HOYA NEW A photo taken in Samoa. 1 Oh There it is ! A pdf publication devoted to the Genus Hoya ISSN 2329-7336 Volume 5 Issue 1 September 2015 Editor: Dale Kloppenburg Contents Wlien a species is collected from the wild, 1 feel it is wise to identify it, propagate it and name it. In this way it will eventually get it into commercial channels, be distributed to all those interested in this genus and thus be preseiwed. If in the future the species is lost through natural causes or forest destruction it will still be here on earth in your collection. Correction, My mistake, I apologize: I hereby withdraw the name Eriostemma ramosii and its diagnosis published in New Hoya voL, 4-4 as it had been previously been published as Eriostemma davaoense Kloppenburg in New Hoya Vol. 2-3. This was pointed out by Fernando B. Aurigue (Philippines) he is an astute, thorough researcher and publisher: see his “A collection of Philippine Hoyas and their Culture’'. No reviewer caught my blunder ! ! ! The following new species are presented in PDF format with ISSN number. 1. Hoya martin ii Kloppenburg & Mendoza 2. Hoya parvapollinia Kloppenburg & Mendoza 3. Hoya navicula Kloppenburg & Mendoza 4. Hoya santafeensis Kloppenburg & Mendoza 5. Hoya loheri subsp. tanawanensis Kloppenburg & Mendoza 6. Marsdinia mahaweeensis Kloppenburg 7. Hoya mata-ole-afiensis Kloppenburg 8. Hoya lanoto’oensis Kloppenburg 9. Hoya fitoensis Kloppenburg 10. Hoya savaiiensis subsp. falealupoensis Kloppenburg 2 Hoya martinii Kloppenburg & Mendoza ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya martinii Kloppenburg & Mendoza, sp. nova, Holotypus 254954 (PNH) hie designatus. Frutex seandens, infloreseentiis exeeptis glabra, ramis teretibus, foliis earnosis elliptieus, basi obtusis, apiee apieulata 5.5-11.5 em longis et 2.4-3. 7 em latis, plinervis; umbelliformibus pedieelli graeilibus filiformibus 1.1 em longis et 0.06 em diametro. Calyees segmentis triangularibus, non eiliatus 0.11 em longis et 0.08 em latis, eum ligulae; eorolla rotate ea, 0.76 em diametro eomplanatus, penta lobata usque infra medium, lobis ovato triangularis, extus glabram, intus pubieentibus, eentram glabra; eoronae lobus anteriore spatulate dorso eoneavo, lobus posteriore aseendentibus, obtusis et emarginatus, subtus usque ad basin eanieulatis. Similis Hoya bifunda Kloppenb., Siar, Cajano, Mendoza, Guevarra & Carandang 2013 partes maximam partem et sepala eiliatus; eoronae exterius lobus apex non emarginate, sed differ. This new speeies is most similar to Hoya bifunda Kloppenburg, Siar, Cajano, Mendoza, Guevarra & Carandang 2013 but most parts are smaller and it has non-eiliate sepals. In addition, this speeies has an emarginate outer eoronal lobe apex due to narrow side lobes whieh meet at the apex. This new speeies is named for George Mendoza’s son. Calyx & pedicel: enlarged ea. 25x. Pedieel is terete, glabrous, 1.1 em long and 0.06 em in diameter, enlarged only slightly at ealyx base. Calyx top view enlarged ea. 18x. Sepals are glabrous on both surfaees. Sepals 0.11 em long and 0.08 em widest; ligules are present. Ovaries: short domed, glabrous, 0.08 em tall and the pair base is 0.07 em wide. 3 Corolla: ventral surface enlarged ca. 2 lx. surface is glabrous. Cut more than half way. Sinus - sinus 0.21 cm Sinus - center 0.15 cm Sinus - apex 0.28 cm Apex - center 0.38 cm Widest 0.25 cm This Corolla inside surface enlarged as above. This surface is uniformly pubescent. Apex is acute, broadest below the lobe middle. Corona: ventral (bottom) view ca. 20x. Surfaces are glabrous. Lobes are channeled to near the central column; lobe sides diagonally sulcate; apical end obtuse emarginate. Column is clear in surrounding area, 0.02 cm tall, thin walled. Anther wings that protrude very little are acute ended. Corona dorsal (top) view, enlarged as above. Inner lobes are spatulate, keeled and meet in the center. Dorsal part is broad and concave, parallel sulcate with obtuse outer apex, emarginate from lower side; shelves meeting at apex. Apex - apex 0.15 cm Widest 0.08 cm Ret. - ret 0.06 cm Ret. - center 0.05 cm Aw. - aw. 0.09 cm Aw. - center 0.08 cm 4 Inside view of a flower showing the style in lower eenter, small eone-shaped. Note the dorsal view of the eoronal lobes whieh are eoneave with no forward umbo, while sides have rounded edges. Pollinarium enlarged ea. 23 Ox. Pollinium length 0.24 mm widest 0.10 mm Retinaculum length shoulder waist hip ext. Translator length 0.05 mm depth 0.02 mm Caudicle bulb 0.02 mm Translator/caudicle Type: Is/o Pollinia end type: F Retinacula Type: LS 0.07 mm 0.05 mm 0.04+ mm 0.05 mm 0.03 mm 5 Leaves: opposite, petiolate, glabrous, elliptic with sub-obtuse base and acute apex; plinerved with the nerves a little lighter in color than the leaf surface, and nerve angle is 22°; petiole is curved, 1.0 cm long. Leaf Measurement: in centimeters. Length Width Petiole Length 1) 11.5 3.6 2.1 2) 10.9 3.7 2.5 3) 9.2 3.4 1.2 4) 8.5 3.0 1.2 5) 6.8 2.8 0.7 6) 6.0 2.5 7) 5.5 2.5 8) 6.2 3.0 9) 6.0 2.4 Range: 5.5-11.5 2.4-3.7 0.7-2.5 Stem: with many adventitious roots. Photomicrographs and data of flower parts from flowers sent in vial by George Mendoza on 10 October 2011. Collection number: GM-4. From cultivated plant originally collected at Real, Quezon Province, Luzon Island, Philippines at 400-600 m altitude. Photo of cutting sent by George Mendoza. 6 13 flowers per eluster 7 Contributors: Dale Kloppenburg, retired: Graduate of Plant Geneties, UC Berkeley; Lt., USNR; Plant Breeder and Researeh Agronomist; now taxonomist of Genus Hoya. George Mendoza, Landseape Artist, Nurseryman, and Plant Explorer from Quezon City, Philippines (Web site: www. forest- treasures, eom ). John Miehael M. Ageaoili. Graduate of B. S. Biology, Polyteehnie University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines. Fernando B. Aurigue. Senior Seienee Researeh Speeialist, Plant Mutation Breeding Unit, Agrieulture Researeh Seetion, Atomie Researeh Division, Philippine Nuelear Researeh Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 8 A reduced copy of the Holotype Sheet 254954 (PNH) PHILIPPINES GM-^ APOCYNACEAE- ASCLEPlADOIOEAE Hoya mjLrftrift ■>? C l/f<. J Ct .Virf C0 m ! fui! c-0 ^ iV/r <; H JT .l-lc/ =1 .4 ^ ^-1 r 'i c/t'r/r^r < .i rr-ir p * «ippu»ic*p/'>/’ Photo taken Replicates none Collector George K Mendoia Piepared by John Michael M Agcaoih 9 Hoya parvapollinia Kloppenburg & Mendoza ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya parvapollinia Kloppenburg & Mendoza, sp. nova, Holotypus 254955 (PNH) hie designatus. Non similes ullus Philippine hoya speeies, aliquot similis Hoya bilobata Sehleehter 1906, sed sepalis non eiliatus eontrastre eiliates et eorolla diametero brevior 0.70 em eontrastre 0.82 em et pollinia multi brevior 0.12 mm longis eontrastre 0.23 mm; exsimilis Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, sed petiole longior 1. 1-1.6 em eontrastre 0.7 em et eorolla diametro grandior 0.07 em eontrastre 0.06 em et intus pubeseentibus non papillose et pollinia 0.12 mm longis eontrastre 0.31 mm; pollinia amplitude similes Hoya bilobata Sehleehter 1906 0.23 mm longis eontrastre 0.22 mm, differt. This speeies has pollinia elosest to Hoya bilobata Sehleehter 1906, but 0.01 mm shorter. The eorona is most similar to Hoya bifunda Kloppenb., Siar, Cajano, Mendoza, Guevarra & Carandang 2013, but larger. Compared to Hoya camphorifolia Warburg 1904, the leaf petioles are mueh longer, the eorolla is larger in diameter (0.07 em vs. 0.06 em), the dorsal surfaee of the eorolla is pubeseent not papillose, the pollinia is shorter (0.12 mm vs. 0.31 mm), among other differenees. Colleeted by George Mendoza et al. at Aurora Provinee, Philippines. Named for the very small pollinia. Below are photos and detailed measurements: Pedicel: seetion enlarged ea. 70x. It is eurved, terete, glabrous, 1.3 em long and 0.05 em in diameter. Calyx: side view enlarged ea. 22x. The sepals are linear, 0.10 em long and 0.04 em at the widest near the base; granulate outside, sliek glabrous on the inside with a few eilia. Ovaries: dome-shaped, glabrous, 0.06 em tall and pair base is 0.05 em wide. Corolla: ventral surfaee enlarged ea. 15x. This surfaee is glabrous. At anthesis, the eorolla is rotate with edges and apex rolled under. 10 Sinus - sinus Sinus - center Sinus - apex Apex - center Widest 0.20 cm 0.16 cm 0.22 cm 0.35 cm 0.22 cm The corolla is cut more than half way. Lobes are broad above the sinuses; outer apex is acute. Diameter, if flattened, is 0.70 cm. Dorsal center is somewhat sunken. Corolla: dorsal surface enlarged as above. The surface is evenly pubescent even at the lobe apices, but glabrous immediately around the central column. Corona: ventral view enlarged ca. 24x. The lobes are channeled to near the central column, with rounded central ends. Outer apex curves down slightly and is emarginate at the apex. Anther wings are acute and extend only slightly from the sinuses. Central column is thin walled and relatively long. Outer apex is raised. Corona: dorsal surface enlarged as above. Retinacula have been removed. All surfaces are glabrous. Inner lobes are spatulate -terete and meet in the center raised just a little. Dorsal part is concave with a forward central umbo. Edges are rounded; outer apex is emarginate and sub-acute. Apex - apex 0.15 cm Widest 0.08 cm Ret. - ret. 0.05 cm Ret. - center 0.04 cm Aw. - aw./center 0.08 cm 11 Corona dorsal center enlarged to show the granulate inner lobe surfaces and shape, actually more terete than spatulate. Anther wing apices are acute extending from the coronal sinuses slightly. Coronal lobe dorsal outer apex showing the granulate surface; striate surface line the inner lobes above. Pollinarium enlarged ca. 23 Ox. Here the right pollinium is turned inward on its axis, and the retinacula is also turned so the head is turned outward (reversed). This is a small pollinarium. Pollinium length 0.12 mm widest 0.10 mm Retinaculum length 0.08 mm shoulder 0.07 mm waist 0.05 mm hip 0.06 mm ext. 0.03 mm Translators length 0.05 mm depth 0.01 mm 12 Translator/caudicle Type: Is/o Caudicle bulb diam. 0.05 mm Pollinia end type: T Retinacula type: S Leaves: opposite, petiolate, glabrous, elliptic, with sub-cuneate to sub-obtuse base and acuminate apex; plinervation is lighter colored than the leaf surface; dorsal part is convex; petiole is curved and terete. Leaf measurement: in centimeters. Length Width Petiole Length 1) 9.7 3.8 1.5 2) 8.5 3.8 1.6 3) 9.7 3.1 1.4 4) 6.9 2.8 1.1 5) 5.6 2.9 1.1 Range: 5.6- 9.7 2.8-3.8 1. 1-1.6 Stem: with adventitious roots. Collection Number: GM-46. All pictures below by George Mendoza. 13 > o About 19 flowers per eluster. DSC 9858-9713 References: 1. Hoya bifunda Kloppenburg, Siar, Cajano, Mendoza, Guevarra & Carandang in HoyaNew 1(3):7 (2013, e-published). 2. Hoya camphorifolia Warburg in Perkins Fragmentia Florae Philippineae 1 (1904) 129. 3. Hoya bilobata Sehleehter in Philipine Journal of Seienee 1 Supp. (1906) 301-302. 14 Contributors: Dale Kloppenburg, retired: Graduate of Plant Geneties, UC Berkeley; Lt., USNR; Plant Breeder and Researeh Agronomist; now taxonomist of Genus Hoya. George Mendoza, Landseape Artist, Nurseryman, and Plant Explorer from Quezon City, Philippines (Web site: www.forest-treasures.eom ). John Miehael M. Ageaoili. Graduate of B. S. Biology, Polyteehnie University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines. Fernando B. Aurigue. Senior Seienee Researeh Speeialist, Plant Mutation Breeding Unit, Agrieulture Researeh Seetion, Atomie Researeh Division, Philippine Nuelear Researeh Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 15 A reduced copy of the Holotype Sheet 254955 (PNH). PHILIPPINES -•v • APOCYNACL-AE ASCLEPIADOIDEAE lliii/.i/ f- LJ/’i-r'/t .! /.j -T (f ^ < t f" I I -f ■ t f ■ fi ? J ^1- ^ 4 '1 > ' ■ ' f . ■ -4 fr ► 1 >r -n (T" r//,jor^ e k. 64 1 i-.-i. r .. r .. I[ u f- I d ■.■../•■, r ■ . , j , . , . > . . ■ : ' r , - j I I i r j I 1 im 1 , , l,il-i 'ti l’"(>li. ill', ii.iiir' ( ,il|,' |.,| Gi'dfyt’ K McniltiiLl Pi' ('"■'■ I P<' 'Iiii Will. Ii,li‘l M Aiji'.ioili 16 Hoya navicula Kloppenburg & Mendoza ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya navicula Kloppenburg & Mendoza, sp. nova, Holotypus 254956 (PNH) hie designatus, similes Hoya camphor if olia Warburg 1904 sed sepala late triangulis non laneeolatis subaeutis. Corolla grandior 0.82 em eontrastre 0.60 em. Pedieillis 1.8 em longus, 0.6 em diametro; foliis glabris ovato 10.1-14.3 em longis 3.2-5. 1 em latis; apiee sub-aeuminatus aeutis basi plerumque euneatus-sub-euneatus retieulatis subdistinetis; aliquot rotundatis et sub-pinnatus. Sepalis 0.12 em longis et 0.09 em latis triangularis subaeutis glabrous; eorolla 0.82 em diametro eomplanatus, extus glabra, intus puberulous; eoronus elliptieus navieularibus, supra eoneavis, apiee interno sub-ereeto dentate, externo obtuso emarginate, dorso margo et eentro earinato. This speeies differs from Hoya camphor if olia Warburg 1904 by having leaves that are somewhat dimorphie, with the majority of the leaves elliptie with anastomosing plinerved venation; and a few leaves being more ovate, and broader in the eenter with the venation approaehing pinnate rather than plinerved, leaves for the most part are also longer. In addition, the flattened eorolla is larger, and the pedieels and sepals are a little longer among other differenees. Compared to Hoya bicolensis Kloppenburg, Siar &, Cajano 2012, the leaves here are mueh larger (10.1-14.3 x 3.2-5. 1 em vs. 4.8 - 10.8 x 2.5-3.4 em), the pedieels are longer (1.8 x 0.04 vs. 1.5 x 0.06 em), the ovaries are eolumnar instead of dome shaped, and 0.08 em vs. 0.11 em. Most of all, the eoronal lobes here are 0.20 em long with rounded outer apiees, whereas H. bicolensis has lobes 0.24 em long with aeute to sub-aeute outer apiees. Named for the boat shaped eoronal lobes. Details and measurements follow: Pedicel, calyx and ovaries enlarged ea. 27x. The pedieel is glabrous, 1.8 em long and 0.04 em in diameter. The sepals are glabrous, 0.12 em long and 0.09 em at the widest, with a small basal overlap, sub-triangular with a rounded apex. They do not reaeh the eorolla sinuses. The ovaries are eolumnar, glabrous, 0.08 em long and the base pair are 0.07 em wide, apex slightly lip-shaped. Corolla: ventral surfaee enlarged ea. 15x. This surfaee is glabrous. Lobes are deeply eut. Sinus - sinus 0.20 em Sinus - eenter 0.17 em Sinus- apex 0.30 em Apex - eenter 0.41 em Widest 0.27 em 17 Corolla dorsal surface enlarged as above. This surface is finely and evenly puberulous. See the flower photos below. Corona: ventral surface enlarged ca. 13x. The lobes are channeled to near the central column and with sulcate sides. Central column relatively thin walled and clean around its outside. Lobe outer apex is emarginate. Anther wing apices protrude just slightly from the sinuses. Corona: dorsal view enlarged as above. All surfaces are glabrous. Lobes are sub-boat-shaped. Inner lobes terete and slightly keeled, and touch in the center. Dorsal part is concave with a low central ridge, rounded edges, rounded outer apex, and emarginated. Scales relatively thick. Apex - apex Widest Ret. - ret/center Aw. - aw./center 0.20 cm 0.11 cm 0.06 cm 0.14 cm Corona scale, side view enlarged ca. 20x. Scale is about 0.06 cm thick. Anther at left with a yellow pollinia attached bent down under inner lobe apex. Anther wings are deeply scythe-shaped. 18 Corona ventral surface showing the diagonal sulcate surfaces forming the central channel. Most emarginate apex outer coronal lobes have either side shelved reaching the apex or, as in this case, the very apex is turned under forming an opening at the beginning of the channel. Photos of flower clusters by George Mendoza. 19 Pollinarium enlarged ea. 18 Ox. I had a diffieult time trying to find pollinaria where the pollinia were attaehed to the eaudieles. Only one among 15. Here a pollinium turned down at side of the retinaeulum. Diffieult to determine the translator/eaudiele type but I would judge it is Is/o. Pollinium length 0.34 mm widest 0.15 mm Retinaculum length shoulder waist hip ext 0.17 mm 0.1 1 mm 0.08 mm 0.09 mm 0.08 mm Caudicle bulb diam. 0.05 mm Photo of two pollinia above, enlarged ea. 5 Ox Translator/eaudiele type: Is/o ? Pollinia end type: RT Retinacula type: S Leaves: elliptic, opposite, glabrous, petiolate with sub-cuneate to sub-obtuse base, apiculate apex, anastomosing plinervation, nerves lighter then the upper leaf surface. 20 lighter green lower surfaee. A few leaves more ovate, mueh broader in the middle, with obtuse base and near pinnate venation. Leaf Measurement: in eentimeters. Length Width Petiole Length 1) 14.3 4.9 2.0 2) 13.1 5.1 2.0 3) 12.0 4.3 1.9 4) 11.8 4.3 2.4 5) 10.1 3.2 1.5 Range: 10.1-14.3 3.2-5.1 L5-2.4 Stem: with adventitious roots. Pietures of flowers below by George Mendoza. Colleetion number: GM-71. Colleeted by George Mendoza et al. at Catanduanes Provinee, Bieol Region, Philippines. DSC 0024/3 1/33/58/62/66/68/72. Flower eluster of ea. 20 flowers. 21 References: 1. Hoya bicolensis Kloppenburg, Siar & Cajano in New Species of Hoya R. Br. (Apocynaceae). Journal of Nature Studies 11 (1&2):40 (2012) 2. Hoya camphorifolia Warburg in Perkins Fragmentia Florae Philippineae 1 (1904) 129 Contributors: Dale Kloppenburg, retired: Graduate of Plant Genetics, UC Berkeley; Lt., USNR; Plant Breeder and Research Agronomist; now taxonomist of Genus Hoya. George Mendoza, Landscape Artist, Nurseryman, and Plant Explorer from Quezon City, Philippines. (Web site: www.forest-treasures.com) . John Michael M. Agcaoili. Graduate of B. S. Biology, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines. Fernando B. Aurigue. Senior Science Research Specialist, Plant Mutation Breeding Unit, Agriculture Research Section, Atomic Research Division, Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 22 A reduced copy of the Holotype Sheet 254956 (PNH). PHILIPPINES APOCYNACEAE- ASCLEPIADOIDEAE /tf-r Ir'.) Cl-i> C"^y ^ CC ^^0*ri C-sl f k»‘:j c ^ J. ■ , ^ > wf-r -ft-- r '. 1 s' c- i Jv r €f ^1 ^>5 . c *,/4 ^t: . ^(<--1 II*-.., ..^ ■• fJC -ii _■»•-* fc -r7fc^C-% ^ .-V,- ■■. flu U-VT <- , - . . r-,..,-.,,, ■ * i.V ^ f(. 1 - . ‘ 1 ■ •■ ^ ■» I J hr ' •• I ^ I ■•■•'••■• ., . • * • ■ ' . k l' ■■ -t- ’, , . Plirilii Ijked Ki-f 'ii : . it--: iii:-ii.' L i-.lk_-. loi Gt’orgi; K. Mendo’a Pn'l .:iiL-.j i:.y Joi,,) ivtichaL'l M. Agcadili 23 Hoya santafeensis Kloppenburg & Mendoza ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya santafeensis Kloppenburg & Mendoza, sp. nova, Holotypus 254957 (PNH) hie designatus. Seetion Aeanthostemma (Blume) Kloppenburg. Similis Hoya rima Kloppenb., Mendoza & Ferreras 2014 sed eorolla diametro eomplanatus grandior (1.20 em eontraster 1.00 em) et eoronae lobus longior (0.22 em eontrastre 0.16 em) et lobus interior spatulataus et eum dorsum rima, differt. This new hoya speeies is a bilobed speeies in the Seetion Aeanthostemma. It is most similar to Hoya rima Kloppenburg, Mendoza & Ferreras 2014, but the flattened eorolla is larger (1.20 em vs. 1.00 em) and the eoronal lobes are longer (0.22 em vs. 0.16 em) with spatulate inner lobe and eoneave dorsal portion, whieh are very different from that of Hoya rima. Named after the plaee where it was originally eolleeted. Detailed measurements and eomments with photos follow: Pedicels: seetions with the ealyx attaehed enlarged ea. 20x. They are eurved, terete, glabrous, 2.1 em long and 0.10 em in diameter. Calyx base is tapered. Calyx: surfaee is granulate outside, sliek glabrous inside; a few ligules present at the sepal sinuses. Sepals sub- ovate, eiliate, 0.12 em long and 0.08 em at the widest. Ovaries: dome-shaped, glabrous, 0.15 em tall and pair base is 0.10 em wide, ends with eireular protrusions. 24 Corolla: ventral surface enlarged ca. 15x. The surface is glabrous. Sinus - sinus 0.28 cm Sinus - center 0.28 cm Sinus - apex 0.43 cm Apex - center 0.60 cm Widest 0.32 cm Corolla: dorsal view enlarged as above. The center is sunken slightly; lobes are revolute and pubescent except for the lobe apices which are glabrous. Note the pentagonal thickening around the center. Corona: ventral surface enlarged ca.l5x. The lobes are channeled and the edges are sulcate; center column is short, ca. 0.01 cm, surrounded by bulbous protrusions. Anther wing apices do not protrude. 25 Corona: dorsal surface enlarged as above. The inner lobes are spatulate and do not reach the center; edges are raised a little and rounded, dorsal part is slightly concave with a domed keel 1.2 way to outer apex which is tapered with bi-lobes slightly beyond also with rounded surfaces. Apex - apex 0.22 cm Apex - end 0.25 cm Center to outer lobes 0.29 cm Ret. - ret./ center 0.07/0.06 cm Aw. - aw./center 0.15/0.13 cm Collection number: GM-179. Collected by George Mendoza et al. at Sta. Fe, Nueva, Vizcaya Province, Luzon, Philippines, 400 m asl. All photos from live plants taken by George Mendoza except the pollinarium. Leaves: opposite, petiolate, glabrous, narrowly linear with cuneate base and acute apex; concave dorsal side with rounded edges and darker green than the rest of the blade. Leaf measurement: in centimeters Length Width Petiole Length 1. 12.8 1.9 1.7 2. 10.4 1.8 1.6 3. 9.7 1.3 0.8 4. 8.0 1.5 1.4 5. 2.8 1.0 0.7 Range: 2.8-12.8 L0-L9 0.7-L7 Stem: with many adventitious roots. Peduncle length: 4.4 cm; flower cluster of about 25 flowers geotropic. 26 Pollinarium enlarged 200x. Pollinium length 0.37 mm widest 0.15 mm Retinaculum length 0.10 mm shoulder 0.06 mm waist 0.04 mm hip 0.07 mm ext. 0.05 mm Translator length 0.18 mm widest 0.05 mm Caudicle bulb 0.08 cm X 0, mm Translator/caudicle type: fb/ew Pollinia apex type: F Retinacula type: HB 27 Reference: Hoya rima Kloppenburg, Mendoza, & Ferreras in HoyaNew 2(2):23 (2014, e-published). Contributors: Dale Kloppenburg, retired: Graduate of Plant Geneties, UC Berkeley; Lt., USNR; Plant Breeder and Researeh Agronomist; now taxonomist of Genus Hoya. George Mendoza, Landseape Artist, Nurseryman, and Plant Explorer from Quezon City, Philippines (Web site: www.forest-treasures.eom) . John Miehael M. Ageaoili. Graduate of B. S. Biology, Polyteehnie University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines. Fernando B. Aurigue. Senior Seienee Researeh Speeialist, Plant Mutation Breeding Unit, Agrieulture Researeh Seetion, Atomie Researeh Division, Philippine Nuelear Researeh Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 28 A reduced copy of the Holotype Sheet 254957 (PNH) PHILIPPINES GM- APOCYNACEAE- ASCLEPtAOOIDEAE Hoya •*»!-no'ceq fK-'i'fi- j tre' ccf/e^e fty | C C ^ ^ "fiv? ! ! 40^ 4c,^fc: | ^ ^ 'J‘- V n" O c/t rj'f if, £‘'C‘(/»r ^fiC/ I Photo taken Replicates none Collector George K. Mendoza Prepared by John Michael M. Agcaoili 29 Hoya loheri subsp. tanawanensis Kloppenburg & Mendoza ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya loheri subsp. tanawanensis Kloppenburg & Mendoza, sp. nova, Holotypus 254958 (PNH). Similis sp. sed pedieelius longior 1.24-1.60 em eontrastre 1.2 em et eorolla diameter eomplanatus 0.90 em eontrastre 0.70 em et eolumnae lonior et pollinia brevior 0.30 mm eontrastre 0.43 mm et translator strueture, differt. This subspeeies differs from the speeies in the following eharaeteristies: longer pedieel (1.24-1.60 em vs. 1.2 em), larger diameter of the flattened eorolla (0.90 em vs. 0.70 em), mueh shorter eolumn on the eorona, more dome-shaped eoronal head, and shorter pollinia (0.30 mm vs. 0.43 mm). Following photos and measurements: Pedicel: with ealyx enlarged ea. 25x. It is terete, glabrous, eurved, 1.24-1.60 em long and 0.06 em in diameter. Calyx: sepals sub-triangular, granulate outside, sliek glabrous inside; ligules present at the sinuses, 0.11 em long and 0.06 em at the widest, only a slight basal overlap. Ovaries: eolumnar, glabrous, 0.10 em long and pair base is 0.05 em wide. 30 Corolla: ventral surface, enlarged ca. 14x. It is reflexed to slightly revolute, and the surface is glabrous; center above and below slightly domed. Corolla: dorsal surface enlarged as above. The lobes are pubescent, while the lobe tip and central pentagonal area are glabrous. Sinus - sinus 0.21 cm Sinus - center 0.20 cm Sinus - apex 0.30 cm Apex - center 0.45 cm Widest at the sinuses. Corona: ventral view enlarged ca. 33x. The center area around the column is glabrous (slick). There are long bilobes tightly pressed together at the outer lobe ends. 31 Corona: dorsal side view enlarged as above. The inner lobes are thin and eurved over the apieal eenter. They are spatulate. Bilobed ends 0.06 em long Apex - bilobes 0.20 em Side view of the whole flower enlarged like the previous pieture. The whole strueture is unique, seldom seen in other Philippine hoy a speeies exeept Hoy a loheri Kloppenburg 1991, but eentral eolumn mueh shorter, eoronal lobes and bilobes longer, and bilobes not as round and not distinetly separated. Corona eenter is more dome- shaped. Flower dorsal view. All photos taken by George Mendoza exeept for the pollinaria. 32 Pollinaria parts enlarged 140x. I was unable to obtain an intact pollinaria even from 6 flowers. Pollinia length 0.30 mm widest 0.15 mm Retinaculum length 0.07 mm overall 0.12 mm shoulder 0.05 mm waist 0.04 mm hip 0.05 mm ext. 0.05 mm Translator length 0.14 mm base shelf 0.06 mm Caudicle bulb. 0.12x0.05 mm Pollinia inner end type: T (tapered) Retinacula (hands up) type: HU Translator/caudicle type: modified: T (truncate), here outer edge elongated upward culminating in a narrow apical area. Collection Number: GM-231. Collected by George Mendoza et al at Mt. Tanawan, Quezon Province, Luzon, Philippines at an altitude of 350 m asl. 33 Leaves: opposite, petiolate, glabrous, narrowly elliptic with cuneate base and blunt apex; dorsal surface convex; nervation not visible; rust markings present on leaf surfaces, especially on the ventral surface; leaf edges curl under. Leaf measurement: in centimeters. Length Width Petiole Length 6. 5.5 1.4 0.5 7. 4.5 1.4 0.5 8. 3.6 1.3 0.4 9. 2.8 1.3 0.4 10. 2.0 1.1 0.2 Range: 2.0-5.5 L1-L4 0.2-0.5 Stem: with very few adventitious roots. Peduncle: very long, glabrous, terete and green. 34 About 13 flowers per eluster. Hoya loheri has about 22 flowers per eluster. Contributors: Dale Kloppenburg, retired: Graduate of Plant Geneties, UC Berkeley; Lt., USNR; Plant Breeder and Researeh Agronomist; now taxonomist of Genus Hoya. George Mendoza, Landseape Artist, Nurseryman, and Plant Explorer from Quezon City, Philippines (Web site: www.forest-treasures.eom ). John Miehael M. Ageaoili. Graduate of B. S. Biology, Polyteehnie University of the Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines. Fernando B. Aurigue. Senior Seienee Researeh Speeialist, Plant Mutation Breeding Unit, Agrieulture Researeh Seetion, Atomie Researeh Division, Philippine Nuelear Researeh Institute, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 35 A reduced copy of the Holotype Sheet 254958 (PNH) r A I 'rM i.kl. : 1'-“^ =11-. John MichucI M. Atjc.ioih 36 Marsdinia mahaweeensis Kloppenburg sp. PNH 181 Permanent Herbarium Celebes. Mt. Mahawee, Tomhon 1200m, Roll 204 ISSN 2329-7336 Marsdinia mahaweeensis Kloppenburg, sp. nova, Typus #181 (PNH) hie designatus, similis Hoya linavergarae Kloppenburg & Siar eum eoronae lobis longa spumea eolumba sed eoronae lobis binatum non spathulatum; pollinarium unique, retinaeulum erassum fere quam longum pollinium; pollinium brevissimus 0.28 mm longum eontrastre 0.77 mm, differt. Folia dissimilis pro parte maxima a alius Marsdinia sp. Genius differt. This new speeies is similar to Hoya lenavergariae but different with the long lobes of the eorona forming a eolumn but this speeies has bifid inner lobes of the eorona not spatulate, and the pollinarium is unique with the retinaeulum nearly as long as the pollinium, pollinium very short 0.28 em long vs. 0.77 mm. The pollinia plaee it in the Genus Marsdinia; the leaves here are not like most Marsdinia sp. but more similar to those of the Genus Hoya. Lower side of leaf blade base enlarged about 8x. Blade is 4.5 em long and 1.6 em at the widest near the eenter, ovate elliptie with aeute apex. Midrib shows below, edges slightly revolute, hair eells near the base and along midrib, enervis. 37 Peduncle and rachis base broken off. Peduncle: here 0.55 cm long and 0.12 cm in diameter, short branched, subtended by scales and hirsute, bracteate fasciculate rachis. Apex of the leaf blade with tip broken off. Surface is glabrous, rather rough granulose. Calyx and ovaries enlarged about 16x. Sepals: 0.09 cm long, 0.07 cm widest near base, ligules present. Ovaries: columnar 0.10 cm tall and base pair 0.05 cm wide. 38 Side view of the eorona enlarged about 16x. The eolumn at the base is 0.08 em long, just above this are the lower lobes with obtuse apiees. This portion of the strueture is 0.10 em long and 0.15 em in diameter. At the top are eupped bilobes 0.20 em long, these outer bifid ends are thin and free at the ends. Outside view about 8x. This surfaee then thinner finer puberulent. Sinus - sinus Sinus - eenter Sinus - apex Apex - eenter of the eorolla enlarged is granulate to the lobes granules or possibly 0.20 em 0.20 em 0.30 em 0.40 em Another view of the eorolla outer surfaee. There is a eollar, diffieult to separate from the long eorona eollar. Collar opening is 0.20 em and has a 0.18 em length. 39 Flower enlarged about 16x with pedieel and ealyx below, eorolla eurved baek from the eenter. Coronal top showing in the eenter. View of the top (left) and underside of the leaf (right), enervis, a few hair eells on midrib and near the petiole, othewrwise glabrous. The petiole appears to be grooved above. The leaf edges turn under. 40 Pollinarium enlarged about 165x. A very unusual pollinarium for a Hoya, so determined to be in the genus Marsdinia, where the pollinium and not mueh longer then the bulbous retinaeulum. The pellueid edge is possibly along the eenter reverse side or possibly rudimentary along the inner apex. Pollinarium enlarged about 165x. Pollinium are attaehed by translators at the base of the ovate retinaeulum. Pellueid edge diffieult to diseern. 41 Pollinium length 0.28 mm widest 0.12 mm Retinaculum length 0.25 mm ext 0.01 mm Translators length 0.08 mm depth 0.02 mm Caudicle bulb diam. 0.04 mm 42 Hoya mata-ole-afiensis Kloppenburg ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya mata-ole-afiensis Kloppenburg, sp nova, holotypus W 2643 (HAW) hie designatus. Similis Hoya whistlerii Kloppenburg sed totus parte parviora. Pedieeli 1.8 x 0.04 em eontrastre 2.5 x 0.10 et sepala 0.11 x 0.13 eontrastre 0.19 x 0.18 em. Corolla eomplanatus 1.60 em eontrastre 2.40 em et eoronae lobus 0.18 em longus eontrastre 0.30 em, differt. At first I felt this might be Hoya whistleri but determined all parts are smaller, it also differs in several respeets to Hoya filiformis and Hoya betehei. Miero Photos from above holotype sheet W 2643 and data: Pedieel with ealyx and ovaries showing enlarged about 8x. Here 1.8 em long, seattered short hairs present, 0.04 em in diameter, glabrous, terete, lentieular. Calyx granulose outside, eiliate, broadly triangular apex rounded with the eenter thiekened. 0.11 em long and 0.13 em at the widest. Base is enlarged (eup shaped). Ovaries narrowly domed, 0.10 em tall and the base pair 0.10 em wide, glabrous on all surfaees. Corolla outside enlarged about 8x. This surfaee is finely granulose and glabrous. Darker eorona showing through the surfaee, pentagonal lines are due to the folding of the eorolla lobes in pressing. Central eollar protrudes a little is 0.08 x 0.10 em in diameter and 0.02 em tall. Outside of eorolla at the lobe area enlarged about 8x. Apex is aeute. Sinus - sinus 0.45 em Sinus - eenter 0.40 em Sinus - apex 0.52 em Apex - eenter 0.80 em Widest 0.51 em Flower flattened is 1.60 em in diameter. 43 Inside view of the flower enlarged about 8x. Corolla inside is puberulous. Inner apexes are spatulate and toueh in the eenter. Dorsal is eoneave, outer apex obtuse. Surfaees are glabrous. Inside view of the eorona enlarged about I6x. The anthers are fluted and erepe-like, shown in the eenter as yellow with the spatulate anther apex on the seale to the right, other seale ends removed. Apex - apex and eenter 0.18 em Anther wing - aw. 0.12 em Aw. - eenter O.IO em Retinaeulum - ret. 0.05 em Ret. - eenter 0.05 em Bottom view of the eorona enlarged about I6x, the lobes are ehanneled all the way to the eolumn that is extras large in the eenter not very tall. Side lobes that form the eentral part of the groove begin at the anther wings and eonverge before reaehing the outer lobe apex. 44 Pollinarium and second retinaculum enlarged about 165x. The inner edges of the pollinia are a little shriveled. The translators are long cupped on top, the caudicle is small: both enter the retinaculum at the waist area, the extensions are long. Pollinia length 0.37 mm widest 0.18 mm Retinaculum length 0.15 mm shoulders 0.12 mm waist 0.05 mm hip 0.08 mm extensions 0.05 mm Caudicle bulb diameter 0.04 mm Translator/caudicle type: Is/o Retinacula type: S Pollinia inner end type: T Caudicle: G Description of the above herbarium sheet: W 2643 3 June 1957. As shown Hoy a filiformis Reich, relabeled H. betchei Schltr. Ded. 1990. Vine with milky sap and flowers white with red in the center, growing over a shrub on the cinder cone near Mata-ole-afi, Savai'i, Samoa, elevation 1500 m. Two stems filiform with 26 leaves, 2 umbels one with 2 flowers. Envelope with 3 flowers one pedicel. Leaves elliptic short attenuate, apex rounded, base narrowly rounded somewhat cuneate, mostly 4 - 4.5 cm long x 1 - 1.2 cm widest near the middle, glabrous, veins obscure but pinnate anastomosing, midrib dark on the bottom. Petioles 0.5 - 0.8 cm long do not appear to be grooved above, from only slightly enlarged nodes darker then stems, glabrous. Internodes 1.8 - 5 cm long, glabrous, terete, fine ca. 0.01 cm in diameter. Peduncle 0.8 - 1 cm long, terete, filiform, rachis 2 x diameter, lighter color, finely bracteated, round here 0.4 cm long. Pedicels very fine, terete, glabrous 2 cm long. Corolla cut 1/2 way. Sepals very small, dark color, linear and outside glabrous. Note: Ok as H. filiformis except peduncle too long 2 vs. 0.08 cm and altitude too high and this is not a glabrous species. Not H. betchei as flowers are too small 1.6 vs. 2.4 cm, retinacula too large with only a 2:1 ratio to pollinia, peduncle too short 1 cm. vs. 5-6 cm and pedicels too short 2 vs. 3.5 cm. 45 Picture from slide taken by Dr. Art Whistler 46 Hoya lanoto'oensis Kloppenburg ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya lanoto’oensis Kloppenburg, sp. nova, holotypus W 1617 (HAW) hie designatus, disimilis ab ambo Hoya chlorantha Reehinger et Hoya attenuata Christopher (see differenees below). This new speeies is distinet in a number of ways, having glabrous pedieels, eiliate sepals, here the eorolla is eampanulate not flat as in H. ehlorantha, and eoronal lobes different among many other diserepaneies. I thank Dr. Art Whistler for sharing all his herbarium sheets of hoya material eolleeted over the years in Western and Ameriean Samoa. He has diligently eolleeted and studied all the flora of these islands as well as that of the Fiji and Tonga Islands and eontinues to do so. Photomicrographs of the flowers Pedieel, ealyx and outside portion of the eorolla enlarged about 8x. Pedieel here 1.5 em long, terete, glabrous. The ealyx is small, eiliate. Calyx and pedieel with ovaries exposed enlarged about 8x. Sepals are glabrous, rough outside shiny inside, are broad based ovate -triangular, eiliate with dark ligules; 0.13 em long x 0.10 em at the widest, overlapped at the base. Ovaries are narrowly dome shaped 0.13 em tall and the base pair 0.06 em wide. H Corolla outside view enlarged about 8x. This surfaee is granulose, glabrous, lobes are eut a little less than half way and are very broad just above the sinuses where they fold under to form eonduplieate edges. The eenter eollar is thiekened and protruding. 47 Flower inside enlarged about 8x. Inside surfaee of the eorolla is puberulent. Coronal lobes do not reaeh the eorolla sinuses. Sinus - sinus 0.20 em Sinus - eenter 0.38 em Sinus - apex 0.40 em Apex - eenter 0.60 em Flower flattened is 1 .20 em in diameter. Top view of the eorona enlarged about 8x. Outer eoronal lobe is obtuse, inner lobe is tapered spatulate and very thin, dorsal is eoneave with sharp edges, eorona was diffieult to separate from the eorolla. Inner lobe reaehes the eenter but does not eover the anthers. Apex - apex 0.20 em Apex - eenter 0.22 em Coronal bottom view enlarged a little over 8x. Glabrous on all surfaees, the lobes are ehanneled and the edges are diagonally suleate, lower side lobes reaeh the apex making it emarginate. Not very elear pietures of the side view and top view of a eoronal seale enlarged about 16x. Details deseribed above. The sealed are rather short and dumpy, anther wings are not prominent. Retinaeulum enlarged about 165x. This strueture is very narrow and somewhat deep. It was extremely diffieult to get it to lay so the top eould be photographed. 48 ( '. A much enlarged view of the retinaculum on its side This was photographed with a 400x lens so I do not have the exact measurements although the eyepiece reticle has the arrow at 0. 1 mm long Pollinarium enlarged about 165x. Here the retinacula refused to lay flat and is turned again on its side since the width at the tip is very narrow, more narrow than any I have worked with previously. Pollinium length 0.49 mm widest 0.18 mm Retinaculum length 0.17 mm shoulders 0.14 mm waist 0.05 mm hip 0.05 mm extensions 0.02 mm Translator length 0.08 mm depth 0.03 mm Caudicle bulb diameter 0.07 mm Translator/caudicle type: Is/o Pollinia inner ends: R Retinacula type: S 49 Description of the herbarium sheet follows: (1617) W 1617 Hoya filiformis Reich, 17 Feb, 1974 Upolu, Samoa. Vine with white flowers, climbing in trees in the forest on the east rim of Lake Lanoto'o, elevation 700 m. 3 fine stems 14 leaves in all 4 peduncles 1 with 1 pedicel; 1 with 7 flowers. Envelope with pedicel and 5 flowers. Leaves elliptic long attenuate 4 - 5.5 cm long, thin, glabrous, 1.5 - 2 cm at widest near the middle, obscure pinnate netted nervation, midrib slightly visible below. Petioles 0.5 -1 cm long, filifomi, glabrous, grooved above, do not observe a basal gland. Tnternodes 6 - 7 cm long, terete, glabrous, stems filiform, nodes slightly enlarged. Peduncles 1 - 1.6 cm long, filiform, glabrous, terete, rachis finely bracteate, round, longest here 0.5 cm x 0.2 cm in diameter. Pedicels filiform 1.5 - 1.7 cm long. Calyx small 1/2 way to the corolla sinuses. Corolla campanulate; outside glabrous. Note: not Hoya filiformis, flowers not fiat, flowers not glabrous inside, elevation too high, flowers too large 1.2 cm vs. less than 0.9 cm, peduncle too long 1.6 cm vs. 0.8 cm. Closer to H. attenuata, but leaves smaller, leaf margins not revolute. Peduncles and Pedicels not puberulous and pedicels a little shorter, coronal lobes longer 0.20 cm vs. 0.15 cm. W 1617 17 Feb. 1974 (B) Art Whistler. Vine with white flowers, climbing in trees on the east rim of lake Lanoto'o, elevation 700 m.. As Hoya attenuata Christopher. Leaves glabrous, broadly elliptic attenuate, 3.4 - 6,6 cm x 1.3 - 1.9 cm widest; pinnately veined but obscure. (2 long branches, stems very fine, 4 pairs of leaves + 1, and peduncle; 3 pairs of leaves + 2 singles, 2 pedicels, one with 1 flower). Internodes : 4.3 - 10.0 cm long, terete, glabrous, fine. Peduncles 0.9-2. 0 cm, rachis round even, 0.7 cm long. Pedicel 1.7 cm long, filiform, terete, glabrous. Corolla campanulate. Reduced copies of type sheets below: 50 or riiE U»tivicAsLitv or Hawhii^ HofiOLvui Floha or Samoa Hoy a flli-formla Bach. Aht Whjstuik Date: Feb. 1975 PLANTS OF SAMOA »pom Aaclopladaceao Moya Vino with white flowers, clirablnB in trees Id the forest on the oast rlM of Lake Lanoto' elevation 700 n. CoJI. Art Whistler No. w 1617 5 Dote 17 Fob,lS71( -.k, ' . J 51 Photo as slide taken by Dr. Art Whistler 53 Hoya fitoensis Kloppenburg ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya fitoensis Kloppenburg sp. nova, Holotypus # 10007 (HAW) hie designatus. The type sheet was labeled ad Hoya diptera Seemann. 10007 is definitely not Hoya diptera. Too many flowers/eluster 19 vs. 5-10; pedieels is longer 2.5 vs. 0. 8-2.0 em., ealyx larger than diptera 0.07-0.11 vs. 0.18 em. also the eoronal lobes here are eoneave on top not full and rounded; the inner lobe is spatulate not dentate, (eoronal seales altogether different), I eonsider Hoya diptera to be a moderately low elevation speeies and 10007 was found at 1060m elevation. This new speeie is named for the Mt. where it was eolleeted. Photomicrographs of flower from above herbarium sheet 10007: Side view of the pedieel, ealyx and ovaries enlarged about 16x. Pedieels are 2.5 em. long, 0.04 em in diameter, terete, glabrous, longitudinal shriveled. Sepals are thiekened eentrally, outside granulose, apex aeute, no ligules. Dark eolored (red). The apexes do not eome near the eorolla sinuses. 0. 18 em long and 0.08 em at the widest 0.25 em from apex to eenter. Ovaries narrowly domed 0.10 em tall and base pair 0.07 em wide, glabrous. Top view of the ealyx enlarged about 16x, eenter thiekened, otherwise membranous. Outside view of the eorolla enlarged about 8x. Outer surfaee is glabrous, smooth near eenter granulose outward. Cut less than half way, apex aeute. Central eollar with 0.10 em x 0.09 em opening, 0.04 em. tall, slightly raised. Sinus - sinus 0.40 em Sinus - eenter 0.40 em Sinus - apex 0.45 em Apex - eenter 0.72 em 54 Widest 0.42 cm Flower flattened is ca. 1.44 cm in diameter. Inside view of the flower enlarged about 8x. Corolla inside is puberulent, less in the central region under the corona increasing in density outward. Coronal outer apexes reach the corolla sinuses. Coronal inner lobe is long and spatulate widest just out from the inner lobe and tapering from there to narrowly rounded outer apex. Dorsal concave. Anther wings prominent. Bottom view of 3 coronal scaled enlarged about 8x. scales are channeled down center, glabrous, lower side lobes extend to the apex making it emarginate, column thickened 0.07 cm. tall. Apex - apex 0.37 cm Apex - center 0.39 cm Widest 0.15 cm Anther wing - aw. 0.15 cm Aw. - center 0.13 cm Retinaculum - ret. 0.05 cm Side view of a coronal scale enlarged about 16x. Anther wings are thickened and deeply scythe shaped. Dorsal is horizontal, lower side lobe extend to the outer apex. Scale is relatively thick, glabrous, waxy. 55 Pollinarium enlarged about 165x. Pollinia length 0.52 mm depth 0.10 mm Retinaculum length 0.15 mm shoulder 0.10 mm waist 0.05 mm hips 0.10 mm extensions 0.03 mm Translator length 0.1 1 mm depth ea. 0.02 -0.-05 mm Caudicle bulb diameter 0.05 mm Retinaeulum below not as enlarged. Translator/caudicle type: Is/o Retinacula type: HU Pollinia inner end type: S Caudicle bulb: G Deseription by Dr. Art Whistler: #10007 Hoy a diptera Seemann. 14 May 1996. Vine with milky sap and white or pink flowers, oeeasionally in the forest on the west rim of Mt. Fito at 1060 m elevation. 2 stems 1 with 3 single leaves; 1 with 1 pair. Envelope with 19 flowers & some pedieels. Leaves glabrous, elliptie, long attenuate apex, base rounded. 5 - 6 em long x 2.1 - 2.3 em at the widest. Nerves pinnate at 45° to the midrib, branehing before reaehing the margins. Petiole 1.3 em long and 0.01 em in diameter, grooved above, glabrous. Internodes mostly 9-10 em long; nodes a little enlarged, stem0.03 + em in diameter. Pedunele not present. Pedieels glabrous, filiform, dark eolored, terete, 2.5 em long and 0.05 em in diameter. 56 A reduced copy of the type sheet THE FLORA OF SAMOA upom Hoya dtptora Sown. Virw wJtii milky wp cur rioueni. cwcas tonal in the* CoUmor: priMb«r: 1 Art Wluatler 10007 57 Hoya savaiiensis subsp. falealupoensis Kloppenburg ISSN 2329-7336 Hoya savaiiensis subsp. falealupoensis Kloppenburg subsp. nova Typus 8232 (HAW) hie designatus. Frutex seandens. Folia elliptie-ovate brevis apieulata, apieae aeuto, basi rotundato, glabra, nervis pinnatim; laminis 10.3 - 13.7 em x 4 - 4.8 em longis et latis. Petiolo longum ea. 1. 1-1.2 em, glabro. Infloreseentiis umbelliformibus, pedieillii glabri, graeilis, 2.8 em longi. Sepala triangular! 0.28 em longo. Corolla diametro eomplanatus 2.4 em, extus glabro, intus pubeseens. Not Hoya vitiensis sinee petioles 1. 1-1.2 not 0.5- 1.5 em, sepals longer 0.28 em eontrastre 0.175 em; eorolla larger in diameter 2.4 em eontrastre. 2.0 em and pubeseent inside not pustulate and pollinia mueh larger here 0.65 mm eontrastre 0.10 mm. Photomicrographs and data from a flower from this herbarium sheet: Outside view of the flower enlarged about 8x. The pedieel is dark eolored, eurved, 2.8 em. long, glabrous and 0.06 em in diameter. The ealyx is also dark eolored, linear, eiliate, apex narrowly rounded. 1 ligule present. Apex - eenter 0.28 em Aped - base 0.20 em Widest 0.15 em Calyx outside view after removal enlarged about 8x. from the eorolla Inside view of the ealyx and ovaries enlarged about 8x. The ovaries are also dark eolors, short domed 0.10 em tall and the base pair are 0.14 em wide, glabrous. 58 Corolla outside center with the calyx removed enlarged about 8x. This surface is finely granulose and glabrous. Center collar is nearly round, with thickened edges, opening 0.10 cm in diameter Outside view of the corolla at the lobe enlarged about 8x. Apex is acute. Sinus - sinus 0.67 cm Sinus - center 0.67 cm Sinus - apex 0.70 cm Apex - center 1.20 cm Widest 0.73 cm Flower flattened is 2.40 cm in diameter. Inside view of the flower enlarged about 8x. Coronal lobes are raised in the center, inner lobe is spatulate, dorsal concave with a small umbo near the inner lobe base, outer apex rounded. Inside view of the flower at the lobe enlarged about 8x. Inside surface is pubescent. 59 Top view of the eorona enlarged about 8x. Inner lobes toueh in the eenter. Apex -apex Widest Anther wing - aw. Aw. - eenter 0.43 em 0.15 em 0.15 em 0.15 em Side view of a eoronal seale enlarged about 16x. Dorsal is eoneave almost horizontal, inner lobe raised, outer rounded. Anther wing seythe shaped. Bottom view of the eorona enlarged about 8x. Lobes are ehanneled down the eenter almost to the eentral eolumn. Lower side shelf reaehes the apex. Top of eorona with the stylar erown exposed enlarged about 8x. Nothing unusual here a simple domed eenter. 60 Pollinarium enlarged about 165 X. Pollinium length 0.65 mm widest 0.25 mm Retinaculum length 0.24 mm shoulders 0.18 mm waist 0.10 mm hip 0.15 mm extensions 0.05 mm Translator length 0.15 mm depth 0.02+ mm Translator/caudicle type: Is/o Pollinia inner end type: S (truneate) Retinacula type: S (shield) but nearly Hands up HU) 61 Pollinium enlarged about 165x. Here the pollinium is not eompressed as above and just slightly longer. 0.68 mm long and 0.26 mm at the widest. Many of the herbarium speeimens from Samoa have pollinium whieh have germinated in plaee. Here the pollen tubes are emerging and tangled on the left side along the pellueid border. The eaudiele bulb is very faint but like a thiekened Y the apex supporting the pollinia end. Retinaeulum again enlarged about 165x, to better show the translator arm (right side), and the small elear eaudiele at its apex. Some pollen tubes in the baekground at upper left. 62 Description of herbarium sheet below 8232: Hoya vitensis Turill ? 6 Sept 1991 Savai'i, Samoa. Vine with pale maroon flowers, milky sap, oceasional in the lowland forest at Falealupo. Stem with long wide elliptic-ovate leaves of thin texture, drying slate green. 3 leaves 1 flower cluster. Envelope of 8 flowers and 2 pedicels. Leaves broad elliptic-ovate attenuate, glabrous, 10.3- 13.7 cm long, 4 - 4.8 cm widest near the middle, apex acute, base rounded to narrowly cordate, obscure pinnate nervation. Petiole long, glabrous, narrow 1.1 - 1.2 cm long, lightly grooved above. Internodes 10 - 12.5 cm long, terete, glabrous, 0.2 cm in diameter, nodes enlarged, lighter color than the petioles. Peduncle larger than the petioles 5.3 cm long, terete, glabrous, 2"^ flowering from bracteoids. Pedicels dark 2.8 cm long, filiform, terete, glabrous. Calyx relatively large but sepal apexes far from reaching the corolla sinuses. Corolla campanulate, cut less than half way, outside glabrous, inside puberulous except in the central sunken area which contains the corona. Corona glabrous, lobes elliptic, outer apex obtuse, inner lobes long, dorsal with a small umbo near the inner lobe base. 63 Reduced copy of the type sheet ;^sclepiAia<»ac TuiT*? with p*lo BBUoon flowers, sdUcy sap, ■ in the lowland forest at CoU Art Wiistlar No. 9232 Date fi sept- I PLANTS OF POLYNESIA SAVAlil 64