i'iSXB ■' "^./ w n^-i^ WANDY NOTEBOOK; . iHj ^ '"' - — -n^^ ■ I7t& EDITION ^^ ^. Who said my day was done? V' LiA'M'rur -'^ DUBLIN. 1 I htiportant Caution! ' HARVEY'S REMEDIES FOR THE HORSE i as herein described liave no connection ' whatever with any other, and Horse^ Oyvners yvhen ordering these Remedies from Chemists should as/c for them by ' the titles used in the following pages, and see that each Package or Bottle, bears a facsimile of the Proprietors' Signature, as below, on the outside label, as NONE OTHER CAN POSSIBLY ' i BE GENUINE. '< " THERE'S INFORMATION INT" THE HORSE-OWNERS HANDY NOTE BOOR OR COMMON DISEASES OF HORSES AND OTHER ANIMALS, WITH THEIR REMEDIES. SEVENTEENTH EDITION. With which is incorporated a Descriptive List OF Harvey's Great Remedies for the Horse, Which may now be had through all respectable Chemists . HARVEY & CO. (DUBLIN), LIMITED, OFFICES : 49 LOWER GARDINER STREET, DUBLIN. Telegraphic Address : Telephone No., " REMEDIES. DUBLIN.'' 1177. From a superficial perusal of this Pamphlet the reader will gather that the Remedies described are of no ordinary value. To Owners of Horses its pages are earnestly commended, and it is confidently suggested that no statement made therein will be found exaggerated. HARVEY & COMPANY, Established in 1859, For the Preparation of Superior Remedies for ttie Treatment of Common Diseases of Animals, but especially of Horses, wtiicti were tliorougtily tested and perfected by long experience in private practice. Incorporated 1901 as a • Private Limited Company. Harvey & Company, (DUBLIN), LIMITED, Wholesale Offices: 49 LR. GARDINER ST., DUBLIN. Telegraphic Address : Telephone No, "REMEDIES, DUDLIN." 1177. Discouraged Horse Owners should Pronounce no case Hopeless or Incurable For which HARVEY'S REMEDIES are Recommended. ... A VERY WIDE EXPERIENCE WITH ALL SORTS OF AILMENTS OF HORSES IS KECORDED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES, AND HORSE-OWNERS HAVING TROUBLE IN THE STABLE WILL PROBABLY FIND CASES SIMI- LAR TO THEIR OWN REFERRED TO AMONG THE UNSOLICITED LETTERS IN SOME ONE OF THE SECTIONS. THE TESTIMONIALS IN THIS BOOK SHOULD NOT BE PASSED OVER. TO ALL HORSE-OWNERS THEY WILL PROVE IN- TERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE. IVe all assail, and all tve overcome. CONTENTS. Introduction ... ... ... ... Page 7 PART I. BoNV Enlargements, Callosities, &c.— Curbs, SpliuU-, Spavins, Capped Hocks, Thorough-pin, Ring Bone, Side Bone, Groggi- ness, "Breaking Down," '" Pumiced Feet," Sprains, Knocks, Swellings, Back Sinews (Strain of), Laniinitis or Founder. Various. — Apoplexy, Megrims or Vertigo, Oplitliahnia. Cough, bron- chitis, Influenza, Pneumonia or Pleurisy, Sore Throat, Colic. Harvey's Embrocation ... ... ... Page u Firing ... ... ... .. ... Page 12 PART II. Wounds, Sores, &c.— Grease, Cracked Heels, Mallenders and Sallenders, Thrush, Speedy Cutting, Foot Scald of Dogs, Broken Knees, Harness Chafes, Itchiness of Mane and Tail, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Harvey's Red Lotion ... ... ... Page S2 PART III. The Respiratory Organs.— Chronic Cough, Touched Wind, Broken Wind, Roaring, Higli Blowing, Whistling. Hay Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Thick Wind, Hoose in Calves, Harvey's Aconite Powders ... ... Piige 97 PART IV. Worms, and Conditioning Horses. Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders Page 13) PART V. IUrgation.— Constipation, Inflammation of the Kitlneys and Bowels, Epilepsy, Staggers. Megrims or ^'ertigo, Grease, Surfeit or Nettle Rash, Rheumatism, Farcy, Inflammation in the Limbs or Body, Murrain, Red Water, Distemper in Pigs. EDOS: The Tasteless Purging Powder ... Page 172 PART \L Harvey's Haii'-Restoring Ointment for Horses Page ISi The " Hall Mark " ... ... ... Page 210 Where and how to procure the Remedies Page 211 Wholesale Agents ... ... ... Page 212 Poi'eign Orders ... ... ... ... Page 21.* County Index to Testimonials ... ... Page 'iis Direct Orders ... ... ... ... Pago 221 INTRODUCTION TO THE SEVENTEENTH EDITION. ALL that makes for the relief of suffering in the Animal world, and all that can con- tribute to the welfare of those Animals espe- cially which are brought directly under the control of Man, and employed by him for service or amusement, will be studied, it may be safely assumed, with interest by those charged with their care. In a state of Nature instinct guides very wonderfully, and it is exceptional when natural laws are violated by the untamed brute crea- tion. Withdrawn, however, from natural environment, domesticated, and subjected to artificial conditions, the animal becomes de- pendent upon his captor, and his well-being and consequent usefulness will be advanced, or impaired, according to the ability of the owner to obtain, and according to his intelligence in supplying, that which Nature, in her own per- fect proportion, can no longer grant. De- pendence, therefore, implies responsibility in all who have to do with the domesticated animal, and our aim should be to discharge that responsibility up to the very highest degree. No attempt is made in the following pages to direct treatment which may not safely l3C undertaken by the Horse- Owner himself, without professional assistance. The Six Remedies described cover most of the ailments to which Horses are commonly subject, and their employment will solve many a heart- breaking difficulty in the management of horses. Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Horse-Owners not previously acquainted with these Remedies, are respectfully advised to try them for ailments for which they are recommended. The Proprietors have studied to maintain the excellent reputation of the Remedies by con- fining their recommendation of them to diseases in which their success has been abundantly proved. There are other cases — perhaps incurable — where relief will be obtained by their use, but such arc only lightly touched upon in the following pages. The Remedies are Six in number. Three are Medicines in the form of Powders for internal use, all taken in ordinary food, and the horse does not therefore need to be drenched, unless sick and not feeding. The other three are Applications for external use, which can be applied by any intelligent man according to the simple instructions given. TESTimONY. It may be objected that undue space is given to testimony. We submit, however, that the wide experience represented by the reported cases, classified in the following pages, will prove of greater value to the Horse Owner, in diffi- culty as to the treatment proper to apply to trouble arising in his own stable, than would mere recommendation, marking in fact, all the difference between practice and theory. A testimonial that it is a pleasure to the horse-owner to write, is one that is worth placing before others, for it may be safely assumed that there is solid benefit behind it. We would not feel equal confidence in putting Introduction. forward an opinion for which we had to ask, because the quaUty of spontaneity is the most vahiable ingredient in a testimonial, and, lack- ing this, from our stand-point it would lack everything, and, therefore, we never do ask for one, directly or indirectly. HARVEY'S REMEDIES ARE SUCCESSFUL. Their action is characterised by Simplicity and Safety, and they are commended as reliable Remedial Agents of the highest order, for dealing with common diseases affecting Horses, with a directness and promptitude both rcriiavkablc and satisfactory. lo Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. To Avoid Disappointment The Proprietors of Harvey's Great Remedies for ilie Horse, in order to protect intending purchasers^ desire to poinc out that Every Genuine Package of Harvey's Remedies bears on the outer Wrapper or Label A CLEAR, BOLD FACSIMILE OF THE SIGNATURE BELOW, and without this signature any article purporting to be a Harvey's Remedy cannot possibly be genuine :— Harvey's Embrocation. ii ** Not a blemish." — Tempest, Act r, Scene i. •^ CAUTION.— Ask for HARVEY'S Embrocation, and observe that a fac-slmile of the Proprietors' Siirnature is on the outside Wrapper of each Genuine BottSe. PART I. A SUBSTITUTE FOR FIRING. FOR BONY ENLARGEMENTS, CALLOSITIES, 6tc. HARVEYS EMBROCATION, (Hara-ey's Watts' Embrocation). A Non-blemishing Specific for Curbs, Splints, Spavins, Deep-seated Lameness, &c. Bottles (encased), 3/9 and 7/- each. Vet. Practitioners' Bottles, 21/- each. The above engraving represents a reduced fac- simile of ^ 3/9 Bottle of Harvey's Embrocation as it is made up for sale. HARVEY'S EMBROCATION or Curb Bottle is unapproached by any known remedy in its power over Deep-seated Lameness and abnormal Bony Growth or Deposit such as Curb, Spavin, Splint, Side-bone, or similar exostoses as hereafter described, so that it is la Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. essentially the remedy for such cases as are usually treated by firing, and which are un- affected by stimulating liniments, whose action is superficial, and with which this Remedy is not to be confounded. Harvey's Embrocation is not suitable for open wounds or recent bruises. (For such cases Harvey's Red Lotion is recommended. See page 82.) For Shoulder-lameness, Strain of the Back Sinews, and other Strains and Sprains it is invaluable ; and for Bursal Enlargements such as Capped Hocks, Thorough-pins, Windgalls, Sec, which are so difficult to treat satisfactorily with a blister, this Embrocation is most success- ful, being gentle but absorbent in its action. One application of the Embrocation is as a rule sufficient to effect a cure. In long-standing or callous cases, two or perhaps three applica- tions may be necessary. See directions for use. The operation of firing is rendered unneces- sary by the use of Harvey's Embrocation. Substantial evidence will be found in the follow- ing pages to prove that where Firing has entirely failed of its purpose, Harvey's Embrocation, subsequently used, has permanently cured'; and, negatively, we may state that we have never yet heard of a case in which the Embro- cation had failed and Firing, subsequently performed, had succeeded. No reason, therefore, remains for this cruelly painful practice, which not only blemishes the horse permanently, but frequently destroys his nerve and temper, through the violence often used in throwing him, as well as the shock of the operation itself. Harvey's Embrosation. 73 For Cough, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Pneumonia and Pleurisy, Enlarged or vSwollen Glands, its action is rapid and successful. ITS ACTION. Harvey's Embrocation is not a blister — itNotauster. produces a slight exudation from the skin, which forms a crust upon the surface. Thoroughly rubbed in, it penetrates deep into the part, to the very bone, and powerfully stimulates the deep-seated absorbents, producing marvellous effects upon all chronic enlargements in the horse. The Embrocation does not destroy the hair, Hair imrroved, but rather promotes its growth. The hair that comes after its use is generally thicker and more luxuriant than before, and in some cases suffi- ciently so to cover an old blemish. It has a specific action peculiar to itself alone, its power. that no other irritant possesses. It penetrates to the bone, and causes absorption of deep-seated deposits that firing or blistering could never reach ; its use, therefore, in Chronic Lameness, &c., is often attended with success, where all other remedies have failed. It is quite Painless, Animals will not bite it, Painie«. and need not have Cradles when under its action. For Cattle it is most successful, its marvellous penetrative and absorbent properties rendering it peculiarly suitable for all kinds of stock. See the professional opinions expressed by Mr. T. M. Inglis, V.S., and the late Mr. M. S. Small, V.S., on pages 37 and 38. To Horse-Owners unfamiliar with this Remedy, it is not easy to convey an adequate idea of its great power over Bone diseases and Harvey's Eemetlie^ for the Horse. deep-seated lameness ; and it is therefore a pleasure to refer to the voluntary testimony at the close of this chapter. Not one of these letters has been asked for, directly or indirectly. They are the spontaneous outcome of gratified personal experience, and are a valuable index to many forms of lameness permanently cured without operative interference. HOW TO USE IT. BEFORE USE. If there is inflammatory heat or swelling m the part to be treated, this should be first subdued by cold applications, and, if necessar}', oats or other heating food should be withdrawn for a few days, and laxative diet substituted, as if preparing for physic. If the inflammation is severe, a dose of physic will be desirable. A thick layer of dandruff is frequently formed at the roots of the hair, and after cli])ping the hair, it is essential that this be removed, either by vigorous brushing, or by washing with white soap and warm water, permitting the part to get perfectly dry before applying the Embrocation. Tf this is not attended to, the Dandruff may absorb the small quantity of Embrocation applied, and prevent it from reaching the skin. APPLICATION. The part being thus prepared, the small sponge, saturated with the Fluid, is dabbed once over the required area, which is then instantly rubbed with the palm of the hand until dry. Heavy dressing is not recommended, and should be avoided. Cases have been reported where this Embrocation has been applied on Harvey s i^mbrocatlon. 15 the principle that the heavier the dressing the better the re silt. This is a seiious mistake. Even in very bad cases two, or even three, jght applications at intervals of four or five \veeks give more satisfactory results. If, through inadvertence or otherwise, it has been too heavily applied, and swelling or blistering has followed it will not, as a rule, be desirable to interfere with the normal course of the Remedy, but the horse's oats may be stopped for two or three days, and sloppy bran mashes substituted, as if preparing for physic. r.EPETITION. Except in advanced cases a single application of Harvey's Embrocation is sufficient. If a second application is necessary it is not to be made for four or five weeks. Applied in this simple manner, the Embroca- tion Vvdll neither Blister nor Blemish, nor leave any mark. REST. The horse need not be rested while under treatment with the Embrocation if the nature of the injury does not specifically require it. See that the part dressed with the Embrocation is not interfered with either by work or grooming, or the scurf thrown out by it removed, but allowed to fall off naturally, and that is all the precaution necessary. In all cases of lameness, and of injuries arising out of Strains or Sprains, rest is, of course, most advisable. THERE IS NOTHJNG LIKE IT FOR DEEP-SEATED CASES. i6 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. DIAGRAM OF HORSE'S LEGS. Showing the Seats of Diseases, 1 Thorough-pin ^^^^- 4 g 2 Curb 3 The Seat of J^- 5 2 Sallenclers, 4 Capped Hock 5 BoneSpavhi. (. The Seat of Mallenders 7 T Splint. 8 Windgall. 0 9 Ringbone. 10 Side Bone. DISEASES AND TREATMENT. Curb is caused by premature hard work, by severe riding through heavy ground, or by sudden forced exertion of various kinds. It lies a Httle below the back of the hock, and shows out as a scattered swelling, the real disease being deep-seated. The hocks most liable to curb are small and weak, or sickle-shaped. Treatment. — Reduce any inflammation present by Cold Water applications patiently and steadily main- tained, and when this is subdued rub in Harvey's Embrocation. Splint is common among horses put to fast work while young. It is a bony enlargement, usually situated below the knee, causes heat and tenderness of the part, and frequent, though not incessant, lameness while the deposit is forming. Treatment. — Reduce the inflammation by Cold Water applications, and afterwards apply Harvey's Harvey *s Embrocation. 17 Embrocation, If possible, rest the horse for three vveeks, while under treatment. Bone Spavin. — A well- formed large hock is rarely subject to Spavin, but defect in these qualities is likely to produce sprain, if the animal is called upon for undue exertion, and thus set up the inflammation which results in the deposit of Bone Spavin. It occurs, generally speaking, at the inner and lower part of the h.ock joint. Treatment. — Rest is an important element in the successful treatment of Spavin, in its early stages. Cold applications or hot fomentations are advisable in order to reduce the inflammation, after which the Embrocation is to be applied. Side Bone is the name commonly given to a change of structure of the elastic cartilage in the wings of the foot-bone, as the result of concussion, or tread, or wound of some kind. Treatment. — Here again rest is a most desirable adjunct to treatment. Use cold water freely to reduce inflammatory heat, and follow this by a smart ap- plication of Harvey's Embrocation, the hak being first closely clipped or shaved. Ring Bone may occur either on the upper or lower pastern bone, more frequently in the hind than in the fore fetlocks. Treatment. — As recommended above for Side Bone. Flexor Tendons or Bacic Sinews, Sprain of. This injury occurs most frequently above the point of insertion of the tendon or ligament in the fetlock joint, and probably about one- third of the distance between fetlock and knee. Treatment. — If the injury is severe, entire rest is essential. Withdraw corn or heating food of any kind ; apply cold water bandages in the early stages. i8 Harvey *s Remelies lor the Horse. and follow with an application of Harvey's Embro- cation thoroughly rubbed in, and repeated in four or five weeks if necessary. Capped Hock is a swelling at the point of the hock, the result as a rule of kicking, either in harness or in the stable, seldom causing lame- ness. Tiiorough-pin, a bursal enlargement at the upper and back part of the hock, is a soft flexible swelling, capable under pressure of being forced from one side of the hock to the other ; hence the name. Windgalls are similar in nature to Thorough- pin, but are situated about the fetlock joints. Treatment of a similar character is employed in these three bursal enlargements. Fomentations of hot water at such a temperature as a man may plunge his arm in, followed by steady hand-rubbing, is most useful ; and if active treatment appears necessary. Harvey's Embrocation should be mildly apphed as per general directions, but with increased caution, as there is always danger of increasing inflammation in such cases. Sore Shins. — Young race horses are subject to this complaint, produced either in training or in actual work, by urging the animal beyond his strength. Treatment consists in rest and hot fomentations, followed by a very mild appUcation of the Embrocation. Sandcrack. — The primary object of treatment must be to promote the rapid growth of new and healthy horn from the coronet, as the divided horn will never re-unite. For this purpose apply Harvey's EmbrocatiOxN lightly to the coronet. Harvsy's Embrocation. To prevent further splitting, a line, or nick, should be cut with the rasp across the crack, above it. The horse should be shod in such a way as to prevent his weight from being thrown on the weak spot. Laminitis, Founder, or Inflammation of the Feet, is a most painful and destructive disease and horses suffer fearfully by its maltreatment. To disengorge the vessels of the feet, to prevent the soles bulging, and to give speedy relief, rub a little of Harvey's Embrocation round the coronets. Strip the feet, and compel the horse to walk upon sod, or round a loose house, for ten minutes every hour, locomotion being necessary to pump the blood upwards, and prevent capillary stagnation. Toe bleeding is barbarous cruelty, and physic always injurious. Hot poultices or fomentations, prescribed by some, are not to be used, as they only increase the pain by distending the already over-charged blood vessels. Deep-Seated Lameness.— Beside such cases of lameness as arise from exostoses or bony enlargements, sprains of tendons or ligaments, as previously considered, there are others, in which the cause may be obscure, and entirely undiscoverable by the unprofessional examiner. In endeavouring to treat such a case the owner will sometimes make up his mind that the lameness is in some particular locality, and will apply a blistering agent over an area sufficiently large to make it pretty sure that the right spot will be covered. This line of argument we would strongly deprecate. Far better have the horse examined by a skilful veterinary before adopting active treatment; 20 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. But once the seat of lameness is discovered, if the case be one in which a blister or firing would commonly be employed, no hesitation need be entertained in applying Harvey's Embrocation, which will search the deepest seat of the injury, as neither Blister or Firing could do. Ophthalmia, or inflammation of the eye, is usually treated by issues on the face, which are certainly useful in restoring the eye, but are offensive to look at, and the pain of dressing setons makes a horse shy of having his head handled, and they always leave a blemish. Blisters are sometimes used for the same pur- pose, but if a horse rubs his face on the manger, after a blister is applied, it may get into the inflamed eye, and destroy the organ altogether, and also probably cause the animal to otherwise injure himself under the influence of the pain. A few drops of Harvey's Embrocation rubbed on the face, to within half-an-inch of the eye, will be dry on the surface in less than a minute, will perform its work more quickly and effectually than the other, and will leave no mark. Physic is essential in those cases, as also low diet, a cool stable, and shade from the sun. For Cough, proceeding from irritability of the larynx, Bronchitis, Influenza, Pneumonia and Pleurisy, Sore Throat, Colic, or other cases where blistering is commonly adopted, more speedy and satisfactory results will attend the use of Harvey's Embrocation. Always use it sparingly to obtain the best results. Veterinary Surgeons.— The attention of Veterinary Practitioners is directed to the Large Harvey's Embrocation. 21 Glass-stoppered Bottle of Harvey's Embroca- tion specially put up for their use. It contains the equivalent of four 7s. Bottles. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Trim off the hair, if long, and vigorously rub the place with a brush, or wash with white soap and warm water if much dandruff be present and, when dry, damp all over the surface of the diseased part with a bit of sponge about the size of a walnut, saturated with the fluid, and instantly rub with the palm of the hand until dry. Be careful merely to slightly damp the part. Heavy dressing must be avoided. The application not to be repeated for four or five weeks, and then only in case any of the disease remains. The scurf that forms after the discharge has ceased to be allowed to fall oft itself. N.B. — Keep the bottle closely corked. Caution. — See that the wrapper round each Bottle bears a fac-simile of our signature as below, as without it none is genuine. Prices, 3/9, 7/-, and 21/- per Bottle. Where and how to procure the Remedies. See Pages 211 and 224. 22 Harvey's Remedies for the Horso Remarkable Testimony. — sic> — HORSE-OWNERS previously unacquainted with Harvey's Embrocation may be able to realise, from perusal of the following letters, something of the marvellous power of this Remedy in dealing with every kind of Lameness, Bony Enlargement, and Abnormal Growth to which horses are subject. These letters are absolutely unsought and entirely voluntary. TYPICAL CASES^ Where Pfofessionat Treatment Failed. AFTER PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT FAILED. ** Amazing Success." Col. B. Pa'ey " 1 a^^ delighted with the results of your Ciub Bottle. I used it in the case of a very valuable thorough-bred Hunter of mine with amazing and speedy success. The horse had been lame for nearly two months with small Splints, and the Veterinary Surgeon's treatment had no beneficial effects. I then took the horse into my own hands, put on some of your Curb Lotion, and he was out hunting again in a very short time. I feel much indebted to 3'ou, for no money would tempt me to part with him. You are welcome to make any use of this statement, as I think you thoroughly deserve it.—- Ivlicklctou Manor, Glos., loth February, 1905." Harvey's Embrocation. 23 " Disappeared." " I am pleased to say the Splint has disappeared. A. Blackbun I may mention that when the Splint appeared 1 ^^''"§' ^^ i- received from two Vets, two different Lotions to remove it, but without any. effect, and it was only after using your Embrocation that the Splint was removed, and removed in a very satisfactory way. — Saint Vincent Chambers, 41 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, 28th March, 1904." '' Marvellously Successful." " Your Embrocation has been marvellously successful Lt.-Col. in curing the lameness of my Brougham horse, which 3^^^^/° after prolonged Veterinary treatment had been pro- nounced incurable and condemned to be shot. He has had only one application of your preparation and is now doing his work well. — Domons, Northiam, Sussex, 13th September, 1904." Several very Eminent Lotician Veterinary Surgeons failed. " Lady Margaret Jenkins is glad lo be able to write Lady and tell Messrs. Harvey that her liorse has been ap- je^Jjfj^^s''' parently quite cured by their Embrocation. The horse was very lame in the hock, and considered so hopeless a case by several very eminent Veterin.\ry Sjrgeons that they advised his being destroyed. In December last the' Embrocation was appUed (a very severe dressing), with the result that when the effect of it passed off the horse went perfectly sound and has continued to do so ever since, and Lady Margaret Jen- kins now rides him daily in the Park. She feels bound to send Messrs. Harvey this testimonial, as, owing to their Embrocation, she has been saved the loss of a very valuable thoroughbred, Francis Joseph, by George Frederick, see Racing Calendar of 1884. — 46 Upper Gro:n'cnor Street. London, W., 2nd July, 1888." * * ♦ Ai^ Able Vet. " I have had a horse fired and blistered for ' Jack Mr. Wm. S[)avin ' by our VclcLimry, v.lio treated the case well, ^<^«- 24 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. and in whom I have every confidence as regards ability and practical knowledge of a horse, I thought he had made a perfect cure, but in less than a fortnight the lameness was worse than ever, so I tried your Curb Bottle, and worked him a httJe. He gradually got better under the appHcation, and has been working hard, and is going sound ever since. I applied the Embrocation the end of January. " I have also tried it on a bad sprained tendon, and it is doing its work so far successfully. Both these cases were fired and blistered without success. — Elton, Bury, i6th July, 1901." "Worth £s a Bottle." Mr. John Messrs. Barclay and Sons, Ltd., London, send us the ^^^"" following letter received by them : — " Please send me another 7s. bottle of Harvey's Embrocation. 1 have used it for different complaints on my horses now for some time, and it has never failed to cure. It is really a wonderful mixture, and I consider it worth ;^5 a bottle. Horses that have been condemned I have had at work in eighteen days, able to trot like four-year- olds. — Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, ist August, 1901." * * * " Hopelessly Unsound." Cecils. " I take this opportunity of telling you how I cured M ?°1'p ^ thorough-bred horse (by Peter, out of Venture) with "'■ 'J*^' your Embrocation last year. He was hopelessly un- sound, and I told the groom he could take him to the kennels. He suggested trying your Embrocation as a last resource, which we did. After one application he was very much better ; and after a second, five weeks later, he was perfectly sound, and was fit for training, and then ran and was second in a hurdle race at Warwick, and won the Oldbury Hurdle Handicap, Duns tall Park. I sold him then ; but he won another race after that. You are at liberty to make any use of this testimonial that you care to. — Lime Park, Hurstmonceux, Sussex, 4th November, 1895." * * * • Deep-Seateci Lameness. Mrs. Flower, " Mrs. Edgar Flower is gkd to take this opportunity of thanking Messrs. Harvey for their Embrocation, which has had the most beneficial effect. The horse Harvey's Embrocation. 25 is quite cured, and is being hunted twice a week. Everyone who knows how bad his legs were admit that the remedy has been a marvellous success. " Firing " was said to be the only thing which might be of use, ]:»ut even that dangerous and disfiguring operation the Veterinary was doubtful about, and Mrs. Flower strongly objected to subject the animal to this treatment. She is more than pleased with the happy result of Messrs. Harvey's Remedy, and ever since has recommended it to friends with disabled horses. — Middle Hill, Broadway, Worcester, 22nd March, 1902." 4e * * " A Complete Success." " Having used your Embrocation for many years, in various cases of lameness, I am writing to tell you I have found it to be a complete success, even after everything else had failed. In cases of shoulder Lameness, which is one of the most difficult to cure, I have found it marvellously successful. — W. T. Treneer, Gloucester Cottage, King street, Weymouth, 2ist February, 1903." * * ♦ " I have used your Remedy for Lameness with very good results, after the Vet. had told me to get rid of the mare. — Alfred Turner, Hay Head, Longnor, Buxton, 9th March, 1903." * * * Two Days, or Three Months. " I used the Embrocation two years ago on a mare Mr. A. who was very lame in both Fetlocks. The Vet. said Turner, she would have to be blistered and turned out for three months. The mare got one dressing of your Embrocation and was rested two days, and she has not gone lame since, although she has been hard at work each day. — Charles W. Leyman, 11 Marlpool Terrace, Exmouth, 15th March, 1903." * * * " Never Fails." " The Embrocation has never failed in Lameness, I have used it many times — yes, for years, — and to other people's horses also. — James Kirby, Com- mercial Livery Stables, Manchester road, Haslingden, 25th November, 1902." 26 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. S.J. Ihoma?, Esq. Frank Kir by. Esq. "Not worth a £5 not3." " I think it is only due to you to state that I had a horse very lame in the stifle joint, very deep-seated. He was blistered three or four times by two Veterinaries, out to grass three times during two years, and the last occasion about eight months, and yet after working him in light carriage traffic for about a week was as lame as ever, the Veterinary stating he was not worth £$, yet only for the lameness well worth 80 guineas. Coming across your ' Note Book,' I determined to try your Embrocation, and within THREE DAYS of doiug SO the lameness had left. He had a slight return after two months' work, and 1 gave him another dressing, which almost immediately cured him. That is several months ago, and the horse has been worked regularly, and is free from lameness ever since. I thank you very much, — Avonmore, Sneyd Park, near Bristol, nth October, 1894." * * * " Two Years Lame." " Having a cob nearly two years lame in the forelegs treated by more than one V.S. without improvement, I was induced to try your Embrocation, and it cer- tainly worked wonders ! After the first dressing he was decidedly better, and a short time after the second he became, to my great surprise, quite sound. I have also used your Embrocation on two other horses for strained sinews and splints, besides recommending it to several friends, and in each case with beneficial results. You are quite at liberty to make use of this unsolicited testimonial, if you so desire. — The Limes, Waltham Cross, Herts, 19th November, 1894," T. R. Matlhew Esq. The Veterinary said "Shoot him!" " About this time last year you sent my stud groom a bottle of your Embrocation for a chestnut horse which had broken down on both back sinews, with instructions to apply it three times at intervals of five weeks. This he did, although at the time my Vet. told me I had better shoot him. Well, the horse was very lame, but after using the Embrocation he came out fairly sound. I gave him gentle exercise for two months, then gave him faster work, and in the result he is sound : one leg fairly fine, the other only so-so. I have hunted him six or eight times this Harvey's Embrocation. 27 season,, but I have taken care of him, not jumped him too much. — Thorp Arch Hall, Boston Spa, Yorkshire, 4th April, 1894." * * * " The Embrocation I got from you two years ago Alexander cured the mare in about a week, after she had been in Shennan, stable for nearly three months, and Vets, could do Esq. no good for her. — Benfield, Newton Stewart, N.B., 2nd December, 1893." * * * " I have made some wonderful cures with your Curb Mr. A, Bottle, even after four Veterinaries, — Drum Cottage, Murray, Insh, by Kingussie, N.B., 23rd October, 1895." i^^<^P<:^- * * * " We had a valuable mare which fell very lame on Mr. t. one foreleg. The Veterinary Surgeon blistered her Darbyshire. three times, in addition to putting two setons in her shoulder, and all to no avail, after being under treat- ment three months or more. We then got a bottle of yoar Embrocation from Mr. Whitby, Chemist, W^arring- ton, and one rubbing completely cured her, though before that we had entirely given her up as incurable and worthless. I shall do all in my power in recom- mending it to my neighbours. — Belle Fields Farm, Appleton, Cheshire, i8th February, 1896." * * * "One of the best Vets, in Scotland failed." " Colonel Frank Stewart Sandeman has much Col. F. s. pleasure in stating that your Embrocation has Sandeman. completely reduced an ossification on pastern joint of a thorougli-bred mare, rendering her sound without leaving any mark. One of the best Vets, in Scotland failed to do what he thanks you for accomplishing. — Stanley House, Stanley, Perthshire, 24th May, 1888." * * * "Two Veterinaries Failed." " One of my horses, a young Bay, 4 years old, went Mr. Nathan Out in double harness as usual, and next day he could Berry, scarcely walk or even put his fore foot down. I had two Veterinaries in, but they could neither see nor feel anything, only that he limped very much, but advised poulticing and rest. They continued coming for about a week, but there was no improvement, so I wrote saying that they need not come again, as I had taken the case in hand myself. I gave him a good rubbing with 28 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. Mr. Geo. S. Elliott. your Embrocation all round the coronet and fetlock joint, and put him in the field. In ten days he was walking as sound as ever he did, and though it is now only three weeks since I used it he is at his work again, and going quite sound. It is, without exception the BEST BLISTER I ever came across in my twenty years' experience, and have recommended it right and left, and would like you to send me three 3s pd. and one 7s. bottle for friends, and I will keep it in stock. — Walkden Mineral Water Works, Walkden, near Bolton, Lancashire, 23rd August, 1888." "Condemned to be Shot." " I have used the Embrocation on a horse that broke down last winter while hunting, and split his pasterns, and after six months' idleness (three of which were passed in slings), was condemned to be shot, with such good effect that T am now working him every day in harness. — Swan Hotel, Kingsclere, 19th August, 1891." Mrs. F. Williams. " The Vet, said ' Incurable ' " " I am deliglited with the result of the Embrocation on an aged cob, lame from Navicular, and said by the Veterinary to be incurable. He is now free from lame- ness, and appears altogether free from pain and inconvenience. It is excellent stuff I — Brilley Vicarage, Whitney-on-Wye, 8th February, 1892." Messrs. D. Stuttard & Spas. " Incurably Lame." " We want a bottle of Embrocation for a horse that cost ;/;40, about two years ago, and we are told now that he is not worth 40s. We have just paid a Vet. nearly £1 for four weeks work. He had him at his own stables, so as to be able to give him every atten- tion. He put setons through the stifle hip joints, whei-e he said the lameness lay ; he blistered, and a lot more different operations, and yet the horse is back to us as lame as he went." The embrocation was sent, and on the iSth Dec, 1889, Messrs. Stuttard wrote : — *' We used the Embrocation on the lame horse a fortnight ago, and are much pleased with the result. We have to-day put him in the cart again, the first Harvey's Embrocation. 29 time for three months, and intend keeping him going with easy loads. — Cobden Mills, Sabden, near Whalley." * * * " After Firing Failed." " I cannot speak too highly of your Embrocation in R. W. curing chronic lameness in a cart horse after firing had Nosworthy, failed. — Beeson, Stokenham, Kingsbridge, S. Devon, ^^' 4th August, 1886." * ♦ * " Twice Condemned." " About a year ago you sent me a bottle of Enibro- Judge cation, which I used on a mare of my master's that coachmau. was twice condemned by the Vets, to be shot. When I took her in hand she could hardly walk. I blistered her well down each shoulder with your Embrocation, and in a month I rode her eleven miles, to a thorough- bred horse, and now she has a splendid colt, and all doing well. I must say I have tried several blisters, but never used any that acted so gently, without blemishing, and with such great effect. — Kerrfield, Winchester, 25th June, 1890." * * * " At Fault." '• Please scnl me a 3s. gd. bottle of your Embroca- Capt. Carr lion. I have found it a splendid remedy in a case ^- <^'yi"»- where one V.S. pronounced lameness to be from Navicular, and another from shoulder lameness, but which One Application of the Embrocation on the coronets entirely removed. — Woodleaze, Wimborne, Dorset, 8th Julv, 1*890." * * * "Twice Fired and Blistered." " I used your Embrocation on a cob for Spavin that Mr. was twice fired and blistered, and was none the better. Archibald 1 also blistered him four different times with strong ^'^°"- blister. I applied half-a-bottle of your Embrocation the first lime with good result, in five weeks used a full bottle, and now the cob is going quite sound. This was after all hope of him was given up, — Drumbottie Farm, Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, 17th May, 1892." * * * "I used your Embrocation on a valuable Carriage Hon. Mark Horse that had been fired and blistered twice for ^q^^^^^^^ Spavin and rested for iiva months. I applied the Embrocation once, and rested him three weeks, and he '30 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. is now doing his work as well as ever. — BicLon, Budleigh-Salterton, Devon, 14th July, 1890." * * * " No Improvement." Mr. c. "I have had a splendid young pony lame in his Pnngle. j^j^^^ 1^^ ^^^ ^^g^. -(.^ygive months. I had him examined by THREE eminent Veterinary Surgeons, and followed their advice, but without improvement. I happened to see one of your Note Books in a friend's house, and got a small bottle of your Embrocation from Raimes of York and am much surprised and glad to find my valuable pony quite cu"ed. The skin is coming off." [Too HEAVILY DRESSED. — H. it Co.] " but he is sound now. As many gentlemen knew of the pony's lameness great is the surprise of them all to see him better, and I have over twenty applications for your Note Book, so if you will send me a supply I will certainly distribute them where orders are likely to come from, as I consider it only my duty. — P.O., Acklington, Northumberland, loth November, 1883." * 4: :(: '•The Vet. could do no good." Rev. Percy " Xwo years ago you sent me two small bottles of your Embrocation. My horse had been lame and the Vet. could do no good with blisters, &c. I turned him out and appHed the Embrocation, and then in five weeks again. For four months I had been unable to use him. In a fortnight after the Second application I drove him, and he has been perfectly upright ever since. The Rectory, Little Wittenham,' Abingdon, 3rd May, 1887." * * * Dudley '■ jhc mare I wrote to you a'^cut before using your Mansfick, Embrocation, is now Quite Sound. Some six years back she was fired for Side Bones, and had beeu quite sound up to March, 1890, when she fell very lame, and the lameness was progressive. A Veterinary severely blistered her over each coronet, and recommended a run at grass. She was out six weeks and came up worse than ever. After getting other advice, I was recommended to use your Embrocation, which I did three times, rested her about four months, and she came up sound and has been so up to date. She was condemned by two Vets. — Alpine Eodge, Worplesdon, Guildford, 22nd INIarch, 1891." Harvey's Embrocation. 31 " Three Years Lame." " I have a favourite horse which had been lame for ^; ^; the past three years, and was doctored and doctored Esq?^"' over again, and only seemed getting worse and worse. Last summer I took him in hand myself, and turned him into a wet bottom land. This had a very bene- ficial effect, but the grogginess still sHghtly remaining. I rubbed in your Embrocation round the coronet and heels in December last, and he now seems to go per- fectly sound. — Charleville, Castlebar, 4th March, 1889." * * * " Gone to Pieces." " W'c have a wonderfully good horse, and through Mr. T,^ his pUick he went completely to pieces from knee to Bolton's fetlock, including one fetlock joint, and last September o*^'^'"^"- he got so bad we had to give him up. I treated him as follows : — ist, Strong Blister ; 2nd, Blister Charge ; 3rd, Strong Blister ; 4th, Blister Charge ; 5th, Fired and Blistered. About six weeks after this I got your Pamphlet, and obtained a bottle of your Embrocation, and rubbed it in rather heavily. It took hold of him rather stiff, and frightened me a bit, as his legs got as large as after any other bUster ; but now there is a thick crust over the parts, and the horse is better by far this last eight days, after using your Embrocation, than he was in five months under previous treatment. He walks like a three-year-old now, and trots as freely as ever he did, and I will put him to work in about three weeks. — W. Ashford, Coachman to T. Bolton. Esq., Newell's Cottage, Horsham, Sussex, 20th February, 1889." * * * A Very Bad Case. " I used your Embrocation on a horse (worth about Mr. W. D. O. ;^300), that "lamed himself in the near hind fetlock two gj^jg^^'"^ years ago. We fired him, but he never got really sound ; but, falling across your book, I thought to myself, ' I have a case that will test your Embrocation for you ! ' The horse was out at grass, hopping about on three legs all the winter, but I took him up and gave him a smart dressing with the Embrocation. I could see no improvement. After four weeks I tried it again ; a little improvement this time. In four weeks applied it again, and now there was an improve- ment daily. All this time the master was laughing at 32 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. me, and said I would never get the horse sound. In four weeks more I gave him a fourth dressing, took him up and commenced to send him out with the other horses. Gradually he came sound, and now he is in full work ; the more he does the sounder he goes, and is as lit as a fiddle. — 75 James Street, Rugby, 20th October, 1891." Capt. J. Hanbury Williams. " Your Embrocation has twice effected cures when Vets, failed. I consider it wonderful, and am con- tinually recommending it. — Radnage House, Stoken- Church, Tetsworth, 3rd Feb., 1893." Hon. Randolph Ste^vart. Some other Cases of Deep-Seated Lameness. " Dreadfully Lame." " I think you ought to know of the succeis of your Embrocation on one of my horses. I bought a hunter mare who had the reputation of being a very fine per- former. She had been dreadfully lame for a long time, and as she was such a good mare, all sorts of remedies short of firing had been tried, without the smallest success. I had both legs heavily dressed with your Embrocation, and rested her for three weeks. She then came out with legs practically fine, and has gone brilliantly ever since. — 23 Bateman Street, Cambridge, January 15th, 1907." * * * " I feel it but right by you as well as advantageous for the general public, to say that I believe that I owe the success of my horse/ Fireball.' in the Eastern Handi- cap Plate, on Easter Monday, at Kempton Park, mainly to the use of your Embrocation. After running a severe race as a two-year-old at Nottingham in May, 1883, on the hard ground, abony enlargement developed itself below the knee, from which he suffered, and was more or less lame the remainder of that year, as well as the whole of last year. Last November, however, having heard of the wonderful efficacy of your Embro- cation in similar cases, I determined to try it, and requested you to send some to my trainer, Mr. Alfred Sadler, at Newmarket ; he at once made use Harvey *s Embrocation. 33 of it, and gradually the horse was able to resume strong work, with the result mentioned in the beginning of my letter. " You are perfectly welcome to make use of this should vou wish to do so. — 8; Eaton Squrae, London, S.W., I'sth April, 1885." After 19 Years. " The Earl of Galloway would feel much obliged if The Rt. Hon. Messrs. Harvey would send him here a bottle of their ^^^^^^^ o* Embrocation. They may possibly remember that in "^ oway. the year 1885 he (then Capt. the Hon. Randolph Stewart) sent them a certificate that he attributed the success of his horse ' Fireball,' in the Easter Handicap at Kempton, to having employed their remedy after the horse had been lame for nearly two years. He trusts therefore it may prove equally effectual for one of his carriage-horses which has been out at grass lame, since last October, and for whom the remedies applied have been quite useless. — • Cumloden, Newton-Stewart, N.B., 15th April, 1904." * * * " I have got a very bad case with a marc which has had a nail run into her hoof, and has caused a running oil. I took her to a veterinary surgeon, who, after having her for twenty days, could do no good with it, and wanted her to be destroyed. I fetched her back in a butcher's float, and turned her out. She could only walk on three legs. I used to bathe it with warm water and Condy's fluid, but a friend recommended me to try a bottle of your Embrocation. After one good rubbing v/ith it she is able to get the other leg to the ground, and can also walk on it. It has also stopped running. It is five weeks since I used it, and I am going to give it another good rubbing, and then I think she will be all right. Of course this case is a very bad one. It is only one out of a hundred that would get through it. — H. Hingley, 19 Vicar Street, Dudley, Worcestershire, August 17th, 1908." " I have reason to be grateful to you in a case of lameness to a young thoroughbred of mine who re- covered after use of your Embrocation (used rather severely, so as to blister). I had previously tried 34 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse several biniodide of mercury blisters without effect. — Henry Moran, Mill Hill House, Barnes Common, Surrey, August i8th, 1908." * * * " Some years since I wrote you for a Curb Bottle, which I used for two horses, and both were cured of their lameness. I also recommended it to my neigh- bours, who likewise benefited. — Nichs. Parsons, Tregantle, Millbrook, Plymouth, February 21st, 1906." " I have been a user of your Curb Lotion for some years, and have recently used it with excellent effect on a big 'bus horse that went lame in his near hock. The horse got quite sound with only a week's rest. — F. J. Pinniger, George Hotel, South Molton, October 29th, 1906." * * * "Simply Marvellous." Messrs. John "The Embrocation has acted quite up to your Wiggett & J estimonials, and in our opinion it is simply marvellous. ^Chase Green, Enfield, 13th November, 1903." 4c 9): * " Hopelessly Lame." Mr. T. H. " I tried your Embrocation on a young Mare that Barberry, ^yg^g hopelessly lame, with the result that she was Manager. completely Cured. — Royal Sheen and Richmond Laundry, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey, 28th Septem- ber, 1904." * * * « Nothing Like It." Mr. George " I have tried your Embrocation , for enlargement ch^^^'r ^^^^ lameness, and have never used anything Uke it &Fly^Propr.' ^^^ quickness of returning to work in all cases. — " Laburnam House, Langford, Som., 15th March, 1905." * * * " Marvellous Success." Mr. George " Some weeks ago I tried your Embrocation on a J. Darby. horse (which I thought was a hopeless case) with marvellous success. He is now very nearly upright again, and I have been working him all the time since I applied the Embrocation. I intend dressing him Harvey's Embrocation. 35 again in the course of a fortnight when I think after the second dressing he will be practically sound. — Sunnyside, Belbroughton, Stourbridge, 6th February, 1904." * * * " Now Perfectly Sound," " I must write and let you know what a success Captain your Embrocation has been to my horse. I am glad c. F. T. to say he is now perfectly sound. — Highfield House, Cochrane. Muir-of-Ord, Rosshire, N.B., 14th December, 1903." * * * " I used your Embrocation twice on a pony very Mr. Alfred lame, and he is now quite cured, and can travel 30 Winkfield. miles a day and come home fresh. — Roads Inspector, Warwickshire Co. Council, Ullenhall, Henley-in-Arden, 26th August, 1904." "Wonders." " I am very pleased with your Embrocation, it did Mr. H. wonders to my horse. I was able to work him in less Cham, than a week. — 3 Tennyson Buildings, Freshwater, I. of Wight, nth March, 1904." * * * " Send me a Vet. Curb Bottle. I am well pleased Mr. George with the effect of the small bottle you sent. It worked Williams, wonders with a young mare's leg. — Cott. Newcourt, £|"/g^ Topsham, 13th August, 1904," .f: * * " I only became aware of this Preparation last B. L. autumn, when I procured a bottle, which I used with l^'^^^^^v much satisfaction and success on five horses in work ^^'' ' " during the past hunting season, with perfect remedial results in some cases, and w^th excellent effect in all. I regret that I had not heard of it sooner. — Street Court, Kingsland, Herefordshire." * * * " We had a mare that was lame in the shoulder for Mr. Patrick about three months, and was very near being sent to Johnston, the k-nnels. I cured her in a week with the Embro- cation, and she was hunted all the season after, and sold well at our draft sale. — Baliygarron, Tralee, Co, Kerry." 36 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. The Dowager Marchioness of Huntly's Stud Groom Mr. H. Dyson. Mr. J. B. Tyler, Trainer. " A Horse for 30s." Mr. Wm. Lee, Chemist, Castle, Northwich, kindly sends us the following : — " Mr. Birtwisle, The Smithy, Hartford, has a horse which suffered from Bony Enlargement under the knee, and was condemned to be sent to the kennels. He offered to sell him for 30s. After three dressings with your Embrocation, he is perfectly sound, and can be seen any day going at the rate of fourteen miles an hour. He was treated by William Hall, Stud Groom to O. M. Leigh, Esq.," Hartford Hou^^e, Cheshire. — 19th February, 1887." " I have used your Embrocation on a horse that was lame all last season, ana after ONE DRESSING with it round the coronet he is as sound as a bell, and has been hunting all through this season. I had tried all sorts of blisters, and more expensive than yours. 1 think it's the grandest ever produced, and gives no pam. Please send me another bottle. Make what use you like of my name, as the stuff should be more widely known. — W. Cook, Orton Hall, near Peter- borough, 14th December, 1889." * * * " Most Wonderful." " Please send me another bottle of your Embrocation. It is the most wonderful thing I ever tried. The last bottle has almost removed a large bony deposit that other things {ailed to make any impression on. — Ashford Hill, Brimpton, Reading, 12th March, 1889." * * * " The Best I ever used." From Mr. J. B. Tyler, Private Trainer to the Marquis of Ailesbury : — " Yours is far the best Embrocation or blister I ever used. I have used in the last twelve months a great quantity of it on the racehorses at Ascot Lodge and the working horses at Maidenhead. It is wonderful stuff for all bony enlargements, especially in deep- seated cases. " I have not tried the Red Lotion yet, but if it is anything like the Embrocation, no one should be without it. — Savernake Forest, Marlborough, 28tl) June, 1887." Harvey's Embrocation. n Professional Opinions. " Please send at once one Veterinary Bottle of Mr. George Embrocation as before. I like it very much, and will ^jf^'y s' give you a testimonial if you want one. — Bedminster London. ' Bridge, Bristol, 20th October, 1903." * * * " Kindly forward me by return one Veterinary Mr. c. W. Practitioner's bottle of your Embrocation for Curbs, Marshall, V.S. &c. I find it very useful. — Charles W. Marshall, M.R.C.V.S,, Veterinary Estabhshment, Farnham, 20th May, 1903." * * * " I have tried your Embrocation on a very bad case Mr. A. B. with very satisfactory results. It is the best remedy Medd, V.S. I have ever used. — Holliday House, Holbeach, 13th September, 1893." * * * * " We have seen on one or two occasions, and where Mr. other agents have been tried, Harvej^'s Embrocation y^'rpA yc^"^ used with most decided benefit. Firing is recommended • by some, but it should be the dernier resort, and I should prefer, for my own part, repeated use of the last-named application (Harvey's Embrocation), before permanently blemishing the animal." — W. G. R. Cox, M.R.C.V.S,, London (late Government Staff) ; author of the " Stock-keeper and Agriculturists' Text-Book." * * ♦ " Splendid for Cattle.*' " I have used this Embrocation many years, and in The late Mr. some cases could not get on without it. No other '^•^- Sn^ii. counter-irritant has the effect on a cow's skin it has. DubUn. In cases of Ophthalmia in the horse, and other diseases of the eye for which it is expedient to blister or issue, I rub a little of the Embrocation on the face, close to the eye, with the finger, and get aa immediate effect, v/ithout the necessity of tying a horse up for days, which must be done when any ointment is used." * * * "I have given your Embrocation a fair trial, and Mr. T, M. find it very useful, especially amongst young stock ^^^' when they cannot be tied up in a stall, which is 38 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. necessary with an ordinary blister. It has a splendid effect on a cow's skin, and is very easily managed with sucli an animal. — Forfar, N.B., 14th December, 1892." What the Chemist Says— " Please send us a few circulars of your Embrocation for distribution. We sell a good deal of it, and have splendid accounts of its value. — Harrington's Drug Stores, Alexandra Street, Southend-on-Sea, 8th December, 1901." * * * " The Harvey's Watts' Curb Embrocation is very highly spoken of. — John Ed. Turner, M.P.S. Chemist, 16 London Street, Basingstoke, 25th June, 1903." ITS SUCCESS IN THE TREATMENT OF SPAVINS. Bone Spavin. " It is with a feeling of pride and pleasure I take this opportunity to acquaint you of the cure of my horse from a Jack or Bony Spavin, now exactly 12 months ago. He has worked every day, 6 days per week averaging 10 hours per day in my hansom. — Wm. Slann, Cab Propr., 2 Lothair St., Nelson St. C. on Medlock, Manchester, Aug. 20th, 1906." " I had a Curb Bottle from you this year with which I treated mare for Bone Spavin, and it has worked wonders. — Geo. Salmond, 9 High St., Arbroath, Oct. nth, 1906." * * •-:« " I had a bottle of your Curb Embrocation several years ago for one of my horses that had a very bad ' Jack Spavin,' and after using it I worked the horse for several years, — S. G. Harvey, 386 High Rd., Leytonstone, Nov. 19th, 1906." Harvey *s Embrocation. 39 '' 1 tried your remedy on a Filly with Spavins, and it has done wonders. — WilHam Owens, Old town, Cavan, 4th July, 1904. " * * * " We have tried your Embrocation for Bone Spavin Mr. W. with wonderful effect, and with great success. — Cocum. Bromwich House Stables, Worcester, i8th May, 1905." * * * Two Horses cured of Spavin. " Will you forward me some copies of your Horse- Owners' Handy Note Book, so that I may give them to friends, for I have been nsing your Embrocation on two of my horses for Spavins, and have quite cured them, and am now using it on a third horse which I have no doubt it will cure also. I should like it to be more widely known here, for I have great faith in it. — Henry Kilner, 82 Sussex Street, Brighton, 14th June, 1901." * * * " Some time since I had a horse suffering from Mr. T. Spavin, and had some Embrocation from you which Emlyn -Jones, cured it. — T. Emlyn-Jones, Glebe Street, Penarth, 7th March, 1903." * * * "Lieutenant General Sprot has found Harvey's Lieut. -Gen. Embrocation answer well in absorbing Spavins. — Sprot. Riddell, Lilliesleaf, N.B., 20th July, 1895." * * :;= "Wonderful." '* I write to tell you that a short time since an aged C. Saunders, mare belonging to my master was condemned by a m°^^^'hT ett Vet. as being useless for any further work owing to her j.p.^"^ ^ • having a bad spavin. I tried your Embrocation, and the result has been wonderful ! I think with a second slight application she will be all right. — Uplands, Hughenden, High Wycombe, Bucks, 23rd January, 1895." * * * " Unexpected Success." " I have used your Embrocation with very marked Robt. G. and unexpected success for incipisnt Bone Spavin. — Hanson, Esq. Kimberley Brewery, near Nottino^ham, 17th IMay, 1895." 40 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. Mr. John Walker " Remarkable Results." " The bottle of Embrocation I had from you before, I tried on Spavin with remarkable results. — Becker - met Mill, via Carnforth, 26th November, 1894." Mr. O. Shepherd. H. E. Telford. Esq. *' A Perfect Cure." " I received the small bottle of Embrocation safe, and applied it to two Bone Spavins, and am glad to say it has taken them clean away. It eats into them and breaks them up, leaving them smooth, and the hair is coming grandly, I have tried many different blisters, but never thought they did a-ny good ; but I am sure that yours is master of both Curbs and Spavins. 1 call it a perfect cure. — Saggarth Farm, Bentham, near Lancaster, 27th Januarv, 1896." * * " * " I cured my valuable cart horse of Bone Spavin with your Embrocation. Several friends told me that nothing but firing would do any good, but after three dressings with the Embrocation he is perfectly cured. — Mota House, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary, 12 th January, 1896." Major-Gen. E. Harding Steward, R.E.C.M.G. Tames D. Farquhar son, Esq., M.B. " I used your Embrocation with great success, having cured one mare of Spavin and removed a Curb and Splint from another of my horses. — The Cedars, Epsom." * * * " I should like to bear testimony to the excellence of your Embrocation. A valuable blood horse of mine was beginning to go very lame with a Spavin on the off hock. One application of the Embro- cation, followed by live weeks at grass, and the horse came in last week, and is going as sound as a bell, and not a trace of swelling remains to disfigure the joint. — 242 Westgate Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne." Mr. James H. Palmer. " The Embrocation removed the Bone Spavin:. - Woodcrolt, Bosbury, near Ledbury." Mr. John " I have used four or five bottles of your Embro- Davics. cation, and it answers capitally. It removes C irbs, Splints, Bone and Blood Spavin, and lumps caused by knocks and sprains. — Warren, near Cardigan." Harvey's Embrocation. 41 " The Bottle of Embrocation I got from you a month Mr. Chas. since has removed a very heavy Bone Spavin from my c^Vj, horse. Send me five bottles more for a few friends of mine, who require it for the same purpose. — Tuam, Co, Galway." * * * " The Embrocation I got from you last month has r^^*^*'^ ^' ^' almost completely removed a Bone Spavin from my Royarwelsh mare. — North Petherton. Bridgewater." Fusiliers. * * * " The horse on which I used your Embrocation for Mr. Henry Spavin keeps quite sound. — Stevenstone, Torrington, DurJing. 13th April, 1893." SPLINTS. " Captain Walford-Gosnall is a firm believer in the Embrocation, as he has already removed several Splints from his horses. — \Vhitegates, Ingatestone, Essex, Oct. 23rd, 1906." * * * " I have been using your Embrocation for Splints, with absolute success. — Robert Reid, Earl Balgray House, Irvine, N.B., December 20th, 1907." * * * " We got a little of your Embrocation for Splints, etc. from a neighbour. It did a power of good. — A. and J. Ritchie, Millers and Grain Merchants, Lochans Mill, Stranraer, October 23rd, 1907.' * * * " I have just used your Embrocation on two horses Mr. j. w. for Splints, and must say it is a speedy and perfect ^""P^^"^- cure. — Sun Inn, Bootle, via Carnforth, 19th October, 1904." * * :|c " Your Embrocation moved two Splints away clean. Messrs, James —London Works, Darlaston, nth February, 1904." Rosf lTc? * * * " I have applied your Embrocation with m ich Rev. J. success to the leg of one of my horses that was running Eckersley, lame from a splint bone. — J. E. Eckersley, (Rev.) Welford Rectory, Nr. Lichfield, 31st December, 1902." 42 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. T'V^ ff' " ^ have used your Embrocation for Splints and Bart^ °^ ' Bony Enlargements with very great success. — Hill Crest, Market Harborough, nth May, 1901." * * * Mr. George " I have always found your Embrocation a splendid Young. remedy for Splints and swellings generally. — Belmont, VVinscombe, Somerset, 25th July, 1900." ' * * * *'Experto " Quite recentl}'- the writer was with an old coachman Crede." ^^ Elo3'd's, Wrexham, who was looking after a pair of greys, and called his attention to the fact that one had a Splint. ' Never mind,' said he ; 'a bottle of Harvey's Embrocation will soon move that.' — Debac and Sheaff, Prince's street, Shrewsbury, 9th Nov., 1900." * * * Mark Loveless, Coachman at Compton, Petersfield, says — " I used your Embrocation for a very bad Splint, and it was a complete cure. All else had failed. — • 20th April, 1901," * * * Mr. D. Jones. " I find your Embrocation very satisfactory for Splints and Sprains. — The Castle Farm, Dyserth, Rhyll, 2nd August, 1900." w^"ii^' ^' " ^ appHed your Embrocation for Splints on three Williamson, different horses with grand effect. I had this bottle between six and seven years, and it must have great strength. — Kingsfield House, Kintore, N.B., 5th Januarv, 1899," * * * Augustus " I tried the Embrocation I had from you some weeks Kingston, since on a pony which had such a bad Splint as to ^^'' render the leg quite sti^", and he was unable to move. In two days after applying the Embrocation he was galloping round the orchard. I have also tried it for Strains, and it seems to answer wonderfully. — St. Leonard's, Totnes, Devon." * * * Fr^cke^* " ^* acted miraculously in dissipating a Splint,^ Arthur Hawlev House, Barnstaple." M.A. ' * * * Chapell " T have taken off a big Splint with your Embro- Hodge, Esq. catien.— Pounds, Plymouth." itarvey*s Embrocation. 43 " The Embrocation gave me the greatest satisfaction F. in removing two Splints from a young horse. — Ardsley, Chapman, Barnsley, 30th April, 1899." ^"^^ * * * " I have just taken a Splint right off in three weeks J. Moore, with one dressing of your Embrocation. — East Reach R-S.S. Shoeing Forge, Taunton, 2nd May, 1900." *' I want to remove a Splint rapidly, so send me a r. Hussy, bottle of your Embrocation. I use no other for the Esq. purpose, and aiways recommend it to my friends. — Eastfields, near Lichfield, 3rd April, 1899." " One dressing removed a hard bony substance on j, w. my colt's shank, after blisters had failed. — Kirk Adlington. Langley, Derby, 13th April, 1899." * * * " I shall for ever use and recommend your Embroca- Geo. Laity, tion. It took off two long-standing Splints as cleanly as if they never were there. — Glebe Farm, St. Hilary, Marazion, Cornwall, 4th March, 1897." * * * " Last year we used your Embrocation on a horse Messrs. C. with a bad Splint successfully, and have since used it Stacy on two other horses to remove swellings on the legs Watson & and a hard lump on one leg, in each case with perfect success. — Great Yarmouth, 14th August, 1895." ** Your Embrocation acted very well indeed on V. P. Splints, which is the only thing I have yet tried it Esq for. — Tetcott, Holsworthy, N. Devon, 28th March, mf'h. 1894." * * * *' I have cured two Sphnts, and a Cough, with Alexander your Embrocation, and a friend removed a Splint with ^°^^®^»^*l' it also. — Gracefield, Magherafelt, Co. Derry, 7th January, 1896." * * * " The Embrocation wliich Mrs. Paul had a short time Mrs. PauU since has been very efficacious in removing a Splint. — Artramont, Wexford, 22nd July, 1895." 44 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Mr. Jos. G. «' X used your Embrocation very satisfactorily for °^"^' Splints on two of my horses, and have since presented some of my friends with bottles of it. — Fell Cottage, Low Fell, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 6th Sept., 1893." * * * H. M. Coote, " J have used your Embrocation with success on a ^^' young horse, which had been previously treated by a Vet., and turned out to rest for a month. — Northbrook House, Swanage, Dorset, 26th November, 1893." * * * Rev. Canon, ** I once bought some excellent stuff from you to WUberforce, reduce Splints in horses. — 20 Dean's Yard, West- ■ • minster, London, 21st May, 1896." * * * T. Ridge " One application of your Embrocation cured my Jones, sq , j^^j-gg fj-Qj^ lameness due to Splint. — 4 Chesham Place, London, S.W., loth June, 1896." * * * Chichester, sincc. I had previously tried several mild blisters, Esq. ' vesicants, &c., but with no good result, I consider your Embrocation the best thing for Splints I ever came across, and always keep a bottle. — Alphington, Exeter, July, 1884." Side-Bone and Ring-Bone. " I can give you an excellent testimonial for your stuff for removing Side Bones if you ever want one. — Charles H. Knill, ' Oak Lodge,' Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, July 8th, 1908." * * * " I, some months ago, had a valuable horse with a bad swelling on the Coronet, which the vets, declared could not be successfully treated. I instructed my Manager how to use your Embrocation, and in about three weeks' time my ' incurably dead lame horse ' was going sound — to the surprise of the Vets. I had consulted. I have never tried your Hair producer, and hope it will prove as great a boon as your Red Lotion and Embrocation. — John B. Millar, Polvarth, Wormingford, Essex, July 9th, 1908." Harvey's Embrocation. 45 " I used your Embrocation, or ' Curb Bottle,' three Nicholas or four years ago for Side Bones in horses, and in every Parson, Esq. case successfully. — Higher Tregantle, Millbrook, Ply- mouth, 6th April, 1908." * * * " A short time ago I got a bottle of Embrocation from you, and I used it on my own mare. She had a lump on her fore-foot, and two or tliree dressings have taken it off completely. — P. Maguire, Kelladone, Louis- burgh, Co. Mayo, October 15th, 1907." " Hopelessly Lame." " I have a valuable pony, eight years old, which threw a Ring Bone last December. She was hopelessly lame and was fired by a Vet. The firing was succeeded by Seven Blisters, from which she derived no benefit whatever, being in fact much lamer after the last blister than before the firing. " Accidentally coming across your Embrocation, I applied a little of it on the 14th instant, and from that time there has been a marked improvement, although the pony is still lame. I want to know if I should repeat the application at once or wait till the month is up. — Wm. Sockett, Lawley Furnace, Ketley, Salop, 30th May, 1908." K: * * " I have used your Embrocation for Side Bones with great success. — Arthur Marchant, Guilton Farm, Ash, Dover, April 30th, 1907." * * * " I have tried your Embrocation on a valuable horse for Side Bone, and I think it is going to be successful. It is now nearly three weeks since I put it on, and the lump is nearly gone. — John T. Cain, Cab Propr., 230, St. Helen's Rd., Daubhill, Bolton, Lanes., 29th Novr., 1906." * ••fi * " I think your Embrocation is the most wonderful The Late thing I ever saw. I had a horse fired for Side Bones ^°''^^ Cbmber- rnrT c m May. He was very lame at the end of last season. I took him up in September and put him to work. He then went lame again, although quite sound when 46 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. first taken up. I applied your Embrocation and put him to work again ; he has been hunting twice a week for a month or more, and is now practically sound. " I have great pleasure in volunteering this information, and shall be glad to give you a testimonial if you care to have one. — Combermere, Springfield, Tarporley, 28th Nov., 1890." MissM. E, Wolseley. " A Splendid Remedy." " I have used Harvey's Embrocation for Bone Spavin and Ringbone on my own horses, and recom- mended it to a friend for splint. In each case a complete cure was the result. This splendid remedy should be more widely known. — 17 Medina Villas, Hove, Sussex, Dec. 27th, 1906." " I must say I have never met anything so good as your Curb Embrocation. I have used it on a mare I have which was lame for 12 months with Spavin and Ring Bone, and she is now as sound as a bell. — Sam Revell, Spink Hill, nr. Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Oct. 1st, 1906." * * * A Reprieve. " Your Embrocation is simply marvellous. I have a colt an eminent Vet. ordered it® be destroyed that I have cured of Ring Bone. I have him in strong work now, sound, and hardly a trace of the Ring Bone nor a hair missing. — John McCarthy, Private Trainer, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath, Nov. 2nd, 1905." * * * Mr. Louis *' I applied your Embrocation last year to a Side Hamley. Bone once only. The horse gradually became better, and has not been lame since. — 95 West Street, Mill- brook, Cornwall, i8th July, 1904." *' I have succeeded in curing a valuable mare of Ring Bone with your Embrocation. The mare was hopelessly unsound, a Vet. fired her for the Ring Bone, which was no earthly use. After two dressings with your Embrocation and a fit tie rest the mare is perfectly sound, and is at work in brougham and going well. — Harvey's Embrocation 47 Albion Brewery, Caledonian Road, London, 30th Octo- ber, 1903." * * * " I have tried your Embrocation on a pony with Mr. A. Ring Bone, and found it to give satisfaction, — 13 St. Simpson. Andrew Street, Leith, N.B., nth March, 1904." * * * " I am pleased to inform j^^ou that your Embrocation Mr. has been quite successful on a bad case of Ring Bone. Frederick The mare, a very valuable one, is now quite sound and Smith, in hard work. — Whittington House Stables, Chester- field, Derbyshire, 7th June, 1905." * * * " I had a Cob with a Ring Bone forming which had Mr. R. T. caused him to be lame for three months. After two Randall, applications of your Curb Bottle it seemed to disperse ; the Cob went sound and has continued doing so, without any sign of the Ring Bone forming, for 14 months. — 526 to 530 Holloway Road, London, N., 1 6th August, 1904." * * * " We are great believers in your Horse Medicines, Messrs. and have used them for a long time when needful. Jf^T^ ^ Some few years ago we had a horse that was putting ^SQ^n. out a Side Bone, and your Embrocation entirely cured him. — 123 Rochdale " Road, Bacup, 13th January, 1904." * * <-. "I have successfully treated a Ring Bone on a Mr. c. young mare with your Embrocation. — 84 Uxbridge Stevens, Road, West Ealing, 25 th August, 1904." Jobmaster. * * * " I find Harvey's Embrocation a very good cure for Mr. F. W. Ring Bone, and many other cases. — Atkinson Ground ^^^ Farm, MonkConiston, Lancashire, 31st August, 1904." "Splendid." *' I have been using some of your Embrocation on a horse which was very lame with side Bones, but now is all right. I find it to be splendid stuff — worth a guinea a bottle. — Herbert Watts, Burton Street, Marnhull, Sturminster — Newton, Dorset, i6th December, 1901." 48 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Thomas H. Hill. " Fees £5." " In June I bought a horse badly lame from Side Bone —had, I think, been fired for it. I put him in Vet's hands, and spent £$ over him, with very little, if any, result. Then I sent for and used your Embro- cation, and in a month the horse went sound. — At West Tytherley Rector^^ Salisburj^ 15th Nov., 1900." Mr. S.P. Edwards. The Lane, mark Coal Co., Ltd. " Your Embrocation for vSide Bones is the best possible, I think. — Sibbersfield, Churtou, Chester, nth July, 1894." * * * " I used it for Ringbone, and am glad to say it gave nie every satisfaction. — Walter Wood, The Lanemark Coal Co., Ltd., Carlisle, 14th Feb., 1893." Mr. John Bell. Rev. ]. Wor thing- ton. " Your Embrocation cannot be equalled I have used it for Side Bones and Curb, and it took them off beautifully.— Dale House Mill, Staithes, R.S.O., nth October, 1892." .+ * * " I have recently seen your Embrocation most successful in a bad case of Side Bones. — Northlew Rectory, Beaworthy, nth July, 1893." Mr. Thomas Ogilvy. " It has cured the Ringbone, which I did not expect. -Rufford Old Hall, Ormskh-k." N. W. Trotman, Esq. " I gave your Embrocation a trial some time since on a horse with Ringbone, with the result that he is quite upright, but the enlargement is still there. Will the repeated use of the Embrocation remove this ? — Cam, Glos., 2nd October, 1895." i N.J. Babei Ksq. Bog and Blood Spavins. Bog Spavin. " I have used your Embrocation for Bog Spavin, etc., with success. — " Springhill," Worle, Weston Super Mare, August 5th, 1907.' Harvey's Embrocation. 49 " Your Embrocation has cured a grand horse of Bog Spavin, and one with Splints. — Mark Chambers, 32 Aitken Street, Accrington, Lancashire, 22nd July, 1902." * * * Severe Treatment. " A local farrier here dressed a mare of mine for Mr. Robert Bog Spavin with your Embrocation three or four times Hartley, in as many days (!) with the result that, although it has cured the Spavin, it has not yet healed or haired over," [Note. — Of course this was wrong ; the APPLICATION should NOT BE REPEATED FOR FOUR WEEKS. H. & Co.] " I may say that I and my neighbours use the Embrocation considerably, and in no case of Curb, Spavin, Ringbone, or any Bony Enlargement have we known it fail. — Oakleigh, Penarth, S. Wales, 15th Oct., 1900." * :<« ♦ " Like Magic." " I have just used your Embrocation on a four year old with Bog Spavin and Thorough Pin that I fired and blistered twice last year. It has acted like magic. — George Eastham, Touch Road Farm, Walmersley, ur. Bur}-, July 27th, 1906." Strain of Back Sinews and Tendons. "Six fVlonth's Rest." "I'm writing to tell you about a wonderful cure Lieut. C. C. your Embrocation effected on a Polo Pony of mine. Cunningham, He was laid up with a very bad sprain in the off hind "^^ i^^on^^^s. fetlock, and had been treated by a Veterinary Surgeon for 6 weeks. The Vet, then said, ' Six months' or a years' rest, and if not cured, a bullet.' I tried 3-our Embrocation, and within five weeks I rode him. If he goes wrong with fast work I feel sure a second appUcation will put him right. I am strongly advising it to all. — Jhansi, United Provinces, India, December 30th, 1907." 50 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse " I have used some of your Embrocation on a pony for a sprain, and he has been free from lameness ever since. — A. E. Hayman, 43 Webb's Road, New Wands- worth, November 13th, 1907," * * * Leighton " I don't Hke to be without your Embrocation. Have White, found it of the greatest use for sprained Tendons, etc., ^^1- in my hunters. — Fifield, Milton-under-Wychwood, Oxon, Jan. 6tli, 1906." A Rapid Effect. E. Unwin, " I am pleased to tell you that your Embrocation Esq. cured my pony's badly strained tendons. I tried it tiiree months ago. At the end of a week the pony walked sound, and for the last month has done regular work. — Doriscourt, Upper Chorlton Road, Manchester, April 5th, 1906." H.Ray Stocker, Esq. " My grey mare I wrote you about some weeks ago, sprained in Back Sinews, is a complete cure, and worth £^ more than she was before I used your Embrocation — Laurel Cottage, Elmside, Exeter, Nov. 7th, 1906." Wm. A. Ardagh, Esq., M.D. " A valuable horse of mine strained the muscles of his shoulders, and was very lame at times. I tried several applications without avail ; finally, having used your Embrocation before with benefit, I again used it, giving the shoulders one good dressing, your directions being carried out. I am pleased to say this cured the horse speedily, and he is now in full work under saddle and dogcart, in a very hilly district. You are at liberty to make what use you like of this unsolicited testimonial, as I feel grateful to you for your speedy cure. — Courts Hill Lodge, Haslemere, Surrey, loth November, 1903." "Completely Cured." " I am writing to inform you that the Embrocation that I had from you last summer completely cured my cob from lameness without leaving the slightest mark or blemish. She was badly lame in her front Tendons after even a short journey. — J. Durman, Harvey's Embrocation. 51 Redwoods Farm, Huntsham, Bampton, Devon, 6th May, 1903." * * * *' The Embrocation was applied as directed to a A. E. hunter who had sprained his back Tendon, and now Norman, that the swelhng has gone down, the enlargement ^^^' which there was before has ahnost entirely dis- appeared, and the horse is quite sound. — A. E. Norman, Bishopstrow House, Warminster." * * * *' Mrs. C. R. Longbourne is thankful to say Mrs. c. R. the Embrocation has made the Mare's sprained Longbourne. muscle all right. — Ripsley, Liphook, Hants, 6th April, 1903." * * * Promises Fulfilled. " Allow me to thank you for the Embrocation you Mr. Geo. H. sent for Strained Tendons. It has done everything James. you said it would. My mare had been laid up for four weeks, and was getting worse, till I applied your Embrocation, but in less than a week after she was perfectly free from lameness. I have recommended it to my friends, and they think it is simply marvellous. — Grampound, Cornwall, 15th January, 1901." * * * " I have tried your Embrocation on a young mare The Royal with Sprained Tendons, and, I must say, with gratify- Laundry, ing results. — T. H. Barbeary, Manager, Royal Sheen and Richmond Laundry, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey, 9th July, 1901." * * * " I used your Embrocation on a horse lamed from x. W. Blyth a Spraia to the Sheath of the Tendon last season, and Esq. I am thankful to say he is as sound now as ever he was. — ^Leighs Lodge, Felsted, Essex, 28th September, 1896." * « 4i Completely Gone on the Back Sinews. "I think your Embrocation quite first-rate. 1^,9^""°'^^ bought a horse last July, said to be done for, for very Es'qJ^^p. little money, purposely to experimentalize upon. He d.l!' was completely gone on the back sinews of both fore- legs. I blistered him heavily three times, at five weeks between each blister, with the Embrocation, then 52 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. turned him out for two months, then had him up, put into condition, and have hunted him regularly two days a week since, sometimes hard. I ride 14.7, and he has never gone even ' dicky,' and I consider the horse (8 years oki), sound and Ukely to continue so. — Castell-Deudraeth, Penrhyndeudraeth, N. Wales, 24th January, 1885." T. B. Matthews, Esq. Better Counsel. ** Four years ago I wrote to you about a favourite hunter that had broken down badly in both Back Sinews. My Vet. — in fact, two Vets — told me to shoot the horse, but my old friend, Mr. C. B. E. Wright, advised my writing to you. I did so, and you sent me a small bottle of your Embrocation, with full instructions for treatment. I took your advice, and the result was I got the horse sound, and have hunted him in his turn for the past three seasons, and hope to hunt him another, although he is ten years old. — Thorp Arch Hall, Yorkshire, 21st Feb., 1897." Rev. W. R. " I followed your instructions in applying your Hartley. Embrocation to my mare (lame from Sprained Tendons) and it did its work to my entire satisfaction. — Rock- hope Vicarage, Eastgate, Co. Durham, 29th March, 1898." * * * Mr. W. H. •* I used your Embrocation on my cob with sprained Gabb. back tendon, and he has gone sound since, and been regularly driven. — Beauchamp Court, near Worcester, oth December, 1897." * * * Mr. Robt, Long. Well Saved. " I so far cured a horse, so badly broken down that my brother had decided to shoot him as useless, that I afterwards sold him for ;^i5 for harness work. On several other occasions I have used the Embrocation with markedly good results. — Woodhouse, Chudleigh, Devon, 30th March, 1898." Thos, Ogilvy, Esq. Two Cases Cured. " Your Embrocation cured two obstinate cases of lameness in Back Sinews and a case of Shoulder lame- Harvey's Embrocation. $3 ness which had seemed incurable. — Easton Neston Lodge, Towcester, ist September, 1898." " I have used your Embrocation for lameness in the Mr. Robt. Tendons of front legs, with the best results I could Shire, wish for. — New Inn, Creech St. Michael, Taunton, 22nd June, 1899." * * * " It has done my horse, with strained back sinews, Major Kerr, a great deal of good. He is aged and has done a lot ^.P> 22nd of work, but he has gone much better since I used ^^S^* the Embrocation. I will recommend it. — North Down, Basset, Southampton, 3rd May, 1896." " Your Embrocation made a complete cure of our Messrs. cob with strained Tendons. — Earn worth, near Bolton, Okell, Bros. 8th July, 1896." * * * " Will you kindly send me a £^ Chest of your g. H. Walker Remedies, for which I enclose my cheque. I had Esq.' occasion two or three years ago to give your Embroca- tion a trial. A hunter that I was training to jump sprung the back sinew of his off foreleg, resulting in considerable thickening of the tendon, which was completely reduced by one application, and I hunted him all the season, won first prize at the local jumping competition, and sold him well afterwards. — Bedford House, Malvern Wells, 3rd March, 1894." All Other Remedies Baffled. " Major-General Forster has found the Embrocation Major-Gen. invaluable in a very severe case of Sprain, which had Forster. baffled all other remedies used, but was cured by the application of Harvey's Embrocation as directed. — Government House, Chatham, i8th August, 1894." " I tried the Embrocation on a two-year-old Hackney Peter Colt for a Sprain which he got at a Show, and found Cameron, it of great value, as he is now going as sound as ^^' ever, and no inconvenience was caused by it. — Burnfoot Cottage, New Cumnock, Ayrshire, 6th June, 1894." 54 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Curbs. " I have used several bottles of your Curb Embro- cation, and I find it the best that I ever used for Curbs, Splints, etc. — B. Morris, Vagwreinonfach, Moylgrove, Cardigan, 26th March, 1908." " Your Curb Embrocation has proved a great success. — Victor Prentice, c/o the Countess De la Warr, Sand- hill Stables, Verney Junction, Winslow, Bucks., 25th April, 1908." " Champion." " I have used Harvey's Embrocation or Curb Bottle for years, on Splints and Curbs, and have always found it satisfactory. " As to Puffy Knees, the Remedy is champion, just taking off what is not required, and leaving a perfect skin. — W. Knox Haggie, Burnfoot, Rothbury, Nor- thumberland, 23rd May, 1908." " I used your Curb Bottle on a large Curb on a draught gelding some time ago, with excellent results. — Stewart Blacklock, Tathill, Beattock, Dumfriesshire, October 25th, 1907." " I have found your Curb Bottle most effective, having used it on two horses with the greatest satisfac tion, also for a strained tendon of very old standing, have shown it to friends, who consider it marvellous.— W. Roberts, Stud Groom to Dr. J. B. Gabe, Pentrepoth House, Morriston, R.S.O., July 2nd, 1907." " For Curbs, Splints, Capped Hocks and Knocks, I may say I have used the Embrocation the last few years and been very satisfied with the result. — Chas. V. Young, Brancaster, Norfolk, 6th June, 1908." Harvey's Embrocation. 55 A Four-year-old Curb. " I had a mare with a bad Curb of four years standing. The vets, could do nothing with it. When I received your Kttle book, I at once bought a bottle of your Curb Cure, and one application cured her, and she is in hard work now. — W. H. Ost, 4 Market Place, Faversham, May 7th, 1906." " I must mention that I have tried your wonderful Embrocation. I got a bottle from Wand's, our local Chemist, and found it most excellent for a Curb. It took it clean away, and the horse went sound. — H. Adcock, Cab Proprietor, 26 Dorothy Road, St. Saviour's Road East, Leicester, May 7th, 1907." " Having used your Embrocation for Splints and Curbs, I find it is the best I ever used. — F. Werrell, Orchard Cottages, Cookham Dean, Nr. Maidenhead, Berks, i8th June, 1903." 4: * * " I have used your Curb Bottle with much success, removed two Splints and two Curbs. — G. P. Wilson, 64 Mount Pleasant, Crook, R.S.O., Durham, 20th Mareh, 1905." * « * " Please send me a bottle of your Curb Embrocation, Lord I found the last one very good." Woodlawn, Co. Ashtown. Galwa}', 19th August, 1901." " I find your Embrocation an excellent cure for Curbs Mr, J. P. and Sprains.— Posting Stables, Dawhsh, 22nd Oct., Voysey. I goo." "The Best I Ever Used." *' I have used your Embrocation on a two-year-old G. Phillips, that had a Curb forming, and found it the best' thing I ^"vate have ever used.- — 2 Manor Terrace, Sheerness, 3rd cap t"^"^ *° June, 1 90 1." Gardiner, 56 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. Mr. James Thunder. " A1 . " " Your Ai. Curb Bottle has worked wonders on my horse. I think he will be fit for work by Thursday, though it was only on Sunday I treated the Curbs. — Bellewstown House, Drog^heda, 12th Dec, 1899." Two First Prizes. J. V. W. "I bought a three-year-old mare two years ago with Rees, Esq. a Curb, and took it off with two dressings of your Embrocation, She won a First Prize last year at the Carmarthen United Counties Show, after I sold her, and a First Prize at the Royal Hunter's Show at Islington this Spring. I have great faith in your Remedies. — 2 Eaton Place, Pembroke, 26th April, 1899." * * * Dr. T, "Dr. T. Burton Sherwen is delighted with the Burton Curb Bottle, and has recommended it to others. — Sherwen. bentley, Egham, Surrey, 15 th February, 1899." Mrs. Sinclair Clarke. Painless. *' I have used your Embrocation for many years with great success in cases of Spavin, Curb, and other causes of lameness in rny stables. It will remove all bony enlargements, and gives no pain to the horse. I recommend it to all my friends. — KnedUngton Manor, Howden, Yorkshire, 12th October, 1899." Mr. s. G. Harvey. Better than ever. " Your Curb Bottle has cured an old favourite mare that had gone on her toe for years. She is now doing her work better than ever, — 386 High road, Leyton- stone, 6th June, 1900." 4: 4c * Mr. B. Butler. " Your Curb Bottle has done me good service on two occasions, — Coatlands, Bournemouth, 25th Julv, 1896." Harvey's Embrocation. 57 Thirty Years. " I have used your Embrocation 30 years for Curbs, Mr. N. S. and find it best of anything I ever tried. — Londes- ^"^o^g^- borough, Wold, Market Weighton, Yorks, i6th December, 1896." * * * " I think your Embrocation is hard to beat for A. Hay. Curbs. — Denton House Stables, Shute End, Woking- ham, Berks, 22nd December, 1896." * * * " Excellent." " I have used the Embrocation on Curbs and Splints, and find it excellent. — F. Woodley, Coachman, The Stables, Solna, Putney Park Lane, Putney, S.W., qth May, 1903." * * * *' I have used j^our Remedies for the past ten years, Sir Spencer In my last service I cured a valuable Hunter of a 5^^^°"'^ Curb and another of Thoroughpin --.vith your Fmbro- Groom, cation.— M. Stein, Stud Groom to Sir Spencer Maryon Wilson, Bart., Fitzjohns, Rugby, 26th Oct., 1902"." Infinitely Superior. " On the 4th instant I applied your Embrocation to Benjamin a four-year-old Hackney for Curb, and in two days it ^'"^^*'' ^^^• was perfectly subdued and softened, causing a painless running. I may say that this was after spending los. 6d. to have it fired, which I much regretted after- wards. It certainly is the most powerful and speedy in its action of anything I have ever used, and is, to my mind, infinitely superior to any bhstering treat- ment.— Woodhouse, Great Horkesley, near Colchester, 23rd April, 1896." * * * A Kindly Word. " A friend of mine who has tried your Embrocation James on a mare of his for Curb with every success, desires Radford, me to try it for a Spavin on a mare of mine in preference *'• to firing. — 54 Ventnor Villas, Hove, Brighton, ist April, 1896." 58 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. F.Pierce, " Your Embrocation did wonders for the horse with Esq. bad Curbs, completely removing them. — The Firs, Staplecross, Hawkhurst, Kent, 21st January, 1894." * * * Mr, H, W. " I used the Embrocation on a four-year-old Drummond, thoroughbred which started a Curb when a two-year-old, and the result is most satisfactory. I had tried various remedies, but without success. — Edwinsford, Llandilo, 1 8 th February, 1891." Mr. John Weir, " Had a marvellous effect upon a two-year-old colt which had very bad Curbs on both legs. — Salop Road, Welshpool, Montgomeryshire." Navicular Disease, Mr. M, J. "I have a mare suffering from Navicular Disease O'Dohcrty. according to the V. S. I applied a blister which did not do any good. I then got a small bottle of your Embrocation from WooUey's & Sons, and applied as directed. I must admit the mare walks sound now. — 696 Oldham Road, Newton Heath, Manchester, 2nd September, 1904." Mr. W. J. Porter. " I have used your Embrocation on my horse, which has Navicular Disease, and he appears to be much better in walking. — Great Marlow, 28th April, 1905." Colonel Vallack Tom, " A month or so ago 1 wrote about the treatment of my horse for Navicular Disease, and acted on your advice, applying the Embrocation, and now I am using him daily, perfectly sound so far. — Cawsand, Plymouth, 6th October, 1896." Browne, Miss Frances " I have used your Embrocation on a horse that was Brady- ^^j-y i^me for nearly three months, and which an eminent Vet. pronounced to be Navicular. I had tried several remedies, but without success, but after your Embrocation he is now as well as ever, and I have hunted him up to the present. — New Grove, Tulla, County Clare, 29th March, 1897." Harvey's Embrocation. 59 Bursal Enlargements, (THOROUGH-PIN, CAPPED HOCKS, WIND- GALLS, ETC.) " Beyond Expectation." " I had splendid results from your Embrocation on a mare which had very unsightly stress lumps, or wind- galls, on all fours. The result was beyond my ex- pectation.— J. M. Beck, Cabin Hill, Knock, Belfast, December 26th, 1905." * * * Capped Elbow. " I have been using your Embrocation for Capped Elbew with great benefit. — Clarke Lonkhurst, Duke's Head Hotel, Hamstreet, Ashford, Kent, July 29th, 1908." * * * Thoroughpln. " I tried your Embrocation with Thoroughpin some time ago, and it did a great amount of good. — James Dargie, Farm Manager, Barsloisnach, by Lochgilphead N.B., December 28th, 1906." * * * " For some years I have never been without a bottle of your Embrocation, and at various times have successfully treated cases of Capped Hocks and Splints. —John H. Wright, Sunny Bank, Orrell Port, VVigan, 19th July, 1904." * * * " I have used several bottles of your Embrocation for Windgalls and Splints, and it has given the greatest satisfaction. — H. Chapman, 12 Silchester Road, NoUing Hill, London, W., 2nd July, 1903." * * * " I find your Curb Bottle a splendid thing for Windgalls. — Wilham Pratley, Watson Mill, Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, 27th November, 1904." * * * After Complete Failure. " I have quite lately taken av/ay a capped hock from Major my mare with your Embrocation, after complete Stephen failure with several other applications. — Tainfield, apman, Taunton, Somerset, nth March, 1898." 6d Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Perfect Success. Wm. Finch, " Your Embrocation for Thoroughpin was a perfect Esq. succesf. — Nott Square, Carmarthen, 13th August, Mr. J. Kemp. " I have used your Embrocation for Windgalls, and it quite removed them. — 19 and 20 Wilton road, Belgravia. London, 23rd May, 1892." :;: * i\: Mr. Jamfs " I am pleased to tell you that the Embrocation has Powell. taken the Thoroughpin clean away. The Vets, here said it could not be done. — 95 Belgrave Road, Florence, Longton, Staffs., 12th February, 1894." :;: * -.:< Mr. Edwin " I have made a good cure of a long-standing Capped Aiasworth Hock with your Embrocation, and will take up the sale of it here. — 5 Victoria Street, Darwin, Lancashire, i8th July, 1895."" * * * Mr. William " Am well pleased with the effect of your Embroca- Brendon. tion for Capped Hocks. — 5 Whimple Street, Plymouth." " I have used your Embrocation with great success in the case of an enlarged Hock in a young Cart Filly. — H. G. Barry, Long Compton, Shipston-on-Stour. 30th April, 1903." * * * Lady " I cannot recommend too highly your Embrocation O'Neill's which has removed a very large Capped Hock off Coachman. ^^^ ^^ ^^^ Ladyship's horses. You can make what use of this you like. It is four months since the Capped Hock was cured, and there is no sign of it returning. — William Lunn, Coachman to Dowager Lady O'Neill, Tullymore Lodge, Ballymena, loth February, 1903." Swellings and Bony Enlargements, " To My Great Surprise." rL!.V^' '^' ' Picking up your Note Book in my office this morning reminded me of a wonderful experience I had of the effects of one dressing (^ small bottle) of your Cooke. Harvey's Embrocation. 6i Embrocation some time back, which I think is worth knowing. I bought a young mare about 5 years old with a large hard lump below the inside of the near front leg caused by speedy-cut or brushing. This mare had always been driven with a leather gaiter, but hearing of your Embrocation I tried it. In three weeks time it was one mass like a large scab. I felt disappointed, and ordered my man to thoroughly grease it. The next day, having to drive the mare myself, and not liking the look of this " Scab " (as I thought), ordered it to be washed with hot water, and to my great surprise the whole lot washed clean off, leaving the leg as clean as anything, and new haii growing. The mare still runs in this town in a baker's cart, and I can a.ssure you there is no sign of any lump. It's as well to mention I worked the mare during the time. — 20 Northbrook Street, Newbury, i6th July, 1904." " A Horse's Jaw." " I tried the Curb Bottle on an enlargement (on a Mr. Joseph horse's jaw) of 5 or 6 months' standing, and it was very Davidson, effective, completely scattering it in one application. — Castle Gore, Ballina, Co. Mayo, nth May, 1904." "I Am Proud To Say." " I have used your Embrocation with success on a Mr, Abel mare that had a big lump on the inside of her knee as Watkins. large as an ordinary size apple, which everybody had given up ; they said it could never be got away ; but I am proud to say after two dressings it has gone clean away. — Abel Watkins, Iron Founder, Bridge House, Maesteg, Glam., ist January, 1905." ** Exceedingly Pleased." " I am exceedingly pleased with the results of the Mr. C. H. Embrocation for an enlargement on a Colt's leg, for it Radcliff(\ has completely cured it. — Worthington Street, Man- chester Street, Oldham, 12th February, 1904." 62 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Unanimous, but Wrong. " The bottle of Embrocation you sent me last week is having the desired effect. When I bought the horse about four months ago at a long price, the party assured me the lump would never be taken off. All the Vets, said the same thing. I apphed the Embro- cation, and am now quite sure it will disappear. — John Main, Monymusk, Aberdeen, i8th December, 1901." * * * " When Others Fail." " I have tried your Embrocation and find it cures when others fail. I had a thoroughbred mare with a swollen leg for months, and found after dressing twice with your Embrocation it was cured. — Albert Veysey Lang, The Coombe, Shirenewton, Nr. Chepstow, Mon., 7th January, 1903." * * * Mr. W. R. "I have used your Embrocation to great advantage Riches. jQj. removing hard substances, — The Elms, Loddon, Nr. Norwich, 15th August, 1900." Mr. A. E. Smyth. " Really Wonderful." " Your Embrocation worked admirably, taking off a large hard swelHng on my horse's knee-joint IN ONE DAY. It was really wonderful. — Castletown, Donaghmore, Ballybrophy, Queen's Co.. 22nd Oct., 1900." Mai or T. Erskine Baylis. Serious Abscess. " I tried the Embrocation for Swelling on my mare's throat. The Embrocation broke abscess in less than four days, the skin around lump peeling, and offensive discharge came away freely. No pain, apparently. I have since given a course of your Condition Powders, and she is in good health again. — Ingleglen, Farnham Common, Slough, Bucks., 4th May, 1905." Fistula. " The mare I treated for Fistula with your Em- brocation is quite cured.— William Harvey, Black- smith, Fineview, Drummore, 21st July, 1904." Rarvey's Embrocation. 6$ Lameness. " One of our pair fell lame in the Shoulder. I had him blistered twice, but no better. I applied the Embrocation as stated, which is a wonderful thing, and the horse went perfectly sound in a few days, and in a fortnight after applying the dose, I put him in double harness and has been kept going ever since. — A. Scholes, Coachman, Springside, Nr. Todmorden, Yorks, May 1 2th, 1907." * * * " We had a mare that went lame, and we could only work her one day out of twelve. We could not find out what was the cause of it, as there was no swelling whatever. We blistered her with your Embrocation and turned her out to grass for three months, when we brought her in she was like a young colt. This mare is 15 years of age, and has been working ever since. — W. G. Robinson, 6 Kirby Street, Newport, Men., October 6th, 1907." * * * " Colonel Bradford Brown is glad to be able to say that his previous supply of Embrocation, after two or three applications, effectually cured a chronic case of lameness in a valuable brougham horse, on which all other remedies had failed, and on which all neighbouring veterinary skill was of no avail. — Domons Hall, Northiam, Sussex, December 9th, 1907." " I tried your Embrocation on the fetlock joint of a half-bred mare that has been going lame for some time. The result is astonishing, she is now going quite sound. — F. G. Kilby, Family Grocer, Front Street, Newbiggin- V)y-the-Sea, November 29th, 1907." Bony Enlargements, Beyond Comparison. " I have used 3'our Embrocation now for four years, and previously I had tried almost every blister there is made for various ailments, but I have no hesitation at all in writing that I firmly believe there is no blister 64 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. in the world which will give such good results as yours in removing Bony Enlargements, and in fact any ailment that causes lameness. I recommend it to all sorts of people, and always with good results. — Thos. Kerr, R.S.S., The Hatch Gate Shoeing Forges, Whit- church Hill, Oxon,, March 12th, 1906." Rev. E. P. Doudney. Swollen Knees. " A few weeks back I was recommended to try your Embrocation to reduce an Enlarged Knee on a horse caused through a kick some time back. I procured a bottle, and am pleased to say it has had the desired effect. — R. Lane, Lyndhurst, Eversholt, Woburn, Beds., 28th June, 1906." " Priceless." " I used your Embrocation as directed to the swelling on my mare's knee after broken knees, and think it is priceless. The wound was so bad that it had to be stitched by the vet., but now the knee is nearly its normal size. — The Rectory, Wainfleet, R.S.O., Lines., December, 19th, 1906." Old Swellings. " I have used your Embrocation, and find it removes Old Swellings, when all others fail. I am never without it, and strongly recommend it to my friends. — J. J. Pitt, Coatsworth Road, Gateshead, May, 25th, 1906." For Horse and Hound. E^ Stanley " [ have done extiemcly well with the Embrocation Webb, Esq., £q J. ^^jj j^j^jg gf fillings and bumps on Horses and Grey-hounds. — Studlcy Court, Stourbridge, Nov. 5th, 1906." J.F. Harvey's Embrocation. 05 For Cattle— A Successful Experiment. " I used your Embrocation for a kind of cancer on a Cow's throat. She could hardly breathe and was gone to a skeleton, and many a morning I expected to find her dead. The Embrocation burst the growth, and the cow got fat, and did well. — Geo. Eastham, Touch Road Farm, Walmersley, nr. Bury, 22nd July, 1906." For Calves. " I sent to you for a bottle of Embrocation a few years ago, and it has given me every satisfaction. It has taken large, hard swellings off calves' and yearlings' jaws, which if left would have developed into cancer. — Thomas Marsh, The Priory Farm, Nettleton, Chip- penham, August 8th, 1905." India. " I have been using your Embrocation, and find it h. g, the best. — Udhiya Bagh Tea Factory, Rambagh, via Raynor, Esq. Dehra Dun, India, January 25th, 1908." " I have tried your Curb Bottle on a very bad Splint on an Arab, and it has certainly reduced it. I shall try another application shortly. I have also tried it successfully on three or four other ponies. — Mrs. K. Campbell, c/o Capt. Campbell, 12th Pioneers, Jhansi, C. P. India, April ist, 1907." " The Embrocation you sent me was really mar- C, Bcadon, vellously efficacious, and I have widely recommended ^*^* it, witk, I trust, some result. — The Ooregum Gold c 66 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Mining Co. India, Ltd., Oorgaum, Province of Mysore, March 13th, 1906." A. vv. Richardson, Esq., Dist. Supt. of Police. "Last February year when camping, one of my sub-Inspectors called me to look at his cliargt'r. The horse had lamed itself some three mouths before by getting into a drain in the dark. I found the horse in great pain, unable to put his foot to the ground (off fore). The fetlock was exceedingly swollen and stiff, any attempt to bend the joint being attended with considerable pain. Owing to the swelling I was unable to decide what the injury was, but from the history of the case and from the fact that previous treatment with an embrocation and cold water for three months had had no effect whatever, in fact that the horse if anything got worse, I concluded the joint was dis- located, or some bone injured. However, I decided to treat the horse and see what could be done, and brought him into headquarters, when I put him in slings, and after a month got down the inllammation in the usual way, and then found that apparently there was no permanent injury to the joint. I applied your Em- brocation with no apparent effect. A month after I apphed it again, and after ten days the horse could put the foot under him and hobble about on it. Two months he remained in this state, as I went away on leave. On my return I gave him another dressing, and after that he ceased to have any pain and could use the foot freely, but the joint was stiff and thickened. A fourth dressing aftci about six weeks completed the cure, except that !he horse's action was somewhat short, -but after thrno months light careful work this disappeared, and the other day I galloped him hard over a hard country, and he went as sound as if he had never been injured. As he has now been in regular ordinary work for some mouths I can safely assert he is quite cured. I have cured many bad cases with your Embrocation, but this was the worst case of strain I have yet seen (and my experience of strains, &c., among the troop horses of the police has been con- siderable). . I am perfectly certain that no other preparation with which I am acquainted would have enabled the horse to be used again for any fast work. Harvey's Embrocation. 6y I send you the details of this case as they will doubtless be interesting to you. I learnt the value of your Em- brocation at home before I came to India. — Bara Banki, OuJh, India, 26th April, 1905." [Note. — We give this valuable letter in full, because it demonstrates what may be done even in very serious cases by the exercise of patience, where there would be the natural temptation to abandon the case as in- curable,] " I have been using your Embrocation with satis- factory results. — Stuart Lane, Jamirah, Dibrugarh, Upper Assam, India, 14th February, 1905." Ceylon. " The Embrocation is A.i. — Haloya, Peredenia, Ronald j. Ceylon, 12th October, 1903." Farquhar- ^ ' ' ^ J son, Esq. South Africa, " Your Embrocation I find most invaluable for Mr. H. horses, and no stable should be without it. I was Davidson, recommended to use it by Lennons, the Chemists in Johannesburg, and I recommend it to all my friends. — P.O., Box 3417, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa, 19th February, 1905." 68 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. FOR Undefined and General Purposes. yf Q "I used your Embrocation on a horse with very Cooper, Esq, beneficial results some years ago. — Prospect House, ' Acresford, Ashby-De-La-Zouch, January 4th, 1907." Stanley V. "I have used your Embrocation in a great many Milne, Esq. cases, and have found it very useful. — Dean House, Rochdale, April 5th, 1907." Stapley^ " I have been using your Curb Bottle with very good Esq. ' results. — Stratten, De Roos Road, Eastbourne, Dec. Hon. Sec. 26th, 1 906." Bastbourne ± ± ± Hunt. " I found great satisfaction with the last Bottle of Embrocation. — David Boog, Prieston, St. Boswells, N.B., September 25th, 1907." " I have just used some of your Curb Bottle with, grand results. — F. Turton, The Chase, Bishops Waltham II iits, September 4th, 1905." " Your Embrocation has been very satisfactory.— Chas. Plowman, Ltd., Steam Saw Mills, West (Church End), Finchley N., July isth, 1907." " I have given your Embrocation a trial, and am very satisfied with same. — Francis Brown, Govern- ment Sheep Inspector. Alexandria, Cape Colony, July 14th, 1907." Harvey's Embrocation. 69 " The Embrocation is unequalled. It does great Messrs. r. work.— H. C. Callaby, 28th May, 1908." 5'S's^^^ Riding i|: 4: « School, Sydenham HiU,S.E. " I use your valuable Embrocation every year for capt, R, my hunters after the Season is over and it always does Lockwood. wonders without inconvenience. — Cottles Park, Melk- sham, Wilts., May 4th, 190S." " You may remember last year I wrote you about a jvfr. Fredk. Black Mare I had, and which I thought I never should Lukey get right, and I gave her two dressings with your Embrocation at a month's interval, and then turned her out for three months. I have this year hunted her two days in ten all the season, and sometimes two days a week. She is going quite sound. — ?,j Sandgate Road, Folkestone, 27th April, 1908.' " I have found the Embrocation very useful. — Stone T. Bldred Hall, Mongeham, Deal, 29th April, 1908." Rose, Esq. " I may say that the Embrocation has done me a lot John S. of good in various ways, and is the most useful and Hodge, Esq. handy of all remedies I have tried, and at the same time the most powerful, and I would not like to be without it now. — Rollston's, Writtle, Chelmsford, January 23rd, 1908." " I have used several bottles of your Embrocation in the last few years, and if always gave satisfaction without blemishing. — Arthur Railton, Burton Overy, Leicestershire, February 14th, 1908." " We have found your Embrocation successful in cases, in fact one was so bad we thought of selling the mare, but am pleased to say after one dressing she goes quite sound. — C. Udall & Co., 30, Pitt Street, West Bromwich, November 4th, 1907," Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. " We have used your Embrocation with success. — A rah. Rijt. Mij. V. H, Gebr. Riemer, Arnhem (Holland), December 9th, 1907." " I beg to inform you that I have found nothing equal to Harvey's Embrocation for Curb, etc. — W . G. Stratton, for Stratton & Sons, Cab Proprs., 8 Thomas St., St. Thomas, Swansea, December 27th, 1907." * * * J- ^; J^p" " Your Curb Embrocation has never failed me yet, geia , sq. ^^^^^ ^^^ using it for years. — River View, Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry, April 15th, 1906." " I have used your Embrocation for some years now and have always had good results from it. — Fred Sydenham, n Vicarage Road, Gillingham, Kent, 23rd Jan., 1907." " I have tried your Embrocation in a few very bad cases, and I am very pleased with the results up to now. — W. T. Delve, Windsor Cottage, Uplands, Swan- sea, May 8th, 1907." " Kindly send me one of your Curb Bottles, price 3s. 9d. I am very pleased with the results. — W. G. Tipper, Jobmaster, Nelson Mews, Bognor, Sussex, Nov. loth, 1907." * :S i;. " During these last few years I have used a deal of your Embrocation for our horses and cattle, and I am sure I cannot speak too highly of it. It has done all I have used it for. — Herbert J. Sparrow, Ravenshore, Helmshore, nr. Manchester, nth Jan., 1906." " I have used your Embrocation in two cases, both with success. In one case the Vet. advised me to get rid of the horse. I have another case under treatment now, and it has every appearance of turning out successful. — W. J. Large, 18, Park Crescent Mews^ Harvey's Embrocation. 71 West, Marylebone Road, London, N.W., May 17th, 1906." " I have used your Enibrocatioii Avith most wonderful results, and have strongly recommended it to others. — H. I. Cook, 20 Northbrook Street, Newbury, July 19th, 1906." " I have had very gratifying results with the last bottle of your Embrocation. — J. H. Barbeary, Royal Sheen and Richmond Laundry, Sheen Park, Richmond, Surrey, July 12th, 1905." " I have used your Embrocation now for some time, and I can find no other equal to it. — Wm. Hoggins, Wrockwardine Wood, nr. Oakengates, Salop, 14th Sept., 1905." " I am never without your Embrocation, as it always gives great satisfaction. — J. M. Rossiter, Ruslimore, Salisbury. Dec. 4th, 1905." " I am constantly using your Embrocation, and fnid it very useful. — John Wardle, Jobmaster, 10, Lavender Walk, Upper Accommodation Road, Leeds, Nov. loth, 1905." " I am glad to say that I have for the last 15 years recommended your Embrocation, with the result that there is a much greater demand for it than there used to be. I am also glad to say that those to whom I have recommended it have spoken in terms of praise 3f it. — Charles A. Wray, Magherafelt, January loth, 1908." " I have used your Embrocation, and find it to act jfr. C. where all others have failed. — The Gables, Penn Road, Holloway. Wolverhampton, loth March, 1905." 72 Harvey's Remedies tor the Horse. Mr. G. Horniblow, Stud Groom to Lord Hindlip. " The Embrocation which you sent me a few months ago has had a wonderful effect on the horse on which I used it, I am very pleased indeed with the result. — The Stables, Hindlip Hall, Worcester, 4th May, 1904." Mr. Alexander Irvine, Jr. Mr. A. McKerrow " A Splendid Thing." " Please send me two bottles of your Embrocation. I never knew of anything to beat it. It is really a splendid thing. — Watchley, Dunrossness, Shetland, 1 2th April, 1904." * * * *' We use your Embrocation with success. — Camphill, Bearsden, Near Glasgow, 2Sth August, 1904." Mr. William *' I tried some of your Eml^rocation some time ago J. Mills, and it had a wonderful effect. — Lawrence Hill, Bristol, Merchant. 20th January, 1904." * * * Mr. J. *' I have used your Embrocation for some time with Powell. great success. — J. Powell, Dairyman and Market Gardener, Warren Road, Guildford, 29th September, 1904." Mr. W. Sandon Moss. *• I have used your Embrocation, and find it all you say of it. It is very good. — 406 Ladypool Road, Spark- brook, Birmingham, 14th July, 1904." Mr. John " I have used your Embrocation for years, and ^°^^' cannot better it.— John Toms, Miller & Corn Merchant, Charmouth, Dorset, 23rd April, 1904." Mr.C. Smith. '• I have used your Embrocation and find it an ex- cellent one. — Tharston, Long Stratton, Norfolk, 20th October, 1904." Mr, G. Hawke, Pairyman. *' I have used many of your 7s. Bottles of Em- brocation with great satisfaction. — 4 Kingford Road, West Hill, Wandsworth, London, nth April, 1904." Harvey's Embrocation. 73 " Your Embrocation is very good, and beats all I Mr. Robert have ever used. — Robert Frisby, Livery Stables, Frisby. Northampton, i8th December, 1903." * 4: 4: " Your Embrocation I use with good results when Mr. R. B. other tests have failed. — Brighton Road, Worthing, ^°^®"'q 17th December, 1904." i-.K.H.b. ♦ * ♦ *' I have used your Embrocation several times, and Mr. John it was always a thorough success. — Crarae, Loch Fyne, r^'^cum^"' Argyleshire, N.B., 26th October, 1903." to Lady ^ ^t * Campbell of Gaiscube. Mr. H. E. Hatt, Chemist, Tiverton, sends the following ; — " Exeter Inn, Bamptou, "Devon, 13th Dec, 1904. " After having tried Harvey's Embrocation for Curb Cure, I feel it my duty to state that it is of enormous value to all Horse Keepers. It is, without doubt, the very best and safest remedy known for reducing Splints, Spavins, Ringbone, &c. "I have recommended it to almost every Horse Owner I know, as no Vet. can produce its equal. You are at liberty to make any use vou choose of this testimony. — T. H. Drewe." « * * " The Revd. F. S. Stockdale will be obliged to Messrs. Harvey & Co. if they will send him by post another 3s. 9d. bottle of their Embrocation for Sprains, &c., which he has always found so very efficacious. — Chedington Rectory, Crewkerne, Somerset, 21st September, 1904." * * if "Your preparations are excellent, and the Em- A. Go-.don brocation very useful.— The Old House, Mickleham, ggq ' ■ Dorking, 3rd April, 1905." " Kindly forward me a bottle of your excellent Lt.-Col. preparation for Splint and weakness of forelegs. — R'^^j!,^' Dudley Sampson, Lt.-Col.. D.L., J.P., Buxhall DT.fj.P. Park, Hay wards Heath, nth April, 1903." 74 Harvey's Remedies lor the Horse. Col. Paley. " Please send me a bottle of your Curb Embrocation for my experience of it has always been most satis- factory.— Edward Paley, Colonel, Mickleton Manor, Gloucestershire, 12th April, 1902." ^fr.Thos. R, Thompson. " Really Splendid." " A few weeks ago you sent me some of your Embrocation. I have used it, and must sav it is really splendid.— J. O'Neill Murphy, late Capt. R.N., 5 East Cliff, Dover, Kent, 25th November, 1902." * * * " Your Watts' Embrocation has done me very good service. — Thos. R. Thompson, Exchange Buildings, Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff, 20th October, 1902." * :;-. * Mr. Henvy "I find your Curb bottle is very good indeed. — Gilman. Henry Oilman, Lodge Paddocks, Hockley Heath, Nr. Birmingham, i6th January, 1903." * * * J. Mitchell, '* I had occasion some time ago to use ^'■our Embro- ^^^' cation on a black cob. and was very successful with it. — J. Mitchell, Cliff e House, Dewsbury, 15 th September, 1900." * * * " Believe in it." ** We are constant users of your valuable Embroca- tion, and have faith in it, as we have secured good results therefrom. — Wood & Son, Great Bridge, Tipton, 4th May, 1903." *< Excellent." " I have used your Curb bottle for many things, and found it excellent. — A. E. Teague, Gaulet Farm, Longhope, Gloucs., loth June, 1902." For 20 Years. *' Send me a bottle of Embrocation. I have used it for 20 years, and have made some good cures with it. — R. Gilks, Badgers Farm, Idlicote, Shipston-on- Stour, 2nd June, 1902." Harvey's Embrocation. 75 "Satisfied." " Please send me another bottle of your Blister, the last gave every satisfaction. — G. Heywood, Fox-in- Hole Mill, Ottery St. Mary, 24th February, 1902." " I am a constant user of your Curb Bottle, and hope to find your Aconite Powders are as good.— C. Pollard, 39 Plumbe Street, Fulledge, Burnley, 29th May, 1902." " The Best." " Please forward one bottle of your Embrocation as soon as you can. It is about the best remedy we ever saw. — T. Mead, Clifford Hill Mills, Northampton, 28th September, 1901." * * * " I have used your Blister for several years now, J. Murray, and I have recommended it freely. — John Murray, ^°^^™^" Coachman to E. Jewell, Esq., Larchwood Stables, ^q^ ^ Ferndale, Tunbridge Wells, loth February, 1902." " More than Pleased." " Please send me another bottle of your Embrocation. I am more than pleased with results of the last bottle. — Charles Cathcart, Sarratt, Herts, 19th February, 1903." Thoroughly Satisfactory. " I have had occasion once or twice to use your Harvey's Watts' Embrocation or Curb Bottle, and it has proved thoroughly satisfactory. — John Bruce Mairslemd Farm, Auchtermuchty, 4th June, 1902. '5 * * * " Captain the Hon. H. de Vere Pery finds the Capt. the Embrocation most efficacious as a mild blister. — ^^"^•p-^'^ Northampton House, Kinvara, Co. Galway, 2nd *""«*^*'y- September, 1895." 76 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Rev. " Please send me a bottle of your justly celebrated Redmond Embrocation. — Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare, 5 th Novem- ^^^"'^•P'ber, 1895." * * * E. Butler, Esq. " Your Curb Bottle has done me good service on two occasions. — Cotlands, Bournemouth, Hants, 25th July, 1896." w Clinton " yi^- w. Clinton Baker fmds your Embrocation most **^^^'' ^''^- excellent.— Bayfordbury, Hertford, Herts., 13th April, 1896." " I have used your Embrocation with great success' — Brosna, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick, 25 th April, 1896.'' Hi * * *' I have used your Embrocation for Curbs. Splints, Spavins, Ringbone, &c., and have completely cured them. It is the most wonderful thing I ever used. — Creech St. Michael, Somerset, 12th May, 1896." * * * •' Your Embrocation I consider one of the best, and Walker, Esq. by far the handiest, blister to use. — 23 Millgate, Wigan, 25th August, 1893." ♦ * * Thos. B. " This is the best remedy I ever used, and I have Harvey, Esq. applied it to several horses. — Inagh, Ennis, Co. Clare. 19th June, 1896." M. J. Murphy, Esq. F. Under- wood, Esq. G. B. Messrs. J. Hamley and Son. *' We have been using your Embrocation for years, and find it a grand thing. — Bodmin Street, Holsworthy, 20th August, 1895." S. J. Ridley, Esq. " I have used 3^our Embrocation with much success for years. — 24 Grant Road, Addiscombe, Croydon, i6th October, 1895." Edward «« j l^a^ve used your Embrocation, or Curb Bottle, Biewei?^^''" ^^'itli grand results, and can recommend it with every confidence to owners of horses. — 133 Mosley Road, Birmingham, 6th July, 1895." Capt. J. Smyth. •• Your Embrocation is the best I ever used.— Masonbrook, Loughrea, 26th December, 1894." Harvey's Embrocation. jj " I have used your Embrocation for several years- Stephen and am well pleased with it, — Whitwell, Reepham. Leeds, Esq Norwich, 15th May, 1895." * * * " I was very successful in quite curing a case in John D. which I used your Embrocation some few years ago. — Maxted. Lower Garrington, Littlebourne, Dover, "17th April, ^^^• 1895." * * * " Sir James Drumnicnd, of Edwinsford, has spoken Rev. J. H. so highly of your Embrocation that I wish to try it on Lloyd, my mare, and have no doubt as to the result. — Talley Vicarage, Llandilo, S. Wales, ist December, 1893." * * * " 1 have used your Embrocation for some time with Chas. J. most gratifying results, and have recommended it to gg"'^^' many others. — The Royal Riding Academy, Hesketh Park, Sonthport, 9th May, 1894." " I have used your Embrocation with great success. — w Clark's Green, Capel, Surrey, 19th March, 1894." Vj * * * Es Vaughan, Esq, " I have used your Embrocation with great success. Digby — Elm Grove, The Cranhams, Cirencester, 6th April, ^^®*^^^ o ,, ' ' ' if > Master, 1895- Esq, * * * ^ " I have found your Embrocation more useful and S. Brown, Detter than any blister I ever used. It has done what coachman I never saw done before. — Cliffe Hall, Pierce Bridge, vvUsoii. Darlington, 5th May, 1895." * * * " Your Embrocation is most valuable. — Rectory. Rev. Cave Sudbury, Derby, 2nd May, 1893." Humfrey. " It more than answered my expectations. — Havant, J. G. Hants, 8th October, 1892." Foster, Esq. * * * "It is simply perfection ! — Lonmay Station, by Messrs. Aberdeen." J. & C * * * Forrest, " I have great faith in your Embrocation, — The F. Heafield, BrookVands, Lyncombe, Bath, 5th June, 1893," ^^^- 78 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. M. Davidson. " I have found it very effectual. — Tayock Farm, Montrose, loth April, 1893." The " The Embrocation has been a perfect success in our Treharris case. — Treharris, Glam., 26th January, 1893." Br«w«ry Co. * 5;: « Mr. T. " Your Embrocation far surpasses anything the Vets. Hodges. supply. — Windrush Manor Farm, Burford, Oxon, 24th Jan., 1893." F. L. w. " The best appUcation for reducing Bony Enlarge- Edge, Esq. ments I have ever used. — Stretton-on-Dunsmoor, near Rugby. loth Oct., 1892." Mr. C. Toop. " It is the best remedy for SpUuts, Spavin, Thorough- pin and Ringbone I have ever used. — Boscombe Chine Mews, Bournemouth, 5th Dec, 1892." Messrs. Geo. " jj- ig ^ wonder ! — The Brewerv, Burford," Game & Son. Messrs " Has done wonders. — West Bromwich.' Sadler & Co. W. Stewart " It is as good as could be. — Aikenwav, Craig Menzies, Ellachie, N.B." Esq. Messrs. A. " Have used the Embrocation in large quantities, .Arruli Si anj were never disappointed with the result. — Alloa ^'"'^- Brewery, N.B." * * * ^}a^I^^\ 1 "It worked wonders. — Ocker Hill and Lea Brook Addeiibrook ^ ... . xxt ^ ^ >> and Co Co lierieB, Wednesbury. Harvey's Embrocation. 79 " It has more than answered mv expectations. — The H. P. Mount, Clent, near Stourbridare." Parl.es, Esq. •' Worked wonders. — Colliery Agents, Northampton." Messrs. •k * * Browne * * * &Co. " Wonderful success ! — Upton Belford." M. Wise, ^ Esq. " It has permanentlv^ cured our cob of Splints and Messrs. Windgalls.— 34 Hook Street, Liverpool." Jfso?s*^" " It is invaluable ! I have never known it to fail for Mr. H, Splints, Curbs, Ringbones, &c. — Flora Place, Wade- tloskia. bridge." * * ♦ " I cannot speak too liighly of the value of your q Stratford Embrocation. — Late Captain in H. M. Colonial Dennis, Esq. Mounted Forces, Australia and New Zealand, now of Lake View, Rossduff, Waterford." " I have a very high opinion of vour Embrocation. — C.^ B. E. Bolton Hall, Chtheroe." " Esq.fai :;. * ■.:• M.F.'h. " " The Embrocation you sent me is the best I ever Mr. Levi used.- Hillgate Street, Hurst." Howarth, ^ Carrier. " I was delighted with the Embrocation. There is Major Paiey, nothing like it.— Malpas, ChesJiire." 5tti Laneers. " Your Embrocation is a most speedy, efficacious, Henry- safe, and apparently painless, application. I have used Cooke, Esq. it on several occasions, and always with good results. — Tanavalla, Listowel, Co. Kerry." 8o Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. A Daring Experiment. The following curious contribution to testi- mony will not, we trust, induce anyone to follow the example of the enterprising groom, and in reply to many enquiries we here desire to repeat that this Embrocation is not prepared or intended for human use : — *' Apothecaries' Hall, "Denbigh, 19th October, 1893. " Gentlemen — A customer of ours who has found your Embrocation, or Curb Bottle, most efficacious (for horses) has, on his own responsibihty, Hsed it for a fleshy tumour on his own face, and wishes to krhow if it is safe. He has appHed it two nights in SUCCESSION. — Yours very truly, " J. Harrison Jones." The enquiry came too late, for if any mischief was to follow, our advice could not then stop it. We wrote our disapproval of the experiment, and asked for particulars, which we did not get until the March following, and here they are : — " Apothecaries' Hall, "Denbigh, 15th March, 1894. " Gentlemen. — I wrote some time ago asking if your Embrocation was suitable for a human being, and you said ' No,' and asdced for a history of the case. This I now give. " The patient is a groom in a private family, and had a fleshy tumour in his face the size of a duck's egg, for years. He reasoned that if your remedy could cure splints, it would do something for his face, so he apphcd it, and then came to ask us about it. Before your reply came, he, contrary to our advice, apphed it again. Aftei the second apphcation the pain was intense, but gradually abated, and in about a week he applied it Harvey's Embrocation. 8i again, and a fourth application a week later, after which it burst, a great quantity of cheesy matter being withdrawn. He then went under medical advice,- but did not admit having used your remedy. The wound healed up nicely, but the edges had to be kept together with strips of plaster, and were very long in uniting. Leaving the hospital, he resumed work, and applying your Red Lotion, the wound thoroughly closed, and his opinion of your remedies is higher than ever. Of course the tumour is gone, and his face, except on careful examination, presents no point of interest. There is a slight scar, but this is largely hidden by his beard. — Yours very truly, " J. Harrison Jones, " PerThos. Lloyd Jones, Dispenser." Prices, 3/9, 7/-, and 21/- per Bottle. Where and how to procure the RemedieSm See pages 211 and 224. "To stop hi.s wounds."-— J/^vv/^^?/// of Venice, Act iv. S< A Rapid Healer. CAUTION.— Always ask fo Harvey's Red Lotion, and (0^ dbserve that a fac-simile of the -^ Proprietors' Signature is on the outside Label of each genuine Bottle, PART II. Wounds and Sores Healed without Bandages. HARVEY'S RED LOTION (HARVEY'S WATTS' RED LOTION). In Bottles— For Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Abrasions, Broken Knees, &c. 1 10, 2/9, and 5 6 each. A reduced fac-simile oj a i/io Bottle of Harvey' s Red Lotion as made tip for sale. HARVEY'S RED LOTION is a perfect Heal- ing Wash, containing all the properties necessary for the healthy and rapid repair of Harvey's EraDrbcatioil. $3 injured tissues, and being absolutely non- poisonous and harmless, no danger need be feared in applying it to wounds, no matter how severe, in any animal or bird. The Bandaging of wounds treated with the RED LOTION is not necessary, nor is it desir- able. Dabbed on the parts with a piece of old linen, it at once promotes a natural film which effectually excludes the air, and prevents the formation of abnormal fungoid growths, such as proud flesh, which are so common and trouble- some a feature in the treatment of indolent wounds. For Broken Knees, there is nothing at all so good as HARVEY'S RED LOTION, and we have not yet happened to hear of a case where the RED LOTION w^as applied in the early stages of the accident, followed by the use of the Hair Restoring Ointment, that was not satisfactorily cured ; while on the other hand we have seen cases so bad, that the owners had no hope of getting the horse right, after a course of simple treatment with the Red Lotion, followed by the Hair Restoring Ointment, become so smooth and fine, and free from mark of any kind, as to defy the closest scrutiny. A bottle of the Red Lotion ought to be at hand in all stables, ready for prompt use in emergency, A small difference in time at the start may make much difference in rapidity and cleanness of cure, and a wound improperly healed will leave a permanent mark, an eyesore to the owner, and a depreciation of the horse's value. 84 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. For BROKEN KNEES it is to be used in conjunction with the Hair Restoring Oint- ment (see page 184) ; the wound being first healed with the Red Lotion, and the Ointment used afterwards as directed. Treated in this manner the skin and hair will be healthily restored, and no trace of the injury left. When horses rub the mane or tail from itchiness, the irritation is immediately allayed by sapping the Lotion well into the roots of the hair. Grease and Cracked Heels. Before using the Red Lotion for Grease and Cracked Heels, warm Poultices of Linseed Meal should be applied for a day, or, in more advanced cases, for two days, changing the Poultice twice a day. This treatment allays inflammation, cleanses and softens the skin, and prepares it for healthy healing. The Red Lotion may then be gently, but freely, dabbed over the affected parts with a piece of old linen saturated with the fluid, repeating the application twice a day. If the legs are swollen, a dose of purga- tive medicine may be desirable. See Edos, page 172. Harvey's Red Lotion is attended with success in the treatment of Sallenders, Thrush, Speedy Cuts, Harness Chafes, and Brushing Marks ; Hacks or Sores on the Teats of Milch Cows, and Wounds and Abrasions of all kinds, of Horses, Cattle, Dogs, and all animals. Wounds. — Never stupe a wound with water, hot or cold, particularly if upon a joint. Matter may be wiped Harvey's Red Lotion. from AROUND a wound, but never from its surface, as the matter is Nature's salve, to heal the part. A Hoi Poultice to deep wounds, before the Lotion is used, expedites the healing process. Wounds should never be stitched. Saturate the hair on both sides of the cut with liquid cement, or glue, and lay on strips of calico, with the selvage within a quarter of an inch of the edges of the cut on both sides. Draw these together with needle and thread, and lace as it were, till the Hps of the wound are in close apposition, leaving a depending orifice for the suppuration to escape. Sallenders AND Mallenders. These names are given to a scaly eruption which occurs at the back of the knee and in front of the hock. It is called Sallenders on the hind and Mallenders on the fore leg. Treatment. — Wash ofE the scaly matter with soft soap and w^arm water, and apply daily the Red Lotion in the morning with a soft sponge, and in the evening dress the part with Lanohn. The Red Lotion heals and strengthens the skin, while the Lanolin keeps it soft and supple. For the Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Cattle nothing can be found in the shape of a detergent remedy that has done so much good as Harvey's Red Lotion. Treatment. — Simply wet the surface of the sore feet well, -and pour a little of the Lotion, twice a day, into the animal's mouth. Every beast affected should also have half-an-ounce of green vitriol, dissolved in water, administered every evening. The cost of this article is only a few pence per pound, and one pound makes twenty-four doses, being dissolved in three gallons oi boiling water, to which treacle or sugar may be added, to make the drench less nauseous. By adopting this cheap and simple treatment, and not exposing them to the inclemency of the weather, feeding on boiled food no hay or straw, and out only in fine weather, animals soon get over the attack, and much suffering and loss S6 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. are averted. Harvey's Red Lotion is so cheap as to be within reach of the humblest cottier. Caution. — See that the Labels on each Bottle bear our Signature as below, as none is genuine without it. Prices per Bottle, 1/10, 2/9 (imperial Quart) and 5/6 (Glass-stoppered Winchester). Where and how to prooure Remedies, See paffes 211 and 224. the Harvey's Red Lotion. 87 Commendation. EVERY letter and opinion here produced is entirely voluntary, unsolicited either by us or by our Agents, directly or indirectly. Long Standing •'Humour." " My Cart Mare appears absolutely right after your S. Francis treatment. She suffered from an irritating humour l*^'^"^'^^ j. in the hind legs, and for at least 18 months when '^'^'' standing had stamped ever}^ two or three minutes. Now she stands absolutely quiet. " As you recommended, I had her poulticed with warm linseed meal poultices for three days, and followed with the Red Lotion. After these poultices and one is. lod. bottle of Red Lotion the irritation entirely ceased, and so did the stamping. " I delayed writing so that I could report result, and now take the opportunity of thanking you for your advice, which has turned out so very satisfactoril}'. — Kirby Frith Hall, Leicester, 9th July, 1907." Broken Knees, " I have a horse at present with a broken knee, and it is one of the worst of its kind. I got a Bottle of Red Lotion and I can safely testify to its v.ondcrful healing power. — James Stevenson, 45 Florence Street, South Side, Glasgow, August 19th, 1907. ' * * * " About ten years ago a carriage horse we were Mcssr?. breaking came down a cropper, and we used your Red S. Fysoi Lotion and Hair Restorer to his knees, which were ^ S°"5- badly broken. We hardly valued him at £2^, but your remedies completely cured him, and no one would know by his knees that he had been down, as the hair came the same colour, and no scar was left. Six months after we sold him for 175 guineas, four years old. — Stoneleigh Brewery, Warboys, Hunts., Feb. 24th. 1906. * * 4: " I have used your Red Lotion and Hair Restoring Ointment with great success for a horse with badly Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Messrs. D. S. Thomson & Sons. cut knees. I think it is a wonderful preparation. — W. E. Austin, i De La Warr Mews, Station Rd. Bexhill, Oct. i8th, 1906." * * * " We are very pleased with your Red Lotion, and have had such excellent results on very serious cases of Broken knees that we recommend it to all our friends. It is invaluable. — The Nurseries, Wimbledon, Surrey, August 8th, 1905." S. H. Sands, Esq., J. P. " Nice and Clean." " The Red Lotion is quite invaluable for many purposes. My coachman is very much pleased with it, and says it is the best stuff he has ever had hold of. He has used it most successfully to a nasty gathering that one of our horses always has in the Spring. The swelling has all gone down, and the wound healed up nice and clean. — S. H. Sands, West Hill House, Lenten, Nottingham, 22nd March, 1902." " Marvellous! " " The action of your Red Lotion was marvellous on my horses, £0 cooling and healing. — H. A. Caesar, Liphook, Hants 6th May, 1901." * * * " Great Satisfaction." " I have used your Red Lotion and Hair Restorer, and they have given great satisfaction. . I can see no trace of a scar. — J. Allen, 48 Clementhorpe, Hatfield Road, St. Alban's, Herts, 5th September, 1900." Wm. Noiwo9d, Esq. " Your Red Lotion, followed by the Hair Restoring Ointment, is the best stuff I ever had for broken knees. — Beehive CoUieries, Abberley, Nr. Stourport, 29th March, 1905." Mr. R. Frisby, Job Master. Mr. C. Bourne. " I may say your Red Lotion is a marvellous prepara- tion for Broken Knees. — Frisby's Livery Stables, Market Square, Northampton, i8th December, 1903." * * * ' "I have been using your Red Lotion with great success on my horse's knees, which were badly broken. — Market Place, Wokingham, 15th August, 1900." Harvey's Red Lotion. 89 " I have used the Red Lotion and the Hair Restoring Mr. Fred Ointment on a broken-kneed cob, and they gave every i^""^^ satisfaction. — Shilvington Farm, near Upwey, Dor- ^" ^®' chaster, 14th March, 1899." " I used your Red Lotion on a horse with cut knees Mr. Geo. and it worked wonders, completely curing him in a (Proves, fortnight. — Hope End, Ledbury, Herefordshire, 25th January, 1899." * * * " Please send me two bottles of your Red Lotion. I ^^'- J- ^^ want it for a mare with broken knees, as I have a ^°^^o- gratified remembrance of its efficacy in a similar case, a good many years ago. — Kildress Rectory, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, 19th July, 1894." " Made a marvellous cure of a very bad case of Rev. T. J. smashed knees. — Cherryvale House, Castleblayney. Charltoa. 9th May, 1889." ♦ * ♦ " The broken knees for which I got the Lotion, Rev. h. S though not skinned yet, are doing well, and there is M'lntyre. not going to be proud flesh. I have recommended it to a neighbour, who is using it. — The Manse, Knock- loughrim, Co. Derry, loth March, 1886." *' I am very pleased to say I can speak very satisfac- g. Elviu, torily of your Red Lotion. I had a nag mare which Esq. cut her knees very badly, indeed, and I used nothing else but your lotion, and it healed them up beautifully — Matching Tye, Harlow, Essex, 24th August, 1895." *' I had excellent results from using your Red Lotion w. H. and Hair Ointment. There is now not a mark to be ^i^gs- seen.— Hill Crest, Clent, Stourbridge, 21st Dec, ^^^* 1892." * * * " Your Red Lotion has done excellently I was James only dressing the horse's knees one week when they Murdoch, were quite healed. It is an excellent wash. — Donagh- ^'^*'**°*' Patrick Rectory, Navan, 12th Aug., 1891." '-''. 90 Harvey's Remedies for the Hors3. S. Francis Stone, D.L. Mr. Joseph Chantrey. Mr. F. E. Beard. Irritation. " You wrote me on the 25th May last, suggesting fof the irritation on tlie hind legs of my cart mare, Linseed Meal Poultices for two or three days. I had her poulticed for three days, followed by Harvey's Red Lotion. After these poultices and one is. lod. Bottle of your Red Lotion the irritation entirely ceased, and she also ceased stamping her hind legs, and now appears absolutely right. I delayed writing, so that I could report result, and I take the opportunity of thanking you for your advice which has turned out so very satisfactorily. — Kirby Frith Hall, Leicester, July 9th, 1907." Cracked Heels, " I tried your Red Lotion for Cracked Heels in horse, with wonderful results in a few days, when other remedies had failed to do any good. Also on a dog with a dreadful wound through the leg which we had no hope of ever getting better, in fact we were thinking of destroying same out of kindness, but in two weeks it was as v/ell and happy as ever it had been, not a mark to be seen of any kind. Now we always keep a bottle of Harvey's Red Lotion in the place, and have had pleasure in recommending it to others. — Selwood House, Haydon Bridge, North- umberland, 2nd June, 1905." * * * " The Red Lotion you sent ine has proved very effective in the case of Cracked Heels. — Abernant House, Glynneath, S. Wales, 6th December, 1903." * * * " I have tried your Red Lotion for the Cracked Heels, and after the poultice as directed, it acted like magic, and has now quite cured the mare, and I must say I feel very grateful for this cheap and excellent remedy. I shall certainly mention it to my friends and say what great satisfaction it has given me. — Redbrook Brewery, 'Monmouth, 21st Jan., 1*^90." F. S. Hatchard, Esq. " The Red Lotion is really excellent My hunter has not shown the least sign of cracked Heel since I first appUed the Lotion. — Stapleton Park, Pontefract, nth January, 1890." Harvey's Rsd Lotion. 91 " I am happy to say ycur Red Lotion had the desired E. M. effect on my carriage horse's Iieels. The cracks were Davies, very bad indeed until the lotion was applied, and now ^^^' they are perfectly well. — Upland, Carmarthen, i8th March, 1887." * * * " Your Red Lotion has permanently cured my cob's J. s. Moss, sore heels, which had previously defied all other treat- ^^1- ment. — Wintcrshill, Bishops Waltham, 7th Jan., 1893." Foot-and-Mouth Disease. " I used your Red Lotion with my cows and pigs in William Foot-and-Mouth Disease, and beg to state that I found Woods, it of great use to them. — High Park, Parsonstown, ^^'l* December, 1875." * * * " I have used your Red Lotion for Foot-and-Mouth Joha Disease in my cattle, and I can recommend its uses to M'Dowell, every flock-owner, as it has proved effectual. — Oak ^^^" Park, Parsonstown, December, 1875." Mud Fever. " Please send me a dozen bottles of your Red Lotion G. L. B. Last season my hunters got knocked up with Mud |'-°"^^', Fever. I tried everything without success, until a ^^'' friend desired me to try your Lotion, which completely cured them in a few days. I find it invaluable for Hunting Knocks, &c., and am determined never to be without a stock of it. — Borrisokane, August 31st, 1875." Grease. " The Red Lotion we got from you has cured one Messrs. of our horses completely of Grease. — Lindley, Hudders- J- H- Sykes field, 14th March, iqoi." ^ Sou. * * * " The Red Lotion has done my horse good, though Capt. T. I have used it only four times as yet. The grease is Somerville. coming off in httle cakes like dandriff. — The Prairie, Tourmore, Skibbereen, loth November, 1891." 92 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Bad Bruises. Miss " I find the Red Lotion the most effective cure for all Hervey. bad bruises. — The Whins, Alderley Edge, March 23rd, 1907." * * * " The Red Lotion is doing much good to the old mare. She had a breaking out on her legs, and could hardly stand. — Francis Henri, Llanstinan General Stores, Trecwn, Letterston, Pembrokeshire, 9th June, 1908." The Dor man Cycle Co. L. H. Alden, Esq. Inflamed Feet. " We have been using your Red Lotion on a colt suffering from inflamed Coronets and Frogs, and we are pleased to say it has done a great deal of good. We were told he would have to be shot, but our groom insisted upon trying your remedy, — Aston Church Road, Nechells, Birmingham, 14th September, 1898." * * * "So Handy." " Please send one Glass Stoppered Winchester Bottle of Red Lotion. The £^ case of your Remedies you supplied me with has turned out very satis- factorily, but I find the Red Lotion so -handy, that I am run out of it. — Egrove, Kermington, Nr. Oxford, 19th July, 1904." " Invaluable." Mr. John " I ^^ finding your Red Lotion invaluable in my Masterson. stables. — John Masterson, Job and Post Master, Perth, 1 2th October, 1904." E. M. Leveson Gower, Esq. " The Best." " I think your Red Lotion is the best I have ever used. — Harp Farm, Boxley, Maidstone, 24th January, 1904." Mr. Thomas " 1 have used Harvey's Red Lotion in my stable ever Thomas. since it was recommended to me, about five years ago, and with great success. — Henberron, The Leadington, Ledbury, 2nd January, 1901." Harvey's Red Lotion. 93 *' I have used your Eed Lotion for ten years, and A. Hawkes, recommend it to all my friends. — At Woodlands Park, Coachman. Leatherhead, Surrey, 28th July, 1900." " General Waterman is sure that Messrs. Harvey will Gen. be glad to learn that the Red Lotion has proved Waterman, beneficial with the ' patients ' for whom it was required. — 12 Lansdown Crescent, Bath, 6th December, 1895." " We always use your Red Lotion, and can testify Messrs. J. that it is one of the best things that a horse-keeper Woods & Co., can have in his stable, and we have recommended it to to^H^'^M^" several firms. — Wellington Street, Aldershot, i8th May, Forces. 1806." " I will thank you to send me another bottle of Richard j. Red Lotion, the last has done so much good for my ^y'^^s, Esq. horse. — Carna, Recess, Co. Galway, 24th April, 1896." " Your Red Lotion completely cured the horse with Mr. L. bad legs. — Calne, Wilts, 15th June, 1896." James, ^ ' ' ^ J • y Job and * * * Psstnaaster. " I have used your Red Lotion for five years, and it r. Smith, has made some wonderful cures. I would not be Coaciiman. without it. — Rushington Manor, Totton, Southampton, 29th July, 1896." " Please send me six bottles of your Red Lotion. I Chris. Kay, find it a valuable remedy. — Davenham Hall, Norwich, ^^^• 26th Dec. 1888." " Miss Child wants two bottles of Red Lotion same Miss Child, as before. It has most satisfactory results. — Beauchamp House, Leamington, 28th March, 1895." * * * " The Red Lotion has been most effectual. — Curragh, Lt- J- N. 9th April, 1894." rt£l P^. 94 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. " The Red Lotion answers splendidly. — Harry Cording, Roadwater Rolling Mills, Washford, Taunton, February 27th, 1907." * * * John W. " I have found the Red Lotion most useful, and mchardson, should not like to be without it.— Stoke House, Revel- ^^' stoke, Newton Ferrers, S. Devon, 12th June, 1905." * * * J. Newbery " I have used your Embrocation and Red Lotion Birch, Esq. for some years and have found them excellent. — Pentire Glaze, St. Minver, Nr. Wadebridge, Dec. 14 th, 1905." India. Sore Backs. R. L, " I wrote to you last year, regardmg my horse, and Molabhoy, thanks to your prompt reply and valuable advice, the animal is no longer subject to sore backs or shoulder. — Gold Mohur Castle, Byculla, Bombay, July 20th, 1907." Esq, " I have used your Red Lotion with great success for sore backs. — M. H. Lane, Rub well Mills, Batley, November 6th, 1907." w. J. M'Canlis, l^sq. " I have tried several bottles of your Red Lotion, and also Worm and Condition Powders with Ball ; they have proved most satisfactory in every case. — A. Buxton, Horseman, 40 Greyhound Opening, Norwich, October 20th, 1906. ' * ♦ * " I have used your Red Lotion with conspicuous success upon .several of my horses, and should like to learn more about the other Remedies you supply, Pah Hill, Bandra, nr. Bombay, India, Nov, 24th, 1905." Alfred Pearson, Esq. •' I have used your Red Lotion, with much success for some time." — Helmsley, Yorkshire, 8th April, 1895." Messrs. jas^ " We are pleased to say that the horse has greatly &"son? improved since we applied your Red Lotion. — Green- booth Mills, near Rochdale, 12th January, 1893." Harvey *s Red Lotion. 95 " I find your Red Lotion sudi a perfect success, I John S. would not be without it now. — Wiutershill, Bishops ^^°^^' Esq. Waltham, 23rd October, 1893." * * * " Send me four bottles of your Red Lotion. I never George had anything to equal it. — Hermitage, St. Marks' ^'^'^^J; Estate, Henley-on-Thames, 19th July, 1894." Esq'^^' * * * " Your Lotion acts with excellent effect. — 3 Hills.- Major-Gen. borough Terrace, Ilfracombe, N. Devon, i6th Jan., Jarvis. 1888. '•■ * * * " The Coachman thinks very highly of your Red ^^^^- Billitor. Lotion. — Durfold, Dunsfold, Godalming, 5th June, 1887." * * * " I am happy to inform you that your Red Lotion has George given great satisfaction. It is most excellent for Elvin, Esq. healing wounds. — Matching, Tye, Harlow, Essex, 3rd February, i88q." :|: * * " I am never without a bottle of the Red Lotion, and C. Stratford cannot speak too highly of its value. — Late Captain Dennis, Esq. H.M. Colonial Mounted Forces, Australia and New Zealand, Lakeview, Rossdulf, Waterford, nth Novem- ber, 1884." * * * " I am much pleased ^v'ith the Red Lotion, as it has Alf. M. quite stopped the irritation in the tail after three Pi^liner, Esq. dressings. — Llantarnam Grange, near Newport, Mon., 2ist August, 1884." * * * '• I consider the Red Lotion I had from you, for j. Parry, wounds, very good. — Glanpaith, Aberystwyth, loth Ksq. Dec, 1889." * * * " The Red Lotion is a most excellent preparation for i.^,- n_ Berry, the stable, or for cuts of any description, as I have tried it on my men as well as horses. — Walkdcn Mineral Water Works, Walkden, near Bolton, 28th August/, 1889." * * * " We have used the Red Lotion with excellent l^lcfsrs. success for itching on the cob's skin. — Paradise Street, ^^^^ West Bromwich, 30th January, 1891." 96 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Frederick " The Lotion has been most satisfactory in its Brodie, £sq. effects.— Fernhill, Wooton Bridge, Isle of Wight, 25tb May, A. E. Nolan, Esq. Mr, Herbeft M. Jeakins. " I have been applying the Red Lotion to the cut on my horse's withers with excellent results. — New Park, Loughrea, Co. Gal way, 12 th Jannary, 1895." * H: * *' I have used your Red Lotioa with beneficial re- sults.— Michaelston-Y-Vedw, near Cardiff, 23rd March, 1893." Mr. N. Kedwar4. " It acts like magic. — Stodham Park Stables, East Liss, 22nd Feb., 1893." Wm. Crook, *' Please send me eight bottles of your Red Lotion. Esq. The two bottles received have done wonderfully for the mare with Thick Leg. I had tried all sorts of things, but this beats them all. — 24 Adlington Street, Burnley, Lancashire, 5th Jan., 1892." Tho*. Wood. " The Red Lotion gives great satisfaction. — Bnck- minster Park Stables, Grantham, 31st Dec, 1891." R. A. Sopjr, " I was much surprised at the results of your Red Esq. Lotion, which is indeed a perfect remedy, and should be in every stable. — Woodland House, Ashford, Brimpton, Reading, 17th Oct., 1891." piicca : Full Pint Bottles 1/10 each. Imperial Quart 2/9 „ Glass-stoppered Winchester— 90 oz. 5/6 „ Where and how to procure the Remedies See pa^es 211 and 224. "Hark! they Roar!" — Tempest, Act 4, Sc. I. " As strong as Aconitum." — 2 Henry IV., Act 4, Sc, 4. PART III. The Organs of Respiration. ? Harvey's Aconite . Powders. For Cough, Chronic Cough, Touched Wind, Broken Wind, Roaring, and other Diseases of the Respira- tory Organs, 2/8 per Box of Six Powders ; 10/6 per Quarto of Four Boxes. . reduced facsimile "\ of a 2/8 Box of Har- ^v^?.vOT5sti veys Aconite Powders as made up for sale. HARVEY'S ACONITE POWDERS are, per- haps, the most remarkable and successful contribution to Veterinary Medicine ever dis- co veredj They have accomplished, and are 98 Harvey's Remedies for the Horss. daily accomplishing, for Horses afflicted with Chronic Cough and Defective Wind, not only what no other treatment could effect, but what, until but a few years ago, was looked upon as impossible. These Powders exercise the most extra- ordinary influence on the Respiratory Organs of Horses, and no enconium which the Makers could write concerning them would at all approach the record of actual results obtained by Horse-Owners, whose voluntary letters are given at the close of this chapter, telling how, through brief use of Harvey's Aconite Powders, Coughs have disappeared ; how horses, otherwise sound, but through defective or broken Wind appeared good for nothing but the kennel or the " Zoo," have suddenly sprung into new life by their action, and how Roaring and other distressing affections of the Wind have yielded to their simple power. Of such letters we can only give a typical selection. To publish all that we receive would need a volume. Harvey's Aconite Powders are a well- known remedy for those diseases of the Respiratory Organs of Horses (heretofore considered incurable), known as Chronic Cough, Broken Wind, Thick Wind, Hay Asthma, Noisy Respiration (Roaring, &c.), and other affections of the air passages and lungs ; and also for Hoose in cattle, all of which they either entirely remove, or promptly alleviate in incurable cases. These Powders are a successful combination of the active principle of Aconite with other Medicinal Agents, absolutely avoiding the Harvey's Aconite Powders. 99 danger attending the use of the ordinary pre- parations called the Extract and the Tincture of Aconite, both of which, though well-known to the Veterinary Profession, and greatly valued, are comparatively Httle used owing to the irregularity of their strength and the consequent difficulty of estimating results. No single instance of mishap has ever been reported from the use of Harvey's Aconite Powders, while the record of cures of advanced and, to all seeming, hopeless cases of defective Wind in Horses, is without parallel, as may be judged from the testimony following. These Powders are entirely unrivalled in Veterinary practice, accomplishing what no other medicine or combination of clrugs can effect. The uniformity of their action, and the almost imvarying success which attends their use in true disease of the Respiratory Organs, gives them the position of a Standard IVIedicine. Horse Owners are invited to consult the letters following for very full and varied parti- culars of the class of cases benefited and cured by these Powders. Defective Wind. Harvey's Aconite Powders exercise a pow^erful influence on horses afflicted with defective wind, giving speedy relief to apparently hopeless cases, renewing life and vigour, and restoring usefulness and comfort. Horses are being constantly sacrificed — sold for a trifle frequently, sometimes destroyed — because they are gone in the Wind. Emphati- cally we desire to state that this is not necessary ; Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. and the use of Harvey's Aconite Powders will afford abundant proof that even a broken- winded horse may be made not only serviceable, but reliable and pleasant to work. Numerous hunters that are touched in the wind take Harvey's Powders regularly, and are thus kept up to the mark through the entire of the hunting season, that otherwise would be all but useless. They palliate the diseases called Broken Wind, Thick Wind, Noisy Respiration, and other affections of the air Passages and Lungs. They also eradicate Worms, and every horse improves in condition and appearance while taking them. Chronic Cough. A Chronic Cough is one of the most irritating experiences with which the Horse-Owner has to contend. An occasional cough is trying enough, but when this increases in intensity and frequency, and is always in evidence indoors and at work, it is no wonder if the Owner becomes discouraged, and oiten is ready to part with a horse, otherwise a good one, to be free from the annoyance. Harvey's Aconite Powders allay the irri- tation of the throat, which causes cough in horses, and when three of the powders have been given as directed, the effect will be apparent by abatement of congh and tran- quillity of breathing. During a sea voyage, travelling by rail, or owing to a mere change of stables, horses Harvey's Aconite Powders. frequently take cold. In such recent cases two or three of these Powders will effect a cure. Horses shipped across the Channel should get two or three powders after the journey, whether they show symptoms of cold or not, so that if damage has been done, it is repaired at once. Horses take these Powders in their food, and may work without danger while using them. Far from tending to injuriously affect them, the Powders give strength and tone to the whole system, and horses are vastly improved in condition by their use. In Chronic Cases a Quarto of Four Boxes is usually required, in order to keep the system some time under the influence of the medicine ; but in all cases for which this medicine is suitable the effect will be marked and well manifested before the first Box of Six Powders is used. The Respiratory Organs. Chronic Cough usually follows, and is the result of, Bronchitis or Catarrh. Treatment. — Give Harvey's Aconite Powders, according to the general directions at the end of this chapter. Thick Wind also frequently follows a bad attack of Bronchitis, or it may be the result of careless management in feeding and watering. High feeding with scanty exercise will produce it in some horses ; while a frequent cause is hard work after taking a horse off grass, or after watering. Treatment. — Feed regularly, and check a gluttonous appetite by hmiting both food and drink, giving food i03 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. often, but sparingly, and water at night only. L»o not work the horse for at least an hour after feeding. Give Harvey's Powders, one every second night, in the last feed, which may be a cold Bran Mash, Roaring and Whistling are usually caused by a wasting of the Muscles of the Larynx ; from an attack of Influenza ; or fiom the use of bearing reins on carriage horses. The sounds which give the diseases their names are emitted when the horse is violently exercised, as in galloping, or when under the influence of excitement or sudden fear. In bad cases the least exertion produces those unpleasant sounds. Treatment. — Use Harvey's Aconite Powders as directed, avoid soft food, and give regular work. Influenza (Pink Eye.). Harvey's Aconite Powders are proving remarkably successful in arresting this peculiar disease, which they do almost instantaneously. TreaTxMent. — On the first appearance of the symp- toms (which commonly are : Great lassitude and weak- ness, with fever ; failure of appetite, and listless condi- tion), the horse should, if possible, be placed in an airy loose box, and offered a small cold bran mash, with an Aconite powder stirred in. If he will not feed, the Powder must be given in gruel as a drench, or as an Electuary made up with Treacle, as in general directions. As a rule, three Powders will entirely arrest the attack, and the horse will be fit to return to work in a week, but it is better to give the six Powders (one small Box) at the rate of three a week, as they act as a tonic and help the horse to regain lost strength. Broken Wind is an aggravated result of less pronounced disease of the Organs of Respiration, which has been neglected It is characterised by a peculiar hollow, muffled cough, and heaving of the flanks, caused by the ribs and muscles Harvey *s Aconite Powders. 103 of the stomach being used to assist respiration. It is commonest in mares, and its victims are usually gross and greedy feeders, large in the belly, and heavy drinkers. Treatment. — Confirmed broken Wind is of course incurable : but under the influence of Harvey's Aconite Powders the distressing symptoms are promptly alleviated, and the horse at once enabled to perform his work with comfort. Attention to feeding, &c., as directed for Thick Wind. Hoose is a loud dry cough, to which calves are much subject, and is caused by small worms lodging in the Bronchial tubes, being drunk up as larvae from stagnant water, and afterwards developed in the throat. Treatment. — See directions at close of the chapter. For Wind Sucking Horses Harvey's Aconite Powders are recommended by a correspondent of the " Bazaar, Exchange and Mart " of 4th Nov., 1892 (see page 134). *^* Special Attention is directed to the very remarkable testimony following. Those who use these Powders, even in the worst forms of disease of the Air Passages, are astonished at their results. The Marvellous Energy, renewed vigour, and high spirits imparted by their use, to animals depressed, dull, and spiritless, by reason of defective wind, must be seen to be credited. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. For Cough, &c., in Horses, — Give one Powder every second night, or three in the week. First mix the Powder in a handful of damp bran or oatmeal, and then with the usual feed. The medicine being tasteless, any horse will eat it with his food. Give water at night only, and clean, fresh oaten straw for forage 104 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. instead of hay. Horses with defective wind should not have water during working hours, but at night may have as much as they require. Where good straw is not procurable, give a reduced quantity of best hay and increase the oats proportionately. Almost without exception, horses will take these Powders mixed in the ordinary feed ; but if an animal should refuse it, the Powder may be blended in a little treacle, and this smeared upon the back of the tongue, and on the teeth, with a smooth flat piece of wood or bone. This method is preferable to making up the Powder into a ball, or giving it mixed in gruel as a drench. For Cattle. — Cows and Calves that take Hoose or Cough are cured with this medicine. First give the Cow a pound of Epsom Salts in a quart of warm water, but put no ginger or other stimulant in the drench ; upon every second day after give one of Harvey's Powders mixed in a cold mash. Any feed of corn or mash in which this medicine is mixed, that has been left by a horse, must be put out of the way of pigs or poultry. Food must be cold before mixing. For horses infested with worms only, use Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders (see page 139). These are specially prepared for the purpose. Caution.— See that the Wrapper on each Package bears our Signature as below, for without it none is genuine. Price 2/8 Per Box of Six Powders; 10/6 per Quarto of Four Boxes. Where and how to procure the Remedies^ See pa^es 211 and 224, Harvey's Aconite Powders. 105 UNSOLICITED COMMENDATION OF Harvey's Aconite Powders. THE selections from unsolicited testimony to Harvey's Aconite Powders which are here given will be appreciated by Horse- Owners who have themselves proved the value of this remarkable Remedy ; and will come as a revelation to those who are as yet unacquainted with it. THEIR SUCCESS IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC COUGH. CEYLON. " After Two Powders." " I am using your Aconite Powders, and the im- provement in my Arab Pony's Cough and Cold, which had been persistent for some seven or eight months, is wonderful. The " snuffling " sound, that work always caused, has disappeared almost entirely after two Powders. — W. H. Taylor, They don, Bois, Nawalapitiya, Ceylon, July, 21st, 1908." "The box of Aconite Powders was a great success J^^V**. .^ on two horses of mine with coughs. — Bulford Camp, EvanV Amesbury, 22nd August, 1906." r.f.a! io6 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. Rev. A. F. " I have used your Aconite Powders for some time deGex, J.P. for horses with Cough and Thick Wind, and find them invahiable. — Meshaw Rectory, South Molton, Nov. 2nd., 1906." * « * Mrs. Lee. Chronic Cough. " The first box of Aconite Powders has done my pony VERY GREAT GOOD. She has had a cough for ten months ever since an attack of pneumonia, but now she is very much better, and seldom coughs. — Cranford Rectory, Hounslow, 30th Jan., 1906." L. White, " Please send me some more of your Aconite Esq. Powders. They arc most useful for Coughs. I gave, some to a friend who had a horse with a bad cough. He said, ' Those Powders are quite wonderful, they have cured my horse when nothing else did any good.' — Mile House, Sulhamstead, Reading, May nth, 1906." T. A. Rutherford, Esq. Cough. *' The Aconite Powders have been excellent for the cough that has been going round all the stables lately — Estate Ofhce, Highclere, Newbury, Oct. 20th, 1906." " Your Good Aconite Powders for Cough have done the horse good. — E. Bailey & Son, 68 High Street, Congleton, April 20th, 1907." Alex. Samuels, " I have used your Cough Powders (which I procured from my local chemist) and found them splendid. — " Astoria," Kingston Hill, Surrey, April 4th, 1906." Arthur H " ^ friend of mine recommended me your Aconite Sanby, Esq. Powders for my horse with a cough, and I was pleased. It quite had the desired effect. I told another friend about them, and he was delighted with the result. — Ivanhoe, St. Agnes Road, Moselcy, Birmingham, Dec. 22nd, 1905." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 107 Chronic Cough. " I wish to thank you for the Aconite Powders I had for my horse last year. They cured him of a cough which he had for over two years. — Richard Jones, Colley Gate, Cradley, Staffs., March 27th, 1907." " I have used your Harvey's Aconite Powders for Chronic Cough and Broken Wind, and have found them most excellent, and I recommend them to all I know, — Wm. Green, Coachman, La Chaumiere, Chesham Bois, Bucks., Sept. 21st, 1906." " I have great faith in the Embrocation, and also in the Aconite Powders. I used a quarto of four boxes on a mare with bad chronic cough of long standing, and they completely cured her. That is eight years ago, and the mare is still in good health ; she is twenty-five years old. I have also used your Worm Powders, which give perfect satisfaction. — Alfred Carter, Coachman, The btables, Norton Hall, nr. Sheffield, Dec. 3rd, 1906." ''THE FIELD." The following replies to an inquiry appeared in " The Field" of 2nd April, 1887, P^g^ 4^3 — 1. " Cure of Cough in a Horse. — In reply to the question of ' Snowdrop,' I may inform him that the Aconite Powders for Horse's Cough are to be had from J. Thomas, Chemist, Cowbridge, S. Wales^ who has a large sale for them. — M, T." 2. " Harvey's Aconite Powders are a very good remedy. — Shamrock." 3. "If ' Snowdrop ' will try Harvey*s Aconite Powders, I think he will find them do his horse good. I have used them on several occasions with much benefit to my horses." 4. " I see an inquiry signed ' Snowdrop,' headed ' Cure for Chronic Cough.' The quack remedy (?) he refers to as sold by a Dublin Chemist, I can assure him io8 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. is most efficacious. It was recommended to me some twelve months ago, and I tried it on a cob of my own who had been suffering from a cough for about seven months, and after following all the instructions for- warded with the Powders for about four weeks, the cob was perfectly free from any sign of cough or wheezing. I had him for some time after, and with the exception of a slight cold, which he got over in a few days, I never heard him cough again. The remedy ' Snowdrop ' should ask for is the Aconite Powders sold by Messrs. Harvey & Co., Veterinary Chemists, Dubhn. — Sympathiser." « * * "The^ On the 23rd December, 1892, Major McNab, agtin'' ^^^^ Park, Teignmouth, Devon, wrote to us : — " Dear Sirs. — In answer to a query which I sent to " The Field," the Editor has sent me your Horse-Owner's Handy Note Book. I wanted information as to a Remedy for Chronic Cough in a pony, and your Aconite Powders appear to be exactly what I want." Major McNab obtained the Powders, and on 14th February, 1893, wrote that " the Powders were most successful." His query appeared in " The Field " of 24th Dec, 1892, and the following week, 31st Dec, 1892, at page 1400, this reply appeared : — " Remedy for Chronic Cough. — If ' Major ' will get three packets of Harvey's Aconite Powders, and use them according to directions, he will find that they will effect a complete and permanent cure. I have cured two horses — one a two-year-old thoroughbred fUly, the other a hunter — with these powders, and for a Cough of any kind I consider them invaluable. I may add that I have no interest in Messrs, Harvey, but merely give the result of my own experience. — EXPERIENTIA DOCET." * * « " Great Astonishment." Messrs. " We have pleasure in speaking in the highest praise Lloyd & of your Aconite Powders. One of our horses was so • bad with a Chronic Cough that, after trying various remedies, we thought there was nothing for it but to Harvey's Aconite Powders. 109 have him killed. We, however, tried some of your Aconite Powders, and to our great astonishment he began to mend. He is now in good condition, and at work every day. The Veterinary Surgeon never ex- pected he weuld recover. — 128 and 130 White Ladies' Road, Redland, Bristol, 20th March, 1900." * * * From the Right Hon. Lord Tollemache : " One of my horses has received much benefit from 3'our Aconite Powders. Kindly send me eight boxes. — - Peckforton Castle, Tarporley, Cheshire, 3rd March, 1894." * * * " 1 have used your Aconite Powders with excellent j. A. B, results, having cured two cases of severe Chronic Trench, Esq. Cough. — Clonfert, E3necourt, Co. Galway, 14th November, 190?. " * * * " 1 have found your Aconite Powders most effectual i. j, t, for Cough. — Northlew Manor, N. Devon, 14th January, LWh, Esq. 1904." * * * " The use of the Aconite Powders has proved of H. T. much benefit to a Brougham horse, improving his Esq." ' condition as well as relieving a dry Cough. — Stedham Hall, Midhurst, 14th December, 1903." * * * " I find that my Cob has greatly beneiited by the Rev. Arthur six Powders I have already given, and 1 think, perhaps, Swue. the continued use may completely cure the Cough. — Newton Hall Rectory, Stocksfield-on-Tyne. 5 th March, 1.904." * * * " I have used your Aconite Powder lately on a Mr Denis J. mare with a bad Cough. She is completely cured. — ^^' Old Longford, Ballycrissane, Ballinasloe, 21st April, 1904.". * * * " My coachman is very pleased with the marked Mrs. s. H. improvement in the mare's wind, and her cough has Sands, almost gone. The Aconite Powders are a most valuable remedy. — West Hill House, Lenton, Notting- ham, 14th March, 1900." no Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. w. o. "The Aconite Powders are excellent. — Blaenpant Brigstocke, Boncath, R.S.O.. South WpJes, 14th April, 1900." Esq, D.L. * * * A. B. "I have found your Aconite Powders excellent, and Hiene- quick in their effect. — Brock Hill, Porlock, West maiin, Somerset, ist April, 1899." R.A.' * * * Colonel " Your Aconite Powders have done my mare an Walwyn. immense deal of good. — Croft-y-Bwla, Monmouth, 13th March, 1897." * * * Rev. N. S. " The Aconite Powders have proved most beneficial Oriel. and efficacious. — Weybread Vicarage, Harleston, Nor- folk, isth July, 1897." " An Ounce of Shot." Lieut-Col. " I think it is due to you to tell you the result o^ ichabod H. your Aconite Powders. I had a favourite old horse Wright. (over 21 years old, still the finest stepper I know) who for some years has had a Chronic Cough. This suddenly became very distressing, with great heaving of the flanks, and he was pronounced by the Vet. Surgeon here to be broken-winded, and I thought there was no cure but an ounce of shot. As a forlorn hope I sent for your powders, which he finished three or four weeks ago. Before he had finished them his cough had entirely disappeared, and he has never coughed since, and is quite fit for work. You can make any use you like of this. I have recommended the Powders to numerous friends. — Mapperley Hall, Nottingham, 27th October, 1S92." Major " I found your Aconite Powders excellent for the Kennedy. horse with Chronic Cough and Thick Wind. — Darwin, Alexandra Road, Farnborough, Hants, 19th October, 1892." * * * D. G. Miinroe- Hughes, Esq. " Have Done Wonders." " These Powders have done wonders ! — National Prov. Bank, Aberayron, Cardiganshire, 13th July, 1901," Harvey's Aconite Powders. " We have used your Aconite Powders for our Pallett & Co. Horses, and found them very efficacious. — Buckland Common, Tring, Herts, 5th March, 1901." * * * " I have used your Aconite Powders on my horses Major J. with much success for many years. — Sunrise, Falmouth, Mead. 25th May, 1901." * * * " I find nothing to beat your Aconite Powders. — 121 Mr. M. A. Raby Street, Byker, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 23rd April, Lloyd. 1 900." * * :|e " I have found your Aconite Powders a very great Mr. John success. — Otaki, Maybury, Woking, 9th March, 1900," Hughes. * 5fe * ** Send me eight small boxes of Aconite Powders, and Jj mes 30 Worm and Condition Powders. I found great ^omsby, benefit from my last lot.— Laxton Park, Stamford, ^^^•' ^•^• 25th January, 1901." " I have used your Aconite Powders for some years Mr, H. Frost, with very beneficial effects. — 35 and t^j High Street, Sydenham, London, S.E., i8th December, 1900." " A Cough that Nothing Else would Relieve." " These Powders ought to make your fortune ! They W. D. Taylor, have cured a very obstinate Cough in a three-year-old ^^'3- which nothing else would relieve. — Blaendyffryn, Llandyssil, August, 1883." * * * " I have again quite cured a four-year-old of a most w. D. obstinate Cough with your Aconite Powders. — The Taylor, Cedars, Ewias Harold, Hereford, i6th February, ^^^" 1892." * * * " I find nothing to equal them. — Lochiel House, Leo Parsey Leyburn, Yorkshire, 4th Feb., 1892." Esq. * * * *' They have improved my mare greatly, both in PhUip f. C. wind and condition. — Monteclefe House, Somerton, Elwes, Esq. Somerset, 12th January, 1892." Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. " The Best Results." A. T. Jebb, " I write to tell you that I used your Aconite Esq. ' Powders last winter with the best results. They quite cured my mare of a nasty cough and great difficulty in breathing. Twelve months ago I wholly disbelieved in medicine but begin to think it can work wonders after my experience with the Aconite, — The Lyth, Ellesmere, 4th July, 1889." m * m Lt.-Col. Geo. "The two boxes of Aconite Powders (12 powders), Eyre Massy, have cured my mare of a bad cough. She is as well as could be, and able for any work. — Mount Prospect, Curriglass, Tallow, Co, Waterford, ist April, 1894." Miss Elizabetn Black. " The Powders you sent me for my cob's cough acted like magic, — Newchurch Rectory, near Warrington, 2ist January, 1896." Wm. Warren, Esq, " I am glad to say the two boxes of Aconite Powders 1 had some little time ago entirely cured a nag horse of mine of a very bad cough, which nothing else would cure. I shall certainly recommend them, — Keysley Farm, Monkton Deverill, Bath, ist April, 1896," " Your Aconite Powders practically cured a horse of mine when medicines from the Veterinary had failed to do the least good. — Gahalfa, Sketty, Swansea, iSth Feb,, 1893." * * * " My pony was suffering from a bad cough and great debility, but the three boxes of your Aconite Powders quite eradicated the evil, and she is now strong and well up toher work . — Ardeen, Blackrock, Cork, 19th Feb., 1896." * * * *' I have never seen anything like these Aconite Powders for cough in horses. — Brant Broughton, Newark-on-Trent, 23rd March, 1896." * * * " I find nothing to equal the Aconite Powders for to Adoiph chronic cough. — Cragg Royd, Rawdon, near Leeds, Jacobs, Esq. iith March, 1896." Miss M. Lindsay, Mrs. Guest Lane Frank Oxley, Esq. Mr. C. W. Hobson, Coaciiman Harvey 's Aconite Powders. 1 1 3 " Last year I used your Aconite Powders on one of w. M. Bare, my ponies which had a bad cough, and they cured Esq. him. — Waldringfield, Woodbridge, Suffolk, i8th May, 1894-" * « « " Your Aconite Powders are the best in the wide Mr. Wm. world ! I used them first two years ago, and they Hurst, cured my pony in nine days, and those I had last week will do the same, as he is almost well now. — 37 Milner Road, Meersbrook Bank, Shefheld, 27th December, 1894." * * * ** I used 4 packets of the Aconite Powders on a Rowland D. 6 year old mare with a very bad chronic cough. The Gray, Esq. cough is gone and she is better in her wind. Only for the Powders the hounds would have had a feed on her. — Montenotte, Cork, 26th November, 1893." * * * " Please send me another packet of the Aconite Mr. James Powders. The mare is very much better of the last. Harris. She seldom coughs now, and I think this packet will put her right. — Prince of Wales Hotel, Pen-y-Groes, N. Wales, 28th January, 1895," * * * ** The best Cough Powders I ever used. — The Lodge, Decimus Stonham, Suffolk, 30th Sept., 1891." Lingwood, * * * lisq. ** The effect of the Aconite Powders was most Mr. Edward marvellous. I had almost given the cob up ; he Cummings. coughed all day long, and none of the many remedies I tried did any good. The Vet. told me he would always have the cough • but I am proud to tell you that after giving five of your Powders he has gone for five days without coughing once. Please send me four packets. — 42 Gilesgate, Durham, ist August, 1891." * 4: * ** The Aconite Powders I had from you two years Mr. Arthur ago worked wonders. — Boncath, S. Wales, 23rd June, Davies 1892." * * * " I have used your Aconite Powders with great Rev. Edgar success. — Shenley Rectory, Bletchley, Bucks, 21st A. Milne! December, 1891." 114 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Rev. H. " I have used your Aconite Powders for years with T!l!i!«l°^^ never-varying success, for horses suffering from """"^ Cough. — Colton Rectory, Norwich, i6th May, 1891." Turner. " Quite Cured." Hon. and " Your Aconite Powders have quite cured my horse- a Talbot Withington, Cheltenham, 7th October, 1886." "19 or 20 Years Old." Mrs. Birch. "Mrs. Birch has much pleasure in informing Messrs Harvey that their Aconite Powders have entirely cured her horse's Cough, which is more remarkable from the fact that he is 19 or 20 years old. — Wiston Rectory, near Colchester, loth April, 1886." Samuel Dobrie, Esq. " Two of your Powders have stopped my mare's Cough ; and an old broken-winded horse to which I gave four Powders in the winter is quite himself again. — Minehead, Somerset, 31st August, 1891." Alfred Brodhurst, Esq. " Eight months ago I had several times to dismount to prevent my mare falling whilst coughing in the most distressing manner. For some time past she has carried me very satisfactorily under conditions which can never, to my mind, when once established, be entirely eradicated. I can only say that when first I used the powders I had little faith in their producing the results they have done. — ToUerton Hall, Notting- ham, 1 2th May, 1885." Chas. H. B, Hall, Esq. " Marvellous." " Their action is marvellous, especially in horses coming up off the grass. — The Nest, Athenry, Co. Galway, 30th October, 1888." " A Cough of Two Years* Standing." Watiiins " Your Cough Powders cured my mare of a bad Esq. ' Chronic Cough of two years' standing. — Ash fort Vale, Drumsna, Co. Leitrim," 30th September., 1887." Harvey *s Aconite Powders. 1 1 5 " A Cough of 18 Month's Standing." " Please forward a quarto of Aconite Powders. The J. Thornton, last quarto I had cured a Chronic Cough of 18 months' ^^^• standing. — Manor House, Early, Reading, ist Feb., 1880." Coughs and Colds, " The Cure Complete." " After writing to 3'ou, Pony's Cough seemed better, and now it has gone. The cure is complete for the second time. — T. W. Disney, The Woodlands, Kingston Hill, Surrey, 22nd July, 1902." * * * *' I have tried your Aconite Powders for Cough, and found them a wonderful remedy. — Thomas Willgoose, Cab Proprietor, Green Hill Lane, Alfreton, 4th Doc. 1900." 4: * * " Second to None." " Your famous Aconite Powders are second to none. No need to try any other remedy. — H. Knight, East End, Westmeon, Petersiield, 15th June, 1903." * * * " Mrs. Sands finds the Aconite Powders invaluable Mrs. Sands, for Coughs and Colds. — West Hill House, Lenton, Nottingham, 12th January, 1901." * * * " Only Two Powders." " I am using your Aconite Powders for a five-year- Mr. G. old mare. She has had a nasty dry cough for 10 or Robinson. 12 weeks, and after taking only two Powders the cough is almost gone. — Woolviston, Stockton-on-Tees, 20th April, 1 90 1." * * * " Mrs. Blake has found great benefit from the Cough Mrs. Blake. Powders. — Hawkshill, Leatherhead, ist January, :900." * * * " Your Aconite Powders are wonderful ! They have Major-Goa. completely restored my mare. I shall stronglv re- s;iermaa. commend them to all my friends. — The Hall, Witters- liam, near Ashford, Kent, sth February, 1890." ii6 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. General Nelson. " General Nelson wishes you to send him a Quarto of your Aconite Powders. The horse has derived much benefit to his cough from those previously sent. — The Cedars, South Hall, Middlesex, 25th April, 1888." A. M. Pilliner, Esq. " An Incurable." " The Aconite Powders have done the mare a great deal of good. She was idle at grass for two years with a bad Chronic Cough, and I believed her incurable ; and now I am thinking of hunting her again. — Llantar- man Grange, near Newport, Mon., 13th July, 1886." W. o. " I have found the Aconite Powders exceedingly Brigstocke, efficacious in all cases of disease of the Respiratory Esq. Organs, and quite cured a horse that had a very suspicious Cough supervening on an attack of Catarrh. — Parc-y-Gors, Boncath, R.S.O., S. Wales, Hon. Sec, Turfside Hunt, 31st August, 1883." Capt. Scarlett Vale. " I have to thank your Aconite Powders for saving what in all probability would have turned to a Chronic Cough in one of my horses. I had previously tried various medicines and cough balls without any very satisfactory result. Your powders have certainly made a rapid cure, and the mare is as lit as she can possibly be. — Mathon, near Malvern, 23rd January, 1890." Gen. Dodgson. And writing again from Cradlej^ near Malvern, on 23rd September, 1894, Captain Scarlett Vale says : — " Your Aconite Powders have saved me several pounds in Veterinary Surgeons' bills." * 4: 4s " I find the Aconite Powders most useful in keeping under a Chronic Cough one of my horses has long suffered from. — The Elms, Spring Grove, Isleworth, 23rd February, 1886." ivTajor '' I have found the Aconite Powders most efficacious Conneilan. in a case of Chronic Cough. — Coolmore, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, loth August, 1886." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 117 " The Aconite Powders have proved to be a most Major-Gea. valuable medicine. I have used, and am using, them Maisha'.l, on a horse with a Chronic Cough, with the best results. Anothfc'j liorse, weak from influenza, was made a different animal with a few of these Powders, re- viving spirits and energy in a marvellous way. — Broad- water, Godalming," * * ♦ " I have found the Aconite Powders very effective Major-Gea. with a bad case of Chronic Cough, and apparently Sladen, broken wind. — Rhydoldog, Rha3^ader, 19th Nov., 1883." ♦ * * •* I have used a good many of your Aconite Powders, col. Price. for Cough, and found them very good. — Kington, Hereford, 17th February, 1878." " I have found great benefit to my horses in all Captain cases of Cough, etc., from the Aconite Powders. — Dickenson. Ashton Keynes, near Cricklade, 3rd February, 1885." " Good Effect." " I have used Harvey's Aconite Powders with good Col. Lewes, effects. — Pantgwyn, Cardigan, S. Wales, nth July, "I have used several packets of your Aconite Col. Hunter. Powders with good effect. — Tillery House, Aberdeen, 6th June, 1892." * * * " Many thanks for the Powders, which are quite Major Foley, successful. — Hill House, Bracondale, Norwich, 4th June, 1892," « * 4s " I have used your .\conite Powders for Cough, and h. Sweet, found them marvellous. — Wyndcliffe Villa, Eastville, Esq. Bristol, 28th June, 1893." " Lt.-Col. Brownie has found the Aconite Powders Lieut.-Coi. verv efficacious. — Cowarne Court, Ledbury, 25th Nov. Brownie. 1890." Colonel Harvey, Ii8 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. " Colonel Harvey requests Messrs. Harvey to send him four packets of their invaluable Aconite Powders. Springfield, Taplow, Bucks, i6th December, 1887." Major Aldridge. '' I have found them very efficient. — The Hungerford, Berks, 7th October, 1887." Holt, Messrs. J. & C. Forrest. " By Every Means.'* " We write to say how pleased we have been with your Aconite Powders on a four-year-old filly that had a Cough, which we had tried to get rid of by every means for the past four months, A packet of your Powders completely cured the cough. We have been agreeably surprised, and will never fail to recommend your preparation. — Lonmay Station, by Aberdeen, nth February, 1891." * * * William Mason, Esq. " Done Wonders." " Please send me a packet of Aconite Powders. The last has done wonders. — Outerthwaite, Grange-over- Sands, ist February, 1889." Mr. T. Snalani. " They acted wonderfully. — Ship Inn, Freckleton, near Kirkham, Lancashire, 4th May, 1890." Henry Bemier, Esq. " The Aconite Powders answered the purpose very well, having removed an obstinate and long-standing Cough. — Rock House, Maesteg, Glamorgan, 25 th January, 1888." F. Heafteld, " The Aconite Powders have done my mare a lot l^sq. q£ good, and I have not heard her cough since. I have recommended them everywhere I could, and shall con- tinue to do so. — 34 Milsom Street, Bath, 2nd Feb,, 1887." * * * A. CoUey, " They made a marvellous cure. — Five Ways, Heath Esq. Hayes, near Cannock, Stafis, nth May, 1891." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 119 " Wonderful Effects." " Please send me another packet of Aconite Powders, f. G. I find they have a wonderful effect on my horse. — Mather, Betley, Crewe, 7th December, 1883." E^^- * * * " I found the Aconite Powders of great use. — Malpas, c. S. Cheshire." Parsons, * * * Esq. " I have used the packet of Aconite Powders, and jvj^ r peck, like them very much. Please send me four packets. — Trainer. Russley, Hungerford." * * * " Very Efficacious." " I find them very efficacious on a favourite old C. B. R. hunter. — Blagdon, Ashwater, Lifton, N. Devon, 3rd Walker, March. 1885." ^"^• * * * " The Aconite Powders I had from you did an im- s. E. CoUis, mensity of good. — Tiraclea, Tarbert, Co. Kerry, 24th Esq., Jr., March, 1877." ^'^' * * * " I have great pleasure in testifying to the wonderful Geo. Onslow efficacy of your Aconite Powders. — The Boyce Court, t)eane, Esq. Gloucester, 14th September, 1887." * * * Young Fiiiies. " You will be pleased to hear that the Aconite x. Preston Powders cured Coughs of young fillies for which I Holt, Esq. wanted them. — Martin Top House, near Clitheroe, Lancashire, nth March, 1890." Touched and Broken Wind. " We have used a few boxes of your Aconite Powders Messrs. of late, with results which surprised us. — Inverurie Philip Bros Brewery, Inverurie, N.B., nth April, 1908." BotSeS. * * * " The Aconite Powders you sent in the Summer of Rev . W. F. 1907 were very beneficial for Incipient Broken Wind, Newman, and the horse's condition was greatly improved, — Hockworthy Vicarage, Devon, Jan. 19th, 1908." Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Miss C. Steele- Morris. " After the great success that we have had with your Aconite Powders on an aged pony that the Vet. pronounced hopeless I would like to try your Embroca- tion.— Rowtor Hall, Birchover, Matlock, March 13th, 1907.'" * * * Rev Arthur " I have tried your Aconite Powders for a horse Gainstorci. ^j^-^j^ j bought the Other day with his wind affected. It has been a great success. I am not a believer in * Cures,' so . I am agreeably surprised at the result. — Tangmere Rectory, Chichester, August i8th, 1906." * * * Gaynor.^* " ^ ^^^ ^ horse that was very bad in his wind a few years ago, and your powders made him all right. — New Quay, Burrin, Co. Clare, Jan. loth, 1906." H H. Morrell Mackenzie, Esq. " I have been using your Aconite Powders for over two years, and they keep my cob, who, though very fast, is touched in the wind, in excellent order, and I do not have to use them at all frequently. — The Ambush, Sonning Eye, Oxon. Sept. i6th, 1905." Thos. Morgan, Esq, " I have found the Aconite Powders very good for one of my ponies last year and the previous year, for short wind and hard cough. — Brynllwyd, Amlwch Anglesey, April i8th, 1906." Mr. J. H. Dingle. J. Hubert Laurefice E.g. " The Aconite Powders used for Broken Wind have been a complete success. The horse is quite restored for work ; so these Powders are in ' reality ' what is claimed for them. — Lostwithiel, Dec. 3rd, 1906." * * * *' The Broken Winded Mare is absolutely sound. She has one Powder a week (or ten days). — Ecchinswell, Newbury Berks, loth December, 1903." And writing again on 12th February, 1904, Mr. Laurence adds : — " The mare that was Broken Winded is very well and fit, and her wind is as good as most horses with hounds. I find that the Aconite Powder the day before hunting certainly clears the wind." Harvey's Aconite Powders. " The Aconite Powders took great effect on one Mr. F. of my Hunters last season. If it was not for your Norbury. Powders, I should not have been able to hunt him. — Little Green, Nr. Petersiield, Hants, 14th SeptemLer, 1903." * * * " Some while ago I wrote to you about a horse that Murray was affected in the wind, and at your recommendation Gladstone, have been using your Aconite Powders with most ^^'^■ beneficial effects. — Bishops Waltham, ist November, 1902," * * * " My Bailiff gave up a horse some two months back Col. Bewles. as so badly broken winded that it was past work ; however, having used them in my private stable formerly, I got him one packet of Aconite Powders. The horse is now at work, coughs much less, and looks fifty per cent, better. He was so bad I propose giving him three more packets. — T. J, Bowles, Col., Streatley Hill, Reading, Berks, 22nd January, 1902." " Wrought Wonders." " I must tell you that the Aconite Powders have wrought wonders for an aged horse which was con- demned by the Vet. in the summer, through defective wind. This horse is now working without showing any distress, and has generally improved so much that many would not know him. — Edward Howard, Manager, Clifton Baths, Margate, 22nd November, 1901." * * * " A Splendid Job." " Last December I wrote you about a pony ^ had Mr. E. J, bought, very bad in her wind — in fact she could not Telford. run above 100 yards. I thought she was hopelessly gone, and only fit for dog-meat ; but as you ad^vised me to try your "Aconite Powders, I got them, and am pleased to say they have made a splendid job of the mare. She is perfect now in her wind. I have driven her 16 miles — 8 out and in — and she is not the least blown. They are the finest Powders for the wind that I know of. — Water Works, Gateshead-on-Tyne, 5th March, 1901." 122 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. A. Fiizelle, " The Powders had a wonderful effect on my pony. Sergt., J -yy^ag gm-e YiQY wind was broken, as she suffered from ■ ■ * a neglected cold for past twelve months. Since she commenced to get the Aconite Powders she has lost the hard cough, and was never in bette,- spirits. — Clonegal, Co. Carlow, 24th Januarj'-, 1901." * * * C. B. "I have been using iVconite Powders for broken- Da\ies, winded horses, and find them most useful. — Llwyndu, ^'^' Carmarthen, 3rd Nov., 1900." * * * " A Marvellous Result.'' Messrs. " We have used the Aconite Powders for a heavy & Co'^^Con- draught horse, that was troubled with his wind and tractors to' great heaving of the flanks. We anticipated that we H. T.I. must dispose of him, but after giving the Powders the Government heaving has entirely disappeared, and he is as good to us as when he cost us one hundred guineas. When- ever we notice a slight heaving, we give him half a Powder with his night feed, and he is all right and ready for work in the morning. The use of these Powders on this horse, in our opinion, has been at- tended with marvellous results. — Old Bridge End, Coal Hill, Leith, 7th June, 1899." * * * H. W. *' Your Aconite Powders have much improved my Maciure, Esq. mare already. Her Cough has disappeared, and her Cantab^"^' breathing is now quite normal. — Brill, Bucks, 12th M.R.C.s. December, 1903." « * 4: " Did Wonders." " Mrs. Doyle found the 10/6 box of Aconite Powders excellent, and all she was led to expect, and they really did wonders for the Mare. — Masongill Cottage, Kirkby Lonsdale, 7th May, 1902." ^ 4i * "The Best Remedy Out." "It is now nine months since I got the Medicine for horse with Chronic Cough and bad Wind, and I am willing to confess that it is the best remedy out. My horse was useless, and I am thankful to say he is all right now, no sign of Cough or Blowing. — William Cameron, Tighancass, Kilchonan, Rannock, 29th January, 1902." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 123 In " The Stock-keeper and Agriculturists' Text Bock," 1893 (Walter Scott, Ltd., London), Mr. Gox, V.S., writes concerning these Powders, under Broken Wind, at pages 40, 41 : — "The Aconite Powders of Messrs. Harvey and Co., Mr. Co.x, of Dublin, are, from personal knowledge, of inestimable V.S. value." * * * " The Aconite Powders have had v/onderful effects L V. upon my mare with Broken Wind.— Blackmore Park, e°"^^d L Hanley Castle, Worcester, 24th April, 1886." And again, twelve years later, Mr. Hornyold writes : — " The Aconite Powders are invaluable for any thickening of the wind in horses. — Blackmore Park, Hanley Castle, Worcester, 3rd June, 1898." * * * " Lady Stuart Mentell finds the Aconite Powders Lady Stuart always benefit her horse greatly. — Mansfield House, Mentell. New Cumnock, Ayrshire, 2"6th May, 1898." * * * ** I have found your Aconite Powders of great use Rev. G. B. for a broken-winded cob.— Potton Vicarage, Beds, 8th Gwynae. Oct., 1897." * * * " I can speak very highly of your Aconite Powders, G. Dickson, having used them on one of the horses that had Coachman, strangles lately, leaving him so bad in his wind that you could hear him 20 yards off. He is now working and you would not know he had been affected. — Park Hall," Dalmuir, Dumbartonshire, 29th May, 1896." * * * " I used your Aconite Powders last February with a fancy mare in my possession. I was certain she was done before I tried them, but they produced the desired effect before I had them finished. — John Guiney, Knocknacurra, Eoherboy, Co. Cork, Sth July, 1902," * * * "They worked wonders with a broken-winded horse Edward w. that was almost useless. He gets through a lot of ^°'''^^^' Esq. quiet slow work now. — Cleaghmore, Ballinasloe, 29th Oct., 1899." 124 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Wm. Cornock, Esq. " Hopelessly Broken- Winded." " Over two years ago you sent me some Aconite Powders and I used them on a horse that was said by many judges to be hopelessly broken-winded, and he was perfectly recovered by them. — Aust, Thornbury, R.S.O., Glos., I2th June. 1890." Lieut.-Col. " The effect of the Aconite Powders on an old horse Davies. that had been condemned as broken-winded has been very good. He hardly heaves at all in his work now, and the cough is much less frequent. — The Garth, Monmouth, 6th Dec, 1884." w. H. Stuart, Esq., C.E. " I got a packet of your Aconite Powders some time ago for an aged horse with cough and disturbed re- spiration, and altogether the symptoms of broken wind, and the effect is marvellous. Before I got your Powders I got some from a V.S., which had no effect w^hatever. — Cloonamore, Ballaghaderin, Co. Mayo i6th October, 1888." Mrs. Mather. " Mrs. Mather cannot speak too highly of the Aconite Powders. Before taking them the pony was so bad that a short journey of two miles on a level road distressed him greatly. Now he can go seven or eight miles, up and down hills, without any distress — The Croft, Hillmorton, Rugby, 27th May, 1891." Francis Fitzherbert, Esq. " I have now given your Aconite Powders a good tri il, and have found them very efficacious in cases of horses suffering from thickening of the wind. — Swynnerton Park, Stone, Staffs., 6th Jan., 1884." Mr. W. " Your Aconite Powders gave very great ease to a Peacock. pony whose case I thought hopeless with cough and its wind. — 18 High Street, Huntingdon, 28th August, 1893." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 125 " I lind your Aconite Powders are marvellous. A Mr- L- lady near here has had them also for a badly broken- -^^^p' J*^^ winded mare, and she is not hke the same animal now master. in wind or condition. — Calne, Wilts, 9th December, 1895." " Dr. Muil finds that the eliect of the Aconite Powders Dr. Wm. on his favourite old pony has been most wonderful in ^^"^^• every way. — Vivers Lodge, Kirby-Moorside, Yorks, 24th February, 1894." " I lind your Aconite Powders the most valuable C. Bell, Powders I have ever used. I am using them on a ^*^^ ^"^'^^"^ horse for broken wnid, and will, I think, completely Roge'rs^n cure him. — Oswald House, Durham, 3rd December, Esq MFH 1S95." " Some years ago I used your Aconite Powders for Rev. A. c. a broken-winded horse with entire success. The '^^'^^v- animal went on for years, and did a lot of work without suffering. — The Manor House, Oulton, Lowestoft, i6th Oct. 189s." " The Aconite Powders have had so good an effect on j. H. Douglas, my mare that I intend to keep her ; whereas before I Esq would have taken almost anything for her. They not only act upon the wind, but also as a Condition Powder. — Netherwilton, Morpeth, Northumberland, 2ist January, 1895." " Your Aconite Powders have done wonders for a Mr, John grey mare thick in her wind. She is almost cured, Walker, and as good as ever she was. I never expected such a result. — Beckermet Mill, via Carnforth, ist May, 1895." * * * " The Vet Could do Nothing." " I found your Aconite Powders effectual. They Rev. H. have cured a horse which the Vet. pronounced touched ^'^^^^^' 126 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. in the wind and for which he could do nothing. He is now apparently as sound as ever he was, and has had no cough this winter, — Brattleby Rectory, Lincoln, 7th April, 1892." Henry c. " I tried your Aconite Powders with my horse as Eastwood, a forlorn liope, but after the four boxes given him he is ^^'^- not like the same animal, but is apparently as tit as ever, in splendid condition and wind, — Tilhngton, Petworth, Sussex, 13th Dec, 1897." jag_ " I have used your Aconite Pow«lers for a favourite Sparrow, pony whose wind is gone, with the best results. — Esq^' Gwersyllt, near Wrexham, 28th April, 1891." r. G. b. J. Ba'^enal " I fi^^l your Aconite Powders of great use to horses Boydj^Esq. that are unsound in wind, in fact I Hke to have some of them always on hand. — Kiltra House, New Ross, 24th February, 1886." " A Marvellous Effect.'* Rev. Percy " The Powders you sent me had a marvellous effect Burd. upon my horse. I thought that his wind had hope- lessly gone. He is now apparently sound. The Powders seem to have as marvellous an effect as the Embrocation you sent me two years ago had on the lameness. — The Rectory, Little Wittenham, Abingdon, 15th August, 1.887." " Gone in His Wind." Rov. H. M. " I have tried the Aconite Powders with very good Niblett. effect on a favourite horse. His wind was becoming so bad that I was afraid I must sell him. Pie has im Harvey's Aconite Powders. 127 proved wonderfully since he has had the Powders, I seldom hear him cough now, and can ride him with comfort. — Redmarley Rectory, Gloucester, 28th April, " For improving horses' wind I find them very R. W. efficacious.— Lang ton House, Cheltenham, 19th ^^q'"''*^*''* November. 1892.'" " My old horse (which was condemned as broken- Rev. J. H. winded by a very experienced Vet.), after a course ^^hiie. of these Powders some two years ago, turned out nearly, if not quite sound, and has only had an oc- casional cough since. — Brockdish Rectory, Norfolk, 7th June, 1893." " A Hopeless Case." " Kindly send me four packets more of your Aconite Mr. David Powders. They have proved a successful cure on a Wolsey Kane, mare that had been given up by a V.S., and I was advised to sell her for anything. My brother, Dr. Kane, says he never saw anything to check the disease so quickl3^ — Rich Hill, Armagh, 9th December, 1885." Mr. Kane writes on the ist June, 1889, con- firming the permanency of the cm-e of the mare referred to above, stating that : — "She has never been out of work since, working both in single and double harness. She has also bred a fine foal. This is the mare that the Vets, wished me to sell, even for the price of her hide, to be rid of her. — Rich Hill, Armagh, ist June, 1889." [28 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Noisy Respiration. Roaring. Mak»r " A great many years ago I had some Aconite ^ Powders from you which did a great deal of good to a horse I had which made a noise. — Temple Guiting, Winchcombe, Glos., Ock)ber i6th, 1907. G.T Noel Mr. "I have been treating a ' roaring ' mare with your Je\veir Powders, and find her greatly improved in wind and condition. — C/o Thos. Mitchell, Esq., Howford, Selkirk, May 23rd, 1907." * :;: * " I am using your Aconite Powders with marvellous results upon a hunter that used to ' roar ' very much. — C. Scott, Coachman, The Bury Stables, Chesham, Bucks, Nov. 5th, 1906." * * * Mr. James " I bought los. 6d. worth of your Aconite Powders VV. Jerram. ^bout two years ago, as I had a line Mare, but a bad roarer, and had to stop often to get her wind. 1 had her examined by a Veterinary Surgeon, and he gave me a certificate that the horse was useless. I was advised to try your Powders, gave the mare quarter the los. 6d. worth, and now at the present time she has hardly a sign of even blowing, and I may say, I would not now part with her for the money I paid for her when I purchased. — Crown Works, Boundary Road, East Ham, E., London, 6th July, 1904. " * * * Lt.-Col. " The Aconite Powders have had a great effect Fawcett. on the mare on which I have used them far roaring. — J. M. Fawcett, Lt.-Col., Scaleby Castle, Carlisle, 14th January, 1902." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 129 " I have experienced the value of your Aconite Capt. R. Powders in giving reUef to a very bad roarer. The Sandeman, effect was most extraordinary. — Richard's Castle, near Ro^al"**^ Ludlow, 5th January, 18S6." Hussars, " I have used your Aconite Powders for a horse that A. MarLia, was troubled with roaring, and he is as well as ever. — ^^'^• The Square, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone. 29th October 1895." "Simply Rrlaivellous/' " Your Aconite Powders are simply marvellous. I have had a good horse that made a slight noise and they have absolutely cured him, and I have entered him in a 3.5 mile steeplechase. — Henry Oilman, Lodge Paddocks, Hockley Heath, Nr. Pi.mingham, i6th January, 1903." ' I have used your Aconite Powders for some years Lt.-Col. for a good hunter that ' made a noise.' They arc Riilston. certainly most beneficial. — H. G. Railston, Lt.-Col., Longthorns, Blandford, Dorset, 30th August, 1901," Two Remarkable Cases. EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS. iMr. A. Paterson, Estate Office, Hunstrete, Pensford, Bristol, writes as follows : — A Bad Roarer. "Towards the end of 1882 the mare I daily used showed symptoms of thickening of the windpipe, and gradually became worse, until she roared unbearably upon the slightest uphill exertion. I was sometimes ashamed, although obhged to use her, as I could not readily suit myself with another. She fell off in con- dition, and I had made up my mind to part with her at E 130 Harvey's Remsdies for the Horse. a small price as soon as I could procure a suitable substitute. However, about October, 1883, I began to give her regularly every evening about a pint of well- boiled linseed in a hot bran mash, and continued this throughout the winter until February, when your ' Handy Note Book ' came into my hand. Then I tried your Aconite Powders. Until this the mare had improved in condition, but the roaring, or thickening of the wind, had not improved at all. I began about the first of March with your Powders, in cold mashes as directed, still continuing the linseed, but all given cold. By the end of March nearly every symptom of the roaring had disappeared, and the improvement continued until the mare had become her old self again, and worth double the money I would gladly have taken for her last autumn. — June i8th, 1884." Another Bad Roarer. Mr. Patrick Johnston, Baltygarron, Tralee, Co. Kerr}^, writes as follows : — " I want to tell you of the effect of your Aconite Powders on a ' roarer.' I had a pony that was as bad a case as I ever remember to have heard, and, in fact, became so noisy with me that I had to give up using him on the road altogether, I was so ashamed of him. Just then I got a copy of your little book, Veterinary Notes, and thought I might try a packet of the Aconite Powders on the pony, and did so. The effect was so good that I kept him under them for about a fortnight, and then the roaring had disappeared. A few friends came to see me one day, good judges of horses, and I trotted out the pony. They were greatly taken with his appearance, for I think the Powders had put him in good condition also, and one of them wanted to buy him of me right off. I refused to sell, saying that he was a bad roarer. ' Nonsense,' said my friend, ' he is no more a roarer than I am.' We put on the saddle, and one of them rode down the lawn and up, and gave him a good heavy gallop of about a mile, which he covered in splendid style, and came in heaving a Httle, but without a note playing. ' Roarer, indeed,' said the would-be-purchaser ; ' if you don't want to sell him say so, but don't destroy his character.' ' Well, he is Hxr/ey's Aconite Powders. 131 a roarer for all that,' I said. Then he punched him in the ribs, threatened him with a stick, and tried other usual dodges for finding out windy unsoundness, but without effect, and went away firmly persuaded that the horse was sound, but that I did not wish to sell." " Please send me los. 6d. worth of your Aconite Frederick Povv^ders. They have done wonders for a horse who ^^^^^» ^^'^ used to roar like a bull in harness, and can now trot ' ' up a steep hill with a fair load without the least trouble or noise. — Barnby Manor, Newark, 2nd February, 1889." " A Very Bad Roarer." " My master had a mare that was a very bad roarer, tf^^ an 1 he was about to sell her for a trifle, when he ^ ®®^* got your book, and thought he would give your Aconite Powders a trial. I used the Powders as directed, and now the horse is as good as ever it was. We only got I OS. 6d. worth of the Powders, and they have cured another horse besides the above. — Driver for the Gee Cross Mineral Water Co., near Manchester, 6th December, 1889." * * * " Please send me another packet of Aconite Powders, E. J, Percy, as the last had a wonderful effect upon a big chestnut, ^^^• a very bad roarer. After four or five Powders the noise considerably lessened, and I hunted her again, — Eskrigg, Wigton, Cumberland, 14th January, 1884." "The Worst Roarer." " The Aconite Powders have had a most extra- Stewart ordinary effect on my horse — one of the worst ' roarers ' ^uckett, I ever heard. He is now a very slight whistler, and I ^^' hope to tell you soon he is quite sound. — Russelitown Park, Carlo w, nth November, 1891." " I have used your Powders with marked success a. w. Craig, on two of my huntees which make a noise. — Baythorn Esq. Park, Halstead, Essex, ist January, 1889." i3^ Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Major- Gen. Beadle, R. E. " No Cure was Hoped For." "On a Clydesdale cart mare the Aconite Powders have had a really remarkable effect. She was very bad indeed, in her breathing and in condition, and good for nothing. No cure was hoped for, but she is now doing her work and getting on fairly well. — Norton Grange, Devizes, Wilts, 23rd Sept., 1891." Arthur H, " I want another 2S. 8d. box of the Aconite Powders. Anson, Esq. j gave the last, and the horse has much improved, and now roars very little. — Catton Hall, Burton-ou-Trent, 22nd January, 1897." C, B.E. Wright, Esq., D.L., M.F.H. W. de S. Filgate, Esq., J.P. " Anything Chronic in Respiratory Organs." " I consider the Aconite Powders the most useful drug in the stable for anything Chronic in the Re- spiratory Organs. — Bolton Hall, Clitheroe, 29th April, 1885." * « « " They have a marvellous effect. — Lisrenny, Ardee, Co. Louth, 7th Feb., 1890." Whistling. Rev. C. L. "I bought a very nice mare lately, and on hunting Kennaway. her the first time found she " whistled ' slightly when galloping, I sent for some of your Aconite Powders, gave her four according to directions, and have not heard anything more of the ' whistling ' — Garboldisham Rectory, Thetford, Norfolk, Jan. i8th, 1906." Reginald Rankin, Esq. " I have used your Aconite Powders on a ' whistler ' with very good results. — Ashmead, Dursley, Sept. nth 1905.' " I use your Aconite Powders, and am greatly in love with them for Whistlers. — M. FitzPatrick, Castletown Roche, nth Oct., 1902." Harvey's Aconite Powders. 133 " I have been giving a Whistler your Aconite R. P. Powders the last two Hunting seasons, and though ^Viisoa, he makes more noise I hope to get another Season out ^^' of him, as he is fast and briUiant. — R. Percy Wilson, Fifehead Magdalen, Gillingham, Dorset, 9th Nov., 1902." * * * " Please send me another packet of the Aconite Mr. j. b. Powders for the Whistler. I think this will about ^Vanilow. cure my horse. The last packet certainly has made him ;^io better in the wind. — Chippenham, Wilts, 7th Dec, 1889." " I tried your Aconite Powders with a thick- winded Mr. Richard horse, approaching to whistHng, and am happy to say l^o^eii. that after giving him two packets he is almost perfectly recovered. — The Cottage, Carrick-on-Suir, 8th March, 188S." Hoose in Cattle. " The Aconite Powders acted all right on the Mr. Robert Calves. — Beeson, Stokenham, Kingsbridge, Devon, Nosworthy. 3th August, 1897." * * * " The Aconite Powders are acting first rate with the Mr, J. E. Cow. — 16 Leaf Street, Mold Green, Huddersfield, 27th Whitehead. August, 1897." * * * " I tried the Powders on two calves that had some Mr. T. throat affection, with the result that they were almost Simpson immediately cured. — Gungrog Hall, Welshpool, 21st J*^^^- Oct. 1890." " A few weeks ago one of my calves had a hoosy Mr. A. cough. I divided one of your Powders into three parts, Patersoa. and mixed one of these every second day in the calf's evening drink. The one Powder effected an entire cure. — Hunstrete, Pensford, Bristol, 19th June, 1884." 134 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. "The Bazaar The following appeared in this paper on 4th Exchange NoV., i8Q2 ." and Mart." '^ Wind-Sucking Horses. " Sir, — My advice to your readers troubled with wind- sucking horses is to try Aconite Powders, offered by Messrs. Harvey and Co., DubHn, " After a course of the above, a horse of mine (a wind- sucker), was able to do a very large amount of work, which otherwise he could not have done, hence mv reason in recommending the Powders. — P. W. T." Undefined Cases. India. " I am a constant user of your Aconite Powders, and have found them very useful.— Malcolm M. Craw- ford, Shikarpore, via Bhairamara, E. B. S. Railway, Bengal, June 25th, 1907.'^ " Knowing the efficacy of your Aconite Powders, I have recommended them to farmers and others and they have been more than surprised. — R. Austin, Kilmalogue, Portarlington, July 12th, 1907." " Your Aconite Powders were recommended to me and I am happy to say they proved effectual. — Patrick Dunn, Ballinamire, TuUamore, July 20th, 1907." " They Work Marvels." Mr. John " I find your Aconite Powders simply invaluable. I can't speak too highly of them, as I have found them work marvels. Having, as I do, horses up straight from grass and rough straw yards, gross and out of condition, I use your Aconite Powders very largely.- - West Croft, Lower Earley, Reading, 2nd August, 1903." WebC. Harvey's Aconite Powders. 135 " Wonders." " The Powders which I had of you last Autumn Rev. Joha have done wonders for my mare. — Wid combe Pickering. Vicarage, Ashburton, Devon, 29th February, 1904." " I have had some of your Aconite Powders and j. r, used them with wonderfully good results. — 45 High Cooke, Esq. Road, Balham, London, S.W., 19th October, 1904." " " I have used your Aconite Powders with great ^"^'^^.^^ success. — Holmwood, Surrey, Nov. i8th, 1905." ^^^] ' " I cannot speak too highly of your Harvey's Mr. F. W. Aconite Powders. — The Corn Stores, Sandown, I. of ^i^^'^"^- Wight, 2nd Feb., 1907." " The Aconite Powders are splendid for either young horses or old. — Wilham Annis, Coach Propr., 6^, Cottenham St., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester, February 8th, 1908." * ♦ * " I am a constant user of your Powders, which I Tj^f™^^ ^ consider the best I ever used. — Kingsworthy Win- Esq°"' Chester, Hants, 24th Nov., 1906." " I have used your Aconite Powders with splendid Mr. Wm. success. — 23, Whitfield Street, Hyde Road, Ardwick, Bowers. Manchester, Nov. 5th, 1906." " I have found your Aconite Powders quite satis- colonel factory. — Thumblands, Farnham, Surrey, 21st AUatt. December, 1903." " Most Efficacious." " I have tried your Aconite Powders in many cases T. W. and invariably found them efficacious. — Littlebourne Patterson House, Near Dover, 28th March, 1905." ^^*** 36 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. F. Coates, " I am using some of your Aconite Powders, and Esq- am pleased with the results. — Northolme, Winslow, Bucks, 20th September, 1903." Mr. David A. Walsh. " Quite Cured." " The Aconite Powders quite cured my mare. Rock Street, Cloyne, Co. Cork, 6th May, 1904." Mr. Shirley H. Wells. " I have used a course of your Aconite Powders for a bad Cough in a mare which I was afraid was going broken-winded, and am pleased to say she has quite recovered. — Hockridge, Cranbrook, Kent, i8th October, 1904." H, K. Morell " Your Aconite Powders prove very satisfactory. — Mackenzie, Xhe Ambush, Sonning Eye, Oxon, 2 5tli February, 1904." * * * Esq. " Every Satisfaction." Mr. J, " We use the Aconite Powders for our Horses, and Townley. they have given every satisfaction. — Ryburn Stud Farm, Norwood Green, Nr. Halifax, Yorks., 9 th January, 1905." * * * Mr. S. Taylor, «« I find the Aconite Powders satisfactory in every ^o^^ * way. — 4 Garendon Street, Upper Kent Street. Merchant. _ .-' ,^ ^ -r- i ^ >> Leicester, 21st February, 1905. Major Erskine Baylis. " A Donkey's Cough." " I thought it might be interesting for you to learn that last year I treated a favourite donkey (after attendance by a skilful Vet. for a very bad cold and cough of long standing) with your Aconite Powders, and had the satisfaction of finding they completely removed the hacking Cough, etc, — Ingleglen, Farnhara Common, Bucks, 28t]i March, 1905." Harvey's Aconita Powders. 137 " The effect of your Aconite Powders is marvellous. — r. Hussey, R. Hussey, Eastlields, I^ichfield, Staffs, 23rd February, Esq. 1903." * * * " We have used your Aconite Powders, and cannot speak too highly of them. — W. Hetherington, 68 to S3 Western Road, Brighton, 29th September, 1902." * * * " I have used your Aconite Powders for years with great success. — F. G. Townsend Gahan, Creagh, Castlebar, 1 1 th November, 190Q." " The Aconite Powders I have found most effi- cacious.— R. Sancroft Baker, Old Manor House, Halhford-on-Thames, Shepperton, 28 th October, 1902." * * * " All You Say." " I have used your Aconite Powders and Worm Powders, and find them to be all you say. — F. A. Watson, Cheapside, Eaglesham, Near Glasgow, 22nd June, 1900." * * * " The Aconite Powders did my Pony a great deal of good. — D, PI. Campbell Munro, Kenlochlaich, Appin, Oban, 21st February, 1902." " The Aconite Powders gave every satisfaction. — Frederick Smith, Coachman, Whittington House, Stables, Old Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, i8th April, 1903." * * * " The Horse has received much benefit from the Aconite Powders. — Samuel Tomlins, Condover, near Shrewsbury, 21st October, 1901." " I am using the Aconite Powders with my Horses Mr. Geotga and prove them to be a great success. They are ^^'^°' wonderful. — Thomas Walsh, Richmond Dairy, Richmond Road, Fair view, Dubhn, i8th June, 1900." 138 Harvey *s Remailes for tli9 Hirsa. From Africa. •' I have used Harvey's Aconite Powders in the United States. I have always found them the best cure for Heaves and broken-winded horses that I have ever used. — Ohlsson's Cape Breweries, Newlands, Cape Colony, South Africa, 27th April, 1905," PRICES OF Harvey's Aconite Powders. Boxes of Six Powders for Recent Cases 2/8 each Quartos of Four Boxes for Chronic Cases 1 0/6 each Where and how to procure the Remedies* See passes 211 and 224. "Mark his condition." — Tempest, Act I., Sc. 2. " That doth renew swifter than blood decays," — Tioihts and Cressida, Act III., Sc. 2. PART IV. Worms and Condition* HARVEY'S Eradicating Worm and Condition Powders FOR HORSES. Boxes containing 15 Powders and a Purging Ball, 3s, 9cl. each, or without Ball, 3S. each. Special Boxes of 15 Powders, sufficient for Two -^ Yearlings or Three Foals, 3s. each. This Engfraving represents a reduced fac-simile of a Box of HARVEY'S Worm and Condition Powders, as they are made up for sale. HARVEY'S Eradicating Worm and Condition Powders are a happy and successful combination of a valuable Vegetable tonic, with an effective Worm Medicine, harm- less to the horse, but deadly to worms. The 140 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. success of this combination may be explained in a sentence or two. Broadly considered, low condition in well-fed and well-groomed horses is due to disorder of the digestive organs, or to the presence of worms, and very frequently worms are the result of impaired digestion, so that the two troubles, ill-condition and worms, are largely dependent upon each other. Scientific treatment will therefore proceed on natural lines, not by attempting to produce violent effects, but by stimulating latent energies, and developing Nature's own resources, interfering with them as little as possible, always recognising that the necessity for interference at all only arises because of the artificial circumstances in which the horse is placed for the pleasure or the use of man. The wise owner, or the groom who knows his business, will never allow himself to think that medicine will make up for the deficiencies of stable management. The uses of medicine are to restore functions which have become inactive, or to excrete material which hinders the healthy operation of the organs, but which these organs are not sufficiently active to cast off unaided. It is indeed only too possible to obtain the latter object alone, by the use of severe and improper drugs, and to lea\"e the disordered organs not only unimproved, but positively weaker and less able to fulfil their natural functions than before. A speedy effect is desired, and a single dose of a drastic medicine will often produce it by bringing away a number of worms, and it is supposed that such a result is highly satisfactory. It is of the utmost Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 141 importance, therefore, that Horse-Owners Spring aad should know that, on the contrary, such treat- ^"^"™- ment is ahnost invariably mischievous, and to be utterly avoided. In Spring and Autumn horses are peculiarly subject to depressing conditions ; for at these seasons all life, both animal and vegetable, is undergoing its most trying changes, and special care is needed in order to counterbalance the exhausting forces of Nature's renewal in the Spring, and her dechne in the Autumn. We recommend that a course of Harvey's Worm AND Condition Powders be given at both these seasons. The effect is excellent, for these Powders do not give a mere temporary fillip, but build up the horse's constitution, and repel the inroads of disease. WORK IS NOT INTERFERED WITH. Horses are not laid up while taking Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. Work is not interfered with in any way, and no alteration in feeding is necessary, excepting the usual prepara- tion and rest when the Physic Ball or Powder is given at the end of the course of Powders. See Directions for use, page 146. Worms. Worms of different kinds infest horses. They Low may occupy the entire length of the alimentary ^onditioa. canal — the gut through which food passes. Symptoms. — The symptoms of worms are ; A staring coat, poverty of appearance; un 142 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. thrifty, dejected demeanour ; voracious appetite frequently ; sometimes a dry cough, and a yellow powder under the tail. They induce indigestion, irritable bowels, unhealth}^- lookJng, light-coloured droppings, colicky pains, and even enteritis (inflammation of the bowels), and locked jaw. Varieties — The Ascarides are commonest. In appearance they are needle-like, in colour varying from white to red. They are the result of impaired digestion, constitutional debility, or improper feeding; they breed at all times of the year, and often when one brood is destroyed, another succeeds. Maw Worms are short and thick, cause less disturbance than the Ascarides, and more readily yield to treatment. The Box is the most stubborn of worms. If there is any remedy capable of being used for his destruction it has yet to be discovered, for anything likely to dislodge the Box cannot be administered with safety to the horse. The Bot is therefore very largely master of his position, and, as a general rule, will take his own time to vacate it. The eggs of the Bot-fly are deposited in the long hair of the horse's legs, shoulders, &c., licked up and conveyed to the stomach, to the lining of which they firmly adhere until the succeeding summer, when they are naturally voided with the dung, in order to pass through the chrysalis stage to the full-fledged fly, ready to commence operations once more. Small worms are sometimes found in the rectum, and these are best cleared out by an injection of turpentine and linseed oil. No horse infested with worms can thrive, no matter how well he may be fed, as these para- sites live by and consume the nutritive parts of all the animal eats. In treating for Worms it is a mistake to suppose that a single draught is sufficient to eradicate pests which line a gut nearly forty Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 143 yards in length. Such a dose may, indeed, produce amazing results, and bring away a quantity of worms, but no pennanent beneficial result is obtained, and the horse's digestive organs are undoubtedly weakened by such drastic measures, and his intestines made a more secure harbour for the worms than before. Common, but Ineffectual Remedies. Linseed Oil (if pure), though sometimes a good purgative, is absolutely useless as a worm medicine. Turpentine is unsafe to administer and uncertain in its effects. Some worms may be kept alive in Oil of Turpentine for many days. Calomel is a most dangerous medicine, and in unskilled hands may easily prove fatal in its effects. Numerous instances are on record of horses being killed by mercurial purges, and consequently Calomel is now rarely prescribed: Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders touch at once the secret of successful treatment for Worms in Horses. They are a Compound Medicine which, while destructive to Worms, are for the horse an invigorating tonic, restoring the disordered functions of the digestive apparatus to renewed activity, and thus enabling the natural forces to throw off the abnormal nidus which makes the presence of the worms possible. . Mr. W. Quy Stevens, the famous Trainer, has expressed the thought of the most expcrie-iced florse-Owner^ when he states that " HARVEY S Poisons. 144 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse WORM AND CONDITION POWDERS are the Best Worm Powders for Horses in existence." (See page 163.) Beware of Thcse Powclers are not in composition or enect allied to commonly accepted nostrums for the eradication of Worms such as Mercury (Calomel) and Antimony, of which they contain no trace. They are a Vegetable Anthelmintic, which a horse will' never refuse to take with his ordinary feed, so that no drenching is necessary. They do not interfere with his work ; but when the course of Powders is finished and the Patent Physic Ball administered, he must be rested while the Physic is acting. By Harvey's system the medicine is divided into lifteen daily portions in three different strengths. These gradually increase in medi- cinal force, and being mixed with the morning feed of corn, when the worms as well as the horse are hungry, the parasites eagerly devour the food to their own destruction, as it passes, impregnated as it is with the medicine. In order to des- troy the sperm or spawn, left by the worms, it is advis- able to administer a purge on the day after the last powder is given, to prevent the formation of a fresh brood; The horse should therefore have sloppy mashes the previous day or two, and in the morning give the Ball, or an Edos Purging Powder, before feeding. Th9 excellence of these Worm Powders, and their superiority to the nauseating drenches so often administered to serve the same purpose, is now freely admiued. Tiio Piiysic. Harvey's Worm and Condition Powaers. 145 Horses out at Grass, undergoing treatment with the Worm and Condition Powders, ought to be in the house at night, so that the Powder may be given in the first morning feed, wliich may be a httle Oats and Bran. ''Special" Boxes for Foals and Yearlings. These Powders are most successful for young animals affected with worms. When specially ordered, we put up Boxes containing eight No. I and seven No. 2 Pow^ders, No. 3 being omitted altogether. The dose is from one-third to one-half of each Powder, according to age, so that one " Special " Box, costing 3/-, will be sufficient for two Yearlings, or three foals. — See directions. For Conditioning Horses. Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders condition stimulate the gastric secretion in a remarkable degree, so that horses always improve in con- dition while taking them. They contain no mercurial ingredient (which subjects horses to take cold), and they are a superb alterative. They purify the blood, give new strength and vigour to the horse, and add a fine gloss to his coat. Numbers of valuable horses are ruined by the Qse of " Condition Balls," which are mainly composed of nitre or turpentine, and give the horse a good appearance for the time, but debilitate and waste his condition when the temporary fillip has subsided. 146 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders may be safely given to horses at any time of the year, but the highest advantage will be obtained by giving a com'se of the Powders regularly twice a year — in Spring and Autumn. Not only will they promote and maintain a healthy A tone and vigorous constitution, but they will HOTse!''"^^ impart that sleekness of coat and upright carriage which makes a horse so beautiful in his usefulness, and the absence of which detracts from the appearance and general "go '' of the best horses. vvulters. Horscs sent up for exhibition have their chances of taking prizes or obtaining pur- chasers greatly enhanced by the use of the full course, commenced a fortnight previously. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. The Powders are of three strengths, marked i, 2, and 3, and are fifteen in number. These are given in succession one every morning, commencing with No. I ; when these six are done, go on with No. 2, and finish with the three marked No. 3. Mix a Powder in a handful of damp bran, and add to the Morning Feed of Corn ; if soft food is given, the mixing with bran is unnecessary, but the medicine should always be given in the morning, and an hour before watering the horse. Upon the day the last Powder has been taken, give the horse bran mashes instead of corn, and next morning administer the Physic Ball. The use of the Physic is to expel the sperm or spawn of the worms, and prevent the formation of a fresh brood. — The Powders are the full strength for horses over TWO years old ; hah tlie dose of No. i and 2 is sufficient for a yearhng, No. 3 being omitted altogether, and instead of the purging ball, give half of a No. 7 Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. i \-] Edos Purging Powder, or half a pint of Linseed Oil. Caution. — See that the Wrapper enclosing each Box bears our signature as below, without which none is genuine. "^^^^^^^ Price per Box of 15 Powders, 3/- ; or with Patent Physic Ball, 3/a. Where and how to procure the Remedies See pa^es 211 and 224. 148 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. INSTRUCTIVE TESTIMONY (ENTIRELY UNSOLICITED). C, R. W orison, Ksq. K. T. d'Kgie- mont, Fsq. Mrs. Do\igla?s Jones. " The horse has done awfully well after the Powders. — Aintium, Dervaig, Isle of Mull, 31st July, 1907." * * * " Have found your Worm Powders excellent.— Bayons Manor, Market Rasen Lines., 29th July, 1907." i)( * He " The course of Worm and Condition Powders and Edos have done my horse much good. He had been ailing since November, and a Vet. and a Farrier had doctored him, with no good result. I only regret I did not send for your medicine sooner. — Nantyrhogfaen, Llandovery, S. Wales. Feb. 26th, 1907." Mr. John Kirkland. " The Worm and Condition Powders are excellent. They are splendid ! Newmilns & Darvel, 6th Feb., 1907." " I got seme of your Worm and Condition Powders from 3^ou a few years ago for a mare of mine that was very badly troubled with worms, and they proved efficient, and the mare has never looked ill since. — W. H. Charlesworth, 2 Meltham Road, Lockwood, Nr. Huddersfield, January 31st, 1908." Arthur H. Sanby, Esq, " I thank you for your prompt reply recommending yo-.ir noted ' Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders,' and I am pleased to say the Powders have had the desired effect, and brought away some little white worms, also a long tape worm. The foal is now a different animal, and it's by ' Pinderfield Horace ' and is a very valuable foal, so I feel delighted with your powders, and shall have much pleasure in singing their praises. — Ivanhoe, St. Agnes Road, Moseley, Birming- ham, January 27th, 1908." Harvey *s Worm and Condition Powders. i49 ** The foal is now Ai, I am delighted with your Arthur H. Worm Powders. — Ivanhoe, St. Agnes Rd., Moseley, Sanby, Esq. Birmingham, February 6th, 190S." * 4: * " Wc have used your Worm and Condition Powders, and I am pleased to say they gave the greatest satisfac- tion.— F. Rossington, 9 Prospect Street, East Kirkby, Notts, 24th March, 1908." * * * " I had some Worm and Condition Powders from you Rev. G. S. last Spring for my pony. Excellent results. — Campbell. Wolverston Rectory, Stratford-on-Avon, Jan. 30th, 1906." « * <: " I purchased a box of your Worm and Condition Powders from, a local Chemist for a horse 6 years of age, which I believe was infested with worms all his life, and having tried all other remedies. I never saw such a remarkable change in so short a time as your powders have made. — John Clegg, White Hill Grange, Millisle, Co. Down. March 17th, 1906." * * * " Will you kindly send me by return of post two boxes of your Worm and Condition Powders. I can find none so good for the horses. — Francis Beagan, Coolna- silla, Donagh, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, Feb. 12th, 1906." * * * " I have great pleasure in letting you know that your Worm Powders have done splendidly on both the carriage horses and the yearling that I gave them to this spring. — Jas. F. Murray, Coachman to Capt. Hope, R.N., St. Mary's Isle, Kirkcudbright, N.B., August 6th, 1906." * * * " I have been trying a box of your Worm and Condition Powders for my old horse. He was very rough and weak, and I could never seem to satisfy him, but I found a great change after the first 5 days, and now he looks as well as ever. — George Davies, Tarrington, Nr. Hereford, Sept. 6th, 1906." * * * " I have used your Condition Powders for years, and I find them a wonderful tonic for hunters. —-George Flack, Hazelmere Park Stables, High Wycombe, Bucks, Oct. 20th, 1906." 150 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse Hubert Stipleton, Esq. Canada. " I wish sent four courses Worm and Condition Powders by return of Post. After using them last year I would never be without them, as there is nothing in this country to approach them. — Calverley Farm, Nr. Battloford, Saskatchewan, Canada, Oct. 31st, 1906." And Again. " I cannot recommend Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders sufficiently. — Hubert Stapleton, Calverley Farm, North Battleford, Canada, October 22nd, 1907." India. A Ibbiison, " I have successfully used your Worm and Con- Q. M. Serg. ^j^^^j^j^ Powders.— 19th Battery R.F.A., Lucknow, U.P., India, August 6th, 1906." Mr. J. Uys. Mr. J, Barnes. South Africa. For Yearlings. " I have recently used some of your Worm and Condition Powders, and the effects the Powders had on Yearlings was most satisfactory. — P, O. Water Kloof, Heidelberg, C.C., South Africa, Jan. i6th, 1907," * * * " .Several men in this district have used your Worm and Condition Powders for horses, and while at the District Headquarters I was recommended to try a box, which I have done. They completel}^ cured my horse of worms. Your Powders are spoken very highly of in this district. — Natal Mounted Police, Insuzi, Upper Tongaat, Natal, Feb. 23rd, 1906." Mr. Daniell, " I have just tried a box of your Worm and Condition Town Powders, which I found very good indeed. — Burgers- dorp Municipality, South Africa, 27th Nov., 1906." * * * Clerk. J. E. Hughes, Esq. " Your Worm and Condition Powders I find very good for my horses. — The Vicarage, Llanfihangel-ar- arth, Carmarthen, S. Wales, May i8th, 1906." Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 151 For Yearlings. " I am pleased to add my testimony to the efficacy J. S, H. of your Worm Powders. They have been entirely Fulierton, successful in eradicating worms from the two yearlings y)i^ ^■^■» about which I consulted you. — Noblethorpe, Barnsley, Sept. 6th, 1906." " I should like you to know what a good effect your Worm and Condition Powders had on a horse of ours that had worms. He was gone quite thin, and almost unable to carry himself along. I gave him a packet of your Worm Powders, with the result that the worms disappeared, and the horse is now doing well and back into condition again. — E. H. Owen, Coachman, Cyfronydd Hall, Welshpool, N. Wales, Nov. 9th, 1906." • * * * " Have used both your Aconite and Worm Powders Messrs. for some time, with great success, purchasing from Mr. ^- ^ ^■ Wardle, Chemist, Maidenhead.— Stuchbery's Stores, Ltd.'''^"''''' High Street, Maidenhead, Jan. 6th, 1905." * * * " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders J. P. several times with good results. — Tadcaster, Yorks., ^'^^^^'^^Yd' T ,, ,, ° ' Esq., M.B. June 1 2th, 1905. ^' « « * " I have been using your Worm Powders and found them excellent medicine, and in every respect what they are represented to be.— T. Boswell, Stud Groom, The Peacocks, Ingatestone, Essex, i6th Sept., 1905." * * * For Big Horses. " The Worm and Condition Powders I have always found most successful with big horses. — N. Kedward, Coachman, Stodham Park, East Eiss, Hants., Oct. 28th, 1905." * * * " Your Condition Powders work wonders. — Tom Holmes, Stud Groon^, Rokeby Stables, Barnard Castle, Yorks., Tjov. i6th. 1905." * * * " 1 am very p-lcased with the Worm Powders, they have done my horse a lot of goo:l. He seems quite a different horse now. — A. Bugden, Coachman, c/o E. K. Little, Esq., The Stal)les, Newbold Pacy, Warwick, 29th Dec, 1905." 15^ Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Mr. T. Swainson. A Serious Case. *• I have treated one of my horses with a course of your Worm and Condition Powders, and finished with the giving of the Physic Ball on Monday morning. During the period the mare has parted with about 300 worms (seen by my man, irrespective of those dropped on the roads, and not seen) varying from six inches to twenty inches in length. Yesterday there were twenty more, and to-day twenty-six more, and she seems to be still parting with them. The mare is looking brighter and much improved, but I am not sure that the benefit attained will be lasting. — 17 Cross Street, Windermere, 3rd May, 1905." [Note : — This was an unusually serious and aggravated case, and we recommended,Mr. Swainson to give a second course of the Powders, beginning a fortnight after the first course was finished.] The Right Hon. Lord Kin-sale. E. M. Esq. Blake, W. Dale Shaw, Esq. " Your Condition Powders were quite a success. — Mount Tamer, St. Budeaux, Devonport, i6th January, 1904." * * * " Your Condition Powders did my horses a world of good. — Rathville, Athenry, i6th March, 1904." * * * " The Medicine which I got from you some months ago seems to have completely cleared the mare from Worms. — Holmefield, Longwood, 6th May, 1905." Rev. G. Evans- Gwynne. " The Condition Powders are doing the mare much good. — Stamfordham Vicarage, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 37th March, 1905." Rev. Charles Power, C.C. " 1 find your Worm and Condition Powders ex- cellent for my horse in spring and autumn. — The Presbytery, Ballymacelligot, Tralee, 5th October, 1904." Mr. L. G. Payne, Your Worm and Condition Powders have done „ ,, . wonders to my Cob. — 65 Gwyn Street, Bedford, 15th liuilcLcr and t 1 >t j j > > j Contractor. J^l^y. 1904- * * * J M, " I have found out the excellence of your Worm Annitagc, Powders for horses. — Kirroughtree, Newton Stewart, Esq. j^^B_.. Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 153 Filled Legs. " I have used the Powders and Ball you sent me Rev. John R. for Filled Legs with very good effect. — Sandbach Armitstead. Vicarage, Cheshire, 6th March, 1905." * * * " A Gigantic Success ! " " Your Worm and Condition Powders are a genuine Mr. John afiair, and have done a great power of good to my KiriUand. horse, and are a gigantic success. — John Kirkland, Fire-Clay Goods and Coal Merchant, Newmilns & Darvel, 24th April, 1905." * * * " We have used your Worm and Condition Powders ^Icssi^s. T. for a long time with very great satisfaction. — Rich- &'sons^" mond Hill, Livery Yard, Queen's Road, Richmond, London, S.W., nth November, 1904." * * * " Several years ago I had some of your Worm Mr, John Powders, and they worked out a complete cure. — Carr. Meelan, Achill Sound, Co. Mayo, 22nd December, 1904." * * * " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders Mr. William with success. — Coolaugh, Kilcavan P.O., Geashill, Carrol!. King's County, 7th December, 1903." * * * " I have used your worm and Condition Powders for several years, and also your other great remedies, and have found nothing to equal them. — T. D. Board, Coachman, The Vicarage, Kingston, Taunton, Somer- set, 22nd June, 1903." * * * " I got a Box of your Worm and Condition Powders Peter j. for a Cob that is here belonging to Lord Wallscourt, Boland, which was infested with worms, and no food could keep ^o^^'^"i^°' condition on him, so I must say he is completely restored again, and he only has the last of No. 2 Powders taken this morning. — Ardfry, Oranmore, Co. Galway, 26th October, 1904." * * * " I think there is nothing so good for the horse as ?,£r. Francis your Worm and Condition Powders. — Coolnasilla, Beagan. bonagh P.O., Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, 21st Decem- ber, 1904." 154 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Mr. E. Morton. " We find your worm and Condition Powders a very valuable remedy. — E. Morton, Cab Proprietor, c*v:c., Oughtibridge, Nr. Sheffield, 7th January, 1904." Mr. Alfred " 1 have been using your Worm and Condition Spiers. Powders and find them satisfactory. — Alfred Spiers, Coal Mercliant, Crown Commercial Hotel, Lechlade, 28th October, 1904." South Africa. Mr. w. S. "I have recently tried your Worm and Condition Payne. Powdei's for Horses, and find them excellent. — c/o W. Dymott, Esq., Star Life Assurance Society, St. George's Street, Cape Town, South Africa, 17-th April, 1905." How Business Grows. J. T. McH, " Last year I treated one of my carriage Horses for Esq worms with your Powders, got through Mr. Clarkson, chemist here. I wrote in reply to a letter in one of the papers, and have had a number of inquiries from all parts. I have your small Book, and would thank you for one of the large ones as offered, for I have recom- mended your Powders as the best in each case. — J. T. Medd, W^est Hartlepool, 30th March, 1903." Tried All Else. " My cob has been most unmercifully affected with Worms since early last May, eating voraciously, yet in ill, starved-like condition, I tried almost every cure. Turpentine and Oil, Iron, &c. I heard of your Powders from a Campsie friend at the market, and almost hopelessly tried them. They have proved effectual, and I have confidently recommended them to large Horse-Owners. I spontaneously send you this testimony with every good wish. — Robert Cunningham, 18 Kensington Terrace, Ibrox, Glasgow, (St November, 1901." Harvey *s Worm and Coniition Powders. 155 " Wonderful Effects." " I have used three boxes of your Worm and Con- dition Powders on three of my horses, and I hey have had wonderful effects. I have recommended them to a good many, who have tried them with good results. — F. Herbert Blatchley, 68 Morden Road, Newport, Mon., 14th June, 1903." * * " * " A Marvellous Effect." " I have just finished a course of your Worm and Condition Powders, with marvellous effect. They have brought away worms from the horse four to five inches long. I have strongly recommended them to all I know. — W. G. Bowsher, 2 Montpelier, Bath, 5th June, 1903." * * * " I should be glad to have a copy of your Book to Major give away to a friend. I find your Worm Powders Baylis, still give unprecedented satisfaction to all I recommend them to. — T. Erskine Bay lis. Major, Ingleglen, Faru- ham Royal, R.S.O., Bucks, 15 th February, 1902." *' A neighbour gave me some of your Worm Powders and they have done one of my ponies a lot of good. — James Pilson, 105 Peel Road, Bootle, Liverpool, 9th May, 1900." * * * " Your Powders are highly spoken of bv everyone Lt -Col. here.— A. Borthwick, Lt.-Col., ^35 Palmerston Place. Bortbwick. Edinburgh, 9th May, 1903." * 4li * Improvement fViaintained. " I got some Worm Powders from you three years j. Maciaren, ago for my mare, and her condition has been first-class Esq., M.B. ever since, though we never found any worms. — J. Maciaren, M.B., Oughtibridge, Nr. Sheffield, 20th January, 1903." * * * " I require two more sets of your Worm and A. c. Ma.don, Condition Powders. Those you recently sent me arc ^*^' doing a Mare a lot of good. — A. Claude Mardon, Ashwick, Nr. Dulverton Somerset, 3rd March, 1903." 156 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. R. B, F, " Your Worm Powders did the Horse a great deal iiuitop, of good, and he is now looking himself again. — ^^^ R. B. F. Hutton, Corbally House, Glanmire, Co. Cork, 20th November, 1902." * * * " The Worm Powders I had from you recently have acted admirably, — Ralph Kennedy, Job Master^ 153A and 144 Church Street, Stoke Newington, ist May, 1903." * * * *' I found your Worm and Condition Powders very efficacious. — Joseph Hadden, Lisbeg, Ballygawley, Co, Tyrone, 29th July, 1902." * ,* * *' I can find nothing so good for horses as your Worm and Condition Powders. — Francis Beagan, Coolnasilla, Donagh, Lisnaskea, 23rd April, 1903." " I had some of your Worm Powders for a Pony of mine, and they have cured her, and she is putting flesh on now, and looking better altogether. — G. W. Cooper, Coachbuilder, 48, Horse Fair, Rugeley, 25th March, 1901." * He * " Have Done Wonders." " The Condition Powders we had have done wonders for one of our horses. — J. T. Holderness, Ashton- under-Lyne, 29th August, 1902." * * * " I have had your Worm and Condition Powders and find them thoroughly satisfactory. — John G. Stamper, Haile Mill House, Haile, Beckermet, via Carnforth, 7th April, 1902." * ♦ * " The Worm and Condition Powders seem to have done my mare a lot of good. — W. E, Gee, The Grange, Ibstock, Leicester, 24th December, 1902." * * * " Superior." " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders with good effect, and find them superior to any other, especially in the case of worms. — Benjamin Cole, 70 High Street, Sedgley. Staffs, loth April. 1901." Harvey *s Worm and Condition Powders. 157 " I have used your Condition Powders for a goo.l Coachm.iu many horses in Warwickshire, and have ahvays to found them very good.— W. Welland, Hendred l:J- f -p'^" House, Steventon, Berks, 23rd October, 1902." Esq., J. P. " I have used a lot of your most excellent Worm Coachmaa and Condition Powders, and find them grand. — ^t Pensax Richard Maddock, Coachman, Pensax Court, Stockton, ^°"^'* - Near Worcester, 7th December, 1901." * * * " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders Coachmaa to many years with my horses, and found them very Dr. L^igb, satisfactory. — John Morgan, Coachman to Dr. Leigh, J-^- J. P., Surgery House, Glynbargoed Road, Treharris, R.S.O., ist December, 1902." " A Skeleton." " I have a three-year-old colt that was reduced to a A. w. Mont- skeleton from no apparent reason. I gave him one gomery- box of your Worm and Condition Powders, and he it^^ now looks as well as possible. The change in three b.a.', J.P. weeks was quite wonderful. He was out all day, and taken in at night ; being turned out again an hour after getting the Powder in the morning. — Bennington Park, Stevenage, nth June, 1901." * * * " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders, Walter A. and find them excellent. — Castle Combe, Chippenham, Higgs, Esq. 6th July, 1901." * * * *' Your Worm and Condition Powders gave great Reginald satisfaction. — Aldern Bridge House, Newbury, Berks, Southby, 2nd July, 1901." Esq. * * * " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders Rev. w. G. with a mare looking very rough and poor, and the Barclay, course has done her a great deal of good. — Minterne Rectory, Dorchester. i6th Oct., 1900." * * * *' I have been using your Worm Powders on some r. Bourke of my horses with good results. — Killerby, Catterick, Esq. Yorks. — 1 8th September, 1900." 158 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. EdwurJ C. "I use your Worm and Condition Powders twice a Kelly, Esi. year, and find them of the greatest use. — Churchfield, Ballyhaunis, Co, Mayo, 12th November, 1900." * * * Mr. Edward " Your Worm Powders are a grand Remedy. — Archer. CuUigan, Caledon, Co. Tyrone, 22nd' March, 1901." * * * R. W. "I find the Worm and Condition Powders admirable, levers, Esq., They improve condition and get rid of any worms there may be in the colts. — Jaffna, Ceylon, 23rd October, 1899." * * * " We have used the five boxes of worm and Condi- tion Powders obtained last mouth, with great success. All did very well. — The Riding School, Newcastle- on- Tyne, 17th March, 1900." G overu meat Ageat. Mr. C. Forbes Ridiiij Master F. Sidney Grimshaw, Esq., M.D. The Doctor's Horse. " I have found your Worm and Condition Powders most useful. I treated a young horse with them who did not thrive, lost his natural high spirits, and could hardly be kicked along the road. After the fifteen Powders he was another animal ; he recovered his con- dition, and it took a good man to ride him. — StilUngton, Easingwold, Yorks, 23rd January, 1899." G. R. Adcock, Esq., MR.CS. Another Doctor. " I have used your condition Powders on two of my horses with great success. — The Limes, Framlingham, Suffolk, 2oth April, 1897." * * *. And Another. Dr. J. J. "I am happy to inform you that the Worm and MacDotmell. Condition Powders have been of the greatest service to my horse.— The Waterfall, Letterfrack, County Galway, loth September, 1897." The Doctor's Plan.~ Worthy of Imitation. James D. " Please forward by return Four Boxes of your Farquhar- Worm and Condition Powders. My horses have them Es'd MD regularly every Spring and Autumn, and never know 'a day's sickness. — 242 Westgate Road, Newcastle- on- Tyne, 14th February, 1895." Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 159 A Good Practice. " I always use your Worm and Condition Powders Spring and Autumn. I have tried others, but find the horses look better since I have used yours. — W. B. Herman, Hampstead, Norris, Berks, 25 th March, 1903." * * * " I have used the Worm Powders with great success both on hunters and carriage horses. — H. Mav, Groom to General the Hon. Sir Percy R. Fielding," K.C.B., Broome Park, Betchworth, 27th April, 1898." " I am very pleased with your Worm Powders, James They work wonders. — Cluny Castle, Kingussie, N.B., ^„j^°"*' 28th September. 1897." Coachman. " I gave your Condition Powders to a horse I bought Mr. T. T, just after his arrival from Ireland. He was in very ^u'^'^^i^'- bad condition, and had a hard cough ; but your Powders soon put him right. — Hylands House, Epsom, nth July, 1897." * * * " I have used your Condition Powders at various Lieut. A. P. times, and have found them very efficacious. — cu'^w' ^^'^ Buttevant, Co. Cork, 15th September, 1897." Regt " I have much pleasure in stating that your Worm Mr. Andrew and Condition Powders proved up to my expectations Waddell. and did more for my horse even than you advertise they do. — Barrhill, Ayrshire, 24th August, 1898." " These Powders are invaluable. — Swinsty Hall, near J. M. Otley, Yorks, 24th November, 1898." Es^"^^^^' " I am a great believer in your Embrocation and M. M. Worm and Condition Powders. The latter I use every Mitchell, Spring and Autumn for all my horses and consider ^' them excellent. — Stone Lodge, Ipswich, nth September, 1899." Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Swainson " I have continually used your Worm and Condition u. Akroyd, Powders for all my horses, and find them most beneficial. — 36 Portland Place, London, W., 31st May, 1898." * * * Esq. J. Allen Osborne, Esq. " I cannot speak too highly or with too niuch gratitude in favour of your Worm and Condition Powders, which have so completely changed my mare that one would scarcely recognise her as the same. " She was extremely low in condition and spirits, and two other remedies were previously tried without success. — Milford, Co. Donegal, 3rd March, 1898." Mr. Philip " The Worm and Condition Powders were most I3arnett. effectual, and the horse has improved in condition and appearance wonderfully since having them. — The Lodge, Farnham Royal, Slough, 21st June, 1896." Couut de " Count de Morel would feel much obliged if Messrs. Morel. Harvey would send him a box of their Worm and Condition Powders. Count de Morel had some last year, and they proved most satisfactory. — Lidney, Plympton, Devon, 21st October, 1891." Messrs. Carey, Bros. " The Powders have done good, and we will give an account of their value in our Trade paper. — Mineral Water Works, Bangor, N. Wales, i6th January, 1892." India. Stuart " I have been using your Worm and Condition Lane, E»q. Powders with satisfactory results. — Jamirah, Dib- rugarh, Upper Assam, India, 14th February, 1905." Colonel Sewell, Brandlingill, Cockermouth, writes : — " Kindly send me another supply of Worm Powders with Physic Ball. I am much pleased with the result of the last. — 17 th December, 1889." Harvey's Worm and tonaition Powders. i6i '' I consider your Powders an excellent remedy for C. Gough, Worms in horses. I have used them twice here with ^°°q ^^ good eftect, also on a tradesman's horse, to whom I Griffith, had recommended them. — Croughton, Brackley, Ksq. Northants, 12th July, 1890." * * * *' We find your Worm and Condition Powders Messrs, . excellent, and recommend them to our friends. — Kennedy 108 High Street, Dumfries, 8th October, 1892." ' Captain Beamish, J. P., The Lodge, Ennis- crone, Ballina, writes : — " I am much pleased with your Condition Powders. A five-year-old that I drive wheeler in tandem got a severe cold in the early spring, and though he pulled through all right, still he was what I would call a dyspeptic. A course of your Powders has ' made another man of him.' I could shave myself in his quarters as well as in a looking-glass, and last Friday he did his 25 miles — out and home — with rest and drink allowed, at an average of 9 miles an hour. Though I am greatly against physicking horses as a rule, I shall always keep a small stock of your medicines. — ist June, 1891." * * ♦ " The Worm Powders have certainly been useful, w. R, limes —Wilton Towner, Witton-le-Wear, Darlington, 20th Hopkins, May. 1891." ^'^• * * * " A Bag of Bones." " I am glad to tell you that the mare is now in Mr, C, Halmarack. splendid condition, and admired by everyone here. Before I wrote to you I was ashamed to drive her, as she was nothing better than a bag of bones, and I had tried everything I heard of, I thank you heartily for the result. — 402 Glo'ster Road, Horfield, Bristol, ist May. 1891." ^" Your Condition Powders excel anything I have Mr. John tried for improving horses.— Dale House Mill, Staithes, ^^i^- R.S.O., nth October, 1892." F I62 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Mr. R. Ladd. " I have found them very good in three or four instances lately, and intend giving them to all the horses now, before turning them out to grass. — J3aldoy]e, Castletownroche, Co. Cork, 1 6th May, 1891." H. Dyson, " They are excellent to get a horse into condition. — ^^1- Ashton Hill, Brimpton, Reading, loth Februarv, 1891." * * * Dixie Woo.1, Esq. Wilson Hoare, Esq. " Please send me two more boxes of your Vv'orm Powders. The last I gave as directed to a brougham horse, and I am very much pleased with the result. I gave him an ' Edos ' Powder on the i6th morninj;, and such a change I never saw made in an animal in the same time. — Kilnaborris, Banagher, Iving's County, nth March, 1889." * * * '• I am very glad indeed to be able to tell you that your Worm and Condition Powders have cured the mare that suffered so badly from worms, though the Vet.'s treatment seemed to do her no good at all. — Webbery, Bideford, N. Devon, 25th September, 1887." Hon. & Rev. " I will thank Messrs. Harvey to send a packet of T'lh't^' their Worm and Condition Powders, which I found to ^ °* be so efficacious before. — Withington, Cheltenham, 2nd March, 1888." « * * Thomas s. " Please send three boxes of your Worm and Dennis, Esq. Condition Powders, I tried one box last spring, and found them very satisfactory. — Ravenswood, New- townbarry, Co. Wexford, i8th August, 18S7." Major EJwd. Paley, " Please send me at once further supply of youv Condition Powders. The last were quite a success. — Maipas, Cheshire, 2nd January, 1886." H. R. Vcreker, Esq., cvM.H. " I am glad to tell you that the cliange effected in a horse I wrote about, by the Condition Powders, is simply marvellous. He was hunting yesterday, and my friends did not know him. — Bridgemount, Bally- ^lass, Co. Mayo, 28th December, 1884." Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 163 " I have certainly found your Powders improve the Captain H. condition of 1113^ hunters, more especially in the Spring Keppell. and Autumn. — Harlow, Essex, ist January, 1885." * * * " The Worm and Condition Powders have done the ^^• mare a great deal of good, she being a very different M\?Jots! ^* animal to what she was before she had them. — Barland, Kington, Herefordshire, 19th February i88q." * « * " I have a very high opinion of your Worm Powders. C. B. B. —Bolton Hall, Chtheroe, 29th April, 1885." ^TWtw^'^-' 5^ ^ ^ JJX.lVl.f.H, " The ponies have improved in health, and are look- T. K. ing excellent in their coats. I gave them their Powders R^'J'nolds. 1:1 this way: — Set No. i., I only gave two-thirds of each Powder at a time, thus making nine doses of the six powders; No. 2 set, I made twelve doses of the six powders ; and No. 3 set, six doses of the three powders ; and I gave No. 3 set only one every second morning, as I thought them rather strong for the ponies. All my horses that have had your Powders are looking better and healthier than ever I had them. — The Knapp House, Inchture, Perthshire, 5th May, 1885," * * * "G. S. L." writing in " The Sporting Life " of i6th January, 1896, says : — *' W. G. Stevens, the famous trainer, with the re- putation, too, of being very deeply skilled in the Veterinary science, tells me that the best Worm Powders for horses in existence are those procured at Messrs. Harvey & Company's, Dublin, and this is his conviction after repeated trials with other remedies." * « * Messrs. Grimwade, Ridley and Co., of Ipswich and London, who are Wholesale Agents for our Remedies, kindly send us the following Testimonial which the writer handed them : — " I consider Harvey's Eradicating Worm and Mr. w. Condition Powders for Horses to be the best remedy I r^"^"'' have ever used, far surpassing all other preparations I have ever tried, and I am very pleased to recommend them. — Woodbrid-e, Suffolk, July, 1895." 1 64 Harvey's Remedies lor the Horse. A. C. " The Worm Powders Messrs. Harvey sent Mr. Willyams, Arthur C. Willyams quite cured his mare some months '^' ago. — Tolcarne, St. Columb, Cornwall, 27th April, 1896." * * * Se/van^t " ^ liave from time to time used various so-called Esq. ' ' Remedies,' nona of which proved efficacious ; but I am much pleased with the result of your Worm and Condition Powders. — Prospect House, Thorne, Doncaster, i6th April, 1896." Rev. Alex. H. Hopkins. " I have used your Worm Powders on horses with gireat success. They have done my mare no end of good. — Tidmarsh Manor, Reading, Berks, 19th Feb., 1899." Mr. Patrick " I used your Worm and Condition Powders on my Reilly. three-year-old mare when she was so bad as to be hardly able to walk. I believe if I had delayed another week to give them I would have lost her. She is now out on grass, putting up condition, and doing well. — Church Street, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan, 6th June, 1896." * * * Ch^^'^'Eq " ''" ^^^^'^ much pleasure in telhng you of the great ^^' benefit a horse of mine derived from your Worm and Condition Powders last year. The result was wonder- ful, his coat got like silk, and notwithstanding high feeding he never showed lump or humour about him the whole summer. — 2 Appleton Terrace, Newark-on- Trent, Notts, 2nd June, 1^896. " * * * George H. a Your Condition Powders have been most etfectual, lisq. ' — The Close, Salisbury, 17th Sept., 1895." Mr. J. Indling, Horse Keeper. " Simply Marvellous." " We received the remedies you sent us a little over a week ago, and the effects of the Worm Powders have simply been very marvellous. A carriage horse under my care has been much troubled with those long round worms, and I had tried all I knew about as a vermifuge, and had a good Vet., but all to no purpose ; ai!d yet to look at the horse, no one could credit that Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 165 he had worms, as he was ahvays fat, and, as a rub, had a good coat. From the very first day he had your Powders the worms began to come away, and the second day I took the master 50 large worms, none less than 6 inches long and many 12 and 14 inches, and in all I have found over 200, and the course is not finished yet. — Calderside Dye Works, Hebden Bridge, Manchester, 27th January, 1896." * * * " The Worm Powders you sent me had a very good Lt.-Col. effect. — Athcarne Castle, Duleek, Co, Meath, 2nd ^^^y Nov., 1895." ^- ^"'"^''''- * * * " I find a great improvement in the mare with worms l. Rowan, since I commenced the Powders. — Stackallan, Navan, Esq. 24th Oct., 1S95." * * * " I was very well pleased with the way the Powders Mr. Wm. acted. — Tardoes Farm, Muirkirk, Ayrshire, 26th July, Riddel. 1895." * * * " I have great pleasure in writing to tell you that ^- James the Worm and Condition Powders you sent me have ^^y^^"^- done well for my mare, — 24 Welhngton Street, Allerton, Bradford, Yorkshire, 26th July, 1895." * « « "Satisfied." " Send me two Boxes of Worm and Condition Thomas Powders, same as supplied last. I am satisfied with Tweedy, the result. — Shire House, * Thirsk, Yorkshire, 30th ^^* January, 1895." * * * " I found the Worm Powders very good. — T. Wassell, Cab Proprietor, Brewood, Staffs, 15th July, 1895." * * * " The Worm Powders have given entire satisfac- J; Yf.- tion.— Summerdell House, Preston Patrick, Carnforth, Esq. ""' 14th May, 1895." « * 4s « Delighted." " The Powders and Ball you sent me last have put Mr. Ernest new life and condition into my Cob, and I am delighted ^' Hawker, with the results. — 129 Exeter Street, Plymouth, 23rd March, 1895." 166 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. Messrs. " We used the Powders you sent, aud we found a Saward and marked improvement in the horse. — Chelmsford, Essex, ^°'''- nth March, 1895." Brewers. George H. Acton, Esq. " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders for liorses whenever they were in a very low or unhealthy condition, irrespective of whether they had worms or not, and the effect was always very satisfactory. — Bridgemount, Ballyglass, Co. Mayo, 2nd December, 1894." * * * " I find that horses put on condition rapidly after a box of your Worm and Condition Powders. — Bridge mount, Ballyglass, County Mayo, 24th January, 1895," 4: « 4: R. Taylor, " The Worm Powders you sent my friend have done Esq. wonders for his mare. — Copse Hill, Bourton-on-the- Water, Glos., 24th January, 1895." Gcji-ge H. Acton, tsq. Mr. Edward S. O'Brien. Mr. G. Moran. *' I have found 570ur Condition Powders very satis- factory.— Bayview, Clonard, Wexford, 21st January, 1895." * * * " I found your Worm Powders excellent. — North Street, New Ross, 26th November, 1894." T\Ir. George Ord. A Lion Heart. " My Cob is better now than ever he was in his life, after one box of your Worm and Condition Powders. His coat is hke silk, and he has a heart as big as a lion ! Does his 24 miles every day, and his nose in his chest at the finish of his day's work. No sane man should be without your Powders in the stable. — Church Street, Belford, Northumberland, 19th November, 1894." c^ t"^' vht *' ■'" ^^^^ extremely well pleased with the Box of Worm Mh^ieral° ' ^^'^ Condition Powders you sent me. The horse I gave Water them to looks pounds better than he did before. — Wigan, 25th September, 1894." * * * Manu lacturer J. Harrodine, Coacbnaan *' I find your Worm Powders excellent. — Hascley Hall, Warwick, 28th May, 189^." Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 167 " I am very much pleased to tell you the Powders Mr, D. E. I had last year for my Cob, which had the Bot Worms Kent, brought them away in hundreds, till I got them all cleared out, and he has grown a fine Cob since the use of the Powders. I have every confidence in your medicines. — White Hart Hotel, Ely, Carabs, 6th Mav, 1894." We tried some of your Condition Powders last ^?r. Wm. imn with good results. — Draff a gow, Lanarkshire, 27th April, 1894. Autumn with good results. — Draffan i^arm, Lesmaha- ^'^^^ " I am much pleased with the result of the last Mr. j. H. Condition Powders.— 33 Cxford Street, Roath, Cardiff, WiHiains. 31st March, 1894." ■■f * * " Your Worm Powders did good work. The Pony R. T. H. is now in good condition and spirits, which I could Hamilton, not get him into before. — Carrick-on-Shannon, 3rd ^^' March, 189 ^." * * * " Mrs. McCoy wishes to state that the Worm and ^^^~- ^^c^oy. Condition Powders have been found most effective in her stable. — Hythe House, Hythe, Southam.pton, 2ist February, 1894." * * * " The Powders wonderfully improved the horse's Mr. Thos. condition. — The Stables, Brampton Bryan, Hereford- Evaus. shire, 20th February, 1894." " I am glad to tell you that the change in my horse, Mr. John wrought by your famous Worm and Condition Powders, Evans. is something wonderful. They are the best I ever tried. — Ffynnongroew, near Mostyn, via Holywell, N. Wales, 1 6th January, 1S94." " I have tried your Worm and Condition Powders Mr. Henry for my driving horse, and can with confidence recom- ^^ge. mend them. — Carmore Farm, Glen-Farg, near Perth, 15th August, 189^." i68 Harvey's Remediss for the Horse. The Mustang. E. I.lansell, " The last box of Worm Powders worked wonders R°^E"peck*^ on a Mustanor that we have. Esq. He was as thin as a rail, and had dirrahcea something awful. A vet. was attending him for six weeks with no result whatever, I got my master to send for a box of your Powders, and in less than a week he was a changed horse, and now he is quite fat and well, thanks to you. — Armorel, Eshe Road, Blundell Sands, Liverpool, 28th November, 1892." Robt. G. Auneslcy, Esq. Messrs. Hamilton- Davs. " I have tried your Worm and Condition Powders and found themexcellent. — Wentworth Place, Wicklow, 27th November, 1893." " The Powders have improved the two-year-old colt much, and I believe destroyed the worms. -^Spark- brook Brewery, Birmingham, 24th Feb., 1893." * * * M'Dermott's Hotel. " The Powders are very good. 1st May, 1893." -Carrick-on-Shannon, Mr. Thos. George J ones. " I received the Worm and Condition Powders a week ago, and the change in the horse already is something wonderful, though he has only taken seven Powders. — Kilbracken, Belturbet, 2nd Nov., 1889." * * * R. Corcoran, " They are first rate. — Raheenduff , Timahoe, Queen's ^^"l- County, "6th July, 18S7." * * * Mr. James " They have worked wonders on a mare that I cared Wilde. little about, she was so poor and thriftless. — 123 Commercial Buildings, Dukinfield, loth Nov., 1887," * * * F. A. Wolryclie- Whitmore, Esq. The late Mr, Michael Kenny. " I have found them most satisfactory. — Kingslea Farndon, Chester, I2tli November, 1887." * * * " The Condition Powders I got from you last month have answered admirably. There is a wonderful im- provement in the horse's condition and spirits. — Freagh, Miltown-Malbay, Co. Clare, 5th December, 1887." Harvest's Worm and conaition Powders. 169 " I have used your Worm and Condition Powders Rev. James and was well pleased. — Clonbur, Cong, Co. Mayo, 28th Butler, C.C. September, 1887." * * * " The Rev. J. Pendred Scott is very much pleased p^^® ,^^7- J- with the effects and action of the Worm and Condition scott! Powders on horses, and will thank Messrs. Harvey to send him two more boxes. — Wev, Taunton, Somerset, 27th August, 1887." * * * For Foals and Yearlings. " 1 have tried your ' Special ' Worm Powders for C, Kelway, my Foals, and I think they have cleared them. — Bamber, Es-i. C. Kelway-Bamber, Westminster Chambers, 9 Victoria Street, S. W., 3rd November, i902.'''' * * * " Please forward as soon as possible one Box of Coachman Worm and Condition Powders for Foals, as the last nuubir°"' gave great satisfaction. — J, Lovell, Coachman, Belton Stables, Dunbar, East Lothian, i8th January, 1902." * * * " I gave one of my horses a couise of your Worm Rev. C, J. and Condition Powders as a yearling, and they served MacDonald. her immensely, causing a lot of worms to pass. — (Rev.) C. J. MacDonald, The Rectory, Castle kirk, Co. Galwav, 25th November, 1902." * * * " They did the yearlings a lot of good. — Wigmore G. H. Green, Grange, Leintwardine, Herefordshire, 13th April, ^®^* 1893." * * « " Mr. Gordon finds the Special Worm and Condition Mr. Gordon. Powders (for young horses) excellent. — The Beeches, Sherborne, Dorset, 17th April, 1898." * * * "The Worm Medicine which you sent me a short time R.Frazcr, back has done our young horses so much good that I Esq., J. P. should like to treat another horse the same way. Please send me a course. — Midhurst, Sussex, 17th February, 1893." * * * " Your W^orm and Condition Powders that I had John 18 months ago cured two young horses after every other Webstei-, remedy failed. — Bowhouse, Auchtermuchty, Fife, 6th ^^' S.^ptember, 1894." I/O Harvey's Romcdioe for thft Horse. E- " For foals they have answered well. Send me Auckland, sufficient for six foals now.— St, George's Terrace, Doncaster, 23rd Nov., 1895." * * * Rev. E. H. Thornton " I had your Worm Powders years ago when at Waterford, and was greatly pleased with the result ; and the last ' Special ' box did good to the two foals. I now want two more boxes. — Kilvemnon Rectory, Mullinahone, Callan, Co. Kilkenny, 30th January, 1896." Clias. Bevill, Esq. " Send me two more boxes of Worm Powders. The last we have tried on some thoroughbred yearlings, with success. — 34 Ventnor Villas, Brighton, 17th October. 1888."" " Full of Life." Andrews"^^^ " '^'^^^ ^^^° yearlings have derived great benefit from your Powders. They were very dull and spiritless, but now they are as full of hfe as I wish to see them. Farlington, Easingwold, 3rd May, 1892." Mr. Patrick J ohnston. Mr. Geo. Mullins. Mr. Win. Bradshaw, land steward. I had a farm-horse that I could not keep in condition. Although he fed well, he was always thin and weak. I gave him some of your Condition Powders and they cured him ; in fact he got quite fat, though at work every day. — Baltvgarron, Tralee, 7th June, 1878." * * * " I have great pleasure in stating that your Condition and Worm Powders, which I have used with horses in low bad condition and affected with worms, had a v/onderful effect. One of the horses was subject to gripes, or colic, and I tried them on him, and am thankful to say he has never been troubled with that desperate attack since. — Estate Office, Ardfert, Co. Kerry, 14th June, 1878." * * * " I have great pleasure in bearing my testimony to tlie great value of your Condition Powders for horses. Early in the Spring of this year the horses caused me much uneasiness on account of their low condition, with staring coat and unthriving appearance. I was advised to try your Worm and Condition Powders, and Harvey's Worm and Condition Powders. 171 did so, the horses continuing regular work. A change for the better was quite marked before half the Powders were used, and when all were taken the horses ex- hibited a nice sleeky coat and an improved condition — in fact they seemed to have had new Hfe put into them. All this change without losing a single day's work, or the horses refusing a feed the Powders were given in. After having tried many remedies I never obtained such good results before, and shall be glad to recommend your Worm and Condition Powders every opportunity. — Ardfert Abbey, Ardfert, Co. Kerry, June, 1878." * * * " I consider your Condition Powders very useful; Capt. John I had not this season the small pimples on my horses Ro.'cn. so often seen from grooms feeding suddenly high after a summer's rest. — Newgrove, Kells, Co. Meath, 4th January, 1877." * * * " They certainly improved my horse's condition, r. h. Hayes, and I am sure he v/ould have been dead only for them. — Esq. Bayview, Carrigaline, Cork." Prices: Per Box of 15 Powders and Patent Physic Ball, 3/9 ; or without the Bail, 3/-. Where and how to procure the Remedies . See pag^es 211 and 221^. Rob it of Taste. ''-^ Mejchant of Venice, Act 2, Sc. i PART V. PURGATION. c EDOS, THB TASTELESS PURGING POWDER, For Horses, Cattle, and Dogs.. IN THREE STRENGTHS, Namely: — 5, 6, and 7, respectively, equivalent to a 5, 6, or 7 dram ball of Aloes, 9(L each, either strength. Ta^lessPurge Horses. CATTiS] ytLCNTTOA 56oR7DRAf., 38, 41, 44. 51, 57, 69, 89, 95, 114, 131, 151, 163, 166 220 Harvey *s Remedies for the Horse. County Page Flintshire ... 42, 167 Glamorganshire ... 39, 49, 54, 61, 70, 70, 74. 7 8, 90, 96, 107, 112, 118, 157, 167, 187, 190, 197, 204 Gloucestershire ... 22,48, 74, 74» IT, "4, ii9' 124, 127, 127, 128, 132, 154, 162, 166, 181, 181, 190, 191, 191, 208 Hampshire ... 29, 35, 38, 42, 51, 53, 56, 68, ^6, 77, 78, 88, 91, 93> 93. 95. 96, 95, no, 11;, 121, 121, I35i 135, 151, 167, 187, 187, 191, 200, 202, 206, 207, 207, 20S Herefordshire ... 28, 35,40,89, 92, in, 117, 117, 149, 163, 167, 169, 181, 199, 207 Hertfordshire ... 26. 75, 76, 88, iit, 157, 191, 206 Huntingdonshire ... 87, 124 Kent ... 45' 53, 55. 55. 58, 59. 69, 69, 70, 74. 75, 77, 92, ii5» 121, 135, 136, 187, 188, 202, 204, 207 Lancashire ... 24, 25, 28, 29, 38, 40, 40, 41, 45, 47,48, 49, 49, 50. 53. 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 68, 70, 75, 76, 77, 79, 79., 112,118, 118, 119, 125, 131. ^$2, 135, 135, 155, ^56, 156, 163, 165, 165, 166, 168, 187, 192, 204 Leicestershire ... 42, 47, 55. 68, 69, 87, 90, 136, 156, 181, 189 Lincolnshire .. 37,64,96, in, 126, 148, 193, 194, 195 Merionethshire ... 52, 193 Middlesex . . 34, 106, 115, 116, 137 and London ... 23, 33, 44, 44, 47, 47, 47, 50, 56, 57, 59, 60, 68, 69, 71, 72, 107, III, 128, 134, 135, 153, 156, 160, 163, 169, 188, 198, 199, 202, 202, 202, 207 Monmouthshire ... 62, 63, 90, 95, no, 116, 124, 155, 195, 198, 205 Montgomeryshire.. 58, 133, 151 Norfolk . . 43. 54, 62, 72, 77, 93, 94, no, 114, 117, 127. 132, 190, 206 Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. County Page Northamptonshire . . z^, 53, 73, 75, 79, 88. 161 Northumberland .. .30, 40, 54, 6^, 79, 90,109,111, 125, 152, 158, 158, 166, 181, 189, 20*3 Nottinghamshire .. 39.88,109, no. 112, 114. 115, 131, 149, 164, 202 Oxfordshire ' ..50, 64 78 7?> 92, 95, 120, 136, 192, 197 Pembrokeshire ., 56, 92, no, 113, 116. 19S Radnorshire .. 117 Shropshire .. 42,44- 45, 71, 112, 129, 137, 192, 203, 205 Somersetshire .. 26, 34, 2>7, 41. 42, 43> 48, 53> 59, 72, 7i, 7^, 77, 93. 94, 109, no, III, 112, 114, 117, 118, 129, 133, 153' i55» 155, 161, 169, 187, 188, 188, 191, 196, 198, 199, 200, 204, 204, 206 Staffordshire .. 24,41,41.43,60,69, 71, 74, 78, 78, 95, 107, 118, 124, 132,137, 156, 156, 165, 192, 202, 205 Suffolk ,. 113, 113, 125, 158, 159, 163, 190, 150, 196, 207, 207 Surrey .. 30, 34, 34, 2>7, 40, 50. 5i. 5^. 7^- 72, 71, 7^, 77, 88, 93, 95, 106, III, 115, 115, 116, 120, 135, 135, 159, 159, 180, 188, 202, 205 Sussex .. 23, 24, 3T, 39, 46, 57, 6^, 68, 70, 71, 73, 88, 109, 126, 137, 169, 170, 181, 188, 204. 205, 206 Warwickshire .. 32, 35, 57, 72, 74, 76, 78, 92, 93, 1 05,' 124, 129, 148, 149, 151, 166, 168, 188, 191, 197, 202, 203' Westmoreland .. 122, 152 Wiltshire .. 36, 48, 51, 65, 69, 71, 93, 105, 117, 125, 132, 133, 15% ^64, 190, 192, 199, 203, 204 Worcestershire .. 25, 33, 35, 39, 50, 53, Co, 64, 72, 74, 79, 88, 89, 116, 123, 157, 189, 197 Yorkshire .. 27, 27, 27, 43, 48, 52, 56, 57, 59, 63, 71, 74, 90, 91, 94,94, 107, III, 112, 113, 125, 133, 136, 148, 151, 151, 151, 152, 154, Harvey's Remedies for the Horse. County Page Yorkshire— cow/c?. 155, 157, 158; 159, 161, 164, 165, 165, 170, 170, 179, 190, 192, 197, 198, 199, 203, 204, 207, 207 SCOTLAND . . 23, 27, 29, ^T,, 35, 38, 38, 39, 4i, Al, 42, 47, 53, 54, 59, 62, 62, 68, 72, 72, 72>^ 75, 77, 78, 7Z, 78, 87, 92, 117, 118, £19, 122, 122, 123, 123, 128, 137, 137, 148, 148, 149, 152, i53» 154, 155* 159, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 167, 169, 169, 187, 187, 189, 190, 192, 193, 193, 195, 19S, 199, 205, 205, 206 IRELAND .. 31, 35, 39, 40, 40, 43» 43, 45, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 75, 76, 76, 76, 76, 79, 79, 89, 89, 89, 89, 91, 91, 91, 92, 93,93,95, 96, 109, 109, 112, 112, 113, 114, 114, 116, 119, 120, 122, 123, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 132, 133, 134, 134, 136, 137, 137, 149, 149, 152, 152, 153, 153, 153, 153, 156, 156, 156, 158, 158, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 162, 162, 162, 164, 165, 165, 166, 166, 166, 167, 168, 168, 168, 168, 168, 169, 169, 170, 170, 170, 171, 171, 171, 179, 179, 179, 179, 180, 181, 181, 188, 189, 189, 190, 191, 193, 193, 197, 197, 198, 199, 205, 206, 208, 20S, 209, 209 HOLLAND .. 70 INDIA .. 49,65,65,65,67,67,94,94,134, 150, 160, 200, 200, 200, 201, 201 CANADA ..150 CEYLON .. 67,105,158 S. AFRICA .. 67, 68, 138, 150, 150, 150, 154, 201, 201, 201, 201 AUSTRALIA . . 180 THREE WONDERFUL REMEDIES. H^^\/t^<'S KCQWUt ?QV(Qt^S TOR. HORStS H K R. \J E V *i„„'ir„?„,^ Jl^i',? V\\\. AGENTS-BARCLAY8.S0N;fe:^j|ih"g^$trettLonilc. ^^fPowders 224 Direct Orders. Direct Orders. '^(^E respectfully suggest that the Remedies be ^'^ oBtained from the local chemists ; but if there IS at any time the least difficulty in so procuring them, please write direct to the makers, sending the piice of the articles required, and they shall have them sent from Dublin by return of post, Post free for the Stated prices, in the United Kingdom. All prices are for Cash with Order, but direct orders cannot be attended to unless accompanied by remittance. Names and addresses should be very legibly written. Titles, Military Rank, etc., should be added to signatures. For large Parcels the nearest Railway Sta- tion should be given. Remittances.— Postal Orders and Cheques should be made payable to Harvey & Co, [Dublin], Limited, and crossed. Chests of assorted Preparations, £5, £10, and upwards, at Special rates. PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. Bccounts cannot be opened SBALY, BRYEKS A^© WALKEPj PRINTERS, DUBLIN. PLEASE READ THIS. A Comparison of the Descriptive matter in this Pamphlet with the Opinions of Horse-Owners at the end of each chapter will show that those who use the Remedies say much more in their favour than we do. We are more ambitious to know that our statements have been exceeded by results than that they have been disproved. With every Remedy special instructions are given. These instructions are very simple, as may be seen, and easily carried out, but we expect that they will be faithfully observed. It is dis- appointing to discover that failure has occurred and time has been lost through negligence in this respect. " They are excellent indeed.' HARVEY'S GREAT REMEDIES FOR THE HORSE.