DOE/ER-0446P uman enome y QH 447 .H85 \u I ■ 1989-90 Program Report It'^^^^^^^Bm United States Department of Energy Office of Energy Researcli Office of Health and Environmental Research JVIarch 1990 Please address queries on this publication to: Dr. Benjamin J. Barnhart Manager, Human Genome Program Office of Health and Environmental Research U.S. Department of Energy ER-72 GTN Washington, DC 20585 (301 ) .353-5037, FTS 233-.5037 FAX: (30 1 ) 353-505 1 , FTS 233-505 1 Human Genome Management Information Sy.stem Oak Ridge National Laboratory P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge. TN 3783 1 -6050 (615) 576-6669. FTS 626-6669 FAX: (615)574-9888. FTS 624-9888 m. .-4- This report has been reproduced directly from the best available copy. Available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161. Price: Printed Copy AGS Microfiche AOl Codes are used for pricing all publications. The code is determined by the number of pages in the publication. Information pertaining to the pricing codes can be found in the current issues of the following publications, which are generally avail- ble in most libraries: Energy Research Abstracts, (ERA); Government Reports Announcements and Index (GRA and I); Scientific and Technical Abstract Reports (STAR); and publication, NTIS-PR-360 available from (NTIS) at the above address. o (3~ DOE/ER-0446P Human Genome 1989-90 Program Report O: m- 11 i CO i i-n i nj I D I ° i □ ; m ! □ Date Published: March 1990 J D > U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Research Office of Health and Environmental Research Washington, D.C. 20585 Major Events in the Development of the DOE Human Genome Program Santa Fe Meeting Human Genome Initiative announced Pilot projects pursued at national laboratories: • Computer modeling and optimization of library ordering strategies; • Database management support; • Advanced instrumentation and vectors for ordering and sequencing; • Isolation of centromere, telomere, and chromosome-specific clones; and • Production of large DNA insert libraries of chromosomes HERAC Report on the DOE Human Genome Initiative Interagency workshops on resources and informatics initiated Designation of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory as Centers Initiative management and program plans finalized Special peer review panels for research proposals 1988 primary R&D awards Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) awards DOE/NIH Memorandum of Understanding Human Genome Coordinating Committee formed Human Genome Management Information System initiated 1989 primary R&D awards SIBR awards DOE/NIH Five-Year Plan Workshop Program plan update for 1990 1990 program announcements DOE/NIH working groups for informatics, mapping, and ethical issues Contractor-Grantee Workshop Large Insert Cloning Workshop Human X Chromosome Workshop DOE/NIH Five-Year Plan for the Human Genome Project 1990 primary R&D awards 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Preface This nation's Human Genome Project is the first broadly based organized endeavor in the biological sciences. Conceived in 1986. the program was initiated in 1987 as the Human Genome Program of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER). Since that time, it has grown significantly; in 1988 the National Institutes of Health also niitiated a human genome program. An ambitious undertaking spanning the disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, and information science, the national project has a well- defined, long-range endpoint: to decipher the genetic code in the DNA of the entire human genome. Having gathered support in Congress, the Executive Office, and the scientific and commercial sectors, the project of mapping and sequencing the genome has the momentum to make major advances in the knowledge and technologies that are needed to understand the complexities of human cellular processes in a manner never before possible. These advances will impact biological principles as well as the practice of medicine, the growing biotechnology industry, and society. The project is unusual in that few existing strategies and technologies can be used to achieve its goals. Indeed, the driving force within this endeavor is the development and implementation of innovative, cost-effective methods and technologies for mapping, sequencing, and interpreting the genome. As developments take place, advances in data analysis and database management will make map and sequence information accessible. This document is a status report on DOE OHER's Human Genome Program and includes a brief background to this agency's initiative, as well as an explanation of the program's projected focus over the next 15 years. Of special interest are the section on research highlights, the narratives on major genome research efforts conducted at three of DOE's national laboratories, and the abstracts of work in progress. Figures and captions provided by investigators give additional detailed information. Achievements were reported at the first DOE OHER workshop for grantees and contractors of the Human Genome Program on November 4 and 5. 1989, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The presentations demonstrated that progress is being made in physical mapping, DNA sequencing, and infonnatics. DOE plans to convene these workshops on a continuing basis every 18 to 24 months. In the interim, this report and future revisions, together with the bimonthly newsletter and special technical overviews will provide both the interested scientist and layperson with information on developments in this rapidly moving, multidisciplinary project. Benjamin J. Bamhart, Manager Human Genome Program Office of Health and Environmental Research Office of Energy Research U.S. Department of Energy 111 Acknowledgements The Office of Health and Environmental Research gratefully acknowledges the contributions made by genome research grantees and contractors in submitting abstracts, photographs, captions, and narratives, Charles Cantor and Sylvia Spengler of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory provided the material adapted for the "Primer on Molecular Genetics"' in Appendix A. "The Alta Summit, December 1984." by Robert Mullan Cook-Deegan was reprinted with the pennission of Gt'iiiniiics. which is published by Academic Press. Inc, The glossary in Appendix C was adapted from the glossary in the April 19S8 U,S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment publication: Mappini; Our Genes — The Genome Projects: How Bii;'.' How fast? Finally, the Human Genome Management Infonnation System at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems. Inc.. for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05-84OR21400) is recognized for collecting and organizing the information, preparing the manuscript, and implementing the design and production of this publication. IV Contents Introduction to the DOE Human Genome Program 1 Development of the Human Genome Initiative 2 The HERAC Recommendation 3 OHER Mission 8 Management of the Human (Jenome Program 14 Program Management Structure 14 Program Management Task Group 14 Human Genome Coordinating Committee 15 Interagency Coordination 17 Joint DOE/NIH Activities 18 International Human Genome Organisation 19 Resource Allocation 20 Continuing Implementation ". 21 Short-Term Focus (1-5 Years) 21 Mid-Term Focus (5-10 Years) 21 Long-Temi Focus ( 10-15 Years) 21 Research Highlights 24 Research Facility Narratives 32 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 32 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 36 Los Alamos National Laboratory 42 Human Genome 1989-90 Program Report Contents Abstracts of DOE-Funded Research 49 Project Categories and Principal Investigators 30 Resource Development 52 Physical Mapping 62 Mapping Instrumentation 77 Sequencing Technologies 85 Infomiatics 96 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) — Phase I (1989 Awards) 105 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) — Phase II (1988. 1989 Awards) Ill Index to Project Investigators 1 15 Appendices 1 19 A. Primer on Molecular Genetics 121 B. "The Alta Summit. December 1984" (reprinted from Genomics) 139 C. Glossary 145 Acronym List (Inside back cover) Introduction to the DOE Human Genome Program The structural characterization of genes and the elucidation of their encoded functions have become a cornerstone of modem health research, biology, and biotechnology. A genome program is an organized effort to characterize all the genetic material — DNA — of an organism. The human genome encodes 50.000 to 100.000 genes on its 24 distinct chromosomes, but only some 2000 genes are now available for study in the forni of identified cloned DNAs. To accelerate effective access to all human genes and eventually togenerate reference DNA sequences of the chromosomes, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) began a Human Genome Initiative in 1986. Intensive studies of the needs and promise of genomics research then ensued. The value of a broad, supportive infrastructure for genomics has now been recognized in the United States and abroad. Genome projects on several important organisms are now planned or are progressing. Two federal agencies are now supporting an expanded national human genome project, and the coordination of human genome research has become international in scope. Sequencing Technologies Resonance ionization mass spectrometer. Investigators are shown with the resonance ionization mass spectrometer that is used to measure stable isotopes of a variety of elements that are attached to DNA. Since 50 or more stable isotopes are available for such DNA labeling, a multiplex procedure is available in which either the single radioisotope or the four fluorescent labels are replaced. When performing sequence analysis by using four stable isotopes simultaneously on the four dideoxynucleotide-terminated DNA fragments, the gel lanes needed for electrophoresis can be reduced from the usual four lanes to one lane. Many such elements can be used simultaneously in the same electrophoresis lane since the resonance ionization mass spectrometer will sort out the elements and all their isotopes. Even greater multiplexing would occur when Church probes are used to locate DNA fragments, since all hybridization could be performed simultaneously. Studies are under way to label DNA with a variety of elements that have multiple stable isotopes and to detect the DNA so labeled. These studies are being carried out at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in collaboration with Atom Sciences. Inc., where this mass spectrometer has been developed to its present state. (Photograph provided by Bruce Jacobson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Heinrich Arlinghaus, Atom Sciences, Inc.) Introduction The Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER) manages the Human Genome Program within DOE. as a focused program of resource and technology development. The general objective is to advance, as economically and efficiently as possible, the U.S. effort in human genome research. Other OHER responsibilities, such as assessing the effects of energy by-products on our population and environment, will benefit from applications of the new biological and computational resources and the innovative technologies developed within the genome program. Moreover, the resources and technologies being developed are of broad and continuing value: many facets of biomedical research, modem agriculture, and the growing biotechnology industries will be advanced. Knowledge of principles guiding the three-dimensional structure-function relationships of cellular macromolecules is essential for the interpretation and application of the linear DNA sequence that is being elucidated in the Human Genome Program. Special facilities in DOE laboratories are being used (see table on p. 3) to determine the three- dimensional structure of macromolecules. DOE is planning for the greatly increased demand that will be placed on these facilities as a result of the Human Genome Program. Development of the Human Genome Initiative In 1984 DOE and the International Commission for Protection Against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens cosponsored a workshop in Alta, Utah. A specific charge to the participants was to evaluate the present state of and project future directions for mutation detection and characterization. The growing roles of novel DNA technologies in diagnostics were highlighted. There, in the excitement of the meeting, some core techniques of current genomic analysis were conceived (see "The Alta Summit. December 1984," in Appendix B). These new approaches increasingly included gene cloning and sequencing. Although the isolation of genes from libraries of clones had been an integral component of biomedical research for many years, the one-gene-at-a- time procedures being employed were wasteful of scientists" time and research resources. The small genomes of several viruses were the targets of the first genome projects in the 1960s. These projects initiated the development of some of the current important techniques in molecular genetics. (A molecular genetics primer is included as Appendix A of this report. ) With the advent of molecular cloning techniques in the 1 970s. a library of manageable cloned DNAs could be produced for any species. Genome studies on many viruses, the bacterium Escherichia coli, two yeast species, and a nematode (a minute worm) were subsequently implemented. With the skills already demonstrated, a human genome program could then be considered. However, it would be a task far more vast than any previously implemented in biological research. In 1985 DOE began to consider whether its expertise with high-technology projects could facilitate and sustain a human genome program. To as.sess the desirability and feasibility of ordering and sequencing clones representing the entire human genome. DOE sponsored in March 1986 an international meeting in Santa Fe. New Mexico. With virtual unanimit\ the participating experts concluded that this objective was meritorious and obtainable and that it would be an outstanding achievement in modern biology. The HERAC Recommendation Further guidance was sought from DOE"s Health and Environmental Research Advisory Committee (HERAC). which provided its report on the Human Genome Initiative in April 1987. This report urged DOE and the nation to commit to a large, multi- disciplinary, technological undertaking to order and sequence the human genome. This effort would first require significant innovation in the general capability to manipulate DNA. Also required would be major new analytical methods for ordering and sequencing DNA segments, theoretical developments in computer science and mathematical biology, and great expansion in the ability to store and manipulate the information and interface it with other large and diverse genetic databases. The report further recommended that DOE have a leadership role because of its demonstrated expertise in managing complex, long-term multidisciplinary projects, involving both the development of new technologies and coordination of efforts among industries, universities, and its own laboratories. The role of the Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER) in its mission to understand the health effects of radiation and other by- products of energy production was noted in the report. This mission requires fundamental knowledge of the effects of damage to the genome, and it has already led to a number of research and technological developments that are integral components of the human genome mapping and sequencing project: DOE computer and data management expertise initiated and supports the GenBank" DNA sequence repository (cosponsored by the National Institutes of Health); the chromosome-sorting facilities essential to the Genome Initiative were developed and are maintained at DOE laboratories: and within the National Laboratory Gene Library Project, libraries of Major DOE Facilities and Resources Relevant to Molecular Biology Research Center for X-Ray Optics GenBank" Data Sequence Repository High Flux Beam Reactor Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center Molecular Sciences Research Center National Flow Cytometry Resource National Laboratory Gene Library Project Protein Structure Data Bank National Synchrotron Light Source Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope Resource BNL Scanning Tunneling Microscopy LLNL, ORNL Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory Stanford LBL LANL BNL LANL PNL LANL LANL, LLNL BNL BNL Developing Facilities: Advanced Photon Source Advanced Light Source ANL LBL Introduction cloned sequences from single human chromosomes are produced for the research community. Thus, the Human Genome Initiative was a natural outgrowth of ongoing DOE-supported research. OHER responded to the Santa Fe meeting and HERAC reports by implementing three major objectives that are being pursued concurrently: 1. The generation of refined physical maps of the chromosomes, including the ordering of representative libraries of DNA clones. 2. The development of requisite supportive strategies, chromosomal resources, and instrumentation, which includes development and testing of advanced sequencing technologies. 3. The expansion of communication networks and computational and database capacities and the development of advanced algorithms for managing and interpreting the clone ordering and sequence data. A small number of genes or other selected regions of interest will be sequenced during the generation of physical maps; however, the transition from mapping to an intensive genome-sequencing effort awaits development of more accurate, rapid, and economical technologies that are needed to commence large-scale sequencing. Once suitable new technologies are implemented, contiguous segments of DNA will be decoded into a reference .sequence of the human genome. These segments will be derived from ordered clones and DNA fragments that are identified or mapped to particular locations on chromosomes by sequence-tagged sites (STSs) or other methodologies. Emerging methodologies will be tested and validated in pilot sequencing projects prior to incorporating any single protocol as the primary method. As implementation of the OHER program began with a small number of pilot projects, other government agencies, scientific societies, and commercial organizations initiated their own studies of associated policy and strategy issues and presented their recommendations. The most prominent reports are those of the National Research Council (NRC) and the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA). While broadly in accordance with the earlier HERAC recommendations, the NRC and OTA reports further recommended that several nonhuman species also be included in the national effort and that the physical mapping of chromosomes be complemented by genetic mapping. The OHER human genome program remains focused on physical map construction and development of advanced sequencing methodologies and technologies. Because many of the resources and technologies being developed have broad applicability, they contribute substantially to OHER programmatic objectives in the fields of radiation biology, chemical toxicology, molecular epidemiology, and the ecological and environmental biosciences and aid the developing genome programs of other agencies as well. Mapping Instrumentation DNA-Protein-Binding Assay — Use of gel retardation for recognition of promoter sequences that are necessary for the polymerase enzyme to synthesize DNA for sequencing studies. Increasing quantities of T7 RNA polymerase were incubated withi pET-1 DNA (contains a strong T7 promoter) and pAT153 DNA (no promoter) for 10 min at room temperature; samples were then electrophioresed in a 1% agarose gel for 2 hr at 2.5 V/cm. As the ratio of polymerase molecules to DNA increased, the quantity of pET-1 DNA band decreased, and a new band with lower mobility appeared. Without requiring quantitative loading of the gel. the ratio of fluorescence in the pET-1 band to that in the control pAT153 band permits quantitation of the fraction of the pET-1 molecules bound to polymerase. This is a useful technique for finding specific promoter sequences; once found, these promoter sequences can be attached to DNA fragments of choice (e.g.. fragments the researcher is interested in sequencing). (Photograph provided by Betsy Sutherland, Brookhaven National Laboratory.) Informatics Data access through interactive workstations. One of the great challenges of the human genome project is how to integrate and provide access to the growing mass of genomic data. One solution is development of sophisticated worl^stations that would provide a uniform user interface with all map and sequence databases. With the prototype developed at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory's Human Genome Center, the user examines data at increasing resolution by "enlarging " selected regions of successive displays. The three illustrations shown here display (a) the full complement of chromosomes, (b) a single chromosome with locations of human disease genes, and (c) the nucleotide sequence for a selected region within that chromosome. Within this region, the order of the nucleotide bases is displayed by the following colors: A (chartreuse), C (orange), G (light blue), and T (pink). The icons at the bottom or side of figures a-c indicate access to other levels of information about each chromosome including staining, gene mapping, morbidity (disease), and sequence. In figures a and b, the dark blue bands indicate the characteristic Giemsa staining patterns; the chromosome centromeres are pink; and the yellow areas on the chromosomes represent the heterochromatic regions (C-banding pattern). Less characterized areas are light blue. (Photographs a-c provided by the Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.) Informatics GnomeView Workstation. The mosaic shown in the bottom photograph illustrates the versatility of the X-window system that is part of the GnomeView Interface currently in use at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Shown on the same screen are simultaneous views of chromo- somes at various magnifications (upper screen), restriction maps (windows on lower left), two magnification levels of a sequence from GenBank' (windows on lower right), and a GenBank" file information header (text window, lower screen). The X-window system, coupled with the network model database system of the GnomeView Interface, allows easy access and simultaneous viewing of information from all levels of the human genome hierarchy. (Photograph provided by Richard Douthart, Pacific Northwest Laboratory.) j^b)Morbid anatomy: Chromosome 1^ I — Colorectal cancer ^ ' — _|| — Miller-Dieker lissencephaly syndroi I p von Recklinghausen neurofibromat I [Galaciokinase deficiency Growth hormone deficiency niig type lA; Kowarski type I i I Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type Vn Al Osteogenesis imperfecta (2 or more forms) ; Marfan syndrome, atypical BlluTJwaiifflRra^^BnfflfflBn Glanzmann thrombasthenia Pompe disease Adult a^id^maHaoo Aafinian ^yelop Acanth Apolipc Pieman ■ ' ', ( |irx>iii>»oitir .; ■ ' a 1 el* 1 1 •a: ■ 1 4 ■4. ■.. 1.4 ■ It,™ B •, X n..' B ^^— ir: . ^9 ^^^^^1 ■ ■1 ■ I Itrvtitioaonie II OHER Mission The Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER) has research and development responsibilities that are mandated by 1946 and 1954 legislative acts (see "Enabling Legislation" on p. 10). some of which have been carried forward from DOE's predecessor agencies, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA). The first national support for genetics research was provided by AEC: further responsibilities were authorized in 1974 and 1977. Although the initial focus was on radiation effects, the objectives were later broadened to include the health consequences of all energy technologies and their by-products. Long-range goals are to address applications of the resources and technologies developed in the genome program to the Department's interests in genetic damage from exposures to ionizing radiation and chemicals. An extensive program of OHER-sponsored research on genome structure, maintenance, damage, and repair continues at the national laboratories and universities. A major concern today is human exposure to background environmental factors and how the body responds to such factors. In the environment there are unavoidable genome-damaging agents from which we are at risk. Among them are natural radiation sources, which include components of sunlight, cosmic rays from space, and the radon released from the Earth. There are both inorganic and organic chemicals that can cause DNA damage. Some of these chemicals are natural to the environment, while others are generated by human commerce and energy-related processes. -'cts,, CH6S9J PC »AC- 016S3 016580 01658) 016SB2 I 6S51 iS97 016SI9 DI6&q] 016S98 0i6Sa D. 016S79 016596 S.30 CtSM Ol6S7i 016SI01 D>65« DI6S9I 0I6SIU Physical Mapping Diagram of human chromosome 16 showing the G-banding (Giemsa-stalning) pattern. On the left of the figure are the points at which chromosome breaks have been defined. A correlation has been found between the occurrence of these breaks and other chromosome anomalies, such as translocations, deletions, or fragile sites (the latter designated by prefix FRA). Mouse/human somatic hybrids (designated by prefix CY) have been constructed by transferring a portion of chromosome 1 6 to a mouse cell line. On the right of the figure are names of cloned DNA fragments (probes) from human chromosome 16. The fragments have been mapped to the defined regions of this chromosome by Southern blot analysis of DNA from the somatic cell hybrids and by in situ hybridization. The DNA probes are either anonymous cloned fragments of DNA or cloned genes. (Figure provided by Grant Sutherland, North Adelaid Children's Hospital, Australia.) Normal biological activities also contribute to the risk of genetic damage. A body's own cells produce some potentially damaging molecules in the course of normal metabolic processes; some of these molecules are produced in considerable abundance during defensive actions against microbes and during detoxification of harmful environmental substances. The genome replication system itself sometimes errs during cell prolifer- ation. Even DNA is not completely stable chemically: its nomial methyl-cytosine constituent has a low but measurable rate of spontaneous mutagenic change. Life has thus evolved under a continuous low-level infliction of genomic damage and mutation. Under this pressure, systems that reverse or ameliorate many types of DNA damage have evolved, so that a wide range of repair mechanisms exists within cells of all species. Several of the human genes contributing to DNA repair processes are being characterized now, and others await detection and molecular cloning. Repair gene deficiencies are manifested as cellular sensitivity to low-level DNA damage and in diseases such as cancer. Humans exhibit genetic diversity in capacity for DNA repair in response to ubiquitous DNA-damaging agents. In recognition of this diversity, a major goal of the current OHER health effects and general life sciences program areas has been formulated: the development of capacities to diagnose individual susceptibility to genome damage imposed by energy-related factors. Some major components of this OHER research are: • molecular cloning and characterization of DNA repair genes; • improvement of methodologies and development of new resources for use in quantitating and characterizing mutations (molecular epidemiology); and. most recently, • focused resource and technology development needed to map and sequence the human aenome — the Human Genome Program. OHER Mission Enabling Legislation The Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (P.L. 79-585) provided the initial charter for a comprehensive program of research and development related to the utilization of fissionable and radioactive materials for medical, biological, and health purposes. The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (P.L. 83-703) further authorized the AEC "to conduct research on the biologic effects of ionizing radiation." The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-438) provided that responsibilities of the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) shall include "engaging in and supporting environmental, biomedical, physical and safety research related to the development of energy resources and utilization technologies." The Federal Non-nuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-577) authorized ERDA to conduct a comprehensive non-nuclear energy research, development, and demonstration program to include the environmental and social consequences of the various technologies. The DOE Organization Act of 1977 (P.L. 95-91) mandated the Department "to assure incorporation of national environmental protection goals in the formulation and implementation of energy programs; and to advance the goal of restoring, protecting, and enhancing environmental quality, and assuring public health and safety," and to conduct "a comprehensive program of research and development on the environmental effects of energy technology and program." 10 Physical Mapping Researchers comparing photographs of gels in which restriction fragments have been separated. The technology being developed includes a reliable method for producing a partial digest of DNA in agarose. (Photograph provided by Michael McClelland, California Institute of Biological Research.) 11 Sequencing Technologies Application of flow cytometry to DNA sequencing. The small yellow spot In the center of this multiple-exposure photograph shows the fluorescence from approximately 1 000 molecules of the laser dye — rhodamine 6G. The apparatus shown is a modified flow cytometer with the green argon laser beam traversing from left to right: the flow cuvette is vertical in the center. The fluorescence collection lens can be seen in the background. An apparatus similar to the one shown in the photograph is being developed to sequence DNA by detection of single, fluorescent molecules. (Photograph provided by James Jett, Los Alamos National Laboratory.) 12 11 I Management of the Human Genome Program Program Management Structure The highly multidisciplinary, focused, and long-temi character of the Human Genome Program is novel to biological research. An infrastructure connecting biomedical research, technology development, computer .sciences, data and physical repositories, and supporting agencies has thus become essential. The Health and Environmental Research Advisory Committee (HERAC) provides policy, strategy, and scientific guidance to the program. Program Management Task Group Within DOE, the management structure recommended by HERAC is that the Human Genome Program Manager and Management Task Group work within the Office of Health and Environmental Research to coordinate: • Independent scientific boards that prospective and retrospective eval DOE Human Genome Program Management and Coordination HERAC Review panels Office of Energy Research Other funding agencies Office of Health and Environmental Research Human Genome Program f\/lanagement Task Group Information system Coordinating Committee Task groups Projects at universities, national laboratories, and industrial institutions provide peer review of research proposals; both nations are utilized. • Administration of awards, collaboration with all concerned agencies and organizations, organization of periodic workshops, and responses to the needs of the developing program. • The support services provided by the Human Genome Management Information System (HGMIS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. As a DOE management tool to facilitate communications among manage- ment and research personnel and to update the public on genome research. HGMIS publishes newsletters and technical and other program reports and maintains an electronic bulletin board that carries current infomiation and announce- ments. The on-line bulletin board and publications are available to all persons interested in the genome project. 14 Human Genome Coordinating Committee Another component of the DOE management structure is the Human Genome Coordinating Committee (HGCC), which was chartered by HERAC. The committee, originally named the Human Genome Steering Committee, was formed in October 1988. The HGCC membership comprises and represents DOE genome program research participants. Members of the Human Genome Program Management Task Group (ex-officio members of the HGCC) and observers from other government and private agencies participate in the regularly scheduled meetings of the HGCC. whose responsibilities include: • assisting OHER with the overall coordination of DOE-funded genome research, • facilitating the development and dissemination of novel genome technologies. • ensuring proper management of data and samples. • interacting with other national and international efforts. ' communicating the program to the press and public, and ' establishing task groups to analyze specific issues such as ethics, informatics, resource sharing, cost of resource distribution, and use of chromosome-tlow-sorting facilities. Human Genome Coordinating Committee Chairman: Charles R. Cantor, Director, Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Anthony V. Carrano, Director, Human Genome Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory C. Thomas Caskey, Director, Institute for Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine Leroy E. Hood, Director, Center for Integrated Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Biological Computation, and Director, Cancer Center, California Institute of Technology Robert K. Moyzis, Director, Center for Human Genome Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory HGCC Executive Officer: Sylvia J. Spengler, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 15 Management of the Human Genome Program Physical Mapping Human DNA fragments obtained from rodent somatic cell hybrid background separated on agarose gels. A primer designed to recognize human Alu sequences is used for rapid amplification of regions of fiuman DNA in rodent/fnuman somatic cell hiybrids^ Rodent/human hybrid cells are constructed and used in human genome studies because they contain manageable amounts of human DNA in which genome regions of interest can be manip- ulated and characterized. The TC-65 oligonucleotide primer was designed to recognize the human, but not the rodent, Alu sequences and provides specific amplification of human DNA between regions of these ubiquitous Alu sequences when polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods are used. [Alu sequences are about 300 bp long and repeated thousands of times in the human genome.) The specificity of the TC-65 primer is demonstrated in the figure: DNA fragments of total human genome (lane 2) and fragments of different rodent/human hybrid cell lines have been amplified and separated by gel electrophoresis (lanes 3-12). Note the abundance of bands (white) of DNA fragments in lanes 2-12 and the lack of fragments in lanes 13 and 14, where pure rodent genome samples were electrophoresed. No human Alu repeat sequences are found in the rodent genomes, and the rodent Alu equivalent sequences are not amplified; this TC-65 phmer/PCR method is thereby validated. Lane 1 contains standard DNA fragments of known size for determining sizes of DNA fragments in the other lanes. This method is useful for rapid comparison of hybrid cell lines' DNA content and overlap and can also be used in preparation of nucleic acid probes from cloned human DNAs — especially for clones in yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vectors. [Photograph was first published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86. 6686-6690 (1989). Photograph provided by David L Nelson and C. Thomas Caskey, Baylor College of Medicine.] TC-65 16 Interagency Coordination The U.S. agencies engaged in genome research meet fomially under the auspices of the White House Office of Scientific and Teclinology Policy. The Department of Agriculture is initiating a genomics program. The National Science Foundation has computational and informatics programs supportive of genomics in addition to individual awards in genetics and molecular biology. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a private foundation, contributes substantially to the genome effort through its support of biomedical research and related infrastructure. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) started its own genome program in 1988. The NIH program complements the DOE program by supporting predoctoral and postdoctoral training in molecular genetics, studying model organisms, emphasizing genetic diseases, and preparing human genetic maps requiring family studies. Interagency Coordination of Genome Research White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering and Technology (FCCSET) National Science Foundation National Institutes of Health Standing Committee on the Life Sciences Subcommittee on the Human Genome Department of Energy Department of Agriculture Howard Hughes fvledical Institute 17 Interagency Coordination Management of the Human Genome Program Joint DOE/NIH Activities A 1988 Memorandum of Understanding specifies procedures for coordinating DOE and NIH efforts and establishes a joint advisory committee and an interagency working group. NIH observers attend the quarterly meetings of the DOE Human Genome Coordinating Committee, and DOE observers attend meetings of the Program Advisory Committee (PAC) to the NIH National Center for Human Genome Research. In August and October, DOE and NIH representatives met infomially as a joint planning group to begin fomiulation of a coordinated multiyear research plan, which was presented in December to the HERAC and PAC subcommittees, who then completed the plan. This national plan was presented to the U.S. Congress in early 1990. Several important workshops have been cosponsored by DOE and NIH; they include: • Workshop on Repositories, Data Management, and Quality Assurance for the National Gene Library and Genome Ordering Projects (August 1987). • Workshop on Data Management for Physical Mapping (cosponsored with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute) (May 1988), i ff'w^^>^. Informatics Human Genome Management Information System (HGMIS) staff. HGMIS staff are located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Biomedical and Environmental Information Analysis Section of the Health and Safety Research Division. Members of the Graphics Division and the Publications Division assist with manuscript design and preparation. HGMIS welcomes contributions and suggestions from genome researchers. (Photographs provided by HGMIS, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.) 18 • Workshop on Nomenclature for Physical Mapping of Complex Genomes (cosponsored with Howard Hughes Medical Institute) (April 1989). • Large Insert Cloning Workshop (December 1989), and • Workshops on Chromosomes 16 and X (June and December 1989). The Joint Informatics Task Force, comprised of experts appointed by the NIH PAC and the DOE HGCC. has constructed a document that makes recommendations for the present and future computing needs of researchers involved in the Human Genome Project. Another joint DOE/NIH working group has been formed to address ethical, social, and legal issues associated with the Human Genome Project. A third joint working group, on chromosome mapping, is being fonned. International Human Genome Organisation The international Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) has been formed to assist with coordination of national efforts, facilitate exchange of research resources, encourage public debate, and provide information and advice on the implications of human genome research. Conceived in April 1988. HUGO is incorporated in Switzerland and in the United States. New members from among participants in genome research are elected in a manner similar to that of the European Molecular Biology Organisation and in some ways parallel to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Its 42 founding members represented 17 countries and included 3 members of the DOE HGCC. Within its first year. 219 members were elected, including 12 participants in DOE-funded genome projects. The election of 20 new members in December 1989 increased the membership to 239. HUGO'S officers for 1990 are Sir Walter Bodmer (United Kingdom). President; Charles R. Cantor (United States), Vice President, North America; Kenichi Matsubara (Japan), Vice President, Asia; and Andrei D. Mirzabekov (Soviet Union), Vice President, Eastern Europe. 19 Resource Allocation Management of the Human Genome Program 87 88 89 90 FISCAL YEAR The reports of HERAC and the National Research Council on the Human Genome both recommended that national funding for the Human Genome Initiative increase to reach a sustaining yearly level of $200 million. The expenditures within the DOE program have been $5.5 million in FY 1987, $10.7 million m FY 1988. $17.5 million in FY 1989, and $25.9 million in FY 1990. The presidential budget for the DOE Human Genome Program in FY 1991 is $46.0 million, as shown in the figure. Major administrative categories are; Resource and Technology Development • The National Laboratory Gene Library Project • Instrumentation and biological support for physical mapping • Physical mapping through clone ordering and macro-restriction analyses • Sequencing technology, including automation and robotics • Data management, analysis, and networking, including GenBank -' Training • Predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships at national laboratories Supporting Activities • Human Genome Coordinating Committee • Task groups • Human Genome Management Information System • Workshops • Ethical and societal issues • Support for national and international meetings • Improvements to national laboratory resources and facilities • Technology transfer activities • Publications Expenditures and FY 1991 presidential budget for the DOE Human Genome Program 20 Continuing Implementation The 1987 HER AC report on the Human Genome Initiative provided the broad guidehnes tor OHER's Human Genome Program. Refined management and program plans were prepared in 1988. With the experience and progress now achieved and with participation of the Human Genome Coordinating Committee, program guidelines for DOE Human Genome Program implementation have been updated: Short-Term Focus (1-5 Years): • Improve by an order of magnitude the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of mapping and sequencing technologies. • Rapidly develop a database system for current single chromosome projects. • Complete orderings of monochromosomal clone libraries already initiated. • Initiate physical mapping of additional chromosomes. • Improve and implement methods for infonnation and materials dissemination. • Develop a long-term human genome database system. • Continue small-scale DNA sequencing as an adjunct to physical mapping, and as a test bed for improved sequencing concepts and technologies. • Encourage increased private involvement in all areas of genomics, Mid-Term Focus (5-10 Years): • Accelerate DNA sequencing as more efficient systems are validated. • Continue development of algorithms for interpreting sequence information. • Utilize accumulating genome knowledge to improve assessments of individual susceptibility to genetic damage, from both unavoidable environmental agents and, especially, energy by-products. • Utilize accumulating genome knowledge to identify the more biologically significant damage sites in chromatin. • Elucidate the structure, function, and interaction of the body's macromolecules by complementing DNA sequence information with the national laboratories" unique technologies for structural biology studies. Long-Term Focus (10-15 Years): • Complete large-scale DNA sequencing and apply interpretative algorithms. • Emphasize applications of genome knowledge to prospective and retrospective analysis of individual exposures to low levels of energy-related agents. 21 Physical Mapping Localization of unique cosmid clones delineates physical landmarks on chromosomes, (a) A powerful approach for constructing pfiysical maps is to use fragments of fiuman DNA cloned in cosmid vectors in in situ hybridization experiments with the chromosomes being mapped. These fragments can be localized to specific regions (accurate to within 1 '-i of the chromosome length) on human metaphase chromosomes by using computer-controlled confocal laser microscopy to detect fluorescence hybridization between the fragments and complementary regions on chromosomal DNA. The researcher in the background is operating the microscope to produce an image on the distant monitor. The researcher in the foreground is performing computer analysis on the digitized hybridization data, (b) Shown in this photo is the in situ hybridization of an anonymous fluorescently labeled cosmid to the long arm of human chromosome 1 1 . The chromosomes are stained with propidium iodide (red), and cosmid hybridization is indicated by yellow fluorescence from fluorescein. The red dye on the chromosome is uniform, except at the location of in situ hybridization as indicated by line /on the graphic. [Photograph b first published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in P. Lichter et al., "High-Resolution Mapping of Human Chromosome 11 by in Situ Hybridization with Cosmid Clones," Science 247, 64-69 (Jan. 5, 1990). Photographs a and b provided by Glen Evans, The Salk Institute, and Peter Lichter. Yale University Medical School.! 22 23 1989-90 Research Highlights Tlie first research and development projects supported by the Human Genome Initiative were pilot projects in the national laboratories and in academia. Subsequent projects have been initiated after evaluation by special peer review panels in 1988 and 1989. Abstracts of all current projects are included in this report and are supplemented by research narratives from national laboratories and by special reports in the Appendices. There have been numerous incremental contributions to the resource and technology development, in addition to significant progress toward the major goals. Some highlights of the total DOE program include: The construction of libraries made up of DNA clones with large-capacity phage/ cosmids containing human DNA is progressing within the National Laboratory Gene Library Project. These libraries will represent the 24 distinct chromosomes (one chromosome representing each of the 22 autosome pairs plus the X and Y chromosomes) and. even now, are an extremely valuable resource for physical mapping projects. Libraries representing chromosomes 4, 5. 8. II, 17, 21 , and 22 are being offered for evaluation and cooperative use in 1990. >^W ^1 Tppn Wt ^H m W ^m m sJm ■ii- muuMi^^^J ''':-';:.V^^K ^^^^^^^^^HHR^^^^^^^^I Limr^^^H ^^^^^B l_«^" ^H HHj Physical Mapping Cross-protection against Not\ sites in E. coli. Physical map construction is more efficient when large DNA fragments are utilized. The restriction endonuclease Not I cleaves the sequence 5'- GCGGCCGC-3'; however, If DNA is first methylated at "^CGCG with M»FnuD II or M»eep I, a subset of the Not I sites cannot be cleaved; the specificity of Not I Is effectively doubled. Shown In the figure is a pulsed-field gel of E. coli RRI genomic DNA treated as follows. Lanes 2 and 5: Methylated at '^CGCG by M»FnuD II, then cut with Not I. Lane 3: Unmethylated. cut with Not I. Lanes 4 and 6: Methylated at "^CGCG by M»eep I, then cut with Not I. Lane 1: Bacteriophage lambda concatemer ladder, molecular weight marker, 48,502 bp per step. (Photograph provided by Michael McClelland, California Institute of Biological Research.) 24 Physical Mapping Physical map of contigs on chromosome 11. Researchers at The Salk Institute and Yale University Medical School have generated a series of overlapping sets of cosmids. or contigs, that vary from 2 to 27 clones. The position and relative order of many of the contigs have been determined by using fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosome spreads, in particular, the relative order of contigs containing known cloned genes, anonymous DNA markers, or Hpa-ll-tiny-fragment (HTF) islands (possibly indicating the location of as yet undescribed genes) are indicated for comparison to the ideogram of chromosome 1 1 . The position of hybridization is determined by the fractional length from the 11 p telomere (FLpter) rather than using cytogenetic banding. Known genes that have been mapped on the long arm include those encoding the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAf\/l), the Thy-1 antigen, the ApoAl cluster, the CDS cluster, porphyrinogen deaminase (PBG), the ETS1 oncogene, and the signal recognition particle receptor (SRPR), as well as others. [Figure first published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in P. Lichter et al., "High-Resolution IVIapping of Human Chromosome 1 1 by in Situ Hybridization with Cosmid Clones," Science 247, 64-69 (Jan. 5, 1990). Figure provided by Glen Evans, The Salk Institute, and Peter Lichter, Yale University Medical School.] Fractional length I J3-1 I J2-2 I 13~4A, 18-10B I PTH I J4-17 I HRAS I J7.1.HBBC I J5-3 I J10-3. J2.2 I J10-17 I 4.4B FSHB I 5-2A I J1.2 I piaL I PVGM I ZC7 I XB I XBll I 9 27 , I I 66 I 3 16 I 23 20 I NCAM , ,- , I '^^' I AP0AI.4 13,9 4. ZA7 I ^'-^ I THYl I tD3D, PBGD. XB1. XH5 111 I ZD8 I XBIO.ZDS. ZD7 I SRPR I ETSI.23,2 I XB2 I 9« 8 5 25 Research Highlights Physical Mapping Automated robotic system used to prepare DNA cosmid clones, (a) The investigator is using a robot to prepare sample solutions that contain cloned DNA fragments for loading onto gels for electrophoresis. Electrophoresis is used to determine the size of cloned DNA fragments prior to employing the fragments in hybridization techniques, (b) Close-up view of the eight-channel pipette arm that prepares and loads samples onto gels. {Photographs provided by Glen Evans, The Salk Institute.) 26 The ordering of DNA clones has been initiated for clironiosomes 5, II, 16, 17, 19,21, 22. and X. Efficacy and speed have been demonstrated in these projects for three distinct ordering strategies. The 1988 identification of the basic repeat sequence of the human telomere at LANL has been followed by the cloning of telomeric regions of several chromosomes. Thus the "end points" of the physical mapping tasks are becoming well defined and are providing orientation for mapping activities. The telomeric sequence has been found to be conserved across vertebrate species. Novel computer software now makes possible the direct entry of raw experimental results into a database, subsequent data analysis, and future transmission of results to other laboratories and data repositories. systems are simplifying the requirements for recording and processing map and sequence data. Broader problems in the area of human genome Informatics have been addressed in a series of workshops cosponsored by concerned federal agencies. To pursue these issues further, the Joint Infomiatics Task Force (JITF) has now been formed. Recently, guidelines have been published to eliminate ambiguities in clone names and thus provide for unique naming or identification. Very fast computer boards for sequence search and comparison tasks have been demonstrated and are being commercialized. Improvements in protocols for construction of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) have culminated with the production of YAC libraries whose human DNA inserts have an average size of 410,000 bp. For chromosome mapping through pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the number of useful cleavage sites has been increased by protocols for modifying DNAs in vitro. The reliability of a core DNA-sequencing step of the Sanger strategy has been substantially increased, through genetic engineering of DNA polymerase (of bacteriophage T7) and modification of polymerase reaction conditions. A scheme for rational combination of random and directed-sequencing runs on cosmids provides for much more economical use of expensive primers. The processing of DNA fragment autoradiographs into assembled sequence data is now being accelerated by automatic film readers coupled with computerized analysis. A novel scheme for sequencing by hybridization (SBH) crucially depends on a capacity to distinguish short segments of perfectly base-paired DNA from segments with even a single base-pair mismatch. Both the effective theory and practice for such discrimination have now been demonstrated. 27 Research Highlights Instrumentation and methodologies, being developed to use multiple stable isotopes as DNA labels for mapping and sequencing tasks, will increase the speed of sequencing. Chemiluminescent techniques for displaying DNA fragments are now achieving .sensitivities of radioisotopic labels, with promise for reduction in safety hazards and hazardous waste disposal costs. The first nondestructive images of naked DNA have been achieved through scanning tunneling micro.scopy and provide promise for single-molecule DNA sequencing. A multiplex walking strategy has been applied to an 1 100-member library representing chromosome segment 1 Iq. Automated restriction mapping is now being utilized to confirm/reject the presence of overlaps between cosmid pairs with homologies. Some 300 contigs have thus far been constructed. An automated fluorescence-based method for clone fingerprinting has been developed, validated, and coupled to software used for contig assembly, data storage, and graphical display of map infomiation. These procedures are being successfully applied toward the development of a cosmid and YAC contig map of human chromosome 19. A new method of genome mapping using human-specific repetitive sequences and the polymerase chain reaction {Alii PCR) has been developed. This method is used for the isolation of regionally localized DNA fragments and for the rapid and efficient characterization of cloned DNAs, particularly those in YAC vectors. 28 Resource Development Computerized robotics used to speed repetitive tasks of mapping and sequencing DNA. Application of robotics in liuman genome research requires expertise in and interaction among a variety of disciplines, including molecular biology, engineering, and computing science. Hewlett-Packard, Inc., has provided the Human Genome Center at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) with a computer-dnven robot for handling and processing biological samples. The robot consists of an active arm (a) capable of accurate and precise movement and of being programmed to change hands during procedures; eight pumps for dispensing and sampling very small volumes with comparable accuracy and precision (not in view); a spectrophotometer (b) for color analysis of the samples; rack towers and incubator hotels (c) that hold either unlidded plates (d) or racks of pipette tips (e); a hand tree (f) that holds tools for gripping (g) or pipetting with either a large single mandrill (h) or with 1 6 channels (i); a rake to scrape off used tips; and a blank hand for future customization. The control pole (j) is capable of five degrees of freedom; rotation, height, grip, reach, and wrist twist (disabled). The staff of the LBL divisions of Engineering, Computing Science, and ^ylolecular Biology are working with the engineers of Hewlett-Packard to modify existing hardware, as well as to develop new software. Initial applications developed in this effort will speed the use of second- and third-generation robots in commercial, medical, and forensic laboratories. (Photograph provided by the Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.) 29 Physical Mapping Automated cosmid fingerprinting and contig assembly. Chromosome-19- speclfic cosmids are digested with restriction enzymes, and thie fragments are labeled with fluorochromes. The Beckman Instruments, Inc., Biomek «' robotic system processes sets of 48 cosmids per experiment. Throughput is increased, because of the capability to load the restriction fragments from three cosmids (each labeled with a different fluorochrome) plus size standards (a fourth fluorochrome) in each lane of a denaturing polyacrylamide gel. The labeled restriction fragments are detected, and the fluorescence is digitized as the fragments migrate past a laser beam in an Applied Biosystems 370 automated DNA sequencer. Fragment data acquisition may be monitored during electrophoresis to ensure that operation is proceeding normally. In the large photograph, the fragment peaks from each of three cosmids are labeled in blue, green, and yellow. The size standard is in red. Several lanes of the gel are depicted on the top of this figure, and a historical view of the data from one lane is shown in the lower plot. The restriction fragment mobility data for each cosmid are analyzed by a suite of software programs developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Fluorescence signals are processed to remove noise, to identify peaks (representing restriction fragments), and to calculate fragment lengths by comparison to the size standards. The inset photograph demonstrates fragment size comparisons for all pairs of cosmids to determine whether they share a significant number of fragments of the same size (to within 1-1 .5 bases). A single statistic is calculated that estimates the strength of the overlap. A best-overlap solution is determined and presented graphically for inspection, manipulation, and detailed query of the underlying database. The cosmids, represented by the warmer-color (red and yellow) bars, are those that exhibit the most overlap. (Photographs provided by Anthony Carrano, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.) 30 Research Facility Narratives Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Introduction In September 1987, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) were designated as Human Genome Centers. LBL's response was to initiate an effort that would incorporate at one site all of the elements necessary for successful execution of the project and provide an environment in which integration of emerging concepts, methods, and techniques was immediate. Interdisciplinary efforts are a hallmark of LBL and of the other national laboratories. The unique aspect of the LBL Human Genome Center — the breadth of its activities — is made possible by the juxtaposition of the great variety of LBL talent in several areas (i.e., instrumentation, materials science, and computing technologies) with the large, outstanding biological research communities m the Berkeley and neighboring Bay Area institutions. The Center's current activities are concentrated in four areas: • construction of a physical map of the human genome, • automation of existing physical mapping methods and development of new ones, • enhancement of existing technologies for handling and sequencing DNA, and • improvement of methods for interpreting and analyzing maps and sequence data. Current efforts focus on chromosome 21 — with 50 Mbp, the smallest human chromosome. Three principles guided the development of this research agenda. The first was the realization that new methods, techniques, and instrumentation must be developed to complete the genome project, and that the most effective way to do this would be to work in close physical and intellectual contact with pilot-scale mapping and sequencing efforts. The second principle was that new methods are more easily implemented on relatively small-scale projects. The third guiding principle was the projection that the program would be characterized by the use of newer and more powerful techniques for automated sample handling and biochemical analysis that would be needed for the increasingly larger data-producing projects. Thus, development of improved data analysis and management methods was thought to be necessary both to handle the data generated at the LBL Center and to merge and reconcile these results with those from the many other laboratories involved in genome mapping and sequencing. The scientific direction of the Center is reviewed annually by an eight-member advisory committee, whose members include two Nobel laureates and six members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. The Center is involved directly with the University of California at Berkeley in a graduate training program in biotechnology; approximately half of this program's faculty are associated with the Center at LBL. The unique features of LBL's current research program include the development of totally new DNA-handling procedures and physical mapping methods and the use of yeasts both as a source and as a testing ground of new techniques. 32 Accomplishments Restriction maps of large regions of chromosome 21 completed. By using (a) single- copy probes with i100 kb) contigs and (2) the production of a contig map with landmarks useful for rapid integration of the genetic and physical maps. Telomeric Repeats Single Multigene Copy Families Genes Centromere (C-Bands) G-Bands (R-Bands, Q-Bands) Telomere ^8000-Fold Expansion I ■ I 44+- ■++ Long Tandem Repeats (Satellite Repetitive Sequences) Interspersed Repeats Long Interspersed Repeats LI (+ Others) Short Interspersed Repeats Alu Repeats Midi- and Mini- Satellites Telomeric Repeats Physical Mapping Organization of human chromosomes. This illustration summarizes the major types of sequences and regions that have been characterized on a human genome — or mammalian genome, in general. (Figure provided by C. E. Hildebrand, Los Alamos National Laboratory.) 43 Research Facility Narratives: LANL In the National Laboratory Gene Library Project, libraries using the vector Charon 40 and cosmid libraries using the vector sCos 1 have been constructed for human chromosomes 16, 5, 8, and 4. A lambda library has been made for the X chromosome. Progress has been made in the detection of single fluorescent molecules in a flowing liquid — an essential step in LANL's proposed system for sequencing single DNA molecules at a rate of -10' bp/s. In this approach, the molecule is excited by a laser. LANL has markedly enhanced the signal-to-noise ratio so that single molecules such as fluorescein may be detected reliably. A physical mapping database pilot project has been designed and is being used to manage data accumulating in the physical mapping project at LANL. A relational database has been established and is being managed with the Sybase data management system. Every clone is given a unique identifier and an arbitrary number of charac- teristics such as source, restriction fragments derived by various digests, restriction map, probe hybridization, relation to other clones, and relation to genetic markers or sequences. A process has been established for identifying industrial partners. A workshop, attended by 24 companies, was held at Los Alamos, and proposals from 8 of those companies that responded to a request for proposal (RFP) are now under review. Future Directions • Establish, jointly with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a resource to make available arrayed libraries of cosmid clones for all the human chromosomes. The generation of YAC libraries from flow-sorted material will be investigated. • Continue physical mapping of chromosome 16 with cosmid clones. Strategies and techniques for linking cosmid contigs will be developed, mostly with YAC clones; mapping of additional chromosomes will be initiated. Clones will be distributed to provide ties between physical and genetic linkage maps. • Establish an integrated pilot program for sequencing of megabase regions generated by physical mapping. • Develop a system for sequencing single DNA molecules at a rate of -10' bp/s. • Develop computational tools to support the Library Resource, clone characterization for physical mapping, and assembly of the physical map from clone overlap probabilities. • Develop an integrated database for physical mapping and sequence information (linked to the genetic mapping database) plus computation, communication, and analysis tools to make them accessible at scientific workstations in molecular biology laboratories. 44 • Investigate the structure and function of repetitive sequences in the human genome. • Study the organization and function of chromatin. • Develop analysis programs for detecting and characterizing functionally significant patterns in genomic DNA. • Collaborate with private companies to ensure the effective transfer of technology to the commercial sector. For more information on the LANL Center for Human Genome Studies, please contact Robert K. Moyzis at (505) 667-3912 or FTS 843-3912. 45 Physical Mapping Identification and cloning of tfie human telomere to define the ends of the human genetic and physical maps. Telomeres are defined as the ends of cfiromosomes. Tfiese specialized structures are involved in the replication and stability of linear DNA molecules. Investigators at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) have identified and cloned the human telomere [Moyzis et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA85. 6622-6626 (1988)]. Fluorescence in situ hybridization has been used, in addition to other biochemical and biophysical techniques, to localize this unusual sequence. (TTAGGG)„, to human telomeres. Seen in the inset photograph as fluorescent yellow spots on red- stained human chromosomes, this sequence is present at the telomeres of all vertebrate species and. hence, must have arisen over 400 million years ago [Meyne et al.. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86. 7049-7053 (1989)]. The ultimate proof that this repeating DNA sequence TTAGGG is the human telomere is to show that the sequence functions as a unit in an artificial chromosome. In collaboration with the staff of Fvlaynard Olson's laboratory at Washington University, the LANL staff was able to construct yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) in which the natural human (TTAGGG)„ sequence functioned as a telomere in yeast cells [Riethman et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 86, 6240-6244 (1989)]. These results indicate that the yeast telomere replication machinery can indeed recognize the human telomere, even though the common ancestor of yeast and humans lived over one billion years ago. In addition to demonstrating that the (TTAGGG)^ sequence functions as a telomere, these YACs allowed large (100,000-200,000) nucleotide fragments to be isolated from the ends of human chromosomes. Seen in the large photograph is in situ hybridization of DNA from one of these YAC clones that originated from the telomere of human chromosome arm 7q. DNA from such YACs can be used to define the ends of the human genome genetic and physical maps. LANLs discovery of the human telomere is a significant milestone in efforts to map the human genome. Prior to identifying the telomeric sequence, investigators were without a reference point from which to orient DNA mapping studies for identification of DNA markers that would be useful for the analysis of disease genes. [The inset photograph was first published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 6622-6626 (1988). The large photograph was first published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sa. USA 86, 6240-6244 (1989). Photographs provided by Robert Moyzis, Los Alamos National Laboratory.] 46 47 Abstracts of DOE-Funded Research The abstracts in this section were contributed by the DOE Human Genome Program grantees and contractors. The names of the principal investigators are in hold; the address and phone number following each abstract title are those of the principal investigator. If more than one principal investigator is listed with an abstract, the address and phone number belong to the first. An index of project categories and principal investigators is given at the beginning of this section. Listed at the end is an index of all project investigators named in the abstracts. 49 Project Categories and Principal Investigators Abstracts Principal investigators of the research projects described by the abstracts in this section are listed here under their respective subject categories. Resource Development Raghbir S. Athwal 52 Larry L. Deaven 53 Calvin Giddings 54 Richard P. Haugland 55 William C. Nierman and Donna R. Maglott 56 Charles C. Richardson 57 Carl W. Schmid 58 Marvin A. Van Dilla 59 Shennan M. Weissman 61 Physical Mapping S. E. Antonarakis 62 David F. Barker 63 Charles R. Cantor 64 Anthony V. Carrano 66 C. Thomas Caskey 68 Glen A. Evans 69 Michael McClelland 71 Robert K. Moyzis 72 Robert K. Moyzis 73 Melvin 1. Simon 74 Cassandra L. Smith 75 Grant R. Sutherland 76 Mapping Instrumentation Tony J. Beugelsdigk 77 Charles R. Cantor 78 Jack B. Davidson 80 James F. Hainfeld 81 Leonard S. Lerman 82 Betsy M. Sutherland 83 E. S. Yeung 84 50 Sequencing Technologies Rodney L. Balhorn and Wigberl Siekhaus 85 Douglas E. Berg 86 George M. Church 87 Radomir Crkvenjakov 88 John J. Dunn 89 T. L. Ferrell and R. J. Wannack 90 Raymond F. Gesteland 91 K. Bruce Jacobson 92 Joseph M. Jaklevic 93 James H. Jett 94 Richard A. Mathies 95 Informatics Christian Burks and David C. Tomey 96 Charles R. Cantor 98 Richard J. Douthart 99 Christopher A. Fields 100 Leroy Hood 101 Betty K. Mansfield and John S. Wassom 102 RossOverbeek 103 Karl Sirotkin 104 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) — Phase I (1989 Awards) Norman G. Anderson 105 Heinrich F. Arlinghaus 106 Jeffrey M. Stiegman 107 Charles D. Stormon 108 George M. Storti 109 JohnC. Voyta 110 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) — Phase II (1988, 1989 Awards) Edward M. Davis 1 1 1 Gunter A. Hofmann 112 Ronald A. McKean 113 John West 114 Index to Project Investigators 1 15 51 Resource Development Abstracts Monochromosomal Hybrids for the Analysis of the Human Genome Raghbir S. Athvval Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. New Jersey Medical School. Newark. NJ 07103-2757 (201)456-4484 In this research project we have proposed to develop rodent/human hybrid cell lines, each containing a single different human chromosome. The human chromosomes will be marked with Ecagpl and stably maintained by selection in the hybrid cells. This experimental approach to producing the proposed cell lines involves the following: Using a retroviral vector, we will first transfer a cloned selectable marker. Ecogpt (an E. coli gene for xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase: XGPRT), to normal diploid human cells. The transferred gene will integrate at random into multiple sites in the recipient cell genome. Clonal cell lines from independent transgenotes will each carry the selectable marker integrated into a different site and perhaps a different chromosome. The chromosome carrying the selectable marker will then be transferred further to mouse cells by microcell fusion. In addition, we will use directed integration of Ecogpt into the chromosome present in rodent cells, not otherwise marked with a selectable marker. This will allow us to complete the bank of proposed cell lines. Since the human chromosome will be marked with a selectable marker, it can be transferred to any other cell line of interest for complementation analysis/ Clones of each cell line, containing varying sized segments of the same chromosome produced by selection for the retention or loss of the selectable marker following X-irradiation or by metaphase chromosome transfer, will facilitate physical mapping and determination of gene order on a chromosome. 52 Human Recombinant DNA Library Larry L. Deaven, Robert K. Moyzis, Jon Longmire, and C. E. Hildebrand Life Sciences Division. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87345 (505) 667-31 14, FTS 843-31 14 The goal of the National Laboratory Gene Library Project (NLGLP) is the production of chromosome-specific human gene libraries and their distribution to the scientific community ( 1 ) for studies of the molecular biology of genes and chromosomes, (2) for the study and diagnosis of genetic disease, and (3) for the physical mapping (ordering) of chromosomes. This is a cooperative project employing the flow-sorting and molecular-cloning expertise at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LAND and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The specific aim of Phase I of the project was the production of complete digest libraries from each of the human chromosomal types purified by flow sorting; the average insert size expected was about 4 kb. The bacteriophage lambda vector was Charon 21 A, which has both EcoR I and Hind III insertion sites accommodating human DNA fragments 0-9. 1 kb in size. Each laboratory has produced a complete set of chromosome-specific libraries: LANL with EcoR I and LLNL with Hind III. The small insert libraries are deposited in a repository at the American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Maryland: over 2000 aliquots have been distributed to over 500 laboratories worldwide. The second phase of the project — the construction of partial digest libraries with larger inserts in more advanced, recently developed lambda vectors (9-23 kb) and in cosmid vectors (33—46 kb) — is under way. These large in.sert libraries have characteristics that are better suited to basic studies of gene structure and function, organization of genes on chromosomes, and ordering of cloned sequences. The Phase II strategy is to split the genome between the two laboratories, with Livermore cloning 12 chromosomal types (starting with 7, 1 1, 19, 21, 22, and Y) and Los Alamos cloning the other 12 (starting with 4, 5, 8, 16. 17, and X). In this way, each chromosomal type will be cloned into both lambda and cosmid vectors. Vectors currently in use include Charon 40 and lambda GEMII (phage) and sCosl and Lawrist 5 (cosmid). Partial digest libraries have been constructed in either phage or cosmid vectors for chromosomes X, Y, 16, 19, 21, and 22. 53 Abstracts: Resource Development Field-Flow Fractionation of Chromosomes J. Calvin Giddings Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lai^e City, UT 841 12 (801)581-6683 Fieid-tlow fractionation (FFF). a powerful and versatile methodology of relatively recent origins, is applicable to the separation of virtually all categories of macro- molecules and particles. The object of this study is to apply state-of-the-art field-flow fractionation methods to chromosomes, in an effort to separate and purify them from one another and from background cellular debris. This research is focused primarily on the utilization of sedimentation/steric FFF for this problem, but other FFF techniques, including flow FFF. may be involved as well. Recent experiments involving particles in the size range of chromosomes demonstrate the feasibility of working in the chromosome-size range. In all likelihood, FFF methods have sufficient tlexibility to circumvent any potential problems encountered in chromosome separation, such as chromosome adsorption or disruption. 54 New Dyes for DNA Sequencing Hee-Chol Kang. James E. Whiiaker. Peter C. Hewitt, and Richard P. Haugland Molecular Probes, Inc.. Eugene, OR 97402 (415)486-5717 We have been actively synthesizing and evaluating sets of new tluorophores that can be excited by the argon laser at 488 or 5 14 nm for possible use in DNA sequencing. The objectives are to synthesize sets of four dyes whose emission spectra have relatively low overlap, whose fluorescence when excited with the argon laser is brighter than currently available tluorophores. and whose properties of ionic charge are uniform for minimum interference with electrophoretic separations. Principal among the dyes prepared have been tluoreNcein-rhodamine bifluorophores in which the energy absorbed by the fluorescein is emitted almost totally at the rhodamine emission wavelength. Examples of these dyes have been prepared where the energy transfer has been >98% efflcient with pseudo-Stokes shifts of up to 100 nm. Several reactive versions of rhodamine and of rhodol dyes have been prepared which fluoresce when excited by the argon laser and whose emission is brighter than tetramethylrhodamine. The fourth class of new fluorophores with potential for use in DNA sequencing are reactive, boron dipyrro- methene difluoride (Bodipy"^' ) derivatives, which have been prepared in several reactive fonns. Probes derived from this fluorophore have unusually narrow emission band width and have high absorbance and quantum yield. The prospects for preparation of new DNA sequencing dyes with higher detectability and spectral resolution will be presented. 55 Abstracts: Resource Development Optimizing Procedures for a Human Genome Repository William C. Nierman and Donna R. Maglott American Type Culture Collection. Rockville. MD 20852 (310)231-5559 The cloned genes and DNA fragments identified during the human genome project should be stored in a repository and made available to the research community. Such a repository would also establish a set of reference clones to facilitate comparison of data generated from different laboratories. Repositories of well-characterized cloned human DNA fragments currently exist, but at a much smaller scale than necessary for the human genome project. Procedures used in these repositories cannot be expanded without modification. Methods must be improved to automate DNA preparation: clone verification; data maintenance and analysis: and sample storage, recovery, and distribution. Procedures reducing the amount of sample needed for verification and storage must be perfected. The objective of this project is to establish a pilot repository to evaluate such protocols and instrumentation. Initial emphasis will be placed on automating clone verification by analyzing restriction fragments on a DNA sequencing machine and comparing fragment sizes to those already obtained by depositors. Methods will also be explored to use robotics for DNA preparation: to manage information effectively; to verify clones for which there is no restriction data: and to improve methods of sample storage, retrieval, and distribution. These procedures will be tested through the development and operation of a pilot repository using the contigs of lambda clones identified by Maynard Olson's laboratory for the 5. cerevisiae genome, and chromosome- 1 6- and chromosome- 19-specific contigs identified by the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories. 56 DNA Sequence Analysis with Modified Bacteriophage T7 DNA Polymerase Stanley Tabor, Hans E. Huber. John Rush, and Charles C. Richardson Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 021 15 (617)732-1864 The 3' to 3' exonuclease activity of phage T7 DNA polymerase (gene 5 protein) can be inactivated selectively by reactive oxygen species. The chemically modified enzyme is highly processive in the presence of E. coli thioredoxin and discriminates against dideoxynucleoside triphosphates (ddNTPs) only four- to sixfold. Consequently, dideoxynucleotide-tenninated fragments have highly uniform radioactive intensity throughout the range of a few to thousands of nucleotides in length. There is virtually no background due to tenninations at pause sites or secondary-structure impediments in the template. Chemically modified gene 5 protein, by virtue of having low exonuclease activity, has enzymatic properties that distinguish it from native gene 5 protein. We have exploited these properties to show by a chemical screen that modification of a histidine residue reduces selectively the exonuclease activity. In vitro mutagenesis of histidine 123, and of the neighboring residues, results in varying reduction of the exonuclease activity. A deletion of 28 amino acids that encompasses His 123 eliminates all exonuclease activity (< 10 " %). Incorporation of ddNTPs by T7 DNA polymerase and E. coll DNA polymerase I is more efficient when Mn-* rather than Mg-* is used for catalysis. SuKstituting Mn-* for Mg-* reduces the discrimination against ddNTPs approximately 100-fold for DNA polymerase I and 4-fold for T7 DNA polymerase. With T7 DNA polymerase and Mn'*, ddNMPs and dNMPs are incorporated at virtually the same rate. Mn-* also reduces the discrimination against other analogs with modifications in the furanose moiety, the base, and the phosphate hnkage. The lack of discrimination against ddNTPs using the genetically modified T7 DNA polymerase and Mn-* results in uniform terminations of DNA sequencing reactions, with the intensity of adjacent bands on polyacrylamide gels varying in most instances by less than 10%. A novel procedure that exploits the high uniformity of bands can be used for automated DNA sequencing. A single reaction with a single labeled primer is carried out using four different ratios of ddNTPs to dNTPs; after gel electrophoresis in a single lane, the sequence at each position is determined by the relative intensity of each band. For more information see the following articles by S. Tabor and C. C. Richardson: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 4767^771 ( 1987), J. Biol. Chem. 264, 6447-6458 ( 1989), and Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 4076^080 (1989). 57 Abstracts: Resource Development Human Repetitive DNA Sequences for Use as Markers in Mapping the Human Genome Esther P. Leetlang. Gui-Lin Wang, Joe M. Gatevvood, and Carl W. Schmid Department of Chemistry. University of CaHfomia, Davis. CA 95616 (916)752-3003 A library of repetitive human DNA sequences was constructed from renatured DNA and subsequently screened with known repeats. Of the 460 clones examined. 267 did not hybridize with any of the known repetitive DNAs. Following preliminary sequence analysis and copy-number determination, ten of the clones were selected for further study. The repetitive DNA clones were used as hybridization probes to isolate lambda phage clones from a genomic library. The base sequence, copy number, genomic arrangement, and evolutionary divergence of the new repeat families are now being analyzed. 58 Gene Libraries for Each Human Chromosome: Construction and Distribution Marvin A. Van Dilla, Pieter de Jong, Barbara Trask. Anthony V. Carrano, Joe Gray, Kathy Yokobata, and Ger J. van den Engh Biomedical Sciences Division. Lawrence Livennore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 (415) 422-5662, FTS 532-5662 Tiie goal of the National Laboratory Gene Library Project (NLGLP) is the production of chromosome-specific human gene libraries and their distribution to the scientific community for the diagnosis and study of genetic disease, determination of the structure and function of genes, and for the physical mapping of chromosomes. This cooperative project employs the flow-sorting and molecular-cloning expertise at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories. The specific aim of Phase I of the project was the production of complete digest libraries from each of the human chromosomal types purified by flow sorting. The bacteriophage lambda vector used was Charon 21 A, which has both EcoR 1 and Hind 111 insertion sites accommodating human DN A fragments 0-9. 1 kb m size. Each laboratory has produced a complete set of chromosome-specific libraries, LANL with EcoR I and LLNL with Hind 111. Library purity ranges from nearly 100% for good chromosome preparations and favorably placed peaks in the flow karyotype to about 50% for some early preparations from cell lines with unfavorably placed peaks. The libraries are deposited in a repository at the American Type Culture Collection ( ATCC). Rockville, Maryland; about 2400 aliquots have been distributed to over 500 laboratories worldwide. All Livennore libraries have been subcloned into the plasmid vector Bluescribe (Stratagene, La Jolla, California), facilitating both the use of the DNA probes and the preparation of RNA end probes. Phase 11, the construction of libraries with large inserts in lambda replacement vectors (accept about 9-23 kb) and in cosmid vectors (accept about 33-46 kb), is under way. These large insert libraries have characteristics that are better suited to basic studies of gene structure and function, organization of genes on chromosomes, and ordering of cloned sequences. The Phase II strategy is to split the genome cloning responsibility between the two laboratories [i.e., Livermore will clone 12 chromosomal types (1. 2, 3, 7,9, 11, 12, 18, 19, 21.22, and Y), and Los Alamos will clone the other 12(4,5,6,8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 20, and X)]. In this way, each chromosomal type will be cloned into both lambda and cosmid vectors. Livermore is using the lambda vector Charon 40 (accepts 10-25 kb inserts) and, more recently, lambda GEMl 1, which has about the same acceptance range as Charon 40 but is particularly suited for the manipulations required to efficiently clone, map, sequence, and "walk"" along contiguous segments of genomic DNA. At Livennore, the cosmid vector is Lawrist 5 (accepts inserts of 34-46 kb). which has the same advantageous features for users as lambda GEMl 1 and is double the insert size. The cloning procedures (more complicated than for Phase I) have now been worked out, and we have constructed two large Charon 40 libraries for 59 Abstracts: Resource Development chromosome 19; large lambda GEM 1 1 libraries for chromosomes 11. 21. 22. and Y; and Lawrist 5 libraries tor ail these chromosomal types except 1 1. Phase II libraries are characterized as fully as resources allow both in-house and by a small number of interested, high-quality external laboratories before release to ATCC. Currently, this characterization by test labs is in progress for all but one of these libraries. The one exception is the chromosome- 1 9 library in Charon 4(); positive characterization results led to the release of this library to the ATCC in Auuust 1988. 60 New Approaches for Constructing Expression Maps of Complex Genomes Sherman M. Weissman, R. Kandpal. A. Swaroop. S. Parimoo, H. Arenstorf. and D, Ward Department of Human Genetics, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06510 (203)785-2677 The overall objective of this project is to develop and demonstrate methods for preparing normalized cDNA libraries and using them for gene mapping and mutation detection. A phage vector has been prepared that can be used efficiently to generate single-stranded cDNA clones. A number of human sources have been used to prepare the cDNA libraries. Biotin avidin selection methods have been developed for con- venient preparation of subtracted cDNA libraries and are currently being evaluated for their ability to generate selected cDNA libraries containing only those cDNA complementary to selected segments of the human genome. In addition, polymerase chain reaction methodology is being adapted to make chromosome jumping a much more efficient general procedure for long-range genome mapping and to provide improved methods for preparing selected cDNA libraries. 61 Physical Mapping Abstracts Human Chromosome 21: Linkage Mapping and Cloning DNA in Yeast Artificial Chromosomes S. E. Antonarakis, P. A. Hieter. and M. K. McCormick Center for Medical Genetics. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21218-2608 (301)935-7872 The goal of our research is to contribute to the cloning of human chromosome 21 DNA in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). Chromosome 21 is the smallest human chromosome and contains about 1.4% of the human genome. The cloning of human DNA in YACs (Burke et al.. Science 236, 806-812, 1987) allows large fragments of DNA ( 100-1000 kb) to exist as additional chromosomes in S. cerevisiae. We used new YAC cloning vectors that facilitate the manipulation and mapping of the resulting YACs. DNA from cell line WA 17 (a mouse-human hybrid with chromosome 21 as the only human material) and from flow-sorted chromosome 21 were used as the starting material. Size-selected DNA from complete Ni>t I or partial EcoR I digestion was ligated to the vectors, and yeast spheroplasts were transformed in the presence of polyamines to eliminate a bias in favor of smaller DNA inserts. In our initial experiments, YACs have been obtained from both DNA sources; the average size of those from the WA-17 cell line was 410 kb. Specific future research goals include mapping the YAC clones and scaling up the experiments in order to obtain a large number of YACs, linking the YACs in overlapping contigs. and constructing a macrorestriction map of chromosome 21. 62 Molecular Mapping of Chromosomes 17 and X David F. Barker, Hunlington F. Willard. Pamela R. Fain, Arnold R. Oliphant, and David E. Goldgar Deparlment of Genetic Epidemiology, University of Utah Research Park, Salt Lake City. UT 84108 (801)581-5070 The focus of this project is the construction of high-density genetic maps of chromosomes 17 and X and the correlation of these maps with a set of overlapping cloned DNA segments. We have isolated over 70 new restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for chromosome 17 and over 75 for X. The set of available chromosome- 17 probes is sufficient to construct a genetic map with an average density of 1 to 2 cM and utilizes the CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) set of reference linkage families. The set of X markers will permit the construction of a 2- to 4-cM map. Physical mapping of the chromosomes utilizes both naturally occurring translocation break points and a series of selectively isolated "push-pull" hybrids that provide a potentially unlimited series of physical break points from proximal Xp to distal Xq. Physical localization of probes is also facilitated on the X chromosome by studies of males with a variety of disease-associated small deletions, and on chromo- some 17 by the existence of deletions associated with partial loss of 17p in some tumor tissues and in the Miller-Dieker syndrome. With the combined application of the above genetic and physical mapping methods, an initial ordering of clusters of DNA probes along each chromosome will be established. The techniques of pulsed-field gel fragment mapping and the isolation of overlapping clones in yeast artificial chromosomes will then be applied to establish an ordered map of all probes and fragments. 63 Abstracts: Physical Mapping Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Charles R. Cantor, C. Bustamante. M. Esposito, J. Gingrich, S. Levene, M. Maestre, R. Mortimer. M. Saimeron, C. L. Smith, and M. Stoneking Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 (415)486-6800, (FTS) 451 -6Sn() Researchers at the Human Genome Center at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) are developing methodologies needed to complete a physical map and an ordered library of the human genome. A top-down approach will be used by developing yeast artificial chromosome libraries prepared both from total genomic DNA and from specific physically isolated human chromosomes. The immediate goal is to integrate the physical map, as it is developed, with the genetic map by defining the sites on the physical map of cloned and genetically localized genes of specific significance to the Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER) mission. Several methods for constructing the ordered map will be investigated, some of which include using junction fragments, determining fragment overlap by restriction maps, and employing recombination among artificial chromosomes. Brief abstracts of the individual projects are listed below. Optimization of Yeast Artificial Chromosome (YAC) Mapping (M. Esposito, J. Gingrich, R. Mortimer, and C. L. Smith) — The use of larger DNA fragments means that fewer fragments need to be ordered into a map: consequently, the initial major focus has been to obtain clones containing large fragments of DNA from chromosome 21. The most promising avenue appears to be the use of YAC vectors. Different strategies for producing YAC clones are currently being evaluated and optimized. Since the starting material being used for these clones is a hybrid cell line consisting of human chromosome 21 in a background of mouse chromosomes, a major part of the effort is devoted to methods for identifying YAC clones that contain human DNA. These clones are expected to comprise only 1-2% of the total YAC clones from this cell line. The polymerase chain reaction is being evaluated as a new approach to this problem. This identification strategy is based on the expectation that only those clones containing human DNA would be amplified from a known human DNA sequence primer. A method to link up YACs with overlapping sequence infonnation by using recombination is under development, as are new methods for improved DNA transfection into yeast. New Mapping Methods Sequence Matching (C. L. Smith and M. Stoneking) — To construct a map, a means of uniquely identifying each DNA fragment is necessary; the strategy at LBL is to use DNA sequences from the ends of the fragments. Knowing a small sequence (50-100 bp) from each end of a large DNA fragment will permit each unique fragment to be identified. Furthermore, matching these DNA sequences with similarly sized DNA 64 sequences from linking clones (clones that contain the DNA from the ends of two adjacent large fragments) will facilitate map construction. The advantages of this protocol over existing ones is the speed of generating results, the precision of the ordering, the simplicity of data analysis, and the fact that the mapping process generates sequence data as well. In addition to the traditional means of accomplishing the above tasks, the researchers are also investigating ways of using amplification via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to obtain DNA sequences from the ends of large fragments and from linking clones. Ultimately, there are plans to generate linking clones directly via PCR and thereby avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional cloning methods that make completing a map difficult. The PCR-based sequencing strategies are also attractive because they can be readily automated or adapted to existing automated technologies such as DNA sequencers. Direct Visualization of Chromosomes and DNA Fragments (S. Levene, M. Maestre, M. Salmeron, and C. Bustamante) — Two other second-generation mapping protocols are being investigated. First, hybridization of genes directly on chromosomes that are visualized with confocal microscopy is used to develop physical maps of intemiediate resolution. Second, further scanning tunneling microscope (STM) development would produce STM and DNA handling techniques that would allow the nucleotide sequence to be read directly from an isolated fragment of DNA. 65 Abstracts: Physical Mapping Physical Maps of Human Chromosomes: Methods Development and Applications Anthony V. Carrano. Elbert W. Branscomb, Pieter J. de Jong, Emilio Garcia, Harvey W. Mohrenweiser, and Thomas Slezak Biomedical Sciences Division, Lawrence Livemiore National Laboratory, Livemiore, CA 94550 (415) 422-5698. FTS 532-5698 The initial goal of this project is to create physical maps of human chromosomes and to correlate them with the genetic map. The physical maps will consist of overlapping cloned DNA fragments (contigs) contained in phage, cosmid, and yeast vectors, all of which span the chromosomes. The project is multidisciplinary, and its components are synergistic. In the past two years, progress has been made in several areas. We constructed new or modified existing vectors to ( 1 ) facilitate cloning small amounts of DNA in cosmids, (2) clone Not I linking probes in lambda and plasmids, and (3) clone large fragments of DNA as yeast artificial chromosomes ( YACs). Several of the cosmid vectors have been transferred to industry. The cosmid vectors were used to construct chromosome- 1 9-specific libraries from tlow-sorted chromosomes and from a monochromosomal hybrid. About 10.000 cosmids (about sixfold redundancy) have been arrayed in microtiler trays to form a reference library for chromosome 19. We used the new plasmid and lambda vectors to create a No! 1 linking library of chromosome 19 and have initially isolated about 30 clones. We are currently expanding and character- izing libraries of chromosome 19 in YAC and half-YAC vectors. To construct a set of cosmid contigs for chromosome 19, we developed an automated fluorescence-based strategy for fingerprinting each clone. For this procedure, a robotic system is used to attach fluorophores to the ends of restriction fragments from each cosmid clone. Fragment lengths are determined by using a commercially available laser scanning device to acquire electrophoretic mobility data in real time. Up to four different fluorophores (i.e., four clones) can be run in each gel lane. In the present configuration, this permits us to analyze up to 48 cosmids per gel run. We developed software to process the acquired fluorophore signals, convert the signal data to restriction fragment lengths for each cosmid, and use the fragment length data to compute a statistical measurement of overlap between cosmids. Several thousand cosmids have been processed to date. We have established 6 cosmid contigs that span approximately 600 kb of chromosome 14 and have over 200 contigs for chromosome 19. Five of the chromosome- 19 contigs represent known gene loci, and the others are located throughout the chromosome. Contigs are validated by restriction fragment digests and/ or by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. By using large-fragment analysis from pulsed-field gels to close the region of chromosome 19 containing three DNA repair genes and the myotonic dystrophy locus, we discovered that two of the DNA repair genes lie within 260 kb of each other. Finally, we devised a technique, based upon PCR amplification of DNA, to isolate region-specific probes located between human Alii repetitive sequences. These probes are being used to identify those 66 cosmids. from our chromosome- 19 library, that span a specific region of the chromosome. As soon as we have processed about 8000 cosmids from chromosome 19 and have initiated the process of contig closure, we will begin to construct cosmid contigs from another human chromosome, probably chromosome 3. The physical mapping effort on this chromosome will be done in collaboration with several other research groups. As the physical maps near completion, we will develop and exploit new sequencing methods to study the molecular architecture of the chromosome and new screening methods that will rapidly evaluate somatic variation and induced genetic change in human populations. 67 Abstracts: Physical Mapping Mapping and Ordered Cloning of the Human X Chromosome C. Thomas Caskey. David L. Nelson, and David H. Ledbetter Department of Molecular Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. TX 77030 (713)798-4773 The ultimate goal of this project is the isolation of a complete set of overlapping DNA clones comprising the human X chromosome. This goal will be achieved through several means. A high-resolution pulsed-field gel map of regions of the chromosome will be developed: the regions will begin in Xq28 and extend toward the centromere, in order to assist in placement of clones as they become available. An extensive panel ot somatic cell hybrids will be developed to assist in probe isolation and assignment. Rapid isolation of novel X-region-.specific fragments will be achieved through the development of a method based on the polymerase chain reaction human-specific AIn primers for specific amplification of human sequences from somatic cell hybrid and cloned DNAs will be utilized. Yeast artificial chromosomes retaining large X-region- specific fragments will be utilized for regional isolation and overlap. Finally, a computer database management system will be designed to assist in data handling for these tasks. Initial efforts will focus on the Xq24-qter region with specific emphasis on Xq28, a region with a large number of genetic disease loci. 68 Physical Map and Overlapping Cosmid Set for Human Chromosome 11 (Jlen A. Evans, Kathy A. Lewis, Gary Hennanson, Kathryn C. Evans, Jun Zhao, Kimball O. Pomeroy, Carlisle P. Landel, David McElligott. Mary Saleh, James Eubanks, Daniel Kaufman, Ken D. Pischel, Shizhong Chen, Joseph Trotter, Reece Hart, and Grai Andreason Molecular Genetics Laboratory, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA 92037 (619)453-4100. ext. 279 The mission of The Salk Institute is to apply concepts and techniques of modem biology to the solution of human medical problems. Human genome research at The Salk Institute was initiated in 1988 with the support of the Department of Energy (DOE), under the direction of Dr. Glen A. Evans. The recently established Center for Human Genome Research, a closely integrated research group at The Salk Institute, is working in collaboration with several DOE national laboratories within a highly focused program to produce a continuous physical map and overlapping cosmid set for human chromosome 1 1. Inherent in this approach is strong involvement in the development of novel techniques and strategies for genome analysis. In the past two years, researchers at The Salk histitute's Center for Human Genome Research have made considerable progress in the development of new cloning methodologies and techniques for genomic analysis and in using these approaches to construct a physical map of human chromosome 1 1 . Extending over about 148 mb, chromosome 1 1 represents about 4.2% of the human genome. We have constructed, as a pilot project, an initial small set of cosmid clones in a specialized cosmid vector, sCos- 1 , that allows the rapid detemiination of overlapping sequences in the collection through the synthesis of directional RNA probes. Over 1000 cosmids mapping in the region from 1 lql2 to 1 Iqter have been isolated from a cosmid library constructed from a somatic cell hybrid containing a portion of human chromosome 1 1 in a mouse MEL cell background. These cosmids have been organized in a 36-X-36 array on a nitrocellulose filter: using a novel strategy of overlap determination — referred to as multiplex mapping — that uses pools of clones, we detected 1099 pairs of linked clones in the collection. These pairs have been assembled into 315 predicted cosmid contigs, which are now undergoing analysis by restriction mapping. Using a laboratory robot, we also devised techniques for automated preparation of cosmid DNA and for restriction analysis. Each of the clones for four rare restriction enzymes — Nor I, BssH II, Sfi I, and Sac II — have been mapped, and over 150 Not-l- containing linking clones and 37 putative ///w/TI-tiny-fragment (HTF) islands have been identified. This automated system is now being used to complete the restriction mapping of the entire collection of cosmids. 69 Abstracts: Physical Mapping In collaboration with D. Ward and P. Lichter (Yale University Medical School) and D. Housman and K. Call (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), we have used high- resolution in situ hybridization of single cosmid clones to map selected contigs and landmark clones to chromosomal locations. Produced in the pilot study, the resulting collection of clones, containing over 609f of the 1 lql2 to I Iqter region, is contained in a reference collection now undergoing analysis. To expand this pilot study to a larger collection of clones representing a tenfold redundancy of the entire chromosome 1 1 , we have used a fluorescence-activated cell sorter to purify human chromosome 1 1 from a somatic cell hybrid, Jl, containing a single chromosome 1 1 in a CHO-Kl cell background, and we are preparing a chromosome-1 1 -specific cosmid library in sCos-1. This work represents the beginning of a large-scale mapping project to obtain, reference, archive, and link cosmids spanning the entirety of human chromosome 11, a project which may be complemented by studies using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and yeast artificial chromosomes. During the next year, the Center for Human Genome Research will expand its program to include additional Salk Institute investigators interested in gene recombination and amplification. YAC vectors and mapping strategies, novel in vivo mapping techniques, and identification of recessive oncogenes. The goals are to complete the chromosome-1 1 physical map and proceed with characterization of genes important to human biology. New methodologies to be utilized in the longer temi include DNA sequencing, functional expression in mammalian cells in culture, creation of transgenic mouse strains as models for human disease states, and the identification of functional genes by genetic complementation. The immediate goals are to ( 1 ) improve engineering, robotic, and computational systems for preparation and management of arrayed cosmids and their subsequent processing: (2) expand the arrayed library of chromosome-1 1 cosmids to 10,000-33.000 members: (3) establish a corresponding repository and database for the distribution of these resources and the correlation of results from other laboratories: (4) pursue detection and characterization of expressed genes, especially those relevant to disease, while completing the physical map: (5) continue the conceptual and practical development of the multiplex strategy including extension of the probe-pooling strategy from two- to higher-dimensional arrays of the cosmids, establishment of the optimal library size, further suppression of effects of troublesome high-copy-number sequences, and exploration of the utility of PCR techniques for probe preparation: (6) develop a correlative approach to integration of chromosome-1 1 map data acquired through multiplex walking, PFG and linking clone analyses, linkage data obtained through the use of a variable number of tandem repeats ( VNTR), RFLP, and minisatellite probes and radiation hybrids: and (7) continue the characterization of DNA/genes adjacent to the chromosome-1 1 translocation breakpoints obtained from clinical sources and pursue the identification of disease genes mapped to chromosome 1 1. 70 Novel Methods for Physical Mapping of the Human Genome Applied to the Long Arm of Chromosome 5 Michael McClelland. Carol A. Westbrook.* Mike Weil. John Hanish. Mike Nelson. Yogesh Patel. Settara C. Chandrasekharappa.* Michelle M. Le Beau.* and Michelle Rebelsky* California Institute of Biological Research. La Jolla. CA 92037 (619)535-5476 *Department of Medicine. University of Chicago. Chicago, IL 60637 The goal of this project is to develop and assess new approaches to megabase mapping of a suhchromosomal region, specifically applied to chromosome 5. bands q23-31. This region has been selected because, at 25 Mb. it is of manageable size and represents an approach to the larger chromosomes. Our megabase map will consist of restriction sites for enzymes that cleave infrequently and will link a series of probes that have been mapped to 5q. The region is delineated, and the probes sublocalized. by means of hybrids containing translocations and deletions in chromosome 5. some of which have been prepared from leukemic cells of patients that carry chromosome-5 abnormalities. The technology we plan to develop includes ( I ) enzymologic strategies and (2) methods for the directed production of unique-sequence probes from the region of interest and will include linking clones. The multimegabase strategies have been quite successful: we have developed a reliable method for producing a partial digest of DNA in agarose. In addition, several methylase/D/7/( 1 combinations are being evaluated, including one that cleaves a 12-bp specificity. These approaches should generate fragments of over 500,000 bp in the human genome and facilitate the linking of probes. The map will have interesting biological uses because the region contains the gene(s) for radiation/ mutagen-induced leukemia, as well as for a variety of growth factors and receptors. Abstracts: Physical Mapping Center for Human Genome Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory Robert K. Moyzis, C. E. Hildebrand. R. L. Stallings, and N. A. Doggett Lite Sciences Division. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos. NM 87545 (505) 667-3912. FTS 843-3912 The Los Alamos Center tor Human Genome Studies will provide coordination, technical oversight, and direction for the following interdisciplinary elements of the Human Genome Program at Los Alamos: physical mapping, new technology development, and infomiatics. The center will also develop collaborative research and development programs with the private sector and with other centers for human genome research. The goals of this project are ( 1 ) to develop concepts and to advance technology for genomic physical mapping and (2) to construct a physical map of human chromosome 16 that will include an ordered set of overlapping DNA fragments encompassing the chromosome. The physical map will integrate phage, cosmid, and yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contigs ordered by repetitive sequence "fingerprinting" with the genetic linkage map. identified gene sequences, and the cytogenetic map into a tool that will allow rapid access to any region of chromosome 16 for analysis and eventual large- scale sequencing. The significance of this work lies in the immediate application of the knowledge and tools (1 ) to understand human genetic disease. (2) to clarify the molecular bases for genetic disease susceptibility, especially in regard to energy-related chemical or radiation exposures, and (3) to reveal the molecular details underlying long- range chromosome architecture and dynamics. 72 Genome Organization and Function Robert K. Moyzis. Julie Meyne, and Robert Ratliff Life Sciences Division. Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87543 (5031 667-3912, FTS 843-3912 The ultimate objective of this program is to determine the molecular mechanisms by which higher organisms organize and express their genetic information. Applications of these basic investigations will include the development of novel approaches for (a) detecting of human genetic diseases and (b) measuring the effects of low-level ionizing radiation and/or carcinogen exposure. A combination of biochemical, biophysical, and recombinant DNA techniques is being used to identify, isolate, and determine the roles of DNA sequences involved in long-range genomic order. Currently, major efforts are focused on determining the organization and function of human repetitive DNA sequences. Major findings in the last year included (a) the use of synthetic repetitive DNA oligomers to target in situ hybridization to specific human chromosomes and (b) the isolation of the human telomere. Future studies will be directed toward (a) the further definition and isolation of "functional"" repetitive DNA regions and (b) the cloning, in yeast artificial chromosome vectors, of human telomere adjacent DNA fragments. Defining the mechanisms responsible for organizing the mammalian genome, as well as determining the genetic and nonmutational alterations accompanying abnormal phenotypic change, is important to identifying the effects of environmental contaminants from energy-related technologies. Determining the genetic variability in these mechanisms provides a rational basis for establishing thresholds for toxic substance exposures, for making valid cross-species extrapolations, and, ultimately, for identifying individuals at risk. 73 Abstracts: Physical Mapping Developing a Physical Map of Human Chromosome 22 Using PACE Electrophoresis and Large Fragment Cloning Melvin I. Simon. Bruce Birren. and Hiroaki Shizuya Biology DiviMon, California Institute ot Technology. Pasadena. CA 91 106-4107 (818)356-3944 The goal of this project is to derive a set of overlapping clones covering human chromosome 22. Much of the work involves the development of new or improved methods for cloning large DNA fragments, and for handling, analyzing, and overlapping these clones. To create an overlapping clone map of human chromosome 22. a set of new bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vectors will be developed that should support the cloning of large DNA fragments about 200 kb in length. These BAC vectors are based on the E. coli F-factor and will be constructed to contain promoters for walking, a multiple cloning site, a cos site for cleavage reactions, rare-cutting sites surrounding the insert, and two selectable markers. A library of chromosome 22 will be constructed in these vectors, in modified YAC vectors, and in cosmids. Source DNA for the libraries will come from hamster/human hybrid cells that contain either intact or deleted chromosome 22. For the hybrids with deletions, the pulse alternating current electrophoresis (PACE) system will be used to separate the deleted chromosome. Human clones will be selected from the libraries by screening with total human DNA. Fingerprints of the clones from the different vector systems will be achieved by partially digesting the cloned DNA and labeling the cos sites with either radioactive or fluorescent tags. The cos sites will be cut with terminase and labeled by a hybridization- ligation reaction. Since each cos end has a different sequence, different oligos can be ligated to each site and a partial-digest map can be created from each end of the clone. The use of fluorescent tags attached by ligation allows the simultaneous use of different fluorochromes at each cos site while separate restriction analysis would be done for radiolabeled oligonucleotides. Detection of the restriction fragments would be performed on the PACE pulsed-field gel electrophoresis system. Based upon the partial digest data, computer algorithms will construct the overlap map. 74 Techniques for Determining the Physical Structure of Entire Human Chromosomes Cassandra L. Smith. W. Michels, J. S. Cheng. H. Fang. J. Gingrich. D. Wang, and Y. Wu Human Genome Center. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Berkeley. CA 94720 (415) 486-6800. FTS 4.'^ 1-6800 Large-fragment DNA methods are being used to construct a macro-restriction map of the smallest human chromosome. Isolation of a human telomere yeast artificial chromosome clone enabled the ends of the map to be defined. About 30 single-copy DNA probes with previously assigned genetic map locations along the length of the chromosome are being employed as anchor points. These probes were used to identify corresponding large Not 1 and Mlii I DNA fragments by hybridization to pulsed-field gel fractionated DNA restriction digests. The map between the anchor points is being reconstructed by combining several approaches: assigning other bands by using single- copy probes with known regional locations; assigning neighboring bands using the 15 thus-far-isolated chromosome-specific Not I linking probes: and interpolating between anchor points using partial digests phased either by Smith-Bimstiel type approaches or by using sites that are polymorphic, when different cell lines are compared, as signa- tures of particular regions. A series of clones of repeated DN As are being used to identify all the chromosome-2I restriction fragments present in these hybrid rodent cell lines. These approaches have allowed us to identify about 40 Mb that come from chromosome 21 and to link up Not I fragments of at least 8 Mb near the (/ telomere and additional significant regions along the cj arm. Additionally, these strategies have allowed us to determine that D21S13, the locus most closely linked to the Alzheimer's disease gene on chromosome 21, is in fact located on the same 1.6-Mb fragment as locus D21S16. Although the map is not yet complete, it reveals interesting features such as the uneven distribution of putative genes along the chromosome and a greater-than- expected gradient of enhanced recombination near the (/ telomere. 75 Abstracts: Physical Mapping Correlation of Physical and Genetic Maps of Human Chromosome 16 Grant R. Sutherland. David F. Callen. Valentine J. Hyland, John C. Mulley, and Robert I. Richards Department of Histopathoiogy. Adelaide Children's Hospital, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006, Australia 011-618-267-7333 The goal of this project is to construct a detailed physical map, which will be correlated with the linkage map, of human chromosome 16. The methods to be used for con- struction include the following: (DA panel of mouse/human hybrid cell lines, which contain only parts of chromosome 16, will be developed. The panel will be achieved by fusing human cells that contain rearrangements of chromosome 16 with mouse A9 cells and selecting for the human APRT gene on the end of the long ami of chromosome 16. The cytogenetic and molecular characterization of the panel will allow detailed physical mapping of cloned DNA sequences and genes that are expressed in the hybrid cells. The cell panel produced should divide this chromosome, which contains approximately 3.3% of the human genome, into about 50 intervals of average-size 2 Mb and thus provide a means of mapping any cloned DNA sequence from chromosome 16 into these relatively small regions. Sequences that map into such a region should then be useful to generate restriction maps using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This project should lay the foundation for construction of a restriction map of chromosome 16. (2) Anonymous cloned DNA fragments of chromosome 16 will be selected from various chromosome- 16-specific libraries and mapped using the hybrid cell panel. In selected intervals these fragments will be used to identify restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for which the CEPH (Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain) panel of families will be typed to correlate the physical and linkage maps. Probes to cloned genes that have been mapped to chromosome 16 will be obtained, and these genes will be physically mapped: where these probes detect RFLPs, their linkage relationships with other cloned segments will be determined using the CEPH families. Probes on chromosome 16 that have been put through the CEPH families and used to generate linkage maps will be obtained from other researchers on a collaborative basis and physically mapped to further define the correlation of the physical and genetic maps of this chromosome. 76 Mapping Instrumentation Automated Methods for Large-Scale Physical Mapping Tony J. Beugelsdigk and Robert Hollen Mechanical and Electronic Engineering Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos. NM 87545 (505) 667-3169, FTS 843-3169 The preparation of an ordered-clone collection from human chromosome-specific DNA libraries, necessary for both low- and high-resolution physical maps, offers the next challenge in the task of mapping the entire human genome. This research will focus on instrumenting the front-end processes required in constructing a low -resolution physical map. specifically, the ability to propagate automatically and purify human DNA fragments for subsequent analysis and use. We are assembling the necessary automated hardware designed to manipulate, simultaneously, through numerous preparative steps, a large number of samples containing small volumes (0. 1-0.5 mL), and, finally, to deliver the samples to solid support filters for binding. The samples will automatically be placed on the solid support in a precisely indexed array for multistage analysis and automated data acquisition. Based on extensive experience in designing robotic and automated equipment, we anticipate that practical problems in large-scale mapping programs will become evident only after attempts are made to apply new methods to actual map production. For this reason, instrumenting the construction of chromosome-specific physical maps will evolve through a multidisciplinary program. This strategy offers an advantage in that automated devices will become both research and production tools and will be appropriate targets for technology transfer. 77 Abstracts: Mapping Instrumentation Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Charles R. Cantor, C. Bustamante, J. Gingrich, A. Hassenfeld, J. Jaklevic, W. Johnston, J. Katz, W. F. Kolbe, S. Levene, S. Lewis, M. Maestre, and E. Theil Human Genome Center, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Berkeley, CA 94720 (413)486-6800, (FTS) 451-6800 Researchers at the Human Genome Center at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) are developing innovative techniques in instrumentation and automation to accommodate the size and complexity of the experimental procedures used in physical mapping methods. In addition to improving existing laboratory methods, emphasis will be placed on developing advanced techniques for separating large DNA fragments. Technology for the flow separation of chromosomes will be developed. Modem nuclear radiation detectors or optical and ultraviolet imaging systems will be used to explore methods for direct imaging of electrophoresis gels. The use of differential-polarization imaging to achieve enhanced sensitivity for direct viewing of DNA will be investigated. Brief abstracts of the individual projects are listed below. Optimization of Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (A. Hassenfeld, J. Jaklevic. J. Katz, W. F. Kolbe, and S. Levene) — Engineers at LBL have constructed a test bed for all of the various configurations of PEG electrophoresis. This test bed provides precision control and recording of the conditions within the gel in real time during the run. Optimizing the speed and precision of DNA isolation will, in turn, shorten crucial steps in the mapping process while retaining the high resolution of the current PEG techniques. Among the variables currently being explored are short, intense secondary electric field pulses and combined electric and magnetic fields. Micromanipulation of DNA (M. Maestre and C. Bustamante) — Some of the infomiation from the PEG studies is being applied to the development of a system for handling and manipulating single DNA molecules. The goal is to develop techniques for isolating specific, single DNA molecules for other procedures such as PCR. cutting by enzymatic or physical means, or direct visualization. The rationale for this technique is to construct a network of electrodes that are about the same size as large DNA molecules (electrodes of 10-20 mm separated by 20-50 mm). A key concept is the use of inhomogeneous fields. If a DNA molecule is to be manipulated in a way that places different sections of the molecule in specific positions in the electrode net, it is essential that these parts experience different forces and different electrostatic fields. The motion of single DNA molecules has been made visible with the use of the intensified epifluorescence microscope after labeling with fluorophores (acridine orange). Direct manipulation of the molecule is then performed through the computer-assisted control of the local electric fields by the microelectrodes. The microelectrodes have been constructed and tested, and DNA molecules can be moved in predictable directions. T4 phage DNA was used in the preliminary testing. The DNA molecules stretched to a length of 49 mm; this length is very close to the length of 52 mm reported for the T4 phase DNA. 78 Automated Image Analysis (W. Johnston, S. Lewis, J. Jaklevic, and E. Theil) — Most mapping protocols rely upon visualization of DNA. Therefore, development of hardware and software for automatic capture, analysis, indexing, and storage of images is needed to advance the generation of physical maps whether by PFG analysis, confocal microscopy, or STM. The gel imaging system being developed here emphasizes automatic electronic filtering of peaks for band identification. The filter procedure is designed to remove constant or linear background while compensating for the weak signal that may be present from shoulders on better defined peaks. Other aspects of the imaging system include development of a simple-to-use image database and automatic lane compensation. The overall goal is a highly integrated acquisition, analysis, storage, and retrieval system for any image. Robotics (J. Gingrich, S. Lewis, J. Jaklevic, and E. Theil) — Robotic techniques are being developed to automate and accelerate the labor-intensive steps that currently limit the rate of generating physical maps. This effort is resulting in modification of existing hardware as well as the development of new software. Applications currently being tested for robotic automation include screening yeast colonies for those containing YACs; processing DNA samples for PFG analyses: and collecting and processing DNA samples separated by PFG for further electrophoretic analysis, sequencing, or amplification by PCR. 79 Abstracts: Mapping Instrumentation Genomic Instrumentation Jack B. Davidson Instrumentation and Controls Division. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge. TN 37831-6010 (615) 574-5599. FTS 624-5599 We are taking a two-level approach to instrumentation needs in DNA mapping and sequencing. On the first level, developments to improve present gel-based techniques are extensions of our approach to filmless autoradiography. Using ultralow-light-level digital television, we detect macromolecules labeled with 'H, "C, "S. or '-P directly from dried gels impregnated with a liquid scintillator or by use of an intensifying screen. Originally developed for two-dimensional protein distributions, the method has improved the speed and accuracy of data acquisition and may be useful for imaging the blots found in gene mapping. Upon resolution and field-coverage improvements, large conventional sequencing gels and the blots used in G. M. Church's multiplexing system could be imaged directly. Because light is the detected entity, the basic system can be applied to gels tagged with fluorescent dyes as well as radioactive labels. A related development is a "lensless" radiation microscope for imaging beta particles in in situ hybridization studies and in neuronography. One goal— to visualize radiolabeled genes on chromosomes— requires a 20- to 50-fold improvement in resolution over present capability. 80 High-Resolution DNA Mapping by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) James F. Hainfeld. Martha N. Simon, Stephen G. Will Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 1 1973 (516) 282-3372, FTS 666-3372 Mapping DNA directly with STEM may complement the fast-growing technology of automatic sequencers. Several tests will be made to determine the feasibility, speed, and reliability of this method. There are several advantages of a direct physical microscope approach to sequencing: ( 1 ) very long sequences could be done (i.e., lO'^-lO^ bp in length); (2) if successful, the method could be several orders of magnitude faster than chemical methods: and (3) since long pieces of DNA are used, the problems encountered with repetitive sequences would be circumvented. Preliminary results have been obtained using the following test system. A 622-bp sequence from pBR322 was excised with restriction enzymes and purified. Next, a 128-bp T7 piece was inserted at position 276 (giving a total of 720 bp). The denaturing and renaturing of equal quantities of the 622-bp and 720-bp fragments resulted in 50'7f fonnation of hetero- duplexes (one 622 strand paired with a 720 strand) and left the extra bases as a single- stranded loop. A 26-mer oligonucleotide that was complementary to a region of the single-stranded insert was synthesized. A chemical modification added a sultTiydryl at the 3 -end of this oligonucleotide, and the undecagold cluster was covalently attached to it. The oligonucleotide and heteroduplexes were then mixed under renaturing conditions and examined using STEM. Control heteroduplexes with no gold clusters show a kink at the position of the 128-bp single-stranded insert, and the total length and length to the insert are consistent with the proposed model. When the gold-oligonucleotide was hybridized, the gold cluster was visible as a tiny bright dot at the "V vertex of the DNA. The gold cluster was about 10 A from the base it labels (3 bp), and the accuracy of positioning a base from the end of DNA segments with STEM is 2 bp. A total potential positional accuracy of 3-5 bp should prove useful in the physical mapping of genomes. 81 Abstracts: Mapping Instrumentation Thermal Stability Mapping of DN A by Random Fragmentation and Two-Dimensional Denaturing Gradient Electrophoresis L. S. Lerman. Nashua Gabra, Eric Schmitt. and Ezra Abrams Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge. MA 02139 (617)253-6658 The themial stability of the double helix in a standard solvent is fully determined by the base sequence. Within a long DNA molecule, each local region (ranging in length from a few dozen bases up to several hundred pairs) undergoes a transition from an ordered helix to a disordered, randomized configuration (melting) within a narrow temperature span, typically from I to 3°C for the change from 95*"/^ helical to 5% helical. It is convenient to characterize the transition in each region, or domain, by the Tm, the temperature at which there is a 50-50 equilibrium between the helical and melted forms. Within human genomic DNA there is substantial variation in the local Tm, as much as about 35 degrees, often with distinct and sharp boundaries between adjacent domains. While the pattern and characteristics of this sequence of domains in long DNA molecules is inferred principally by statistical-mechanical theory, the domain content is more directly observable in short DNA molecules by means of absorption spectroscopy as a function of temperature, or by denaturing gradient electrophoresis. Since the Tm of each domain is changed only very slightly by the substitution, addition, or deletion of one or a very few bases, the sequence of domains provides a robust counterpart to the base sequence. The domain map is less sensitive to trivial individual variation (including methylation) than a restriction map and reflects biological function more closely. In two-dimensional separation of randomly fragmented genomic DNA. each random fragment is identified by X. Y coordinates representing its length and the Tm of the domain with the lowest Tm in the fragment. All fragments in which that domain is the lowest will find a similar gradient level, regardless of their length. This distribution and the response to specific sequence probes provide a means, in principle, for determining the spacing, order, and Tm among those domains that have a lower Tm than the average and those with the highest Tm. It will provide measurements of the nucleotide distances between each of these domains and any arbitrary set of sequence identifiers or probes. Our current effort is concerned with refining and calibrating various aspects of the two- dimensional denaturing gradient technique and related procedures. efforts include (I) using iron-peroxide nicking and SI cleavage for the preparation of fully random distribution of fragments from lambda DNA and yeast artificial chromosomes containing long human genomic inserts; (2) reducing the breadth of bands produced by very long DNA molecules in the denaturing gradient: (3) analyzing the band broadening observed when the domain with lowest Tm is surrounded by higher melting domains; and (4) developing optical, mathematical, and computing procedures for calibrating gel photographs or autoradiographs in terms of quantitative, point-to-point distributions of DNA. 82 New Approaches to DNA Mapping: Synthetic Endonucleases Betsy M. Sutherland and Gary A. Epling Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upton. NY 1 1973 (516)'282-3293. FTS 666-3293 Recognition and mapping of functionally important DNA regions (e.g.. regulatory and coding regions and initiation sequences) can he greatly facilitated by specific DNA cleavage at such sites. Synthetic endonucleases. able to cleave at regions of functional importance, will be created by coupling DNA site-specific binding proteins via linker arms to light-activatable cleaving moieties: specific binding function is provided by the DNA binding protein; cleavage activity is provided by the activatable cleaving molecules. A prototype system of Rose-Bengal (RB) coupled via a hexanoic acid linker to a DNA lesion site-specific monoclonal antibody will be developed for other specific DNA-binding proteins, including the T7 RNA polymerase and mammalian transcription initiation factors. Coupling of RB-hexanoic acid to T7 RNA polymerase via l-ethyl-3-(3- dimethylaminopropyl) coupling (EDO was found to yield RB-tagged polymerase, which can specifically bind to a plasmid containing a T7 promoter. However, the conditions for EDC were sufficiently stringent to result in low final yields of active polymerase. We designed and synthesized an RB triethylene glycol succinate activated ester, which can be added to polymerase under buffer conditions optimal for enzyme stability. Levels of the RB addition that yielded maximum specific binding of the polymerase to T7 promoter sites were determined. Preliminary results indicate that the RB-labeled T7 RNA polymerase can mediate the cleavage of T7 DNA to a level of at least 2.4 cleavages per DNA molecule. The sites of cleavage by the tagged polymerase are being determined. 83 Abstracts: Mapping Instrumentation Quantitation in Electrophoresis Based on Lasers E. S. Yeung Environmental Sciences Program, Ames Laboratory, Ames, lA 5001 1 (515)294-8062 The goal of this project is to develop a novel laser-based imaging technique for quantitation in gel electrophoresis and in capillary electrophoresis. No stains are required: thus cost-efficiency, reliability, convenience, and speed of processing are increased. The fact that the scanning technique uses no mechanical parts adds to the positional accuracy (resolution) of the measurement. The research is based on indirect fluorometry and acousto-optic imaging. In indirect fluorometry, a fluorescing ion is used to elute the sample and thus produce a large fluorescence background signal throughout the gel. When one of the components of the samples appears, the fluore.scing ion is displaced; a lower fluorescence signal will then be observed. Since electro- phoresis is based on charged species, electroneutrality requires a one-to-one displacement of the fluorescing ion. This negative signal allows nonfluorescing species to be detected with the high sensitivity nonnally associated with fluorescing species only, and without staining. The response should be uniform and predictable because it is derived from the same fluorescing ion. Preliminary results indicate that indirect fluorometry is feasible for monitoring nucleotides and DNA fragments. Applications to DNA mapping and sequencing will be pursued. 84 Sequencing Technologies Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of DNA Rodney L. Balhurn and Wigbert Siekhaus Biomedical Sciences Division. Lawrence Livennore National Laboratory. Livemiore, CA 94550 (415) 422-6284. FTS 532-6284 Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and at other institutions, have recently shown that scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) can be performed on the DNA molecule with angstrom resolution. In addition, STM in the spectroscopic mode (scanning tunneling spectroscopy or STS) has been used to characterize the electronic structure of semiconductor substrates and their interaction with molecules adsorbed on such substrates. The goals of this project are ( 1 ) to develop the instrumentation and techniques required for imaging naked double- and single-stranded DNA at or near atomic resolution using STM and (2) to devise methods for obtaining spectroscopic information with STM that allow us to distinguish between the four bases and to sequence DNA. To accomplish these goals, the four nucleotides and various single- and double-stranded DNAs will be imaged, after electrophoresis, onto graphite and other substrates. Experiments will be performed to determine how specific counterions and the hydration state of the deposited DNA affect imaging. To identify individual bases and specific molecular tags, measurements of synthetic and tagged sequences of known length will be made so that various types of spectroscopy (work function, laser- enhanced vibration, and photon emission) can be performed on the molecules. Our application of STM and STS to the analysis and sequencing of DNA should directly impact the progress of the human genome effort by eventually providing a new, electronic method for sequencing DNA at three orders of magnitude faster than existing methods. The techniques and instrumentation developed during the course of this project will also be directly applicable to the analysis of biological samples in general. 85 Abstracts: Sequencing Technologies Transposon-Facilitated DNA Sequencing Douglas E. Berg, Clara M. Berg, and Henry Huang Department ot Microbiology and Immunology. Washington University, St. Louis. MO 631 10 (314)362-2772 Two types of derivatives of transposon Tn5 will be constructed to facilitate the sequencing of cloned DN As. One type is designed for in vivo insertion at many sites in DNAs cloned in lambda phage and in cosmids and other plasmid vectors, and for sequencing in both directions from each site of insertion. The other type will be embedded in cosmids and used to generate nested deletions with one variable end point in the cloned DNA and one end point fixed at a transposon end; the set of nested deletions will similarly permit sequencing of the entire stretch of cloned DNA without need for subcloning of random fragments. The Tn5 element for insertion into lambda and cosmids will contain a supF (suppressor tRNA) gene as a selectable marker. Its transposition to lambda will be selected by plaque formation, while its transposition to plasmids will be selected by suppression of a chromosomal amber mutation. Constructs for making nested deletions by intramolecular transposition will contain a Tn5 transposase gene, whose expression is turned on by IPTG. so that deletions can be made at will. The construct will also contain a conditionally lethal gene for selection of the transposition-induced deletions. Deletion-generating Tn5 derivatives will be constructed as complete cosmid vectors for the construction of new recombinant DNA libraries and as cassettes for insertion into cosmids that already contain cloned DNAs. Both types of Tn5 derivatives will be adapted for multiplex sequencing. 86 Computer-Assisted Multiplex DNA Sequencing G. M. Church. G. Gryan. S. Kieffer-Higgins. L. Mintz, M. J. Rubenfield. and M. Temple Department of Genetics. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Harvard Medical School, Boston. MA 02138-3800 (617)732-7562 Several laboratories are sequencing genomes (ranging from 1 to 15 Mbp) from each phylogenetic kingdom. The genome closest to completion is E. coli (20% of 4.7 Mbp). These sequences will define consensuses for classes of protein domains, evolutionary conservation, and change. While participating in this quest, we have developed a new multiplex DNA sequencing method |Church et al.. Science 240, 185-188 ( 1988)], In multiplex DNA sequencing. 480 sequencing reaction sets, each tagged with specific oligonucleotides, are run on a single gel in 1 2 pools of 40 and transferred to a membrane. We hybridize 75 such membranes simultaneously. The resulting sequence film images are digitized, and sequence interpretations are superimpo.sed on the enhanced two-dimensional images for editing. The computer program (REPLICA) uses internal standards from multiplexing to establish lane alignment and lane-specific reaction rules by discriminant analysis. The automatic reading phase takes one hour per film (3 kb) on a Vaxstation. Images with overlapping data can be viewed side by side to facilitate decision making. Hash-table-based routines for linking up shotgun sequences in the megabase range are compatible in speed with the rest of the software. 87 Abstracts: Sequencing Technologies Sequencing of Megabase Plus DNA by Hybridization: Method Development R. Crkvenjakov, R. Drmanac. Z. Strezoska. and I. Labat Center for Genetic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 283. P.O. Box 283. 1 1000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia 38- n -49 1-391 The DNA sequence of a genome can be constructed by joining shorter overlapping oligomer sequences of DNA. Sequencing by hybridization (SBH) is an implementation in which the oligomer sequences are accessed through a DNA hybridization methodology. Oligomer probes are used to ascertain the presence or absence of complementary sequences in arrayed clones, with the library of overlapping clones representing the genome. The sequence data gathered earlier provide for the ordering of the library. The data on the unique regions of overlapping clone pairs have a particularly important role and serve for the resolution of sequence branch ambiguities that would otherwise arise in the developing .sequence of single clones. Through computer modeling, an optimal system configuration is defined that specifies the family of 100,000 oligomer probes needed and the characteristics of the library. For practical application, probe-template hybrids that are perfectly base-paired must be distinguishable from those with a base-pair mismatch. Now that an understanding of the requisite themiodynamics has been achieved and the resolving capacity demonstrated, oligomers — at least as small as octamers — can serve as probes. These size reductions are important because costs of oligomer synthesis are thereby greatly decreased. The continuing development program includes optimization of probe labeling, library cloning, and management procedures; measurement of the actual error rate in data acquisition: and a stringent test of the theory. The latter is a computer simulation of data processing and sequence assembly for a DNA of yeast genome size. A scheme for extensive miniaturization of the probe-clone array system is under development. The aim of the project is to provide experience for decision making on whether or not to proceed to a sequencing pilot plant stage. *This project is being supported under terms of a Scientific and Technological Cooperation Treaty between the United States and Yugoslavia, with Yugoslavia providing the majority of the funds. 88 Rapid Preparation of DNA for Automated Sequencing John J. Dunn and F. William Studier Biology Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 1 1973 (316)282-3012, FTS 666-3012 A strategy that uses a library of oligonucleotide primers of length eight, nine, or ten has been developed for direct sequencing of cosmid DN As. The statistics of priming indicate that a library sufficient for determining the sequence of hundreds of thousands of different cosmids could be readily assembled. This strategy would greatly reduce the cost and effort of human genome sequencing. Any needed primer would be instantly available at a cost of considerably less than 0.1 cent per nucleotide of sequence obtained. Mapping, subcloning, or preparation of multiple DNA samples would not be necessary, and the wasteful redundancies of random sequencing strategies would be eliminated. The success of this strategy requires only that a considerable fraction of all octamers, nonamers, or decamers be able to prime selectively. Work is under way to establish conditions where this will be the case. The transposon gamma-delta is being modified to carry genetic signals that enable bacteriophage T7 to replicate and package plasmid DNAs. The ability of such an element to insert these signals into a cosmid DNA and thereby to facilitate preparation of the DNA for sequencing is being tested using a cosmid that carries a complete genomic copy of the receptor gene for polio virus. 89 Abstracts: Sequencing Technologies Scanning Tunneling Microscopy T. L. Ferrell, R. J. Warmack, and Dave Allison Health and Safety Research Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 3783 1 (615) 574-6214, FTS 624-6214 This project includes the operation and continued development of scanning tunneling microscopes for basic physics research related to health and environmental problems. The primary focus of this research is the use of scanning tunneling microscopes in sequencing the human genome. A scanning tunneling microscope with single-atom resolution is used to image atomic structure on surfaces, to alter atomic positions, and to probe the dynamical phenomena caused by collective electron motion and motion of ions. Development includes extending capabilities to a wider range of materials, to identification of atomic species, and to studies of biological samples. Methodologies are developed for atom-by-atom studies of biological molecules important in understanding the human genome and in providing other applications in surface science. 90 Multiplex DNA Sequencing Robert Weiss and Raymond F. Gesteland Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Human Genetics, University of Utaii Medical School, Salt Lake City, UT 841 12 (801)581-5190 We have developed a method for rapid DNA sequencing that employs multiplex probing, as originally described by Church and Gilbert. A large number (25-50) of DNA samples, each cloned in an equal number of special vectors, are prepared together and as a mixture are sequenced using dideoxy sequencing from a universal primer whose sequence is carried by each vector. After conventional separation by gel electrophoresis, the mixed DNA pattern is transferred to a membrane. Each of the individual sequences is then revealed by repetitive rounds of probing, washing, reading, stripping, and reprobing with labeled oligonucleotide, each of which is unique for a sequence in one of the vectors. By fixing a number of such membranes in a drum, the '-P-labeled probing can be done (without handling the membranes) to obtain 10.000-20,000 bases of sequence in each cycle with a cycle time of 1-2 days, including time for autoradiography — with minimal labor. By using a set of transposons containing appropriate primer and identifier sequences, we are developing, with help from Diane Dunn, a method for creating in vivo random subclones that are ready for multiplex sequencing. An optical lab has been set up by Jeff Ives and Achim Karger with the help of Joel Harris (Chemistry Department) to compare the feasibility of fluorescence and chemiluminescent tags for the multiple probes. The efficiency of multiplex sequencing has been diminished by a bottleneck at the step of reading autoradiograms. To solve this problem and to deal with data that might come from charge-coupled display (CCD) images of the fluorescent or chemiluminescent membranes, a research group — including Jeff Ives, Mike Murdock, and Tom Stockham and Neil Cotter (Electrical Engineering Department) — has been assembled. Harold Swerdlow is investigating the feasibility of using gel electrophoresis in microbore capillaries (70 mm) to do sequencing. 91 Abstracts: Sequencing Technologies DNA Sequencing Using Stable Isotopes K. B. Jacobson. H. F. Arlinghaus,* G. M. Brown. R. S. Foote. F. A. Larimer, R. A. Sachleben. N. Thonnard.* and R. P. Woychik Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8077 (615)574-1204. FTS 624-1204 *Atom Sciences, Inc. Thi.s project utilizes a new DNA-sequencing approach that could increase the rate of sequence determination 100-t'old or more as compared to current methods that use radioisotopes. In this procedure, stable isotopes of sulfur, tin, iron, mercury, and other elements can be used to label DNA it.self or oligonucleotide probes that will be used to locate DNA fragments after electrophoresis. Resonance ionization spectroscopy (RIS) will be used for localization and quantitation of these elements and all their stable isotopes in an optimal fashion. The sensitivity of RIS, as implemented in Sputter- Initiated Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (SIRIS), should be comparable to that of radioisotopes and fluorescent labels that are in current use. Furthemiore. the multiplex method of DNA sequencing will be adapted for use with stable isotopes so that 40 labels can be used simultaneously. This adaptation will require that the maximum number of stable isotopes of a given element be attached to a series of oligonucleotides in a stable configuration, so that the label does not interfere with accurate hybridization. Several chemical approaches are presented that should lead to properly labeled probes that meet these criteria. Current state-of-the-art SIRIS will be used to demonstrate this new sequencing approach, and the design of the instrument will be modified to adapt it specifically to DNA sequence determination. The use of radioisotopes is eliminated along with the attendant problems related to radiation exposure of personnel, the prohibitive costs of radioactive waste disposal, and the need to cope with the short half- lives of reagents that contain radioisotopes. A patent application is pending for this technique. To carry out the goals of this project will require close collaboration of physicists, chemists, and molecular biologists. 92 Sequencing of Linear Molecules Joseph M. Jaklevic and W. F. Kolbe Instrumentation Division. Lawrence Beri,:l, ilr» ^^^^^^— ^^^— contigs z"/"z /-\ -r\ YAC or cosmld clones Results: Map based linked library: detailed but incomplete 132 features, such as restriction map data, that have two. and then multiple, clones in common. TTiey then form contiguous blocks of DNA (contigs). The resulting ordered library of DNA pieces is 10.000 to 100.000 base pairs in size. By using chromosomes purified by flow-sorters (a technique pioneered by the national laboratories) or in hybrid cell lines, one can concentrate on mapping a single chromosome at a time. Sequencing The DNA sequence is the ultimate physical map. Sequencing is also done by two basic approaches. Both of these methods work because very high resolution separations of DNA molecules are achievable with gel electrophoresis. In Maxam-Gilbert sequencing (Fig. 13A). DNA is cleaved at individual specific bases, and the lengths of the resulting fragments are determined. In Sanger sequencing (Fig. 13B), DNA replication is stopped at one of the four types of bases, and the lengths of the resulting DNA fragments are determined. Virtually all the steps in these sequencing methods are now automated. Double Stranded DNA ot Unknown Chemical Trealmml loCul Chain al One or Two Specific NocleoUdes - Reaction Mixtures Get Electrophoresis Detection of Radioactive Bands Only (Autoradiography! G + A T - C »1- •- -rn-,- ^-r "a C T T Prod ucts from Reaction DNA Polymerase I ^-^ .,, .~. dCTP ; . >■ V dCTP dTTP ; KH Hy H H Dldroxynucleoilde (ddNTP any one ol Ihe 4 bases) dJTTI- .JdCTT ■■'"'^•te.,. RcacUon Mixtures Ge] EtectrophoTCsIs Auloradiof^phy lo Dclecl Radioartlvr Etands I I ' I ' i I ' Ij Fig. 13A. DNA sequencing by the Maxam-Gilbert method {Office of Technology Assessment, 1988). Fig. 13B. DNA sequencing by the Sanger method. (Office of Technology Assessment, 1988). 133 Appendix A: Primer on Molecular Genetics End Games: Completing the Maps and Determining the Sequences Starting maps and sequences is relatively easy; finishing them is very difficuU. New methods are needed to expedite this end game. Chromosome Walking with Primers An approach being used to finish sequences is chromosome walking with primers (Fig. 14). In this technique, the walk begins with a primer at a known site and proceeds in a linear fashion — one step at a time — while adjacent regions that were previously unknown are being identified and sequenced. The larger region then serves as the new primer. All primers are synthesized chemically. The difficulty with this technique is the number of syntheses required for a large project. Fig. 14. Chromosome walking. chromosome - chromosome rhromosome 1 1 known primer synthesis of DNA T stop 1 sequence synthesize d DNA new known sequence new known primer 1 1 V V//////A + 1 synthesis chromosome \/77/7//y\— r//////XA- One "step" 134 Single Chromosome Dissection Another approach to finishing maps is to utilize single-chromosome dissection by physical methods (Fig. 15). This method isolates DNA pieces from the regions that are not yet mapped or sequenced and then applies the previously described mapping methods to those pieces. Locating Specific Genes The current human genetic map has about 1000 markers, or 1 marker spaced every 3 million base pairs. About 100 genes will lie between each pair of markers. In some regions of particular interest, genetic maps have been made that are five to ten times more detailed. By combining genetic and physical map infomiation for a region, the stage is set for locating new genes (Fig. 16). The genetic map of these markers basically unibld, cut extend DNA chain tether tether chromosome ifr molecule Fig. 15. Chromosome or single- molecule strategies. 135 Appendix A: Primer on Molecular Genetics gives gene order. Rough information about gene position is sometimes available also, but these data have to be used with caution, because recombination is not equally likely at all places on the chromosome: thus, the genetic map, compared to the physical map, stretches in some places and compresses in others. It is as though the genetic map were drawn on a rubber band. How difficult it is to find an actual disease gene of interest depends largely on what is already known about that gene and, especially, on what sort of alterations in the gene have resulted in disease (Fig. 17). If disease results from a single altered DNA base, spotting the disease gene is very difficult; sickle cell anemia is an example of such a case, as are probably the majority of major human inherited diseases. When disease Fig. 16. Finding genes. A genetic map will reveal that a given gene of interest (C) lies in a region, perhaps encompassing 10 million base pairs (10 Mbp). The physical map allows one to dissect that region and to locate likely pieces on which the particular gene may reside. Genetic map cloned DNA A 1 - 10 Mb — D c ■O B restriction fragments 1 Mb Goal; Find the fragment that contains gene C. 136 results from a large DNA rearrangement, this anomaly can usually be detected by alterations in the physical map of the region or even by examination of the chromosome. The location of these alterations pinpoints the site of the gene. To identify — without a map — the gene responsible for a specific disease, is analogous to finding a needle in a haystack. Finding the gene is even more difficult, because no matter how close one gets, the gene still looks like just another piece of hay. However, maps make finding genes much easier. They tell where to look in the haystack. The finer the map, the fewer the pieces of hay one has to test to see which is the gene of interest. normal gene 30,000 bp single base change deletion insertion translocation Fig. 17. Possible DNA abnormalities that can produce an inherited defect. 137 "The Alta Summit, December 1984" Appendix B 139 Appendix C: "The Alta Summit, December 1984"* Robert Miillan Cook-Deegan Alta is a ski area nestled among the Saguache Mountains in Utah, a winding 40- niinute drive southeast from Salt Lake City. From December 9 to 13, 1984, visitors were isolated by repeated blizzards. The slopes were covered most mornings with Utah's renowned fine light powder, which beckoned skiers to cut its virgin surface. For those 3 days. Alta was also a capital of human genetics. Many historical threads in the fabric that later became the Human Genome Project wind through that meeting, although it was not a meeting on mapping or sequencing the human genome. Through happenstance and historical accident, Alta links human genome projects to research on the effects of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 40 years earlier. If genome projects prove important to biology, then historians will note the Alta meeting. The Alta meeting was sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the International Commission for Protection Against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens. It was initiated by David Smith of DOE and Mortimer Mendelsohn of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who turned over final organization to Raymond White of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Utah. The purpose was to ask those working on the front lines of DNA analytical methods to address a specific technical question: could new methods permit direct detection of mutations, and more specifically could any increase in the mutation rate among survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings be detected (in them or in their children)? The idea behind the Alta meeting came from another meeting on March 4 *Reprinted with permission from Academic Press. Inc.. Genomics 5. 661-663 (October 1989), TABLE 1 Participants at ttie Alta l\/leeting, December 1984 David Botstein Mortimer Mendelsohn Elbert Branscomb John Mulvihill Charles R. Cantor Richard Myers C. Thomas Caskey James V. Neel George Church Maynard Olson John D. Detahanty David A, Smith Charles Edington Edwin Southern Raymond Gesteland Sherman Weissman Michael Gough Raymond L, White Leonard Lerman 140 and 5, 1984. in Hiroshima, at which new DNA analytical tools were deemed second highest priority for human mutations research, just behind establishing ceil lines from atomic bomb survivors, their progeny, and controls. Those attending the Alta meeting in December (see Table 1 ) were drawn from a variety of backgrounds, and many had never met each other. Most said in interviews later that they came to the meeting quite skeptical, but left thinking it had been one of the best scientific meetings they ever attended (Interviews, 1987. 1988). The principal conclusion of the meeting was. ironically, that methods were incapable of measuring mutations with sufficient sensitivity, unless an enormously large, complex, and expensive program were undertaken. Technical obstacles thus thwarted attainment of the main goal of the meeting, yet the meeting left a profusion of new ideas in its wake, some of which later washed ashore to be incorporated into various genome projects. Five years later, there is still no sensitive assay for human heritable mutations, but there are genome programs at NIH. at DOE, and in several foreign nations. Excitement about the new methods blossomed at Alta despite, or perhaps because of, the wintry isolation. As Mortimer Mendelsohn noted in his internal report to DOE: It was clear from the outset that the ingredients for a successful meeting [were present]. . . and the result far exceeded expectation. Once the point of the was clear to everyone, a remarkable atmosphere of cooperation and mutual creativity pervaded the meeting. Excitement was infectious and ideas flowed rapidly from every direction, with many ideas surviving to the end. (Mendelsohn, 1985). John Mulvihill began the meeting by reviewing epidemiological studies of human mutations. Studies that could theoretically have detected a threefold increase in mutations had not found any. James Neel spoke about measurement of mutations among Hiroshima-Nagasaki survivors, estimating that the likely mutation rate was 10 '^ per base pair per generation (or roughly 30 new mutations per genome per generation), indistinguishable from that of Japanese controls and in the same general range as that estimated by epidemiological methods and detection of protein variants among other "normal" populations. Several of the technical consultants commented on the passionate devotion Neel brought to the study of Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims, and how his demeanor set the tone for lively and cooperative exchanges throughout the meeting. Existing methods had failed to detect an anticipated increase in mutations among the more than 12.000 children of Hirsohima-Nagasaki survivors (whose parents received an average 43 rad). Calculations showed that to measure a 30% increase in the mutation rate, roughly what would be expected from the average dose, one would have to examine 4.5 x 10'" bp in the children, and 4 to 5 times more in the parents (Delahanty, 1986). In fact, the DNA methods were at least an order of magnitude short of being able to detect the expected impact from atomic bomb exposure among survivors; they could only detect differences expected from radiation exposure well above the lethal dose (and hence not measurable). The question was whether there were new technical means 141 Appendix B: "The Alta Surnmir that would get around the problems. The answer was no. but the process of thinking about it forced many novel ideas to the surface. George Church began to ruminate on the ideas that culminated in multiplex sequencing. He said later that discussions with Maynard Olson. Richard Myers, and others helped him crystallize his inchoate ideas. (David Smith recalled watching George Church disappear in a cloud of new-fallen powder one afternoon, and worrying about the future of DNA sequencing technology.) Richard Myers showed work using RNase I to cut (and thus make detectable) single base pair mismatches; he and Leonard Lerman showed early data using gradients of denaturing agents embedded in electrophoresis gels as a way to detect heteroduplexes and mismatches. Myers credits his roommate for the conference. Maynard Olson, with clarifying his ideas and permitting him to expand the RNase I method to mismatches other than C-A mutations. In a trip report to the Office of Technology Assessment. Michael Gough characterized the Church and Myers presentations as technological wonders and called the two young scientists, then largely unknown, the "two biggest surprises" of the meeting (Gough. 1984). Charles Cantor showed how his and David Schwartz's first pulsed-field gel electro- phoresis method could separate megabase-sized DNA fragments, resolving individual yeast chromosomes and thus introducing an enormously powerful method to assess DNA structure on this scale. He also showed his and Cassandra Smith's first macro- restriction digest of the Escherichia coli genome, which suggested the tantalizing possibility of physically mapping entire genomes by combining restriction cleavage and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Maynard Olson showed early results of attempting to construct a physical map of Saccharofuyccs ccrcvisiac using overlapping clones, and also showed good separation of megabase-sized DNA using a modification of the Schwartz-Cantor electrophoresis technique. Mendelsohn's DOE report noted that "while Olson's method would not presently be chosen for analyzing human mutation rates, his philosophy of paying careful attention to and investing in the quantitative, methodological details of DNA technology had a recurrent and important impact on the meeting" (Mendelsohn, 1985). Olson later brought the same core ideas to the National Research Council Committee on Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome, where those ideas, combined with an expansion of goals to include genetic mapping, helped to forge a consensus that dedicated genome projects were scientifically worthwhile (National Research Council, 1988). At Alta, Elbert Branscomb described the state of the art in using flow cytometry and immunofluorescence to detect altered protein products on the surface of red cells. Branscomb later became the computer modeler and one of the architects for the 142 Livemiore cosmid map of chromosome 19. now under construction. Tom Caskey reviewed progress on understanding mutations in the HPRT locus, and Sherman Weissman reviewed data on the HLA locus. David Botstein. as always exuding volcanic enthusiasm peppered with sharp humor, speculated about pushing the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) techniques to their limits — perhaps enough to detect mutations in the range of 10^ per base pair per generation. Unfortunately, this was still shy of what would be needed to detect mutations among the Hiroshima- Nagasaki survivors, unless an unrealistically massive effort were mounted. Ray White talked about applying RFLP methods to the Y chromosomes originating from a single Mormon progenitor of 1850 (who by now has thousands of male descendants) to examine changes in the part of the Y chromosome outside the pseudoautosomal region — a part of the genome where changes should accumulate. Edwin Southern wound up the .scientific session by addressing the gap between cytogenetic detection and molecular methods, and his presence was noted by more than one participant as a moderating influence on the intellectual pyrotechnics. Southern's discussion of measuring uv-induced mutations might be seen to presage the radiation hybrid mapping methods brought to fruition in 1988 by David Cox and Richard Myers, although the two approaches are quite independent in origin. Michael Gough returned from Alta to Washington to work on the OTA report on detecting heritable mutations. The report had been requested by Congress in anti- cipation that controversies over Agent Orange, radiation exposure during atmospheric testing in the 1950s, and exposure to mutagenic chemicals might find their way to court, where a neutral as.sessment of the technical feasibility of detecting mutations would be essential. Gough directed preparation of Technologies for Detecting Heritable Mutations in Human Beings until he left OTA in 1985 (U.S. Congress, 1986). Several Alta participants served either as contractors or as advisory panel members for that study. Charles DeLisi, then newly appointed director of the Office of Health and Environmental Research at DOE, read a draft of this report in October 1985, and while reading it first had the idea for a dedicated human genome project (DeLisi, 1988). The Alta meeting is thus the bridge from DOE"s traditional interest in detection of mutations to DeLisi 's push for a Human Genome Initiative, and provides one of several historical links between genome projects and another massive technical undertaking of the 20th century — the Manhattan project. Acknowledgements Thanks go to the many Alta participants and others who reviewed drafts of this historical sketch — Elbert Branscomb, Charies Cantor, Charles DeLisi, Michael Gough, Mortimer Mendelsohn, Richard Myers, Maynard Olson, David Smith, and Ray White — and to those who helped provide background in interviews (see Ref. (4)). 143 Appendix B: "The Alta Summit"* References 1. DELAHANTY. J.. WHITE. R. L., AND MENDELSOHN, M. L. ( 1986). Approaches to determining mutation rates in human DNA. h4iitai. Res 167: 215-232. 2. Di LISI, C. (1988). The Human Genome Project. Anicr. Sci. 76: 488-493. 3. GOUGH. M. (1984). Notes from the DOE's Utah Meeting on DNA Methods for Measuring Human Mutation Rates. Trip Report to the Office of Technology Assessment. 21 December 1984. 4. Interviews with David Bolstein. 22 August 1988; Charles Cantor. 19 August 1988; George Church, 14 November 1988; Charles DeLisi, 6 January 1987 and 7 October 1988; Maynard Olson. 28-30 April 1988; David Schwartz, 6 January 1987; and David Smith. 22 December 1988. 5. MENDELSOHN, M. L. (1985). Infomial Report of a Meeting on DNA Methods for Measuring the Human Heritable Mutation Rate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCID-20315. January 1985. 6. National Research Council, Committee on Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome ( 1988). "Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome," National Academy Press, Washington, DC. 7. U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (1986). "Technologies for Detecting Heritable Mutations in Human Beings," OTA-H-298, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, Washington, DC. *Reprinted with permission from Academic Press, Inc.. Genomics 5, 661-663 (October 1989). 144 Glossary Appendix C 145 Appendix C: Glossary Portions of the glossary text were taken directly or modified from definitions in the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment document; Mapping Our Genes — The Genome Projects: How Big. How Fast? OTA-BA-373. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. April 1988. A word printed in a typeface different from that of the definition text is defined within the glossary. Adenine (A): A nitrogenous base, one member of the base pair. A-T (adenine- thymine). Alleles: Alternative forms of a genetic locus; a single allele for each locus is inherited separately from each parent (e.g., at a locus for eye color, a certain allele might result in brown eyes). Amino acid: Any of a class of 20 molecules that are combined to form proteins in living things. The sequence of amino acids in a protein and hence protein function are determined by the genetic code. Arrayed library: Arrayed libraries represent individual primary recombinant clones (hosted in phage, COSmid, YAC, or other vector) that are placed in two- dimensional arrays m microtiter dishes. Each primary clone can be identified based on the identity of the plate and the clone location (row and column) on that plate. Arrayed libraries of clones can be used for many applications including screening for a specific gene or genomic region of interest as well as for physical mapping. Information gathered for individual clones from various genetic linkage and physical map analyses is entered into a relational database and used to construct physical and genetic linkage maps simultaneously; clone identifiers serve to interrelate the multilevel maps. Compare libraiy. genomic library. Autoradiography: A technique that uses X-ray film to visualize radioactively labeled molecules or fragments of molecules; used in analyzing length and number of DNA fragments after they are separated by gel electrophoresis. Autosome: A chromosome not involved in sex determination. The diploid human genome consists of 46 chromosomes, 22 pairs of au'osomes. and 1 pair of sex chromosomes (the x and y chromosomes). Bacteriophage: See phage. Base pair (bp): Two nitrogenous bases (adenine and thymine or guanine and cytOSine) held together by weak bonds. Two strands of DNA are held together in the shape of a double helix by the bonds between base pairs. Base sequence analysis: A method, sometimes automated, for determining the sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA. Blotting: See in situ colony hybridization. Southern blotting. Blunt ends: On linear duplex DNA molecules, ends that are fully double-stranded and base-paired, without single-stranded tails. 146 Centimorgan (cM): A unit of measure of recombination frequency. One centimorgan is equal to a 1 -percent chance that a marker at one genetic locus will be separated from a marker at a second locus due to crossing over in a single generation. In human beings. 1 centimorgan is equivalent, on average, to 1 million base pairs. Centromere: A specialized chromosome region to which spindle fibers attach during cell division. Chromosomes: The autoreplicating genetic structures of ceils, containing the cellular DNA that bears in its nucleotide sequence the linear array of genes. In prokaryotes. chromosomal DNA is circular, and the entire genome is carried on one chromosome. Eukaryotic genomes are divided between a number of chromosomes in which the DNA is associated with many different kinds of proteins. Clone bank: See Genomic library. Cloning: The process of asexually producing a group of cells (clones), all genetically identical, from a single ancestor. In recombinant DNA technology, the of DNA manipulation procedures to produce multiple copies of a single gene or segment of DNA is referred to as cloning DNA. Cloning vector: DNA molecule originating from a virus, a plasmid, or the cell of a higher organism into which another DNA fragment of appropriate size can be integrated without loss of the vector's capacity for self-replication; vectors introduce foreign DNA into host cells, where it can be reproduced in large quantities. Examples are plasmids, cosmids, and yeast artifical chromosomes; vectors are often recombinant molecules containing DNA sequences from several sources. Code: See genetic code. Cohesive (sticky) ends: On linear duplex DNA molecules, single-stranded ends that are complementary and can base-pair either with each other to form a circular molecule or with other linear DNAs having the same termini to form recombinant DNA molecules. Colony hybridization: See in situ colony hybridization. Complementary DNA (cDNA): DNA that is synthesized from a messenger RNA template; the single-strand form is often used as a probe in physical mapping. Complementary sequences: Nucleic acid sequences that can form a double-stranded structure by formation of base pairs; the sequence complementary to G-T-A-C is C-A-T-G. 147 Appendix C: Glossary Contigs: Groups ot clones representing overlapping regions of a genome. Cosmid: Artificially constructed cloning vector containing the ens gene of phage lambda. Cosmids can be packaged in lambda phage particles for infection into E. (v>//; this permits cloning of larger DNA fragments (up to 45 kb) than can be introduced mio bacterial hosts in plasmid vectors. Crossing over: The breaking during meiosis of one maternal and one paternal chromosome, the exchange of corresponding sections of DNA. and the rejoining of the chromosomes. This process can result in an e.xchange of alleles between chromosomes. Cytosine (C): A nitrogenous base, one member of the base pair, G-C (guanine and cytosine). C-value paradox: The lack of correlation between the amount of DNA in a haploid genome and the biological complexity of the organism. (C-value refers to haploid genome size.) Determinism: The theory that for every action taken there are causal mechanisms such that no other action was possible. Diploid: A full set of genetic material, consisting of paired chromosomes — one chromosome from each parental set. Most animal cells except the gametes have a diploid set of chromosomes. The diploid human genome has 46 chromosomes. Compare haploid. DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid: The molecule that encodes genetic information. DNA is a double-stranded molecule held together by weak bonds between base pairs of nucleotides. The four nucleotides in DNA contain the bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C). and thymine (T). In nature, base pairs form only between A and T and between G and C: thus the sequence of each single strand can be deduced from that of its partner. DNA probes: See probes. DNA replication: The use of existing DNA as a template for the synthesis of new DNA strands. In humans and other eukaryotes, replication occurs in the cell nucleus. DNA sequence: The relative order of base pairs, whether in a fragment of DNA. a gene, a chromosome, or an entire genome. See base sei/uc?ice analysis. Domain: A discrete portion of a protein with its own function. The combination of domains in a single protein determines its overall function. Double helix: The shape that two linear strands of DNA assume when bonded together. 148 Electrophoresis: A method of separating large molecules (such as DNA fragments or proteins) from a mixture of similar molecules. An electric current is passed through a medium containing the mixture, and each kind of molecule travels through the medium at a different rate, depending on its electrical charge and size. Separation is based on these differences. Agarose and acryiamide gels are the media commonly used for electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids. Endonuclease: An enzyme that cleaves its nucleic acid substrate at internal sites in the nucleotide sequence. Enzyme: A protein that acts as a catalyst, speeding the rate at which a biochemical reaction proceeds but not altering the direction or nature of the reaction. Eukaryote: Cell or organism with membrane-bound, structurally discrete nucleus and other well-developed subcellular compartments. Eukaryotes include all organisms except viruses, bacteria, and blue-green algae. Compare prokciryote. See chromosome. Exons: The protein-coding DNA sequences of a gene. Compare introns. Exonuclease: An enzyme that cleaves nucleotides sequentially from free ends of a linear nucleic acid substrate. Flow cytometry: Analysis of biological material by detection of the light-absorbing or fluorescing properties of ceils or subcellular fractions (i.e.. chromosomes) passing in a narrow stream through a laser beam. An absorbance or fluorescence profile of the sample is produced. Automated sorting devices, used to fractionate samples, sort successive droplets of the analyzed stream into different fractions depending on the fluorescence emitted by each droplet. Flow karyotyping: Use of flow cytometry to analyze and/or separate chromosomes on the basis of their DNA content. Gamete: Mature male or female reproductive cell with a haploid set of chromosomes (23 for humans); that is, a sperm or ovum. Gene: The fundamental physical and functional unit of heredity. A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides located in a particular position on a particular chromosome that encodes a specific functional product (i.e.. a protein or RNA molecule). See gene expression. Gene expression: The process by which a gene"s coded infomiation is converted into the structures present and operating in the cell. Expressed genes include those that are transcribed into mRNA and then translated into protein and those that are transcribed into RNA but not translated into protein (e.g., transfer and ribosomal RNAs). 149 Appendix C: Glossary Gene families: Groups of closely related genes that make similar products. Gene library: See genomic lihrury. Gene mapping: Detemiination of the relative positions of genes on a DNA molecule (chromosome or plasmid) and of the distance, in linkage units or physical units, between them. Gene product: The biochemical material, either RNA or protein, resulting from expression of a gene. The amount of gene product is used to measure how active a gene is; abnomial amounts can be correlated with disease-causing alleles. Genetic code: The sequence of nucleotides, coded in triplets along the mRNA, that determines the sequence of amino acids in protein synthesis. The DNA sequence of a gene can be used to predict the mRNA sequence, and the genetic code can in turn be used to predict the amino acid sequence. (ienetic engineering technologies: See reconihinant DNA technologies. Genetics: The study of the patterns of inheritance of specific traits. Genome: All the genetic material in the chromosomes of a particular organism: its size is generally given as its total number of base pairs. Genome projects: Research and technology development efforts aimed at mapping and sequencing some or all of the genome of human beings and other organisms. Genomic library: A collection of clones made from a set of randomly generated overlapping DNA fragments representing ti'e entire genome of an organism. Compare lihrary. uridyecl library. Guanine (G): A nitrogenous base, one member of the base pair, G-C (guanine and cytosine). Haploid: A single set of chromosomes (half the full set of genetic material), present in the egg and spemT cells of animals and in the egg and pollen cells of plants. Human beings have 23 chromosomes in their reproductive cells. Compare diploid. Heteroduplex: A double-stranded DNA molecule in which the two strands are not completely complementary in base sequence and hence are not completely base-paired, Homeo box: A short stretch of nucleotides whose sequence is virtually identical in all the genes that contain it. It has been found in many organisms, from fruit flies to human beings. In the fruitfly, a homeo box appears to determine when particular groups of genes are expressed during development. 150 Human gene therapy: Insertion of nomial DNA directly into cells to correct a genetic detect. Human Genome Initiative: Collective name for several projects begun in 1986 by DOE to ( 1 ) create an ordered set of DNA segments from known chromosomal locations. (2) develop new computational methods for analyzing genetic map and DNA sequence data, and (3) develop new techniques and instruments for detecting and analyzing DNA. This initiative is now known as the Human Genome Program. Hybridization: The process of joining two complementary strands of DNA. or of DNA and RNA together, to form a double-stranded molecule. In situ colony hybridization: Use of a DNA or RNA probe to detect by in situ hybridization the presence of the complementary DNA sequence in cloned bacterial or cultured eukaryotic cells. Informatics: The study of the application of computer and statistical techniques to the management of information. In genome projects, informatics includes the devel- opment of methods to search databases quickly, to analyze DNA sequence information, and to predict protein sequence and structure from DNA sequence data. International technology transfer: Movement of inventions and technical know-how across national borders. Introns: The DNA sequences interrupting the protein-coding sequences of a gene; these sequences are transcribed into RNA but are cut out of the message before it is translated into protein. Compare e.xons. Karyotype: A photomicrograph of an individual's chromosomes arranged in a standard format showing the number, size, and shape of each chromosome type; used in low-resolution physical mapping to correlate gross chromosomal abnormalities with the characteristics of specific diseases. Kilobase (kb): Unit of length for DNA fragments on physical maps (equal to the distance spanned by 1000 base pairs). Library: An unordered collection of clones (i.e., cloned DNA from a particular organism), whose relationship can be established by physical mapping. Compare genomic library, arrayed library. Linkage: The proximity of two or more markers (e.g., genes, RFLP markers) on a chromosome; the closer together the markers are, the lower the probability that they will be separated during DNA repair or replication processes (binary fission in prokaryotes, mitosis or meiosis in eukaryotes), and hence the greater the probability that they will be inherited together. 151 Appendix C: Glossary Linkage map: A map of the relative positions of genetic loci on a chromosome, determined on the basis of how often the loci are inherited together. Distance is measured in centimorgans. Locus (plural: loci): The position on a chromosome of a gene or other chromosome marker; also, the DNA at that position. Some restrict use of locus to regions of DNA that are expressed. See iicne expiTssion. Mapping: See liene nuippiiii;. Ilnkas^c map. physical map. Marker: An identifiable physical location on a chromosome (e.g.. restriction enzyme cutting site, gene) whose inheritance can be monitored. Markers can be expressed regions of DNA (genes) or some segment of DNA with no known coding function but whose pattern of inheritance can be determined. See RFLP, restriction frai>mi'ni length polymorphism. Meiosis: The process of two consecutive cell divisions in the diploid progenitors of sex cells. Meiosis results in four rather than two daughter cells, each with a haplold set of chromosomes. Messenger RNA, mRNA: RNA that serves as a template for protein synthesis. See genetic code. Multifactorial or multigenic disorders: See polygenic disorders. Mutation: Any heritable change in DNA sequence. Compare polymorphism. Nucleotide: A subunit of DNA or RNA consisting of a nitrogenous base (adenine, guanine, thymine, or cytosine in DNA: adenine, guanine, uracil, or cytosine in RNA), a phosphate molecule, and a sugar molecule (deoxyribose in DNA and ribose in RNA). Thousands of nucleotides are linked to form a DNA or RNA molecule. See DNA. base pair, RNA. Nucleus: The cellular organelle in eukaryotes that contains the genetic material. Oncogene: A gene, one or more forms of which is associated with cancer. Many oncogenes are involved, directly or indirectly, in controlling the rate of cell growth. Phage: A virus for which the natural host is a bacterial cell. Physical map: A map of the locations of identifiable landmarks on DNA (e.g., restriction enzyme cutting sites, genes), regardless of inheritance. Distance is measured in base pairs. For the human genome, the lowest-resolution physical map is the banding pattems on the 24 different chromosomes: the highest- resolution map would be the complete nucleotide sequence of the chromosomes. 152 Plasmid: Autonomously replicating, extrachromosomal circular DNA molecules. distinct from the normal bacterial genome and nonessential for cell survival under nonselective conditions. Some plasmids are capable of integrating into the host genome. A number of artificially constructed plasmids are used as cloning vectors. Polygenic disorders: Genetic disorders resulting from the combined action of alleles of more than one gene (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers). Although such disorders are inherited, they depend on the simultaneous presence of several alleles, thus the hereditary patterns are usually more complex than those of single-gene disorders. Compare sini;le-f>eiu' disorders. Polymerase, DNA or RNA: Enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of nucleic acids on preexisting nucleic acid templates, assembling RNA from ribonucleotides or DNA from deoxyribonucleotides. Poly.nerase chain reaction (PCR): A method for amplifying a DNA sequence using the Klenovv fragment of £. coli DNA polymerase I and two 20-base primers, one complementary to the (+)-strand at one end of the sequence to be amplified and the other complementary to the (-)-strand at the other end. Because the newly synthesized DNA strands can subsequently serve as additional templates for the same primer sequences, successive rounds of primer annealing, strand elongation and dissociation produce rapid and highly specific amplification of the desired sequence. PCR also can be used to detect the existence of the defined sequence in a DNA sample. Polymorphism: Difference in DNA sequence among individuals. Genetic variations occurring in more than I percent of a population would be considered useful polymorphisms for genetic linkage analysis. Compare nuitation. Primer: Short preexisting polynucleotide chain to which new deoxyribonucleotides can be added by DNA polymerase. Probe: Single-stranded DNA or RNA molecules of specific sequence, labeled either radioactively or immunologically, that are used to detect the complementary base sequence by hybridization. Prokaryote: Cell or organism lacking membrane-bound, structurally discrete nucleus and subcellular compartments. Bacteria are prokaryotes. Compare eiikaryote. See chromosome. Promoter: A site on DNA to which RNA polymerase will bind and initiate transcription. Protein: A large molecule composed of one or more chains of amino acids in a specific sequence; the sequence is determined by the sequence of nucleotides in 153 Appendix C: Glossary the gene coding for the protein. Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs, and each protein has unique functions. Examples are hormones, enzymes, and antibodies. Recombinant DNA technologies: Procedures used to join together DNA segments in a cell-free system (an environment outside of a cell or organism). Under appropriate conditions, a recombinant DNA molecule can enter a cell and replicate there, either autonomously or after it has become integrated into a cellular chromosome. Resolution: Degree of molecular detail on a physical map of DNA, ranging from low to high. Restriction enzyme, endonuclease: A protein that recognizes specific, short nucleotide sequences and cuts DNA at those sites. There are over 400 such enzymes in bacteria that recognize over 100 different DNA sequences. See restriction enzyme cutting site. Restriction enzyme cutting site: A specific nucleotide sequence of DNA at which a particular restriction enzyme cuts the DNA. Some sites occur frequently in DNA (e.g.. every several hundred base pairs), others much less frequently (e.g.. every 10,000 base pairs). RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism: Variation, between individuals, in DNA fragment sizes cut by specific restriction enzymes; polymorphic sequences that result in RFLPs are used as markers on both physical maps and genetic linkage maps. RFLPs are usually caused by mutation at a cutting site. See marker. Ribosomal RNA, rRNA: A class of RNA found in the ribosomes of cells. RNA, ribonucleic acid: A chemical found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells; it plays an important role in protein synthesis and other chemical activities of the cell. The structure of RNA is similar to that of DNA. There are several classes of RNA molecules, including messenger RNA, transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, and other small RNAs, each serving a different purpose. Sequence: The order of the nucleotides in a nucleic acid or order of amino acids in a protein. Sequence-tagged sites (STSs): Short (200-500 base pairs) DNA sequences that have a single occurrence in the human genome and whose location and sequence are known. Detectable by polymerase chain reaction, STSs are useful for localizing and orienting the mapping and sequence data reported from many different laboratories and could serve as landmarks on the developing physical map of the human genome. 154 Sex chromosomes: The X and Y chromosomes in human beings that detemiine the sex of an individual. Females have two X chromosomes in diploid cells; males have an X and a Y chromosome. The sex chromosomes comprise the 23rd chromosome pair in a karyotype. Compare autosomes. Shotgun method: Cloning of DNA fragments randomly generated from a genome. See lihrary. genomic library. Shuttle vectors: Cloning vectors that are capable of replicating in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic hosts. Single-gene disorder: Hereditary disorder caused by a mutant allele of a single gene (e.g.. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, retinoblastoma, sickle cell disease). Compare polygenic disorders. Somatic cells: Any cell in the body except gametes and their precursors. Southern blotting: Transfer by absorption of DNA fragments separated in electrophoretic gels to membrane filters for detection of specific sequences by radiolabeled complementary probes. Spheroplast: Yeast or bacterial cell from which most of the cell wall has been removed by enzymatic or chemical treatment. Sticky ends: See cohesive ends. Technology transfer: The process of moving scientific findings into the commercial sector for conversion to useful products. Telomere: The ends of chromosomes. These specialized structures are involved in the replication and stability of linear DNA molecules. See DNA replication. Thymine (T): A nitrogenous base, one member of the base pair, A-T (Adenine- Thymine). Transcription: The synthesis of an RNA copy from a sequence of DNA (a gene); the first step in gene expression. Compare translation. Transfer RNA. (tRNA): A class of RNA having structures with triplet nucleotide sequences that are complementary to the triplet nucleotide coding sequences of mRN A. The role of tRN As in protein synthesis is to bond with amino acids and transfer them to the ribosomes, where proteins are assembled according to the genetic code carried by mRNA. Transformation: A process by which the genetic information carried by an individual cell is altered by incorporation of exogenous DNA into its genome. 155 Appendix C: Glossary Translation: The process in which the genetic code carried by niRNA directs the synthesis of proteins from amino acids. Compare iiciiiscrlpHdii. Uracil: A nitrogenous base nomiaily found in RNA but not DNA: uracil is capable of forming a base pair with adenine. Vector: See cloniiii; vector. Virus: A nonceliular biological entity that can reproduce only within a host cell. Viruses consist of nucleic acid covered by protein: some animal viruses are also surrounded by membrane. Inside the infected cell, the virus uses the synthetic capability of the host to produce progeny virus. VLSI: Computer jargon: literally, "very large system integrated" (i.e.. 10.000 to 100.000 transistors on a chip). Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs): Cloning vectors [containing centromere (CEN) and autonomous-replication sequences (ARS)| that are derived from yeast chromosomes, eukaryotic telomere sequences, and a number of biochemical marker genes. 156 Acronym List AEC ANL* ATCC BNL* CEPH DOE ERDA FCCSET HERAC* HGCC* HGMIS* HUGO JITF*^ LANL* LBL* LLNL* NAS NIH^ NLGLP* NRC OHER* ORNL OSTP OTA PAC^ PNL* SBIR Atomic Energy Commission Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain Department of Energy Energy Research and Development Administration Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering and Technology Health and Environmental Research Advisory Committee Human Genome Coordinating Committee Human Genome Management Information System (ORNL) Human Genome Organisation (international) Joint Informatics Task Force Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD National Laboratory Gene Library Project (LANL, LLNL) National Research Council (NAS) Office of Health and Environmental Research Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Office of Scientific and Technology Policy (White House) Office of Technology Assessment (U.S. Congress) Program Advisory Committee on the Human Genome (NIH) Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA Small Business Innovative Research * Denotes U.S. Department of Energy organizations. ^ Denotes U.S. Department of Health and Human Services organizations. 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