuts, Galls, Etc. Carbolic Acid 6 grains. Lard 1 oz. Oxide of Zinc, pulverized fine 4 drams. Melt the lard and stir in the zinc. Add the carbolic acid and mix thoroughly. By applying this ointment once or twice a day to the injured part> it will cause a healthy discharge from a foul ulcer. Liniment for Open Wounds. White Vitriol 2 oz. Sulphate of Copper 1 oz. Muriate of Soda (Salt) 2 oz. Linseed Oil 2 oz. Orleans Molasses 8 oz. Boil the above ingredients in a pint of urine, for fifteen minutes. When nearly cold, add 1 oz. oil of vitrol and 4 oz. spirits of tur- pentine, and bottle for use. To quickly set the wound to discharging, apply the liniment to the wound with a quill, which will perform a cure in a few days. Valuable Wash for Fresh Wounds. Copperas 1 teaspoonful. Fine gunpowder 2 teaspoonsful. White Vitriol 1 teaspoonful. DISEASES OF THE HORSE. 115 Add 1 quart of boiling water. Let it stand until cool. For deep wounds apply with a syringe. Liniment for Foul Ulcers. Nitric Acid x Sulphate of Copper 2 oz Water 8tol2oz. Cooling Liniment for External Inflammation. VineSar 2oz. Spirits of Wine 3 Qz Goulard Extract 1 oz Water ...Hpinte! Apply with a bandage. For Inflamed Leg, Galled Back or Shoulders. Spirits of Wine 2 oz Yine£ar 4oz." Sal Ammoniac i 1 oz. Tincture Arnica 2 drams. Water t .. -2 pint. Mix and bathe often and thoroughly. Sticking Plaster for Cuts and Wounds. Tallow 2oz. Burgundy Pitch 4 oz Spread on linen while hot. Cut in strips of proper length and width. First, draw the cut together, warm the strips and apply them. Cut the hair short where you apply the strips. Wash for Reducing Inflamed Wounds. Crotus Martes i Sulphate of Zinc j Sugar of Lead i Qz Water .'.'.I pint. Prevents bad smell in sores. 116 DISEASES OE THE HOESE. To Prevent Swelling, Following a Bruise or Sprain Tincture Arnica 2 oz. Cold Water 1 qt. Anodyne Stimulating Liniment. Sulphuric Ether 1* oz. Spirits of Turpentine ioz. Spirits of Hartshorn 1| oz. Sweet Oil I oz. Oil of Cloves I oz. Chloroform ■" 1 oz. This liniment relieves pain and is unsurpassed for strains, lameness and soreness. Put the liniment in a strong eight ounce bottle, cork tight, and keep in the dark. When used rub in well. Magic Liniment. Organum 2 oz. Hemlock 2 oz. Oil of Spike 2 oz. Sweet Oil 4 oz. Wormwood 2 oz . Spirits Ammonia 2 oz. Spirits Turpentine 2 oz. Gum Camphor 2 oz. Proof Spirits (90 per cent.) 1 qt. Bottle tight after mixing. It is beneficial for bruises, sprains, etc., and a fine counter irritant for inflammation and pleurisy. For Neio Strains. Carbonate Ammonia 2 oz. Apple Vinegar ■£ gilh Rub in well. DISEASES OF THE HOESE. 117 Sealing Compound. Calamine, pulverized 2 drams. Gum Camphor 1 dram. Prepared Chalk - 1 0z. Burnt Alum \ oz. Mix. Sprinkle on the affected part, and in a few hours it will heal. Good for collar or saddle galls, fresh wounds, and for any sore or lacerated mouths, or any trouble requiring great astringent healing proper- ties. This wonderful powder is well known by having been extensively advertised through this country. Caustics. Substances used to burn away tissues of the body by decomposition of their elements are termed caustics, and are valuable in destroying fungus growth and renew a healthy action. Nitrate of Silver is excellent to lower granulation. Corrosive sublimate in powder acts energetically. Sulphate of copper is not so strong as nitrate of silver, but good. Chloride of zinc is a powerful caustic. It may be used in sinuses ; in solution, 7 drams in a pint of water. Mild Caustics. A wound or ulcer will not heal while there remains any foreign substance in the shape of splinters, pieces of bone, hair, &c. No matter what treatment you subject the wound to, it will not heal so long as foreign substances remain in the cut. Wash with, or inject, warm water and castile soap, after which regular digestive ointment can be used. But if fungus growths 118 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. cannot be removed with the knife, use a caustic — a little of which is to be put on the part or in the sinews. Carrying this treatment in the extreme implies using a hot iron (the actual cautery) . Balls for Farcy. No. 1— Calomel 20 grains. Common Turpentine.. 3 drams. Sulphate of Copper 1 dram. Syrup and liquorice to form a ball. No. 2— Iodide of Potassium 10 grains. Sulphate of Iron 2 drams. Gentian 2 drams. Ginger 1 dram. Treacle to form a ball. Another Diabetes Remedy. Alum \ drain. Catechu a oz- Sugar of Lead 10 grains. With conserve of roses to form a ball. Cough Balls. No. 1— Digitalis * dram. Nitre !a drams. Tartar Emetic i dram. Tar enough to form a ball. One every night. No. 2— Gum Ammoniac 3 drams. Opium I clram. Powdered Squills 1 dram. Syrup to form ball. For Bloody Urine. Sulphate of Zinc 40 grains. Catechu 4 drams. Acetate of Lead 10 grains. Conserve of roses to form a ball. Give one daily. DISEASES OF THE HOESE. 119 Condition Powder. This is the best tonic Condition Powder ever used, and is used in the Eastern cities at a high price, under various names, such a* Condition Food, &c. Salt if ftg. Common Brown Sugar Q fts. Carbonate Soda 6 oz. Ginger (ground) £ ft. Gentian (powdered) § ft. Cummin Seed (ground) 6 oz. Fenugreek (ground) ..6 oz. Grains Pax'adise (ground) \ ft. Meal 100 fts. Dose — One pint with the food. Incurable Diseases. There are some diseases or afflictions to which the horse is subject, which, when thoroughly established, are incurable ; among which are heaves, cribbing, thumps, windsucking, bog and bone spavins, curbs, ringbones and exosotosis on the joints. This latter class of unsoundness may, however, be palliated in incipiency, by blistering, but it should be administered by a skilled veterinarian. If not, the effect of the treatment may be worse than the disease. Watering Horses. The water from ponds, streams or rain-water cisterns, is much preferable to that from cold springs or wells, as the temperature of it is more natural and more conducive to health than cold water, and it is generally softer, a desirable quality of water for all animals. If the horse is to be driven rapidly, he should be watered frequently with tepid water, and there is great economy in removing the chill from the water used for idle animals in cold weather. 120 DISEASES OF THE HOESE. The food saved by observing this will pay many times the cost of tempering the water drank. It is very injudicious to water horses when away from home, with cold water, when they have been accustomed to warm water at home, as it is liable to produce lung fever, chills and severe colic. Bare Feet for Farm Horses. Horses used only on the farm and earth roads are better off without shoes in summer, unless the land is very rough and stony There is not only the saving of the cost of shoeing, but all the destructive effects arising from shoeing in the ordinary way will be avoided. By working the horse barefooted, the natural organs of support are used, and a healthful condition of the feet is maintained. It is well, however, to examine the bare feet twice a year, and in case they wear or grow irregularly, they should be pared to the proper shape. Horses used] for the road in winter should be sharp shod, but these shoes should be removed at the commencement of the plowing season. A VALUABLE ESSAY ON HORSE-SHOEING. A few years ago the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals offered a series of prizes for the best and most practical essays on horse-shoeing, in connection with comfort and soundness of the horse. About fifty essays were sent in, and were submitted to Prof. Williams, Principal of the Edinburgh Veterinary College; Mr. W. Kobertson, M.R.C.V.S., Kelso, and Mr. B. Cartledge, M.R.C.V.S., Sheffield, Examiners of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and Mr. J. C. Broad, M.R.C.V.8., London, by whom, after a very patient and careful exami- nation, the first prize was awarded to Mr. George Fleming for the following essay : 122 HORSE-SHOEING. It requires but little observation and reflection, one would think, in order to arrive at the conclusion that the art of horse-shoeing is not only an important one, so far as civilization and the ordinary every-day business of life is concerned, but that the successful utilization of the Horse, together with its welfare and comfort, in a great measure depend upon the correctness of the principles on which its practice is based, and the mode in which these principles are carried out by the artisan. For proof of this we have but to glance at the immense traffic in our great towns and cities in which the horse figures so prominently, at the same time remembering that, without a defence to its hoofs, this invaluable animal would be almost, if not quite, valueless, in consequence of the hardness of our artificial roads, and the great efforts demanded from him ; or, studying the anatomy and functions of the limbs and feet, to call to mind how these are wonderfully calculated to serve most essential purposes in locomotion and weight-sustaining, and how necessary it is, at the same time, that their natural adaptability be as little as possible thwarted or annulled by the interference of man in his endeavor to protect or aid them. From the earliest ages, the horse's foot and its envelop, the hoof, have been looked upon by horsemen as the principal region of the animal's body to which care and attention should be directed ; as, when these become injured or diseased, no matter how perfect and sound the other parts may be, the quadruped's services are diminished or altogether lost. Consequently, the preservation of these in an efficient and healthy state has ever been the aim of those who valued the Horse for the immense advantages his services were capable of conferring on mankind ; and in later years, those who have been moved by the sacred impulse of humanity toward the lower creatures, HORSE-SHOEING. 123 have not forgotten how much the noble animal may suffer from unskillful management of its feet, through the neglect or ignorance of those who have the special care of these organs. At a very early period in the domestication of the Horse, and particularly in western regions, it must have been soon discovered that, at certain seasons, on particular soils, and especially when called upon to perform any great amount of travelling and load- carrying, the horn composing the hoof underwent an amount of wear greater than nature could compensate for, and that the living sensitive structures within, becoming exposed and irritated by contact with the ground, gave rise to pain, lameness and inability to work. To guard against this serious result, the ingenuity of man must have been severely tested in devising a suitable and durable pro- tection for the ground-surface of the hoof, and among the many contrivances proposed, the most notable, and by far the most valuable, has been the device of nailing a plate of metal to the outer margin or wall of the hoof. The antiquity of this invention is very great, and it is probable that for many centuries the shoe was considered as nothing more than a simple defender of the hoof from the damaging effects of attrition, and occasionally as an aid in securing the animal's foothold during progression on slippery ground. As time advanced, however, and the services of the horse became increased a hundredfold by the application of this ingenious and simple expedient, the sciences of anatomy and physiology began to •embrace the Horse in their domain, and, crude as they were at first, it is to be feared that, when they were extended to the investigation of the structure and functions of the foot, the useful and com- paratively harmless protection of early days was made subservient to the most varied and fantastic theories ; and it must be admitted that for many years horse-shoeing, so far from proving a boon to horse-owners and a preserver of horses' feet, has been far from 124 HORSE-SHOEING-. yielding the benefits its scientific and reasonable application should afford. Indeed, it would be no exaggeration to assert that the predominating principles and practice of this art has been eminently destructive to horses and a source of great loss to their owners. These principles were founded on a misconception of the functions of the foot and of the part assumed by the hoof in locomotion, and their speedy popularization was due to the fact that they were congenial to the whims of fashion and were deemed essential to the improvement of nature, commending themselves to unreasoning and unreasonable minds like the fashions of cropping horses' and dogs' ears, cutting, nicking and docking tails, and other cruel fancies of depraved tastes. The amount of injury inflicted by an unscientific method of shoeing may be very much greater than a cursory inquiry would lead one to believe. To those experienced among horses, and who have directed their attention closely to the subject, the proportion of animals whose utility is directly or indirectly impaired by im- proper treatment of their feet must appear excessive, when compared with the other causes of inefficiency. Indeed, maladies of the feet and limbs, due, more or less, to faulty shoeing, form a very large percentage of the cases usually met with in veterinary practice. An act, therefore, which has so much influence for good or evil, so far as the usefulness and comfort of the horse are concerned, surely deserves the serious study of all those who are interested in that animal. A good system, founded on the teachings of anatomy and physiology, and perfected by daily experience, must prove of immense benefit to horse and owner ; while a bad system, conducted in ignorance or carelessness, cannot but bring about pain and speedy uselessness to the animal and loss to the proprietor. HOESE-SHOEING. 125 ANATOMY OF THE HORSE'S FOOT. One of the primary considerations for those who have the shoeing and management of the horse's foot, should be the acquisition of a knowledge of its structure and functions in health ; not a profound knowledge, certainly, such as the scientific Fig. 1.— Section of the Horse's Foot— a a, Skin of leg ; b b b, extensor tendon of foot ; c, its insertion into the foot-bone ; d d, capsular ligaments of joints; d' d', flexor tendon of foot inserted into sole of foot-bone (s) ; a e, flexor tendon of pastern inserted at / into the small pastern bone, i; g, shank or large metacarpal bone ; h, large pastem bone j fe, navicular bone ; I, foot or pedal bone ; m, ligaments of navicular bone connected with deep flexor tendon ; n, sensitive laminae, dovetailing with horny laminae n' ; o, plantar cushion; p, coronary cushion; q, horny frog; r, wall o' hoof ; t, sensitive membrane of frog and sole ; u, the face of the navicular bone over which the flexor tendon plays— the seat of navicular disease. veterinarian requires, but sufficient to enable them to understand the situation, relation, texture, and uses of the parts of the organ with which they have more particularly to deal. If the artisan does not possess this knowledge, is it possible that he can practice his handicraft to advantage, or minister effectually to the varied require- 126 HORSE-SIIOEING. rnents of this organ ? It must be admitted that he cannot do so ; and it is from neglect of this fundamental consideration that so much improper and vicious shoeing prevails, and that so many horses are crippled and prematurely worn out. By the majority of farriers the foot of the horse is looked upon as little, if anything, more than an insensible block of horn which they may carve and mutilate with impunity and as suit? their fancy, and for which nothing more is necessary than the attachment, by an unreasonable number of nails, of a clumsy mass of iron that may not only be unsuitable for its requirements, but positively injurious to it and the other parts of the limb. The art of farriery in this country has never received a scientific development, but has ever been a mere affair of routine and tradition. Such should not be the case ; and allusion is only made to this matter here in order to urge most strenuously the necessity for farriers being properly instructed in the elements of their art, and made to comprehend as much as may be required of the construction and functions of the very important organ upon which they are destined to exercise their skill. The horse's foot may be said, for practical purposes, to be intended not only as an organ of support and defence (or offence), but also as that part of the limb in which the efforts created elsewhere are concentrated, and as the instrument through which propulsion and progression may be mainly effected. It is also largely endowed, in a natural state, with the sense of touch, which enables the animal to travel with safety and confidence on rough as well as even, and on soft as well as hard ground. When we come to examine it in a methodical and careful manner, we find that it has for its basis the last three bones of the limb — the small pastern, navicular, and coffin or pedal bone. The latter is more particularly the foundation of the foot, and is the nucleus on which the hoof is moulded, and which in shape it much HORSE-SHOEING. 127 resembles. At its highest point in front, the larger extensor tendon of the foot is inserted, and in the middle of its lower face or sole is implanted the powerful tendon which bends or flexes the foot ; these tendons are the chief agents in progression. An elastic apparatus surrounds them and a portion of the pedal bone, and the whole is enveloped by a membrane that attaches the hoof in the closest possible manner to its outer surface. Into each of the wings or sides of the bone (for it is crescent-shaped, the horns extending backward on eacli side) is fixed a large plate of cartilage that rises above the hoof, where it may readily be felt, and which has important relations with its fellow on the opposite side, as well as with other elastic bodies admirably disposed to sustain weight, prevent jar, and insure that lightness and springiness which form so striking a feature in the horse's movements. The navicular bone is a narrow piece, placed transversely between the wings of the coffin bone, and is intended to throw the flexing tendon farther from the centre of motion, and thus increase its power ; the tendon plays over its posterior or lower face, and this disposition, together with the relations established between it and the pedal bone through their connecting ligaments, and the bend the tendon makes in passing over it, cause this part of the foot to be one par- ticularly liable to disease, and one especially deserving of atten- tive study. The elastic apparatus of the foot consists of (1) the lateral cartilages just mentioned ; (2), a prominent ring or cornice sur- rounding the upper border of the pedal bone usually known as the "coronary-substance," but which might be more aptly designated the "coronary cushion ;" this fits into a corresponding concavity in the inner and upper margin of wall of the hoof, and, besides acting as an elastic body or cushion, pei'forms the important func- tion of secreting this wall or crust of the horny envelop ; (3), a triangular body — the plantar cushion, known to farriers as the " fatty " or " sensitive frog " (to distinguish it from the horny frog. -j^8 H0KSE-S1I0EING-. which immediately covers it), admirably disposed between the wings of the coffin bone, with a view to protect and sustain the flexor tendon during its efforts, as well as to diminish concussion by its own resiliency and by the connection it has with the elastic cartilages. From its position at the back of the foot, and the importance of the part it covers, this portion of the elastic apparatus derives much interest, and must not be overlooked by the farrier. Pig. 2.— Horse's Foot divested of its Hoof— a a, Perioplic ring; b b, 'perioplic or coronary fissure ; c c c, coronary cushion covered with villi ; d d, white zone ; ///, vascular laminae terminating in villi, g. Besides the elastic apparatus of the foot more immediately in connection with the pedal and navicular bones, we have the wonderful arrangement of living membrane enveloping these parts, whose office appears to be the secretion and attachment of the horny box we designate the " hoof ;" to it large quantities of blood are conveyed by the ultimate ramifications of the arteries proceeding to the foot, and from it, by a complex distribution of veins arising from these ultimate arterial divisions, to the great venous trunks that pass up the limb. The terminal twigs of the senory nerves of the foot are also freely and wisely distributed in its substance in HOESE-SHOEING. 129 the form of exceedingly fine filaments, which endow the organ with a sufficient sense of touch to enable it to perform its varied functions with safety and precision. A peculiar and striking disposition of this membrane can be observed around the front and sides of the pedal bone, when the hoof has been removed by steeping the foot for some time in water. This disposition consists in the elevation of the membrane into parallel vertical leaves, which extend from the coronary cushion to the lower border of the bone, and to a certain distance within its wings. These leaves, which resemble in appear- ance those on the underside of a mushroom, are known as the "vascular" or "sensitive laminne," and number between six and seven hundred. Their chief use seems to be to afford a wide and close attachment for the wall of the hoof, within which, through their agency, the penal bone is, as it were, suspended ; so that the relations between bone and hoof are not so rigid as if they were directly united to each other. These lanrinoe are exceedingly vascular and sensitive, and when they become inflamed through bad shoeing, excessive travelling, or other cause, the horse suffers most excruciating pain, and in a large majority of cases the chronic inflammation that remains produces serious alterations in the structure and formation of the hoof, leading to more or less lameness and diminished utility. Besides entering into the formation of these leaves, this membrane covers the other parts of the foot within the hoof, as a sock does the human foot, and endows it with a high degree of vitality and secretory power. It overspreads the coronary and plantar cushions* as well as the sole of the pedal bone, and its surface in these parts is thickly studded with myriads of tufts or "villi," which give it the appearance of the finest Genoa velvet. These minute processes vary in length from one -eighth to more than one-fourth of an inch, and are best observed when a foot, from which the hoof has just been removed by maceration, is suspended in clear water. Examined with the microscope, they are found to be merely prolongations from the I 130 HOUSE- SHOEING. face of the membrane, each composed of one or two minute arteries,. which branch off into exceedingly fine net-work, and end in hair-like veins. A nervous filament has also been traced into the interior, so that these tufts are not only vascular, but also sensitive. They play an essential part in the formation of the hoof, and their relations Fig. 3. — Sensitive Sole of Horse's Foot.— a, Cartilaginous biubs of the heels, covered by sensitive membrane ; b, inflexion of the coronary cushion; c, middle cleft or lacuna : d d, plantar laminae ; e, limit between the coronary cushion and plantar lamina? ; //, branches of the plantar cushion ; g g g g, termination of the laminae in villi ; li h, sensitive membrane of sole covered with innumerable tine tufts or villi ; i, prolongation of the coronary cushion into the lateral lacuna. to that covering must not be neglected by the farrier in his treat- ment of it. This is all that need be said at present with regard to the anatomy of the living parts of the horse's foot ; we have referred to it merely to show that this organ is not a crude block of insensi- tire matter, but a most wonderfully-constructed apparatus, possessed of qualities which are not to be found in any other part of the body. In constructing the foot of this noble creature, Nature sought to do more than merely protect the extremely delicate and exquisitely HORSE-SHOEING. joi sensitive structure, contained within the hoof from injurious contact with the ground. This redoubtable difficulty is comparatively insigni- ficant in comparison with the other portions of the task she set her- self. It was necessary that the lower extremity of the limb of such a glorious creation as the horse, should be an organ endowed with the acutest sense of touch for the instantaneous perception of the con- sistence and inequalities of the ground over which it moved- and while it possessed this quality in a high degree, it was also incnV pensible that it should be gifted with the properties of resistance pliability and lightness to the extent necessary for the support and progression of the body, in addition to the rigidity essential to im- pulsion, the elasticity and suppleness needful to avert reactions or iar and the durability and rapidity of renovation demanded by incessant wear. Here we have a combination of requirements whose simultane- ous existence in one organ might almost be deemed incompatible so opposite do they appear; insensibility with a delicate sense of touch ■ resistance with lightness, rigidity with elasticity, suppleness with cmrai-ihty. THE HOOF. xhe hoot P^ys no small share in rendering the horse such a complete animal as it is ; and, as this is the portion of the foot which comes more immediately under the care and manipulative skill of the farrier, xts study should be a little more detailed and minute, perhaps than that of the internal structures. For convenience and simplicity in description, it has been divided into « wall " or - crust " - sole " "frog" and "coronary frog-band," or « periopie." It L essential that the shoer should understand the structure, nature, and uses of these parts. The Wall of the hoof is that oblique portion which covers the front and sides of the foot from the coronet to the gronnd, and i. 132 HOUSE-SHOEING. suddenly inflected or bent inward at the heels, toward the middle of the sole, to form the "bars," which are merely prolongations of its extremities; it constitutes the circumference or margin of the hoof, is the part of the horny box that is intended more especially to come into contact with the ground, and is that on which the iron de- fense rests, and through which the farrier drives the nails that attach it. The inner face of its upper edge is hollowed out into a somewhat wide concavity, which receives, or rather in which rests, the coronary cushion ; this concavity is chiefly remarkable for being pierced every- Fig. 4.— Profile of a Five-year-old Front Hoof that had never been Shod ; external face.— Angle of wall at toe 51deg ; a a, frog baud or periople ; b, wall ; c, toe, between wbich and cl is the " outside " or "inside" toe or " mammilla," and between c and / the "outside" or "inside" heel. where by countless minute openings which penetrate the substance of the wall to some depth ; each of these perforations receives one of the " villi," or minute tufts of blood-vessels already mentioned as pro- longed from the face of the membrane covering the interior of the foot. Below this concavity, which receives a large share of the horse's weight, the wall is of about equal thickness from top to bottom 5 on the whole of its inner surface are ranged thin, narrow, vertical horny plates, in number corresponding to the vascular laminae, between which they are so intimately received or dovetailed — a horny leaf between every two vascular ones — that in the living or fresh state HOESE-SHOEIXG. 133 it is almost impossible to disunite without tearing them. The inner face of the lower margin is united in a solid body to the horny sole through the medium o; a narrow band of soft, light-colored horn, situated between the two, and which we may call the " white line," or " zone." The outer surface of the wall is generally smooth and shining in the natural healthy state. The dimensions of the wall vary in different situations ; in front it is deepest and thickest, but towards the quarters and heels it diminishes in height and becomes thinner ; at its angles of inflection — the points of the heels — it is strong. Its structure is fibrous ; the fibres pass directly parallel to each other from the coronet to the ground, each fibre being moulded on, as it is secreted by, one of the minute tufts of blood-vessels lodged in the cavity of the coronet. Microscopically, the wall is composed of minute cells, closely com- pressed, and arranged vertically around each fibre, and horizontally between the fibres. A point of much practical interest is to be found in the fact that the fibres on the surface or outside of the wall, are very dense, close, and hard — so dense, indeed, that the wall of an unmutilated hoof looks like whalebone; but toward the inner surface they become softer, move spongy, and easily cut. The Horny Sole is contained within the lower margin of the wall, and is a concave plate covering the lower face of the pedal bone. In structure it is fibrous like the wall, the fibres passing in the same direction, and formed in the same manner by the tufts of vessels projected from the membrane which immediately covers the bone. These tufts penetrate the horn fibres to some depth, and, as in the wall, maintain them in a moist, supple condition, such as best fits them for their office. The sole is thickest around its outer border, where it joins the wall ; thinnest in the centre, where it is most concave. A notable pecu- 13i K0E8E-SH0EING. liarity in this part of the hoof, and one which distinguishes it from the wall, is its tendency to bre.ik off in flakes on the ground face when the fibers have attained a certain length ; the wall, on the contrary, continues to grow in length to an indefinite extent, and, unless kept within reasonable dimensions by continual wear or the instruments of Fig. 5.— Plantar Surface of left Pose Hoof of a Five-tear-old Horse that had never been Shol — j a, glomes or heels of the frog: b, median lacuna or " cleft" of the frog ; c c, branches of the frog; d d, heels, " angles of inflexion," or "buttresses" of the wall of the hoof; e e, lateral lacuna? or spaces between the frog and liars ; //, inflexions of the wall or " bars ; " £. The limit to this removal at the front of the hoof must be when the wall is almost or quite reduced to a level with the strong unpared sole. It must ever be borne in mind that, if the wall does not stand beyond the level of the sole, it does not require reducing. HORSE-SHOEING. 157 When the circumference of the hoof has at length been brought to a condition fit to receive the shoe, the rasp must finish its task by removing the sharp edge, and rounding it so as to leave a thick strong border not likely to chip. The unshod hoof nearly always exhibits this provision against fracture of the wall-fibres. Paring the Sole. — After the necessary diminution and correc- tion of the obliquity of the hoof, and the preparation of the bed for the shoe, the farrier usually proceeds to pare the sole. In- deed, while the colt is still at large, and before the time has arrived when its hoofs are to be shod with iron, the workman is frequently called in to trim the hoofs, and paring the lower surface is part of the operation. This procedure is as barbarous as it is unreasonable, especially when carried to the extent that has been advised in books on horse-shoeing, viz., to pare the sole until it springs to the pressure of the thumb. In the great majority of forges this most pernicious practice is carried out, either because the owner of the horse thinks it necessary, the groom or coachman that it makes the horse go better and the feet to look well, or the farrier that it is more workmanlike — though if he is pressed hard for any other reason he is unable to give one of a satis- factory character. Like so many practices relating to the management of the horse, this paring of the sole is absurd in the extreme, and has not the most trifling recommendation to support it. Unfor- tunately for those who recommend, and also those who practice it, its evil effects are not immediately apparent ; a horse with his soles denuded of their horn until the blood is oozing through them, may not at the moment manifest arfy great suffering, and may even go tolerably sound on a level pavement, though, if 158 HORSE-SHOEING. he chanced to put his foot on uneven ground or a sharp stone, his agony may be so acute as to cause him to fall. The paring knife is skillfully used to remove all the surface horn down to that which has been most recently formed, or is in process of forming. So anxious is the groom or farrier that this, to them, most important operation should be carried out, that the soles are filled with cow dung, or some other filth, for some time previously, in order that the horn may be softened and rendered more amenable to mutilation. When this " stop- ping" has not been done, and particularly in hot, dry weather, the sole is often so hard that it cannot be touched by the knife, in which case a red-hot iron is applied to the surface to soften the horn, or hot ashes are used. Then the bars and soles are sliced away until nothing is left but the thinnest pellicle of their natural protection, through which not unfrequently the blood may be oozing. This is nothing else than downright cruelty, and should meet with the punishment it so well deserves. To remove the excessive growth of the wall is an absolute necessity ; but to denude the sole of its horn is wanton injury to the foot and cruelty to the animal. This is easily accounted for. The sole only increases its substance to a certain thickness — never too much — and then the excess is thrown off in flakes in a natural manner. In this way the sensitive parts are amply protected ; the sole can sustain a share of the weight — especially around its margin in front, where it is strongest — and meet the ground, however rough and stony this may be, with perfect impunity. This is its function. It has been mentioned that the horn is secreted from the living surface, and that myriads of beautiful vascular and sensitive tufts dependent from this surface, enter the horn-fibres to a certain depth, and play an important part in the formation of the sole. HORSE-SHOEING. 159 The newly-formed torn is soft and spongy, and incapable of resisting exposure to the air, but as it is pushed further away from this surface by successive deposits of fresh material, it becomes old horn, loses its moisture, and in doing so acquire^ hardness and rigidity sufficient to withstand external influences ; then it is subjected to wear, and if this be insufficient to reduce it sufficiently, it falls off in scales. But the process of exfoliation is not a rapid one ; the flakes remain attached to the solid horn beneath, more or less firmly, until it in turn commences to loosen on the surface, and yield new flakes, when the old ones separate. This natural diminution in the excess of horn of the sole is a most beneficial process for the hoof. Horn is a slow conductor of heat and cold, and when thick, retains moisture for a long period. These flakes, then, act as a natural " stopping" to the hoof, by accumulating and relating moisture beneath, and this not only keeps the foot cool as it slowly evaporates, but ensures for the solid and growing horn its toughness, elasticity and proper development. In addition to this, every flake acts more or less as a spring in warding off bruises or other injuries to the sole ; and thus the floor of the horny box is protected from injury, externally and internally. What occurs when the farrier, following out the routine of his craft, or obeying the injunctions of those as ignorant as himself, or so prejudiced as not to be able to reason, pares the sole until it springs to the pressure of his thumb ? Why, the lower surface of the foot — that which is destined to come into contact with the around, and to encounter its inequalities, and which more than any other part requires to be efficiently shielded — is at once ruthlessly denuded of its protection, and exposed to the most serious injury. The immature horn, stripped of its outer cover- ing, immediately begins to experience the evil effects of external 160 HORSE-SHOEING. influences ; it loses its moisture, drys, hardens, and shrivels up j it also occupies a smaller space, and in doing so, the sole becomes more concave, drawing after it the wall — for it must be remem- bered that the sole is a strong stay against contraction of the lower margin of the hoof — and the consequence is that the foot gradually decreases in size, and the quarters and heels narrow. The animal goes " tender," even on smooth ground ; but if he chance to put his mutilated sole on a stone, what pain must he experience ! This tenderness on even ground or smoothly paved roads arises from the fact, that not only is the entire sensitive surface compressed, irritated, or inflamed by the hard, contract- ing envelope, and the unnatural exposure to sudden changes of heat and cold, but the little sensitive processes contained at the upper end of each of the horn-fibres are painfully crushed in their greatly diminished tubes, and instead of being organs of secretion and the most delicate touch, they are now scarcely more than instruments of torture to the unfortunate animal. Not only is pain or uneasiness experienced during progression, but even in the stable the horse whose soles have been so barbarously treated, exhibits tenderness in his feet by resting them, and if felt, a great increase of temperature will be perceived. Owing to the secreting apparatus of the sole being deranged through this senseless paring, the formation of new horn takes place slowly, and it is not until a certain quantity has been provided to compensate in some degree for that removed, that the horse begins to stand easier, and travel better. Scarcely, however, has the restorative process advanced to this stage, than it is time for him to be reshod, when this part must again submit to be robbed of its horn. The sole having been pared too thin and concave leaves the cir- cumference of the hoof standing much higher than if it had been HORSE-SHOEING. 161 left intact, and apparently too long ; so the wall niust be still more reduced. This is done, and we now have the whole ground- face of the hoof so wasted and mutilated, that should the horse chance to lose a shoe soon after being shod, the impoverished foot cannot bear the rude contact of the ground for more than a few yards, and the poor creature is lame and useless. The tenderness and lameness arising from this mal-treatment are usually ascribed to everything but the right cause, and the most popular is concussion. To avert this and protect the de- fenceless sole, a most absurd shoe is required ; and, still more absurd, the natural covering is attempted to be replaced by a plate of leather, interposed between the ground and the sole, and which is made to retain bundles of tow steeped in tar or some pernicious substance. It is scarcely necessary to say that this artificial covering is but a poor substitute for that which has been so foolishly, and with so much careful labor, cut away; indeed, in several respects the leather sole, even when only placed between the wall and the shoe, and not over the entire surface, is very objectionable. Seeing, therefore, the natural provision existing in the sole of the hoof for its diminution in thickness, when necessary, and knowing that the intact sole is the best safeguard against injury and deterioration to this region, it must be laid down as a rule in farriery — and from which there must be no departure — that this part is not to be interfered with on any pretence, so long as the foot is in health ; not even the flakes are to be disturbed. By adhering to this rule, the horse can travel safely and with ease in all weathers and over any roads immediately after shoe- ing ; the foot is maintained in a healthy condition ; the sole can sustain its share of the weight, and thus relieve the wall of the K 1G2 HORSE-SHOEING. hoof ; and should a shoe happen to be lost, the animal can journey a long distance -with but little injury to the organ. Another of the many advantages derived from allowing the sole to remain in its natural condition, is that on a soft surface the hoof will not sink so deeply as one whose sole has been hollowed out by the farrier, neither is it so difficult to withdraw from the heavy soil. Paring the Frog. — This part of the hoof is that which, in the opinion of the grooms and coachmen, most require cutting, " to prevent its coming on the ground and laming the horse ;" and this reason, together with its softer texture, causes it to be made the sport of the farrier's relentless knife. It is artistically and thoroughly trimmed, the fine elastic horn being sliced away, sometimes even to the quick, and in its sadly reduced form it undergoes the same changes as have been observed in the pared sole. No wonder, then, that it cannot bear touching the ground any more than the sole. Strip the skin off the sole of a man's foot and cause him to travel over stony or pebbly roads ! "Would be walk comfortably and soundly ? The artistically shaped frog soon wastes, becomes diseased, and at length appears as a ragged, foul-smelling shred of horn, almost imperceptible between the narrow, deformed heels of the pared foot. The function of the frog in the animal economy is one of great moment, and has already been indicated. It is emi- nently adapted for contact with the ground, and in this re- sides its most important office. To remove it from the ground and deprive it of its horn, is at once to destroy its utility and its structure, and withdraw from the foot ®ne of its most essential components. The longer the frog is left untouched by the knife, and allowed to meet the ground, the more developed it becomes ; its horn grows so dense and resisting, yet without losing its special properties, that it HORSE-SHOEING. 163 braves the crushing of the roughest roads without suffering in the slightest degree; it ensures the hoof retaining its proper shape at the heels ; is a valuable supporter of the limb and foot while the animal is standing or moving; and is an active agent, from its shape and texture, in preventing slipping; its reduction and removal from the ground, I am perfectly convinced from long observation, have a tendency, directly or indirectly, to induce that most painful, frequent, and incurable malady — navicular disease, as well as other affections of this organ. The farrier should, therefore, leave the frog also untouched, unless there be flakes which are useless— though this is extremely rare ; then these ought to be cut off. So particular am I in this respect, however, and so well aware am I of the fondness of the workman to cut into this part, that I never allow any frogs to be interfered with unless I am present. If any gravel has lodged beneath the flakes, at the side, or in the cleft — which is most un- frequent — this is removed by some blunt instrument. To show the value of contact with the ground: when a horse with a diseased frog is brought to me, I at once order the hoof to be so prepared or shod that this part will immediately receive direct pressure — in a brief space the disease disappears. Cases of what grooms call "thrush," of many years' duration, and which had defied all kinds of favorite dressings, have been cured, and the rotten, wasted frogs have become sound and well developed in a few months. Opening-up the Heels.— Having done everything possible to ruin the sole and the frog, the farrier proceeds to complete his work by opening-up the heels. This operation is quite as injurious— if it is not more so — than mutilating the sole and frog; it consist in making a deep cut into the angle of the wall at the heel, where it becomes bent inward to form the bar.^In the unshod, natural 164 HORSE-SHOEING. state, or in the unmutilated foot, this is a particularly strong portion of the hoof, and serves a very useful purpose, its utility being mainly owing to its strength. From its preventing con- traction of the heels, it has been named the arc boutant or " but- tress " of the foot by the French hippotomists. When it is hacked away by the farrier's knife, the wall of the hoof is not only considerably weakened, but the hoof gradually contracts toward the heels. Horse dealers and grooms are the chief patrons of " well- opened " heels, as they give the foot a false appearance by mak- ing it look wider in this region. The fashion of paring the sole until it yields to the pressure of the thumb has been perpetuated through the ignorance of those who have had the management of horses, or the traditions and routine of the artisans who have more especially to attend to the requirements of the hoofs of these animals. But it must be ob- served that this paring, slicing away the frog and opening up the heels has been largely due, in later times, to the false notions propounded by some writers regarding the functions of the foot : such as the descent of the sole, the inability of the frog to sustain contact with the ground, and the expansion of the back parts of the hoof every time the weight was imposed upon it. It is scarcely necessary here to say more than that these notions are at least extremely exaggerated, and that the practices which were main- tained to facilitate these supposed functions have been productive of an immense amount of suffering and loss of animal life. It should be ever most strenuously insisted upon that the whole lower face of the hoof, except the border of the wall, must be left in a state of nature. The horn of the sole, frog and bars has an important duty to fulfill 5 it is the natural protection to this part of the hoof, and no protection of iron, leather or other material is half so efficacious 3 in addition, it is a capital agent in sus- HORSE-SHOEING. 165 taining weight and in keeping the whole foot healthy and perfect in form. THE SHOE. The Ordinary Shoe.— The hoof having been prepared by the farrier, according to his fancy, for the reception of the metal plate which is to garnish it, here again we find that ignorance prevails and is productive of inconvenience and injury. " Im- proved principles" demand that a particular-shaped shoe be applied ; no matter whether the animal be for saddle, harness, or draught purposes, it must have a shoe that rests only on the margin Fig. 12. of the hoof— on the wall. Therefore, except a narrow border to correspond with this margin, the upper or foot-face of the shoe is beveled away, so as to leave a wide space between it and the sole, and throw all the weight and strain on the outer parts of the foot (Fig. 11) ; in addition to which disadvantage, this space is admirably contrived to lodge stones, gravel, hardened mud or snow, and in heavy ground it increases the suction immensely. But, as will be easily understood from the manner in which the under-surface of the foot has been treated, this beveling is rendered an absolute necessity if the horse is to be preserved from immediate lameness. The sole has been pared so thin that, so far from its being able to withstand a tolerably large amount 106 HORSE-SHOEING. of pressure around its margin — particularly toward the toe — it must be most carefully preserved, not only from contact with the shoe, but also with the ground. This necessitates a wide surface of metal, which increases the weight of the shoe, making it clumsier to wear, and affords a large under or ground surface for slipping. And even with a shoe of such dimensions the creature cannot travel at ease on stony roads, as the least pressure of a stone on the tender sole causes him to limp ; and if the stone lodges in the space between shoe and sole, serious injury is likely to be done. Weight. — In addition to the beveling and the width, the shoe in ordinary use has several other glaring defects. One of these is generally its excessive weight ; it contains an amount of iron far greater than is necessary to protect the hoof from the effects of wear. One reason alleged for the employment of these cumbrous masses of iron attached to the ends of a horse's limbs is that they prevent concussion to the foot. This any reasonable person will at once perceive is a manifest absurdity. The hoof by its light- ness, its texture, and the wonderful arrangement of its component parts, is well adapted to avert concussion. An inelastic, heavy lump of iron firmly attached to it, and coming into forcible collision with the ground at every step, must surely be more likely to increase this concussion than diminish it. There can be no difficulty, I imagine, in estimating the injury inflicted by unnecessarily heavy shoes. Nature formed the lower extremity of the limb with a view to lightness, no less than to other iurportant ends. The hoof-bone is quite porous and open in texture, to diminish its ponderosity without detracting from its size or stability ; while the hoof itself is, as we have just noticed, remarkable for the manner in which its material is arranged with a special intention to confer light-footedness upon the animal. HORSE-SHOEING. 167 The reason for this diminution in weight, while it is coincident with increase in bulk, is to be found iu the fact that the muscles principally concerned in moving the limb— swinging, straighten- ing, and bending it backward and forward — are all situated above the knee or hock. The moving power is at one end of a •comparatively long lever with two arms, while the weight to be moved is at the other extremity. The arm of the lever to which the power is applied is very short, so that though rapidity is gained, more power is lost, and it is palpable that every ad- ditional ounce added to the foot must be nearly, if not more than •eepial to a pound at the shoulder. In shoeing, this important consideration has been strangely overlooked; and yet we cannot forget that it has a great in- fluence on the wear of, not only the shoe, but also the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, and even, indirectly, of the entire animal. " If, at the termination of a day's work," says an eminent French veterinary professor, " we calculate the weight represented by the mass of iron in the heavy shoes a horse is condemned to carry at each step, we shall arrive at a formidable array of figures, and in this way be able to estimate the amount of force uselessly expended by the ani- mal in raising the shoes that overload his feet. The calcu- lation I have made possesses an eloquence that dispenses with very long commentaries. Suppose that the weight of a shoe is two pounds, it is not excessive to admit that a horse trots at the rate of one step every second, or sixty steps a minute. In a minute, then, the limb of a horse whose foot carries two pounds makes efforts sufficient to raise a weight of one hundred and twenty pounds. For the four limbs, this weight in a minute is represented by 120x1=480 pounds ; for the four feet during an hour, the weight is 28,800 pounds ; and for four hours, the mean duration of a day's work in the French omnibuses, the total 168 HORSE-SHOEING. amount of weight raised has reached the enormous figure of 115,200 pounds. But the movement communicated to these 115,200 pounds represents an expenditure of the power employed by the motor without any useful result ; and as the motor is a living one, this expenditure of strength represents an exhaustion, or, if you like it better, a degree of fatigue proportioned to the effort necessary for its manifestation." This question of weight is one of no small moment to the well-being and utility of the horse, and therefore demands par- ticular attention. Nature, in constructing the animal machine, and enduing it with adequate power to sustain the ordinary re- quirements of organization, and even to meet certain extra- ordinary demands, could scarcely have been expected to provide the large additional amount of energy necessary to swing several ounces, or even pounds, attached to the lower extremity of the limb. A horse shod with a two-pound shoe to each foot, travel- ing at the rate of sixty steps in a minute for a period of four hours, as has been stated above, carries nearly fifty-two tons. This weight, too, as has been stated, is most disadvantageously placed at the end of the long arm of the lever. It must be remembered, also, that a two-pound shoe is a very moderate affair when compared with many that are worn every day in town and country, even by horses employed in fast work. Not only does an ivnnecessarily heavy shoe fatigue and wear out the limbs sooner than a light one, but the fatigue it induces causes it to be less durable, in proportion to the quantity of iron. This is accounted for by the manner in which the fatigued limbs drag their heavy load along the surface of the ground. Heavy shoes also require more and larger nails to attach them securely to the hoof, and this in HORSE-SHOEING. 16£> itself is an evil of no trifling magnitude, as we shall see pre- sently. The shoe, besides being heavy, may offer other serious defects. It may be very uneven on its upper bearing surface-that on which the hoof rests ; it may have too many clips, and these not well formed or situated ; its ground surface may be unequal ; or the holes for the nails may be badly placed, and improperly stamped. An uneven upper surface is apt to produce lameness, from the undue pressure it occasions on limited parts of the hoof, and through these to the corresponding living textures ; or it may cause the wall of the hoof to split, etc. Nails badly placed and improperly stamped are a prolific source of injury to the foot, and the same may be said of nial-forined or wrongly-situated clips; and much evil results from the ground- face of the shoe being higher at one part than another. This inequality is in nearly every case due to the presence of what are termed " calkins" at the extremities of the branches of the shoe ; or to one side of the plate being thicker than the other. Caifcms.-Calkins are injurious to the limb in proportion to their height. When smallest they are an evil, as they have a tendency, in raising the back part of the foot higher than the front, to alter the natural direction of the limb, and throw undue strain on the fore part. Intended to prevent slipping, their use in this respect is but temporary, unless they are made high and thick; when their unfavorable influence on the limb and foot is increased. Added to this, from their throwing so much of the weight and strain on the front of the foot, the shoe is more rapidly worn away at the toe; so its thickness there must be oreater, and the shoe in consequence heavier, or the animal will have to be more frequently shod. From their only lasting for a limited period, the horse, at first inclined to rely on them to 170 HORSE-SHOEING. preserve his footing on slippery roads, becomes timid and unsafe when they are worn down to the surface of the shoe. By their form, and their projecting so much beyond the level of the plate, they jar the limb ; expose it to twists and treads sometimes of a grave character; induce shortening of the flexor tendons; and until they have been considerably reduced, interfere with the animal's action. They are also liable to cause the shoe to be torn off, by getting caught between paving-stones ; while they produce severe lacerations, should the horse wearing them happen to kick another animal. This is more particularly observed among army horses which have calkins on their hind shoes — and especially when in camp or picketed. They also throw more strain upon the nails and the hoof itself. Neither must it be forgotten that they remove the frog from contact with the ground. One side of the shoe being higher than the other produces the same results as follow when the hoof is unequal in this respect. The hind limb is more exposed to this evil than the fore one, from calkins being most frequently added to the hind shoes, and from the fashion of having the inner branch thickened, but not suffi- cient to compensate for the height of the calkin on the outer heel. This inequality is productive of injury to the fetlock and hock joints, and is doubtless not unfrequently the cause of that for- midable disease of the latter — spavin. But even if the farrier has reason to apply shoes whose ground- surface is not studded with calkins or any other kind of " catch," he, in nearly every case of ordinary wear, puts on one which has the whole of this surface perfectly plane, and not relieved through- out its length or width by any thing, except perhaps the groove around its outer circumference, in which the nail-holes are placed. This wide, smooth surface is evidently adapted to facilitate slip- HORSE-SHOEING. 171 ping on smooth pavements, or even on grass or clay land. Size.— Besides constructing the shoe of a faulty shape, a very common practice is to apply one smaller than the actual contour of the ground-surface of the hoof. This is a grave error, and in all probability arises from the desire to make the horse's foot look neat, and to produce fine work; just as the maker of shoes for the human foot thinks it the perfection of workmanship to squeeze it into the smallest possible space. In the horse, however, small shoes are more fruitful of lameness and chronic deformity than even the worst-shaped cramped coverings can be for the human organ, as the horse is compelled to wear his tight plates day and night, and must accomplish all kinds of severe labor in them ; while man can relieve himself of his torturing, uncom- fortable boots for at least some hours out of the twenty-four. We shall allude to the evils of this stupid practice hereafter, in the meantime it may be sufficient to point out, that in select- ing and supplying a shoe smaller than the circumference of the hoof, we are depriving the foot and limb of a portion of their stability and weight-bearing surface. The limb is, in reality, a column of support for the body, and the hoof is the base of this column. This base is very much wider than any other portion, and only commences at the foot, which gradually widens towards the ground, so as to make it still more expanded and efficient. To diminish this is to frustrate Nature's mode of affording security and ease to the limb, and consequently to do it harm. The above are only some of the more prominent evils attendant on the present method ot constructing and shaping the horse's shoe ; others, such as making it of bad material, altogether unlike the outline of the hoof, etc., we will glance at presently. We have only now to consider what has been for very many years the aim of those who, overlooking the real injury done to the foot by the barbarous fashion of paring and rasping, imagined the chief, 172 HORSE-SHOEING. if not the sole, cause of lameness and inefficiency arose from the faulty character of the protection applied to it, and have sought to avert these by devising various kinds of shoes, or other methods of arming the hoof. It is scarcely necessary to say, that from their neglecting, or being unconscious of the harm that resulted from the mal- practices already indicated, their so-called improvements have been impotent for good, and have soon been consigned to for- getf ulness. Objects to be Attained. — "We have stated what were the objects to be attained when shoeing was first introduced. To prevent undue wear of the horn, and at the same time to secure a good foothold for the horse, appear to have been all that was considered essen- tial in the infancy of the art of farriery. And it must be conceded that, even now, these are the primary advantages to be achieved in constructing a horse-shoe, no matter what kind of task the horse that wears it may be required to accomplish. There can scarcely be a doubt that any thing more simple and efficient, and at the same time less expensive, than a well-devised iron shoe, cannot at present be produced ; nor can the compara- tively safe and ready method of attaching it by nails be super- seded by any other means that we are acquainted with. All teutatives in this direction have failed, either because of their inefficiency or greater expense. Simplicity, cheapness, durability, and perfect adaptability to various requirements, are the essentials to be obtained in horse- shoes ; and if one or more of these is absent in any particular pattern, it can never be generally adopted, and is certain to have but brief success. The effects of applying an iron defence to the horse's foot, and securing it to the hoof by means of nails, are no doubt a source of injury to that organ ; and even with every care a few HORSE-SHOEING. 173 of them are unavoidable ; but they are increased in number and heightened in intensity when the shoe is badly constructed and attached; whereas, by the exercise of a little common- sense and observation, those which are not to be avoided may be mitigated. The foot, as has been observed, is a perfect organ, formed in harmony with the other parts of the limbs to meet every require- ment in bearing weight and aiding movement. The hoof, as an integral portion of the foot, possesses these qualities to a high degree, and, but for its inability to withstand incessant wear, would need no assistance from man, except perhaps a little trimming when it became over-grown or irregu- lar. Its lower margin— hard, narrow, and projecting slightly beyond the sole— is well adapted to support weight, withstand wear, and retain a hold of the ground ; the concave sole, in addition to its assisting the margin to support weight and wear, also lends its aid in securing a foothold by its hollow surface ; while the angle of the wall at each heel— the HOW TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. 237 take it away from him, and repeat this treatment for some time. Every time you throw down the sack, say to him " Pick it up, Sir!" In the course of a little time he will get so he will pick up any- thing at your word of command. Another way is to prick him with a pin on the off side. This you can do by taking a position on the near side, and reaching over with the right hand, holding the pin and handkerchief in it, and, in trying to remove the pin he will get hold of the handker- chief. Every time he takes the cloth or handkerchief from your hand pet him and encourage him to do it again. He' will soon take it from any place you may put it. To Teach the Horse to Make a Bovj. To teach the horse to answer in the affirmative, take a pin in your right hand, stand on his near side, a little forward of the shoulder, and prick him slightly on the breast He will naturally put his head down to bite off whatever causes the pricking, and when he does this take your hand away and treat him kindly. He will soon learn that when you touch him on the breast you want him to lower his head and make a bow. Every time you prick him with a pin on the breast, as you see hi m putting down his head, move the toe of your right foot forward, and he will soon put his head down every time you move your right foot. This will not be noticed by the spectators, and will make your horse appear wonderfully smart and intelligent, by bowing or answering questions, either in the affirmative or negative, every time you wish him. To Teach the Horse to Shake his Head when Required. To get your horse to answer in the negative, stand on his near 23S HOW TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. side, prick him with the pin on his neck a little above the withers ; as soon as he moves his head in the least, take your hand away and treat him kindly as before. After repeating this a few times he will shake his head every time you touch him on the neck. Then you can take a pin and fasten it in the butt end of your whip-handle, and touch him lightly on the neck with the pin Every time he shakes his head take away the whip and pet him By this treatment he will in a little while get so he will answer any question you may ask him. To illustrate the system of taking advantage of the horse, we will give the following example : You have now taught your horse to answer questions in the affirmative and negative. Take your whip in your right hand and say to your horse : " Do you like this whip ?" Then raise it up and touch him lightly on the neck, being careful not to raise the whip before you ask the question, or he will shake his head before you get through with the question ; but always ask the question before you make any motion. And when you make the motion, he will shake his head. Then ask him : "Do you like your oats ?" And make a motion with your foot, by which sign he will know you want him to bow, or answer in the affirmative. By the horse doing these things well and promptly, he will appear like a very intelligent animal. When traveling in the South, on one occasion, I took a horse into the woods to train him to get on a large stump that stood in a clearing. While engaged with the horse, a colored boy came along, and stood some distance away watching me handle the horse. I disliked to have the boy watching me, so I said to the horse in a loud tone : HOW TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. 239 "Do you see that colored boy standing over there?" The horse bowed, signifying that he did. I then asked him if he thought he could catch the boy, and he replied by bowing that he could. Then I said to him : " If he does not leave, will you go and bring him to me V The horse answered in the affirmative. This was too much for the boy, who immediately took to his heels and ran for dear life, probably thinking that the horse would surely catch him, as he had answered all questions relative to himself. At another time, while in Acamack County, Va., I went out one morning to see how my horse Tom was being cared for, as I sus- pected that he was not fed as I wished. On entering the stable I said : " Did you have a plenty of corn this morning Vs and he quickly shook his head as much as to say " No." The colored stable-boy stood near and heard me question the horse. He looked first at the horse, then at me, and said : " Look here, massa, dat ar horse ain't telling de truff " " Well," I replied, "you give him about four ears of corn, and if he refuses to eat them, I will know he did not tell the truth > but I have never known that horse to tell a lie." The boy went off, and soon returned with four ears of corn, which he gave to the horse. Of course, he began eating the corn, at which the boy remarked : " Dat ar hoss am de smartest what dis 'fisticated young nigger eber seed in he life." Now, as you have taught your horse to lie down, sit up, come to you when you call him, pick up any designated article, answer questions, follow you about, etc., you are prepared to go on and teach him other tricks, by the experience and methods employed 240 HOW TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. for the above-mentioned tricks. There is hardly a limit to which these performances can be carried. You can say to your horse : " Will yon take the handkerchief from your front foot/' and at the same time make a sign to hiin with your foot and he will bow. Then tie the handkerchief on his front foot, in such a way as to be easily pulled off by the horse, leaving a corner of it handy for him to get hold of, and so on, until he will get the pocket- handkerchief from any place you may leave it. Now, get a large box or platform, and get him up on it with his forward feet. First get one of his feet on, then get him to step up with the other — doing this a few times — after which he will get up at the command. Next, make him get up on" the box with all four feet, and gradually lessen the size of the box until he will get on a box not more than two feet across. Have the box larger on the bottom than at the top, so it will not upset and frighten him. Then be^in to teach him to walk around with his front feet on the box or pedestal and his hind feet on the ground ; then make him get upon the box and get down with his front feet, keeping his hind feet on the box, and make him walk around the box on his front feet ; then you can put the handkerchief up on a pole, making him climb up on the box with his front feet and reach to where the handkerchief is and bring it down. Next, you can make him shoot a pistol by putting the handker- chief on the trigger. At first you should be careful not to frighten him by the report of the pistol. You can teach a horse almost anything you wish. Begin now to teach him to paw by touching him lightly on the near forward leg with a pin. Then make a pile of dirt in front of him and get him to paw it down. You can then take your handkerchief and bury it in the pile of dirt; then ask HOW TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. 2-41 hini if he could find the handkerchief if you should hide it, and give him the sign to make a bow, and he will bow, signifying yes. Have some one cover his eyes while you hide the handker- chief in the pile of dirt or sawdust. When his eyes are uncovered let him run round the ring a few times, and when you stop him see that he stops where he can paw the dirt covering the hand- kerchief. As soon as he sees the handkerchief he will pick it up. Then you can change these tricks to suit your notion. At first you make signs to him and use a different word for each trick, and as you find the horse will do it without the motion, you can dispense with the sign and use the word only. When you first made him lie down you had to strap his feet up, but in a short time he would lie down by simply- touching him on the front legs, and after awhile he would do it by only saying, " lie down, sir " or by the tap of a bell. Observe the street-car horse. He stops for one tap of the bell, and starts for two. The Fire Department horses go to their places by the tap of the bell ; and if you wish you can have your horse perform by taps of the bell. In this way you drop the sign as soon as you can. People who do not understand how a horse is taught, think because he per- forms these tricks that he has more sense than other horses. You can take any old plug and teach him to perform tricks. When men are selecting a horse to train they generally get one of fine appearance and high-spirited, as they are the best for the purpose. The first trick horse I had was a runaway horse I bought for almost nothing. The fourth one, " White Hawk," was a four- year-old colt, and very stylish, that had never been worked. I paid four hundred dollars for him. I kept him for one year, and then sold him to Mr. Skinner, of Ohio, for one thousand dollars ; he is now traveling with a circus. P 242 HOW TO TEACH A HORSE TRICKS. He would lie down, roll over and back again, walk on his knees, shoot a pistol, take the handkerchief off of either foot you would tie it to, or off of his back, and find it when hidden in the ring ; pick up your hat, glove or whip and hand it to you, or any other person you might direct him to. In fact, you could drill him like a soldier. He would advance, retreat, wheel to the right or left, gallop, trot, walk, perform on the pedestal and put his front foot on my head (as represented on the cover of this book). By following closely the instructions here presented for the training of trick horses, you can. teach a horse to perform all the tricks mentioned, and many more, such as ringing a bell, untying knots, holding your overcoat for you in his teeth, and helping you to put it on. Let some one tie your hands and have your horse untie them, or any other trick that will amuse, such as kissing you, shaking hands, answering a thousand questions. And if you wish, you can train two, and have them teeter on a plank, dance on a platform, waltz, jump through hoops of fire, and you can also teach them so that one will stop for the word that will make the other go, and go for the word that will stop him, and have one lie down -wheu you say get up, and get up when you say lie down. In this way you can make two horses perform at the same time, or have it appear that one of your horses is very stubborn, and in this way you can spend many hours with your horses. Be patient, persevering, and good natured. Never allow yourself to get angry with your horse. If you find you are getting out of humour stop and rest one or two hours, and it will be better for you and much better for your horse. MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. The dog is the most domestic of all animals, and is a very- agreeable companion and willing servant to man. If he is abused and ill-treated, he will be likely to become a nuisance. He is so close a companion of mankind, that it becomes a very important duty of his master to understand how to train and educate him properly. If he is well and skillfully trained he will reflect great credit upon his master, and become an agreeable member of his household as well as a useful assistant. There are various kinds of dogs and various methods of training them ; of course I will not undertake in this work (being devoted principally to the horse), to describe more than a few of the varieties of dogs — those only that are best known — and neither can I devote much space to their training, only giving the rules by which a person with patience, perseverance, firmness and kindness can train the dog to perform various useful and pleasing tricks. We will give a sufficient number to lead# the operator to the teaching of many more. Of course the dog is as varied in his dispositions and temperaments as there are different kinds of dogs. I will here mention, by way of illustration, that the bloodhound will follow the trail of man or beast for miles, over all kinds of ground and almost under all circumstances, even many hours after the object of his search has taken his departure, and suc- cessfully find him by the scent alone. His sense of smell is so highly developed, naturally, that he requires no training what- ever to teach him to accomplish this, for he is simply following MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 245 the natural instinct of his nature. But it will take considerable training to bring him under proper subjection, as his nature and disposition incline him to rebel against anything that savors of curbing or controlling his impetuous and obstinate inclinations. For this reason, the Cuban slaveholders preferred to cross this breed of dog with the English mastiff, thereby securing an animal that possessed the fine nose of the bloodhound and the controllable disposition of the mastiff. The Bloodhound. The notice of the poetical and pictorial artist has been fre- quently attracted to the majestic head of this dog, and there is no doubt he is deserving of it. He excels the whole animal creation from this point of view, as the greyhound surpasses them in elegance of outline and grace of movement. It is somewhat remarkable that two members of the canine 246 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. race should be possessed to this full extent of these two attri- butes so different in themselves. In consequence of this hound being used to track deer and sheep-stealers by the scent of the blood dropped on the track, the prefix « blood " has been given to this hound. He was employed to follow the body-scent of men and animals on account of his fine nose, and in this manner he was formerly employed to capture runaway slaves ; but becoming almost unmanageable when he overtook them, the English mastiff, or a cross between this mastiff and bloodhound, generally was preferred on account of his greater amenity to the control and discipline of his master. The reason we specially mention the bloodhound is, that he being an uncommon animal, and seldom seen in this country, and being possessed of such a noble head and remarkable powers, we consider him well worthy the prominence oriven him in this work. The Greyhound. his dog naturally differs from the bloodhound ; the blood- hound follows his game by his wonderful sense of smell, while the greyhound depends solely on his sight and remarkable speed. MANAGEMENT OP THE DOG. 247 While in San Jose, CaL, a particular and highly-esteemed friend, Mr. Frank McKiernan, presented me with a fine young grey- hound, which I valued highly. When at Livermore, I thought I would take the pup out for a little run. Suddenly a hare jumped up, and to my great astonishment she sprang after him at full speed, although she had never seen one before. She chased it so close that she caused him to turn four times within half a mile. It will be seen that the hound was obeying the laws of her nature in giving pursuit to the hare, as she had received no training whatever. My dog, William, well-known over the greater part of the United States, was a splendid trick-dog of the bull-terrier type, but his natural inclination was to fight. He would attack a dog four times his size, and oftentimes would attack his master when closely pushed. I will mention William's tricks, and how to teach a dog to perform them, further on. The Setter. The setter is a handsome, bright, and highly valued animal for all the purposes of finding and setting small game, as well as for recovering birds, etc., after being shot. He is also susceptible of being trained to do an immense number of tricks, such as return- ing to a store and selecting a letter left by his master among 248 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. many others, or finding your powder-flask, picking up your pocket-book, if dropped accidentally, going to the house and bringing you any desired garment, etc. This dog requires no training to find and set birds in the fields and bush, as he does this work naturally. Good setters have been known to bring as high as $500. The Mastiff. The mastiff, m appearance, resembles the bull-dog about the head, but with the ears dependent ; the upper lip falls over the lower jaw ; the end of the tail turns up, and frequently the fifth toe of the hind foot is more or less developed ; the nostrils are separated by a deep groove ; his countenance is grave and some- what sullen, and his deep-toned bark can be heard at any hour of his watchfulness. He is much taller than the bull-dog, but not so deep in the chest. His head is large compared with the size of his body. It is generally believed that the mastiff is an original breed peculiar to the British Islands. He is generally used as a watch-dog, and his large proportions make quite an impression on a stranger, especially during the still hours of night. It is with the greatest vigilance that he watches the property and abode of his master, never neglecting his duty. Nothing will induce him to forsake his watchfulness over anything placed MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 240 in his charge to guard. His attachment to his master, and great appreciation of kindness and favors bestowed on him, is fully as great as shown by the most diminutive canine, notwithstanding his great size, commanding appearance and faithful watchfulness over his master's abode. The natural instinct of this dog is un- mistakably that of a faithful watch-dog, and he requires little or no training for this purpose. The Poodle. From what particular breed the poodle descended is unknown, yet all his peculiarities of form, size, and susceptibility to train- ing have been remarkably well retained. He was originally a water-dog, as is amply shown by his natural propensities while in a domesticated state, and he is the easiest trained and educated of any other dog. As sporting dogs they are not recognized to any extent. His great attachment to his master, the great number of useful tricks which he can be trained to perform, make him the most companionable of all dogs. It is customary to strip the poodle of his natural long curly hair from the portion of the body back of his shoulders, leaving 250 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. parts of his head and forward parts as nature intended, as shown in the cut ; the contrast between the parts of his body may give a pretty effect, but is liable to be the cause of bring rheumatism, to which disease this dog is very liable. Smooth Eat Terrier. This dog has a convex forehead ; pointed muzzle ; prominent eye; short fur; moderate-sized ears, half erect. He is a most useful dog about the house and farm, having no superior as a destroyer of rats, weazels, polecats, etc., for which service he requires no training, his natural propensities guiding him in his work. There are the rough and smooth terriers ; the rough clog probably obtained his shaggy coat from the cur, and the smooth terrier may derive his from the hound. Were it not for this very useful dog many a granary and barn would be the scene of an immense loss of grain by rats. The terrier is quick and active, and easy to train for the performance of many novel and interest- ing tricks. Collie, or Shepherd Dog. This animal is used for the purpose of watching, returning stray sheep to the flock, heading off, guiding and driving sheep, as well as protecting them from wild animals and dogs. He is also a faithful house watch-dog, of good disposition. He is MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 251 used extensively by the ranchers throughout California and Ore- gon. The hair on this dog is long and inclined to be shaggy, his snout sharp, body full and well-rounded, legs of moderate length ; tail has fine brush, similar to that of a fox. He is capable of standing an unusual amount of exposure to wind, rain, snow and cold, his fine long hair providing him ample protection. Among those dogs most readily trained to perform tricks are the French poodle, water spaniel, setter and pointer. In fact, any common cur such as we have illustrated on page 255 can be taught to perform many interesting and amusing tricks, as will be shown further on in this work. Training the Shepherd Dog. After you have selected the kind of a dog you desire to train — one from six months to a year old — take him into some large room or lot with a high fence, being careful that there is nothing to interfere with your work, or any place for the dog to crawl through and out of the room or lot. Take your dog into the place prepare! for his training. It is preferable to get an animal unaccustomed to being played with by boys and also one unused to the words of command made use of to other dogs. .252 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. The first thing to teach him is his name and to obey promptly, when you call him by name and order him to come to or go from you. He must at first be taught to mind by the use of a single word, and when accustomed to the use of a single word as here (emphasizing here), teach him to obey by the use of two or more words, such as "come here," "lie down," etc. There are many ways of teaching the dog, as well as other animals, but our methods for teaching him will be very simple and effectual, being appli- cable to every case. If we teach the dog by coaxing, he will come only when he feels disposed to, and is liable to disobey at a time when we are extremely anxious to have him obey our commands, therefore we resort to other means than by coaxing. Most writers claim that it will take the dog three or four days to learn his name by their methods — we propose by our method to teach him in ten or fifteen minutes. Place a strong strap or collar about his neck — there is a patent collar for this particular purpose, but is unnecessary, as the above-mentioned strap or collar will answer all requirements and inflict no cruelties on the animal. Attach a cord to the collar, long enough to reach across the room or enclosure ; take hold of it about six or eight feet from the dog, and say " Here," or any other word you propose using when you want him to come to you. A German, Frenchman, Italian, or, in fact, a person of any nationality, will, of course, use whatever word suits his language, and whatever word he may use, it is •evident the dog will not understand it; so jerk on the cord sharply, using whatever word you intend using to have him come to you. This will have a tendency to hurt the dog a little at first. Then move a little from him and repeat the word and the jerking — always using the word first, followed quickly by pull- ing on the line. As soon as the dog shows any signs of com- ing toward you in answer to your commands, approach, and •by caressing. MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 253 him, encourage his obedience in the future. After fondling and kindly treating him for a little while, step away from him further than before, and repeat the operation until he will come to you from any part of the room or enclosure, at the word of command — "Here!" When you get him to come to you, say "do" in place of saying " that will do/' This lesson will occupy about thirty or forty minutes, and will be sufficient for the first time. On the conclusion of the lesson, romp and play with him, so that it will not appear like a long lesson. During the training of the dog, allow no one to approach or speak to him, and never permit him to be fed by any one but yourself. When the dog has had a good rest, begin again as before with the cord and collar, saying to him, "Come," at the same time pulling him with the cord toward you, should he fail to obey. If he comes at your word of command, kindly treat and encourage him. Then you can begin to teach him to go from you, at the word " go." This you can do by leaving the room door open, or by getting a piece of meat and throwing it from you, and encouraging him to go after it. When he understands how to go, then teach him to halt, by holding him with the cord when he is going after the meat or toward the door. In fact, this dog wants to be taught obedience only, and his natural instinct will teach him to drive and care for the sheep. To teach the dog to take hold of anything, first get (a piece of stout cloth or rope, and get him to take hold of it, at the same time using the word " Hold ;" and when he has held it long enough, say to him, " Do," in place of " That will do," and repeat this performance until he will readily and willingly take hold and let go of the rope when ordered to do so. When he has accomplished these things properly, procure a gentle cow and encourage the dog to hold on to her tail until 254 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. you give hiui the word to let go ; and then you may take him along, accompanied by other dogs, to drive the cattle, encourag- ing him to drive them. At the same time do not send him after cattle unused to dogs, or they may turn and frighten him . After doing this a few times, take a well-broke dog along that has been taught to drive, and let your new dog have a chance to see the old dog work. The young dog will require very little encourage- ment to learn to drive and work with sheep and cattle. After having learned to come, go, take hold, let go, etc., his natural propensities will direct his future efforts. TEACHING THE DOG TEICKS. Many amusing tricks may be taught the dog, that will make him appear very intelligent. As I have before said, much depends on the breed ; a dog of the poodle family may be taught to perform one set of tricks, while one of the bloodhound, terrier, or greyhound family may be taught to perforai things entirely at variance with those of the poodle. When selecting a dog to train, I always get one that is considered very difficult to train — a mongrel or common cur. If we select a well-bred dog, that is considered very intelligent, we could claim but very little credit for having such a dog perform interesting tricks j therefore, I would advise the selection of the former kind for a trick dog, by which course the trainer will receive greater credit than the dog for his clever performances. The reader must bear in mind the necessity of giving the dog primary lessons before undertaking to instruct him in the lessons pertaining to the grammar department of his course of instruc- tions, or, in other words, teach him the simplest first, then the more difficult tricks. My celebrated dog William was trained to drink when he was not thirsty and to eat when not hungry. He was a cross between the bull-dog and terrier, and did MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 255 not have the appearance of a dog susceptible of a high degree of education, yet he was trained to perform numerous difficult and interesting tricks. Having first taught your dog to obey every command promptly, proceed to teach him to sit up. This you can do by placing him in a corner in a sitting position, and should he attempt to come Common Cur. down, tap him lightly on the chin, and say, " Sit up ! " Keep him in this position for a little while, and should he come down again, straighten him up, saying to him, " Sit up." After he has sat in this position a little while, say to him, " Do," meaning that will do. The object in placing him in the corner is to furnish him with support at first, that he may not fall over. After he has learned to sit up well in the corner, sit him up 256 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. against the wall and try the same thing ; this will require more patience, as he can easily fall over to either side. When he has learned this well, take him from the wall to the middle of the floor, and set him up ; but as he has no support whatever, it will require more time and patience before he can accomplish the feat. When he sits up on the floor without sup- port, then proceed to teach him to stand up. This you can do by taking hold of his front feet with both hands and straightening him up, at the same time saying, " Up !" Then replace him in the sitting position. Repeat this until he will stand up readily at the word "Up!" and sit down at the word "Down!" The trainer must bear in mind that this is not all to be accomplished in a single lesson, but requires several. Do not prolong the lessons until the dog becomes tired and inattentive. Next pro- ceed to teach him to walk on his hind feet. This you can do by taking hold of his forward feet with both your hands and walking him forward and backward on the floor, at the same time saying to him "Forward !" or "Back !" according to the way you require him to go. After he understands what you want him to do, holding on to him with your hands, you can then encourage him to do it without holding on to him, by having him a little hungry, and inducing him with a piece of meat to rise up and walk after it, backward and forward. Next proceed to teach him to jump over things. Ths best way to get him to do this is to get a small bar or pole, six or eight feet long, placing one end of it on a box about a foot high, and the other on the floor; then place the cord on his neck, the same as in training him to come to you, and get on one side of the bar, with the dog on the other, saying "Jump," at the same time pulling on the cord to induce him to do so. You might also have a small switch in your hand as a "persuader," using the switch at the same time MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 257 you pull on the cord. After jumping over the pole readily, following you over every time, induce him to jump over the bar closer and closer to the box, at which point the bar is highest from the ground. Every time he jumps over fondle him, and by kindness show him that he has done what you required of him. Now you can increase the height of the box to two feet, and repeat the lesson as before, until he will jump over a bar at any reasonable height. In giving these lessons never use the word "jump" more than once, and then enforce your order. By this method the dog will soon find out that he is never punished except when he disobeys, and receives kind treatment and reward with food, for prompt obedience. This prepares him to jump on the box, chair or stool. You can now take the bar away and make him jump upon the box. When he jumps up encourage him by kindness, then say: " Jump down*1 If he does as ordered, proceed as before. Repeat this until he will readily do it at the words " jurnp up," or " down." The dog is now prepared to receive a higher and more difficult branch of his education. Get a barrel to begin with ; prop it so as to have it solid ; then stand at one end and teach the dog to jump on the barrel, and down, as you did when exercising him with the box, chair or stool. Have the cord on the dog's neck, holding it with your left hand, all this time, so as to compel him to take the position you desire. Then walk half way around the barrel, obliging the dog to keep his head to your left hand and his tail to your right. Get him to do this perfectly, before allowing him to attempt anything new — to prevent his being confused. For each act you require of the dog, use a different word of com- mand and do not repeat it, but insist on prompt obedience at the 258 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. first command, and never neglect to kindly use him on the conclusion of a well-performed lesson. After he has accomplished this part of the lesson, take the props from the sides of the barrel so it will roll ; compel your dog to get upon it, standing across the middle, with his sides toward the barrel ends ; pull gently on the cord— this will start the barrel to roll slowly toward you, as you always stand facing the dog. The movement of the barrel necessitates the dog's changing and lifting his feet to balance himself as it rolls along. Never permit him to squat down, but keep in an upright position while going through this exercise. Having gone on in this manner across the room, walk around to the other side of the barrel, compelling the dog to " about face" and begin to pull gently again on the cord, causing the barrel to roll toward you. When he does this well without your pulling on the cord, take him down and give him a good rest. Next, order your dog up on the barrel, again obliging him to roll it first one way and then the other. When he does this to your satis- faction, walk around to the end of the barrel and making him face you, with his head toward one end of the barrel, hold it and say to him " Stop /" helping him at first, so he will not fall. Then go to the side of the barrel, the dog turning his head toward you, with his sides parallel with the ends of the barrel, and order him forward. He will start to moving his feet, of course, thus causing the barrel to roll forward. After he moves forward, reverse and stop the barrel satisfactorily, then teach him to steady the barrel, while he stands with his head toward the end. When he has learned the above portions of his lessons, block the barrel again, and proceed to teach him to lie down, sit up, and stand up on the barrel. When he has been taught well to stand erect on the floor, you MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 259 can then make him stand up on the box, and next on the barrel, and he will soon get the idea of standing up well on the barrel. uiea- After your dog has been advanced to this high degree of edi tion, you can proceed to teach him to pick up and lay things down at your word of command. There are two ways to teach him to do these things. One would be to take a ball, or something he is used to playing with, getting him to run after it and bring it to you, making him drop it at your feet, by putting your fingers in his mouth, and pressing on the inside, at the same time saying " let go." Another way would be to place the object inside of his mouth, and compel him to hold it there until told to let go. The best way is to get a piece of meat or anything he is fond of, and of a size to pre- vent his swallowing it. When you have succeeded in teaching him this, you cau substitute some, other object in placs of the ball or meat — for instance, a slipper or handkerchief. Teach him to pick up and bring to you any desired object, always being particular to call it by name, so that he will become familiar with the sound as well as the sight of the object. Begin first with a single object, such as a boot or hat. Step up close to it, making the dog take hold and pick it up, then step away, and calling it by name command him to bring it to you and place it at your feet. If he does it all right pet him. By teaching your animal this one trick thoroughly, with a single object, he will soon be enabled to dis- tinguish the names of several things placed in a row. When he can bring you any article asked for among a number of others, then sub- stitute the color of the articles in place of their names, so when you order him to bring a slipper, say to him "bring me the green slipper," placing great stress on the word which represents the color. 260 MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. By tuis course of training it will appear as though the dog could readily distinguish colors, when in reality you have only substituted the name of the color of the object in place of its name ; for example, if the slipper is green, say to hirn to bring you the green slipper, or the Hack slipper, or the Hue slipper, and so on, until you can teach him to bring you a slipper of any prominent color you may name. By this course of treatment the dog will become able to distinguish one color from another, no matter what the object may be, whether it is a slipper, hat, paper, handkerchief or anything else. There is a great deal of deception practiced in the exhibition of performing animals, by the skill of the trainer in directing their movements. Remember, the trainer does the most of the tricks by his movements, for, after the dog has been trained to pick up things, he can do numerous tricks, such as telling the time by looking at your watch. Be careful you see the watch yourself, or the dog cannot perform the trick. You place on the floor cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. Every number you wish him to pick up, step in front of the number. If it is not the one that you want, say to your dog, " Go on, sir, and tell me the time." If he picks up the right one, say : " Bring it here, sir !" Then ask him how much three and six are, and make him pick up the card No. 9. Then ask him how many dayi there are in a week. Give him the sign to pick up Eo. 7. Ask him how many days he likes to work, and make him pick him up the cypher, and so on. You can see how numerous you can make his tricks. By having several dogs trained, each one in his line, and have them sit on a stool and perform in turn, will make a very inte- resting exhibition. Have the greyhound display his wonderful powers for leaping. When you require him to do this, |have a MANAGEMENT OF THE DOG. 261 pad for him to jump on, so as not to injure bim as he alights. Have the setter perform tricks that require a fine nose ; the spaniel or poodle for the water tricks ; the bull terrier for those kind of tricks that require courage. Bull Terrier. If you want to make your dog sneeze, get a little snuff and put it on his nose. Say " Sneeze, sir !" In a short time he will sneeze if you point your finger at him. In the foregoing we have given instructions for training dogs to perform many amusing tricks ; the natural ingenuity of the experi- menter will enable him to extend the list indefinitely. DISEASES OE THE DOG. Distemper. Distemper is a feverish disease, marked by a rapid loss of strength and flesh in proportion to the severity of the attack. It may occur more than once in the same individual, and at any period of life. It is generally met with in the puppy, and in the majority of cases the- dog is afterwards exempt. The cause of the disease consists in the poisoned state of the blood, which may be produced either by conta- gion or by putrid emanations from filthy and overcrowded kennels. It is from the efforts of nature to throw off this poison that the various symptoms are produced by which we know the disease. The symptoms differ in accordance with the difference of constitution of the animal, also to the state of surroundings, air, etc. Distemper is either simple or attended by complications in the chest, head, belly, etc. Although they are all essentially the same disease, the variations may be described as : 1st. Mild distemper. 2nd. Head distemper. 3rd. Chest distemper. 4th. Belly distemper. 5th. Malignant distemper. In almost all cases of mild distemper, the following symptoms show themselves, with the additional symptoms peculiar to each. The first noticeable thing is a general dullness, especially in the eyes, accompanied by a loss of appetite and a dislike for exercise and play. A short cough soon appears, attended by a disposition to sneeze, and the dog appears as though he hardly knew which to do first, cough or sneeze. While the dog is quiet in his kennel, the cough and DISEASES OF THE DOG. 263 sneezing are seldom heard, but when brought out into the air, from the kennel, especially after he begins to run about and play, the mucuous membrane is irritated, and the cough begins, either by itself or alternately with sneezing. There is slight thirst, generally a warm, dry nose, a disordered state of the bowels, which may be either con- fined or relaxed, and a scanty secretion of highly colored urine. In a few days the dog loses flesh and strength to a great extent, and then gradually recovers. Head Distemper begins the same as in the mild form, and if there is any cough or sneezing it is very slight, sometimes being imper- ceptible. It will be noticed that the whites of the eyes are covered with blood-vessels loaded with dark blood, and strong light appears to give pain. Very often this kind of distemper is accompanied by a fit of short duration, at the beginning of the trouble, and leaves the dog in a state of torpor from which he can with difficulty be aroused. If the brain is not relieved, the fits recur at short intervals, the stupor increases, until the dog becomes insensible and dies in violent convul- sions. Chest distemper is an extension downward into the chest of the irritation which causes the cough. It there generally sets up that kind of inflammation known as bronchitis, together with which, however, there is often inflammation of the substance of the lungs (pneumonia), or even of the external surface (pleurisy). Distemper of the belly is often caused by mismanagement, brought on by either the abuse of violent drugs or neglect for some time previous of the secretions. In the former case, the bowels become very much re- laxed at the expiration of ten days from the commencement of a case of mild distemper, with constant diarrhoea, soon followed by the pas- sage of large quantities of blood. When this comes from the small intestines it may be quite black and pitchy, or when from the lower bowels it is red and florid. 264 DISEASES OF THE DOG. Generally these symptoms appear as the result of calomel, or other violent medicine ; sometimes they appear of themselves. When the bowels have become confined from neglect, while, at the same time, the secretion of bile has been checked, a very dangerous symptom, named " the yellows," shows it-self, the name being given in conse- quence of the skin and white of the eyes being of a yellow color from the presence of bile. When this occurs without distemper, it is not so fatal ; but when it comes on during an attack of this disease, it almost invariably proves fatal. Malignant distemper may come on at first, the animal being, as it were, at once knocked down by the severity of the poison. At times it shows itself within a week or ten days after the first symptoms appear. It may follow either of the four kinds already described, being marked by an aggravated form of the symptoms of each. There are additional evidences of the poisoned state of the blood which present themselves in the four stages into which this disease has been divided. These stages are : 1st, incubation, during which the disease is hatching or brewing 2nd, reaction, when nature is working to throw off the poison ; 3rd 'prostration, following these efforts ; and, 4th, convalescence, wherein the constitution recovers its usual powers. In well marked cases of malignant distemper the four stages average about a week or ten days each, and as the treatment for each varies considerably, it is important to ascertain their existence. The period of incubation may be known by the symptoms common to mild distemper, as well as to other kinds. In the malignant form the secretions are disordered, the strength is lost more rapidly, and the appetite is almost gone. During the reaction the pulse becomes hard and quick, the breathing is much hurried, and is often much quicker than the pulse, without the existence of any inflammation. It is important to notice this, as, when such is the case, any lowering DISEASES OF THE DOG. 265 measures are improper. On the other hand, the pulse may be very high and strong, and the breathing labored, which, together with other unmistakable symptoms, require energetic and lowering treat- ment. At this time, also, are developed those dangerous affections of the brain, bowels, or liver, to which I have before alluded. When this stage of prostration sets in the whole system is thoroughly pros- trated, the dog is so weak that he is unable to stand, his strength is almost entirely gone, so that he must be drenched to keep him alive. The tongue, gums and teeth are coated with a black fur, and his breath is highly offensive. At this time an eruption of the skin shows itself sometimes consisting in mere purple spots, in others of small bladders filled with yellow matter, but most frequently of bladders varying in size from a pea to half the size of a hen's egg containing matter more or less stained with purple blood, and some- times blood alone. On the skin of the belly, and inside of the thighs, this eruption is thickest, but sometimes extends to the whole body. It is considered a favorable sign, taken by itself, though it generally attends severe cases. Health gi'adually returns in the convalescence from malignant distemper, but great care should be taken, or a relapse is apt to follow, and is often fatal. In distinguishing the various forms of distemper from the diseases that mosL resemble them, it is necessary to bear in mind the peculiarity of distemper. In its malignant form, especially, is the rapid tendency to loss of strength and flesh which accompanies it. A common cold or cough is attended with slight fever, languor and loss of appetite, yet it may go on for some days without the dog losing much flesh, and with but small loss of strength. So with ordinary diarrhoea — it requires a very severe attack to reduce a dog anything like the same degree which a few days' distemper will cause. 266 DISEASES OF THE DOG. A clog with diarrhoea gets thin, but does not become a living skeleton, as he does when affected with distemper ; neither does he lie ex- hausted in his kennel, powerless to rise from his bed, and unable to relieve himself unless receiving support. The same applies to simple inflammation of the lungs, which may be treated with lowering medicine with good effect without reducing the dog too much ; while in chest distemper, even if the local symptoms are apparently as severe, a treatment half as energetic will be fatal from exhaustion following upon it. The sequels of distemper are chorea, commonly called " the twitch," and a kind of palsy, known as " the trembles." Both are produced by seme mischief done the brain or spinal marrow in the course of the disease. They generally follow the kind described as head distemper. Chorea is known by a peculiar and idiotic-looking drop in one fore- quarter when the dog begins to move, causing him to bob his head in a helpless manner. At times the twitch is only partial, and at others almost universal, but disappears during sleep. Shaking palsy affects the whole body. It is more rare than chorea, which fact is fortunate, as it is considered incurable. All lowering mea- sures should be avoided in the treatment of the various forms and sequels of distemper, as this is the most debilitating disease. Inflammation is always to be feared, attacking either the brain, lungs, or bowels, and as bleeding and other remedies of a similar ten- dency form the most active means for getting rid: of inflammation, there is left only a choice between two dangers. In the general treat- ment there are two things to be attended to : First, avoid lowering the system, and, in severe cases, support it by good diet, consistent with the avoidance of encouragement to inflammation. Second, take particular eare that inflammation does not go far enough to destroy life, or to leave such organic change in brain or lungs as shall render DISEASES OF THE DOG. 26T the dog useless for purposes for which he was deoigned. This, in theory, is simple, but requires some experience in practice. At times one is obliged to blow hot and cold at the same time, lowering the dog with one hand and propping him up with the other. Kemember, always,, that this disease has a natural tendency to recovery, the efforts of the powers of the system being to throw off a poison in the blood. Nature, therefore, requires to be aided, not opposed ; the less inter- ference witli her operations the greater your success. 1. General Treatment — For the early stage give a mild dose of aperient medicine, such as castor oil and syrup of poppies in equal proportions. If the liver does not act give jalap and calomel. Avoid giving calomel if there is plenty of bile in the evacuations. After the early stage of the trouble is passed give no medicine. Keep the kennel clean, dry, airy and warm, changing the litter often. Avoid exercise till the running of the eyes and cough have ceased. Give nourishing broths, thickened with rice, flour, or arrowroot, when there is diarrhoea. If the bowels are confined give oat-meal. If there is very little water passed give as a drench five or six grains of nitre,, with half-teaspoonful of spirits of nitre every night. 2. Head distemper requires energetic treatment in addition to the above. From four to eight leeches may be applied to the inside of the ears ; bathe the part with milk and water first. Then put in a seton to the back of the neck, first smearing the tape with blistering ointment. Apply cold water to the head if it is very much affected, with a wet cloth or with a watering-pot. Give calomel and jalap to act on the bowels and liver, also a pill (one-half grain to one grain tartar emetic), twice a day. When the urgent symptoms have- disappeared the dog will require supporting with beef tea and tonics. .268 DISEASE OF THE DOG. 3. Chest Distemper — Should there be inflammation, it sometimes becomes necessary to bleed, but it is better to avoid any such lowering measure, and use antimony or ipecacuanha. Mix one grain of either of these with half a grain of opium ; give twice or three times a day If the trouble is long continued apply a blister to the chest, or rub in mustard mixed with vinegar. Should the breathing be more rapid than the pulse, stimulants will be required, such as the bark and am- monia mixture in No. 5. 4. Distemper of the belly, attended with purging, requires the use of astringents. Opium is the best. The following has no equal : Prepared chalk, two drams; laudanum, one once; mulcilage of acacia, one ounce; tincture of ginger, two drams; water, five and one-half ounces. Give a tablespoonful every time the bowls are relaxed. The diet should consist of boiled rice with milk or broth, and in case of much thirst give rice-water only. If the bowels are confined, and, as generally the case, attended with " the yellows," take calomel, 3 grains to 5 grains ; rhubarb and aloes, of each 5 grains to 10 grains. Mix and form into a ball with water, giving twice a day until it acts freely. Should bile begin to flow, there is still greater care required to avoid checking the diarrhoea on the one hand, while on the other the exhaustion caused by it is •often very great. Broth, thickened with rice or flour, must be given often, by force if necessary. Where there is great exhaustion from diarrhoea, arrow -root and port wine will prove beneficial. 5. Malignant distemper is less difficult to control than that in the head. The great thing is to avoid reducing the system in the early stage. A mild dose of oil given as described in No. 1 will be beneficial. After this, the less done the better till the usual weakness shows itself. There is no chance of recovery .unless by resorting to strong tonics and good food. For this DISEASES OF THE DOG. ^t)tr purpose there is no remedy like port wine or bark of ammonia. The former may be given, mixed with an equal part of water, and with the addition of a little spice, such as nutmeg or ginger. For the latter, take a decoction of bark, loz.; aromatic spirit of ammonia, 1 dram ; compound tincture of bark, 1 dram. Mix and give twice a day to a large dog, or half to a small one. If the bowels are relaxed, give the dog the astringent mixture as in No. 4. Eest is absolutely necessary for the dog. * GENERALLY PRESCRIBED MEDICINES AND THEIR ACTION ON THE DOG. Aperients. To quicken or increase the evacuation from the bowels, aperients or purges are given. Their mode of operation vary a good deal. Some cause an immense watery discharge, which, as it were, washes out the bowels; others act merely by exciting the muscular coat of the bowels to contract ; while a third set combine the action of the other two. Some purges act upon and stimulate the small intestines, while others pass through without affecting them and act upon the large bowels alone, and others again act upon the whole canal, showing that the various purges act also on different parts of the canal. There is another point of difference in purges, depending on their influencing the liver, in addition, which mercurial purgatives surely do, as well as rhubarb and some others, which effect is partly due to their absorption into the circulation. They may be made to act by injecting into the veins, with the same effect and results as though swallowed and subsequently passed into the bowels. Purgatives are classed according to the degree of their effect— into drastic purges, that act severely and laxatives acting mildly. 270 DISEASES OF THE DOG. 1. Purgative Injection — Castor oil, £ oz.; spirit of turpentine, 2 drams ; gruel, 6 to 8 oz. Mix. 2. A Good Aperient Ball — Blue pill, t scruple; compound extract of colocynth, 1 scruple ; powdered rhubarb, 5 grains; oil of aniseed, 2 drops. Mix. Give to a large dog ; but for a small one, give one- half or one-third. 3. Strong Aperient Ball— Calomel, 4 grains ; jalap, 14 to 2d grains ; linseed meal and water, one or two boluses, according to size. 4. Castor Oil Mixture — Castor oil, | pint ; laudanum, £ oz. ; oil of aniseed, 1 dram ; oil, 2 oz. Mix, and give according to the size of dog, from one to three tablespoonfuls. Antispasmodics. Anti-spasmodics, as their name implies, are remedies which are in- tended to counteract excessive muscular action, called spasm, or when in the limbs, cramp. 1. Anti-spasmodic Injection — Laudanum, sulphuric ether and spirit of turpentine, each 1 to 2 drams ; gruel, 3 to 6 oz. Mix. 2. "Anti-spasmodic Mixture — Camphor mixture, 1 oz.; sulphuric- ether and laudanum, of each | to 1 dram. Mix. Give every two Jiours till spasms cease. Alteratives. To produce a fresh and healthy action in place of previous disor- dered functions, alteratives are given. It is only by the results that the precise mode of action can be understood, and the utility of these medicines recognized. 1. Plummer's pill, 2 to 5 grains ; extract of hemlock, 2 to 3 grains. Mix, and give every night. 2. Cod liver oil, from a teaspoonful to a tablespoonful, with one or two drops of wine of iron twice a day. 3. Stinking hellebore, 5 to 8 grains ; powdered rhubarb, 2 to DISEASES OP THE DOG. 271 4 grains. Mix, and form into a pill. G-ive every night. -A. Podophyllin, i grain ; compound rhubarb pill, 3 grains. Mix, and give once or twice a week until the liver acts freely. 5. Liquor Arsenicalis— Dose, 7 drops to an average-size dog. Specially recommended for dogs rendered gross from want of work and over-feeding. Anodynes. To soothe the general nervous system, or stop diarrhoea, and some- times to relieve spasm, as in colic or tetanus, anodyne medicines are given. Opium is the principal anodyne used in canine medicine, and may be used in quite large doses. Anodyne Prescriptions. 1. For Long-continued Purging— Diluted sulphuric acid, 3 drams ; tincture of opium, 2 drams ; compound tincture of bark, 1 oz.; water, 6^ oz. Mix. Give tablespoonful every four hours. 2. For Slight Purging— Prepared chalk, 2 drams ; aromatic con- fection, 1 dram ; tincture of opium, 5 to 8 drams ; rice-water, 7 oz. Mix. After every loose motion give two tablespoonfuls. 3. Castor oil, 2 oz.; tincture of opium, 1 oz. Mix by shaking. Give one tablespoonful night and morning while the bowels are • loose. Astringents. Astringents, whether applied immediately or by absorption into the circulation, cause contraction in those living tissues with which they come in contact, whether in the interior or exterior of the body. They are divided into astringents applied locally to external, ulcerated or wounded surfaces, and those administered by the mouth. 272 DISEASES OF THE DOG. 1. Astringent Ball, useful in Diabetes or Hemorrhage — Powdered opium, 2 to 3 grains ; gallic acid, 4 to 6 grains ; alum, 5 to 10 grains ; powdered bark, 10 grains ; linseed-meal, enough to form a ball for a large dog, or divide in two for a small one. 2. Astringent Ointment for Piles — Gallic acid, 10 grains ; goulard extract, 15 drops; lard, 1 oz. Mix. 3. Astringent Washes for the Eves — Grouiard extract, 1 dram ; water, 1 oz. Mix. Or, nitrate of silver, 2 to 8 grains; water, 1 oz. Mix, and drop into the eyes with a quill ; or wine of opium to be dropped into the eye. 4. Sulphate of zinc, 5 to 8 grains ; water, 2 oz. Mix. Blisters. In the application of blisters to the skin of the dog, great care should be taken to muzzle him, and remove the muzzle only at feed- ing-time. Before blistering cut the hair off with scissors from the part to be blistered. Sweating Application for Enlarged G-roivths. Lard, one ounce ; red iodide of mercury, one drachm ; mix. Rub in a little everv day until producing a watery discharge, then desist for a few days, repeating when necessary ; or paint with tincture of iodine every day until the desired effect is produced. Emetics. Sometimes emetics are required for dogs, but not often. Vomiting being a natural process with him, he seldom needs provoking. Eme- tics, if had recourse to too often, will cause his stomach to become so irritable that neither food nor medicine will remain on it. Their administration should be kept carefully within the bounds of absolute necessity. DISEASES OF THE DOG. 273 1. Common Salt Emetic— Grive a drench of one teaspoonful of salt to half the quantity of mustard dissolved in half a pint of warm water. 2. Strong Emetic — Powdered Ipecacuanha, 4 to 5 grains ; tartar emetic, one-half to one grain ; mix ; dissolve in a little warm water and give as a drench, to be followed by a half-pint of lukewarm water in a quarter of an hour. Liniments or Embrocations. The most beneficial remedy in use, when applied to the skin for the purpose of producing counter irritation, and specially useful in chronic rheumatism, colic, etc., is as follows : Liquid ammonia (strong), laudanum, spirits of turpentine, soap liniment, each one- half ounce ; mix. Caustics, Substances which burn away the living tissues of the body, by the decomposition of their elements, are caustics, and are of two kinds : first, the actual cautery, consisting of the application of a burning iron, and known as firing; second, potential cautery, by means of mineral caustics, such as lunar caustic, corrosive sublimate, potash, etc. Firing is seldom practiced on dogs, but it may sometimes be had recourse to with advantage. A very thin iron should be used. To stop bleeding from warts that have been cut from the mouth with a knife, or in a similar way for piles. 1. Lunar Caustic or Nitrate of Silver— This should be kept handy in a wooden vessel made especially for it — valuable to the veterinary surgeon. 2. Blue Stone, or Sulphate of Copper— Should bo rubbed freely into the parts affected. It is valuable for unhealthy sores, etc. • Corrosive sublimate is used to remove warts, but should be left to the use of practical surgeons. K 274 DISEASES OF THE DOG. Expectorants Excite and promote a discharge of mucous from the lining membrane of the bronchial tubes, relieving inflammation and allaying cough. 1. Ipecacuanha Powder and Powdered Opium — Each one grain — confection enough to make a pill — give every six hours. 2. Expectorant Balls — Ipecacuanha powder, 1 to 1| grains ; powdered rhubarb, 1 to 3 grains ; compound squill pill, 1 to 2 grains ; powdered opium, | to 1 grain ; linseed meal and water enough to make a ball. Give night and morning. 3. An Expectorant for a Recent Cough — Almond emulsion, 1 oz. ; tincture of lobelia, 10 to 15 drops ; ipecacuanha wine, 5 to 10 drops ; extract of conium, 2 to 3 grains. Mix. To be given two or three times a day. 4. An Expectorant Mixture for Chronic Cough — Syrup of poppies, 1 dram ; diluted sulphuric acid, 5 to 10 drops ; Friar's balsam, 10 to 15 drops; mucilage, \ oz. ; water, % oz. Mix, and give two or three times a day. Cordials. Medicines acting as warm temporary stimulants, augmenting strength and spirits when depressed, are cordials. They often relieve an animal from the effects of over-exertion. 1. Cordial Drench — Sal volatile, 15 to 30 drops ; infusion of gen- tian, i to 1 dram ; tincture of cardamons, i to 1 dram ; camphor mixture, 1 oz. Mix. 2. Cordial Balls — Ginger, 20 to 40 grains; powdered caraway seeds, \ to \\ drams ; oil of cloves, 3 to 8 drops. Mix, and give 10 grains for a dose. Diuretics. Diuretics are remedies which promote the secretion and discharge DISEASES OF THE DOG. 275 of urine, the effect produced by each medicine being done in a different manner. Some act directly on the kidneys by sympathy with the stomach, while others are taken up by the blood-vessels and, in their elimination from the blood, cause an extra secretion of urine. In either case their effect is to diminish the watery part of the blood, and thus promote the absorption of fluid effused into any of the cavities or into the cellular membrane, in the various forms of dropsy. 1. Diuretic and Alterative— Nitre, 4 grains ; iodide of potassium, 3 grains ; digitalis, £ grain ; extract of gentian, 5 grains. Mix, and give twice a day. 2. Diuretic Ball — Digitalis, j to 1 grain ; ginger, 4 trains • nitre, 6 grains ; linseed-meal and water to form a ball. Give night and morning. Worm Medicines. 1. Male fern-root, 1 to 3 drams ; oil, 10 to 30 drops, in tape- worm. 2. Spirit of turpentine, 1 to 4 drams ; tie up in a piece of bladder and give as a ball, for obstinate case of tape- worm. 3. Areca-nut powdered ; give 2 grains for every pound of the dog's weight. Good for worms. Febrifuges. Fever medicines allay fever, by increasing the secretions of urine and sweat, and reducing the action of the heart. 1. Fever Mixture— Sweet spirits of nitre, 3 drams ; mindererus spirit, 1 oz. ; nitre, 1 dram ; camphor mixture, 6| ozs. Mix. Dose — Give two tablespoonfuls every six hours. 2. Febrifuge Pill— Calomel, 1 to 3 grains ; nitre, 3 to 5 grains ; digitalis, i grain— confection to form a pill. To be given every night. 3. Tartar emetic, l-6th grain ; nitre, 3 to 5 grains— confection to form pill. Give night and morning. 276 DISEASES OE THE DOG-. Washes or Lotions. Mange Wash — Calvert's carbolic diluted with twenty times it& bulk of water, and rubbed into the roots of the hair, in red mange. Ointments Are greasy applications, by which means certain substances are brought in contact with the vessels of the skin. 1. Digestive Ointment — Venice turpentine, 1| ozs. ; beeswax, f oz. ; lard, 2 ozs. ; red precipitate,Q oz. Mix. 2. Mange Ointment — Lard, 1 oz. ; green iodide of mercury, 1 dram. Mix. Rub a small quantity every other day to the affected parts. Be careful not to leave any superfluous ointment on the surface of the body. Never dress more than one-fourth of the dog's body at one time. Tonics. Tonics increase the vigor of the whole body permanently, while stimulants only act for a short time. They are useful after low fever. 1. Distemper Tonic — Compound tincture of bark, one dram ; aro- matic spirit of ammonia, one drachm ; decoction of yellow bark, one ounce ; mix. 2. Tonic Pills — Gringer, two to three grains ; bisulphide of quin- ine, one to three grains ; extract of gentian sufficient to make a bolus ; give twice a day. 3. Tonic Mixture — Decoction of yellow bark, seven ounces ; com- pound tincture of bark, one ounce ; mix. Dose — Two tablespoonfuls two or three times a day. Stomachics Are prescribed particularly to increase the tone of the stomach. 1. Stomachic Draught — Compound infusion of gentian, one ounce ; DISEASES OF THE DOG. 277 tincture of cardamons, one-half dram ; tincture of ginger, five drops ; mix. To be given twice during the day. 2. Stomachic Pill — Powdered rhubarb, two grains ; extract of gen- tian, five grains ; mix, and give twice a day. Styptics. Eemedies having a tendency to stop the now of blood from either internal or external surfaces, are known as styptics. They are made use of by either the mouth or by direct application to the part, in the shape of a lotion, and also by the actual cautery, which is the best for external bleeding. Internal Styptics— For bloody urine, or bleeding from the lungs : Tincture of matico, | to 1 oz.; superacetate of lead, 12 to 24 grains j vinegar, 2 drams ; water, 7 to 7| oz. Mis. To a full-sized dog give two tablespoonf uls two or three times a day. Administration of Remedies. It is often very difficult to administer physic in any shape without some little patience and knowledge of the temper of the dog. Even the keeper of a large, powerful dog of a savage temper, can with difficulty control him. A resolute man with his hands properly guarded by gloves, can easily handle a dog of less than 40 or 50 pounds weight. To give a pill or bolus to a small dog, place him gently into the lap of the operator, and laving hold of the space between the canine teeth and the molars on each side, with thumb and forefinger of the left hand, force the mouth open and drop the pill into the throat with the right hand, following it rapidly with the fore- finger, and pushing it down as far as can be reached with the finger. Keep the mouth closed for a few seconds to give the pill time to reach the stomach. To treat a large dog, he must be backed into a corner, then straddle over him and put a thick 278 DISEASES OP THE DOG. cloth into his mouth ; bring the ends of this over his nose and hold with the left hand. An assistant then takes hold of the lower jaw with the aid of another cloth, if necessary, and wrenches the jaw apart j the right hand of the operator pushes the pill or bolus down the throat, being careful, as before, to keep the head up and the jaws closed for a few seconds. The manner of drenching is either to pour the fluid down, using the cheek as a funnel, or to open the mouth as for a pill or bolus, and pour it down the throat by means of a sauce-ladle or water-bottle. Keep the mouth closed directly the fluid is received, to force the dog to swallow it. Mange — No. 1. This disagreeable and loathsome disease, although very pre- valent, is but imperfectly understood, from inattention and want of knowledge of location and treatment. The dog rapidly be- comes weakened and debilitated, and is too often abandoned by his owner to his fate. By adhering to the following directions the disease will rapidly yield, your pet and companion will be- come again a sprightly creature, bounding before you in healthy, agile life. The most common form of the mange is produced by the presence of a small parasite, invisible to the naked eye, and similar to the parasite which appears as the itch, on the human body ; and can be conveyed to the healthy from the diseased dog by simple contact, the parasite readily leaving the emaciated victim to fasten upon a healthy subject. The dog, when per- ceived to be affected, by the fact of scratching, should be examined, and there will be seen small, red points, like flea- bites. These eventually pustulate, and exude a thin, irritating liquid or matter. There are many recipes. The best and simplest is : Take Ung. Hydrarg i oz. Oil of Tar i oz. DISEASES OF THE DOG. 279 Sulphur Sub 8 oz. Whale Oil, about 8 oz. Mix thoroughly, and after shaving the hair from the part affected, and washing well the entire body of the dog, apply carefully and well. After the expiration of three days, wash off and apply in the same manner, and again in less than a week, if it seems neces- sary. This remedy is within the reach of every one, and I have found it absolutely efficacious. Mange— So. 2. This species of mange, being deeper in the skin, is not as contagious :« the first form. Dogs infected may associate with healthy animals, yet not extend the disease. For this reason many persons have de- nied the contagiousness of the mange. This feature in follicular scabies is accounted for by the habits and situation of the parasite. It only leaves the body of the dog when carried off by the fluid thrown out in the follicle. The slightest accidental contact suffices for its transference from the diseased to the healthy dog, and spreads with remarkable energy. Symptoms — First, hot tumefactions of the skin take place and are usually patched with red, and blotchy. Soon small pimples show themselves, rapidly becoming pustular, break and exude serum, and (in extreme cases) pus, which forms in scabs or crusts. The skin becomes thick and chapped, as in common mange. The disease usually begins on the head, extending thence all over the body. It is very obstinate in yielding to treatment and is of long duration. Treatment — The best results have been obtained by the use of the following : Acid Acetic 2 drams. Oil of Terebinth 2 drams. 280 DISEASES OF THE DOG. Oil of Tar £ oz. Ung. Hydrarg 1 oz. Sulphur 8 oz. Whale Oil 10 oz. Mix the whole thoroughly and rub the affected parts for five minutes. In forty-eight hours wash off with soft soap and warm water. When dry apply to the surface whale oil ; the following day repeat the ointment — dressing without washing. Eepeat the oper- ation in a week. CONTENTS. Page. Anodyne Stimulating Liniment 116 Anatomy of the Horse's Foot 125 Administration of Eemedies 277 Applying the Shoe 188 Age of the Horse 54 Aperients • 269 Anti-Spasmodies 270 Alteratives 270 Anodynes 271 Anodyne Prescription 271 Astringents 271 Aromatic Powder 228 Anodyne Balls 230 Anodyne D renches > 230 Apply the Strap 233 Balky Horses ^° Bots 97 Balls for Farcy 118 Blood Spavin 96 Bare Feet for Farm Horses 120 Bull Terrier 261 Bloodhounds 215 Bruise or Sprain 116 Blisters 272 Bli stering Paste 227 Page. Colic Beraedy 89 Catarrh or Cold 91 Cure of .Farcy 103 Curb HI Conditiou Powders . 112 Condition Powder 119 Caustics 117 Cougli Balls 118 Cooling Liniment 115 Concluding Kemarks on Shoeing 221 Collie, or Shepherd Dog 250 Common Cur 255 Clips 180 Colic Flatulent 89 Contracted Feet 106 Colic Spasmodic 87 Cooling Lotion 232 Caustic for Dogs 273 Cordials 274 Cough Powder 227 Cooling and Diuretic Drink 228 Cordial and Anodyne Ball 228 Cordial Balls 230 Condition Powders 23 1 Diabetes Eemedy 118 Different Dispositions and Temperaments of the Horse 45 Diseases of the Horse and their Treatment 82 Diuretic Drops ... 113 Diseases of the Dog 262 Ill Dog Medicine. Page. 269 Diuretics Diuretic Alterative Balls 228 Diabetes Remedy 229 Diuretic Ball... 229 Emetics 272 274 Expectorants Eye of the Horse Fatal Disease of the Foot 102 Founder 108 For NewStrains li6 For Bloody Urine 118 For Inflamed Leg, (railed Back, &c 115 275 Febrifuges Fever Balls 229 230 For the Appetite Glanders Grease Heels Growth of the Hoof 142 General Management of the Hoof 212 94-6 Greyhound How to Break a Colt Properly 23 How to Break a Bad Halter-Puller 42 Heaves 96 117 Healing Compound 1Li H. Sample's Horses and Dog William 2^3 Hoof ' 131 IV Page. Hook, the Use of 232 Healing Preparation 114 Hoof Ointment 232 Introduction 3 Incurable Diseases 119 Instructions to Farriers 217 Kicking Horses 37 Lung Fever 83 Lockjaw or Tetanus 97 Lampas 99 Liniment of Extraordinary Merit for all Purposes... 112 Liniment for Open Wounds 114 Liniment for Foul Ulcers 115 Xiniment for Cooling External Inflammation 115 Liniment for Inflamed Leg, Galled Back or Shoulders 115 Lice on Horses 112 Liniments or Embrocations 273 Liquid Blister 227 Laxative Alterative Balls 228 Management of the Horse 23 Mange Treatment Nos. 1 and 2 102 Magic Liniment 116 Mild Caustics 117 Management of the Dog 244 Mastiff 248 Mixed Balls 230 Mange— Dogs 278 V Page. Nasal Gleet and Treatment 103 Nerve Operation 105 Ointment for Healing Cuts, Grails, etc 114 Ointment 276 Preliminary Eem arks 5 Poll-Evil and Fistula of the Withers 93 Preparing the Hoof 149 Purchasing a Horse 225 Poodle 249 Quitter 101 Kingbone 104 Rasping the Hoof 195 Recipes — Promiscuous 227 Runaway Horse 36 Recipes to Soften Horses' Feet 232 Senses of the Horse 12 Strangles or Distemper 92 Sweeny 94 Spavins — Two Kinds 94 Scratches — Cure 101 Sprains in the Stifle 105 Shoulder-Joint Lameness Ill Sticking Plaster for Cuts and Wounds 115 Shoeing 146 Shoeing of Defective Limbs 210 Streets and Roads 214 Smooth Rat-Terrier 250 VI Page. "Shoe 165 Setter 247 Shoeing Horses 121 Sprain and Bruise 116 Shoeing the Horse 202 Splendid Liniment 230 Sweating Application 272 Stomachs 276 Styptics 277 Sore Tongue 227 To Break a Horse that is xlfraid of a Locomotive... 51 To Strengthen the Tendons after Hard Driving and Seduce Swelling of the Legs 100 Treatment of Cuts and Wounds 113 Training the Shepherd Dog 251 Trick Dogs 254 To Teach the Horse to Bow 237 Trick Horses— To Teach...: 233 Teaching the Dog to Sit up 255 Teaching the Dog to Stand up 256 Teaching the Dog to Walk on his Hind Feet 256 Teaching the Dog to Jump 256 Teaching the Dog to Jump on a Box or Chair 257 Teaching the Dog to Soil a Barrel 257 Teaching the Dog to Stand on his Hind Legs on a Barrel 258 Teaching the Dog to Pick up or Lay down Objects 259 Teaching the Dog to Distinguish Colors 259 Teaching the D og to Tell the Time of D ay 260 Vll Page. Teaching the Dog to Multiply and Substract 260 Teaching the Dog to Sneeze 261 Tonic Diuretic Ball 229 Tonics 276 Tonic Ball 228 Teaching the Horse to Lie Down 233 Teaching the Horse to Sit "Up 235 Teaching the Horse to Follow You 236 Teaching the Horse to Pick Up a Hat 236 Teaching the Horse to Shake his Head 237 Teaching the Horse to Answer Questions 238 Teaching the Horse to Take a Handkerchief Off his Foot 240 Teaching the Horse to Get on a Box 240 Teaching the Horse to "Walk Around the Box on his Front Feet 240 Teaching the Horse to Get a Handkerchief Off a Pole 240 Teaching the Horse to Shoot a Pistol 240 Teaching the Horse to Paw 240 Teaching the Horse to Find a Handkerchief 241 Trick Horse "White Hawk" 241 Teaching the Dog his ~N&me 252 Teaching the Dog to Come to You 253 Teaching the Dog to Go From You 253 Teaching the Dog to Halt 253 Wash for Eeducing Inflamed Wounds 115 Wash for Fresh Wounds 114 Watering Horses 119 Winter Shoeing 207 Worm Medicines 275 Washes, or Lotions 276 J. J. Millek, Printer, Melbourne. BU 4*~*v '' ^ "^SAy^"7'' ■:*.&£■■■- ■■£$&